General Mimamsa Vedanta Advaita Samkhya Yoga Nyaya Vaisesika Saiva Buddhist OtherDharmasastra
Sutra Smrti Nibandha and other
GRETIL - Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages
and related Indological materials from Central and Southeast Asia
Last Update: 10.09.2020
The Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL) is a resource platform providing standardized machine-readable texts in Indian languages that have been contributed by various individuals and institutions. GRETIL was originally intended as a cumulative register of the numerous download sites for electronic texts but has shifted its focus to securing and documenting the efforts to encode these texts. It does so by providing the contributions of varying sources and quality in an appropriately normalized way, with the minimum requirement being that full text search for each language is possible across the whole corpus without any additional conversion.
Please consider contributing! Whether you are preparing a critical edition, a diplomatic transliteration of a manuscript, or typing a printed edition for your research, we are always looking for new additions. You can contribute texts in any format you are working with or have been working with in the past; feel free to contact us and consult with us if you need any help or have any questions regarding GRETIL.
In the list below, the structure of the entries is as follows:
- author / title (input by …)
- link to download site of source file
- converted and normalized files
- link to sites providing the respective text / file in other formats / encodings
Please note that we are currently in the process of converting our corpus to adhere to the standards proposed by the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI); we are using this opportunity to make this resource platform more versatile and transparent for scholars around the world while maintaining the simplicity of the original concept as a register. This also means simplifying and streamlining the formats we are offering. With an update history since 2001 some features inevitably have become out-of-date. Thus the CSX- and REE-formats based on non-Unicode (CP437) character encoding are deprecated and will be discontinued. You can still access the respective files provided up until the update of June 28th, 2019 here.
Cumulative Download
See also Bloomfield: A Vedic Concordance
- Rgveda (input by Barend A. Van Nooten and Gary B. Holland, converted and revised by Detlef Eichler)
- Rgveda, Padapatha text (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Rgveda-Khilani (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Atharvaveda (input by …)
- Only restricted download / proprietary format from
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Atharvaveda-Samhita, Saunaka recension (input by Vladimir Petr and Petr Vavrousek, in cooperation with Jost Gippert, Arlo Griffiths and Philipp Kubisch)
- Download from TITUS
Unaccented text
Accented text
- Atharvaveda-Samhita, Paippalada recension (input by Arlo Griffiths, Thomas Zehnder, Philipp Kubisch, Duccio Lelli, Alexander Lubotsky, Carmen Spiers, and Michael Witzel)
- Samaveda (input by Anshuman Pandey)
- Download from "Sanskrit Documents"
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
Black Yajurveda
- Kathaka-Samhita (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Maitrayani-Samhita (input by TITUS)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
Analytic text
Plain text
- Taittiriya-Samhita (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
White Yajurveda
- Vajasaneyi-Samhita (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Aitareya-Brahmana (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Gopatha-Brahmana (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Gopatha-Brahmana 1,1.1-1,3.6 [alternative version] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Jaiminiya-Brahmana (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Jaiminiya-Upanisad-Brahmana [Talavakara-Brahmana] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Kathaka-Brahmana [remnants] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Kausitaki-Brahmana [or Sankhayana-Brahmana] (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Mantra-Brahmana [Chandogya-Brahmana] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Pancavimsa-Brahmana [Tandya-Maha-Brahmana] (input by Martin Kümmel, Arlo Griffiths and Masato Kobayashi)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Satapatha-Brahmana, Madhyamdina recension (input by John Robert Gardner)
- Taittiriya-Brahmana (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Vamsa-Brahmana [Kauthuma] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Kathaka-Aranyaka [Brahmana-sections] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Sankhayana-Aranyaka (input by Martin Joachim Kümmel)
- Taittiriya-Aranyaka (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Aitareya-Upanisad [RV], with comm. ascribed to Samkara (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Brhadaranyaka-Upanisad [YV/Sukla, Kanva recension], with comm. ascribed to Samkara (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt) (Adhy. 1-6)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Chandogya-Upanisad [SV], with comm. ascribed to Samkara (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Isa-Upanisad [YV/Sukla], with comm. ascribed to Samkara (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Katha-Upanisad [YV/Krsna] (input by Vienna University Student Team)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Kausitaki-Upanisad [RV] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Kena-Upanisad [SV] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Maha-Narayana-Upanisad [YV/Krsna] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Maitrayaniya-Upanisad [YV/Krsna] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Mandukya-Upanisad [AV], with Gaudapada's Karika and comm. (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
- Agamasastra, i.e. Mandukya-Upanisad with Gaudapada's Karikas and comm. attrib. to Samkara
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Texts extracted from the commented version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Mandukya-Upanisad [AV], alternative version (input by Jeff Samuels)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Mundaka-Upanisad [AV] (input by …)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Prasna-Upanisad [AV/Pai], with comm. ascribed to Samkara (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Siva-Upanisad
- See below
- Sivasamkalpa-Upanisad (input by Maximilian Mehner)
- Svetasvatara-Upanisad [YV/Krsna] (input by S. H., proofread by John Manetta)
- Download from "Sanskrit Documents"
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Svetasvatara-Upanisad [YV/Krsna (alternative version)] (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Taittiriya-Upanisad [YV/Krsna] with Samkarabhasya (input by Ivan Andrijanić)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Brahmabindu-Upanisad [Brahmabindupanisad] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Garbha-Upanisad [Garbhopanisad] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Kaivalya-Upanisad [Kaivalyopanisad] (original input by Anshuman Pandey)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Nadabindu-Upanisad [Nadabindupanisad] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Sira-Upanisad [Atharvasira-Upanisad] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
Various later Upanisads (input by Anshuman Pandey)
- Amrtabindu-Upanisad | Aruneya-Upanisad | Atma-Upanisad | Brahma-Upanisad | Parama-Upanisad | Tejabindu-Upanisad
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Apastamba
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Asvalayana-Srautasutra (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Baudhayana | Hiranyakesi | Katyayana (6)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Sankhayana-Srautasutra (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Vaikhanasa (1-9)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Vaitana-Srautasutra ( = Vaitanasutra) (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Apastamba-Sulbasutra, with commentaries of Kapardi, Karavinda and Sundararaja (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Agnivesya | Apastamba
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Apastamba-Grhyasutra, with Haradatta's Anakula and Sudarsana's Tatparyadarsana (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Asvalayana-Grhyasutra (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Baudhayana | Bharadvaja | Gobhila | Hiranyakesi (Satyasadha)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Jaimini-Grhyasutra (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Kathaka_(Laugaksi)
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Kausika-Sutra (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Download from Osaka Univ., Dept. of Hindi (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Kausikapaddhati, by Kesava (input by Ketaki Gokhale [in coop. w. A. Griffiths & M. Kobayashi])
- Kauthuma-Grhyasutra (input by Ms. Jaya S. Nair)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Khadira (Drahyayana) | Manava
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Manava-Grhyasutra [ = Maitrayaniyamanava-Grhyasutra] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Sankhayana-Grhyasutra (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Vadhula | Vaikhanasa
- Restricted download / proprietary format from TITUS
- Converted file(s) not available at present
- Varaha-Grhyasutra (input by Oliver Hellwig)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Atharvaprayascittani [ = Atharvaprayascittasutra; transmitted as part of the Vaitanasrautasutra] (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Atharvavedaparisista (input by Yuri Ishii, Tokai University, revised by Arlo Griffiths)
- Atharvavidhikathana [ = Atharvavidhana] see Visnudharmottara-Purana, Adhy. 2,127
- Dantyosthavidhi (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Nirukta (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format) | Vedavid
- Rgvidhana (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Mahabharata (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- revised version by John Smith, Cambridge
Mahabharata 1-18 (
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format) | "Sanskrit Documents"
- Prototype of "The Mahabharata Online" by Hans Ruelius
(NOTE: In order to see the diacritics, please make sure – (1) that your browser is configured to UTF-8 and – (2) that you have a Unicode UTF-8 font installed on your computer.)
- Mahabharata: Metrically processed text (by Muneo Tokunaga)
- Download from Kyoto server
- Mahabharatatatparyanirnaya
Mahabharata: Bhagavad-Gita
- Mahabharata: Bhagavadgita
Extract from the electronic version by M. Tokunaga (see above, MBh__6)
(old version)
- Mahabharata: Bhagavadgita
with the commentaries of Sridhara, Madhusudana, Visvanatha and Baladeva (input by …)- Download from Gaudiya Grantha Mandira
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Other commentaries see Bhaskara: Bhagavadasayanusaranabhasya | Ramanuja: Bhagavadgitabhasya | Samkara: Bhagavadgitabhasya | Yamuna: Gitarthasamgraha | Jnanadeva (13th cent.): Jnanesvari (in Marathi)
Mahabharata: Narayaniya
- Mahabharata: Narayaniya (input by Peter Schreiner)
- Harivamsa
(input by Atul Agarwala, Julie Bélanger, Peter Bisschop, Horst Brinkhaus, John Brockington, Eva De Clercq, Arlo Griffiths, André Couture, N. Hanemann, Petteri Koskikallio, Kreshimir Krnic, Anne Mossner, Luther Obrock, François Painchaud, Utz Podzeit, Peter Schreiner, Sandra Smets, Renate Söhnen-Thieme, Christophe Vielle, Andreas Viethsen)- Download from Zürich University server
- Constituted text and *-passages:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- App. I:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Cumulative pada index (constituted text and App. I)
- Valmiki (trad.): Ramayana (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- 1st revised version by John Smith, Cambridge
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- 2nd revised version by Oliver Hellwig
Khanda 2 and 3:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format) | "Sanskrit Documents"
- 1st revised version by John Smith, Cambridge
- Ramayana, Southern recension (input by Oliver Hellwig)
See also Kirfel, Willibald: Das Purana Pancalaksana, Bonn 1927 (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Agni-Purana [BI-ed.] (input by Jun Takashima et al.)
- Bhagavata-Purana (input by …)
- Download from Gaudiya Grantha Mandira
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt) (c. 2 MB)
- For other formats / encodings see: "Sanskrit Documents"
- Bhagavata-Purana 10.29-33 with Sridhara's comm. (input by Ekkehard Lorenz)
- Brahma-Purana (input by Peter Schreiner and Renate Söhnen-Thieme)
- Download from Zürich University server
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: "Sanskrit Documents"
- Brahmanda-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Devibhagavata-Purana: Devigita (input by Ursula Honegger)
- Garuda-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Kurma-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Linga-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
- Part 1 (revised by Oliver Hellwig):
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Markandeya-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Matsya-Purana, Adhy. 1-176 (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Narada-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Narasimha-Purana (input by Peter Schreiner)
- Siva-Purana, Books 1 and 7 (input by Jun Takashima et al.)
- Skanda-Purana (input by R. Adriaensen, H.T. Bakker and H. Isaacson)
- Download from Groningen server
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: "Sanskrit Documents"
- Skanda-Purana, Revakhanda (input by Jürgen Neuss)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For the version wrongly incorporated into the Venkatesvara edition of the SkP see below s.v. Vayu-Purana
- Vamana-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt) (inserted after Adhy. 23)
- Vayu-Purana, Revakhanda [wrongly incorporated into the Skanda-Purana] (input by Jürgen Neuss)
- Visnudharmottara-Purana, Adhy. 2,127: Atharvavidhikathana [ = Atharvavidhana] (input by Shilpa Sumant)
- Visnudharmottara-Purana, Adhy. 3,343-353 (input by Reinhold Grünendahl)
- Visnu-Purana (input by Peter Schreiner)
- Visnu-Purana (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
Religious Literature
Saiva (see also Philosophy / Saiva)
- CUMULATIVE PADA INDEX of metric texts of Saiva religious literature
- Currently comprising the following texts of this section:
Bhatta Narayana: Stavacintamani; Cakrapaninatha: Bhavopaharastotra; Devikalottara-Agama; Goraksanatha: Goraksasataka (2 versions); Jnanasambhu: Sivapujastava; Kubjikamatatantra; Mrgendragama; Saundaryalahari (attrib. to Samkara); Sardhatrisatikalottaragama; Srikantha: Ratnatrayapariksa; Siva-Upanisad; Svacchandatantra; Todalatantra; Vinasikhatantra
Texts filed under Philosophy / Saiva are NOT included! - Currently comprising the following texts of this section:
Bhatta Narayana: Stavacintamani; Cakrapaninatha: Bhavopaharastotra; Devikalottara-Agama; Goraksanatha: Goraksasataka (2 versions); Jnanasambhu: Sivapujastava; Kubjikamatatantra; Mrgendragama; Saundaryalahari (attrib. to Samkara); Sardhatrisatikalottaragama; Srikantha: Ratnatrayapariksa; Siva-Upanisad; Svacchandatantra; Todalatantra; Vinasikhatantra
Texts filed under Philosophy / Saiva are NOT included! saivrliu.htm
- Currently comprising the following texts of this section:
- CUMULATIVE PADA INDEX of metric Sanskrit portions of Javano-Balinese Saiva texts (by Andrea Acri)
- See Excerpts from the Old Javanese Section
- For the texts see the Old Javanese section
- Bhatta Narayana: Stavacintamani (input by Harunaga Isaacson)
- Bijanighantu (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Cakrapaninatha: Bhavopaharastotra, with Ramyadeva Bhatta's Vivarana (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Devikalottara-Agama [Devikalottaragama] (input by Dominic Goodall)
- Download from Pondicherry server
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
(also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Goraksanatha ( = Gorakhnath): Amaraughasasana, with commentary (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Goraksanatha ( = Gorakhnath): Goraksasataka, 2 versions! (input by …)
- Download from Gaudiya Grantha Mandira
- Based on ed. by S. Kuvalayananda & S. A. Shukla's (Lonavla)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Based on ed. by G. W. Briggs
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
gorst_iu.htm (also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Jnanasambhu: Sivapujastava (input by Dominic Goodall)
- Download from Pondicherry server
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
(also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Karatoyamahatmya (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Kalhana: Ardhanarisvarastotra (input by Walter Slaje)
- Kirana-Tantra, Chapters 1-6 (input by Dominic Goodall)
- Download from Pondicherry server
- With the commentary of Ramakantha
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
(also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Kubjikamatatantra (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Malinivijayottaratantra (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Matrkabhedatantra (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Mrgendragama ( = Mrgendra-Tantra)
- 1. Vidyapada:
MrgT_1,1 - 1.13 [mula text], 3. Caryapada, with Narayanakantha's Vrtti, and 4. Yogapada (input by Dominic Goodall)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt) (pada index see below)
MrgT_1,1 - 1,7.23, with Narayanakantha's Vrtti (input by Oliver Hellwig)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
Pada index (also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Download D. Goodall's files from Pondicherry server
- 1. Vidyapada:
- Parasuramakalpasutra (input by Claudia Weber)
- Pasupatasutra (input by Reinhold Grünendahl)
- Pasupatasutra with Kaundinya's Pancarthabhasya (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Purusottamadeva: Ekaksarakosa (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Samkara (attrib.): Saundaryalahari (input by Peter Schreiner)
- Sardhatrisatikalottaragama (input by Dominic Goodall, corr. by Yang Mei)
- Download from Pondicherry server
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
(also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Sivamahimnastava (input by Harunaga Isaacson)
- Sivasutra, with Vartika (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Siva-Upanisad [Sivopanisad] (input by Reinhold Grünendahl)
- Somananda: Saktavijnana (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Srikantha: Ratnatrayapariksa (input by Dominic Goodall)
- Download from Pondicherry server
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
(also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Svacchanda-Tantra [or Svacchandabhairava-Tantra] (input by Dominic Goodall, Mei Yang, Nibedita Rout, R. Sathyanarayanan, S.A.S. Sarma)
- Download from Pondicherry server
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
(also included in Cumulative Pada Index)
- Todala-Tantra (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Uddamaresvara-Tantra (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Utpaladeva: Sivastotravali (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Vinasikha-Tantra (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Abhayakaragupta: Nispannayogavali, chap. 1 [was: Aksobhyamanjuvajra] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Abhisamacarikadharma of the Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadins (input by Abhisamacarika-Dharma Study Group, Taisho University)
- Adbhutadharmaparyaya (input by Jens-Uwe Hartmann)
- Adhikaranavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 16] (input by Seishi Karashima)
- Adhyardhasatika Prajnaparamita (input by Klaus Wille)
- See also Prajnaparamita
- Adhyardhasatika Prajnaparamita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Advayasatika Prajnaparamita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ahoratravratacaityasevanusamsavadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ahoratravratakatha (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ahoratravratakatha, prose version (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ajitasenavyakarana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ajitasenavyakarana [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aksobhyamanjuvajra
- Amoghapasahrdayasutra
- Ed. Meisezahl (input by Klaus Wille)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ed. Dhih (input by Klaus Wille)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ed. M.B. Shakya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
Download from Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon website
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ed. Meisezahl (input by Klaus Wille)
- Amrtakara: Catuhstavasamasartha (input by Klaus Wille)
- Anityatasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Aparimitayuhsutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Arthaviniscayasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aryacaturdharmanirdesasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aryanityatasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aryasura: Jatakamala
- 1. Ed. Vaidya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- 2. Ed. Hanisch, revised text 1-15 (input by Albrecht Hanisch, Mitsuyo Demoto)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- 1. Ed. Vaidya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Asanga: Mahayanasutralankara, with Vasubandhu's Bhasya (input by Jens Braarvig)
- Asanga: Mahayanasutralankara (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Asanga: Sravakabhumi [based on Tokyo ed.] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Asanga: Sravakabhumi [based on Shukla ed.] (input by Ms. Anula Shakya)
- Asanga: Trisatikayah Prajnaparamitayah Karikasaptatih (input by Klaus Wille)
- Asanga: Yogacarabhumi: Sarirarthagatha of the Cintamayibhumi (input by Klaus Wille)
- Asokavadana [ = Avadana 29 of the Divyavadana] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Astadasasahasrika Prajnaparamita (input by Klaus Wille)
- Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Avadana
- See Ahoratravratacaityasevanusamsavadana | Asokavadana | Avadanasataka | Bhadrakalpavadana | Divyavadana | Dvavimsatyavadanakatha | Garbhavakrantyavadana | Kalpadrumavadanamala | Kathinavadana | Mahasudarsanavadana | Mahavadanasutra | Mahavastu | Pamsupradanavadana | Pratityasamutpadavadana | Ratnamalavadana | Sambhadravadanamala | Sardulakarnavadana | Sudhanakinnaryavadana | Sumagadhavadana | Suvarnavarnavadana | Visvantaravadana
- Avadanasataka (input by Klaus Wille, Göttingen)
- Ayuhparyantasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Bhadrakalpavadana
- Bhaisajyaguruvaiduryaprabharajasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bhaisajyavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 6] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Bhavasankrantisutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bhiksuni-Karmavacana (input by Michael Schmidt)
- Bhiksunivinaya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bodhisattvapratimoksasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bower-Manuscript
- See below
- Buddhabaladhanapratiharyavikurvananirdesasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Buddhaghosa: Siddharthacaritrakavya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Buddhist Dramas
- Buddhist Stotras - I. (input by Jens-Uwe Hartmann)
- 108 Buddhist Stotras (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Buddhist Yoga manual [Buddhistisches Yogalehrbuch] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Candaragomin: Sisyalekha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Candrasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Carmavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 5] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Civaravastu [ = Vinayavastu, 7] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Dasabalasutra 1-4 (input by Jin-il Chung and Klaus Wille)
- Dasabhumikasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dasasahasrika Prajnaparamita, chapter 1 and 2 translated from the Tibetan (input by Klaus Wille)
- Devatasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Davuldena Jnanesvara Mahasthavira: Yasodharacarita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dharani
- See: Dhvajagrakeyuradharani | Ganapatihrdayadharani | Grahamatrkanamadharani | Mahamanivipulavimanavisvasupratisthitaguhyaparamarahasyakalparajadharani | Mahapratisaravidyadharani | Mahasannipataratnaketudharanisutra | Maricinamadharani | Mekhaladharani | Pratisarakalpadharani | Ratnaketuparivarta | Sarvajnatakaradharani | Vajravidaranadharani | Vajravidaranidharani | Vasudharadharani
(see also: Pancaraksa)
- See: Dhvajagrakeyuradharani | Ganapatihrdayadharani | Grahamatrkanamadharani | Mahamanivipulavimanavisvasupratisthitaguhyaparamarahasyakalparajadharani | Mahapratisaravidyadharani | Mahasannipataratnaketudharanisutra | Maricinamadharani | Mekhaladharani | Pratisarakalpadharani | Ratnaketuparivarta | Sarvajnatakaradharani | Vajravidaranadharani | Vajravidaranidharani | Vasudharadharani
- Patna Dharmapada (input by Tatsushi Tamai)
- Dharmaskanda (input by Klaus Wille)
- Dhvajagrakeyuradharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Dhvajagrakeyura-Dharani (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dhvajagrasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Dipamkarabhadra: Guhyasamajamandalavidhi (input by S. Klein-Schwind)
- Download from Centre for Centre for Tantric Studies, Hamburg
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Divyavadana (input by Kensuke Okamoto)
- See also Asokavadana ( = Avadana 29) | Sardulakarnavadana ( = Avadana 33)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Dvavimsatyavadanakatha (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ekadasamukhahrdaya (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Ekadasamukhahrdaya [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ekottaragama (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ganapatihrdayadharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Gandavyuhasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Gopadatta: Jatakamala (input by Michael Hahn, proof-read by Klaus Wille)
- Grahamatrkanamadharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Gunakarandavyuhasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Gunaprabha (c. 5th cent.): Vinayasutra [a sutra-style compendium of the Vinayavastu] (input by Yoshiyasu Yonezawa et al., Taisho University)
- Gunaprabha: Vinayasutra, 1: Pravrajyavastu (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Haribhatta: Jatakamala, Jatakas 1-8, 11-12, 19-20, 22, 24, 26, 32, 35 (input by Michael Hahn and Klaus Wille [Jat. 1])
- Hayagrivavidya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Jayaraksita: Sphutartha Srighanacarasamgrahatika [comm. on Srighanacarasamgraha] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Jnanalokalamkara (input by the members of the Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, Taisho University, Tokyo)
- Jnanayasas: Jatakastava (input by Klaus Wille)
- Kalpadrumavadanamala (input by Klaus Wille)
- Kamalasila: Vajracchedikatika [comm. on the Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Kambalapada: Navasloki [on Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Karandavyuha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Karmavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 10] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Karmavibhangopadesa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Karunapundarikasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Kasyapaparivartasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Kasyapaparivartasutra [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Kathinavadana (input by Lennart Hartmann)
- Kathinavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 8] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Kausikaprajnaparamitasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Khasarpanasadhana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Kosambakavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 9] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ksemendra: Avadanakalpalata (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ksemendra: Avadanakalpalata, no. 10: Garbhavakrantyavadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ksemendra: Avadanakalpalata, no 64: Sudhanakinnaryavadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ksemendra: Avadanakalpalata, no. 75: Pratityasamutpadavadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ksemendra: Avadanakalpalata, no. 93: Sumagadhavadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Kumaralata: Kalpanamanditika (input by Klaus Wille)
- Laksminkara: Advayasiddhi (input by Peter Gäng)
- Lalitavistara (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Lankavatarasutra
- Larger Prajnaparamita, Gilgit Ms., fols. 1-27 (input by Klaus Wille)
- Larger Prajnaparamita, Gilgit Ms., fols. 202-205 (input by Klaus Wille)
- Madhyamakasalistambasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Mahakarmavibhanga (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahamanivipulavimanavisvasupratisthitaguhyaparamarahasyakalparajadharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahamantranusarini (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahamayuri vidyarajni [cf. Pancaraksa] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahaparinirvanasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahapratisaravidyadharani (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Mahapratisara vidyarajni, 1937 ed. [cf. Pancaraksa] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahapratisaramahavidyarajni, 2012 ed. [cf. Pancaraksa] (input by Gergely Hidas)
- Mahapratisaravidyavidhi (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahasahasrapramardani vidyarajni [cf. Pancaraksa] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahasannipataratnaketudharanisutra, or Ratnaketuparivarta (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahasannipataratnaketudharanisutra, or Ratnaketuparivarta, alternative version (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Mahasitavati vidyarajni (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahadandadharanisitavati (input by Gergely Hidas)
- Mahasudarsanavadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mahavadanasutra (input by Takamichi Fukita)
- Mahavastu-Avadana (input by Emmanuel Fauré)
- Maitreyanatha: Abhisamayalamkaranamaprajnaparamitopadesasastra (input by Christian Coseru)
- Maitreyavyakarana (input by Jens-Uwe Hartmann)
- Maitreyavyakarana [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Manjusrimulakalpa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Manjusrinamasamgiti (input by Ian Sinclair)
- Manjusrinamasamgiti [alternative version] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Maricinamadharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Matrceta: Prasadapratibhodhava [ = Satapancasatka] (input by Jens-Uwe Hartmann)
- Mekhaladharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Mrtyuvancanasitatarasadhana (input by Johannes Schneider) [see also Vagisvarakirti: Mrtyuvancanopadesa]
- Mrtyuvancanatarasadhana (input by Johannes Schneider) [see also Vagisvarakirti: Mrtyuvancanopadesa]
- Mrtyuvancanopadesatarasadhana (input by Johannes Schneider) [see also Vagisvarakirti: Mrtyuvancanopadesa]
- Nagaropamasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Nagnajit: Citralaksana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nairatmyapariprcchamahayanasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Namaskaraikavimsatistotra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Nidanasamyukta (input by Seishi Karashima)
- Nityakarmapujavidhi (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Pamsupradanavadana (transliterated by Klaus Wille)
- Pancaraksa
- See: Mahamantra (n/a) | Mahamayuri | Mahapratisara | Mahasahasrapramardani | Mahasitavati | Mahadandadharanisitavati
(see also Dharani)
- See: Mahamantra (n/a) | Mahamayuri | Mahapratisara | Mahasahasrapramardani | Mahasitavati | Mahadandadharanisitavati
- Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita 1 [based on Dutt ed.] (input by Kenta Suzuki and Koichi Takahashi)
- Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita 1-8 (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita, Anuradhapura fragment (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pandulohitakavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 11] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Parivasikavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 13] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Posadhasthapanavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 14] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Posadhavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 2] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Prajnaparamita
- See: Adhyardhasatika Prajnaparamita | Advayasatika Prajnaparamita | Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita | Astadasasahasrika Prajnaparamita | Dasasahasrika Prajnaparamita | Kausikaprajnaparamitasutra | Larger Prajnaparamita | Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita | Saptasatika Prajnaparamita | Satasahasrika Prajnaparamita | Svalpaksara Prajnaparamita | Trisatika Prajnaparamita | Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita
- Prajnaparamita, Larger
- Prajnaparamitahrdayasutra (input by John Richards)
- Prajnaparamitahrdayasutra [samksiptamatrka] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Prajnaparamitahrdayasutra [vistaramatrka] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Prajnaparamita texts, fragments (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pratimoksasutra (input by Georg von Simson)
- Pratimoksasutra of the Lokottaravadimahasanghika (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pratimoksasutra of the Mahasamghikas (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Pratimoksasutra of the Mulasarvastivadins (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pratimoksasutra [fragments] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pratisarakalpadharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pratityasamutpadavibhangasutra
- Edition Chung (input by Jin-il Chung)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Edition Vaidya, as "Pratityasamutpadadivibhanganirdesasutra" (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Edition Chung (input by Jin-il Chung)
- Pratityasamutpadamahayanasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Pravaranavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 3] (input by Jin-il Chung & Klaus Wille)
- Pravrajyavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 1] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Pudgalavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 12] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Rahulabhadra: Prajnaparamitastotra (input by Lennart and Jens-Uwe Hartmann)
- Rastrapalapariprccha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Rastrapalasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ratnagunasamcayagatha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnakarasanti: Bhramaharanama Hevajrasadhana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Ratnakarasanti: Saratama [a Panjika on the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnaketuparivarta see: Mahasannipataratnaketudharanisutra
- Ratnamalavadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Sabhikasaugatasasanapravrajyavratacaranaparivarta (input by Klaus Wille)
- Sadhana
- Saddharmalankavatarasutra [Lankavatarasutra] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Saddharmapundarikasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Sagaranagarajapariprcchasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Salistambasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Samadhirajasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Samadhirajasutra, Chapters 1-11, 13, 15-22 [transliteration of Gilgit ms.] (input by Kazuhiro Shimizu)
- Sambhadravadanamala
- Samghatasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Samghatasutra [alternative version] (input by Anne Peters and Klaus Wille)
- Samyaksambuddhabhasitam Pratimalaksanam (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Samyuktagama (input by Klaus Wille)
- Sanghabhedavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 17] (input by Seishi Karashima and Klaus Wille)
- Saptasatika Prajnaparamita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Sardulakarnavadana [ = Avadana 33 of the Divyavadana] (input by Mizue Sugita)
- Sarvadurgatiparisodhanatantra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Sarvajnatakaradharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Sarvatathagatadhisthanavyuhasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Sarvatathagatatattvasamgraha (input by Udip Shakya and Anula Shakya)
- Sarvatathagatosnisasitatpatra-nama-aparitamahapratyangiravidyarajni (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Satasahasrika Prajnaparamita, I (input by Klaus Wille)
- Satasahasrika Prajnaparamita, II (input by Klaus Wille)
- Satyasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Sayanasanavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 15] (input by Seishi Karashima)
- Srighanacarasamgraha [reconstructed from Jayaraksita's Sphutartha Srighanacarasamgrahatika] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Srimahadevivyakarana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Stotras
- See s.v. "Buddhist stotras": Collection 1 | Collection 2
- Stupalaksanakarikavivecana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Subhasitaratnakarandakatha (input by Klaus Wille)
- Sukhavativyuha (input by Yoshimichi Fujita)
- Sukhavativyuha [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Sumagadha-Avadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Suvarnaprabhasasutra [ = Suvarnabhasottamasutra] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Suvarnavarnavadana (input by Jens Braarvig)
- See also Avadana
- Download from Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae (TLB), a division of Bibliotheca Polyglotta (BP)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Suvikrantavikramipariprccha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Svagatasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Svalpaksara Prajnaparamita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Svayambhu-Purana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Tarabhattarikanamastottarasatakastotra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Tarasragdharastotra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Tathagatabimbakarapanasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Trisatika Prajnaparamita
- Triskandhasutra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Udanavarga (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- Upasampadajnapti (input by Jin-il Chung)
- Vagisvarakirti: Mrtyuvancanopadesa (input by Johannes Schneider) [see also s.v. Sadhana]
- Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita, fragment from Afghanistan (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita, Gilgit ms. (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vajravidaranadharani (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vajravidaranidharani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Varsavastu [ = Vinayavastu, 4] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vasudharadharani #1 (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vasudharadharani #2 (transliterated from the manuscript by Klaus Wille)
- Vasudharadharani #3 (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vidyasthanopamasutra (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vimalakirtinirdesa (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vimalakirtinirdesa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vinayasutra
- See s.v. Gunaprabha
- Vinayavastu [Vinayavastvagama]; see:
- 1. Pravrajyavastu
- 2. Posadhavastu
- 3. Pravaranavastu
- 4. Varsavastu
- 5. Carmavastu
- 6. Bhaisajyavastu
- 7. Civaravastu
- 8. Kathinavastu
- 9. Kosambakavastu
- 10. Karmavastu
- 11. Pandulohitakavastu
- 12. Pudgalavastu
- 13. Parivasikavastu
- 14. Posadhasthapanavastu
- 15. Sayanasanavastu
- 16. Adhikaranavastu
- 17. Sanghabhedavastu
See also Vinayasutra s.v. Gunaprabha
- Vinayaviniscaya upalipariprccha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Visvantaravadana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Haribhadrasuri: Sastravartasamuccaya (input by Yasunori Harada)
- Anandavardhana: Dhvanyaloka, with Abhinavagupta's Locana (input by Rajani Arjun Shankar, revised by Jan Brzezinski)
- Anandavardhana: Dhvanyaloka, with Abhinavagupta's Locana and Ramasaraka's Balapriya (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Bhamaha: Kavyalamkara (input by Dominic Goodall)
- Bharata: Natyasastra
- See Natya section
- Dandin: Kavyadarsa, Paricchedas 1 & 2 (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Dandin: Kavyadarsa, Paricchedas 1; 2.1-144, 310-368 (input by Reinhold Grünendahl)
- Dandin: Kavyadarsa, Pariccheda 3 (input by Dragomir Dimitrov)
- Jagannatha Panditaraja: Rasagangadhara, Anana 1 (input by Timothy C. Cahill)
- Jayadeva [alias Piyusavarsa]: Candraloka (input by Réginald Beyaert, revised by Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat)
- Kuntaka: Vakroktijivita, with auto-commentary (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Mammata: Kavyaprakasa (input by Masahiro Takano)
- Mammata: Kavyaprakasa, with Vamanacarya Ramabhatta Jhalakikar's Balabodhini commentary (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Mammata: Sabdavyaparavicara (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Rajasekhara: Kavyamimamsa (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Rudrabhatta: Srngaratilaka
- See below
- Rupa Gosvamin: Natakacandrika (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Rupa Gosvamin: Ujjvalanilamani (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Ruyyaka [Rajanaka]: Alamkarasarvasva, Sutras 1-34 (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ruyyaka [Rajanaka]: Alamkarasarvasva, Sutras 1-34, with Jayaratha's Vimarsini (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ruyyaka [Rajanaka]: Alamkarasarvasva, with Vidyacakravartin's Samjivani (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ruyyaka [Rajanaka]: Vyaktivivekavyakhya, 2nd vimarsa (input by Hugo David)
- Simhabhupala (attrib.): Rasarnavasudhakara (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Udbhata: Kavyalamkarasarasamgraha, with Induraja's Laghuvrtti (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Vamana: Kavyalamkara [sutras without comm.] (input by Masahiro Takano)
- Vamana: Kavyalamkarasutra, with Vrtti (input by Masahiro Takano)
- Vidyanatha: Prataparudriya, or Prataparudrayasobhusana, with Kumarasvamin's Ratnapana commentary (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Visvanatha kaviraja: Sahityadarpana [mulakarikas only] (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Visvanatha kaviraja: Sahitydarpana, with Locana and Vijnapriya commentaries (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Visvesvara Kavicandra: Camatkaracandrika (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Bharata: Natyasastra (input by Padmakar Dadegaonkar, Sowmya Krishnapur, Haresh Bakshi)
- Dhananjaya [Dhanamjaya]: Dasarupaka (input by Masahiro Takano)
Chandas (prosody)
- Chandoviciti (input by Klaus Wille)
- Jnanasrimitra: Vrttamalastuti (input by Michael Hahn)
- Kedarabhatta: Vrttaratnakara (input by Masahiro Takano)
- Kedarabhatta: Vrttaratnakara, with Sulhana's Sukavihrdayanandini (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Abhinanda: Kadambarikathasara [giving the story of Bana's Kadambari] (input by Harunaga Isaacson)
- Abhinanda: Ramacaritamahakavya, 1-3 (in progress; input by Harunaga Isaacson)
- Amarusataka (input by …)
- Anandabhatta: Vallalacarita [ = Ballalacarita] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Appayadiksita: Vairagyasataka (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Asvaghosa: Buddhacarita (input by Peter Schreiner)
- Asvaghosa: Buddhacarita [alternative Version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Asvaghosa: Saundarananda-mahakavya (input by N.N.)
- Asvaghosa: Saundarananda-mahakavya [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bana: Harsacarita
- Edition Parab (input by Jens Thomas, Willem Bollée)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ucchvasas 1-4, 6-8 (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Edition Parab (input by Jens Thomas, Willem Bollée)
- Bana: Kadambari, Purvabhaga [partly] (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- See also Abhinanda: Kadambarikathasara
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Bhallata: Bhallatasataka (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Bharavi: Kiratarjuniya (input by Harunaga Isaacson)
- Bhatti: Ravanavadha [ = "Bhattikavya"] (input by …)
- Download from Pandanus (Prague)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Bilhana: Caurapancasika (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Damodaragupta: Kuttanimata (input by Csaba Dezso and Dominic Goodall)
- Dandin: Dasakumaracarita (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Dandin: Dasakumaracarita, Ucchvasas 3, 5 & 6 (input by …)
- Dhoyi (12th cent.): Pavanaduta (input by Harunaga Isaacson)
- Ghatakarparakavya: Kusalamisra's Gudharthadipika (input by Walter Slaje)
- Ghatakarparakavya, with Abhinavagupta's Ghatakarparavivrti (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Govardhana (12th. cent.): Aryasaptasati (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Jagannatha: Pranabharana, with auto-commentary (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Jagannatha: Sudhalahari (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Jalhana: Mugdhopadesa (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Jayadeva: Gitagovinda [in pausa] (input by Jakub Cejka)
- Download from Pandanus (Prague)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Jayadeva: Gitagovinda (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Jiva Gosvamin: Gopalacampu (input by Malika Das)
- Jiva Gosvamin: Samkalpakalpadruma [Sankalpakalpadruma] (input by …)
- Kalidasa: Kumarasambhava (input by Utz Podzeit)
- Kalidasa: Meghaduta (input by Asko Parpola)
- Kalidasa: Meghaduta, according to Vallabha's commentary (input by Asko Parpola)
- Kalidasa: Meghaduta [alternative version] (input by …)
- Download from Gaudiya Grantha Mandira
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Kalidasa: Raghuvamsa (input by N.N.)
- Kalidasa: Raghuvamsa (1-6) [Kashmirian text, as read by Vallabhadeva] (input by Dominic Goodall)
- Kalidasa: Rtusamhara (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Kalidasa: Syamaladandaka (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Ksemendra: Bharatamanjari (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Ksemendra: Kalavilasa (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Ksemendra: Narmamala (input by Martin Straube)
- Kulasekhara: Mukundamala (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Kusalamisra
- Lankesvara: Sivastuti (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Magha: Sisupalavadha (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Narayanabhatta: Narayaniya (input by …)
- Download from Pandanus (Prague)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Nilakantha Diksita: Kalividambana (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Padmagupta (alias Parimala): Navasahasankacarita (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Prince of Kotilingapura: Hetvabhasadasaka (input by Venkata Raghavan)
- Raghavacaitanya: Mahaganapatistotra, with comm. (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Ramodanta (input by Christophe Vielle)
- Ravideva: Raksasakavya with Tika (input by Christophe Vielle)
- Rudrabhatta: Srngaratilaka (input by …)
- Rupa Gosvamin: Hamsaduta (input by …)
- Rupa Gosvamin: Padyavali (input by …)
- Ruyyaka: Sahrdayalila (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Subandhu: Vasavadatta (input by Christian Ferstl)
- Uddanda: Kokilasamdesa (input by members of the Rasala team)
- Asvaghosa: Sariputraprakarana
- Bhasa: Dutavakya (input by Yves Codet)
- Bhasa: Svapnavasavadatta (input by Matthias Ahlborn)
- Download from Bhasa Project Würzburg (including word index)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Bhattanarayana: Venisamhara (input by Yves Codet)
- Dramatic Fragments (input by Klaus Wille)
- Harsadeva: Naganandanataka (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Harsadeva: Priyadarsika (input by a Paris-3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle University group of Master students in Indology : Pilar Altinier, Dominique Fradkine, Cl‚mentine Peroumal-Delavigne, Carmen Sylvia Spiers, checked and supervised by Nalini Balbir)
- Harsadeva: Ratnavalinatika (input by Martin Straube)
- Kalidasa: Abhijnanasakuntala (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- Mahendravarman I: Mattavilasaprahasana (input by Christian Ferstl)
- Udicya Syamilaka: Padataditaka (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
Narrative Literature
- Budhasvamin: Brhatkathaslokasamgraha (input by Andreas Bigger)
- Narayana: Hitopadesa (input by …)
- Somadeva: Kathasaritsagara (input by James Mallinson, Elena Artesani, Rabi Acharya, Nirajan Kafle, and Tyler Neill)
- Somadeva: Kathasaritsagara, Vetalapancavimsatika (input by Elena Artesani)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt) (BHELA conventions)
- Sukasaptati (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Tantrakhyayika (input by Lars Martin Fosse)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: "Sanskrit Documents"
- Visnusarma: Pancatantra (input by Jan Brzezinski)
- Bhartrhari: Satakatraya [1. Nitisataka, 2. Srngarasataka, 3. Vairagyasataka] (input by Jan K. Brzezinski)
- Ksemendra: Caturvargasamgraha (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Ksemendra: Darpadalana (input by members of the Rasala team)
- Ksemendra: Sevyasevakopadesa (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Mahasubhasitasamgraha, verses 1-9979 (input by …)
- Download from Pandanus (Prague)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Vallabhadeva: Subhasitavali (input by …)
- Download from Pandanus (Prague)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Vidyakara: Subhasitaratnakosa (input by Harunaga Isaacson, revised by Jan Brzezinski)
- GRETIL revision of Gaudiya Grantha Mandira version (modified text!):
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- GRETIL revision of Gaudiya Grantha Mandira version (modified text!):
- (Pseudo-)Jonaraja: Rajatarangini (input by Walter Slaje)
- Govind Kaul: Pradesasamgraha (input by Katrin Züfle)
- Bhartrhari: Vakyapadiya [complete] (input by Yves Ramseier)
- Bhartrhari: Vakyapadiya 1 - 3,7 (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Jayaditya & Vamana: Kasikavrtti [comm. on Panini's Astadhyayi] (input by Ms. Mari Minamino)
- Kudaka: Samanvayadis (input by Walter Slaje)
- Nagesa [ = Nagojibhatta]: Paribhasendusekhara (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Panini: Astadhyayi [mula text extracted from the commented version] (input by Ms. Mari Minamino)
- Panini: Astadhyayi [alternative version] (input under the guidance of W.P. Lehman)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format) | "Sanskrit Documents"
- Patanjali: Vyakaranamahabhasya [Mahabhasya] (input by George Cardona)
- Varadaraja: Laghusiddhantakaumudi [ = Laghukaumudi] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- See also Jivananda's ed., Calcutta 1906 (PDF), and Venkatanarasimha's ed., Madras 1937 (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Amarasimha: Namalinganusasana [Amarakosa] (input by Avinash Sathaye & Pramod SV Ganesan)
- Sarvamatasamgraha (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Jaimini: Mimamsasutra (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Khandadeva: Bhattadipika, with Sambhubhatta's Prabhavali (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt) (other parts unavailable at present)
- Kumarila Bhatta: Mimamsaslokavarttika [with Sucaritamisra's Kasika] (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Kumarila Bhatta: Tantravarttika (ad Mimamsa-Sutra 2,1.2-4) (input by Kei Kataoka)
- Madhava: Jaiminiyanyayamalavistara, with comm. (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Parthasarathi Misra: Sastradipika (input by members of the Sansknet Projekt)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Sabarasvami: Mimamsasutrabhasya [Sabarabhasya], Adhy. 1-7 [to be continued] (input by Andreas Pohlus)
- Sabarasvami: Mimamsasutrabhasya [Sabarabhasya] ad 1,1.1-5 (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Salikanathamisra: Prakaranapancika, with Jayapuri Narayanabhatta's comm. (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Sucaritamisra: Mimamsaslokavarttikatika (provided by Helmut Krasser)
- Adisesa: Paramarthasara (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra [alternative version extracted from Samkara's commentary] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra, with Madhva's Bhasya and Jagannatha Tirtha's Dipika [subcomm.] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- See also Gopalakrsnacarya's ed., Madras 1900 (PDF) in the GRETIL e-library
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra, with Samkara's Sarirakamimamsabhasya (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra, with Govindananda's Ratnaprabhavyakhya [subcommentary] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra, with Samkara's Sarirakamimamsabhasya and Govindananda's Ratnaprabhavyakhya [subcommentary] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra, with Vacaspatimisra's Bhamati [subcomm. on Samkara's Brahmasutrabhasya] (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For alternative version (without sutras) see s.v. Vacaspatimisra: Bhamati
- Badarayana: Brahmasutra, separate commentaries (without mula text):
- Madhva (Anandatirtha): Anuvyakhyana
- Vacaspatimisra: Bhamati [subcomm. on Samkara's Brahmasutrabhasya]
- Bhaskara: Bhagavadasayanusaranabhasya (on Bhagavadgita 1-9) (input by Takahiro Kato)
- Gaudapada: Agamasastra [ = Gaudapadakarika, Gaudapadiyakarika] (input by Peter Schreiner)
- Madhusudanasarasvati: Siddhantabindu (input by Takahiro Kato)
- Mandana Misra [Mandanamisra]: Brahmasiddhi (input by Diwakar Acharya)
- Mandana Misra [Mandanamisra]: Vibhramaviveka (input by Takahiro Kato)
- Narahari: Bodhasara (input by Jennifer Cover)
- Samkara: Upadesasahasri (input by Ivan Andrijanić)
- Samkara: Bhagavadgitabhasya (input by …)
- Samkara (attrib.): Kathopanisadbhasya (input by Ivan Andrijanić)
- Samkara (attrib.): Vivekacudamani (input by …)
- Vacaspatimisra: Bhamati [subcomm. on Samkara's Brahmasutrabhasya, text without sutras] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For standard version (incl. sutras) see s.v. Badarayana
- Jayatirtha: Nyayasudha, a commentary on Madhva's Anuvyakhyana [and subcomm. on Badarayana's Brahmasutra] (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Madhva (Anandatirtha): Anuvyakhyana, a verse commentary on Badarayana's Brahmasutra (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Commentary: Jayatirtha: Nyayasudha
- Madhva (Anandatirtha): Mahabharatatatparyanirnaya (input by …)
- Ramanuja: Bhagavadgitabhasya (input by Sadanori Ishitobi)
- Ramanuja: Sribhasya 1,1.3 (input by Sadanori Ishitobi)
- Ramanuja: Vedarthasamgraha (input by Sadanori Ishitobi)
- Yamuna: Gitarthasamgraha (input by Sadanori Ishitobi)
- Yamuna: Isvarasiddhi (input by Sadanori Ishitobi)
- Yamuna: Samvitsiddhi (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Yamuna: Samvitsiddhi (alternative version; input by Sadanori Ishitobi)
- Yamuna: Siddhitraya, with commentary (input by members of the Sansknet project)
Advaita (to be distinguished from Advaita-Vedanta)
- Moksopaya [ = "Yogavasistha"]
- Text of the critical edition 1,1-6,252 (input by Walter Slaje, Susanne Krause-Stinner, Peter Stephan, Anett Krause, Jürgen Hanneder, and Stanislav Jager)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Mula-Text with Bhaskarakantha's Tika, Prakaranas 1-4 (input by Walter Slaje)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Text of the critical edition 1,1-6,252 (input by Walter Slaje, Susanne Krause-Stinner, Peter Stephan, Anett Krause, Jürgen Hanneder, and Stanislav Jager)
- Bhavaganesa [or Ganesadiksita]: Tattvayatharthyadipana [a comm. on the Tattvasamasa] (input by Dhaval Patel)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Isvarakrsna: Samkhyakarika ( = Samkhyasaptati) [mula text extracted from the commented version] (input by members of the Young Buddhist Association, University of Tokyo)
- Isvarakrsna: Samkhyakarika [alternative version] (input by Ferenc Ruzsa)
- Isvarakrsna: Samkhyakarika, with Gaudapada's Bhasya (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Isvarakrsna: Samkhyakarika, with Mathara's commentary Matharavrtti (input by members of the Young Buddhist Association, University of Tokyo)
- Isvarakrsna: Samkhyakarika, with Samkara arya's Jayamangala commentary (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Isvarakrsna: Samkhyakarika, with Yuktidipika commentary (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Kapila: Samkhyasutra (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Kavirajayati ( = Kavirajagiri): Samkhyatattvapradipa (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Download from Sanskrit World
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Kesava: Samkhyatattvapradipika (input by Dhaval Patel)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Samkhyaparibhasa (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Download from Sanskrit World
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Samkhyasutravivarana [a comm. on the Tattvasamasa] (input by Dhaval Patel)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Sarvopakarani [a comm. on the Tattvasamasa] (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Download from Sanskrit World
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Simananda [or Ksemananda]: Samkhyatattvavivecana [a comm. on the Tattvasamasa] (input by Dhaval Patel)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Tattvamimamsa (input by Dhaval Patel)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Tattvasamasa [an abstract of Samkhya, in 4 versions] (input by Dhaval Patel / members of the Sansknet project)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For commentaries see Bhavaganesa [or Ganesadiksita]: Tattvayatharthyadipana; Samkhyasutravivarana; Simananda [or Ksemananda]: Samkhyatattvavivecana; Sarvopakarani; Tattvasamasasutravrtti (or Kramadipika)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Tattvasamasasutravrtti, or Kramadipika [a comm. on the Tattvasamasa] (input by Dhaval Patel)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For an e-book of the printed source text cf. V.P. Dvivedin (ed.): Samkhyasamgraha (1918-20) (PDF), in the GRETIL e-library
- Vijnanabhiksu: Samkhyasara (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Gheranda-Samhita (input by Peter Thomi, ed. by Peter Schreiner)
- Patanjali: Yogasutra [extracted from the commented version below] (input by Philipp A. Maas)
- Patanjali: Yogasutra [alternative version] (input by Ashok Aklujkar)
- Patanjali: Yogasutra with Bhasya [ = Patanjalayogasastra] (input by Philipp A. Maas)
- Patanjali: Yogasutra with Bhasya [alternative version] (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- Svatmarama: Hathayogapradipika (input by …)
- Annambhatta: Tarkasamgraha (input by Takuya Ono)
- Annambhatta: Tarkasamgraha, with commentaries (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Gangesa: Tattvacintamani, Sabdakhanda (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Gautama: Nyayasutra (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Gautama: Nyayasutra, with Vacaspatimisra's Nyayasutravarttikatatparyatika (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Gautama: Nyayasutra, with Vatsyayana's Bhasya (input by Indology Student Team, University of Tokyo)
- Gautama: Nyayasutra, with Vatsyayana's Bhasya [alternative version, not proof-read!] (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Gautama: Nyayasutra 5.1 with Bhasya (input by Takuya Ono)
- Siddhasena Mahamati: Nyayavatara, with Siddharsi-ganin's Nyayavataravivrti (input by Piotr Balcerowicz)
- Udayana: Nyayakusumanjali (SidNyayavNAVinput by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
Udayana: Nyayavarttikatatparyaparisuddhi (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
(Adhyayas 2 - 5 not available at present)
- Venkatanatha [Vedantadesika]: Nyayaparisuddhi (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Vyasatirtha: Tarkatandava, with Raghavendra's Nyayadipa comm. (input by members of the Sansknet Project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Kanada: Vaisesikasutra (input by Nozawa Masanobu)
- Kanada: Vaisesikasutra (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Prasastapada: Padarthadharmasamgraha (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- Vadivagisvara: Manamanohara (input by Diwakar Acharya with assistance from Raju Rimal)
Saiva (see also Religious Literature / Saiva)
- Abhinavagupta: Anuttarastika (input by Marino Faliero)
- Abhinavagupta: Bhairavastava (input by Marino Faliero)
- Abhinavagupta: Bodhapancadasika (input by Marino Faliero)
- Abhinavagupta: Isvarapratyabhijnavimarsini [commentary on Utpaladeva's Isvarapratyabhijnakarika] (input by Masahiro Takano)
- Abhinavagupta: Kramastotra (input by Marino Faliero)
- Abhinavagupta: Malinislokavarttika (input by Jürgen Hanneder)
- Abhinavagupta: Paramarthasara (input by Marino Faliero)
- Abhinavagupta: Paramarthasara, with Yogaraja's commentary (input by Lyne Bansat-Boudon, Yves Codet and Judit Törzsök)
- Abhinavagupta: Paratrimsikavivarana
- See below
- Abhinavagupta: Paryantapancasika (input by Marino Faliero)
- Abhinavagupta: Tantraloka (input under the guidance of Jun Takashima)
- Abhinavagupta: Tantrasara (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Adyanatha: Anuttaraprakasapancasika (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Avadhutasiddha: Bhagavadbhaktistotra (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Bhasarvajna: Ganakarika (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Bhuti(raja): Svabodhasiddhi (input by Jürgen Hanneder)
- Ksemaraja: Pratyabhijnahrdaya (input by Marino Faliero)
- Ksemaraja: Bodhavilasa (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Ksemaraja: Bhairavanukaranastotra (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Paratrimsika (input by Marino Faliero)
- Paratrimsika, with Abhinavagupta's Paratrimsikavivarana (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Timirodghatana (incl. Nirvanakarika) (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Utpaladeva: Ajadapramatrsiddhi (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Utpaladeva: Isvarapratyabhijnakarika (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Vamadeva: Janmamaranavicara (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Vamanadatta: Dvayasampattivarttika (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Vamanadatta: Svabodhodayamanjari (input by Daniele Cuneo)
- Vasugupta [or Kallata Bhatta?]: Spandakarika, with commentary by Ksemaraja (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Vasugupta [or Kallata Bhatta?]: Spandakarika (input by Marino Faliero):
- Vatulanatha: Vatulanathasutra (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Vijnanabhairava (input by Marino Faliero)
- Abhidharmasamuccayabhasya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Abhisamayalamkara [Abhisamayalankara] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Abhisamayalankarantah patinam (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Abhisamayalankaravrttih sphutartha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Alambanapariksa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Alambanapariksa with Alambanapariksavrtti (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Antarvyaptisamarthana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Arcata: Hetubindutika [comm. on Dharmakirti's Hetubindu] (provided by Helmut Krasser)
- Arcata: Hetubindutika [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aryadeva: Caryamelavanapradipa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aryadeva: Catuhsatika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aryadeva: Cittavisuddhiprakarana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Aryasura: Paramitasamasa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Asanga: Abhidharmasamuccaya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Asvaghosa: Gurupancasika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Asvaghosa: Vajrasuci (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bhiksukarmavakya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bodhipathapradipa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Bodhisattvabhumi (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Candrakirti: Prasannapada [or Madhyamakasastravrtti] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Candrakirti: Bodhisattvayogacaracatuhsatakatika (input by Klaus Wille)
- Dharmakirti: Hetubindu
- Input by Motoi Ono: Download from Tsukuba University server (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Alternative version: Download from Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon website (Sastra, 71)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Commentary see Arcata: Hetubindutika
Subcommemtary see Durveka Misra: Hetubindutikaloka
- Input by Motoi Ono: Download from Tsukuba University server (expired)
- Dharmakirti: Nyayabindu
- Input by Motoi Ono: Download from Tsukuba University server (expired)
- Alternative version: Download from Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon website (Sastra, 57)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Dharmakirti: Nyayabinduprakarana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dharmakirti: Pramanavarttikakarika (input by Motoi Ono)
- Dharmakirti: Pramanavarttikasvavrtti (input by Motoi Ono)
- Dharmakirti: Pramanaviniscaya (fragment) (input by Klaus Wille)
- Dharmakirti: Sambandhapariksa, with Prabhacandra's commentary
- Input by Motoi Ono: Download from Tsukuba University server (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt) (verses 1-25 only)
- Alternative version: Download from Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon website (Sastra, 63)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Input by Motoi Ono: Download from Tsukuba University server (expired)
- Dharmakirti: Samtanantarasiddhi (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dharmakirti: Vadanyaya
- Input by Motoi Ono: Download from Tsukuba University server (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Alternative version: Download from Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon website (Sastra, 64)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Input by Motoi Ono: Download from Tsukuba University server (expired)
- Dharmasamuccaya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dignaga [ = Dinnaga]: Prajnaparamitapindartha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dignaga [ = Dinnaga]: Yogavatara (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Apattidesanavidhi (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Bodhisattvadikarmikamargavataradesana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Caryasamgrahapradipa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Cittotpadasamvaravidhikrama (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Dasakusalakarmapathadesana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Gurukriyakrama (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa] Mahayanapathasadhanasamgraha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Samadhisambharaparivarta (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Saranagamanadesana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Satyadvayavataranama (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Dipankarasrijnana [ = Dipamkarasrijnana = Atisa]: Sutrarthasamuccayopadesa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Durveka Misra: Dharmottarapradipa (provided by Helmut Krasser)
- Durveka Misra: Hetubindutikaloka [subcomm. on Arcata's Hetubindutika] (provided by Helmut Krasser)
- Garbhasamgraha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Haribhadrasuri: Nyayapravesapravrtti (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Harivarman: Satyasiddhisastra (input by Udip Shakya)
- Hastavalaprakaranavrtti (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Jitari: Hetutattvopadesa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Jitari: Hetutattvopadesa [alternative version] (input by Klaus Wille)
- Kamalasila: Bhavanakrama (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Kamalasila: Madhyamakaloka (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Madhyamakavatara (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Mahayanasutralamkara (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Maitreyanatha: Bhavasamkrantitika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Maitreyanatha [attrib.]: Madhyantavibhagakarika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Acintyastava (input by Richard Mahoney)
- Nagarjuna: Bhavasamkrantiparikatha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Bodhicittavivarana (input by Richard Mahoney)
- Nagarjuna: Dharmadhatugarbhavivarana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Dharmasamgraha [Dharmasangraha] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Kriyasamgrahakarika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Lokatitastava (input by Richard Mahoney)
- Nagarjuna: Madhyamakasastra [Karika only!] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Mahayanavimsika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Mulamadhyamakakarika (input by Douglas Bachman, revised by Richard Mahoney)
- Nagarjuna: Pancakrama (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Pindikrama [transmitted as krama 1 of Pancakrama] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Pratityasamutpadahrdayakarika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Pratityasamutpadahrdayavyakhyana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Ratnavali [1-2.46, and 4; Sanskrit text of 2.47-95 and 3 lost] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Ratnavali 1, 2 & 4 (input by Richard Mahoney)
- Nagarjuna: Salistambakakarika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Salistambakamahayanasutratika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Suhrllekha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Sunyatasaptati (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Vigrahavyavartani (input by Klaus Wille)
- Nagarjuna: Vigrahavyavartani [karikas only] (input by Richard Mahoney)
- Nagarjuna: Vigrahavyavartini [karikas only, alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Nagarjuna: Yuktisastikarika (input by Richard Mahoney)
- Nagarjuna: Yuktisastikarika [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Naropa: Sekoddesa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Panditasoka: Avayavinirakarana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Panditasoka: Samanyadusanadikprasarita (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Prajnakaramati: Bodhicaryavatarapanjika [comm. on Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Pramanavartika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnagotravibhaga (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnakirti: Apohasiddhi (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnakirti: Ksanabhangasiddhi (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnakirti: Ksanabhangasiddhir Vyatirekatmika (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Ratnakirti: Ksanabhangasiddhir Vyatirekatmika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnakirti: Nibandhavali (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Ratnakirti (?): Vadarahasya, also known as Udayananirakarana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Sakyabuddhi: Pramanavarttikatika (input by Klaus Wille)
- Santaraksita: Tattvasamgraha [grammatical analysis] (input by Timothy Cahill and Elliot Stern)
- Santideva: Bodhicaryavatara (input by Richard Mahoney)
- Download from Indica et Buddhica (various encodings)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Santideva: Bodhicaryavatara [alternative version] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Santideva: Siksasamuccaya (input by Mirek Rozehnahl and Jens Braarvig)
- Download from Indica et Buddhica (various encodings)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Old version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Siksasamuccayakarika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Sthiramati: Trimsikavijnaptibhasya
- Sunyasamadhipada: Tattvajnanasamsiddhi (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Tarkabhasa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Tarkarahasya (provided by Helmut Krasser)
- Tarkarahasya, Pratyaksalaksana (provided by Helmut Krasser)
- Tarkasastra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Tattvaratnavaloka (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Upayahrdaya (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vararuci: Satagatha (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vasubandhu: Abhidharmakosabhasya (input by N.N., edited & revised by Paul Hackett and Dan Lusthaus)
- Vasubandhu: Abhidharmakosa [Karikas only] (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vasubandhu: Bodhicittotpadasutrasastra (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vasubandhu: Madhyantavibhagakarikabhasya, a commentary on Maitreyanatha's Madhyantavibhagakarika (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vasubandhu: Pancaskandhaprakarana (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vasubandhu: Trimsikavijnaptikarika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vasubandhu: Trimsikavijnaptikarika, with Sthiramati's Trimsikavijnaptibhasya (input by Takamichi Fukita and Klaus Wille)
- Vasubandhu: Trisvabhavanirdesa (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vasubandhu: Vimsatika vijnaptimatratasiddhi (input by Takamichi Fukita)
- Vidyakarasanti: Tarkasopana (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vimalamitra(?): Abhidharmadipa, with auto(?)-commentary Vibhasaprabhasavrtti (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vimalamitra(?): Abhidharmadipa, Karikas extracted from the commented text (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vimalamitra(?): Abhidharmadipa, Karikas 1-383 (alternative version) (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vimsatikakarika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vimsikavrtti (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Vinitadeva: Samtanantarasiddhitika (input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project)
- Yasomitra: Sphutartha Abhidharmakosavyakhya (input by Seishi Karashima)
- Jayarasi: Tattvopaplavasimha (input by Somadeva Vasudeva)
- Samantabhadra: Aptamimamsa (input by Diwakar Acharya)
- Apastamba-Dharmasutra (input by Yasuke Ikari)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Baudhayana-Dharmasutra (input by Masato Fujii & Mieko Kajihara)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Gautama-Dharmasutra (input by Nobuyuki Watase)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Gautama-Dharmasutra, Adhy. 1-3, with Maskari's commentary (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- Vaikhanasa-Dharmasutra (input by Hiromichi Hikita, and collated by Yuuko Matsuda and Yasuke Ikari)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Vasistha-Dharmasastra (input by M. Fushimi)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
Cumulative Pada Index of metric Dharmasastra texts
- Angirasa-Smrti (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Brhaspati-Smrti: Vyavaharakanda (input by Yasuke Ikari and Akihiko Akamatsu)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
- Revised GRETIL version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Katyayana-Smrti (input by Akihiko Akamatsu)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
- Revised GRETIL version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Manu-Smriti (input by Michio Yano and Yasuke Ikari)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
- Revised GRETIL version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format) | "Sanskrit Documents" | Nagari version with Bühler's translation by McComas Taylor
- Narada-Smrti (input by Richard Lariviere, ed. by Yasuke Ikari)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
- Revised GRETIL version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Parasara-Smrti (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
- Revised GRETIL version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Visnu-Smrti (input by I. Shima, collated by T. Hayashi)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
- Revised GRETIL version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Yajnavalkya-Smrti (input by Muneo Tokunaga, checked by Yasuke Ikari)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
- Revised GRETIL version:
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- see also Mitaksara of Vijnanesvara
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Yama-Smrti (input by Jürgen Neuss)
- see also related book in the GRETIL e-library
- 78-verse version
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- 99-verse version = Laghuyamasmrti
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- 182-verse version = Brhadyamasmrti
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- South Indian recension
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
Nibandha and other
- Mitramisra: Viramitrodaya: Samayaprakasa (input by members of the Sansknet project)
- Download from Sansknet (expired)
- Vijnanesvara: Mitaksara, a commentary on the Yajnavalkya-dharmasastra (input by Donald R. Davis, Jr., Patrick Olivelle, Amy Hyne-Sutherland, and Nikola Rajić)
- Kautiliya-Arthasastra (input by Muneo Tokunaga)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format) | "Sanskrit Documents"
- Jyotirisvara Kavisekhara: Pancasayaka (input by Dhaval Patel)
- Minanatha: Smaradipika (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Pururavas: Kadambarisvikaranasutramanjari (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Vatsyayana: Kamasutra [with notes] (input by Jean Fezas)
- Vatsyayana: Kamasutra (input by Mizue Sugita)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: INDOLOGY | TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
Ayurveda, alchemy etc.
- Agnivesa: Caraka-Samhita [selected parts] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Anandakanda (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Bhavamisra: Bhavaprakasa (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Bower-Manuscript (input by Klaus Wille)
- Camunda [Kayastha ( = Kayasthacamunda)]: Rasasamketakalika [ = Rasasanketakalika] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Dhundhukanatha: Rasendracintamani (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Govindabhagavatpada: Rasahrdayatantra (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Jyotsnika [in Manipravalam (Malayalam and Sanskrit)]
- See
- Lolimbaraja: Vaidyajivana (input by Jürgen Hanneder and Thomas Schäfer)
- Narahari Pandita [alias Nrsimha]: Rajanighantu [also called Nighanturaja, or Abhidhanacudamani] (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Nityanathasiddha [alias Nemanatha]: Rasaratnakara (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Rasadhyaya (with tika), verses 1-481 (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Rasarnava (patalas 1-12) (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Salinatha: Rasamanjari (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Somadeva: Rasendracudamani, chapters 3-5, 7-16 (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Susena: Ayurvedamahodadhi, Annapanavidhi (input by Klaus Wille)
- Vagbhata: Astangahrdayasutra (input by R.P. Das and R.E. Emmerick)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Vagbhata: Rasaratnasamuccaya (input: Adhy. 1-5 by W. Mical, Somadeva Vasudeva and A. Glazier; Adhy. 6-12 by Oliver Hellwig)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive (Adhy. 1 - 5 only)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Vagbhata: Rasaratnasamuccaya, Adhy. 1-18.29ab, with Bodhini and Tika commentaries (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Vahata: Astanganighantu (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Yasodhara: Rasaprakasasudhakara (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Yogasataka (input by Klaus Wille)
Astrology, astronomy, mathematics
- Aryabhatiya (input by Takao Hayashi)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Aryabhatiya with the commentary of Bhaskara I and Somesvara (input by Danielle Feller)
- Bhaskara: Bijaganita (input by Takao Hayashi)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Bhaskara: Lilavati (input by Takao Hayashi)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Brahmagupta: Brahmasphutasiddhanta (input by Takao Hayashi)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Lagadha: Rgvedavedangajyotisa (input by Oliver Hellwig)
- Suryasiddhanta (input by Michio Yano)
- Varahamihira: Brhajjataka (input by Mizue Sugita)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Varahamihira: Brhatsamhita (input by Michio Yano and Mizue Sugita)
- Download from INDOLOGY's Virtual e-Text Archive
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format) | "Sanskrit Documents"
- Varahamihira: Tikanikayatra (input by Mizue Sugita)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Varahamihira: Vivahapatala (input by Mizue Sugita)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Varahamihira: Yogayatra (input by Mizue Sugita)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
TEI-conformant XML
Analytic Transformation (html)
Plain Transformation (txt)
- For other formats / encodings see: TITUS (restricted download / proprietary format)
- Silpasastra
- See also Nagnajit: Citralaksana
Textual Material from Indonesia
Excerpts from the Old Javanese section
- Register of Sanskrit portions of Javano-Balinese texts (input by Andrea Acri, Arlo Griffiths, and Timothy Lubin)
- Cumulative Pada-Index of metric Sanskrit portions of Javano-Balinese texts (input by Andrea Acri, Arlo Griffiths, and Timothy Lubin)
Later Works
20th century
- Ksama Rava: Mithyagrahana (input by Beate Guttandin)
- Parajika, Samghadisesa, Aniyata, Nissaggiyapacittiya
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Pacittiya, Patidesaniya, Sekkhiya, Bhikkhunivibhanga
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Mahavagga
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout |
Plain floating text
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Cullavagga
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout |
Plain floating text
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
DN 1: Silakkhandavagga (Suttantas 1-13)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
DN 2: Mahavagga (Suttantas 14-23)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
DN 3: Patikaavagga (Suttantas 24-34)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
Silakkhandavagga (Suttantas 1-13)
Mahavagga (Suttantas 14-23)
Patikavagga (Suttantas 24-34)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
MN, pt. 1: Suttantas 1-76
Text in original PTS layout |
Plain floating text, without notes
MN, pt. 2: Suttantas 77-106
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
MN, pt. 3: Suttantas 107-152
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
MN, pt. 1: Suttantas 1-76
MN, pt. 2: Suttantas 77-106
MN, pt. 3: Suttantas 107-152
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
SN 1: Sagathavagga
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
SN 2: Nidanavagga
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
SN 3: Khandavagga
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
SN 4: Salayatanavagga
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
SN 5: Mahavagga
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
SN 1: Sagathavagga
SN 2: Nidanavagga
SN 3: Khandavagga
SN 4: Salayatanavagga
SN 5: Mahavagga
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
AN 1: Ekanipata, Dukanipata, Tikanipata
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
AN 2: Catukkanipata
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
AN 3: Pancakanipata, Chakkanipata
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
AN 4: Sattakanipata, Atthakanipata, Navakanipata
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
AN 5: Dasakanipata, Ekadasakanipata
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
AN 1: Ekanipata, Dukanipata
AN 2: Catukkanipata
AN 3: Pancakanipata, Chakkanipata
AN 4: Sattakanipata, Atthakanipata
AN 5: Dasakanipata, Ekadasakanipata
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Khuddakapatha
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Dhammapada
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Alternative version (input by John Richards)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Udana
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Itivuttaka
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Suttanipata
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Vimanavatthu
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Petavatthu
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Theragatha
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Therigatha
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Jataka
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Vol. I: I. Ekanipata
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. II: II. Dukanipata; III. Tikanipata.
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. III: IV. Catukkanipata; V. Pancanipata; VI. Chanipata; VII. Sattanipata; VIII. Atthanipata; IX. Navanipata.
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. IV: X. Dasanipata; XI. Ekadasanipata; XII. Dvadasanipata; XIII. Terasanipata; XIV. Pakinnakanipata; XV. Visatinipata.
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. V: XVI. Timsanipata; XVII. Cattalisanipata; XVIII. Pannasanipata; XIX. Chatthinipata; XX. Sattatinipata; XXI. Asitinipata.
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. VI: XXII. Mahanipata.
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
Nipata I |
Nipatas II-III |
Nipatas IV-IX |
Nipatas X-XV |
Nipatas XVI-XXI |
Nipata XXII |
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Niddesa: 1. Mahaniddesa; 2. Cullaniddesa
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
(1) Mahaniddesa:
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
(2) Cullaniddesa:
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
1. Mahaniddesa
2. Cullaniddesa
- Related e-books in the GRETIL e-library: Mahaniddesa | Cullaniddesa
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Patisambhidamagga
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Vol. I: Matika; I. Mahavagga, I-III.
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. II: I. Mahavagga, IV-X; II. Yuganandhavagga; III. Pannavagga.
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
I. Mahavagga |
II. Yuganandhavagga; III. Pannavagga.
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Apadana
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Buddhavamsa
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Cariyapitaka
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Dhammasangani
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Vibhanga
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Dhatukatha
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Puggalapannatti (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-book see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Kathavatthu
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Yamaka (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Part 1:Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Part 2:Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Patthana (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
DukapatthanaText in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Part 1:Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Part 2:Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Part 3:Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition
- For related e-books see GRETIL e-library
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Paracanonical Texts
- Suttasamgaha
- (not available)
- Nettippakarana (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Petakopadesa (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Milindapanha
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Dipavamsa (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Dipavamsa
a modern continuation by Ahungala Vimala (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project) - Mahavamsa (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Dhatuvamsa (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Hatthavanagallaviharavamsa (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Samantapasadika (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Vol. I: Nidana; Suttavibhanga: Bhikkhuvibhanga: Parajika (I.1)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. II: Suttavibhanga: Bhikkhuvibhanga: Parajika (I.2-4)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. III: Suttavibhanga: Bikkhuvibhanga: Sanghadisesa (II.1-13), Aniyata (III.1-2), Nissaggiya-Pacittiya (IV.1-30)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. IV: Suttavibhanga: Bhikkuvibhanga: Pacittiya (V.1-92), Patidesaniya (VI.1-4), Sekhiya (VII.1-75), Adhikaranasamatha (VIII.1-7)
Suttavibhanga: Bhikkunivibhanga: Parajika (I.1-8), Sanghadisesa (II.1-10), Nissagiya-Pacittiya (III.1-12), Pacittiya (IV.1-96), Patidesaniya (V.1-4), Sekhiya (VI.1-75)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. V: Khandhaka: Mahavagga (I-X)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. VI: Khandhaka: Cullavagga (I-XII)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
Vol. VII: Khandhaka: Parivara (I-XIX)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Buddhaghosa: Visuddhimagga
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
Text in original PTS layout, with notes |
Plain floating text, without notes
- BJT edition (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- PTS edition (input by the Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, 1989-1996)
- Upasakajanalankara (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
Cosmological Texts
- Lokappadipakasara (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Telakatahagatha (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Jinacarita (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Jinavamsadipa (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
Philological Texts
- Balavatara (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Chapata Saddhammajotipala [ = Chappata / Chapada]: Kaccayanasuttaniddesa [comm. on Kaccayana's grammar] (input by Aleix Ruiz Falqués)
- Dhatupathavilasini (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Kaccayanadhatumanjusa (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Maharupasiddhi (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Moggallayanavyakarana (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Padamanjari (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Padasadhana (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Vakyamalava (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
Minor Grammars
- Dhammasenapati Thera: Karika (input by Aleix Ruiz Falqués)
- Mahayasa Thera: Kaccayanabheda (input by Aleix Ruiz Falqués)
- Saddabinduppakarana (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Saddhammasiri Thera: Saddatthabhedacinta (input by Aleix Ruiz Falqués)
- Yasa Mahathera: Kaccayanasara (input by Aleix Ruiz Falqués)
- Abhidhanappadipika (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Subodhalankara (input by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project)
- Ayaranga | Dasaveyaliya | Isibhasiyaim | Suyagada 1 | Uttarajjhaya (input by Yumi Ousaka and Moriichi Yamazaki)
- Download from Ousaka's website (expired)
- Dasaveyaliya (input by Yumi Ousaka and Moriichi Yamazaki)
- Hala: Sattasai [ = Saptasatakam = Gathasaptasati] (input by Andrew Ollett)
- Haribhadra: Dhuttakkhana [a Jaina satire] (input by Kornelius Krümpelmann)
- Isibhasiyaim (input by Yumi Ousaka and Moriichi Yamazaki)
- *Sanghadasagani: Vasudevahindi (forthcoming)
- Suyagada 1 (input by Yumi Ousaka and Moriichi Yamazaki)
- Svayambhu: Paumacariu [Padmacarita; the Rama story in Apabhramsa] (input by Eva De Clercq)
- Uttarajjhaya (input by Yumi Ousaka and Moriichi Yamazaki)
New Indo-Aryan Languages
- Banarasidasa: Ardhakathanaka (input by Jérôme Petit)
- Haridasa [Svami Haridas]: Astadasa Siddhanta
- Kutubana [Qutban]: Miragavati (input by Arlo Griffiths and Joris ter Linden)
- Download from Osaka Univ., Dept. of Hindi (expired)
- Premacanda [Premcand] (1881-1936): Godana
- Search engine by K. Machida
- File(s) not available at present
- Raya, Harivamsa [Rai, Harivans = "Baccan"] (1907-): Madhusala (1-48) (input by …)
- Download from "Sanskrit Documents"
- Tulasidasa [Tulsidas]: Dohavali (input "by a group of volunteers at Ratlam")
- Download from "Sanskrit Documents"
- Tulasidasa [Tulsidas]: Kavitavali (input "by a group of volunteers at Ratlam")
- Download from "Sanskrit Documents"
- Tulasidasa [Tulsidas]: Ramacaritamanasa [Ramcaritmanas] (input "by a group of volunteers at Ratlam")
- Jnanadeva (13th cent.): Jnanesvari, a Marathi commentary on the Bhagavadgita (input Ashwini Sharad Deo)
- Download from Stanford server (expired)
Adhyayas 1-16
Dravidian Languages
- Amitacakarar (10th/11th cent.): Yapparunkalakkarikai (input by V. Venkataramanan)
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- Apirama Pattar ( = Cuppiramaniya Aiyar, 18th cent.): Apirami antati (input by Vijaya Mallikarjunan and Dr. Kumar Mallikarjunan)
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PM0026 A
PM0026 B
- Apirama Pattar ( = Cuppiramaniya Aiyar, 18th cent.): Tirukkatavur prapantakal (input by Kumar Mallikarjunan)
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- Aravintan, Ki. Pi.: Ini oru vaikarai (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Aravintan, Ki. Pi.: Kanavin miti (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Aravintan, Ki. Pi.: Mukam kol (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer, N. Kannan and Ramanitharan Kandiah)
- Download from Project Madurai
- Arunakirinatar (15th cent.): Cevalviruttam (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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PM0023-1 (E)
- Arunakirinatar (15th cent.): Kantaralankaram (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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PM0023-1 (B)
- Arunakirinatar (15th cent.): Kantaranuputi (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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PM0023-1 (A)
- Arunakirinatar (15th cent.): Mayilviruttam (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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PM0023-1 (D)
- Arunakirinatar (15th c.): Tiruppukal (input by A.S. Maniam)
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- Part 1 (verses 1-330)
Part 2 (verses 331-670)PM0187
Part 3 (verses 671-1000)PM0189
Part 4 (verses 1001-1326)PM0191
- Arunakirinatar (15th cent.): Velviruttam (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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PM0023-1 (C)
- Arunanti Civacariyar (13th cent.): Irupavirupahtu (input by K. Loganathan )
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- Ativirarama Pantiyan (1539-1610?): Verriverkai
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- Auvaiyar (10th - 12th cent.): Works [Atticutti - Konraiventan - Muturai - Nalvali] (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Campantar
- See Tevaram
- Canmuka Tacan: Kantan manampuri cintu (input by P.I. Arasu & Mahitha Sridhar)
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- Cayankontar [Ceyankontar, Jayankontar] (12th cent.): Kalinkattupparani (input by P.R. Sivakumar)
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- Civanana Munivar ( = Civanana Cuvami; c. 1725-1785): Comecar mutumolivenpa (input by N.D. Logasundaram & Ms. Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Cittalaiccattanar (c. 500): Manimekalai (input by Thomas Malten & Sascha Ebeling)
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- Cittararuta nontic cintu (input by P.I. Arasu & Mahitha Sridhar)
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- Cittar Patalkal (input by S. Anbumani)
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Tokuppu I
Tokuppu II
- Civappirakaca Cuvami(kal), Turaimankalam (17th cent.): Nalvair nanmanimalai (input by N.D. Logasundaram & Ms. Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Civappirakaca Cuvami(kal), Turaimankalam (17th cent.): Nanneri (input by N.D. Logasundaram & Ms. Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Cokkanatap Pulavar, Palappattatai (18th cent.): Alakar lillai vitututu (input by Deeptha Thattai)
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- Cokkanatap Pulavar, Palappattatai (18th cent.): Tamil vitututu (input by S. Anbumani)
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- Colaikkili [ = U.L.M. Atheek]: Kakam kalaitta kanavu (input by N. Kannan, R. Padmanabha Iyer)
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- [Collection:] Prologue Verses from Pantiya, Cola and Vijayanagara Inscriptions (input by N.D. LogaSundaram & Ms. Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Cuntaram Pillai, P. (1855-1891): Manonmaniyam (input by Siva Kumar Pillai)
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- Cuppiramaniya Aiyar (18th cent.)
- See Apirama Pattar
- Cuppiramaniya Parati, Ci. (1882-1921): Cantirikaiyin katai (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Cuppiramaniya Parati, Ci. (1882-1921): Kannan Pattu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Cuppiramaniya Parati, Ci. (1882-1921): Kuyil Pattu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Cuppiramaniya Parati, Ci. (1882-1921): Pancali capatam (input by Veena Jayaraman)
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- Cuppiramaniya Parati, Ci. (1882-1921): Teciya Kitankal (input by Govardanan)
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- Cuppiramaniya Parati, Ci. (1882-1921): Teyvappatalkal (input by Govardanan)
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- Cuppiramaniya Parati, Ci. (1882-1921): [Works #2] (input by Govardanan)
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- Cuppiramaniyar peril cintu (input by P.I. Arasu & Mahitha Sridhar)
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- Cuppurattinam, Kanaka (1891-1964)
- See Paratitacan
- Ekkalak kani (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Enneyc cintu (input by P.I. Arasu & Mahitha Sridhar)
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- Ettuttokai (anthol.): Ainkurunuru (input by Ram Ravindran)
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- Ettuttokai (anthol.): Paripatal (input by Ganesh Mohan)
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- Ettuttokai (anthol.): Paripatal tirattu (input by Ganesh Mohan)
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- Ettuttokai (anthol.): Patirruppattu (input by Sivalingam Ramalingam)
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- Ettuttokai (anthol.): Purananuru (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan &)
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- Icanyanana Tecikar (20th cent.?): Nencuvitututu on Tiruvannamalai (input by N. Ganesan, Houston, Texas)
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- Icura Paratiyar: Vatamalainikantu (input by Mr. & Mrs. V. Devarajan)
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- Ilankovatikal (c. 350/450): Cilappatikaram, pt. 1 (input by Badrinarayanan Seshadri)
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- Ilankovatikal (c. 350/450): Cilappatikaram, pt. 2 (input by P.R. Sivakumar and P.I. Arasu)
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PM0111 A
PM0111 B
- Iracappakkavirayar (~1700): Tirukkurralakkuravanci (input by Sarala Sandirasegarane and Srinivasa Varadarajan)
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- Iramalinka Cuvamikal (1823-1874): Tiruvarutpa (input by Sivakumar & K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Tirumurai 1 (verses 1-537) & 2.1 (verses 571-1006)
Tirumurai 2.2 (verses 1007-1543)PM0136A Tirumurai 2.3 (verses 1544-1958)
Tirumurai 3 (verses 1959-2750)PM0124
Tirumurai 4 (verses 2571-3028)PM0125
Tirumurai 5 (verses 3029-3266)PM0128
Tirumurai 6.1 (verses 3267-3871)PM0130 Tirumurai 6.2 (verses 3872-4614)
PM0135 Tirumurai 6.3 (verses 4615-5063)
PM0146A Tirumurai 6.4 (verses 5064-5818)
- Iramalinka Cuvamikal (1823-1874): Vativutaimanikkamalai (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Jeyakantan, Tantapani (1934-): Short story collection (input by Thukaram Gopalrao et al., and P.K Sivakumar)
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- Part 1
Part 2PM0199
- Kailacapati, K.: Oppiyal ilakkiyam [a study of comparative literature] (input by N. Kannan and Ramanitharan Kandiah)
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- Kaliyanacuntaram, Pattukkottai (1930-1959): Patalkal (input by Vasan Pillai)
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- Kalki
- See Kirusnamurtti
- Kampan (12th cent., ascribed authorship): Caracuvati antati (input by Maa Angiah and M.S. Venkataramanan)
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- Kampan (12th cent., authorship disputed): Catakoparantati (input by Maa Angiah and M.S. Venkataramanan)
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- Kampan (12th cent.; attrib. authorship): Erelupatu tirukkai valakkam (input by Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Kani Metaviyar (5th/6th cent.): Tinaimalainurraimpatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Kannan Centanar (5th cent.): Tinaimoliyaimpatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Kapilar (~140-200): Kurincippattu (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Karthigesu, Re.
- See Karttikecu, Re.
- Karttikecu, Re.: Antima kalam (input by R. Karttikecu)
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- Karttikecu, Re.: Katalinal alla (input by R. Karttikecu)
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- Karttikecu, Re.: [Short stories] (input by Re. Karttikecu)
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- Katiyalur Uruttirankannanar (~200): Pattinappalai (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Katiyalur Uruttirankannanar (~200): Perumpanarruppatai (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Kavinar Vairamutu: Tannirtecam (input by "Anantha Vikatan")
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- Kirusnamurtti, Ra. [ = Kalki (pseud.); 1899-1954]: Civakamiyin capatam (input by Ms. Gracy & Ms. Parimala)
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- Part 1 (chapters 1-47)
Part 2 (chapters 1-55)PM0194
Part 3 (chapters 1-57)PM0195
- Kirusnamurtti, Ra. [ = Kalki (pseud.); 1899-1954]: Ponniyin celvan (input by Mr. Baskaran)
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- Kotainacciyartalattu (input by N. Kannan)
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- Krisnamurtti
- See Kirusnamurtti
- Kulacekara Pantiyan (ascribed authorship): Maturapuri ampikaimalai (input by Kumar Mallikarjunan)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Cakalakalavallimalai (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
- Download from Project Madurai
- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Citamparacceyyutkovai (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Citampara mummanikkovai (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Civakamiyammai irattaimanimalai [ = Tillaic civakamiyammai irattai manimalai] (input by S.A. Ramchandar & K.S.V. Nambi)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Kacikkalampakam (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Maturaikkalampakam (input by Kumar Mallikarjunan)
- Download from Project Madurai
- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Maturai minatciyammai irattai manimalai (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Minatciyammai kuram (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Minatciyammaippillaittamil (input by Mrs. Vijaya Mallikarjunan)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Muttukkumaracuvami pillaittamil [ = Vaitticuvaran kovil muttukkumara cuvami pillaittamil] (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Nitinerivilakkam (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
- Download from Project Madurai
- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Pantaramummanikkovai (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Tiruccenturk Kantarkalivenpa
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- Version 1 (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
- Version 2 (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
- Kumarakuruparar (died 1688): Tiruvarur nanmanimalai (input by S.A. Ramchandar)
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- Kumarakurutaca Cuvamikal, Pampan (1850?-1929): Canmukakavaca (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Kunavirapantitar (~1200): Neminatam (input by N.D. Logasundaram)
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- Kuruntokai (~100-250) (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Mahaparata cutamani [on classical dance] (input by Re. Karttikeccu)
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- Malai aintu, a collection of five works of the malai genre (input by Deeptha Thattai):
- (1) Kayarkanni malai (ankayarkanni malai, katampavana valli patikam, sri cuntarecuvarar tuti)
- (2) Kalakkattuc cattiyavacakar irattaimani malai
- (3) Tirukkalatti ittakamiya malai
- (4) Palani irattaimani malai
- (5) Makaranetun kulaikkatar pamalai
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- Manavacakankatantar (13th cent.): Unmaivilakkam (input by K. Loganathan)
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- Manikkavacakar (~8th cent., authorship disputed): Tirukkovaiyar (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Manikkavacakar (~8th cent.): Tiruvacakam (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Mankuti Marutanar (c. 200-215): Maturaikkanci (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Mantalapurutar (16th cent.): Cutamani nikantu (input by N.D. LogaSundaram)
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- Maranattul Valvom (input by Rathina Iyer Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kanna)
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- Maran Poraiyanar (5th/6th cent.): Aintinaiyaimpatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Maunakuru, D., & Mau. Citraleka, M.A. Nuhman: Irupatam nurrantu ilattut tamil ilakkiyam (input by N. Kannan & R. Padmanabha)
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- Meykantatevar (12th/13th cent.): Civananapotam (input by K. Loganathan)
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- Minatcicuntaram Pillai (1815-1876): Pirapantat tirattu (Pirapantam anthology), part 2 [verses 143-256] (input by Durairaj, Subra Mayilvahanan et al.)
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- Part 1 (verses 1-133)
Part 2 (verses 143-256)PM0184
Part 3 (verses 722-837)PM0190
- Mulliyar (son of Peruvay, c. 750): Acarakkovai (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Municami Mutaliyar: Nataracappatu (input by S. Anbumani)
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- Munruraiyaraiyan (~700): Palamolinanuru (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Mutattamakkanniyar (c. 180-190): Porunararruppatai (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Muttollayiram [6th-10th cent.] (input by Raj Parthasarathy)
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- Muttuk Karuppanan: Palaniyantavan kavatic cintu (input by P.I. Arasu & Mahitha Sridhar)
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- Muvatiyar (7th cent.): Aintinaiyelupatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Nakkirar (c. 190-260): Tirumurukarruppatai (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Nakkirar #2 (~215-270): Netunalvatai (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Nalatiyar (anthol., ~700) (input by Srinivasan)
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- Nalayira tivviyap pirapantam (input by P. Dileepan)
- Nallatanar (c. 650-700): Tirukatukam (input by Sarala Sandirasegarane)
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- Namakkal Kavinar ( = Ramalinkam Pillai, Ve., 1888-1972): [Songs #1] (input by Vijayalakshmi Alagarsamy)
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- Namakkal Kavinar ( = Ramalinkam Pillai, Ve., 1888-1972): [Songs #2] (input by Vijayalakshmi Alagarsamy)
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- Namakkal Kavinar ( = Ramalinkam Pillai, Ve., 1888-1972): [Works] (input by Vijayalakshmi Alagarsamy)
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Nampi Antar Nampi: Tirumurai #11 (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Verses 1-825
Verses 826-1419
- Nanacampatar
- See Tevaram
- Nantikkalampakam [c. 9th cent.?, anonymous] (input by N.D. Logasundaram & his daughter Ms. Selvanayagi)
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- Nattattanar, Itaikkalinattu Nallur (3rd cent.?): Cirupanarruppatai (input by J. Jayanthi, S. Sinnakannan)
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- Nitivenpa (input by N.D. Logasundaram & Ms. Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Nukman, M.A.: Aliya nilalkal : oru kavitait tokuppu (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Oru kiramattup pennin talaip piracavam [collection] (input by Ira. Murugan)
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- Ottakkuttar (12th cent.): Muvarula (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Pakavatkitai (input by …)
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- File(s) converted to …
- Palaiya Iramayanam (input by Periannan Chandrasekaran)
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- Parata cenapatiyam (input by Mr. & Mrs. N. Devarajan)
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- Paratitacan / Bharatidasan ( = Cuppurattinam, Kanaka 1891-1964): Alakin irippu (input by Veena Jayaraman)
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- Paratitacan / Bharatidasan ( = Cuppurattinam, Kanaka 1891-1964): Etirparata muttam (input by P.I. Arasu)
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- Paratitacan / Bharatidasan ( = Cuppurattinam, Kanaka 1891-1964): Kavitaikal (input by P.I. Arasu, P.K. Ilango)
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- Part 1
Part 2PM0166_2
Part 3PM0166_3
- Paratitacan / Bharatidasan ( = Cuppurattinam, Kanaka 1891-1964): Tamilacciyin katti (input by Ms. Suhitha Arasu)
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- Patinenkilkkanakku (anthol.): Cirupancamulam (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Patinenkilkkanakku (anthol.): Elati (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Patinenkilkkanakku (anthol.): Iniyavainarpatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Patinenkilkkanakku (anthol.): Innanarpatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Patinenkilkkanakku (anthol.): Kalavalinarpatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Patinenkilkkanakku (anthol.): Karnarpatu (input by K. Kalyanasundaram
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- Patinenkilkkanakku (anthol.): Mutumolikanci (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Pattirakiriyar Patalkal: Meynnanap pulampal (input by S. Anbumani)
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- Pattuppattu (anthol., 12th cent.): Mullaippattu [with comm. by Maraimalai Atikal (1876-1950)] (input by ?)
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- Pavananti (around 1200): Nannul (input by Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Paventar Paratican: Icai amutu (input by P.K. Ilango)
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- Paventar Paratican: Katal ninaivukal (input by P.K. Ilango)
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- Paventar Paratican: Kutumpa vilakku (input by Ben Arasu and Suhitha Arasu)
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- Paventar Paratitacan: Ilainar Ilakkiyam (input by Mahitha Sridhar, P.I. Arasu and Suhitha Arasu)
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- Paventar Paratitacan: Iruntavitu (input by Ben Arasu and Suhitha Arasu)
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- Paventar Paratitacan: Pantiyan Paricu (input by Veena Jayaraman, P.I. Arasu and Suhitha Arasu)
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- Paventar Paratitacan: Tamiliyakkam (input by P.K. Ilango)
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- Perunkunrur Perunkaucikanar (~210): Malaipatukatam (input by …)
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- File(s) converted to …
- Perurp patticar kannati vitututu (input by Naga Ganesan)
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- Poykaiyar (ascribed authorship): Innilai (input by Sarala Sandirasegarane)
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- Pukalenti (12th cent.): Nalavenpa (input by …)
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- File(s) converted to …
- Pullankatantar (5th/6th cent.): Kainnilai (input by Sarala Sandirasegarane)
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- Ramalinka
- See Iramalinka
- Rancakumara: Mokavacal (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Srinivacaiyankar Iyarriya [Maturakavi] ( = Srinivasa Aiyangar): Iramayana venpa (input by Mr. & Mrs. Devarajan)
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- Cantos 1-4
Cantos 5-6PM0158b
- Talaiyacinkam, Mu.: Elantu ilakkiya valarcci (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Tantiyalanjaran (12th cent.) (N.D. Logasundaram & Ms. Selvanayaki Logasundaram)
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- Tevaram
Tirunanacampantar ( = Nanacampatar, = Campantar; c. 625-660): [Hymns] (input by Thomas Malten)
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- 1.1, verses 1-721
PM0150 1.2, verses 722-1469
2.1, verses 1-654PM0157 2.2, verses 655-1331
3.1, verses 1-713PM0173 3.2, verses 714-1347 & add.
4.1, verses 1-487PM0181 4.2, verses 488-1070
5.1, verses 1-509PM0186 5.2, verses 510-1016
6.1, verses 1-508PM0192 6.2, verses 509-981
- Tirikutaracappa kavirayar: Tirukkurrala utai (input by Sarala Sandirasegarane and Srinivasa Varadarajan)
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- Tirukkalirruppatiyar (input by Vassan Pilai)
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- Tirukkatavur Uyyavanta Tevanayanar (12th cent.): Tiruvuntiyar (input by Vassan Pilai)
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- Tirukkuralamalai (input by Sarala Sandirasegarane and Srinivasa Varadarajan)
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- Tirumalaiyantavar kuravanci (input by Mr. & Mrs. V. Devarajan)
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- Tirumalikaittevar: Tiruvicaippa Tiruppalantu, 9th Tirumurai (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Tirumular (7th cent.): Tirumantiram (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
- Tirumular (7th cent.): Tirumantiram #3 (verses 1705-3402) (input by …)
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- Tirunanacampantar
- See Tevaram
- Tiruvalluvar (c. 500 A.D.?): Tirukkural (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Tolamolittevar (10th cent.?): Culamani (input by Geetha Bharathi)
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- Tolkappiyar (100 B.C.?): Tolkappiyam (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Ulakanatan (19th cent.): Ulakaniti (input by K. Kalyanasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariya (14th cent.): Cankarpanirakaranam (input by Subashini Kanagasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariya (14th cent.): Civapirakacam (input by Subashini Kanagasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariya (14th cent.): Kotikkavi (input by Subashini Kanagasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariya (14th cent.): Nencuvitututu (input by Subashini Kanagasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariya (14th cent.): Porripahrotai (input by Subashini Kanagasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariya (14th cent.): Unmainerivilakkam (input by Subashini Kanagasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariya (14th cent.): Vinavenpa (input by Subashini Kanagasundaram)
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- Umapati Civacariyar (14th cent.): Tiruvarutpayan (input by K. Loganathan)
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- Umarup Pulavar: Cirappuranam [born c. 1665] (input by Vassan Pillai & Govardhanan Ramachandran)
- Uyyanvatateva
- Valaiyapati (lost narrative poem, c. 9th-10th cent.) (input by Periannan Chandrasekaran)
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- Varataracan, M.: Collin Katai (input by members of the Project Madurai)
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- Vetanta Tecikar (~1269-1369): [Works] (input by …)
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- Vilampinakanar ( = Nakan of Vilampi, c.650-700): Nanmanikkatikai (input by Sarala Sandirasegarane)
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- Vilvarettinam, Cu.: Akankalum mukankalum (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Vilvarettinam, Cu.: Karruvalikkiramam : oru kavitaittokuppu (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Vivekacintamani (input by Kumar Mallikarjunan)
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- Yecuraca, A.: Ariyappatatavarkal ninaivaka…! (input by R. Padmanabha Iyer and N. Kannan)
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- Jyotsnika [a medical text in Manipravalam] (input by U.M.T. Brahmadathan Namboodiri and Tsutomu Yamashita)
- Periyavaccan Pillai: Perumal Tirumoli vyakhyanam (input by Suganya Anandakichenin)
Rahasya granthas
Hagiographic works
Old Javanese
For a excerpts of the Sanskrit portions of these texts see above.
- Kalpabuddha (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- San Hyan Kamahayanikan (input by Andrea Acri)
- Slokantara (input by Arlo Griffiths and Timothy Lubin)
- Vratisasana (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Kunjarakarna Dharmakathana (input by Arlo Griffiths)
- Ganapatitattva (input by Andrea Acri)
- Mahajnana (input by Andrea Acri)
- Tattvajnana (input by Andrea Acri)
- Vrhaspatitattva (input by Andrea Acri)
- Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho: mgul glu (input by Maximilian Mehner)
- Asvaghosa: Buddhacarita 1-23 (collation, input by Roland Steiner)
Secondary Resources
- Aufrecht: Catalogus Catalogorum. An Alphabetical Register of Sanskrit Works and Authors
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Bloomfield: A Vedic Concordance (input by Marco Franceschini)
- Apte: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Apte: The Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Benfey: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
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XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Bhattacarya: Vacaspatyam (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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- Böhtlingk: Kleines Petersburger Wörterbuch (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
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- Böhtlingk/Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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- Bopp: Glossarium Sanscritum (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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- Borooah: English-Sanskrit Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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- Burnouf: Dictionnaire Classique Sanscrit-Francais (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Cappeller: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Cappeller: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Graßmann: Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
Analytic text (with vedic accents, UTF-8 only)
Plain text
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Macdonell: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Monier-Williams (1899): A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Monier-Williams (1872): A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
XML Dictionary Exchange Format (UTF-8 only)
- Monier-Williams: English and Sanskrit Dictionary (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
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- Radhakantadeva: Sabdakalpadruma (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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- Schmidt: Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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- Stchoupak: Dictionnaire Sanskrit-Francais (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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- Mani: Puranic Encyclopaedia (input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon)
- Download from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
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