Macdonell: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Based on Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893
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description: | multibyte sequence: |
long a | ā |
long A | Ā |
long i | ī |
long I | Ī |
long u | ū |
long U | Ū |
vocalic r | ṛ |
vocalic R | Ṛ |
long vocalic r | ṝ |
vocalic l | ḷ |
vocalic L | Ḷ |
long vocalic l | ḹ |
velar n | ṅ |
velar N | Ṅ |
palatal n | ñ |
palatal N | Ñ |
retroflex t | ṭ |
retroflex T | Ṭ |
retroflex d | ḍ |
retroflex D | Ḍ |
retroflex n | ṇ |
retroflex N | Ṇ |
palatal s | ś |
palatal S | Ś |
retroflex s | ṣ |
retroflex S | Ṣ |
anusvara | ṃ |
visarga | ḥ |
long e | ē |
long o | ō |
l underbar | ḻ |
r underbar | ṟ |
n underbar | ṉ |
k underbar | ḵ |
t underbar | ṯ |
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Macdonell: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary
[Page 1-1]
a A.
a 1. a, pn. root used in the inflexion of idam and in some particles: a-tra, a-tha.
a- 2. a-, an- an- before vowels, neg. px. = un-.
aṃśa aṃśa, m. part, share; N. of a god: in. partly.
aṃśakalpanā aṃśa-kalpanā, f. arrangement of shares.
aṃśaprakalpanā aṃśa-kalpanā, f. id..
aṃśapradāna aṃśa-pradāna, n. distribution of shares.
aṃśabhāgin aṃśa-bhāgin, a. having a share.
aṃśabhāj aṃśa-bhāj, a. id.
aṃśabhūta aṃśa-bhūta, pp. forming a share (of, g.).
aṃśahara aṃśa-hara, a. receiving a portion.
aṃśin aṃś-in, a. having a share.
aṃśu aṃśu, m. Soma plant, -- juice; ray; stalk.
aṃśuka aṃśu-ka, n. leaf; cloth, garment.
aṃśukānta aṃśuka+anta, m. hem of a garment.
aṃśupaṭṭa aṃśu-paṭṭa, n. kind of cloth.
aṃśumat aṃśu-mat, a. radiant; m. sun; N..
aṃśumālin aṃśu-mālin, m. sun.
aṃsa aṃsa, m. shoulder.
aṃsakūṭa aṃsa-kūṭa, m. top of the shoulder;
-pṛṣṭha, n. ridge of the shoulder.
aṃsatra aṃsa-tra, n. armour.
aṃsaphalaka aṃsa-phalaka, n. shoulder-blade.
aṃsala aṃsa-la, a. strong, powerful.
aṃsavartin aṃsa-vartin, a. resting on the shoulder;
-vivartin, a. bending towards the shoulder(s);
-vyāpin, a. reaching to the --.
aṃhati aṃh-ati, f., aṃhu aṃh-u, n. = aṃh-as.
aṃhas aṃh-as, n. distress, need; sin.
aṃhura aṃh-ura, a. distressed;
-ūraṇa, n. distress.
aṃhri aṃhri, m. foot.
aka aka, m. the suffix -aka (gr.).
akaṭuka a-kaṭuka, a. assiduous.
akaṇṭaka a-kaṇṭaka, a. thornless; foeless.
akaṇṭha a-kaṇṭha, a. neckless; voiceless, hoarse.
akatthana a-katthana, n. non-boasting.
akatham a-katham, ad. without (a 'why' =) more ado.
akathita a-kathita, pp. unmentioned, undiscussed.
akadvada a-kad-vada, a. not speaking ill, speaking well.
akaniṣṭha a-kaniṣṭha, m. pl. without a youngest, equally young.
akanyā a-kanyā, f. no longer a maid.
akapilacchavi a-kapila-cchavi, a. not brownish.
akampita a-kampita, pp. not trembling, firm.
akaraṇa 1. a-karaṇa, n. omission to do.
akaraṇa 2. a-karaṇa, a. unartificial, natural.
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akaruṇa a-karuṇa, a. pitiless; -tva, n. -ness.
akarṇa a-karṇa, n. deaf; without Karṇa.
akarṇadhāra a-karṇadhāra, a. pilotless.
akartavya a-kartavya, fp. not to be done; n. misdeed.
akartṛ a-kartṛ, m. non-agent.
akarmaka a-karma-ka, a. objectless, intransitive.
akarmakṛt a-karma-kṛt, a. inactive.
akarmaṇya a-karmaṇya, a. ineffectual, useless.
akarman a-karman, n. inaction; a. (-man) doing nothing, idling; wicked.
akarmaprāpti a-karma-prāpti, f. non-intervention of fate.
akarmaśīla a-karma-śīla, a. inactive, idle.
akarmaśrānta a-karma-śrānta, pp. untiring in ritual.
akalaṅka a-kalaṅka, a. spotless.
akali a-kali, a. not quarrelling, concordant.
akalita a-kalita, pp. unknown; undefinable.
akaliprasara akali-prasara, a. where no quarrelling occurs.
akalkakalila a-kalka-kalila, a. free from baseness.
akalkatā a-kalka-tā, f. honesty.
akalya 1. a-kalya, a. not healthy, ill.
akalya 2. a-kalya, fp. not to be guessed.
akava a-kava, a. not niggardly, liberal.
akavi a-kavi, a. not wise, foolish.
akasmāt a-kasmāt, (ab.) ad. without apparent cause; suddenly; accidentally.
akasmādāgantu akasmād-āgantu, m. chancecomer.
akāku a-kāku, a. unchanged (of the voice).
akāṇḍa a-kāṇḍa, a. unexpected, sudden: lc. -ly..
akātara a-kātara, a. undaunted.
akāma a-kāma, a. not desiring; unwilling, reluctant; not in love.
akāmatas a-kāma-tas, ad. involuntarily; unwillingly.
akāmatā a-kāma-tā, f. freedom from desire or love.
akāmin a-kāmin, a. not in love.
akāra a-kāra, m. the sound or letter a.
akāraka a-kāraka, a. ineffectual;
-tva, n. -ness.
akāraṇa a-kāraṇa, a. causeless; n. lack of cause: °-, -tas, -m, in., ab., lc. without cause.
akārpaṇya a-kārpaṇya, a. void of self-abasement.
akārya a-kārya, fp. not to be done; n. misdeed: -tas, ad. by doing wrong.
akāryakaraṇa akārya-karaṇa, n. doing a misdeed.
akāryakārin akārya-kārin, a. id..
akāla a-kāla, m. unseasonable time: °-, -tas, lc. unseasonably.
akālakusuma akāla-kusuma, n. untimely flower.
akālakṣepam a-kāla-kṣepam, ad. without delay.
akālacaryā akāla-caryā, f. untimely action.
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akālaniyama a-kāla-niyama, m. no limit of time.
akālavelā akāla-velā, f. undue season.
akālasaha a-kāla-saha, a. unable to hold out long.
akālahīnam akāla-hīnam, ad. without loss of time, forthwith.
akiṃcana a-kiṃcana, a. having nothing, poor;
-tā, f., -tva, n. poverty.
akiṃcijjña a-kiṃcij-jña, a. knowing nothing.
akiṃcitkara a-kiṃcit-kara, a. effecting nothing.
akilina a-kilina, a. not damp, not moist.
akīrtana a-kīrtana, n. lack of mention.
akīrtanīya a-kīrtanīya, fp. unspeakable.
akīrti a-kīrti, f. disgrace; -kara, a. disgraceful, infamous, humiliating.
akīrtita a-kīrtita, pp. unmentioned.
akuñcita a-kuñcita, pp. not crooked, straight.
akuṇṭhita a-kuṇṭhita, pp. vigorous, quick.
akuṭila a-kuṭila, a. straight; honest.
akutaścidbhaya a-kutaścid-bhaya, a. afraid of nothing.
akutas a-kutas, ad. from nowhere.
akutobhaya a-kuto-bhaya, a. afraid of nothing.
akutracabhaya a-kutraca-bhaya, a. id..
akutsita a-kutsita, pp. blameless.
akudhryak a-kudhryak, ad. aimlessly.
akula a-kula, a. low-born;
-tā, f. low birth.
akulaja akula-ja, a. sprung from a low stock.
akulīna a-kulīna, a. low-born.
akuśala a-kuśala, a. noxious; unlucky, inauspicious; unskilful; n. mischief, evil; -- word.
akusumita a-kusumita, pp. not blossoming.
akūṭa a-kūṭa, a. undeceptive (arms); sterling (coin).
akūpāra a-kū-pāra, a. boundless; m. sea.
akṛcchralaṅghya a-kṛcchra-laṅghya, fp. to be traversed without hardship.
akṛcchrin a-kṛcchrin, a. having no trouble with.
akṛta a-kṛta, pp. not done; unprepared, uncooked; incomplete, unripe; unsummoned.
akṛtaka a-kṛta-ka, a. natural.
akṛtakṛtya akṛta-kṛtya, a. not having done one's duty.
akṛtajña a-kṛta-jña, a. ungrateful.
akṛtapuṇya akṛta-puṇya, a. ill-starred.
akṛtapūrva akṛta-pūrva, a. not done before.
akṛtabuddhi akṛta-buddhi, a. of unripe understanding: -tva, n. abst. N..
akṛtalakṣaṇa a-kṛta-lakṣaṇa, a. having no distinctive mark.
akṛtavidya akṛta-vidya, a. uninstructed.
akṛtaśrama a-kṛta-śrama, a. having undergone no trouble.
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akṛtasaṃkalpa akṛta-saṃkalpa, a. irresolute.
akṛtātman akṛta+ātman, a. or unformed mind, undisciplined, rude, vicious.
akṛtārtha akṛta+artha, a. unsatisfied.
akṛtya a-kṛtya, fp. not to be done; n. misdeed.
akṛtrima a-kṛtrima, a. unfeigned; unartificial, natural; unsophisticated.
akṛtvā a-kṛtvā, gd. without doing.
akṛtsna a-kṛtsna, a. incomplete.
akṛtsnavid a-kṛtsna-vid, a. not knowing everything, of defective knowledge.
akṛpa a-kṛpa, a. pitiless.
akṛpaṇa a-kṛpaṇa, a. generous; uncomplaining, cheerful.
akṛśalakṣmī a-kṛśa-lakṣmī, a. rich in beauty; very prosperous.
akṛṣīvala a-kṛṣīvala, a. not agricultural.
akṛṣṭa a-kṛṣṭa, pp. unploughed; growing wild; n. untilled soil.
akeśava a-keśava, a. without Keśava (Kṛṣṇa).
akaitava a-kaitava, a. not simulated, genuine.
akopitā a-kopi-tā, f. evenness of temper.
akauśala a-kauśala, n. inexperience, helplessness.
akta akta, pp. of aj and añj.
aktu ak-tu, m. ointment; light, ray; clear night: in. pl. by night.
akna akna, pp. of ac.
akra 1. a-kra, a. inactive, indolent.
akra 2. ak-ra, m. banner.
akrata akrata, akran akran, V. 2, & 3 pl. impf. of kṛ.
akratu a-kratu, a. powerless; senseless.
akravyād a-kravya+ad, -da -da, a. not eating flesh.
akriyamāṇa a-kri-ya-māṇa, pr. pt. ps. not being done.
akriyā a-kriyā, f. omission to do (g.).
akriyāka a-kriyā-ka, a. inactive, immovable.
akrūra a-krūra, a. not harsh, tender, gentle;
-parivāra, a. having gentle attendants.
akrodha a-krodha, m. freedom from anger; a. not given to anger;
-na, a. id..
akliṣṭa a-kliṣṭa, pp. not worn out, fresh.
akliṣṭakāra akliṣṭa-kāra, m. indefatigable activity;
-kārin, a. indefatigable.
aklība a-klība, a. manly;
-tā, f. manliness.
akledya a-kledya, fp. not to be moistened.
akleśa a-kleśa, m. no hardship, ease: ab. without trouble.
akṣ AKSH, reach: pp.
aṣṭa. nis, unman.
akṣa 1. akṣa, m. die for playing.
akṣa 2. akṣa, m. axle; bone of the temples.
akṣa 3. akṣa, m. n. organ of sense: -° = akṣi, eye.
akṣa 4. akṣa, m.
-kṣapaṇa, -ka, m. N. of a gambler.
akṣajña akṣa-jña, a. skilled in dice.
akṣaṇvat akṣaṇ-vat, a. possessed of eyes.
akṣat ak-sh-at, 3 s. sbj. aor. of aś, obtain.
akṣata a-kṣata, pp. uninjured; unscathed: n. s. & m. pl. unhusked grain (esp. barley): f.
ā, virgo intacta..
akṣatakeśara akṣata-keśara, a. having an uninjured mane.
akṣatra a-kṣatra, a. without the warrior caste.
akṣadyūta akṣa-dyūta, n. game of dice.
akṣan 1. akṣan, n. eye: weak base of akṣi.
akṣan 2. a-kṣ-an, V. 3 p. impf. of ghas.
akṣanaipuṇa akṣa-naipuṇa, n. skill in dice.
akṣapaṭala akṣa-paṭala, n. archives.
akṣapriya akṣa-priya, a. fond of dice or lucky at play (beloved by dice).
akṣabhūmi akṣa-bhūmi, f. place for playing at dice.
akṣama a-kṣama, a. unable to, incapable of (lc., inf. or -°).
akṣamada akṣa-mada, m. passion for play.
akṣamā a-kṣamā, f. ill-will, envy.
akṣamātra akṣa-mātra, n. (measured by the eye), moment; in. in a moment.
akṣamālā akṣa-mālā, f. rosary; N. of Arundhati.
akṣamālikā akṣa-mālikā, f. rosary.
akṣamin a-kṣamin, a. pitiless.
akṣaya a-kṣaya, a. imperishable;
-tva, n. -ness, exemption from decay;
-loka, m. heaven.
akṣayya 1. a-kṣayya, fp. undecaying, indestructible, inexhaustible.
akṣayya 2. a-kṣayya, n. water accompanied by a wish that it may neverfail;
-udaka, n. id..
akṣara a-kṣara, a. imperishable; n. word, syllable, the sacred syllable (om); sound, letter; document, epistle; the supreme deity;
-cyutaka, n. supplying an omitted syllable (a game);
-cchandas, n. syllabic metre;
-mālā, f. wreath of letters (written by fate on the forhead), i-kā, f. id.;
-varjita, pp. illiterate;
-vinyāsa, m. writing;
-śikṣā, f. alphabet.
akṣavatī akṣa-vatī, f. game of dice; sūtra, n. rosary;
-hṛdaya, n. secret of dice.
akṣānti a-kṣānti, f. malevolence, envy.
akṣāralavaṇa a-kṣāra-lavaṇa, n. what is not pungent and salt;
-āśin, a. abstaining from seasoned and salted food.
akṣālita a-kṣālita, pp. unwashed.
akṣāvalī akṣa+āvalī, f. rosary.
akṣi akṣi, n. eye: -° a, f. ī.
akṣikūṭa akṣi-kūṭa, n. edge of the eyesocket.
akṣigata akṣi-gata, pp. being before the eyes; being an eye-sore.
akṣita a-kṣita, pp. intact; imperishable.
akṣipat akṣi-pat, ad. a very little.
akṣī akṣī, f. eye.
akṣīṇa a-kṣīṇa, pp. not waning; not losing weight.
akṣīyamāṇa a-kṣīya-māṇa, pr. pt. imperishable; inexhaustible.
akṣuṇṇa a-kṣuṇṇa, pp. uninjured; not trite, new, peculiar; uninterrupted, lasting;
-tā, f. untroddeness (of a road).
akṣudra a-kṣudra, a. not insignificant, considerable.
akṣetra a-kṣetra, n. untilled soil; a. uncultivated.
akṣetratara akṣetra-tara, n. quite uncultivated region, very uninhabitable region.
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akṣetrin a-kṣetrin, a. owning no field.
akṣoḍa akṣoḍa, m. walnut-tree.
akṣodhuka a-kṣodhuka, a. not hungry.
akṣobhya a-kṣobhya, fp. not to be shaken.
akṣauhiṇī akṣauhiṇī, f. complete army;
-pati, m. lord of an army, general.
akṣṇayā akṣṇayā, ad. across.
akhañja a-khañja, a. not limping, walking well.
akhaṇḍa a-khaṇḍa, a. individisible, entire;
-maṇḍala, a. possessing the whole realm.
akhaṇḍita a-khaṇḍita, pp. uninjured; more unbreakable than (ab.); uninterrupted.
akhaṇḍitājña a-khaṇḍita+ājña, a. whose orders are not infringed;
-tva, n. abst. N..
akharva a-kharva, a. uncurtailed; capable; considerable.
akhinna a-khinna, pp. unwearied, in (lc.).
akhila a-khila, a. without a gap, entire, all; n. everything: in. quite, completely.
akheda a-kheda, m. absence of fatigue, freshness.
akhkhala akhkhala, ij. (joy, surprise);
ī-kṛ, great kindly.
aga a-ga, m. tree; mountain.
agaṇayat a-gaṇ-ay-at, pr. pt. disregarding;
-i-tvā, gd. id.
agaṇitapratiyāta a-gaṇita-pratiyāta, pp. come back because disregarded.
agaṇeya a-gaṇeya, fp. innumerable.
agaṇya a-gaṇya, id.;
-tā, f. abst. N..
agati a-gati, f. no way, immpossibility; a. not going; helpless, unhappy;
-tā, f. stand-still.
agatika a-gati-ka, a. having no resource left;
ā gati, f. very last resource.
agada a-gada, m. health; a. (-da) healthy, well; wholesome; n. medicine, esp. antidote.
agadita a-gadita, pp. unasked.
agan a-gan, V. 2. 3. s., a-ganma, 1 pl. aor. of gam.
agandha a-gandha, a. scentless.
agama a-gama, a. immovable; m. tree.
agamya a-gamya, fp. inaccessible; that should not be approached; unintelligible; unsuitable.
agamyarūpa agamya-rūpa, a. hard to traverse.
agamyāgamana agamyā+āgamana, n. illicit intercourse;
ī-ya, a. consisting in --.
agarva a-garva, a. free from pride, humble.
agarhita a-garhita, pp. not blamed, not despised; blameless, irreproachable.
agasti agasti, m. = Agastya.
agastya agastya, m. N. of a Vedic Riṣi.
agasmahi a-ga-smahi, V. 1 pl. aor. Ā. of gam.
agāgra aga+agra, n. mountain-top, peak.
agātmajā aga+ātmajā, f. N. of Pārvatī.
agādha a-gādha, a. unfathomable; very deep, profound;
-jala, n. very deep water.
agādharudhira agādha-rudhira, n. torrents of blood.
agāra agāra, (m.) n. house.
agāradāhin agāra-dāhin, a. incendiary.
aguṇa a-guṇa, m. lack of virtue, demerit, defect; fault, vice; a. void of qualities; worthless, vicious.
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aguṇajña a-guṇa-jña, a. ignoring merit;
-vat, a. void of merit, bad;
-śila, a. of bad disposition, worthless.
aguṇin a-guṇin, a. devoid of merit.
aguṇībhūta a-guṇī-bhūta, pp. not become subordinate (gr.).
agupta a-gupta, pp. unguarded.
aguru a-guru, a. not heavy, light; m. n. aloe-wood.
aguruprayukta a-guru-pra-yukta, pp. not directed by one's teacher.
agurusāra aguru-sāra, m. resing of the aloe.
agṛdhnu a-gṛdhnu, a. liberal.
agṛhīta a-gṛhīta, pp. not seized, not grasped.
agṛhṇat a-gṛhṇat, pr. pt. not seizing; not taking (leech).
agṛhya a-gṛhya, fp. inconceivable.
agocara a-go-cara, m. what is beyond reach: in. behind the back of (g.); a. beyond the ken of (g., -°): vācām-, indescribable.
agopā a-gopā, a. without a herdsman.
agopāla a-go-pāla, a. id.; m. no herdsman.
agorudha a-go-rudha, a. admitting cows.
agohya a-gohya, fp. not to be hidden (ep. of) the sun).
agnāyī agnāyī, f. Agni's wife.
agni ag-ni, m. fire; conflagration; god Agni.
agnikaṇa agni-kaṇa, m. spark of fire.
agnikarman agni-karman, n. = agni-kriyā.
agnikārya agni-kārya, n. making the sacred fire; prayers repeated in so doing.
agnikuṇḍa agni-kuṇḍa, m. brazier of fire; hole in the ground for sacred fire.
agniketu agni-ketu, a. fire-betokened.
agnikriyā agni-kriyā, f. attendance on the sacred fire.
agnigarbha agni-garbha, a. containing fire within.
agnigṛha agni-gṛha, n. sacred fireplace;
-caya, m., -cayana, n. heaping up the fire-altar;
-cit, a. keeping up the fire-altar;
-jihava, a. fire-tongued;
-jvalita-tejana, a. having a point blazing with fire.
agnitraya agni-traya, n. the three sacred fires;
-tretā, f. id.;
-tva, n. fiery state;
-da, a. incendiary;
-dagdha, pp. burnt with fire; m. pl. kind of Manes;
-datta, m. N. of a Brāhman: f.
ā, N.;
-dīpta, pp. blazing with fire.
agnidūta agni-dūta, a. having Agni for a messenger, brought by Agni.
agnidh agnidh, m. fire-kindler; fire-priest.
agnipakva agni-pakva, pp. cooked with fire;
-parikriyā, f. care of sacred fire;
-pari- cchada, m. utensils for fire-sacrifice;
-pariṣ-kriyā, f. care of the sacred fire;
-purāṇa, n. N. of a Purāṇa;
-purogama, a. preceded by Agni;
-pradāna, n. consigning to the flames;
-praveśa, m. voluntary death by fire;
-na, n. id..
agnibhu agni-bhu, n. water;
-mat, a. keeping up the sacred fire;
-mitra, m. N. of a king..
agnimindha agnim-indha, m. fire-kindler, kind of priest, later agnidh.
agnimukha agni-mukha, m. Fire-mouth, N. of a bug;
-varṇa, n. of the colour of fire; red-hot;
-velā, f. time of kindling the sacred fire; afternoon;
-saraṇa, n. sacred fireplace.
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agniśikha agni-śikha, a. fire-pointed (arrow); m. N.; n. saffron; f. ā, flame of fire.
agniśuddhi agni-śuddhi, f. purification by fire;
-śuśrūṣā, f. careful tending of the sacred fire;
-śeṣa, m. remains of fire.
agniṣṭut agni-ṣṭut, m. N. of a (Soma) sacrifice;
-ṣṭoma, m. (praise of Agni), liturgical rite in the Soma sacrifice;
-ṣṭha, f. corner of a stake facing the fire;
-ṣvāttā, pp. consumed by fire; m. pl. certain Manes.
agnisaṃskāra agni-saṃskāra, m. sacrament of fire;
-saṃcaya, m. great fire;
-sākṣika, a. having Agni for a witness.
agnisātkṛ agni-sāt-kṛ, burn.
agnisvāmin agni-svāmin, m. N..
agnihotra 1. agni-hotra, n. fire-sacrifice: daily offering of milk morning and evening.
agnihotra 2. agni-hotra, a. sacrificing to Agni.
agnihotrahavaṇī agni-hotra-havaṇī, f. ladle used in the fire-sacrifice.
agnihotrin agni-hotrin, n. offering the fire-sacrifice, maintaining the sacred fire.
agnīndra agni+indra, m. du. Agni and Indra.
agnīndhana agni+indhana, n. kindling the sacred fire.
agnīṣoma agnī-ṣoma, m. du. Agni & Soma.
agnīṣomabhūta agnī-ṣoma-bhūta, pp. being Agni and Soma.
agnīṣomīya agnī-ṣomīya, a. relating to Agni and Soma.
agnaukaraṇa agnau-karaṇa, n. burnt offering.
agnyagāra agni+agāra, m. place for sacred fire;
-ādhāna, n. setting up the sacred fire;
-adheya, n. id.;
-āhita, (pp.) m. one who has set up the sacred fire;
-utsādin, a. letting out the sacred fire.
agra ag-ra, n. front; beginning; point, tip, top, main thing: -m, before (g., -°); in. before (ac.); lc. before, in presence of (g., -°); in the beginning, at first, in the first place; after (ab.): -- -bhū, come forward.
agrakara agra-kara, m. finger; first ray;
-gra, a. going in front; going through the end of (-°);
-gaṇya, fp. to be accounted the first of (g.);
-ja, a. firstborn; m. elder brother;
-janman, m. Grāhman.
agraṇī agra-ṇī, a. (nm. m. -s, n. i) leading; foremost.
agratas agra-tas, ad. in front, forward; at the head, in the beginning, first of all;
-kṛ, place in front; prp. before, in presence of (g.).
agratoratha agrato-ratha, a. whose chariot is in front.
agranakha agra-nakha, m. n. tip of the nail;
-nā- sikā, f. tip of the nose, -- beak;
-payodhara, m. teat;
-pāda, m. toe;
-pūjā, f. precedence;
-bindu, m. first drop;
-bhāga, m. upper part, point, top;
-bhūmi, f. top storey; highest aim;
-mahiṣī, f. chief consort of a king;
-yāyin, a. going before; best of (-°);
-vīva, m. chief hero, champion.
agraśas agra-śas, ad. from the beginning.
agrasaṃdhyā agra-saṃdhyā, f. dawn.
agrasara agra-sara, a. going before;
-tā, f. precedence.
agraha a-graha, m. no planet.
agrahaṇa a-grahaṇa, n. non-taking; a. not specified.
agrahasta agra-hasta, m. finger; tip of elephant's trunk.
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agrahāra agra-hāra, m. land-grant to Brāh mans..
agrākṣan agra+akṣan, n. side-glance.
agrānīka agra+anīka, n. van (of an army) mans.
agrāmyabhojin a-grāmya-bhojin, a. eating no food prepared in the village.
agrāśana agra+aśana, a. eating in presence of (ab.).
agrāhin a-grā-hin, a. not taking (leech).
agrāhya a-grāhya, fp. not to grasped; imperceptible, incomprehensible; not to be approved.
agrima agri-ma, a. leading, first; following (of sequence in writing or speaking).
agriya agr-i-ya, a. foremost, best; firstborn; n. what is best.
agru agru, a. (ū) single, unmarried; f. pl. fingers.
agrega agre-ga, a. going in front;
-gā, a. id.;
-gū, a. moving forward.
agredidhiṣu agre-didhiṣu, m. man united in first marriage with a widow; f. (ū) younger sister married before her elder sister.
agrepā agre-pā, a. drinking first;
-pū, a. id.
agresara agre-sara, a. (ī) going before.
agrya agr-ya, a. foremost, best (of, g., -°); distinguished in (lc.).
agryatapas agrya-tapas, m. No. of a sage;
-mahiṣi, f. chief consort.
agha agh-a, n. mischief; guilt; misdeed, wickedness; impurity; pain.
aghaṭita a-ghaṭita, pp. impossible;
-ghaṭita, pp. ill put together.
aghamarṣaṇa agha-marṣaṇa, n. forgiving sins; n. kind of prayer; m. N. of a Vedic Riṣi: pl. his descendants.
agharma a-gharma, a. not hot, cool;
-dhāman, m. moon.
aghavighātakartṛ agha-vighāta-kartṛ, m. who destroys sin;
-vināśin, a. id.
aghaśaṃsa agha-śaṃsa, a. intent on mischief, malevolent.
aghaśaṃsin agha-śaṃsin, a. confessing guilt.
aghāyu aghāyu, a. mischievous, malevolent.
aghṛṇa a-ghṛṇa, a. pitiless.
aghṛṇin a-ghṛṇin, a. not soft, not too compassionate.
aghora a-ghora, a. not terrible.
aghoraghaṇṭa aghora-ghaṇṭa, m. N. of devotess of Devi..
aghnat a-ghn-at, pr. pt. not killing, not injuring.
aghnya aghnya (also -ya), m. bull;
ā, f. cow.
aghreya a-ghreya, fp. not to be smelt.
aṅ a-ṅ, aor. suffix -a (in a-gam-a-t); kṛtsuffix -a (in bhid-ā, &c.).
aṅka aṅk-a, m. bend, hook; flank, lap, side; proximity; embrace, hug; mark, sign. brand; act (of a play);
-karaṇa, n. branding.
aṅkana aṅk-ana, n. branding (also fig.).
aṅkapāta aṅka-pāta, m. account, enumeration;
-bandha, m. impress of a brand;
-bhāj, a. falling to one's (lap =) share;
-bhṛt, a. holding in the lap;
-mukha, n. plot of a play.
aṅkaya aṅk-aya, den. P. mark, brand; pp. aṅkita, marked, branded.
aṅkalakṣaṇa aṅka-lakṣaṇa, n. mark, brand.
aṅkas aṅk-as, n. bend.
aṅkāvatāra aṅka+avatāra, m. -ṇa -na, n. transition to another act, preparation of spectators for next act.
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aṅkāsya aṅka+āsya, n. concluding sene which prepares fro the next act.
aṅkura aṅk-ura, m. shoot, sprout; grass.
aṅkuraṇa aṅkuraṇa, n. shooting up, sprouting.
aṅkuraya aṅkuraya, -rāya -rāya, den. Ā. sprout.
aṅkuravat aṅkura-vat, a. having shoots.
aṅkurita aṅkurita, pp. sprouted, having sprouts; combined with (in.).
aṅkuśa aṅkuśa, m. hook, goad; stimulus; remedy.
aṅkuśin aṅkuśin, a, hooked, attractive.
aṅkeśaya aṅke-śaya, a. lying --, sitting on the lap.
aṅkte aṅkte, 3 s. Ā. of añj.
aṅkya aṅkya, fp. to be marked, -- branded.
aṅkhaya aṅkhaya, X.P. mingle.
pari, Ā. embrace.
aṅg AṄG, I.P. go. pali (= pari), es. aṅga ya, stir: ps. revolve.
aṅga 1. aṅga, pel. 1. emphatic: just, only; especially; 2, exhortative: w. voc. or impv.; 3. intr.: kim aṅga, how much more?
aṅga 2. aṅga, m. pl. No of a people and their country.
aṅga 3. aṅg-a, n. (a. -° f.ī limb, member, part, membrum virile; body; constituent; secondary part; supplement (esp. the six of the Veda); resource; base (gr.);
-ka, n. member, part; body.
aṅgakriyā aṅga-kriyā, f. anointing the body.
aṅgaglāni aṅga-glāni, f. bodily languor.
aṅgaja aṅga-ja, a. produced in, on or from the body, boidly;
-jāta, m. son: pl. children.
aṅgaṇa aṅg-aṇa, n. court.
aṅgatva aṅga-tva, n. abst. N. from 3. aṅga.
aṅgada aṅga-da, n. bracelet (on the upper arm);
-dvīpa, m. No. of a cosmic island..
aṅgana aṅg-ana, n. court.
aṅganā aṅganā, f. woman; female (animal.).
aṅgabandhana aṅga-bandhana, n. catching, snaring;
-bhaṅga, m. collapse of the body;
-bhu, m. son;
-bheda, m. self-betrayal; self-deception;
-mudrā, f. a position of the fingers.
aṅgamejayatva aṅgam-ejaya-tva, n. trembling of the body.
aṅgayaṣṭi aṅga-yaṣṭi, f. slender body.
aṅgarakṣaka aṅga-rakṣaka, m. body-guard;
-rakṣā, f. id.;
-rāga, m. powder, paint, unguent;
-ruha, a. growing on the body, n. hair on the body; hide; feather;
-latikā, f. slender body;
-vat, a. possessed of limbs.
aṅgavākpāṇimat aṅga-vāk-pāṇi-mat, a. endowed with body, speech, and hands.
aṅgavikāra aṅga-vikāra, m. bodily defect;
-vidyā, f. palmistry;
-vyathā, f. bodily pain;
-saṃskāra, m. adornment of the person;
-sam-ā-khyāyam, abs. naming the limbs;
-sparśa, m. bodily contact, with (saha);
-hā-ra, m. gesticulation;
-hīna, pp. deficient in a limb;
-tva, n. want of a limb.
aṅgāṅgi aṅga+aṅgi, ind. limbs and body, reciprocally;
-bhāva, m. reciprocal relation of limbs and body, -- of whole & parts &c..
aṅgānukūla aṅga+anukūla, a. pleasant to the body.
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aṅgāra aṅgāra, m. (n.) coal; stain; planet Mars;
-nikara, m. heap of coals.
aṅgāraka aṅgāra-ka, m. coal; N. of an Asura;
-karma+anta, m. charcoal-kiln.
aṅgārakāraka aṅgāra-kāraka, m. charcoalburner;
-jīvikā, f. business in which coal is used; -vatī, f. N.;
-vāra, m. Tuesday.
aṅgārin aṅgārin, a. just left by the sun.
aṅgin aṅg-in, a. having members; having all members; -- resources; m. living being.
aṅgira aṅg-ira, -s -s, m. messenger between gods and men (Agni being the chief of them) N. of a Ṛṣi; a star in the Great Bear: pl. N. of the Atharva-veda and of a family of seers..
aṅgīkaraṇa aṅgī-karaṇa, n. concession; acquiescence.
aṅgīkāra aṅgī-kāra, m. id.
aṅgīkṛ aṅgī-kṛ, P. make one's own, subject; submit to, assent to; promise; concede, admit (ac.); es. induce to agree to (ac., ab.).
aṅguri aṅguri, f. finger; toe.
aṅgurīyaka aṅgurīyaka, n. finger-ring.
aṅgula aṅgula, m. n. breadth of the thumb (as a measure = (1/24) heasta);
-ka, a. measuring (so many) finger-breadths (-°).
aṅguli aṅguli, f. finger; toe.
aṅgulikā aṅguli-kā, f. kind of ant.
aṅgulitra aṅguli-tra, n. (bowman's) finger-guard;
-trāṇa, n. id..
aṅguliparvan aṅguli-parvan, n. finger-joint;
-praṇejana, n. water for washing the fingers;
-mukha, n. finger-tip;
-mudrā, f. seal-ring;
-sphoṭana, n. cracking the fingers.
aṅgulī aṅgulī, f. finger; toe;
-mudrā, f. finger-mark.
aṅgulīya aṅgulīya, n. finger-ring;
-ka, n. id.;
-mudrakā, f. seal-ring.
aṅgulyagra aṅguli+agra, n. finger-tip: -nakha, m. tip of finger-nail.
aṅguṣṭha aṅgu-ṣṭha, m. thum; breadth of the thumb (as a measure); great toe.
aṅguṣṭhaparvan aṅguṣṭha-parvan, n. thumbjoint;
-mātraka, a. of the size of a thumb;
-mūla, n. root of the thumb.
aṅguṣṭhya aṅguṣṭh-ya, a. pertaining to the thumb.
aṅghri aṅghri, m. foot; root;
-pa, m. tree.
ac 1. AC, añc AÑC, 1. aca, añca, bend; go; honour: pp. añcita, bent, curly; distinguished, extraordinary: -m, ad. carefully; es. añcaya, P. produce, cause.
anu, follow, -- one another.
ava, sink: pp. sunk.
ā, bend: gd. -ācya:pp. ācna. ud, draw up: pp.
ud-akta; utter, sound.
vi+ud, cs. raise up.
sam+ud, raise up: pp. -akta. ni, bend down; sink, hang down.
pari, turn round.
vi, bend asunder; spread out.
sam, press together.
ac 2. ac, grammatical term for vowel.
ac 3. a-c, sx. -a, as kṛt, expressing the agent..
acakita a-cakita, pp. not tottering, firm.
acakṣurviṣaya a-cakṣur-viṣaya, a. beyond eye-shot; m. what is beyond the reach of vision.
acakṣus a-cakṣus, a. eyeless, blind.
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acaṇḍa a-caṇḍa, a. not impetuous, measured.
acandana a-candana, a. without sandal ointment.
acara a-cara, a. immovable.
acarama a-carama, a. not the last; best.
acaramavayas acarama-vayas, n. youth.
acarita a-carita, n. abstention from food.
acala a-cala, a. immovable; m. mountain.
acaladatta acala-datta, m. N. of a scribe.
acalana a-calana, n. immovableness; persistence in (ab.); f. ā, earth.
acalapura acala-pura, n. N. of a town.
acalendra acala+indra, m. Himālaya.
acaleśvara acala+īśvara, m. id.
acāpalya a-cāpalya, n. discretion, steadiness.
acikitsanīya a-cikitsanīya, fp. incurable.
acit a-cit, a. foolish.
acitta a-citta, pp. unnoticed, unseen.
acitti a-citti, f. lack of wisdom, folly.
acitra a-citra, a. dark; n. darkness.
acintanīya a-cintanīya, fp. not to be thought of; inconceivable.
acintā a-cintā, f. thoughtlessness, disregard; absence of brooding.
acintita a-cintita, pp. unexpected.
acintya a-cintya, fp. inconceivable.
acira a-cira, a. brief, short, momentary: °-, -m, ad. a short time ago; shortly; at short intervals, repeatedly: in., ab. without delay, soon: often with present = future.
aciradyuti acira-dyuti, f. lightning;
-pra-bhā, -bhās, -rocis, -+aṃśu, -+ābhā, f. id..
aciroḍhā acira+ūḍhā, f. woman newly married.
acetana a-cetana, a. senseless; unconscious, inanimate; thoughtless;
-tā, f. -ness.
acetas a-cetas, a. senseless, foolish; unconscious.
acetita a-cetita, pp. disregarded; thoughtless.
aceṣṭa a-ceṣṭa, a. motionless;
-m. ad. without stirring;
-tā, f. -ness.
acaitanya a-caitanya, n. lack of intelligence, unconsciousness.
acodyamāna a-codya-māna, pr. pt. ps. unurged.
accha 1. accha, ad. near at hand; °- or prp.. with ac. to, towards.
accha 2. accha, clear; bright, pure.
acchanda a-cchanda, m.: in. against the will of (g.); ab. involuntarily.
acchala a-cchala, n. no deception, truth.
acchāccha accha+accha, a. perfectly clear of transparent.
acchānta a-cchānta, 2 pl. impf. of 2. chad.
acchidra a-cchidra, a. intact; uninterrupted; faultless: -m, in., ad. uninterruptedly, from beginning to end.
acchinna a-cchinna, pp. not cut off; intact.
acchedya a-cchedya, fp. not to be cut off; indivisible.
acyuta a-cyuta, pp. firm, imperishable; m. epithet of Viṣṇu.
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aj AJ, I.P. (Ā.) aja, drive.
adhi, drive up.
apa, -- away, ava, -- down, ā, -- up.
ud, -- out.
upa, -- up; Ā. drive up for oneself.
aja 1. aj-a, m. herding; drover; he-goat.
aja 2. a-ja, a. unborn, existing from the bg.; m. the Unborn, the Eternal One; (C.) N. of Brahma, Viṣṇu, and Śiva; kind of grain (by a forced explanation.).
aja 3. aj-a, the ag..
ajagara aja-gara, m. large snake, boa.
ajagalastana aja-gala-stana, m. dew-lap on the neck of the goat.
ajaghanya a-jaghanya, a. not the last; not the worst, i. e. the most excellent.
ajaḍa a-jaḍa, a. not half-witted, of sound mind.
ajana a-jana, a. solitary; n. desert place.
ajanani a-janani, f. deprivation of birth (in imprecations.).
ajanāgrīya a-jana+agrīya, a. unexposed to public gaze.
ajanman ajanman, n. cessation of re-birth.
ajapa aja-pa, -pāla -pāla, m. goat-herd.
ajamāyu aja-māyu, a. bleating like a goat.
ajayya a-jayya, fp. unconquerable.
ajara a-jara, a. not aging, ever young; m. pl. the flames of Agni.
ajarat a-jarat, pr. pt. not growing old.
ajarāja aja-rāja, m. N..
ajarāmaratva ajara+amara-tva, n. everlasting youth and immortality;
-vat, ad. as if undecaying and immortal.
ajarya a-jarya, a. not growing old; n. frindship.
ajalpat a-jalpat, pr. pt. not saying.
ajavīthī aja-vīthī, f. goat-path (part of the moon's orbit.).
ajasra a-jasra, a. untiring, ever fresh: -m, °-, continually, ever, in. id., with neg. = never.
ajahallakṣaṇā a-jahal-lakṣaṇā, f. ellipse not abandoning the primary meaning, e. g. 'the grey (horse) runs.'.
ajā ajā, f. goat.
ajāta a-jāta, a. not born, unborn.
ajātapakṣa a-jāta-pakṣa, a. unfledged;
-rajas, a. pollenless; not yet menstruating;
-lomnī, f. a. whose hair has not yet grown, immature;
-vyañjana, a. beardless;
-śatru, a. having no enemy (as a match); m. N. of Yudhiṣṭhira.
ajātāri a-jāta+ari, m. N. of Yudhiṣṭhira.
ajāti a-jāti, f. spurious or bad ware.
ajānat a-jā-n-at, pr. pt. unacquainted with (a.).
ajāmi a-jāmi, a. unconsanguineous; n. incest.
ajāvi aja+avi, m. pl. sheep and goats;
-ka, n. s. id..
ajāśva aja+aśva, n. goats and horses.
ajigīṣa a-jigīṣa, a. free from ambition.
ajita a-jita, pp. unconquered.
ajitātman ajita+ātman, a. un-self-controlled.
ajitāpīḍa ajita+āpīḍa, m. N. of a king..
ajitendriya a-jita+indriya, a. whose senses are unsubdued.
ajina ajina, n. hide; leathern purse;
-ratna, n. treasure of (= magic) purse.
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ajināvatī ajinā-vatī, f. N. of a fairy..
ajira aj-ira, a. mobile, rapid: -m, ad.; n. court; battle-field.
ajihma a-jihma, a. not crooked, straight; honest.
ajihmaga ajihma-ga, a. going straight forward; m. arrow.
ajīgar a-jīgar, V. 3 s. aor. cs. of gṛ, has awakened.
ajīgarta ajīgarta, m. N. of Śunaḥśepa's father..
ajīta a-jīta, pp. uninjured, fresh.
ajīti a-jīti, f. scathelessness, safety.
ajīrṇa a-jīrṇa, pp. not growing old; n. indigestion.
ajīrṇin ajīrṇin, a. dyspeptic.
ajīrti ajīrti, f. indigestion.
ajīva a-jīva, a. lifeless.
ajīvat a-jīvat, pr. pt. not living; unable to maintain oneself.
ajīvita a-jīvita, n. not living, death.
ajugupsita a-jugupsita, pp. blameless.
ajur a-jur, a. not growing old, imperishable.
ajurya a-jur-ya, a. (f. -yā or ī) id..
ajuṣṭa a-juṣṭa, pp. unpleasant; gloomy.
ajeya a-jeya, fp. unconquerable.
ajaikapād aja+ekapād, m. N. of one of the eleven Rudras & or Viṣṇu.
ajjukā ajjukā, f. courtesan (in a play).
ajña a-jña, a. ignorant; senseless (animals & things); stupid, foolish, inexperienced.
ajñatā ajña-tā, f. ignorance, stupidity.
ajñāta a-jñāta, pp. unknown, unrecognised: -m, ad. without the knowledge of (g.);
-kula-śila, a. whose family and character are unknown;
-bhukta, pp. eaten unawares;
-vāsa, m. unknown abode; a. whose abode is unknown: -m, ad. unknown, incognito.
ajñāti a-jñāti, m. no blood-relation.
ajñātvā a-jñā-tvā, gd. without knowing.
ajñāna 1. a-jñāna, n. ignorance; inadvertence: ab. inadvertently; non-intelligence: name of primeval matter as the ultimate material cause; a. ignorant, foolish, inexperienced.
ajñānatas a-jñāna-tas, ad. unwittingly.
ajñānārtha a-jñāna+artha, a. not having the meaning 'knowledge.'
ajñās a-jñās, a. without kin.
ajñeya a-jñeya, fp. not to be known or recognised.
ajma aj-ma, m. road; course; train;
-n, n. n. di..
ajyāni a-jyāni, f. intactness, safety.
ajyeṣṭha a-jyeṣṭha, a. not the eldest: pl. of whom none is the eldest; not the best;
-vṛtti, a. not behaving as an elder brother.
ajra aj-ra, m. pasture, field, plain.
añc 1. AÑC, v. ac 1. aC.
añc 2. -añc, a. going --, -ward (-°).
añcala añc-ala, m. border, hem; corner.
añcu añc-u, gr. term for -añc -añc..
añj AÑJ, VII. anakti, aṅkte, anoint, smear, (Ā. refl.); adorn: Ā. adorn oneself with (ac.); honour, celebrate; display; cs. smear, anu, abhi, anoint, smear.
ā, anoint.
ni, hide among (antar).
vi, beautify; manifest, display: pp. vyakta, manifest, distinct, clear;
-m, ad. distinctly, certainly, cs. show.
abhi-vi, display: ps. be displayed, appear.
sam, anoint; adorn; unite with (in).
añjana añj-ana, n. anointing; ointment; collyrium (for blackening eyelashes), antimony;
-giri, -parvata, m. N. of a mtn.;
curṇa, n. pulverised antimony;
-vṛkṣa, m. kind of tree: -dāru-maya, a. made of the wood of this tree.
añjanaka añjana-ka, n. collyrium.
añjanavat añjana-vat, ad. like collyrium.
añjali añjali, m. the two open hands held together hollowed: -m kṛ, raise -- to the forehead (as a reverential salutation); two handfuls (as a measure);
-karman, n. folding the hands (in salutation);
-pāta, m. id..
añjalīkṛ añjalī-kṛ, join the hollowed hands.
añjas añj-as, n. ointment: ac. ad. quickly, forthwith; in. straightway, at once; in truth.
añjaḥsava añjaḥ-sava, m. accelerated extraction of the Soma juice..
añji añj-i, a. anointing; m. f. n. ointment; colour, ornament.
aṭ 1. AṬ, I.P. roam about, wander through.
pari, id..
aṭ 2. aṭ, grammatical designation for all the vowels + h, y, v, r.
aṭ 3. a-ṭ, augment a-.
aṭana aṭ-ana, n. wandering, gadding about.
aṭani aṭani, -nī -ni, f. notched end of a bow.
aṭavī aṭ-avī, f. forest;
-bala, n. force of foresters.
aṭṭa aṭṭa, m. room on a house-top; tower.
aṭṭahāsa aṭṭa-hāsa, m. loud laughter;
-hāsya, n. id..
aṭṭālaka aṭṭālaka, m. watch-tower.
aṭyā aṭ-yā, f. wandering about.
aṇ 1. aṇ, grammatical designation of the vowels a, i, u.
aṇ 2. a-ṇ, the taddhita suffix -a (cp. ni it).
aṇikartṛ a-ṇi-kartṛ, m. subject of the non-causal, i.c. of the simple verb (gr.).
aṇiman aṇ-i-man, m. thinness, subtility.
aṇiṣṭha aṇ-iṣṭha, spv. of aṇu.
aṇīyas aṇ-īyas, cpv. of aṇu.
aṇu aṇu, a. minute, subtile; m. atom;
-tva, n. minuteness; atomic nature;
-mātrika, a. composed of atoms;
-mukha, a. small-mouthed.
aṇḍa aṇḍa, n. egg; testicle;
-ka, n. bird's egg;
-kośa, m. mundane egg, universe;
-gata, a. being in the egg;
-ja, a. egg-born; m. bird;
-bhedana, n. breaking the (egg =) ice.
aṇyanta a-ṇi+anta, a. not ending in the es. suffix i (= aya).
aṇvī aṇvī, f. (of aṇu) finger.
at 1. AT, I. ata, go, wander, roam.
at 2. a-t, = shot a (gr.).
ataṭa a-taṭa, m. precipice, abyss.
atattva a-tattva, n. unreality: -tas, ad. not in reality;
-jña, a. not knowing the truth.
atatpara a-tat-para, a. not intent on that.
atathocita a-tathā+ucita, pp. not accustomed to such treatment; unused to (g.).
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atathya a-tathya, a. untrue, flase, unreal.
atanu a-tanu, a. not small, great; m. Kāma; sexual love.
atanubala atanu-bala, a. strong.
atandrita a-tandri-ta, pp., -n -n, a. unwearied, undaunted, active.
atapas a-tapas, a. not practising penances;
-ka, a. id..
atamisra a-tamisra, a. not dark.
atarucchāya a-taru-cchāya, a. devoid of tree-ṣade.
atarkita a-tarkita, pp. not thought of, unexpected.
atarkin a-tarkin, a. inconsiderate, hasty.
atarkya a-tarkya, fp. inconceivable.
atala a-tala, n. N. of a hell (bottomless).
atas a-tas, ad. = ab. of idam, from this; thence; after this, next (esp. with ūrdvam and param), then; hence, therefore.
atātparyavid a-tātparya-vid, a. ignorant of the true meaning.
ati ati, ad. over, beyond (vbl. px.); exceedingly, very too, transcending (°-); prp. with ac. over, beyond, more than.
atikaṭhora ati-kaṭhora, a. very rough (wind).
atikala ati-kala, a. very melodious.
atikalyam ati-kalyam, ad. too early in the day.
atikalyāṇa ati-kalyāṇa, a. (ī), ugly.
atikaṣṭa ati-kaṣṭa, very strict; worse than (ab.).
atikātara ati-kātara, a. very anxious.
atikutūhala ati-kutūhala, n. great curiosity.
atikupita ati-kupita, pp. very angry.
atikṛcchra ati-kṛcchra, m. a. twelve days' penance;
-kṛta, pp. overdone; extraordinary;
-kṛti, f. excess;
-kṛṣṇa, a. very dark-coloured.
atikopa ati-kopa, m. violent anger;
-samanvita, pp. very angry.
atikrama ati-krama, m. overstepping; passing by lapse (time); variation; violation; transgression, offence; neglect; blunder.
atikramaṇa ati-kramaṇa, n. overstepping; passing by, lapse; neglect of (-°); offence.
atikramaṇīya ati-kramaṇīya, fp. avoidable; to be neglected.
atikramin ati-kramin, a. violating (-°).
atikrānta ati-krānta, pp. (kram), passed beyond; transgressed; diffuse.
atikrudh ati-krudh, f. violent anger.
atikrūra ati-krūra, a. very terrible.
atikleśa ati-kleśa, m. excessive hardship.
atiga ati-ga, a. piering, going beyond, surpassing, overcoming; transgressing (-°).
atigambhīra ati-gambhīra, a. very deep; unfathomable (fig.).
atigarīyas ati-garīyas, cpv. too dear: -ākrī, buy too dear.
atigardha ati-gardha, m. excessive greed.
atigahana ati-gahana, a. unfathomable.
atiguṇa ati-guṇa, excellent;
-tā, f. abst. N..
atigupta ati-gupta, pp. well-concealed.
atiguru ati-guru, a. weighty; weightier than (ab.).
atighana ati-ghana, a. very dense.
atighora ati-ghora, a. very terrible.
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atiṅ a-tiṅ, a. having no tiṅ (gr.).
aticatura ati-catura, a. extremely swift.
aticāpalya ati-cāpalya, n. extreme mobility.
aticāra ati-cāra, m. transgression, violation;
-cārin, a. transgressing.
aticitram ati-citram, ad. in very manifold ways.
aticiram ati-ciram, ad. too long.
aticirasya ati-cirasya, ad. (g.) for a very long time.
aticchandas ati-cchandas, f. N. of certain (14) metres..
atijagatī ati-jagatī, f. a metre (4 X 13) syllables.
atijaṭhara ati-jaṭhara, a. very hard; old.
atijana ati-jana, n. strange place, deserted --.
atijava ati-java, m. extreme rapidity;
-na, a. extremely swift: -tā, f. great haste.
atijāta ati-jāta, pp. born with superior merits.
atijitakāśin ati-jita-kāśin, a. too conscious of victory; (ī) tā, f. abst. N..
atijīrṇatā ati-jīrṇa-tā, f. extreme old age.
atijīvanmṛtaka ati-jīvan-mṛta-ka, a. more dead than alive.
atitapasvin ati-tapasvin, a. very ascetic.
atitara ati-tara, (cpv.) ad. extremely (°-).
atitarām ati-tarām, ad. exceedingly, very, quite, absolutely; more than (ab.).
atitānava ati-tānava, n. excessive leanness.
atitārin ati-tārin, a. conveying across.
atititīrṣu ati-titīrṣu, des. a. wishing to get across.
atitud ati-tud, a. striking --, lashing violently.
atitṛpti ati-tṛpti, f. excessive satiety, surfeit.
atitṛṣṇa ati-tṛṣṇa, a. very thirsty.
atitṛṣṇā ati-tṛṣṇā, f. excessive thirst; -- greed.
atitejas ati-tejas, a. very brilliant, very mighty; m. sun;
-vin, a. id..
atitvarita ati-tvarita, pp. precipitate.
atithi at-ithi, m. [wanderer], guest; -°, a. come to, arriving at;
-tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N.;
-kriyā, f. hospitality;
-dharma, m. rights of a guest;
-dharmin, a. having the claims of a guest.
atithin atithin, a. wandering; m. N. of a K..
atithipūjana atithi-pūjana, n. honourable reception of a guest;
-satkāra, m. hospitality to a guest.
atidarpa ati-darpa, m. excessive arrogance; N. of a serpent.
atidarpita ati-darpita, pp. taken great pride in.
atidahanātmaka ati-dahana+ātmaka, a. ot too burning a nature.
atidātṛ ati-dātṛ, a. too liberal.
atidāna ati-dāna, n. too great liberality.
atidāha ati-dāha, m. violent burning.
atidīrgha ati-dīrgha, a. very long, too long;
-kopanatā, f. too long anger.
atiduḥkhānvita atiduḥkha+anvita, pp. too sad.
atiduḥkhita ati-duḥkhita, pp. id..
atidurgama ati-durgama, a. very hard to traverse.
atidurjana ati-durjana, m. great scoundrel.
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atidurdharṣa ati-durdharṣa, a. too difficult of approach; very hard to conquer.
atidurbala ati-durbala, a. very weak; very wretched;
-tā, f. excessive weakness.
atidurmanas ati-durmanas, a. very dejected.
atidurmanāyamāna ati-durmanāya-māna, pr. pt. grieving excessively.
atidurvaha ati-durvaha, a. very hard to bear;
-tva, n. abst. N..
atidurvṛtta ati-dur-vṛtta, pp. very badly behaved.
atiduḥśrava ati-duḥ-śrava, a. very unpleasant to hear.
atiduṣkara ati-duṣkara, a. exceedingly difficults.
atidustara ati-dustara, a. very hard to cross.
atidūra ati-dūra, a. very long, too distant;
-tva, n. great distance;
-vartin, a. too far off for (g.).
atideśa ati-deśa, m. extension to (gr.); analogical conclusion.
atidvaya ati-dvaya, a. (ī) unequalled.
atidhavala ati-dhavala, a. very white.
atidhṛti ati-dhṛti, f. a metre (4 X 19 sylla-bles).
atināṣṭra ati-nāṣṭra, a. escaped from danger.
atinicṛt ati-nicṛt, f. a metre.
atinibhṛtam ati-nibhṛtam, ad. with the utmost secrecy.
atinirghṛṇa ati-nir-ghṛṇa, a. altogether pitiless;
-daya, a. id.;
-bandha, m. excessive urgency;
-tas, in. very urgently;
-vartin, a. behaving in a very unseemly way;
-vasu-tva, n. extreme poverty.
atiniṣkaruṇa ati-niṣ-karuṇa, a. extremely cruel.
atiniṣṭhura ati-niṣṭhura, a. too rough, too hard.
atiniṣṇāta ati-ni-ṣṇāta, pp. very experienced.
atinīcais ati-nīcais, ad. too obsequiously.
atinṛśaṃsa ati-nṛśaṃsa, a. too spiteful or cruel.
atinairantarya ati-nairantarya, n. strict continuity.
atipatti ati-patti, f. lapse (of time); unsuitableness.
atiparikṣata ati-pari-kṣata, pp. severely wounded.
atiparicaya ati-paricaya, m. too great familiarity.
atiparuṣa ati-paruṣa, a. very violent.
atipāta ati-pāta, m. falling beyond; lapse; neglect.
atipātin ati-pātin, a. surpassing in speed; missing, neglecting.
atipādanicṛt ati-pāda-nicṛt, f. a metre.
atipinaddha ati-pi-naddha, pp. too closely fastened.
atipiśuna ati-piśuna, a. very base, very malignant.
atipīḍana ati-pīḍana, n. severe pressure.
atipuṇya ati-puṇya, a. quite pure, -- innocent.
atipūra ati-pūra, m. violent stream, -- effusion.
atipūrva ati-pūrva, a. long past.
atipauruṣa ati-pauruṣa, a. extremely manly.
atiprakāśa ati-prakāśa, a. notorious;
-tva, n. -ness.
atiprage ati-prage, ad. too early in the morning.
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atipracaṇḍa ati-pracaṇḍa, a. extremely vehement;
-pratyāsaṅga, m. too great proximity.
atiprabandha ati-prabandha, m. uninterruptedness: °- ad. cesselessly.
atiprabala ati-prabala, a. very powerful.
atipramāṇa ati-pramāṇa, a. of unusual size.
atiprayukta ati-pra-yukta, pp. very usual;
-vṛtta, pp. much busied with (n.);
-vṛddha, pp. very aged; too haughty.
atipraveśa ati-praveśa, m. obtrusiveness.
atipraśasta ati-pra-śasta, pp. greatly praised;
-śānta, pp. completely allayed;
-sakta, pp. excessively attached.
atiprasakti ati-prasakti, f. too great addiction, to (g.);
-prasaṅga, m. id.; too wide application (of a gr. rule); excessive diffuseness;
-prastāva, m. very suitable opportunity.
atiprākṛta ati-prākṛta, a. very common, -- illiterate;
-prāṇa-priya, a. dearer than life.
atipriya ati-priya, a. very pleasant: in. ad.;
-prauḍha-yauvana, a. in the prime of youth.
atibala ati-bala, a. extremely powerful;
ā f. N. of a spell;
-balin, a. id.;
-baliyas, cpv. much more powerful;
-bahu, a. very much;
-bāla, a. very young;
-bībhatsa, a. very disgusting.
atibhaya ati-bhaya, n. great danger.
atibhāra ati-bhāra, m. excessive burden.
atibhīṣaṇa ati-bhīṣaṇa, a. very terrible.
atibhū ati-bhū, a. surpassing all.
atibhūmi ati-bhūmi, f. acme, high degree.
atibhūri ati-bhūri, a. very much (-°).
atibhṛt ati-bhṛt, a. heavily burdened.
atibhairava ati-bhairava, a. very terrible.
atimañjula ati-mañjula, a. extremely lovely.
atimatimat ati-matimat, a. extremely clever.
atimada ati-mada, m. violent excitement;
-madhyaṃdina, n. exactly noon.
atimalina ati-malina, a. very dirty; very low.
atimahat ati-mahat, a. very large; too long.
atimātra ati-mātra, a. excessive; °- & -m, ad. excessively, beyond measure, very.
atimāna ati-māna, m. self-conceit, pride.
atimānin ati-mānin, a. proud; having a delicate sense of honour.
atimānuṣa ati-mānuṣa, a. superhuman.
atimāruta ati-māruta, m. violent wind.
atimukhara ati-mukhara, a. extremely talkative;
mūḍha, pp. very foolish, very stupid.
atiyatna ati-yatna, m. great exertion;
-yaśa, a. very illustrious;
-yācita, pp. importuned.
atiraṃhas ati-raṃhas, a. excessively swift.
atiraktatā ati-rakta-tā, f. excessive liking fo (lc.);
-raṭita, n. violent shrieking;
-rat-na, n. precious gem; jewel of the first water;
-ratha, m. great champion;
-rabhasa, a. very wild, -- impetuous;
-m, ad.;
-ramaṇīya, fp. extremely charming: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-ramya, fp. id.;
-raya, a. running extremely fast;
-rasa, a. very palatable; m. too strong a key-note (rh.) violent desire; -tas, ad. too eagerly.
atiraskṛta a-tiras-kṛta, pp. unsurpassed; greatest.
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atirātra ati-rātra, a. kept during the night; m. from of the Soma sacrifice requiring three nocturnal recitations..
atiruṣ ati-ruṣ, a. enraged;
-rūḍha, pp. closely cohering: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-rūpa, a. very beautiful; n. great beauty.
atireka ati-reka, m. excess, high degree.
atirocamāna ati-rocamāna, a. having still finer tufts of hair on the neck (horse.).
atirohitatva ati-rohita-tva, n. envelopment.
atilaṅghin ati-laṅghin, a. overstepping.
atilalita ati-lalita, pp. extremely lovely.
atilubdha ati-lubdha, pp. very greedy, very avaricious;
-tā, f. excessive greed;
-lobha, m. id.: -tā-, f. id..
atiloma ati-loma, a. excessively hairy;
-lola, a. excessively wavering;
-lohita, a. dark red: f.inī;
-laulya, n. excessive greed: -vat, a. too eager, very eager.
ativatsala ati-vatsala, a. very tender;
-vart-ana, n. exemption, remission;
-vartin, a. crossing; passing over; transgressing, neglecting;
-vallabha a. very dear: -tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N.;
-varṣa, m. n., ṇa, n. excessive rain.
ativāta ati-vāta, m. violent wind;
-vāt-salya, n. extreme tenderness;
-vāda, m. hard word, insult;
-vāhya, n. passing (the night).
ativigarhya ati-vigarhya, fp. very blameworthy.
ativigrahin ati-vigrahin, a. too bellicose.
ativitatha ati-vitatha, a. quite useless;
-vāc, a. excessively mendacious.
atividhura ati-vidhura, a. very wretched.
ativiparyaya ati-viparyaya, m. great perversity;
-vipina, a. very well wooded;
-vipra-karṣa, m. excessive distance;
-vimana, a. greatly discouraged.
ativirājin ati-virājin, a. extremely splendid;
-virūpa, a. excessively ugly.
ativilamba ati-vilamba, m. excessive delay.
ativiṣama ati-viṣama, a. very dangerous; more dangerous than (ab.); very arduous;
-visārin, a. of very wide scope;
-vistara, m. excessive prolixity: -tas, ad. in a very detailed manner;
-vistāra, m. great extent;
-vis-tīrṇa, pp. too extensive;
-vihvala, a. very perplexed, greatly overcome.
ativīra ati-vīra, m. great hero.
ativīryaparākrama ati-vīrya-parākrama, a. of extraordinary bravery & prowess.
ativīryavat ati-vīrya-vat, a. very effective (remedy).
ativṛtta ati-vṛtta, pp. long past;
-vṛtti, f. trespass;
-vṛddhi, f. excessive growth;
-vṛṣṭi, f. excessive rain: -da, a. giving --.
ativega ati-vega, m. excessive haste;
-ved-anā, f. violent pain;
-vepatha-mat, a. trembling violently.
ativaicakṣaṇya ati-vaicakṣaṇya, n. very great experience.
ativaiṣamya ati-vaiṣamya, n. great inequality of ground.
ativyaya ati-vyaya, m. laviṣ expenditure, extravagance;
-vyasana, n. great calamity;
-vyasanin, a. overpowered by vice;
-vyut-panna, pp. very experienced in (lc.);
-vrata, a. excessively pious.
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atiśakra ati-śakra, a. surpassing Indra: -śobhin, a. more beautiful than Indra.
atiśakvarī ati-śakvarī, f. a metre 4 X 15 syllables).
atiśaṅkita ati-śaṅkita, pp. too much afraid of (ab.).
atiśaṭha ati-śaṭha, a. very deceitful.
atiśaya ati-śaya, a. eminent; better than (ab.); m. eminence; excess, plenty: in. or °-, more, very;
-na, a. (ī) excellent;
-vat, a. excessive.
atiśayita ati-śayita, pp. surpassed;
-tva, n. extraordinariness.
atiśayin ati-śayin, a. excellent.
atiśayopamā ati-śaya+upamā, f. exaggerated simile.
atiśastra ati-śastra, a. surpassing weapons.
atiśāta ati-śāta, a. causing great joy.
atiśāyin ati-śāyin, a. surpassing.
atiśithila ati-śithila, a. too loose; -- fickle.
atiśiśira ati-śiśira, a. very cool.
atiśīghra ati-śīghra, a. exceedingly swift.
atiśīta ati-śīta, n. excessive cold.
atiśuddha ati-śuddha, pp. perfectly pure.
atiśūra ati-śūra, m. too great a hero.
atiśauca ati-śauca, n. too great cleanliness.
atiśrama ati-śrama, m. great fatigue;
-śliṣṭa, pp. firmly attached, firmly united.
atiṣkand ati-ṣkand, f. overstepping.
atiṣṭhat a-tiṣṭhat, pr. pt. not remaining standing, not resting; withdrawing from (lc.).
atisakti ati-sakti, f. great nearness, of, extreme attachment to (in.);
-mat, a. too much attached to (lc.).
atisakhi ati-sakhi, m. great friend.
atisaṃkaṭa ati-saṃkaṭa, n. extreme density; great distress;
-saṃkruddha, pp. very angry;
-saṃkṣepa, m. too great brevity;
-saṃ caya, m. excessive accumulation, vast hoard;
-saṃrambha, m. violent indignation.
atisatvaram ati-satvaram, ad. very hastily.
atisadaya ati-sa-daya, a. very compassionate.
atisadṛśa ati-sadṛśa, a. extremely like.
atisaṃtata ati-saṃ-tata, pp. uninterrupted.
atisaṃdheya ati-saṃ-dheya, fp. to be suppressed.
atisaṃnidhāna ati-saṃnidhāna, n. excessive nearness.
atisamartha ati-samartha, a. extremely able.
atisamīpa ati-samīpa, a. too near;
-tā, f. too great proximity.
atisaṃbhoga ati-saṃbhoga, m. great treat.
atisaṃbhrama ati-saṃbhrama, m. violent agitation.
atisarasa ati-sarasa, a. very palatable; more palatable than (ab.).
atisarga ati-sarga, m. granting (a wish).
atisarpaṇa ati-sarpaṇa, n. violent agitation.
atisarva ati-sarva, a. more than complete; raised above all.
atisaviśaṅkam ati-saviśaṅkam, ad. with great anxiety.
atisahasā ati-sahasā, ad. too precipitately.
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atisāṃvatsara ati-sāṃvatsara, a. (ī) exceeding a year.
atisādhvasa ati-sādhvasa, n. too great shrinking from (g.).
atisāndra ati-sāndra, a. very dense.
atisāyam ati-sāyam, ad. too late in the evening.
atisāra ati-sāra, m. diarrhoea.
atisāhasa ati-sāhasa, n. precipitate action;
īka, a. very imprudent.
atisitāṅgavihaṃga ati-sita+aṅga-vihaṃga, m. swan.
atisukha ati-sukha, a. extremely pleasant;
-sugama, a. very passable;
-subhaga, a. extremely pretty;
-surabhi, a. extremely fragrant;
-sulabha, a. very easily obtainable;
-su-vṛtta, pp. very nicely rounded; very well-behaved.
atisūkṣma ati-sūkṣma, a. extremely minute.
atisṛṣṭi ati-sṛṣṭi, f. higher creation.
atisaujanya ati-saujanya, n. too great magnanimity;
-sauhitya, n. excessive satiety.
atisneha ati-sneha, m. excessive attachment;
-svalpa, a. quite small, quite insignificant;
-svastha, a. excellent health.
atiharṣula ati-harṣula, a. highly rejoiced.
atihasita ati-hasita, (pp.) n. immoderate laughter.
atihārin ati-hārin, a. very charming.
atihṛṣṭa ati-hṛṣṭa, pp. greatly rejoined.
atihrepaṇa ati-hrepaṇa, a. very embarrassing.
atīkāśa atī-kāśa, m. lustre; aperture.
atīkṣṇa a-tīkṣṇa, a. blunt; not strict, mild.
atīta ati+ita, pp. (i) gone by, past.
atīndriya ati+indriya, a. supersensuous, transcendental; n. spirit, soul.
atīrtha a-tīrtha, n. wrong way, wrong manner; unseasonable time.
atīva ati+iva, ad. excessively; firmly; prp. beyond (ac.); very much more than (ab.).
atīvra a-tīvra, a. moderate;
-tā, f. -temperature.
atula a-tula, a. unequalled;
-vikrama, a. of unequalled valour.
atuṣārakara a-tuṣāra-kara, m. sun.
atuṣṭa a-tuṣṭa, pp. dissatisfied.
atuṣṭi a-tuṣṭi, f. dissatisfaction, discontent.
atūtuji a-tūtuji, a. tardy, slow.
atṛṇa a-tṛṇa, n. what is not grass.
atṛpṇuvat a-tṛp-ṇu-v-at, pr. pt. insatiable.
atṛpta a-tṛpta, pp. unsatisfied, insatiate;
-tā, f. abst. N..
atṛpyat a-tṛp-yat, pr. pt. not becoming satisfied.
atṛṣṇa a-tṛṣṇa, a. void of greed, -- desire.
atailapūra a-taila-pūra, a. not being filled with oil.
atonimittam ato-nimittam, ad. for that reason, therefore.
ato'rtham ato'rtham, ad. to that end.
atka atka, m. cloak, mantle.
attavya at-tavya, fp. to be eaten; to be tasted.
attṛ at-tṛ, m. eater; devourer.
atya at-ya, a. running; m. steed; f. ā, mare.
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atyaccha ati+accha, a. extremely transparent; -- pure;
-adbhuta, a. very wonderful.
atyanta ati+anta, a. lasting to the end, continual, uninterrupted, endless; complete; excessive; °- or -m, id. excessively, continually, for ever, throughout; highly, beyond measure;
-gata, pp. gone away for good.
atyambupāna ati+ambu-pāna, n. drinking too much water.
atyaya ati+aya, m. passing away, lapse; end; risk, jeopardy, danger; fault, transgression.
atyartha ati+artha, °- or -m, ad. exceedingly, very.
atyalpa ati+alpa, a. very little, too little;
-buddhi, a. of very weak understanding.
atyaśnat ati+aś-nat, pr. pt. eating too much.
atyaṣṭi ati+aṣṭi, f. a metre (4 X 17 syllables.).
atyasita ati+asita, a. extremely black.
atyākula ati+ākula, a. very confused.
atyāga a-tyāga, m. non-abandonment: e tanoḥ during lifetime.
atyāgin a-tyāgin, a. not abandoning, not renouncing.
atyācāra ati+ācāra, m. too refined manners.
atyājya a-tyājya, fp. not to be abandoned; not to be given up.
atyādara ati+ādara, m. too much consideration: in. very urgently;
-para, a. very cautious.
atyāditya ati+āditya, a. surpassing the sun;
-ānanda, m. excessive joy;
-āpanna, pp. very unfortunate;
-āyata, pp. very long, very tall;
-āyus, a. very old;
-āūḍha, pp. hvg. reached a great height;
-āūḍhi, f. ascending too high, -āroha, m. arrogance;
-ārti, f. violent pain;
-ārya, a. too honourable.
atyāścarya ati+āścarya, a. extremely wonderful.
atyāsaṅga ati+āsaṅga, m. violent inclination for lc., -°.
atyāsanna ati+ā-sanna, pp. too near.
atyāhita ati+ā-hita, pp. adverse, disagreeable; n. misfortune.
atyukti ati+ukti, f. much talk; exaggeration.
atyugra ati+ugra, a. very mighty, very terrible.
atyucca ati+ucca, a. extremely high.
atyucchrita ati+uc-chrita, pp. raised too high.
atyutka ati+utka, a. ardently longing;
-ut-kaṭa, a. excessive, extraordinary;
-uttama, a. most excellent;
-udātta, a. very eminent;
-udāra, a. most excellent; too liberal: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-un-nata, pp. excessively high;
-unnati, f. eminence.
atyupacāra ati+upacāra, m. too great politeness.
atyuṣṇa ati+uṣṇa, a. very hot;
-tā, f. extreme heat.
atyūrjasvala ati+ūrjasvala, a. extremely heroic (deed).
atyūrjitam ati+ūrjitam, ad. extremely, highly.
atyṛju ati+ṛju, a. too straight, too sincere.
atyautsukya ati+autsukya, n. great impatience.
atra 1. a-tra, ad. = lc. of idam, in this; here; there; in this (that) case, -- verse, -- passage, on this point; in this life; then, at that time.
atra 2. a-tra, m. eater; devourer.
atratya atra-tya, a. of this place, living here.
atran atra-n, th suffix -atra (v.n-it).
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atrapa a-trapa, a. shameless.
atrabhavat atra-bhavat, m. this gentleman here, f. -i, this lady here (referring to third person present on the stage).
atrasta a-trasta, pp. intrepid.
atrastha atra-stha, a. being here, staying here.
atrāsita a-trāsita, pp. not. frightened.
atri atri, a. devouring; m. N. of a sage: pl. his descendants; a star in the Great Bear..
atrin atrin, a. voracious.
atrivat atri-vat, ad. like Atri, like the Atris.
atrivarṣa a-tri-varṣa, a. not yet three years old.
atvara a-tvara, a. not hasty, deliberate.
atvarā a-tvarā, f. deliberation.
atha a-tha, ad. then, thereupon; now, here begins (at bg. of works or sections, cp. iti); now, so, then (at bg. of sentences); but, however, and yet; if; then, corr. to yadā; often strengthened by atas, apī, ca, tu, punar; sts. mere verse-filler;
atha vā, or, or else, or rather (giving another explanation); however; even; repeated: either -- or;
atha kim, what else ? = certainly;
atha kimu, to say nothing of --.
atharvan atharvan, m. fire-priest; N. of the first fire-priest: pl. his descendants; s. & pl. his magical incantations, the AV.
atharvaveda atharva-veda, m. Atharva (fourth) Veda.
atharvāṅgiras atharva+aṅgiras, m. pl. the families of Atharvan and Aṅgiras; their incantations, esp. those of the AV.;
-a, a. (ī) descended from Atharvan and Aṅgiras; m. s. & pl. the hymns of the AV.
atho atha+u, ad. and also, and so; then; now.
ad AD, II.P. at-ti, eat, consume, enjoy; es. ādaya, feed.
adakṣiṇa 1. a-dakṣiṇa, a. not right, left; awkward; inexperience; unamiable.
adakṣiṇa 2. a-dakṣiṇa, a. without gifts to Brahmans.
adaṇḍya a-daṇḍya, fp. not liable to punishment, innocent.
adat ad-at, pr. pt. eating.
adatta a-datta, pp. not given (said of a present that may be returned): f. ā, unmarried;
-dāna, n. lack of charity;
-phala, n. reward for not having given.
adattādāna adatta+ādāna, n. taking what is not give voluntarily;
-ādāyin, a. taking what has not been given.
adattvā a-dattvā, ad. without giving.
adadat a-dadat, pr. pt. not giving, -retuning.
adadhi a-dadhi, n. what is not curds.
adana ad-ana, n. eating.
adant a-dant, a. toothless.
adanta a-d-anta, a. ending in a.
adantajāta a-danta-jāta, pp. not having teethed.
adabdha a-dabdha, pp. unhurt, safe; trustworthy; pure.
adabha a-dabha, a. not hurting, benevolent.
adabhra a-dabhra, a. not little, much.
adambha a-dambha, m. sincerity.
adambhin a-dambhin, a. upright, honest;
(ī)-tva,) n. uprightness, veracity.
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adaya a-daya, a. pitiless: -m, ad. heartily.
adarśana a-darśana, n. not seeing; not visiting; non-investigation; non-occurrence; disappearance, invisibility: ab. beyond the vision (ab.); a. invisible;
-patha, m. what is beyond the vision of (g.).
adarśanībhū adarśanī-bhū, become invisible.
adarśanīya a-darśanīya, fp. invisible;
-tva, n. -ness.
adas a-d-as, prn. n. (m. of. asau) yon, that: ac. ad. there.
adākṣiṇya a-dākṣiṇya, n. impoliteness.
adātṛ a-dātṛ, a. unliberal, stingy; not liable to pay; not giving in marriage..
adāditva ad-ādi-tva, n. appertaining to the verbs beginning with 'ad' (= Ad-class).
adāna a-dāna, n. not giving, withholding; a. not giving; not giving; not exuding juice from the temples.
adābhya a-dābhya, fp. inviolable; in destructible.
adāyāda a-dāyāda, (ī; C. ā,) a. not entitled to inheritance.
adāruṇa a-dāruṇa, a. not pitiless, mild.
adāsa a-dāsa, m. freeman.
adāhya a-dāhya, fp. incombustible.
aditi 1. a-diti, f. want, penury.
aditi 2. a-diti, a. infinite; f. infinity; N. of the mother of the gods..
aditsat a-dits-at, des, pr. pt. not inclined to give.
aditsu a-dit-su, des. a. id..
adiprabhṛti adi-prabhṛti, pl. Ad-class of verbs.
adīna a-dīna, a. not depressed, cheerful;
-sattva, a. elated, cheerful;
-ātman, a. id..
adīyamāna a-dīya-māna, pr. pt. ps. not being given; f. ā, not being given in marriage.
adīrgha a-dīrgha, a. not long;
-sūtra, a. not dilatory, prompt: -tā, f. despatch.
adurga a-durga, a. devoid of fortresses;
-viṣaya, m. unfortified country.
adurmaṅgala a-durmaṅgala, a. (ī) causing no calamity.
adurvṛtta a-dur-vṛtta, pp. not behaving badly.
aduṣṭa a-duṣṭa, pp. blameless; innocent;
-tva, virtue; innocence.
aduṣprāpa a-duṣprāpa, a. not hard to obtain.
adūna a-dūna, pp. untormented, unhurt.
adūra a-dūra, a. not far, near; n. nearness: -tva, ab., lc. near;
-kopa, a. irascible;
-bha-va, -vartin, -stha, a. near; imminent.
adūṣaṇa a-dūṣaṇa, n. not allowing; to perish.
adūṣita a-dūṣ-ita, pp. blameless, good: f. ā, unviolated;
-kaumārā, a. f. whose virginity is intact.
adṛḍha a-dṛḍha, pp. not firmly attached;
-tara, cpv. not very firm.
adṛpita a-dṛp-ita or -ta, pp. thoughtful, attentive.
adṛśya a-dṛśya, fp. invisible;
-tā, -tva, n. ness;
-añjana, n. salve making invisible.
adṛṣṭa a-dṛṣṭa, pp. unseen; unknown; invisible; unexpected; unsanctioned; n. the invisible, fate;
-karman, a. inexperienced in (lc.);
-kāma, m. love for one not yet seen;
-kārita, pp. caused by fate;
-nara, -puru-sha, a. concluded without an intermediary (alliance);
-para-sāmarthya, a. not having experienced an enemy's power;
-pūrva, a. never seen, unknown before;
-rūpa, a. of unknown appearance;
-viraha-vyatha, a. not having experienced the pangs of separation.
adṛṣṭidāna a-dṛṣṭi-dāna, n. non-admittance.
adṛṣṭvā a-dṛṣṭvā, gd. without seeing.
adeya a-deya, fp. not to be given.
adeva a-deva, a. (ī) hostile to the gods; m. Asura.
adevajuṣṭa a-deva-juṣṭa, pp. displeasing to the gods.
adevara a-devara, m. not a brother-in-law.
adeśa a-deśa, m. wrong place.
adeśakāla a-deśa-kāla, m. wrong place and time: -jña, a. suiting neither place nor time.
adeśajña a-deśa-jña, a. unacquainted with the place;
-stha, a. absent fr. his country, absentee.
adehabandha a-deha-bandha, m. non-assumption of a new body;
-bheda, m. no change of body.
adaiva a-daiva, a. independent of fate.
adoṣa a-doṣa, m. no fault, no sin; a. guiltless;
-jña, a. not knowing what faults are..
adga adga, m. cane; stalk.
addhā ad-dhā, ad. [in this manner], truly, indeed.
adbhis ad-bhis, in. pl of ap, water.
adbhuta adbhuta, a. [at(i)-bhūta, transcendent], wonderful; n. portent;
-tama, spv. most marvellous;
-darśanna, a. of wondrous aspect;
-rūpa, a. of wondrous form;
-āvaha, a. exciting wonder;
-upamā, f. simile assuming a miracle.
adbhutāya adbhutāya, den, appear a wonder.
adbhyas ad-bhyas, d. ab. pl. of ap, water.
adman ad-man, n. food.
admasad adma-sad, m. partaker of the feast, guest.
adya a-dya (ā) ad. to-day, now: adya+eva, this very day;
adya+api, even to-day: w. neg. not even yet;
-pūrvam, -yāvat, hitherto;
-prabhṛti, -ārabhya, from to-day onwards.
adyatana adya-tana, a. (ī) of to-day, present, contemporary;
-tanīya, a. id..
adyadina adya-dina, m. the present day.
adyadivasa adya-divasa, m. id..
adyaut a-dyaut, 3 s. impf. of dyut.
adravya a-dravya, n. worthless object.
adri a-dri, m. [not splitting], rock, hill, mountain-range; stone (as missile); pressingstone; cloud;
-grahaṇa, n. reverberation;
-dugdha, pp. milked, i. e. pressed out, with stones;
-pati, m. Himālaya;
-kanyā f. Pārvatī;
-budhna, a. founded on rock;
-bhed-ana, n. cleaving of rocks.
adrivat adri-vat, a. (vc. -vas) armed with stones.
adruh a-druh, a. not hurting, benevolent (nm. a-dhruk.).
adrogha a-drogha, a. (also-gha) guileless; friendly;
-vāc, a. of guileless speech.
adroha a-droha, a. friendly; m. friendliness;
-samayaṃkṛ, agree to peace.
advaya a-dvaya, a. not of two kinds, single: -tva, n. unity;
-ānanda, m. N. of a philosopher (whose joy is unity).
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advitīya a-dvitīya, a. secondless, single, only.
advivarṣa a-dvi-varṣa, a. not yet two years old.
adveṣarāgin a-dveṣa-rāgin, a. free from like or dislike.
adveṣṭṛ a-dveṣṭṛ, a. not hating, well-disposed towards (g.);
-tva, n. benevolence.
advaita a-dvaita, n. non-duality, unity; a. without duality, secondless, single.
advaidha a-dvaidha, a. undivided; not double, sincere.
adha adha, adhā adhā (older form of atha), ad. then, thereupon (often corr.); therefore;
-adha-adha, both -- and;
adha-adha vā, either -- or.
adhaḥkriyā adhaḥ-kriyā, f. abasement; contempt.
adhaḥkhanana adhaḥ-khanana, n. undermining.
adhaḥpāta adhaḥ-pāta, m. downfall.
adhaḥpātita adhaḥ-pātita, es. pp. thrown down.
adhana a-dhana, a. indigent, poor.
adhanya a-dhanya, a. poor; unfortunate.
adhama adha-ma, spv. lowest, worst, vilest (of, -°);
-ceṣṭa, a. acting meanly;
-dhī, a. of mean understanding;
-yoni-ja, a. born of a very low mother.
adhamādhama adhama+adhama, a. lowest of all.
adhara adha-ra, cpv. lower: -m kṛ, subject; m. under-lip, s. coll. lips;
-dala, n. lip;
-rucaka, n. lovely lips.
adharāñc adhara+añc, a. (ācī) downward; southern.
adharāt adharāt, ad. below;
-āt, ad..
adharāmbara adhara+ambara, n. under garment.
adharāraṇi adhara+araṇi, f. the lower piece of tinder-wood.
adharīkṛ adharī-kṛ, vanquish;
-bhū, succumb.
adharottara adhara+uttara, a. losing or winning; high and low; earlier and later; n. address and answer; gradation; topsy-turviness.
adharoṣṭha-rauṣṭha adhara+oṣṭha, n. (-°, f. ī) lower lip; lower and upper lip, the lips.
adharma a-dharma, m. unrighteousness, breach of duty; injustice;
-tas, in. unjustly, iniquitously;
-jña, a. ignorant of the law, -- of justice;
-daṇḍana, n. unjust punishment;
-bhīru, a. shrinking from wrong;
-śaraṇa, a. not based on low.
adharmaṇa a-dharmaṇa, m. debtor.
adharmika a-dharmika, m. id..
adharmiṣṭha a-dharmiṣṭha, a. not doing right; illegal.
adharmya a-dharmya, a. = a-dharmiṣṭha.
adharṣaṇa a-dharṣaṇa, a. unapproachable.
adharṣaṇīya a-dharṣaṇīya, fp. invincible.
adhaścaraṇāvapāta adhaś-caraṇa+avapāta, m. prostration at the feet of any one.
adhaḥśaya adhaḥ-śaya, a. lying on the ground;
-śayyā, f. sleeping on the ground: -āsanin, a. sleeping and sitting on the ground.
adhaḥśāyin adhaḥ-śāyin, a. sleeping on the ground; (yi) -tā, f. id..
adhas adhas, ad. below, on the ground; downwards, to hell;
adho' dhaḥ, lower and lower;
adhaḥkṛ, put below, surpass;
-pat, sink down; prp. with ac. under (motion); with ab., g., or -°, below.
adhastala adhas-tala, n. surface --, space below (-°).
adhastāt adhas-tāt, ad. below; on the ground; downwards; from below; submissively; previously; prp. with ab., g., & -°, under.
adhaḥstha adhaḥ-stha, a. lying below.
adhāraṇaka a-dhāraṇa-ka, a. intolerable.
adhārāvarṣa a-dhārā-varṣa, ad. without a shower of rain (°-).
adhārmika a-dhārmika, a. unjust, unrighteous, vicious.
adhārya a-dhārya, fp. not to be borne; not to be restrained; impossible to undergo.
adhi adhi, ad. above, upwards; highly; within; besides; prp. with ac. over, upon; up to; w. in across; w. ab. above; down from, from, out of; w. lc. above (of rank or number); under (the rule of); upon, in, on; with respect to; -°, upwards of --.
adhika adhi-ka, a. excessive; superfluous; surpassing; chief, highest; having an excess, and mer; exceeded by, plus (-°); predominant; superior in (in, -°); stronger, greater; higher, more than (in., ab., g., -°): -° -m, ad. excessively, very much; more than (ab.);
-krodha, a. excessively angry;
-guṇa, a. of pre-eminent virtue;
-tva, n. abst. N.;
-tara, a. much greater; superior: -m, ad. more;
-tā, f., -tva, n. superiority.
adhikaṃdharam adhi-kaṃdharam, ad. up to the neck.
adhikaraṇa adhi-karaṇa, n. substratum; substance, matter; subject, department; section, paragraph; law-court; that in which anything happens; sphere of the locative (gr.);
-maṇḍapa, n. law-court;
-lekhaka, m. lawyer's clerk.
adhikarūpavat adhika-rūpa-vat, a. surpassingly beautiful.
adhikarṇam adhi-karṇam, ad. on the ear.
adhikavayas adhika-vayas, a. of advanced age.
adhikaṣṭa adhi-kaṣṭa, n. great misery.
adhikāṅga adhika+aṅga, a. (ī) having a superfluous limb;
-ādhi, a. full of cares;
-adhi-ka, a. continually increasing.
adhikāra adhi-kāra, m. superintendence, administration, control, authority; office, post, dignity; sovereignty; eligibility; claim to (lc.); striving, endeavour for (lc.); chapter (on, -°); heading rule to be supplied with following rules till a new section (gr.);
-puruṣa, m. official;
-vat, m. id.;
-stha, a. official, in office;
-āḍhya, a. invested with authority.
adhikāritā adhikāri-tā, f., -tva, n. authority.
adhikārin adhikārin, m. superintendent, controller (of, -°); official; qualified person.
adhikṛta adhi-kṛta, pp. set over; m. over seer, administrator, head (of, lc. or -°);
-kṛ- tya, gd. regarding, about (ac.).
adhiketanam adhi-ketanam, ad. on the banner.
adhikokti adhika+ukti, f. superfluous talk.
adhikṣepa adhi-kṣepa, m. aspersion, derision.
adhigantavya adhi-gantavya, fp. to be procured; penetrable; to be studied;
-gantṛ, m. finder.
adhigama adhi-gama, m. -na -na, n. accession to, attainment; gain, profit; ascertainment, knowledge; study.
adhigamya adhi-gamya, fp. attainable, accessible; knowable, comprehensible; to be studied.
adhiguṇa adhi-guṇa, a. of superior qualities.
adhigoptṛ adhi-goptṛ, m. protector.
adhijanana adhi-janana, n. birth.
adhijānu adhi-jānu, ad. upon the knee.
adhijya adhi-jya, a. having the bowstring on, strung;
-tā, f. abst N.;
-kārmuka, a. whose bow is strung;
-dhanvan, a. id..
adhitalpam adhi-talpam, ad. upon the towers.
adhityakā adhi-tya-kā, f. table-land.
adhidīdhiti adhi-dīdhiti, a. brightly illumined.
adhideva adhi-deva, m. supreme god: -tā, f. id.; tutelary deity.
adhidaiva adhi-daiva, n., -ta, n. id..
adhināgam adhi-nāgam, ad. upon the elephants; upon the serpents.
adhiniśam adhi-niśam, ad. at night.
adhipa adhi-pa, -pati, -pā, m. ruler, lord.
adhipuruṣa adhi-puruṣa, m. supreme spirit.
adhipauruṣa adhi-pauruṣa, n. height of manliness.
adhibādhitṛ adhi-bādhitṛ, m. tormentor.
adhibubhūṣu adhi-bubhū-ṣu, des. a. wishing to get the upper hand.
adhibhū adhi-bhū, m. ruler, sovereign.
adhibhūta adhi-bhūta, n. sphere or object of an agent..
adhimanthana adhi-manthana, a. suitable for friction; n. the hard piece of tinder-wood.
adhimātra adhi-mātra, a. excessive: -tva, n. -ness.
adhiyajña adhi-yajña, m. highest sacrifice; a. referring to sacrifices.
adhirajani adhi-rajani, ad. in the night.
adhiratha adhi-ratha, a. standing on a car; m. chariot-fighter, charioteer.
adhirāj adhi-rāj, m. paramount ruler, emperor;
-rāja, m. id.: -tā, f. supreme rule over (g.);
-rājya, n. supreme rule.
adhirukmamandiragavākṣam adhi-rukma-mandira-gavākṣam, ad. at the window of the golden palace.
adhiruh adhi-ruh, a. mounting, riding on (-°).
adhiroḍhavya adhi-roḍhavya, fp. n. one must ascend.
adhiropaṇa adhi-ropaṇa, n. lifting upon (-°).
adhiroha adhi-roha, a. riding on (ac.): -ṇa, n. ascending to (lc. or -°).
adhirohin adhi-rohin, a. ascending, leading up to (-°).
adhilaṅkam adhi-laṅkam, ad. over Laṅkā.
adhilavaṅgam adhi-lavaṅgam, ad. on the cloves.
adhiloka adhi-loka, m. highest world.
adhivaktṛ adhi-vaktṛ, m. advocate, protrector.
adhivakṣas adhi-vakṣas, ad. on the breast.
adhivapana adhi-vapana, n. strewing upon.
adhivarcas adhi-varcas, n. privy.
adhivarjana adhi-varjana, n. moving the fire.
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adhivasati adhi-vasati, f. dwelling.
adhivāka adhi-vāka, m. advocacy, protection.
adhivāda adhi-vāda, m. insult, abuse.
adhivāsa 1. adhi-vāsa, m. inhabitant; neighbour; dwelling, abode.
adhivāsa 2. adhi-vāsa, m. perfume;
-tā, f. abst, N.;
-na, n. perfuming; consecration.
adhivijñāna adhi-vijñāna, n. highest knowledge.
adhivinna adhi-vinna, pp. of 2. vid.
adhivivāham adhi-vivāham, ad. regarding the wedding.
adhivīra adhi-vīra, m. great hero among (-°).
adhivettavyā adhi-vettavyā, f. fp. (2. vid) to be superseded by another wife;
-vedyā, f. id..
adhivelam adhi-velam, ad. on the sea-shore.
adhiveśma adhi-veśma, ad. in the house.
adhiśrī adhi-śrī, a. extremely prosperous.
adhiśrotram adhi-śrotram, ad. over the ears.
adhiṣavaṇa adhi-ṣavaṇa, a. suitable for pressing; n. Soma-press.
adhiṣṭhātṛ adhi-ṣṭhā-tṛ, m., -trī, f. superintendent.
adhiṣṭhāna adhi-ṣṭhāna, n. stand-point, place, seat, abode, residence; sovereignty, power.
adhiṣṭhita adhi-ṣṭhita, pp. stood on; presided over; supervised, governed; established; occupied, inspired;
-vat, act. pt. sat on, mounted.
adhisenāpati adhi-senāpati, m. commander-in-chief.
adhihasti adhi-hasti, ad. on an elephant.
adhīk adhi+ik = ahi + i (gr.).
adhīkāra adhī-kāra, m. administration (of, lc.); capacity, ability.
adhīta adhi+ita, pp. studied; read; instructed.
adhīti adhi+iti, f. study.
adhītin adhītin, a. well-reading (lc.); studying th scriptures..
adhīna adhi+īna, a. lying on; subject to, dependent on (-°);
-tva, n. dependence.
adhīra a-dhīra, a. unsteadfast; inconstant, pusillanimous;
-tā, f. pusillanimity.
adhīram a-dhīram, ad. anxiously.
adhīrākṣa adhīra+akṣa, a. lively-eyed.
adhīvāsa adhī-vāsa, m. cloak, mantle.
adhīśa adhi+īśa, m. chief, lord;
-tā, f. sovereignty.
adhīśitṛ adhi+īśitṛ, m. sovereign.
adhunā adhunā, ad. now.
adhṛti a-dhṛti, f. unsteadiness, caprice; faintheartedness.
adhṛṣṭa a-dhṛṣṭa, pp. insuperable; modest shy.
adhṛṣya a-dhṛṣya, fp. unapproachable.
adhenu a-dhenu, f. cow giving no milk; a, barren.
adhairya a-dhairya, n. instability; pusillanimity.
adho'ṃśuka adho'ṃśuka, n. under-garment.
adho'kṣa adho'kṣa, a. being below, i. e. not reaching up to, the axle.
adho'kṣaja adho'kṣa-ja, a. born under an axle; m. N. of Viṣṇu.
adhogata adho-gata, pp. gone down; bowing low;
-gati, f. going down (+ to hell); sinking; a. going downwards, going to hell;
-gamana, n. going downwards;
-dṛṣṭi, f. downcast gaze; a. looking down;
-nayana, n. bringing down;
-nilaya, m. hell;
-nivita, pp. wearing the sacred cord low;
-bhāga, m. lower part; lower part of the body; depth;
-mukha, a. (ī) downcast; downward.
adho'vekṣin adho'vekṣin, a. looking down.
adhauta a-dhauta, pp. unwashed.
adhyaṃsa adhi+aṃsa, a. lying on the shoulder.
adhyakṣa adhi+akṣa, a. perceptible; m. eyewitness; overseer, inspector; n. perception.
adhyagni adhi+agni, ad. before the fire (esp. at weddings).
adhyadhikṣepa adhi+adhikṣepa, m. unseemly fault-finding.
adhyadhīna adhi+adhīna, a. wholly dependent; m. slave.
adhyadhvam adhi+adhvam, ad. on the way.
adhyantena adhi+antena, (in.) close up to (d.).
adhyayana adhi+ayana, n. [going to a teacher], study, reading (esp. of sacred books); learning from (ab.);
-sampradāna, n. guidance in study;
-ādāna, n. receiving instruction from (ab.).
adhyardha adhi+ardha, a. one and a half.
adhyavasāna adhi+ava-sāna, n. -sāya -sāya, m. resolution, steady application.
adhyavasāyita adhi+ava-sāyita, pp. firmly resolved.
adhyavasāyin adhi+avasāyin, a. resolved on (-°).
adhyavasita adhi+ava-sita, pp. sā.
adhyākāśam adhi+ākāśam, ad. in the air.
adhyācāra adhi+ācāra, m. sphere, province.
adhyāṇḍā adhyāṇḍā, f. kind of plant.
adhyātma adhi+ātma, a. peculiar to one's person; n. supreme soul; the soul as agent of an action;
-vidyā, f. science of the universal soul.
adhyāpaka adhyāpaka, m. teacher.
adhyāpana adhyāpana, n. instruction.
adhyāpaya adhi+āpaya, cs. of adhi + i, teach.
adhyāpya adhyāpya, fp. to be instructed.
adhyāya adhi+āya, m. reading, study (esp. of sacred books); time suitable for study; chapter.
adhyāropa adhi+āropa, m. -ṇā -nā, f. erroneous predication (ph.).
adhyāvāhanika adhi+āvāhanika, n. property brought with her by a woman from the parental house..
adhyāsa adhi+āsa, m. placing upon; erroneous predication.
adhyāsita adhi+ās-ita, (pp.) n. the sitting upon.
adhyāsitavya adhi+ās-itavya, fp. to be undertaken.
adhyāsin adhi+āsin, a. sitting upon.
adhyāhāra adhi+āhāra, m. supply, supplementing.
adhyāhārya adhi+āhārya, fp. to be supplied.
adhyuras adhi+uras, ad. on the breast.
adhyuṣita adhi+uṣita, pp. vas.
adhyetavya adhi+etavya, fp. to be studied, -- read.
adhyeṣaṇa adhi+eṣaṇa, n. request.
adhri a-dhri, a. irresistible;
-gu, a. irresistibly advancing; m. N..
adhruva a-dhruva, a. unsteady, transient; uncertain.
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adhvakheda adhva-kheda, m. fatigue of travel;
-ga, a. travelling; m. traveller;
-darśin, m. guide.
adhvan adhvan, m. road; journey, wandering; distance;
-ina, m. traveller.
adhvanya adhvan-ya, m. traveller, wanderer.
adhvapa adhva-pa, m. guardian of roads.
adhvara adhvara, m. religious ceremony, sacrifice, Soma sacrifice.
adhvaryu adhvaryu, m. priest performing the practical work of the sacrifice; priest versed in the Yajur-veda.
adhvaśrama adhva-śrama, m. fatigue of travel.
adhvādhipa adhva+adhipa, m. guardian of roads, i. e. of public peace.
an AN, II.P. an-i-ti, breathe.
apa, exhale, abhi+apa, breathe upon.
pra, breathe; blow.
anu-pra, breathe after.
abhi-pra, inhale.
vi, sam, breathe.
anu-sam, breathe after.
ana 1. an-a, m. breath.
ana 2. ana, prn. of 3 rd prs. this (in anena, anayā, anayoḥ).
anaṃśa an-aṃśa, a. portionless.
anakāmamāra an-akāma-māra, a. slaying not without approval.
anakṣara an-akṣara, a. mute: -m, ad. without words.
anagna a-nagna, a. not naked, not uncovered;
-tā, f. abst. N..
anagni an-agni, a. without fire; maintaining no fire;
-ka, a. without fire; not touched by fire;
-dagdha, pp. not burnt with fire; m. pl. a class of Manes..
anagha an-agha, a. sinless blameless; uninjured.
anaṅkurita an-aṅkurita, pp. not grown.
anaṅga an-aṅga, a. bodiless; m. god Kāma (so called because reduced to ashes by the fire of Śiva's eye);
-krīḍa, f. dalliance;
-tva, n. bodilessness;
-pura, n. N. of a town;
-mañjarī, f. N.;
-rati, f. N.;
-lekhā, f. love-letter; N.;
-vatī, f. N.;
-sena, m. N.;
-udaya, m. N..
anaṅgīkṛta an-aṅgī-kṛta, pp. not assented to; neglected, ignored.
anaḍudda anaḍud-da, a. giving a bull.
anaḍuha anaḍuha, m. bull;
ī, f. cow (-°).
anaḍvah anaḍ-vah, m. (nm. -ḍvān, wk. st. -d uh) [cart drawing], bull, ox; also as term of abuse..
anaṇu an-aṇu, a. not minute, coarse.
anatikṛcchreṇa an-atikṛcchreṇa, in ad. without great hardship.
anatikrama an-atikrama, m. non-transgression: -ṇa, n. id..
anatikramaṇīya an-ati-kramaṇīya, fp. unavoidable; not to be infringed, not to be neglected, inviolable.
anatikrāmat an-ati-krāmat, pr. pt. not transgressing.
anatikruddha an-ati-kruddha, pp. not excessively indignant at (g.).
anatithi an-atithi, m. not a guest.
anatitrasnu an-ati-trasnu, a. not very timorous.
anatidagdha an-ati-dagdha, pp. not quite burnt up.
anatidarśana an-atidarśana, n. infrequent showing.
anatidūre an-ati-dūre, lc. ad. not too far.
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anatidbhuta an-atidbhuta, a. unsurpassed.
anatipakva an-ati-pakva, a. not very mature.
anatipātya an-ati-pātya, fp. not to be neglected.
anatipīḍam an-ati-pīḍam, ad. with gentle pressure.
anatiprakāśaka an-ati-prakāśaka, a. not highly illuminative;
-tva, n. abst. N..
anatiprauḍha an-ati-prauḍha, pp. not quite developed.
anatibhaṅgura an-ati-bhaṅgura, a. not very curly.
anatibhoga an-atibhoga, m. moderate use.
anatirikta an-ati-rikta, pp. not excessive.
anatilambin an-atilambin, a. not hanging down very far.
anatilulita an-ati-lulita, pp. gently touched.
anatilolam an-atilolam, ad. not too rapidly.
anativalita an-ati-valita, pp. not very rounded (belly).
anatiśayanīya an-ati-śayanī-ya, fp. unsurpassable.
anatīta an-ati+ita, pp. not past.
anatyārdra an-ati+ārdra, a. not too wet.
anatyāśa an-ati+āśa, m. moderation in eating.
anadat an-ad-at, pr. pt. not eating, not consuming.
anadbhuta an-adbhuta, a. not wonderful; n. no wonder.
anadyatana an-adya-tana, m. not to-day; not the same day; a. not containing to-day.
anadhikṛta an-adhi-kṛta, pp. not made a subject of discussion;
-tva, n. abst. N..
anadhigata an-adhi-gata, pp. not reached, unattained; unread.
anadhigamanīya an-adhi-gamanīya, fp. not attainable by (g.).
anadhiṣṭhāna an-adhiṣṭhāna, n. absence.
anadhyakṣa an-adhyakṣa, a. not perceptible.
anadhyayana an-adhyayana, n. neglect of study.
anadhyātmavid an-adhyātma-vid, a. not knowing the supreme soul.
anadhyāya an-adhyāya, m. prohibition of study; adjournment of study.
anadhyāyin an-adhyāyin, a. not studying.
anadhvanya an-adhvanya, a. not versed in (lc.).
ananukampanīya an-anu-kampanīya, fp. not to be pitied.
ananukūla an-anukūla, a. unfavourable.
ananujñāta an-anu-jñāta, pp. unpermitted.
ananutiṣṭhat an-anu-tiṣṭh-at, pr. pt. not carrying out, not performing.
ananudhyāyin an-anudhyāyin, a. missing nothing.
ananubhāvaka an-anubhāvaka, a. unintelligible;
-tā, f. -ness.
ananubhūta an-anu-bhūta, pp. not experienced.
ananumeya an-anu-meya, fp. not to be inferred.
ananurūpa an-anurūpa, a. unsuitable.
ananuvṛtti an-anuvṛtti, f. disobedience towards (g.).
ananuvrata an-anuvrata, a. not devoted, disobedient.
ananuṣṭhātṛ an-anuṣṭhātṛ, a. not executing;
-tva, n. non-performance.
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ananuṣṭhāna an-anuṣṭhāna, n. neglect; idleness.
ananusaṃdhāna an-anu-saṃdhāna, n. absence of investigation.
ananusaraṇa an-anusaraṇa, n. lack of attendance on.
ananūkta an-anu+ukta, pp. not having studied with a teacher..
ananūkti an-anu+ukti, a. not having studied the Veda..
ananūcya an-anu+ucya, gd. without having studied.
ananūtthāna an-anūtthāna, n. the not following after.
ananṛta an-anṛta, a. true.
ananta an-anta, a. endless; m. N. of Viṣṇu, Śeṣa, and of various men;
-ka, a. endless, infinite;
-kirti, m. N.;
-guṇa, a. infinitely greater;
-tā, f. abst. N.;
-tā, f., -tva, n. endlessness, infiniteness;
-pada, n. Viṣṇu's path, sky;
-pāra, a. that one never gets to the end of.
anantara an-antara, a. having no interval, immediately following, next; belonging to the next lower caste: -m, ad. forthwith, presently; thereupon, afterwards, immediately after (ab. g., or -°).
anantaraja an-antara-ja, a. next eldest; born of the union with a woman of the next caste: f. ā, younger, sister;
-gāta, a. next eldest.
anantarāya an-antarāya, a. uninterrupted: -m, ad. in uninterrupted succession.
anantavijaya ananta-vijaya, n. N. of Yudhiṣṭhira's shell;
-śakti, m. N.;
-sīra, m. N..
anantikastha an-antika-stha, a. not remaining near.
anantya an-antya, n. endlessness, infinity.
anandha an-andha, a. not blind.
ananya an-anya, a. exclusively devoted to (lc.);
-gati, a. having not other refuge, helpless;
-gatika, a. id.: -tā, f. helplessness.
ananyagāmin ananya-gāmin, a. going to no other;
-guru, a. having no other father, fatherless;
-citta, a. thinking exclusively of (lc.);
-cetas, a. id.;
-ja, a. legitimately born;
-jāni, a. having no other wife;
-dṛṣṭi, a. looking at nothing else;
-nātha, a. having no other protector;
-nāri-kamanīya, fp. not to be desired by another woman;
-nārī-sāmā-nya, a. having communion with no other woman;
-para, a. intent on nothing else;
-pa-rāyana, a. devoted to no one else;
-pūrva, a. not married to any one else before;
-pūrvikā, f. not married before;
-prati-kriya, a. having no other expedient;
-bhāj, a. devoted to no one else;
-manas, a. thinking of no one else;
-mānasa, a. id.;
-ruci, a. liking nothing else;
-viṣaya, a. relating to nothing else;
-vyāpāra, a. occupied with nothing else;
-śaraṇa, a. having no other refuge;
-śāsana, a. under no one else's commands;
-saṃtati, a. without other offspring;
-sama, a. like no one else, unequalled;
-sā-dhāraṇa, a. (ī) common to no one else;
-sā-mānya, a. unequalled;
-adhīna, a. depending on no other;
-apatya, a. having no other offspring;
-āśrita, pp. not transferred to another.
ananyathāvṛtti an-anyathā-vṛtti, a. occupied with nothing else.
ananyādṛśa ananyā-dṛśa, a. not like others, unusual.
ananviṣyat an-anu+iṣ-yat, pr. pt. not enquiring after (ac.).
anapakarman an-apakarman, n. non-delivery, withholding.
anapakārin an-apakārin, a. doing no harm.
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anapakṛta an-apa-kṛta, pp. uninjured; n. no injury.
anapakrama an-apakrama, n. non-departure.
anapakramin an-apakramin, a. not leaving, faithful.
anapakrāma an-apakrāma, m. remaining on the spot.
anapakriyā an-apakriyā, f. non-delivery.
anapatya an-apatya, a. childless; n. -ness;
-tā, f. childlessness.
anapadeśya an-apa-deśya, fp. not to be distinguished, hermaphrodite.
anapanaya an-apanaya, m. non-removal.
anaparādha an-aparādh-a, a guiltless, innocent;
-in, a. harmless.
anaparodha an-aparodha, m. non-prevention.
anapaśabdam an-apaśabdam, ad. grammatically correct.
anapasara an-apasara, a. having no excuse.
anapasphurat an-apa-sphurat, pr. pt. not struggling.
anapākarman an-apākarman, n. non-delivery.
anapākṛṣṭa an-apa+ā-kṛṣṭa, pp. not degraded.
anapāyin an-apāyin, a. not going away; lasting.
anapekṣa an-apekṣa, a. regardless; independent;
-tva, n. independence.
anapekṣam an-apekṣam, ad. without regard to (-°).
anapekṣamāṇa an-apa+īkṣa-māṇa, pr. pt. paying no regard to (ac.).
anapekṣā an-apekṣā, f. disregard; carelessness; independence.
anapekṣita an-apa+īkṣita, pp. disregarded.
anapekṣin an-apekṣin, a. disregarding (g.).
anapeta an-apa+ita, pp. not removed from, not diverging from (ab.).
anapoḍha an-apa+ūḍha, pp. not pushed away; not given up.
anapnas an-apnas, a. lacking goods, indigent.
anapsaras an-apsaras, f. no Apsaras.
anabhikhyātadoṣa an-abhikhyāta-doṣa, a. whose guilt is not known.
anabhigamanīya an-abhi-gamanīya, fp. inaccessible to (g.).
anabhighāta an-abhighāta, m. non-obstruction.
anabhicaraṇīya an-abhi-caraṇīya, fp. not to be bewitched.
anabhijāta an-abhi-jāta, pp. ignoble, low.
anabhijña an-abhijña, a. ignorant; unacquainted with (g., lc., -°);
-tva, n. non-acquaintance.
anabhijñāta an-abhi-jñāta, pp. of whom nothing is known;
-tā, f. abst. N..
anabhijñeya an-abhi-jñeya, fp. not to be recognised.
anabhitāpa an-abhitāpa, a. bearing no grudge against (lc.).
anabhidroha an-abhidroha, m. not insulting.
anabhidhāna an-abhidhāna, n. non-statement.
anabhidhāyaka an-abhidhāyaka, a. not expressing;
-tva, n. abst. N..
anabhidhyā an-abhidhyā, f. lack of desire for (lc.).
anabhidhyeya an-abhi-dhyeya, fp. not to be thought of.
anabhiprīta an-abhi-prīta, pp. not satisfied.
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anabhibhavagandha an-abhibhava-gandha, a. not smacking of disregard.
anabhibhāṣin an-abhibhāṣin, a. not not addressing.
anabhimata an-abhi-mata, pp. disagreeable, unwelcome.
anabhimānuka an-abhimānuka, a. entertaining no designs against (ac.).
anabhimukha an-abhimukha, a. (ī) averted.
anabhiyukta an-abhi-yukta, pp. not earing about (lc.).
anabhirūpa an-abhirūpa, a. not corresponding; uneducated; ugly.
anabhilulita an-abhi-lulita, pp. untouched.
anabhivādya an-abhi-vādya, fp. not to be greeted.
anabhivyakta an-abhi-vyakta, pp. dim.
anabhiśaṅka an-abhiśaṅka, a. freefrom suspicion.
anabhiśaṅkya an-abhi-śaṅkya, fp. not to be mistrusted.
anabhiśasti an-abhiśasti, a. blameless.
anabhiṣecanīya an-abhi-ṣecanīya, fp. unworthy of inauguration.
anabhiṣvaṅga an-abhiṣvaṅga, m. non-attachment to (lc.).
anabhisaṃhitam an-abhi-saṃhitam, ad. unintentionally.
anabhisaṃdhāna an-abhi-saṃdhāna, n. disinterestedness.
anabhisaṃdhi an-abhisaṃdhi, a. disinterested as to (-°).
anabhisneha an-abhi-sneha, a. without desire for (lc.).
anabhihita an-abhi-hita, pp. not fastened; unexpressed.
anabhihuta an-abhi-huta, pp. not sacrificed to.
anabhīkṣṇa an-abhīkṣṇa, °- ad. seldom.
anabhīśu an-abhīśu, a. reinless.
anabhyanujñā an-abhyanujñā, f. no permission.
anabhyanujñāta an-abhi+anu-jñāta, pp. unpermitted by (in.).
anabhyantara an-abhyantara, a. uninitiated into (g.).
anabhyarthanīya an-abhi+arthanīya, fp. not to be desired.
anabhyāvartin an-abhyāvartin, a. not returning.
anabhyāvṛtti an-abhyāvṛtti, f. non-return: in. not again, no more.
anabhyāsa an-abhyāsa, m. absence of practice, -- exercise; disuse; neglect.
anabhyutkruṣṭa an-abhi+ut-kruṣṭa, pp. not applauded.
anabhyutthāyin an-abhyutthāyin, a. not rising to great.
anabhyupāya an-abhyupāya, m. unsuitable means.
anabhra an-abhra, a. cloudless.
anama a-nama, a. inflexible; invincible.
anamitapūrva a-namita-pūrva, a. not bent before (bow).
anamitralābha an-amitra-lābha, m. non-acquisition of enemies.
anamīva an-amīva, a. diseaseless, healthy; cheerful; salutary; n. well-being, health.
anamutra an-amutra, a. having no 'there,' i. e. not troubling about the next world.
anamra a-namra, a. unbending; obstinate.
anaya 1. a-naya, m. indiscretion, imprudence, bad conduct.
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anaya 2. an-aya, m. ill-luck, misfortune.
anaraṇya an-araṇya, n. no desert.
anargala an-argala, a. unhindered, free.
anargha an-argha, m. false price, overcharge; a. priceless;
-rāghava, n. T. of a play.
anarghya an-arghya, a. priceless;
-tva, n. -ness.
anarcita an-arcita, pp. unhonoured; not reverently presented.
anartha an-artha, m. disadvantage; damage, misfortune; nonsense; a. useless; unfortunate; meaningless: -ka, a. id.;
-kara, a. useless, unprofitable;
-jña, a. not knowing the sense;
-paṇḍita, a. skilled in mischief;
-antara, n. no other (i.e. the same) meaning.
anarthitva an-arthi-tva, n. absence of solicitation.
anarthya an-arthya, a. useless, good for nothing.
anardhuka an-ardhuka, a. not fulfilling wishes.
anarva an-arva, -n -n a. irresistible, boundless.
anarha an-arha, a. unworthy, undeserving; innocent; unsuitable for (-°);
-tā, f. unsuitability.
anala an-ala, m. fire; Agni;
-da, a. quenching fire.
analaṃkṛta an-alaṃ-kṛta, pp. unadorned.
analam an-alam, ad. incapable of (inf.).
analasa an-alasa, a. not idle, diligent.
analasakha anala-sakha, m. wind.
analāya analāya, den. Ā. behave like fire.
analpa an-alpa, a. not a little, much;
-tva, n. strength;
-abhyasūya, a. greatly incensed with(lc.).
anavakarṇita an-ava-karṇita, pp. set at nought.
anavakāśin an-avakāśin, a. having no room for (-°).
anavakḷpta an-ava-kḷpta, pp. unsuitable, wrong.
anavakḷpti an-ava-kḷpti, f. improbability.
anavagata an-ava-gata, pp. not obtained; not understood;
-graha, a. unhindered.
anavacchinna an-ava-cchinna, pp. undistinguished; undefined;
-tva, n. abst. N.;
-cche-da, m. undeterminateness.
anavadya an-a-vadya, fp. not unpraiseworthy, blameless, faultless;
-tva, n. -ness;
-rūpa, a. of faultless appearance.
anavadyāṅga anavadya+aṅga, ī of faultless form.
anavadhāna an-avadhāna, n. inattention, negligence.
anavana a-navana, a. (ī) not refreshing.
anavapṛgṇa an-ava-pṛgṇa, pp. undivided, connected.
anavabuddha an-ava-buddha, pp. not perceived.
anavabhāsa an-avabhāsa, m. non-appearance.
anavama an-avama, spv. not the lowest, high; not worse than (-°).
anavara an-avara, cpv. not lower than, higher than (ab.).
anavarata an-ava-rata, pp. uninterrupted, continual;
-m, ad. constantly.
anavarodhya an-ava-rodhya, fp. not to be compelled.
anavalambana an-avalambana, n. non-adherence to, rejection.
anavalepa an-avalepa, a. unanointed; free
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anavalokayat an-avalokayat, pr. pt. not looking towards (ac.).
anavasara an-avasara, m. inopportuneness, unseasonable occasion.
anavasitā an-avasitā, f. a metre.
anavasthā an-avasthā, f. endlessness, going on ad infinitum;
-na, n. inconstancy;
-yin, a. inconstant, wavering.
anavasthita an-ava-sthita, pp. unstable, wavering; helpless; faithless; unable to stay;
-citta, a. unsteady-minded: -tva, n. -ness.
anavasthiti an-avasthiti, f. restlessness; instability.
anavahiṃsita an-ava-hiṃsita, pp. not killed.
anavahita an-ava-hita, (pp.) ad. inattentively (°-).
anavāpta an-ava+āpta, pp. not obtained.
anavāpti an-avāpti, f. non-obtainment.
anavāpya an-avāpya, fp. unobtainable.
anavekṣaka an-avekṣa-ka, a. paying no regard to (-°): -m, ad. without looking round;
-ṇa, n. disregard, carelessness.
anavekṣā an-avekṣā, f. regardlessness.
anaśana an-aśana, a. having no food; m. fasting; (a) -tā, f. id..
anaśita an-aśita, pp. not eaten.
anaśnat an-aś-nat, pr. pt. not eating.
anaśnuvāna an-aś-nuv-āna, pr. pt. not reaching.'
anaśru an-aśru, a. tearless.
anaśva an-aśva, a. horseless.
anaśvara a-naśvara, a. imperishable.
anaṣṭapaśu a-naṣṭa-paśu, a. lost no cattle.
anas anas, n. cart (for heavy burdens.).
anasūya an-asūy-a, a. uncomplaining; not detracting, not envious; kind;
-aka, a. (ikā) id.;
-ā, f. non-grumbling, ungrudgingness.
anastamita an-astam-ita, pp. not set; unceasing;
-ke, (lc.) ad. before sunset.
anasthan an-asthan, a. boneless.
anasthika an-asthi-ka, a. boneless;
-mat, a. id..
anahaṃkṛta an-ahaṃ-kṛta, pp. unselfish.
anaharjāta an-ahar-jāta, pp. born on an unlucky day.
anā anā, (in.) ad. ever: with neg. never.
anākampa an-ākampa, a. immovable;
-dhair-ya, a. of immovable firmness.
anākarṇita an-ā-karṇita, pp. not listening.
anākasmika an-ākasmika, a. not accidental.
anākula an-ākula, a. not confused; unembarrasssed; indifferent.
anākṛṣṭa an-ā-kṛṣṭa, pp. not attracted, not carried away.
anākramya an-ā-kramya, fp. inaccessible to (g.).
anākṣārita an-ā-kṣārita, pp. blameless.
anākhyāta an-ā-khyāta, pp. undeclared; not indicated.
anākhyāya an-ā-khyā-ya, gd. without telling.
anākhyeya an-ā-khyeya, fp. not to be told.
anāga an-āga, a. guiltless, sinless.
anāgacchat an-ā-gacchat, pr. pt. not coming.
anāgata an-āgata, pp. not arrived; impending, future; not to be found: -ṃkṛ, provide for the future;
-vat, a. referring to the future;
vidhātṛ, a. providing for the future, provident; m. N. of a fish;
-vidhāna, n. provision for the future.
anāgamana an-āgamana, n. non-return.
anāgas an-āgas, a. blameless, sinless; innocent.
anāgāstva an-āgās-tva, n. sinlessness.
anāghrāta an-ā-ghrāta, pp. unsmelt;
-pūrva, a. unsmelt before.
anācakṣat an-ā-cakṣat, pr. pt. not saying.
anācaraṇa an-ācaraṇa, n. non-performance.
anācāra an-ācāra, a. ill-bred; m. bad behaviour.
anājñā an-ājñā, f. non-permission: in. without permission.
anājñāta an-ā-jñāta, pp. unknown; unnoticed.
anātapa an-ātapa, a. shady.
anātura an-ātura, a. healthy; undaunted; not love-sick.
anātmajña an-ātma-jña, a. not knowing oneself, foolish: -tā, f. folly.
anātmatva an-ātma-tva, n. not being soul.
anātman an-ātman, m. not soul; a. lacking soul or sense;
-īna, a. or no use to oneself.
anātmavat an-ātma-vat, a. not self-possessed, beside oneself;
-vedin, a. not knowing oneself, not -- the Ātman: (di) -tā, f. abst. N.;
-saṃpanna, pp. soulless, stupid; uncontrolled;
-sāt-kṛta, pp. not appropriated.
anātreyī an-ātreyī, f. woman who has not bathed after menstruation.
anātha 1. a-nātha, a. unprotected, helpless;
-vat, ad. like one helpless.
anātha 2. a-nātha, n. unprotectedness, helplessness.
anādara an-ādara, m. disrespect, disregard, indifference, towards (lc.): ab. offhand.
anādaraṇa an-ādaraṇa, n. disregard.
anādi an-ādi, a. having no beginning;
-tā, f. abst. N..
anādiṣṭa an-ā-diṣṭa, pp. not prescribed; unordered.
anādīnava an-ādīnava, a. blameless.
anādṛta an-ā-dṛta, pp. despised; disregarded.
anādṛtya an-ā-dṛ-tya, gd. without regarding.
anādeya an-ā-deya, fp. not to be taken; inadmissible.
anādeśa an-ādeśa, m. absence of an injunction;
-paribhāṣā, f. explanatory rule regarding non-specification (of deity and metre).
anādya an-ādya, fp. not to be eaten.
anādyananta an-ādi+ananta, a. lacking beginning or end.
anādyanta an-ādi+anta, a. id..
anādhi an-ādhi, a. free from care.
anādhṛṣṭa an-ā-dhṛṣṭa, pp. unconquered.
anādhṛṣya an-ā-dhṛṣya, fp. unapproachable; unconquerable.
anānata an-ā-nata, pp. unbowed.
anāpad an-āpad, f. absence of calamity: lc. except in distress or trouble.
anāpi an-āpi, a. lacking friends or kin.
anāpta an-āpta, pp. unattained; not reaching to; unskilful.
anāpti an-āpti, f. failure.
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anāptṛ an-āptṛ, a. not obtaining.
anāpnuvat an-āp-nuv-at, pr. pt. not attaining to.
anāpya an-āpya, fp. unattainable.
anāmaya an-āmaya, a. not fatal; healthy, well; salutary; spared by (ab.); n. health, welfare;
-praśna, m. enquiry after health.
anāmikā a-nāmi-kā, f. (the nameless), ring-finger.
anāmukta an-ā-mukta, pp. not yet worn.
anāmṛṣṭa an-ā-mṛṣṭa, pp. untouched.
anāmnāya an-ā-mnāya, m. lack of tradition.
anāmya a-nāmya, fp. inflexible.
anāya a-nāya, a. impolitic.
anāyaka a-nāyaka, a. without a guide.
anāyata an-ā-yata, pp. not long, short.
anāyatikṣama an-āyati-kṣama, a. not advantageous for the future.
anāyatta an-ā-yatta, pp. independent;
-vṛtti-tā, f. independence.
anāyasita an-ā-yasita, pp. not drawn (bow);
-kārmuka, a. to plying his bow strenuously.
anāyāta an-ā-yāta, pp. not gone of (ab.).
anāyāsa an-āyāsa, m. no trouble; indefatigableness; a. causing no trouble.
anāyudha an-āyudha, a. weaponless, defenceless.
anāyuṣya an-āyuṣya, a. shortening life.
anārabhya an-ā-rabhya, fp. not to be begun; impossible;
-ārambh-a, m. non-commencement (of, g.); a. ruddha, pp. unlimited.
anāruhya an-āruhya, gd. without ascending, -- surmounting, -- incurring.
anārūḍha an-ā-rūḍha, pp. not having betaken oneself to (ac.).
anārogya an-ārogya, a. unwholesome.
anārjava an-ārjava, n. dishonest conduct.
anārya an-ārya, a.ignoble, dishonourable; un-Āryan;
-karmin, a. performing the works of a non-Āryan;
-tā, f. dishonourableness;
-vṛtta, pp. behaving dishonourably.
anārṣa an-ārṣa, a. not belonging to the Ṛṣis.
anārṣeya an-ārṣeya, a. id..
anāla a-nāla, a. stalkless.
anālakṣya an-ā-lakṣya, fp. invisible.
anālapana an-ālapana, n. no conversation w. (g.).
anālasya an-ālasya, n. assiduity.
anālīḍha an-ā-līḍha, pp. unlicked.
anālocita an-ā-locita, pp. not considered.
anālocya an-ā-locya, gd. not having looked at, not having considered.
anāvartin an-āvartin, a. not returning.
anāvādi a-nāv-ādi, a. not belonging to the Gaṇa, nau.
anāviddha an-ā-viddha, pp. unpierced, unwounded.
anāvila an-āvila, a. not dim, clear; healthy.
anāviṣkṛta an-āviṣ-kṛta, pp. not become apparent.
anāvṛt an-āvṛt, a. not returning.
anāvṛta an-ā-vṛta, pp. unclosed; not fenced in; unintrenched; unprotected.
anāvṛṣṭi an-āvṛṣṭi, f. want of rain, drought.
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anāśa 1. a-nāśa, m. preservation.
anāśa 2. an-āśa, a. void of expectation.
anāśaka an-āśaka, n. fasting; starvation.
anāśāsya an-ā-śāsya, fp. unwished for.
anāśita an-āśita, pp. hungry,
anāśin 1. an-āśin, a. not eating; (śi) -tva, n. abst. N..
anāśin 2. a-nāśin, a. unperishing.
anāśiṣṭha an-āś-iṣṭha, spv. slowest.
anāśis an-āśis, a. undesirable.
anāśu an-āśu, a. not quick, slow.
anāśrama an-āśrama, m. none of the 4 (or 3) āśramas.
anāśraya 1. an-āśraya, m. independence (g.).
anāśraya 2. an-āśraya, a. defenceless; affording no support;
-tā, f. abst. N..
anāśrava an-āśrava, a. disobedient (to g.).
anāśrita an-ā-śrita, pp. independent; regardless of (ac.).
anāśvas an-āś-vas, pf. pt. not having eaten.
anāṣṭra a-nāṣṭra, a. exposed to no danger, safe.
anāsanna an-ā-sanna, pp. not near (g.).
anāsavākhya an-āsava+ākhya, a. not called distilled spirit.
anāsādayat an-ā-sād-ayat, pr. pt. not obtaining;
-ita, pp. not reached, not attained;
-ya, fp. unattainable.
anāstika an-āstika, a. unbelieving, godless;
-kya, n. unbelief, godlessness.
anāstīrṇa an-ā-stīrṇa, pp. uncovered, bare.
anāsthā an-āsthā, f. indifference towards (lc.).
anāsvādita an-ā-svādita, pp. not tasted;
-pūrva, a. not tasted before.
anāhata an-ā-hata, pp. not struck; unwashed, new.
anāhāra an-āhāra, m. abstinence, starvation; a. abstaining from food.
anāhitāgni an-āhita+agni, a. not keeping up the sacred fire;
-tā, f. abst. N..
anāhūta an-ā-hūta, pp. uncalled, unsummoned.
anāhvāna an-āhvāna, n. not calling; not summoning (legally).
aniketa a-niketa, a. houseless.
anikṣipta a-ni-kṣipta, pp. not laid aside.
anigaḍa a-nigaḍa, a. only lacking chains.
anigraha a-nigraha, m. lack of restraint.
anicaya a-nicaya, a. storeless; m. not storing up.
anicchat an-icchat, pr. pt. not wishing.
anicchā an-icchā, f. aversion: in. involuntarily.
aniṭ an-iṭ, a. having no iṭ (gr.).
anitya a-nitya, a. transient; temporary; uncertain; inconstant;
-tā, f., -tva, n. transitoriness. uncertainty, instability.
anityam a-nityam, ad. not continually, now & then.
anityātman anitya+ātman, a. whose soul is unsubdued.
anidāghadīdhiti a-nidāgha-dīdhiti, m. moon.
anidāna a-nidāna, a. groundless.
anidit an-id-it, a. having no i as an it.
anidra a-nidra, a. sleepless, wakeful;
-tā, f. -ness.
anidrā a-nidrā, f. sleeplessness.
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anindat a-nind-at, pr. pt. not blaming.
anindā a-nindā, f. lack of blame.
anindita a-nind-ita, pp. blameless;
-ya, fp. id..
anipuṇa a-nipuṇa, a. unskilful; tactless.
anibaddha a-ni-baddha, pp. unfastened; not caring for (lc.); disconnected; not (morally) bound.
anibhṛta a-ni-bhṛta, pp. movable, restless; immodest;
-tva, n. mobility.
animitta a-nimitta, n. bad omen; a. not to be predicted, precarious; groundless; °-, -m, -tas, ad. causelessly.
animiṣ a-nimiṣ, f. absence of winking: ac., in. watchfully.
animiṣa a-nimiṣa, a. not closing the eyes, unwinking, wakeful;
-dṛś, m. fish.
animiṣat a-ni-miṣat, pr. pt. unwinking.
animeṣa a-nimeṣa, a. not winking; m. absence to winking;
-tā, f. abst. N..
aniyata a-ni-yata, pp. unrestrained, unlimited, uncertain; unusual;
-vṛtti, a. having fixed means of livelihood;
-velam, ad. at an uncertain time.
aniyatātman a-niyata+ātman, a. not having his mind controlled.
aniyantraṇa a-niyantraṇa, a. unconstrained: -m, ad. without limit, freely;
-anuyoga, a. to be asked without constraint.
aniyantraṇā a-niyantraṇā, f. absoluteness.
aniyama a-niyama, m. lack of limitation; want of self-restraint.
aniyamopamā aniyama+upamā, f. kind of simple.
aniyukta a-ni-yukta, pp. not commissioned, no instructed; unfamiliar with (lc.).
aniyujyamāna a-niyuj-ya-māna, pr. ps. pt. unauthorised.
anirīkṣaka a-nirīkṣa-ka, a. not seeing, not visiting (g.).
anirukta a-nir-ukta, pp. unexpressed; implicit: said of verses in which the deity is not expressly named..
anirūpita a-ni-rūpita, pp. not viewed.
anirjita a-nir-jita, pp. unconquered.
anirṇikta a-nir-ṇikta, pp. unpurified.
anirṇīta a-nir-ṇīta, pp. undecided, unadjusted.
anirdaya a-nirdaya, a. soft, tender: °-, ad. gently.
anirdaśa a-nir-daśa, a. not past the ten days (after a birth or death);
-aha, a. id..
anirdiṣṭa a-nir-diṣṭa, pp. unindicated; unspecified; unauthorised;
-kāraṇam, ad. without indicating the reason.
anirdeśa a-nirdeśa, m. non-specification.
anirdeśya a-nir-deśya, fp. not to be specified.
anirbandharuṣ a-nirbandha-ruṣ, a. persistent in anger.
anirbhinna a-nir-bhinna, pp. uninterrupted; undifferentiated; vague.
anirbheda a-nirbheda, m. non-betrayal.
anirloḍita a-nir-loḍita, pp. not thoroughly investigated.
anirvacanīya a-nir-vacanīya, fp. not to be defined (by or as, in.).
anirvarṇanīya a-nir-varṇanīya, fp. not to be looked at.
anirvācya a-nir-vācya, fp. inexpressible;
-vāṇa, pp. unextinguished, unended; untamed, wild;
-vāhya, gd. without executing.
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anirvṛta a-nir-vṛta, pp. dissatisfied, unhappy;
-vṛti, f. lack of pleasure, sorrow.
anirvṛtta a-nir-vṛtta, pp. unaccomplished.
anirveda a-nirveda, m. intrepidity, undauntedness, self-reliance.
anirvedita a-nir-vedita, pp. not displayed.
anirveśa a-nirveśa, a. not having atoned for his sins.
anirhāṇarca a-nirhāṇa+ṛca, a. having nothing wanting in the recitation of the (Yajyā) verses.
anirhrādin a-nirhrādin, a. not resonant, low.
anila an-ila, m. wind; Vāyu; vital air (one of the 3 humours of the body); N. of a Rākṣasa.
anilaya a-nilaya, a. not resting, restless.
anilātmaja anila+ātmaja, m. ep. of Bhīma.
anilāhati anila+āhati, f. gust of wind.
anivartaka a-ni-varta-ka, a. not turning back, not fleeing;
-nīya, fp. not to be turned back.
anivartitva a-nivarti-tva, n. brave resistance;
-n, a. not fleeing; not to be stopped.
anivāraṇa a-ni-vār-aṇa, n. non-prevention;
-ita, pp. unhindered;
-ya, fp. not to be kept off, irresistible.
aniviśamāna a-ni-vi-śam-āna, pr. pt. not resting.
anivṛttamāṃsa a-nivṛtta-māṃsa, a. not refraining from meat.
anivṛtti a-nivṛtti, f. brave resistance; non-cessation.
anivedya a-ni-vedya, gd. without reporting.
aniśa a-niśa, a. continual: °-, -m, ad. -ly.
aniśānta a-ni-śānta, pp. unextinguished.
aniśita a-niś-ita, pp. not resting;
-m, ad. continually.
aniścaya a-niś-caya, a. undecided; m. indecision;
-cita, pp. irresolute; uncertain;
-ci-tya, gd. without having ascertained.
aniścintya a-niś-cintya, fp. inscrutable.
aniśceya a-niś-ceya, fp. unascertainable.
aniḥśeṣita a-niḥ-śeṣita, pp. not completely destroyed.
aniṣavya an-iṣavya, a. proof against arrows.
aniṣiddha a-ni-ṣiddha, pp. unhindered; not prohibited.
aniṣucārin an-iṣu-cārin, a. not hunting with arrows.
aniṣkaṣāya a-niṣkaṣāya, a. not free from lust.
aniṣkṛta a-niṣ-kṛta, pp. unexpiated.
aniṣṭa 1. an-iṣṭa, pp. displeasing (to g.), unpleasant; unlucky, hurtful; forbidden, disapproved of; n. evil, calamity.
aniṣṭa 2. an-iṣṭa, pp. not sacrificed; not to be sacrificed to.
aniṣṭagandha aniṣṭa-gandha, a. ill-smelling.
aniṣṭhura a-niṣṭhura, a. not rough, friendly.
aniṣpanna a-niṣ-panna, pp. not ripened, spoiled;
-tva, n. abst. N..
aniḥsarat a-niḥ-sarat, pr. pt. not coming out.
aniha an-iha, a. having no 'here,' i. e. not troubling about this world.
anihata a-ni-hata, pp. not slain.
anīka an-īka, n. face, front; middle; edge, point; troop, array, army;
i-nī, f. army.
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anīca a-nīca, a. not of low degree;
-anu-vartin, a. not following base practices.
anījāna an-īj-āna, fp. pt. not having sacrificed.
anīti a-nīti, f. bad policy, imprudence, foolish act;
-jña, a. impolitic, indiscreet, foolish.
anītiśāstrajña a-nītiśāstra-jña, a. unacquainted with the teaching of policy.
anīdṛgātman an-īdṛg-ātman, a. unique;
-āśaya, a. not having such sentiments.
anīpsita an-īpsita, des. pp. unwished for, disagreeable, unpleasant.
anīraśana a-nī-raśana, a. not lacking a girdle.
anīrṣya an-īrṣya, -ṣryu -ṣyu, a. not jealous.
anīśa an-īśa, a. not mastering, having no control over (g.);
-tva, n. abst. N..
anīśvara an-īśvara, a. lordless; not proper to the supreme being; not master of (g.); unable to (inf.).
anīhamāna an-īha-māna, pr. pt. desiring nothing.
anīhita an-īhita, pp. not desired.
anu anu, ad. afterwards, then; again; prp. w. ac.: along; towards; over; after; according to; for (not against); with regard to; w. ac., ab., g. after (of time); w. ab. on account of.
anukaccham anu-kaccham, ad. on every bank.
anukathana anu-kathana, n. report.
anukanakhalam anu-kanakhalam, ad. above Kanakhala.
anukampaka anu-kampa-ka, a. sympathising with (-°);
-na, n. compassion;
-nīya, fp. deserving compassion.
anukampā anu-kamp-ā, f. compassion, sympathy with (g. lc., -°);
-in, a. sympathising w. (g., -°);
-ya, fp. to be felt for.
anukampokti anu-kampā+ukti, f. expression of sympathy.
anukara anu-kara, a. imitating; m. assistant.
anukaraṇa anu-karaṇa, n. imitation.
anukarṣa anu-karṣa, m. -ṇa -na, n. drawing after; supplying what precedes (gr.);
-karṣin, a. drawing after;
-kalpa, m. secondary rule substituted for an impracticable primary one.
anukāṅkṣin anu-kāṅkṣin, a. striving after, eager;
-kāma, m. desire, longing; a. conforming to one's wish: -m, ad.;
-kara, -ka, a. imitating; resembling;
-kārin, a. id.; corresponding, conforming to, following;
-kārya, fp. to be represented; n. subsequent business;
-kālam, ad. at the regular time.
anukīrtana anu-kīrtana, n. proclaiming, mentioning; blazing abroad;
-kīrtya, fp. to be proclaimed.
anukūla anu-kūla, a. toward the bank; facing; suitable; agreeable favourable; well-disposed: -m, ad. on the bank;
-kārin, a. showing kindness;
-ja, f., -tva, n. favour; proneness; the bank;
-tā, f., tva, n. favour; proneness;
-na, n. currying favour;
-pariṇāma, a. terminating favoourably.
anukūlaya anu-kūlaya, den, P. flatter (ac.).
anukūlokta anukūla+ukta, n. pleasing speech.
anukṛti anu-kṛti, f. imitation;
-kṛtya, fp. to be imitated;
-kṛṣṭa-tva, n. the being supplied from a preceding rule (gr.).
anukḷpti anu-kḷpti, f. peculiarity.
anukta an-ukta, pp. unuttered, undiscussed; unsummoned;
-tva, n. abst. N.;
-kliva-vaca-na, a. not having uttered vain words.
anukrama anu-krama, m. regular order: in. & ab. in order; table of contents: -ṇa, n. enumeration, -ṇī, f., -ṇi-ka, f. table of contents; Vedic index;
-krośa, m. compassion, sympathy with (prati; g., lc., -°): -vat, a. sympathetic, -ātmatā, f. compassionateness;
-kṣaṇam, ad. every moment, continually;
-kṣapam, ad. every night.
anukhyāti anu-khyāti, f. beholding.
anuga anu-ga, a. following; flying after; corresponding to (-°); m. follower:pl. retinue;
-gati, f. following:-ka, a. following; imitating; conforming to;
-gantavya, fp. to be followed or accompanied;
-gara, m. invitation addressed to the reciter;
-garjita, n. echo;
-gāmin, a. following, obedient to (ac.); m. servant;
-giram, ad. on the mountain.
anugīta anu-gīta, (pp.) n. imitative song;
-gīti, f. a metre;
-guṇa, a. of similar qualities, with, corresponding, suitable to (-°): -m, ad. according to merit, -tva, n. abst. N.;
-gṛ hīta, pp. favoured, obliged;
-godam, ad. on the river Godā.
anugraha anu-graha, m. favour: -kṛt, a. giving satisfaction;
-ṇa, n. showing favour;
-artham, ad. in favour of;
ī-kṛ, make a token of favour;
-grāhaka, a. favouring, furthering, furthering; m. supporter;
-grāhya, fp. deserving favour; favoured by (g.);
-ghaṭana, n. continuation.
anucara anu-cara, a. (ī; -° ā) following; m. attendant: pl. retinue.
anucita 1. anu-cita, pp. studded all along with (in.).
anucita 2. an-ucita, pp. unaccustomed; unusual; unfit, unseemly, improper;
-artha, a. having an unusual or unsuitable meaning.
anucintana anu-cint-ana, n. reflexion;
-ā, f. id..
anucca an-ucca, a. low (birth);
-uc-calat, pr. pt. not departing from (ab.);
-uc-cita, pp. not plucked;
-uc-cinna, pp. uninterrupted, unimpeded;
-uc-ciṣṭa, (pp.) n. no mere remnant; a. containing no remains of food, clean;
-uc-cvasat, pr. pt. not breathing.
anuja anu-ja, a. born after, younger; m. younger brother; f. ā, younger sister;
-jan-man, m. younger brother;
-jāta, pp. gan: -ka, a. taking after, like (ac.);
-jighṛkṣā; f. desire to gratify;
-jīvika, m. follower;
-jī-vin, a., m. dependent, inferior;
-jīvi-sāt-kṛ, subject;
-jīvya, fp. to be lived according to.
anujñā anu-jñā, f. consent; leave to depart;
-na, n. id..
anutaṭa anu-taṭa, °- or -m. ad. on the bank;
-tarṣa, m. thirst; intoxicating drink;
-tāpa, m. repentance; pain, woe: -na, a. causing repentance; afflicting;
-tiṣṭhāsu, des. a. about to carry out (ac.).
anutkīrṇa an-ut-kīrṇa, pp. not hollowed out;
-ut-khāta, (pp.) n. not uneven ground.
anutta 1. anu-tta, pp. dā.
anutta 2. a-nut-ta, pp. invincible.
anuttama an-uttama, a. (without a highest), highest, most excellent; mightiest;
-uttara, a. not answering; unanswerable; n. unsatisfactory answer in court: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-uttaraṅga, a. not billowy;
-utthāna, n. lack of energy;
-utpatti, f. non-production;
-utpāda, m. id.; non-appearance;
-utsāha, m. absence of energy;
-utsāhin, a. weak-willed;
-utsuka-tā, f. unassumingness, modesty;
-utsūtra-pada-nyāsa, a. without a step against the rules of policy; without a word against grammatical rules;
-utseka, m. lack of presumption, modesty;
-utsekin, a. unassuming, modest, humble.
anudaka an-udaka, a. waterless;
-udaya, m. non-appearance;
-bhāj, a. not rising (moon).
anudarśa anu-darśa, m. representation, admonition: -na, n. consideration;
-darśin a. perceiving; considering.
anudātta an-udātta, a. not elevated, vulgar; lowered, grave (accent); pronounced with the low tone; m. grave accent;
-tara, m. lowered grave accent preceding acute or circumflex;
-tva, n. tonelessness.
anudāra 1. an-udāra, a. ignoble.
anudāra 2. anu-dāra, a. ruled by his wife.
anudāsīna an-ud-āsīna, pp. not indifferent to (prati).
anudita 1. an-ud-i-ta, pp. not risen (sun).
anudita 2. an-ud-ita, pp. undiscussed; not to be uttered.
anudina anu-dina, °- or -m, ad. every day.
anudivasam anu-divasam, id..
anudeśa anu-deśa, m. subsequent enumeration corresponding to a previous one; injunction;
-deham, ad. behind; from behind.
anudghāta an-udghāta, m. no jolt, no shock;
-ud-dhata, pp. not haughty, humble;
-ud-dh-ṛta, pp. not taken out beforehand.
anudyama an-udyama, m. absence of exertion;
-udyoga, m. id.; inactivity;
-udyogin, a. not exerting oneself, lazy;
-ud-vigna, pp. not agitated, not frightened: -m, ad.;
-udvega, m. absence of excitement, calmness;
-kara, a. not agitating, not frightening;
-udvejaka, a. causing no excitement, giving no offence to (g.);
-ud-vejayat, pr. pt. not agitating.
anudhāvana anu-dhāvana, n. running after; cleansing;
-dhyāna, n. meditation;
-dhyā-ying, a. reflecting; indulging in longing;
-dhye-ya, fp. to be reflected on.
anunaya anu-naya, a. friendly; m. conciliation; friendliness; courtesy; flattery.
anunāda anu-nāda, m. echo; sound;
-nādin, a. echoing;
-nāyaka, a. (ikā) reconciling;
-nāyana, a. reconciling; -nāyikā, f. secondary heroine;
-nāsika, a. nasal; m. nasalised vowel: -bhāva, m. nasality.
anuniśam anu-niśam, ad. every night.
anunīti anu-nīti, f. friendliness.
anuneya anu-neya, fp. to be conciliated.
anunmatta an-un-matta, pp. not mad, sane.
anunmadita an-un-madita, cs. pp. unfrenzied, restored to one's senses.
anupakārin an-upakārin, a. not doing or unable to do a friendly service.
anupakramya an-upa-kramya, -krāmya -krāmya, fp. not to be cured.
anupaghnat an-upa-ghnat, pr. pt. not injuring.
anupacarya an-upa-carya, fp. who need not be waited on; unpretending; unselfish.
anupattrikā anu-pattrikā, f. letter.
anupadam anu-padam, ad. immediately after (g., -°); repeatedly; at every step.
anupadin anu-padin, a. pursuing, searching.
anupadeṣṭavya an-upa-deṣṭavya, fp. not to be reported;
-nyasta, pp. unexplained.
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anupapatti an-upapatti, f. not coming to pass, impossibility; a. inadmissible, impossible;
-upa-panna, pp. unsuitable; improved, inadmissible;
-upa-bhujyamāna, pr. pt. ps. not being enjoyed (riches);
-upa-bhogya, fp. not to be enjoyed;
-upama, a. incomparable;
-upa-yat, pr. pt. to cohabiting with;
-upa-yukta, pp. unserviceable, useless; unfit;
-upa-yujyamāna, pr. pt. ps. good for nothing;
-upayogin, a. unserviceable: (ī) -tva, n. abst. N.;
-uparodha, m. not prejudicing, not injuring: -tas, ad. without inconvenience;
-upa-lakṣita, pp. unnoticed;
-upalabdhi, f. non-perception; imperceptiblity;
-upalambha, m. id.;
-upasaṃhārin, a. non-exclusive (fallacious middle term);
-upasarga, a. not combined with a preposition;
-upa-skṛta, pp. unprepared; simple; unfurnished with (in.); disinterested;
-upa-hata, pp. healthy; undisputed;
-ātmaka, a. not dejected, cheerful;
-upa-hita, pp. unconditioned, unappropriated.
anupākṛta an-upa+ākṛta, pp. unconsecrated.
anupāta anu-pāta, m. going after, following;
-ka, n. minor crime equal to a mortal crime;
-pātin, a. following.
anupārata an-upa+ā-rata, pp. not desisting from (ab.).
anupālaka anu-pālaka, a. guarding, preserving.
anupālabhya an-upa+ālabhya, fp. not to be blamed; to be observed.
anupālin anu-pālin, a. guarding, protecting (-°).
anupūrva 1. anu-pūrva, a. compounded w. anu.
anupūrva 2. anu-pūrva, a. following the one preceding; regular: °-, -m, ad. in regular order;
-śas, ad. in successive order; according to the order of (g.).
anupekṣaṇa an-upekṣaṇa, a. not neglecting; not hvg. the consent of (in.);
-tva, n. abst. N..
anupeta an-upeta, pp. who has not yet gone to his teacher;
-purva, a. id..
anuprapattavya anu-pra-pattavya, fp. to be followed;
-pra-vacanīya, fp. requisite for learning the Veda;
-praveśa, a. entering, penetrating into (feelings, &c.); accommodation to (-°);
-praśna, m. enquiry after (g.);
-pra-sakti, f. connexion;
-prāsa, m. alliteration.
anubandha anu-bandha, m. attachment; continuity; series; posterity; consequence; motive; mute letter (gr.); indispensable element: -na, n. uninterrupted series;
-bandhin, a. connected with (-°); extensive; lasting long: (i) -tva, n. abst. N.;
-bala, n. rear (of an army);
-bodha, m. noticing, perceiving; reviving an evaporated smell;
-bodhya, fp. to be recognised; to be made acquainted with.
anubhava anu-bhava, m. perception, feeling; spirit;
-bhāva, m. enjoyment; power, dignity;
-bhāva, m. eye-witness;
-bhāṣitṛ, a. addressing;
-bhūta, pp. experienced, felt, enjoyed;
-bhūti, f. perception, apprehension.
anumata anu-mata, pp. approved; permitted; n. consent: lc. with the consent of (g.); (anu-mati,) f. approbation, assent;
mantṛ, m. one who assents;
-mantraṇa, n. recitation of a verse to (g., -°);
-maraṇa, n. following in death (esp. of widows).
anumā anu-mā, f. conclusion;
-mādya, fp. to be hailed;
-māna, n. inference; argument;
-mānana, n. persuasion;
-mārga, m. following; seeking: in. after (g.);
-mārdava, n. pity;
-mālinī-tīram, ad. on the bank of the M.;
-miti, f. conclusion, inference;
-mṛt, a. following in death;
-meya, fp. to be inferred.
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anuyāja anu-yāja, m. after-sacrifice: -vat, a. accompanied with an --;
-yātavya, fp. to be followed;
-yātṛ, m. companion;
-yātra, n., ā, f. retinue; escort;
-yātrika, m. pl. retinue;
-yāna, n. following;
-yāyi-yā, f. following, -tva, n. id.;
-yāyin, a. following; m. follower;
-yugam, ad. according to the (4) ages;
-yoga, m. question, enquiry;
-yojya, fp. at the disposal of (-°); to be asked.
anurakta anu-rakta, pp. devoted, attached, fond;
-rakti, f. attachment, fondness;
-rañj-aka, a. gratifying;
-rañjana, n. gaining the affection of;
-rathyā, f. footpath, pavement;
-rāga, m. colouring; redness; affection; attachment; fondness for (-°); contentment: -vat, a. red; fond; enamoured of (saha): -ī f. N.: -śṛṅgāravatyau, du. f. Anurāgavati and Śṛṅgāravati;
-rāgi-tā, f. attachment;
-rā-gin, a. attached to; worldly; enamoured; lovely;
-rātram, ad. by night.
anurūpa anu-rūpa, a. suitable; conformable to; fit for (g.): -m, -tas, in. ad. in proportion to (-°);
-rūpaka, a. suitable, conformable, corresponding;
-rodha, m. compliance, gratification; regard, consideration;
-rodhana, n. compliance; partiality;
-rodhin, a. considering (-°): (i) -tā, f. complaisance.
anulepa anu-lepa, m. anointing; ointment: -na, n. id.;
-lepin, a. anointed with (-°);
-loma, a. following the hair, with the grain: °-, in. in the natural direction, downwards: in. in a friendly way: f. ā, spell (sc. vidyā); girl of lower caste than the man she marries: -ja, a. born of such a union;
-lomana, a. putting in due order; n. purging.
anulbaṇa an-ulbaṇa, a. not too much or too little, moderate;
-ul-laṅgh-anīya, fp. not to be infringed;
-ita, pp. not transgressed.
anuvaṃśa anu-vaṃśa, m. genealogical table; a. equa; by birth: -m, by birth;
-vaṃśya, a. relating to one's genealogy;
-vacana, n. repetition; study; lesson;
-vanam, ad. in the forest; in every forest;
-vana+antam, ad. in the forest;
-vandin, a. praising;
-vapram, ad. on the bank;
-vartana, n. continuation; compliance, tractableness;
-vartanīya, fp. to be followed;
-varti-tva, n. compliance;
-vartin, a. following, yielding, obedient;
-vartman, a. following, serving;
-vartya, fp. to be followed;
-vaśa, m. obedience; a. obedient;
-vaṣaṭ-kāra, m. repetition of the concluding sacrificial invocation.
anuvāka anu-vāka, m. repetition; lesson, section (of a Vedic text);
-vākya, fp. to be recited; f. ā, verse to be recited by the Hotri or Maitrāvaruna priest.
anuvāc anu-vāc, f. = anu-vākyā;
-vāta, m. following wind;
-vāda, m. repetition; rediscussion; translation;
-vādin, a. repeating; harmonising with, like;
-vāsaram, ad. day by day;
-vāsin, a. abiding (in, -°);
-vidhāyin, a. conforming to; compliant, obedient;
-vi-dheya, fp. to be conformed to; to be prescribed according to (in.);
-vṛtta, pp. oval; n. obedience, compliance;
-vṛtti, f. continuance; carrying on a word to a following sūtra (gr.); repetition; compliance; conformity with; attachment.
anuvelam anu-velam, ad. continually; occasionally.
anuveśa anu-veśa, m. entering.
anuvyādha anu-vyādha, n. filling;
-vyāhara-ṇa, n. repeated recitation;
-vyāhāra, m. cursing;
-vrajya, fp. to be accompanied;
-vrajyā, attendance on a person departing; (anu) -vrata, a. devoted to (ac., g.).
anuśakti anu-śakti, f. a subordinate Śakti.
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anuśaya anu-śaya, m. repentance; revocation (of a bargain): -vat, a. penitent;
-ākṣepa, m. implication of remorse: a rhet. figure;
-śāsana, n. instruction; precept, doctrine; order;
-śāanīya, fp. to be instructed; to be punished;
-śāsitṛ, m. guide, teacer;
-śā-sin, a. chastising;
-śāsti, f. instruction;
-śi-kṣin, a. acquiring, practising;
-śiṣṭa, pp. sās, -śuśrūṣā, f. (des. N.) obedience;
-śoc- ana, n. lamentation;
-śocin, a. lamenting for (-°);
-śphin, a. splendid.
anuṣaṅga anu-ṣaṅga, m. attachment to (lc.); longing; immediate consequence;
-ṣaṅgin, a. attached; prevailing, necessarily following from (g.);
-ṣaṅganīya, fp. to be supplied from the context.
anuṣṭuti anu-ṣṭuti, f. praise.
anuṣṭubh anu-ṣṭubh, a. shouting after; f. song of praise; a metre 4 X 8 syllables.
anuṣṭhātavya anu-ṣṭhā-tavya, fp. to be done, to be executed;
-ṣṭhātṛ, m. performer;
-ṣṭhāna, n. practice, performance;
-ṣṭhā- pana, n. causing to perform;
-ṣṭhāyin, a. practising, performing;
-ṣṭhita, pp. done, performed;
-ṣṭheya, fp. to be accomplished.
anuṣṭhyā anu-ṣṭhyā, ad. immediately; at once.
anuṣṇa an-uṣṇa, a. not hot, cool, cold: -tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N.;
-śīta, a. neither hot nor cold.
anuṣvadham anu-ṣvadham, ad. willingly.
anusaṃtati anu-saṃtati, ad. in uninterrupted succession;
-saṃtāna, m. offspring, son;
-saṃ-dhātavya, fp. to be heeded, to be attended to;
-saṃdhāna, n. careful attention, application; scrutiny;
-saṃdheya, fp. to be attended to.
anusara anu-sara, a. (ī) following; conforming to: -ṇa, n. following, pursuing;
-sānu, ad. on the ridge of the hills;
-sāra, m. following, pursuing; conformity; (legal) precedent: -tas, in. according to (-°); -sārin, a. following, attendant on; seeking out; aiming at; conforming to; adhering to;
-sevā, f. service, attendance;
-sevin, a. addicted to, practising (-°).
anustaraṇī anu-staraṇī, f. cow killed at funeral sacrifices, with whose pieces the corpse is covered limb for limb;
-smaraṇa, n. recollection;
-syūta-tva, n. passing through (-°) as a thread;
-svāra, m. nasal sound of a vowel (gr.).
anūka anūka, m. n. spine.
anūkāśa anū-kāśa, m. regard, reference.
anūcāna anu+ūc-āna, pf. pt. Ā, learned; modest;
-mānin, a. proud of learning.
anūcī anūcī, f. of anv-añc.
anūcīna anūc-īna, a. successive; proud of knowledge.
anūḍhā an-ūḍhā, pp. f. unmarried.
anūtthita anu+ut-thita, pp. sthā.
anūdaka an-ūdaka, n. lack of water, drought.
anūna an-ūna, pp. complete, entire; not less than (ab.); °-, ad. very, exceedingly;
-vastu-ka, a. of complete content or essence.
anūpa anūpa [anu+ap-a], m. shore; moorland; reservoir; N. of a maritime country..
anūru an-ūru, m. (thighless), dawn (personified as the sun's charioteer or brother.
anūlā anūlā, f. N. of a river..
anūṣivas anu+ūṣ-i-vas, pf. pt. of vas.
anṛkṣara an-ṛkṣara, a. thornless; -- ṛc, ṛca, a. not versed in the Ṛg-veda;
-ṛju, a. not straight; dishonest;
-ṛṇa, a. unindebted: -tā, f., -tva, n. -ness (to g.);
-ṛṇatā-kṛtya, n. intention of paying one out;
-ṛ-na+akartos, g. inf. to free from debt;
-ṛṇin, a. free from debt.
anṛta an-ṛta, a. wrong; untrue, lying; n. wrong; fraud; lie;
-pūrvam, ad. falsely;
-maya, a. false, lying;
-vāc, a. lying; m. liar;
-vādin, a. id.: (di) -tā, f. untruthfulness;
-saṃhita, a. not keeping engagements;
-abhi-śaṃsana, m. false accusation.
anṛtika an-ṛti-ka, a. lying; m. liar;
-ṛtin, a., m. id.;
-ṛtu, m. wrong season; wrong time for sexual intercourse.
aneka an-eka, a. more than one, various: pl. many, several;
-tva, n. plurality;
-dhā, ad. into many parts; in many ways;
-pa, m. elephant;
-pitṛka, m. pl. grandsons with different fathers;
-buddhi, f. manifold conception (ph.);
-yuddha-vijayin, a. victorious in many battles;
-rūpa, a. manifold, multiform;
-vijayin, a. frequently victorious;
-vidha, a. manifold: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-śas, ad. in large numbers; repeatedly;
-saṃ -ssya+ucchedin, a. dispelling many doubts;
-saṃsthāna, a. having various forms, variously disguised;
-saṅkhya, a. very numerous.
anekānta aneka+anta, m. no absolute case;
i-ka, a. not to the point, irrelevant.
anekopavāsa aneka+upavāsa, m. much fasting.
anedya a-nedya, a. blameless.
anenas an-enas, a. guiltless; faultless, sinless;
-evaṃ-vid, a. not having such knowledge;
-ehas, a. unequalled; safe; m. time;
-oka-ha, m. tree (not leaving home);
-oṃkṛta, pp. unacompanied by om;
-ojas, a. powerless, weak.
anoratha ano-ratha, m. pl. carts and war-chariots;
-vāhyā, fp. to be conveyed in carts; n. cart-load: -m, ad. by the cart-load.
anaucitya an-aucitya, n. unusualness;
-aud-dhatya, n. lack of arrogance; lowness of water;
-auṣadha, n. not remedy; a. incurable.
anta anta, m. (n.) border, edge, limit; proximity; end; death; final letter, last word (gr.); acme, height (of, g.); conclusion; solution; settlement; condition; interior; -°, ending with: -m, ad. up to, into: lc. finally; near; in presence of; in (-°); a. lovely.
antaḥkaraṇa antaḥ-karaṇa, n. the internal organ (ph.); heart;
-kopa, m. internal anger;
-pura, n. (inner city), royal citadel; harem, women's apartments; sg. & pl. wives of a king: -cara, m. harem-attendant, -jana, m. women of the harem, -vṛddhā, f. old female attendant of the harem;
-purikā, f. woman of the harem;
-prakṛti, f. pl. constituent elements of the state except the prince..
antaka anta-ka, a. ending, destroying; m. death; Yama;
-pura, n. city of Yama.
antakara anta-kara, a. making an end, killing: -ṇa, a. id.; n. destruction.
antakāla anta-kāla, m. hour of death;
-kṛt, a. making an end; m. death; Yama;
-ga, a. going to the end of; thoroughly versed in (-°);
-gata, pp. ended; final;
-gamana, n. coming to the end of (g.);
-tas, ad. from the end; with the extremities; at the end of (g.); finally;
-pāla, m. boundary watchman.
antama anta-ma, spv. next; intimate, very dear; last; m. neighbour.
antar antar, ad. within, inwards; prp. in, within (g., lc., -°); between, among (ac., g., lc.); out of (ab., g.).
antara anta-ra, a. intimate; inner; other; n. interior; interval, distance; entrance; time, while; opportunity, weak point; difference, species, peculiarity; surety; -° = other, different, special, peculiar: -m, ad. inwards, within; further; into the midst of (g., -°); in. between, within, during, after (ac., -°); without, except; on account of, with regard to (ac., g.); ab. out of, after (-°); lc. (also pl.) in, within; meanwhile, on the way; during, after (-°); between, among (g., -°); (e) tasmin-, (t) atra-, meanwhile.
antaragata antara-gata, pp. being within (g., -°); distant.
antaraṅga antar-aṅga, a. inner; intimate; akin; n. internal organ, heart.
antarajña antara-jña, a. discriminating: -tā, f. discrimination;
-tara, cpv. very intimate with (g.);
-tas, ad. within, prp. within (g.); from within (-°);
-patita, pp. vanished, = not coming into consideration;
-pūruṣa, m. soul;
-prabhava, a. of intermediate origin, i.e. of mixed caste;
-prepsu, des. a. wishing to obtain an opportunity;
-stha, a. being within (g., -°) inner; m. surety; witness;
-sthita, pp. standing within (-°).
antarā antarā, ad. amidst, between; therein; further; on the way; near; almost; in the interval; now and then; antara+antarā, now and then, here and there; repeated: one time -- another time; pp. between (ac., lc.); during without, except (ac.).
antarāgamana antarā-gamana, n. going through between.
antarāgāra antar-āgāra, n. interior of a house;
-ātman, m. soul, heart; self.
antarānveṣin antara+anveṣin, a. seeking an opportunity.
antarāya antar-āya, m. obstacle; interval.
antarāla antar-āla, n. interval: lc. on the way, meanwhile; intermediate caste;
-bhū, f. space between (g.).
antarāvedi antarā-vedi, f. partition.
antarikṣa antar-ikṣa, n. sky.
antarikṣaga antarikṣa-ga, a. moving in the air; m. bird.
antarita antar-ita, pp. (i) retired; excluded, separated; intervening; distant; being in a. state (-°); hidden, by (in., -°), obstructed by (-°).
antarindriya antar-indriya, n. internal organ.
antarīkṛ antarī-kṛ, take between.
antarīkṣa antar-īkṣa, n. sky;
-ga, a. moving in the air; m. bird.
antarīya antarīya, n. under-garment.
antaruṣya antar-uṣya, m. station, resting-place.
antargata antar-gata, pp. gone within, entered; inward, inner; hidden, secret; vanished; contained in, being in (-°);
-gala-gata, pp. sticking in the throat.
antarjalacara antar-jala-cara, a. living in the water;
-nivāsin, a. id.;
-supta, pp. sleeping in the water;
-ogha, m. internal mass of water.
antarjānu antar-jānu, a. holding the hands between the knees; ad. between the knees;
-jyotis, a. having its light turned inwards; n. internal light.
antardaśāha antar-daśa+aha, m. interval of ten days;
-duḥkha, a. inwardly grieved;
-duṣṭa, pp. inwardly bad, wicked, vile;
-dhana, n. inner treasure;
-dhāna, n. covering; disappearance: -m gam, -i,-vraj, disappear;
-dhi, m. concealment: -m gam, disappear;
-dhairya, n. inward firmness;
-ni-hita, pp. placed within.
antarbāṣpa antar-bāṣpa, m. restrained tears; a. restraining the tears;
-bhavana, ad. in or into the house (-°);
-bhāva, m. inclusion in (lc.); disappearance; -m gam, disappear;
-bhāvita, pp. included;
-bhūta, pp. contained in (lc.): -tva, n. abs. N.;
-bheda, m. internal rupture;
-mada+avastha, a. whose rut is still within, i. e. has not yet outwardly shown itself;
-mandira, n. harem;
-manmatha, m. concealed love;
-mukha, a. entering the mouth; turned inwards.
antaryāma antar-yāma, m. Soma draught while suppressing the breath;
-yāmin, m. the inner guide;
-lajjā, f. inward shame;
-lāpikā, f. riddle containing its own solution;
-līna, pp. lī.
antarvaṃśika antar-vaṃśika, m. superintendent of the harem;
-vat, a., of. -ī & -nī, pregnant;
-vastra, n. under-garment;
-vāṇī, a. learned;
-vāsa, m. abiding in (-°);
-vāsas, n. under-garment;
-vāsika, m. = -vaṃśika;
-vi-sha, a. poisonous within;
-vedi, m. pl. inhabitants of Antarvedi;
-vedī, f. No. of a country between the Ganges and the Yamunā.
antarhāsa antar-hāsa, m. suppressed laughter: -m, ad. with suppressed laughter.
antarhita antar-hita, pp. (dhā) vanished.
antavat anta-vat, a. having an end, finite, perishable.
antaścara antaś-cara, a. moving in the body;
-caitanya, a. internally conscious.
antaḥśalya antaḥ-śalya, n. arrow (fig.) in the heart;
-śava, a. containing a corpse;
-śleṣa, m., -ṇa, n. connecting frame.
antasatkriyā anta-satkriyā, f. last honour (to the dead).
antastāpa antas-tāpa, m. inner heat;
a. glowing within;
-toya, a. containing water within.
antaḥsaṃjña antaḥ-saṃ-jña, a. internally conscious, showing no consciousness;
-sattva, n. inner nature;
-salila, a. whose waters are hidden: -m, ad. in the water;
-salila-stha, a. standing in the water;
-sānu, ad. in the mountain ridge;
-sāra, n. inner content or worth; a. hvg. force or water within;
-sukha, a. hvg. his happiness within;
-stha, a. being within (g., -°).
antāvasāyin anta+avasāyin, m., cāṇḍāla.
anti anti, ad, opposite; before; near; prp. near to (g., -°).
antika anti-ka, n. vicinity, presence;
-m, ad. near, up to; ab. from near; close to; from; in., lc. near, close to, before (g., -°);
-cara, a. moving about (-°).
antitas anti-tas, ad. from near.
antima anti-ma, a. last, final.
antevāsa ante-vāsa, m. neighbour, companion;
-vāsin, m. (abiding near), pupil.
antodātta anta+udātta, a. having the acute accent on the last syllable;
-tva, n. abst. N..
antya antya, a. last; lowest; m. man of lowest caste, f. ā, woman --;
-karman, n. last act, cremation;
-ja, a. born in the lowest caste (also N.);
-janman, a. id.: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-yoni, a. of the lowest birth.
antra antra, n. entrails.
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andu andu, andū andū, f. chain; esp. foot-chain, anklet.
andolana andolana, n. swinging.
andolaya andolaya, den. P. swing: pp. andolita.
andha andha, a. blind, dim; pitch-dark; blinded, obscured by (-°).
andhaka andha-ka, a. blind; m. N. of an Asura: -ghātin, m. N. of Śiva;
-ripu, m. id..
andhakāra andha-kāra, a. dark; n. -ness: -tā, f. id.;
-maya, a. dark.
andhakārita andha-kārita, pp. darkened, wrapt in darkness.
andhakūpa andha-kūpa, m. hidden well, pitfall;
-tamasa, n. thick darkness;
-tā, f., -tva, n. ness; N. of a hell.
andhaya andhaya, den. P. blind.
andhavat andha-vat, ad. as if blind.
andhas 1. andh-as, n. darkness.
andhas 2. andhas, n. herb; Soma plant or juice; food.
andhīkṛ andhī-kṛ, blind;
-bhū, become blind.
andhu andhu, m. well.
andhra andhra, m. N. of a people; a mixed caste.
anna an-na, (pp.) n. food, esp. rice; grain of rice.
annakāma anna-kāma, a. desirous of food;
-da, a. giving food;
-dātṛ, m. giver of food;
-dāna, n. gift of food;
-doṣa, m. offence in diet, eating forbidden food;
-pakti, f. preparation of food;
-pati, m. lord of food (Savitṛ Agni, or Śiva);
-pati, a. bestowing food;
-prāśana, n. first feeding of an infant with rice;
-bhaṭṭa, m. N. of an author;
-maya, a. consisting of food;
-mala, n. secretion of rice;
-yoni, arrack;
-rasa, n. sg. & m. pl. food & drink; taste in preparing food: -maya, a. consisting of food & drink;
-vat, a. hvg. food, rich in food;
-vikāra, m. transformation of food: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-saṃskāra, m. preparation of viands.
annāda anna+ad-a, a. (ā, ī) eating food;
-in, a. id.;
-ya, n. nourishment: -kāma, a. desirous of nourishment.
annārtha anna+artha, a. desirous of food, hungry.
annāvṛdh annā-vṛdh, a. refreshed by food.
anya anya, a. (n.-d) other; different from (ab., -°); a certain; common;
anya-anya, the one -- the other;
anyac ca, and besides, moreover.
anyakartṛka anya-kartṛ-ka, a. hvg. another agent (gr.);
-kṛta, pp. done by others;
-kṣetra, n. foreign country;
-gata, pp. referring to another;
-gāmin, a. adulterous.
anyaṅgaśveta a-nyaṅga-śveta, a. pure white.
anyacitta anya-citta, a. thinking of another;
-cintā, f. thought of another;
-cetas, a. thinking of another; distraught;
-ja, a. begotten by another;
-janman, n. future life; -jāta, pp. produced by another; m. bastard;
-tama, spv. one of several; one or other of (g., -°);
-tara, cpv. either of (g.); repeated: the one the other: -syām, (lc. f.) in either way (gr.);
-tra, ad. on either.
anyatas anya-tas, ad. = ab. or lc. of anya; from --, elsewhere; to another place; repeated: on the one side -- on the other.
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anyatā anya-tā, -tva -tva, n. difference.
anyatra anya-tra, ad. = lc. of anya; elsewhere, to another place; on the other hand, otherwise; elsewhere, otherwise than, except (ab.): at another time than (-°).
anyathā anya-thā, ad. otherwise; differently, wrongly: -kṛ, act otherwise, -- wrongly; treat, otherwise, change; take wrongly; frustrate.
anyathādarśana anyathā-darśana, n. wrong investigation (leg.);
-prathā, f. becoming different;
-buddhi, f. prejudice;
-bhāva, m. change; difference;
-abhidhāna, n. false evidence;
-vādin, a. giving false evidence, raising a false suit: (di) -tva, n. abst. N.;
-vṛtti a. of changed mood, agitated;
-saṃbhāvanā, f. false supposition; distrust;
-saṃbhāvin, a. distrustful;
-siddha, pp. falsely proved;
-siddhi, f. false proof;
-stotra, n. ironical praise.
anyadā anya-dā, ad. at another time; one day, once.
anyadīya anyad-īya, a. belonging to another.
anyanimitta anya-nimitta, a. having another cause;
-puṣṭa, m., ā, f. Indian cuckoo (nourished by others);
-pūrvā, f. promised or married to another man before;
-bīja-ja, a. begotten of another's seed;
-bhṛtā, (pp.) f. cuckoo (reared by others);
-manas, a. thinking of or meaning something else;
-mātṛ-ka, a. having another mother;
-mātṛja, m. son of another mother;
-mānasa, a. = anya-manas.
anyarūpa anya-rūpa, n. another form; (anya-), a. of different form, changed in form;
-rū- pin, a. id.;
-lokya, a. destined for another world;
-vādin, a. = anyathā-vādin;
-viṣa-ya, a. having another object; relating to something else; (a) -vrata, a. serving others; perfidious;
-śaṅkita, a. distrustful;
-saṅke-ta, a. having another appointment; consorting with others;
-strī-ga, a. adulterous.
anyāṅkasupta anya+aṅka-supta, pp. having slept in another's arms.
anyādṛkṣa anyā-dṛkṣa, -dṛś (nm. k or ṅ; f. id.), -dṛśa, (ī), a. of a different kind; strange; not as it should be; like others, common.
anyāya a-nyāya, m. unseemly behaviour, unlawful conduct;
-vartin, a., -vṛtta, pp., -vṛtti, a. behaving unbecomingly.
anyāyin a-nyāyin, a. ill-conducted.
anyāyya a-nyāyya, a. illegal.
anyārtha anya+artha, m. another person's a fair; a. having another purpose or sense.
anyūna a-ni+ūna, pp. not too little, sufficient -arthavādin, a. adequately expressive.
anyedyus anye-dyus, ad. on the following day; one day.
anyodarya anya+udarya, a. born of another womb; m. half-brother.
anyo'nya anyo'nya, m. f. (used in oblique cases only) one another: °-, mutual, -ly, reciprocally;
-kalaha, a. quarrelling together;
-kṛtya, n. pl. reciprocal services;
-gata, pp. reciprocal;
-bhāva, m. mutual exchange of condition;
-abhāva, m. mutual non-existence;
-upamā, f. mutual simile.
anyopatāpin anya+upatāpin, a. paining others.
anvakṣam anu+akṣam, ad. immediately after.
anvañc anu+añc, a. (anūcī) following after (ac.);
anvak, ad. behind; after (ac.).
anvaya anu+aya, m. progeny; race, family; connexion; attraction;
-vyatirekin, a. connected with and excluded from a thing;
-ā-gata, pp. inherited.
anvayin anvayin, a. belonging to or connected with the same family; resulting from anything..
anvartha anu+artha, a. appropriate; obvious;
-abhidha, a. appropriately designated.
anvavekṣā anu+avekṣ-ā f. regard, consideration;
-in, a. circumspect.
anvaṣṭakā anu+aṣṭakā, f. day after the Aṣṭakā.
anvaham anu+aham, ad. day by day.
anvādhi anu+ādhi, m. object handed over for delivery to a third person;
-ādheya, -ka, n. property obtained by a woman after marriage;
-ārohaṇa, n. mounting the funeral pyre after the husband;
-āsana, n. sitting down after another; attendance on;
-āhār-yā, n. new moon funeral feast in honour of Manes: -pacana, n. southern sacred fire.
anvita anu+ita, pp. (i) accompanied by, possessing (-°).
anveṣa anu+eṣa, m., -ṇa, n. -ṇa, f. search, quest, investigation;
-ka, a. searching after -ṇiya, fp. doubtful, questionable.
anveṣin anveṣ-in, a. seeking;
-ṭavya, pp. to be sought or found out; -tri, m. searcher;
-ya, fp. to be sought or found out; doubtful.
ap 1. AP, be active, work.
ap 2. ap, work.
ap 3. ap, f. pl. (also sg. in V.) water.
apa apa, ad. off, away (°-).
apa apa, ad. off, away (°-); *prp. away from, except (ab.).
apakartana apa-kartana, n. cutting in pieces;
-kartṛ, m. injurer;
-karman, n. delivery;
-karṣa, m. removal; decrease; deterioration; low position; annulment; anticipation (gr.);
-karṣaka, a. diminishing, detracting;
-kar-ṣaṇa, a. id.; n. removal; degradation;
-kar-ṣin, a. drawing away;
-kalmaṣa, a. free from sin;
-kāra, m. -tā, f. hurt, injury;
-kārin, a. injurious; offensive; mischievous;
-kīrtya, fp. dishonourable.
apakṛt apa-kṛ-t, a. injuring;
-kṛta, (pp.) n., -kṛti, f., -kṛtya, n. = apa-kāra;
-kṛṣṭa, pp. low, inferior, mean.
apakrama apa-krama, m., -ṇa, n., -krānti, f. departure;
-krāma, m. id.; escape;
-kriyā, f. delivery; injury; wrong procedure.
apakva a-pakva, pp. unbaked; undigested; immature;
-tā, f. immaturity.
apakṣa a-pakṣa, a. unwinged;
-pātin, a. not flying with wings; siding with Viṣṇu.
apakṣaya apa-kṣaya, m. decrease.
apakṣalopa a-pakṣa-lopa, m. non-loss of wings;
-sāda, m. id..
apaga apa-ga, a. turning away from (ab.).
apagatatejaska apa-gata-tejas-ka, a. void of light;
-prakāśa, a. id..
apagama apa-gama, m., -na, n. departure, disappearance; lapse.
apagarjita apa-garjita, a. thunderless.
apaguṇa apa-guṇa, a, void of excellences.
apaghana 1. apa-ghana, a. body.
apaghana 2. apa-ghana, a. cloudless.
apaghāta apa-ghāta, m. warding off;
-ka, a. warding off, dispelling.
apaghṛṇa apa-ghṛṇa, a. pitiless, cruel.
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apaṅka a-paṅka, a. mireless, dry;
-tā, f. -ness.
apacaya apa-caya, m. decrease, diminution;
-carita, (pp.) n. transgression;
-cāra, m. want; death; trangression;
-cārin, a. deviating fr.; erring; faithless (wife).
apacita apa-cita, pp. ci;
-citti, f. veneration; atonement.
apacchattra apa-cchattra, a. lacking an umbrella;
-cchāya, a. shadowless;
-ccheda, m., -na, n. cutting off, separation, division.
apajāta apa-jāta, pp. degenerate;
-jighāṃ-su, des. a. desirous of warding off (ac.);
-ji-hīrṣā, f. desire to rob;
-jihīrṣu, des. a. intending to rob;
-jya, a. lacking a bowstring;
-jvara, a. fervorless.
apañcīkṛta a-pañcī-kṛta, -bhūta -bhūta, pp. n. pl. not yet become five (elements).
apaṭīkṣepa a-paṭī-kṣepa, m. not tossing aside the curtain: (e) -ṇa pra-viś, enter (the stage) suddenly and impetuously.
apaṭu a-paṭu, a. not scorching (rays); useless, incapable;
-tva, n. incapacity.
apaṇḍita a-paṇḍita, a. unlearned, illiterate; stupid;
-tā, f. folly.
apaṇya a-paṇya, fp. not to be sold; n. ware that may not be sold.
apati a-pati, a., f. -kā, id. unmarried; widowed.
apatita a-patita, pp. not outcast; not forfeited;
-anyo'nya-tyāgin, a. forsaking each other without losing caste.
apativratā a-pati-vratā, f. faithless to her husband.
apatuṣāra apa-tuṣāra, a. free from mist;
-tā, f. abst. N..
apatnīka a-patnī-ka, a. wifeless.
apatya apa-tya, n. offspring, progeny, child;
-duḥkha+eka-maya, a. consisting solely of grief for children;
-vat, a. possessed of offspring;
-sneka-kṛpā-maya, a. filled with love and pity for children.
apatrapaṇa apa-trap-aṇa, n., -ā, f. shame, embarrassment.
apatha a-patha, n. no way, pathlessness; wrong way; bad course; wrong place: in. not in the usual way; a. pathless; inaccessible;
-prapanna, pp. misplaced;
-hara, a. choosing the wrong way.
apathya a-pathya, a. not beneficial, unsuitable; unwholesome;
-kārin, a. intriguing against (-°): (i) -tva, n. abst. N.;
-bhuj, a. eating unwholesome food.
apad a-pad, a. (f. = m., or -ī) footless.
apada 1. a-pada, n. not abode; wrong place.
apada 2. a-pada, a. footless.
apadāna apa-dāna, n. heroic deed;
-deśa, m. advice; designation; pretext, appearance;
-deśin, a. disguised as (-°); be indicated;
-doṣa, a. faultless;
-tā, f. -ness.
apadma a-padma, a. lacking a lotus.
apadravya apa-dravya, n. bad ware;
-dhā, f. hiding-place;
-dhūma, a. smokeless: -tva, n. -ness;
-dhyāna, n. disfavour, malice;
-dhavaṃ-sa, m. degradation;
-ja, m. child of a mixed marriage;
-dhvasta, pp. degraded.
apanaya apa-naya, 1. m. taking away; expulsion; 2. m. imprudence: -na, a. taking away; n. wiping away, removal;
-nayin, a. imprudent;
-nidra, a. blossomed;
-ninīṣum des. a. wishing to expel (ac.);
-nirvāṇa, a. not yet ended;
-nutti, f. removal; atonement;
-nu-nut-su, des. a. wishing to remove, -- to expiate (ac.);
-neya, fp. to be removed;
-noda, m. expulsion, removal; atonement: -na, a. removing; n. removal.
apanthadāyin a-pantha-dāyin, a. not making way for another.
apannada a-panna-da, a. whose teeth have not yet fallen out.
apapayas apa-payas, a. waterless;
-pātra, a. excluded from the use of utensils;
-pādatra, a. unshod;
-pīḍā, f. sudden and dangerous attack of disease.
apabhaya apa-bhaya, a. fearless;
-bhartṛ, m. remover;
-bhraṃśa, m. fall; ungrammatical form; vulgar dialect;
-bhraṣṭa, pp. debased, corrupt, provincial (dialect).
apama apa-ma, spv. last, furtherest;
-marśa, m. contact;
-māna, m. (n.) disregard, disrespect, contempt;
-mārga, 1. m. wiping off; 2. m. by-way;
-mārjana, a. wiping off, removing; n. cleansing;
-mud, a. disagreeable;
-mṛga, a. deerless;
-mṛtyu, m. untimely death; mortal danger;
-megha+udaya, a. free from the rise of clouds;
-yaśas, n. dishonour, disgrace;
-yāta-vya, fp. n. it is needful to flee;
-yāna, n. going away, retreat, flight;
-yodha-rava, a. no longer raising a battle-cry.
apayodharavāraṇa a-payodhara-vāraṇa, a. not delayed by clouds;
-saṃsarga, a. lacking contact of the breasts.
apara 1. apa-ra, a. hinder, further; later, following; western; to the west of (ab.); inferior; other; different form (ab.); opposite; strange, unusual: -m, ad. subsequently, in the future, after; moreover, besides; to the west of (ab.); m. elephant's hind foot.
apara 2. apa-ra, n. future;
-kārya, n. later transaction.
aparakta apa-rakta, pp. bleached, pale.
aparajaladhi apara-jaladhi, m. western ocean.
aparatas apara-tas, -tra -tra, ad. elsewhere.
aparatva a-para-tva, -ka -ka, n. not being far (ph.).
aparathā apara-thā, ad. otherwise.
aparadiś apara-diś, f. west;
dīkṣin, a. taking the later consecration.
aparapakṣa apara-pakṣa, m. second half of the lunar month;
-rātra, m. i, f. second half of the night;
-vaktra, n. a. metre.
aparaśuvṛkṇa a-paraśu-vṛkṇa, pp. not felled with an axe.
aparasparasaṃbhūta a-paraspara-saṃbhūta, pp. not produced one from the other.
aparāga apa-rāga, m. aversion, hostility.
aparāṅmukha a-parāṅ-mukha, a. with unaverted face: -m, ad. unreservedly.
aparājita a-parā-jita, pp. unconquered, unconquerable; m. N. of a mythical sword; f. ā, N. of a herb; a metre.
aparāddha apa-rāddha, pp. having erred, guilty, culpable; n. guilt;
-rāddhi, f. mistake, error;
-rādhṛ, a. guilty of an offence or crime; offending.
aparādha apa-rādha, m. transgression, guilt, offence;
-vṛkṣa, m. tree of transgression;
-rādhika, a. without Rādhikā;
-rādh-in, a. guilty, offending;
(i)-tā, f. guiltiness.
aparānta apara+anta, a. living in the extreme west; m. western region: pl. its inhabitants; end, death; lower part of an elephant's hind foot;
-ka, n. kind of song.
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aparārka apara+arka, m. N. of a commentator.
aparāvṛttabhāgadheya a-parāvṛtta-bhāga-dheya, a. to whom fortune does not return; m. unlucky wight.
aparāhṇa apara+ahṇa, afternoon.
aparikrama a-pari-krama, a. unable to walk about;
-kliṣṭa, pp. not sickly;
-kleśa, m. welfare;
-kṣata, pp. unhurt;
-kṣiṇa-śakti, a. of unimpaired strength;
-tva, n. abst. N.;
-gaṇayat, pr. pt. unreflecting;
-gata, pp. unknown, inscrutable;
-graha, m. poverty; a. poor; wifeless.
aparicaya a-pari-caya, m. unfamiliarity;
-calita, pp. unmoved, immovable;
-cita, pp. unknown, unfamiliar;
-cyuta, pp. not having deserted;
-cchada, a. destitute of retinue or baggage;
-cchinna, pp. unlimited;
-ccheda, m. lack of decision; irresolution; want of judgment;
-kartṛ, a. not deciding rightly;
-jāta, pp. premature, still-born.
aparituṣṭa a-pari-tuṣṭa, pp. not pleased;
-toṣa, a. dissatisfied; m. dissatisfaction;
-tyakta, pp. unforsaken;
-tyajya, fp. not to be forsaken;
-tyāga, m. non-abandonment;
-tyājya, fp. not to be abandoned;
-nirvāṇa, pp. not quite extinguished or ended;
-ni-ṣṭhita, pp. not standing quite firm.
aparipakva a-pari-pakva, pp. not quite ripe;
-pūta, pp. unpurified (grain);
-bādha, a. unhindered, unbounded;
-bhāṣaṇa, n. not talking much;
-bhūta+ajña, a. whose orders are attended to;
-bhraśyamāna, pr. pt. not escaping;
-mita, pp. unmeasured, unbounded;
-meya, fp. innumerable.
aparivādya a-pari-vādya, fp. not to be blamed;
-vṛta, pp. unsurrounded; unenclosed;
-vraḍhiman, m. inability to (inf.).
apariśaṅkita a-pari-śaṅkita, pp. unanticipated;
-ślatham, ad. vigorously.
aparihata a-pari-hata, pp. unimpeded, boundless;
-hāra, m. non-avoidance;
-hārya, fp. unavoidable;
-hīya-māna, pr. pt. ps. not being omitted, not wanting;
-hṛta, pp. unavoided, practised;
-hvṛta, pp. unscathed.
aparī aparī, f. future: lc. pl. in the future.
aparīkṣita a-pari+īkṣita, pp. unconsidered, rash; m. one who acts inconsiderately;
-kā-raka, n. title of book V of the Pañcatantra.
aparuṣ apa-ruṣ, a. free from anger.
aparuṣa a-paruṣa, a. not harsh, not rough.
apareṇa apareṇa, (in.) prp. behind, weste of (ac.).
aparedyus apare-dyus, ad. on the following day: = lc. in -saṃprāpte, when the following day had arrived.
aparokṣa a-parokṣa, a. not invisible, present, perceptible: lc. of one has been present (gr.);
-tva, n. presence.
aparokṣaya aparokṣaya, den. P. inspect (ac.).
aparṇa a-parṇa, a. leafless; f. ā, N. of Umā.
apartu apa+ṛtu, m. wrong season; a. unseasonable; ad. out of season.
aparyanta a-paryanta, a. unbounded.
aparyāṇa a-paryāṇa, a. unsaddled.
aparyāpta a-pari+āpta, pp. insufficient;
-vat, a. unable to (inf.).
aparyāsita a-pari+āsita, pp. not overthrown, not destroyed.
aparyuṣita a-pari+uṣita, pp. quite fresh, quite new.
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aparvan a-parvan, n. jointless spot; no natural break (in a story); day which is no Parvan, ordinary day; time when no eclipses ought to occur.
apalatābhavana apa-latā-bhavana, a. arbourless;
-lapana, n. flattery;
-lāpa, a. denial;
-lāpin, a. keeping secret, concealing (g.).
apavaktṛ apa-vaktṛ, m. averter;
-varaka, n. sleeping apartment;
-varga, m. completion, end; final beatitude;
-vartana, n. removal;
-vāda, m. refutation; annulment, exception; blame; unjust imputation; command; decoy cry;
-vādin, a. blaming (-°);
-vāritam, -vāritakena, ad., -vārya, gd. secretly, in a stage whisper (drama);
-vāha, m. removal;
-vāhana, n. id.; decrease.
apavikṣata apa-vi-kṣata, pp. unhurt;
-vi-ghna, a. free from hindrances;
-viddha, pp. vyadh;
-vidyā, f. bad knowledge; ignorance;
-vṛta, pp. ill-behaved;
-vṛtti, f. running down, coming to an end;
-vedha, m. faulty perforation.
apavrata apa-vrata, a. disobedient.
apaśaṅkam apa-śaṅkam, ad. fearlessly;
-śabda, m. slander; corrupt form, ungrammatical language;
-śaśi-tilaka, a. lacking a moon as forehead mark;
-śastra, a. weaponless;
-śū-la, a. spearless;
-śoka, a. free from sorrow.
apaścima 1. a-paścima, a. not the last.
apaścima 2. a-paścima, a. last of all: -m, ad. for the very last time.
apaśya a-paśya, a. not seeing.
apaśyat a-paśyat, pr. pt. not seeing, not perceiving; not pondering.
apaśrī apa-śrī, a. (n.) (i) bereft of beauty.
apaṣṭhu apa-ṣṭhu, ad. wrongly.
apas 1. ap-as, n. work, act (esp. sacrificial).
apas 2. ap-as, a. active, diligent.
apasada apa-sada, m. outcast; worst among (-°): pl. children of mixed marriages (in which the father is lower);
-saraṇa, n. going away, retreat;
-sarpa, m. spy;
-savya, a. not left, right: -ṃkṛ, turn the right side towards (ac., lc.); hang the sacred thread on the right shoulder: -vat, a. in which the sacred cord is on the right shoulder;
-sāra, m. exit, outlet, egress: -ṇa, n. removing, dismissing, banishing;
-sāri-tā, f. issue, end;
-sārin, a. decreasing, diminishing.
apasnāna apa-snāna, n. bath-water which has been used;
-spasśa, a. lacking spies;
-smāra, m. (loss of consciousness), possession, epilepsy;
-smārin, a. possessed; epileptic.
apasya apas-ya, den. P. be active.
apasyu apas-yu, a. busy.
apaha apa-ha, a. removing, destroying (-°);
-hati, f. counteracting, repelling; driving away;
-hantṛ, m. (f. trī) expeller;
-haraṇa, n. appropriation; abduction; removal;
-har-tavya, fp. to be taken away;
-hartṛ, m. purloiner; remover;
-harṣa, a. joyless.
apahastaya apa-hastaya, den. P. shake off, push aside: pp. -hastita.
apahāra apa-hāra, m. taking away, robbery; removal; concealment; denial: -ka, a. taking away, stealing; m. thief, -varman, m. N. of a man;
-hārin, a. taking away, stealing;
-hṛti, f. taking away, removing;
-hnava, m. denial; concealment;
-hnotṛ, m. denier.
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apāka apāka, a. coming from afar;
-ja, a. (not produced by ripening), original, natural.
apākariṣṇu apa+ākariṣṇu, a. surpassing (ac.).
apākā apākā, ad. far.
apākāt apākāt, ad. from afar.
apākṛti apā-kṛti, f. keeping off; hostility, rebellion.
apāṅkteya a-pāṅkteya, a. unworthy to partake in a thing with respectable persons.
apāṅktya a-pāṅktya, a. id..
apāṅga apa+aṅga, m. (-°,f. ā,i) outer corner of the eye;
-dṛṣṭi, f. side-glance;
-netra, a. looking sideways.
apācīna apāc-īna, a. retired.
apāñc apa+āñc, a. (f. apāci) lying behind, western.
apāṇi a-pāṇi, a. handless;
-grahaṇā, f. unmarried;
-pāda, a. lacking hands and feet.
apāṇḍava a-pāṇḍava, a. without Pāṇḍava.
apātaka a-pātaka, n. no crime.
apātta apa+ā-tta, pp. dā.
apātra a-pātra, n. (m.) unworthy recipient, -- person;
-kṛtyā, f. action making one unworthy of receiving presents;
-bhṛt, m. cherisher of the undeserving;
-varṣaṇa, n. bestowing on the unworthy;
-varṣin, a. bestowing (lit. raining) on unworthy persons.
apātrīkaraṇa apātrī-karaṇa, a. making a person unworthy.
apādāna apa+ā-dāna, n. what remains ofter separation, source; notion of the ablative (gr.).
apāna apa+ana, m. downward breath (one of the vital airs); anus;
-udgāra, m. fart.
apāpa a-pāpa, a. not wicked; good, innocent;
-cetas, a. well-disposed, innocent.
apāṃpati apāṃ-pati, m. lord of waters; sea; Varuṇa.
apāya apa+aya, m. departure; issue, end; decay; harm, detriment, danger; diminution; trespass;
-saṃdarśana-ja, a. arising from the manifestation of futile means.
apāyin apāyin, a. wanting, lacking.
apāra a-pāra, a. unbounded, infinite.
apārayat a-pārayat, pr. pt. unable to (lc. or ing.).
apārtha apa+artha, a. useless; senseless;
-ka, a. (ikā) valueless, useless.
apārthiva a-pārthiva, a. not earthly, celestial.
apālayat a-pālayat, pr. pt. not protecting.
apāvṛta apa+āvṛta, pp. unclosed, opened.
apāśraya apa+āśraya, m. prop, back (of a chair); support: -ṇa, n. leaning against anything;
-vat, a. having a support in (in.).
api api, prp. w. lc. or °-, at, in, near (V.); ad. also, likewise; even; but, yet; w. neg. = even;
na ca+api, not even; makes interr. indefinite: -ko' pi, some one; w. numer als = all: catvāro' pi, all four; beg. sentences: interr. pel.; w. potent. oh that! api-api or ca, bothand;
na kevalam-api, not only-but also;
api ca, cāpi, moreover, likewise;
ye' pite' pi, those also, who --;
apivā, vāpi, or even;
na-nāpi, neither -- nor;
api nāma (at beg. of sentences) perhaps;
yadi+api, although;
tathā+api, yet.
apit a-pit, a. dried up.
apitṛdevatya a-pitṛ-devatya, a. not adoring the Manes as gods.
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apitrya a-pitrya, a. not paternal.
apitva api-tva, n. participation; cohabitation.
apidhāna api-dhāna, n. covering; lid; lock; bolt.
apinaddha api-naddha, pp. nah.
apivātayat api-vātayat, pr. pt. cs. vat.
apiśasas api-śasas, ab. inf. w. purā; without cutting away.
apihita api-hita, pp. dhā.
apīcya apīcyā, a. secret, hidden.
apīḍayat a-pīḍayat, pr. pt. not exhausting.
apīḍita a-pīḍita, pp. unpressed; unhurt.
apīta a-pīta, pp. not having drunk.
apuṃścalīya a-puṃścalīya, a. no son of a whore.
apuṃs a-puṃs, m. no man, eunuch;
-tva, n. abst. N..
apuṇyakṛt a-puṇya-kṛt, a. unrighteous;
-bhāj, a. unfortunate;
-vat, a. id..
aputra a-putra, m. no son; a. sonless;
-ka, a. id.
aputrin a-putrin, -triya -triya, -trya -trya, a. sonless.
apunarukta a-punar-ukta, pp. never palling.
apunarnivartin a-punar-nivartin, a. not returning.
apunarbhāvin a-punar-bhāvin, a. not recurring, last.
apunarvṛtti a-punar-vṛtti, f. non-return.
apuruṣāparādha apuruṣa+aparādha, m. no fault of the person holding a deposit..
apurohita a-purohita, a. lacking a domestic priest.
apuṣkala a-puṣkala, a. inapplicable.
apuṣpa a-puṣpa, a. flowerless.
apūjita a-pūjita, pp. unhonoured;
-pūjya, fp. not be honoured;
-pūta, pp. unpurified; impure.
apūpa apūpa, m. cake;
-śālā, f. bakehouse.
apūraṇa a-pūraṇa, a. insatiable;
-pūrṇa, pp. not full; diminished by (in.).
apūrva a-pūrva, a. unprecedented, new; extraordinary, incomparable: in. ad. never before;
-tā, f. n. newness, novelty;
-darśana, a. never seen before.
apūrvin a-pūrvin, a. never having done it before.
apūrvya a-pūrvya, a. first; incomparable.
apṛṇat a-pṛṇat, a. not giving, niggardly.
apṛthagbhūta a-pṛthag-bhūta, pp. not different, identical.
apṛthātmaja a-pṛthā+ātmaja, lacking Yuidentical.
apṛṣṭa a-pṛṣṭa, pp. unasked, unquestioned: lc. when no question has been asked.
apekṣā apa+īkṣā, f. looking about; attention, consideration, regard; expectation; requirement; in. with regard to, in comparison with.
apekṣita apa+īkṣita, pp. intentional; n. purpose, business;
-tā, f. expection;
-tva, n. requisiteness.
apekṣin apekṣin, a. regarding; waiting for.
apekṣya apekṣya, fp. to be regarded.
apeta apa+ita, pp. i;
prāṇa, a. deceased;
-bhī, a. fearless.
apeya a-peya, fp. undrinkable; forbidden to be drunk.
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apelava a-pelava, a. not tendent, rude.
apaiśuna a-paiśuna, n. freedom from detraction.
apogaṇḍa a-pogaṇḍa, a. not under age, over sixteen.
apoḍha apa+ūḍha, pp. vah.
apoha apa+ūha, m. removal; combating, disputing;
-na, a. removing; n. removal.
apaurādara a-paura+ādara, a. without the labour of the citizens (°-).
apcara ap-cara, m. water-animal.
aptur ap-tur, a. active; victorious.
aptoryāma aptor-yāma, -ryāman -yāman, n. a particular way of celebrating the Soma sacrifice. 2
aptya ap-tya, a. watery.
apnas ap-nas, n. property, wealth; work.
appati ap-pati, m. lord of waters, Varuṇa.
apya ap-ya, a. (f. ā, or api) belonging to water.
apyaya api+aya, m. entrance, disappearance; end.
aprakaṭīkṛta a-prakaṭī-kṛta, pp. not manifested.
aprakāśa a-prakāśa, a. not light, dark; hidden, secret: -m, ad. secretly; m. darkness;
-na, n. non-betrayal.
aprakāśat a-pra-kāśat, pr. pt. invisible;
-kāśita, pp. no manifested;
-keta, a. indistinguishable, formless;
-galbha, a. cowardly, faint-hearted;
-gṛhya, a. not being a pragṛhya vowel.
apracetas a-pracetas, a. unwise, imprudent.
apracyuta a-pracyuta, pp. unshaken; not swerving from (ab.).
apraja a-pra-ja, a. childless; f. ā, not bearing;
-jajñi, a. ignorant; unfertile;
-jana, a. not begetting: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-jas, a. childless;
-jas-tā, f., -jasya, n. childlessness.
aprajña a-prajña, a. not recognising.
aprajñāta a-prajñāta, pp. unrecognised, unknown.
apraṇaya a-pra-ṇaya, m. lack of affection, coldness;
-ṇayin, a. not cared for;
-ṇīta, pp. not borne to the altar;
-ṇodya, fp. not to be repelled.
apratarkya a-pratarkya, fp. inconceivable; whose destination is unknown.
aprati a-prati, a. irresistible: ad. -bly.
apratikāra a-prati-kāra, a. irremediable;
-kārya, fp. id.;
-kūla, a. not resisting (g.); ready for (lc.); obedient;
-kṛta, pp. against which nothing has been done;
-gata, pp. whom one cannot go to meet;
-grāhya, fp. that may not be accepted.
apratigha a-pratigha, a. irresistible.
apratijñā a-prati-jñā, f. non-consent to (lc.).
apratipatti a-prati-patti, f. not becoming acquainted with; irresolution; embarrassment;
-padyamāna, pr. pt. Ā. not assenting to (ac.);
-pādana, n. withholding;
-pūjita, pp. not honoured.
apratibaddha a-prati-baddha, pp. not kept at a distance, belonging to the retinue;
-bandha, m. no hindrance; a. unhindered;
-buddha pp. unawakened; unenlightened stupid;
-bodha, ad. without awakening (°-);
-bhaṭa, a. irresistible;
-bhā, f. non-appearance, non-arrival;
-bheda, m. non-betrayal.
apratima a-pratima, a. incomparable: -ojas, a. of incomparable might;
-malla, a. unrivalled;
-māna, a., -meya, fp. incomparable.
apratimukta a-prati-mukta, pp. not given leave;
-yatna-pūrva, a. not artificially produced.
apratiyogin a-prati-yogin, a. non-contradictory of (-°); (i) -tva, n. abst. N..
apratiratha a-prati-ratha, a. matchless;
-rā-pa, a. without counterpart, incomparable; inadequate; unsuitable for (g.).
apratividhāna a-prati-vidhāna, n. taking no measures; °-, without artificial means;
-vi-dheya, fp. not to be combated.
apratiśāsana a-prati-śāsana, a. subject to no other authority;
-śraya, a. having no refuge.
apratiṣedha a-prati-ṣedha, m. no objection; invalid objection.
apratiṣṭha a-prati-ṣṭha, a., -ṣaṭhita, pp. having no foundation, perishable, unstable.
apratihata a-prati-hata, pp. unimpeded, unimpaired, irresistible; not elapsed;
-hārya, fp. irresistible.
apratīkāra a-pratīkāra, a. unresisting; incurable;
-kārya, fp. not to be remedied;
-ghāta, a. unresisted.
apratīta a-prati+ita, pp. irresistible; unintelligible.
apratīti a-pratīti, f. lacking of a distinct notion or perception.
aprattā a-pra-ttā, pp. (dā) f. unmarried.
apratyakṣa a-prati+akṣa, a. not visible;
-ak-ṣita, pp. not seen with one's own eyes.
apratyaya a-pratyaya, m. distrust; a. distrustful of (lc.); inspiring distrust.
apratyākhyāyin a-pratyākhyāyin, a. not refusing;
-ākhyeya, fp. not to be refused.
apradakṣiṇam a-pradakṣiṇam, ad. towards the left.
apradāna a-pra-dāna, n. not giving, not granting;
-duṣṭa, pp. not corrupted.
apradhāna a-pradhāna, a. subordinate; n. subordinate person (gr.);
-tā, f., -tva, n. subordinate position.
apradhṛṣya a-pradhṛṣya, fp. unassailable.
aprabuddha a-pra-buddha, pp. unawakened; unblossomed;
-bhava, m. no source or occasion of (lc.);
-bhāta, pp. not yet dawned;
-bhāva, a. unable, powerless: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-bhu, a. unable to (lc.); m. not master of (g.): -tva, n. abst. N.;
-bhūta, pp. insufficient.
apramatta a-pramatta, pp. not careless, careful, attentive;
-tva, n. abst. N..
apramā a-pramā, f. false notion;
-māṇa, n. no authority; something nugatory;
-māṇī-kṛ, not to treat (ac.) as an authority;
-māda, a. attentive, careful: -tva, n. -ness;
-mādin, a. id.;
-meya, fp. immeasurable; infinite, inseparable, undemonstrable;
-moda, m. displeasure.
aprayacchat a-prayacchat, pr. pt. not delivering; not giving a girl in marriage.
aprayatna a-prayatna, lack of exertion: °-, without exertion; a. indifferent to (lc.).
aprayukta a-pra-yukta, pp. unemployed, unusual; inappropriate;
-yucchat, pr. pt. not careless; attentive;
-yujyamāna, pr. pt. ps. not being added; not being lent on interest.
apralaya a-pralaya, ad. without the world perishing (°-).
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apravaktṛ a-pravaktṛ, a. not instructing, unfit to instruct.
apravāsagamana a-pra-vāsa-gamana, n. remaining at home;
-vāsin, a. not going abroad;
-viṣṭa, pp. not entered; not trodden;
-vla-ya, m. non-collapse.
apraśasta a-pra-śasta, pp. accursed, bad, impure; faulty, damaged; n. dirt.
aprasanna a-pra-sanna, pp. not appeased; unreconciled, angry with (lc.);
-sahiṣṇu, a. incapable;
-sāda, m. disfavour, unfriendliness;
-sādita, pp. unclarified;
-siddha, pp. unaccomplished; unknown; unheard of;
-sūta, pp. not having borne, barren;
-sphuṭa, a. indistinct, unintelligible.
aprahata a-pra-hata, pp. not well trodden or worn.
aprākṛta a-prākṛta, a. (i) not original, secondary; unusual, extraordinary.
aprājña a-prājña, a. foolish, stupid;
-tā, f. abst. N.
aprāṇa a-prāṇa, a. lacking breath, inanimate;
-prāṇat, pr. pt., -prāṇin, a. id..
aprādhānya a-prādhānya, n. subordinateness, secondariness.
aprāpta a-prāpta, pp. not having reached; not yet arrived; not obtained; not encountered; not concluded; not resulting (from a grammatical rule); not grown up;
-kāla, a. whose time has not yet come;
-vikalpa, m. alternative not resulting from any rule;
-vyavahāra, a. under age, minor;
-tva, n. minority;
-avasara, a. ill-timed, inopportune.
aprāpya a-prāpya, fp. unattainable.
aprāmāṇya a-prāmāṇya, n. unauthoritativeness; lack of proof.
aprārthita a-pra+arthita, pp. unasked.
aprāstāvika a-prāstāvika, a. (ī) unseasonable.
apriya a-priya, a. displeasing, disagreeable, unwelcome; n. unpleasant thing; unpleasant news; m. enemy.
apriyaṃvada a-priyaṃ-vada, a. speaking unkindly, rude;
-vādin, a. id..
apriyakara apriya-kara, a. unpleasant; causing disaffection;
-kṛt, a. acting unkindly;
-bhāgin, a. full of unpleasantness.
aprīti a-prīti, f. enmity;
-kara, a. causing no joy.
aprekṣaṇīya a-prekṣaṇīya, fp. not fair to see, uncomely.
aprekṣāpūrvakārin a-prekṣā-pūrva-kārin, a. acting inconsiderately: (i) -tā, f. abst. N..
aprekṣya a-prekṣya, fp. invisible.
aproṣita a-pra+uṣita, pp. not being away from home, not absent.
aprauḍha a-pra+ūḍha, pp. not strong enough to (inf.); shy.
apsaras ap-saras, -rā -rā, f. celestial nymph.
apsarastīrtha apsaras-tīrtha, n. N. of a mythi- cal lake.
apsas apsas, n. face or bosom.
aphala a-phala, a. unfruitful; fruitless; castrated;
-prepsu, a. desiring no reward;
-ākāṅkṣin, a. expecting no reward.
aphalgu a-phalgu, a. precious.
aphālakṛṣṭa a-phāla-kṛṣṭa, a. not growing on ploughed land.
aphūtkārya a-phūt-kārya, fp. not needing to be blown upon.
aphena a-phena, -nila, a. foamless.
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abaddha a-baddha, pp. not bound, not tied; disconnected, meaningless; not yet showing.
abandhu a-bandhu, a. lacking relations, companionless.
abandhura a-bandhura, a. elevated, high; sad: -m, ad. sadly.
abandhya a-bandhya, fp. not to be put in chains.
abandhra a-bandhra, a. hopeless.
abarha a-barha, a. still wanting tail-feathers.
abala a-bala, a. weak: f. ā, woman; N.: -vat, a. weak.
abalīyas a-balīyas, epv. a. weaker.
abahiṣkārya a-bahiṣ-kārya, fp. not to be excluded.
abahubhāṣin a-bahu-bhāṣin, a. not speaking much; (i) -tā, f. abst. N.;
-vyakti-niṣ-ṭha, a. not applicable to many individuals;
-śruta, pp. not very learned.
abādha a-bādha, a. unhindered; untormented;
-ka, a. unhindered.
abāndhava a-bāndhava, a. lacking relations;
-kṛta, pp. not caused by relations.
abālasattva a-bāla-sattva, a. not having the nature of a boy.
abāliśa a-bāliśa, n. not childish, not silly.
abālendu abāla+indu, m. full moon.
abindhana ab-indhana, a. having water for its fuel: -vahni, m. the submarine fire.
abīja a-bīja, n. bad seed, bad grain; a. seedless; impotent;
-ka, a. unsown.
abuddha a-buddha, pp. foolish, stupid.
abuddhi a-buddhi, f. foolishness, act of folly; lack of purpose: in. unintentionally; a. foolish: -tā, f. -ness;
-mat, a. foolish, stupid;
-stha, a. not present to the mind.
abudha a-budha, a. stupid, foolish; m. fool.
abudhna a-budhna, a. bottomless.
abudhya a-budhya, fp. not to be awakened.
abudhyamāna a-budhya-māna, pr. pt. Ā. not awaking.
abodha a-bodha, m. lack of knowledge; folly;
-pūrvam, ad. without knowing.
abja ab-ja, a. aquatic; n. lotus;
-bhū, m. Lotus-burn (Brahmā);
-saras, n. lotus pond.
abjinī abjinī, f. lotus plant; lotus pond;
-pati, m. sun.
abda ab-da, m. [water-giving, rainy season], year (cp. varṣa).
abdabhū abda-bhū, a. proceeding from cloud.
abdurga ab-durga, a. inaccessible owing to water.
abdaivata ab-daivata, a. having the waters for a deity.
abdhi ab-dhi, m. sea;
-kanyā, f. Lakṣmī;
-jīvin, m. fisherman;
-tanaya, m. du. the Aśvins;
-tala, n. bottom of the sea.
abbhakṣa ab-bhakṣa, a. living on water only.
abrahmaṇya a-brahmaṇya, a. unfavourable to Brāhmans; n. assault! (cry of Brahmans for help).
abrahman a-brahman, m. no Brāhman; a. lacking devotion; lacking Brāhmans.
abrāhmaṇa a-brāhmaṇa, m. no Brāhman; a. lacking Brāhmans.
abruvat a-bruvat, pr. pt. not stating.
abrūpa ab-rūpa, a. having the form of water.
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abliṅga ab-liṅga, n. ā, f. pl. verses addressed to the Waters (RV. X, ix, 1-3).
abhakta a-bhakta, pp. not apportioned; not devoted.
abhakṣya a-bhakṣya, fp. not to be eaten.
abhaga a-bhaga, a. unfortunate; uncomely.
abhagnakāma a-bhagna-kāma, a. whose desire for (lc.) is not disturbed by (in.);
-mana, a. in which honour does not suffer.
abhajyamāna a-bhajya-māna, pr. pt. ps. unsevered, associated.
abhaṇita a-bhaṇita, pp. unsaid, unexpressed.
abhadra a-bhadra, a. baneful; n. mischief.
abhaya a-bhaya, a. fearless; safe, secure; n. security.
abhayaṃkara abhayaṃ-kara, -kṛt -kṛt, a. cresting security.
abhayaḍiṇḍima abhaya-ḍiṇḍima, m. wardrum: -ṃ dā, proclaim security of person amid beating of drums;
-tama, n. greatest safety;
-da, a. affording security;
-dakṣi-ṇā, f. promise of security;
-datta, m. N. of a physician;
-dāna, n. granting of security;
-prada, -pradāyin, n. granting of security;
-yācanā, f. begging for security of person;
-vāc, f. assurance of safety.
abhavadīya a-bhavad-īya, a. not belonging to your Honour.
abhavya a-bhavya, a. as one should not be; unhappy.
abhāga a-bhāga, a. shareless, portionless.
abhāgadheya a-bhāgadheya, a. excluded from participation.
abhāgin a-bhāgin, a. not participating in, not entitled to (g.).
abhāgya a-bhāgya, a. unhappy; n. misfortune.
abhājana a-bhājana, n. no vessel for = unworthy of (g.).
abhāna a-bhāna, n. non-appearance.
abhārya a-bhārya, a. wifeless.
abhāva a-bhāva, m. non-existence; absence, lack.
abhāvayat a-bhāvayat, pr. pt. cs. not keeping well in view.
abhāvavat abhāva-vat, a. having a lack of, wanting (-°).
abhāvin a-bhāvin, a. not to be.
abhi abhi, ad. unto, near; prp. w. ac.: towards; to, against; over; for, for the sake of; with regard to; w. ab.: without.
abhika abhi-ka, a. eager; libidinous.
abhikāṅkṣā abhi-kāṅkṣā, f. longing, desire for (ac., -°);
-kāṅkṣin, a. desirous of (ac., -°);
-kāma, m. desire; affection, love; a. well-disposed to, longing for (ac.,-°).
abhikṛṣṇam abhi-kṛṣṇam, ad. to Kṛṣṇa.
abhikrama abhi-krama, m. undertaking;
-kra-maṇa, n. going up to;
-krānti, f. overcoming.
abhikṣadā a-bhikṣa-dā, f. giving without solicatation.
abhikhyā abhi-khyā, f. sight; splendour, beauty; name, appellation.
abhigantavya abhi-gantavya, fp. to be visited;
-gama, m. approach; visit; sexual intercourse;
-gamana, n. id.;
-gamya, fp. to be visited; accessible, inviting.
abhigarjin abhi-garjin, a. roaring at.
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abhigāmin abhi-gāmin, a. having sexual intercourse with (ac.).
abhigūrti abhi-gūrti, f. song of praise.
abhighāta abhi-ghāta, m. blow, stroke; noxious effect;
-ghātin, a. striking; m. enemy.
abhicakṣaṇa abhi-cakṣaṇa, a. looking at;
a, f. view;
-cakaṣe, (d.) inf. in order to see.
abhicāra abhi-cāra, m. bewitchment, enchantment.
abhicaidyam abhi-caidyam, ad. against the prince of Cedi.
abhijana abhi-jana, m. descent, race; noble birth; good repute;
-vat, a. nobly descended.
abhijāta abhi-jāta, pp. well-born; charming; n. nobility;
-tā, f. high birth, nobility;
-jāti, f. descent, birth.
abhijit abhi-ji-t, a. victorious; m. N. of a Soma sacrifice; N. of a lunar mansion..
abhijña abhi-jña, a. knowing, acquainted with, experienced in, conversant with (g., -°): -tā, f., -tva, n. ast. N.;
ā, f. remembrance.
abhijñāna abhi-jñāna, n. recognition; token to recognise by: -śakuntala, n. N. of a play..
abhitarām abhi-tarām, (cpv.) ad. nearer to.
abhitaścara abhitaś-cara, m. pl. retinue.
abhitas abhi-tas, ad. up to, near, around; completely; prp. w. g. beside: w. ac. up to; on both sides of; before and behind; round about; behind.
abhitāḍana abhi-tāḍana, n. beating, blow;
-tāps, m. heat; pain;
-tāma, a. dark red.
abhitigmaraśmi abhi-tigma-raśmi, ad. towards the sun.
abhitti a-bhitti, f. non-fracture; lack of a partition.
abhidarśana abhi-darśana, n. sight, spectacle.
abhidūtam abhi-dūtam, ad. to the messenger;
-dūti, ad. to a female messenger.
abhidruh abhi-druh, a. hostile;
-droha, m. injury, insult, contumely.
abhidharma abhi-dharma, m. Buddhist meta- physics..
abhidhā abhi-dhā, a. surrounding; f. appellation, name: -tavya, fp. to be said or announced, -tṛ, m. one who speaks, -na, n. statement; designation; name; word: -kośa, m. dictionary, -yin, a. saying, speaking; stating, explaining;
-dhāvaka, a. hastening up.
abhidheya abhi-dheya, fp. to be designated, -- expressed, -- named; n. meaning;
-tva, n. capability of being designated.
abhidhyāna abhi-dhyāna, n. thinking of (g.); desire for (lc.).
abhinandanīya abhi-nand-anīya, fp. to be praised;
-ya, id.;
-in, a. delighting in (-°).
abhinabhyam abhi-nabhyam, ad. up to the clouds;
-namra, a. greatly bent;
-naya, m. dramatic performance;
-ācārya, m. dramatic teacher.
abhinava abhi-nava, a. quite new or fresh; m. N.: -yauvana, a. being in early youth;
-vayaska, a. id..
abhinahana abhi-nahana, n. bandage.
abhināsikāvivaram abhi-nāsikā-vivaram, ad. to the nostrils.
abhiniveśa abhi-niveśa, m. proneness to (lc., -°); adherence to, insistence on (lc.); obstinacy; love of life;
-niveśin, a. prone to; obstinately insisting on; (i) -tva, n. promeness.
abhinihita abhi-ni-hita, pp. dhā.
abhinna a-bhinna, pp. not pierced, not penetrated; unhurt; unbroken, undivided; steadfast; unchanged; not different from (ab.): -gati, a. not changing one's gait;
-vala, a. not breaking bounds;
-sthiti, a. id..
abhipatana abhi-patana, n. swoop.
abhipāta abhi-pāta, m. hastening up.
abhipitva abhi-pitva, n. turning in; evening.
abhipṛṣṭhe abhi-pṛṣṭhe, lc. ad. behind.
abhipracakṣe abhi-pracakṣe, d. inf. in order to look about.
abhiprāya abhi-prāya, m. object, intention, wish; opinion; meaning; notion, conception;
-prī, a. gladdening;
-preta, pp. (i) meant, intended;
-prepsu, des. a. desirous of (ac.).
abhiplava abhi-plava, m. kind of six days' Soma sacrifice..
abhipluta abhi-pluta, pp. overwhelmed, overflowed.
abhibhartṛ abhi-bhartṛ, ad. on the husband in the husband's presence;
-bhava, a. superior in power; m. predomiance; subjugation; being overwhelmed by (in., ab., -°); contempt;
-bhavana, n. being overcome;
-bhā-vin, a. overwhelming.
abhibhāṣaṇa abhi-bhāṣaṇa, n. allocution;
-bhāṣin, a. addressing; speaking.
abhibhu abhi-bhu, -bhū -bhū, a. superior in power (to ac.).
abhibhūti abhi-bhūti, f. superiority; a. overcoming.
abhibhūtyojas abhibhūti+ojas, a. of transcendent might.
abhimata abhi-mata, pp. esteemed, loved; wished for, approved; n. wish, desire;
-man-tavya, fp. to be regarded as (nm.);
-man-tṛ, a. bringing objects into relation with itself;
-mantraṇa, n. invocation; consecration.
abhimanyu abhi-manyu, m. N.;
jam. son of Abhimanyu;
-pura, n. N. of a town;
-svāmin, m. N. of a temple..
abhimarśa abhi-marśa, m. contact, touch;
-marśana, n. touching;
-marśin, a. touching.
abhimāti abhi-māti, f. hostility, plotting; enemy;
-mātin, m. foe;
-māna, m. hostility; pride; self-consciousness (ph.); fancying oneself possessed of; erroneous assumption; affection;
-māna-vat, a. proud; assuming oneself to have (-°);
-māna-śālin, a. haughty, proud;
-mānin, a. conceited; proud; -°, fancying oneself to have or to be, passing for; representing, meaning: (i) -tā, f. self-conceit, (i)-tva, n. considering oneself to be (-°).
abhimārutam abhi-mārutam, ad. against the wind.
abhimukha abhi-mukha, a. (ī) facing, opposite (ac., d., g., -°); favourable to (in., g.); imminent; -°, on the verge of, -- point of, caring for: °-, ad. in front;
-m, ad. id.; towards, against, opposite (ac., g., -°); lc. opposite (g., -°).
abhimukhīkṛ abhimukhī-kṛ, drive forward;
-bhū, turn towards, favour.
abhiyāna abhi-yāna, n. approach; attack;
-yāyin, a. approaching; attacking; going to (ac., -°).
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abhiyoktavya abhi-yoktavya, fp. to be prosecuted;
-yoktṛ, m. assailant; plaintiff;
-yoga, m. employment; exertion, diligence; attack; charge;
-yogin, a. prosecuting;
-yojya, fp. to be attacked, assailable.
abhirakṣaṇa abhi-rakṣaṇa, n., -rakṣā, f. protection;
-rakṣitṛ, m. protector.
abhirati abhi-rati, f. delight in (lc., -°).
abhirāma abhi-rāma, a. charming, lovely: -m, ad.; m. delight in (-°);
-tā, f. beauty, grace; delightfulness.
abhiruci abhi-ruci, f. delight in (lc., -°);
-rucita, m. N. of a fairy prince..
abhirūpa abhi-rūpa, a. suitable; beautiful; learned;
-tā, f. good breeding, culture.
abhilakṣya abhi-lakṣya, fp. having a view to, directed towards; recognisable by (-°).
abhilakṣyam abhi-lakṣyam, ad. to the goal.
abhilaṅghana abhi-laṅghana, n. overleaping (g.); infringement;
-laṅghin, n. overleaping infringing (-°);
-laṣaṇīya, -laṣya, fp. desirable;
-laṣita, pp. n. desire, wish.
abhilāpa abhi-lāpa, m. speech; announcement.
abhilāṣa abhi-lāṣa, m. desire, eagerness for (lc., -°): -pūrayitṛka, a. fulfilling wishes;
-lāṣin, a. desiring (lc., -°);
-lāṣuka, a. id. (ac.,) -°.
abhilekhita abhi-lekhita, n. document.
abhivadana abhi-vadana, n. address;
-vand-ana, n. respectful salutation;
-varṇana, n. description;
-vardhana, n. strengthening, increasing.
abhivāñchā abhi-vāñchā, f. desire for (-°).
abhivāda abhi-vāda, m. greeting; abuse: -ka, a. saluting; about to greet (ac.): -vād-ana, n. greeting, salutation;
-vādayitṛ, m. greeter;
-vādin, a. explaining; signifying.
abhivāhya abhi-vāhya, n. presentation.
abhivikrama abhi-vikrama, a. valorous;
-vidhi, m. inclusive limitation;
-viśaṅkin, a. afraid of (ab.).
abhivṛddhi abhi-vṛddhi, f. increase, growth, progress.
abhivyakta abhi-vi+akta, pp. añj: -m, ad. plainly;
-vyakti, f. manifestation.
abhiśaṃsana abhi-śaṃsana, n. insult; accusation;
-śaṃsin, a. accusing;
-śaṅkā, f. distrust of (g.); fear of (-°);
-śaṅkin, a. distrusting.
abhiśatru abhi-śatru, ad. against the enemy;
-śastaka, a. accused; (i) -śasti, f. imprecation, curse; misfortune.
abhiśāpa abhi-śāpa, m. curse; serious charge;
-śiras, a. having the head towards (ac.);
-śauri, ad. against Kṛṣṇa.
abhiśrāva abhi-śrāva, m. giving ear;
-śrī, a. arranging; m. arranger;
-ṣaṅga, m. defeat;
-ṣaṅgin, a. defeating, humbling;
-ṣava, m. pressing (Soma).
abhiṣiṣeṇayiṣu abhi-ṣiṣeṇayiṣu, des. a. about to approach with his army.
abhiṣikta abhi-ṣikta, pp. sprinkled, anointed, installed, inaugurated;
-ṣeka, m. besprinkling; inauguration (of a king); water for inauguration; ablution;
-ṣekta-vya, fp. to be inaugurated; ablution;
-ṣecana, n. inauguration (of a king);
-ṣecanīya, fp. relating to inauguration; m. inauguration;
-she-ṇana, n. expedition against (-°).
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abhiṣeṇaya abhiṣeṇaya, den. P. wage war on (ac.).
abhiṣotṛ abhi-ṣotṛ, m. Soma-presser.
abhiṣṭi 1. abhi-ṣṭi, a. superior, victorious.
abhiṣṭi 2. abhi-ṣṭi, f. superiority; help: -śavas, a. giving powerful aid.
abhiṣyanda abhi-ṣyanda, m. redundance.
abhiṣvaṅga abhi-ṣvaṅga, m. attachment to (in., lc.).
abhisaṃdhaka abhi-saṃdhaka, a. cheating;
-saṃdhā, f. statement, speech;
-saṃdhāna, n. connexion; statement; intention; deception;
-saṃdhi, m. intention; scheme; condition;
-pūrva, a. intentional: -kam, ad. with a definite purpose;
-saṃbandha, m. connex on; relation.
abhisara abhi-sara, m. companion: -ṇa, n. amorous visit;
-sāra, m. attack; rendezvous; N. of a people;
-sārikā, f. girl who goes to a rendezvous;
-sārin, a. going to (-°): (ṇ) -ī, f. going to meet her lover;
-sisārayiṣu, des. a. f. intending to visit her lover.
abhisneha abhi-sneha, m. inclination, desire.
abhisvare abhi-svare, lc. prp. (within call), behind (g.).
abhihata abhi-hata, pp. (han) stricken;
-hati, f. impact;
-haraṇa, n. conveying;
-hita, pp. (dhā) said, uttered; accosted.
abhī a-bhī, a. fearless: -ka, a. id..
abhīka abhīka, n. meeting: lc. opportunely.
abhīkṣṇam abhī-kṣṇam, ad. every moment, repeatedly; at once; extremely (°-).
abhīga a-bhī-ga, a. undaunted.
abhīta a-bhīta, pp. fearless: -vat, ad. -ly.
abhīti abhi+iti, f. onset, attack.
abhīpsu abhi+īpsu, des. a. desiring (ac.).
abhīru a-bhīru, a. fearless.
abhīśāpa abhī-śāpa, m. grave accusation.
abhīśu abhīśu, m. bridle; ray: -mat, a. radiant; m. sun.
abhīṣṭa abhi+iṣṭa, pp. wished for; cherished; dear; agreeable; m. favourite, lover; n. wish;
-tama, spv. very dear; n. wish;
-tā, f. popularity;
-da, a. fulfilling one's desire;
-devatā, f. favourite deity (thought of when death is near);
-varṣin, a. sending wished-for rain.
abhīṣmadroṇa a-bhīṣma-droṇa, a. lacking Bhīṣma and Droṇa.
abhukta a-bhukta, pp. unenjoyed.
abhuñjāna a-bhuñj-āna, pr. pt. taking no food.
abhūta a-bhūta, pp. not having been; not happened; not existing: -tad-bhāva, m. becoming what it was not before;
-doṣa, a. guiltless;
-pūrva, a. unprecedented.
abhūtalasparśa a-bhūtala-sparśa, a. not touching the earth: -tā, f. abst. N..
abhūtārtha abhūta+artha, m. impossible thing.
abhūti a-bhūti, f. non-existence.
abhūtopamā abhūta+upamā, f. simile implying an impossibility.
abhūmi a-bhūmi, f. not the right place, no sphere for (g.): -ṣṭha, a. not being in his own country.
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abhūyaḥsaṃnivṛtti a-bhūyaḥ-saṃnivṛtti, f. non-return.
abhūyiṣṭha a-bhūyiṣṭha, a. not numerous.
abhṛta a-bhṛta, pp. paid no wages.
abhṛtyātman a-bhṛtya+ātman, a. disobedient toward (g.).
abhettṛ a-bhettṛ, m. no breaker, observer.
abheda a-bheda, m. non-separation, cohesion; no difference, idenity; a. identical.
abhoga a-bhoga, m. lack of enjoyment.
abhogya a-bhogya, a. not to be enjoyed.
abhojana a-bhojana, n. fasting.
abhojya a-bhojya, fp. that may not be eaten; whose food may not be eaten: -anna, a. id..
abhyagra abhi+agra, a. being in front; imminent;
-aṅga, m. anointing; ointment;
-añj-aka, a. anointing;
-añjana, n. anointing with fatty matter;
-añjyā, fp. to be anointed.
abhyadhika abhi+adhika, a. superfluous, additional; better, superior; greater, stronger, exceeding, more by (in., ab., -°); dearer than (-°); excellent, extraordinary: -m, ad. highly, very, extraordinarily;
-adhyayana, n. study at a place (-°).
abhyanujñā abhi+anu-jñā, f. assent; permission; leave (to depart);
-jñāna, n. id.;
-jñā-pana, n. causing to assent to (g.).
abhyantara abhi+antara, a. inner, being within; contained in (g., lc., -°); intimate; initiated, conversant with (lc.); akin; belonging to; essential to (-°); secret; n. interior; interval of time: -m, ad. within; into (-°); lc. at intervals; in the space of, within (-°).
abhyantarīkṛ abhyantarī-kṛ, put between; initiate in (lc.); make friends of;
-karaṇa, n. initiation in (lc.);
-karaṇīya, fp. to be initiated in (lc.).
abhyamitram abhi+amitram, ad. against the enemy.
abhyamitrīṇatā abhi+amitrīṇa-tā, f. favourable opportunity to attack the enemy.
abhyarkabimbam abhi+arka-bimbam, ad. towards the disc of the sun.
abhyarcana abhi+arc-ana, n. worship;
-anīya, fp. adorable, venerable;
-ya, fp. id..
abhyarṇa abhi+arṇa, a. near; n. neighbourhood: -tā, f. id., proximity.
abhyarthana abhi+arthana, n., ā, f. begging;
-arthanīya, fp. to be requested;
-arthita, pp. n. request;
-arthin, a. asking for (-°);
-arthya, fp. to be requested;
-ardha-yaj- van, a. receiving special offerings;
-arthaṇa, n. homage, adoration;
-arhaṇīya, fp. venerable;
-tā, f. venerableness.
abhyalpa abhi+alpa, a. quite small.
abhyavaharaṇa abhi+ava-haraṇa, n., -hāra, m. taking food and drink;
-hārya, fp. eatable; n. food.
abhyasana abhi+asana, n. application; study;
i-ya, fp. to be practised.
abhyasūyaka abhi+asūyaka, a. detracting;
-asū-yā, f. anger; envy.
abhyasta abhi+asta, pp. read, studied; reduplicated.
abhyastam abhi+astam, ad. with i or gā, set over (ac.);
ita, pp. sleeping at sunset.
abhyākāram abhi+ākāram, abs. enticing.
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abhyāgata abhi+āgata, (pp.) m. visitor, guest.
abhyāgama abhi+āgama, m. -na, n. approach; arrival, visit.
abhyāghāta abhi+āghāta, m. sudden attack, assaut.
abhyātmāgra abhi+ātma+agra, a. with points turned towards oneself.
abhyāvṛtti abhi+āvṛtti, f. repetition.
abhyāśa abhi+āśa, a. near; imminent; m. attainment; vicinity: -m, lc. in the neighbourhood (of, g., ab.).
abhyāsa abhi+āsa, m. addition; repetition; reduplication (gr.); practice; application; use, habit; familiarity with (-°); repeated recitation; study.
abhyāsin abhyāsin, a. applying oneself to (-°).
abhyukṣaṇa abhi+ukṣaṇa, n. besprinkling;
-uj-jayini, ad. towards Ujjayinī;
-utthāna, n. rising from one's seat (as a greeting); rise, ascendancy, exaltation;
-utthita, pp. sthā.
abhyudaya abhi+udaya, m. rise; beginning; success, fortune, prosperity; wealth; festival, esp. sacrifice to the Manes;
-udayin, a. arising, imminent;
-udgati, f. going to meet;
-udgama, m. rising to greet.
abhyupagama abhi+upagama, m. admission; promise;
-upapatti, f. coming to the rescue; aid;
-upapādana, n. id.;
-upāya, m. expedient: -tas, ad. with all means.
abhyūha abhi+ūha, m. supposition; inference.
abhra abhra, (m.) n. (rain) cloud; sky.
abhraṃliha abhraṃ-liha, a. reaching to the clouds.
abhragaṅgā abhra-gaṅgā, f. celestial Ganges.
abhraṃkaṣa abhraṃ-kaṣa, a. reaching to the clouds.
abhracchāyā abhra-cchāyā, f. shadow of a cloud.
abhrātṛ a-bhrātṛ, -ka -ka, a. brotherless.
abhrātṛvya a-bhrātṛvya, a. lacking riv ls.
abhrāvakāśika abhra+avakāśika, a. exposing oneself to the rain.
abhri abhri, f. hoe, spade.
abhrita abhrita, pp. clouded.
abhrūvilāsa a-bhrū-vilāsa, a. not coquetting with the brows.
abhva a-bhva, a. mighty; n. great power; horror; monster.
am AM, am-īti, advance; cs. āmayati, be injured or ill.
ama 1. ama, prn. stem, this; he.
ama 2. am-a, m. pressure, vehemence; fright.
amaṅgala a-maṅgala, -lya -lya, a. baneful; n. mischief.
amajjana a-majjana, n. not sinking.
amaṇḍita a-maṇḍita, pp. unadorned.
amata a-mata, pp. unlooked for; not approved.
amati 1. am-ati, f. appearance, brightness.
amati 2. am-ati, a. poor; f. poverty.
amati 3. a-mati, f. ignorance: in. unintentionally.
amatsara a-matsara, a. disinterested.
amadyamadyat a-madya-madyat, pr. pt. lively without an intoxicant.
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amadhavya a-madhav-ya, a. not worth of sweetness (i. e. Soma).
amanas a-manas, n. lack of intelligence; a. (as) unintelligent; foolish.
amanaska a-manas-ka, a. foolish; not of good cheer.
amanuṣyaniṣevita a-manuṣya-niṣevita, pp. uninhabited by men.
amanorama a-mano-rama, a. not charming.
amantu a-mantu, a. lacking an adviser, helpless.
amantra a-mantra, n. no spell; a. unaccompanied by Vedic texts; not knowing Vedic formulas.
amantraka amantra-ka, -gña, vid, a. ignorant of sacred texts;
-tantra, a. lacking incantations and spells;
-varjam, ad. not without the requisite texts.
amanda a-manda, a. not lazy, alert; not stupid; plentiful; n. much;
-tā, f. cleverness, good sense;
-hṛdaya, a. cheerful-hearted.
amanyamāna a-manya-māna, pr. pt. unawares.
amama a-mama, a. lacking self-consciousness; careless about (lc.).
amara a-mara, a. (ā, ī) immortal; m. god;
-garbha, m. divine child;
-guru, m. Bṛhaspati, the planet Jupiter;
-taṭinī, f. river of the gods, Ganges;
-taru, m. a certain tree;
-tā, f., -tva, n. divinity; immortality;
-dat-ta, m. N.;
-druma, m. tree of the gods, Pātijāta;
-dviṣ, m. Asura;
-pakṣa-pātin, m. friend of the gods;
-pati-kamāra, m. son of Indra (Jayanta);
-parvata, m. N. of a mtn.;
-pura, n., ī, f. city of the gods;
-prakhya, a. like an immortal;
-prabha, a. bright as an immortal;
-prāthita, pp. wooed by immortals;
-mṛgī-dṛś, f. Apsaras.
amaraṃmanya amaraṃ-manya, a. passing for or thinking oneself a god.
amaraloka amara-loka, a. dwelling in the world of the gods: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-vat, ad. like an immortal; as if immortal;
-sadas, n. assembly of the gods;
-sarit, f. Ganges.
amarāgāra amara+agāra, n. temple;
-aṅga-nā, f. Apsaras;
-apagā, f. celestial Ganges.
amarāvatī amarā-vatī, f. city of the gods (Indra's abode).
amareśvara amara+īśvara, m. lord of the gods (Indra or Viṣṇu).
amarottama amara+uttama, a. chief of gods;
-upama, a. godlike.
amarta a-marta, amartya a-martya, a. immortal.
amartyabhāva amartya-bhāva, m. immortality.
amardhat a-mardh-at, pr. pt. untiring.
amarman a-marman, n. no vital spot; a. (an) invulnerable.
amaryāda a-maryāda, a. having no bounds.
amarṣa a-marsh-a, m. impatience; displeasure; anger;
-aṇa, n. id.; a. impetuous; intolerant; incensed; impatient;
-ita, pp. displeased, indignant;
-in, a. id..
amala a-mala, a. spotless, pure;
-pakṣa-vihaṃgama, m. swan;
-patatrin, m. goose, swan.
amalaya amala-ya, den. P. make pure or white.
amalina a-malina, a. pure;
-dhī, a. pure-minded.
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amavat ama-vat, a. impetuous; mighty.
amahātman a-mahātman, a. not high-minded.
amahīyamāna a-mahīya-māna, pr. pt. downcast, distressed.
amā 1. amā, ad. at home; homewards.
amā 2. amā, f. night of new moon.
amāṃsabhakṣa a-māṃsa-bhakṣa, a. eating no meat.
amājur amā-jur, f. aging at home, old maid.
amāt 1. amāt, (ab.) ad. from home.
amāt 2. a-māt, pr. pt. having no space in (lc.).
amātya amā-tya, m. inmate; relative; minister.
amātrā a-mātrā, f.: in. excessively, highly.
amānana a-mānana, n. disrespect.
amānava a-mānava, a. superhuman; not descended from Manu.
amānita a-mānita, pp. not highly esteemed.
amānitva a-māni-tva, n. modesty, humility.
amānuṣa a-mānuṣa, m. not man;
ī, f. female animal; a. (ī) superhuman, divine; inhuman; (ā) destitute of men;
-loka, m. celestial world.
amāya a-māya, a. not clever.
amāyā a-māyā, f. sincerity: in. frankly, honestly.
amāra a-māra, m. not killing.
amārga a-mārga, m. wrong road, -- course.
amārjita a-mārjita, pp. unwashed.
amāvāsī amā-vās-ī, -yā, f. night of new moon.
ami am-i, the root am.
amita a-mita, pp. immeasurable; innumerable;
-gati, m. N. of a fairy;
-guṇa, a. having innumerable merits;
-tejas, a. of immeasurable splendour;
-buddhi-mat, a. of immeasurable intellect.
amitaujas amita+ojas, a. of immeasurable energy or power.
amitra 1. a-mitra, m. enemy: -vat, ad. like an enemy.
amitra 2. a-mitra, a. friendless.
amitrakarman amitra-karman, m. N.;
-karṣ-aṇa, a. tormenting enemies;
-ghātin, m. slayer of foes;
-tā, f. enmity;
-han, a. slaying foes.
amitrāya amitrāya, den. Ā. behave like an enemy.
amithyā a-mithyā, ad. not falsely, truly.
aminat a-mi-n-at, pr. pt. not injuring.
amī amī, m. pl. of asau (adas).
amītavarṇa a-mīta-varṇa, a. having undiminished brightness.
amīmāṃsya a-mīmāṃsya, fp. not to be called in question.
amīva amīva, n., ā, f. pain; plague; disease;
-cātana, a. (ī) driving away pain or disease.
amu amu, prn. stem (nm. sg. m. f. asau, n. adas).
amuka amu-ka, prn. so and so.
amukta a-mukta, pp. not let go, -- discharged, liberated.
amukha a-mukha, a. mouthless.
amuñcat a-muñc-at, pr. pt. not abandoning or giving up.
amutas amu-tas, ad. from that (= ab.); thence, there; hence; thereupon.
amutra amu-tra, ad. in that (= lc.); here; there, thither; in the other world;
-artham, ad. for the next world.
amuthā amu-thā, ad. thus; w. as, to be lost.
amudra a-mudra, a. unequalled.
amuyā amuyā, in. ad. in that way, so; with as or bhū, be done for, be lost.
amūḍha a-mūḍha, pp. not confused, clearminded.
amūra a-mūra, a. acute, unerring.
amūrta a-mūrta, a. bodiless.
amūla a-mūla, a. rootless; causeless; not based on a or the text.
amṛkta a-mṛkta, pp. unhurt, intact.
amṛta a-mṛta, pp. not hvg. died; immortal; m. god;
ā, f. goddess; a herb; n. immortality; world of immortals; nectar; a certain remedy; medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk; ray;
-kara, m. moon;
-kiraṇa, m. id.;
-tejas, m. N. of a fairy prince;
-tva, a. immortality; condition of ambrosia;
-dīdhiti, m. moon;
-drava, a. flowing with nectar;
-dhāyin, a. sipping --;
-pāyin, a. drinking nectar = hearing fine speeches;
-prabha, m. N. of a fairy;
ā, f. N.;
-bhavana, n. N. of a monastery;
-bhāṣ-aṇa, n. nectar-like speech;
-bhuj, m. god;
-bhojana, a. eating the remnants of sacrifices;
-maya, a. (ī) immortal; nectar-like; consisting of nectar;
-raśmi, m. moon;
-rasa, m. nectar; a. tasting like nectar;
-latā, f. creeper yielding nectar;
-loka, m. world of the immortals;
-varṣin, a. raining nectar;
-hrada, m. lake of nectar.
amṛtāṃśu amṛta+aṃśu, m. moon;
-ākara, m. N.;
-ātman, a. consisting of nectar.
amṛtāya amṛtāya, den. Ā, be like immortality or nectar; become nectar.
amṛtāhuti amṛta+āhuti, f. a kind of sacrificial offering.
amṛtikā amṛtikā, f. N. of a celestial.
amṛtībhū amṛtī-bhū, become immortal.
amṛteśvara amṛta+īśvara, m. Śiva.
amṛtopama amṛta+upama, a. like ambrosia.
amṛṣyamāṇa a-mṛṣ-ya-māṇa, pr. pt. not tolerating.
amedhya a-medhya, a. unfit for sacrifice; inpure; n. impurity, excrement.
ameya ameya, fp. immeasurable.
amogha a-mogha, a. not vain, unerring; infallible;
-krodha-harṣa, a. not angry or rejoicing in vain;
-darśana, a. not appearing in vain, i. e. bringing luck (Pr.);
-patana, a. not falling in vain, hitting the mark;
-vacana, a. whose word is not idle.
amocya a-mocya, fp. not to be let go.
amauktika a-mauktika, a. containing no pearls.
ambara ambara, n. garment; firmament, sky;
-cara, a. moving in the air; m. bird; fairy: -mārga, m. (bird's path), sky;
-cārin, m. planet;
-patha, m. path in the sky;
-pra-bhā, f. N. of a princess;
-adhikārin, m. groom of the robes.
ambarīṣa ambarīṣa, m. n. frying-pan; m. N..
ambaraukas ambara+okas, m. god.
ambaṣṭha amba-ṣṭha, m. (ā, ī) child of a Brahman and a woman fo the third caste: pl. N. of a people.
ambā ambā, f. mother: vc. ambe (V.), amba (V. C.): amba, often mere ij. ah!
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ambikā ambikā, f. N. of Pārvatī; N. of Dhṛta-rāṣṭra's mother;
-pati, m. Rudra or Śiva.
ambu ambu, n. water;
-cārin, a. living in the water; m. aquatic animal.
ambuja ambu-ja, a. aquatic; m. n. (day) lotus;
-bāndhava, m. sun;
-akṣa, a. (ī) lotus-eyed;
-āsanā, f. Lakṣmi (lotus-seated).
ambuda ambu-da, m. cloud: -nāśa, m. dispersion of clouds;
-dhara, m. cloud;
-dhi, m. sea;
-nidhi, m. id.;
-pakṣin, m. water-bird;
-pati, m. Varuṇa, sea;
-paddhati, f. current;
-muc, m. cloud;
-raya, m. current;
-rāśi, m. sea;
-ruha, n. day-flowering lotus;
-ruhiṇī, f. lotus;
-līlā-geha, n. pleasure-house in the water;
-vāha, m. cloud;
-vega, m. current.
ambūkṛta ambū-kṛta, pp. accompanied by spitting; n. bellowing with foaming at the mouth.
ambhas ambhas, n. water;
-tas, ad. out of the water.
ambhoja ambho-ja, n. (day) lotus;
-jnī, f. lotus plant: -vana, n. pond covered with lotuses;
-da. m. cloud;
-dhara, m. id.;
-dhi, m. sea;
-nidhi, m. id.;
-bindu, m. drop of water;
-muc, m. cloud;
-ruha, n. (day) lotus: -maya, a. full of lotuses.
ammaya am-maya, a. (ī) watery.
amla am-la, a. sour.
amlāna a-mlā-na, pp. not withered or withering; fresh;
-darśana, a. keen-eyed.
amlāni a-mlā-ni, a. not withering;
-yin, a. id..
amlībhū amlī-bhū, become sour.
aya ay-a, m. going; course; good fortune.
ayaḥkāya ayaḥ-kāya, m. N. of a Daitya.
ayaḥpiṇḍa ayaḥ-piṇḍa, m. n. lump of iron.
ayakṣma a-yakṣma, a. free from disease, healthy.
ayajña a-yajña, m. no sacrifice; non-performance of sacrifice; a. (a) not sacrificing.
ayajyu a-yaj-yu, -van -van a. impious.
ayata a-yata, pp. uncontrolled, unrestrained.
ayati a-yati, m. not ascetic.
ayatna a-yatna, m. no effort, ease: °-, -tas, in. without trouble;
-vāla-vyajanī-bhū, become a fly-fan without trouble.
ayathātatham a-yathā-tatham, ad. not as it should be;
-balam, ad. not according to strength;
-artha, a. untrue, false;
-vat, ad. wrongly, falsely;
-sthita, pp. disarranged.
ayathocita ayathā+ucita, pp. unseemly.
ayadi a-yad-i, lc. when there is no 'yad' (gr.).
ayana ay-ana, a. going, coming ; n. going; way; course; certain Soma sacrifice lasting a year; sun's course from one solstice to another; half-year; solstice; resting-place.
ayantraṇa a-yantraṇa, a. unrestrained, free.
ayantrita a-yantrita, pp. uncurbed, at large; un-self-controlled.
ayam ay-am, pn. nm. sg. m. this; often = here; (n. idam, f. iyam).
ayamita a-yamita, pp. not kept in order; untrimmed (nails).
ayavat aya-vat, a. happy, fortunate.
ayaśas a-yaśas, n. disgrace, dishonour; insult;
-kara, a. (ī) dishonouring, disgracing.
ayas ay-as, n. metal, iron; iron instrument, knife, sword;
-kānta, m. magnet;
-maya, a. (ī) of iron.
ayā ayā, (in.) ad. in this manner, thus.
ayācita a-yāc-i-ta, pp. unasked; given without asking;
-tṛ, a. not soliciting or wooing.
ayājya a-yājya, fp. who may not be sacrificed for; that may not be sacrificed.
ayātayāma a-yāta-yāma, a. not stale, not ineffectual; n. pl. a kind of Yajus texts; (a) -tā, f. effectualness.
ayās a-yās, a. indefatigable;
-ya, a. id.; m. N. of a seer..
ayi ayi, ij. (usually with vc.) or intr. pcl..
ayukchada a-yukchada, m. (odd-leaved, i.e. seven-leaved) a tree (sapta-parṇa).
ayukta a-yukta, pp. unyoked; unconnected; unattached to (lc.); unintent; unsuitable, unseemly; n. unsuitable metaphor;
-tva, n. inappropriateness;
-rūpa, a. unsuitable.
ayuksaṃkhya a-yuk-saṅkhya, a. hvg. an uneven number.
ayugasapti a-yuga-sapti, m. sun.
ayugārcis a-yuga+arcis, m. fire (odd-rayed = seven-rayed).
ayugma a-yugma, a. uneven, odd.
ayugmacchada ayugma-cchada, m. = ayuk-chada;
-locana, m. Śiva (odd- i.e. three-eyed);
-śara, m. Kāma (odd- = five-arrowed).
ayuṅga a-yuṅga, a. uneven, odd;
-yuj, a. id.;
-yuja, a. without an equal; uneven, odd.
ayuta a-yuta, (pp.) n. myriad.
ayuddha a-yuddha, pp. uncombated, irresistible; n. absence of war, peace.
ayuddhvī a-yuddhvī, abs. without fighting.
ayuvamārin a-yuva-mārin, a. in which youths do not die.
aye aye, ij. of surprise; often = ayi.
ayoga a-yoga, m. separation; wrong employment; bad quality; inappropriateness; impossibility.
ayoguḍa ayo-guḍa, m. iron ball.
ayogū ayo-gū, of a mixed caste.
ayogya a-yogya, fp. unfit, useless; unauthorised; not a match for (lc.);
-tva, n. unfit-ness.
ayoghana ayo-ghana, m. iron hammer.
ayoddhṛ a-yoddhṛ, a. not fighting.
ayodhya a-yodhya, fp. unconquerable;
ā, f. N. of a city (Oude).
ayoni a-yoni, m. f. what is not pudendum muliebre; a. lacking an origin or beginning;
-ja, a. not born of the womb: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-janman, a. not born of the womb.
ayomaya ayo-maya, a. (ī) of iron;
-mukha, a. iron-pointed; m. arrow;
-hata, pp. of hammered iron;
-hṛdaya, a. iron-hearted.
ayaugika a-yaugika, a. inapplicable.
ara ar-a, m. spoke of a wheel;
-ka, m. di..
arakṣat a-rakṣ-at, pr. pt. not protecting;
-ita, pp. unguarded;
-i-tṛ, m. no protector;
-ya, fp. not deserving protection;
-ya-māṇa, pr. pt. ps. unprotected.
araghaṭṭa ara-ghaṭṭa, m. water-wheel; well.
arajas a-rajas, a. dustless, spotless; passionless.
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arajyat a-rajyat, pr. pt. having no pleasure in (lc.).
arañjita a-rañjita, pp. dissatisfied.
araṇa ar-aṇa, a. (ī) distant, strange.
araṇi ar-aṇi, araṇī ar-aṇī, f. tinder-stick (for producing fire by attrition).
araṇya araṇ-ya, n. distance, foreign country; wilderness; forest;
-ka, n. forest;
-gaja, m. wild elephant;
-cara, a. living in a forest; wild -jīva, a. id.;
-dharma, m. savage state, wildness;
-nṛpati, m. king of the forest, tiger;
-bhava, a. growing in the forest; wild;
-mārjāra, m. wild cat;
-rāj, m. (nm. -rāṭ) lion; tiger;
-rājya, n. sovereignty of the forest;
-rudita, n. crying int he forest = vain lament;
-vat, ad. like a wilderness;
-vāsa, m. forest-abode;
-vāsin, a. forest-dwelling; m. denizen of the forest;
-ṣaṣṭikā, f. kind of celebration.
araṇyāni araṇyāni, -nī -nī, f. wilderness; great forest; genius of the forest.
araṇyaukas araṇya+okas, m. forest-dweller; hermit.
arati 1. ar-ati, m. attendant, helper, officiater (at sacrifices).
arati 2. a-rati, f. discomfort; depression.
aratika a-rati-ka, a. lacking Rati.
aratnālokasaṃhārya a-ratna+āloka-saṃhārya, fp. not to be dispelled by the brilliance of gems.
aratni ar-atni, m. [joint], elbow;
-ka, m. id..
arathin a-rathin, a. roadless.
arantos a-rantos, g. inf. to have no pleasure in.
arapa a-rapa, -s -s, a. unscathed, safe.
aram ar-am, ad. suitably to (d.); sufficiently: -kāmāya, according to wish. (Cp. kṛ & bhū).
aramaṇīya a-ramaṇīya, fp. not delightful.
aramati ara-mati, f. devotion, piety; goddess of devotion; a. indefatigable.
aramuḍi aramuḍi, m. N. of a king of Nepal.
aramya a-ramya, fp. unpleasant, unamiable.
arari arari, m. fold of a door;
ī, f. id..
aravinda ara-vinda, n. (day) lotus: -tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N., -nābhi, m. Kṛṣṇa;
-vind-inī, f. (day) lotus.
arasa a-rasa, a. tasteless, insipid; weak.
arasika a-rasika, a. unaesthetic.
arahita a-rahita, pp. not abandoned, not wanting.
arāga a-rāg-a, a. lacking passion or affections;
-in, a. id..
arājaka a-rāja-ka, a. kingless; n. anarchy;
-tā, f. kinglessness;
-daivika, a. not caused by the king or by fate;
-lakṣman, a. lacking royal insignia;
-anvayin, a. belonging to no royal race.
arāṇa ar-āṇa, pt. aor. of ri..
arāti a-rāti, f. disfavour, enmity; fiend; m. foe.
arāma a-rāma, a. lacking Rāma.
arāla arāla, a. curved, curly; m. kind of resin.
arāvan a-rā-van, a. (not bestowing), hostile.
ari ar-i, a. 1. faithful, pious; 2. (a-ri, not giving) hostile; m. enemy: -karṣaṇa, m. harasser of foes.
arikta a-rikta, pp. not empty.
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arikthīya a-rikthīya, a. incapable of inheriting.
arijana ari-jana, m. coll. enemies;
-tā, f. hostility.
aritra ar-i-tra, a. driving; m. n. oar.
arin ar-in, n. wheel (spoked).
arinandana ari-nandana, a. rejoicing one's foes.
ariṃdama ariṃ-dama, a. foe-taming, victorious.
aripra a-ripra, a. spotless.
arimardana ari-mardana, a. enemy-crushing.
ariṣṭa a-riṣṭa, pp. unscathed, safe; m. misfortune; a tree (also -ka, m.); (a) -tāti, f. scathelessness, safety;
-ratha, a. whose car is unscathed;
-vīra, a. whose warriors are unscathed;
-śayyā, f. bed of confinement.
ariṣṭi a-riṣṭi, f. scathelessness.
arisūdana ari-sūdana, m. foe-destroyer.
arihan ari-han, a. foe-slaying.
arīḍha a-rīḍha, arī|a a-rīḷha, pp. unlicked.
aruci a-ruc-i, f. disgust (at, upari);
-ya, a. unpleasant.
aruj a-ruj, -ja -ja, a. painless; healthy.
aruṇa ar-uṇa, a. (ā; V. also ī) ruddy; lightbrown; golden; m. redness; dawn (personified as charioteer of the sun); sun;
-kara, m. sun;
-tā, f. redness;
-psu, a. ruddy.
aruṇaya aruṇa-ya, den. P. redden: pp. ita..
aruṇānuja aruṇa+anuja, m. Garuḍa;
-arcis, m. rising sun.
aruṇī aruṇī, f. dawn.
aruṇīkṛ aruṇī-kṛ, redden.
aruṇoda aruṇa+uda, n. N. of a lake.
aruṃtuda aruṃ-tuda, a. making a wound; touching a sore; excruciating.
arundhatī arundhatī, f. N. of a plant; N. of Vasiṣṭha's wife; N. of a faint star (Alkor) in the Great Bear (conceived as the consort of the seven Ṛṣis).
aruṣ a-ruṣ, a. not angry, in good humour.
aruṣa ar-uṣa, a. (f. aruṣī) red, ruddy; m. sun, day: pl. m. f. flames (Agni's red horses); f. auṣī, down.
aruṣyat a-ruṣyat, pr. pt. not angry.
arus ar-us, a. wounded; n. wound.
arūḍhamūlatva a-rūḍha-mūla-tva, n. not having taken firm root.
arūpa a-rūpa, a. formless; deformed;
-ṇa, n. no figurative term (ph.);
-tva, n. deformity.
are are, ij. of address, ho! sirrah!
arepas a-repas, a. spotless, pure.
aroga a-roga,; a. healthy.
arogin a-rog-in, a. healthy;
-i-tā, f., -i-tva, n. healthiness.
arocakin a-rocakin, a. lacking appetite; fastidious; pretentious; sensitive.
arocamāna a-rocamāna, pr. pt. not shining; unpalatable, nauseous.
arohiṇīka a-rohiṇī-ka, a. lacking Rohiṇī.
arka ark-a, m. ray; sun; sun-god; hymn; singer; kind of tree or shrub;
-nandana, m. planet Saturn;
-pattra, n. leaf of the Arka;
-prabhā-jāla, n. sun-beams;
-ripu, m. Rāhu;
-vrata, n. manner of the sun.
arkin ark-in, a. radiant; singing songs of praise.
argala arga-la, m. n. bolt; obstacle.
argh ARGH, I.P. argha, be worth.
argha argh-a, m. value, price; hospitable reception; honorific gift;
-pātra, n. dish in which water is presented to a guest;
-udaka, n. water presented to a guest.
arghya argh-ya, fp. valuable; worthy of a hospitable reception; n. water presented to a guest.
arc ARC, v. ṛc ṚC..
arcaka arc-aka, a. honouring, adoring;
-ana, n., ā, f. honouring, adoration;
-maṇi, m. jewel of honour.
arcat arcat, 3 sg. impf. of ṛc (V.).
arcā arc-ā, f. worship, adoration.
arci arc-i, m. ray, flame.
arciṣmat arciṣ-mat, a. radiant, flaming; m. fire.
arcis arc-is, n. (C. f. also), ray, flame.
arcya arc-ya, fp. worthy of honour or worship.
arch ARCH, v. ṛch ṚCH..
arj ARJ, I.P. arja, procure, acquire; cs. arjaya, P. Ā. id.
upa, cs. id..
arjaka arj-aka, a. procuring, acquiring;
-ana, n. acquisition;
-anīya, fp. to be acquired;
-ita, pp. acquired, gained;
-in, a. acquiring.
arjuna arj-una, a. (ī) white, bright; m. N. of a son of Pāṇḍu.
arṇa ar-ṇa, a. surging; m. n. wave, stream, flood; m. N..
arṇava arṇa-va, m. (n.) wave, stream, flood; sea;
-nemi, f. earth;
-sarid-āśrita, (pp.) m. dweller near the sea and rivers.
arṇas ar-ṇas, n. wave, stream, flood; sea.
arṇasāti arṇa-sāti, f. winning of streams.
arti 1. ar-ti, f. pain (= ārti).
arti 2. ar-ti, the root ṛ.
artha ar-tha, n. (V.), m. business, work; aim, purpose; cause; meaning; advantage, profit, use, utility, the useful; reward; gain; property, wealth, money; thing, object; matter, affair; case, suit; a. -°, hvg. in view, serviceable for: -m, in., d., lc. on account of, for sake of, for (-°); ab. = that is to say. ayam arthaḥ, this thing;
kam artham, what thing ? ko'ar-thaḥ, what is the use of (in.) ? what does (g.) care for (in.)?
arthakara artha-kara, a. (ī) useful;
-kāma, n. sg., m. du. the useful and the pleasant; a. desirous of wealth; wishing to be useful;
-kām-ya, a. id.;
-kārśya, n. destitution, poverty;
-kilbiṣin, a. transgressing with money;
-kṛcchra, n. difficult matter;
-kṛt, a. useful;
-kṛtya, n., ā, f. accomplishment of an affair;
-grahaṇa, n. taking away of money; import of the meaning;
-ghna, a. (ī) prodigal;
-citta, a. intent on riches;
-cintaka, a. knower of the useful;
-jāta, n. sg. pl. money; things, objects;
-jña, a. understanding the matter or the meaning;
-tattva, n. real state of things; fact of a matter; true sense: -tas, ad. for a purpose; for the sake of (-°); for the sake of gain; in truth, really, according to the meaning;
-tṛṣṇā, f. thirst for gold, avarice;
-tva, n. serviceableness for (-°);
-da, a. useful; liberal;
-datta, m. N. of wealthy merchants;
-darśana, n. judging a matter;
-dāna, n. present in money;
-dūṣaṇa, n. prodigality; unjust seizure of property.
arthanā arth-anā, f. prayer, request.
arthanāśa artha-nāśa, m. loss of property;
-nirdeśa, m. explanation of the sense.
arthanīya arth-anīya, fp. to be required or demanded from.
arthapati artha-pati, m. rich man; king;
-para, a. intent on money, niggardly;
-pā-ruṣya, m. rigidness in money-matters;
-pā-la, m. N. of a man;
-prayoga, m. usury;
-bandha, m. significant words;
-matta, pp. purse-proud;
-mātra, n., ā, f. wealth, money.
arthaya artha-ya, den. Ā. (P.), (arthate, E.), endeavour, strive for; ask one (ac., ab.) for (ac.); explain.
abhi, ask one (ac.) for (ac. d., lc., or -artham).
pra, desire; ask one (ac.) for (ac., lc.); request something (ac.) from (ab.); wish to, ask one to (inf.); woo; have recourse to; Ā, oppose oneself to (ac.).
sam, prepare; conclude; judge, think, consider; connect with (in. or prati w. ac.); perceive; contemplate; resolve; cheer up, encourage.
arthayukta artha-yukta, pp. significant;
-yukti, f. gain, advantage;
-rāśi, m. wealth;
-ruci, a. avaricious;
-lābha, m. acquisition of wealth; -lubdha, pp. avaricious;
-lolupa-tā, f. love of money;
-vat, a. wealthy; significant; intelligible; ad. judiciously: -tā, f., -tva, n. significance;
-varjita, pp. meaningless;
-varman, m. N.;
-vāda, m. explanation of the purpose; praise;
-vādin, a. reporting facts;
-vid, a. knowing the sense;
-vināśana, a. detrimental;
-viparyaya, m. impoverishment; poverty;
-vṛddhi, f. increase of wealth;
-vy-avahāra, m. pecuniary suit.
arthaśāstra artha-śāstra, n. treatise on practical life or policy;
-śauca, n. blamelessness in money matters;
-śrī, f. abundance of wealth;
-saṃsiddhi, f. success of a matter;
-saṃ-graha, m. accumulation of riches;
-saṃc-aya, m. sg. pl. property, wealth;
-saṃdeha, m. doubtful or critical case.
arthasaṃpādana artha-saṃpādana, n. obtainment of an advantage;
-saṃbandha, m. possession of wealth;
-samāhartṛ, m. receiver of money;
-sādhaka, a. promoting a thing, useful;
-sā-dhana, n. accomplishment of a purpose; means of attaining an object;
-sāra, m. abundant wealth;
-siddha, pp. self-evident;
-siddhi, f. acquisition of property; success in one's object; establishment of the sense.
arthāgama artha+āgama, m. substantial income;
-ātura, a. avaricious;
-ātman, m. true nature;
-adhikāra, m. administration of money;
-antara, n. another thing; different meaning: -nyāsa, m. adduction of another case, general or particular corroboration (a rhetorical fig.);
-āpatti, f. self-evidence; kind of rhetorical figure;
-abhiprāya, m. meaning intended;
-arjana, n. acquisition of property;
-arth-am, ad. for the sake of money;
-arthi-tā, f. desire of wealth;
-arthin, a. interested, selfish;
-avamarda, m. prodigality;
-āśā, f. desire for money;
-āharaṇa, n. accumulation of money; adduction of meanings.
arthika arth-ika, a. in need of, desirous of (-°);
-i-tavya, fp. to be sought;
-i-tā, f., -tva, n. solicitation; desire of (in.); request;
-in, a. busy; eager; desirous of (in., -°); needy; amorous, lustful; m. suitor; suppliant, beggar; prosecutor.
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arthisātkṛ arthi-sāt-kṛ, grant a supplicant's request (ac.).
arthīya arth-īya, a. serving the purpose of (-°).
arthotsarga artha+utsarga, m. expenditure;
-ūṣman, m. glow of wealth.
arthya arth-ya, a. suitable, judicious; rich.
ard ARD, v. ṛd ṚD.
ardana ard-ana, a. afflicting, tormenting (-°).
ardita ard-ita, pp. (ṛd) afflicted.
ardh ARDH, prosper, v. ṛdh ṚDH.
ardha 1. ardh-a, a. half (in a. & ad. often°-); m. n. half; middle.
ardha 2. ardh-a, m. side, part; place, region.
ardhakathana ardha-kathana, n. incomplete narration;
-kapiśa, a. brownish;
-kṛṣṭa, pp. half drawn out;
-koṭī, f. five millions;
-koṣa, m. half one's treasure.
ardhacandra ardha-candra, m. half-moon; arrow with half-moon-shaped head; hollowed hand: -ṃdā, seize by the throat;
-ka, m. bent hand;
-bhāgin, a. seized by the throat;
-mu-kha, a. having a half-moon-shaped point.
ardhajvalita ardha-jvalita, pp. half-ignited.
ardhatrayodaśa ardha-trayodaśa, a. pl. twelve & a half;
-dagdha, pp. half-burnt;
-daṇḍa, m. fine of half the amount;
-divasa, m. midday;
-deva, m. demi-god;
-dvi-catur-aśraka, m. kind of posture;
-niṣ-panna, a. half completed.
ardhapañcan ardha-pañca-n, ma, a. 4.5;
-pañcāśat, f. twenty-five.
ardhapaṇa ardha-paṇa, m. half a paṇa;
-patha, m. half-way;
-pāda, m. tip to the foot;
-pād-ika, a. having half a foot;
-pīta, pp. half-drunk;
-pulāyita, n. kind of gait in the horse;
-bṛ- gala, n. half a piece;
-bhakṣita, pp. half-eaten;
-bhagna, pp. half-broken;
-bhāgika, a. the half;
-māgadhā, f. semi-Māgadhī (dialect);
-mārga, m. half-way;
-māsa, m. half a month;
-māsika, a. lasting half a month;
-mīlita, pp. half-closed;
-mukulī-kṛ, half close (eyes);
-muṇḍita, pp. having the head half shaved.
ardhayāma ardha-yāma, m. half-watch.
ardharātra ardha-rātra, m. midnight: -sama-ya, m. midnight hour;
-rūḍha, pp. half-grown.
ardharca ardha+ṛca, m. half-verse, hemistich.
ardharcaśas ardharca-śas, ad. by half-verses.
ardhalakṣya ardha-lakṣya, fp. half-visible;
-likhita, pp. half-painted;
-vastra, n. half a garment;
-vṛddhi, f. half the interest;
-vaiśasa, n. semi-homicide.
ardhaśata ardha-śata, n. 50; 150;
-śyāma, a. half black, half clouded over;
-śruta, pp. half-heard;
-śloka, m. half sloka;
-saṃjāta-sas-ya, a. whose produce is but half grown;
-sa-ma-vṛtta, n. semi-identical metre (Pāda 1 = , 2 = 4);
-siddha, pp. half-completed;
sī-rin, m. husbandman who receives half the produce for his labour;
-hāra, m. pearl necklace of 64 strings.
ardhākṣi ardha+akṣi, n. side glance;
-aṅgī-kṛ, turn into half a body;
-ā-cita, pp. half-studded (w. jewels);
-adhīta, pp. half-learnt;
-ardha, a. quarter;
-bhāga, m. id., -hāni, f. deduction of half each time;
-ava-līḍha, pp. licked;
-ā-viṣṭa, pp. half-faltering;
-āsana, n. half one's seat (offered to a guest).
ardhika ardh-ika, a. (ī) amounting to a half;
-in, a. half; receiving the half.
ardhendumauli ardha+indu-mauli, m. (crescentcrested), ep. of Śiva.
ardhokta ardha+ukta, pp. half-said, half-told; n. half-speech;
-ucchiṣṭa, pp. half left over;
-udita, pp. half-risen;
-upa-bhukta, pp. half-consumed;
-uruka, a. reaching half way down the thigh; n. short overcoat.
arpaṇa arp-aṇa, a. (ī) procuring; making over, entrusting; n. throwing; attaching; placing upon; application; offering consignment, making over, transference; restitution;
-aṇīya, fp. to be given up, to be handed over;
-ita, cs. pp. (ṛ) placed in or on, applied; made over to.
arpaya ar-paya, cs. of ri, go.
arbuda arbuda, m. (a) serpent; N. of a snakedemon (ar-); snake-like mass; shape of the foetus in the second month; N. of a mtn. (Abū): pl. N. of a people; n. the hymn RV. X, 94; 10,000,000;
-śikhara, m. N. of a mtn..
arbha arbha, a. small, weak; m. boy;
-ka, a. small, weak; m. boy; young of animals: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-ga, a. youthful.
arma ar-ma, m. pl. ruins.
arya 1. ar-ya, a. kind, devoted; pious.
arya 2. arya, m. man --, ā, f. woman of one of the three upper castes; man --, woman of the third caste.
aryaman arya-man, m. intimate, comrade; N. of one of the Ādityas, chief of the Pitirś; groomsman; sun.
aryamya aryamyā, a. intimate.
arvat ar-vat, arvan ar-van, a. racing, swift; m. racer, steed; charioteer.
arvatī arvat-ī, f. mare.
arvāk arvāk, n. (of arvāñc) ad. hitherwards: -kṛ, procure; prp. with in. or ab. on this side of; from; before (of fut.), after (of past).
arvākkālikatā arvāk+kālika-tā, f. modern date;
-kālīna, a. dating from a recent period.
arvācīna arvācīna (or a), a. hitherward; being on this side of (ab.); nearer.
arvāñc ar-va+añc, a. (-vāc-ī turned towards; hitherward: -aṃ kṛ, procure.
arśas arś-as, n. pl. hemorrhoids.
arṣ ARSH, v. ṛṣ ṚSH.
arh ARH, I.P. (Ā.) arha, claim; deserve; be liable to, incur; be bound to, be capable of (ac.); have a right, be obliged, be able to (inf.); be worth, be equal to (ac.); the 2 nd pers. sg. is equivalent to a polite imperative = please to, pray; deign to; es. arhaya, honour with (in.).
abhi, cs. pp. arhita, highly honoured.
arha arh-a, a. deserving, claiming, entitled to, justified in (ac., -°); fit, suitable for (g., -°);
-ṇa, a. claiming (-°); n. honouring: ā, f. honour;
-ṇīya, fp. deserving of honour;
-tva, n. worthness for (-°).
arhat arh-at, pr. pt. deserving; m. worthy person, Arhat (with Buddhists and Jains);
-tva, n. dignity of an Arhat.
arhantikā arhantikā, f. Buddhist nun.
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alaka alaka, m. n. lock, curly hair;
ā, f. N. of Kubera's city; N. of a city in Niṣadha.
alakam alakam, ad. in vain.
alakeśvara alaka+īśvara, m. N. of Kubera.
alakta alakta, -ka -ka, m. (n.) red lac.
alaktakāṅka alaktaka+aṅka, a. red-coloured.
alakṣaṇa a-lakṣ-aṇa, n. evil omen; a. lacking marks or characteristies; insignificant; harmful;
-ita, pp. unmarked; unobserved: -m, ad.
alakṣmī a-lakṣmī, f. evil destiny; a. calamitous;
-ka, a. unfortunate.
alakṣya a-lakṣya, fp. invisible, unobserved; insignificant;
-ṃanma-tā, f. insignificant birth.
alakhāna alakhāna, m. N. of a prince.
alagarda ala-garda, m. kind of snake;
ā, f. kind of leech.
alaghu a-laghu, a. clumsy; slow; not insignificant;
-bhava, m. no degradation;
-śarīra, a. fatigued.
alaṃkaraṇa alaṃ-kar-aṇa, n. ornamenting; ornament;
-in, a. ornamented;
-iṣṇu, a. fond of dress; adorning (ac.);
-tṛ, m. adorner.
alaṃkāra alaṃ-kāra, m. adornment; ornament, trinket; rhetorical figure;
-ka, m. ornament;
-vatī, f. T. of the 9th Lambaka in the Kathā-sarit-sāgara;
-śila, m. N..
alaṃkṛta alaṃ-kṛta, pp. kṛ;
kṛti, f. ornament; rhetorical figure;
-kriyā, f. adorning; ornament.
alaṅghanīya a-laṅgh-anīya, fp. not to be overtaken; not to be overstepped; unapproachable;
-ayat, pr. pt. not infringing.
alaṅghita a-laṅgh-ita, pp. untrodden; untouched, unattained;
-pūrva, a. not infringed before;
-ātman, a. not forgetting oneself.
alaṅghya a-laṅgh-ya, fp. unfordable; not to be trodden, -- touched; not to be infringed.
alajja a-lajja, a. shameless;
ā, f. -ness: -kara, a. not disgraceful.
alatikā a-latikā, f. a. creeperless (soil).
alaṃtarām alaṃ-tarām, (cpv.) ad. highly; with inf. much better;
-dhana, a. having sufficient property.
alabdha a-labdha, pp. unacquired, unobtained;
-pada, a. having made no impression on (lc.);
-vat, pf. pt. act. not having obtained (ac.).
alabhamāna a-labha-māna, pr. pt. not gaining; not making out.
alabhya a-labh-ya, fp. unattainable; that can not be incurred.
alam alam, ad. enough, sufficiently, thoroughly, adequately, plenteously; highly; sufficient or fit for; equal to, a match for (d.); able to (inf.); enough, of, away with (in.); have done w., cease, do not (inf. or gd. = impv.). See also kṛ & bhū.).
alamarthavacas alam-artha-vacas, n. prohibitive word, negative.
alaṃbuṣā alaṃbuṣā, f. N. of an Apsaras.
alaya a-laya, a. restless.
alarka alarka, m. mad dog; fabulous animal with eight legs; N. of a plant.
alalābhavat alalā-bhavat, pr. pt. rippling.
alasa a-lasa, a. dull, slack; weary; feeble, indolent;
-gamana, a. of indolent gait;
-īk-ṣaṇa, a. dim-eyed.
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alāghava a-lāghava, n. no relief, to (g.).
alāta alāta, n. firebrand.
alābu alābu, -bū -bū, f. gourd; m. n. its fruit; gourd-bottle;
-maya, a. made of a gourd.
alābha a-lābha, m. non-obtainment; absence; loss;
-kāla, m. unfit time for obtainment.
alāsya a-lāsya, a. not dancing.
ali ali, m. bee;
-kula, n. swarm of bees.
alika alika, m. forehead.
aliṅga a-liṅga, a. lacking characteristics; lacking gender.
aliṅgin a-liṅgin, a. not entitled to wear badges.
alin alin, m. bee;
-ī, f. female bee; swarm of bees.
alinda alinda, m. terrace.
alimat ali-mat, a. covered with bees: (d) -dalin, a. having petals covered with bees;
-mālā, f. swarm of bees.
alīka alīka, a. disagreeable; false; n. disagreeable thing; untruthfulness, falsehood; forehead;
-nimīlana, n. feigned closing of the eyes;
-paṇḍita, m. philosophaster;
-man-trin, m. dishonest minister;
-vāda-śīla, a. lying;
-supta, -ka, n. feigned sleep.
alīna a-līna, pp. not adhering.
aluptasattvakośa a-lupta-sattva-kośa, a. having a full treasure of courage.
alubdha a-lubdha, pp. not covetous;
-tva, n. contentment.
alūna a-lūna, pp. unplucked, unhurt.
alekhya a-lekhya, fp. not to be reckoned among (lc.).
alepaka a-lepaka, a. untainted, pure.
alokasāmānya a-loka-sāmānya, a. not shared by ordinary people.
alokya a-lokya, a. unusual; improper, inadmissible; excluding from heaven.
alopayat a-lopayat, cs. pr. pt. not causing to desist from (ab.).
alobha a-lobha, m. freedom from confusion; lack of cupidity; moderation; a. moderate, contented.
alomaka a-lomaka (or aka), a. (akī or ikī) hairless.
aloman a-loman, a. id..
alola a-lola, a. not fickle, not greedy;
-tva, n. constancy.
alolupyamāna a-lolupya-māna, int. pr. pt. not greedy.
alohita a-lohita (or ta), a. bloodless.
alaukika a-laukika, a. (ī) unusual, extraordinary.
alga alga, m. du. groin, loins.
alpa alpa, a. small, little, short, trifling, insignificant, feeble; n. a little: -m, ad. slightly; in., ab. easily, -ka, a. (ikā) id.; m. wretched wight; n. a little: -m, ad. slightly;
-kārya, a. insignificant;
-kāla-tva, n. shortness of time;
-jña, a. knowing little: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-tara, cpv. quite smalll -tā, f., -tva, n. smallness, insignificance; shortness;
-tejas, a. of little energy;
-dhana, a. of small means, poor;
-dhī, a. of small wit, foolish.
alpaparīvāra alpa-parīvāra, a. of slender retinue;
-pāyin, a. sucking badly (leehes);
-paṇya, a. whose good works are few;
-pra- bhava, a. insignificant;
-bala, n. small force;
-bala-prāṇa, a. weak and short-winded;
-buddha, pp. only just awakened;
-buddhi, a. of mean intellect;
-bhāgya, a. luckless;
-tva, n. abst. N.;
bhuja antara, a. narrow-chested;
-medhas, a. of small wit.
alpaya alpa-ya, den. P. lessen, depreciate.
alpavidya alpa-vidya, a. of little learning;
viṣaya, a. small extent, limited.
alpaśakti alpa-śakti, a. weak;
-śas, ad. slightly, to a small extent; rarely;
-śeṣa, a. having little wanting; almost completed;
-sattva, a. of little courage, cowardly;
-sāra, a. weak; worthless; insignificant;
-snāyu, a. having few sinews;
-svara, a. weak-voiced, quiet.
alpāṅga alpa+aṅga, a. small-bodied: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-āyus, a. short-lived;
-alpa, a. little by little, moderate: -bhās, a. of very slight lustre;
-avaśiṣṭa, pp. little left: -tva, n. condition of little being left.
alpībhū alpī-bhū, be diminished.
alpīyas alp-īyas, cpv. smaller; very small.
alpecchu alpa+icchu, a. of moderate wishes;
-itara, a. great, considerable: -tva, n. -ness.
av AV, I.P.
ava, urge; favour, help; comfort, satisfy; protect; like.
upa, assent, agree.
pra = simple verb.
ava 1. ava, verbal and nominal prefix off; down; prp. w. ab. down from.
ava 2. av-a, m. favour, grace.
avaṃśa a-vaṃśa, m. mean descent.
avakara ava-kara, m. sweeping;
-kuṭa, m. n. dust-heap.
avakarṇaya ava-karṇa-ya, den. P. not listen to, set at nought.
avakarta ava-kart-a, m. chip;
-ana, n. cutting off;
-in, a. cutting off (-°).
avakāśa ava-kāśa, m. space, room; opportunity; interval; access: -ṃ dā, make room; grant admittance (to d., g.);
-da, a. harbouring; m. receiver of stolen goods;
-vat, a. roomy, spacious.
avakīrṇin ava-kīrṇin, a. having broken his vow of chastity;
-keśa, a. having pendent hair;
-koṭaka, m. crane (ardea nivea).
avakraga a-vakra-ga, a. going straight.
avakraya ava-kraya, m. letting, leasing.
avakṣepa ava-kṣepa, m. derision, mockery;
-ṇa, n. throwing down; mockery.
avakhaṇḍana ava-khaṇḍana, n. splitting, dismembering;
-khāda, m. consumption; consumer.
avagantavya ava-gantavya, fp. to be understood; to be concluded from (ab.);
-gantṛ, m. one who understands;
-gama, m., -na, n. understanding, cognizance, ascertainment;
-gāha, m. immersion; washing; bathing;
-na, n. id.;
-ghāhin, a. reaching to; engaging in (-°);
-guṇṭhana, n. veiling; veil: -vat, a. veiled;
-gūraṇa, n. roaring, raging;
-graha, m. hindrance; obstacle; drought; division of a word; pause, mark of elision (gr.);
-grāha, m. drought;
-grāham, abs. separating the words;
-grāhin, a. separating;
-gharṣa-ṇa, n. rubbing off;
-ghāta, m. blow; unhusking by pounding.
avacana a-vacana, a. speechless;
-kara, a. not following --, disregarding advice.
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avacanīya a-vacanīya, fp. not to be said.
avacaya ava-caya, -cāya -cāya, m. plucking, gathering;
-cāyin, a. plucking, gathering;
-cāraṇa, n. treatment, application: i-ya, fp. application;
-ciciṣā, f. desire to pluck;
-cū-ḍa, m. pendent tuft;
-cūla, m. id..
avaccheda ava-ccheda, m. piece cut off; section; distinction;
-jaya, m. conquest;
-jñā, f. contempt, disrespect, disparagement (of, g., lc.): in. with perfect indifference;
-jñāna, n. id.;
-jñeya, fp. to be despised.
avañcanatā a-vañcana-tā, f. honesty.
avaṭa ava-ṭa, m. pit; cavity.
avaṭuja avaṭu-ja, m. pl. hair on the neck.
avat av-at, pr. pt. friendly; m. N..
avata ava-ta, m. well.
avataṃsa ava-taṃsa, -ka -ka, m. n. wreath, diadem; ring-shaped ornament;
-nīya, fp. to be made into a wreath.
avataṃsaya ava-taṃsa-ya, den, P. make into a wreath.
avataṃsinī avataṃs-inī, f. woman wearing a wreath.
avataṃsīkṛ avataṃsī-kṛ, use as a wreath.
avatamasa ava-tamasa, n. decreasing darkness.
avataraṇa ava-tar-aṇa, n. coming down, descent;
-maṅgala, n. solemn welcome;
-ita-vya, fp. n. one must descend;
-tāra, m. descent (esp. of gods to earth; incarnation; manifestation: -ṇa, n. causing to descend; laying aside, -mantra, m. spell causing one to descend from the air;
-tārin, a. appearing, entering;
-titīrṣu, a. wishing to descend.
avatta ava-tta, pp. dā (dyati).
avattin avattin, a. dividing into (--, e.g. four) parts (-°)
avatsā a-vatsā, f. cow that has lost her calf.
avadāta ava-dāta, pp. pure, white, clear: -tā, f. whiteness;
-dāna, n. heroic deed;
-dā-ra, m. breach: -ṇa, n. a. rending; bursting.
avadāvada a-vadāvada, a. undisputed.
avadola ava-dola, m. swinging, rocking.
avadya a-vad-ya, fp. blameworthy; n. fault; abuse; blame; disgrace.
avadha a-vadha, m. no murder; not heating.
avadhāna ava-dhāna, n. attention, devotion;
-dhāraṇa, n. affirmation; restriction; singling out: ī-ya, fp. to be looked upon as settled; to be restricted to (in.);
-dhārya, fp. to be ascertained;
-dhi, m. limit; terminus ad quem; respite: -°, ad. up to, till (g.).
avadhīkṛ avadhī-kṛ, fix a limit or date.
avadhīraṇa ava-dhīraṇa, n., ā, f. refusal: disdain.
avadhīraya ava-dhīra-ya, den. P. refuse, disdain, neglect; surpass.
sam, disregard: pp. ita, disregarded, slighted, unheeded.
avadhīrin ava-dhīrin, a. surpassing (-°).
avadhya a-vadh-ya, fp. inviolable: -vyavasā-ya-vāhya, a. foreign to the resolve that nothing should be killed;
-tā, f. inviolableness;
-tva, n., -bhāna, m. id..
avadhra a-vadhra, a. indestructible.
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avadhvaṃsa ava-dhvaṃsa, m. dust; flour.
avana av-ana, n. favour; protection: -vat, a. favoured, protected.
avanatakāya ava-nata-kāya, a. with bent body, crouching.
avanati ava-nati, f. going down, setting; humiliation;
-namra, a. bent, bowed.
avani ava-ni, f. current, stream, course; earth; ground, place: -pa, -pati, -pāla, -pā- aka, m. sovereign, king.
avanipātam ava-ni-pātam, abs. w. pat, fall to the ground.
avaniruha avani-ruha, m. tree.
avanī ava-nī, f. earth.
avanegya ava-neg-ya, fp. fit for washing.
avanejana ava-nejana, n. cleaning;
ī, f. id..
avanti avanti, m. pl. N. of a people;
-deva, m. N. of a king;
-nagarī, f. the city of Ujjāyinī;
-pura, n., ī, f. id.;
-mātṛ, -kā, f. pl. the divine mothers of the Avantis;
-vatī, f. N.;
-vardhana, m. N.;
-varman, m. N. of. a king and of a poet;
-sundarī, f. N.;
-sena, m., ā, f. N.;
-svāmin, m. N. of a temple..
avantī avantī, f. N. of Ujjāyinī;
-nagara =avanti-nagari;
-iśvara, m. N. of a temple..
avandhya a-vandhya, a. not barren, not fruitless; successful: -tā, f. successfulness;
-pāta, a. unerring (arrow);
-prasāda, a. whose favour is fruitful;
-rūpa, a. whose beauty is not in vain: -tā, f. abst. N..
avapāta ava-pāta, m. fall, falling or flying down, descent; resorting to (-°); pitful: -na, n. felling, throwing down;
-pīḍanā, f. injury;
-prajjana, n. end of a cloth.
avabodha ava-bodha, m. waking; perception, cognizance, knowledge;
-na, n. instruction;
-nīya, pp. to be recognised by (in.).
avabhaṅga ava-bhaṅga, m. breaking;
-bhañj-ana, n. breaking, tearing off;
-bhās-a, m. brightness; appearance, manifestation: -aka, a. illuminating, manifesting, -ana, n. manifestation; illuminating, -in, a. shining, appearing; manifesting;
-bhṛtha, m. ritual ablution.
avama ava-ma, spv. lowest; next; last; youngest;
-mantavya, fp. to be despised;
-mantṛ, m. scorner (of, ac.);
-manya-ka, a. despising, disdaining;
-mard-a, m. distress; N. of an owl, -ana, a. crushing, harassing; n. rubbing; destroying, -in, a. crushing;
-marśa, m. contact; reflexion;
-mān-a, n. disrespect, contempt; disgrace, -ana, n., ā, f. contempt; insult, -in, a. disdaining; undervaluing, -ya, fp. to be despised.
avayava ava-yava, m. member, limb; part: -dharma, m. use of part of for whole (rh.), -rū- paka, n. kind of simile;
-yav-in, a. consisting of parts; N. whole: (-i) -rūpaka, n. kind of simile;
ī-bhū, become a part.
avara ava-ra, a. lower, inferior; low, mean; following, later, younger; nearer; western; -°, at least: -ja, a. low-born; younger; m. Śūdra; younger brother, ā, f. younger sister, -var-ṇa, m. low caste: -ja, m. Śūdra;
-ruddha-tva, n. confinement;
-ruddhi, f. obtainment;
-ruddhikā, f. woman of the harem;
-rudhi-kā, f. pl. women of the harem.
avareṇa avareṇa, (in.) prp. w. ac. under.
avarodha ava-rodha, m. hindrance; disturbance; imprisonment; blockade, siege; harem: pl. women of the harem: -na, n. descending; investment, siege; enclosure, temple; harem: pl. women of the harem;
-śikhaṇḍin, m. domestic peacock;
-rodhin, a. enclosing, covering (-°);
-roh-a, m. descent; transition to a lower note, -aṇa, a. (ī) descending; n. alighting; descending scale; transition to a lower note, -in, a. descending.
avarcas a-varcas, a. impotent, feeble.
avarṇa a-varṇa, reproach, blame: -bhāj, a. blameworthy.
avartamāna a-varta-māna, pr. pt. not going on, not present.
avarti ava+ṛti, f. (come-down), need, want, hunger.
avardhamāna a-vardha-māna, pr. pt. not increasing.
avarṣa a-varṣa, m., -ṇa, n. drought.
avarṣṭos a-varṣṭos, g. inf. not to rain.
avalagna ava-lagna, (pp.) m. n. waist.
avalamba ava-lamb-a, a. hanging down; m. attachment to; support, prop;
-ana, a. (ī) hanging to, leaning on; n. hanging down; attachment to, resting upon (-°); dependence; support; tarrying;
-itavya, fp. to be clung to;
-in, a. hanging down; reclining or leaning on; attached to; dependent on (-°).
avalipta ava-lipta, pp. anointed; proud, haughty: -tā, f., -tva, n. pride, insolence;
-luṇṭhana, n. robbing;
-lekhana, n. brushing combing;
-lepa, m. ointment; pride, -na, n. id., -vat, a. proud, haughty;
-leha, m., -na, n. licking off.
avaloka ava-lok-a, m. observation; sight, view;
-ana, n. look at; glance; sight, inspection; view; appearance;
-ayitṛ, m. observer;
-itā, f. N.;
-ita+īśvara, m. N. of a Bodhisattva;
-in, a. looking at;
-lopana, n. cutting off, destroying, injuring.
avavāda ava-vāda, m. command.
avaśa a-vaśa, a. not subject to another's will, independent, free; unwilling: -ga, a. not subject to (g.);
-vaśin, a. unwilling.
avaśiṣṭa ava-śiṣ-ṭa, pp. left over: -ka, n. remnent, rest;
-śeṣa, m. residue; leavings: -m, ad. except (-°).
avaśendriyacitta avaśa+indriya-citta, a. whose senses and mind are uncontrolled.
avaśya a-vaś-ya, a. unyielding, uncomplying: °-or -m, ad. necessarily; certainly: -ka-tā, f. necessity, obligation;
-bhāva, m. necessity;
-bhāvin or -ṃ-bhāvin, a. that must necessarily be, necessarily taking place.
avaśyā ava-śyā, f. hoar-frost: -ya, m. id..
avaṣṭabhya ava-ṣṭabh-ya, fp. to be stopped;
-ṣṭambha, m. recourse to, employment; resoluteness; courage: -na, n. id., -maya, a. indicative of courage.
avas 1. av-as, n. help, favour; (also pl.) comfort, joy; desire.
avas 2. avas, ad. down; prp. down from (in., ab.); below (in.).
avasakta ava-sakta, pp. (sañj) fixed;
-sak-thikā, f. loin cloth: -ṃkṛ, place a cloth round the loins;
-sanna, pp. ended, waned; spent;
-sara, m. occasion, opportunity; right time; appropriateness, use; turn;
-sarpaṇa, n. descent;
-sarpiṇī, f. descending cycle;
-sāda, m. sitting down; sinking; exhaustion, lassitude; defeat: -na, n. discouragement; dejection;
-sāna, n. resting-place; cessation; end; death; end of a sentence or verse; pause;
-bhūmi, f. acme;
-sita, pp. (sā) ended: -artha, a. satisfied;
-siti, f. conclusion, end;
-seka, m. sprinkling; bleeding (by leeches);
-secana, n. sprinkling; water for washing; bleeding.
avaskanda ava-skand-a, m. assault, surprise;
-in, a. covering; assailing;
-skara, m. privy: -mandira, n. id..
avastāt avas-tāt, ad. below; on this side; prp. below (g.).
avastu a-vastu, n. worth, n. worthless thing; nothing, the unreal: -tva, n. abst. N..
avastra a-vastra, a. unclothed: -tā, f. nakedness;
ī-kṛ, deprive of clothes.
avastha ava-stha, m. penis.
avasthā ava-sthā, f. appearance in court; state, condition; circumstance;
ā-tavya, fp. that must remain;
-na, n. appearing; condition, position; dwelling, abiding, stay; stability;
-antara, n. changed condition;
-pana, n. exposing for sale;
-yin, a. staying in;
-sthita, pp. (sthā) stationed; standing; arrayed; engaged in;
-sthiti, f. stay, sojourn, abode.
avasphoṭana ava-sphoṭana, n. cracking the joints of the fingers.
avasyu avas-yu, a. seeking protection.
avahanana ava-hanana, n. threṣing, unhusking; lung;
-hāra, m. putting off;
-hārya, fp. to be made to pay (ab.); that must be caused to be paid;
-hāsa, m. jest; derision;
-hāsya, fp. ridiculous: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-hita, pp. dhā;
-helā, f. contempt: in. with the greatest ease.
avāggamanavat avāg-gamana-vat, a. moving downward.
avāṅmanasagocara a-vāṅ-manasa-gocara, a. being beyond the reach of speech or mind.
avāṅmukha avāṅ-mukha, a. (ī) facing downward.
avācāla a-vācāla, a. not talkative; not boastful.
avācīna avāc-īna, a. turned downwards; being below (ab.).
avācya a-vāc-ya, fp. not to be addressed; not to be uttered; not directly expressed;
-tā, f. abuse, invective.
avāñc ava+añc, a. (avācī) downward, headlong; lower; southern;
avāk, n. ad. downwards, headlong.
avāṭ a-vāṭ, 2 sg. aor. of vah.
avāta 1. a-vāta, pp. unmolested; secure.
avāta 2. a-vāta, a. windless, calm.
avāna a-vāna, pp. not dried up, fresh; wet.
avāntara ava+antara, a. lying between; different, respective: -deśa, m. intermediate region.
avāptavya ava+āp-tavya, fp. to be obtained;
-āpti, f. acquisition, attainment;
-āpya, fp. to be obtained.
avāraṇīya a-vāraṇīya, fp. irresistible.
avāvaṭa avāvaṭa, m. son begotten by a man with a woman of his own caste who has cohabited with another man..
avi av-i, a. favourable; m. sheep; f. ewe: -kā, f. ewe.
avikatthana a-vikatth-ana, a. not boastful;
-in, a. id..
avikampita a-vi-kampita, pp. not trembling, motionless.
avikala a-vikala, a. not defective; unmutilated, entire, complete; correct.
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avikalpa a-vikalpa, a. not hesitating: -m, ad. without hesitation.
avikāra a-vikār-a, m. no change, no disfigurement; a. subject to no change;
-in, a. not changing; not moving a muscle: -i-tā, f. abst. N.;
-ya, fp. unchangeable.
avikṛta a-vi-kṛta, pp. not changed; not prepared, natural; undeveloped; not misṣapen.
avikrama a-vikrama, a. not valorous.
avikriyatva a-vi-kriya-tva, n. unchangeableness;
-kriyā, f. no change: -ātmaka, a. subject to no change.
avikrīta a-vi-krīta, pp. not having sold;
-kreya, fp. not for sale;
-kṣata, pp. uninjured;
-kṣubdha, pp. not disarranged.
avikhyātadoṣa a-vi-khyāta-doṣa, a. having committed no notorious crime.
avigāna a-vigāna, a. unanimous.
avigraha a-vigraha, a. indisputable.
avighna a-vighna, a. unimpeded, undisturbed; n. lack of hindrance: in. without hindrance: -tas, ad. without obstacles;
i-ta, pp. unhindered, undisturbed.
avicakṣaṇa a-vicakṣaṇa, a. not subtile, stupid.
avicala a-vicala, a. not wavering, steadfast;
i-ta, pp. unaverted.
avicāra a-vicār-a, m. lack of reflexion; a. not reflecting: -m, ad. without delay, -jña, a. unacquainted with reflexion;
-aṇa, n. lack of reflexion;
-ayat, pr. pt. unreflecting;
-ita, pp. unconsidered: -m, ad. without hesitation;
-ya, fp. needing no reflexion.
avicchinna a-vi-cchinna, pp. not severed, continous;
-ccheda, m. uninterruptedness: ab. uninterruptedly;
-cyuta, pp. not to be lost: -m, ad. faultlessly.
avijānat a-vi-jānat, pr. pt. not knowing, ignorant;
-jña, a. undiscerning: -tā, f. stupidity;
-jñāta, pp. unknown, unrecognised;
-jñāna, n. lack of knowledge: ab. unawares; a. lacking knowledge;
-jñeya, fp. unrecognisable.
avitatha a-vitatha, a. not false, true; favourable: -m, ad. truly; n. a metre;
-vāc, a. truth-speaking.
avitṛ av-i-tṛ, m. helper, protector.
avitṛpta a-vi-tṛpta, pp. unsatiated: -ka, a. not yet sated with (g.).
avidagdha a-vi-dagdha, pp. not burnt; not clever.
avidāsin a-vidāsin, a. unfailing, perennial.
avidita a-vid-ita, pp. unknown: -m, ad. unawares.
aviduṣṭara a-viduṣ-ṭara, cpv. of avidvas.
aviddha a-viddha, pp. unpierced.
avidya a-vidya, a. uncultured; destitute of knowledge;
ā, f. ignorance.
avidyamāna a-vidya-māna, pr. pt. not existing: -vat, ad. as if non-existent: -tva, n. abst. N..
avidvas a-vidvas, pr. pf. pt. not knowing, ignorant.
avidviṣe a-vidviṣe, d. inf. so as to avoid enmity.
avidveṣa a-vidveṣa, m. freedom from enmity, amity.
avidhavā a-vidhavā, f. no widow.
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avidhāna a-vidhāna, n. non-prescription: -tas, ad. not according to prescription.
avidhipūrvakam a-vidhi-pūrvakam, ad. against prescribed rules, irregularly.
avidhura a-vidhura, a. not lacking a pole; cheerful.
avidheya a-vi-dheya, fp. perverse;
-tā, f. perverseness.
avinaya a-vinaya, m. unseemly behaviour;
-vat, a. ill-mannered, uncivil.
avinaśvara a-vinaśvara, a. imperishable.
avināśa a-vināś-a, m. non-corruption; non-detraction;
-in, a. imperishable; undecaying.
avinivartin a-vinivartin, a. not turning back, not fleeing.
avinīta a-vi-nīta, pp. ill-bred.
avinoda a-vinoda, m. ennui.
avindat a-vind-at, pr. pt. not finding, not finding out.
avipakvakaraṇa a-vipakva-karaṇa, a. having immature organs.
aviparyaya 1. a-viparyaya, den. P. not to fail.
aviparyaya 2. a-vipary-aya, m. no transposition; no error;
-āsa, m. no inversion: in. without inversion.
avipāla avi-pāla, m. shephered.
aviprayukta a-vi-pra-yukta, pp. not severed;
-pluta, pp. inviolate; true to one's vow.
avibhakta a-vi-bhakta, pp. undivided; having community of goods;
-bhāga, m. no division.
avibhāvita a-vi-bhāv-ita, pp. not clearly perceived;
-ya-māna, pr. pt. ps. being unnoticed.
avibhinna a-vi-bhinna, pp. undivided (from, ab.); unchanged;
-kālam, ad. at the same time.
avibhūṣaṇaparicchada a-vibhūṣaṇa-pari-cchada, a. lacking ornaments and furniture.
avibhrama a-vibhrama, a. unaffected.
avibhrānta a-vi-bhrānta, pp. immovable.
avimarśitavya a-vi-marś-itavya, fp. not deserving further consideration.
avimuktaśaiva a-vi-mukta-śaiva, m. Śaiva monk of a certain grade;
-āpīḍa, m. N. of a king;
-īśa, m. Śiva.
avimocana a-vimocana, n. not freeing; not aiding.
aviyukta a-vi-yukta, pp. unseparated from (in.);
-yoga, m. non-separation from (in.);
-rata, pp. not desisting from (ab.); ceaseless: -m, ad.;
-ramat, pr. pt. not desisting fr. (ab.).
avirala a-virala, a. close; frequent; vehement: -m, ad. firmly; heartily.
aviraha a-virah-a, m. non-separation; union;
-ita, pp. unseparated; united.
avirāmam a-virāmam, ad. without ceasing.
aviruddha a-vi-ruddha, pp. unhindered; unopposed to (in., g., -°); not at enmity with; not unpleasant;
-roddhṛ, a. not fighting;
-rodha, m. no conflict with, no disadvantage for (-°);
-rodhin, a. not conflicting with, not prejudicing (g., -°).
avilamba a-vilamb-a, m. no hesitation; a. not hesitating: -m, in. without delay;
-ita, pp. unhesitating: -m, ad. without delay; in, a. not delaying;
-ya, gd. without hesitating.
avilīna a-vi-līna, pp. not annihilated: with bhū,h remain alive.
avilupya a-vilup-ya, fp. indestructible.
avivāha a-vivāh-a, a. not living in wedlock;
-in, a. not suitable for marriage.
avivikta a-vi-vikta, pp. undistinguished; not decided;
-vṛta, pp. not uncovered; unknown, hidden; not showing one's weak points.
aviveka a-vivek-a, m. want of discrimination; lack of judgement; a. lacking judgment;
-tā, f. abst. N.;
-in, a. undivided; lacking insight; having no discriminating people.
avivenat a-vi-ven-at, pr. pt. not turning away, well-disposed.
aviśaṅka a-viśaṅk-a, a. unhesitating; fearless;
ā, f. freedom from hesitation or timidity;
-ita, pp. fearless; unhesitating;
-in, a. not assuming or supposing.
aviśada a-viśada, a. indistinct; rigid.
aviśastṛ a-viśastṛ, m. bad carver.
aviśiṣṭa a-vi-śiṣṭa, pp. not different: -tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N.;
-śuddha, pp. impure; not thoroughly investigated.
aviśeṣa a-viśeṣ-a, m. no difference;
-tas, in. ad. without difference; a. indiscriminate, -jña, a. undiscriminating;
-ita, pp. unspecified.
aviśrama a-vi-śrama, a. unceasing, unremitting;
-śrambha, m. mistrust: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-śrānta, pp. unceasing;
-śrāma, a. not resting; unceasing, unremitting: -m, ad. without resting.
aviśvasat a-vi-śvas-at, pr. pt. distrustful;
-anīya, fp. not to be trusted: -tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N.;
-ta, pp. distrustful.
aviśvāsa a-viśvās-a, m. distrust; a. distrustful;
-m, ad. -ly, -janaka, a. arousing distrust;
-in, a. distrustful.
aviṣa a-viṣa, n. no poison; a. (a) not poissonous.
aviṣakta a-vi-ṣakta, pp. not attached to or set on (-°); irresistible.
aviṣama a-viṣama, a. not unequal; even; friendly.
aviṣaya a-viṣaya, m. no sphere; no object or concern; impracticable matter; no suitable object for (g.): lc. in the absence of (g.); a. having no object;
-manas, a. whose mind is not directed to the objects of sense; unworldly;
-ī-karaṇa, n. not making something (g.) an object of (g.).
aviṣahya a-vi-ṣahya, fp. intolerable.
aviṣāda a-viṣād-a, m., i-tva, n. undauntedness;
-in, a. undaunted.
aviṣṭha av-iṣṭha, a. (spv.) accepting very gladly.
aviṣyā avi-ṣyā, f. desire, zeal, passion;
-ṣyu, a. eager; revengeful.
avistīrṇa a-vi-stīrṇa, pp. not extensive;
-spandita, pp. not quivering;
-spaṣṭa, pp. indistinct; dim: -m, ad. -ly;
-smita, pp. not astonished or taken aback;
-smṛta, pp. not forgotten.
avihatagati a-vi-hata-gati, a. of unimpeded course;
-hita-siddha, pp. unfeigned, unartificial.
avihvala a-vihvala, a. firm; cheerful.
avīkṣita a-vi+īkṣita, pp. not recognised.
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avīci a-vīci, m. a hell (waveless).
avītaka a-vītaka, unenclosed space.
avīra 1. a-vīra, a. devoid of men; n. region without men;
-puruṣa, m. weakling.
avīra 2. a-vīra, a. unmanly: ā, f. woman without husband and children.
avīrya a-vīrya, a. weak, powerless.
avṛka a-vṛka, a. not hurting; safe; n. safety.
avṛjina a-vṛjina, a. not artful, guileless.
avṛta a-vṛta, pp. unchosen, uninvited.
avṛtta a-vṛtta, pp. not having taken place.
avṛtti a-vṛtti, f. lack of sustenance, destitution: -ka, a. lacking means of support.
avṛthārtha a-vṛthā+artha, a. having an appropriate meaning or name: -tā, f. abst. N..
avṛddha a-vṛddha, pp. not aged.
avṛddhika a-vṛddhi-ka, a. free from interest.
avṛdha a-vṛdha, a. not gladdening.
avṛṣaṇa a-vṛṣaṇa, a. lacking testicles.
avṛṣṭa a-vṛṣṭa, pp. not having rained or sent rain.
avṛṣṭi a-vṛṣṭi, f. drought.
avekṣaṇa ava+īkṣ-aṇa, n. looking at; attention to, care of (g.);
-aṇīya, fp. to be paid attention to;
-ā, f. care; attention to (lc.);
-in, a. looking towards; attending to (ac.);
-ya, fp. to be attended to.
avedana a-vedana, n. ignorance.
avedavihita a-veda-vihita, pp. not prescribed by the Veda.
avedya a-ved-ya, fp. not to be wedded.
avelam a-velam, ad. unseasonably.
aveśasadṛśa a-veśa-sadṛśa, a. unlike prostitution.
avaikṛta a-vaikṛta, a. not disfigured.
avaidagdhya a-vaidagdhya, n. want of sagacity; stupidity.
avaidya a-vaidya, a. unlearned.
avairijuṣṭa a-vairi-juṣṭa, pp. that not even an enemy consents to.
avokṣaṇa ava+ukṣaṇa, n. sprinkling with water.
avocat a-vocat, 3 sg. aor. vac.
avya avya, a. pertaining to sheep, woolen; n. Soma-strainer.
avyakta a-vi+akta, pp. not manifest, imperceptible; indistinct; m. universal soul; n. unevolved primordial matter; primordial spirit;
-rūpa, a. indistinct, indefinite; of uncertain sex.
avyagra a-vyagra, a. unconcerned, quiet: -m, ad. -ly.
avyaṅga a-vyaṅga, a. having all one's limbs.
avyañjana a-vyañjana, a. beardless; lacking signs of puberty.
avyatirikta a-vi+ati-rikta, pp. not separated from.
avyatha a-vyath-a, a. unwavering, undaunted; efficacious;
-i, a. unwavering, undaunted;
-in, a. not becoming discomposed.
avyabhicārin a-vyabhi-cārin, a. infallible;
ī-cāra, m. conjugal fidelity; a. faithful.
avyaya a-vyaya, m. non-expenditure; a. imperishable, immutable; stingy; n. indeclinable word: -tva, n. imperishableness;
-āt-man, a. of imperishable nature;
-ībhāva, m. indeclinable compound.
avyavadhāna a-vyava-dhāna, n. non-interruption; a. uncovered, bare; uninterrupted;
-dhāya-ka, a. not intervening: -tva, n. non-intervention.
avyavasāyin a-vyavasāyin, a. unenterprising, remiss.
avyavastha a-vyava-stha, a. not enduring: ā, f. unsettled state;
-sthita-citta, a. fickleminded.
avyasanin a-vyasanin, a. exempt from vice.
avyākṛta a-vi+ā-kṛta, pp. unsevered, undivided.
avyāja a-vyāja, m. not deception; a. natural, real.
avyāpanna a-vi+ā-panna, pp. not having died, alive.
avyāpāra a-vyāpāra, m. not one's business.
avyāpta a-vi+āpta, pp. not filled or mixed with.
avyāvartanīya a-vi+āvart-anīya, fp. not to be taken back.
avyāhṛta a-vyāhṛta, (pp.) n. not speaking; silence.
avyucchinna a-vi+uc-chinna, pp. uninterrupted.
avyutpanna a-vi+utpanna, pp. not resulting; having no etymology: -mati, a. uneducated.
avyuṣṭa a-vi+uṣṭa, pp. (vas) not yet arisen.
avrata a-vrata, a. ungodly; not fulfilling religious duties.
aś 1. AŚ, V. aś-nu, reach; attain; befall; enjoy, abhi, ud, reach; dominate.
upa, sam-upa, pra, vi, sam, id..
aś 2. AŚ, IX, P. aś-nā-ti, eat, take (meat and drink); taste; enjoy: pp. aśita, eaten, cs. āśaya, cause (ac.), feed: pp. -āśita, fed; satiated; des. aśiśiṣa, wish to eat.
upa, pra, sam, = simple ver;
abhi-pra, eat in addition to (ac.).
aś 3. aś, grammatical designation of all soft letters.
aśakta a-śakta, pp. incapable of (inf., d., lc.).
aśakti a-śakti, f. inability; weakness.
aśaknuvat a-śak-nuvat, pr. pt. unable to (inf.);
-ya, fp. impossible: -artha, a. id.; ineffectual.
aśaṅka a-śaṅk-a, a. fearless: -m, ad. -ly;
-anīya, fp. not to be feared;
-ita, pp. fearless: -m, ad. without hesitation; suddenly.
aśan aś-an, m. stone, rock; firmament.
aśana aś-ana, n. eating; food; -°, a. feeding on;
-kriyā, f. taking of food;
-anaśa-na, n. eating and fasting.
aśanāpipāse aśanā-pipāse, f. du. hunger and thirst.
aśanāyā aśanāyā (or ā), f. hunger;
-vat, a. hungry.
aśani aś-ani, f. (C. also m.) thunderbolt, lightning-flash;
-grāvan, m. diamond;
-ha-ta, pp. struck by lightning.
aśanais a-śanais, ad. nighly, violently.
aśabda a-śabda, a. silent, mute.
aśam a-śam, ind. disaster.
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aśaraṇa a-śaraṇ-a, n. defencelessness; a.unprotected, helpless;
-ī-kṛ, render defenceless;
-ya, a. affording no protection; defenceless.
aśarīra a-śarīra, a. bodiless, lacking a substantial body; m. Kāma (cp. anaṅga).
aśarman a-śarman, n. suffering, sorrow.
aśas a-śas, a. cursing, hating.
aśastra a-śastra, a. swordless, unarmed: -pāṇi, a. having no sword in the hand;
-pūta, pp. not consecrated by the sword;
-vadha, m. murder without a weapon.
aśāntatanu a-śānta-tanu, a. whose body is not satisfied.
aśāntatā a-śānta-tā, f. lack of tranquility, passionateness.
aśāsat a-śās-at, pr. pt. not punishing.
aśāstracakṣus a-śāstra-cakṣus, a. not seeing with the eye of the śāstras.
aśikṣita a-śikṣita, pp. unlearnt; not instructed or learned, in (ac., lc., inf.).
aśita aś-ita, pp. 2 aś;
-itavya, fp. to be eaten.
aśiras a-śiras, a. headless.
aśilpin a-śilpin, m. no artist or artisan.
aśiva a-śiva, a. baneful, ominous; n. evil, mischief: -śaṃsin, a. ill-boding.
aśiśira a-śiśira, a. hot;
-tā, f. heat;
-kara, -kiraṇa, -raśmi, m. sun.
aśīta 1. aśīta, a. eightieth.
aśīta 2. a-śīta, a. not cold, hot: -kara, marīci, -ruc, -ruci, m. sun.
aśīti aś-īti, f. eighty;
-tama, a. eightieth.
aśītika aś-īti-ka, a. eighty years old: -avara, a. at leat eighty years old.
aśuci a-śuci, a. impure: -tva, n. impurity;
-bhakṣaṇa, n. eating impure things;
-bhāva, m. impurity;
-varṇa, a. of impure colour: -tā, f. impurity of colour.
aśuddha a-śuddha, pp. unclean; unknown, suspicious;
-prakṛti, a. having dishonest ministers.
aśuddhi a-śuddhi, f. impurity.
aśubha a-śubha, a. ill-favoured; ill-omened; evil; disagreeable;
-mati, a. ill-disposed;
-ātmaka, a. id..
aśūnya a-śūnya, a. not empty; not vain: -ṃkṛ, not leave undone, execute;
-artha, m. clearing up: -m, ad. by way of explanation: a. clear, intelligible.
aśṛṅga a-śṛṅga, a. (ī) hornless.
aśeṣa a-śeṣa, m. no remainder; a. whole, all, entire: -tas, -m, in. without reserve; completely, fully.
aśeṣaya aśeṣa-ya, den. P. end entirely: pp. annihilated.
aśoka a-śoka, a. free from sorrow; m. Aśoka tree; n. Aśoka flower (orange and scarlet);
-kara, m. N. of a fairy: ī, f. N.;
-taru, f. N.;
-vṛkṣa, m. Asoka tree.
aśocanīya a-śoc-anīya, fp. not to be pitied or grieved for;
-ya, fp. id..
aśodhayitvā a-śodhayitvā, gd. without settling.
aśoṣya a-śoṣya, fp. not to be dried up.
aśauca a-śauc-a, n. impurity: -tva, n. id.;
-in, a. impure.
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aśna aś-na, m. stone; N. of a demon..
aśnavat aś-nav-a-t, 3 sg. subj. aś, obtain.
aśmaka aśma-ka, m. N.: pl. N. of a people;
-kuṭṭa, a. crushing with a stone;
-tā, f. stoniness, hardness of stone.
aśman aś-man, m. rock, stone; thunderbolt; heaven; heaven: lc. in the sky: du. heaven and earth;
-maya, a. (ī) made of stone.
aśmamaya aśma-maya, a. id.;
-mūrdhan, a. having a head of stone.
aśyartha aśi+artha, a. meaning 'to eat' (aśi = aś, eat).
aśra aś-ra, -° = aśri aś-ri.
aśraddadhāna a-śrad-dadhāna, pr. pt. unbelieving (w. g.).
aśraddha a-śrad-dha, a. unbelieving.
aśraddhā a-śrad-dhā, f. lack of confidence; unbelief;
-dheya, fp. incredible; unworthy of belief.
aśrama a-śrama, m. absence of fatigue; a. (or ma) indefatigable.
aśravaṇa a-śravaṇa, n. non-mention; lack of a word, suffix &c..
aśrānta a-śrānta, pp. indefatigable: m, ad. assiduously.
aśri aś-ri, f. edge (-° also -ka).
aśrī a-śrī, f. miṣap; goddess of misfortune.
aśru aś-ru, n. (m.) tear: w. kṛ or muc, shed tears;
-karman, n. shedding of tears.
aśruta a-śruta, pp. unheard; unlearned: ā, f. N.;
-tā, f. being unknown;
-vat, ad. as if unheard.
aśruti a-śruti, f. not hearing; oblivion: -m abhi-nī, do as if one had heard nothing;
-virodhin, a. not opposed to scripture.
aśruparipluta aśru-pari-pluta, pp. bathed in tears: -pūrṇa, pp. filled with tears;
-pramār-jana, n. wiping away of tears, = weeping;
-plāvita, n. flood of tears;
-leśa, m. tear-drop.
aśreyas a-śreyas, cpv. a. worse, inferior; n. misfortune.
aśrotra a-śrotra, a. earless.
aśrotriya a-śrotriya, a. at which no trained Brāhman is present.
aślāghya a-ślāgh-ya, fp. unpraiseworthy, disgraceful.
aślīka a-ślī-ka, a. pernicious.
aślīla a-ślīla, a. ugly; unrefined; indecent.
aśva aś-va, m. horse: ā, f. mare;
-kuṭī, f. stable;
-kuśala, a. skilled in horses;
-kovi-da, a. id.;
-khura, m. horse's hoof: -vat, ad. like a horse's hoof;
-ghāma, m. N. of a place;
-ghāsa, m. horse fodder; N.;
-cala-na-śālā, f. riding-hall;
-tama, spv. best horse;
-tara, m., ī, f. mule.
aśvattha aśva-ttha, m. [standing-place (ttha for stha) for horses], sacred fig-tree;
-tthāman, m. N. of a son of Drona;
-da, -dā, a. giving horses;
-pāda, m. N. of a Siddha;
- pā-dāta-sārameya-maya, a. (ī) consisting fo horses, pedestrians, and dogs;
-pāla, m. groom;
-pṛṣṭha, n. horseback;
-pluta, n. horse's leap;
-budhna, a. borne by steeds;
-budh-ya, a. characterised by horses;
-mandurā, f. stable;
-mukha, m. Kiṃnara;
ī, f. Kiṃnara's wife;
-medha, m. horse-sacrifice; N.;
-yuj, a. yoking or yoked with horses; f. sg. & du. N. of a lunar mansion;
-rāja, m. king of horses (Uccaiḥsravas);
-rādhas, a. horse-equipping;
-vat, a. rich in horses;
-vāra, m. horseman;
-vṛṣa, m. station;
-śālā, f. stable;
-sāda, -sādin, m. rider;
-sāra-thya, n. N. of a serpent demon.
aśvastana a-śvas-tana, a. having nothing for to-morrw: i-ka, a. id.
aśvasthāna aśva-sthāna, n. stable;
-hṛdaya, n. knowledge of horses;
-adhyakṣa, m. master of the horse;
-anīka, n. cavalry army.
aśvādhika aśva+adhika, a. superior in cavalry;
-anṛta, n. falsehood respecting horses;
-ārūḍha, pp. mounted on horseback;
-āroha, m. rider.
aśvāvat aśvā-vat, a. rich in horses; n. property in horses.
aśvin aśv-in, a. rich in horses; m. charioteer: du. the Aśvins, twin gods of the dawn..
aśvīya aśv-īya, n. troop of horse.
aśvait a-śvait, V. 3 sg. aor. of svit.
aṣāḍha a-ṣāḍha, -|a -ṭha, pp. unconquerable m. N..
aṣāḍhin aṣāḍhin, a. bearing a staff of palāśa-wood.
aṣṭa ash-ṭa, pp. akṣ & aś, obtain.
aṣṭaka aṣṭa-ka, a. eightfold; m. N.;
ā, f. eighth day after full-moon, esp. in Hemanta & Sisira; sacrifice to the Manes on that day; n. octad;
-guṇa, a. eightfold;
-taya, n. octad;
-dhā, ad. eightfold.
aṣṭan ash-ṭan, nr. eight: nm. -ṭau, -ṭā, or-ṭa.
aṣṭapada aṣṭa-pada, a. consisting of 8 words;
-pāda, a. eight-footed;
-puṣpikā, f. wreath of 8 kinds of flowers;
-bhāga, m. eighth part.
aṣṭama aṣṭa-ma, a. (ī) eighth; forming one-eighth of (g.); m. an eighth;
ī, f. eighth day of a fortnight: -ka, a. eighth;
-kālika, a. eating only every eighth meal.
aṣṭamūrti aṣṭa-mūrti, m. Śiva;
-rasa+aśraya, a. containing the 8 emotions (drama);
-ṛca, a. consisting of 8 verses;
-varṣa, a. 8 years old;
-vidha, a. eightfold;
-śata, n. 108; 800;
-ṣaṣṭi, f. sixty-eight.
aṣṭākṣara aṣṭa+akṣara, a. having eight syllables;
-aṅga, eight members (-°); a. having eight parts: -pāta, m. prostration with the eight members (hands, feet, knees, forehead, breast), profound obeisance.
aṣṭādaśa aṣṭā-daśa, a. eighteenth: -dhā, ad. eighteenfold; (ā) -daśan, nr. eighteen;
-daśama, a. eighteenth.
aṣṭādhyāyī aṣṭa+adhyāyī, f. book of eight chapters.
aṣṭānavati aṣṭā-navati, f. ninety-eight;
-pañcāśat, f. fifty-eight.
aṣṭāpad aṣṭā-pad, a. (nm. -pād, f. -padī), eight-footed.
aṣṭāpada aṣṭā-pada, m. n. dice-board with 64 squares: -vyāpāra, m. game of dice;
-pādya, a. eightfold.
aṣṭāyudha aṣṭa+āyudha, a. furnished with 88,000.
aṣṭāvakra aṣṭā-vakra, m. N..
aṣṭāsītisahasra aṣṭa+asīti-sahasra, n. pl..
aṣṭi ash-ṭi, f. a metre of 64 syllables.
aṣṭottara aṣṭa+uttara, a. plus eight.
aṣṭrā aṣ-ṭrā, f. goad (for driving cattle).
aṣṭhīlā aṣṭhīlā, f. ball; pebble; anvil.
aṣṭhīvat aṣṭhī-vat, m. knee-cap; knee.
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as 1. AS, II.P. as-ti (2 sg. Ā. se, in V. only in periphrastic ft.), be, exist; happen, take place; dwell, be found in (lc.); w. d. or g. be for, belong or accrue to, often =have or possess; be present in, be peculiar to (lc.); be ready for, be equal to, be capable of (d.); be sufficient for (g.); occur to (g.); w. na, not exist; be lost or undone: na+asti, + = I have nothing to give;
asti, it is so: at the beginning of sentences with another finite verb = it so happens or happened that, it sometimes happens that --;
asmi, w. ist sg. = I happen to be;
astu + even, so be it, very well;
-as-tu or santu, w. following nm. = to say nothing of --, ati, surpass (ac.). -anu, be ready; reach (ac.). api, be near or in (lc.).
abhi, surpass, overcome (ac.); be more than (ab.) to (d. or g.); *fall to the share of (g.).
upa, be in (ac.).
pari, overtake; allow to pass by (time).
pra, be to the fore, be prominent, excel.
sam, equal (ac.); be united with (sa-ha); be, exist.
as 2. AS, IV.P. as-ya, cast, throw, shoot, at (d., g.,lc.); cast off, abandon (only pp. asta-).
adhi, misunderstand: es. pp. adhyāsita, meant by (in. of abst. N.).
apa, cast, throw, or take off; lay down upon; leave, abandon; give up; put aside: gd. apāsya, in spite, of, excepting (ac.).
abhi (also I.P. Ā.), throw towards; discharge (arrows); apply oneself to, practise, transact, perform; study; repeat: pp. abhyasta, reduplicated; cs. cause any one to practise; teach.
ud, throw or lift up; rise from (ac.).
vi+ud, strew about; discharge; give up, abandon.
ni (also I.P.), throw, lay or put down or aside; palce or set in or on, pour upon (lc.); fix the gaze (lc.); deposit with, entrust or make over to (lc.); quit, give up (lige); adduce, discuss: -pathi-, throw on the street, abandon;
manasi-, take to heart, ponder on (ac.);
śi-rasi-, place (a command) on the head, receive respectfully. -upa-ni, lay down; adduce, discuss.
sam-upa-ni, bring forward, suggest.
pari, stretch out.
vi-ni (also I.P.), spread out; put down; lay or placed in or on (lc.); mark or designate by (in); direct the mind or gaze to (lc.); entrust or make over to (lc.). saṃ-ni (also I.P.), put together; lay down or aside; place upon (lc.); entrust to (g., lc.); abandon; renounce worldly concerns, become an ascetic.
nis, pull out; eject; expel from (ab.); dispel, banish; reject; destroy; refute.
parā, throw away or down; abandon, expose (a child); quit (a place); refute.
pari, throw or move about; roll (the eyes); cast down, overthrow; surround, ensnare; turn round; overspread; string; put around (Ā.); pp. -pary-asta, fallen down upon (lc.); overspreading (-°); strung upon (-°); upset by (-°).
vi-pari, invert, reverse; overturn: pp.
viparyasta, inverted; reverse; thinking erroneously; standing around.
pra, throw, into (lc.); upset.
prati, throw to; cast off, abandon.
vi, dissipate, dismember, scatter, separate: pp. -vyasta, divided, separated, single; multiplied.
sam, put together, unite: ps. be compounded; pp. united; forming a unity; compounded; whole, all.
asaṃyama a-saṃ-yama, m. lack of control;
-yājya, fp. with whom a sacrifice should not be shared;
- lakṣita, pp. unobserved;
-vi-jñāna, a. unconscious or not consenting;
-vijñāna, a. unintelligible;
-vīta, pp. imperfectly covered;
-vṛta, pp. uncovered, bare; n. N. of a hell.
asaṃśaya a-saṃśaya, m. no doubt: nom. used adverbially = without doubt; a. doubtless: -m, ad. undoubtedly, unquestionably;
-śrava, m., -ṇa, n. only lc. sg. beyond the ear-shot of (g.);
-śleṣa, non-attachment; no contact.
asaṃsarga a-saṃ-sarga, m. lack of contact or intercourse with (g.);
-sārin, a. not subject to mundane existence;
-sṛṣṭa, pp. untouched by, free from (in.);
-sṛṣṭin, a. not re-united after partition.
asaṃskāra a-saṃ-skāra, m. lack of ornament, naturalness; a. lacking ornament;
-skṛta, pp. unequipped; unconsecrated; unconscrated; unrefined, coarse; not having undergone the sacraments: -alakin, a. having unadorned locks;
-stuta, pp. unknown, strange; not agreeing, obstinate;
-sthita, pp. not standing still, restless; scattered;
-spṛṣṭa, pp. unattained;
-hata, pp. disunited; m. kind of array;
-hati, f. non-connextion;
-hṛta, pp. uninterrupted.
asakṛt a-sakṛt, ad. not once, often, repeatedly.
asakta a-sakta, pp. unworldly; unattached, to (lc.): -m, ad. instantly.
asaṃkara a-saṃkara, m. no mixture of castes.
asaṃkṣipta a-saṃ-kṣipta, pp. not compressed.
asaṃkhya a-saṃkhya, a. innumerable; e-ya, fp. id.:-guṇa, a. of innumerable virtues.
asaṅga a-saṅga (or a), a. not remaining attached to, finding no resistance in (lc.).
asaṃgata a-saṃ-gata, pp. unsuitable, inconsistent;
-ghaṭṭa, m. no collision: -sukham, ad. happily without clashing (with rivals).
asajāti a-sa-jāti, a. not of the same caste;
-jātya, a. lacking blood-relations.
asajjana a-saj-jana, m. wicked or ill-disposed person.
asajjamāna a-sajja-māna, pr. pt. unhesitating.
asaṃcetayamāna a-saṃ-cetaya-māna, pt. pt. not observing.
asaṃjāta a-saṃ-jāta, pp. not having appeared or arisen.
asaṃjña a-saṃ-jña, a. unconscious;
-tva, n. unconsciousness.
asaṃjñā a-saṃ-jñā, f. disunion, discord.
asat a-sat, pr. pt. non-existent; untrue; bad;
-ī, f. unchaste woman; n. non-entity; lie; evil;
-kalpanā, f. false supposition; lie;
-kṛta, pp. badly treated; offered ungraciously; n. injury;
-tva, n. non-existence: -vacana, a. expressing no entity: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-putra, a. sonless;
-pratigraha, m. acceptance of a gift from unworthy person;
-pralāpa, m. empty talk;
-pravṛtti, f. evil course of action.
asatya a-satya, a. untrue; n. falsehood, lie: -vāda, m. lie;
-śīla, a. addicted to lies;
-saṃ-dha, a. whose engagements are untrustworthy, treacherous.
asatsaṃparka asat-saṃparka, m. contact with the bad.
asadṛśa a-sadṛśa, a. unequal, dissimilar; unseemly.
asadgraha asad-graha, m. foolish whim; evil inclination;
-dharma, m. evil practice;
-bhāva, m. non-existence, absence;
-vṛtta, pp. not nicely rounded; not well-behaved.
asan as-an, n. (used in in., ab., g. s. for asṛj) blood.
asana as-ana, n. shot; throw;
-ā, f. missile.
asanāma a-sa-nāma, a. not having the same name.
asaṃtāpa a-saṃ-tāpa, a. feeling no grief;
-tuṣṭa, pp. dissatisfied, discontented;
-to-sha, m. discontent;
-tyāga, m. non-renunciation of (g.).
asaṃdadhāna a-saṃ-dadhāna, pr. pt. not making peace: -digdham, ad. undoubtedly;
-di-ta, pp. unbound; unlimited;
-dṛśya, pp. invisible to (g.);
-deha, m. no doubt: -m, ad. without doubt, surely;
-dheya, fp. not to be made peace (alliance) with (-tā, f. abst. N.); not to be restored.
asaṃnaddha a-saṃ-naddha, pp. not yet acquired;
-nidhāna, n. absence, lack;
-nidhi, f. id.;
-nihita, pp. absent.
asapatna a-sa-patna, m. no rival; a. (a) without a rival; n. peace;
-piṇḍa, a. too distantly related to join in the funeral oblation;
-pūrva, a. not possessed by ancestors.
asama 1. a-sama, a. unequalled.
asama 2. a-sama, a. unequal; uneven, odd.
asamagra a-samagra, a. incomplete; not full; not all; °- or m, ad. not completely or quite.
asamañja a-samañja, -s -s, m. N.; -sa -sa, a. not right, unsuitable: -m, ad. improperly.
asamad a-samad, f. concord.
asamana a-samana, a. scattered; uneven.
asamaya a-samaya, m. unseasonable time.
asamartha a-samartha, a. incapable (of, inf., d., lc., -°;
-tva, n. inability.
asamavāṇa asama-vāṇa, m. Kāma (odd-arrowed, i. e. five-arrowed).
asamaveta a-sam-ava+ita, pp. not inseparably combined: pl. not all combined.
asamasāyaka asama-sāyaka, m. Kāma (odd-arrowed, = five-arrowed).
asamasta a-sam-asta, pp. not compounded.
asamāna a-samāna, a. unequal; not shared by others; n. no corresponding condition;
-grāma, a. belonging to a different village.
asamāpta a-sam-āpta, pp. not completed.
asamāvṛttaka a-samāvṛttaka, ika, a. who has no returned home ofter completing his studies..
asamīkṣya a-sam-īkṣya, gd. without reflecting: -kārin, a. acting without reflexion.
asamīrita a-sam-īrita, pp. not raised (wind);
-udyama, m. lack of exertion; sluggishness;
-unnaddha, pp. modest;
-ṛddha, pp. not successful, incomplete;
-ṛddhi, f. failure;
-eta, pp. not come, wanting, lacking.
asaṃpatti a-saṃ-patti, f. failure;
-pāṭhya, fp. not to be made a fellow-student;
-pāda-yat, cs. pr. pt. not effecting;
-pūrṇa, pp. deficient; wanting in (in.); pp. not arrived; still wanting; unattained; unfulfilled.
asaṃbaddha a-saṃ-baddha, pp. unjoined, unrelated; disconnected, incoherent, absurd; talking or chattering nonsense;
-bandha, m. no connexion; a. unconnected;
-bādha, a. not contracted; unhinderd; unfrequented.
asaṃbhava a-saṃ-bhava, m. destruction; absence, lack; impossibility, inadmissibility, absurdity; a. not being born again; having no material body; not occurring, impossible, absurd;
-bhavyam, ad. irretrievably;
-bhāv-anā, f. incredulity; disrespect;
-bhāvayat, pr. pt. thinking impossible;
-bhāvita, pp. uncompleted; inconceivable; unworthy of (g.): -upamā, f. simile in which an impossibility is assumed;
-bhāya, fp. inconceivable: -m, ad. irretrievably;
-bhāṣaṇa, n. not addressing;
-bhāṣā, f. no conversation with (in.);
-bhāṣya, fp. not to be conversed with, not suitable for a conference;
-bhinna, pp. not broken through;
-bhṛta, pp. not made, natural;
-bhoga, m. non-enjoyment;
-bhojya, fp. with whom it is not lawful to eat;
-bhrānta, pp. unbewildered, calm: -m, ad..
asaṃmata a-saṃ-mata, pp. not esteemed; not authorised;
-mṛṣṭa, pp. uncleansed.
asamyak a-samyak, ad. wrongly, falsely;
-kārin, a. acting wrongly;
-kṛta-kārin, a. doing his business badly.
asarpabhūta a-sarpa-bhūta, pp. being no serpent.
asarva a-sarva, a. incomplete;
-jña, a. not omniscient.
asavarṇa a-savarṇa, a. of a different caste from (g.).
asavya a-savya, a. left; right: lc. on the --.
asaścat a-saśc-at, pr. pt. (or -at), not ceasing, not drying up: f. -anti (or -at-ī).
asasat a-sasat, pr. pt. not slumbering.
asaha a-sah-a, a. unable to bear (ac., -°); unable to (inf., -°); impatient;
-ana, a. unable to bear (-°); jealous: -tā, f. weakness;
-at, pr. pt. (f. -antī), not bearing;
-a-māna, pr. pt. not tolerating.
asahāya a-sahāy-a, a. companionless, helpless;
-in, a. id..
asahiṣṇu a-sah-iṣṇu, a. unable to bear (ac., lc., -°): -tā, f., -tva, n. intolerance;
-ya, fp. intolerable; irresistible.
asākṣika a-sākṣika, a. unwitnessed.
asāda a-sāda, a. unflagging.
asādṛśya a-sādṛśya, n. dissimilarity.
asādhaka a-sādh-aka, a. not accomplishing; unsatisfactory;
-ana, n. no means; a. destitute of resources; unfeasible: -tva, n. abst. N..
asādhāraṇa a-sādhāraṇa, a. (ī) special; unique; -upamā, f. kind of simile.
asādhu a-sādhu, a. not good, evil; wrong; bad towards (lc.); m. bad man; n. bad word; evil;
-tva, n. badness, dishonesty;
-darśin, a. seeing badly; injudicious;
-vṛtta, pp. ill-behaved.
asādhya a-sādhya, fp. unmanageable; unattainable, unfeasible; unconquerable; incurable; unascertainable.
asāṃnidhya a-sāṃnidhya, n. absence.
asāmanya a-sāmanya, a. unfriendly, surly.
asāmānya a-sāmānya, a. uncommon.
asāmi a-sāmi, a. complete: n. ad. -ly.
asāṃprata a-sāṃprata, a. unsuitable, improper: -m, ad. -ly.
asāyaka a-sāyaka, a. arrowless.
asāra a-sāra, m. n. unfitness; a. unfit, worthless, unprofitable;
-tā, f. unfitness; frailty;
-rūpa-tā, f. worthlessness; emptiness.
asāhasa a-sāhasa, n. absence of precipitation or temerity;
i-ka, a. (ī) not acting precipitately.
asi as-i, m. sword.
asiṃhāsana a-siṃhāsana, a. throneless.
asikta a-sikta, pp. unwatered.
asiknī asiknī, f. (of) asita) night.
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asita 1. a-sita, pp. unrestrained.
asita 2. as-ita, a. (ā or -iknī) dark-coloured, black; m. N.;
-pakṣa, m. dark half of a month;
-pītaka, a. (ikā dark yellow;
-aś-man, m. sapphire;
-īkṣaṇa, a. black-eyed;
-utpala, n. blue lotus.
asiddha a-siddha, pp. not established: -tva, n. inconclusiveness.
asiddhi a-siddhi, f. non-attainment, failure; inconclusiveness.
asidhara asi-dhara, m. N..
asidhārā asi-dhārā, f. sword-blade: -vra-ta, n. vow of lying with a sword between oneself and a woman = excessively difficult undertaking;
-dhenu, -kā, f. knife.
asinva a-sinva, a. insatiable.
asipattra asi-pattra, n. sword-blade; m. a tree;
-vana, n. a certain hell;
-putrikā, f. knife.
asu as-u, m. breath, life, vitality; spirit-world; vital spirits (pl. C.).
asukha a-sukha, n. pain, sorrow; a. unpleasant; painful; unhappy; not easy to (inf.);
-jīvika, a. leading a joyless life;
-āviṣṭa, pp. afflicted with grief.
asukhin a-sukh-in, a. sad, unhappy.
asutara a-su-tara, a. difficult to cross.
asutṛp asu-tṛp, a. life-taking; (a-su-) insatiable.
asunīti asu-nīti, f. spirit-life, spirit-world.
asundara a-sundara, a. uncomely, ugly.
asubodha a-subodha, a. hard to learn.
asura asu-ra, a. living, spiritual, divine; m. spirit, Lord God; evil spirit, demon, Asura: -tva, n. spirituality, divinity; state of an Asura.
asurakṣa a-su-rakṣa, a. difficult to guard.
asuradruh asura-druh, m. foe of Asuras, god;
-brahma, m. priest of the Asuras.
asurabhi a-surabhi, a. ill-smelling.
asurarakṣasa asura-rakṣasa, n. pl. Asuras & Rākṣasas;
-han, a. (-ghnī) Asura-killing;
-adhipa, m. king of the Asuras;
-ari, m. foe of the Asuras (Viṣṇu).
asurya asuryā, a. spiritual, divine, demoniac; n. spirituality, divinity; world of spirits or gods.
asulabha a-sulabha, a. hard to obtain; rare: -tva, n. abst. N..
asuṣvi a-suṣvi, a. not Soma-pressing, niggardly.
asusū asu-sū, m. arrow.
asustha a-sustha, a. unwell: -śarīra, a. ill.
asusthirādara asu-sthira+ādara, a. always anxious about his life.
asuhṛd a-suhṛd, m. no friend; a. friendless.
asuhṛdgaṇa asuhṛd-gaṇa, m. party of strangers.
asūcīsaṃcāra a-sūcī-saṃcāra, a. impenetrable even to a needle.
asūti a-sūti, f. not arising, non-appearance.
asūya 1. asūya, den. grumble, be angry at (ac., d.); cs. asūyaya, P. irritate.
asūya 2. asūya, a. grumbling, angry: ā, f. grumbling, displeasure, anger, grudge: -ka, a. grumbling, angry, grudging.
asūrya a-sūrya, a. sunless: -ga, a. not moving towards the sun.
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asṛkpaṅkapeṣam asṛk-paṅka-peṣam, abs. w. piṣ, pound to a bloody pulp;
-pāta, m. track of blood; flow of blood.
asṛgdhārā asṛg-dhārā, f. stream of blood.
asṛṅmaya asṛṅ-maya, a. (ī) consisting of blood.
asṛj as-ṛj, n. blood, gore.
asenya a-senya, a. not hitting or wounding.
asevaka a-sevaka, m. no servant, indifferent servant.
asevā a-sev-ā, f. non-addiction;
-ita, pp. not frequented: -īśvara-dvāra, a. not waiting at grandees' doors.
asoḍha a-soḍha, pp. (sah) unconquerable.
asoma a-soma, a. lacking Soma juice.
asau a-s-au, prn. m. f. of ad-as, that; he, she; so and so, M. or N.; as such (emphatic); with eva, the same.
asaunāman asau-nāman, a. having such & such a name.
asaubhāgya a-saubhāgya, n. unpopularity.
asauvarṇa a-sauvarṇa, a. not golden.
askanna a-skanna, pp. not sprinkled; unimpregnated, immaculate.
askhalita a-skhalita, pp. not stumbling; uninterrupted, unhindered; n. not coming to a standstill;
-cakra, a. w. unimpeded chariot;
-pada, a. where the foot does not stumble; safe;
-prayāṇa, a. with unfaltering march.
asta as-ta, n. home, abode; setting; mythical western mountain behind which sun and moon set: -m, ad. home, with verbs of going = set (stars, sun, moon); go to rest; die.
astaṃyat astaṃ-yat, pr. pt. setting.
astagiri asta-giri, m. sunset-mountain.
astaṃgata astaṃ-gata, pp. set;
-gamita, pp. caused to set, destroyed.
astabdha a-stabdha, pp. agile, active; unpretentious: -tva, n. unpretentiousness.
astamaya astam-aya, m. sunset; disappearance;
-ita, pp. having set, gone to rest, died: lc. (sc. sūrye) after sunset.
astambha a-stambha, a. lacking posts; unpretentious.
astasamaya asta-samaya, m. time of sunset.
astā as-tā, f. missile; arrow.
astācala asta+acala, m., -adri, m. sunsetmountain.
astābhilāṣin asta+abhilāṣin, a. verging towards sunset.
astuta a-stuta, pp. unpraised; unrecited.
astutya a-stu-tya, fp. unpraiseworthy.
astuvid astu-vid, a. aware that something must be done.
astṛ as-tṛ, m. slinger, bowman.
astṛta a-stṛta, pp. unconquered, unconquerable.
asteya a-steya, n. not stealing.
astra as-tra, n. (m.) missile, arrow; bow;
-kṣati-mat, a. wounded by missiles;
-grā-ma, m. collection of missiles;
-jña, a. skilled in arms or in launching missiles;
-vid, a. id.;
-vṛṣṭi, f. shower of arrows;
-agāra, n. armoury.
astrin astr-in, m. bowman, archer.
astrī a-strī, f. no woman; no feminine = m. and n. (gr.);
-saṃbhogin, a. lying with no woman.
astropaniṣad astra+upaniṣad, f. skill in arms.
asthan asthan, n. (used as weakest base of asthi) bone; kernel: -vat, a. having bones; N. animal with bones.
asthāna a-sthāna, n. wrong place (for, g.); °- or lc. out of place; at the wrong time; wrongly.
asthāsnu a-sthāsnu, a. impatient.
asthi asthi, n. bone; kernel: -ka, n. bone;
-cūrṇa, n. bone powder.
asthita a-sthita, pp. not existing.
asthiti a-sthiti, f. disorder.
asthidantamaya asthi-danta-maya, a. made of bone and ivory;
-mat, a. furnished with bones;
-maya, a. (ī) consisting of or full of bones.
asthira a-sthira, a. not firm, unsteady.
asthiśeṣa asthi-śeṣa, a. of which only bones are left;
-tā, f. abst. N.;
-sthūṇa, a. having a framework of bones.
asthūla a-sthūla, a. not coarse, slender; subtle.
asnātṛ a-snātṛ, a. not fond of bathing, disliking water.
asparśana a-sparśana, n. absence or avoidance of contact.
aspaṣṭa a-spaṣṭa, pp. indistinct, not clear: -upādhi, a. whose conditioning associate is not clear: -tā, f. abst. N..
aspṛśat a-spṛś-at, pr. pt. not touching.
aspṛśya a-spṛśya, fp. not to be touched.
aspṛṣṭa a-spṛṣṭa, pp. untouched; unattained, lacking: -puruṣa+antara, a. applying to no other person.
aspṛhā a-spṛhā, f. no desire.
asma 1. a-sma, prn. stem of 1 prs. pl..
asma 2. a-sma (or a), prn. stem of 3 prs. sg..
asma 3. a-sma, a. unconnected with the particle sma (gr.).
asmatkūlīna asmat-kūlīna, a. belong to our family;
-samīpa-tas, ad. near us.
asmattas asmat-tas (= ab. asmat), from us.
asmatrā asma-trā, ad. among or with us.
asmadarthe asmad-arthe, lc. ad. for my sake.
asmadīya asmad-īya, poss. prn. our.
asmadryac asma-dri+ac, a. turned to us: -dri+ak, ad. towards us.
asmadvat asmad-vat, ad. like us;
-vidha, a. like us.
asmayu asma-yu, a. attached to us.
asmāka asma+aka, poss. prn. our.
asmādṛśa asmā-dṛśa, a. like us.
asmṛti a-smṛti, f. forgetting.
asme asme, V. d., lc. of asma, we.
asmehiti asme-hiti, f. mission to us.
asyavāmīya 'asya-vām'-īya, n., RV. I, 164.
asra as-ra, n. tear; blood;
-pa, m. Rākṣasa.
asridh a-sridh, asridhāna a-sridhāna, a. unfailing.
asreman a-sreman, a. untiring.
asrottaram asra+uttaram, ad. bathed in tears.
asva a-sva, a. lacking goods;
-tva, n. poverty.
asvagatā a-svaga-tā, f. homelessness.
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asvatantra a-sva-tantra, a. not one's own master, dependent: -tā, f. dependence.
asvadita a-svad-ita, pp. unpalatable.
asvadharma a-sva-dharma, n. neglect of duty.
asvapnaj a-svapnaj, a. slumberless.
asvayaṃkṛta a-svayaṃ-kṛta, pp. not done by oneself.
asvarita a-svarita, a. not having the svarita accent: -tva, n. abst. N..
asvargayogya a-svarga-yogya, a. unfit for heaven.
asvargya a-svargya, a. not leading to heaven.
asvastha a-svastha, a. unwell, indisposed: -cetana, a. troubled in mind;
-tā, f. indisposition;
-śarīra, a. unwell.
asvātantrya a-svātantrya, n. dependence.
asvādhīna a-sva+adhīna, a. not one's own master, dependent.
asvāmika a-svāmi-ka, a. ownerless;
-vi-kraya, m. sale without ownership.
asveda a-sveda, a. sweatless.
ah AH, only in pf. āha, speak, say (ac.) to (ac., d.); designate, call, declare; pronounce to be (2 ac.); adjudge (ac.) to (g.).
adhi, speak for (d.).
anu, repeat, recite.
abhi, answer; communicate (ac.) to (d.). -pra, pronounce, declare, say; call (2 ac.).
prati, say to, answer (ac.).
vi, argue.
aha 1. a-ha, pcl. certainly, of course, indeed; just, that is to say; at least: often merely emphasizes the preceding word..
aha 2. aha, n. day: -° gererally m..
ahaṃvādin ahaṃ-vādin, a. talking egotistically.
ahaṃkāra ahaṃ-kāra, m. self-consciousness; selfishness; self-conceit, pride;
-kārya, a. being the object of self-consciousness;
-kṛta, pp. self-conscious; haughty;
-kṛti, f. = ahaṃ-kāra, -juṣ, a. thinking of oneself only.
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ahata a-hata, pp. not beaten; unwashed, new (garment).
ahan ahan, n. day: ahani+ahani, day by day;
ubhe ahani, day and night;
ahabhis, every day.
ahantā ahan-tā, f. feeling of self.
ahaṃnāman ahaṃ-nāman, a. called 'I.'
ahanya ahan-yā, a. daily.
aham aham, prn. I: so'ham, I here; I being such;
-ahamikā, f. claim of precedence;
-uttara, n., (m) -pūrvikā, f., (m) -prathami-kā, f. id.
ahar ahar (used as the middle base of ahan), n. day: -ahar, ad. day by day, daily;
-āgama, m. day-break;
-ādi, m. id.;
-diva, a. daily: -m, ad.;
-niśa, n. day & night: -m, ad.;
-pā-ti, m. lord of day; sun.
ahalyā ahalyā, f. N. of Gautama's or Saradvat's wife..
ahaḥśeṣa ahaḥ-śeṣa, m. remainder of the day.
ahas ahas = ahar: -kara, m. sun.
ahasta a-hasta, a. handless.
ahaha ahaha, ij. of joy or sorrow, aha!
ahāpayat a-hā-payat, es. pr. pt. showing no lack of (ac.): -kālam, losing no time.
ahārayat a-hār-ayat, es. pr. pt. not losing (in play);
-hārya, fp. not to be taken away; incorruptible; m. mountain: -tva, n. non-liability to be taken away: ab. because it cannot be taken away.
ahi ah-i, m. serpent; dragon, Vṛtra.
ahiṃsaka a-hiṃs-aka, a. doing no hurt, harmless;
-at, pr. pt. (a-) harmless;
-ā, f. (a-) harmlessness; abstention from injury to living things, gentleness; non-violation;
-ra, a. doing no injury, harmless.
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ahigandha ahi-gandha, m. similarity with serpents;
-cchattra, m. N. of a country and its copital.
ahita a-hita, pp. unsuitable; hurtful, evil, bad; hostile; m. enemy;
ā, f. kind of vein; n. damage, harm, evil.
ahipati ahi-pati, m. lord of the serpents, Seṣa.
ahimadīdhiti a-hima-dīdhiti, m. sun;
-mayūkha,-raśmi, -rocis, m. id.;
-aṃśu, m. id..
ahimāya ahi-māya, a. appearing like serpents.
ahihatya ahi-hatya, n. slaughter of Vṛtra.
ahīna 1. ah-īna, a. lasting several days; m. sacrifice of several days' duration.
ahīna 2. a-hīna, pp. not deprived of, practising (in.): -karman, a. following no low occupation; not neglecting rites.
ahuta a-huta, pp. not sacrificed or offered; m. muttered prayer.
ahṛṇāna a-hṛṇāna, a. not not angry, friendly.
ahṛta a-hṛta, pp. not carried away by (in.).
ahetuka a-hetu-ka, a. unfounded.
ahelā a-helā, f. not joke, good earnest.
ahaituka a-haituka, a. (ī) causeless, unfounded.
aho aho, ij. of joy, sorrow, surprise, anger, praise, blame, ah! oh! alas!
ahorātra aho-rātra, m. n. day and night;
-ātmaka, a. consisting of day and night.
ahna ahna, m.-° = ahan, day: d. at once.
ahyarṣu ahi+arṣu, m. swooping on the dragon.
ahrasva a-hrasva, a. not short, long.
ahruta a-hruta, pp. not bent, straight.
ahvalā ahvalā, f. steady gait, firmness.
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ā Ā.
ā 1. ā, ad. near (vbl. px.: reverses the meaning of verbs of giving and going; besides, also; quite, entirely, just (emphatic); px. w. pt. & a. somewhat, a little; scarcely; -iṣ; px. forming ad. & a. up to, till; prp. up to (after ac., before ab.); except (before ac.); from (ab.); at, on, in, near (after lc.); °-, from, up to.
ā 2. ā, ij. esp. of sudden recollection, ah! oh!
ākaṇṭham ā-kaṇṭham, ad. up to the neck.
ākapila ā-kapila, a. brownish.
ākampa ā-kamp-a, m. trembling;
-ana, m. N. of a Daitya;
-ra, a. trembling.
ākara ā-kar-a, m. scatterer, bestower; abundance, plenty; mine; origin: -ja, a. mineral;
-in, a. arising from mines, mineral.
ākarṇa ā-karṇa, °-, or -m, ad. up to the ear: -na, n. hearing, listening.
ākarṇaya ā-karṇaya, den. P. listen, hear: pp. ita, heard, overheard.
sam, id..
ākarṣa ā-karṣ-a, m. attraction;
-aṇa, a. (ī) attracting; n. pulling; attraction;
-ikā, f. N. of a city;
-in, a. dragging along.
ākalana ā-kalana, n. tying up, fastening.
ākalpa ā-kalpa, m. ornament, finery.
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ākalpam ā-kalpa-m, ad. to the end of the world.
ākalpasāra ākalpa-sāra, a. fond of dress.
ākalpasthāyin ā-kalpa-sthāyin, a. lasting to the end of the world;
-antam, ad. to the end of the world.
ākalya ākalya, n. illness; love-sickness.
ākasmika ākasmika, a. (ī) unforeseen, sudden, accidental.
ākāṅkṣā ā-kāṅkṣ-ā, f. desire, wish; necessity of complementing the sense;
-in, a. wishing, expecting.
ākāra 1. ā-kāra, m. make, shape, figure, appearance; expression, outward sign of emotion.
ākāra 2. ā-kāra, m. the letter ā.
ākāraṇa ā-kāraṇa, n. calling up;
ī-ya, fp. to be called up.
ākāravat ākāra-vat, a. embodied; shapely.
ākārita ā-kār-ita, pp. having the form of (-°).
ākāla ā-kāl-a, m.: lc. at the exact time of (g.);
-ika, a. (ā or ī) lasting till the same time on the following day; (ī) not arriving at the right or usual time.
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ākālikātīram ā-kālikā-tīram, ad. up to the bank of the Kālikā.
ākāśa ā-kāś-a, m. n. clear space, sky; ether as the subtlest element: lc. behind the scenes (of what is said to or by some one off the stage): -ga, a. moving in the air; m. bird;
-gaṅgā, f. the aerial Ganges;
-gata, pp. coming from the air (voice);
-cārin, a. moving in the air; m. bird;
-deśa, m. region of the air;
-patha, m. path in the air;
-pathika, m. wanderer in the sky, ep. of ;the sun;
-bhāṣita, n. fictitious conversation of a person on the stage with an absent one;
-yāna, n. passage through the air;
vartman, n. sleeping in the open air;
-saṃcārin, m. bird;
-īśa, a. ruling the air only (= quite helpless).
ākiṃcanya ākiṃcan-ya, n. destitution, poverty.
ākīm ākīm, pp. from (ab.).
ākīrṇa ā-kīrṇa, pp. (kṛ) scattered; covered, full: lc. in a frequented place.
ākuñcana ā-kuñcana, n. bending, contraction.
ākuṭila ā-kuṭila, a. somewhat bent, somewhat curly.
ākumāra ā-kumāra, ad. from boyhood upwards (°-).
ākula ā-kula, a. confused, perplexed; filled or overwhelmed (with, -°);
-grāma-caitya, a. the sacred trees of whose villages areadlive with (in.);
-tā, f., -tva, n. confusion; abundance.
ākulaya ā-kulaya, den. P. confuse; fill: pp. ita, disordered, disturbed, perplexed, by (in., -°).
ākulīkṛ ākulī-kṛ, confuse, dim; fill: pp. bewildered, disturbed with (in.);
-bhū, be or become confused;
-yamāna, pr. pt. ps. bewildered, annoyed.
ākūta ā-kūta, n. intention, wish.
ākṛti ā-kṛti, f. component part; form, appearance;
-mat, a. having a form, embodied.
ākṛṣṭavat ā-kṛṣṭa-vat, pp. act. drawn.
ākṛṣṭi ā-kṛṣṭi, f. attraction; drawing (a bowstring); magic attraction, attractive spell.
āke āke, ad. (lc.) near.
ākekara ā-kekara, a. squinting slightly.
ākopa ā-kopa, m. touch of anger;
-vat, a. somewhat angry at (lc.).
ākauśala ākauśala, n. inexperience, lack of skill.
ākranda ā-krand-a, m. cry, wail, lamentation; natural ally of a belligerant king (neighbour's neighbour);
-ana, n. lamentation;
-anīya, fp. to be called on for help;
-ita, (pp.) n. cry;
-in, a. calling upon piteously (-°).
ākrama ā-kram-a, m. stepping up; attack;
-aṇa, striding up; in. id.; attack; extension (towards, lc.).
ākrānta ā-krānta, pp. (kram) beset, overspread; in the power of, dominated by, pervaded with (-°).
ākrānti ā-krānti, f. treading, ascending; rising.
ākrīḍa ā-krīḍa, m. n. play-ground, grove, garden;
-giri, -parvata, m. pleasure-hill.
ākrośa ā-kroś-a, m. reviling; abuse, affront: -ka, a. reviling, abusing;
-ita, cs. pp. cursed, reviled;
-in, a. abusing.
ākṣāṇa ākṣ-āṇa, pf. pt. of akṣ.
ākṣiptikā ā-kṣiptikā, f. song sung by a person approaching the stage.
ākṣepa ā-kṣepa, m. turning up (soil); quivering, convulsion; putting on (salve); throwing off; abandonment; enrapturing (g. or -°); reference to (-°); hint; challenge; abuse, affront;
-ṇa, a. (ī) raviṣing, charming;
-rūpaka, n. kind of simile;
-valana, n. swaying (of the arms);
-sūtra, n. thread for stringing pearls;
-upamā, f. kind of simile.
ākṣeptṛ ā-kṣeptṛ, m. rejecter.
ākṣepya ā-kṣepya, fp. to be challenged.
ākhaṇḍala ā-khaṇḍala, m. breaker, destroyer, ep. of Indra: -kakubh, f. east;
-cāpa, m. n. rainbow;
sūnu, m. son of Indra = Arjuna.
ākhu ā-kh-u, m. mole; mouse [borrower: ā+ khā];
-va-grāma, m. N. of a village..
ākheṭa ākheṭa, m. chase: -ka, m. id.; hunter;
-bhūmi, f. hunting ground;
-aṭavī, f. game forest.
ākhyā ā-khyā, f. name: in. by name; period: a. named (-°);
-ta, (pp.) n. finite verb;
-tavya, fp. to be told or related;
-ti, f. tale, report; appellation;
-tṛ, m. teller, relater; teacher;
-na, n. narration; story, tale; legened: -ka, n. short tale: ī, f. a metre, -pañcama, a. having the Purāṇas as the fifth;
-paka, a. announcing, proclaiming;
-pana, n. invitation to relate;
-hikā, f. short tale;
-yin, a. relating, reporting (-°).
ākhyeya ā-khyeya, fp. to be told, -- related, -- admitted.
āgaṇḍa ā-gaṇḍa, ad. up to the cheeks (°-).
āgata ā-gata, (pp.) m. guest; n. event.
āgati ā-gati, f. arrival, return (-tva, n. abst. N.); origin; coming up to, joining.
āgantavya ā-gan-tavya, fp. that must come;
-tu, a. 1. arriving: m. new comer, stranger, guest; 2. advantitious: -ka, id.; a. stray (cattle); having crept in (unauthorised reading);
-tṛ, a. about to come.
āgama ā-gama a. coming up; m. arrival, occurrence; origin; course (of streams); affluence, revenue, property; acquisition; learning, knowledge; science; precept, tradition; manual, code; augment (gr.);
-na, n. coming, arrival; origin; sexual intercourse;
-vat, a. having sexual intercourse;
-śruti, f. tradition;
-apāyin, a. coming and going.
āgamin āgam-in, a. taking an augment.
āgas āg-as, n. offence, crime fault, sin.
āgastya āgastya, a. referring to Agasti; m. descendant of Agasti.
āgāmin ā-gāmin, a. coming; future.
āgāmuka ā-gāmuka, a. wont to come to (ac.).
āgāra āgāra, n. apartment, dwelling, house.
āgur ā-gur, f. ritual response.
āgurava āgurava, a. (ī) produced by aloewood.
āgnāvaiṣṇava āgnā-vaiṣṇava, a. belonging to Agni-Viṣṇu.
āgnika āgnika, a. (ī) relating to fire-service.
āgnimāruta āgni-māruta, n. litany to Agni and the Maruts.
āgnīdhra āgni+idhra, m. fire-kindler (priest); n. fire-altar: ī-ya, m. fire on the fire-altar.
āgneya āgneya, a. (ī) relating to fire or Agni; n. the lunar mansion Kṛttikā.
āgrathana ā-grath-ana, n. putting on (girdle).
āgrayaṇa āgrayaṇa, m. offering of new grain (a Soma libation); n. offering of first-fruits at the end of the rainy season;
ī, f. (sc. -iṣṭi) sacrifice of first-fruits; (a) -ka, n. id. (-°, a.).
āgraha ā-graha, m. pertinacity; favour.
āgrahāyaṇī āgrahāyaṇī, f. day of full-moon in the month Mārga-śirṣa; kind of pākayajña.
āghaṭṭanā ā-ghaṭṭanā, f. blow, impact.
āghargharam ā-ghar-ghar-am, ad. growling.
āgharṣa ā-gharṣa, m. friction.
āghāṭa ā-ghāṭa, m., i, f. cymbal, rattle.
āghāta ā-ghāta, m. stroke, blow; gust; killing; place of execution; slaughter-house.
āghṛṇi ā-ghṛṇi, a. glowing; radiant.
āghoṣaṇā ā-ghoṣaṇā, f. public proclamation.
āghrāṇa ā-ghrāṇa, n. smelling: -tas, ad. by smelling.
āṅ ā-ṅ = ā 1. ā (gr.).
āṅga āṅga, m. prince of Aṅga; -ī, f. princess of Aṅga.
āṅgārika āṅgārika, m. charcoal burner.
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āṅgirasa āṅgirasa, a. (ī) relating to the Aṅgiras; m. pat. descendant of Aṅgiras.
āṅgūṣa āṅgūṣa, m. n. song of praise.
āc ā-c, ā in adverbs like dakṣiṇ-ā&c. (gr.).
āca āca, m. N. of a man.
ācandratārakam ā-candra-tārakam, ad. except moon and stars.
ācamana ā-camana, n. sipping water; rinsing the mouth; water for rinsing the mouth (also ī, f.);
i-ya, n. water for rinsing the mouth.
ācaraṇa ā-car-aṇa, n. arrival; performance; conduct;
-aṇīya, fp. to be done or performed;
-ita, (pp.) n. arrival; usage; conduct;
-itavya, fp. one should act according to usage.
ācāma ā-cāma, m. sipping water; water or scum of boiled rice.
ācāra ā-cāra, m. behaviour; good conduct; usage, custom, observance, rule: °-, customary: -maya, a. ceremonious, devoted to etiquette;
-lājā, m. f. pl. customary parched grain;
-vat, a. well-behaved, virtuous;
-vya-peta, pp. diverging from usage;
-apeta, a. id.;
-hīna, pp. neglectful of the rules of conduct.
ācārya ā-cāryā [fp. to be gone to], m. teacher, esp. a Brāhman; N. of Droṇa, (teacher fo the Pādavas); son of an outcast Vaiśya;
-ka, n. teachership;
-tā, f., -tva, n. calling of a teacher;
-vat, a. having a teacher;
ā-ṇī, f. wife of a teacher;
-adhi-na, a. dependent one one's teacher: -tva, n. abst. N..
ācikhyāsu ā-ci-khyā-su, des. a. wishing to express;
-sa+upamā, f. kind of simile.
ācita ā-cita, pp. heaped up; filled, laden, studded, with (in., or -°).
āceśvara āca+īśvara, m. of a temple built by Āca.
ācchanna ā-cchanna, pp. (chad) covered, clad.
ācchāda ā-cchād-a, m. garment, clothing: -ka, a. covering, concealing: -tva, n abst. N.;
-na, n. lower garment;
-in, (-°) a. covering, concealing.
ācchurita ā-cchurita, pp. scratched.
ācya ā+ac-ya, gd. having bent.
āja āja, a. relating to goats; n. N. of a lunar mansion.
ājagara ājagara, a. (ī) relating to or behaving like a boa.
ājanma ā-janma, ad. from birth.
ājarasam ā-jarasam, ad. to old age.
ājarjarita ā-jarjarita, pp. somewhat bruised or tattered.
ājātaśatrava ājātaśatrava, a. relating to Ajātaśatru; m. descendant of Ajātaśatru.
ājāti ā-jāti, f. birth.
ājānulambin ājānu-lambin, a. reaching to the knees.
ājāneya ājāneya, a. (ī) of noble race; m. well-bred horse.
āji āj-i, m. f. race, contest, fight: -bhūmi, f. battle-field;
-mukha, n. vanguard.
ājihmita ā-jihmita, pp. somewhat turned aside: -locanam, ad. with somewhat averted glance.
ājīgarti ājīgarti, m. pat. descendant of Ajīgarta.
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ājīva ājīv-a, m. livelihood;
-ana, n. id.;
-an-ika, a. seeking a livelihood.
ājīvam ā-jīvam, ad. for life.
ājīvitāntam ā-jīv-ita+antam, ad. for life;
-ya, fp. fit for or affording a livelihood.
ājñapti ā-jñapti, f. order, command.
ājñā ā-jñā, f. id.: -kara, m. (ī) servant: -tva, n. office of a servant;
-dāna, n. giving an order;
-na, n. apprehending, understanding;
-parigraha, m. reception of an order.
ājñāpya ā-jñāpya, fp. at the service of (g.).
ājñābhaṅga ājñā-bhaṅga, m. breach of a command: -kara, -kārin, a. neglecting an order;
-vidhāyin, a. doing one's behest, obedient.
ājya āj-ya, n. clarified liquid butter (for sacrificing or anointing); kind of sastra;
-dhanvan, a. having clarified butter for a bow;
-pa, a. drinking clarified butter; m. pl. Manes of the Vaisyas;
-śeṣa, m. rest of the clarified butter;
-havis, a. having an offering of clarified butter;
-homa, m. sacrifice of clarified butter;
-āhuti, f. offering of clarified butter.
āñch ĀÑCH, I.P. āñcha, pull, tug, stretch.
āñjana āñj-ana, n. ointment, eye-salve;
-gandhi, a. smelling of ointment.
āñjaneya āñjaneya, m. son of Añjanā, Hanumat.
āṭavika āṭavika, a. relating to forest; consisting of foresters; m. forest-dweller; woodman.
āṭopa āṭopa, m. inflation; pride.
āḍambara āḍambara, m. drum; din; verbosity; trumpeting (of an elephat); -°, acme, height, crown: -vat, a. noisy.
āḍīvin āḍīvin, m. N. of a crow.
āḍhaka āḍhaka, m. n. (-° f. ī) a dry measure (= 4 prasthas).
āḍhya āḍhya, a. wealthy; abounding in (in. or -°): -tā, f. wealth.
āṇaka āṇaka, a. = aṇaka, minute, tiny, subtle.
āṇi āṇi, m. pin of the axle.
āṇḍaja āṇḍa-ja, a. egg-born.
āt 1. āt, ad. (ab.) then; also, and; w. intr. pray.
āt 2. ā-t, the vowel ā.
ātaṅka ā-taṅka, m. ailment; uneasiness, anxiety, fear.
ātatāyin ā-tatā-y-in, a. having one's bow strung; m. armed aggressor, assassin; dangerous character, felon.
ātapa ā-tapa, a. causing pain; m. (solar) heat, sunshine: -tra, n. umbrella;
-vat, a. irradiated by the sun;
-vāraṇa, n. umbrella;
-a-tyaya, m. end of the heat, cool of the evening.
ātapāya ātapāya, den. P. become solar heat.
ātapovanam ā-tapovanam, ad. up to the hermits' wood.
ātara ā-tara, m. crossing a river; fare.
ātā ā-tā, f. (in. pl. + ātais, frame, edge.
ātāpin ā-tāp-in, m. N. of a Daitya.
ātāmra ā-tāmra, a. reddish: -tā, f. redness.
āti āti, ātī ātī, f. kind of aquatic bird..
ātitāṃsu ā-titāṃ-su, des. a. wishing to stretch across (ac.).
ātitheya ātitheya, a. (ī) relating to guests, hospitable; n. hospitality.
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ātithya ātithya, a.; n. id.; reception of the Soma (ritual): -vat, a. speaking of hospitality; containing the word 'guest;' -satkāra, m. good offices of hospitality.
ātiraścīna ā-tiras-k-īna, a. somewhat oblique.
ātiraikya ātiraikya, n. redundancy.
ātiśayika ātiśayika, a. superabundant.
ātura ā-tura, a. diseased, ill, weak; ailing; -°, afflicted with, tortured by; w. inf. morbidly desirous of.
ātodya ā-tod-ya, (fp.) n. musical instrument.
ātta ā-tta, pp. (dā) taken; sts. -°, a. grasped, obtained; taken away, -less; felt = grasping, feeling; -gandha, a. whose pride has been taken away;
-garva, a. humbled;
-daṇḍa, a. grasping one's staff;
-rati, a. feeling delight, in (lc.);
-vibhava, a. having attained to wealth;
-virya, a. deprived of strength;
-śastra, a. grasping his weapon;
-sāra, a. robbed of treasure;
-sva, a. deprived of one's possessions: -tā, f. abst. N..
āttha āt-tha, 2 sg. pf. of ah.
ātma ātma, -° = ātman;
-ka, a. (ikā) having the nature of, consisting of or in (-°);
-tva, n. abst. N.;
-karman, n. one's own act;
-kāma, a. selfish;
-kīya, a. own;
-kṛta, pp. self-inflicted, committed or done by oneself;
-gata, a. being in or relating to self: -m, ad. to oneself (drama);
-gati, f. own way or resources; in. by oneself;
-guṇa, n. virtue of the soul;
-ghātaka, -ghātin, m. suicide;
-ghoṣa, m. crow;
-ja, a. self-begotten; m. son, ā, f. daughter;
-tā, f. state of a son;
-janman, n. birth of oneself = birth of a son;
-jaya, m. (his) own victory;
-jña, a. knowing oneself; knowing the universal soul;
-jñāna, n. self-knowledge; knowledge of the universal soul;
-tattva, n. own nature; true nature of the universal soul;
-tantra, a. independent;
-tā, f. essentiality, nature;
-tṛpta, pp. self-sufficing;
-tyāga, m. suicide;
-tyāgin, m. suicide;
-tva, n. essentiality, nature;
-darśa, m. mirror: -na, n. seeing oneself in (-°);
-dāna, n. self-sacrifice;
-drohin, a. self-tormenting, fretful;
-dveṣa, m. self-hatred.
ātman ātman, m. breath; soul; life, self (sg. = rfl. prn.); essence, nature, peculiarity; body; intellect, understanding; universal soul.
ātmanātṛtīya ātmanā-tṛtīya, a. with two others;
-dvitīya, a. with one other.
ātmanikā ātman-ikā, f. woman's N..
ātmanindā ātma-nindā, f. self-reproach.
ātmanepada ātmane-pad-a, n. the middle terminations (gr.);
-in, a. having the middle terminations.
ātmanvat ātman-vat, -vin -vin, a. animate.
ātmapakṣa ātma-pakṣa, m. one's own party;
-parityāga, m. self-sacrifice;
-pūja, f. self-praise;
-pratyarthi-nāma-vat, a. hvg. one's own name and that of the defendant;
-pra-bha, a. self-luminous; bright with himself;
-praśaṃsā, f. self-praise;
-bodha, a. knowing the universal soul;
-bhava, m. his own presence; a. fearfor one's life;
-bhava, m. his own presence; a. self-caused; m. Kāma;
-bhāva, m. personality;
-bhū, m. self-existing, ep. of Brahman;
-bhūta, pp. being the self of = devoted to;
-maya, a. (ī) preceding from oneself;
-māṃsa, n. one's own flesh.
ātmaṃbhari ātmaṃ-bhari, a. thinking only of his livelihood, selfish: -tva, n. selfishness, self-produced.
ātmayājin ātma-yājin, a. sacrificing oneself;
-yoni, m. ep. of Kāma & Viṣṇu;
-rakṣ-aṇa, n. self-protection;
-lābha, m. one's own advantage; attainment of life, birth;
-vat, ad. like oneself; a. animate; self-controlled; sensible; personal: w. śruta, n. = knowledge of men: -tā, f. self-control;
-vadha, m., -vadhyā, f. suicide;
-varga, m. one's own party;
-vaśa, a. depending on oneself;
-vaśya, a. that one has in one's power;
-vikraya, m. selling one's freedom;
-vit-tā, f. self-knowledge;
-vid, a. knowing the universal soul;
-vidyā, f. knowledge of the universal soul;
-vidyā, f. selfishness;
-virṛddhi, f. self-aggrandisement;
-vṛttānta, m. n. account of oneself;
-vṛtti, f. one's own condition.
ātmaśaṃsā ātma-śaṃsā, f. self-praise;
-śakti, f. one's own power: in. according to one's power;
-śoṇita, n. one's own blood;
-ślāgha, -śliāghin, a. boastful;
-saṃyoga, m. personal interest in anything;
-saṃstha, a. attached to one's person; directed to oneself.
ātmasaṃtāna ātma-saṃtāna, m. son;
-saṃ-deha, m. personal risk;
-sama, a. like oneself;
-tā, f. abst. N.;
-samarpaṇa, n. giving oneself up to (a deity);
-saṃbhava, m. son; Kāma: ā, f. daughter;
-saṃbhāvanā, f. self-conceit;
-sāt-kṛ, place on oneself; make one's own;
-stava, m. self-praise; praise of the Ātman;
-hatyā, f. suicide;
-han, a. killing the soul; m. suicide;
-hita, n. one's own welfare.
ātmādiṣṭa ātma+ādiṣṭa, pp. self-dictated;
-adhika, a. dearer than oneself;
-adhina, a. dependent on oneself;
-anapekṣa, a. disinterested;
-anugamana, n. personal attendance;
-aparādha, m. one's own transgression;
-āpahāra, m. dissimulation;
-apahāraka, -hārin, a. making away with oneself, denying oneself, dissimulating;
-abhimāni-tā, f. high opinion of oneself;
-amiṣa, m. alliance (peace) bought by sacrifice of one's army;
-artha: -m or lc. for oneself: lc. pl. in one's own interest.
ātmīkṛ ātmī-kṛ, take possession of;
-bhāva, m. absorption in the universal soul;
-ya, a. one's own: -jātya, a. of one's own race, one's equal, own: -deśa, m. home.
ātmecchā ātma+icchā f. longing for the universal soul;
-īśvara, m. master of oneself.
ātmotkarṣa ātma+utkarṣa, m. self-elevation; boasting;
-udaya, m. self-advantage, rise;
-udbhava, m. son;
-upajīvin, a. supporting oneself by personal labour.
ātmaupamya ātma+aupamya, n. self-comparison, analogy to oneself.
ātyantika ātyantika, a. (ī) lasting to the end; unalterable; absolute.
ātyayika ātyayika, a. admitting of no delay, urgent.
ātreya ātreya, m. descendant of Ātri;
ī, f. id.; woman who has bathed after menstruation.
ātva ā-tva, n. occurrence of ā (gr.).
ātharvaṇa ātharvaṇa, a. (ī) belonging to Atharvan or the Atharvans; m. descendant of Atharvan or the Atharvans; Brāhman conversant with the AV.; conjuror; the AV.;
i-ka, m. follower of the AV.
ādaghna ā-daghna, a. reaching to the mouth.
ādam ā-d-am, ādas ā-d-as, ādat ā-d-at, impf. sg. of ā + dā.
ādara ā-dara, m. regard, respect; consideration, care, attention (lc., -°, or -artham):-ṃ kṛ, endeavour; in., ab. considerately, carefully, seriously;
-ṇīya, fp. to be regarded;
-tā, f. abst. N.;
-vat, a. attentive to (lc.).
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ādartavya ā-dartavya, fp. = ādaraṇīya.
ādarśa ā-darśa, m. seeing; mirror; image; copy, -pustaka, n. copy, manuscript;
-maya, a. being altogether mirror.
ādahana ā-dahana, n. place of cremation.
ādātṛ ā-dā-tṛ, m. receiver.
ādādika ādādi-ka, a. belonging to the Adclass (gr.).
ādāna ā-dā-na, n. grasping, taking; -- away; receiving; seizure, appropriation; withdrawal;
-ya, gd. having taken = with;
-yin, a. inclined to receive gifts; -°, appropriating.
ādāra ā-dāra, m. consideration, regard.
ādi ā-d-i, m. [taking in hand: ā + dā] beginning: lc. in the --, at first; -°, beg. with = and the rest, etc. (often -ka);
-kartṛ, m. original creator;
-keśava, m. ep. of Viṣṇu;
-tas, ad. from or in the beg., at first; -°, from onwards: -tā, f. being the beginning, origin.
āditeya āditeya, m. son of Aditi.
āditya 1. āditya, a. belonging to or descended from Aditi; m. son of Aditi; sun: pl. a class of gods; n. N. of a tunar mansion.
āditya 2. āditya, a. belonging to the Ādityas; divine; relating to the sun;
-candra, m. du. sun and moon;
-prabha, m. N. of a king;
-maṇḍala, n. sun's orb;
-vat, ad. like the sun;
-varṇa, a. sun-coloured;
-varman, -sena, m. Ns. of kings.
āditsu ā-ditsu, des. a. desirous to obtain (ac.); avaricious.
ādideva ādi-deva, m. primeval god: ep. of Brahman, Viṣṇu, Śiva.
ādin ād-in, a. eating.
ādināntam ā-dina+antam, ad. up to the end of the day.
ādiparvata ādi-parvata, m. chief mountain;
-puruṣa, m. original ancestor; primeval spirit;
-pūruṣa m. primeval spirit, ep. of Viṣṇu;
-bhava, a. produced in the beginning;
-bhūta, pp. being the first among (g.).
ādima ādi-ma, a. first;
-mat, a. having a beginning;
-mūla, n. original cause;
-va-rāha, m. original boar, ep. of Viṣṇu.
ādiś ā-diś, f. scheme, purpose, intent.
ādiśe ā-diśe, (d.) inf. to aim at (ac.).
ādiṣṭa ā-dish-ṭa, (pp.) m. kind of peace or alliance; n. injunction, rule of conduct;
-ṭ-in, m. student who has received rules from his teacher, novice.
ādīrgha ā-dīrgha, a. longish.
ādṛta ā-dṛta, pp. considerate, careful, attentive; intent on (lc., -°); respected, valued, honoured: -vati, f. act. (for finite ver) having paid attention or treated with respect.
ādṛṣṭigocaram ā-dṛṣṭi-gocaram, ad. as far as the eye can reach;
-prasaram, ad. id..
ādeya ā-deya, fp. to be taken or plucked; to be removed; to be employed.
ādevana ā-devana, n. play-ground.
ādeśa ā-deś-a, m. statement; report; prophecy; instruction; rule, precept; command; substitute (gr.): -ka, m. guide;
-in, a. instructing, ordering (-°);
-ya, fp. to be stated or told.
ādya 1. ād-yā, fp. to be eaten, eatable; n. food.
ādya 2. ādya, a. first: -°, having as first = etc.
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ādyanta ādi+anta, n. sg., m. du. beginning and end; -°, a. beginning and ending with: -vat, a. having a beginning and an end.
ādyādya ādya+ādya, a. each preceding.
ādyudātta ādi+udātta, a. having the acute on the first syllable: -tva, n. accentuation on that syllable.
ādyūna ā-dyūna, a. voracious.
ādvādaśam ā-dvādaśam, ad. up to twelve.
ādhamana ā-dhamana, n. pledge, mortgage.
ādhamarṇya ādhamarṇya, n. indebtedness.
ādhavanīya ā-dhav-anīya, m. vessel for shaking and clarifying Soma.
ādhātṛ ā-dhātṛ, m. lighter of sacred fire; giver, bestower; teacher.
ādhāna ā-dhāna, n. laying or placing on; kindling of the sacred fires; impregnation; ceremony preceding impregnation; production; pledging; employment: -hetu, a. occasioning the creation of (-°).
ādhāyaka ā-dhāy-aka, a. bestowing, effecting, causing (-°);
-in, a. id.: -i-tā, f. abst. N..
ādhāra ā-dhāra, m. support, prop, foundation; receptacle, reservoir; trench (round the foot of a tree); dyke, dam; location or sphere of an action (gr.): -°, a. relating to;
-tā, f. state of a receptacle;
-adheya-bāva, m. relation between the receptacle and what it contains.
ādhi 1. ā-dhi, [dhā] m. receptacle; foundation; pledge.
ādhi 2. ā-dhi, [dhyā] m. (generally pl.) anxiety, care, longing.
ādhikya ādhikya, n. excess; superiority, pre-eminence.
ādhidaivata ādhi-daivata, -daivika -daivika, a. relating to the gods;
-patya, n. (paramount) sovereignty, lordship (over, lc.);
-bhoga, m. usufruct of a pledge;
-rājya, n. paramount dominion;
-vadanika, n. present made to a first wife by a man on marrying a second.
ādhī ā-dhī, f. longing, care, anxiety.
ādhīkṛ ādhī-kṛ, pledge.
ādhunika ādhunika, a. present.
ādheya ā-dheya, fp. to be put on; -- deposited; -- granted; contained or situated in; n. laying on; kindling of the sacred fire.
ādhomukhya ādho-mukh-ya, n. going downwards.
ādhoraṇa ā-dhoraṇa, m. driver of an elephant.
ādhmāta ā-dhmā-ta, pp. inflated, swelled.
ādhyātmika ādhyātmika, (ā, ī) relating to self, subjective; relating to the universal soul.
ādhra ādhra, a. needy, indigent.
ādhvanika ādhvanika, a. travelling.
ādhvaryava ādhvaryava, a. relating to the Adhvaryu (Yajur-veda); n. function of the Adhvaryu.
āna ān-a, m. [breather], face.
ānaṃśa ān-aṃśa, 3 sg. pf. of 1. aś.
ānaka ānaka, m. kind of drum.
ānaṭ ān-aṭ, 2 & 3 sg. aor. of 1. aś.
ānaḍuha ānaḍuha, a. coming from a bull.
ānataparvan ā-nata-parvan, a. hvg. depressed (= not prominent) knots, smooth (arrow).
ānati ā-nati, f. bowing; submission.
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ānana ān-ana, n. [breather: an] mouth; face.
ānantarya ānantarya, n. immediate successsion; no interval.
ānantya ānantya, a. endless; n. -ness, eternity.
ānanda ā-nanda, m. (n.) joy, bliss; sensual pleasure: -ka, a. gladdening, delighting;
-thu, m. joy, delight;
-na, a. delighting;
-bāṣpa, m. tears of joy;
-maya, a. (ī) consisting of joy, blissful;
-yitṛ, m. delighter;
-vardhana, m. N. of a poet..
ānandāśru ānanda+aśru, n. tears of joy;
-utsava, m. joyous festival.
ānandin ānand-in, a. joyful; delighting.
ānamra ā-namra, a. bent, bowed.
ānayana ā-nay-ana, n. bringing near or back; procuring; producing;
-itavya, fp. to be brought near.
ānarta ā-narta, m. pl. N. of a people.
ānarthakya ānarthak-ya, n. uselessness.
ānaśa ān-aś-a, -us, e, &c., pf. of 1. aś.
ānāka ā-nāka, ad. up to heaven (°-).
ānāthya ānāth-ya, n. defencelesness.
ānāya ā-nāya, m. [attracter], net.
ānāyāya ānāyāya, den. Ā. represent a net.
ānāyin ānāy-in, m. fisherman.
ānāśa ān-āśa, 3 sg. pf. of 1. aś.
ānīti ā-nīti, f. bringing near.
ānīla ā-nīla, a. blackish.
ānukūlika ānu-kūl-ika, a. courteous: -tā, f. courteousness towards (g.), -ya, n. favour; agreeableness; friendly terms;
-guṇya, n. homogeneousness;
-pūrv-a, n., -ī f., -ya, n. regular succession: in., ab. successively;
-yā-trika, m. servant;
-lomya, n. direct or natural order;
-veśya, m. neighbour next but one;
-ṣak, ad. in order;
-ṣaṅgika, a. (ī) adherent, connected with, following; enduring; necessarily following from (g.); advantitious;
-ṣṭu-bha, a. consisting of or like anuṣṭubh.
ānūpa ānūpa, a. watery, swampy; m. aquatic animal.
ānṛṇya ānṛṇ-ya, n. unindebtedness.
ānṛśaṃsa ānṛśaṃs-a, n. kindness, benevolence;
-ya, a. kind; n. kindness.
ānetṛ ā-ne-tṛ, m., -trī, f. bringer;
-ya, fp. to be brought near.
āntam ā+antam, ad. to the end; completely.
āntara āntara, a. inner, interior.
āntarikṣa āntarikṣa, a. (ī) proceeding from the air or sky; airy, aerial.
āntra āntra, n. sg. & pl. entrails.
āndolaka āndol-aka, m. swing;
-ana, n. swinging.
āndolaya āndolaya, den. P. swing: pp. ita..
āndolikā āndolikā, f. litter.
āndhya āndh-ya, n. blindness.
ānvāhika ānvāh-ika, a. (ī) daily.
ānvīkṣikī ānvīkṣ-ikī, f. logic.
āp ĀP, V.P. (Ā.) āp-nu, reach, obtain, attain; incur, suffer; befall: ps. be completed: pp. āpta, reached, obtained; filled, pervaded; abundant; trusty, familiar; cs. āpaya, P. cause to reach or obtain, bring to; cause to feel; des. ipsa, wish to obtain, desire.
anu, reach: pp. arrived.
abhi, cs. complete; attain; des. wish for.
ava, reach; obtain, acquire; meet with, incur, suffer.
prati+ava, recover.
sam-ava, obtain; incur.
upa, fulfil. part, reach; gain; make an end: pp. paryāpta, completed, full; abundant, spacious, sufficient for (d., g.), equal to (d., lc., inf.), a match for (g.) adequate; des. wish for; demand; guard; lie-in-wait for.
pra, reach, meet, fall in with, find; obtain, receive in marriage; incur; result from a rule, obtain, be in force (also ps.); pp. prāpta, reached; met, obtained; incurred; having reached &c. (ac. or -°); come, arrived, present; resulting from a rule, obtaining (gr.); cs. bring or convey to (2 ac.); report to or bring before; cause to obtain (2 ac.).
anu-pra, reach, find; imitate: pp. arrived at, come to (ac.).
sam-anu-pra, reach: pp. come; arrived at (ac.); having obtained.
sam-pra, reach, arrive at; meet; obtain, -- in marriage; fall into, incur, suffer: pp. met, obtained; having reached, -- come to, -- fallen into (ac.); come, arrived; coming from (ab.).
anu-sam-para, reach, arrive at; meet: pp. arrived at (ac.), befallen (ac.); come, present.
prati, des. court, woo.
vi, pervade, fill; reach to (ā): pp. pervaded, filled; bathed in (in.); occupied; possessed of (in.); included in; well-to-do: cs. pp. vyāpita, pervaded, filled.
abhi-vi, gd. including (ac.).
sam, obtain; complete; kill: pp. concluded; cs. cause to obtain; finish, complete. parti-sam, ps. be contained in (lc.); belong to (lc.); pp. entirely comprehended; perfected, summed up.
āpakva ā-pakva, pp. half-ripe.
āpagā āpa-gā, f. river.
āpageya āpageya, m. metronymic of Bhīṣma.
āpaṇa ā-paṇ-a, m. market; ware;
-īya, a. coming from the market.
āpatana ā-pat-ana, n. sudden appearance.
āpatkalpa ā-pat-kalpa, m. procedure in times of distress;
-kāla, m. season of distress.
āpatti ā-patti, f. occurrence; incurring; misfortune, distress.
āpatprāpta āpat-prāpta, pp. fallen into misfortune;
-sahāya, a. helping in misfortune.
āpatya āpatya, a. patronymic.
āpad ā-pad, f. [getting into trouble], misfortune, disaster, adversity, distress: -uddha-raṇa, n. relieving from distress;
-gata, pp. fallen into misfortune;
-dharma, m. rules applying in case of distress.
āpanna ā-panna, pp. (pad) gotten or fallen into (ac., -°); unfortunate, afflicted, miserable;
-sattvā, a. f. pregnant.
āparvabhāga ā-parva-bhāga, ad. up to the joint (°-).
āpas āpas, nm. pl. of ap ap, water.
āpastamba āpastamba, m. N. of a treacher; a. (ī) derived from Āpastamba.
āpāṭala ā-pāṭala, a. reddish.
āpāṇḍu ā-pāṇḍu, a. yellowish, pale: -tā, f. abst. N..
āpāṇḍura ā-pāṇḍura, a. id.;
ī-bhū, become pale.
āpāta ā-pāta, m. onset, attack; rushing into (-°); unexpected appearance, setting in: °-or -tas, at once, at first sight: -mātre or -mātra-, at the first moment only.
āpātin āpāt-in, a. occurring (-°).
āpāna ā-pāna, n. carousal; banquet;
-ka, n. drinking-bout;
-goṣṭhī, f. drinking-bout;
-bhūmi, f. place for drinking;
-śālā, f. tavern.
āpārṣṇi ā-pārṣṇi, ad. up to the heels.
āpi āp-i, m. associate, friend, acquaintance.
āpiñjara ā-piñjara, a. reddish.
āpitva āpi-tva, n. alliance, friendship.
āpiśaṅga ā-piśaṅga, a. golden coloured.
āpīḍa ā-pīḍ-a, m. pressure; chaplet worn ont he crown of the head;
-ita, pp. loaded with; adorned with a chaplet of (-°).
āpīta ā-pīta, a. yellowish: -ya, den. P. give a yellowish colouring to.
āpīna ā-pīna, (pp.) n. udder: -vat, a. containing any form of pyai.
āpūpya āpūpya, m. pastry.
āpūra ā-pūra, m. flood, redundance, excess: -ṇa, a. filling; n. id.; quantity of water.
āpūrṇa ā-pūrṇa, pp. (pṛ) full: -maṇḍala, a. full-orbed.
āpūrta ā-pūrta, n. pious deed.
āpomaya āpo-maya, a. consisting of water.
āpo'śāna āpo'śāna, n. rinsing of the mouth accompanied by the words āpo'śāna before & after eating..
āpta āpta, pp. āp; m. suitable person;
-kārin, a. trusty, friendly;
-dakṣiṇa, a. accompanied by liberal fees;
-bhāva, m. trustworthiness;
-vacana, n. trustworthy utterance;
-varga, m. acquaintance, friends (coll.);
-vāc, a. whose word is trustworthy.
āpti āp-ti, f. attainment, acquisition.
āptya āp-tya, a. dwelling in the waters, ep. of Trita.
āpya 1. āp-ya, fp. obtainable.
āpya 2. āp-ya, a. watery, living in the water; n. N. of a lunar mansion.
āpya 3. āpya, n. alliance, friendship.
āpyāya ā-pyāy-a, m. increase, becoming full;
-ana, a. causing corpulency; causing well-being; n. satisfying; advancement; causing Soma to swell: ā, f. satiety;
-in, a. bestowing prosperity (-°).
āprapadam ā-prapad-am, ad. to the tip of the foot;
-īna, a. reaching to the tip of the foot.
āprī ā-prī, f. pl. (propitiation) N. of certain hymns to Agni in the RV.:-sūkta, n. Āprī-hymn.
āplava ā-plava, m. bath;
-na, n. bathing.
āplāva ā-plāva, m. bath.
āphalodayakarman ā-phala+udaya-karman, a. working till success appears.
ābaddhamāla ā-baddha-māla, a. forming circles, circling.
ābandha ā-bandha, m. bond, tie: -na, n. tying up or round.
ābādha ā-bādha, m., ā, f. pressure, suffering; pain; danger.
ābālam ā-bālam, ad. down to the boys.
ābālya ā-bālya, °-, -m, ad. from boyhood.
ābutta ābutta, m. sister's husband (drama).
ābdika ābdika, a. annual; -°, lasting years.
ābrahmasabham ā-brahma-sabham, ad. up to
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ābhaṅgin ā-bhaṅgin, a. somewhat bent.
ābharaṇa ā-bhar-aṇa, n. ornament.
ābhā ā-bhā, f. lusture, life: -°, a, a. like.
ābhār ā+abhār, 3 sg. aor. of ā-bhṛ.
ābhāṣa ā-bhāṣ-a, m. speech; saying, proverb;
-aṇa, n. conference; addressing;
-ya, fp. worthy of being addressed.
ābhāsa ā-bhās-a, m. lustre, light; colour; appearance; apparition, phantom.
ābhijana ābhi-jana, a. patronymic;
-jāti, f., -jātya, n. nobility;
-jñānika, a. relating to cognition;
-dhānika, m. lexicographer;
-plavika, a. belonging to the abhiplava;
-mukhya, n. direction towards (as., g., -°);
-rāmika, a. amiable;
-ṣeka, -ṣecanika; a. (ī) referring to the inauguration of a king.
ābhīkṣṇya ābhīkṣṇ-ya, n. continual repetition.
ābhīra ābhīra, m., ī, f. off spring of a Brahman by an Ambaṣṭha woman: pl. N. of a people..
ābhīla ā-bhīla, a. terrible.
ābhu ābhu, a. empty; empty-handed, niggardly.
ābhugna ā-bhugna, pp. slightly curved.
ābhū ā-bhū, a. present, at hand, helping; m. assistant.
ābhūti ā-bhūti, f. faculty, power.
ābhoga ā-bhoga, m. bend, curve, roundness; vault; extensiveness; force; multiplicity; serpent.
ābhogi ā-bhogi, f. nourishment, enjoyment; seeker of gain.
ābhogya ā-bhogya, fp. to enjoyed; to be perceived.
ābhyantara ābhyantara, a. inner, interior.
ābhyudayika ābhyudayika, a. causing prosperity; n. kind of sacrifice to the Manes.
ām ām, ij. of reminiscence, ah! of assent, yes.
āma āma, a. raw, uncooked; crude, unripe; unburned.
āmajjanāntam ā-majjana+antam, ad. till immersion.
āmajvara āma-jvara, m. dysentery.
āmañju ā-mañju, a. charming, lovely.
āmaṇḍalīkṛ ā-maṇḍalī-kṛ, form almost into a circle.
āmadhyāhnam ā-madhyāhnam, ad. till noon.
āmantraṇa ā-mantr-aṇa, n. calling, addressing; invitation;
-ayitavya, fp. to be taken leave of;
-ita, n. (pp.) address; vocative.
āmandra ā-mandra, a. somewhat dull or deep (sound).
āmaya āmaya, m. (am) sickness, disease: -vi-tva, n. dyspepsia;
-vin, a. ill; dyspeptic.
āmaraṇam ā-maraṇa-m, ad. till death: -anta, a. lasting till death: i-ka, a. id..
āmarda ā-mard-a, m. pressure; pulling (hair);
-in, a. pulling; pressing hard (-°).
āmarśa ā-marśa, m. contact.
āmalaka āmalaka, m., ī, f. N. of a tree (emblic myrobala); n. its fruit: ī-phala, n. id..
āmād āma+ad, a. eating raw flesh or carrion..
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āmāvāsya āmāvāsya, a. referring to the new-moon festival; n. new-moon sacrifice.
āmikṣā ā-mikṣā, f. curds.
āmiśra ā-miśra, āmiśla ā-miśla, a. mixed.
āmiṣa ām-iṣ-a, n. flesh; prey: -tā, f., -tva, n. being a coveted object;
-āśin, a. flesheating.
āmis ām-is, m. raw flesh, carrion.
āmīlana ā-mīlana, n. closing of the eyes.
āmukulita ā-mukulita, pp. half-opened (blossom).
āmukha ā-mukha, n. prelude, introduction.
āmuṣmika āmuṣmi-ka, a. (ī) belonging to the next world.
āmuṣyāyaṇa āmuṣya+ayaṇa, m. son or descendant of so and so.
āmūrdhāntam ā-mūrdha+antam, ad. up to the crown.
āmūla ā-mūla, °- or -m, ad. from the beginning, thoroughly.
āmekhalam ā-mekhalam, ad. up to the mountain-slope.
āmeṣṭaka āma+iṣṭaka, a. consisting of unburned bricks.
āmokṣaṇa ā-mokṣaṇa, n. binding on.
āmocana ā-mocana, n. id..
āmoṭana ā-moṭana, n. cracking breaking.
āmoda ā-mod-a, a. gladdening; m. gladness; fragrance;
-in, a. redolent of (-°).
āmnātatva ā-mnāta-tva, n. mention.
āmnātin āmnāt-in, a. hvg. made mention of (lc.).
āmnāya ā-mnāya, m. tradition, sacred text; legend: -sārin, a. (ṇ- ī) mellifluous as the Veda.
āmbhasa āmbhasa, a. watery.
āmra āmra, m. mango-tree; n. mango (fruit).
āmrakūṭa āmra-kūṭa, m. Mango-peak, N. of a mountain.
āmreḍa ā-mreḍ-a, m. repetition;
-ita, (pp.) n. repetition, repeated word (gr.).
āya 1. āy-a, m. access; revenue, income.
āya 2. āya, m. radical suffix āya (gr.).
āyaji ā-yaj-i, a. bringing by sacrifice;
-iṣṭha, spv. (ā-) of āyaji.
āyata ā-yata, pp. (yam) extended, long.
āyatana ā-yat-ana, n. place, abode, seat (-tva, n. abst. N.); fire-place; sacred precinct, temple; barn.
āyatapakṣmala āyata-pakṣmala, a. trimmed with long feathers;
-locana, a. long-eyed;
-akṣa, a. (ī) long-eyed.
āyati ā-yati, f. extension, length; future; hope, expectation; offspring.
āyatī ā-yat-ī, f. pr. pt. (i) future.
āyatekṣaṇa āyata+ikṣaṇa, a. long-eyed.
āyatta ā-yat-ta, pp. (yat) being in, resting on, dependent on (g., lc., -°): -tā, f., -tva, n. dependence on (lc., -°);
ī-kṛ, make dependent; keep in subjection.
āyathātathya āyathā-tath-ya, n. wrong employment;
-pūrvya, n. being different from before.
āyadarśin āya-darśin, a. seeing i. e. drawing revenue.
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āyasa āyasa, a. (āyasi or ī) iron, brazen; n. iron;
-maya, a. iron, brazen.
āyāga ā-yāga, m. sacrificial gift or fee.
āyāta ā-yāta, (pp.) n. excess.
āyāti ā-yāti, f., āyāna ā-yāna, n. approach.
āyāma ā-yāma, m. tension; extent; length; interception: -vat, a. leng (of time & distance).
āyāmin āyām-in, a. hindering, (-°); long.
āyāsa ā-yās-a, m. exertion, trouble; exhaustion;
-aka, a. fatiguing;
-ayi-tṛ, -tṛka, a. (-trikā) troubling;
-ita, n. exertion, endeavour;
-in, a. exerting oneself, taking trouble.
āyu 1. āy-u, a. active, lively; m. living being; man.
āyu 2. āy-u, n. life.
āyukta ā-yukta, (pp.) m., -ka -ka, m. official.
āyuta ā-yuta, (pp.) n. semi-fluid butter.
āyudha ā-yudha, n. [fighting against], weapon, -bhṛt, a. bearing arms; m. warrior;
-śā, f. arsenal, armoury;
-sahāya, a. armed;
-agāra, n. armoury.
āyudhika āyudh-ika, -in,-īya, a. armed; m. warrior.
āyurveda āyur-veda, m. medical science.
āyuḥśeṣa āyuḥ-śeṣa, m. remnant of life; a. having a remnant of life, still alive: -tā. f. abst. N..
āyuṣa āyuṣa, n. -° = āyus, life.
āyuṣka āyuṣ-ka, n. love of life;
-kara, a. productive of longevity;
-kāma, a. desirous of long life;
-mat, a. long-lived (often as a respectful mode of address); life-long;
-yā, a. giving long life; n. long life; rite producing long life.
āyus āy-us, n. life, age, long life (often pl.); allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; world.
āyoga ā-yoga, m. team.
āyogava āyogava, m. N. of a mixed caste (offspring of Sādra and Vaisyā).
āyojana ā-yojana, n. procuring.
āyoda āyoda, m. pat. of Dhaumya.
āyodhana ā-yodh-ana, n. fight, battle; battle-field.
ār ĀR, IV.P. ār-ya, praise: pp. ārita..
āra 1. āra, m. n. ore.
āra 2. āra, n. host of enemies.
ārakta ā-rakta, pp. reddish, pink: -akṣa, a. pink-eyed.
ārakṣa ā-rakṣa, m., ā, f. protection, guard.
ārakṣaka ā-rakṣ-aka, m. watchman;
-aṇa, m., -aṇī, f. guardian;
-ika, m. watchman: -nāyaka, m. head of police.
āraṭi ā-raṭ-i, roar;
-ita, (pp.) n. noise.
āraṇa āraṇa, n. abyss.
āraṇya āraṇya, a. living or growing in the forest; wild: (a) -ka, a. id.; m. forester; anchorite; n. forest-treatise (part of a Brāhmaṇato be studied in solitudes).
ārabdha ā-rabdha, pp. (rabh) begun.
ārabdhi ā-rabdhi, f. enterprise.
ārabhaṭī ā-rabhaṭī, f. dramatic representation of the supernatural and horrible.
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ārabhya ā-rabh-ya, gd. beginning with (ab. or -°).
āramaṇa ā-ramaṇa, n. sexual enjoyment.
ārambha ā-rambha, m. setting about; undertaking; beginning;
-ṇa, n. taking hold; handle; support; make-ṣift;
-ṇīya, fp. to be begun with: ā, f. N. of certain verses;
-tā, f. beginning;
-ruci, a. enterprising: -tā, f. delight in undertakings.
ārambhin ārambh-in, a. enterprising.
ārava ā-rava, m. cry, yell; sound.
āravaḍiṇḍima ārava-ḍiṇḍima, m. kind of drum.
ārā ārā, f. awl; puncheon.
ārāt ārāt, (ab.) ad. far, from afar; far from (ab.); near (ab.); at once, forthwith.
ārāti ārāti, m. enemy.
ārādha ā-rādh-a, m. homage;
-ana, a. concilliating, winning; n. prospering, success; accomplishment; propitiation, gratification; adoration;
-anīya, fp. to be conciliated or adored;
-ayitṛ, m. adorer, devotee;
-ayiṣ-ṇu, a. adoring (ac.);
-ya, fp. to be accomplished; to conciliated; pleasing to (in.).
ārāma ā-rām-a, m. enjoyment, pleasure; garden; orchard;
-ika, m. gardener.
ārāva ā-rāv-a, m. cry, yell; sound, din;
-in, a. resounding with (-°).
ārāsa ā-rāsa, m. cry.
āripsu ā-ripsu, des. a. intending to undertake.
ārirādhayiṣu ārirādhayiṣu, des. a. wishing to conciliate.
āruj ā-ruj (-°), -ja -ja, a. breaking (ac., -°).
āruṇa āruṇ-a (ī), -ṇi -ṇ-i, a. descended from Aruṇa;
-eya, m. pat. of Āruṇi.
ārurukṣu ā-rurukṣu, des. a. desirous of ascending or climbing to (ac.).
āruha ā-ruha, a. mounting (-°).
ārūḍha ā-rūḍha, pp. ruh.
āre āre, (lc.) ad. far; from (ab.); without (g. or ab.).
āraik ā-raik, 3 sg. aor. of ric.
ārogya ārog-ya, n. diseaselessness, health.
āroḍhavya ā-roḍhavya, fp. to be ascended.
āroḍhṛ ā-roḍhṛ, m. one who mounts (-°).
ārodha ā-rodha, m. siege, blockade.
āropa ā-rop-a, m. placing upon; attribution; substitution for, identification with (lc.);
-aka, a. planting (-°);
-aṇa, n. causing to ascend; setting up; putting on; stringing (a bow); identification;
-aṇīya, fp. that should be caused to ascend (lc.);
-ita, pp. cs. from ruh;
-ya, fp. to be placed upon.
āroha ā-roh-a, m. rider; mounting; heap, mountain; woman's hips; ascending scale; rise;
-aka, m. rider; (roh) -aṇa, a. (ī) ascending; n. ascent; production; raised platform for dancing; ladder, stair;
-in, a. ascending; leading up to (-°).
ārjava ārjav-a, a. honest; n. honesty, rectitude: -in, a. straightforward, honest.
ārjīka ārjīka, m. kind of vessel for Soma.
ārta ā+ṛta, pp. fallen into (trouble); afflicted, distressed; hurt, pained, tormented; stricken by, suffering from, anxious about (-°): -tara, cpv. more afflicted, sadder;
-nāda, m. cry of distress;
-rava, m. cry of distress.
ārtava ārtava, a. (ī) seasonable; menstrual; n. montly purification; the ten days following it.
ārti ā+ṛti, f. trouble, misfortune, pain.
ārtnī ār-tnī, f. notched end of a bow.
ārtvijya ārtvijya, n. office of priest (ṛtvij).
ārdra ārdra, a. moist, fresh, new; soft, tender;
ā, f. sg. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion;
-tā, f. wetness; tenderness;
-nayana, a. moist-eyed;
-bhāva, m. moistness; tenderheartedness;
-ya, den. P. moisten; soften;
-vastra, a. wearing a wet garment: -tā, f. abst. N..
ārdrārdra ārdra+ārdra, a. overflowing with (-°).
ārdrīkṛ ārdrī-kṛ, moisten, refresh; soften.
prati, moisten or refresh again.
ārdraidhāgni ārdra+edha+agni, m. fire of green wood.
ārdhadhātuka ārdha-dhātu-ka, a. added to the weak or unmodified root (suffix).
ārdhika ārdhika, m. = ardha-sīrin.
ārya ārya, a. (āor ī) belonging to the faithful, of one's own tribe; honourable, noble; m. Āryan (Vedic Indian); man of the first three castes; man of worth: voc. sir, friend;
ā, f.; Āryā verse; a metre;
-ka, m. man of worth; N. of a king;
-guṇa, m. noble quality;
-gṛhya, a. siding with the noble;
-cetas, a. nobleminded;
-jana, m. Āryans, honourable people;
-juṣṭa, pp. approved by the honourable;
-tā, f., -tva, n. honourableness;
-dāsī, f. N.;
-duh-itṛ, f. daughter of a noble (honorific mode of addressing a female friend);
-deśa, m. district inhabited by Āryans;
-deśya, a. coming from an Āryan district;
-putra, m. son of an Āryan, honorific designation of (1) son of person addressed; (2) husband; (3) sovereign;
-prāya, a. inhabited chiefly by Āryans;
-bud-dhi, a. noble-minded;
-bhaṭa, m. N. of two astronomers: ī-ya, n. work composed by Āryabhaṭa.
āryamiśra ārya-miśra, a. venerable, &c. &c. (as an honorific designation).
āryamṇa āryamṇa, n. N. of a lunar mansion.
āryarāja ārya-rāja, m. N. of a king;
-rūpa, a. having the air of respectability;
-liṅgin, a. bearing the marks of respectability;
-var-man, m. N. of a king;
-vāc, a. speaking an Aryan tongue;
-vidagdha-miśra, a. honourable, learned, &c. &c. (honorific designation);
-vṛtta, n. honourable behaviour; a. behaving honourably;
-veṣa, a. respectably dressed;
-vrata, a. behaving like an Aryan;
-śīla, a. of honourable character;
-samaya, m. ordinance of honourable men;
-suta, m. = āryaputra (husband);
-strī, f. woman of the upper castes.
āryāgama āryā+āgama, m. intercourse with a woman of the upper castes.
āryāgīti āryā-gīti, f. species of Āryā metre.
āryāṇaka āryāṇaka, N. of a country.
āryādhiṣṭhita ārya+adhiṣṭhita, pp. controlled by men of the higher castes.
āryāvarta ārya+āvarta, m. land of the Āryans (between Himālaya and Vindhya): pl. its inhabitants.
ārṣa ārṣa, a. (ī) referring to or derived from the Ṛṣis, antique, archaic; added to a Ṛṣi's name (suffix); m. marriage ordained by Ṛṣis; n. hymns of the Ṛṣis; holy lineage; Ṛṣi, authorṣip of a hymn.
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ārṣabha ārṣabha, a. belonging to --, of a bull.
ārṣeya ārṣeya, a. n. = ārṣa;
-brāhmaṇa, n. N. of a Brāhmana.
ārṣoḍhā ārṣa+ūḍhā, f. woman wedded after the manner of the Ṛṣis.
ārṣṭiṣeṇa ārṣṭiṣeṇa, m. descendant of Ṛṣṭiṣeṇa.
āla āla, m. N. of a monkey.
ālakṣya ā-lakṣya, fp. visible; to look at; scarcely perceptible.
ālaṃkārika ālaṃkārika, m. rhetorician.
ālapana ā-lap-ana, n. chat, conversation;
ita, n. (pp.) discourse, talk;
-itavya, fp. to be addressed.
ālamba ā-lamb-a, a. hanging down; m. hold; support;
-ana, n. holding fast to; supporting (-°); hold, support; foundation;
-in, a. hanging down; attached to, resting on, reaching down to, dependent on, supporting (-°).
ālambha ā-lambh-a, m. laying hold, of, contact; pluckling; killing;
-ana, n. id.;
-in, a. touching (-°).
ālaya ā-laya, m. (n.) dwelling, house; seat.
ālarka ālarka, a. belonging to a mad dog.
ālavāla āla-vāla, n. watering trench (round the root of a tree).
ālasya ālas-ya, n. idleness, sloth, indolence: -nibandhana, a. due to indolence;
-vacana, n. argument of sloth.
ālāna ālāna, n. post or rope for tying an elephant;
-i-ka, a. serving for a post or rope.
ālāpa ā-lāp-a, m. talk, conversion; song (of birds): -vat, a. addressing.
āli āli, ālī ālī, f. 1. female friend; 2. streak, line, row; swarm.
āliṅg ā-liṅg, I.P. Ā. or X.P. embrace.
prati, return an embrace. sum, embrace.
āliṅgana ā-liṅg-ana, n. embrace.
ālīḍha ā-līḍha, pp. lih; n. kind of attitude in drawing a bow: -viśeṣa-śbhin, a. specially conspicuous owing to this attitude.
ālu ālu, ālū ālū, f. pitcher; n. (u) raft.
āluñcana ā-luñcana, n. tearing in pieces.
ālekhana ā-lekhana, n. scratching, scraping.
ālekhya ālekhya, n. painting; picture;
-puruṣa, m. human phantom;
-śeṣa, a. remaining in a picture only = deceased;
-sam-arpita, pp. painted.
ālepa ālepa, m., -na -na, n. smearing; orintment.
āloka ā-loka, m. seeing, looking, sight; light, lustre; glimmer, trace of (g.); praise, panegyric;
-na, a. beholding, looking at; n. look; sight: -tā, f. looking at, contemplation;
-nīya fp. that may be gazed at: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-patha, m. horizon;
-mārga, m. id.
ālokin ālok-in, a. looking at, contemplating (-°).
ālocana ā-loc-ana, n., ā, f. seeing; consideration;
-anīya, -ya, fp. to be considered.
ālola ā-lol-a, a. gently waving, slightly rolling;
-ikā, f. lullaby.
ālohita ā-lohita, a. reddish;
ī-kṛ, redden, dye red.
āva āva, prn. stem of 1 st pers. dual.
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āvat ā-vat, f. nearness.
āvatsarāntam ā-vatsara+antam, ad. till the end of the year.
āvantika āvantika, a. relating to Avanti: ā, f. N..
āvantya āvantya, m. king or inhabitant of Avanti.
āvapana ā-vapana, n., ī, f. strewing, laying on; vessed.
āvaya āvaya, n. conception.
āvayāj āvayāj, m. (n. yās)kind of priest.
āvar ā-var, aor. 2 & 3 sg. of vri, cover.
āvaraka ā-var-aka, a. covering, concealing, veiling; m. protector;
-aṇa, a. covering; a. envelopment; cover, garment; obstruction, interruption; protection, shield; bolt, lock.
āvarīvar ā-varīvar, 3 s. impf. intv. of ā-vṛt.
āvarjana ā-varjana, n. concilliating, winning.
āvarta ā-vart-a, m. turn; whirlpool; lock, twist of hair;
-aka, m. kind of mythical clouds;
-ana, a. turning round; n. return;
-in, a. returning.
āvali āvali, -lī -lī, f. streak, line, row.
āvaśyaka āvaśya-ka, a. (ī) necessary, inevitable; n. inevitableness; easing nature;
-tā, f. necessity, inevitableness.
āvas ā-vas, 3 sg. aor. of vas, shine.
āvasati ā-vas-ati, f. night's lodging; quarters;
-atha, m. id.; abode;
-ath-ya, m. sacred domestic fire.
āvaha ā-vaha, a. bringing, effecting (-°).
āvāpa ā-vāp-a, m. strewing, sowing; insertion; mingling; hand-guard; diplomacy; *-aka, n. kind of hand ornament.
āvāra ā-vāra, m. guard, protection.
āvāridhi ā-vāridhi, ad. up to the sea.
āvāsa ā-vās-a, m. abode;
-in, a. dwelling (-°).
āvāhana ā-vāhana, n. invitation.
āvi āvi, āvī āvī, f. pain: pl. throes (-°, a., f. ī).
āvika āvi-ka, a. coming from a sheep, woolen; n. sheep-skin; woolen cloth;
-sau-trika, a. consisting of woollen threads.
āvid ā-vid, f. fore-knowledge.
āvidvas ā-vid-vas, pf. pt. knowing.
āvirbhāva āvir-bhāva, m., -rbhūti -bhūti, f. manifestation.
āvila āvila, a. turbid, dim; tainted by, filled with (-°).
āvilaya āvila-ya, den. P. make turbid; sully.
āviṣkaraṇa āviṣ-karaṇa, n., -kāra -kāra, m. manifestation, display.
āviṣṭa ā-viṣṭa, pp. (viś) entered; affected by, filled with (-°).
āvis ā-vis, ad. visible, manifest: with as and bhū, become manifest, appear; with kri and cs. of bhū, make manifest, show.
āvī āvī, āvi āvi and āvya āvyā;
-sūtra, n. woollen thread.
āvṛt ā-vṛt, f. turning towards or in; direction; series of rites; ceremony; manner.
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āvṛta ā-vṛta, pp. surrounded; covered; overspread; m. a certain mixed caste.
āvṛttatva ā-vṛtta-tva, n. the being covered; the being closed (of a door).
āvṛtti ā-vṛtti, f. turning in; return; repetition; solstice; re-birth; course, direction.
āvega ā-vega, m. excitement, flurry.
āvedaka ā-ved-aka, a. informing, stating (-°);
-ana, n. announcement; legal notice;
-anīya, fp. to be reported or announced;
-ita, cs. pp. made known, told;
-in, a. announcing (-°);
-ya, fp. = āvedanīya.
āveśa ā-veś-a, m. entrace; fit (of rage, &c.); wrath: -na, n. possession (by demons); workṣop;
-vat, a. possessed by (-°);
-īka, m. guest.
āveṣṭa ā-veṣṭa, m. strangulation.
āvya āvyā, a. (āvī) relating to sheep; woollen.
āvyakta ā-vyakta, pp. perfectly clear.
āvyathā ā-vyathā, f. slight emotion: ṃkṛ. be somewhat touched.
āśa āś-a, m. food.
āśaṃsa ā-śaṃsa, a. expecting (-°);
-na, n. wishing;
ā, f. wish; expectation, hope; presentiment;
-parikalpita, pp. only expected.
āśaṃsitṛ ā-śaṃs-i-tṛ, m. proclaimer (w. ac.);
-in, a. announcing, promising (-°).
āśaṅkanīya ā-śaṅk-anīya, fp. to be feared, -- expected, -- assumed;
-ā, f. anxiety; dread of (ab.); distrust;
-in, a. dreading; supposing; considering; causing anxiety or fear; doubtful, uncertain.
āśaya ā-śaya, m. resting-place; seat, place; heart, mind; thought, intention; way of thinking; a+agni, m. fire of digestion.
āśarīram ā-śarīram, ad. including the body.
āśas ā-śas, f. wish, expectation, hope.
āśā 1. āśā, f. id. (w. g. lc., or -°): in. in the expectation or hope of;
-janana, a. inspiring hope;
-piśāc-ikā, -ī, f. demon of (= cruel and delusive) hope;
-bandha, m. bond of hope; cobweb;
-vat, a. hopeful; hoping for (d., lc.);
-vibhinna, pp. cut off from hope, disappointed.
āśā 2. āśā, f. space; region, quarter;
-ca-kravāla, n. encircling horizon;
-mukha, n. point of the compass;
-vāsas, n. the quarters as a garment: with vas, = go about naked;
-vijaya, m. conquest of the world.
āśāśa āśā+aśa, a. filling the quarters.
āśāsti ā-śāsti, f. prayer.
āśāsya ā-śās-ya, fp. to be wished; n. wish, blessing.
āśita āś-ita, cs. pp. of 2. aś; n. food.
āśin āś-in, a. eating, enjoying (-°).
āśir ā-śir, f. milk added to Soma.
āśiraḥpādam ā-śiraḥ-pādam, ad. from head to foot.
āśiṣṭha āś-iṣṭha, spv. of āśu.
āśis ā-śis, f. wish, prayer, benediction.
āśīḥkriya āśīḥ-kriya, a. expressing the action of asking (gr.).
āśīyas āś-īyas, cpv. of āsu: n. ad..
āśīrvacana āśīr-vacana, n. benediction: -ākṣepa, m. a rhetorical figure;
-vācaka, a. expressing a wish; -vāda, m. benediction: -mantra, m. id., -abhidhāna-vat, a. containing a benedictory expression.
āśīviṣa āśī-viṣa, m. poisonous snake;
-upama, a. snake-like = poisoned (arrow).
āśu āś-u, a. swift: n. quickly, at once; m. horse;
-kārin, a. operating quickly;
-klānta, pp. quickly faded;
-ga, a. moving swiftly; m.arrow;
-gamana, n. rapid course;
-tva, n. quickness;
-mat, ad. quickly.
āśuyā āśuyā, (ad.) quickly, rapidly.
āśuvimardita āśu-vimardita, pp. quickly crushed.
āśuśukṣaṇi ā-śuśukṣaṇi, a. gleaming forth; m. fire.
āśuśuṣka āśu-śuṣka, a. quickly drying up: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-śravas, m. N. of a mythical horse;
-saṃdheya, fp. easily to be joined; easily to be reconciled.
āśauca āśauca, n. ritual impurity.
āścarya āścarya, a. strange, wonderful; n. prodigy, marvel; astonishment;
-bhūta, pp. marvellous;
-maya, a. wonderful.
āśrama ā-śrama, m. n. hermitage; m. stage in a Brāhman's life;
-pada, n. id.;
-maṇḍala, n. group of hermitages;
-vāsin, -sad, m. hermit;
-sthāna, n. hermitage.
āśramālaya āśrama+ālaya, m. hermit.
āśramin āśram-in, a. belonging to one of the religious stages.
āśraya ā-śray-a, m. leaning on, attachment to; connexion with, devotion to, recourse to; dependence on, relation to; support; refuge, shelter, protection; seat, abode; receptacle; foundation; (logical) subject; -°, a. depending on; relating to;
-ṇa, a. (ī) taking refuge in; relating to (-°); n. recourse to;
-ṇīya, fp. to be had recourse to or followed.
āśrayabhūta āśraya-bhūta, pp. being the support or foundation of (g. or -°); being a refuge.
āśrayāśa āśraya+āśa, m. (house-consumer), fire;
-asiddha, pp. logically inadmissible owing to the subject.
āśrayin āśray-in, a. attaching to, seated on, dwelling in, relating to (-°).
āśrava ā-śrava, a. obedient, amenable.
āśrita ā-śrita, (pp.) m. dependent, retainer, servant;
-tva, n. dependence.
āśliṣṭasānu ā-śliṣṭa-sānu, a. peak-embracing.
āśleṣa ā-śleṣa, m. close contact; embrace;
-ā, f. sg. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion.
āśva āśva, a. relating to or coming from the horse.
āśvattha āśvattha, a. (ī) derived fr. the sacred fig-tree, made of its wood.
āśvamedhika āśva-medhika, a. relating to the horse-sacrifice.
āśvayuja āśva-yuja, m. the month Āśvina; n. a Pākayajña occurring ont he day of full moon in the month Āśvina.
āśvalāyana āśvalāyana, m. N. of a teacher.
āśvāsa ā-śvās-a, m. breathing again, recovery, recreation; consolation; confidence in (g., lc.);
-ana, n. animating; consoling: ā, f. recreation, consolation;
-anīya, fp. to be cheered or consoled;
-in, a. breathing again;
-ya, fp. to be comforted about.
āśvina āśvina, a. (ī) like horsemen; (a) belonging or sacred to the Aśvins; m N. of a raing mouth;
-kratu, m. N. of a rite in the prātaranuvāka;
-śatra, n. N. of a modification of the prātaranuvāka.
āśvīna āśvīna, n. day's journey for a horse.
āṣāḍha āṣāḍha, m. N. of a month (JuneJuly; staff of Palāśa- wood (borne in certain rites); a. relating to Āṣāḍha; m. a certain holiday;
-ka, m. N.;
-pura, n. N. of a mythical mountain;
-bhūti, m. N. of a cheat.
āṣāḍhī āṣāḍhī, f. day of full moon in Āṣāḍha.
āṣṭamika āṣṭamika, a. taught in the eighth book of Pāṇini.
ās 1. ās, ij. of joy or displeasure.
ās 2. ās, V. 3 sg. impf. of as, be.
ās 3. ās, n. (?) mouth, face: in. openly.
ās 4. ĀS, II.Ā. ās-te (E.+ I.Ā. Āsa, II. P. ās-ti), sit, sit down (in or on, lc.); remain sitting; dwell, abide; take up one's abode, encamp; remain, lie; be firm; be left in the lurch; engage in (ac.); apply oneself to (lc.); behave, be (in a state) w. ad.; continue doing or being (w. pt., gd., a., N. ad.); tend to (d.); have (g.): āstām, impv. away w., enough of, to say nothing, of.
adhi, sit or lie down on (ac.); take up one's abode in, occupy, inhabit; tread on, enter upon; rest on: pp. -adhyāsita, resting upon; on which anything (in.) rests; have carnal knowledge of (ac.) sam-adhi, occupy, inhabit (ac.).
anu, sit beside or round (ac.); sit down after (ac.). ud, be indifferent, upa, sit beside, sit down -(ac.), beset (of subordinates or supplicants); besiege; sit; occupy, dwell in; take part in (ac.); betake oneself to, attain to (ac.); practise, be addicted to; suffer, undergo; continue doing or being (pt. or gd.; expect; honour; celebrate, perform; endeavour to (pt.); spend (time). -pari+upa, sit round, surround; beset (hostile); sit upon (ac.); take part in (ac.); honour, adore; quietly look on at.
sam-upa, sit; practise; honour.
pari, assemble round (ac.).
sam, sit together; assemble round (ac.); abide in (lc.); deliberate; practise (ac.); behave like (iva); attend to, acknowledge (ac.); be a match for (ac.).
prati-sam, resist, be match for (ac.).
āsa 1. ās-a, m. [2. as] ashes, dust.
āsa 2. ās-a, m. seat; nearness.
āsaṃsāram ā-saṃsāram, ad. from the beg. of the world; to the end of the world, for ever.
āsakta ā-sakta, pp. (sañj) attached; intent on;
-bhāva, a. in love with (lc.).
āsakti ā-sakti, f. fastening on, persecution; attachment or addiction to (lc. or -°).
āsaṅga āsaṅg-a, m. id.;
-in, a. attached to (-°).
āsañjana ā-sañj-ana, n. attaching; adhesion;
-ita, pp. with whom an agreement has previously been made.
āsatti ā-satti, f. connexion.
āsade ā-sade, d. inf. to sit down upon (ac.).
āsan āsan, n. mouth, jaws.
āsana ās-ana (or a), n. sitting, down; sitting posture; halting, encamping; abiding; seat; position, office (of a king);
-bandha, m. sitting down;
-vat, a. having a seat, sitting;
-vidhi, m. offer of a seat;
-stha, a. sitting.
āsanīkṛ āsanī-kṛ, turn into a seat.
āsandikā āsandikā, f. small chair.
āsanna ā-sanna, pp. near; n. -ness;
-kāla, m. time just past (gr.);
-cara, a. moving near (-°);
-tara, cpv. nearer: -tā, f. greater nearness;
-prasavā, a. f. on the point of parturition, about to lay (eggs);
-vartin, a. being near.
āsapiṇḍakriyākarma ā-sapiṇḍa-kriyā-karma, ad. before preparing the funeral feast partaken of by the Sapiṇḍas.
āsaptama ā-sapta-ma, a. up to the seventh.
āsamāpti ā-samāpti, ad. up to the end, from beginning to end.
āsamudra ā-samudra, ad. up to the sea (°-).
āsava ā-sava, m. distilled spirit, spirituous liquor, rum.
āsāt āsāt, (ab. of 2. āsa) ad. near at hand.
āsādana ā-sād-ana, n. setting down; obtainment of (-°);
-ita, cs. pp. sad: -vi-graha, a. used to war;
-ya, gd. sad.
āsāyam ā-sāyam, ad. till evening.
āsāra ā-sāra, m. downpour, heavy shower; a king separated by intervening state (a natural ally);
-praśamita, pp. quenched with showers.
āsikā ās-ikā, f. turn to sit.
āsita ās-ita, pp. sitting.
āsidhāra āsidhāra, a. connected with the edge of a sword.
āsisādayiṣu ā-sisād-ayi-ṣu, des. a. desirous of attacking (ac.).
āsīna ās-īna, pr. pt. (ās) sitting: -pra-calāyita, n. nodding with sleep while sitting.
āsīmāntam ā-sīmāntam, ad. up to the boundary.
āsura āsura, a. (ī) spiritual, divine; belonging to the demons or Asuras, demon-like; m. Asura;
ī, f. female Asura.
āsṛkva ā-sṛkva, ad. up to the corners of the mouth (°-).
āsṛṣṭi ā-sṛṣṭi, ad. from the creation of the world.
āseka ā-seka, m. watering, irrigation.
āsecana ā-secana, n. pouring on, infusion; bowl.
āseddhṛ ā-seddhṛ, m. arrester.
āsedha ā-sedha, m. arrest, imprisonment.
āsevana ā-sev-ana, n. frequenting; addiction;
-ā, f. continuous application, addiction;
-in, a. frequenting; addicted to (-°);
-ya, be visited.
āskanda ā-skand-a, m. leaping up; attack;
-ana, n. attack;
-in, a. springing upon (-°); bestowing.
āskra āskra, a. holding together, united.
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āstara ā-stara, m. straw; couch; carpet.
āstaraṇa ā-staraṇa, n. id..
āstika āsti-ka, a. believing, pious.
āstikya āstik-ya, n. belief in God, piety.
āstīka āstīka, m. N. of an ancient sage..
āste ās-te, 3 sg. pr. of ās, sit.
āsthā ā-sthā, f. desire for, interest in, trouble about, regard for (lc. or -°): in. with all one's might, stremuously.
āsthāna ā-sthāna, n. place; assembly;
-maṇḍapa, m. n. audience hall.
āsthānī āsthān-ī, f. place of assembly, audience chamber;
-īya, m. chamberlain.
āsthita ā-sthita, pp. (sthā) stayed, dwelt.
āspada ā-spada, n. position, seat, abode, site; place for, object of (g.): -tā, f., -tva,n. abst. N.;
-ī-bhū, become an object of (g.).
āsphālana ā-sphālana, n. striking, driving; collision.
āsphoṭa ā-sphoṭa, m., -na -na, n. shaking, swinging.
āsya ās-yā, n. mouth, jaws; face; organ of speech.
āsrāva ā-srāva, m. flow, flux; water in the mouth; infirmity: pl. objects of sense.
āsva āsva, 2 sg. impv. of ās, sit.
āsvāda ā-svād-a, m. taste, enjoyment; flavour;
-aka, a. tasting, enjoying;
-ana, n. = āsvāda;
-a-vat, a. tasting well, dainty;
-ya, fp. to be tasted; palatable: -toya, a. having palatable water.
āha āha, 3 sg. pf. of ah.
āhata ā-hata, pp. of han.
āhati ā-hati, f. blow, knock, stroke.
āhanana ā-hanana, n. striking.
āhanas ā-han-as, a. swelling, exuberant; wanton.
āhara ā-har-a, a. (-°) bringing; m. offering (a sacrifice): -aṇa, n. fetching; offering (sacrifice): -ī-kṛ, present, bestow;
-tṛ, m. bringer; taker; causer (ac.); performer.
āhava ā-hav-a, m. challenge, contest, fight, battle;
-(hava) -na, n. oblation;
-niya, a. meant for the oblation; m. (sc. agni) the eastern sacrificial fire;
-bhūmi, f. battle-field.
āhasa ā-hasa, m. low laughter.
āhāra ā-hāra, a. (ī) fetching; m. fetching, taking, food, sustenance (-°, a. f.ā): -ṃkṛ, take food;
-dāna, n. giving of food;
-nirgama-sthāna, n. anus;
-niḥsaraṇa-mārga, m. id.;
-parityāga, m. rejection of food;
-bhūmi, f. feeding-ground.
āhāraya āhāra-ya, den. P. feed (int.).
āhāraviraha āhāra-viraha, m. want of food;
-vṛtti, f. subsistence;
-arthin, a. food.
āhārya ā-hāryā, fp. to be fetched; to be removed; external.
āhi āhi, sx. āhi in dakṣiṇ-āhi &c. (gr.).
āhiṇḍaka āhiṇḍaka, -ṇḍika -(ṇ) ḍika, m. N. of a mixed caste (son of a Niṣāda, and a Vaidchī): in Pr. = traveller.
āhita ā-hita, pp. dhā: -klama, a. exhausted;
-agni, m. maintainer of sacred fire.
āhituṇḍika āhituṇḍika, m. snake-charmer.
āhirbudhna āhirbudhna, -dhnya -dhnya, m. N. of a lunar mansion.
āhuti ā-huti, f. oblation, offering;
-bhāga, a. whose share is an oblation.
āhutīkṛ āhutī-kṛ, offer as an oblation;
-bhū, become an oblation.
āhūtaprapalāyin āhūta-prapalāyin, m. evader of a judicial summons.
āhūtavya ā-hūtavya, fp. to be summoned.
āhūtādhyāyin āhūta+adhyāyin, a. waiting with one's studies till summoned.
āhūti ā-hūti, f. invocation.
āheya āheya, a. relating to a snake (ahi).
āho āho, pcl. or;
-svid, or perchance.
āhnika āhnika, a. occurring by day, daily; n. daily rite; daily task; section, chapter.
āhlāda ā-hlād-a, m. recreation, joy: -ka, -kara, -kārin, a. gladdening, delighting;
-na, n. delighting;
-nīya, fp. fit for refreshing.
āhlādin āhlād-in, a. refreshing, delighting.
āhvaya ā-hvaya, m. wager; name.
āhvā ā-hvā, f. appellation, name.
āhvātṛ ā-hvātṛ, m. invoker.
āhvāna ā-hvāna, n. calling upon, invocation; conjuring (a spirit); summons; challenge.
āhvānaya āhvāna-ya, den. P. summons.
āhvāyaka ā-hvāya-ka, m. messenger, summoner.
āhvāyayitavya ā-hvāyay-itavya, fp. to be summoned.
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i I.
i i, prn. stem of the 3 rd prs..
i I, II.P. e-ti (-° Ā.); + I.P. Ā. aya; IV.P. iya, go, come (punar, return); go to, attain, undergo (ac.); accrue to (ac.); ask for (ac., ab.); come from (ab.); go away, pass; undertake; continue (w. pt. pr.): ps. -īyate; pp. ita; intv. īyate, 1 pl. īmahe, pt. iyāna, hasten; entreat (2 ac.). accha, approach (ac.).
ati, pass; traverse; elapse; allow to pass (time); enter; outstrip; exceed; conquer; avoid; part from (ab.): pp. atīta, past; disappeared; having crossed; -- avoided, -- neglected.
abhi+ati, elapse; cross; allow to pass: pp. dead.
vi+ati, elapse; swerve from (ab.); pass by; traverse: pp. past.
sam-ati, pass, elapse; traverse; overcome.
adhi, perceive; study, learn (generally Ā.), recite: pp. adhīta, learnt; learned (man; cs.) P. adhyāpaya, teach (2 ac.).
pra+adhi, pp. advanced in Vedic study.
sam-adhi, study thoroughly.
anu, follow; visit; obey; equal (ac.): pp. anvita, following (ac.); accompanied by, united, endowed, provided or filled with (in. or -°); increased by, plus (-°); imitated; logically connected, sam-anu, pp. provided or filled w., possessed of (in., -°), an-tar, get between; exclude from (ab.; sts. g.); remove: pp. excluded; separated; intervening; distant; being in (a state: -°); hidden or obstructed by (in. or -°).
apa, go away, leave; disappear: pp. apeta, escaped, retreated, disappeared; having swerved from, opposed to, devoid of (ab. or -°).
vi+apa, part; depart, cease: pp. parted; vanished; diverging from (-°); °- = -less. api, enter, be dissolved in (ac.); die.
abhi, approach; tread (a path); enter; reach; attain; undergo; accrue to (ac.).
sam-abhi, approach; follow; accrue.
ava, go down to (ac.); regard; mean; understand, perceive; learn, know, that (ac. of obj. with pred. ac. or nm. w. iti).
abhi+ava, descend into (ac.).
prati+ava, transgress.
sam-ava, come down together, subside; unite in (ac.); regard as (iva): pp.
sam-aveta, united, all; inherent. ā, approach, come; -- again; attain, fall into (a state); accrue to (ac.): pr. pt. ā-yat, coming, future.
anu+ā, follow.
abhi+ā, come to, approach; betake oneself to: w. bhūyas, come back again.
sam-abhi+ā, approach.
ud-ā, go up; come forth; rise (csp. starts). upa+ā, approach; betake oneself to; attain.
pari+a, wander about.
prati+ā, return ot (ac.).
sam-ā, come together; assemble; join; meet with (in. + samam); betake oneself to, enter (ac.); unite with in marriage (in.): pp.
sameta, assembled; united; connected, provided or united; with (in. or -°).
ud, go up; rise (sun, moon); arise; increase; proceed from (ab.); appear; arise to fight against (ac.) pp.
udita, risen, appeared or increased.
anu+ud, come out to meet (ac.).
apa+ud, turn aside; depart or withdraw from (ab.).
abhi+ud, rise, appear; rise over (ac.); to fight against (ac.): pp. risen; -- over (while still asleep, by the sun).
pra+ud, rise; appear.
prati+ud, rise and go to meet (ac.).
sam-ud, rise: pp. risen; lofty; united; endowed w. (in. or -°).
upa, approach; betake oneself to (w.
apaḥ, bathe); meet; be apprenticed to (ac.); turn from (ab.) to (ac.); approach carnally; obtain, attain, participate in; undergo, enter upon, have recourse to (a state; e. g. darśanam, show oneself to, g.); undertake, devote oneself to; solicit; appear; befall: pp. upeta, arrived; having retired to (-°); hvg. entered on (studies under a teacher); hvg. attained or betaken oneself to; suppliant; endowed w., possessed of (-°).
abhi+upa, approach; attain, betake oneself to; approach carnally; join (ac.); accrue to (ac.); enter on (astate); choose; assent: pp. come to (gṛham- = being in); admitted, assented to, promised.
sam-ā+upa, pp. furnished with (-°).
sam-upa, come together, assemble; meet (hostile); betake oneself to; attain; have sexual intercourse w.; solicit; attain; come upon, befall: pp. endowed or furnished with (in.).
ni, go or get into.
nis, go out, come forth.
parā, go or run away; go to (ac.); pass away, depart, die; obtain: pt. pf. pareyivas, pp. pareta, deceased.
pari, go round, walk round, surround: pp.
parita, surrounded, filled, seized, by (in. or -°).
vi-pari, turn round; fail: pp. reversed, contrary; acting contrarily; divergent; perverse, adverse. saṃ-pari, embrace. palā, palāyate (P. rare), flee.
pra-palā, flee away.
vi-palā, flee asunder.
pra, go away; proceed. start, depart; die; come forward, advance; go to; gd. pretya, after death, in the next world: pp. preta, deceased.
anu-pra, follow.
apa-pra, depart from (ab.). abbi-pra, approach; think of, mean: pp. intended, meant; desired; beloved. saṃ-pra, flow together.
prati, go to; return; go to meet, go against; accept; admit; be convinced (that, 2 ac.); believe, trust (g.); ps.
pratīya-te, be recognised, become apparent, result: pr. pt. -māna, known as (nm.); implicit: pp.
pratīta, firmly resolved; trusting in (-°); satisfied, cheerful; recognised, known; cs.
praty-āyayati, prove; convince.
vi, traverse; extend; disperse, separate; diverge; be lost, perish: pp. vīta, vanished: °- = free from --, -less.
abhi-vi, resort to (ac.) from all sides.
sam, come together, meet (at, ac.), unite (with, in.); penetrate; collide with; enter upon, begin; visit: pp.
samita, assembled; united; combined with (in. or -°).
ikāra i-kāra, m. the letter i.
ikṣu ikṣu, m. sugar-cane; its stalk;
-kāṇ ḍa, n. sugar-cane stalk;
-daṇḍa, m. n. id.;
-mati, f. N. of a river;
-rasa, m. juice of sugar-cane;
-vatī, f. N. of a river.
ikṣvāku ikṣvāku, m. N. of an ancient king and his descendants: pl. N. of a people: -kula-ja, a. born in the family of Ikṣvāku.
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iṅg IṄG, I. iṅga, stir, move (int.); cs. put in motion, shake.
ud, wave, wield.
iṅganā iṅg-anā, f. designation of (g.);
-ita, (pp.) n. gesture, sign, hint, look; intention.
iṅguda iṅguda, m., ī, f. kind of tree; n. its nut.
icchā icchā, f. wish, desire: °- or in. according to wish or inclination; at will;
-bhar-aṇa, m. N.;
-śakti-mat, a. having the faculty of wishing;
-sadṛśa, a. conforming to one's wishes;
-saṃpad, f. fulfilling of wishes.
icchu icch-u, a. wishing, desirous of (ac., inf., or -°).
ijya ij-ya, fp. to be honoured; m. teacher.
ijyā ij-yā, f. sacrifice.
iṭa iṭa, m. sedge, rush, reed; mat.
iḍ iḍ f. comfort; oblation, sacrificial prayer.
iḍa iḍa, m. N. of a king; a form of Agni.
iḍā iḍā, iLā iḷā, ilāilā, f. libation; prayer; goddess of devotion; earth;
-vat, a. refreshing, quickening.
it it, technical indicatory letter or syllable attached to words or roots (gr.).
itara i-tara (n. -d; V. also -m), other; other than, different from (ab., -°); contrary, opposite; common, ordinary: itara-itara, the one -- the other;
-jana, m. ordinary person; (a) -tas, ad. elsewhere; otherwise than (ab.);
-tra, ad. = lc. of itara; elsewhere; otherwise; (a) -thā, ad. else; otherwise.
itaraya itara-ya, den. P. alienate; bring over.
itaretara itara+itara, N. (only oblique cases of sg.) one another: °-, the one & the other; ad. mutually: -upakṛti-mat, a. mutually helpful.
itas i-tas, ad. (= ab. of idam) from this; from here, from this world; from this point; here, -- below; hence, therefore: ita ūrdh-vam, hereafter, below (in a book);
itaś ca+itaś ca, from here and there, hither and thither;
itas-itas, here -- there;
itas tatas, here and there, hither and thither; henceforth (often with aparam, param, or pra-bhṛti.
itānta ita+anta, a. having gone across.
iti 1. i-ti, ad. so, thus (quoting words or thoughts, generally at the end, sts. at beg. or near the end, serving the purpose of inverted commas, and supplying the place of oratio obliqua; it is also used to conclude an enumeration, with or without ca): iti tathā karoti, so saying, he acts accordingly (stage direction);
iti kṛtvā, so saying, therefore, considering that --;
kimiti = kim, why? (sts. = iti kim). iti+iti, iti+iva, iti+uta, iti+evam, iti sma, iti ha, iti ha sma = iti (sts. iti is followed pleonastically by a dem. prn..
iti 2. i-ti or i-ti, f. going.
itikartavya iti-kartavya, n. (thus it must be done), proper measure: -tā, f. abst. N.: -mūṇḍa, pp. completely at a loss what to do;
-kārya, n. (-tā, f. abst. N.), -kṛya, n. (-itā,) f. abst. N.) proper measure; incumbency;
-krama, m.; in. in such a manner;
-tha, a. (ī) such and such;
-vat, ad. just so, in this very way;
-vṛtta, n. incident, event.
itihāsa iti-ha+āsa, m. ('so-it-was'), tradition, legend, story; epic poem.
itogata ito-gata, pp. turned hither; relating to this;
-mukha, a. directed hither;
-m, ad. hither.
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itthaṃvidha itthaṃ-vidha, a. of such a kind;
-gata, pp. so conditioned; lc. such being the case.
ittham it-tham, ad. so, thus.
itthaṃbhūta itthaṃ-bhūta, pp. being so, of such a nature.
itthā it-thā, ad. thus; (often only emphatic =) just, quite, even, really;
kiṃ te-, what ails thee?
ityaka ityaka, m. N..
ityartha iti+artha, -ka -ka, a. having the abovementioned meaning.
ityartham iti+artham, ad. for the purpose.
ityādi iti+ādi, a. beginning thus = and so on; n. this and the like, and so on, &c.
ityetannāmaka iti+etan-nāma-ka, a. having the names just mentioned.
ityevamādi iti+evam-ādi, a. = ityādi.
ityai ity-ai, V. d. inf. of i.
itvan i-tvan, a. going (-°).
itvara i-tvara, a. going, moving; ī, f. faithless wife.
id i-d, pcl. just, quite, even, only (often to be rendered by strees).
idaṃrūpa idaṃ-rūpa, a. having this form.
idantana idan-tana, a. present, now living.
idam i-d-am, n. (nm. ac. sg.: nm. m. ayam, f. iyam) this; the following (sts. refers to what immediately precedes); all this = the whole world (often with sarvam, viśvam, -sakalam); w. prns. = here; just; ad. here; hither; now; herewith; just; thus.
idamādi idam-ādi, a. beginning with this.
idā i-dā, idānīm i-dānīm, ad. now, this moment, just: w. ahnas or ahnām, to-day, now-a-days.
idānīntana idānīn-tana, a. present, now living.
iddhadīdhiti iddha-dīdhiti, m. fire.
idh IDH, indh INDH, II.Ā. inddhe, kindle; ps. -idhyate, be kindled, flame: pp. iddha, kindled, aflame (also fig.).
sam, id..
idhma idh-ma, m. fuel;
-citi, f. wood-pile.
in 1. in, the suffix in (gr.).
in 2. IN, v. inv INV.
ina i-na, a. strong, mighty; m. sun.
inakṣ i-nak-sh, des. P. (ofnaś) inakṣa, strive to obtain.
ud, id..
indirā indirā, f. epithet of Lakṣmī.
indīvara indīvara, m. n. blue lotus; m. bee;
-dala, m. petal of the blue lotus;
-prabhā, f. N.;
-akṣa, m. N. of a man.
indu ind-u, m. drop, juice, esp. of Soma; (drop in the sky), moon;
-kalaśa, m. man's N.;
-kalā, f. crescent: -avataṃsa, m. ep. of Śiva;
-kānta, m. moon-stone;
-kesarin, m. N. of a king;
-dala, n. crescent;
-prabha, m. N.;
-bimba, n. orb of the moon;
-maṇi, m. moon-stone;
-matī, f. N. of various women;
-mukha, a. (ī) moon-faced;
-yaśas, f. N. of a princess;
-rāja, m. man's N.;
-lekhā, f. N. of a queen;
-vadana, a. moon-faced;
-śekhara, m. ep. of Śiva.
indra indra, m. Indra, chief of the Vedic gods; -°, highest, chief, prince of;
-kār-muka, n. Indra's bow, rainbow;
-giri, m. N. of a mountain;
-guru, m. Indra's teacher (Kaśyapa);
-gopa (orā), a. having Indra as a guardian; m. cochineal;
-cāpa, m. n. rainbow;
-jāla, n. Indra's net; a mythical weapon of Arguna's; magic;
-puruṣa, m. human phantom;
-jālika, m. magician;
-jālin, m. id.;
-jit, m. Indra's vanquisher, N. of Rāvana's son or father;
-jūta, pp. urged by Indra.
indratā indra-tā, f. Indra's power or dignity;
-tva, n. id.; sovereignty;
-datta, m. N. of a Brāhman;
-devī, f. N. of a queen: -bhavana, n. N. of a vihāra built by her;
-dhanus, n. Indra's bow, rainbow;
-nīla, m. sapphire or emerald;
-purogama, a. preceded by Indra;
-mada, m. certain disease of teaches;
-mand-ira, m. Indra's abode, heaven;
-maha-kām-uka, m. dog.
indraya indra-ya, den. Ā, long for Indra.
indrayu indra-yu, a. longing for Indra.
indraloka indra-loka, m. Indra's world;
-vaṃśā, f. a metre;
-vajra, n. Indra's thunderbolt: ā, f. a metre.
indravat indra-vat, a. accompanied by Indra;
-vātama, spv. dearest to Indra;
-vātama, n. bitter-gourd;
-vrata, n. Indra's office or rule.
indraśatru indra-śatru, m. Indra's foe, Prahlāda;
-suta, m. pat. of Arjuna;
-sena, m. N. of various men;
-senā, f. Indra's missile; N.;
-stuti, f. praise of Indra;
-stotra, n. id..
indrāgni indra+agni, m. du. Indra and Agni.
indrāṇī indrāṇī, f. Indra's wife.
indrānuja indra+anuja, m. Indra's younger brother (Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa).
indrāpūṣan indrā-pūṣan (or indrā-pūṣan), m. du. Indra and Pūṣan.
indrāyudha indra+āyudha, n. Indra's weapon, rainbow; m. horse with black spots on the eyes;
ā, f. kind of leech;
-maya, a. consisting altogether of rainbow.
indrāvat indrā-vat, a. accompanied by Indra.
indrāvaruṇa indrā-varuṇa, m. du. Indra and Varuṇa.
indriya indriya, a. belonging to, like or dear to Indra; m. companion of Indra; n. Indra's might; dominion; mighty deed; vigour, energy; semen virile; organ of sense;
-kāma, a. desirous of might;
-grāma, m. totality of the senses;
-śakti, f. power of the senses;
-saṃyama, m. restraint of the senses.
indriyārtha indriya+artha, m. object or stimulant of the senses;
-asaṅga, m. pl. non-indulgence of the senses.
indreṣita indra+iṣita, pp. sent or urged by Indra.
indrotsava indra+utsava, m. festival in honour of Indra.
indh INDH, v. idh IDH.
indha indh-a, a. kindling.
indhana indh-ana, n. kindling; fuel: -vat, a. supplied with fuel.
indhanīkṛ indhanī-kṛ, turn into fuel.
indhi indh-i, the root indh (gr.).
inv INV, I.P. inva-ti, or in IN, VIII. P. ino-ti, put in motion, send; further, urge; overcome.
ibha ibha, m. n. domestics, household, family; m. elephant.
ibhadantā ibha-dantā, f. N. of a plant..
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ibhya ibh-ya, a. domestic; rich.
ima ima, prn. st. this.
imathā ima-thā, ad. in this manner.
iyakṣ i-yak-sh, des. P. implore; long for.
iyakṣu iyak-ṣu, des. a. longing.
iyacciram iyac-ciram, ad. so long; hitherto.
iyat i-yat, a. so great, so much; so little: in. in so far; therefore.
iyattaka iyat-ta-ka, a. (ikā) so little -tā, f. quantity, number, measure; essence.
iyam i-y-am, f. (nm. sg.) this: yā+iyam, who here;
sā+iyam, iyaṃ sā, she here.
iyarti i-y-ar-ti, 3 sg. pr. of ri.
iyeṣa i-y-esh-a, 3 sg. pf. of 2. ish.
irajya i-raj-ya, intv. P. Ā. order; guide.
irajyu i-raj-yu, a. preparing; m. preparer of the sacrifice.
iradh i-radh, irr. intv. (rādh) Ā. seek to gain.
iraṃmada iraṃ-mada, a. delighting in drink; m. ep. of Agni; sheet-lightning.
irasya iras-ya, den. P. grudge; envy (d.).
irasyā iras-yā, f. ill-will; envy.
irā irā, f. (= iḍā) potion; recreation, comfort.
irāvat irā-vat, a. refreshing, quickening;
-ī, f. N. of a river; N..
iriṇa ir-iṇa, n. channel; brook, spring; dice-board; barren soil (esp. containing salt).
irin ir-in, m. oppressor, tyrant.
irya ir-ya, a. active; watchful; strong.
il IL, VI.P. ila, come;
ilaya, stand still.
illaka illaka, m. man's N..
iva i-va, (encl.) ad. like, as it were; about, almost; somewhat; indeed (with inter.): often merely emphatic = only, just, quite; or rendered by stress.
iṣ 1. ISH, VI. iṣa; I. eṣa (w. anu); IV. iṣ-ya; IX. ish-ṇā-ti, set in rapid motion, discharge; emit, utter; urge, encourage, animate; advance or strive towards (d., lc.): pp. iṣita; cs. iṣaya, P. Ā. speed; comfort.
anu, go after, seek, look for.
pra, urge, send forth; call upon another priest to recite or perform a rite (ac.): impv.
pra+iṣya, call upon to recite or offer (ac. or g.); cs. pre-shaya, hurl, throw, send; send away, dismiss: pp. preṣita. anu-pra, cs. send after or despatch to.
upa-pra, urge; call upon (a priest to recite). saṃ-pra, cs. send; dismiss; send a message to (g.).
iṣ 2. ISH, VI.P. (Ā. in. V. & E.) ic- cha, seek, search after; wish something to be (2 ac.), desire, ask for, expect (from, ab., lc.); intend or be about to (inf.); regard as (2 ac.); choose, have the option of (ac.); recognise, sanction; with na, refuse (to, inf.); ps. iṣyate, be desired, -- required, -- prescribed, -- recognised, -- sanctioned, -- accounted, -considered: pp. iṣ-ṭa, q. v.
anu, seek, search after, look through; strive after; beg; try; cs. anveṣaya, P. search; expect.
pari+anu, search around.
abhi, seek after; intend (inf.): pp. abhīṣṭa. prati, seek; receive (from, g.); regard, obey.
iṣ 3. iṣ, f. juice, draught, comfort; libation; refreshing waters of heaven; strength; food.
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iṣa 1. iṣ-a, a. seeking (-°).
iṣa 2. iṣ-a, a. juicy; fat.
iṣaṇaya iṣaṇaya, Ā., iṣaṇya iṣaṇya, P. den. urge on, stimulate.
iṣaya iṣa-ya, den. P. Ā., be fresh or active; refresh; quicken; inf. iṣayadhyai..
iṣayu iṣa-yu, a. fresh, strong.
iṣi iṣ-i, f. recreation, comfort.
iṣidh iṣidh, f. oblation, offering.
iṣira iṣ-ira, a. refreshing; active, strong, swift.
iṣīkā iṣīkā, f. reed, rush.
iṣu iṣ-u, m. f. arrow.
iṣudhi iṣu-dhi, m. quiver.
iṣudhyā iṣu-dhyā, f. supplication;
-dhyu, a. supplicating.
iṣumat iṣu-mat, a. furnished with arrows;
mātra, n. length of an arrow: (ā)-m, ad. at arrow-shot distance;
-varṣa, m. shower of arrows.
iṣūya iṣūya, den. P. strive.
iṣkṛta iṣ-kṛta, pp. prepared, equipped;
-kṛti, f. preparation; cure.
iṣṭa 1. iṣ-ṭa, pp. sought, wished for; desirable, agreeable; dear; favourable; approved, accounted (-tama, spv. considered the best); n. wish, desire.
iṣṭa 2. iṣ-ṭa, pp. (yaj) sacrificed; m. n. sacrifice.
iṣṭakā iṣṭa-kā, f. brick: -gṛha, n. brickhouse.
iṣṭakāmaduh iṣṭa-kāma-duh, f. (nm. -dhuk) cow of plenty (milking =) granting all desire.
iṣṭajana iṣṭa-jana, m. beloved person, lover;
-devatā, f. favourite or tutelary deity.
iṣṭani iṣṭani, a. rushing, roaring.
iṣṭarga iṣṭarga, m. one who fights in front or beside (as a protector).
iṣṭalābha iṣṭa-lābha, m. acquisition of a desired object.
iṣṭavrata iṣṭa-vrata, a. fulfilling wishes;
-saṃpādin, a. procuring what is desired;
-sādhana, a. id..
iṣṭāpūrta iṣṭā-pūrta, n. sg. & du. wish (or sacrifice) and fulfilment = reward of pious works; C. sacrifice and pious works.
iṣṭi 1. iṣ-ṭi, f. incitement, furtherance; helper.
iṣṭi 2. iṣ-ṭi, f. seeking, search; wish, desire.
iṣṭi 3. iṣ-ṭi, f. (simple) sacrifice (of butter).
iṣṭvā iṣ-ṭvā, gd. of yaj.
iṣṇuc iṣṇu-c, the suffix iṣṇu (gr.).
iṣmin iṣ-min, a. driving, stormy.
iṣvasana iṣu+asana, n. bow.
iṣvāsa iṣu+āsa, m. archer; bow.
iha i-ha, ad. here, hither; here on earth; in this book; in the following; now, in a moment; often = lc. of idam.
ihatya iha-tya, a. belonging to this place.
ihaloka iha-loka, m. this, i.e. the present world.
ihastha iha-stha, a. being or remaining here.
ihāmutraphalabhogavirāga iha+amutra-phala-bhoga-virāga, m. indifference to the pleasures of reward in this world and the next.
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ī Ī.
īkṣ ĪKSH, I.Ā. (P.) see, look; look at, behold (ac., lc.); perceive; contemplate, regard; expect; *prophesy to (d.); cs. īkṣa-ya, cause to look at (ac.).
adhi, expect; dread.
anu, look after.
apa, look away; have in view, watch for (ac.); expect, wait for; fear; pay regard to, mind; require, presuppose: w. na, not bear to see.
vi+apa, pay regard to, mind.
abhi, look at.
ava, look at; observe; mark, reflect on, consider; experience; expect, hope for.
anu+ava, meditate; consider, reflect on.
nir-ava, consider.
prati+ava, inspect, examine; enquire after.
sam-ava, look at; behold; reflect on; scrutinize; trouble about.
ud, look up at, look at; behold; wait; expect.
abhi+ud, look towards.
sam-ud, look up, look towards or at; observe, regard.
upa, look at; descry; wait for, avail oneself of; overlook, disregard, neglect; conniveat, suffer; not insist on (ac.).
sam-upa, disregard, neglect.
nis, look about; look at; behold; perceive; consider.
pari, look round; examine; perceive; cs. cause to be examined.
pra, look at, perceive; quietly suffer, say nothing.
abhi-pra, look at; behold; perceive. ut-pra, look up to (listening); look out towards; look back on with longing; expect; use or call figuratively; transfer to (lc.); erroneously consider (2 ac.); wrongly suppose, imagine; impute to (lc.).
vi-pra, look hither and thither; contemplate. saṃ-pra, look at, behold, perceive; consider.
prati, look on; behold, perceive; expect, wait for (gd.
pratī- kṣya) = quite gradually); bear with, endure. saṃ-prati, gd. waiting = long.
vi, gaze; look at; perceive; consider; ascertain; discriminate; ps. appear.
anu-vi, look round; look towards; behold, perceive; examine.
sam-anu-vi, perceive.
abhi-vi, look at, perceive.
sam-abhi-vi, perceive.
ud-vi, look up; look towards or upon; perceive, become aware of.
sam-ud-vi, look at, perceive. saṃ-vi, become aware of.
abhi-saṃ-vi, stare at.
sam, look at, see, perceive; ascertain; consider.
pra-sam, look at, see, perceive; consider.
īkṣaka īkṣ-aka, m. beholder, spectator;
-aṇa, n. sight, look; inspection; care; superintendence; eye: -patha, m. horizeon;
-aṇika, -aṇīka, m. fortune-teller;
-aṇīya, fp. to be seen, forthcoming;
-ā, f. glance, look; sight;
-i, the verb īkṣ (gr.);
-ita, (pp.) n. look;
-i-tṛ, m. n. beholder, witness.
īṅkh ĪṄKH, I.P. īṅkha, move; cs. īṅkhaya, sway, shake.
pra, tremble; cs. swing: Ā. swing oneself.
īṅkhana īṅkh-ana, n. swinging.
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īj ĪJ I.Ā. īja-te, move, drive.
apa, drive away.
ījāna īj-āna, pf. pt. ofyaj.
īḍ ĪḌ, II.Ā. īṭ-ṭe, praise; beseech (ac.) for (ac., g., d.): pp. īḷita, praised.
pra, prati, sam, praise.
īḍenya īḍ-enya, īLenya īḷ-enya, fp. to be implored, to be praised.
īḍya īḍ-ya, fp. to be praised, praiseworthy.
īti ī-ti, f. calamity; plague.
īdṛktā īdṛk-tā, f. quality.
īdṛkṣa īdṛkṣa (ā), īdṛś ī-dṛs (f. = m.), īdṛśa ī-dṛśa, a. (ī) of the appearance, such.
īpsa īp-sa, des. (āp) wish to obtain, desire.
īpsā īp-sā, f. desire, wish;
-sita, des. pp. desired, wished for, dear; n. with: -tama, nearest object (gr.);
-su, a. desirous of (ac., inf., -°).
īm īm, enc. pcl. = ac. of prn. ī, used without distinction of number or gender and with or without another ac.; w. rel. = ever; with inter. = pray; w. neg.=at all; often meaningless..
īyivas īy-i-vas, pf. pt. act. (i) went.
īyuṣī īy-uṣ-ī, f. pf. pt. (i) past.
īr ĪR, II (P.) Ā. īr-te, set in motion, stir up; arise, move (int.); come forth, resound; cs. īraya, P. Ā. set in motion, stir; throw; excite; produce; utter; say; proclaim; raise; arise; ps. be called: pp. īrita. ā, procure; utter; cs. id.
ni+ā, appoint as (2 ac.).
ud, rise; arise: pp.
ud-irṇa, excited, increased; elevated, elated; cs. raise, whirl up; throw, cast; put forth; increase; excite, produce; display; rouse, animate; utter, proclaim, speak; ps. be called, pass for (nm.) abhi+ud, cs. utter, speak, sam-ud, cs. raise; throw; excite; utter.
pra, move (int.); arise; cs. drive forward, urge; excite; direct (gaze); utter; pass (time). saṃ-pra, rise together; cs. push forward.
sam, put together; cs. id.; move (tr.), produce, create; utter, speak.
īra īr-a, m. wind;
-aṇa, m. id.; n. pressure.
īriṇa īriṇa, n. land impregnated with salt; desert.
īrma īr-ma, m. arm; fore-quarter (of an animal); m. n. wound.
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īrmā īrmā, īrma īrma, (in.) ad. here, hither.
īrya īr-ya, fp. to be urged on.
īrṣy ĪRSHY, I.P. īrṣya-ti, envy; be jealous.
īrṣyā īrṣy-ā, f. envy; jealousy: -lu, -vat, -u, a. envius, jealous;
-ita, (pp.) n. jealousy, envy;
-in, a. jealous; envious.
īvat ī-vat, a. so great.
īś ĪŚ, II.Ā. īṣ-ṭe, possess, own, be master of, rule (ac. or g.); belong to, be due to (g.); be entitled to (g.); be able to (ing., g., or lc.).
īś īś, m. lord, ruler; Śiva.
īśa īś-a, able to dispose of, entitled to (g.); capable of (inf.); m. owner, lord, ruler, chief of (g., -°); ep. of Śiva;
ā, f. ability, power; dominion;
-na, n. governing, ruling;
-acala, m. Himālaya.
īśāna īś-āna (or a), pr. pt. possessing; ruling over (g.); m. ruler; ep. of Śiva; N.;
-candra, m. N.;
-devī, f. N..
īśitṛ īś-i-tṛ, m. ruler, lord.
īśin īś-in, a. ruling over (-°).
īśvara īś-vara, a. able to, capable of (inf., lc.; w. inf. in -tas the nm. sg. m. is used for all genders and numbers); m. owner of (g., lc., -°); ruler, lord, prince, king; man of rank, rich man; husband; supreme god; Brahman; Śiva: ī, f. princess;
-tā, f., -tva, n. rule, sovereignty;
-praṇidhāna, n. submission to the will of the Lord.
īṣ ĪSH, I. īṣa, move away, depart from (ab.); leave (ac.). ā, rush on.
ud, rise up.
sam-ud, id.
īṣat īṣ-at, [n. pr. pt.] ad. slightly, a little, somewhat; easily (often °-);
-kara, a. easily performed;
-kārya, fp. easy to (lc.);
-pāna, a. easy to drink.
īṣā īṣā, f. pole (of a car): du. double (forked) pole.
īh ĪH, I.Ā. (P.) īha, strive after, aim at (ac.), desire to (inf.); undertake; exert oneself: pp. īhita, aimed at, desired; meant for (lc.).
sam = simple verb..
īhā īh-ā, f. exertion, endeavour; business, labour; desire, wish;
-vat, a. assiduous; brave.
īhita īh-ita, (pp.) n. exertion; labour; purpose; desire, wish.
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u U.
u 1. u, ij. (not liable to Sandhi) of anger or command.
u 2. u, ū ū, encl. pcl. and, also; but, whereas; now, just; forthwith: u-u, bothand; it is used after pronouns, relatives, interr., some pcls., and the inf. in -tavai; in C. it occurs only in atha+u, na+u, and kim-u.
u 3. u, the suffix -u (gr.).
u 4. U, V.P. u-ṇo-ti, call, cry.
uka uka, the suffix -uka (gr.).
ukāra u-kāra, m. the sound or letter u (g.).
ukta uk-ta, pp. (vac) spoken, uttered; addressed; n. word, expression: -tva, n. statement;
-pūrva, a. said before;
-pratyukta, n. address and reply, conversation;
-mātra, a. merely uttered: lc. no sooner said than --;
-rūpa, a. of the form or kind mentioned;
-vat, pp. act. vac;
-vākya, a. hvg. spoken.
ukti uk-ti, f. declaration; express statement; speech, saying; word, expression; song: -ṃkṛ, raise the voice;
-poṣa, m. pleonasm;
-pratyuktikā, f. speech and reply.
uktvā uk-tvā, gd. of vac.
uktha uk-tha, n. praise, hymn of praise; invocation; recitation (later called Śastra) of the Hotri.
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ukthin ukth-in, a. praising;
-yā, a. praiseworthy.
ukṣ 1. UKSH, I. VI. ukṣa, sprinkle; Ā. drip: pp. -ita, besprinkled, wetted.
abhi, besprinkle, bedrip.
anu-pari, sprinkle around, pra, besprinkle; hallow (for sacrifice); sacrifice. saṃ-pra, besprinkle; Ā. besprinkle oneself.
ukṣ 2. UKSH, I.P. ukṣa, grow up, wax strong.
ukṣaṇa ukṣ-aṇa, n. besprinkling, consecration: -ja, a. arising from consecration.
ukṣaṇya ukṣaṇ-ya, den. P. desire bulls or cattle.
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ukṣaṇyu ukṣaṇ-yu, a. desirous pf cattle.
ukṣan ukṣ-an, m. bull.
ukha ukha, m. [hollowed out: ud + khā] cooking pot, pan: ā, f. id.;
-cchid, a. fragile as a pot, rotten.
ukhya ukh-ya, a. being in the pot.
ugit ug-it, a. having uk (i.e. uor ri) for its it.
ugra ug-ra, a. mighty; violent; grim, dreadful, terrible, rigorous; m. mighty person, great --, violent person; ep. of Śiva & Rudra; (N. of a mixed caste (offspring of Kṣatriya & Sūdrā);
-tā, f., -tva, n. violence; rigour;
-daṇḍa, a. stern-sceptered, relentless;
-pūti, a. having a horrible stench;
-prabhāva, a. high and mighty;
-ruṣ, a. terribly angry;
-śāsana, a. stringent in his orders: -sena, m. N. of various kings;
-īśa, m. N. of a temple built by Ugra.
uc UC, IV.P. uc-ya, like; be accustomed to: pp. -ita, liking, used to (g., lc., -°); accustomed, well known; proper, suitable; expedient; obliged to (inf.): in. suitably.
sam, take pleasure in (in.): pp. used to (gr., -°); suitable for (g.,-°).
ucatha uc-atha, n. hymn of praise.
ucathya ucath-yā, a. praiseworthy.
ucitajña ucita-jña, a. knowing what is fitting: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-tva, n. appropriateness, fitness.
ucca uc-ca, a. [ud-ca, upward], lofty; high (also fig., esp. of sound); loud.
uccakais ucca-kais, (in. pl.) ad. loud; high: (r) āsana-tas, ad. from a high seat.
uccakṣus uc-cakṣus, a. having uplifted eyes.
uccagir ucca-gir, a. loudly proclaiming (-°).
uccagopura ucca-gopura, a. lofty-gated.
uccaṇḍa uc-caṇḍa, a. very violent; mighty; terrible.
uccatā ucca-tā, f., -tva -tva, n. superiority.
uccaya uc-caya, m. accumulation, collection, pile, heap, quantity;
-apacaya, m. du. rise and fall.
uccala uc-cala, m. N. of a king.
uccasaṃśraya ucca-saṃśraya, a. high up, twinkling on high.
uccā uc-cā, (in.) ad. above; from above; upwards.
uccāra uc-cār-a, a. rising; m. pronunciation; evacuation, excrement;
-aṇa, n. pronunciation: -ita, pp. having voided excrement.
uccāvaca ucca+ava-ca, a. high & low; various.
uccicīṣā uc-cicīṣā, f. desire to gather.
ucceya uc-ceya, fp. to be gathered.
uccaiḥkula uccaiḥ-kula, n. high family;
-pada, n. high position;
-pramodam, ad. with loud rejoicings.
uccairabhijana uccair-abhijana, a. of high descent;
-uccaiḥ-śravas, m. the exalted Uccaiḥ-śravas;
-uccais-tarām, ad. higher and higher;
-gati, f. ascent;
-dviṣ, a. having mighty foes;
-dhāman, a. of exalted splendour;
-bhāṣya, n. loud talk;
-bhuja, a. having uplifted arms.
uccaiḥśiras uccaiḥ-śiras, a. holding the head high; eminent;
-śravas, m. N. of a mythical horse produced at the churning of the ocean.
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uccais uccais, (in. pl.) ad. high; above; upwards; loudly; aloud; highly, vigorously, intently, thoroughly: w. bhū, rise.
uccaistara uccais-tara, cpv. higher; very high or tall;
-tva, n. excessive highness;
-tarām, ad. higher.
uccaiḥsthāna uccaiḥ-sthāna, n. high position; a. of high rank.
ucch UCCH, v. vas 1. VAS, shine.
ucchān ucchān, V. 3 pl. pr. subj. of 1. vas.
ucchāstravartin uc-chāstra-vartin, a. transgressing the institutes of the law.
ucchikha uc-chikha, a. with crest erect (peacock); with upward flame, burning brightly.
ucchikhaṇḍa uc-chikhaṇḍa, a. with tail outspread;
-chinna, f. destruction, extermination;
-chinna, pp. (chid) cut off; m. (sc.) sandhi) peace bought by ceding fertile territory;
-chiras, a. holding the head high;
-chilīṃdhra, n. luxuriant muṣroom; a. covered with muṣrooms.
ucchiṣṭa uc-chiṣṭa, pp. (śiṣ) left over; having a remnent of food (in the mouth or hands), ritually impure; n. remnant, leavings (esp.of a sacrifice or of food): -tā, f. impurity; condition of a remnent;
-ṃ nī, = almost entirely devour--aśana, n. easting of remnants.
ucchīrṣaka uc-chīrṣa-ka, a. having the head erect; n. pillow.
ucchuṣka uc-chuṣ-ka, a. dried up.
ucchṛṅkhala uc-chṛṅkhala, a. unfettered; unbridled, unrestrained;
-chṛta, pp. (sri) uplifted, elevated, high: -pāṇi, a. with outstretched hand.
ucchettṛ uc-chettṛ, m. destroyer.
uccheda uc-ched-a, m., -ana, n. cutting or chopping off; destructing, extermination: -anīya, fp. to be cut off;
-in, a. destroying (-°);
-ya, fp. to be destroyed.
uccheṣa uc-cheṣa, m. remnant, fragment: -ṇa, n. id.: ī-kṛ, leave over.
ucchotha uc-chotha, m. swelling, inflation;
-chopha, m. id.;
-choṣaṇa, a. parching or drying up; n. drying up (tr. & int.).
ucchraya uc-chraya, m. rise, elevation; height; growth;
-ṇa, n. raising, setting up;
-chrāya, m. rise, elevation; height, growth, increase;
-chrita, pp. (śri) high; exalted;
-chriti, f. rise, exaltation; growth, increase.
ucchvañcasva uc-chvañca-sva, 2 sg. impv. Ā. of ud + śvañc.
ucchvasana uc-chvasana, n. becoming slack;
-chvasita, (pp.) n. breath; exhalation; solution;
-chvāsa, m. expiration; breath; sigh; expiring; swelling, rising; section; chapter;
-chvāsita, cs. pp. riven;
-chvāsin, a. breathing out; breathing again; sighing; swelling; rising; issuing.
ujjayinī uj-jayinī, f. (Victoria), Oujein, N. of a city, capital of Avanti.
ujjāgara uj-jāgara, a. excited, indignant.
ujjiti uj-jiti, f. victory.
ujjīvin ujjīvin, m. N. of a craw.
ujjṛmbha uj-ṛmbha, a. yawning: -ṇa, n. yawning; breaking forth.
ujjeṣa uj-jeṣa, a. victorious.
ujjvala uj-jvala, a. brilliant, splendid (with
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ujjh UJJH [ud + hā], VI.P. ujjha, abaudon, forsake, quit, leave; give up, let go; let fall; avoid; pp. ujjhita, abandoned, forsaken; free from devoid of (in., -°).
pra, avoid; abandon.
sam, abandon.
ujjha ujjh-a a. abandoning, neglecting, forgetting (-°);
-ana, n. removal; avoidance.
uñch UÑCH, I. VI.P. uñcha, glean.
pra, wipe out, efface.
uñcha uñch-a, m. n. gleaning ears of grain;
-na, n. id.;
-vṛtti, a. living by gleaning; m. gleaner;
-ṣaṣṭha, n. sixth part of the gleanings.
uṭaja uṭa-ja, m. n. hut of leaves.
uḍu uḍu, f. n. star;
-nātha, m. moon.
uḍupa uḍu-pa, m. moon; m. n. boat, skiff;
-pati, m. moon.
uḍḍayana uḍ-ḍayana, n. flying up, flight;
-ḍā -mara, a, extraordinary;
-ḍīna, n. flying up, flight;
-ḍīyana, n. id..
uṇādi uṇ-ādi, m. pl. Uṇādi suffixes, class of primary suffixes beginning with u (gr.).
uṇḍerakasraj uṇḍeraka-sraj, f. kind of pastry.
uta u-ta, pcl. and, also, even; or: -uta-uta, both -- and;
uta-vā, either -- or (often with vā or āho vā); interr. or: kim-uta, utrum -an, whether -- or? (often w. āho, vā, or svid);
kim-uta, how much more or rather; how much less (in neg. clauses);
api+uta, also;
pra-ti+uta, on the contrary, rather. Uta is often merely verse-filling at the end of a line in E..
utathya utathya, m. N. of an Āṅgirasa.
utāho uta+āho, cj. or (in double questions).
uto uta+u, pcl. and also;
uto-uto = uta-uta.
utka ut-ka, a. longing or eager for (inf. or -°); n. longing, eagerness.
utkañcuka ut-kañcuka, a. bereft of the bodice.
utkaṭa ut-kaṭa, a. excessive, extraordinary; very great, very strong or violent; abounding in (-°); drunk; furious, mad.
utkaṇṭakita ut-kaṇṭak-ita, pp. with thorns or hair erect;
-in, a. id..
utkaṇṭh ut-kaṇṭh, I.Ā. stretch out the neck; long for (d.); cs. fill with longing.
utkaṇṭha ut-kaṇṭha, a. having the neck outstretched; longing; amorous;
-m, ad. longingly, -kārin, a. causing longing;
-kanṇṭhā, f. longing; love-sick yearning.
utkaṃdhara ut-kaṃdhara, a. with neck erect.
utkampa ut-kamp-a, a. trembling; m. tremor;
ana, n. trembling;
-in, a. causing longing; love-sick yearning.
utkaṃdhara ut-kaṃdhara, a. with neck erect.
utkampa ut-kamp-a, a. trembling; m. tremor;
-ana, n. trembling;
-in, a. trembling; heaving (breast); -°, causing to tremble.
utkaya utka-ya, den. P. fill with longing.
utkara ut-kara, m. earth thrown up, mound; heap, quantity; cloud (fig.).
utkarikā ut-karikā, f. kind of sweet dish.
utkarṇa ut-karṇa, a. pricking up the ears;
-tāla a. beginning to flap its ears.
utkarṣa ut-karṣ-a, a. boastful; m. elevation, increase, exaltation, eminence; distinction; excellence; excess; boastfulness;
-in, a. superior, better.
utkala utkala, m. pl. N. of people; n. their country.
utkalāpa ut-kalāpa, a. spreading its tail (peacock).
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utkalikā ut-kalikā, f. longing; love-sick yearning; bud; wave.
utkaṣaṇa ut-kaṣaṇa, n. tearing up.
utkira ut-kira, a. throwing or whirling up (-°).
utkīlita ut-kīlita, pp. opened by withdrawing the plug.
utkula ut-kula, a. degenerate.
utkūja ut-kūj-a, m. note or song (of the cuckoo): -ita, pp. n. id..
utkūrdana ut-kūrdana, n. leaping up.
utkūla ut-kūla, a. overflowing the bank;
-gāmin, a. id..
utkṛti ut-kṛti, f. a metre (108 or 80 sylla bles).
utkṛṣṭa ut-kṛṣ-ṭa, pp. superior: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-vedana, n. marrying a man of higher caste;
-upādhi, a. whose condition or associate is exalted: -tā, f. abst. N. (ph.).
utkoca ut-koca, m. bribe: -ka, a. taking bribes.
utkoṭi ut-koṭi, a. running to a point.
utkorakaya ut-koraka-ya, den. P. furnish with sprouting buds.
utkrama ut-krama, m. rising; going out; departure;
-kramaṇa, n., -krānti, f. id..
utkrośa ut-krośa, m. osprey.
utkṣipti ut-kṣipti, f. raising;
-kṣepa, m. tossing up, raising; spreading out: -ṇa, n. id., -ka, m. purloiner of clothes.
utkhāta ut-khāt-a, n. undermining; extirpation; uneven ground;
-in, a. uneven (ground).
uttaṃsa ut-taṃs-a, m. wreath, crest; ornament.
uttaṃsaya uttaṃsa-ya, den. P. deck with a wreath: pp. ita, worn as a wreath.
uttaṅka ut-taṅka, m. N. of a Ṛṣi.
uttaṭa ut-taṭa, a. having overflowed its banks.
uttabdha ut-tabdha, pp. stabh;
-tabh-ita, id..
uttama ut-tama, spv. highest, supreme; most excellent, best, chief (among, -°); superior to, higher or better than (ab.); last: -m,°-, ad.; m. (last = our) first person (gr.).
uttamagandhāḍhya uttama-gandha+āḍhya, a. rich in delicious fragrance;
-jana, m. pl. superior people;
-tejas, a. supremely brilliant or mighty;
-puruṣa, m. supreme spirit; (last = our) first person (gr.).
uttamarṇa uttama+ṛṇa, m. creditor;
i-ka, m. id..
uttamavarṇa uttama-varṇa, a. most beautifully coloured;
-sāhasa, n. highest fine.
uttamāṅga uttama+aṅga, n. head
uttamaujas uttama+ojas, m. N. of a man.
uttara ut-tara, cpv. upper; higher, better; later (than, ab.); left; northern; north of (ab.); posterior; following; latter, subsequent, future; superior; mightier; victorious; winning (a suit); m. N. of a mtn.;n. surface, cover (-°, a.); north; latter part of a compound; answer, discussion; legal defence; contradiction (-ṃ dā, contradict); superiority; surplus (-°, a. = increased by, plus); main part (-°, a. having asits chief object, consisting chiefly of; ad. overwhelmed by); consequence (-°, a. followed, by); later period (-° = later); kind of song..
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uttarakāya uttara-kāya, m. upperpart of the body;
-kāla, m. subsequent period, future; a. future;
-kosala, m. pl. northern Kosalas;
-khaṇḍa, m. n. designation of last section in various works..
uttaraṃga 1. ut-taraṃga, den. Ā. break forth like waves.
uttaraṃga 2. uttaraṃga, m. high wave; a. having high waves.
uttaracchada uttara-cchada, m. cover, coverlet;
-ja, a. born of the last mentioned marriage..
uttaraṇa ut-taraṇa, a. crossing; n. crossing, passing over (-°).
uttaratas uttara-tas, ad. northwards; to the north, to the left of (g.): --paścāt, to the north-west;
-dāyaka, a. answering, contradicting, impertinent;
-pakṣa, m. northern or left wing; answer to an opponent's objection (ph.);
-pada, n. latter part of a compound;
-paścima, a. north-westerly.
uttaram uttaram, ad. further; forward; afterwards, thereupon.
uttarala ut-tarala, a. trembling, quivering.
uttaralāya uttaralā-ya, den. Ā. shudder, quiver.
uttaraloman uttara-loman, a. having the hairy side uppermost;
-vādin, a. answering; making the later claims (leg.).
uttarā 1. uttarā, f. (sc. diś) north.
uttarā 2. uttarā, (in.) ad. northwards; north of (ab., g.).
uttarāt uttarāt, (ab.) ad. from the north or left.
uttarādhara uttara+adhara, a. being above and below; n. upper and lower lip; lips: -vivara, n. mouth.
uttarāpatha uttarā-patha, m. (way to the north), north country.
uttarām uttarām, ad. further away.
uttarāyaṇa uttara+ayaṇa, n. northward course (of the sun); half-year in which the sun moves northwards; summer solstice;
-araṇi, f. the upper fire-stick;
-artha, a. being for the sake of what follows;
-ardha, n. upper part of the body;
ā-vat, a. superior;
-āśā, f. northern quarter;
-aśman, a. having lofty crags;
-āsaṅga, m. upper or outer garment; covering.
uttarāhi uttarāhi, ad. northwards.
uttarīya uttar-īya, n. upper or outer garment, covering; coverlet: -ka, n. id..
uttareṇa uttareṇa, (in.) ad. to the north or left of (ac., ab., g., -°).
uttaredyus uttare-dyus, ad. on the following day.
uttarottara uttara+uttara, a. ever increasing; following in succession: -m, ad. higher and higher; more and more; in constant succession; n. reply to answer, rejoinder; discussion: -bhāva, a. in which one is always above the other, -ukta, pp. subsequently stated in each case.
uttaroṣṭha-rauṣṭha uttara+oṣṭha, m. upper lip.
uttāna ut-tāna, a. outspread; extended; face upwards; upturned; shallow, superficial; wide open; ready to hand;
i-ta, cs. pp. opened wide;
ī-bhū, be spread out.
uttāpa ut-tāpa, m. great heat; ardour, passion.
uttāra ut-tār-a, m. crossing (-°); rescue;
-aṇa, a. saving; n. deliverance;
-ayitṛ, a. about to cross (ac.);
-ya, fp. to be vomited.
uttāla ut-tāla, a. violent; luxuriant; terrible, gruesome; excellent.
uttitīrṣu ut-titīr-ṣu, des. a. wishing to come out of (ab.); desirous of crossing (ac.).
uttuṅga ut-tuṅg-a, a. prominent, high;
-ita, pp. raised aloft;
-ī-kṛ, raise aloft.
uttejanā ut-tejanā, f. whetting.
uttoraṇa ut-toraṇa, a. adorned with erected arches: -patāka, a. adorned with erected arches and flying flage.
uttha ut-tha, a. arising; springing up; proceeding from, originating in (-°);
-thā-ta-vya, fp. n. one should rise; one should be up and doing;
-thāna, m. originator; n. rising; rise (of heavenly bodies); resurrection; insurrection, tumult; exertion, activity: origin: -vat, a. strenuous, -vīra, m. man of action;
-thāpana, n. raising; awakening;
-thāya, gd. having arisen;
-thāy-in, a. rising; appearing; active, strenuous: -i-tva, n. abst. N.;
-thita, pp. sthā.
utpakṣman ut-pakṣ-man, a. having raised eyelashes; -mala, a. id..
utpatana ut-patana, a. (ī) flying up; n. leaping up.
utpatāka ut-patāka, a. with flags flying;
ā, f. a flying flag: -dhvaja, a. having flying flags and banners.
utpatitavya ut-pat-itavya, fp. n. one must fly up;
-iṣṇu, a. flying up; about to spring.
utpattavya ut-pattavya, fp. n. to appear: an-ena+utpattavyam, he will be born again.
utpatti ut-patti, f. coming into being, birth; origin; mine; new birth, regeneration; produce; productiveness; occurrence, esp. of or in a Vedic passage: -dhāman, n. birth place;
-mat, a. produced, born.
utpatha ut-patha, m. wrong way; evil course.
utpanna ut-panna, pp. (pad) arisen;
-bud-dhi, a. prudent, wise.
utpala ut-pala, n. (blue) lotus at a later stage called kamala; m. N.: m. id.;
-pura, n. N. of a town built by Utpala;
-vana, n. bed of lotuses;
-śāka, n. N. of a plant;
-akṣa, m. N. of a king;
-āpīḍa, m. N. of a king.
utpalin utpal-in, a. abounding in lotuses: -ī, f. bed of lotuses.
utpavana ut-pavana, n. purification; implement of purification;
-pavitṛ, m. purifier.
utpāṭana ut-pāṭ-ana, n. tearing out; expulsion; dethronement;
-in, a. pulling or plucking out (-°).
utpāta ut-pāta, m. flying up; rise; leap; sudden appearance; portent, omen.
utpāda utpād-a, m. issuing forth, production, birth;
-aka, a. (ikā) producing, productive; m. producer, shedder; father;
-ana, a. (ī) producing; n. begetting, bearing; effecting; procuring;
-ayitrī, f. producer;
-in, a. produced or born; producing, causing (-°).
utpiñja ut-piñja, m. tumult;
-pitsu, des. a. wishing to rise;
-pīḍa, m. pressure; torrent (of tears): -na, n. pressing;
-prabandha, a. uninterrupted;
-pravāla, a. having sprouting foliage;
-prāsa, m., -na, derision, mockery.
utprekṣaṇa ut-prekṣ-aṇa, n. anticipation; foreboding; figurative expression;
-ā, f. disregard, indifference; simile, figurative expression: -ākṣepa, m. kind of rhetorical figure;
-ita+upamā, f. kind of simile..
utplavana ut-plavana, n. leaping; overflowing.
utphāla ut-phāla, m. leap, bound.
utphulla ut-phulla, pp. (phall) blown (flower); wide open, expanded; swollen, inflated.
utsa ut-sa, m. well, fountain; source.
utsaṅga ut-saṅg-a, m. lap; flat surface; roof; depression;
-ita, pp. admixed;
-in, a. deep, deep-seated.
utsadhi utsa-dhi, m. basin of a spring.
utsarga ut-sarga, m. emission, discharge; evacuation; throwing away; laying aside; setting free, liberation; donation; abandonment, relinquishment; cessation; restitution; general rule; (sc. chandasām) ceremony on suspension of Vedic study;
-sarjana, a. (ī) rejecting; n. letting go, dismissal; cessation; ceremony on suspension of Vedic study.
utsarpaṇa ut-sarp-aṇa, n. rising; going out; stepping forward;
-in, a. springing up; breaking forth, coming to light; soaring upwards: (ṇ)-i, f. ascending cycle.
utsava ut-sava, m. undertaking; holiday, festival; flowering;
-saṃketa, m. pl. N. of a people.
utsavāya utsavāya, den. Ā. be a feast for.
utsādana ut-sād-ana, n. cessation; destruction; rubbing, shampooing;
-anīya, fp. to be destroyed.
utsāraṇa ut-sār-aṇa, ā, f. clearing the streets;
-aṇīya, fp. to be driven away;
-in, a. extending to, directed towards.
utsāha ut-sāha, m. power, energy; effort, resolution, perseverance; inclination for, delight in (-°): -yoga, m. display of energy;
-vat, a. energetic;
-śakti, f. strength of will, force of energy;
-sāhin, a. resolute; powerful.
utsuka ut-suka, a. uneasy, agitated; eager; yearning; longing for (lc., prati, or -°); *anxious about (in., lc.): -tā, f. uneasiness; eagerness, zeal; longing, yearning;
-vadana, a. having a yearing face.
utsukaya utsuka-ya, den. P. fill with yearning or uneasiness.
utsūtra ut-sūtra, a. unstrung (pearls).
utsṛṣṭaloman ut-sṛṣṭa-loman, a. ceasing to cut off the hair;
-vat, pp. act. shed (tears);
-agni, a. having let the sacred fire go out.
utsṛṣṭi ut-sṛṣṭi, f. letting out.
utseka ut-sek-a, m. redundance, excess; pride, arrogance;
-in, a. proud, haughty.
utsedha ut-sedha, m. elevation; prominence; height, thickness; superiority.
utsthala ut-sthala, n. N. of an island.
utsraṣṭavya ut-sraṣ-ṭavya, fp. to be evacuated; to be dismissed;
-ṭu-kāma, a. wishing to let go.
utsrāvin ut-srāvin, a. arising.
utsvapnāya ut-svapnāya, Ā. talk in one's sleep.
ud 1. ud, px. (w. vb., N. or a.) up; out.
ud 2. UD, VII, P. unat-ti, well; wet, moisten; pp. unna, moistened, wet.
vi, well forth; moisten.
sam, moisten: pp. wetted.
[Page 50-2]
uda ud-a, water (only °- or a. -°).
udak ud-ak, n. ad. northwards.
udaka uda-ka, n. water; ablution; libation to the Manes: -mkṛ, dā, or pra-dā, present libation of water to the dead (d., g.);
-ṃkṛ, perform the prescribed ablutions;
-m upa-spṛś, touch various parts of the body with water as prescribed;
-karman, n. libation of water to the Manes;
-kārya, n. id.; ablution;
-kriyā, f. = udaka-karman;
-tarpaṇa, n. libation with water;
-dāna, n. id.;
-dāyin, a. offering the funeral libation of water;
-pūr-va, a. beginning with a pouring out of water;
-maya, a. consisting of water only; (a) -vat, a. supplied with water;
-vatī, f. girl's N.;
-sparśana, n. contact with water; ablution.
udakāñjali udaka+añjali, m. handful of water;
-anta, m. water-boundary: ā+uda-kāntāt, till water is reached;
-arṇava, m. receptacle of waters;
-artha, m. ablution: -m, ad. in order perform an ablution;
-arthin, a. seeking water.
udakumbha uda-kumbha, m. pitcher of watery; N..
udakopasparśana udaka+upasparś-ana, n. ablution;
-in, a. performing ablutions.
udaktas udak-tas, udaktāt udak-tāt, ad. from above; from from the north;
-patha, m. (way north), north country.
udakya udak-ya, a. being in the water;
ā, f. menstruating;
-gamana, n. intercourse with a woman in her courses.
udagayana udag-ayana, n. sun's northern course; half year from winter to summer solstice;
-āvṛtti, f. sun's turn to the north;
-daśa, a. having the seam turned upward or northward;
-dvāra, a. having a northern entrance.
udagra ud-agra, a. (having its top elevated), upraised, high; long; large; lofty, exalted; heightened or increased (by, -°); advanced (age); excited, carried away by (-°); exceedingly (°-);
-pluta, a. making high bounds: -tva, n. abst. N..
udaṅmukha udaṅ-mukha, a. facing northwards.
udaja uda-ja, n. lotus;
-jala-ka, m. N. of a cartwright.
udañc ud-añc, a. (udīcī) upward; northward.
udañcana ud-añcana, m. (drawer up), well-bucket.
udañjali ud-añjali, a. holding up the hollowed hands.
udadhāna uda-dhāna, n. reservoir;
-dhi, a. containing water; m. receptacle of water (cloud, lake, river), ocean: -jala-maya, a. consisting of sea-water, -nemi, a. ocean-encircled.
udadhīya udadhī-ya, den. P. regard as an ocean.
udan ud-an, n. wave; water.
udanta ud-anta, m. tidings, report.
udantya ud-antya, a. dwelling beyond the boundary.
udanya udan-yā, a. surging, watery: ā, f. desire for water, thirst;
-yu, a. desirous of water;
-vat, a. surging; abounding in water; m. ocean.
udapātra uda-pātra, n. pot of water;
-pāna, m. n. well;
-pīti, f. place for drinking water.
udabindu uda-bindu, m. drop of water.
udambhas ud-ambhas, a. abounding in water.
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udaya ud-aya, m. rising; rise (of sun or moon), break (of down); gathering (of clouds); N. of the mythical mountain behind which sun and moon are supposed to rise; appearance, arising, production, beginning; consequence, result; success; prosperity; gain; income, revenue; interest;
-giri, m. sunrise mountain;
-gupta, m. N. of a man;
-taṭa m. slope of Mount Udaya.
udayana ud-ayana, n. rise; end; m. N. of a king:ī-ya, a. concluding.
udayarāja udaya-rāja, m. man's N.;
-vat, a. risen;
-vyayin, a. rising and falling.
udayācala udaya+acala, m. sunrise mountain;
-āditya, m. N. of a man;
-anta, a. ending with sunrise;
-āvṛtti, f. turning towards the rise of the sun.
udayin uday-in, a. coming forth; flourishing; victorious.
udayorvībhṛt udaya+urvībhṛt, m. sunrise mountain.
udara ud-ara, n. (-° a. f. ā, ī) belly; crop; womb; abdominal swelling; hollow, interior [swelling: ṛ].
udaraṃbhara udaraṃ-bhara, a. voracious.
udararandhra udara-randhra, n. part of a horse's belly;
-vyādhi, m. disorder of the bowels.
udarin udar-in, a. paunch-bellied.
udarka ud-arka, m. resounding, outstripping; consequence; end; future.
udarcis ud-arcis, a. radiant; m. fire.
udavajra uda-vajra, m. water thunderbolt.
udavasita ud-ava-sita, (pp.) n. dwelling, house.
udavāsa uda-vās-a, m. remaining in the water;
-in, a. staying in the water.
udaśraya ud-aśra-ya, P. cause to weep.
udaśru ud-aśru, a. weeping.
udahāra uda-hāra, a. (ī) fetching or about to fetch water.
udācāra ud-ācāra, m. promenade.
udātta ud-ā-tta, pp. (dā) raised; high; distinguished, renowned; magnanimous; munificent; haughty; having the acute accent; m. acute.
udāna ud-āna, m. rising air (one of the five [airs in the body).
udāyudha ud-āyudha, a. with raised weapons.
udāra 1. ud-āra, a. rousing; exalted; distinguished, excellent; noble; loud: -m, ad. aloud.
udāra 2. u-dāra, m. pl. Śiva's wife.
udāraka udāra-ka, m. honorific ep. of a man..
udāracarita udāra-carita, a. acting nobly;
-cetas, a. high-minded;
-tā, f., -tva, n. generosity;
-dhi, a. of exalted intellect;
-bhāva, m. magnanimity;
-vikrama, m. of eminent prowess;
-sattva, a. of noble character.
udāsitṛ ud-āsitṛ, a. indifferent.
udāsīna ud-ās-īna, pr. pt. uninterested; indifferent (to, lc.); m. indifferent person, neutral: -tā, f. indifference.
udāsthita ud-ā-sthita, (pp.) m. monk who has broken his vow.
udāharaṇa ud-āharaṇa, n. speaking; recitation; declaration; example;
-vastu, n. pl. matters of speech.
udāhāra ud-āhāra, a. intending to fetch water; n. fetching of water.
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udāhārya ud-ā-hār-ya, fp. to be given as an example;
-hṛti, f. example.
udita ud-i-ta, pp. vad and ud + i.
uditi ud-iti, f. sunrise; sunset.
uditodita udita+udita, a. (in whom what has been said has risen = ) learned.
udīkṣā ud-īkṣā, f. looking up or towards; waiting.
udīcī ud-īcī, f. of udañc.
udīcīna udīc-īna, a. northward.
udīcya udīc-yā (or -ya) a. northern; n. pl. Northmen;
-vṛtti, f. usage of the north country.
udīpa ud-īpa, m. inundation.
udīraṇa ud-īraṇa, n. hurling; prounciation.
udumbara ud-umbara, m. glomerous fig-tree; its fruit.
udumbala ud-umbala, a. copper-coloured.
udetavya ud-etavya, fp. n. it is needful to rise.
udetos ud-etos, ab. inf. with purā, before sunrise.
udojas ud-ojas, a. extremely powerful.
udgatā ud-gatā, f. a metre.
udgati ud-gati, f. coming forth, spring up.
udgadgadikā ud-gadgadikā, f. sobbing.
udgama ud-gama, m. rise (of heavenly bodies); ascent; rising, elevation, breaking forth, appearance; springing up; shoot; departure;
-tva, n. abst. N..
udgamana ud-gamana, n. rising, coming forth, appearance: ī-ya, n. clean garment.
udgātṛ ud-gātṛ, m. priest who chants the Sāma-veda.
udgāra ud-gār-a, m. spitting out; exudation; throwing out; pouring forth; flood; saliva; roar;
-in, a. belching, spitting; emitting, exhaling, pouring forth, uttering (-°).
udgiraṇa ud-giraṇa, n. spitting, vomiting.
udgīti ud-gīti, f. a metre.
udgītha ud-gītha, m. (n.) chanting of the Sāma-veda by the Udgātṛ.
udgūrṇa ud-gūrṇa, n. (pp.) raising a weapon as a threat;
-goraṇa, n. id..
udgrathana ud-grathana, n. girding on.
udgrahaṇa ud-grahaṇa, n. taking out.
udgrāha ud-grāha, m. reception.
udgrīva ud-grīv-a, a. with outstretched neck (-m, ad.); having the neck uppermost;
-ikā, f. stretching out the neck;
-in, a. = udgrīva.
udghaṭṭana ud-ghaṭṭana, n. striking; blow; outbreak, outburst;
-gharṣaṇa, n. friction; thrashing.
udghāṭa ud-ghāṭ-a, m. opening, displaying;
-aka, m. key;
-ana, a. opening, thrusting aside; n. opening;
-anīya, fp. to be opened;
-ita-jña, a. prudent, wise;
-in, a. opening.
udghāta ud-ghāt-a, m. blow; jolt, shock; discussion; beginning;
-in, a. rough, rugged.
udghūrṇa ud-ghūrṇa, a. wavering.
udghoṇa ud-ghoṇa, a. having the nose or snout raised.
udghoṣa ud-ghoṣa, m. proclaiming aloud;
-ka, m. eager;
-ṇa, n. public proclamation; blazing abroad.
uddaṇḍa ud-daṇḍa, a. with staff upraised; having its stalk erect; raised aloft; eminent; extraordinary;
-karman, ad. extraordinary deeds.
uddarpa ud-darpa, a. haughty.
uddalana ud-dalana, a. tearing out.
uddāna ud-dāna, n. tying up; stringing.
uddāma ud-dāma, a. unfettered, unloosed; unbridled; abounding in, full of (-°): °-and -m, ad..
uddāmaya ud-dāma-ya, den. P. make luxuriant.
uddālaka ud-dālaka, m. N. of a teacher.
uddiśya ud-diś-ya, gd. (pointing to =) towards, to, with regard to, about.
uddīpana ud-dīpana, n. inflaming;
-tā, f. virulence (of a poison).
uddeśa ud-deśa, m. reference; statement, account; sketch, brief exposition; region, part, place: in., ab. with reference to;
-tas, ad. briefly.
uddyota ud-dyota, a. beaming; m. effulgence; splendour;
-kara, m. N. of an author..
uddhata ud-dhata, pp. (han) stuck; whirled up; excited; violent; strong; loud; high; proud, arrogant; m. N. of an ass..
uddhati ud-dhati, f. blow; shock, jolt; elevation, arrogance.
uddharaṇa ud-dhar-aṇa, n. lifting; extraction, removal; deliverance;
-tavya, fp. to be drawn out;
-tṛ, m. destroyer; deliverer.
uddhāra ud-dhār-a, m. pulling out; removal; payment; exception; omission; selected part; abstract; deliverance;
-aka-vidhi, m. payment;
-aṇa, n. extraction; payment;
-ya, fp. to be removed.
uddhura ud-dhura, a. uncontrollable, overweening; bent on (-° or in.).
uddhūnana ud-dhūnana, n. shaking up, violent agitation (tr.).
uddhūlaya ud-dhūla-ya, den. P. bestrew.
uddhūṣita ud-dhūṣ-ita, pp. shuddering.
uddhṛta ud-dhṛta, pp. dhṛ or hṛ;
-dhṛ -ti, f. pulling out; tearing up; abstract, epitome; deliverance.
udbandha ud-bandha, m. hanging oneself;
-na, n. id.; hanging (a criminal).
udbāṣpa ud-bāṣpa, a. shedding tears: -tva, n. abst. N..
udbāhu ud-bāhu, -ka -ka, a. having the arms upraised.
udbudbuda ud-budbuda, a. bubbling forth.
udbhaṅga ud-bhaṅga, m. breaking off (a habit).
udbhaṭa ud-bhaṭa, a. eminent, extraordinary.
udbhava ud-bhava, m. origin, birth, appearance; birthplace; -°, a. arising or produced from: -kṣetra, n. place of origin.
udbhāvana ud-bhāv-ana, n. neglect;
-ayitṛ m. raiser or exalter (ac.).
udbhāsin ud-bhās-in, in, a. resplendent with; made visible or indicated by (-°); forthcoming;
-ura, a. blazing.
udbhijja ud-bhij-ja, a. produced from sprouts;
-bhid, a. breaking forth, sprouting; f. shoot, plant.
udbhūtasparśavat ud-bhūta-sparśa-vat, a. tangible.
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udbhūti ud-bhūti, f. origin; appearance; exaltation; prosperity.
udbheda ud-bheda, m. bursting forth, appearance; fountain; treason.
udbhramaṇa ud-bhramaṇa, n. soaring up.
udbhrānta ud-bhrānta, (pp.) n. rising; waving a sword;
-ka, a wandering about; n. soaring up.
udyata ud-yata, pp. (yam) prepared. ready; n. offering;
-daṇḍa, a. having his sceptre erect, ready to inflict punishment.
udyati ud-yati, f. raising, striking up.
udyama ud-yama, m. raising; exertion, endeavour, diligence (w. d., prati, inf., -°);
-na, n. raising; endeavour;
-bhṛt, a. exerting oneself, working.
udyamin udyam-in, a. id.; taking trouble.
udyāna ud-yāna, n. walking out; pleasure garden, grove, park;
-ka, n. pleasure garden, grove;
-mālā, m. (ī) gardener;
-pālaka, m. (ikā) id.;
-mālā, f. row of gardens.
udyuga ud-yuga, m. kind of disease..
udyoga ud-yog-a, m. exertion, effort; practice in (-°);
-samartha, a. capable of exertion: -in, a. active, strenuous, diligent.
udra ud-ra, m. kind of aquatic animal.
udraśmi ud-raśmi, a. resplendent.
udriktacitta ud-rikta-citta, a. haughty;
-cet-as, a. high-minded.
udrin udr-in, a. abounding in water.
udreka ud-rek-a, m. excess, redundance, predominance;
-in, a. excessive; producing an excess of (-°).
udrodhana ud-rodhana, n. rising, growth.
udvat ud-vat, f. height.
udvartana ud-vartana, a. bursting (-°); n. leaping up; rising; unction; unguent.
udvasa ud-vasa, a. uninhabited; n. desert.
udvaha ud-vah-a, a. carrying upwards, continuing; m. son, descendant of (-°);
-ana, n. raising up; bearing, supporting; drawing, driving; riding on (in.); possession of (-°).
udvahni ud-vahni, a. emitting sparks of fire.
udvāha ud-vāha, m. marriage.
udvijitavya ud-vij-itavya, fp. n. one must shudder at (ab.).
udvikāsin ud-vikāsin, a. blown (flower).
udvigna ud-vigna, pp. vijl -manas, a. troubled in mind.
udvīkṣaṇa ud-vīkṣaṇa, n. look, gaze; sight.
udvega ud-vega, m. tremor, heaving, surging; uneasiness, agitation; objection;
-kara, a. (ī) causing uneasiness, distressing, agitating, alarming;
-kāraka, -kārin, a. id.;
-kṛt, a. causing aversion.
udvegin udveg-in, a. getting excited.
udvejaka ud-vej-a-ka, a. = udvega-kara;
-ana, a. disquieting, alarming; n. shuddering; alarm: -kara, a. causing terror;
-anīya, fp. object of alarm to (g.);
-in, a. causing aversion.
udvedi ud-vedi, a. on which an altar rises.
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udvela ud-vela, a. overflowing its banks; excessive; free from (-°).
udveṣṭana ud-veṣṭana, a. having the fillet loosened.
udveṣṭanīya ud-veṣṭanīya, fp. to be unloosed.
und UND, v. ud UD.
unna un-na, pp. of ud.
unnata un-nata, pp. nam: -tva, n. exaltation, majesty;
-caraṇa, a. with uplifted paws, rapant;
-sattva-śālin, a. endowed with a lofty nature.
unnati un-nati, f. rising; heaving; elevation (above, lc.); exalted position;
-mat, a. high, prominent; exalted.
unnamana un-namana, n. erecting.
unnamra un-namra, a. rising: -tā, f. elevation.
unnayana un-nayana, n. raising; parting; inference: -paṅkti, a. the rows of whose eyes are directed upwards.
unnābha un-nābha, m. N. of a king.
unnāla un-nāla, a. having its stalk erect.
unnidra un-nidra, a. sleepless, waking; blown (flower): -tā, f. sleeplessness.
unmatta un-matta, pp. (mad) mad, frantic; intoxicated; m. thorn-apple: -ka, a. (ikā) out of one's senses; mad;
-darśana, a. of frantic aspect;
-rūpa, a. maniac-like;
-vat, ad. like a maniac;
-veśa, a. dressed like a maniac;
-avanti, m. N. of a king..
unmathana un-mathana, n. shaking; shooting down.
unmada un-mad-a, a. drunk; furious; mad, wild;
-ana, a. enamoured;
-iṣṇu, a. mad.
unmanas un-manas, a. agitated, confused; eager to (inf.);
-ka, id.;
-tā, f. abst. N..
unmanāya un-manāya, den. Ā, become agitated.
unmayūkha un-mayūkha, a. radiant, brilliant.
unmardana un-mardana, n. unction; unguent.
unmātha un-mātha, m. shaking.
unmāda un-mād-a, m. madness;
-i-tā, f. madness;
-in, a. mad, insane: -ī, f. N. of a princess..
unmārga un-mārga, m. wrong road; evil course;
-gāmin, a. -yāta, pp., -vatin, a. -vṛtti, a. following evil courses.
unmiṣita un-miṣita, (pp.) n. opening the eyes.
unmukha un-mukha, a. (ī) having the face upturned; upward; looking up towards; longing for; expecting; ready for, about to (-°);
-m, ad. upwards;
-tā, f. desire, expectancy;
-darśana, n. upwards gaze.
unmūrdhan un-mūrdhan, a. hvg. the head raised.
unmūl un-mūl, I.P. be uprooted; cs. un-mulaya, uproot; exterminate, destroy; dethrone.
sam, cs. uproot; destroy.
unmūlana un-mūlana, n. uprooting; extermination.
unmeṣa un-meṣa, m. opening the eyes; quivering (of ightining); opening (of a bud); appearance.
unmocana un-mocana, n. unloosening; abandonment.
unmoṭana un-moṭana, n. breaking off.
upa upa, vb. px. up, higher (esp. with verbs of motion); nl. px. about, near (= approximation); ad. moreover, further; prp. to, towards, near (ac., lc.); *under, less than (ac.); on, in; *above, more than (lc.); with, according to (in.).
upakakṣa upa-kakṣa, a. reaching to the shoulder;
-kaṇṭha, n. neighbourhood;
-kan-iṣṭhika, f. (sc. aṅguli) next to the little = third finger;
-kanyā-puram, ad. near the harem.
upakaraṇa upa-karaṇa, n. doing a service or favour; accessory; implement, instrument; furniture; contribution; means; aid; supplementary treatise; (a) -vat, a. supplied with means;
ī-kṛ, make a tool of;
ī-bhū, become a tool of;
ī-ya, fp. to whom a service is to be done or is done: -tā, f. abst. N..
upakartṛ upa-kartṛ, m. (tri) befriender, benefactor.
upakāntam upa-kāntam, ad. near her lover.
upakāra upa-kār-a, m. friendly service, kindness; benefit; favour;
-aka, a. (-ikā) doing friendly service; helpful, useful; conducive; auxiliary;
-in, a. id.;
-i-tva, n. abst. N.;
a-apa-kāra, m. du. benefit and injury;
-ya, fp. who is benefited: -yā, f. royal tent.
upakurvāṇa upa-kurvāṇa, pr. pt. of kṛ; m. pupil who on concluding his Vedic studies with his teacher becomes a householder;
-ka, m. id..
upakūla upa-kūla, a. situated or growing on the bank: -tas, -m, ad. near the bank.
upakṛti upa-kṛti, f. benefit, friendly service;
-mat, a. benefiting (-°).
upakośā upa-kośā, f. N. of Vararuki's wife..
upakrama upa-kram-a, m. approach; application, treatment; beginning; design, scheme; first project of a work; means, expedient;
-aṃīya, fp. to be begun;
-krānta, (pp.) n. beginning;
-krāmya, fp. to be treated (disease).
upakriyā upa-kriyā, f. service, favour.
upakrīḍā upa-krīḍā, f. playground.
upakrośa upa-krośa, m. blame, reproach;
-na, n. censure, abuse.
upakṣaya upa-kṣaya, m. decrease, waste; disappearance.
upakṣepa upa-kṣepa, m. mention, intimation;
-ṇa, n. id..
upaga upa-ga, a. betaking oneself to, situated in, standing on, furnished with (-°);
-gata, (pp.) n. receipt;
-gati, f. approach;
-gan-tavya, fp. to be submitted to;
-gama, m. approach, arrival; accession or commencement of (-°): -na, n. resorting to (-°);
-gamya, fp. accessible.
upagāna upa-gāna, n. accompanying chant.
upagāmin upa-gāmin, a. approaching; appearing.
upagiri upa-giri, m. country bordering on mountains.
upagīti upa-gīti, f. a metre.
upagūḍha upa-gūḍha, (pp.) n. embrace, hug.
upagraha upa-graha, m. treaty or peace bought by the cession of everything.
upagrāmam upa-grāmam, ad. near the village.
upaghāta upa-ghāta, m. blow; injury, damage; infringement;
-ka, a. injuring, hurting; infringing.
upaghoṣaṇa upa-ghoṣaṇa, n. proclaiming.
upaghna upa-ghna, m. support.
upacaya upa-caya, m. accumulation; increase; growth; welfare: -ṃkṛ, promote the welfare of, assist (g.);
-āvaha, a. advantageous.
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upacara upa-car-a, a. approaching;
-aṇa, n. approaching;
-itavya, fp. to be treated; to be honoured;
-ya, fp. to be treated;
-yā, f. attendance.
upacāra upa-cāra, m. behaviour; conduct, practice; proficiency; procedure with (g.); attendance; service; courtesy, (polite) attention, compliment; homage; ornament; ceremony; complimentary garland; (medical) treatment; idiom; figurative term;
-ka, courtesy (-° a., f. ikā);
-kriyā, f. polite attention;
-pada, n. complimentary word, empty flattery;
-paribhraṣṭa, pp. devoid of civility, discourteous;
-vat, a. decorated, adorned.
upacārin upacār-in, a. serving, attending (ac.);
-ya, fp. to be courted.
upacitabali upa-cita-bali, a. covered with offerings;
-vapus, a. whose bulk is increassed;
-citi, f. accumulation, store; increase, augmentation; gain.
upacūḍana upa-cūḍana, n. singeing (also- kulana).
upacchandana upa-cchandana, n. persuasion.
upaja upa-ja, a. belonging to (g.); proceeding from (-°).
upajapya upa-japya, fp. to be gained over.
upajalpin upa-jalpin, a. advising.
upajātakopa upa-jāta-kopa, a. with anger aroused, provoked;
-krodha, a. with wrath aroused, enraged;
-viśvāsa, a. with confidence engendered, confiding.
upajāpa upa-jāpa, m. whispering to, gaining over;
-ka, a. inciting, stirring up (g.).
upajigamiṣu upa-jigamiṣu, des. a. intending to go to (ac.).
upajihvā upa-jihvā, f. uvula.
upajīvaka upa-jīv-aka, a. living by (in. or -°); dependent;
-ana, n. livelihood;
-i-tṛ a. living by (g.);
-in, a. maintaining oneself by (ac., g., -°); wholly dependent on; humbly adoring (-°);
-ya, a. furnishing a maintenance; that on which anything depends; n. livelihood.
upajoṣam upa-joṣam, ad. silently.
upajñā upa-jñā, f. self-obtained knowledge, own invention; -°, a. (a) invented by.
upataṭam upa-taṭam, ad. on the slope.
upatalpam upa-talpam, ad. upon the towers.
upatāpa upa-tāp-a, m. heat; pain; disease;
-ka, a. causing pain;
-in, a. ill; causing pain to (-°).
upatiṣṭhāsu upa-tiṣṭhā-su, des. a. wishing to betake oneself to (ac.).
upatyakā upa-tya-kā, f. land at the foot of a mountain.
upadā upa-dā, f. offering, present.
upadātṛ upa-dātṛ, m. bestower.
upadigdhatā upadigdha-tā, f. being covered with (-°).
upadiś upa-diś, f. intermediate quarter (N. E. &c..
upadeśa upa-deś-a, m. reference; direction, instruction; precept, rule, lesson; advice; grammatical designation: -tā, f. instructiveness for (g.);
-anā, f. direction, instruction, lesson, rule;
-in, a. (-ī) instructing; m. teacher; prescribed from of a word, suffix &c. as stated in grammatical works..
upadeṣṭavya upa-deṣ-ṭavya, fp. to be advised or taught; -tri, m. instructor.
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upadrava upa-drava, m. mischance, accident; adversity, distress; mischief, evil; infirmity; symptom (of disease).
upadraṣṭṛ upa-draṣṭṛ, m. spectator, witness.
upadharma upa-dharma, m. subordinate duty.
upadhā upa-dhā, f. fraud; intrigue; moral test; penultimate or preceding letter (gr.); (ā) -na, a. putting on; n. placing upon; cushion, pillow;
-nīya, n. cushion;
-yin, a. making a pillow of (-°).
upadhi upa-dhi, m. addition; fraud; part of wheel between nave and felly.
upadhenu upa-dhenu, ad. near the cows.
upanaya upa-naya, m. bringing, supplying; application; introduction: -na, n. id.; initiation of a pupil; investiture; offering.
upanāyana upa-nāyana, n. investiture.
upanikṣepa upa-nikṣepa, m. deposit.
upanidhātṛ upa-nidhātṛ, a. setting down.
upanidhi upa-nidhi, m. (sealed) deposit.
upanipāta upa-nipāt-a, m. entrance; sudden appearance; sudden attack;
-in, a. falling upon (-°).
upanibanddhṛ upa-niband-dhṛ, m. composer, editor: -tva, n. abst. N..
upanibandha upa-nibandha, m. engagement, oath: -na, n. description.
upanimantraṇa upa-nimantraṇa, n. invitation.
upaniṣad upa-ni-ṣad, f. [sitting down beside], secret or esoteric doctrine; N. of a class of works treating of the secret meaning of the Veda..
upaniṣkramaṇa upa-niṣ-kramaṇa, n. going out to anything; open space.
upanetavya upa-ne-tavya, fp. to be brought;
-tṛ, m., -trī, f. bringer; preceptor.
upanyasana upa-nyas-ana, n. adduction of a topic; preaching;
-ta, pp. (2. as) intimation, remark.
upanyāsa upa-nyāsa, a. procuring; m. adjunction; procurement; incidental mention, intimation; statement, declaration; discussion; king of alliance or peace: -m, ad. while alleging (-°).
upapati upa-pati, m. paramour, adulterer.
upapatti upa-patti, f. coming about, occurrence, appearance; success; resultance, demonstration, establishment, proof; suitableness: -pari-tyakta, pp. unfounded;
-yukta, pp. proved.
upapada upa-pada, n. secondary word accom- panying another (gr.).
upapanna upa-panna, pp. pad.
upapāta upa-pāta, m. chance, accident.
upapātaka upa-pāta-ka, n. minor crime;
-kin, a. guilty of a lesser offence.
upapātin upapāt-in, a. befalling (-°).
upapādaka upa-pāda-ka, a. effecting, bringing about;
-na, a. bringing forward; n. procurement; appearance; demonstration.
upapāpa upa-pāpa, n. minor crime.
upapārśva upa-pārśva, m. shoulder-blade.
upapīḍana upa-pīḍana, n. tormenting; pang.
upapurāṇa upa-purāṇa, n. secondary Purāṇa.
upapūrva upa-pūrva, a. precededd by = compounded with pūrva.
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upapauraka upa-paura-ka, m. ad. near a suburban grove.
upapradāna upa-pradāna, n. donation, gift.
upapralobhana upa-pralobhana, n. seduction, allurement.
upaprekṣaṇa upa-prekṣaṇa, n. overlooking.
upapraiṣa upa-praiṣa, m. ritual invitation.
upaplava upa-plav-a, m. disaster, misfortune, visitation; portent; eclipse;
-in, a. assailed by calamity; eclipsed.
upabandha upa-bandha, m. connexion; employment (of a word); kind of sitting posture.
upabṛṃhin upa-bṛṃhin, a. confirming, furthering.
upabda up-abda, m. noise, clatter;
-abdhi, m. id.;
-mat, a. noisy.
upabhaṅga upa-bhaṅga, m. line (of a stanza).
upabhāṣā upa-bhāṣā, f. subordinate provincial dialect.
upabhuktadhana upa-bhukta-dhana, a. having enjoyed his wealth; m. N. of a merchant.
upabhṛt upa-bhṛt, f. wooden sacrificing cup.
upabhoktavya upa-bhoktavya, fp. to be enjoyed.
upabhoga upa-bhog-a, m. enjoyment, use; eating: -vat, a. affording enjoyment;
-in, a. enjoying, using (-°);
-ya, fp. to be enjoyed or used; n. object of enjoyment.
upama upa-ma, spv. uppermost, highest; most exalted or excellent; nearest, next; first; last.
upamantrin upa-mantrin, a. encouraging.
upamanyu upa-manyu, a. zealous; m. N..
upamarda upa-marda, m. violent pressure; injury; destruction: -ka, a. destroying;
-na, n. doing an injury; offence.
upamā upa-mā, f. comparison; likeness; image; simile: -° a, a. like; (ā) -na, n. comparison; likeness, resemblance; analogy; object with which anything is compared; -° a. like, comparable to;
-artha, m. purport of an image: in. figuratively;
-vyatireka, m. kind of simile.
upamiti upa-miti, f. similarity; analogical inference, induction;
-meya, fp. comparable with (in., -°); n. object compared (opp. to upamāna): -upamā, f. reciprocal simile.
upayantṛ upa-yantṛ, m. husband;
-yama, m. marrying (a wife);
-yamana, a. supporting; n. marrying (a wife).
upayācana upa-yāc-ana, n. solicitation;
-ita, (pp.) n. prayer, request.
upayāna upa-yāna, n. approach, arrival.
upayāyin upa-yāyin, a. approaching.
upayoktavya upa-yoktavya, fp. to be enjoyed.
upayoga upa-yog-a, m. application, employment; use, utility; enjoyment; acquirement;
-in, a. applicable, serviceable, suitable; -°, employing, using.
upayojya upa-yojya, fp. to be employed; applicable.
upara upa-ra, cpv. lower; later; nearer; m. the nether stone (on which Soma's is pounded).
uparati upa-rati, f. cessation; quiescence; death;
-rama, m. cessation; relinquishment; decease: -ṇa, n. cessation from (ab.), -tva, n. quiescence.
uparāga upa-rāga, m. coloration; eclipse, darkness; influence;
-vat, a. eclipsed (by Rāhu).
upari upari, ad. above, over; up, upwards; moreover; afterwards; repeated: one above the other; always upwards; again and again; prp. above, over, beyond, upon (ac., g., ab., lc.: -° or °-ad.); above (of number or rank), after (time: g. or -° ad.); concerning, on account of (g.); repeated: far above (g.).
uparijānu upari-jānu, ad. above the knee;
-tana, a. upper;
-tala, n. surface;
-yāna, n. going to heaven.
uparibhāga upari-bhāga, m. upper part.
upariṣṭāt upariṣ-ṭāt, ad. above; afterwards, later, below (in a book); prp. over. upon (ac. or g.); after (g.); about, concerning (g.).
upariṣṭha upari-ṣṭha, a. standing or being above or upon (g., -°).
uparudita upa-rudita, (pp.) n. lamentation.
uparuddha upa-ruddha, (pp.) n. private apartment.
uparūpaka upa-rūpaka, n. second class drama.
uparodha upa-rodh-a, m. obstruction, obstacle, hindrance; disturbance; injury; detriment; dissension;
-ana, n. siege; obstacle;
-in, a. hindered or interrupted by; detrimental to, disturbing (-°).
upala upala, m. stone; gem.
upalakṣaka upa-lakṣ-aka, a. expressing implicitly; perceiving;
-aṇa, n. looking after; mark; designation; implicit or elliptical designation: -tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N..
upalaprakṣin upala-prakṣin, a. (ṇ -ī) working the millstone.
upalabdhi upa-labdhi, f. acquisition; apprehension, perception.
upalabhya upa-labhya, fp. obtainable; perceptible;
-lambha, m. acquisition; observation; perception, feeling: -ka, a. perceiving; causing perception.
upalaviṣama upala-viṣama, a. rough with rocks.
upalā upalā, f. upper (smaller) millstone.
upalipsā upa-lip-sā, (des.) f. desire for (-°);
-su, des. a. desirous to learn (ac.).
upalepana upa-lepana, n. smearing (esp. with cowdung).
upavana upa-vana, n. little wood, grove: -vṛti, f. garden hedge.
upavanam upa-vanam, ad. in the forest.
upavarṇana upa-varṇana, n. description, exact account; panegyric.
upavarṣa upa-varṣa, m. N. of a younger brother of Varṣa.
upavasatha upa-vasatha, m. fast on the eve of the Soma sacrifice.
upavāsa upa-vās-a, m. fasting;
-aka, n. id.;
-in, a. fasting.
upavāhya upa-vāhya, fp. to be led up; suitable for driving or riding.
upaviṣṭa upa-viṣṭa, pp. (viś) alighted; seated.
upavīṇaya upa-vīṇaya, den. P. play to (ac.) on the viṇā.
upavīta upa-vīta, (pp. vye) n. wearning of the sacred thread; sacred cord;
-vītin, a. wearing the sacred thread over the left shoulder..
upaveśana upa-veś-ana, n. sitting down, seat; undergoing (-°);
-in, a. undergoing, practising (-°).
upaveśya upa-veśya, cs. gd. having made to sit down.
upaśama upa-śama, m. cessation; abatement; extinction; calmness;
-na, n. appeasement;
-vat, a. having peace of mind.
upaśaya upa-śaya, a. lying beside; m. lying in wait;
-stha, a. being on the watch (for game).
upaśalya upa-śalya, n. open space near a town or village: -ka, n. small open space in the neighbourhood.
upaśānti upa-śānti, f. tranquilization; cessation; abatement.
upaśāyin upa-śāyin, a. sleeping; going to rest.
upaśikṣā upa-śikṣā, f. acquirement (-°); eagerness to learn.
upaśobhana upa-śobh-ana, n. trimming;
-ā, f. ornament.
upaśleṣa upa-śleṣa, m. embrace.
upaślokayitavya upa-ślokay-itavya, fp. to be sung of in ślokas.
upaṣṭambha upa-ṣṭambha, v. -stambha -stambha.
upasaṃvyāna upa-saṃvyāna, n. under-garment.
upasaṃhāra upa-saṃ-hāra, m. drawing back; recapitulation; conclusion;
-hṛta-tva, n. withdrawal from consideration;
-hṛti, f. denouement, catastrophe (in a play).
upasaṃkrānti upa-saṃkrānti, f. getting across.
upasaṃkṣepa upa-saṃkṣepa, m. brief summary.
upasaṃkhyāna upa-saṃkhyāna, n. superaddition.
upasaṃgamana upa-saṃ-gamana, n. sexual intercourse;
-graha, m. clasping (e.g. the feet in token of respect); taking (a wife): -ṇa, n. clasping; respectful salutation by clasping the feet;
-grāhya, fp. whose feet should be clasped.
upasattṛ upa-sattṛ, m. inhabitant.
upasadana upa-sadana, n. respectful salutation; performance;
-sadya, fp. to be respectfully approached or served;
-sanna, pp. (sad) having entered as a pupil.
upasaṃdhyam upa-saṃdhyam, ad. about the time of twilight.
upasapatni upa-sapatni, ad. in presence of a co-wife.
upasaraṇa upa-saraṇa, n. approaching (-°).
upasarga upa-sarga, m. addition; trouble; calamity; eclipse; preposition (gr.);
-sarjana, n. addition; obscuration, eclipse; secondary thing; subordinate person; representative; dependent (in a compound or as a derviative) word determining another (gr.).
upasarpaṇa upa-sarp-aṇa, n. approach; going out into (-°);
-in, a. approaching.
upasāntvana upa-sāntvana, n. kind word.
upasindhu upa-sindhu, ad. near the Indus.
upasunda upa-sunda, m. N. of a Daitya (younger brother of Sunda).
upasecana upa-secana, n. besprinking;
ī, f. butter-spoon.
upasevaka upa-sev-aka, a. courting (-°);
-ana, n. courting; carnal intercourse with (-°); addition to, indulgence in (-°);
ā, f. carnal intercourse with; devotion to; indulgence in (-°);
-in, a. serving; reverencing; worshipping; practising (-°).
upaskara upa-skara, m. (n.) implement; domestic utensil; broom.
upastambha upa-stambha, m. support, stimulant;
-na, n. support.
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upastaraṇa upa-staraṇa, n. mattress.
upasti upa-sti (or -sti), m. dependent, servant.
upastire upa-stire, d. inf. to spread out, to cover.
upastuti upa-stuti, f. invocation.
upastha upa-stha, m. lap; driver's seat; m. n. organs of generation: -nigraha, m. control of the sexual passion;
-sthātavya, fp. n. one should appear; one should wait upon;
-sthā-tṛ, a. putting in an appearance (leg.);
-sthā-na, n. presence; approach; attendance; service; veneration; assembly;
-sthāyika, m. attendant on the sick;
-sthāyin, a. putting in an appearance (leg.);
-sthita, pp. sthā.
upasparśana upa-sparś-ana, n. touching; bathing, ablution; rinsing the mouth;
-in, a. touching, bathing (-°);
-spṛś, a. touching; f. caress.
upahatātman upa-hata+ātman, a. blinded, beguiled;
-hatnu, a. assailing;
-hantavya, fp. to be killed.
upaharaṇa upa-har-aṇa, n. offering, presentation;
-tavya, fp. to be presented;
-tṛ m. server up (of meat).
upahastikā upa-hasti-kā, f. betel-case.
upahāra upa-hāra, m. offering; presentation, gift; peace purchased by indemnification: -ṃvi-dhā, offer (ac.) as a victim: a-ka, m., i-ka- f. id.;
-tā, f., tva, n. abst. N.: -pā-ṇi, a. bringing a present in one's hand;
-var-man, m. N.;
ī-kṛ, offer up, sacrifice (ac.);
ī-cikīrṣu, des. a. wishing to offer up as a sacrifice (ac.).
upahāsa upa-hās-a, m. laughter; ridicule, mockery; jest;
-in, a. ridiculing;
-ya, fp. to be ridiculed: -tā, f. derision: -ṃ gam, = become a laughing-stock.
upahita upa-hita, pp. (dhā) conditioned by (-°): -tva, n. being conditioned by (-°).
upahūti upa-hūti, f. challenge.
upahoma upa-homa, m. additional sacrifice.
upahvara upa-hvara, m. slope; secluded place: lc. privately; neighbourhood: lc. near.
upāṃśu upa+aṃśu, ad. [at the Soma], silently; secretly; privately; m. silent prayer;
-kriḍita, pp. played with secretly, sharing one's private amusements;
-vadha, m. secret murder; -vrata, n. silent vow.
upākaraṇa upa+ā-karaṇa, n. preparation; beginning of Vedic study;
-karman, n. id..
upākhyāna upa+ākhyāna, n. subordinate tale, episode;
-ka, n. short tale.
upāṅga upa+aṅga, n. subordinate member; subdivision; unimportant supplement;
-gīta, n. choral song.
upāñjana upa+añjana, n. anointing, smearing.
upātta upa+ā-tta, pp. dā;
-vidya, a. who has acquired knowledge;
-sāra, a. the best of which has been appropriated.
upādāna upa+ādāna, n. taking, seizure, appropriation; apprehension; admission, non-exclusion; employment; mention, quotation; material cause.
upādeya upa+ā-deya, fp. (dā) to be accepted or chosen; excellent; contained in (-°).
upādhi upa+ā-dhi, m. substitution; all that comes under the head of (-°); epithet; condition, assumption; that which conditions.
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upādhyāya upa+adhyāy-a, m. teacher;
-ānī, f. wife of a teacher.
upānadgūḍha upānad-gūḍha, pp. covered with a shoe.
upānah upā-nah, f. (nm. -nat) sandal, shoe.
upānaha upānah-a, m. (esp. -°) id.;
-in, a. shod.
upānta upa+ant-a, n. nearness of the end; border, edge; outskirts; immediate proximity: lc., -°, near (g. or -°): -bhāga, m. edge, rim, border;
-ika, n. vicinity: -m, ad. up to (g.); ab. near; lc. near = into (g.).
upāntya upa+antya, a. last but one.
upāya upa+aya, m. appproach; means; expedient, stratagem, device, craft: in. or -tas, cleverly, craftily;
-cintā, f. devising an expedient;
-jña, a. fertile in resources;
-saṃ-darśana-ja, a. arising from the manifestation of successful means.
upāyana upa+ayana, n. approach; present, offering: ī-kṛ, make a present of.
upāyopeya upāya+upeya, n. means and end.
upārjana upa+arj-ana, n., ā, f. acquisition;
-ita, pp. (ṛj) acquired.
upālabdhavya upa+ā-labdhavya, fp. to be blamed;
-labhya, fp. id.;
-lambha, m. reproach, blame, censure: -na, n. id..
upāli upa+āli, ad. in his mistress' presence.
upāvartana upa+āvartana, n. return.
upāvasāyin upa+avasāyin, a. submitting to (g.).
upāśraya upa+āśraya, m. refuge.
upāsaka upa+ās-aka, a. serving; m. servant; follower, worshipper (esp. of Buddha);
-ana, n. attendance; honour; devotion, worship; practice; domestic fire;
-ya, fp. to be honoured.
upāhita upa+ā-hita, pp. (dhā); n. conflagration.
upekṣaka upa+īkṣ-aka, a. indifferent;
-aṇa, n. disregard; indifference; indulgence, tolerance;
-ā, f. disregard, indifference; neglect;
-ya, fp. to be disregarded or overlooked.
upeta upa+ita, pp. endued: -pūrva, a. previously apprenticed to a teacher.
upetṛ up-etṛ, m. undertaker; employer of expedients.
upendra upa+indra, m. ep. of Viṣṇu (sub-Indra);
-vajrā, f. a metre.
upeya upeya, fp. (i) that is to be undertaken; to be approached (carnally).
upeyivas upa+īyivas, pt. pf. i, having gone to.
upoḍha upa+ūḍha, pp. (vah) married.
upodaka upa+udaka, a. close to the water;
ī, f. a plant..
upodghāta upa+udghāta, m. introduction; beginning; apt instance.
upodbalaka upa+ud-bala-ka, a. supporting: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-bala-ya, den. P. support.
upoṣaṇa upa+oṣaṇa, n. fasting.
upoṣita upa+uṣita, pp. (vas, dwell) n. id..
upta up-ta, pp. vap;
-ti, f. sowing.
upratyaya u-pratyaya, m. suffix u.
ubj UBJ, VI.P. keep down, restrain.
ubh UBH, VI.P. umbha, IX.P. ubh-nā, VII. P. unap-ti, knit, bind; compress.
ubha ubh-a, du. both.
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ubhaya ubha-ya, a. (ī) sg. & pl. both;
-kāma, a. desirous of both;
-guṇa, a. having both qualities -cakravartin, a. ruling both worlds.
ubhayatas ubhaya-tas, ad. from or on both sides, of, (ac. or g.); in both cases; (ḥ) -sasya, a. bearing crops at both seasons;
-tas-tīkṣṇa, a. sharp at both ends;
-to-dant, a. having two rows of teeth; (a) to-mukha, having a spout on both sides (vessel).
ubhayatra ubhaya-tra, ad. in both places; in both cases;
-thā, ad. in both ways or cases.
ubhayaprāpti ubhaya-prāpti, a. validity in both cases (gr.); a. valid in both cases; -vetana, a. receiving wages from both, serving two masters;
-snātaka, a. having bathed after both (i.e. his apprenticeṣip and his vow of chasitity).
ubhayā ubhayā, ad. in both ways.
ubhayātmaka ubhaya+ātmaka, a. belonging to both sets..
ubhayāda ubhayā-da, a. having tow rows of teeth.
ubhayāvṛtti ubhaya+āvṛtti, f. recurrence of words identical in form and meaning.
umā umā, f. flax; N. of Siva's wife (Pārvatī, Durgā);
-nātha, m. husband of Umā, Śiva;
-pati, -ī śa, m. id..
uraḥkapāṭa uraḥ-kapāṭa, m. n. broad chest;
-pratipeṣam, abs. breast pressing breast.
uraga ura-ga, m. [breast-goer], snake: -aśa-na, m. snake-eater, ep. of Garuḍa.
uragāsya uraga+āsya, n. (snake-face), kind of spade.
uraṃga uraṃ-ga, -ma -ma, m. [breast-goer], snake.
uraṇa ur-aṇa, urabhra ura-bhra, m. ram; lamb.
urarīkṛ urarī-kṛ, spread out; receive; assume, display; admit; begin with (ac.).
uraśchada uraś-chada, m. cuirass.
uras ur-as, n. breast: -ā dhā, (Ā.) wear on the breast;
-ka, a. -breasted, -chested (-°).
uraḥsūtrikā uraḥ-sūtrikā, f. pearl necklace worn on the breast.
urā ur-ā, f. sheep.
urīkṛ urī-kṛ, receive; place at one's disposal, give up; promise; begin with.
uru ur-u, a. (f. id. or urvī) wide, broad; spacious, extensive; great (also fig.); n. distance; free space; ad. far; far away.
urukrama uru-krama, a. far-striding;
-gāya, id.; far-extending; m. ep. of Viṣṇu;
-vi-krama, a. of great courage;
-vyacas, a. capacious;
-vyañc, a. id.; extensive: f. urūcī, earth;
-śaṃsa, a. praising aloud; far-ruling.
uruṣya uru-ṣya, den. P. make, for the distance; escape from (ac.); rescue or protect from (ab.).
urūka urūka, m. = ulūka, owl.
urūṇasa urū-ṇasa, a. broad-nosed.
uroja uro-ja, m. female breast;
-vidāram, abs. while his breast was lacerated.
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urvarā urvarā, f. corn-field; earth.
urvarita urvarita, pp. left over, escaped, saved.
urvaśī ur-vaś-ī, f. ardour, passion, fervent desire; N. of an Apsaras..
urviyā urviyā, ad. far, far and wide.
urvī urvī, f. earth; du. heaven and earth; pl. w. ṣaṣ, the six terrestrial spaces (four quarters, above & below; sometimes explained as heaven & earth, day & night, water & plants).
urvītala urvī-tala, n. surface of the earth, earth;
-dhara, m. mountain;
-pati, m. king;
-bhuj, m. id.;
-bhiṛt, m. mountain;
-ruha, a. prung from the earth; m. tree.
ulūka ulūka, m. owl; ep. of Indra: pl. N. of a. people..
ulūkhala ulūkhala, n. mortar: -musala, n. du. mortar and pestle' i-ka, a. using as a mortar (-°).
ulūpa ulūpa, m. a plant.
ulkā ulkā, f. meteor; firebrand, torch;
-mukha, m. kind of spectre..
ulba ulba, (m.) n. caul; womb.
ulbaṇa ulbaṇa, a. excessive; extraordinary; abounding in, full of (-° or in.): -tā, f. abst. N..
ulmuka ulmuka, n. firebrand.
ullaṅghana ul-laṅgh-ana, n. overstepping; transgression, infringement;
-anīya, fp. to be infringed;
-ya, fp. id..
ullalana ul-lalana, a. swarming (bee).
ullasita ul-las-ita, ullāsita ul-lāsita, pp. las.
ullāgha ul-lāgha, a. convalescent: -tā, f. convalescence.
ullāghaya ullāgha-ya, den. P. restore to life.
ullāpa ul-lāp-a, m. abuse;
-in, a. calling out; exclaiming.
ullāsa ul-lās-a, m. appearance; growth; joy;
-ana, n. flashing;
-in, a. playing, skipping.
ullikhita ul-likh-ita, pp. scratched, scraped.
ulliṅgaya ul-liṅga-ya, den. P. infer by tokens.
ulluñcana ul-luñcana, n. pulling.
ullekha ul-lekh-a, m. mention; description;
-ana, a. painting, describing; n. scraping; mention; statement;
-in, a. scraping = extending to;
-ya, fp. to be scratched on or written down on (-°).
ulva ulva, -ṇa -ṇa, v. ulba, -ṇa.
uvāca u-vāca, fp. vac.
uvāsa u-vāsa, pf. vas, dwell.
uśat uś-at, pr. pt. (vaś), willing, eager.
uśanas uś-an-as, m. (nm. ā) N. of a Ṛṣi; in C. identified with Sukra & the planet Venus.
uśanā uś-anā, (in.) ad. eagerly, joyously; swiftly.
uśabda u-śabda, m. the word u.
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uśij uś-ij, a. eager, ready, willing.
uśīnara uśī-nara, m. pl. N. of a people in Madhyadesa; sg. kind of the Uśīnaras.
uśīra uśī-ra, m. n. a fragrant root.
uṣ 1. USH, I.P. uṣ-ṇā, burn (tr.); chastise; distroy.
upa, prati, scorch, burn up.
uṣ 2. uṣ, f. (only g. sg. & ac. pl.) dawn.
uṣa uṣ-a, eager, desirous.
uṣarbudh uṣar-budh, a. waking early.
uṣas uṣ-as, f. dawn; Aurora; morning; evening-red (rarer: du. night and morning.
uṣasya uṣas-ya, a. sacred to Uṣas.
uṣā uṣ-ā, f. dawn, break of day.
uṣāsānaktā uṣāsā-naktā, f. du. dawn and night.
uṣita uṣ-ita, pp. uṣ and vas, dwell;
-itavya, fp. n. the night must be passed.
uṣojala uṣo-jala, n. pl. dew;
-devatā, f. goddess of dawn;
-rāga, m. dawn.
uṣṭṛ uṣ-ṭṛ (or -tri), m. ploughing bull.
uṣṭra uṣ-ṭra, m., ī., f. buffalo; camel.
uṣṭrikā uṣṭr-ikā, f. she-camel.
uṣṇa uṣ-ṇa, a. hot, warm; deep (sigh): -m, ad. deeply (sigh); n. heat; hot season;
-kara, m. sun;
-kāla, m. hot season;
-kiraṇa, m. sun;
-tā, f., -tva, n. heat;
-dīdhiti, -bhās, -raśmi, -ruci, m. sun;
-vāraṇa, n. umbrella;
-samaya, m. hot seasons;
-sparśa-vat, a. hot to the touch.
uṣṇāṃśu uṣṇa+aṃśu, m. (hot-rayed), sun.
uṣṇālu uṣṇa+ālu, a. suffering from the heat.
uṣṇiman uṣṇ-i-man, m. heat.
uṣṇih uṣṇih, f. (nm. k) m metre..
uṣṇīkṛ uṣṇī-kṛ, heat, warm.
uṣṇīṣa uṣṇīṣa, m. n. head-band, turban;
-paṭṭa, m. id..
uṣṇodaka uṣṇa+udaka, n. warm water.
uṣman uṣ-man, m. heat, warmth, ardour; hot moisture, vapour;
-ya, ir. gd. = uṣitvā (vas, dwell).
usar us-ar, f. = uṣs uṣ-as.
usra us-ra, a. matutinal, bright; m. ray; bull.
usrā us-rā, f. dawn, light of morn; cow; milk.
usri us-ri, f. morning; brightness, light.
usrika usri-ka, m. little ox.
usriya usr-iya, a. reddish; coming from a bull; m. bull;
ā, f. radiance, light; cow; milk and other products of the cow.
uh UH, v. ūh ŪH.
ūhya ūh-ya, v. vah.
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ū Ū.
ū ū = u u.
ūṃ ūṃ, id. before iti in the Padapātha.
ūkāra ū-kāra, m. the sound or letter ū.
ūcus ūc-us, 3 pl. pf. of vac.
ūḍha ūḍha, pp. (ūh and vah) n. prey;
ā, f. wife;
-pūrvā, f. a. married before.
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ūḍhi ūḍhi, f. carrying, bringing.
ūta ū-ta, pp. of av and vā, weave.
ūti 1. ū-ti, f. furtherance, help, favour, blessing; helper; comfort, cordial; enjoyment: V. d. ūtī.
ūti 2. ū-ti, f. web.
ūdhan ūdhan, n. udder; bosom; cloud.
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ūdhar ūdhar, n. id.; ūdhas ādhas, n. id.: -ya, n. milk.
ūna ū-na, pp. lacking; incomplete; inadequate; inferior; too little; not quite, less than (ab. or -°), less by (in. or -°);
-tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N.;
-dvi-vārṣika, a. not yet two years old.
ūma ū-ma, m. good friend, associate.
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ūru ūru, m. (-°, a. f. u or ū) thigh, loin;
-janaman, m. ep. of Aurva;
-phala-ka, n. loin-guard;
-bhaṅga, m. fracture of the thigh;
saṃbhava, a. produced from the thigh;
-skambha, m. paralysis of the thigh;
-stam-bha, m. id..
ūrūdbhava ūru+udbhava, a. = -saṃbhava;
-upa-pīḍam, abs. with pressure of the thigh.
ūrj ūrj, f. nourishment, invigoration; manly vigour.
ūrja ūrj-a, a. vigorous;
ā, f. vigour.
ūrjaya ūrja-ya, den. P. nourish, strengthen: pp. ūṭita, vigorous, mighty.
ūrjas ūrj-as, n. power, strength: -vat, a. (ū-) nourishing, juicy; exuberant; vigorous;
-vala, a. powerful, strong;
-vin, a. id..
ūrṇa ūr-ṇa, n. wool (-°);
0nābha, -nābhi, m. spider;
-mrada, -mradas, a. soft as wool;
-vābhi, m. spider.
ūrṇā ūr-ṇā, f. wool; spider's thread; twist of hair between the eyebrows;
-maya, a. (ī) woollen;
-ya, a. woolly; f. sheep;
-vat, a. woolly; m. spider;
-stukā, f. bunch of wool.
ūrṇu ŪR-ṆU, II. -ṇoti or -ṇauti;
-ṇute, surround; envelope: Ā. envelope oneself.
apa, uncover.
abhi, cover up, enshroud.
pra, envelope. saṃ-pra, cover completely.
vi, uncover.
ūrdhva ūrdh-va, a. upward; upright; raised, elevated; °-, ad. upwards; afterwards: -m, ad. id.; above, beyond, after (ab.); after the death of (g.): ata ūrdhvam, after this, henceforth; thereupon;
ita ūrdhvam, from now onwards (in a book);
ūrdhvaṃ saṃbṛ, suppress (tears).
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ūrdhvakara ūrdhva-kara, a. with raised hands or upward rays;
-karṇa, a. pricking up one's ears;
-kṛta, pp. raised upwards;
-ga, a. going upwards;
-gati, f. going upwards; bounding; a. going upwards, or to heaven;
-gamana, n. rising, ascending, elevation: -vat, a. moving upwards;
-gāmin, a. = -ga;
-jvalana, n. flaming up;
-jhampa, m. upward leap;
-dṛś, a. looking upwards;
-dṛṣṭi, a. upward gaze;
-pātra, n. tall vessel;
pāda, a. holding up the feet; m. tip of the foot;
-puṇḍra, -ka, m. vertical line marked with sandal &c. on the forehead of a Brādman, sectarian mark;
-bāhu, a. having the arms raised;
-bṛhatī, f. a metre;
-bhāga, m. upper part;
-mukha, a. with upturned face; having its mouth turned upwards; darting upwards;
-muṇḍa, a. shaved on the crown;
-rāji, f. upward streak;
-rekhā, f. upward line;
-retas, a. whose seed remains above, chaste;
-loka, m. upper world, heaven;
-vāla, a. hair outwards;
-vṛta, pp. worn above = over the shoulder.
ūrdhvāṅguli ūrdhva+aṅguli, a. having the fingers directed upwards;
-āroha, m. rising upwards.
ūrmi ūr-mi, m. f. [roller: vṛ] wave, billow: pl. shower (of arrows), sea (of troubles &c.); gallop; affliction, (six of which assail human life; hunger, thirst, heat, cold, greed, and error).
ūrmikā ūrmi-kā, f. finger-ring;
-mat, a. surging, waving;
-mālā, f. a metre;
-mālin, a. having a garland of waves; m. sea.
ūrmya ūrmya, a. surging;
ā, f. night.
ūrva ūr-va, m. reservoir; fold, cattle-pen; N. of a saint.
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ūvadhya ūvadhya, n. contents of the entrails.
ūṣa ūṣ-a, m. alkaline earth: -ṇa, n. pepper;
-ra, a. impregnated with salt; n. barren land.
ūṣarāyita ūṣarāyita, pp. become like a salt desert.
ūṣī ūṣ-ī, f. alkaline or barren soil.
ūṣus ūṣ-us, 3 pl. pf. of vas, dwell.
ūṣman ūṣ-man, m. heat; ardour; vapour; breathing (grammatical designation of all the sibilants, h, and anusvāra).
ūṣmapa ūṣma-pa, a. imbibing only the steam of food; m. a class of Manes.
ūh 1. ŪH (often uh), 1. ūha, expiate; change, modify.
apa, remove; release; follow close upon (ac.); give, up, avoid; deny.
vi+apa, remove, destroy, abhi, cover over with (in.).
upa, move up, bring near; ps. approach (time): pp. upodha, brought near; near; begun; displayed; audible, sam-upa, pp. begun; presented; offering itself.
nis, extract; remove: pp.
nir-ūdha, isolated.
prati, interrupt.
vi, spread out; divide; arrange, draw up in battle array; transpose; dissolve (vowel sandhi): pp. vyūḍha, broad, extensive.
nir-vi, bring out; achieve, accomplish.
sam and pari-sam, bring together.
ūh 2. ŪH, I.Ā. oha, V.; I.P. Ā. ūha, C. regard, observe; conjecture, suppose; infer; understand. api, understand; infer. api, consider; infer.
ūha ūh-a, m. 1. addition; modification; 2. consideration; inference;
-ana, n. id.;
-anīya, -ya, fp. 1. to be changed; 2. to be inferred.
ūhavat ūha-vat, a. intelligent, acute.
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ṛ RI.
ṛ Ṛ, VI.P. ṛccha; V. also III. iyar-ti, V. ṛṇo-ti, II. ar-ti, move; agitate; raise (voice); offer, present; arise; run, flow; fall on; meet; incur, undergo (with abst. nouns); attain, obtain, gain, acquire; cs. arpaya, cast, throw; direct (gaze, thoughts); put or place in or on; fasten insert; present; make over or deliver to; restore. ā, inflict on (ac.); fall into (misfortune).
ud. agitate; raise; call forth; cs. cause to thrive.
pra, cs. arouse.
prati, fasten; deliver; restore, give anew.
vi, open.
sam, put together; hasten to. gether to (ac., lc.); meet with (in.); cs. P. Ā. fasten; insert; point; deliver, hand over; restore; despatch.
ṛkāra ṛ-kāra, m. the sound or letter ṛ.
ṛktas ṛk-tas, ad. with regard to the ṛcverse.
ṛkvat ṛk-vat, a. singing, shouting; m. singer (a class of gods);
-van, a. id..
ṛkṣa 1. ṛkṣa, a. bald.
ṛkṣa 2. ṛkṣa, a. dire; m. bear: kind of monkey; N.: pl. the Great Bear; m. n. star; lunar mansion: ī f. she-bear;
-rāja, m. king of the bears or monkeys; king of the stars, moon;
-vat, m. N. of a mountain.
ṛkṣeṣṭi ṛkṣa+iṣṭi, f. offering to the lunar mansions.
ṛksaṃhitā ṛk-saṃhitā, f. arranged collection of the ṛc verses.
ṛggāthā ṛg-gāthā, f. ṛc chant.
ṛgmin ṛg-min, a. praising, shouting;
mi- ya (or rig-) a. praiseworthy;
-yajuṣa, n. the Ṛc and the Yajus verses;
-vidhāna, n. employment of the ṛc verses; T. of a work;
-veda, m. Veda of verses or hymns, Ṛg-veda (i. e. theṛc verses with or without the ritual and speculative works connected with them).
ṛghāya ṛghāya, den. quiver, rage.
ṛghāvat ṛghā-vat, -van -van, a. raging, stormy.
ṛṅmaya ṛṅ-maya, a. consisting of ṛc verses.
ṛc ṛc, f. lustre; sacred hymn or verse, esp. as distinguished from that which is sung (sāma) and from the sacrificial formula (yajus); verse to which a rite or explanation refers; aggregate of the ṛc verses, the Rigveda (generally pl.).
ṛc ṚC, I.P. arca, beam, shine; sing; praise; sing hymns (ac.) in praise of (d.); honour, worship; adorn; pp. arcita, honoured, highly respected; respectfully presented; cs. arcaya, cause to beam; honour, worship; salute.
abhi, sing, praise; duly honour, respectfully salute.
sam-abhi, honour, worship; greet.
pra, begin to sing; praise.
ṛca ṛca, m.-° = ṛc, hymn, verse.
ṛcīka ṛc-īka, m. N. of Gamadagni's father; N. of a country..
ṛcīṣama ṛc-īṣa-ma, a. ep. of Indra.
ṛch ṚCH, VI.P. ṛccha (pr. base only), meet with; fall on; incur, fall into; attain; attack, insult.
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ṛj ṚJ, I.P. arja, procure; acquire, obtain; cs. P. A. id.
upa, cs. id..
ṛjipya ṛj-ipya, a. hastening forward.
ṛjīka ṛj-īka, a. glittering (-°); m. ep. of Indra.
ṛjīti ṛj-īti, f. glowing, sparkling.
ṛjīyas ṛj-īyas, cpv, of ṛju ṛju.
ṛjīṣa ṛj-īṣ-a, a. rushing on; n. N. of a hell;
-in, a. rushing on.
ṛju ṛj-u, a. (ṛj vī) straight; right, just; honest;
-tā, f. straightness; candour;
-tva, n. straightforwardness;
-dhā, ad. straightway; rightly;
-mita+akṣarā, f. N. of a commentary on Yāgñavalkya's code..
ṛjūkṛ ṛjū-kṛ, make straight.
ṛjra ṛj-ra, a. reddish, bay.
ṛñjate ṛñjate, 3 sg. pr., ṛñjasāna ṛñjasāna, aor. pt. rañj.
ṛṇa ṛ-ṇa, (pp.) a. guilty; n. obligation, debt;
-ṃdhāraya, owe (ac.) to (g.);
-ṃkṛ, borrow from (ab.);
-pra-yam, -- nī, -saṃ-nī, pay off a debt;
-dā, id.; lend to (lc.); -pra+āp, incur a debt;
-mṛgaya or yāc, ask for a loan.
ṛṇakartṛ ṛṇa-kartṛ, a. contracting debts;
-ccheda, m. discharge of a debt;
-tā, f. indebtedness;
-dāsa, m. one who pays his debt by becoming a slave;
-nirmokṣa, m. release from an obligation to (g.);
-pradātṛ, m. moneylender;
-vat, a. indebted (to g.);
-samud-dhāra, m. discharge of debt.
ṛṇādāna ṛṇa+ādāna, n. recovery of debt; (a a) non-payment of debt;
-apanayana, n. discharge of an obligation or debt.
ṛṇika ṛṇ-ika, m. debtor;
-in, a. indebted; m. debtor.
ṛṇoddhāra ṛṇa+uddhāra, m. discharge of a debt.
ṛta ṛ-ta, pp. fitting, right; upright, honest; true; n. established order; sacred ordinance, pious work, sacrifice, rite; divine law; truth, right;
-m, ad. rightly, properly: w. i, go the right way (also fig.); w. vad, promise; in. ad. duly; justly; truly; indeed;
-jāta, pp. duly produced; sacred: -jñā, a. knowing the divine law, pious;
-dyumna, a. delighting in truth;
-ni, a. guiding rightly;
-pā, a. maintaining the divine law; (ā) -prajāta, pp. = rita-jāta.
ṛtaya ṛta-ya, den. Ā. act rightly.
ṛtayā ṛta-yā, in. ad. rightly;
-yuj, a. rightly yoked; well allied;
-vat, a. having or speaking truth;
-sāp, a. practising piety;
-stubh, a. rightly praising.
ṛtāya ṛtā-ya, den.: pt. -yat, following the right way; obedient, pious;
-yin, a. regular; just; pious.
ṛtāvan ṛtā-van, a. (-vari) observing order, regular; pious; just; sacred, holy;
-vṛdh, a. delighting in the divine law, holy.
ṛtu ṛ-tu, m. fixed time, right time for sacrifice; period, season; the menses, esp. the days immediately following and suitable for conception; sexual intercourse at such time; settled sequence; order; rule in. sg. & pl. at the right time, in due season; lc. at the proper season.
ṛtukāla ṛtu-kāla, m. proper season; period of the menses; the days immediately following suitable for conception;
-juṣ, a. f. being in the days favourable for conception;
-thā, ad. regularly;
-pati, m. lord of seasons; duly; exactly;
-parṇa, m. N. of a king of Ayodhyā;
-mat, a. observing regular seasons;
-ī, f. marriageable; being at the period suitable for conception;
-rāja, m. spring; -liṅga, n. characteristic mark of a season;
-śas, ad. duly;
-saṃhāra, m. collection of the seasons: T. of a poem by Kālidāsa;
-samaya, m. time favourable for conception;
-snātā, pp. f. having bathed after menstruation, prepared for sexual intercourse.
ṛte ṛ-te, (pp. lc.) prp. apart from, without, except; when there is no -- (ac., ab.).
ṛtejā ṛte-jā, a. living in or faithful to the law.
ṛterakṣas ṛte-rakṣas, a. excluding the evil spirits.
ṛtokti ṛta+ukti, f. truthful declaration.
ṛtvanta ṛtu+anta, m. end of the seasons; a. ending a season.
ṛtvij ṛtu+ij, a. sacrificing regularly; m. priest.
ṛtviya ṛtu+iya, a. according to rule, regular; knowing the ritual.
ṛd ṚD, I.P. arda, (V. also ṛda), disperse (int.); agitate, torment; cs. ard-aya, disturb; torment; strike, wound; kill, destroy: pp. ardita..
ṛddhi ṛd-dhi, f. prosperity, welfare, fortune; wealth;
-mat, a. prosperous, wealthy; rich in (-°).
ṛdh ṚDH, IV.P. ṛdhya; V.P. ṛdh-no-ti; V. also VII. ri-na-dh, thrive, prosper; further; accomplish; ps. -ṛdhya, thrive; be brought about; pp. ṛddha, prosperous, thriving; wealthy; rich (vice).
anu, fulfil.
sam, thrive; ps. be fulfilled; succeed; participate in (in.): pp.
sam-ṛddha, fulfilled; perfect; rich, wealthy; plenteous, abundant, much: supplied or furnished with (in., ab., -°); es. fulfil; supply with (in.).
ṛdhak ṛdh-ak (or ak), ad. apart; separately.
ṛbīsa ṛbīsa, n. crack in the earth, chasm.
ṛbhu ṛbh-u, a. [rabh] skilful, clever, expert; m. artificer; N. of three divine artificers;
-kṣan, -kahā, m. N. of the first Ṛbhu; ep. of Indra and of the Maruts;
-mat, a. accompanied by the Ṛbhus.
ṛbhvan ṛbhu+an, a. dexterous.
ṛśya ṛśya, m. the male of a kind of antelope;
-da (dā, bind), pit for catching antelopes;
-śṛṅga, m. N..
ṛṣ 1. ṚSH, I.P. arṣa, flow, glide.
abhi, flow towards (ac.).
ṛṣ 2. ṚSH, VI.P. -ṛṣa, pierce, push, thrust, ni, put in; conceal; fill: pp. nyṛṣṭa, filled or abounding with (in.).
ṛṣabha ṛṣa-bha, m. bull; male -°); best, noblest among (g., -°); N. of a king; N. of a mountain: -ka, m. N. of a king.
ṛṣi ṛṣ-i, m. bard or author of sacred hymns, poet, priestly singer; saint or sage of the olden time; a special class of revered beings, whose number is often limited to seven; C. person renowned for wisdom and piety, esp. an anchorite: p. the seven stars of the great Bear;
-kumāra, m. anchorite boy;
-tva, n. state of a Ṛṣi;
-putra, m. son of a Ṛṣi;
-yajña, m. sacrifice to the Ṛṣis = Vedic study;
-vat, ad. like a Ṛṣi.
ṛṣu ṛṣ-u, (only g. pl.) heat, flame.
ṛṣṭi ṛṣ-ṭi, f. spear.
ṛṣyamūka ṛṣya-mūka, m. N. of a mountain;
-śṛṅga, m. = risya-śṛṇga.
ṛṣva ṛṣ-va, a. high, lofty; sublime.
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e E.
e e, prn. root in e-ka, e-tad, e-na, e-va, e-vam.
eka e-ka, num. one; alone, only; single; one and the same, common; one of (g., ab., or -°); unique; excellent; ascertain, some one, (sts. = indefinite article) a, an; with na, none: pl. some, some folks: eka-eka or anya, apara, dvitīya, the one -- the other;
eke-eke, anye or apare, some -- others; m. N. of a teacher;
ā, f. ep. of Durgāl; n. unit (-° = one).
ekaka eka-ka (akā, ikā), a. single, solitary;
-kapāla, a. (e-) contained in a single bowl;
-karman, a. having the same business as (in.);
-kārya, (fp.) n. one and the same business; a. having one and the same purpose: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-kāla, a. simultaneous: -m, ad. only once a day: -tā, f., -tva, n. simultaneousness;
-kālikam, ad. only once a day;
-kriya, a. having one and the same business;
-khura, a. single-hoofed; m. animal with uncloven hoofs;
-grāmīṇa, a. dwelling in the same village.
ekacakra eka-cakra, a. one-wheeled: -vart-in, a. moving on one wheel; a. sole monarch: -i-tā, f. abst. N.;
-cakṣus, a. one-eyed (also of a needle);
-cara, a. living alone; solitary; m. N. of Śiva;
-cāriṇī, f. faithful wife or mistress (devoted to a single man);
-citta, n. one and the same thought, unanimity; thought directed to one and the same object; a. of one mind; thinking of one object only, absorbed; thinking only of (-°): -tā, f. unanimity; intentness on one object only, -ī-bhū, become unanimous;
-cchattra, a. having only one royal umbrella, ruled by a single king;
-jāta, pp. begotten by the same father or parents; of equal birth;
-jāti, a. having but one birth; m. Śūdra.
ekatatpara eka-tatpara, a. solely intent on;
-tama (or e-) spv. one among many;
-tara, a. cpv. one of two (sts. = eka-tama);
-tas, ad. ab. of eka; from or on one side;
ekatas-ekatas or anyatas, on the one side-on the other; here -- there; (a) -tā, f. unity, union, identity: -ṃapi-yā, be united with (in.);
-tāna, a. intent on one object only (often -°): -tā, f. abst. N.;
-tāla, a. having but one fan-palm;
-tīrthin, a. inhabiting the same hermitage;
-to-dant, a. having teeth in one jaw only;
-tra = lc. of eka, one; in one place, together;
-triṃśa, a. thirty-first;
-triṃśat, f. (e-) thirty-one;
-tva, n. unity; union; identity; singular (gr.);
-ṃgam, be united with (in.);
-dā, ad. simultaneously; sometimes; once upon a time, one day;
-duckha, a. having the same pains;
-dṛśya, fp. alone worthy to be seen;
-dṛṣṭi, f. gaze directed to a single object, unaverted gaze;
-devatyā, a. sacred to a single deity;
-deśa, m. some place; part; identical spot;
-dhana, 1. n. one part of the property; 2. m. pitcher with which water is drawn for a certain rite;
ā, f. pl. (sc. āpas) the water drawn with it; 3. a. having as the single, i.e. highest treasure, quite filled with (-°);
-dharma, a. homogeneous;
-dharmin, a. id.;
-dhā, ad. singly, simply; at once, together; continuously;
-nakṣa-tra, n. lunar mansion consisting of a single star, whose name occurs simply (without pūrva, or uttara);
-narādhipa, m. emperor.
ekapatikā eka-pati-kā, a. having the same husband;
-patni-tā, f. having one wife in common;
-patnī, f. (e-) wife of any one man, faithful spouse; a. pl. having one and the same husband;
-pad (or e-), strong base -pād, f. -padī, a. one-footed;
-pada, n. one and the same spot: -m, lc. at once, suddenly, in a trice; a. (e-) one-footed; only only step long: -m, ad. in short;
-padā, f. verse consisting of one pāda, -padī, f. foot-path;
-para, a. marked with one point (die);
-pāṇa, m. single wager or stake;
-pātin, a. isolated, separate; connected: pl. taken together;
-pāda, m. one foot; a. (e-) one-footed;
-pārthiva, m. sole monarch;
-piṅga, m. (quite brown) ep. of Kubera: -la, m. id.: -acala, m. Kubera's mountain, i.e. the Himavat;
-pīta, a. quite yellow;
-prakhya, a. homogeneous; uniform;
-phala, a. bearing the same fruit as (-°);
-bud-dhi, a. bearing the same fruit as (-°);
-bud-dhi, a. unanimous; simple-minded; m. N. of a fish; f. simple conception (ph.);
-bhakta, pp. serving or kept by one master; n. eating one meal a day;
-bhakti-ka, a. taking only one meal a day;
-bhakṣa, m. sole food;
-bhāva, m. simplicity, straight forwardness, sincerity; a. having one and the same nature; honest, sincere; behaving uprightly towards (g.);
-bhāvin, a. becoming one, coalescing;
-bhū- ta, pp. undivided; closely attentive;
-bhū-mi+īśvara, m. sole ruler of earth;
-bhojin, a. eating only once a day;
-mati, f. unanimity; concentration of mind; a. unanimous;
-manas, a. having the mind fixed on one object, attentive (sts. -°); unanimous;
-maya, a. (ī) consisting exclusively of, quite filled with (-°);
-mukha, a. superintended by one;
-mūrti, f. one person;
-mūla, a. having a single root.
ekayaṣṭi eka-yaṣṭi*, -kā -kā*, f. pearl necklace on a single thread;
-yoni, a. born of the same mother; of the same extraction or caste;
-rasa, m. the only inclination; a. having only one taste; finding pleasure in one object only; exclusively devoted to (-°); unchanging;
-rāja, m. monarch;
-rātra, m. celebration lasting a night; n. one night (and day);
-rātrika, a. sufficing for the night (or day);
-rikthin, m. co-heir of one man;
-rūpa, a. of one colour, form, or appearance; uniform; n. N. of two metres: -tā, f. uniformity; invariableness.
ekala eka-la, a. one, the one; alone;
-lak-ṣya-ta, f. being the sole aim;
-lavyā, f. N. of a town;
-vacana, n. singular (gr.);
-vat, ad. like one, as if one were concerned;
-vad-bhāva, m. presenting itself as a unity;
-var-ṇa, a. having one and the same colour;
-vasana, a. clothed with but one garment;
-vastra, a. id.: -tā, f. possession of but one garment, -ardha-saṃvīta, pp. clothed in half a single garment;
-vāram, ad. only once, once more; at once; some time or other;
-vāsa, a. living in the same place;
-vāsas, a. wearing but one garment;
-viṃśa, a. (ī) 21st; consisting of 21;
-viṃśaka, a. (ikā) 21st; n. 21;
-vaṃśat, f. pl. 21; f. sg. pl. (e-) id.: -tama, a. 21st;
-vidha, a. (e-) simple; identical;
-vīra, m. incomparable hero;
-vṛkṣa, m. isolated tree; one and the same tree;
-vṛṣa, m. single bull, sole ruler;
-veṇi, f. single braid of hair (token of mourning); a. consisting of a single braid; (ī) -dharā, a. f. wearing a single braide: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-veśman, n. a single building;
-vrata, a. devoted, to one only; faithful, obedient.
ekaśata eka-śata, n. a hundred and one; a. 101st;
-tama, a. id.;
-śapha, a. (e-) one-hoofed, having an uncloven hoof; m. animal with uncloven hoof; n. the genus of solid-hoofed animals;
-śas, ad. singly;
-śeṣa, m. sole remainder; ellipse by which only of two or more words remains (e. g. du. or pl.); a. sole remaining, with the sole exception of (-°);
-śruta-dhara, a. remembering what one has heard once: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-śruti, f. monotony; a. monotonous;
-śruṣṭi, a. (e-) obeying one behest;
-ṣaṣ-ṭa, a. 61st;
-ṣaṣṭi, f. 61: -tama, a. 61st.
ekasaṃśraya eka-saṃśraya, m. harmony; a. united;
-sapta-ta, a. 71st;
-saptati, f. 71: -tama, a. 71st;
-sarga, a. attending to a single object;
-sahasra, n. 1001; a. 1001st;
-sāra, a. whose sole nature is (-°);
-sārtha-prayāta, pp. pursuing one and the same object as (saha);
-sṛka, m. jackal;
-stambha, a. supported by a single pillar;
-stha, a. standing together, united; standing alone; independent;
-sthāna, n. one and the same place.
ekahāyana eka-hāyana, a. (ī) one year old;
ī, f. one-year-old cow;
-helā, f.: in. at one blow, at once.
ekāṃśa eka+aṃśa, m. part: -tā, f. abst. N.
ekākin ekāk-in, a. alone, solitary: (ī) -ke-sarin, m. N. of a Bhilla.
ekākṣa eka+akṣa, a. one-eyed; having but one axle;
-akṣara, n. the imperishable One; a single syllable; a. (e-) monosyllabic; n. monosyllabic word; the syllable Om.
ekāgni eka+agni, a. maintaining only one fire;
-agra, a. directed to a single object, attentive, concentrated; absorbed in (-°): -m, -tas, ad.;
-tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N..
ekāṅga eka+aṅga, n. single member or part; m. pl. body-guard: -rūpa-ka, n. incomplete image (rh..
ekāc eka+ac, a. having one vowel.
ekāñjali eka+añjali, m. one handful.
ekātapatra eka+ātapatra, a. being under a single umbrella = a single king.
ekādaśa ekādaś-a, a. (ī) eleventh;
ī, f. eleventh day in a fortnight;
-an, a. (e-) eleven;
-ma, a. eleventh;
-mārikā, f. N. (murderess of eleven);
-rātra, period of eleven nights (and days);
-ṛca, a. having eleven verses;
-in, a. consisting of eleven: -ī f. eleven (hymns).
ekādhika eka+adhika, a. increased by one;
-adhipa, m. sole sovereign;
-adhyāyin, a. studying alone.
ekānaṃśā eka+anaṃśā, f. ep. of the new moon (the digitless); ep. of Durgā.
ekānartha eka+anartha, a. having the same sorrows.
ekānudiṣṭa eka+anudiṣṭa, (pp.) n. funeral rite in honour of a single ancestor.
ekānta eka+anta, m. solitary place, solitude; exclusiveness; absolute necessity;
-m, -tas, in., ab., °-, ad. exclusively; absolutely; perfectly, altogether; lc. aside, secretly: sts. °- = a. perfect, only; a. exclusively devoted to (lc. or -°): -tā, f. abst. N..
ekāntakaruṇa ekānta-karuṇa, a. extremely compassionate;
-bhīru, a. extremely timid.
ekāntara eka+antara, a. one degree lower.
ekāntavidhvaṃsin ekānta-vidhvaṃsin, a. necessarily perishing;
-vihārin, m. solitary wanderer;
-śīla, a. retiring into solitude;
-hita, pp. thoroughly good.
ekānnādin eka+anna+ādin, a. eating the food of one only.
ekānvaya eka+anvaya, a. of the same family as (g.).
ekāpacaya eka+apacaya, m. diminution by one.
ekāpāya eka+apāya, m. diminution by one.
ekāyana eka+ayana, n. road passable by only one narrow path; meeting-place; absolute oneness; the one right way: ī-bhāva, m. unanimity;
ī-bhū, become a centre of union for (g.).
ekāra e-kāra, m. the latter or sound e.
ekārāma eka+ārāma, a. delighting in one only.
ekārtha eka+artha, m. one and the same object; a. having the same aim or meaning: -tā, f., -tva, abst. N.;
-samupeta, pp. inspired by the same purpose.
ekāvali eka+āvali, -lī -lī, f. one-stringed pearl necklace.
ekāha eka+aha, m. one day; N. of a Soma sacrifice lasting one day..
ekāhāra eka+āhāra, m. single meal in a day.
ekīkṛ ekī-kṛ, unite; collect;
-bhāva, m. becoming one, union;
-bhū, become one, unite.
ekaika eka+eka, a. one each time, each singly, every single (sts. pl.): -m, ad.: -vṛtti, a. belonging to each single object;
-śas, ad. one by one, singly, severally.
ekaiśvarya eka+aiśvarya, n. sole dominion.
ekoccaya eka+uccaya, m. increase by one.
ekottara eka+uttara, a. more or increasing by one.
ekodaka eka+udaka, a. related in so far as to offer oblations of water to the same ancestor..
ekoddiṣṭa eka+uddiṣṭa, (pp.) n. = ekānudiṣṭa.
ekona eka+ūna, pp. lacking one.
eṅ eṅ, the diphthongs e and o (gr.).
ej EJ, I.P. eja, stir, move; quake, tremble.
sam, move.
eḍa eḍa, -ka -ka, m. kind of sheep.
eṇa eṇa, m. kind of antelope: -jaṅgha, m. N. of a runner;
-netrā, -akṣī, f. gazelle-eyed woman..
eṇatilaka eṇa-tilaka, m. moon.
eṇāṅkamaṇi eṇa+aṅka-maṇi, m. moon-stone.
eṇī eṇī, f. gazelle: -dṛś, -nayanā, f. gazelle-eyed woman..
eta 1. e-ta, prn. stem, v. etad etad.
eta 2. eta, a. (enī,) motley, glittering;
m. kind of hart: ā, f. hind.
eta 3. eta, pp. ā + i.
etagva eta-gva, a. motley.
etatkāla etat-kāla, m. this time, the present (opp. tat-kāla);
-para, a. intent on this;
-saṃ-jñaka, a. having this designation;
-sama, a. equal to this.
etad e-ta-d, prn. (nm., ac. sg. n.) this here (near the speaker); this (nearly always referring to what precedes, has just happened, or been metioned); often = here, now: ad. thus, so, therefore, accordingly: lc. etasmin, in the case
etadanta etad-anta, a. ending with this or these;
-artham, ad. for this purpose, therefore;
-avastha, a. being in this condition; being of such a kind; referring thereto;
-īya, pos. prn. his her, their;
-yoni, a. having this origin;
-vaśa, a. dependent on him.
etannāmaka etan-nāma-ka, a. having this name;
-maya, a. (ī) consisting of this, being of such a kind.
etarhi eta-rhi, ad. now, nowadays; then (corr. yarhi).
etave etave, V. inf. of i, to walk.
etaśa eta-śa (sts. -sa), a. motely, shining; m. dappled horse; sun-horse.
etādṛkṣa etā-dṛkṣa, -dṛś -dṛś (f. id.), -dṛśa -dṛśa, a. (ī) such; of the same kind.
etāvat etā-vat, a. so great; so much, of such a king: lc. at such a distance; n. ad. so much; so far; thus: (n) -mātra, a. of such measure, so great, so much; so little.
ed ā+id, ij. behold! (with ac.).
edh EDH, I.Ā. (P.) edha, prosper; flourish; grow: pp. -ita, grown up, strengthened; filled with (in.); es. -aya, cause to prosper; glorify.
sam, ad..
edha edh-a, a. kindling (-°); m. sg. pl. fuel: -mat, a. fed with fuel.
edhas 1. edh-as, n. fuel (idh); 2. edhas, n. prosperity (edh).
edhi e-dhi, 2 sg. impv. as, be.
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edhodaka edha+udaka, n. fuel and water.
ena 1. e-na, (encl.) prn. stem of 3 rd pers. he, she, it.
ena 2. ena, enā enā, in. (of 1. a), then, thereupon.
enap ena-p case ending ena in the advs. dakṣiṇena &c. (gr.).
enas en-as, n. [in] sin, guilt; misfortune: -vat, a. sinful, wicked;
-vin, a. id..
enā enā, (in.) ad. here; there (corr. to yatra); then; tus (ep. 2. ena).
enī e-nī, f. (of eta) hind.
ema e-ma, n., eman e-man, n. path, course.
eraṇḍa eraṇḍa, m. castor-oil plant.
erire erire, 3 pl. pf. of ā + īr.
ervāru ervāru, m. f.; -ka -ka, m. kind of cucumber.
elā elā, f. cardamoms; a. metre.
eva 1. e-va, evā e-vā, (in.) ad. so, just so (V.); just, exactly, precisely; quite, no more nor less than, no other than; merely; scarcely; very (with pras., esp. tad); also (with ka): it emphasizes the preceding word, may often be translated by stress merely; sts. esp. after certain particles it is meaningless..
eva 2. e-va, a. speedy, swift; m. course (gnly. in. pl.); pl. habit: in. pl. in the usual way.
evaṃrūpa evaṃ-rūpa, a. so formed, of such a kind: -tā, f. abst. N..
evaṃvādin evaṃ-vādin, a. speaking thus;
-vid, a., -vidvas, pt. knowing thus, having such knowledge; well instructed, knowing what is right;
-vidha, a. of such sort, such-like;
-viṣaya, a. directed to or relating to this;
-vṛtta, pp. behaving thus; of such a kind; in this condition;
-vṛtti, a. id..
evaṃkarman evaṃ-karman, a. having acted thus;
-gata, pp. being in such a plight, so circumstanced: lc. such being the case;
-guṇa, a. having such qualities or excellences: -upeta, pp. endowed with such qualities or excellences;
-tarkin, a. conjecturing thus;
-darśin, a. seeing or judging thus.
evam e-va-m, (ac.) ad. in this way, thus, so (its place being taken in the Veda by eva).
evamavastha evam-avastha, a. being in such a condition;
-ākṛti, a. having such a form;
-ācāra, a. conducting oneself thus;
-ātma-ka, a. (ikā) of such a nature;
-ādi, -ādya, a. of the kind or nature mentioned.
evaṃpariṇāma evaṃ-pariṇāma, a. having such a conclusion;
-pūrva, a. thus preceded;
-prakāra, a. of such a kind;
-prāya, a. id., such;
-bhūta, pp. of such a nature, such a one.
eṣ ESH, I.P. eṣa, creep, glide.
eṣa 1. e-ṣa, prn. nm. sg. m. of etad.
eṣa 2. eṣ-a, a. seeking; m. search;
-aṇa, a. seeking; wishing; n. search: ā, f. search; wish, desire;
-aṇīya, fp. desirable;
-in, a. seeking, wishing (gnly. -°).
ehi ā+ihi, 2 sg. impv. of ā + i.
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ai AI.
ai *ai, ij. of hailing, addressing or recollecting.
aikadhyam aika-dhyam, ad. at once, together;
-patya, n. sole dominion over (g.);
-matya, n. unanimity;
-mukhya, n. agreement;
-rāj- ya, n. sole dominion;
-rātrika, a. remaining a night;
-rūpya, n. uniformity; identity.
aikaśapha aika-śapha, a. coming from an animal with uncloven hoof;
-śrutya, n. uniformity of tone, monotony;
-svarya, n. having only one accent.
aikāgārika aika+agārika, m., ī, f. thief.
aikāgrya aika+agrya, n. fixed attention to one object, concentration.
aikāṅga aika+aṅga, m. soldier of the bodyguard.
aikādhikaraṇya aika+adhikaraṇ-ya, n. unity of relation.
aikāntika aikānt-ika, a. (ī) excluding everything else, absolute;
-ya, n. exclusiveness, absoluteness.
aikāra ai-kāra, m. the sound or letter ai.
aikārthya aika+arth-ya, n. unity of purpose; identity of meaning.
aikāśramya aika+āśram-ya, n. existence of only one stage in religious life..
aikāhika aika+ahi-ka, a. (ī) lasting one day.
aikya aik-ya, n. oneness, unity, identity.
aikṣava aikṣava, a. (ī) made of sugar-cane.
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aikṣvāka aikṣvāka, m., ī, f. pat. descendant of Ikṣvāku.
aiḍa aiḍa, a. (ī) containing, comfort; m. son of Iḍā (Purūravas).
aiṇa aiṇa, aiṇeya aiṇeya, a. belonging to the black antelope.
aitadātmya aitad-ātm-ya, n. essence of this (ph.).
aitareya aitareya, m. pat. or met. of Mahidāsa (an ancient teacher); a. composed by Aitareya: -ka, n. the Brāhmaṇa of Aitareya;
-brāhmaṇa, m. id..
aitareyin aitarey-in, m. pl. school of Aitareya.
aitihāsika aitihās-ika, a. (ī) legendary; m. narrator of old legends.
aitva ai-tva, n. occurrence of ai.
aidaṃparya aidaṃ-par-ya, n. main point; end, object.
aindava aindava, a. (ī) lunar.
aindra aindra, a. (ī) belonging to or coming from Indra, Indra-like; n. N. of a lunar mansion.
aindrajāla aindra-jāla, n. witchcraft;
-jāl-ika, a. (ī) referring to or practising witchcraft; m. wizard, juggler;
-nīla, a. (ī) made of sapphire;
-śira, m. kind of elephant.
aindri aindr-i, m. crow.
aindriya aindriya, a. referring to or perceptible by the senses; n. sensual pleasure.
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aibha aibha, a. (ī) belonging to an elephant.
airayam airayam, impf. cs. of īr.
airāvaṇa airāvaṇa, m. N. of Indra's elephant.
airāvata airāvata, m. id. (ī); N. of a serpent demon; m. n. kind rainbow.
aila aila, m. (= aīṭa) Purūravas.
ailaka aila-ka, a. coming from the sheep eḷaka.
ailaba ailaba, m. noise, din.
aiśa aiśa, a. belonging to Siva (īśa).
aiśāna aiśāna, a. (ī) id.; north-eastern;
ī, f. north-east.
aiśi aiś-i, m. pat. of Skanda.
aiśya aiś-ya, n. dominion, power.
aiśvara aiśvar-a, a. (ī) befitting a lord, majestic; belonging to Śiva; n. supreme dominion;
-ya, n. position of a great lord; kingly state; supreme dominion; control; lordship or dominion of (g., lc., -°); kingdom: -vat, a. possessed of supreme power.
aiṣīka aiṣīka, a. made of reeds.
aiṣṭaka aiṣṭaka, a. made of bricks.
aiṣṭikapaurtika aiṣṭika-paurtika, a. relating to sacrifices and charitable works.
aihika aih-ika, a. belonging to or occurring in this world, terrestrial, temporal.
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o O.
o o = ā+u.
okas ok-as, n. [uc] comfort, pleasure; wonted place, dwelling-place, home.
okāra o-kāra, m. the sound or letter o.
ogha ogha, m. [vah] stream, flood; multitude, quantity, mass, heap.
oṃkāra oṃ-kāra, m. the sacred word om; thanksgiving.
oja oja, a. uneven, odd.
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ojas oj-as, n. [vaj] strength power, might, energy: in. powerfully; resolutely;
-vi-tā, f. forcible expression;
-vin, a. powerful, mighty; energetic, brave.
ojāya ojā-ya, den. Ā. exert oneself, use one's strength.
ojiṣṭha oj-iṣṭha, spv. strongest among (g.); very powerful;
-īyas, cpv. stronger (than, ab.); very strong.
oḍa oḍa, m. N. of a man..
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oḍra oḍra, m. pl. N. of a people and their country (now Orissa).
oḍha ā+ūḍha, pp. vah.
ota ā+uta, pp. u, cry, and vā, weave.
otu o-tu, m. [vā, weave], woof.
odana od-ana, m. n. boiled rice; pap.
om o-m, ij. the sacred syllable om (often = amen; used in invocations, at the commencement
of prayers, at the beg. and end of Vedic recitation, and as a respectful salutation; the subject of many mystical speculation;).
oman o-man, m. favour, aid.
omanvat oman-vat, a. pleasant; gracious.
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oṣa oṣ-a, m. burning.
oṣadhi oṣadhi, -dhī -dhī, f. [avasa-dhi, containing nourishment], plant, herb; medicinal herb;
-ja, a. born --, living among or produced from plants; (ī) -pati, m. moon; (ī) -prastha, m. N. of a mythical city..
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oṣam oṣam, (ac.) ad. quickly, at once.
oṣṭha oṣṭha, m. [ava-stha, hanging down], upper lip, lip (a. -°, f. ī).
oṣṭharucaka oṣṭha-rucaka, charming lips.
oṣṭhya oṣ-ṭh-ya, a. labial.
[Page 60a-1]
au AU.
aukāra au-kāra, m. the sound or letter au.
aukṣa aukṣa, a. (ī) coming from a bull.
aukṣaka aukṣa-ka, n. a number of bulls.
aukṣṇa aukṣṇa, (or a), coming from a bull.
augrya augr-ya, n. formidableness.
augha augha, m. flood.
aucitī aucit-ī, f. suitableness, propriety;
-ya, n. id.; experience; habituation to (-°).
auccaiḥśravasa auccaiḥ-śravasa, m. N. of Indra's horse.
aujjvalya aujjval-ya, n. brilliance, splendour.
auḍava auḍava, a. (ī) stellar.
auṇādika auṇādi-ka, a. belonging to the Uṇādi-sūtras.
autkaṇṭhya autkaṇṭh-ya, autkya autk-ya, n. yearning.
auttami auttam-i, m. pat. of the third Manu.
auttarādharya auttara+adhar-ya, n. being above and below, promiscuousness.
autpattika autpatti-ka, a. (ī) original, innate, natural.
autpātika autpāt-ika, a. (ī) extraordinary, prodigious, portentous.
autsukya autsuk-ya, n. yearning, desire; impatience; zeal.
audaka audaka, a. (ī) aquatic; relating to or growing in water.
audarika audar-ika, a. gluttonous; m. glutton.
audarciṣa audarciṣ-a, a. directed to Agni.
audāttya audātt-ya, n. acute accentuation.
audārya audār-ya, n. dignity, nobility; generosity: -tā, f. generosity.
audāsīnya audāsīn-ya, n. indifference, apathy.
audumbara audumbara, a. (ī) belonging to the Udumbara tree; made of Udumbara wood.
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auddhatya auddhat-ya, n. arrogance; superciliousness.
auddhavya auddhav-ya, a. coming fr. Uddhava.
auddhārika auddhār-ika, a. belonging to the share deducted.
audvāhika audvāh-ika, a. relating to or presented at marriage.
aupacchandasika aupacchandas-ika, n. a metre..
aupadharmya aupadharm-ya, n. false doctrine, heresy.
aupadhika aupadh-ika, a. fraudulent; m. cheat, extortioner.
aupanāyanika aupanāyan-ika, a. relating to or appointed for initiation.
aupanidhika aupanidhi-ka, a. being a deposit.
aupaniṣada aupaniṣada, a. (ī) contained or taught in an Upaniṣad.
aupanīvika aupanīvika, a. being on the apron.
aupamita aupamita, a. equalled.
aupamya aupam-ya, n. resemblance, comparison.
aupayika aupay-ika, a. (ī) suitable, proper.
aupala aupala, a. made of stone.
aupavasta aupavasta, -ka -ka, n. preliminary fast on the eve of a celebration.
aupavāhya aupavāh-ya, a. suitable for riding or driving.
aupavītika aupavīt-ika, n. investiture with the sacred thread.
aupahārika aupahār-ika, n. offering.
aupākaraṇa aupākaraṇa, n. commencement of Vedic study.
aupāsana aupāsana, m. domestic sacred fire.
aupendra aupendra, a. belonging to Viṣṇu.
auma auma, a. flaxen; relating to Umā.
aurabhra aurabhr-a, a. belonging to ram or sheep;
-ika, m. shepherd.
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auraśa auraśa, m. inhabitant of Uraśa.
aurasa auras-a, a. (ī) priceeding from the chest; innate, natural; begotten of the body; m. lawful son of the body;
-ya, a. begotten of one's body.
aurṇa aurṇa, a. woollen.
aurdhvadeha aurdhva-deha, n. future life: i-ka, a. relating to the future life; n. obsequies; gifts distributed at obsequies.
aurva 1. aurva, m. pat. of various Ṛṣis.
aurva 2. aurva, m. submarine fir (of Aurva).
aurva 3. aurva, a. (ī) belonging to the earth;
-ra, a. coming from the earth (dust).
aurvaśeya aurvaśe-ya, a. descended from Urvaśi.
aurvāgni aurva+āgni, m. submarine fire;
-anala, m. id..
aurvāya aurvāya, den. Ā. behave like the submarine fire.
auveṇaka auveṇaka, n. N. of a chant.
auśanasa auśanasa, a. (ī) belonging to Usanas; m., ī, f. pat. descendant of Uśanas; n. law-book composed by Uśanas.
auśīnara auśīnara, a. (ī) belonging to the people of Uśinara;
ī, f. N. of a wife of Purūravas.
auśīra auśīra, a. made of Uśīra, n. ointment made of Uśira.
auṣadha auṣadha, a. made of herbs; n. herbs (coll.); medicinal harb; remedy, drug, medicine;
-ī-kṛ, turn into a medicine;
-vikrayin, a. vending medicines.
auṣasa auṣas-a, a. (ī) relating to the morning;
ī, f. day-break.
auṣṭra auṣṭra, a. produced from a buffalo or camel: -ka, n. number of camels.
auṣṭha auṣṭha, a. lip-shaped.
auṣṇya auṣṇ-ya, n. heat.
[Page 60b-1]
ka K.
ka 1. ka, inter. prn. st. (n. V. kad; C. kim) who? what? which? with iva, u, nāma, who indeed? often used in a depreciating sense = as good as none, no one or nothing: kā+eṣa kathā? that is out of the question;
kim with in. or gd. = what does -- matter? what is the use of -- to (g.)? with nu, who pray? with vā, who possibly? with svid, who or what, I wonder? Indef. prn. 1. with neg. any, one; 2. with preceding ya and following ca, whosoever, whichever; anysoever, every; with preceding ya and following vā, anysoever; 3. with cana, none whatever (often strengthened by negatives); 4. with cana, cid, or api, some, any, a certain (a. or N.): pl. some;
kaścid-kaścid, the one -- the other: pl. some -- others.
ka 2. ka, m. (Who?) ep. of Prajāpati or Brahman; n. bliss; water; head.
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kaṃsa kaṃsa, m. goblet; m. n. brass; m. N. of a king slain by Kṛṣṇa;
-kṛṣ, -śatru, -niṣūdana, -ari, m. ep. of Kṛṣṇa.
kakāra ka-kāra, m. the sound or letter k.
kakutstha kakut-stha, m. N. of a grandson of Ikṣvāku.
kakud kakud, f. summit, peak; tip; hump; ensign of royalty; chief of (g.).
kakuda kakuda, n. (m.) id..
kakudmat kakud-mat, a. having a hump; m. mountain; buffalo with a hump.
kakudmin kakud-min, a. having a hump; m. buffalo with a hump;
-mi-kanyā, f. pat. of the Revatī.
kakudruma kaku[d]-druma, m. N. of a jackal..
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kakundara kakundara, n. cavity of the loins.
kakubjaya kakub-jaya, m. conquest of the world.
kakubh kakubh, f. summit; point of the com- pass; a metre.
kakubha kakubha, a. prominent; m. kind of musical mode; a tree;
-surabhi, a. fragrant with Kakubha flowers.
kakummukha kakum-mukha, n. point of the compass.
kakkola kakkola, m. a tree; n. an aromatic substance;
-ka, n. id..
kakṣa kakṣa, m. hiding-place, lair; thicket; m., ā, f. arm-pit; girth, girdle, cincture; balance (generally f.);
ā, f. circular wall, enclosure; orbit of a planet; equality; emulation: (ā) -paṭa, m. loin-cloth.
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kakṣīvat kakṣī-vat, m. N. of a Ṛṣi.
kakṣyā kakṣyā, f. girdle, girth; circular wall, enclosure; orbit of a planet; balance, scale (also a, n.).
kaṅka kaṅka, m. heron; N.: pl. a people.
kaṅkaṭa kaṅka-ṭa, m. armour, mail; a Dānava.
kaṅkaṇa kaṅ-kaṇ-a, n. ring, ring-shaped ornament, bracelet; wedding band: -dhara, m. bridegroom, ā, f. bride;
-pura, n. N. of a town;
-varṣa, a. raining bracelets: n. man's N.;
-varṣ-in, a. id.: (i) -tā, f. abst. N..
kaṅkaṇin kaṅkaṇ-in, a. wearing a bracelet.
kaṅkata kaṅkat-a, m. comb;
-ikā, f. id..
kaṅkapattra kaṅka-pattra, n. heron's feather (on arrow); a. having herons' feathers; m. such an arrow: -pattrin, a. having herons' feathers;
-vadana, n. (heron-faced), tongs, pincers.
kaṅkāla kaṅkāl-a, m. n. skeleton;
-inī, f. a form of Durgā.
kaṅkelli kaṅkelli, m. Aśoka-tree;
ī, f. id..
kaṅkola kaṅkola, m. a plant.
kaca kaca, m. hair; N. of a son of Bṛhaspati;
-graha, m., -ṇa, n. seizing by the hair.
kacaṭatapagajaḍadaba ka-ca-ṭa-ta-pa-ga-ja-ḍa-da-ba, n. example of a meaningless word..
kacabhāra kaca-bhāra, m. wealth of hair.
kacākaci kacā-kaci, ad. seizing one another by the hair.
kaccid kac-cid, v. kad kad.
kaccha kaccha, m. bank; marshy land; *m., ā, f. edge, border;
-pa, m. tortoise; N. of a Nāga; N. of a country (Cutch).
kaja ka-ja, n. lotus.
kajjala kaj-jala, n. lamp-black; collyrium prepared from it..
kañcuka kañcuk-a, m. n. (ī) jacket, doublet; mail; skin of a snake (a. -°, f. ā;
-ita, pp. wearing a coat of mail;
-in, a. wrapped in (-°); m. chamberlain;
-a+upānahin, n. wearing a doublet and shoes.
kañjikā kañjikā, f. a plant.
kaṭa kaṭa, m. mat; elephant's temple; a. certain throw in a game of dice; corpse;
-ka, m. mat; m. n. rope; bracelet; valley; royal camp; caravan; collection;
-karaṇa, n., -kriyā, f. platting of mats.
kaṭakaṭāya kaṭa-kaṭāya, den. P. gnash (tr. & int.).
kaṭaṅkaṭa kaṭaṅ-kaṭa, m. ep. of Śiva.
kaṭapūtana kaṭa-pūtana, m., -ā, f. kind of demon..
kaṭākṣa kaṭa+akṣa, m. side-glance: i-ta, pp. looked at with a side-glance;
-ākṣepa, m. side-glance.
kaṭāgni kaṭa+agni, m. fire of dry grass.
kaṭāha kaṭāha, m. pan, pan-shaped object (e. g. elephant's temple); N. of a Dvīpa.
kaṭi kaṭi, kaṭī kaṭī, f. hip; (i) -karpaṭa, n. rag round the loins; (ī) -nivasana, n., -paṭa, m. loin-cloth.
kaṭīraka kaṭīraka, n. (?) hip.
kaṭu kaṭu, a. sharp; pungent; n. ad.;
-ka, a. id.; violent, severe: -tā, f., -tva, n. sharpness, pungency.
kaṭukita kaṭuk-ita, pp. sharply addressed (Pr.).
kaṭutā kaṭu-tā, f. sharpness; pungency; austerity.
kaṭṭ KAṬṬ, X.P. kaṭṭaya, heap (corn).
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kaṭṭāraka kaṭṭāra-ka, m., ikā, f. dagger.
kaṭphala kaṭ-phala, m. a tree with aromatic fruit and rind.
kaṭvaṅga kaṭu+aṅga, m. a tree; n. its fruit.
kaṭha kaṭha, m. N. of a sage, founder of a school of the YV.; pupil or follower of Katha.
kaṭhina kaṭhina, a. hard, firm, solid; severe; curel, hard-hearted.
kaṭhinaya kaṭhina-ya, den. P. harden.
kaṭhinī kaṭhin-ī, f. chalk.
kaṭhinīkṛ kaṭhinī-kṛ, harden.
kaṭhura kaṭhura, a. harsh (= kaṭhora).
kaṭhopaniṣad kaṭha+upaniṣad, f. N. of an Upaniṣad..
kaṭhora kaṭhora, a. hard, firm, solid; sharp, cutting (wind); piercing (cry); hard-hearted; luxuriant: -m, ad.;
-citta, a. hard-hearted: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-tā, f. hardness;
-tārādhipa, m. full moon.
kaṭhoraya kaṭhora-ya, den. P. make luxuriant.
kaḍa kaḍa, a. dumb.
kaḍāra kaḍāra, a. tan-coloured.
kaṇa kaṇ-a, m. a grain; drop; flake, spark; little bit;
-pa, m. kind of spear;
-vāhin, a. wafting drops, moist;
-śas, ad. in minute portions.
kaṇāṭīra kaṇāṭīra, m. wagtail.
kaṇāda kaṇāda, m. N. of the founder of the Vaiseṣika or atomic school of philosophy..
kaṇānna kaṇa+anna, a. subsisting on grains: -tā, f. abst. N..
kaṇika kaṇ-ika, m. little drop;
ā, f. id.; little bit.
kaṇiśa kaṇiśa, m. ear (of corn).
kaṇūkaya kaṇūkaya, den. P. be in distress.
kaṇṭaka kaṇṭa-ka, m. thorn; fish-bone; social pest, enemy; obstacle; N. of an Agrahāra -bhuj, m. camel.
kaṇṭakita kaṇṭak-ita, pp. thorny; w. bristling hair;
-in, a. thorny.
kaṇṭakidruma kaṇṭaki-druma, m. a tree;
-vṛ kṣa, m. kind of thorny tree.
kaṇṭakautsa kaṇṭa-kautsa, m. N. of an Agra hāra..
kaṇṭha kaṇṭha, m. neck, throat; proximity (a. -°, f. ā, ī);
-ka, m. necklace;
-ga, a. reaching to the neck;
-gata, pp. attached to the neck; being in the throat = about to escape (breath);
-graha, m., -ṇa, n. embrace.
kaṇṭhanāla kaṇṭha-nāla, n. stalk-like neck;
-prāvṛta, n. neck covering;
-bhūṣaṇa, n., -bhūṣā, f. necklace;
-vartin, a. being in the throat = about to escape (breath);
-sūtra, n. kind of embrace;
-sthalī, f. neck.
kaṇṭhāraka kaṇṭhāra-ka, travelling bag.
kaṇṭhāśleṣa kaṇṭha+āśleṣa, m. embrace.
kaṇṭhikā kaṇṭh-ikā, f. necklace.
kaṇṭhīrava kaṇṭhī-rava, m. lion.
kaṇṭhya kaṇṭh-ya, a. being on or in the throat; good for the throat; guttural.
kaṇḍana kaṇḍ-ana, n. shelling, husking;
-anī, f. mortar.
kaṇḍu kaṇḍ-u, f., generally kaṇḍū kaṇḍ-ū, f. itching, scratching; violent desire for (-°);
-ura, -ula, a. itching;
-ūti, f. itching, ticklilng; wantonness.
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kaṇḍūya kaṇḍū-ya, den. P. scratch: A. itch;
-yana, n. itching, scratching: -ka, a. titillating;
-yitṛ, m. scratcher.
kaṇḍūla kaṇḍū-la, a. itching.
kaṇḍola kaṇḍola, m. reed basket.
kaṇva kaṇva, m. N. of a Ṛṣi: pl. his descendants;
-vat, ad. like Kaṇva.
kataka kata-ka, m. a tree, the nut of which is used for clarifying water..
katama ka-tama, inter. prn. who? what? which? (of many);
-tara, inter. prn. who? which? (or two).
kati ka-ti, inter. prn. how many? indef. some: usually with cid and api..
katipaya kati-paya, a. (ī) some, a few: *in., ab. (with pp.) with some trouble, only just;
-kusuma, a. having a few blossoms;
-rātram, ad. some days (lit. nights);
-aha:g. after some days; in. some days (before or after).
katividha kati-vidha, a. of how many kinds? -saṅkhya, a. of what number?
katīmuṣa katī-muṣa, m. N. of an Agrahāra.
katth KATTH, I.Ā. (P.) boast; praise; blame, disparage, vi, boast (of, in.); disparage, humble with (in.; cs. humble; boast.
katthana katth-ana, a. boasting; n. boasting.
katpayam kat-payam, ad. somehow.
kathaṃrūpa kathaṃ-rūpa, a. of what appearance?
kathaka katha-ka, a. telling; n. narrator.
kathaṃjātīyaka kathaṃ-jātīya-ka, a. of what kind?
kathana kath-ana, n. narration, communication, mention, report;
-anīya, fp. to be related; worthy of mention.
katham ka-tham, ad. how? whence? why? with pot. or impr. (sts. ind.) how could, would, or should --? with mā and aor. how should not --? sts. exclamation, what? sts. weakened to a simple interrogative = nonne or num? with nu, how, I wonder? how much more? with neg. how much less? with iva, how so? why pray? with nāma, svid, how pray? why I wonder? with cana, by no means: generally strengthened by preceding negative; with cid and api (not till Kālidāsa) indef. in some way, by some means, somehow or other, by accident; with difficulty, only just, scarcely (katham often repeated); a. little, somewhat; with neg. in no manner, by no means;
yathā kathaṃ-cid, in whatever manner; in any way.
kathaṃbhūta kathaṃ-bhūta, pp. of what kind?
kathaya katha-ya, den. P. (Ā.) converse, with (in. ± saha); relate, tell, report; speak of; declare, state; announce, betray; command; assume, lay down; ps. be called, pass for.
vi, talk idly.
sam, relate, report; explain.
kathayitavya kathay-itavya, fp. to be told.
kathā 1. ka-thā, inter. ad. how? whence? why? uathā kathā ca, howsoever.
kathā 2. kath-ā, f. conversation, talk, discussion about (lc., -°); story, tale (about g. or -°; mention, statement; Story (personified);
kā kathā, it is not a question of --, -- is out of the question, to say nothing of (g., lc., or prati);
kā+kathā, how could there be a question about it? = it is out of the question.
kathākrama kathā-krama, m. continuous conversation; discourse; story, tale.
kathānaka kathāna-ka, n. short story, tale.
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kathāntara kathā+antara, n. conversation, talk.
kathāpīṭha kathā-pīṭha, n. T. of the 1st book of the Kathāsaritsāgara;
-prabandha, m. legend;
-prasaṅga, m. occasion of conversation: in., ab. = in the course of conversation, incidentally;
-prastāva, m. id.: -tas, in the course of coversation;
-maya, a. consisting of tales;
-mukha, n. introduction to a story; T. of the 2 nd book of the Kathāsaritsāgara;
-yoga, m. conversation.
kathālāpa kathā+ālāpa, m. conversation; narration;
-āvalī, f. collection of tales;
-ava-śeṣa, m. survival in story only, i. e. death; a. dead: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-avaśeṣī-bhū, die.
kathāśeṣa kathā-śeṣa, a. dead: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-sandhi, m. junction in the narrative where it is interrupted by another;
-sarit-sāgara, m. ocean of streams of stories, T. of a collection of tales by Somadeva.
kathita kath-ita, (pp.) n. conversation, narrative.
kathīkṛ kathī-kṛ, turn into a narrative: pp. dead.
kathodaya kathā+udaya, m. beginning of a story; statement;
-udghāta, m. beginning of a narrative.
kathya kath-ya, fp. to be related; that may be mentioned.
kad kad, V. n. nm., ac. sg. ofka, what? = I hope? with neg. = I hope not? esp. with cid (kaccid); with cana and neg. in no way; °-, bad, wretched, insignificant.
kadana kad-ana, n. slaughter, destruction; torturing.
kadanna kad-anna, n. bad food: -tā, f. abst. N..
kadamba kadamba, -ka -ka, m. a tree bearing orange-coloured blossoms; n. multitude, plenty; swarm.
kadartha kad-artha, a. for what purpose?
kadarthana kad-arth-ana, n., ā, f. tormenting;
-anīya, fp. to be tormented;
-aya, den. P. despise; torture, distress; surpass; ī-kṛ, disregard: -ti, f. torment.
kadarya kad-arya, a. avaricious, miserly: -tā, f., -bhāva, m. avarice.
kadala ka-dala, m. plantain tree (symbol of frailty);
i-kā, f. plantain tree; esp. on an elephant;ī, f. plantain tree: -garbha, m. pith of the plantain: ā, f. N.;
-gṛha, n. plantain arbour;
-sukham, ad. as easily as a plantain.
kadā ka-dā, inter. when? -cana, some time, ever;
-cid, some time or other; once; sometimes; perhaps;
--+api, at any time, always;
na - cana, cid, or +api, never.
kadru kadru, a. reddish brown;
ū, f. earth; N. of Kasyapa's wife, mother of the serpents.
kan KAN, I.P. be satisfied; be pleased with (ac.); shine.
kanaka kan-aka, n. gold; m. thorn apple; N.;
-kadalī, f. species of plantain;
-daṇḍa, m. royal umbrella;
-pura, n., ī, f. N. of a city;
-prabhā, f. N. of a princess;
-mañjarī, f. N.;
-maya, a. (ī) golden;
-rasa, m. fluid gold;
-rekhā, f. N.;
-latā, f. golden creeper;
-lekhā, f. N. of a princess;
-valaya, m. n. golden bracelet;
-vāhinī, f. N. of a river;
-śikhar-in, m. golden peaked, ep. of Meru;
-sūtra, n. golden chain;
-adri, m. ep. of Meru.
kanakāsana kanaka+āsana, n. throne.
kanakhala kana-khala, m. pl. N. of certain mountain.
kanā kanā, f. girl.
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kanikradat kan-i-kradat, nm. sg. m. pr. pt. intv. of krand.
kaniṣka kaniṣ-ka, m. N. of an Indo-Scythic king (first century A. D.).
kaniṣkan kan-i-ṣkan, 3 sg. intv. of skand.
kaniṣṭha kan-iṣṭh-a (or -a), spv. smallest; lowest; least; youngest; younger; m. descending pail of water-wheel;
ā, f. youngest wife; little finger;
a-ka, a. (ikī) smallest;
-ikā, f. little finger; obedience.
kanī kanī, f. girl (V. only g. pl.).
kanīna kan-īna, a. young, youthful: -ka, m. boy, youth: ā, f. girl, virgin; (īna) -ka, a-kā, i-kā, f. pupil of the eye.
kanīyas kan-īyas, cpv. smaller, less; very little; younger; m. younger brother or son.
kantva kan-tva, n. welfare.
kanthā kanthā, f. patched garment.
kanda kanda, m. bulbous root.
kandara kan-dara, n. cave; ravine; elephant goad.
kandarpa kan-darpa, m. Kāma; love.
kandala kan-dal-a, n. flower of the plantain;
-ī, f. plantain tree;
-ita, pp. produced in profusion;
-in, a. covered with blossoms of the Kandalī, full of (-°).
kandu kandu, frying-pan;
-ka, m. id.; ball (for playing with); pillow: -līlā, f. game of ball;
-kā-vatī, f. N. of a princess..
kandhara kan-dhara, m. neck.
kanya kan-ya, a. smallest: -ka, a. id., ā, f.= kan-yā;
-kubja, n. N. of a town, Kanauj.
kanyā kan-yā, f. girl, virgin; daughter; Virgo (in the Zodiac);
-āāra, n. women's apartments, -gṛha, n. id.;
-tva, n. virginity;
-dātṛ, m. man who gives a daughter in marriage;
-dāna, n. bestowal of a daughter in marriage;
-dūṣin, a. deflowering a virgin;
-pura, n. women's apartments;
-bhāva, m. virginity;
-bhaikṣa, n. begging for a girl;
-maya, a. consisting of a maiden or daughter;
-vat, a. having a daughter; m. father of a daughter;
-vedin, m. son-in-law;
-vrata, n. monthlies: -sthā, f. menstruating woman.
kapa kapa, m. pl. a species of gods..
kapaṭa kapaṭa, m. n. fraud: °-, fictitious;
-nāṭ-aka, m. N.;
-prabandha, m. cunning device;
-śata-maya, a. consisting of a hundred kinds of fraud;
-īśvara, m. N. of a temple of Śiva.
kaparda kapard-a, m. cowrie (small shell used as a coin or die); braid of hair in the form of a shell;
-a-ka, m., -ikā, f. cowrie;
-in, a. having hair wound in the form of a shell; curly, shaggy; m. ep. of Śiva.
kapala kapala, n. half; part.
kapāṭa kapāṭa, m. n. fold of a door;
-ka (i-kā), -° a. id.;
-vakṣas, a. broad-chested.
kapāla kapāla, n. dish, mendicant's bowl; plate; lid; potsherd; egg-shell; skull;
-māl-in, a. wearing a garland of skulls (Śiva);
-sandhi, m. treaty based on equal terms;
-sphoṭa, m. N. of a Rakṣas.
kapālikā kapāl-ikā, f. potsherd.
kapālin kapāl-in, a. bearing a bowl or skulls; m. N. of Śiva or of one of the eleven Rudras; kind of sectary.
kapi kap-i, m. monkey;
-ketu, m. ep. of Arjuna.
kapiñjala ka-piñjala, m. francoline partridge; N. of man; N. of a sparrow: -nyāya, in.. after the fashion of the Kapiñjala topic (in the Pūrvamīmāṃsā) according to which the plural (kapiñjalān) means only three.
kapittha kapi-ttha, m. [monkey-stand], a tree; n. its fruit;
-pati, m. ep. of Hanumat.
kapila kapi-la, a. (monkey-coloured), brownish, reddish; m. species of monkey; N. of an ancient sage;
ā, f. brown or reddish cow; species of leech;
-jaṭa, m. N. of a sage;
-dhūsara, a. brownish grey;
-ṛṣi, m. the sage Kapila;
-vastu, m. N. of Buddha's birthplace;
-śarman, m. N. of a Brāhman..
kapilīkṛ kapilī-kṛ, colour brown or reddish.
kapiśa kapi-śa, a. (monkey-coloured), brownish, reddish;
-bhrū, f. N. of a woman.
kapiṣṭhala kapi-ṣṭhala, m. N. of a sage: pl. his descendants: -saṃhitā, f. collected scriptures of the Kapiṣṭhalas.
kapītana kapītana, m. N. of various plants.
kapīndra kapi+indra, m. lord of the monkeys; ep. of Viṣṇu and of Hanumat;
-iśvara, m. ep. of Sugrīva.
kapucchala ka-pucchala, n. hair at the back of the head; scoop of the sacrificial spoon.
kapūya ka-pūya, a. stinking.
kapṛth ka-pṛth, -tha -tha, m. membrum virile.
kapota ka-pota, m. pigeon;
ī, f. female pigeon;
-ka, m. little pigeon;
-pālī, f. dove-cot.
kapotikā kapot-ikā, f. dove: -nyāya, m. fashion of a dove (which did good even to an enemy).
kapola kapola, m. cheek;
-kāṣa, m. object which rubs against the cheek;
-pātī, f. edge of the cheek;
-phalaka, n., -bhitti, f., -mū-la, n. cheek-bone.
kapha kapha, m. phlegm (one of the 3 humours of the body);
-ghna, a. anti-phlegmatic.
kabandha ka-bandha, v. kavandha ka-vandha.
kabara kabara, a. mottled, variegated; m., ī f. braid of hair.
kam 1. ka-m, (ac. sg.) pcl. well: emphasizes a preceding dative.
kam 2. ka-m, pcl. indeed (ofter nu, su, hi).
kam 3. KAM (no pres. base), wish, desire; love: pp. kānta; cs. kāmaya, Ā. (P.) id.; excite to love: pp. kāmita, desired, anu, cs. desire.
abhi, cs. be in love.
kamaṭha kamaṭha, m. tortoise.
kamaṇḍalu kamaṇḍalu, m. ascetic's water-pot: -pāṇi, a. having a water-pot in the hand.
kamana kam-ana, a. (ī) enamoured;
-anīya, fp. to be desired; lovely, charming.
kamala kam-ala, m. n. lotus (called utpala at an earlier stage);
ā, f. ep. of Lakṣmī; sg. & pl. riches; n. water;
-ka, n. N. of a town;
-garbha, -ja, m. ep. of Brahman;
-devī, f. N. of a queen;
-nayana, a. lotus-eyed;
-nābha, m. ep. of Viṣṇu;
-netra, n. lotus-eyed;
-bāndhava, m. ep. of the sun;
-bhav-ana, m. ep. of Brahman;
-mati, m. N.;
-maya, a. consisting entirely of lotuses;
-loc-ana, a. lotus-eyed: ā, f. N.;
-vatī, f. N. of a princess;
-vana, n. bed of lotuses: -maya, a. consisting of beds of lotuses;
-vardhana, m. N. of a king;
-varman, m. N. of a king;
-saṃbhava, m. ep. of Brahman.
kamalākara kamala+ākara, m. bed of lotuses, lotus lake; N. of various men;
-akṣa, a. (ī) lotus-eyed: -agrajā, of ep. of Alakṣmi;
ā-keśava, m. N. of a temple;
ā-haṭṭa, m. N. of a marked-place;
-ālayā, f. ep. of Lakṣmi;
-āsana, n. lotus seat.
kamalinī kamal-inī, f. lotus plant; lotus bed, lotus pond: -kā, f. dim, small bed or lake of lotuses;
-dala, n. lotus leaf (Pr.).
kamalekṣaṇa kamala+īkṣaṇa, a. lotus-eyed;
-udaya, m. N.;
-udbhava, m. ep. of Brahman.
kami kam-i, the root kam (gr.).
kamp KAMP, I.Ā. (P.) kampa, tremble; cs. kampaya, cause to tremble, shake.
anu, sympathise with (ac., lc.); cs. id.
sam-anu, id. ā. quiver; cs. cause to tremble: pp. agitated ud, tremble.
vi, tremble, quiver; cs. cause to tremble, agitate.
kampa kamp-a, m. tremor, quivering; earthquake; quavered svarita accent;
-ana, a. trembling; shaking; agitating; m. N. of a country; n. shaking, waving;
a-vat, a. trembling;
-ita, (pp.) trembling; shaken; n. tremor;
-in, a. trembling; -°, shaking.
kampottara kampa+uttara, a. trembling violently.
kambala kambala, m. (n.) woollen cloth, cover, or garment;
-īśvara-grāma, m. N. of a village.
kambu kambu, m. shell; bracelet of shells;
-ka, n. N. of a town;
-kaṇṭha, a. (ī) having a shell-like neck i. e. with three folds;
-grī- va, m. N. of a tortoise..
kamboja kamboja, m. pl. N. of a people.
kamra kam-ra, a. charming, beautiful.
kayāśubhīya kayā-śubh-īya, n., RV. I. 165.
kara 1. kar-a, a. (ī, rarely ā) doing, making; causing, producing (generally -°); m. hand; elephant's trunk.
kara 2. kar-a, m. ray; duty, tax.
karaka kara-ka, m. water-pot; a. tree.
karakā kara-kā, f. hail: -abhighāta, m. hailstroke.
karakisalaya kara-kisalaya, n. (hand-sprout), finger;
-graha, m., -ṇa, n. taking by the hand, wedding.
karaṅka karaṅka, m. skull.
karaja kara-ja, m. finger-nail.
karañja karañja, m. tree.
karaṭa karaṭ-a, m. elephant's temple; crow: -ka, n. crow (Pr.) N. of a jackal;
-in, m. elephant.
karaṇa kar-aṇa, a. (ī) making, producing; performing (-°); m. a certain mixed caste; tune; word (gr.); n. making, doing; performing; producing; action; deed; rite; business; organ of sense; body; instrument; legal document or evidence; notion of the instrumental case (gr.): -tā, f., -tva, n. instrumentality (gr.): -rūpa, a. having the form of an instrument (ph.);
ī-ya, fp. to be done; n. business.
karaṇḍa karaṇḍa, n. basket; little box of wicker work;
-ka, n., i-kā, f. id..
karatala kara-tala, n. palm of the hand: -ga-ta, pp. held in the hand, -tāla, clapping of the hands;
-da, a. paying taxes, tributary; subordinate;
-dhṛta-śara, a. holding an arrow in his hand;
-pattra, n. saw;
-pallava, m. finger;
-pāda-danta, m. hand, foot, or tooth;
-pāla, m. receiver-general of taxes;
-puṭī, f. hollowed hand;
-prāpta, pp. held in the hand;
-badara, n. jujube berry in the hand = perfectly obvious matter -bha, m. elephant's trunk; camel; young elephant or camel; hand between wrist and fingers: -ka, m. N. of a messenger;
-bhūṣaṇa, n. bracelet;
-bha+ruū, a. f. having thighs like an elephant's trunk.
karambha karambha, m. pap, porridge;
-ka, n. id.; m. N.;
-bālukā-tāpa, m. pl. porridge of scorching sand (a torment of hell).
kararuha kara-ruha, m. finger-nail;
-vīra, n. fragrant oleander.
karas kar-as, n. deed.
karastha kara-stha, a. laying in the hand;
ī-kṛ, place in the hand.
karasna kara-sna, m. fore-arm.
karāgra kara+agra, n. tip of finger or ray;
-āghāta, m. blow of the hand;
-aṅguli, f. finger of the hand.
karāyikā karāyikā, f. kind of crane.
karāla karāla, a. prominent; gaping; formidable; m. N. of a locality;
ā, f. ep. of Durgā; N.;
-keśara, m. N. of a lion;
-tā, f. gaping condition; formidableness.
karālamba kara+ālamba, m. support for the hand = sheet anchor.
karālavadana karāla-vadana, a. having a gaping or formidable mouth.
karālāya karālā-ya, Ā. become formidable.
karālita karāl-ita, pp. make formidable; increased.
karāhati kara+āhati, f. blow with the hand.
karika kari-ka, -° = karin, m. elephant;
-kumbha-pīta, n. elephant's frontal bone.
karin kar-in, a. making, fashioning; m. elephant; (ṇ) ī, f. female elephant.
kariṣṇu kar-iṣṇu, a. doing, performing (-°);
-iṣyat, ft. pt. future.
kariṣya kariṣya [ḥ], 2 sg. ft. subj. kṛ, RV. I. 165, 9..
karīkṛ karī-kṛ, bring as a tribute.
karīra karīra, m. n. shoot of a bamboo; m. a leafless plant; n. its fruit.
karīṣa karīṣa, n. refuse, (dry) cow-dung.
karuṇa karuṇa, a. doleful, pitiable: -m, ad.; m. a plant;
ā, f. pity, compassion;
-dhavani, m. wail;
-vedi-tā, f. compassionate disposition.
kareṇu kareṇu, m. f. elephant: -kā, f. female elephant.
karoṭi karoṭi, f. basin, bowl; skull: -ka, (-°) a. skull, head.
karoti karoti, 3 sg. pr. of kṛ, do;
-kar-man, a. having making as an action = verb of making.
karka karka, a. (ī) white; m. white horse;
ā, f..
karkaṭa kar-kaṭ-a, m., ī, f. crab; curved end of the beam of a balance;
ī, f. drinking bowl: -ka, m., ī, f. crab; Cancer (in the Zodiac);
-śṛṅga, n. crab's claw;
i-kā, f. a plant;
a+īśa, m. N. of a temple..
karkandhu karkandhu, m. f. jujube tree; n. its fruit.
karkara kar-kar-a, a. hard; m. leatherstrap (?);
-i or -ī, f. kind of lute;
-ī, f. water-jar.
karkareṭu karkareṭu, m. Numidian crane.
karkaśa karkaśa, a. rough, hard (also fig.): -tva, n. hardness; harshness.
karki karki, -n -n m. Cancer (in the Zodiac).
karkoṭa karkoṭa, m. pl. N. of a people;
-ka, m. N. of a snake; a plant; pl. N. of a people..
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karcūra karcūra, n. orpiment.
karṇa karṇa, m. (-° a., f. ā, ī) ear; handle; rudder; N. of several men, esp. of a son of Kuntī; a. having care or handles; long-eared (also ā);
-kuvalayam, n. lotus attached to the ear;
-cāmara, n. whisk adorning the ears of elephants;
-jāpa, m. tale-bearing;
-tā, f. condition, of an ear;
-tāla, m. flapping of elephant's ears (-°);
-dhāra, m. helmsman; sailor: -tā, f. helmsmanship;
-nīlotpala, n. blue lotus attached to the ear;
-pa, m. N.;
-pattraka, m. flap of the ear (tragus);
-patha, m. ear-shot, hearing: -m, ā-yā, or upa+i, come to the ears: -atithi, m. = come to the ears;
-paraṃparā, f. passing from ear to ear, gossip;
-pāśa, m. beautiful ear;
-pūra, m. n. ear ornament, esp. flowers: -pūraka, m. N. of a chattering servant;
-pūrī-kṛ, turn into an ear ornament;
-bhaṅga, m. curve of the ears;
-bhūṣana, n. ear ornament;
-mūla, n. root of the ear (where it is attached to the head);
-vaṃśa, m. flat projecting bamboo roof;
-vat, a. having ears;
-viṣ, f. ear-wax;
-viṣa, n. poison for the ears;
-veṣṭa, m. ear-ring: *-na, n. id.;
-śirīṣa, n. Śirīṣa flower attached to the ear;
-śrava, a. audible;
-su-bhaga, a. pleasant to the ear.
karṇāñjali karṇa+añjali, m. pointed ears.
karṇāṭa karṇāṭa, m. pl. N. of a people;
ī, f. queen of Karaṇāṭa.
karṇāntikacara karṇa+antika-cara, a. flying about the ears;
-ābharaṇa, n. ear ornament;
-amṛta, n. nectar for the ears; *-alaṃ-karaṇa, n., -kāra, m., -kṛti, f. ear ornament;
-avataṃsa, id.: ī-kṛ, turn into an ear ornament.
karṇikā karṇ-ikā, f. ear ornament; pericarp of the lotus.
karṇikāra karṇi-kāra, m. a tree; n. its fruit.
karṇin karṇ-in, a. having ears; barbed; m. helmsman.
karṇīratha karṇī-ratha, m. kind of litter;
-suta, m. ep. of the author of a manual on stealing.
karṇotpala karṇa+utpala, n. lotus attached to the ear (-tā, f. abst. N.); m. N. of a king;
-upakarṇikā, f. gossip.
karta 1. karta, m. separation, distinction.
karta 2. karta, m. hole, pit (= garta).
kartana kart-ana, n. cutting off;
-ari, -kā, f. cutting instrument, scissors;
-arī, f. id..
kartave kar-tave, V. d. inf. of kṛ: -tavya (or ā), fp. to be done, &c. (v. kṛ); n. affair, business; what should be done, duty: -tā, f. duty.
kartumanas kartu-manas, a. intending to do.
kartṛ kar-tṛ, m. doer, maker; worker; performer; founder; creator; author (of, g., -°); agent, (logical) subject (may be in nm. in w. ps. or g. w. vbl. N.); used as ft. ofkṛ;
-ka, -° = kartṛ, agent;
-tā, f. being the agent of an action (gr.);
-tva, n. agency;
-bhūta, pp. being the agent (gr.);
-rūpa, a. having the form of an agent.
kartos kar-tos, V. (g.) inf. of kṛ, do.
karttavya kart-tavya, fp. fp. to be destroyed.
karttṛ kart-tṛ, m. 1. destroyer; 2. spinner.
karttṛkā kart-tṛ-kā, f. hunter's knife.
kartya kart-ya, fp. to be cut off.
kartva kar-tva, a. to be done or performed; n. task.
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kardana kard-ana, m. N. of a king..
kardama kardama, m. mud, dirt, impurity; dregs;
-rāja, m. N..
karpaṭa karpaṭa, n. rag.
karpaṇa karp-aṇa, kind of spear.
karpara karpara, m. bowl; pot; n. potsherd.
karpāsa karpāsa, m. n. cotton-shrub; cotton.
karpūra karpūra, m. n. camphor;
-keli, m. N. of a flamingo;
-gaura, n. N. of a take (whitish like camphor);
-tilaka, m. N. of an elephant;
-paṭa, m. N. of a dyer;
-maṇ-jarī, f. N. of a princess; -- flamingo; -- drama;
-maya, a. consisting of or like camphor;
-vi-lāsa, m. N.;
-saras, n. N. of a lake.
karbu karbu, a. spotted, variegated;
-ra, a. id.: ā, f. species of poisonous leech;
ū-ra, a. id..
karmaka karma-ka, -° = karman;
-kara, a. (ī) working for another; m. labourer, servant; artisan;
-kartṛ, m. agent who is also the object of an action (in refl. verbs);
-kāra = -kara; m. smith;
-kārin, a. performing a work (-°);
-kṛt, a. laborious, skilful; m. workman, servant;
-kṣama, a. fitted for deeds (-°);
-ceṣṭā, f. labour, active exertion;
-ja, a. arising from or caused by acts;
-janya-tā, f. being produced from works.
karmaṭha karma-ṭha, a. fitted for, devoted to (lc. -°).
karmaṇya karmaṇ-yā, a. skilful, industrious; fitted for the performance of sacred rites.
karmatā karma-tā, f., -tva, n. effect; notion of karman;
-daṇḍa, m. complete control of acts;
-duṣṭa, pp. acting badly;
-doṣa, m. sinful act;
-dhāraya, m. compound in which the first word (generally an a.) describes the second.
karman kar-man, n. action, work, deed; function, business; rite; effect; direct object of an action (gr.); fate (result of an act done in a former birth).
karmanāman karma-nāman, n. name from an activity; participle;
-nāśā, f. N. of a river;
-niṣṭha, a. diligent in (holy) works;
-nyāsa, m. cessation of work;
-pāka, m. ripening of works, retribution for works done in a former life;
-pātaka, n. sinful deed;
-pravacanīya, m. (determining an action), designation of prepositions used with nouns and of some adverbs;
-phala, n. result of actions: -hetu, a. to whom results of action are a motive;
-bandha, m. bondage of action;
-bāhulya, n. hard work;
-buddhi, a. believing in human exertion;
-bhūmi, f. land of works; sphere of action;
-maya, a. (ī) consisting of, produced by or having the nature, of action;
-mārga, m. road to action, thieves' slang for openings in walls &c.;
-mīmāṃsā, f. = pūrva-mīmāṃśā;
-yo-ga, m. activity; practice of holy works; connexion with a sacrifice; connexion with previous acts: ab. or -tas, in consequence of fate;
-vidhi, m. rules of action or duty;
-viparyaya, m. perverse action;
-vipāka = karma-pāka;
-samāpta, pp. having performed the sacred rites;
-siddhi, f. success of an action;
-sthā-na, n. administrative office.
karmātman karma+ātman, a. whose nature is action;
-anta, m. completion of work; business, public affairs, management;
-antika, m. labourer, artisan: -loka, m. labourers;
-abhyāsa, m. practice of a rite.
karmāra karmāra, m. smith.
karmin karm-in, a. acting, working, performing; m. man of action.
karmendriya karma+indriya, n. organ of action (ph.).
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karvaṭa karvaṭa, n. market-place.
karśana karś-ana, a. making lean; harassing (-°);
-ita, cs. pp. kṛś.
karṣa karṣ-a, m. dragging; ploughing; a. weight (= 16 māṣas);
-aka, a. dragging about, harassing (-°); ploughing, cultivating; m. busbandman;
-aṇa, a. = karṣaka: n. bringing; driving out; pulling; tormenting; ploughing, agriculture; bending a bow;
-in, a. dragging along; inviting; ploughing; m. cultivator;
-ū, f. furrow; trench; incision.
karhi ka-rhi, when ? with svid or cid, at any time: na karhi cid, never.
kal KAL, X.P. (Ā.) kalaya; E. generally kālaya, impel, urge, drive; hold, bear; do, perform, utter; attach, fasten; observe, regard; reflect; believe in; consider, recognise as (2 ac.): pp. kalita, furnished with (-°). ā, shake, toss; hold fast; fasten; perceive; examine; neglect; believe in; regard as (2 ac.).
prati+ā, count up, enumerate, ud, pp. utka-lita, opened, flowering.
pari, devour; regard as.
sam, be of opinion. ut-sam, pp. urged, commissioned.
kala kala, a. dumb; indistinct; inarticulate; choked with tears (-°); low, soft (note); uttering a soft sound: -m, ad.;
-kaṇṭhikā, f. female cuckoo;
-kala, m. confused noise or cry: -rava, -ārava, m. id., -vat, a. tinkling.
kalaṅka kalaṅk-a, m. spot, blemiṣ, stain, rust: -lekhā, f. streak of rust;
-aya, den. P. stain, defile, disgrace: -in, a. defiled, disgraced.
kalañja kalañja, m. a plant.
kalatra kala-tra, n. wife; female animal; hip; loin: -tā, f. wifehood;
-vat, a. having a wife; united with his wife or wives.
kalatrin kalatr-in, a. id..
kaladhauta kala-dhauta, n. (sounding & bright), gold; silver.
kalana kal-ana, a. producing, effecting (-°);
ā, f. impelling; gesture; n. shaking, agitation.
kalabha kala-bha, m. young elephant or camel: -ka, m. id. (-°).
kalabhāṣin kala-bhāṣin, a. speaking softly.
kalama kalama, m. species of rice: -gopa-badhū, f. female-rice-watcher.
kalarava kala-rava, m. soft note.
kalaviṅka kala-viṅka, m. sparrow; Indian cuckoo.
kalaśa kalaśa, m. pot, jar; bowl, cup (also ī); tub; dome-shaped roof: -yoni, m. ep. of Agastya & of Droṇa.
kalaśi kalaś-i, f. churn.
kalaśodaka kalaśa+udaka, n. water in a jar.
kalaha kalaha, m. dispute, quarrel.
kalahaṃsa kala-haṃsa, m., ī, f. kind of duck, goose or swan;
-ka, m. id. dim.;
-tā, f. abst. N..
kalahakaṇṭaka kalaha-kaṇṭaka, m. N.;
-kāra, a. (ī) quarrelsome;
-priya, a. id.;
-vat, a. quarrelling with (saha).
kalahāya kalahāya, den. Ā. dispute, quarrel.
kalahin kalah-in, a. quarrelsome.
kalā kalā, f. small part, esp. one-sixteenth; sixteenth part of the moon's disc; interest on capital; small division of time (ranging between 8 seconds and about 2.5 minutes according to different statements); artistic skill; art (of which there are 64);
-keli, a. practising an art as an amusement;
-jña, a. understanding an art or the arts; m. artist;
-dhara, a. possessing an art or the arts; m. moon;
-nātha, m. moon;
-nidhi, m. id..
kalāntara kalā+antara, n. interest (on captial).
kalāpa kalā-pa, m. (what holds together the parts), band; bundle; quiver; peacock's tail; ornament; totality: -ka, m. string, band, -varman, m. N.;
-pin, m. peacock.
kalābhara kalā-bhara, m. artist;
-bhṛt, m. id.;
-vat, m. moon;
-vad, a. = kalā-jña.
kalālāpa kala+ālāpa, m. gentle tone of voice.
kali kali, m. die or side of a die marked with one point (also personified); the fourth and worst age of the world; dissension, strife (also personified).
kalikā kal-ikā, f. sixteenth part of the moon's disc; bud.
kalikātā kalikātā, f. Calcutta.
kaliṅga kaliṅga, m. pl. N. of a people; country of the Kaliṅgas;
-ka, -deśa, m. country of the Kaliṅgas.
kaliñjara kaliñjara, m. N. of a king; N. of a locality.
kalitacaraṇa kalita-caraṇa, a. broken-legged.
kalidruma kali-druma, m. tree of strife; N. of a tree.
kalinda kalinda, m. N. of a mountain on which the Yamund rises;
-kanyā, f. the Yamunā;
-ātmajā, f. id..
kaliyuga kali-yuga, n. the fourth or Kali age.
kalila kal-ila, a. filled with, full of (in., -°); m. confusion.
kaluṣa kal-uṣa, a. dirty; impure; turbid, dim; husky, choked; -°, unable; n. dirt, impurity;
-cetas, -mati, a. impure-minded.
kaluṣāya kaluṣā-ya, den. Ā. grow dim.
kaluṣīkṛ kaluṣī-kṛ, dim, dirty, pollute;
-bhū, become dirty or polluted.
kalevara kalevara, (m.) n. body.
kalka kalka, m. paste; foulness, baseness; guile, sin.
kalki kalki, -n -n, m. N. of a future deliverer of the world, the tenth Avatār of Viṣṇu.
kalkībhū kalkī-bhū, become paste.
kalp KALP, v. klip KḶP.
kalpa kalp-a, a. feasible, possible; able to, fit for (g., lc., inf., -°); nearly equal to, like (-°); after an a. -°, almost; m. precept, rule, usage, manner; body of rules on ritual (one of the six Vedāṅgas); cosmic period (= a day of Brahma= 1000 Yugas). prathamaḥ kal-paḥ, chief, original law.
kalpaka kalpa-ka, a. standard; m. precept, rule;
-kṣaya, m. end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world;
-taru, -druma, m. fabulous wishing tree;
-dhenu, f. fabulous wishing cow.
kalpana kalp-ana, n. inventing;
ā, f. fashioning; performance; invention, fiction; hypothesis; caparisoning an elephant; fixing, determination; work, deed, act; formation, form.
kalpapāla kalpa-pāla, m. guardian of order, king;
-latā, f. creeper yielding all wishes;
-la-tikā, f. id.;
-vallī, f. id.;
-viṭapin, -vṛkṣa, m. = Kalpa tree;
-śatāya, den. Ā. appear as long as 100 Kalpas;
-śākhin, m. Kalpa tree;
-sundarī, f. N.;
-sūtra, n. Sūtr on ritual.
kalpāgni kalpa+agni, m. world conflagration at the end of a Kalpa: -anta, m. end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world; -°, till the end of the world.
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kalpāya kalpāya, den. Ā. become or seem a Kalpa: pp. i-ta..
kalpitārgha kalpita+argha, a. to whom an offering of (-°) has been made.
kalpya kalp-ya, fp. to be assigned; to be imagined.
kalmaṣa kalmaṣa, n. dirt; taint; guilt; sin.
kalmāṣa kalmāṣa, a. (ī) having black spots (-tā, f. abst. N.); m. N. of a Nāga; n. spot.
kalmāṣita kalmāṣ-ita, pp. spotted, variegated with (in.).
kalya kal-ya, a. healthy, vigorous; ready (for, lc. or inf.); clever; n. health; day-break (-m, lc., °-, at day-break); intoxicating liquor: -tā, f. health.
kalyavarta kalya-varta, n. breakfast; trifle.
kalyāṇa kalyāṇa, a. (ī) beautiful, lovely; good, excellent, noble; blessed, auspicious, prosperous; m. N. of a king; n. the good; virtue, merit; welfare, prosperity; festival;
ī, f. kind of pulse;
-kaṭaka, N. of a locality;
-kara, a. (ī) propitious;
-kāra, a. productive of utility;
-kṛt, a. performing good deeds;
-devī, f. N. of a queen;
-paraṃparā, f. continuous good fortune;
-pura, n. N. of a town;
-prakṛti, a. noble-natured;
-lakṣaṇa, a. having auspicious marks;
-vartman, m. N. of a king;
-svāmi-keśava, m. N. of a statue of Viṣṇu;
-abhiniveśin, a. benevolent; m. patron.
kalyāṇin kalyāṇ-in, a. virtuous; prosperous.
kallola kallola, m. wave.
kalhaṇa kalhaṇa, m. N. of the author of the Rā-gataraṅgiṇī.
kava kava, °- = ka-, kad-, ku-, bad.
kavaka kavaka, n. muṣroom.
kavaca kavaca, m. n. armour, mail; jacket; bark;
-dhara, a. wearing armour = youth.
kavacin kavac-in, a. clad in mail.
kavandha kavandha, m. n. barrel; cloud; belly; trunk (of the body); ep. of the demon Danu, whose head and thighs were thrust into his trunk by Indra..
kavaya kavaya, den. P. compose poetry.
kavala kavala, m. mouthful, morsel: -tā, f. abst. N.; -na, a. swallowing;
-ya, den. P. swallow: pp. kavalita, devoured by mouthfuls.
kavaṣa kavaṣa, a. (ī) wide apart; m. N..
kavāṭa kavāṭa, fold of a door: -ka, id. (-°).
kavi kav-i, a. wise; m. wise man, sage, seer; poet; planet Venus.
kavikā kavi-kā, f. bit (on a bridle).
kavitā kavi-tā, f., -tva, n. poetic art or gift;
-putra, m. N. of a dramatist;
-rāja, m. king of poets; N. of a poet; (i) -śasta (or a), pp. spoken or praised or praised by sages.
kavoṣṇa kava+uṣṇa, a. lukewarm: -tā, f. -ness.
kavya kav-ya, = kavi; m. pl. kind of Manes; n. offering to these Manes (generally w. havya);
-vāhana, a. conveying the offerings to the Manes (Agni);
-havya-bhuj, m. ep. of Agni.
kaśa kaśa, m. kind of rodent; whip;
ā, f. whip; bridle;
-āghāta, m. stroke of the whip.
kaśipu kaśipu, m. n. mat, cushion.
kaśmala kaśmala, a. (ā, ī) dirty; n. dirt; pusillanimity; despair.
kaśmīra kaśmīra, m. pl. N. of a people; sg. N. of a country (Cashmere).
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kaśyapa kaśyapa, a. black-toothed; m. tortoise; a. divine being: N. of various Ṛṣis.
kaṣ KASH, I. kaṣa, rub, scrape, scratch.
kaṣa kaṣ-a, a. scraping (-°); m. touchstone: -ṇa, n. rubbing, scraping, friction;
-paṭṭitā, f., -pāṣāṇa, m. touchstone.
kaṣāya kaṣāya, a. astringent (taste); fragrant; red, yellowish red; m. red colour; passion; m. n. astringent juice; decoction; medicinal potion; ointment; dirt; taint; deterioration, moral decline; n. yellow garment;
-ya, den. P. dirty; molest;
i-ta, pp. coloured red; dirtied, stained; penetrated w., full of (-°).
kaṣṭa kaṣ-ṭa, pp. bad; heavy, severe; miserable; forced, unnatural; pernicious, dangerous; n. evil, misfortune, misery (kaṣṭāt kaṣṭataram, worst of all evils): -m, in., ab., °-, with difficulty, only just;
-m, ij. woe! often w. dhik or hā dhik; -tapas, a. doing severe penance;
-tara, cpv. most dangerous or pernicious;
-labhya, fp. hard to obtain;
-adhika, a. worse.
kas KAS, I. beam.
nis, cs.
niṣkāsaya, drive out.
vi, burst, open, blossom; beam (with joy); spread out, extend.
pra-vi, open: pp. -ita, open, blossoming; cs. cause to open or flower.
kasun k-as-un, inf. suffix as (gr.).
kastambhī ka-stambhī, f. support of a carriage pole.
kastūrikā kastūrikā, f. musk;
-kuraṅga, m. musk-deer;
-mṛgī, f. female of the musk-deer.
kastūrī kastūrī, f. musk: -maṛga, m. musk-deer.
kasmāt ka-smāt, ab. of kim; ad. whence? why? on what account?
kahlāra kahlāra, n. white esculent water-lily.
kā kā, °- = ka-, kad-, kava-, ku-, bad.
kāṃśi kāṃśi, m. goblet, cup.
kāṃsya kāṃsya, a. brazen; n. brass;
-kāra, m. bell-founder;
-tāla, m. cymbal;
-pātra, n., -ī, f. brazen vessel.
kāka kāka, m. crow: ī, f. female crow;
-tā, f. state of a crow;
-tālīya, a. accidental as the fall of the fruit in the story concerning the crow and the date, i. e. as accidental as the fall of the date at the moment of the crow's alighting on the palm-tree = post hoc, non propter hoc: -m or -vat, ad. suddenly, unexpectedly;
-pakṣa, m. crow's wing; curl on the temples of boys or youths: -ka, -°, a. id.;
-yava, m. pl. grainless barley;
-rava, a. cawing like a crow, cowardly;
-rūka, a. cowardly.
kākali kākali, f. low, sweet tone;
ī, f. id.; musical instrument with a low note used to test whether one is asleep.
kākākṣinyāya kāka+akṣi-nyāya, m.: in., ab. after the manner of the crow's eye, i. e. in opposite directions, with reference both to what precedes and what follows;
-akṣi-gola-nyāya, m. id..
kākiṇī kākiṇī, -nī -nī, f. cowrie, small coin = 1/4 paṇa..
kāku kāku, f. cry of grief, wail; change of voice, emphasis.
kākutstha kākutstha, m. descendant of Kakutstha (ep. of Aja, Daśaratha, Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa).
kākud kākud, f. palate.
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kākola kākola, m. raven; n. kind of poison; a certain hell.
kākolūkīya kāka+ulūk-īya, n. story of the crows and the owls.
kākṣīvatī kākṣīvatī, f. daughter of Kakṣīvat.
kāṅkṣ KĀṄKSH, I. kāṅkṣa, desire, long for, strive after; expect, wait for (ac.): pp. -ita, abhi, long for: pp. wished for, desired. ā, desire, want; strive for; wait for (ac.), seek (g.), turn towards (ac.); require as a complement (gr.).
kāṅkṣaṇīya kāṅkṣ-aṇīya, fp. desirable;
-ā, f. desire for (-°);
-in, a. desirous, of, longing for, waiting for (ac. or -°).
kāca kāca, m. glass: -maṇi, m. crystal;
-ra, a. made of glass.
kāja kāja, n. mallet.
kāñcana kāñcana, n. gold; money; a. (ī) golden;
-giri, m. gold mtn., ep. of Meru;
-prabha, a. shining like gold;
-maya, a. (ī) golden;
-mālā, f. N. of various women;
-varman, m. N. of a king;
-acala, -adri, m. ep. of Mount Meru.
kāñcanīya kāñcan-īya, a. golden.
kāñcī kāñcī, f. small girdle generally adorned with bells;
-kalāpa, m. id.;
-guṇa, m. girdle-band;
-sthāna, n. hips.
kāñjika kāñjika, n. sour gruel.
kāṭa kāṭa, m. depth, bottom.
kāṭayavema kāṭaya-vema, m. N. of a commen- ator..
kāṭava kāṭava, n. sharpness.
kāṭha kāṭha, a. derived from Kaṭha;
-ka, a. (ī) relating to Kaṭha; n. N. of a Veda: -u-paniṣad = kaṭha+upaniṣed.
kāṭhinya kāṭhin-ya, n. hardness, stiffness: firmness, austerity.
kāṇa kāṇa, a. one-eyed; blind (eye); perforated; one-handled;
-tva, n. one-eyedness;
-bhūti, m. N. of a Yakṣa.
kāṇelīmātṛ kāṇelī-mātṛ, m. bastard.
kāṇṭaka kāṇṭaka, a. (ī) consisting of thorns.
kāṇḍa kāṇḍa, (or a), m. n. piece; section of a plant (from joint to joint); slip; blade, stalk; arrow; tube (of bone); section (in a book);
-paṭa: -ka, m. curtain.
kāṇḍāra kāṇḍāra, m. a certain mixed caste.
kāṇḍī kāṇḍī, f. little blade.
kāṇḍīra kāṇḍ-īra, a. armed with arrows.
kāṇva kāṇva, m. pat. descendant of Kaṇva: pl. the school of Kaṇva.
kātantra kā-tantra, n. T. of a grammar; m. pl. its followers.
kātara kātara, a. cowardly; timid, faint-hearted, despondent; afraid of (lc., inf., -°): -tā, f., -tva, n. fear.
kātarya kātar-ya, n. apprehension, faintheartedness, cowardice.
kātkṛ kāt-kṛ, mock, deride.
kātyāyana kātya+ayana, m. pat. N. of a celebrated sage;
ī, f. N. of Yājñvalkya's wife; a. (ī) derived from Kātyāyana;
ī-ya, m. pl. school of Kātyāyana; n. T. of various works..
kādamba kādamba, m. kind of goose with dark-grey wings; n. flower of the Kadamba tree.
kādambara kādambara, n. sour cream;
ī, f. kind of intoxicating liquor; T. of a romance & its heroine: -locana+ānanda, m. ep. of the moon;
-sagdhikā, f. common carouse.
kādambinī kādambinī, f. dense bank of cloud.
kādrava kādrava, a. blackish yellow, reddish brown.
kādraveya kādraveya, m. descendant of Kadrū, metr. of various serpents.
kānac k-āna-c, suffix āna of the pf. pt..
kānana kānana, n. forest (sts. with vana): -auta, n. forest region, forest.
kānīna kānī-na, a. born of an unmarried woman.
kānta 1. kānta, pp. (kam) desired; beloved; charming; m. lver, husband: ā, f. sweetheart, wife;
-ka, m. N.;
-tva, n. loveliness, charm.
kānta 2. ka+anta, a. ending in ka (gr.).
kāntāya kāntā-ya, den. Ā. play the lover.
kāntāra kāntāra, m. n. great forest; loveliness;
-bhava, m. forester;
-aṇḍa-ja, m. forest frog.
kānti kān-ti, f. (a. -°f. i) charm, loveliness, grace, beauty; brightness, radiance (of the moon): -prada, a. conferring brightness;
-mat, a. lovely, charming, beautiful: -ī, f. N., -tā, f. grace, beauty.
kāṃdiśīka kāṃ-diś-īka, n. fleeing in all directions, fugitive.
kānyakubja kānya-kubja, n. N. of a city, Kanauj.
kāpaṭa kāpaṭa, a. (ī) fraudulent.
kāpatha kā-patha, m. bad road; evil course.
kāpāla kāpāl-a, a. (ī) connected with or made of skulls; m. pl. school of Kapālin;
-ika, m. Śaiva sectary (wearing and eating out of human skulls); a certain mixed caste;
-in, m. ep. of Śiva; N.; a. practised by a Kāpālika.
kāpila kāpil-a, a. (ī) relating or peculiar to Kapila; m. disciple of Kapila;
-eya, m. descendant of Kapila.
kāpiśāyana kāpiśāyana, n. kind of spirituous liquor.
kāpuruṣa kā-puruṣa, m. contemptible man, coward.
kāpota kāpota, a. (ī) peculiar to pigeons.
kābandhya kābandh-ya, n. condition of trunk.
kāma kāma, m. wish, desire, for (d., g., lc.); intention; pleasure; desired object; benefit; (sexual) love; -°, a. (often after inf. in -tu) desirous of, intending to: ab. willingly; voluntarily; intentionally.
kāmakāma kāma-kāma, a. having all kinds of desires;
-kāmin, a. id.;
-kāra, a. fulfilling the wishes of (g.); m. voluntary act; freedom of will: -tas, in., ab., °-, intentionally; voluntarily;
-kṛta, pp. done intentionally;
-ga, a. going anywhere at one's own free will; following one's desires;
-gati, a. going anywhere at will;
-gama, a. id.;
-go, f. cow of plenty;
-cara, a. (ī) moving at will: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-cāra, m. freedom of action; voluntary or intentional action; self-indulgence: -cāra-vāda-bhakṣa, a. acting, speaking, and eating at will;
-cār-in, a. moving at will: -i-tva, n. freedom of action;
-ja, a. produced from love of pleasure; begotten through sensual passion;
-tantra, n. T. of a work (book of love);
-taru, m. Kāma (as a) tree;
-tas, ad. through, desire, lust, or love of pleasure; voluntarily; intentionally;
-da, a. granting desires: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-daminī, f. ironical N. of a lascivious woman (love-controlling);
-dugha, a. milking = yielding every wish: ā, f. cow of plenty;
-duh, f. (nm. -dhuk) id.;
-deva, m. god of love;
-dhanu, f. cow of plenty.
kāmanā kām-anā, f. wish, desire.
kāmandaka kāmanda-ka, m. N. of a Ṛṣi;
ī, f. N. of a Buddhist nun; N. of a city;
i, m. pat. N. of a writer on polity: -śāstra, n. Institutes of Kāmandaki;
i-ya, a. composed by Kāmandaki.
kāmapāla kāma-pāla, m. N.;
-pūra: -ka, a. fulfilling wishes;
-prada, a. granting wishes;
-bhakṣa, m. eating at pleasure;
-bhoga, m. pl. sensual enjoyments.
kāmam kāmam, ac. ad. at will, at pleasure; to one's heart's content; according to desire, willingly, gladly; indeed; at all events; yet; even though, supposing (generally with impv.);
kāmam-tu, kiṃtu, ca, kiṃca, punar, athāpi or tathāpi, it is true -- but, although -- yet;
kāmam-na tu or na ca, certainly -- but not, rather -- than;
yadi+api-kāmaṃ tathā-pi, although -- yet.
kāmamūta kāma-mūta, pp. impelled by love.
kāmayā kāmayā, (in. of) ad. frankly (with brūhi or pra-brūhi).
kāmarasika kāma-rasika, a. indulging in love; libidinous;
-rūpa, n. any form desired; a. assuming any form at will; m. pl. N. of a people in western Assam;
-rūpin, a. id.;
-vat, a. enamoured;
-varṣa, a. raining as desired;
-vāda, m. talking as one lists;
-vās-in, a. changing, one's abode at pleasure;
-vṛtta, pp. indulging one's desires, pleasure-loving;
-śara, m. arrow of Kāma;
-śāsana, m. ep. of Śiva;
-śāstra, n. treatise on love, T. of various works;
-sū, a. granting desires;
-sūtra, n. a Sūtra treating of love;
-haituka, a. caused by desire only..
kāmātura kāma+ātura, a. love-sick;
-ātman, a. voluptuous; filled with love: (a) -tā, f. sensuality;
-andha, a. blinded by love;
-ari, m. ep. of Śiva (foe of Kāma);
-aśoka, m. N. of a king.
kāmika kām-ika, a. desired;
-i-jana, m. lover;
-i-tā, f. condition of a lover;
-in, a. eager for, desirous of (ac., -°); loving, in love (with, ac. or sārdham); m. lover: -ī, f. woman in love; girl, woman.
kāmuka kām-uka, a. desirous (of, -°); in love with (ac.); m. lover: -tva, n. amorousness.
kāmukāya kāmukā-ya, den. Ā. play the lover: pp. -yi-ta; n. conduct of a lover.
kāmeśvara kāma+īśvara, m. ep. of Kubera.
kāmonmatta kāma+unmatta, pp. mad with love.
kāmpilya kāmpil-ya, n. N. of a city of the Pañcālas: -ka, m. a plant;
-laka, m. id..
kāmbuva kāmbuva, m. N. of a locality.
kāmboja kāmboja, a. coming from Kamboja; n. N. of a people = Kamboja.
kāmya kām-ya, a. desirable, dear; amiable, pleasant; connected with a wish, interested; optional: -ka, m. N. of a forest and of a lake;
-tā, f. loveliness, beauty.
kāmyā kāmyā, f. desire, wish for, striving after (g., -°).
kāya 1. kāya, a. relating to the god Ka (Prajāpati); m. nuptial form of Prajāpati; root of the little finger (sacred to Pragāpati).
kāya 2. kāya, m. body; mass, extent, group; capital: -kleśa, m. bodily distress;
-daṇḍa, m. perfect control over the body;
-māna, n. tent of grass, foliage, &c.: i-ka-niketana, n. id.;
-vat, a. incarnate;
-śiro-grīva, n. body, head, & neck;
-stha, m. writer (mixed caste).
kāyika kāy-ika, a. (ī) bodily.
kāyikā kāy-ikā, a. f. (sc. vṛddhi) kind of interest.
kāyoḍhaja kāya+ūḍha-ja, a. born of a woman married after the manner of Prajāpati.
kāra kār-a, a. (ī) making, producing, fashioning, performing; m. maker (-°); fashioner, author; making, action; -°, sound, letter; uninflected word;
-aka, a. (-ikā) making, producing, causing, performing (g. or -°); about to do (ac.); effecting an object; m. maker, fashioner; agent; n. relation of noun to verb, case-notion;
-aṇa, -°, a. making, causing, producing; n. (-°, f. ī) cause, occasion, motive (g., lc.,-°); prime cause, element; basis; argument, proof; means, instrument; organ of sense; in., ab., lc., °-, from some cause; w. kena, kasmāt, kasmin, for what reason? why? kiṃ kāraṇam, why? ab. for the sake of (g., -°);
kenāpi kāraṇena, for some reason or other;
yat kāraṇam, yena kāraṇena, because.
kāraṇakopa kāraṇa-kopa, a. angry with reason;
-krudh, a. id.;
-guṇa, m. quality of the cause;
-tas, ad. for some reason;
-tā, f., -tva, n. causality;
-śarīra, n. causal body.
kāraṇā kār-aṇā, f. action.
kāraṇātman kāraṇa+ātman, a. being essentially the cause of (g.);
-antara, n. special cause.
kāraṇika kāraṇ-ika, m. judge.
kāraṇḍava kāraṇḍava, m. kind of duck.
kārayitavya kārayi-tavya, cs. fp. that should be caused to be done; to be managed; to be effected or procured;
-tṛ, m. causer of action; barber.
kāraskara kāra-skara, m. kind of poisonous plant.
kārā kārā, f. prison, gaol;
-agāra, -gṛha, n. id.;
-patha, m. N. of a country;
-vāsa, m. gaol, imprisonment.
kārāvara kāra+avara, m. certain mixed caste (offspring of Niṣāda and Vaidehī).
kārikā kār-ikā, f. activity; torment; memorial verse explaining obscure grammatical rules or philosophical doctrines.
kārita kār-ita, pp. caused, produced by, relating to (-°);
ā, f. (sc. vṛddhi) excessive interest offered by debtor under pressure.
kārin kār-in, a. 1. making, doing, producing (g., -°); acting; 2. dispersing, destroying.
kāru kār-u, m. poet, singer;
-u, m. artism (f. ū): -ka, m. id..
kāruṇika kāruṇ-ika, a. compassionate;
-ya, n. compassion.
kārūṣa kārūṣa, m. a mixed caste (offspring of outcast Vaisya).
kārkaśya kārkaś-ya, n. firmness, hardness; harshness.
kārkoṭaka kārkoṭaka, m. N. of a city.
kārtavīrya kārtavīrya, m. pat. of Arjuna, prince of Haihaya.
kārtasvaramaya kārta-svara-maya, a. golden and sounding piteous.
kārtāntika kārtānt-ika, m. astrologer.
kārttika kārttika, m. N. of a month (October-November): ī, f. day of full moon in Kārttika;
e-ya, m. met. of Skanda, god of war..
kārtsnya kārtsn-ya, n. totality: in. completely.
kārdama kārdama, a. muddy.
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kārpaṭika kārpaṭ-ika, m. poorly clad pilgrim.
kārpaṇya kārpaṇ-ya, n. poor-spiritedness; poverty; meanness, avarice; compassion.
kārpāṇa kārpāṇa, n. sword-fight.
kārpāsa kārpāsa, n. cotton; cotton cloth; a. made of cotton: ī, f. cotton shrub;
-ka, a. made of cotton;
-tāntava, n. cotton cloth;
-sautrika, n. id..
kārpāsāsthi kārpāsa+asthi, n. seed of the cotton shrub.
kārpāsika kārpās-ika, a. (ī) made of cotton;
-ikā, f. *cotton shrub.
kārmaṇa kārmaṇ-a, a. relating to or proceeding from action; enchanting (-tva, n. abst. N.); n. sorcery, magic;
-ika, a. produced by magic.
kārmaraṅga kārma-raṅga, a. deep red.
kārmāra kārmāra, m. smith.
kārmika kārm-ika, figured web.
kārmuka kārm-uka, 1. a. efficacious; 2. a. (ī) made of Kṛmuka wood; n. bow: -bhṛt, a. bearing a bow.
kārmukāya kārmukā-ya, den. Ā. represent a bow.
kārmukin kārmuk-in, a. wearing a bow.
kārya kār-yā, fp. to be done, made, performed, employed, &c. (v. kṛ); n. design, purpose, object, interest; duty; business; service; matter, affair; lawsuit; effect, product: -m, with in. of thing and g. of pers., something is of use to, some one cares about; in. on account of.
kāryakaraṇāpekṣā kārya-karaṇa+apekṣā, f. view to carrying out one's design;
-kartṛ, m. promoter of the cause of (g.);
-kāraṇa, n. a special object as a cause, special reason: -tas, ad. from special motives, -tva, n. being effect and cause;
-kāla, m. time for action;
-cintaka, m. manager of a business.
kāryatas kārya-tas, ad. as a matter of fact;
-tā, f., -tva, n. fact of being a product or effect;
-darśana, n. (legal) investigation of a case;
-darśin, a. sagacious, acute;
-dhvaṃsa, m. abandonment of a cause;
-nirṇaya, m. legal decision of a case;
-pariccheda, m. correct judgment of a case.
kāryarūpa kārya-rūpa, a. having the form of a product (ph.).
kāryavat kārya-vat, a. having business to attend to; busy; having an object: -tā, f. business;
-vaśa, m. influence of an object: ab. from interested motives;
-viniyama, m. mutual engagement to do something;
-vi-nirṇaya, m. legal decision of a case;
-vi-patti, f. failure of an object;
-vṛttānta, m. fact of a matter;
-vyasana, n. failure of an object;
-śeṣa, m. what remains to be done, completion of undertakings;
-siddhi, f. success of a matter;
-hantṛ, m. thwarter of one's interest;
-hetu, m. motive of carrying out one's designs: ab. with a view to one's interests.
kāryākārya kārya+akārya, n. right & wrong (°-).
kāryātipāta kārya+atipāt-a, m. neglect of business: -in, a. neglecting business;
-adhi-kārin, m. minister of policy;
-antara, n. another business; leisure hour: -saciva, m. companion of a prince's leisure or amusements;
-apekṣin, a. having a special object in view.
kāryārtha kārya+artha, m. undertaking: -m, ad. for a special end, for the purpose of business or work: -siddhi, f. success of an undertaking;
-arthin, a. concerned about a matter; demanding justice.
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kāryika kāry-ika, a. id.; m. litigant;
-in, a. id.; m. official.
kāryopekṣā kārya+upekṣā, f. neglect of official duty;
-uparodha, m. interruption of business.
kārśya kārś-ya, n. emaciation; smallness; diminution.
kārṣaka kārṣa-ka, m. agriculturist, husbandman.
kārṣāpaṇa kārṣa+āpaṇa, m. n. coin of the weight of a Karṣa.
kārṣika kārṣ-ika, a. weighing a Karṣa.
kārṣṇa kārṣṇa, a. (ī) coming from the black antelope; belonging to or composed by Kṛṣṇa; n. hide of the black antelope.
kārṣṇāyasa kārṣṇa+ayasa, a. (ī) made of iron; n. iron.
kārṣṇya kārṣṇ-ya, n. blackness; darkness.
kāla 1. kāla, a. (ī) dark blue, black; m. the black in the eye; ep. of Śiva.
kāla 2. kāla, m. due season, appointed or right time (for d., g., lc., inf., -°); time; opportunity; season; meal-time (of which there are two day); half a day; hour; age, era; measure, prosody; Time, fate; death, god of death; -°, at the right time; in time, gradually;
paraḥ kālaḥ, high time (w. inf.);
kālaṃ kṛ, fix a time for (lc.);
kālam āsādya, according to circumstances; in. kālena, in due season; in course of time: -gacchatā, as time goes on, in course of time;
dīrgheṇa-, mahatā -or bahunā-, after a long time;
kenacit-, after some time;
tena-, at that time; ab. kālāt, in the long run, in course of time;
kālatas, id.; with regard to time; g. dīrghasya or mahataḥ kālasya, after a long time;
kasya -cit-, after some time; lc. kāle, at the right or appointed time, opportunely; in time = gradually; -- prāpte, when the time has come;
-gacchati, in course of time; -yāte, after the lapse of some time;
-kaśmiṃś cit-, one day;
kāle kāle, always at the right time;
ṣaṣṭhe --, at the end of the third day: --'hnaḥ, at the sixth hour of the day, i. e. at noon;
pañ- caśate-, = after 250 days;
ubhau kālau, morning and evening.
kālaka kāla-ka, a. dark blue, black;
-kañja, m. pl. N. of a tribe of Asuras;
-kaṇṭhaka, m. sparrow;
-karman, n. death;
-kāṅkṣin, a. waiting or impatient for the right moment;
-kārita, pp. temporary;
-kūṭa, m. kind of poison (esp. that produced at the churning of the ocean);
-kṛta, pp. produced by time; temporary;
-krama, m. course of time: in., ab. in course of time;
-kṣepa, m. waste of time, delay; d. to gain time;
-ṃkṛ, waste time (w. lc.);
-gaṇḍikā, f. N. of a river;
-gupta, (pp.) m. N. of a Vaisya.
kālacakra kāla-cakra, n. wheel of time;
-jña, a. knowing the proper time;
-jñāna, n. knowledge of time or chronology.
kālatā kāla-tā, f. 1. seasonableness; 2. blackness;
-daṇḍa, m. wand of death;
-dū-ta, m. harbinger of death;
-daurātmya, n. tyranny of time;
-dharma, -n, m. law of time = inevitable death;
-niyama, m. limitation of time; determination of the terminus ad quem;
-nemi, m. N. of an Asura slain by Kṛṣṇa; N. of a Brāhman.
kālapakva kāla-pakva, pp. ripened by time;
-paryaya, m. course of time;
-paryāya, m. id.;
-pāśa, m. noose of the god of death;
-pāśika, m. hangman;
-puruṣa, n. time personified; minion of the god of death;
-prabhu, m. lord of seasons, the moon;
-prāpta, pp. brought by time;
-bhogin, m. black snake;
-megha, m. black cloud.
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kālambya kālambya, m. N. of a caravanserai.
kālayavana kāla-yavana, m. N. of a Dvīpa;
-yāpa, m.: -na, n., -nā, f. procrastination;
-yoga, m. conjuncture of time or fate; point of time: -tas, ad. according to circumstances;
-loha, n. iron, steel;
-vāla, a. having a black tail;
-vid, a. knowing the times;
-vidyā, f. knowledge of chronology or the calendar;
-vibhakti, f. division of time;
-vṛddhi, f. kind of illegal interest;
-vyatīta, pp. for which the right time has passed.
kālaśeya kālaś-eya, n. butter-milk.
kālaśāka kāla-śāka, m. a plant;
-saṃrodha, m. protracted retention;
-saṅkhyā, f. computation or determination of time;
-sarpa, m. a. black snake;
-sūtra, n. noose of the god of death; m. n. (also -ka), N. of a hell;
-haraṇa, n. loss of time;
-hāra, m. id.; gain of time.
kālāguru kāla+aguru, m. kind of black aloe;
-qñjana, n. black ointment;
-aṇḍa-ja, m. black bird = Indian cuckoo;
-atikramaṇa, n. neglect of the right moment for (g.);
-ati-pāta, m. delay;
-atyaya+apadiṣṭa, pp. lapsed, become void;
-anala, m. fire of alldestroying time, fire of universal death;
-anu-sārya, n. kind of fragrant benzoin, resin;
-antara, n. interval of time; favourable moment: in., ab. after the lapse of some time: -kṣama, a. brooking delay.
kālāpaka kālāpaka, n. T. of a grammar.
kālāyasa kāla+ayasa, n. iron; a. of iron: -dṛḍha, pp. hard or firm as iron.
kālāśoka kāla+aśoka, m. N. of a Buddhist king.
kālika kāl-ika, a. relating to time; seasonable; lasting as long as (-°).
kālikā kāl-ikā, f. liver; dark mass of cloud; N. of a river; the goddess Kālī;
-purā-ṇa, n. T. of a Purāṇa.
kāliṅga kāliṅga, -ka -ka, a. from the land of the Kaliṅgas; m. man or king of Kaliṅga.
kāliñjara kāliñjara, m. N. of a mountain.
kālidāsa kāli-dāsa, m. (servant of Kālī), N. of various poets; the celebrated lyric, epic, and dramatic poet of this name lived in the sixth century A. D..
kālinda kālinda, n. water-melon;
ī, f. pat. of the Yamunā.
kāliman kāl-i-man, m. blackness.
kāliya kāl-iya, m. N. of a Nāga; cobra.
kālī kālī, f. the Black goddess, a. form of Durgā.
kālīkṛ kālī-kṛ, blacken.
kālīna kāl-īna, a. relating to the time of (-°).
kālīyaka kāl-īya-ka, m. N. of a Nāga; n. fragrant black wood (sandal or aloe).
kālīvilāsin kālī-vilāsin, m. husband of Kālī (Śiva).
kāluṣya kāluṣ-ya, n. turbidness; foulness; unfairness.
kālecaryā kāle-caryā, f. seasonable occupation.
kāleya kāl-eya, n. a. fragrant wood.
kāloraga kāla+uraga, m. black snake.
kālya kālya, n. day-break: -m, lc. at daybreak.
kāvandha kāvandha, a. (ī) trunk-like.
kāverī kāverī, f. N. of a river.
kāvya 1. kāvya, a. having the qualities of or coming from sages.
kāvya 2. kāvya, a. id.; n. wisdom; seer's art or gift.
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kāvya 3. kāvya, m. pl. kind of Manes; n. poem;
-kartṛ, m. poet;
-goṣṭhī, f. discussion on poetry;
-jīva-jña, m. Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, or a. understanding the purport of a poem;
-tā, f., -tva, n. condition of a poem;
-devī, f. N. of a queen;
-prakāśa, m. Light of poetry: T. of a work on poetics by Mammaṭa and Alaṭa (11th or 12th century);
-mīmāṃsa-ka, m. rhetorician;
-rasa, m. flavour of poetry;
-śāstra, n. poetry and learning (°-); treatise on poetry; Poetics: T. of a work.
kāvyādarśa kāvya+ādarśa, m. Mirror of poetry: T. of a work on poetics by Daṇḍin (6th century A. D.);
-alaṃkāra, m. Ornament of poetry: T. of a work by Vāmana (9th century): -sūtra, n. pl. Vāmana's Sūtras, -vṛtti, f. his commentary on them.
kāś KĀŚ, I.Ā. (P.) be visible, appear; shine: pp. -ita, shining, bright; intv. cākaś, shine brightly.
nis, cs. show; turn or drive out.
pra. appear, become manifest; shine; cs. make visible, show, display; announce; illumine.
vi, intv. illuminate.
kāśa kāś-a, m. kind of shining white grass.
kāśi kāś-i, m. closed hand or fist; handful: pl. N. of a people; f. i or ī, Benares: i-ka, a. coming from Kāśi, or Benares: ā, f. Benares; T. of a commentary (probably 7th century A. D) on Pāṇini by Vāmana and Gayāditya (sc. vṛtti);
-in, a. having the appearance of (-°);
i-pāti, m. lord of the Kāśis;
-purī, f. city of Benares.
kāśmalya kāśmal-ya, n. despondency, despair.
kāśmīra kāśmīra, a. (ī) belonging to Kaśmīra; m. king of Kaśmīra: pl. N. of a people and a country; n. saffron: -ka, a. belonging to Cashmere;
i-kā, f. princess of Cashmere;
-ja, n. saffron.
kāśmīrika kāśmīrika = kāśmīraka.
kāśya kāśya, m. king of the Kāśis;
ā, f. princess of the Kāśis.
kāśyapa kāśyapa, a. (ī) belonging to Kaśyapa; m. pat. descendant of Kaśyapa.
kāṣa kāṣa, m. rubbing (-°).
kāṣāya kāṣāya, a. brownish; n. brownred garment;
ī, f. kind of bee or wasp.
kāṣṭha kāṣṭha, n. (piece of) wood, log; a measure of length; a measure of capacity;
-kuṭ-ṭa, m. kind of woodpecker;
-kūṭa, m. id.;
-bhārika, m. carrier of wood;
-maya, a.(ī) made of wood;
-rajju, f. rope for tying wood together;
-loṣṭa-maya, a. made of wood or clay;
-stambha, m. beam.
kāṣṭhā kāṣṭhā, f. race-course, celestial course (of wind and cloud); quarter; goal, boundary; summit; height, maximum; a measure of time..
kāṣṭhika kāṣṭh-ika, m. wood-carrier.
kās KĀS, I.Ā. cough.
kāsa 1. kās-a, m. going, moving.
kāsa 2. kās-a, ā, f. cough;
-vat, a. coughing.
kāsāra kāsāra, m. pond, lake.
kāsikā kās-ikā, f. (slight) cough;
-in, a. coughing.
kāhala kāhala, a. indecent; excessive; dry; m. large drum;
ā, f. kind of wind instrument.
kāhlāra kāhlāra, a. derived from the white water-lily.
ki 1. ki, inter. prn. st. in kim, kiyat, kīdriś, &c..
ki 2. k-i, suffix i in pap-i &c. (gr.).
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kiṃyu kiṃ-yu, a. desiring what? -rūpa, a. of what form or appearance? -vadanta, m. N. of a demon: ī f. report; saying, proverb;
-varṇa, a. of what colour? -viṣaya-ka, a. relating to what? -vṛtta, pp. surprised at what has happened, incautious;
-vyāpāra, a. occupied with what?
kiṃśuka kiṃ-śuka, m. a tree; n. its (scentless red) blossom: -sakhi, m. bad friend;
-su-hṛd, m. id.;
-hetu, a. caused by what?
kiknasa kiknasa, m. articles of bruised grain.
kiṃkara kiṃ-kara, m. servant, slave: -tva, n. servitude;
ī, f. female servant or slave;
-kar-tavya-tā, f. perplexity as to what is to be done next;
-kārya-tā, f. id..
kiṅkiṇī kiṅ-kiṇ-ī, f. small bell;
-ikā, f. id.;
-ik-in, a. adorned with small bells.
kiṃcanya kiṃcan-ya, n. property.
kiṃcitka kiṃcit-ka, indef. prn. with preceding ya, any, every;
-kara, a. significant; (n) -mā-tra, n. a little bit.
kiñjalka kiñjalk-a, a. stamina (esp. of lotus);
-in, a. furnished with stamina.
kiṭi kiṭi, m. wild boar.
kiṭṭa kiṭṭa, n. secretion.
kiṇa kiṇa, m. callosity; scar.
kiṇva kiṇva, n. yeast; ferment (used in making spirit.
kit k-it, a. having k as its it (gr.).
kitava kitava, m., ī, f. gamester; cheat, rogue.
kidvat kid-vat, ad. like a kit (gr.).
kin k-i-n, a. primary suffix i (gr.).
kindubilva kindu-bilva, -villa -villa, N. of a race of of the birthplace of Jayadeva.
kiṃnara kiṃ-nara, m. fabulous being (half man half animal) in the service of Kubera; N. of various persons;
-nāmaka (ikā), -nāmadheya, ta, a. occasioned by what? -m, why?
kim kim, (nm., ac. n. of) what? why? often simple inter. pcl. not to be translated (= num, an); often used with other pcls.: -aṅga, why, pray? how much more? atha-, how otherwise? = it is so, certainly;
-api (not till Kālidāsa), very, extremely; vehemently; nay more: with neg. by no means;
-iti, wherefore, why? sts. = iti kim;
-iva, wherefore? -u, pray? why, pray? how much more or rather? -uta, how much more? how much less? (in neg. sentence) kiṃ ca, and also, and besides, moreover;
-cana, somewhat, a little: with neg. in no way, by no means;
-cid, somewhat, a little (sts. followed by iva): with neg. by no means;
-tarhi, (after neg. not) but;
-tu, but, however; nevertheless;
-tu tathāpi or paraṃ kiṃ tu, id.;
-nu, emph. inter. how much more or less? kiṃ nu khalu, why, I wonder? emph. inter.;
kiṃ punar, how much more or less; however, still; but;
kiṃ vā, or; perchance? kiṃ svid, why, I wounder? I wonder? In double questions the second kim is gnly. joined with uta, u vā, nu vā, vā, atha vā; or atha vā, aho svid, uta, uta vā, vā, vā- pi are used in the second place without kim. kim, with in. or gd. what is the use of -- to (g.)?
kimadhikaraṇa kim-adhikaraṇa, a. directed to what? -abhidhāna, a. how named? -ar-tha, a. having what purpose? wherefore? -ākhya, a. how named? -ādhāra, a. relating to what?
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kimīdin kim-īdin, m. kind of demon.
kimīya kim-īya, a. belonging to whom or what place?
kiṃparivāra kiṃ-parivāra, a. having what retinue? -puruṣa (ir a), m. kind of elf, dwarf (attendants of Kubera);
-prabhāva, a. how might? -prabhu, m. bad lord;
-phala, a. producing what fruit? -bala, a. how strong? -bhūta, pp. being what? having what attribute (in commentaries w. reference to nouns)? -bhaṛtya, bad servant;
-maya, a. consisting of what? -mātra, a. of what extent?
kiyacciram kiyac-ciram, ac. ad. how long? -cireṇa, in. ad. how soon?
kiyat ki-yat, a. how great? how far? how long? how various? of what kind? of what value? kiyat, ad. how far? how much? wherefore? = uselessly; indef. prn. a small, little, some; n. ad. a little, somewhat; with following ca & preceding yāvat, however great; of whatever kind; with api, however great;
kiyati+ā, (lc. with prp. ā) since how long?
kiyaddūra kiyad-dūra, n. some distance: -m, lc., °-, not far, a short way.
kiyanmātra kiyan-mātra, a. of little importance; n. trifle.
kiyāmbu kiyāmbu, n. an aquatic plant.
kir 1. KIR, kirati &c., v. -kṝ Kṝ, scatter.
kir 2. kir, a. scattering, pouring out (-°).
kiraṇa kir-aṇa, m. dust; mote; ray.
kirāṭa kirāṭa, m. merchant.
kirāta kirāta, m. pl. N. of a barbarous mountain tribe of hunters; sg. man or king of the Kirātas: ī, f. Kirāta woman;
-arjunīya, n. Arjuna's combat with Śiva disguised as a Kirāta: T. of a poem by Bhāravi (6th cent. A. D.).
kirīṭa kirīṭ-a, n. diadem; m. merchant;
-in, a. adorned with a diadem; m. epithet of Indra and of Arjuna.
kirmira kirmi-ra, a. variegated;
ī-ra, a., ī-rita, pp. id..
kila 1. kila (V. sts. ā) ad. quidem, indeed, certainly, it is true; that is to say, it is said or alleged; as is well known.
kila 2. kila, a. playing.
kilañja kilañja, m. mat.
kilāsa kilās-a, a. leprous; n. leprosy;
-in, a. leprous.
kiliñja kiliñja, m. mat.
kilbiṣa kilbiṣ-a, n. transgression, guilt, sin; injustice, injury: -spṛt, a. removing or avoiding sin;
-in, a. guilty, sinful; m. sinner.
kiśora kiśora, m. foal; young of an animal;
-ka, m. id..
kiṣkindha kiṣkindha, m. N. of a moujntain;
ā, f. N. of a care.
kiṣku kiṣku, m. fore-arm; handle (of an axe).
kis kis, inter. pcl..
kisalaya kisalaya, n. bud, shoot, sprout; den. P. cause to sprout; arouse: pp. i-ta, sprouted; having young shoots.
kīkaṭa kīkaṭa, m. pl. N. of a non-Āryan people.
kīkasa kīkasa, m. spine; n. bone.
kīcaka kīcaka, m. kind of bamboo; m. a general of Virāṭa, vanquished by Bhīmasena: pl. N. of a people.
kīṭa kīṭa, m. insect; worm; worm of a --, = wretched (-°);
-ka, m., i-kā, f. id.;
-ja, n. silk;
-maṇi, m. fire-fly.
kīṭāvapanna kīṭa+avapanna, pp. upon which an insect has fallen.
kīṭotkara kīṭa+utkara, m. ant-hill.
kīdṛkṣa kī-dṛkṣa, a. of what kind?
kīdṛgākāra kīdṛg-ākāra, a. having what appearance? -rūpa, a. id.;
-vyāpāra-vat, a. having what occupation?
kīdṛś kī-driś, a. what kind of? w. following ca and preceding yāvat, of whatever kind;
-dṛśa, a. (ī) of what kind? of what use?
kīnāśa kī-nāśa, m. [acquiring what? = indigent], agricultural labourer; miser.
kīra kīra, m. parrot: pl. N. of a people.
kīri kīr-i, m. bard, poet;
-in, a. praising; m. bard.
kīrṇa kīrṇa, pp. kṛ, scatter.
kīrtana kīrt-ana, n. mention, report; enumeration; narration;
-anīya, fp. to be mentioned or praised.
kīrtaya kīrtaya, P. (Ā.) mention, say; name; propound, proclaim; recite, narrate; celebrate; call, pronounce to be (2 ac.); ps. be called, be regarded as.
ud, glorify.
pari, blaze abroad; proclaim, propound, declare; praise; pronounce, relate; call; ps. be called or accounted.
pra, proclaim, propound, approve; call (2 ac.); ps. be called or accounted. saṃpra, mention; pronounce (2 ac.); ps. be called or accounted.
sam, mention; recite; proclaim, celebrate.
kīrti kīr-ti, f. mention; renown, fame: -kara, a. (ī) making famous;
-mat, a. renowned, famous;
-yuta, pp. id.;
-śeṣa, m. survival in fame only, death;
-sāra, m. N.;
-sena, m. N. of a nephew of Vāsuki;
-soma, m. N..
kīla kīla, -ka -ka, m. stake; peg, pin; wedge.
kīlikā kīl-ikā, f. peg; bolt;
-ita, pp. fastened, bolted; nailed down; studded with (in., -°).
kīśa kīśa, m. monkey.
ku 1. KU, v. kū KŪ.
ku 2. ku, f. earth, land, ground.
ku 3. ku, the class of gutturals (gr.).
ku 4. ku, prn. st. in ku-tas &c.; °-, bad, insignificant; badly, very;
-kanyakā, f. bad girl;
-karman, n. wicked deed;
-kalatra, n. bad wife;
-kavi, m. bad poet, poetaster;
-kāv-ya, m. bad poem;
-kuṭumbinī, f. bad housewife;
-kṛtya, n. infamous deed, wickedness.
kukura kukura, m. pl. N. of a people.
kukūla kukūla, chaff.
kukkuṭa kukkuṭa, m. cock: ī, f. hen;
-ka, m. son of a Niṣāda and a Sūdrā,
kukkura kukkura, m. dog;
ī, f. bitch.
kukṣi kuk-ṣi, m. [kuś] belly; womb; cavity, cavern; valley; bay: -ja, m. son.
kukṣī kukṣī, f. = kukṣi.
kugṛha ku-gṛha, m. pl. bad housewife;
-geh-inī, f. id.;
-grāma, m. wretched village.
kuṅkuma kuṅ-kum-a, n. saffron (a kind of crocus): -paṅka, m. saffron ointment.
kuc KUC, VI.P. kuca, kuñc KUÑK, VI. Ā. kuñcam contract, bend (int.): pp. -ita, contracted; bent, curved; curly; cs. kuñc aya, crisp, curl. ā, pp. bent; drawn in; contracted; curly.
sam-ā, cs. pp. contracted, oblique; suppressed.
ud, cs. pp. utkocita, blossoming.
vi, pp.
vikuñcita, contracted; curly.
sam, contract, close: pp. saṃkuc-ita, contracted, closed; cowering; dejected, disconcerted; cs. saṃkocaya, contract; reduce, diminish.
kuca kuc-a, m. (du.) female breast.
kucandana ku-candana, n. red sandal;
-cara, a. roaming about; vicious; m. bad man;
-car-itra, n., -caryā, f. bad conduct;
-cela, n. poor garment, rags; a. ill-clad: -tā, f. abst. N..
kuja ku-ja, m. son of earth, ep. of the planet Mars: -dina, n. Tuesday;
-jana, m. bad man or people;
-janman, m. 1. man of low birth, slave; 2. son of earth, planet Mars; tree;
-jīvikā, f. wretched existence.
kuñcana kuñc-ana, n. contraction.
kuñci kuñc-i, m. a measure = eight handfuls.
kuñcikā kuñc-ikā, f. key.
kuñcī kuñc-ī, f. caraway.
kuñj KUÑJ, I.P. rustle, roar.
kuñja kuñj-a, m. copse, thicket; bower;
-kuṭ-īra, bower;
-vat, m. N. of a part of the Daṇḍaka forest.
kuñjara kuñja-ra, m. elephant: -°, an elephant among = chief, of, most excellent;
ī, f. female elephant.
kuṭ KUṬ, divide, break up.
kuṭaja kuṭa-ja, m. a tree (Wrightia antidysen- terica).
kuṭaru kuṭaru, m. cock.
kuṭi kuṭ-i, f. bend, curve (-°); hut, shed.
kuṭila kuṭi-la, a. bent, curved; crooked, winding; curly; going crooked ways, deceitful; adverse: -ka, a. winding; curly;
-keśa, a. (ī) curly-haired;
-gati, a. going crookedly or stealthily; f. a metre;
-gā, f. river: -iśa, m. lord of rivers, oceans;
-gāman, a. winding; capricious;
-tā, f. curliness; deceitfulness;
-tva, n. id.; deviation from (-°);
-mati, a. crooked-minded, deceitful;
-manas, a. id..
kuṭilāśaya kuṭila+āśaya, a. having crooked aims.
kuṭilikā kuṭil-ikā, f. winding movement (on the stage).
kuṭilīkṛ kuṭilī-kṛ, knit (the brows).
kuṭī kuṭī, f. = kuṭi.
kuṭīra kuṭīra, hut; sexual intercourse;
ī-kṛ, choose for one's hut or abode.
kuṭumba kuṭumba, -ka -ka, n. household; family; family property: -parigraha, m. household; family.
kuṭumbin kuṭumb-in, m. householder, paterfamilias; member of a family; domestic; du. householder and his wife: -ī, f. mistress of the house; female domestic.
kuṭṭ KUṬṬ, X.P. kuṭṭaya, crush, bruise.
vi, lacerate.
kuṭṭa kuṭṭa, -ka -ka, a. crushing or grinding with (-°).
kuṭṭana kuṭṭ-ana, n. stamping;
ī, f. procuress.
kuṭṭāra kuṭṭ-āra, a. tearing, lacerating (-°); m. brawler.
kuṭṭinī kuṭṭ-inī, f. procuress;
-kapaṭa, m. N. of a rogue.
kuṭṭima kuṭṭ-ima, n. levelled floor.
[Page 69-3]
kuṭhāra kuṭhāra, -ka -ka, m. axe;
-i-kā, f. small axe;
i-ka, m. wood-cutter.
[kuḍ KUḌ, kuṇḍ KUṆḌ, encircle.].
kuḍava kuḍa-va, m. a measure and weight (= 1/4 prastha).
kuḍmala kuḍ-mala, a. budding; m. n. bad; n. kind of hell: -tā, f. closure (of bud or eye);
i-ta, pp. covered with buds; closed like a bud.
kuḍya kuḍ-ya, n. wall;
ā, f. id..
kuṇapa kuṇapa, n. corpse; carcase, carrion; a. (apa) decomposing, stinking like carrion.
kuṇāru kuṇ-āru, a. paralysed in the arm.
kuṇi kuṇ-i, a. id.: -tva, n. paralysis.
kuṇṭh KUṆṬ, pp. -ita, blunted, blunt; relaxed, jaded; ineffectual; dull.
vi, pp. blunted.
kuṇṭha kuṇṭh-a, a. blunt; relaxed; dulled: -tā, f. absence of feeling (in a limb);
-tva, n. dulness, obtuseness;
-a+aśma-mālā-maya, a. consisting of a series of blunt stones;
-ī-kṛ, blunt;
-ī-bhū, prove ineffectual.
kuṇḍa kuṇḍ-a, n., ī, f. pitcher, jar, pot; scuttle; round cavity in the graound, round fire-pit; m. bastard of an adulteress;
-ka, m. n. jar, pot, pitcher.
kuṇḍala kuṇḍa-la, n. ring, esp. earring;
-lin, a. wearing earrings; coiled; m. snake;
-ī-kṛ, make into a ring, coil.
kuṇḍāśin kuṇḍa+āśin, a. eating the food given by a kuṇḍa (bastard of an adulteress).
kuṇḍikā kuṇḍ-ikā, f. pot.
kuṇḍina kuṇḍ-ina, n. N. of the capital of Vidarbha.
kuṇḍodhnī kuṇḍa+ūdhnī, a. f. hvg. a jar-shaped udder.
kutanaya ku-tanaya, m. son.
kutapa ku-tapa, m. n. goat's hair blanket.
kutapasvin ku-tapasvin, m. bad ascetic;
-tarka, m. bad dialectics, sophistry.
kutas ku-tas, ad. = ab. of ka, from which? from whom? whence? sts. whither? why? often in drama before a couplet confirming a previous remark = for; how? how much less, to say nothing of;
kuto 'pi, (late) from some;
kutaś cid, id.; from somewhere: na-, from nowhere;
na kutaś- cana, id.; in no direction.
kutastya kutas-tya, a. coming from whence? with api, of unknown origin.
kutāpasa ku-tāpasa, m., ī, f. bad ascetic.
kutuka ku-tu-ka, n. [regard to the whence], curiosity; interest; eagerness for (-°).
kutūhala kutū-hala, n. [cry of whence], id.; pleasure, delight in (prati, lc. or -°); curious, interesting, or amusing object: in. eagerly, zealously: -kṛt, a. exciting curiosity, curious;
-vat, a. inquisitive; interested; eager.
kutūhalin kutūhal-in, a. curious, interested.
kutra ku-tra (-trā,) ad. = lc. of ka, in what? where? whiter? what for? -- -api, (late) somewhere;
-cid, = lc. in some --; somewhere: with neg. nowhere (also of direction);
kutra-cid -- kutra -- cid, in one case -- in the other, sometimes -- sometimes.
kutratya kutra-tya, a. dwelling or coming from where?
kutsa kuts-a, m. N. of various men;
-ana, n. reviling, abuse; contempt; term of abuse;
-aya, den. P. [ask as to the whence: kut (a) s] abuse, blame; contemn: pp. -ita, contemptible; blameworthy;
-ā, f. abuse, blame: in. contemptuously;
-ya, fp. blameworthy.
kuth KUTH, stink: pp. -ita, fetid; cs. koth-aya, cause to putrefy.
kutha kutha, m., ā, f. coloured woollen blanket.
kudāradāra ku-dāra-dāra, m. pl. bad wife as a wife;
-dṛṣṭa, pp. imperfectly seen;
-dṛṣṭi, f. defective sight; false system, a. heterodox;
-deśa, m. bad country;
-daiśika, m. bad guide.
kuddāla kuddāla, hoe, spade.
kudravya ku-dravya, n. bad wealth;
-dvāra, n. back-door;
-dhī, a. foolish; m. fool;
-nakha, -nakin, a. having deformed nails;
-nadikā, f. insignificant rivulet;
-nadī, f. id.;
-na-ra+indra, -īśvara, m. bad king;
-nīta, n. bad guidance;
-nṛpa, -nṛpati, m. bad king.
kunta kunta, m. spear, lance.
kuntala kuntala, m. hair of the head; m. pl. N. of a people.
kuntavanamaya kunta-vana-maya, a. consisting of a forest of spears.
kuntāpa kuntāpa, n. N. of twenty organs alleged to be in the abdomen; a certain section of the Atharva-veda..
kunti kunti, m. pl. N. of a people; sg. king of the Kuntis;
-bhoja, m. N. of a king of the Kuntis, who adopted Kunti.
kuntī kuntī, f. ep. of Pṛthā, wife of Pāṇḍu;
-suta, m. son of Kuntī (ep. of the sons of Pāṇḍu).
kunda kunda, m. kind of jasmine; n. its. flower;
-latā, jasmine creeper.
kup KUP, IV. kupya, become agitated; grow angry, be angry with (d., g.), conflict with (g.): pp. -ita, angered; angry with (g. or upari); cs. kopaya, agitate, excite, provoke.
ud, cs. excite, produce.
pra, become agitated or angry: pp. angry with (lc. or prati); cs. provoke, enrage, sam, cs. rage along.
kupa kup-a, m. beam of a balance.
kupaṭa ku-paṭa, m. poor garment;
-paṭu, a. stupid;
-paṭhita, pp. who has learnt (his part) badly;
-pati, m. bad husband; bad king;
-parijñāta, pp. ill-comprehended;
-parīk-sha-ka, a. estimating badly; m. bad estimator;
-parīkṣita, pp. ill-investigated;
-pātra, n. unworthy person;
-putra, m. bad son;
-puru-sha, m. contemptible man; coward.
kupya kupya, n. base metal, i. e. any but gold and silver; m. N.;
-ka, -°, a. base metal.
kuprabhu ku-prabhu, m. bad lord;
-plava, m. unsafe boat.
kubandha ku-bandha, m. degrading brand;
-buddhi, f. wrong view; a. wickedly disposed; stupid.
kubera kubera, m. N. of the regent of the spirits of the lower regions and of darkness (V.); god of wealth, the world guardian of the North;
-datta, m. N. of a mythical being;
-valla-bha, m. N. of a Vaisya.
kubja kubja, a. hunch-backed; crooked; (a) -ka, a. id.; m. an aquatic plant..
kubrahman ku-brahman, m. bad Brāhman.
[kubh KUBH, kumbh KUMBH, be curved].
kubhartṛ ku-bhartṛ, m. bad husband;
-bhāyā, f. bad wife;
-bhikṣu, m. rogue of a beggar;
-bhukta, n. bad meal;
-bhṛtya, m. bad servant;
-bhoga, m. poor enjoyment;
-bhojana, n. bad food;
-bhojya, n. id.;
-bhrātṛ, m. bad brother;
-mata, n. false doctrine;
-mati, f. wrong opinion; stupidity; a. stupid;
-man-tra, m. bad advice; evil spell;
-mantrin, m. bad counsellor.
kubhā kubh-ā, f. N. of a river (Cabul).
kumāra ku-māra, m. [dying easily], (newborn) child; body; youth, son; prince; ep. of Skanda; (a) -kā, m. little boy, boy, youth; -°, a young --;
-tva, n. boyhood, youth; sonship;
-datta, m. N.; (a) -deṣṇa, a. giving but fleeting gifts;
-dhārā, f. N. of a river;
-bhukti, f. apanage of a crown prince;
-bhṛtyā, f. fostering of a child; midwifery;
-vana, n. Kumāra's grove;
-vikrama, a. valiant as the god of war;
-vrata, n. vow of chastity;
-saṃbhava, m. birth of the war-god: T. of a poem by Kālidāsa;
-sena, m. N. of a minister;
-sevaka, m. prince's servant.
kumārikā kumār-ikā, f. girl; N. of a part of Bhāratavarṣa;
-in, a. possessed of children.
kumāridatta kumāri-datta, m. N.;
-la: -bhaṭṭa, -svāmin, m. N. of a Mīmāṃsist.
kumārī ku-mārī, f. girl, virgin; daughter; (ī) -pura, n. part of harem where girls live;
-bhāga, m. daughter's portion.
kumārga ku-mārga, m. wrong way, evil courses;
-mālana, m. N.;
-mitra, n. bad friend: -mi-tra, n. bad friend as a friend.
kumuda ku-muda, n. (white) night lotus; m. N. of a Nāga; N. of a man: -nātha, m. moon;
-maya, a. consisting entirely of white lotuses;
-ākara, m. lotus group: -tā, f. abst. N..
kumudikā kumud-ikā, f. N..
kumudinī kumud-inī, f. night lotus; group of night lotuses: -nāyaka, -vadhūvara, m. lover of lotuses, ep. of the moon.
kumudvat kumud-vat, a. abounding in lotuses: -ī, f. night lotus; group of night lotuses; N..
kumuhūrta ku-muhūrta, m. evil hour.
kumbha kumbha, m. pot, jar, run (-°, a. jarshaped); a. measure of grain ( = 20 Droṇas); du. frontal protuberances of an elephant; (a)-ka, -°, a. id.; m. n. religious exercise consisting in closing the nostrils with the right hand to suspend breathing: -karṇa, m. N. of a Rākṣasa (brother of Rāvaṇa);
-karṇāya, den. Ā. resemble Kumbha-karṇa (in sleeping long);
-kāra, m. potter (a mixed caste);
-kārikā, f. wife of a potter;
-janman, m. ep. of Agastya;
-dāsī, f. common prostitute;
-dhānya, a. having only a potful of grain;
-yoni, m. ep. of Agastya;
-saṃbhava, m. id..
kumbhāṇḍa kumbha+aṇḍa, m. kind of demon.
kumbhikā kumbh-ikā, f. small pot or jar;
-in, m. elephant (having frontal protuberances); *-ila, m. thief.
kumbhī kumbhī, f. pot, jar, pan;
-dhānyaka, a. having grain in jars; (ī) -nasa, m. kind of snake;
-nasī, f. N. of a Rākṣasī;
-pāka, m. sg. & pl. king of hell.
kumbhīra kumbhī-ra, m. crocodile; *-la, m. id..
kumbhodara kumbha+udara, m. (pot-bellied), N. of a servant of Śiva;
-udbhava, m. ep. of Agastya;
-udbhūta, m. id..
kuraṅga kuraṅga, m. antelope: -ka, m. id.;
-nay-anā, -netrā, -locanā, -akṣī, a. f. gazelle-eyed.
kuraṅgāya kuraṅgā-ya, den. Ā. become an antelope.
kuraṅgī kuraṅgī, f. female antelope, gazelle; N. of a daughter of Prasenagit: -dṛś, f. gazelle-eyed.
kurabaka kuraba-ka, m. crimson amaranth or purple Barleria; n. its flower.
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kurara kurara, m., ī, f. osprey.
kurahasya ku-rahasya, n. base secret;
-rājan, m. bad king;
-rājya, n. bad rule.
kuru 1. kur-u, 2 sg. impv. of kṛ, do.
kuru 2. kuru, m. N. of the progenitor of the Kurus:pl. N. of a people.
kurukṣetra kuru-kṣetra, n. plain of Kuru; m. pl. people of Kurukṣetra; N. of a country.
kurutā kurutā, f. N. of a woman.
kurunandana kuru-nandana, m. ep. of Arjuna and of Yudhiṣṭhira;
-pañcāla, m. pl. the Kurus and Pañcālas;
-pāṇḍava, m. du. pl. descendants of Kuru (i. e. of Dhṛtarāṣṭra) and of Pāṇḍu.
kurubaka kurubaka, -vaka -vaka, probably incorrect form of kurabaka, -vaka.
kuruvinda kuru-vinda, m. kind of barely; ruby.
kurūpa ku-rūpa, a. deformed, ugly: -tā, f. deformity, ugliness.
kurūru kurūru, m. kind of vermin.
kurkuṭa kur-kuṭ-a, m. cock.
kurkura kur-kur-a, m. dog.
kurvat kurv-at, pr. pt. of kṛ, do.
kurvāṇa kurv-āṇa, pr. pt. Ā. of kṛ, do.
kula kul-a, n. herd, flock, swarm; multitude; race, family; community, guild; noble lineage; abode, house; °-, often = chief, eminent;
-ṃ padātīnām, infantry.
kulaka kula-ka, -°, a. multitude; n. little family; combination of three or more slokas containing a single sentence;
-kanyakā, f. girl of good family;
-kalaṅka, m. disgrace to the family: -kārin, a. disgracing the family;
-kalaṅk-ita, pp. disgracing the family;
-kalaṅkin, a. id.;
-krama-sthiti, f. hereditary usage in a family;
-krama+āgata, pp. hereditary in the family;
-kṣaya, m. ruin of a family;
-giri, m. chief mtn. or mtn.-range;
-guru, m. head of a family; family priest;
-gṛha, n. house of rank.
kulakṣaṇa ku-lakṣaṇa, a. bearing a baneful mark.
kulagna ku-lagna, n. fatal moment.
kulaghna kula-ghna, a. (ā, ī) destroying the race;
-ṃ-kula, a. going from house to house;
-ja, a. noble race; born in the family of (-°).
kulaṭā kulaṭā, f. unchaste woman.
kulatantu kula-tantu, m. thread on which a family hangs = the last of a race;
-deva, m.: -tā, f. family deity;
-daiva: -ta, n. id.;
-dha-ra, m. N. of a prince;
-dharma, m. usage of a family;
-dhurya, a. able to bear the burden of a family; m. head of a family;
-nandana, a. N. (child) delighting the family;
-nārī, f. virtuous woman;
-nimnagā, f. main or noble stream.
kulapatana kula-patana, n. fall --, degradation of the family;
-pati, m. head of the family;
-parvata, m. chief mtn. or mtn.-range;
-pā, m. f. head of the family or community;
-pāṃs-anī, f. disgrace to her family;
-pālikā, f. N.;
-putra, m. son of a good family; virtuous youth: -ka, m. id.;
-puruṣa, m. man of good family; virtuous man;
-pratiṣṭhā, f. support of the race;
-prasūta, pp. born of a noble race;
-bhava, a. coming of a noble race;
-bhavana, n. chief residence;
-bhūta, pp. being the head of the guild;
-bhūbhṛt, m. chief mtn. or mtn.-range; model of a prince;
-mārga, m. ancestral path;
-mitra, n. friend of the family.
kulayoṣit kula-yoṣit, f. virtuous woman;
-rājadhānī, f. royal capital;
-vat, a. of noble race;
-vardhana, m. support of a family;
-vidyā, f. knowledge hereditary in the family;
-vrata, n. family practice (religious or moral): -dhara, a. maintaining the family virtue;
-śī-la-vayo-vṛtta-vitta-vat, a. of good family, character, age, conduct, and means;
-śikharin, m., -śaila, m. = kula-parvata;
-saṅkhyā, f. being accounted of good family;
-saṃgata, m. acquaintance of the family;
-saṃtati, f. progeny;
-saṃnidhi, m. presence of many persons: lc. in the presence of witnesses;
-samudbhava, a. sprung of a noble house;
-sevaka, m. excellent servant;
-stamba, m. family like a bunch of grass;
-strī, f. virtuous woman;
-sthiti, f. family usage;
-hīna, pp. of ignoble race.
kulāṅkura kula+aṅkura, m. scion of a family;
-aṅgāra, m. firebrand = destroyer of his own family;
-acala, -adri, m. chief mtn. or mtn.range;
-anuguṇa -vat, a. having merits corresponding to his race;
-anta-karaṇa, a. destroying a race;
-anvaya, m. noble descent;
-anvita, pp. of noble race;
-āpīḍa, m. ornament of the family.
kulāya kulāy-a, m. n. web, tissue; next; lair; dwelling;
-in, a. nest-like.
kulāla kulāla, m. potter;
ī, f. wife of a potter.
kulika kul-ika, m. relation.
kuliṅga ku-liṅga, m. kind of mouse; N. of various birds..
kulija kulija, n. a measure of capacity.
kuliśa ku-liśa, m. axe; n. thunderbolt; diamond: -tā, f. state of a thunderbolt;
-dhara, -pāṇi, -bhṛt, m. ep. of Indra.
kulīna kul-īna, a. noble (of race and character); belonging to the race of (-°): -tva, n. noble birth;
-īya, a. belonging to the family of (-°).
kulīra kulīra, m. crab;
-ka, m. little crab.
kulūta kulūta, m. pl. N. of a people.
kulodgata kula+udgata, pp. coming of a noble stock;
-udvaha, a. continuing the race of, descended from (g., -°).
kulmāṣa kulmāṣa, m. sour gruel.
kulya 1. kul-ya, a. referring or belonging to a family.
kulya 2. kulya, n. receptacle for the bones of a cremated corpse.
kulyā kulyā, f. rivulet, canal.
kulyāya kulyā-ya, den. Ā. become a rivulet.
kullūka kullūka, m. N. of a commentator on Manu, who probably lived in the sixteenth century.
kuvaṇij ku-vaṇij, m. a rogue of a merchant.
kuvadhū ku-vadhū, f. wicked woman;
-vart-man, n. wrong road, heresy.
kuvala ku-vala, a tree; n. itsfruit; water-lily.
kuvalaya 1. ku-valaya, n. terrestrial orb, orbis terrarum.
kuvalaya 2. ku-vala-ya, n. blue lotus (which opens at night)-dṛś, -nayanā, f. lotus-eyed woman;
-mālā, f. N. of a mare;
-vatī, f. N. of a princess.
kuvalayāditya kuvalaya+āditya, m. N. of a king;
-ānanda, m. T. of a rhetorical work;
-āpīḍa, m. N. of a Daitya changed into an elephant; N. of a king;
-avalī, f. N. of a queen.
kuvalayita kuvalay-ita, pp. adorned with water-lilies.
kuvalayeśa kuvalaya+īśa, m. lord of earth, king: -tā, f. dominion.
kuvastra ku-vastra, n. bad dress; a. ill-clad: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-vākya, n., -vāc, f. ill word;
-vādika, m. charlatan, quack;
-vāsanā, f. wrong notion.
kuvid kuv-id, ad. perchance? I wonder?
kuvinda kuvinda, -ka -ka, m. wearer.
kuvivāha ku-vivāha, m. low marriage;
-vṛtti, f. poor maintenance;
-vedhas, m. evil fate;
-vaidya, m. bad physician;
-vyāpāra, m. low occupation.
[kuś KUŚ, enclose, encircle.].
kuśa kuś-a, m. grass, esp. sacrificial grass; N.: -nābha, m. N..
kuśala kuśa-la, a. appropriate, fitting; profitable; salutary; healthy, well; skilful, expert, experienced (in, g., lc., inf., -°): -ṃ man, approve;
-m, ad. duly; mildly; n. good condition, due order; welfare, prosperity; health; expertness, skill;
kuśalaṃ te, how do you do? good lack to you! -ṃ brū, -vac, or -vad, wish any one good luck;
-m, in.,°-, duly, regularly.
kuśalakāraṇa kuśala-kāraṇa, n. cause due to welfare;
-tā, f. skill, experience (in lc.);
-praśna, m. enquiry as to health;
-vat, a. healthy, well;
-vāc, a. eloquent.
kuśalin kuśal-in, a. well, safe and sound; favourable, good (news).
kuśalīkṛ kuśalī-kṛ, put in order, set right.
kuśavat kuśa-vat, a. abounding in Kuśa grass;
-stamba, m. bunch of Kuśa grass.
kuśāgra kuśa+agra, n. point of a blade of Kuśa: -buddhi, a. whose intellect is as sharp as a needle.
kuśāvatī kuśā-vatī, f. N. of a city.
kuśika kuśika, m. N. of a sage: pl. N. of a people.
kuśiṣya ku-śiṣya, m. bad pupil: -śiṣya, m. bad pupil as a pupil.
kuśīla ku-śīla, n. bad character: -va, m. bard, actor: du, N. of the two sons of Rāma.
kuśūla kuśūla, m., v. kusūla kusūla.
kuśeśaya kuśeśaya, a. lying on Kuśa grass; n. (day) lotus: -akṣa, a. lotus-eyed.
kuśruta ku-śruta, pp. imperfectly heard; n. evil report.
kuṣ KUSH, VI. kuṣa, IX.P. kuṣ-ṇā, pinch, tear.
nis, tear out: pp.
niṣ-kuṣita, torn out.
kuṣītaka kuṣītaka, m. kind of bird; N..
kuṣumbha kuṣumbha, m. poison sac.
kuṣṭha ku-ṣṭha, m. n. a plant;
ā, f. point, beak; leprosy.
kuṣṭhikā kuṣṭhikā, f. contents of the entrails.
kuṣṭhin kuṣṭh-in, a. leprous.
kuṣmāṇḍa kuṣmāṇḍa, m. a plant: pl. a species of demon.
kusakhī ku-sakhī, f. bad friend;
-saciva, m. bad minister;
-saṃbandha, m. bad relation;
-sarit, f. shallow river.
kusīda ku-sīda, a. inert; n. usury: -vṛddhi, f. usurer's interest.
kusīdin kusīd-in, m. usurer.
kusuma kusuma, n. flower, blossom: -kārmu-ka, m. Kāma (having a bow of flowers);
-ketu, -cāpa, m. id.;
-komala, a. soft as flowers;
-druma, m. flowering tree;
-dhanus, -dhan-van, m. Kāma (having ;a how of flowers);
-pura, n. Flower city, cp. of Pāṭaliputra;
-bāṇa, m. flower;
-maya, a. (ī) consisting, of flowers;
-mārgaṇa, m. Kāma.
kusumaya kusum-aya, den. P. furnish with flowers: pp. -ita, flowering, blossoming.
kusumalakṣman kusuma-lakṣman, m. ep. of Pradyumna;
-latā, f. flowering creeper;
-lāvī, f. flower gatherer;
-śayana, n. couch of flowers;
-śara, a. having flowers as arrows (-tva, n. abst. N.); m. Kāma: -āsana, m. id.;
-sāyaka, m. Kāma;
-sāra, m. N. of a merchant;
-surabhi, a. fragrant with flowers;
-stabaka, m. bunch of flowers.
kusumākara kusuma+ākara, m. spring;
-añ jali, m. two handfuls of flowers;
-āyudha, m. Kāma; N.;
-āsava, m. honey;
-āstara-ṇa, n. couch of flowers;
-astra, m. Kāma.
kusumita kusum-ita, (pp.) n. blossoming, flowering time.
kusumeṣu kusuma+iṣu, m. Kāma (flower-arrowed.).
kusumbha kusumbha, m. safflower; (hermit's) water-pot: -kṣetra, n. field of safflower;
-vat, a. carrying a water-pot.
kusūla kusūla, m. granary;
-dhānyaka, a. having plenty of corn in his granaries.
kusṛti ku-sṛti, f. by-path; fraud, deception.
kusauhṛda ku-sauhṛda, m. bad friendl;
-strī, f. bad woman;
-sthāna, n. miserable place;
-svāmin, m. bad master.
kuha ku-ha, ad. where? (often -svid); -cid, somewhere; wherever.
kuhaka kuha-ka, m. rogue, cheat, juggler; hypocrite; n., ā, f. jugglery; deception.
kuhara kuha-ra, n. N. of a Nāga; cava, cavity; copulation.
kuhā kuhā, f. a plant.
kuhu kuhu, cry of the cuckoo (also ū).
kuhū kuhū, f. new-moon (personified as the daughter of Aṅgiras).
kū KŪ, VI.Ā. kuva, cry. ā, intend.
kū kū, ad. where? with cid, somewhere.
kūcī kūcī, f. brush, pencil.
kūj KŪJ, I.P. kūja, utter monotonous sounds; cry, hum, coo, buzz, murmur, twitter.
ud, cry, utter a (monotonous) coo; lament, wail.
vi, cry, twitter.
sam, id..
kūja kūj-a, m., -ana, n. cry, coo, murmur;
-ita, (pp.) n. id..
kūṭa 1. kūṭa, n. forehead; horn; m. n. peak, top; heap, multitude; n. deception, fraud, falsehood.
kūṭa 2. kūṭa, a. hornless (cattle); deceptive; spurious; concealed; invidious;
-ka, a. false (coin); n. prominence;
-karman, n. fraud;
-kāraka, m. forger, false-witness;
-kṛt, m. forger (of g.); briber;
-cchadman, m. sharper, cheat;
-tāpasa, m. counterfeit ascetic;
-tulā, f. false balance;
-pākala, m. elephant's fever;
-pāśa, m. snare, trap;
-bandha, m. id.;
-yuddha, m. treacherous fight;
-racanā, f. fraud; trap, snare;
-lekha, m., -lekhya, n. forged document;
-śālmali, m. f. fabulous cotton shrub with sharp thorns employed to torture criminals in Yama's realm;
-śāsana, n. forged edict: -kartṛ, m. forger of edicts;
-sākṣin, m. false-witness;
-stha, a. occupying the highest place, chief; being in the midst of (-°); immovable, immutable;
-svarṇa, n. counterfeit gold.
kūṭākṣa kūṭa+akṣa, m. loaded die: -uap-dhi-devin, a. playing with false dice or fraud;
-āgāra, m. n. room on the house-top; summer-house.
kūḍ KŪḌ, X.P. kūḍaya, singe, scorch.
kūṇ KŪṆ, kūṇati, contract (int.): pp. -ita, contracted, closed.
kūdī kūdī, f. fetter.
kūpa kūpa, m. [ku ap-a], pit, hole; well: -ka, m. little well;
-kāra, m. well-digger;
-kūr-ma, m. tortoise in a well = unsophisticated person;
-khanana, n. digging of a well;
-khānaka, m. well-digger;
-cakra, n. water-wheel;
-dardura, m. frog in well=unsophisticated person;
-yantra, n. water-wheel.
kūpāya kūpā-ya, den. Ā, become a well.
kūpikā kūp-ikā, f. puddle in a dry river-bed.
kūbara kūbara, m. n., ī f. (cart) pole (-°, a. f. ā).
kūrca kūrca, m. n. bunch of grass; n. beard;
-ka, m. bunch; brush; beard;
-tā, f. beardedness;
-la, a. bearded.
kūrd KŪRD, I. kūrda, leap.
ud, leap up.
pra, bound.
kūrda kūrda, m., -na -na, n. leaping, bounding.
kūrpa kūrpa, sand.
kūrpara kūrpara, m. elbow; sts. knee.
kūrpāsaka kūrpāsa-ka, m. jacket, bodice.
kūrma kūrma, m. (g. ī) tortoise; one of the vital airs which causes the eyes to close;
-pati, m. king of the tortoises (who supports the earth).
kūl KŪL, X.P. kūlaya, singe (cp. kūḍ).
kūla kūla, n. slope, hill; bank.
kūlaṃkaṣa kūlaṃ-kaṣa, a. carrying away the bank.
kūlajāta kūla-jāta, pp. growing on the bank.
kūlamudruja kūlam-udruja, a. undermining the bank.
kūlavatī kūla-vatī, f. river.
kūlinī kūl-inī, f. id..
kūṣmāṇḍa kūṣmāṇḍa, m. kind of demon; kind of text; n., ī, f. N. of a the verses XX, 14-16 in the Vāgasaneyi-saṃhitā.
kṛ 1. KṚ (skṛ after upa, pari, sam), VIII. karo strong, kuru weak; V. + I. kara, II. kar, V. kṛṇo; make, do; fashion, build; perform, fulfil; produce; execute; effect; conclude (friendship), display, show, exercise; prepare, cook; compose; cultivate; make anything out of (in., ab.); do anything to or for (g., lc.); make any one anything 2 ac.; do violence to (ac.); perform the usual action with (ac.); used thus with great latitude, e. g. udakaṃkṛ, offer the usual oblation of water (allied with this is the use of kri in the periphr. pf. with an abst. N. in ā); utter, pronounce, use; describe; fix, determine; pass (time); await (a moment); procure for (g., lc.); assume (shape, voice: Ā,); place or in, direct to (in., lc.), turn, the mind or thoughts, give the heart (manas, buddhim, matim, bhāvam) to, resolve on (d., lc., inf. or oratio racta with iti); appoint to (lc.); commission; act, fare; sacrifice; do anything with, make use of (in. and kim?); avail, be of use (with kim?); with adverbs in ī (e. g. atithī-), ū (e. g. mṛdū-), make turn into; with -sāt, reduce to, turn into;
vaśe kṛ, subdue;
-hṛdi --, take to heart, remember;
hṛdayena-, love;
evaṃ kṛtvā, for this reason;
tathā-, yathā+uktam-, do so, consent; cs. kāraya, cause to make (2 ac.), cause to be made by (in.); cause to be prepared; cause to be made (2) ac.); cause to be placed in (lc.); cause to be performed; cause to be cultivated; -- to be put or buried; order to make, -- to prepare, -- to practise: often = simple verb; des. cikīṣa, wish to do, -- perform, -- establish; intend; strive after.
ati, transgress.
adhi, place the head of, appoit to (lc.); put forward, make a subject of discussion: pp. entrusted with, appointed to (lc., -°); concerned in (lc.).
anu, imitate (ac.); equal, rival (ac., g.), equal (ac.) in (in.). apu, take away, remove; injure (ac., g., lc.); cs. id.
pra-ti+pa, take vengeance on (g.).
abhi, do, make; des. wish to do, undertake. aram, prepare; serve, satisfy (d.). alam, prepare, produce; adorn (Ā. adorn oneself); do violence to (g.).
abhi-, upa-, adorn, sam-alam, id.; violate.
ava, direct downwards. ā, bring hither; produce; appropriate (g.); cs. call; ask for (2 ac.); des. intend to perform.
apa+ā, remove, drive away, dispel, counteract, repel; give up, desist from; pay.
upa+ā, bring near, fetch; deliver; grant; prepare for a sacred rite; consecrate.
ni+ā, keep back.
nir-ā, set apart; put away, remove; drive away; reject, repel; deny.
vi+ā, separate, distinguish; explain.
sam-ā, unite, keep together.
upa, confer; offer, present; serve, do a service to, oblige (g., lc.); Ā. cherish.
upa-skṛ, prepare, compose; equip, adorn; care for (ac.): pp. furnished with (in.).
prati+upa, repay; do a service in return.
ni, bring down, humble, overcome: pp. humbled; dejected; mortified.
vi-ni, mortify; injure; defraud.
nis, remove; prepare; deck out; cure; expiate.
pari-ṣkṛ, prepare; adorn, deck, furnish with (in.). puras, place in front; show, display; appoint to (lc.); choose, prefer; honour; gd. -kṛtya, regarding, about, on account of (ac.): pp. accompanied by, furnished with (-°): -m, ad. accompanied with (-°).
pra, do; fashion, make; perform; show, cause; make into (2 ac.); marry (a wife, a girl); violate, pollute (a girl); appoint to (lc.); put forward; make the subject of discussion;
buddhim or manas-, apply one's heart to, make up one's mind to (d., lc.), resolve: pp. begun; accomplished; mentioned, under discussion; in question; cs. cause to prepare.
vi-pra, injure; harass; obstruct.
prati, make (ac.) out of (ac.) in opposition; repay (good and evil) with ac. of thing and d., g., lc. of person; resist; make good, repair; pay; des. wish to take revenge on (ac., lc.) for (ac.).
vi, make different, change, alter; compare; disfigure, destroy, mutilate; develop; be hostile to (g., lc.); become unfaithful to (lc.); Ā, ps. be changed or modified; become alienated or disloyal: pp. changed, altered, qualified; mutilated, deformed, disfigured; unnatural, repulsive: cs. cause to change one's sentiments.
pra-vi (for vi-pra): pp. sinned.
sam (generally -skṛ), put together, unite; accumulate; prepare; invest (with the sacred thread); hallow (a girl at a wedding or the dead with sacred fires); adorn, polish, form grammatically: pp. saṃ skṛta, hallowed, invested; adorned, polished, elaborate, refined, Sanskrit.
prati-sam, repair.
kṛ 2. KṚ, pt. cakrat, intv. car-kṛ, remember, mention with praise (g.).
kṛkara kṛ-kara, m. kind of partridge; a. vital air causing hunger.
kṛkalāsa kṛkalāsa, m. lizard; chameleon.
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kṛkavāku kṛka-vāku, m. cock; peacock.
kṛkaṣā kṛkaṣā, f. kind of bird.
kṛkālika kṛkālika, f. kind of bird.
kṛcchra kṛcchra, a. distressing, grievous, dire; severe, dangerous; wretched, miscrable: -m, ad. miserably; m. n. difficulty, distress, trouble, misery; danger; penance; king of minor penance; °-, -tas, ab. with difficulty, with much ado.
kṛcchrakarman kṛcchra-karman, n. distress, trouble;
-kāla, m. time of distress or danger;
-gata, pp. distressed, endangered; prectising penance;
-tā, f. dangerousness;
-patita, pp. fallen into distress;
-prāṇa, a. whose life is in danger; eking out one's existence with difficulty;
-sādhya, fp. difficult of accomplishment.
kṛcchrātikṛcchra kṛcchra+atikṛcchra, m. du. ordinary and extraordinary penance; sg. kind of penance.
kṛcchrābda kṛcchra+abda, m. kind of one year's penance.
kṛñ kṛ-ñ, the root kṛ (gr.).
kṛṇotana kṛ-ṇo-tana, V. 2 pl. impv. of kṛ. do.
kṛt kṛ-t, (-°) a. making, producing, causing, performing; m. composer, maker, fashioner; primary nominal suffix (attached to roots); primary noun.
kṛt 1. KṚT, VI.P. kṛnata (E. also Ā. and I. P. karta), cut, cut off, out, up or down; extract; cleave: pp. kṛtta, cut; cut, torn or hewn off; cs. = simple vb.
ava, cut off; sever; cs. cause to be gashed.
ud, cut out, off or up; cut to pieces; destroy.
ni, put to the sword; cut down or away, tear away; Ā, cut one's nails.
pari, cut all round; cut off or exclude from (ab.); Ā. split round.
vi, divide, rend; cs. id..
kṛt 2. KṚT, VII.P. kṛṇatti, spin.
kṛta kṛ-ta, pp. made, done, performed; prepared, ready; acquired; well done, all right; -°, relating to: -m, done! = it shall be done at once; w. in. away with, enough of; n. deed, work, action; benefit (-ṃ vid, be conscious of benefits received); stake (in play); booty; die or side of a die marked with 4; first or golden age.
kṛtaka kṛta-ka, a. artificial, feigned, false; adopted (son): -m, feignedly, -tva, n. quality of being artificially produced;
-kartavya, a. having fulfilled his task;
-karman, n. an accomplished deed; a. having fulfilled one's duty;
-kārin, a. doing a thing;
-kārya, n. an attained object; a. having accomplished his object; satisfied: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-kāla, m. appointed time;
-kṛtya, a. having done his duty; having attained his object, satisfied (as to, lc.): -tā, f. satisfaction;
-kriya, a. having performed a sacred rite; pious;
-kṣaṇa, a. having an appointed time, i. e. waiting impatiently for (lc. ac. w. prati, inf., -°);
-kṣo-bha, a. shaken;
-ghna, a. ignoring benefits, ungrateful: -tā, f., -tva, n. ingratitude;
-cūḍa, a. having received the tonsure;
-jana-man, a. planted;
-jña, a. recognising benefits, grateful: -tā, f. gratitude.
kṛtatīrtha kṛta-tīrtha, a. to which a stair has been made;
-tvara, a. hastening;
-dāra, a. married;
-dāsa, m. one who offers himself as a slave for a fixed time;
-dīrgha-roṣa, m. protracted wrath;
-dhaī, a. clever; resolved on (inf.);
-dhvaj, a. furnished with banners;
-nāśaka, a. ungrateful;
-nāśana, a. id.;
-niścaya, a. convinced; firmly resolved on (d., lc., inf., -°); resolute;
-niścayin, a. resolute.
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kṛtapada kṛta-pada, a. having found a footing;
-puṇya, a. happy;
-pūrva, a. done before: -nāśana, n. non-recognition of previous benefits, ingratitude;
-pūrvin, a. having done something (ac.) before;
-prajña, a. wise;
-pratikṛta, n. attack and resistance;
-pra-yatns, a. well cared for;
-prayojana, a. having attained his object;
-buddhi, a. whose mind is matured, discriminating; resolved (to, d. or inf.);
-bhūmi, f. spot prepared for the purpose;
-mati, a. having made up his mind;
-manda-pada-nyāsa, a. stepping slowly and using few words;
-mandāra, m. N.;
-mār-ga, a. made accessible, pervious;
-mūla, a. firmly rooted, having gained firm footing;
-mauna, a. observing silence;
-tva, n. abst. N..
kṛtayatna kṛta-yatna, a. having exerted himself;
-yantraṇa, a. controlling oneself;
-yuga, n. golden age;
-lakṣana, a. marked; branded;
-vat, pp. act. having done;
-varman, m. N. of various men;
-vasati, a. having taken up his abode, dwelling;
-vāpa, -vāpana, a. having the head shaved;
-vidya, a. learned;
-vet-ana, a. receiving wages, hired;
-vedin, a. grateful;
-vaira, a. having shown ill-will.
kṛtaśilpa kṛta-śilpa, a. having acquired an art;
-śauca, a. having cleansed or purified himself;
-śrama, a. having undergone hardṣips, having occupied oneself zealously with (lc. -°);
-saṃskāra, a. elaborated, prepared; adorned; consecrated;
-saṃ-jña, a. to whom a sign has been give: pl. with whom signals have been concerted;
-saṃdhāna, a. brought near; placed on the bowstring;
-smita, pp. smiling;
-hasta, a. skilful, dexterous.
kṛtākṛta kṛta+akṛta, pp. what is done and not done (n. sg. or du.); half done; prepared and not prepared; arbitrary.
kṛtāgas kṛta+āgas, a. guilty, sinful.
kṛtāṅka kṛta+aṅka, a. branded;
-añjala, a. having the palms joined in supplication to (d.);
-ātithya, a. having practised hospitality; hospitably entertained;
-ātman, a. whose mind is cultivated or purified;
-ādara, a. treated with due respect;
-anuvyādha, a. filled with (in.);
-anta, a. making an end, decisive; m. matter, affair, case; fate; Death, Yama; system, doctrine: -nagarī, f. city of Yama, -saṃtrāsa, m. N. of a Rākṣasa;
-antara, a. having made one's way to (g.);
-anna, n. cooked food;
-aparādha, a. having committed an offence against (g.);
-abhi-ṣeka, a. hvg. performed a religious ablution; consecrated;
-abhyāsa, a. kept to one's studies (by, -°);
-artha, a. having attained his object; satisfied: -tā, f., -tva, n. satisfaction.
kṛtārthaya kṛtārtha-ya, den. P. satisfy; fulfil.
kṛtārthīkaraṇa kṛtārthī-karaṇa, a. satisfactory;
kṛ, satisfy;
-bhū, be satisfied.
kṛtālaya kṛta+ālaya, a. having taken up one's abode, dwelling (in, lc., -°); feeling at home;
-avasakthika, a. having put on a loincloth;
-avasatha, a. received into one's house;
-avastha, a. compelled to appear in court;
-āśaṃsa, a. hoping;
-astra, a. practised in arms or archery;
-āhāraka, a. having finished one's meal.
kṛti 1. kṛ-ti, f. making, performance; action; production, literary work; N. of various metres; confirmation, verification (dr.).
kṛti 2. kṛt-i, m. f. kind of dagger.
kṛtin kṛt-in, a. active; clever; skilful, experienced (in, lc., -°); having attained one's object, satisfied;
-i-tva, n. satisfaction.
kṛte kṛ-te, (pp. lc.) ad. prp. owing to, on account of, for, instead of (g. or -°); abs. for a purpose: -na, in. ad. id..
kṛtodaka kṛta+udaka, a. having performed the prescribed ablutions; having made offerings of water to the dead;
-unmāda, a. feigning madness;
-upakāra, a. having rendered a service; benefited.
kṛttāvaśeṣa kṛtta+avaśeṣa, a. broken off except small remnent.
kṛtti kṛtti, f. hide: -vāsas, a. clad in a hide, ep. of Śiva, and of his wife Durgā.
kṛttikā kṛttikā, f. (pl. V., sg. C.) the Pleiades (a lunar mansion): personified as the six nurses of Skanda.
kṛtnu kṛ-tnu, a. active, skilful.
kṛtya kṛ-tya, fp. to be done; suitable, right; corruptible;
-m, any one (g.) needs or cares for (in.); m. kṛt suffix of the future pt. ps.; tavya, anīya, or ya (gr.);
ā, f. act, deed, performance, function (-rujaḥ, ill-treatment); sorcery, business, duty; service; purpose;
-kara, a. doing one's work;
-kā, f. wicked fairy, witch;
-vat, a. active; occupied; having an object in view;
-vid, a. knowing one's duty.
kṛtyārūpa kṛtyā-rūpa, a. looking like a ghost;
-hata, pp. bewitched, destroyed by magic.
kṛtrima kṛ-trima, a. artificial, factitious; spurious; fictitious, feigned; casual, accidental; adopted (son): -tā, f. cunning;
-dhūpaka, m. compound incense;
-bhāva, m. feigned affection;
-māṇikya-maya, a. consisting of false rubies;
-mitra-tā, f. friendship contrary to nature;
-ārti, a. feigning distress.
kṛtvan kṛ-tvan, a. (r-ī) making, producing (-°); active.
kṛtvas kṛ-tv-as, (ac. pl.) ad. [makings], times (C. only -°, forming multiplicative numerals).
kṛtvāya kṛtvāya, kṛtvī kṛtvī, V. gd. of kṛ.
kṛtvya kṛ-tvya, a. efficient; laborious.
kṛtsna kṛt-sna, a. whole, complete: pl. (rare) all: -tā, f., -tva, n. wholeness, completeness;
-śas, ad. wholly, completely.
kṛdanta kṛd-anta, a. ending in a kṛt suffix; m. primary noun (formed directly from a vbl.. root).
kṛntatra kṛnta-tra, n. cleft.
kṛntana kṛnt-ana, n. cutting up or off.
kṛp KṚP, VI.Ā. kṛpate, (V.) lament (for, ac.); implore.
anu, long for (ac.).
kṛp kṛp, f. form, appearance; beauty (only in. -ā.).
kṛpa kṛpa, m. N., ī, f. N..
kṛpaṇa kṛp-aṇa, a. doleful; miserable, wretched; avaricious: -m, ad. dolefully, pitifully; m. miser;
-aṇa, n. misery, wretchedness;
-varṇa, a. looking wretched.
kṛpanīLa kṛpa-nīḷa, a. dwelling in lustre.
kṛpaya kṛpa-ya, den. P. mourn, lament (for, ac.).
kṛpā kṛp-ā, f. pity, compassion (with g. or) lc.): -ṃ kṛ, have pity on (lc.).
kṛpāṇa kṛp-āṇa, m. sword: ī, f. scissors; dagger, knife;
-latikā, f. sword-blade.
kṛpāṇikā kṛpāṇ-ikā, f. knife, dagger.
kṛpāya kṛpā-ya, den. Ā. mourn, lament; pity.
kṛpālu kṛpā-lu, a. having pity for (g.); compassionate (-tā, f. abst. N.);
-vat, a. id..
kṛmi kṛ-mi, m. [worker], worm; insect, maggot; silk-worm;
-ka, m. little worm; *-kośa-ja, *-kośa+uttha, a. silken;
-ja, a. produced by a worm; n. aloe-wood;
-tantu-jāla, n. cobweb;
-la, a. wormy.
kṛmuka kṛmu-ka, m. a tree..
kṛś KṚŚ, IV.P. kṛśya, grow thin; cs. karśaya, make thin; diminish; pp. karś-ita, emaciated..
kṛśa kṛś-a, a. thin, slender; feeble, sickly; not full (moon); slender, weak, insignificant; poor; m. N.;
(a) -ka, a. slender;
-gava, a. hvg. thin cows;
-tā, f., -tva, n. thinness;
-dhana, a. of slender means, poor;
-buddhi, a. of weak intellect;
-bhṛtya, a. having thin servants.
kṛśāṅga kṛśa+aṅga, a. (ī) thin, slender;
-atithi, a. having thin (starving) guests.
kṛśānu kṛś-ānu, a. shooting well; m. bowman; N. of a celestial bowman, guardian of Soma; ep. of Agni; fire.
kṛśārtha kṛśa+artha, a. of slender means, poor;
-aśva, a. having thin (starving) horses.
kṛśīkṛ kṛśī-kṛ, make thin or poor;
-bhū, become thin; dry up.
kṛśodara kṛśa+udara, a. (ī) thin-bellied, slender.
kṛṣ 1. KṚSH, I.P. (Ā.) karṣa, draw, drag along, pull about, carry away; draw (sword, bow); lead; acquire; overcome; plough: pp. kṛṣṭa; cs. karṣaya, pull, drag; harass, distress.
anu, drag after one; attract; supply (a word) from what precedes.
apa, draw away, remove, put aside; supply from what follows.
vi+apa, remove; atone for, ava, draw away; attract: pp. inferior, ā, draw to oneself; drag along; draw (sword or bow); draw on; draw off from (ab.); withdraw; take or borrow from (ab.); cs. draw to oneself.
apa+ā, withdraw, remove: pp. humbled.
vi+ā, draw to oneself; remove.
sam-ā, draw to oneself; draw out (of, ab.); cs. carry along.
ud, draw out; raise; ps. rise, gain the mastery: pp. elevated; superior, distinguished, eminent.
ni, draw down; ps. be carried down stream: pp. low, despised, mean. saṃ -ni, ps. come into close contact (with, in.): pp. near, imminent; of similar position; gd. approaching.
nis, draw out of (ab.); press out.
pari, drag about; torment.
pra, draw forward, drag away, stretch out: pp. protracted, long (distance and time); distinguished, excellent; violent.
vi-pra, lead away, remove: pp. distant. saṃ -pra, draw-along with one.
prati, pp. pushed back.
vi, draw apart; draw (bow); drag along; pull out; withdraw.
sam, contract; drag along; get out of (ab.).
kṛṣ 2. KṚSH, VI. kṛṣa, plough.
kṛṣaka kṛṣ-aka, m. husbandman.
kṛṣi kṛṣ-i, f. id.; field (also ī), arable land; harvest;
-ikā, f. agriculture;
-kar-man, n. agriculture;
-phala, n. success in husbandry; harvest.
kṛṣīvala kṛṣī-vala, m. husbandman.
kṛṣṭaja kṛṣṭa-ja, a. growing on ploughed land, cultivated (land);
-phala, n. value of the harvest.
kṛṣṭasamīkṛ kṛṣṭa-samī-kṛ, plough and roll.
kṛṣṭi kṛṣ-ṭi, f. pl. agricultural folk; people; m. sage.
kṛṣṇa kṛṣ-ṇa, n. black; dark; w. pakṣa, dark half of the month (from full new moon); m. (kṛṣṇa) black antelope; N. of a god (incarnation of Viṣṇu): du. Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna;
ā, f. kind of leech; N. of several plants; ep. of Draupadī, and of Durgā; n. blackness, darkness.
kṛṣṇagati kṛṣṇa-gati, m. (black-pathed), fire;
-caturdaśī, f. 14 th day of the dark half = new moon;
-janma aṣṭamī, f. a certain eighth day which is Kṛṣṇa's birthday;
-tā, f., -tva, n. blackness;
-nayana, -netra, a. black-eyed;
-pakṣa, m. dark fortnight (full moon to new moon);
-bhūma, m. black soil;
-bhogin, m. kind of black snake;
-mukha, a. (ī) black-mouthed;
-mṛga, m. black antelope;
-yajurveda, m. Black Yajur-veda.
kṛṣṇala kṛṣṇa-la, (m.) n. kind of black berry (used as weight and coin).
kṛṣṇavarṇa kṛṣṇa-varṇa, a. black-coloured;
-vartman, m. fire (black-tracked): (a) -vāla, a. black-tailed;
-śakti, m. N.;
-sarpa, m. kind of black snake;
-sāra, a. chiefly black, spotted black and white; m. spotted antelope; (a) -sāraṅga, a.; m. f.; id..
kṛṣṇāguru kṛṣṇa+aguru, n. kind of aloe;
-ajina, n. skin of the black antelope.
kṛṣṇāya kṛṣṇā-ya, den. P. behave like Kṛṣṇa; Ā. blacken.
kṛṣṇāyas kṛṣṇa+ayas, -sa -sa, n. iron;
-ahi, m. black serpent.
kṛṣṇikā kṛṣṇ-ikā, f. blackness;
-i-man, m. id..
kṛṣṇī kṛṣṇī, f. night (the black one).
kṛṣya kṛṣ-ya, fp. to be ploughed.
kṛsara kṛsara, m. n., ā, f. dish of rice and sesamum.
kṝ Kṝ, VI.P. kira, pour out, scatter; bestrew: pp. kīrṇa, scattered; bestrewed; diṣevelled; covered, filled with; stopped (ears).
apa-skira, Ā. scrap (with the feet).
ava, pour down, scatter; emit semen; bestrew, cover: pp. bestrewed, covered; caught in; having emitted semen; full of, being wholly in the power of (-°).
anu+ava, scatter about. ā, strew, bestow abundantly: pp. strewn; covered, filled, crowded; surrounded by (in.).
apa+ā, abandon; refuse.
vi+ā, pp. diṣevelled; dim.
sam-ā, cover over, fill up: pp. covered or filled with.
ud, throw or whirl up; dig up, hollow out: pp. carved, engraved; overwhelmed with (-°).
sam-ud, pp. pierced.
vi-ni, shatter; cover; abandon. saṃ-ni, pp. stretched out.
pari, scatter round; swarm round; deliver up.
pra, scatter: pp. dispersed; squandered; diṣevelled; confused; various.
vi-pra, pp. scattered; diṣevelled; extended.
prati-skira, lacerate: pp. skīrṇa, injured.
vi, scatter, disperse; cleave, split; bestrew; heave (sighs); diṣevel.
pra-vi, scatter, spread, sam, pour out, bestow abundantly; overwhelm; mix: pp. crowded with, full of; mixed, combined with (-°); impure; born of a mixed marriage; in rut (elephant).
kḷp KḶP, I. Ā, kalpa, be fit, capable or of use; prosper. succeed; agree with, conform to (in.); appear as (in.); be qualified for (lc.); serve for, conduce to, cause (d.); participate in (d.); fall to the lot of (d., g., lc.); become (nm., d.); pronounce to be, regard as (2 ac.): pp. kḷpta, arranged, ready, prepared; trimmed, cut (hair, nails, etc.); settled; prescribed; firm (conviction); existing; cs. kalpaya, P. Ā, put in order, arrange, adjust; distribute; equip; furnish with (in.); bestow (ac.). on (g.); form (out of, in.); make, ereate, produce, bring about, perform; imagine; determine, direct, fix; make, design to be, regard as (2 ac.); cut, carve.
ava, be right, do very well; conduce to (do.); cs. prepare; employ properly; des. of cs. cikalpayiṣa, wish to prepare.
upa, be suitable, serve for, conduce to (d.); pp. prepared., at jamd; cs. prepared; procure, fetch; direct to (lc.); design for (d., lc.).
pari, cs. determine; design for; choose; bring about, manage; perform; make; divide into (with ad. in -dhā) parts; invent. saṃ-pari, cs. pp. found out --, made out to be.
pra, prosper, succeed: pp. prepared; determined, prescribed; cs. place in front; put down on (lc.); prepare; provide; determine, prescribe, establish; contrive, arrange, make; shed (tears.). saṃ-pra, cs. appoint; determine.
vi, be changed; be mistaken for (in.); be optional; be doubtful; be irresolute; cs. fashion, form; consider doubtful, pronounce optional; suppose, imagine, presume.
sam, pp. prepared, ready; desired; meant for; cs. join with (in.); put together properly; produce; determine; intend, purpose; fancy; regard as (ac. w. iva).
kḷpi kḷp-i, the root kḷp (gr.).
kḷptakeśanakhaśmaśru kḷpta-keśa-nakha-śmaśru, a. having his hair, nails, and beard trimmed.
kḷpti klip-ti (also-ti) f. coming about, success.
kekaya kekaya, m. pl. N. of a people; sg. kind of --, ī, f. princess of Kekaya.
kekara kekara, a. squinting;
-ka, a. id.;
-locana, a. id..
kekā kekā, f. cry of the peacock;
-rava, m. id..
kekāya kekā-ya, den. Ā. cry (as a peacock).
kekin kek-in, m. peacock.
keta ket-a, m. will, intention; desire.
ketaka keta-ka, m., -ki -ki, -kī -kī, f. a tree.
ketana ket-ana, n. invitation; shelter; place; body; sign, token, banner; business.
ketaya keta-ya, den. P. summon, invite.
ketu ket-u, m. light (pl. rays); shape, form; token of recognition, banner; leader, chief; meteor, comet: -mat, a. bright, light; clear (sound); N. of a Dānava;
-yaṣṭi, f. flagstaff.
kedāra kedāra, m. irrigated field; N. of a mountainous country;
-khaṇḍa, n. breach in the dyke enclosing a field;
-nātha, m. N. of a form of Śiva worshipped in Kedāra;
-bhaṭṭa, m. N. of an author.
kena kena, in. of ka, by whom? whereby? wherewith? whence?
keneṣitopaniṣad kena+iṣita+upaniṣad, f. T. of an Upaniṣed;
kena+upaniṣad, f. id.. (so named from the initial word's kena+iṣitam').
kendra kendra, m. centre of a circle.
kepi kep-i, a. trembling, quivering.
keyūra keyūr-a, m. n. bracelet (worn on upper arm by both sexes);
-in, a. wearing a bracelet on the upper arm..
kerala kerala, m. pl N. of a people in Malabar;
ī, f. woman of Kerala.
keli kel-i, m. f. (also ī, f.) diversion, sport, dalliance: -gṛha, n. pleasure-house;
-ta, n. sport, jest;
-vana, n. pleasure-grove;
-śay-ana, n. couch;
-sadana, n. pleasure-house;
-sthalī, f. play-ground; (ī) -śāla-bhañjikā, f. statuette.
kevaṭa kevaṭa, m. pit, hole.
kevarta kevarta, m. fisherman.
kevala kevala, a. (ī; C. ā) exclusively proper to (d., g.); alone, only, nothing but, mere, pure; whole, complete; every, all: -m, ad. only; entirely; but, only;
na kevalam -api, not only -- but;
-tas, ad. only;
-śas, ad. entirely;
-vyatirekin, a. relating to separation only.
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kevalāgha kevala+agha, a. alone guilty;
-āt-man, a. whose nature is absolute unīty;
-ādin, a. eating alone;
-anvayin, a. relating to connexion only.
keśa 1. keśa, m. (ac., -°, f. ā, ī) hair; mane; tail.
keśa 2. ka+īśa, n. the lunar mansion Rohiṇī (ruled by Ka, i. e. Prajāpati).
keśakarṣaṇa keśa-karṣaṇa, n. pulling by the hair;
-kalāpa, m. tuft of hair;
-kīṭa, m. louse;
-graha, m. seizing by the hair: -ṇa, n. id.;
-ṭa m. N.;
-dhāvalya, n. white hair;
-pāśa, m. tuft or mass of hair;
-bandha, m. hair-band;
-racanā, f. dressing of the hair;
-luñcana, n. tearing out the hair.
keśava keśa-va, a. long-haired; m. ep. of Viṣṇu and Kṛṣṇa: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-vap-ana, n. shaving the hair;
-vyaparopaṇa, n. tearing out of the hair;
-saṃskāra-dhūpa, m. incense smoke for perfuming the hair;
-has-ta, m. tuft or mass of hair; hair as a hand.
keśākeśi keśā-keśi, ad. hair to hair = tetea-tete.
keśāgra keśa+agra, n. tip of the hair;
-anta, m. edge of the hair; tuft or mass of hair; ceremony of clipping the hair;
-antika, a. reaching to the edge of the hair.
keśin keś-in, a. long-haired; maned; m. N. of an Asura and of severed men: -ī, f. N..
keśiniṣūdana keśi-niṣūdana, m. ep. of Kṛṣṇa;
-mathana, -sūdana, -han, -hantṛ, m. id..
kesara kesa-ra, n. hair (of the brows); mane (also ā); stamina (esp. of the lotus); m. a. plant: -pura, n. N. of a city.
kesarāgra kesara+agra, n. tips of the mane.
kesarin kesar-in, a. maned; m. lion: (n) -ī, f. lioness.
kaikeya kaikeya, m. king of Kekaya;
ī, f. princess of Kekaya: N. of a wife of Daśaratha.
kaiṃkirāta kaiṅkirāta, a. coming from the Aśoka tree.
kaiṭabha kaiṭa-bha, m. N. of an Asura: -jit, -dviṣ, -bhid, -ari, m. ep. of Viṣṇu.
kaitaka kaitaka, a. produced from the Ketaka tree.
kaitava kaitava, a. (ī) false, deceitful; n., ī, f. fraud, lie, deceit; n. stake (in gambling).
kaidārika kaidār-ika, n. number of fields.
kaimarthya kaimarth-ya, n. enquiry as to the 'why.'
kaimutika kaimut-ika, a. based on the 'how much more or less;' -ya, n. relation of 'how much more or less.
kaiyaṭa kaiyaṭa, kaiyyaṭa kaiyyaṭa, m. N. of a commentator on the Mahābhāṣya.
kairava kairava, n. white (night) lotus.
kairaviṇī kairav-iṇī, f. white lotus (plant).
kairāta kairāta, a. relating to the Kirātas; m. prince of the Kirātas.
kairiśi kairiś-i, m. descendant of Kiriśa, pat. of Sutvan.
kailāsa kailāsa, m. N. of a mountain, seat of Kubera & of Siva;
-nātha, m. ep. of Kubera.
kaivarta kaivarta, m. fisherman (a mixed caste);
ī, f.;
a-ka, m. id.;
ī-ya, a. relating to a fisherman.
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kaivalya kaival-ya, n. absolute oneness; absolute bliss.
kaiśava kaiśava, a. belonging to Keśava (Kṛṣṇa or Viṣṇu).
kaiśika kaiś-ika, m. pl. N. of a people.
ko- ko-, prn. prefix [= nm. kas[, what? how? = strange, indifferent, somewhat, easily (ep. ka, kava, kā, kim, ku).
koka koka, m. wolf; cuckoo; ruddy goose (cakravāka): f. ī.
kokanada koka-nada, n. red lotus (flower);
-nadinī, f. red lotus (plant).
kokila kok-ila, m., ā, f. Indian cuckoo.
koṅkaṇa koṅkaṇa, m. pl. N. of a people.
koṅkāṇa koṅkāṇa, a. (ī) coming from Koṅkaṇa (horse).
koṅkāra koṅ-kāra, m. the sound kom.
koca koc-a, m. shrinking, shrivelling.
koṭa koṭa, m. fortress, stronghold (cp. koṭṭa).
koṭara koṭara, n. hollow of a tree; cavity: -vat, a. having caves.
koṭādri koṭa+adri, m. of a mountain (fortress-hill).
koṭi koṭi, (also ī), f. curved tip (of a bow, talons, etc.); point; extremity, height, highest degree; ten millions;
-ka, m. kind of frog;
-kā, f. extreme point: -°, = outcast, scum of;
-mat, a. pointed;
-vedhin, a. hitting the extreme = accomplishing a most difficult task;
-śas, ad. to the number of ten millions.
koṭīśvara koṭi+īśvara, m. (lord often millions), N. of a millionaire.
koṭṭa koṭṭa, m. [ko-(a)ṭṭa], stronghold;
-pā-la, m. commandant of a fortress.
koṭṭavī koṭṭavī, f. naked woman.
koṇa koṇa, m. corner, angle; intermediate point of the compass (N. E. etc.).
kotha koth-a, m. putrefaction.
kodaṇḍa ko-daṇḍa, n. [kind of rod], bow.
kodrava ko-drava, m. kind of inferior grain eaten by the poor people.
kopa kop-a, m. morbid excitement (esp. of the bodily humours); fury (of battle, etc.); wrath, anger (at, g., lc., prati, upari, or -°);
-ṃ kṛ, be angry: -ka, a. irascible;
-kṣamā-vismaya-harṣa-vat, a. angry, compassionate, astonished, and glad;
-janman, a. produced by anger.
kopana kop-ana, a. passionate, wrathful, angry; n. excitement; provocation;
-in, a. angry, wrathful.
komala ko-mala, a. [easily fading], tender; soft (fig.);
-aṅga, a. (ī) of tender frame.
koyaṣṭi ko-yaṣṭi, -ka -ka, m. [stilt-like], kind of bird..
kora kora, m. flexible joint (of the body).
koraka kora-ka, m. n. (?) bud: ī, f. id..
kola kola, m. boar, hog: -tā, f. abst. N..
kolaka kola-ka, n. kind of perfume.
kolāhala kolā-hal-a, m. n. clamour, outcry, uproar; yelling: -in, a. filled with din (-°).
kovida ko-vida, a. [knowing, well], knowing, skilled in (g., lc., -°): tva, n. skill.
kovidāra ko-vidāra, m. [splitting well], kind of ebony.
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kośa koś-a, m. butt, tub, pail, coop (esp. of clouds); box, chest; sheath; case; shell; abode; store-room; treasury, treasure; vocabulary, dictionary; treasury of poetry, collection of stanzas; but, calix (esp. of the lotus); cocoon; cup of peace; sacred draught used in ordeals; oath: -kāraka, m. silk-worm;
-gṛha, n. treasury;
-jāta, n. treasure, wealth;
-daṇḍa, m. du. treasury and army;
-dāsa, m. N.;
-pīṭaka, m. n. casket; *-phala, n. kind of perfume;
-rakṣin, m. guardian of the treasury.
kośala kośala, v. kosala kosala.
kośavat kośa-vat, a. wealthy;
-vāri, n. ordeal water;
-veśman, n. treasury;
-agāra, m. n. id.: -adhikārin, m. treasure;
-adhy-akṣa, m. treasurer.
koṣa koṣa, v. kośa kośa.
koṣṭha koṣṭha, m. entrails, stomach, abdomen; n. store-room; encircling wall;
-agāra, n. store-house, granary;
-agni, m. fire of the stomach, i. e. of digestion.
koṣṇa kā+uṣṇa, a. lukewarm, tepid.
kosala kosala, m. N. of a country: pl its people;
ā, f. capital of Kosala, i. e. Ayodhyā;
-jā, f. in Kosala, ep. of Rāma's mother;
-videha, m. pl. the Kosalas and the Videhas.
kaukṣeya kaukṣ-eya, m. (belonging to a sheath), sword: -ka, m. id.; knife.
kauṅkuma kauṅkuma, a. (ī) consisting of saffron; coloured with saffron.
kauñjara kauñjara, a. (ī) belonging to an elephant.
kauṭa kauṭa, a. fraudulent, false;
-sākṣin, m. false-witness;
-sākṣya, n. false evidence.
kauṭasthya kauṭasth-ya, n. immutability.
kauṭilya kauṭil-ya, n. crookedness; crispness, waviness; deceitfulness; m. ep. of Cāṇakya;
-śāstra, n. science of Kauṭilya, diplomacy.
kauṭumba kauṭumb-a, a. requisite for the household; n. affinity;
-ika, a. belonging to or constituting a family; m. father of a family.
kauṭṭanya kauṭṭan-ya, n. pimping.
kauṇakutsya kauṇa-kuts-ya, m. N. of a Brāh man.
kauṇapa kauṇapa, a. proceeding from corpses; m. Rākṣasa.
kauṇḍinya kauṇḍin-ya, m. pat. fr. Kuṇḍina.
kautuka kautuka, n. curiosity, interest, eagerness (w. lc. or -°); curious, strange or interesting spectacle; entertaining story; festival; wedding investiture with the nuptial cord; nuptial cord; happiness; bliss;
-kriyā, f. wedding festival;
-gṛha, n. wedding-house;
-pura, n. N. of a city;
-bhṛt, a. wearing the nuptial cord;
-maṅgala, n. solemn ceremony, festival;
-maya, a. interesting; charming;
-āgāra, m. n. wedding chamber.
kautukita kautuk-ita, pp. interested in (lc.), by (in.);
-in, n. interested, curious.
kautūhala kautūhala, n. curiosity, interest, eagerness (with lc., prati, or inf.); festival.
kautsa kautsa, a. relating to Kutsa; m., ī, f. pat.; n. hymn composed by Kutsa.
kaunakhya kaunakh-ya, n. disease of the nails.
kaunteya kaunt-eya, m. son of Kuntī, met. of Yudhiṣṭhira, Bhīmasena, and Arjuna.
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kaunda kaunda, a. (ī) belonging to or made of jasmine.
kaupa kaupa, a. (ī) coming from a well.
kaupīna kaupīna, n. pudenda; loin cloth; infamous deed: -vat, a. wearing only a loin cloth.
kaubera kaubera, a. (ī) relating to Kubera.
kaumāra kaumāra, a. (ī) relating to a youth or virgin; youthful; relating to Kumāra (god of war); n. childhood, youth; innocence of youth, virginity;
-cārin, a. practising chastity;
-vrata, n. vow of chastity: -cārin, a. practising a vow of chastity.
kaumārī kaumārī, f. female energy of the god of war; (ac. kāṣṭhā or diś) the north.
kaumuda kaumud-a, m. pat. descendant of Kumuda; the month Kārttika (October-November);
ī, f. moonlight: -°, common in titles of works;
-ikā, f. N. of a maid;
-vateya, m. met. fr. Kumudvati.
kaumodakī kaumodakī, f. N. of Viṣṇu's or Kṛṣṇa's club.
kaurava kaurav-a, a. (ī) belonging to the Kurus; m. pat. descendant of Kuru;
-eya, m. pl. descendants of Kuru;
-ya (+ kaurav-ya), m. pl. id. = Pāṇḍavas; N. of a people.
kaurma kaurma, a. peculiar to the tortoise.
kaula kaula, a. (ī) relating to a family; hereditary, inherited; m. worshippper of Śakti according; to the left-hand ritual.
kaulika kaul-ika, m. weaver; worshipper of Śakti according to the left-hand ritual: -kā-ra, a. behaving like a weaver.
kaulitara kauli-tara, a. the demon Śambara.
kaulīna kaul-īna, a. peculiar to high birth; n. rumour; slander; disgraceful deed;
-īnya, n. noble birth; nobleness.
kaulūta kaulūta, m. pl. N. a people: sg. king of Kaulūta.
kauleya kaul-eya, m. dog: -ka, m. id., esp. sporting dog;
-kuṭumbinī, f. bitch.
kaulya kaul-ya, a. sprung from a noble race; n. noble descent.
kauvera kauvera, v. kaubera kaubera.
kauśa kauśa, a. 1. silken (coming from the cocoon: kośa); 2. a, (ī) made of Kuśa grass.
kauśala kauśal-a, n. welfare, prosperity; skill, cleverness, experience (in, lc. or -°);
-ya, n. id.;
-ikā, f. gift, present.
kauśāmbikā kauśāmbikā, f. N. (Pr.).
kauśāmbī kauśāmbī, f. N. of a city: -ya, a. belonging to Kauśāmbī.
kauśika kauśika, 1. a. relating to Kuśika; m. pat. esp. of Viśvāmitra; (a), m. owl;
ī, f. ep. of Durgā; N. of a Buddhist mendicant nun; 2. a. sheathed; n. silk cloth or garment.
kauśīlava kauśīlav-a, n. profession of a bard or actor;
-ya, n. id..
kauśeya kauś-eya, a. silken; a. silken; n. silk, silk garment.
kauṣārava kauṣārava, m. pat. from Kuṣāru.
kauṣītaka kauṣītaka, -ki -ki, m. pat. from Kuṣītaka: (ki) -brāhmaṇa, n. Brāhmaṇa of the Kauṣītakins (also called Śāṅkhāyana Brāhmaṇa); (ki) -upaniṣad, f. Kauṣītakiupaniṣad.
kauṣṭha kauṣṭh-a, a. being in the body; being in the store-room;
-ya, a. being in the abdomen.
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kausalya kausal-ya, a. belonging to the Kosalas; m. king of the Kosalas;
ā, f. queen of Kosala (mother of Rāma.
kausīda kausīda, a. (ī) proceeding from a loan.
kausuma kausuma, a. coming from or made of flowers;
-āyudha, a. relating to Kāma.
kausumbha kausumbha, a. (ī) coming from, coloured with or like safflower; n. substance coloured with safflower.
kaustubha kaustubha, m. n. jewel produced at the churning of the ocean, an ornament of Viṣṇu;
-bhṛt, m. ep. of Viṣṇu.
kta k-ta, suffix ta of the pp. (gr.).
knatha knath-a, the root knath (gr.).
knūy KNŪY, only cs. knopaya, P. drench.
abhi, wet, moisten.
kyāku kyāku, n. muṣroom.
krakaca krakaca, m. n. saw; m. a plant.
krakṣ KRAKSH, only pr. pt. krakṣamāna, (V.) raging, roaring.
kratu kr-a-tu, m. power, might, efficacy; counsel, intelligence, wisdom; inspiration; plan, purpose, wish, will; sacrifice (sts. personified; N. of the three liturgies forming the prātaranuvāka; N. of a son of Brahman (one of the Pragāpatis and of the seven Riṣis); a star in the Great Bear..
kratudeva kratu-deva, m. N.;
-mat, a. resolute; intelligent, wise;
-rāj, m. chief sacrifice (Aśvamedha and Rājasūya);
-vikrayin, a. selling the rewards of sacrifice;
-vid, a. powerful, inspiring.
kratūya kratū-ya, den. P. will earnestly.
krath KRATH, only cs. krāthaya, P. be extravagant or wild.
kratha krath-a, the root krath (gr.).
krathakaiśika kratha-kaiśika, m. pl. N. of a people (descended from Kratha son of Vidarbha and from Kaiśika).
krathanaka krathana-ka, m. N. of a camel.
krand KRAND, I. kranda, neigh, roar; wail; resound, rattle; implore piteously (ac.); cs. krandaya, P. cause to neigh &c. or = simple vb.; intv. kanikrant-ti, -te: pt. kani-krat, kanikradat, kanikradyamāna, = simple vb. acchā, cs. cry to.
abhi, roar (at). ā, call on, invoke; cry piteously; invoke the aid of (ac.); cs. cry out to.
kranda krand-a, m. neigh; cry: -dhvani, ṃ: cry of pain;
-ana, n. crying aloud; lamentation;
-as, n. battle-cry: du. the two contending hosts.
krap KRAP, v. kṛp KṚP.
kram KRAM, I. krāma-ti (-te), krama-te (-ti), stride, step; go to (ac. or lc.); take refuge with (lc.); pass through, traverse; tower above; take possession of, occupy, fill; Ā, succeed, take effect: pp. krānta; cs. kram-/krām-aya, cause to step; intv. caṅkramate, caṅkramyate, caṅkramīti, walk about.
ati. pass by, go beyond, traverse, cross; overstep, neglect; depart from (ab.); be deprived of (ab.); pass, elapse; exceed, surpass; trespass, transgress; cs. allow to pass by; disregard.
abhi+ati, overcome.
vi+ati, overstep; pass by (of time), elapse; neglect, trespass; wrongly surrender oneself to (ac.).
sam-ati, id.
anu, follow, go through in order. enumerate; particularize; state in an index.
apa, go away, depart, retreat from (ab.).
ava, depart, withdraw; escape. ā, come up, approach, enter; step on (ac., lc.); press upon (ac.); seize, attack; gain possession of; occupy, overspread; rise, ascend (Ā.); begin (inf.): pp. see s. v.; cs. cause to enter.
adhi+ā, fall upon; choose, occupy.
nir-ā, issue forth (from ab.).
prati+ā, step back.
sam-ā, step upon (ac.); assail, take possession of; occupy.
ud, rise; go out; leave (ab.); depart (life); avoid.
prati+ud, depart.
vi+ud, overstep; pass over, neglect.
upa, come up, approach (ac., lc.); treat; physic; perform; begin (ac., d., inf.).
sam-upa, A. begin (inf.).
nis, go out of, leave (ab.); depart: pp.
niṣ-krānta, = exit, exeunt; cs. cause to leave, let out of (ab.); drive out.
abhi-nis, go out of (ab.).
vi-nis, step out, emerge from (ab.).
parā, stride forth, be valorous, put forth one's strength, do one's best.
pari, walk about (esp. on the stage); traverse, visit; surround; overtake.
anu-pari, inspect in turn. saṃ-pari, walk round (ac.); visit.
pra, stride forth, set out; Ā, begin, undertake.
vi, stride along; go aside; traverse; rise to (ac.); assail courageously; be valorous; fight with (ac.): pp. courageous, valorous, brave.
sam, come together, unite; go to; enter; pass from (ab.) to (lc.): pp. transferred from (ab.) to (-°); cs. lead to (2 ac.); transfer to (lc.).
upa-sam, approach.
krama kram-a, m. step; gait; course; posture for attack; regular order, succession, gradation; inheritance; method, manner, way; usage, ritual; occasion, reason for (-°, g.); a way of reciting the Veda: in., ab., or -tas, in order, in turn; in., ab.,°-, in due course, regularly, gradually; in. in the course of (-°).
kramagata krama-gata, pp. coming in the way of (g.).
kramaṇa kram-aṇa, n. step, tread; walking; treading on (-°).
kramadīśvara kramad-īśvara, m. N. of a gram marian.
kramapāṭha krama-pāṭha, m. krama method of reciting the Veda;
-prāpta, pp. inherited;
-yoga, m. regular order, succession;
-rājya, n. N. of a locality;
-varta, N. of a country;
-vṛddhi, f. gradual increase;
-śas, ad. in order, in turn; gradually.
kramākrānta krama+ākrānta, pp. seized at one bound;
-āgata, pp. come by succession, inherited;
-āyāta, pp. id., hereditary.
kramika kram-ika, a. inherited, hereditary; successive.
kramuka kramu-ka, m. betel-nut tree.
kramelaka kramela-ka, m. camel.
kraya kray-a, m. purchase; price: -krīta, pp. bought;
-vikraya, m. (sg. and du.) purchase and sale; trade;
-vikrayin, a. buying and selling, bargaining.
krayaṇa kray-aṇa, n. purchase;
-āṇa-ka, a. marketable;
-ika, -in, m. buyer.
krayya kray-ya, fp. purchasable.
kraviṣṇu kraviṣ-ṇu, a. eager for raw flesh.
kravis krav-is, n. raw flesh, carrion.
kravya krav-ya, n. id.: -bhakṣin, -bhuj, a. flesh-eating;
-mukha, m. N. of a wolf;
-vāh-ana, a. carrying away bodies (v. l. for kavya-).
kravyād kravya+ad, -da -dam a. flesh-eating, corpse-consuming; m. beast of prey.
kraśaya kraśa-ya, den. P. emaciate.
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kraśiman kraś-i-man, m. thinness, slenderness, shallowness.
kraṣṭavya kraṣ-ṭavya, fp. to be dragged; to be extracted.
krāṇā kr-āṇā, ad. (pr. pt. kṛ) willingly; straightway.
krānta krān-ta, pp. kram; n. step;
-ti, f. ecliptic.
krimi krimi, incorrect spelling of kṛmi.
kriyā kri-yā, f. making, doing; performance; business, transaction; action, act; work; trouble; labour; notion of the verb, verb (gr.); literary work; rite, ceremony; medical treatment, cure; (legal) proof.
kriyākula kriyā+ākula, a. busy, overwhelmed with business;
-ātmaka, a. whose nature is activity: -tva, n. abst. N.;
-dveṣin, a. evading the evidence;
-antara, n. interruption of an action; another action;
-pada, n. verb;
-pra-bandha, m. continuity of an action;
-abhy-upagama, m. express promise;
-yoga, m. connexion with an action or verb; employment of means; the practical Yoga;
-yogya, a. fitted for work;
-artha, a. having an action as an object;
-lopa, m. failure of ceremonies;
-vat, a. performing actions, active; performing sacred rites;
-vidhi, m. specific rule of action; employment of a verb;
-viśeṣaṇa, n. adverb;
-śakti, f. capacity of acting: -mat, a. capable of acting.
krivi krivi, m. water-skin: pl. N. of a people (in C. = Pañcāla.
krī KRĪ, IX. krī-ṇā, iṇī, buy from (ab., g.) for (in.: price): pp. bought, purchased; captivated by (in.). ā, upa, id.
nis, buy off, redeem (from, ab.).
pari, buy, barter, for (in.); hire (in. or a. of price).
vi, barter or sell for (in.); des.
vi-cikrī-sha, Ā. wish to exchange for (in.); intend to give up.
krīḍ KRĪḌ, I. krīḍa, V. krīḷa, play, jest, dally (with, in. ± saha, samam, or sārdham); gamble; dance about (dice).
pari, play, jest (A.).
pra, begin to play, enjoy oneself.
vi, play, jest.
krīḍa krīḍ-a, a. playing, dallying;
-ana, n. playing, play: -ka, m. plaything;
-anīya, n. id..
krīḍā krīḍ-ā, f. play, sport, jest, dalliance: -kapi-tva, n. jesting imitation of a monkey;
-kānana, n. pleasure-grove;
-kāsāra, m. pleasure-pond;
-kopa, n. simulated anger;
-kau-tuka, n. wanton curiosity;
-kauśala, n. art of jesting;
-gṛha, m. n. pleasure-house;
-par-vata, m. (artificial) pleasure-hill: -ka, m. id.;
-mayūra, m. pet peacock;
-markaṭa-pota, m. pet young monkey;
-mahīdhra, m. pleasure-hill;
-rasa, m. enjoyment of sport or fun: -maya, a. consisting in the water of play;
-veśman, n. pleasure-house;
-śakun-ta, m. pet bird;
-śaila, m. pleasure-hill;
-saras, n. pleasure-lake.
krīḍi krīḍ-i, a. playing, dallying;
-ita, pp. one who has played; n. play;
-in, a. playing, dallying;
-u: -mat, a. id..
krīta krī-ta, pp. krī; n. purchase: -ka, a. (son) acquired by purchase;
-anuśaya, m. repenting of a purchase.
[kru KRU, be rough or raw].
kruñc kruñc (nm. kruṅ), kruñca kruñca, m. curlew.
krudh KRUDH, IV.P. (Ā.) krudhya, be or grow angry (with (d., g.; at, lc.): pp. krud-dha, angry, enraged, with (d., g., lc., upari, or prati); cs. krodhaya, enrage.
abhi, be angry with (ac.): pp. enraged.
prati, return any one's (ac.) anger.
sam, be angry: pp. angry.
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krudh krudh, f. anger: in. in anger: -a, the root krudh (gr.);
-min, a. irritable.
krumu krumu, f. N. of a tributary of the Indus.
krumuka krumu-ka, m. splint to catch the flame from the tinder.
kruś KRUŚ, I.P. (Ā.) krośa, cry; lament; invoke (ac.): pp. kruṣṭa, reviled.
anu, cry at; cs. pity. ā, cry aloud; revile; challenge, vie with, upa, display indignation.
pra, cry out: pp. publicly offered (food).
vi, call aloud.
sam, raise a clamour.
krūḍ KRŪḌ, X.P. krūḍaya, thicken.
krūra krū-ra, a. wounded; sore; cruel; formidable, terrible; ferocious; rough, hard; n. sore, wound; roughness, cruelty: -karma-kṛt, a. *doing cruel deeds; m. beast of prey;
-karman, n. horrible deed; hard task; a. doing cruel deeds;
-cesṭita, (pp.) a. acting cruelly;
-tā, f. cruelty.
krūrākṣa krūra+akṣa, m. N. of an owl;
-ācā-ra, a. of cruel conduct: -vihāra-vat, a. ferocious in conduct and delighting in cruelty;
-āśaya, a. containing terrible monsters; cruel-hearted.
kreṅkāra kreṅ-kāra, m. the sound kreṅ.
kretṛ kre-tṛ, m. buyer;
-tavya, -ya, fp. purchasable.
kroḍa kroḍ-a, m. breast; cavity, interior; boar: (a) -vāla, m. hog's bristle.
krodha krodh-a, m. anger: -calṣus, n. angry eye;
-ja, a. springing from wrath;
-mukah, a. (ī) angry-faced;
-vaśa, m. power of anger.
krodhana krodh-ana, a. passionate, angry with (lc.); n. anger.
krodhālu krodh-ālu, a. passionate.
krodhin krodh-in, a. angry, passionate.
krośa kroś-a, m. cry, shout; ear-shot (measure of distance).
kroṣṭṛ kroṣ-ṭṛ, a. crying, yelling; lamenting; m. jackal;
-ṭu: -ka, m. jackal.
krauñca krauñca, m. (ī) curlew; N. of a mountain cleft by Kārtitikeya;
-ripu, -śatru, m. ep. of Kārttikeya.
krauḍa krauḍa, a. (ī) belonging to the boar.
kraurya kraur-ya, n. cruelty, hardheartedness.
klath KLATH, I.P. klatha, turn (int.).
kland KLAND, I.Ā. klanda, resound.
klam KLAM, IV.P. klāmya, grow tired, be exhausted, flag: gnly. pp. klānta, fatigued, exhausted; withered; slender, thin.
pari, feel greatly exhausted: pp. greatly exhausted.
vi, Ā. despond.
klama klam-a, m. fatigue, exhaustion, languor: -apaha, a. dispelling fatigue.
klav KLAV, only pp. klavita, faltering.
klānti klān-ti, f. fatigue, languor, exhaustion.
klid KLID, IV. klidya, P. become wet: pp. klin-na, wet; pr. pt. klindat, wet, dripping; compassionate; cs. kledaya, make wet, moisten; dirty, soil.
pari, pra = simple verb.
sam, pp. moistened, softened.
kliś KLIŚ, IX. kliśnā, IV. kliśya, P. torment, plague, annoy, trouble; IV. Ā. (P.) be troubled, tomented, or distressed; P. cause pain to (ac.): pp. kliṣṭa, tormented, annoyed, afflicted; damaged, worn out; painful, distressing; forced, obscure; cs. kleśaya = simple vb.
pari, IV.P. Ā. suffer distress: pp. tormented, distressed, afflicted; weakly: -m, ad. reluctantly; cs. torment. saṃ -pra, knead, squeeze.
kliṣṭavṛtti kliṣṭa-vṛtti, a. leading a wretched life.
klība klība, a. emasculated, impotent; unmanly, timorous, cowardly; waterless (cloud); m. eunuch; weakling, coward; n. neuter (gender): -tā, f. impotency; weakness.
kleda kled-a, m. moisture, humidity;
-ana, n. moistening.
kleśa kleś-a, m. torment, pain, suffering, affliction, distress;
-in, a. painful, distressing; hurting.
klaibya klaib-ya, n. impotence; timidness, faintheartedness; cowardice; weakness.
kloman klo-man, m. (V.), n. right lung.
klomahṛdaya kloma-hṛdaya, n. sg. right lung and heart.
kva kvā, ad. = lc. of ka; where? whither? often emphasized with the pcls. aha, id, iva, nu, nu khalu, and svid: kva svid also = somewhere; with bhū and as = what has become of --? = it is all over with;
kva tadga-tam, how about that? without verb = it is out of the question;
kva-kva, expressing incongruity = how great is the difference between -- and --, there is nothing in common between -- and --; with api and cid = kasmin + api or cid; somewhere, in a certain place; sometime, once; sometimes, ever;
kvacit kva-cid, here and there, now and then;
-kvacid -kvacid, here -- there; now -- now;
kva+api, kva cit, kvaca, kvacana, with na, nowhere, in no case, never, with preceding yatra, wherever, whenever, in whatever case.
kvaṇ KVAṆ, I.P. kvaṇa, cry out, croak, buzz; sound; ring, tinkle: pp. -ita, n. sound.
kvath KVATH, I. kvatha, boil (tr. and int.).
ud, boil over (fig.).
kvatha kvath-a, m. decoction, extract;
-ana, n. boiling.
kvasu k-vas-u, the suffix vas (gr.).
kvastha kva-stha, a. where situated or to be found?
kvācitka kvācit-ka, a. (ī) occurring only here and there, occasional.
kvāṇa kvāṇa, m. sound.
kvātha kvātha, m. boiling; decoction.
kvip k-v-ip, fictitious suffix v added to the simple root used nominally (gr.).
kṣaṇ KSHAṆ, v. kṣan KSHAN.
kṣaṇa kṣaṇ-a, m. (n1.) moment; opportunity; leisure; joyful moment, festival: -m, for or in a moment; °-, in., ab. in a moment, immediately; lc. every moment;
kṣaṇāt-kṣa-ṇāt, at one moment -- at another;
kṣaṇaṃ -kṛ, wait a moment; give any one (g.) an opportunity (also dā);
-ṃ labh, find an opportunity.
kṣaṇadā kṣaṇa-dā, f. night: -kara, -kṛt, m. moon, -cara, m. night-walker, Rākṣasa;
-dṛṣṭa-naṣṭa, pp. appearing and disappearing in a moment.
kṣaṇana kṣaṇ-ana, n. hurting, wounding.
kṣaṇamātra kṣaṇa-mātra, n. only a moment: -m, for a moment only, in. in a moment;
-vidhvaṃsin, a. collapsing in a moment;
-hīna, pp. joyless.
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kṣaṇāntara kṣaṇa+antara, n. space of a moment, little while: lc. after a while, thereupon.
kṣaṇika kṣaṇ-ika, a. (ī) momentary: -tā, f., -tva, n. abst. N.;
-in, a. being at leisure.
kṣata kṣa-ta, pp. kṣan: ā, f. violated girl; n. hurt, wound: -ja, n. blood.
kṣati kṣa-ti, f. injury, loss, harm, damage, destruction: -mat, a. wounded.
kṣattṛ kṣat-tṛ, m. carver, distributor (of food); N. of various mixed castes..
kṣatra kṣa-tra, n. sg. & pl. dominion, power; powers that be; milītary (secon) caste; man of the second caste.
kṣatradharma kṣatra-dharma, m. duty of the warrior caste;
-dharman, a. fulfilling the duties of the warrior caste;
-bandhu, m. member of the second caste;
-vidyā, f. science of the warrior caste;
-vṛddhi, f. increase of military power.
kṣatriya kṣatr-iya, a. ruling; m. ruler; man, ā, f. woman, of the military caste; n. sovereign power, dominion: -anta-kara, m. ep. of Paraśurāma.
kṣad KSHAD, I.Ā. kṣada, carve; slaughter.
kṣan KSHAN, VIII.P. kṣaṇ-6, -u, hurt, wound; break; Ā. hurt or wound oneself: pp. kṣata, hurt, wounded; broken, injured; destroyed; violated.
upa, pari, vi, pp. hurt, wounded.
kṣan kṣan, 3 pl. aor. kṣan.
kṣantavya kṣan-tavya, fp. to be forgiven: -m one should forgive some one (g.), for (ab.).
kṣap KSHAP, I. kṣapa, practise abstinence or mortification.
kṣap kṣap, f. night.
kṣapaṇa kṣap-aṇa, 1. m. Buddhist or Jain mendicant; n. fasting, mortification; 2. a. destroying; m. destroyer; n. destroying; spending (time), waiting.
kṣapaṇaka kṣapaṇa-ka, m. mendicant (esp. naked Buddhist or Jain).
kṣapaṇika kṣapaṇ-ika, m. boatman; a. destructive.
kṣapā kṣap-ā, f. night: (ā) -kara, -kṛt, m. moon;
-cara, m. night-walker, Rākṣasa; nocturnal beast or bird;
-jala, m. night dew;
-atyaya, m. end of night, day-break;
-apa-ha, n. sun;
-ramaṇa, m. moon: -śekhara, m. ep. of Śiva;
-ardha, n. (?) midnight;
-ava-sāna, n. end of night:lc. on the morrow;
-aha, m. (?) day and night.
kṣapitavya kṣap-i-tavya, fp. to be spent (time).
kṣapeśa kṣapā+īśa, m. moon.
kṣam KSHAM, I.Ā. (P.) kṣama (IV. Ā. kṣamya), have patience; submit to (d.); endure, put up with; pardon (g. or d. of person, ac. of thing); grant anything (ac.) to (g.), allow to (pot.); show indulgence to (ac.); be able to (inf.): pp. kṣānta, patient; cs. kṣam-/kṣāmaya, ask any one's (ac.) pardon or indulgence for (ac.).
kṣam kṣam, strong base kṣām, weakest kṣm, earth.
kṣama kṣam-a, a. patient; enduring (-°); capable of, able to, equal to (in., lc., or -°); endurable; suitable, useful, favourable (for, d., g., lc., inf., or -°; inf. or -° after verbal N. having a passive sense): -tvā, f., -tva, n. capacity for, ability to (lc. or -°).
kṣamā kṣam-ā, f. patience, forbearance, indulgence (towards, lc. or prati); tameness; earth: -pati, m. king;
-bhṛt, m. mountain; king;
-maṇḍada, n. orbis terrarum, whole earth;
-liṅga+ātma-piḍā-vat, a. in which proof of forbearance and loss on one's own part is adduced (leg.);
-vat, -śila, a. patient, indulgent, forbearing; compassionate.
kṣamin kṣam-in, a. id., towards (lc.).
kṣamya kṣam-ya, a. earthly.
kṣaya 1. kṣay-a, a. dwelling; m. abode, seat; tribe, people.
kṣaya 2. kṣay-a, m. decrease; depreciation; decline, loss, destruction; end: ac. with verbs of going: decrease, come to an end, be lost, perish;
-kara, -kartṛ, -kṛt, a. destroying. (-°).
kṣayaṇa kṣay-aṇa, a. destroying (-°).
kṣayadivasa kṣaya-divasa, m. day of the world's destruction;
-pakṣa, m. fortnight of the moon's wane;
-yukta, pp. ruined, fallen;
-yukti, f. destruction, ruin;
-rog-in, a. consumptive: -i-tva, n. consumption.
kṣayitā kṣay-i-tā, f., -tva -tva, n. annihilation; transitoriness;
-in, a. decreasing; transitory; consumptive;
-iṣṇu, a. transitory; destructive.
kṣar KSHAR, I.P. (Ā.) kṣara, flow; pass away, perish; pour forth, discharge, yield; emit a stream; cs. kṣāraya, cause to flow, discharge.
ati, flow through, overflow (tr.).
abhi+ati, flow across to.
ava, sprinkle; cs. cause to flow down upon (ac.). ā, cs. defame.
upa, flow towards.
kṣara kṣar-a, a. passing away, transitory;
-aṇa, n. flowing; effusion.
kṣal KSHAL, X.P. kṣālaya, wash: cleanse, purify, remove.
pra, wash, cleanse.
abhi-pra, cleanse.
vi, wash away.
kṣava kṣava, -thu -thu, m. sneezing, sneeze.
kṣā 1. KSHĀ v. khṣai KSHAI.
kṣā 2. kṣā, f. earth; abode.
kṣātra kṣātra, a. (ī) peculiar to the military caste; n. royal dignity.
kṣānta kṣān-ta, pp. kṣam; n. patience, forbearance.
kṣānti kṣān-ti, f. id.: mat, a. patient, forbearing;
-śīla, m. N. (patient).
kṣāma kṣā-ma, a. singed, scorched; parched, dried up; emaciated, slender; weak, little, insignificant;
-kṣāma, a. quite emaciated.
kṣāman kṣā-man, n. earth, ground.
kṣāmīkṛ kṣāmī-kṛ, shorten, curtail.
kṣāra kṣā-ra, a. caustic, salty; sharp, cutting (wind); m. (n. rare) burning or corrosive substance; saltpetre, potash, etc.: -kṣata, pp. corroded by saltpetre;
-kṣīṇa, pp. id.: -tā, f. abst. N.;
-lavaṇa, n. du. caustic & salt.
kṣārayitṛ kṣār-ay-i-tṛ, a. causing to flow.
kṣāla kṣāl-a, m. washing;
-ana, n. id.; a. washing, wiping away (also fig.).
kṣi 1. KSHI, (V.); P. II. kṣe-ti, IV. kṣiya, dwell, abide; inhabit; cs. kṣayaya or kṣepaya, cause to dwell peacefully, pacify.
adhi, dwell in or near, rest upon; spread over (ac., lc.).
upa, dwell in, abide by (also fig., w. ac.).
pari, dwell around (ac.).
kṣi 2. KSHI, I.P. kṣaya, (V.) possess, rule over (gr.).
kṣi 3. KSHI, P. IX. kṣi-ṇā, (V.); V. kṣi-ṇo; I. kṣay-a, (E.) destroy; oppress; ps. ksīya, decrease, wane; cease; be exhausted; disappear, perish: pp. ksita, exhausted, decayed, kṣiṇa, decreased; waning; exhausted, come to an end; feeble; thin, slender; cs. kṣayayati or kṣapaya-ti, -te, destroy, remove, dispel; emaciate, weaken; pass (time): pp. kṣayita or kṣapita. pari, destroy; ps. be impoverished: pp. disappeared; exhausted; indigent; perished; weak in (in.); destituts of (-°).
pra, destroy, exhaust; ps. perish: pp. destroyed; exhausted, disappeared.
sam, destroy; ps. draw to an end.
kṣit kṣi-t, a. N. dweller; ruler (-°).
kṣiti 1. kṣi-ti, f. abode, dwelling; earth, land: pl. the tribes, races, peoples, men.
kṣiti 2. kṣi-ti, f. destruction.
kṣitikampa kṣiti-kampa, m. earthquake;
-kṣit, m. king, prince;
-kṣoda, m. dust of the earth;
-tala, n. surface of the earth: -ap-saras, f. Aparas dwelling on earth;
-dhara, m. mountain;
-dhenu, f. the cowlike earth;
-pa, -pati, -pāla, -bhuj, m. king;
-bhṛt, m. mountain; king;
-rasa, m. sap of the earth;
-lava-bhuj, m. petty prince;
-śacī-pati, m. king;
-śata-kratu, m. id.;
-indra, -īśa, -iśa -īśvara, m. king.
kṣip KSHIP, VI. kṣipa, throw, cast, discharge (at, upon, d., g., lc., or upar); move rapidly; utter (words); direct (thoughts or gaze); hit; strew, pour, put (into, lc.); set down; throw off; let go; cast blame on (lc.); inveigh against, abuse, mock; destroy, lose; pass, bide (time); cs. kṣepaya, cause to be thrown into (antar), cause to descend into (lc.); crack.
adhi, throw dirt on, revile, insult, offend, mock at.
abhi, hit sharply (with a whip).
ava, cast down, let fly; throw into (lc.). ā, throw upon (lc.), at (d.); cast ashore; touch (ac.) with (in.); pull or carry away; take away from (ab.); withdraw; rob; attract (fig.). absorb; expel from (ab.); put into (lc.); refer to; raise an objection to (ac.); reproach with; insult; produce, effect.
pari ā, entwine with (in.).
vi+ā, stretch out; carry away, captivate: pp. -°, full of.
sam-ā, accumulate; insult; indicate.
ud, throw up, raise; place upon.
sam-ud, throw, up, raise; free from (ab.).
upa, hint at, allude to.
ni, throw down; throw upon (lc. or upari), put down, place upon or in (lc.); direct the gaze towards (lc. or ad. -tas); abandon, give up; hand over, deliver, entrust, to (lc.); bestow; appoint to (lc.); cs. cause to be drawn up.
upa-ni, put down.
vi-ni, throw or put down; entrust: pp. placed in (-°).
pari, throw along (a distance); wind round; surround; embrace.
pra, cast, throw at or in, place in (lc.); put before; let down.
vi, throw about, cast hither and thither, scatter; *handle; distract: pp. distraught.
pra-vi, pp. agitated.
sam, heap up; compress, curtail, diminish; destroy: pp. contracted, condensed; narrow; short, concise.
kṣip kṣip, f. (only nm. pl.) finger: -ā, f. (only in. pl.) id..
kṣipta kṣip-ta, pp. kṣip; n. (shot) wound: -citta, a. distraught: -tā, f. absence of mind;
-yoni, a. of contemptible birth.
kṣipra kṣip-ra, a. elastic (bow); quick, rapid: -m or ab. quickly, directly, at once: a+iṣu, a. having swift arrows.
kṣillikā kṣillikā, f. N..
kṣīṇa kṣīṇa, pp. 3. kṣi: -karman, a. whose desire of for action is at an end;
kośa, a. whose treasury is exhausted;
-tamas, m. N. of a Vihāra;
-tā, f. injury, damage;
-tva, n. disappearance;
-vṛtti, a. whose provisions are exhausted;
-ādhi, a. freed from distress;
-āyus, a. moribund.
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kṣība kṣība, kṣīva kṣīva, a. intoxicated; excited: -tā, f., -tva, n. intoxication.
kṣīra kṣīra, n. milk; milky sap (of plants).
kṣīrakuṇḍa kṣīra-kuṇḍa, n. milk-pot;
-kṣa-ya, m. failure of milk (in the udder);
-dhi, m. ocean of milk;
-nidhi, m. id.;
-nīra, n. milk and water (°-);
-pa, a. drinking only milk; m. suckling, infant, child;
-bhṛta, pp. paid with milk;
-maya, a. representing milk;
-mahār-ṇava, m. ocean of milk; (a) -vat, a. full of milk;
-vārdhi, m. ocean of milk;
-vṛkṣa, m. tree with milky juice the common name of the Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Aśvattha, and Madhūka, -ṣāṣṭika, n. sixty days rice with milk;
-samudra, -sāgara, m. ocean of milk;
-snigha, pp. moist with milky juice;
-svāmin, m. N. of a grammarian.
kṣīrānna kṣīra+anna, n. rice boiled in milk;
-abdhi, m. ocean of milk;
-ambudhi, m. id..
kṣīrāya kṣīrā-ya, den. Ā. become milk.
kṣīroda kṣīra+uda, m. ocean of milk;
-dhi, m. id.;
-ūrmi, m. f. wave of the ocean of milk.
kṣīva kṣīva, v. kṣība.
kṣu KSHU, II.P. kṣau-ti, sneeze: pp. kṣuta, having sneezed; n. sneeze.
ava, pp. sneezed upon.
kṣu kṣu, n. [gh(a)s-u] food, nutriment.
kṣuṇṇa kṣuṇ-ṇa, pp. kṣud.
kṣut kṣu-t, f. sneezing.
kṣutkṣāma kṣut-kṣāma, a. emaciated with hunger: -kaṇṭha, a. hvg. a throat --;
pipā-sita, pp. tormented with hunger and thirst.
kṣud KSHUD, I.P. kṣoda, pound: pp. kṣuṇṇa, trodden; crushed, broken; pierced.
pra, goad, urge on.
vi, pound; urge on.
kṣudra kṣud-ra, a. small, tiny; low, mean, base; wicked (in jest): (a) -ka, a. small, tiny; *-ghaṇṭikā, f. small bell (ornament).
kṣudrajantu kṣudra-jantu, m. small animal; insignificant person;
-paśu, m. small live stock: -mat, a. possessing --;
-buddhi, m. N. of a jackal (base-minded);
-śatru, m. insignificant foe;
-sūkta, n. short hymn; m. author of short hymns.
kṣudrākṣa kṣudra+akṣa, a. having small meṣes;
-ācarita, pp. frequented by low persons;
-antra, n. small cavity of the heart.
kṣudh KSHUDH, IV.P. kṣudhya, be hungry: pp. kṣudhita, hungry.
kṣudh kṣudh, f. hunger.
kṣudhā kṣudh-ā, f. id.: -kara, a. causing hunger;
-ārta, pp. tortured with hunger.
kṣudhālu kṣudhā-lu, a. hungry.
kṣunnirodha kṣun-nirodha, m. suppression of hunger, starvation;
-mat, a. hungry.
kṣupa kṣupa, m. ā, f. shrub, bush;
a-ka, m., a-kā, f. id..
kṣubdha kṣub-dha, pp. kṣubu: -tā, f. commotion.
kṣubh KSHUBH, I.Ā. kṣobha, (V.); IV.P. Ā, kṣubhya, sway, tremble, become agitated: pp. kṣubdha (rare) and kṣu-bhita, shaken; agitated; cs. kṣobhaya, P. (Ā.) shake, agitable; throw into confusion.
pra, become agitated, be disturbed.
vi, be shaken or agitated; be thrown into confusion.
sam, become agitated.
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kṣumat kṣu-mat, a. nutritious; strong, vigorous.
kṣura kṣura, m. sharp knife, razor;
-kar-man, n. shaving;
-kṛtya, n. id.;
-kḷpta, pp. shaved;
-kriyā, f. shaving;
-dhāna, n. razor-case;
-pra, a. sharp as a razor; m. arrow, knife, or scythe as sharp as a razor;
-bhaṇḍa, n. razor-case.
kṣurikā kṣur-ikā, f. knife, dagger.
kṣulla kṣulla, -ka -ka, a. small, little, tiny.
kṣetra kṣe-tra, n. landed property; field (-ṃ kṛ, cultivate a field); place, region; seat, sphere of activity, soures; extent; womb; wife; seat of the soul, body; primeval soul or matter.
kṣetrakarman kṣetra-karman, n. agriculture;
-karman-kṛt, a. husbandman;
-karṣaka, m. husbandman;
-ja, a. growing in the fields; m. wife's begotten by another man;
-jāta, pp. id.;
-jña, a. having local knowledge; conversant with (g.); m. soul;
-tara, n. place very suitable for cultivation or habitation;
-tā, f. residence;
-pa, m. field-watcher;
-pati, m. owner of a field;
-pāla, m. watcher; tutelary deity of the fields;
-rakṣa, m. fieldwatcher;
-vid, a. knowing the place; expert; knowing the body.
kṣetrika kṣetr-ika, m. owner of a field; husband;
-in, m. id.; soul;
-iya, a. local; constitutional = incurable.
kṣetrīkṛ kṣetrī-kṛ, take possession of (ac.).
kṣetrīya kṣetrī-ya, den. P. desire a field.
kṣepa kṣep-a, m. throwing, moving about; motion, agitation, swaying; delay; accusation; abuse; transference;
-aka, a. throwing, casting; destroying;
-aṇa, n. throwing, letting fly: ī, f. sling;
-aṇika, m. boatman;
-aṇīya, n. sling.
kṣepan kṣep-an, m. throw: in. kṣepṇā, quickly.
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kṣepiṣṭha kṣep-iṣṭha, spv.;
-īyas, cpv. of ksipra: n. ad. as quickly as possible.
kṣeptṛ kṣep-tṛ, m. slinger;
-nu, m. letting fly (bowstering);
-ya, fp. to be thrown (into, lc.); to be destroyed.
kṣema kṣe-ma, a. comfortable, agreeable; quiet; safe; m. abode; place; rest, security; prosperity: -ṃ te, hail to you ! in. sg. or pl. peacefully, happily, safe and sound.
kṣemakara kṣema-kara, a. affording peace and security;
-kāra, kṛt, -ṃ -kara, a. id..
kṣemaya kṣema-ya, den. P. only pr. pt. resting; affording rest, sheltering, refreshing.
kṣemayoga kṣema-yoga, m. du. rest and labour.
kṣemin kṣem-in, a. safe.
kṣemīśvara kṣemi+īśvara, m. N. of a poet.
kṣemendra kṣema+indra, m. N. of several authors.
kṣemya kṣem-ya, a. (also -ya) resting; secure; salubrious, auspicious.
kṣaiṇya kṣaiṇ-ya, n. ruin (abst. N. from kṣīṇa).
kṣaitra kṣaitra, n. estate.
kṣaitrapata kṣaitra-pata, a. (ī) relating to the lord of the soil;
-patya, a. id.; n. (kṣaitra-) dominion; estate.
kṣaipra kṣaipra, a. produced by rapid enunciation: said of the Sandhi by which i or u become y or v; also of the svarita accent arising on such a syllable..
kṣoṇi kṣoṇi, f. host, retinue; earth, land.
kṣoṇipati kṣoṇi-pati, m. prince, king;
-pāla,+-indra, m. id..
kṣoṇī kṣoṇī, f. (nm. -s) = kṣoṇi: -pati, -ramaṇa, m. prince, king.
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kṣoda kṣod-a, m. blow; crushing; flour, powder; drop; little bit.
kṣodas kṣod-as, n. swell, stream.
kṣodiṣṭha kṣod-iṣṭha, spv.;
-īyas, cpv. of kṣudra.
kṣobha kṣobh-a, m. swaying, tremor; jolting, agitation;
-aṇa, a. shaking, agitating;
-ayitṛ, m. prime mover or originator.
kṣauṇī kṣauṇī, f. earth, land: -dhara, m. mountain;
-nātha, m. king;
-bhuj, m. id.;
-bhṛt, m. mountain.
kṣaudra kṣaudra, n. honey.
kṣauma kṣauma, a. (ī) flaxen, linen; n. linen, linen garment.
kṣaura kṣaura, a. done with the razor; n. shaving: -ṃ kṛ, shave, -ṃ kāraya, get shaved;
-karaṇa, -karman, n. shaving.
kṣṇu KSHṆU, II.P. kṣṇau-ti, whet, sharpen.
kṣmā kṣmā, f. earth, land: in. kṣmayā, on the earth.
kṣmādhara kṣmā-dhara, m. mountain;
-dhṛti, m. king;
-pa, -pati, -pāla, -bhartṛ, -bhuj, m. prince, king;
-bhṛt, m. mountain; king;
-ruh, m. tree;
-vṛṣa, m. bull of the earth, mighty king.
kṣviḍ KSHVIḌ, I.P. kṣveḍa, utter an inarticulate sound, creak, hum hiss, grind the teeth.
kṣvid KSHVID, I.P. kṣveda, id..
kṣveḍana kṣveḍ-ana, n. whizzing, hissing;
-ā, f. roar of a lion, battle-cry.
kṣvel KSHVEL, I.P. kṣvela, (E.) jump, play.
kṣvelana kṣvel-ana, n., -i, f., -ikā, f., -ita, n. play, dalliance.
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kha KH.
kha kha, n. cavity, hole; aperture (esp. in the human body); wound; axle-hole (in the nave of a wheel); ether; air; sky.
khaga kha-ga, a. moving in the air, flying; m. bird: -pati, m. lord of the birds, ep. of Garuḍa.
khagama kha-gama, m. bird; N. of a Brāhman.
khagalya kha-galya, a certain part of a wheel.
khagādhipa khaga+adhipa, m. ep. of Garuḍa;
-indra, m. id..
khaṅkha khaṅkha, m. N..
khac KHAC, I.P. khaca, shine: pp. khac-ita, sparkling; brilliant or studded with (in., -°).
ud, pp. interwoven with (in., -°).
khacara kha-cara, a. flying; m. bird; fairy;
-citra, n. picture in the air = chimera.
khaja khaj-a, m. stirring, churning; tumult of battle.
khajala kha-jala, n. mist.
khajā khaj-ā, f. churning-stick.
khañj KHAÑJ, I.P. khañja, limp.
khañja khañj-a, a. lame: -tā, f., -tva, n. -ness.
khañjana khañj-ana, m. wagtail: -akṣī, f. girl with restless eyes.
khañjarīṭa khañja-rīṭa, m. wagtail: -ka, m. id..
khaṭakhaṭāya khaṭa-khaṭā-ya, Ā. crackle, hiss.
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khaṭikā khaṭ-ikā, khaṭinī khaṭ-inī, f. chalk.
khaṭvaya khaṭva-ya, den. P. turn into a bedstead.
khaṭvā khaṭvā, f. bedstead; bed of sickness.
khaṭvāṅga khaṭvā+aṅga, m. n. club shaped like the foot of a bedstead (esp. as a weapon of Śiva): -dhara, -dhāra, -bhaṛt, a. bearing a khaṭvāṅga, ep. of Śiva.
khaṭvāṅgin khaṭvāṅg-in, a. id..
khaṭvātala khaṭvā-tala, n. space under a bed: lc. under the bed.
[khaḍ KHAḌ, khaṇḍ KHAṆḌ, break, cleave.]
khaḍa khaḍ-a, m. kind of sour drink made of buttermilk, etc..
khaḍga khaḍ-ga, m. sword, dagger; rhinoceros; N. of a merchant's son.
khaḍgagrāhin khaḍga-grāhin, m. sword-bearer;
-dhara, a. wearing a sword; m. N.;
-dhārā, f. sword-blade: -vrata, n. = asidhāra-vrata;
-dhenu, f. knife;
-pāṇi, a. having a sword in one's hand;
-pāta, m. sword-cut;
-prahāra, m. sword-stroke;
-maya, a. consisting of swords;
-vat, a. armed with a sword;
-vāri, n. blood dripping from a sword;
-vidyā, f. art of fencing;
-sakha, a. armed with a sword;
-sena, m. N.;
-hasta, a. having a sword in the hand.
khaḍgāmiṣa khaḍga+amiṣa, n. rhinoceros flesh.
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khaḍgidhenukā khaḍgi-dhenukā, f. female rhinoceros.
khaḍgin khaḍg-in, a. armed with a sword; m. rhinoceros.
khaṇakhaṇāya khaṇa-khaṇā-ya, den. Ā. clatter, crack: pp. -yita, clashing, etc..
khaṇḍa khaṇḍ-a, a. incomplete, deficient, not full (moon); m. n. piece, part; section (of a work); number, quantity, multitude, group; powdered sugar: -ka, m. part, piece, section; kind of dance (?);
-kāpālika, m. a partial Kāpālika (sectary);
-devakula, n. ruined temple;
-dhāra, f. kind of musical performance ro dance.,
khaṇḍana khaṇḍ-ana, a. breaking up, destroying, dispelling; n. crushing; hurting, wounding (esp. with the teeth); curtailing, destroying; baffling; refuting; deceiving;
-anīya, fp. to be broken or cut in pieces.
khaṇḍamodaka khaṇḍa-modaka, m. manna-sugar (Pr.).
khaṇḍaya khaṇḍa-ya, den. P. break or cut in pieces; injure; bite; interrupt, disturb; destroy, dispel; cause to cease, satisfying; neglect; refute; deceive.
ava, break in pieces.
ud, tear off.
vi, cut in pieces, lacerate.
khaṇḍavaṭaka khaṇḍa-vaṭaka, m. n. N. of a village or town..
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khaṇḍaśas khaṇḍa-śas, ad. in pieces: with kṛ, break in pieces; with gam, bhū, or yā, go to pieces.
khaṇḍitavṛtta khaṇḍita-vṛtta, a. of immoral conduct.
khaṇḍendumaṇḍana khaṇḍa+indu-maṇḍana, m. (adorned with a crescent), ep. of Śiva.
khad KHAD, VI.P. khada, (V.) be firm or hard.
khadā khad-ā, f. hut, stall.
khadira khad-ira, m. a tree (a kind of acacia): -maya, a. mada on Khadira wood.
khadyota kha-dyota, m. fire-fly.
khan KHAN, I. khana, dig, dig up or into (ac.); piere, lacerate; agitate: pp. khāta. ud, dig up, uproot, undermine; exterminate, destroy; pull out; draw (sword).
pra+ud, dig up; eradicate.
ni, bury; dig in; erect (pillars); infix, imbed; cs. cause to be dug; infix.
khana khan-a, a. burrowing; m. pit;
-aka, m. digger.
khanakhanāya khana-khanā-ya, Ā. = khala-khalā-ya.
khanati khan-ati, m. N.;
-ana, n. digging;
-i, a. digging; f. mine;
-i-tṛ, m. digger.
khanitra khan-i-tra, n., -trā, f. spade; (i) -tra-ka, n. small spade;
i-trima, a. produced by digging.
khanya khan-ya, fp. coming from pits.
khapuṣpa kha-puṣpa, n. flower in the air = chimera;
-mūrti-mat, a. having an ethereal form.
[khar KHAR, be rough or broken.].
khara khar-a, a. hard, rough; hot, sharp (also fig.): -m, ad.; m. ass; mule.
kharaturagīya khara-turagīya, a. sexual connexion (saṃparka) between ass and horse;
-nakhara, m. N. of a lion;
-mayūkha, m. (hot-rayed), sun;
-aṃśu, m. id..
kharāya kharā-ya, den. behave like an ass: pp. -yita, n. tomfoolery.
kharī kharī, f. she ass or mule: -viṣāṇa, n. ass's horn = chimera.
kharkhoda kharkhoda, kind of magic: -vedin, a. versed in sorcery.
kharj KHARJ, I.P. kharja, (S.) creak.
kharjūra kharj-ūra, m., ī, f. a tree; n. its fruit.
kharpara kharpara, n., ī, f. kind of mineral.
kharma khar-ma, n. rudeness, harshness.
kharva khar-va, a. mutilated, cripped, defective; n. a large number, 1 followed by 10 or 37 zeros, quadrillion.
kharvīkṛ kharvī-kṛ, cripple, compress.
[khal KHAL, besmooth; stumble or waver.].
khala khal-a, m. 1. threṣing-floor; oil-cake; 2. wicked person, rogue: f. ī.
khalakhalāya khala-khalā-ya, Ā. ripple.
khalatā 1. khala-tā, f. abst. N. from khala 1 and 2; 2. kha-latā, creeper in the air = a chimera.
khalati khal-ati, a. bald; m. baldness.
khalabhujaṅga khala-bhujaṅga, n. snake-like rogue.
khalartha khal-artha, a. having the meaning of the suffix khal (gr.).
khalāya khalā-ya, den. Ā, play the rogue.
[Page 80-2]
khalīkāra khalī-kāra, m. ill-treatment;
-kṛ, ill-treat;
-kṛti, f. ill-treatment.
khalīna khal-īna, n. bit (of a bridle).
khalu khal-u, pcl. [plainly], indeed, certainly; however, and yet: often merely emphatic;
khalu vai, certainly;
nu khalu, with inter. pray? wonder? na khalu, not at all;
kha-lu api, now again (introducing a new topic);
khalu with gd. = enough of --, do not --.
khalekapotanyāya khale-kapota-nyāya, m. manner in which a flock of pigeons swoop on a threṣing-floor;
-kapotikā, f. id..
khall KHALL, I.Ā. khalla, totter; be loose: pp. khallita, flaccid, flabby.
khalla khall-a, m. bag.
khalva khal-va, m. kind of pulse.
khalvāṭa khal-vāṭa, a. bald-head.
khaśarīrin kha-śarīrin, a. having an ethereal body.
khasa khasa, m. son of an outcast Kṣatriya: pl. N. of a people.
khā khā, f. [hole], spring, well.
khā- khā- occurs in various forms of khan.
khāgi khāgi, -kā -kā, f. N. of two localities..
khāñjya khāñj-ya, n. limping, lameness.
khāṇḍava khāṇḍava, m. n. kind of sweetmeat; N. of a forest in Kurukṣetra.
khāta khā-ta, pp. khan; m. n. trench, pit; well, pond; n. cavity: (a) -ka, n. ditch, pit;
-tṛ, m. digger;
-tra, n. breach.
khād KHĀD, I.P. (Ā.) khāda, chew, eat, gnaw; devour; destroy; cs. khādaya, P. id.; cause to be eaten, by (in.).
sam, devour.
khāda khād-a, a. devouring (-°); m. food;
-aka, m. eater, consumer; debtor;
-ana, n. chewing, eating; foo: ā, f. N.;
-ikā, f. eating (-°);
-i-tṛ, m. eater, consumer;
-i-tavya, fp. to be eaten or consumed;
-in, a. chewing, biting (-°).
khādira khādira, a. (ī) made of Khadira wood.
khādya khād-ya, fp. eatable.
khādhūyā khādhūyā, f. N. of a locality.
khāna khāna, n. food: -pāna, n. sg. meat and drink.
khānaka khāna-ka, a. digging (-°); m. undermining burglar.
khāni khā-ni, f. pit, mine.
khāra khāra, m., ī, f. a measure of capacity.
khārvā khārvā, f. third age of the world..
khālatya khālatya, khālitya khālitya, n. baldness.
khid KHID, VI.P. khida, press; IV.P. Ā. khidya, be depressed or afflicted; feel languid: pp. khinna, depressed, downcast; exhausted, languid; cs. P. Ā. khedaya, depress, distress, disquiet, trouble. ā, seize upon.
ud, draw out.
pari, feel depressed: pp. exhausted; afflicted.
khidra khid-ra, n. awl, gimlet.
khila khila, m. waste land; n. supplement.
khilakṣetra khila-kṣetra, n. barren field.
khilīkṛ khilī-kṛ, make deserted; render powerless;
-bhū, be emptied of (g.); be frustrated.
khilya khil-ya, m. waste land; block, lump, piece.
[Page 80-3]
khīra khīra, N. of a locality.
khud KHUD, VI.P. khuda, (V.) thrust in.
khunamuṣa khunamuṣa, N. of a village.
khura khura, m. hoof; claw.
khuraka khura-ka, m. kind of dance.
khurin khur-in, m. animal with hoofe.
khūra khūra = khura khura.
khecara khe-cara, a. (ī) moving in the air, flying; m. bird; angel; fairy: ī, f. fairy; with siddhi, magical power of flying;
-tā, f., -tva, n. id..
kheṭa kheṭa, m. n. village inhabited by peasants; shield; m. phlegm; a. low, mean;
-ka, hamlet; shield.
kheda khed-a, m. pressure, hardship, trouble; faintness, weariness, affliction; annoyance at (g.): ā, f. N. of a locality;
-ana, n. exhaustion;
-ayitavya, fp. to be afflicted;
-in, a. tired, weary; fatiguing.
kheya khe-ya, fp. to be dug; being dug.
khel KHEL, I.P. khela, move to an fro, sway, rock; appear: pp. khelita, rocking; cs. put in motion, turn.
khela khel-a, a. swinging, swaying, rocking; m. N.: -gamana, a. of playful gait;
-ana, n. flying or moving to and fro; restless motion (of the eye): -ka, n. play, sport;
-i, f. (?) play, sport.
khoṭa khoṭa, khora khora, a. halting, lame.
khola khola, m. kind of water-proof hat.
khyan khyan, 3 pf. subj. pr. of khyā.
khyā KHYĀ, II.P. khyā-ti; ps. khyāyate, be mentioned; be known: pp. khyāta, named, known; known as; celebrated; cs. khyāpaya, make known, proclaim, report, declare; manifest, betray; tell about any one (ac.); praise, celebrate.
antar, withhold, conceal.
abhi, behold, perceive: pp. notorious; cs. proclaim.
ava, look down; observe. ā, recite, enumerate; tell, inform, announce, report; indicate; call, name, designate as (2 ac.); cs. proclaim.
prati+ā, refuse, repudiate, deny; decline; prohibit; refute; surpass.
vi+ā, explain; discuss; announce, relate.
sam-ā, add, enumerate; relate; pronounce to be (iti): pp. named.
pari, look round; disregard (g.).
pra, see; announce; relate: pp. known, acknowledged; renowned; cs. make generally known: pp. khyāpita, known as (nm.).
prati, perceive, see.
vi. look about, look up; perceive; lighten, make visible; show, illumine: pp. generally known, celebrated; known as, called; cs. proclaim.
abhi-vi, behold.
sam, appear with (in.); add up, calculate; estimate by (in.).
pari-sam, add together.
khyātakīrti khyāta-kīrti, a. of celebrated fame.
khyāti khyā-ti, f. perception; supposition, assertion; knowledge; fame, celebrity; name: -mat, a. celebrated, famous;
-viruddha, pp. opposed to the general assumption.
khyāna khyā+ana, n. perception, knowledge.
khyāpaka khyā-p-aka, (cs.) a. announcing, indicating (-°).
khyāpana khyā-p-ana, n. proclaiming, manifesting; confession; making famous.
khyāpin khyāp-in, a. manifesting, exhibiting (-°).
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ga G.
ga ga, a. (-°) going or moving in or on; consorting with; resorting to; reaching to; being in; referring to.
gagaṇa gagaṇa, gagana gagana, m. sky.
gaganagati gagana-gati, m. dweller in the sky;
-cara, m. sky-goer, bird;
-cārin, a. coming from the sky (voice);
-tala, n. vault of heaven;
-nagara, n. mirage;
-pratiṣṭha, a. being in the air;
-lih, a. reaching to the sky;
-vihārin, a. moving in the sky;
-sad, m. denizen of the sky;
-sindhu, f. celestial Ganges;
-sparśana, m. N. of one of the Maruts;
-spṛś, a. touching = dwelling in, the sky; reaching to the sky.
gaganāpagā gagana+apagā, f. celestial Ganges;
-aravinda, n. sky-lotus = chimera.
gaṅgā gaṅ-gā, f. [fr. intv. of gam: the swift Goer], the Ganges, daughter of the Himavat..
gaṅgādhara gaṅgā-dhara, m. N. of various men;
-prapāta, m. descent of the Ganges;
-laharī, f. N. of a mare;
-saras, n. N. of a Tīrtha.
gaccha gaccha, pr. base of gam.
gaja gaja, m. elephant;
ī, f. female elephant.
gajacchāyā gaja-cchāyā, f. (elephant's shadow), a certain constellation;
-tā, f., -tva, n. condition of an elephant.
gajadanta gaja-danta, m. ivory;
-nimīlita, n. elephant's wink = connivance;
-pati, m. lordly elephant;
-puṃgava, m. lordly elephant;
-pura, n. N. of a city = Hastināpura;
-mada, m. elephant's temple-juice;
-muktā, f. pearl said to be sometimes found in an elephant's forehead;
-mauktika, n. id.;
-yūtha, m. herd of elephants;
-rāja-muktā, f. = gaja-muktā;
-vat, a. provided with elephants;
-vadana, m. Elephant-face, ep. of Gaṇeśa.
gajasāhvaya gaja-sāhvaya, n. (elephant-named) = gaja-pura;
-sthāna, n. elephant's stall.
gajādhyakṣa gaja+adhyakṣa, m. keeper of an elephant;
-anīka, m. N..
gajāhvaya gaja+āhvaya, n. (elephant-named) = gaja-pura.
gajībhū gajī-bhū, become an elephant.
gajendra gaja+indra, m. lordly elephant.
gañja gañja, m. or n. (?) treasury: -na, a. surpassing (-°);
-vara, m. treasurer.
gañjā gañjā, f. tavern; hemp.
gaḍi gaḍi, m. young bull.
gaḍu gaḍu, m. (?) excrescence on the body, hump.
gaṇa gaṇ-a, m. host, multitude; class; troop, retinue; inferior deities appearing in troops (esp. Śiva's retinue, under the special rule of Gaṇeśa); member of Śiva's following; community, association, corporation; metrical foot; group of roots or words to which a grammatical rule applies..
gaṇaka gaṇa-ka, m. reckoner; astrologer.
gaṇacakra gaṇa-cakra, n. kind of magic circle;
-cchandas, n. metre measured by feet;
-tva, n. office of an attendant on Śiva;
-dāsa, m. N. of a dancing master..
gaṇadīkṣin gaṇa-dīkṣin, a. officiating for a community (priest);
-dravya, n. property of a corporation.
gaṇana gaṇ-ana, n. counting, calculation;
ā, f. id.; annumeration (-°); consideration; regard to (g.).
gaṇanātha gaṇa-nātha, m. Gaṇeśa;
-nāyaka, m. id.;
-pa, m. id.; head of a corporation; (a) -pati, m. lord of hosts, Gaṇeśa;
-pāṭha, m. list of gaṇas (gr.);
-pradātṛ, m. benefactor of a corporation;
-bhartṛ, m. ep. of Śiva.
gaṇaya gaṇa-ya, den. P. (Ā.) count, enumerate, calculate; reckon among (lc.); consider, account (2 ac.); impute (lc.); regard, esteem; excogitate: with na, disregard; think nothing of: with bahu, have great regard for: pp. gaṇita. ava, disregard, pay no attention to.
pari, count over, calculate; consider: pp. limited in number.
vi, count (ps. amount to); consider, ponder; account (2 ac.); regard; disregard.
gaṇavṛtta gaṇa-vṛtta, n. metre measured by feet.
gaṇaśas gaṇaśas, ad. by or in troops.
gaṇādhipati gaṇa+adhipati, m. ep. of Śiva; Gaṇeśa, m. Gaṇeśa;
-adhyakṣa, m. id.;
-anna, n. food coming from a corporation;
-abhyantara, m. member of a corporation.
gaṇikā gaṇ-ikā, f. harlot;
-ita, pp.; n. calculation;
-in, a. having troops of (-°); accompanied by (in.).
gaṇeśa gaṇa+īśa, m. chief of Śiva's attendants, Gaṇeśa, god of wisdom, remover of obstacles, son of Śiva and Pārvatī; also ep. of Śiva.
gaṇḍa gaṇḍa, m. (-°, a. ā, ī) cheek, side of the face, side;
-karaṭa, m. elephant's temples;
-kāṣa, m. rubbing of the cheek;
-kī, f. N. of a river;
-bhitti, f. cheek-bone;
-mālin, a. having scrofulous swellings of the glands of the neck;
-lekhā, f. region of the cheek;
-śaila, m. large boulder; cheek-bone; N. of the pleasure-garden of the Apsaras;
-śyāma-mada-cyuti, a. from whose cheeks brown juice trickles down;
-sthala, n.: ī, f. cheek (-°, a. ā, ī).
gaṇḍu gaṇḍ-u, pillow.
gaṇḍūpada gaṇḍū-pada, m. kind of worm..
gaṇḍūṣa gaṇḍūṣa, m. n. mouthful (of water, etc.); sip; tip of elephant's trunk.
gaṇḍopadhāna gaṇḍa+upadhāna, n. pillow: ī-ya, n. id.;
-upala, m. large boulder.
gaṇya gaṇ-ya, fp. to be counted, calculated, or regarded; a. consisting of rows.
gata ga-ta, pp. (gam) gone (evaṃ gate, such being the case); gone or come, to, fallen into, being at, on or in, contained or resting in (ac., lc., -°); directed or referring to (prati or -°); departed, gone away (to, d. or inf.); deceased; passed, elapsed; disappeared, lost: very often°- = deprived or devoid of, free from, without, -less; produced from (ab., -°); spread abroad in (lc.); known; trodden, frequented; reached, obtained (°-); n. gait; disappearance; manner.
gatajīva gata-jīva, a. dead;
-jīvita, a. id.;
-pāra, a. having attained his object;
-pūrva, a. trodden before;
-pratyāgata, pp. gone and returned;
-prāṇa, a. inanimate, dead;
-prā-ya, a. almost past or perished;
-mati, a. stupid, senseless;
-manas-ka, a. thinking of (lc.);
-mātra, a. only just gone away;
-yau-vana, a. whose youth is past;
-roga, a. convalescent;
-vayas, a. whose youth is past; (a) -śri, a. being in the height of prosperity;
-sāra, a. worthless;
-spṛha, a. having no more desire or pleasure (in, g. or lc.); disinterested; merciless.
gatāgata gata+āgata, pp. n. sg. & pl. going and coming, going higher and thither; flying to and fro: ā-ni kṛ, negotiate: -āgati, f. going and coming = death and rebirth;
-ādhi, a. free from care;
-adhvan, a. who has completed his journey; thoroughly conversant with (lc.);
-anugati-ka, a. following precedents;
-anta, a. whose end has come;
-āyus, a. whose life is past; moribund; dead;
a+asu, a. lifeless, dead.
gati ga-ti, f. gait, course, motion, flight; going away, departure; progress; success; attainment (of g., lc., -°); way, path; egress, outlet; source, basis; expedient, means, feasibleness; stratagem; refuge; state, condition, nature; transmigration, human lot; manner; preposition or adverb combined with a verb.
gatibhaṅga gati-bhaṅga, m. impeded or unsteady gait;
-bheda, m. id.;
-mat, a. moving.
gatvara ga-tvara, a. (ī) going to (-°); preparing for (d.); transitory.
gatyartha gati+artha, a. having the sense of motion (gr.).
gad GAD, I.P. (Ā.) gada, recite, utter, speak, say; address (2 ac.); name.
ni. id.; ps. be called; be accounted.
gada gad-a, m. 1. speech, spell; 2. disease.
gadana gad-ana, n. reciting.
gadā gadā, f. 1. club; 2. speech, spell.
gadādhara 1. gadā-dhara, a. bearing a club, ep. of Kṛṣṇa.
gadādhara 2. gada+adhara, a. having a sore lip.
gadābhṛt gadā-bhṛt, a. bearing a club; m. ep. of Kṛṣṇa.
gadin gad-in, a. bearing a club.
gadgada gad-gad-a, a. faltering; n. stammer: -gala, a. stammering, faltering;
-tā, f., -tva, n. stammer;
-svara, m. faltering tone; a. faltering.
gadgadikā gadgad-ikā, f. stammer.
gadya gad-ya, fp. to be said; n. spoken speech, prose.
gadyāṇa gadyāṇa, -ka -ka, m. a certain weight.
gadh GADH, fp. gadh-ya, to be held fast, to be captured: pp. gadhita. ā, pp. clung to.
pari, pp. clasped.
gantave gan-tave, gantavai gan-tavai, d. inf. gam.
gantavya gan-tavya, fp. n. to be gone (with in. of subject); to be traversed; to be sought, approached, or visited, intelligible.
gantukāma gantu-kāma, a. desirous of going.
gantṛ gan-tṛ, m. one who goes, comes, or reaches (ac., d., lc.); sts. used as fut. of gam;
-trī, f. used as 3rd sg. future.
gandha gandh-a, m. (n.) [that which clings], smell, fragrance, odour; perfume (gnly. pl.); tinge or trace of, similarity with (-°); pride.
gandhaka gandha-ka, a. (ikā) smelling or smacking of (-°);
-gaja, m. = gandha-dvipa;
-grāh-in, a. perfumed;
-dvipa, -dvirada, m. elephant in rut;
-pāṣāṇa-vat, a. sulphurous;
-mādana, m. N. of a mountain-range with fragrant forests;
-mālin, m. N. of a Nāga;
-mālya, n. du. and pl. perfumes and garlands;
-rasa, m. perfumes and spices.
gandhana gandh-ana, m. kind of rice; n. fragrance; sarcasm.
gandharva gandhar-va, m. N. of a genius closely connected w. Soma and the sun: sts. pl. (V.); celestial musician inhabiting Indra' sheaven (C.).
gandharvakhaṇḍa gandharva-khaṇḍa, m. N. of a part of Bhāratavarṣa;
-tva, n. condition of a Gandharva;