The GRETIL e-libray is a collection of electronic editions of books and articles on Indological and related subjects. The focus is on older standard works, along with writings relevant to the history of indology and related fields (Wissenschaftsgeschichte).

GRETIL e-library OPAC | Related websites: GRETIL e-texts | Göttingen Indological Resources | SUB Göttingen Homepage


  • Open the GRETIL e-library online catalogue (OPAC).
  • SIMPLE SEARCH ("all words"): Enter AUTHOR and/or TITLE into the "search" field, and click the "search" button, or press ENTER.
  • ADVANCED SEARCH: Click the "Advanced search" button and fill in the respective fields, then click "search" or press ENTER. (For further information click "Help".)
  • TO BROWSE THE ENTIRE COLLECTION, click the "All titles" button in the left frame of the OPAC (test here). This will generate a chronological list of entries, with the most recent additions and/or revisions on top. Click an item in the list to open the respective title record.
  • When in an individual title record, you can click the various elements of subject classification to find related titles. Otherwise proceed to download (see below).
    (Note: By clicking on the "GRETIL e-library" icon you can always return to the start screen.)
  • Where applicable, click "Range of volumes" at the bottom of the record to see a list of the other items of the respective series/multi-volume work.
    (Note: All volumes of a series/multi-volume work are held together by a "main record". You cannot download from this main record, only from the title records of the individual volumes!)

  • If you do not find what you are looking for, you may consult "Digitalisierte Werke auf dem Felde der Indologie" (2008-2010) and "Indologica | Digitalisate", two comprehensive lists compiled by Peter Wyzlic, assisted by Daniel Stender, or search the Internet Archive, or similar websites.
  • For inquiries, suggestions, or contributions to the GRETIL e-library click here.

  • Open an individual title record, either by direct search, or via a list (as described above).
  • Go to the bottom of the record and click one of the two alternative LINKS (URL or PURL). This will start the download.

  • All works in Latin script are available as PDF/A text-under-image files, with a searchable text behind a scan of the original page.

    Please note that the background texts have not been proof-read, and that the recognition rate of the OCR is relative to the technical quality of the scans, respectively of the printed edition.

  • Works in non-Latin scripts are available as plain multiple-image PDFs only.

  • All GRETIL e-books (except short articles) have an INDEX for better orientation. To open the INDEX, click "Bookmarks" ("Lesezeichen") in your Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • To SEARCH WORDS/STRINGS in the background text of e-books in Latin script, open the search interface of your Adobe Acrobat (press CTRL-F) and enter the word/string you are looking for. You may need a special keybord driver (like Keyman) to enter Unicode diacritics into the search field. Alternatively, you can write the word/string in your Unicode-compatible word-processor and copy it into the search field of your Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • If you experience difficulties in SETTING YOUR OWN BOOKMARKS, open the "Preferences" menu of your PDF reader and change the "PDF/A view mode" to "Never".

    To copy-and-paste text from a PDF-file into your text processing programme (e.g., MS Word),
  • click the "Select Text"-tool ("Textwerkzeug") of your Adobe Acrobat Reader,
  • drag your cursor across the image level to block/mark the passage of the background text you want to copy (or block/mark the entire background text by pressing CTRL-A),
  • click "Copy" in the "Edit" menu (or press CTRL-C),
  • switch to your text processor and "Paste".
  • In order to remove eventual inconsistencies in the display of Unicode diacritics it may be necessary to again block the copied text and select the Unicode font of your choice.

GRETIL e-library OPAC | Related websites: GRETIL e-texts | Göttingen Indological Resources | SUB Göttingen Homepage

Letzte Aktualisierung: 21.5.2014
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