Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Based on Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899

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Sanskrit passages


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description:multibyte sequence:
long a ā
long A Ā
long i ī
long I Ī
long u ū
long U Ū
vocalic r
vocalic R
long vocalic r
vocalic l
vocalic L
long vocalic l
velar n
velar N
palatal n ñ
palatal N Ñ
retroflex t
retroflex T
retroflex d
retroflex D
retroflex n
retroflex N
palatal s ś
palatal S Ś
retroflex s
retroflex S
long e ē
long o ō
l underbar
r underbar
n underbar
k underbar
t underbar

Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order
to facilitate word search.

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a the first letter of the alphabet; the first short vowel inherent in consonants.
akāra a-kāra m. the letter or sound a.

a (pragṛhya q.v.), a vocative particle ([a ananta, O Viṣṇu]) T.; interjection of pity, Ah!

a (before a vowel an, exc. a-ṛṇin), a prefix corresponding to Gk. [greek] Lat. 'in', Goth. and Germ. 'un', Eng. 'in' or 'un', and having a negative or privative or contrary sense (an-eka not one; an-anta endless; a-sat not good; a-paśyat not seeing); rarely prefixed to Inf. (a-svaptum not to sleep TāṇḍyaBr.) and even to forms of the finite verb (a-spṛhayanti they do not desire BhP. Śiś.) and to pronouns (a-saḥ not he Śiś.; a-tad not that BhP.); occasionally denoting comparison (a-brāhmaṇa like a Brahman T.); sometimes disparagement (a-yajña a miserable sacrifice); sometimes diminutiveness (cf. a-karṇa, an-udarā); rarely an expletive (cf. a-kupya, a-pūpa). According to Pāṇ. 6-2, 161, the accent may be optionally either on the first or last syllable in certain compounds formed with a (as a-tīkṣṇa or a-tīkṣṇa, a-śuci or a-śuci, an-anna or an-anna); the same applies to stems ending in tṛ accentuated on the first syllable before a is prefixed; cf. also a-tūrta and a-tūrta, a-bhinna and a-bhinna, &c.

a the base of some pronouns and pronom. forms, in asya, atra, &c.

a the augment prefixed to the root in the formation of the imperfect, aorist, and conditional tenses (in the Veda often wanting, as in Homer, the fact being that originally the augment was only prefixed in principal sentences where it was accentuated, whilst it was dropped in subordinate sentences where the root-vowel took the accent).

a m. N. of Vishnu L. (especially as the first of the three sounds in the sacred syllable om).

aṛṇin a-ṛṇin mfn. free from debt L.

aṃś cl.10.P. aṃśayati, to divide, distribute L.; also occasionally Ā. aṃśayate L.; also aṃśāpayati L.

aṃśa m. (probably fr. 1. , perf. ān-aṃśa, and not from the above aṃś fictitiously formed to serve as root), a share, portion, part, party
     m. partition, inheritance
     m. a share of booty
     m. earnest money
     m. stake (in betting) RV. v, 86, 5 TāṇḍyaBr.
     m. a lot (cf. 2. prās)
     m. the denominator of a fraction
     m. a degree of latitude or longitude
     m. a day L.
     m. N. of an Āditya.
aṃśakaraṇa aṃśa-karaṇa n. act of dividing.
aṃśakalpanā aṃśa-kalpanā f. allotment of a portion.
aṃśaprakalpanā aṃśa-prakalpanā f. allotment of a portion.
aṃśapradāna aṃśa-pradāna n. allotment of a portion.
aṃśabhāgin aṃśa-bhāgin mfn. one who has a share, an heir, co-heir.
aṃśabhāj aṃśa-bhāj mfn. one who has a share, an heir, co-heir.
aṃśabhū aṃśa-bhū m. partner, associate TS.
aṃśabhūta aṃśa-bhūta mfn. forming part of.
aṃśavat aṃśa-vat (for aṃśumat?) m. a species of Soma plant Suśr.
aṃśasavarṇana aṃśa-savarṇana n. reduction of fractions.
aṃśasvara aṃśa-svara m. key-note or chief note in music.
aṃśahara aṃśa-hara mfn. taking a share, a sharer.
aṃśahārin aṃśa-hārin mfn. taking a share, a sharer.
aṃśāṃśa m. part of a portion (of a deity), secondary incarnation.
aṃśāṃsi ind. share by share.
aṃśāvatarana n. descent of part of a deity
     n. partial incarnation
     n. title of sections 64-67 of the first book of the MBh.
aṃśīkṛ aṃśī-kṛ to share.

aṃśaka mf (ikā) n. (ifc.) forming part.

aṃśaka m. a share
     m. degree of latitude or longitude
     m. a co-heir L.
aṃśaka n. a day L.

aṃśala see aṃsala next col.

aṃśin mfn. having a share Yājñ.
aṃśitā aṃśi-tā f. the state of a sharer or co-heir, heirship.

aṃśu m. a filament (especially of the Soma plant)
     m. a kind of Soma libation ŚBr.
     m. thread
     m. end of a thread, a minute particle
     m. a point, end
     m. array, sunbeam
     m. cloth L.
     m. N. of a Ṛiṣi RV. viii, 5, 26
     m. of an ancient Vedic teacher, son of a Dhanaṃjaya VBr.
     m. of a prince.
aṃśujāla aṃśu-jāla n. a collection of rays, blaze of light.
aṃśudhara aṃśu-dhara m. "bearer of rays", the sun L.
aṃśudhāna aṃśu-dhāna n. N. of a village R.
aṃśudhāraya aṃśu-dhāraya m. a lamp MaitrUp.
aṃśunadī aṃśu-nadī f. N. of a river.
aṃśupaṭṭa aṃśu-paṭṭa n. a kind of cloth.
aṃśupati aṃśu-pati m. "lord of rays", the sun L.
aṃśubhartṛ aṃśu-bhartṛ m. "lord of rays", the sun L.
aṃśumat aṃśu-mat mfn. fibrous, rich in filaments
     mfn. rich in Soma plants or Soma juice
     mfn. radiant, luminous
     mfn. pointed
aṃśumat aṃśu-mat m. the sun, the moon
     mfn. N. of various persons, especially of a prince of the solar race, son of A-samañjas, grandson of Sagara
aṃśumat aṃśu-mat mfn. (matī) f. N. of a river (Yamunā?) RV. viii, 96, 13-15
     mfn. Hedysarum Gangeticum Suśr.
aṃśumatphalā aṃśu-matphalā f. Musa Paradisiaca.
aṃśumālā aṃśu-mālā f. a garland of light, halo.
aṃśumālin aṃśu-mālin m. the sun.
aṃśuvāṇa aṃśu-vāṇa m. "having rays for arrows", the sun.
aṃśuvimarda aṃśu-vimarda m. ray-obscuration.
aṃśuhasta aṃśu-hasta m. "having rays for hands", the sun L.
aṃśūdaka n. water which has been exposed to the rays of the sun or the moon Bhpr.
aṃśvādi aṃśv-ādi a g. of Pāṇ. 6-2, 193.

aṃśuka n. cloth
     n. fine or white cloth, muslin [see cīnāṃśuka] L.
     n. garment, upper garment
     n. tie (for binding a churning-stick).

aṃśula m. radiant T.
     m. N. of the sage Cāṇakya L.

aṃs (cf. aṃś) L. see vyaṃs

aṃsa m. the shoulder, shoulder-blade
     m. corner of a quadrangle
     m. N. of a king
aṃsa m. du. the two shoulders or angles of an altar
aṃsa m. a share (for aṃśa); ([cf. Goth. 'amsa'; Gk. [greek]; Lat. 'humerus', 'ansa'.])
aṃsakūṭa aṃsa-kūṭa m. the shoulder
     m. a bull's hump, the protuberance between an ox's shoulders.
aṃsatra aṃsa-tra (aṃsa-) n. armour to protect the shoulder RV.; a bow Nir.; aṃsatra-kośa mfn. having a cask for its tunic (probably = a Soma filter Gmn.) RV. x, 101, 7.
aṃsadaghna aṃsa-daghna mf (ā) n. up to the shoulder ŚBr.
aṃsadhrī aṃsa-dhrī f. a cooking vessel AV.
aṃsapṛṣṭha aṃsa-pṛṣṭha n. back of the shoulder.
aṃsaphalaka aṃsa-phalaka n. shoulder-blade ŚBr. Suśr.
aṃsabhāra aṃsa-bhāra m. a burden on the shoulder, (g. bhastrādi q.v.)
aṃsebhāra aṃse-bhāra m. a burden on the shoulder, (g. bhastrādi q.v.)
aṃsabhārika aṃsa-bhārika mf (ī) n. bearing a burden on the shoulder ib.
aṃsebhārika aṃse-bhārika mf (ī) n. bearing a burden on the shoulder ib.
aṃsemūla aṃse-mūla n. the acromion L.

aṃsala mfn. lusty, strong ŚBr. &c.

aṃsya (3) mfn. belonging to the shoulder RV. i, 191, 7.

aṃh (cf. aṅgh) cl.1.Ā. aṃhate, to go, set out, commence L.; to approach L.; cl.10. P. aṃhayati, to send Bhaṭṭ.; to speak Bhaṭṭ.; to shine L.

aṃhri m. a foot Hpar.
     m. root of a tree L.
aṃhri m. ([cf. aṅghri.])
aṃhripa aṃhri-pa m. "root-drinker", a tree L.
aṃhriskandha aṃhri-skandha m. a part of the foot between the ancle and the heel L.
aṃhriśiras aṃhri-śiras n. a part of the foot between the ancle and the heel L.

aṃh to press together, to strangle (conjecturable from Gk. [greek]; Lat. 'angustus', 'anxius', &c.) L.

aṃhati f. anxiety, distress, trouble RV.
     f. illness L.; ([cf. Lat. 'ango'])
     f. a gift (also aṃhatī f.) L.

aṃhas n. anxiety, trouble RV. &c.
     n. sin L.
aṃhas n. ([cf. agha, āgas; Gk. [greek]. ])
aṃhaspati aṃhas-pati or
aṃhasaspati aṃhasas-pati ([VS.]) m. lord of perplexity i.e. an intercalary month; cf. āṃhaspatya.
aṃhasaspatya aṃhasas-patya n. power over calamity TS. ĀpŚr.
aṃhomuc aṃho-muc mfn. delivering from distress RV. x, 63, 9 VS.

aṃhiti f. a gift, donation L. see aṃhati.

aṃhu mfn. (only in compar. aṃhīyas) narrow AitBr. see paro-'ṃhu
aṃhu n. (only in Abl. aṃhos) anxiety, distress RV.
aṃhu mfn. ([cf. Gk. [greek]; Goth. 'aggvus'; Lat. 'angustus', 'anxius', &c.])
aṃhubhedī aṃhu-bhedī f. having a narrow slit (pudendum muliebre) VS.
aṃhura mfn. straitened, distressed RV. x, 5, 6.

aṃhūraṇa mf (ā) n. distressing RV. vi, 47, 20
aṃhūraṇa mf (ā) n. (am) n. distress RV. i, 105, 17 AV.

aṃhoyu mfn. troublesome RV. v, 15, 3.

ak cl.1.P. akati, to move tortuously (like a snake) L.; Cf. ag and añc.

aka the suffix aka (akac).

aka a-ka n. unhappiness, pain, trouble TS.
     n. sin L.

akaca a-kaca mfn. hairless, bald
akaca a-kaca mfn. cf. ut-, ūrdhva-, vi-
akaca a-kaca m. N. of Ketu, the dragon's tail or descending node (having a headless trunk) L.

akaṭuka a-kaṭuka mfn. not acrid, not impetuous
     mfn. unwearied, indefatigable.

akaṭuphala a-kaṭu-phala m. a kind of plant.

akaṭhora a-kaṭhora mfn. not hard, weak.

akaḍama n. a kind of Tāntrik diagram.
akaḍamacakra akaḍama-cakra n. id.

akaṇṭaka a-kaṇṭaka mfn. thornless, free from troubles or difficulties or enemies.

akaṇṭha a-kaṇṭha mfn. having no neck
     mfn. having no voice, hoarse.

akatthana a-katthana mfn. unboastful.

akathaha n. a kind of diagram.

akathya a-kathya mfn. unspeakable
     mfn. unutterable, unmentionable.

akaniṣṭha a-kaniṣṭha m. pl. of whom none is the youngest (i.e. younger than the others) RV.
     m. a class of Buddhist deities.
akaniṣṭhaga a-kaniṣṭha-ga m. a Buddha L.
akaniṣṭhapa a-kaniṣṭha-pa m. a Buddhist king T.

akanyā a-kanyā f. not a virgin Mn.

akapīvat m. N. of a Ṛiṣi.

akampana m. N. of a prince
     m. of a Rākṣasa.

akampita a-kampita mfn. unshaken, firm
akampita a-kampita m. N. of one of the 11 chief pupils (gaṇadhara or gaṇādhipa) of Mahāvīra (the last Tīrtha-kara).

akampya a-kampya mfn. not to be shaken.

akara a-kara mfn. handless, maimed
     mfn. exempt from tax or duty, privileged
     mfn. not acting
akarā a-karā f. Emblic Myrobalan, Phyllanthus Emblica.

akaraṇa a-karaṇa n. absence of action.

akaraṇi a-karaṇi f. non-accomplishment, failure, disappointment (used in imprecations e.g. tasyākaraṇir evāstu bad luck to him!) L.

akaraṇīya a-karaṇīya mfn. not to be done.

akaruṇa a-karuṇa mfn. merciless, relentless.
akaruṇatva a-karuṇa-tva n. harshness, cruelty.

akarkaśa a-karkaśa mfn. not hard, tender.

akarṇa a-karṇa mf (ā) n. having diminutive ears TS. ŚBr.
     mf (ā) n. without ears, deaf
     mf (ā) n. without helm or rudder
     mf (ā) n. without Karṇa.

akarṇaka a-karṇaka mfn. without ears TS., &c.

akarṇya a-karṇya mfn. not fit for the ears Pāṇ. Sch.

akarṇadhāra a-karṇadhāra mfn. without a helmsman, destitute of a pilot.

akartana a-kartana m. a dwarf L.

akartṛ a-kartṛ m. not an agent, N. applied to the puruṣa (in Sāṅkhya phil.)
     m. not active (in Gr.)
akartṛtva a-kartṛ-tva n. state of non-agency.

[Page 2,1]akarman a-karman mfn. not working
     mfn. not performing good works, wicked RV. x, 2 2, 8
     mfn. inefficient
akarman a-karman mfn. (in Gr.) intransitive
akarman a-karman n. absence of work
     mfn. observances
     mfn. improper work, crime.
akarmabhoga m. enjoyment of freedom from action.
akarmānvita a-karmānvita mfn. unoccupied
     mfn. disqualified.

akarmaka a-karmaka mfn. (in Gr.) intransitive.

akarmaṇya a-karmaṇya mfn. improper to be done
     mfn. unfit for work
     mfn. inefficient.

akala a-kala mfn. not in parts, entire
     mfn. not skilled in the arts (kalās).

akalaṅka a-kalaṅka mfn. without stains or spots
     mfn. N. of a Jaina.

akalka a-kalka mfn. free from impurity
akalkā a-kalkā f. moonlight L.
akalkatā a-kalka-tā f. honesty Yājñ.

akalkana a-kalkana or a-kalkala mfn. not deceitful, honourable, (T.) Bhag.

akalpa a-kalpa mf (ā) n. not subject to rules, uncontrolled
     mf (ā) n. not admitting (any comparison pratimānam) RV. i, 102, 6
     mf (ā) n. unable to (loc. or Inf. or in comp.)

akalpita a-kalpita mfn. not manufactured, not artificial, not pretended
     mfn. natural, genuine.

akalmaṣa a-kalmaṣa mf (ā) n. spotless.

akalmāṣa a-kalmāṣa m. N. of a son of the fourth Manu Hariv.

akalya a-kalya mf (ā) n. ill, sick
     mf (ā) n. true (?) L.

akalyāṇa a-kalyāṇa mfn. not handsome AV.
     mfn. inauspicious
akalyāṇa a-kalyāṇa n. adversity.

akava a-kava mfn. (fr. 1. ku q.v.), not contemptible, not stingy RV.

akavāri a-kavāri mf (ī) n. not selfish, not stingy RV. iii, 47, 5, and vii, 96, 3 ([Sāy. explains by a-kava-ari, "not contemptible as an enemy, or to his enemies, not having weak enemies"]).

akavaca a-kavaca mfn. having no coat of mail AV. xi, 10, 22.

akavi a-kavi mfn. unwise RV. vii, 4, 4.

akasmāt a-kasmāt ind. without a why or a wherefore, accidentally, suddenly.

akāṇa a-kāṇa mf (ā) n. not one eyed, not monoculous TS. and ŚBr.

akāṇḍa a-kāṇḍa mfn. without a trunk T.
     mfn. causeless, unexpected
akāṇḍa a-kāṇḍa mfn. (e) ind. causelessly, unexpectedly.
akāṇḍapātajāta a-kāṇḍa-pāta-jāta mfn. dying as soon as born.
akāṇḍaśūla a-kāṇḍa-śūla n. sudden, acute pain.

akātara a-kātara mfn. not dejected.

akāma a-kāma mf (ā) n. without desire or wish
     mf (ā) n. unintentional, reluctant
akāma a-kāma mf (ā) n. (in Gr.) the Sandhi which causes the dropping of a final r before a succeeding r.
akāmakarśana a-kāma-karśana (a-kāma-) mfn. not disappointing desires RV. i, 53, 2.
akāmatas a-kāma-tas ind. unintentionally, unwillingly.
akāmatā a-kāma-tā f. freedom from desire, &c.
akāmahata a-kāma-hata (a-kāma-) mfn. unaffected with desire, calm ŚBr. xiv.

akāmin a-kāmin mfn. = a-kāma.

akāya a-kāya mfn. bodiless, incorporeal VS.

akāraṇa a-kāraṇa mfn. causeless
akāraṇa a-kāraṇa n. absence of a cause
akāraṇa a-kāraṇa n. (am, ena, e, āt) ind. causelessly.
akāraṇotpanna a-kāraṇotpanna mfn. produced spontaneously.

akārin a-kārin mfn. inactive, not performing, (g. grahādi, q.v.)

akārṇaveṣṭakika a-kārṇaveṣṭakika mf (i) n. not fit for ear-rings, not looking well with ear-rings Pāṇ. Sch. see karṇa-veṣṭaka.

akārya a-kārya mfn. not to be done, improper
akārya a-kārya n. a criminal action.
akāryakārin a-kārya-kārin mfn. an evil-doer
     mfn. neglecting duty.

akārṣṇya a-kārṣṇya n. absence of blackness.

akāla a-kāla m. a wrong or bad time
akāla a-kāla mfn. unseasonable
akāla a-kāla m. (akale) or -tas ind. unseasonably.
akālakuṣmāṇḍa a-kāla-kuṣmāṇḍa m. a pumpkin produced out of season
     m. a useless birth.
akālakusuma a-kāla-kusuma n. a flower blossoming out of season.
akālaja a-kāla-ja mfn. born at a wrong time, unseasonable.
akālajāta a-kāla-jāta mfn. born at a wrong time, unseasonable.
akālotpanna mfn. born at a wrong time, unseasonable.
akālajaladodaya a-kāla-jaladodaya m. unseasonable rising of clouds or mist.
akālameghodaya a-kāla-meghodaya m. unseasonable rising of clouds or mist.
akālavelā a-kāla-velā f. wrong or unseasonable time.
akālasaha a-kāla-saha mfn. unable to bide one's time.
akālahīnam a-kāla-hīnam ind. without losing time, immediately.

akālikam a-kālikam ind. immediately MBh.

akālya a-kālya mfn. unseasonable.

akāsāra a-kāsāra m. N. of a teacher BhP.

akiñcana a-kiñcana mfn. without anything, utterly destitute
     mfn. disinterested
akiñcana a-kiñcana n. that which is worth nothing.
akiñcanatā a-kiñcana-tā f. voluntary poverty (as practised by Jaina ascetics).
akiñcanatva a-kiñcana-tva n. voluntary poverty (as practised by Jaina ascetics).

akiñcaniman a-kiñcaniman m. utter destitution, (g. pṛthu-ādi q.v.)

akitava a-kitava m. no gambler VS.

akilviṣa a-kilviṣa mfn. sinless ŚBr.

akīrti a-kīrti f. ill-fame, disgrace.
akīrtikara a-kīrti-kara mfn. causing disgrace, disparaging, insulting.

akuṇṭha a-kuṇṭha mfn. not blunted, not worn out
     mfn. vigorous, fixed
     mfn. ever fresh, eternal.
akuṇṭhadhiṣṇya a-kuṇṭha-dhiṣṇya n. an eternal abode, heaven.

akuṇṭhita a-kuṇṭhita mfn. = a-kuṇṭha.

akutas a-kutas ind. (usually in comp.), not from any quarter or cause.
akutaścala akutaś-cala m. not movable from any cause
     m. N. of Śiva.
akutobhaya a-kutobhaya mfn. having no fear from any quarter, secure.
akutaścidbhaya a-kutaścid-bhaya mfn. having no fear from any quarter, secure.
akutracabhaya a-kutraca-bhaya mfn. having no fear from any quarter, secure.

akutra a-kutra or (Ved.)
akutrā a-kutrā ind. nowhere, astray RV. i, 120, 8.

akutsita a-kutsita mfn. unreproached.

akudhryañc a-kudhryañc aṅ, dhrīcī, ak(kudhri for kudha for kuha = kutra), "going nowhere" (āk, 4). ind. objectless, aimless RV. x, 22, 12.

akupya a-kupya n. not base metal, gold or silver Kir.
     n. any base metal (= kupya see 3. a).

akupyaka n. gold or silver L.

akumāra a-kumāra m. not a boy (said of Indra) RV. i, 155, 6.

akula a-kula mfn. not of good family, low
akula a-kula m. N. of Śiva L.
akulā a-kulā f. N. of Pārvatī L.
akulatā a-kula-tā f. lowness of family.

akulīna a-kulīna mfn. not of good family Mn.

akuśala a-kuśala mf (ā) n. inauspicious, evil
     mf (ā) n. not clever
akuśala a-kuśala n. evil, an evil word Mn.

akusīda a-kusīda or akuśīda mfn. taking no interest or usury, without gain.

akusuma a-kusuma mfn. flowerless.

akuha a-kuha m. no deceiver L.

akuhaka a-kuhaka m. id. Suśr.

akūṭa a-kūṭa mf (ā) n. having no prominence on the forehead TS.
     mf (ā) n. not deceitful, unerring (said of arms) Yājñ.
     mf (ā) n. not false (said of coins) Yājñ.

akūpāra a-kūpāra mfn. unbounded RV. v, 39, 2 and x. 109, 1
akūpāra a-kūpāra m. the sea VS. &c.
akūpāra a-kūpāra m. tortoise BhP. &c. the mythical tortoise that upholds the world
akūpāra a-kūpāra m. N. of a man PBr.
akūpāra a-kūpāra m. N. of an Āditya L.
akūpārā a-kūpārā f. N. of an Aṅgirasī PBr.

akūvāra a-kūvāra = a-kūpāra above.

akūrca a-kūrca m. "the guileless one", a Buddha L.

akṛcchra a-kṛcchra mn. absence of difficulty
     mn. freedom from trouble.

akṛcchrin a-kṛcchrin mfn. free from difficulty or trouble.

akṛta a-kṛta mf (ā) n. undone, not committed
     mf (ā) n. not made, uncreated
     mf (ā) n. unprepared, incomplete
     mf (ā) n. one who has done no works
akṛta a-kṛta n. an act never before committed AitBr.
akṛta a-kṛta mf (ā) n. (ā) f. a daughter who has not been made putrikā, or a sharer in the privileges of a son Pāṇ.
akṛtakāram a-kṛta-kāram ind. is a way not done before Pāṇ.
akṛtajña a-kṛta-jña mfn. not acknowledging benefits, ungrateful.
akṛtajñatā a-kṛta-jña-tā f. ingratitude.
akṛtabuddhi a-kṛta-buddhi mfn. having an unformed mind
akṛtabuddhitva a-kṛta-buddhitva n. ignorance.
akṛtavraṇa a-kṛta-vraṇa m. N. of a commentator on the Purāṇas VP.
     m. of a companion of Rāma Jāmadagnya MBh.
     m. of a teacher.
akṛtātman akṛtāt-man mfn. having an unformed mind
     mfn. not yet identified with the supreme Spirit.
akṛtārtha mfn. having one's object unaccomplished, unsuccessful.
akṛtāstra mfn. unpractised in arms MBh.

akṛtin a-kṛtin mfn. unfit for work, not clever.
akṛtitva akṛti-tva n. unfitness for work.

akṛtya a-kṛtya mfn. not to be done, criminal
akṛtya a-kṛtya n. crime.
akṛtyakārin a-kṛtya-kārin mfn. evil-doer MBh.

akṛtta a-kṛtta mfn. uncut, unimpaired.
akṛttaruc a-kṛtta-ruc mfn. possessing unimpaired splendour RV. x, 84, 4.

akṛtrima a-kṛtrima mf (ā) n. inartificial.

akṛtsna a-kṛtsna mf (ā) n. incomplete.

akṛpa a-kṛpa mfn. merciless, unkind.

akṛpaṇa a-kṛpaṇa mfn. not miserly.

akṛśa a-kṛśa mfn. not emaciated TS.
     mfn. unimpaired.
akṛśalakṣmī a-kṛśa-lakṣmī mfn. enjoying full prosperity.
akṛśāśva a-kṛśāśva mfn. N. of a king of Ayodhyā Hariv.

akṛṣīvala a-kṛṣīvala mf (ā) n. not agricultural RV. x, 146, 6.

akṛṣṭa a-kṛṣṭa mfn. unploughed, untilled
     mfn. not drawn
akṛṣṭa a-kṛṣṭa n. unploughed land ŚBr.
akṛṣṭa a-kṛṣṭa m. pl. N. of a kind of Ṛiṣis MBh. Hariv.
akṛṣṭapacya a-kṛṣṭa-pacya mfn. ripening in unploughed land, growing wild AV. VS. TS.
akṛṣṭapacya a-kṛṣṭa-pacya mfn. (said of the earth) giving fruits without having been ploughed VP.

akṛṣṇakarman a-kṛṣṇa-karman mfn. free from black deeds, guiltless L.

aketana a-ketana mfn. houseless.

aketu a-ketu mfn. shapeless, unrecognisable RV. i, 6, 3
aketu a-ketu mfn. ("unconscious" Sāy.)

akeśa a-keśa mf (ā Pāṇ. ī R.) n. hairless.

akoṭa a-koṭa m. "without a bend", the Areca or Betel-nut palm L.

akopa a-kopa m. N. of a minister of king Dasaratha R. &c.

akopana a-kopana mfn. not irascible.

akovida a-kovida mfn. unwise, ignorant.

akauśala a-kauśala n. unskilfulness Pāṇ.
akauśala a-kauśala n. cf. ākauśala.

akkā f. (Voc. akka Pāṇ.) a mother (used contemptuously)
     f. N. of a woman; [supposed to be a term of foreign origin cf. Lat. 'Acca'.]

akta mfn. ( aj), driven.

akta mfn. ( añj), smeared over, diffused, bedaubed, tinged, characterized. Often ifc. (cf. raktākta)
akta n. oil, ointment.

aktā f. night RV. i, 62, 8.

aktu m. tinge, ray, light RV.
     m. dark tinge, darkness, night RV., (os, ubhis) ind. at night RV.

aknopana a-knopana mfn. not moistening drying Nir.

akra a-kra mfn. ( kṛ), inactive RV. i, 120, 2.

akra m. a banner RV.
     m. a wall, fence (prākāra), according to Durga on Nir. vi, 17.

akratu a-kratu mfn. destitute of energy or power ["of sacrifices" Sāy.] RV. x, 8 3, 5 AV.
     mfn. foolish RV. vii, 6, 3
     mfn. free from desire Up.

akrama a-krama mfn. not happening successively, happening at once Yogas.
akrama a-krama m. want of order, confusion.

akravihasta a-kravi-hasta mfn. not having bloody hands ["not having niggardly hands, not close-fisted" Sāy.] RV. v, 62, 6.

akravyād a-kravyād mfn. not consuming flesh (N. of an Agni) AV.
     mfn. not carnivorous Yājñ.

akravyāda a-kravyāda mfn. not carnivorous Mn.

akrānta a-krānta mfn. unpassed, unsurpassed, unconquered, not doubled RV. Prāt.
akrāntā a-krāntā f. the Egg plant.

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akriya a-kriya mfn. without works
     mfn. inactive
     mfn. abstaining from religious rites
     mfn. impious
akriyā a-kriyā f. inactivity
     mfn. neglect of duty.

akrīḍat a-krīḍat mfn. not playing RV. x, 79, 6.

akrūra a-krūra mfn. not cruel, gentle
akrūra a-krūra m. N. of Kṛiṣṇa's paternal uncle MBh.

akrodha a-krodha m. suppression of anger
akrodha a-krodha mfn. free from anger.
akrodhamaya a-krodha-maya mfn. free from anger ŚBr. xiv.

akrodhana a-krodhana mfn. free from anger Mn.
akrodhana a-krodhana m. N. of a prince, son of Ayutāyu VP.

aklama a-klama m. freedom from fatigue.

aklikā f. the Indigo plant L.

aklinnavartman a-klinna-vartman n. N. of a disease of the eyes Suśr.

akledya a-kledya mfn. not to be wetted.

akliṣṭa a-kliṣṭa mfn. untroubled
     mfn. undisturbed
     mfn. unwearied.
akliṣṭakarman a-kliṣṭa-karman mfn. unwearied in action.
akliṣṭakārin a-kliṣṭa-kārin mfn. unwearied in action.
akliṣṭavrata a-kliṣṭa-vrata mfn. unwearied in keeping religious vows.

akleśa a-kleśa m. freedom from trouble Mn.

akṣ (perhaps a kind of old Desid. of 1. ) cl.1.5. akṣati, akṣṇoti (Pāṇ. 3-1, 75; fut. akṣiṣyati or akṣyati L.; aor. ākṣīt, 3. du. ākṣiṣṭām or āṣṭām L.; perf. ānakṣa [Pāṇ. 7-4, 60 Comm.], but Ā. p. [with the Vedic weak stem ākṣ cf. perf. āś-uḥ 3. pl. &c. fr. 1. ] ākṣāṇa),; to reach RV. x, 22, 11; to pass through, penetrate, pervade, embrace L.; to accumulate (to form the cube?) L.: Caus. akṣayati, ācikṣat, to cause to pervade L.: Desid. acikṣi, ṣati or acikṣati L.

akṣa m. an axle, axis (in this sense also n. L.)
     m. a wheel, car, cart
     m. the beam of a balance or string which holds the pivot of the beam
     m. a snake L.
     m. terrestrial latitude (cf. -karṇa, -bhā, -bhāga)
     m. the collar-bone ŚBr.
     m. the temporal bone Yājñ.
     m. N. of a measure (= 104 aṅgula); ([cf. Lat. 'axis'; Gk. [greek]; Old Germ. 'ahsa'; Mod. Germ. 'Achse'; Lith. 'assis'.])
akṣakarṇa akṣa-karṇa m. the hypotenuse, especially of the triangle formed with the gnomon of a dial and its shadow
akṣakarṇa akṣa-karṇa m. (in astron.) argument of the latitude.
akṣaja akṣa-ja m. a diamond
     m. a thunderbolt
     m. N. of Viṣṇu.
akṣadṛkkarman akṣa-dṛk-karman n. operation or calculation for latitude.
akṣadvāra akṣa-dvāra n. the cavity in the axle of a car Sāy. on RV. v, 30. 1.
akṣadhur akṣa-dhur f. the pin at the end of an axle, pole attached to an axle.
akṣadhūrtila akṣa-dhūrtila m. a draft-ox L.
akṣapīḍa akṣa-pīḍa m. Chrysopogon Acicularis Suśr.
akṣapīḍā akṣa-pīḍā f. N. of a plant.
akṣabhā akṣa-bhā f. shadow of latitude.
akṣabhāga akṣa-bhāga m. degree of latitude.
akṣabhāra akṣa-bhāra m. a cart-load.
akṣasaṅgam akṣa-saṅgam ind. so that the axle is caught or hooked by contact with some obstruction MaitrS.
akṣāṃsa m. a degree of latitude.
akṣāgra n. end of an axle, or of the pole of a car
     n. an axle.
akṣāgrakīla akṣāgra-kīla m. a linch-pin
akṣāgrakīla akṣāgra-kīla. ; the pin fastening the yoke to the pole.
akṣāgrakīlaka akṣāgra-kīlaka m. a linch-pin
     m. the pin fastening the yoke to the pole.
akṣānah akṣā-nah (the vowel lengthened as in upā-nah, &c.) mfn. tied to the axle of a car RV. x, 53, 7; (horse Sāy.; trace attached to the horse's collar Gmn.)

akṣa m. ( 1. Uṇ.) a die for gambling
     m. a cube
     m. a seed of which rosaries are made (cf. indrākṣa, rudrākṣa)
     m. the Eleocarpus Ganitrus, producing that seed
     m. a weight called karṣa, equal to 16 māṣas
     m. Beleric Myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica), the seed of which is used as a die
     m. a N. of the number 5
akṣa n. sochal salt
akṣa n. blue vitriol (from its cube-like crystals) L.
akṣakāma akṣa-kāma (akṣa-) mfn. fond of dice AV.
akṣakitava akṣa-kitava m. a gambler MBh.
akṣakuśala akṣa-kuśala mfn. skilled in dice.
akṣakṣapaṇa akṣa-kṣapaṇa m. N. of a gambler Kathās.
akṣaglaha akṣa-glaha m. gambling, playing at dice MBh.
akṣaja akṣa-ja m. a thunderbolt
     m. N. Viṣṇu L.
akṣatattva akṣa-tattva n. science of dice
akṣatattvavid akṣa-tattva-vid mfn. skilled in it.
akṣadāya akṣa-dāya m. handing over the dice in gambling Naish. ([moving a piece on a board BR.])
akṣadevana akṣa-devana n. gambling, dice-playing.
akṣadevin akṣa-devin m. a gambler, a dice-player.
akṣadyū akṣa-dyū m. a gambler, a dice-player.
akṣadyūta akṣa-dyūta n. gambling
akṣadyūta akṣa-dyūta n. cf. ākṣadyūtika.
akṣadyūtādi akṣa-dyūtādi a g. of Pāṇ. 4-4, 19.
akṣadrugdha akṣa-drugdha (akṣa-) mfn. hated by (unlucky at) dice, or injuring with dice (a sharper) AV.
akṣadhara akṣa-dhara mfn. holding dice
akṣadhara akṣa-dhara m. Trophis Aspera (see śākhoṭa).
akṣadhūrta akṣa-dhūrta m. "dice-rogue", gambler L.
akṣanaipuṇa akṣa-naipuṇa n. skill in gambling.
akṣanaipuṇya akṣa-naipuṇya n. skill in gambling.
akṣaparājaya akṣa-parājaya m. defeat in gambling AV.
akṣapari akṣa-pari ind. with exception of a single die Pāṇ.
akṣapāta akṣa-pāta m. throw or cast of dice.
akṣapātana akṣa-pātana n. act of casting dice.
akṣapriya akṣa-priya mfn. fond of dice, or (perhaps) favoured by dice.
akṣabhūmi akṣa-bhūmi f. gambling-place.
akṣamada akṣa-mada m. passion for dice.
akṣamātra akṣa-mātra n. anything as big as dice
     n. the twinkling of an eye, a moment (cf. 4. akṣa) L.
akṣamālā akṣa-mālā f. a string or rosary of beads, especially of Eleocarpus seeds
     f. N. of Arundhatī, wife of Vasiṣṭha (from her wearing a rosary) Mn. ix, 23
     f. N. of the mother of Vatsa.
akṣamālin akṣa-mālin mfn. wearing a rosary of seeds
     mfn. N. of Siva MBh.
akṣarāja akṣa-rāja m. "king of dice", the die called Kali VS.
akṣavat akṣa-vat mfn. having dice
akṣavatī akṣa-vatī f. a game of dice L.
akṣavāpa akṣa-vāpa = akṣāvāpa below Kāṭh.
akṣavāma akṣa-vāma m. an unfair gambler.
akṣavid akṣa-vid mfn. skilful in gambling.
akṣavṛtta akṣa-vṛtta mfn. anything that happens in gambling.
akṣaśauṇḍa akṣa-śauṇḍa mfn. fond of gambling.
akṣasūkta akṣa-sūkta n. dice-hymn, N. of RV. x, 34.
akṣasūtra akṣa-sūtra n. a string or rosary of Eleocarpus seeds.
akṣastuṣa akṣa-stuṣa m. Beleric Myrobalan.
akṣahṛdaya akṣa-hṛdaya n. innermost nature of dice, perfect skill in gambling.
akṣahṛdayajña akṣa-hṛdaya-jña mfn. perfectly skilled in gambling.
akṣātivāpa m. = akṣāvāpa below MBh.
akṣāvapana n. a dice-board ŚBr.
akṣāvalī f. a rosary.
akṣāvāpa m. ([ŚBr.]) (cf. akṣa-vāpa and akṣātivāpa), the keeper or superintendent of a gambling-table [Comm. = dyūta-pati, dyūtādhyakṣa, akṣa-goptṛ].

akṣa n. an organ of sense
     n. sensual perception L.
akṣa m. the soul L.
akṣa m. knowledge, religious knowledge L.
akṣa m. a lawsuit L.
akṣa m. a person born blind L.
akṣa m. N. of Garuḍa L.
akṣa m. of a son of Rāvaṇa
akṣa m. of a son of Nara, &c.
akṣadarśaka akṣa-darśaka m. a judge i.e. one who sees lawsuits.
akṣadṛś akṣa-dṛś m. a judge i.e. one who sees lawsuits.
akṣapaṭala akṣa-paṭala n. court of law
     n. depository of legal document Rājat.
akṣapāṭa akṣa-pāṭa m. an arena, a wrestling ground, place of contest L.
akṣapāṭaka akṣa-pāṭaka m. a judge i.e. arranger of a lawsuit L.
akṣapāṭika akṣa-pāṭika m. a judge i.e. arranger of a lawsuit L.
akṣavāṭa akṣa-vāṭa L. = -pāṭa.
akṣavid akṣa-vid mfn. versed in law L.

akṣa &c. see col.3.
akṣacaraṇa akṣa-caraṇa &c. see col.3.

akṣaka m. Dalbergia Oujeinensis
akṣaka mn. the collar-bone Suśr.
akṣakī f. N. of a creeping plant.

akṣaṇa a-kṣaṇa mfn. inopportune.

akṣaṇvat a-kṣaṇvat mfn. ( kṣan), not injuring ĀśvGṛ.

akṣata a-kṣata mfn. not crushed
     mfn. uninjured, unbroken, whole
akṣata a-kṣata m. Siva L.
akṣata a-kṣata mn. a eunuch L.
akṣatā a-kṣatā f. a virgin Yājñ.
akṣata a-kṣata mn. N. of a plant, Karkaṭaśriṅgī or Kaṅkaḍaśriṅgī
akṣata a-kṣata n. and m. pl. unhusked barley-corns
akṣata a-kṣata n. N. of the descendants of Surabhi Hariv.
akṣatayoni a-kṣata-yoni f. a virgin, an unblemished maiden.

akṣatra a-kṣatra mfn. destitute of the Kshatriya caste, apart from the Kshatriya caste.

akṣan see akṣi.

akṣama a-kṣama mf (ā) n. unable to endure, impatient
     mf (ā) n. incompetent (with Loc., Inf. or ifc.), envious
akṣamā a-kṣamā f. or -tā f. impatience, envy
     mf (ā) n. incompetence, inability (with Inf.)

akṣaya a-kṣaya mf (ā) n. exempt from decay, undecaying
akṣaya a-kṣaya m. N. of the twentieth year in the cycle of Jupiter
akṣaya a-kṣaya m. N. of a mountain Hariv.
akṣaya a-kṣaya mf (ā) n. (ā) f. the seventh day of a lunar month, if it fall on Sunday or Monday
akṣaya a-kṣaya m. the fourth, if it fall on Wednesday.
akṣayaguṇa a-kṣaya-guṇa mfn. possessing imperishable qualities
akṣayaguṇa a-kṣaya-guṇa m. Siva.
akṣayatā a-kṣaya-tā f. imperishableness.
akṣayatva a-kṣaya-tva n. imperishableness.
akṣayatṛtīyā a-kṣaya-tṛtīyā f. N. of a festival (the third day of the bright half of Vaiśākha, which is the first day of the Satya-yuga, and secures permanency to actions then performed).
akṣayanīvī a-kṣaya-nīvī f. a permanent endowment, Buddhist Inscr.
akṣayapuruhūta a-kṣaya-puruhūta m. Siva.
akṣayamati a-kṣaya-mati m. N. of a Buddhist.
akṣayaloka a-kṣaya-loka m. the undecaying world, heaven.

akṣayin a-kṣayin mfn. undecaying
akṣayiṇī a-kṣayiṇī f. N. of Śiva's wife (?) Rājat.

akṣayya a-kṣayya mfn. undecaying
akṣayya a-kṣayya n. or ind. "may thy prosperity be undecaying!" (a form of blessing addressed to a Vaiśya) MBh.
akṣayyanavamī a-kṣayya-navamī f. the ninth day of the bright half of Āśvina.
akṣayyodaka n. inexhaustible water Yājñ. &c.

akṣara a-kṣara mfn. imperishable
     mfn. unalterable
akṣara a-kṣara m. a sword L.
akṣara a-kṣara m. Śiva L.
akṣara a-kṣara m. Viṣṇu L.
akṣarā a-kṣarā f. see akṣarā below
akṣara a-kṣara n. a syllable
akṣara a-kṣara n. the syllable om Mn.
akṣara a-kṣara n. a letter ([m. RāmatUp.])
akṣara a-kṣara n. a vowel
akṣara a-kṣara n. a sound
akṣara a-kṣara n. a word
akṣara a-kṣara n. N. of Brahma
akṣara a-kṣara n. final beatitude religious austerity, sacrifice L.
akṣara a-kṣara n. water RV. i, 34, 4 and i, 164, 42
akṣara a-kṣara n. Achyranthes Aspera.
akṣarakara a-kṣara-kara m. a kind of religious meditation Kāraṇḍ.
akṣaracañcu a-kṣara-cañcu m. "clever in writing", a scribe L.
akṣaracuñcu a-kṣara-cuñcu m. "clever in writing", a scribe L.
akṣaracaṇa a-kṣara-caṇa m. "clever in writing", a scribe L.
akṣaracana a-kṣara-cana m. "clever in writing", a scribe L.
akṣaracyutaka a-kṣara-cyutaka n. "supplying dropped (cyuta) syllables", a kind of game Kād.
akṣarachandas a-kṣara-chandas n. metre regulated by the number and quality of syllables.
akṣarajananī a-kṣara-jananī f. "letter producer", a reed or pen.
akṣarajīvaka a-kṣara-jīvaka m. "one who lives by writing", a scribe.
akṣarajīvika a-kṣara-jīvika m. "one who lives by writing", a scribe.
akṣarajīvin a-kṣara-jīvin m. "one who lives by writing", a scribe.
akṣaratūlikā a-kṣara-tūlikā f. a reed or pen.
akṣaranyāsa a-kṣara-nyāsa m. array of syllables or letters
     m. the alphabet.
akṣarapaṅkti a-kṣara-paṅkti mfn. containing five syllables
akṣarapaṅkti a-kṣara-paṅkti mfn. (akṣara-paṅkti) f. N. of a metre of four lines, each containing one dactyl and one spondee VS.
     mfn. also called paṅkti or haṃsa.
akṣarabhāj a-kṣara-bhāj mfn. entitled to a share in the syllables (of a prayer) AitBr.
akṣaramukha a-kṣara-mukha m. having the mouth full of syllables, a student, scholar L.
akṣaramuṣṭikā a-kṣara-muṣṭikā f. the art of communicating syllables or ideas by the fingers (one of the 64 Kalās) Vātsyāy.
akṣaravinyāsa a-kṣara-vinyāsa = -nyāsa Vikr.
akṣaraśas a-kṣara-śas ind. syllable by syllable MaitrS. AitBr.
akṣaraśūnya a-kṣara-śūnya mfn. inarticulate.
akṣarasaṃsthāna a-kṣara-saṃsthāna n. scripture, writing L.
akṣarasamāmnāya a-kṣara-samāmnāya m. alphabet Pat. BhP.
akṣarākṣara m. a kind of religious meditation (samādhi). Kāraṇḍ.
akṣarāṅga n. part of a syllable (said of the anusvāra) RV. Prāt.
akṣaresthā akṣare-sthā mfn. consisting of syllables TāṇḍyaBr.

akṣaraka n. a vowel.

akṣarā f. (cf. a-kṣara n. above ), word, speech RV.

akṣarya mf (ā) n. corresponding to the number of syllables or letters RV. Prāt.
akṣarya mf (ā) n. (akṣaryaṃ revat) n. N. of a Sāman ArshBr.

akṣānti a-kṣānti f. impatience, jealousy, intolerance.

akṣāra a-kṣāra mfn. free from alkali or factitious salt.
akṣāralavaṇa a-kṣāra-lavaṇa n. not factitious (i.e. natural) salt
akṣāralavaṇa a-kṣāra-lavaṇa mfn. not composed of artificial salt, ([Kull. on]) Mn. iii, 257; v, 73
     n. xi, 109
     n. or, according to Goldst. and NBD., better "(food) not containing acrid substances nor salt"; therefore also akṣārālavaṇa in the same sense cf. kṣāra-lavaṇa.
akṣāralavaṇāśin a-kṣāra-lavaṇāśin mfn. eating akṣāra-lavaṇa.

akṣāramadyamāṃsāda a-kṣāra-madya-māṃsāda mfn. not eating acrid substances nor (drinking) spirituous liquors nor eating meat VarYogay.

akṣi n. (1. Uṇ.) ([instr. akṣṇā dat. akṣṇe, &c., fr. akṣan, substituted for akṣi in the weakest cases. Vedic forms are: abl. gen. akṣṇas; loc. akṣan (once akṣiṇi!); du. nom. acc. akṣī RV., akṣiṇī, akṣyau, and akṣyau AV. ŚBr. and AitBr.; instr. akṣībhyām; gen. akṣyos VS., akṣyos and akṣos (!) AV.; pl. nom. acc. akṣīṇi AV., akṣāṇi RV.; ifc. akṣa is substituted see 4. akṣa]), the eye
     n. the number two
akṣi n. du. the sun and moon RV. i, 72, 10
akṣi n. ([cf. Gk. [greek]; Lat. 'oculos'; A.S. 'aegh'; Goth. 'augo'; Germ. 'Auge'; Russ. 'oko'; Lith. 'aki-s'.])
akṣikūṭa akṣi-kūṭa n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye Yājñ. &c.
akṣikūṭaka akṣi-kūṭaka n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye Yājñ. &c.
akṣigata akṣi-gata mfn. presented to the eye, visible, seen
     mfn. hated MBh. &c.
akṣigola akṣi-gola m. the eyeball.
akṣijāha akṣi-jāha n. the root of the eye.
akṣitārā akṣi-tārā f. the pupil of the eye.
akṣinikāṇam akṣi-nikāṇam ind. with half-closed eyes Pāṇ. 3-4, 54 Sch.; also nikāṇam-akṣi id.
akṣinimeṣa akṣi-nimeṣa m. twinkling of an eye, a moment Suśr.
akṣipakṣman akṣi-pakṣman n. the eye lash.
akṣipaṭala akṣi-paṭala n. coat of the eye L.
akṣipat akṣi-pat ind. as much as could fall into the eyes, a little RV. vi, 16, 18 and x, 119, 6.
akṣipāka akṣi-pāka m. inflammation of the eyes Suśr.
akṣibhu akṣi-bhu mfn. visible, perceptible, manifest AV. xx, 136, 4 VS.
akṣibheṣaja akṣi-bheṣaja n. medicament for the eyes, collyrium, &c.
akṣibheṣaja akṣi-bheṣaja m. a tree, Red Lodh.
akṣibhruva akṣi-bhruva n. the eyes and eyebrows together.
akṣimat akṣi-mat mfn. possessing eyes.
akṣiloman akṣi-loman n. the eyelash.
akṣivikūṇita akṣi-vikūṇita n. a glance with the eye-lids partially closed.
akṣisaṃtarjana akṣi-saṃtarjana (probably n.), N. of a mythic weapon MBh.
akṣyāmaya akṣy-āmaya m. disease of the eye ŚBr. KātyŚr.
akṣyāmayin mfn. having a disease of the eye PBr.

akṣa n. ([only ifc. (f. ī) for akṣi]), the eye.
akṣacaraṇa akṣa-caraṇa m. (probably) "having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet", N. of the philosopher Gautama
akṣacaraṇa akṣa-caraṇa. ; cf. ākṣapāda.
akṣapad akṣa-pad m. (probably) "having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet", N. of the philosopher Gautama
akṣapad akṣa-pad. ; cf. ākṣapāda.
akṣapāda akṣa-pāda m. (probably) "having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet", N. of the philosopher Gautama
akṣapāda akṣa-pāda m. cf. ākṣapāda.

akṣan n. substituted for akṣi, "the eye", in the weakest cases, Gram. 122 ([cf. Goth. 'augan'])
     n. an organ of sense BhP.
akṣanvat akṣan-vat mfn. having eyes RV.
akṣanvat akṣan-vat mfn. (for 1. see col.2.)

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akṣika m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis L.
akṣika. ; see akṣaka.
akṣīka m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis L.
akṣīka m. see akṣaka.

akṣiṇī f. one of the eight conditions or privileges attached to landed property L.

akṣit a-kṣit mfn. imperishable, not lost MaitrS.

akṣita a-kṣita mfn. undecayed, uninjured, undecaying
akṣita a-kṣita n. water L.
akṣita a-kṣita n. the number 100000 millions PBr.
akṣitāvasu a-kṣitā-vasu m. "possessed of undecaying wealth", N. of Indra RV. viii, 49, 6.
akṣitoti m. "granting permanent help", N. of Indra RV.

akṣiti a-kṣiti f. imperishableness AV. &c.
akṣiti a-kṣiti mfn. imperishable RV.

akṣiba m. L.
akṣiba m. see akṣība.

akṣiyat a-kṣiyat mfn. not inhabiting, destitute of a dwelling, unsettled ("not decreasing in riches" Sāy.) RV. iv, 17, 13.

akṣīka m. L.
akṣīka m. see akṣika.

akṣīṇa a-kṣīṇa mfn. not perishing or failing ŚBr.
     mfn. not waning (the moon) ŚBr.
     mfn. not diminishing in weight Yājñ.
     mfn. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh.

akṣība and akṣiba mfn. not intoxicated, sober L.; m. Guilandina or Hyperanthera Moringa L.; n. sea salt L.

akṣu m. a kind of net RV. i, 180, 5 AV. The NBD. suggests "axle of a car", making akṣu = akṣa.

akṣuṇṇa a-kṣuṇṇa mfn. unbroken, uncurtailed
     mfn. not trite, new Mālatīm.
     mfn. permanent
     mfn. unconquered
     mfn. inexperienced, inexpert.
akṣuṇṇatā a-kṣuṇṇa-tā f. uncurtailed condition
     f. inexperience.

akṣudra a-kṣudra mfn. not small
     mfn. not low or vulgar MBh.

akṣudh a-kṣudh f. satiety VS.

akṣudhya a-kṣudhya mfn. not liable to hunger AV.

akṣodhuka a-kṣodhuka mfn. not hungry MaitrS.

akṣetra a-kṣetra mfn. destitute of fields, uncultivated ŚBr.
akṣetra a-kṣetra n. a bad field Mn. x, 71
akṣetra a-kṣetra n. a bad geometrical figure.
akṣetrajña a-kṣetra-jña ([Pāṇ. 7-3, 30]) ([akṣ- RV. v, 40, 5 and x, 32, 7]), not finding out the way; destitute of spiritual knowledge.
akṣetravid a-kṣetra-vid ([akṣ- RV. v, 40, 5 and x, 32, 7]), not finding out the way; destitute of spiritual knowledge.

akṣetrin a-kṣetrin mfn. having no fields Mn. ix, 49 and 51.

akṣaitrajñya a-kṣaitrajñya n. spiritual ignorance Pāṇ. 7-3, 30
akṣaitrajñya a-kṣaitrajñya n. see ākṣ-.

akṣoṭa m. a walnut (Pistacio nut?) Ragh.
     m. the tree Pīlu
     m. the tree Aleurites Triloba. Also spelt akṣoḍa (Suśr.), akṣoḍaka, ākṣoṭa, ākṣoḍaka, ākhoṭa.

akṣobha a-kṣobha mfn. unagitated, unmoved m. the post to which an elephant is tied, freedom from agitation, imperturbability.

akṣobhya a-kṣobhya mfn. immovable, imperturbable
akṣobhya a-kṣobhya m. N. of a Buddha of an author, an immense number, said by Buddhists to be 100 vivaras.

akṣauhiṇī f. an army consisting of ten anikinis, or 21870 elephants, 21870 chariots, 65610 horse, and 109350 foot. (Since an anikini consists of 27 vāhinis, and 27 is the cube of 3, akṣauhiṇī may be a compound of 2. akṣa and vāhini; or it may possibly be connected with 1. akṣa, axle, car.)

akṣṇa n. = a-khaṇḍa Uṇ. Sch.
akṣṇayāvan akṣṇa-yāvan mfn. going across RV. viii, 7, 35.

akṣṇayā instr. ind. transversely ŚBr. (Sch. circuitously, like a wheel!); wrongly ŚBr. xiv; diagonally Śulbas.
akṣṇayākṛta akṣṇayā-kṛta (akṣṇayā-) mfn. done wrongly ŚBr.
akṣṇayādeśa akṣṇayā-deśa m. an intermediate region ŚBr.
akṣṇayādruh akṣṇayā-druh mfn. injuring wrongly or in a bad way RV. i, 122, 9.
akṣṇayārajju akṣṇayā-rajju f. diagonal line Sulbas.
akṣṇayāstomīyā akṣṇayā-stomīyā f. N. of an Iṣṭakā TS. ŚBr.

akhaṭṭa m. Buchanania Latifolia.

akhaṭṭi m. childish whim L.

akhaṇḍa a-khaṇḍa mfn. not fragmentary, entire, whole, (am), n. time L.
akhaṇḍa a-khaṇḍa mfn. (a-khaṇḍā dvā daśī), the twelfth day of the first half of the month Mārgaśīrṣa.

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akhaṇḍana a-khaṇḍana n. not breaking, leaving entire L.
     n. non-refutation, admission L.
akhaṇḍana a-khaṇḍana m. time L.

akhaṇḍita a-khaṇḍita mfn. unbroken, undivided, unimpaired
     mfn. unrefuted.
akhaṇḍitartu a-khaṇḍita-rtu (ṛtu) mfn. "not breaking the season", bearing seasonable fruits.

akhanat a-khanat mfn. not digging RV. x, 101, 11.

akharva a-kharva mfn. not shortened or mutilated RV. vii, 32, 13
     mfn. not small, important
     mfn. also a-kharvan Hcat.
akharvā a-kharvā f. N. of a plant L.

akhāta a-khāta mfn. unburied AV.
akhāta a-khāta mn. a natural pond or lake, a pool before a temple L.

akhādya a-khādya mfn. uneatable.

akhidra a-khidra mf (ā) n. not weak TS. &c.
akhidrayāman a-khidra-yāman (akhidra-) mfn. unwearied in course RV. i, 38. 11.

akhila a-khila mf (ā) n. without a gap, complete, whole
akhila a-khila mf (ā) n. (ena) ind. completely.
akhilātman m. the universal Spirit, Brahma.
akhilīkṛ akhilī-kṛ -kṛtya ind. p. not having annihilated or rendered powerless Śiś. ii, 34.

akheṭika or ākheṭika m. a dog trained to the chase.

akhedin a-khedin mfn. not wearisome, unwearied.
akheditva akhedi-tva n. continuous flow (of speech), one of the vāg-guṇas of Mahāvira Jain.

akhkhala ind. an exclamation of joy Sāy. on RV. vii, 103, 3.
akhkhalīkṛtyā akhkhalī-kṛtyā Ved. ind. p. (1. kṛ), uttering the exclamation akhkhala RV. vii, 103, 3.

akhyāta a-khyāta mfn. not famous, unknown.

akhyāti a-khyāti f. infamy, bad repute, disgrace.
akhyātikara a-khyāti-kara mfn. causing infamy, disgraceful.

ag cl.1.P. agati, to move tortuously, wind L.: Caus. agayati L.; cf. aṅg.

aga m. a snake [in this sense perhaps rather a-ga] L.
     m. the sun L.
     m. a water-jar L.

aga a-ga mfn. ( gam). unable to walk Pāṇ. 6-3, 77 Sch.
aga a-ga m. a mountain
aga a-ga m. a tree
aga a-ga m. the number seven.
agaja a-ga-ja mfn. produced on a mountain, or from a tree
agajā a-ga-jā f. N. of Pārvati, daughter of Himālaya
agaja a-ga-ja n. bitumen.
agātmajā agātma-jā f. = aga-jā Kir.
agāvaha m. N. of a son of Vasudeva, and of others Hariv.
agaukas m. "mountain-dweller", a lion
     m. "tree-dweller", a bird
     m. the Sarabha q.v.

agaccha a-gaccha mfn. not going L.
agaccha a-gaccha m. a tree L.

agaṇita a-gaṇita mfn. uncounted
     mfn. inconsiderable VP.
agaṇitapratiyāta a-gaṇita-pratiyāta mfn. returned without (or because of not) having been noticed Śiś.
agaṇitalajja a-gaṇita-lajja mfn. disregarding shame.

agata a-gata mfn. not gone
agata a-gata n. not yet frequented, the dominion of death AV.

agati a-gati mfn. not going, halting, without resource, helpless, (is) f. stoppage R.
     mfn. want of resort or resource, unsuccessfulness Vikr., not cohabiting with a woman.

agatika a-gatika mf (ā) n. without resort or resources Kathās.
agatikagati a-gatika-gati f. the resort of one who has no resort, a last resource Yājñ. i, 345.

agatika a-gatika mf (ā) n. not to be walked on (as an evil path) MBh.

agada a-gada mfn. free from disease healthy RV. &c.
     mfn. free from affliction m. free dom from disease Mn.
     mfn. a medicine, drug, (especially) antidote Mn.
agadaṃkāra agadaṃ-kāra m. a physician Naish.
agadaveda agada-veda m. medical science Car.

agadya a-gadya Nom. P. agadyati, to have good health, (g. kaṇḍv-ādi q.v.); to heal ib.

agadita a-gadita mfn. untold

agandhā a-gandhā mfn. without smell.

agama a-gama mfn. not going, unable to go m. a mountain L.: a tree ([cf. a-ga]).

agamya a-gamya mfn. unfit to be walked in, or to be approached
     mfn. not to be approached (sexually)
     mfn. inaccessible
     mfn. unattainable
     mfn. unintelligible
     mfn. unsuitable.
agamyagā a-gamya-gā f. a woman who has illicit intercourse with a man VarBṛ.
agamyarūpa a-gamya-rūpa mfn. of unsurpassed form.

agamyā a-gamyā f. a woman with whom cohabitation is forbidden.
agamyāgamana a-gamyā-gamana n. illicit intercourse with a woman.
agamyāgamanīya a-gamyā-gamanīya mfn. relating to it Mn. xi, 169.
agamyāgāmin a-gamyā-gāmin mfn. practising it Gaut.

agarī a-garī f. a kind of grass (Deotar, Andropogon Serratus) L.
agarī a-garī f. ([cf. garī.])

agaru aga-ru mn. Agallochum, Amyris Agallocha
agaru aga-ru mn. cf. aguru.

agartamit a-garta-mit (cf. garta-mit) mfn. not buried in a hole ŚBr.

agartaskandya a-garta-skandya mfn. "not having holes to be lept over", not offering hindrances ŚāṅkhBr.

agarva a-garva mfn. free from pride.

agarhita a-garhita mfn. undespised, unreproached, blameless.

agavyūti a-gavyūti mfn. without good pasturage for cattle, barren RV. vi, 47, 20.

agasti m. (according to Uṇ. iv, 179 fr. 2. a-ga, a mountain, and asti, thrower, 2. as). N. of a Ṛiṣi (author of several Vedic hymns; said to have been the son of both Mitra and Varuṇa by Urvaśī; to have been born in a water-jar; to have been of short stature; to have swallowed the ocean, and compelled the Vindhya mountains to prostrate themselves before him; to have conquered and civilized the South; to have written on medicine, &c.)
     m. the star Canopus (of which Agastya is the regent, said to be the "cleanser of water", because of turbid waters becoming clean at its rising Ragh. xiii, 36)
     m. Agasti Grandiflora Suśr. ([also -dru f. L.])
agasti m. pl. the descendants of Agastya
agastī f. a female descendant of Agastya Pāṇ. 6-4, 149 Sch.

agastīya mfn. relating to Agasti Pāṇ. 6-4, 149 Comm.

agastya (3, 4) m. = agasti; N. of Śiva L.
agastyagītā agastya-gītā f. pl. Agastya's hymns, forming part of the Ādi-vārāha-Purāṇa.
agastyacāra agastya-cāra m. the path of Canopus.
agastyamārga agastya-mārga m. the path of Agastya (Canopus), i.e. the South.
agastyasaṃhitā agastya-saṃhitā f. N. of an old compendium of the Tantra literature.
agastyodaya m. the rising of Canopus
     m. the seventh day of the second half of Bhādra.

agā a-gā mf. (Ved.) not going Pāṇ. 3-2, 67 Sch.

agātṛ a-gātṛ m. a bad singer TāṇḍyaBr.

agādha a-gādha mf (ā) n. not shallow, deep, unfathomable m. a hole, chasm L.
     mf (ā) n. N. of one of the five fires at the Svadhākāra Hariv.
agādhajala a-gādha-jala mfn. having deep water
agādhajala a-gādha-jala n. deep water.
agādharudhira a-gādha-rudhira n. a vast quantity of blood Daś.

agādhitva a-gādhi-tva n. depth Comm. on Śiś. i, 55.

agāra (rarely as, m.) n. house, apartment ([cf. āgāra]).
agāradāhin agāra-dāhin m. "house-burner", an incendiary Gaut.

agārin mfn. possessing a house, (ī) m. a house holder, layman (cf an-agārin) Jain.

agira m. ( ag), the sun L., fire L.
     m. a Rākṣasa L.

agiraukas a-giraukas mfn. (girā instr. of gir, and okas), not to be kept back by hymns, N. of the Maruts RV. i, 135, 9

agu a-gu mfn. (fr. go with a), destitute of cows, poor RV. viii, 2, 14
agu a-gu m. "destitute of rays", N. of Rāhu the ascending node.

ago a-go f. not a cow PārGṛ.
agotā a-go-tā (a go) f. want of cows RV. AV.

aguṇa a-guṇa mfn. destitute of qualities or attributes (said of the supreme Being cf. nirguṇa)
     mfn. destitute of good qualities
aguṇa a-guṇa m. a fault.
aguṇatā a-guṇa-tā f. absence of qualities or of good qualities.
aguṇatva a-guṇa-tva n. absence of qualities or of good qualities.
aguṇavat a-guṇa-vat mfn. destitute of qualities
     mfn. without good qualities.
aguṇavādin a-guṇa-vādin mfn. fault-finding, censorious,
aguṇaśila a-guṇa-śila mfn. of a worthless character.

agupta a-gupta mfn. unhidden, unconcealed
     mfn. unprotected
     mfn. not keeping a secret.

aguru a-guru mfn. not heavy, light
aguru a-guru mfn. (in prosody) short as a short vowel alone or before a single consonant
aguru a-guru mfn. (us, u), mn. the fragrant Aloe wood and tree, Aquilaria Agallocha.

agūḍha a-gūḍha mfn. unconcealed, manifest.
agūḍhagandha a-gūḍha-gandha n. Asa Foetida.
agūḍhabhāva a-gūḍha-bhāva mfn. having a transparent disposition.

agṛbhīta a-gṛbhīta mfn. not seized or taken unsubdued RV. viii, 79, 1 TBr.
agṛbhītaśocis a-gṛbhīta-śocis (agṛbhīta-) mfn. "having unsubdued splendour", N. of Agni and the Maruts RV. v, 54, 5 and 12; viii, 23, 1; ("having inconceivable splendour" BR.)

agṛha a-gṛha mfn. houseless.
agṛhatā a-gṛha-tā f. houselessness TāṇḍyaBr.

agocara a-gocara mfn. not within range, unattainable, inaccessible (cf. driṣṭy-agocara), imperceptible by the senses
agocara a-gocara n. anything that is beyond the cognizance of the senses
agocara a-gocara n. Brahma
agocara a-gocara n. the not being seen, absence
agocara a-gocara mfn. (eṇa) instr. ind. out of the sight of any one (gen.), behind one's back Hit.

agopā a-gopā mfn. without a cowherd, not tended by one RV.

agorudha a-go-rudha mfn. not driving away the cow RV. viii, 24, 20
agorudha a-go-rudha mfn. ("not repelling or disdaining praise" Sāy.)

agohya a-gohya (4) mfn. not to be concealed or covered, bright RV.

agaukas see 2. a-ga.

agdhād mfn. (fr. a+ gdha p.p.p. fr ghas + ad), eating food which is not yet eaten TS., (Comm. = dagdhād.)

agnā (for agni in the following comp.)
agnāmarutau agnā-marutau m. du. Agni and Marut Pāṇ. 6-3, 28 Sch.
agnāviṣṇū agnā-viṣṇū voc. m. du. Agni and Viṣṇu AV.

agnāyī f. the wife of Agni, one of the deva-patnyaḥ RV. i, 22, 12 and v, 46, 8
     f. the Tretā yuga L.

agni m. ( ag Uṇ.) fire, sacrificial fire (of three kinds, Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, and Dakṣiṇa)
     m. the number three Sūryas.
     m. the god of fire, the fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric fluid
     m. bile L.
     m. gold L.
     m. N. of various plants Semicarpus Anacardium Suśr., Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea, Citrus Acida
     m. mystical substitute for the letter r
     m. in the Kātantra grammar N. of noun-stems ending in i and u ([cf. Lat. 'igni-s'; Lith. 'ugni-s'; Slav. 'ognj']).
agnikaṇa agni-kaṇa m. "fire-particle", a spark.
agnikarman agni-karman n. "fire-act", piling up the wood &c. ŚBr.
     n. action of Agni Nir.
     n. cauterization Suśr.
agnikalpa agni-kalpa (agni-) mfn. having the nature of fire ŚBr.
agnikārikā agni-kārikā ([L.]) f. ([Mn. &c.]) n. kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with clarified butter &c.; the prayers said while doing so Kathās., cauterization.
agnikārya agni-kārya ([Mn. &c.]) n. kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with clarified butter &c.; the prayers said while doing so Kathās., cauterization.
agnikāṣṭha agni-kāṣṭha n. Agallochum L.
agnikukkuṭa agni-kukkuṭa m. a lighted wisp of straw, firebrand L.
agnikuṇḍa agni-kuṇḍa n. a pan with live coals R.
     n. a hole or enclosed space for the consecrated fire Kathās.
agnikumāra agni-kumāra m. a particular preparation of various drugs. N. of a class of Bhavanavāsin deities Jain.
agnikṛta agni-kṛta mfn. made by fire.
agniketu agni-ketu (agni-) mfn. having fire as an emblem or characteristic mark (Ushas) TS.; (us) m. N. of a Rakshas R.
agnikoṇa agni-koṇa m. the south-east quarter, ruled over by Agni L.
agnikriḍā agni-kriḍā f. "fire sport", fire works, illuminations, &c.
agnikhadā agni-khadā f. an infernal pan or stove Kāraṇḍ.
agnigarbha agni-garbha mf (ā) n. pregnant with fire BṛĀrUp.
agnigarbha agni-garbha m. a gem supposed to contain and give out solar heat (= sūrya-kānta) L.
agnigarbha agni-garbha m. N. of a frothy substance on the sea, engendered by the submarine, fire L.
agnigarbha agni-garbha m. N. of a man
agnigarbha agni-garbha mf (ā) n. (ā) f. the plant Mahājyotiṣmatī.
agnigṛha agni-gṛha n. house or place for keeping the sacred fire MBh.
     n. a room fitted with hot-baths Car.
agnigrantha agni-grantha m. N. of wk.
agnighaṭa agni-ghaṭa m. N. of a hell Kāraṇḍ.
agnicaya agni-caya ([Śulb.]) m. arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place; agni-caya, a heap or mass of fire R.
agnicayana agni-cayana n. arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place; agni-caya, a heap or mass of fire R.
agniciti agni-citi f. ([ŚBr.]) f. arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place; agni-caya, a heap or mass of fire R.
agnicityā agni-cityā ([ŚBr.]) f. arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place; agni-caya, a heap or mass of fire R.
agnicit agni-cit mfn. arranging the sacrificial fire, or one who has arranged it ŚBr. &c.
agnicit agni-cit mfn. an- (neg.) ŚBr.
agnicitvat agni-cit-vat mfn. possessing house holders that have prepared a sacred fire-place Pāṇ. 8-2, 10 Sch.
agnija agni-ja mfn. "fire-born", produced by or in fire AV. MaitrS.
agnija agni-ja m. N. of Viṣṇu Hariv.
agnija agni-ja m. of a frothy substance on the sea (cf. -garbha) L.
agnijanman agni-janman m. "fire-born", Skanda, god of war.
agnijāra agni-jāra m. N. of a frothy substance on the sea (cf. -garbha and -ja) L.
agnijāla agni-jāla m. N. of a frothy substance on the sea (cf. -garbha and -ja) L.
agnijihva agni-jihva mfn. "having Agni for tongue", consuming the sacrifice through Agni RV.
agnijihva agni-jihvā f. tongue or flame of fire AV. MuṇḍUp.
     mfn. the plant Methonica Superba (Lāṅgalī).
agnijvalitatejana agni-jvalita-tejana mfn. having a point hardened in fire Mn. vii, 90.
agnijvāla agni-jvāla m. N. of Śiva
agnijvālā agni-jvālā f. flame of fire
     m. a Plant with red blossoms, used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa
     m. Jalapippalī.
agnitap agni-tap mfn. enjoying the warmth of fire RV. v, 61, 4.
agnitapas agni-tapas mfn. hot as fire, glowing RV. x, 68, 6.
agnitapta agni-tapta mfn. fire-heated, glowing RV. vii, 104, 5.
agnitā agni-tā (agni) f. the state of fire ŚBr.
agnitejas agni-tejas (agni-) mfn. having the energy of fire or of Agni AV.; m. one of the seven Ṛiṣis of the eleventh Manvantara Hariv.
agnitraya agni-traya n. ([Mn. MBh.]) f. the three sacred fires, called respectively Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, and Dakṣiṇa.
agnitretā agni-tretā ([Mn. MBh.]) f. the three sacred fires, called respectively Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, and Dakṣiṇa.
agnitrā agni-trā mfn. see an-agnitrā.
agnida agni-da m. "fire-giver", incendiary Mn. Yājñ.
     m. stomachic. 1.
agnidagdha agni-dagdha (agni-) mfn. burnt with fire RV. x, 103, additional verses ŚBr.; cauterized Suśr.; n. a cautery. 2.
agnidagdha agni-dagdha mfn. burnt on a funeral pile RV. x, 15, 14 TBr.
agnidagdha agni-dagdha m. pl. a class of Pitṛis who, when on earth, maintained a sacred fire Mn. iii, 199.
agnidatta agni-datta m. N. of a prince
     m. of a Brahman Kathās.
agnidamanī agni-damanī f. a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini.
agnidāyaka agni-dāyaka m. = -da q.v.
agnidāha agni-dāha m. a particular disease
     m. a fiery glow (in the sky) Hariv.
agnidiś agni-diś f. Agni's quarter, the south-east
agnidīpana agni-dīpana mf (ī) n. stomachic Suśr.
agnidīpta agni-dīpta mfn. blazing, glowing
agnidīptā agni-dīptā f. the plant Mahājyotiṣmatī.
agnidīpti agni-dīpti f. active state of digestion Suśr.
agnidūta agni-dūta (agni-) mfn. having Agni for a messenger, brought by Agni RV. x, 14, 13 AV.
agnidūṣita agni-dūṣita mfn. "fire-marked", branded.
agnideva agni-deva m. Agni
agnidevā agni-devā f. = -nakṣatra, q.v. L.
agnidevata agni-devata (agni-) mfn. having Agni for deity ŚBr.
agnidaivata agni-daivata n. -nakṣatra q.v. VarBṛS.
agnidh agni-dh (agni-dh, dh for idh cf. agnīdh) m. the priest who kindles the sacred fire RV. ii, 1, 2;x, 41, 3;91, 10.
agnidhāna agni-dhāna n. receptacle for the sacred fire RV. x, 165, 3 AV.
agninakṣatra agni-nakṣatra n. the third lunar mansion the Pleiades (Kṛittikā) ŚBr.
agninayana agni-nayana n. the act of bringing out the sacrificial fire.
agniniryāsa agni-niryāsa m. = -jāra.
agninunna agni-nunna (agni) mfn. struck by fire or lightning SV.
agninetra agni-netra (agni-) mfn. having Agni for a guide VS.
agnipakva agni-pakva mfn. cooked on the fire Mn.
agnipada agni-pada m. "whose foot has stepped on the sacrificial fire place", N. of a horse Lāṭy. Vait.
agniparikriyā agni-parikriyā f. care of the sacred fire Mn. ii, 67.
agniparicchada agni-paricchada m. the whole apparatus of a fire-sacrifice Mn. vi, 4.
agniparidhāna agni-paridhāna n. enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen.
agniparikṣā agni-parikṣā f. ordeal by fire.
agniparvata agni-parvata m. "fire-mountain", a volcano R.
agnipuccha agni-puccha n. tail or extreme point of, a sacrificial fire (arranged in the shape of a bird) ĀśvŚr.
agnipurā agni-purā f. the castle of Agni ŚBr.
agnipurāṇa agni-purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa.
agnipurogama agni-purogama mfn. having Agni for a leader.
agnipraṇayana agni-praṇayana n. = -nayana q.v.
agnipraṇayanīya agni-praṇayanīya mfn. referring to the -praṇayana.
agnipratiṣṭhā agni-pratiṣṭhā f. consecration of fire, especially of the nuptial fire.
agniprabhā agni-prabhā f. a venomous insect Suśr.
agnipraveśa agni-praveśa m. entering the fire, self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile.
agnipraveśana agni-praveśana n. entering the fire, self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile.
agniprastara agni-prastara m. a fire-producing stone
     m. flint L.
agniprāyaścitta agni-prāyaścitta n. ([ŚBr.]) f. an expiatory act during the preparation of the sacrificial fire.
agniprāyaścitti agni-prāyaścitti ([ŚBr.]) f. an expiatory act during the preparation of the sacrificial fire.
agnibāhu agni-bāhu m. smoke ([cf. -vāha]) L.
     m. N. of a son of the first Manu Hariv.
     m. N. of a son of Priyavrata and Kāmyā VP.
agnibīja agni-bīja n. gold L.
     n. N. of the letter r RāmatUp.
agnibha agni-bha n. "shining like fire", gold L.
agnibhu agni-bhu n. "fire produced", water L.
agnibhū agni-bhū m. Skanda L.
     m. N. of a Vedic teacher, with the patron. Kāśyapa VBr.
agnibhū agni-bhū m. (in arithm.) six.
agnibhūti agni-bhūti m. N. of one of the eleven chief pupils (gaṇadharas) of the last Tirthakara.
agnibhrājas agni-bhrājas (agni-) mfn. possessing fiery splendour RV. v, 54, 11.
agnimaṇi agni-maṇi m. the sun-stone (= surya-kānta).
agnimat agni-mat mfn. being near the fire AV. (RV. has vat)
     mfn. having or maintaining a sacrificial fire Mn. &c.
     mfn. having a good digestion Suśr.
agnimantha agni-mantha mfn. producing fire by friction
agnimantha agni-mantha m. Premna Spinosa Suśr.
agnimanthana agni-manthana n. production of fire by friction ĀśvŚr.
agnimanthanīya agni-manthanīya mfn. relating to such friction ib.
agnimaya agni-maya mf (ī) n. fiery ŚBr. AitBr.
agnimāṭhara agni-māṭhara m. N. of an expounder of the Ṛig-veda VP.
agnimāndya agni-māndya n. slowness of digestion, dyspepsia.
agnimāruti agni-māruti m. N. of Agastya L.
agnimāruti agni-māruti m. cf. āgnimāruta.
agnimitra agni-mitra m. N. of a prince of the Suṅga, dynasty, son of Pushyamitra VP.
agnimindha agni-m-indha (agnim-indha) m. the priest who kindles the fire RV. i, 162, 5.
agnimukha agni-mukha (agni-) mfn. having Agni for the mouth ŚBr.; m. a deity, a Brāhmaṇa, a tonic medicine L.; Semicarpus Anacardium; Plumbago Zeylanica L.; N. of a bug Pañcat.; (ī) f. Semicarpus Anacardium; Gloriosa (or Methonica) Superba.
agnimūḍha agni-mūḍha (agni-) mfn. made insane by Agni RV. x, 103, additional verses AV.
agniyuta agni-yuta m. N. of the author of the hymn x, 116 in the Ṛig-veda.
agniyojana agni-yojana n. the act of stirring the sacrificial fire (to make it blaze up).
agnirakṣaṇa agni-rakṣaṇa n. maintenance of the sacred domestic fire.
agniraja agni-raja m. a scarlet insect L.
agnirajas agni-rajas m. a scarlet insect L.
agnirahasya agni-rahasya n. "mystery of Agni", title of the tenth book of the Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa.
agnirājan agni-rājan mfn. pl. "having Agni as king", N. of the Vastus ŚāṅkhŚr.
agnirāśi agni-rāśi m. a heap or mass of fire, a burning pile.
agniruhā agni-ruhā f. the plant Māṃsarohiṇl.
agnirūpa agni-rūpa (agni-) mfn. fire-shaped RV. x, 84, 1; (agni-rūpa) n. a shape of fire ŚBr.
agniretasa agni-retasa mfn. sprung from Agni's seed ŚBr.
agnirohiṇī agni-rohiṇī f. a hard inflammatory swelling in the arm-pit Suśr.
agniloka agni-loka m. the world of Agni KaushUp.
agnivat agni-vat mfn. being near the fire RV. vii, 104, 2 (= -mat q.v.)
     mfn. "joined to (another) fire", N. of Agni TS.
agnivarcas agni-varcas m. N. of a teacher of the Purāṇas VP.
agnivarṇa agni-varṇa mf (ā) n. having the colour of fire
     mf (ā) n. hot, fiery (said of liquors) Mn. xi, 90 and 91
agnivarṇa agni-varṇa m. N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana.
agnivardhaka agni-vardhaka mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic.
agnivardhana agni-vardhana mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic.
agnivallabha agni-vallabha m. the tree Shorea Robusta
     m. its resinous juice.
agnivāṇa agni-vāṇa m. a fiery arrow.
agnivādin agni-vādin m. "fire-asserter", worshipper of fire.
agnivārtta agni-vārtta mfn. gaining a livelihood by fire [as a blacksmith &c.] VarBṛS.
agnivāsas agni-vāsas (agni-) mfn. wearing a fiery or red garment AV.
agnivāha agni-vāha m. the vehicle of fire i.e. smoke L.
agnividhā agni-vidhā f. manner or fashion of fire ŚBr.
agnivimocana agni-vimocana n. the act of lowering the sacrificial fire (by spreading it out).
agnivisarpa agni-visarpa m. spread of inflammation (in a tumour).
agnivikaraṇa agni-vikaraṇa n. removing the sacrificial fire from the Āgnidhra to the Sadas Maṇḍapa
agnivirya agni-virya n. gold L.
agnivṛddhi agni-vṛddhi f. improvement of digestion.
agnivetāla agni-vetāla m. N. of a Vetāla (connected with the story of king Vikramāditya).
agnivelā agni-velā f. the time at which the fire is kindled, afternoon ĀśvGṛ.
agniveśa agni-veśa m. N. of an ancient medical authority
     m. also of other persons.
agniveśman agni-veśman m. the fourteenth day of the Karma-māsa Sūryapr.
agniveśya agni-veśya m. N. of a teacher MBh.
     m. N. of the 22nd muhūrta Sūryapr.
agnisaraṇa agni-saraṇa n. house or place for keeping, the sacrificial fire.
agniśāla agni-śāla ([AV.]) n. f. house or place for keeping, the sacrificial fire.
agniśālā agni-śālā f. house or place for keeping, the sacrificial fire.
agniśarman agni-śarman m. N. of a man.
agnisikha agni-sikha mfn. having a point like fire (an arrow) R.
agnisikha agni-sikha m. an arrow
agnisikha agni-sikha m. a lamp
agnisikha agni-sikha m. a safflower plant L.
agnisikha agni-sikha m. saffron L.
agnisikha agni-sikha m. N. of Vararuci's father Kathās.
agnisikha agni-sikha m. of a Vetāla Kathās.
agnisikha agni-sikha n. saffron L., gold L.
agnisikhā agni-sikhā f. a flame ŚBr. &c., the plants Gloriosa Superba and Menispermum Cordifolium.
agniśuśrūṣā agni-śuśrūṣā f. attention to the sacrificial fire Mn. ii, 248.
agnisekhara agni-sekhara n. saffron
agniśeṣa agni-śeṣa m. appendix to the chapter on Agni in the Taittiriya-Saṃhitā.
agniśra agni-śra m (nom. pl.-sriyas) fn. having the brightness of Agni RV. iii, 26, 5 (["approaching the fire (of lightning)" Sāy.])
agnisroṇi agni-sroṇi f. leg of the sacrificial altar KātyŚr.
agniṣṭut agni-ṣṭut m. "laudatory of Agni", the first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice, one day of the Sattra Pañcadasarātra ŚBr. &c.
     m. N. of a son of the sixth Manu, Cākṣuṣa (by Naḍvalā) VP. Hariv. ([v.l. -ṣṭubh]).
agniṣṭoma agni-ṣṭoma m. "praise of Agni", N. of a protracted ceremony or sacrifice (forming one of the chief modifications, [saṃsthās] of the Jyotiṣṭoma offered by one who is desirous of obtaining heaven; the performer is a Brahman who maintains the sacred fire, the offering is the Soma, the deities to whom, the offering is made are Indra &c., the number of priests required is 16, the ceremonies continue for five, days)
     m. a mantra or kalpa connected with the Agniṣṭoma L.
agniṣṭoma agni-ṣṭoma m. (agni ṣṭoma) -yājin mfn. one who has performed the Agniṣṭoma
agniṣṭomasad agni-ṣṭoma-sad mfn. performing the Agniṣṭoma
agniṣṭomasadya agni-ṣṭoma-sadya n. the performance of Agniṣṭoma ŚBr.
agniṣṭomasāma agni-ṣṭoma-sāma m. and -saman n. the passage of the Sāma-veda chanted at the Agniṣṭoma
agniṣṭomahotra agni-ṣṭoma-hotra n. title of a Vedic text.
agniṣṭha agni-ṣṭha mfn. placed in, or over, near the fire
agniṣṭha agni-ṣṭha m. a pan, fire-pan R. ([cf. -ṣṭhikā])
agniṣṭha agni-ṣṭha m. a vehicle carrying the fire ĀpŚr.
agniṣṭha agni-ṣṭha m. (in the Aśvamedha sacrifice) the eleventh Yūpa or sacrificial post, which (of all the twenty-one) is nearest the fire ŚBr.
agniṣṭha agni-ṣṭhā f. that corner of the sacrificial post which (of all the eight) is nearest the fire ŚBr.
agniṣṭhikā agni-ṣṭhikā f. a fire-pan ([cf. -ṣṭha]).
agniṣvātta agni-ṣvātta ([in Epic and later texts -svātta]), ās m. pl. "tasted by the funeral fire", the Manes RV. x, 15, 11 VS. ŚBr.; in later texts N. of a class of Manes (who on earth neglected the sacrificial fire) MBh. &c.
agnisaṃskāra agni-saṃskāra m. the consecration of fire
     m. performance of any rite in which the application of fire is essential, as the burning of a dead body Mn. Ragh.
agnisakha agni-sakha m. "friend of fire", the wind L.
agnisaṃkāśa agni-saṃkāśa (agni-) mfn. resplendent like fire ŚBr.
agnisajjā agni-sajjā f.? indigestion Suśr.
agnisaṃcaya agni-saṃcaya m. preparing the sacrificial fire-place
agnisaṃcaya agni-saṃcaya m. see -cayana.
agnisambhava agni-sambhava mfn. produced from fire
agnisambhava agni-sambhava m. wild safflower L.
agnisambhava agni-sambhava m. = -jāra
agnisambhava agni-sambhava m. "the result of digestion", chyme or chyle L.
agnisaras agni-saras n. N. of a Tirtha VārP.
agnisava agni-sava m. consecration of the fire TS. ŚBr.
agnisahāya agni-sahāya m. "friend of fire", the wind
     m. a wild pigeon L.
agnisākṣika agni-sākṣika mfn. taking Agni or the domestic or nuptial fire for a witness R. &c. -sākṣika-maryāda mfn. one who taking Agni for a witness gives a solemn promise of conjugal fidelity.
agnisāda agni-sāda m. weakness of digestion Suśr.
agnisāra agni-sāra n. a medicine for the eyes, a collyrium L.
agnisāvarṇi agni-sāvarṇi m. N. of a Manu L.
agnisiṃha agni-siṃha m. N. of the father of the seventh black Vāsudeva Jain.
agnisūtra agni-sūtra n. thread of fire
     n. a girdle of sacrificial grass put upon a young Brāhman at his investiture L.
agnistambha agni-stambha m. or
agnistambhana agni-stambhana n. the (magical) quenching of fire.
agnistoka agni-stoka m. a particle of fire, spark.
agnisvātta agni-svātta see -ṣvātta.
agnihavana agni-havana n. a sacrificial libation Gaut.
agnihut agni-hut ([VS.]) mfn. sacrificed by fire.
agnihuta agni-huta mfn. sacrificed by fire.
agnihotṛ agni-hotṛ (agni) m. having Agni for a priest RV. x, 66, 8. 1.
agnihotra agni-hotra (agni-) mfn. sacrificing to Agni AV. vi, 97, 1; (ī) f. the cow destined for the Agnihotra ŚBr. AitBr.; (agni, hotri) -vatsa m. her calf. ŚBr. 2.
agnihotra agni-hotra n. AV. &c. oblation to Agni (chiefly of milk, oil, and sour gruel; there are two kinds of Agnihotra, one is nitya i.e. of constant obligation, the other kāmya i.e. optional) n. the sacred fire Mn. Yājñ. &c.
agnihotradevatā agni-hotra-devatā f. the deity of the Agnihotra
agnihotratva agni-hotra-tva n. the state of the Agnihotra MaitrS.
agnihotrasthālī agni-hotra-sthālī f. a pot used at the Agnihotra ŚBr.
agnihotrahavanī agni-hotra-havanī f. a spoon used at the Agnihotra ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ.
agnihotrahut agni-hotra-hut, offering the Agnihotra AV.
agnihotrahoma agni-hotra-homa m. a libation at the Agnihotra KātyŚr.
agnihotra agni-hotra n. agnihotrāyaṇin mfn. one who offers only the Agnihotra KātyŚr.
agnihotra agni-hotra n. agnihotravṛt f. (see āvṛt) the mere Agnihotra without recitation of Vedic formulas KātyŚr.
agnihotra agni-hotra n. agnihotrāhuti ([ŚBr. cf. āhuti])andagniḥotreṣṭi ([KātyŚr. cf. iṣṭi]) f. a libation or offering at the Agnihotra
agnihotra agni-hotra n. agnihotrocchiṣṭa ([ŚBr.])andagnihotroccheṣaṇa ([TS.]), n. the remains of the Agnihotra
agnihotrin agni-hotrin mfn. practising the Agnihotra, maintaining the sacrificial fire ŚBr. &c.
agnihoma agni-homa m. oblation put into the fire KātyŚr.
agnihvara agni-hvara mfn.? making a mistake in the fire-ceremonial MaitrS.
agnīdh m. the priest who kindles the fire VS. ŚBr. AitBr. ([cf. agnidh]).
agnīdhra m. (= agni-bāhu), N. of two men.
agnīndrau m. du. Agni and Indra VS.
agnīndhana n. kindling or feeding the fire Mn. &c.
agnīparjanyau agnī-parjanyau Voc. m. du. Agni and Parjanya RV. vi, 52, 16.
agnīvaruṇau agnī-varuṇau m. du. Agni and Varuṇa ŚBr.
agnīṣomā agnī-ṣomā m. du. Agni and Soma RV. AV. VS.
agnīṣomā agnī-ṣomā. ; (agnīṣoma) -praṇayana n. bringing out the fire and the Soma, a ceremony in the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice.
agnīṣomau agnī-ṣomau m. du. Agni and Soma RV. AV. VS.
agnīṣomau agnī-ṣomau m. (agnīṣoma) -praṇayana n. bringing out the fire and the Soma, a ceremony in the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice.
agnīṣomīya mfn. related or sacred to Agni and Soma AV. &c., (agniṣomīya) -nirvāpa m. making libations with the cake sacred to Agni and Soma, a ceremony in the Darśapūrṇamāsa sacrifice
agnīṣomīya -paśu m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat, sacred to Agni and Soma -paśv-anuṣṭhāna n. the rite connected with that victim at the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice
agnīṣomīya -puroḍāśa m. cake sacred to Agni and Soma (baked in eleven bowls)
agnīṣomīya -yāga m. one of the three sacrifices of the Pūrṇamāsa
agnīṣomīya mfn. agniṣomīyaikādasa-kapāta m. cake sacred to Agni and Soma see above.
agnyagāra agny-agāra ([ŚBr. &c.]) m. house or place for keeping the sacred fire.
agnyāgāra agny-āgāra m. house or place for keeping the sacred fire.
agnyabhāva agny-abhāva m. absence or want of the sacred fire
     m. loss of appetite.
agnyarcis agny-arcis f. or n. flame ŚBr.
agnyāgāra agny-āgāra see agny-agāra.
agnyātmaka agny-ātmaka mf (ikā) n. having Agni's nature.
agnyādhāna agny-ādhāna ([KaushBr.]) ([AV. Mn. &c.]) n. placing the fire on the sacrificial fire-place; the ceremony of preparing the three sacred fires Āhavaniya &c.; (agnyādheya) -devatā f. the deity of the Agnyādheya ceremony PārGṛ.; -rūpa n. form or shape of the Agnyādheya ŚBr.; -śarkarā, ās f. pl. (figuratively) bad performance of the Agnyādheya ŚBr.; -havis n. an oblation at the Agnyādheya ŚBr.
agnyādheya agny-ādheya ([AV. Mn. &c.]) n. placing the fire on the sacrificial fire-place; the ceremony of preparing the three sacred fires Āhavaniya &c.; (agnyādheya) -devatā f. the deity of the Agnyādheya ceremony PārGṛ.; -rūpa n. form or shape of the Agnyādheya ŚBr.; -śarkarā, ās f. pl. (figuratively) bad performance of the Agnyādheya ŚBr.; -havis n. an oblation at the Agnyādheya ŚBr.
agnyālaya agny-ālaya m. = agny-agāra.
agnyāhita agny-āhita m. one who has performed the Agnyādhāna R. &c.
agnyutpāta agny-utpāta m. a fiery portent Car.
     m. a conflagration PārGṛ.
agnyutsādin agny-utsādin mfn. one who lets the sacred fire go out.
agnyuddharaṇa agny-uddharaṇa n. taking the sacred fire from its usual place (previous to a sacrifice).
agnyupasthāna agny-upasthāna n. worship of Agni at the conclusion of the Agnihotra &c. ŚBr.
agnyedha agny-edha m. one who kindles the fire VS.

agnika m. a plant, probably Semecarpus Anacardium
     m. a kind of serpent Suśr.
     m. an insect of scarlet colour, Coccinella
agnika n. the Acayou-nut Suśr.

agnisāt ind. to the state of fire (used in comp. with 1. kṛ and bhū e.g. agnisāt kṛ, to reduce to fire, to consume by fire) cf. bhasmasāt.

agman n. conflict, battle L.
agman n. (connected with ajman q.v.)

agra mfn. (fr. aṅg Uṇ.), foremost, anterior, first, prominent, projecting, chief, best L.
     mfn. supernumerary L.
agrā f. ([scil. rekhā]) measure of amplitude (i.e. the distance from the extremity of the gnomon-shadow to the line of the equinoctial shadow) Sūryas.
agra n. foremost point or part
agra n. tip
agra n. front
agra n. uppermost part, top, summit, surface
agra n. point
agra n. and hence, figuratively, sharpness
agra n. the nearest end, the beginning
agra n. the climax or best part
agra n. goal, aim
agra n. multitude L.
agra n. a weight, equal to a pala L.
agra n. a measure of food given as alms L.
agra n. (in astron.) the sun's amplitude
agram ind. in front, before, ahead of
agra mfn. (agreṇa) ind. in front, before (without or with acc.) ŚBr.
agra n. (agre) ind. in front, ahead of, in the beginning, first
agra n. further on, subsequently, below (in a book)
agra n. from - up to (ā) ŚBr., before (in time) AitUp. &c. ([cf. Gk. [greek] ]).
agrakara agra-kara m. the fore part of the hand, finger
     m. first ray Śiś.
agrakāya agra-kāya m. the fore part of the body.
agraga agra-ga m. a leader.
agragaṇya agra-gaṇya mfn. to be counted or regarded as the foremost, principal.
agragāmin agra-gāmin mfn. preceding, taking the lead.
agragrāsikā agra-grāsikā f. the claim or right to the first morsel Pāṇ. 3-3, iii Kāś.
agraja agra-ja (cf. ) mfn. born first or earlier m. the first-born, an elder brother Mn. &c.; a Brahman VarBṛS. &c.; (ā) f. an elder sister.
agrajaṅghā agra-jaṅghā f. the fore part of the leg, the shin-bone L.
agrajanman agra-janman m. the first-born, an elder brother, a Brahman Mn. Yājñ. &c.
     m. a member of one of the three highest castes L.
     m. Brahmā.
agrajā agra-jā mfn. first-born RV. ix, 5, 9.
agrajātaka agra-jātaka m. a Brahman L.
agrajāti agra-jāti m. a Brahman L.
agrajihva agra-jihva n. tip of the tongue VS.
agrajyā agra-jyā f. sine of the amplitude Sūryas.
agraṇī agra-ṇī mfn. taking the lead, foremost
     mfn. N. of an Agni MBh.
agraṇīti agra-ṇīti (agra-) f. the first offering RV. ii, 11, 14.
agratas agra-tas ind.; see col.3.
agratirtha agra-tirtha m. N. of a prince MBh.
agradātṛ agra-dātṛ mfn. offering the best bits (to the gods) MBh.
agradānin agra-dānin m. a degraded Brāhman who receives presents from Sūdras, or takes things previously offered to the dead BrahmaP.
agradidhiṣu agra-didhiṣu m. = agre-didhiṣu TBr.
agranakha agra-nakha m. tip of a nail R.
agranakha agra-nakha m. cf. nakhāgra.
agranāsikā agra-nāsikā f. tip of the nose R.
agranāsikā agra-nāsikā f. cf. nāsikāgra.
agranirūpaṇa agra-nirūpaṇa n. determining beforehand, prophecy.
agraparṇī agra-parṇī f. cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens.
agrapā agra-pā mfn. drinking first MBh.
agrapāṇi agra-pāṇi m. fore part of the hand
     m. the right hand L.
agrapāda agra-pāda m. fore part of the foot Śiś.
agrapūjā agra-pūjā f. highest act of reverence R.
agrapeya agra-peya n. precedence in drinking AitBr.
agrapradāyin agra-pradāyin mfn. offering first MBh.
agrapraśirṇa agra-praśirṇa mfn. broken at the top ŚBr.
agrabīja agra-bīja mfn. (said of plants) propagated by cuttings m. a viviparous plant.
agrabhāga agra-bhāga (or agrāṃśa) m. fore part, (in astron.) degree of amplitude L.
agrabhuj agra-bhuj mfn. having the precedence in eating TĀr.
     mfn. N. of the sun MBh.
agrabhū agra-bhū mfn. being at the top, at the head of.
agrabhūmi agra-bhūmi f. a goal L.
     f. the top-floor (of a house) Megh.
agramahiṣī agra-mahiṣī f. the principal queen R. Jain.
agramāṃsa agra-māṃsa n. the heart L.
     n. morbid protuberance of the liver.
agrayāna agra-yāna n. stepping in front to defy the enemy.
agrayāyin agra-yāyin mfn. going before, taking the lead, (ī) m. a leader Sāk.
agrayāvan agra-yāvan mfn. going before RV. x, 70, 2.
agrayodhin agra-yodhin m. the foremost man or leader in a fight
     m. a champion.
agralohitā agra-lohitā f. a kind of vegetable, similar to the spinage.
agravaktra agra-vaktra n. N. of a surgical instrument Suśr.
agravat agra-vat (agra-) mfn. being at the top TS.
agraśas agra-śas ind. from the beginning AV.
agrasaṃdhānī agra-saṃdhānī f. the register of human actions (kept by Yama) L.
agrasandhyā agra-sandhyā f. early down.
agrasara agra-sara mf (ī) n. going in front, taking the lead.
agrasānu agra-sānu m. the front part of a table-land L.
agrasārā agra-sārā f. a short method of counting immense numbers.
agrasūcī agra-sūcī f. point of a needle, Naish
agrasena agra-sena m. N. of Janamejaya's son.
agrahasta agra-hasta m. = -pāṇi
     m. the tip of an elephant's trunk Vikr.
     m. finger R.
agrahāyaṇa agra-hāyaṇa m. "commencement of the year", N. of a Hindū month (mārgaśīrṣa, beginning about the 12th of November).
agrahāra agra-hāra m. royal donation of land to Brāhmans
     m. land or village thus given MBh.
agrāṃśa = agrabhāga.
agrāṃśu m. the end of a ray of light, the focal point.
agrākṣan n. a side-look R.
agrāṅguli m. the finger-tip.
agrādvan mfn. having precedence in eating RV. vi, 69, 6.
agrānīka n. the front of an army, vanguard Mn. &c.
agrāyaṇīya n. title of the second of the fourteen oldest (but lost) Jaina books, called Pūrvas.
agrāśana mfn. eating before another (abl.) MārkP.
agrāsana n. seat of honour.
agrega agre-ga &c.; see agre below.
agretvan mf (arī) n. going in front AV.
agropaharaṇīya mfn. that which has to be first or principally supplied Suśr.

agratas ind. in front, before; in the beginning, first RV. x, 90, 7 VS.; (with gen.) before, in presence of.
agrataḥkṛ agrataḥ-kṛ to place in front or at the head, to consider most important.
agrataḥsara agrataḥ-sara mf (ī) n. going in front, taking the lead.

agrima mfn. being in front, preceding, prior, furthest advanced
     mfn. occurring further on or below (in a book cf. agre)
     mfn. the foremost RV. v, 44, 9
     mfn. eldest, principal L.
agrimā f. the fruit Annona Reticulata.

agriya mfn. foremost, principal RV.
     mfn. oldest, first-born RV. i, 13, 10
agriya m. elder brother L.
agriya mfn. (am) n. the first-fruits, the best part RV. iv, 37, 4 and probably ix, 71, 4.
agriyavat agriya-vat mfn.
agriyavat agriya-vat f. vatī (scil. ṛc), N. of the hymn Ṛig-veda ix, 62, 25, quoted in Lāṭy.

agrīya mfn. best L.
agrīya m. elder brother L.

agre ind. (loc.) see agra.
agrega agre-ga ([RV. ix, 86, 45]) ([TBr. &c.]) mfn. going in front or before.
agregā agre-gā ([TBr. &c.]) mfn. going in front or before.
agregū agre-gū mfn. (said of the waters) moving forwards VS. ŚBr.
agreṇī agre-ṇī m. a leader VS.
agretana agre-tana mfn. occurring further on, subsequently (in a book).
agredadhus agre-dadhus ([MaitrS.]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu or -didhiṣu) f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.
agredadhiṣu agre-dadhiṣu ([KapS.]) ([MBh. Gaut.]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu or -didhiṣu) f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.
agredidhiṣu agre-didhiṣu ([MBh. Gaut.]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu or -didhiṣu) f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.
agrepā agre-pā ([RV. iv, 34, 7 and 10]) ([VS. ŚBr.]) mfn. having the precedence in drinking.
agrepū agre-pū ([VS. ŚBr.]) mfn. having the precedence in drinking.
agrebhrū agre-bhrū ( bhram) m. wandering in front Pāṇ. 4, 40 Comm.
agrevaṇa agre-vaṇa n. the border of a forest (g. rājadantādi q.v.)
agrevadha agre-vadha m. hitting or killing whatever is in front VS.
agresara agre-sara mf (ī) n. going in front, preceding, best L.
agresarika agre-sarika m. a leader L.

agrya mf (ā) n. foremost, topmost, principal, best
     mf (ā) n. proficient, well versed in (with loc.)
     mf (ā) n. intent closely attentive m. an elder or eldest brother L.
agrya mf (ā) n. (ā) f. = tri-phalā q.v.
agrya n. roof L.
agryatapas agrya-tapas m. N. of a Muni Kathās.

agrabhaṇa a-grabhaṇa mfn. ( grabh = grah), having nothing which can be grasped RV. i, 116, 5.

agraha a-graha mfn. = mukhya (Comm.) MBh. iii, 14189 BR. propose to read agra-ha, destroying the best part
agraha a-graha m. non acceptance, a houseless man i.e. a Vānaprastha, a Brāhman of the third class L.

agrāhin a-grāhin mfn. not taking, not holding (said of a leech and of tools) Suśr.

agrāhya a-grāhya mfn. not to be conceived or perceived or obtained or admitted or trusted, to be rejected.

agrāhyaka a-grāhyaka mfn. not to be perceived, impalpable MBh.

agrāmya a-grāmya mfn. not rustic, town-made
     mfn. not tame, wild.

agrī m. a word invented for the explanation of agni ŚBr.

agru m. unmarried RV. v, 44, 7 and vii, 96, 4 AV.
agru f. a virgin RV. AV.
agru nom. pl. agruvas, poetical N. of the ten fingers RV.
     m. and also of the seven rivers RV. i, 191, 14 and iv, 19, 7
agru m. cf. Zend aghru.

agh cl.10.P. aghayati, to go wrong, sin L.

agha mfn. bad, dangerous RV.
     mfn. sinful, impure BhP.
agha m. N. of an Asura BhP.
agha mfn. (am) n. evil, mishap RV. AV.
agha m. sin, impurity Mn. &c.
agha m. pain, suffering L.
aghā f. pl. the constellation usually called Maghā RV. x, 85, 13.
aghakṛt agha-kṛt mfn. doing evil or harm, an evil-doer AV.
aghaghna agha-ghna mfn. sin destroying, expiatory m. "an expiator", N. of Viṣṇu.
aghanāsaka agha-nāsaka mfn. sin destroying, expiatory m. "an expiator", N. of Viṣṇu.
aghadeva agha-deva m. N. of a man Rājat.
aghamarṣaṇa agha-marṣaṇa mfn. "sin-effacing", N. of a particular Vedic hymn ([RV. x, 190]) still used by Brāhmans as a daily prayer Mn. Yājñ. Gaut.
aghamarṣaṇa agha-marṣaṇa m. N. of the author of that prayer, son of Madhucchandas
aghamarṣaṇa agha-marṣaṇa m. (plur.) his descendants Hariv. ĀśvŚr.
aghamāra agha-māra mfn. fearfully destructive AV.
agharud agha-rud mfn. "owling fearfully", N. of certain female demons AV.
aghavat agha-vat mfn. sinful
aghavat agha-vat mfn. ([voc. aghavan or aghos q.v.])
aghaviṣa agha-viṣa (agha.) mf (ā) n. fearfully venomous AV.
aghaśaṃsa agha-śaṃsa (agha-) mfn. wishing evil, wicked RV. TBr.
aghaśaṃsahan agha-śaṃsa-han m. slaying the wicked RV.
aghaśaṃsin agha-śaṃsin mfn. confessing sin R. Daś.
aghaharaṇa agha-haraṇa n. removal of guilt L.
aghahāra agha-hāra m. an outrageous robber SV. AV.
aghāśva mfn. having a bad or vicious horse RV. i, 116, 6
aghāśva mfn. (as) ([according to NBD. fr. agha + śvas]) m. N. of a snake AV.
aghāsura m. Agha, Kaṃsa's general BhP.
aghāhan n. inauspicious day SāṅkhŚr.
aghaughamarṣaṇa aghaugha-marṣaṇa mfn. destroying a whole mass of sins.

aghala mf (ā) n. fearful AV. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhBr.

aghāya Nom. P. aghāyati (part. -yat), to intend to injure, to threaten RV. AV.

aghāyu mfn. intending to injure, malicious RV. &c.

aghaṭamāna a-ghaṭamāna mfn. incongruous, incoherent.

aghana a-ghana mfn. not dense or solid.

agharma a-gharma mfn. not hot, cool.
agharmadhāman a-gharma-dhāman m. "having cool splendour", the moon.

aghāta a-ghāta m. no injury, no damage TBr.

aghātin a-ghātin mfn. not fatal, not injurious, harmless.

aghātuka a-ghātuka mfn. not injurious MaitrS.

aghārin a-ghārin mfn. not anointing AV.

aghāsaka a-ghāsaka mfn. without food or provisions.

aghṛṇa a-ghṛṇa mfn. incompassionate.

aghṛṇin a-ghṛṇin mfn. not contemptuous, not disdainful.

aghora a-ghora mfn. not terrific m. a euphemistic title of Siva
     mfn. a worshipper of Siva and Durgā
aghorā a-ghorā f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of Bhādra, which is sacred to Śiva.
aghoraghoratara a-ghora-ghoratara mfn. having a form both not terrific and terrific MaitrS.
aghoraghorarūpa a-ghora-ghora-rūpa m. "having a form or nature both not terrific and terrific", N. of Śiva MBh.
aghoracakṣus a-ghora-cakṣus (aghora-) mfn. not having an evil eye RV. x, 85, 44.
aghorapathin a-ghora-pathin m. a particular sect of Śaivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.
aghoramārga a-ghora-mārga m. a particular sect of Śaivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.
aghorapramāṇa a-ghora-pramāṇa n. a terrific oath L.

aghoṣa a-ghoṣa m. (in Gr.) "non-sonance, absence of all sound or soft murmur", hard articulation or effort as applied to the hard consonants and Visarga
aghoṣa a-ghoṣa mfn. soundless, hard (as the hard consonants).

aghos ind. voc. of agha-vat, O sinner! Pāṇ. 8-3, 1 Sch. see also Pāṇ. 8-3, 17 seqq.

aghnat a-ghnat mf (ati) n. ( han), not killing, not injurious RV.

aghnya a-ghnya (2, 3) (2, 3) m. "not to be killed", a bull, and (ā, ā) f. a cow RV. AV.; (aghnyā), said of a cloud RV. x, 46, 3.
aghnya a-ghnya (2, 3) m. "not to be killed", a bull, and (ā, ā) f. a cow RV. AV.; (aghnyā), said of a cloud RV. x, 46, 3.

aghreya a-ghreya mfn. ( ghra), improper to be smelled at Mn.

aṅk cl.1. (connected, with, añc) Ā. aṅkate, ānaṅke, aṅkiṣyate, aṅkitum, to move in a curve L.; cl.10.P. aṅkayati, to move in a curve L.; to mark, stamp, brand.

aṅka m. a hook RV. i, 162, 13, &c.
     m. part of a chariot (used in the dual) TS. TBr.
     m. a curve
     m. the curve in the human, especially the female, figure above the hip (where infants sitting, astride are carried by mothers hence often = "breast" or "lap")
     m. the side or flank
     m. the body
     m. proximity, place
     m. the bend in the arm
     m. any hook or crooked instrument
     m. a curved line
     m. a numerical figure, cipher, a figure or mark branded on an animal, &c.
     m. any mark, line, stroke, ornament, stigma
     m. a number
     m. the numbers one and nine
     m. a co-efficient
     m. an act of a drama
     m. a drama
     m. a military show or sham-fight
     m. a misdeed, a sin L. ([cf. Gk. [greek] and Lat. 'uncus']).
aṅkakaraṇa aṅka-karaṇa n. the act of marking or stamping.
aṅkakāra aṅka-kāra m. a champion chosen by each side to decide a battle Bālar.
aṅkakāra aṅka-kāra m. aṅkakārī-kṛ, to choose such a champion Bālar.
aṅkatantra aṅka-tantra n. N. of a book treating of magical marks or figures.
aṅkadhāraṇā aṅka-dhāraṇā f. manner of holding the body, figure ĀśvŚr.
aṅkaparivartana aṅka-parivartana n. turning the body, turning on the other side.
aṅkapādavrata aṅka-pāda-vrata n. N. of a chapter in the Bhavishyottara-Purāṇa.
aṅkapāli aṅka-pāli f. embracing, an embrace L.
aṅkapālikā aṅka-pālikā f. embracing, an embrace L.
aṅkapālī aṅka-pālī f. an embrace
     f. a nurse L.
     f. the plant (Piring) Medicago Esculenta.
aṅkapāśa aṅka-pāśa m. a peculiar concatenation of numerals or numbers.
aṅkapāśavyavahāra aṅka-pāśa-vyavahāra m. the use of that concatenation.
aṅkapāśādhyāya aṅka-pāśādhyāya m. the study of that concatenation.
aṅkabandha aṅka-bandha m. branding with a mark (that resembles a headless body) Yājñ.
aṅkabhāj aṅka-bhāj mfn. (an infant) carried on the hip
aṅkabhāj aṅka-bhāj mfn. (forced fruit) nearly ripe, early ripe Kir.
aṅkabhāj aṅka-bhāj mfn. near one's side, in one's possession, close at hand, easy of attainment.
aṅkamukha aṅka-mukha n. introductory act of a drama giving a clue to the whole plot.
aṅkaloḍya aṅka-loḍya m. ginger, Ciñcoḍa or Ciñcoṭaka.
aṅkavidyā aṅka-vidyā f. science of numbers, arithmetic.
aṅkāṅka n. water VS.
aṅkāvatāra m. the close of a dramatic act (preparing the audience for the following one).

aṅkati m. wind L.
     m. fire L.
     m. Brahmā L.
     m. a Brāhman who maintains the sacred fire L.
     m. N. of a teacher of the Sāma-veda.

aṅkana n. the act of marking, stamping, branding, ciphering, writing
aṅkana mfn. marking.

aṅkas n. a curve or bend RV. iv, 40, 4; cf. Gk. [greek]

aṅkasa n. the flanks or the trappings of a horse RV. iv, 40, 3.

aṅkita mfn. marked, branded
     mfn. numbered, counted, calculated.

aṅkin mfn. possessing a hook RV. iii, 45, 4 AV. &c., (ī) m. a small drum L.
aṅkinī f. a number of marks, (g. khalādi q.v.)

aṅkī f. a small drum L.

aṅkuṭa m. a key L.
aṅkuḍaka m. a key L.

aṅkupa n. water VS.

aṅkura m. a sprout, shoot, blade, a swelling, a tumour Suśr.
     m. a hair L.
     m. blood L.
     m. water L.

aṅkuraka m. a nest L.

aṅkurita mfn. sprouted.

aṅkuśa mn. a hook, especially an elephant-driver's hook
aṅkuśa mn. (ā) or (ī) f. one of the twenty-four Jaina goddesses L. ([cf. Gk. [greek]; Germ. 'Angel']).
aṅkuśagraha aṅkuśa-graha m. an elephant-driver.
aṅkuśadurdhara aṅkuśa-durdhara m. a restive elephant.

aṅkuśita mfn. urged on by the hook.

aṅkuśin mfn. having a hook, laying hold of with a hook RV. x, 34, 7.

aṅkūyat mfn. (fr. a Nom. aṅkūya, related to aṅka, ) moving tortuously (to escape) RV. vi, 15, 17.

aṅkūra m. a sprout L. see aṅkura.

aṅkūṣa mn. an ichneumon Uṇ. Comm.
aṅkūṣa mn. cf. aṅgūṣa.

aṅkya mfn. fit or proper to be marked or counted m. a small drum ([cf. aṅki]) L.

aṅkāra m.? diminution in music L.

aṅkoṭa aṅkoṭha, aṅkola, aṅkolla, aṅkolaka m. the plant Alangium Hexapetalum.
aṅkollasāra aṅkolla-sāra m. "essence of Aṅkolla", a poison prepared from the plant Aṅkolla, &c.

aṅkolikā f. (a corruption of aṅka-pālikā q.v.), an embrace L.

aṅktvā ind. p. ( añj), having besmeared Pāṇ. 7-2, 62 Sch.

aṅkh cl.10.P. (p. aṅkhayat), to stir up, mix ŚBr.

aṅg cl.1.P. aṅgati, ānaṅga, aṅgitum, to go (cf. ag); cl.10. P. aṅgayati, to mark (cf. aṅk) L.

aṅgana n. walking L.
     n. "place to walk in", yard
aṅgana n. see s.v.

aṅga ind. a particle implying attention, assent or desire, and sometimes impatience, it may be rendered, by well; indeed, true, please, rather quick; kim aṅga, how much rather!

aṅgī (for aṅga in comp. with 1. kṛ and its derivatives).
aṅgīkaraṇa aṅgī-karaṇa n. act of taking the side of, assenting, agreeing, promising.
aṅgīkāra aṅgī-kāra m. agreement, promise.
aṅgīkṛ aṅgī-kṛ to take the side of; to agree to, assent, promise, confess.
aṅgīkṛta aṅgī-kṛta mfn. agreed to, promised.
aṅgīkṛti aṅgī-kṛti f. agreement, promise.

aṅga n. ( am Uṇ.), a limb of the body
     n. a limb, member
     n. the body
     n. a subordinate division or department, especially of a science, as the six Vedāṅgas
     n. hence the number six
     n. N. of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas
     n. a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five, viz. 1. karmaṇām ārambhopāyaḥ, means of commencing operations; 2. puruṣa-dravya-sampad, providing men and materials; 3. deśa-kāla-vibhāga, distribution of place and time; 4. vipatti-pratīkāra, counter-action of disaster; 5. kārya-siddhi, successful accomplishment; whence mantra is said to be pañcāṅga)
     n. any subdivision, a supplement
aṅga n. (in Gr.) the base of a word, but in the strong cases only Pāṇ. 1-4, 13 seqq.
     n. anything inferior or secondary, anything immaterial or unessential, see aṅga-tā
aṅga n. (in rhetoric) an illustration
aṅga n. (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters
     n. an expedient
     n. a mental organ, the mind L.
aṅga m. sg. or m. pl. N. of Bengal proper or its inhabitants
aṅga m. (sg.), N. of a king of Aṅga
aṅga m. (mfn.), having members or divisions L.
aṅga m. contiguous L.
aṅgakartana aṅga-kartana n. cutting off a limb.
aṅgakarman aṅga-karman n. a supplementary sacrificial act.
aṅgakriyā aṅga-kriyā f. a supplementary sacrificial act.
aṅgakaṣāya aṅga-kaṣāya m. the essence of the body (said of, the semen virile) ŚBr.
aṅgagraha aṅga-graha m. "limb-seizure", spasm Suśr.
aṅgaja aṅga-ja mfn. produced from or on the body, ornamental L.
     mfn. produced by a supplementary ceremony m. a son L.
     mfn. hair of the head L.
     mfn. the god of love L.
     mfn. intoxicating passion L.
     mfn. drunkenness L.
     mfn. a disease L.
aṅgajā aṅga-jā f. a daughter
aṅgaja aṅga-ja n. blood.
aṅgajanus aṅga-janus m. a son.
aṅgajāta aṅga-jāta mfn. produced from or on the body
     mfn. ornamental
     mfn. produced by a supplementary ceremony.
aṅgajvara aṅga-jvara mfn. causing fever AV.
aṅgatā aṅga-tā f. a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential.
aṅgatva aṅga-tva n. a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential.
aṅgada aṅga-da m. N. of a brother of Rāma
     m. of a son of Gada
     m. of an ape, son of Bālin
aṅgadā aṅga-dā f. the female elephant of the south
aṅgada aṅga-da n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm.
aṅgadvīpa aṅga-dvīpa m. one of the six minor Dvīpas.
aṅganyāsa aṅga-nyāsa m. ceremony of touching certain parts of the body.
aṅgapāli aṅga-pāli f. an embrace L.
aṅgapāli aṅga-pāli f. see aṅka-pāli.
aṅgaprāyaścitta aṅga-prāyaścitta n. expiation of bodily impurity, especially that arising from death in a family.
aṅgabhū aṅga-bhū m. son Śiś.
aṅgabheda aṅga-bheda mfn. causing rheumatism AV.
aṅgamarda aṅga-marda m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
aṅgamarda aṅga-marda. ; aṅgamarda also rheumatism Car.
aṅgamardaka aṅga-mardaka m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
aṅgamardaka aṅga-mardaka. ; aṅgamarda also rheumatism Car.
aṅgamardin aṅga-mardin m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
aṅgamardin aṅga-mardin m. aṅgamarda also rheumatism Car.
aṅgamarṣa aṅga-marṣa m. pain in the limbs, rheumatism,
aṅgamarṣapraśamana aṅga-marṣa-praśamana n. alleviation of rheumatism.
aṅgamejayatva aṅga-m-ejayatva (aṅgam-ej-) n. the trembling of the body Yogas.
aṅgayaṣṭi aṅga-yaṣṭi f. a slender form, fairy-figure.
aṅgayāga aṅga-yāga m. a subordinate sacrificial act.
aṅgarakta aṅga-rakta m. the plant Guṇḍārocanī.
aṅgarakṣaṇī aṅga-rakṣaṇī f. "body protector", a coat of mail L.
aṅgarakṣiṇī aṅga-rakṣiṇī f. "body protector", a coat of mail L.
aṅgarāga aṅga-rāga m. application of unguents or cosmetics to the body (especially after bathing)
     m. scented cosmetic.
aṅgarāj aṅga-rāj m. N. of Karṇa, king of Aṅga.
aṅgarāja aṅga-rāja m. N. of Karṇa, king of Aṅga.
aṅgarājya aṅga-rājya n. kingdom of Aṅga.
aṅgaruha aṅga-ruha mfn. "growing on the body", hair, wool, down, &c.
aṅgalipi aṅga-lipi f. written character of Aṅga.
aṅgaloka aṅga-loka m. the Country Aṅga.
aṅgaloḍya aṅga-loḍya m. a sort of grass
     m. ginger, or its root.
aṅgavākpāṇimat aṅga-vāk-pāṇi-mat mfn. possessing mind (?), speech, and hands.
aṅgavikṛti aṅga-vikṛti f. change of bodily appearance, collapse
     f. fainting apoplexy.
aṅgavikṣepa aṅga-vikṣepa m. gesticulation
     m. movement of the limbs and arms a kind of dance.
aṅgavidyā aṅga-vidyā f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body, Chiromantia Mn. vi, 50, &c.
aṅgavaikṛta aṅga-vaikṛta n. a wink, nod, sign.
aṅgaśas aṅga-śas ind. into parts ŚBr.
aṅgasaṃskāra aṅga-saṃskāra m. embellishment of person bathing, perfuming and adorning the body.
aṅgasaṃskriyā aṅga-saṃskriyā f. embellishment of person bathing, perfuming and adorning the body.
aṅgasaṃhati aṅga-saṃhati f. compactness of limb, symmetry of body.
aṅgasaṃhitā aṅga-saṃhitā f. the Saṃhitā or phonetic relation between consonants and vowels in the body of a word TS. Prāt.
aṅgasaṅga aṅga-saṅga m. "bodily contact", coition L.
aṅgaskandha aṅga-skandha m. a subdivision of a science.
aṅgasparśa aṅga-sparśa m. bodily contact.
aṅgahāra aṅga-hāra ([Kathās.]) ([L.]) m. gesticulation.
aṅgahāri aṅga-hāri ([L.]) m. gesticulation.
aṅgahīna aṅga-hīna mfn. limbless, mutilated
     mfn. incorporeal
aṅgahīna aṅga-hīna m. Kāmadeva.
aṅgāṅgi ind. jointly or reciprocally, related as one limb to another or to the body.
aṅgāṅgitā aṅgāṅgi-tā f. mutual relation or correlation as between the limbs, or a limb and the body, or between subordinate and the principal, or principal and accessory.
aṅgāṅgibhāva m. correlation between the limbs of a body
     m. the mutual relation or correlation of the different limbs or members of anything, as in a simile or comparison between the principal parts or features of any object and those of the thing compared to it.
aṅgādhipa m. Karṇa, the king of Aṅga.
aṅgānukūla mfn. agreeable to the body Megh.
aṅgānulepana n. anointing the body.
aṅgāpūrva n. effect of a secondary sacrificial act L.
aṅgeśvara m. the king of Aṅga.
aṅgeṣṭhā aṅge-ṣṭhā mfn. situated in a member or in the body AV.
aṅgoñcha m. a towel L.
aṅgoñchana n. a towel L.

aṅgaka n. a limb, member, body
aṅgikā f. a bodice, a jacket L.

aṅgin mfn. having limbs, corporeal, having subordinate parts, principal
     mfn. having expedients.

aṅgīya mfn. relating to the Aṅga country, (g. gahādi q.v.)

aṅgya (3) mfn. belonging to the limbs RV. i, 191, 7.

aṅgaṇa n. see aṅgana.

aṅgati m. ( ag), fire L.
     m. a Brāhman who maintains a sacred fire L.
     m. Brahmā L.
     m. Viṣṇu L.
aṅgati m. cf. aṅkati.

aṅgana n. ( aṅg q.v.), the act of walking L.
aṅgana n. place to walk in, yard, court, area
aṅganā f. "a woman with well-rounded limbs", any woman or female
aṅgana f. (in astron.) Virgo
aṅgana f. the female elephant of the north.
aṅganāgaṇa aṅganā-gaṇa m. a number of women.
aṅganājana aṅganā-jana m. a female person.
aṅganāpriya aṅganā-priya m. "dear to women", N. of the tree Jonesia Asoca.

aṅgaṇa n. a yard, court, area.

aṅgabha m. a kind of rice L.

aṅgava m. dried fruit L.

aṅgas n. ( aṅj Uṇ.), a bird L.

aṅgāra m. (rarely) n. ( ag or aṅg Uṇ. cf. agni), charcoal, either heated or not heated
aṅgāra m. the planet Mars
aṅgāra m. N. of a prince of the Maruts Hariv.
aṅgāra m. the plant Hitāvalī
aṅgāra m. pl. N. of a people and country VP. ([cf. Lith. 'angli-s'; Russ. 'ugolj'; also Germ. 'Kohle'; Old Germ. 'col' and 'colo'; Eng. 'coal']).
aṅgārakārin aṅgāra-kārin ([Hpar.]) m. charcoal-burner.
aṅgārakṛt aṅgāra-kṛt ([Hpar.]) m. charcoal-burner.
aṅgārakuṣṭhaka aṅgāra-kuṣṭhaka m. the plant Hitāvalī.
aṅgāradhānī aṅgāra-dhānī f. a portable fire-place.
aṅgāradhānikā aṅgāra-dhānikā f. a portable fire-place.
aṅgāraparipācita aṅgāra-paripācita n. roasted food.
aṅgāraparṇa aṅgāra-parṇa m. N. of Citraratha, chief of the Gandharvas MBh.
aṅgāraparṇī aṅgāra-parṇī f. Clerodendron Siphonanthus.
aṅgārapātrī aṅgāra-pātrī f. a portable fire-place.
aṅgārapuṣpa aṅgāra-puṣpa m. the plant Iṅgudi (vulg. Ingua).
aṅgāramañjarī aṅgāra-mañjarī f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella.
aṅgāramañjī aṅgāra-mañjī f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella.
aṅgāravallarī aṅgāra-vallarī f. (various plants), Galedupa Arborea
aṅgāravallarī aṅgāra-vallarī. ; Ovieda Verticallata
aṅgāravallarī aṅgāra-vallarī. ; Bhārgī
aṅgāravallarī aṅgāra-vallarī. ; Guñjā.
aṅgāravallī aṅgāra-vallī f. (various plants), Galedupa Arborea
     f. Ovieda Verticallata
     f. Bhārgī
     f. Guñjā.
aṅgāraśakaṭī aṅgāra-śakaṭī f. a portable fire-place on wheels.
aṅgārasetu aṅgāra-setu m. N. of a prince, father of Gāndhāra.
aṅgārāvakṣayaṇa n. an instrument for extinguishing coals ŚBr. xiv.

aṅgāraka m. charcoal
     m. heated charcoal
     m. the planet Mars
     m. Tuesday
     m. N. of a prince of Sauvīra
     m. of a Rudra
     m. of an Asura Kathās.
     m. N. of two plants, Eclipta (or Verbesina) Prostrata, and white or yellow Amaranth
aṅgāraka n. a medicated oil in which turmeric and other vegetable substances have been boiled.
aṅgārakadina aṅgāraka-dina m. n. a festival of Mars on the fourteenth of the latter half of Caitra.
aṅgārakamaṇi aṅgāraka-maṇi m. coral (amber).
aṅgārakavāra aṅgāraka-vāra m. Tuesday.

aṅgārakita mfn. charred, roasted, burnt, (g. tārakādi q.v.)

aṅgāri f. a portable fire-place L.

aṅgārikā f. the stalk of the sugar-cane
     f. the bud of the Kiṃśuka or Butea Frondosa.

aṅgārita mfn. charred, roasted, (g. tārakādi, q.v.)
     mfn. "burnt", a kind of food not to be accepted by Jaina ascetics Jain.
aṅgāritā f. a portable fire-place L.
     mfn. a bud L.
     mfn. N. of a creeper L.
     mfn. of a river L.
aṅgārita n. the early blossom of the Kiṃśuka.

aṅgārin mfn. heated by the sun, though no longer exposed to its rays VarBṛS. ([generally f. (iṇī), scil. diś, the region just left by the sun])
     mfn. N. of a creeper.

aṅgārīya mfn. fit for making charcoal Pāṇ. 5-1, 12 Sch.

aṅgāryā f. a heap of charcoal, (g. pāśādi q.v.)

aṅgikā see aṅgaka.

aṅgir m. ( aṅg Uṇ.), N. of a Ṛiṣi, who received the Brahmavidyā from Atharvan, and imparted it te Satyavāha, the teacher of Aṅgiras MuṇḍUp.

aṅgira m. = aṅgiras RV. i, 83, 4 and iv, 51, 4 MBh. Yājñ. (cf. Gk. [greek].)

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aṅgiras m. N. of a Ṛiṣi, author of the hymns of RV. ix, of a code of laws, and of a treatise on astronomy (he is said by some to have been born from Brahmā's mouth, and to have been the husband of Smṛiti, of Śraddhā, of two daughters of Maitreya, of several daughters of Daksha, &c.; he is considered as one of the seven Ṛiṣis of the first Manvantara, as a Prajāpati, as a teacher of the Brahmavidyā, which he had learnt from Satyavāha, a descendant of Bharadvāja, &c. Among his sons, the chief is Agni, others are Saṃvarta, Utathya, and Bṛihaspati; among his daughters are mentioned Sinivālī, Kuhū, Rākā, Anumati, and Akūpārā; but the Ṛicas or Vedic hymns, the manes of Havishmat, and mankind itself are styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter, and a star in Ursa Major)
     m. N. of Agni MBh.
aṅgiras m. (asas) m. pl. descendants of Aṅgiras or of Agni (mostly personifications of luminous objects)
     m. the hymns of the Atharva-veda TS.
     m. priests who by using the magical formulas of those hymns protect the sacrifice against the effects of inauspicious accidents.
aṅgirastama aṅgiras-tama (aṅgiras-) mfn. having the luminous quality of the Aṅgirasas in the highest degree, said of Agni and of Ushas RV.
aṅgirasvat aṅgiras-vat ind. like Aṅgiras RV. VS.? (aṅgiras-vat) mfn. connected with or accompanied by the Aṅgirasas RV. VS.

aṅgirasa m. an enemy of Viṣṇu in his incarnation of Paraśurāma.

aṅgirasāmayana aṅgirasām-ayana n. a Sattra sacrifice.

aṅgī see 1. aṅga.

aṅguri or aṅgurī ([L.]) f. (for aṅguli, q.v.), a finger AV.; a toe (cf. an-aṅguri, pañcāṅguri, sv-aṅguri.)

aṅgurīya mn. a finger-ring.
aṅgurīyaka mn. a finger-ring.

aṅgula m. ( ag or aṅg), a finger
     m. the thumb
     m. a finger's breadth, a measure equal to eight barley-corns, twelve aṅgulas making a vitasti or span, and twenty-four a hasta or cubit
aṅgula m. (in astron.) a digit, or twelfth part
     m. N. of the sage Cāṇakya L.
aṅgulapramāṇa aṅgula-pramāṇa n. the measure or length of an aṅgula
aṅgulapramāṇa aṅgula-pramāṇa. ; (mfn.), having the length of an aṅgula.
aṅgulamāna aṅgula-māna n. the measure or length of an aṅgula
aṅgulamāna aṅgula-māna mfn. having the length of an aṅgula.

aṅgulaka ifc. = aṅgula i.e. so many aṅgulas or fingers long.

aṅguli or aṅgulī f. a finger; a toe; the thumb; the great toe; the finger-like tip of an elephant's trunk; the measure aṅgula.
aṅgulitoraṇa aṅguli-toraṇa n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (toraṇa), drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung.
aṅgulitra aṅguli-tra n. a finger-protector, a contrivance like a thimble (used by archers to protect the thumb or finger from being injured by the bowstring) R. &c.
aṅgulitravat aṅguli-tra-vat mfn. provided with it.
aṅgulitrāṇa aṅguli-trāṇa n. = -tra R.
aṅgulimukha aṅguli-mukha n. the tip of the finger Śiś.
aṅgulīmukha aṅgulī-mukha n. the tip of the finger Śiś.
aṅgulimudrā aṅguli-mudrā f. a seal-ring,
aṅgulimudrikā aṅguli-mudrikā f. a seal-ring,
aṅgulimoṭana aṅguli-moṭana n. snapping or cracking the fingers.
aṅguliveṣṭaka aṅguli-veṣṭaka m. a glove (?).
aṅguliveṣṭana aṅguli-veṣṭana n. a glove (?).
aṅguliṣaṅga aṅguli-ṣaṅga m. contact of the fingers
     m. act of fingering
aṅguliṣaṅga aṅguli-ṣaṅga mfn. sticking to the fingers.
aṅgulisaṃdeśa aṅguli-saṃdeśa m. snapping or cracking the fingers as a sign.
aṅgulisphoṭana aṅguli-sphoṭana n. snapping or cracking the fingers.
aṅgulīpañcaka aṅgulī-pañcaka n. the five fingers.
aṅgulīparvan aṅgulī-parvan n. a finger-joint.
aṅgulīsambhūta aṅgulī-sambhūta m. "produced on the finger", a finger nail.
aṅgulyagra aṅguly-agra n. the tip of the finger ŚBr.
aṅgulyādi aṅguly-ādi (aṅguli-) a g. of Pāṇ. 5-3, 108.

aṅgulīya n. a finger-ring
aṅgulīya. ; also aṅgulīka L.
aṅgulīyaka n. a finger-ring
     n. also aṅgulīka L.

aṅguṣṭha m. the thumb
     m. the great toe
     m. a thumb's breadth, usually regarded as equal to an aṅgula.
aṅguṣṭhamātra aṅguṣṭha-mātra mf (ī) n. having the length or size of a thumb.
aṅguṣṭhamātraka aṅguṣṭha-mātraka mf (ikā) n. having the length or size of a thumb.

aṅguṣṭhikā f. N. of a shrub.

aṅguṣṭhya m. belonging to the thumb (the thumb nail).

aṅgūṣa m. ( aṅg or ag), "moving rapidly", an ichneumon
     m. an arrow.

aṅgoṣin mfn. "resonant (?), praiseworthy (?)", N. of the Soma SV.

aṅgya see col.1.

aṅgh cl.1.Ā. aṅghate, ānaṅghe, to go, set out, set about, commence L.; to hasten L.; to speak hastily, blame L.
aṅgha (not in use, but equivalent to agha), evil, sin L.
aṅghāri m. "an enemy to sin or evil", N. of a celestial guard of the Soma VS. ([blazing T.])

aṅghas n. sin Hariv.

aṅghri m. a foot
     m. foot of a seat
     m. the root of a tree ([cf. aṃhri]).
aṅghrināmaka aṅghri-nāmaka m. a synonym of aṅghri, means always foot as well as root.
aṅghrināman aṅghri-nāman n. a synonym of aṅghri, means always foot as well as root.
aṅghripa aṅghri-pa m. (drinking with the foot or root), a tree.
aṅghriparṇī aṅghri-parṇī f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.
aṅghrivalli aṅghri-valli f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.
aṅghrivallikā aṅghri-vallikā f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.
aṅghripāna aṅghri-pāna mfn. sucking the foot or toes (as an infant) L.
aṅghriskandha aṅghri-skandha m. the ancle.

ac (connected with añc q.v.) cl.1.P. Ā. acati, añcati, -te, ānañca, -ce, to go, move, tend; to honour; to make round or curved; to request, ask L.; to speak indistinctly L. see 2. acita, aciṣṭu.

ac a technical term for all the vowels Pāṇ.
ajanta aj-anta mfn. ending in a vowel.

acakra a-cakra mfn. having no wheels
     mfn. not wanting wheels i.e. moving by itself RV.

acakṣus a-cakṣus n. a bad eye, no eye
acakṣus a-cakṣus mfn. blind.
acakṣurviṣaya a-cakṣur-viṣaya mfn. not or no longer within reach of the eyes, invisible.
acakṣuṣṭva acakṣuṣ-ṭva n. blindness.

acakṣuṣka a-cakṣuṣka mfn. destitute of eyes ŚBr. xiv
     mfn. blind.

acaṇḍa a-caṇḍa mfn. not of a hot temper, gentle, tractable
acaṇḍī a-caṇḍī f. a tractable cow.

acatura a-catura mfn. destitute of four, having less than four
     mfn. not cunning, not dexterous.

acandra a-candra mfn. moonless.

acapala a-capala mfn. not oscillating, not wavering, not fickle
     mfn. unmovable, steady.

acāpalya a-cāpalya n. freedom from unsteadiness.

acara a-cara or a-carat ([RV.]) mfn. immovable.

acarama a-carama mfn. not last, not least
     mfn. said of the Maruts RV. v, 58, 5.

acarmaka a-carmaka mfn. having no skin TS.

acala a-cala mf (ā) n. not moving, immovable
acala a-cala m. a mountain, rock
acala a-cala m. a bolt or pin
acala a-cala m. the number seven
acala a-cala m. N. of Śiva and of the first of the nine deified persons, called "white Balas" among the Jainas
acala a-cala m. of a Devarshi VP.
acala a-cala mf (ā) n. (ā) f. the earth
acala a-cala m. one of the ten degrees which are to be ascended by a Bodhisattva before becoming a Buddha.
acalakīlā a-cala-kīlā f. the earth.
acalatviṣ a-cala-tviṣ m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo.
acaladhṛti a-cala-dhṛti f. a metre of four lines, of sixteen short syllables each, also called Gītyāryā.
acalapura a-cala-pura n. N. of a town Jain.
acalabhrātṛ a-cala-bhrātṛ m. N. of a Brāhman from Oude, who became one of the eleven heads of Gaṇas among the Jainas.
acalamati a-cala-mati m. N. of a Māraputra.
acalaśreṣṭha a-cala-śreṣṭha m. chief of mountains.
acalādhipa m. "king of mountains", the Himālaya.
acalāsaptamī acalā-saptamī f. N. of a book in the Bhavishyottara-Purāṇa.

acāru a-cāru mfn. not pretty Pāṇ.

acit a-cit mfn. without understanding RV.
     mfn. irreligious, bad RV.
acit a-cit mfn. (the NBD. suggests to take a-cit as a f. "not-knowledge" Sāy. sometimes explains by ci, "neglecting the Agnicayana, irreligious"')
acit a-cit mfn. a-cit f. not-spirit, matter Sarvad.

acikitvas a-cikitvas ān, uṣī, at, not knowing, ignorant of. RV. i, 164, 6.

acitta a-citta mfn. unnoticed, unexpected
     mfn. not an object of thought
     mfn. inconceivable RV.
     mfn. destitute of intellect or sense.
acittapājas a-citta-pājas (acitta-) m. N. of two Ṛiṣis MaitrS. Kāṭh.
acittamanas a-citta-manas (acitta-) m. N. of two Ṛiṣis MaitrS. Kāṭh.

acitti a-citti f. want of sense, infatuation RV. AV.
acitti a-citti f. (figuratively said of) an infatuated man RV. iv, 2, 11 VS.

acita a-cita mfn. not heaped up.

acita mfn. ( ac), gone L.

aciṣṭu mfn. moving VS.

acitra a-citra mfn. not variegated, undistinguishable
acitra a-citra mfn. (am) n. undistinguishableness, darkness RV. iv, 51, 3 and vi, 49, 11.

acintā a-cintā f. thoughtlessness.

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acintita a-cintita mfn. not thought of, unexpected, disregarded.

acintya a-cintya mfn. inconceivable, surpassing thought MaitrS. &c.
acintya a-cintya m. N. of Śiva.
acintyakarman a-cintya-karman mfn. performing inconceivable actions.
acintyarūpa a-cintya-rūpa mfn. having an inconceivable form.

acira a-cira mfn. not of long duration, brief
     mfn. instantaneous, recent
acira a-cira mfn. (am, āt, eṇa) ind. not long, not for long
     mfn. not long ago
     mfn. soon, speedily
acirā a-cirā f. the mother of the Jaina saint Śānti.
aciradyuti a-cira-dyuti f. lightning.
aciraprabhā a-cira-prabhā f. lightning.
aciraprasūtā a-cira-prasūtā f. "having recently brought forth", a cow that has recently calved.
acirabhās a-cira-bhās f. lightning Śāk.
aciramṛta a-cira-mṛta mfn. recently deceased.
acirarocis a-cira-rocis f. lightning.
acirāṃśu m. lightning.
acirābhā f. lightning.

aciṣṭu see 2. acita.

acetana a-cetana mfn. without consciousness, inanimate
     mfn. unconscious, insensible, senseless, fainting, &c.

acetas a-cetas mfn. imprudent RV.
     mfn. unconscious, insensible.

acetāna a-cetāna mfn. thoughtless, infatuated RV. vii, 4, 7.

acaitanya a-caitanya n. unconsciousness
     n. insensibility, senselessness, want of spirituality, that which is destitute of consciousness, matter.

aceṣṭa a-ceṣṭa mfn. effortless, motionless.
aceṣṭatā a-ceṣṭa-tā f. loss of motion from fainting &c.

acodat a-codat mfn. ( cud), not driving or impelling RV. v, 44, 2.

acodas a-codas mfn. free from compulsion or external stimulus, spontaneous RV. ix, 79, 1.

accha a-ccha mfn. (fr. a + cha for chad or chaya, chad), "not shaded", "not dark, pellucid", transparent, clear
accha a-ccha m. a crystal L.
acchoda mfn. having clear water
acchodā f. N. of a river
acchoda n. N. of a lake in the Himālaya formed by the river Acchodā.

acchāya a-cchāya mfn. without shadow, casting no shadow RV. x, 27, 14 ŚBr. xiv.

accha m. (corruption of ṛkṣa), a bear.
acchabhalla accha-bhalla m. a bear Bālar. (cf. bhalla).

accha (so at the end of a pāda), or usually acchā ind., Ved. to, towards (governing acc. and rarely the locative). It is a kind of separable preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, as in the following.

acchāi acchā-i to attain, go towards RV. &c.
acchāgam acchā-gam to attain, go towards RV. &c.
acchācar acchā-car to attain, go towards RV. &c.

acchādru acchā-dru to run near RV. iii, 14, 3.

acchādhanv acchā-dhanv to run towards RV. iii, 53, 4.

acchānakṣ acchā-nakṣ to go towards, approach RV. vi, 22, 5.

acchānaś acchā-naś to come near RV.

acchānī acchā-nī to lead towards or to RV.

acchānu acchā-nu to call out to, to cheer RV.

acchāpat acchā-pat ([ŚBr.]) and Caus. P. -patayati ([RV. v, 45, 9]), to fly towards.

acchābrū acchā-brū to invite to come near PBr.

acchāyā acchā-yā to approach RV. TS.
acchayā accha-yā to approach RV. TS.

acchāvac acchā-vac to invite RV.

acchāvāka acchā-vāka m. "the inviter", title of a particular priest or Ṛitvij, one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the Soma juice.

acchāvākīya mfn. referring to the acchāvāa
     mfn. containing the word acchāvāka Pāṇ. 5-2, 59 Sch.
acchāvākīya n. the state or work of the acchāvāka Pāṇ. 5-1, 135 Sch.

acchāvañc acchā-vañc Pass. -vacyate, to extend itself towards, to go towards RV. i, 142, 4.

acchāvad acchā-vad to salute RV. &c.

acchāvṛt acchā-vṛt (Opt. Ā. 1. sg. -vavṛtīya), to cause to come near RV. i, 186, 10.

acchāsṛ acchā-sṛ to flow near RV. ix, 92, 2.

acchāsyand acchā-syand Caus. to flow near (aor. -asiṣyadat) RV. ix, 81,2: Intens. to cause to flow near (part. nom. sg. m. -saniṣyadat) RV. ix, 110, 4.

accheta mfn. approached, attained VS.

acchetya mfn. to be approached ĀpŚr.

acchokti f. invitation RV.

acchidra a-cchidra mfn. free from clefts or flaws, unbroken, uninterrupted, uninjured
acchidra a-cchidra n. unbroken or uninjured condition, an action free from defect or flaw
acchidra a-cchidra mfn. (eṇa) ind. uninterruptedly, without break from first to last.
acchidrakāṇḍa a-cchidra-kāṇḍa n. N. of a chapter of the Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa.
acchidroti mfn. affording perfect protection RV. i, 145, 3.
acchidrodhnī f. (a cow) having a faultless udder RV. x, 133, 7.

acchidyamāna a-cchidyamāna mfn. uncut, uncurtailed AV.
     mfn. not fragile (a needle) RV. ii, 32, 4.

acchinna a-cchinna mfn. uncut, uncurtailed, uninjured
     mfn. undivided, inseparable.
acchinnapattra a-cchinna-pattra (acchinna-) mf (ā) n. (said of goddesses, of a bird, of an altar shaped like a bird), having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured RV. i, 22, 11 VS.; having uninjured leaves VS.
acchinnaparṇa a-cchinna-parṇa mfn. having uninjured leaves AV.

acchedika a-cchedika mfn. not fit or needing to be cut Pāṇ. 6-2, 155 Sch.

acchedya a-cchedya mfn. improper or impossible to be cut, indivisible.

acchuptā a-cchuptā f. N. of one of the sixteen Vidyādevīs of the Jainas.

acchūrikā or acchūrī f. discus, wheel BhP.

acyuta a-cyuta or a-cyuta mfn. not fallen; firm, solid; imperishable, permanent; not leaking or dripping; m. N. of viṣṇu; of Kṛiṣṇa; of a physician, the plant Morinda Tinctoria; N. of a gift to Agni ŚBr.
acyutakṣit a-cyuta-kṣit m. "having solid ground", N. of Soma VS.
acyutacyut a-cyuta-cyut mfn. shaking firm objects (said of the thunderer Indra) RV.
acyutacyut a-cyuta-cyut mfn. (said of a drum) AV.
acyutaja a-cyuta-ja m. pl. a class of Jaina deities.
acyutajallakin a-cyuta-jallakin m. N. of a commentator of the Amara-Kosha.
acyutadanta a-cyuta-danta m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called Ācyutadanti or Ācyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).
acyutanta m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called Ācyutadanti or Ācyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).
acyutapājas a-cyuta-pājas (acyuta-) m. N. of two Maharshis TĀr.
acyutamanas a-cyuta-manas (acyuta-) m. N. of two Maharshis TĀr.
acyutamūrti a-cyuta-mūrti m. N. of Viṣṇu.
acyutaruṣ a-cyuta-ruṣ f. inveterate hatred.
acyutavāsa a-cyuta-vāsa m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa
acyutavāsa a-cyuta-vāsa m. acyutāvasa id. T.
acyutasthala a-cyuta-sthala n. N. of a place in the Pañjāb MBh.
acyutāgraja m. (Viṣṇu's elder brother), Balarāma
     m. Indra.
acyutopadhyāya m. = acyuta-jallakin q.v.

aj cl.1.P. (defect., supplemented fr. vi), ajati, ājīt, ajitum, to drive, propel, throw, cast: Desid. ajijiṣati, to be desirous of driving ([cf. Gk. [greek]; Lat. 'ago']).

aja m. a drove, troop (of Maruts) AV.
     m. a driver, mover, instigator, leader
     m. N. of Indra, of Rudra, of one of the Maruts ([aja eka-pā RV., and aja eka-pāda AV.]), of Agni, of the sun, of Brahmā, of Viṣṇu, of Śiva, of Kāma (cf. 2. a-ja)
     m. the leader of a flock
     m. a he-goat, ram ([cf. Gk. [greek]; Lith. [lithuanian]])
     m. the sign Aries
     m. the vehicle of Agni
     m. beam of the sun (Pūṣan)
     m. N. of a descendant of Visvāmitra, and of Daśaratha's or Dīrghabāhu's father
     m. N. of a mineral substance
     m. of a kind of rice
     m. of the moon
aja m. pl. N. of a people RV. vii, 18, 19
     m. of a class of Ṛiṣis MBh.
ajā f. N. of Prakṛiti, of Māyā or Illusion see a-jā (s.v. 2. a-jā)
     m. a she-goat
     m. N. of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat Suśr.
ajakarṇa aja-karṇa m. a goat's ear
     m. the tree Terminalia Alata Tomentosa.
ajakarṇaka aja-karṇaka m. the Śāl-tree, Shorea Robusta.
ajakūlā aja-kūlā f. N. of a town of the Bodhis.
ajakṣīra aja-kṣīra n. goat's milk MaitrS.
ajakṣīra aja-kṣīra n. cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 63 Sch.
ajagandhā aja-gandhā f. "smelling like a he-goat", shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum.
ajagandhikā aja-gandhikā f. "smelling like a he-goat", shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum.
ajagandhinī aja-gandhinī f. a plant = aja-śṛngī q.v.
ajagara aja-gara m. ("goat-swallower"), a huge serpent, boa constrictor AV. &c.
     m. N. of an Asura
ajagarī aja-garī f. N. of a plant.
ajagallikā aja-gallikā f. "goat's cheek", an infantile disease.
ajajīvana aja-jīvana m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd.
ajajīvika aja-jīvika m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd.
ajatā aja-tā f. a multitude of goats
     f. the being a goat.
ajatva aja-tva ([TS.; cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 64 Sch.]) or
ajātva ajā-tva n. the being a goat.
ajadaṇḍī aja-daṇḍī f. a plant = brahmadaṇḍi.
ajadevatā aja-devatā f. pl. the 25th lunar mansion.
ajanāmaka aja-nāmaka m. "named Aja or Viṣṇu", a mineral substance.
ajapa aja-pa m. a goat-herd.
ajapatha aja-patha m. "goat's road", probably = aja-vīthī q.v.
ajapada aja-pada mfn. goat-footed.
ajapāda aja-pāda mfn. goat-footed.
ajapād aja-pād m. N. of the divinity called aja kapād.
ajapārśva aja-pārśva m. "having black sides like a goat", N. of Śvetakarṇa's son Rājīvalocana.
ajapāla aja-pāla m. a goat-herd VS.
     m. N. of Daśaratha's father.
ajababhru aja-babhru (aja-) n. said to be the father or origin of a medical plant AV. v, 5, 8.
ajabhakṣa aja-bhakṣa m. "goat's food", the plant Varvūra.
ajamāyu aja-māyu (aja-) m. bleating like a goat (a frog) RV. vii, 103, 6 and 10.
ajamāra aja-māra m. N. of a tribe or prince, (g. kurv-ādi, q.v.)
ajamīḍha aja-mīḍha m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns RV. iv, 43 and 44)
ajamīḍha aja-mīḍha. ; of a grandson of Suhotra
ajamīḍha aja-mīḍha. ; of Yudhiṣṭhira.
ajamīLha aja-mīLha m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns RV. iv, 43 and 44)
     m. of a grandson of Suhotra
     m. of Yudhiṣṭhira.
ajamukha aja-mukha mfn. goat faced
ajamukhī aja-mukhī f. N. of a Rākṣasī.
ajameru aja-meru N. of a place, Ajmīr (?).
ajamoda aja-moda m. "goat's delight", N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum.
ajamodā aja-modā f. "goat's delight", N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum.
ajamodikā aja-modikā f. "goat's delight", N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum.
ajarṣabha aja-rṣabha (ṛṣ) m. a he-goat ŚBr.
ajalambana aja-lambana n. antimony.
ajaloman aja-loman m. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens
ajaloman aja-loman n. goat's hair ŚBr. &c.
ajalomī aja-lomī f. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens
ajaloma aja-loma n. goat's hair ŚBr. &c.
ajavasti aja-vasti m. N. of a tribe, (g. gṛṣṭy-ādi and śubhrādi q.v.)
ajavasti aja-vasti m. pl. the members of that tribe, (g. yaskādi, q.v.)
ajavāha aja-vāha m. N. of a district.
ajavīthī aja-vīthī f. "goat's road", N. of one of the three divisions of the southern path, or one of the three paths in which the sun, moon, and planets move, comprehending the asterisms mūla, pūrvāṣāḍha, and uttarāṣāḍha.
ajaśṛṅgī aja-śṛṅgī f. "goat's horn", the shrub Odina Wodier, used as a charm and as a remedy for sore eyes AV. (its fruit resembles a goat's horn).
ajastunda aja-stunda n. N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-1, 155.
ajahā aja-hā f. = a-jaḍā q.v.
     f. the Plant Ālkuśī T.
ajākṛpāṇīya ajā-kṛpāṇīya mfn. like the goat and shears in the fable Pāṇ. 5-3, 106 Sch.
ajākṣīra ajā-kṣīra n. goat's milk ŚBr. &c.
ajākṣīra ajā-kṣīra n. cf. aja-kṣira.
ajāgala ajā-gala m. goat's neck.
ajāgalastana ajāgala-stana m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats, an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person.
ajājīva m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd.
ajātaulvali ajā taulvali m. N. of a Muni who lived on the milk of goats (an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out, g. śākapārthivādi q.v.).
ajāda m. "goat-eater", the ancestor of a warrior tribe Pāṇ. 4-1, 171
ajādanī f. a species of prickly night-shade.
ajādi a g. of Pāṇ. 4-I, 4.
ajāntrī f. the pot-herb Convolvulus Argenteus.
ajāpayas ajā-payas n. goat's milk.
ajāpālaka mfn. tending goats m. a goat-herd. L.
ajāvi m. pl. (ajāvayas ŚBr.) sg. goats and sheep, small cattle.
ajāvika n. sg. goats and sheep, small cattle.
ajāśva n. goats and horses Yājñ.
ajāśva m. Pūṣan or the Sun (having goats for horses) RV.
ajaikapād m. N. of Viṣṇu
     m. of one of the eleven Rudras
ajaikapād m. cf. 1. aja.
ajaiḍaka n. goats and rams, (g. gavāśvādi, q.v.)

ajaka m. N. of a descendant of Purūravas
     m. of a king of Magadha
ajaka m. (akā or ikā) f. a young she-goat
     m. a disease of the pupil of the eye (small reddish tumours compared to kids, protruding through the transparent cornea and discharging pus).
ajakājāta ajakā-jāta n. the above disease.

ajana &c. see s.v.
ajani &c. see s.v.
ajma &c. see s.v.

aja a-ja mfn. not born, existing from all eternity
aja a-ja m. N. of the first uncreated being RV. AV.
aja a-ja m Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva, Kāma
ajā a-jā f. N. of Prakṛiti, Māyā or Illusion (see also 1. aja and 1. ajana).

ajakava m. Śiva's bow L.

ajakāva mfn. N. of a sacrificial vessel dedicated to Mitra and Varuṇa and (according to the Comm.) having an ornament similar to the fleshy protuberance called ajā-gala-stana q.v. ŚBr.
ajakāva mfn. (as or am) m. or n. a species of venomous vermin, centipede or scorpion RV. vii, 50, 1
ajakāva mn. Śiva's bow L.

ajagava m. Śiva's bow L.
     m. the southern portion of the path of the sun, moon, and planets
ajagava m. N. of a snake priest PBr.

ajagāva m. N. of a snake demon TāṇḍyaBr.
ajagāva m. cf. ājagāva
ajagāva n. Śiva's bow L.
ajagāva n. N. of the sacrificial vessel also called ajakāva (q.v.) ĀpŚr.

ajaghanya a-jaghanya mfn. not last
     mfn. not least.

ajaghnivas a-jaghnivas mf (a-jaghnuṣī) n. ( han), not having killed RV. viii, 56, 15.

ajaṭā a-jaṭā f. Flacourtia Cataphracta = ajaḍā and ajjhaṭā.

ajaḍa a-jaḍa mfn. not inanimate, not torpid, not stupid
ajaḍā a-jaḍā f. the plants Ajaṭā and Kapikacchu (Carpopogon Pruriens).
ajaḍadhī a-jaḍa-dhī mfn. of a vigorous mind, energetic.

ajathyā f. yellow jasmin.

ajana m. ( aj), "the instigator", Brahmā
ajana n. act of instigating or moving,
ajanayonija ajana-yoni-ja m. "born from Ajana", N. of Daksha.

ajani f. a path, road Nir.

ajana a-jana mfn. destitute of men
     mfn. desert
ajana a-jana m. an insignificant person.

ajanani a-janani f. (generally used in cursing), non-birth, cessation of existence
ajanani a-janani f. ajananir astu tasya, "may he cease to exist!" Pañcat.
ajanani a-janani f. cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 112.

ajanya a-janya mfn. improper to be produced or born
     mfn. unfit for mankind
ajanya a-janya n. any portent unfavourable to mankind, as an earthquake.

ajanta aj-anta mfn. see 2. ac.

ajapa a-japa m. ( jap), one who does not repeat prayers
     m. a reciter of heterodox works L.
ajapā a-japā f. the mantra or formula called haṃsa (which consists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations).

ajapa aja-pa m. see 1. aja.

ajambha a-jambha m. "toothless", a frog.

ajaya a-jaya m. non-victory, defeat
ajaya a-jaya mfn. unconquered, unsurpassed, invincible
ajaya a-jaya m. N. of Vishnu
ajaya a-jaya m. of a lexicographer
ajaya a-jaya m. of a river
ajayā a-jayā f. hemp
ajaya a-jaya m. N. of a friend of Durgā
ajaya a-jaya m. Māyā or Illusion.

ajayya a-jayya mfn. invincible, improper to be won at play.

ajara a-jara mfn. ( jṛṛ), not subject to old age, undecaying, ever young
ajarā a-jarā f. the plants Aloe Perfoliata and Jirṇapañjhi
     mfn. the river Sarasvati.
ajarāmara mfn. undecaying and immortal MBh.

ajaraka a-jaraka mn. indigestion.

ajarat a-jarat mfn. not decaying VS.

ajarayu a-jarayu mfn. not subject to old age RV. i, 116, 20.

ajaras a-jaras another form for a-jara, used only in some cases L.

ajarya a-jarya mfn. not subject to old age or decay ŚBr., not friable, not digestible
ajarya a-jarya n. friendship.

ajavas a-javas mfn. not quick, inactive RV. ii, 15, 6.

ajasra a-jasra mfn. ( jas), not to be obstructed, perpetual RV. &c.
ajasra a-jasra mfn. (am [gaṇa svar-ādi, &c.] or eṇa [RV. vi, 16, 45]), ind. perpetually, for ever, ever.

ajahat a-jahat mfn. (pr. p. 3 -hā), not dropping or losing (in comp.)
ajahatsvārthā a-jahat-svārthā f. a rhetorical figure (using a word which involves the meaning of another word previously used, as "white ones" for "white horses", "lances" for "men with lances").
ajahalliṅga ajahal-liṅga m. (in Gr.) a noun which does not drop its original gender, when used as an adjective.

ajā f. a she-goat. see 1. aja.

ajāgara a-jāgara mfn. not awake, not wakeful L.
ajāgara a-jāgara m. the plant Eclipta or Verbesina Prostrata.

ajāji or ajājī f. Cuminum Cyminum; Ficus Oppositifolia; Nigella Indica.

ajāta a-jāta mfn. unborn, not yet born, not yet developed.
ajātakakud a-jāta-kakud m. a young bull whose hump is yet undeveloped Pāṇ. 5-4, 146 Sch.
ajātapakṣa a-jāta-pakṣa mfn. having undeveloped wings.
ajātaloman a-jāta-loman mf (mnī) n. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.
ajātavyañjana a-jāta-vyañjana mfn. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.
ajātavyavahāra a-jāta-vyavahāra m. having no experience of business, a minor, a youth under fifteen.
ajātaśatru a-jāta-śatru (ajāta-) mfn. having no enemy; having no adversary or equal (Indra) RV.; (us) m. N. of Śiva, of Yudhiṣṭhira, of a king of Kāśī, of a son of Śamika, of a son of Vidmisāra or Bimbisāra (contemporary of Sākyamuni),
ajātānuśaya mfn. having no regret.
ajātāri m. having no enemy, Yudhiṣṭhira Śiś.

ajānat a-jānat mfn. (pr. p. jñā), not knowing, unaware.

ajāni a-jāni is ([AV.]),or a-jānika ([L.]) m. having no wife.

ajāmi a-jāmi mfn. not of kin, not related RV.
ajāmi a-jāmi mfn. (in Gr.) not corresponding Nir.
ajāmi a-jāmi n. "(co-habitation) not allowed between relations", incest RV.
ajāmitā a-jāmi-tā ([ŚBr.]) f. or -tva ([TBr.]) n. not uniformity, variation,

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ajāyamāna a-jāyamāna mfn. ( jan), not being born, not subject to birth VS.

ajikā f. see ajaka.

ajita a-jita mfn. not conquered, unsubdued, unsurpassed, invincible, irresistible
ajita a-jita m. a particular antidote
ajita a-jita m. a kind of venomous rat
ajita a-jita m. N. of Viṣṇu
ajita a-jita m. Śiva
ajita a-jita m. one of the Saptarshis of the fourteenth Manvantara
ajita a-jita m. Maitreya or a future Buddha
ajita a-jita m. the second of the Arhats or saints of the present (Jaina) Avasarpiṇi, a descendant of Ikṣvāku
ajita a-jita m. the attendant of Suvidhi (who is the ninth of those Arhats)
ajita a-jita m. pl. a class of deified beings in the first Manvantara.
ajitakeśakambala a-jita-keśa-kambala m. N. of one of the six chief heretical teachers (mentioned in Buddhist texts as contemporaries of Buddha).
ajitabalā a-jita-balā f. N. of a Jaina deity who acts under the direction of the Arhat Ajita.
ajitavikrama a-jita-vikrama m. "having invincible power", N. of king Candragupta the second.
ajitātman mfn. having an unsubdued self or spirit.
ajitāpīḍa m. having an unsurpassed crown
     m. N. of a king Rājat.
ajitendriya mfn. having unsubdued passions.

ajina n. (probably at first the skin of a goat, aja)
     n. the hairy skin of an antelope, especially a black antelope (which serves the religious student for a couch seat, covering &c.)
     n. the hairy skin of a tiger, &c. m. N. of a descendant of Pṛithu VP.
ajinapattrā ajina-pattrā f. a bat.
ajinapattri ajina-pattri f. a bat.
ajinapattrikā ajina-pattrikā f. a bat.
ajinaphalā ajina-phalā f. N. of a plant, (g. ajādi q.v.)
ajinayoni ajina-yoni m. "origin of skin", an antelope, deer.
ajinavāsin ajina-vāsin mfn. clad in a skin ŚBr.
ajinasandha ajina-sandha m. one who prepares skins, a furrier VS.

ajira mfn. ( aj), agile, quick, rapid, (am), ind. quickly RV. AV. VS.
ajira m. N. of a Nāga priest PBr.
ajirā f. N. of Durgā, of a river
ajira n. place to run or fight in, area, court R. &c.
ajira n. the body
ajira n. any object of sense, air, wind, a frog L.
ajiravatī ajira-vatī f. N. of the river on which the town Śrāvasti was situated Pāṇ. 6-3, 119 and vi, 1, 220 Sch.
ajiraśocis ajira-śocis (ajira.) m. having a quick light, glittering, N. of Agni, of Soma RV.
ajirādi a g. of Pāṇ. 6-3, 119.
ajirādhirāja m. "an agile emperor", death AV.

ajirāya Nom. Ā. ajirāyate, to be agile or quick RV. viii, 14, 10.

ajirīya mfn. connected with a court &c., (g. utkarādi q.v.)

ajihma a-jihma mfn. not crooked, straight
     mfn. honest, upright Mn. &c.
ajihma a-jihma m. a frog (perhaps for a-jihva) L.
ajihma a-jihma m. a fish L.
ajihmaga a-jihma-ga mfn. going straight
ajihmaga a-jihma-ga m. an arrow.
ajihmāgra mfn. having a straight point.

ajihva a-jihva mfn. tongueless
ajihva a-jihva m. a frog L.

ajīkava n. Śiva's bow L. see ajakava.

ajīgarta a-jīgarta m. "that has nothing to swallow", N. of a Ṛiṣi, Śunaḥśepha's father.

ajīta a-jīta mfn. ( jyā, usually jina), not faded, not faint AV. TS., &c.
ajītapunarvaṇya a-jīta-punarvaṇya n. "asking the restitution of an object which has in fact not been lost", N. of a twofold rite to be performed by Kshatriyas AitBr.

ajīti a-jīti f. the state of being uninjured RV. TS. &c.
ajīti a-jīti f. cf. a-jyāni.

ajīrṇay a-jīrṇay mfn. ( jṛṛ), not decomposed
     mfn. unimpaired
     mfn. undigested
ajīrṇay a-jīrṇay n. indigestion.

ajīrṇi a-jīrṇi f. indigestion L.

ajīrṇin a-jīrṇin mfn. suffering from indigestion.

ajīrti a-jīrti f. indigestibleness.

ajīva a-jīva mfn. lifeless.

ajīvat a-jīvat mfn. not living, destitute of a livelihood Mn.

ajīvana a-jīvana mfn. destitute of a livelihood AV.

ajīvani a-jīvani f. non-existence, death
ajīvani a-jīvani f. ajīvanis tasya bhūyāt, "may death befall him!" Pāṇ. 3-3, 112 Sch.

ajīvita a-jīvita n. non-existence, death.

ajugupsita a-jugupsita mfn. not disliked.

ajur a-jur mfn. ( jur), not subject to old age or decay RV. viii, 1, 2.

ajurya a-jurya (3; once 4 RV. vi, 17, 13) id. RV.
ajūryat a-jūryat mfn. not subject to old age RV. iii, 46, 1 and v, 42, 6.

ajuṣṭa a-juṣṭa mfn. not enjoyed, unsatisfactory RV.

ajuṣṭi a-juṣṭi f. non-enjoyment, feeling of disappointment RV.

ajetavya a-jetavya mfn. invincible.

ajeya a-jeya mfn. invincible
     mfn. N. of a prince MBh.
ajeya a-jeya n. N. of a kind of antidote.

ajoṣa a-joṣa mf (ā) n. not gratified, insatiable RV. i, 9, 4.

ajoṣya a-joṣya (4) mfn. not liked, not welcome RV. i, 38, 5.

ajjukā f. (in the drama) a courtezan.

ajjhaṭā f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta (= ajaṭā and ajaḍā).

ajjhala m. a burning coal.

ajña a-jña mfn. ( jñā), not knowing
     mfn. ignorant, inexperienced
     mfn. unconscious
     mfn. unwise, stupid.
ajñatā a-jña-tā f. ignorance.
ajñatva a-jña-tva n. ignorance.
ajñakā f. an ignorant woman Pāṇ. 7-3, 47.
ajñikā f. an ignorant woman Pāṇ. 7-3, 47.

ajñāta a-jñāta mfn. unknown
     mfn. unexpected
     mfn. unaware
ajñātam a-jñātam ind. without the knowledge of MBh.
ajñātakulaśila a-jñāta-kulaśila mfn. whose lineage and character are unknown,
ajñātaketa a-jñāta-keta (ajñāta-) mfn. having unknown or secret designs RV. v, 3, 11.
ajñātabhukta a-jñāta-bhukta mfn. eaten unawares Mn.
ajñātayakṣma a-jñāta-yakṣma m. an unknown or hidden disease RV. x, 161, 1 AV.
ajñātavāsa a-jñāta-vāsa mfn. whose dwelling is unknown.
ajñātaśīla a-jñāta-śīla mfn. whose character is unknown.

ajñātaka mfn. unknown, (g. yāvādi q.v.)

ajñāti a-jñāti m. not a kinsman, not related Mn.

ajñātvā a-jñātvā ind. not having known or ascertained.

ajñāna a-jñāna n. non-cognizance
     n. ignorance, (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance (or a power which, consisting of the three Guṇas sattva, rajas, and tamas, and preventing the soul from realizing its identity with Brahma, causes self to appear a distinct personality, and matter to appear a reality)
     n. Prakṛiti, Māyā, Illusion
ajñāna a-jñāna mfn. ignorant, unwise
ajñāna a-jñāna n. (āt) ind. unawares, ignorantly.
ajñānakṛta a-jñāna-kṛta mfn. done inadvertently.
ajñānatas a-jñāna-tas ind. unawares, inadvertently.
ajñānatā a-jñāna-tā f. ignorance.
ajñānatva a-jñāna-tva n. ignorance.
ajñānabandhana a-jñāna-bandhana n. the bond of ignorance.

ajñānin a-jñānin mfn. ignorant, unwise.

ajñās a-jñās mfn. having no kindred RV. x, 39, 6.

ajñeya a-jñeya mfn. unknowable, unfit to be known.

ajma m. ( aj), career, march RV. ([cf. Gk. [greek] ]).

ajman n. career, passage, battle RV. AV. [Lat. 'agmen'].

ajra m. a field, a plain RV. [Lat. 'ager'; Gk. [greek]: cf. ajira].

ajryā (3) mfn. being in or connected with a field or plain RV. x, 69, 6.

ajvin mfn. ( aj), active, agile, used in a sacrificial formula ĀśvŚr.

ajyāni a-jyāni f. the state of being uninjured AV. (cf. a-jīti)
ajyāni a-jyāni f. (ajyānayas) nom. pl. N. of certain offerings TBr., ApSr.

ajyeyatā a-jyeya-tā f. state of anything which is not to be hurt or overpowered ŚBr.

ajyeṣṭha a-jyeṣṭha mfn. not the oldest or best
ajyeṣṭha a-jyeṣṭha nom. pl. of which none is the eldest (the Maruts) RV. v, 59, 6 and 60, 5
ajyeṣṭha a-jyeṣṭha mfn. cf. a-kaniṣṭha.
ajyeṣṭhavṛtti a-jyeṣṭha-vṛtti mfn. not behaving as the eldest brother ([Mn. ix, 110]), or (ajyeṣṭha-vṛtti) behaving like one who has no elder brother.

añc (connected with ac q.v.) cl.1.P. Ā. añcati, -te, ānañca, -ce, añci-ṣyati, -te, añcitum, to bend, curve, incline, curl; to reverence (with inclined body), to honour; to tend, move, go, wander about; to request L.: cl.10. or Caus. añcayati, to unfold, make clear, produce. Desid. P. Ā. añciciṣati, -te, to be desirous of bending: Pass. añcyate or acyate, to be bent.

añc only ifc., turned to, going or directed towards; see akudhryāñc, avāñc, udañc, devadryañc, &c.

añca "curling" (of the hairs of the body, thrill of rapture), only at the end of romāñca q.v.

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añcati m. wind L.
     m. fire L.
añcatī f. wind L.
     f. fire L.

añcana n. act of bending or curving.

añcala m. (perhaps also am) n. the border or end of a garment, especially of a woman's garment, of a veil, shawl. (in Beṅgālī, a strip of country, district.)

añcita mfn. bent, curved, curled, arched, handsome
     mfn. gone, walked in
     mfn. reverenced, honoured
     mfn. distinguished.
añcitapattra añcita-pattra m. a kind of lotus with curved leaves.
añcitapattrākṣa añcita-pattrākṣa mfn. having lotus eyes.
añcitabhrū añcita-bhrū f. a woman with arched or handsome eyebrows.
añcitalāṅgūla añcita-lāṅgūla mfn. having a curved tail (as a monkey).

añj cl.7.P. Ā. anakti, aṅkte, ā nañja, añjiṣyati or aṅkṣyati, āñjīt, añjitum or aṅktum, to apply an ointment or pigment, smear with, anoint; to decorate, prepare; to honour, celebrate; to cause to appear, make clear RV. i, 92, 1; to be beautiful L.; to go L.: Caus. añjayat, āñjijat, to smear with; to speak; to shine; to cause to go L. ([cf. Lat. 'ungo']).

añjaka m. N. of a son of Vipracitti VP.

añjana m. a kind of domestic lizard L.
     m. N. of a fabulous, serpent
     m. of a tree Pañcat.
     m. of a mountain, of a king of Mithilā, of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter
añjanā f. N. of Hanumat's mother
     m. of Pravarasena's mother
añjana n. act of applying an ointment or pigment, embellishing, &c., black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids
añjana n. a special kind of this pigment, as lamp-black, Antimony, extract of Ammonium, Xanthorrhiza, &c.
añjana n. paint, especially as a cosmetic
añjana n. magic ointment
añjana n. ink L.
añjana n. night L.
añjana n. fire L. (In rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression, double entendre or pun, &c.
añjanakeśa añjana-keśa mf (ī) n. whose hair (or mane) is as black as pigment
añjanakeśa añjana-keśa mf (ī) n. (ī) f. N. of a vegetable perfume.
añjananāmikā añjana-nāmikā f. a swelling of the eyelid, stye.
añjanavat añjana-vat ind. like collyrium.
añjanāgiri añjanā-giri m. N. of a mountain.
añjanādhikā f. a species of lizard L.
añjanāmbhas n. eye-water.
añjanāvatī añjanā-vatī f. the female elephant of the north-east (or the west?) quarter.

añjanaka m. portion of a text containing the word añjana, (g. goṣad-ādi q.v.)
añjanakī f. N. of a medicinal plant.

añjanikā f. a species of lizard L.
     f. a small mouse L.
añjanikā f. cf. añjalikā.

añjanī f. a woman (fit for the application of ointments, pigments, sandal, &c.) L.
     f. N. of two medicinal plants.

añjala see and v. below.
añjali see and v. below.

añjas n. ointment, a mixture RV. i, 132, 2
     n. N. of a Sāman ĀrṣBr.
añjas n. (as) ind. quickly, instantly RV. BhP.
añjas n. see añjasā.
añjaḥsava añjaḥ-sava m. rapid preparation (of Soma) ŚBr. AitBr.
añjaspā añjas-pā mfn. drinking instantly RV. x, 92, 2 and 94, 13.

añjasa mfn. straight, straightforward, honest L.
añjasī f. N. of a heavenly river RV. i, 104, 4.

añjasā ind. straight on, right, truly, justly; quickly, soon, instantly.
añjasayana mf (ī) n. having a straight course, going straight on TS. AitBr.

añjasīna mfn. going straight on, straightforward RV. x, 32, 7.

añji mfn. applying an ointment or pigment RV.
     mfn. ointment, brilliancy RV.
     mfn. unctuous, smooth, sleek (membrum virile) VS.
añji m. a sender, commander Uṇ.
añjimat añji-mat mfn. coloured, bright, adorned RV. v, 57, 5.
añjisaktha añji-saktha mfn. having coloured thighs (a victim) VS.
añjisaktha añji-saktha mfn. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 199 Sch.
añjyeta añjy-eta mfn. black and white coloured TS.

añjiva mfn. slippery, smooth AV.

añjiṣṭha or añjiṣṇu m. "ighly brilliant", the sun L.

añjala only ifc. for añjali q.v.

añjali m. ( añj), the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to receive food; hence when raised to the forehead, a mark of supplication), reverence, salutation, benediction
     m. a libation to the Manes (two hands full of water, udakāñjali) VP. &c.
     m. a measure of corn, sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side, equal to a kuḍava.
añjalikarman añjali-karman n. making the above respectful salutation.
añjalikārikā añjali-kārikā f. an earthen figure (with the hands joined for salutation)
     f. the plant Mimosa Natans.
añjalipuṭa añjali-puṭa m. n. cavity produced in making the añjali salutation.
añjalibandhana añjali-bandhana n. salutation with the añjali raised to the forehead.
añjalīkṛta añjalī-kṛta mfn. placed together to form the añjali salutation.

añjalika mn. N. of one of Arjuna's arrows MBh.
añjalika f. a young mouse L.

añjika m. N. of a son of Yadu. see añjaka.

añjihiṣā f. (fr. Desid. of 1. aṃh), desire of going, ([-ṣāṃ cakre ( 1. kṛ)]) Bhaṭṭ.

añjī f. a blessing (?) T.

añjīra n. (a Persian word), a species of fig-tree (Ficus Oppositifolia)
     n. a fig. (In Beṅgāli) a guava.

aṭ cl.1.P. Ā. aṭati, -te, āṭa, aṭiṣyati, āṭīt, aṭitum, to roam, wander about (sometimes with acc.; frequently used of religious mendicants): Intens. aṭāṭyate, to roam or wander about zealously or habitually, especially as a religious mendicant: Desid. aṭiṭiṣati, to be desirous of roaming.

aṭaka mfn. roaming L.

aṭana mfn. roaming about VarBṛ.
aṭana n. act or habit of wandering about.

aṭani f. the notched extremity of a bow.
aṭanī f. the notched extremity of a bow.

aṭamāna m. N. of a prince BhP.

aṭavi f. "place to roam in", a forest.
aṭavī f. "place to roam in", a forest.
aṭavīśikhara aṭavī-śikhara m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

aṭavika better
āṭavika m. a woodman, forester.

aṭā f. the act or habit of roaming or wandering about (especially as a religious mendicant).

aṭāṭā f. (habit of) roaming or wandering about L.

aṭāṭyamāna mfn. roaming excessively.

aṭāṭyā f. (habit of) roaming L.

aṭāya Nom. Ā. aṭāyate, to enter upon a roaming life, to become a religious mendicant L.

aṭyā f. roaming about, one of the ten faults resulting from an excessive fondness for pleasure Mn. vii, 47.

aṭani see aṭ.

aṭaruṣa or aṭarūṣa or aṭarūṣaka m. the shrub Justicia Adhatoda.

aṭala a-ṭala mfn. not shaky, firm L.

aṭṭ cl.1.Ā. aṭṭate, ānaṭṭe, aṭṭitum, to exceed L.; to kill L.: cl.10. P. aṭṭayati, to contemn L.; to lessen, diminish L.

aṭṭa ind. high, lofty L.; loud L.; m. a watch-tower; a market, a market-place (corruption of haṭṭa); N. of a Yaksha Rājat.; over-measure L.; (a). f. overbearing conduct(?) Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Comm.; n. boiled rice, food L.; (mfn.), dried, dry L.
aṭṭapatibhāgākhyagṛhakṛtya aṭṭa-pati-bhāgākhya-gṛha-kṛtya n. business of the house called the market-master's department (an office in Kashmir) Rājat.
aṭṭasthalī aṭṭa-sthalī f. site of an aṭṭa (?), (g. dhūmādi q.v.)
aṭṭahasita aṭṭa-hasita n. loud laughter, a horse-laugh.
aṭṭahāsa aṭṭa-hāsa m. id.
     m. a name of Śiva
     m. of a Yaksha Kathās.
     m. of a mountain.
aṭṭahāsaka aṭṭa-hāsaka m. the shrub Jasminum Multiflorum or Hirsutum.
aṭṭahāsin aṭṭa-hāsin m. N. of Śiva.
aṭṭahāsya aṭṭa-hāsya n. loud laughter
     n. a horse-laugh.
aṭṭāṭṭahāsa aṭṭāṭṭa-hāsa m. very loud laughter.

aṭṭaka m. an apartment on the roof
     m. tower.

aṭṭaṭṭa ind. very high L.; very loud L.

aṭṭana n. a weapon shaped like a discus L.

aṭṭāya (Nom. fr. aṭṭā) Ā. aṭṭāyate, to be overbearing(?) Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Comm.

aṭṭāla or aṭṭālaka m. a watchtower; (ikā) f. a palace L.; N. of a country Rājat.

aṭṭālikākāra aṭṭālikā-kāra m. a bricklayer (son of a painter and a lascivious Śūdra woman) BrahmaP.

aṭṭālikābandham aṭṭālikā-bandham ind. (in the way that aṭṭālikās are formed) Pāṇ. 3-4, 42 Sch.

aṭṭilikā f. N. of a town Rājat.

aṭṇāra m. a king of Kosala ŚBr.

aṭyā f. see aṭ.

aṭh cl.1.P. Ā. aṭhati, -te, to go L.

aṭhida m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

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aṭhillā f. N. of a Prākṛit metre.

aḍ cl.1.P. aḍati, to endeavour L.

aḍakavatī N. of a fabulous palace on Meru; also of a city.

aḍḍ cl.1.P. aḍḍati, ānaḍḍa, aḍḍitum, to join L.; to infer, argue L.; to meditate, discern L.; to attack L.

aḍḍana n. a shield L.

aṇ cl.1.P. aṇati, āṇa, aṇitum, to sound L.: cl.4. Ā. aṇyate, to breathe, (another form of an q.v.; in this sense regarded in the Dhātu-pāṭha as a distinct root) L.

aṇaka mfn. insignificant, small, contemptible, (g. utkarādi q.v.)

aṇakīya mfn. connected with what is insignificant, &c. ib.

aṇavya n. a field of (aṇu) Panicum Miliaceum Pāṇ. 5-2, 4
aṇavya n. see aṇu.

aṇi m. the point of a needle or of a sharp stake L.
     m. linch-pin L.
     m. the pin or bolt at the end of the pole of a carriage L.
     m. the corner or part of a house L.
     m. a boundary L.
aṇī f. the point of a needle or of a sharp stake L.
     f. linch-pin L.
     f. the pin or bolt at the end of the pole of a carriage L.
     f. the corner or part of a house L.
     f. a boundary L.
aṇīmāṇḍavya aṇī-māṇḍavya m. N. of a Brāhman ascetic (said to have been impaled on an aṇi or point of a stake) MBh.

aṇiman m. (fr. aṇu q.v.), minuteness, fineness, thinness ŚBr. &c.
     m. meagreness
     m. atomic nature, the superhuman power of becoming as small as an atom, (aṇiman) n. the smallest particle ŚBr.

aṇiṣṭha mfn. (fr. aṇu q.v.), most minute.

aṇīyas an, as,, as (fr. aṇu q.v.), ([AV.]) mfn. more minute than usual.
aṇiyaska ([AV.]) mfn. more minute than usual.

aṇu mf () n. fine, minute, atomic
aṇu mf () n. (us) m. an atom of matter
     mf () n. "an atom of time", the 54675000th part of a muhūrta (of 48 minutes)
     mf () n. Panicum Miliaceum VS. ŚBr. xiv MuṇḍUP.
     mf () n. N. of Siva
aṇu mf () n. (aṇvī) f. "the subtle one", N. of the fingers preparing the Soma juice RV.
aṇu mf () n. (u) n. (in prosody) the fourth part of a mātrā
aṇu mf () n. (aṇu) ind. minutely ŚBr.
aṇutara aṇu-tara mfn. very fine or minute, gentle.
aṇutaila aṇu-taila n. N. of a medical oil.
aṇutva aṇu-tva n. minuteness, atomic nature.
aṇutā aṇu-tā f. minuteness, atomic nature.
aṇubhā aṇu-bhā f. lightning.
aṇumadhyabīja aṇu-madhya-bīja n. N. of a hymn.
aṇumātra aṇu-mātra mfn. having the size of an atom.
aṇumātrika aṇu-mātrika mfn. having the size of an atom
     mfn. containing the atomic elements (mātrā) of the body Mn. i, 56.
aṇureṇu aṇu-reṇu mf. atomic dust (as seen in sun-beams).
aṇureṇujāla aṇu-reṇu-jāla n. an aggregate of such atomic dust.
aṇurevatī aṇu-revatī f. the plant Croton Polyandrum.
aṇuvādin aṇu-vādin mfn. one who believes in and teaches atomism.
aṇuvedānta aṇu-vedānta m. title of a book.
aṇuvrata aṇu-vrata n. pl. N. of the twelve small duties or vows of the laymen adhering to the Jaina faith.
aṇuvrīhi aṇu-vrīhi m. a fine sort of rice L.
aṇuśas aṇu-śas ind. into or in minute particles.
aṇū (with bhū, &c.) see s.v.
aṇvanta aṇv-anta m. a hair-splitting question ŚBr.

aṇuka mfn. fine, minute, atomic
     mfn. clever, (g. yāvādi q.v.)
aṇuka n. an atom.

aṇū (for aṇu in comp. with bhū and its derivatives).
aṇūbhāva aṇū-bhāva m. the becoming an atom Nir.
aṇūbhū aṇū-bhū to become minute or atomic.

aṇva n. fine interstice or hole in the strainer used for the Soma juice RV.

aṇuha m. N. of a son of Vibhrāja MBh.

aṇṭh or aṭh cl.1.Ā. aṇṭhate, ānaṇṭhe, aṇṭhitum, to go, move, tend L.

aṇṭhita mfn. pained (?) Suśr.

aṇḍa n. (also m. L.) ([ am. Uṇ.]), an egg, a testicle
     n. the scrotum
     n. the musk bag
     n. semen virile L.
     n. N. of Śiva (from his being identified with the Brahmāṇḍa or mundane egg).
aṇḍakaṭāha aṇḍa-kaṭāha m. the shell of the mundane egg VP.
aṇḍakoṭarapuṣpī aṇḍa-koṭara-puṣpī f. the plant Convolvulus Argenteus (?).
aṇḍakośa aṇḍa-kośa m. the scrotum
aṇḍakośa aṇḍa-kośa. ; the mundane egg.
aṇḍakoṣa aṇḍa-koṣa m. the scrotum
aṇḍakoṣa aṇḍa-koṣa. ; the mundane egg.
aṇḍakoṣaka aṇḍa-koṣaka m. the scrotum
     m. the mundane egg.
aṇḍaja aṇḍa-ja mfn. egg-born
aṇḍaja aṇḍa-ja m. a bird L.
aṇḍaja aṇḍa-ja m. a fish L.
aṇḍaja aṇḍa-ja m. a snake L.
aṇḍaja aṇḍa-ja m. a lizard L.
aṇḍajā aṇḍa-jā f. musk.
aṇḍajeśvara aṇḍa-jeśvara m. "king of birds", Garuḍa.
aṇḍadala aṇḍa-dala n. egg-shell.
aṇḍadhara aṇḍa-dhara m. N. of Śiva.
aṇḍavardhana aṇḍa-vardhana n. swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele.
aṇḍavṛddhi aṇḍa-vṛddhi f. swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele.
aṇḍasū aṇḍa-sū f. oviparous.
aṇḍākarṣaṇa n. castration.
aṇḍākāra mfn. egg shaped, oval, elliptical
aṇḍākāra m. an ellipsis.
aṇḍākṛti mfn. egg-shaped, oval, elliptical
aṇḍākṛti f. an ellipsis.

aṇḍaka m. the scrotum
aṇḍaka n. an egg.

[Page 12,1]
aṇḍara mf (ī g. gaurādi q.v.) n. N. of a tribe, (g. bhṛśādi q.v.)

aṇḍarāya Nom. Ā. aṇḍarāyate, to behave like an Aṇḍara, (g. bhṛśādi q.v.)

aṇḍālu m. "full of eggs", a fish L.

aṇḍikā f. N. of a weight (= 4 yava) Car.

aṇḍīra m. a full male, a man L.
     m. strong L.

at ind. a prefix said to imply "surprise", probably a contraction of ati, meaning "extraordinary", (g. ūry-ādi, q.v.)
adbhuta ad-bhuta mfn. extraordinary
adbhuta ad-bhuta mfn. see s.v.

at cl.1.P. Ā. atati (Naigh.; p. atat or atamāna), to go constantly, walk, run RV.; to obtain L.

atana m. a passer on Nir.
atana n. act of passing on Nir.
atanavat atana-vat m. one who wanders Nir.

atasi atka. see s.v.

atajjña a-taj-jña (for a-tad-jña) mfn. not knowing that, i.e. Brahma and the soul's identity.

ataṭa a-taṭa mfn. having no beach or shore, precipitous Śāk.
ataṭa a-taṭa m. a precipice
ataṭa a-taṭa m. the third hell
ataṭa a-taṭa m. cf. atala.

atattvavid a-tattva-vid mfn. not knowing the truth i.e. the soul's identity with Brahma.

atattvārthavat a-tattvārtha-vat mfn. not conformable with the nature of truth

atathā a-tathā mfn. not saying tathā (yes), giving a negative answer RV. i, 82, 1.
atathocita a-tathocita mfn. not deserving of such (a fate), not used to this (with gen.)

atathya a-tathya mfn. untrue, unreal, not really so.

atad a-tad not that BhP. (cf. a-sa).
atadarha a-tad-arha mfn. not deserving that
atadarham a-tad-arham ind. undeservedly, unjustly.
atadguṇa a-tad-guṇa m. (in rhetoric) the use of predicates not descriptive of the essential nature of the object.

atanu a-tanu mfn. not thin, not small.

atanu a-tanu us, m. = an-aṅga N. of Kāma.

atantra a-tantra mfn. having no cords
     mfn. having no (musical) strings
     mfn. unrestrained
atantra a-tantra n. not the object of a rule or of the rule under consideration.

atandra a-tandra mfn. free from lassitude, alert, unwearied RV. AV.

atandrita a-tandrita mfn. id. Mn. &c.
atandrin a-tandrin mfn. id. Mn. &c.

atapa a-tapa ( tap) m. pl. a class of deities among the Buddhists.

atapas a-tapas mfn. one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities
atapas a-tapas. ; an irreligious character.
atapaska a-tapaska mfn. one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities
atapaska a-tapaska. ; an irreligious character.
atapasya a-tapasya mfn. one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities
     mfn. an irreligious character.

atapta a-tapta mfn. not heated, cool.
ataptatanū a-tapta-tanū (atapta-) mfn. whose body or mass is not prepared in fire, raw RV. ix, 83, 1.
ataptatapas a-tapta-tapas m. whose ascetic austerity has not been (fully) endured.

atapyamāna a-tapyamāna mfn. not suffering RV. i, 185, 4.

atamas a-tamas mfn. without darkness ŚBr. xiv.
atamāviṣṭa a-tamāviṣṭa (irregular contraction of a-tama-āviṣṭa) mfn. not enveloped in darkness MaitrUp.

atamisra a-tamisra mfn. not dark, not benighted.

atameru a-tameru mfn. not languid VS.

atarka a-tarka m. an illogical reasoner
     m. bad logic.

atarkita a-tarkita mfn. unconsidered, unthought of
     mfn. unexpected
atarkitam a-tarkitam ind. unexpectedly.

atarkya a-tarkya mfn. incomprehensible, surpassing thought or reasoning.
atarkyasahasraśakti a-tarkya-sahasra-śakti m. endowed with a thousand incomprehensible powers.

atala a-tala n. bottomless
     n. N. of a hell beneath the earth
atala a-tala m. N. of Śiva.
atalasparśa a-tala-sparśa mfn. whose bottom cannot be reached, bottomless.
atalaspṛś a-tala-spṛś mfn. whose bottom cannot be reached, bottomless.

atavyas a-tavyas ān, asī, as, not stronger, not very strong RV. v, 33, 1 and vii, 100, 5.

atas ind. (ablative of the pronom. base a, equivalent to asmāt), from this, than this; hence; henceforth, from that time; from this or that cause or reason.
ataūrdhvam ata-ūrdhvam ind. henceforth, afterwards.
ataeva ata-eva ind. for this very reason; therefore.
ataḥparam ataḥ-param ind. henceforth, further on.
atonimittam ato-nimittam ind. on this ground, for this reason.
atonya ato-'nya mfn. differing from this.
atortham ato-'rtham ind. for this object.

atasa m. ( at), wind, air L.
     m. the soul L.
     m. a (missile) weapon L.
     m. a garment made of the fibre of (atasī) flax L.
atasa m. (am) n. shrubs RV.
atasī f. common flax, Linum Usitatissimum
     m. Śaṇa, Bengal sun used as hemp, Crotolaria Juncea.

atasi m. ( at), a wandering mendicant RV. viii, 3, 13.

atasāyya (5) mfn. to be got by begging RV. i, 63, 6 and ii, 19, 4.

atasthāna a-tasthāna ( sthā) mfn. not suiting or fitting ŚBr.

atāpasa a-tāpasa mfn. not an ascetic ŚBr.

ati ind. ([probably neut. of an obsolete adj. atin, passing, going, beyond; see at, and cf. Old Germ. 'anti', 'unti', 'inti', 'unde', 'indi', &c.; Eng. 'and'; Germ. 'und'; Gk. [greek] Lat. 'ante'; Lith. 'ant'; Arm. 'ti'; Zd. 'aiti']). As a prefix to verbs and their derivatives, expresses beyond, over, and, if not standing by itself, leaves the accent on the verb or its derivative; as, ati-kram ( kram), to overstep, Ved. Inf. ati-krame, (fit) to be walked on, to be passed RV. i, 105, 16, ati-kramaṇa n. see s.v. When prefixed to nouns, not derived from verbs, it expresses beyond, surpassing, as, ati-kaśa, past the whip, ati-mānuṣa, superhuman, &c. see s.v. As a separable adverb or preposition (with acc.), Ved. beyond; (with gen.) over, at the top of RV. AV.
ati is often prefixed to nouns and adjectives, and rarely to verbs, in the sense excessive, extraordinary, intense; excessively, too; exceedingly, very; in such compounds the accent is generally on ati.
atikaṭhora ati-kaṭhora mfn. very hard, too hard.
atikatha ati-katha mfn. exaggerated
atikathā ati-kathā f. an exaggerated tale
atikatha ati-katha mfn. see also s.v.
atikarṣaṇa ati-karṣaṇa (for -karśana?) n. excessive exertion.
atikalyam ati-kalyam ind. very early, too early.
atikānta ati-kānta mfn. excessively beloved.
atikāya ati-kāya mfn. of extraordinary body or size, gigantic
atikāya ati-kāya m. N. of a Rākṣasa R.
atikiriṭa ati-kiriṭa (ati-) ([Comm.]) mfn. having too small teeth TBr.
atikirīṭa ati-kirīṭa ([Comm.]) mfn. having too small teeth TBr.
atikutsita ati-kutsita mfn. greatly despised.
atikulva ati-kulva (ati.) mfn. too bald VS.
atikṛcchra ati-kṛcchra m. extraordinary pain or penance lasting twelve days Mn. Yājñ.
atikṛta ati-kṛta mfn. over done, exaggerated.
atikṛśa ati-kṛśa (ati-) mfn. very thin, emaciated.
atikṛṣṇa ati-kṛṣṇa (ati-) mfn. very or too dark, very or too deep blue.
atikruddha ati-kruddha mfn. excessively angry.
atikrudh ati-krudh f. excessive anger Kathās.
atikruṣṭa ati-kruṣṭa (ati-) n. extraordinary cry or wailing VS.
atikhara ati-khara mfn. very pungent or piercing.
atigaṇḍa ati-gaṇḍa mfn. having large cheeks or temples
atigaṇḍa ati-gaṇḍa m. N. of the yoga (or index), star of the 6th lunar mansion.
atigandha ati-gandha mfn. having an overpowering smell
atigandha ati-gandha m. sulphur
atigandha ati-gandha m. lemon-grass (Andropogon Schaenunthes)
atigandha ati-gandha m. the Champac flower (Michelia Champaca)
atigandha ati-gandha m. a kind of jasmin.
atigandhālu ati-gandhālu m. N. of the creeper Putradātri.
atigarīyas ati-garīyas n. (compar. of ati-guru), a higher or too high price
atigarīyas ati-garīyas n. ati-gariyasā (instr.) krī, to buy too dear Daś.
atigarvita ati-garvita mfn. very conceited.
atigahana ati-gahana mfn. very deep
     mfn. very impenetrable.
gāḍha mfn. very important
     mfn. very intensive
gāḍham ind. exceedingly
     mfn. excessively.
atiguṇa ati-guṇa mfn. having extraordinary qualities.
atigupta ati-gupta mfn. closely concealed, very mysterious.
atiguru ati-guru mfn. very heavy.
atigo ati-go f. an excellent cow Pāṇ. 5-4, 69 Sch.
aticaṇḍa ati-caṇḍa mfn. very violent.
aticaraṇa ati-caraṇa n. excessive practice.
aticāpalya ati-cāpalya n. extraordinary mobility or unsteadiness.
aticira ati-cira mfn. very long
aticiram ati-ciram ind. a very long time
aticira ati-cira mfn. (asya) ind. for a very long time
aticira ati-cira mfn. (at) ind. at last.
atichattra ati-chattra m. a mushroom
atichattra ati-chattra. ; (ā) f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)
atichattra ati-chattra. ; the plant Barleria Longifolia.
atichattraka ati-chattraka m. a mushroom
atichattrakā ati-chattrakā f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)
     m. the plant Barleria Longifolia.
atijara ati-jara mfn. very aged Pāṇ. 7-2, 101 Sch.
atijaras ati-jaras mfn. very aged Pāṇ. 7-2, 101 Sch.
atijala ati-jala mfn. well watered.
atijava ati-java m. extraordinary speed
atijava ati-java mfn. very fleet.
atijāgara ati-jāgara mfn. very wakeful
atijāgara ati-jāgara m. the black curlew.
atijīrṇa ati-jīrṇa mfn. very aged.
atijīrṇatā ati-jīrṇatā f. extreme old age.
atijīva ati-jīva mfn. quite alive, very lively AV.
atiḍīna ati-ḍīna n. extraordinary flight (of birds) MBh.
atitapasvin ati-tapasvin mfn. very ascetic.
atitīkṣṇa ati-tīkṣṇa mfn. very sharp.
atitīvra ati-tīvra mfn. very sharp, pungent or acid
atitīvrā ati-tīvrā f. dūb grass.
atitṛṇṇa ati-tṛṇṇa mfn. seriously hurt.
atitṛpti ati-tṛpti f. too great satiety.
atitṛṣṇa ati-tṛṣṇa mfn. excessively thirsty, rapacious
atitṛṣṇā ati-tṛṣṇā f. excessive thirst.
atitrasnu ati-trasnu mfn. over timid.
atidagdha ati-dagdha mfn. badly burnt
atidagdha ati-dagdha n. N. of a bad kind of burn.
atidantura ati-dantura (ati-) mfn. whose teeth are too prominent TBr.
atidarpa ati-darpa m. excessive conceit
     m. N. of a snake
atidarpa ati-darpa mfn. excessively conceited.
atidarśin ati-darśin mfn. very far-sighted.
atidātṛ ati-dātṛ m. a very or too liberal man.
atidāna ati-dāna n. munificence
     n. excessive munificence.
atidāruṇa ati-dāruṇa mfn. very terrible.
atidāha ati-dāha m. great heat
     m. violent inflammation TS. &c.
atidīrgha ati-dīrgha (ati-) mfn. very long, too long,
atiduḥkhita ati-duḥkhita (or -duṣkhita) mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad.
atiduḥsaha ati-duḥsaha mfn. very hard to bear, quite unbearable.
atidurgata ati-durgata mfn. very badly off.
atidurdharṣa ati-durdharṣa mfn. very hard to approach, very haughty.
atidurlambha ati-durlambha mfn. very hard to attain.
atiduṣkara ati-duṣkara mfn. very difficult.
atidūra ati-dūra mfn. very distant
atidūra ati-dūra n. a great distance.
atidoṣa ati-doṣa m. a great fault.
atidhavala ati-dhavala mfn. very white.
atidhenu ati-dhenu mfn. distinguished for his cows Pāṇ. 1-4, 3, Comm,
atinidra ati-nidra mfn. given to excessive sleep
atinidrā ati-nidrā f. excessive sleep
atinidram ati-nidram ind. see s.v. (p. 14, col.2).
atinipuṇa ati-nipuṇa mfn. very skilful.
atinīca ati-nīca mfn. excessively low.
atipathin ati-pathin (nom. -panthās) m. a better road than common L.
atipada ati-pada mfn. (in prosody) too long by one pada or foot,
atiparokṣa ati-parokṣa mfn. far out of sight, no longer discernible.
atiparokṣavṛtti ati-parokṣavṛtti mfn. (in Gr.) having a nature that is no longer discernible i.e. obsolete.
atipātaka ati-pātaka n. a very heinous sin.
atipuruṣa ati-puruṣa (ati-) ([ŚBr.]) m. a first-rate man, hero.
atipūruṣa ati-pūruṣa (ati-) ([ŚBr.]) m. a first-rate man, hero.
atipūta ati-pūta mfn. quite purified, over-refined.
atipeśala ati-peśala mfn. very dexterous.
atiprakāsa ati-prakāsa mfn. very notorious.
atiprage ati-prage ind. very early Mn.
atipraṇaya ati-praṇaya m. excessive kindness, partiality.
atipraṇudya ati-praṇudya ind. having pushed far forward.
atiprabandha ati-prabandha m. complete continuity.
atipravaraṇa ati-pravaraṇa n. excess in choosing.
atipravṛtti ati-pravṛtti f. issuing abundantly.
atipravṛddha ati-pravṛddha mfn. enlarged to excess, overbearing Mn.
atipraśna ati-praśna m. an extravagant question, a question regarding transcendental objects.
atipraśnya ati-praśnya mfn. to be asked such a question BṛĀrUp.
atiprasakti ati-prasakti f. excessive attachment
     f. unwarrantable stretch of a rule.
atiprasaṅga ati-prasaṅga m. excessive attachment
     m. unwarrantable stretch of a rule.
atiprasiddha ati-prasiddha mfn. very notorious.
atiprauḍha ati-prauḍha mfn. full-grown.
atiprauḍhayauvana ati-prauḍha-yauvana mfn. being in the full enjoyment of youth.
atibala ati-bala mfn. very strong or powerful
atibala ati-bala m. an active soldier
atibala ati-bala m. N. of a king
atibalā ati-balā f. a medicinal plant (Sidonia Cordifolia and Rhombifolia, or Annona Squamosa)
atibala ati-bala m. N. of a powerful charm
atibala ati-bala m. of one of Daksha's daughters.
atibahu ati-bahu (ati-) mfn. very much; too much MaitrS.
atibālaka ati-bālaka m. an infant
atibālaka ati-bālaka mfn. infantine.
atibāhn ati-bāhn m. "having extraordinary arms", N. of a Ṛiṣi of the fourteenth Manvantara Hariv.
     m. N. of a Gandharva MBh.
atibibhatsa ati-bibhatsa mfn. excessively disagreeable.
atibrahmacarya ati-brahmacarya n. excessive abstinence or continence.
atibhūra ati-bhūra m. an excessive burden, excessive obscurity (of a sentence)
     m. N. of a king.
atibhāraga ati-bhāraga m. "eavy-burden-bearer", a mule.
atibhī ati-bhī m. "very terrific", lightning L.
atibhīṣaṇa ati-bhīṣaṇa mfn. very terrific.
atibhṛta ati-bhṛta mfn. well filled.
atibhojana ati-bhojana n. eating too much
     n. morbid voracity.
atibhrū ati-bhrū mfn. having extraordinary eyebrows.
atimaṅgalya ati-maṅgalya mfn. very auspicious
atimaṅgalya ati-maṅgalya m. Aegle or Crataeva Marmelos.
atimati ati-mati (ati-) f. haughtiness RV. i, 129, 5; (mfn.), exceedingly wise MBh.
atimadhyandina ati-madhyandina n. high noon.
atimarśa ati-marśa m. close contact.
atimāna ati-māna m. great haughtiness.
atimānin ati-mānin mfn. very haughty.
atimānitā ati-māni-tā f. great haughtiness.
atimāruta ati-māruta mfn. very windy
atimāruta ati-māruta m. a hurricane Yājñ.
atimirmira ati-mirmira (ati-) mfn. twinkling exceedingly TBr.
atimukta ati-mukta mfn. entirely liberated
     mfn. quite free from sensual or worldly desire
     mfn. seedless, barren
atimukta ati-mukta m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis
atimukta ati-mukta m. Gaertnera Racemosa,
atimuktaka ati-muktaka m. = the preceding
     m. mountain ebony
     m. the tree Harimantha.
atimukti ati-mukti (ati.) f. final liberation (from death) TS. ŚBr. xiv.
atimūrti ati-mūrti f. "ighest shape", N. of a ceremony.
atimemiṣa ati-memiṣa (ati-) mfn. (1. miṣ), opening the eyes too much, staring TBr.
atimaithuna ati-maithuna n. excess of sexual intercourse.
atimokṣa ati-mokṣa m.
atimokṣa ati-mokṣa m. see ati-muc.
atimodā ati-modā f. extraordinary fragrance
     f. the tree Jasminum Arboreum.
atiyava ati-yava m. a sort of barley.
atiyaśa ati-yaśa ([MBh.]) mfn. very illustrious.
atiyaśas ati-yaśas mfn. very illustrious.
atiyāja ati-yāja m. "great sacrificer", very pious RV. vi, 52, 1.
atiyuvan ati-yuvan mfn. very youthful L.
atiyoga ati-yoga m. excessive union, excess,
atiraṃhas ati-raṃhas mfn. extremely rapid Śāk.
atirakta ati-rakta mfn. very red
atiraktā ati-raktā f. one of Agni's seven tongues.
atiratha ati-ratha m. a great warrior (fighting from a car) R.
atirabhasa ati-rabhasa m. extraordinary speed.
atirasā ati-rasā f. "very succulent", N. of various plants (Mūrvā, Risnā, Klitanaka).
atirājan ati-rājan m. an extraordinary king Pāṇ. 5-4, 69 Sch.
     m. one who surpasses a king ([cf. also s.v.])
atirucira ati-rucira mfn. very lovely
atirucirā ati-rucirā f. N. of two metres (a variety of the atijagatī; another called cuḍikā or culikā).
atiruṣ ati-ruṣ mfn. very angry.
atirūpa ati-rūpa mfn. very beautiful
atirūpa ati-rūpa n. extraordinary beauty.
atiroga ati-roga m. consumption L.
atiromaśa ati-romaśa mfn. very hairy, too hairy
atiromaśa ati-romaśa m. a wild goat, a kind of monkey.
atilakṣmī ati-lakṣmī mfn. very prosperous
atilakṣmī ati-lakṣmī mfn. (īs) f. extraordinary prosperity.
atilaṅghana ati-laṅghana n. excessive fasting Suśr.
atilamba ati-lamba mfn. very extensive.
atilubdha ati-lubdha mfn. very greedy or covetous.
atilobha ati-lobha mfn. very greedy or covetous.
atilulita ati-lulita mfn. closely attached or adhering.
atilobha ati-lobha m. excessive greediness or covetousness.
atilobhatā ati-lobha-tā f. excessive greediness or covetousness.
atiloma ati-loma (ati-) ([VS.]) mfn. very hairy, too hairy.
atilomaśa ati-lomaśa (ati-) ([VS.]) mfn. very hairy, too hairy.
atilomaśā ati-lomaśā f. Convolvulus Argenteus.
atilohita ati-lohita mfn. very red.
atilaulya ati-laulya n. excessive eagerness or desire.
ativaktṛ ati-vaktṛ mfn. very loquacious.
ativakra ati-vakra mfn. very crooked or curved
ativakrā ati-vakrā f. one of the eight descriptions of planetary motion.
ativartula ati-vartula mfn. very round
ativartula ati-vartula m. a kind of grain or pot-herb.
ativāta ati-vāta m. high wind, a storm.
ativāda ati-vāda m. abusive language
     m. reproof
     m. N. of a Vedic verse AitBr.
ativādin ati-vādin mfn. very talkative.
ativālaka ati-vālaka see -bālaka above.
ativahana ati-vahana n. excessive toiling.
ativikaṭa ati-vikaṭa mfn. very fierce m. a vicious elephant.
ativipina ati-vipina mfn. having many forests, very impenetrable Kir. v, 18.
ativilambin ati-vilambin mfn. very dilatory.
ativiśrabdhanavoḍhā ati-viśrabdha-navoḍhā f. a fond but pert young wife.
ativiṣa ati-viṣa mfn. exceedingly poisonous, counteracting poison
ativiṣā ati-viṣā f. the plant Aconitum Ferox
ativṛddhi ati-vṛddhi f. extraordinary growth.
ativṛṣṭi ati-vṛṣṭi f. excessive rain.
ativṛṣṭihata ati-vṛṣṭi-hata mfn. injured by heavy rain.
ativepathu ati-vepathu m. excessive tremor
ativepathu ati-vepathu mfn. or atvepathu-mat mfn. trembling excessively.
ativaicakṣaṇya ati-vaicakṣaṇya n. great proficiency.
ativaiśasa ati-vaiśasa mfn. very adverse or destructive.
ativyathana ati-vyathana n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain Pāṇ. 5-4, 61.
ativyathā ati-vyathā f. excessive pain.
ativyaya ati-vyaya m. lavish expenditure.
ativyāpta ati-vyāpta mfn. stretched too far (as a rule or principle).
ativyāpti ati-vyāpti f. unwarrantable stretch (of a rule or principle) Pāṇ. 6-3, 35 Sch.
atiśakta ati-śakta mfn. very powerful
atiśakta ati-śakta. ; (is) f. or atiśakti-tā f. great power or valour.
atiśakti ati-śakti mfn. very powerful
atiśakti ati-śakti f. or atiśakti-tā f. great power or valour.
atiśaktibhāj ati-śakti-bhāj mfn. possessing great power.
atiśaṅkā ati-śaṅkā f. excessive timidity.
atiśarvara ati-śarvara n. the dead of night AV.
atiśasta ati-śasta mfn. very excellent.
atiśukra ati-śukra (ati-) mfn. too bright.
atiśukla ati-śukla mfn. very white, too white.
atiśobhana ati-śobhana mfn. very handsome.
atiśrī ati-śrī mfn. very prosperous Pāṇ. 1-2, 48 Sch.
atiślakṣṇa ati-ślakṣṇa (ati-) mfn. too tender TBr.
atisaṃskṛta ati-saṃskṛta mfn. highly finished.
atisakti ati-sakti f. excessive attachment.
atisaktimat ati-sakti-mat mfn. excessively attached.
atisaṃcaya ati-saṃcaya m. excessive accumulation.
atisaṃtapta ati-saṃtapta mfn. greatly afflicted.
atisaṃdheya ati-saṃdheya mfn. easy to be settled or conciliated.
atisamartha ati-samartha mfn. very competent.
atisamīpa ati-samīpa mfn. very near.
atisamparka ati-samparka m. excessive (sexual) intercourse.
atisarva ati-sarva mfn. too complete AitBr.
     mfn. superior to all see s.v.
atisādhvasa ati-sādhvasa n. excessive fear.
atisāntapana ati-sāntapana n. a kind of severe penance (inflicted especially for eating unclean animal food).
atisāyam ati-sāyam ind. very late in the evening.
atisiddhi ati-siddhi f. great perfection.
atisujana ati-sujana mfn. very moral, very friendly.
atisundara ati-sundara mfn. very handsome
atisundara ati-sundara mf. a metre belonging to the class aṣṭi (also called citra or cañcalā).
atisulabha ati-sulabha mfn. very easily obtainable.
atisuhita ati-suhita mfn. excessively kind, over-kind.
atisṛṣṭi ati-sṛṣṭi (ati-) f. an extraordinary or excellent creation ŚBr. xiv.
atisevā ati-sevā f. excessive addiction (to a habit).
atisaurabha ati-saurabha mfn. very fragrant
atisaurabha ati-saurabha n. extraordinary fragrance.
atisauhitya ati-sauhitya n. excessive satiety e.g. being spoiled, stuffed with food, &c. Mn. iv, 62.
atistuti ati-stuti f. excessive praise Nir.
atisthira ati-sthira mfn. very stable.
atisthūla ati-sthūla (ati.) mfn. excessively big or clumsy VS. &c.; excessively stupid.
atisnigdha ati-snigdha mfn. very smooth, very nice, very affectionate
atisparśa ati-sparśa m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation.
atisphira ati-sphira mfn. very tremulous.
atisvapna ati-svapna m. excessive sleep
atisvapna ati-svapna n. excessive tendency to dreaming.
atisvastha ati-svastha mfn. enjoying excellent health.
atihasita ati-hasita n. excessive laughter.
atihāsa ati-hāsa m. excessive laughter.
atihrasva ati-hrasva (ati-) mfn. excessively short VS. &c.
atyagni aty-agni m. morbidly rapid digestion.
atyaṇu aty-aṇu mfn. very thin MaitrS.
atyadbhuta aty-adbhuta mfn. very wonderful
atyadbhuta aty-adbhuta m. N. of the Indra in the ninth Manvantara VP.
atyadbhuta aty-adbhuta n. a great wonder.
atyadhvan aty-adhvan m. a long way or journey, excessive travelling.
atyamarṣaṇa aty-amarṣaṇa mfn. quite out of temper.
atyamarṣin aty-amarṣin mfn. quite out of temper.
atyamla aty-amla mfn. very acid
atyamla aty-amla m. the tree Spondias Mangifera
atyamlā aty-amlā f. a species of citron.
atyamlaparṇī aty-amlaparṇī f. "having very acid leaves", N. of a medicinal plant.
atyalpa aty-alpa mfn. very little.
atyaśana aty-aśana n. immoderate eating.
atyaśnat aty-aśnat mfn. eating too much.
atyasama aty-asama mfn. very uneven, very rough
atyādara aty-ādara m. excessive deference.
atyādāna aty-ādāna n. taking away too much.
atyānanda aty-ānanda m. excessive wantonness ŚBr.
atyānanda aty-ānanda mfn. excessively wanton Suśr.
atyāpti aty-āpti f. complete attainment AV. xi, 7, 22.
atyārūḍhi aty-ārūḍhi f. mounting too high, insolence, arrogance.
atyāroha aty-āroha m. mounting too high, insolence, arrogance.
atyāśā aty-āśā f. extravagant hope.
atyāśita aty-āśita mfn. (2. as), too satiate MaitrS.
atyāsārin aty-āsārin mfn. excessively flowing towards TS.
atyāhāra aty-āhāra m. excess in eating.
atyāhārin aty-āhārin mfn. eating immoderately, gluttonous.
atyāhita aty-āhita n. great calamity
     n. great danger
     n. facing great danger
     n. a daring action.
atyukti aty-ukti f. excessive talking
     f. exaggeration
     f. hyperbole.
atyugra aty-ugra mfn. very fierce
     mfn. very pungent
atyugra aty-ugra n. Asa Foetida.
atyuccais aty-uccais ind. very loudly.
atyuccairdhvani aty-uccair-dhvani m. a very loud sound
     m. a very high note.
atyutkaṭa aty-utkaṭa mfn. very imposing or immense.
atyutsāha aty-utsāha m. excessive vigour.
atyudāra aty-udāra mfn. very liberal.
atyulbaṇa aty-ulbaṇa mfn. very conspicuous, excessive.
atyulvaṇa aty-ulvaṇa mfn. very conspicuous, excessive.
atyuṣṇa aty-uṣṇa mfn. very hot.
atyūdhni aty-ūdhni f. having an exceedingly large udder Pāṇ. Sch.

atikatha ati-katha mfn. transgressing tradition or law deviating from the rules of caste (see also s.v. ati.)

atikandaka ati-kandaka m. the plant Hastikanda.

atikalyaṇa ati-kalyaṇa mf (ī) n. "past or beyond beauty", not beautiful ŚBr.

atikaśa ati-kaśa mfn. beyond the whip, unmanageable Pāṇ. 6-2, 191 Sch.

atikup ati-kup to become very angry.

atikūrd ati-kūrd to jump about.

atikṛti ati-kṛti or better abhi-kṛti q.v.

atikṛṣ ati-kṛṣ to drag over or beyond.

atikeśara ati-keśara m. the plant Trapa Bispinosa.

atikram ati-kram to step or go beyond or over or across, (Ved. Inf. ati-krame, to be walked on RV. i, 105, 16); to pass, cross; to pass time; to surpass, excel, overcome; to pass by, neglect; to overstep, transgress, violate; to pass on or away; to step out; to part from, lose: Caus. -krāmayati, or -kramayati, to allow to pass (as time); to leave unnoticed.

atikrama ati-krama m. passing over, overstepping
     m. lapse (of time)
     m. overcoming, surpassing, conquering
     m. excess, imposition, transgression, violation
     m. neglect
     m. determined onset.

atikramaṇa ati-kramaṇa n. the act of passing over ŚBr., surpassing, overstepping
     n. excess
     n. passing, spending (time).

atikramaṇīya ati-kramaṇīya mfn. to be passed beyond or over
     mfn. generally negative an-atikramaṇiya q.v.

atikramin ati-kramin mfn. (ifc.) exceeding, violating, &c.

atikramya ati-kramya ind. having passed beyond or over.

atikrānta ati-krānta mfn. having passed or transgressed
     mfn. exceeded, surpassed, overcome.
atikrāntaniṣedha ati-krānta-niṣedha mfn. one who has neglected a prohibition.

atikrānti ati-krānti f. transgression Kir.

atikrāmaka ati-krāmaka mfn. exceeding, transgressing L.

atikṣar ati-kṣar to overflow or flow through RV. &c. (3. sg. aor. akṣār ati RV. ix, 43, 5).

atikṣip ati-kṣip to throw beyond.

atikṣipta ati-kṣipta mfn. thrown beyond
atikṣipta ati-kṣipta n. (in med.) sprain or dislocation of a particular kind Suśr.

atikhaṭva ati-khaṭva mfn. beyond the bedstead, able to do without a bedstead Pāṇ. Sch.

atikhyā ati-khyā to survey, overlook (3. sg. impf. aty-akhyat) AV.; to neglect, pass over, abandon (2. sg. Conj. ati-khyas, 2. du. Conj. ati-khyatam) RV.

atigam ati-gam or ati-gā, to pass by or over; to surpass, overcome; to escape; neglect; to pass away, die.

atiga ati-ga mfn. (ifc.) exceeding, overcoming, surpassing (cf. śokātiga)
     mfn. transgressing, violating.

atigata ati-gata mfn. having passed
     mfn. being past.

atigarj ati-garj to speak loudly or provokingly or in a threatening voice MBh.

atigava ati-gava mfn. (a bull) covering the cow L.

atigāh ati-gāh "to emerge over", to rise upon RV.

atigāḍha ati-gāḍha mfn. see p.12, col.2.

atigur ati-gur (Pot. ati juguryāt), to cry out, give a shriek RV. i, 173, 2.

atiguhā ati-guhā f. the plant Hemionites Cordifolia.

atigrah ati-grah to take beyond or over the usual measure ŚBr. TBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.; to surpass Pāṇ. 5-4, 46 Sch.

atigraha ati-graha m. act of taking over or beyond surpassing, one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent, (in phil.) = atigrāha.

atigrāha ati-grāha m. the object of a graha (q.v.) or organ of apprehension (these are eight, and their corresponding ati-grahas or objects, are apāna, "fragrant substance"; nāman "name"; rasa "flavour"; rūpa "form"; sabda "sound"; kāma "desire"; karman "action"; sparśa "touch") ŚBr. xiv.

atigrāhyā ati-grāhyā m. N. of three successive libations made, (or cups filled) at the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice TS. ŚBr. &c.

atigha ati-gha m. ( han), "very destructive", a weapon, bludgeon
     m. wrath.

atighnī ati-ghnī f. utter oblivion or profound sleep (obliterating all that is disagreeable in the, past, and regarded as the highest condition of bliss) ŚBr. xiv.

atighnyā ati-ghnyā (4) mfn. one who is in the condition ati-ghnī AV.

aticamū ati-camū mfn. (victorious) over armies L.

aticar ati-car to pass by; to overtake, surpass; to transgress, offend, be unfaithful to.

aticara ati-cara mfn. transient, changeable
aticarā ati-carā f. the shrub Hibiscus Mutabilis.

aticaraṇa ati-caraṇa see p.12, col.2.

aticāra ati-cāra m. passing by, overtaking, surpassing
     m. accelerated motion, especially of planets
     m. transgression.

aticārin ati-cārin mfn. surpassing, transgressing.

aticṛt ati-cṛt to stick on, fasten AV.

aticeṣṭ ati-ceṣṭ to make extraordinary or excessive efforts.

aticchandas ati-cchandas mfn. past worldly desires free from them ŚBr. xiv
aticchandas ati-cchandas mfn. (ās, as) fn. N. of two large classes of metres
aticchandas ati-cchandas mfn. (as) n. N. of a particular brick in the sacrificial fire-place.

atijagatī ati-jagatī f. N. of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas, and consisting of four lines, each containing thirteen syllables).

atijana ati-jana mfn. "beyond men", uninhabited.

atijāta ati-jāta mfn. superior to parentage.

atiji ati-ji (aor. aty-ajaiṣīt), to conquer AV.

atijīv ati-jīv to survive; to surpass in the mode of living.

atitata ati-tata mfn. ( tan), stretching far, making one's self big, conceited Śiś.

atitap ati-tap to be very hot AV. xviii, 2, 36, &c.; to heat AV. xiii, 2, 40 BhP.; to affect greatly: Caus. -tāpayati, to heat much.

atitarām ati-tarām ind. (compar. of ati), above in rank (with acc.), KenaUp.; better, higher, more (with abl.) ŚBr. &c.; very much, exceedingly, excessively.

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atitṛd ati-tṛd to cleave, split VS.; to pierce through, penetrate AV.

atitṛp ati-tṛp to be satiated.

atitṛṛ ati-tṛṛ to pass through or by or over, cross, overcome, escape: Desid. -titīrṣati, to be desirous of crossing or overcoming BhP.

atitārin ati-tārin mfn. crossing AitBr.

atitāryā ati-tāryā mf (ā) n. to be crossed or passed over or overcome AV.

atityad ati-tyad surpassing that Pāṇ. 7-2, 102 Sch.

atitvam ati-tvam surpassing thee Pāṇ. 7-2, 97 Sch.; atitvām, atitvān acc. sing. and pl. him that surpasses thee, them that surpass thee; (fictitious forms coined by grammarians.)

atitvar ati-tvar to hasten overmuch.

atithi m. ( at, or said to be from a-tithi, "one who has no fixed day for coming"), a guest, a person entitled to hospitality
     m. N. of Agni
     m. of an attendant on Soma
     m. N. of Suhotra (king of Ayodhyā, and grandson of Rāma).
atithikriyā atithi-kriyā f. hospitality.
atithigva atithi-gva m. "to whom guests should go", N. of Divodāsa and of another mythical hero RV.
atithitva atithi-tva n. state of a guest, hospitality.
atithideva atithi-deva mfn. one to whom a guest is as a divinity TUp.
atithidveṣa atithi-dveṣa m. hatred of guests, inhospitality.
atithidharma atithi-dharma m. rights of hospitality Mn. iii, 111, &c.
atithidharmin atithi-dharmin mfn. entitled to hospitality Mn. iii, 112.
atithipati atithi-pati (atithi-) m. a host, entertainer of a guest AV.
atithipūjana atithi-pūjana n. showing honour to a guest.
atithipūjā atithi-pūjā f. showing honour to a guest.
atithivat atithi-vat ind. like a guest.
atithisatkāra atithi-satkāra m. honourable treatment of a guest.
atithisevā atithi-sevā f. attention to a guest.

atithin mfn. ( at), travelling RV. x, 68, 3
atithin m. N. of a king (also Suhotra and Atithi q.v.)

atidagh ati-dagh to go beyond, to pass (3. sg. ate-dhak, 2. du. ati-dhaksam) RV.

atidatta ati-datta m. N. of a brother of Datta and son of Rājādhideva Hariv.

atidah ati-dah to burn or blaze across ŚBr. to burn or distress greatly.

atidā ati-dā to surpass in giving RV. viii, i, 38, to pass over in giving KātyŚr.

atidānta ati-dānta m. N. of a prince.

atidāś ati-dāś to favour with a gift, present RV.

atidiv ati-div (ind. p. dīvyā [= -vya]), to play higher RV. x, 42, 9; to risk (in playing) MBh. ii, 2041.

atidiś ati-diś to make over, transfer, assign: Pass. -diśyate, (in Gr.) to be overruled or attracted or assimilated.

atidiṣṭa ati-diṣṭa mfn. overruled, attracted, influenced, inferred, substituted.

atideśa ati-deśa m. transfer, extended application, inference, analogy, overruling influence, assimilation
     m. a rule providing for more than the usual rule
     m. putting one thing instead of another, substitution
atideśa ati-deśa m. rūpātideśa, such a rule as affecting the form of a word
atideśa ati-deśa mfn. overruling, previously stated.

atidīpya ati-dīpya m. "very brilliant", the plant Plumbago Rosea.

atidṛp ati-dṛp to be excessively conceited.

atideva ati-deva m. a superior god
     m. surpassing the gods.

atidru ati-dru to run by, pass hastily RV. AV.; to pass over ŚBr.

atidhanvan ati-dhanvan m. N. of a Vedic teacher, a descendant of Śunaka VBr.

atidhā ati-dhā to put away.

atihita ati-hita mfn. put away or aside AV.

atidhāv ati-dhāv to run or rush over.

atidhṛti ati-dhṛti f. N. of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas, and consisting of four lines, each containing nineteen syllables)
atidhṛti ati-dhṛti f. (in arithm.) nineteen.

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atidhyai ati-dhyai to meditate deeply VP.

atidhvaṃs ati-dhvaṃs to raise the dust in running through or over (3. pl. Conj. aor. ati-dhvasan) RV. viii, 55, 5.

atinam ati-nam to bend aside, keep on one side.

atināman ati-nāman m. N. of a Saptarshi of the sixth Manvantara.

atināṣṭra ati-nāṣṭra mfn. beyond danger, out of danger ŚBr.

atiniḥśvas ati-niḥ-śvas to breathe or sigh violently.

atinicṛt ati-nicṛt (or wrongly written ati-nivṛt) f. N. of a Vedic metre of three pādas (containing respectively seven, six and seven syllables) RV. Prāt. RV. Prāt. &c.

atinidram ati-nidram ind. beyond sleeping time Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch. see also ati-nidra s.v. ati.

atiniṣṭan ati-niṣ-ṭan (tan), (perf. Pot. 3. pl. ati-niṣ-ṭatanyuḥ) to penetrate (with rays) RV. i, 141, 13.

atinihnutya ati-ni-hnutya ind. p. ( hnu), denying obstinately.

atinī ati-nī to lead over or beyond, to help a person over anything RV. &c.; to allow to pass away: Intens. Ā. -nenīyate, to bring forward RV. vi, 47, 16.

atinu ati-nu Caus. to turn away TS.

atinud ati-nud to drive by AV.

atined ati-ned to stream or flow over, foam over TS. &c.

atinau ati-nau mfn. disembarked Pāṇ. Sch.

atipañcā ati-pañcā f. a girl who is past five.

atipaṭīkṣepa ati-paṭīkṣepa v.l. for a-paṭīkṣepa m. omitting to remove or non-removal of the theatrical curtain.

atipaṭh ati-paṭh Pass. -pathyate, to be greatly proclaimed or celebrated MBh.

atipat ati-pat to fall or fly by or past or beyond or over, to neglect, miss: Caus. -pātayati, to cause to fly by, to drag away, to make effectless.

atipatana ati-patana n. act of falling or flying beyond, passing, missing, transgressing.

atipatita ati-patita mfn. passed beyond, transgressed, missed.

atipāta ati-pāta m. passing away, lapse, neglect, transgression
     m. ill-usage, opposition, contrariety.

atipātita ati-pātita mfn. completely displaced or broken
atipātita ati-pātita n. (in med.) complete fracture of a bone.

atipātin ati-pātin mfn. overtaking, excelling in speed
atipātin ati-pātin mfn. (in med.) running a rapid course, acute, neglecting.

atipātya ati-pātya mfn. to be passed over, to be neglected.

atipattra ati-pattra m. the Teak tree
     m. the tree Hastikanda.

atipad ati-pad to go beyond (acc.), jump over; to neglect, transgress: Caus. -pādayati to allow to pass by.

atipatti ati-patti f. going beyond, passing, lapse
atipatti ati-patti f. kriyātipatti, the passing by of an action unaccomplished Pāṇ. 3-3, 139.

atipanna ati-panna mfn. gone beyond, transgressed, missed
     mfn. past.

atipara ati-para mfn. one who has over come his enemies
atipara ati-para m. a great enemy.

atipari ati-pari (pari-i), to pass round ĀpŚr.

atipaś ati-paś to look beyond, look through RV. i, 94, 7 AV.

atipā ati-pā Caus. P. -pāyayati, to give to drink in great quantity Kathās.

atipādanicṛt ati-pāda-nicṛt f. N. of a Vedic metre of three pādas (containing respectively six, eight and seven syllables).

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atipitṛ ati-pitṛ m. surpassing his own father ŚBr. xiv.

atipitāmaha ati-pitāmaha m. surpassing his own paternal grandfather ŚBr. xiv.

atipū ati-pū P. to clarify or purify through (3. pl. aor. ati apāviṣuḥ) RV. ix, 60, 2: Ā. -pavate, to purify or purge by flowing through (especially used of the Soma juice, which is considered to be a purgative) ŚBr. &c.

atipṛ ati-pṛ to convey across, to help over RV.; to cross, pass over RV. i, 174, 9 and vi, 20, 12; to keep (a promise): Caus. -pārayati to lead or convey over RV. &c.

atipṛṛ ati-pṛṛ cl.4.P. -pūryati, to become full or overflowing MBh.

atipracit ati-pra-cit -cekite (= -cikite BR.; = Intens. -cekitte Gmn.), to be clearly distinct or distinguishable RV. i, 55, 3.

atipracyu ati-pra-cyu to pass by TBr.: Caus. -cyāvayati, to cause to pass by ŚBr.

atiprach ati-prach to go on asking ŚBr. &c.

atiprajval ati-pra-jval to flame or blaze exceedingly MBh.

atipraṇaś ati-pra-ṇaś (2. naś), to be entirely deprived of (acc.) ŚBr.

atipraṇī ati-pra-ṇī (ni) to lead by or beyond Lāṭy. ĀśvŚr.

atipraṇud ati-pra-ṇud (nud) to press or incite very strongly.

atiprapad ati-pra-pad Caus. -pādayati, to help to pass into the other world (Comm.) MBh. iv, 1717.

atipramāṇa ati-pramāṇa mfn. beyond measure immense.

atiprayam ati-pra-yam to give or hand over TS. TBr.

atiprayuj ati-pra-yuj to separate from (with instr.) TS.

atipravah ati-pra-vah to extend or carry beyond.

atipravā ati-pra-vā cl.4.P. -vāyati, to blow violently MBh.

atipraviddha ati-pra-viddha mfn. ( vyadh), frightened away, scared R.

atipravṛt ati-pra-vṛt to issue violently (as blood from a wound) Suśr.; to have an intense effect (as venom) Suśr.

atiprave ati-pra-ve to add in weaving, weave on an additional piece ŚāṅkhBr.

atipraśaṃs ati-pra-śaṃs to praise highly.

atipraśru ati-pra-śru cl.5.Ā. -śṛṇve (Ved. 3. sg.), to become known or famous more than others RV. x, II, 7.

atiprasad ati-pra-sad P. -sidati, to be come completely cheerful.

atiprasṛ ati-pra-sṛ Intens. -sarsṛte, to outstrip, surpass RV. ii, 25, 1.

atiprasṛta ati-pra-sṛta mfn. issued violently.

atiprasthā ati-pra-sthā to have an advantage over RV. i, 64, 13 and viii, 60, 16.

atiprahā ati-pra-hā cl.3.Ā. -jihīte, to give or hand over ŚBr.

atiprāṇam ati-prāṇam ind. exceeding life.
atiprāṇapriya ati-prāṇa-priya mfn. dearer than life.

atipru ati-pru to jump over, to escape TS.

atipreṣita ati-preṣita n. the time following the Praisha ceremony KātyŚr.

atibādh ati-bādh to molest or annoy exceedingly.

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atibṛh ati-bṛh to push out intensely (scil. retas; used only for the etym. of vṛṣabha) Nir.

atibrahman ati-brahman m. N. of a king.

atibrū ati-brū or abhi-brū, to insult, abuse MBh. iii, 15640.

atibhā ati-bhā -bhāti, to blaze or be very bright AV. x, 3, 17 R.

atibhū ati-bhū (perf. -babhūva), to originate or take rise in an excessive way MBh. viii, 4541; P. (once Ā. TĀr.), to excel, surpass PBr. MBh. &c.: Desid. to intend to surpass ĀśvŚr.

atibhāva ati-bhāva m. superiority, overcoming.

atibhūmi ati-bhūmi f. extensive land
     f. culmination, eminence, superiority
     f. excess.

atibhūṣ ati-bhūṣ to adorn one's self before (another); to adorn richly.

atibhṛ ati-bhṛ Ā. to pass or extend over (perf. 2. sg. jabhriṣe) RV. ix, 86, 29 and 100, 9.

atibhāra ati-bhāra m. see s.v. ati.

atiman ati-man -manyate (1. pl. -manāmahe'ti), to disdain, despise RV. &c.; to value less than one's self ŚBr.; to pride one's self ŚBr.

atimānita ati-mānita mfn. honoured highly
atimānita ati-mānita mfn. cf. atimāna s.v. ati.

atimanuṣyabuddhi ati-manuṣya-buddhi mfn. having a superhuman intellect.

atimartya ati-martya mfn. superhuman.

atimaryāda ati-maryāda mfn. exceeding the proper limit, (am), ind. beyond bounds.

atimarśam ati-marśam ind. ( mṛś), so as to encroach AitBr.

atimātra ati-mātra mfn. exceeding the proper measure AV. &c., (am) ind. or -śas ind. beyond measure.

atimānuṣa ati-mānuṣa mfn. superhuman, divine MBh. &c.

atimām ati-mām (acc. of aty-aham q.v.), surpassing me Pāṇ. 7-2, 97 Sch.

atimāya ati-māya mfn. emancipated from Māyā or Illusion, finally liberated.

atimāra ati-māra or ati-bhāra m. N. of a prince.

atimita ati-mita mfn. over measured, beyond measure, exceeding.

atimita a-timita mfn. not moistened.

atimuc ati-muc Pass. -mucyate, to avoid, escape ŚBr. &c.

atimukta ati-mukta m. "surpassing pearls in whiteness", N. of certain shrubs.
atimuktaka ati-muktaka m. "surpassing pearls in whiteness", N. of certain shrubs.

atimukti ati-mukti f. final liberation. see ati.

atimucya ati-mucya ind. p. having dismissed or, given up.

atimokṣa ati-mokṣa m. final liberation ŚBr. xiv.

atimokṣin ati-mokṣin mfn. escaping TS. Kāṭh.

atimṛtyu ati-mṛtyu mfn. overcoming death ChUp.

atiyaj ati-yaj to neglect or pass in offering a sacrifice TS.

atiyā ati-yā to pass over or before; to surpass RV. &c.; to pass by RV. i, 135, 7; to transgress BhP.

atiyūyam ati-yūyam (nom. pl. of ati-tvam q.v.), surpassing thee.

atirāj ati-rāj to shine over (aor.Subj. 3. sg. ati rāṭ) RV. vi, 12, 5.

atirājan ati-rājan m. a supreme king, superior to a king Pāṇ. 4-1, 12 Sch.
atirājan ati-rājan m. (-rājñī) f. (a woman) superior to a king ib.
atirājakumāri ati-rājakumāri mfn. superior to a princess Pāṇ. 1-2, 48 Sch.

atirājaya Nom. P. atirājayati, to surpass a king Pāṇ. 7-4, 2 Sch.

atirātra ati-rātra mfn. prepared or performed over-night RV. vii, 103, 7
atirātra ati-rātra m. an optional pan of the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice
     mfn. commencement and conclusion of certain sacrificial acts
     mfn. the concluding Vedic verse chanted on such occasions AV. &c.
     mfn. N. of a son of Cākṣuṣa the sixth Manu.
atirātrasavanīyapaśu ati-rātra-savanīya-paśu m. the victim sacrificed at the Atirātra.

atiri ati-ri neut. of ati-raj q.v.

atiric ati-ric Pass. -ricyate, to be left with a surplus, to surpass (in a good or bad sense with abl. or acc.); to be superior, predominate, prevail: Caus. -recayati, to do superfluously, to do too much ŚBr. &c.

atirikta ati-rikta mfn. left with or as a surplus, left apart
     mfn. redundant, unequalled
     mfn. different from (with abl.)
atiriktatā ati-rikta-tā f. redundancy, &c.
atiriktāṅga mfn. having a redundant limb or finger or toe
atiriktāṅga n. a redundant limb or finger or toe.

atireka ati-reka ([only once ŚBr.]) m. surplus, excess; redundancy; difference.
atīreka atī-reka ([only once ŚBr.]) m. surplus, excess; redundancy; difference.

atirekin ati-rekin mfn. surpassing.

atiruc ati-ruc to shine over or along RV. &c.; to surpass in shining.

atiruc ati-ruc m. a horse's fetlock or knee VS.

atiruh ati-ruh to climb or ascend over RV. ix, 17, 5; to grow higher RV. x, 90, 2.

atirai ati-rai exceeding one's income, extravagant Pāṇ. Sch.

atilaṅgh ati-laṅgh Caus. -laṅghayati, to transgress Kathās.

atilihā or aṭhillā f. N. of a Prākṛit metre (of four lines each containing sixteen Mātras).

ativac ati-vac to blame, to speak too loudly either in blaming or praising.

ativad ati-vad to speak louder or better, to surpass or overpower in disputing TBr. &c.; to ask for too much AV.

ativayam ati-vayam (nom. pl. of aty-aham q.v.), surpassing me.

ativah ati-vah to carry over or across to pass by; to pass (time) Daś.: Caus. vāhayati, to let pass, get over or through, endure; to let time pass, spend.

ativāhana ati-vāhana n. excessive toiling or enduring.

ativāhika ati-vāhika mfn. "swifter than the wind", N. of the liṅga-śarīra (but see ātivāhika)
ativāhika ati-vāhika m. an inhabitant of the lower world.

ativāhya ati-vāhya mfn. to be passed (as time, &c.)
ativāhya ati-vāhya n. the passing of time.

ativoḍhṛ ati-voḍhṛ m. one who carries over or across ŚBr.

ativā ati-vā cl.2.P. -vāti, to blow beyond AV.: cl.4. P. -vayati, to blow violently; (ati-vāyati), pr. p. loc. ind. the wind blowing strongly MBh.

ativāsa ati-vāsa m. a fast on the day before performing the Śrāddha.

atividhā ati-vi-dhā cl.3.Ā. -dhatte, to distribute too much ŚBr.

ativirāj ati-vi-rāj to shine or be brilliant exceedingly MBh. &c.

ativilaṅgh ati-vi-laṅgh Caus. -laṅghayati, to pass by without taking notice of BhP.

ativiluḍ ati-vi-luḍ Caus. -loḍayati, to disturb, destroy MBh.

ativivṛt ati-vi-vṛt Caus. -vartayati, to separate too far, to make too great distinction between RV. Prāt.

ativiśrambh ati-vi-śrambh Caus. -śrambhayati, to make too familiar or too intimate Car.

ativiśrabdha ati-vi-śrabdha mfn. entirely trusting or confiding in
ativiśrabdham ati-vi-śrabdham ind. quite confidently.

ativiśva ati-viśva m. "superior to all or to the universe", N. of a Muni Hariv.

ativiśvas ati-vi-śvas to confide or trust too much (generally with na neg.)

ativī ati-vī to outstrip RV. v, 44, 7.

ativṛṃhita ati-vṛṃhita mfn. ( vṛṃh), strengthened MBh. v, 499.

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ativṛt ati-vṛt to pass beyond, surpass, cross; to get over, overcome; to transgress, violate, offend, especially by unfaithfulness; to pass away; to delay.

ativartana ati-vartana n. a pardonable offence or misdemeanour.

ativartin ati-vartin mfn. passing beyond, crossing, passing by, surpassing
     mfn. guilty of a pardonable offence.

ativṛtti ati-vṛtti f. surpassing
     f. hyperbolical meaning
ativṛtti ati-vṛtti f. (in med.) excessive action.

ativṛdh ati-vṛdh to surpass in growing, grow beyond ŚBr.

ativṛddha ati-vṛddha mfn. very large
     mfn. very old.

ativṛṣ ati-vṛṣ to rain violently.

ativela ati-vela mfn. passing the proper boundary, excessive
ativelam ati-velam ind. excessively.

ativyadh ati-vyadh (Ved. Inf. ati-vidhe RV. v, 62, 9), to pierce through RV. AV.

atividdha ati-viddha mfn. pierced through, wounded.

ativyādhin ati-vyādhin mfn. piercing through, wounding VS. ŚBr. xiv.

ativyādhya ati-vyādhya mfn. vulnerable.

ativraj ati-vraj to pass by; to fly over RV. i, 116, 4; to pass or wander through.

atiśaṃs ati-śaṃs to recite beyond measure, to continue reciting; to omit in reciting AitBr.

atiśakkarī ati-śakkarī or ati-śakvar f. a class of metres of four lines, each containing fifteen syllables. It has eighteen varieties.

atiśakra ati-śakra mfn. superior to Indra.

atiśaṅk ati-śaṅk to suspect strongly Lāṭy.; to suspect falsely; to be concerned about.

atiśaya ati-śaya &c. see 1. ati- 1. śī.

atiśastra ati-śastra mfn. superior to weapons.

atiśākvara mfn. written in or connected with the Ati-śakvari. metre.

atiśi ati-śi cl.3.Ā. -siśīte, to sharpen up (a weapon) for attacking RV. i, 36, 16.

atiśiṣ ati-śiṣ to leave remaining. Pass. -śiṣyate, to remain.

atiśiṣṭa ati-śiṣṭa mfn. remaining TS. &c.

atiśeṣa ati-śeṣa m. remainder, remnant (especially of time) ChUp.

atiśī ati-śī -śete, to precede in lying down MBh.; to surpass, excel; to act as an incubus, annoy L.: Pass. -śayyate, to be excelled or surpassed.

atiśaya ati-śaya m. pre-eminence, eminence
     m. superiority in quality or quantity or numbers
     m. advantageous result
     m. one of the superhuman qualities attributed to Jaina Arhats
atiśaya ati-śaya mfn. pre-eminent, superior, abundant ŚāṅkhBr. &c.
atiśaya ati-śaya m. (am or ena) ind. eminently, very.
atiśayokti f. hyperbolical language
     f. extreme assertion
     f. verbosity.

atiśayana ati-śayana mf (ī) n. eminent, abundant
atiśayana ati-śayana mf (ī) n. (am) ind. excessively
atiśayana ati-śayana mf (ī) n. (ī) f. N. of a metre of four lines, also called citralekhā.

atiśayita ati-śayita mfn. surpassing, superior.

atiśayin ati-śayin mfn. excelling, abounding.

atiśāyana ati-śāyana n. excelling
     n. excessiveness.

atiśāyin ati-śāyin mfn. excelling, abounding
     mfn. excessive.

atiśī ati-śī to fall or drop beyond Kāṭh.; to get out from (acc.), leave ChUp.

atiśītam ati-śītam ind. past or beyond the cold, after the winter.

atiśīlaya ati-śīlaya Nom. P. -yati, to practise or use excessively.

atiśubh ati-śubh to be brilliant, to please: Caus. -śobhayati, to make brilliant, adorn.

atiśreṣṭha ati-śreṣṭha mfn. superior to the best, best of all.
atiśreṣṭhatva ati-śreṣṭha-tva n. pre-eminence.

atiśreyasi ati-śreyasi m. a man superior to the most excellent woman.

atiśliṣ ati-śliṣ to fasten or tie over.

atiśva ati-śva mf (ī) n. superior to, or worse than, a dog Pāṇ. 5-4, 96
atiśva ati-śva mf (ī) n. (ā) m. N. of a tribe (?), (g. pakṣādi q.v.)

atiṣakta ati-ṣakta or (in later texts) atisakta mfn. ( sañj), connected with AV. &c.

atiṣita ati-ṣita mfn. tied or bound round (so as to prevent the flow of any liquid) RV. x, 73, 9.

atiṣkand ati-ṣkand (skand) to cover (said of a bull) RV. v, 52, 3,; to leap or jump over, Ved. Inf. (dat.) ati-ṣkade RV. viii, 67, 59; Ved. Inf. (abl.) -ṣkadas RV. x, 108, 2; to omit, an-atiskandat mfn. not omitting anything, uniform TBr.

atiṣkadvan ati-ṣkadvan mf (ari) n. jumping over, transgressing.

atiṣṭigham ati-ṣṭigham (stigh) ind. so as to overwhelm MaitrS.

atiṣṭu ati-ṣṭu (stu) to go on too far in reciting hymns of praise, PBr. Lāṭy.

atiṣṭhat a-tiṣṭhat mfn. not standing, unstable RV.

atiṣṭhā ati-ṣṭhā (sthā) to be at the head of, govern RV. AV.; to jut over or out TBr.

atiṣṭhā ati-ṣṭhā f. precedence, superiority ŚBr. &c.
atiṣṭhā ati-ṣṭhā f. (as). mf. or ati-ṣṭhāvan m. or atiṣṭhā-vat ([AV.]), mfn. superior in standing, surpassing.

atisaṃdhā ati-saṃ-dhā to overreach, deceive Śāk.; to wrong or injure VarBṛ.

atisandham ati-sandham ind. so as to violate an agreement or any fixed order ŚBr.

atisaṃdhāna ati-saṃ-dhāna n. overreaching, cheating.

atisandhita ati-sandhita mfn. overreached, cheated.

atisaṃdheya ati-saṃ-dheya mfn. easy to be conciliated, easy to be settled.

atisarva ati-sarva mfn. superior to all Pāṇ. Sch.
atisarva ati-sarva m. the Supreme.

atisāṃvatsara ati-sāṃvatsara mfn. extending over more than a year Mn.

atisāmyā ati-sāmyā f. the sweet juice of the Bengal Madder, Rubia Manjīth.

atisṛ ati-sṛ Caus. to cause to pass through: Pass. -sāryate; to be purged Suśr.

atisara ati-sara m. effort, exertion AV.

atisāra ati-sāra m. purging, dysentery.
atīsāra atī-sāra m. purging, dysentery.

atisārakin ati-sārakin mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.
atīsārakin atī-sārakin mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.
atisārin ati-sārin mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.
atisārin ati-sārin mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.

atisṛj ati-sṛj to glide over or along RV.; to send away dismiss, abandon; to leave as a remnant, to remit, forgive; to give away, present, to create in a higher degree ŚBr. xiv.

atisarga ati-sarga m. act of parting with, dismissal, giving away
     m. granting permission, leave
atisarga ati-sarga m. atisargam 1. da, to bid any one farewell MaitrS.

atisarjana ati-sarjana n. the act of giving away, granting
     n. liberality
     n. a gift
     n. sending out of the world, killing.

atisṛjya ati-sṛjya mfn. to be dismissed ŚBr.
atisṛjya ati-sṛjya mfn.

atisṛṣṭi ati-sṛṣṭi f. a higher creation ŚBr. xiv.

atisṛp ati-sṛp to glide or creep over, get over RV. &c.

atisena ati-sena m. N. of a prince.

atisev ati-sev to use or enjoy immoderately, to practise excessively; cf. ati-sevā s.v. ati.

atisauparṇa ati-sauparṇa mfn. superior to (the powers of) Suparṇa or Garuḍa.

atistri ati-stri mf (is, or ī) n. surpassing a woman L.
atistri ati-stri mf (is, or ī) n. see Gram. 123. b.

atisraṃs ati-sraṃs to drop or turn away from, to escape RV. vi, 11, 6.

atisru ati-sru to flow over or flow excessively.

atisrāvita ati-srāvita mfn. caused to flow excessively (as a wound) Suśr.

atisruta ati-sruta mfn. that which has been flowing over (N. of Soma) VS.

atisvṛ ati-svṛ to hold or sustain a note PBr. ChUp.

atisvārya ati-svārya mfn. the last of the seven notes TS. Prāt.

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atihan ati-han Desid. -jighāṃsati (for -jighāsati fr. 2. ?), to try to escape AitBr.

atihata ati-hata mfn. firmly fixed ŚBr.
     mfn. utterly destroyed Car.

atihastaya ati-hastaya Nom. (fr. ati-hasta) P. atihastayati, to stretch out the hands; (fr. atihastin), to overtake on an elephant.

atihā ati-hā to jump over RV. &c.; to pass jumping from one place to another.

atihimam ati-himam ind. after the frost; past the cold.

atihṛ ati-hṛ to hold over; to reach over; to cause to jut over; to add.

atihve ati-hve (1. sg. Ā. -hvaye), to call over to one's side TBr.

atī (i) cl.2.P. aty-eti, -etum, to pass by, elapse, pass over, overflow; to pass on; to get over; (Ved. Inf. aty-etavai), to pass through RV. v, 83, 10; to defer; to enter; to overcome, overtake, outdo; to pass by, neglect; to overstep, violate; to be redundant; to die: Intens. atīyate, to overcome.

atīta mfn. gone by, past, passed away, dead
     mfn. one who has gone through or got over or beyond, one who has passed by or neglected
     mfn. negligent
     mfn. passed, left behind
     mfn. excessive
atīta m. N. of a particular Śaiva sect
atīta n. the past.
atītakala atīta-kala m. the past time or tense.
atītanauka atīta-nauka mfn. passed out of a ship, landed.

atītvarī f. a female transgressor, bad woman VS.

atyaya aty-aya see s.v.
atyāya aty-āya see s.v.

atīkṣṇa a-tīkṣṇa mfn. not sharp, blunt
     mfn. not severe or rigid.

atīndriya mfn. beyond the (cognizance of the) senses
atīndriya m. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) the soul
atīndriya n. N. of Pradhāna
atīndriya n. the mind.

atīreka atī-reka see ati-ric.

atīva ind. exceedingly, very; excessively, too; quite; surpassing (with acc.): Compar. atīva-tarām ind. exceedingly, excessively Śiś. iv.25.

atīvra a-tīvra mfn. not sharp, blunt
     mfn. not pungent.

atīṣ (īṣ) to pass by (acc.) MaitrS.

atīsāra atī-sāra see and ati-sṛ.

atuṅga a-tuṅga mfn. not tall, short, dwarfish.

atunda a-tunda mfn. not stout, thin.

atura a-tura mfn. not liberal, not rich AV.

atula a-tula mfn. unequalled
atula a-tula m. (destitute of weight), the Sesamum seed and plant.

atulya a-tulya mfn. unequalled.

atuṣa a-tuṣa mfn. without husks ŚBr.

atuṣārakara a-tuṣāra-kara m. "having not cold rays", the sun.

atuṣṭi a-tuṣṭi f. displeasure, discontent.

atuhina a-tuhina not cold,
atuhinadhāman a-tuhina-dhāman m. "having not cold light", the sun VarBṛS.
atuhinaraśmi a-tuhina-raśmi m. "having not cold light", the sun VarBṛS.
atuhinaruci a-tuhina-ruci m. "having not cold light", the sun VarBṛS.

atūtuji a-tūtuji mfn. not quick, slow RV. vii, 28, 3.

atūrta a-tūrta ([RV. viii, 99, 7]) or a-tūrta ([RV.]) mfn. not outrun, not outdone, not obstructed, unhurt; (a-tūrtam) n. illimited space RV. x, 149, 1.
atūrtadakṣa a-tūrta-dakṣa m. "having designs that cannot be obstructed", N. of the Aśvins RV. viii, 26, 1.
atūrtapathin a-tūrta-pathin (atūrta-), m (nom. -panthās) fn. having a path that cannot be obstructed RV.

atṛṇāda a-tṛṇāda m. "not an eater of grass", a newly-born calf ŚBr. xiv.

atṛṇyā a-tṛṇyā f. a small quantity or short supply of grass Pāṇ. 6-2, 156 Sch.

atṛdila a-tṛdila mfn. "having no interstices", solid RV. x, 94, 11.

atṛpa a-tṛpa mfn. not satisfied RV. iv, 5, 14.
atṛpṇuvat mfn. insatiable RV. iv, 19, 3.

atṛpta a-tṛpta mfn. unsatisfied, insatiable, eager.
atṛptadṛś a-tṛpta-dṛś mfn. looking with eagerness.

atṛpti a-tṛpti f. unsatisfied condition, insatiability.

atṛṣita a-tṛṣita mfn. not thirsty, not greedy RV. x, 94, 11.

atṛṣṇaj a-tṛṣṇaj mfn. not thirsty RV. x, 94, 11.

atṛṣya a-tṛṣya mfn. beyond the reach of thirst AV.

atṛṣyat a-tṛṣyat mfn. not thirsting after, not greedy, not eager RV. i, 71, 3.

atejas a-tejas n. absence of brightness or vigour
     n. dimness, shade, shadow
     n. feebleness, dulness, insignificance
atejas a-tejas n. (a-tejas) mfn. ([AV.]) or a-tejaska ([ŚBr. xiv]) or a-tejasvin mfn. not bright, dim, not vigorous.
atejomaya a-tejo-maya mfn. not consisting of light or brightness ŚBr. xiv.

atoṣaṇīya a-toṣaṇīya mfn. not to be pleased or appeased.

atka ( at) m. a traveller L.; a limb or member L.; armour, mail, garment RV.; N. of an Asura RV.

atkila m. N. of an ancient Ṛiṣi (utkila q.v.) ĀśvŚr.

attali m. N. of a man.

attavya mfn. ( ad), fit or proper to be eaten Mn.

atti m. an eater ŚBr. xiv.

attṛ m. an eater AV. &c. f. attrī TS.

attā f. (probably a colloquialism borrowed from the Deccan, said to occur chiefly in dramas), a mother L.
     f. mother's sister L.
     f. elder L.
attā f. (in Prākṛit) a mother-in-law L. see akkā.

atti f. elder sister L.
attikā f. elder sister L.

attra see 3. and 4. atra, p.17, col.2.

attri see atri, p.17, col.2.

atna or atnu m. ( at), the sun L.

atya (2, 3) m. a courser, steed RV.

atyaṃhas aty-aṃhas mfn. beyond the reach of evil or distress VS.

atyaṃha aty-aṃha m. N. of a man TBr.

atyagni aty-agni m. too rapid digestion
atyagni aty-agni mfn. surpassing fire.
atyagnisomārka aty-agni-somārka mfn. brighter than fire or the moon or the sun.

atyagniṣṭoma aty-agniṣṭoma m. N. of the second of the seven modifications of the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice
     m. the Vedic verse chanted at the close of that ceremony.

atyagra aty-agra mfn. whose point is jutting over TS.

atyaṅkuśa aty-aṅkuśa mfn. past or beyond the (elephant-driver's) hook, unmanageable.

atyaṅgula aty-aṅgula mfn. exceeding an aṅgula (finger's breadth).

atyatikram aty-ati-kram to approach for sexual intercourse MBh.

atyatiric aty-ati-ric Pass. -ricyate, to surpass exceedingly.

atyanila aty-anila mfn. surpassing the wind.

atyanusṛ aty-anu-sṛ Caus.
atyanusṛsārayati aty-anu-sṛ-sārayati to pursue excessively MBh.

atyanta aty-anta mfn. beyond the proper end or limit
     mfn. excessive, very great, very strong
     mfn. endless, unbroken, perpetual
     mfn. absolute, perfect
atyantam aty-antam ind. excessively, exceedingly, in perpetuity, absolutely, completely
     mfn. to the end
atyanta aty-anta mfn. (āya) dat. ind. for ever, perpetually Pat.
     mfn. quite Pat.
atyantakopana aty-anta-kopana mfn. very passionate.
atyantaga aty-anta-ga mfn. going very much or very fast Pāṇ. 3-2, 48.
atyantagata aty-anta-gata mfn. completely pertinent
     mfn. always applicable Nir.
     mfn. gone forever Ragh.
atyantagati aty-anta-gati f. complete accomplishment
atyantagati aty-anta-gati f. (in Gr.) the sense of "completely."
atyantagāmin aty-anta-gāmin mfn. = -ga above.
atyantaguṇin aty-anta-guṇin mfn. having extraordinary qualities.
atyantatiraskṛtavācyadhvani aty-anta-tiraskṛta-vācya-dhvani f. (in rhetoric) a metaphoric
atyantapiḍana aty-anta-piḍana n. act of giving excessive pain.
atyantavāsin aty-anta-vāsin m. a student who perpetually resides with his teacher.
atyantasaṃyoga aty-anta-saṃyoga m. (in Gr.) immediate proximity.
atyantasamparka aty-anta-samparka m. excessive sexual intercourse.
atyantasukumāra aty-anta-sukumāra mfn. very tender
atyantasukumāra aty-anta-sukumāra m. a kind of grain, Panicum Italicum.
atyantābhāva m. absolute non-existence.

atyantika aty-antika mfn. too close
atyantika aty-antika n. too great nearness ŚBr.

atyantīna mfn. going far Pāṇ. 5-2, 11.

atyabhisṛta aty-abhi-sṛta mfn. ( sṛ), having approached too much, having come too close MBh. i, 3854.

atyaya aty-aya m. (fr. i with ati see atī), passing, lapse, passage
     m. passing away, perishing, death
     m. danger, risk, evil, suffering
     m. transgression, guilt, vice
     m. getting at, attacking Yājñ. ii, 1 2
     m. overcoming, mastering (mentally)
     m. a class ChUp.

atyayika see ātyayika.

atyayin mfn. passing Pāṇ. 3-2, 157.

atyarāti aty-arāti m. N. of a son of Janantapa AitBr.

atyartha aty-artha mfn. "beyond the proper worth", exorbitant, excessive
atyartham aty-artham ind. excessively, exceedingly.

atyard aty-ard to press hard, distress greatly Bhaṭṭ.

atyarh aty-arh (Subj. -arhāt), to excel in worth RV. ii, 23, 15.

atyavasṛj aty-ava-sṛj to let loose, let go.

atyavi aty-avi m. passing over or through the strainer (consisting of sheep's wool or a sheep's tail; said of the Soma) RV.

atyaś aty-aś to precede in eating ŚBr. MBh.; to eat too much Bhag.

atyaṣṭi aty-aṣṭi f. a metre (of four lines, each containing seventeen syllables)
     f. the number seventeen.
atyaṣṭisāmagrī aty-aṣṭi-sāmagrī f. N. of wk.

atyas aty-as (Imper. -astu) to excel, surpass RV. vii, 1, 14 AV.

atyas aty-as to shoot beyond, overwhelm, overpower (as with arrows).

atyasta aty-asta mfn. one who has shot or cast beyond Pāṇ. 2-1, 24.

atyāsam aty-āsam ind. ifc. after the lapse of (e.g. dvyahātyāsam, after the lapse of two days) Pāṇ. 3-4, 57 Sch.

atyaham aty-aham surpassing me; surpassing self-consciousness NṛisUp.; cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 97 Sch.

atyahna aty-ahna mfn. exceeding a day in duration Pāṇ. 5-4, 88 Sch.

atyākara aty-ā-kara m. (1. kṛ), contempt, blame Pāṇ. 5-1, 134.

atyākram aty-ā-kram (ind. p. -kramya) to walk past TS. ŚBr.

atyācāra aty-ācāra m. performance of works of supererogation
atyācāra aty-ācāra mfn. negligent of or departing from the established customs.

atyāditya aty-āditya mfn. surpassing the sun.

atyādṛ aty-ā-dṛ to take great care of, be anxious about.

atyādham aty-ā-dham -dhamati, to breathe violently Suśr.

atyādhā aty-ā-dhā to place in a higher rank ŚBr.

atyādhāna aty-ā-dhāna n. act of imposing or placing upon Pāṇ.
     n. imposition, deception L.

atyāhita aty-ā-hita mfn. disagreeable MBh. &c.
atyāhita aty-ā-hita n. disagreeableness Śāk. &c. (Prākṛit 'accAhida').

atyāya aty-āya m. ( i), the act of going beyond, transgression, excess Pāṇ. 3-1, 141, (am, 4) ind. going beyond RV. viii, 101, 14.

atyāyat aty-ā-yat Ā. to make extraordinary efforts far (loc.) Daś.

atyāyā aty-ā-yā to pass by RV.

atyāyu n. N. of a sacrificial vessel PBr.

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atyāla aty-āla m. Plumbago Rosea.

atyāśramin aty-āśramin m. "superior to the (four) Āśramas", an ascetic of the highest degree.

atyāsad aty-ā-sad Caus. ind. p. -sādya, passing through.

atyāsanna aty-ā-sanna mfn. being too close.

atyāsṛ aty-ā-sṛ to run near Kauś.

atyāsārin aty-ā-sārin mfn. flowing near violently TS.

atyuktā aty-uktā or -ukthā f. N. of a class of metres (of four lines, each containing two syllables).

atyukṣ aty-ukṣ (perf. 2. sg. -vavakṣitha) to surpass RV.

atyutkram aty-ut-kram to surpass, excel.

atyuddhā aty-ud-dhā (2. ), to surpass ŚBr. xiv.

atyupadha aty-upadha mfn. superior to any test, tried, trustworthy L.

atyupayaj aty-upa-yaj to continue offering sacrifices ŚBr.

atyuh aty-uh see aty- 1. ūh.

atyūmaśā aty-ūmaśā ind. a particle of abuse (used in comp. with 1. as, bhū, 1. kṛ; g. ūry-ādi q.v.)

atyūrmi aty-ūrmi mfn. overflowing, bubbling over RV. ix, 17, 3.

atyūh aty-ūh to convey across. Spelt aty-uh in some forms, possibly belonging to vah.

atyūh aty-ūh ūh, -ohate, to contemn RV. viii, 69, 14.

atyūha aty-ūha m. excessive deliberation
     m. a gallinule, a peacock Car.
atyūhā aty-ūhā f. the plant Jasminum Villosum or Nyctanthes Tristis.

atyṛj aty-ṛj to convey across (towards an object), admit to AitBr.

atyeṣ aty-eṣ (Subj. 2. sg. -eṣas) to glide over AV. ix, 5, 9.

atra a-tra (or Ved. a-trā) ind. (fr. pronominal base a; often used in sense of loc. case asmin), in this matter, in this respect; in this place, here at this time, there, then.
atradaghna a-tra-daghna mf (ā) n. reaching so far up, having this (or that) stature ŚBr.
atrabhavat a-tra-bhavat mfn. his Honour, your Honour, &c. (used honorifically in dramatic language).
atraiva ind. on this very spot.

atratya mfn. connected with this place, produced or found here L.

atra a-tra mfn. ( tras), (only for the etym. of kṣattra), "not enjoying or affording protection" BṛĀrUp.

atra m. (for at tra, fr. ad), a devourer, demon RV. AV., a Rākṣasa.

atra n. (for at-tra), food RV. x, 79, 2.

atri m. (for at-tri, fr. ad), a devourer RV. ii, 8, 5
     m. N. of a great Ṛiṣi, author of a number of Vedic hymns
atri m. (in astron.) one of the seven stars of the Great Bear
atri m. (atrayas) pl. m. the descendants of Atri.
atricaturaha atri-caturaha m. "the four days of Atri", N. of a sacrifice.
atrijāta atri-jāta m. "produced by Atri", the moon.
atridṛgja atri-dṛg-ja m. "produced by Atri's look", the moon, (in arithm.) the number one.
atrinetraja atri-netra-ja m. "produced by Atri's look", the moon, (in arithm.) the number one.
atrinetraprasūta atri-netra-prasūta m. "produced by Atri's look", the moon, (in arithm.) the number one.
atrinetraprabhava atri-netra-prabhava m. "produced by Atri's look", the moon, (in arithm.) the number one.
atrinetrasūta atri-netra-sūta m. "produced by Atri's look", the moon, (in arithm.) the number one.
atrinetrabhū atri-netra-bhū m. "produced by Atri's look", the moon, (in arithm.) the number one.
atribhāradvājikā atri-bhāradvājikā f. marriage of descendants of Atri with those of Bhāradvāja.
atrivat atri-vat ind. like Atri RV.
atrisaṃhitā atri-saṃhitā f. the code ascribed to Atri.
atrismṛti atri-smṛti f. the code ascribed to Atri.

atrin m. a devourer, demon RV., a Rākṣasa.

atrapa a-trapa mfn. destitute of shame.

atrapu a-trapu or a-trapus mfn. not tinned MaitrS. Kāṭh. KapS.

atrasnu a-trasnu ([ŚBr. Ragh. xiv, 47]) or a-trāsa mfn. fearless.

atrijāta a-tri-jāta mfn. "not born thrice" (but twice), a man belonging to one of the first three classes, [for atri-jāta see under atri.]

atvakka a-tvak-ka ([TS.]) or a-tvac ([ŚBr.]) mfn. skinless.

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atvarā a-tvarā f. freedom from haste.

atha (or Ved. athā) ind. (probably fr. pronom. base a), an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English), now; then; moreover; rather; certainly; but; else; what? how else? &c.
athakim atha-kim ind. how else? what else? certainly, assuredly, sure enough.
athakimu atha-kimu ind. how much more; so much the more.
athaca atha-ca ind. moreover, and likewise.
athatu atha-tu ind. but, on the contrary.
athavā atha-vā ind. or, rather.
athavāpi atha-vāpi ind. or, rather.
athātas ind. now.
athānantaram ind. now.
athāpi ind. so much the more; moreover; therefore; thus.

atho ind. ( = atha above ), now; likewise; next; therefore.
athovā atho-vā ind. = atha-vā Mn. iii, 202.

athari is or atharī f. (said to be fr. at, to go, or fr. an obsolete ath), flame ([Gmn.; "the point of an arrow or of a lance" NBD.; "finger" Naigh.]) RV. iv, 6, 8.

atharya ([VS.]) ([RV. vii, 1, 1]) mfn. flickering, lambent.
atharyū ([RV. vii, 1, 1]) mfn. flickering, lambent.

atharya Nom. P. atharyati, to move tremulously, flicker Naigh.

atharvan m. (said to be fr. an obsolete word athar, fire), a priest who has to do with fire and Soma
     m. N. of the priest who is said to have been the first to institute the worship of fire and offer Soma and prayers (he is represented as a Prajāpati, as Brahmā's eldest son, as the first learner and earliest teacher of the Brahma-vidyā, as the author of the Atharva-veda, as identical with Aṅgiras, as the father of Agni, &c.)
     m. N. of Śiva, Vasiṣṭha ([Kir. x, 10]), Soma, Prāṇa
atharvan m. (ā, a) m. n. the fourth or Atharva-veda (said to have been composed by Atharvan, and consisting chiefly of formulas and spells intended to counteract diseases and calamities)
atharvan m. (atharvāṇas). pl. m. descendants of Atharvan, often coupled with those of Aṅgiras and Bhṛigu
     m. the hymns of the Atharva-veda.

atharva (in comp. for atharvan).
atharvabhūta atharva-bhūta m. pl. "who have become Atharvans", N. of the twelve Maharshis.
atharvavat atharva-vat ind. like Atharvan or his descendants RV.
atharvavid atharva-vid m. one versed in the Atharva-veda (a qualification essential to the special class of priests called Brahmans).
atharvaveda atharva-veda m. N. of the fourth Veda (see above ).
atharvaśikhā atharva-śikhā f. N. of an Upanishad.
atharvaśiras atharva-śiras n. id.
     n. N. of a kind of brick TBr.
atharvaśiras atharva-śiras m. N. of Mahāpuruṣa.
atharvahṛdaya atharva-hṛdaya n. N. of a Pariśiṣṭa.
atharvāṅgirasa m. a member of the sacerdotal race or class called atharvāṅgirasa m. pl. i.e. the descendants of Atharvan and of Aṅgiras, the hymns of the Atharva-veda,
atharvāṅgirasa mfn. connected with the sacerdotal class called Atharvāṅgiras
atharvāṅgirasa n. the work or office of the Atharvāṅgiras
atharvāṅgirasa m. pl. the hymns of the Atharva-veda.

atharva m. N. of Brahmā's eldest son (to whom he revealed the Brahma-vidyā) MuṇḍUp.

atharvaṇa m. N. of Śiva.

atharvaṇi is, better
ātharvaṇi m. a Brāhman versed in the Atharva veda L., a family priest L.

atharvāṇa n. the Atharva-veda or the ritual of it MBh.
atharvāṇavid atharvāṇa-vid m. one versed in that ritual.

atharvī f. (["female priest" Gmn. BR.]) pierced by the point (of an arrow or of a lance) RV. i, 112, 10
atharvī f. cf. athari.

ad cl.2.P. atts, āda, atsyati, attum, to eat, consume, devour, Ved. Inf. attave RV.: Caus. ādayati and -te (once adayate [ĀpŚr.]) to feed ([cf. Lith. 'edmi'; Slav. 'jamj' for 'jadmj'; Gk. [greek]; Lat. 'edo'; Goth. root 'AT' pres. 'ita'; Germ. 'essen'; Eng. 'to' 'eat', Arm. 'utem']).
adādi ad-ādi mfn. belonging to the second class of roots called ad, &c. cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 72.

attavya &c. see s.v.
atti &c. see s.v.
attṛ &c. see s.v.
atra &c. see s.v.

ad mfn. ifc. "eating", as matsyād, eating fish.

ada mfn. chiefly ifc., eating.
adaka mfn. chiefly ifc., eating.

adat mfn. eating RV. x, 4, 4, &c.

adana n. act of eating
     n. food RV. vi, 59, 3.

adanīya mfn. to be eaten, what may be eaten.

adman see s.v.
adya see s.v.
advan see s.v.

adakṣa a-dakṣa mfn. not dexterous, unskilful, awkward.

adakṣiṇa a-dakṣiṇa mfn. not dexterous, not handy, not right, left
     mfn. inexperienced, simple-minded, not giving or bringing in a dakṣiṇā or present to the priest RV. x, 61, 10, &c.
adakṣiṇatva a-dakṣiṇa-tva n. awkwardness
     n. not bringing in a dakṣiṇā.

adakṣiṇīya mfn. not entitled to a dakṣiṇā ŚBr.

adakṣiṇya mfn. not fit to be used as a dakṣiṇā TS.

adagdha a-dagdha mfn. not burnt.

adaṇḍa a-daṇḍa mfn. exempt from punishment
adaṇḍa a-daṇḍa n. impunity.

adaṇḍanīya a-daṇḍanīya mfn. = a-daṇḍya

adaṇḍyā a-daṇḍyā mfn. not deserving punishment PBr. Mn. &c.
     mfn. exempt from it ŚBr. Mn. viii, 335.

adat a-dat ([RV.]) or adatka ([ChUp.]) mfn. toothless. (For 1. adat see above.)

adatta a-datta mfn. not given
     mfn. given unjustly
     mfn. not given in marriage
     mfn. one who has given nothing AV.
adattā a-dattā f. an unmarried girl
adatta a-datta n. a donation which is null and void Comm. on Yājñ.

adattvā a-dattvā ind. not having given AV. xii, 4, 19, &c.

adatrayā a-datrayā ind. not through a present RV. v, 49, 3.

adadryañc adadry-añc aṅ, īcī, ak (fr. adas + añc), inclining or going to that L.

adana adanīya see ad.

adanta a-danta mfn. toothless
adanta a-danta m. a leech L.

adantaka a-dantaka ([TS.]) ([ŚBr.]) mfn. toothless.
adantaka a-dantaka ([ŚBr.]) mfn. toothless.

adantya a-dantya mfn. not suitable for the teeth
     mfn. not dental
adantya a-dantya n. toothlessness.

adanta ad-anta mfn. (in Gr.) ending in at i.e. in the short inherent vowel a.

adabdha a-dabdha mfn. ( dambh, or dabh), not deceived or tampered with, unimpaired, unbroken, pure RV.
adabdhadhiti a-dabdha-dhiti (adabdha-) mfn. whose works are unimpaired RV. vi, 51, 3.
adabdhavratapramati a-dabdha-vratapramati (adabdha-) mfn. of unbroken observances and superior mind (or "of superior mind from having unbroken observances") RV. ii, 9, 1.
adabdhāya m. having unimpaired vigour (or "leaving uninjured the man who sacrifices") VS.
adabdhāsu mfn. having a pure life AV. v, 1, 1.

adabha a-dabha mfn. not injuring, benevolent RV. v, 86, 5.

adabhra a-dabhra mfn. not scanty, plentiful RV. viii, 47, 6
     mfn. strong.

adambha a-dambha mfn. free from deceit, straightforward m. N. of Śiva
     mfn. absence of deceit
     mfn. straightforwardness.

adambhitva a-dambhi-tva n. sincerity.

adamudryañc adamudry-añc aṅ, īcī, ak, going to that L.

adamuyañc adamuy-añc id. L.
adamūyañc adamūy-añc id. L.

adamya a-damya mfn. untamable.

adaya a-daya mfn. ( day), merciless, unkind RV. x, 103, 7, (am) ind. ardently.

adayālu a-dayālu mfn. unkind.

adara a-dara mfn. not little, much.

adaraka m. N. of a man.

adarśa a-darśa (for ā-darśa) m. a mirror.

adarśa a-darśa m. day of new moon.

adarśana a-darśana n. non-vision, not seeing
     n. disregard, neglect, non-appearance, latent condition disappearance, (mfn.), invisible, latent.
adarśanapatha a-darśana-patha n. a path beyond the reach of vision.

adarśanīya a-darśanīya mfn. invisible
adarśanīya a-darśanīya n. invisible condition.

adala a-dala mfn. leafless, (as) m. the plant Eugenia (or Barringtonia) Acutangula
adalā a-dalā f. Socotorine Aloe (Perfoliata or Indica).

adaśan a-daśan a, not ten ŚBr.
adaśamāsya a-daśamāsya mfn. not ten months old ŚBr.

adas nom. mf. asau (voc. asau MaitrS.) n. adas, (opposed to idam q.v.), that, a certain, (adas) ind. thus, so, there.
adaḥkṛtya having done that.
adobhavati ado-bhavati he becomes that.
adomaya ado-maya mfn. made of that, containing that ŚBr. xiv.
adomūla ado-mūla mfn. rooted in that.

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adayīya mf (ī) n. belonging to that or those Naish.

adasya Nom. P. adasyati, to become that.

adākṣiṇya a-dākṣiṇya n. incivility.

adātṛ a-dātṛ mfn. not giving
     mfn. not liberal, miserly
     mfn. not giving (a daughter) in marriage
     mfn. not paying, not liable to payment.

adāna a-dāna n. (1. ), not giving, act of withholding AV. &c.
adāna a-dāna mfn. not giving.

adānya a-dānya mfn. not giving, miserly AV.

adāman a-dāman mfn. not liberal, miserly RV.

adāyin a-dāyin mfn. not giving Nir.

adāśu a-dāśu ([RV. i, 174, 6]) mfn. not worshipping the deities, impious.
adāśuri a-dāśuri ([RV. viii, 45, 15]) ([RV.; Compar. adāśūṣṭara RV. viii, 81, 7]) mfn. not worshipping the deities, impious.
adāśvas a-dāśvas ([RV.; Compar. adāśūṣṭara RV. viii, 81, 7]) mfn. not worshipping the deities, impious.

aditi a-diti f. having nothing to give, destitution RV.
     f. for 2. aditi, 3. a-diti see below.

adānta a-dānta mfn. unsubdued.

adābhya a-dābhya (3, 4) mfn. free from deceit, trusty; not to be trifled with RV.; m. N. of a libation (graha) in the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice.

adāyāda a-dāyāda mf (ī, in later texts ā) n. not entitled to be an heir
     mf (ī, in later texts ā) n. destitute of heirs.

adāyika a-dāyika mfn. unclaimed from want of persons entitled to inherit
     mfn. not relating to inheritance.

adāra a-dāra m. having no wife.

adārasṛt a-dāra-sṛt mfn. not falling into a crack or rent AV., N. of a Sāman PBr.

adāsa a-dāsa m. "not a slave", a free man.

adāhuka a-dāhuka mfn. not consuming by fire MaitrS.

adāhya a-dāhya mfn. incombustible.

adikka a-dikka mfn. having no share in the horizon, banished from beneath the sky ŚBr.

aditi m. ( ad), devourer i.e. death BṛĀrUp.

aditi a-diti mfn. (4. or do, dyati; for 1. a-diti see above ), not tied, free RV. vii, 52, 1, boundless, unbroken, entire, unimpaired, happy RV. VS., (is), f. freedom, security, safety
     mfn. boundlessness, immensity, inexhaustible abundance, unimpaired condition, perfection, creative power, N. of one of the most ancient of the Indian goddesses ("Infinity" or the "Eternal and Infinite Expanse", often mentioned in RV., daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa, mother of the Ādityas and of the gods)
     mfn. a cow, milk RV.
     mfn. the earth Naigh.
     mfn. speech Naigh. (cf. RV. viii, 101, 15)
aditi a-diti mfn. (ī) f. du. heaven and earth Naigh.
aditija a-diti-ja m. a son of Aditi, an Āditya, a divine being.
adititva a-diti-tva n. the condition of Aditi, or of freedom, unbrokenness RV. vii, 51, 1
     n. the state of the goddess Aditi BṛĀrUp.
aditinandana a-diti-nandana m. = -ja q.v.

aditsat a-ditsat ([RV. vi, 53, 3, &c.]) or a-ditsu mfn. (Desid. fr. 1. ), not inclined to give.

adiprabhṛti adi-prabhṛti = ad-ādi see ad.

adīkṣita a-dīkṣita mfn. one who has not performed the initiatory ceremony (dīkṣā) connected with the Soma sacrifice
     mfn. one who is not concerned in that ceremony
     mfn. one who has not received Brāhmanical consecration.

adīna a-dīna mfn. not depressed, noble-minded m. N. of a prince (also called Ahīna).
adīnasattva a-dīna-sattva mfn. possessing unimpaired goodness.
adīnātman mfn. undepressed in spirit.

adīpta a-dīpta mfn. unilluminated.

adīrgha a-dīrgha mfn. not long.
adīrghaautra a-dīrgha-autra mfn. not tedious, prompt L.

aduḥkha a-duḥkha mfn. free from evil or trouble, propitious.
aduḥkhanavami a-duḥkha-navami f. the propitious ninth day in the first fortnight of Bhādrapada (when women worship Devī to avert evil for the ensuing year).

adugdha a-dugdha mfn. not milked out RV. vii, 32, 22, not sucked out Suśr.

aducchuna a-ducchuna mfn. free from evil, propitious RV. ix, 61, 17.

adurga a-durga mfn. not difficult of access
     mfn. destitute of a strong hold or fort.
adurgaviṣaya a-durga-viṣaya m. an unfortified country.

adurmakha a-durmakha mfn. not reluctant, unremitting, cheerful RV. viii, 75, 14.

adurmaṅgala a-durmaṅgala mf (nom. īḥ) n. not inauspicious RV. x, 85, 43.

adurvṛtta a-durvṛtta mfn. not of a bad character or disposition.

aduṣkṛt a-duṣ-kṛt mfn. not doing evil RV. iii, 33, 13.

aduṣṭa a-duṣṭa mfn. not vitiated, not bad, not guilty Mn. viii, 388
     mfn. innocent.
aduṣṭatva a-duṣṭa-tva n. the being not vitiated
     n. innocence.

adū a-dū mfn. dilatory, without zeal, not worshipping RV. vii, 4, 6.

adūna a-dūna mfn. ( du), uninjured.

adūra a-dūra mfn. not distant, near
adūra a-dūra n. vicinity
adūra a-dūra n. (e), (āt), (atas) ind. (with abl. or gen.) not far, near
adūra a-dūra n. soon.
adūrabhava a-dūra-bhava mfn. situated at no great distance.

adūṣita a-dūṣita mfn. unvitiated
     mfn. unspotted, irreproachable.
adūṣitadhī a-dūṣita-dhī mfn. possessing an uncorrupted mind.

adṛḍha a-dṛḍha mfn. not firm
     mfn. not decided.

adṛpita a-dṛpita mfn. not infatuated, not vain RV.

adṛpta a-dṛpta mfn. id. RV.
adṛptakratu a-dṛpta-kratu (adṛpta-) mfn. sober-minded RV.

adṛpyat a-dṛpyat mfn. not being infatuated RV. i, 151, 8.

adṛś a-dṛś mfn. ( dṛś), blind L.

adṛśya a-dṛśya mfn. invisible, latent
     mfn. not fit to be seen (cf. a-dreśya.)
adṛśyakaraṇa a-dṛśya-karaṇa n. act of rendering invisible
     n. N. of a part of a treatise on magic.

adṛśyat a-dṛśyat mfn. invisible L., (atī) f. N. of Vasiṣṭha's daughter-in-law.

adṛṣṭa a-dṛṣṭa ([ŚBr.]) mfn. unseen, unforeseen, invisible, not experienced, unobserved, unknown, unsanctioned; m. N. of a particular venomous substance or of a species of vermin AV.; n. unforeseen danger or calamity, that which is beyond the reach of observation or consciousness, (especially the merit or demerit attaching to a man's conduct in one state of existence and the corresponding reward or punishment with which he is visited in another); destiny, fate: luck, bad luck.
adṛṣṭa a-dṛṣṭa ([ŚBr.]) mfn. unseen, unforeseen, invisible, not experienced, unobserved, unknown, unsanctioned; m. N. of a particular venomous substance or of a species of vermin AV.; n. unforeseen danger or calamity, that which is beyond the reach of observation or consciousness, (especially the merit or demerit attaching to a man's conduct in one state of existence and the corresponding reward or punishment with which he is visited in another); destiny, fate: luck, bad luck.
adṛṣṭakarman a-dṛṣṭa-karman mfn. one who has not seen practice.
adṛṣṭakāma a-dṛṣṭa-kāma m. passionate attachment to an object that has never been seen.
adṛṣṭaja a-dṛṣṭa-ja mfn. produced or resulting from fate.
adṛṣṭanara a-dṛṣṭa-nara m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).
adṛṣṭapuruṣa a-dṛṣṭa-puruṣa m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).
adṛṣṭaparasāmarthya a-dṛṣṭa-para-sāmarthya m. one who has not experienced the power of an enemy.
adṛṣṭapurva a-dṛṣṭa-purva mfn. never seen before.
adṛṣṭaphala a-dṛṣṭa-phala mfn. having consequences that are not yet visible
adṛṣṭaphala a-dṛṣṭa-phala n. a result or consequence which is not yet visible or hidden in the future.
adṛṣṭarupa a-dṛṣṭa-rupa mfn. having an invisible shape.
adṛṣṭavat a-dṛṣṭa-vat mfn. connected with or arising from destiny
     mfn. lucky or unlucky, fortunate.
adṛṣṭahan a-dṛṣṭa-han m. destroyer of venomous vermin RV. i, 191, 8 and 9.
adṛṣṭārtha mfn. having an object not evident to the senses (as a science), transcendental.
adṛṣṭāsrutapūrvatva n. the state of never having been seen or heard before.

adṛṣṭi a-dṛṣṭi f. a displeased or malicious look, an evil eye L.
adṛṣṭikā a-dṛṣṭikā f. a displeased or malicious look, an evil eye L.

adeya a-deya mfn. improper or unfit to be given, (am) an illegal gift.
adeyadāna a-deya-dāna n. an illegal gift.

adeva a-deva mfn. not divine not of divine origin, not referring to any deity RV.
     mfn. godless, impious RV. m. one who is not a god ŚBr. xiv Mn.
adevamātrika a-deva-mātrika mfn. "not having the gods or clouds as mothers, not suckled by any deity", not rained upon.

adevaka a-devaka mf (ā) n. not referring to or intended for any deity ŚBr.

adevatā a-devatā f. one who is not a deity Nir.

adevatra a-devatra mfn. not devoted to the gods RV. v, 61, 6.

adevayat a-devayat ([RV. ii, 26, 1]) ([RV.]) mfn. indifferent to the gods, irreligious.
adevayu ([RV.]) mfn. indifferent to the gods, irreligious.

adaiva a-daiva mfn. not referring to or connected with the gods or with their action, not predetermined by them or by fate.

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adevṛghnī a-devṛ-ghnī f. not killing her brother-in-law AV. xiv, 2, 18.

adeśa a-deśa m. a wrong place, an improper place.
adeśakāla a-deśa-kāla n. wrong place and time.
adeśaja a-deśa-ja mfn. produced in a wrong place.
adeśastha a-deśa-stha mfn. out of place, in the wrong place
     mfn. one absent from his country, an absentee.

adeśya a-deśya mfn. not on the spot, not present on the occasion referred to Mn. viii, 53 (v.l. a-deśa)
     mfn. not to be ordered or advised.

adomada a-doma-da or a-doma-dha mfn. not occasioning inconvenience AV.

adomaya ado-maya &c. see adas.

adoha a-doha m. ( duh), the season when milking is impracticable KātyŚr.

adogdhṛ a-dogdhṛ mfn. not milking
     mfn. not exacting
     mfn. not caring for BhP.

adga m. ( ad), a sacrificial cake (puroḍāśa) made of rice Uṇ.
     m. a cane (?) AV. i, 27, 3.

addhā ad-dhā ind. (fr. ad, or a, this), Ved. in this way; manifestly; certainly, truly.
addhātama ad-dhā-tama mfn. quite manifest AitĀr.
addhātama ad-dhā-tama mfn. (ām) ind. most certainly ŚBr.
addhāpuruṣa ad-dhā-puruṣa m. see an-addhāpuruṣa.
addhābodheya ad-dhā-bodheya m. pl. adherents of a particular Śākhā or recension of the white Yajur-veda.

addhāti m. a sage RV. x, 85, 16 AV.

addhyālohakarṇa addhyā-loha-karṇa mfn. having ears quite red VS. cf. adhirūḍha-karna.

adbhuta ([once adbhuta RV. i, 120, 4]) mfn. (see 1. at), supernatural, wonderful, marvellous m. the marvellous (in style), surprise; N. of the Indra of the ninth Manvantara; n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy.
adbhutakarman adbhuta-karman mfn. performing wonderful works, exhibiting wonderful workmanship.
adbhutakratu adbhuta-kratu (adbhuta-) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence RV.
adbhutagandha adbhuta-gandha mfn. having a wonderful smell.
adbhutatama adbhuta-tama n. an extraordinary wonder.
adbhutatva adbhuta-tva n. wonderfulness.
adbhutadarśana adbhuta-darśana mfn. having a wonderful aspect.
adbhutadharma adbhuta-dharma m. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", N. of one of the nine aṅgas of the Buddhists.
adbhutabrāhmaṇa adbhuta-brāhmaṇa n. N. of a portion of a Brāhmaṇa belonging to the Sāma-veda.
adbhutabhīmakarman adbhuta-bhīma-karman mfn. performing wonderful and fearful works.
adbhutarasa adbhuta-rasa m. the marvellous style (of poetry).
adbhutarāmāyaṇa adbhuta-rāmāyaṇa n. N. of wk. ascribed to Vālmīki.
adbhutarūpa adbhuta-rūpa mfn. having a wonderful shape.
adbhutaśānti adbhuta-śānti m. or f. N. of the sixty-seventh Pariśiṣṭa of the Atharva veda.
adbhutasaṃkāsa adbhuta-saṃkāsa mfn. resembling a wonder.
adbhutasāra adbhuta-sāra m. "wonderful resin" of the Khadira tree (Mimosa Catechu)
     m. N. of a book on the essence of prodigies.
adbhutasvana adbhuta-svana m. "having a wonderful voice", N. of Siva.
adbhutainas mfn. one in whom no fault is visible RV.
adbhutottarakāṇḍa n. N. of wk., an appendix to or imitation of the Rāmāyaṇa.
adbhutopama mfn. resembling a wonder.

adman n. ( ad), eating, a meal RV. i, 58, 2.

adma (in comp. for adman).
admasad adma-sad m. seated (with others) at a meal, companion at table RV.
admasadya adma-sadya n. commensality RV. viii, 43, 19.
admasadvan adma-sadvan mfn. companion at a meal RV. vi, 4, 4.

admani m. fire Uṇ.

admara mfn. gluttonous Pāṇ. 3-2, 160.

adya mfn. fit or proper to be eaten
adya mfn. (am) ifc. (cf. annadya, havir adya) n. food.

adya a-dya (Ved. adyā) ind. (fr. pronom. base a, this, with dya for dyu q.v., Lat. 'ho-dic'), to-day; now-a-days; now.
adyadina a-dya-dina m. n. the present day.
adyadivasa a-dya-divasa m. n. the present day.
adyapūrvam a-dya-pūrvam ind. before now.
adyaprabhṛti a-dya-prabhṛti ind. from and after to-day.
adyaśva a-dya-śva mfn. comprising the present and the following day PBr.
adyaśvīna a-dya-śvīna mfn. likely to happen to-day or (śvas) to-morrow Pāṇ. 5-2, 13
adyaśvīnā a-dya-śvīnā f. a female near delivery ib.
adyasutyā a-dya-sutyā f. preparation and consecration of the Soma on the same day ŚBr. &c.
adyāpi ind. even now, just now; to this day; down to the present time; henceforth.
adyāvadhi mfn. beginning or ending to-day
     mfn. from or till to-day.
adyāśva adyā-śva n. the present and the following day TS.
adyaiva ind. this very day.

adyatana mf (ī) n. extending over or referring to to-day
     mf (ī) n. now-a-days, modern
adyatana m. the period of a current day, either from midnight to midnight, or from dawn to dark
adyatana mf (ī) n. (ī) f. (in Gr.) the aorist tense (from its relating what has occurred on the same day).
adyatanabhūta adyatana-bhūta m. the aorist.

adyatanīya mfn. extending over or referring to to-day
     mfn. current now-a-days.

adyu a-dyu mfn. not burning or not sharp RV. vii, 34, 12.

adyut a-dyut mfn. destitute of brightness RV. vi, 39, 3.

adyūtyā a-dyūtyā (4) n. unlucky gambling RV. i, 112, 24; (mfn.), not derived from gambling, honestly obtained.

adrava a-drava mfn. not liquid.

adravya a-dravya n. a nothing, a worthless thing
adravya a-dravya mfn. having no possessions.

adri m. ( ad Uṇ.), a stone, a rock, a mountain
     m. a stone for pounding Soma with or grinding it on
     m. a stone for a sling, a thunderbolt
     m. a mountain-shaped mass of clouds
     m. a cloud (the mountains are the clouds personified, and regarded as the enemies of Indra)
     m. a tree L.
     m. the sun L.
     m. N. of a measure
     m. the number seven
     m. N. of a grandson of Pṛithu.
adrikarṇī adri-karṇī f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea Lin.
adrikīlā adri-kīlā f. the earth L.
adrikṛtasthalī adri-kṛta-sthalī f. N. of an Apsaras.
adrija adri-ja mfn. produced from or found among rocks or mountains
adrijā adri-jā f. the plant Saiṃhalī, N. of Pārvatī or Durgā
adrija adri-ja n. red chalk.
adrijā adri-jā mfn. produced from (the friction of) stones RV. iv, 4, 5
     mfn. N. of the soul KaṭhUp.
adrijūta adri-jūta (adri-) mfn. excited by (the friction of) stones RV. iii, 58, 8.
adritanayā adri-tanayā f. "mountain-daughter", N. of Pārvatī
     f. N. of a metre (of four lines, each containing twenty-three syllables).
adridugdha adri-dugdha (adri-) mfn. not pressed out or extracted with stones RV.
adridviṣ adri-dviṣ m. the enemy of mountains or clouds i.e. Indra L.
adrinandinī adri-nandinī f. N. of Pārvatī.
adripati adri-pati m. "lord of mountains", the Himālaya.
adribarhas adri-barhas (adri-) mfn. fast as a rock RV. x, 63, 3 TBr.
adribudhna adri-budhna (adri-) mfn. rooted in or produced on a rock or mountain RV. x, 108, 7 VS.
adribhid adri-bhid mfn. splitting mountains or clouds RV. vi, 73, 1, (t) m. N. of Indra L.
adribhu adri-bhu mfn. mountain-born, found or living among mountains, (ūs) f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata.
adrimātṛ adri-mātṛ (adri-) mfn. having a rock or mountain for a mother RV. ix, 86, 3.
adrimūrdhan adri-mūrdhan m. the head or summit of a mountain.
adrirāj adri-rāj m. "king of mountains", the Himālaya.
adrirāja adri-rāja m. "king of mountains", the Himālaya.
adrivat adri-vat (voc. vas) m. armed with stones or thunderbolts RV.
adrivahni adri-vahni m. fire on or in a mountain or rock.
adriśayya adri-śayya m. "having the mountain for a couch", Śiva L.
adriśṛṅga adri-śṛṅga n. a mountain-peak.
adriṣuta adri-ṣuta (adri-) mfn. prepared with stones RV.
adrisaṃhata adri-saṃhata (adri-) mfn. expressed with stones RV. ix, 98, 6.
adrisānu adri-sānu mfn. lingering on the mountains RV. vi, 65, 5.
adrisāra adri-sāra m. "essence of stones" iron.
adrisāramaya adri-sāra-maya mfn. made of iron.
adrīndra m. "lord of mountains", the Himālaya.
adrīśa m. "lord of mountains", the Himālaya.

adrikā f. N. of an Apsaras.

adruh a-druh (nom. a-dhruk) mfn. free from malice or treachery RV.

adruhāṇa a-druhāṇa ([RV. v, 70, 2]) ([SV.]) mfn. id.
adruhvan a-druhvan ([SV.]) mfn. id.

adrogha a-drogha mfn. free from falsehood, true RV., (a-drogham) ind. without falsehood RV. viii, 60, 4.
adroghavāc a-drogha-vāc (adrogha-) mfn. free from malice or treachery in speech RV. AV.
adroghāvita mfn. loving freedom from malice or treachery AV.

adroha a-droha m. freedom from malice or treachery.
adrohavṛtti a-droha-vṛtti f. conduct free from malice or treachery.

adrohin a-drohin mfn. free from malice or treachery.

adreśya a-dreśya mfn. invisible MuṇḍUp.

advan mfn. ( ad), ifc. (e.g. agrādvan), eating.

advaya a-dvaya mfn. not two without a second, only, unique m. N. of a Buddha
advaya a-dvaya n. non-duality, unity
advaya a-dvaya n. identity (especially the identity of Brahma, with the human soul or with the universe, or of spirit and matter)
advaya a-dvaya n. the ultimate truth.
advayavādin a-dvaya-vādin m. one who teaches advaya, or identity, a Buddha, a Jaina, (cf. advaita-vadin.)
advayānanda m. N. of an author, and of a founder of the Vaiṣṇava sect in Bengal (who lived at the close of the fifteenth century).

advayat a-dvayat ([RV. iii, 29, 5]) ([RV. i, 187, 3 and viii, 18, 6]) mfn. free from duplicity.
advayas a-dvayas ([RV. i, 187, 3 and viii, 18, 6]) mfn. free from duplicity.
advayāvin a-dvayāvin ([RV.]) ([RV. viii, 18, 15]) mfn. free from double-dealing or duplicity.
advayu a-dvayu ([RV. viii, 18, 15]) mfn. free from double-dealing or duplicity.

advār a-dvār f. not a door ŚBr. MBh.

advāra a-dvāra n. a place without a door
     n. an entrance which is not the proper door ŚBr. xiv, &c.

advija a-dvija mfn. destitute of Brāhmans Mn. viii, 22.

advitīya a-dvitīya mfn. without a second, sole, unique
     mfn. matchless.

adviṣeṇya a-dviṣeṇya (5) mfn. ( dviṣ), not malevolent RV.

adveṣa a-dveṣa mfn. not malevolent (nom. du. f. -e) RV. viii, 68, 10 and x, 45, 12.
adveṣarāgin a-dveṣa-rāgin mfn. free from malevolence and passionate desire.

adveṣas ind. without malevolence RV.

adveṣin mfn. free from malevolence.

adveṣṭṛ m. not an enemy, a friend.

advaita a-dvaita mfn. destitute of duality, having no duplicate ŚBr. xiv, &c.
     mfn. peerless
     mfn. sole, unique
     mfn. epithet of Viṣṇu
advaita a-dvaita n. non-duality
advaita a-dvaita n. identity of Brahmā or of the Paramātman or supreme soul with the Jivātman or human soul
advaita a-dvaita n. identity of spirit and matter
advaita a-dvaita n. the ultimate truth
advaita a-dvaita n. title of an Upanishad
advaita a-dvaita mfn. (ena) ind. solely.
advaitavādin a-dvaita-vādin m. one who asserts the doctrine of non-duality.
advaitānanda m. = advayānanda q.v.
advaitopaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad.

advaidha a-dvaidha mfn. not divided into two parts, not shared
     mfn. not disunited
     mfn. free from malice, straightforward.

adha or adhā ind., Ved. (= atha, used chiefly as an inceptive particle), now, then, therefore, moreover, so much the more, and, partly.
adhadha adha-adha as well as, partly partly.
adhapriya mfn. (you who are) now pleased (voc. du. -yā) RV. viii, 8, 4.

adhaḥ &c. see adhas.

adhana a-dhana mfn. destitute of wealth.

adhanya a-dhanya mfn. not richly supplied with corn or other produce, not prosperous
     mfn. unhappy.

adhama mfn. (see adhara), lowest, vilest, worst, very low or vile or bad (often ifc., as in narādhama, the vilest or worst of men)
adhama m. an unblushing paramour
adhamā f. a low or bad mistress ([cf. Lat. 'infimus']).
adhamabhṛta adhama-bhṛta m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter.
adhamabhṛtaka adhama-bhṛtaka m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter.
adhamarṇa adhama-rṇa () () m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor.
adhamarṇika adhama-rṇika () m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor.
adhamaśākha adhama-śākha (?), N. of a region, (g. gahādi, q.v.)
adhamāṅga n. "the lowest member", the foot.
adhamācāra mfn. guilty of vile conduct.
adhamārdha n. the lower half, the lower part.
adhamārdhya mfn. connected with or referring to the lower part Pāṇ. 4-3, 5.

adhamarṇa adhama-rṇa &c. see adhama.

adhara mfn. (connected with adhas), lower, inferior, tending downwards
     mfn. low, vile
     mfn. worsted, silenced
adhara m. the lower lip, the lip, (āt) abl. ind. see s.v. below
adhara mfn. (asmāt) abl. ind. below L.
adharā f. the lower region, nadir
adhara n. the lower part, a reply, pudendum muliebre L. [Lat. 'inferus'].
adharakaṇṭha adhara-kaṇṭha m. n. the lower neck, lower part of the throat VS.
adharakāya adhara-kāya m. the lower part of the body.
adharatas adhara-tas ind. below Pāṇ. 5-3, 35 Sch.
adharapāna adhara-pāna n. "drinking the lip", kissing.
adharamadhu adhara-madhu n. the moisture of the lips.
adharasapatna adhara-sapatna (adhara-) mfn. whose enemies are worsted or silenced MaitrS.
adharasvastika adhara-svastika n. the nadir.
adharahanu adhara-hanu f. the lower jaw-bone AV.
adharāmṛta n. the nectar of the lips.
adharāraṇi f. the lower of the two pieces of wood used in producing fire by friction ŚBr. &c.
adharāvalopa m. biting the lip.
adharīkṛta adharī-kṛta mfn. worsted, eclipsed, excelled, Sāk. (v.l.) Adharī-bhūta mfn. worsted (as in a process) Yājñ. ii, 17.
adharedyus ind. the day before yesterday Pāṇ. 5-3, 22.
adharottara mfn. lower and higher
     mfn. worse and better
     mfn. question and answer
     mfn. nearer and further
     mfn. sooner and later
     mfn. upside down, topsy-turvy.
adharoṣṭha adhar'-oṣṭha m. the lower lip
adharoṣṭha adhar'-oṣṭha. ; n. the lower and upper lip.
adharauṣṭha m. the lower lip
adharauṣṭha n. the lower and upper lip.

adharaya Nom. P. adharayati, to make inferior, put under; eclipse, excel.

adharastāt ind. below L.

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adharāk ind. beneath, in the lower region i.e. in the south VS.

adharācīna ([RV. ii, 17, 5]) āṅ ācī, āk, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south.
adharācya ([(5) AV.]) mfn. āṅ ācī, āk, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south.
adharāñc āṅ ācī, āk, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south.

adharāt ind. below, beneath RV. and AV.; in the south AV.
adharāttāt adharāt-tāt (adharāt-) ind. below, beneath RV. x, 36, 14.

adharīṇa mfn. vilified L.

adharma a-dharma m. unrighteousness, injustice, irreligion, wickedness
     m. demerit, guilt
     m. N. of a Prajāpati (son of Brahmā, husband of Hiṃsā or Mṛiṣā)
     m. N. of an attendant of the sun
adharmā a-dharmā f. unrighteousness (personified and represented as the bride of death).
adharmacārin a-dharma-cārin mfn. practising wickedness.
adharmatas a-dharma-tas ind. unrighteously, unjustly.
adharmadaṇḍana a-dharma-daṇḍana n. unjust punishment Mn. viii, 127.
adharmamaya a-dharma-maya mfn. made up of wickedness ŚBr. xiv.
adharmātman mfn. having a wicked spirit or disposition.
adharmastikāya m. the category (astikāya) of adharma, (one of the five categories of the Jaina ontology).

adharmin mfn. unrighteous, wicked, impious.

adharmiṣṭha mfn. most wicked, impious.

adharmya mfn. unlawful, contrary to law or religion, wicked.

adhavā a-dhavā f. one who has no husband, a widow (usually vi-dhavā q.v.) L.

adhas ind. (see adhara), below, down; in the lower region; beneath, under; from under (with acc. gen., and abl.); also applied to the lower region and to the pudendum muliebre ([cf. Lat. 'infra']).
adhaupāsana adha-upāsana n. sexual intercourse Comm. on BṛĀrUp.
adhaḥkara adhaḥ-kara m. the lower part of the hand.
adhaḥkāya adhaḥ-kāya m. the lower part of the body.
adhaḥkṛta adhaḥ-kṛta mfn. cast down.
adhakṛṣṇājinam adha-kṛṣṇājinam ind. under the black skin KātyŚr.
adhakriyā adha-kriyā f. (= apamāna), disgrace, humiliation.
adhakhanana adha-khanana n. undermining.
adhaḥpadma adhaḥ-padma n. (in architecture) a part of a cupola.
adhaḥpāta adhaḥ-pāta m. a downfall.
adhaḥpuṣpī adhaḥ-puṣpī f. "having flowers looking downwards", two plants Pimpinella Anisum and Elephantopus Scaber (or Hieracium?).
adhaḥpravāha adhaḥ-pravāha m. a downward current.
adhaḥprastara adhaḥ-prastara m. seat or bed of turf or grass (for persons in a state of impurity).
adhaḥprāṅśāyin adhaḥ-prāṅ-śāyin mfn. sleeping on the ground towards the east.
adhaḥśaya adhaḥ-śaya mfn. sleeping on the ground ŚBr.
adhaḥśayya adhaḥ-śayya mfn. having a peculiar couch on the ground, (ā) f. act of sleeping on the ground and on a peculiar couch.
adhaḥśiras adhaḥ-śiras mfn. holding the head downward
     mfn. head foremost m. N. of a hell VP.
adhaḥstha adhaḥ-stha mfn. placed low or below
     mfn. inferior.
adhaḥsthita adhaḥ-sthita mfn. standing below
     mfn. situated below.
adhaḥsvastika adhaḥ-svastika n. the nadir.
adhaḥcara adhaḥ-cara m. "creeping on the ground", a thief.
adhastarām adhas-tarām ind. very far down ŚBr.
adhastala adhas-tala n. the room below anything.
adhaspada adhas-pada mfn. Ved. placed under the feet, under foot, (am) n. the place under the feet, (ām) ind. under foot.
adhoakṣa adho-akṣa mfn. being below (or not coming up to) the axle RV. iii, 33, 9.
adhokṣam adho-'kṣam ([KātyŚr.]) ([AśvŚr.]) ind. under the axle.
adhokṣeṇa adho-'kṣeṇa ([AśvŚr.]) ind. under the axle.
adhokṣaja adho-'kṣa-ja m. N. of Viṣṇu or Kṛiṣṇa
     m. the sign Śravaṇā.
adhogata adho-gata mfn. gone down, descended.
adhogati adho-gati f. descent, downward movement, degradation.
adhogama adho-gama m. descent, downward movement, degradation.
adhogamana adho-gamana n. descent, downward movement, degradation.
adhogati mfn. going downwards, descending.
adhogāmin adho-gāmin mfn. going downwards, descending.
adhoghaṇṭā adho-ghaṇṭā f. the plant Achyranthes Aspera.
adhoṅga adho-'ṅga n. the anus
     n. pudendum muliebre.
adhojānu adho-jānu ind. below the knee ŚBr.
adhojihvikā adho-jihvikā f. the uvula.
adhodāru adho-dāru n. the under timber.
adhodiś adho-diś f. the lower region, the nadir.
adhodṛṣṭi adho-dṛṣṭi f. a downcast look
adhodṛṣṭi adho-dṛṣṭi mfn. having a downcast look.
adhodeśa adho-deśa m. the lower or lowest part (especially of the body).
adhodvāra adho-dvāra n. the anus, pudendum muliebre.
adhonābham adho-nābham of
adhonābhi adho-nābhi ([MaitrS.]) ind. below the navel.
adhonilaya adho-nilaya m. "lower abode", the lower regions, hell.
adhopara adho-'para n. the anus.
adhopahāsa (dhas-up) m. sexual intercourse ŚBr. xiv.
adhobandhana adho-bandhana n. an under girth.
adhobhakta adho-bhakta n. a dose of medicine to be taken after eating.
adhobhava adho-bhava mfn. lower.
adhobhāga adho-bhāga m. the lower or lowest part, especially of the body.
adhobhāgadoṣahara adho-bhāga-doṣa-hara mfn. curing or strengthening the lower part of the body.
adhobhuvana adho-bhuvana n. the lower world.
adhobhūmi adho-bhūmi f. lower ground
     f. land at the foot of a hill.
adhomarman adho-marman n. the anus.
adhomukha adho-mukha mf (ā [Śiś.] or ī) n. having the face downwards
     mf (ā [Śiś.] or ī) n. headlong
     mf (ā [Śiś.] or ī) n. upside down
adhomukha adho-mukha m. Viṣṇu
adhomukha adho-mukha m. a division of hell VP.
adhomukha adho-mukha mf (ā [Śiś.] or ī) n. (ā) f. the plant Premna Esculenta.
adhoyantra adho-yantra n. the lower part of an apparatus
     n. a still.
adhoraktapitta adho-rakta-pitta n. discharge of blood from the anus and the urethra.
adhorāma adho-rāma m. (a goat) having peculiar white or black marks on the lower part (of the body) VS. ŚBr.
adholamba adho-lamba m. a plummet
     m. the perpendicular.
adholoka adho-loka m. the lower world.
adhovadana adho-vadana mfn. = adho-mukha.
adhovarcas adho-varcas mfn. tumbling downwards AV. v, 11, 6.
adhovaśa adho-vaśa m. pudendum muliebre.
adhovāyu adho-vāyu m. vital air passing downwards
     m. breaking wind.
adhovekṣin adho-'vekṣin mfn. looking down.
adhośvam adho-'śvam ind. under the horse KātyŚr.
adhosrapitta adho-'sra-pitta n. = adhorakta-pitta q.v.

adhastana mfn. lower, being underneath
     mfn. preceding (in a book).

adhastāt ind. = adhas q.v.
adhastāddiś adhastād-diś f. the lower region, the nadir.
adhastāllakṣman adhastāl-lakṣman mfn. having a mark at the lower part (of the body) MaitrS.

adhā Ved. see adha.

adhāmārgava m. the plant Achyranthes Aspera.

adhāraṇaka a-dhāraṇaka mfn. unable to support, unremunerative.

adhārmika a-dhārmika mfn. unjust, unrighteous, wicked.

adhārya a-dhārya mfn. unfit or improper to be held or carried or kept up.

adhi m. (better ādhi q.v.), anxiety, (is) f. a woman in her courses (= avi q.v.) L.

adhi ind., as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses above, over and above, besides. As a separable adverb or preposition; (with abl.) Ved. over; from above, from; from the presence of; after AitUp.; for; instead of RV. i, 140, 11, (with loc.) Ved. over; on; at; in comparison with; (with acc.) over, upon, concerning.
adhyadhi adhy-adhi ind. on high, just above KātyŚr.

adhika mfn. additional, subsequent, later
     mfn. surpassing (in number or quantity or quality), superior, more numerous
     mfn. abundant
     mfn. excellent
     mfn. supernumerary, redundant
     mfn. secondary, inferior
     mfn. intercalated
adhika n. surplus, abundance, redundancy, hyperbole ind. exceedingly, too much
adhika n. more.
adhikakṣayakārin adhika-kṣayakārin mfn. causing excessive waste.
adhikatā adhika-tā f. addition, excess, redundancy, preponderance.
adhikatithi adhika-tithi mf. an intercalary lunar day.
adhikatva adhika-tva n. = -tā q.v.
adhikadanta adhika-danta m. a redundant tooth which grows over another Suśr. (cf. adhi-danta.)
adhikadina adhika-dina n. a redundant i.e. an intercalated day (cf. adhi-dina.)
adhikamāṃsārman adhika-māṃsārman n. proud flesh in the eye (cf. adhimāṃsa.)
adhikamāsa adhika-māsa m. an intercalated month.
adhikarddhi adhika-rddhi (ṛd) mfn. abundantly prosperous.
adhikavākyokti adhika-vākyokti f. exaggeration, hyperbole.
adhikaṣāṣṭika adhika-ṣāṣṭika mfn. (containing or costing) more than sixty.
adhikasaṃvatsara adhika-saṃvatsara m. an intercalated month.
adhikasāptatika adhika-sāptatika mfn. (containing or costing) more than seventy.
adhikāṅga mf (ī) n. having some redundant member or members Mn. iii, 8
adhikāṅga n. belt worn over the coat of mail L.
adhikādhika mfn. outdoing one another. Adhikārtha. mfn. exaggerated.
adhikārthavacana n. exaggeration, hyperbole Pāṇ. 2-1, 33.

adhikandharam adhi-kandharam ind. upon or as far as the neck Śiś.

adhikarṇa adhi-karṇa m. N. of a snake demon Hariv.

adhikarmakara adhi-karmakara m. and adhi-karmakṛt, t m. see adhi- 1. kṛ below.

adhikalpin adhi-kalpin m. a sharp gambler VS.

adhikārma adhi-kārma n. N. of some place unknown Pāṇ. 6-2, 91.

adhikṛ adhi-kṛ to place at the head, appoint; to aim at, regard; to refer or allude to; to superintend, be at the head of (loc.) MBh. iv, 241: Ā. -kurute, to be or become entitled to (acc.) MBh. iii, 1345; to be or become superior to, overcome Pāṇ. 1-3, 33.

adhikaraṇa adhi-karaṇa n. the act of placing at the head or of subordinating government, supremacy, magistracy, court of justice
     n. a receptacle, support
     n. a claim
     n. a topic, subject
adhikaraṇa adhi-karaṇa n. (in philosophy) a substratum
     n. a subject (e.g. ātman is the adhi-karaṇa of knowledge)
     n. a category
     n. a relation
adhikaraṇa adhi-karaṇa n. (in Gr.) government
     n. location, the sense of the locative case
     n. relationship of words in a sentence (which agree together, either as adjective and substantive, or as subject and predicate, or as two substantives in apposition)
adhikaraṇa adhi-karaṇa n. (in rhetoric) a topic
     n. a paragraph or minor section
adhikaraṇa adhi-karaṇa mfn. having to superintend.
adhikaraṇabhojaka adhi-karaṇa-bhojaka m. a judge.
adhikaraṇamaṇḍapa adhi-karaṇa-maṇḍapa m. n. the hall of justice.
adhikaraṇamālā adhi-karaṇa-mālā f. a compendium of the topics of the Vedānta by Bhāratī-tīrtha.
adhikaraṇasiddhānta adhi-karaṇa-siddhānta m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others, Nayāyad. &c.
adhikaraṇaitāvattva n. fixed quantity of a substratum.

adhikaraṇika or better
ādhikaraṇika m. a government official
     m. a judge or magistrate.

adhikaraṇya adhi-karaṇya n. authority, power.

adhikarman adhi-karman n. superintendence.
adhikarmakara adhi-karmakara m. an overseer, superintendent.
adhikarmakṛt adhi-karmakṛt m. an overseer, superintendent.
adhikarmakṛta adhi-karma-kṛta m. person appointed to superintend an establishment.

adhikarmika m. overseer of a market L.

adhikāra adhi-kāra m. authority
     m. government, rule, administration, jurisdiction
     m. royalty, prerogative
     m. title
     m. rank
     m. office
     m. claim, right, especially to perform sacrifices with benefit
     m. privilege, ownership
     m. property
     m. reference, relation
     m. a topic, subject
     m. a paragraph or minor section
adhikāra adhi-kāra m. (in Gr.) government, a governing-rule (the influence of which over any number of succeeding rules is called anu-vṛitti q.v.)
adhikārastha adhi-kāra-stha mfn. established in an office.
adhikārāḍhya mfn. invested with rights or privileges.

adhikārin adhi-kārin mfn. possessing authority, entitled to, fit for, (ī) m. a superintendent, governor
     mfn. an official, a rightful claimant
     mfn. a man L.
adhikāritā adhi-kāri-tā f. authority, rightful claim, ownership, &c.
adhikāritva adhi-kāri-tva n. authority, rightful claim, ownership, &c.

adhikṛta adhi-kṛta mfn. placed at the head of, appointed
     mfn. ruled, administered
     mfn. claimed m. a superintendent (especially a comptroller of public accounts).
adhikṛtatva adhi-kṛta-tva n. the being engaged in or occupied with.

adhikṛti adhi-kṛti f. a right, privilege
     f. possession.

adhikṛtya adhi-kṛtya ind. p. having placed at the head, having made the chief subject; regarding, concerning; with reference to.

adhikram adhi-kram to ascend, mount up to.

adhikrama adhi-krama m. an invasion, attack L.

adhikramaṇa adhi-kramaṇa n. act of invading L.

adhikriḍ adhi-kriḍ to play or dance over (acc.) MaitrS. TBr.

adhikṣi adhi-kṣi (3. du. -kṣitaḥ; 3. pl. -kṣiyanti) to be settled in or over, be extended over or along (acc. or loc.) RV. MBh. i, 722 and 730; to rest upon ŚBr.

adhikṣit adhi-kṣit m. (2. kṣi), a lord, ruler RV. x, 92, 14.

adhikṣip adhi-kṣip to throw upon; to bespatter; to insult, scold; to superinduce (disease).

adhikṣipadabjanetra adhikṣipad-abja-netra mfn. having eyes which eclipse the lotus.

adhikṣipta adhi-kṣipta mfn. insulted, scolded, thrown down
     mfn. placed, fixed
     mfn. despatched.

adhikṣepa adhi-kṣepa m. abuse, contempt, dismissal.

adhigaṇ adhi-gaṇ to enumerate, to value highly BhP.

adhigam adhi-gam to go up to, approach, overtake, to approach for sexual intercourse, to fall in with, to meet, find, discover, obtain; to accomplish; to study, read: Desid. P. adhi-jigamiṣati, to seek; Ā. adhi-jigāṃsate, to be desirous of studying or reading.

adhigata adhi-gata mfn. found, obtained, acquired
     mfn. gone over, studied, learnt.

adhigantavya adhi-gantavya mfn. attainable, to be studied.

adhigantṛ adhi-gantṛ m. one who attains or acquires. acquirement, mastery, study, knowledge
     m. mercantile return, profit, &c.

adhigamana adhi-gamana n. acquisition
     n. finding
     n. acquirement, reading, study
     n. marriage, copulation.

adhigamanīya adhi-gamanīya mfn. attainable
adhigamanīya adhi-gamanīya. ; practicable to be learnt.
adhigamanīyagamya adhi-gamanīya-gamya mfn. attainable
     mfn. practicable to be learnt.

adhigartya adhi-gartya (5) mfn. being on the driver's seat RV. v, 62, 7.

adhigava adhi-gava mfn. being on or in a cow, derived from a cow AV. ix, 6, 39.

adhigā adhi-gā P. to obtain; P. (aor. Subj. 2. pl. -gāta, or -gātana) to remember, notice RV. and AV.; P. or generally Ā. (-jage, -agīṣṭa, -agīṣyata Pāṇ.) to go over, learn, read, study; to attempt, resolve: Caus. P. -gāpayati, to cause to go over or teach: Desid. Caus. -jigāpayiṣati, to be desirous of teaching Pāṇ. 2-4, 51.

adhiguṇa adhi-guṇa mfn. possessing superior qualities Megh.

adhigupta adhi-gupta mfn. protected.

adhigṛham adhi-gṛham ind. in the house, in the houses Śiś. iii, 45.

adhigrīvam adhi-grīvam ind. upon the neck, up to the neck.

adhicaṅkrama adhi-caṅkrama mfn. ( kram), walking or creeping over AV. xi, 9, 16.

adhicar adhi-car to walk or move on or over RV. vii, 88, 3, &c., to be superior to (acc.) AitĀr.

adhicaraṇa adhi-caraṇa n. the act of walking or moving or being on or over.

adhici adhi-ci to pile upon AV. ŚBr.

adhijan adhi-jan to be born.

adhija adhi-ja mfn. born, superior by birth Pāṇ. 3-2, 101 Sch.

adhijanana adhi-janana n. birth Mn. ii, 169.

adhijānu adhi-jānu ind. on the knees Śiś.

adhiji adhi-ji (Subj. 2. sg. -jayāsi) to, win in addition RV. vi, 35, 2.

adhijihva adhi-jihva m. or -jihvikā f. a peculiar swelling of the tongue or epiglottis Suśr.

adhijya adhi-jya mfn. having the bowstring (jyā) up or stretched, strung ŚBr. &c.

adhijyotiṣam adhi-jyotiṣam ind. on the luminaries (treated of in the Upanishads) TUp.

adhitiṣṭhati adhi-tiṣṭhati see adhi-ṣṭhā.

adhityakā f. (fr. adhi-tya, a derivation of adhi; cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 34), land on the upper part of a mountain, table land Śiś. Ragh. &c.

adhidaṇḍanetṛ adhi-daṇḍa-netṛ m. "presiding over punishment", N. of Yama BhP.

adhidanta adhi-danta m. a redundant tooth Pāṇ. 6-2, 188 Sch. Suśr.

adhidārva adhi-dārva mfn. (fr. dāru), wooden.

adhidina adhi-dina n. an intercalated day.

adhidiś adhi-diś (aor. Subj. Ā. 3 sg. -didiṣṭa) to bestow RV. x, 93, 15.

adhidīdhiti adhi-dīdhiti mfn. having excessive lustre Śiś. i, 24.

adhideva adhi-deva m. or -devatā f. a presiding or tutelary deity.
adhidevaādhidevam adhi-deva-ādhi-devam ([ŚBr.]) ind. concerning the gods or the deity.
devatam ([ŚBr.]) ind. concerning the gods or the deity.

adhidevana adhi-devana n. a table or board for gambling AV. ŚBr.

adhidaiva adhi-daiva or -daivata n. a presiding or tutelary deity, the supreme deity, the divine agent operating in material objects; (am) ind. on the subject of the deity or the divine agent.

adhidaivika adhi-daivika mfn. spiritual.

adhidru adhi-dru to cover (said of a bull) ŚBr.: Caus. -drāvayati, to cause to cover ŚBr.

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adhidhā adhi-dhā (Pass. 3. sg. -dhāyi RV.) Ved. to place upon; to give, share between (dat. or loc.) RV.; Ā. (aor. -adhita; perf. -dadhe, p. -dadhāna) to acquire additionally RV.

adhidhṛ adhi-dhṛ Caus. P. -dhārayati, Ved. to carry over or across.

adhinam adhi-nam Intens. Ā. -namnate, to incline over RV. i, 140, 6.

adhinātha adhi-nātha m. a supreme lord, chieftain
     m. N. of the author of the Kālayogaśāstra.

adhinidhā adhi-ni-dhā Ved. to place upon; to impart, grant.

adhinirṇij adhi-nirṇij mfn. covered over, veiled RV. viii, 41, 10.

adhinirmuc adhi-nir-muc Pass. -mucyate, to escape from PBr.

adhinirhan adhi-nir-han (perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha) to destroy, root out from RV. i, 80, 4.

adhinivas adhi-ni-vas to dwell in.

adhinivyadh adhi-ni-vyadh (Imper. 3. du. -vidhyatām) to pierce through AV. viii, 6, 24.

adhiniṣad adhi-ni-ṣad (sad), (perf. 3. pl. -ṣeduḥ) to settle in a place RV. i, 164, 39.

adhinī adhi-nī (aor. 2. pl. -naiṣṭa) to lead away from (abl.) RV. viii, 30, 3, to raise above the ordinary measure, enhance RV. x, 89, 6.

adhinṛt adhi-nṛt (Imper. -nṛtyatu) to dance upon (acc.) AV.

adhinyas adhi-ny-as to throw upon KapS.

adhipa adhi-pa m. a ruler, commander, regent, king.

adhipati adhi-pati m. = adhi-pa
adhipati adhi-pati m. (in med.) a particular part of the head (where a wound proves instantly fatal).
adhipativatī adhi-pati-vatī (adhipati-) f. containing the lord in herself MaitrUp.

adhipatnī adhi-patnī f. a female sovereign or ruler.

adhipā adhi-pā m. Ved. a ruler, king, sovereign.

adhipatham adhi-patham ind. over or across a road ŚBr.

adhipāṃśula adhi-pāṃśula or -pāṃsula mfn. being dusty above; dusty.

adhipurandhri adhi-purandhri ind. towards a wife Śiś. vi, 32.

adhipuruṣa adhi-puruṣa or -puruṣa ([VP.]) m. the Supreme Spirit.

adhipūtabhṛtam adhi-pūta-bhṛtam ind. over the (vessel) full of purified Soma KātyŚr.

adhipeṣaṇa adhi-peṣaṇa mfn. serving to pound or grind upon ŚBr.

adhiprajam adhi-prajam ind. on procreation as a means of preserving the world (treated of in the Upanishads) TUp.

adhipradhāv adhi-pra-dhāv to approach hastily from TBr.

adhipraṣṭiyuga adhi-praṣṭi-yuga n. yoke for attaching a fourth horse laid upon the praṣṭi, or foremost of three horses (used on sacrificial occasions) ŚBr.

adhiprasū adhi-pra-sū to send away from Kāṭh.

adhibādh adhi-bādh to vex, annoy.

adhibrū adhi-brū Ved. to speak in favour of (dat.) or favourably to (dat.), intercede for.

adhibhuj adhi-bhuj to enjoy.

adhibhojana adhi-bhojana n. an additional gift RV. vi, 47, 23.

adhibhū adhi-bhū m. ( bhū), a master, a superior L.

adhibhūta adhi-bhūta n. the spiritual or fine substratum of material or gross objects
     n. the all penetrating influence of the Supreme Spirit
     n. the Supreme Spirit itself
     n. nature
adhibhūta adhi-bhūta n. (am) ind. on material objects (treated of in the Upanishads) ŚBr. xiv TUp.

adhiman adhi-man to esteem highly.

adhimantha adhi-mantha or adhī-mantha m. "great irritation of the eyes", severe ophthalmia.

adhimanthana adhi-manthana n. friction for producing fire RV. iii, 29, 1
adhimanthana adhi-manthana mfn. suitable for such friction (as wood) ŚBr.

adhimanthita adhi-manthita mfn. suffering from ophthalmia.

adhimāṃsa adhi-māṃsa or -māṃsaka m. proud flesh or cancer (especially in the eyes or the back part of the gums).
adhimāṃsārman n. ophthalmic disease produced by proud flesh or cancer.

adhimātra adhi-mātra mfn. above measure, excessive
adhimātram adhi-mātram ind. on the subject of prosody.
adhimātrakāruṇika adhi-mātra-kāruṇika m. "exceedingly merciful", N. of a Mahā-brāhmaṇa Buddh.

adhimāsa adhi-māsa m. an additional or intercalary month.

adhimukta adhi-mukta mfn. ( muc), inclined, propense Buddh.
     mfn. confident ib.

adhimukti adhi-mukti f. propensity
     f. confidence.

adhimuktika adhi-muktika m. N. of Mahā-kāla Buddh.

adhimuhya adhi-muhya m. N. of Śākyamuni in one of his thirty-four former births.

adhiyajña adhi-yajña m. the chief or principal sacrifice Bhag., influence or agency affecting a sacrifice
adhiyajña adhi-yajña mfn. relating to a sacrifice Mn., (am) ind. on the subject of sacrifice ŚBr. Nir.

adhiyat adhi-yat to fasten RV. i, 64, 4: Caus. Ā. -yātayate, to reach, join RV. vi, 6, 4.

adhiyam adhi-yam (Imper. 2. pl. -yacchata) to erect or stretch out over RV. i, 85, 11 Ā. (aor. 3. pl. -ayaṃsata) to strive up to (loc.) RV. x, 64, 2.

adhiyā adhi-yā to escape Bhaṭṭ.

adhiyuj adhi-yuj to put on, load.

adhirajju adhi-rajju mfn. carrying a rope, fastening, fettering AV.

adhiratha adhi-ratha mfn. being upon or over a car
adhiratha adhi-ratha m. a charioteer
adhiratha adhi-ratha m. N. of a charioteer who was a prince of Aṅga and Karṇa's foster-father
adhiratha adhi-ratha n. a cart-load RV.

adhirathyam adhi-rathyam ind. on the high road.

adhirāj adhi-rāj m. a supreme king.

adhirāja adhi-rāja m. an emperor.
adhirājarājan adhi-rājan m. an emperor.

adhirājya adhi-rājya n. supremacy, imperial dignity
     n. an empire
     n. N. of a country.
adhirājyabhāj adhi-rājya-bhāj m. possessor of imperial dignity.

adhirāṣṭra adhi-rāṣṭra n. = adhi-rājya.

adhirukma adhi-rukma mfn. wearing gold RV. viii, 46, 33.

adhiruh adhi-ruh cl.1.P. or poet. Ā. to rise above, ascend, mount: Caus. -ropayati, to raise, place above.

adhirūḍha adhi-rūḍha mfn. ascended, mounted.
adhirūḍhasamādhiyoga adhi-rūḍha-samādhi-yoga mfn. engaged in profound meditation.
adhirūḍhākarṇa adhirūḍhā-karṇa mfn. = addhyā-loha-karṇa, q.v. MaitrS.
adhirūḍhākarṇa adhirūḍhā-karṇa mfn. cf. adhīloha-karṇa.

adhiropaṇa adhi-ropaṇa n. the act of raising or causing to mount.

adhiropita adhi-ropita mfn. raised, placed above.

adhiroha adhi-roha m. ascent, mounting, overtopping
adhiroha adhi-roha mfn. riding, mounted Śiś.

adhirohaṇa adhi-rohaṇa n. act of ascending or mounting or rising above
adhirohaṇī adhi-rohaṇī f. a ladder, flight of steps L.

adhirohin adhi-rohin mfn. rising above, ascending, &c., (iṇī) f. a ladder, flight of steps.

adhilokam adhi-lokam ind. on the universe (treated of in the Upanishads) ŚBr. TUp.

adhilokanātha adhi-loka-nātha m. lord of the universe.

adhivac adhi-vac (aor. Imper. 2. sg. -vocā, 2 du. -vocatam, 2. pl. -vocata) to speak in favour of, advocate RV. VS.

adhivaktṛ adhi-vaktṛ m. an advocate, protector, comforter RV. VS.

adhivacana adhi-vacana n. an appellation, epithet.

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adhivāka adhi-vāka m. advocacy, protection RV. viii, 16, 5 AV.

adhivad adhi-vad to speak, pronounce over or at ŚBr. TBr.

adhivāda adhi-vāda m. offensive words MaitrS.

adhivap adhi-vap Ā. -vapate, to put on, fasten RV. i, 92, 4; to scatter TS.

adhivas adhi-vas Ā. -vaste, to put on or over (as clothes, &c.) RV. x, 75, 8.

adhivastra adhi-vastra mfn. clothed RV. viii, 26, 13.

adhivāsa adhi-vāsa ([ŚBr.]) ([RV. ŚBr. &c.]) m. or 1.
adhīvāsa adhī-vāsa ([RV. ŚBr. &c.]) m. or 1.
adhīvāsas adhī-vāsas ([Vait.]) m. an upper garment, mantle.

adhivas adhi-vas to inhabit; to settle or perch upon.

adhivāsa adhi-vāsa m. an inhabitant
     m. a neighbour
     m. one who dwells above
     m. a habitation, abode, settlement, site
     m. sitting before a person's house without taking food till he ceases to oppose or refuse a demand (commonly called "sitting in dharṇā")
     m. pertinacity.
adhivāsabhūmi adhi-vāsa-bhūmi f. a dwelling-place, settlement.

adhivāsana adhi-vāsana n. causing a divinity to dwell in an image
     n. sitting in dharṇā (see above ).

adhivāsin adhi-vāsin mfn. inhabiting, settled in.
adhivāsitā adhi-vāsi-tā f. settled residence.

adhyuṣita adhy-uṣita see s.v.

adhivājyakulādya adhivājya-kulādya m. N. of a country MBh.

adhivās adhi-vās to scent, perfume.

adhivāsa adhi-vāsa m. perfume, fragrance
     m. application of perfumes or fragrant cosmetics.

adhivāsana adhi-vāsana n. application of perfumes, &c.
     n. the ceremony of touching a vessel containing fragrant objects (that have been presented to an idol)
     n. preliminary purification of an image.

adhivāsita adhi-vāsita mfn. scented, perfumed.

adhivāhana adhi-vāhana m. N. of a man (said to be a son of Aṅga).

adhivikartana adhi-vi-kartana n. the act of cutting off or cutting asunder RV. x, 85, 35.

adhivikram adhi-vi-kram Ā. to come forth on behalf of (dat.) KātyŚr.

adhivijñāna adhi-vijñāna n. the highest knowledge.

adhivid adhi-vid cl.6.P. -vindati, to obtain, to marry in addition to.

adhivinnā adhi-vinnā f. a wife whose husband has married again
     f. a neglected or superseded wife.

adhivettavyā adhi-vettavyā f. a wife in addition to whom it is proper to marry another.

adhivettṛ adhi-vettṛ m. a husband who marries an additional wife.

adhivedana adhi-vedana n. marrying an additional wife.

adhivedanīyā adhi-vedanīyā f. = -vettavyā.
adhivedanīyāvedyā adhi-vedanīyā-vedyā f. = -vettavyā.

adhividyam adhi-vidyam ind. on the subject of science (treated of in the Upanishads) TUp.

adhividhā adhi-vi-dhā to distribute or scatter over ŚBr. &c.

adhiviyat adhi-vi-yat Caus. -yātayati, to subjoin, annex Kāṭh.

adhivirāj adhi-vi-rāj to surpass in brightness RV.

adhiviś adhi-viś Caus. -veśayati, to cause to sit down, to place upon

adhivṛj adhi-vṛj cl.7.P., -vṛṇakti, to place near or over (the fire) ŚBr.

adhivṛt adhi-vṛt (Pot. 3. pl. -vavṛtyuḥ) to move or pass along or over (loc.) RV. x, 27, 6. Caus. id. TBr.

adhivṛdh adhi-vṛdh P. (Subj. -vardhat) to refresh, gladden RV. vi, 38, 3; Ā. -vardhate, to prosper through or by (loc.) RV. ix, 75, 1.

adhivedam adhi-vedam ind. concerning the Veda ŚBr. xiv.

adhivelam adhi-velam ind. on the shore Śiś. iii, 71.

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adhivye adhi-vye to envelop.

adhivīta adhi-vīta mfn. wrapped up, enveloped in.

adhiśasta adhi-śasta mfn. ( śaṃs), (= abhiśasta), notorious MBh. xiii, 3139.

adhiśī adhi-śī to lie down upon, to lie upon, to sleep upon (loc., but generally acc.)

adhiśaya adhi-śaya m. addition, anything added or given extra Lāṭy.

adhiśayana adhi-śayana mfn. lying on, sleeping on.

adhiśayita adhi-śayita mfn. recumbent upon
     mfn. used for lying or sleeping upon.

adhiśri adhi-śri (Ved. Inf. adhi-śrayitavai ŚBr.) to put in the fire; to spread over AV.

adhiśraya adhi-śraya m. a receptacle.

adhiśrayaṇa adhi-śrayaṇa n. the act or ceremony of putting on the fire
adhiśrayaṇī adhi-śrayaṇī f. a fire-place, oven.

adhiśrayaṇīya adhi-śrayaṇīya mfn. relating to or connected with the Adhi-śrayaṇa.

adhiśrita adhi-śrita mfn. put on the fire (as a pot)
     mfn. resided in, dwelt in
     mfn. occupied by.

adhiṣu adhi-ṣu (3. su), to extract or prepare the Soma juice RV. ix, 91, 2.

adhiṣavaṇa adhi-ṣavaṇa n. (generally used in the dual), hand-press for extracting and straining the Soma juice
adhiṣavaṇa adhi-ṣavaṇa mfn. used for extracting and straining the Soma juice.

adhiṣavaṇya adhi-ṣavaṇya (6) m. du. the two parts of the hand-press for extracting and straining the Soma juice RV. i, 28, 2.

adhiṣkand adhi-ṣkand (skand), (aor. 3. sg. -ṣkan) to cover in copulation RV. x, 61, 7 AV.

adhiṣkannā adhi-ṣkannā f. (a cow) covered (by the bull) TS.

adhiṣṭhā adhi-ṣṭhā (sthā) to stand upon, depend upon to inhabit abide to stand over; to superintend, govern; to step over or across; to overcome to ascend, mount; to attain, arrive at.

adhiṣṭhātṛ adhi-ṣṭhātṛ mfn. superintending, presiding, governing, tutelary
adhiṣṭhātṛ adhi-ṣṭhātṛ m. a ruler
     mfn. the Supreme Ruler (or Providence personified and identified with one or other of the Hindū gods)
     mfn. a chief
     mfn. a protector.

adhiṣṭhāna adhi-ṣṭhāna n. standing by, being at hand, approach
     n. standing or resting upon
     n. a basis, base
     n. the standing-place of the warrior upon the car SāmavBr.
     n. a position, site, residence, abode, seat
     n. a settlement, town, standing over
     n. government, authority, power
     n. a precedent, rule
     n. a benediction Buddh.
adhiṣṭhānadeha adhi-ṣṭhāna-deha n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛi-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra).
adhiṣṭhānaśarīra adhi-ṣṭhāna-śarīra n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛi-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra).

adhiṣṭhāyaka adhi-ṣṭhāyaka mfn. governing, superintending, guarding.

adhiṣṭhita adhi-ṣṭhita mfn. settled
     mfn. inhabited
     mfn. superintended
     mfn. regulated
     mfn. appointed
     mfn. superintending.

adhiṣṭheya adhi-ṣṭheya mfn. to be superintended or governed.

adhiṣvan adhi-ṣvan (svan) to roar along or over (3. sg. aor. Pass. in the sense of P. adhiṣvaṇi) RV. ix, 66, 9.

adhisaṃvas adhi-saṃ-vas (3. pl. vasante) to dwell or reside together TS. (quoted in TBr.)

adhisaṃvṛt adhi-saṃ-vṛt (impf. sam-avar-tatādhi) to originate from RV. x, 129, 4.

adhisaṃdhā adhi-saṃ-dhā (perf. 3. pl. -dadhuḥ) to put or join together RV. iii, 3, 3.

adhisṛp adhi-sṛp to glide along ŚāṅkhŚr.

adhistri adhi-stri ind. concerning a woman or a wife Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch.

adhistrī adhi-strī f. a superior woman Hariv.

adhispardh adhi-spardh (3. pl. p. -spardhante and perf. -paspṛdhre) to compete for an aim, strive at (loc.) RV.

adhispṛś adhi-spṛś to touch lightly or slightly ŚBr.: Caus. (Pot. -sparśayet) to cause to reach to, to extend to TS.

adhisru adhi-sru to trickle or drop off ŚBr.

adhihari adhi-hari ind. concerning Hari Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch.

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adhihasti adhi-hasti ind. on an elephant Ragh.

adhihu adhi-hu (impf. 3. pl. -ajuhvata) to make an oblation upon or over RV. i, 51, 5.

adhihṛ adhi-hṛ to procure, furnish.

adhī (i), adhy-eti, or adhy-eti (exceptionally adhīyati RV. x, 32, 3), to turn the mind towards, observe, understand RV. and AV.; chiefly Ved. (with gen. [cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 72] or acc.) to mind, remember, care for, long for RV. &c.; to know, know by heart TS. ŚBr. Up. &c.; to go over, study MBh. iii, 13689; to learn from (a teacher's mouth abl.) MBh. iii, 10713; to declare, teach ŚBr. x Up.: Ā. adhīte or (more rarely) adhīyate (Mn. iv, 125; Pot. 3. pl. adhīyīran Kauś. Mn. x, 1) to study, learn by heart, read, recite: Caus. adhy-āpayati (aor. -āpipat Pāṇ. 2-4, 51) to cause to read or study, teach, instruct: Caus. Desid. adhy-āpipa-yiṣati, to be desirous of teaching Pāṇ. 2-4, 51: Desid. adhīṣiṣati, to be desirous of studying Pāṇ. 8-3, 61 Sch.

adhīta mfn. attained
     mfn. studied, read
     mfn. well read, learned.
adhītaveda adhīta-veda m. one who has studied the Vedas or whose studies are finished ŚBr. xiv.

adhīti f. perusal, study TĀr.
     f. desire, recollection RV. ii, 4, 8 AV.

adhītin mfn. well read, proficient, (g. iṣṭādi, q.v.) &c.
     mfn. occupied with the study of the Vedas Kum.

adhītya ind. p. having gone over, having studied.

adhīyat mfn. remembering, proficient.

adhīyāna mfn. reading, studying
adhīyāna m. a student
adhīyāna m. one who goes over the Veda either as a student or a teacher.

adhyayana adhy-ayana n. reading, studying, especially the Vedas (one of the six duties of a Brāhman),
adhyayanatapasī adhy-ayana-tapasī n. du. study and penance.
adhyayanapuṇya adhy-ayana-puṇya n. religious merit acquired by studying.

adhyayanīya adhy-ayanīya mfn. fit to be read or studied.

adhyāpaka adhy-āpaka mfn. a teacher (especially of sacred knowledge).
adhyāpakodita m. styled a teacher.

adhyāpana adhy-āpana n. instruction, lecturing.

adhyāpayitṛ adhy-āpayitṛ m. a teacher RPrāt.

adhyāpita adhy-āpita mfn. instructed Mn. Kum. iii, 6.

adhyāpya adhy-āpya mfn. fit or proper to be instructed.

adhyāya adhy-āya m. a lesson, lecture, chapter
     m. reading
     m. proper time for reading or for a lesson
adhyāya adhy-āya ifc. a reader (see vedādhyāya) Pāṇ. 3-2, 1 Sch.
adhyāyaśatapāṭha adhy-āya-śata-pāṭha m. "Index of One Hundred Chapters", N. of wk.

adhyāyin adhy-āyin mfn. engaged in reading, a student.

adhyetavya adhy-etavya mfn. to be read.
adhyetavyaeya adhy-etavya-eya mfn. to be read.

adhyetṛ adhy-etṛ m. a student, reader.

adhyeṣyamāṇa adhy-eṣyamāṇa mf (ā) n. (fut. p.) intending to study, about to read Mn.

adhīkāra adhī-kāra (= adhi-kāra) m. superintendence over (loc.) Mn. xi, 63; authorization, capability MBh.

adhīkṣ (īkṣ) to expect.

adhīna mfn. (fr. adhi) ifc. resting on or in, situated
     mfn. depending on, subject to, subservient to.
adhīnatā adhīna-tā f. subjection, dependence.
adhīnatva adhīna-tva n. subjection, dependence.

adhīmantha adhī-mantha = adhi-mantha q.v.

adhīra a-dhīra mfn. imprudent RV. i, 179, 4 AV.
     mfn. not fixed, movable
     mfn. confused
     mfn. deficient in calm self-command
     mfn. excitable
     mfn. capricious
     mfn. querulous
     mfn. weak-minded, foolish
adhīrā a-dhīrā f. lightning
     mfn. a capricious or bellicose mistress.
adhīratā a-dhīra-tā f. want of confidence.

adhīlohakarṇa adhīloha-karṇa mfn. = addhyāloha-karna q.v. TS.

adhīvāsa adhī-vāsa = adhi-vāsa1, q. v.

adhīvāsas adhī-vāsas ind. over the garment KātyŚr.

adhīśa m. a lord or master over (others).

adhīśvara m. a supreme lord or king, an emperor
     m. an Arhat Jain.

adhīṣṭa mfn. (3. iṣ), solicited, asked for instruction (as a teacher) Pāṇ.
adhīṣṭa mfn. (as? or am) mn. instruction given by a teacher solicited for it Pāṇ. Sch.

adhyeṣaṇa adhy-eṣaṇa f (ā) n. solicitation, asking for instruction.

adhunā ind. at this time, now.

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adhunātana mf (ī) n. belonging to or extending over the present time ŚBr.

adhura a-dhura mfn. not laden.

adhūmaka a-dhūmaka mfn. smokeless.

adhṛta a-dhṛta mfn. not held, unrestrained, uncontrolled
     mfn. unquiet, restless TS.
adhṛta a-dhṛta m. N. of Viṣṇu.

adhṛti a-dhṛti f. want of firmness or fortitude
     f. laxity, absence of control or restraint
     f. incontinence
adhṛti a-dhṛti mfn. unsteady.

adhṛṣṭa a-dhṛṣṭa mfn. ( dhṛṣ), not bold, modest
     mfn. not overcome, invincible, irresistible.

adhṛṣya a-dhṛṣya mfn. unassailable, invincible
     mfn. unapproachable
     mfn. proud
adhṛṣyā a-dhṛṣyā f. N. of a river.

adhenu a-dhenu mfn. yielding no milk RV. i, 117, 20 AV.
     mfn. not nourishing RV. x, 71, 5.

adhairya a-dhairya n. want of self-command
     n. excitement
     n. excitability
adhairya a-dhairya mfn. without self-command
     n. excitable.

adhyaṃsa adhy-aṃsa mfn. being on the shoulder ĀśvGṛ.

adhyakta adhy-akta mfn. ( añj), equipped, prepared.

adhyakṣa adhy-akṣa mf (ā) n. perceptible to the senses, observable
     mf (ā) n. exercising supervision
adhyakṣa adhy-akṣa m. an eye-witness
adhyakṣa adhy-akṣa m. an inspector, superintendent
adhyakṣa adhy-akṣa m. the plant Mimusops Kauki (kṣīrikā).

adhyakṣaram adhy-akṣaram ind. on the subject of syllables; above all syllables (as the mystic om).

adhyagni adhy-agni ind. over or by the nuptial fire (property given to the bride).
adhyagnīkṛta adhyagnī-kṛta n. property given to the wife at the wedding.
adhyagnyupāgata adhyagny-upāgata n. property received by a wife at the wedding.

adhyañc adhy-añc aṅ, īcī, ak, tending upwards, eminent, superior Pāṇ. 6-2, 53.

adhyaṇḍā adhy-aṇḍā f. the plants Carpopogon Pruriens (cowage) and Flacourtia Cataphracta.

adhyadhikṣepa adhy-adhikṣepa m. excessive censure Yājñ. iii, 228
     m. gross abuse.

adhyadhīna adhy-adhīna mfn. completely subject to or dependent on (as a slave) Mn.

adhyantena adhy-antena ind. close to ŚBr.

adhyapavic adhy-apa-vic -vinakti, to put into by singling out from ŚBr.

adhyayana adhy-ayana &c. see adhī.

adhyardha adhy-ardha mf (ā) n. "having an additional half", one and a half.
adhyardhakaṃsa adhy-ardha-kaṃsa m. n. one and a half kaṃsa
adhyardhakaṃsa adhy-ardha-kaṃsa m. (mf (ī) n.), amounting to or worth one and a half kaṃsa.
adhyardhakākiṇīka adhy-ardha-kākiṇīka mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kākiṇī.
adhyardhakārṣāpaṇa adhy-ardha-kārṣāpaṇa mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kārṣāpaṇa.
adhyardhakārṣāpaṇika adhy-ardha-kārṣāpaṇika mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kārṣāpaṇa.
adhyardhakhārīka adhy-ardha-khārīka mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half khārī.
adhyardhapaṇya adhy-ardha-paṇya mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half paṇa.
adhyardhapādya adhy-ardha-pādya mfn. amounting to one foot and a half.
adhyardhapratika adhy-ardha-pratika mfn. amounting to one and a half kārṣāpaṇa.
adhyardhamāṣya adhy-ardha-māṣya mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half māṣa.
adhyardhaviṃsatikīna adhy-ardha-viṃsatikīna mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half score or thirty.
adhyardhaśata adhy-ardha-śata mfn. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty.
adhyardhaśatya adhy-ardha-śatya mfn. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty.
adhyardhaśatamāna adhy-ardha-śatamāna mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna.
adhyardhaśātamāna adhy-ardha-śātamāna mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna.
adhyardhaśāṇa adhy-ardha-śāṇa mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa.
adhyardhaśāṇya adhy-ardha-śāṇya mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa.
adhyardhaśūrpa adhy-ardha-śūrpa mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śūrpa.
adhyardhasahasra adhy-ardha-sahasra mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.
adhyardhasāhasra adhy-ardha-sāhasra mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.
adhyardhasuvarṇa adhy-ardha-suvarṇa mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṃa.
adhyardhasauvarnika adhy-ardha-sauvarnika mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṃa.

adhyardhaka adhy-ardhaka mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half.

adhyarbuda adhy-arbuda or -arvuda n. a congenital tumour, goitre.

adhyavarah adhy-ava-rah to step downwards upon TBr.

adhyavaso adhy-ava-so cl.4.P. -syati, to undertake, attempt, accomplish; to determine, consider, ascertain.
adhyavasāna adhy-ava-sāna n. attempt, effort, exertion
     n. energy, perseverance
     n. determining
adhyavasāna adhy-ava-sāna n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.

adhyavasāya adhy-ava-sāya m. id.
adhyavasāya adhy-ava-sāya m. (in phil.) mental effort, apprehension.
adhyavasāyayukta adhy-ava-sāya-yukta mfn. resolute.

adhyavasāyita adhy-ava-sāyita mfn. attempted.

adhyavasāyin adhy-ava-sāyin mfn. resolute.

adhyavasita adhy-ava-sita mfn. ascertained, determined, apprehended.

adhyavasiti adhy-ava-siti f. exertion, effort.

adhyavahan adhy-ava-han to thrash upon TBr.

adhyavahanana adhy-avahanana mfn. serving as an implement on which anything is thrashed ŚBr.

adhyaśana adhy-aśana n. eating too soon after a meal (before the last meal is digested).

adhyas adhy-as to throw or place over or upon; (in phil.) to attribute or impute wrongly.

adhyasta adhy-asta mfn. placed over
     mfn. disguised
     mfn. supposed.

adhyāsa adhy-āsa m. see s.v.

adhyastha adhy-astha n. the upper part of a bone TS.

adhyasthi adhy-asthi n. a bone growing over another Suśr.

adhyah adhy-ah perf. -āha, to speak on behalf of (dat.) AV. i, 16, 2.

adhyākram adhy-ā-kram to attack; to choose Śāk.

adhyāgam adhy-ā-gam to meet with.

adhyācar adhy-ā-car -to use Mn. &c.

adhyāṇḍā adhy-āṇḍā f. = adhy-aṇḍā ŚBr.

adhyātma adhy-ātma n. the Supreme Spirit
adhyātma adhy-ātma mfn. own, belonging to self
adhyātmam adhy-ātmam ind. concerning self or individual personality.
adhyātmacetas adhy-ātma-cetas m. one who meditates on the Supreme Spirit.
adhyātmajñāna adhy-ātma-jñāna n. knowledge of the Supreme Spirit or of ātman.
adhyātmadṛś adhy-ātma-dṛś mfn. knowing the Supreme Spirit.
adhyātmarati adhy-ātma-rati m. a man delighting in the contemplation of the Supreme Spirit.
adhyātmarāmāyaṇa adhy-ātma-rāmāyaṇa n. a Rāmāyana, in which Rāma is identified with the universal spirit (it forms part of the Brahmāṇḍa-Purāṇa).
adhyātmavid adhy-ātma-vid mfn. = -dṛś.
adhyātmavidyā adhy-ātma-vidyā f. = -jñana.
adhyātmaśāstra adhy-ātma-śāstra n. N. of wk.
adhyātmottarakāṇḍa n. the last book of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa.

adhyātmika adhy-ātmika or better
ādhyātmika mf (ī) n. relating to the soul or the Supreme Spirit.

adhyādhā adhy-ā-dhā to place upon.

adhyāpaka adhy-āpaka &c. see adhī.

adhyābhṛ adhy-ā-bhṛ (impf. adhy-ābharat) to bring near from VS.

adhyāruh adhy-ā-ruh to ascend up on high, mount: Caus. -ropayati, to cause to mount.

adhyārūḍha adhy-ārūḍha mfn. mounted up, ascended
     mfn. above, superior to (instr.)
     mfn. below, inferior to (abl.)

adhyāropa adhy-āropa m. (in Vedānta phil.) wrong attribution, erroneous transferring of a statement from one thing to another.

adhyāropaṇa adhy-āropaṇa f (ā) n. id.

adhyāropita adhy-āropita mfn. (in Vedānta phil.) erroneously transferred from one thing to another.

adhyāvap adhy-ā-vap -ā-vapati, to scatter upon ŚBr.

adhyāvāpa adhy-ā-vāpa m. the act of sowing or scattering upon KātyŚr.

adhyāvas adhy-ā-vas to inhabit, dwell in (acc. or loc.)

adhyāvāhanika adhy-ā-vāhanika n. that part of a wife's property which, she receives when led in procession from her father's to her husband's house.

adhyās adhy-ās to sit down or lie down upon, to settle upon; to occupy as one's seat or habitation; to get into, enter upon; to be directed to or upon; to affect, concern; to preside over, influence, rule; to cohabit with: Caus. P. adhy-āsayati, to cause to sit down Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. (p. adhyāsisiṣamāṇa) to be about to rise up to (acc.) Bhaṭṭ.

adhyāsana adhy-āsana n. act of sitting down upon L.
     n. presiding over L.
     n. a seat, settlement BhP.
adhyāsita adhy-āsita mfn. seated down upon
     mfn. seated in a presidential chair
     mfn. settled, inhabited
adhyāsita adhy-āsita n. sitting upon Ragh. ii, 52.

adhyāsin adhy-āsin mfn. sitting down or seated upon.

adhyāsīna adhy-āsīna mfn. seated upon.

adhyāsa adhy-āsa m. (2. as), imposing (as of a foot) Yājñ.
adhyāsa adhy-āsa m. (in phil.) = adhy-āropa
     m. an appendage RPrāt.

adhyāsañj adhy-ā-sañj (1. sg. -sajāmi) to hang up, suspend AV. xiv, 2, 48.

adhyāsad adhy-ā-sad to sit upon (acc.) Kauś.: Caus. (1. sg. adhy-ā-sādayāmi) to set upon (loc.) TBr.

adhyāharaṇa adhy-ā-haraṇa n. ( hṛ), act of supplying (elliptical language)
     n. supplement
     n. act of inferring, inference.

adhyāharaṇīya adhy-āharaṇīya mfn. to be supplied
adhyāharaṇīya adhy-āharaṇīya. ; to be inferred.
adhyāharaṇīyaāhartavya adhy-āharaṇīya-āhartavya mfn. to be supplied
     mfn. to be inferred.

adhyāhāra adhy-āhāra m. act of supplying (elliptical language) Pāṇ. 6-1, 139, &c.

adhyāhṛta adhy-āhṛta mfn. supplied, argued.

adhyutthā adhy-ut-thā (sthā) to turn away from PBr.

adhyuddhi adhy-ud-dhi f. see adhy-ūdhnī.

adhyuddhṛ adhy-ud-dhṛ (hṛ), (Imper. 2. sg. adhy-ud-dhara) to draw (water) from AV. xii, 3, 36.

adhyudbhṛ adhy-ud-bhṛ to take or carry away from AV.

adhyuṣita adhy-uṣita mfn. 1. (2. vas), (-te) loc. ind. at daybreak MBh.
     mfn. 2. (5. vas) inhabited
     mfn. occupied.

adhyuṣṭa adhy-uṣṭa mfn. (invented as the Sanskṛit representative of the Prākṛit 'addhuTTha', which is derived from ardha-caturtha), three and a half.
adhyuṣṭavalaya adhy-uṣṭa-valaya m. forming a ring coiled up three and a half times (as a snake).

adhyuṣṭra adhy-uṣṭra m. a conveyance drawn by camels.

adhyūḍha adhy-ūḍha mfn. ( vah), raised, exalted
     mfn. affluent
     mfn. abundant
adhyūḍha adhy-ūḍha m. the son of a woman pregnant before marriage ([cf. 1. sahoḍha])
adhyūḍha adhy-ūḍha m. Śiva
adhyūḍhā adhy-ūḍhā f. a wife whose husband has married an additional wife.
adhyūḍhaja adhy-ūḍha-ja m. the son of a woman pregnant before marriage.

adhyūdhnī adhy-ūdhnī f. (fr. ūdhan) ([MaitrS. KātyŚr.]) or adhy-ud-dhi f. ( dha) ([ĀpŚr.]), a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum.

adhyūṣivas adhy-ūṣivas ān, uṣī, at (perf. p. 5. vas), one who has dwelt in Pāṇ. 3-2, 108 Sch.

adhyūh adhy-ūh to lay on, overlay; to place upon, to raise above.

adhyūhana adhy-ūhana n. putting on a layer (of ashes).

adhyṛdh adhy-ṛdh to expand ŚBr. xiv.

adhyetavya adhy-etavya &c. see adhi.

adhyedh adhy-edh to increase, prosper.

adhyeṣaṇa adhy-eṣaṇa see adhīṣṭa.

adhri a-dhri mfn. ( dhṛ), unrestrained, irresistible AV. v, 20, 10.
adhrigu a-dhri-gu (adhri-) mfn. (m. pl. āvas), irresistible RV., (us) m. N. of a heavenly killer of victims RV.; N. of a formula concluding with an invocation of Agni ŚBr. &c.
adhrija a-dhri-ja (adhri-) mfn. irresistible RV. v, 7, 10.
adhripuṣpalikā a-dhri-puṣpalikā f. a species of the Pāṇ plant, Piper Betel.

adhriyamāṇa a-dhriyamāṇa mfn. (pr. Pass. p. dhri), not held
     mfn. not to be got hold of, not forthcoming, not surviving or existing, dead, (g. cārv-ādi q.v.)

adhruva a-dhruva mf (ā) n. not fixed, not permanent
     mf (ā) n. uncertain, doubtful
     mf (ā) n. separable.

adhruṣa m. (etymology doubtful), quinsy, sore throat, Suśr.

adhvan m. a road, way, orbit
     m. a journey, course
     m. distance
     m. time Buddh. and Jain.
     m. means, method, resource
     m. the zodiac (?), sky, air L.
     m. a place
     m. a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it
     m. assault (?)
adhvan ifc. adhva.

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adhva (in comp. for adhvan).
adhvaga adhva-ga mf (ā) n. road-going, travelling
adhvaga adhva-ga m. a traveller
adhvaga adhva-ga m. a camel, a mule
adhvaga adhva-ga mf (ā) n. (ā) f. the river Ganges.
adhvagat adhva-gat m. a traveller AV. xiii, 1, 36.
adhvagatyanta adhva-gaty-anta m. measure of length applicable to roads.
adhvagantavya adhva-gantavya m. measure of length applicable to roads.
adhvagabhogya adhva-ga-bhogya m. "traveller's delight", the tree Spondias Mangifera.
adhvagamana adhva-gamana n. act of travelling.
adhvagāmin adhva-gāmin mfn. wayfaring.
adhvajā adhva-jā f. the plant Svarṇulī.
adhvapati adhva-pati m. lord of the roads VS.
adhvaratha adhva-ratha m. a travelling car.
adhvaśalya adhva-śalya m. the plant Achyranthes Aspera.
adhvādhipa adhvā-dhipa m. an officer in charge of the public roads, police-officer Rājat.
adhveśa m. an officer in charge of the public roads, police-officer Rājat.

adhvanīna m. a traveller Pāṇ. Yājñ. i, 111.

adhvanya m. id. Pāṇ. 5-2, 16.

adhvara a-dhvara mfn. ( dhvṛ), not injuring AV. TS.
adhvara a-dhvara m. a sacrifice (especially the Soma sacrifice)
     mfn. N. of a Vasu
     mfn. of the chief of a family
adhvara a-dhvara n. sky or air L.
adhvarakarman a-dhvara-karman n. performance of the Adhvara or any act connected with it ŚBr.
adhvarakalpā a-dhvara-kalpā f. N. of an optional sacrifice (Kāmyeṣṭi).
adhvarakāṇḍa a-dhvara-kāṇḍa n. N. of the book in the Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa which refers to Adhvaras.
adhvarakṛt a-dhvara-kṛt m. performing an Adhvara VS.
adhvaraga a-dhvara-ga mfn. intended for an Adhvara.
adhvaradīkṣamīyā a-dhvara-dīkṣamīyā f. consecration connected with the Adhvara.
adhvaradhiṣṇya a-dhvara-dhiṣṇya m. a second altar at the Soma sacrifice ŚBr.
adhvaraprāyaścittī a-dhvara-prāyaścittī f. expiation connected with the Adhvara.
adhvaravat a-dhvara-vat (adhvara-) mfn. containing the word Adhvara ŚBr.
adhvaraśrī a-dhvara-śrī mfn. embellishing the Adhvara RV.
adhvarasamiṣṭayajus a-dhvara-samiṣṭa-yajus n. N. of an aggregate of nine libations connected with the Adhvara.
adhvarastha a-dhvara-stha ([RV. x, 77, 7]) mfn. standing at or engaged in an Adhvara.
adhvareṣṭhā adhvare-ṣṭhā ([RV. x, 77, 7]) mfn. standing at or engaged in an Adhvara.

adhvarīya Nom.P. (2. sg. -rīyasi; p. -riyat) to perform an Adhvara RV.

adhvarya Nom.P. (p. -ryat) to be engaged in an Adhvara RV. i, 181 1.

adhvaryu m. one who institutes an Adhvara any officiating priest
     m. a priest of a particular class (as distinguished from the hotṛ, the udgātṛ, and the brahman classes. The Adhvaryu priests "ad to measure the ground, to build the altar, to prepare the sacrificial vessels, to fetch wood and water, to light the fire, to bring the animal and immolate it"; whilst engaged in these duties, they had to repeat the hymns of the Yajur-veda, hence that Veda itself is also called Adhvaryu)
adhvaryu m. (adhvaryavas) pl. the adherents of the Yajur-veda, (us), f. the wife of an Adhvaryu priest Pāṇ. 4-1, 66 Sch.
adhvaryukāṇḍa adhvaryu-kāṇḍa n. N. of a book of mantras or prayers intended for Adhvaryu priests.
adhvaryukratu adhvaryu-kratu m. sacrificial act performed by the Adhvaryu Pāṇ. 2-4, 4.
adhvaryuveda adhvaryu-veda m. the Yajur veda.

adhvasman a-dhvasman mfn. unveiled RV.

adhvānta a-dhvānta n. (not positive darkness), twilight, gloom, shade.
adhvāntaśātrava a-dhvānta-śātrava m. "an enemy to shade", the plant Cassia Fistula or Bignonia Indica.

an occasionally ana, (before a vowel) the substitute for 3., 3. a, or a privative.

an cl.2.P. aniti or anati, ana, aniṣyati, ānīt ([RV. x, 129, 2]), to breathe, respire, gasp; to live L.; to move, go L. ([cf. Gk. [greek] Lat. 'animus']): Caus. ānayati: Desid. aniniṣati.

ana m. breath, respiration ŚBr. ChUp.
anavattva ana-vat-tva n. the state of being endowed with breath or life Nir.

anana n. breathing, living Nir.

anaṃśa an-aṃśa or an-aṃśin mfn. portionless, not entitled to a share in an inheritance.

anaṃśumatphalā an-aṃśumat-phalā f. the plantain (= aṃśumat-phalā).

anakadundubha anaka-dundubha m. N. of Kṛiṣṇa's grandfather.

anakadundubhi anaka-dundubhi or better
ānakadundubhi m. N. of Krishna's father (Vasudeva; said to be derived from the beating of drums at his birth).

anakasmāt an-akasmāt ind. not without a cause or an object; not accidentally, not suddenly.

anakāmamāra an-akāma-māra mfn. not killing undesiredly AitĀr.

anakṣ an-akṣ (nom. an-ak) mfn. blind RV. ii, 15, 7.

anakṣa an-akṣa mf (ā) n. id. RV. ix, 73, 6 and x, 27, 11.

anakṣi an-akṣi n. a bad eye L.
anakṣika an-akṣika mfn. eyeless TS.

anakṣara an-akṣara mfn. unfit to be uttered
     mfn. unable to articulate a syllable.

anakṣasaṅgam an-akṣa-saṅgam ([MaitrS.]) or an-akṣa-stambham ([ŚBr.]) ind. so as not to interfere with the axle-tree.

anagāra an-agāra m. "houseless", a vagrant ascetic L.

anagārikā an-agārikā f. the houseless life of such an ascetic Buddh.

anagna a-nagna mf (ā) n. not naked.
anagnatā a-nagna-tā (a-nagna-) f. the not being naked ŚBr.

anagni an-agni (an-agni Nir.) m. non-fire; substance differing from fire; absence of fire; (mfn.), requiring no fire or fire-place; not maintaining a sacred fire, irreligious; unmarried; dispensing with fire; "having no fire in the stomach"; dyspeptic.
anagnitrā an-agni-trā (an-agni-) mfn. not maintaining the sacred fire RV. i, 189, 3.
anagnidagdha an-agni-dagdha (an-agni-) mfn. not burnt with fire; not burnt on the funeral pile (but buried) RV. x, 15, 14; m. pl. N. of a class of manes Mn. iii, 199.
anagniṣvātta an-agni-ṣvātta m. pl. id. L. (see agni-dagdha, agni-ṣvātta).

anagha an-agha mf (ā) n. sinless
     mf (ā) n. faultless
     mf (ā) n. uninjured
     mf (ā) n. handsome L.
anagha an-agha m. white mustard L.
anagha an-agha m. N. of Śiva and others.
anaghāṣṭamī f. N. of an eighth day (spoken of in the fifty-fifth Adhyāya of the Bhavishyottara-Purāṇa).

anaṅkuśa an-aṅkuśa mfn. unrestrained.

anaṅga an-aṅga mf (ā) n. bodiless, incorporeal
anaṅga an-aṅga m. N. of Kāma (god of love, so called because he was made bodiless by a flash from the eye of Śiva, for having attempted to disturb his life of austerity by filling him with love for Pārvatī)
anaṅga an-aṅga n. the ether, air, sky L.
anaṅga an-aṅga n. the mind L.
anaṅga an-aṅga n. that which is not the aṅga.
anaṅgakrīḍā an-aṅga-krīḍā f. amorous play
     f. N. of a metre (of two verses, the first containing sixteen long syllables, the second thirty-two short ones).
anaṅgadevī an-aṅga-devī f. N. of a queen of Kaṣmīr.
anaṅgapāla an-aṅga-pāla m. N. of a king's chamberlain at Kaṣmīr.
anaṅgamejaya an-aṅga-m-ejaya (an-aṅgam-) mfn. not shaking the body (?), (g. cārv-ādi q.v.)
anaṅgaraṅga an-aṅga-raṅga m. N. of an erotic work.
anaṅgalekhā an-aṅga-lekhā f. a love letter
     f. N. of a queen of Kashmir.
anaṅgaśekhara an-aṅga-śekhara m. N. of a metre (of four verses, each containing fifteen iambi).
anaṅgasenā an-aṅga-senā f. N. of a dramatic personage.
anaṅgāpīḍa m. N. of a king of Kaṣmīr.
anaṅgāsuhṛd m. "Kāma's enemy", Śiva.

anaṅgaka an-aṅgaka m. the mind L.

anaṅguri an-aṅguri mfn. destitute of fingers AV.

anaccha an-accha mfn. unclear, turbid.

anajakā an-ajakā or an-ajikā f. a miserable little goat Pāṇ. 7-3, 47.

anañjana an-añjana mfn. free from collyrium or pigment or paint
anañjana an-añjana n. the sky, atmosphere L.

anaḍuh anaḍ-uh m. (fr. anas, a cart, and vah, to drag), an ox, bull
     m. the sign Taurus.
anaḍujjihvā anaḍuj-jihvā f. the plant Gojihvā, Elephantopus Scaber.
anaḍudda anaḍud-da m. donor of a bull or ox.

anaḍutka mfn. ifc. for anaḍuh, (g. ura-ādi, and g. ṛśyādi q.v.)

anaḍuha m. ifc. for anaḍuh N. of the chief of a certain Gotra (?), (g. śarad-ādi q.v.)

anaḍuhī ([ŚBr.]) ([Pāṇ.]) f. a cow.
anaḍvāhī ([Pāṇ.]) f. a cow.

anaṇu an-aṇu mfn. not minute or fine coarse ŚBr.
anaṇu an-aṇu m. coarse grain, peas, &c.

anaṇīyas an-aṇīyas mfn. not at all minute
     mfn. vast, mighty Śiś. iii, 4.

anata a-nata mfn. not bent, not bowed down
     mfn. not changed into a lingual consonant RPrāt.
     mfn. erect
     mfn. stiff
     mfn. haughty.

anati an-ati not very -, not too -, not past -. (Words commencing with an-ati are so easily analysed by referring to ati, &c., that few need be enumerated.)
anatikrama an-atikrama m. not transgressing ŚBr.
     m. moderation, propriety.
anatikramaṇīya an-atikramaṇīya mfn. not to be avoided, not to be transgressed, inviolable.
anatidṛśya an-atidṛśya mfn. not transparent ŚBr.: (or = aty-adṛśya), quite indiscernible.
anatidbhuta an-atidbhuta mfn. unsurpassed RV. viii, 90, 3.
anatineda an-atineda m. not foaming over MaitrS.
anatirikta an-atirikta mfn. not abundant ŚBr.
anatireca an-atireca n. not abundance MaitrS.
anativṛtti an-ativṛtti f. congruity.
anativyādhyā an-ativyādhyā mfn. invulnerable AV. ix, 2, 16.
anatyantagati an-atyanta-gati f. the sense of "not exceedingly", sense of diminutive words.
anatyaya an-atyaya m. the not going across ŚBr.
anatyaya an-atyaya mfn. unperishable, unbroken.
anatyudya an-atyudya mfn. (= aty-an-udya), quite unfit to be mentioned, far above any expression AV. x, 7, 28.

anadat an-adat mfn. not eating, not consuming RV. iii, 1, 6 AV. &c.

anaddhā an-addhā or (with particle u) anaddho ind. not truly, not really, not definitely, not clearly ŚBr.
anaddhāpuruṣa an-addhā-puruṣa m. one who is not a true man, one who is of no use either to gods or men or the manes ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr.

anadyatana an-adyatana m. a tense (either past or future) not applicable to the current day Pāṇ.

anadhas an-adhas ind. not below TBr.

anadhika an-adhika mfn. having no superior, not to be enlarged or excelled
     mfn. boundless
     mfn. perfect.

anadhikāra an-adhikāra m. absence of authority or right or claim.
anadhikāracarcā an-adhikāra-carcā f. unjustifiable interference, intermeddling, officiousness.

anadhikārin an-adhikārin mfn. not entitled to.

anadhikṛta an-adhikṛta mfn. not placed at the head of, not appointed.

anadhigata an-adhigata mfn. not obtained, not acquired
     mfn. not studied.
anadhigatamanoratha an-adhigata-manoratha mfn. one who has not obtained his wish, disappointed.
anadhigataśāstra an-adhigata-śāstra mfn. unacquainted with the Śāstras.

anadhigamya an-adhigamya mfn. unattainable.
anadhigamanīya an-adhigamanīya mfn. unattainable.

anadhiṣṭhāna an-adhiṣṭhāna n. want of superintendence.

anadhiṣṭhita an-adhiṣṭhita mfn. not placed over, not appointed
     mfn. not present.

anadhīna an-adhīna or an-adhinaka mfn. not subject to, independent; m. an independent carpenter who works on his own account (see kauṭatakṣa).

anadhyakṣa an-adhyakṣa mfn. not perceptible by the senses, not observable
     mfn. without a superintendent.

anadhyayana an-adhyayana n. not reading or studying, intermission of study Mn. &c.

anadhyāya an-adhyāya m. id.
     m. a time when there is intermission of study Mn.
anadhyāyadivasa an-adhyāya-divasa m. a vacation day, holiday.

ananaṅgamejaya an-anaṅgamejaya mfn. not leaving the body unshaken (?) cf. an-aṅgamejaya.

ananukhyāti an-anukhyāti f. not perceiving MaitrS.

ananujñāta an-anujñāta mfn. not agreed to, not permitted
     mfn. denied.

ananudhyāyin an-anudhyāyin mfn. not missing, not missing anything AitBr.
     mfn. not insidious TBr.

ananubhāvaka an-anubhāvaka mfn. unable to comprehend.
ananubhāvakatā an-anubhāvaka-tā f. non-comprehension
     f. unintelligibility.

ananubhāṣaṇa an-anubhāṣaṇa n. "not repeating (for the sake of challenging) a proposition"
     n. tacit assent.

ananubhūta an-anubhūta mfn. not perceived, not experienced unknown.

ananumata an-anumata mfn. not approved or honoured, not liked, disagreeable, unfit.

ananuyāja an-anuyāja or an-anūyāja ([TS.]) mfn. without a subsequent or final sacrifice.

ananuṣaṅgin an-anuṣaṅgin mfn. not attached to, indifferent to.

ananuṣṭhāna an-anuṣṭhāna n. non-observance, neglect
     n. impropriety.

ananūkta an-anūkta ([ŚBr. xiv]) or ananūkti ([KātyŚr.]), mfn. not recited or studied; not responded to.

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ananṛta an-anṛta mfn. not false, true Śiś. vi, 39.

ananta an-anta mf (ā) n. endless, boundless, eternal, infinite
ananta an-anta m. N. of Viṣṇu
ananta an-anta m. of Śeṣa (the snake-god)
ananta an-anta m. of Śeṣa's brother Vāsuki
ananta an-anta m. of Kṛiṣṇa
ananta an-anta m. of his brother Baladeva
ananta an-anta m. of Śiva
ananta an-anta m. of Rudra
ananta an-anta m. of one of the Viśva-devas
ananta an-anta m. of the 14th Arhat, &c.
ananta an-anta m. the plant Sinduvāra, Vitex Trifolia
ananta an-anta m. Talc
ananta an-anta m. the 23rd lunar asterism, Śravaṇa
ananta an-anta m. a silken cord (tied round the right arm at a particular festival)
ananta an-anta m. the letter ā
ananta an-anta m. a periodic decimal fraction?
ananta an-anta mf (ā) n. (ā) f. the earth
ananta an-anta m. the number one
ananta an-anta m. N. of Pārvatī and of various females, the plant Śārivā
ananta an-anta m. Periploca Indica or Asclepias Pseudosarsa or Asthmatica (the root of which supplies a valuable medicine)
ananta an-anta n. the sky, atmosphere
ananta an-anta n. Talc.
anantakara an-anta-kara mfn. rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely Pāṇ. 3-2, 21 R. v, 20, 26.
anantaga an-anta-ga mfn. going or moving for ever or indefinitely Pāṇ. 3-2, 48.
anantaguṇa an-anta-guṇa mfn. having boundless excellencies.
anantacaturdaśī an-anta-caturdaśī f. the fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of Bhādra, when Ananta is worshipped.
anantacāritra an-anta-cāritra m. N. of a Bodhisattva.
anantajit an-anta-jit m. N. of the fourteenth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī.
anantatā an-anta-tā (ananta-) f. eternity, infinity ŚBr. xiv.
anantatāna an-anta-tāna mfn. extensive.
anantatīrtha an-anta-tīrtha m. N. of an author.
anantatīrthakṛt an-anta-tīrtha-kṛt m. = Anantajit.
anantatṛtīyā an-anta-tṛtīyā f. the third day of Bhādra (said to be sacred to Viṣṇu).
anantatṛtīyāvrata an-anta-tṛtīyā-vrata N. of the twenty-fourth Adhyāya of the Bhavishyottara-Purāṇa.
anantatva an-anta-tva n. = -tā q.v.
anantadṛṣṭi an-anta-dṛṣṭi m. N. of Śiva.
anantadeva an-anta-deva m. N. of various persons, especially of a king of Kaṣmīr.
anantanemi an-anta-nemi m. N. of a king of Mālava, a contemporary of Śakyamuni.
anantapāra an-anta-pāra mfn. of boundless width.
anantapāla an-anta-pāla m. N. of a warrior chief in Kashmir.
anantabhaṭṭa an-anta-bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man.
anantamati an-anta-mati m. N. of a Bodhisattva.
anantamāyin an-anta-māyin mfn. endlessly illusory or delusive or deceitful.
anantamula an-anta-mula m. the medicinal plant Śārivā.
anantarāma an-anta-rāma m. N. of a man.
anantarāśi an-anta-rāśi m. (in arithm.) an infinite quantity
     m. a periodic decimal fraction (?).
anantarūpa an-anta-rūpa mfn. having innumerable forms or shapes.
anantavat an-anta-vat mfn. eternal, infinite
anantavat an-anta-vat mfn. (ān) m. (in the Upanishads) one of Brahmā's four feet (earth, intermediate space, heaven, and ocean).
anantavarman an-anta-varman m. N. of a king.
anantavāta an-anta-vāta m. a disease of the head (like tetanus).
anantavikramin an-anta-vikramin m. N. of a Bodhisattva.
anantavijaya an-anta-vijaya m. N. of Yudhishthira's conch shell.
anantavīrya an-anta-vīrya m. N. of the twenty-third Jaina Arhat of a future age.
anantavrata an-anta-vrata n. ceremony or festival in honour of Ananta or Viṣṇu (on the day of the full moon in Bhādra)
     n. N. of the 102nd Adhyāya of the Bhavishyottara-Purāṇa.
anantaśakti an-anta-śakti mfn. omnipotent, (is) m. N. of a king.
anantaśayana an-anta-śayana n. Travancore.
anantaśīrṣā an-anta-śīrṣā f. N. of the snake king Vāsuki's wife.
anantaśuṣma an-anta-śuṣma (ananta-) mfn. possessing boundless strength or endlessly roaring (?) RV. i, 64, 10.
anantātman m. the infinite spirit.
anantāśrama &c., names of persons unknown.
ananteśvara &c., names of persons unknown.

anantaka mfn. endless, boundless, eternal, infinite
anantaka n. the infinite (i.e. infinite space).

anantya mfn. infinite, eternal
anantya n. infinity, eternity.

anantara an-antara mf (ā) n. having no interior
     mf (ā) n. having no interstice or interval or pause
     mf (ā) n. uninterrupted, unbroken
     mf (ā) n. continuous
     mf (ā) n. immediately adjoining, contiguous
     mf (ā) n. next of kin, &c.
     mf (ā) n. compact, close
anantara an-antara m. a neighbouring rival, a rival neighbour
anantara an-antara n. contiguousness
anantara an-antara n. Brahma or the supreme soul (as being of one entire essence), (am) ind. immediately after
anantara an-antara n. after
anantara an-antara n. afterwards.
anantaraja an-antara-ja m. "next-born", the son of a Kṣatriyā or Vaiśyā mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's Mn. x, 41.
anantarajāta an-antara-jāta m. id. Mn. x, 6
     m. also the son of a Śūdrā mother by a Vaiśya father.

anantaraya an-antaraya m. non-interruption ŚBr. and PBr. (cf. antaraya.)

anantarāyam an-antarāyam ind. without a break ŚBr. and AitBr.

anantarita an-antarita mfn. not separated by any interstice
     mfn. unbroken.

anantariti an-antariti f. not excluding or passing over TS. AitBr.

anantarīya mfn. concerning or belonging to the next of kin, &c., (g. gahādi q.v.)

anantarhita an-antar-hita mfn. ( dhā), not concealed, manifest
     mfn. not separated by a break.

ananda a-nanda mfn. joyless, cheerless
ananda a-nanda m. pl. N. of a purgatory Up.

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anandha an-andha mfn. not blind TBr. &c.

ananna an-anna n. rice or food undeserving of its name ŚBr. xiv.

ananya an-anya mf (ā) n. no other, not another, not different, identical
     mf (ā) n. self
     mf (ā) n. not having a second, unique
     mf (ā) n. not more than one, sole
     mf (ā) n. having no other (object), undistracted
     mf (ā) n. not attached or devoted to any one else TS.
ananyagati an-anya-gati f. sole resort or resource.
ananyagati an-anya-gati mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left.
ananyagatika an-anya-gatika mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left.
ananyagāmin an-anya-gāmin mfn. going to no other.
ananyaguru an-anya-guru m. "having no other as a Guru", N. of Kṛiṣṇa Śiś. i, 35.
ananyacitta an-anya-citta mf (ā) n. giving one's undivided thought to (with loc.)
ananyacetas an-anya-cetas mfn. giving one's undivided thought to (with loc.)
ananyacodita an-anya-codita mfn. self-impelled.
ananyaja an-anya-ja m. N. of Kāma or Love.
ananyatā an-anya-tā f. identity.
ananyatva an-anya-tva n. identity.
ananyadṛṣṭi an-anya-dṛṣṭi mfn. gazing intently.
ananyadeva an-anya-deva mfn. having no other god.
ananyaniṣpādya an-anya-niṣpādya mfn. to be accomplished by no other.
ananyapūrvā an-anya-pūrvā f. a female who never belonged to another, a virgin Ragh.
ananyapratikriya an-anya-pratikriya mfn. having no other means of resistance or redress.
ananyabhava an-anya-bhava mfn. originating in or with no other.
ananyabhāva an-anya-bhāva mfn. thinking of the only one i.e. of the Supreme Spirit.
ananyamanas an-anya-manas mfn. exercising undivided attention.
ananyamanaska an-anya-manaska mfn. exercising undivided attention.
ananyamānasa an-anya-mānasa mfn. exercising undivided attention.
ananyayoga an-anya-yoga m. not suitable to any others
ananyayogam an-anya-yogam ind. not in consequence of any other (word) RPrāt.
ananyaviṣaya an-anya-viṣaya mfn. exclusively applicable.
ananyaviṣayātman an-anya-viṣayātman mfn. having the mind fixed upon one (or the sole) object.
ananyavṛtti an-anya-vṛtti mfn. closely attentive.
ananyasādhāraṇa an-anya-sādhāraṇa mfn. not common to any one else, not belonging to any other.
ananyahṛta an-anya-hṛta mfn. not carried off by another, safe.
ananyanubhava m. N. of the teacher of Prakāśātman.
ananyārtha mfn. not subservient to another object
     mfn. principal.
ananyāśrita mfn. not having resorted to another
     mfn. independent
ananyāśrita n. (in law) unencumbered property.

ananyādṛśa an-anyādṛśa mf (ī) n. not like others Kathās.

ananvaya an-anvaya m. want of connexion, (in rhetoric) comparison of an object with its own ideal, (as, "a lady-like lady.")

ananvita an-anvita mfn. unconnected, inconsecutive, desultory, incoherent, irrelevant, irregular
     mfn. not attended with, destitute of.

ananvavacāra an-anvavacāra ([ŚBr.]) or an-anvavāya ([MaitrS.]) m. or an-anvavāyana ([ŚBr.]) n. ( car and i with anu and ava), not following or going after any one (in a sneaking manner).

ananvābhakta an-anvābhakta mfn. ( bhaj), not receiving a share, not interested in (loc.) ŚBr.

anapa an-apa mfn. destitute of water L.

anapakaraṇa an-apakaraṇa n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.

anapakarman an-apakarman n. id. Mn. viii, 4.

anapakāra an-apakāra m. harmlessness.

anapakārin an-apakārin mfn. not harming, innocuous.

anapakṛta an-apakṛta mfn. unharmed
anapakṛta an-apakṛta n. no offence MBh.

anapakriyā an-apakriyā f. = an-apakaraṇa Mn.

anapakarṣa an-apakarṣa m. ( kṛṣ) m. non-degradation, superiority.

anapakrama an-apakrama m. not going away.

anapakramin an-apakramin mfn. not departing from
     mfn. devoted, attached to.

anapakrāma an-apakrāma m. not retreating or withdrawing from AitBr.

anapakrāmuka an-apakrāmuka mf (ā) n. not running away MaitrS. PBr.

anapaga an-apaga ([TS.]) or an-apaga ([ŚBr.]) mf (ā) n. not departing from (abl. or in comp.)

anapacyuta an-apacyuta mfn. not falling off, holding fast (a yoke) RV. x, 93, 12
     mfn. never dropping off, keeping to or faithful for ever RV.

anapajayyam an-apajayyam ind. ( ji), so that its victorious character cannot be reversed ŚBr.

anapatya an-apatya mf (ā) n. childless
anapatya an-apatya mf (ā) n. (am) n. childlessness RV. iii, 54, 18.
anapatyatā an-apatya-tā f. childlessness Śāk. &c.
anapatyavat an-apatya-vat (anapatya-) mfn. childless AV.

anapatyaka mfn. childless.

anapatrapa an-apatrapa mfn. shameless.

[Page 25,3]
anapadeśa an-apadeśa m. an invalid argument.

anapadhṛṣya an-apadhṛṣya ind. p. not having overpowered AitBr.

anapanihitam an-apanihitam ind. without leaving out anything ŚBr.

anapayati an-apayati ind. ( i with apa?), "before the sun makes a start", very early L.

anapara an-apara mfn. without another
     mfn. having no follower
     mfn. single, sole (as N. of Brahma) ŚBr. xiv.

anaparāddha an-aparāddha mfn. one who has not injured anybody MBh.
     mfn. faultless ŚBr.
anaparāddham an-aparāddham ind. without injury ŚBr. xiv.

anaparādha an-aparādha m. innocence, innocuousness
anaparādha an-aparādha mfn. innocent, faultless
     m. free from defects.
anaparādhatva an-aparādha-tva n. freedom from fault.

anaparādhin mfn. innocent.

anapalāṣuka an-apalāṣuka mfn. not thirsty Pāṇ. 6-2, 160 Sch.

anapavācana an-apavācana mfn. impossible to be talked away or wished away AV. viii, 8, 9.

anapavṛjya an-apavṛjya mfn. not to be finished (as a way; "free from objects that should be shunned as impure" Sāy.) RV. i, 146, 3.

anapavyayat an-apavyayat (apa-vy-ayat) mfn. unremitting RV. vi, 75, 7.

anapasara an-apasara mfn. "having no hole to creep out of", inexcusable, unjustifiable m. a usurper Mn. viii, 198.

anapasaraṇa an-apasaraṇa n. not leaving a place or withdrawing from it ŚBr.

anapaspṛś an-apaspṛś mfn. not refusing, not obstinate AV.

anapasphur an-apasphur ([RV. viii, 69, 10]) or an-apasphura ([RV. vi, 48, 11]) mf (ā) n. or an-apasphurat ([RV. iv, 42, 10 AV.]) mfn. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow).

anapahatapāpman an-apahata-pāpman mfn. (said of the Pitṛis to distinguish them from the Devas) not freed from evil ŚBr.

anapahanana an-apahanana n. not repelling from PBr.

anapākaraṇa an-apākaraṇa n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.

anapākarman an-apākarman n. id.

anapāya an-apāya mfn. without obstacles, prosperous
anapāya an-apāya m. freedom from mischief
anapāya an-apāya m. (in phil.) the state of not being abridged or deprived of (abl.)
anapāya an-apāya m. N. of Śiva.

anapāyin mfn. not going or passing away, constant in the same state
     mfn. invariable.

anapāvṛt an-apāvṛt ind. without turning away, unremittingly RV. vi, 32, 5 and x, 89, 3.

anapāśraya an-apāśraya mfn. not dependent.

anapuṃsaka a-napuṃsaka n. (in Gr.) not a neuter.

anapūpīya an-apūpīya or an-apūpya mfn. unfit for cakes. see apūpa.

anapekṣa an-apekṣa mfn. regardless, careless
     mfn. indifferent
     mfn. impartial
     mfn. irrespective of
     mfn. irrelevant
anapekṣā an-apekṣā f. disregard, carelessness
anapekṣa an-apekṣa mfn. (an-apekṣam) ind. irrespectively, carelessly ŚBr.
anapekṣatva an-apekṣa-tva n. disregard
     n. irrelevance
     n. irrespectiveness
anapekṣatva an-apekṣa-tva n. (āt) ind. from having no reference to, since (it) has no reference to.

anapekṣita an-apekṣita mfn. disregarded
     mfn. unheeded
     mfn. unexpected.

anapekṣin an-apekṣin mfn. regardless of
     mfn. indifferent to.

anapekṣya an-apekṣya ind. p. disregarding, irrespective of.

anapeta an-apeta mfn. not gone off, not past
     mfn. not separated, faithful to, possessed of.

anapoddhārya an-apoddhārya mfn. of which nothing is to be taken off ŚBr.

anapta an-apta mfn. not watery RV. ix, 16, 3.

anapnas an-apnas mfn. destitute of means RV. ii, 23, 9, ([cf. Lat. 'inops'.])

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anapsaras an-apsaras f. unlike an Apsaras, unworthy of an Apsaras.

anaphā f. a particular configuration of the planets. [Gk. [greek] ]

anabhijña an-abhijña mfn. unacquainted with, ignorant Comm. on Mn. ii, 125.

anabhidruh an-abhidruh mfn. not malicious RV. ii, 41, 5.

anabhipreta an-abhipreta n. an occurrence different from what was intended.

anabhibhūta an-abhibhūta mfn. not overcome, unsurpassed
     mfn. not beset, unobstructed.

anabhimata an-abhimata mfn. not to one's mind, disliked Hit.

anabhimānuka an-abhimānuka mfn. not having evil intentions against (acc.) MaitrS. AitBr.

anabhimlāta an-abhi-mlāta mfn. unfaded.
anabhimlātavarṇa an-abhi-mlāta-varṇa (anabhimlāta-) mfn. of unfaded colour or brightness RV. ii, 35, 13.

anabhimlāna an-abhimlāna m. "non-fading", N. of the chief of a Gotra, (g. śivādi q.v.)

anabhirūpa an-abhirūpa mfn. not corresponding
     mfn. not handsome, not pleasing.

anabhilakṣita an-abhilakṣita m. "destitute of (right) marks or symbols", an impostor.

anabhilāṣa an-abhilāṣa m. non-relish
     m. want of appetite
     m. want of desire.

anabhilāṣin an-abhilāṣin mfn. not desirous.

anabhivāduka an-abhivāduka mfn. not greeting GopBr. Vait.

anabhivādya an-abhivādya mfn. not to be greeted.

anabhivyakta an-abhivyakta mfn. indistinct.

anabhiśasta an-abhiśasta ([RV. ix, 88, 7]) or an-abhiśasti ([VS.]) or an-abhiśastenya ([VS.]) or an-abhiśastya ([Naigh.]), mfn. blameless, faultless.

anabhiṣaṅga an-abhiṣaṅga or an-abhiṣvaṅga m. absence of connection or attachment.

anabhisandhāna an-abhisandhāna n. absence of design
     n. disinterestedness.

anabhisandhi an-abhisandhi m. id.
anabhisandhikṛta an-abhisandhi-kṛta mfn. done undesignedly.

anabhisambandha an-abhisambandha mfn. unconnected
anabhisambandha an-abhisambandha m. no connection.

anabhisneha an-abhisneha mfn. without affection, cold, unimpassioned Bhag.

anabhihita an-abhihita mfn. not named
     mfn. not fastened ŚBr. m. N. of the chief of a Gotra, (g. upakādi q.v.)

anabhīśu an-abhīśu mfn. without bridles RV.

anabhyanujñā an-abhyanujñā f. non-permission.

anabhyavacāruka an-abhyavacāruka mf (ā) n. not attacking MaitrS.

anabhyārūḍha an-abhyārūḍha mfn. not ascended, not mounted AV.
     mfn. not attained ŚBr.

anabhyāroha an-abhyāroha m. not ascending ŚBr.

anabhyārohya an-abhyārohya mfn. not to be ascended ŚBr.

anabhyāśa an-abhyāśa or an-abhyāsa mfn. not near, distant.
anabhyāsamitya an-abhyāsam-itya mfn. improper to be approached Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Comm.

anabhyāsa an-abhyāsa m. want of practice or skill.

anabhra an-abhra mf (ā) n. cloudless.
anabhravṛṣṭi an-abhra-vṛ-ṣṭi f. "cloudless rain", any unexpected acquisition or advantage Kir. iii, 5.

anabhraka an-abhraka m. pl. "cloudless", N. of a class of divinities Buddh.

anabhri an-abhri mfn. not dug out with a spade (said of rain-water) AV.

anama a-nama m. "one who makes no salutation to others", a Brāhman L.

anamasyu a-namasyu mfn. not bowing RV. x, 48, 6.

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anamitampaca an-amitam-paca mfn. "not cooking what has not first been measured", niggardly, miserly (= mitam-paca q.v.)

anamitra an-amitra mfn. having no enemies AV.
anamitra an-amitra mfn. (am) n. the having no enemies AV. VS.
anamitra an-amitra m. N. of various persons, particularly a king of Ayodhyā.

anamīva an-amīva mf (ā) n., Ved. free from disease, well, comfortable
     mf (ā) n. salubrious, salutary
anamīva an-amīva mf (ā) n. (am) n. good health, happy state RV. x, 14, 11.

anambara an-ambara mfn. wearing no clothing, naked
anambara an-ambara m. a Jaina mendicant
anambara an-ambara m. cf. dig-ambara.

anaya a-naya m. bad management
     m. bad conduct (gambling, &c.)

anaya an-aya m. evil course, ill luck
     m. misfortune, adversity (cf. ayānaya s.v. aya.)
anayaṃgata anayaṃ-gata mfn. fallen into misfortune.

anaraṇya an-araṇya m. N. of a king of Ayodhyā, said by some to have been Pṛithu's father.

anarus an-arus mfn. not sore or wounded ŚBr.

anargala an-argala mfn. without bars or checks, free, licentious.

anargha an-argha mfn. priceless, invaluable
anargha an-argha m. wrong value.
anargharāghava an-argha-rāghava n. N. of a drama (by Murāri, treating of Rāma).

anarghya an-arghya mfn. priceless, invaluable Kum. i, 59, &c.
     mfn. not valuable L.
anarghyatva an-arghya-tva n. pricelessness Hit.

anarjuna an-arjuna mfn. without Arjuna MBh.

anartha an-artha m. non-value, a worthless or useless object
     m. disappointing occurrence, reverse, evil
     m. nonsense
anartha an-artha mfn. worthless, useless, bad
     m. unfortunate
     m. having no meaning
     m. having not that (but another) meaning
     m. nonsensical.
anarthakara an-artha-kara mfn. doing what is useless or worthless
     mfn. unprofitable
     mfn. producing evil or misfortune.
anarthatva an-artha-tva n. uselessness, &c.
anarthadarśin an-artha-darśin mfn. minding useless or worthless things.
anarthanāśin an-artha-nāśin m. "Evil-destroyer", Śiva.
anarthabuddhi an-artha-buddhi mfn. having a worthless intellect.
anarthabhāva an-artha-bhāva mfn. having a bad nature, malicious.
anarthalupta an-artha-lupta mfn. freed from all that is worthless.
anarthasaṃśaya an-artha-saṃśaya m. non-risk of money or wealth.

anarthaka an-arthaka mfn. useless, vain, worthless
     mfn. meaningless, nonsensical.

anarthya an-arthya mfn. worthless, useless ŚBr.

anarpaṇa an-arpaṇa n. non-surrendering, not giving up AV. xii, 4, 33.

anarman mfn. = an-arvan q.v. AV. vii, 7, 1.

anarva an-arva mf (ā) n. or an-arvan mfn. not to be limited, not to be obstructed, irresistible RV.

anarvaṇa an-arvaṇa mfn. id. RV. viii, 31, 12
anarvaṇa an-arvaṇa m. N. of the god Pūṣan RV. v, 51, 11 and x, 92, 14.

anarviś anar-viś m. seated on the car (anas), a driver RV. i, 121, 7.

anarśani an-arśani m. N. of a demon slain by Indra RV. viii, 32, 2.

anarśarāti an-arśa-rāti mfn. giving uninjurious things, one whose gifts do not hurt RV. viii, 99, 4.

anarha an-arha mf (ā) n. or an-arhat mfn. undeserving of punishment or of reward
     mf (ā) n. unworthy
     mf (ā) n. inadequate, unsuitable.

anarhyatā anarhya-tā f. the not being properly estimated
     f. unworthiness
     f. inadequacy
     f. unsuitableness.

anala m. ( an), fire
     m. the god of fire, digestive power, gastric juice
     m. bile L.
     m. wind L.
     m. N. of Vasudeva
     m. of a Muni
     m. of one of the eight Vasus
     m. of a monkey
     m. of various plants (Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea; Semicarpus Anacardium)
     m. the letter r
     m. the number three
anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of Bṛihaspati's cycle
     m. the third lunar mansion or Kṛittikā (?).
analada anala-da (fr. 3. da) mfn. quenching fire (said of water) Kir.v, 25.
analadīpana anala-dīpana mfn. exciting the digestion, stomachic.
analaprabhā anala-prabhā f. the plant Halicacabum Cardiospermum.
analapriyā anala-priyā f. Agni's wife.
analavāṭa anala-vāṭa m. N. of ancient Pattana.
analasāda anala-sāda m. dyspepsia.
analānanda m. N. of a Vedāntic writer, author of the Vedānta-kalpataru.

analaṃkariṣṇu an-alaṃkariṣṇu mfn. not given to the use of ornaments
     mfn. unornamented.

analam an-alam ind. not enough; insufficiently.

analasa an-alasa mfn. not lazy, active.

anali m. the tree Sesbana Grandiflora.

analpa an-alpa mfn. not a little, much, numerous.
analpaghoṣa an-alpa-ghoṣa mfn. very clamorous, very noisy.
analpamanyu an-alpa-manyu mfn. greatly enraged.

anavakāśa an-avakāśa mf (ā) n. having no opportunity or occasion
     mf (ā) n. uncalled for, inapplicable Pāṇ. 1-4, 1 Sch.

anavakrāmam an-avakrāmam ind. not stepping upon ĀpŚr.

anavagāhin an-avagāhin mfn. ( gāh), not dipping into, not studying.

anavagāhya an-avagāhya mfn. unfathomable.

anavagīta an-avagīta mfn. not made an object of contemptuous song, uncensured.

anavagraha an-avagraha mfn. resistless
     mfn. not to be intercepted.

anavaglāyat an-avaglāyat mfn. not growing remiss AV. iv, 4, 7.

anavacchinna an-avacchinna mfn. not intersected, uninterrupted
     mfn. not marked off, unbounded, immoderate
     mfn. undiscriminated.
anavacchinnahāsa an-avacchinna-hāsa m. continuous or immoderate laughter.

anavatapta an-avatapta m. N. of a serpent king Buddh.
     m. of a lake (= Rāvaṇa-hrada) ib.

anavattva anavat-tva see an.

anavadya an-avadya mf (ā) n. irreproachable, faultless
     mf (ā) n. unobjectionable
anavadya an-avadya mf (ā) n. (ā) f. N. of an Apsaras.
anavadyatā an-avadya-tā f. faultlessness.
anavadyatva an-avadya-tva n. faultlessness.
anavadyarūpa an-avadya-rūpa (anavadya-) mf (ā) n. of faultless form or beauty RV. x, 68, 3, &c.
anavadyāṅga mf (ī) n. having faultless body or limbs.

anavadrāṇa an-avadrāṇa mfn. ( drā), not going to sleep, not sleepy AV. viii, 1, 13.

anavadharṣya an-avadharṣya (6) mfn. not to be defied AV. viii, 2, 10.

anavadhāna an-avadhāna n. inattention, inadvertence
anavadhāna an-avadhāna mfn. inattentive, careless.
anavadhānatā an-avadhāna-tā f. inadvertency.

anavadhi an-avadhi mfn. unlimited.

anavadhṛṣya an-avadhṛṣya mfn. impossible to be put down or injured ŚBr.

anavana an-avana mf (ī Śiś. vi, 37) n. "affording no help or protection", causing distress
anavana an-avana n. non-protection Pāṇ. 1-3, 66.

anavanāmitavaijayanta an-avanāmita-vaijayanta m. "having victorious banners unlowered", "ever glorious", a future universe Buddh.

anavapṛgṇa an-avapṛgṇa mfn. ( pṛc), not closely united, but spreading all around RV. i, 152, 4.

anavabudhyamāna an-avabudhyamāna mfn. deranged L.

anavabrava an-avabrava mfn. ( brū), irreproachable RV. x, 84, 5.

anavabhrarādhas an-avabhra-rādhas mfn. ( bhṛ), having or giving undiminished (or durable) wealth RV.

anavama an-avama mf (ā) n. not low
     mf (ā) n. exalted.

anavamarśam an-avamarśam ind. without touching ŚBr.

anavamṛśya an-avamṛśya mfn. not fit to be touched ŚBr.

anavara an-avara mfn. not inferior
     mfn. excellent.

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anavarata an-avarata mfn. incessant
anavaratam an-avaratam ind. incessantly.

anavaratha an-avaratha m. N. of a son of Madhu and father of Kuruvatsa VP.

anavarārdhya an-avarārdhya mfn. chief, principal L.

anavalamba an-avalamba mfn. having no support, not propped up.

anavalambana an-avalambana n. independence.

anavalambita an-avalambita mfn. not supported or propped up, not dependent.

anavalepa an-avalepa mfn. free from veneer, unvarnished, plain, unassuming.

anavalobhana an-avalobhana n. (for -lopana, "cutting off" Comm.), N. of a ceremony observed by a pregnant woman to prevent miscarriage (treated of in an Upanishad) ĀśvGṛ.

anavasa an-avasa mfn. (probably fr. so with ava), not making to halt, not stopping RV. vi, 66, 7.

anavasara an-avasara mfn. having no interval of leisure, busy
     mfn. coming when there is no such interval, inopportune
anavasara an-avasara m. absence of leisure
anavasara an-avasara m. unseasonableness.

anavasādya an-avasādya ind. p. (Caus. of ava-sad), not discouraging, not annoying.

anavasāna an-avasāna mfn. ( so), having no termination, free from death
     mfn. endless.

anavasita an-avasita mfn. not set, not terminated
anavasitā an-avasitā f. N. of a species of the Triṣṭubh metre (consisting of four lines with eleven feet in each).

anavasyat an-avasyat mfn. unceasing RV. iv, 13, 3.

anavaskara an-avaskara mfn. free from dirt, clean, cleansed.

anavastha an-avastha mfn. unsettled, unstable
anavasthā an-avasthā f. unsettled condition or character
     mfn. instability, unsteady or loose conduct
anavastha an-avastha mfn. (in phil.) non-finality (of a proposition), endless series of statements.

anavasthāna an-avasthāna mfn. unstable, fickle BhP.
anavasthāna an-avasthāna m. wind
anavasthāna an-avasthāna n. instability, unsteadiness or looseness of conduct.

anavasthāyin an-avasthāyin mfn. transient.

anavasthita an-avasthita mfn. unsettled, unsteady, loose in conduct.
anavasthitacitta an-avasthita-citta mfn. unsteady-minded.
anavasthitacittatva an-avasthita-cittatva n. unsteadiness of mind.
anavasthitatva an-avasthita-tva n. unsteadiness, instability.

anavasthiti an-avasthiti f. instability
     f. unsteadiness
     f. looseness of character.

anavasyat an-ava-syat see an-avasāna.

anavahita an-avahita mfn. heedless, inattentive.

anavahvara an-avahvara mfn. not crooked, straightforward RV. ii, 41, 6.

anavāc an-avāc mfn. not speechless.

anavāñc an-avāñc āṅ, ācī, āk, not inclining, downwards, looking up or straightforward.

anavānat an-avānat mfn. ( an), not taking breath, not respiring ŚBr.

anavānam an-avānam ind. without breathing between, in one breath, without interruption, 'uno' 'tenore' AitBr.
anavānatā anavāna-tā f. uninterruptedness, contiguity.

anavāpta an-avāpta mfn. not obtained.

anavāpti an-avāpti f. non-attainment.

anavāya an-avāya mfn. uninterrupted, unyielding RV. vii, 104, 2.

anavithya an-avithya mfn. (fr. avi q.v.), not suited to sheep.

anavekṣa an-avekṣa mfn. regardless, (am) ind. irrespectively
     mfn. without regard to
anavekṣā an-avekṣā f. or
anavekṣaṇa an-avekṣaṇa n. regardlessness.

anavrata an-avrata mfn. not destitute of ascetic exercises
anavrata an-avrata m. a Jaina devotee of that description.

anaśana an-aśana n. abstinence from food, fasting (especially as a form of suicide adopted from vindictive motives)
anaśana an-aśana mfn. fasting.
anaśanatā an-aśana-tā (anaśana-) f. not eating ŚBr.

anaśanāya an-aśanāya mfn. not hungry ŚBr.

anaśita an-aśita n. condition of not having eaten, fasting.

anaśnat an-aśnat mfn. not eating RV. i, 164, 20, &c.

anaśnantsāṅgamana an-aśnan-t-sāṅgamana m. the sacrificial fire in the Sabhā (which is approached before breakfast) ŚBr.

anaśnāna an-aśnāna mf (ā) n. not eating.

anaśru an-aśru mfn. tearless RV. x, 18, 7 VS.

anaśva an-aśva mfn. having no horse or horses RV. ([cf. [characters]])
anaśva an-aśva m. something that is not a horse Pañcat.
anaśvadā an-aśva-dā (an-aśva-) mfn. one who does not give horses RV. v, 54, 5.

anaśvan an-aśvan m. N. of Parīkṣit's father MBh. i, 3793 seqq.

anaśvara a-naśvara mfn. imperishable.

anaṣṭa a-naṣṭa mfn. undestroyed, unimpaired.
anaṣṭapaśu a-naṣṭa-paśu (anaṣṭa-) mfn. having one's cattle unimpaired RV. x, 17, 3.
anaṣṭavedas a-naṣṭa-vedas (anaṣṭa-) mfn. having one's property unimpaired RV. vi, 54, 8.

anas n. ( an Uṇ.), a cart RV. &c.
     n. a mother L.
     n. birth L.
     n. off spring, living creature L.
     n. boiled rice L.
anasvat anas-vat (anas-) mfn. yoked to a cart RV. AV.

anaḍuh anaḍ-uh &c. see s.v.
anarviś anar-viś &c. see s.v.
anoratha ano-ratha &c. see s.v.

anasūya an-asūya mfn. not spiteful, not envious
anasūyā an-asūyā f. freedom from spite
     mfn. absence of ill-will or envy
     mfn. N. of a daughter of Daksha
     mfn. of one of Śakuntalā's friends.

anasūyaka an-asūyaka mfn. not spiteful or envious.
anasūyu an-asūyu mfn. not spiteful or envious.

anasūri an-a-sūri m. not unwise, intelligent ChUp.

anastamita an-astam-ita mfn. not gone down, not subject to setting or declining.

anastha an-astha ([RV. viii, 1, 34 AV.]) or an-asthaka ([MaitrS.]) or an-asthan ([RV. i, 164, 4 Mn.]) or an-asthi ([KātyŚr.]) or anasthika ([TS.]) or an-asthika ([ŚBr. Yājñ.]) or anasthi-mat mfn. boneless.

anahaṃkāra an-ahaṃkāra m. non-egotism, absence of self-conceit or of the tendency to regard self as something distinct from the Supreme Spirit, freedom from pride
anahaṃkāra an-ahaṃkāra mfn. free from self-conceit.

anahaṃkṛta an-ahaṃkṛta mfn. free from self-conceit.

anahaṃkṛti an-ahaṃkṛti f. = an-ahaṃkāra
anahaṃkṛti an-ahaṃkṛti mfn. free from self-conceit or pride.

anahaṃvādin an-ahaṃ-vādin mfn. = an-ahaṃkṛta.

anahan an-ahan n. a non-day, no day, an evil or unlucky day L.

anā ind. (fr. pronom. base a), hereby, thus, indeed RV.

anākāra an-ākāra mfn. shapeless.

anākārita an-ākārita mfn. not claimed, not exacted.

anākāla an-ākāla m. unseasonable time ŚBr.
anākāla an-ākāla m. (in law-books) famine.
anākālabhṛta an-ākāla-bhṛta m. a slave who became so voluntarily to avoid starvation in a time of scarcity (also spelt annākāla-bhṛta).

anākāśa an-ākāśa mfn. having no ether or transparent atmosphere, differing from ether ŚBr. xiv
     mfn. opaque, dark
anākāśa an-ākāśa n. non-ether.

anākula an-ākula mf (ā) n. not beset
     mf (ā) n. not confused, unperplexed, calm, consistent, regular.

anākṛta an-ākṛta mfn. unreclaimed, unreclaimable RV. i, 141, 7, not taken care of PBr.

anākrānta an-ākrānta mfn. unassailed, unassailable
anākrāntā an-ākrāntā f. the Prickly Nightshade (Solanum Jacquini).

anākṣārita an-ākṣārita mfn. unreproached.

anākṣit an-ākṣit mfn. not residing or resting ŚBr.

anāga an-āga mf (ā) n. see an-āgas.

anāgata an-āgata mfn. ( gam), not come, not arrived
     mfn. future
     mfn. not attained, not learnt
     mfn. unknown
anāgata an-āgata n. the future.
anāgatavat an-āgata-vat mfn. connected with or relating to the future.
anāgatavidhātṛ an-āgata-vidhātṛ m. "disposer of the future", provident
     m. N. of a fish Pañcat.
anāgatābādha m. future trouble.
anāgatārtavā f. a girl who has not yet attained to puberty.
anāgatāvekṣaṇa n. act of looking at that which is not yet come or the future.

anāgati an-āgati f. non-arrival
     f. non-attainment
     f. non-accession.

anāgama an-āgama m. non-arrival
     m. non-attainment
anāgama an-āgama mfn. not come, not present
anāgama an-āgama m. (in law) not constituting an accession to previous property, but possessed from time immemorial, and therefore without documentary proof.
anāgamopabhoga m. enjoyment of such property.

anāgamiṣyat an-āgamiṣyat mfn. one who will not approach AV.

anāgamya an-āgamya mfn. unapproachable, unattainable.

anāgāmin an-āgāmin mfn. not coming, not arriving
     mfn. not future, not subject to returning
anāgāmin an-āgāmin m. N. of the third among the four Buddhist orders

anāgāmuka an-āgāmuka mfn. not in the habit of coming, not likely to come Pāṇ. 6-2, 160 Sch.

anāgas an-āgas mfn. sinless, blameless RV. &c.
anāgas an-āgas mfn. (an-āgas) mfn. not injuring RV. x, 165, 2.
anāgāstva anāgās-tva n. sinlessness RV.
anāgohatyā anāgo-hatyā f. murder of an innocent person AV. x, 1, 29.

anāga an-āga mf (ā) n. sinless RV.
anāga an-āga mf (ā) n. (ā) f. N. of a river.

anāgūrtin an-āgūrtin mfn. one who has not recited the Āgur ŚBr.

anācaraṇa an-ācaraṇa n. non-performance of what is right or customary, improper behaviour
     n. misconduct.

anācāra an-ācāra m. id., (mfn.), improper in behaviour
     m. regardless of custom or propriety or law
     m. unprincipled
     m. uncommon, curious Kauś.

anācārin mfn. not acting properly.

anācāryabhogīna an-ācārya-bhogīna mfn. unfit or improper for a spiritual teacher to eat or enjoy.

anāchṛṇṇa an-āchṛṇṇa mfn. not poured upon TS.

anāchṛṇṇa an-āchṛṇṇa mfn. ( jñā), not learning or perceiving AV.

anājñapta an-ājñapta mfn. not commanded.
anājñaptakārin an-ājñapta-kārin mfn. doing what has not been commanded.

anājñāta an-ājñāta mfn. unknown, surpassing all that has ever been known
anājñāta an-ājñāta mfn. (an-ājñātam) ind. in an unknown i.e. inexplicable way or manner TS.

anāḍhya an-āḍhya mfn. not wealthy, poor ŚBr. &c.
anāḍhyambhaviṣṇu an-āḍhyam-bhaviṣṇu mfn. not becoming wealthy, becoming poor (?) Pāṇ. 6-2, 160 Sch.

anātata an-ātata mfn. not stretched or strung VS.

anātapa an-ātapa m. freedom from the blaze of the sun
     m. shade
anātapa an-ātapa mfn. shady.

anātura an-ātura ([once an-ātura AV. xii, 2, 49]) mfn. free from suffering or weariness RV. &c.; well.

anātman an-ātman m. not self, another
     m. something different from spirit or soul
anātman an-ātman m. (an-ātman) mfn. not spiritual, corporeal, destitute of spirit or mind ŚBr.

anātma an-ātma (in comp. for an-ātman).
anātmajña an-ātma-jña mfn. destitute of spiritual knowledge or true wisdom.
anātmapratyavekṣā an-ātma-pratyavekṣā f. reflection that there is no spirit or self Buddh.
anātmavat an-ātma-vat mfn. not self-possessed
anātmavat an-ātma-vat mfn. (vat) ind. unlike one's self.

anātmaka an-ātmaka mfn. unreal Buddh.

anātmanīna an-ātmanīna mfn. not adapted to self, disinterested.

anātmya an-ātmya mfn. impersonal TUp.
anātmya an-ātmya n. want of affection for one's own family BhP.

anātyantika an-ātyantika mfn. not perpetual, not final, intermittent, recurrent.

anātha a-nātha mf (ā) n. having no master or protector
     mf (ā) n. widowed
     mf (ā) n. fatherless
     mf (ā) n. helpless, poor
anātha a-nātha mf (ā) n. (am) n. want of a protector, helplessness RV. x, 10, 11.
anāthapiṇḍada a-nātha-piṇḍa-da m. "giver of cakes or food to the poor", N. of a merchant (in whose garden Śākyamuni used to instruct his disciples).
anāthapiṇḍika a-nātha-piṇḍika m. "giver of cakes or food to the poor", N. of a merchant (in whose garden Śākyamuni used to instruct his disciples).
anāthasabhā a-nātha-sabhā f. a poor-house.

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anāda a-nāda m. absence of sound (in pronouncing aspirated letters) RPrāt.

anādin a-nādin mfn. not sounding.

anādadāna an-ādadāna mfn. not accepting.

anādara an-ādara m. disrespect, contemptuous neglect
anādara an-ādara m. (an-ādara) mfn. indifferent ŚBr. ChUp.

anādaraṇa an-ādaraṇa n. disrespectful behaviour, neglect.

anādarin an-ādarin mfn. disrespectful, irreverent.

anādṛta an-ādṛta mfn. not respected, disrespected.

anādṛtya an-ādṛtya ind. p. without respecting, regardless.

anādi an-ādi mfn. having no beginning, existing from eternity.
anāditva an-ādi-tva n. state of having no beginning.
anādinidhana an-ādi-nidhana mfn. having neither beginning nor end, eternal.
anādimat an-ādi-mat mfn. having no beginning.
anādimadhyānta an-ādi-madhyānta mfn. having no beginning, middle or end.
anādyananta anādy-ananta mfn. without beginning and without end Up.
anādyanta an-ādyanta mfn. without beginning and end
anādyanta an-ādyanta m. N. of Śiva.

anādiṣṭa an-ādiṣṭa mfn. not indicated
     mfn. not commanded or instructed
     mfn. not allowed.

anādīnava an-ādīnava mfn. faultless Śiś.

anādṛta an-ādṛta see an-ādara.

anādeya an-ādeya mfn. unfit or improper to be received, unacceptable, inadmissible.

anādeśakara anādeśa-kara mfn. doing what is not commanded or not allowed BhP.

anādya an-ādya mfn. = an-ādi q.v.

anādya an-ādya mf (ā) n. (= an-adya), not eatable AV. ŚBr. Mn.

anādhṛṣ an-ādhṛṣ mfn. ( dhṛṣ), not checking AV. vi, 21, 3.

anādhṛṣṭa an-ādhṛṣṭa mfn. unchecked, unimpaired, invincible, perfect RV. VS.

anādhṛṣṭi an-ādhṛṣṭi m. "superior to any check", N. of a son of Śura
     m. of a son of Ugrasena (general of the Yādavas).

anādhṛṣya an-ādhṛṣya mfn. invincible, not to be meddled with RV. &c.

anānata an-ānata mfn. unbent, not humbled RV. m. N. of a Ṛiṣi of the SV.

anānukṛtya an-ānukṛtya mfn. (ānu for anu), inimitable, unparalleled RV. x, 68, 10 and 112, 5.

anānujā an-ānujā f. (being) no younger sister TS.

anānuda an-ānuda mfn. (1. da with ānu for anu), not giving way, obstinate RV.

anānudiṣṭa an-ānudiṣṭa mfn. ( diś with ānu or anu), unsolicited RV. x, 160, 4.

anānupūrvya an-ānupūrvya n. separation of the different parts of a compound word by the intervention of others
     n. the not coming in regular order, tmesis RPrāt.
anānupūrvyasaṃhitā an-ānupūrvya-saṃhitā f. the manner of constructing a sentence with the above tmesis.

anānubhūti an-ānubhūti f. "inattention, neglect" (tayas) pl. neglectful or irreligious people RV. vi, 47, 17.

anāpad an-āpad f. absence of misfortune or calamity Mn.

anāpanna an-āpanna mfn. not realized, unattained
     mfn. not fallen into distress.

anāpāna an-āpāna m. N. of a prince (son of Aṅga).

anāpi an-āpi mf (nom. iḥ) n. having no friends RV. x, 39, 6, (Indra) RV. viii, 21, 13.

anāpūyita an-āpūyita mfn. not stinking ŚBr.

anāpta an-āpta mfn. unattained, unobtained RV. i, 100, 2, &c., unsuccessful in the effort to attain or obtain
     mfn. not apt, unfit Mn. viii, 294
anāpta an-āpta m. a stranger.

anāpti an-āpti f. non-attainment.

anāpya an-āpya (4) mfn. unattainable RV. vii, 66, 11 AitBr.

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anāpluta an-āpluta mfn. unbathed, unwashed.
anāplutāṅga an-āplutāṅga mfn. having an unwashed body MBh.

anābayu m. N. of a plant AV.

anābādha an-ābādha mfn. free from obstacles or troubles.

anābhayin an-ābhayin mfn. fearless (N. of Indra) RV. viii, 2, 1.

anābhū an-ābhū mfn. neglectful, disobliging RV. 1, 51, 9 MaitrS.

anābhyudayika an-ābhyudayika mfn. inauspicious, ill-omened, unlucky.

anāman a-nāman mfn. nameless ŚBr. xiv
     mfn. infamous
anāman a-nāman m. the ring-finger, Heat.
anāmatva n. namelessness.

anāmaka a-nāmaka mfn. nameless, infamous
anāmaka a-nāmaka m. the intercalary month
anāmaka a-nāmaka n. piles, haemorrhoids.

anāmikā a-nāmikā f. the ring-finger ŚBr. xiv, &c.

anāmana mn. N. of a disease AV.

anāmaya an-āmaya mf (ā) n. not pernicious AV.
     mf (ā) n. free from disease, healthy, salubrious
anāmaya an-āmaya m. Śiva
anāmaya an-āmaya n. health.

anāmayat an-āmayat mfn. "not causing pain" (-yatā), instr. ind. in good health VS.

anāmayitnu an-āmayitnu mfn. salubrious, curative RV. x, 137, 7.

anāmin a-nāmin mfn. unbending RV.

anāmya a-nāmya mfn. impossible to be bent.

anāmiṣa an-āmiṣa mfn. without flesh
     mfn. bootless, profitless.

anāmṛṇa an-āmṛṇa mfn. having no enemy that can injure RV. i, 33, 1.

anāmṛta an-āmṛta mfn. not struck by death TS.

anāmnāta an-āmnāta mfn. not handed down in sacred texts.

anāyaka a-nāyaka mf (ā) n. having no leader or ruler, disorderly.

anāyata an-āyata mfn. not tied or fastened RV. iv, 13, 5 and 14, 5
     mfn. close, continuous, unseparated
     mfn. unextended, having no length.

anāyatana an-āyatana or an-āyatana n. that which is not really a resting-place or an altar ŚBr.; (an-āyatana) mfn. having no resting-place or altar AV.
anāyatanavat an-āyatana-vat mfn. = the last AitBr.

anāyatta an-āyatta mfn. independent, uncontrolled.
anāyattavṛtti an-āyatta-vṛtti mfn. having an independent livelihood.
anāyattavṛttitā an-āyatta-vṛtti-tā f. independence.

anāyasāgra an-āyasāgra mfn. having no iron point.

anāyāsa an-āyāsa m. absence of exertion, facility, ease, idleness, neglect
anāyāsa an-āyāsa mfn. easy, ready
anāyāsa an-āyāsa m. (ena) ind. easily.
anāyāsakṛta an-āyāsa-kṛta mfn. done readily or easily
anāyāsakṛta an-āyāsa-kṛta n. (in med.) an infusion prepared extemporaneously.

anāyudha an-āyudha mfn. weaponless
     mfn. having no implements (for sacrifice) RV. iv, 5, 14 and viii, 96, 9.

anāyuṣā an-āyuṣā f. or an-āyus f. N. of the mother of Bala and Vṛitra.

anāyuṣya an-āyuṣya mfn. not imparting long life, fatal to long life.

anārata an-ārata mfn. without interruption, continual
anāratam an-āratam ind. continually.

anārabhya an-ārabhya mfn. improper or impracticable to be commenced or undertaken.
anārabhyatva an-ārabhya-tva n. impossibility of being commenced.

anārabhya an-ārabhya ind. p. without commencing (used in comp. in the sense "detached").
anārabhyavada an-ārabhya-vada m. a detached remark (upon sacrifices, &c.)
anārabhyādhīta mfn. taught or studied or read as a detached subject (not as part of a regular or authoritative treatise).

anārambha an-ārambha m. absence of beginning, non-commencement, not attempting or undertaking
anārambha an-ārambha mfn. having no commencement.

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anārambaṇa an-ārambaṇa mfn. (for anālambana), having no support ŚBr. xiv ChUp.

anārambhaṇa an-ārambhaṇa mfn. intangible, giving no support RV. ŚBr. BṛĀrUp.

anāruhya an-āruhya ind. p. not having surmounted.

anārogya an-ārogya n. sickness
anārogya an-ārogya mfn. unhealthy.
anārogyakara an-ārogya-kara mfn. unwholesome, unhealthy, causing sickness.

anārjava an-ārjava n. crookedness, moral or physical
     n. disease L.

anārta an-ārta mfn. not sick, well.

anārti an-ārti f. painlessness.

anārtava an-ārtava mfn. unseasonable.

anārtvijīna an-ārtvijīna mfn. unfit or unsuitable for a priest.

anārya an-ārya mfn. not honourable or respectable, vulgar, inferior
     mfn. destitute of Āryas
anārya an-ārya m. not an Ārya.
anāryakarmin an-ārya-karmin m. doing work unbecoming an Ārya or becoming only a non-Ārya.
anāryaja an-ārya-ja mfn. of vile or unworthy origin
anāryaja an-ārya-ja n. Agallochum, being a produce of the country of Mlecchas or barbarians.
anāryajuṣṭa an-ārya-juṣṭa mfn. practised, observed, or possessed by non-Āryas.
anāryatā an-ārya-tā f. vileness unworthiness Mn. x, 58.
anāryatikta an-ārya-tikta m. the medicinal plant Gentiana Cherayta.
anāryatva an-ārya-tva n. = -ta q.v.

anāryaka an-āryaka n. Agallochum or Aloe wood (Aquila Agallocha).

anārṣa an-ārṣa mfn. not belonging to a Ṛiṣi or to a Vedic hymn
     mfn. not belonging to the Saṃhitā text (e.g. the word iti, added for grammatical purposes in the Pada-pāṭha to certain words RPrāt.)
     mfn. not applied to a Ṛiṣi, not added to his name (as an affix) Pāṇ. 4-1, 78.

anārṣeya an-ārṣeya mfn. not connected with the Ṛiṣis AV.

anālamba an-ālamba mfn. unsupported, without stay or support
anālamba an-ālamba m. want of support
anālamba an-ālamba m. despondency
anālambī an-ālambī f. Śiva's lute.

anālambana an-ālambana mfn. unsupported
     mfn. desponding.

anālambukā an-ālambukā ([Kāṭh.]) or better
anālambhukā an-ālambhukā ([TBr. KapS.]) f. "intangible", a woman during menstruation.

anālāpa an-ālāpa mfn. not talkative, reserved, taciturn
anālāpa an-ālāpa m. reserve, taciturnity.

anālocita an-ālocita mfn. unseen, unbeheld
     mfn. unweighed, unconsidered, rash, imprudent.

anālocya an-ālocya ind. p. not having considered.

anāvayas an-āvayas mfn. (cf. āvaya and a-pravīta), not having the power of causing conception AV. vii, 90, 3.

anāvaraṇin an-āvaraṇin m. pl. "without cover or clothes", N. of a religious sect, (? = an-ambara q.v.).

anāviddha an-āviddha mfn. not wounded, unhurt RV. vi, 75, I, &c.

anāvila an-āvila mfn. not turbid, clear, pure, not marshy.

anāvṛt an-āvṛt mfn. not returning RV. x, 95, 14.

anāvṛtta an-āvṛtta mfn. not turned about or round
     mfn. not retreating
     mfn. not frequented or approached AV., not chosen.

anāvṛtti an-āvṛtti f. non-return to a body, final emancipation.

anāvṛta an-āvṛta mfn. uncovered ŚBr. xiv, undressed
     mfn. uninclosed, open.

anāvṛṣṭi an-āvṛṣṭi f. want of rain, drought.

anāvedita an-āvedita mfn. not notified, not made known.

anāvyādha an-āvyādha mfn. impossible to be broken or forced open AV. xiv, 1, 64.

anāvraska an-āvraska m. ( vraśc), not falling or dropping off TS.
     m. uninjured condition, KaushBr.
anāvraska an-āvraska m. (an-āvraska) mfn. not falling or dropping off AV. xii, 4, 47.

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anāśa an-āśa mfn. (fr. āśā), hopeless, despairing.

anāśa a-nāśa mfn. (2. naś), undestroyed, living.

anāśin a-nāśin mfn. imperishable.

anāśya a-nāśya mfn. indestructible.

anāśaka an-āśaka n. fasting, abstaining from food even to death.
anāśakanivṛtta an-āśaka-nivṛtta m. one who has abandoned the practice of fasting.
anāśakāyana n. a course of fasting (as a penance) ChUp.

anāśin an-āśin mfn. not eating.

anāśvas an-āśvas vān, uṣī, vat, not having eaten, fasting TS. TBr. (without an the form would be āśivas see Pāṇ. 3-2, 109).

anāśasta an-āśasta mfn. not praised ([Gmn.; "not to be trusted" NBD.]) RV. i, 29, 1.

anāśis an-āśis mfn. not desirable, not agreeable Rājat.
anāśirdā an-āśir-dā mfn. not giving a blessing RV. x, 27, 1.

anāśīrka an-āśīr-ka mfn. not containing a prayer or blessing TS.

anāśu an-āśu mfn. not quick, slow RV.; superl. an-āśiṣṭa mfn. AitBr.
     mfn. not having quick horses RV. i, 135, 9 (Sāy. derives the word in the last sense from 2. naś, or 1. aś: a-naśu or an-āśu).

anāścarya an-āścarya mfn. not wonderful.

anāśramin an-āśramin m. one who does not belong to or follow any of the four Āśramas or religious orders to which Brāhmans at different periods of life are bound to attach themselves.

anāśramavāsa an-āśrama-vāsa m. one who does not belong to the Āśramas
anāśramavāsa an-āśrama-vāsa. ; non-residence in a religious retreat.
anāśramevāsa an-āśrame-vāsa m. one who does not belong to the Āśramas
     m. non-residence in a religious retreat.

anāśraya an-āśraya m. non-support, absence of any person or thing to depend upon
     m. defencelessness, self-dependence, isolation
anāśraya an-āśraya mfn. defenceless
     m. unprotected
     m. isolated.

anāśrita an-āśrita mfn. not supported, detached
     mfn. disengaged, independent, non-inherent.

anāṣṭra a-nāṣṭra mfn. free from dangers or dangerous opponents ŚBr. (cf. ati-nāṣṭra.)

anās an-ās mfn. having no mouth or face (N. of demons) RV. v, 29, 10.

anāsa a-nāsa mfn. noseless.

anāsika a-nāsika mfn. noseless TS.

anāsādita an-āsādita mfn. not met with, not found or obtained, not encountered or attacked
     mfn. not occurred
     mfn. not having happened
     mfn. non-existent.
anāsāditavigraha an-āsādita-vigraha mfn. unused to war.

anāsādya an-āsādya mfn. not attainable.

anāsthā an-āsthā f. unfixedness want of confidence
     f. disrespect
     f. want of consideration
     f. want of faith or devotedness
     f. unconcern, indifference.

anāsthāna an-āsthāna mfn. having or yielding no basis or fulcrum (as the sea) RV. i, 116, 5.

anāsmāka an-āsmāka mfn. not belonging to us AV. xix, 57, 5.

anāsrāva an-āsrāva mfn. not causing pain AV. ii, 3, 2.

anāsvāda an-āsvāda m. want of taste, insipidity
anāsvāda an-āsvāda mfn. without taste, insipid.

anāsvādita an-āsvādita mfn. untasted.

anāhata an-āhata mfn. unbeaten, unwounded, intact
     mfn. new and unbleached (as cloth)
     mfn. produced otherwise than by beating
     mfn. not multiplied
anāhata an-āhata n. the fourth of the mystical cakras, or circles of the body.
anāhatanāda an-āhata-nāda m. a sound produced otherwise than by beating
     m. the sound om.

anāhavanīya an-āhavanīya m. no Āhavanīya fire ŚBr.

anāhāra an-āhāra m. not taking food, abstinence, non-seizure
     m. non-production
anāhāra an-āhāra mfn. one who abstains from food.

anāhārin an-āhārin mfn. not taking (food)
     mfn. fasting.

anāhārya an-āhārya mfn. not to be seized or taken, not producible Mn. viii, 202
     mfn. not to be bribed Viṣṇus.
     mfn. not to be eaten.

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anāhitāgni an-āhitāgni m. one who has not performed the Agnyādhāna.

anāhuti an-āhuti f. non-sacrificing RV. x, 37, 4 and 63, 12
     f. a sacrifice unworthy of its name ŚBr.

anāhūta an-āhūta mfn. uncalled, uninvited.
anāhūtopajalpin m. an uncalled-for boaster.
anāhūtopaviṣṭa mfn. seated as an uninvited guest.

anāhlāda an-āhlāda m. absence of joy
anāhlāda an-āhlāda mfn. gloomy, not cheerful.

anāhlādita an-āhlādita mfn. not exhilarated.

aniḥśasta a-niḥśasta mfn. blameless ([Gmn.; "not repelled or refused" NBD.]) RV. iv, 34, 11.

anikāmatas a-nikāmatas ([BhP.]) or a-nikāmam ([ŚBr.]) ind. involuntarily, unintentionally.

aniketa a-niketa or a-niketana mfn. houseless.

anikṣiptadhūra a-nikṣipta-dhūra m. N. of a Bodhisattva or deified Buddhist saint.

anikṣuus an-ikṣu-us m. (see 3. a), "not (true) sugar-cane", a sort of long grass or reed, Saccharum Spontaneum.

anigīrṇa a-nigīrṇa mfn. not swallowed, not suppressed (as an ellipsis) Sāh.

anigraha a-nigraha mfn. unrestrained
anigraha a-nigraha m. non-restraint, non-refutation, not owning one's self refuted.
anigrahasthāna a-nigraha-sthāna n. (in phil.) occasion of non-refutation.

anighāteṣu a-nighāteṣu m. "having arrows that strike no one" N. of a man.

aniṅga an-iṅga ([APrāt.]) or an-iṅgya ([RPrāt.]) mfn. not divisible (said of words).

aniṅgayat an-iṅgayat mfn. not dividing RPrāt.

aniccha an-iccha or an-icchaka or an-icchat mfn. undesirous, averse, unwilling; not intending.

anicchā an-icchā f. absence of wish or design, indifference.

anicchu an-icchu mfn. = an-iccha Viṣṇus.

anijaka a-nijaka mfn. not one's own, belonging to another.

anita an-ita mfn. not gone to, not having obtained Ragh. ix, 37
     mfn. destitute of
anita an-ita n. not deviating from (abl.), KaushBr.
anitabhā an-ita-bhā (an-ita-) f. N. of a river RV. v, 53, 9.

anitya a-nitya mfn. not everlasting, transient, occasional, incidental
     mfn. irregular, unusual
     mfn. unstable
     mfn. uncertain
anityam a-nityam ind. occasionally.
anityakarman a-nitya-karman n. an occasional act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose.
anityakriyā a-nitya-kriyā f. an occasional act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose.
anityatā a-nitya-tā f. transient or limited existence.
anityatva a-nitya-tva n. transient or limited existence.
anityadatta a-nitya-datta m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption.
anityadattaka a-nitya-dattaka m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption.
anityadatrima a-nitya-datrima m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption.
anityapratyavekṣā a-nitya-pratyavekṣā f. consciousness that all is passing away Buddh.
anityabhāva a-nitya-bhāva m. transitoriness.
anityasama a-nitya-sama m. sophism, consisting in generalizing what is exceptional (as perishableness).
anityasamaprakaraṇa a-nitya-samaprakaraṇa n. a section in the Nyāya discussing that sophism.
anityasamāsa a-nitya-samāsa m. a compound, the sense of which may be equally expressed by resolving it into its constituent parts.

anidāna a-nidāna mfn. causeless, groundless.

anidra a-nidra mf (ā) n. sleepless, awake
anidra a-nidra mf (ā) n. (ā) f. sleeplessness.

anidrita a-nidrita mfn. not asleep, awake.

anidhṛṣṭa a-nidhṛṣṭa mfn. unchecked, unsubdued L.

anidhma an-idhma mfn. having or requiring no fuel RV. ii, 35, 4 and x, 30, 4.

anina an-ina mfn. strengthless, feeble RV. i, 150, 2.

anindā a-nindā f. no reproach AV. xi, 8, 22.

anindanīya a-nindanīya mfn. unblamable, faultless.

anindita a-nindita mfn. irreproachable, virtuous.

anindya a-nindya (3, 4) mfn. id. RV. ŚBr. &c.

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anindra an-indra mf (ā) n. dispensing with or disregarding Indra RV.

anindriya an-indriya n. that which is not the senses, the soul, the reason L.

anipadyamāna a-nipadyamāna ([a-nipadyamāna AV.]) mfn. not falling down (to sleep), untiring RV. i, 164, 31 and x, 177, 3.

anipāta a-nipāta m. (not a fall), continuance of life.

anipuṇa a-nipuṇa mf (ā) n. unskilled, not clever or conversant.

anibaddha a-nibaddha mfn. not tied down, not bound RV. iv, 13, 5
     mfn. unattached, incoherent, unconnected.
anibaddhapralāpin a-nibaddha-pralāpin mfn. chattering incoherently, talking at random Yājñ.

anibādha a-nibādha mfn. unobstructed, unlimited
anibādha a-nibādha m. liberty RV.

anibhṛta a-nibhṛta mfn. not private, not reserved, immodest, bold, public.

anibhṛṣṭa a-nibhṛṣṭa mfn. unabated, undefeated RV. x, 116, 6.
anibhṛṣṭataviṣi a-nibhṛṣṭa-taviṣi (anibhṛṣṭa-) mfn. having unabated power RV.

anibhya an-ibhya mfn. not wealthy.

animan = aṇiman q.v. L.

animantrita a-nimantrita mfn. uninvited.
animantritabhojin a-nimantrita-bhojin mfn. eating without being invited.

animāna a-nimāna mfn. unbounded RV.

animitta a-nimitta mf (ā) n. having no adequate occasion, causeless, groundless
animitta a-nimitta n. absence of an adequate cause or occasion, groundlessness.
animittatas a-nimitta-tas ind. groundlessly Mn. iv, 144.
animittanirākṛta a-nimitta-nirākṛta mfn. groundlessly rejected Śāk.
animittaliṅganāsa a-nimitta-liṅganāsa m. "unaccountable loss of distinct vision", N. of an ophthalmic disease ending in total blindness (perhaps amaurosis).

animiṣ a-nimiṣ m. "without winking", N. of a god BhP.
animiṣ a-nimiṣ m. (animiṣam, or animiṣā) acc.or instr. ind. without winking i.e. vigilantly or incessantly RV.

animiṣa a-nimiṣa mfn. not winking, looking steadily, vigilant RV. &c.
     mfn. open (as eyes or flowers)
animiṣa a-nimiṣa m. not winking, a god BhP.
animiṣa a-nimiṣa m. a fish L., (am) ind. vigilantly RV. i, 24, 6.
animiṣākṣa mf (ī) n. one whose eyes are fixed.
animiṣācārya m. N. of Bṛihaspati.

animiṣat a-nimiṣat mfn. not winking, vigilant RV.

animeṣa a-nimeṣa mfn. = animiṣa
animeṣa a-nimeṣa mfn. (animeṣam) ind. vigilantly RV. i, 31, 12 and 164, 21.

aniyata a-niyata mfn. not regulated, uncontrolled, not fixed, uncertain, unrestricted, irregular, casual
     mfn. not unaccentuated RPrāt.
aniyatapuṃskā a-niyata-puṃskā f. "having no fixed husband", a woman unchaste in conduct.
aniyatavṛtti a-niyata-vṛtti mfn. having no fixed or regular employment or income.
aniyatāṅka m. (in arithm.) an indeterminate digit.
aniyatātman a-niyatātman m. one whose self or spirit is not regulated or under proper control.

aniyama a-niyama m. absence of control or rule or fixed order or obligation, unsettledness
     m. indecorous or improper conduct
     m. uncertainty, doubt
aniyama a-niyama mfn. having no rule, irregular.

aniyamita a-niyamita mfn. having no rule
     mfn. irregular.

aniyukta a-niyukta mfn. not appointed, not authoritative
aniyukta a-niyukta m. an assessor at a court who has not been formally appointed and is not entitled to vote.

aniyoga a-niyoga m. non-application Lāṭy.
     m. an unfitting employment or commission.

aniyogin a-niyogin mfn. not attached or clinging to.

anira an-ira mfn. destitute of vigour RV. iv, 5, 14
anira an-ira mfn. (an-irā) f. want of vigour, languor RV. VS.

anirākariṣṇu a-nirākariṣṇu mfn. not obstructive, not censorious Pāṇ. 6-2, 160 Sch.

anirākṛta a-nirākṛta mfn. unobstructed.

anirāhita a-nirāhita mfn. not to be kept off from (abl.) AV. xii, 2, 35.

anirukta a-nirukta mfn. unuttered, not articulated
     mfn. not explained (because of being clear by itself)
     mfn. unspeakable TUp.
aniruktagāna a-nirukta-gāna n. indistinct singing
     n. humming (of hymns), a particular mode of chanting the Sāma-veda.

aniruddha a-niruddha mfn. unobstructed, ungovernable, self-willed
aniruddha a-niruddha m. a spy, a secret emissary (?)
aniruddha a-niruddha m. the son of Pradyumna (a form of Kāma, and husband of Uṣā)
aniruddha a-niruddha m. Śiva
aniruddha a-niruddha m. N. of an Arhat (contemporary of Śākyamuni)
aniruddha a-niruddha m. of a descendant of Vṛiṣṇi
aniruddha a-niruddha n. the rope for fastening cattle L.
aniruddhapatha a-niruddha-patha n. "an unobstructed path", the atmosphere, ether L.
aniruddhabhāvinī a-niruddha-bhāvinī f. Aniruddha's wife.

anirupta a-nirupta mfn. (2. vap), not distributed, not shared.

anirūpita a-nirūpita mfn. not determined, undefined.

anirghāta a-nirghāta m. not wresting or tearing from TS. TBr.

anirjita a-nirjita mfn. unconquered.

anirṇaya a-nirṇaya m. uncertainty, want of decision.

anirṇīta a-nirṇīta mfn. unascertained, undetermined.

anirṇeya a-nirṇeya mfn. not to be decided.

anirdaśa a-nirdaśa or a-nir-daśāha mf (ā) n. within the ten days of impurity after childbirth or a death Mn. &c.; (am) ind. id. (used adverbially).

anirdiṣṭa a-nirdiṣṭa mfn. ( diś), unexplained, undefined.

anirdiśya a-nirdiśya mfn. undefinable, inexplicable.

anirdeśa a-nirdeśa m. absence of rule or direction.

anirdeśya a-nirdeśya mfn. undefinable, inexplicable, incomparable.

anirdhārita a-nirdhārita mfn. undetermined, unascertained, undefined.

anirdhārya a-nirdhārya mfn. undeterminable, not to be agreed upon.

anirbhara a-nirbhara mfn. not excessive, little, slight, light.

anirbheda a-nirbheda m. not blurting out, not revealing.

anirmala a-nirmala mfn. dirty, foul, turbid.

anirmālyā a-nirmālyā f. the plant Mendicago Esculenta.

anirlocita a-nirlocita mfn. not carefully looked at, not considered.

anirloḍita a-nirloḍita mfn. not examined thoroughly Śiś. ii, 27.

anirvacanīya a-nirvacanīya mfn. unutterable, indescribable
     mfn. not to be mentioned.

anirvācya mfn. id.

anirvartyamāna a-nirvartyamāna mfn. not being brought to a close.

anirvāṇa a-nirvāṇa mfn. unextinguished.

anirvāha a-nirvāha m. non-accomplishment, non-completion, inconclusiveness, insufficiency of income.

anirvāhya a-nirvāhya mfn. difficult to be managed.

anirviṇṇa a-nirviṇṇa mfn. not downcast.

anirvid a-nirvid mfn. free from causes of depression, undesponding, unwearied.

anirveda a-nirveda m. non-depression, self-reliance.

anirvṛta a-nirvṛta mfn. discontented
     mfn. unhappy
     mfn. discomposed.

anirvṛti a-nirvṛti f. discontent.

anirvṛtta a-nirvṛtta mfn. unaccomplished, unfulfilled.

anirvṛtti a-nirvṛtti f. incompleteness.

anirveśa a-nirveśa (= akṛta-nirveśa) mfn. not having expiated one's sins BhP.

anila m. ( an cf. Trish anal), air or wind
     m. the god of wind
     m. one of the forty-nine Anilas or winds
     m. one of the eight demi-gods, called Vasus
     m. wind as one of the humors or rasas of the body
     m. rheumatism, paralysis, or any affection referred to disorder of the wind
     m. N. of a Ṛiṣi and other persons
     m. the letter y
     m. the number forty-nine.
anilakumāra anila-kumāra m. pl. "wind-princes", a class of deities Jain.
anilaghna anila-ghna mfn. curing disorders arising from wind.
anilaghnaka anila-ghnaka m. the large tree Terminalia Belerica.
anilaparyaya anila-paryaya m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye.
anilaparyāya anila-paryāya m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye.
anilaprakṛti anila-prakṛti mfn. "having an airy or windy nature", N. of the planet Saturn.
anilavyādhi anila-vyādhi m. derangement of the (internal) wind.
anilasakha anila-sakha ([MBh.]) m. "the friend of wind" N. of fire.
anilasārathi anila-sārathi ([MBh.]) m. "the friend of wind" N. of fire.
anilahan anila-han mfn. = -ghna.
anilahṛt anila-hṛt mfn. = -ghna.
anilātmaja m. the son of the wind, Hanumat or Bhīma.
anilāntaka m. "wind destroying", the plant Iṅgudl or Aṅgāra-pushpa.
anilāpaha mfn. = anila-ghna.
anilāmaya m. morbid affection of the wind, flatulence, rheumatism.
anilāyana n. way or course of the wind, Śuśr.
anilāśin mfn. "feeding on the wind", fasting
anilāśin m. a snake L. cf. vāyu-bhakṣa.

anilambhasamādhi a-nilambha-samādhi m. "unsupported meditation", N. of a peculiar kind of meditation Buddh.

anilaya a-nilaya mf (ā) n. having no resting-place, restless AitBr. ĀśvŚr.

anilayana a-nilayana n. no home or refuge TUp.

anivartana a-nivartana mfn. not turning back or away, steadfast, improper to be abandoned, right.

anivartin a-nivartin mfn. not turning back, brave, not returning.
anivartitva anivarti-tva n. not turning back, brave resistance.

anivṛtta a-nivṛtta mfn. not turning back, brave.

anivārita a-nivārita mfn. unhindered, unimpeded, unopposed, unforbidden, unchecked.

anivārya a-nivārya mfn. not to be warded off, inadvertible, unavoidable, irresistible.

aniviśamāna a-niviśamāna mf (ā) n. not retiring to rest, restless RV. vii, 49, 1.

anivṛta a-nivṛta mfn. (1. vṛ), unchecked, not impeded RV. iii, 29, 6.

anivedita a-nivedita mfn. untold, unmentioned.
aniveditavijñāta a-nivedita-vijñāta mfn. known without being told.

anivedya a-nivedya ind. p. not having announced.

aniveśana a-niveśana mf (ā) n. affording no place of rest RV. i, 32, 10.

aniśa a-niśa mfn. "nightless", sleepless
     mfn. uninterrupted, incessant (only in comp.)
aniśam a-niśam ind. incessantly, continually.

aniśita a-niśita mfn. incessant VS. ŚBr.
aniśitam a-niśitam ind. incessantly RV. ii, 38, 8 and ix, 96, 2.
aniśitasarga a-niśita-sarga (ani-śita) mfn. having an incessant flow RV. x, 89, 4.

aniścita a-niścita mfn. unascertained, not certain.

aniścitya a-niścitya ind. p. not having ascertained.

aniścintya a-niścintya mfn. not to be thought of, inconceivable, incomprehensible.

aniṣaṅga a-niṣaṅga mfn. having no quiver, unarmed RV. i, 31, 13.

aniṣavya an-iṣavya mf (ā) n. not to be wounded or killed with arrows RV. x, 108, 6.

aniṣiddha a-niṣiddha mfn. unprohibited, unforbidden.

aniṣeddhra a-niṣeddhra mf (ā) n. unimpeded ŚBr.

aniṣu an-iṣu mfn. having no arrows, having bad arrows.
aniṣudhanva an-iṣu-dhanva mfn. without arrows and a bow TĀr.

aniṣkāsita a-niṣkāsita or a-niṣkāsin mfn. without remains of food ĀpŚr.

aniṣkṛta a-niṣkṛta or an-iṣkṛta mfn. not done with, unfinished, not, settled RV.
aniṣkṛtainas mfn. having one's guilt not settled, i.e. unexpiated L.

aniṣṭa an-iṣṭa mfn. (3. iṣ), unwished, undesirable, disadvantageous, unfavourable
     mfn. bad, wrong, evil, ominous
aniṣṭā an-iṣṭā f. the plant Sida Alba
aniṣṭa an-iṣṭa n. evil, disadvantage.
aniṣṭagraha an-iṣṭa-graha m. an evil planet.
aniṣṭaduṣṭadhi an-iṣṭa-duṣṭa-dhi mfn. having an evil and corrupt mind.
aniṣṭaprasaṅga an-iṣṭa-prasaṅga m. connection with a wrong object or a wrong argument or a wrong rule.
aniṣṭaphala an-iṣṭa-phala n. evil result.
aniṣṭaśaṅkā an-iṣṭa-śaṅkā f. foreboding or fear of evil or misfortune.
aniṣṭasūcaka an-iṣṭa-sūcaka mfn. foreboding evil, ominous.
aniṣṭahetu an-iṣṭa-hetu m. an evil omen.
aniṣṭāpādana an-iṣṭāpādana n. not obtaining what is desire or (fr. aniṣṭa and āpādana) obtaining what is not desired.
aniṣṭāpti an-iṣṭāpti f. id.
aniṣṭāśaṃsin an-iṣṭāśaṃsin mfn. indicating or boding evil.
aniṣṭotprekṣaṇa n. expectation of evil.

aniṣṭa an-iṣṭa mfn. ( yaj), not offered in sacrifice
     mfn. not honoured with a sacrifice.

aniṣṭin an-iṣṭin m. one who does not sacrifice or has not sacrificed KātyŚr.

aniṣṭṛta a-niṣṭṛta mfn. unhurt, unchecked RV. viii, 33, 9 VS.

aniṣṭhā a-niṣṭhā f. unsteadfastness, unsteadiness.

aniṣṭhura a-niṣṭhura mfn. not harsh.

aniṣṇa a-niṣṇa or a-niṣṇāta mfn. unskilled.

aniṣpatti a-niṣpatti f. non-accomplishment, incompletion.

aniṣpanna a-niṣpanna mfn. imperfect, incomplete.

aniṣpattram a-niṣ-pattram ind. so that the arrow does not come out (on the other side) i.e. not with excessive force KātyŚr.

anisarga a-nisarga mfn. unnatural, unnaturally affected.

anistabdha a-nistabdha mfn. not rendered immovable or stiff
     mfn. not paralysed
     mfn. not fixed.

anistīrṇa a-nistīrṇa mfn. not crossed over
     mfn. not set aside
     mfn. not rid of
     mfn. unanswered, unrefuted.
anistīrṇābhiyoga m. (a defendant) who has not yet (by refutation) got rid of a charge.

anīka mn. ( an), face
     mn. appearance, splendour, edge, point
     mn. front, row, array, march
     mn. army, forces
     mn. war, combat.
anīkavat anīka-vat (anīka-) mfn. having a face, or constituting the face, or occupying the front or foremost rank (N. of, Agni) VS. &c.
anīkavidāraṇa anīka-vidāraṇa m. "shatterer of armies", N. of a man.
anīkaśas anīka-śas ind. in rows or marching columns AV.
anīkastha anīka-stha m. a warrior or combatant
     m. an armed or royal guard, a sentinel L.
     m. the trainer of an elephant, an elephant-driver L.
     m. a mark, a sign, signal L.
     m. a military drum L.

anīkinī f. an army, a host, forces
     f. a certain force
     f. three Camūs or one-tenth of an Akṣauhiṇī (or of a complete army; 2187 elephants and as many cars, 6561 horses, and 10935 foot)
     f. a lotus.

anīkṣaṇa an-īkṣaṇa n. not seeing or looking at.

anīca a-nīca mf (ā) n. not low, decent, respectable, not pronounced with the Anudātta accent.
anīcadarśin a-nīca-darśin m. N. of a Buddha.
anīcanuvartin a-nīcanuvartin mfn. not keeping low company
anīcanuvartin a-nīcanuvartin m. a faithful lover or husband.

anīcais a-nīcais ind. not in a low voice, loudly.

anīḍa a-nīḍa mfn. having no nest RV. x, 55, 6, having no settled abode i.e. incorporeal Up.
anīḍa a-nīḍa m. N. of Agni or fire L.

anīti a-nīti f. impropriety, immorality, injustice
     f. impolicy, foolish conduct, indiscretion.
anītijña a-nīti-jña mfn. clever in immoral conduct or (fr. a and nītijña) ignorant of morality or policy, not politic or discreet.
anītivid a-nīti-vid mfn. clever in immoral conduct or (fr. a and nītijña) ignorant of morality or policy, not politic or discreet.

anīti an-īti f. freedom from a calamitous season.

anīdṛśa an-īdṛśa mfn. unlike, dissimilar.

anīpsita an-īpsita mfn. undesired.

anīraśana a-nīraśana (a-nir-raśana) mfn. not destitute of a waistband, having zones or girdles.

anīlavājin anīla-vājin mfn. "white-horsed", Arjuna Kir. xiv, 26.

anīśa an-īśa mfn. one who has not a lord or superior, paramount
     mfn. powerless, unable
anīśa an-īśa m. Viṣṇu
anīśā an-īśā f. powerlessness, helplessness Up.
anīśatva an-īśa-tva n. powerlessness.

anīśvara an-īśvara mf (ā) n. without a superior AV.
     mf (ā) n. unchecked, paramount
     mf (ā) n. without power, unable
     mf (ā) n. not belonging to the Deity
     mf (ā) n. atheistical.
anīśvaratā an-īśvara-tā f. absence of a supreme ruler.
anīśvaratva an-īśvara-tva n. absence of a supreme ruler.
anīśvaravādin an-īśvara-vādin m. "one who denies a supreme ruler of the universe", an atheist.

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anīha an-īha mfn. listless, indifferent
anīha an-īha m. N. of a king of Ayodhyā
anīhā an-īhā f. indifference, apathy, disinclination.

anīhita an-īhita mfn. disagreeable, displeasing, unwished
anīhita an-īhita n. disinclination, apathy.

anīLa a-nīLa ([RV. x, 55, 6]) = a-nīḍa q.v.

anu mfn. = aṇu q.v. L.

anu m. a non-Āryan man RV.
     m. N. of a king (one of Yayāti's sons)
     m. of a non-Āryan tribe MBh. &c.

anu ind. (as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses) after, along, alongside, lengthwise, near to, under, subordinate to, with. (When prefixed to nouns, especially in adverbial compounds), according to, severally, each by each, orderly, methodically, one after another, repeatedly. (As a separable preposition, with accusative) after, along, over, near to, through, to, towards, at, according to, in order, agreeably to, in regard to, inferior to Pāṇ. 1-4, 86. (As a separable adverb) after, afterwards, thereupon, again, further, then, next.

anuka anu-ka mf (ā) n. subordinate, dependent TS. ŚBr.
     mf (ā) n. "being after", lustful Pāṇ. 5-2, 74.

anutamām anu-tamām (superl.) ind. most ŚBr.

anukath anu-kath to relate after (some one or something else); to repeat (what has been heard).

anukathana anu-kathana n. orderly narration, discourse conversation.

anukathita anu-kathita mfn. related after (something else) Pāṇ. 6-2, 190 Sch.
     mfn. repeated.

anukaniyas anu-kaniyas an, asi, as, the next youngest Pāṇ. 6-2, 189.

anukapolam anu-kapolam ind. along the cheek Śiś. v, 35.

anukam anu-kam Caus. (impf. -akāma-yata) to desire (with Inf.) AitBr.

anukāma anu-kāma m. desire VS., (mfn.), according to one's desire, agreeable RV.
anukāmam anu-kāmam ind. as desired, at pleasure RV.
anukāmakṛt anu-kāma-kṛt mfn. fulfilling one's desire RV. ix, 11, 7.

anukāmin mfn. desirous TS.

anukāmīna mfn. one who acts as he pleases Pāṇ. 5-2, 11.

anukamp anu-kamp to sympathize with, compassionate: Caus. P. (impf. -akampayat) id. Kum.

anukampaka anu-kampaka m. "sympathizer", N. of a king
anukampaka anu-kampaka m. (mfn.) ifc. sympathizing with, compassionating.

anukampana anu-kampana n. sympathy, compassion.

anukampanīya anu-kampanīya mfn. pitiable.

anukampā anu-kampā f. id.

anukampāyin anu-kampāyin mfn. condoling.

anukampita anu-kampita mfn. compassionated.
anukampitātman mfn. having a compassionate spirit.

anukampin anu-kampin mfn. sympathizing with.

anukampya anu-kampya mfn. pitiable, worthy of sympathy m. an ascetic L., expeditious (explained by tarasvin, perhaps for tapasvin) L.

anukarṣa anu-karṣa see anu-kriṣ.

anukalpa anu-kalpa see anu-klṛp.

anukāṅkṣ anu-kāṅkṣ to long for, desire.

anukāṅkṣā anu-kāṅkṣā f. desire after.

anukāṅkṣin anu-kāṅkṣin mfn. longing for.

anukāla anu-kāla mfn. opportune, occasional
anukālam anu-kālam ind. opportunely, occasionally.

anukīrt anu-kīrt to relate after or in order; to narrate.

anukīrtana anu-kīrtana n. the act of narrating or proclaiming or publishing.

anukuñcita anu-kuñcita mfn. bent, made, crooked.

anukuṣ anu-kuṣ to drag along Pāṇ. 3-1, 25 Sch.

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anukūj anu-kūj to follow in cooing or singing or groaning.

anukūla anu-kūla mf (ā) n. following the bank (kūla) or slope or declivity
     mf (ā) n. according to the current AV.
     mf (ā) n. favourable, agreeable
     mf (ā) n. conformable to
     mf (ā) n. friendly, kind, well-disposed
anukūla anu-kūla m. a faithful or kind and obliging husband
anukūla anu-kūla mf (ā) n. (ā) f. Croton Polyandrum
anukūla anu-kūla m. N. of a metre
anukūla anu-kūla n. (in poetry) narrative of calamity leading finally to happiness.
anukūlatā anu-kūla-tā f. concord, good-will, favour, conformity, consent
     f. prosperity.
anukūlanāyaka anu-kūla-nāyaka m. a kind husband or lover.
anukūlavāyu anu-kūla-vāyu m. a favourable wind.

anukūlaya Nom. P. anukūlayati, to act in a friendly way towards, favour.

anukṛ anu-kṛ to do afterwards, to follow in doing; to imitate, copy; to equal; to requite; to adopt: Caus. -kārayati, to cause to imitate.

anukara anu-kara mfn. imitating ŚBr.
anukara anu-kara m. an assistant AV. xii, 2, 2.

anukaraṇa anu-karaṇa n. the act of imitation or of following an example
     n. resemblance, similarity.

anukartṛ anu-kartṛ mfn. an imitator, imitating
anukartṛ anu-kartṛ m. a mimic, actor, performer.

anukarman anu-karman n. imitation
     n. a subsequent rite or ceremony
anukarman anu-karman m. N. of one of the Viśvedevās MBh.

anukāra anu-kāra m. imitation, resemblance.

anukārin anu-kārin mfn. imitating, acting, mimicking.

anukārya anu-kārya mfn. to be imitated or copied, to be acted (dramatically)
anukārya anu-kārya n. subsequent business R.

anukṛta anu-kṛta mfn. imitated, made like.

anukṛti anu-kṛti f. imitation, a copy, compliance.

anukṛtya anu-kṛtya mfn. fit to be imitated Pañcat.

anukriyā anu-kriyā f. imitation, doing anything in like manner or subsequently
     f. a subsequent rite.

anukṛt anu-kṛt (p. -kṛntat) to go on destroying MBh. xiii, 2906.

anukṛp anu-kṛp -kṛpate, to mourn for, long for RV. i, 113, 10 Nom. Ā. -kṛpāyate, to compassionate, condole with MBh.

anukṛś anu-kṛś Caus. -karśayati, to emaciate.

anukṛṣ anu-kṛṣ to drag or draw after, attract: Caus. -karṣayati, to cause to drag after, draw, attract; to subject.

anukarṣa anu-karṣa m. attraction, drawing
     m. invoking, summoning by incantation
     m. the bottom or the axle-tree of a carriage, grammatical attraction (including a subsequent in a preceding rule)
     m. lagging behind in a ceremony, delayed performance of a duty.

anukarṣaṇa anu-karṣaṇa n. = anu-karṣa.

anukarṣan anu-karṣan m. the bottom of a carriage L.

anukṛṣṭa anu-kṛṣṭa mfn. drawn after, attracted
     mfn. included or implied in a subsequent rule.

anukṛṛ anu-kṛṛ (1. sg. -kirāmi) to scatter along AV.; to strew, fill with, crowd: Pass. -kīryate, to become crowded or filled.

anukīrṇa anu-kīrṇa mfn. crowded, crammed foll.

anuklṛp anu-klṛp to follow in order TS.: Caus. -kalpayati, to cause to follow or imitate in order.

anukalpa anu-kalpa m. permission to adopt an alternative or substitute (e.g. instead of Kuśa grass you may use Dūrbā) Mn. &c.

anukalpita anu-kalpita mfn. followed by (instr.) MBh.

anuklṛpti anu-klṛpti f. (in Vaiśeṣika Phil.) agreement.

anukta an-ukta mfn. ( vac), unuttered, unsaid, unheard of, extraordinary.
anuktanimitta an-ukta-nimitta n. a reason which is unuttered or unheard of or extraordinary
anuktanimitta an-ukta-nimitta mfn. having such a reason.

anukti an-ukti f. the not speaking, improper speech.

anuktha an-uktha mfn. hymnless, not singing hymns RV. v, 2, 3
     mfn. not followed by an uktha AitBr.

anukrakaca anu-krakaca mfn. dentated like a saw, serrated.

anukrand anu-krand (perf. Ā. -cakrade) to shout or cry after one RV. viii, 3, 10.

anukram anu-kram to go on, go after, follow; to go through in order, enumerate, supply with an abstract or index.

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anukrama anu-krama m. succession, arrangement, order, method
     m. an index showing the successive contents of a book
anukrama anu-krama m. (am) or (eṇa) or (āt) ind. in due order.

anukramaṇa anu-kramaṇa n. proceeding methodically or in order
     n. following.

anukramaṇikā anu-kramaṇikā f. a table or chapter of contents, index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn, the number of verses, name and family of poets, names of deities and metres).
anukramaṇī anu-kramaṇī f. a table or chapter of contents, index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn, the number of verses, name and family of poets, names of deities and metres).

anukrānta anu-krānta mfn. gone over, read, or done in due order
     mfn. enumerated, mentioned in the Anukramaṇī.

anukrī anu-krī mfn. ( krī), bought subsequently (i.e. not early on the first day) PBr. Lāṭy. &c. (cf. pari-krī, śata-krī.)

anukrīḍ anu-krīḍ to play Pāṇ. 1-3, 21.

anukruś anu-kruś to shout at RV. iv, 38, 5: Caus. (ind. p. -krośya) to join in lamenting, show sympathy for MBh. xiii, 285.

anukrośa anu-krośa m. tenderness, compassion.

anukṣaṇam anu-kṣaṇam ind. momentarily, perpetually, every instant.

anukṣattṛ anu-kṣattṛ m. a doorkeeper's or charioteer's mate or attendant VS.

anukṣapam anu-kṣapam ind. night after night Kir.

anukṣar anu-kṣar (3. pl. -kṣāranti; Imper. 2. sg. -kṣara) to flow into or upon RV.

anukṣi anu-kṣi -kṣiyati (Imper. 2. sg. -kṣiya) to settle along AV.

anukṣi anu-kṣi Pass. (p. -kṣīyamaṇa) to decay or vanish gradually BhP.

anukṣetra anu-kṣetra n. stipend given to temple-servants in Orissa (in commutation probably of the proceeds of an endowment).

anukhañja anu-khañja m. N. of a country.

anukhyā anu-khyā (perf. 2. du. -cakhya-thuḥ) to descry RV. vii, 70, 4, &c.

anukhyāti anu-khyāti f. act of descrying or revealing TS. AitBr.

anukhyātṛ anu-khyātṛ m. a discoverer, revealer AitBr.

anugaṅgam anu-gaṅgam ind. along the Ganges Pat.

anugaṇ anu-gaṇ to count over.

anugaṇita anu-gaṇita mfn. counted over.

anugaṇitin anu-gaṇitin mfn. one who has counted over, (g. iṣṭādi q.v.)

anugam anu-gam cl.1.P. -gacchati, -gantum, to go after, follow, seek, approach, visit, arrive; to practise, observe, obey, imitate; to enter into; to die out, be extinguished: Caus. -gamayati, to imitate cause to die out.

anuga anu-ga mf (ā) n. going after, following, corresponding with, adapted to
     mf (ā) n. a companion
     mf (ā) n. a follower, a servant
anuga anu-ga mf (ā) n. (ifc.) followed by
anuga anu-ga mf (ā) n. (ā) f. N. of an Apsaras.

anugata anu-gata mfn. followed by, having anything (as a skin) hanging behind
     mfn. following
     mfn. a follower
     mfn. acquired
     mfn. extinguished
     mfn. tallying with
anugata anu-gata n. moderate time (in music).
anugatārtha mfn. having a corresponding meaning.

anugati anu-gati f. following, imitation, dying out.

anugatika anu-gatika m. a follower, an imitator.

anugantavya anu-gantavya mfn. to be followed (as a husband by a wife in death)
     mfn. worthy of being imitated, to be looked for or discovered Pāṇ. 6-1, 7 Sch.

anugama anu-gama m. am, following, going after in life or death; post-cremation of a widow, imitating, approaching.
anugamana anu-gamana am, following, going after in life or death; post-cremation of a widow, imitating, approaching.

anugamya anu-gamya mfn. to be followed or imitated.

anugāmin anu-gāmin mfn. following, a companion.

anugāmuka anu-gāmuka mfn. habitually or constantly following or attending.

anugarj anu-garj to shout or roar after.

anugarjita anu-garjita n. roaring after, echo Kum.

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anugavam anu-gavam ind. so as to suit (or follow) the cows Pāṇ. 5-4, 83.

anugavīna anu-gavīna m. a cowherd Pāṇ. 5-2, 15.

anugā anu-gā to go after, follow; to act in conformity to, or according to the wishes of RV.

anugādin anu-gādin mfn. repeating another's words Pāṇ. 5-4, 13.

anugāyas anu-gāyas mfn. ( gai), followed by shouts or hymns RV. viii, 5, 34
anugāyas anu-gāyas mfn. ("to be praised in hymns" Sāy.)

anugāh anu-gāh to plunge after, be immersed in.

anugāḍha anu-gāḍha mfn. plunged or immersed in.

anugiram anu-giram ind. on the mountain Ragh.

anugu anu-gu ind. behind the cows Pāṇ. 5-2, 15.

anuguṇa anu-guṇa mf (ā) n. having similar qualities, congenial to
     mf (ā) n. according or suitable to
anuguṇa anu-guṇa mf (ā) n. (am) ind. according to one's merits Kathās.
anuguṇa anu-guṇa m. natural peculiarity.

anuguṇaya anu-guṇaya Nom. P. -guṇayati, to favour Kir.

anugupta anu-gupta mfn. protected, sheltered, concealed.

anugṛdh anu-gṛdh (pr. p. -gṛdhyat) to be reedy after (loc.) MBh. xii, 372.

anugṛṛ anu-gṛṛ -gṛṇāti, to join in praising RV. i, 147, 2, to rejoin, answer ŚāṅkhŚr.; to repeat BhP.

anugai anu-gai to sing after or to (a person or tune); to celebrate in song: Caus. -gāpayati, to make one sing after or to.

anugītā anu-gītā f. "an after-song", N. of part of the fourteenth book of the Mahābhārata (chaps. 16-92).

anugīti anu-gīti f. N. of a metre (of two verses, the first containing twenty-seven, the second thirty-two mātrās)

anugodam anu-godam ind. near the Godāvari.

anugra an-ugra or an-ugra mf (ā) n. not harsh or violent, mild, gentle RV. &c.

anugrah anu-grah to follow in taking or plundering MBh. iv, 996, to support; to uphold; to receive, welcome; to treat with kindness, favour, oblige; to foster.

anugṛhīta anu-gṛhīta mfn. favoured, obliged.

anugraha anu-graha m. favour, kindness, showing favour, conferring benefits, promoting or furthering a good object
     m. assistance
     m. facilitating by incantations
     m. rear-guard
     m. N. of the eighth or fifth creation VP.
anugrahakātara anu-graha-kātara mfn. anxious to please or for favour.
anugrahasarga anu-graha-sarga m. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) creation of the feelings or mental conditions.

anugrahaṇa anu-grahaṇa n. anu-graha.

anugrahita anu-grahita mfn. occupied, engaged R. i, 7, 15.

anugrahin anu-grahin m. proficient in magic skill.

anugrāhaka anu-grāhaka mf (ikā) n. favouring, furthering, facilitating
     mf (ikā) n. favourable, kind, gracious.

anugrāhin anu-grāhin mfn. gracious, favourable.

anugrāhya anu-grāhya mfn. to be favoured or furthered.

anujighṛkṣā anu-jighṛkṣā f. desire to show favour or kindness
     f. intention to include Nyāyam.

anugrāmam anu-grāmam ind. village after village Pāṇ. 4-3, 61, into, a village Lāṭy.

anugrāsaka anu-grāsaka m. a mouthful (of boiled rice, &c.)
     m. the equivalent of a mouthful.

anughaṭṭ anu-ghaṭṭ to stroke, rub lengthwise.

anughuṣ anu-ghuṣ (Ved. ind. p. -ghuṣyā) to name aloud RV. i, 162, 18.

anughrā anu-ghrā "to smell at", kiss Kathās.

anujighra anu-jighra mfn. snuffling at AV. viii, 8, 8.

anucakṣ anu-cakṣ (perf. -cacakṣa; impf. Ā. -acaṣṭa) to look at or up to RV.

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anucar anu-car to walk or move after or along; to follow, pursue, seek after; to follow out, adhere to, attend; to behave: Caus. -cārayati, to let or cause to traverse: Intens. p. -carcūryamāṇa, continuing following RV. x, 124, 9.

anucara anu-cara mf (ī) n. following, attending
anucara anu-cara mf (ī) n. (as) m. companion, follower, servant
anucara anu-cara mf (ī) n. (ī, rarely ā) f. a female attendant.

anucāraka anu-cāraka m. a follower, attendant, (g. mahiṣy-ādi q.v.)
anucārikā anu-cārikā f. a female follower or attendant.

anucārin anu-cārin mfn. following, attending.

anucarci anu-carci mfn. reciting or repeating (in a chorus) ĀśvŚr.

anuci anu-ci (Imper. Ā. -cikitām) to remember AV. vi, 53, I.

anucita anu-cita mfn. (1. ci), set or placed along or lengthwise or in rows AitBr.

anucita an-ucita mfn. improper, wrong, unusual, strange.
anucitārtha m. an unusual meaning.

anucint anu-cint to meditate, consider, recall to mind; Caus. to make to consider.

anucintana anu-cintana n. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting
     n. anxiety.
anucintā anu-cintā f. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting
     f. anxiety.

anucintita anu-cintita mfn. recollected, recalled, thought of.

anucca an-ucca mfn. not high, low, humble
anucca an-ucca mfn. (= an-udātta), accentless APrāt.

anuccais an-uccais ind. not aloud, in a low voice.

anuccāra an-uccāra m. or an-uccāraṇa n. non-pronunciation, skipping words (in reciting hymns). see uc-car.

anucchāda anu-cchāda m. ( chad), a garment which hangs down (probably that part of the lower garment which hangs down in front from the waist to the feet) ŚBr.

anucchitti an-uc-chitti f. ( chid), not cutting off, non-extirpation, non-destruction, indestructibility.
anucchittidharman an-uc-chitti-dharman (anucchitti-) mfn. possessing the virtue (or faculty) of being indestructible ŚBr. xiv.

anucchindat an-uc-chindat mfn. not destroying.

anucchinna an-uc-chinna mfn. not cut off
     mfn. unextirpated.

anuccheda an-uc-cheda m. = an-uc-chitti.

anucchedya an-uc-chedya mfn. indestructible, not severable.

anucchid anu-cchid (chid) to cut along or lengthwise.

anucchindat anu-cchindat mfn. cutting lengthwise.

anucchiṣṭa an-ucchiṣṭa mfn. ( śiṣ with ud), without remains or leavings of food, pure
     mfn. not mere remains Ragh.

anuccho anu-ccho (cho) cl.4.P. (Imper. 2. sg. -chya) to cut open or cut up AV. ix, 5, 4.

anujan anu-jan cl.4.Ā. -jāyate, to follow in being born or produced or arising; to take after (one's parents) Ragh.

anuja anu-ja mfn. born after, later, younger
anuja anu-ja m. a younger brother, a cadet
anuja anu-ja m. the plant Trāyamāṇa
anuja anu-ja n. the plant Prapauṇḍarika
anujā anu-jā f. a younger sister TS.

anujanman anu-janman m. a younger brother, younger.

anujāta anu-jāta mfn. after-born, later, younger
     mfn. taking after (one's parents) Pañcat.
     mfn. born again, regenerated by the sacred cord
anujāta anu-jāta m. a younger brother
anujātā anu-jātā f. a younger sister.

anujanam anu-janam ind. according to people, popularly.

anujap anu-jap to follow or imitate in muttering.

anujalp anu-jalp to follow in talking; Ā. -jalpate, to entertain by conversation.

anujāgṛ anu-jāgṛ to watch as an attendant.

anuji anu-ji to subdue: Desid. -jigīṣate, to be desirous of subduing.

anujighṛkṣā anu-jighṛkṣā see anu-grah.

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anujighra anu-jighra see anu-ghrā.

anujīrṇa anu-jīrṇa mfn. grown old or decayed after or in consequence of Pāṇ. 3-4, 72 Sch.

anujīv anu-jīv to follow or imitate in living; to live for any one; to live by or upon something; to live submissively under, be dependent on:; Caus. -jīvayati, to restore to life Daś.

anujīvin anu-jīvin mfn. living by or upon
     mfn. dependent
anujīvin anu-jīvin m. a dependent, follower
     mfn. N. of a crow Pañcat.
anujīvisātkṛta anujīvisāt-kṛta mfn. made wholly subservient Kir.

anujīvya anu-jīvya mfn. to be followed in living.

anujuṣ anu-juṣ to seek ŚāṅkhGṛ.; to devote one's self to, indulge in BhP.

anujjhat an-ujjhat mfn. not quitting.

anujjhita an-ujjhita mfn. undiminished, unimpaired, not left or lost.

anujñā anu-jñā to permit, grant, allow, consent; to excuse, forgive; to authorize; to allow one to depart, dismiss, bid farewell to; to entreat; to behave kindly: Caus. -jñāpayati, to request, ask permission, ask for leave to depart, to take leave: Desid. -jijñāsati or -te, to wish to allow or permit Pāṇ. 1-3, 58.

anujñapti anu-jñapti f. authorization, permission.

anujñā anu-jñā f. assent, assenting, permission
     f. leave to depart
     f. allowance made for faults
     f. an order or command.
anujñāprārthanā anu-jñā-prārthanā f. asking permission, taking leave.
anujñaiṣaṇā f. asking permission, taking leave.

anujñāta anu-jñāta mfn. assented to, permitted, allowed
     mfn. ordered, directed, instructed
     mfn. accepted
     mfn. authorized, honoured
     mfn. allowed to depart, dismissed.

anujñāna anu-jñāna n. =2. anu-jñā.

anujñāpaka anu-jñāpaka m. one who commands or enjoins.

anujñāpana anu-jñāpana n. = anu-jñapti.

anujyeṣṭha anu-jyeṣṭha mfn. next eldest Pāṇ. 6-2, 189 Sch., (ām) ind. after the eldest, according to seniority MaitrS. MBh.

anutakṣ anu-takṣ (impf. 2. pl. -atakṣata) to create or procure for the help of (dat.) RV. i, 86, 3 TS.

anutaṭam anu-taṭam ind. along the shore Megh.

anutan anu-tan to extend along, to carry on, continue, develop.

anutap anu-tap to heat Suśr.; to vex, annoy AV. xix, 49, 7: Pass. -tapyate (rarely -tapyati [MBh. i, 5055]), to suffer afterwards, repent; to desiderate, miss: Caus. -tāpayati, to distress.

anutapta anu-tapta mfn. heated
     mfn. filled with regret
anutaptā anu-taptā f. N. of a river VP.

anutāpa anu-tāpa m. repentance, heat.

anutāpana anu-tāpana mfn. occasioning remorse, repentance or sorrow.

anutāpin anu-tāpin mfn. penitent, regretting.

anutara anu-tara see anu-tṛṛ below.

anutark anu-tark to follow in thought, to regard as or take for.

anutarṣa anu-tarṣa m. thirst, wish, desire L., a drinking vessel (used for drinking spirituous liquors) L.

anutarṣaṇa anu-tarṣaṇa n. a vessel from which spirituous liquor is drunk L.
     n. distributing liquor L.

anutarṣula anu-tarṣula mfn. causing desire MBh.

anutilam anu-tilam ind. grain after grain (of Sesamum), by grains, very minutely, (g. parimukhādi q.v.)

anutiṣṭhamāna anu-tiṣṭhamāna see 1. anuṣṭhā.

anutunna anu-tunna mfn. ( tud), depressed or repressed (in sound), muffled PBr.

anutūlaya anu-tūlaya Nom. P. -tūlayati, to rub lengthwise (with a brush or cotton).

anutṛd anu-tṛd (Imper. 2. sg. -tṛndhi; impf. 2. du. -atṛntam; perf. -tatarda) to split open RV.

anutṛp anu-tṛp to take one's fill (or refreshment) after or later than another.

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anutṛṛ anu-tṛṛ (3. pl. -taranti) to follow across or to the end AV. vi, 122, 2.

anutara anu-tara n. fare, freight L.

anutka an-utka mfn. free from regret, not regretting, self-complacent, not repenting of.

anutkarṣa an-utkarṣa m. non-elevation, inferiority.

anutta a-nutta mfn. not cast down, invincible RV.
anuttamanya a-nutta-manya (a-nutta-) m. "of invincible wrath", Indra RV. vii, 31, 12; viii, 6, 35 and 96, 19.

anuttama an-uttama mf (ā) n. unsurpassed, incomparably the best or chief, excellent
     mf (ā) n. excessive
     mf (ā) n. not the best
anuttama an-uttama mf (ā) n. (in Gr.) not used in the uttama, or first person.
anuttamāmbhas an-uttamāmbhas n. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) indifference to and consequent abstinence from sensual enjoyment (as fatiguing).
anuttamāmbhasika an-uttamāmbhasika n. indifference to and abstinence from sensual enjoyment (as involving injury to external objects).

anuttara an-uttara mfn. chief, principal
     mfn. best, excellent
     mfn. without a reply, unable to answer, silent
     mfn. fixed, firm
     mfn. low, inferior, base
     mfn. south, southern
anuttara an-uttara n. a reply which is coherent or evasive and therefore held to be no answer
anuttara an-uttara m. pl. a class of gods among the Jainas.
anuttarayogatantra an-uttara-yoga-tantra n. title of the last of the four Bauddhatantras.
anuttaropapātika an-uttaropapātika m. pl. a class of gods Jain.
anuttaropapātikadaśā anuttaropapātika-daśā f. pl. title of the ninth aṅga of the Jainas treating of those gods.

anuttāna an-uttāna mfn. lying with the face towards, the ground
     mfn. not supine
     mfn. not flat Suśr.

anutthāna an-utthāna n. ( sthā), the not rising, want of exertion or of energy Rājat.

anutthita an-utthita mfn. not risen, not grown up (as grain).

anutpatti an-utpatti f. failure, non-production
anutpatti an-utpatti mfn. not (yet) produced Buddh.
anutpattisama an-utpatti-sama mf (ā) (in Nyāya phil.) arguing against a thing by trying to show that nothing exists from which it could spring.

anutpattikadharmakṣānti anutpattika-dharma-kṣānti f. acquiescence in the state which is still future, preparation for a future state Buddh.

anutpanna an-utpanna mfn. unborn, unproduced
     mfn. uneffected, unaccomplished.

anutpāda an-utpāda m. non-production, not coming into existence
     m. not taking effect.
anutpādakṣānti an-utpāda-kṣānti f. acquiescence in not having to undergo another birth.

anutpādana an-utpādana n. not producing, non-production.

anutpādya an-utpādya mfn. not to be created, eternal.

anutsanna an-utsanna mfn. not lost ŚBr. vii.

anutsāha an-utsāha m. non-exertion, want of effort
     m. want of energy or determination
     m. listlessness
anutsāha an-utsāha mfn. deficient in determination.
anutsāhatā an-utsāha-tā f. want of determination Sāh.

anutsuka an-utsuka mfn. not eager, calm, retiring
     mfn. moderate.
anutsukatā an-utsuka-tā f. moderateness Vikr.

anutsūtra an-utsūtra mfn. not anomalous.

anutseka an-utseka m. absence of arrogance or highmindedness.

anutsekin an-utsekin mfn. not arrogant or puffed up Śāk.

anudaka an-udaka mf (ā) n. waterless RV. vii, 50, 4, &c.
anudaka an-udaka mf (ā) n. (am) ind. without touching water KātyŚr.
     mf (ā) n. without adding water ib.

anudagra an-udagra mfn. not lofty, low
     mfn. not projecting.

anudaṇḍi anu-daṇḍi f. back bone MBh.

anudaya an-udaya m. non-rising, the not rising (of a luminary).

anudita an-udita mfn. not risen, not appeared.

anudara an-udara mf (ā) n. (see 3. a) thin, lank Pat.

anudah anu-dah to burn up RV. &c.; to take fire (aor.Subj. 2. sg. -dakṣi [for dhakṣi]) RV. ii, 1, 10; to be consumed by fire subsequently after (acc.) MBh. xii, 8107.

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anudā anu-dā (Pass. -dāyi) to permit, restore RV.; to give way, yield RV. AV.; to remit AV.; to pay one out (?) MBh. vii, 9499.

anuda anu-da see anānuda.

anudatta anu-datta mfn. granted, remitted, given back Pāṇ. 7-4, 47 Comm.

anudeya anu-deya n. a present RV. vi, 20, 11
anudeya anu-deya n. (anu-deyī) f. a bride's maid (Gmn. and Sāy.) RV. x, 85, 6; 135, 5 and 6
anudeya anu-deya n. (["gift" NBD.])

anudātta an-udātta mfn. not raised, not elevated, not pronounced with the Udātta accent, grave
     mfn. accentless, having the neutral general tone neither high nor low (i.e. both the grave or non-elevated accent explained by Pāṇini as sannatara q.v. - which immediately precedes the Udātta, and also the general accentless, neutral tone, neither high nor low, explained as eka-śruti)
     mfn. having the one monotonous ordinary intonation which belongs to the generality of syllables in a sentence
anudātta an-udātta mfn. (as) m. one of the three accents to be observed in reading the Vedas, the grave accent.
anudāttatara an-udātta-tara m. "more than Anudātta, still lower in sound than Anudātta" i.e. the very Anudātta accent (or a syllable having this accent which immediately precedes a syllable having the Udātta or Svarita accent, and is therefore more depressed than the ordinary Anudātta Pāṇ. 1-2, 31 Sch.) Pāṇ. 1-2, 40 Sch.
anudāttadi n. (in Gr.) a nominal base of which the first syllable is Anudātta.
anudāttet m. a verbal root having for its Anubandha the Anudātta accent to indicate that it takes the Ātmane-pada terminations only
     m. also anudāttopadeśa.
anudāttodaya n. a syllable immediately preceding the Anudātta accent.

anudāra an-udāra mfn. niggardly, mean.

anudāra anu-dāra mfn. adhered to or followed by a wife.

anudigdha anu-digdha mfn. ( dih), covered (ifc.) Car.

anudita an-udita mfn. unsaid, unuttered
     mfn. unutterable, blamable (cf. a-vadya) RV. x, 95, 1 AV. v, 1, 2 (see 1. an-udita s.v. an-udaya).

anudinam anu-dinam ind. every day.

anudivasam anu-divasam ind. id.

anudiś anu-diś to point out for, assign.

anudiśam anu-diśam ind. in every quarter.

anudeśa anu-deśa m. a rule or injunction pointing back to a previous rule
     m. reference to something prior.

anudeśin anu-deśin mfn. pointing back, referring back
     mfn. being the object of an Anudeśa
     mfn. residing at the same place ĀśvGṛ.

anuduṣ anu-duṣ to become demoralized as a result of MBh. v, 4543.

anudṛbh anu-dṛbh to make into bundles or chains, KaushBr.

anudṛś anu-dṛś (ind. p. -dṛśya RV. x, 130, 7) to survey, behold; to keep in view or in mind, to foresee: Caus. P. -darśayati, to show, tell, teach: Pass. -dṛśyate (also perf. Ā. -dadṛśe RV. viii, 1, 34), to become or be visible.

anudarśana anu-darśana n. consideration, regard.

anudarśin anu-darśin mfn. considering, foreseeing.

anudṛṣṭi anu-dṛṣṭi f. N. of the ancestress of Ānudṛiṣṭineya, (g. śubhrādi and kalyāṇy-ādi.)

anudraṣṭavya anu-draṣṭavya mfn. to be observed, visible.

anudṛṛ anu-dṛṛ Pass. -dīryate, to break through after (another); to be scattered or confused in consequence of the confusion of others.

anudeham anu-deham ind. behind the body Śiś. ix, 73.

anudairghya anu-dairghya mfn. longitudinal.

anudgīrṇa an-udgīrṇa mfn. not vomited forth, not disdained
     mfn. not spurned.

anuddhata an-uddhata mfn. ( han), not lifted up, humble
     mfn. unsurpassed
     mfn. unopposed
anuddhata an-uddhata m. not a high place TBr.

anuddharaṇa an-uddharaṇa n. ( hṛ), non-removal
     n. not offering, not establishing or proving.

anuddhāra an-uddhāra m. non-partition, not taking a share
     m. non-removal.

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anuddhṛta an-uddhṛta mfn. non-removed, not taken away
     mfn. uninjured, undestroyed
     mfn. unoffered
     mfn. undivided, unpartitioned
     mfn. unestablished, unproved.
anuddhṛtābhyastamaya an-uddhṛtābhyastamaya m. sunset (abhy-astamaya) taking place whilst the Āhavanīya fire continues unremoved from the Gārhapatya KātyŚr.

anudbhaṭa an-udbhaṭa mfn. not exalted, unassuming.

anudya an-udya mfn. unutterable Pāṇ. 3-1, 101 Sch.

anudyamāna an-udyamāna mfn. not being spoken ŚBr.

anudyata an-udyata mfn. ( yam), inactive, idle, destitute of perseverance.

anudyūta anu-dyūta n. continuation of the play at dice, N. of the chapters 70-79 in the second book of the MBh.

anudyoga an-udyoga m. absence of exertion or effort, inactivity, laziness.

anudyogin an-udyogin mfn. inactive, lazy, indifferent.

anudra an-udra mfn. waterless RV. x, 115, 6.

anudru anu-dru to run after, follow; to accompany; to pursue; to run over in reciting AitBr.

anudruta anu-druta mfn. followed, pursued
     mfn. having followed or pursued
     mfn. accompanied
anudruta anu-druta n. a measure of time in music (half a Druta, or one-fourth of a Mātrā or of the time taken to articulate a short vowel).

anudvāha an-udvāha m. non-marriage, celibacy.

anudvigna an-udvigna mfn. free from apprehension or perplexity, easy in mind Mṛicch. &c.

anudvega an-udvega mfn. free from anxiety
anudvega an-udvega m. freedom from uneasiness.
anudvegakara an-udvega-kara mfn. not causing apprehension, not overawing.

anudviṣ anu-dviṣ to wreak one's anger upon BhP.

anudhanv anu-dhanv (perf. Ā. 3. sg. -dadhanve) to run near RV. ii, 5, 3.

anudham anu-dham (3. pl. dhamanty anu) to sprinkle over RV. viii, 7, 16.

anudhā anu-dhā to add in placing upon Lāṭy.; to stimulate to RV. vi, 36, 2; to concede, allow, (Pass. aor. -dhāyi) RV. vi, 20, 2.

anudhāv anu-dhāv to run after, run up to; to follow; to pursue.

anudhāvana anu-dhāvana n. chasing, pursuing, running after
     n. close pursuit of any object, going after a mistress.

anudhāvita anu-dhāvita mfn. pursued, run after (literally or figuratively).

anudhāv anu-dhāv to cleanse.

anudhāvana anu-dhāvana n. cleaning, purification.

anudhī anu-dhī (p. Ā. -dīdhyāna; impf. P. 3. pl. -dīdhiyuḥ) to think of RV. iii, 4, 7 and x, 40, 10 AV.

anudhūpita anu-dhūpita mfn. ( dhūp), puffed up, proud RV. ii, 30, 10.

anudhe anu-dhe Caus. -dhāpayati, to cause to suck, to put to the breast ŚBr. xiv.

anudhyai anu-dhyai to consider attentively, think of, muse; to miss, Kāṭh; to bear a grudge TS.

anudhyā anu-dhyā f. sorrow AV. vii, 114, 2.

anudhyāna anu-dhyāna n. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude.

anudhyāyin anu-dhyāyin mfn. contemplating, meditating
     mfn. missing MaitrS.

anudhvaṃs anu-dhvaṃs Ā. (perf. -dadhvase) to fall or drop upon TS.

anunad anu-nad to sound towards (acc.): Caus. P. -nādayati, to make resonant or musical.

anunāda anu-nāda m. sound, vibration Śiś.
     m. reverberation, echo.

anunādita anu-nādita mfn. made to resound.

anunādin anu-nādin mfn. resounding, echoing, resonant.

anunand anu-nand to enjoy.

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anunam anu-nam Ā. to incline to RV. v, 32, 10: Caus. P. -nāmayati, to cause to bow BhP.

anunaya anu-naya &c. see anu-nī.

anunāsika anu-nāsika mfn. nasal, uttered through the nose (as one of the five nasal consonants, or a vowel, or the three semivowels y, v, l, under certain circumstances; in the case of vowels and semivowels, the mark [sign] is used to denote this nasalization)
     mfn. the nasal mark [sign]
anunāsika anu-nāsika n. a nasal twang
anunāsika anu-nāsika n. speaking through the nose (a fault in pronunciation).
anunāsikatva anu-nāsika-tva n. nasality.
anunāsikalopa anu-nāsika-lopa m. dropping of a nasal sound or letter.
anunāsikādi m. a compound letter commencing with a nasal.
anunāsikānta m. a radical ending in a nasal.
anunāsikopadha mfn. having a nasal penultimate
     mfn. succeeding a syllable with a nasal sound.

anunikram anu-ni-kram -krāmati (Subj. -krāmāt) to follow in the steps TS. ŚBr.

anunikṣ anu-nikṣ to pierce along AV.

anunitud anu-ni-tud (impf. 3. pl. -atudan) to wound with a stab, goad, PBr.

anunipad anu-ni-pad -padyate, to lie down by the side of ŚBr. Kauś.

anuniyuj anu-ni-yuj to attach to, place under the authority of AitBr. PBr. Kāṭh.

anunirjihāna anu-nir-jihāna mfn. (pr.p. Ā. 2. ), proceeding out of BhP.

anunirdah anu-nir-dah (Imper. 2. sg. -daha) to burn down in succession AV. ix, 2, 9.

anunirdeśa anu-nirdeśa m. description or relation following a previous model.

anunirvap anu-nir-vap to take out from for scattering or sharing subsequently TS. ŚBr. &c.

anunirvāpya anu-nirvāpya mfn. to be taken out and shared subsequently TS.
anunirvāpyā anu-nirvāpyā f. N. of a ceremony, KaushBr.

anunirvā anu-nir-vā -vāti, to become extinct, go out after.

anunivṛj anu-ni-vṛj (impf. 3. sg. -vṛṇak) to plunge into (loc.) RV. vii, 18, 12.

anunivṛt anu-ni-vṛt Caus. -vartayati, to bring back AitBr.

anuniśam anu-ni-śam (ind. p. -śamya) to hear, perceive BhP.; to consider MBh. xii, 6680.

anuniśam anu-niśam ind. every night Kathās. &c.

anuniśītham anu-niśītham ind. at mid night Kir.

anunī anu-nī (Subj. 2. sg. -nayas; aor. Subj. 2. sg. -neṣi, 2 pl. -neṣathā) to bring near, lead to RV.; to induce, win over, conciliate, pacify, supplicate.

anunaya anu-naya m. conciliation, salutation, courtesy, civility, showing respect or adoration to a guest or a deity
     m. humble entreaty or supplication, reverential deportment
     m. regulation of conduct, discipline, tuition
anunaya anu-naya mfn. conciliatory, kind
anunayam anu-nayam ind. fitly becomingly.
anunayapratighaprahāṇa anu-naya-pratigha-prahāṇa n. abandoning the obstacles to conciliatory behaviour Buddh.
anunayāmantrana n. conciliatory address.

anunayamāna anu-nayamāna mfn. conciliating, honouring.

anunayin anu-nayin mfn. courteous, supplicating.

anunāyaka anu-nāyaka mf (ikā) n. submissive, humble.

anunāyikā anu-nāyikā f. a female character subordinate to a nāyikā or leading female character in a drama.

anuninīṣu anu-ninīṣu mfn. desirous of conciliating.

anunīta anu-nīta mfn. disciplined, taught
     mfn. obtained
     mfn. respected
     mfn. pleased, pacified
     mfn. humbly entreated.

anunīti anu-nīti f. conciliation, courtesy, supplication.

anuneya anu-neya mfn. to be conciliated Mṛicch.

anunu anu-nu Intens. (impf. 3 pl. -nonavur; pr. p. nom. pl. m. -nonuvatas) to follow with acclamations of praise RV. i, 80, 9 and viii, 92, 33.

anunṛt anu-nṛt to dance after (acc.) R. Kathās.; to dance before (acc.) MBh.

anunnata an-unnata mfn. not elevated, not lifted up.
anunnatagātra an-unnata-gātra mfn. having limbs that are not too stout, prominent or protuberant Buddh.
anunnatānata mfn. not raised nor lowered, level.

anunmatta an-unmatta mfn. not mad, sane, sober, not wild.

anunmadita an-unmadita mfn. id. AV. vi, 111, 1-4.

anunmāda an-unmāda m. not being mad, soberness MaitrS.
anunmāda an-unmāda m. (mfn.) = an-unmatta.

anupakārin an-upakārin mfn. not assisting, disobliging, ungrateful, not making a return for benefits received
     mfn. unserviceable, useless.

anupakṛta an-upakṛta mfn. unassisted.

anupakṣita an-upakṣita mfn. uninjured, undecaying RV. iii, 13, 7 and x, 101, 5 AV. vi, 78, 2.

anupagītam an-upagītam ind. so that no other person accompanies in singing ŚBr.

anupaghātārjita an-upaghātārjita mfn. acquired without detriment (to the paternal estate).

anupaghnat an-upaghnat mfn. not detrimental Mn.
     mfn. not touching Lāṭy.

anupac anu-pac to make ripe by degrees BhP.: Pass. to become ripe by degrees MBh. xiv, 497.

anupajīvanīya an-upajīvanīya mfn. yielding no livelihood, (Compar. -tara, "yielding no livelihood at all") ŚBr. vi
     mfn. having no livelihood ŚBr. vi.

anupaṭh anu-paṭh to say after, read through, repeat BhP. Suśr.

anupaṭhita anu-paṭhita mfn. read through (aloud), recited.

anupaṭhitin anu-paṭhitin m. (one who has read through or recited), proficient, (g. iṣṭādi q.v.)

anupat anu-pat to pass by (acc.) flying ĀśvGṛ.; to fly after, run after, go after, follow: Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -pātaya) to fly along AV. vi, 134, 3; to throw (a person) down together with oneself R.

anupatana anu-patana n. falling on or upon
     n. following
anupatana anu-patana n. (in mathem.) proportion.

anupatita anu-patita mfn. fallen, descended
     mfn. followed.

anupāta anu-pāta see s.v.

anupati anu-pati ind. after the husband KātyŚr.

anupatha anu-patha mfn. following the road RV. v, 52, 10
anupatha anu-patha m. a road followed after another BhP.
anupatha anu-patha m. a servant BhP.
anupatham anu-patham ind. along the road.

anupad anu-pad to follow, attend, be fond of; to enter; to enter upon; to notice, understand; to handle.

anupad anu-pad mfn. coming to pass VS. xv, 8.

anupada anu-pada mfn. following closely L.
anupada anu-pada m. N. of a man or tribe, (g. upakādi q.v.)
anupada anu-pada n. a chorus, refrain, burden of a song or words sung again after regular intervals
anupada anu-pada n. N. of an Upāṅga belonging to the Sāma-veda, (am) ind. step by step
anupada anu-pada n. word for word
anupada anu-pada n. on the heels of, close behind or after. -sūtra n. a commentary explaining the text (of a Brāhmaṇa) word for word.

anupadavī anu-padavī f. a road followed after another BhP.

anupadin anu-padin m. a searcher, an inquirer, one who follows or seeks for Pāṇ. 5-2, 90.

anupadīnā f. a boot, buskin Pāṇ. 5-2, 9.

anupadasta an-upadasta ([Kauś.]) or an-upadasya ([ŚāṅkhŚr.]) or an-upadasyat ([TS.]) or an-upadasvat ([AV.]) or an upadāsuka ([TS.]) mfn. not drying up, not decaying.

anupadiṣṭa an-upadiṣṭa mfn. untaught, uninstructed.

anupadeṣṭṛ an-upadeṣṭṛ m. one who does not teach.

anupadha an-upadha m. "having no penultimate", a letter or syllable (as a sibilant or h) not preceded by another.

anupadhiśeṣa an-upadhi-śeṣa mfn. in whom there is no longer a condition of individuality Buddh.

anupanāha an-upanāha m. want of close attachment or adherence (?) Buddh.

anupanyasta an-upanyasta mfn. not laid down clearly, not established Yājñ.

anupanyāsa an-upanyāsa m. failure of proof or determination, uncertainty, doubt.

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anupapatti an-upapatti f. non-accomplishment
     f. failure of proof
     f. inconclusive argumentation
     f. irrelevancy, inapplicability
     f. insufficiency of means, adversity.

anupapanna an-upapanna mfn. not done, unaccomplished, uneffected
     mfn. unproved
     mfn. irrelevant, inconclusive, inapplicable
     mfn. impossible
     mfn. inadequately supported.

anupapādaka an-upapādaka m. pl. "having no material parent", N. of a class of Buddhas, called Dhyānibuddhas.

anupaplava an-upaplava mfn. free from disaster or overwhelming calamity.

anupapluta an-upapluta mfn. not overwhelmed (with calamity).

anupabādha an-upabādha mf (ā) n. unobstructed ŚBr.

anupabhukta an-upabhukta mfn. unenjoyed, unpossessed.

anupabhujyamāna an-upabhujyamāna mfn. not being enjoyed.

anupama an-upama mf (ā) n. incomparable, matchless
     mf (ā) n. excellent, best
anupama an-upama mf (ā) n. (ā) f. the female elephant of the south-east or of the north-east.
anupamamati an-upama-mati m. N. of a contemporary of Śākya-muni.

anupamita an-upamita mfn. uncompared, matchless.

anupameya an-upameya mfn. incomparable.

anupamardana an-upamardana n. non-demolition or refutation of a charge.

anupayukta an-upayukta mfn. unsuited, unsuitable, improper
     mfn. useless, unserviceable

anupayoga an-upayoga m. unserviceableness, uselessness.

anupayogin an-upayogin mfn. unsuitable, useless.

anuparata an-uparata mfn. uninterrupted, not stopped.

anuparāgam anu-parā-gam to follow one who is escaping MaitrS.

anuparāpat anu-parā-pat to fly or hasten by the side of another AitBr.

anuparābhū anu-parā-bhū to spoil or destroy after another TS. AitBr.: Caus. -bhāvayati id. TS.

anuparāmṛś anu-parā-mṛś to seize ŚBr.

anuparāsru anu-parā-sru (said of a leaky vessel) to flow with water subsequently Kāṭh.

anuparikṛṛ anu-pari-kṛṛ to scatter alongside, to bestrew Kauś.

anuparikram anu-pari-kram to walk round in order, to make the circuit of, visit in a regular round.

anuparikramaṇa anu-parikramaṇa n. walking round in order AitĀr.

anuparikrāmam anu-parikrāmam ind. while walking round in order TS. ŚBr. PārGṛ.

anuparigā anu-pari-gā to make the round of, traverse MBh.

anuparicāram anu-paricāram ind. = anuparikrāmam KapS.

anupariṇī anu-pari-ṇī () to lead or carry about Kauś.

anuparidhi anu-paridhi ind. along or at the three Paridhis of the sacrificial fire KātyŚr.

anuparipāṭikrama anu-paripāṭi-krama m. regular order VarBṛS.

anupariyā anu-pari-yā to pass through in order ĀśvGṛ.

anuparivṛt anu-pari-vṛt to return, be repeated ŚBr. xiv.

anupariśrit anu-pariśrit ind. along or at the surrounding fence KātyŚr.

anuparisru anu-pari-sru to run after BhP.

anuparihāram anu-pari-hāram ind. surrounding TS.

anuparī anu-parī (i), -pary-eti (3. pl. -pari-yanti AV. xv, 17, 8, irreg. -paryanti Kauś.), to follow in going round, to make the round of.

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anupare anu-pare (-parā- i), (Imper. 2. sg. -parehi; impf. -paraīt) to follow in walking off RV. x, 18, 1 TS.

anuparyāgā anu-pary-ā-gā (aor. 3. pl. -āgur) to revolve, return to AitBr.

anuparyādhā anu-pary-ā-dhā (Pot. -dadhyāt) to place round in order AitBr.

anuparyāvṛt anu-pary-ā-vṛt to follow in going off, to follow TS. ŚBr. AitBr.

anuparyukṣ anu-pary-ukṣ to sprinkle round Gobh. Gaut.

anuparye anu-pary-e (-ā-i), -pary-aiti, to make the whole round of ŚBr. &c.

anupalakṣita an-upalakṣita mfn. untraced, unperceived, unmarked, indiscriminated.

anupalakṣya an-upalakṣya mfn. not to be traced, imperceptible.
anupalakṣyavartman an-upalakṣya-vartman mfn. having ways that cannot be traced.

anupalabdha an-upalabdha mfn. unobtained, unperceived, unascertained.

anupalabdhi an-upalabdhi f. non-perception, non-recognition.
anupalabdhisama an-upalabdhi-sama mf (ā) trying to establish a fact (e.g. the reality and eternity of sound) from the impossibility of perceiving the non perception of it, sophistical argument Nyāyad.

anupalabhyamāna an-upalabhyamāna mfn. not being perceived Pāṇ. 6-3, 80 Sch.

anupalambha an-upalambha m. non-perception.

anupalambhana an-upalambhana n. want of apprehension or knowledge.

anupalābha an-upalābha m. not catching TS.

anupalāla m. N. of a demon dangerous to children AV. viii, 6, 2.

anupavītin an-upavītin m. one uninvested with the sacred thread.

anupaś anu-paś P. Ā. -paśyati, -te, to look at, perceive, notice, discover RV. &c.; to consider, reflect upon (acc.) MBh. &c.; to look upon as, take as ib.; (perf. Ā. p. -paspaśāna) to show (as the path) RV. x, 14, 1 AV. vi, 28, 3; (Nir. x, 20.)

anupaśya anu-paśya mfn. perceiving, seeing Yogas.

anuspaṣṭa anu-spaṣṭa mfn. noticed RV. x, 160, 4.

anupaśaya an-upaśaya m. any aggravating circumstance (in a disease).

anupaśānta an-upaśānta mfn. not calm
anupaśānta an-upaśānta m. N. of a Buddhist mendicant.

anupasarga an-upasarga m. a word that is not an Upasarga q.v., or destitute of one
     m. that which needs no additions (as a divine being)

anupasecana an-upasecana mfn. having nothing that moistens (e.g. no sauce) AV. xi, 3, 24.

anupaskṛta an-upaskṛta mfn. unfinished, unpolished
     mfn. not cooked
     mfn. genuine
     mfn. blameless
     mfn. unrequited.

anupasthāna an-upasthāna n. not coming near Lāṭy.
     n. not being at hand, absence.

anupasthāpana an-upasthāpana n. not placing near, not producing, not offering
     n. not having ready or at hand.

anupasthāpayat an-upasthāpayat mfn. not presenting, not having at hand.

anupasthāpita an-upasthāpita mfn. not placed near, not ready, not at hand, not offered or produced.

anupasthāyin an-upasthāyin mfn. absent, distant.

anupasthita an-upasthita mfn. not come near, not present, not at hand
     mfn. not complete ŚBr.
anupasthita an-upasthita n. a word not upasthita q.v.

anupasthiti an-upasthiti f. absence, not being at hand
     f. incompleteness ŚBr.

anupahata an-upahata mfn. unimpaired, unvitiated
     mfn. not rendered impure.
anupahatakruṣṭa an-upahata-kruṣṭa mfn. whose organs of hearing are unimpaired Buddh.

anupahūta an-upahūta mfn. not called upon or invited ŚBr.
     mfn. not accompanied with invitations ib.

anupahūyamāna an-upahūyamāna mfn. not being invited MaitrS.

anupā anu-pā to drink after or there upon, follow in drinking, drink at; Caus. (Pot. -pāyayet) to cause to drink afterwards ŚBr.

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anupāna anu-pāna n. a fluid vehicle in medicine
     n. drink taken with or after medicine
     n. drink after eating
     n. drink to be had near at hand, (Comm. on) ChUp. i, 10, 3.

anupānīya anu-pānīya n. drink to be had near at hand Comm. on ChUp. i, 10, 3
anupānīya anu-pānīya mfn. fit to be drunk after
     n. serving as a liquid vehicle of medicine.

anupā anu-pā Caus. P. Ā. -pālayati, -te, to preserve, keep, cherish; to wait for, expect.

anupālana anu-pālana n. preserving, keeping up.

anupālayat anu-pālayat mfn. keeping, maintaining.

anupālin anu-pālin mfn. preserving, keeping up.

anupālu anu-pālu n. N. of a plant, wild Calladium (?).

anupākṛta an-upākṛta mfn. not rendered fit for sacrificial purposes Mn. v, 7 Yājñ.
anupākṛtamāṃsa an-upākṛta-māṃsa n. flesh of an animal not prepared for sacrifice.

anupākhya an-upākhya mfn. not clearly discernible Pāṇ. 6-3, 80.

anupāta anu-pāta m. falling subsequently upon, alighting or descending upon in succession
     m. following
     m. going, proceeding in order, or as a consequence
     m. a degree of latitude opposite to one given, the Antaeci (?)
     m. proportion (in arithm.)
     m. arithmetical progression, rule of three.

anupātaka anu-pātaka n. a crime similar to a mahāpātaka q.v. (falsehood, fraud, theft, adultery, &c.)

anupātam anu-pātam ind. in regular succession.

anupātin anu-pātin mfn. following as a consequence or result.

anupāna anu-pāna see 1. anu- 1. .

anupānatka an-upānatka mfn. shoeless KātyŚr.

anupāyin an-upāyin mfn. not using means or expedients.

anupārśva anu-pārśva mfn. along or by the side
     mfn. lateral.

anupāl anu-pāl see 2. anu- 2. .

anupāvṛtta an-upāvṛtta m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

anupāsana an-upāsana n. want of attention to.

anupāsita an-upāsita mfn. not attended to, neglected.

anupiś anu-piś (perf. -pipeśa) to fasten along AV.

anupiṣ anu-piṣ (ind. p. -piṣya) to strike against, to touch KātyŚr.

anupuruṣa anu-puruṣa m. the before mentioned man Pāṇ. 6-2, 190, a follower ib. Sch.

anupuṣ anu-puṣ to go on prospering VS.; to prosper after another (acc.) ṢaḍvBr.

anupuṣpa anu-puṣpa m. a kind of reed (Saccharum Sara Roxb.)

anupū anu-pū Ā. (anu-pavate) to purify in passing along ŚBr.

anupūrva anu-pūrva mf (ā) n. regular, orderly, in successive order from the preceding
anupūrva anu-pūrva mf (ā) n. (am) ind. in regular order, from the first RV. &c.
anupūrva anu-pūrva mf (ā) n. (eṇa) ind. in regular order or succession, from the first, from the beginning, from above downwards.
anupūrvakeśa anu-pūrva-keśa mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha, some of them also to Mahāvīra) Buddh. and Jain.
anupūrvagātra anu-pūrva-gātra mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha, some of them also to Mahāvīra) Buddh. and Jain.
anupūrvadaṃṣṭra anu-pūrva-daṃṣṭra mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha, some of them also to Mahāvīra) Buddh. and Jain.
anupūrvanābhi anu-pūrva-nābhi mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha, some of them also to Mahāvīra) Buddh. and Jain.
anupūrvapāṇilekha anu-pūrva-pāṇi-lekha mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to Buddha, some of them also to Mahāvīra) Buddh. and Jain.
anupūrvaja anu-pūrva-ja mfn. descended in a regular line KātyŚr.
anupūrvavatsā anu-pūrva-vatsā (anupūrva-) f. a cow which calves regularly AV. ix, 5, 29.
anupūrvaśas anu-pūrva-śas ind. = anu-pūrvam.

anupūrvya mfn. regular, orderly KātyŚr.

anupṛkta anu-pṛkta mfn. mixed with MBh.

anupṛṣṭhya anu-pṛṣṭhya mf (ā) n. (held or extended) lengthwise KātyŚr.

anupṛṛ anu-pṛṛ Caus. (Imper. -pūrayatu) to fill Gīt.

anupeta an-upeta ([ŚBr.]) or anupeta-pūrva ([ĀśvGṛ.]), mfn. not yet entered at a teacher's (for instruction).

anupoṣaṇa an-upoṣaṇa n. not fasting.

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anupta an-upta mfn. (2. vap), unsown (as seed).
anuptasasya an-upta-sasya mfn. fallow, meadow (ground, &c.) L.

anuptrima an-uptrima mfn. grown without being sown L.

anuprakamp anu-pra-kamp Caus. (Pot. -kampayet, 3. pl. -yeyur) to follow in shaking or agitating AitBr. ĀpŚr.

anuprach anu-prach (with acc. of the person and thing), to ask, to inquire after.

anupraśna see s.v.

anuprajan anu-pra-jan to be born after; (with prajām) to propagate again and again BhP.: Caus. -janayati, to cause to be born subsequently.

anuprajñā anu-pra-jñā (pr. p. -jānat) to track, trace, discover RV. iii, 26, 8, &c.

anuprajñāna anu-prajñāna n. tracking, tracing.

anupraṇud anu-pra-ṇud (nud) to push away from one's self; to frighten away, put to flight.

anupratikrāmam anu-prati-krāmam ind. ( kram), returning TS. v.

anupratidhā anu-prati-dhā to offer after another (acc.) AitBr. (Pass. -dhīyate).

anupratiṣṭhā anu-prati-ṣṭhā (sthā) to follow in getting a firm footing or in prospering TS. ChUp.: Desid. -tiṣṭhāsati, to wish to get a firm footing after Gobh.

anuprath anu-prath Ā. -prathate, to extend or spread along (acc.) TS.; to praise, (Comm. on) VS. viii, 30.

anupradā anu-pra-dā to surrender, make over Buddh.; to add.

anupradāna anu-pradāna n. a gift, donation Buddh.
     n. addition, increase Prāt.

anupradhāv anu-pra-dhāv to rush after RV. x, 145, 6, &c.: Caus. (perf. -dhāvayāṃ cakāra) to drive after ŚBr.

anupradhāvita anu-pradhāvita mfn. hurried, eager Daś.

anuprapat anu-pra-pat (aor. 3. pl. -paptan) to fly towards RV. vi, 63, 6.

anuprapātam anu-prapātam ind. going in succession Pāṇ. 4-3, 56 Sch.

anuprapad anu-pra-pad to enter or approach or arrive after; to follow, act in conformance to.

anuprapanna anu-prapanna mfn. following after, conformed to.

anuprapādam anu-prapādam ind. going in succession Pāṇ. 4-3, 56 Sch.

anuprapā anu-pra-pā P. (3. pl. -pibanti) to drink one after the other AitBr.; Ā. (3. pl. -pipate [sic] and -pibate) to drink after another (acc.) TS. Kāṭh.

anuprabhā anu-pra-bhā to shine upon TBr.

anuprabhūta anu-pra-bhūta mfn. passing through, penetrating, (anu pra-bhuta) RV. viii, 58, 2
     mfn. penetrated ChUp.

anuprabhūṣ anu-pra-bhūṣ (p. -bhūṣat) to serve, attend, offer RV. ix, 29, 1.

anupramāṇa anu-pramāṇa mfn. having a suitable size or length.

anupramuc anu-pra-muc to let loose or go successively RV. iv, 22, 7.

anupramud anu-pra-mud Caus. -modayati, to consent MārkP.

anuprayam anu-pra-yam to offer TS.

anuprayā anu-pra-yā to follow after TBr.; to start after, accompany.

anuprayuj anu-pra-yuj to employ after, add after (abl.) Pāṇ. to join, follow AV. &c.

anuprayujyamāna anu-prayujyamāna mfn. being employed in addition or after or afterwards.

anuprayoktavya anu-prayoktavya mfn. to be joined or employed in addition or after.

anuprayoga anu-prayoga m. additional use.

anupraruh anu-pra-ruh to grow in accordance with ŚBr.

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anupraroha anu-praroha mfn. coming up or growing in accordance with.

anupravacana anu-pra-vacana n. study of the Veda with a teacher.
anupravacanādi a g. of Pāṇ. 5-1, 111.

anupravacanīya mfn. belonging to, or necessary for anupravacana ĀśvGṛ. Gobh.

anupravad anu-pra-vad to repeat another's words TS. AitBr.; to speak of Nir.: Caus. -vādayati, to cause to resound, to play (an instrument) ŚāṅkhŚr.

anupravah anu-pra-vah to drag (or carry) about; to go or get forward RV. x, 2, 3.

anupraviś anu-pra-viś to follow in entering, enter; to attack.

anupraviśya anu-praviśya ind. p. having entered into.

anupraveśa anu-praveśa m. ([gaṇa anupravacanādi q.v.]) n. entrance into; imitation L.
anupraveśana anu-praveśana ([gaṇa anupravacanādi q.v.]) n. entrance into; imitation L.

anupraveśanīya anu-praveśanīya mfn. connected with entering, (g. anupravacanādi q.v.)

anupravṛj anu-pra-vṛj -pra-vṛṇakti, to send or throw after ŚBr.

anupravṛt anu-pra-vṛt (impf. -prāvartata; perf. -vāvṛte) to proceed along or after RV.

anupravṛtta anu-pravṛtta mfn. following after (acc.) BhP.

anupravraj anu-pra-vraj to follow into exile R. v, 36, 61.

anupraśuc anu-pra-śuc -śocate, to regret or mourn deeply MBh.

anupraśna anu-praśna m. a subsequent question (having reference to what has been previously said by the teacher).

anuprasañj anu-pra-sañj to adhere to, fasten ŚBr.

anuprasakta anu-prasakta mfn. strongly attached Śiś.

anuprasakti anu-prasakti f. close connection with.

anuprasad anu-pra-sad to be content or satisfied with (acc.)

anuprasūta anu-prasūta mfn. (4. su), created afterwards MBh. xiii, 7361.

anuprasṛ anu-pra-sṛ Caus. (impf. 3. pl. -prāsārayanta) to extend over RV. x, 56, 5: Intens. part. -sarsrāṇa, moving along (acc.) RV. v, 44, 3.

anuprasṛp anu-pra-sṛp to creep towards or after TS. ŚBr.: Caus. (Opt. 3. pl. -sarpayeyuḥ) to cause to pass round (acc.), AśvSr.

anuprastṛ anu-pra-stṛ to scatter along or upon Kauś.

anuprasthā anu-pra-sthā to start after another: Caus. -sthāpayati, to cause to follow BhP.

anuprastha anu-prastha mfn. latitudinal
     mfn. according to width, following the breadth or latitude.

anuprahita anu-pra-hita mfn. ( hi), sent after Uttarar.

anuprahṛ anu-pra-hṛ to throw into the fire TS. ŚBr. &c.

anupraharaṇa anu-praharaṇa n. throwing into the fire ŚBr. &c.

anuprāṇ anu-prāṇ (an) cl.2.P. -prāṇiti, to breathe after TUp.

anuprāp anu-prāp (āp) to come or go up to, reach, attain; to arrive; to get; to get back; to get by imitating.

anuprāpta anu-prāpta mfn. arrived, returned
     mfn. obtained
     mfn. having reached, having got.

anuprās anu-prās (2. as), -prāsyati, to throw after ŚBr. KātyŚr.

anuprāsa anu-prāsa m. alliteration, repetition of similar letters, syllables, and words Kpr. &c.

anupre anu-pre (i) cl.2.P. -praiti, to follow RV. &c.; to follow in death ŚBr.; to seek after AV. AitBr.

anuprekṣ anu-prekṣ (ikṣ) to follow with the eyes.

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anupreṣ anu-preṣ (iṣ), Caus. P. -preṣayati to send forth after.

anupraiṣa anu-praiṣa m. a subsequent invitation ŚBr.

anuproh anu-proh (1. ūh), to insert ĀpŚr.

anuplu anu-plu to float (as clouds) after; to follow.

anuplava anu-plava m. a companion or follower Ragh.

anubandh anu-bandh to attach, tie; to bind (by an obligation); to stick, adhere, follow, endure; to be followed by BhP.

anubaddha anu-baddha mfn. bound to, obliged to, connected with, related to, belonging to
     mfn. followed by.

anubadhnat anu-badhnat mfn. following, seeking Kir.

anubandha anu-bandha m. binding, connection, attachment
     m. encumbrance
     m. clog
     m. uninterrupted succession
     m. sequence, consequence, result
     m. intention, design
     m. motive, cause
     m. obstacle
     m. inseparable adjunct or sign of anything, secondary or symptomatic affection (supervening on the principal disease)
     m. an indicatory letter or syllable attached to roots, &c. (marking some peculiarity in their inflection; e.g. an i attached to roots, denotes the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant)
     m. a child or pupil who imitates an example set by a parent or preceptor
     m. commencement, beginning
     m. anything small or little, a part, a small part
anubandha anu-bandha m. (in arithm.) the junction of fractions
anubandha anu-bandha m. (in phil.) an indispensable element of the Vedānta
anubandhī anu-bandhī f. hickup L.
     m. thirst L.

anubandhaka anu-bandhaka mf (ikā) n. connected, allied
     mf (ikā) n. related.

anubandhana anu-bandhana n. binding, connection, succession, unbroken series.

anubandhin anu-bandhin mfn. connected with, attached
     mfn. having in its train or as a consequence, resulting
     mfn. continuous, lasting, permanent.
anubandhitva anubandhi-tva n. the state of being accompanied or attended or followed.

anubandhya anu-bandhya mfn. principal, primary, liable to receive an adjunct (as a root, a disease) (cf. anū-bandhya.)

anubala anu-bala n. rear-guard, an auxiliary army following another.

anubādh anu-bādh Pass. (p -bādhyamāna) to be oppressed or tormented Rājat. Kathās.

anubudh anu-budh to awake; to recollect; to learn (by information): Caus. -bodhayati, to communicate, to remind, Sāk.

anubodha anu-bodha m. recollection
     m. an after-thought L.
     m. reviving the scent of a faded perfume, replacing perfumes.

anubodhana anu-bodhana n. recollecting, reminding.

anubodhita anu-bodhita mfn. reminded
     mfn. convinced by recollection.

anubrāhmaṇa anu-brāhmaṇa n. a work resembling a Brāhmaṇa Pāṇ. 4-2, 62
anubrāhmaṇam anu-brāhmaṇam ind. according to the Brāhmaṇa Lāṭy.

anubrāhmaṇika anu-brāhmaṇika ([Comm. on Lāṭy.]) ([AśvŚr. Vait.]) m. a knower of an anu-brāhmaṇa.
anubrāhmaṇin anu-brāhmaṇin ([AśvŚr. Vait.]) m. a knower of an anu-brāhmaṇa.

anubrū anu-brū cl.2.P. -bravīti to pronounce, recite; to utter; to address, invite (with dat.) ŚBr. &c.; to repeat another's words, learn by heart (by repeating another's words) RV. v, 44, 13 ŚBr.

anubhaj anu-bhaj to worship BhP.

anubhā anu-bhā to shine after another (acc.) RV. iii, 6, 7 Up.

anubhāṣ anu-bhāṣ to speak to, address; to confess.

anubhāṣaṇa anu-bhāṣaṇa am. see an-anubhāṣaṇa.

anubhāṣitṛ anu-bhāṣitṛ mfn. speaking to, saying Ragh.

anubhāsa anu-bhāsa m. a kind of crow.

anubhid anu-bhid to split or break along ŚBr.

anubhitti anu-bhitti ind. along a mat KātyŚr.

anubhuj anu-bhuj to suffer the consequence of one's actions; to enjoy successively Kum.; to enjoy, participate; to pass (an asterism) BhP.

anubhoga anu-bhoga m. (in law) enjoyment, a grant of hereditary land in return for service.

anubhū anu-bhū to enclose, embrace ChUp.; to be after, attain, equal RV. &c.; to be useful, to help ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.; to turn or incline to RV. x, 147, 1; to notice, perceive, understand; to experience, to attempt.

anubhava anu-bhava m. perception, apprehension, fruition
     m. understanding
     m. impression on the mind not derived from memory
     m. experience, knowledge derived from personal observation or experiment
     m. result, consequence.
anubhavasiddha anu-bhava-siddha mfn. established by experience or perception.
anubhavārūḍha mfn. subjected to trial or experiment.

anubhāva anu-bhāva m. sign or indication of a feeling (bhāva) by look or gesture Kpr. &c.
     m. dignity, authority, consequence
     m. firm opinion, ascertainment, good resolution, belief.

anubhāvaka anu-bhāvaka mf (ikā) n. causing to apprehend, making to understand.
anubhāvakatā anu-bhāvaka-tā f. understanding.

anubhāvana anu-bhāvana n. the act of indicating feelings by sign or gesture Sāh.

anubhāvin anu-bhāvin mfn. perceiving, knowing
     mfn. being an eye-witness Mn. viii, 69 Āp.
     mfn. showing signs of feeling.

anubhū anu-bhū mfn. perceiving, understanding (ifc.)

anubhūta anu-bhūta mfn. perceived, understood, apprehended
     mfn. resulted, followed as a consequence
     mfn. that has experienced, tasted, tried or enjoyed.

anubhūti anu-bhūti f. perception
     f. knowledge from any source but memory
anubhūti anu-bhūti f. (in phil.) knowledge gained by means of the four Pramāṇas (perception by the senses, inference, comparison, and verbal authority)
     f. dignity, consequence.
anubhūtiprakāśa anu-bhūti-prakāśa m. N. of a metrical paraphrase of the twelve principal Upanishads by Vidyāraṇya-muni.
anubhūtisvarūpācārya anu-bhūti-svarūpācārya m. N. of the author of the grammar Sārasvatī-prakriyā.

anubhūya anu-bhūya ind. having experienced.

anubhūyamāna anu-bhūyamāna mfn. being under trial
     mfn. being experienced or enjoyed.

anubhṛ anu-bhṛ to support Kāṭh.; to insert, enter RV. x, 61, 5 AV.

anubhartṛ anu-bhartṛ mf (trī) n. supporting, strengthening (Gmn.), penetrating (NBD.) RV. i, 88, 6.

anubhrāj anu-bhrāj to illuminate.

anubhrātṛ anu-bhrātṛ m. a younger brother.

anumad anu-mad to rejoice over, to gladden, to praise RV. &c.

anumādya anu-mādya (4, 5) mfn. to be praised in succession, to be granted with acclamation or praise RV. AV.

anumadhyama anu-madhyama mfn. next oldest to the middle Pāṇ. 6-2, 189 Sch.

anuman anu-man to approve, assent to, permit, grant: Caus. P. -mānayati, to ask for permission or leave, ask for (acc.) Yājñ.; to honour.

anumata anu-mata mfn. approved, assented to, permitted, allowed, agreeable, pleasant
     mfn. loved, beloved
     mfn. concurred with, being of one opinion
anumata anu-mata n. consent, permission, approbation
anumata anu-mata mfn. (e) loc. ind. with consent of.
anumatakarmakārin anu-mata-karma-kārin mfn. doing what is allowed. acting according to an agreement.

anumati anu-mati f. assent, permission, approbation
     f. personified as a goddess RV. AV. &c.
     f. the fifteenth day of the moon's age (on which it rises one digit less than full, when the gods or manes receive oblations with favour)
     f. also personified as a goddess VP., oblation made to this goddess.
anumatipattra anu-mati-pattra n. (in law) a deed expressing assent.

anumanana anu-manana n. assenting Nir.

anumantṛ anu-mantṛ mfn. consenting to, permitting TBr. &c.

anumanyamāna anu-manyamāna mfn. minding, assenting.

anumāna anu-māna m. permission, consent TBr. Kāṭh.

anumantr anu-mantr to accompany with or consecrate by magic formulas; to dismiss with a blessing.

anumantraṇa anu-mantraṇa n. consecration by hymns and prayers.
anumantraṇamantra anu-mantraṇa-mantra m. a hymn used in consecrating.

anumantrita anu-mantrita mfn. so consecrated.

anumaraṇa anu-maraṇa see anu-mṛ.

anumaru anu-maru m. (used in the pl.) a country next to a desert R. iv, 43, 19.

anumā anu-mā Intens. (impf. amīmed anu) to roar or bleat towards RV. i, 164, 28.

anumā anu-mā to be behind in measure, to be unable to equal RV.; to infer, conclude, guess, conjecture: Pass. -mīyate, to be inferred or supposed.

anumā anu-mā f. inference, a conclusion from given premises.

anumāna anu-māna n. the act of inferring or drawing a conclusion from given premises
     n. inference, consideration, reflection
     n. guess, conjecture
     n. one of the means of obtaining true knowledge (see pramāṇa).
anumānakhaṇḍa anu-māna-khaṇḍa n. works on anumāna.
anumānacintāmaṇi anu-māna-cintāmaṇi m. works on anumāna.
anumānaprakāśa anu-māna-prakāśa m. works on anumāna.
anumānamaṇidīdhiti anu-māna-maṇi-dīdhiti f. a similar work written by Raghunātha.
anumānokti f. inferential argument, reasoning.

anumāpaka anu-māpaka mf (ikā) n. causing an inference (as an effect).

anumita anu-mita mfn. inferred, conjectured.

anumiti anu-miti f. conclusion from given premises.

anumimāna anu-mimāna mfn. p. Ā. concluding, inferring.

anumīyamāna anu-mīyamāna mfn. Pass. p. being inferred.

anumeya anu-meya mfn. to be measured AV. vi, 137, 2
     mfn. inferable, to be inferred, proved or conjectured.

anumādya anu-mādya see anu-mad.

anumāṣam anu-māṣam ind. like a kidney bean, (g. parimukhādi q.v.)

anumid anu-mid -medyati, to become fat after another TBr.

anumud anu-mud to join in rejoicing RV. viii, 1, 14, &c.; to sympathize with, to rejoice; to allow with pleasure, express approval, applaud, permit: Caus. -modayati, to express approval, permit.

anumoda anu-moda m. a subsequent pleasure, the feeling of pleasure from sympathy.

anumodaka anu-modaka mf (ikā) n. assenting, showing sympathetic joy.

anumodana anu-modana n. pleasing, causing pleasure, applauding
     n. assent, acceptance
     n. sympathetic joy.

anumodita anu-modita mfn. pleased, delighted, applauded
     mfn. agreeable, acceptable.

anumuh anu-muh to feel distressed at, to be troubled about or after another MBh. i, 143.

anumṛ anu-mṛ to follow in death TBr. &c.

anumaraṇa anu-maraṇa n. following in death
     n. post-cremation or concremation of a widow
     n. the burning of a widow with (her husband's corpse or with part of his dress when his body is not on the spot; cf. saha-maraṇa).

anumariṣyat anu-mariṣyat mfn. about to follow in death.

anumṛtā anu-mṛtā f. the woman who burns with a part of her husband's dress.

anumṛgya mfn. ( mṛg), to be sought after BhP.
anumṛgyadāśu anumṛgya-dāśu mfn. granting all that is sought.

anumṛj anu-mṛj to rub lengthways for polishing or cleaning AV. ŚBr. &c. Intens. part. -marmṛjāna, stretching (the arms) repeatedly towards RV. x, 142, 5.

anumṛś anu-mṛś to grasp, seize RV. &c.; to consider, think of, reflect: Caus. -marśayati, to touch or take hold of for the sake of examining Kāṭh.

anumarśam anu-marśam ind. so as to seize or take hold of ŚBr. KātyŚr.

anumluc anu-mluc (only used for the etymol. of anu-mlocantī, below), to rise from the resting-place (?) ŚBr.

anumlocantī anu-mlocantī ([VS.]) ([Hariv.]) f. N. of an Apsaras.
anumlocā anu-mlocā ([Hariv.]) f. N. of an Apsaras.

anuyajus anu-yajus ind. according to the Yajus-formula KātyŚr.

anuyāga anu-yāga m. a subsequent or after sacrifice Pāṇ. 7-3, 62 Sch.

anuyāja anu-yāja m. a secondary or final sacrifice RV. x, 51, 8 &9 and 182, 2 ŚBr. &c.
anuyājaprasava anu-yāja-prasava m. permission to perform an Anuyāja KātyŚr.
anuyājapraiṣa anu-yāja-praiṣa m. pl. the formulas belonging to the Anuyāja KātyŚr.
anuyājavat anu-yāja-vat (anuyāja-) mfn. having secondary sacrifices MaitrS. AitBr.
anuyājānumantraṇa n. reciting those formulas KātyŚr.
anuyājārtha mfn. belonging to or used at an Anuyāja KātyŚr.

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anuyat anu-yat Ā. -yatate, to strive to attain to or to reach RV. ix, 92, 3.

anuyam anu-yam (3. pl. -yacchanti; Imper. -yacchatu; p. fem. -yacchamānā) to direct, guide, give a direction to RV. i, 123, 13; iv, 57, 7 and vi, 75, 6; (perf. 3. pl. -yemuḥ Ā. 3. du. -yemāte) to follow RV.

anuyata anu-yata mfn. followed (in hostile manner) RV. v, 41, 13.

anuyavam anu-yavam ind. like barley, (g. parimukhādi, q.v.)

anuyā anu-yā to go towards or after, follow; to imitate, equal.

anuyā anu-yā mfn. following VS. xv, 6.

anuyāta anu-yāta mfn. following
     mfn. followed
     mfn. practised.

anuyātavya anu-yātavya mfn. to be followed.

anuyātṛ anu-yātṛ m. a follower, companion.

anuyātra anu-yātra f (ā) n. retinue, attendance
     f (ā) n. that which is required for a journey.

anuyātrika anu-yātrika mfn. following, attendant Śāk.

anuyāna anu-yāna n. going after, following.

anuyāyin anu-yāyin mfn. going after
     mfn. a follower, a dependant, attendant
     mfn. following, consequent upon.
anuyāyitā anuyāyi-tā f. succession.
anuyāyitva anuyāyi-tva n. succession.

anuyuj anu-yuj to join again ŚBr. AitBr.; to question, examine; to order; to enjoin: Caus. -yojayati, to place upon; to add Kauś.: Desid. -yuyukṣati, to intend to question MBh.

anuyukta anu-yukta mfn. ordered, enjoined
     mfn. asked, inquired
     mfn. examined, questioned
     mfn. reprehended.

anuyuktin anu-yuktin m. one who has enjoined, examined, (gaṇaiṣṭādi q.v.)

anuyugam anu-yugam ind. according to the Yugas or four ages Mn. i, 84.

anuyoktṛ anu-yoktṛ m. an examiner, inquirer, teacher.

anuyoga anu-yoga m. a question, examination
     m. censure, reproof Nyāyad.
     m. religious meditation, spiritual union.
anuyogakṛt anu-yoga-kṛt m. an Ācārya or spiritual teacher.

anuyogin anu-yogin mfn. ifc. combining, uniting
     mfn. connected with
     mfn. questioning.

anuyojana anu-yojana n. question, questioning.

anuyojya anu-yojya mfn. to be examined or questioned Mn.
     mfn. to be enjoined or ordered
     mfn. censurable
     mfn. a servant, agent, delegate Śāk.

anuyū anu-yū mfn. (2. yu), depending, dependent ŚBr. xi.

anuyūpam anu-yūpam ind. along the Yūpa or sacrificial post, (g. parimukhādi q.v.)

anurakṣ anu-rakṣ to guard while following ŚāṅkhŚr.; to guard, take care of.

anurakṣaṇa anu-rakṣaṇa n. the act of guarding.

anurajju anu-rajju ind. along the rope KātyŚr.

anurañj anu-rañj to become red in imitation of; to be attached or devoted: Caus. P. -rañjayati, to win, conciliate, gratify.

anurakta anu-rakta mfn. fond of, attached, pleased
     mfn. beloved.
anuraktapraja anu-rakta-praja mfn. beloved by his subjects.
anuraktaloka anu-rakta-loka m. a person to whom every one is attached.

anurakti anu-rakti f. affection, love, devotion.

anurañjaka anu-rañjaka mf (ikā) n. attaching, conciliating.

anurañjana anu-rañjana n. the act of attaching or conciliating affection, love
     n. pleasing.

anurañjita anu-rañjita mfn. conciliated, delighted.

anurāga anu-rāga m. attachment, affection, love, passion
     m. red colour Śiś. ix, 8, &c.
anurāgavat anu-rāga-vat mfn. affectionate, attached, in love with
     mfn. red Śiś. ix, 10 &c.
anurāgeṅgita n. gesture expressive of passion.

anurāgin anu-rāgin mfn. impassioned, attached
     mfn. causing love
anurāgiṇī anu-rāgiṇī f. personification of a musical note.
anuragitā anuragi-tā f. the state of being in love with.

anuraṇana anu-raṇana n. sounding conformably to, echoing Sāh.

anuratha anu-ratha m. N. of a son of Kuruvatsa and father of Puruhotra VP.
anuratham anu-ratham ind. behind the carriage Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch.

anurathyā anu-rathyā f. a path along the margin of a road, side road R. ii, 6, 17.

anuram anu-ram P. -ramati, to cease to go or continue, stop ŚāṅkhŚr.: Ā. to be fond of

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anurata anu-rata mfn. fond of, attached to.

anurati anu-rati f. love, affection
     f. attachment.

anuras anu-ras to answer to a cry or to a sound.

anurasita anu-rasita n. echo Mālatīm. Uttarar.

anurasa anu-rasa m. (in poetry) a subordinate feeling or passion
     m. a secondary flavour (as a little sweetness in a sour fruit, &c.) Suśr. &c.

anurahasam anu-rahasam ind. in secret, apart Pāṇ. 5-4, 81.

anurāj anu-rāj to be brilliant or shine in accordance with (said of corresponding metres) RV.

anurātram anu-rātram ind. in the night AitBr.

anurādh anu-rādh to carry to an end; to finish with (gen.) TBr.

anurāddha anu-rāddha mfn. effected, accomplished
     mfn. obtained BhP.

anurādha anu-rādha mfn. see anūrādha
     mfn. born under the asterism Anurādhā Pāṇ. 4-3, 34
anurādha anu-rādha m. N. of a Buddhist
anurādha anu-rādha m. pl. and (ā) ([AV. &c.]) f. the seventeenth of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or lunar mansions (a constellation described as a line of oblations).
anurādhagrāma anu-rādha-grāma m. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by the above-named Anurādha.
anurādhapura anu-rādha-pura n. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by the above-named Anurādha.

anuric anu-ric Pass. -ricyate, to be emptied after TS.

anuriṣ anu-riṣ cl.4.P. -riṣyati, to be injured after (acc.) ChUp.

anurī anu-rī cl.4.Ā. -rīyate, to flow after RV. i, 85, 3; (p. -rīyamāṇa) VS. x, 19.

anuru anu-ru to imitate the cry or answer to the cry of (acc.)

anuruta anu-ruta mfn. resounding with VarBṛS.

anuru an-uru mf (us or vi) n. not great.

anuruc anu-ruc Caus. P. -rocayati, to choose, prefer MBh.

anurud anu-rud to lament, bewail.

anurudh anu-rudh to bar (as a way) MBh. xiii, 1649; to surround, confine, overcome BhP. &c.; cl.4.Ā. -rudhyate or ep. P. -rudhyati (2. sg. -rudhyase RV. viii, 43, 9, &c.), to adhere to, be fond of, love; to coax, soothe, entreat.

anuruddha anu-ruddha mfn. checked, opposed
     mfn. soothed, pacified
anuruddha anu-ruddha m. N. of a cousin of Śākyamuni.

anurudh anu-rudh mfn. adhering to, loving VS. xxx, 9 (cf. anū-rudh.)

anurodha anu-rodha m. obliging or fulfilling the wishes (of any one)
     m. obligingness, compliance
     m. consideration, respect
     m. reference or bearing of a rule.

anurodhana anu-rodhana n. obliging or fulfilling the wishes of
     n. means for winning the affection of. AV.

anurodhin anu-rodhin mfn. complying with, compliant, obliging, having respect or regard to.
anurodhitā f. the state of being so Kathās.

anuruh anu-ruh P. to ascend, mount RV. x, 13, 3: Ā. to grow RV.

anuruhā anu-ruhā f. a grass (Cyperus Pertenius).

anuroha anu-roha m. mounting or growing up to MaitrS. PBr.

anurūpa anu-rūpa mfn. following the form, conformable, corresponding, like, fit, suitable
     mfn. adapted to, according to
anurūpa anu-rūpa m. the Antistrophe which has the same metre as the Stotriya or Strophe
anurūpa anu-rūpa m. the second of three verses recited together
anurūpa anu-rūpa n. conformity, suitability
anurūpa anu-rūpa n. (am, eṇa) ind. ifc. conformably, according.
anurūpaceṣṭa anu-rūpa-ceṣṭa mfn. endeavouring to act becomingly.
anurūpatas anu-rūpa-tas ind. conformably.

anurevatī anu-revatī f. N. of a plant.

anulakṣya anu-lakṣya ind. p. conforming to.

anulagna anu-lagna mfn. attached to
     mfn. followed
     mfn. intent on, pursuing after.

anulabh anu-labh to grasp or take hold of (from behind) ŚBr. KātyŚr.: Desid. -lipsate, to intend to grasp ib.

anulā f. N. of a female Arhat or Buddhist saint
     f. also of a queen of Ceylon.

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anulāpa anu-lāpa m. ( lap), repetition of what has been said, tautology.

anulāsa anu-lāsa or -lāsya m. a peacock.

anulip anu-lip P. to anoint, besmear; Ā. to anoint one's self after (bathing): Caus. -lepayati, to cause to be anointed.

anulipta anu-lipta mfn. smeared, anointed.
anuliptāṅga mfn. having the limbs anointed.

anulepa anu-lepa m. unction, anointing, bedaubing.

anulepaka anu-lepaka mfn. anointing the body with unguents L.
anulepikā anu-lepikā f. (g. mahiṣy-ādi q.v.)

anulepana anu-lepana n. anointing the body
     n. unguent so used
     n. oily or emollient application.

anulī anu-lī to disappear after BhP.

anulubh anu-lubh Caus. -lobhayati, to long for, desire R.

anuloma anu-loma mf (ā) n. "with the hair or grain" (opposed to prati-loma q.v.), in a natural direction, in order, regular, successive
     mf (ā) n. conformable
anuloma anu-loma mf (ā) n. (ā) f. a woman of a lower caste than that of the man's with whom she is connected Yājñ.
anuloma anu-loma m. "descendants of an anulomā", mixed castes, (g. upakādi q.v.)
anuloma anu-loma mf (ā) n. (am) ind. in regular order ŚBr. &c.
anulomakalpa anu-loma-kalpa m. the thirty-fourth of the Atharvapariśiṣṭas.
anulomakṛṣṭa anu-loma-kṛṣṭa mfn. ploughed in the regular direction (with the grain).
anulomaja anu-loma-ja mfn. offspring of a mother inferior in caste to the father ([Mn. Yājñ.]), (as the Mūrdhāvasikta of a Brāhman father and Kṣatriyā mother, and so on with the Ambaṣṭha Niṣāda or Pāraśava, Māhiṣya, Ugra, Karaṇa.)
anulomapariṇītā anu-loma-pariṇītā f. married in regular gradation.
anulomāya mfn. having fortune favourable.
anulomārtha mfn. one who holds favourable views on any question.

anulomana anu-lomana n. due regulation, sending or putting in the right direction Suśr.
     n. carrying off by the right channels, purging Suśr.

anulomaya anu-lomaya Nom. P. anu-lomayati, to stroke or rub with the hair Pāṇ. 3-1, 25 Sch.; to send in the right direction or so as to carry off by the right channels Suśr.

anulbaṇa an-ulbaṇa mf (ā) n. not excessive, not prominent, keeping the regular measure RV. &c.

anuvaṃśa anu-vaṃśa m. a genealogical list or table
     m. collateral branch of a family Hariv.
anuvaṃśam anu-vaṃśam ind. according to race or family
anuvaṃśa anu-vaṃśa m. (mf (ā) n.), of a corresponding family, of equal birth.

anuvaṃśya mfn. relating to a genealogical list.

anuvakra anu-vakra mfn. somewhat crooked or oblique.
anuvakraga anu-vakra-ga mfn. having a somewhat oblique course (as a planet, &c.) Suśr.

anuvac anu-vac to recite the formulas inviting to the sacrificial ceremony; to repeat, reiterate, recite; to communicate; to study: Caus. -vacayati, to cause to recite the inviting formulas, to cause to invite for some sacrificial act KātyŚr.

anuvaktavya anu-vaktavya mfn. to be repeated ŚBr.

anuvaktṛ anu-vaktṛ mfn. speaking after
     mfn. replying.

anuvacana anu-vacana n. speaking after, repetition, reciting, reading
     n. lecture
     n. a chapter, a section
     n. recitation of certain texts in conformity with injunctions (praiṣa) spoken by other priests.

anuvacanīya anu-vacanīya mfn. referring to the anuvacana, (g. anupravacanādi q.v.)

anuvāka anu-vāka m. saying after, reciting, repeating, reading
     m. a chapter of the Vedas, a subdivision or section.
anuvākasaṅkhyā anu-vāka-saṅkhyā f. the fourth of the eighteen Pariśiṣṭas of the Yajur-veda.
anuvākānukramaṇī f. a work referring to the Ṛig-veda, attributed to Śaunaka.

anuvākya anu-vākya mfn. to be recited TBr.
     mfn. to be repeated, reiterated Gobh.
anuvākya anu-vākyā f. the verse to be recited by the Hotṛi or Maitrāvaruṇa priest, in which the god is invoked to partake of the offering intended for him ŚBr.
anuvākyavat anuvākya-vat ([ŚBr.]) ([AśvŚr.]) mfn. furnished or accompanied with an Anuvākyā.
anuvākyāvat anuvākyā-vat ([AśvŚr.]) mfn. furnished or accompanied with an Anuvākyā.

anuvāc anu-vāc f. = anu-vākyā ŚBr. AitBr.

anuvācana anu-vācana n. the act of causing the Hotṛi to recite the passages of the Ṛig-veda in obedience to the injunction (praiṣa) of the Adhvaryu priest KātyŚr.
anuvācanapraiṣa anu-vācana-praiṣa m. an injunction to recite as above KātyŚr.

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anūkta &c. see s.v., p.42.

anuvatsara anu-vatsara m. the fourth year in the Vedic cycle of five years TBr. &c.
     m. a year L.
anuvatsaram anu-vatsaram ind. every year, yearly.

anuvatsarīṇa ([TBr. &c.]) ([MānŚr.]) mfn. referring to the anuvatsara.
anuvatsarīya ([MānŚr.]) mfn. referring to the anuvatsara.

anuvad anu-vad P. (with acc.) to repeat the words of; to imitate (in speaking); to resound; to repeat, insist upon; (according to Pāṇ. 1-3, 49, also Ā. if without object or followed by a Gen.) Pass. (anūdyate) to be expressed correspondingly; cf. anudita s.v.

anuvāda anu-vāda m. saying after or again, repeating by way of explanation, explanatory repetition or reiteration with corroboration or illustration, explanatory reference to anything already said
     m. translation
     m. a passage of the Brāhmaṇas which explains or illustrates a rule (vidhi) previously propounded (such a passage is sometimes called anuvāda-vacana)
     m. confirmation Nir.
     m. slander, reviling L.

anuvādaka anu-vādaka mfn. repeating with comment and explanation, corroborative, concurrent, conformable, in harmony with
anuvādaka anu-vādaka. ; (the masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut.)
anuvādin anu-vādin mfn. repeating with comment and explanation, corroborative, concurrent, conformable, in harmony with
anuvādin anu-vādin mfn. (the masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut.)

anuvādita anu-vādita mfn. translated.

anuvādya anu-vādya mfn. to be explained by an anuvāda, to be made the subject of one
anuvādya anu-vādya n. the subject of a predicate.
anuvādyatva anu-vādya-tva n. the state of requiring to be explained by an anuvāda.

anūdita see s.v.

anuvanam anu-vanam ind. along side of a wood Kir. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 15.)

anuvap anu-vap P. to scatter over Nir.; Ā. to scatter as dust AV.: Pass. anu upyate, to be scattered as dust RV. i, 176, 2.

anuvarṇ anu-varṇ to mention, describe, recount; to praise.

anuvartana anu-vartana &c. see anu-vṛt.

anuvaśa anu-vaśa m. obedience to the will of
anuvaśa anu-vaśa mfn. obedient to the will of.

anuvaṣaṭkṛ anu-vaṣaṭ-kṛ (1. kṛ), -karoti (Pot. -kuryāt) to make a secondary exclamation of vaṣaṭ ŚBr. AitBr. KaushBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.

anuvaṣaṭkāra anu-vaṣaṭkāra m. a secondary exclamation of vaṣaṭ.
anuvaṣaṭkāravaṣaṭkṛta anu-vaṣaṭkāra-vaṣaṭkṛta n. a secondary exclamation of vaṣaṭ.

anuvas anu-vas to clothe, cover RV. vi, 75, 18 AV. &c.

anuvasita anu-vasita mfn. dressed up, wrapped.

anuvas anu-vas to settle after another (acc.); to dwell near to; to inhabit along with: Caus. -vāsayati, to leave (the calf) with (the cow) TBr.

anuvāsin anu-vāsin mfn. residing, resident.

anuvah anu-vah to convey or carry along; to take after Comm. on Mn. iii, 7.

anuvaha anu-vaha m. "bearing after", one of the seven tongues of fire.

anuvā anu-vā cl.2.P. -vāti, to blow upon, blow along or after RV. &c.

anuvā anu-vā f. blowing after TS. (cf. anuvā.).

anuvāte anu-vāte ind. with the wind blowing in the same direction, to windward Mn. ii, 203.

anuvāka anu-vāka see anu-vac.

anuvāram anu-vāram ind. time after time.

anuvāś anu-vāś to roar in reply to (acc.) VarBṛS.

anuvās anu-vās to perfume.

anuvāsa anu-vāsa m. perfuming (especially the clothes)
     m. an oily enema
     m. administering oily enemata.

anuvāsana anu-vāsana n. id.

anuvāsita anu-vāsita mfn. scented, perfumed, fumigated
     mfn. prepared or administered as an enema.

anuvāsya anu-vāsya mfn. to be scented or fumigated
anuvāsya anu-vāsya. ; requiring an enema.
anuvāsyavāsanīya anu-vāsya-vāsanīya mfn. to be scented or fumigated
     mfn. requiring an enema.

anuvikas anu-vi-kas to blow, expand, as a flower.

anuvikāś anu-vi-kāś Intens. -cākaśīti, to penetrate with one's vision AV.

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anuvikṛ anu-vi-kṛ to shape after ŚBr.

anuvikṛṛ anu-vi-kṛṛ to bestrew ŚBr.; to scatter separately ĀpŚr.

anuvikram anu-vi-kram Ā. to step or walk after, follow AV. &c.

anuvicar anu-vi-car to walk or pass through RV. vi, 28, 4; to walk up to RV. viii, 32, 19.

anuvical anu-vi-cal to follow in changing place AV.

anuvicint anu-vi-cint to recall to mind Buddh.; to meditate upon ib.

anuvitan anu-vi-tan to extend all along or all over ŚBr.

anuvid anu-vid cl.2.P., Ved. -vetti, to know thoroughly RV. &c.

anuvid anu-vid cl.6.P. Ā. -vindati, -te, to find, obtain, discover RV. &c.; to marry MBh.; to deem Gīt.

anuvitta anu-vitta mfn. found, obtained, at hand ŚBr. xiv, &c.

anuvitti anu-vitti f. finding ŚBr.

anuvidvas anu-vidvas mfn. perf. p. having found AV.

anuvidhā anu-vi-dhā to assign to in order; to regulate, lay down a rule: Pass. -dhīyate, to be trained to follow rules; to yield or conform to (gen.)

anuvidhātavya anu-vidhātavya mfn. to be performed according to an order.

anuvidhāna anu-vidhāna n. acting conformably to order, obedience.

anuvidhāyin anu-vidhāyin mfn. conforming to, compliant
     mfn. imitating Śiś. vi, 23.

anuvidhāv anu-vi-dhāv to flow or run along (acc.or loc.) Kāṭh. KaṭhUp.; to flow through RV. viii, 17, 5.

anuvinad anu-vi-nad Caus. P. -nādayati, to make resonant or musical.

anuvinard anu-vi-nard to answer with roars Hariv.

anuvinaś anu-vi-naś to disappear, perish, vanish after or with another (acc.) AV. &c.

anuvināśa anu-vi-nāśa m. perishing after.

anuviniḥsṛ anu-vi-niḥ-sṛ to go or come out in order MārkP.

anuvinda anu-vinda m. N. of a king of Oujein.

anuvipaś anu-vi-paś -vi-paśyati, to look at, view ŚBr. PBr.

anuvibhū anu-vi-bhū to equal, correspond to ŚBr.

anuvimṛś anu-vi-mṛś to consider Daś.

anuvirāj anu-vi-rāj to be bright after or along RV. v, 81, 2.

anuvilī anu-vi-lī to dissolve (as salt in water) ŚBr. xiv.

anuvivā anu-vi-vā to blow while passing through TBr.

anuviviś anu-vi-viś to settle along separately TS.

anuvivṛt anu-vi-vṛt to run along RV. viii, 103, 2: Caus. Ā. -vartayate, to follow hastily AV.

anuviś anu-viś to enter after; to enter; to follow.

anuveśa anu-veśa m. entering after, following.
anuveśaveśana anu-veśa-veśana n. entering after, following.

anuviśva anu-viśva m. pl. N. of a people in the north-east VarBṛS.

anuviṣaṇṇa anu-vi-ṣaṇṇa mfn. ( sad), fixed upon ChUp.

anuviṣic anu-vi-ṣic (sic) to pour in addition to (acc.) AV.

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anuviṣṭambha anu-viṣṭambha m. the being impeded in consequence of Nir.

anuviṣṭhā anu-vi-ṣṭhā (sthā) to extend over RV. &c.

anuviṣṇu anu-viṣṇu ind. after Viṣṇu.

anuviṣyand anu-vi-ṣyand (syand) to flow over or along or upon ŚBr.

anuvisṛ anu-vi-sṛ to extend or stream over TBr.

anuvisṛj anu-vi-sṛj to shoot at or towards; to send along (acc.) RV. v, 53, 6.

anuvistṛta anu-vistṛta mfn. ( stṛ), "extended, spread out", large, roomy R.

anuvismita anu-vismita mfn. one who is astonished after another R.

anuvisraṃs anu-vi-sraṃs Caus. -sraṃsayati, to separate, loose ŚBr.

anuvihan anu-vi-han to interrupt, derange MBh.

anuvī anu-vī (i) cl.2.P. -vyeti, to follow or join in going off or separating VS. ŚBr.; to extend along TBr.

anuvīkṣ anu-vīkṣ (īkṣ) to survey, examine.

anuvīj anu-vīj to fan.

anuvṛ anu-vṛ to cover, KaushBr. &c.; to surround: Caus. Ā. -vārayate, to hinder, prevent.

anuvṛt anu-vṛt Ā. to go after; to follow, pursue; to follow from a previous rule, be supplied from a previous sentence; to attend; to obey, respect, imitate; to resemble; to assent; to expect; Caus. P. -vartayati, to roll after or forward; to follow up, carry out; to supply.

anuvartana anu-vartana n. obliging, serving or gratifying another
     n. compliance, obedience
     n. following, attending
     n. concurring
     n. consequence, result
     n. continuance
     n. supplying from a previous rule.

anuvartanīya anu-vartanīya mfn. to be followed
     mfn. to be supplied from a previous rule.

anuvartin anu-vartin mfn. following, compliant, obedient, resembling.
anuvartitva anuvarti-tva n. the state of being so.

anuvartman anu-vartman mfn. following attending AV. &c.
anuvartman anu-vartman n. a path previously walked by another BhP.

anuvṛt anu-vṛt mfn. walking after, following MaitrS. PBr.

anuvṛtta anu-vṛtta mfn. following, obeying, complying
     mfn. rounded off
anuvṛtta anu-vṛtta n. obedience, conformity, compliance.

anuvṛtti anu-vṛtti f. following, acting suitably to, having regard or respect to, complying with, the act of continuance
anuvṛtti anu-vṛtti f. (in Pāṇini's Gr.) continued course or influence of a preceding rule on what follows
     f. reverting to
     f. imitating, doing or acting in like manner.

anuvṛdh anu-vṛdh to grow, increase.

anuvṛṣ anu-vṛṣ to rain upon or along AV. TS.

anuvedi anu-vedi ind. along the ground prepared for sacrifice KātyŚr.
anuvedyantam anu-vedy-antam ind. along the edge of the sacrificial ground ŚBr.

anuven anu-ven to allure, entice RV.

anuvelam anu-velam ind. now and then.

anuvellita anu-vellita n. ( vell), bandaging, securing with bandages (in surgery)
     n. a kind of bandage applied to the extremities Suśr.
anuvellita anu-vellita mfn. bent in conformity with, bent under.

anuveṣṭ anu-veṣṭ to be fixed to, cling to Kāṭh.: Caus. P. -veṣṭayati, to wind round, cover.

anuvaineya N. of a country.

anuvyañjana anu-vyañjana n. a secondary mark or token Buddh.

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anuvyadh anu-vyadh cl.4.P. -vidhyati, to strike afterwards Mn.; to penetrate, pierce through, wound.

anuviddha anu-viddha mfn. pierced, penetrated
     mfn. intermixed, full of, abounding in
     mfn. set (as a jewel).

anuvedha anu-vedha m. piercing
anuvedha anu-vedha. ; obstructing
anuvedha anu-vedha. ; blending, intermixture.
anuvyādha anu-vyādha m. piercing
     m. obstructing
     m. blending, intermixture.

anuvyam anu-vyam ind. ( ), behind, after, inferior to ŚBr. PBr.

anuvyavagā anu-vy-ava-gā cl.3.P. -jigāti, to come between in succession to another ŚBr.

anuvyavaso anu-vy-ava-so to perceive.

anuvyave anu-vy-ave (i) cl.2.P. -avaiti, to follow in intervening or coming between ŚBr.

anuvyaś anu-vy-aś to overtake, reach ŚBr.

anuvyākhyā anu-vy-ā-khyā to explain further ṢaḍvBr. ChUp.

anuvyākhyāna anu-vyākhyāna n. that portion of a Brāhmaṇa which explains or illustrates difficult Sūtras, texts or obscure statements occurring in another portion ŚBr. xiv.

anuvyāsthā anu-vy-ā-sthā Caus. -sthāpayati, to send away in different directions TBr.

anuvyāhṛ anu-vy-ā-hṛ to utter in order or repeatedly MaitrUp.; to curse ŚBr. &c.

anuvyāharaṇa anu-vyāharaṇa n. repeated utterance R.

anuvyāhāra anu-vyāhāra m. cursing, execration KātyŚr.

anuvyāhārin anu-vyāhārin mfn. execrating, cursing ŚBr.

anuvyuccar anu-vy-uc-car to follow in going forth ŚBr.

anuvyūh anu-vy-ūh to move apart after PBr.; to distribute ŚBr.

anuvraj anu-vraj to go along ĀśvŚr.; to follow (especially a departing guest, as a mark of respect); to visit seriatim; to obey, do homage.

anuvrajana anu-vrajana n. following as above, Heat.

anuvrajya anu-vrajya mfn. to be followed (as by the relatives of a dead person to the cemetery) Yājñ. iii, 1

anuvrajyā anu-vrajyā f. = anu-vrajana Mn. &c.

anuvrata anu-vrata mfn. devoted to, faithful to, ardently attached to (with gen. or acc.)

anuśaṃs anu-śaṃs to recite or praise after another TS. &c.; (Ved. Inf. (dat.) anu-śase) to join in praising RV. v, 50, 2.

anuśak anu-śak to be able to imitate or come up with RV. x, 43, 5: Desid. Caus. P. -śikṣayati, to teach, instruct.

anuśikṣin anu-śikṣin mfn. exercising one's self in, practising Daś. &c.

anuśatika anu-śatika mfn. accompanied with or bought for a hundred.
anuśatikādi a g. of Pāṇ. 7-3, 20, containing the compounds the derivatives of which have Vṛiddhi in both parts, as ānuśātika, &c.

anuśap anu-śap to curse MBh.

anuśabdita anu-śabdita mfn. verbally communicated
     mfn. spoken of.

anuśabdya anu-śabdya ind. p. having communicated Hariv.

anuśam anu-śam to become calm after or in consequence of BhP.

anuśaya anu-śaya &c. see anu- 1. śī.

anuśara anu-śara m. ( śṛṛ), N. of a Rākṣasa.

anuśastra anu-śastra n. any subsidiary weapon or instrument, anything used in place of a regular surgical instrument (as a finger-nail) Suśr.

anuśās anu-śās to rule, govern; to order; to teach, direct, advise, address; to punish, chastise, correct.

anuśāsaka anu-śāsaka mfn. one who governs, instructs, directs or punishes.

anuśāsat anu-śāsat mfn. showing (the way) RV. i, 139, 4.

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anuśāsana anu-śāsana n. instruction, direction, command, precept RV. x, 32, 7, &c.
anuśāsanapara anu-śāsana-para mfn. obedient.

anuśāsanīya anu-śāsanīya mfn. to be instructed.
anuśāsanīyaśāsya anu-śāsanīya-śāsya mfn. to be instructed.

anuśāsita anu-śāsita mfn. directed
     mfn. defined by rule.

anuśāsitṛ anu-śāsitṛ mfn. governing, instructing Bhag.

anuśāsin anu-śāsin mfn. punishing Vikr.

anuśiṣṭa anu-śiṣṭa mfn. taught, revealed
     mfn. adjudged, done conformably to law.

anuśiṣṭi anu-śiṣṭi f. instruction, teaching, ordering.

anuśiṣya anu-śiṣya ind. p. having ruled or ordered.

anuśikṣ anu-śikṣ &c. see anu-śak.

anuśikha anu-śikha m. N. of a Nāga or snake priest PBr.

anuśivam anu-śivam ind. after Śiva.

anuśiśu anu-śiśu f. followed by its young (as by a foal, &c.) ŚBr. KātyŚr.

anuśī anu-śī cl.2.Ā. -śete, to sleep with, lie along or close, adhere closely to.

anuśaya anu-śaya m. close connection as with a consequence, close attachment to any object
anuśaya anu-śaya m. (in phil.) the consequence or result of an act (which clings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the temporary freedom from transmigration to enter other bodies)
     m. repentance, regret
     m. hatred
     m. ancient or intense enmity
anuśayī anu-śayī f. a disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the upper part
     m. a boil on the head.
anuśayavat anu-śaya-vat mfn. = anu-śayin.

anuśayāna anu-śayāna mfn. repenting, regretting
anuśayānā anu-śayānā f. a heroine or female character who regrets the loss of her lover (in dramas).

anuśayitavya anu-śayitavya mfn. to be regretted.

anuśayin anu-śayin mfn. having the consequence of an act, connected as with a consequence
     mfn. devotedly attached to, faithful
     mfn. repentant, penitent, regretful, sorry for
     mfn. hating deeply.

anuśāyin anu-śāyin mfn. lying or extending along Nir.

anuśīlaya anu-śīlaya Nom. P. -śīlayati, to practise in imitation of BhP.

anuśīlana anu-śīlana n. constant practice or study (of a science, &c.), repeated and devoted service.

anuśīlita anu-śīlita mfn. studied carefully, attended to.

anuśuc anu-śuc to mourn over, regret, bewail: Caus. P. -śocayati, to mourn over.

anuśoka anu-śoka m. sorrow, repentance, regret L.

anuśocaka anu-śocaka mfn. grieving, one who repents
     mfn. occasioning repentance.

anuśocana anu-śocana n. sorrow, repentance.

anuśocita anu-śocita mfn. regretted, repented of.

anuśocin anu-śocin mfn. regretful, sorrowful.

anuśuṣ anu-śuṣ to dry up gradually ŚBr. &c.; to become emaciated by gradual practice of religious austerity Kauś.; to languish after another.

anuśobhin anu-śobhin mfn. shining.

anuśrath anu-śrath cl.6.P. -śṛnthati, to untie TS.: Caus. P. (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -śiśrathaḥ) to frighten ([BR.; "to abolish" Sāy.]) RV. iv, 32, 22: Ā. -śrathayate, to annihilate or soften the effect of. RV. v, 59, 1.

anuśru anu-śru cl.5.P. -śṛṇoti, to hear repeatedly (especially what is handed down in the Veda): Desid. Ā. -śuśrūṣate, to obey.

anuśrava anu-śrava m. Vedic tradition (acquired by repeated hearing) L.

anuśruta anu-śruta mfn. handed down by Vedic tradition.

anuśvas anu-śvas to breathe continually.

anuṣac anu-ṣac (sac) to adhere to, keep at the side of RV. &c.

anuṣañj anu-ṣañj (sañj) cl.1.Ā. or Pass. -ṣajjate, -ṣajyate, to cling to, adhere, be attached to.

anuṣak anu-ṣak ind. in continuous order, one after the other, (g. svar-ādi q.v.); cf. ānuṣak.
anuṣaṭ anu-ṣaṭ ind. in continuous order, one after the other, (g. svar-ādi q.v.); cf. ānuṣak.

anuṣakta anu-ṣakta mfn. closely connected with, supplied from something preceding.

anuṣaṅga anu-ṣaṅga m. close adherence, connection, association, conjunction, coalition, commixture
     m. connection of word with word, or effect with cause
     m. necessary consequence, the connection of a subsequent with a previous act
anuṣaṅga anu-ṣaṅga m. (in the Dhātupāṭha) the nasals connected with certain roots ending in consonants (as in tṛmph)
     m. tenderness, compassion L.

anuṣaṅgika anu-ṣaṅgika mfn. consequent, following as a necessary result
     mfn. connected with, adhering to, inherent, concomitant.

anuṣaṅgin anu-ṣaṅgin mfn. addicted or attached to, connected with, or "common, prevailing" Mn. vii, 52.

anuṣañjana anu-ṣañjana n. connection with what follows, concord
     n. grammatical relation.

anuṣañjanīya anu-ṣañjanīya mfn. to be connected, supplied.

anuṣaṇḍa mn. N. of a place or country, (g. kacchādi q.v.)

anuṣatya anu-ṣatya mfn. being conformable to truth (satya) RV. iii, 26, 1.

anuṣic anu-ṣic (sic), Ved. to pour upon or into; to drip upon.

anuṣikta anu-ṣikta mfn. dripped upon TS.

anuṣeka anu-ṣeka m. rewatering or sprinkling over again L.
anuṣekaṣecana anu-ṣeka-ṣecana n. rewatering or sprinkling over again L.

anuṣidh anu-ṣidh (sidh), Intens. (p. -seṣidhat) to bring back along the path RV. i, 23, 15.

anuṣṭabdha anu-ṣṭabdha mfn. ( stambh), (used for an etymology) raised, KaushBr.

anuṣṭu anu-ṣṭu (stu) to praise RV.

anuṣṭuti anu-ṣṭuti f. praise RV.

anuṣṭubh anu-ṣṭubh (stubh) to praise after, to follow in praising Nir.

anuṣṭubh anu-ṣṭubh p (nom. -ṣṭuk TS.) f. following in praise or invocation; a kind of metre consisting of four Pādas or quarter-verses of eight syllables each (according to the DaivBr., quoted in Nir. vii, 12, so called because it anuṣṭobhati i.e. follows with its praise the Gāyatrī, which consists of three Pādas) RV. x, 130, 4, &c.; (in later metrical systems, the Anuṣṭubh constitutes a whole class of metres, consisting of four times eight syllables); hence the number eight; speech, Sarasvatī L.; (mfn.), praising RV. x, 124, 9.
anuṣṭupkarmīṇa anuṣṭup-karmīṇa mfn. being performed with an anuṣṭubh verse ŚBr.
anuṣṭupchandas anuṣṭup-chandas mfn. having anuṣṭubh for metre MaitrS.
anuṣṭupśiras anuṣṭup-śiras ([AitBr.]) mfn. having an anuṣṭubh verse at the head.
anuṣṭupśīrṣan anuṣṭup-śīrṣan ([AitBr.]) mfn. having an anuṣṭubh verse at the head.
anuṣṭubgarbhā anuṣṭub-garbhā f. a metre (like that in RV. i, 187, 1) of the class Uṣṇih RPrāt.

anuṣṭobhana anu-ṣṭobhana n. praising after DaivBr.

anuṣṭra an-uṣṭra m. no camel i.e. a bad camel.

anuṣṭhā anu-ṣṭhā (stha) to stand near or by; to follow out; to carry out, attend to; to perform, do, practise; to govern, rule, superintend; to appoint: Pass. -ṣṭhīyate, to be done; to be followed out: Desid. -tiṣṭhāsati, to be desirous of doing, &c.

anutiṣṭhamāna anu-tiṣṭhamāna mfn. following out, carrying out, performing, attending to.

anuṣṭhā anu-ṣṭhā mfn. standing after i.e. in succession RV. i, 54, 10.

anuṣṭhātavya anu-ṣṭhātavya mfn. to be accomplished.

anuṣṭhātṛ anu-ṣṭhātṛ m. the undertaker of any work AV. &c.

anuṣṭhāna anu-ṣṭhāna n. carrying out, undertaking
     n. doing, performance
     n. religious practice
     n. acting in conformity to
anuṣṭhānī anu-ṣṭhānī f. performance, action Kauś.
anuṣṭhānakrama anu-ṣṭhāna-krama m. the order of performing religious ceremonies.
anuṣṭhānaśarīra anu-ṣṭhāna-śarīra n. (in Sāṇkhya phil.) the body which is intermediate between the liṅga- or sūkṣma- and the sthūla-śarīra (generally called the adhiṣṭhāna-śarīra q.v.)
anuṣṭhānasmāraka anu-ṣṭhāna-smāraka mf (ikā) n. reminding of religious ceremonies.

anuṣṭhāpaka anu-ṣṭhāpaka mf (ikā) n. causing to perform.

anuṣṭhāpana anu-ṣṭhāpana n. the causing to perform an act.

anuṣṭhāyin anu-ṣṭhāyin mfn. doing, performing an act.

anuṣṭhi anu-ṣṭhi f. "being near, present, at hand", only inst. anu-ṣṭhyā ind. immediately ŚBr. &c.

anuṣṭhita anu-ṣṭhita mfn. done, practised
     mfn. effected, executed, accomplished
     mfn. followed, observed
     mfn. done conformably.

anuṣṭhu anu-ṣṭhu presently, immediately.
anuṣṭhuṣṭhuyā anu-ṣṭhu-ṣṭhuyā presently, immediately.

anuṣṭheya anu-ṣṭheya mfn. to be effected, done or accomplished
     mfn. to be observed
     mfn. to be proved or established.

anuṣṭhyā anu-ṣṭhyā see anu-ṣṭhi.

anuṣṇa an-uṣṇa mf (ā) n. not hot, cold
     mf (ā) n. apathetic
     mf (ā) n. lazy L.
anuṣṇa an-uṣṇa n. the blue lotus, Nymphaea Caerulea
anuṣṇa an-uṣṇa mf (ā) n. (ā) f. N. of a river.
anuṣṇagu an-uṣṇa-gu m. "having cold rays", the moon.
anuṣṇavallikā an-uṣṇa-vallikā f. the plant Nīladūrbā.
anuṣṇāśīta mfn. neither hot nor cold.

anuṣṇaka an-uṣṇaka mfn. not hot, cold
     mfn. chilly, &c.

anuṣyand anu-ṣyand (syand), Ved. Inf. -ṣyade ([RV. ii, 13, 2]) and Caus. -syandayadhyai ([RV. iv, 22, 7]), to run along: -syandate and -ṣyandate with a differentiation in meaning like that in abhi-ṣyand q.v. Pāṇ. 8-3, 72.

anuṣyanda anu-ṣyanda m. a hind-wheel ŚBr.

anuṣvadham anu-ṣvadham (fr. sva-dhā) ind. according to one's will, voluntary RV.

anuṣvāpam anu-ṣvāpam ind. ( svap), continuing to sleep RV. viii, 97, 3.

anusaṃyā anu-saṃ-yā to go up and down (as guards); to go to or towards.

anusaṃrakta anu-saṃrakta mfn. attached or devoted to.

anusaṃrabh anu-saṃ-rabh Ā. to catch hold of RV. x, 103, 6; to catch hold of mutually AV.

anusaṃvatsaram anu-saṃvatsaram ind. year after year.

anusaṃvah anu-saṃ-vah to draw or run by the side of AV.; to convey along TBr.

anusaṃvā anu-saṃ-vā to blow towards in order TBr.

anusaṃvicar anu-saṃ-vi-car to visit successively, make the round of MBh.

anusaṃvid anu-saṃ-vid to know together with, or in consequence of (something else) AV. x, 7, 17 and 26.

anusaṃviś anu-saṃ-viś to retire for sleep after AV. TBr. &c.

anusaṃvīta anu-saṃ-vīta mfn. ( vye), wrapped up, covered MBh.

anusaṃvraj anu-saṃ-vraj to go after, follow ĀśvŚr. &c.

anusaṃsṛ anu-saṃ-sṛ Caus. P. -sārayati, to cause to follow, to pass or go on before MBh.

anusaṃsṛp anu-saṃ-sṛp to creep or crawl after ŚBr. TBr.

anusaṃsarpam anu-saṃ-sarpam ind. creeping after KātyŚr.

anusaṃsṛṣṭa anu-saṃ-sṛṣṭa mfn. joined to (instr.) BhP.

anusaṃsthā anu-saṃ-sthā P. to follow (a road) BhP.: Ā. to become finished after ŚBr. AitBr.: Caus. P. -sthāpayati, to encourage R.

anusaṃsthita anu-saṃ-sthita mfn. following
     mfn. dead or deceased after (another) Ragh.

anusaṃspṛś anu-saṃ-spṛś Caus to cause to touch after ŚBr.

anusaṃsmṛ anu-saṃ-smṛ to remember, to long for (the dead or absent).

anusaṃsyand anu-saṃ-syand Intens. (p. nom. m. anu saṃ-saniṣyadat) to run after VS. ix, 14 (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 65.)

anusaṃhitam anu-saṃhitam ind. according to the Saṃhitā text RPrāt.

anusaṃhṛ anu-saṃ-hṛ to drag (the foot) Kauś.; to compress, reduce a subject Lāṭy.

anusaṃkal anu-saṃ-kal to drive or convey along or after ĀśvGṛ.

anusaṃkram anu-saṃ-kram to walk or go up to, to reach AV.

anusaṃkhyā anu-saṃ-khyā Caus. P. -khyā-payati, to cause to observe, show ŚBr.

anusaṃgrah anu-saṃ-grah to oblige, favour; to salute by laying hold of the feet.

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anusaṃcar anu-saṃ-car to walk along side, to follow, join; to visit; to pursue, seek after; to penetrate, traverse, cross; to become assimilated: Caus. P. -cārayati, to join, become identified or assimilated with.

anusaṃcara anu-saṃ-cara mfn. following or accompanying (with acc.) TBr.

anusaṃcint anu-saṃ-cint to meditate.

anusaṃjvar anu-saṃ-jvar to feel distressed after (another) BṛĀrUp. (anu-saṃ-car ŚBr. xiv); to be troubled, become envious.

anusaṃtan anu-saṃ-tan to overspread, diffuse, extend everywhere; to join on, continue.

anusaṃtati anu-saṃ-tati f. continuation MaitrS.

anusaṃtṛṛ anu-saṃ-tṛṛ to carry to the end, go on (in spinning) AV. vi, 122, 1 ĀśvŚr.

anusaṃdah anu-saṃ-dah to burn up along the whole length AV.

anusaṃdiś anu-saṃ-diś to assign, to make over.

anusaṃdṛś anu-saṃ-dṛś (ind. p. -dṛśya) to consider successively MBh. xii, 12024.

anusaṃdhā anu-saṃ-dhā to explore, ascertain, inspect, plan, arrange; to calm, compose, set in order; to aim at.

anusaṃdhātavya anu-saṃdhātavya mfn. to be explored, to be investigated, to be looked after, &c.

anusaṃdhāna anu-saṃdhāna n. investigation, inquiry, searching into, close inspection, setting in order, arranging, planning
     n. aiming at
     n. plan, scheme, congruous or suitable connection
anusaṃdhāna anu-saṃdhāna n. (in the Vaiśeṣika phil.) the fourth step in a syllogism (i.e. the application).

anusaṃdhānin anu-saṃdhānin mfn. investigating, searching, skilful at concerting or carrying out schemes.

anusaṃdhāyin anu-saṃdhāyin mfn. id.

anusaṃdheya anu-saṃdheya mfn. to be investigated, worthy of inquiry or scrutiny, &c.

anusandhyam anu-sandhyam ind. evening after evening, every twilight.

anusamaya anu-samaya see anu-sam-i.

anusamaś anu-sam-aś to overtake, reach ŚBr.

anusamas anu-sam-as -sam-asyati, to add further ŚBr.

anusamācar anu-sam-ā-car to carry out, accomplish BhP.

anusamādhā anu-sam-ā-dhā to calm, compose.

anusamāp anu-sam-āp Caus. P. to complete or accomplish further or subsequently KātyŚr.

anusamāpana anu-samāpana n. regular completion KātyŚr.

anusamārabh anu-sam-ā-rabh Ā. to place one's self in order after, cling to (acc.) TS. TBr.: Caus. Ā. (impf. -ārambhayata) to cause to cling to one's self (loc.) TS.

anusamāruh anu-sam-ā-ruh to rise after TBr.

anusamāhṛ anu-sam-ā-hṛ to join or bring in order again ChUp.

anusami anu-sam-i cl.2.P. -eti, to visit conjointly or successively; to join in following or being guided by; to join, become assimilated with.

anusamaya anu-samaya m. regular connection (as of words) Nyāyad. &c.

anusamīkṣ anu-sam-īkṣ to keep in view, have in view ŚBr.

anusamudram anu-samudram ind. along the sea Pāṇ. 4-3, 10.

anusamprayā anu-sam-pra-yā to go towards AV. xi, 1, 36.

anusamprāp anu-sam-prāp (āp) to arrive, reach, get.

anusamprāpta anu-samprāpta mfn. arrived, come.

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anusambaddha anu-sambaddha mfn. ( bandh), connected with, accompanied by.

anusambhid anu-sam-bhid to bring into contact, combine Kāṭh.

anusambhū anu-sam-bhū to be produced after, proceed after ŚBr.

anusamman anu-sam-man to approve MBh.

anusavanam anu-savanam ind. at every sacrifice TBr. &c.; constantly BhP.

anusātam anu-sātam ind. according to delight.

anusānu anu-sānu ind. along a table-land or summit, from ridge to ridge.

anusāma anu-sāma mfn. at every Sāmanverse (?) Pāṇ. 5-4, 75.

anusāyam anu-sāyam ind. evening after evening, every evening, (g. parimukhādi q.v.)

anusāra anu-sāra anu-sārin, &c. see under anu-sṛ below.

anusic anu-sic see anu-ṣic.

anusiddha anu-siddha mfn. (3. sidh), gradually effected or realized BhP.

anusītam anu-sītam ind. along the furrow TS.; (g. parimukhādi q.v.)

anusīram anu-sīram ind. along the plough, (g. parimukhādi, q.v.)

anusū anu-sū m. N. of wk. Pāṇ. Comm.

anusūcaka anu-sūcaka mf (ikā) n. ( sūc), indicative of, pointing out.

anusūcana anu-sūcana n. pointing out, indication.

anusūpam anu-sūpam ind. in every condiment.

anusṛ anu-sṛ to go after: Caus. P. -sārayati, to pursue.

anusara anu-sara mf (ī) n. following, a companion.

anusaraṇa anu-saraṇa n. following, going after
     n. tracking, conformity to, consequence of
     n. custom, habit, usage.

anusāra anu-sāra m. going after, following
     m. custom, usage
     m. nature, natural state or condition of anything
     m. prevalence, currency
     m. received or established authority, especially of codes of law
     m. accordance, conformity to usage
     m. consequence, result
anusāra anu-sāra m. (eṇa), or
anusāratas anu-sāra-tas ind. conformably to.

anusāraka anu-sāraka mfn. following, attendant on, according or conformable to
anusāraka anu-sāraka. ; penetrating, scrutinizing, investigating.
anusārin anu-sārin mfn. following, attendant on, according or conformable to
     mfn. penetrating, scrutinizing, investigating.

anusāryaka anu-sāryaka n. a fragrant substance.

anusṛta anu-sṛta mfn. followed, conformed to.

anusṛti anu-sṛti f. going after, following, conforming to
     f. N. of a woman, (g. kalyāṇy-ādi q.v.)

anusṛj anu-sṛj to dismiss, let go RV. x, 66, 8, &c.: P. Ā. -sṛjati, -te, to create successively ŚBr. &c.: Pass. to be created in succession to TS.

anusṛṣṭa anu-sṛṣṭa mfn. created in succession VS.

anusṛp anu-sṛp to glide after or towards, to approach.

anusarpa anu-sarpa m. a serpent-like being AV.

anusev anu-sev to practise, observe.

anusevin anu-sevin mfn. practising, observing, habitually addicted to.

anusainya anu-sainya n. the rear of an army L.

anusomam anu-somam ind. according to the (practice with the) Soma, as with the Soma KātyŚr.

anuskandam anu-skandam ind. having gone into in succession Pāṇ. 3-4, 56 Sch.

anustaraṇa anu-staraṇa m. ( stṛ), an animal which is fit to be chosen as a secondary victim
anustaraṇa anu-staraṇa m. anu-staraṇī f. the cow sacrificed at the funeral ceremony TS. &c.

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anustotra anu-stotra n. "praising after", N. of a treatise relating to the Sāma-veda.

anusneham anu-sneham ind. after (adding) oil Suśr.

anuspaṣṭa anu-spaṣṭa see anu-paś.

anuspṛś anu-spṛś to touch, extend to RV. iv, 4, 2.

anusphur anu-sphur to whizz towards RV. vi, 67, 11.

anusphura anu-sphura mfn. whizzing (as an arrow) AV.

anusmṛ anu-smṛ to remember, recollect: Caus. P. -smārayati, or -smarayati, to remind (with acc.) Kir. v, 14.

anusmaraṇa anu-smaraṇa n. remembering, repeated recollection.

anusmṛta anu-smṛta mfn. remembered.

anusmṛti anu-smṛti f. cherished recollection, recalling some idea to the exclusion of all others.

anusyūta anu-syūta mfn. ( siv), sewed consecutively, strung together or connected regularly and uninterruptedly.

anusrayāman an-usra-yāman m. not going out during daylight RV. iv, 32, 24.

anusvāna anu-svāna m. sounding conformably Sāh.

anusvāra anu-svāra m. ( svṛ), after-sound, the nasal sound which is marked by a dot above the line, and which always belongs to a preceding vowel.
anusvāravat anu-svāra-vat mfn. having the Anusvāra.
anusvāravyavāya anu-svāra-vyavāya m. separation between two sounds caused by an Anusvāra.
anusvārāgama m. an augment consisting in the addition of an Anusvāra.

anuha m. N. of a son of Vibhrātra and father of Brahma-datta VS.

anuhava anu-hava see anu-hve.

anuhā anu-hā cl.3.Ā. -jihīte, to run after, catch AV. &c.; to follow, join RV.

anuhuṃkṛ anu-huṃ-kṛ to roar in imitation of.

anuhurch anu-hurch to fall down after another Kāṭh.

anuhṛ anu-hṛ to imitate; to resemble: Ā. -harate, to take after (one's parents).

anuharaṇa anu-haraṇa n. imitation
     n. resemblance.
anuharaṇahāra anu-haraṇa-hāra m. imitation
     m. resemblance.

anuharat anu-harat mfn. imitating
anuharat anu-harat mfn. (an) m. N. of a man, (g. anuśatikādi q.v.)

anuharamāṇa anu-haramāṇa mfn. imitating.

anuhāraka anu-hāraka mf (ikā) n. imitating.

anuhārya anu-hārya mfn. to be imitated
anuhārya anu-hārya m. = anv-ā-hārya L.

anuhoḍa anu-hoḍa m. a cart (?), (g. anuśatikādi q.v.)

anuhrāda anu-hrāda or -hlāda m. N. of a son of Hiraṇya-kaśipu Hariv.

anuhve anu-hve to call again, call after, call back RV. AV.: Intens. -johavīti, to call repeatedly AV.

anuhava anu-hava m. inviting, stirring up AV.

anūka mn. ( añc with anu), the backbone, spine
     mn. the back part of the altar
     mn. a former state of existence
anūka n. race, family L.
anūka n. peculiarity of race, disposition, character VarBṛS. &c.
anūka f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv.

anūkyā (3, 4) mfn. belonging to the backbone ŚBr.; backbone RV. x, 163, 2 AV.

anūkāśa anū-kāśa m. ( kāś), reflection (of light), clearness VS. TS. &c.
     m. regard, reference AitBr.

anūkṣ (1. ukṣ), (p. Ā. ānu...ukṣamāṇa; perf. anu...vavakṣa) to sprinkle, bedew RV. iii, 7, 6 and vi, 66, 4.

anūcīna mfn. (fr. anv-añc), coming after, successive RV. iv, 54, 2 Śulb.
anūcīnagarbha anūcīna-garbha mfn. born in successive order ŚBr.
anūcīnāham ind. on successive days ŚBr.

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anūcya n. elbow-piece of a seat AV. &c.

anūcyate Pass. of anu-vac q.v., p.38, col.1.

anūkta mfn. spoken after, recited after
     mfn. occurring in the (sacred) text
     mfn. studied
anūkta n. study.

anūkti f. mentioning after, repeated mention, repetition by way of explanation
     f. study of the Veda.
anūktitva anūkti-tva n. state of requiring repetition or explanation.

anūcāna mfn. one so well versed in the Vedas and Vedāṅgas as to be able to repeat them
     mfn. one who repeats his lesson after his master
     mfn. devoted to learning
     mfn. well-behaved ( uc).

anūcya mfn. to be repeated or learnt (cf. araṇye-'nūcya.)

anūjji anūj-ji (anu-ud-ji), (aor. Subj. 1. sg. anūj-jeṣam) to be victorious after VS. ii, 15 KātyŚr.

anūḍha an-ūḍha mfn. ( vah), not borne, not carried
anūḍhā an-ūḍhā f. an unmarried woman.
anūḍhamāna an-ūḍha-māna mfn. bashful.
anūḍhāgamana anūḍhā-gamana n. "going after an unmarried woman", fornication.
anūḍhābhrātṛ anūḍhā-bhrātṛ m. the brother of an unmarried woman
     m. the brother of the concubine of a king.

anūti an-ūti f. no help RV. vi, 29, 6.

anūtkram anūt-kram to go up or out after ŚBr.

anūtthā (sthā), anūttiṣṭhati to rise after VS. &c.

anūtpat anūt-pat to fly up after another (acc.), raise one's self into the air, jump up afterwards.

anūtpā anūt-pā -pibati, to drink up or empty by drinking after another ŚBr.

anūtpā anūt-pā (3. pl. -pipate) to rise along TBr. (cf. ut- 5. .)

anūtsāram anūt-sāram ind. while leaving a place or retiring successively AitBr.

anūtsṛj anūt-sṛj to dismiss towards TS.

anūd (ud) (impf. 3. pl. anv-aundan) to wet along Kāṭh.

anūdaka an-ūdaka n. (metri causa for an-udaka), want of water, aridity R. i, 20, 16.

anūdas anūd-as -asyati, to toss up behind or after ŚBr.

anūdi anūd-i to go up or out after (another) AV. &c.

anūdita mfn. ( vad), spoken after, spoken according to. see also anu-vad. 1.
anūdya mfn. to be spoken to afterwards.

anūdya ind. having said afterwards or in reply.

anūdyamāna mfn. spoken in reply to or according to.

anūde anūd-e (-ā-i) cl.2.P. anūd-aiti, to rise or come up after ŚBr. &c.

anūddṛṃh anūd-dṛṃh (Pot. 3. pl. anūddṛṃheyuḥ) "to fix or fasten during", keep waiting until (ā) ŚBr.

anūddeśa m. ( diś), describing, mentioning according to or conformably with Sāh.

anūddru anūd-dru to run after (acc.) Kāṭh.

anūddhā anūd-dhā (2. ), to set off or start after TBr.

anūddhṛ anūd-dhṛ (hṛ) to take out from subsequently TS.

anūdvā anūd-vā -vāti, to disperse or dissipate by following (the wind vāyum) ŚBr.

anūdhas an-ūdhas f. udderless RV. x, 115, 1.

anūna an-ūna mf (ā) n. or an-ūnaka ([L.]) mfn. not less, not inferior to (abl) Ragh.
     mf (ā) n. whole, entire
     mf (ā) n. having full power
anūna an-ūna mf (ā) n. (ā) f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv.
anūnaguru an-ūna-guru mfn. of undiminished weight, very heavy.
anūnavarcas an-ūna-varcas (anūna-) mfn. having full splendour RV. x, 140, 2.

anūnnī anūn-nī cl.1.P. -nayati, to take out and fill after another TBr. ŚBr.

anūpa mfn. (fr. 2. ap q.v., with anu), situated near the water, watery L.
anūpa m. a watery country Mn. &c.
     mfn. pond RV.
     mfn. bank of a river
     mfn. a buffalo (cf. ānūpa) L.
     mfn. N. of a Ṛiṣi, teacher of the Sāma-veda.
anūpaja anūpa-ja n. growing near the water VarBṛS.
     n. ginger.
anūpadeśa anūpa-deśa m. a marshy country.
anūpaprāya anūpa-prāya mfn. marshy.
anūpavilāsa anūpa-vilāsa m. N. of wk.

anūpya (4) mfn. being in ponds or bogs (as water) AV.

anūpadas anūpa-das to fail (or become extinct) after (acc.) PBr.

anūpadhā anūpa-dhā (generally P.), to place upon, pile up after or in addition to TS. ŚBr.

anūpadhṛ anūpa-dhṛ Caus. -dhārayati, to hold towards in addition to Lāṭy.

anūpaviś anūpa-viś to sit down in order ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy.; to lie down or incline the body (said of a parturient animal) ŚBr.

anūpasadam ind. at every Upasad (q.v.) KātyŚr.

anūpasthā anūpa-sthā Ā. to approach in order ŚBr. AitBr.

anūbandhya anū-bandhya mfn. to be fastened (as a sacrificial animal) for slaughtering ŚBr. &c.

anūyāja anū-yāja = anu-yāja q.v. TS.

anūrādha anū-rādha mfn. causing welfare, happiness AV.
anūrādha anū-rādha mf. pl. = -anu-rādhās q.v. TS. TBr. Kāṭh.

anūru an-ūru mfn. thighless
anūru an-ūru m. the charioteer of the sun, the dawn Rājat. &c.
anūrusārathi an-ūru-sārathi m. whose charioteer is Anūru i.e. the sun Śiś.

anūrudh anū-rudh mfn. = anu-rudh q.v. RV. iii, 55, 5.

anūrjita an-ūrjita mfn. not strong, weak
     mfn. not proud.

anūrdhva an-ūrdhva mfn. not high, low.
anūrdhvabhās an-ūrdhva-bhās (an-ūrdhva-) mfn. one whose splendour does not rise, who lights no sacred fires RV. v, 77, 4.
anūrdhvaṃbhāvuka an-ūrdhvaṃ-bhāvuka n. not rising upwards, not reaching the heaven TS.

anūrmi an-ūrmi mfn. "not waving or fluctuating", inviolable RV. viii, 24, 22.

anūlā f. N. of a river in Kāśmīra.

anūvṛj anū-vṛj only du. -vṛjau mf. a part of the body near the ribs AV. ix, 4, 12.

anūṣara an-ūṣara mf (ā) n. not salted, not saline ĀśvGṛ. Hcat.

anūṣita mfn. (5. vas with anu), living near another Pāṇ. 3-4, 72 Sch.

anūṣmapara an-ūṣma-para mfn. (in Gr.) not followed by a sibilant.

anūha an-ūha mfn. thoughtless, careless.

anūhya an-ūhya mfn. inconceivable MaitrUp.

anṛkka an-ṛk-ka see an-ṛc below.

anṛkṣara an-ṛkṣara mfn. thornless (as a path or a couch) RV.

anṛc an-ṛc ([RV. x, 105, 8, &c.]) or anṛca ([Mn.]) mfn. not containing a verse from the Ṛig-veda, hymnless, not conversant with the Ṛig-veda; (an-ṛcam) ind. not in conformity with the Ṛic, MaitiS.

anṛkka an-ṛk-ka mfn. containing no Ṛic Pāṇ. 5-4, 74 Kāś.
anṛcka an-ṛc-ka mfn. containing no Ṛic Pāṇ. 5-4, 74 Kāś.

anṛju an-ṛju mfn. not straight, crooked, perverse, wicked RV. iv, 3, 13, &c.

anṛṇa an-ṛṇa mf (ā) n. free from debt.
anṛṇatā an-ṛṇa-tā f. freedom from debt.
anṛṇatva an-ṛṇa-tva n. freedom from debt.

anṛṇin an-ṛṇin mfn. unindebted, free from debt.

anṛṇyatā an-ṛṇya-tā f. freedom from debt R.

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anṛta an-ṛta mf (ā) n. not true, false
anṛta an-ṛta n. falsehood, lying, cheating
anṛta an-ṛta n. agriculture L.
anṛtadeva an-ṛta-deva (anṛta-) m. one whose gods are not true RV. vii, 104, 14.
anṛtadviṣ an-ṛta-dviṣ mfn. persecuting untruth RV. vii, 66, 13.
anṛtamaya an-ṛta-maya mfn. full of untruth, false.
anṛtavadana an-ṛta-vadana n. speaking falsehood, lying.
anṛtavāc an-ṛta-vāc ([AV. &c.]),
anṛtavādin an-ṛta-vādin mfn. speaking untruth.
anṛtavrata an-ṛta-vrata mfn. false to vows or engagements.
anṛtākhyāna n. telling a falsehood.
anṛtābhisandha mfn. id. ChUp.

anṛtin mfn. telling untruths, lying, a liar.

anṛtu an-ṛtu m. unfit season
anṛtu an-ṛtu m. (u) ind. unseasonably MaitrS.
anṛtukanyā an-ṛtu-kanyā f. a girl before menstruation.
anṛtupā an-ṛtu-pā (an-ṛtu- ) mfn. not drinking in time RV. iii, 53, 8.

anṛśaṃsa a-nṛśaṃsa mf (ā) n. not cruel, mild.
anṛśaṃsatā a-nṛśaṃsa-tā f. mildness, kindness.

aneka an-eka mfn. not one, many, much
     mfn. separated.
anekakāma an-eka-kāma (aneka-) mfn. having many wishes ŚBr.
anekakālam an-eka-kālam ind. a long time, for a long time.
anekakālāvadhi an-eka-kālāvadhi ind. long since.
anekakṛt an-eka-kṛt m. "doing much", N. of Śiva.
anekagotra an-eka-gotra m. having more families than one i.e. two, belonging to two families (or to one as an adopted son).
anekacara an-eka-cara mfn. gregarious.
anekacittamantra an-eka-citta-mantra m. one whose counsels are many-minded.
anekaja an-eka-ja mfn. born more than once
anekaja an-eka-ja m. a bird L.
anekatā an-eka-tā f. muchness, manifold condition.
anekatva an-eka-tva n. muchness, manifold condition.
anekatra an-eka-tra ind. in many places.
anekadharmakathā an-eka-dharma-kathā f. different exposition of the law.
anekadhā an-eka-dhā ind. in various ways, often.
anekadhāprayoga an-eka-dhā-prayoga m. using repeatedly.
anekapa an-eka-pa mfn. "drinking oftener than once", an elephant (because he drinks with his trunk and with his mouth) Ragh.
anekabhārya an-eka-bhārya mfn. having more wives than one.
anekamukha an-eka-mukha mfn. having several faces, having different ways.
anekayuddhavijayin an-eka-yuddha-vijayin m. victorious in many battles.
anekarandhra an-eka-randhra mfn. having many holes or weaknesses or troubles.
anekarūpa an-eka-rūpa mf (ā) n. multiform
     mf (ā) n. of various kinds or sorts
     mf (ā) n. fickle, of variable mind.
anekalocana an-eka-locana m. "having several (three) eyes", N. of Śiva.
anekavacana an-eka-vacana n. the pl. number.
anekavarṇa an-eka-varṇa (in algebra compounded with various words to denote) many unknown quantities (colours representing 'x', 'y', 'z', &c. e.g. aneka-varṇa-guṇana, multiplication of many unknown quantities).
anekavāram an-eka-vāram ind. many times, repeatedly.
anekavidha an-eka-vidha mfn. of many kinds, in different ways, various.
anekaśapha an-eka-śapha mfn. cloven-hoofed Pāṇ. 1-2, 73 Comm.
anekaśabda an-eka-śabda mfn. expressed by several words, synonymous.
anekaśas an-eka-śas ind. in great numbers, several times, repeatedly.
anekākāra mfn. multiform.
anekākṣara mfn. polysyllabic, having more than one syllable.
anekāgra mfn. engaged in various pursuits.
anekāc mfn. having more than one vowel or syllable (ac in Gr. being the technical term for vowel).
anekārtha mfn. having more than one meaning (as a word).
anekārthadhvanimañjarī anekārtha-dhvani mañjarī f. N. of two works on words.
anekārthasaṃgraha anekārtha-saṃgraha m. N. of two works on words.
anekāl mfn. consisting of more than one letter (al being the technical term for letter).
anekāśraya mfn. (in Vaiśeṣika phil.) dwelling or abiding in more than one.
anekāśrita mfn. (in Vaiśeṣika phil.) dwelling or abiding in more than one.

anekākin an-ekākin mfn. not alone, accompanied by ŚBr.

anekānta an-ekānta mfn. not alone and excluding every other, uncertain.
anekāntatva an-ekānta-tva n. uncertainty.
anekāntavāda an-ekānta-vāda m. scepticism.
anekāntavādin an-ekānta-vādin m. a sceptic
     m. a Jaina, an Arhat of the Jainas.

anekīkaraṇa anekī-karaṇa n. making manifold.

anekībhavat anekī-bhavat mfn. being manifold i.e. divided in two.

anekīya mfn. having several, (g. utkarādi q.v.)

anejat an-ejat mfn. ( ej), not moving, immovable.

aneḍa an-eḍa m. (an being an expletive or denoting comparison), stupid, foolish L.

aneḍamūka an-eḍa-mūka mfn. deaf and dumb L.
     mfn. blind L.
     mfn. wicked, fraudulent L.

anedya a-nedya (4) mfn. ( nid), not to be blamed RV.

anena an-ena mfn. without stags RV. vi, 66, 7 (cf. enī)

anenas an-enas mfn. blameless, sinless, not liable to error RV. &c.
     mfn. N. of various personages.

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anenasya an-enasya n. freedom from fault, sin ŚBr.

aneman a-neman mfn. = praśasya (to be praised) Naigh.

aneva an-eva ind. otherwise AV. xvi, 7, 4.

anehas an-ehas mfn. ( īh), without a rival, incomparable, unattainable
     mfn. unmenaced, unobstructed RV.
anehas an-ehas m. time Bālar. BhP.

anaikānta an-aikānta mfn. (fr. ekānta), variable, unsteady
anaikānta an-aikānta mfn. (in logic) occasional, as a cause not invariably attended by the same effects.

anaikāntika an-aikāntika mfn. unsteady, variable, having many objects or purposes
anaikāntika an-aikāntika n. (in Vaiśeṣika phil.) the fallacy of undistributed middle.
anaikāntikatva an-aikāntika-tva n. unsteadiness, uncertainty Nyāyad.

anaikya an-aikya n. (eka), want of oneness, plurality, the existence of many
     n. want of union, anarchy.

anaipuṇa a-naipuṇa or a-naipuṇya n. unskilfulness Pāṇ. 7-3, 30; (see ānaipuṇa.)

anaiśvarya an-aiśvarya n. "non-power", weakness Pāṇ. 7-3, 30
anaiśvarya an-aiśvarya n. (see ānaiśvarya.)

ano ind. no, not L.

anokaśāyin an-oka-śāyin m. not sleeping in a house (as a beggar) L.

anokaha an-oka-ha m. "not quitting his home or his place", a tree Ragh. &c.

anoṃkṛta an-oṃ-kṛta mfn. not accompanied by the holy syllable om Mn. ii, 74.

anoratha ano-ratha m. pl. waggon (anas) and chariot AitBr.

anovāha ano-vāha mfn. driving a waggon or carriage TS. ŚBr.

anovāhya ano-vāhya mfn. to be driven on a carriage TS.
anovāhyam ano-vāhyam ind. in waggon loads KātyŚr.

anaucitya an-aucitya n. unfitness Sāh.

anaujasya an-aujasya n. want of vigour Sāh.

anauddhatya an-auddhatya n. freedom from haughtiness Sāh.
     n. not standing high (said of the water of a river) Kir.

anaupamya an-aupamya mfn. unparalleled.

anaurasa an-aurasa m. not one's own son, adopted.

ant cl.1.P. antati, to bind L. (cf. and, īnt.)

anta m. end, limit, boundary, term
     m. end of a texture
     m. end, conclusion
     m. end of life, death, destruction (in these latter senses some times neut.)
     m. a final syllable, termination
     m. last word of a compound
     m. pause, settlement, definite ascertainment, certainty
     m. whole amount
     m. border, outskirt (e.g. grāmānte, in the outskirts of the village)
     m. nearness, proximity, presence
     m. inner part, inside
     m. condition, nature
anta m. (e) loc. c. in the end, at last
     m. in the inside
antam ind. as far as (ifc. e.g. udakāntam, as far as the water); (mfn.), near, handsome, agreeable L. ([cf. Goth. 'andeis', Theme 'andja'; Germ. 'Ende'; Eng. 'end': with anta are also compared the Gk. [greek]; Lat. 'ante'; the Goth. 'anda' in 'anda-vaurd', &c.; and the Germ. 'ent' e.g. in 'entsagen']).
antakara anta-kara mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.
antakaraṇa anta-karaṇa mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.
antakārin anta-kārin mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.
antakāla anta-kāla m. time of death, death.
antakṛt anta-kṛt mfn. making an end
antakṛt anta-kṛt mfn. (t) m. death.
antakṛddaśā anta-kṛd-daśā f. pl. N. of the eighth of the twelve sacred Aṅga texts of the Jainas (containing ten chapters).
antaga anta-ga mfn. going to the end, thoroughly conversant with.
antagata anta-gata (anta-) mfn. gone to the end; being at the end of; thoroughly penetrating TS.
antagati anta-gati (anta-) ([ŚBr.]) mfn. going to the end, perishing.
antagāmin anta-gāmin mfn. going to the end, perishing.
antagamana anta-gamana n. the act of going to the end, finishing
     n. going to the end of life, dying.
antacara anta-cara mfn. going to the frontiers, walking about the frontiers R.
antaja anta-ja mfn. last born.
antajāti anta-jāti see antyajāti.
antatas anta-tas ind. from the end, from the term; lastly, finally; in the lowest way; in part; within.
antadīpaka anta-dīpaka n. a figure in rhetoric.
antapāla anta-pāla m. a frontier-guard.
antabhava anta-bhava mfn. being at the end, last.
antabhāj anta-bhāj mfn. standing at the end (of a word) RPrāt.
antarata anta-rata mfn. delighting in destruction.
antalīna anta-līna mfn. hidden, concealed.
antalopa anta-lopa m. (in Gr.) the dropping of the final of a word.
antavat anta-vat (anta-) mfn. having an end or term, limited, perishable AV. &c.; containing a word which has the meaning of anta AitBr.; (-vat) ind. like the end; like the final of a word Pat.
antavahni anta-vahni m. the fire of the end (by which the world is to be burnt).
antavāsin anta-vāsin = ante-vāsin q.v. L.
antavelā anta-velā f. hour of death ChUp.
antaśayyā anta-śayyā f. a bed or mat on the ground
     f. death
     f. the place for burial or burning
     f. bier L.
antasatkriyā anta-satkriyā f. the funeral ceremonies Rājat.
antasad anta-sad m. a pupil (who dwells near his teacher).
antastha anta-stha mfn. standing at the end
antastha anta-stha mfn. see also antaḥ-stha.
antasvarita anta-svarita m. the Svarita accent on the last syllable of a word
antasvarita anta-svarita n. a word thus accentuated.
antādi ī du. m. end and beginning, (g. rājadantādi q.v.)
antāvasāyin m. a barber L.
antāvasāyin. ; a Cāṇḍāla MārkP. &c. cf. ante-'vasāyin
antāvasāyin. ; N. of a Muni L.
antavaśāyin m. a barber L.
     m. a Cāṇḍāla MārkP. &c. cf. ante-'vasāyin
     m. N. of a Muni L.
antevasāyin ante-'vasāyin m. a man living at the end of a town or village, a man belonging to the lowest caste MBh. &c.
antevāsa ante-vāsa m. a neighbour, companion AitBr.
antevāsin ante-vāsin mfn. dwelling near the boundaries, dwelling close by L.
antevāsin ante-vāsin m. a pupil who dwells near or in the house of his teacher ŚBr. &c.
antevāsin ante-vāsin mfn. = ante-'vasāyin q.v. L.
antevāsin ante-vāsin mfn. (i) ind. in statu pupillari, (g. dvidaṇḍy-ādi q.v.)
antodātta m. the acute accent on the last syllable
antodātta mfn. having the acute accent on the last syllable.

antaka m. border, boundary ŚBr.

antaka mfn. making an end, causing death
antaka m. death
antaka m. Yama, king or lord of death AV. &c.
antaka m. N. of a man favoured by the Aśvins RV. i, 112, 6 N. of a king.
antakadruh antaka-druh Nom. -dhruk f. demon of death RV. x, 132, 4.

antama ([once antama RV. i, 165, 5]) mfn. next, nearest RV.; intimate (as a friend) RV.

antama mfn. the last TS. ŚBr. &c.

antaya Nom. P. antayati, to make an end of L.

antika &c. see antika, p.45.
antima &c. see antika, p.45.
antya &c. see antika, p.45.

antaḥ (for antar see col.2).
antaḥkaraṇa antaḥ-karaṇa n. the internal organ, the seat of thought and feeling, the mind, the thinking faculty, the heart, the conscience, the soul.
antaḥkalpa antaḥ-kalpa m. a certain number of years Buddh.
antaḥkuṭila antaḥ-kuṭila mfn. internally crooked
     mfn. fraudulent
antaḥkuṭila antaḥ-kuṭila m. a couch L.
antaḥkṛmi antaḥ-kṛmi m. a disease caused by worms in the body.
antaḥkoṭarapuṣpī antaḥ-koṭarapuṣpī = aṇḍa-koṭara-puṣpī q.v. Car.
antaḥkoṇa antaḥ-koṇa m. the inner corner.
antaḥkopa antaḥ-kopa m. inward wrath.
antaḥkośa antaḥ-kośa n. the interior of a store-room AV.
antaḥpaṭa antaḥ-paṭa m. n. a cloth held between two persons who are to be united (as bride and bridegroom, or pupil and teacher) until the right moment of union is arrived.
antaḥpadam antaḥ-padam ind. in the middle of an inflected word Prāt.
antaḥpade antaḥ-pade ind. in the middle of an inflected word Prāt.
antaḥparidhāna antaḥ-paridhāna n. the innermost garment.
antaḥparidhi antaḥ-paridhi ind. in the inside of the pieces of wood forming the paridhi KātyŚr.
antaḥparśavya antaḥ-parśavya n. flesh between the ribs VS.
antaḥpavitra antaḥ-pavitra the Soma when in the straining-vessel ŚBr.
antaḥpaśu antaḥ-paśu ind. from evening till morning (while the cattle are in the stables) KātyŚr.
antaḥpāta antaḥ-pāta ([ŚBr.]) ([KātyŚr.]) m. a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice; (in Gr.) insertion of a letter RPrāt.
antaḥpātya antaḥ-pātya ([KātyŚr.]) m. a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice; (in Gr.) insertion of a letter RPrāt.
antaḥpātita antaḥ-pātita mfn. inserted, included in.
antaḥpātin antaḥ-pātin mfn. inserted, included in.
antaḥpātra antaḥ-pātra n. the interior of a vessel AV.
antaḥpādam antaḥ-pādam ind. within the Pāda of a verse RPrāt. Pāṇ.
antaḥpārśvya antaḥ-pārśvya n. flesh between or at both sides VS.
antaḥpāla antaḥ-pāla m. one who watches the inner apartments of a palace R.
antaḥpura antaḥ-pura n. the king's palace, the female apartments, gynaeceum
     n. those who live in the female apartments
     n. a queen.
antaḥpuracara antaḥ-pura-cara m. guardian of the women's apartments.
antaḥpurajana antaḥ-purajana m. the women of the palace.
antaḥpurapracāra antaḥ-pura-pracāra m. the gossip of the women's apartments.
antaḥpurarakṣaka antaḥ-pura-rakṣaka m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.
antaḥpuravartin antaḥ-pura-vartin m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.
antaḥpurādhyakṣa antaḥ-purādhyakṣa m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.
antaḥpurasahāya antaḥ-pura-sahāya m. belonging to the women's apartments (as a eunuch, &c.)
antaḥpurika antaḥ-purika m. superintendent of the gynaeceum or harem
antaḥpurikā antaḥ-purikā f. a woman in the harem.
antaḥpūya antaḥ-pūya mfn. ulcerous.
antaḥpeya antaḥ-peya n. supping up, drinking RV. x, 107, 9.
antaḥprakṛti antaḥ-prakṛti f. the heart, the soul, the internal nature or constitution of a man.
antaḥprajña antaḥ-prajña mfn. internally wise, knowing one's self.
antaḥpratiṣṭhāna antaḥ-pratiṣṭhāna n. residence in the interior.
antaḥpratiṣṭhita antaḥ-pratiṣṭhita mfn. residing inside.
antaḥśara antaḥ-śara m. interior reed or cane TS.
     m. an internal arrow or disease.
antaḥśarīra antaḥ-śarīra n. the internal and spiritual part of man.
antaḥśalya antaḥ-śalya (antaḥ-) mfn. having a pin or extraneous body sticking inside ŚBr.
antaḥśilā antaḥ-śilā f. = antra-śilā.
antaḥśleṣa antaḥ-śleṣa ([MaitrS. VS.]) m. ([ŚBr. AitBr.]) n. internal support.
antaḥśleṣaṇa antaḥ-śleṣaṇa ([ŚBr. AitBr.]) n. internal support.
antaḥsaṃjña antaḥ-saṃjña mfn. internally conscious Mn. i, 49, &c.
antaḥsattvā antaḥ-sattvā f. a pregnant woman
     f. the marking nut (Semecarpus Anacardium).
antaḥsadasam antaḥ-sadasam ind. in the middle of the assembly ŚBr.
antaḥsāra antaḥ-sāra mfn. having internal essence
antaḥsāra antaḥ-sāra m. internal treasure, inner store or contents.
antaḥsukha antaḥ-sukha mfn. internally happy. -senam ind. into the midst of the armies.
antaḥstha antaḥ-stha (generally written antastha) mfn. being in the midst or between ŚBr. &c.; mf. a term applied to the semivowels, as standing between the consonants and vowels Prāt. &c.; (ā) f. interim, meantime PBr.
antaḥsthamudgara antaḥ-stha-mudgara m. (in anatomy) the malleus of the ear.
antaḥsthāchandas antaḥ-sthā-chandas n. N. of a class of metres.
antaḥsveda antaḥ-sveda m. "sweating internally", an elephant L.

antaḥkhyā antaḥ-khyā to deprive of, conceal from RV.

antaḥpaś antaḥ-paś to look between, look into RV.

antaḥsthā antaḥ-sthā to stand in the way of, stop RV.

antama and antamā see s.v. anta.

antar ind. within, between, amongst, in the middle or interior. (As a prep. with loc.) in the middle, in, between, into; (with acc.) between; (with gen.) in, in the middle. (ifc.) in, into, in the middle of, between, out of the midst of ([cf. Zend [avestan]; Lat. 'inter'; Goth. 'undar']).

antar is sometimes compounded with a following word like an adjective, meaning interior, internal, intermediate.
antaragni antar-agni m. the interior fire, digestive force Suśr.
antaragni antar-agni mfn. being in the fire Kauś.
antaraṅga antar-aṅga mfn. interior, proximate, related, being essential to, or having reference to the essential part of the aṅga or base of a word
antaraṅga antar-aṅga n. any interior part of the body VarBṛS.
antaraṅgatva antar-aṅga-tva n. the state or condition of an Antaraṅga.
antaravayava antar-avayava m. an inner limb or part.
antarākāśa antar-ākāśa m. intermediate place, KaushBr.
     m. the sacred ether or Brahma in the interior part or soul of man.
antarākūṭa antar-ākūṭa n. hidden intention.
antarāgama antar-āgama m. (in Gr) an additional augment between two letters.
antarāgāra antar-āgāra m. the interior of a house Yājñ.
antarātmaka antar-ātmaka mf (ī) n. interior MaitrUp.
antarātman antar-ātman m. the soul
     m. the internal feelings, the heart or mind MaitrS. &c.
antarātmeṣṭakam antar-ātmeṣṭakam ind. in the space between one's self and the (sacrificial) bricks KātyŚr.
antarādhāna antar-ādhāna (antar-) mfn. "having a bit inside", bridled TBr.
antarāpaṇa antar-āpaṇa m. a market inside (a town) R.
antarāya antar-āya see antar-i.
antarārāma antar-ārāma mfn. rejoicing in one's self (not in the exterior world) Bhag.
antarāla antar-āla ([L.]) n. intermediate space; (e) loc. ind. in the midst, in midway (āla is probably for ālaya).
antarālaka antar-ālaka ([L.]) n. intermediate space; (e) loc. ind. in the midst, in midway (āla is probably for ālaya).
antarindriya antar-indriya n. (in Vedānta phil.) an internal organ (of which there are four, viz. manas, buddhi, ahaṃkāra, and citta).
antarīpa antar-īpa n. (fr. 2. ap), an island Pāṇ. 6-3, 97.
antaruṣya antar-uṣya m. (5. vas), an intermediate resting-place, KaushBr.
antaruṣya antar-uṣya m. cf. daśāntaruṣya.
antargaṅgā antar-gaṅgā f. the under-ground Ganges (as supposed to communicate under-ground with a sacred spring in Mysore).
antargaḍu antar-gaḍu mfn. "having worms within", unprofitable, useless.
antargata antar-gata &c. see antar-gam.
antargarbha antar-garbha mfn. inclosing young, pregnant KātyŚr.
antargiri antar-giri m. "situated among the mountains", N. of a country MBh.
antargudavalaya antar-guda-valaya m. (in anat.) the sphincter muscle.
antargūḍhaviṣa antar-gūḍha-viṣa mfn. having hidden poison within.
antargṛha antar-gṛha n. interior of the house, inner apartment
antargṛha antar-gṛha. ; (am) ind. in the interior of a house.
antargeha antar-geha n. interior of the house, inner apartment
antargeham antar-geham ind. in the interior of a house.
antargoṣṭha antar-goṣṭha (antar-) mfn. being inside of the stable MaitrS.; (as) m. inside of a stable MānGṛ.
antarghaṇa antar-ghaṇa m. a place between the entrance-door and the house
antarghaṇa antar-ghaṇa. ; N. of a village Pāṇ. 3-3, 78 Sch.
antarghana antar-ghana m. a place between the entrance-door and the house
antarghana antar-ghana. ; N. of a village Pāṇ. 3-3, 78 Sch.
antarghāta antar-ghāta m. a place between the entrance-door and the house
     m. N. of a village Pāṇ. 3-3, 78 Sch.
antarja antar-ja mfn. bred in the interior (of the body, as a worm).
antarjaṭhara antar-jaṭhara n. the stomach L.
antarjanman antar-janman n. inward birth.
antarjambha antar-jambha m. the inner part of the jaws ŚBr.
antarjalacara antar-jala-cara mfn. going in the water.
antarjāta antar-jāta mfn. inborn, inbred, innate.
antarjānu antar-jānu ind. between the knees; holding the hands between the knees Hcat.; (mfn.), holding the hands between the knees.
antarjñāna antar-jñāna n. inward knowledge.
antarjyotis antar-jyotis (antar-) mfn. having the soul enlightened, illuminated ŚBr. xiv Bhag.
antarjvalana antar-jvalana n. internal heat, inflammation.
antardagdha antar-dagdha mfn. burnt inwardly.
antardadhana antar-dadhana n. the distillation of spirituous liquor (or a substance used to cause fermentation) L.
antardadhāna antar-dadhāna mfn. vanishing, disappearing, hiding one's self
antardadhāna antar-dadhāna mfn. (cf. antar-dhā.)
antardaśā antar-daśā f. (in astrol.) intermediate period.
antardaśāha antar-daśāha n. an interval of ten days
antardaśāha antar-daśāha n. (āt) ind. before the end of ten days Mn.
antardāva antar-dāva m. the middle of a fire AV.
antardāha antar-dāha m. internal heat, or fever.
antardiś antar-diś f. = -deśa below MānGṛ.
antarduḥkha antar-duḥkha mfn. afflicted in mind, sad.
antarduṣṭa antar-duṣṭa mfn. internally bad, wicked, vile.
antardṛṣṭi antar-dṛṣṭi mfn. looking into one's own soul.
antardeśa antar-deśa m. an intermediate region of the compass AV.
antardvāra antar-dvāra n. a private or secret door within the house L.
antardhā antar-dhā &c. see s.v. antar-dhā, p.44.
antardhyāna antar-dhyāna n. profound inward meditation.
antarnagara antar-nagara n. the palace of a king R.
antarniviṣṭa antar-niviṣṭa mfn. gone within, being within.
antarniṣṭha antar-niṣṭha mfn. engaged in internal reflection.
antarbāṣpa antar-bāṣpa m. suppressed tears
antarbāṣpa antar-bāṣpa mfn. containing tears.
antarbhavana antar-bhavana n. the interior of a house.
antarbhāva antar-bhāva &c. see antar-bhū, p.44, col.2.
antarbhāvanā antar-bhāvanā f. inward meditation or anxiety
antarbhāvanā antar-bhāvanā f. (in arithm.) rectification of numbers by the differences of the products.
antarbhūmi antar-bhūmi f. the inner part of the earth.
antarbhauma antar-bhauma mfn. being in the interior of the earth, subterranean R.
antarmanas antar-manas mfn. sad, perplexed L.
antarmukha antar-mukha mfn. going into the mouth
antarmukha antar-mukha n. a kind of scissors used in surgery Suśr.
antarmudra antar-mudra m. "sealed inside", N. of a form of devotion.
antarmṛta antar-mṛta mfn. still-born Suśr.
antaryāma antar-yāma m. a Soma libation performed with suppression of the breath and voice VS. ŚBr. &c.
antaryāmagraha antar-yāma-graha m. id.
antaryāmin antar-yāmin m. "checking or regulating the internal feelings", the soul ŚBr. xiv MuṇḍUp.
antaryoga antar-yoga m. deep thought, abstraction.
antarlamba antar-lamba mfn. acute-angular
antarlamba antar-lamba m. a triangle in which the perpendicular falls within, an acute-angled triangle.
antarlīna antar-līna mfn. inherent.
antarloma antar-loma (antar-) mfn. (said of anything) the hairy side of which is turned inwards MaitrS.; covered with hair on the inner side.
antarvaṃśa antar-vaṃśa m. = antaḥ-pura.
antarvaṃśika antar-vaṃśika m. superintendent of the women's apartments.
antarvaṇa antar-vaṇa mfn. situated in a forest Pāṇ.
antarvaṇam antar-vaṇam ind. within a forest Pāṇ. Sch.
antarvat antar-vat (antar-) mf (vati [RV.] or vatnī) n. pregnant RV. &c.
antarvami antar-vami m. flatulence, indigestion.
antarvarta antar-varta m. the act of filling up gaps with grass TS.
antarvartin antar-vartin mfn. internal, included, dwelling in.
antarvasat antar-vasat mfn. internal, included, dwelling in.
antarvasu antar-vasu m. N. of a Soma sacrifice KātyŚr.
antarvastra antar-vastra n. an under garment Kathās.
antarvāṇi antar-vāṇi mfn. skilled in sacred sciences.
antarvāvat antar-vāvat ind. inwardly RV.
antarvāsas antar-vāsas n. an inner or under garment Kathās.
antarvigāhana antar-vigāhana n. entering within L.
antarvidvas antar-vidvas mfn. (perf. p. 1. vid), knowing exactly RV. i, 72, 7.
antarvega antar-vega m. internal uneasiness or anxiety
     m. inward fever.
antarvedi antar-vedi ind. within the sacrificial ground ŚBr. &c.: (ī) f. the Doab or district between the Gaṅgā and Yamunā rivers; (ayas) m. pl. N. of the people living there R.
antarveśman antar-veśman n. the inner apartments, the interior of a building.
antarveśmika antar-veśmika m. superintendent of the women's apartments.
antarhaṇana antar-haṇana n. abolishing Pāṇ. 8-4, 24 Sch.
antarhanana antar-hanana m. N. of a village Pāṇ. 8-4, 24 Sch.
antarhastam antar-hastam ind. in the hand, within reach of the hand AV.
antarhastīna antar-hastīna mfn. being in the hand or within reach AitBr.
antarhāsa antar-hāsa m. laughing inwardly
     m. suppressed laughter
antarhāsam antar-hāsam ind. with suppressed laugh.
antarhita antar-hita &c. see antar-dhā, p.44.
antarhṛdaya antar-hṛdaya mfn. turned inwards in mind MaitrUp.

antara mf (ā) n. being in the interior, interior
     mf (ā) n. near, proximate, related, intimate
     mf (ā) n. lying adjacent to
     mf (ā) n. distant
     mf (ā) n. different from
     mf (ā) n. exterior
antara n. the interior
antara n. a hole, opening
antara n. the interior part of a thing, the contents
antara n. soul, heart, supreme soul
antara n. interval, intermediate space or time
antara n. period
antara n. term
antara n. opportunity, occasion
antara n. place
antara n. distance, absence
antara n. difference, remainder
antara n. property, peculiarity
antara n. weakness, weak side
antara n. representation
antara n. surety, guaranty
antara n. respect, regard
antara n. (ifc.), different, other, another e.g. deśāntaram, another country
antara n. (am), or -tas ind. in the interior, within ([cf. Goth. 'anthar', Theme 'anthara'; Lith. 'antra-s', "the second"; Lat. 'alter']).
antaracakra antara-cakra n. the whole of the thirty-two intermediate regions of the compass VarBṛS.
     n. a technical term in augury.
antarajña antara-jña mfn. knowing the interior, prudent, provident, foreseeing.
antaratama antara-tama mfn. nearest
     mfn. immediate, intimate, internal
     mfn. like, analogous
antaratama antara-tama m. a congenial letter, one of the same class.
antaratara antara-tara (antara-) mfn. nearer; very intimate TS. ŚBr.
antarada antara-da mfn. (3. ), cutting or hurting the interior or heart.
antaradiśā antara-diśā ([VS.]) f. an intermediate region or quarter of the compass (cf. antarā-diś and antar-deśa.)
antarapūruṣa antara-pūruṣa m. the internal man, the soul Mn. viii, 85.
antaraprabhava antara-prabhava mfn. of mixed origin or caste Mn. i, 2.
antarapraśna antara-praśna m. an inner question
     m. a question which is contained in and arises from what has been previously stated.
antarastha antara-stha mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward
antarastha antara-stha.; separate, apart.
antarasthāyin antara-sthāyin mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward
antarasthāyin antara-sthāyin.; separate, apart.
antarasthita antara-sthita mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward
     mfn. separate, apart.
antarāpatyā f. a pregnant woman L.
antarābhara see antarā.

antarā ind. in the middle, inside, within, among, between; on the way, by the way; near, nearly, almost; in the meantime, now and then; for some time; (with acc. and loc.) between, during, without.
antarāṃsa m. the part of the body between the shoulders, the breast ŚBr.
antarādiś antarā-diś f. = antardiśā q.v.
antarābhara antarā-bhara mfn. bringing close to, procuring RV. viii, 32, 12.
antarābhavadeha antarā-bhavadeha m. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration.
antarābhavasattva antarā-bhava-sattva n. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration.
antarāvedī antarā-vedī f. a veranda resting on columns L.
antarāśṛṅgam antarā-śṛṅgam ind. between the horns KātyŚr.

antarīya n. an under or lower garment L.

antare ind. amidst, among, between; with regard to, for the sake of, on account of.

antareṇa ind. amidst, between; (with acc.) within, between, amidst, during; except, without, with regard to, with reference to, on account of.

antarya mfn. interior, (g. dig-ādi q.v.)

antarañj antar-añj to assume, take up into one's self VS.

antaraya antar-aya &c. see antar-i.

antarādhā antar-ā-dhā Ā. -dhatte, to receive into one's self, contain RV. ix, 73, 8 ŚBr.

antarāya see antar-i.

antarāla antar-āla see s.v. antar.

antarās antar-ās to sit down into (acc.) RV. ix, 78, 3.

antariayati antar-i-ayati to come between Mṛicch.; (perf. -ayāṃ cakāra) to conceal, cause to disappear Śiś. iii, 24
antariayatieti antar-i-ayati-eti to stand in any one's way, separate; to exclude from (abl., rarely gen.); to pass over, omit; to disappear: Intens. -īyate, to walk to and fro between (as a mediator) RV.

antaraya antar-aya m. impediment, hindrance ĀpŚr. (cf. an-antaraya.)

antaraya antar-aya Nom. P. -ayati see antar-i.

antarayaṇa antar-ayaṇa n. going under, disappearing Pāṇ. 8-4, 25.

antarayana antar-ayana m. N. of a country Pāṇ. 8-4, 25.

antarāya antar-āya m. intervention, obstacle.

antarita antar-ita mfn. gone within, interior, hidden, concealed, screened, shielded
     mfn. departed, retired, withdrawn, disappeared, perished
     mfn. separated, excluded
     mfn. impeded
antarita antar-ita n. (?) remainder (in arithmetic)
antarita antar-ita n. a technical term in architecture.

antariti antar-iti f. exclusion MaitrS.

antarikṣa n. the intermediate space between heaven and earth
antarikṣa n. (in the Veda) the middle of the three spheres or regions of life
     n. the atmosphere or sky
     n. the air
     n. talc.
antarikṣakṣit antarikṣa-kṣit mfn. dwelling in the atmosphere ChUp.
antarikṣaga antarikṣa-ga mfn. passing through the atmosphere
antarikṣaga antarikṣa-ga. ; m. a bird.
antarikṣacara antarikṣa-cara mfn. passing through the atmosphere
antarikṣacara antarikṣa-cara m. a bird.
antarikṣaprā antarikṣa-prā mfn. (1. pṛ), travelling through the atmosphere RV.
antarikṣaprut antarikṣa-prut mfn. ( pru), floating over the atmosphere RV. i, 116, 3.
antarikṣayānī antarikṣa-yānī f. N. of a brick TS.
antarikṣaloka antarikṣa-loka m. the intermediate region or sky as a peculiar world ŚBr.
antarikṣasaṃśita antarikṣa-saṃśita (antarikṣa-) mfn. sharpened in the atmosphere AV.
antarikṣasad antarikṣa-sad mfn. dwelling in the atmosphere RV. iv, 40, 5, &c.
antarikṣasadya antarikṣa-sadya n. residence in the atmosphere ŚBr.
antarikṣāyatana mfn. having its abode in the atmosphere ŚBr.
antarikṣodara mfn. having an interior as comprehensive as the atmosphere.

antarikṣya (5) mfn. atmospheric RV.

antarīkṣa n. = antarikṣa.

antariṣ antar-iṣ (3. pl. -icchanti) to wish, long for RV. viii, 72, 3.

antarupāti antar-upāti (i), -upātyeti to enter over a threshold or boundary Kauś.

antargam antar-gam to go between (so as to exclude from [abl.]) ŚBr.

antargata antar-gata mfn. gone between or into, being in, included in
antargatagāmin antar-gata-gāmin mfn. gone between or into, being in, included in
     mfn. being in the interior, internal, hidden, secret
     mfn. disappeared, perished
     mfn. slipped out of the memory, forgotten.
antargatamanas antar-gata-manas mfn. whose mind is turned inwards, engaged in deep thought, sad, perplexed.
antargatopamā f. a concealed simile (the particle of comparison being omitted).

antargā antar-gā to go between RV.; to separate, exclude from (with abl.) ŚBr.

antardhā antar-dhā Ā. -dhatte, to place within, deposit; to receive within; to hide, conceal, obscure; to hide one's self: Pass. -dhīyate to be received within, to be absorbed; to be rendered invisible; to disappear, vanish; to cease: Caus. -dhāpayati; to render invisible, to cause to disappear.

antardhā antar-dhā f. concealment, covering Pāṇ. Sch.

antardhāna antar-dhāna n. disappearance, invisibility
antardhāna antar-dhāna n. antardhānam i or gam, to disappear
antardhāna antar-dhāna m. N. of a son of Pṛithu.
antardhānagata antar-dhāna-gata mfn. disappeared.
antardhānacara antar-dhāna-cara mfn. going invisibly.

antardhāpita antar-dhāpita mfn. rendered invisible.

antardhāyaka antar-dhāyaka mf (ikā) n. rendering invisible.

antardhi antar-dhi m. concealment, covering AV.
     m. disappearance
     m. interim, meantime ṢaḍvBr.

antarhita antar-hita mfn. placed between, separated
     mfn. covered, concealed, hidden, made invisible, vanished, invisible
     mfn. hidden from (with abl.)
antarhitātman m. "of concealed mind", N. of Śiva.

antarbhū antar-bhū to be (contained or inherent or implied) in RV. vii, 86, 2, &c.

antarbhava antar-bhava mfn. being within, inward, internal, generated internally.

antarbhavana antar-bhavana see s.v. antar.

antarbhāva antar-bhāva m. the being included by (loc.), internal or inherent nature or disposition.

antarbhāvanā antar-bhāvanā see s.v. antar.

antarbhāvita antar-bhāvita mfn. included, involved.

antarbhūta antar-bhūta mfn. being within, internal, inner.
antarbhūtatva antar-bhūta-tva n.
antarbhūtatva antar-bhūta-tva n. see antar-bhāva.

antarbhūmi antar-bhūmi see s.v. antar.

antaryam antar-yam (Imper. 2. sg. -yaccha) to hinder, stop RV. x, 102, 3 VS. TS.; (Imper. -yacchatu) to keep inside AśvGṛ.

antarvas antar-vas to dwell inside, abide in the interior Śiś.; to stop in the midst of MBh. (cf. antar-uṣya s.v. antar.)

antarhan antar-han forms the ind. p. -hatya Pāṇ. 1-4, 65 Sch., and the Pass. -haṇyate Pāṇ. 8-4, 24 Sch.

antaścar antaś-car to move between, to move within RV. &c.

antaśchid antaś-chid to cut off, intercept ŚBr.

antas for antar see p.43, col.2.
antastapta antas-tapta mfn. internally heated or harassed.
antastāpa antas-tāpa m. inward heat Śāk. Mālatīm.
antastuṣāra antas-tuṣāra mfn. having dew in the interior.
antastoya antas-toya mfn. containing water inside Megh.
antaspatha antas-patha (antas-) mfn. being on the way RV. v, 52, 10.

antastya n. intestines AitBr.

anti ind. before, in the presence of near RV. AV.; (with gen.) within the proximity of, to ([cf. Lat. 'ante'; Gk. [greek] ]).
antigṛha anti-gṛha (anti.) m. neighbour RV. x, 95, 4.
antitama anti-tama mfn. very near Pāṇ. Comm.
antitas anti-tas (anti-) ind. from near RV.
antideva anti-deva (anti-) mfn. being in the presence of the gods, near the gods RV. i, 180, 7.
antimitra anti-mitra (anti-) mfn. having friends near one's self VS.
antivāma anti-vāma (anti-), mt(ā) n. at hand with wealth or loveliness RV. vii, 77, 4.
antiṣad anti-ṣad mfn. sitting near Pat.
antisumna anti-sumna (anti-) mfn. at hand with kindness AV.
antyūti anty-ūti (4) mfn. at hand with help RV. i, 138, 1.

antika mfn. (with gen. or abl.) near, proximate L. (compar. nedīyas, superl. nediṣṭha)
antika n. vicinity, proximity, near e.g. antikastha, remaining near
antikam ind. (with gen. or ifc.) until, near to, into the presence of
antika mfn. (āt) ind. from the proximity
antika n. near, close by
antika n. within the presence of
antika mfn. (e) ind. (with gen. or ifc.) near, close by, in the proximity or presence of
antika mfn. (ena) ind. (with gen.) near.
antikagati antika-gati f. going near.
antikatā antika-tā f. nearness, vicinity, contiguity.
antikāśraya m. contiguous support (as that given by a tree to a creeper) L.

antima mfn. ifc. immediately following (e.g. daśāntima, "the eleventh")
     mfn. very near L.

anti f. an elder sister (in theatrical language) L. For 1. anti see col.2.

antikā f. an elder sister (in theatrical language; perhaps a corruption of attikā) L.
     f. a fire-place L.
     f. the plant Echites Scholaris.

antī f. an oven L.

antika mfn. (fr. anta), only ifc. reaching to the end of, reaching to (e.g. nāsāntika, reaching to the nose), lasting till, until.

antima mfn. final, ultimate, last.
antimāṅka m. the last unit, nine.

antya mfn. last in place, in time, or in order
antya ifc. immediately following e.g. aṣṭamāntya, the ninth
     mfn. lowest in place or condition, undermost, inferior, belonging to the lowest caste
antya m. the plant Cyperus Hexastachyus Communis
antya n. the number 1000 billions
antya n. the twelfth sign of the zodiac
antya n. the last member of a mathematical series.
antyakarman antya-karman n. funeral rites.
antyakriyā antya-kriyā f. funeral rites.
antyaja antya-ja mfn. of the lowest caste
antyaja antya-ja m. a Śūdra
antyaja antya-ja m. a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman, currier, mimic, Varuḍa, fisherman, Meda or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester).
antyajagamana antya-ja-gamana n. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) with a man of the lowest caste.
antyajanman antya-janman mfn. of the lowest caste.
antyajāti antya-jāti mfn. of the lowest caste.
antyajātīya antya-jātīya mfn. of the lowest caste.
antyajāgamana antya-jā-gamana n. intercourse (between a man of the higher caste) with a woman of the lowest caste.
antyadhana antya-dhana n. last member of an arithmetical series.
antyapada antya-pada n. (in arithm.) the last or greatest root (in the square).
antyamūla antya-mūla n. (in arithm.) the last or greatest root (in the square).
antyabha antya-bha n. the last Nakshatra (Revati)
     n. the last sign of the zodiac, the sign Pisces.
antyayuga antya-yuga m. the last or Kali age.
antyayoni antya-yoni f. the lowest origin Mn. viii, 68
antyayoni antya-yoni mfn. of the lowest origin.
antyavarṇa antya-varṇa mf (ā) a man or woman of the last tribe, a Śūdra.
antyavipulā antya-vipulā f. N. of a metre.
antyāvasāyin ī, inī mf. a man or woman of low caste (the son of a Cāṇḍāla by a Niṣādī, especially a Caṇḍāla, Śvapaca, Kṣattṛi, Sūta, Vaidehaka, Māgadha, and Āyogava) Mn. &c.
antyahuti f. funeral oblation or sacrifice.
antyeṣṭi f. funeral sacrifice.
antyeṣṭikriyā antyeṣṭi-kriyā f. funeral ceremonies.

antyaka m. a man of the lowest tribe L.

antevāsin ante-vāsin see p.43, col.1.

antra n. (contr. of antara; Gk. [greek] ), entrail, intestine (cf. āntra)
antrī f. the plant Convolvolus Argenteus or Ipomoea Pes Caprae Roth.
antrakūja antra-kūja m. n. rumbling of the bowels.
antrakūjana antra-kūjana n. rumbling of the bowels.
antravikūjana antra-vikūjana n. rumbling of the bowels.
antraṃdhami antra-ṃ-dhami (antraṃ-) f. indigestion, inflation of the bowels from wind.
antrapācaka antra-pācaka m. the plant Aeschynomene Grandiflora.
antramaya antra-maya mfn. consisting, of entrails.
antravardhman antra-vardhman n. inguinal hernia, rupture.
antravṛddhi antra-vṛddhi f. inguinal hernia, rupture.
antraśilā antra-śilā f. N. of a river.
antrasraj antra-sraj f. a kind of garland worn by Nara-siṃha.
antrāda m. worms in the intestines.

and cl.1.P. andati, to bind L.

andu f. the chain for an elephant's feet
andu. ; a ring or chain worn on the ancle.
andū f. the chain for an elephant's feet
     f. a ring or chain worn on the ancle.

anduka m. id. L.
andūka m. id. L.

andikā f. (for antikā q.v.), fireplace.

andolaya Nom. P. andolayati, to agitate, to swing.

andolana n. swinging, oscillating.

andolita mfn. agitated, swung.

andraka = ārdraka q.v.

andh cl.10.P. andhayati, to make blind Śiś.

andha mf (ā) n. blind
     mf (ā) n. dark
andha n. darkness
andha n. turbid water, water
andha m. pl. N. of a people.
andhakāra andha-kāra m. n. darkness.
andhakāramaya andha-kāra-maya mfn. dark.
andhakārasaṃcaya andha-kāra-saṃcaya m. intensity of darkness.
andhakārita andha-kārita mfn. made dark, dark Kād. (cf. g. tārakādi.)
andhakūpa andha-kūpa m. a well of which the mouth is hidden
     m. a well over-grown with plants, &c.
     m. a particular hell.
andhaṃkaraṇa andha-ṃ-karaṇa (andhaṃ-) mf (ī) n. making blind.
andhatamasa andha-tamasa n. great, thick, or intense darkness Pāṇ. 5-4, 79 Ragh.
andhatā andha-tā f. blindness.
andhatva andha-tva n. blindness.
andhatāmasa andha-tāmasa n. = -tamasa L.
andhatāmisra andha-tāmisra m. complete darkness of the soul
andhatāmisra andha-tāmisra n. the second or eighteenth of the twenty-one hells Mn. &c.
andhatāmisra andha-tāmisra n. doctrine of annihilation after death.
andhadhī andha-dhī mfn. mentally blind.
andhapūtanā andha-pūtanā f. a female demon causing diseases in children Suśr.
andhamūṣā andha-mūṣā f. a small covered crucible with a hole in the side.
andhamūṣikā andha-mūṣikā f. the grass Lepeocercis Serrata.
andhambhaviṣṇu andha-m-bhaviṣṇu (andham-) mfn. becoming blind Pāṇ. 3-2, 57.
andhambhāvuka andha-m-bhāvuka (andham-) mfn. id. ib. Kauś.
andharātrī andha-rātrī f. dark night (?) AV.
andhālajī f. a blind boil, one that does not suppurate Suśr.
andhāhi (or andhāhika) m. a "blind" i.e. not poisonous snake; (is, is) mf. the fish called kucikā.
andhīkṛ andhī-kṛ to make blind, to blind.
andhīkṛta mfn. made blind.
andhīkṛtātman mfn. blinded in mind.
andhīgu andhī-gu m. N. of a Ṛiṣi PBr.
andhībhū andhī-bhū to become blind.
andhībhūta andhī-bhūta mfn. become blind.

andhaka mfn. blind
andhaka m. N. of an Asura (son of Kaśyapa and Diti)
andhaka m. of a descendant of Yadu and ancestor of Kṛiṣṇa and his descendants
andhaka m. N. of a Muni.
andhakaghātin andhaka-ghātin m. "the slayer or enemy of the Asura Andhaka", N. of Śiva.
andhakaripu andhaka-ripu m. "the slayer or enemy of the Asura Andhaka", N. of Śiva.
andhakavarta andhaka-varta m. N. of a mountain Pāṇ. 4-3, 91 Sch.
andhakavṛṣṇi andhaka-vṛṣṇi m. pl. descendants of Andhaka and Vṛiṣṇi.
andhakāri m. "enemy of the Asura Andhaka", N. of Śiva.
andhakāsuhṛd m. "enemy of the Asura Andhaka", N. of Śiva.

andhas n. darkness, obscurity RV.

andhikā f. night L.
     f. a kind of game (blindman's buff) L.
     f. a woman of a particular character (one of the classes of women) L.
     f. a disease of the eye L.
     f. another disease L.
andhikā f. = sarṣapī L.

andhas n. (Gk. [greek] ), a herb
     n. the Soma plant
     n. Soma juice RV. VS.
     n. juice ŚBr.
     n. grassy ground RV. vii, 96, 2
     n. food MBh. iii, 13244 BhP.

andhu m. a well Rājat.

andhula m. the tree Acacia Sirissa.

andhra m. N. of a people (probably modern Telingana)
     m. of a dynasty
     m. a man of a low caste (the offspring of a Vaideha father and Kārāvara mother, who lives by killing game) Mn. x, 36.
andhrajāti andhra-jāti f. the Andhra tribe.
andhrajātīya andhra-jātīya mfn. belonging to the Andhra tribe.
andhrabhṛtya andhra-bhṛtya m. pl. a dynasty of the Andhras.

anna mfn. ( ad), eaten L.
anna mfn. (annam) n. food or victuals, especially boiled rice
     mfn. bread corn
     mfn. food in a mystical sense (or the lowest form in which the supreme soul is manifested, the coarsest envelope of the Supreme Spirit)
     mfn. water Naigh.
     mfn. Viṣṇu
     mfn. earth L.
annakāma anna-kāma (anna-) mfn. desirous of food RV. x, 117, 3.
annakāla anna-kāla m. meal-time, proper hour for eating
     m. time at which a convalescent patient begins to take food Bhpr.
annakoṣṭhaka anna-koṣṭhaka m. cupboard, granary
     m. Viṣṇu, the sun L.
annagati anna-gati f. the oesophagus, gullet.
annagandhi anna-gandhi m. dysentery, diarrhoea.
annaja anna-ja mfn. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance.
annajāta anna-jāta mfn. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance.
annajala anna-jala n. food and water, bare subsistence.
annajit anna-jit mfn. obtaining food by conquest (explanation of vāja-jit) ŚBr.
annajīvana anna-jīvana (anna-) mfn. living by food ŚBr.
annatejas anna-tejas (anna-) mfn. having the vigour of food AV.
annada anna-da mfn. giving food
annada anna-da. ; N. of Śiva and Durgā L.
annadātṛ anna-dātṛ mfn. giving food
     mfn. N. of Śiva and Durgā L.
annadāna anna-dāna n. the giving of food.
annadāyin anna-dāyin mfn. = -da above.
annadevatā anna-devatā f. the divinity supposed to preside over articles of food.
annadoṣa anna-doṣa m. a fault committed by eating prohibited food Mn. v, 4.
annadveṣa anna-dveṣa m. want of appetite, dislike of food.
annapati anna-pati (anna-) m. the lord of food, N. of Savitṛi, Agni, Śiva.
annapatnī anna-patnī f. a goddess presiding over food AitBr. ĀśvŚr.
annapatya anna-patya (anna-) n. the lordship over food MaitrS.
annapū anna-pū mfn. (explanation of keta-pū), purifying food ŚBr.
annapūrṇa anna-pūrṇa mfn. filled with or possessed of food
annapūrṇā anna-pūrṇā f. N. of a goddess, a form of Durgā.
annapeya anna-peya n. explains the word vāja-peya q.v. ŚBr.
annaprada anna-prada mfn. = -da above ŚBr.
annapralaya anna-pralaya mfn. being resolved into food or the primitive substance after death L.
annaprāśa anna-prāśa m. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first time (one of the Saṃskāras; see saṃskāra) Mn. ii, 34 Yājñ. i, 12.
annaprāśana anna-prāśana n. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first time (one of the Saṃskāras; see saṃskāra) Mn. ii, 34 Yājñ. i, 12.
annabubhukṣu anna-bubhukṣu mfn. desirous of eating food.
annabrahman anna-brahman n. Brahma as represented by food.
annabhakṣa anna-bhakṣa m. eating of food.
annabhakṣaiṇa anna-bhakṣaiṇa n. eating of food.
annabhāga anna-bhāga m. a share of food AV. iii, 30, 6.
annabhuj anna-bhuj mfn. eating food
annabhuj anna-bhuj mfn. (k) m. a N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10382.
annamaya anna-maya mf (ī) n. made from food, composed of food or of boiled rice.
annamayakośa anna-maya-kośa m. the gross material body (which is sustained by food = sthūla-śarīra).
annamala anna-mala n. excrement
     n. spirituous liquor cf. Mn. xi, 93.
annarakṣā anna-rakṣā f. caution in eating food.
annarasa anna-rasa m. essence of food, chyle
     m. meat and drink, nutriment, taste in distinguishing food.
annalipsā anna-lipsā f. desire for food, appetite.
annavat anna-vat (anna-) mfn. Ved. possessed of food RV. x, 117, 2, &c.
annavastra anna-vastra n. food and clothing, the necessaries of life.
annavāhisrotas anna-vāhi-srotas n. the oesophagus, gullet.
annavikāra anna-vikāra m. transformation of food
     m. disorder of the stomach from indigestion
     m. the seminal secretion.
annavid anna-vid mfn. (2. vid), acquiring food AV. vi, 116, 1
annavid anna-vid mfn. (1. vid), knowing food.
annaśeṣa anna-śeṣa m. leavings, offal.
annasaṃskāra anna-saṃskāra m. consecrating of food.
annahartṛ anna-hartṛ mfn. taking away food.
annahoma anna-homa m. a sacrifice connected with the Aśvamedha ŚBr.
annākāla see anākāla.
annācchādana n. food and clothing.
annāttṛ ([Mn. ii, 188]) mfn. eating food.
annādin ([Mn. ii, 188]) mfn. eating food.
annāda mf (ī, ā) n. eating food
     mf (ī, ā) n. Superl. of the fem. annādi-tamā, "eating the most", N. of the fore-finger ŚBr.
annādana n. eating of food.
annādya n. food in general, proper food.
annādyakāma annādya-kāma mfn. desirous of food.
annāyu m. (coined for the etymology of vāyu), "living by food, desirous of food" AitUp.
annārthin mfn. asking for food.
annāvṛdh annā-vṛdh (final a lengthened) mfn. prospering by food RV. x, 1, 4.
annāhārin mfn. eating food.

anniyat mfn. being desirous of food RV. iv, 2, 7.

annambhaṭṭa m. N. of the author of the Tarka-saṃgraha q.v.

anya (3) n. inexhaustibleness (as of the milk of cows) AV. xii, 1, 4 (cf. anyā.).

anya mf (-yā anyat) n. other, different
     mf (-yā anyat) n. other than, different from, opposed to (abl. or in comp.)
     mf (-yā anyat) n. another
     mf (-yā anyat) n. another person
     mf (-yā anyat) n. one of a number
anya mf (-yā anyat) n. anya anya or eka anya, the one, the other
anya mf (-yā anyat) n. anyac ca, and another, besides, moreover ([cf. Zd. 'anya'; Armen. 'ail'; Lat. 'alius'; Goth. 'aljis', Theme 'alja'; Gk. [greek] for [characters]; cf. also [characters]]).
anyakāma anya-kāma mfn. loving another.
anyakārukā anya-kārukā f. a worm bred in excrement L.
anyakṛta anya-kṛta (anya-) mfn. done by another RV.
anyakṣetra anya-kṣetra n. another territory or sphere AV.
anyaga anya-ga mfn. going to another, adulterous.
anyagāmin anya-gāmin mfn. going to another, adulterous.
anyagotra anya-gotra mfn. of a different family.
anyacitta anya-citta mf (ā) n. whose mind is fixed on some one or something else.
anyacodita anya-codita mfn. moved by another.
anyaja anya-ja (anya-) ([RV.]) mfn. born of another (family, &c.), of a different origin.
anyajāta anya-jāta (anya-) ([RV.]) mfn. born of another (family, &c.), of a different origin.
anyajanman anya-janman n. another birth, being born again.
anyatas anya-tas see s.v.
anyatā anya-tā f. difference.
anyadurvaha anya-durvaha mfn. difficult to be borne by another.
anyadevata anya-devata mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity.
anyadevatya anya-devatya ([MaitrS. ŚBr.]) mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity.
anyadaivata anya-daivata mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity.
anyadharma anya-dharma m. different characteristic
     m. characteristic of another
anyadharma anya-dharma mfn. having different characteristics.
anyadhī anya-dhī mfn. one whose mind is alienated L.
anyanābhi anya-nābhi (anya-) mfn. of another family AV. i, 29, 1.
anyapara anya-para mfn. devoted to something else, zealous in something else.
anyapuṣṭa anya-puṣṭa mf (ā) ([Kum. i, 46]) "reared by another", the kokila or Indian cuckoo (supposed to be reared by the crow).
anyapūrvā anya-pūrvā f. a woman previously betrothed to one and married to another.
anyabījaja anya-bīja-ja m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son.
anyabījasamudbhava anya-bīja-samudbhava m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son.
anyabījotpanna anya-bījotpanna m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son.
anyabhṛt anya-bhṛt m. "nourishing another", a crow (supposed to sit upon the eggs of the kokila).
anyabhṛta anya-bhṛta mf (ā) ([Ragh. viii, 58]) = -puṣṭā above.
anyamanas anya-manas mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile
anyamanas anya-manas. ; having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon.
anyamanaska anya-manaska mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile
     mfn. having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon.
anyamātṛja anya-mātṛ-ja m. a half-brother (who has the same father but another mother) Yājñ.
anyarājan anya-rājan mfn. having another for king, subject to another ChUp.
anyarāṣṭrīya anya-rāṣṭrīya mfn. from another kingdom, belonging to another kingdom ŚBr.
anyarūpa anya-rūpa n. another form
anyarūpa anya-rūpa n. (eṇa), in another form, disguised
anyarūpa anya-rūpa n. (anya-rūpa) mf (ā) n. having another form, changed, altered RV. &c.
anyarūpin anya-rūpin mfn. having another shape.
anyaliṅga anya-liṅga mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective.
anyaliṅgaka anya-liṅgaka mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective.
anyavarṇa anya-varṇa (anya-) mf (ā) n. having another colour.
anyavāpa anya-vāpa m. "sowing for others" i.e. "leaving his eggs in the nests of other birds", the kokila or Indian cuckoo VS.
anyavrata anya-vrata (anya-) m. devoted to others, infidel RV. VS.
anyaśākhaka anya-śākhaka m. a Brāhman who has left his school L.
     m. an apostate L.
anyasaṃgama anya-saṃgama m. intercourse with another, adulterous intercourse.
anyasādhāraṇa anya-sādhāraṇa mfn. common to others.
anyastrīga anya-strī-ga m. going to another's wife, an adulterer Mn.
anyādṛkṣa anyā-dṛkṣa ([L.]) mf (ī) n. of another kind, like another.
anyādṛś anyā-dṛś ([VS. &c.]) mfn. mf (ī) n. of another kind, like another.
anyādṛśa anyā-dṛśa mf (ī) n. of another kind, like another.
anyādhīna mfn. subject to others, dependent.
anyāśrayaṇa n. going to another (as an inheritance).
anyāśrita mfn. gone to another.
anyāsakta mfn. intent on something else.
anyāsādhāraṇa mfn. not common to another, peculiar.
anyoḍhā f. married to another, another's wife Sāh.
anyotpanna mfn. begotten by another.
anyodarya mfn. born from another womb RV. vii, 4, 8
anyodarya m. a stepmother's son Yājñ.

anyaka mfn. another, other RV.

anyatama anya-tama mfn. any one of many, either, any.

anyatara anya-tara mf (-rā anyatarat) n. either of two, other, different
anyatara anya-tara mf (-rā anyatarat) n. anyatara anyatara, the one, the other
anyatara anya-tara mf (-rā anyatarat) n. anyatarasyām loc. f. either way. Pāṇ.
anyataratas anya-tara-tas (anyatara-) ind. on one of two sides ŚBr. KātyŚr.; either way (= anyatarasyām) VPrāt.
anyataratodanta anyatarato-danta mf (ā) n. having teeth on one side (only) ŚBr.
anyataredyus anyatare-dyus ind. on either of two days Pāṇ. 5-3, 22.

anyatas anya-tas ind. from another; from another motive; on one side (anyataḥ anyataḥ, on the one, on the other side); elsewhere; on the other side, on the contrary, in one direction; towards some other place.
anyataeta anyata-eta mf (-enī) n. variegated on one side VS. xxx, 19.
anyataḥkṣṇut anyataḥ-kṣṇut mfn. sharp on one side ŚBr.
anyataḥplakṣā anyataḥ-plakṣā f. N. of a lotus pond in Kurukshetra ŚBr.
anyatoghātin mfn. striking in one direction ŚBr.
anyatodat anyato-dat mfn. = anyatarato-danta q.v. TS.
anyatoraṇya anyato-'raṇya n. a land which is woody only on one side VS. xxx, 19.
anyatovāta anyato-vāta m. a disease of the eye, Śuśr.

anyatastya m. "opponent, adversary", in comp. with
anyatastyajāyin anyatastya-jāyin mfn. overwhelming adversaries ŚBr. xiv.

anyatkāraka anyat-kāraka mfn. making mistakes Pāṇ. 6-3, 99 (the neut. form appears to be used in comp. when error of any kind is implied; other examples besides the following are given).
anyatkṛ anyat-kṛ to make a mistake Pat.
anyadāśā anyad-āśā f. a bad desire or hope (?) Pāṇ. 6-3, 99.
anyadāśis anyad-āśis f. a bad desire or hope (?) Pāṇ. 6-3, 99.

anyatra anya-tra ind. (= anyasmin loc. of 2. anya), elsewhere, in another place (with abl.); on another occasion; (ifc.) at another time than; otherwise, in another manner; to another place; except, without MānGṛ. Jain. ([cf. Goth. 'aljathro']).
anyatramanas anya-tra-manas (anyatra-) mfn. having the mind directed to something else, inattentive ŚBr. xiv.

anyathaya P. anyathayati, to alter Sāh.

anyathā anya-thā ind. otherwise, in a different manner (with atas, itas, or tatas = in a manner different from this; anyathā anyathā, in one way, in another way); inaccurately, untruly, falsely, erroneously; from another motive; in the contrary case, otherwise ([cf. Lat. 'aliuta']).
anyathākāra anya-thā-kāra m. doing otherwise changing
anyathākāram anya-thā-kāram ind. otherwise, in a different manner Pāṇ. 3-4, 27.
anyathākṛ anya-thā-kṛ to act otherwise, alter, violate (a law), destroy (a hope), &c.
anyathākṛta anya-thā-kṛta mfn. changed.
anyathākhyāti anya-thā-khyāti f. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) the assertion that something is not really what it appears to be according to sensual perception
     f. N. of a philosophical work.
anyathātva anya-thā-tva n. an opposite state of the case, difference.
anyathābhāva anya-thā-bhāva m. alteration, difference.
anyathābhūta anya-thā-bhūta mfn. changed.
anyathāvādin anya-thā-vādin (or anya-vādin) mfn. speaking differently; (ī) m. speaking inconsistently; (in law) prevaricating or a prevaricator.
anyathāvṛtti anya-thā-vṛtti mfn. altered, disturbed by strong emotion.
anyathāsiddha anya-thā-siddha mfn. wrongly defined, wrongly proved or established
     mfn. effected otherwise, unessential.
anyathāsiddhatva anya-thā-siddha-tva n. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration
     n. that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.
anyathāsiddhi anya-thā-siddhi f. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration
     f. that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.
anyathāstotra anya-thā-stotra n. irony Yājñ. ii, 204.

anyadā anya-dā ind. at another time; sometimes; one day, once; in another case. ([cf. Old Slav. 'inogda', 'inuda']).

anyadāśā anyad-āśā &c. see anyat-kāraka.
anyadāśis anyad-āśis &c. see anyat-kāraka.

anyadīya mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 99) belonging to another Daś.

anyarhi ind. at another time L.

anyedyuka ([Car.]) ([Suśr.]) mfn. occurring on another day; m. a chronic fever.
anyedyuṣka ([Suśr.]) mfn. occurring on another day; m. a chronic fever.

anyedyus anye-dyus ind. on the other day, on the following day AV. &c.; the other day, once Pañcat.

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anyonya (said to be fr. anyas nom. sing. m. and anya; cf. paraspara; in most cases the first anya may be regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the latter assumes the acc., inst. gen., or loc. cases as required by the verb; but there are many instances in which the first anya, originally a nominative, is equivalent to an oblique case); one another, mutual; (am), or -tas ind. mutually.
anyonya anyo-'nya (said to be fr. anyas nom. sing. m. and anya; cf. paraspara; in most cases the first anya may be regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the latter assumes the acc., inst. gen., or loc. cases as required by the verb; but there are many instances in which the first anya, originally a nominative, is equivalent to an oblique case); one another, mutual; (am), or -tas ind. mutually.
anyonyakalaha anyonya-kalaha m. mutual quarrel.
anyonyaghāta anyonya-ghāta m. mutual conflict, killing one another.
anyonyapakṣanayana anyonya-pakṣanayana n. transposing (of numbers) from one side to another.
anyonyabheda anyonya-bheda m. mutual division or enmity.
anyonyamithuna anyonya-mithuna n. mutual union
anyonyamithuna anyonya-mithuna m. united mutually.
anyonyavibhāga anyonya-vibhāga m. mutual partition (of an inheritance).
anyonyavṛtti anyonya-vṛtti m. mutual effect of one upon another.
anyonyavyatikara anyonya-vyatikara m. reciprocal action, relation or influence.
anyonyasaṃśraya anyonya-saṃśraya m. reciprocal relation (of cause and effect).
anyonyasāpekṣa anyonya-sāpekṣa mfn. mutually relating.
anyonyahārābhihata anyonya-hārābhihata mfn. (two quantities) mutually multiplied by their denominators.
anyonyāpahṛta mfn. taken or secreted from one another, taken secretly.
anyonyābhāva m. mutual non-existence, mutual negation, relative difference.
anyonyāśraya m. mutual or reciprocal support or connection or dependance
     m. mutually depending.
anyonyāśrita mfn. mutually supported or depending.
anyonyokti f. conversation.

anyaṅga a-nyaṅga mfn. "spotless", in comp. with
anyaṅgaśveta a-nyaṅga-śveta mfn. white and without spot (as a sacrificial animal) AitBr.

anyatas anya-tas &c. see s.v. 2. anya.

anyathā anya-thā &c. see ib.
anyadā anya-dā &c. see ib.

anyā (3) f. inexhaustible (as the milk of a cow) RV. viii, 1, 10 and 27, 11 SV.

anyāya a-nyāya m. unjust or unlawful action
     m. impropriety, indecorum
     m. irregularity, disorder.
anyāyavartin a-nyāya-vartin mfn. acting unjustly
anyāyavartin a-nyāya-vartin. ; following evil courses.
anyāyavṛtta a-nyāya-vṛtta mfn. acting unjustly
     mfn. following evil courses.

anyāyin a-nyāyin mfn. unjust, improper, indecorous, unbecoming.
anyāyya a-nyāyya mfn. unjust, improper, indecorous, unbecoming.

anyūna a-nyūna mf (ā) n. not defective, not less than (with abl.)
     mf (ā) n. entire, complete.
anyūnātirikta a-nyūnātirikta ([ŚBr.]) mfn. not too little and not too much
anyūnātirikta a-nyūnātirikta mfn. neither deficient nor excessive.
anyūnādhika a-nyūnādhika mfn. not too little and not too much
     mfn. neither deficient nor excessive.

anyokas a-ny-okas mfn. not remaining in one's habitation (okas) AV.

anvakṣa anv-akṣa mfn. (fr. 4. akṣa), following L.
anvakṣam anv-akṣam ind. afterwards, immediately after R. &c. cf. g. śarad-ādi

anvakṣarasandhi anv-akṣara-sandhi m. a kind of Sandhi in the Vedas RPrāt.

anvaṅgam anv-aṅgam ind. after every member or part ŚBr.

anvañc aṅ, ūcīandūcī, ak ( añc), following the direction of another, going after, following; lying lengthwise; (anūci) loc. ind. in the rear, behind; (ak) ind. afterwards; behind (with acc.)
anvagbhāvam anvag-bhāvam ind. afterwards L.; friendly disposed Pāṇ. 3-4, 64.
anvagbhūya anvag-bhūya ind. becoming friendly disposed ib.

anvañj anv-añj to anoint ŚBr. Kauś.

anvatisic anv-ati-sic to pour out over or along TBr.

anvatī anv-atī (i) cl.2.P. -atyeti, to pass over to, follow ŚBr.

anvadhiruh anv-adhi-ruh to ascend after another Lāṭy.

anvadhyas anv-adhy-as to throw upon after another MānŚr.

anvadhyāyam anv-adhyāyam ind. according to the chapters (of the Veda), according to the sacred texts Nir.

anvapakram anv-apa-kram to run away after another TBr.

anvabhiṣic anv-abhi-ṣic (sic) Ā. -siñcate to have one's self anointed by another (with acc.) MBh. xii, 2803 (both editions).

anvaya anv-aya m. ( i see anv-i), following, succession
     m. connection, association, being linked to or concerned with
     m. the natural order or connection of words in a sentence, syntax, construing
     m. logical connection of words
     m. logical connection of cause and effect, or proposition and conclusion
     m. drift, tenor, purport
     m. descendants, race, lineage, family.
anvayajña anv-aya-jña m. a genealogist.
anvayavat anv-aya-vat mfn. having a connection (as a consequence), following, agreeing with
     mfn. belonging to race or family
anvayavat anv-aya-vat mfn. (vat) ind. in connection with, in the sight of Mn. viii, 332.
anvayavyatireka anv-aya-vyatireka n. agreement and contrariety
     n. a positive and negative proposition
     n. species and difference
     n. rule and exception
     n. logical connection and disconnection.
anvayavyatirekin anv-aya-vyatirekin mfn. (in phil.) affirmative and negative.
anvayavyāpti anv-aya-vyāpti f. an affirmative argument.

anvayin mfn. connected (as a consequence)
     mfn. belonging to the same family Rājat.
anvayitva anvayi-tva n. the state of being a necessary consequence.

anvarc anv-arc to honour with shouts or songs of jubilee RV. v, 29, 2.

anvarj anv-arj to let go ŚBr.

anvart (according to NBD.) shortened for anu-vart ( vṛt), to go after, demand (a girl in marriage) AV. xiv, 1, 56. For the abbreviation cf. anvā, apvā, a-bhva.

anvartitṛ for
anuvartitṛ anu-vartitṛ m. a wooer RV. x, 109, 2.

anvartha anv-artha mf (ā) n. conformable to the meaning, agreeing with the true meaning Ragh. iv, 12
     mf (ā) n. having the meaning obvious, intelligible, clear.
anvarthagrahaṇa anv-artha-grahaṇa n. the literal acceptation of the meaning of a word (as opposed to the conventional).
anvarthasaṃjñā anv-artha-saṃjñā f. a term whose meaning is intelligible in itself (opposed to such technical terms as bha, ghu, &c.)

anvav anv-av to encourage RV. viii, 7, 24.

anvavakṛ anv-ava-kṛ to despise, refuse MaitrS.

anvavakṛṛ anv-ava-kṛṛ to scatter or strew about (with instr.) Yājñ.

anvavakiraṇa anv-avakiraṇa n. scattering about successively L.

anvavakram anv-ava-kram to descend or enter in succession ŚBr. xiv.

anvavagā anv-ava-gā to go and join another ŚBr.

anvavacar anv-ava-car to insinuate one's self into, enter stealthily TS. &c.

anvavacāra anv-avacāra m. see an-anvavacāra.

anvavadhā anv-ava-dhā to place into successively ĀpŚr.

anvavapā anv-ava-pā Ved. Inf. -pātoḥ, to drink after others ŚāṅkhBr.

anvavaplu anv-ava-plu -plavate, to dive after TBr.

anvavamṛś anv-ava-mṛś to touch or come in contact with or along Gobh.

anvavaruh anv-ava-ruh to ascend or enter upon after another MBh.

anvavalup anv-ava-lup Pass. -lupyate, to drop off after another PBr.

anvavasṛj anv-ava-sṛj to let go along or towards TS. TBr.

anvavasarga anv-avasarga m. letting down, slackening TPrāt. Pat.
     m. permission to do as one likes Pāṇ. 1-4, 96.

anvavaso anv-ava-so -syati, to adhere to cling to TBr. &c.; to long for, desire ŚBr. &c.

anvavasāyin anv-ava-sāyin mfn. adhering to, depending on (gen.) TS. ŚBr.

anvavasita anv-ava-sita mfn. seized by ŚāṅkhBr.

anvavasthā anv-ava-sthā to descend after another ŚBr.

anvavasru anv-ava-sru Caus. -srāvayati, to cause to flow down upon or along TS. TBr. ŚBr.

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anvavahan anv-ava-han to throw down by striking ŚBr.

anvavahṛ anv-ava-hṛ to lower (the shoulder) ŚāṅkhGṛ.

anvavārj anv-avārj (arj) to cause to go after or in a particular direction ŚBr.; to afflict with (instr.) AitUp.

anvavās anv-avās (2. as), to place upon (dat.) TS.

anvave anv-ave (i) cl.2.P. -avaiti, to follow, walk up to or get into.

anvavāya anv-avāya m. race, lineage MBh.

anvavāyana anv-avāyana n. see an-anvavāyana.

anvavekṣ anv-avekṣ (īkṣ) to look at, inspect.

anvavekṣā anv-avekṣā f. regard, consideration.

anvaś anv-aś cl.5.P. Ā. -aśnoti, -nute, to reach, come up to, equal RV. AV.

anvaṣṭakā anv-aṣṭakā f. the ninth day in the latter half of the three (or four) months following the full moon in Āgrahāyaṇa, Pausha, Māgha (and Phālguna) Mn. iv, 150

anvaṣṭakya n. a Śrāddha or funeral ceremony performed on the Anvaṣṭakās.

anvas anv-as to be near Lāṭy.; to be at hand RV. AitBr.; to reach RV.

anvasta anv-asta mfn. (2. as), shot along, shot
     mfn. interwoven (as in silk), chequered ŚBr.

anvah anv-ah perf. -āha, to pronounce (especially a ceremonial formula ŚBr. &c.)

anvaham anv-aham ind. day after day, every day.

anvā (for 2. anu-vā q.v.), blowing after TāṇḍyaBr. GopBr.

anvākṛ anv-ā-kṛ to give to any one to take with him, to give a portion to a daughter ŚāṅkhBr.

anvākṛti anv-ā-kṛti f. shaping after, imitation ŚāṅkhGṛ.

anvākram anv-ā-kram Ā. to ascend towards or to TS.: P. to visit in succession BhP.

anvākśāyam anv-ā-kśāyam ind. (kśā for khyā), reciting successively MaitrS.

anvākhyā anv-ā-khyā to enumerate Lāṭy.

anvākhyāna anv-ākhyāna n. an explanation keeping close to the text ŚBr.
     n. a minute account or statement Pat.

anvāgam anv-ā-gam to follow, come after VS. ŚBr. &c.: Desid. -jigāṃsati, to wish or intend to follow ŚBr.

anvāgā anv-ā-gā to follow RV. i, 126, 3.

anvācakṣ anv-ā-cakṣ to name after ŚBr.

anvācam anv-ā-cam to follow in rinsing the mouth ĀśvGṛ.

anvācaya anv-ācaya m. ( ci), laying down a rule of secondary importance (after that which is pradhāna, or primary)
     m. connecting of a secondary action with the main action (e.g. the conjunction ca is sometimes used anvācaye).
anvācayaśiṣṭa anv-ācaya-śiṣṭa mfn. propounded as a rule or matter of secondary importance.

anvācita anv-ācita mfn. secondary, inferior.

anvācar anv-ā-car to follow or imitate in doing BhP.

anvāje (aj?), only used in connection with 1. kṛ e.g. anvāje kṛ to support, aid, assist Pāṇ. 1-4, 73.

anvātan anv-ā-tan to extend, spread RV. viii, 48, 13, &c.; to overspread, extend over VS.

anvādā anv-ā-dā Ā. to resume ŚBr.

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anvādiś anv-ā-diś to name or mention afresh Pāṇ.

anvādiṣṭa anv-ādiṣṭa mfn. mentioned again, referring to a previous rule Pāṇ. 6-2, 190.

anvādeśa anv-ādeśa m. mentioning after, a repeated mention, referring to what has been stated previously, re-employment of the same word in a subsequent part of a sentence, the employment again of the same thing to perform a subsequent operation.

anvādeśaka anv-ādeśaka mfn. referring to a previous statement TPrāt.

anvādhā anv-ā-dhā to add in placing upon, place upon: Ā. and P. to add fuel (to the fire) AitBr. &c.; to deliver over to a third person (in law).

anvādhāna anv-ādhāna n. adding or putting fuel (on the three sacred fires)
     n. depositing.

anvādhi anv-ādhi m. a bail or deposit given to any one for being delivered to a third person Gaut.

anvādheya anv-ādheya n. property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family Mn. &c.
anvādheyaādheyaka anv-ādheya-ādheyaka n. property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family Mn. &c.

anvāhita anv-āhita mfn. deposited with a person to be delivered ultimately to the right owner.

anvādhāv anv-ā-dhāv to run after Kāṭh.

anvādhī anv-ā-dhī to recollect, remember, think of AV. TĀr.

anvādhi anv-ādhi m. repentance, remorse L.

anvādhya anv-ādhya m. pl. a kind of divinity ŚBr.

anvānī anv-ā-nī to lead to or along.

anvānu anv-ā-nu Intens. -nonavīti, to sound through RV. x, 68, 12.

anvāntrya anv-āntrya mfn. being in the entrails AV.

anvāp anv-āp to attain, reach AitBr.: Desid. anv-īpsati, to harmonize in opinion, agree VP.

anvābhaj anv-ā-bhaj P. and Ā. to cause to take a share after or with another ŚBr. &c.

anvābhakta anv-ā-bhakta mfn. entitled to take a share after or with another.

anvābhū anv-ā-bhū to imitate, equal TS. &c.

anvāyat anv-ā-yat Caus. -yātayati, to dispose or add in regular sequence, bring into connection with (loc. or abl.) ŚBr. &c.

anvāyatta anv-ā-yatta mfn. (with loc. or acc.) connected with, being in accordance with, being entitled to TS. &c.

anvāyātya anv-āyātya mfn. to be brought in connection with, to be added, to be supplied ĀśvŚr.

anvāyatana anv-āyatana mfn. latitudinal.

anvārabh anv-ā-rabh to catch or seize or touch from behind; to place one's self behind or at the side of, keep at the side of AV. &c.: Caus. -rambhayati, to place behind another (with loc.) TS.

anvārabhya anv-ārabhya mfn. to be touched from behind ŚBr.

anvārambha anv-ārambha m. touching from behind TBr. KātyŚr.

anvārambhaṇa anv-ārambhaṇa n. id. KātyŚr.

anvārambhaṇīyā anv-ārambhaṇīyā f. an initiatory ceremony KātyŚr.

anvāruh anv-ā-ruh to follow or join by ascending; to ascend: Caus. -rohayati, to place upon.

anvāroha anv-āroha m. pl. N. of certain Japas uttered at the Soma-libations TS.

anvārohaṇa anv-ārohaṇa n. (a widow's) ascending the funeral pile after or with the body of a husband, (g. anupravacanādi q.v.)

anvārohaṇīya anv-ārohaṇīya mfn. belonging to the Anvārohaṇa, or rite of cremation ib.

anvālabh anv-ā-labh to lay hold of grasp, handle, take in the hand or with the hand RV. x, 130, 7, &c.

anvālabhana anv-ālabhana n. a handle (?) MBh. iii, 17156.
anvālambhana anv-ālambhana n. a handle (?) MBh. iii, 17156.

anvāloc anv-ā-loc Caus. -locayair, to consider attentively.

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anvāvap anv-ā-vap "to scatter in addition", to add Kauś.

anvāvah anv-ā-vah to convey to or in the proximity of RV. x, 29, 2.

anvāviś anv-ā-viś to enter, occupy, possess; to follow, act according to ChUp. &c.

anvāvṛt anv-ā-vṛt to roll near or along RV. v, 62, 2; to revolve or move after, follow VS. &c.: Intens. -varīvartti (impf. 3. pl. anv āvarīvuḥ for -vṛtuḥ), to drive or move after or along RV. x, 51, 6 TS.

anvāśī anv-ā-śī to lie along, be extended over AV.

anvāśrita anv-ā-śrita mfn. ( śri), one who has gone along
     mfn. placed or situated along.

anvās anv-ās to take a seat subsequently; to be seated at or near or round (with acc.); to live in the proximity of (with gen.) Hcat.; to be engaged in (especially in a religious act).

anvāsana anv-āsana n. sitting down after (another)
     n. service
     n. regret, affliction L.
     n. a place where work is done, manufactory, house of industry L.
     n. an unctuous or cooling enema L.

anvāsīna anv-āsīna mfn. sitting down after, seated alongside of.

anvāsyamāna anv-āsyamāna mfn. being accompanied by, attended by.

anvāsthā anv-ā-sthā to go towards, to meet, attain VS. &c.

anvāhita anv-ā-hita see anv-ā-dhā.

anvāhṛ anv-ā-hṛ to make up, supply ŚBr. &c.

anvāharaṇa anv-ā-haraṇa n. making up, supplying Comm. on Lāṭy.

anvāhāra anv-ā-hāra m. id. Lāṭy.

anvāhārya anv-āhārya m. a gift, consisting of food prepared with rice, presented to the Ṛitvij priest at the Darśapūrṇamāsa ceremonies TS. &c.
anvāhārya anv-āhārya m. (am or akam) n. the monthly Śrāddha (q.v.) held on the day of new moon (according to Mn. iii, 123 it should be of meat eaten after the presentation of a Piṇḍa or ball of rice).
anvāhāryapacana anv-āhārya-pacana m. the southern sacrificial fire, used in the Anvāhārya sacrifice ŚBr. &c.

anvāhve anv-ā-hve to call to one's side in order or after another Kauś.

anvi anv-i to go after or alongside, to follow; to seek; to be guided by; to fall to one's share RV. iv, 4, 11; Ved. Inf. anv-etave to reach or join ([BR.]), to imitate ([Gmn.]) RV. vii, 33, 8; anv-etavai, to go along (with acc.) RV. i, 24, 8; vii, 44, 5.

anvaya anv-aya see p.46, col.1.

anvita anv-ita mfn. gone along with
     mfn. joined, attended, accompanied by, connected with, linked to
     mfn. having as an essential or inherent part, endowed with, possessed of, possessing
     mfn. acquired
     mfn. reached by the mind, understood
     mfn. following
     mfn. connected as in grammar or construction.
anvitārtha mfn. having a clear meaning understood from the context, perspicuous.

anviti anv-iti f. following after VS.

anvīyamāna anv-īyamāna mfn. being followed.

anvidh anv-idh or anv-indh, to kindle AV.

anviṣ anv-iṣ cl.1.P. -icchati, to desire, seek, seek after, search, aim, at AV. &c.: cl.4. P. -iṣyati id. R. &c., Caus. -eṣayati id. Mṛicch. &c.

anviṣṭa anv-iṣṭa mfn. sought, required.
anviṣyamāṇa anv-iṣyamāṇa mfn. sought, required.

anveṣa anv-eṣa m. ([Śāk.]) seeking for, searching, investigating.
anveṣaṇa anv-eṣaṇa f (ā) n. seeking for, searching, investigating.

anveṣaka anv-eṣaka mf (ikā) n. searching, inquiring.
anveṣin anv-eṣin ([Pāṇ. 5-2, 90, &c.]) mfn. searching, inquiring.
anveṣṭṛ ([Pāṇ. 5-2, 90, &c.]) mfn. searching, inquiring.

anveṣṭavya anv-eṣṭavya mfn. to be searched, to be investigated.
anveṣya anv-eṣya mfn. to be searched, to be investigated.

anvīkṣ anv-īkṣ to follow with one's looks, to keep looking or gazing AV. &c.; to keep in view ŚBr.

anvīkṣaṇa anv-īkṣaṇa n. exa mining, inquiry Comm. on Nyāyad.
anvīkṣā anv-īkṣā f. exa mining, inquiry Comm. on Nyāyad.
     f. meditation BhP.

anvīkṣitavya anv-īkṣitavya mfn. to be kept in view or in mind ŚBr.

anvīta anv-īta = anv-ita q.v. Bālar. Kir.

anvīpam anv-īpam ind. (fr. 2. ap), along the water, along the river MaitrS.; cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 98 Sch.

anvṛ anv-ṛ (cl. 3. P. -iyarti) aor. Ā. -arta, to follow in rising RV. v, 52, 6.

anvṛcam anv-ṛcam ind. verse after verse ŚBr.

anvṛju anv-ṛju mfn. moving straight forwards or in the right way (N. of Indra) MaitrS.

anvṛdh anv-ṛdh cl.6.P. -ṛdhati, to carry out, accomplish RV. vii, 87, 7.

anve anv-e (ā-i) cl.2.P. -aiti, to come after, to follow as an adherent or attendant RV. i, 161, 3, &c.

anvetave anv-etave &c. see anv-i.

ap n. (gen. apas), work (according to NBD.) RV. i, 151, 4.

ap (in Ved. used in sing. and pl., but in the classical language only in pl., āpas) f. water; air, the intermediate region Naigh.; the star [sign] Virginis; the Waters considered as divinities. Ifc. ap may become apa or īpa, ūpa after i- and u- stems respectively. [Cf. Lat. 'agua'; Goth. 'ahva', "a river"; Old Germ. 'aha', and 'affa' at the end of compounds; Lith. 'uppe', "a river"; perhaps Lat. 'amnis', "a river", for 'apnis' cf. also [characters]]
apavat apa-vat mfn. watery AV. xviii, 4, 24.
apaḥsaṃvarta apaḥ-saṃvarta m. destruction (of the world) by water Buddh.
apāṃvatsa apāṃ-vatsa m. "calf of the waters", N. of a star.
apāṃnapāt apāṃ-napāt ([RV. VS.]) m. "grandson of the waters." N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
apāṃnaptṛ apāṃ-naptṛ ([Pāṇ. 4-2, 27]) m. "grandson of the waters." N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
apāṃgarbha apāṃ-garbha ([VS.]) ([Pāṇ. 4-2, 27]) m. "grandson of the waters." N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
aponaptṛ apo-naptṛ ([Pāṇ. 4-2, 27]) m. "grandson of the waters." N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water.
apāmnaptriya apām-naptriya ([Pāṇ. 4-2, 27]) mfn. relating to Agni.
apāṃnaptrīya apāṃ-naptrīya ([Kāṭh.]) mfn. relating to Agni.
aponaptriya apo-naptriya ([PBr.]) ([MaitrS. TS. AitBr. &c.]) mfn. relating to Agni.
aponaptrīya apo-naptrīya ([MaitrS. TS. AitBr. &c.]) mfn. relating to Agni.
apāṃnātha apāṃ-nātha m. the ocean L.
apāṃnidhi apāṃ-nidhi m. the ocean L.
     m. N. of a Sāman.
apāmpati apām-pati ([Mn.]) m. the ocean; N. of Varuṇa.
appati ap-pati ([Mn.]) m. the ocean; N. of Varuṇa.
apāmpitta apām-pitta n. fire
apāmpitta apām-pitta. ; a plant L.
appitta ap-pitta n. fire
     n. a plant L.
apkṛtsna ap-kṛtsna n. deep meditation performed by means of water Buddh.
apcara ap-cara m. an aquatic animal Mn. vii, 72.
apsaras ap-saras see s.v.

aptya (3) mfn. watery RV. i, 124, 5.

apya (2, 3) mf (apyā; once apī RV. vi, 67, 9) n. being in water, coming from water, connected with water RV. (cf. 3. āpya).

apsava see s.v.
apsavya see s.v.
apsā see s.v.

apsu for words beginning thus see s.v. apsu.

ab for words beginning thus see s.v. ab-indhana, ab-ja, &c.

apa ind. (as a prefix to nouns and verbs, expresses) away, off, back (opposed to upa, anu, sam, pra); down (opposed to ud).
apataram apa-taram ind. farther off MaitrS. When prefixed to nouns, it may sometimes = the neg. particle a e.g. apa-bhī, fearless; or may express deterioration, inferiority, &c. (cf. apa-pāṭha). (As a separable particle or adverb in Ved., with abl.) away from, on the outside of, without, with the exception of ([cf. Gk. [greek]; Lat. 'ab'; Goth. 'af'; Eng. 'of']).

apakaruṇa apa-karuṇa mfn. cruel.

apakalaṅka apa-kalaṅka m. a deep stain or mark of disgrace L.

apakalmaṣa apa-kalmaṣa mf (ā) n. stainless, sinless.

apakaṣ apa-kaṣ to scrape off AV.

apakaṣāya apa-kaṣāya mfn. sinless MārkP.

apakāma apa-kāma m. aversion, abhorrence RV. vi, 75, 2 AV.
     m. abominableness AV.
apakāmam apa-kāmam ind. against one's liking, unwillingly AV.

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apakīrti apa-kīrti f. infamy, disgrace.

apakukṣi apa-kukṣi m. a bad or ill-shaped belly (?) Pāṇ. 6-2, 187
apakukṣi apa-kukṣi m. (also used as a bahu-vrīhi and avyayī-bhāva.)

apakuñja apa-kuñja m. N. of a younger brother of the serpent-king Śeṣa Hariv.

apakṛ apa-kṛ to carry away, remove, drag away; (with gen. or acc.) to hurt, wrong, injure: Caus. -kārayati, to hurt, wrong, injure: Caus. -kārayati, to hurt wrong.

apakaraṇa apa-karaṇa n. acting improperly
     n. doing wrong L.
     n. ill-treating, offending, injuring L.

apakartṛ apa-kartṛ mfn. injurious, offensive.

apakarman apa-karman n. discharge (of a debt) Mn. viii, 4
     n. evil doing L.
     n. violence L.
     n. any impure or degrading act L.

apakāra apa-kāra m. wrong, offence, injury, hurt
     m. despise, disdain.
apakāragir apa-kāra-gir ([L.]) f. ([Pāṇ. 8-1, 8 Sch.]) m. an offending or menacing speech.
apakāraśabda apa-kāra-śabda ([Pāṇ. 8-1, 8 Sch.]) m. an offending or menacing speech.
apakāratā apa-kāra-tā f. wrong, offence.
apakārārthin mfn. malicious, malevolent.

apakāraka apa-kāraka mfn. acting wrong, doing ill to (with gen.)
apakāraka apa-kāraka. ; offending, injuring.
apakārin apa-kārin mfn. acting wrong, doing ill to (with gen.)
     mfn. offending, injuring.

apakṛta apa-kṛta mfn. done wrongly or maliciously, offensively or wickedly committed
     mfn. practised as a degrading or impure act (e.g. menial work, funeral rites, &c.)
apakṛta apa-kṛta n. injury, offence.

apakṛti apa-kṛti f. oppression, wrong, injury.

apakṛtya apa-kṛtya n. damage, hurt Pañcat.

apakriyā apa-kriyā f. a wrong or improper act
     f. delivery, clearing off (debts) Yājñ. iii, 234
     f. offence.

apakṛt apa-kṛt cl.6.P. -kṛntati, to cut off Kauś.

apakṛṣ apa-kṛṣ cl.1.P. -karṣati, to draw off or aside, drag down, carry away, take away, remove; to omit, diminish; to put away; to anticipate a word &c. which occurs later (in a sentence); to bend (a bow); to detract, debase, dishonour: Caus. -karṣayati, to remove, diminish, detract.

apakarṣa apa-karṣa m. drawing or dragging off or down, detraction, diminution, decay
     m. lowering, depression
     m. decline, inferiority, infamy
     m. anticipation Nyāyam.
apakarṣa apa-karṣa m. (in poetry) anticipation of a word occurring later.
apakarṣasama apa-karṣa-sama mf (ā) a sophism in the Nyāya (e.g. "sound has not the quality of shape as a jar has, therefore sound and a jar have no qualities in common").

apakarṣaka apa-karṣaka mf (ikā) n. drawing down, detracting (with gen.) Sāh.

apakarṣaṇa apa-karṣaṇa mfn. taking away, forcing away, removing, diminishing
apakarṣaṇa apa-karṣaṇa n. taking away, depriving of
apakarṣaṇa apa-karṣaṇa n. drawing down
apakarṣaṇa apa-karṣaṇa n. abolishing, denying
apakarṣaṇa apa-karṣaṇa n. anticipation Nyāyam.

apakṛṣṭa apa-kṛṣṭa mfn. drawn away, taken away, removed lost
     mfn. dragged down, brought down, depressed
     mfn. low, vile, inferior
apakṛṣṭa apa-kṛṣṭa m. a crow L.
apakṛṣṭacetana apa-kṛṣṭa-cetana mfn. mentally debased.
apakṛṣṭajāti apa-kṛṣṭa-jāti mfn. of a low tribe.
apakṛṣṭatā apa-kṛṣṭa-tā f. inferiority, vileness.
apakṛṣṭatva apa-kṛṣṭa-tva n. inferiority, vileness.

apakṛṛ apa-kṛṛ Ā. apa-s-kirate (Pāṇ. 6-1, 142) to scrape with the feet Uttarar.; (cf. ava-s-kṛṛ): P. apa-kirati, to spout out, spurt, scatter Pāṇ. 1-3, 21 Comm.; to throw down L.

apakti a-pakti f. ( pac), immaturity
     f. indigestion.

apakva a-pakva mf (ā) n. unripe, immature
     mf (ā) n. undigested.
apakvatā a-pakva-tā f. immaturity
     f. incompleteness.
apakvabuddhi a-pakva-buddhi mfn. of immature understanding.
apakvāśin mfn. eating raw, uncooked food.

apakram apa-kram to go away, retreat, retire from RV. x, 164, 1 &c.; to glide away; to measure off by steps Kauś.: Caus. -kramayati, to cause to run away PBr.: Desid. -cikramiṣati, to intend to run away or escape (with abl.) ŚBr.

apakrama apa-krama m. going away ŚBr. &c.
     m. flight, retreat L.
apakrama apa-krama mfn. not being in the regular order (a fault in poetry).

apakramaṇa apa-kramaṇa n. passing off or away, retiring.
apakrāma apa-krāma m. passing off or away, retiring.

apakramin apa-kramin mfn. going away, retiring.

apakrānta apa-krānta mfn. gone away
apakrānta apa-krānta n. (= atītam) that which is past Bālar.

apakrānti apa-krānti f. = apa-kramaṇa MaitrS.

apakrāmuka apa-krāmuka mfn. = apa-kramin TS. PBr.

apakrī apa-krī to buy AV. ŚBr. (see ava-krī).

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apakruś apa-kruś to revile.

apakrośa apa-krośa m. reviling, abusing L.

apakṣa a-pakṣa mfn. without wings AV. &c.
     mfn. without followers or partisans MBh.
     mfn. not on the same side or party
     mfn. adverse, opposed to.
apakṣatā a-pakṣa-tā f. opposition, hostility.
apakṣapāta a-pakṣa-pāta m. impartiality.
apakṣapuccha a-pakṣa-puccha mfn. without wings and tail ŚBr. &c.

apakṣi apa-kṣi Pass. -kṣīyate, to decline, wane (as the moon) TS. ŚBr.

apakṣaya apa-kṣaya m. decline, decay, wane VP.

apakṣita apa-kṣita mfn. waned BhP.

apakṣīṇa apa-kṣīṇa mfn. declined, decayed L.

apakṣip apa-kṣip to throw away or down, take away, remove.

apakṣipta apa-kṣipta mfn. thrown down or away.

apakṣepaṇa apa-kṣepaṇa n. throwing down, &c.

apagam apa-gam to go away, depart; to give way, vanish.

apaga apa-ga mf (ā) n. going away, turning away from (abl.) AV. i, 34, 5 (cf. an-apaga)
apaga apa-ga mf (ā) n. (ā) f. = āpa-gā L.

apagata apa-gata mfn. gone, departed, remote, gone off
     mfn. dead, diseased.
apagatavyādhi apa-gata-vyādhi mfn. one who has recovered from a disease.

apagama apa-gama m. going away
     m. giving way
     m. departure, death.

apagamana apa-gamana n. id.

apagara apa-gara m. (1. gṛṛ), reviler (special function of a priest at a sacrifice) PBr. Lāṭy. &c. (cf. abhigara.)

apagarjita apa-garjita mfn. thunderless (as a cloud) Kathās.

apagalbha apa-galbha mfn. wanting in boldness, embarrassed, perplexed VS. TS.

apagā apa-gā to go away, vanish, retire (with abl.) VS. &c.

apagur apa-gur to reject, disapprove, threaten RV. v, 32, 6, &c.; to inveigh against any one: Intens. part. apa-jargurāṇa (see s.v. apa- 2. gṛṛ).

apagāram apa-gāram ind. disapproving, threatening (?) Pāṇ. 6-1, 53.
apagoram apa-goram ind. disapproving, threatening (?) Pāṇ. 6-1, 53.

apagoraṇa apa-goraṇa n. threatening Comm. on TS.

apaguh apa-guh (Subj. 2. sg. P. -gūhas Ā. -gūhathāś; impf. 3. pl. apāgūhan; aor. -aghu-kṣat) to conceal, hide RV. AV.

apagūḍha apa-gūḍha mfn. hidden, concealed RV.

apagūhamāna apa-gūhamāna mfn. hiding AV. xix, 56, 2
apagūhamāna apa-gūhamāna mfn. (apa gūh-) RV. vii, 104, 17.

apagoha apa-goha m. hiding-place, secret RV. ii, 15, 7.

apagṛṛ apa-gṛṛ Intens. part. -jargurāṇa mfn. (Gmn. and NBD.) devouring RV. v, 29, 4.

apagai apa-gai to break off singing, cease to sing GopBr. Vait.

apagrah apa-grah to take away, disjoin, tear off.

apaghaṭ apa-ghaṭ Caus. -ghāṭayati, to shut up.

apaghana apa-ghana m. ( han), (Pāṇ. 3-3, 81) a limb or member (as a hand or foot) Naish.

apaghāta apa-ghāta m. striking off
     m. warding off. ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 81 Sch.)

apaghātaka apa-ghātaka mf (ikā) n. (ifc.) warding off.

apaghātin apa-ghātin mfn. id. see apa-han.

apaghana apa-ghana mfn. cloudless.

apaca a-paca mfn. not able to cook, a bad cook Pāṇ. 6-2, 157 seq. Sch.

apacar apa-car to depart; to act wrongly.

apacarita apa-carita mfn. gone away, departed, dead
apacarita apa-carita n. fault, offence Śāk.

apacāra apa-cāra m. want, absence
     m. defect
     m. fault, improper conduct, offence
     m. unwholesome or improper regimen.

apacārin apa-cārin mfn. departing from, disbelieving in, infidel Mn.
     mfn. doing wrong, wicked.

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apacāy apa-cāy to fear TBr.; to respect, honour ŚBr. TBr.

apacāyita apa-cāyita mfn. honoured, respected Pāṇ. 7-2, 30 Sch.

apacāyin apa-cāyin mfn. not rendering due respect, showing want of respect MBh.
apacāyin apa-cāyin mfn. vṛddhāpacāyitva n. the not rendering due respect to old men MBh. xiii, 6705.

apaci apa-ci (Imper. 2. sg. -cikīhi) to pay attention to, to respect AV. i, 10, 4.

apacita apa-cita mfn. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 30) honoured, respected ŚBr. &c.
     mfn. respectfully invited BhP.
apacita apa-cita n. honouring, esteeming.

apaciti apa-citi f. honouring, reverence Śiś.
apacitimat apa-citi-mat (apaciti-) mfn. honoured TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr.

apaci apa-ci -cinoti, to gather, collect: Pass. -cīyate, to be injured in health or prosperity; to grow less; to wane; (with abl.) to lose anything MBh.

apacaya apa-caya m. diminution, decay, decrease, decline
     m. N. of several planetary mansions.

apacita apa-cita mfn. diminished, expended, wasted
     mfn. emaciated, thin Śāk. &c.

apaciti apa-citi f. loss L.
     f. expense L.
     f. N. of a daughter of Marīci VP.
apaciti apa-citi f. (for 3. apa-citi see below.)

apacī apa-cī f. a disease consisting in an enlargement of the glands of the neck Suśr.

apacetṛ apa-cetṛ m. a spendthrift L.

apacikīrṣā apa-cikīrṣā f. (1. kṛ Desid.), desire of hurting any one.

apacit apa-cit Caus. Ā. (Subj. -cetayātai) to abandon, turn off from (abl.) VS. ii, 17: Desid. -cikitsati, to wish to leave or to abandon any one (abl.) AV. xiii, 2, 15.

apacit apa-cit f. a noxious flying insect AV.

apacetas apa-cetas mfn. not favourable to (with abl.) TBr.

apaciti apa-citi f. (= [characters], 3. ci), compensation, either recompense ([TS. &c.]) or retaliation, revenge, punishing RV. iv, 28, 4, &c.

apacchad apa-cchad (chad), Caus. -cchādayati to take off a cover ĀpŚr.

apacchattra apa-cchattra mfn. not having a parasol Kathās.

apacchāya apa-cchāya mfn. shadowless, having no shadow (as a deity or celestial being)
     mfn. having a bad or unlucky shadow
apacchāyā apa-cchāyā f. an unlucky shadow, a phantom, apparition.

apacchid apa-cchid (chid) to cut off or away ŚBr. &c.

apacchid apa-cchid f. a cutting, shred, chip ŚBr. PBr.

apaccheda apa-ccheda mn. cutting off or away
     mn. separation.

apacchedana apa-cchedana n. id.

apacyu apa-cyu (aor. Ā. 2. sg. -cyoṣṭhaḥ) to fall off, go off, desert RV. x, 173, 2: Caus. (aor. -cucyavat) to expel RV. ii, 41, 10.

apacyava apa-cyava m. pushing away RV. i, 28, 3.

apajāta apa-jāta m. a bad son who has turned out ill Pañcat.

apaji apa-ji to ward off, keep off or out ŚBr. Kāṭh. PBr.

apajaya apa-jaya m. defeat, discomfiture L.

apajayya apa-jayya mfn. see an-apajayyam.

apajighāṃsu apa-jighāṃsu mfn. ( han Desid.), desirous of keeping off. wishing to avert AitBr.

apajihīrṣu apa-jihīrṣu mfn. ( hṛ Desid.), wishing to carry off or take away Rājat.

apajñā apa-jñā -jānīte, to dissemble, conceal Pāṇ. 1-3, 44.

apajñāna apa-jñāna n. denying, concealing L.

apajya apa-jya mfn. without a bowstring MBh.

apañcīkṛta a-pañcī-kṛta n. (in Vedānta phil.) "not compounded of the five gross elements", the five subtle elements.

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apaṭāntara a-paṭāntara mfn. "not separated by a curtain", adjoining (v.l. a-padāntara q.v.) L.

apaṭī f. a screen or wall of cloth (especially surrounding a tent) L.
apaṭīkṣepa apaṭī-kṣepa m. "tossing aside the curtain"
apaṭīkṣepa apaṭī-kṣepa m. (eṇa) ind. with a toss of the curtain, precipitate entrance on the stage (indicating hurry and agitation) (cf. paṭīkṣepa.)

apaṭu a-paṭu mfn. not clever, awkward, uncouth
     mfn. ineloquent
     mfn. sick, diseased L.
apaṭutā a-paṭu-tā f. awkwardness.
apaṭutva a-paṭu-tva n. awkwardness.

apaṭha a-paṭha m. unable to read Pāṇ. 6-2, 157seq. Sch.

apaṇḍita a-paṇḍita mfn. unlearned, illiterate.

apaṇya a-paṇya mfn. unfit for sale
apaṇya a-paṇya n. an unsaleable article Gaut.

apatakṣ apa-takṣ (3. pl. -takṣṇuvanti and Impf. apātakṣan) to chip off AV. x, 7, 20 ŚBr.

apatantra apa-tantra m. spasmodic contraction (of the body or stomach), emprosthotonos Hcat.

apatantraka apa-tantraka m. id. Suśr.

apatānaka apa-tānaka m. id. Suśr.

apatānakin apa-tānakin mfn. affected with spasmodic contraction Suśr.

apati a-pati m. not a husband or master AV. viii, 6, 16
apati a-pati f. "without a husband or master", either an unmarried person or a widow.
apatighnī a-pati-ghnī (a-pati-) f. not killing a husband RV. x, 85, 44 AV.
apatitā a-pati-tā f. state of being without a husband.
apatiputrā a-pati-putrā f. without a husband and children.
apativratā a-pati-vratā f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife.

apatikā a-patikā = a-pati f. Nir.

apatīrtha apa-tīrtha mn. a bad or improper Tirtha q.v.

apatūla apa-tūla mf (ā) n. without a tuft, without a panicle TS.

apatṛp apa-tṛp Caus. -tarpayati, to starve, cause to fast Car. Suśr.

apatarpaṇa apa-tarpaṇa n. fasting (in sickness) Suśr.

apattra a-pattra mfn. leafless
apattrā a-pattrā f. N. of a plant.

apatnika a-patnika mfn. not having a wife AitBr. KātyŚr.
     mfn. where the wife is not present KātyŚr.

apatya n. (fr. apa), offspring, child, descendant
     n. a patronymical affix Sāh.
apatyakāma apatya-kāma mfn. desirous of offspring.
apatyajīva apatya-jīva m. N. of a plant.
apatyatā apatya-tā f. state of childhood Mn. iii, 16.
apatyada apatya-da mfn. giving offspring
apatyadā apatya-dā f. N. of various plants.
apatyapatha apatya-patha m. "path of offspring", the vulva Suśr.
apatyapratyaya apatya-pratyaya m. a patronymical affix Sāh.
apatyavat apatya-vat (apatya-) mfn. possessed of offspring AV. xii, 4, 1.
apatyavikrayin apatya-vikrayin m. "seller of his offspring", a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law.
apatyaśatru apatya-śatru m. "having his descendants for enemies", a crab (said to perish in producing young).
apatyasac apatya-sac m (acc. sg.-sācam) fn. accompanied with offspring RV.
apatyaāpatyārthaśabda apatya-āpatyārtha-śabda m. a patronymic.

apatrap apa-trap to be ashamed or bashful, turn away the face.

apatrapaṇa apa-trapaṇa n. bashfulness, embarrassment.
apatrapaṇatrapā apa-trapaṇa-trapā f. bashfulness, embarrassment.

apatrapiṣṇu apa-trapiṣṇu mfn. bashful Pāṇ. 3-2, 136.

apatras apa-tras (impf. 3. pl. -atrasan) to flee from in terror RV. x, 95, 8 MBh.

apatrasta apa-trasta mfn. (ifc. or with abl.) afraid of, fleeing or retiring from in terror Pāṇ. 2-1, 38.

apatha a-patha n. not a way, absence of a road, pathless state AV. &c., wrong way, deviation
     n. heresy, heterodoxy L.
apatha a-patha n. (mf (ā) n.), pathless, roadless Pāṇ. 2-4, 30 Sch.
apathā a-pathā f. N. of various plants.
apathagāmin a-patha-gāmin mfn. going by a wrong road, pursuing bad practices, heretical.
apathaprapanna a-patha-prapanna mfn. out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied.

apathin a-pathin -nthās m. absence of road Pāṇ. 5-4, 72.

apathya a-pathya mfn. unfit
     mfn. unsuitable
     mfn. inconsistent
apathya a-pathya mfn. (in med.) unwholesome as food or drink in particular complaints.
apathyanimitta a-pathya-nimitta mfn. caused by unfit food or drink.
apathyabhuj a-pathya-bhuj mfn. eating what is forbidden.

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apad a-pad or a-pad ([only ŚBr. xiv]) mfn. nom. m. a-pād f. a-pād ([RV. i, 152, 3 and vi, 59, 6]) or a-padī ([RV.x, 22, 14]), footless RV. AV. ŚBr.

apada a-pada n. no place, no abode AV.
     n. the wrong place or time Kathās. &c.
apada a-pada mfn. footless Pañcat.
apadaruhā a-pada-ruhā f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides.
apadarohiṇi a-pada-rohiṇi f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides.
apadastha a-pada-stha mfn. not being in its place
     mfn. out of office.
apadāntara a-padāntara mfn. "not separated by a foot", adjoining, contiguous (v.l. a-paṭāntara q.v.) L.
apadāntaram a-padāntaram ind. without delay, immediately MBh.

apadakṣiṇam apa-dakṣiṇam ind. away from the right, to the left side KātyŚr.

apadama apa-dama mfn. without self-restraint
     mfn. of wavering fortune.

apadava apa-dava mfn. free from forest-fire.
apadavāpad apa-davāpad mfn. free from the calamity of fire.

apadaśa apa-daśa mfn. (fr. daśan), (any number) off or beyond ten L.
apadaśa apa-daśa mfn. (fr. daśā), without a fringe (as a garment) MBh.

apadas apa-das (3. pl. -dasyanti) to fail i.e. become dry RV. i, 135, 8.

apadah apa-dah to burn up, to burn out so as to drive out RV. vii, 1, 7, &c.

apadāna apa-dāna n. ( dai?), a great or noble work R. ii, 65, 4 Śāk. (v.l.)
apadāna apa-dāna n. ( in Pāli for ava-dāna q.v.) a legend treating of former and future births of men and exhibiting the consequences of their good and evil actions.

apadārtha a-padārtha m. nonentity.

apadiś apa-diś (ind. p. -diśya) to assign KātyŚr.; to point out, indicate, to betray, pretend, hold out as a pretext or disguise Ragh. &c.

apadiśam apa-diśam ind. in an intermediate region (of the compass), half a point L.

apadiṣṭa apa-diṣṭa mfn. assigned as a reason or pretext.

apadeśa apa-deśa m. assigning, pointing out KātyŚr.
     m. pretence, feint, pretext, disguise, contrivance
     m. the second step in a syllogism (i.e. statement of the reason)
     m. a butt or mark L.
     m. place, quarter L.

apadeśin apa-deśin mfn. assuming the appearance or semblance of
     mfn. pretending, feigning Daś.

apadeśya apa-deśya mfn. to be indicated, to be stated Mn. viii, 54 Daś.

apaduṣpad apa-duṣpad "not a failing step", a firm or safe step RV. x, 99, 3.

apadṛṛ apa-dṛṛ Intens. p. apa-dardrat mfn. tearing open RV. vi, 17, 5.

apadevatā apa-devatā f. an evil demon.

apadoṣa apa-doṣa mfn. faultless.

apadravya apa-dravya n. a bad thing.

apadrā apa-drā (Imper. 3. pl. -drāntu, 2. sg. -drāhi) to run away RV. x, 85, 32 AV.

apadru apa-dru id. ŚBr. &c.

apadvāra apa-dvāra n. a side-entrance (not the regular door) Suśr.

apadham apa-dham (3. pl. -dhamanti impf. apādhamat 2. sg. -adhamas) to blow away or off RV.

apadhā apa-dhā (Imper. -dadhātu; aor. Pass. -dhāyi) to take off, place aside RV. iv, 28, 2; vi, 20, 5 and x, 164, 3.

apadhā apa-dhā f. hiding, shutting up RV. ii, 12, 3.

apadhāv apa-dhāv to run away AV. ŚBr., to depart (from a previous statement), prevaricate Mn. viii, 54.

apadhuram apa-dhuram away from the yoke TBr.

apadhū apa-dhū (1. sg. -dhūnomi) to shake off ŚāṅkhGṛ.

apadhūma apa-dhūma mfn. free from smoke Ragh.

apadhṛṣ apa-dhṛṣ -dhṛṣ ṇoti, to overcome, subdue, KaushBr. (cf. an-apadhṛṣya.)

apadhyai apa-dhyai to have a bad opinion of, curse mentally MBh. &c.
apadhyāna apa-dhyāna n. envy, jealousy MBh. &c.
     n. meditation upon things which are not to be thought of. Jain.

apadhvaṃs apa-dhvaṃs -dhvaṃsati, to scold, revile, [Comm. on] MBh. i, 5596 ("to drive or turn away" NBD.); to fall away, be degraded (NBD.) Hariv. 720.

apadhvaṃsa apa-dhvaṃsa m. concealment AV.
     m. "falling away, degradation", in comp. with
apadhvaṃsaja apa-dhvaṃsa-ja mfn. "born from it", a child of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower [Mn. x, 41, 46] or higher [MBh. xiii, 2617] caste than its mother's).

apadhvaṃsin apa-dhvaṃsin mfn. causing to fall, destroying, abolishing.

apadhvasta apa-dhvasta mfn. degraded
     mfn. reviled
     mfn. abandoned, destroyed
apadhvasta apa-dhvasta m. a vile wretch lost to all sense of right L.

apadhvānta apa-dhvānta mfn. ( dhvan), sounding wrong ChUp.

apanam apa-nam (with abl.) bend away from, give way to ([NBD.]), to bow down before ([Gmn.]) RV. vi, 17, 9.

apanata apa-nata mfn. bent outwards, bulging out ŚBr. KaushBr.

apanāma apa-nāma m. curve, flexion, Śulb.

apanaś apa-naś "to disappear", Imper. -naśya, be off KaushBr.

apanasa apa-nasa mfn. without a nose L.

apanah apa-nah to bind back AV.; (ind. p. -nahya) to loosen MBh. iii, 13309.

apanābhi apa-nābhi mfn. "without a navel", without a focal centre (as the Vedi) TS.

apanāman apa-nāman n. a bad name Pāṇ. 6-2, 187
apanāman apa-nāman mfn. having a bad name ib.

apanidra apa-nidra mfn. sleepless.

apanidra apa-ni-dra mfn. ( drā), opening (as a flower) Śiś. Kir._

apanidrat apa-ni-drat mfn. id. Naish.

apanidha apa-ni-dha to place aside, hide, conceal TBr. &c.; to take off AV.

apanirvāṇa apa-nirvāṇa mfn. not yet extinct Śak.

apanilī apa-ni-lī Ā. (Imper. 3. pl. -layantām) to hide one's self, disappear RV. x, 84, 7 ŚBr.

apanihnu apa-ni-hnu to deny, conceal ChUp. &c.

apanī apa-nī to lead away or off; to rob, steal, take or drag away; to remove, frighten away; to put off or away (as garments, ornaments, or fetters); to extract, take from; to deny Comm. on Mn. viii, 53. 59; to except, exclude from a rule Comm. on RPrāt.: Desid. -ninīṣati, to wish to remove Comm. on Mn. i, 27.

apanaya apa-naya m. leading away, taking away
     m. bad policy, bad or wicked conduct.

apanayana apa-nayana n. taking away, withdrawing
     n. destroying, healing
     n. acquittance of a debt.

apanīta apa-nīta mfn. led away from
     mfn. taken away, removed
     mfn. paid, discharged
     mfn. contradictory, badly executed, spoiled
apanīta apa-nīta n. imprudent or bad behaviour.

apanīti apa-nīti f. taking away from (abl.) Nyāyam.

apanetṛ apa-netṛ m. a remover, taking away.

apanu apa-nu to put aside ŚāṅkhGṛ.

apanud apa-nud to remove RV. &c.

apanutti apa-nutti f. removing, taking or sending away
     f. expiation Mn. and Yājñ.

apanuda apa-nuda mfn. (ifc. e.g. śokāpanuda q.v.) removing driving away.

apanunutsu apa-nunutsu mfn. desirous of removing, expiating (with acc.) Mn. xi, 101.

apanoda apa-noda m. = apa-nutti.

apanodana apa-nodana mfn. removing, driving away Mn.
apanodana apa-nodana n. removing, driving away Kauś. Mn.

apanodya apa-nodya mfn. to be removed.

apannagṛha a-panna-gṛha mfn. whose house has not fallen in VS. vi, 24.

apannada a-panna-da mfn. = a-panna-dat q.v. Gaut.

apannadat a-panna-dat mf (atī) n. whose teeth have not fallen out TS. TBr.

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apapad apa-pad to escape, run away.

apapare apa-pare (i), (perf. 1. sg. apa pareto asmi; apa asmi may also be taken by itself as fr. 1. apās) to go off RV. x, 83, 5.

apaparyāvṛt apa-pary-ā-vṛt to turn (the face) away from Gobh.

apapāṭha apa-pāṭha m. a mistake in reading Pāṇ. 4-4, 64 Sch.
     m. a wrong reading (in a text) VPrāt.

apapātra apa-pātra mfn. "not allowed to use vessels (for food)", people of low caste Mn. x, 51 Āp.

apapātrita apa-pātrita mfn. id.

apapādatra apa-pādatra mfn. having no protection for the feet, shoeless Rājat.

apapāna apa-pāna n. a bad or improper drink.

apapitva apa-pitva n. (probably for -pittva fr. 2. pat; cf. abhi-pitva, ā-pitva, pra-pitva; but cf. also api-tva s.v. api), turning away, separation RV. iii, 53, 24.

apapivas a-papivas m (gen. a-pupuṣas) fn. (perf. p.), who has not drunk AV. vi, 139, 4.

apapūta apa-pūta m. du. badly formed buttocks Pāṇ. 6-2, 187
apapūta apa-pūta mfn. having badly formed buttocks ib.

apapṛ apa-pṛ (aor. Subj. 2. sg. parṣi) to drive or scare away from (abl.) RV. i, 129, 5.

apapragā apa-pra-gā (aor. -prāgat) to go away from, yield to RV. i, 113, 16.

apaprajātā apa-prajātā f. a female that has had a miscarriage Suśr.

apapradāna apa-pradāna n. a bribe.

apapru apa-pru apa-pravate, Ved. to leap or jump down ŚBr. &c.

apapruth apa-pruth (Imper. 2. sg. -protha; P. -prothat) to blow off RV. vi, 47, 30 and ix, 98, 11.

apapre apa-pre (i), (3. pl. -pra-yanti, or -pra-yanti; Opt. -preyāt) to go away, withdraw RV. x, 117, 4 ŚBr.

apaproṣita apa-proṣita n. (5. vas), the having departed, a wrong departure or evil caused thereby, (neg. an-) ŚBr.

apaplu apa-plu to spring down MBh.: Caus. -plavayati, to wash off TS. &c.

apabarhis apa-barhis mfn. not having the portion constituting the Barhis ŚBr. KātyŚr.

apabādh apa-bādh Ā. to drive away, repel, remove RV. &c.: Caus. P. id. AV. xii, 1, 49: Desid. Ā. -bībhatsate, to abhor from (abl.) AitBr.

apabāhuka apa-bāhuka m. a bad arm, stiffness in the arm L.

apabrū apa-brū (impf. -bravat) to speak some mysterious or evil words upon AV. vi, 57, 1.

apabhaj apa-bhaj P. (Subj. 1. pl. -bhajāma) to cede or transfer a share to RV. x, 108, 9 ŚBr.; to satisfy the claim of (acc.) KātyŚr.; to divide into parts PBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.

apabhaya apa-bhaya mf (ā) n. fearless, undaunted.

apabhī apa-bhī mfn. id.

apabharaṇī apa-bharaṇī f. pl. ( bhṛ), the last lunar mansion TS. TBr.

apabhartavai apa-bhartavai Inf. to take away RV. x, 14, 2.

apabhartṛ apa-bhartṛ mfn. taking away RV. ii, 33, 7, destroying.

apabhāṣ apa-bhāṣ to revile Kum. v, 83.

apabhāṣaṇa apa-bhāṣaṇa n. abuse, bad words L.

apabhid apa-bhid (Imper. 2. sg. -bhindhi for -bhinddhi) to drive away RV. viii, 45, 40.

apabhū apa-bhū (Imper. -bhavatu and -bhutu [RV. i, 131, 7]; aor. Subj. 2. sg. -bhūs, 2. pl. -bhūtana) to be absent, be deficient RV. AV. TS.

apabhūti apa-bhūti f. defect, damage AV. v, 8, 5.

apabhraṃśa apa-bhraṃśa (or apa-bhraṃsa) m. falling down, a fall TS. &c.; a corrupted form of a word, corruption; ungrammatical language; the most corrupt of the Prākṛit dialects.

apabhraṣṭa apa-bhraṣṭa mfn. corrupted (as a Prākṛit dialect) Kathās.

apama mfn. (fr. apa), the most distant, the last RV. x, 39, 3 AV. x, 4, 1
apama m. (in astron.) the declination of a planet.
apamakṣetra apama-kṣetra see krānti-kṣetra.
apamajyā apama-jyā f. the sine of the declination.
apamamaṇḍala apama-maṇḍala (or apa-maṇḍala) n. the ecliptic.
apamavṛtta apama-vṛtta n. the ecliptic.

apamanyu apa-manyu mfn. free from grief.

apamarda apa-marda m. ( mṛd), what is swept away, dirt.

apamarśa apa-marśa m. ( mṛś), touching, grazing Śāk. (v.l. for abhi-marśa).

apamā apa-mā (ind. p. -māya; cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 69) to measure off, measure AV. xix, 57, 6.

apamāna apa-māna m. (or n.), ( man), disrespect, contempt, disgrace.

apamānita apa-mānita mfn. dishonoured, disgraced ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c.

apamānin apa-mānin mfn. dishonouring, despising.

apamānya apa-mānya mfn. disreputable, dishonourable.

apamārga apa-mārga m. a by-way Pañcat.

apamitya apa-mitya see apa-me.

apamukha apa-mukha mfn. having the face averted Pāṇ. 6-2, 186
     mfn. having an ill-formed face or mouth ib.
apamukham apa-mukham ind. except the face, &c. ib.

apamūrdhan apa-mūrdhan mfn. headless.

apamṛj apa-mṛj cl.2.P. Ā. -mārṣṭi (I. pl. -mṛjmahe; Imper. 2. du. -mṛjethām) to wipe off, remove AV. ŚBr. &c.

apamārga apa-mārga m. wiping off, cleaning Śiś.

apamārjana apa-mārjana n. cleansing
     n. a cleansing remedy, detergent Suśr.
apamārjana apa-mārjana mfn. wiping off, moving away, destroying BhP.

apamṛṣṭa apa-mṛṣṭa mfn. wiped off, cleansed VS. &c.

apamṛtyu apa-mṛtyu m. sudden or accidental death
     m. a great danger or illness (from which a person recovers).
apamṛtyukāraṇaparīkṣā apa-mṛtyu-kāraṇa-parīkṣā f. post-mortem examination L.

apamṛṣita apa-mṛṣita unintelligible (as a speech) Pāṇ. 1-2, 20 Sch.

apame apa-me cl.1.Ā. -mayate (ind. p. -mitya, or -māya) to be in debt to, owe Pāṇ. 3-4, 19 Sch.

apamitya apa-mitya n. debt AV. vi, 117, 1 ĀśvŚr.

apamyakṣ apa-myakṣ (Imper. 2. sg. -myakṣa) to keep off from (abl.) RV. ii, 28, 6.

apamlukta apa-mlukta mfn. ( mluc), retired, hidden RV. x, 52, 4.

apayaj apa-yaj (i. pl. -yajāmasi) to drive off by means of a sacrifice Kauś.

apayaśas apa-yaśas n. disgrace, infamy.
apayaśaskara apa-yaśas-kara mfn. occasioning infamy, disgraceful.

apayā apa-yā to go away, depart, retire from (abl.).; to fall off: Caus. -yāpayati, to carry away by violence BhP.

apayāta apa-yāta mfn. gone away, having retired.

apayātavya apa-yātavya n. impers. to be gone away Kathās.

apayāna apa-yāna n. retreat, flight
apayāna apa-yāna n. (in astron.) declination.

apayu apa-yu -yuyoti (Imper. 2. sg. -yuyodhi, 2. pl. -yuyotana) to repel, disjoin RV.

apayuj apa-yuj Ā. -yuṅkte, to loose one's self or be loosened from (abl.) ŚBr.

apara a-para mfn. having nothing beyond or after, having no rival or superior.
aparavat a-para-vat mfn. having nothing following ŚBr.
aparaspara a-para-s-para mfn. "not reciprocal, not one (by) the other", only in comp. with -sambhūta mfn. not produced one by the other Bhag.
aparādhina a-parādhina mfn. not dependent on another ŚBr.
aparārdhya a-parārdhya mfn. without a maximum, unlimited in number ĀśvŚr.

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apara mf (ā) n. (fr. apa), posterior, later, latter (opposed to pūrva; often in comp.)
     mf (ā) n. following
     mf (ā) n. western
     mf (ā) n. inferior, lower (opposed to para)
     mf (ā) n. other, another (opposed to sva)
     mf (ā) n. different (with abl.)
     mf (ā) n. being in the west of
     mf (ā) n. distant, opposite. Sometimes apara is used as a conjunction to connect words or sentences e.g. aparaṃ-ca, moreover
apara m. the hind foot of an elephant Śiś.
apara mf (ā) n. (ā) f. the west L.
apara m. the hind quarter of an elephant L.
apara m. the womb L.
apara mf (ā) n. (ī) f. (used in the pl.) or (am) ([RV. vi, 33, 5]) n. the future RV. ŚBr.
apara m. (aparam [AV.] or aparam [RV.]) ind. in future, for the future
apara mf (ā) n. (aparam) ind. again, moreover PārGṛ. Pañcat.
apara m. in the west of (abl.) KātyŚr.
apara mf (ā) n. (eṇa) ind. (with acc.) behind, west, to the west of KātyŚr. ([cf. Goth. and Old Germ. 'afar', and the Mod. Germ. 'aber', in such words as 'Aber-mal', 'Aber-witz']).
aparakānyakubja apara-kānyakubja m. N. of a village in the western part of Kānyakubja Pāṇ. 7-3, 14 Sch.
aparakāya apara-kāya m. the hind part of the body.
aparakāla apara-kāla m. a later period KātyŚr.
aparagodāna apara-godāna n. (in Buddhist cosmogony) a country west of the Mahā-meru.
aparaja apara-ja mfn. born later VS.
aparajana apara-jana sg. or pl. m. inhabitants of the west GopBr. KātyŚr.
aparatā apara-tā f. distance
     f. posteriority (in place or time)
     f. opposition, contrariety, relativeness
     f. nearness.
aparatra apara-tra ind. in another place; (eka-tra, aparatra, in one place, in the other place Pāṇ. 6-1, 194 Sch.)
aparatva apara-tva n. = -tā q.v.
aparadakṣiṇam apara-dakṣiṇam ind. south-west, (g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi q.v.)
aparanidāgha apara-nidāgha m. the latter part of the summer.
aparapakṣa apara-pakṣa m. the latter half of the month ŚBr.
     m. the other or opposing side, the defendant.
aparapakṣīya apara-pakṣīya mfn. belonging to the latter half of the month, (g. gahādi q.v.)
aparapañcāla apara-pañcāla m. pl. the western Pañcālas Pāṇ. 6-2, 103 Sch.
aparapara apara-para m. (ās or e) fn. pl. one and the other, various Pāṇ. 6-1, 144 Sch.
aparapuruṣa apara-puruṣa m. a descendant ŚBr. x.
aparapraṇeya apara-praṇeya mfn. easily led by others, tractable.
aparabhāva apara-bhāva m. after-existence, succession, continuation Nir.
apararātra apara-rātra m. the latter half of the night, the end of the night, the last watch.
aparaloka apara-loka m. another world, paradise.
aparavaktrā apara-vaktrā f. a kind of metre of four lines (having every two lines the same).
aparavat apara-vat see 1. a-para.
aparavarṣā apara-varṣā f. pl. the latter part of the rains.
aparaśarad apara-śarad f. the latter part of the autumn.
aparaśvas apara-śvas ind. the day after to-morrow Gobh.
aparasaktha apara-saktha n. the hind thigh ŚBr.
aparasad apara-sad mfn. being seated behind PBr.
aparaspara apara-s-para mfn. pl. one after the other Pāṇ. 6-1, 144.
aparasvastika apara-svastika n. the western point in the horizon.
aparahemanta apara-hemanta m. n. the latter part of winter.
aparahaimana apara-haimana mfn. belonging to the latter half of the winter season Pāṇ. 7-3, 11 Sch.
aparāgni m. du. the southern and the western fire (of a sacrifice) KātyŚr.
aparānta mfn. living at the western border
aparānta m. the western extremity, the country or the inhabitants of the western border
aparānta m. the extreme end or term
aparānta m. "the latter end", death.
aparāntaka mf (ikā) n. living at the western border VarBṛS. &c.
aparāntaka mf (ikā) n. (ikā) f. a metre consisting of four time sixteen mātrās
aparāntaka n. N. of a song Yājñ.
aparāntajñāna n. prescience of one's latter end.
aparāpara m (ās or e) fn. pl. another and another, various L.
aparārka m. the oldest known commentator of Yājñavalkya's law-book.
aparārkacandrikā aparārka-candrikā f. the name of his comment.
aparārdha m. the latter the second half.
aparāhṇa m. afternoon, the last watch of the day.
aparāhṇaka mfn. "born in the afternoon", a proper name Pāṇ. 4-3, 28.
aparāhṇatana aparāhṇa-tana ([L.]) ([Pāṇ. 4-3, 24]) mfn. belonging to or produced at the close of the day.
aparāhṇetana ([Pāṇ. 4-3, 24]) mfn. belonging to or produced at the close of the day.
aparetarā f. opposite to or other than the west, the east L.
aparedyus ind. on the following day MaitrS. &c.

aparañj apa-rañj -rajyate, to become unfavourable to MBh. Kir. ii, 49.

aparakta apa-rakta mfn. having a changed colour, grown pale Śāk.
     mfn. unfavourable VarBṛS.

aparāga apa-rāga m. aversion, antipathy Mn. vii, 154.

aparata apa-rata mfn. ( ram), turned off from, unfavourable to (abl.) Nir.
     mfn. resting BhP.

aparava apa-rava m. contest, dispute
     m. discord.
aparavojjhita mfn. free from dispute, undisturbed, undisputed.

aparaspara a-paraspara see 1. a-para.

aparaspara aparas-para see 2. apara.

[Page 51,1]
aparāṅmukha a-parāṅ-mukha mfn. with unaverted face, not turned away from (gen.) Ragh.

aparājayin a-parājayin mfn. never losing (at play) TBr.

aparājita a-parājita mf (ā) n. unconquered, unsurpassed RV. &c.
aparājita a-parājita m. a poisonous insect Suśr.
aparājita a-parājita m. Viṣṇu
aparājita a-parājita m. Śiva
aparājita a-parājita m. one of the eleven Rudras Hariv.
aparājita a-parājita m. a class of divinities (constituting one portion of the so-called Anuttara divinities of the Jainas)
aparājita a-parājita m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
aparājita a-parājita m. of a son of Kṛiṣṇa BhP.
aparājita a-parājita m. of a mythical sword Kathās.
aparājita a-parājita mf (ā) n. (ā) f. (with diś) the northeast quarter AitBr. &c.
aparājita a-parājita m. Durgā
aparājita a-parājita m. several plants, Clitoria Ternatea, Marsilea Quadrifolia, Sesbania Aegyptiaca
aparājita a-parājita m. a species of the Śarkari metre (of four lines, each containing fourteen syllables).

aparājiṣṇu a-parājiṣṇu mfn. unconquerable, invincible ŚBr. xiv.

aparādh apa-rādh -rādhyati or -rādhnoti, to miss (one's alm, &c.) AV. &c.; to wrong, offend against (gen. or loc.); to offend, sin.

aparāddha apa-rāddha mfn. having missed
     mfn. having offended, sinned
     mfn. criminal, guilty
     mfn. erring.
aparāddhapṛṣatka apa-rāddha-pṛṣatka m. an archer whose arrows miss the mark L.
aparāddheṣu m. an archer whose arrows miss the mark L.

aparāddhi apa-rāddhi f. wrong, mistake ŚBr.

aparāddhṛ apa-rāddhṛ mfn. offending, an offender.

aparādha apa-rādha m. offence, transgression, fault
     m. mistake
aparādha apa-rādha m. aparādhaṃ 1: kṛ, to offend any one (gen.)
aparādhabhañjana apa-rādha-bhañjana m. "sin-destroyer", N. of Śiva.
aparādhabhañjanastotra apa-rādha-bhañjana-stotra n. a poem of Saṅkarācārya (in praise of Śiva).

aparādhin apa-rādhin mfn. offending
     mfn. criminal
     mfn. guilty.
aparādhitā apa-rādhi-tā f. criminality, guilt.
aparādhitva apa-rādhi-tva n. criminality, guilt.

aparāparaṇa a-parāparaṇa m. not having descendants or offspring AV. xii, 5, 45.

aparābhāva a-parābhāva m. the state of not succumbing or not breaking down TBr.

aparābhūta a-parābhūta mfn. not succumbing, not breaking down ŚBr.

aparāmṛṣṭa a-parāmṛṣṭa mfn. untouched.

aparāsikta a-parāsikta mfn. not poured on one's side, not spilled (as the semen virile) ŚBr.

aparāhata a-parāhata mfn. not driven off AV. xviii, 4, 38.

aparikalita a-parikalita mfn. unknown, unseen.

aparikrama a-parikrama mfn. not walking about, unable to walk round R. ii, 63, 42.

aparikrāmam a-parikrāmam ind. without going about, standing still KātyŚr.

apariklinna a-pariklinna mfn. not moist, not liquid, dry.

aparigaṇya a-parigaṇya mfn. incalculable.

aparigata a-parigata mfn. unobtained, unknown Kād.

aparigraha a-parigraha m. not including Comm. on TPrāt.
     m. non-acceptance, renouncing (of any possession besides the necessary utensils of ascetics) Jain.
     m. deprivation, destitution, poverty
aparigraha a-parigraha mfn. destitute of possession
     m. destitute of attendants or of a wife Kum. i, 54.

aparigrāhya a-parigrāhya mfn. unfit or improper to be accepted, not to be taken.

aparicayin a-paricayin mfn. (2. ci), having no acquaintances, misanthropic.

aparicita a-paricita mfn. unacquainted with, unknown to.

apariceya a-pariceya mfn. unsociable.

aparicchada a-paricchada mfn. ( chad), without retinue, unprovided with necessaries Mn. viii, 405.

aparicchanna a-paricchanna mfn. uncovered, unclothed.

aparicchādita a-paricchādita mfn. id.

aparicchinna a-paricchinna mfn. without interval or division, uninterrupted, continuous
     mfn. connected
     mfn. unlimited
     mfn. undistinguished.

apariccheda a-pariccheda m. want of distinction or division
     m. want of discrimination Śāk., want of judgement, continuance.

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aparijyāni a-parijyāni f. "not falling into decay", iṣṭāpūrtasyāparijyāni f. N. of a sacrificial ceremony AitBr.

apariṇayana a-pariṇayana n. ( ), non-marriage, celibacy.

apariṇītā a-pariṇītā f. an unmarried woman.

apariṇāma a-pariṇāma m. ( nam), unchangeableness.
apariṇāmadarśin a-pariṇāma-darśin mfn. not providing for a change, improvident.

aparināmin a-parināmin mfn. unchanging.

aparitoṣa a-paritoṣa mfn. unsatisfied, discontented Śāk.

aparipakva a-paripakva mfn. not quite ripe (as fruits, or a tumour [Suśr.])
     mfn. not quite mature.

aparipara a-paripara mfn. not going by a tortuous course AV. xviii, 2, 46 MaitrS.

aparibhinna a-paribhinna mfn. not broken into small pieces, not crumbled ŚBr.

aparimāṇa a-parimāṇa mfn. without measure, immeasurable, immense
aparimāṇa a-parimāṇa n. immeasurableness.

aparimita a-parimita mfn. unmeasured, either indefinite or unlimited AV. ŚBr. &c.
aparimitaguṇagaṇa a-parimita-guṇa-gaṇa mfn. of unbounded excellences.
aparimitadhā a-parimita-dhā ind. into an unlimited number of pieces or parts MaitrUp.
aparimitavidha a-parimita-vidha (aparimita-) mfn. indefinitely multiplied ŚBr.
aparimitālikhita mfn. having an indefinite number of lines ŚBr. KātyŚr.

aparimeya a-parimeya mfn. immeasurable, illimitable.

aparimoṣa a-parimoṣa m. not stealing TS.

aparimlāna a-parimlāna m. "not withering, not decaying", the plant Gomphrenea Globosa.

apariyāṇi a-pariyāṇi f. inability to walk about (used in execrations) Pāṇ. 8-4, 29 Kāś.

aparilopa a-parilopa m. non-loss
     m. non-damage RPrāt.

aparivargam a-parivargam ind. without leaving out, uninterruptedly, completely TS. TBr. ĀpŚr.

aparivartanīya a-parivartanīya mfn. not to be exchanged.

aparivādya a-parivādya mfn. ( vad), not to be reprimanded Gaut.

apariviṣṭa a-pariviṣṭa mfn. not enclosed, unbounded RV. ii, 13, 8.

aparivīta a-parivīta mfn. ( vye), not covered ŚBr.

aparivṛta a-parivṛta mfn. not hedged in or fenced Mn. and Gaut. (cf. a-parīvṛta.)

apariśeṣa a-pariśeṣa mfn. not leaving a remainder, all-surrounding, all-enclosing, Sāṅkhyak.

apariślatham a-pariślatham ind. not loosely, very firmly Uttarar.

apariṣkāra a-pariṣkāra m. want of polish or finish
     m. coarseness, rudeness.

apariṣkṛta a-pariṣkṛta mfn. unpolished, unadorned, coarse.

aparisamāptika a-parisamāptika mfn. not ending, endless Comm. on BṛĀrUp.

aparisara a-parisara mfn. non-contiguous, distant.

apariskandam a-pariskandam ind. so as not to jump or leap about Bhaṭṭ.

apariharaṇīya a-pariharaṇīya mfn. not to be avoided, inevitable
     mfn. not to be abandoned or lost
     mfn. not to be degraded.

aparihārya a-parihārya mfn. id. Gaut. &c.

aparihāṇa a-parihāṇa or a-parhāṇa n. the state of not being deprived of anything, KaushBr.

aparihvṛta a-parihvṛta mfn. unafflicted, not endangered RV. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 32.)

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aparīkṣita a-parīkṣita mfn. untried, unproved
     mfn. not considered, inconsiderate.

aparīta a-parīta mfn. unobstructed, irresistible RV.
aparīta a-parīta m. N. of a people (v.l.)

aparīvṛta a-parīvṛta mfn. (1. vṛ), unsurrounded RV. ii, 10, 3 (cf. a-parivṛta.)

aparudh apa-rudh to expel, drive out (from possession or dominion) RV. x, 34, 2 & 3 AV. &c.: Desid. Pass. p. apa-rurutsyamāna, wished or intended to be expelled Kāṭh.

aparoddhṛ apa-roddhṛ m. one who keeps another off, a repeller TS.

aparodha apa-rodha m. exclusion, prohibition (an- neg.) KātyŚr.

aparodhuka apa-rodhuka mfn. detaining, hindering MaitrS.

aparuṣa a-paruṣa mf (ā) n. not harsh.

aparūpa apa-rūpa n. monstrosity, deformity AV. xii, 4, 9
aparūpa apa-rūpa mfn. deformed, ill-looking, odd-shaped L.

aparedyus apare-dyus see 2. apara.

aparokṣu a-parokṣu mfn. not invisible
     mfn. perceptible
aparokṣu a-parokṣu mfn. (am) ind. (with gen.) in the sight of
aparokṣu a-parokṣu mfn. (aparokṣāt) ind. perceptibly, manifestly ŚBr. xiv.

aparokṣaya Nom. P. -yati, to make perceptible L.; to take a view of (acc.) MBh.

aparṇa a-parṇa mfn. leafless TS.
aparṇā a-parṇā f. "not having even leaves (for food during her religious austerities)", N. of Durgā or Pārvatī Kum. v, 28.

apartu apa-rtu (ṛṛtu) mfn. untimely, unseasonable AV. iii, 28, 1; not corresponding to the season (as rain) BhP.; (us) m. not the right time, not the season Gaut. Āp.; (u) ind. not in correspondence with the season Gaut.

aparyanta a-paryanta mfn. unbounded, unlimited ŚBr. x, xiv, &c.

aparyāpta a-paryāpta mfn. ( āp), incomplete
     mfn. unable, incompetent, insufficient
     mfn. not enough
     mfn. unlimited, unbounded L.
aparyāptavat a-paryāpta-vat mfn. not competent to (Inf.) Ragh. xvi, 28.

aparyāya a-paryāya m. want of order or method.

aparyāsita a-paryāsita mfn. (Caus. perf. Pass. p. 2. as), not thrown down or annihilated Kir.i, 41.

aparvan a-parvan n. not a point of junction RV. iv, 19, 3
     n. a day which is not a parvan (a day in the lunar month, as the full and change of the moon, and the eighth and fourteenth of each half month), (mfn.), without a joint.
aparvadaṇḍa aparva-daṇḍa m. a kind of sugar-cane.
aparvabhaṅganipuṇa aparva-bhaṅga-nipuṇa mfn. skilled in breaking a passage where there is no joint (i.e. where there is no possibility of bending) Kām.

aparvaka a-parvaka mfn. jointless ŚBr.

aparhāṇa a-parhāṇa = a-parihāṇa q.v.

apala n. a pin or bolt L.

apala a-pala mfn. fleshless.

apalap apa-lap to explain away, to deny, conceal: Caus. Ā. -lapayate, to outwit Bhaṭṭ.

apalapana apa-lapana n. denial or concealment of knowledge, evasion, turning off the truth, detraction
     n. concealing, hiding
     n. affection, regard L.
     n. the part between the shoulder and the ribs Suśr.

apalapita apa-lapita mfn. denied, concealed
     mfn. suppressed, embezzled Comm. on Mn. viii, 400.

apalāpa apa-lāpa m. = apa-lapana.
apalāpadaṇḍa apa-lāpa-daṇḍa m. a fine imposed on one who denies or evades (in law).

apalāpin apa-lāpin mfn. one who denies, evades or conceals (with gen.)

apalāla a-palāla m. N. of a Rakshas.

apalāśa a-palāśa mfn. leafless RV. x, 27, 14.

apalāṣikā apa-lāṣikā (or apa-lāsikā) f. thirst L.

apalāṣin apa-lāṣin mfn. free from desire Pāṇ. 3-2, 144.

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apalāṣuka apa-lāṣuka mfn. free from desire Pāṇ. 6-2, 160 Sch.

apalikh apa-likh (Subj. -likhāt) to scrape off AV. xiv, 2, 68.

apalita a-palita mfn. not grey AV.

apalupam apa-lupam ind. (according to Pāṇ. 3-4, 12 Sch.) Ved. Inf. of apa-lup, to cut off.

apalpūlanakṛta a-palpūlana-kṛta mfn. not soaked or macerated ŚBr.

apavaktṛ apa-vaktṛ m. "speaking away", warning off, averting RV. i, 24, 8 AV. v, 15, 1.

apavācana apa-vācana n. see an-apavācana.

apavat apa-vat see s.v. 2. ap.

apavad apa-vad P. to revile, abuse TBr. &c.; to distract, divert, console by tales PārGṛ. Yājñ.; (in Gr.) to except RPrāt.; (Ā. only) to disown, deny, contradict Pāṇ. 1-3, 77 Sch.: Caus. -vādayati, to oppose as unadvisable; to revile; (in Gr.) to except RPrāt.

apavadamāna apa-vadamāna mfn. reviling, speaking ill of (dat.) Bhaṭṭ.

apavāda apa-vāda m. evil speaking, reviling, blaming, speaking ill of (gen.)
     m. denial, refutation, contradiction
     m. a special rule setting aside a general one, exception (opposed to utsarga Pāṇ. 3-1, 94 Sch.) RPrāt. Pāṇ. Sch.
     m. order, command Kir.
     m. a peculiar noise made by hunters to entice deer Śiś. vi, 9.
apavādapratyaya apa-vāda-pratyaya m. an exceptional affix Pāṇ. 3-1, 94 Sch.
apavādasthala apa-vāda-sthala n. oase for a special rule or exception Pāṇ. Sch.

apavādaka apa-vādaka mfn. reviling, blaming, defaming
     mfn. opposing, objecting to, excepting, excluding Comm. on TPrāt.

apavādita apa-vādita mfn. blamed
     mfn. opposed, objected to.

apavādin apa-vādin mfn. blaming Śāk.

apavādya apa-vādya mfn. to be censured
     mfn. to be excepted Comm. on TPrāt.

apavadh apa-vadh (aor. -avadhīt) to cut off, split RV. x, 146, 4; to repel, avert VS. ŚBr.

apavana a-pavana mfn. without air, sheltered from wind.

apavana apa-vana n. a grove L.

apavap apa-vap (Subj. 2. sg. -vapas [Padap. -vapa]; impf. 2. sg. -avapas, 3. sg. -avapat) to disperse, drive off, destroy RV. AV. TS.

apavaraka apa-varaka &c. see apa- 1. vri.

apavarga apa-varga &c. see apa-vṛj.

apavarta apa-varta &c. see apa-vrit.

apavas apa-vas (Subj. -ucchat, Imper. -ucchatu) to drive off by excessive brightness RV. AV.; to become extinct AV. iii, 7, 7.

apavāsa apa-vāsa m. extinction, disappearance AV. iii, 7, 7, N. of a plant L.

apavah apa-vah to carry off; to deduct; to give up: Caus. -vāhayati, to have (something) carried off or taken away; to drive away Daś. Pañcat.

apavāha apa-vāha m. "carrying off (water)", a channel TS.
     m. "carrying off" see vasiṣṭhāpavāha, deduction, subtraction
     m. N. of a metre
     m. of a people.

apavāhaka apa-vāhaka m. deduction, subtraction.

apavāhana apa-vāhana n. carrying off Hit. Daś.
     n. subtraction.

apodha see s.v., p.56, col.3.

apavā apa-vā -vāti, to exhale, perspire RV. i, 162, 10, (Imper. -vātu) to blow off RV. viii, 18, 10.

apavāda apa-vāda &c. see apa-vad.

apavikṣata apa-vikṣata mfn. unwounded Śāk. (v.l.)

apavighna apa-vighna mfn. unobstructed, unimpeded
apavighna apa-vighna n. freedom from obstruction MBh. i, 6875.

apavic apa-vic cl.7. -vinakti (impf. apāvinak) to single out from, select AV. ŚBr.; cl.3. -vevekti id. Kauś.

apavitra a-pavitra mf (ā) n. impure.

apaviddha apa-viddha see apa-vyadh.

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apaviś apa-viś Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -veśayā) to send away AV. ix, 2, 25.

apaviṣā apa-viṣā f. "free from poison", the grass Kyllingia Monocephala.

apaviṣṇu apa-viṣṇu ind. except or without Viṣṇu.

apavī apa-vī -veti, to turn away from, be unfavourable to RV. v, 61, 18 and x, 43, 2.

apavīṇa apa-vīṇa mfn. having a bad or no lute Pāṇ. 6-2, 187
apavīṇā apa-vīṇā f. a bad lute ib.
apavīṇam apa-vīṇam ind. without a lute ib.

apavīravat a-pavīra-vat mfn. not armed with a lance RV. x, 60, 3.

apavṛ apa-vṛ (impf. 2. sg. apāvṛṇos, 3. sg. apāvṛṇot; Subj. -varat; aor. 2. and 3. sg. -āvar [Padap. -avar], 3. sg. Ā. -avṛta; aor. Subj. 1. sg. -vam [for varm RV. x, 28, 7], 3. sg. -var, 3. pl. -vran, Imper. 2. sg. [in RV.] once apa vṛdhi and five times apā vṛdhi [cf. apā- 1. vṛ and ib. apā-vṛta]; perf. 2. sg. -vavartha, 3. sg. -vavāra) to open, uncover, exhibit RV.; (ind. p. -vṛtya) ŚBr. xiv; (cf. apā- 1 vṛ): Caus. -vārayati, "to hide, conceal" see apa-vārita.

apavaraka apa-varaka m. an inner apartment, lying in chamber Kathās.

apavaraṇa apa-varaṇa n. covering L.
     n. garment L.

apavartṛ apa-vartṛ m. one who opens RV. iv, 20, 8.

apavārana apa-vārana n. covering, concealment L.

apavārita apa-vārita mfn. covered, concealed Mṛicch. &c., (am) ind. (in theatrical language) secretly, apart, aside (speaking so that only the addressed person may hear, opposed to prakāśam) Sāh.

apavāritakena apa-vāritakena ind. = apa-vāritam.

apavārya apa-vārya ind. p. = apa-vāritam.

apavṛj apa-vṛj Ā. -vriṅkte (Imper. 2. sg. -vṛṅkṣva; Subj. 1. sg. -vṛṇajai; aor. P. 3. sg. apāvṛk) to turn off, drive off AV. ŚBr.; to tear off AV.; (with adhvānam) carpere viam ([BR.]) RV. x, 117, 7; to leave off, determine, fulfil ŚBr. &c.: Caus. -varjayati, to quit, get rid of; to sever, turn off from to transmit, bestow, grant MBh. &c.

apavarga apa-varga m. completion, end (e.g. pañcāpavarga, coming to an end in five days) KātyŚr. &c.
     m. the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence, exemption from further transmigration
     m. final beatitude BhP. &c.
     m. gift, donation ĀśvŚr.
     m. restriction (of a rule) Suśr. Śulb.
apavargada apa-varga-da mf (ā) n. conferring final beatitude.

apavarjana apa-varjana n. completion, discharging a debt or obligation Hariv.
     n. transmitting, giving in marriage (a daughter) MBh.
     n. final emancipation or beatitude L.
     n. abandoning L.

apavarjanīya apa-varjanīya mfn. to be avoided.

apavarjita apa-varjita mfn. abandoned, quitted, got rid of, given or cast away
     mfn. made good (as a promise), discharged (as a debt).

apavarjya apa-varjya ind. p. excepting, except.

apavṛkta apa-vṛkta mfn. finished, completed.

apavṛkti apa-vṛkti f. fulfilment, completion.

apavṛt apa-vṛt to turn away, depart; to move out from, get out of the way, slip off: Caus. P. (Ved. Imper. 2. sg. -vartayā) to turn or drive away from RV. ii, 23, 7 &c.; (in arithm.) to divide; to reduce to a common measure.

apavarta apa-varta m. (in arithm. or alg.) reduction to a common measure
     m. the divisor (which is applied to both or either of the quantities of an equation).

apavartaka apa-vartaka m. a common measure L.

apavartana apa-vartana n. taking away, removal Suśr.
     n. ademption Mn. ix, 79
     n. reduction of a fraction to its lowest terms, division without remainder
     n. divisor.

apavartita apa-vartita mfn. taken away
     mfn. removed
     mfn. divided by a common measure without remainder.

apavṛtta apa-vṛtta mfn. reversed, inverted, overturned, finished carried to the end (perhaps for apa-vṛkta) ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. &c.
apavṛtta apa-vṛtta n. (in astron.) ecliptic.

apavṛtti apa-vṛtti f. slipping off, end L.

apave apa-ve (Imper. 2. sg. -vaya) to unweave what has been woven RV. x, 130, 1.

apaven apa-ven (Subj. 2 sg. -venas) to turn away from, be unfavourable to AV. iv, 8, 2.

apaveṣṭ apa-veṣṭ Caus. -veṣṭayati, to strip off PBr.

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apavyadh apa-vyadh (Subj. 3. du. -vidhyatām) to drive away, throw away RV. vii, 75, 4, &c.; to pierce (with arrows) MBh.; to reject, neglect.

apaviddha apa-viddha mfn. pierced
     mfn. thrown away, rejected, dismissed, removed.
apaviddhaputra apa-viddha-putra m. a son rejected by his natural parents and adopted by a stranger Mn. Yājñ.
     m. one of the twelve objects of filiation in law.
apaviddhaloka apa-viddha-loka mfn. "who has given up the world", dead BhP.

apavedha apa-vedha m. piercing anything in the wrong direction or manner (spoiling a jewel by so piercing it) Mn. xi, 286.

apavyaya apa-vyaya m. ( i), prodigality L.

apavyayamāna apa-vyayamāna mfn. see apa-vye.

apavyādā apa-vy-ā-dā (see vy-ā- 1. ), to open (the lips) ŚBr.

apavyāhṛ apa-vy-ā-hṛ (Pot. -haret) to speak wrongly or unsuitably ŚBr. KātyŚr.

apavye apa-vye P. Ā. -vyayati (1. sg. -vyaye) to uncover RV. vii, 81, 1 AV.: Ā. (pr. p. -vyayamāna) to extricate one's self, deny Mn.

apavraj apa-vraj to go away ĀśvŚr.

apavrata apa-vrata mfn. disobedient, unfaithful RV.
     mfn. perverse RV. v, 40, 6
apavrata apa-vrata mfn. (x, 103, additional verse, = ) AV. iii, 2, 6 = VS. xvii, 47.

apaśakuna apa-śakuna n. a bad omen.

apaśaṅka apa-śaṅka mfn. fearless, having no fear or hesitation
apaśaṅkam apa-śaṅkam ind. fearlessly Śiś.

apaśabda apa-śabda m. bad or vulgar speech
     m. any form of language not Sanskṛit
     m. ungrammatical language
apaśabda apa-śabda m. (apa-bhraṃśa.)

apaśama apa-śama m. cessation L.

apaśavya a-paśavya see a-paśu.

apaśātaya apa-śātaya (cf. śad) Nom. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -śātaya) to throw or shoot off (an arrow) AV.

apaśiras apa-śiras ([ŚBr. xiv]) or apa-śīrṣa, or apa-śīrṣan ([ŚBr. xiv]) mfn. headless.

apaśiṣ apa-śiṣ to leave out ŚBr.

apaśu a-paśu m. not cattle i.e. cattle not fit to be sacrificed TS. ŚBr.
apaśuhan a-paśu-han (a-paśu-) mf (ghnī) n. not killing cattle AV. xiv, 1, 62.

apaśu a-paśu mfn. deprived of cattle, poor TS. ŚBr.
     mfn. having no victim ĀśvGṛ.
apaśutā a-paśu-tā (apaśu-) f. want of cattle MaitrS.

apaśavya a-paśavya mfn. not fit or useful for cattle TBr. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ.

apaśuc apa-śuc m. (1. śuc), "without sorrow", the soul L.

apaśoka apa-śoka mfn. sorrowless Ragh.
apaśoka apa-śoka m. the tree Jonesia Asoka.

apaśuc apa-śuc Intens.p. -śośucat mfn. driving off by flames RV. i, 97, 1.

apaścādaghvan a-paścā-daghvan ([SV. AV. xix, 55, 5]) or better a-paścād-daghvan ([RV. vi, 42, 1 MaitrS.]) mfn. not staying behind, not coming short of, not being a loser.

apaścima a-paścima mfn. not having another in the rear, last, not the last.

apaśnath apa-śnath (aor. Imper. 2. pl -śnathiṣṭana) to push away, repel RV. ix, 101, 1.

apaśya a-paśya mfn. not seeing RV. i, 148, 5.

apaśyat a-paśyat mfn. id. RV. x, 135, 3
apaśyat a-paśyat mfn. (in astron.) not being in view of VarBṛ.
     mfn. not noticing
     mfn. not considering, not caring for Yājñ. ii, 3.

apaśyanā a-paśyanā f. not seeing Buddh.

apaśri apa-śri to retire from Lāṭy.

apaśraya apa-śraya m. a bolster AV. xv, 3, 8.

apaśrita apa-śrita mfn. retired from, retreated, absconded RV. AV. ŚBr.

apaśrī apa-śrī mfn. deprived of beauty Śiś.

apaśvas apa-śvas cl.2.P. -śvasiti, used to explain apāniti (cf. apān) Comm. on ChUp.

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apaśvāsa apa-śvāsa m. one of the five vital airs (see apāna) L.

apaṣṭha apa-ṣṭha mn. ( sthā), the end or point of the hook for driving an elephant Pāṇ. 8-3, 97 (cf. apāṣṭha.)

apaṣṭhu apa-ṣṭhu mfn. contrary, opposite L.
     mfn. perverse L.
     mfn. left L.
apaṣṭhu apa-ṣṭhu mfn. (u) ind. perversely, badly Śiś. xv, 17 (v.l. um)
     mfn. properly L.
     mfn. handsomely L.
apaṣṭhu apa-ṣṭhu m. time L.

apaṣṭhura apa-ṣṭhura mfn. opposite, contrary L.
apaṣṭhuraṣṭhula apa-ṣṭhura-ṣṭhula mfn. opposite, contrary L.

apas n. (fr. 1. ap), work, action, especially sacred act, sacrificial act RV. [Lat. opus.]

apas mfn. active, skilful in any art RV.
apas mfn. (asas) f. pl. N. of the hands and fingers (when employed in kindling the sacred fire and in performing the sacrifices) RV.
     mfn. of the three goddesses of sacred speech RV. VS.
     mfn. of the active or running waters RV. AV.
apastama apas-tama (apas-) mfn. (superl.), most active RV.; most rapid RV. x, 75, 7.
apaspati apas-pati m. N. of a son of Uttānapāda VP.

apasya Nom. P. (Subj. -syāt) to be active RV. i, 121, 7.

apasyā f. activity RV. v, 44, 8; vii, 45, 2 (cf. sv-apasyā, for 2. apasyā see 2. apasya below.)

apasyu mfn. active RV.

apas mfn. (fr. 2. ap), watery. (So some passages of the Ṛig-veda [i,95, 4, &c.] may (according to NBD. and others) be translated where the word is applied to the running waters see 2. apas at end and apas-tama.)

apasya mf () n. watery, melting, dispersing RV. x, 89, 2 VS.x, 7
apasya mf () n. (2. apasyā) f. a kind of brick (twenty are used in building the sacrificial altar) ŚBr. KātyŚr.

apasac apa-sac (perf. Ā. 3. pl. -saścire, 1. pl.P. -saścima) to escape, evade (with acc.) RV. v, 20, 2 VS. xxxviii, 20.

apasada apa-sada m. the children of six degrading marriages (of a Brāhman with the women of the three lower classes, of a Kshatriya with women of the two lower, and of a Vaiśya with one of the Śūdra Mn. x, 10 seqq., but cf. MBh. xiii, 2620 seqq. and apadhvaṃsa-ja), an outcast (often ifc.; see brāhmaṇāpasada).

apasamam apa-samam ind. last year (? g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi q.v.)

apasarjana apa-sarjana n. (sṛj), abandonment L.
     n. gift or donation L.
     n. final emancipation of the soul L. (cf. apa-vṛj.)

apasalavi apa-salavi ind. to the left (opposed to pra-salavi cf. ava-salavi) ŚBr.; the space between the thumb and the forefinger (sacred to the Manes).

apasalaiḥ apa-salaiḥ ind. to the left ĀśvGṛ.

apasavya apa-savya mfn. not on the left side, right Mn. iii, 214
apasavya apa-savya mfn. (with auguries) from the right to the left, moving to the left MBh. VarBṛS. &c.
apasavya apa-savya mfn. (am, ena) ind. to the left, from the right to the left KātyŚr. &c.
apasavyaṃkṛ apasavyaṃ-kṛ = pradakṣiṇaṃ kṛ, to circumambulate a person keeping the right side towards him, Kaus. &c.; to put the sacred thread over the right shoulder Yājñ. i, 232.
apasavyavat apasavya-vat mfn. having the sacred thread over the right shoulder Yājñ. i, 250.

apasiddhānta apa-siddhānta m. an assertion or statement opposed to orthodox teaching or to settled dogma Nyāyad. &c.

apasidh apa-sidh (Imper. 2. sg. -sedha, or -sedha, 3. sg. -sedhatu, 3. pl. -sedhantu; pr. p. -sedhat) to ward off, remove, drive away RV. &c.

apasū apa-sū (1. sg. -suvāmi; Imper. 2. sg. -suva; aor. Subj. -sāviṣat) to drive off RV. x, 37, 4 and 100, 8 AV. VS.

apasṛ apa-sṛ (impf. -sarat) to slip off from (abl.) RV. iv, 30, 10; to go away, retreat: Caus. -sārayati, to make or let go away, remove.

apasara apa-sara m. (in geom.) distance
apasara apa-sara m. see anapasara.

apasaraṇa apa-saraṇa n. going away retreating.

apasāra apa-sāra m. a way for going out, escape Mṛicch. Pañcat.

apasāraṇa apa-sāraṇa n. removing to a distance
     n. dismissing
     n. banishment Mcar.
apasārita apa-sārita mfn. removed, put away.

apasṛti apa-sṛti f. = apa-sara.

apasṛp apa-sṛp to glide or move off; to retreat.

apasarpa apa-sarpa m. a secret emissary or agent, spy Bālar.

apasarpaṇa apa-sarpaṇa n. going back, retreating.

apasṛpti apa-sṛpti f. going away from (abl.)

apaskambha apa-skambha m. fastening, making firm AV. iv, 6, 4.

apaskṛṛ apa-skṛṛ see apa- 3. kṛṛ.

apaskara apa-skara m. any part of a carriage, a wheel, &c. Pāṇ. 6-1, 149
     m. faeces (cf. avaskara) Vet.
     m. anus L.
     m. vulva L.

apaskāra apa-skāra m. under part of the knee L.

apaskhala apa-skhala m. slipping ["outside of a threshing-floor" Sāy.] ŚBr.

apastama apas-tama see 2. apas.

apastamba apa-stamba m. a vessel inside or on one side of the chest containing vital air Bhpr.

apastambha apa-stambha m. id. Suśr.

apastambhinī apa-stambhinī f. N. of a plant.

apasnāta apa-snāta mfn. bathing during mourning or upon the death of a relation R. ii, 42, 22.

apasnāna apa-snāna n. funeral bathing (upon the death of a relative, &c.) L.
     n. impure water in which a person has previously washed Mn. iv, 132.

apaspati apas-pati see 2. apas.

apaspṛ apa-spṛ Ā. (impf. 3. pl. -spṛṇvata) to extricate from, deliver from, KaushBr.; (3. pl. -spṛṇvate) to refresh ([Gmn.; "to alienate" BR.]) RV. viii, 2, 5.

apaspṛś apa-spṛś see an-apaspṛś.

apasphiga apa-sphiga mfn. one who has badly formed buttocks Pāṇ. 6-2, 187
apasphigam apa-sphigam ind. except the buttocks ib.

apasphur apa-sphur (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -spharīs) to move suddenly aside or to lash out (as a cow during milking) RV. vi, 61, 14.

apasphur apa-sphur mfn. bounding or bursting forth, (or figuratively) splashing out (said of the Soma) RV. viii, 69, 10 (cf. an-apasphur, &c.)

apasmāra apa-smāra m. epilepsy, falling sickness Suśr. &c.

apasmārin apa-smārin mfn. epileptic, convulsed Mn. &c.

apasmṛti apa-smṛti mfn. forgetful BhP.
     mfn. absent in mind, confused ib.

apasya apasyu see apas

apasvara apa-svara m. an unmusical note or sound L.

apasvāna apa-svāna m. a hurricane Āp.

apahan apa-han (Subj. 3. sg. -han; Imper. 2. sg. -jahi, 2. du. -hatam; 2. pl. -hatā, or -hata; perf. -jaghāna; pr. p. -ghnat; Intens. p. nom. m. -jaṅghanat) to beat off, ward off, repel, destroy RV. &c.

apaghāta apa-ghāta see s.v.
apajighāṃsu apa-jighāṃsu see s.v.

apaha apa-ha mfn. ifc. keeping back, repelling, removing, destroying (e.g. śokāpaha q.v.)

apahata apa-hata mfn. destroyed, warded off, killed.
apahatapāpman apa-hata-pāpman (apahata-) mfn. having the evil warded off, free from evil ŚBr.

apahati apa-hati f. removing, destroying AitBr. &c.

apahanana apa-hanana n. warding off (cf. apa-ghāta s.v.)

apahantṛ apa-hantṛ mf (trī Ragh.) n. beating off, destroying ŚBr. &c.

apahara apa-hara &c. see apa-hṛ.

apahala apa-hala mfn. having a bad plough Pāṇ. 6-2, 187 Sch.

apahas apa-has to deride: Caus. -hāsayati, to deride, ridicule.

apahasita apa-hasita n. silly or causeless laughter Sāh.

apahāsa apa-hāsa m. id. L.
     m. a mocking laugh R.

apahāsya apa-hāsya mfn. to be laughed at R.

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apahasta apa-hasta n. striking or throwing away or off MBh. iii, 545 (["the back of the hand" Comm.])

apahastaya apa-hastaya Nom. P. -yati, to throw away, push aside, repel, (generally used in the perf. Pass. p.)

apahastita apa-hastita mfn. thrown away, repelled, Mālatim. &c.

apahā apa-hā Ā. -jihīte (aor. 3. pl. -ahāsata Subj. 1. pl. -hāsmahi), to run away from (abl.) or off RV.

apahā apa-hā Ā. (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -hāsthāḥ) to remain behind, fall short, not reach the desired end AV. xviii, 3, 73: Pass. -hīyate, to grow less, decrease (in strength, balam) Suśr.

apahāni apa-hāni f. diminishing, vanishing Up.

apahāya apa-hāya ind. p. quitting MBh. &c.; leaving, avoiding, Hariv.; leaving out of view, Sāk. &c.; excepting, except Ragh.

apahi apa-hi to throw off, disengage or deliver one's self from (acc.) BhP.

apahiṃkāra apa-hiṃ-kāra mfn. without the syllable him (which is pronounced in singing the Sāma verses) ŚBr.

apahṛ apa-hṛ to snatch away, carry off, plunder; to remove, throw away: Caus. -hārayati see apa-hārita below.

apahara apa-hara mfn. (ifc.) carrying off Bhām.

apaharaṇa apa-haraṇa n. taking away, carrying off
     n. stealing Mn.

apaharaṇīya apa-haraṇīya mfn. to be taken away, carried off, stolen, &c.

apaharas apa-haras mfn. not pernicious PBr.

apahartṛ apa-hartṛ m. (with gen. [Mn. viii, 190, 192] or acc. [Pāṇ. 3-2, 135 Sch.] or ifc.) taking away, carrying off, stealing Mn. &c.
     m. removing (faults), expiating Mn. xi, 161.

apahāra apa-hāra m. taking away, stealing
     m. spending another person's property
     m. secreting, concealment e.g. ātmāpahāraṃ 1. kṛ, to conceal one's real character, Sāk.

apahāraka apa-hāraka mfn. one who takes away, seizes, steals, &c.
     mfn. a plunderer, a thief (cf. ātmāpahāraka, vāg apahāraka.)

apahāraṇa apa-hāraṇa n. causing to take away.

apahārita apa-hārita mfn. carried off R. Ragh. iii., 50.

apahārin apa-hārin mfn. = apa-hāraka.

apahṛta apa-hṛta mfn. taken away, carried off, stolen, &c. -vijñāna mfn. bereft of sense.

apahṛti apa-hṛti f. carrying off.

apahelā apa-helā f. contempt L.

apahnu apa-hnu Ā. (1. sg. -hnuve) to refuse RV. i, 138, 4; to conceal, disguise, deny Kāṭh. &c.; to excuse one's self, give satisfaction to ŚBr. TBr.

apahnava apa-hnava m. concealment, denial of or turning off of the truth
     m. dissimulation, appeasing, satisfying ŚBr.
     m. affection, love R.
apahnava apa-hnava m. = apa-hnuti Sāh.

apahnuta apa-hnuta mfn. concealed, denied.

apahnuti apa-hnuti f. "denial, concealment of truth", using a simile in other than its true or obvious application Kpr. Sāh.

apahnuvāna apa-hnuvāna mfn. pr. p. Ā. concealing, denying (any one dat.) Naish.

apahnotṛ apa-hnotṛ mfn. one who conceals or denies or disowns Comm. on Mn. viii, 190.

apahrāsa apa-hrāsa m. diminishing, reducing Suśr.

apāk and 1. apāka see apāñc.

apāka a-pāka mfn. ( pac), immature, raw, unripe (said of fruits and of sores)
apāka a-pāka m. immaturity
apāka a-pāka m. indigestion, Sutr.
apākaja a-pāka-ja mfn. not produced by cooking or ripening
     mfn. original
     mfn. natural.
apākaśāka a-pāka-śāka n. ginger.

apākin a-pākin mfn. unripe
     mfn. undigested.

apākṛ apā-kṛ to remove, drive away, (Ved. Inf. apākartoḥ) MaitrS.; to cast off, reject, desist from MBh. &c.; to select for a present PBr. KātyŚr.; to reject (an opinion).

apākaraṇa apā-karaṇa n. driving away, removal KātyŚr.
     n. payment, liquidation.

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apākariṣṇu apā-kariṣṇu mfn. (with acc.) "outdoing", surpassing.

apākarman apā-karman n. payment, liquidation.

apākṛta apā-kṛta mfn. taken away, removed, destroyed, void of
     mfn. paid.

apākṛti apā-kṛti f. taking away, removal RV. viii, 47, 2
     f. evil conduct, rebelling (Comm. = vikāra) Kir. i, 27.

apākṛṣ apā-kṛṣ (Inf. -kraṣṭum) to turn off or away, avert, remove R. &c.

apākṛṛ apā-kṛṛ to throw any one off; to abandon, to contemn.

apākṣa mfn. = adhy-akṣa, or praty-akṣa L.

apāṅkteya a-pāṅkteya mfn. "not in a line or row", not in the same class, inadmissible into society, ejected from caste Mn. &c.

apāṅktya a-pāṅktya mfn. id. Mn. Gaut.
apāṅktyopahata mfn. defiled or contaminated by the presence of impure or improper person Mn. iii, 183.

apāṅga mfn. without limbs or without a body L.
apāṅga m. (ifc. f. ā, or ī) the outer corner of the eye Śāk. &c.
apāṅga m. a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead R.
apāṅga m. N. of Kāma (the god of love) L.
apāṅga m. = apāmārga L.
apāṅgadarśana apāṅga-darśana n. a side glance, a leer.
apāṅgadṛṣṭi apāṅga-dṛṣṭi f. a side glance, a leer.
apāṅgadesa apāṅga-desa m. the place round the outer corner of the eye.
apāṅganetra apāṅga-netra mf (ā) n. casting side glances Vikr.

apāṅgaka m. = apāmārga.

apāc (ac), (Imper. -aca) to drive away RV. ix, 9 7, 54.

apāj (aj), (impf. -ājat; p. apājat; Imper. 2. sg. -aja) to drive away RV. AitBr.

apāñc āṅ, ācī, āk (fr. 2. añc), going or situated backwards, behind RV. and AV.; western (opposed to prāñc) ib.; southern L.

apāk ind. westward RV. VS.
apāktas apāk-tas ([AV. viii, 4, 19; cf. RV. vii, 104, 19]) or
apāktāt apāk-tāt (apāk-) ([RV. vii, 104, 19]) ind. from behind.

apāka mfn. coming from a distant place, distant RV. VS.
apāka mfn. (āt) ind. from a distant place RV. viii, 2, 35.
apākacakṣas apāka-cakṣas (apāka-) mfn. shining far RV. viii, 75, 7. For a-pāka2 see p.53, col.3.

apākā (an old instr. case of 1. apāñc) ind. far RV. i, 129, 1.

apācī f. the south L.
apācītarā f. "other than the south", the north L.

apācīna mfn. situated backwards, behind, western RV. vii, 6, 4 and 78, 3 AV. vi, 91, 1, turned back L.
     mfn. southern L.

apācya (4) mfn. western RV. viii, 28, 3 AitBr.; southern L.

apāñjas (?) Pāṇ. 6-2, 187.

apāṭava a-pāṭava n. awkwardness, inelegance L.
     n. sickness, disease L.

apāṭhya a-pāṭhya mfn. illegible.

apāṇigrahaṇa a-pāṇigrahaṇa n. celibacy.

apāṇipāda a-pāṇi-pāda mfn. without hands and feet Up.

apātī (i) to escape (with acc.) GopBr.

apātra a-pātra n. a worthless or common utensil, an undeserving or worthless object, unfit recipient, unworthy, to receive gifts Bhag. Kathās.
apātrakṛtyā a-pātra-kṛtyā f. acting unbecomingly, doing degrading offices (as for a Brāhman to receive wealth improperly acquired, to trade, to serve a Śūdra, and to utter an untruth) Mn. xi, 125.
apātradāyin a-pātra-dāyin mfn. giving to the undeserving.
apātrabhṛt a-pātra-bhṛt mfn. supporting the unworthy, cherishing the undeserving.

apātrīkarana a-pātrī-karana n. = a-pātra-kṛtyā Mn. xi, 69.

apād a-pād see a-pad, p.49, col.2.

apāda a-pāda mfn. not divided into Pādas not metrical.
apadādi a-padādi m. not the beginning of a Pāda VPrāt.
apādadibhāj a-pādadi-bhāj mfn. not standing at the beginning of a Pāda RPrāt.
apādāntīya a-pādāntīya mfn. not standing at the end of a Pāda.

apādaka a-pādaka mfn. footless TS.

apādya a-pādya mf (ā) n. (or apādya?), N. of certain Ishtis (performed with the cavana vaiśvasṛja) TBr.

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apādā apā-dā Ā. to take off or away ŚBr. Kauś.

apādātṛ apā-dātṛ m. one who takes off TBr.

apādāna apā-dāna n. taking away, removal, ablation
     n. a thing from which another thing is removed
     n. hence the sense of the fifth or ablative case Pāṇ.

apādhā apā-dhā (Subj. 1. sg. -dadhāni) to take off, loosen from, KaushBr.

apādhvan m. a bad road Pāṇ. 6-2, 187.

apān (an), apāniti, or apānati ([AV. xi, 4, 14]), to breathe out, expire ŚBr. xiv ChUp.; pr. p. apānat mf () n. breathing out RV. x, 189, 2 AV.

apāna m. (opposed to prāṇa), that of the five vital airs which goes downwards and out at the anus
     m. the anus MBh. (in this sense also (am) n. L.)
     m. N. of a Sāman PBr.
     m. ventris crepitus L.
apānadā apāna-dā mfn. giving the vital air Apāna VS. xvii, 15.
apānadṛh apāna-dṛh m (nom.-dhṛk) fn. strengthening the vital air Apāna TS.
apānadvāra apāna-dvāra n. the anus.
apānapavana apāna-pavana m. the vital air Apāna L.
apānapā apāna-pā mfn. protecting the Apāna VS.
apānabhṛt apāna-bhṛt f. "cherishing the vital air", a sacrificial brick ŚBr.
apānavāyu apāna-vāyu m. the air Apāna L.
     m. ventris crepitus L.
apānodgāra m. ventris crepitus.

apānud apā-nud (the ā of apā always in the antepenultimate of a śloka, therefore apā metrically for apa see apa-nud), to remove, repel, repudiate MBh. Mn.

apānṛta mfn. free from falsehood, true R. ii, 34, 38.

apāntaratamas apāntara-tamas m. N. of an ancient sage (who is identified with Kṛiṣṇa Dvaipāyana) MBh. Hariv.

apāṃnapāt apāṃ-napāt &c. see 2. ap.

apāpa a-pāpa mf (ā) n. sinless, virtuous, pure.
apāpakāśin a-pāpa-kāśin (a-pāpa-) mfn. not ill-looking VS.
apāpakṛt a-pāpa-kṛt (a-pāpa-) mfn. not committing sin ŚBr.
apāpapurī a-pāpa-purī f. N. of a town
     f. also written pāpa-purī q.v.
apāpavasyasa a-pāpa-vasyasa (a-pāpa-) n. not a wrong order, no disorder ŚBr. (cf. pāpa-vasyasa.)
apāpaviddha a-pāpa-viddha (a-pāpa-) mfn. not afflicted with evil VS. xl, 8.

apāmaṃbhaviṣṇu a-pāmaṃ-bhaviṣṇu mfn. not becoming diseased with herpes MaitrS. (cf. pāmaṃ-bhaviṣṇu.)

apāmārga apā-mārga m. ( mṛj), the plant Achyranthes Aspera (employed very often in incantations, in medicine, in washing linen, and in sacrifices) AV. VS. &c.

apāmārjana apā-mārjana n. cleansing, keeping back, removing (of disease and other evils).
apāmārjanastotra apā-mārjana-stotra n. "removing of diseases", N. of a hymn.

apāmitya apā-mitya n. (cf. apa-mitya), equivalent MaitrS.

apāmṛtyu apā-mṛtyu = apa-mṛtyu L.

apāya see ape.

apār (apa-ṛ), to open by removing anything RV. v, 45, 6 (Subj. Ā. 3. sg. apa ṛṇuta), ix, 10, 6 (3. pl. apa ṛṇvanti) and 102, 8 (impf. 2. sg. ṛṇor apa).

apāra a-pāra mfn. not having an opposite shore TS.
     mfn. not having a shore, unbounded, boundless (applied to the earth, or to heaven and earth, [rodasī], &c.) RV. &c.
apāra a-pāra m. "not the opposite bank", the bank on this side (of a river) MBh. viii, 2381
apāra a-pāra n. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) "a bad shore", "the reverse of pāra", a kind of mental indifference or acquiescence
apāra a-pāra n. the reverse of mental acquiescence L.
apāra a-pāra n. the boundless sea.
apārapāra a-pāra-pāra mfn. carrying over the boundless sea (of life) VP.
apārapāra a-pāra-pāra n. non-acquiescence L.

apāraṇīya a-pāraṇīya mfn. not to be got over, not to be carried to the end or triumphed over MBh. BhP. &c.

apārayat a-pārayat mfn. incompetent, impotent (with Inf. or loc.)
     mfn. not able to resist MBh.

apāramārthika a-pāramārthika mf (ī) n. not concerned about the highest truth.

apārch (apa-ṛch), to retire L.

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apārjita mfn. ( ṛj with apa), flung away L.

apārṇa mfn. (fr. apār above BR. see abhy-arṇa), distant, far from (abl.) Nir.

apārtha mfn. without any object, useless
     mfn. unmeaning BhP. &c.
apārtha n. incoherent argument.
apārthakaraṇa apārtha-karaṇa n. a false plea in a lawsuit.

apārthaka mfn. useless Mn. viii, 78, &c.

apārthiva a-pārthiva mfn. not earthly Ragh.

apāla a-pāla mf (ā) n. unguarded, unprotected, undefended
apāla a-pāla mf (ā) n. (ā) f. N. of a daughter of Atri RV. viii, 91, 7, &c.

apālaṅka m. the plant Cassia Fistula
apālaṅka m. (see pālaṅka.)

apālamba apā-lamba m. a kind of break let down from a carriage to stop it ŚBr. KātyŚr.

apāli a-pāli mfn. having no tip of the ear Suśr.

apāli mfn. free from bees, &c. L. (see ali).

apāvṛ apā-vṛ (apā = apa cf. apa- 1. vṛ), -vṛṇoti, to open, uncover, reveal Lāṭy. Up. &c.

apāvṛt apā-vṛt mfn. unrestrained BhP. (cf. an-apāvṛt.)

apāvṛta apā-vṛta mfn. open, laid open RV. i, 57, 1, &c.
     mfn. covered L.
     mfn. unrestrained, self willed L.

apāvṛti apā-vṛti f. a place of concealment, hiding-place RV. viii, 66, 3.

apāvṛkta apā-vṛkta (vṛj), removed, avoided RV. viii, 80, 8.

apāvṛt apā-vṛt (aor. Ā. 3. pl. apa āvṛtsata [v.l. av-]) to turn or move away ŚāṅkhŚr.

apāvartana apā-vartana n. turning away or from, retreat L.
     n. repulse L.

apāvṛtta apā-vṛtta mfn. (for apa-, the vowel being metrically lengthened in the antepenultimate of a śloka), (with abl.) turned away from R.
     mfn. abstaining from, rejecting MBh.
apāvṛtta apā-vṛtta n. the rolling on the ground (of a horse) L.

apāvṛtti apā-vṛtti f. = ud-vartana L.

apāvṛtya apā-vṛtya ind. p. turning away from (with abl.) AV. xii, 2, 34.

apāvya mfn. N. of particular gods and Mantras TS. (Comm. = apa-āvya) TBr. (Comm. = apa-avya, fr. av).

apāśyā a-pāśyā f. no great number of nooses or fetters Pāṇ. 6-2, 156 Sch.

apāśraga mfn. helpless, destitute.

apāśri apā-śri P. Ā. -śrayati, -te, to resort to, to use, practise.

apāśraya apā-śraya m. the upper portion of a bed or couch on which the head rests Daś.
     m. refuge, recourse, the person or thing to which recourse is had for refuge
     m. an awning spread over a court or yard R. v, 11, 19.

apāśrita apā-śrita mfn. resting on
     mfn. resorting to.

apāṣṭi see ayo-'pāṣṭi.

apāṣṭha m. (fr. sthā with apa APrāt.; cf. apaṣṭha), the barb of an arrow AV. iv, 6, 5 (cf. śatāpāṣṭha.)
apāṣṭhavat apāṣṭha-vat (apāṣṭha-) mfn. having barbs RV. x, 85, 34.

apāṣṭhi = apāṣṭi in comp. with
apāṣṭhiha apāṣṭhi-ha mfn. killing with the claws ŚBr.
apāṣṭhihan apāṣṭhi-han mfn. killing with the claws ŚBr.

apās (1. as), "to be absent from, not to participate in" see apa-pare.

apās (2. as), to fling away, throw away or off, discard, to scare, drive away; to leave behind; to take no notice of, disregard.

apāsana n. throwing away, placing aside KātyŚr.
     n. killing, slaughter L.

apāsita mfn. thrown down, injured, destroyed L.

apāsta mfn. thrown off, set aside
     mfn. driven away
     mfn. carried off or away, abandoned, discarded
     mfn. disregarded
     mfn. contemned.

apāsya ind. p. having thrown away or discarded; having left having disregarded; having excepted.

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apāsyat mfn. discarding, throwing off, &c.

apāsaṅga apā-saṅga m. ( sañj)? Kāṭh.
apāsaṅga apā-saṅga m. = upāsaṅga L.

apāsi mfn. having a bad or no sword.

apāsu mfn. lifeless Naish.

apāsṛ apā-sṛ (apa-ā-; or apā for apa, the ā standing in the antepenultimate of a śloka), to turn off from, avoid (with abl.) Yājñ. ii, 262.

apāsaraṇa apā-saraṇa n. departing L.

apāsṛta apā-sṛta mfn. gone, departed, gone away L.

apāsthā apā-sthā to go off towards AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (v.l. upā-sthā q.v.)

apāhan apā-han to throw off or back ṢaḍvBr.

apāhāya apā-hāya ind. p. (fr. 3. with apa, the a being metrically lengthened), quitting MBh.; disregarding ib.; excepting, except ib.

apāhṛ apā-hṛ Ā. to take off ŚBr.

api or sometimes pi (see pi-dṛbh, pi-dhā, pi-nah), expresses placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching to, proximity, &c. ([cf. Gk. [greek] Zd. 'api'; Germ. and Eng. prefix 'be']); in later Sanskṛit its place seems frequently supplied by abhi. (As a separable adv.) and, also, moreover, besides, assuredly, surely; api api or api-ca, as well as; na vāpi or na apivā or na nacāpi, neither, nor, cāpi, (and at the beginning of a sentence) api-ca, moreover.

api is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very; e.g. anyad api, also another, something more; adyāpi, this very day, even now; tathāpi, even thus, notwithstanding; yady api, even if, although; yadyapi tathāpi, although, nevertheless; na kadācid api, never at any time: sometimes in the sense of but, only, at least e.g. muhūrtam api, only a moment.

api may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite, e.g. ko 'pi, any one; kutrāpi, anywhere.

api imparts to numerals the notion of totality e.g. caturṇam api varṇānām, of all the four castes.

api may be interrogative at the beginning of a sentence.

api may strengthen the original force of the Potential, or may soften the Imperative, like the English "be pleased to"; sometimes it is a mere expletive.

apitu api-tu but, but yet.

apitva api-tva n. having part, share AV. ŚBr. (cf. apa-pitva.)
apitvin api-tvin mfn. having part, sharing ŚBr.

apināma api-nāma (in the beginning of a phrase), perhaps, in all probability, I wish that Mṛicch. Śāk. &c.

apivat api-vat mf (vatī) n. see api-vat.

apikakṣa api-kakṣa m. the region of the arm-pits and shoulder-blades (especially in animals) RV. iv, 40, 4, x, 134, 7 Lāṭy.
     m. N. of a man and m. pl. his descendants.

apikakṣya api-kakṣya (5) mfn. connected with the region of the arm-pits RV. i, 117, 22.

apikarṇa api-karṇa n. the region of the ears RV. vi, 48, 16.

apikṛ api-kṛ to bring into order, arrange, prepare. TS. TBr. PBr.

apikrit api-krit (1. sg. -kṛntāmi fut. 1. sg. -kartsyāmi) to cut off VS. AV. TS. ŚBr.

apikṣai api-kṣai Caus. -kṣāpayati, to consume by fire AV. xii, 5, 44 and 51.

apigam api-gam go into, enter, approach, join, [aor. Subj. 3. pl. apigman RV. v, 33, 10] RV. &c.; to approach a woman RV. i, 179, 1.

apigā api-gā Ved. to enter, get into, mingle with RV. vii, 21, 5, &c.

apigīrṇa api-gīrṇa mfn. praised L.

apiguṇa api-guṇa mfn. excellent MBh. xii, 2677.

apigrah api-grah (with or without mukham, nāsike, &c.), to close (the mouth, nose, &c.) ŚBr. AitBr. ChUp.

apigṛhya api-gṛhya ind. p. closing the mouth TS.

apigṛhya api-gṛhya ([Ved Pāṇ. 3-1, 118]) ([ib. Comm.]) n. impers. (with abl.) the mouth to be closed before (a bad smell, &c.)
apigrāhya ([ib. Comm.]) n. impers. (with abl.) the mouth to be closed before (a bad smell, &c.)

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apighas api-ghas to eat off or away (perf. 3. pl. -jakṣuḥ) ŚBr.; (aor. Ā. 3. sg. -gdha [fr. gh-s-ta], which by Sāy. is derived fr. han) RV. i, 158, 5.

apicchila a-picchila mfn. clear, free from sediment or soil.

apija api-ja m. born after or in addition to (N. of Prajāpati and other divinities) VS.

apiṇḍa a-piṇḍa mfn. without funeral balls.

apit a-pit mfn. ( pi), not swelling, dry RV. vii, 82, 3.

apit a-pit mfn. (in Gr.) not having the it or Anu-bandha p Pāṇ.

apitṛ a-pitṛ m. not a father ŚBr. xiv.
apitṛdevatya a-pitṛ-devatya (a-pitṛ-) mfn. not having the Manes as deities ŚBr.

apitṛka a-pitṛka mfn. not ancestral or paternal, uninherited
     mfn. fatherless Āp.

apitrya a-pitrya mfn. not inherited, not ancestral or paternal Mn. ix, 205.

apidah api-dah -dahati (impf. -adahat) to touch with fire, to singe TS. Kāṭh.

apido api-do (1. sg. -dyāmi) to cut off AV. iv, 37, 3.

apidham api-dham to blow upon Kauś.

apidhā api-dhā Ved. to place upon or into, put to, give; chiefly Ved. to shut, close, cover, conceal (in later texts more usually pi-dhā q.v.)

apidhāna api-dhāna n. placing upon covering KātyŚr.
     n. a cover, a cloth for covering RV. &c.
     n. a lid BhP.
     n. a bar Kum.
apidhānī api-dhānī f. a cover Āp. (cf. pi-dhāna.)
apidhānavat api-dhāna-vat (apidhāna-) mfn. "having a cover", concealed RV. v, 29, 12.

apidhi api-dhi m. "that which is placed upon the fire", a gift to Agni RV. i, 127, 7.

apihita api-hita mfn. put to, placed into RV.
     mfn. shut, covered, concealed RV. &c. (cf. pi-hita)

apihiti api-hiti f. a bar MaitrS. PBr.

apidhāv api-dhāv to run into Vait.

apinah api-nah to tie on, fasten (usually pi-nah q.v.); to tie up, close, stop up (Ved.; later on pi-nah q.v.)

apinaddha api-naddha mfn. closed, concealed RV. x, 68, 8 ŚBr. (cf. pi-naddha.)

apinī api-nī to lead towards or to, bring to a state or condition TS. ŚBr. AitBr.

apinetṛ api-netṛ m. one who leads towards (gen.) ŚBr.

apipakṣa api-pakṣa m. the region or direction to the side TS.

apipath api-path Caus. -pāthayati, to lead upon a path (acc.), KaushBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.

apipad api-pad to go in, enter ŚBr.

apipāsa a-pipāsa mfn. free from thirst or desire ŚBr. xiv ChUp.

apipṛc api-pṛc (aor. 3. sg. aprāg api) to mix with (loc.) AV.x, 4, 26; (-pṛñcanti AV. v, 2, 3, according to BR. a mistake for -vṛñjanti.)

apiprāṇa api-prāṇa mf (ī) n. uttered or produced with every breath RV. i, 186, 11.

apibandh api-bandh Ā. to fasten upon, put on (a wreath) ĀśvGṛ.

apibaddha api-baddha mfn. fastened R. iii, 68, 42.

apibhāga api-bhāga mfn. having part in, sharing in ŚBr.

apibhu api-bhu to be in AV.; to have part in RV. AitBr.

apimantra api-mantra mfn. giving an explanation or an account of Kāṭh.

apimṛṣ api-mṛṣ Ā. -mriṣyate (1. sg. -mṛṣye; aor.Subj. 2. sg. -mṛṣṭhās) to forget, neglect RV.

apiyāc api-yāc Caus. -yācayate, to despise, refuse (?) AV. xii, 4, 38.

apiripta api-ripta mfn. ( rip), "smeared over" i.e. grown blind RV. i, 118, 7, viii, 5, 23.

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apiruh api-ruh api-rohati, to grow together, grow whole again TS.

apivat api-vat (Opt. 1. pl. -vatema; pr. p. -vatat) to understand, comprehend RV. vii, 3, 10; 60, 6: Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -vātaya; pr.p. -vātayat; aor. 3. pl. avīvatan RV. x, 13, 5) to cause to understand, make intelligible to (with or without dat.) RV.; (1. pl. -vātayāmasi) to excite, awaken RV. i, 128, 2.

apivatī api-vatī (scil. vāc) f. of a conjecturable adj. apivatya, intelligible TBr. (["containing the word api or what is meant by api" Comm. and BR.])

apivap api-vap (1. sg. -vapāmi) to scatter upon AV. ŚBr. TBr.

apivāpa api-vāpa m. "scattering upon", N. of particular Puroḍāśa TBr.

apivānyavatsā apivānya-vatsā = abhivānyā q.v. Kauś.

apivṛ api-vṛ (perf. Ā. -vavre) to conceal RV. iii, 38, 8.

apīvṛta apī-vṛta mfn. concealed, covered RV.

apivṛj api-vṛj (3. pl. -vṛñjanti; aor. 3. pl. avṛjann api RV. x, 48, 3) "to turn to", procure to, bestow upon (dat. or loc.) RV.

apivṛt api-vṛt Caus. (impf. 2. sg. -avartayas) to throw into (acc.) RV. i, 121, 13.

apivye api-vye (1. pl. P. -vyayūmasi) to cover AV. i, 27, 1.

apivrata api-vrata mfn. sharing in the same religious acts, related by blood ŚBr. KātyŚr.

apivraśc api-vraśc (perf. Imper. 2. du. -vavṛktam RV. vi, 62, 10) to strike off, cut off RV. AV.

apiśarvara api-śarvara mfn. "contiguous to the night", being at the beginning or end of the night AitBr.
apiśarvara api-śarvara mfn. (am) n. the time early in the morning RV.

apiśala m. N. of a man
apiśala m. pl. the descendants of Apiśala. see āpiśali.

apiśas api-śas f. (only used in abi. -śasas) slitting, ripping up MaitrS. AitBr.

apiśuna a-piśuna mfn. unmalicious, upright, honest.

apiśṛṛ api-śṛṛ P. to break off AV.; Ā. id ŚBr.: Pass. -śīryate, to break PBr.

apiśīrṇa api-śīrṇa mfn. broken AV. iv, 3, 6.

apiṣṭuta api-ṣṭuta mfn. ( stu), praised L.

apiṣṭhā api-ṣṭhā (sthā) to stand (too) near, stand in any one's way AV. iii, 13, 4 and v, 13, 5.

apiṣṭhita api-ṣṭhita mfn. approached RV. i, 145, 4.

apisaṃgṛbhāya api-saṃ-gṛbhāya Nom. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -gṛbhāya) to assume RV. x, 44, 4.

apisic api-sic to sprinkle with L.

apisṛ api-sṛ to flow upon ŚBr. TBr.

apisṛj api-sṛj P. to place to or upon TS. ŚBr.: P. and Ā. to add to, mingle to Lāṭy.

apihan api-han (3. pl. ghnanti) to remove or suppress (pregnancy, sūtum) TS.

apihita api-hita &c. see api-dha.

apihnu api-hnu (3. du. api hnutaḥ) to refuse RV. viii, 31, 7.

apihve api-hve (1. sg. Ā. -huve) to call addition to (or besides) RV. x, 19, 4.

apī see apya.

apī (i), (Ved.) apy-eti to go in or near; to enter into or upon; to come near, approach (also in copulation RV. ii, 43, 2 ind. p. apītyā); to partake, have a share in; to join to pour out (as a river).

apiyat api-yat mfn. entering the other world, dying RV. i, 162, 20
     mfn. dissolving, disappearing BhP.

apīta mfn. gone into, entered ŚBr. x (used for the etym. of svapiti) ChUp. (cf. svāpyayā.)

apīti f. entering into RV. i, 121, 10, dissolving, dissolution ŚBr. Up.

apyaya apy-aya m. joint, juncture Kauś. Śulb.
     m. pouring out (of a river) PBr., entering into, vanishing (the contrary of prabhava or utpatti) Up. &c. (cf. svāpyaya.)
apyayadīkṣita apy-aya-dīkṣita m. N. of a Drāviḍa saint and writer (of the sixteenth century, author of various works, celebrated as a Śaiva, and thought to be an incarnation of Śiva; also apyāya- or apyai-, &c.)

apyayana apy-ayana n. union, copulating L.

apīcya (3, 4) mfn. (fr. api-añc), secret, hidden RV.; very handsome (v.l. apīvya) BhP.

apījū apī-jū m (du.-juvā) fn. impelling RV. ii, 31, 5.
