Monier-Williams: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1872) Based on Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1872 Input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL) [GRETIL-Version vom 08.09.2017] LICENSE This file is based on mw72.txt, available at (C) Copyright 2014 The Sanskrit Library and Thomas Malten under the following license: All rights reserved other than those granted under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license available in full at, and summarized at . Permission is granted to build upon this work non-commercially, as long as credit is explicitly acknowledged exactly as described herein and derivative work is distributed under the same license. ( MARKUP ## %% \\ @@ ___________________________________________________________________ THIS TEXT FILE IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY! COPYRIGHT AND TERMS OF USAGE AS FOR SOURCE FILE. Text converted to Classical Sanskrit Extended (CSX) encoding: description character =ASCII long a 224 long A 226 long i 227 long I 228 long u 229 long U 230 vocalic r 231 vocalic R 232 long vocalic r 233 vocalic l 235 long vocalic l 237 velar n 239 velar N 240 palatal n 164 palatal N 165 retroflex t 241 retroflex T 242 retroflex d 243 retroflex D 244 retroflex n 245 retroflex N 246 palatal s 247 palatal S 248 retroflex s 249 retroflex S 250 anusvara 252 capital anusvara 253 visarga 254 long e 185 long o 186 l underbar 215 r underbar 159 n underbar 173 k underbar 201 t underbar 194 Other characters of the CSX encoding table are not included. Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order to facilitate word search. For a comprehensive list of CSX and other GRETIL encodings and formats see: and For further information see: ___________________________________________________________________ A SANSKT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY ETYMOLOGICALLY AND PHILOLOGICALLY ARRANGED WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO GREEK, LATIN, GOTHIC, GERMAN, ANGLO-SAXON AND OTHER COGNATE INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES BY MONIER WILLIAMS, M.A. BODEN PROFESSOR OF SANSKT IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Oxford AT THE CLARENDON PRESS. SOLD BY MACMILLAN AND CO., PUBLISHERS TO THE UNIVERSITY, 29 AND 30, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON; AND BY W. H. ALLEN AND CO. 13, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON. M DCCC LXXII. All rights reserved PREFACE. A WORK of the kind here submitted to the students of Sanskt must be left to prove its usefulness by actual experiment. Nevertheless the plan of the present Dictionary is so novel that I must crave permission to introduce it with a longer explanation than might otherwise be needed. To conduce to greater clearness I propose distributing my prefatory statements under the following separate heads: 1. Reasons for undertaking a New Sanskt Dictionary. 2. Plan and Arrangement of the Present Work. 3. Extent of Sanskt Literature comprehended. 4. Alphabet and System of Transliteration employed. 5. Principal Sources drawn upon in the Process of Compilation. 6. Aids and Encouragements received. 7. Defects and Inconsistencies acknowledged. SECTION 1. Reasons for undertaking a New Sanskt Dictionary. In the forefront must be placed the growing importance assigned by philologists to the oldest branch of the great Indo-European speech-stem, of which English is a modern offshoot. An intricate language destined to occupy the foremost rank throughout Europe as an instrument of linguistic training needs greater facilities for its acquisition. Some may smile at the idea of any Oriental language acquiring greater weight as an instrument of training among Occidental peoples whose vigorous mental faculties require a more suitable discipline for their development. Be it remembered, however, that Sanskt is, in one sense, the property of Europe as well as of India. Its relationship to some of our own languages is as close as to some of the Hind dialects. It is a better guide than either Greek or Latin to the structure, historical connection, and correlation of the whole Indo-European family. It is a more trustworthy authority in the solution of recondite philological problems. Its study involves a mental discipline not to be surpassed. Not even the most superficial observe can possibly be blind to the educational movement now spreading everywhere. Perhaps, however, some of us, trained under the old system, are carcely yet alive to the forces which are at work for infusing new blood (if I may be allowed the phrase) into the whole body of our teaching. Not only must Greek and Latin be taught more thoroughly and scientifically, if they are to hold their own as the best trainers of thought and enforcers of accuracy\<*>\, but modern languages and modern literature can no longer be thrust aside or only employed to fill up the gaps in our system of instruction. All the nations of the civilized world are being drawn into closer intercommunion. The rapid advance of science in England, Germany, France, and Italy has forced natural science upon us as a neceassary element of all mental culture, making also an interchange of thought between these countries indispensable. Eastern languages too, both Semitic and ryan, are pressing peremptorily on the attention of our Universities\<**>\. Hebrew and Armaic must now be studied by all our younger clergy, if they are to hold their own in the conflict of theological parties or present a bold front towards sceptical assailants. A knowledge of Arabic is essential to a right understanding of the literature, religion, and social institutions of the millions of our Muslim fellow-subjects. Some of the dialects of India must be mastered by all who have communication with the tens of millions of our Hind brethren. Lastly, all the branches of the two great stems of speech are now proved to be so closely interdependent, and the permutations of sounds in passing through the varying organs of varying types of the human family are shewn to obey such curiously definite laws, that a new science has been established\<***>\. This science has for its field of investigation not any one particular language, but the whole area of human speech, and as it inquires into the laws governing the living organs of utterance as well as the living organic growth of the actual sounds themselves, may be said to trench not only on Ethnology, but even on Biology. This 'science of language' might with more propriety be called 'Glossology' than Philology. In its method of investigation it has much in common with the natural sciences, and though its analogy to these ought not to be strained beyond a mere analogy, yet as a veritable science dealing with one of the grandest distinctive attributes of human nature, it can no more be left out of any modern educational programme than any of the natural sciences properly so called. With the 'Glossologist' every spoken word is like a plant or animal in the hands of a Biologist; its birth, growth, transformations, and decay must all be accounted for: its whole structure dissected limb by limb; every appendage traced to its appropriate use and function; its deepest internal constitution analyzed. \<*) Thoroughness in our teaching of Greek and Latin will never be effected until we lead our pupils to look more into the intinate internal constitution of these languages in their correlation to each other and to the other members of the ryan family. To this end Sanskt is indispensable. French again will never be taught as it ought to be till our boys are made to understand its connection with Latin in every part of its grammatical structure. I hail such an excellent work as the 'Historical Grammar of the French Tongue by Auguste Brachet', translated by the Rev. G.W. Kitchin, as an evidence that we are beginning to realize the defects in our present system of linguistic training.>\ \<**) See the notes on the Semitic and ryan languages at pp. viii, ix of this Preface. Cambridge is at this moment engaged in establishing both a Semitic and Indian languages Tripos. Although our system of 'Schools' at Oxford is somewhat different, yet, I hope, we shall not be behind the Sister University in our encouragement of these languages.>\ \<***) The debt which we English scholars owe to Professor Max Mller for having first introduced us to this science by his wellknown lectures, is too universally acknowledged to require notice here. I am not sure whether twelve lectures on the principles of linguistic science by William Dwight Whitney, Professor of Sanskti in Yale College, are quite so well known in this country. If they are not, I here commend them to all interested in the study of language, merely remarking that their excellence is too obvious to require any praise from me.>\ Will it be denied, then, that Sanskt is destined to increasing cultivation, as the one typical scientific language whose structure is a master-key to the structure of all languages, whose very name implies 'Synthesis', and whose literature, commencing with the g-veda about 1500 B.C., extends in a continuous line for nearly 3000 years, throwing a flood of light on the operation of linguistic laws? In point of fact the Hinds may be said to be the original inventors of the 'science of language.' Like the Greeks, they are the only nation who have worked out for themselves the laws of thought and of grammar independently. If their system of logic is inferior to that of Aristotle, they are unequalled in their examination into the constitution of speech. The name Vykara, which they give to their grammar, implies 'decomposition' or 'resolution of a compound into its parts', just as Saskaraa implies the re-composition or re-construction of the same decomposed elements. Every single word in their classical language is referred to a Dhtu or Root, which is also a name for any constitutent elementary substance, whether of rocks or living organisms. In short, when we follow out their grammatical system in all the detail of its curious subtleties and techincalities, we seem to be engaged, like a Geologist, in splitting solid substances, or, like a Chemist, in some elaborate process of analysis. @<[Page vii]>@ Having said so much in support of an effort to facilitate and generlize the study of Sanskt, I have now to state my reasons for having addressed myself to a task like the present. It may not be generally known that the late Professor H.H. Wilson once intended the compilation of a Dictionary not wholly dissimilar in character and plan to that here offered to the students of Sanskt and its cognate languages. This I have heard from himself was what he intended by the last words of the Preface to his second edition, in which he stated that it would be his wish as Boden Professor to offer to the cultivators of Sanskt 'other and better assistance.' It is perhaps also not known that he actually made some progress in carrying out this intention, though eventually debarred from its prosecution by his other numerous literary labours. He therefore, about the year 1852, when I had completed the printing of the English-Sanskt Dictionary compiled by me for the East-India Company, made over a large manuscript volume, containing the commencement of his new work, to me, with a request that I would continue it on the plan sketched out by himself. At the same time he generously presented me with a copious selection of examples and quotations made by Pandits at Calcutta, under his direction, from a considerable range of Sanskt literature. It has become necessary for me to state theses circumstances at the risk of being charged with egotism, because the publication of the first part of Professor Goldstcker's Dictionary has made Orientalists aware that Professor Wilson entrusted the printing of a third edition of his Dictionary to that learned scholar, whose recent death is felt by all Sansktists to be an irreparable loss\<*>\. From what I have now notified, however, it will, I trust, be quite understood that the work committed to me by one who was first my master, and afterwards my wisest guide and truest friend, was not a new edition of his Dictionary, but an entire remodelling of his scheme of lexicography, consisting of a re-arrangement of all the words under Roots, according to native principles of etymology, with addition of the examples collected as above described. Having already completed the English-Sanskt part of a Dictionary of my own, I naturally undertook as a sequel the work thus assigned me, especially as the plan commended itself to my own judgement and precdilections. Moreover, I actually carried on the task for a considerable period between the intervals of other undertakings. Soon, however, it began to be manifest that the third edition of Professor Wilson's Dictionary was assuming, under Professor Goldstcker's editorship, almost interminable proportions, so as to become no longer a new edition of a previous Lexicon, but rather a many-volumed Encyclopaedia of Sanskt learning, which no one scholar, however persistent, could hope to carry beyond the letter A. At the same time the Sanskt-German Wrterbuch of Professors Bhtlingk and Roth, though conducted by two of the most energetic scholars of the day, and put forth with singular perseverance, appeared to be expanding into vast dimensions, so as to be quite beyond the compass of ordinary English students. These circumstances having forced themselves upon my observation, I suddenly determined to abandon the design of a wholly Root-arranged Dictionary--which could only be useful, like the works above-named, to the highest class of scholars--and to commence a work on a more practical plan, which, although raised as far as my powers went, to the level of modern scholarship, so as to be a sufficiently trustworthy aid in studying the chief departments of literature, including the Veda, should yet be procurable at a moderate cost, and not extend beyond the limits of one compact volume. This leads me therefore to \<*) It is stated in a notice of the late Professor Goldstcker's life, which appeared in a recent number of a well-known scientific periodical, that many thousands of notes and references for the new edition of Wilson's Sanskt Dictionary and other works, the result of an unremitting study of the MSS. treasures at the India House &c., are left behind by Professor Goldstcker. With reference to this matter, I ought in justice to the present learned and courteous librarian of the India Office, as well as in justice to my own Dictionary, to put on record, that soon after his appointment, Dr. Rost offered to allow me also the use of any of these MSS. treasures if I would name any likely to be useful to myself. Knowing, however, that about eighty MSS., including those I needed most, were doing good service at the house of Professor Goldstcker, aiding him day by day in the elaboration of his Dictionary, I did not feel justified in interrupting the prosecution of so large a work for the sake of any advantage that might have accrued to my own less weighty performance. Moreover, I felt that I could not in justice interrupt the continuity of Professor Goldstcker's labours, when I had the use of the Wilsonian Collection belonging to the Bodleian, which, however inferior to those at the India Office in the departments required by a lexicographer, were still freely placed at my command by our own learned and obliging librarian, the Rev. H. O. Coxe.>\ SECTION 2. Plan and Arrangement of the Present Work. Those who appreciate the value of Sanskt in its bearing on the philosophy of language will understand my motive in endeavouring so to arrange this lexicon as to exhibit most effectively that peculiarity of construction which distinguishes the highest type of the great Indo-European line of speech. Such persons will comprehend without much explanation the plan pursued by me throughout these pages in the collocation of words connected by mutual affinities. For the benefit, however, of younger students, I now proceed briefly to point out the one grand distinctive peculiarity of the ryan dialects which the arrangement of the present Dictionary is intended to demonstrate--a peculiarity separating them by a sharp line of demarcation from the other great family of human speech usually called Semitic\<*>\. \<*) I use the term 'Semitic' out of deference to established usage, though it leads to some confusion of ideas, because if 'Semitic', or mroe properly 'Shemitic', be used for the languages of the descendants of Shem, then 'Japhetic' (instead of 'ryan') should be used for the descendants of Japhet. We cannot, however, give up the epithet ryan (from the Sanskt %%, 'noble') for our own Indo-European languages, suited as it certainly is to that noblest of all families of speech. The Rev. F.W. Farrar suggests adopting the term 'Syro-Arabian' as well as Semitic for the other family. Still the name Semitic may well be applied to Hebrew, Aramaic [including perhaps one set of cuneiform inscriptions, Chaldee and Syriac], and Arabic, because in the tenth chapter of Genesis, Shem is represented as father of Elam (who peopled Elymais), Assur (Assyria), Lud (Lydia), Aram (Syria), and of Arphaxad, grandfather of Eber, from whom came the Hebrews--or Trans-Euphratian race, the name Hebrew really meaning 'one who lives beyond a river'--and Joktan, father of Sheba, father of Himyar, whence came the Arabians. Mr. Farrar states in his useful lectures that the Semitic nations may number about 40 millions, compared with about 400 millions of the Indo-Europeans. Among Semitic races come the people of Abyssinia. These have special languages of their own, viz. the Ethiopic or Geez, which is their sacred and literary language only, and the spoken dialects called Tigre, Tigria, for the north and north-east, and Amharic, for the centre and south; the former being nearer to Ethiopic than the latter, and all being connected with the Semitic, as derived through the ancient Himyaritic Arabic of South Arabia (Yaman).>\ Happily it is now a familiar fact to most educated persons that the Indo-European or Aryan languages (of which Sanskt is the eldest sister\<*>\, and English one of the youngest) proceeded from a common but nameless and unknown parent, whose very home in Asia cannot be absolutely fixed, though the locality may conjecturally be placed somewhere in the region of Bokhra, near the river Oxus. From this centre radiated, as it were, eight principal lines of speech; first, the two Asiatic lines, 1. Indian, 2. rnian, (the former eventually comprising Sanskt, Pli, Prkt, and the modern Prkts or spoken languages of the Hinds, such as Hind, Marh, Gujart, Bengl, &c.; the latter comprising (a) Zand, old Persian, Pahlav, modern Persian, and Put; (b) Armenian); and then the six European lines, viz. 1. Keltic, 2. Hellenic, 3. Italic, 4. Teutonic, 5. Slavonic, 6. Lithuanian, each branching into various sub-lines or ramifications as exhibited in the present languages of Europe\<**>\. Now, if the question be asked, What most striking feature distinguishes all these languages from the Semitic? My answer is, that the main distinction lies in the character of their roots or radical sounds; for although both ryan and Semitic forms of speech are called 'inflective'\<***>\, it should be well understood that the inflectiveness of the root in the two cases implies two wholly different processes. \<*) Though the younger sisters sometimes preserve older forms.>\ \<**) As this is the first Oriental Dictionary put forth by any English scholar which attempts to introduce abundant comparisons between the various members of the Indo-European family, I here append a brief account of the ryan cognate languages beginning with the Indian. 1. By Pli or Pl is meant one of the oldest forms of the ancient provincial Hind- language of which Sanskt is the learned form, (see p. xiii of Preface.) It must have been spoken either in Magadha or in some district not far from Oude, where Buddha flourished, and being carried by the Buddhists into Ceylon became their sacred language, and is preserved in their canonical scriptures called Tri-piaka. Prkt is the name given to other and later provincial forms of Sanskt, which were the precursors and parents of the present Hind dialects, Hind, Marh, &c., see note, p. xvii. These latter may be called modern Prkts. 2. Now as to the rnian: (a) Zand or Zend (old Bactrian) is to old Persian and Pahlav what Sanskt is to Pli and Prkt. It is that ancient language of Persia in which the sacred books are written, called Zand Avast, belonging to the Prss (or fugitives from Persia scattered on the coast of India, and still believers in the religion founded by Zardusht or Zoroaster). Old Persian is a name given to the dialect preserved in one set of cuneiform inscriptions, about contemporaneous with Zand. Pahlav (sometimes written Pehlev) is a later rnian dialect, which once possessed an extensive literature. A more recent rnian dialect is Prs or Pzand, leading to the modern Persian which sprang up in Perisia not long after the Muhammadan conquest (about A.D. 1000), the earliest form of which, as represented in the h-nmah of Firdaus, has little admixture of Arbic, while the later is flooded with it. Put is the present language of Afghnistn. (b) Armenian is of course the language of Armenia; it has two forms the old Armenian or literary language, which is dead, and the modern Armenian, said to be split into four dialects containing many Turkish words. Connected with these is the Ossetic of the Ossetes, a Caucasian tribe. We now come to the six European lines: 1. The Keltic or Celtic (of the [greek] Herod. II. 33) is the oldest of the ryan family in Europe, and as it has had the longest life, so it presents the greatest divergence from Sanskt: it has been driven into a corner of the continent, viz. Brittany, by Romanic French, and into the extremities of Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland by Germanic English: it has two lines, (a) the principal Keltic or Gaelic (of the Galli), comprising the Irish, Highland-Scotch, and Manx, of which the Irish is most interesting in relation to Sanskt; (b) the Kymric form of Keltic, including Welsh, Cornish (now extinct), and Armorican, which last is the name given to the language of Brittany. 2. The Hellenic comprises ancient Greek with its dialects (most interesting in its close affinity to Sanskt, and most important in its bearing on the original of the New Testament, though far less remarkable in its bearing on other European languages than Latin), and modern Greek usually called Romanic (infinitely nearer to the ancient Greek than the Romanic languages are to Latin). 3. The Italic comprises, of course, Latin with its Romanic (or Roamance) offspring, viz. Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Wallachian, and Provencal; and includes some old Italian diatlects, such as the Oscan of the Samnites in southern Italy, Umbrian spoken in north-eastern Italy and Sabine. 4. The Teutonic comprises (a) Gothic, which is the Sanskt of the Teutonic languages, especially of Low German; it was spoken by the ancient Gothic peoples who belonged to the Germanic race, and were divided into eastern and western Goths; a part of the latter being allowed by the Romans to settle in the province of Moesia, near the mouth of the Danube, became converts to Christinity, and happily their bishop Ulfilas fixed their language by translating nearly all the Bible; a remnant of his translation has been preserved, otherwise this dialect, sometimes called Moeso-Gothic, would have been lost, and with it a most important key to Teutonic philology: (b) German, divided into two branches, viz. 1st, Low German, which is subdivided into four, viz. Saxon (sometimes called Old Saxon), leading to Anglo-Saxon and English; Frisian, once largely spoken by the Frisian tribes (Lat. Frisii) who dwelt on the north-west coast of Germany, and closely connected with English; Dutch, current of course in Holland; Flemish, spoken in that part of Belgium called Flanders; 2ndly, High German, subdivided into old, middle, and new, the last bringing us to modern German: (c) Scandinavian, divided into four, viz. Norse, i. e. old and new Icelandic (nearly alike and most valuable as preserving the original structure of the whole Scandinavian group), Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish, the two latter only differing in pronunciation. 5. The Slavonic comprises (a) old Slavonic or old Bulgarian, being to the Slavonic what Gothic is to the Teutonic, and similarly preserved in a translation of the Bible made by Cyril: (b) Russian, divided into Russian proper, Little Russian: (c) Polish, with other less noticeable Slavonic dialects, viz. Polabian, Bohemian, Sorbian, Servian, Kroatian, and Slovenian. 6. The Lithuanian is sometimes regarded as a branch of the Slavonic line, to which it is more nearly related than to the Teutonic; it is interesting as coming nearer to Sanskt in some of its forms than any other member of the ryan family, and as having a dual, like the Gothic, and seven cases; it is still spoken by a limited number in Russian and Prussian provinces on the coast of the Baltic, but is disappearing before Russian and German; a more modern form of it is Lettish, spoken in Livonia: another kindred dialect is Old Prussian, once spoken in north-eastern Prussia, but now extinct.>\ \<***) As distinguished from 'monosyllabic', like the Chinese; and 'agglutinative', like the Drviian, Turkish, and other members of an immense class of languages in which the termination is easily separable from the body of the word. These are still called by some Trnian (from Tr, eldest, son of Fardn, to whom he assigned Turkistn, thence called Trn).>\ Let me first briefly advert to the Semitic form. A Semitic root then may be described as a kind of hard frame-work consisting generally of three consonants which resemble three sliding but inflexible upright limbs, moveable hither and thither to admit on either side the intervenient vowels and certain merely ancillary consonants, usually called 'servile.' These subservient letter are, it is true, of the utmost importance to the diverse colouring of the radical idea, and the perfect precision of their operation is noteworthy, but their presence within and without the rigid frame of the root is, so to speak, almost overpowered by the ever prominent consonantal skeleton. In illustration of this we may take the Arabic triliteral root KTB, using capitals for these radical consonants to indicate their prominence; the third pers. sing. past tense is KaTaBa, 'he wrote', and from the same three consonants, by means of various vowels and servile letters, are developed a number of other forms, of which the following are specimens: KaTB, writing; KTiB, a writer; maKTB, written; taKTB, causing to write; muKTaBat, corresponding by letter; iKTB, dictating; taKTuB, writing to one another; mutaKTiB, one who keeps up a correspondence; maKTaB, the place of writing, a writing-school; KiTB, a book; KiTBat or KiTBat, inscription\<*>\. \<*) For a further insight into these Arabic formations, the student is referred to a chapter on the use of Arabic words in my 'Practical Hindstn Grammar', published by Longman & Co.>\ @<[Page x]>@ An ryan root on the other hand, as best typified by a Sanskt radical, is generally a single monosyllable, which may be compared to a malleable substance capable of being drawn out to express every modification of an original conception. And this malleability, as it were, arises chiefly from the circumstance that the vowel is recognized as a constituent part of the radical, blending with its very substance, and even sometimes standing alone as itself the only root. Sanskt exhibits better than any other member of the Aryan line of speech this characteristic root-expansibility. More than this, it exemplifies better than any other that excessive root-accretiveness (if I may use the term) by which not only terminations and prefixes are grafted upon or welded into the original monosyllabic stock, but affix is affixed to affix, prefix is prefixed to prefix, derivative is derived from derivative, compound is compounded with compound in an almost interminable chain. In illustration of this the student is referred to such roots as 1. %%, p. 245; 1. %%, p. 714; 1. %%, p. 1026; 1. %%, p. 1145 of this volume. Hence it becomes evident that the original plan of Professor Wilson, by which every single word would have been represented in regular sequence, growing, as it were, from its own parent stem, would have realized the true conception of a perfect Sanskt Dictionary. Verily if Greek lexicography has been occasionally so treated, much more has Sanskt, the great type of linguistic constructiveness, a right so to be. I have now to show how far the present work satisfies this ideal. It is sometimes calculated, that there are about two thousand distinct roots in this language. If it be supposed that there are about eighty thousand distinct words growing out of these two thousand roots, a Dictionary on the usual alphabetical plan must have consisted of a series of eighty thousand monographs, each independent of the other; and, indeed, such a Dictionary might have been thought most agreeable to the common notion of a really practical work. It seemed to me, however, that a Dictionary so planned would have afforded little effective aid to the study of Sanskt, in its connection with comparative philology. On the other hand, it must be confessed that the idea of taking root by root, and writing, as it were, two thousand biographies, each giving a connected history of a distinct family allied together by a common pedigree was a philological dream too unpractical to be wholly realized. Some middle course, therefore, satisfying the requirements both of philology and of ordinary practice seemed most to be desired, and the following publication, though not answering the perfect philological ideal, is intended as an attempt at combining a partial root-arrangement with a convenient alphabetical order suited to ready reference. In unison with this design, the roots of the language--always brought prominently before the eye by large Ngar type--will be found treated more exhaustively in the present work, both as regards the meanings given and the forms exhibited, than in any other Sanskt-English Dictionary yet published\<*>\. It is evident that a great many of these roots, or Dhtus, as they are called by native lexicographers, are not really elementary radicals, but compounds or developments of simpler elements. I have not always ventured to pronounce categorically as to which of two or more roots is the simplest form, but when roots are evidently allied, their connection is conspicuously indicated in the following pages. Thus I hope to have drawn attention to a point which English scholars have hitherto greatly overlooked\<**>\. \<*)I cannot sufficiently acknowledge my debt to Westergard's Radices. The copy I have had for about thirty years tells a tale of constant reference. Indeed we have to thank Danish, quite as much as German scholars, for what they have done towards promoting linguistic culture.>\ \<**) The number of distinct radical forms in Wilkins' collection is 1750, but as many forms having the same sound have different meanings, and are conjugated differently, they are held to be distinct roots, and the number is thereby swelled to 2490. Probably, the real number of elementary radicals in Sanskt might be reduced to a comparatively small catalogue. Some roots containing dentals have been cerebralized or vice versa, and both forms are allowed to co-exist, as %% and %% and %%; others whose initials are aspirated consonants have passed into other aspirated consonants or retained only the aspirate; and all forms co-exist in %%, &c. Again, such a root as %% is probably nothing but a compound of %% and root %%, and such roots as %% are plainly mere modifications of each other.>\ @<[Page xi]>@ Furthermore, the plan now first carried out of arranging all verbs formed from roots by prefixing prepositions in their proper alphabetical order and at the head of their own deriviatives, will be noted as a marked feature of originality and individuality. The labour entailed by the simple process of thus re-arranging the verbs in a languages sor rich in prepositions, can only be understood by other lexicographers\<*>\. But even this re-arrangement has not caused so much difficulty as the attempt to exhibit what may be termed the kinship of words, by distributing the greater part of the vocabulary of the language in families, or rather, if I may so express myself, in family-groups\<**>\. These groups are, as far as possible, collected under roots or leading words, which stand, as it were, at the head of the family, and are always distinguished from the rest by Ngar type in the manner more fully explained in the table of directions at the end of the Preface. Such a re-distribution of the vocabulary has often necessitated the separation of roots and homonyms under two, three, or more heads, each with its train of derivatives, subderivatives, and associated words, which in other Dictionaries would be brought together under one article\<***>\. An abundant return, however, has been reaped, if philological precision has been thus promoted, and facility afforded for viewing synoptically and comparing together the etymological history of the words so collocated. \<*) Why should not Sanskt lexicons have been brought into harmony with Greek in this respect long ere this? Greek is almost as free in its use of prepositions, e. g. [greek]>\ \<**) Even in English this might advantageously be done, as, for example, it would be very instructive to see such words as share, shire, shore, shears, &c. arranged under 'shear', to cut off, separate. Richardson in his great Dictionary has to a certain extent carried out this idea. See on this subject 'Archbishop Trench on the Study of Words.'>\ \<***) See, for example, the roots 1. %%, 2. %%, 3. %%, 4. %%, at p. 1117, and 1. %%, 2. %%, at pp. 224, 225.>\ Besides the obvious advantage of this arrangement to the philologically-minded student, great saving of space has been thus effected; all necessity for repeating derivations under each head being thus avoided, and the power gained of leaving many meanings to be inferred from one or other member of a group, instead of constantly reiterating them. For it must be borne in mind that all the series included under the same heading in Ngar type are to be regarded as cohering; so that all derivatives, whether primary or secondary, and all compound words following in regular sequence, may be studied in their mutual bearing and correlation both as illustrating each other and as contributing to throw light on the modifications of meaning evolved from the radical idea. These meanings, too, have not been thrown together in a heap, as they have been hitherto in some Oriental Dictionaries, but an attempt has been made to set them forth according to their logical development. The further advantage gained in space by the free use of Roman type will be explained under Section 4. Conspicuously, again, in an enumeration of the more noteworthy features of the present publication, should certainly be placed the introduction of abundant comparisons from cognate languages, which no other Lexicon published by English scholars has, I believe, hither to attemtpted to the same extent. I must at once distinctly notify that for these comparisons I have not trusted to my own judgment, but have followed the authority of the eminent German scholars whose names will be mentioned subsequently. Another distinctive characteristic of this Dictionary consists in the articles on mythology, literature, religion, and philosophy, which will be found scattered everywhere throughout its pages. By consulting Professor Aufrecht's catalogues, Dr. Ballantyne's works, Dr. Fitz-Edward Hall's writings, Dr. Muir's Sanskt Texts, Professor M. Mller's Ancient Sanskt Literature, Dr. Weber's Indische Studien, Wilson's Viu-Pura, some Oriental Articles in Chambers'Encyclopaedia--written, I believe, by the late Professor Goldstcker,--and my own collection of notes, I have been able to furnish the student with much valuable information on many subjects not hitherto treated of in any Dictionary. Let him observe, for instance, what is written under the words Viu, iva, Veda, Manas, Sman, Soma, Skhya, Sauptika-parvan. It will be doubtless said that too many names of persons, places, and books are introduced. In excuse I have to plead that greater liberty ought to be allowed to a Sanskt Dictionary in this respect than to Greek and Latin Lexicons, because Oriental alphabets have no capital letters. As to the names of books, it may often be useful to have attention drawn to works, still unprinted, ascertained to exist either in Europe or India. It may perhaps be objected that there are too many compound words; but again it may be urged that a Sanskt Dictionary must not be tried by ordinary laws in this respect, for here again Sanskt stands eminently forth as the grand typical representative of the whole ryan line of speech, which is throughout distinguished by its love of composition. To exclude compounds from a Sanskt Lexicon, would be, so to speak, to 'Unsansktize' it. Not only are there certain compounds quite peculiar to Sanskt, but in the grammar composition almost takes the place of syntax, and the various kinds of compound words are classified and defined with greater subtlety and minuteness than would be possible in any other known language of the world. When a student is in doubt whether to translate compounds like %% as Bahuvrhis or Tatpuruas, the Dictionary is surely bound to aid in clearing up his perplexities. Moreover, as few examples are given or passages quoted in the present work, a limited admission of compounds, under certain restrictions, serves to illustrate the use of a leading word; for to such words, let it be observed, they have always been subordinated. After I had formulated my plan, and a large portion of the work was in type, the Sanskt Dictionary of Professor Benfey appeared\<*>\, and I was glad to find that, working independently, I had devised a system supported in some of these particulars by that philologist. All must agree that as Sanskt exceeds every other language in its infinite capacity for composition, no Sanskt Lexicon, if it admits compounds at all, ought to treat them as if they were independent enties entitled to a separate existence of their own. \<*) The Sanskt-French Dictionary of M. Emile Burnouf, which also appeared after much of my work was in type, is an independent working out of some ideas similar to my own.>\ Nevertheless I could never have followed Professor Benfey in placing compound words under their last member. This method, however philosophical, seems to sacrifice at the shrine of logical propriety what I have set before myself as a paramount consideration in arranging my own Dictionary--facility of reference. For a further explanation of points of detail the student is referred to the table of directions at the end of the Preface. I now therefore pass on to my third point. SECTION 3. Extent of Sanskt Literature comprehended. I have sometimes been gravely asked by men learned in all the classical lore of Europe, Has Sanskt any literature? Such a question proves the urgent need for a work like the present, which aims at facilitating and making more general the study of a language closely allied to our own, and still more closely connected with the spoken dialects of our great Indian Empire--a language, therefore, about whose history every well-educated Englishman ought surely to know something. Conscious, then, as my present office has made me of the gerneral ignorance prevalent on Indian subjects, I may be excused if I preface this part of my Introduction by stating precisely what I conceive to me implied by the words Sanskt and Sanskt literature. By Sanskt, then, is not meant any really spoken language of India or even, I hold, any once generally spoken language. What the word Sanskt properly represents is, I conceive, a certain form of the language brought by the Indian branch of the great ryan race into India, the ancient spoken language of the Hinds being more suitably styled Hind-, just as its principal later development is called Hind\<*>\. For in fact that happened in India which has come to pass in all civilized countries. The spoken vernacular of the people has separated into two lines, the one elaborated by the learned, the other popularized and variously provincialized by the unlearned\<**>\. In India, however, from the greater exclusiveness of the educated few, the greater ignorance of the masses and the desire of a bigoted priesthood to keep the key of knowledge in their own possession, this separation became more marked, more diversified, and progressively intensified. Hence, the very grammar which with other nations was regarded only as a means to an end, came to be treated by Indian Paits as the end itself, and was subtilized into an intricate science, fenced round by a bristing barrier of technicalities. The language, too, elaborated %% with the grammar, rejected the natural name of Hind-, or 'the speech of the Hinds', and adopted an artificial designation, viz. Sanskta, or 'the perfectly constructed speech', to denote its complete severance from the common tongue (called by contrast Prkta), and its exclusive dedication to literary and religious purposes. This of itself is a remarkable circumstance; for although something similar has happened in Europe, yet we do not find that Latin and Greek ceased to be called Latin and Greek when they became the language of the learned, any more than we have at present two names for the common and literary languages of modern nations. These remarks will perhaps conduce to a right appreciation of the nature of a literature which, although elaborated by a learned caste, is still the only real literature of the Hind race, the vernaculars having hitherto produced little worthy of consideration. \<*) I use the word Hind- as a convenient term for the ancient Bh of the ryan settlers in the neighbourhood of the Sindhu or rather of the Hapta Hendu = %%. It may be thought that this Bh was identical with the language of the Vedic hymns. But even Vedic Sanskt represents a considerable amount of elaboration scarcely compatible with the notion of a vernacular dialect (as, for example, in the use of complicated grammatical forms like Intensives). Pini, in distinguishing between the common language and the Vedic, uses the terms Bh and Loka.>\ \<**) Of course the provincialized Prkts, though not, as I conceive, derived directly from the learned language, borrowed largely from the Sanskt after it was thus elaborated.>\ Sanskt literature, it should be remembered, embraces two distinct periods, Vedic and postVedic. The former, beginning with the g-veda, and extending through the other three Vedas (viz. the Yajur-veda, Sma-veda, and Atharva-veda), with their Brhmaas, Upaniads, and Stras, is most valuable to philologists as presenting them with the nearest approach to the original ryan language, its earlier works being composed in an ancient form of Sanskt, which is to the later what Chaucer's writings are to modern English. The latter commencing with the Code of Manu, with its train of subsequent important law-books, and extending through the six systems of philosophy\<*>\, the vast grammatical literature, the immense epics\<**>\, the lyric, erotic, and didactic poems, the Nti-stras, moral tales and apothegms, the dramas, the various treatises on mathematics, rhetoric, prosody, music, medicine, &c., brings us at last to the eighteen Puras with their succeeding Upa-Puras, and the more recent Tantras, all of which are worthy of study as the great repositories of the modern mythologies and popular creeds of India. No one person, indeed, with the limited powers of mind and body, can hope to master more than one or two departments of so vast a range, in which scarcely a subject can be named, with the single exception of Historiography, not furnishing a greater number of treatises than any other language of the ancient world. In some subjects too, especially in poetical descriptions of nature and domestic affection, Indian work do not suffer by a comparison with the best specimens of Greece and Rome, while in the wisdom, depth, and shrewdness of their moral apothegms they are unrivalled. More than this, the learned Hinds had probably made great advances in astronomy, algebra, arithmetic, botany, and medicine, not to mention their admitted superiority in grammar, long before any of these sciences were cultivated by the most ancient nations of Europe. Hence it has happened that I have been painfully reminded during the progress of this Dictionary that a Sanskt lexicographer ought to aim at a kind of quasi omniscience. Nor will any previous classical education, such at least as has been hitherto usual, enable him to explain correctly the scientific expressions which--not borrowed from the Greeks--are liable to be brought before him. To pretend therefore that the present work, although probably containing nearly three times as much matter as any other Sanskt Dictionary yet published (excepting of course the great Thesaurus of Professors Bhtlingk and Roth, and that of Rdhknta-deva), is competent to satisfy the student in every branch of Sanskt literature, would manifestly display either ignorance or conceit. Perhaps the departments in which it must be admitted to be weakest are those of the Veda and philosophy with their respective native commentaries. Still an attempt has been made to supply what has hitherto been almost entirely neglected by English lexicographers. \<*) The systems of philosophy are properly only three: 1. the Nyya by Gautama, which is the most practical, and contains the Hind system of logic; 2. the Skhya by Kapila, which is dualistic, asserting the separate existence of soul and matter; 3. the Vednta by Vysa or Bdaryaa, which asserts the unity of all being: but of each of these respectively there are branches, viz. (a) the Vaieika by Kada; (b) the Yoga by Patajali; (c) the Prva-mms by Jaimini.>\ \<**) Some idea of the extent of Sanskt literature may be gained by comparing the two great epic or heroic poems called the Mah-bhrata and Rmyaa with the Iliad and Odyssey, as I have attempted to do in the small volume called 'Indian Epic Poetry', published by Messrs. Williams and Norgate. The Mah-bhrata, printed at Calcutta, contains 107,389 verses, each verse being supposed to consist of two lines. See also my edition of the 'Story of Nala', published at the Clarendon Press.>\ In truth, I have felt that no modern Lexicon ought to exclude Vedic words, important as these are in their philological bearings. I must nevertheless plainly confess that the interpretation of these words is often so doubtful--often so purely tentative--that I have been sorely perplexed in my efforts to furnish the student with trustworthy renderings. Of course with the Veda, as with every other profoundly obscure subject, there is a natural craving for an infallible guide. At the same time no priestly infallibility is here thought to be attainable; for although the great Brhman and crya, Syaa, lived about five hundred years ago at Vijaya-nagara, an ancient Indian capital and seat of learning, yet this eminent authority has been altogether put out of court by modern philological critics. When, however, it is found that modern scholars themselves frequently differ as much from each other as they do from that once trusted and certainly most learned Brhman, it seems hopeless to expect security from error in any particular sect or section of modern critics and philologists. Notwithstanding these perplexities, I cannot express too strongly my appreciation of what German scholars have effected in this difficult field of research, and my gratitude for the aid received from the interpretations of Professors Bhtlingk and Roth. The authority of these scholars has been generally followed by me, though I have been careful to give, in addition, the renderings of Syaa (according to Professor Max Mller's edition\<*>\), feeling, as I do, rather enthusiastically that this great native commentator, even if he occasionally misleads, ought never to be ignored. \<*) It should be mentioned, however, that for the latter part of the g-veda I have not had the advantage of Professor Max Mller's editorial skill. The first volume of his edition of this work, with Syaa's commentary, was brought out under the patronage of the East India Company in 1849. Three other volumes have since appeared, completing as far as the end of the eighth Maala. For the remainder I have been obliged to trust to an imperfect MS. of Syaa's commentary in the Wilsonian Collection belonging to the Bodleian Library. This is the only g-veda MS. of any value that I have had it in my power to employ, as I have not been able to consult the excellent MSS. belonging to the India Office Library, which others had a greater right to use than myself. I am informed that a fifth volume of the g-veda is about to appear.>\ The foregoing sketch of the nature of Sanskt literature will, I trust, explain the impossibility of covering its vast area by any Dictionary in one volume. It will also explain my non-admission into my pages of the ample store of examples made over to me by my predecessor, the late Professor H.H. Wilson. These would, at least, have swelled out my one compact volume to an inconvenient size, if they had not expanded it into two. For the same reason I have been obliged, as a rule, to forego authenticating my meanings by more than a few scattered references either to passages in the literature or to the modern authorities on which I have depended for guidance. In this I had better ground for abstention than my predecessor, seeing that the great work of Professors Bhtlingk and Roth, the completion of which may be looked for in a few years, will provide advanced scholars with abundant examples and references to every department of the literature. I should and that as my main object has been to facilitate and generalize the study of a difficult language, I have of course abstained from complicating the typography of this volume by placing accents on Vedic words\<*>\. For a knowledge of these the scholar must again apply to the great German Wrterbuch. \<*) See the note on Vedic accents, p. xix of this Preface.>\ I come in the next place to a feature in the present publication which, as the four Governments of Indian have liberally patronized this work, demands an ample explanation. SECTION 4. Alphabet and System of Transliteration employed. I fear the great Indian Paits, if they deem this Dictionary worthy of their notice, will be somewhat surprised that a work intended as an aid to the study of their literature should exhibit their venerable Sanskt clothed in a modern European dress\<*>\. Let me then crave leave to remind them that the Romanized character employed in these pages will be found, if its history be investigated, to be neither modern nor European, and may possibly turn out to be even more ancient than their sacred Ngar, and even more suited to the expression of their sacred Sanskt. \<*) Though some Sanskt books--such as Profiessor Aufrecht's g-veda--printed in the Roman character are much used by European scholars, it si doubtful whether these have obtained even a limited circulation in India. I trust, therefore, that when this volume falls into the hands of any great Pait, to whom one of our Indian Governments may present it, he will not consider that I am degrading Sanskt like the man who pollutes cow's milk by putting it into a dog's skin. %%; cf. Muir's Sanskt Texts, vol. ii. p. 53, note 97. Of course I know that many native books are printed in which Sanskt words are transliterated by Roman letters, but my desire is to see some standard texts accurately printed in this character and circulated throughout India. At present the loose and careless way in which the Roman alphabet is applied tends to bring the whole system into disrepute. This is exemplified in writing the names of places and persons as well as in books. A little work called the Durga-puja [sic] by Pratapachandra Ghosha has just been received by me from Calcutta. It contains much useful information, but here we have Sanskt words transliterated without any attempt at exactness, e. g. Devi, Durga, puja, Purana, ashtami, Krshna, Savitri, and numberless others.>\ After all, we English are not only Eastern in our origin, but in many of our most important surroundings. First, we have received our religion and our Bible through an Eastern people; next, our language is certainly Asiatic in its affinities; thirdly, we are known to have derived our invaluable decimal notation, commonly called the ten Arabic numerals, from India through the Arabs; lastly, the written symbols which I am now employing, and by which this useful vernacular of ours is, as it were, materialized and sent to the ends of the earth, are certainly Asiatic too. The East is, we must candidly own, the first source of all our light. We cannot, indeed, localize in Asia the precise spot whence issued the springs of that grand flow of speech which spread in successive waves--commencing with the Keltic--over the whole area of Europe; but the local source of the first alphabet, without which each of these waves of speech must have been in the end swallowed up and lost in its successor, is well known to have been Phoenicia. The great centre of the commerce of antiquity naturally gave birth to what was felt to be indispensable to the intercommunion of national as well as individual life. By the very necessities of trade Phoenicia invented the first, so to speak, locomotive power which enabled language, embodied in a kind of material form, to be in a manner exported to distant countries and bartered, like any other commodity, for language imported in return. Probably the first Phoenician graphic signs were, like the Chinese, of an ideographic character, but of this there is said to be no certain evidence. However that may be, it is tolerably clear that the first Phoenician graphic system, about which we know anything, had not advanced beyond the second stage of alphabetic progress. It was, in fact, essentially syllabic, and even to this day the Semitic alphabets coming immediately from it--viz. the Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic--are very little better than syllabic systems. Such an alphabet then, though well suited to Eastern calligraphic tastes, was manifestly imperfect. It provided chiefly for consonants, as if they were the lords of sound, instead of its dependents, and often its impediments. The real want for civilized nations, eager for intercommunication, was a phonetic alphabet, by which neither ideas nor consonants, but rather sounds should be symbolized. As therefore vowels are the only real representatives of sound, and indeed the very life of the word which without them would be a mere hard and helpless skeleton, it was essential to an effective phonetic system of graphic symbols that vowels should have at least as prominent a position in a written word as their attendant consonants. This was very soon felt by the Greeks, who no sooner received a consonantal alphabet from Phoenicia than they began to remedy its defects, and forthwith invented a system by which the vowel sounds were properly symbolized and distributed side by side with their consonantal fellows --not as mere appendages, but as close companions. The Greek expansion of the Phoenician alphabet was still further developed by the more practical Romans, and by them spread everywhere throughout Europe\<*>\. \<*) The Romans, however, having no proper aspirated consonantal sounds, rejected the Greek [greek] and to represent these unhappily originated the clumsy th, ph, ch, writing also ps for [greek]>\ Now, although the Semitic origin of Indian alphabets has not yet been satisfactorily proved, it is still probable that the Eastern branch of the ryan stock which settled down in India, derived their first idea of symbolizing language by written marks indirectly from Phoenicia through some neighbouring country whose system was borrowed from Semitic models\<*>\. They appear also, like the Greeks, to have felt the defects of a syllabic or merely consonantal method, and just as they worked out for themselves their own theory of grammar, so they elaborated for themselves their own 'vowelized' system of writing. Note, however, how the subtle-minded Hinds, working out their own ideas in their own philosophical way, have produced an alphabet, not only free from the defects of the Semitic, but so overdone in its abundance of vowel symbols and its theory of the mutual relationship of vowels and consonants, that this very elaboration becomes practically a serious hindrance. \<*) According to Mr. Edward Thomas (Prinsep's Indian Antiquities, vol. ii. p. 42), the theory by which Professor Weber has sought to establish a Phoenician origin for the Indian alphabets is untenable. There are, however, two sets of Buddhist inscriptions, and that of Kapurdigiri is decidedly traceable to a Phoenician source. Those on the rock of Girnar (Giri-nagara) in Kattywar, Gujart, which are said to be most important in their relation to the present Indian alphabets, are not so clearly traceable. Mr. Thomas appears to have good ground for thinking that many of the Ngar letters were derived from the Drviians of the South.>\ Let me for the benefit of those who may use this Dictionary for philological purposes, without having acquired a complete familiarity with the Ngar letters, briefly point out the most conspicuous merits and demerits of the European and Indian systems. From what I have before advanced, it will, I think, be clear that it ought to be a fixed rule in all good alphabets, 1st, That every vowel, short and long, should be properly symbolized and admitted to close companionship with its consonant, no vowel symbol being ever allowed to stand for any other vowel sound but its own. For example, the 'a' sound of 'ka' should be properly symbolized; it should not be supposed to inhere in 'k;' nor should it be represented by a mere dot or stroke, above or below the 'k', as if it were a simple appendage to the consonant, as in Semitic alphabets. Nor should the symbol 'a' be allowed to stand for different vowel sound short and long, as in 'tape', 'tap', 'tall', 'tar', 'mortar', in every one of which the vowel ought to be variously symbolized. 2ndly, That every simple consonant should have one single fixed symbol, and never more than one. For example, the symbol 'k' should not be interchangeable with 'c' to express the same consonantal power as in 'cap' and 'keep.' 3rdly, That modifications of any particular simple vowel or consonantal power should not be represented by two letters, but by some modification of a single symbol. For example, the long form of the vowels %% should not be denoted by two letters, as in our word 'hoop', but by some mark or stroke placed over these vowels (so that 'hoop' should be written 'hp'). Similarly, the aspiration of %%, ought not to be represented by two letters as in %%, but by some mark attached to %%; thus such a word as %% should be written %%, and %%; or perhaps according to the Anglo-Saxon method with a horizontal stroke above, as in d for the %% sound of the. Tried by these rules, the Ngar alphabet shows itself in many respects superior to the old Roman alphabet, and certainly to our use or %% of the Roman symbols commonly called the English alphabet. But tried by the same rules, it will be found, I believe, inferior to the Indo-Romanic system, by which name I call the modification of Sir William Jones' method of applying the Roman alphabet to the languages of India, adopted in the present Dictionary. The fact of the matter is, that Hind grammarians have so overdone the true theory of the necessary vocalization of consonants, that they declare it impossible for any consonant to stand alone without its associated vowel, not only in a single word, but in a whole sentence, unless, indeed, the consonant come at the end of all, when the mark, called a Virma or stop, must be employed. Moreover, the dependent position of a consonant is so insisted on that every simple consonant must perforce possess an inherent vowel by a necessary condition of its own existence, so that when it is written without vowel or stop the vowel 'a' must always be pronounced after it. Hence, such a word as 'bind', would have to be pronounced 'binada', unless a conjunct symbol be employed, compounding %% and %% into one letter, the use of the Virma or stop, except at the end of a sentence, being an infraction of orthographic laws. Thus it arises that an immense assortment of conjunct consonants is needed. More than this, the excessive claboration of their vowel-system by the Hinds necessitates the introduction of two new vowels, %<>% and %<>%. Again, each of the fourteen vowels (except %%) has two symbols, according as it is initial or non-initial, and the form of some of these obliges them to be printed before the letter after which they are pronounced and in various awkward places, thereby exposing them to fracture, and increasing the general complication. So that with unusually numerous vowel-symbols, with thirty-five consonants and an almost indefinite number of intricate conjunct consonants, the number of distinct types necessary to equip a perfect Sanskt fount amounts to about 500 (see the table opposite to page 1). Now will any one maintain, that in these days of railroads, electric telegraphs, cheap printing, and the Suez canal, such an overstraining of alphabetical precision can be maintained much longer for the expression of any language belonging to the same family as our own, and in any country forming an integral part of the British Empire? Indeed Sanskt ought to be made a potent instrument for uniting England more closely with India, and a powerful means for exciting more real sympathy and fellow-feeling between Englishmen and their Indian fellow-subjects; but on this very account it requires every facility to be conceded to its acquisition, and every contrivance to be adopted for harmonizing it with those kindred European tongues whose structure it is above all capable of illustrating. Be it remebered that we are not expecting either absurdities or impossibilities. We are not so foolish as to suppose that the Hinds will ever abandon their own national forms of speech. On the contrary, we expect that they will tenaciously adhere to them, even as their brethren of Wales hold to their own separate and distinct branch of the same speech-stem. But because we cannot change the organs of speech or fuse the twenty-two languages\<*>\ of India into one common tongue, are we therefore not to do what we really can to promote intercourse and communion between kindred races united under one government and descended from the same ancestors? If our great Indian Paits are made familiar with our graphic systems, will they not be more likely to study our language and literature, to benefit by our knowledge, and to use our numerous appliances for economizing time, labour, and money? In short, is it fatuous to expect our fellow-subjects to imitate us in adopting a common system of symbols for a common line of cognate languages?--a system, be it thoroughly understood, not to be confounded with our English 'free and easy' abandonment of all system in our treatment of the Roman alphabet--but a system capable of complete adjustment to the expression of ryan sounds, whether Roman, Greek, Welsh, English, or Indian, and probably little more different in form from the present Ngar than that Ngar is from the characters prevalent in India when Sanskt was first committed to writing\<**>\. For since the fact is patent, that the further we go back, the more plainly do the Indian alphabets point to a foreign origin, the power of ancient and sacred association cannot certainly be pleaded for the maintenance of the present Ngar. \<*)Viz. Sanskt, with its kindred Hind, Marh, Gujart, Bengl, Uriya, Asamese, Panjb, Gurumukh, Sindh, Nepalese, Kamr, the Singhalese of Ceylon; the Put of Afghnistn; the five Drviian languages, Tamil, Malaylam, Telugu, Kanarese, Tulu; the half Drviian Brah-; the composite Urd or Hindstn current throughout India; and lastly Burmese.>\ \<**) It is certainly remarkable that the whole Vykaraa of Pini, unlike the Greek grammar or [greek] appears to ignore written symbols, as if Sanskt was never intended to have any peculiar graphic system of its own. In South India Sanskt is written in different characters; and the first inscriptions found on rocks are in Pli and Prkt, not in Sanskt. They are referred to the Buddhist sovereigns who possessed political power in India about three centuries B.C. The present form of Ngar is thought to be little older than the tenth or eleventh century of our era.>\ Nor can our Indian brethren shelter themselves under any plea of impossibility, when all the logic of historical facts is against them. Is any nation more tenacious of everything national than the Jews? and yet have they not abandoned their ancient character for a more modern form? Have not also the Arabs and Persians, not to mention the Keltic and Teutonic races, done the same? Have not the Hinds themselves renounced many of their most ancient usages, and allowed the rigidity of caste to relax under the pressure of steam and other European forces. Even in the very matter of alphabets the facts of their own history are also against them, for if they deny the foreign origin of their venerated Ngar, they have confessedly adopted the modern Persianized Arabic alphabet--a consonantal, if not a purely syllabic system--to express Hindstn. Now, Hindstn, notwithstanding its flood of Arabic and Persian words, is as much a form of Hind--the language of 'pakka' Hindstn--as English with its flood of Norman French is of Anglo-Saxon. Surely then all must admit that Hindstn, at least, has a far better right to the Indo-Romanic alphabet derived from kindred British rulers, than it has to be saddled with the consonantal system of foreign Muslim invaders. For that system, be it noted, is wholly Semitic in its essential features, and therefore quite unsuited to the fundamental ryan structure of a Persianized ryan dialect. If after what I have thus advanced, our great Indian Paits remain, as I fear some of them will, unconvinced, let any ordinary scholar who consults the pages of this work say whether they do not derive much of their typographical clearness from certain apparently trifling, but really important contrivances, possible in our Indo-Romanic, impossible in the usual Ngar type. One of these, of course, is the power of leaving spaces between the words of the Sanskt examples given. Will any student say that such an example as %% does not gain in clearness by being properly spaced\<*>\? Again, the power of using capitals and what are called italics (to say nothing of 'Egyptian' and other forms of European type) is manifestly an advantage to be placed to the credit of Indo-Romanic typography. Who will deny the gain in clearness by the ability to make a distinction between smith and Smith--brown and Brown--bath and Bath? And will any one examine the pages of this Dictionary, and then compare those of the abda-kalpa-druma, without admitting the advantage gained in the power of employing italic type? Lastly, the power of applying the hyphen to separate long compounds in a language where compounds prevail more than simple words\<**>\ will surely be appreciated by all. I can only say, that without that most useful little mark, the present volume must have lost much of its clearness, and probably half its compactness, for besides the obvious advantage of being able to indicate the difference between such compounds as %% and %%, which could not be done in Ngar type, it is manifest that even the simplest compounds like %%, would have required without its use an extra line to explain their analysis\<***>\. \<*) What should we think of an English Dictionary which, disdaining to aid our overtried vision by any typographical contrivances at the supposed sacrifice of euphonic propriety, should insist on presenting the corresponding example in proper phonetic conjunction thus--'goodfriendsguardfromevil?'>\ \<**) Forster gives an example of one compound word consisting of 152 syllables. I rather think this might be matched by even longer specimens from Camp composition.>\ \<***) At any rate, it is to be hoped that the hyphen will not be denied to Sanskt for the better understanding of the more complex words, such, for example, as %%, taken at hap-hazard from Dr. Muir's Texts. We may even express a hope that German scholars and other Europeans, who speak forms of ryan speech, all of them equally delighting in composition, may condescend more frequently to the employment of the hyphen for some of their own Sesquipedalia Verba, thereby imitating the practical Englishman in his Parliamentary compounds, such, for example, as habeas-corpus-suspension-act-continuanceIreland-bill.>\ Notwithstanding all my advocacy of the Indo-Romanic graphic system, it is still my duty to point out that so long as the natives of India continue to use their own alphabets so long is it incumbent upon us Englishmen who study Sanskt in its bearing upon the Indian vernaculars, to master the Ngar character. Under any circumstances there must be a long transition period during which the Indian and Romanic systems will co-exist, and however the struggle between them may terminate, the end is not likely to be witnessed by the existing generation. For this reason the Ngar alphabet is by no means ignored in these pages. On the contrary, it is pressed into the service of the Romanic, and made to minister to a most useful purpose, being employed to distinguish the leading word of a group in a manner best calculated to strike the eye and arrest the attention. Fairness, moreover, demands that a few of the obvious defects of the system of transliteration adopted in this volume should be specified. In certain cases it confessedly offends against philosophical exactness; nor does it always consistently observe the rules stated in a preceding paragraph. The vowels %<>% and %<>% ought to be represented by some one symbol--such as that used by many German scholars--though %<, >% seem to me somewhat unsuitable for vowel sounds. So again the aspirated consonants ought not to be represented by a second letter attached to them. In the case of %% employed by Sir W. Jones for %% and %% for %% the inconvenience appeared to me so great that in the third edition of my Sanskt Grammar, I ventured to adopt %% for %% the pronunciation, however, being the same as %% in church, which might therefore be written curc. Had I dared to innovate further, I should have written %% for %% for %% for %%; and so with the other aspirated consonants, %% being then employed for %% The fact, of course, is that an aspirated consonant is merely a consonant pronounced with an emphatic emission of the breath, much as an Irishman would pronounce %

% in penny, and to indicate this, a stroke placed on one side or over the letter seems more appropriate than the mark of the Greek hard breathing adopted by Bopp, which may well be used alone to utter a vowel, but is scarcely suitable to emphasize a consonant\<*>\. \<*) A hint might be taken from Anglo-Saxon d, as before observed, especially if be used for long vowels. The mark is perhaps too much like that required for accentuation. I hope, however, that the system of accentuating classical Sanskt will never be allowed. Why complicate a subject already sufficiently intricate by introducing another element of perplexity which native scholars themselves do not sanction? Let accentuation be kept for the Veda; and in Vedic words a more upright and conspicuous stroke might, in my opinion, be used with advantage.>\ I also prefer the symbol %<>% for the cerebral sibilant. Should a second edition of this Dictionary be ever called for, some of these improvements may possibly be adopted. With regard to the letter w, I have discarded it, and retained only %%, because the Ngar only possesses one character for the labial semivowel, viz. %% and to transliterate this or any other single Oriental character by two Roman representatives must certainly lead to confusion. As to the German method of using %% for %%, and %% for %%, the philological advantage gained by thus exhibiting the phonetic truth of the interchange of gutturals and palatals, appears to me outweighed by the disadvantage of representing sounds differing so greatly in acutual pronunciation by similar symbols. Notwithstanding the shortcomings and inconsistencies thus fairly acknowledged, I have no hesitation in asseting that the Romanic system expanded by the marks and signs now generally agreed upon and still further to be improved hereafter, may be adapted to the ryan, languages of India quite as completely and appropriately as to the ryan languages of Europe. Having felt obliged by the form in which this Dictionary is printed to dwell thus at length on a point of vast importance both to the general cultivation of Sanskt and the diffusion of knowledge in our Eastern Empire, I must now be permission to record my sense of the great assistance this cause has received from the energetic efforts of one who has ever been a true friend to the natives of India, Sir Charles E. Trevelyan. He was the first Indian officer of eminence who appreciated the real bearing of this matter upon native education, and the first writer who in his able minute, dated Calcutta, January 1834\<*>\, cleared away the confusion of ideas with which the subject was then perplexed by many prejudiced persons and even by some scholars. He also was the first to awaken an interest in the question throughout England about thirteen years ago, aided as he was by the able advocacy of 'the Times' newspaper. To him and to 'the Times' I owe the first impressions which corrected my own prejudices. Since then, many Oriental books printed on a plan substantially agreeing with Sir W. Jones' Indo-Romanic system have been published, both by eminent scholars in Europe and by missionaries in India\<**>\, and the form in which the present Sanskt Dictionary is now put forth affords, I trust, another evidence of the reality of the movement and of its gradual advance. \<*) This will be found at p. 3 of the 'Original Papers illustrating the History of the Application of the Roman Alphabet to the Languages of India', edited by me at the request of Sir Charles Trevelyan in 1859, and published by Messrs. Longman. I commend this volume to every one interested in the diffusion of education among the natives of our Indian Empire.>\ \<**) Amongst other publications the g-veda itself, edited by Professor Aufrecht, has been printed and published in the Roman character; also part of the Kath-sarit-sgara by Dr. Hermann Brockhaus. Dr. Muir in his Sanskt Texts has also extensively used the Indo-Romanic system, as well as Dr. Weber in the Indische Studien, where some of the Upaniads are so transliterated. Let any one compare Professor Aufrecht's one compact and cheap octavo volume with the six massive quartos to which the g-veda will extend, now being edited in the native character. Even if the Romanized edition had the commentary, it would probably not extend beyond two moderate octavo volumes. With regard to the series of valuable Hindstn works printed in the Anglo-Hindstn character by missionaries in India, a full account of them will be found in Sir Charles Trevelyan's 'Original Papers' referred to in a previous note. The whole Bible has been beautifully printed in this form, and carried through the press by the Rev. R. Cotton Mather; also a glossary to part of the Bible by his son Mr. Cotton Mather.>\ SECTION 5. Principal Sources drawn upon in the Process of Compilation. I have now to enumerate the various works consulted by me in compilling this Dictionary. My only reason for not indicating these authorities in the body of the various articles as they have been written, has been that the volume--which even now has outgrown the dimensions originally fixed--would have thereby lost much of its convenient compactness, and could not have been produced at a moderate cost. The eye, too, would have been confused in passing from one meaning to another. Justice, however, requires that before commencing my enumeration, I should specially record my debt to particular authorities most frequently consulted and relied upon. I do so with a deep consciousness that nothing I am about to state can add to the celebrity of any one of the eminent scholars to whom I owe most. Indeed, it is impossible for me to express adequately my sense of obligation to the great work of Professors Bhtlingk and Roth. Although I have referred to every other dictionary, glossary, and vocabulary, including those of Professor Benfey and Westergard and the eight-volumed Encyclopaedia of Rdhkntadeva, commonly called the abda-kalpa-druma\<*>\, and although I have striven to weigh and verify for myself all the words and meanings given by my fellow lexicographers, yet I have always considered an appeal to the St. Petersburg Wrterbuch as the most satisfactory available means for deciding doubtful questions. \<*) A fine copy of this valuable work, now very difficult to procure in its perfect state, was searched for, some years ago, at Calcutta and most kindly presented to me by my friend Mr. Walter Scott Seton-Karr, Foreign Secretary to the Governments of Lord Lawrence and Lord Mayo, and Vice-Chancellor of the Calcutta University.>\ Naturally, I have kept Professor H.H. Wilson's Dictionary on my working-table, and have constantly had recourse to its pages. Indeed, I must own that I commenced by looking to my predecessor's labours as my chief authority. And let me here assert most emphatically, not only that, considering the condition of Sanskt scholarship when it was compiled, Professor Wilson's was a wonderful production, but that, like many other scholars, I could never have learnt Sanskt at all without its aid. Nevertheless, sincerity obliges me to confiess, what other lexicographers may perhaps admit to be not without a parallel in their own mental history, that my mind has had to pass through a kind of painful discipline involving a gradual weakening of faith in the performances of my fellow men, not excepting those of my own venerated teacher. I began, indeed, with much confidence in the thought that one man existed on whom I could lean as an almost infallible guide; but as the work grew under my hands and my sensitiveness to error sharpened, I discovered to my surprise that I was compelled to reject much of his teaching as doubtful. Moreover, the truth must be told, that as I advanced further my trustfulness in others, besides my old master, began to experience occasional disagreeable and unexpected shocks; till now that I am arrived at the end of my work, I find myself left with my confidence in the accuracy of human beings generally--certainly not excepting myself--rather painfully disturbed. Nevertheless, I am bound thankfully to acknowledge that my faith in the general scholarlike exactness of the great German authorities already named has never been materially shaken. I ought also to make particular mention of Dr. John Muir's 'Sanskt Texts', which have been constantly referred to by me, and have been found by experience to be invaluable, both for their general accuracy and for the judgment the author has displayed in his interpretation of Vedic words. To these acknowledgments of special obligations I now subjoin an alphabetical list of all the principal works (not including of course all the mere texts and manuscripts) consulted by me, or in any way drawn upon for information, during the progress of my labours. Andrew's (E. A.) Latin-English Dictionary. Asiatic Researches. Asiatic Society's (Royal) Journal. Aufrecht's (Th.) Catalogue of Sanskt MSS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. --Catalogue of Sanskt MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. --Halyudha's Vocabulary. --g-veda-sahit. --Udi-stras. Ballantyne's (James) various lectures on Hind Philosophy, and translations of some of the Aphorisms. --translation of the Shitya-darpaa. --Laghu-kaumud. Banerjea's (K.M.) Hind Philosophy. Banerjea's Kumra-sambhava (with notes). Benfey's Chrestomathie (with vocabulary). --Sma-veda (with vocabulary). --Sanskt-English Dictionary. --Sanskt Grammar. Bhtlingk's (and Roth's) Sanskt-Wrterbuch. Bhtlingk's Indische Sprche. --edition of Pini's Grammar. --edition of Vopa-deva's Grammar. --(and Rieu's) Hemacandra's Glossary. Bombay edition of the Mah-bhrata. --of the Rmyaa. Bopp's Glossary (first and second editions). --Comparative Grammar (Eastwick). Bosworth's (Dr. J.) Anglo-Saxon Dictionary and Grammar. Brockhaus' (Hermann) Kath-sarit-sgara. Burgess' translation of the Sryasiddhnta. Burnouf's (Eugene) Bhgavata-Pura (books I-III, translated by Burnouf). Burnouf's (Emile) Sanskt-French Dictionary. Chambers' Encyclopaedia. Colebrooke's Amara-kosha. --Indian Algebra. --Essays on the Religion and Philosophy of the Hinds. --Dya-bhga. --Mitkar. Cowell's (E. B.) Kusumjali (with translation). Cowell's (E. B.) translation of the Vikramorva. --edition of Elphinstone's History of India. Curtius' (Georg) Grundzge der Griechischen Etymologie. Farrar's (F. W.) Families of Speech. Foucaux's (Ph. Ed.) Episodes of the Mah-bhrata. Goldstcker's (Theodor) Sanskt-English Dictionary (parts I-VI). Griffith's (Ralph T. H.) Specimens of Old Indian Poetry. Hall's (Fitz-Edward) edition of the Srya-siddhnta. --Contribution towards an Index to the Bibliography of the Indian Philosophical Systems. --translation of Nlakaha's Rational Refutation of the Hind Philosophical Systems. --Skhya-pravacana-bhya. --edition of Wilson's Viu-Pura. Haughton's (Graves C.) Bengl Dictionary. Haug's (Martin) Aitareya-Brhmaa (with translation.) Hilpert's (J.D.) German Dictionary. Johnson's (Francis) Hitopacdea (first and second editions, with translation and vocabulary). --Selections from the Mah-bhrata (with vocabulary). --Megha-dta (1st and 2nd editions, with vocabulary). Jones' (Sir William) translation of Manu. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Lassen's Sanskt Anthology (with glossary). Liddell's and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon. Ludvig's Infinitiv im Veda. Molesworth's (James T.) Murathee Dictionary. Moor's Hind Pantheon. Mller's (Max) Ancient Sanskt Literature. --Chips from a German Workshop. --Hymns to the Maruts. --Lectures on the Science of Language. --g-veda-sahit. --g-veda-prtikhya. --Sanskt Grammar. Muir's (John) Original Sanskt Texts (five volumes). Prinsep's (James) Indian Antiquities (edited with notes and addenda by Edward Thomas). Rdhknta-deva's abda-kalpa-druma. Rjendralla-Mitra's notices of Sanskt MSS. Regnier's Etude sur l'diome des Vedas. --gveda-prtikhya. Rieu's (and Bhtlingk's) Hemacandra. Rer's (E.) Upaniads (with translations). --(and Montriou's) Hind Law. Roth's (and Bhtlingk's) Sanskt-Wrterbuch). Roth's Nirukta. --(and Whitney's) Atharva-veda-sahit. Schlegel's (A.G.) Rmyaa. Scott's and Liddell's Greek-English Lexicon. Stenzler's edition of the Raghu-vaa. --Yjavalkya. Trantha Tarkavcaspati's Dhturpdara. Thompson's (J. C.) Bhagavad-gt (with translation). Thornton's Gazetteer. Troyer's Rja-taragi. Vigfusson's (G.) Cleasby's Icelandic Dictionary. Weber's (Albrecht) Vjasaneyi-sahit. --atapatha-Brhmaa. --Ktyyana-rauta-stra. --Indische Studien. --Indische Streifen. Westergaard's Radices Linguae Sanscritae. Whitney's (W. D.) Atharva-veda-prtikhya. --(and Roth's) Atharva-veda-sahit. --Language and the Study of Language (twelve lectures). Wilson's (H.H.) Glossary of Indian Terms. --Sanskt-English Dictionary. --Sanskt Grammar. --Skhya-krik. --Theatre of the Hinds. --translation of the g-veda (vols. I-IV). --translation of the Viu-Pura. Yates' (W.) octavo edition of Wilson's Sanskt Dictionary with addenda (partly edited by J. Wenger). Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenlndischen Gesellschaft. SECTION 6. Aids and Encouragements received. My first acknowledgements are due to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, without whose kind patronage this work could never have been published. It does not become me to commend the efforts these gentlemen are making for the furtherance of education, except so far as to say that they fitly represent the mind and wishes of the University of Oxford. Nor does the Clarendon Press itself need any monument of my rearing. Let those who desire proofs of its efficiency look around and note the series of valuable educational books constantly issuing from its founts, models of clear and accurate typography, in almost every department of science. Perhaps, however, I may be permitted to mention specially the name of one who has recently left us, but who was a member of the Press-Delegacy when the publication of this Dictionary was undertaken, the late Master of Balliol and now Dean of Rochester, Dr. Robert Scott. He has been one of my kindest friends and wisest counsellors ever since the day I went to him for advice during my first undergraduate days at Balliol, on receiving an appointment in the Indian Civil Service. It is not too much, I think, to aver that without his support, encouragement, and sympathy,--all the more prized as coming from an experienced fellow-labourer, able to estimate the difficulties of a less experienced disciple,--I could not have persevered in this work to it termination. My next acknowledgments must be tendered to the Representatives of the Governments of Bengal, Madras, Bombay, and the North-West Provinces of India, as well as of the India Office, for the substantial aid received from them in the patronage they have accorded to this undertaking. I have in the third place to express in the most cordial manner my thanks to each and all of the gentlemen who have aided me in the compilation of this Dictionary. No one but those who have taken part in similar labours can at all realize the amount of tedious toil--I might almost say drudgery--involved in the daily routine of small details, such as verifying references and meanings, making indices and lists of words, sorting and sifting an ever-increasing store of materials, revising old work, arranging and re-arranging new, correcting and re-correcting proofs, writing and re-writing and interlineating 'copy', till reams upon reams of paper have been filled, putting the eye-sight, patience, and temper of compilers, readers, and compositors to a severe trial. I mention these matters, not to magnify the labours undergone, but to show that I could not have prosecuted them persistently singlehanded. This statement may also give an idea of what I owe to the presevering co-operation of my kind assitants, whose names in the chronological order of their services are as follow: the Rev. J. Wenger, who is now I believe engaged in valuable literary work connected with the Baptist Mission in Calcutta; Dr. Franz Kielhorn, who is now Superintendant of Snaskt Studies in Deccan College, Poona; Dr. Hermann Brunnhofer (whose assitance was not of very long duration); Mr. A. E. Gough, M. A., of Lincoln College, Oxford, now Professor of Sanskt at the Government College, Benares; lastly, Mr. E. L. Hogarth, M. A., of Brasenose College, and formerly Head Master of the Government Provincial School at Calicut, who has been my constant and painstaking assistant for about three years and a half, continuing with me to the termination of the work. I must also thank my old friend Professor Francis Johnson, who was one of my first instructors in Sanskt when a student at Haileybury, and afterwards my colleague as Professor, for the kind interest he has shown in my labours, and the aid I have received from him at various times, including recently a list of words collected by himself in preparing a new volume of Selections from the Mah-bhrata, shortly to be published. Finally, I must express my gratitude for the extreme care with which the reading of my often intricate manuscript has been conducted by the Oriental Reader, and the printing of the whole book executed by the Managers of the Clarendon Press. SECTION 7. Defects and Inconsistencies acknowledged. When some one pointed out to Dr. Johnson the imperfections of his great Dictionary, he is said to have retorted on his critics that mere fault-finding was often an indication of ignorance. His work was too large, he affirmed, not to take in errors, and the quicksightedness to these was a symptom of the dulness which could not comprehend the merit of the performance as a whole. Without imitating this convenient way of disposing of criticism in my own case, I may yet request leave to inform any mere %%, of whom it may be said %%, that no one can be more keenly alive to the flaws and defects of this volume than I am myself. No one, indeed, can be more desirous to criticize it, with a view to its improvement in a future edition. If any real scholars--always considerate and temperate even if severe--having had practical experience of lexicography, will aid me in my efforts to attain greater accuracy, I shall be thankful. From them I do not fear but rather court criticism. Such critics will quite understand how a compiler's sense of responsibility may grow with the growth of a work like this, putting him out of conceit with his own performance, and filling him with earnest cravings after an accuracy more than human. Such critics will appreciate the difficulties besetting the production of so many closely printed pages abounding with countless dots and diacritical marks. Nor will they be surprised at inequalities of execution and occasional inconsistencies in a work representing efforts spread over numerous years. Nor will they need to be reminded that occasional distractions, trials of health and weariness of spirit, are incident not only to a human compiler but to his human assistants. Indeed it is no disparagement to those who have contributed to the detail of this work to assume that a compilation which has passed through many different hands must reflect the infirmities of all. No other apology will here be attempted for its errors and inadvertencies; nor do I ask that the blame be laid at the door of any one but myself, who alone am responsible. Some explanation, however, of a few intentional inconsistencies and almost unavoidable defects is here appended. In the first place, there has not been absolute consistency in the collocation of words connected by a common etymology. I have not bound myself in this respect by any fixed rules. Hence some words are given in the usual alphabetical order of the Ngar type which might be expected to fall under a previous classification in the Indo-Romanic order. Facility of reference has been my only guide in this matter. Again, in the arranging of a whole chain of words etymologically allied, some formations have been placed under compounds which ought properly to have a separate line assigned to them. Others again have separate lines which ought more consistently to come under compounds. For example, abstract nouns formed with the affixes %% and %%, and possessive adjectives formed with %%, &c. are placed in the order of the compounds, when they are really not compounds at all. Still it is plain that such a word as %%, 'ownership', is really equivalent to %%, and such a word as %%, 'possessed of fortune', to %%. In these cases my motive for sacrificing absolute consistency has rather been to gain space. Other liberties indulged in with regard to the use of the hyphen are noticed in the table of directions following the Preface. With regard to the nominative cases of adjectives and of a few participles--such as those of Parasmai-pada Intensives--and even of a few substantives, I fear this Dictionary cannot always be quite trusted; though it may perhaps be conceded that I have improved upon my predecessor in this respect. In point of fact it has not been possible to settle with certainty the nominative cases, especially in the feminine forms, of all adjectives. The German Wrterbuch avoids exhibiting the nominative cases of adjectives and participles, and rarely gives their feminines, leaving also the nominative cases of substantives to be inferred from their gender. Although I studied Pini's chapter on feminine formations with great care, I was unable to discover either in his Grammar or in any other Grammar or Dictionary a solution of all my difficulties. My rule has been to give the nominative cases both of substantives and adjectives in all their genders wherever there was ground for certainty or for a reasonable inference, and in other rare cases to exhibit only the crude base. Sometimes I have merely given the nominative case masculine of adjective, omitting the feminie when that alone appeared doubtful, and leaving the neuter to be inferred; but throughout the Dictionary the omission of a nominative case has been quite an exception. Thus I have endeavoured to increase the usefulness of this publication even at the risk of occasionally misleading. Another point requires a few words of explanation. I shall probably be told that meanings and synonyms are needlessly multiplied; but before the book is hastily censured on this score, let it be fairly tested by a repeated and extended application to various branches of the literature. I can with truth affirm that having myself constantly put these pages to a trial during their progress through the press, so far from having to regret any superfluity or surplusage, I have too often had to lament sins of omission, and have frequently discovered, when too late, that some one meaning has been rejected, because thought to be a mere synonym, when this very apparent synonym was really the precise word required to suit a particular passage. With reference to the philological comparisons given throughout this work, I fear that occasional inconsistencies and violations of orthography will be found. For indeed I do not pretend to even a limited knowledge of some of the numerous languages compared, and my private library has not furnished the means of verifying all the words. It should be noted that I have not generally indicated the cognate English words with the Anglo-Saxon, because these are selfevident, and will generally be found among the meanings. As to other comparisons, I can only say that when I commenced my compilation, Bopp was considered the chief authority in comparative philology. I have not generally adopted what more modern scholars substitute for his teaching, because some of these later writers have themselves yet to undergo the full test of an extended criticism, which may not always support their opinions. Besides trusting to Bopp, I have generally followed Professors Benfey and Curtius, and I request that the comparisons given be accepted on the authority of these three scholars, subject to the understanding that more recent views have been propounded on many points. Most of the errors and omissions hitherto discovered, whether typographical or caused by my own want of knowledge, have, I trust, been corrected and supplied in the supplementary matter at the end of the volume. With these explanations I close my present labours, profoundly conscious of their imperfection, but full of thankfulness that my life has been spared to bring them, such as they are, to a completion. MONIER WILLIAMS. OXFORD, May 1872. @<[Page xxvi]>@ DIRECTIONS TO BE STUDIED BEFORE USING THIS DICTIONARY. THERE are two alphabetical orders: 1. that in the Ngar; 2. that in the Indo-Romanic type. Roots are always in large Sanskt type. Verbs formed by prefixing prepositions to roots are arranged in the alphabetical order of the prepositions so affixed, e. g. %% must not be looked for under the root %%, as in other Sanskt Dictionaries, but in its own alphabetical order, as in Greek lexicons, and at the head of its own group of derivatives. See p. 32, col. 1. All the Sanskt words in Indo-Romanic type arranged in alphabetical order under a leading word--which leading word is always either a root in large Ngar type or some other word in small Ngar type--must be regarded as mutually connected. They must be supposed to form a family of words bound together by a common origin or dependent on each other by some tie of relationship. The derivation or etymology is generally given in a parenthesis after the leading word in Sanskt type, and this etymology is supposed to apply to all the group which follows, until a new classification of words in introduced by a new word in Ngar type. Other derivations are sometimes noticed when authorities differ in explaining the etymology of particular words. The Ngar type is thus employed to strike they eye and direct it to the leading word in each group. By this means also a repetition of the etymology is avoided. All the meanings of a word belonging to a group are not always given in full, if they may be manifestly gathered from its other members; this applies especially to participles and participial formations, e. g. the meaning 'charged with', which belongs to %<-ropita>%, p. 128, col. 3, may readily be inferred from %<-ropa>%, which stands above it in the same classification. Again, all the derivatives from a Radical or Verb at the head of a family are not always given when they may be readily supplied; this applies especially to participles, and occasionally to verbal nouns, e. g. under %% at the head of a group, p. 952, it is easy to supply %%, n. the act of injuring. Observe, that meanings which appear to be mere amplifications of preceding meanings are separated by a comma, whereas those which do not clearly run into each other are divided by a semicolon. All remarks upon meanings and all descriptive and explanatory statements are given between (); comparisons, between []. Compound words are always arranged in alphabetical order under the first word in the compounds, a hyphen marking the division of each member of the compound, and when the final and initial vowel of two members of a compound blend, the separation of these vowels is denoted by a hyphen in brackets, (see, for example, %% for %%, p. 248, col. 1, line 4.) For greater clearness, some words are thus treated, which are formed by Taddhita affixes, supposed to be added to the whole word, and which therefore ought not strictly to have a hyphen at all. Compound words divided by a hyphen or hyphens have no etymology given because the employment of the hyphen makes their several elements manifest at once, so that it is always easy to refer to the separate members of the compound for the several etymologies, e. g. %% is manifestly separable into %%, to each of which it is easy to refer for an explanation of the several etymologies. When no etymology of a simple word is exhibited its derivation is either unknown or too doubtful to deserve recording. The nominative cases of all nouns, substantive and adjective, and of all participles, are given immediately after the crude base, except in the cases explained at the end of the preceding Preface. Thus %%, means that the adjective %% makes in its nominative case masc. fem. and neut., %%; similarly %% (P. 919, col. 2), stands for nom. masc. fem. and neut., %%. Under roots and verbs the 3rd pers. singular of the various tenses is given, other forms being noticed in parentheses. The names of the tenses are generally left to be inferred, except when an unusual tense, like the Precative, is given, and the form of the 1st Future can always be inferred from the Infinitive: thus the Infinitive being %%, the 1st Future 3rd pers. sing. will be %%; similarly from %% will be inferred 1st Future 3rd pers. sing. %%. When words really dissimilar appear similar either in Roman or Ngar type, the figures 1, 2, 3, &c. are placed before them; see, for example, 1. %%, 2. %%, 3. %%, 4. %%, 5. %%; 1. %%, 2. %%; 1. %%, 2. %%; 1. %%, 2. %%; 1. %%, 2. %%. It is believed that few common words or meanings likely to be met with in the classical literature have been omitted in this work; nevertheless the Supplement at the end of the volume should occasionally be consulted: thus in the two pages, 623, 624, one or two words and the common meaning 'affix', belonging to %%, have accidently dropped out, but are supplied in the supplementary pages. ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS USED IN THE DICTIONARY. [In the progress of a work extending over several years it has been found almost impossible to preserve uniformity in the use of symbols, but it is hoped that most of the inconsistencies are noticed in the following table.] A. = tmane-pada; the long mark over the A. has been omitted for convenience in printing. abl. or abl. c. = ablative case. acc. or acc. c. = accusative case. accord. = according. di-p. = di-parvan of the Mah-bhrata. adj. = adjective. Aeol. = Aeolic. alg. = algebra. Angl. Sax. = Anglo-Saxon. anom. = anomalous, irregular. Aor. = Aorist. Arab. = Arabic. arithm. = arithmetic. Arm. or Armor. = Armorican or the language of Brittany. Armen. = Armenian. astrol. = astrology. astron. = astronomy. Atharva-v. = Atharva-veda, edited by Roth and Whitney. Bhgavata-P. = Bhgavata-Pura, Burnouf's edition, or Bombay edition for the later books. Bhai-k. = Bhai-kvya, Calcutta edition. Boh. or Bohem. = Bohemian. B.R. = Bhtlingk and Roth. Br. = Brhmaa. Bret. = Breton. Buddh. = Buddhist. c. = case. Cambro-Brit. = the language of Wales. Caus. = Causal. cf. = confer, compare. chap. = chapter. cl. = class. Class. = Classical. col., cols. = column, columns. comm. = commentator or commentary. comp., comps. = compound, compounds. compar. = comparative degree. Cond. or Condit. = Conditional. cons. = consonant. dat. or dat. c. = dative case. defect. = defective. Desid. = Desiderative. dimin. = diminutive. Dor. = Doric. du. = dual number. ed. or edit. = edition. e. g. = exempli gratia. Eng. = English. Ep. or ep. = Epic, i. e. such works as the Mah-bhrata, Rmyaa, &c. epith. = epithet. esp. = especially. etym. = etymology. explet. = expletive. f. or fem. = feminine. fr. = from. Fut. = Future. Gael. = Gaelic. gen. or gen. c. = genitive case. gend. = gender. geom. = geometry. Germ. = German or High-German. Goth. = Gothic. Gr. = Greek. Gram. = A Practical Sanskt Grammar by Monier Williams, third edition, published at the Clarendon Press. gram. = grammar. Hib. = Hibernian or Irish. Hind. = Hind. Icel. = Icelandic. i. e. = id est. impers. = impersonal, i. e. used impersonally. Impf. = Imperfect tense. Impv. = Imperative. ind. = indeclinable, either an indeclinable participle or an adverb or a case used adverbially. Inf. or infin. = Infinitive mood. inst. or inst. c. = instrumental case. Intens. = Intensive. Ion. = Ionic. Island. = the German form of Icelandic. Kirt. or Kirtrj. = Kirtrjunya. Kumra-s. = Kumra-sambhava. Lat. = Latin. lat. = latitude. Lett. = Lettish. lit. = literally. Lith. = Lithuanian. loc. or loc. c. = locative case. long. = longitude. m. or masc. = masculine gender. Mah-bh. &c. = Mah-bhrata, Calcutta edition. mathem. = mathematics. medic. = medicine. Megh. = Megha-dta, Johnson's second edition. Mod. = Modern. MS., MSS. = manuscript, manuscripts. N. = Name. n. or neut. = neuter gender. Naigh. = Naighauka. neg. = negative. Nir. = Nirukta. Nom. or nom. = Nominal verb. nom. or nom. c. = nominative case. num. or numb. = number. obs. = obsolete. occ. = occasionally. Osc. or Osk. = Oscan or Oskan. Osset. = Ossetic (see p. ix). P. = Parasmai-pada. p. = page. -p. = parvan or section of the Mah-bhrata. P. = Pini. Part. or part. = Participle. Pass. = Passive voice. patron. = patronymic. Perf. = Perfect tense. Pers. = Persian. Pers. = person. phil. = philosophy. pl. or plur. = plural number. poet. = poetry, poetic license. Pol. = Polish. Pot. = Potential. Pr. = proper. Prk. = Prkt. Prep. = Preposition. Pres. = Present tense. priv. = privative. pronom. = pronominal. Pruss. = Prussian. q. v. = quod vide. Raghu-v. = Raghu-vaa. Reflex. = Reflexive or used reflexively. g-v. = g-veda. rt., rts. = root, roots. Russ. = Russian. abda-k. = abda-kalpa-druma. Sabin. = Sabine or Sabellian (old Italic dialect). Sma-v. = Sma-veda. Sans. = Sanskt. Sax. = Saxon. Sy. = Syaa or according to Syaa. Schol. = Scholiast or Commentator. scil. = scilicet. Scot. = Scotch or Highland-Scotch. sing. = singular number. Slav. = Slavonic or Slavonian. subst. = substantive. superl. = superlative degree. s.v. = sub voce. Them. = Thema or base. Umbr. = Umbrian. Udi-s. = Udi-sutras (Aufrecht's edition). usu. = usually. Vjasaneyi-s. = Vjasaneyi-sahit. Vrt. or Vrtt. = Vrttika. Ved. = Vedic or Veda. Vi.-Pur. = Viu-Pura. voc. or voc. c. = vocative case. =, equal, equivalent to, the same as, explained by. + plus. &c. = et cetera. - denotes that a vowel or syllable is to be noted as short. -- that a vowel or syllable is long. - that the rest of a word is to be supplied, e. g. %<-ri-in->% after %% is for %%. @<[Page xxviii-a]>@ THE DICTIONARY ORDER OF THE NAGARI LETTERS WITH THEIR INDO-ROMANIC EQUIVALENTS AND THEIR PRONUNCIATION EXEMPLIFIED BY ENGLISH WORDS. VOWELS. Initial. Medial. Equivalents and Pronunciation. %% -- a in mica, rural. %<>% in tar, father (tr, fther). %% i in fill, lily. %< i>% in police (polce). %% in full, bush. %< >% in rude (rde). %< >% in merrily (merly). %< >% in marine (mane). %< >% in revelry (reve). %< >% in the above prolonged. %% e in prey, there. %% in aisle. %% in go, stone. %% in Haus (German). SIGNS OR SYMBOLS. %<>% or either the true Anusvra, sounded like n in French mon, or the symbol of any nasal. %<>% symbol for the sibilant called Visarga. CONSONANTS. Equivalents and Pronunciation. %% k in kill, seek. %% kh in ink-horn (inkhorn). %% g in gun, get, dog. %% gh in log-hut (loghut). %<>% in sing, king, sink (sik). %% c in dolce (in music). %% ch in church-hill (curchill). %% j in jet, jump. %% jh\<*>\ in hedge-hog (hejhog) \<*)Sometimes printed in the form %% see pp. 147, 354.>\ %<>% in single (sij). %<>% in true (rue). %% h in ant-hill (anhill). %<>% in drum (rum). %% h in red-haired (rehaired). %<>% in none (oe). %% t in water (in Ireland). %% th in nuthook (more dental). %% d in dice (more like th in this). %% dh in adhere (but more dental). %% n in not, nut, in. %

% p in put, sip. %% ph in uphill. %% b in bear, rub. %% bh in abhor. %% m in map, jam. %% y in yet, loyal. %% r in red, year. %% l in lull, lead. %% in (sometimes for %< >% in Veda). %% h in (sometimes for %% in Veda). %% v in ivy (but like w after cons.). %<>% in sure, session (ure, sesion). %<>% sh in shun, bush. %% s in saint, sin, hiss. %% h in hear, hit. Note--The conjunct consonants are too numerous to be exhibited above, but the most common will be found at the end of 'A Practical Sanskt Grammar by Monier Williams.' published by the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, third edition. For the correct pronunciation of the aspirated consonants, %%, &c., see p. xix of the preceding Preface. THE DICTIONARY ORDER OF THE INDO-ROMANIC LETTERS WITHOUT THEIR NGAR EQUIVALENTS. a, ; i, ; u, ; , ; , ; e, ai; o, au;-- or , ;--k, kh; g, gh; ;--c, ch; j, jh; ;--, h; , h; ;--t, th; d, dh; n;--p, ph; b, bh; m;--y, r, l, , h, v;--, sh, s;--h. Observe--%<>% represents the true Anusvra in the body of a word before the sibilants and %%, as in %% as the symbol of any nasal will often be found at the end of a word, as in %%; but may also represent Anusvra, when final %% is followed by initial sibilants and %%, and in words formed with preposition %%, like %% in the word Sanskt the second %% is not initial, but introduced into the body of the word, so that we might properly write Saskt. Visarga as a substitute for final %% is a distinctly audible aspirate, so that the %<>% at the end of %% must be clearly heard. ## ## 1. %%, the first letter of the alphabet; the first short vowel inherent in consonants. ## %%, m. the letter or sound %%. ## 2. %%, ind. an interjection of pity (Ah!). ## 3. %% (before a vowel %%), a prefix corresponding to Gr. [greek] Lat. in, Goth. and Germ. un, Eng. in or un, and having a negative or privative or depreciative sense; e. g. %% one, %% not one; %% end, %% endless; %% seeing, %% not seeing. Sometimes this prefix denotes comparison. It is occasionally an expletive. ## 4. %%, the base of some pronouns and pronom. forms; (substituted for %%, in %%, &c.) ## 5. %%, the augment prefixed to the root in the formation of the imperfect, aorist, and conditional tenses, by some considered as connected with 3. %%, and by others as connected with 4. %%. ## 6. %%, m., N. of Viu (especially as the first of the three sounds in the sacred syllable %%), also of Brahm, iva, and Vaivnara; (%%), n. Brahma. ## %%, free from debt. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %%, to divide, distribute; also occasionally A. %%; also %%. ## %%, m. a share, portion, part, party; partition, inheritance; a share of booty; earnest money; a fraction; the denominator of one; a degree of lat. or long.; N. of an ditya; the shoulder or shoulder-blade, more usually spelt %%, q. v. [cf. Old Germ. ahsala; Mod. Germ. achsel; Lat. axilla.]. ## %%, n. act of dividing. ## %%, one who has a share, an heir, a co-heir. ## %%, m. a species of the Soma plant. ## %%, n. reduction of fractions. ## %%, m. the key-note. ## %% or %<, am>%, or %%, one who takes a share, a sharer. ## %%, m. part of a portion (of a deity), a secondary incarnation. ## %%, ind. share by share. ## %%, n. descent of parts of the deities; partial incarnation; title of sections 64--67 of the first book of the Mah-bhrata. ## %% or %%, having a share; m. f. a co-heir, a relative; m. a share; n. a day. ## %%, n. the act of sharing or dividing. ## %% or %%, divisible. ## %%, a divider, sharer. ## %%. See %% next col. ## %%, divided, shared. ## %%, a sharer, co-heir. ## %%, m. a filament, especially of the Soma plant; end of a thread; a minute particle; a point or end; a garment, decoration; a ray, light, the sun; N. of a i or of a prince. ## %%, n. a collection of rays, a blaze of light. ## %%, m. the bearer of rays, the sun. ## %%, n. a kind of cloth. ## %%, or %<-bhart, t>%, m. the lord of rays, the sun. ## %%, fibrous, rich in filaments; radiant, luminous; pointed; (%%), m. the sun, the moon; N. of various persons, especially of a prince of the solar race, son of A-samajas, grandson of Sagara; (%%), f. the celestial river Yamun; a plant, Hedysarum Gangeticum. ## %%, f. a plant, Musa Paradisiaca. ## %%, f. a garland of light, halo. ## %%, m. the sun. ## %%, m. having rays for arrows, the sun. ## %%, m. having rays in his hand, the sun. ## %%, n. a leaf; cloth; fine or white cloth; muslin, an upper garment; a mantle. @<[Page 0001-b]>@ ## %%, radiant; (%%), m., N. of the sage Cakya. ## %%, divisible. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %%, &c., = %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), the shoulder, shoulder-blade; N. of a king; a share, see %%, m. du. the two shoulders or angles of an altar [cf. Goth. amsa; Gr. [greek] Lat. humerus, ansa]. ## %%, m. a bull's hump, the protuberance between the shoulders of the Indian ox. ## %%, n. armour to protect the shoulder; a bow. ## %%, f. a cooking vessel(?). ## %%, m. upper part of the spine. ## %% or %%, m. a yoke or burden put upon the shoulder. ## %% or %%, or %% or %%, bearing a yoke. ## %%, lusty, strong. ## %%, belonging to the shoulder. ## %% (allied to %%), cl. 1. A. %%, to go, set out, commence; to approach: cl. 10. P. %%, to send; to speak; to shine. [The rt. %% seems to have had originally another meaning, viz. to press together, strangle; = Gr. [greek]] ## %%, f. (probably fr. the preceding rt., said to be here a substitute for %%), anxiety, distress, trouble, illness [cf. Lat. ango]; a gift, (in this sense also %%, f.) ## %%, n. (said to be connected with rt. %%), anxiety, trouble; sin [cf. %%; Gr. [greek]]. ## %%, m., Ved. lord of the perplexity, i. e. an intercalary month. ## %%, sinful. ## %%, Ved. delivering from distress. ## %%, f. a gift, donation. See %%. ## %%, Ved. strait, narrow; (%%), m., N. of an Asura; (%%), n. anxiety, distress; Pudendum Muliebre [cf. Gr. [greek] Goth. aggvus; Lat. angustus, anxius, &c.]. ## %%, f. having a narrow slit, having the pudendum divided. ## %%, straitened, distressed; sinful. ## %%, distressing, sinful; (%%), n. sin, distress. ## %%, Ved. troublesome; freed from sin. ## %%, m. a foot, the root of a tree [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. a tree (foot-drinker). ## %%, m. a part of the foot between the ancle and the heel. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to move tortuously, like a snake [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. angulus]. Compare rt. %%. ## %%, moving tortuously; (%%), n. pain, trouble, sin (also derived from %%, not %<+ ka>%, happiness). ## %%, destitute of hair, bald; (%%), m., N. of Ketu, the dragon's tail or descending node, the symbol of which is a headless trunk. ## %%, free from thorns, troubles, difficulties, or enemies. ## %%, not boastful. ## %%, unspeakable; not to be uttered or mentioned. ## %%, not the youngest; elder, superior; (%%), m. a deified Buddhist saint, Buddha. ## %%, m. Buddha. ## %%, f. no virgin. @<[Page 0001-c]>@ ## %%, m., N. of a i. ## %%, unshaken, firm; (%%), m., N. of a Jaina saint, a pupil of the last Trtha-kara. ## %%, not to be shaken. ## %% or %<, am>%, handless, maimed; exempt from tax or duty, privileged; not acting; (%<>%), f. Emblic Myrobalan, Phyllanthus Emblica. ## %%, n. absence of action. ## %%, f. non-accomplishment, failure, disappointment (used in imprecations, e. g. %%, may he experience a failure !). ## %%, not to be done. ## %%, merciless, relentless. ## %%, n. harshness, cruelty. ## %%, not hard, not rugged, soft, tender. ## %% or %%, without ears, deaf. ## %%, not fit for the ears; not in the ears. ## %%, without a helmsman, destitute of a pilot. ## %%, m, a dwarf (?). ## %%, m. not an agent; an inferior agent. ## %%, n. condition of an inferior agent, a subordinate station. ## %%, without work, idle; inefficient; disqualified for performing essential rites, destitute of good works; (in grammar) intransitive; (%%), n. absence of work; absence of essential observances; improper work, crime. ## %%, m. renunciation of self-righteousness; enjoyment of freedom from the fruits of action. ## %%, unoccupied, disqualified; criminal. ## %%, (in grammar) intransitive. ## %%, improper to be done; unfit for work; inefficient. ## %%, not in parts, entire. ## %%, free from sediment; pure; sinless; (%<>%), f. moonlight. ## %%, f. honesty. ## %% or %%, free from pride, modest, honest. ## %%, not subject to rules, uncontrolled; incomparable; unable, weak. ## %%, not manufactured, not artificial, not pretended; natural, genuine. ## %%, sinless, faultles. ## %%, m., N. of a son of the fourth Manu. ## %%, unwell, ill, sick. ## %%, not prosperous, inauspicious; (%%), n. adversity. ## %% (fr. 1. %%, q. v.), Ved. not contemptible, not bad. ## %%, Ved. not contemptible as an enemy, or to his enemies, or in his enemies; not having weak enemies. ## %%, Ved. without a coat of mail. @<[Page 0002-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. unwise. ## %%, ind. without a why or a wherefore, accidentally, suddenly. ## %%, 'without a trunk', causeless, unexpected. ## %%, dying as soon as born. ## %%, n. sudden attack of colic. ## %%, ind. causelessly, unexpectedly. ## %%, not downhearted, cheerful, hearty. ## %%, without desire or affection, without intention; unintentional, reluctant; (in grammar) the Sandhi which causes the dropping of a final %% before a succeeding %%, m. absence of desire or affection. ## %%, m., Ved. not disappointing desires. ## %%, ind. unintentionally, unwillingly. ## %%, f. freedom from desire or affection or intention. ## %%, not smitten with desire or affection; free from desire, calm. ## %%, the same as %%. ## %%, incorporeal. ## %%, causeless; (%%), n. absence of a cause; ind. causelessly. ## %%, produced spontaneously. ## %%, inactive, not performing. ## %%, not adapted for ear-rings. See %%. ## %%, not to be done, impracticable, improper; (%%), n. a criminal action. ## %%, an evil-doer; one who neglects his duty. ## %%, n. absence of blackness. ## %%, m. a wrong or bad or inauspicious time; (%%), unseasonable. ## %%, m. a pumpkin produced out of season; a useless birth. ## %%, n. a flower blossoming out of season. ## %% or %% or %%, born or produced at a wrong time, unseasonable. ## %% or %%, m. unseasonable rise or clouds; a mist. ## %%, f. unseasonable or unusual time. ## %%, unable to bide one's time. ## %%, unseasonable. ## %%, without anything, utterly destitute, poor; disinterested; (%%), n. that which is nothing, or worth nothing. ## %%, f. voluntary poverty (as the duty of a Jaina ascetic). ## %%, m. destitution, poverty. ## %%, m. no gambler. ## %%, sinless, faultless. ## %%, f. bad repute. ## %%, disreputable. ## %%, not blunted or worn out; fresh, vigorous, fixed. ## %%, n. heaven. ## %% above. ## %%, ind. (usually found in composition), not from anywhere or any cause. ## %%, m. not moveable from any cause; a title of iva. ## %%, not afraid or threatened from any quarter, secure. ## %% or %%, ind., Ved. nowhere, i. e. astray. ## %%, unreproached. ## %% for %% for %%), Ved. going nowhere, coming to nothing; (Sy.) fruitless, worthless. ## %%, n. 'not base metal', gold or silver; any base metal, (see 3. %% at end.) ## %%, m. not a boy; an epithet of Viu. ## %%, not of a good family, low; (%%), m., N. of iva; (%<>%), f., N. of Prvat. ## %%, f. lowness of family. ## %%, not of a good family. ## %%, inauspicious, evil; not clever; (%%), n. evil, an inauspicious or evil word. ## %%, not wishing for interest or gain; (also %%.) ## %%, destitute of flowers or blossoms. ## %%, m. no deceiver. ## %%, (probably fr. %% for %%, not bad, not contemptible, and %%, opposite shore or limit), having a good issue or effect; unbounded; (%%), m. the sea; the sun; the king of tortoises, who upholds the world; any tortoise or turtle. ## = a-kpra %% above. ## %%, guileless; (%%), m. Buddha. ## %%, m. n. absence of difficulty; facility. ## %%, free from trouble. ## %%, undone, unperformed; not made, uncreated; not prepared, not ready, incomplete; one who has done no works; (%%), n. an unperformed act; an unheard-of action or crime; (%<>%), f. a daughter not placed on a level with sons. ## %%, ind. as has not been done before. ## %%, ungrateful. ## %%, f. ingratitude. ## %%, having an unformed mind. ## %%, n. ignorance. ## %%, m., N. of an expounder of the Puras. ## %%, having an unformed mind; not yet identified with the supreme spirit. ## %%, having one's object unaccomplished unsuccessful. ## %%, unpractised in arms. ## %%, innocent. ## %%, unmarried. ## %%, unfit for work, clumsy. ## %%, n. unfitness for work. ## %%, not to be done, criminal; (%%), n. crime. ## %%, evil-doer. ## %%, uncut, unimpaired. ## %%, possessing unimpaired splendor. ## %%, inartificial, unfeigned, natural. ## %%, incomplete. ## %%, merciless, unkind. ## %%, not miserly. ## %%, not slender or emaciated; strong, full. ## %%, enjoying full prosperity. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Ayodhy. ## %%, not agricultural. ## %%, unploughed, untilled; not drawn. ## %%, ripening in unploughed land, growing wild. ## %%, free from black deeds, guiltless, virtuous. @<[Page 0002-c]>@ ## %%, houseless. ## %%, Ved. shapeless, unrecognisable; (Sy.) unconscious. ## %%, destitute of hair. ## %%, m. the Areca or Betelnut palm, ('without a bend.') ## %%, not irascible. ## %%, unwise, stupid, ignorant. ## %%, n. want of dexterity or skill; evil [cf. %%]. ## %%, f. a mother. [Supposed to be a term of foreign origin; cf. Lat. Acca.] ## 1. %% (part. of rt. %% or %% in the sense 'to go'), gone. ## 2. %% (part. of rt. %%), smeared over; diffused; bedaubed, tinged, characterized. It is often the last part of a compound word; as, %%, tinged with red or blood; (%%), n. oil, ointment. ## %%, f., Ved. night. ## %%, f. (m. ?), Ved. ointment; tinge, ray, light, star (?); dark tinge, darkness, night. ## %%, ind., Ved. at night. ## %% (ind. part. of rt. %%), having besmeared. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), bent. ## 1. %%, Ved. violent [Lat. acer?]. ## 2. %% (fr. 3. %% and rt. 1. %%), Ved. inactive, bootless. ## %%, Ved. destitute of will or energy; powerless, foolish; (Sy.) without sacrifices. ## %%, m. want of order, confusion. ## %%, Ved. not having bloody hands; (Sy.) not having niggardly hands, not close-fisted. ## %%, or %%, not carnivorous, not eating flesh. ## %%, unpassed, unsurpassed, unconquered; (%<>%), f. the Egg plant. ## %%, without works; inactive, torpid; abstaining from religious rites; good for nothing; (%<>%), f. inactivity; neglect of duty. ## %%, not playing. ## %%, not cruel, gentle; (%%), m., N. of Ka's paternal uncle and friend. ## %%, m. suppression of anger, one of the chief virtues among Hinds; (%%), free from anger. ## %%, free from anger; (%%), m., N. of a prince, son of Ayutyu. ## %%, m. freedom from fatigue. ## %%, f. the Indigo plant. ## %%, untroubled; undisturbed; unwearied. ## %%, or %%, unwearied in action. ## %%, unwearied in keeping religious vows. ## %%, m. freedom from trouble. ## %%, incapable of moisture, not to be wetted. ## %% (probably not a simple rt., perhaps a kind of old Desid. form of rt. 1. %%), cl. 1. P. %%, cl. 5. %% or %%, to reach; to pass through, penetrate, pervade, embrace; to accumulate (to form the cube ?): Caus. %%, to cause to pervade: Desid. %% or %%. ## 1. %%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %% or %%), an axle, axis, pivot, (in this sense also %%, n.); a wheel, car, cart; pole of a car; the beam of a balance or string which holds the pivot of the beam; a snake; terrestrial latitude; the lower part of the temples [cf. Lat. axis; Gr. [greek] Old Germ. ahsa; Mod. Germ. Achse; Lith. assis]. ## %%, m. the hypotenuse, especially of the triangle formed with the gnomon of a dial and its shadow; (in astronomy) argument of the latitude. ## %%, m. a diamond; a thunderbolt; a N. of Viu. ## %%, f. the yoke attached to the fore part of the pole of a car. ## %%, m. a bull, an ox, i. e. yoked to the pole of a cart. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. a degree of latitude. ## %%, m. cart-load, carriageload. ## %%, m. a degree of latitude. ## %%, n. the end of an axle; the anterior end of the pole of a car; an axle. ## %% or %<-klaka, as>%, m. a linchpin; the pin which fastens the yoke to the pole. ## %%, Ved. tied to a cart or its pole. ## 2. %%, m. (said to be from rt. 1. %%, a die for playing with; a cube; a seed of which rosaries are made (in compound words, like %%); a shrub producing that seed (Eleocarpus Ganitrus); a weight called %%, equal to 16 mas; Beleric Myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica), the seed of which is used as a die; (%%), n. sochal salt; blue vitriol (from its crystallized shape). ## %%, skilled in dice. ## %%, m. gambling, playing at dice. ## %%, skilled in gambling. ## %%, n. science of dice. ## %%, skilled in the principles of gambling. ## %%, n. gambling, dice-playing. ## %%, m. a gamester. ## %%, m. a gambler, a dice-player. ## %%, m. a gambler, a dice-player; (%%), n. gambling. ## %%, n. dispute at play. ## %%, hated by, i. e. unlucky at dice. ## %% or %<, am>%, one who has dice; (%%), m. a plant, Trophis Aspera; see %%. ## %%, m. a gamester, a gambler, i. e. a dice-rogue. ## %% or %<-naipuya, am>%, n. skill in gambling. ## %%, m. loss in gambling. ## %%, m. cast of dice. ## %%, n. act of casting dice. ## %%, fond of dice, or (perhaps) favoured by the dice, lucky. ## %%, m. intoxicating passion for dice. ## %%, n. dice, anything as big as dice; the twinkling of an eye, a moment of time. ## %%, f. a rosary, a string or necklace of beads, especially of the seeds of the Eleocarpus; a N. of Arunhat, wife of Vasiha, from her wearing a rosary; (%%), or %%, wearing a rosary of seeds. ## %%, m. the king of dice, the die called Kali. ## %%, having dice, relating to dice, gambling; (%%), f. a game of dice. ## %%, m. an unfair gambler. ## %<1. aka-vid, t, t, t>%, skilful in gambling. ## %%, what has occurred in gambling. ## %%, fond of gambling. ## %%, n. a string or rosary of Eleocarpus seeds. ## %%, m. Beleric Myrobalan. ## %%, n. innermost nature of dice, perfect skill in gambling. ## %%, perfectly skilled in gambling. ## %%, n. a dice-beard. ## %% or %%, m. the keeper of the dice, or of a gambling table. ## %% or %%, m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis. ## 3. %%, n. (fr. rt. 1. %%), an organ of sense, an object of sense; (%%), m. the soul; knowledge, religious knowledge; the law; a lawsuit; a person born blind; N. of Garua, of a son of Rvaa, of a son of Nara, &c. ## %%, m. a judge, i. e. one who sees lawsuits; also %%. ## %%, n. court of law; depository of legal document. ## %%, m. an arena, a wrestling ground, place of contest. ## %% or %%, m. a judge, i. e. arranger of a lawsuit. ## %%, m. a follower of the Nyya or logical system of philosophy; N. of the i Gotama. ## %%, see %%. --2. %%, versed in law. ## 4. %%, n. the eye, especially substituted for %% at the end of adjective compounds, the fem. being %% [cf. Gr. [greek] for [greek] Lat. oculus; Germ. Auge; Russ. oko]. ## %%, inopportune. ## %%, not crushed; uninjured, unbroken, whole; (%%), m. iva; thrashed and winnowed rice which has been dried in the sun; barley; (%%), m. n. an eunuch; (%<>%), f. a virgin; N. of a plant, Karkaarig or Kankaarig; (%%), n. and (%%), m. pl. whole grain, fried grain. ## %%, f. a virgin, an unblemished maiden. ## %%, destitute of the Kshatriya caste, apart from the Kshatriya caste. ## %%, substituted for %%, the eye, in the weakest cases, see Gram. 122 [cf. Goth. augan]. ## %%, having eyes. ## %%, unable to endure, impatient; incompetent. ## %% or %%, f. impatience, envy; incompetence. ## %%, exempt from decay, undecaying; (%%), m., N. of the twentieth year in the cycle of Jupiter; (%<>%), f. the seventh day of a lunar month, if it fall on Sunday or Monday; the fourth, if it fall on Wednesday. ## %%, possessing imperishable qualities; (%%), m. iva. ## %%, f. or %%, n. imperishableness. ## %%, f. a festival, the third day of the bright half of Vaikha, which is the first day of the Satya-yuga, and secures peremanency to actions then performed. ## %%, m. iva. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva. ## %%, m. the undecaying world, heaven. ## %%, f. festival observed by women on the seventh day of the second half of Bhdra. ## %%, undecaying; (%%), f., N. of iva's wife. ## %%, undecaying. ## %%, imperishable; unalterable; (%%), m. a sword; iva; Viu; (%%), n. a syllable; the syllable %%; a letter; a vowel, a sound; a word; speech; Brahma; final beatitude; abiding merit, religious austerity; sacrifice; right, justice; the sky; water; a plant (Achyranthes Aspera). ## %% or %%, or %% or %%, m. a writer, scribe. ## %%, n. metre regulated by the number and quantity of syllables. ## %%, f. a reed or pen. ## %% or %%, or %%, m. a scribe. ## %%, m. a sage, one who knows and enjoys Brahma. ## %%, f. a reed or pen. ## %% or %%, m. array of syllables or letters, writing; scripture; the alphabet. ## %%, containing five syllables; (%%), f., N. of a metre of four lines, each containing one dactyl and one spondee; also called %% or %%. ## %%, Ved. entitled to a share in the syllables (of a prayer). ## %%, m. having the mouth full of syllables, a student, scholar. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, ind. syllable by syllable. ## %%, inarticulate. ## %%, n. scripture, writing. ## %%, n. part of a syllable. ## %%, n. a vowel. ## %%, relating to syllables or letters. @<[Page 0003-c]>@ ## %%, f. impatience, jealousy, intolerance. ## %%, free from factitious salt; (%%), m. natural salt. ## %% or %%, n. natural salt; food that may be eaten at a season unfit for performing religious duties. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. 1. %% or %% Instr. %%, Dat. %% &c., fr. %%, substituted for %% in the weakest cases. At the end of comp. %% is substituted, see 4. %%), the eye; the number two; (%<>%), du., Ved. the sun and moon [cf. Lith. aki-s]. ## %% or %%, n. the eyeball, the pupil of the eye. ## %%, visibly present, seen; hated. ## %%, m. the eyeball. ## %%, n. the root of the eye. ## %%, f. the pupil of the eye. ## %%, n. the eyelash. ## %%, n. a coat of the eye. ## %%, Ved. (falling into the eyes), hurtful; (%%), ind. as much as could fall into the eyes, a little. ## %%, visible, perceptible, manifest, present. ## %%, n. a medicament for the eyes, collyrium, &c.; (%%), m. a tree, Red Lodh. ## %%, n. the eyes and eyebrows together. ## %%, provided with eyes. ## %%, n. the eyelash. ## %%, n. a glance, a look with the eyelids partially closed. ## %% or %%, m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis. See %%. ## %%, f. (fr. 3. %%), one of the eight conditions or privileges attached to landed property. ## %%, undecayed, uninjured; undecaying; (%%), n. water. ## %%, m., Ved. epithet of Indra (possessed of undecaying wealth). ## %%, m., Ved. epithet of Indra (granting permanent help). ## %%, f. imperishableness; (%%), imperishable. ## %%, Ved. not inhabiting, destitute of a dwelling, unsettled; (Sy.) not decreasing (in riches). ## %% or %%, m. a plant, Guilandina or Hyperanthera Moringa; (%%), n. sea salt. ## %%, m. See %%. ## %%, not intoxicated, sober. See also %%. ## %%, m., Ved. a kind of net. ## %%, unbroken, uncurtailed, unconquered; inexperienced, inexpert. ## %%, f. uncurtailed condition; inexperience. ## %%, not small. ## %%, f., Ved. satiety. ## %%, not liable to hunger. ## %%, destitute of fields, uncultivated; (%%), n. not a proper field, a bad field; not a proper geometrical figure. ## %% or %%, destitute of spiritual knowledge. ## %%, having no fields. ## %%, n. spiritual ignorance. ## %%, m. a walnut (Pistacio nut ?); N. of a tree, Plu; of another tree, Aleurites Triloba. Also spelt %%. ## %%, unagitated, unmoved; (%%), m. the post to which an elephant is tied; freedom from agitation, imperturbability. ## %%, immoveable, imperturbable; (%%), m., N. of a Buddha; an immense number, said by Buddhists to be 100 vivaras. ## %%, f. an army consisting of ten ankins, or 21, 870 elephants, 21, 870 chariots, 65, 610 horse, and 109, 350 foot. (The ankin consists of 27 vhins; and 27 being the cube, %%, of 3, it is probable that %% is a compound from %% and %%.) ## %%, n. (fr. rt. 1. %%), Ved. time (%<= a-khaa>% Schol. to U-stras). ## %% (probably the Instr. of an obs. word %%, fr. %%), ind., Ved. circuitously (like a wheel), in a tortuous way; wrongly. ## %%, Ved. seeking to injure in a tortuous manner. ## %%, Ved. going across; (Sy.) going through, penetrating. ## %%, m., N. of a tree, Buchanania Latifolia. ## %%, m. childish whim. ## %%, not fragmentary, entire, whole; (%%), n. time (?). %% is the twelfth day of the first half of the lunar month Mrgaira. ## %%, n. not breaking; leaving entire; non-refutation, admission; (%%), m. time. ## %%, not reduced to pieces, unbroken, undivided, unimpaired; unrefuted. ## %%, bearing fruit every season. ## %%, ever festive. ## %%, not hard, soft. ## %%, not short, not stunted, not small, not dwarfish. ## %%, not dug (by man); unburied; (%%), m. n. a natural pond or lake, a pool before a temple. ## %%, uneatable. ## %%, unwearied. ## %%, Ved. unwearied in course. ## %%, without a gap, complete, whole. ## %%, m. the universal spirit, Brahma. ## %%, ind. completely. ## %% or %%, m. a dog trained to the chase. ## %%, not wearisome; unwearied. ## %%, n. continuous flow (of speech); one of the vgguas of the Jainas. ## %%, ind., Ved. an exclamation of joy. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, Ved. to utter the exclamation %%. ## %%, not famous, unknown, obscure; infamous. ## %%, f. want of fame; infamy, bad repute. ## %%, disreputable. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to move tortuously, wind: Caus. %%, to cause to move tortuously [cf. rt. %%]. ## 1. %%, m. a snake; the sun; a water-jar. ## 2. %% (fr. rt. %%), unable to walk; unapproachable; (%%), m. a mountain, a tree; (in arithm.) seven. ## %%, produced on a mountain, or from a tree; (%%), n. bitumen. ## %%, f., N. of Prvat, the daughter of Himlaya. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Ka and of others. ## %%, m. a lion; a bird; the arabha, a fabulous animal with eight legs. ## %%, not going; (%%), m. a tree. ## %%, uncounted. ## %%, disregarding shame. ## %%, not gone; unfrequented; (%%), n., Ved. not coming, non-return (?). ## %%, f. want of resort or resource, necessity. @<[Page 0004-b]>@ ## %% or %%, destitute of resort or of resources. ## %%, f. the resort of one who has no resort, a last resource. ## %%, free from disease, healthy, salubrious; free from judicial affliction; (%%), m. freedom from disease, health; a medicine, medicament, drug; the science of antidotes. ## %%, m. f. a physician, ('who makes well.') ## %%, nom. P. %%, to have good health. ## %%, untold. ## %%, not going, unable to go; (%%), m. a mountain, a tree [cf. 2. %%]. ## %% or %%, unfit to be walked in, or to be approached; inaccessible (physically or metaphorically), inapproachable; unattainable, incomprehensible, unsurpassable. ## %%, of unsurpassed form, nature, or beauty. ## %%, n. illicit sexual intercourse. ## %%, relating to illicit intercourse. ## %%, practising illicit intercourse. ## %%, f. a kind of grass, commonly called Deotar, Andropogon Serratus [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. n. Agallochum, Amyris Agallocha. ## %%, free from pride. ## %%, undespised, unreproached, blameless. ## %%, Ved. without good pasturage for cattle, barren. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. 2. %%, a mountain, and %%, fr. rt. 2. %%, thrower), N. of a i, author of several Vedic hymns, (he is said to have been the son of both Mitra and Varua by Urvas; to have been born in a water-jar; to have been of short stature; to have swallowed the ocean, and compelled the Vindhya mountains to prostrate themselves before him; to have conquered and civilized the South; to have written on medicine, &c.); the star Canopus, of which Agastya is the regent; a plant, Sesbana (or Aeschynomene) Grandiflora. ## %%, f. a plant, Sesbana Grandiflora. ## %%, m. pl. the descendants of Agastya. ## %%, f. a female descendant of Agastya. ## %%, relating to Agasti. ## %%, m. %<= agasti>%, N. of iva. ## %%, f. pl. Agastya's hymns, forming part of the divrha-Pura. ## %%, m. the course of Canopus. ## %%, f. Agastya's collection (of law). ## %%, m. the rise of Canopus; the seventh day of the second half of Bhdra. ## %%, m. f., Ved. not going. ## %% (see %%), very deep, unfathomable, bottomless; (%%), m. n. a hole, chasm; (%%), m., N. of one of the five fires at the Svhkra [cf. Gr. [greek] and Goth. goths, fr. the crude form goda]. ## %%, having deep water; (%%), m. a deep lake. ## %%, m. n. house, apartment [cf. %<-gra>%]. ## %%, m. the sun (?). See %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), the sun; fire; a Rkasa. ## %% (fr. %%, Instr. of %% and %%), Ved. not to be stopped by threatening shouts (lit. 'having no station by speech'), epithet of the Maruts. ## %% (fr. %% with %%), Ved. destitute of cows, or of rays; poor; destitute of hymns, wicked; (%%), m., N. of Rhu or the ascending node. ## %%, Ved. destitute of cows. ## %%, f. want of cows. @<[Page 0004-c]>@ ## %%, destitute of qualities or attributes (sometimes said of the supreme being); destitute of good qualities; (%%), m. a fault. ## %%, f. absence of good qualities. ## %%, destitute of qualities, especially of good qualities. ## %%, faultfinding, censorious. ## %%, of a worthless character. ## %%, unhidden, unconcealed; unprotected; not keeping a secret. ## %% or %%, not heavy, light; (in prosody) short as a short vowel alone or before a single consonant; (%%), m. n. the fragrant Aloe wood and tree, Aquiluria Agallocha; the iu tree; the tree which yields Bdellium, Amyris Agallocha. ## %%, f. the iu tree, (probably distinct words, %% being added to explain %%.) ## %%, unconcealed, manifest. ## %%, having an unconcealed smell; (%%), n. Asa Foetida. ## %%, having a transparent disposition. ## %%, Ved. not seized or taken, unsubdued. ## %%, Ved. having inconceivable splendor; (Sy.) of unsubdued splendor. ## %% or %%, m. a houseless man, a Vnaprastha or Brhman of the third order. ## %%, not obvious, imperceptible by the senses; (%%), n. anything that is beyond the cognizance of the senses; Brahma; the not being seen, absence. ## %%, Ved. without a cowhered, not tended by one. ## %%, Ved. not repulsing the cow; (Sy.) not repelling or disdaining praise. ## %%, Ved. unconcealable, not to be covered, bright. ## %%. See 2. %%, col. 1. ## %%. See p. 6, col. 1. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% or %% or %%), fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds, Grhapatya, havanya, and Dakia; the number three; the god of fire; the fire of the stomach, the digestive faculty; the gastric fluid; bile; gold; N. of various plants, Semicarpus Anacardium, Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea, Citrus Acida; mystical substitute for the letter %% [cf. Lat. igni-s; Lith. ugni-s; Slav. ognj; Goth. auhn'-s; [greek] and [greek] may be related to %%]. ## %%, m. du. Agni and Marut. ## %%, m. du. Agni and Viu. ## %%, m. a spark. ## %%, n. action of fire or of Agni; cauterization. ## %%, f. and %%, n. kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with clarified butter, &c. ## %%, n. Agallochum. ## %%, m. a lighted wisp of straw, firebrand. ## %%, n. a hole or enclosed space for the consecrated fire. ## %%, m. a particular preparation of various drugs. ## %%, made by fire, offered by fire. ## %%, m., N. of a Rakshas. ## %%, m. the south-east quarter, ruled over by Agni. ## %%, f. obsequies or any other religious act performed by means of fire. ## %%, f. firework, illumination, &c. ## %%, pregnant with fire; (%%), m. a gem supposed to contain and give out solar heat, sryaknta; N. of a plant, Agnijra; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant, Mahjyotimat. ## %%, n. house or place for keeping the sacred fire. ## %%, m., N. of a work. ## %%, m. a heap of fire. ## %%, n. or %%, f. or %%, f. arranging or preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place. ## %%, ind., Ved. like Agni; (%%), m. one who has arranged a sacred fire-place. ## %%, having householders or inhabitants that have prepared a sacred fire-place. ## %% or %%, produced by fire, born of or in fire; digestive; (%%), m., N. of Viu; a medicinal plant, Agnijra. ## %%, m. Skanda, the god of war. ## %% or %%, m. a medicinal plant. ## %%, having a fiery tongue; (%<>%), f. a tongue or flame of fire; a tongue of Agni (who is said to have seven tongues); a medicinal plant, Lngal. ## %%, having a point hardened in fire. ## %%, f. glow or flame of fire; a plant with red blossoms, used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa; another plant with red blossoms, Jalapippal. ## %%, Ved. enjoying the warmth of a fire. ## %%, hot as fire, glowing. ## %%, heated by fire, glowing. ## %%, f. the state of fire. ## %%, having the power of fire or of Agni; (%%), m., N. of one of the seven is of the eleventh Manvantara. ## %%, n. or %%, f. the three sacred fires, called respectively Grhapatya, havanya, and Dakia. ## %%, Ved. protected by Agni. ## %% or %%, supplying with fire, stomachic, tonic, incendiary. ## %%, burnt with fire; burnt on the funeral pile; burnt at once, without having fire put into the mouth, because destitute of issue; (%%), m. pl. a class of Pits or those who on earth maintained the sacred fire. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, f. a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m., N. of a disease. ## %%, f. Agni's quarter, i. e. the south-east. ## %%, stimulating digestion. ## %%, blazing, glowing; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant, Mahjyotimat. ## %%, f. active state of digestion. ## %%, Ved. having Agni for a messenger. ## %%, branded. ## %%, m. Agni; a worshipper of Agni; (%<>%), f. the third lunar mansion, i. e. the Pleiades. ## %%, f. the deity Agni. ## %% or %% or %%, referring to Agni or to his divinity. ## %% or %%, m. (fr. %%), Ved. the priest who kindles the sacred fire. ## %%, n. the receptacle for keeping the sacred fire. ## %%, n. the third lunar mansion, the Pleiades. ## %% or %%, n. bringing out the sacrificial fire. ## %%, m. a medicinal plant, Agnijra. ## %%, Ved. struck by Agni or lightning. ## %%, Ved. having Agni for a guide. ## %%, cooked with fire. ## %%, n., N. of a plant or a man. ## %%, f. care of the sacred fire. ## %%, m. the whole apparatus used in a sacrifice with fire. ## %%, n. enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen. ## %%, f. ordeal by fire. ## %%, m. a volcano. ## %%, m. n. end or extinction of the fire, lit. tail of the fire. ## %%, n., N. of a Pura. ## %%, having Agni for a leader. ## %%, n. bringing out the sacrificial fire. ## %%, referring to the bringing out that fire. ## %%, f. consecration of fire, especially the nuptial fire. ## %%, m. or %%, n. entering the fire; self-immolation of a widow on the funeral pile of her husband. ## %%, m. stone producing fire; flint. ## %% or %%, m. smoke; N. of a son of the first Manu; N. of a son of Priyavrata and Kmy. ## %%, n. (shining like fire), gold. ## %%, n. water. ## %%, m. Skanda; N. of a teacher, Kyapa, who was taught by Agni; (in arithm.) six. ## %%, m., N. of a pupil of the last Trthakara, being one of the eleven chiefs of the Jaina is. ## %%, Ved. possessing fiery splendour. ## %%, m. the sun-stone or sryaknta. ## %%, having a fire, enjoying it; maintaining a sacrificial fire, having a good digestion. ## %%, producing fire by friction; (%%), m., N. of a plant, Premna Spinosa. ## %%, n. production of fire by friction. ## %%, referring to such friction. ## %%, fiery. ## %%, m., N. of an expounder of the g-veda. ## %%, n. dyspepsia. ## %%, m., N. of Agastya. ## %%, m., N. of a prince of the unga dynasty. ## %%, m. the priest who kindles the sacrificial fire. ## %%, m. a deity; a Brhmaa; a tonic medicine; N. of two plants, Semicarpus Anacardium and Plumbago Zeylanica. ## %%, f. Semicarpus Anacardium; Gloriosa Superba. ## %%, Ved. made insane by Agni or lightning. ## %%, m., N. of the author of a hymn in the g-veda. ## %%, n. causing the sacrificial fire to blaze up. ## %%, n. preservation of the sacred (especially the domestic) fire. ## %%, or %%, m. a scarlet insect. ## %%, n. mystery of Agni, the title of the tenth book of the atapatha Brhmaa. ## %%, m. a heap of fire, a burning pile. ## %%, f. a plant, Msarohi. ## %%, fireshaped. ## %%, sprung from the seed of Agni. ## %%, f. a hard inflammatory swelling in the arm-pit. ## %%, m. the world of Agni. ## %%, having or enjoying a fire, maintaining a sacrificial fire, having a good digestion; (%%), ind. like Agni, fire. ## %%, m., N. of a teacher of the Puras. ## %%, having the colour of fire; closely related to fire, hot, fiery; (%%), m., N. of a prince, the son of Sudarana; (%<>%), f. a kind of strong liquor. ## %%, or %<, am>%, feeding or exciting fire; tonic; (%%), m. a tonic, stomachic. ## %%, m. a tree, Shorea Robusta; the resinous juice of it. ## %%, m. a fiery arrow, a rocket. ## %%, wearing a fiery or red garment. ## %%, m. the vehicle of fire, i. e. smoke. ## %%, m. = preceding; N. of two men, see %%. ## %%, m. the ceremony of lowering the sacrificial fire. ## %%, m. spread of inflammation, pain arising from an inflamed tumour. ## %%, n. removing the sacrificial fire from the Agndhra to the Sadas Maapa. ## %% or %%, n. gold. ## %%, f. improved digestion. ## %%, m., N. of an early medical authority. ## %%, descended from Agnivea. ## %% or %%, n. or %%, f. house or place for keeping the sacrificial fire. ## %%, having a crest of fire, fiery; (%%), m. a lamp; a fiery arrow, rocket; an arrow; the Safflower plant; saffron; N. of Vararuci's father; (%%), n. saffron, gold. ## %%, f. a flame; N. of two plants, Gloriosa Superba and Menispermum Cordifolium. ## %%, f. careful attention to the sacrificial fire. ## %%, n. saffron. ## %%, m. appendix to the chapter on Agni in the Taittirya Sahit. ## %%, Ved. visiting Agni or fire. ## %%, m. (laudatory of Agni), the first day of the Agnioma sacrifice; one day of the Sattra Pancadaartra. ## %%, m. son of the sixth Manu, Ckua, by Naval; see the next. ## %%, m. (praise of Agni), N. of a protracted ceremony or sacrifice, extending over several days in spring, and forming an essential part of the Jyotioma; a passage of the Sma-veda chanted at the Agnioma; the first day of the Sattra Pancadaartra; a species of the Soma plant; N. of the son of the sixth Manu; see %%. ## %%, one who has performed the Agnioma. ## %%, placed in, or over, or near the fire; (%%), m. an iron frying-pan; in the Avamedha sacrifice, the eleventh Ypa or sacrificial post which, of all the twenty-one, is nearest the fire; (%<>%), f. the corner of the sacrificial post which, of all the eight, is nearest the fire. ## %% or %%, tasted by the funeral fire; (%%), m. pl. Manes, especially of those who on earth neglected the sacrificial fire. ## %%, m. the consecration of fire; performance of any rite in which the application of fire is essential, as the burning of the dead body. ## %%, resplendent like fire. ## %%, m. preparing the sacrificial fire-place, see %%. ## %%, m. the wind. ## %%, sprung from fire; (%%), m. wild safflower; the result of digestion, lymph. ## %%, m. the wind; a wild piegon. ## %%, taking Agni, or the domestic or nuptial fire, for a witness. ## %%, one who, taking Agni for a witness, gives a solemn promise of conjugal fidelity. ## %%, n. a medicine for the eyes, a collyrium. ## %%, m., N. of a Manu. ## %%, m., N. of the father of the seventh black Vsudeva. ## %%, m. the son of Agnisiha. ## %%, n. thread of fire; a girdle of sacrificial grass put upon a young Brhman at his investiture. ## %%, m. the (magical) quenching of fire. ## %%, m. a spark. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, or %%, sacrificed by fire. ## %%, m., Ved. sacrificing to Agni, or having Agni for a priest; see %%. ## %%, m., Ved. oblation to Agni; the sacred fire; (%%), n. an oblation to Agni, chiefly of milk, oil, and sour gruel;--there are two kinds of Agnihotra, one is %%, i. e. of constant obligation; the other %%, i. e. optional;--the sacred fire; the maintenance of it; the placing the sacrificial fire on the ground prepared for it, see %%, Ved. sacrificing to Agni; destined for the Agnihotra, or connected with it. ## %%, f. a ladle used for sacrificial libations. ## %%, Ved. offering the Agnihotra. ## %%, f. invocation connected with the Agnihotra. ## %%, practising the Agnihotra; maintaining the sacrificial fire; one who has prepared the sacred fire-place, or conveyed the sacrificial fire to it. ## %%, n. that which is left of the Agnihotra. ## %%, m. the priest who kindles the fire. ## %%, m. = the preceding; N. of two men, see %%. ## %%, f. feeding the sacrificial fire. ## %%, m. du., Ved. Agni and Indra. ## %%, n. kindling or feeding the fire. ## %%, m. du., Ved. Agni and Parjanya. ## %%, m. du., Ved. Agni and Varua. ## %%, m. du. Agni and Soma. ## %%, n. bringing out the fire and the Soma, a ceremony in the Jyotioma sacrifice. ## %% or %%, relating or sacred to Agni and Soma. ## %%, m. making libations with the cake sacred to Agni and Soma, a ceremony in the Darapramsa sacrifice. ## %%, m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat, sacred to Agni and Soma. ## %%, n. the proceedings with that victim, at the Jyotioma sacrifice. ## %%, m. cake sacred to Agni and Soma, which must be baked in eleven bowls. ## %%, m. one of the three sacrifices of the Pramsa. ## %%, m. cake sacred to Agni and Soma, see above. ## %%, see %%. ## %% or %%, m. house or place for keeping the sacred fire. ## %%, m. lack or loss of the sacred fire; loss of appetite. ## %%, n. fire serving as a weapon, a rocket, fire-arms (?). ## %%, see %%. ## %%, Ved. having Agni's nature. ## %% or %%, n. or %%, f. placing the fire on the sacrificial fire-place or ground previously prepared. ## %%, m. a house or place for keeping the sacred fire; a cavity with several compartments, for the several sacred fires. ## %%, m. one who has performed the Agnydhna. ## %%, m. a fiery portent, meteor, a comet. ## %%, n. taking the sacred fire from its usual place, previous to a sacrifice. ## %%, n. worship of Agni, at the conclusion of the Agnihotra, &c. ## %%, m. an incendiary. ## %%, f. the wife of Agni, and goddess of fire; the Tret-yuga. ## %%, m. an insect of scarlet colour, Coccinella. ## %%, ind. to the state of fire, used in composition with %% and %%, as %%, to reduce to fire, to subject to fire. ## %%, referring to fire or to Agni, fiery. ## %%, n. conflict, battle; see %%, with which it is connected. ## %% (said to be fr. rt. %%, the nasal being dropped), foremost; anterior, first; chief; prominent, best; projecting, supernumerary, excessive; much; (%%), n. foremost point or part; tip; front; uppermost part, top, summit, surface; point, and hence, figuratively, sharpness; the nearest end, the beginning; the climax or best part; goal, aim, restingplace; multitude, assemblage; a weight, equal to a pala; a measure of food given as alms; (in astronomy) the sun's amplitude; (%%), ind. in front, before, ahead of, chiefly in answer to the question whither? [cf. Gr. [greek]]. ## %%, m. the fore part of the hand or arm; the right hand; the fore part of rays, the focal point. ## %%, m. the fore part of the body. ## %%, m. a leader. ## %%, that should be counted or regarded as the foremost, best, principal. ## %%, preceding, taking the lead. ## %%, or %%, Ved. born first or earlier; (%%), m. the first-born; an elder brother; a Brhman; Viu; (%<>%), f. an elder sister. ## %%, f. the fore part of the thigh. ## %%, m. the first-born; an elder brother; a Brhman; a member of one of the three highest castes; Brahm. ## %%, or %%, m. a Brhman. ## %%, n. the tip of the tongue. ## %%, f. (in astron.) the sine of the amplitude. ## %%, taking the lead, foremost, first. ## %%, f., Ved. the first offering. ## %%, m. a degraded Brhman who receives presents from dras, or takes things previously offered to the dead. ## %%, m. the tip of the nail. ## %%, f. the tip of the nose. ## %%, n. determining beforehand, predestination, prophecy. ## %%, f. cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens. ## %%, or %%, m. the fore part of the hand or arm; the right hand. ## %%, f. the first or highest mark or act of reverence. ## %%, n. precedence in drinking. ## %% or %%, m. part of the top, &c., fore part; (in astron.) degree of amplitude. ## %%, having the precedence in eating. ## %%, f. the place aimed at, goal, object. ## %%, f. the principal queen. ## %%, n. the heart; morbid protuberance of the liver. ## %%, n. stepping in front to defy the enemy. ## %%, going before, taking the lead; (%<>%), m. a leader. ## %%, Ved. going before. ## %%, m. the foremost man or leader in a fight; a champion. ## %%, f. a kind of pot-herb, red pepper (?). ## %%, (said of a plant) propagating itself by means of the top; (%%), m. a viviparous plant, according to Hind notions. ## %%, m. the principal hero. ## %%, f. the register of human actions, kept by Yama. ## %%, f. early dawn. ## %%, going in front, taking the lead; (in Bengl), going ahead, advancing. ## %%, m. the front part of a table land. ## %%, f. a compendious method of counting immense numbers. ## %%, m., N. of Janamejaya's son. ## %%, m. %<= agra-pi>%, the tip of an elephant's trunk. ## %%, m. commencement of the year; N. of a Hind month, commencing about the 12th of November. ## %%, m. royal donation of land to Brhmans; land thus given. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m. the end of a ray of light, the focal point. ## %%, or %%, n. the fore part of the eye, sharpness of vision. ## %%, m. the tip of the finger. ## %%, having precedence in eating. ## %%, m. n. the front of an army, vanguard. ## %%, n. title of the second of the fourteen oldest Jaina books. ## %%, n. first or principal supply. ## %%, that which has to be first or principally supplied. ## %%, ind. in front of, before, in the presence of; at the head, first. ## %%, cl. 8. P. A. %<-karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to place in front or at the head, to consider most important. ## %%, going in front, taking the lead; (%%), m. a leader. ## %%, foremost; prior, preceding; elder, eldest; principal, best; furthest advanced, first ripe; further; (%<>%), f. a fruit, Annona Reticulata. ## %%, foremost, oldest, best; (%%), m. elder brother; (%%), n. the first fruits, the best part. ## %%, Ved. same as the preceding. ## %%, ind. (loc. of %%), in front; before; in the presence of; at the head; first; ahead, beyond, further on, i. e. subsequently to. ## %%, going in front or before; (%%), m. a leader. ## %%, or %%, or %%, m. a leader. ## %%, Ved. going in front or before. ## %%, m. a man belonging to one of the first three classes, who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before; (%% or %<, s>%), f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. ## %%, or %%, m. f. having the precedence in drinking. ## %%, m. roaming in front. ## %%, n. the border of a forest. ## %%, m. hitting or killing whatever is in front. ## %% or %<, am>%, going in front, preceding, taking the lead. ## %% or %%, m. a leader. ## %%, foremost, topmost, principal, best, proficient; pointed, i. e. intent, closely attentive; (%%), m. an elder or eldest brother; (%%), n. a roof. ## %% (fr. %%, old form of rt. %%), Ved. having nothing which can be grasped. ## %%, m. non-acceptance. ## %% or %%, m. a houseless man, i. e. a Vnaprastha, a Brhman of the third class. ## %%, not taking, (said of a leech) not holding. ## %%, unfit or improper to be received, accepted, perceived, obtained, admitted, trusted; deserving to be rejected or refused. ## %%, not rustic, town-made; not tame, wild. ## %%, m. unmarried; (%<>%), f. a finger; a river [cf. Zend aghru]. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %%, to go wrong, sin. ## %%, n. a going wrong; mishap, evil; misdeed, a fault; sin; passion; impurity; pain, suffering; (%%), evil, bad, sinful, subject to passion, miserable, unclean; (%%), m., N. of an Asura, the general of Kasa; (%<>%), f. the goddess of sin; (%%), f. pl. the constellation usually called Magh. ## %%, doing evil or harm, an evil-doer. ## %%, Ved. hated by the wicked. ## %%, or %%, or %%, sin-destroying, expiatory; (%%), m. an expiator; an epith. of Viu. ## %%, freed from guilt. ## %%, sinful. ## %%, expiatory, usually applied to a particular prayer daily offered by Brhmans; (%%), m., N. of the author of that prayer, son of Madhucchandas. ## %%, removing the filth of sin. ## %%, Ved. fearfully fatal. ## %%, fearfully howling. ## %%, sinful; [voc. %% or %%, see s. v.] ## %%, Ved. fearfully venomous. ## %%, wicked; sin-destroying; (%%), m. a wicked man. ## %%, m. slaying the wicked. ## %%, Ved. reporting sin. ## %%, n. removal of guilt. ## %%, m., Ved. remover of guilt, pious (?); or, a wicked (notorious) robber (?). ## %%, m. a bad or vicious horse; N. of a snake. ## %%, m. Agha, Kasa's general, ## %%, m. an inauspicious day, time of impurity from the death of a relative, &c. ## %%, destroying the mass or whole of sin. ## %%, Ved. evil, sinful. ## %%, nom. P., Ved. %%, to be malicious, to sin, to threaten. ## %%, malicious, wicked. ## %%, incongruous, incoherent. ## %%, not dense or solid, liquid. ## %%, not hot, cool. ## %%, m. the moon, whose light is supposed to be cool. ## %%, not fatal, not injurious, harmless. ## %%, not anointing. ## %%, destitute of compassion. ## %%, not contemptuous, not disdainful. ## %%, not terrific; (%%), m. a euphemistic title of iva; a worshipper of iva and Durg; (%<>%), f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of Bhdra, which is sacred to iva. ## %%, m. a name of iva ('having a form or nature both not terrific and terrific'). ## %%, or %%, m. a follower of iva. ## %%, n. a terrific oath. ## %%, m. (in grammar) the hard sound of a consonant; (%%), hard-sounding; destitute of cowherds. ## %%, ind. a vocative particle; properly another form for %%, voc. of %%, q. v. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), not killing, not injurious. ## %%, improper to be killed; (%%), m. Brahm; a bull; (%<>%), f. a cow; a cloud (?). ## %% (fr. rt. %%), improper to be smelled at. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to move in a curve; to mark; cl. 10. P. %%, to move in a curve; to mark, stamp, brand; (this rt. is related to %%.) ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%, but connected with preceding rt. %%), a hook; a curve or bend; the curve in the human, especially the female, figure above the hip, where infants (sitting astride) are carried by Hind mothers or nurses (hence often equivalent to the English breast or lap); the side or flank; the body; proximity, place; the bend in the arm; any hook or crooked instrument; a curved line; a numerical figure, cipher; a figure or mark branded on an animal, &c.; any mark, line, stroke, ornament, stigma; a number; the number nine; a coefficient; an act of a drama; a drama; a military show or sham-fight; a misdeed, a sin; moving in a curve [cf. Gr. [greek] and Lat. uncus]. ## %%, n. the act of marking or stamping. ## %%, n. title of a book treating of magical marks or figures. ## %%, f. manner of holding the body, figure. ## %%, n. turning the body, turning on the other side. ## %%, n. title of a chapter in the Bhavishyottara Pura. ## %%, f. or %%, f. embracing, an embrace. ## %%, f. an embrace; a nurse; a plant, Piring or Medicago Esculenta. ## %%, m. a peculiar concatenation of numerals or numbers. ## %%, m. the use of that concatenation. ## %%, m. the study or use of that concatenation. ## %%, m. branding with a mark that resembles a headless body. ## %%, an infant carried on the hip; forced fruit, nearly ripe, early ripe. ## %%, n. the act of a drama which gives a clue to the whole plot. ## %%, m., N. of a plant or its root, ginger, Cicoa or Cicoaka. ## %%, f. arithmetic. ## %%, n., Ved. water. ## %%, m. the closing part of a dramatic scene. ## %%, m. wind; fire; Brahm; a Brhman who maintains the sacred fire. ## %%, n. the act of marking, stamping, branding, ciphering, writing; (%%), marking. ## %%, n. tortuous motion, a mark; the body. ## %%, n. the flanks (?) or the trappings of a horse. ## %%, marked, branded; numbered, counted, calculated. ## %%, having an %%, q. v.; (%<>%), m. a small drum; (%%), f. a number of marks, &c. ## %%, f. a small drum. ## %%, m. a key. ## %%, n., Ved. water. ## %% or %%, m. a sprout, shoot, blade; a hair; blood; water; a swelling, a tumour. ## %%, m. a nest. ## %%, sprouted. ## %%, m. n. a hook, especially an elephant-driver's hook; (%<>%) or (%<>%), f. one of the twenty-four Jaina goddesses [cf. Gr. [greek] Germ. Angel]. ## %%, m. an elephant-driver. ## %%, m. a restive elephant. %%, urged on by the hook. ## %%, having a hook, laying hold of with a hook. ## %%, Ved. (fr. a nom. %%, related to %%), moving tortuously (to escape). ## %%, m. a sprout. See %%. ## %%, m. n. a hook; an ichneumon. ## %%, fit or proper to be marked or counted; (%%), m. a small drum [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. diminution in music. ## %% or %% or %% or %%, m. a plant, Alangium Hexapetalum. ## %%, m. a poison, probably prepared from the plant called Akola, &c. ## %%, f. (a corruption of %%, q. v.), an embrace. ## %%, ind. (part. fr. rt. %%), having besmeared. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %%, to move slowly, to crawl; to cling to, to hold back. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to walk, go round (connected with rt. %%); cl. 10. P. %%, to walk, go round; to mark (in the last sense connected with rt. %%); [cf. Gr. [greek]?]. @<[Page 0007-b]>@ ## %%, n. walking; place to walk in, yard; see s. v. ## 1. %%, ind. a particle implying attention, assent or desire, and sometimes impatience; it may be rendered by well; indeed, true; please; rather; quick. It is often used (changed to %%, q. v.) to form compound words, as %%, to assent, promise; see under %% [cf. [greek]]. ## 2. %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %%, but rather fr. rt. %%), a round limb; a member; the body; a division or department, especially of a science, as the six Vedgas; science; a subdivision, a supplement; (in grammar) the base of a word; (in rhetoric) an illustration; (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters; an expedient; a mental organ, the mind; the number six; (%%), m. sing. or (%%), m. pl., N. of Bengal proper, near Bhagalpur, or its inhabitants; in the sing. it may denote the name of a king of Aga; (%%), having members or divisions, contiguous. ## %%, n. cutting off a limb. ## %%, n. or %%, f. a supplementary sacrificial act. ## %%, m. seizure of a limb, i. e. spasm. ## %%, produced from or on the body; ornamental; produced by a supplementary ceremony; (%%), m. a son; hair of the head; love personified; intoxicating passion; drunkenness; a disease; (%<>%), f. a daughter; (%%), n. blood. ## %%, m. a son. ## %%, produced from or on the body, ornamental, produced by a supplementary ceremony. ## %%, Ved. causing fever. ## %%, m. one of the six minor Dvpas. ## %%, m. ceremony of touching certain parts of the body. ## %%, f. an embrace. ## %%, n. expiation of bodily impurity, especially that arising from death in a family. ## %%, Ved. causing rheumatism. ## %% or %%, m. or %%, m. a servant who has to shampoo his master's body. ## %%, m. pain in the limbs, rheumatism. ## %%, n. alleviation of, or medicine for, rheumatism. ## %%, m. a subordinate sacrificial act. ## %%, m. a plant, Gurocan. ## %% or %%, f. a body-protector, i. e. a coat of mail, cloak, garment. ## %%, m. application of scented unguents or cosmetics to the body, especially after bathing; scented cosmetic. ## %%, or %%, m., N. of Kara, the king of Aga. ## %%, n. the kingdom of Aga. ## %%, what grows on the body, as hair, wool, down, &c. ## %%, f. written character of Aga. ## %%, m. the country called Aga. ## %%, m. a sort of grass, ginger, or its root, commonly cencr. ## %%, possessing mind (?), speech, and hands. ## %%, f. change of bodily appearance, collapse; fainting, apoplexy. ## %%, m. gesticulation; a kind of dance with movement of the arms. ## %%, f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body. ## %%, n. a wink, nod, sign. ## %%, m. or %%, f. embellishment of person, doing what is needed to secure a fine personal appearance, as bathing, perfuming, and adorning the body. ## %%, f. compactness, symmetry or strength of the body. ## %%, m. bodily contact, coition. ## %%, m. a subdivision of a science. ## %%, m. bodily contact. ## %%, or %%, m. gesticulation. ## %%, mutilated; incorporeal; (%%), m. Kmadeva. ## %%, ind. (lit. limb and limb), jointly or reciprocally, in consequence of being related, as one limb to another or to the body. ## %%, f. intimate relation, as between the limbs, or a limb and the body, or the subordinate and the principal. ## %%, m. existence or working of such intimate relation. ## %%, m. Kara, the king of Aga. ## %%, n. anointing the body. ## %%, n. effect of a secondary sacrificial act. ## %%, m. the king of Aga. ## %%, Ved. situated in a member or in the body. ## %%, n. a limb, member, body; (%%), f. a bodice, a jacket. ## %%, having limbs, corporeal, having subordinate parts, principal; having expedients. ## %%, referring to the Aga country. ## %%, see s. v. ## %%, n. (a place to walk in), a yard, court, area; see %% below. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), fire; a Brhman who maintains a sacred fire; Brahm; Viu. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), N. of a brother of Rma; of a son of Gada; of an ape son of Bli; (%<>%), f. the female elephant of the south (or the north ?); (%%), n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%, q. v.), the act of walking; place to walk in, yard, court, area; (%<>%), f. a woman with well-rounded limbs; any woman or female; (in astronomy) Virgo; the female elephant of the north. ## %%, m. a number of women. ## %%, m. a female person. ## %%, m. (lit. dear to women), N. of the tree Jonesia Asoca. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, a corruption of %%), dried or withered fruit. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), a bird. ## %%, m.; (rarely %%), n. (said to be fr. rt. %% or %%, cf. %%), charcoal, either heated or not heated; (%%), m. the planet Mars; N. of a prince of the Maruts; a plant, Hitval; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people and country [cf. Lith. angli-s; Russ. golj; also Germ. Kohle; Old Germ. col and colo; Engl. coal]. ## %%, m. a plant, Hitval. ## %% or %%, f. a portable fire-place. ## %%, n. roasted food. ## %%, m. an epith. of Citraratha, the chief of the Gandharvas. ## %%, f. a portable fire-place. ## %%, m. a plant, Igud; Vulg. Ingua. ## %% or %%, f. a shrub, Cesalpinia Banducella. ## %% or %%, f., N. of various plants; Galedupa Arborea; Ovieda Verticallata; Bhrg; Guj. ## %%, f. a portable fire-place or wheels. ## %%, m., N. of a prince, father of Gndhra. ## %%, n. vessel or receptacle for extinguishing coals. ## %%, m. charcoal; heated charcoal; the planet Mars; Tuesday; N. of a prince of Sauvra; also of a Rudra; N. of two plants, Eclipta (or Verbesina) Prostrata, and white or yellow Amaranth; (%%), n. a medicated oil in which turmeric and other vegetable substances have been boiled. ## %%, m. n. a festival of Mars on the fourteenth of the latter half of Caitra. ## %%, m. coral (amber). ## %%, m. Tuesday. ## %%, charred, roasted, burnt. ## %%, f. a portable fire-place. ## %%, f. the stalk of the sugar-cane; the bud of the Kiuka or Butea Frondosa. ## %%, f. a small fire-place; the region heated by the sun, though no longer exposed to its rays; N. of a creeper. ## %%, charred, roasted, burnt; (%<>%), f. a portable fire-place; a bud; N. of a creeper; of a river; (%%), n. the early blossom of the Kiuka. ## %%, fit for making charcoal of. ## %%, f. a heap of charcoal. @<[Page 0008-a]>@ ## %%, f. a bodice, a jacket. See %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), N. of a i, who received the Brahmavidy from Atharvan, and imparted it to Satyavha, the teacher of Agiras. ## %%, or usually %%, m. (related to [greek] or [greek] ?), a celebrated mythological name, usually ascribed to a i, the author of a number of hymns in the g-veda, of a code of laws, and of a treatise on astronomy; he is said by some to have been born from Brahm's mouth, and to have been the husband of Smti, of raddh, of two daughters of Maitreya, of several daughters of Daksha, &c.; he is considered as one of the seven is of the first Manvantara, as a Prajpati, as a teacher of the Brahmavidy, which he had learnt from Satyavha, a descendant of Bharadvja, &c. Among his sons, the chief is Agni, others are Savarta, Utathya, and Bhaspati; among his daughters are mentioned Sinvl, Kuh, Rk, and Anumati; but the cas (or Vedic hymns), the manes of Havishmat, and mankind itself are styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter, and a star in Ursa Major. (%%), m. pl. descendants of Agiras or of Agni, mostly personifications of luminous objects; the hymns of the Atharva-veda; priests who, by using the magical formulas of those hymns, protect the sacrifice against the effects of inauspicious accidents. ## %%, very rapid, especially (like Agni) in devouring food. ## %%, ind. like Agiras; (%%), connected with or accompanied by the Agirasas. ## %%, m. an enemy of Viu in his incarnation of Paraurma. ## %%, n. a Sattra sacrifice. ## %% (substituted for %% in compound words) implies assent. ## %%, cl. 8. P. A. %<-karoti, -kurute, -kar-tum>%, to agree to, promise, confess. ## %%, n. act of assenting, agreeing, promising. ## %%, m. agreement, promise. ## %%, agreed to, promised. ## %%, f. agreement, promise. ## %%, or %%, f. (for %%, q. v.), a finger; a toe. ## %% or %%, m. n. a finger-ring; the ring-finger (?). ## %%, m. (for rt. %% or %%), a finger; the thumb; a finger's breadth, a measure equal to eight barley-corns, twelve agulas making a vitasti or span, and twenty-four a hasta or cubit; (in astron.) a digit, or twelfth part; N. of the sage Cakya. ## %% or %%, n. the measure or length of an agula; (%%), having the length of an agula. ## %% at the end of compounds %<= agula>%, i. e. so many agulas or fingers long. ## %%, or %%, f. a finger; a toe; the thumb; the great toe; the finger-like tip of an elephant's trunk; the measure agula. ## %%, n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (%%), drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung. ## %%, n. or %%, m. (?), n. a finger-protector, a contrivance like a thimble, used by archers to protect the thumb or finger from being injured by the bow-string. ## %%, provided with such a finger-protector. ## %% or %%, n. the tip of the finger. ## %% or %%, f. a seal-ring. ## %%, n. snapping or cracking the fingers. ## %%, m. contact of the fingers; act of fingering; (%%), sticking to the fingers. ## %%, m. snapping or cracking the fingers as a sign. ## %%, n. snapping or cracking the fingers. ## %%, n. the five fingers. ## %%, n. a finger-joint. ## %%, m. produced from or on the finger, i. e. a finger nail. ## %% or %% or %%, m. n. a finger-ring. ## %%, m. (the smallest %% or limb?), the thumb; the great toe; a thumb's breadth, usually regarded as equal to an %%. ## %%, or %%, having the length or size of a thumb. ## %%, m. the thumb nail. ## %%, m. (rapid in motion, fr. rt. %% or %%), an ichneumon; an arrow. ## %%, Ved. resonant (?), praiseworthy (?). ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to or connected with the limbs of the body, corporeal, &c. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to go, set out, set about, commence; to hasten; to speak hastily, scold, blame. ## %% (not in use, but equivalent to %%), evil, sin. ## %%, n. sin. ## %%, m. (an enemy to sin or evil), epith. of Soma, and of a particular altar. ## %%, or better %%, m. a foot; the root of a tree [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. or %%, n. a synonym of %%, a root. ## %%, m. (drinking with the foot or root), a tree. ## %% or %%, or %%, f. a plant, Hedysarum Lagopodioides. ## %%, sucking his foot or toes (as an infant). ## %%, m. the ancle. ## %% (connected with %%, q. v.), cl. 1. P. A. %%, to go, move, tend; to honour; to make round or carved; to request ask; to speak indistinctly. See 2. %%. ## %%, having no wheels; immoveable; not vacillating; automatous (?). ## %%, n. a bad or miserable eye, no eye; (%%), blind. ## %%, not or no longer within reach of the eyes, invisible. ## %%, n. blindness. ## %%, destitute of eyes, blind. ## %% or %<, am>%, not of a hot temper, gentle, tractable; (%<>%), f. a tractable cow. ## %%, destitute of four, having less than four; not cunning, not dexterous. ## %%, moonless. ## %%, not oscillating or vibrating; unmoveable, steady. ## %%, n. freedom from unsteadiness, firmness. ## %%, or %%, immoveable. ## %%, not last, not least. ## %%, not staggering or moving, immoveable; (%%), m. a mountain or rock; a bolt or pin; the number seven; N. of iva and of the first of the nine deified persons, called 'white Balas' among the Jainas; (%<>%), f. the earth; one of the ten earths of the Buddhists. ## %%, f. the earth. ## %%, m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo. ## %%, f. a metre of four lines, of sixteen short syllables each, also called Gtyry. ## %%, m., N. of a Brhman from Oude, who became one of the eleven heads of Gaas among the Jainas. ## %%, m., N. of a Rkasa. ## %%, m. chief of mountains. ## %%, m. (king of mountains), the Himlaya. ## %%, f. title of a book in the Bhavishyottara Pura. ## %%, not pretty, inelegant. ## %%, not smooth, rough. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %%), without understanding. ## %%, Ved. not knowing, ignorant of. ## %%, unnoticed, unexpected; not an object of thought; inconceivable; destitute of intellect or sense. ## %%, f., Ved. want of sense, infatuation; an infatuated man (?). ## 2. %% (fr. %% or %%, a pile; rt. %%), neglecting the Agnicayana, irreligious. ## 1. %%, not collected. ## 2. %% (fr. rt. %%), gone. ## %%, Ved. going everywhere. ## %% (not variegated), undistinguishable, indistinct. ## %%, f. thoughtlessness, disregard. ## %%, not thought of, unexpected, disregarded. ## %%, surpassing all thought or conception; (%%), m., N. of iva. ## %%, having or performing inconceivable actions. ## %% or %<, am>%, possessing inconceivable beauty. ## %%, not of long duration, brief; not of long date, recent. ## %%, f. or %%, f. lightning. ## %%, f. (having recently brought forth), a cow that has recently calved. ## %%, f. lightning. %< acira-mta, as, , am>%, recently deceased. ## %%, f. or %%, f. or %%), f. lightning. ## %% or %% or %%, ind. not long, not for long; not long ago; soon, speedily. ## %%, f. the mother of the Jaina-saint nti. ## %%, Ved. See under 2. %%. ## %%, or %%, destitute of consciousness, inanimate; (of men) inconscious, insensible, senseless, fainting, &c. ## %%, Ved. thoughtless, infatuated. ## %%, n. unconsciousness; insensibility; senselessness, ignorance in spiritual things; that which is destitute of consciousness, i. e. the material world; matter. ## %%, effortless, motionless. ## %%, f. loss of motion from fainting, &c. ## %%, Ved. free from compulsion or external stimulus, spontaneous. ## 1. %% (not shaded or covered, fr. %% for %% or %%, rt. %%), pellucid, transparent, clear; (%%), m. a crystal. ## %%, having clear water; (%<>%), f., N. of a river; a covering or garment of Viu (?); (%%), n., N. of a lake in the Himlaya formed by the river Acchod. ## %%, without shadow, casting no shadow. ## 2. %%, m. (corruption of %%), a bear. ## %%, m. a bear; (%% itself means 'a bear.') ## 3. %% or usually %%, rarely %%, ind., Ved. to, towards (governing the accusative and rarely the locative). It is a kind of separable preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, as in the following. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, or %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to attain, go towards. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %<-nakati, -te, -kitum>%, to go towards, approach. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-naati, -itum>%, to come near. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead towards or to. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-nauti, -navitum>% or %<-nuvitum>%, to call out to, to cheer. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-patati, -titum>%, and Caus. P. %<-patayati, -yitum>%, to fly towards. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-vadati, -ditum>%, to salute. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-vakti, -ktum>%, to invite. ## %%, m. 'the inviter', title of a particular priest or tvij, one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the Soma juice. ## %%, referring to the Acchvka; containing the word %%. ## %%, Ved. approached, attained. ## %%, f., Ved. invitation. ## %% (free from clefts or flaws), unbroken, uninterrupted, uninjured; (%%), n. unbroken or uninjured condition, an action free from defect or flaw; (%%), ind. uninterruptedly, from first to last. ## %%, n. title of a chapter of the Taittirya-Brhmaa. ## %%, affording perfect protection. ## %%, f., Ved. (a cow) having a faultless udder. ## %%, uncut, uncurtailed; not fragile. ## %%, uncut, uncurtailed, uninjured; undivided, inseparable. ## %% (of a bird, or, in the Vedas, of an altar shaped like a bird), having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured; having uninjured leaves. ## %%, having uninjured leaves. ## %% or %%, or %<, am>%, not fit or needing to be cut. ## %%, improper or impossible to be cut, indivisible. ## %%, f. (not touched by sin), N. of one of the sixteen Vidydevs of the Jainas. ## %%, n. hunting. ## %%, what has not given way or fallen; firm, solid; imperishable, permanent; not leaking or dripping; (%%), m., N. of Viu or Ka; also of a physician; N. of a plant, Morinda Tinctoria; N. of a gift to Agni. ## %%, m., Ved. having solid ground, an epithet of Soma. ## %%, Ved. throwing down that which is fixed. ## %%, m. pl. a class of Jaina deities produced by Viu. ## %%, m., N. of a commentator of the Amara-Kosha. ## %% or %%, m., N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called cyutadanti or cyutanti, though possibly the names refer to two distinct persons and tribes. ## %%, m., N. of Viu. ## %%, f. inveterate hatred. ## %%, m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa. ## %%, n., N. of a place in the Pajb. ## %%, m. (Viu's elder brother), Balarma; Indra. ## %%, m. %<= acyuta-jallakin>%, q. v. ## %%, cl. 1. P. (defect. verb, supplemented fr. rt. %%, to go, to drive, propel, throw, cast: Desid. %%, to be desirous of driving [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. ago]. ## 1. %%, m. a drove; a driver, mover, instigator, leader; epithet given in the Vedas to Indra. Rudra, one of the Maruts, Agni, and the sun; in later works to Brahm, Viu, iva, and Kma (see also 2 %%); the leader of a flock; a he-goat or ram [cf. Gr. [greek] Lith. ozys]; the sign Aries; the vehicle of the sun; N. of a descendant of Vivmitra, and of Daaratha's or Drghabhu's father; N. of a mineral substance; of a kind of rice; of the moon; (%%), m. pl., N. of a class of is; of a people mentioned in the Vedas; (%<>%), f., N. of Prakti or Nature, of My or Illusion; a she-goat; N. of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat. ## %%, m. a goat's ear; a plant or tree, Terminalia Alata Tomentosa. ## %%, m. the l-tree, Shorea Robusta. ## %%, f., N. of a town of the Bodhis. ## %%, n., Ved. goat's milk. ## %%, m. smell of a he-goat; (%%), smelling like a goat. ## %% or %%, f. shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum. ## %%, f. a plant, also called %%, q. v. ## %%, m. (that swallows a goat), a huge serpent, probably boa constrictor; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant. ## %%, f. 'goat's cheek', an infantile disease. ## %% or %%, m. 'who lives by goats', a goat-herd. ## %%, f. a multitude of goats; the being a goat. ## %% or %%, n. the being a goat. ## %%, f. a plant, also called %%. ## %%, f. pl. the 25th lunar mansion. ## %%, m. (named Aja or Viu), a mineral substance. ## %%, m. a goat-herd. ## %%, m. 'goat's road', probably synonymous with %%, q. v. ## %% or %%, goat-footed. ## %%, m., Ved. epithet of the divinity called %%. ## %%, m. (having black sides like a goat), epithet of vetakara's son Rjvalocana. ## %%, m. a goat-herd; N. of Daaratha's father. ## %%, m. 'goat's food', N. of a plant, Varvra. ## %%, m., Ved. bleating like a goat. ## %%, m., N. of a tribe or a prince. ## %% or %%, m., N. of a son of Suhotra, the author of some Vedic hymns; of a grandson of Suhotra; surname of Yudhishira. ## %%, goat-faced; (%<>%), f., N. of a Rkas. ## %%, N. of a place, Ajmir (?). ## %%, m. or %% or %%, f. 'goat's delight', N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), and especially a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. ## %%, m. the best goat. ## %%, n. antimony. ## %%, m. or %%, f., N. of a plant, Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens; (%%), n. goat's hair. ## %%, m., N. of a tribe; (%%), m. pl. the members of that tribe. ## %%, m., N. of a district. ## %%, f. 'goat's road', N. of one of the three divisions of the southern path, or one of the three paths in which the sun, moon, and planets move, comprehending the asterisms %%, and %%. ## %%, f. 'goat's horn', N. of a shrub, Odina Wodier, used as a charm and as a remedy for sore eyes,--the fruit resembles a goat's horn. ## %%, n., N. of a town. ## %%, f. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens. ## %%, like the goat and shears in the fable. ## %%, n. goat's milk. ## %%, m. goat's neck. ## %%, m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of some Indian goats, and an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person. ## %%, m. (who lives by goats), a goat-herd. ## %%, m., N. of a Muni who lived on the milk of goats; (given by grammarians as an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out). ## %%, m. 'goat-eater', the ancestor of a warrior tribe. ## %%, f. a species of prickly night-shade. ## %%, f. a pot-herb, Convolvulus Argenteus. ## %%, n. goat's milk. ## %%, tending goats; (%%), m. a goat-herd. ## %%, n. goats and sheep, small cattle. ## %%, n. goats and horses; (%%), m. Pan or the Sun who has goats for horses. ## %%, m. epithet of Viu; of one of the eleven Rudras. ## %%, n. goats and rams. @<[Page 0009-c]>@ ## %%, m., N. of a descendant of Purravas; also of a king of Magadha; %% or %%, f. a young she-goat; a disease of the pupil of the eye, small reddish tumours (compared to kids), protruding through the transparent cornea and discharging pus. ## %%, n. the same disease of the eyes. ## %%, &c., see s. v. ## 2. %%, not born, existing from all eternity; (%%), m. Brahm, Viu, iva, Kma; (%<>%), f. Prakti or Nature, My or Illusion (see also 1. %%, s. v. %% and 1. %%). ## %%, m. (etymology unknown), iva's bow. ## %%, m. n. iva's bow; (%%), m. a venomous kind of vermin, centipede or scorpion; (%%), n. sacrificial vessel dedicated to Mitra and Varua. ## %% or %%, n. iva's bow; the southern portion of the path of the sun, moon, and planets; N. of a snake priest. ## %%, not last; not least. ## %% (perf. part. fr. rt. %%), not having killed. ## %%, f. a plant, Flacourtia Cataphracta; also %% and %%. ## %%, not torpid or stupid; (%<>%), f., N. of two plants; see %% and %%, Carpopogon Pruriens. ## %%, of a vigorous mind, energetic, bold. ## %%, f. yellow jasmin (fit for goats ?). ## 1. %%, m. (fr. rt. %%.), Brahm 'the agitator;' (%%), n. act of instigating or moving. ## %%, m. (born fr. %%, i. e. Brahm); N. of Daksha. ## %%, f. a path, road; see also %%. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), destitute of living beings, especially of men; desert; (%%), m. an insignificant person. ## %%, f. privation of birth, cessation of existence; %%, 'may he cease to exist !' ## %%, improper to be produced or born; unfit or unfavourable for mankind; (%%), n. any portent or natural phenomenon unfavourable to mankind, as an earthquake. ## 1. %%, m. (rt. %%), one who does not repeat prayers; a reader of heterodox works; (%<>%), f. the mantra or formula called hasa, which consists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations. ## 2. %%, m. a goat-herd. See s. v. 1. %%. ## %%, m. See s. v. 1. %%. ## %%, m. (toothless), a frog. ## %%, m. non-victory, defeat; (%%), unconquered, unsurpassed, invincible; (%%), m., N. of Viu; of a lexicographer; of a river; (%<>%), f. hemp; N. of a friend of Durg; My or Illusion. ## %%, invincible, improper to be won at play. ## %% (rt. %%), not subject to old age, undecaying, ever young; (%<>%), f., N. of two plants, Aloe Perfoliata and Jrapajh. ## %%, ind. as if undecaying and immortal. ## %%, not suffering from old age, not decaying. ## %%, not subject to old age or decay. ## %%, another form for %%, used only in some cases. ## %%, not friable, not digestible; not subject to old age or decay; (%%), n. friendship. ## %%, Ved. not quick, inactive. @<[Page 0010-a]>@ ## %% (rt. %%, 'to injure' not to be killed or interrupted), perpetual. ## %% or %%, ind. perpetually, for ever, ever. ## %% (pres. part. fr. rt. %% with %%), not dropping or losing (used in compounds). ## %%, f., N. of a rhetorical figure, an elliptical use of words in which their original meaning is not dropped, as "white ones" for "white horses", "lances" for "men with lances." ## %%, m. (in grammar) said of a noun not dropping its original gender, when used like an adjective. ## %%, f. a goat; Prakti; My. See s.v. 1. %%, where the compounds of %% will also be found. ## %%, not awake, not wakeful; (%%), a plant, Eclipta or Verbesina Prostrata. ## %%, or %%, f. (%% with rt. %%, that overcomes goats); Cumin seed, Cuminum Cyminum; Ficus Oppositifolia; Nigella Indica. ## %%, unborn, not yet born, not yet developed. ## %%, m. a young bull whose hump (%%) is yet undeveloped. ## %% or %<, am>%, having undeveloped wings. ## %%, having an undeveloped beard. ## %%, m. having his majority unattained, a minor, a youth under fifteen. ## %%, having no enemy; having no adversary of equal standing; (%%), m., N. of iva, of Yudhihira, of a king of K, of a son of amka, of a son of Vidmisra or Bimbisra, and contemporary of kyamuni. ## %%, having no regret. ## %%, m. (having no enemy), Yudhihira. ## %% (pres. part. of rt. %% with %%), not knowing, unaware. ## %%, or %%, m. having no wife. ## %%, better %% (from %%, birth, descent), of high breed; undaunted, fearless; (%%), m. a horse of high breed. ## %%, Ved. not of kin, not related; unfriendly; (in grammar) not corresponding. ## %%, f., Ved. absence of connection, friendliness, or similarity. ## %% (rt. %%), not being born, not subject to birth. ## %%, f. (fr. %%, q. v.), a road. ## %%, f. (fr. %%), a young goat [cf. 1. %%]. ## %%, not conquered, unsubdued, unsurpassed, invincible, irresistible; (%%), m., N. of an antidote, a poisonous sort of rat; N. of various persons, viz. Viu; iva; one of the Saptarshis of the fourteenth Manvantara; Maitreya or a future Buddha; the second of the Arhats or saints of the present (Jaina) Avasrapi, a descendant of Ikvku; the attendant of Suvidhi, who is the ninth of those Arhats; (%%), m. pl. a class of deified beings in the first Manvantara. ## %%, m., N. of a Brhman. ## %%, f., N. of a Jaina deity, who acts under the direction of the Arhat Ajita. ## %%, m. (having invincible power), epithet of king Candragupta the second. ## %%, having an unsubdued self or spirit. ## %%, m. having an unsurpassed crown; N. of a king. ## %%, having an unsubdued sensuous nature, whose passions are not controlled. ## %%, n. (probably at first the skin of a goat, %%, with the hair on, then any skin which would answer the same purpose); the hairy skin of an antelope, especially a black antelope, which serves the religious student for a couch, seat, covering, &c.; the hairy skin of a tiger, &c.; (%%), m., N. of a descendant of Pthu. ## %% or %% or %%, f. a bat. ## %%, f., N. of a plant (?). ## %%, m. (origin of the skin), an antelope, deer. ## %%, clad in a skin. ## %%, m. (who joins or prepares skins), a furrier. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), agile, quick, rapid; (%%), m., N. of a snake priest; (%<>%), f., N. of Durg, and of a river; (%%), n. place to run or fight in, area, court [Lat. ager?]; the body; any object of sense, air, wind; a frog; (%%), ind. quickly. ## %%, f., N. of the river on which the town rvasti was situated. ## %%, m., Ved. having a quick light, glittering, epithet of Agni and Soma. ## %%, m., Ved. an agile emperor, epithet of death. ## %%, nom. A. %%, Ved. to be agile or quick. ## %%, connected (by proximity or ownership &c.) with an ajira or court &c. ## %%, not crooked, straight, straightforward, upright; (%%), m. a frog, a fish; see %%, of which this may be a corruption. ## %%, going straight on; (%%), m. an arrow. ## %%, having a straight point. ## %%, tongueless; (%%), m. a frog. ## %%, n. iva's bow. See %%. ## %%, m. (that has nothing to swallow), N. of a i, unaepha's father. ## %% (rt. %% usually makes %%), not faded, not faint. ## %%, n., Ved. (unfaded and recoverable), N. of a twofold rite to be performed by Kshatriyas. ## %%, f., Ved. unfadingness; freedom from decay, prosperity. ## %% (rt. %%), not decomposed; unimpaired; undigested; (%%), n. freedom from decay, indigestion. ## %%, f. indigestion. ## %%, suffering from indigestion. ## %%, m. (non-life), non-existence, death; (%%), lifeless. ## %%, not living, destitute of a livelihood. ## %%, n. non-existence, death; (%%), destitute of a livelihood. ## %%, f. non-existence, death; %%, 'may death befal him!' ## %%, n. non-existence, death. ## %%, not blamed. ## %% or %% (rt. %%), Ved. not subject to old age or decay. ## %%, Ved. not enjoyed, unsatisfactory. ## %%, f., Ved. non-enjoyment, feeling of disappointment. ## %%, invincible, insuperable, irresistible. ## %%, invincible; (%%), n., N. of an antidote. ## %%, or %%, m. an epithet of Viu; N. of one of the eleven Rudras. ## %%, n. goats and sheep. ## %%, Ved. not gratified, not yet satisfied. ## %%, Ved. not easily gratified, never satisfied. @<[Page 0010-c]>@ ## %%, f. (in the drama) a courtezan; (corruption of %%.) ## %%, f. a plant, Flacourtia Cataphracta. (Also %% and %%.) ## %%, m. (corruption of %%), a burning coal; (%%), n. a shield (?). ## %% (fr. %% and rt. %%), not knowing; ignorant, inexperienced; unconscious; unwise, stupid. ## %%, n. or %%, f. ignorance. ## %% or %%, f. diminutive form for %%, an ignorant woman. ## %%, unknown; unexpected; unaware. ## %%, whose lineage and character are unknown. ## %%, Ved. having unknown or secret designs. ## %%, eaten unawares. ## %%, m., Ved. (insidious consumption?), N. of a disease. ## %%, whose dwelling is unknown. ## %%, whose character is unknown. ## %%, unknown, unaware. ## %%, m. not a kinsman, not related. ## %%, ind. not having known or ascertained. ## %%, n. non-cognisance; ignorance, especially (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance; not merely a negative, but an active principle, which consisting of the three Guas (fetters or qualities) %%, and %%, and preventing the soul from realizing its identity with Brahma, causes self to appear a distinct personality, and matter to appear a reality; hence equivalent to Prakti or Nature, and termed a divine akti (power), synonymous with My, Illusion; (%%), ignorant, unwise. ## %% or %%, ind. unawares, ignorantly, inadvertently. ## %%, done inadvertently. ## %%, n. or %%, f. ignorance. ## %%, n. the bond of ignorance. ## %%, ignorant, unwise. ## %%, m., Ved. not a kinsman. ## %%, baffling or passing knowledge, unfit to be known. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. career, march, battle [cf. [greek]]. ## %%, n., Ved. career, passage, battle; a house, a habitation [Lat. agmen]. ## %%, f., Ved. undecaying nature. ## %%, not the oldest or best; having no elder brother. ## %%, not behaving as the eldest brother ought to behave, or (%%) behaving like one who has no elder brother. ## %%, m., Ved. a field, a plain; (%%), Ved. agile, quick [Lat. ager; Gr. [greek] cf. %%]. ## %%, Ved. being in or connected with a field or plain. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), Ved. active, agile. ## 1. %% (connected with %%, q. v.), cl. 1. P. A. %%, to bend, curve, incline, curl; to reverence (with inclined body), to honour; to tend, move, go, wander about; to request: cl. 10. or Caus. %%, to unfold, make clear, produce: Desid. P. A. %%, to be desirous of bending: Pass. %% or %%, to be bent. ## 2. %% (at the end of compounds), turned to, going or directed towards; see %%, &c. It may also mean honouring, see %%. ## %%, m. (only used as the last part of compound words), curling, as in %%, sensation of the hairs of the body curling, thrill of rapture. @<[Page 0011-a]>@ ## %%, m. or %%, f. wind; fire. ## %%, n. act of bending or curving. ## %%, m. (perhaps also %%), n. the border or corner of a garment, especially of a woman's garment, of a veil, shawl. (In Bengl, a strip of country, district.) ## %%, bent, curved, curled, arched, handsome; gone, walked in; reverenced, honoured, distinguished. ## %%, m. lotus with curved leaves. ## %%, having lotus eyes. ## %%, f. woman with arched or handsome eyebrows. ## %%, having a curved tail (as a monkey). ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %% or %% or %%, to apply an ointment or pigment, smear with, anoint; to decorate, prepare; to honour, celebrate; to cause to appear, to make clear, distinguish, represent; to be beautiful; to go: Caus. %%, to smear with; to speak, shine, to cause to go [cf. Lat. ungo]. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Vipracitti; of a son of Yadu. ## %%, m. a kind of domestic lizard; N. of a fabulous serpent; of a tree; of a mountain; of a king of Mithil; of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter; (%%), n. act of applying an ointment or pigment, embellishing, &c.; black pigment or collyrium applied to the eye-lashes or the inner coat of the eyelids; special kind or material of this pigment, as lamp-black, Antimony, an extract of Ammonium, Xanthorrhiza, &c.; paint, especially as a cosmetic; magic ointment; ink; night; fire. (In rhetoric) suggesting the special meaning alluded to in an expression, as in a pun, &c. ## %%, f., N. of a vegetable perfume. ## %%, f. a swelling of the eyelid, stye. ## %%, ind. like collyrium. ## %%, f. a species of lizard. ## %%, n. eye-water. ## %%, m. portion of the Vedas containing the word %%. ## %%, f., N. of a medicinal plant. ## %%, f., N. of Hanumat's mother; of Pravarasena's mother. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, f. the female elephant of the north-east (or the west ?) quarter. ## %%, connected with collyrium; (%<>%), f. a species of lizard; a small mouse. ## %%, f. a woman fit for the application of ointments, pigments, sandal, &c.; N. of two medicinal plants. ## %%, see s. v. below. ## %%, n., Ved. ointment, preparation (?); smoothness, sliding, speed (?); a good fit, adaptation (?); (according to others, %%), level, straight, right. ## %%, Ved. drinking the Soma preparation. ## %%, m. rapid preparation of Soma. ## %%, straight, straightforward, honest; (%<>%), f., Ved., N. of a heavenly river. ## %% or %%, ind. straight on, right, truly, justly; quickly, soon, instantly. ## %%, having a straight course, going straight on. ## %%, Ved. going straight on, straightforward. ## %%, applying an ointment or pigment; ointment, brilliancy, unctuous, slimy; shining, brilliant; (%%), m. n. the sexual organ, i. e. distinguishing the sex; (%%), m. a sender, commander. ## %%, Ved. coloured, bright, adorned. ## %%, m. (a victim) that has coloured thighs. ## %%, Ved. making clear or manifest. ## %%, Ved. slippery, smooth. ## %%, m., Ved. (highly brilliant), the sun; also %%, m. ## %% (only at the end of compounds), another form for %%, q. v. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed, as if by a beggar to receive food; hence when raised to the forehead, a mark of supplication, reverence, salutation or benediction; a libation; a measure of corn, sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side, equal to a kuava. ## %%, n. making the %% or respectful salutation. ## %%, f. an earthen doll, making the %%; N. of a plant, probably Mimosa Natans. ## %%, m. n. cavity produced in making the %%. ## %%, n. salutation with the %% raised to the forehead. ## %%, (hands) placed together to form the %%. ## %%, m. n., N. of one of Arjuna's arrows; see %%, 4788; (%<>%), a young mouse. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Yadu. See %%. ## %%, f. (fr. Desid. of rt. %%), desire of going. ## %%, f. a blessing (?). ## %%, n. a species of fig-tree (Ficus Oppositifolia); a fig. (In Bengl) a guava. (%% is a Persian word.) ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to roam, wander about (sometimes with acc.), frequently used of religious mendicants: Intens. %%, to roam or wander about zealously or habitually, especially as a religious mendicant: Desid. %%, to be desirous of roaming. ## %%, roaming, wandering; (%<>%), f. the act or habit of roaming or wandering about, especially as a religious mendicant. ## %%, roaming. ## %%, n. act or habit of wandering about. ## %%, f. or %%, f. the notched extremity of a bow. ## %%, roaming about, vagabond. ## %%, or %%, f. (place to roam in), a forest. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people or country. ## %%, better %%, m. a woodman, forester. ## %%, f. (habit of) roaming or wandering about. ## %%, roaming excessively. ## %%, f. (habit of) roaming. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to enter upon a roaming life, to become a religious mendicant. ## %%, f. act or habit of roaming about as a religious mendicant. ## &c., see under %% above. ## %% or %% or %%, m., N. of the shrub Justicia Adhatoda. ## %%, not shaky, firm, solid. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to exceed, kill; cl. 10. P. %%, to contemn, lessen diminish. ## %%, ind. high, lofty, loud; (%%), m. top-heavy (?), exceeding; shaking; injuring; N. of a Yaksha; (%%), m. n. addition to a building, apartment on the roof, upper story; tower, buttress, back of a building; (corruption of %%), a market, a market-place; (%<>%), f. overbearing conduct ?; (%%), n. (corruption of %%), boiled rice, food; (%%), dried, dry. ## %%, n. business of the house called the marketmaster's department (an office in Kashmir). ## %%, f. (site of an %%), a name. ## %%, n. loud laughter, a horse-laugh. ## %%, m. idem; a name of iva. ## %%, m., N. of a shrub, Jasminum Multiflorum or Hirsutum. ## %%, m. epithet of iva. ## %%, n. loud laughter; a horse-laugh. ## %%, m. very loud laughter. ## %%, m. an apartment on the roof. ## %%, ind. very high, very loud. @<[Page 0011-c]>@ ## %%, n. a weapon shaped like a discus. ## %%, f. overbearing conduct (?), excess (?). ## %% (nom. fr. %%), A. %% (meaning doubtful), to be overbearing (?). ## %%, or %%, m. an apartment on the roof, an upper story; (%%), f. a house of two or more stories, a lofty house, palace; N. of a country. ## %%, m. a bricklayer, mason. ## %%, m. (in architecture) a kind of base. ## %%, f., N. of a town. ## %%, m. a king of Koala. ## %%, f.; see under rt. %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to go. ## %%, f., N. of a Prkt metre. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to endeavour. ## 2. %%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %%, to pervade, attain; various reading for %% (?). ## %%, N. of a fabulous palace on Meru; also of a city. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to join; to infer, argue, meditate, discern; to attack. ## %%, n. a shield. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to sound. ## 2. %%, cl. 4. A. %%, to breathe; another form of rt. %%, q. v. ## %%, insignificant, small, contemptible. ## %%, connected with what is insignificant, &c. ## %%, n. a field of (%%) Panicum Miliaceum; see %%. ## %%, m. or %%, f. the point of a needle; the linch-pin; the pin or bolt at the end of the pole of a carriage; the corner or part of a house which serves for slaughtering; a bound, boundary, limit. ## %%, m., N. of a i said to have been impaled on an %% or linch-pin. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, q. v.), minuteness, fineness, thinness; atomic nature; the superhuman power of becoming as small as an atom; (%%), n., Ved. the smallest particle. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), most minute. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), or %%, more minute than usual. ## %% or %%, fine, minute, atomic; (%%), m. an atom of matter; an atom of time; the 54, 675, oooth part of a muhrta (of 48 minutes); N. of a grain, Panicum Miliaceum; N. of iva; (%%), n. (in prosody) the fourth part of a mtr. ## %%, very fine or minute, gentle. ## %%, n., N. of a medical oil. ## %%, n. or %%, f. minuteness, atomic nature. ## %%, f. lightning. ## %%, n. title of a hymn. ## %%, having the size of an atom. ## %%, having the size of an atom; containing the atomic elements (%%) of the body. ## %%, m. f. atomic dust (as seen in sun-beams). ## %%, n. an aggregate of such atomic dust. ## %% f., N. of a plant, Croton Polyandrum. ## %%, n. title of a book. ## %%, m., N. of a fine sort of rice. ## %%, ind. into or in minute particles. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to become minute or atomic. ## %%, m. the becoming an atom. ## %%, m. a hair-splitting question. ## %%, fine, minute, atomic; acute, clever, subtle. ## %%, n., Ved. fine interstice or hole in the strainer used for the Soma juice. ## %%, f., Ved. a finger. @<[Page 0012-a]>@ ## %%, m., N. of a son of Vibhrja. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to go, move, tend. ## %%, gone; pained. ## %%, m. n. (fr. rt. %%), an egg, a testicle; the scrotum; the musk bag; Semen Virile; epithet of iva, from his being identified with the Brahma or mundane egg. ## %%, m. the shell of the mundane egg. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Convolvulus Argenteus (?). ## %% or %% or %%, m. the scrotum. ## %%, born from an egg; (%%), m. a bird; a fish; a snake; a lizard; (%<>%), f. musk. ## %%, m. Garua, the king of birds. ## %%, m. epithet of iva. ## %%, n. or %%, f. swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele. ## %%, f. oviparous. ## %%, n. castration. ## %%, egg-shaped, oval, elliptical; (%%), m. an ellipsis. ## %%, egg-shaped, oval, elliptical; (%%), f. an ellipsis. ## %%, m. the scrotum; (%%), n. a small egg, an egg. ## %%, N. or epithet of a tribe. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to behave like an Aara. ## %%, m. a fish (full of eggs). ## %%, m. a full male, a man; strong. ## 1. %%, ind. a prefix said to imply 'surprise', probably a contraction of %%, meaning 'extraordinary.' ## %%, extraordinary, mysterious, wonderful; see s. v. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. P. %%, sometimes A. %%, &c., to go constantly, walk, run; to obtain. ## %%, m. a passer on; (%%), n. act of passing on. ## %%, m. one who wanders. ## %%, see s. v. ## %% (for %%, ignorant of (%%) that, i. e. Brahma and the soul's identity with it. ## %%, having no beach or shore, precipituous; (%%), m. a precipice; the third hell. ## %%, ignorant of (%%) the soul's identity with Brahma. ## %%, not conformable with the nature of truth. ## %%, m., Ved. not such, different; saying %%, 'not so', 'no', refusing; careless. ## %%, not deserving of such (a fate), not thus deserving, not used to this (with gen.). ## %%, untrue, unreal, not really so. ## %%, not deserving that; (%%), ind. undeservedly, unjustly. ## %%, m. (in rhetoric) the use of predicates not descriptive of the essential nature of the object. ## %%, having no ropes or no (musical) strings; unrestrained; (%%), n. not the object of a rule or of the rule under consideration. ## %%, or %%, or %%, free from lassitude, alert, unwearied. ## %%, (rt. %%), not hot, not excited, not eager; cool; impassible, unostentatious; unemployed; (%%), m. pl. a class of deities among the Buddhists. ## %%, or %%, or %%, m. one who neglects %% or the practice of ascetic austerities; an irreligious character. @<[Page 0012-b]>@ ## %%, not heated, cool. ## %%, m., Ved. whose body or mass is cool. ## %%, m. whose ascetic austerity has not been (fully or properly) endured. ## %%, not suffering. ## %%, not dark, not benighted. ## %%, Ved. not languid. ## %%, m. an illogical reasoner; bad logic. ## %%, unconsidered, unthought of; unexpected; (%%), ind. unexpectedly. ## %%, baffling or surpassing thought or reasoning. ## %%, m. incomprehensibly endowed with a thousand powers. ## %%, n. bottomless; N. of a hell beneath the earth; (%%), m. iva. ## %%, or %%, touching the %%; bottomless; (or it may be %%, whose bottom cannot be touched or reached.) ## %%, Ved. not stronger, not very strong. ## %%, ind. (ablative of the pronom. base %%, synonymous with %%), from this, than this; hence; henceforth, from that time; from this (or from that) cause or reason. ## %%, ind. henceforth, afterwards. ## %%, ind. for this very reason; therefore. ## %%, ind. henceforth, further on. ## %%, ind. on this ground, for this reason. ## %%, differing from this. ## %%, ind. for this object. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), wind, air; the soul; a (missile) weapon; a garment made of the fibre of (%%) flax; (%%), n., Ved. shrubs. ## %%, f. common flax, Linum Usitatissimum; aa, Bengal sun used as hemp, Crotolaria Juncea. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. a wandering mendicant. ## %%, Ved. to be got by begging. ## %%, ind. [probably neut. of an obsolete adj. %%, passing, going, beyond; see rt. %% and cf. Old Germ. anti, unti, inti, unde, indi, &c.; Eng. and; Germ. und; Gr. [greek] Lat. ante; Lith. ant; Arm. ti; Zend aiti]. As a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses beyond, over; too far past; as %%, to overstep. ## %%, transgression. When prefixed to nouns, not derived from verbs, it expresses beyond, surpassing; as %%, past the whip; %%, superhuman, &c.; see s. v. As a separable adverb or preposition (with acc.), Ved. beyond. ## %% is often prefixed to nouns and adjectives, and rerely to verbs, in the sense excessive, extraordinary, intense; excessively, too; exceedingly, very. ## %%, very hard, too hard. ## %%, f. an exaggerated tale; (%%,), exaggerated; see also s. v. ## %%, n. excessive exertion. ## %%, ind. very early, too early. ## %%, excessively beloved. ## %%, of extraordinary body or size, gigantic; (%%), m., N. of a Rkasa. ## %%, greatly despised. ## %%, Ved. too bald. ## %%, m. extraordinary pain or hardship; extraordinary penance. ## %%, overdone, exaggerated. ## %%, very thin, emaciated. ## %%, very or too dark, very or too deep blue. ## %%, excessively angry. ## %%, n. extraordinary cry or wailing. ## %%, very pungent or piercing. ## %%, having large cheeks or temples; (%%), m., N. of the %% (or index), star of the 6th lunar mansion. ## %%, having an overpowering smell; (%%), m. sulphur; lemon-grass (Andropogon Schaenunthes); the Champac flower (Michelia Champaca); a kind of jasmin. ## %%, m., N. of a creeper, Putradtr. ## %%, n. (compar. of %%), a higher price. ## %%, very conceited. ## %%, very impenetrable. ## %%, having extraordinary qualities. ## %%, closely concealed, very mysterious. ## %% or %%, very heavy ## %%, f. an excellent cow. ## %%, very acceptable; (%%), N. of three successive libations made (or cups filled) at the Jyotioma sacrifice. ## %%, very violent. ## %%, n. excessive practice. ## %%, n. extraordinary mobility or unsteadiness. ## %% or %%, m. (extraordinary parasol), a mushroom; (%<>%), f. Anise, principally Anisum or Anethum Sowa; another plant, Barleria Longifolia. ## %%, or (as a supplementary form) %%, very aged. ## %%, well watered. ## %%, m. extraordinary speed; (%%), very fleet. ## %%, very wakeful; (%%), m. the black curlew. ## %%, very aged. ## %%, f. extreme old age ## %%, quite alive, very lively. ## %%, n. extraordinary flight (of birds). ## %%, very ascetic ## %%, very sharp. ## %%, very sharp, pungent or acid; (%<>%), f. db grass. ## %%, seriously hurt. ## %%, f. too great satiety. ## %%, f. excessive thirst, rapacity; (%%), excessively thirsty, rapacious. ## %%, very timid, over timid. ## %%, badly burnt; (%%), n. (in medicine) N. of a bad kind of burn. ## %%, m. excessive conceit; N. of a snake; (%%), excessively conceited. ## %%, very far-sighted. ## %%, m. a very liberal man. ## %%, n. munificence. ## %%, very terrible. ## %%, m. great heat; violent inflammation. ## %%, very long, too long. ## %% or %%, greatly afflicted, very sad. ## %%, very hard to bear, quite unbearable. ## %%, very badly off. ## %%, very hard to approach, very haughty. ## %%, very hard to attain or obtain. ## %%, very difficult. ## %%, very distant; (%%), n. a great distance. ## %%, m. a great fault. ## %%, very white. ## %%, distinguished for his cows. ## %%, f. excessive sleep; (%%), given to (or overpowered by) excessive sleep; (%%), ind. past (or after) sleeping time. ## %%, very able or skilful. ## %%, excessively low. ## %%, m. a better road than common. ## %%, (in prosody) too long by one %% or foot. ## %%, far out of sight, i. e. no longer discernible. ## %%, (in grammar) having a nature that is no longer discernible, i. e. obsolete. ## %%, n. a very heinous sin, incest. ## %% or %%, m. a firstrate man or hero. ## %%, quite purified; refined to excess. ## %%, very dexterous or clever. ## %%, Ved. very manifest, notorious. ## %%, ind. very early. ## %%, m. excessive kindness, partiality. ## %%, ind. having pushed far forward. ## %%, m. complete continuity. ## %%, n. excess in choosing. ## %%, f. issuing abundantly or too freely. ## %%, enlarged to excess, overbearing. ## %%, m. an extravagant question, a question regarding transcendental objects. ## %%, fit to be asked such an extravagant question. ## %%, f. or %%, m. excessive attachment; unwarrantable stretch of a rule or principle. ## %%, very famous, notorious. ## %%, full-grown. ## %%, being in the full enjoyment of youth. ## %%, very strong or powerful; (%%), m. an active soldier; N. of a king; (%<>%), f., N. of a medicinal plant (Sidonia Cordifolia and Rhombifolia, or Annona Squamosa); N. of a powerful charm; N. of one of Daksha's daughters. ## %%, m. an infant; (%%), childish. ## %%, m. 'having extraordinary arms;' N. of a i of the fourteenth Manvantara. ## %%, m. excessive aversion. ## %%, n. excessive abstinence or continence. ## %%, usually %%, m. an excessive burden; excessive obscurity (of a sentence); N. of a king. ## %%, m. a mule. ## %%, m. (very terrific), lightning. ## %%, very terrific or formidable. ## %%, well filled. ## %%, n. eating too much; morbid voracity. ## %%, having extraordinary eyebrows. ## %%, very auspicious; (%%), m. a fruit, Aegle or Crataeva Marmelos. ## %%, f. haughtiness. ## %%, n. the height of noon. ## %%, m. close contact. ## %%, m. great haughtiness. ## %%, very haughty. ## %%, f. great haughtiness. ## %%, very windy; (%%), m. a hurricane. ## %%, entirely liberated; quite free from sensual or worldly desire; seedless, barren; (%%), m., N. of a tree, Dalbergia Oujeinensis; of a creeper, Gaertnera Racemosa. ## %%, m. = the preceding; mountain ebony; a tree called Harimantha. ## %%, f. final liberation (from death). ## %%, f. 'highest shape', N. of a ceremony. ## %%, n. excess of sexual intercourse. ## %%, m. final liberation (from death). ## %%, f. extraordinary fragrance; N. of a tree, Jasminum Arboreum. ## %%, m. a sort of barley. ## %%, or %%, very celebrated or illustrious. ## %%, m. 'great sacrificer', N. of a i. ## %%, or %%, very youthful. ## %%, m. (in medicine) excessive union, excess. ## %%, extremely rapid. ## %%, very red; (%<>%), f. one of Agni's seven tongues. ## %%, m. a very great warrior fighting from a car. ## %%, m. excessive or extraordinary speed. ## %%, f. (very succulent); N. of various plants, as Mrv, Rsn, Kltanaka. ## %%, m. an extraordinary or excellent king; one who surpasses a king [cf. also s. v.]. ## %%, very lovely; (%<>%), f., N. of two metres, one a variety of the %%, the other also called %% or %%. ## %%, very angry. ## %%, or %<, am>%, very beautiful; (%%), n. extraordinary beauty. ## %%, m. consumption. ## %%, very hairy, too hairy; (%%), m. a wild goat, or a kind of monkey. ## %%, very prosperous; (%%), f. extraordinary prosperity. ## %%, n. excessive fasting. ## %%, very extensive. ## %% or %%, very greedy or covetous. ## %%, closely attached or adhering. ## %%, m. or %%, f. excessive greediness or covetousness. ## %% or %%, very hairy, too hairy. ## %%, f. a pot-herb, Convolvulus Argenteus. ## %%, very red. ## %%, n. excessive eagerness or desire. ## %%, very loquacious. ## %%, very crooked or curved; (%<>%), f. one of the eight descriptions of planetary motion. ## %%, very or quite round; (%%), m., N. of a grain or pot-herb. ## %%, m. high wind, a storm. ## %%, m. extraordinary, i. e. abusive language; (reproof); N. of a Vedic verse recited on certain occasions. ## %%, talkative. ## %%, childish; (%%), m. an infant. ## %%, n. excessive toling. ## %%, very fierce; (%%), m. a vicious elephant. ## %%, having many foreats. ## %%, very dilatory. ## %%, f. a fond but pert young wife. ## %%, exceedingly poisonous; counteracting poison; (%<>%), f. a very poisonous yet medicinal plant, Aconitum Ferox. ## %%, f. extraordinary growth or increase. ## %%, f. excessive rain. ## %%, injured by heavy rain. ## %%, m. excessive tremor; (%%), or %%, trembling excessively. ## %%, n. great proficiency. ## %%, very adverse or destructive. ## %%, n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain. ## %%, f. excessive pain. ## %%, m. lavish expenditure. ## %%, stretched too far (as a rule or principle). ## %%, f. unwarrantable stretch (of a rule or principle). ## %%, or %%, very powerful; (%%), f. or %%, f. great power or valour. ## %%, possessing great power. ## %%, f. excessive timidity. ## %%, n., Ved. the dead of night. ## %%, very excellent. ## %%, too bright. ## %%, very white, too white. ## %%, very handsome, distinguished. ## %%, very prosperous. ## %%, highly finished or adorned or educated. ## %%, f. excessive attachment. ## %%, excessively attached. ## %%, m. excessive accumulation, a hoard. ## %%, greatly afflicted. ## %%, easy to be settled or conciliated. ## %%, very competent. ## %%, very near. ## %%, m. excessive sexual intercourse. ## %%, n. excessive fear or alarm. ## %%, n. a species of severe penance, inflicted especially for eating unclean animal food. ## %%, ind. very late or in the dusk. ## %%, f. great perfection or proficiency. ## %%, very moral, very friendly, very respectable. ## %% or %<, am>%, very handsome, very beautiful; (%%), m. f. a metre belonging to the class %%, also called %% or %%. ## %%, very easily obtainable. ## %%, excessively kind, overkind. ## %%, f. an extraordinary or excellent creation. ## %%, f. excessive indulgence (of a habit). ## %%, very fragrant; (%%), n. extraordinary fragrance. ## %%, n. excessive fondness, or the effect of it, e. g. being spoiled, stuffed with food, &c. ## %%, f. extraordinary praise. ## %%, very stable or durable. ## %%, excessively thick, or stout, or big, or clumsy; excessively stupid. ## %%, very smooth, very nice, very affectionate. ## %%, m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation. ## %%, very tremulous. ## %%, m. excessive sleep; (%%), n. excessive tendency to dreaming. ## %%, enjoying excellent health. ## %%, n. or %%, m. excessive laughter. ## %%, excessively short. ## %%, m. morbidly rapid digestion. ## %%, very wonderful. ## %%, m. a long way or journey, excessive travelling. ## %%, quite out of temper. ## %%, very acid; (%%), m. a tree, Spondias Mangifera; (%<>%), f. a tree, a species of citron. ## %%, f. having very acid leaves, N. of a medicinal plant or creeper. ## %%, very little. ## %%, n. immoderate eating. ## %%, eating too much. ## %%, very uneven, very rough. ## %%, m. excessive deference. ## %%, n. taking away too much. ## %%, f. complete attainment. ## %%, f. mounting too high. ## %%, f. extravagant hope. ## %%, m. excess in eating. ## %%, eating immoderately, gluttonous. ## %%, n. great calamity; great danger; facing great danger; a daring action. ## %%, f. excessive talking; exaggeration; hyperbole. ## %%, very fierce; very pungent; (%%), n. Asa Foetida. ## %%, ind. very loudly. ## %%, m. a very loud sound; a very high note. ## %%, very imposing, immense, extraordinary. ## %%, m. (in medicine) excessive vigour or activity. ## %%, very liberal. ## %% or %%, very conspicuous, immense, excessive. ## %%, very hot. ## %% or %%, past tradition or law, deviating from the rules of his caste, lawless; (see also under %%.) ## %%, m., N. of a plant or tree, Hastikanda. ## %%, past the whip, i. e. unmanageable. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-kupyati, -kopi-tum>%, to become very angry. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krdati, -ditum>%, to jump about. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a metre of four lines, each containing twenty-five syllables. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-karati, -karum>% or %<-kraum>%, to drag over or beyond. ## %%, m. an aquatic plant, Trapa Bipinosa. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., 4. P. %<-krmati, -te, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to step or go or get beyond or over or across; to pass, cross; to surpass, excel, overcome; to pass by, neglect; to overstep, transgress, violate; to pass on or away; to step out; to part from, lose: Caus. %<-krmayati>% or %<-kramayati, -yitum>%, to allow to pass, to leave unnoticed. ## %%, m. act of passing or overstepping; lapse (of time); overcoming, surpassing, conquering; excess, impositison, transgression, violation; neglect; determined onset. ## %%, n. passing, surpassing, overstepping; excess; spending (time). ## %%, proper or practicable to be passed by or neglected or overcome. ## %%, exceeding, violating, &c. ## %%, ind. having passed beyond, behind, &c. ## %%, having passed or transgressed; exceeded, surpassed, overcome. ## %%, guilty of neglecting a prohibition. ## %%, exceeding, transgressing, &c. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-karati, -ritum>%, to overflow. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kipati, -keptum>%, to throw beyond. ## %%, thrown beyond; (%%), n. (in medicine) sprain or dislocation of a particular kind. ## %%, past the bedstead, able to do without a bedstead. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-khyti, -khytum>%, to survey, overlook, neglect, abandon, repudiate. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gan-tum>%, or %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to pass, overcome, succeed; to escape; to pass by, pass over, neglect; to pass away, die. ## %% (used at the close of compounds), exceeding, overcoming, surpassing; as %%, overcoming grief. ## %%, having passed; being past. ## %%, having passed or surpassed a cow. @<[Page 0014-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghate, -hitum>%, or %<-ghum>%, to emerge over; to rise upon. ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-gurati, -ritum>%, to shout, exclaim (?). ## %%, f. a plant, Hemionites Cordifolia. ## %%, cl. 9. P., Ved. %<-gbhti>% or %<-ghti, -grahtum>%, to take beyond or over the usual measure; to overtake, surpass. ## %%, m. act of overtaking or surpassing; one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent; (in philosophy) the same as %%. ## %%, m. object of a %%, i. e. of an apprehensive organ; there are eight such grahas, viz. %%, 'inhaling or nose;' %%, 'speech;' %%, 'tongue;' %%, 'eye;' %%, 'ear;' %%, 'mind;' %%, 'hand;' %%, 'skin:' these have eight corresponding %% or objects, viz. %%, 'exhaling substance;' %%, 'name;' %%, 'sap or taste;' %%, 'form;' %%, 'sound;' %%, 'desire;' %%, 'action;' and %%, 'touch.' ## %%, m., Ved., N. of three successive libations made (or cups filled) at the Jyotioma sacrifice; (very acceptable; see under %%.) ## %%, m. (fr. %% and rt. %%, 'very destructive'), a weapon, a bludgeon; wrath. ## %%, Ved. very or utterly destructive; (%<>%), f., Ved. a happy state of utter oblivion or profound sleep obliterating all that is disagreeable in the past. ## %%, Ved. overpowering, overcoming (?). ## %%, victorious over armies. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to pass or pass by; to overtake, surpass; to trangress, offend, be unfaithful to. ## %%, transient, changeable; (%<>%), f., N. of the shrub Hibiscus Mutabilis. ## %%. See s. v. %%. ## %%, m. act of passing, overtaking, surpassing; accelerated motion, especially of planets. ## %%, surpassing, transgressing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-cartati, -titum>%, to stick on, fasten together. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ceate, -itum>%, to make extraordinary or excessive efforts. ## %%, past wordly desires, free from them. ## %%, Ved. past worldly desires, free from them; (%%), f. n., N. of two extensive classes of metres; (%%), n., N. of a particular brick in the sacrificial fire-place. ## %%, f., N. of a genus of metres (belonging to the class %%), of four lines, each containing thirteen syllables. ## %% ('past men'), uninhabited. ## %%, superior to his parentage. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to conquer. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvati, -vitum>%, to survive; to surpass in the mode of living. ## %%, (fr. %%), farstretched, making one's self very big, conceited. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -taptum>%, to be very hot; to heat; to affect greatly: Caus. %<-tpayati, -yitum>%, to heat much. ## %%, ind. (compar. of %%), above in rank (with acc.); better, higher, more (with abl.); very much, exceedingly, excessively. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-tatti, -tarditum>%, to pierce, penetrate. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-tpyati, -tarp-tum>% or %<-traptum>%, to be or become satisfied, satiated or glutted. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tarati, -taritum>% or %<-tartum>%, to pass, cross, get over, overcome, escape; to attain: Desid. %<-titrati>%, to be desirous of crossing or overcoming. ## %%, crossing. ## %%, proper or practicable to be got over or overcome. ## %%, surpassing that; (a fictitious compound coined by grammarians.) ## %%, surpassing thee; (a grammaticil compound, see the last); %% (acc. sing. and pl.), him that surpasses thee, them that surpass thee. ## %%, cl. 1. A., occasionally P., %%, to hasten greatly. ## %%, m. f. n. (etymology uncertain; if, according to native authorities, fr. rt. %%, it would then first mean 'a traveller;' if fr. %% and %%, the first idea would be 'one who has no fixed time for coming or staying;' if from %% and %%, 'one who has the pre-eminence over the members of the household'), a guest, entitled to hospitality; (%%), m. wrath; N. of Agni or an attendant of Soma; N. of Suhotra, king of Ayodhy, and grandson of Rma. ## %%, f. hospitality, as (religiously) due to a guest. ## %%, m. ('to whom guests should go'), an epithet of Divodsa. ## %%, n. condition of a guest, hospitality. ## %%, or %<, am>%, treating the guest as a divinity. ## %%, m. inhospitality. ## %%, m. title to hospitality. ## %%, entitled to hospitality. ## %%, m. the host or entertainer of a guest. ## %%, n. or %%, f. honourable and religious reception of a guest. ## %%, ind. like a guest. ## %%, m. honourable treatment of a guest. ## %%, f. attention paid to a guest. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), Ved. travelling; (%<>%), m., N. of a king, also called Suhotra and Atithi, q. v. ## %%, m., N. of a brother of Datta and son of Rjdhideya. ## %%, cl. 1. P., poet, also A., %<-dahati, -te, -dagdhum>%, to burn or blaze across; to burn or distress greatly. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadti, -dtum>%, to surpass in giving; to pass over or neglect in giving. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-dvyati, -devitum>%, to play high, lose at play. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to assign, make over, transfer: Pass. %<-diyate>%, (in grammar) to be overruled or attracted or assimilated. ## %%, overruled, attracted, influenced, inferred, substituted. ## %%, m. transfer, extended application, inference, analogy, overruling influence, assimilation; a rule providing for more than the usual rule; putting one thing instead of another, substitution; %%, such a rule as affecting the form of a word; (%%,), overruling, previously stated. ## %%, m. (very brilliant), a plant, Plumbago Rosea. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-dpyati, -darptum>% or %<-draptum>%, to be excessively conceited. @<[Page 0014-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-payati, -draum>%, to look beyond, look through. ## %%, m. a superior god; surpassing the gods. ## %%, m., N. of a descendant of unaka. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhvati, -vitum>%, to run or rush over. ## %%, f., N. of a genus of metres belonging to the class %%, and consisting of four lines, each containing nineteen syllables; (in arithm.) nineteen. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-namati, -nantum>%, to bend aside, keep on one side. ## %%, m., N. of a Saptarshi of the sixth Manvantara. ## %%, past danger, out of danger. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a Vedic metre of three pdas, containing respectively seven, six and seven syllables. ## %%, ind. past sleeping time. See s. v. %%. ## %%, cl. 8. P., Ved. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to penetrate. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead over or beyond, to help a person over anything; to allow to pass away: Intens. A. %<-nenyate>%, to bring forward. ## %%, Caus. %<-nvayati, -yitum>%, to turn away. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A., Ved. %<-nudati, -te, -nottum>%, to drive by. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-nedati, -ditum>%, to stream or flow over, to foam over. ## %%, disembarked. ## %%, f. a girl who is past five. ## %% or %%, m. omission of removing the theatrical curtain. ## %%, Pass, %<-pahyate>%, to be proclaimed, named or celebrated. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fall or fly by, past, beyond, over; to neglect: Caus. %<-ptayati, -yitum>%, to cause to fly by; to drag away; to make effectless. ## %%, n. act of falling or flying beyond, passing, missing, transgressing. ## %%, missed, transgressed, past. ## %%, m. passing away, lapse; neglect, transgression; ill-usage, opposition, contrariety. ## %%, quite displaced or broken; (%%), n. (in medicine) complete fracture of a bone. ## %%, overtaking, excelling in speed; (in medicine) running a rapid course, acute. ## %%, fit or proper to be neglected. ## %%, m. the Teak tree; another tree, Hastikanda. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to go beyond (with acc.), jump over, neglect, transgress: Caus. %<-pdayati, -yitum>%, to allow to pass by. ## %%, f. going beyond, passing, lapse; %%, the passing by of an action unaccomplished. ## %%, gone beyond, transgressed, missed; past. ## %%, having overcome his enemy or enemies; (%%), m. a great enemy. @<[Page 0015-a]>@ ## %%, Caus. P. %<-pyayati, -yitum>%, to give to drink in great quantity. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a Vedic metre of three pdas, containing respectively six, eight and seven syllables. ## %%, m. surpassing his own father. ## %%, m. surpassing his own paternal grandfather. ## %%, cl. 9. P., Ved. %<-punti, -pavitum>%, to purify by overflowing. ## %%, P., Ved. %<-pti (?)>%, Caus. %<-prayati, -yitum>%, to convey across. ## %% or %<-cit>%, cl. 3. A., Ved. %<-cekite>%, to be distinct or distinguishable. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-cyavate, -cyotum>%, to pass by: Caus. %<-cyvayati, -yitum>%, to cause or allow to pass by. ## %% (rt. %%), cl. 4. P. %<-ayati, -aitum>% or %<-aum>%, to be deprived of (with acc.). ## %% (rt. %%), cl. 1. P. %<-ayati, -etum>%, to lead past. ## %% (rt. %%), cl. 6. P. A. %<-udati, -te, -ottum>%, to press a person very strongly. ## %%, past measure, immense. ## %%, ind. above life. ## %%, dearer than life. ## %%, n. the time after the ceremony in which the Praisha Mantras are used. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-bravti, -vaktum>%, to insult, abuse. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to excel, overcome. ## %%, m. superiority; overcoming. ## %%, f. extensive land; culmination, eminence, superiority; excess. ## %%, cl. 10. A. %<-bhayate, -yitum>%, to precede in adorning oneself. ## %%, having a superhuman intellect. ## %%, superhuman. ## %%, exceeding the proper limit; (%%), ind. beyond bounds. ## %%, exceeding the proper measure; (%%), ind. or %%, ind. beyond measure. ## %%, superhuman, divine. ## %% (acc. of %%, q. v.), him or her that surpasses me. ## %%, emancipated from My or Illusion; finally liberated. ## %% or %%, m., N. of a prince. ## 1. %%, over measured, beyond measure, exceeding. ## 2. %%, not moistened, not wet. ## %% and %%, m. (rt. %%), N. of certain shrubs or trees; see under %% (surpassing pearls in whiteness). @<[Page 0015-b]>@ ## %%, f. final liberation. See under %%. ## %%, ind. part. having dismissed or given up. ## %%, overcoming death. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to pass by. ## %% (nom. pl. of %%, q. v.), persons surpassing thee. ## %%, m. an extraordinary king; superior to a king. ## %% or %<, i>%, superior to a princess. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to surpass a king. ## %%, f. (a woman) superior to a king. ## %%, Ved. prepared or performed over-night; (%%), m. an optional part of the Jyotioma sacrifice; commencement and conclusion of certain sacrificial acts; concluding Vedic verse chanted on such occasions; N. of a son of Ckua the sixth Manu. ## %%, m. the victim sacrificed at the Atirtra. ## %%, neut. of %%, q. v. ## %%, Pass. %<-ricyate>%, to be left with a surplus, to surpass (in a good or bad sense with abl. or acc.). ## %%, left with or as a surplus, left apart; redundant, unequalled. ## %%, f. redundancy, &c. ## %%, having a redundant limb or finger or toe; (%%), n. a redundant limb or finger or toe. ## %% or %%, m. surplus, excess; redundancy; difference; (%%,), redundant. ## %%, surpassing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rocati, -citum>%, to outshine. ## %%, m. a horse's fetlock or knee. ## %% ('exceeding one's income'), extravagant. ## %% or %%, f. (etymology uncertain), N. of a Prkt metre of four lines, each containing sixteen Mtras. ## %% (nom. pl. of %%, q. v.), persons surpassing me. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, well surrounded or covered (?), full of folds (?), well supplied (?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vahati, -vohum>%, to carry over or across: Caus. %<-vhayati, -yitum>%, to let time pass, spend. ## %%, n. excessive toiling or enduring. ## %%, swifter than the wind; (according to Colebrooke) an epithet of the Skmaarra, also (according to Carey) of the Preta-arra, or misery-enduring body, which is of the size of a thumb; (%%), m. an inhabitant of the lower world. ## %%, practicable or proper to be passed (as time, &c.); (%%), n. the passing of time. ## %%, m. one who carries over or across. ## %%, m. fast on the day before performing the rddha. ## %% (rt. %%), transfixed, badly wounded. ## %%, curing deep wounds. ## %%, m. ('superior to all or to the universe'), N. of a Muni. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to pass, surpass, cross; to get over, overcome; to transgress, violate, offend, especially by unfaithfulness; to pass away; to delay. ## %%, n. a pardonable offence or misdemeanour. @<[Page 0015-c]>@ ## %%, crossing, passing; guilty of a pardonable offence or of pardonable irregularity. ## %%, f. surpassing; hyperbolical meaning; (in medicine) excessive action. ## %%, passing its proper boundary, excessive; (%%), ind. excessively. ## %% (rt. %%), piercing, wounding. ## %%, vulnerable. ## %% or %%, f. a class of metres of four lines, each containing fifteen syllables. It has eighteen varieties. ## %%, superior to Indra. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-akate, -kitum>%, to suspect; to be concerned about. ## %%, &c. See under %% below. ## %%, superior to weapons or missiles. ## %%, written in or connected with the Ati-akvar metre. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-ete, -ayitum>%, to precde in lying down; to surpass, excel, exceed; to act as an incubus, annoy. ## %%, m. pre-eminence, eminence; superiority in quality or quantity or numbers; advantageous result; one of the superhuman qualities attributed to Jaina Arhats; (%%), pre-eminent, superior, abundant. ## %% or %%, ind. eminently, very. ## %%, f. hyperbolical language; extreme assertion; verbosity. ## %%, eminent, abundant; (%%), ind. excessively. ## %%, f., N. of a metre of four lines, also called %%. ## %%, superior. ## %%, excelling, abounding. ## %%, n. act of excelling; excessiveness. ## %%, excelling, abounding; excessive. ## %%, excelling, exceeding; superior. ## %%, ind. past the cold, after the winter. ## %%, m. remainder, remnant, especially of time. ## %%, superior to the best, best of all. ## %%, n. pre-eminence. ## %%, m. a man superior to the most excellent woman. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-liyati, -leum>%, to fasten or tie over. ## %%, superior to, or worse than, a dog; (%<>%), m., N. of a tribe. ## %% (rt. %% or %%), Caus. P. %<-elayati, -yitum>%, to make one go to a great distance. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), (transgressor), a dissolute woman. ## %%, not standing, unstable. ## %% (rt. %%), cl. 1. P. %<-tihati, -htum>%, to excel. ## %%, f. precedence, superiority; (%%), m. f., Ved. or %%, m. or %%, superior in standing, surpassing. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to overreach, deceive. ## %%, ind. in violation of an agreement or of the settled order. @<[Page 0016-a]>@ ## %%, n. overreaching, cheating. ## %%, overreached, cheated. ## %%, easy to be conciliated or settled. ## %%, superior to all; (%%), m. the supreme. ## %%, extending over more than a year. ## %%, f. the sweet juice of the Bengal Madder, Rubia Manjith. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-srayati, -yitum>%, to extend; to exert (?). ## %%, m., Ved. effort, exertion. ## %% or %%, m. violent straining at stool, dysentery. ## %% or %% or %% or %%, afflicted with dysentery. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sjati, -sraum>%, to dismiss, abandon; to leave as a remnant; to remit, forgive; to give away. ## %%, m. act of parting with, dismissal, giving away, granting permission. ## %%, n. liberality, granting, engaging, a gift; sending out of the world, killing. ## %%, ind. part. having dismissed, &c.; excessively. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sarpati, -sarptum>% or %<-sraptum>%, to glide over, get over. ## %%, m., N. of a prince, a son of ambara. ## %%, superior to Supara's or Garua's (vision, &c.). ## %% or %<, i>%, surpassing a woman; Gram. 123. b. The feminine may end in %<>%. ## %%, Nom. (fr. %%), P. %%, to stretch out the hands; (fr. %%), to overtake on an elephant. ## %%, ind. after the cold or the frost. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to pass, elapse, pass over, overflow; to pass on; to get over; to defer; to enter; to overcome, overtake, outdo; to pass by, neglect; to overstep violate; to be redundant; to die: Intens. %%, to overcome. ## %%, gone by, past, passed away, dead; having gone through, having got over or beyond, having passed by, having neglected; negligent; passed, left behind; excessive; (%%), m. modern N. of a particular aiva sect; (%%), n. the past. ## %%, m. the past time or tense. ## %%, landed. ## %%, f., Ved. (transgressor), a bad woman. ## %%, see s. v. ## %%, not sharp, blunt, dull. ## %%, beyond the congisance of (%%) the senses; (%%), m. in the Snkhya phil. the soul or %%, n. in the Snkhya phil. nature or %%; in the Vednta phil. the mind or %%. ## See under %%. ## %%, ind. exceedingly, very; excessively, too; quite; surpassing (with the acc.). ## %%, not sharp, blunt; not pungent. ## %%, not tall, short, dwarfish. @<[Page 0016-b]>@ ## %%, not stout, thin, lank. ## %%, Ved. not liberal, not rich. ## %%, unequalled; (%%), m. (destitute of weight), the Sesamum seed and plant. ## %%, unequalled. ## %%, without husks. ## %%, m. (having not cold rays), the sun. ## %%, f. displeasure, discontent. ## %%, Ved. not cold; used in compounds, thus %%, or %%, or %%, m. the sun. ## %%, Ved. not quick, slow. ## %%, Ved. not in a hurry; not outrun or outdone or obstructed; unhurt; (%%), n. illimited space. ## %%, m., Ved. having designs that cannot be obstructed (epithet of the Avins). ## %%, m., Ved. having a path that cannot be obstructed. ## %%, m. (not an eater of grass), a newly-born calf. ## %%, f. a small quantity or short supply of grass. ## %%, Ved. not fragile, solid, or 'having no holes.' ## %%, Ved. not satisfied. ## %%, Ved. insatiable. ## %%, unsatisfied, insatiable, eager. ## %%, looking with eagerness. ## %%, f. unsatisfied condition, insatiability. ## %%, Ved. not thirsty, not greedy. ## %%, Ved. not thirsty. ## %%, Ved. beyond the reach of thirst. ## %%, Ved. not thirsting after, not greedy, not eager. ## %%, n. absence of brightness or vigour; dimness, shade, shadow; feebleness, dulness, insignificance; (%%), or %%, or %%, not bright, dim, not vigorous. ## %%, impossible or improper to be pleased or appeased. ## %%, (fr. rt. %%), travelling; (%%), m. a traveller; a limb or member; (Ved.) water, liquid; lightning; armour, mail; garment; N. of an Asura. ## %% or %%, m., N. of the author of some Vedic hymns, a descendant of Vivmitra. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, (fr. rt. %%), fit or proper to be eaten. ## %%, m., Ved. an eater; f., see also s. v. %%. ## %%, m. an eater. ## %%, f. (etym. uncertain, probably a word borrowed from the Deccan, occurring chiefly in dramas); a mother; mother's sister; elder sister; (in Prkt) a mother-in-law. See %%. ## %%, or %%, f. elder sister. ## %%, &c. See %% ## %%, or %%, m. (fr. %%), the sun. %%, m., Ved. a courser, steed. @<[Page 0016-c]>@ ## %%, Ved. beyond the reach of (or emancipated from) sin or evil. ## %%, m. morbidly rapid digestion, see s. v. %%, surpassing fire. ## %%, brighter than fire or the moon or the sun. ## %%, m., N. of the optional second part of the Jyotioma sacrifice; the Vedic verse chanted at the close of that ceremony. ## %%, past the (elephant-driver's) hook, unmanageable. ## %%, exceeding an agula (finger's breadth). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to approach for sexual intercourse. ## %%, surpassing the wind. ## %%, past its proper end or limit; excessive, very great or strong, &c.; endless, unbroken, perpetual; absolute, perfect; (%%), ind. excessively, exceedingly; in perpetuity; absolutely, completely; to the end. ## %%, very passionate, outrageous. ## %%, going or walking very much or very fast. ## %%, completely pertinent; always applicable. ## %%, f. complete accomplishment; (in grammar) the sense of 'completely.' ## %%, going or walking very much or very fast. ## %%, having extraordinary qualities. ## %%, f. (in rhetoric) a metaphoric or hyperbolical use of depreciating language. ## %%, n. act of giving excessive pain. ## %%, m. a Brhman who perpetually lodges as a student with his teacher. ## %%, m. (in grammar) immediate proximity. ## %%, m. excessive sexual intercourse. ## %%, very tender; (%%), m. a kind of grain, Panicum Italicum. ## %%, m. absolute non-existence. ## 1. %% or %%, going much or fast or far. ## 2. %%, too close, too near, very close; (%%), n. too great nearness. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%, see %%), passing, lapse, passage; passing away, perishing, death; danger, risk, evil, suffering; transgression, guilt, vice; getting at, attacking; overcoming, mastering (mentally); a class. ## %% better %%, temporary, occasional. ## %%, passing, surpassing. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Janantapa. ## %% (beyond its proper worth), exorbitant, excessive. ## %%, ind. excessively, exceedingly. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ardati, -ditum>%, to press hard, to distress greatly. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-arhati, -hitum>%, to excel in worth. ## %%, m., Ved. passing over or through the strainer, which consisted of sheep's wool or a sheep's tail (an epithet of Soma). ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-anti, -aitum>%, to precede in eating. ## %%, f. a metre of four lines, each containing seventeen syllables; the number seventeen. ## %%, f. title of a particular book. @<[Page 0017-a]>@ ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-asti>%, to excel, surpass. ## 2. %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -situm>%, to shoot beyond or at, overpower (with arrows). ## %%, having shot beyond, having surpassed. ## %%, surpassing me, (a fictitious word coined by grammarians.) ## %%, exceeding a day in duration. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), contempt, blame. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to walk past. ## %%, m. performance of works of supererogation; (%%,), negligent of or departing from the established customs. ## %%, surpassing the sun. ## %%, n. act of imposing or placing upon; imposition, deception. ## %%, f. morbid indifference (of a wife) to the pleasure of sexual intercourse. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), transgression, excess; (%%), going beyond, transgressing. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-yatate, -titum>%, to make extraordinary efforts. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Plumbago Rosea. ## %%, m. (superior to the four ramas), an ascetic of the highest degree. ## %%, m. act of allowing to elapse; only used in the acc. as the concluding part of compound words, thus %%, after an interval of two days. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a class of metres of four lines, each containing two syllables. ## %%, cl. 1.P. %<-ukati, -kitum>%, to surpass. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to surpass, excel. ## %%, superior to any test, tried, trustworthy. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, ind. (etym. unknown), particle of abuse, used in comp. with %%. ## %%, Ved. overflowing, bubbling over. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to convey across. Spelt %% in some forms. ## %%, m. close meditation; a gallinule, a peacock; (%<>%), f. a plant, Jasminum Villosum or Nyctanthes Tristis. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-arjati, -te, -jitum>%, to convey across, admit; to remove. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-eati, -itum>%, to glide over. ## 1. %% or Ved. %%, ind. (fr. pronominal base %% substitued for %%; the word %% being often used for the loc. case %%), in this matter, in this respect; in this place, here; at this time; there; then. ## %%, reaching so far up, having this (or that) stature. ## %%, honourable (used chiefly in dramatic language, to indicate a person who is present). ## %%, connected with this palce, produced or found here. ## 2. %%, (rt. %%), Ved. not enjoying (or not affording) protection. ## 3. %%, m. (for %%, fr. rt. %%), Ved. a devourer, demon; a Rkasa; (%%), n., Ved. food. ## %%, m. (etymologically %%, fr. rt. %%), a devourer; N. of a great i, author of a number of Vedic hymns; (in astronomy) one of the seven stars of the Great Bear. ## %%, pl. m. the descendants of Atri. ## %%, m. (the four days of Atri), N. of a sacrifice. ## %%, m. the moon, said to have been produced by Atri's look; for %%, see below. ## %% or %% or %% or %%, or %%, m. the moon; (in arithm.) the number one. ## %%, f. marriage of Atri and Bhradvj. ## %%, ind. like Atri. ## %%, or %%, f. the code ascribed to Atri. ## %%, m. a devourer, demon; a Rkasa. ## %%, destitute of shame. ## %%, ind. (a doubtful word), the year before last. ## %%, or %%, fearless. ## %%, (not born thrice, but twice); a man belonging to one of the first three classes [for %%, see s. v. %%]. ## %%, ind. on this very spot. ## %%, skinless. ## %%, f. freedom from or absence of haste. ## %% or Ved. %%, ind. (probably fr. pronom. base %%), an auspicious an inceptive particle, often not easily expressed in English; now; then; moreover; rather; certainly; but; else; what? how else ? &c. ## %%, ind. how else? what else? certainly, assuredly, sure enough. ## %%, ind. how much more; so much the more. ## %%, ind. moreover, and likewise. ## %%, ind. but, on the contrary. ## %%, ind. or; (when repeated) either or; or rather; or perhaps; what? is it not so? &c. ## %%, ind. or, rather. ## %%, ind. now. ## %%, ind. now. ## %%, ind. so much the more; moreover; therefore; thus. ## %%, ind. (has much the same meaning as %%, and probably the same etymology), now; likewise; next; therefore. ## %%, ind. the same as %%. ## %%, or %%, f. (generally in the plural; etymology doubtful; said to be fr. rt. %%, to go, or fr. an obsolete rt. %%), meaning doubtful, probably spark or flame having a pointed shape; (according to others) the point of a lance; (according to others) a finger. ## %%, m., Ved. lambent; moving constantly; or (according to some) pointed like a lance; or (according to some) shooting forth points like those of a lance. ## %%, nom. P. %%, Ved. to move constantly. ## %%, m., Ved. %<= atharya, as>%. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. an obsolete word %%, fire), a priest who has to do with fire and Soma; a Brhman; N. of the priest who is said to have been the first to obtain fire and offer Soma and prayers: he is represented as a Prajpati, as Brahm's eldest son, as the first learner and earliest teacher of the Brahma-vidy, as the author of the Atharva-veda, as identical with Agiras, as the father of Agni, &c.: epithet of iva, Vaiha, Soma, Pra; (%<, a>%), m. n. the fourth or Atharva-veda, consisting chiefly of formulas intended to obviate the effects of any mistake or untoward incident attending the performance of a sacrifice. ## %%, pl. m. descendants of Atharvan, often coupled with those of Agiras and Bhgu; the hymns of the Atharva-veda. ## %%, m. pl. (who have become Atharvans), epithet of the twelve Maharshis. ## %%, ind. like Atharvan or his descendants. ## %%, m. one versed in the Atharva-veda (a qualification essential to the special class of priests called Brhmaas). ## %%, m., N. of the fourth Veda, which strictly speaking is not a Veda at all, like the g, Yajur, and Sma-vedas, but a collection of formulas to avert the consequences of mistakes or mishaps in sacrifices. ## %%, f. title of an Upaniad. ## %%, n. = preceding; (%%), m. an epithet of Mahpurua. ## %%, n. title of a Pariia. ## %%, m., N. of Brahm's eldest son, to whom he revealed the Brahma-vidy. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of iva. ## %%, better %%, m. a Brhman versed in the Atharva-veda; a family priest. ## %%, m. a member of the sacerdotal race or class called %%, m. pl., i. e. the descendants of Atharvan and of Agiras; this latter word is also a name of the hymns of the Atharva-veda. ## %% (fr. the preceding), connected with the sacerdotal class called Atharvgiras; (%%), n. the work or office of the Atharvgiras; (%%), m. pl. the hymns of the Atharva-veda. ## %%, n. the work, i. e. ritual of the Atharva-veda. ## %%, m. one versed in that ritual. ## %%, f., Ved. (doubtful) not moving (?); pierced by a lance (?); surrounded by fire (?). ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to eat, devour; to destroy [cf. Lith. edmi; Slav. jamj for jadmj; Gr. [greek] Lat. edo; Goth. rt. AT, pres. ita; Germ. essen; Eng. to eat; Arm. utem]. ## %%, at the end of compounds, eating; as %%, eating fish. ## %% or %%, eating. ## 1. %%, eating. (For %%, see below.) ## %%, n. act of eating; food. ## %%, to be eaten, what may be eaten. ## %%, &c., see s. v. ## %%, not handy, unskilful, awkward. ## %%, not handy; not right, left; not giving or bringing in a daki or present to the priest. ## %%, n. awkwardness; peculiarity of not bringing in a daki. ## %% or %%, not entitled to a daki. ## %%, not burnt, not scorched. ## %%, free from punishment; (%%), n. impunity. ## %% or %%, not deserving punishment; exempt from it. ## 2. %%, or %%, toothless. (For %%, see above.) ## %%, not given; given unjustly; not given in marriage; having given nothing; (%<>%), f. an unmarried girl; (%%), n. a donation which is null and void. ## %%, ind. not having given, without having given. ## %%, ind., Ved. not through a present. ## %% (a word coined by grammarians, fr. %%), inclining or going to that. ## %%. See under %%. ## 1. %% or %%, toothless; (%%), m. a leech. ## %%, not suitable for the teeth; not dental; injurious to the teeth; (%%), n. toothlessness. ## 2. %%, (in gram.) ending in %%, i. e. in the short inherent vowel %%. ## %% (rt. %% or %%), Ved. not deceived or tampered with, unimpaired, unbroken, pure. ## %%, Ved. whose works are unimpaired. ## %%, m., Ved. whose devotions or religious observances are unbroken. ## %%, m., Ved. of unbroken observances and superior mind; of superior mind from having unbroken observances. ## %%, m., Ved. having unimpaired vigour or pure food; leaving uninjured the man who sacrifices. ## %%, Ved. having a pure life. ## %%, Ved. free from deceit, unimpaired. ## %%, not scanty, plentiful. ## %%, free from deceit, straightforward; (%%), m. an epithet of iva; freedom from or absence of deceit; straightforwardness. ## %%, n. sincerity. ## %%, inclining or going to that. (Like %%, coined by grammarians from %%). ## %% or %% = the preceding. ## %%, untameable. ## %%, (rt. %%), merciless, unkind; (%%), ind. ardently. ## %%, unkind. ## %%, not little, much. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## 1. %% (for %<-dara), as>%, m. a mirror. ## 2. %%, m. day of new moon. ## %%, n. non-vision, not seeing; disregard, neglect; non-appearance, latent condition, disappearance; (%%), invisible, latent. %< adarana-patha, am>%, n. a path beyond the reach of vision. ## %%, invisible; (%%), n. invisible condition. ## %%, leafless; (%%), m. a plant, Eugenia (or Barringtonia) Acutangula; (%<>%), f. Socotorine Aloe, a Perfoliata or Indica. ## %%, not ten. ## %%, not ten months old. ## 1. %%, m. %%, f. %%, n. %%, pron. that; a certain. ## %%, ind. thus, so; ever. ## %%, having done that. ## %%, he becomes that. ## %%, made of that, containing that. ## %%, rooted in that. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to become that. ## 2. %%, eating, (only at the close of compound words.) ## %%, n. unkindness, rudeness. ## %%, not giving; not liberal, miserly; not giving (a daughter) in marriage; not paying, not liable to payment. @<[Page 0018-b]>@ ## %%, having %% at the head, i. e. belonging to the second class of roots headed by %%. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), not giving, act of withholding; (%%,), not giving. ## %%, not giving, miserly. ## %%, Ved. not liberal, miserly. ## %%, not giving. ## %%, Ved. or %%, m. or %%, m. not giving, not sacrificing, impious. ## 1. %%, f., Ved. having nothing to give, destitution; for 2. %%, 3. %%, see below. ## %%, unsubdued. ## %%, Ved. free from deceit, trusty; not to be trifled with; (%%), m., N. of a libation (%%) in the Jyotioma sacrifice. ## %%, not entitled to be an heir; destitute of heirs. ## %%, unclaimed from want of persons entitled to inherit; not relating to inheritance. ## 1. %%, m. having no wife. ## 2. %%, m. (rt. %%), non-injuring. ## %%, Ved. escaping unhurt. ## %%, m. (not a slave), a free man. ## %%, incombustible. ## %%, Ved. having no share in the horizon, banished from beneath the sky. ## 2. %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. devourer, i. e. death; for 1. %%, see above. ## 3. %% (rt. 4. %% or %%; for 1. %%, see above), not tied, free; boundless; unbroken, entire, unimpaired; happy; pious; (%%), f. freedom, security, safety; boundlessness, immensity; inexhaustible abundance; unimpaired condition, perfection; creative power; %%, the mother of the dityas, or of the gods; a cow; a wife; milk; the earth; speech (as symbols of the above ideas). ## %%, du., Ved. heaven and earth. ## %% or %%, m. a son of Aditi, an ditya, a divine being. ## %%, n. the condition of Aditi, or of freedom, unbrokenness, &c. ## %%, or %% (Desid. fr. rt. %%), not inclined to give. ## %%, m., %% &c., i. e. belonging to the second class of roots [cf. %%]. ## %%, one who has not performed the consecrating ceremony (%%) connected with the Soma sacrifice; one who is not concerned in that ceremony; one who has not received Brhmanical consecration. ## %%, not depressed; not low; noble-minded; rich happy; (%%), m., N. of a prince, also called Ahna. ## %%, possessing undepressed (or unimpaired) goodness or mettle. ## %%, undepressed in spirit; high-spirited. ## %%, not illuminated. ## %%, not long. ## %%, not dilatory, not tedious, prompt. ## %%, (free from evil or trouble), propitious. ## %%, f. the propitious ninth day in the first fortnight of Bhdrapada, when the women worship Dev to avert evil for the ensuing year. ## %%, not milked out, not sucked out. @<[Page 0018-c]>@ ## %%, Ved. free from evil, propitious. ## %%, not difficult of access; destitute of a strong hold or fort. ## %%, m. an unfortified country. ## %%, Ved. not reluctant, unremitting, cheerful. ## %%, Ved. not inauspicious. ## %%, not of a bad character or disposition. ## %%, not vitiated, not bad, not guilty; innocent. ## %%, n. the being not vitiated; innocence. ## %%, Ved. dilatory, without zeal, not worshipping. ## %% (rt. %%), uninjured, unimpaired. ## %%, not distant, near; (%%), n. vicinity. ## %% or %% or %%, ind. (with abl. or gen.) not far, near; soon. ## %%, situated at no great distance. ## %%, unvitiated; unspotted, irreproachable. ## %%, m. possessing an uncorrupted mind. ## %%, not firm; not decided, irresolute. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not treated haughtily (?), not thoughtless. ## %%, Ved. not conceited, not vain. ## %%, having not vain designs; sober-minded. ## %%, Ved. not conceited. ## %% (rt. %%), sightless, blind. ## %%, invisible, latent; not fit to be seen. ## %%, n. act of rendering invisible; title of a part of a treatise on magic. ## %%, invisible; (%<>%), f., N. of Vasiha's daughter-in-law. ## %%, unseen, unforeseen; invisible; not experienced; unobserved, unknown; unsanctioned; (%%), m., Ved., N. of some venomous substance or vermin; (%%), n. unforeseen danger or calamity; that which is beyond the reach of observation or consciousness; especially the merit or demerit attaching to a man's conduct in one state of existence (such as a former birth), and the corresponding (apparently arbitrary) reward or punishment with which he is visited in another (which may be either the present life or a future birth); destiny, fate; luck, bad luck. ## %%, one who has not seen practice. ## %%, m. passionate attachment to an object that has never been seen. ## %%, produced or resulting from fate. ## %% or %%, m. (no third person or mediator being seen), a treaty concluded by the parties personally. ## %%, m. one who has not experienced the power of an enemy. ## %%, never seen before. ## %%, having consequences that are not yet visible; (%%), n. result or consequence which is not yet visible, i. e. hidden in the future. ## %%, having an invisible shape. ## %%, connected with or coming from destiny; lucky or unlucky; fortunate. ## %%, m., Ved. destroyer of venomous vermin. ## %%, having a transcendental object, metaphysical, having an object not evident to the senses (as a science). ## %%, n. quality of never having been seen or heard before. @<[Page 0019-a]>@ ## %%, or %%, f. a displeased or malicious look, an evil eye. ## %%, improper or unfit to be given; (%%), n. an object which, in law, it is either not right or not necessary to give or surrender. ## %%, n. an illegal gift. ## %% (rt. %

%), not divine, not of divine origin, not referring to any deity; godless, impious; (%%), m. one who is not a god. ## %%, not having the gods as mothers, not sockled by any deity, i. e. not rained upon. ## %%, not referring to or intended for any deity. ## %%, f. one who is not a deity. ## %% or %%, ind., Ved. not towards the gods. ## %%, or %%, Ved. indifferent to the gods, irreligious. ## %%, not referring to or connected with the gods or with their action; not predetermined by them or by fate. ## %%, f., Ved. not destructive to her brother-in-law. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a wrong place, an improper place. ## %%, n. wrong place and time. ## %%, grown in a wrong place. ## %%, out of place, in the wrong place, one absent from his country, an absentee. ## %%, improper or unfit to be ordered or advised or indicated; not on the spot, not present on the occasion referred to. ## %% or %%, Ved. not occasioning inconvenience. ## %%, &c. See %%. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), season when milking is impracticable. ## %% (not milking), not exacting; considerate. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a sacrificial cake, also called %%; (according to others) an oblation of clarified butter. ## %% or ## %%. See. s. v. %%. ## %%, ind. (fr. %% or %%, this), Ved. in this way; manifestly; certainly, truly. ## %%, ind., Ved. most certainly. ## %%, m., Ved. a veritable or true man. ## %%, m. pl. aderents of a particular kh or recension of the white Yajur-veda. ## %%, m., Ved. a wise man, a seer. ## %%, or %<, am>%, Ved. having ears quite red (?). ## %% (perhaps corrupted from %%, 'exceeding that which is;' see 1. %%), transcendental, supernatural, prodigious, wonderful, marvellous; (%%), m. the marvellous (in style); surprise; N. of the Indra of the ninth Manvantara; (%%), n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy. ## %%, performing wonderful works; exhibiting wonderful workmanship. ## %%, Ved. possessing wonderful intelligence. ## %%, having a wonderful smell. ## %%, n. an extraordinary wonder. ## %%, n. wonderfulness. ## %%, having a wonderful aspect. ## %%, m. a system or series of marvels or prodigies. ## %%, title of a portion of a Brhmaa belonging to the Sma-veda. ## %%, performing wonderful and fearful works. ## %%, m. the marvellous style (of poetry). ## %%, n. title of a work ascribed to Vlmki. ## %% or %<, am>%, having a wonderful shape. ## %%, m. or f. (?), N. of the sixty-seventh Pariia of the Atharva-veda. ## %%, resembling a wonder. ## %%, m. the wonderful resin (of the Khadira tree, Mimosa Catechu); title of a book on the "Essence of Prodigies." ## %%, m. (having a wonderful sound or voice), a N. of iva. ## %%, Ved. one in whom no fault is visible. ## %%, n., N. of a work, an appendix to or rather an imitation of the Rmyaa. ## %%, resembling a wonder. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. eating; a meal; a house. ## %%, m., Ved. seated (with others) at a meal (?); seated at or busy in the preparation of a meal (?); a cook (?); a mother (?). ## %%, n., Ved. the condition of an %%. ## %%, Ved. fit to be a companion at a meal. ## %%, m. fire. ## %%, gluttonous. ## 1. %%, fit or proper to be eaten; (%%), n. food, anything eatable. ## 2. %% or Ved. %%, ind. (fr. pronom. base %%, this, with %% for %%, Lat. ho-die), to-day; now-a-days; now. ## %% or %%, m. n. the present day. ## %%, ind. before now. ## %%, ind. from and after to-day. ## %%, likely to happen to-day or (%%) to-morrow; (%<>%), f. a female near delivery. ## %%, f. preparation and consecration of the Soma on the same day. ## %%). ind. even now, just now; to this day; down to the present time; henceforth. ## %%, beginning or ending to-day; from or till to-day. ## %%, ind. this very day. ## %%, extending over or referring to to-day; occurring or current to-day or now-a-days, modern; (%%), m. the period of a current day, either from midnight to midnight, or from dawn to dark; (%<>%), f. (in gram.) the aorist tense from its relating what has occurred on the same day. ## %%, m. the aorist. ## %%, extending over or referring to to-day; current now-a-days. ## %%, Ved. blunt. ## %%, Ved. destitute of brightness. ## %%, n., Ved. unlucky gambling; (according to others) the watch just before the dawn; (%%,), not derived from gambling, honestly obtained. ## %%, not liquid. ## %%, n. a nothing, a worthless thing. ## %%, m. (said to be fr, rt. %%, but perhaps from %% not, and %%, to split, not lialbe to be split), a stone, a rock, a mountain; a stone for pounding Soma with or grinding it on; a stone for a sling, a thunderbolt; a mountain-shaped mass of clouds; a cloud (the mountains are the clouds personified, and regarded as the enemies of Indra); a tree; the sun; N. of a measure; the number seven; N. of a grandson of Pthu. ## %%, f. a plant, Clitoria Ternatea Lin. ## %%, f. the earth. ## %%, f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, produced from or found among rocks or mountains; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant, Saihal; N. of Prvat or Durg; (%%), n. red chalk. ## %%, m., Ved. produced from (the friction of) stones. ## %%, Ved. excited by (the friction of) stones. ## %%, f. the mountain-daughter, i. e. Prvat; N. of a metre of four lines, each containing twenty-three syllables. ## %%, Ved. milked, i. e. expressed with stones. ## %%, m. the enemy of mountains or clouds, i. e. Indra. ## %%, f., N. of Prvat. ## %%, m. the Himlaya as the lord of mountains. ## %%, Ved. mountain-high. ## %%, Ved. rooted in or produced on a rock or mountain. ## %%, Ved. splitting mountains or clouds; (%%), m., N. of Indra. ## %%, mountain-born, found or living among mountains; (%%), f. a plant. probably Salvinia Cucullata. ## %%, Ved. having a rock or mountain for a mother. ## %%, m. the head or summit of a mountain. ## %%, or %%, m. Himlaya as the king of mountains. ## %%, voc. %%, m., Ved. armed with stones or thunderbolts. ## %%, m. fire on or in a mountain or rock. ## %%, m. having the mountain for his couch, i. e. iva. ## %%, n. a mountain-peak. ## %%, Ved. prepared with stones. ## %%, Ved. expressed with stones. ## %%, Ved. lingering on the mountains. ## %%, m. essence of stones, i. e. iron. ## %%, made of iron. ## %% or %%, m. the lord of mountains, i. e. Himlaya. ## %%, f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, or %% (rt. %%), Ved. free from malice or treachery. ## %%, Ved. free from falsehood, true; (%%), ind. without falsehood. ## %%, Ved. free from malice or treachery in speech. ## %%, Ved. loving freedom from malice or treachery. ## %%, m. freedom from malice or treachery. ## %%, f. conduct free from malice or treachery. ## %%, free from malice or treachery. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), eating; (used at the end of compound words.) ## %%, not two, without a second, only, unique; (%%), m., N. of Buddha; (%%), n. non-duality, unity; identity, especially the identity of Brahma with the universe or with the soul, or of spirit and matter; the ultimate truth. ## %% or %%, m. Buddha; a Jaina; one who teaches %% or identity. ## %%, m., N. of an author, and of a founder of the Vaiava sect in Bengal, who lived at the close of the fifteenth century. ## %%, or %%, m., Ved. free from duplicity. ## %%, or %%, m., Ved. free from double dealing or duplicity. ## %%, n. a place without a door; an entrance which is not the proper door. ## %%, destitute of Brhmans. ## %%, without a second, sole, unique; matchless. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not to be disliked; not malevolent. ## %%, Ved. not malevolent. ## %%, free from malevolence and passionate desire. ## %%, ind., Ved. without malevolence, without opposition. ## %%, free from malevolence. ## %%, m. not an enemy; a friend. ## %%, destitute of duality, having no duplicate; peerless; sole, unique; epithet of Viu; (%%), n. non-duality; identity, especially the identity of Brahma with the universe or with the soul, or of spirit and matter; the ultimate truth; title of an Upaniad. ## %%, ind. solely. ## %%, m. %<= advaynanda>%, q. v. ## %%, f., N. of an Upaniad. ## %% or %%, ind., Ved. (much the same as %%, used chiefly as an inceptive particle), now; then, therefore; moreover, so much the more; and, partly. ## %% well as, partly-partly. ## %%, or %%, Ved. pleased or glad then. ## %%, &c. See %% ## %%, destitute of wealth or property. ## %%, not richly supplied with corn or other produce; not prosperous; unhappy, wretched. ## %% (see etymology of %%), lowest, vilest, worst; very low or vile or bad; often used at the close of comp., as in %%, the vilest or worst of men; (%%), an unblushing paramour; (%<>%), a low or bad mistress [cf. Lat. infimus]. ## %% or %%, m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter. ## %%, or %%, m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. ## %% or %% (?), m. or n. (?), N. of a region. ## %%, n. (the lowest member), the foot. ## %%, guilty of vile conduct. ## %%, n. the lower half, the lower part. ## %%, connected with or referring to the lower part. ## &c. See above, under %%. ## %% (said to come from %% or from a base %%, whence %% may be derived), lower, inferior; tending downwards; low, vile; worsted, silenced; prior; (%%), m. the lower lip, the lip; (%<>%), f. the lower region, nadir; (%%), n. the lower part; a reply; Pudendum Muliebre [Ossetic, %%; Goth. dala-thro; Lat. inferus]. ## %% or %% or %% or %% or %%, ind. below, beneath; in the lower region. ## %%, m. n. the lower neck. ## %%, m. the lower part of the body. ## %%, n. drinking the lower lip, kissing. ## %%, n. the moisture of the lips. ## %%, n. the nadir. ## %%, n. the nectar of the lips. ## %%, f., Ved. the lower of the two pieces of wood used in producing fire by friction. ## %%, m. biting the lip. ## %%, lower and higher; worse and better; question and answer; nearer and further; sooner and later; upside down, topsy-turvy. ## %% or %%, m. the lower lip; (%%), n. the lower and upper lip. ## %%, ind. beneath, in the lower region. ## %% or %%, or %%, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south (or west ?). ## %%, ind., Ved. below, beneath. ## %%, worsted; invalidated. ## %%, vilified. ## %%, worsted; invalidated. ## %%, ind. the day before yesterday; on a previous day. ## %%, inferior in quality or worth. ## %%, m. unrighteousness, injustice, irreligion, wickedness; demerit, guilt; N. of a Prajpati, son of Brahm, husband of His or M; N. of an attendant of the sun; (%<>%), f. unrighteousness personified and represented as the bride of death. ## %%, practising wickedness. ## %%, ind. unrighteously, unjustly. ## %%, n. unjust punishment. ## %%, made up of wickedness; downright wicked. ## %%, having a wicked spirit or disposition. ## %%, m. the category (%%) of %%. ## %%, unrighteous, wicked, impious. ## %%, most wicked, impious. ## %%, unlawful, contrary to law or religion, wicked. ## %%, f. a widow (usually %%, without a husband). ## %%, ind. (said to come from %%, see %%), below, down; in the lower region; beneath, under; from under (with acc., gen., and abl.); also applied to the lower region and to the Pudendum Muliebre [cf. Lat. infra]. ## %%, ind. very far down. ## %%, n. sexual intercourse. ## %%, m. the lower part of the hand. ## %%, m. the lower part of the body. ## %%, put down, cast down. ## %%, ind. under the black skin. ## %%, n. undermining. ## %%, n. (in architecture) a certain part of the cupola. ## %%, m. a downfall. ## %%, f. (having flowers looking downwards), N. of two plants, Pimpinella Anisum and Elephantopus Scaber (or Hieracium ?). ## %%, m. a downward current. ## %%, m. seat or bed of turf or grass for person in a state of impurity. ## %%, sleeping on the ground, towards the east. ## %%, m. a thief ('creeping on the ground'). ## %%, sleeping on the ground. ## %%, having a peculiar couch on the ground; (%<>%), f. act of sleeping on the ground and on a peculiar couch. ## %%, holding the head downward; head foremost; (%%), n., N. of a hell. ## %%, n. the room below anything. ## %%, n. the place under the feet. ## %%, ind. under foot. ## %%, placed low or below; inferior. ## %%, standing below; situated below. ## %%, n. the nadir. ## %%, n. a lower garment. ## %% or %%, Ved. (situated) below the axle or under a car; (%%), ind. under the axle. ## %%, m. an epithet of Viu or Ka; the sign rava. ## %%, f. a plant, Achyranthes Aspera. ## %%, gone down, descended. ## %%, f. or %%, m. or %%, n. descent, downward movement, degradation. ## %%, going downwards, deacending. ## %% = preceding. ## %%, f. a plant, Achyranthes Aspera. ## %%, n. the anus, Pudendum Muliebre. ## %%, ind. below the knee. ## %%, f. the uvula. ## %%, n. the under timber. ## %%, f. the lower region, the nadir. ## %%, f. a downcast look; (%%), having a downcast look. ## %%, m. the lower or lowest part, especially of the body. ## %%, n. the anus, Pudendum Muliebre. ## %%, ind. below the navel. ## %%, n. the anus. ## %%, m., Ved. sexual intercourse. ## %%, n. an under girth. ## %%, n. a dose of medicine to be taken after eating. ## %%, lower. ## %%, m. the lower or lowest part, especially of the body. ## %%, curing or strengthening the lower part of the body. ## %%, n. the lower world. ## %%, f. lower ground; land at the foot of a hill. ## %%, n. the anus. ## %%, or %<, am>%, having the face downwards; headlong; upside down; (%%), m. Viu; (%<>%), f. a plant, Premna Esculenta; (%%), n. a division of hell. ## %%, n. the lower part of an apparatus; a still. ## %%, n. discharge of blood from the anus and the urethra. ## %%, m., Ved. (a goat) having peculiar white or black marks on the lower part of the body. ## %%, m. a plummet; the perpendicular; (%%), m. the lower world. ## %%, the same as %%. ## %%, powerful in the lower regions. ## %%, m. the bottom, Pudendum Muliebre. ## %%, m. vital air passing downwards; flatulency. ## %%, looking down. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, ind. under the horse. ## %%, lower, being underneath. ## %%, ind. the same as %%, q. v. ## %%, f. the lower region, the nadir. ## %%, Ved. See %%. ## %%, m. a plant, Achyranthes Aspera. ## %%, unable to support, unremunerative. ## %%, unjust, unrighteous, wicked. ## %%, unfit or improper to be held or carried or kept up. ## 1. %%, m. (better %% q. v.), anxiety, perplexity; f. a woman in her courses. ## 2. %%, ind., as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses above, over and above, besides. As a separable adverb or preposition; (with abl.) Ved. over; from above; from; from the presence of; for; (with gen.) Ved. among; (with loc.) Ved. over; on; at; subject to; (with acc.) over, upon, concerning. ## %%, ind. on high, just above. ## %%, additional; subsequent, later; surpassing (in number or quantity or quality), superior, more numerous; abundant; excellent; supernumerary, redundant; secondary, inferior; intercalated; (%%), n. surplus; abundance; redundancy; hyperbole: ind. exceedingly; too much; more. ## %%, moreover. ## %%, causing excessive waste. ## %%, f. or %%, n. addition, excess, redundancy, preponderance. ## %%, m. f. an intercalary lunar day. ## %% or %%, m. a redundant tooth which grows over another. ## %% or %%, n. an intercalated day. ## %%, n. proud flesh in the eye; see %%. ## %%, m. an intercalated month. ## %%, abundantly prosperous. ## %%, f. exaggeration, hyperbole. ## %%, (containing or costing) more than sixty. ## %%, m. an intercalated month. ## %% (containing or costing) more than seventy. ## %%, or %<, am>%, having some redundant member or members; (%%), n. belt worn over the coat of mail. ## %%, outdoing one another. ## %%, exaggerated. ## %%, n. exaggeration, hyperbole, ## %%, m. or %%, m. an overseer of workmen. ## %%, m., Ved. a sharp gambler. ## %%, n., N. of some place unknown. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to place at the head, appoint; to aim at, regard; to refer or allude to; to superintend, be at the head of: A. %<-kurute>%, to be or become entitled to; to be or become superior to. ## %%, n. the act of placing at the head or of subordinating government, supremacy, magistracy, court of justice; a receptacle, support; a claim; a topic, subject; (in philosophy) a substratum; a subject (e. g. %% is the %% of knowledge); a category; a relation; (in grammar) regimen, government, comprehension, location, the sense of the locative case; relationship of words in a sentence, which agree together, either as adjective and substantive, or as subject and predicate, or as two substantives in apposition; (in rhetoric) a topic; a paragraph or minor section; (%%), m. f. one who has to superintend. ## %%, m. a judge. ## %%, m. n. the hall of justice. ## %%, m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others. ## %%, n. fixed quantity of a substratum. ## %% or better %%, m. a government official; a judge or magistrate. ## %%, n. athority, power. ## %%, n. superintendence. ## %% or %%, see s. v. ## %%, m. person appointed to superintend an establishment. ## %%, m. the overseer of a market. ## %%, m. authority; office; government, rule, administration, jurisdiction; royalty, prerogative; title; rank; claim, right, especially to perform sacrifices with benefit; privilege; ownership; possession; property; reference, relation; exertion, effort; a topic, subject; a paragraph or minor section; (in grammar) government; a heading-rule; (%%), m. f. having much to superintend. ## %%, established in an office. ## %%, invested with authority. ## %%, possessing authority; entitled to; fit for; (%<>%), m. a superintendent, governor; an official; a rightful claimant; a proprietor, master; one possessing the right of sacrificing; a man proficient in the Vednta; man as the lord of creation. ## %%, n. or %%, f. authority; rightful claim; ownership, &c. ## %%, placed at the head of; appointed; ruled, administered; claimed; (%%), m. a superintendent, especially a comptroller of public accounts. ## %%, n. the being engaged in or occupied with. ## %%, f. a right, privilege; possession. ## %%, ind. having placed at the head, having made the chief subject; regarding; concerning; with reference to. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to ascend, mount up to; to attack, scale. ## %%, m. an invasion, attack. ## %%, n. act of invading or scaling. ## %%, cl. 6. or cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-kiyati>% or %<-keti, -ketum>%, to be settled in or over, rest upon; to inhabit, to obtain; (occasionally %% occurs for this rt. by mistake.) ## %%, m., Ved. a lord, ruler (fr. rt. 2. %% and not fr. %% above). ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kipati, -keptum>%, to lay upon; to bespatter; to insult, abuse, scold; to superinduce (disease); (occasionally this rt. appears to be used by mistake for %%, q. v.) ## %%, or %<, am>%, having eyes which eclipse the lotus. ## %%, insulted; scolded; thrown down; placed, fixed; despatched. ## %%, m. abuse, contempt; dismissal. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-gaayati, -yitum>%, to enumerate, to value highly. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to go up to, approach, overtake; to have senmal intercourse with; to fall in with; to meet, find, discover, obtain; to accomplish; to study, read: Desid. P. %%, to seek; A. %%, to be desirous of studying or reading. ## %%, found, obtained, acquired; gone, over, studied, learnt. @<[Page 0021-b]>@ ## %%, attainable. ## %%, m. one who attains or acquires. ## %%, m. the act of attaining, acquisition; acquirement, mastery, study, knowledge; mercantile return, profit, &c. ## %%, n. acquisition; finding; acquirement, reading, study; marriage, copulation. ## %% or %%, attainable, practicable to be learnt. ## %%, Ved. (found) on the driver's seat. ## %%, Ved. (found) on or in a cow, derived from a cow. ## %%, cl. 2. P. A. or cl. 3. P. %<-gti, -te, -jigti, -gtum>%, to fall in with, obtain; to notice, to go over, learn, read, study, remember; to attempt, resolve: Caus. P. %%, to cause to go over or teach: Desid. of the Caus. %%, to be desirous of teaching. ## %%, possessing superior qualities. ## %%, protected, guarded. ## %%, Ved. walking or creeping over something. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to walk or move on or over something. ## %%, n. the act of walking or moving or being on or over something. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-cinoti, -cetum>%, to pile or build upon. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-jyate, -janitum>%, to be born. ## %%, born, superior by birth. ## %%, n. birth. ## %%, ind. on the knees. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to win in addition, conquer. ## %%, m. or %%, f. a peculiar swelling of the tongue or epiglottis. ## %%, having the bowstring (%%) up or stretched, i. e. strung. ## %%, ind. on the subject of light or the mundane luminaries (a chapter in the Upaniads). ## %%. See %% ## %% (fr. %%), being above. ## %%, f. land on the upper part of a mountain, table land. ## %%, m. (ruler appointed to punish), epithet of Yama. ## %%, m. a redundant tooth which grows over another. ## %% (fr. %%), wooden. ## %%, n. an intercalated day. ## %%, m. or %%, f. a presiding or tutelary deity. ## %% or %%, ind. concerning the gods or the deity. ## %%, n., Ved. part of the house allotted to gambling; the table or board for gambling. ## %% or %%, n, a presiding or tutelary deity; the supreme deity; the divine agent operating in material objects. ## %% or %%, ind. on the subject of the deity or the divine agent. ## %%, spiritual. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadhti, -dhtum>%, to give, present; A. %<-dhatte>%, to acquire additionally. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-dhrayati, -yitum>%, to carry over or across. ## %%, m., N. of the author of the Klayoga-stra. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadhti, -dhtum>%, to deposit, impart. ## %%, Ved. veiled. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vasati, -vastum>%, to dwell. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead away from (with abl.); to raise above the ordinary measure, enhance. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-ntyati, -nartitum>%, to dance upon (with acc.). ## %%, m. a ruler, commander, regent, king. ## %%, m. same as %%, (in medic.) a particular part of the head, where a wound proves instantly fatal. ## %%, f., Ved., N. given to certain female divinities. ## %%, f. a female sovereign or ruler. ## %%, m., Ved. a ruler, king, sovereign. ## %%, ind. over or across a road. ## %%, become dusty from above; dusty. Also %%. ## %%, m. the supreme spirit. ## %%, cl. 9. P., Ved. %<-punti, -pavitum>%, to besprinkle, to sprinkle. ## %%, ind., Ved. over the (vessel) full of purified Soma. ## %%, serving to pound or grind upon. ## %%, ind. on the subject of procreation as a means of preserving the world (a chapter in the Upaniads). ## %%, n. yoke laid upon the %% or foremost of three horses, used on certain sacrificial occasions, to which a fourth horse could be attached; (%%), m. the fourth horse thus attached (?). ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-bdhate, -dhitum>%, to vex, annoy. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-bravti, -vaktum>%, to give orders to. ## %%, cl. 7. A. %<-bhukte, -bhoktum>%, to enjoy. ## %%, m. (rt. %% with %%), a master, a superior. ## %%, n. the spiritual or fine substratum of material or gross objects; the all-penetrating influence of the supreme spirit; the supreme spirit himself; nature. ## %%, ind. on the subject of material objects (a chapter in the Upainshads). ## %% (better %%, q. v.), %%, natural (?). ## %%, n. an additional gift. ## %% or %%, m. (churning of the eyes), severe ophthalmia. @<[Page 0022-a]>@ ## %%, n., Ved. friction for producing fire; (%%), suitable for such friction (as wood). ## %%, suffering from ophthalmia. ## %% or %%, m. proud flesh or cancer, especially in the eyes or the back part of the gums. ## %%, n. ophthalmic disease produced by proud flesh or cancer. ## %%, past or above measure, excessive; (%%), ind. on the subject of prosody. ## %%, m. (exceedingly merciful), N. of a Mah-brhmaa among the Buddhists. ## %%, m. an intercalary month. ## %%, f. (with Buddhists) intuition (?); implicit faith (?). ## %%, wholly given to intuition or to implicit faith (?). ## %%, m. (with Buddhists) an epithet of Mah-kla. ## %%, m., N. of kyamuni in one of his thirty-four former births. ## %%, m. the chief or principal sacrifice; influence or agency affecting a sacrifice; (%%), relating to a sacrifice; (%%), ind. on the subject of sacrifices. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-yatate, -titum>%, to fasten, fix, stick. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-yacchati, -yantum>%, to give, present. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to escape. ## %%, n. a redundant limb; (better %%.) ## %%, m. a warrior who fights in the first lines (?). ## %%, Ved. carrying a rope, fastening, fettering. ## %%, being upon or over a car; (%%), m. a charioteer; N. of a charioteer who was a prince of Aga and Kara's foster-father; (%%), n. a cart-load. ## %%, m. (various reading for %%), the sun (?); the sea (?). ## %%, ind. on the high road. ## %%, m. a supreme king, emperor. ## %%, or %%, m. an emperor. ## %% or %%, n. supremacy, imperial dignity; an empire; N. of a country. ## %%, m. possessor of imperial dignity. ## %%, wearing gold. ## %%, cl. 1. P. or poet. A. %%, to rise above, to ascend, mount: Caus. %<-ropayati, -yitum>%, to raise, place above. ## %%, ascended, mounted. ## %%, engaged in profound meditation. ## %%, n. the act of raising or causing to mount. ## %%, raised, placed above. ## %%, m. ascent, mounting, overtopping. ## %%, n. act of ascending or mounting or rising above; (%<>%), f. a ladder, flight of steps. ## %%, rising above, ascending, &c.; (%%), f. a ladder, flight of steps. ## %%, ind. on the subject of the universe (a chapter in the Upaniads). ## %%, m. lord of the universe. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-vakti, -vak-tum>%, to speak in favour of; to advocate; to side with. ## %%, m., Ved. an advocate; a comforter; an orator. ## %%, n. advocacy; speaking in favour of; an appellation, epithet. ## %%, m., Ved. advocacy, protection. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-vapate, -vaptum>%, to put on; to shatter. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vasati, -vastum>%, to inhabit; to settle or perch upon. ## 1. %%, m. an inhabitant, a neighbour; one who dwells above; a habitation, abode, settlement, site; sitting before a person's house without taking food till he ceases to oppose or refuse a demand, commonly called 'sitting in dhar;' pertinacity; (for 2. 3. %%, see below.) ## %%, f. a dwelling-place, settlement. ## 1. %%, n. act of causing the divinity to take up its abode in an image; sitting in dhar [cf. s. v. %% above]. (For 2. %%, see below.) ## %%, inhabiting, settled in. ## %%, f. settled residence. ## %%, see s. v. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. A. %<-vaste, -vasitum>%, to put on or over (as clothes &c.). ## %%, clothed. ## 2. %% or %%, m. an upper garment, mantle. ## 1. %%, invested with, clothed with; see also s. v. %% below. ## %%, n., N. of a country; correctly %%. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-vsayati, -yitum>%, to scent, perfume. ## 3. %%, m. application of perfumes or fragrant cosmetics. (For. 1. 2. %%, see above.) ## 2. %%, n. application of perfumes, &c.; touching a vessel containing fragrant objects, that have been presented to an idol, as a ceremony; preliminary purification of the image. ## 2. %%, scented. ## %%, m., N. of a man, said to be a son of Aga. ## %%, n. the act of cutting off. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kramate, -mitum>%, to step forth towards or for some one. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-vindati, -veditum>%, to obtain; to marry in addition to. ## %%, f. a wife whose husband has married again; a neglected or superseded wife. ## %% or %% or %%, f. a wife in addition to whom it is proper to marry another. ## %%, m. a husband who marries an additional wife. ## %%, n. marrying an additional wife. ## %%, ind. on the subject of science (a chapter in the Upaniads). ## %%, ind. concerning the Veda. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-ete, -ayitum>%, to lie down upon, to lie upon, to sleep upon. ## %%, lying on, sleeping on. ## %%, recumbent upon; used for lying or sleeping upon. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rayati, -yitum>%, Ved. %<-rayitavai>%, to ascend; to put on fire, make hot. ## %%, m. a receptacle. @<[Page 0022-c]>@ ## %%, n. act or ceremony of putting (a kettle) on the fire; (%<>%), f. a fire-place, oven. ## %%, relating to or connected with the Adhi-rayaa. ## %%, put on the fire (as a pot). ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. hand-press for extracting and straining the Soma juice; (%%), used for extracting and straining the Soma juice. ## %%, cl. 1. P. or poet. A. %<-tihati, -te, -htum>%, to stand upon, depend; to inhabit, abide; to be, stand; to superintend, govern; to step over or across; to overcome; to ascend, mount. ## %%, superintending, presiding, governing, tutelary; (%<>%), m. a ruler; especially the supreme ruler, or Providence personified and identified with one or another of the Hind gods; a chief; a protector. ## %%, n. standing by, being at hand, approach; standing or resting upon; a basis, base; a wheel (as the basis of a car); a position, site, residence, abode, seat; a settlement, town; government, authority, power, dominion; a precedent, rule; a benediction. ## %%, n. (in Skhya phil.) a body which forms the medium between the subtle and the gross body. ## %%, governing, superintending, guarding. ## %%, settled; inhabited; superintended; regulated; appointed; superintending. ## %%, ind. concerning a woman or a wife. ## %%, f. a superior or distinguished woman. ## %%, ind. concerning Hari. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to meet with, attain, notice, observe, understand; to mind, remember, care for, long for; to know, know by heart; to go over; study, learn, read, recite, declare; A. %%, to study, learn by heart, read, recite, declare: Caus. P. %%, to make one read or study, teach, instruct; Desid. of the Caus. %%, to be desirious of teaching: Desid. %%, to be desirous of teaching. ## %%, attained; studied, read; well read, learned. ## %%, m. one who has studied the Vedas or whose studies are finished. ## %%, f. perusal, study; Ved. desire, recollection. ## %%, well read, proficient. ## %%, ind. having gone over, having studied. ## %%, remembering, proficient study. ## %%, m. a student; one who goes over the Veda either as a student or a teacher. ## %%, &c., see s. v. ## %%, q. v. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to discover. ## %% (fr. %%), subject, subservient (generally forming the last member of a compound). ## %%, f. or %%, n. subjection, dependence. ## %%, q. v. ## %%, not fixed, moveable; confused; deficient in calm self-command; excited, excitable; fitful, capricious; querulous; weakminded, foolish; (%<>%), f. lightning; a capricious or bellicose mistress. ## %%, f. want of confidence. ## %%, q. v. ## %%, ind. over the garment. ## %%, m. a lord, a master over (others). ## %%, m. a supreme lord or king, an emperor; (among the Jainas) an Arhat. @<[Page 0023-a]>@ ## %%, solicited, honorary; (%%), n. solicitation; honorary office. ## %%, ind. (fr. the pronom. base %%, substituted for %%), at this time, now. ## %%, belonging to or extending over the present time. ## %%, not laden. ## %%, smokeless. ## %%, not held, unrestrained, uncontrolled; (%%), m. an epithet of Viu. ## %%, f. want of firmness or fortitude; laxity, absence of control or restraint; incontinence; (%%), unsteady. ## %%, (rt. %%), not bold, modest; not put down, invincible, irresistible. ## %%, unassailable, invincible; unapproachable; proud; (%<>%), f., N. of a river. ## %%, Ved. yielding no milk or advantage; not nourishing. ## %%, n. want or loss of calm self-command; paroxysm of excitement; excitability; (%%), deficient in self-command; swayed by excitement or violent feeling. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, (placed) on the shoulder. ## %% (rt. %%), equipped, prepared. ## %%, observable; exercising supervision; (%%), m. an eye-witness; an inspector, superintendent; N. of a plant, Mimusops Kauki (%%). ## %%, ind. on the subject of syllables; above all syllables (as the mystic %%). ## %%, ind. over or by the nuptial fire, property given to the bride. ## %%, n. property given to the wife at the wedding. ## %%, n. property received by a wife at the wedding. ## %%, tending upwards, eminent, superior. ## %%, f., N. of two plants, Cowage (Carpopogon Pruriens) and Flacourtia Cataphracta. ## %%, m. excessive censure; gross abuse. ## %%, completely subject or dependent, as a slave. ## %% or better %%, m. (fr. %%, see %%), a lesson, lecture, chapter. ## %%, n. reading, studying, especially the Vedas (on of the six duties of a Brhman). ## %%, n. nom. du. study and penance. ## %%, n. religious merit acquired by studying. ## %%, fit or proper to be read or studied. ## %%, having an additional half, i. e. one and a half; (in compounds synonymous with) %%, amounting to or worth one and a half. ## %%, m. n. one and a half kasa; (%%), amounting to or worth one and a half kasa. ## %%, amounting to or worth one and a half kki. ## %% or %%, amounting to or worth one and a half krpaa. ## %%, amounting to or worth one and a half khr. ## %%, amounting to or worth one and a half paa. ## %%, amounting to one foot and a half. ## %%, amounting to one and a half krpaa. ## %%, amounting to or worth one and a half ma. ## %%, amounting to or worth one and a half score or thirty. ## %% or %%, amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty. ## %% or %%, amounting to or worth one and a half atamna. ## %% or %%, amounting to or worth one and a half a. ## %%, amounting to or worth one and a half rpa. ## %% or %%, amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred. ## %% or %%, amounting to or worth one and a half suvara. ## %% or %%, n. a tumour, goitre (dating from the time of birth). ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-syati, stum>%, to undertake, grapple with, attempt; to determine, consider. ## %%, n. determining; attempt, effort, exertion; energy, perseverance; (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language. ## %%, m. = the preceding; (in philosophy) mental effort, apprehension. ## %%, or %%, resolute. ## %%, attempted. ## %%, mentally apprehended, ascertained, determined. ## %%, Ved. serving as an implement on which anything is peeled. ## %%, n. eating too soon after a meal, before the last meal is digested. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -situm>%, to throw or place over or upon. ## %%, placed over; disguised; supposed. ## %%, n. a bone growing over another. ## %%, Defect. Perf. %<-ha>%, to address; to bless. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to attack; to fix upon, occupy. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to fall in with, meet with. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to bestride, occupy as a seat. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. See %%. ## %%, n. the supreme spirit; (%%), own, belonging to self; (%%), ind. concerning self or individual personality. ## %%, m. one who meditates on the supreme spirit. ## %%, n. or %%, f. knowledge of the supreme spirit or of %%. ## %%, or %%, m. a sage proficient in that knowledge. ## %%, m. a man delighting in the contemplation of the supreme spirits or of %%. ## %%, n. a Rmyaa, in which everything is referred to the universal spirit; it forms part of the Brahma-Pura. ## %%, n., N. of a work. ## %%, n., N. of the last book of the Adhytmarmyaa. ## %% or better %%, connected with or relating to the soul or the supreme spirit. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, see %%), a teacher or professor, especially of sacred knowledge; N. of a priest (?). ## %%, m. entitled an %%, styled a professor. ## %%, n. instruction or lecturing. especially on sacred knowledge. ## %%, m. a teacher. ## %%, instructed. ## %%, fit or proper to be instructed. ## %%, m. a lesson, lecture, chapter; reading; proper time for reading or for a lesson; (at the close of comp. words) a reader, student, as %%, a reader or student of the Vedas. ## %%, m. an index of the One Hundred Chapters, N. of a work. ## %%, studious, engaged in reading or study. ## %%, cl. 1. P., poet. A. %<-rohati, -te, -rohum>%, to ascend, mount: Caus. %<-ropayati, -yitum>%, to cause or order to mount. ## %%, mounted, ascended; (with the instr.) above, superior; (with the abl.) below, inferior. ## %%, m. or %%, n. act of making one mount or of raising; act of attributing, especially through mistake. ## %%, falsely attributed; hyperbolical. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vasati, -vastum>%, to inhabit, dwell in (with acc. or loc.). ## %%, m. (rt. %%), the act of sowing or scattering upon. ## %%, n. that part of a wife's property which she receives when on a visit to her parents. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-ste, -situm>%, to sit down or (of beasts) lie down upon, to settle upon; to occupy as one's seat or habitation; to get into, enter upon; to be directed to or upon; to affect, concern; to influence, rule; to conhabit with: Caus. P. %%, to make (one) sit down: Des. %%, to be about to get upon (a seat &c.). ## %%, n. act of sitting down upon; presiding over; a seat, settlement. ## %%, m. (with Buddhists) a kind of meditation (?). ## %%, seated on; seated in the presidential chair; settled, inhabited. ## %%, sitting down or seated upon. ## %%, seated upon. ## %%, m. (rt. 2. %%), imposing; erroneously attributing; an appendage. ## %%, n. or %%, m. (rt. %%), act of supplying (elliptical language); supplement; act of inferring or arguing. ## %% or %% or %%, proper to be supplied; proper to be argued. ## %%, supplied, argued. ## %% (rt. %%, see 1. %%), inhabited; obtained (?). ## %% or %%, m., N. of a prince descended from Daaratha. ## %% (rt. %%), coiled up three and a half times. ## %%, m. (snake) forming a ring coiled up three and a half times. ## %%, m. conveyance borne or drawn by camels. ## %% (past pass. part. fr. rt. %% with %%), raised, exalted; affluent; abundant; (%%), m. iva; (%<>%), f. a wife whose husband has married an additional wife. ## %%, f. (fr. %% or %%, udder, with %%), a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum, i. e. urethra (?). ## %% (perf. part. of rt. %% with %%), having inhabited. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-hati, -hitum>%, to lay on, overlay; to place upon, to raise above. ## %%, n. putting on a layer (of ashes or cinders). ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-dhnoti, -ardhitum>%, to expand. ## %% or %% (fr. rt. %% with %%, see %%), fit or proper to be studied or read. ## %%, m. a student, reader. ## %% (fut. part.), intending to study. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-edhate, -dhitum>%, to increase, prosper. ## %%, n. f. (fr. rt. 3. %% with %%), solicitation, entreaty. ## %% (rt. %%), unrestrained, irresistible. ## %%, plur. %%, m., Ved. irresistible; N. of a heavenly killer of victims; N. of a formula concluding with an invocation of Agni. ## %%, Ved. irresistible. ## %%, f. a species of the P plant, Piper Betel. ## %% (pres. pass. part. of rt. %% with %%), not held; not to be got hold of, not forthcoming, not surviving or existing, dead. ## %%, not fixed, not permanent; uncertain, doubtful; separable, admitting of severance without disastrous effects. ## %%, m. quinsy, a kind of sore throat (etymology doubtful). ## %%, m. (said to be from %%, 'to eat', %% being changed to %%, or fr. rt. %%), a road, way, orbit; a journey, course; distance; time; means, method, resource; the zodiac (?), sky, air; a place; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it; assault (?). %% becomes %%, at the end of some compounds. ## %%, travelling; (%%), m. a traveller; a camel, a mule; the sun; (%<>%), f. Gang (the river). ## %%, m. a traveller. ## %% or %%, m. measure of length applicable to roads. ## %%, m. (traveller's delight), N. of a tree (Spondias Mangifera). ## %%, n. act of travelling. ## %%, wayfaring. ## %%, f. a plant, also called Svarul. ## %%, m. (lord of the orbits or of the zodiac), the sun. ## %%, m. a travelling car. ## %%, m. a plant, Achyranthes Aspera. ## %%) or %%, m. officer in charge of the police on the public roads. ## %% or %%, speeding on a journey; (%%), a traveller. ## %%, Ved. running, quick. ## %% (fr. %%, not, and %%, crookedness, injury), Ved. not crooked, unbroken, uninterrupted; durable; sound; intent; (%%), m. a religious or liturgical service, a sacrifice, especially the Soma sacrifice; N. of a Vasu; of the chief of a family; (%%), n. sky or air. ## %%, n. performance of the Adhvara or connected with it. ## %%, f., N. of an optional sacrifice (Kmyei). ## %%, n. title of the book in the atapatha-Brhmaa which refers to Adhvaras. ## %%, m. performing an Adhvara. ## %%, intended for an Adhvara. ## %%, f. consecration connected with the Adhvara. ## %%, f. expiation connected with the Adhvara. ## %%, containing the word Adhvara. ## %%, m., Ved. glory (i. e. patron) of the Adhvara. ## %%, n., N. of an aggregate of nine libations connected with the Adhvara. ## %%, or %%, Ved. standing at (or engaged in) an Adhvara. ## %%, etymological substitute for %%. ## %% or %%, nom. (fr. %%), P. %% or %%, P. to be desirous of having an Adhvara performed; to institute one (?). ## %%, m. one who institutes an Adhvara; any officiating priest; technical name of a priest of a particular class (as distinguished from the %%, the %%, and the Brahman classes). The Adhvaryavas "had to measure the ground, to build the altar, to prepare the sacrificial vessels, to fetch wood and water, to light the fire, to bring the animal and immolate it." Whilst engaged in these duties, they had to repeat, without interruption or mistake, the hymns of the Yajur-veda; hence that Veda itself is also called Adhvaryu or Adhvaryavas, and the latter word also means adherents of the Yajur-veda. ## %%, n. title of a book of mantras or prayers intended for Adhvaryavas. ## %%, m. sacrificial act performed by the Adhvaryu. ## %%, m. the Yajur-veda. ## %%, Ved. imperishable (?); not causing to fall (?); unveiled, open to the light (?). ## %%, n. (not positive darkness), twilight, gloom, shade. ## %%, m. a plant, Cassia Fistula or Bignonia Indica (not an enemy to darkness, i. e. blossoming in the shade). ## 1. %%, occasionally %%, (before a vowel) the substitute for 3. %%, or %% privative. (Before terminations commencing with vowels) the substitute for the pronominal base %%, as in %%. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %% or Ved. %%, to breathe, gasp, move, go, live [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. animus]: Caus. %% Desid. %%. ## %%, m. breath, spiration. ## %%, n. breathing, living. ## %%, or %%, portionless; not entitled to a share in an inheritance. ## %%, f. a plantain (the same as %%). ## %%, inferior %<= aaka>%, q. v. ## %%, m. a name of Ka's grandfather. ## %% or better %%, m. a name given to Ka's father, Vasudeva; (a name said to be derived from the beating of drums at his birth.) ## %%, ind. not without a cause or an object; not accidentally, not suddenly. ## %%, Ved. or %%, sightless, blind. ## %%, n. a bad eye. ## %%, unfit to be uttered; unable to articulate. ## %%, ind. so as not to interfere with the axle-tree. ## %%, m. (houseless), an ascetic who has adopted a houseless or vagrant condition. ## %%, f. the houseless life of such an ascetic. ## %%, not naked. ## %%, f. the not being naked. ## %%, m. non-fire; substance differing from fire; absence of fire; (%%), requiring no fire or fire-place; not maintaining the sacred fire, irreligious; unmarried; dispensing with the use of fire; dyspeptic. ## %%, or %%, not maintaining the sacred fire, irreligious (?); not enjoying Agni's protection (?). ## %%, not burnt with fire; not burnt on the funeral pile (but buried); (%%), m. pl., N. of a class of manes. ## %%, m. pl. = preceding; see %% and %% under %%. ## %%, sinless, innocent; faultless; handsome; (%%), m. white mustard; N. or epithet of various persons, especially iva. ## %%, f., N. of the fifty-fifth Adhyya of the Bhavishyottara-Pura. ## %%, unrestrained, ungovernable. ## %%, incorporeal; (%%), m. Love, N. of Kma, the god of love, so called because he was reduced to ashes by a flash from the eye of iva, for having attempted to disturb his penance by filling him with love for Prvat; (%%), n. the ether, air, sky; the mind, %%; that which is not the %%, q. v. ## %%, f., N. of a metre of two verses, the first containing sixteen long syllables, the second thirty-two short ones. ## %%, f., N. of a queen-consort of Kamr. ## %%, m., N. of a king's chamberlain at Kamr. ## %%, not shaking the body (?). ## %%, N. of an erotic work. ## %%, f. a love letter; N. of a queen of Kamr. ## %%, m., N. of a metre of four verses, each containing fifteen iambi. ## %%, f., N. of a dramatic personage. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Kamr. ## %%, m. Kma's enemy, i. e. iva. ## %%, n. the mind. ## %%, destitute of fingers. ## %%, not pellucid, turbid. ## %% or %%, f. a miserable little goat. ## %%, free from collyrium or pigment or pain; (%%), n. the sky, atmosphere; Viu. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, a cart, q. v., and %%, to drag), an ox; bull; the sign Taurus. ## %%, f. a plant, also called Gojihv, Elephantopus Scaber. ## %%, m. donor of a bull or ox. ## %% or %%, f. a cow. ## %%, having oxen (?). ## %%, m., N. of the chief of a certain Gotra. ## %% or %%, not minute or fine, coarse; (%%), m. coarse grain, peas, &c. ## %%, not bent, not bowed down; erect; stiff; haughty. ## %%, not very-, not too-, not past-. (Words commencing with %% are so easily analysed by referring to %%, &c., that few need be enumerated). ## %%, m. moderation, propriety. ## %%, not to be avoided, not to be transgressed, inviolable. ## %%, Ved. not transparent, opaque; (or equivalent to %%), quite indiscernible. ## %%, m., Ved. unsurpassed. ## %%, f. congruity. ## %%, Ved. invulnerable. ## %%, f. the sense of "not exceedingly", sense of diminutive words. ## %%, unperishable, unbroken. ## %%, Ved. (equivalent to %%), quite unfit to be mentioned. @<[Page 0025-a]>@ ## %%, not eating, not consuming. ## %% or (with part. %%, ind., Ved. not truly, not really; not clearly. ## %%, m., Ved. one who is not a true man, one who is of no use either to gods or men or the manes. ## %%, not fit to be eaten; (%%), m. white mustard. ## %%, m. tense which is not applicable to the current day. ## %%, incapable of being enlarged or excelled; boundless; perfect. ## %%, m. absence of authority or right or claim. ## %%, f. intermeddling, officiousness. ## %%, not entitled to. ## %%, not placed at the head of, not appointed. ## %%, not obtained, not acquired; not studied. ## %%, disappointed. ## %%, unacquainted with the stras. ## %%, unattainable. ## %%, n. want of superintendence. ## %%, not appointed; not present. ## %% or %%, independent; (%%), m. an independent carpenter who works on his own account, see %%. ## %%, not observable; destitute of a superintendent. ## %%, n. not studying; intermission of study. ## %%, m. = the preceding; time when there is or ought to be an intermission of study. ## %%, m. a vacation day. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), breathing, living. ## %%, not leaving the body unshaken; see under %%. ## %%, not agreed to, not permitted, denied. ## %%, unable to comprehend. ## %%, f. noncomprehension; unintelligibility. ## %%, n. not repeating (for the sake of challengin) a proposition; tacit assent. ## %%, not perceived, not experienced, unknown. ## %%, not honoured, not liked, disagreeable, unfit. ## %%, not attached to, indifferent to. ## %%, n. non-observance, neglect; impropriety. ## %%, not recited or studied; not responded to. ## %%, endless, boundless, eternal, infinite; (%%), m., N. of many person, particularly of Viu; of Viu's couch, the snake king ea; of ea's brother Vsuki; of Ka; of his brother Baladeva; of iva, Rudra, one of the Viva-devas, the 14th Arhat, &c.; a plant, Sinduvra, Vitex Trifolia; Talc; the 23rd lunar asterism, ravaa; a silken cord tied round the right arm at a particular festival; the letter %<>%; a periodic decimal fraction?; (%<>%), f. the earth; the number one; N. of various females, especially of Prvat; N. of various (perennial?) plants, particularly one also called riv, Periploca Indica or Asclepias Pseudosarsa (or Asthmatica), the root of which supplies a valuable medicine; (%%), n. the sky, atmosphere; Talc. ## %%, rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely. ## %%, going or moving for ever or indefinitely. ## %%, having boundless excellencies. ## %%, f. the fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of Bhdra, when Ananta is worshipped. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhisattva. ## %%, m., N. of the fourteenth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpi. ## %%, f. or %%, n. eternity, infinity. ## %%, extensive. ## %%, m., N. of an author. ## %%, m. the same as Anantajit. ## %%, f. the third day of Bhdra, said to be sacred to Viu. ## %%, the twenty-fourth Adhyya of the Bhavishyottara-Pura. ## %%, m. epithet of iva. ## %%, m., N. of various persons, especially of a king of Kamr. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Mlava, a contemporary of kyamuni. ## %%, of boundless width. ## %%, m., N. of a warrior chief in Kamr. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhisattva. ## %%, endlessly illusory or delusive or deceitful. ## %%, m. a medicinal plant, also called riv. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. (in arithm.) an infinite quantity; a periodic decimal fraction (?). ## %%, or %<, am>%, having innumerable forms or shapes. ## %%, eternal, infinite; (%%), m. (in the Upaniads) one of Brahm's four feet, earth, intermediate space, heaven, and ocean. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, m. a disease of the head, somewhat like tetanus. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhisattva. ## %%, m., N. of Yudhihira's conchshell. ## %%, m., N. of the twenty-third Jaina Arhat of a future age. ## %%, n. cermeony or festival in honour of Ananta or Viu on the day of the full moon in Bhdra; title of the 102nd Adhyya of the Bhavishyottara-Pura. ## %%, omnipotent; (%%), m., N. of a king. ## %%, n. Travancore. ## %%, f., N. of the snake king Vsuki's wife. ## %%, Ved. possessing boundless strength (?); endlessly blowing (?). ## %%, m. the infinite spirit. ## %%, &c., names of persons unknown. ## %%, endless, boundless, eternal, infinite; (%%), n. (among the Jainas) the eternal (i. e. the aggregate of spirit and matter); the infinite (i. e. infinite space). ## %%, infinite, eternal; (%%), n. infinity, eternity. ## %%, having no interior; having (or leaving) no interstice or interval or pause; uninterrupted, unbroken; continuous; immediately adjoining, contiguous; next of kin, &c.; compact, close; (%%), n. contiguousness; Brahma, the supreme soul, as being of one entire essence; (%%), ind. immediately after; after; afterwards. ## %%, m. (next-born), the son of a Katriy or Vaiy mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's. ## %%, m. = preceding; also the son of a udr mother by a Vaiya father. ## %%, ind. without a break. ## %%, not separated by any interstice; unbroken. ## %%, concerning (or belonging to) the next of kin, &c. ## %%, (past part. Pass. of %%, q. v., with %%), not concealed, manifest; not separated by a break. ## %%, joyless, cheerless; (%%), m. pl., Ved., N. of a purgatory. ## %%, n. rice or food undeserving of its name. ## %%, no other, not another, not different, identical; self; not having a second, unique; not more than one, sole; having no other (object), undistracted. ## %%, f. sole resort or resource. ## %%, or %%, having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. ## %%, going to no other. ## %%, or %%, giving one's undivided thought to, (with loc.). ## %%, self-impelled. ## %%, m. epithet of Kma or Love. ## %%, f. or %%, n. identity. ## %%, gazing intently. ## %%, having no other god. ## %%, (requiring) to be accomplished by no other. ## %%, f. a female who never belonged to another, a virgin. ## %%, having no other means of resistance or redress. ## %%, originating in or with no other. ## %%, thinking of the only one, i. e. of the supreme spirit. ## %%, or %%, or %%, exercising undivided attention. ## %%, m. not suitable to any others. ## %%, exclusively applicable. ## %%, having the mind fixed upon one (or the sole) object. ## %%, closely attentive. ## %%, not carried off by another, safe. ## %%, m., N. of the teacher of Praktman. ## %%, not subservient to another object; principal. ## %%, not having resorted to another; independent; (%%), n. (in law) unencumbered property. ## %%, not like others, singular. ## %%, m. want of connexion; (in rhetoric) comparison of an object with its own ideal, (as, a lady-like lady.) ## %%, unconnected, inconsecutive, desultory, incoherent, irrelevant, irregular; not attended with, destitute of. ## %%, destitute of water. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), not injuring; (in law) non-payment, non-delivery. ## %%, n. or %%, f. = preceding. ## %%, m. harmlessness. ## %%, innocuous. ## %%, unharmed. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), m. non-degradation, superiority. ## %%, not departing from. ## %%, Ved. not fallen off, not declined; not displaced. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. impossible to have its victorious character reversed or neutralized. ## %%, childless; Ved. causing childlessness, unpropitious; (%%), n. childlessness. ## %%, f. childlessness. ## %%, Ved. childless. ## %%, or %<, am>%, childless. ## %%, shameless. @<[Page 0026-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. not curtailed or mutilated. ## %%, ind., Ved. (before the sun makes a start); very early. (%% is said to be fr. rt. %% with %%, perhaps the loc. of the pres. part.) ## %%, without another; having no follower; sole (as an epithet of Brahma). ## %%, having sustained no injury; (%%), ind. without injury. ## %%, m. innocence, innocuousness; (%%), innocent, faultless; free from defects. ## %%, n. freedom from fault. ## %%, innocent. ## %%, not thirsty. ## %%, Ved. impossible to be talked away or wished away. ## %%, Ved. clear of objects that should be shunned as impure. ## %%, Ved. unremitting, not letting go, able. ## %% (having no hole to creep out of), inexcusable, unjustifiable; (%%), m. an usurper. ## %%, n. absence of an outlet. ## %%, Ved. not refusing, not obstinate. ## %%, or %%, or %%, Ved. (a cow) not withdrawing, i. e. not refusing to be milked. ## %%, Ved. not freed from evil (epithet of the Pits). ## %%, not carried off, not stolen. ## %%, n. or %%, n. (in law) non-payment, nondelivery. ## %%, free from loss, undiminished; not passing away, imperishable; (%%), m. freedom from loss or from wear and tear; permanence, imperishable nature; epithet of iva. ## %%, not transient, imperishable; unfailing. ## %%, ind., Ved. not turned away, unremittingly. ## %%, not dependent. ## %%, n. (in gram.) not a neuter. ## %% or %%, unfit for (%%) cakes. See %%. ## %%, regardless, careless; indifferent; impartial; irrespective; irrelevant; (%<>%), f. disregard, carelessness, indifference; (%%), ind. without regard to; regardlessly, carelessly, accidentally. ## %%, n. disregard; irrelevance; irrespectiveness; (%<-tvt>%), from having no reference to, since (it) has no reference to. ## %%, disregarded; unheeded; unexpected. ## %%, regardless, careless; indifferent, &c. ## %%, ind. disregarding, irrespective of. ## %%, not gone off, not past; not separated, faithful to, possessed of. @<[Page 0026-b]>@ ## %%, Ved. not watery. ## %%, Ved. destitute of means (?), merit (?), shape (?), [cf. Lat. inops.] ## %%, f. unlike an Apsaras, unworthy of an Apsaras. ## %%, f. a particular configuration of the planets. [Gr. [greek]] ## %%, unacquainted with, ignorant. ## %%, Ved. not malicious. ## %%, n. something different from (or the reverse of) what was intended. ## %%, not overcome, unsurpassed; not beset, unobstructed. ## %%, not to one's mind, disliked. ## %%, unfaded. ## %%, Ved. of unfaded colour or brightness. ## %%, m. (non-fading), N. of the chief of a Gotra. ## %%, or %<, am>%, not handsome, not pleasing. ## %%, m. destitute of (masonic?) marks or symbols, an impostor. ## %%, m. non-relish; want of appetite; want of desire. ## %%, not desirous. ## %%, indistinct. ## %%, or %%, or %%, Ved. blameless, faultless. ## %%, Ved. leading to prefection or to heaven. ## %% or %%, m. absence of connection or attachment. ## %%, n. or %%, m. absence of a (latent) design; disinterestedness. ## %%, done undesignedly. ## %%, unconnected. ## %%, not affectionate, impassible. ## %%, not named; (Ved.) not fastened; (%%), m., N. of the chief of a Gotra. ## %%, Ved. unbridled; epithet of the sun. ## %%, f. non-permission. ## %%, not ascended, not mounted. ## %% or %%, not near, distant. ## %%, improper to be approached. ## %%, m. want of practice or skill. ## %%, m. 'cloudless;' N. of a class of Bauddha divinities (generally in m. pl.). ## %%, Ved. (requiring) no shovel or scraper; epithet of rain-water. @<[Page 0026-c]>@ ## %%, m. one who needs not make a salutation to others; a Brhman. ## %%, unworthy of a salutation. ## %%, (the same as %%), not cooking what has not first been weighed, niggardly, miserly. ## %%, having no enemies; (%%), n. condition of having no enemies; (%%), m., N. of various persons, particularly a king of Ayodhy. ## %%, Ved. free from disease, well, comfortable; salubrious, salutary; sinless; (%%), n. good health, happy state, comfort, prosperity. ## %%, waring no clothing, naked; (%%), m. a Buddhist mendicant. ## 1. %%, m. bad management; bad conduct (gambling, &c.). ## 2. %%, m. evil course, ill luck; misfortune, adversity. ## %%, unfortunate. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Ayodhy, said by some to have been Pthu's father. ## %%, Ved. not sore or wounded, healed, well, sound. ## %%, free from bars, free, licentious. ## %%, priceless, invaluable; (%%), m. wrong value. ## %%, n. title of a drama by Murri, treating of Rma. ## %%, priceless, not to be had at any price; anything but valuable. ## %%, n. pricelessness. ## %%, m. non-value; a worthless or useless object; disappointing occurrence, reverse, evil; nonsense; (%%), worthless, useless; unfortunate; having no meaning; having not that (but another) meaning; nonsensical. ## %%, doing what is useless or worthless; unprofitable; producing evil or misfortune. ## %%, n. uselessness, &c. ## %%, minding useless or worthless things. ## %%, m. (destroyer of evil), iva. ## %%, having a nonsensical intellect. ## %%, malicious. ## %%, freed from all that is worthless. ## %%, m. not a risk of one's money; safety of one's money or wealth. ## %%, useless, vain, worthless; meaningless, nonsensical. ## %%, worthless, useless. ## %%, n., Ved. non-surrendering, not giving up. ## %%, or %%, Ved. not liable to be stayed or limited; unobstructed; irresistible; permanent. ## 1. %%, m., Ved. seated on the car (%%) or cart; a driver. ## 2. %%, m. (%% for %%, rt. %<>%), one who fails to reach his destination. ## %%, m., Ved. N. of a demon slain by Indra; (etym. doubtful.) ## %%, Ved. giving of uninjurious things, one whose gifts do not hurt. ## %%, or %%, undeserving of punishment or of reward; unworthy; inadequate, unsuitable. ## %%, f. condition of not being properly estimated; inadequacy, unsuitableness. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%, q. v.), fire; Agni, the god of fire; digestive power, gastric juice, bile; wind; N. or epithet of Vasudeva; of a certain Muni; of one of the eight Vasus; of a certain monkey; N. of various plants, as Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea, and Semicarpus Anacirdium; the letter %%; the number three; (in astron.) the fiftieth year of Bhaspati's cycle; the third lunar mansion or Kttik (?). ## %%, stomachic. ## %%, f. a plant, Halicacabum Cardiospermum. ## %%, f. Agni's wife. ## %%, m., N. of ancient Pattana. ## %%, m. dyspepsia. ## %%, m., N. of a Vedantic writer, author of the Vedntakalpataru. ## %%, not given to the use of ornaments; not ornamented. ## %%, ind. not enough; insufficiently. ## %%, not lazy, active. ## %%, m. a tree, Sesbana Grandiflora. ## %%, not a little, much, numerous. ## %%, very clamorous, very noisy. ## %%, greatly enraged. ## %%, m., N. of a man or a tribe, %<= anu>%. ## %%, having no opportunity; uncalled for (there being no "occasion" for it), inapplicable. ## %% (rt. %%), not dipping into, not studying. ## %%, unfathomable. ## %%, not made an object of a contemptuous song, not blamed. ## %%, resistless; not to be intercepted. ## %%, Ved. not growing remiss. ## %%, not intersected, uninterrupted; not marked off, unbounded, unlimited, immoderate; undefined, undiscriminated. ## %%, m. continuous or immoderate laughter. ## %% (fr. %%, see under rt. %%), endowed with breath or life. ## %%, n. condition of being endowed with life. ## %%, m. (among Buddhists) N. of a serpent king; N. of a lake, = Rvaa-hrada. ## %%, irreproachable, faultless; unobjectionable; (%<>%), f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, f. or %%, n. faultlessness. ## %% or %%, of faultless form or beauty. ## %%, or %<, am>%, having faultless body or limbs. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not going to sleep, not sleepy. ## %%, Ved. not to be defied. ## %%, n. inattention, inadvertence; (%%), inattentive, careless. ## %%, f. inadvertency. ## %%, unlimited. ## %%, impossible to be put down or injured. ## %%, affording no help or protection. ## %%, m. (having victorious banners unlowered, ever prosperous; Buddhist term for) a future universe. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not closely united, but spreading all around. ## %%, deranged. ## %%, Ved. not speaking without effect; speaking authoritatively; or irreproachable (?). ## %%, Ved. not carried off (?); undiminished (?); enduring (?). ## %%, Ved. having undiminished (or durable) wealth; able to give a lasting reward. ## %%, not low; exalted. ## %%, ind. without touching. ## %%, not inferior; excellent. ## %%, incessant; (%%), ind. incessantly. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Madhu and father of Kuruvasta. ## %%, chief, principal. ## %%, having no prop or support. ## %%, n. independence. ## %%, not propped up, not supported, not dependent. ## %%, free from (moral) veneer, unvarnished, unassuming. ## %%, n. ('nonlonging'). N. of ceremony to be observed by a pregnant woman; title of a particular treatise in an Upaniad. ## %%, Ved. not stopping to eat by the way. ## %%, having no interval of leisure, busy; coming when there is no such interval, inopportune; (%%), m. absence of leisure; unseasonableness. ## %%, ind. (part. of Caus. of %% with 3. %%), without annoying. ## %%, (rt. %%), having no setting, free from death; endless. ## %%, not set, not terminated; (%<>%), f., N. of a species of the Triubh metre, consisting of four lines with eleven feet in each. ## %%, unceasing. ## %%, free from dirt, dean, cleansed. ## %%, unsettled, unstable; (%<>%), f. unsettled condition or character; instability, unsteady or loose conduct; (in phil.) nonfinality (of a proposition), endless series of statements, ## %%, unstable, fickle; (%%), m. wind; (%%), n. instability; unsteadiness or looseness of conduct. ## %%, transient. ## %%, unsettled, unsteady, loose in conduct. ## %%, or %%, unsteady-minded. ## %%, n. unsteadiness of mind. ## %%, n. unsteadiness, instability. ## %%, f. instability; unsteadiness; looseness of character. ## %%. See %%. @<[Page 0027-c]>@ ## %%, heedless, inattentive. ## %%, Ved. not crooked, straightforward. ## %%, not speechless, the reverse of speechless. ## %%, not inclining downwards, looking up or straightforward. ## %%, ind. without breathing (between), in one breath, without interruption, %%. ## %%, f. uninterruptedness, contiguity. ## %%, not obtained. ## %%, f. non-attainment. ## %%, ind., Ved. uninterruptedly, unyieldingly. ## %%, (fr. %%, q. v.), not suited to sheep. ## %%, regardless; (%%), ind. irrespectively; without regard to; (%<>%), f. or %%, n. regardlessness. ## %%, not (wholly) destitute of ascetic performances; (%%), m. a Jaina devotee of that description. ## %%, n. abstinence from food, fasting, especially as a form of suicide adopted from vindictive motives; (%%), fasting. ## %%, f. not eating. ## %%, Ved. not hungry. ## %%, n. condition of not having eaten, fasting. ## %%, not eating, not enjoying. ## %%, m., Ved. the sacrificial fire in the Sabh (which is approached before breakfast). ## %%, not eating. ## %%, tearless. ## %%, having no horse or horses; (%%), m. something that is not a horse. ## %%, Ved. one who does not give horses. ## %%, m., N. of Parkit's father. ## %%, imperishable. ## %%, undestroyed, unimpaired. ## %%, Ved. having his cattle unimpaired. ## %%, Ved. having his property unimpaired. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %%), a cart; a mother; birth; offspring, living creature; boiled rice. ## %%, Ved. yoked to a cart. ## %%, see s. v. (%% changed to %<>% and %%). ## %%, not spiteful, not envious; (%<>%), f. freedom from spite; absence of ill-will or envy; N. of a daughter of Daksha, and of one of akuntal's friends. ## %%, or %%, not spiteful or envious. ## %%, Ved. not unwise, wise. ## %%, not gone down; not subject to setting or declining. ## %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, boneless. ## %%, m. (non-egotism), absence of or freedom from self-conceit, or the tendency to regard self as something distinct from the supreme spirit; freedom from pride; (%%), free from self-conceit or pride. ## %%, or %%, free from self-conceit or pride. ## %%, f. %<= an-ahakra; (is, is, i)>%, free from self-conceit or pride. ## %%, n. a day which is no day, an evil or unlucky day. ## %%, ind., Ved. (inst. of pronom. base %%), hereby, thus, indeed; also said to be a substitute for %% or %%, 'not', in one or two words. ## %%, shapeless. ## %%, not claimed, not exacted. ## %%, m. unseasonable time; famine. ## %%, m. a slave who became one voluntarily to avoid starvation in a time of scarcity; also spelt %%. ## %%, having no transparent atmosphere, differing from it; opaque, dark; (%%), m. n. air or atmosphere undeserving of its name. ## %%, not beset; not confused; unperplexed, calm, consistent, regular. ## %%, Ved. unreclaimed, unreclaimable. ## %%, unassailed, unassailable; (%<>%), f. a plant, Prickly Nightshade, Solanum Jacquini. ## %%, unreproached. ## %%, Ved. not residing or resting. ## %%, Ved. sinless; see %%, f., N. of a river. ## %% (rt. %%), not come, not arrived; future; not attained, not learnt; unknown; (%%), n. the future. ## %%, connected with or relating to the future. ## %%, m. (disposer of the future), provident; N. of a fish. ## %%, m. future trouble. ## %%, f. a girl who has not yet attained to puberty. ## %%, n. act of looking at that which is to come next. ## %%, f. non-arrival; non-attainment, nonaccession. ## %%, m. non-arrival, non-attainment; (%%), not come, not present; (in law) not constituting an accession to previous property, but possessed from time immemorial, and therefore without documentary proof. ## %%, m. enjoyment of such property. ## %%, one who will not approach. ## %%, unapproachable, unattainable. ## %%, not coming, not arriving; not future, not subject to returning; (%<>%), m. epithet of the third among the four Buddhist orders. ## %%, not in the habit of coming, not likely to come. ## %%, sinless, blameless; conferring sinlessness or bliss. ## %%, n., Ved. sinlessness. ## %%, f. murder of an innocent person. ## %%, n. or better %%, m. improper behaviour; departure from that which is customary or right. ## %%, or %%, improper in behaviour; regardless of custom or propriety or law; unprincipled. @<[Page 0028-b]>@ ## %%, unfit or improper for a spiritual teacher to eat or enjoy. ## %% (rt. %%), not commanded. ## %%, doing what has not been commanded. ## %%, unknown, surpassing all that has ever been known. ## %%, not wealthy, poor. ## %%, not becoming wealthy; becoming poor (?). ## %%, not stretched or strung (as a bow). ## %%, m. freedom from the blaze of the sun; shade; coolness. ## %%, Ved. free from suffering or weariness; well. ## %%, m. not self, another; something different from spirit or soul; (%<, , a>%), not spiritual, corporeal; destitute of spirit or mind. ## %%, destitute of spiritual knowledge or true wisdom. ## %%, f. (with Buddhists) reflection that there is no spirit or self. ## %%, not self-possessed; (%%), ind. unlike one's self. ## %%, (with Buddhists) unreal. ## %%, not adapted to self; disinterested. ## %%, impersonal; (%%), n. want of affection for one's own family. ## %%, not perpetual, not final; intermittent, recurrent. ## %%, having no master or natural protector; widowed; fatherless; helpless, poor; (%%), n., Ved. want of a protector, helplessness. ## %% or %%, m. ('giver of cakes or food to the poor'), N. of a merchant, in whose garden kyamuni used to instruct his disciples. ## %%, f. a poorhouse. ## %%, m. absence of sound (in pronouncing aspirated letters). ## %%, not sounding. ## %%, not accepting. ## %%, m. disrespect, contemptuous neglect; (%%), Ved. not awestruck, calm; indifferent. ## %%, n. disrespectful behaviour, neglect. ## %%, disrespectful, irreverent. ## %%, having no beginning, existing from eternity. ## %%, n. state of having no beginning. ## %%, having neither beginning nor end, eternal. ## %%, having no beginning. ## %%, having no beginning, middle or end. ## %%, without beginning and without end. ## %%, without beginning and end; (%%), m., N. of iva. ## %%, not indicated; not commanded or instructed; not allowed. ## %%, faultless. ## %%, not respected, disrespected, despised. ## %%, ind. without respecting, regardless of. ## %%, unfit or improper to be received, unacceptable, inadmissible. ## %%, doing what is not commanded or not allowed. @<[Page 0028-c]>@ ## 1. %%, having no beginning. ## 2. %%, not eatable. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not checking. ## %%, Ved. unchecked, unimpaired, invincible, perfect. ## %%, m. ('superior to any check'), N. of a son of ra; also of a son of Ugraseana and general of the Ydava. ## %%, Ved. invincible, not to be meddled with. ## %%, Ved. unbent, not humbled; (%%), m., N. of a i. ## %% (rt. %% with %% for %%), Ved. inimitable, unparalleled. ## %% (rt. %% with %% for %%), Ved. not giving way, unyielding, obstinate; unaided (?), unsurpassed in giving (?). ## %%, (rt. %% with %% for %%), Ved. unsolicited. ## %%, n. separation of the different parts of a compound word by the intervention of others; the not coming in regular order, tmesis. ## %%, f. the manner of constructing a sentence with the above tmesis. ## %%, f., Ved. inattention, neglect; (%%), pl. neglectful or irreligious people. ## %%, f. absence of misfortune or calamity. ## %%, not realized, unattained. ## %%, m., N. of a prince, son of Aga. ## %%, Ved. having no kindred or friends (epithet of Indra). ## %%, Ved. not stinking. ## %%, unattained, unobtained; unsuccessful in the effort to attain or obtain; not apt, unifit; (%%), m. a stranger. ## %%, f. non-attainment. ## %%, unattainable, unobtainable. ## %%, unbathed, unwashed. ## %%, or %<, am>%, having an unwashen body. ## %%, free from obstacles or troubles. ## %%, Ved. fearless (epithet of Indra). ## %%, Ved. neglectful, disobliging, irreligious. ## %%, inauspicious, ill-omened, unlucky. ## %%, nameless; infamous; (%<>%), m. the ring-finger. ## %%, n. namelessness. ## %%, nameless, infamous; (%%), m. the intercalary month; (%%), n. piles, haemorrhoids. ## %%, f. the ring-finger. ## %%, free from disease, healthy, salubrious; (%%), m. iva; (%%), n. health. ## %%, Ved. not causing pain, not hurting; (%%), n., Ved. health. @<[Page 0029-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. salubrious, curative. ## %%, Ved. unbending. ## %%, impossible to be bent. ## %%, without flesh; bootless, profitless. ## %%, Ved. having no enemy that can injure. ## %%, immortal. ## %%, having no leader or ruler, disorderly. ## %%, unchecked, unrestrained; not propped or supported; close, continuous, unseparated; unextended, having no length. ## %%, n. that which is not really a resting-place or an altar; (%%), having no resting-place or altar. ## %%, = the last. ## %%, independent, uncontrolled. ## %%, having an independent livelihood. ## %%, f. independence. ## %%, having no iron point. ## %%, m. absence of exertion, facility, ease, idleness, neglect; (%%), easy, ready; (%%), ind. easily. ## %%, done readily or easily; (%%), n. an infusion prepared extemporaneously (in medicine). ## %%, Ved. weaponless; having no implements (for sacrifice). ## %%, f. or %%, f., N. of the mother of Bala and Vtra. ## %%, not imparting long life, fatal to long life. ## %%, eternal; (%%), ind. eternally. ## 1. %%, improper or impracticable to be commenced or undertaken. ## %%, n. impossibility of being commenced. ## 2. %%, ind. without commencing: this is used in compounds in the sense 'detached;' thus, %%, m. a detached remark (upon sacrifices, &c.); %%, taught or studied or read as a detached subject (not as part of regular or authoritative treatise). ## %%, m. absence of beginning, noncommencement, not attempting or undertaking; (%%), having no commencement. ## %%, Ved. (for %%) having no support. ## %%, Ved. without support (?), or intangible (?). ## %%, ind. not having surmounted. ## %%, n. sickness; (%%), unhealthy. ## %% or %<, am>%, unwholesome, unhealthy, causing sickness. ## %%, n. crookedness, moral or physical; disease. ## %%, unseasonable. ## %%, unfit or unsuitable for a priest. ## %%, not respectable, vulgar, unworthy, inferior, bad, vile; destitute of ryas; (%%), m. not an rya. ## %%, m. doing work unbecoming an rya or becoming only a non-rya. ## %%, of vile or unworthy origin; (%%), n. Agallochum being a produce of the country of Mlecchas or barbarians. ## %%, practised, observed, or possessed by men who are not ryas. ## %%, f. or %%, n. vileness, unworthiness, baseness. ## %%, m. a medicinal plant, a kind of Gentian (Gentiana Cherayta Rox). ## %%, n. Agallochum or Aloe wood (Aquila Agallocha Rox). ## %%, not referring or belonging to a i or to the genuine text of a Vedic hymn; e. g. the word %%, added for grammatical purposes in the Pada-pha to certain words, which in the Sahit-pha are not followed by %%; not applied to a i, not added to his name, as an affix. ## %%, the same as the last. ## %%, unsupported, without stay or support; (%%), m. want of support; despondency. ## %%, unsupported; desponding. ## %%, f. iva's lute. ## %% or %%, f. a woman during menstruation. ## %%, reserved, taciturn; (%%), m. reserve, taciturnity. ## %%, unseen, unbeheld; unweighed, unconsidered, rash, imprudent. ## %%, ind. not having considered. ## %%, Ved. unyielding, not desisting. ## %%, f. non-return, i. e. final emancipation. See %% below. ## %%, not wounded, unhurt, unmoved by. ## %%, not turbid, clear, pure, not marshy. ## %%, Ved. not returning. ## %%, not turned about or round; not retreating; not frequented or approached; not chosen. ## %%, f. non-return; final emancipation. ## %%, uncovered, undressed, uninclosed, open. ## %%, f. want of rain, drought. ## %%, not notified, not made known. ## %%, Ved. impossible to be broken or forced open. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), uninjured condition; (%%), not injurious. ## 1. %% (fr. %<>%), hopeless, despairing. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), undestroyed, living. ## %%, imperishable. ## %%, indestructible. ## %%, n. fasting, abstaining from food even to death. ## %%, m. one who has abandoned the practice of fasting. ## %%, n. a course of fasting (as a penance). ## %%, not praised; not commendable (?), inglorious (?), hopeless (?). ## %%, m. not giving a blessing; ungrateful. ## 1. %%, not quick, slow. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), not diffusive, not pervading. ## 3. %%, Ved. indestructible. @<[Page 0029-c]>@ ## %%, not wonderful. ## %%, m. one who does not belong to or follow any of the four ramas or religious orders to which Brhmans at different periods of life are bound to attach themselves. ## %% or %%, m. one who does not belong to the ramas; non-residence in a religious retreat. ## %%, m. absence or want of any person or thing to depend upon; defencelessness, self-dependence, isolation; (%%), defenceless; unprotected; isolated. ## %%, detached; disengaged; unconnected with, independent; non-inherent. ## %%, not having eaten, fasting. ## %%, free from dangers or dangerous opponents. ## %%, m. f. having no mouth or face. ## %%, Ved. without a nose (epithet of demons). ## %%, noseless. ## %%, not met with, not found or obtained, not encountered or attacked; not occurred; not having happened; non-existent. ## %%, unused to war. ## %%, f. unfixedness, want of confidence; disrespect; want of consideration; want of faith or devotedness; unconcern, indifference. ## %%, having or yielding no basis or fulcrum; without a fixed seat or site. ## %%, m. want of taste, insipidity; (%%), without taste, insipid. ## %%, untasted. ## %%, unbeaten, unwounded, intact; new and unbleached (as cloth); produced otherwise than by beating; not multiplied; (%%), m. the fourth of the mystical %% or circles of the body. ## %%, m. a sound produced otherwise than by beating; the sound %%. ## %%, m. abstinence, not taking food; non-seizure; non-production; (%%), one who abstains from food. ## %%, not taking (food); fasting. ## %%, not to be seized or taken, not producible; not to be eaten. ## %%, m. a householder who has neglected to perform the Agnydhna. ## %%, f. non-sacrificing; a sacrifice unworthy of its name. ## %%, uncalled, uninvited. ## %%, m. an uncalled-for boaster. ## %%, seated as an uninvited guest. ## %%, m. absence of joy; (%%), gloomy, not cheerful. ## %%, not exhilarated. ## %%, unpraised. ## %%, ind. involuntarily, unintentionally. ## %% or %%, houseless. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhisattva or deified Buddhist saint. ## %%, m. not (true) sugarcane; a sort of long grass or reed, Saccharum Spontaneum. (%% may here denote 'comparison', see 3. %%.) @<[Page 0030-a]>@ ## %%, not swallowed, not supplied (as an ellipsis). ## %%, unrestrained; (%%), m. non-restraint; non-refutation; not owning one's self refuted. ## %%, n. (in philosophy) occasion of non-refutation. ## %%, m., N. of a man (having arrows that strike no one). ## %%, not divisible; a word not divisible. ## %% or %%, or %% or %%, or %%, or %%, undesirous, averse, unwilling; not intending. ## %%, f. absence of wish or design, indifference. ## %%, not one's own, belonging to another. ## %% (etym. doubtful), destitute. of. ## %%, f., Ved. not endowed with splendor, N. of a river (?). ## %%, not everlasting, transient; occasional, incidental; irregular, unusual; unstable; uncertain; (%%), ind. occasionally. ## %%, n. or %%, f. an occasional act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose. ## %%, f. or %%, n. transient or limited existence. ## %% or %% or %%, m. a son surrendered by his parents to another for temporary or preliminary adoption. ## %%, f. (Buddhist) consciousness that all is passing away. ## %%, m. transitoriness. ## %%, m. f. sophism, consisting in generalizing what is exceptional (as perishableness). ## %%, n. a section in the Nyya discussing that sophism. ## %%, m. a compound, the sense of which may be equally expressed by resolving it into its constituent parts. ## %%, causeless, groundless. ## %%, sleepless, awake; (%<>%), f. sleeplessness. ## %%, not asleep, awake. ## %%, unchecked, unsubdued. ## %%, having or requiring no fuel. ## %%, Ved. having no master. ## %%, irreproachable, not despised, pious, virtuous, free. ## %% or %%, unblamable, faultless. ## %%, deprived of Indra; dispensing with or disregarding Indra. ## %%, n. that which is not the senses, the soul, the reason. ## %%, not falling down (to sleep), untiring. ## %%, m. (not a fall), continuance of life. ## %%, unskilled, not clever or conversant. ## %%, not tied down, not bound, unattached, incoherent, unconnected. ## %%, chattering incoherently, talking at random. ## %%, unobstructed, unlimited; (%%), m. liberty. @<[Page 0030-b]>@ ## %%, not private, not reserved, immodest, bold, public. ## %%, Ved. unabated; unimpaired; undefeated. ## %%, m., Ved. having unabated power. ## %%, not wealthy. ## %%, m. a mote. See %%. ## %%, uninvited. ## %%, eating without being invited. ## %%, Ved. unbounded, immense. ## %%, having no adequate occasion, causeless, groundless; (%%), n. absence of an adequate ciuse or occasion, groundlessness. ## %%, ind. groundlessly. ## %%, groundlessly rejected. ## %%, m. (unaccountable loss of distinct vision); N. of an ophthalmic disease, ending in total blindness, perhaps amaurosis. ## %%, f., Ved. absence of winking (only used in acc. and inst. cases). ## %% or ## %% or %%, ind., Ved. without winking, i. e. vigilantly or incessantly. ## %% or %%, not winking, looking steadily, vigilant; open as eyes or flowers; (%%), m. not winking; a god; a fish. ## %%, m. f. one whose eyes are fixed. ## %%, m., N. of Vhaspati. ## %%, relating to those who do not wink (i. e. to the gods). ## %%, not regulated, uncontrolled, not fixed, uncertain, unrestricted, irregular, casual. ## %%, f. a woman irregular or unchaste in conduct. ## %%, having no fixed or regular employmen or income. ## %%, m. (in arithm.) an indeterminate digit. ## %%, m. one whose self or spirit is not regulated or under proper control. ## %%, m. absence of control or rule or fixed order or obligation, unsettledness; indecorous or improper conduct; uncertainty, doubt; (%%), having no rule, irregular. ## %%, having no rule or law; irregular. ## %%, not appointed, not authoritative; (%%), m. an assessor at a court who has not been formally appointed and is not entitled to vote. ## %%, not attached or clinging to. ## %%, Ved. destitute of food (or vigour ?), or of a sacrificial offering; (%<>%), f. want of food (languor?). ## %%, not obstructive, not censorious. ## %%, unobstructed. ## %%, unuttered, not articulated, not clearly explained, unspeakable, not plain, vague. ## %%, n. indistinct singing; humming (of hymns), a particular mode of chanting the Sma-veda. ## %%, unobstructed, ungovernable, self-willed; (%%), m. a spy, a secret emissary (?); the son of Pradyumna, a form of Kma, and husband of U; iva; N. of an Arhat contemporary of kyamuni; N. of a descendant of Vi; (%%), n. the rope for fastening cattle. ## %%, n. an unobstructed path; the atmosphere, ether. ## %%, f. Aniruddha's wife. @<[Page 0030-c]>@ ## %%, not determined, undefined. ## %%, unconquered, unvanquished. ## %%, m. uncertainty, want of decision. ## %%, unascertained, undetermined. ## %%, not to be decided. ## %% or %%, within the ten days of impurity after childbirth or a death; (%%), ind. = preceding, used adverbially. ## %%, (rt. %%), unexplained, undefined. ## %%, m. absence or unsatisfactoriness of rule or direction. ## %% or %%, undefinable, inexplicable, incomparable. ## %%, undetermined, unascertained, undefined. ## %%, undeterminable, not to be agreed upon. ## %%, little, slight, light. ## %%, m. (the act of not blurting out), not revealing. ## %%, dirty, foul, turbid. ## %%, f. a plant (Mendicago Esculenta, Rox). ## %%, not carefully looked at, not considered. ## %% or %%, unutterable, indescribable; improper to be mentioned. ## %%, not being brought to a close. ## %%, unextinguished. ## %%, m. non-accomplishment, non-completion; inconclusiveness; insufficiency of income, the state of being straitened in means. ## %%, difficult to be managed. ## %%, not downcast. ## %%, free from causes of depression. ## %%, m. non-depression, self-reliance. ## %% or %%, unaccomplished, unfulfilled; discontented; unhappy, ill at ease, unquiet, discomposed. ## %% or %%, f. incompleteness, discontent, misery. ## %%, destitute of employment, wretched. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%, cf. Irish anal), air or wind, considered also as a deity; one of the subordinate deities, forty-nine of whom form the class of Anilas or winds; one of the eight demi-gods, called Vasus; wind, as one of the humors or %% of the body; rheumatism, paralysis, or any affection referred to disorder of the wind; N. of a i and other persons; the letter %%; the number forty-nine; (%<>%), f. the fifteenth Nakshatra (?). ## %%, m. pl. among the Jainas, a class of deities. ## %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, curing disorders arising from wind. ## %%, m. a large tree (Terminalia Belerica). ## %% or %%, m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. ## %%, having an airy or windy nature. ## %%, m. derangement of the (internal) wind. ## %%, m., N. of fire (the friend of wind). ## %%, m. the son of the wind, Hanumat or Bhma. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Igud or Agra-pushpa (wind-destroying). ## %%, m. morbid affection of the wind, flatulence, rheumatism. ## %%, n. way or course of the wind. ## %%, fasting, lit. feeding on the wind. ## %%, m. (i. e. unpropped meditation), N. of a peculiar kind of meditation among Buddhists. ## %%, having no (fixed) home. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, inexperienced. ## %%, notturning away, firm, steadfast; improper to be abandoned, right. ## %%, not turning back, brave, not returning. ## %%, n. not turning back, brave resistance. ## %%, unchecked, unimpeded, unopposed, unforbidden. ## %%, not to be warded off, inavertible, unavoidable, irresistible. ## %%, Ved. not retiring to rest, restless. ## %%, unchecked, not impeded. ## %%, untold, unmentioned. ## %%, known without being told. ## %%, ind. not having announced. ## %%, Ved. having no place of rest. ## %%, Ved. nightless, i. e. sleepless, uninterrupted, incessant. ## %%, ind. incessantly. ## %%, Ved. incessant. ## %%, Ved. having an incessant flow. ## %%, unascertained, not certain. ## %%, ind. not having ascertained. ## %%, not to be comprehended (by thought), inconceivable. ## %%, Ved. having no quiver, unarmed. ## %%, Ved. not to be killed. ## %%, unprohibited, unforbidden. ## %%, Ved. unimpeded, unchecked. ## %%, having no arrows, having bad arrows. ## %%, not done with, unfinished, not settled. ## %%, having one's guilt not settled, i. e. unexpiated. ## 1. %% (rt. %%), unwished, undesirable, disadvantageous, disagreeable, unfavourable; bad, wrong, evil, unlucky, ominous; (%<>%), f. a plant, Sida Alba; (%%), n. evil, detriment, disadvantage, calamity, crime. ## %%, m. an evil planet. ## %%, having an evil and corrupt mind. ## %%, m. connection with a wrong object or a wrong argument or a wrong rule. ## %%, n. evil result. ## %%, f. foreboding or fear of evil or misfortune. ## %%, foreboding evil, ominous. ## %%, m. an evil omen. ## %%, n. not obtaining what is desired or (fr. %% and %%) obtaining what is not desired. ## %%, f. = preceding. ## %%, indicating or boding evil. ## %%, n. expectation of evil. ## 2. %%, (rt. %%), not offered in sacrifice, not honoured with a sacrifice. ## %%, m. one who does not sacrifice or has not sacrificed. ## %%, Ved. unhurt, unchecked. ## %%, f. unsteadfastness, unsteadiness. ## %%, not harsh, not scurrilous. ## %%, unskilled. ## %%, f. non-accomplishment, incompletion. ## %%, imperfect, incomplete. ## %%, ind. so that the arrow does not come out (on the other side), i. e. not with excessive force. ## %%, unnatural, unnaturally affected. ## %%, not rendered immoveable or stiff; not paralysed; not fixed. ## %%, not crossed over; not set aside; not rid of; unanswered, unrefuted. ## %%, m. (a defendant) who has not yet (by refutation) got rid of a charge. ## %%, m. n. (fr. rt. %%), face; appearance, splendor; edge, point; front, row, array, march; army, forces; war, combat. ## %%, m., Ved. having a face, or constituting the face, or occupying the front or foremost rank (epithet of Agni). ## %%, m. (shatterer of armies), N. of a man. ## %%, ind. in rows or marching columns. ## %%, m. a warrior or combatant; an armed or royal guard, a sentinel; the trainer of an elephant, an elephant-driver; a mark, a sing, signal; a military drum. ## %%, f. an army, a host, forces; a certain force; three Cams or one-tenth of an Akauhi, i. e. a complete army; 2187 elephants and as many cars, 6561 horses, and 10935 foot; a lotus. ## %%, n. not seeing or looking at. ## %%, not low, decent, respectable; not pronounced with the Anudtta accent. ## %%, not keeping low company; (%<>%), m. a faithful lover or husband. ## %%, m., N. of a Bauddha saint (?). ## %%, ind. not in a low voice, loudly. ## %%, having no nest or settled abode, i. e. incorporeal; (%%), m. an epithet of Agni or fire. ## 1. %%, f. impropriety, immorality, injustice; impolicy, foolish conduct, indiscretion. ## %%, or %%, clever in immoral conduct or (fr. %% and %%) ignorant of morality or policy, not politic or discreet. ## 2. %%, f. freedom from a calamitous season. ## %%, unlike, dissimilar. ## %%, undesired. @<[Page 0031-c]>@ ## %%, not destitute of a waistband. ## %%, one who has not a lord or superior, paramount; powerless, unable; (%%), m. Viu; (%<>%), f. powerlessness, helplessness. ## %%, n. powerlessness. ## %%, without a superior; unchecked, uncontrolled, paramount; without power, powerless, unable; not belonging to the deity; atheistical. ## %%, f. or %%, n. absence of a supreme ruler. ## %%, m. an atheist, one who denies a supreme ruler of the universe. ## %%, listless, indifferent; (%%), m., N. of a king of Ayodhy. ## %%, f. indifference, apathy, disinclination. ## %%, disagreeable, displeasing, unwished; (%%), n. displeasure. ## %%, Ved. See %%. ## 1. %%. See %%. ## 2. %%, m., Ved. man; N. of a king, one of Yayti's sons; (possibly) N. of a non-ryan tribe. ## 3. %%, ind. as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses after, along, alongside, lengthwise, near to, under, subordinate to, with. (When prefixed to nouns, especially in adverbial compounds) it implies repetition, according to, severally, each by each, orderly, methodically. (As a separable preposition, with accusative) after, along, over, near to, through, to, towards, at, according to, in order, agreeably to, in regard to. (As a separable adverb) after, afterwards, thereupon, again, further, then, next. ## %%, lustful (fr. %%, q. v.; or, according to others, fr. 3. %% with affix %%). ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-kathayati, -yitum>%, to relate after (some one else); to repeat (what has been heard). ## %%, n. orderly narration, discourse, conversation. ## %%, related, repeated. ## %%, the next youngest. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-kmayati, -yitum>%, to desire. ## %%, libidinous; see s. v. above. ## %%, m., Ved. desire; (%%), according to one's desire, agreeable; (%%), ind. as desired, at pleasure; wish after wish (?), after one's wish (?). ## %%, Ved. fulfilling one's desire. ## %%, m. one who acts as he pleases. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kampate, -pitum>%, to sympathize with, compassionate; Caus. %<-kampayati, -yitum>%, = the same. ## %%, m. (sympathizer), N. of a king; (%%), (at the close of compounds) sympathizing with, compassionating. ## %%, n. or %%, f. sympathy, compassion. ## %%, condoling. ## %%, compassionated. ## %%, having a compassionate spirit. ## %%, sympathizing with, compassionating. ## %% or %%, pitiable, worthy of sympathy; (%%), m. an ascetic; a courier. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%. See under %% @<[Page 0032-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-k-kati, -te, -kitum>%, to long for, desire, seek. ## %%, f. desire after. ## %%, longing for. ## %%, opportune, occasiona; (%%), ind. opportunely, occasionally, on a proper occasion. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, bent, made crooked. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-kuti, -koitum>%, to pull or drag along (to lift ?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kjati, -jitum>%, to follow in cooing or singing or groaning. ## %%, following the bank (%%), slope or declivity, according to the current, favourable, agreeable; conformable to; friendly, kind, well-disposed; (%%), m. a faithful or kind and obliging husband; (%<>%), f. Croton Polyandrum; N. of a metre; (%%), n. favour, kindness (often in an ironical sense). ## %%, f. concord, good-will, favour, conformity, consent; prosperity. ## %%, m. a kind husband or lover. ## %%, m. a favourable wind. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to act in a friendly way. ## %%, cl. 8. P. or poet. A. %<-karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to do afterwards, to follow in doing, imitate, equal, requite, adopt: Caus. %<-krayati, -yitum>%, to cause one to imitate. ## %%, imitating; (%%), m. an assistant. ## %%, n. imitation, following an example; resemblance, similarity. ## %%, an imitator, imitating; (%%), m. a mimic, actor, performer. ## %%, n. imitation; a subsequent rite or ceremony. ## %%, m. imitation, resemblance. ## %%, imitating, an imitator, acting, mimicing. ## %%, fit to be imitated or (dramatically) acted; (%%), n. subsequent business; subsequent day (?). ## %%, copied, imitated, made or done like. ## %%, f. imitation, a copy, compliance. ## %%, fit to be imitated or represented. ## %%, f. imitation, doing anything subsequently or in like manner; a subsequent rite. ## %%, f. a subsequent rite or ceremony. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kntati, -karti-tum>%, to go on shattering or destroying. ## %%, cl. 6. A., Ved. %<-kpate>%, to mourn; nom. A. %<-kpyate, -yitum>%, to compassionate, condole with. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-karati, -karum>% or %<-kraum>%, to drag after one's self, attract: Caus. %<-karayati, -yitum>%, = the same; to subject. ## %%, m. or %%, n. attraction, drawing; invoking, summoning by incantation; the bottom or the axle-tree of a carriage; grammatical attraction; including a subsequent in a preceding rule; lagging behind in a ceremony; delayed performance of a duty. ## %%, m. the bottom of a carriage. ## %%, attracted; included or implied in a subsequent rule. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum, rtum>%, to scatter along, to crowd: Pass. %<-kryate>%, to become crowded or filled. @<[Page 0032-b]>@ ## %%, crowded. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-krtayati, -yitum>%, to relate after (or in order), to narrate. ## %%, n. act of proclaiming or publishing. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kalpate, -kalpitum, -kalptum>%, to follow duly: Caus. %<-kalpa-yati, -yitum>%, to get (others) to follow or imitate duly. ## %%, m. permission to adopt an alternative or substitute, as "instead of Kua grass you may use Drb." ## %%, followed, attended. ## %%, (rt. %%), unuttered, unsaid, unheard of, extraordinary. ## %%, n. a reason which is unuttered or unheard of or extraordinary; (%%,), having such a reason. ## %%, f. the not speaking, improper speech. ## %%, Ved. hymnless, not singing hymns. ## %%, serrated, dentated like a saw. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-krandate, -ditum>%, to shout or cry after one. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to go on, go after, follow; to go through in order, enumerate, supply with an abstract or index. ## %%, m. succession, arrangement, order, method; an index showing the successive contents of a book; (%%), ind. in due order. ## %%, n. proceeding methodically or in order; following. ## %% or %%, f. a table or chapter of contents, especially of the collection of hymns &c. in Vedic books. ## %%, gone over, read, or done in due order. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-krate, -itum>%, to play. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kroati, -kroum>%, to shout at: Caus. %<-kroayati, -yitum>%, to join in lamenting, show sympathy. ## %%, m. tenderness, compassion. ## %%, ind. momentarily, perpetually, every instant. ## %%, m. the doorkeeper's or charioteer's mate or attendant. ## %%, ind. night after night. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-karati, -ritum>%, to flow into or upon. ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-kiyati, -ketum>%, to overspread, reach: Pass. %<-kyate>%, to decay or vanish gradually. ## %%, n. stipend (in commutation probably of the proceeds of an endowment) given to temple-servants in Orissa. ## %%, m., N. of a country. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to descry. ## %%, f. act of descrying or revealing or reporting. ## %%, m. a discoverer, revealer, reporter. ## %%, ind. along the Ganges. @<[Page 0032-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-gaayati, -yitum>%, to count over. ## %%, counted over. ## %%, one who has counted over. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gan-tum>%, to go after, follow, seek, approach, visit, arrive; to practise, observe, obey, imitate; to enter into; to die out, be extinguished: Caus. %<-gamayati, -yitum>%, to imitate, cause to die out. ## %%, going after, following, corresponding with, adapted to; a companion; a follower, a servant; (at the close of compounds) having followers, as %%, having a force following him, i. e. leader of a force or army; (%<>%), f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, followed (lit. or fig.), as by a dependant; covered (as by a dress hanging behind); following; a follower; acquired; extinguished; tallying with; (%%), n. moderate time in music. ## %%, having a corresponding (easily discoverable) meaning. ## %%, m. a follower, an imitator. ## %% or %%, proper to be followed (especially in death); worthy of being imitated. ## %%, m. or %%, n. following, going after in life or death; postcremation of a widow; imitating, approaching. ## %%, to be followed or imitated. ## %%, following, a follower, a companion. ## %%, habitually or constantly following or attending. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to shout or roar after. ## %%, n. roaring echo. ## %%, ind. so as to suit the oxen. ## %%, m. a cowherd. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to go after, follow, seek, be guided by. ## %%, following in speaking, echoing. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghate, -ghitum, ghum>%, to plunge after, be immersed in. ## %%, plunged, immersed. ## %%, ind. on the mountain. ## %%, ind. behind the oxen or cows. ## %%, having similar qualities, congenial with; according or suitable to; (%%), ind. naturally; (%%), m. natural peculiarity. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gopyati, -gop-tum>%, to protect. ## %%, protected, sheltered, concealed. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-gdhyati, -gardhitum>%, to be greedy after. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-gti, -garitum, rtum>%, Ved. to join in praising; to rejoin, answer, repeat. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gyati, -gtum>%, to sing after or to (a person or a tune); to celebrate in song: Caus. %<-gpayati, -yitum>%, to make one sing after or to. ## %%, f., N. of a metre of two verses, the first containing twenty-seven, the second thirty-two mtrs. @<[Page 0033-a]>@ ## %%, not harsh or violent, mild, gentle. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-ghti>% or Ved. %<-gbhti>%, or cl. 9. A. %<-ghte, -grahtum>%, to follow in taking or plundering; to support; uphold; to receive, welcome; treat with kindness, favour, oblige; foster. ## %%, favoured, obliged. ## %%, m. or %%, n. favour, kindness, showing favour, conferring benefits, promoting or furthering a good object; assistance; facilitating by incantation; rear-guard; (in the Puras) N. of the eighth or fifth creation. ## %%, anxious to please or for favour. ## %%, m. (in Skhya phil.) creation of the feelings or mental conditions. ## %%, m., Ved. proficient in magic skill. ## %%, favouring, furthering, facilitating; favourable, kind, gracious. ## %% or %%, favoured. ## %%, gracious, favourable. ## %%, fit or deserving to be favoured or furthered. ## %%, f. desire to show favour or kindness. ## %%, ind. village after village. ## %%, m. a mouthful (of boiled rice), the equivalent of a mouthful. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-ghaayati, -yitum>%, to stroke, rub lengthwise. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-ghoati, -itum>%, to name aloud. ## %% cl. 2. A., Ved. %<-cae, -caum>%, to look at or up to. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to walk or move after or along, to follow, pursue, traverse, seek after; to follow out, adhere to, attend, to behave: Caus. %<-crayati, -yitum>%, to let or cause to traverse. ## %%, following, attending; (%%), m. companion, follower, servant; (%<>% or %<>%), f. a female attendant. ## %%, m. a follower, attendant; (%<>%), f. a female follower or attendant. ## %%, following, attending. ## %%, Ved. reciting or repeating (in a chorus). ## 1. %%, cl. 5. P. %<-cinoti, -cetum>%, to set or place along or in regular order. ## 1. %%, set or placed along or lengthwise or in rows. ## 2. %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-ciketi>%, to remember. ## 2. %%, improper, wrong, unusual, strange. ## %%, m. an unusaul meaning. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-cintayati, -yitum>%, to meditate, consider, recal to mind: Caus. to make to consider. ## %%, f. or %%, n. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting; anxiety. ## %%, recollected, recalled, thought of. ## %%, not high, low, humble. ## %%, ind. not aloud, in a low voice. ## %%, non-pronunciation, skipping words. See %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a garment which hangs down, or probably that part of the lower garment which hangs down in front from the waist to the feet. ## %%, f. or %%, m. (rt. %% with %%), not cutting off, non-extirpation, non-destruction, indestructibility. ## %%, possessing the virtue (or law) of being indestructible. ## 1. %%, not destroying. ## %%, not cut off, unextirpated, undestroyed. ## %%, indestructible, not severable. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-cchinatti, -cchettum>%, to cut along or lengthwise. ## 2. %%, cutting lengthwise. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), not rejected, pure (by austerity and devotion). ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-chyati, -chtum>%, to cut open or cut up. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-jyate, -janitum>%, to follow in being born or produced or arising; to take after (one's parents). ## %%, born after, later, younger; (%%), m. a younger brother, a cadet; N. of a plant, also called Tryama; (%%), n., N. of a plant, also called Prapauarka; (%<>%), f. a younger sister. ## %%, m. a younger brother, younger. ## %%, after-born, later, younger; taking after (the parents); after teething (?); born again, i. e. invested with the sacred cord; (%%), m. a younger brother; (%<>%), f. a younger sister. ## %%, ind. according to people, popularly. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-japati, -pitum>%, to follow or imitate in muttering. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jalpati, -pitum>%, to follow in talking; A. %<-jalpate>%, to entertain by conversation. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-jgarti, -jgaritum>%, to watch as an attendant. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to subdue: Desid %<-jigate>%, to be desirous of subduing. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvati, -vitum>%, to follow or imitate in living; to live for any one; to live by or upon something; to live submissively under: Caus. %<-jvayati, -yitum>%, to restore to life. ## %%, living by or upon; dependent; (%<>%), m. a dependent, follower. ## %%, made wholly subservient. ## %%, to be followed in living. ## %%, cl. 6. A., Ved. %<-juate, -joitum>%, to seek. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-jryati>%, or cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-jarati, -jaritum, -rtum>%, to follow in getting old or decaying. ## %%, grown old or decayed after or in consequence of. ## %% or %%, not quitting, not leaving. ## %%, undiminished, unimpaired, not left or lost. ## 1. %%, cl. 9. P. rarely A. %<-jnti, jnte, -jtum>%, to permit, grant, allow, consent; to excuse, forgive; to authorize; to allow one to take leave, dismiss, bid farewell; to entreat; to behave kindly: Caus. %<-jpayati, -yitum>%, to request, ask permission, ask for leave, to take leave: Desid. %<-jijsati>% or %<-te>%, to be willing to grant. @<[Page 0033-c]>@ ## 2. %%, f. or %%, n. assent, assenting, permission; leave to depart; allowance made for faults; an order or command. ## %% or %%, f. asking permission, taking leave. ## %%, assented to, permitted, allowed; ordered, directed, instructed; accepted; authorized, honoured; allowed to depart, dismissed. ## %%, m. one who commands or enjoins. ## %%, n. or %%, f. authorization; issuing an order or permission. ## %%, next eldest; (%%), ind. after the eldest, according to seniority. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-takati, -kitum, -taum>%, to sharpen or stimulate by offerings. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-tanoti, -tanitum>%, to extend along, to carry on, continue, develop. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -taptum>%, to heat, to vex, annoy: Pass. %<-tapyate>% or poet. %<-tapyati>%, to suffer afterwards, repent; to desiderate, miss: Caus. %<-tpayati, -yitum>%, to distress. ## %%, heated; filled with regret. ## %%, m. repentance, heat. ## %%, occasioning remorse, repentance or sorrow. ## %%, penitent, regretting. ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, cl. 10. P. or poet. A. %<-tarkayati, -te, -yitum>%, to follow in thought, to regard as or take for. ## %%, m. thirst, wish, desire; a drinking vessel, one used for drinking spirituous liquors. ## %%, n. a vessel from which spirituous liquor is drunk; distributing liquor. ## %%, ind. grain after grain (of Sesamum), i. e. very minutely or by grains. ## %%. See %%. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. depressed or repressed (in sound), muffled. ## %%, nom. P. %<-tlayati, -yitum>%, to rub lengthwise (with a brush or cotton?). ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-tatti, -tardi-tum>%, to let go, let out; split, sever, open. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-tpyate, -tarpi-tum, -tarptum, -traptum>%, to take one's fill (or refreshment) after or later than another. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tarati, -ritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to follow across or to the end; to stretch lengthwise or prostrate: Pass. %<-tryate>%, to be laid or lay one's self lengthwise. ## %%, n. fare, freight. ## %%, free from regret, not regretting, self-complacent, not repenting of. ## %%, m. inferiority, non-elevation. ## %%, Ved. not cast down, invincible; (or, not moistened, %<= an-utta?>%). ## %%, m. of invincible wrath, i. e. Indra. ## %%, unsurpassed, incomparably the best or chief, excellent; not the best; (in gram.) not used in the %% or first person. ## %%, n. (in Skhya phil.) indifference to and consequent abstinence from sensual enjoyment, as fatiguing. ## %%, n. indifference to and abstinence from sensual enjoyment as involving injury to external objects. ## %%, chief, principal; best, excellent; without a reply, unable to answer, silent; fixed, firm; low, inferior, base; south, southern; (%%), n. a reply which is coherent or evasive and therefore held to be no answer; (%%), m. a class of gods among the Jainas. ## %%, n. title of the last of the four Bauddhatantras. ## %%, m. pl. the same class of gods. ## %%, f. pl. title of a book treating of those gods. ## %%, lying with the face towards the ground; not supine. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), the not rising, want of exertion. ## %%, not risen, not grown up (as grain). ## %%, f. failure, non-production; (%%), or %%, not (yet) produced. ## %%, f. (with Buddhists) acquiescence in the state (and moral condition) which is still future, preparation for a future state. ## %%, m. f. (in Nyya phil.) arguing against a thing by trying to show that nothing exists from which it could spring. ## %%, unborn, unproduced; uneffected, unaccomplished. ## %%, m. the not coming into existence; the not taking effect. ## %%, f. acquiescence in not having to undergo another birth. ## %%, n. not producing, non-production. ## %%, not to be produced or created, i. e. eternal. ## %%, m. want of adequate effort; want of energy or determination; listlessness; (%%), deficient in determination. ## %%, f. want of determination. ## %%, not eager, calm, retiring; moderate. ## %%, f. moderateness. ## %%, not anomalous. ## %%, m. absence of arrogance or highmindedness. ## %%, not arrogant or puffed up. ## %%, waterless. ## %%, not lofty, low; not projecting. ## %%, m. non-rising, the not rising (of a luminary). ## 1. %%, not risen, not appeared. (For 2. %%, see next column.) ## %%, thin, lank. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to burn over again, to burn up. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadti, -dtum>%, to give back, restore, give way, yield, grant, remit; to pay one out (?). ## %%, Ved. yielding, emulating others in giving, a follower. ## %%, granted, remitted, given back. ## %%, to be given back or restored. ## %%, f., Ved. restitution; a female follower or companion. ## %%, not raised, not elevated, not pronounced with the Udtta accent, grave; accentless, having the neutral general tone neither high nor low: the term %% is used by Pini both for the grave or non-elevated accent (explained by him as %%, q. v.) which immediately precedes the Udtta, and also for the general accentless, neutral tone, neither high nor low, explained as %%, i. e. the one monotonous ordinary intonation which belongs to the generality of syllables in a sentence; (%%), m. one of the three accents to be observed in reading the Vedas, the grave accent. ## %%, m. more than Anudtta, still lower in sound than Anudtta, i. e. the very Anudtta accent (or a syllable having this accent) which immediately precedes a syllable having the Udtta or Svarita accent, and is therefore more depressed than the ordinary Anudtta. ## %%, n. (in gram.) a nominal base of which the first syllable is Anudtta. ## %%, m. a verbal root having for its Anubandha the Anudtta accent to indicate that it takes the tmane-pada terminations only; also %%. ## %%, n. a syllable immediately preceding the Anudtta accent. ## 1. %%, niggardly, mean; liberal, munificent. ## 2. %%, adhered to or followed by a wife. ## 2. %%, unsaid, unuttered, interdicted (see 1. %% under %%). ## %% or %%, ind. daily, every day. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to point out, to assign. ## %%, ind. in every quarter. ## %%, m. a rule or injunction, especially one that points back to a previous rule; reference to something prior. ## %%, pointing back, referring back; being the object of an Anudea. ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-dbhati, -darbhitum>%, to make into bundles or chains. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-payati, -dra-um>%, to survey, behold; to keep in view or in mind, to foresee: Caus. P. %<-darayati, -yitum>%, to show, tell, teach: Pass. %<-dyate>%, to become or be visible. ## %%, n. consideration, regard, reference. ## %%, considering, foreseeing. ## %%, f., N. of the ancestress of nudineya. ## %%, capable of being observed, visible. ## %%, Pass. %<-dryate>%, to break through after (another); to be scattered or confused (in consequence of the confusion of others). ## %%, ind. behind the body. ## %%, longitudinal. ## %%, not vomited forth, not disdained; not spurned. ## %%, (rt. %%), not lifted up, humble, unsurpassed, unequalled, unopposed. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), non-removal; not offering, not establishing or proving. ## %%, m. non-partition, not taking a share; non-removal. ## %%, non-removed, not taken away; uninjured, undestroyed; unoffered; undivided, unpartitioned; unestablished, unproved. ## %%, m. sunset (%%), taking place whilst the havanya fire continues (%%) unremoved from the Grhapatya. ## %%, not exalted, unassuming. ## %%, unutterable. ## %% (rt. %%), inactive, idle, destitute of perseverance. ## %%, m. absence of exertion or effort, inactivity, laziness. ## %%, inactive, lazy, indifferent. ## %%, waterless. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dravati, -drotum>%, to run after, follow; accompany; to pursue. ## %%, followed, pursued; (%%), n. a measure of time in music, half a Druta, or onefourth of a Mtr or of the time taken to articulate a short vowel. ## %%, m. non-marriage, celibacy. ## %%, free from apprehension or perplexity, easy in mind. ## %%, free from anxiety; (%%), m. freedom from uneasiness. ## %%, not causing apprehension, not overawing. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadhti, -dhtum>%, to welcome, receive kindly. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhvati, -vitum>%, to run after, to run up to. ## %%, running after. ## 1. %%, n. chasing, pursuing, running after; close pursuit of any object, going after a mistress. ## %%, pursued, run after, literally or figuratively. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-dhavati, -te, -vitum>%, to cleanse. ## 2. %%, n. cleansing, purification. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhyyati, -dhytum>%, to consider attentively, to think of, to muse, to be anxious. ## %%, n. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude. ## %%, contemplating, meditating. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nadati, -ditum>%, to sound towards, (with acc.): Caus. P. %<-ndayati, -yitum>%, to make resonant or musical. ## %%, m. sound, vibration, reverberation, echo. ## %%, made to resound. ## %%, resounding, echoing, resonant. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-namati, -nantum>%, to incline to. ## %%, &c. See %%. ## %%, nasal, uttered through the nose (as one of the five nasal consonants, or a vowel, or the three semivowels, %%, under certain circumstances; in the case of vowels and semivowels, the mark %<>% is used to denote this nasalization); the nasal mark %<; (am>%), n. a nasal twang. ## %%, n. nasality. ## %%, m. dropping of a nasal sound or letter. ## %%, n. nasal pronunciation of %<>%. ## %%, m. a compound letter commencing with a nasal. ## %%, m. a radical ending in a nasal. ## %%, having a nasal penultimate; succeding a syllable with a nasal sound. @<[Page 0035-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to follow in the steps. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-nikati, -kitum>%, to pierce along. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-tudati, -tottum>%, to wound with a stab, to goad. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to lie down by the side of. ## %% (rt. %%), proceeding out of (?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to burn down in succession. ## %%, m. description or relation following a previous model. ## %%, m. subsequent libation (with clarified butter). ## %%, f. ceremony connected with this subsequent libation. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to bring near, to lead after; to persuade, induce, win over, conciliate, to coax, pacify, supplicate. ## %%, m. conciliation, salutation, courtesy, civility, showing respect or adoration to a guest or a deity; humble entreaty or supplication, reverntial deportment; regulation of conduct, discipline, tuition; (%%), conciliatory, kind; (%%), ind. fitly, becomingly. ## %%, n. (with Buddhists) abandoning the obstacles to conciliatory behaviour. ## %%, n. conciliatory address. ## %%, conciliating, honouring, showing respect. ## %%, courteous, humble, supplicating. ## %%, submissive, humble. ## %%, f. a female character, subordinate to a %% or leading female character in a drama. ## %%, desirous of conciliating or gratifying. ## %%, trained, disciplined, obtained, acquired, taught, respected; pleased, pacified, appeased, humbly entreated. ## %%, f. conciliation, courtesy, supplication. ## %%, easily conciliated. ## %% or %<-n>%, cl. 6. and cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-nuvati>% or %<-nauti, -navitum>% or %<-nuvitum>%, to praise again and again: Intens. %<-nonavti>%, to cheer after. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-ntyati, -nartitum>%, to dance after (with acc.); to dance before (with acc.). ## %%, not elevated, not lifted up. ## %%, (with Buddhists) having limbs that are not too stout, prominent or protuberant. ## %%, not raised nor lowered, level. ## %% or %% or %%, sane, sober, not wild, not mad. ## %%, watery, marshy; see %%. ## %% or better %%, n. ginger (in its undried state). ## %%, not assisting, disobliging, ungrateful, not making a return for benefits received; unserviceable, useless. ## %%, unassisted. ## %%, uninjured, undestroyed. ## %%, not praised or celebrated (?); not accompanied in singing (?); (%%), ind. so that no other person accompanies in singing. @<[Page 0035-b]>@ ## %%, acquired without detriment (to the paternal estate). ## %%, not detrimental (to the paternal estate). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-pacati, -paktum>%, to make ripe by degrees: Pass. %<-pacyate>%, to become ripe by degrees. ## %%, yielding (or granting) no livelihood; having no livelihood. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-pahati, -hitum>%, to say after, repeat. ## %%, read through (aloud), recited. ## %%, m. (one who has read through or recited), proficient. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly to (with acc.); fly after, run after, go after, follow: Caus. %<-ptayati, -yitum>%, to fly to; to throw a person down together with oneself. ## %%, n. falling on or upon; following; (in mathem.) proportion. ## %%, fallen, descended; followed. ## %%, see s. v. ## %%, ind. after the husband. ## %%, following the road; having favourable roads ?; (%%), m. a road; (%%), ind. along the road. ## 1. %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to follow, attend, be fond of; to enter; to enter upon; to notice, understand; to handle. ## 2. %%, Ved. coming to pass; or (%%), f. food (?). ## %%, following closely; (%%), m., N. of a man or tribe; (%%), n. a chorus, burden of a song or words sung again after regular intervals; (%%), ind. step by step, word for word; on the heels of, close behind or after. ## %%, n. title of a commentary explaining the text (of a Brhmaa) word for word. ## %%, f. a way. ## %%, m. a searcher, an inquirer, one who follows or seeks for. ## %%, f. a boot, a buskin. ## %%, Ved. not drying up, not decaying (?). ## %%, untaught, uninstructed. ## %%, m. one who does not point out or teach. ## %%, m. (having no penultimate), a letter or syllable (as a sibilant or %%) when not preceded by another. ## %%, m. that in which there is not longer a condition of individulity (?). ## %%, m. (with Buddhists) want of close attachment or adherence (?). ## %%, not laid down clearly, not established. ## %%, m. failure of proof or determination, uncertainty, doubt. ## %%, f. non-accomplishment, failure, inconclusive argumentation; irrelevancy, inapplicability, impossibility, insufficiency of means, penury, adversity. ## %%, not done, unaccomplished, uneffected; unproved, undemonstrated; irrelevant, inconclusive, inapplicable, impossible, inadequately supported. @<[Page 0035-c]>@ ## %%, m. pl. (having no material parent), N. of a class of Buddhas, called Dhynibuddhas. ## %%, free from any overwhelming calamity. ## %%, not overwhelmed (with calamity). ## %%, Ved. unobstructed, unimpaired. ## %%, unenjoyed, unpossessed. ## %%, not being enjoyed. ## %%, incomparable, matchless; excellent, best; (%<>%), f. the female elephant of the south-east or of the north-east. ## %%, m., N. of a contemporary of kya-muni. ## %%, uncompared, matchless. ## %%, incomparable. ## %%, n. nondemolition or refutation of a charge. ## %%, unsuited, unsuitable, improper; useless, unserviceable. ## %%, m. unserviceableness, uselessness. ## %%, unsuitable, useless. ## %%, uninterrupted, not stopped. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly or hasten by the side of another. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum, -rtum>%, to scatter alongside, to bestrew. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kr-mati, -kramitum>%, to walk round in order, to make the circuit of, visit in a regular round. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, gtum>%, to make the round of, traverse. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ayati, -etum>%, to lead or carry about. ## %%, ind. along or at the three Paridhis of the sacrificial fire. ## %%, ind. along or at the surrounding fence. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-pary-eti, -tum>%, to follow in going round, to make the round of. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-paraiti, -tum>%, to follow in walking off. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, gtum>%, to revolve, accomplish a revolution. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-paryaiti, -tum>%, to make the whole round of. ## %%, untraced, unperceived, unmarked, undiscriminated. ## %%, not to be traced. ## %%, having ways (or a way) that cannot be traced. ## %%, unobtained, unperceived, unascertained. ## %%, f. non-perception, non-recognition. ## %%, m. f. sophism, trying to establish a fact (e. g. the reality and eternity of sound) from the impossibility of perceiving the non-perception of it. ## %%, not being perceived. ## %%, m. non-perception. ## %%, n. want of apprehension or knowledge. @<[Page 0036-a]>@ ## %%, m. one who does not wear the sacred cord, uninvested with the sacrificial thread. ## %%, m. any aggravating thing or circumstance that increases a disease. ## %%, not cilm; (%%), m., N. of a Buddhist mendicant. ## %%, following with his looks, keeping in view or in mind. ## %%, m. a word that is not an Upasarga, that has not the force of one, that is destitute of one; that which needs no additions or supplements (as a divine being). ## %%, having nothing (e. g. no sauce) for moistening. ## %%, unfinished, unpolished; not cooked, i. e. genuine, blameless; unrequited. ## %%, n. absence, the not being at hand. ## %%, n. not producing, not offering, not placing; not having ready or at hand. ## %%, not presenting, not having at hand. ## %%, not ready, not at hand, not offered or produced. ## %%, absent, distant. ## %%, not come near, not present, not at hand, not current; (%%), n. a word not %% (q. v.) in the grammatical sense of that term. ## %%, f. absence, not being at hand. ## %%, unimpaired, unvitiated; not rendered impure. ## %%, (with Buddhists) neither affected by injury no by anger. ## %%, not called upon or invited; not called upon aloud; not accompanied with invitations. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-pibati, -ptum>%, to drink after or thereupon, follow in drinking, drink at: Caus. %<-pyayati, -yitum>%, to cause to drink afterwards. ## %%, n. a fluid vehicle in medicine; drink taken with or after medicine; drink close at hand. ## %%, n. drink close at hand; (%%), fit to be drunk after; serving as a liquid vehicle of medicine. ## 2. %%, Caus. P. A. %<-playati, -te, -yitum>%, to preserve, keep. ## %%, n. preserving, keeping up. ## %%, keeping, maintaining. ## %%, preserving, keeping up. ## %%, n., N. of a plant, wild Calladium (?). ## %%, not rendered fit for sacrificial purposes. ## %%, n. flesh of an animal not prepared for sacrifice. ## %%, not clearly discernible. ## %%, m. falling subsequently upon, alighting or descending upon in succession; following; going, proceeding in order, or as a consequence; a degree of latitude opposite to one given, the Antaeci (?); proportion (in arithm.); arithmetical progression, rule of three. ## %%, n. a heinous crime, as falsehood, fraud, theft, adultery. ## %%, ind. in succession. @<[Page 0036-b]>@ ## %%, following as a consequence or result. ## %%. See s. v. 1. %%. ## %%, shoeless. ## %%, not using means or expedients. ## %%, lateral; along or by the side. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, n. want of attention to. ## %%, not attended to, neglected. ## %%, m. the beforementioned man, a follower. ## %%, m. a kind of reed (Saccharum Sara Roxb.). ## %%, regular, orderly, successive, from the preceding. %% or %%, ind. in regular order or succession, from the first, from the beginning, from above downwards. ## %%, m. one who has regular hair. ## %%, m. one who has regularly shaped limbs. ## %%, descended in a regular line. ## %%, having regular teeth. ## %%, m. having a regularly shaped navel. ## %%, having regular lines in the hands. ## %%, f. a cow which calves regularly. ## %%, regular, orderly, successive. ## %%, mixed with. ## %% (held or extended), lengthwise. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-prayati, -yitum>%, to fill, to fulfil. ## %%, not endowed with, not invested with (the sacred cord). ## %%, n. not fasting. ## %% (rt. %%), unsown (as seed). ## %%, fallow, meadow (ground, &c.). ## %%, grown without being sown. ## %%, Caus. A. %<-kamp-ayate, -yitum>%, to follow in swinging or agitating. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-pcchati, -praum>% (with two acc. cases of the person and thing), to ask, to inquire after. ## %%, see s. v. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-jyate, -janitum>%, to be born after; to procreate again and again: Caus. %<-janayati, -yitum>%, to cause to be born subsequently. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-jnti, jtum>%, to track, trace, discover. ## %%, n. tracking, tracing. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-udati, -te, -ottum>%, to push away from one's self; to frighten away, put to flight. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krm-ati, -kramitum>%, to return. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-prathate, -thitum>%, to praise, celebrate. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadti, dtum>%, to surrender, make over. ## %%, n. a gift, donation. @<[Page 0036-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhvati, -vitum>%, to rush after. ## %%, hurried, eager. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly towards. ## %%, ind. going in succession. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to follow. ## %%, following after, conformed to. ## %%, ind. going in succession. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-pibati, -te, -ptum>%; P. to drink one after the other; A. to drink after another (with acc.). ## %%, having a suitable size or length. ## %%, cl. 7. A. %<-yukte, -yoktum>%, to employ, apply. ## %%, employed in addition. ## %%, proper to be joined or employed in addition. ## %%, m. additional use. ## %%, coming up or growing in accordance with. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vahati, -vohum>%, to drag (or carry) about. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-viati, -veum>%, to follow in entering, to attack, enter; to sleep with. ## %%, ind. having entered. ## %%, m. or %%, n. return, entrance; imitation. ## %%, connected with returning or with entering. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ocati, -citum>%, to regret or mourn deeply. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), a subsequent question having reference to what has been previously said by the teacher. ## %%, strongly attached, closely connected. ## %%, f. close connection with. ## %%, latitudinal; according to width, following the breadth or latitude. ## %%, n. knocking into or throwing into. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-priti, -itum>%, to breathe after. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-pnoti, -ptum>%, to come or go up to, reach, attain, overtake (?); to arrive, to get, obtain; to get back; to imitate. ## %%, arrived, returned; obtained; having reached, having got. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -asitum>%, to throw or shoot after. ## %%, m. alliteration, repetition of similar letters, syllables, and words. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-praiti, -tum>%, to follow; to follow in death; to seek after. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-prekate, -kitum>%, to follow with the eyes. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-preayati, -yitum>%, to send forth after. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a companion or follower. @<[Page 0037-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-badhnti, -banddhum>%, to attach, tie; to bind (by an obligation); to stick, adhere, follow, endure. ## %%, bound to, obliged to, connected with, related to, belonging to. ## %%, m. binding, connection, attachment, the encumbrance or clog of a family; uninterrupted succession; sequence, consequence, result; intention, design, motive or cause of an action; obstacle; the inseparable adjunct or sign of anything, secondary or symptomatic affection, supervening on the principal disease; an indicatory letter or syllable, marking some peculiarity in the inflection of the word to which it is attached (for instance, an %% attached to roots, denotes the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant); a child or pupil, who imitates an example set by the parent or preceptor; commencement, beginning; anything small or little, a part, a small part; (in arithm.) the junction of fractions; (in phil.) an indispensable element of the Vednta; (%<>%), f. hickup; thirst. ## %%, connected, allied; related. ## %%, n. binding, connection, succession, unbroken series. ## %%, connected with, attached; having in its train or as a consequence, resulting. ## %%, n. the state of being accompanied. ## %%, principal, primary, what may receive an adjunct, as a root, a disease; (%%), m. one of the three principal sacrificial animals at the Jyotioma sacrifice. ## %%, n. rear-guard, or an auxiliary army following another. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-bdhate, -dhitum>%, to press closely, pursue. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-budhyate, -bodhitum>%, to awake, to recollect, to learn (by information). ## %%, m. reviving the scent of a faded perfume, replacing perfumes removed by bathing; an after-thought. ## %%, n. recollecting. ## %%, informed or convinced by recollection. ## %%, n. a work resembling a Brhmaa. ## %% (or perhaps more correctly %%, or %%, m. a knower of an %%. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-bravti, -vaktum>%, to pronounce, utter, vow. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-bhate, -itum>%, to pronounce clearly, to confess. ## %%, n. repeating what has been said; repeating a proposition in order to refute it. ## %%, m. a species of crow. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-bhinatti, -bhettum>%, to split, break. ## %%, ind. along a cleft. ## %%, cl. 7. A. %<-bhukte, -bhok-tum>%, to suffer the due consequence of one's actions. ## %%, m. (in law) enjoyment, a grant of hereditary land in return for service. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to be after, to notice, perceive, understand; to experience, to attempt. ## %%, m. perception, apprehension, fruition; understanding; impression on the mind not derived from memory; experience, knowledge derived from personal observation or experiment; result, consequence. ## %%, established by experience or perception. ## %%, subjected to trial or experiment. ## %%, m. a sign or indication of a feeling (%%) by look or gesture; dignity, authority, consequence; firm opinion, ascertainment, good resolution, belief. ## %%, causing to apprehend, making to understand. ## %%, f. understanding. ## %%, n. the act of indicating feelings by sign or gesture. ## %%, perceiving, knowing, an eye-witness; showing signs of feeling. ## %%, perceiving, understanding. ## %%, perceived, understood, judged, experienceed, apprehended; resulted, followed as a consequence; that has experienced, tasted, tried or enjoyed. ## %%, f. perception, apprehension; knowledge from any source but memory; (in phil.) knowledge from four sources, viz. perception by the senses, inference, comparison, and verbal knowledge; dignity, consequence. ## %%, m. title of a metric paraphrase of the twelve principal Upaniads, by Vidyraya-muni. ## %%, m., N. of the author of the grammar Srasvat-prakriy. ## %%, ind. having perceived, having experienced. ## %%, under trial, under enjoyment. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-bharati, -bhartum>%, to praise conformably (?), to commit to, throw into. ## %%, Ved. praising conformably, imitating. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhrjati, -jitum>%, to illuminate. ## %%, m. a younger brother. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-madati, -ditum>%, to rejoice over, to gladden, to praise. ## %%, intoxicated (with joy, &c.); recovered from intoxication (?). ## %%, to be praised in succession, to be granted with acclamation or praise. ## %%, ind. next oldest to the middle. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-manyate, -man-tum>%, to approve, assent to, permit, grant: Caus. P. %<-mnayati, -yitum>%, to ask for permission, to honour. ## %%, approved, assented to, permitted, allowed; agreeable, pleasant; loved, beloved; concurred with, being of one opinion; (%%), n. consent, permission, approbation. %%, loc. c. with consent of. ## %%, doing what is allowed, acting according to an agreement. ## %%, f. assent, permission, approbation; the fifteenth day of the moon's age, on which it rises one digit less than full, when the gods or manes receive oblations with favour; the former personified as a goddess and worshipped especially in the Rjasya sacrifice; oblation made to this goddess. ## %%, n. (in law) a deed expressing assent. ## %%, n. assenting; independance. ## %%, consenting to, permitting. ## %%, minding, assenting. ## %%, cl. 10. A. (P. ?) %<-mantr-ayate, -ti, -yitum>%, to accompany with or consecrate by magic formulas; to dismiss with a blessing. ## %%, n. consecration by hymns and prayers. ## %%, m. a hymn used in consecrating. ## %%, so consecrated. ## %%. See %%. @<[Page 0037-c]>@ ## %%, m. a country next to a desert. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. A. %<-mimte, -mtum>%, to infer, conclude, guess, conjecture; to reconcile, to equal: Pass. %<-myate>%, to be inferred or supposed. ## 2. %%, f. inference, a conclusion from given premises. ## %%, n. the act of inferring or drawing a conclusion from given premises; inference, consideration, reflection; guess, conjecture; one of the means of obtaining knowledge (%%) according to the Skhya or Nyya systems, but not according to the Vednta. ## %%, n., N. of a work on inference, by Cintmai. ## %%, m. a similar work by Rucidatta. ## %%, f. a similar work by Raghuntha. ## %%, f. reasoning, logic. ## %%, causing an inference, as an effect. ## %%, inferred, conjectured. ## %%, f. inference, conclusion from given premises. ## %%, concluding, inferring. ## %%, being inferred. ## %%, inferable, to be inferred, proved or conjectured. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, ind. like a kidney bean. ## %%, m. the following month. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-modate, -ditum>%, to join in rejoicing, to sympathize with, to rejoice; to allow with pleasure, to express approval, applaud, permit. ## %%, m. a subsequent pleasure, the feeling of pleasure from sympathy. ## %%, assenting, showing sympathetic joy. ## %%, n. pleasing, causing pleasure, applauding; assent, acceptance; sympathetic joy. ## %%, pleased, delighted, applauded; agreeable, acceptable. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-muhyati, -mog-dhum>% or %<-mohum>%, to feel distressed at, to be troubled about. ## %%, cl. 6. A. %<-mriyate, -martum>%, to follow in death. ## %%, n. following in death; postcremation of a widow whose husband's corpse is not on the spot, and with part of whose dress she therefore ascends the pile; this is prohibited to Brhman women: it is often synonymous with the opposite term %%, con-cremation or burning with the body. ## %% or %%, about to follow in death. ## %%, f. the woman who burns with a part of her husband's dress. ## %%, m. (rt. %% and %%), granting all that is sought. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-mri, -mrji-tum>% or %<-mrum>%, to purify. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-mati, -mar-um>% or %<-mraum>%, to consider, think of, reflect. ## %%, ind. having repeatedly considered. ## %% or %%, f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, ind. (rt. %%), according to the Yajur-veda. ## %%, m. a subsequent or after-sacrifice. ## %%, m. a secondary or final sacrifice or offering. ## %%, m. permission to perform an Anuyja. ## %%, m. pl. the formulas belonging to the Anuyja. ## %%, having secondary sacrifices. ## %%, n. reciting those formulas. ## %%, belonging to or used at an Anuyja. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-yacchati, -yantum>%, to covet. ## %%, ind. like barley. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to follow, attend; to take (off) seriatim. ## 2. %%, following; (%%), f., Ved. food. ## %%, followed, pursued, practised. ## %%, to be followed. ## %%, m. a follower, companion. ## %%, n. f. retinue, attendance, that which is required for a journey. ## %%, following as attendant. ## %%, n. going after, following. ## %%, going after; a follower, a dependant or attendant; following, consequent upon. ## %%, f. or %%, n. the state of being a follower, succession. ## %%, cl. 7. A. %<-yukte, -yoktum>%, to examine, question, put upon trial; to order; enjoin; to select (a husband). ## %%, ordered, enjoined; asked, inquired; examined, questioned, reprehended, censured. ## %%, m. one who has enjoined, examined. ## %%, ind. according to the Yugas or four ages. ## %%, m. an examiner, inquirer, teacher. ## %%, m. a question, examination, asking, solicitation; censure, reproof; religious meditation, spiritul union. ## %%, m. an crya or spiritual teacher. ## %%, what combines or unites; connected or combined with, situated in or on, questioning, examining. ## %%, n. question, questioning, examining. ## %%, to be examined or questioned; to be enjoined or ordered; censurable; a servant, agent, delegate. ## %%, ind. along the Ypa or sacrificial post. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rakati, -itum>%, to preserve. ## %%, n. the act of preserving. ## %%, ind. along the rope. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-rajyate, -rak-tum>%, to be attached or devoted; P. %<-rajyati>%, to blush, be deeply affected: Caus. P. %<-rajayati, -yitum>%, to win, conciliate, gratify. ## %%, fond of, attached or devoted to, pleased; beloved. ## %%, beloved by his subjects. ## %%, m. a person to whom every one is attached. ## %%, f. affection, attachment, love, devotion. ## %%, attaching, conciliating, causing affection, gratifying, pleasing. ## %%, n. attachment, the act of attaching or conciliating affection, love; pleasing, giving delight to. ## %%, conciliated, inspired with affection, pleased, delighted. ## %%, m. attachment, affection, love, passion, goodwill. ## %%, affectionate, attached, in love with. ## %%, n. gesture expressive of passion. ## %%, impassioned, attached, enamoured, causing love; (%%), f. personification of a musical note. ## %%, f. the state of being in love with. ## %%, n. sounding conformably to. ## %%, fond of, attached, devoted to. ## %%, f. love, affection; attachment, goodwill. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Kuruvatsa and father of Puruhotra. ## %%, f. a path along the margin of a road; a side road, the margin of a street. ## %%, m. (in poetry) a subordinate feeling or passion; (in medic.) a secondary flavour, as a little sweetness in a sour fruit, &c. ## %%, solitary, private; (%%), ind. in secret, apart. ## %%, ind. every night. ## %% (rt. %%), effected, accomplished. ## %%, causing welfare; see %%; born under the asterism Anurdh; (%<>%), f. the seventeenth of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or lunar mansion, a constellation described as a row of oblation. ## %%, m. or %%, n. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by a man named Anurdha. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-ryate, -retum>%, to flow after. ## %% or %%, not great, not large. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-rocayati, -yitum>%, to choose, prefer. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-roditi, -tum>%, to lament. ## 1. %%, cl. 7. P. %<-ruaddhi, -roddhum>%, to retain, keep back; cl. 4. A. %<-rudhyate>% or poet. P. %<-rudhyati>%, to love, to be fond of or to spare; to coax, soothe, entreat (especially in Bengl). ## %%, checked, restrained, opposed; soothed, coaxed, pacified; (%%), m., N. of a cousin of kya-muni. ## 2. %%, Ved. loving, adhering to, favouring. ## %%, m. or %%, n. obliging another or fulfilling his wishes; obligingness, compliance, gratification, satisfaction, conformity, consideration, respect; reference or bearing of a rule. ## %%, or %%, complying with, compliant, obliging, conforming to, having respect or regard to. ## %%, f. the state of being so. ## %%, f., N. of a grass (Cyperus Pertenius). ## %%, following the form, conformable, corresponding, like, resembling; fit, suitable; adapted to, agreeable to, according to; (%%), m. the Antistrophe which has the same metre as the Stotriya or Strophe (understand %% or %%); the second of three verses recited together; (%%), n. conformity, suitability. %% or %% or %%, ind. conformably, agreeably to, according. ## %%, endeavouring to act becomingly. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, attached to; followed; intent on, pursuing after. ## %%, f., N. of a female Arhat or Buddhist saint; also of a queen of Ceylon. @<[Page 0038-c]>@ ## %%, m. (rt. %%), repetition of what has been said, tautology. ## %%, m. or %%, m. a peacock. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-limpati, -leptum>%, to anoint, besmear; cl. 6. A. %<-limpate>%, to anoint one's self (previous to or after bathing); to bathe: Caus. %<-lepayati, -yitum>%, to get one anointed. ## %%, smeared, anointed. ## %%, having the limbs anointed. ## %%, m. unction, anointing, smearing, bedaubing. ## %%, or %%, anointing the body with unguents, who or what anoints. ## %%, n. anointing the body; unguent so used; oily or emollient application. ## %%, Caus. %<-lobhayati, -yitum>%, to entice; to go astray (?). ## %%, in a natural direction, in regular order, regular, successive, with the hair (%%) or grain (opposed to %%); (%<>%), f. a woman of a lower caste than that of the man's with whom she is connected; (%%), pl. mixed castes. ## %%, m. the thirty-fourth of the Pariias belonging to the Atharva-veda. ## %%, ploughed in the regular direction (with the grain). ## %%, produced or born in due gradation; applied especially to the mixed tribes; or offspring of a mother inferior in caste to the father, as the Mrdhvasikta of a Brhman father and Katriy mother, and so on with the Ambaha, Nida or Praava, Mhiya, Ugra, Karaa. ## %%, f. married in regular gradation. ## %%, having fortune favourable. ## %%, n. due regulation, sending or putting in the right direction; (in medicine) carrying off by the right channels, purging. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to stroke or rub with the hair or the grain, to go with the grain, to send in the right direction or carrying off by the right channels. ## %% or %%, not excessive, not prominent, smooth (?), free from disturbing circumstances. ## %%, m. a genealogical list or table; (%%), ind. according to race or family, a new family. ## %%, relating to a genealogical list or table. ## %%, somewhat crooked or oblique. ## %%, having a somewhat oblique course (as a planet, &c.). ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-vakti, -tum>%, to repeat, reiterate, recited, speak after, reply. ## %%, to be repeated. ## %%, speaking after, repeating, replying. ## %%, n. or %%, f. speaking after, repetition, reciting, reading; lecture; a chapter, a section; recitation of certain texts (%%) in consequence of and in connection or conformity with injunctions (%%) spoken by other priests. ## %%, referring to the %%. ## %%, m. saying after, reciting, repeating, reading; a chapter of the Vedas, a subdivision or section; a compilation from the g or Yajur-vedas. ## %%, the fourth of the eighteen Pariias of the Yajur-veda. ## %%, f. a work referring to the g-veda, attributed to aunaka. ## %%, f. the verse to be recited by the Hot priest, in which the god is invoked to partake of the offering intended for him. ## %% or %%, furnished or accompanied with an Anuvky. ## %%, n. the act of causing to recite; the recitation of mantras or passages of the g-veda by the Hot in obedience to the injunction (%%) of the Adhvaryu priest. ## %%, m. an injunction to recite as above. ## %%, before-mentioned, beforenamed. ## %%, &c. See s. v., p. 42. ## %%, m. a year; (in astronomy) the fifth of five cycles of twelve years in the Vhaspati cycle. ## %%, ind. every year, yearly. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vadati>% (with acc.), or A. %<-vadate, -ditum>% (with gen.), to imitate in speaking, to mock, to repeat. ## %%, m. saying after or again, repeating by way of explanation, explanatory repetition or reiteration with corroboration or illustration, explanatory reference to anything already said, translation; any portion of the Brhmaas which comments on, explains or illustrates an injunction (%%) previously propounded, and which does not itself propound rules (such a passage is sometimes called %%); confirmation; report, rumour, %%; slander, reviling. ## %%, or %%, repeating with comment and explanation, corroborative, concurrent, conformable, in harmony with. The masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut. ## %%, to be explained by an Anuvda, to be made the subject of one; (%%), n. the subject of a predicate. ## %%, n. the state of requiring to be explained by an Anuvda. ## %%. See. s. v., p. 42. ## %%, ind. along side of the wood. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-varayati, -yitum>%, to mention, describe, recount. ## &c. See %%. ## %%, m. obedience to the will of another; (%%), obedient to the will of another. ## %%, m. or %%, n. a secondary exclamation of %%, on making an oblation to a deity. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vasati, -vastum>%, to dwell near to; to inhabit along with. ## %%, residing, resident. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %%, to put on), dressed up, wrapped. ## 2. %%, (for %%, rt. %%), fastened to, bound to, attached. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), one of the seven tongues of fire; ('bearing after.') ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-vti, -tum>%, to blow upon, fan. ## %%, ind. with the wind blowing in the sames direction, with the wind from behind, to windward. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, ind. time after time, repeatedly. ## %%, m. or %%, n. (rt. %%), perfuming the clothes, especially dipping the ends of the clothes in perfumes; perfuming, scenting in general; an oily enema; administering oily enemata. @<[Page 0039-b]>@ ## %%, scented, perfumed, fumigated; prepared or administered as an enema. ## %%, or %%, to be scented or fumigated, requiring an enema. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kasati, -situm>%, to blow, expand, as a flower. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kar-tum>%, to follow in shaping. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -kari-tum, -rtum>%, to bestrew. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-kramate, -mitum>%, to walk after, follow. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to walk or pass through, to walk up to. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-calati, -litum>%, to follow in changing place. ## %%, Intens., Ved. %<-ckati>%, to penetrate with one's vision. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-cinta-yati, -yitum>%, to recal to mind. ## %%, cl. 8. A. %<-tanute, -nitum>%, to extend all along or all over. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-vetti, -veditum>%, to know thoroughly. ## 2. %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-vindati, -te, -veditum>%, to find, discover; to deem; to marry. ## %%, found. ## %%, f. finding, obtaining. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-payati, -draum>%, to perceive, view. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadhti, -dhtum>%, to regulate, lay down a rule: Pass. %<-dhyate>%, to be trained to follow rules; to obey. ## %%, to be performed according to an order. ## %%, n. obedience, acting conformably to order. ## %%, conforming to, compliant, obedient. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-ndayati, -yitum>%, to make resonant or musical. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nardati, -ditum>%, to answer with roars. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-nayati, -naitum>% or %<-naum>%, to disappear, perish, vanish after or with another. ## %%, m. perishing after. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Oujein. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly away toward (with acc.). ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-mati, -marum, -mraum>%, to consider, think over. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-viati, -veum>%, to follow. ## %%, m. or %%, n. entering after, following. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people in the north-east. ## %%, m. the being impeded in consequence of. ## %%, ind. after Viu. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-vyeti, -tum>%, to follow or join in going off or separating. @<[Page 0039-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vkate, -kitum>%, to survey, examine. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-vjayati, -yitum>%, to fan. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate>%, poet. P. %<-vartati, -titum>%, to go after; to follow, pursue; to attend; obey, respect, imitate; to resemble; to assent, to expect: Caus. P. %<-vartayati, -yitum>%, to roll after or forward; to follow up, carry out. ## %%, n. obliging, serving or gratifying another; compliance, obedience; following, attending; concurring; consequence, result; continuance; supplying form a previous rule. ## %%, to be supplied from a previous rule. ## %%, following, compliant, obedient, resembling. ## %%, n. the state of being so. ## %%, following, attending. ## %%, following, obeying, complying; rounded off; (%%), n. obedience, conformity, compliance. ## %%, f. following, acting suitably to, having regard or respect to, complying with, the act of continuance, continued course or influence of a preceding rule or assertion on what follows; reverting to; imitating, doing or acting in like manner. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vardhate, -dhi-tum>%, to grow, increae. ## %%, Ved. increasing (as in clearness or emphasis) in regular ratio. ## %%, ind. along the ground prepared for sacrifice. ## %%, ind. along the edge of this sacrificial ground. ## %%, ind. constantly. ## %%, n. (rt. %% or %% or %%), bandaging, securing with bandages (in surgery); a kind of bandage applied to the extremities; (%%), bent in conformity with, bent under. ## %%, N. of a country. ## %%, n. a secondary mark or token. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-vidhyati, -vyad-dhum>%, to follow in striking; to hit again and again; to wound. ## %%, pierced; obstructed, checked, variegated; full of, abounding in; set (as a jewel). ## %% or %%, m. piercing; obstructing; blending. ## %%, ind. (rt. %% with %%), Ved. behind, after, following. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to come between successively or in succession to another. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-avaiti, -tum>%, to follow in intervening or coming between. ## %%, cl. 3. A. %<-vya-nute, -itum>%, to overtake, reach. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to explain further. ## %%, n. that portion of a Brhmaa which explains or illustrates difficult Stras, texts, or obscure statements occurring in another position. ## %%, n. or %%, m. cursing, execration; repeating, repeated utterance. @<[Page 0040-a]>@ ## %%, execrating, cursing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to follow in going forth or stepping forward. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vy-hati, -hitum>%, to distribute. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vrajati>% or poet. A. %<-vrajate, -jitum>%, to follow, especially a departing guest, as a mark of respect; to visit seriatim; to obey, do homage. ## %%, n. or %%, f. following as above. ## %%, to be followed, as by the relatives of a dead person to the cemetery. ## %%, devoted to, faithful to, ardently attached to; (%%), m. a particular kind of Jaina devotee. ## %%, Desid. Caus. P. %<-ika-yati, -yitum>%, to teach, instruct. ## %%, exercising one's self in, practising. ## %%, accompanied with or bought for a hundred (the derivative %% has Vddhi in both members). ## %%, &c. See under %%. ## %%, m. (rt. %<>% with %%), a Rkasa, a sort of demon. ## %%, n. anything used in place of a regular surgical instrument, as a fingernail or bambu; any subsidiary weapon or instrument. ## %%, cl. 2. P. or poet. A. %<-sti, -te, -situm>%, to rule, govern; to order; to teach, direct, advise, address; to punish, chastise, correct. ## %%, or %%, or %%, one who governs, instructs, directs or punishes. ## %%, instructing, ruling. ## %%, n. instruction, direction, command, giving rules, order, precept, law. ## %%, obedient. ## %% or %%, to be instructed. ## %%, directed, governed, defined by rule. ## %%, ruling, governing, commanding, directing, a ruler. ## %%, taught, revealed; adjudged, done conformably to law. ## %%, f. instruction, teaching, ordering. ## %%, ind. part. having ruled or ordered. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of a serpent which at a certain sacrifice officiated as Pot priest. ## %%, ind. after iva. ## %%, f. (an animal) followed by its young (as by a foal, &c.). ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-ete, -ayitum>%, to sleep or spend the night with, to lie along or close, to adhere closely to. ## %%, m. close connection as with a consequence, close attachment to any object; (in phil.) the consequence itself, the evil result of an act which clings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the temporary freedom from transmigration, which is the reward of its good deeds, to enter other bodies; repentance, regret; hatred; ancient or intense enmity; (%<>%), f. a disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the upper part; also one on the head. ## %%; see %%. ## %%, repenting, regretting; (%<>%), f. a particular kind of heroine or female character. ## %%, to be regretted. ## %%, having the consequence of an act, connected as with a consequence; devotedly attached to, faithful; repentant, penitent, regretful, sorry for; hating deeply. ## %%, adhering to, lying along or upon. ## %%, n. constant study or pursuit (of a science, &c.), repeated and devoted service. ## %%, studied carefully, attended to. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ocati, -citum>%, to mourn over, regret, bewail: Caus. P. %<-ocayati, -yitum>%, to mourn over. ## %%, f. any ceremony enjoined by the Vedas?. (This word, given by Wilson, is very doubtful.) ## %%, m. sorrow, repentance, regret. ## %%, grieving, one who repents; occasioning repentance. ## %%, n. sorrow, repentance. ## %%, regretted, repented of. ## %%, penitent, regretful, sorrowful. ## %%, shining. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-oti, -rotum>%, to hear repeatedly, especially from a sacred authority: Desid. A. %<-urate>%, to obey. ## %%, m., Vedic tradition (acquired by repeated hearing). ## %%, handed down by Vedic tradition. ## %%, cl. 1. A. or Pass. %<-ajjate, -ajyate, -aktum>%, to cling to, adhere, be attached to. ## %% or %%, ind. in continuous or close order; one after the other [cf. %%]. ## %%, closely connected with, supplied from something preceding. ## %%, m. close adherence, connection, association, conjunction, coalition, commixture; connection of word with word, or effect with causes; necessary consequence, the connection of a subsequent with a previous act; the nasals connected with certain roots ending in consonants (such as %%); tenderness, compassion. ## %%, consequent, following as a necessary result; connected with, adhering to, inherent, concomitant. ## %%, addicted or attached to; connected with; common, prevailing. ## %%, n. connection with what follows, concord; grammatical relation. ## %%, to be connected, supplied. ## %% or %% (?), m. or n. (?), N. of a place or country (?). ## %%. See %%. ## %%, re-watered or sprinkled. ## %%, m. or %%, n. rewatering or sprinkling over again. ## %%, Ved., Intens. %<-seidhti>%, to bring back. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), praise. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-obhati, -bhitum>%, to praise after, to follow in praising. ## 2. %%. f. following in praise or invocation; speech; Sarasvat; a kind of metre consisting of four Pdas or quarter-verses of eight syllables each (so called because it %% follows with its praise the Gyatr, which consists of three Pdas); in later metrical systems, the Anuubh constitutes a whole class of metres, consisting of four times eight syllables. ## %%, f. a metre in the Vedas of the class Uih. ## %%, n. praising after. ## %%, m. no camel, i. e. a bad camel. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tihati, -htum>%, to stand near or by, to follow out, to carry out, attend to, perform, do, practise; to govern, rule, superintend; to appoint: Pass. %<-hyate>%, to be done, to be followed: Desid. %<-tihsati>%, to be desirous of doing, &c. ## %%, following, performing, attending to. ## %%, standing after, i. e. in succession. ## %%, to be done or accomplished. ## %%, m. the undertaker of any work. ## %%, n. commencing, undertaking; doing or engaging in any work, performance, religious practice; acting in conformity to; (%<>%), f. performance, action. ## %%, m. the order of performing religious ceremonies. ## %%, n. (in Skhya phil.) a body presumed to be intermediate between the %% or %% and the %%. ## %%, reminding of religious ceremonies. ## %%, causing to perform. ## %%, n. the causing to perform an act. ## %%, doing, performing an act. ## %%, f., Ved. proper order, succession; only used in inst. %%. ## %%, done, practised; effected, executed, accomplished; followed, observed; done conformably. ## %%, f., Ved. proper order, succession; only used in inst. %%, ind. in proper order, in regular succession, properly. ## %%, to be effected, done or accomplished; to be observed; to be proved or established. ## %%, not hot, cold, chilly, apathetic; lazy, sluggish; (%%), n. a blue lotus, Nymphaea Caerulea; (%<>%), f., N. of a river. ## %%, m. (having cold rays), the moon. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Nla-drb. ## %%, neither hot nor cold. ## %%, not hot, cold, chilly, &c. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a hind-wheel. ## %%, accompanied by food; (%%), ind. according to food, through food; after food; after every sacrifice; according to one's will, voluntary. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to advance against seriatim, attack one after the other. ## %%, attached or devoted to. ## %%, ind. year after year. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-car-ati, -ritum>%, or Ved. %<-radhyai, -ritave, -rase>%, to visit successively, make the round of. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-viati, -veum>%, to follow in retiring for sleep. ## %%, ind. at each occasion of approaching. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-srayati, -yitum>%, to dismiss. @<[Page 0041-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-smarati, -smartum>%, to remember, to long for (the dead or absent). ## %%, ind. according to the Sahit text. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-klayati, -yitum>%, to follow in driving. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to walk or go up to, to reach. ## %%, Caus. P., Ved. %<-khypayati, -yitum>%, to show, to cause one to observe. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-ghti, -grahtum>%, to oblige, favour; to salute one by laying hold of the feet. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai, -ritave, -rase>%, to walk along side, to follow, join; to visit; to pursue, seek after; to penetrate, traverse, cross; to become assimilated: Caus. P. %<-crayati, -yitum>%, to join, become identified or assimilated with. ## %%, ind. at each occasion of coming. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-cintayati, -yitum>%, to meditate. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvarati, -ritum>%, to take after (another) in feeling distressed, to be troubled, become envious. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to overspread, diffuse, extend everywhere, to join on, continue. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tarati, -rtum>%, Ved. %<-taradhyai>%, to follow to the end. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to burn up along the whole length. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to assign, to make over. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-payati, -draum>%, to consider succesively. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to explore, ascertain, inspect, plan, arrange, calm, compose, set in order, aim at. ## %%, to be explored, to be investigated, to be looked after, &c. ## %%, n. investigation, inquiry, searching into, close inspection, setting in order, arranging, planning, aiming at, plan, scheme, congruous or suitable connection; (in the Vaieika phil.) the fourth step in a syllogism, i. e. the application. ## %% or %%, investigating, searching, skilful at concerting plans or continuing schemes. ## %%, to be investigated, worthy of inquiry or scrutiny, &c. ## %%, ind. evening after evening, every twilight. ## %%. See under %% next col. ## %%, cl. 5. A. %<-anute, aitum>% or %<-aum>%, to overtake, reach. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -situm>%, to add further. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai, -ritave, -rase>%, to carry out, accomplish. @<[Page 0041-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to cilm, compose. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to complete or accomplish further or subsequently. ## %%, n. regular completion. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to visit conjointly or successively; to join in following or being guided by; to join, become assimilated with. ## %%, m. regular connection (as of words). ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kate, -kitum>%, to keep in view, have in view. ## %%, ind. along the sea. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-prpnoti, -prptum>%, to arrive, reach, get. ## %%, arrived, come. ## %% (rt. %%), connected with, accompanied by. ## %%, ind., Ved. at every sacrifice. ## %%, ind. according to delight. ## %%, conciliated, appeased, friendly. ## %%, ind. evening after evening, every evening. ## %%, &c. See under %% below. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sicati, -sektum>%, to water or sprinkle consecutively; (better spelt %%, q. v.) ## %%, ind. along the furrow. ## %%, ind. along the plough. ## %%, m., N. of a work. ## %% (rt. %%), indicative of, pointing out. ## %%, n. pointing out, indication. ## %%, ind. in every condiment. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sarati, -sartum>%, to follow: Caus. P. %<-srayati, -yitum>%, to pursue. ## %%, m. a companion. ## %%, n. following, going after; conformity to, consequence of; custom, habit, usage. ## %%, m. going after, following; custom, usage; nature, natural state or condition of anything; prevalence, currency; received or established authority, especially of codes of law; conformity to usage; consequence, result. ## %% or %%, ind. conformably to. ## %%, or %%, following, attendant on, according or conformable to; penetrating, scrutinizing, investigating. ## %%, n. a fragrant substance. ## %%, followed, conformed to. ## %%, f. going after, following, conforming to; N. of a woman (?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sarpati, -sarp-tum>% or %<-sraptum>%, to glide after or towards, to approach. ## %%, m. a serpent-like being. ## %%, (rt. %%), Ved. created in succession. @<[Page 0041-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-sevate, -vitum>%, to practise, observe. ## %%, practising, observing, habitually addicted. ## %%, n. the rear of an army. ## %%, ind. near the Soma, as with the Soma. ## %%, ind. having gone into in succession. ## %% (rt. %%), strewing round; (%<>%), f. the cow sacrificed at the funeral ceremony. ## %%, n. praising after; N. of a treatise relating to the Sma-veda. ## %%, ind. after (adding) oil. ## %%, plain, manifest. ## %%, Ved. whizzing (as an arrow). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-smarati, -smar-tum>%, to remember, recollect: Caus. P. %<-smrayati>% or %<-smarayati, -yitum>%, to remind (painfully). ## %%, n. remembering, repeated recollection. ## %%, remembered. ## %%, f. cherished recollection, recalling some idea to the exclusion of all others. ## %% or %% (rt. %%), sewed consecutively, strung together or connected regularly and uninterruptedly. ## %%, m., Ved. not going (in a waggon drawn) by oxen. ## %%, m. sounding conformably. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), aftersound, the nasal sound which is marked by a dot above the line, and which always belongs to a preceding vowel. ## %%, having the Anusvra. ## %%, m. separation between two sounds caused by an Anusvra. ## %%, m. an augment consisting in the addition of an Anusvra. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Vibhrtra and father of Brahma-datta. ## %%, m. (rt. %% for %%), Ved. inviting, stirring up. ## %%, cl. 3. A., Ved. %<-jihte, htum>%, to grant. ## %%, cl. 8. A. %<-kurute, -kartum>%, to roar in imitation of. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-harati, -hartum>%, to imitate, to exhibit; A. %<-harate>%, to take after (one's parents). ## %%, n. or %%, m. imitation; resemblance. ## %%, imitating; (%%), m., N. of a man (?); (the deriv. %% takes Vddhi in both members). ## %%, imitating. ## %%, imitating. ## %%, to be imitated; (%%), m. monthly obsequies on the day of the new moon. ## %%, m. a cart (?); (the deriv. %%, takes Vddhi in both members.) ## %% or %%, m., N. of a son of Hiraya-kaipu. @<[Page 0042-a]>@ ## %%, m. n. (fr. %% with %%), the backbone, spine; the back part of the altar; a former state of existence; (%%), n. race, family; peculiarity of race, disposition, character; (%<>%), f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, n. backbone; flesh on the skull. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), reflection (of light), clearness; regard, reference. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to sprinkle, bedew. ## %% (fr. %%), coming after, successive; %%, on the following day. ## %%, born in successive order. ## 1. %%, n., Ved. the board on the side of a couch. (For 2. %%, see below.) ## %%, Pass. of %%, q. v., p. 38. ## %%, spoken after, recited after; occurring in the (sacred) text; studied; (%%), n. = the next. ## %%, f. mentioning after, repeated mention, repetition by way of explanation; study of the Veda. ## %%, n. state of requiring repetition or explanation. ## %%, devoted to study; one so well versed in the Vedas and Vedgas as to be able to repeat them; one who repeats his lesson after his master; well-behaved. ## 2. %%, to be studied. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to follow in being victorious. ## %% (rt. %%), not borne, not carried; unmarried; (%<>%), f. an unmarried woman. ## %%, bashful. ## %%, n. fornication. ## %%, m. the brother of an unmarried woman; the brother of the concubine of a king. ## %%, f., Ved. not helping, not coming to aid. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to follow in going up or out. ## %% (for %%, rt. %%), given back. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, of follow in rising; Ved. to approach. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly up after another (with acc.), raise one's self into the air, jump up afterwards. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-pibati, -ptum>%, to empty by drinking after another. ## %%, n. (for %%), want of water, aridity. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -situm>%, to toss up behind or after. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to follow in going up or out. ## %% (rt. %%), spoken after, spoken according to. ## 1. %%, to be spoken to afterwards or in reply to. ## 2. %%, ind. having said in reply. ## %%, spoken in reply to, according to. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to follow in coming up or rising. @<[Page 0042-b]>@ ## %%, m. (rt. %%), describing, mentioning according to or conformably with. ## %%, f., Ved. udderless. ## %% or %%, whole, entire; having full power; not less, not inferior; (%<>%), f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %% or %%, of undiminished weight, very heavy. ## %%, m., Ved. having full splendor. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to take out and fill after another. ## 1. %% (fr. %%, q. v., with %%), situated near the water, watery, wet, a watery country; (%%), m. pond, bank of a river; a buffalo; N. of a king. ## %%, n. moist ginger. ## %%, m. a marshy country. ## %%, marshy. ## %%, m. title of a work. ## %%, being in ponds or bogs (as water). ## 2. %%, (fr. %%), Ved. bestowing in order. (For. 1. %%, see above.) ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-dasyati, -situm>%, to fail (or become extinct) in consequence. ## %%, ind. at every Upasad (a kind of religious ceremony). ## %%, (rt. %%), Ved. to be fastened (as a sacrificial animal); see also %%, p. 37. ## %%. See %%, p. 37. ## %%, Ved. causing welfare, happiness; (%<>%), f. %<=anu-rdh>%, q. v., p. 38. ## %%, thighless; (%%), m. the charioteer of the sun, the dawn. ## %%, m. whose charioteer is Anru, i. e. the sun. ## %%, not strong, weak; not proud. ## %%, not high, low. ## %%, m., Ved. one whose splendor does not rise, who lights no sacred fires. ## %%, Ved. not waving, not fluctuating; inviolable. ## %%, f., N. of a river in Kmra. ## %%, m. f. (?), Ved. a part of the body near the ribs. ## 1. %%, (fr. %% with 3. %% as an expletive or denoting comparison), saline. ## 2. %%, not saline. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), living near another. ## %%, (in gram.) not followed by a sibilant. ## %%, thoughtless, careless. ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, Ved. thornless (as a path or a couch). ## %%, or %%, not containing a verse from the g-veda, hymnless, not conversant with the g-veda. ## %% or %%, containing no c. @<[Page 0042-c]>@ ## %%, not straight, crooked, perverse, wicked. ## %%, free from debt. ## %%, f. or %%, n. freedom from debt. ## %%, unindebted, free from debt. ## %%, not true, false; (%%), n. falsehood, lying, cheating; agriculture. ## %%, m., Ved. one whose gods are not true; playing unfairly (?). ## %%, Ved. persecuting untruth. ## %%, full of untruth, false. ## %%, n. or %%, n. or %%, n. speaking falsehood, lying. ## %%, or %%, speaking untruth. ## %%, false to vows or engagements. ## %%, one who tells untruths, lying, a liar. ## %%, m. unfit season. ## %%, f. a girl before menstruation. ## %%, not cruel, mild. ## %%, f. mildness, kindness. ## %%, not one, many, much; separated. ## %%, ind. a long time, for a long time. ## %%, ind. long since. ## %%, m. doing much, epithet of iva. ## %%, m. having more families than one, i. e. two, belonging to two families (or to one as an adopted son). ## %%, gregarious. ## %%, m. one whose counsels are many-minded. ## %%, born more than once; (%%), m. a bird. ## %%, f. or %%, n. muchness, manifold condition. ## %%, ind. in many places. ## %%, f. different exposition of the law. ## %%, ind. in various ways, often. ## %%, m. using several times. ## %%, drinking oftener than once; (%%), m. f. an elephant, beciuse he drinks with his trunk and with his mouth. ## %%, having more wives than one. ## %%, having several faces, having different ways. ## %%, m. victorious in many battles. ## %%, having many holes, weaknesses or troubles. ## %%, multiform; of various kinds or sorts; fickle, of variable mind. ## %%, m. having several (three) eyes, N. of iva. ## %%, n. the plural number. ## %%, (in arithmetic compounded with various words to denote) many unknown quantities (colours representing x, y, z, &c.), e. g. %%, multiplication of many unknown quantities. (Similarly, if for %% be substituted %% 'division', %% 'taking away the middle term', %% 'subtraction', %% 'addition', other algebraical processes may be expressed). ## %%, ind. many times, repeatedly. ## %%, of many kinds, in different ways, various. ## %%, cloven-hoofed. ## %%, expressed by several words, synonymous. ## %%, ind. in great numbers, several times, repeatedly, by large numbers or quantities. ## %%, multiform. ## %%, polysyllabic, having more than one syllable. ## %%, engaged in various pursuits. ## %%, having more than one vowel or syllable (%% in gram. being the technical term for vowel). ## %%, having more than one meaning (as a word). ## %%, f. and %%, m. titles of two works on such words. ## %%, consisting of more than one %% or letter (in the technical phras. of gram.). ## %%, m. or %%, (in Vaieika phil.) dwelling, abiding in more than one. ## %%, not alone, accompanied by. ## %%, not alone and excluding every other, uncertain. ## %%, n. uncertainty. ## %%, m. scepticism. ## %%, m. a sceptic; a Jaina, an Arhat of the Jainas. ## %%, n. making manifold. ## %%, being manifold, i. e. divided in two. ## %%, having several. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), not moving, immoveable. ## %%, m. (%% being an expletive or denoting comparison), stupid, foolish. ## %%, deaf and dumb; blind; wicked, fraudulent. ## 1. %% (rt. %%), Ved. not to be blamed. ## 2. %%, (fr. %% and %%, a contraction of %%), Ved. not near, infinite. ## 1. %%, Ved. (according to native authorities) sinless, faultless; (according to German scholars) without a variegated set (of horses). See %%. ## %%, blameless, sinless, not liable to error; N. of various personages. ## %%, n. freedom from fault, sin. ## 2. %%, m. (fr. %% and %% for %%); this doubtful wrod may signify one who has no superior, 'a sovereign or paramount lord;' see %% and %% for %%. ## %%, Ved. to be praised. ## %%, ind. otherwise (?), or (?). ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. without a rival, incomparable, unattainable; unmenaced, unobstructed; (%<>%), m. time. ## %% (fr. %%), variable, unsteady; (in logic) occasional, as a cause not invariably attended by the same effects. ## %%, unsteady, variable, having many objects or purposes. ## %%, n. unsteadiness, uncertainty. ## %%, n. (%%), want of oneness, plurality, the exitence of many; want of union, anarchy. ## %% or %%, n. unskilfulness. See %%. ## %%, n. weakness. See %%. ## %%, ind. no, not. (An unusual form of %%.) ## %%, m. not sleeping in a house (as a beggar). ## %%, m. not quitting the house, a tree; (%% is for %%, q. v.) ## %%, not accompanied by the holy syllable %%. ## %%, unaddressed (?). ## %%, to be carried on a carriage. ## %%, n. unfitness. ## %%, n. want of vigour. ## %%, n. freedom from haughtiness. @<[Page 0043-b]>@ ## %%, unparalleled. ## %%, m. not one's own son, adopted. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to bind [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% ?), end, limit, boundary, term; end of a texture; end, conclusion; end of life, death, destruction (in these latter senses sometimes neut.); a final syllable, termination; last word of a compound; pause, settlement, definite ascertainment, certainty; whole amount; border; nearness, proximity, presence (e. g. %%, in the neighbourhood of the village); inner part, inside; condition, nature; %%, loc. c. in the end, at last; in the inside; %% at the end of a compound means 'as far as', thus %%, as far as the water; (%%), near, handsome, agreeable [cf. Goth. andeis, Theme andja; Germ. Ende; Eng. end: with %% are also compared the Greek [greek] Lat. ante; the Goth. anda in anda-vaurd, &c.; and the Germ. ent, e. g. in entsagen]. ## %%, or %%, or %%, causing death, mortal, destructive. ## %%, m. time of death, death. ## %%, making an end; (%%), m. death. ## %%, f. pl. a sacred book of the Jainas, containing ten chapters. ## %%, going to the end, thoroughly conversant with. ## %%, or %%, going to the end, perishing. ## %%, n. the going to the end of something, finishing; the going to the end, dying. ## %%, going to the frontiers, walking about the frontiers. ## %%, last born. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, ind. from the end, from the term; lastly, finally; in the lowest way; in part; within. ## %%, n. a figure in rhetoric. ## %%, m. a frontier-guard. ## %%, being at the end, last. ## %%, standing at the end (of a word). ## %%, delighting in destruction. ## %%, hidden, concealed. ## %%, m. the dropping of the final of a word (in grammar). ## %%, having an end or term, limited, perishable; (%<-vat>%), ind. like the end. ## %%, n. limited existence, perishableness. ## %%, m. the fire of the end, by which the world is to be burnt. ## %% or %%, dwelling near the boundaries, dwelling close by; (%<>%), m. a pupil who dwells near or in the house of his teacher; a Cla (who lives at the end of the town). ## %%, f. hour of death. ## %%, f. a bed or mat on the ground; death; the place for burial or burning; bier. ## %%, f. the funeral ceremonies. ## %%, m. a pupil (who dwells near his teacher). ## %%, standing at the end; see also %%. ## %%, m. the Svarita accent on the last syllable of a word; (%%), n. a word thus accentuated. ## %%, du. m. end and beginning. ## %% or %%, m. a barber; a Cla; N. of a Muni or saint; see %%. ## %%, m. a neighbour, a companion, a pupil. ## %%, ind. in statu pupillari; see %% above. ## %%, m. the acute accent on the last syllable; (%%), having the acute accent on the last syllable. ## %%, m. border, boundary; (%%), making an end, causing death; (%%), m. death; Yama, king or lord of death. ## %%, Ved. offending or provoking destructive demons, or death, or Yama. ## %%, m. wind (?). ## %%, next, nearest, intimate (as a friend); Ved. last. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to make an end of. ## %%, &c. See %%, p. 45. @<[Page 0043-c]>@ ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to deprive of, keep back, conceal. ## %%. See s. v. %% last col. ## %%, ind. within, between, amongst, in the middle or interior; a particle of assent. (As a prep. with loc.) in the middle, in, between, into; (with acc.) between; (with gen.) in, in the middle. (When used at the end of a compound) in, into, in the middle of, between, out of the midst of [cf. Zend antare; Lat. inter; Goth. undar]. Sometimes %% is compounded with a following word like an adjective, meaning interior, internal, intermediate. ## %%, n. the internal and spiritual part of man, the seat of thought and feeling, the mind, the thinking faculty, the heart, the conscience, the soul. ## %%, m. a certain number of years (in Buddhism). ## %%, internally crooked; fraudulent; (%%), m. a couch. ## %%, m. a disease caused by worms in the body. ## %%, a various reading for %%, q. v. ## %%, m. the inner corner. ## %%, m. inward wrath. ## %%, n., Ved. the interior of a store-room. ## %%, m. n. a cloth held between two persons who are to be united (as bride and bridegroom, or pupil and teacher) until the right moment of union is arrived. ## %%, ind. in the middle of an inflected word. ## %%, n. the innermost garment. ## %%, ind. in the inside of an enclosure. ## %% or %%, being between the ribs (as flesh). ## %%, the Soma when in the strainingvessel (?). ## %%, ind. from evening till morning (while the cattle is in the stables). ## %% or %%, m. (in gram.) insertion of a letter; a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice. ## %%, or %%, inserted, included in. ## %%, n., Ved. the interior of a vessel. ## %%, ind. within the Pda of a verse. ## %%, m. one who watches the inner apartments of a palace. ## %%, n. the king's palace, the female apartments, gynaeceum; those who live in the female apartments; a queen. ## %%, m. guardian of the women's apartments. ## %%, m. the women of the palace. ## %%, m. the gossip of the women's apartments. ## %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. superintendent of the gynaeceum, chamberlain. ## %%, m. belonging to the gynaeceum (as an eunuch, &c.). ## %%, m. superintendent of the gynaeceum; (%<>%), f. a woman in the gynaeceum. ## %%, ulcerous. ## %%, n., Ved. supping up, drinking. ## %%, f. the heart, the soul, the internal nature or constitution of a man. ## %%, internally wise, knowing one's self. ## %%, n. residence in the interior. ## %%, residing inside. ## %%, m. an internal arrow or disease. ## %%, n. the internal and spiritual part of man. ## %%, having a pin or extraneous body sticking inside. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, m. or %%, n., Ved. internal support. ## %%, internally conscious. ## %%, f. a pregnant woman; the marking nut (Semecarpus Anacardium L.). ## %%, ind. in the middle of the assembly. ## %%, having internal essence; (%%), m. internal treasure, inner store or contents. ## %%, internally happy. ## %%, ind. into the midst of the armies. ## %%, being in the midst or between; a term applied to the semivowels, as standing between the consonants and vowels; (%<>%), f. the god of the vital organs; an epithet of one of the g-veda mantras. ## %%, m. (in anatomy) the malleus of the ear. ## %%, m. an elephant. ## %% or %%, m. n. the part of the body between the shoulders, the breast. ## %%, m. the interior fire, digestive force. ## %%, interior, proximate, related, being essential to, or having reference to the essential part of the %% or base of a word. ## %%, not essential to the base of a word, lit. beyond or external to it. ## %%, n. the state or condition of an Antaraga. ## %%, m. an inner limb or part. ## %%, m. the sacred ether or Brahma in the interior part or soul of man. ## %%, n. hidden intention. ## %%, m. an additional augment between two letters (in gram.). ## %%, m. the interior of a house ## %%, m. the soul, the inherent supreme spirit; the internal feelings, the heart or mind. ## %%, ind. in the space between one's self and the (sacrificial) bricks. ## %%, m. a market inside (a town). ## %%, see %%. ## %%, rejoicing in one's self (not in the exterior world). ## %% or %%, n. intermediate space; %%, in the midst, in midway; (%% is probably for %%). ## %%, n. an internal organ, of which there are four, viz. %%, and %%. ## %%, m. n. (fr. %%), an island, a promontory. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), Ved. a secret abode. ## %%, f. the Ganges, as supposed to communicate under-ground with a sacred spring in Mysore. ## %%, unprofitable, useless (filled with worms). ## %%, &c.; see under %%. ## %%, inclosing young; pregnant. ## %% or %%, ind. among the mountains. ## %%, m. (in medicine) the sphincter muscle. ## %%, having hidden poison within. ## %%, n. an inner apartment of the house; %% or %%, ind. in the interior of a house. ## %%, or %%, m. a place between the entrance-door and the house; N. of a village. ## %%, m. striking in the middle. ## %%, bred in the interior (of the body, as a worm). ## %%, n. the stomach. ## %%, n. inward birth. ## %%, m. the inner part of the jaws. ## %%, going in the water. ## %%, inborn, inbred, innate. ## %%, ind. between the knees; (%%), being between the knees. ## %%, n. inward knowledge. ## %%, having the soul enlightened, illuminated. ## %%, n. internal heat, inflammation. ## %%, burnt inwardly. ## %%, n. the distillation of spirituous liquor, or a substance used to cause fermentation. ## %%, vanishing, disappearing, hiding one's self [cf. %%]. ## %%, f. a technical term in astrology. ## %%, n. an interval of ten days; so %%, before the end of ten days. ## %%, Ved. containing fire. ## %%, m. internal heat, or fever. ## %%, afflicted in mind, sad. ## %%, internally bad, wicked, vile. ## %%, looking into one's own soul. ## %%, m., Ved. an intermediate region of the compass. ## %%, n. a private or secret door within the house. ## %%, &c.; see. s. v. %%, p. 45. ## %%, n. profound inward meditation. ## %%, n. the palace of a king. ## %%, gone within, being within. ## %%, engaged in internal reflection. ## %%, n. the interior of a house. ## %%, &c.; see %%, p. 45. ## %%, f. inward meditation or anxiety; a technical term in arithmetic; rectification of numbers by the differences of the products. ## %%, f. the inner part of the earth. ## %%, being in the interior of the earth; subterranean. ## %%, sad, perplexed. ## %%, going into the mouth; (%%), n. a kind of scissors used in surgery. ## %% (?), sealed inside; N. of a certain form of devotion. ## %%, still-born. ## %%, m. the suppression of the breath and voice; a Soma libation during this act. ## %%, m. the Soma libation Antar-yma; the performing of such a libation. ## %%, m. checking or regulating the internal feelings; the soul; providence; the supreme spirit as regulating and guiding mankind; Brahm. ## %%, m. deep thought, abstraction. ## %%, acute-angular; (%%), m. a triangle in which the perpendicular falls within, an acute-angled triangle. ## %%, inherent. ## %%, covered with hair on the inner side. ## %%, m. the gynaeceum; see %%. ## %%, m. superintendent of the women's apartments. ## %%, situated in a forest; (%%), ind. within a forest. ## %%, being in the interior. ## %%, Ved. or %%, f. a pregnant woman. ## %%, m. flatulence, indigestion. ## %%, or %%, internal, included, dwelling in. ## %%, m., N. of a Soma sacrifice. ## %%, n. an under garment. ## %%, skilled in sacred sciences. ## %%, or %%, Ved. abounding internally with precious things, hidden; (%%), ind. inwardly. ## %%, m. suppressed tears; (%%), containing tears. ## %%, n. an inner or under garment. ## %%, n. entering within. ## %%, Ved. knowing (the paths) between (earth and heaven); knowing exactly. ## %%, m. internal uneasiness or anxiety; inward fever. ## %%, belonging to the inside of the sacrificial ground; (%%), ind. within this ground; (%% or %<>%), f. the Doab or district between the Gag and Yamun rivers. ## %%, n. the inner apartments, the interior of a building. ## %%, m. superintendent of the women's apartments. ## %%, n. striking in the middle. ## %%, m., N. of a village. ## %%, ind. in the hand, within reach of the hand. ## %%, being in the hand or within reach. ## %%, m. laughing inwardly; suppressed laughter; (%%), ind. with suppressed laugh. ## %%, see %%, p. 45. ## %%, n. the interior of the heart. ## %%, internally heated or harassed. ## %%, m. inward heat; (%%), burning inwardly, burning with passion. ## %%, having dew in the interior. ## %%, containing water. ## %%, Ved. going within the clefts or hollows (of mountains), being on the way. ## %%, n. intestines, bowels, entrails. ## %%, being in the interior, interior; near, proximate, related, intimate; lying adjacent to; distant; different from; exterior; (%%), n. the interior; a hole, opening; the interior part of a thing, the contents; soul, heart, supreme soul; interval, intermediate space or time; period; term; opportunity, occasion; distance, absence; difference, remainder; property, peculiarity; weakness, weak side; representation; surety, guaranty; respect, regard; (at the end of compounds) different, other, another, e. g. %%, another country [cf. Goth. anthar, Theme anthara; Lith. antra-s, 'the second;' Lat. alter]. %% or %%, ind. in the interior, within. ## %%, n. a technical term in augury. ## %%, knowing the interior, prudent, provident, foreseeing. ## %% (rt. %%), spreading death or destruction. ## %%, nearest; immediate, intimate, internal; like, analogous; (%%), m. a congenial letter, one of the same class. ## %%, nearer, more intimate. ## %% (rt. %% for %%), cutting or hurting the interior or heart. ## %%, f. or %%, f. or %%, m. an intermediate region or quarter of the compass. ## %%, m. the internal man, the soul. ## %%, of mixed origin or caste. ## %%, m. an inner question; a question which is contained in and arises from what has been previously stated. ## %%, or %%, or %%, interposed, internal, situated inside, inward; separate, apart. ## %%, f. a pregnant woman. ## %%, m., Ved. (if fr. %% and %%) taking away intervals; (if fr. %% and %%) bringing into the midst or near; procuring. ## %%, ind. in the middle, in the interior, inside, within, among, between; on the way, by the way; in the neighbourhood, near, nearly, almost; in the meantime, now and then; for some time; (with acc. and loc.) between, during, without. ## %%, see under %%. ## %%, m. or %%, n. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration. ## %% or %<>%, f. a veranda resting on columns. ## %%, ind. between the horns. ## %%, n. an under or lower garment. ## %%, ind. amidst, among, between. ## %%, ind. amidst, between; (with acc.) within, between, amidst, during; except, without, with regard to, with reference to, on account of. ## %%, interior. ## %%, cl. 7. P., Ved. %<-anakti, aktum, -ajitum>%, to assume, take upon one's self. ## &c. See %%. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ayati, -etum>%, to come between; cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to stand in any one's way, to separate; to exclude from (with abl.); to pass over, omit; to diappear: Ved., Intens. or Pass. %<-yate>%, to walk to and fro between (as a mediator). ## %%, m. impediment, hindrance. ## %%, n. going under, disappearing. ## %%, going between; (%%), m. intervention, obstacle, impediment. ## %%, gone within, interior, hidden, concealed, screened, shielded; departed, retired, withdrawn, diappeared, vanished, perished, dead; separated, detached; impeded, hindered; (%%), n. (?) remainder (in arithmetic); a technical term in architecture. ## %% or %%, n. (either fr. %%, 'within', and %%, 'to see', or fr. %%, loc., and %%, 'dwelling within bodies;' %% being fr. rt. %%), the intermediate space between heaven and earth; (in the Veda) the middle of the three spheres or regions of life; the atmosphere or sky; the air; talc. ## %%, dwelling in the atmosphere. ## %% or %%, m. a bird. ## %%, m. f., Ved. filling the sky, irradiating the firmament; travelling through the atmosphere (?). ## %% (rt. %% for %%), Ved. floating over the atmosphere. ## %%, m. the intermedite region or sky as a peculiar world. ## %%, sharpened in the atmosphere. ## %%, Ved. dwelling in the atmosphere. ## %%, n., Ved. residence in the atmosphere. ## %%, having an interior as comprehensive as the atmosphere. ## %%, going in the atmosphere; (%%), m. a bird. ## %%, moving through the atmosphere. ## %% or %%, n. the water of the atmosphere. ## %%, atmospheric, aerial. @<[Page 0045-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-uptyeti, -tum>%, to enter over a threshold or boundary. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to go between (so as to exclude from, with abl.); to disappear. ## %%, or %%, gone between or into, being in, included in; being in the interior, internal, hidden, secret; disappeared, perished; slipped out of the memory, forgotten. ## %%, whose mind is turned inwards, engaged in deep thought, sad, perplexed. ## %%, f. a concealed simile (the particle of comparison being omitted). ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to go between, separate (so as to exclude from; with abl.). ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-payati, -draum>%, to look between or into. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. A. %<-dhatte, -dhtum>%, to place within, deposit; to receive within; to hide, conceal, obscure; to hide one's self: Pass. %<-dhyate>%, to be received within, to be absorbed; to be rendered invisible; to disappear, vanish; to cease: Caus. %<-dhpayati, -yitum>%, to render invisible, to cause to disappear. ## 2. %%, f. concealment, covering, disappearing. ## %%, n. disappearance, invisibility; %% or %%, to disappear; (%%), m., N. of a son of Pthu. ## %%, disappeared. ## %%, going invisibly. ## %%, rendered invisible. ## %%, rendering invisible, concealing. ## %%, m. concealment, covering, disappearance. ## %%, placed between, separated; covered, concealed, hidden, made invisible, vanished, invisible; hidden from (with abl.). ## %%, m. epithet of iva ('of concealed mind'). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to be (contained or inherent or implied) in. ## %%, being within, inward, internal, generated internally. ## %%, See s. v. %%. ## %%, m. the being included by, internal or inherent nature or disposition. ## %%, included, involved, implied. ## %%, being within, internal, inner. ## %%, n.; see %%. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-carati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai>% to move between, to move within. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-chinatti, -chettum>%, to cut off, to intercept. ## %% See %%. ## 1. %%, ind. before, in the presence of, near; (with gen.) within the proximity of, to [cf. Lat. ante, Gr. [greek]]. ## %%, n., Ved. a house near one's own dwelling; a place before the house, the neighbourhood of the house. ## %%, very near. ## %%, ind., Ved. from near. ## %%, Ved. being in the presence of the gods, near the gods; playing against another, an adversary (at dice). ## %%, Ved. near or at hand with friendship. ## %%, Ved. near with wealth or loveliness. ## %%, Ved. sitting near. ## %%, Ved. near with happiness or kindness. ## %%, Ved. near with help. @<[Page 0045-b]>@ ## 1. %%, (with gen. or abl.) near, proximate; compar. %%, superl. %%, n. vicinity, proximity, near, e. g. %%, remaining near; (%%), ind. (with abl., gen., or as last member of a compound) until, near to, into the presence of; (%%), ind. from the proximity; near, close by; within the presence of; (%%), ind. (with gen. or as last member of a compound) near, close by, in the proximity or presence of; (%%), ind. (with gen.) near. ## %%, f. going near. ## %%, f. nearness, vicinity, contiguity. ## %%, m. contiguous support (as that given by a tree to a creeper). ## 1. %%, immediately following (in this sense a the last member of a compound, e. g. %%, 'the eleventh'); very near. ## %%, Ved. near; (%%), n. a proximate place. ## 2. %%, f. an elder sister (in theatrical language). For 1. %%, see last col. ## %%, f. an elder sister (in theatrical language; perhaps a corruption of %%); a fire-place; a plant, Echites Scholaris. ## %%, f. an oven. ## 2. %% (fr. %%), reaching to the end of, reaching to (e. g. %%, reaching to the nose), lasting till, until. ## 2. %%, final, ultimate, last. ## %%, m. the last unit, nine. ## %%, last in place, in time, or in order; immediately following (used as the last member of a compound, e. g. %%, 'the ninth'); lowest in place or condition, undermost, inferior, belonging to the lowest caste; (%%), m., N. of the plant Cyperus Hexastachyus Communis; (%%), n. the number 1000 billions; the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the last member of a mathematical series. ## %%, n. or %%, f. funeral rites. ## %%, younger, latest born; of the lowest caste; (%%), m. a dra; a man of one of seven inferior tribes; a washerman, currier, mimic, Varua, fisherman, Meda or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester. ## %%, n. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) with a man of the lowest caste. ## %%, or %%, or %%, of the lowest caste. ## %%, n. intercourse (between a man of the higher caste) with a woman of the lowest caste. ## %%, n. last member of an arithmetical series. ## %% or %%, n. (in arithm.) the last or greatest root (in the square). ## %%, n. the last Nakshatra (Revat); the last sign of the zodiac, the sign Pisces. ## %%, m. the last or Kali age. ## %%, f. the lowest source; (%%), of the lowest origin. ## %%, m. f. a man or woman of the last tribe, a dra. ## %%, f., N. of a metre. ## %%, m. f. a man or woman of low caste, the son of a Cla by a Nid, especially one of the following classes: Cla, vapaca or executioner, Katt, Sta, Vaidehaka, Mgadha or bard, and yogava. ## %%, f. funeral oblation or sacrifice. ## %%, f. funeral sacrifice. ## %%, f. funeral ceremonies. ## %%, m. a man of the lowest tribe. ## %%, n. (contraction of %%; or fr. rt. %% Gr. [greek]), entrail, intestine; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant, either Convolvolus Argenteus or Ipomoea Pes Caprae Roth (?). ## %%, m. or %%, n. or %%, n. rumbling of the bowels. ## %%, f. indigestion, inflation of the bowels from wind. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Aeschynomene Grandiflora. ## %%, consisting of entrails. ## %%, f. inguinal hernia, rupture. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, f. a kind of garland worn by Nara-siha. ## %%, m. worms in the intestines. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to bind. ## %%, m. binding. ## %%, f. or %%, f. or %% or %%, m. the chain for an elephant's feet; a ring or chain worn on the ancle. ## %%, f. (for %%, q. v.), fireplace. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to agitate, to swing. ## %%, n. swinging, oscillating. ## %%, agitated, swung. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %%, to be or become blind. ## %%, blind; making blind, preventing the sight, dark; (%%), n. darkness; turbid water, water; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, m. n. darkness. ## %%, dark. ## %%, m. intensity of darkness. ## %%, made dark, dark. ## %%, m. a well of which the mouth is hidden; a well over-grown with plants, &c.; a particular hell. ## %%, making blind. ## %% or %% or %%, n. great darkness. ## %%, f. or %%, n. blindness. ## %%, m. complete darkness of the soul; (%%), n. a division of Tartarus, the second or eighteenth of the twenty-one hells; doctrine of annihilation after death. ## %%, mentally blind. ## %%, f. a female demon causing diseases in children. ## %%, f. a small covered crucible with a hole in the side. ## %%, f., N. of a grass, Lepeocercis Serrata. ## %%, or %%, becoming blind. ## %%, f., Ved. dark night. ## %%, f. a blind boil, one that does not suppurate. ## %%, or %%, m. a blind snake, not poisonous; (%%), m. f., N. of a fish, commonly called kucik. ## %%, blind; (%%), m., N. of an Asura, a son of Kayapa and Diti; N. of a descendant of Yadu and ancestor of Ka and his descendants; N. of a Muni. ## %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. epithet of iva, the slayer or enemy of the Asura Andhaka. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, pl. m. descendants of Andhaka and Vi. ## 1. %%, n., Ved. darkness, obscurity. ## %%, f. night; a kind of game, blindman's buff; a woman of a particular character; one of the classes of women; a disease of the eye; another disease; see %%. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to make blind, to blind. ## %%, made or become blind. ## %%, blinded in mind. ## %%, m., N. of a i. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to become blind. ## %%, become blind. ## 2. %%, n. (fr. rt. %%, to eat?; Gr. [greek]), food, Soma, ghee, boiled rice; herb in general herb of the Soma plant, Soma juice, juice; grassy ground. (For 1. %%, see above.) ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% or %%), a well. ## %%, m., N. of a tree, Acacia Sirissa. ## %%, m., N. of a people, probably modern Telingana; N. of a dynasty; a man of a low caste, the offspring of a Vaideha father and Krvara mother, who lives by killing game. ## %%, f. the Andhra tribe. ## %%, belonging to this tribe. ## %%, m. pl. a dynasty of the Andhras. ## 1. %%, m. (fr. rt. %% or %%), the sun. ## 2. %% (fr. rt. %%), eaten; (%%), n. food or victual in general; food in a mystical sense, or the lowest form in which the supreme soul is manifested, the coarsest envelope of the supreme spirit; boiled rice; bread corn; Ved. water; Viu; earth. ## %%, desirous of food. ## %%, m. meal-time, proper hour for eating. ## %%, m. cupboard, granary; Viu; the sun. ## %%, f. the oesophagus, gullet. ## %%, m. dysentery, diarrhoea. ## %% or %%, springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance. ## %%, n. food and water, bare subsistence. ## %%, Ved. obtaining food by conquest. ## %%, living by food. ## %%, Ved. having the vigour of food. ## %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, giving food; epithet of iva and Durg. ## %%, n. the giving of food. ## %%, f. the divinity supposed to preside over articles of food. ## %%, m. a fault committed by eating prohibited food. ## %%, m. want of appetite, dislike of food. ## %%, m. possessor of food, an epithet of Savit, Agni, iva. ## %%, m., Ved. purifying food, epithet of the sun. ## %%, filled with or possessed of food; (%<>%), f. a goddess, a form of Durg. ## %% (?), f., N. of Durg. ## %%, n., Ved. another name for the Vja-peya sacrifice. ## %%, being resolved into food or the primitive substance after death. ## %%, m. or %%, n. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first time, after oblations to fire, a ceremony performed between the fifth and eighth month: it is one of the sixteen Saskras mentioned in the second book of Manu. ## %%, desirous of eating food. ## %%, n. or %%, m. Brahma as represented by food. ## %%, m. or %%, n. or %%, f. eating of food. ## %%, m., Ved. a share of food. ## %%, eating food; (%%), m. an epithet of iva. ## %%, made from food, composed of food or of boiled rice; (%%), n. plenty of food. ## %% or %%, m. the gross material body, that which is sustained by food (the sthla-arra). ## %%, n. excrement; spirituous liquor. ## %%, f. caution in eating food. ## %%, m. essence of food, chyle; meat and drink, nutriment, taste in distinguishing food. ## %%, f. desire for food, appetite. ## %%, possessed of food. ## %%, n. food and clothing, the necessaries of life. ## %%, n. the oesophagus, gullet. ## %%, m. transformation of food; disorder of the stomach from indigestion; the seminal secretion. ## %%, Ved. knowing food; possessed of food. ## %%, m. leavings, offal. ## %%, m. consecrating of food. ## %%, taking away food. ## %%, m. a sacrifice connected with the Ava-medha. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, n. food and clothing. ## %%, m. or %%, eating food. ## %%, eating food; (%%), m., N. of Viu. ## %%, n. eating of food. ## %%, n. food in general, proper food. ## %%, m. desirous of food. ## %%, or %%, m. living by food, desirous of food. ## %%, asking for food. ## %% (final %% lengthened), %%, Ved. increasing food. ## %%, eating food. ## %%, m., N. of the author of the Tarka-sagraha, or compendium of the Nyya philosophy, especially the Vaieika branch. ## %% (according to native authorities fr. rt. %%, but more probably from a pronom. base %% or %%), other, different; (with abl. or as the last member of a compound) other than, different from opposed to; another; another person; one of a number; %% or %%, the one, the other [cf. Zend anya; Armen. ail; Lat. alius; Goth. aljis, Them. alja; Gr. [greek] for [greek] cf. also [greek]]. ## %%, loving another. ## %%, f. a worm bred in excrement. ## %%, or %%, done by another. ## %%, n. another territory or sphere. ## %%, or %%, going to another, adulterous. ## %%, of a different family. ## %%, whose mind is fixed on some one or something else. ## %%, moved by another. ## %%, ind. and another, besides, moreover, on the contrary. ## %% or %%, born of another (family, &c.), of a different origin. ## %%, n. another birth, being born again, metempsychosis. ## %%, f. difference. ## %%, desirous of something else. ## %%, to make a mistake in reading, &c. ## %% or %%, having another meaning, purpose, sense. ## %%, difficult to be borne by another. ## %% or %% or %%, having another divinity, i. e. addressed to another divinity. ## %%, m. different characteristic; characteristic of another; (%%,), having different characteristics. ## %%, one whose mind is alienated (from God). ## %%, of another family. ## %%, devoted to something else, zealous in something else. ## %% or %%, m. f. the kokila or Indian cuckoo, supposed to be reared by the crow. ## %%, f. a woman previously promised or betrothed to one and married to another. ## %%, m. a crow ('nourishing another;' the crow being supposed to sit upon the eggs of the kokila). ## %%, or %% or %%, one whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, fickle, versatile; having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon. ## %%, m. a half-brother, who has the same father but another mother. ## %%, having another for king, subject to another. ## %%, from another kingdom, belonging to another kingdom. ## %%, n. another form; (%%), in another form, disguised; (%%), changed, altered. ## %%, having another shape. ## %% or %%, having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective. ## %%, having another colour. ## %%, m. the kokila or Indian cuckoo ('sowing for others', i. e. leaving his eggs in the nests of other birds). ## %% or %% or %%, m. ('born from the seed of another'), an adopted son. ## %%, m., Ved. following other (than Vedic) observances; devoted to other (gods), infidel, unbelieving. ## %%, m. a Brhman who has left his school; an apostate. ## %%, m. intercourse with another, adulterous intercourse. ## %%, common to others. ## %%, m. going to another's wife, an adulterer. ## %%, or %%, or %%, of another kind, like another. ## %%, subject to others, dependent. ## %%, n. going to another (as an inheritance). ## %%, gone to another. ## %%, intent on something else. ## %%, not common to another, peculiar. ## %%, f. married to another, another's wife. ## %%, begotten by another. ## %%, born from another womb; (%%), m. a step-mother's son. ## %%, m. another, other. ## %%, any one of many, either, any. ## %%, either of two, other, different; %%, the one, the other; %%, loc. f. either way. ## %%, ind. on one of two sides. ## %%, having teeth on one side (only). ## %%, ind. on either of two days. ## %%, ind. from another; from another motive; on one side (%%, on the one, on the other side); elsewhere; on the other side, on the contrary, in one direction; towards some other place. ## %%, m. f., Ved. variegated on one side. ## %%, Ved. sharp on one side. ## %%, f., N. of a Lotus pond in Kurukshetra. ## %%, m., Ved. striking in one direction. ## %%, n., Ved. a land which is woody here and there, or only on one side (?). ## %%, m. a certain disease of the eye. ## %%, m. opponent, adversary. ## %%, ind. (equivalent to %%, loc. of %%), elsewhere, in another place (with abl.); on another occasion; (as last member of a comp.) at another time than; otherwise, in another manner; to another place; except, without [cf. Goth. aljathro]. ## %%, whose mind is directed to something else, inattentive. ## %%, ind. otherwise, in a different manner (with %% or %% = in a manner different from this; %%, in one way, in another way); inaccurately, untruly, falsely, erroneously; from another motive; in the contrary case, otherwise [cf. Lat. aliuta]. ## %%, m. doing otherwise, changing; (%%), ind. otherwise, in a different manner. ## %%, to act otherwise, alter, violate (a law), destroy (a hope), &c. ## %%, changed. ## %%, f. erroneous conception of spirit; title of a philosophical work. ## %%, n. an opposite state of the case, difference. ## %%, m. alteration, difference. ## %%, changed. ## %% or %%, speaking differently; (%<>%), m. speaking inconsistently; (in law) prevaricating or a prevaricator. ## %%, altered, disturbed by strong emotion. ## %%, wrongly defined, wrongly proved or established; effected otherwise, unessential. ## %%, n. or %%, f. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration; that demonstration in which arguments are referred to which are not the true causes. ## %%, n. irony. --(From %% comes the nom. verb %%, P. %%, to alter.) ## %%, ind. at another time; sometimes; one day, once; in another case [cf. Old Slav. inogda, inuda]. ## %%, belonging to another. ## %%, ind. at another time. ## %%, ind. on the other day, on the following day; the other day, once. ## %%, occurring every other day, daily, diurnal; (%%), m. a quotidian fever. ## %% or %%, one another, mutual [this word is said to be fr. %%, nom. sing. m., and %%; cf. %%. In most cases, accordingly, it will be found that the first %% may be regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the latter assumes the acc., inst., gen., or loc. cases as required by the verb; there are many instances, however, in which the first %%, originally a nominative, must be regarded as equivalent to an oblique case]; %% or %%, ind. mutually. ## %%, m. mutual quarrel. ## %%, m. mutual conflict, killing one another. ## %%, n. transposing (of numbers) from one side to another. ## %%, m. mutual division or enmity. ## %%, n. mutual union; (%%), m. united mutually. ## %%, m. mutual partition (of an inheritance). ## %%, m. mutual effect of one upon another. ## %%, m. reciprocal action, relation or influence. ## %%, m. reciprocal relation (of cause and effect). ## %%, mutually relating. ## %%, (two quantities) mutually multiplied by their denominators. ## %%, taken or secreted from one another, taken secretly. ## %%, m. mutual non-existence, mutual negation, relative difference. ## %%, m. mutual or reciprocal support, connection or dependance; mutually depending. ## %%, mutually supported or depending. ## %%, f. conversation. ## %%, Ved. spotless. ## %%, Ved. white and without spot (as a sacrificial animal). ## See under %%. ## %%, f., Ved. (%% contracted fr. %%), not drying up (as the milk of a cow ?); or %%, f. of %%, other (the accent being altered ?). ## %%, m. unjust or unlawful action; impropriety, indecorum; irregularity, disorder. ## %%, or %%, acting unjustly; following evil courses. ## %%, or %%, unjust, improper, indecorous, unbecoming. ## %%, not defective, entire, complete. ## %%, not too little and not too much; neither deficient nor excessive. ## %%, not remaining in one's own (%%) habitation. ## %% (fr. %%, the eye, with %%), following; (%%), ind. afterwards; immediately after; directly. ## %%, m. a kind of Sandhi in the Vedas, euphonic conjunction of a vowel and consonant. ## %%, ind. after every member or part. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), following the direction of another, going after, following; lying lengthwise; %%, loc. c. in the rear, behind; (%%), ind. afterwards. ## %%, ind. afterwards; friendly disposed. ## %%, ind. becoming friendly disposed. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-atyeti, -tum>%, to follow in crossing or passing. ## %%, ind. according to the chapters (especially of the Veda), according to the sacred texts. ## %%, m. n. (fr. rt. %% with %%, see %%), following, succession; (%%), m. connection, association, being linked to or concerned with; the natural order or connection of words in a sentence, syntax, construing; logical connection of words; logical connection of cause and effect, or proposition and conclusion; drift, tenor, purport; descendants, race, lineage, family. ## %%, m. a genealogist. ## %%, having a connection (as a consequence), following, agreeing with; belonging to race or family. ## %%, ind. in connection with, in the sight of. ## %%, n. a positive and negative proposition; agreement and contrariety; species and difference; rule and exception; logical connection and disconnection. ## %%, (in phil.) affirmative and negative. ## %%, f. an affirmative argument. ## %%, connected (as a consequence). ## %%, n. the state of being a necessary consequence. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-arcati, -citum>%, to honour with shouts or songs of jubilee. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-arjati, -jitum>%, to let go. ## %%, m. (fr. %% for %%), Ved. an inviter, one who allows to take. ## %%, having the meaning obvious, intelligible, clear. ## %%, n. the literal acceptation of the meaning of a word (as opposed to the conventional). ## %%, f. a term whose meaning is intelligible in itself (opposed to such technical terms as %%, &c.). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-avati, -vitum>%, to encourage. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to scatter or strew about: Caus. P. %<-krayati, -yitum>%, to make one scatter about. ## %%, n. scattering about successively. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati, -kramitum>%, to descend or enter in succession. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to go and join another. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to insinuate one's self into, enter stealthily. ## %%, m., Ved. descending and going after. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-pibati, ptum>%, to drink after others. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %% and %%), letting down, slackening; friendly invitation; permission to do as one likes. ## %%, (fr. rt. %% with %% and %%), fastened to, bound to, attached; see %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-avrjati, -jitum>%, to cause to go after or in a particular direction; to visit with anything. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-avaiti, -tum>%, to follow, walk up to or get into. ## %%, m. race, lineage. ## %%, n., Ved. descending and going after. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-avekate, -kitum>%, to look at, inspect. ## %%, f. regard, consideration. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-anoti, -nute, -aitum>% or %<-aum>%, to reach, come up to, equal. ## %%, f. the ninth day in the latter half of the three months following the full moon in grahyaa, Pausha, Mgha, Phlguna. ## %%, n. a rddha or funeral ceremony performed on the Anvaaks. @<[Page 0047-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-asti>%, to be at hand, to reach. ## %% (fr. rt. 2. %%), shot along, shot; interwoven (as in silk), chequered. ## %%, perf. %<-ha>%, to pronounce, especially a ceremonial formula (Gram. 384. b). ## %%, ind. day after day, every day. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kramate, -mitum>%, to ascend towards or to; P. %<-krmati>%, to visit in succession. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to enumerate. ## %%, n. enumeration; section; chapter. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to follow, come after: Desid. %<-jigsati>%, to wish or intend to follow. ## %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to follow. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-cae>%, Ved. Inf. %<-cakase>%, to name after. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-cmati, -camitum>%, to follow in rinsing the mouth. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), laying down a rule of secondary importance after that which is %% or primary; connecting of a secondary action with the main action (e. g. the conjunction %% is sometimes used %%, propounded as a rule or matter of secondary importance. ## %%, secondary, inferior. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to follow or imitate in doing. ## %% (fr. %% and %%), only used in connection with rt. %%, e. g. %%, to support, aid, assist. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to extend, spread; to overspread, extend over. ## %%, cl. 3. A. %<-datte, dtum>%, to resume. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to name or mention afresh; to employ again. ## %%, mentioned after or according to, employed again; inferior. ## %%, m. mentioning after, a repeated mention, referring to what has been stated previously, re-employment of the same word in a subsequent part of a sentence, the employment again of the same thing to perform a subsequent operation. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %% and %<>%), putting fuel (on the three sacred fires), depositing. ## 1. %%, m. a bail or deposit delivered to a third person, see %% below; a second deposit. ## %% or %%, n. property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family. ## %%, deposited with a person to be delivered ultimately to the right owner. ## 2. %%, m. (rt. %%), repentance, remorse, melancholy reflection after (the commission of a bad act). ## %%, m. a kind of divinity. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead to, to lead along. @<[Page 0048-a]>@ ## %%, Intens., Ved. %<-nonavti>%, to sound through. ## %%, Ved. being in the entrails. ## %%, latitudinal. ## %%, (fr. rt. %% with %<>% and %%), Ved. following after, in accordance with. ## %%, f. a deity invoked by the verb %%. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-rabhate, -rabdhum>%, to commence; to receive; to touch. ## %%, in contact with. ## %%, to be touched, tangible. ## %%, m. or %%, n. touching, contact. ## %%, f. an initiatory ceremony. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rohati, -rohum>%, to follow or join by ascending. ## %%, n. (a widow's) ascending the funeral pile after or with the body of a husband. ## %%, belonging to the Anvrohaa, or rite of cremation. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-vi-ati, -veum>%, to enter, occupy, possess, engross. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rayati, -yitum>%, to resort to, repair, to go (or come) up to. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-ste, -situm>%, to follow in taking a seat; to be seated at or near or round; to be engaged in (especially in a religious act). ## %%, n. sitting down after (another), service; regret, affliction; a place where work is done, a manufactory, a house of industry; an unctuous or cooling enema. ## %%, made to sit down after or alongside. ## %%, sitting down after, seated alongide of. ## %%, being accompanied by, attended by. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tihati, -sthtum>%, to go towards, to meet. ## %%, m. n. or %%, n. (rt. %%), a certain gift presented to the priests; (%% or %%), n. the monthly rddha or funeral repast in honour of the manes, held on the day of new moon; according to Manu, it should be of meat eaten after the presentation of a Pia or ball or rice. ## %%, m. the southern sacrificial fire, used in the Anvhrya sacrifice. ## %%, daily, diurnal. ## %%. See %%, p. 47. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-eti, -tum, -tave, -tavai>%, to go after or alongside, to follow; to seek; to be guided by; to fall to one's share. ## %%. See s. v., p. 47, col. 1. ## %% or %%, joined, attended, connected with, linked to; having as an essential or inherent part, endowed with, possessed of, possessing; acquired, reached by the mind, understood; following; connected as in grammar or construction. ## %%, having a clear meaning understood from the context, perspicuous. ## %%, f. following after; food (as the companion of the body?). ## %%, being followed. ## %% or %%, cl. 7. or cl. 1. A. %<-inddhe>% or %<-indhate, -dhitum>%, to kindle. @<[Page 0048-b]>@ ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-icchati, -eitum, -eum>%, to desire, seek, seek after, search, aim at. ## 2. %%, cl. 4. P. %<-i-yati, -eitum>%, to go after, seek, search: Caus. %<-eayati, -yitum>%, to seek. ## %% or %%, sought, required. ## %%, m. or %%, n. f. seeking for, searching, investigating. ## %%, or %%, or %%, searching, enquiring. ## %% or %%, to be searched, to be investigated. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-k-ate, -itum>%, to follow with one's looks, to keep looking or gazing, to keep in view. ## %%, n. or %%, f. reflection, meditation, searching. ## %%, (fr. %%, q. v., with %%), near the water; or (fr. rt. %

% or %% with %%), Ved. severance; turning away, separation. ## %%, m. du. badly formed buttocks; (%%), having badly formed buttocks. ## %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-piparti>%, to take away, remove. ## %%, f. a female that has had a miscarriage. ## %%, n. a bribe. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-praiti, -tum>%, to go away, to withdraw. ## %%, rt. %%, n., Ved. the having departed, a wrong departure or evil caused thereby. ## %% or %% (defect. verb), to repel, avert. ## %%, not having the portion constituting the Barhis. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-bdhate, -dhitum>%, to drive away, repel, remove. ## %%, m. a bad arm, stiffness in the arm. ## %%, or %%, fearless, undaunted. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), the last lunar mansion. ## %%, Ved. taking away, destroying. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-bhate, -itum>%, to revile. ## %%, n. abuse, bad words, vituperation. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to be absent. ## %%, f., Ved. defect, damage. ## %% or %%, m. falling down or away; a bad fall; a corrupted word, a corruption; ungrammatical language, the most corrupt of the Prkt dialects. (The spelling %% is incorrect according to some grammarians.) ## %%, fallen away, corrupted (as a Prkt dialect). ## %%, (fr. %%), Ved. the most distant, the last; (%%), m. the declination in astronomy; the ecliptic. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, f. the sine of the ecliptic. ## %% or %% or %%, n. the ecliptic. ## %%, free from grief. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), what is swept away, dirt. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), touching, grazing. ## %%, m. n. (rt. %%), disrespect, contempt, disgrace. ## %%, dishonoured, disgraced. ## %%, dishouring, despising. ## %%, disreputable, dishonourable. ## %%, m. a by-way. ## 1. %% (rt. %%), Ved. to be thrown away; see under %% below. ## %% having the face averted; having an ill-formed face or mouth; (%%), ind. except or without the face, &c. ## %%, headless. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-mri, -mr-jitum, -mrum>%, to wipe off, remove. ## %%, n. cleansing; shaving, paring, chips. ## %%, cleansed. ## %%, m. sudden death, dying by some accident, not of sickness or decay; a great danger or illness, from which a person, contrary to expectation, recovers. ## %%, unintelligible (as a speech). ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-mayate, -mtum>%, to change. ## 2. %% or %%, n. debt. ## %%, n. disgrace, infamy. ## %%, occasioning infamy, disgraceful. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to go away, to depart, fall off, go over to. ## %%, gone away, having retired. ## %%, n. to be gone away (used impersonally). ## %%, n. retreat, flight. ## %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-yuyoti>%, to repel, disjoin. ## 1. %%, having nothing beyond or after, having no rival or superior. ## %%, having nothing following. ## 2. %% (fr. %%), posterior, hinder, later, latter (opposed to %% and often occuring as the first member of a comp.); following; western; inferior, lower (opposed to %%); other, another (opposed to %%); different (with abl.); distant, opposite. Sometimes %% is used as a conjunction to connect words or sentences, e. g. %%, moreover. (%%), m. the hind foot of an elephant; (%<>%), f. the west; the hind quarter of an elephant; the womb; (%<>%), f., Ved. the future times, future; (%%), n. the future; the hind quarter of an elephant; (%%), ind. in future, for the future; again, moreover; (%%), ind. (with acc.) behind, west, to the west of [cf. Goth. and Old Germ. afar; and the Mod. Germ. aber, in such words as Aber-mal, Aber-witz]. ## %%, situated in the western part of Knyakubj. ## %%, m. the hind part of the body. ## %%, m. another or later period. ## %%, n. (in Buddhist cosmogony) a country west of the Mah-meru. ## %%, m., Ved. born later, or at the end of the world (the destroying fire). ## %%, m. an inhabitant of the west. ## %%, f. or %%, n. distance; posteriority (in place or time); opposition, contrariety, relativeness; nearness. ## %%, ind. in another place; %%, in one place, in the other place. ## %%, ind. southwest. ## %%, m. the latter part of the summer. ## %%, m. the latter half of the month, the other or opposing side, the defendant. ## %%, belonging to the latter half of the month. ## %%, m. pl. the western Paclas. ## %%, or %%, pl. one and the other, various. ## %%, easily led by others, tractable. ## %%, m. existing after, succession, continuation. ## %%, m. the latter half of the night, the end of the night, the last watch. ## %%, n. another world, paradise. ## %%, f. a kind of metre of four lines, having every two lines the same. ## %%, ind. like what comes after. ## %%, f. pl. the latter part of the rains. ## %%, f. the latter part of the autumn. ## %%, n. the hind thigh. ## %<1. aparas-para, as, , am>%, one after another; continued, uniterrupted. ## %%, n. the western point in the horizon. ## %%, m. n. the latter part of winter. ## %%, belonging to the latter half of the winter season. ## %%, m. du. the %%, i. e. southern, and grhapatya, i. e. western fire (of a sacrifice). ## %%, living at the western border; (%%), m. the western extremity, the country or the inhabitants of the western border; the extreme end or term; death. ## %%, m. the same as %%; N. of a song; (%%), f. a metre consisting of four times sixteen mtrs. ## %%, n. prescience of one's latter end. ## %%, or %%, pl. another and another, various. ## %%, m. the oldest known commentator of Yjavalkya's law-book. ## %%, f. the name of his comment. ## %%, m. the latter, the second half. ## %%, m. afternoon, the last watch of the day. ## %% or %%, belonging to or produced in the close of the day. ## %%, f. opposite to or other than the west, the east. ## %%, ind. on the following day. ## %%, colourless, bloodless, pale. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), stopping, ceasing. ## %%, m. contest, dispute; discord. ## %%, free from dispute, undisturbed, undisputed. ## 2. %%, not reciprocal, not one (by) the other. ## %%, not produced one by the other; or (fr. 1. %% above), produced by an uninterrupted series (?). ## %%, m. (rt. %%), aversion, antipathy, enmity. ## %%, not averted, i. e. fronting, in front. ## %%, or %<, am>%, with unaverted face, not turned away; presenting a firm front. ## %% (rt. %%), unconquered, unsurpassed; (%%), m. a poisonous insect; Viu; iva; one of the eleven Rudras; a class of divinities, constituting one portion of the socalled Anuttara divinities of the Jainas; N. of a sage; (%<>%), f. Durg; a name applied to several plants, Clitoria Ternatea, Marsilea Quadrifolia, Sesbania Aegyptiaca; a species of the arkari metre of four lines, each containing fourteen syllables. ## %%, f. the north-east quarter. ## %%, or %%, unconquerable, invincible. ## %%, cl. 4. or 5. P. %<-rdhyati, rdhnoti, -rddhum>%, to wrong (with gen.), to offened, sin; to annoy, prohibit. ## %%, sinned; criminal, guilty; erring. ## %%, or %%, m. an archer whose arrows always miss the mark. ## %%, f. wrong, mistake. ## %%, offending, an offender. ## %%, m. offence, transgression, fault; mistake; e. g. %%, (with gen.) to offend any one. ## %%, m. the deatroyer of sin, epithet of iva. ## %%, n. a poem of akarcrya, in praise of iva. ## %%, offending; criminal; guilty. ## %%, f. or %%, n. criminality, guilt. ## %%, m. not having descendants or offspring. ## %%, not touched. ## %%, unknown, unseen. ## %%, unable to walk round. ## %%, ind. without going about, standing still. ## %%, not moist, not liquid, dry. ## %%, incalculable. ## %%, unobtained, unknown. ## %%, m. non-acceptance, renouncing; deprivation, destitution, poverty; (%%), destitute of or without attendants. ## %%, unfit or improper to be accepted, not to be taken. ## %% (rt. %%), having no acquaintances, misanthropic. ## %%, unacquainted with, unknown to. ## %%, unsociable. ## %%, (rt. %%), without retinue, not wealthy, poor. ## %% or %%, uncovered, unclothed. ## %%, without interval or division, continuous, connected, undistinguished. ## %%, m. want of distinction or division; want of arrangement or order; want of discrimination or discernment; want of judgment; continuance. ## %%, f. not growing old; not losing; %%, f., N. of a sacrificial ceremony. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), celibacy. ## %%, f. an unmarried woman. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), unchangeableness. ## %%, not providing for a change, improvident. ## %%, unchanging. ## %%, unsatisfied, discontented. @<[Page 0052-a]>@ ## %%, not quite mature. ## %%, Ved. not going by a tortuous course. ## %%, without measure, immeasurable, immense. ## %%, unmeasured, unlimited, unbounded. ## %%, of unbounded excellences. ## %%, immeasurable, illimitable. ## %%, not withering, not decaying; (%%), m., N. of a plant, Gompherena Globosa. ## %%, f. not walking about (used in execrations only); a various reading has %%. ## %%, m. non-violation. ## %%, not to be exchanged. ## %% (rt. %%), not to be reprimanded. ## %%, Ved. not enclosed, unbounded. ## %%, uninclosed, unsurrounded. ## %%, not leaving a reminder, all-surrounding, all-enclosing. ## %%, m. want of polish or finish, moral or physical; coarseness, rudeness. ## %%, unpolished, unadorned, coarse, rude, morally or physically. ## %% (rt. %

% with %% and %%), not ending, endless. ## %%, non-contiguous, distant. ## %%, not moving, motionless. ## %% or %%, not to be avoided, inevitable; not to be abandoned or lost; not to be degraded. ## %%, Ved. unafflicted, not endangered; going straightforward. ## %% (rt. %%), inconsiderate; untried, unproved. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. unobstructed, irresistible; (%%), m., N. of a nation. ## %%, not rough, not harsh. ## %%, or %<, am>%, deformed, ugly, ill-looking, ill-made, strange, odd-shaped; (%%), n. monstrosity, deformity. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, not invisible; perceptible; (%%), ind. (with gen.) in the sight of; (%%), ind. perceptibly, manifestly. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to make perceptible. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), exclusion, prohibition. ## %%, leafless; (%<>%), f. N. of Durg or Prvat; (the goddess not having even leaves for food during her performance of religious austerities.) ## %%, Ved. untimely, unseasonable. @<[Page 0052-b]>@ ## %%, unbounded, unlimited. ## %% (rt. %

%), incomplete, unable, insufficient; not enough; unlimited, unbounded. ## %%, m. want of order or method. ## %%, n. no joint or point of junction; a day which is not a %%, i. e. a certain day in the lunar month, as the full and change of the moon, and the eighth and fourteenth of each half month; (%<, , a>%), without a joint. ## %%, m. a kind of sugar-cane. ## %%, jointless. ## 1. %%, n. a pin or bolt. ## 2. %%, fleshless. ## %%, cl. 1. P. or poet. A. %<-lapati, -te, -pitum>%, to explain away, to deny, refuse, conceal; to detract from slander; Caus. A. %<-lpayate, -yitum>%, to outwit. ## %%, n. or %%, m. denial or concealment of knowledge, evasion, turning off the truth, detraction; concealing, hiding; affection, regard; (in medic.) the part between the shoulder and thye ribs. ## %%, m. (in law) a fine laid on one who denies his conviction. ## %%, denied, concealed. ## %%, one who denies, evades; concealing (with the object in the gen. case). ## %%, m., N. of a Rakshas or of a Nga ('not fond of flesh?'). ## %%, Ved. leafless. ## %% or %%, f. thirst. ## %%, or %%, thirsty; free from desire. ## %%, not grey. ## %%, used in the acc. case %% as Ved. inf. of the verb %%, to cut off. ## %%, not cleaned by cleansing substances. Some read %%. ## %%, m., Ved. speaking away, i. e. warning off, averting. ## %%, n. the act of speaking away or warning off, removing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vadati, -te, -ditum>%, to revile, abuse; (A. only) to disown, deny, contradict: Caus. %<-vdayati, -yitum>%, to oppose as unadvisable. ## %%, (with dat.) reviling. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, m. evil speaking, reviling, blaming (with the gen.); denial, refutation, contradiction; a special rule setting aside a general one; exception (opposed to %%); order, command. ## %%, m. an exceptional affix. ## %%, n. case for a special rule or exception. ## %%, or %%, reviling, blaming, defaming; opposing, objecting to; excepting, excluding. ## %%, blamed, censured; opposed, objected to. ## %%, to be censured; to be excepted. ## %% (defective in most of its tenses, see %%), to repel, avert. ## 1. %%, without air, sheltered from wind. @<[Page 0052-c]>@ ## 2. %%, n. a grove. ## %%. See %% below. ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, &c. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vahati, -vohum>%, to carry off; to deduct: Caus. P. %<-vhayati, -yitum>%, to have (something) carried off or taken away. ## %%, m. or %%, n. deduction, subtraction (of fractions); N. of a metre; N. of a people. ## %%, to be carried away. ## %%. See s. v., p. 56. ## %%, &c. See %% above. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. disappearace, going away, vanishing; N. of a plant. ## %%, unwounded; unviolated. ## %%, unobstructed, unimpeded; (%%), ind. free from obstruction. ## %%, impure, unclean. ## %% and %%. See %%, p. 53. ## %%, free from poison; (%<>%), f. a species of grass, Kyllingia Monocephala. ## %%, ind. except or without Viu. ## %%, having a bad or no lute; (%<>%), f. a bad lute; (%%), ind. without a lute. ## %%, Ved. not armed with a lance. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-voti, -varitum, rtum>%, to open, uncover, exhibit. ## %%, m. an inner apartment, the lyingin chamber. ## %%, n. covering, screening; garment. ## %%, n. covering, concealment, disappearance. ## %%, covered, concealed, disappeared. ## %%, n. concealed, secret manner; %%, (in theatrical language) apart, aside (speaking so that only the addressed person may hear; opposed to %%). ## %%, ind. apart, aside; having concealed. ## %%, uncovered, opened. ## %%, f. uncovering; concealing (?). ## %%, Caus. P. %<-varjayati, -yi-tum>%, to quit, get rid of, to pay, to fulfil. ## %%, m. completion, end (e. g. %%, coming to an end in five days); exception (to a rule); gift, donation; the emancipation of the soul from the body and exemption from further transmigration; final beatitude. ## %%, conferring final beatitude. ## %%, n. abandoning, abandonment; gift or donation, making good a promise, discharging a debt or obligation; final emancipation or beatitude. ## %%, or %%, to be abandoned, to be avoided. ## %%, abandoned, quitted, got rid of, given or cast away; made good as a promise, discharged as a debt. @<[Page 0053-a]>@ ## %%, ind. excepting, except. ## %%, finished, completed. ## %%, f. fulfilment, completion. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to turn away, depart; to turn back, to come to an end. ## %%, m. taking away; (in arithmetic or algebra) reduction to a common measure; the divisor, which is applied to both or either of the quantities of an equation. ## %%, m. a common measure. ## %%, n. taking away; removal; transferring from one place to another; abbreviation, abridging; reduction of a fraction to its lowest terms; division without remainder; divisor. ## %%, taken away; removed; divided by a common measure without remainder. ## %%, reversed, inverted, overturned; ended; (%%), n. ecliptic (in astronomy). ## %%, f. end. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-vidhyati, -vyaddhum>%, to pierce badly, to throw away, to neglect. ## %%, pierced; thrown away, rejected, dismissed, removed. ## %%, m. a son rejected by his natural parents and adopted by a stanger; one of the twelve objects of filiation in law. ## %%, dead. ## %%, m. piercing anything in the wrong direction or manner (spoiling a jewel by so piercing it). ## %%, m. (rt. %% with %% and %%), prodigality. ## %%, going away. ## %%, squandering; denying a debt. ## %%, squandering, wasting, prodigal. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadti, -dtum>%, to open. ## %%, Ved. disobedient, unfaithful; not performing holy acts, irreligious; perverse. ## %%, n. a bad omen. ## %%, fearless, having no fear or hestitation; (%%), ind. fearlessly. ## %% or %%, m. a low man. ## %%, m. common or vulgar speech; a bad word; any form of language not Sanskt; ungrammatical language. See %%. ## %%, m. cessation. ## %%, or %%, or %%, headless. ## %%, m. not cattle; (%%), deprived of cattle, poor. ## %%, not killing cattle. ## 1. %%, Intens. P., Ved. %<-o-okti>%, to disappear, vanish. ## 2. %%, m. (without sorrow), the soul. %%, sorrowless; (%%), m. a tree, Jonesia Aoka. ## %% or %%, m., Ved. not staying behind; not coming short of, not being a loser. ## %%, not having another in the rear, last; having no end. ## %% Ved., or %%, not seeing. ## %%, f. not seeing (?). @<[Page 0053-b]>@ ## %%, m., Ved. a bolster; see %%. ## %%, deprived of beauty. ## %%, m. one of the five vital airs; see %%. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), the end or point of the hook for driving an elephant. ## %%, contrary, opposite; perverse; left; (%%), ind. contrary, perversely, badly; well, properly; handsomely; (%%), m. time. ## %% or %%, opposite, contrary. ## %%, n. (fr. obs. rt. %%), Ved. work, action; sacred act, sacrificial act; water; (%%), m. f. (%%), m. f. pl., Ved. active, skilful in any art: %%, f. pl., is a name of the hands and fingers which are busy in kindling the sacred fire and in performing the sacrifices; also a name of the three goddesses of sacred speech, or of the three divinities, fire, wind, and sun; also of the active or running waters [cf. Lat. opus]. ## %% (superl.), Ved. most active or rapid. ## 1. %%, active, fit for an act, running away; watery; (%<>%), f. a kind of brick (twenty are used in building the sacrificial altar); activity; water. ## 2. %%, nom. P. %%, to be active. ## %%, Ved. active. ## %%, m. the children of six degrading connections, viz. of a Brhman with the women of the three lower classes, of a Kshatriya with women of the two lower, and of a Vaiya with one of the Sdra; a low man; an outcast (in this sense generally as last member of a comp., e. g. %%). ## %%, ind. last year (?). ## %%, n. (rt. %%), abandonment; gift or donation; final emancipation of the soul [cf. %%]. ## %%, ind., Ved. to the left (opposed to %%); the space between the thumb and the forefinger (sacred to the Manes). ## %%, or %%, not on the left side, right; opposite, contrary; (%%), ind. to the right; the same as %%. ## %%, to circumambulate a person keeping the right side towards him; to put the sacred cord on the right shoulder. ## %%, having the sacred thread worn on the right shoulder, (as during a rddha, &c.) ## %%, m. (rt. 1. %%), an erroneous conclusion. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sedhati, -sed-dhum, -sedhitum>%, to ward off, remove, drive away. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sarati, -sartum>%, to walk off, go away: Caus. %<-srayati, -yitum>%, to make or let one go away, to remove. ## %%, m. excuse, apology. ## %%, n. going away. retreating; egress. ## %%, m. going out; egress, passage for going forth; escape. ## %%, n. removing to a distance. ## %%, removed, put away, thrown aside. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sarpati, -sarp-tum, -sraptum>%, to glide or move off. ## %% or %%, m. a secret emissary or agent, spy. ## %%, n. going back, retreating. ## %%, f. going away. @<[Page 0053-c]>@ ## %%, m. Ved. fastening, making firm. ## %%, m. any part of a carriage, a wheel, &c.; faeces; anus; vulva. ## %%, m. the root or under part of the knee. ## %%, m. leaping off, jumping off; outside of a threshing floor (?). ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, m. a vessel in the side of the breat containing vital air. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, bathed or bathing after death or mourning, or upon the death of a connection, preparatory to other ceremonies. ## %%, n. funeral bathiong, upon the death of a connection, after mourning, &c.; impure bathing, or bathing in water in which a person has previously washed. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Uttnapda. ## 1. %%, cl. 6. P. %<-spati, -sparum, -spraum>%, to touch. ## %%, having no touch, insensible. ## 2. %%, Ved. not letting one's self be touched. ## 3. %%, Ved. not touching, not hurting. ## %%, one who has badly formed buttocks; (%%), ind. except the buttocks. ## %%, or %%, or %% Ved. bounding or bursting forth, swelling, increasing. According to native authorities, both %% and %% may mean 'injured.' ## %%, m. or %%, f. forgetfulness; epilepsy, falling sickness. ## %%, epileptic, convulsed. ## %%, forgetful. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, m. an unmusical note or sound. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-hanti, -tum>%, to beat off, ward off, repel, destroy. ## %%, keeping back, repelling, removing, destroying (e. g. %%, removing sorrow). ## %%, destroyed, warded off, killed. ## %%, f. removing, destroying. ## %%, n. or %% (q. v.), warding off. ## %%, m. beating off, destroying. ## %%. See s. v. ## %%, having a bad plough. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-hasati, -situm>%, to deride: Caus. P. %<-hsayati, -yitum>%, to deride, ridicule. ## %%, n. or %%, m. silly or causeless laughter. ## %%, to be laughed at. ## %%, n. taking or throwing away or off; stealing, plundering. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to throw away, lose. ## %%, thrown away, lost, parted with. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. A. %<-jihte, -htum>%, to go off, come to an end. @<[Page 0054-a]>@ ## 2. %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jahti, -htum>%, to leave, abandon. ## %% (or fr. 1. %%), leaving, abandoning; also written %%. ## %%, f. leaving; leaving off, abandonment, stopping, vanishing; exception, exclusion. ## %%, ind. leaving out of view, excepting, except, besides. ## %%, without the syallable %%, which is pronounced in singing the Sma verses. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. (?) %<-harati, -te, -hartum>%, to snatch away, carry off, plunder; to remove, to throw away: Caus. %<-hrayati, -yitum>%, to have (anything) carried off. ## %%, n. taking away, carrying off; stealing. ## %% or %% or %%, to be taken away, carried off, stolen, &c.; to be taken back or resumed. ## %%, m. (with gen. or acc.) taking away; expiating. ## %%, m. taking away, stealing; spending another person's property; secreting, concealment; e. g. %%, to conceal one's real character. ## %%, or %%, one who takes away, seizes, steals, &c.; a plunderer, a thief. ## %%, n. causing to take away, spoiling. ## %%, taken away, carried off, stolen, &c.; taken back, resumed. ## %%, bereft of sense. ## %%, f. disrespect, contempt. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-hnute, -hnotum>%, to conceal, disguise; to refuse, deny, disown. ## %%, m. concealment of knowledge; denial of or turning off of the truth; dissimulation; appeasing, satisfying; affection, love. ## %%, concealed, denied. ## %%, f. denial, concealment of knowledge; a figure of rhetoric, applying a description or simile to other than its obvious application. ## %%, concealing, denying. ## %%, one who conceals or denies or disowns. ## %%, m. diminishing, reducing. ## %%, ind. westward, southward; see %% next col. ## 1. %% (fr. %%), situated aside or behind; distant; coming from a distant place; incomparable. ## %%, m., Ved. looking or shining far; of incomparable brightness. ## %% or %%, ind., Ved. aside, distant. ## %%, Ved. standing behind. ## %%, ind., Ved. from behind, from the west. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), immature, raw, unripe, undigested; (%%), m. immanturity, indigestion. ## %%, not produced by cooking or ripening; original; natural. ## %%, n. ginger. ## %%, unripe, undigested. ## %%), cl. 8. P. A. %<-karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, or Ved. %<-kartos>%, to remove, drive away, keep away; to take away; to reject (an opinion); to cast off, reject; to desist from, to drop; to free one's self from; to pay. ## %%, n. driving away, removal; payment, lipuidation. ## %%, driving away; excelling. ## %%, n. payment, liquidation. ## %%, taken away, removed, destroyed, void of; paid. ## %%, f. taking away, removal. @<[Page 0054-b]>@ ## %%), cl. 1. 6. P. A. %<-karati, -te, -kati, -te, -karum, -kraum>%, to turn off or away, to avert. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum, -rtum>%, to throw any one off; to abandon to contemn. ## %%), cl. 1. P. poet. A. %<-krmati, -kramate, -kramitum>%, to retire from. ## %%, present, perceptible; (%%), eyeless, having bad eyes. ## %% or %% or %%, not in a line or row; not in the same degree or class, unworthy, inadmissible into society, ejected from caste, excluded, outcast. ## %%, defiled or contaminated by the presence of impure or improper persons. ## %% or %%, maimed, crippled; wanting or deformed in some limb; (%%), m. the outer corner of the eye (sometimes as last member of a feminine comp. ending in %<>% or %<>%); a sectraial mark or circlet on the forehead; N. of Kma, the god of love; a plant, Achyranthes Aspera. ## %%, n. a side glance, a leer, a wink. ## %%, m. the place round the outer corner of the eye. ## %%, having eyes with beautiful outer angles. ## %% or %% (fr. %% with %%), going or situated backwards, behind; western (opposed to %%); southern (opposed to %%, ind. behind, westward, southward. ## %%, f. the south. ## %%), f. the north, i. e. other than the south. ## %%, situted backwards, behind; western; turned back; southern. ## %%, western, southern. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to drive away. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to push away, to drive away. ## %%, n. awkwardness, inelegance; sickness, disease. ## %%, illegible. ## %%, n. celibacy. ## %%, without hands and feet. ## %%, n. a worthless or common utensil; an inferior, undeserving or worthless person, unfit as a recipient, unworthy to receive gifts. ## %%, f. or %%, n. acting unbecomingly, doing degrading offices (as for a Brhman to receive wealth improperly acquired, to trade, to serve a dra, and to utter an untruth); excommunication, disqualification. ## %%. giving to the undeserving. ## %%, supporting the unworthy, cherishing the undeserving. ## %%, footless. See %%, p. 50. ## %%, anything (as water) unfit for the feet. ## %%), cl. 3. A. %<-datte, dtum>%, to take off or away, to remove. ## %%, n. taking away, removal, ablation; a thing from which another thing is removed; the sense of the fifth or ablative case. ## %%, not standing at the beginning of a Pda. ## %%, not standing at the end of a Pda. @<[Page 0054-c]>@ ## %%, m. a bad road. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %%, to breathe out or away, to expire, respire. ## %%, m. expiration, breathing out (opposed to %%); that of the five vital airs which goes downwards and out at the anus; (%%), n. the anus; ventris crepitus. ## %%, m. Ved. giving the vital air Apna. ## %%, n. the anus. ## %%, m. the vital air Apna. ## %%, m., Ved. protecting the Apna. ## %%, f. cherishing the vital air, a sacrificial brick. ## %%, m. the air Apna; ventris crepitus. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-nudati, -te, -nottum>%, to remove, repel, repidiate. ## %%, free from falsehood, true. ## %% or %%, &c. See under %%, p. 48. ## %%, or %%, sinless, virtuous, pure. ## %%, not ill-looking; not revealing evil. ## %%, not committing sin. ## %%, n., Ved. non-increase of evil; health, prosperity. ## %%, not afflicted with evil. ## %%. See under %%, p. 48. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), N. of a plant (Achyranthes Aspera), employed very often in incntations, in medicine, in washing linen, and in sacrifices. ## %%, n. cleansing, keeping back, removing (of diseases and other evils). ## %%, m. sudden death; see %%. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %% or %<-rtum>% (?), to remove; to open. ## 1. %%, n. the opposite bank of a river; the same as %%, q. v. ## 2. %%, n. (in the Skhya) a bad shore, i. e. a kind of mental indifference or acquiescence (%%); it may also mean the reverse of %% or of %%, i. e. the reverse of mental acquiescence; (%%), shoreless, unbounded, boundless, interminable; an epithet of heaven and earth; out of reach; inexhaustible. ## %%, n. non-acquiescence. ## %%, or %%, incompetent, impotent. ## %%, out of reach. ## %%, not concerned about the highest truth. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to go away, retire. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), flung away. ## %% (rt. %%), distant, far. ## %%, or %%, without any object, useless, unprofitable; unmeaning; (%%), n. incoherent argument. ## %%, n. a false plea in a lawsuit. ## %% or %% or %%, unguarded, unprotected, undefended. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Cassia Fistula. ## %%, m., Ved. the hinder part of a carriage; mechanism to stop a carriage (?). ## %%, free from %% or bees, &c. ## %%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-voti, -varitum, -rtum>%, to open; to cover; (in the first sense %% is said to be for %%, the final of %% being lengthened.) ## %%, open, laid open; covered, concealed, enclosed; unrestrained, self-willed. ## %%, f. or %%, n. laying open, enclosing, surrounding; covering, concealing, screening. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to turn away, to return, to abstain from, to come to nought. ## %%, n. turning away or from; retreat, returning; repulse. ## %%, Ved. returning. ## %%, (with abl.) turned away from; averted; abstaining from, rejecting, despising; reversed, repelled; (%%), n. the rolling on the ground (of a horse). ## %%, f. retreat, returning; repulse. ## %%, f. no great number of noose or fetters (i. e. a few). ## 1. %%, helpless, destitute. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ra-yati, -yitum>%, to resort to; to use, practice. ## 2. %%, m. refuge, recourse, the person or thing to which recourse is had for refuge; an awning spread over a court or yard. ## %%, resting on; resortuing to. ## %%, f., Ved. the heel. ## %%, m., Ved. barb of an arrow; (%%), n. what remains of the Soma plant after it has been pressed out. ## %%, Ved. having barbs; (%%), ind. like the remainder of the Soma plant (?). ## %%, cl. 4. P. %%, to fling away, throw, away or off, to discard; to scare, drive away; leave behind, leave in a deserted condition; to desert, to take no notice of, disregard; reject. ## %%, n. throwing away; quitting, foregoing, discarding; killing, slaughter. ## %%, thrown or cut down, injured, destroyed. ## %%, thrown off, set aside; driven away, expelled; aboundoned, discarded; disregarded, contemned. ## %%, ind. having thrown away or discarded, having left, having disregarded, having excepted. ## %%, discarding, throwing off, &c. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a quiver; also %%. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), departing, departure, removal. ## %%, gone, departed, gone away. ## %%, having a bad or no sword. ## %%, lifeless. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jahti, htum>%, to leave, omit, reject. ## %%, ind. exceptiong; except. ## %%, or sometimes %% (as a particle or preposition prefixed to verbs and nouns), expresses placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching to, proximity, &c. [cf. Gr. [greek] Zend api; Germ. and Eng. prefix be]; in later Sanskt its places seems frequently supplied by %%. @<[Page 0055-b]>@ (As a separable adv.) and, also moreover, besides, assuredly, surely; %% or %%, as well as; %% or %% or %%, neither, nor; %%, (and at the begining of a sentence) %%, moreover. ## %% is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very; e. g. %%, also another, something more; %%, this very day, even now; %%, even thus, notwithstanding; %%, even if, although; %%, although, nevertheless; %%, never at any time: sometimes in the sense of but, only, at least, e. g. %%, only a moment. ## %% may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite. e. g. %%, any one; %%, anywhere. ## %% imparts to numerals the notion of totality, e. g. %%, of all the four castes. ## %% may be interrogative at the beginning of a sentence. ## %% may strengthen the original force of the potential. or may soften the imperative, like the English 'be pleased to;' sometimes it is a mere expletive. ## %%, but, but yet. ## %%, n., Ved. having part, share. ## %%, Ved. having part, sharing. ## %%, perhaps, in all probability. ## %%, m., Ved. the region of the arm-pits and shoulder-blades, especially in animals; N. of a man; (%%), m. pl. the descendants of this man. ## %%, Ved. connected with the region of the arm-pits, or that which binds to the %%. ## %%, n., Ved. the region of the ears. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kntati, -kar-titum>%, to cut off. ## %%, Caus. %<-kpayati, -yi-tum>%, to annihilate, to make away with. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gan-tum>%, to go into, enter, approach, join; to approach a woman. ## %%, gone into, entered, come near, approached, joined. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to enter, get into, mingle with. ## %%, praised, celebrated. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te, -grahtum>%, to receive; to stop; to close (the mouth, nose, &c.). ## %% Ved., or %%, to be received. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ghasati, -ghas-tum>%, to eat off or away. ## %%, clear, free from sediment or soil. ## %%, m. born after, born again; epithet of several divinities. ## %%, without funeral cakes. ## 1. %% (rt. %%), Ved. not swelling, dry; waterless. ## 2. %%, (in gram.) not having the %% or Anu-bandha %

%. ## %%, m. not a father. ## %%, not ancestral or paternal, uninherited; fatherless. ## %%, uninherited, not ancestral or paternal. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to singe. @<[Page 0055-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-dbhati>% or %<-dmbhati, -darbhitum>%, to reply upon. ## %%, cl. 4. P., Ved. %<-dyati, -dtum>%, to cut off. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to put to, shut, close, cover, conceal. ## %% or %%, n. covering, concealment; a cover, a lid, a cloth for covering. ## %%, Ved. having a cover; concealed. ## %%, m. concealment. ## %% or %%, shut, covered, concealed. ## %% or %%, cl. 4. P. %<-nahyati, -naddhum>%, to tie on, fasten. ## %% or %%, tied on; clothed, accoutred. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead towards or to, bring to a state or condition. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to go in, enter. ## %%, free from thirst; satified. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A., Ved. %<-pakti, pkte, -parcitum>%, to mix with. ## %%, Ved. breathing upon, viivfying, animating (?). ## %%, fastened; connected with. ## %%, Ved. having part in, sharing in. ## %%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-myati, -te, -maritum>%, to forget, neglect. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-voti, -varitum, rtum>%, to conceal. ## %%, concealed, covered. ## %%, m. sharing in the same religious acts, related by blood. ## %%, Ved. contiguous to the night; being at the beginning or end of the night; (%%), n. evening-time or morningtime. ## %%, m., N. of a man; (%%), m. pl. the descendants of Apiala. ## %%, f. (only used in abl.), Ved. slitting, ripping up. ## %%, unmalicious, upright, honest. ## %% (rt. %%), praised. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sicati, -sektum>%, to sprinkle with. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to go in or near, to enter into or upon; to come near, approach; to partake, have a share in; to suffer; to join; to pour out (as a river); to dissolve; to enter the other world, to die. ## %%, comiong near. ## 1. %%, gone into, entered, approached. ## %%, f., Ved. entering into, encountering, joining battle, junction; dissolving. ## %%, coming near, union. See s. v. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. secret, hidden (incorrectly for %%, q. v.). @<[Page 0056-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. stirring up, impelling. ## %%, n. or %%, f. not giving pain, gentleness, kindness. ## %%, without distressing, not paining. ## 2. %%, not drunk. ## %%, ind. not having drank, without drinking. ## %% or %%, m. (%% for %% and %% for %%), dryness of the nose, want of the pituitary secretion and loss of smell, cold. ## %%, covered. ## %%, very hansome, most excellent (?). ## %%, m. not a man, a eunuch. ## %%, n. the state of a eunuch. ## %%, f. without a husband. ## %%, tailless; (%<>%), f. the tree Dalbergia iu. ## %%, unclean, impure, wicked, bad. ## %%, acting wickedly, wicked, bad. ## %%, m. not a son; (%%), or %%, having no son, sonless. ## %%, f. sonlessness. ## %%, f. the daughter of a sonless father, who herself has no male offspring; (%%), m. the father of such a daughter. ## %%, ind. not again, once for ever. ## %%, irrecoverable. ## %%, not returning, dead. ## %%, f. final exemption from life or transmigration. ## %%, not being given back. ## %%, m. not being again; exemption of the soul from further transmigration, final beatitude. ## %%, m. not being born again. ## %%, or %%, not old, modern, new. ## %%, unmanly. ## %%, m. a rite which is not for the benefit of the sacrificer; not the chief object of the soul. ## %%, or %%, without a Puronuvky. ## %%, without a Puroruc. ## %%, not eminent; mean, low. ## %%, unnourished, lean; soft. ## %%, not flowering; (%%), m. the glomerous fig tree. ## %% or %%, bearing fruits without flowering; having neither flowers nor fruits; (%%), m. the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig-tree. ## %%, n., Ved. shape; the same as %%, q. v. ## %%, irreverent, irreligious. ## %%, f. irreverence, disrespect. ## %%, not reverenced or worshipped, contemned, disregarded. ## %%, not to be worshipped or rebered. ## %%, impure; not having received the invocatory rite. @<[Page 0056-b]>@ ## %%, m. cake of flour, meal, &c.; a sort of bread; wheat; honey-comb (?). ## %%, m., Ved. having a navel which consists of or is decorated with cake. ## %%, consisting of cake. ## %%, accompanied with cake. ## %%, covered with cake. ## %%, belonging to cake. ## %%, n. flour, meal. ## %% f. the silk cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum. ## %%, lifeless, inanimate; soulless; unpeopled. ## %%, m., Ved. not killing men. ## %%, not full or entire, imperfect, incomplete, deficient; (%%), n. an incomplete number, a fraction. ## %%, premature; (%%), m. incomplete time. ## %%, born before the proper time, abortive. ## %%, f. incompleteness. ## %%, not being full, incomplete. ## %%, unpreceded, unprecedented; not having existed before, quite new; unparalleled, incomparable, wonderful, extraordinary; not first; (in Pini) preceded by %% or %<; (am)>%, n. the remote or unforeseen consequence of an act, as heaven of religious rites; a consequence not immediately preceded by its cause. ## %%, n. a religious rite or sacrifice, the power of which on the future is not before seen. ## %%, f. or %%, n. the being unpreceded, not having existed before, incomparableness, &c. ## %%, f. one who has had no husband before. ## %%, ind. singularly, unlike anything else. ## %%, ind. never before. ## %%, referring to the remote or unforeseen consequence of an act. ## %%, Ved. unpreceded, first; having nothing similar before one's self, incomparable, unheard of. ## %%, unmixed, uncombined; (%%), m. (in Pini) a word or an affix consisting of a single letter, i. e. of one not combined with another; (in the Prtikhyas) the preposition %<>% and the particle %%. ## %%, Ved. not filling, not propitating by gifts; stingy. ## %%, ind. not separately, with, together with, collectively. ## %%, of the same religion. ## %%, regarding God in all things. ## %%, unasked, unaddressed, not spoken to. ## %%, cl. 2. P., cl. 1. A. %%, to go away, withdraw, retire, run away, escape, vanish; to be wanting, to be omitted; to start. ## %%, m. going away, departure; destruction, death, annihilation; injury, detriment, loss; misfortune, evil, ill, calamity, danger; end (of a word). ## %%, going away, departing, vanishing, perishable. ## %%, escaped, departed, gone; having retired from, free from (with abl. or as last mamber of a comp.). ## %%, one whose fear is gone. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Ocimum Sanctum. ## %%, removed (?). ## %%. See s. v. next col. ## %%, cl. I. A. %%, to look away, to look round, to look about for something; to have some desing; to have regard to, to respect; to look for, wait for, except, hope; to require, to have an eye to; with %%, not to like. ## %%, n. or %%, f. looking round or about; (with the object either in loc. or as the preceding member of a compound) consideration, reference, regard; connection of cause with effect or of individual with species; expectation, hope, desire, need, requirement. ## %%, with reference to. ## %%, f. a mental process in the vaieika philosophy, the faculty of arranging and methodising; clearness of understanding. ## %% or %% or %%, to be considered or regarded, to be looked for or expected, to be wished, desired, or required; desirable. ## %%, considered, regarded, referred to, looked for, expected; wished, hoped, required; (%%), n. consideration, reference, regard. ## %%, (with the object in gen. or as the preceding member of a compound) considering, respecting, regarding, looking to; looking for, expecting, hoping, requiring. ## %%, ind. having considered, having regard to, with regard or reference to. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to remove, drive away. (See Gram. 784. a) ## %%, without Indra. ## %%, unfit for drinking, undrinkable. ## %%, not clever, inexpert. ## %%, Ved. formless, shapeless. ## 1. %%, cl. 4. A. %%, to strive after, aspire to. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to withdraw from, to retire. ## %% (imperative of rt. %% with %%), at the beginning of several compounds, means excluding, expelling, denying admission; e. g. %%, f. a. ceremony where people are not admitted. ## %%, f. a. ceremony from which merchants are excluded. ## %%, f., N. of a plant useful in expelling wind (Poederia). ## %%, n. integrity, honesty, uprightness. ## %%, not under sixteen years of age; achild or infant; timid, fearful; flaccid; having a limb too many or too few. ## %%, cl. 10. P. A. %<-chdayati, -te, -yitum>%, to uncover. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), carried off, removed, taken away. ## %%, cl. 1. 6. P. A. %<-karati, -te, -kriati, -te, -karum, -kraum>%, to separate, disjoin. ## %%, waterless, water-tight; not watery, not fluid; (%%), f. a pot-herb, Basella Rubra or Lucida. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to go away altogether, to give way, to withdraw. ## %%, to be completely gone away from or left. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %% and %%), liable to have something taken away. ## %%, &c. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %%, to bind, fetter. @<[Page 0057-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 2. P. A. %%, to uncover, to unveil, to open; A. to uncover one's self. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %%, to dispel darkness (said of the dawn). ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to strip off, to push away, to frighten away; to remove, to heal (sickness); A. to keep away from one's self, to avoid, to give up; (in disputation) to object, to deny, to reason, argue. ## %%, m. or %%, n. pushing away, removing; removal of doubt by the exercise of the reasoning faculty; reasoning, arguing. ## %% or %%, to be taken away, or removed, or expiated. ## %%, taken away, removed; established by reason. ## %%, n. unmanliness, cowardice; superhuman power; %<(as, , am)>%, unmanly, cowardly; superhuman. ## %%, n. immaturity. ## %% (fr. obs. rt. %% for later %%, Ved. obtained; watery (?). ## %%, n. a sacrificial act. ## %%, m., Ved. busy, active, diligent; the body; Soma; a sacrificial animal. ## %%, m., Ved. active, busy; giving water; running as water. ## %%, n., Ved. zeal, activity; the giving of water. ## %%, or %%, m., Ved., N. of a sacrificial ceremony, and of a verse in the Sma-veda closing that ceremony [cf. %%]. ## %%, active, spacious; watery (?). ## %%, m. or %%, n., Ved. possession, property; work, sacrificial act; progeny; shape [cf. Lat. ops]. ## %%, m., Ved. superintending work. ## %%, m., Ved. possessing property; illustrious through work. ## %%, Ved. productive, having sacrificial acts or work. ## %% m., Ved. having progeny; the arm; N. of a i; poor (?). ## %%, obtainable, to be reached; active, belonging to or connected with work or sacrificial acts, watery. ## %%, m., N. of an author of a book on prosody. ## %%, m. See under %%. ## %% or %% or %%, m., N. of an author of the sixteenth century. ## %%, n. fire; see under %%. ## %% (rt. %%), reaching, gone into, hidden. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-arjati, -jitum>%, to add over and above. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%, see %%), approach, meeting, joining; pouring out; entering, vanishing; junction; (e. g. %%, entering into one's self, absorption.) ## %%, m., N. of a Drvia saint and writer, the author of various works, celebrated as a aiva, and thought to be an incarnation of iva; (also %% or %%, &c.) ## %%, n. union, joining; copulating. ## %%, ind., Ved. within proximity, near. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-asti>%, (with loc. or with an adv. of place) to be in anything; to be closely connected with, to belong to. ## %% and %%, q. v. @<[Page 0057-b]>@ ## %%, unmanifested, unapparent, obscure. ## %%, unsaken, literally and metaphorically; firm, steady; unanswered, unrefuted. ## %%, f. firmness, stability, unanswerableness. ## %%, not acting excellently. ## %%, n. not the principal topic, not relevant to the main subject. ## %%, not principal, not relevant to the main topic under discussion, not chief; occasional or incidental, not natural. ## %%, f. not the inherent or inseparable property, accidental property or nature; spritual being. ## %%, not exceeded, not more than; unsurpassed. ## %%, low, vile; (%%), m. a crow. ## %%, not prescribing as obligatory. ## %%, not explicity enjoined. ## %%, stemless; (%%), m. a bush, a shrub. ## %%, not shining, dark; self-illuminated; not visible, hidden, secret; not manifest or evident; (%%), ind. in secret; (%%), m. indistinctness, secresy, a secret. ## %%, not rendering bright; making dark. ## %% or %%, not manifested, undivulged, unrevealed, not evident or public. ## %%, not to be manifested or divulged. ## %%, Ved. indiscriminate, unrecognizable. ## %%, Ved. undiminished, undecayed. ## %%, dull, obtuse; bland, mild. ## %%, going too fast for others to follow, not to be surpassed. ## %%, not arrogant, modest. ## %%, not chaunted aloud. ## %%, confounded, perplexed. ## %%, unrestrained, unbridled. ## %%, Ved. without power of seeing; not beautiful (?). ## %%, little, few. ## %%, Ved. deficient in understanding, foolish. ## %%, unknown. ## %%, undesired, not bidden or commanded; undeclared, not said; unasked. ## %%, inscrutable. ## %%, unmoved; (with abl.) not fallen or deviating from, observing, following. ## %% (rt. %%), without progeny, childless; unborn; unpeopled; (%<>%), f. not bearing, unprolific, having no child. ## 1. %% (rt %%), without progeny. @<[Page 0057-c]>@ ## %%, without progeny, childless. ## %%, f. or %% or %%, n. childlessness. ## %%, childless, having no progeny. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), Ved. inexperienced, inexpert. ## %% (rt. %%), unconsecrated, profane, common; (%%), n. the act of frying clarified butter without consecrated water. ## %% (rt. %%), not to be turned away. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not affluent; %%, inst. c. without wealth. ## %%, not to be discussed; incomprehensible by reason, undefinable. ## %%, m. want of brilliancy, dulness; meanness, want of dignity. ## %%, Ved. without opponents, irresistible; unequalled; %<(i)>%, ind. irresistibly. --1. %%, of unequalled form, incomparable [cf. 2. %%, p. 58]. ## %%, f. incomparable or unanswerable discourse. ## %%, of irresistible power. ## %%, trusted, trusting, confidential. ## %%, of unparalleled deeds. ## %% or %%, m. not remedying, non-requital, non-retalination; %<(as, , am)>%, irremediable, helpless, defenceless. ## %%, not remedying, not counteracting. ## %%, one from whom one must not accept anything. ## %%, not accepting. ## %%, not to be taken, unacceptable. ## %% (rt. %%), not to be kept off, not to be vanquished. ## %%, not having an adversary in battle; not to be vanquished; irresistible. ## %%, f. unrivalledness. ## %%, Ved. without a match in carrying burdens or the yoke (said of a horse). ## %%, not to be opposed, irresistible. ## %%, Ved. of irresistible power. ## %%, Ved. irresistible. ## %%, without a rival or opponent. ## %%, not to be bartered or exchanged. ## %%, f. non-ascertainment; non-performance, failure; neglect, disregard. ## %%, not stopping; not to be depended on. ## %%, unascertained, unaccomplished, neglected. ## %%, m. absence of obstruction; %<(as, , am)>%, unimpeded, undisputed, direct (inheritnce), not collateral or presumptive. ## %%, of unequalled power. ## %%, without the sense of personal consciousness. ## %%, Ved. not speaking agaist, not contradicting. ## %%, modest, bashful; (%<>%), f. shyness, timidity. @<[Page 0058-a]>@ ## %%, unequalled, incomparable, without a match. ## %%, Ved. being unable to show one's resentment to another, or to retaliate anger for anger. ## %%, m. natural or spontaneous state or condition. ## %%, without adversary; not opposed (to one another), having no opposite. ## %%, m. having no antagonist, an invincible warrior; N. of a i; (%%), n., N. of a hymn composed by Apratiratha. ## %%, uncontested, undisputed. ## 2. %%, not corresponding with, unfit. (For 1. see under %%.) ## %%, unsatiated in one's desires. ## %% (rt. 2. %%), unprohibited, unforbidden. ## %%, m. non-prohibition, non-negation. ## %%, Ved. not to be kept off, not to be resisted, not contradicted, not refused. ## %%, having no solid ground, fluctuating; thrown away, unprofitable; infamous, disreputable; (%%), m., N. of a hell; (%<>%), f. instability, absence of reputation, ill-fame, dishonour. ## %%, Ved. without solid or firm ground; (%%), n. instability. ## %%, unsettled, unfixed; unconsecrated; uncelebrated, obscure. ## %%, having no intermixture. ## %%, unobserved. ## %%, m. the unobserved nullity or annihilation of an object. ## %%, uninterrupted, unobstructed, irresistible; unaffected, unimpaired, indestructible, uninjured; not disappointed. ## %%, m., N. of a Buddhist deity (whose eyes are unimpeded). ## %%. See under %%, p. 57. ## %%, ind. without looking backward. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), unapproached, unattackable; unopposed; unintelligible, not understood. ## %%, f. unintelligibleness. ## %%, f. the state of not being understood; mistrust, want of confidence. ## %% (for %%, fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. not given back. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Magadha. ## %%, m. want of weight, want, necessity. ## %% (for %%, fr. rt. %% with %%), not given away; (%<>%), f. not given away in marriage, a girl. ## %%, not present to the sight, invisible, imperceptible; unknown. ## %%, f. imperceptibility. ## %%, not distinctly taught. @<[Page 0058-b]>@ ## %%, m. distrust, disbelief, doubt; not an affix; %<(as, , am)>%, distrustful (with loc.); having no affix. ## %%, (in gram.) not pertaining to an affix. ## %%, uncontradicted, unrefuted, assented to. ## %%, n. non-refutation. ## %%, not to be contradicted, undeniable. ## %%, not attacked. ## %%, unpublished; unnoted, unknown, not celebrated. ## %%, dyspeptic. ## %%, Ved. not milked to the end. ## %%, Ved. not proud, not arrogant; not humbled, not careless (?). ## %%, not principal, subordinate, secondary. ## %%, f. or %%, n. subordination, inferiority. ## %%, not to be vanquished, invincible. ## %%, n., Ved. a bad place of refuge. ## %%, inefficacious, weak. ## %%, without radiance, obscure; dull; mean. ## %%, wanting power, unable, incompetent (with loc.). ## %%, n. want of power, insufficiently. ## %%, insufficient, inadequate. ## %%, f. little effort. ## %%, not careless, careful, attentive, vigilant, sober. ## %%, m. care, vigilance; %<(as, , am)>%, careful, cautious, steady; (%%), ind. attentively, carefully; without interruption. ## %%, careful, attentive. ## %%, without pleasure, joyless. ## %%, Ved. unlimited, imperishable. ## %%, f. a rule which is no authority (see %%); incorrect knowledge. ## %%, immeasurable, unlimited; without weight or proof, without authority; (%%), n. a rule which is no standard of action. ## %%, incapable of weighing evidence. ## %%, m. pl. of immeasurable virtue; N. of a class of Buddhist divinities. ## %%, m. pl. of unlimited splendor; N. of a class of divinities in Buddhism. ## %%, unauthorized; properly %%, q. v. ## %%, unbounded, unmeasured; not proved, not established by authority. ## %%, immeasurable; unfathomable, inscrutable; not to be proved. ## %%, m. of inscrutable spirit, an epithet of iva. ## %%, of unlimited energy. ## %%, Ved. not dying suddenly (?), immeasurably long (?). ## %%, Ved. not to be killed. ## %%, Ved. or %%, not foolish, prudent. @<[Page 0058-c]>@ ## %%, not to be destroyed, indestructible. ## %%, n. inability to remove pain. ## %%, m. absence of effort, indifference, laziness; %<(as, , am)>%, not energetic, indifferent, apathetic, not devoted to (with loc.). ## %%, f. not going, not moving. ## %% or %%, f. not causing to go on; not alloeing to progress. ## %%, ind. (rt. %%), Ved. without interruption, attentively. ## %% Ved. unceasing, careful, attentive. ## %%, Ved. unaltered, continual. ## %%, Ved. not separate, combined, careful. ## %%, m. ease, absence of trouble. ## %%, m. non-applicability, bad application. ## %% or %%, inapplicable, causeless, irrelevant. ## %%, not slow, quick, expeditious. ## %%, abstaining from action, inert; not exciting to action. ## %%, n. the act of refraining from, not engagingin; not exciting to any action. ## %%, not acting, not engaged in, not commwenced, not instigated. ## %%, f. not proceeding; abstaining from action, inertion; non-excitement; (in medic.) suppression of the natural evacuations, constipation, ischury, &c. ## %%, unskilful. ## %%, Ved. unapproached; not approaching (to impregnate); not impregnated. ## %%, not excessively grown. ## %%, Ved. difficult to be found or obtained; silent (?). ## %%, probably for %%, q. v. below. ## I. %% (rt. %%), not praised, worthless, contemptible; not approved, forbidden. ## %%, not praiseworthy, not good. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), Ved. indocile, disobedient. ## %% (rt. %%), not addicted, not attached to; moderate, temperate. ## %%, f. or %%, m. nonaddiction, non-attachment, moderation. ## %% (rt. %%), not quiet, not clear, turbid, muddy; displeased, dissatisfied, unfavourable. ## %%, m. disfavour, disapprobation. ## %%, not to be propitiated; unappeasable, implacable. ## %% (rt. %% or %%), not being prolific; (%%), m. the not being born. ## %%, not having offspring, barren, childless. ## %%, intolerable, insufferable. @<[Page 0059-a]>@ ## %%, not settled or established; unknown, uncelebrated; unusual, uncommon, of no real existence, not current or generally known. ## %%, n. an obsolete word. ## %%, unconnected with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject; not principal, not being the chief subject-matter; accidental or extraneous; not ready. ## %%, irrelevant to the subjectmatter. ## %%, unhurt, intact; untilled, waste; uncultivated. ## %%, or %%, not hurting. ## %%, Ved. not stirred up, not sent out, unassailed (by foes). ## %%, not principal; not original; special, particular; not vulgar. ## %%, secondary, subordinate. ## %%, modern, recent; not eastern, western. ## %%, unlearned, ignorant; unconscious. ## %%, f. ignorance, unconsciousness. ## %%, or %%, inanimate, lifeless. ## %%, n. inferiority, subordination. ## %% (rt. %

% with %%), unobtained; unarrived; unproved. ## %%, out of season, inopportune, ill-timed; under age; (%%), n. an irregular debate. ## %%, not arrived at puberty. ## %% or %%, a minor in law; under age, not of years to engage in law or public business. ## %%, unseasonable, inopportune. ## %%, f. non-attainment, non-acquisition, scarcity. ## %%, ind. not having found; %<(as, , am)>%, unobtainable, unattainable, scarce. ## %%, unauthentic, unwarranted, unauthoritative, unworthy of being trusted or believed. ## %%, n. absence or insufficiency of proof or authority. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), Ved. of unimpaired truthfulness; unalterably true. ## %%, n. impurity, ungovernableness. ## %%, Ved. assiduous, unceasing, not going forth (?). ## %%, m., Ved. not ceasing; with undeparted life, with unimpaired or ever brilliant vigour. ## %%, disagreeable, disliked; unkind, unfriendly; (%%), m. a foe, an enemy; N. of a Yaksha; (%<>%), f. a sort of skeat fish, Silurus Pungentissimus. ## %% or %<, am>%, or %%, doing an unkindness; unfriendly, ill-disposed. ## %%, unfortunate. ## %% or %%, speaking unkindly or harshly. ## %%, f. dislike, aversion, unfriendliness, enmity; pain. ## %%, unkind, adverse; disagreeable, offensive. ## %%, consisting of pain. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Ocimum Sanctum; see %%, p. 56. @<[Page 0059-b]>@ ## %%, n. dislike, aversion; %<(, , a)>%, unfriendly. ## %%, not invoked with a %% (q. v.) mantra. ## %% (rt. %%, perf. part.), Ved. not gone away, staying. ## %%, not arrogant, timid, gentle; (%<>%), f. an unmarried girl, or one very recently married and not come to womanhood. ## %%, without a ship; not swimming. ## %%, unable to swim. ## %%, f. (fr. %% or fr. obs. rt. %%), disease; danger; the region of the throat or neck. ## 1. %%, m., Ved. giving or yielding %<(ap>%) water [cf. %% below]. ## 2. %%, m., Ved. not destroying. ## %%, m. water-goer, any aquatic animal (see etym. of next). ## %%, or %%, f. (fr. %%, q. v., and rt. %%, 'going in the waters or between the waters of the clouds'); certain female divinities, who reside in the sky and are the wives of the Gandharvas; they have the faculty of changing their shapes, are very fond of bathing, and are said to have been produced at the churning of the ocean. ## %%, m. Indra, lord of the Apsarasas. ## %%, n. a pool in which the Apsarasas bathe. ## %%, m. lord of the Apsarasas; N. of the Gandharva ikhain. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to behave like an Apsaras. ## %%, Ved. (if from %%) possessed of form or shape; (if from %%) giving water. ## %%, fit for water, being in the water. ## %%, n. (fr. obs. rt. %%), Ved. cheek; shape, beauty (?). ## %%, m. (fr. %% and rt. %%), Ved. giving water. ## 1. %%, Ved. without food; not beautiful (?). ## 2. %% (loc. pl. of %%, q. v.), in the water or waters. This word forms the first member of various compounds, thus: ## %%, m., Ved. dwelling within the clouds, in the region between heaven and earth. ## %%, Ved. going in the waters. ## %%, or %%, m. f., Ved. born in the waters. ## %%, Ved. vanquishing between the waters or in the region of the clouds. ## %%, possessed of what is in the waters; mot losing one's nature in the water (e. g. the lightning does not lose his fiery nature in the clouds); containing the word %%. ## %%, m. the connecting power in water. ## %%, m., Ved. born from the waters. ## %%, m., Ved. driving in water. ## %%, Ved. dwelling in the waters. ## %%, m. Soma in water; a cup filled with water. ## %%, Ved. raised or excited in the waters. ## %%, unfruitful, barren; vain, unproductive; deprived of virility; (%%), m., N, of a plant, Tamarix Indica; (%<>%), f. the Aloe plant, Aloes Perfoliata; another plant, Flacourtia Cataphracta. ## %%, disintereted, not looking to beneficial consequendces. ## %%, f. or %%, n. barreness, unprofitableness. ## %%, one who desires no recompense. @<[Page 0059-c]>@ ## %%, not vain, prodictive, profitable. ## %%, unblown. ## 1. %%, frothless, without scum or foam. ## 2. %%, n. (corruption of %%, foam of a snake?), opium. ## %%, or %% (rt. %%), unbound, at liberty; unmeaning, nonsensical. ## %%, foul-mouthed, scurrilous; mendacious. ## 1. %%, unmeaning, nonsensical. ## %%, not binding; (%%), m., N. of a man; (%%), m. pl. the descendants of this man. ## %%, without fetters, free. ## %%. See s. v. below. ## %%, Ved. without bonds or ligatures, falling asunder. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), not killing; (%<>%), f. a segment of the base of a triangle, see %%. ## %%, not worthy of death. ## 2. %%, not to be killed, inviolable; see also %%. ## %%, m. immunity, sacredness of character, as, that of an ambassador. ## %%, without kindered, without companions, friendless. ## %%, Ved. causing want of companions. ## %%, having no relation or kindered, lone, unacknowledged, unowned. ## %%, not barren, not unfruitful, fruitful, productive. ## %%, weak, feeble, infirm; (%%), m., N. of a plant, Tapia Crataeva; N. of a king of Magadha; (%<>%), f. a woman; one of the ten Buddhist earths; (%%), n. want of strength, weakness [with %% have been compared, Goth. ubils, Them. ubila; Mod. Germ. uebel; Eng. 'evil]. --Abala-dhanvan, , , a, possessing a weak bow. ## %%, m. 'neither powerful nor powerless;' an epithet of iva. ## %%, not consumptive. ## %%, weaker. ## %%, n. weakness, sickness. ## %%, or %%, not many, few. ## %%, or %%, having not more than two syllables. ## %%, unobstructed, unrestrained; free from pain; %<()>%, f. segment of the base of a triangle [cf. %% under %% above]. ## %%, or %%, unimpeded, unobstructed; unrefuted. ## %%, improper to be opposed or pained. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, not childish. ## %%, m. full moon. ## %%, not exterior, internal; without an exterior. ## %%, m. 'having (%%) water for fuel', submarine fire. ## %%, or %%, Ved. fearless, confident. ## %%, unwise, foolish. ## %%, n. foolishness. ## %%, f. want of understanding; ignorance; stupidity; (%%), ignorant, stupid. ## %% or %%, not preceded by intelligence; beginning with non-intelligence; (%%), ind. ignorantly. ## %%, unwise, ignorant, foolish. ## %%, or %%, stupid, foolish; (%%), m. a fool. ## %%, Ved. not to be perceived; not to be awakened. ## %%, not being awake. ## %%, m. ignorance, stupidity; %<(as, , am)>%, ignorant, stupid; puzzled, perplexed. ## %%, incomprehensible. ## %%, unintelligible; not to be awakened or aroused. ## %%, n., Ved. 'having nobottom or root', the air or intermediate region. ## %% (fr. %% and rt. %%), born in water; (%%), m. the conch; the moon; the tree Barringtonia Acutangula; Dhanvantari, physician of the gods, produced at the churning of the ocean; N. of a son of Viala; %<(am)>%, n. a lotus; a large number of millions. ## %%, m. an epithet of Brahm (sprung at the creation from the lotus, which arose from the navel of Viu). ## %%, or %%, or %%, lotus-eyed, having large fine eyes. ## %%, m. the sun (friend of the lotus). ## %%, m. Brahm, a Brhman. ## %%, m. the root of a lotus. ## %%, m. eopithet of Brahm [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. epithet of iva, 'carrying the moon' on his forehead. ## %%, m. the sun (represented as holding a lotus in one hand). ## %%, m., Ved. born in water. ## %%, f. a multitude of lotus flowers. ## %%, m. the sun. ## %%, n. shape, beauty [cf. %%]. ## %% (fr. %% and rt. %%), Ved. conquering waters. ## %%, (fr. %% and rt. %%), giving water; (%%), m. a cloud; a year; the grass Cyperus Rotundus; N. of a mountain. ## %%, n., N. of an astronomical work. ## %%, m., N. of iva (? borne on a cloud or bearing the clouds). ## %%, n. a century. ## %%, n. a thousand years. ## %%, m. a kind of cimphor. ## %%, n. a half year. ## %%, ind., Ved. out of desire of giving water. ## %%, m., Ved. a cloud. ## %%, Ved. possessed of clouds, giving water, impregnating (?). ## %%, n. (see %%), a fortress surrounded by a moat or lake. ## %% or %% (see %%), having the waters as divinities, praising the waters. ## %%, m. (fr. %% and rt. %%), a pond, lake; the ocean; sometimes used to denote the numerals 4 or (?) 7. ## %%, m. cuttle fish bone, being considered as the forth of the sea. ## %%, born in the ocean; %<(au)>%, m. the %%), f. spirituous liquor. ## %%, m. a sea-fish. ## %%, f, earth; an island surrounded by the ocean. ## %%, f., N. of Dvrak, the capital of Kria. ## %%, m. the moon. ## %%, m. cuttle fish bone. ## %%, f. the pearl oyster. ## %%, m., N. of Viu, sleeping on the ocean at the periods of the destruction and renovation of the world. ## %%, m. a gem. ## %%, m. submarine fire. ## %% (fr. %% and rt. %%), living upon water; (%%), m. a snake. ## %%, n. living upon water, a kind of fasting. @<[Page 0060-b]>@ ## %%. See %%, &c. ## %%, unchaste. ## %%, n. incontinence, coition. ## %%, n. act not proper for a Brhman; an unbrahmanical or sacrilegious act; in theatrical language an exclamation, meaning 'help!' 'to the rescue!' 'a disgraceful deed is perpetrated!' ## %%, Ved. unaccompanied by devotion or devotional hymns, wanting in knowledge or divine wisdom; separated from the Brhmans. ## %%, f., Ved. want of devotion or true divine knowledge. ## %%, not knowing Brahma or the supreme spirit. ## %%, m. not a Brhman; %<(as, , am)>%, without Brhman. ## %%, n. violation of sanctity, or of the duty of a Brhman. ## %%, not speaking, silent. ## %%, n. making %<(abr>%) a growling; indistinctness of speech caused by shutting the lips. ## %%, n. (see %%), a %% or verse addressed to the waters. ## %%, m. (see %%), a tear. ## %%. See %%. ## 1. %%, unbelieving, not devoted, not worshipping; not attached to, detached, unconnected with; not accepted. ## %%, f. want of devotion to, want of faith, unbelief, incredulity. ## %%, undevoted to, unbelieving. ## 2. %%, not eaten. ## %%, n. or %%, f. want of appetite. ## %%, m. or %%, n. not eating anything, fasting. ## %%, not to be eaten. ## %%, n. eating of prohibited food. ## %%, eating forbidden food. ## %%, without enjoyment, unfortunate. ## %%, unbroken, entire; uniterrupted. ## %%, unbroken; firm; undisturbed. ## %%, not being detached, associated, attended with. ## %%, not good, bad, wicked; (%%), n. badness, sin, wickedness. ## %%, unfearful, not dangerous, secure; fearless, undaunted; (%%), m., N. of iva; a son of Dharma; (%<>%), f. a plant, Terminalia Citrina; (%%), n, absence or removal of fear, peace, safety, security; N. of a sacrificial hymn; the root of a fragrant grass, Andropogon Muricatum. ## %%, m. dwelling on the mountain of safety; N. of a division of Ktyyana's pulpils. ## %%, m. Buddhist monastery on the Abhayagiri. ## %%, or %%, causing peace of safety. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. a war-drum. ## %% or %% or %%, giving fearlessness or safety; (%%), m. an Arhat of the Jainas; N. of a king, the son of Manusyu and father of Su-dhanvan. ## %%, f. promise or present of protection from danger; a gift to a Brhman, which he may receive even from a dra. ## %% or %%, n. giving assurance of safety or protection. ## %%, n. (a modern term), a written document or paper granting assurance of safety, a safe conduct. ## %%, n. or %%, f. assurance of safety, encouragement. ## %%, Ved. giving safety. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f. an unmarried woman; a widow. ## %%, m. non-existence; destruction, end of the world. ## %% or %%, what is not to be, what will not be. ## %% or %%, m. (in rhetoric) a defect in composition; want of harmony between the ideas, which are to be expresse, and the words by which they are expressed. ## %%, not to be, not predestined; what ought not to be, improper, inauspicious. ## %%, without bellows. ## %% or %% or %%, f. a badly made or inferior pair of bellows. The former two are said to mean also, 'a small woman who has no bellows.' ## %% or %%, not sharing or dividing. ## %%, unfortunate, wretched. ## %%, m. non-existence, absence; non-entity, negation, nullity, the seventh category in Kada's system; annihilation, death. ## %%, f. n. absence of judgment or right perception; absence of religious meditation or contemplation. ## %%, not to be inferred or contemplated, inconceivable. ## %%, not perceiving, not inferrring, not comprehending. ## %% or %%, what is not to be or will not be, not destined to be. ## %%, n. not speaking, silence. ## %%, ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon. (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion of moving or going towards, approaching, &c. (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority, intensity, &c.; e. g. %%, q. v. (As a separable adverb or preposition) it expresses (with acc.) to, towards, in the direction of, against; in, into, to; for, for the sake of; on account of; on, upon, with regard to; by, before, in front of; over. It may even express one after the other, severally; e. g. %%, tree after tree [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. ob; Zend aibi; Goth. bi; Old High Germ. b]. ## %%, lustful, libidnous; (%%), m. a lover, a husband. Some regard this as derived from %% [cf. %%]. ## %%. See s. v. ## %%, perf. %<-cakame, -kamitum>%, to desire, love. ## %%, m. affection, desire; %<(as, , am)>%, affectionate, loving, desirous, with obj. in acc. or gen.; (%%), ind. with desire. ## %%, voluntary. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kampate, -pitum>%, to tremble vehemently, to shake: Caus. %<-kampayati, -yitum>%, to stir, allure. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kkati, -itum>%, to ask, request, long for, desire; to strive. ## %%, f. longing, wish, desire. ## %%, longed for, wished, desired. @<[Page 0061-a]>@ ## %%, longing for, wishing, desiring. ## %%, m., N. of a town; see Rmyaa II. 68. ## %%, Intens., Ved. %<-ckati, -ckayate>%, to illuminate, irradiate; to look on, to perceive. ## %%, cl. 10. P. A. %<-kutsyati, -te, -yitum>%, to revile, to inveigh against. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-kuti, -koitum>%, to pull, to tear. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kjati, -jitum>%, to twitter, warble, coo. ## %% cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to do with reference to or in behalf of; to procure, effect; to render, make: Desid. %<-cikrati>%, to wish to do; to long for. ## %%, n. effecting; incantation. ## %%, f., N. of a metre, containing one hundred syllables. ## %%, m. f., Ved. magical; a magician, a spirit (producing diseases?). ## %%, cl. 1. 6. P. A. %<-karati, -te, -kati, -te, -karum>% or %<-kraum>%, to overpower, to pull-down. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to pour over, throw over, cover; to fill. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kalpate, -pitum>% or %<-ptum>%, to be adequate to, to answer; to have the same meaning: Caus. %<-kalpayati, -yitum>%, to put in order. ## %%, prepared, produced. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-knyate, -yitum>%, to bemoisten, bedew. ## %%, m., Ved. insolent, haughty (as an enemy). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kradati, -ditum>%, to shout at, roar at, to neight or whinny at. ## %%, m. a shout. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to step or go near to, approach; to fly at, attack; to step upon; to undertake, begin: Caus. %<-kramayati, -yitum>%, to bring near. ## %%, m. assault, attack; ascending, mounting; undertaking, attempt, beginning. ## %%, m. unsuccessful effort. ## %%, n. or %%, f. stepping near, approaching. ## %%, approached; attacked, begun. ## %%, one who has undertaken; conversant with (with loc.). ## %%, ind. having stepped near. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-krti, -te, -kretum>%, to buy for a certain purpose. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-krudhyati, -kroddhum>%, to be angry with (with acc.). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krosati, -kroum>%, to cry out at, call out to; to call to any one in a scolding manner; to lament with tears, to bemoan. ## %%, m. a reviler, one who calls out; a herald (?). ## %%, m., Ved. murderer, destroyer. ## %%, f., Ved. (according to native interpretation) destroying, a destroyer. It is better, perhaps, to divide thus, %%, m. giving without having been asked. @<[Page 0061-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kamate, -kantum>%, to be gracious, propitious, to allow, to pardon. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-karati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai>%, to flow near or round, to pour on. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kipati, -keptum>%, to fling at (as the lash of a whip at a horse), to insult; to excel. ## %% or %%, surpassing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-khanati, -te, -nitum>%, to dig up, to turn up (the soil). ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to see, view, perceive; to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one, to be gracious: in later Sanskt the rt. %% conveys the idea of telling, making known: Caus. %<-khypayati, -yitum>%, to make known. ## 2. %%, f. look, view; splendor; beauty; fame, glory; notoriety; telling; calling, addressing; a name, appellation. ## %%, become known, manifested. ## %%, Ved. looking, supervising, superintending. ## %%, n. fame, glory. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gan-tum>%, to go near to, approach (with acc.); to follow; to meet with, to find; to cohabit, have intercourse with a woman; to undertake; to get, gain, obtain: Caus. %<-gamayati, -yitum>%, to cause to obtain, to cause to apprehend, to explain. ## %%, approaching, &c. ## %%, approached, &c. ## %%, m. one who approaches, one who has intercoure with a woman; one who understands. ## %%, m. or %%, n. approaching, visiting; sexual intercourse. ## 1. %%, to be visited; accessible; inviting. ## 2. %%, ind. having approached. ## %%, having intercourse with. ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-garjati, -jitum>%, to roar at, to bawl at; to raise savage or ferocious cries. ## %%, n. ferocious roaring, uproar. ## %%, n. a savage cry, uproar. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to go near to, to approach, arrive at; to get, gain. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghate, -hitum, ghum>%, to penetrate into. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gopyati, -gop-tum>%, or Caus. %<-gopayati, -yitum>%, to guard, protect. ## %%, guarded, protected, hidden, concealed. ## %%, f. guarding, protecting. ## %%, guarding, protecting. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-gurati, -te, -ritum>%, to assent, agree, approve of. ## %%, approved of, destined for (an offering, &c.), accompanied with applause (?). ## %%, f., Ved. making resolution or effort, song of praise, hymn (?). ## %%, cl. 9. P. A., Ved. %<-gti, -te, -garitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to call to or address with approbation; to join in; to welcome, praise; to approve of, to accept propitiously, to allow. ## %%, m., Ved. song of praise; praising. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gyati, -gtum>%, to call to, to sing to; to fill with song; to enchant; to sing, celebrate in song. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-grasate, -si-tum>%, to overcome. @<[Page 0061-c]>@ ## %%, subdued, overcome. ## %%, Ved. %<-grabh>%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te>%, Ved. %<-gbhti, -te, -grahtum>%, to seize, catch, take hold of; accept; to set (as a blossom); to lay together, to fold; to receive (as a guest): Caus. %<-grhayati, -yitum>%, to catch, surprise in the act; to let one's self be caught; e. g. %%, taken in the very act. ## %%, seized, taken hold of. ## %%, having the hands joined. ## %%, m. attack, onset; defiance, challenge; seizing, robbing, plundering; authority, weight. ## %%, n. robbing, seizing anything in presence of the owner. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), rubbing, friction; possession by an evil spirit. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), striking, attack, infliction of injury, damage; striking back, driving away, warding off; abrupt or vehement articulation of Vedic texts; (%%), n. the combination of the fourth letter of any class with the first or third letter; of the second with the first letter; and of the third with the second letter of any class. ## %%, keeping back, removing. ## %% striking, attacking, hurting; inflicting injury; (%<>%), m. an assailant, enemy. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-ghrayati, -yi-tum>%, to cause to trickle down; to sprinkle with. ## %%, m. ghee or clarified butter, dropping it on the oblation. ## %%, n. the act of sprinkling ghee, besprinkling. ## %%, sprinkled (as ghee), dropped upon. ## %%, to be sprinkled. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jighrati, -ghr-tum>%, to snuffle, smell at; to bring the nose close to another's forehead in caressing, or as a taken of affection. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-cae, -um>%, to look at, view, perceive; to oversee; to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one; to address, to assail with harsh language; to call. ## %%, n., Ved. caution, means of defence; magic remedy; (%<>%), f., Ved. viewing, indicating (?). ## %%, to be spoken of everywhere. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-ritave, -vai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to act wrongly towards any one; to be faithless (as a wife); to charm, enchant, exorcise; to possess. ## %%, m. a servant. ## %%, n. enchanting, exorcising. ## %%, fit for enchanting or exorcising. ## %%, employing spells or enchantments. ## %%, f., Ved. enchanting. ## %%, to enchant. ## %%, m. exorcising, incantation, employment of spells for a malevolent purpose; magic, one of the Upaptakas or minor crimes. ## %%, m. title of a work on incantations, belonging to the Atharva-veda. ## %%, m. a fever caused by magical spells. ## %%, m. a formula or prayer for working a charm, an incantation. ## %% or %%, m. a sacrifice for the same purpose. ## %%, or %%, enchanting, exorcising, conjuring; a conjurer, a magician. ## %% or %%, to be enchanted. ## %%, enchanted, charmed. @<[Page 0062-a]>@ ## %%. See %%, p. 61, col. 1. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-cintayati, -yitum>%, to reflect on. ## %%, nom. P. %<-cihna-yati, -yitum>%, to mark, characterize. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-codayati, -yi-tum>%, to impel, drive; to inflame, animate, embolden; to invite; to fix, settle; to announce, inquire for. ## %%, m., N. of iupla. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-cchdayati>% or %%, to cover over. ## %%, ind., Ved. in darkness. ## %%, perf. part. of %%, q. v., p. 61, col. 2. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-jyate, -jani-tum>%, to be born for or to; to claim as one's birthright; to be born or produced; to be reproduced or born again; to become. ## %%, produced all round. ## %%, m. family, race; descendants; ancestors; noble descent; the head or ornament of a family; native country; fame, notoriety. ## %%, of noble descent. ## %%, f., Ved. the being born or produced. ## %%, to produce. ## %%, produced all around; born in consequence of; born, produced; noble, well-born; obtained by birth, inbred; fit, proper; wise, learned; handsome; (%%), n. nativity. ## %%, f. high birth, nobility. ## %%, f. descent, birth. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-japati, -pitum>%, to mutter over or whiper to. ## %%, Intens., Ved. %<-jajabh-yate>%, to try to swallow, open the mouth to do so. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jalpati, -pi-tum>%, to address, to accompany with remarks; to advocate, to settle by conversation. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to conquer completely, to acquire by conquest: Desid. %<-jigati>%, to try to win, to attack. ## %% m. conquest, complete victory. ## %%, victorious; born under the constellation Abhijit; (%%), m., N. of Viu; of a Soma sacrifice, part of the great sacrifice Gavm-ayana; N. of a son of Punarvasu, or of his father; (%%), f., N. of a star (%% Lyrae); one of the Nakshatras or lunar mansions; (%%), n. the eighth Muhrta of the day; midday. ## %%, m. the eighth Muhrta, or period comprising twenty-four minutes before and twenty-four after midday. ## %%, m., N. of an asterism. ## %%, f., Ved. victory, conquest. ## %%, n. the act of smelling at or touching the forehead of another with the nose. See %%, p. 61, col. 3. ## %%, cl. 6. A., or Ved. P. %<-juate, -ti, -joitum>%, to visit, to frequent, to be pleased with, to be contented with, to like. ## %%, visited, frequented, surrounded by, possessed of. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-jmbhate, -bhitum>%, to open the mouth wide (for swallowing). ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-jnti, -nte, jtum>%, to recognize, perceive, know, be or become aware of; to acknowledge, agree to, own. ## %%, knowing, skilful, clever; (with gen.) one who understands or is conversant with; (%<>%), f. remembrance, recollection, recognition; supernatural science or faculty, of which five are enumerated, viz. 1. taking any form at will; 2. hearing to any distance; 3. seeing to any distance; 4. penetrating men's thoughts; 5. knowing their state and antecedents. ## %%, n. remembrance, recollection; knowledge; ascertainment; a sign or token of remembrance. ## %%, n. certificate. ## %%, n. title of a play of Klidsa, i. e. (the %% or play) on the subject of 'token-(recognized)-akuntal.' ## %%, making known, informing. ## %%, ind. having recognized. ## %%, ind., Ved. on the knees, up to the knees. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvalati, -litum>%, to blaze forth, burst into flame. ## %%, n. (rt. %<>%), act of flying towards. ## %%, cl. 1. 10. P., Ved. %<-tasati, -situm, -sayati, -yitum>%, to shake out of, to rob. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-tayati, -yi-tum>%, to thump, hit, knock, beat, wound, bruise; (in astron.) to eclipse the greater part of a disk. ## %%, knocked, struck. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to stretch or spread in front of or across or over; to place in front of. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -ptum>%, to irradiate with heat, to heat; to pain, distress: Pass. %<-tapyate>%, to suffer intensely: Caus. %<-tpayati, -yitum>%, to distress. ## %%, scorched, burnt, afflicted. ## %%, m. extreme heat; agitation, affliction, emotion; great pain. ## %%, ind. (compar. fr. %%), nearer to. ## %%, cl. 1. P. or poet. A. %<-tar-jati, -te, -jitum>%; cl. 10. P. or poet. A. %<-tarjayati, -te, -yitum>%, to scold, abuse. ## %%, ind. (Lat. apud, Eng. about), near to, towards; near, in the proximity or presence; (with acc.) on both sides; before and after; on all sides, everywhere, about, round; quickly; entirely. ## %%, m. the state of being on both sides. ## %%, ind., Ved. near the night, i. e. either just at the beginning or end. ## %%, surrounded by bones. ## %%, dark-red, very red, murry-coloured. ## %%, ind. towards the sun. ## %%, cl. 7. P., Ved. %<-tatti, -tarditum>%, to burst open; to let out; get at, procure. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-tarpayati, -yitum>%, to satiate, refresh. ## %%, satiated, refreshed. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tarati, -ritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to overtake, get up to. ## %%, f. not splintering or breaking. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-tvarate, -ritum>%, to be in haste. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-tsarati, -ritum>%, to catch, entrap. ## %%, ind. to or towards the right. @<[Page 0062-c]>@ ## %%, addressing. See 1. %% below. ## %%. See %% below. ## %% (rt. %%), bitten. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dag-dhum>%, to singe, burn. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadti, -dtum>%, to give, bestow (for a purpose). ## %%, n. the being trampled on by elephants as a punishment (?). ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-dsati, -situm>% to consider and treat as an enemy. ## %% (rt. %%), besmeared, especially with poison. ## %%, Desid. of rt. %%), Ved. wishing to deceive, inimical, cunning. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to point out. ## %%, pointed out. ## %%, cl. 10. or Caus. P. %<-dayati, -yitum>%, to contyaminate, to wound. ## %%, contaminated, polluted. ## %%, wounded, injured. ## %%, ind. to or towards a female messenger. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-payati, -dra-um>%, to look at: Caus. P. %<-darayati, -yitum>%, to show, point out; to show one's self, i. e. appear: Pass. %<-dyate>%, to be visible, be in view, appear; to be considered or thought. ## %%, n. seeing; becoming visible, appearance. ## %%, Ved. directed to heaven, tending or going to heaven; heavenly, bright; (%%), m. a half month. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-dyotate, -ti-tum>%, to burn. ## %%, cl. 1. P. and poet. A. %<-dravati, -te, -drotum>%, to run up to or near; to attack, overrun, infest. ## %%, run towards, attacked. ## %%, ind. having attacked. ## 1. %%, cl. 4. P. %<-druhyati, -drogdhum, -drohum>%, to hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail. ## %%, injured, oppressed. 2. %%, Ved. seeking to injure, inimical, cunning. ## %%, being injured or oppressed. ## %%, m. injuring, hurting, oppression, cruelty. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %<-dhanvati, -te, -vitum>%, to come up in haste. ## %%, m. the supreme truth according to the Buddhists, the dogmas of Buddhist philosophy or metaphysics. ## %%, m. title of a work on the preceding. ## %%, m. 'basket of metaphysics', title of that section of Buddhist writings which contains the %%. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), possession by demoniac spirits. ## %%, Ved. overpowering, subduing (with acc.). ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to set forth, explain, tell, speak to, address, say, name; A., Ved. to receive; P. (corruption of %%), to assail: Pass. %<-dhyate>%, to be named or called. ## 2. %%, f. name, appellation; the literal power or sense of a word; a word, sound; %<(s, s)>%, m. f., Ved. naming; praised; invoked (?). ## %%, losing one's name. ## %%, founded on the literal meaning of a word. ## %%, to be told or named, to be manifested. ## %%, n. telling, naming, speaking, speech, manifesting; %<(as, am)>%, m. n. a name, title, appellation, expression, word; a vocabulary, a dictionary. ## %%, m. title of Hemacandra's vocabulary of synonyms (the jewel that gives every word that can be imagined). ## %%, n. the state of being used as a name or expression. ## %%, f. a dictionary. ## %%, f. title of Halyudha's vocabulary. ## %%, n. a sound, a noise. ## %% f., Ved. a halter, a rope. ## %%, to be named. ## %%, ind. having said, having called. ## %%, or %%, naming, expressing, expressive of, denominating; telling, speaking. ## %%, n. the state of being expressive. ## %%, ind. expressing. ## %%, f. desire of expressing or naming. ## %%, to be named or mentioned; to be expressed, to be spoken of; (%%), n. signification, meaning. ## %%, having no sense or meaning, unmeaning, nonsensical. ## %%. See s. v. below. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-dhvati, -te, -vitum>%, to run up towards, to rush upon, attack. ## %%, running up, hastening towards, assailing; an assailant. ## %%, n. running up, pursuit, chase, attack. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-dhrayati, -yitum>%, to uphold, maintain. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhyyati, -dhytum>%, to consider, reflect, mediate upon. ## %%, f. covering another's property; desire, wish, loging for in feneral. ## %%, n. desiring, longing for; wish; meditation, profound thought. ## %%, covering, desiring. ## %%, being meditated on. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhvanati, -nitum>%, to resound, shout. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nakati, -kitum>%, to encompass; Ved. to bring, to approach, come to, arrive at. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nadati, -ditum>%, to sound towards a person (with acc.); to sound, raise a noise: Caus. %<-ndayati, -yitum>%, to cause to sound, fill with noise: Pass. to resound. ## %% (rt. %%), bound, tied round, fastened on or upon. ## %%, blindfold. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nandati, -te, -ditum>%, to rejoice at, salute, welcome, address, congratulate; to praise, applaud, approve, respect, care for; to acknowledge: Caus. %<-nandayati, -yitum>%, to gladden. ## %%, m. rejoicing, delighting; applauding; wish, desire; N. of a commentator or commentary on the Amara-kosha; N. of another author; (%<>%), f. delight, wish. ## %%, n. delighting, rejoicing; praising, applauding, approving; wish, desire; (%%), m. the fourth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpi. @<[Page 0063-b]>@ ## %% or 1. %%, to be acknowledged or applauded. ## %%, delighted, made happy, saluted, applauded, &c. ## %%, rejoicing at, wishing, desiring, &c. ## 2. %%, ind. having rejoiced at, having gladdened. ## %%, ind., Ved. towards the clouds or heaven. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-namati, -nan-tum>%, to bow, bend, curve; to turn towards a person. ## %%, bent, inclined. ## %%, bent, deeply bowed or curved. ## %%. See 1. %%, p. 64. ## %%, cl. 1. P., ep. also A. %<-nardati, -te, -ditum>%, to roar towrads. ## %%, quite new or young, very young, fresh; not having experience. ## %%, m. a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon. ## %%, youthful. ## %%, m. one who has just begun grammar. ## %%, m. a new bud. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to become new. ## %%, renewed. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %<-naati, -te, -itum>%, to attain, seize; to assail. ## %%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-nahyati, -te, -naddhum>%, to bind up (as the eyes). ## %%, n. a bandage (especially over the eyes.) ## %%, ind. to the opening of the nose. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-stanati, -nitum>%, to sound. ## %%, m. a sound which dies away; the Visarga; a letter of the alphabet. ## %%, cl. 1. P.A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to tread down. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gadati, -ditum>%, to speak to. ## %%, n., N. of certain verses of the Sma-veda. ## %%, n. putting on; an euphonic suppression or weakening (in the pronunciation of words), especially the suppression of an initial %% after %%. ## %%, being suppressed. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhyyati, -dhytum>%, to investigate. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te. -netum>%, to pour out (water &c.) upon. ## %%, cl. 4. P., Ved. %<-nt-yati, -nartitum>%, to accomplish step by step, repeat separately. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-ptayati, -yitum>%, to throw down. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to press, squeeze, trouble. ## %%, exceedingly pained, tormented. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-mlocati, -citum>%, to set (as the sun) upon a person (while some act is being done by him). ## %% (rt. %%), occupied in. @<[Page 0063-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to go out, go away from. ## %% (rt. %%), conquered. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-udati, -te, -ottum>%, to drive out, frighten away, remove. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to point out, indicate, appoint, characterize. ## %%, cl. 10. A. or P. %<-bhartsayate, -ti, -yitum>%, to scold, threaten. ## %% (rt. %%), made, created. ## %% (rt. %%), left, quitted (by the sun when it sets), i.e one asleep at sunset. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to march out. ## %%, n. march of an assailant, invansion. ## %%, accomplished. ## %%, f. accomplishment. ## %%, m. turning towards; %<(am)>%, ind. having turned towards. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-viate, -veum>%, to enter into possession of; to sit down in or be settled in, to occupy: Caus. %<-veayati, -yitum>%, to make one enter into or sit down, apply, &c. ## %%, well versed or proficient in, conversant or familiar with; intent on; attentive, engrossed; endowed with; determined; (%%), n. persevering. ## %%, f. state of being so. ## %%, m. application, perseverance, intentness, study, ffection, devotion; determination to effect a purpose or attain an object; tenacity, adherance; ignorant fear causing death (?). ## %%, made to enter into, plunged into. ## %%, intent upon, devoted to, determined. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-myati, -amitum>%, or Caus. P. %<-mayati, -yitum>%, to observe, perceive. ## %% (rt. %%), quite convinced of. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. intending anything evil agait, injuring. ## %%, directed against (as an evil action). ## %%), cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to go out or forth, to lead towards. ## %%, n. going forth; (with buddhists) leaving the house in order to become an anchorite. ## %%, gone out or forth. ## %%. See %% last col. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly away, rush out; to spring forth, shoot forth. ## %%, n. issuing, sallying. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to come to; to enter into, become (with acc.); to appear: Caus. %<-pdayati, -yi-tum>%, to bring to help to. ## %%, f. completion, end, termination; appearance (?). @<[Page 0064-a]>@ ## %%, finished, completed. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), denial. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to bring near, conduct towards, adduce, introduce, quote; represent dramatically, act. ## %%, m. indication of a passion or purpose by look, gesture, &c.; acting, dramatic action expressive of sentiment, dramatic personification. ## %%, brought near, adduced; performed; highly finished or ornamented; fit, proper; friendly, kind, patient; impatient, passionate (?). ## %%, f. gesture, expressive gesticulation; friendship, civility, kindness. ## %%, being brought near, &c. ## %% or %%, to be represented dramatically. ## %%, m. f. an actor, an actress. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-nyeti, -tum>%, to go in to, to approach a woman. ## %%, very black, very dark. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. 6. P. %<-nauti, -nuvati, -navitum>% or %<-nuvitum>%, to extol, praise. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-navate>%, to turn one's self towards. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-nudati, -te, -nottum>%, to push, press: Caus. %<-nodayati, -yitum>%, to excite, to spur or urge on. ## %% (rt. %%), uncut, unbroken; unchanged, unaltered, not different; undivided, one; same, identical; (%%), m. an integer, a whole number (in arithmetic). ## %%, f. wholeness identity. ## %%, n. eight processes in working integers or whole numbers. ## %%, of undaunted spirit, firm. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -situm>%, to depress. ## %%, m. a kind of fever. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-ubjati, -jitum>%, to press down, to hold down. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-pacati, -te, -paktum>%, to boil up (as milk). ## %%, denominated, named. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly near, hasten near; to assail; to fall down, fall; to fall into, come into; to overtake in flying: Caus. %<-ptayati, -yitum>%, to throw on or down. ## %%, n. approaching, assailing, seizing; falling into. ## 2. %%, cl. 4. A., Ved. %<-patyate>%, to be master or lord over, to possess. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pat-tum>%, to draw near, approach; to come up (as an auxiliary), assist; to honour; to seize, catch, overpower, master; to take possession of; to accept; to undertake, devote one's self to anything. ## %%, f. drawing near, approaching. ## %%, gone near; approached, obtained; flown, fugitive; seeking refuge; subdued; unfortunate, calamitous; guilty; removed to a distance, dead. ## %%, exceedingly handsome (lit. superior to the lotus). ## %% (rt. %%), tired, exhausted. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-plavate, -plotum>%, to stream or flow so as to inundate, to overflow. ## %%, overwhelmed, overflowed, filled with; shaken; attacked, affected by. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vajate, -vaktum>%, to embrace. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), surrounded, overpowered by, overwhelmed with. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-paraiti, -tum>%, to go away towards. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-paryaiti, -tum>%, to go about; glide away, pass away. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-pibati, -ptum>%, to drink of. ## %%, watered (as cattle), filled with drink. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-pti, -tum>%, to protect: Caus. P. %<-playati, -yitum>%, to protect, to assist. ## %%, n. (for %%, fr. obs. rt. %%; see %%), Ved. approaching, visiting, putting up (for the night at an inn), close or departure of day, evening; dawn; sacrifice. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yi-tum>%, to oppress, torment, afflict. ## %%, harassed. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-pothayati, -yitum>%, to throw with violence; dash against. ## %%, covered with flowers; (%%), n. an excellent flower. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-pavate, -vitum>%, to be cleared, to flow purified towards or for; to blow against; to make bright, glorify. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-pjayati, -yi-tum>%, to honour, approve, assent to. ## %%, honoured; approved. ## %%, being greatly reverenced. ## %%, ind. one after the other. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-pati, -par-tum>%, to be filled; to be glad. ## %%, cl. 3. 9. P. %<-piparti, -pti, -paritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to fill: Pass. %<-pryate>%, to fill one's self, become full: Caus. %<-prayati, -yitum>%, to fill, make full; to load with, cover with; to present with; to master completely. ## %%, n. filling. ## %%, full of (with inst. or gen.); filled; fraught; laden. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-pyyate, -pytum>% or %<-pyyitum>%, to swell, to abound with. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-kamp-ayati, -yitum>%, to stir, allure. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. A. %<-kate, kyate, -itum>%, to become visible, to show one's self. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. A. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to go up to, approach. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-karati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai>%, to stream towards a place. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-kl-ayati, -yitum>%, to clean thoroughly, polish up. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghate, hitum, -ghum>%, to penetrate, dip, or plunge into, join: Caus. %<-ghayati, -yitum>%, to immerse, dip. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gyati, gtum>%, to begin to praise. ## %%, cl. 2. A., Ved. %<-cae, -um>%, to throw light upon; to see (?). ## %%, Caus. P. %<-codayati, -yitum>%, to impel, induce, persuade. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-cyavate, -cyotum>%, to move towards, arrive at. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-pcchati, -praum>%, to ask or inquire after. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-janayati, -yitum>%, to beget for (a purpose). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvalati, -litum>%, to flare up. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-akati, -itum>%, to overpower. ## %%, cl. 1. P.A. %<-adati, -te, -ditum>%, to shout at, to scream; to begin to roar or sound. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-amati, -te, -antum>%, to bow before (with dat. or acc.). ## %%, bent, bowing before. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ayati, -etum>%, to lead forth; bring towards. ## %%, m. propitiation; affection, favour. ## %%, brought, attracted; consecrated; invoked, propitiated. ## %%, cl. 2. 6. P., Ved. %<-auti, -uvati, -avitum>% or %<-uvitum>%, to praise highly, extol. ## %% (rt. %%), intensely heated; dried up; exhausted with pain or fever. ## %%, m., N. of a descendant of Kaksha-sena. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-gti, -te, -garitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to call out to; to welcome; to answer in singing; to assent. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-pad-yate, -pattum>%, to begin with or at. ## %%, cl. 7. P., Ved. %<-pinai, -peum>%, to dash or crush out. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-pratyavaiti, -tum>%, to step down towards. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-pratyaiti, -tum>%, to come back towards, return. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), spreading or extending over. ## %%, ind. to the right; (e. g. with %%, to circumambulate keeping the object on the right.) ## %%, Caus. P. %<-deayati, -yitum>%, to urge on. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-payati, -draum>%, to look at, look out for. ## %%, Pass. %<-dryate>%, to be scattered or divided asunder. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-pacati, -te, -paktum>%, to cause to cook, ripen; to develope. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to come towards, enter, hasten towards, resort to (with acc.); to undertake. ## %%, approached, attained. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to cause pain, torture. ## %%, Pass. %<-pryate>%, to be filled, fill one's self completely. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. breaking completely. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-mandati, -ditum>%, to gladden. ## %%, Ved. (if fr. rt. %% or %%) completely raised, surrounded; (if fr. rt. %%) destroying (?). ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-mati, -marum, -mraum>%, to offer, grant. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to march against. ## %%, ind. by approaching, having approached. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to advance up to; to flow or fall into; to become conversant with. ## %%, n. coming forth, flowing; advancing up to. ## %%, advancing; occuring; occupied or engaged in. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-vardh-ayati, -yitum>%, to enlarge, render prosperous. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-varati, -itum>%, to pour down rain. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-asati, -situm>%, to praise highly. ## %% (rt. %%), desirous of asking many questions. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-sd-ati, -sattum>%, to come near, approach: Caus. P. %<-sd-ayati, -yitum>%, to propitiate, make happy, console. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tihati, -sthtum>%, to step up towards. ## %% (rt. %%), struck at, hurt. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-priti, -itum>%, to exhale, breathe forth. ## %%, n. exhaling (opposed to %%, q. v.). ## %%, ind., Ved. towards morning, early. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-prpnoti, -ptum>%, to reach, obtain, arrive at. ## %%, reached, obtained, arrived. ## %%, f. reaching, obtaining, arrival. ## %%, desirous of gaining, &c. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-prrcati, -citum>%, to celebrate in song. ## %%, cl. 10. A. %<-prrthayate, -yitum>%, to long for, desire. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-pr-syati, -prsitum>%, to throw on or upon. ## %%, Ved. gladdening, pleasing, gaining. ## %%, f. rejoicing in; wish, desire. ## %%, cl. 5. A., 1. P., Ved. %<-pru-ute, -pruyati, -proitum>%, to sprinkle with. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-praiti, tum>%, to go near to, approach; to approach with one's mind, to think of, aim at, intend. ## %%, going near, approaching; aiming at; (%%), m. aim, purpose, intention, with, desire; goal; meaning, sense, reference. ## %%, meant, intended; wished; accepted, approved; wishing, desirous. ## %%, ind. aiming at, intending, meaning by. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-prekate, -itum>%, to look at, to see, view. ## %%, ind. having looked at or towards. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%, Caus. %<-prera-yati, -yitum>%, to drive forward, impel towards: Pass. %<-preryate>%, to be impelled towards. ## %%, being driven towards. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-preyati, -itum>%, to summon, command. ## %%, n. (rt. %%, sprinkling upon, affusion. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-plavate, -plotum>%, to overflow, to overwhelm. ## %%, m., N. of a religious ceremony, performed as part of the sacrifice Gavm-ayana. ## %%, overflowed, overrun; filled with; overwhelmed, affected by, labouring under. ## %%, n. an agreement to meet at some place of rendezvous in disguise (the technical name of a dramatic scene in rhetoric). ## %%, f. a Buddhndriya or organ of apprehension. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. breaking down, one who destroys. ## %%, breaking down, &c. ## %%, ind. to a lover, before a husband. ## %%, cl. 10. A. P. %<-bharts-ayate, -ti, -yitum>%, to scold at, threaten so as to terrify. ## %%. See %% below. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-bhti, -tum>%, to glitter (around). ## 2. %%, f., Ved. apparition, phenomenon, inauspicious omen; state of being overpowered, calamity; act of overpowering, superiority. ## %%, n. abode of superiority; N. of the eight sources of superiority with Buddhists. ## %%, very heavy. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-bhate, -itum>%, to address, converse with, speak to, confess. ## %%, n. the act of addressing or speaking to. ## %%, speaking to. ## %%, addressed, spoken to. ## %%, addressing, speaking to. ## %%, to be addressed. ## %%, being addresed. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to overcome, overpower, predominate, conquer, surpass, overspread; to attack, defeat, humiliate. ## %%, overpowering; (%%), m. addition; prevailing, overpowering, excessive power, predominance; defeat, subjugation; disregard, disrespect; humiliation, mortification, disgrace. ## %%, n. overpowering, overcoming. ## %%, to be overcome or surpassed. ## %%, or %%, or %%, overpowering, surpassing, overspreading. ## %%, n. causing to overcome, making victorious. @<[Page 0065-c]>@ ## %%, or 2. %%, m., Ved. one who surpasses, a superior. ## %%, surpassed, defeated, subdued, humbled; overcome, aggrieved, injured. ## %%, f. superior power, overpowering, defeating; disrepect, disgrace, humiliation; %<(is, is, i)>%, Ved. overpowering, superior. ## %%, n., Ved. superior power; %<(s, s, as)>%, having superior power. ## %%, n., Ved. superiority. ## %%, m. f., Ved. superior, victorious over. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-madati, -ditum>%, to gladden, inebriate. ## %%, m. intoxication, inebriety. ## %%, being inebriated. ## %%, partially intoxicated, half-drunk, stammering. ## %%, cl. 8. A. %<-manute, -ntum>%, to think one's self equal to, to think of self; cl. 4. A. and poet. P. %<-manyate, -ti>%, to assent to, approve of; to covet, desire; to consider, imagine, fancy, think. ## %%, admitted, assented to; agreed, accepted; wished, desired; honoured, respected; (%%), n. desire, wish. ## %%, f. agreeableness, desirableness; desire, love. ## %%, having the mind directed towards; desirous of, longing for. ## %%, nom. A. %<-nyate, -yitum>%, to be desirous of, to long for. ## %%, to be considered; to be desired. ## %%, f. injuring, destroying. ## %%, ind., Ved. to injure. ## %%, admonishing, longing for, referring all objects to self, self-conceited. ## %%, conceiving, imagining, regarding. ## %%, m. high opinion of one's self, self-conceit, pride, haughtiness, honourable feeling; consciousness; referring all objects to self (as the act of Ahakra or personality); conception, conceit; affection, love, desire; laying claim to; injury, hurting. ## %%, f. pride, arrogance. ## %%, conceiving or having ideas about self; proud, arrogant. ## %%, void of conceit, humble. ## %%, n. the condition of an egotist; copulation, sexual intercourse. ## %%, thinking of one's self, proud, self-conceited, arrogant; imagining; %<()>%, m., N. of a deity. ## %%, f. or %%, n. the state of self-conceitedness. ## %%, Ved. striving to hurt. ## %%, cl. 10. A. %<-mantr-ayate, -yitum>%, to consecrrate or accompany with Mantras or magic formulas; to address, invite. ## %%, n. calling out to, addressing, inviting; counselling; charming, consecrating; making anything sacred by a special formula, called %%. ## %%, consecrated, charmed; made sacred by a certain formula. ## %%, m. ophthalmia, disease of the eyes. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Manu Ckua; of a son of Arjuna by Subhadr; of two kings. ## %%, n., N. of a town. ## %%, m., N. of a temple. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), killing, slaughter; war, combat; treachery, danger from one's own party or friends; binding, confinement. ## %%. See %%, p. 66. ## See %% next col. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. striving to injure, hurting, inimical; %<(is, is)>%, m. f. striving to injure, hurting, plotting against; an enemy, foe. ## %%, Ved. subduing enemies. ## %%, Ved. conquering enemies. ## %%, m., Ved. striking, destroying one's enemies. ## %%, m., Ved. injuring; an enemy. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%, perplexed, bewildered, stupid, ignorant. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. to be wetted (by urining upon). ## %%, closed (as the eyes). ## %% or %<, am>%, with the face directed towards; turned towards, facing; going near, approaching; disposed to, intending to, ready for; taking one's part; nearly related to; friendly disposed; (%<>%), f. one of the ten earths of Buddhists; (%%), ind. towards, in the direction of, in front or presence of, near to. ## %%, f. presence, proximity. ## %%, n. causing to turn the face towards, addressing. ## %%, being in presence of or facing. ## %%, distracted, utterly confused. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-mardati, -di-tum>%, to oppress, to devastate. ## %%, m. rubbing, friction; oppression, devastation of a country &c. by an enemy; war, battle; spirituous liquor. ## %%, oppressing; (%%), n. oppression. ## %%, oppressing, one who devastates. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-mati, -marum>% or %<-mraum>%, to touch, stroke, come in contact with. ## %%, m. or %%, n. (less correctly) %%, m. or %%, n. touching, contact; %<(as, , am)>%, rubbing, destroying. ## %% or (less correctly) %%, touching, coming in contact with. ## %%, touched, rubbed, brought close to, grazing. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), Ved. insulting or injurious speech; obscene expression; imprecation. ## %% or %% (rt. %%), Ved. altogether withered, faded; decayed. ## %%, f. a sacrificial verse. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to go up to, approach, encounter, attack, assail. 2. %%, m. f. going up to, approaching, assailing. ## %% or %%, assailing, an assailant. ## %%, approached, attacked. ## %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. an assailant, foe, enemy. ## %%, n. coming near, approaching, attacking. ## %%, coming near, approaching, attacking. ## %%, cl. 1. A. or ep. P. %<-ycate, -ti, -citum>%, to ask for, solicit, request. ## %%, n. or %%, f. asking for, entreaty, request. @<[Page 0066-b]>@ ## %%, asked for, requested. ## 1. %%, cl. 7. A. %<-yukte, -yoktum>%, to apply to, exert effort, make one's self ready; to encounter, attack, assail; to accuse; to hurt: Pass. %<-yujyate>%, to be accused, &c. ## %%, applied, intent on, diligent, absorbed in meditation, versed in; appointed; said, spoken; attacked by an enemy, assaulted, assailed; blamed, rebuked; (in law) charged, prosecuted, a defendant. ## %%, m., Ved. hurting, attacking; an enemy. ## 2. %%, f. attacking; an enemy. ## %%, being prosecuted (as a defendant). ## %% or %%, to be reproved or rebuked; to be prosecuted, indictable; assailable. ## %%, assailing, attacking; %<(t)>%, m. an enemy; a planitiff, a claimant, a pretender, an accuser; a stronger party. ## %%, m. application; energetic effort, exertion, perseverance, learning; attack, assault, challenging to fight, war, battle; (in law) a plaint, a charge, an accusation. ## %%, n. a petition or writing of complaint. ## %%, intent upon, absorbed (in meditation); attacking; (%<>%), m. a plaintiff, a prosecutor. ## %%, assailable. ## %%, n., Ved. harnessing (one horse) on to another. ## %%, cl. 4. A. P. %<-yudhyate, -ti, -yoddhum>%, to fight against, to acquire by fighting, to conquer for (another). ## %%, cl. 1. P. or ep. A. %<-rakati, -te, -itum>%, to succour, to protect, to preserve; to govern or command. ## %%, f. universal protection, wide benevolence. ## %%, protected, preserved, guarded; governed. ## %%, preserving, protecting, guarding. ## %%, to be protected or governed. ## %%, cl. 4. A. or Pass. %<-rajyate, -raktum>%, to be coloured, to be flushed with pleasure: Caus. P. %<-rajayati, -yitum>%, to colour. ## %%, tinted, flushed, kindly affected. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ramate, -ran-tum>%, to delight in, to be delighted. ## %%, pleased or contented with, satisfied; engaged in; attentive to; performing, practising. ## %%, f. pleasure, delighting in; occupation, practice. ## %%, n. delighting in, delighting. ## %%, to be delighted in, delightful. ## %%, pleasing, delightful, agreeable, beautiful; an epithet of iva; (%%), ind., see s. v. next col. ## %%, f. or %%, n. loveliness, beauty, splendor. ## %%, obtained (?). ## 1. %%, cl. 1. A. %<-rjate, -jitum>%, to shine, be-brilliant. 2. %%, reigning everywhere. ## %%, m., N. of a Burmese king. ## %%, Ved. one who has gained dominion. ## %%, Pass. %<-rdhyate>%, to be rendered propitious. @<[Page 0066-c]>@ ## %%, ind. referring to Rma (see also under %% last col.). ## %%, Caus. P. %<-rocayati, -yi-tum>%, to long for, desire, be inclined to, have a taste for, to like. ## %%, f. desire, delight, taste, relish, pleasure; desire of fame, ambition; splendor. ## %%, pleased, delighted, delighting in. ## %%, very pleasant, desirable or pretty. ## %% (rt. %%), sounded; cooed, vocal (as the voices of birds, &c.). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rohati, -rohum>%, to ascend, mount. ## %%, ind. having ascended. ## %%, corresponding with; conformable to, congruous; in accordance with; pleasing, handsome, desirable, well formed, beautiful; wise, learned; (%%), m. the moon; iva; Viu; Kmadeva. ## %%, m. having an agreeable master (a rite) to secure such a master in the next world. ## %%, correponding; pleasing, handsome; learned. ## %% (Intens. of rt. %%), Ved. causing tears (of earnest desire). ## %%, marked with signs, bearing marks. ## %%, to be marked or noted; (%%), ind. towards a mark or aim. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-lagha-yati, -yitum>%, to jump across or over. ## %%, n. jumping across or over. ## %%, Desid. A. or poet. P. %<-lipsate, -ti>%, to desire to obtain, covet. ## %%, n. obtaining transition (?). ## %%, f. desire of obtaining. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. P. %<-laati, -layati, -itum>%, to desire or wish for, covet, crave. ## %%, n. craving after, desiring. ## %%, desirable, to be coveted. ## %%, desired, wished; (%%), n. desire, wish, will, pleasure. ## %% or (less correctly) %%, m. desire, wish, covetousness, affection, love. ## %%, or %%, or %%, or (less correctly) %%, wishing, desiring, desirous, covetous, greedy. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), expression, word, speech; declaration of the object of a vow or religious obligation. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), cutting, reaping, mowing. ## %%, inscribed, inserted in writing. ## %%, n. writing upon, inscribing. ## %% (rt. %%), adhering to, shrouding; embraced; embracing. ## %%, disturbed, injured. ## %%, playful, unsteady; agitated, disturbed, injured. ## %%, f. an insect, a kind of spider. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-vakti, -ktum>%, to speak to, address; to tell. ## %% (rt. %%), cheated, deceived. @<[Page 0067-a]>@ ## %%, containing the word %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vadati, -te, -ditum>%, to address or salute with reverence: Caus. %<-vdayati, -te, -yitum>%, to address or salute reverentlty; to salute through another person; to play on an instrument. ## %%, n. addressing, salutation. ## %%, m. reverential salutation; (for %%), opprobrious or unfriendly speech, abuse. ## %%, a saluter, saluting, offering salutation; civil, polite. ## %%, n. respectful salutation, including sometimes the name or title of the person so addressed and followed by the mention of the person's own name; salutation of a superior or elder by a junior or inferior, and especially of a teacher by his disciple; (in general it is merely lifting the joined hands to the forehead and saying %%, I salute). ## %%, one who habitually salutes, respectful. ## %%, m. f. a respetful saluter. ## %%, saluted respectfully. ## %%, telling, enunciating, describing. ## %% or %%, to be respectfully saluted. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vandate, -ditum>%, to salute respectfully. ## %%, n. saluting respectfully. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-vapati, -ptum>%, to join, come together. ## %%, Ved. very youthful, fresh; possessed of food. ## %%, &c. See %%. ## %%, &c. See %%. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-vsayati, -yi-tum>%, to clothe, cover. ## %%, m. or %%, n. covering. ## %%, ind. over the cloth or covering. ## %%, conveying near or towards, driving near. ## %%, n. conveying towards or near. ## %%, to be carried near; (%%), n. conveyance, transmission; presentation, offering. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-vti, -tum>%, to blow upon or towards. ## %%, ind. towards the wind, windwards. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vchati, -chitum>%, to long for, desire. ## %% or %%, f. (fr. %%, obtained?, and %%), Ved. a cow who suckles an adopted calf. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-khyti, -tum>%, Ved. to look at, view. In later Sanskt, to tell, to call. ## %%, universally known, renowned, known as, called. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-cae>%, Ved. to look towards. In later Sanskt the idea of speaking is usually inherent in %%. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-carate, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-tave, -tavai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to approach; cl. 10. P. %<-crayati, -yitum>%, to discuss. ## %% Ved., Intens. 3rd sing. %<-jagahe>%, to twitch convulsively. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-jnti, -j-tum>%, to be aware, to know, perceive. ## %%, notified, made known. @<[Page 0067-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvalati, -litum>%, to flame or blaze against or opposite to. ## %%, cl. 8. P. A., Ved. %<-tanoti, -nute, -nitum>%, to stretch (the string) over or across (the bow); to stretch over, cover. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-vindati, -te, -veditum>%, to find, obtain; to seek. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-payati, -draum>%, to look at, behold. ## %%, m. complete coincidence, complete comprehension or inclusion, ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nadati, -ditum>%, to raise a loud noise. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to inform, instruct. ## %%, well-behaved; well-disciplined; pious, pure, devout. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-nodayati, -yitum>%, to gladden, cause to rejoice. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-bhti, -tum>%, to illuminate. ## %%, of unlimited dimensions. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-yti, -tum>%, to approach, visit. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-rjate, -jitum>%, to shine, be radiant. ## %%, afraid. ## %%, widely celebrated. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-vsa-yati, -yitum>%, to render confident or secure. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-vyeti, -tum>%, to come together towards, meet together in. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vkate, -kitum>%, to look at, view, perceive; to aim at, to examine; to be affected towards. ## %%, seen, perceived. ## %%, ind. having seen or observed. ## %%, m., Ved. surrounded by men or heroes. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to go towards, to face, to approach, come up, attack, to turn up, arise. ## %%, going towards, approaching, attacking. ## %%, gone towards; turning towards. ## %% (rt. %%), chosen, selected. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vardhate, -dhitum>%, to increase, prosper. ## %%, increased, augmented. ## %%, f. increase, addition, success. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-varati, -i-tum>%, to rain upon, water, bedew, cover with a shower (e. g. of blossoms); to shower down; to cause to rain. ## %%, n. watering, bedewing; raining upon. ## %%, bedewing; raining upon. ## %%, bedewed; rained upon. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), consideration, determination. ## %%), cl. 7. P. %<-anakti, -ajitum>% or %%, to manifest, reveal. ## %%, manifest, evident, distinct, plain; declared, revealed; (%%), ind. manifestly, plainly. ## %%, f. manifestation, distinction; declaration, revelation. ## %%, to be manifested or made clear. ## %%, being manifested. ## %%, revealing, manifesting; indicative, showing. ## %%, n. making manifest, act of revealing. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aniti, -nitum>%, to breathe through, to fill with breath. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadti, -datte, -dtum>%, to open one's mouth (for swallowing). ## %%, n. suppressed sound; repetition of the same sound. ## %% (rt. %%), striking at, hurting much, injuring greatly. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-pnoti, -ptum>%, to extend to, to comprehend, include, pervade, surround. ## %%, or %%, including, comprehending. ## %%, included, comprehended, co-extended, &c. ## %%, f. co-extending, universal pervasion, inclusion, comprehension. ## 1. %%, ind. up to a certain point inclusive. ## 2. %%, to be included; (%%), n. validity of a rule (?). ## %%, Caus. P. %<-hrayati, -yitum>%, to utter, pronounce, tell, explain. ## %%, n. or %%, m. pronunciation, utterance; an articulate significant word or phrase. ## %%, pronouncing, telling. ## %%, pronounced, spoken, told. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ukati, -itum>%, to sprinkle towards. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. assault, shaking off. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-asati, -situm>%, to accuse, blame, calumniate, abuse. ## %%, or %%, accusing; insulting; abusive. ## %%, n. accusation; insult. ## 1. %%, f., Ved. accusation, imprecation, solicitation (?). For 2. see next col. ## 1. %%, falsely accused, calumniated; defamed, infamous; sinful, wicked. See next col. ## %%, falsely accused, cursed; caused by imprecation. ## %%, f. imprecation; curse, damnation; effect of imprecation, misfortune, evil; one who curses or injures; calumny, defamation, scandal; asking, begging. ## %%, m., Ved. keeping off imprecation. ## %%, or %%, m., Ved. defending from insults or imprecations. ## %%, Desid. Caus. %<-ika-yati, -yitum>%, to teach. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-akate, -kitum>%, to doubt, suspect, be suspicious. ## %%, f. doubt, alarm, suspicion. ## %%, doubtful, frightened, alarmed. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-apati, -te, -aptum>%, to execrate, curse. ## %%, n. or %%, m. curse, imprecation; charge, accusation; false accusation, calumny. ## %%, m. fever caused by a curse. ## %%, cursed, accursed; falsely accused, calumniated; reviled. ## %%, n. pronouncing a curse or malediction. ## %%, declared, announced. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-asati, -si-tum>%, to hurt, injure, attack. (See under %%.) 3. %%, f., Ved. injuring (?). For 1. %%, see under %%, p. 67, col. 3. ## 2. %%, injured, hurt, attacked. ## %%, an injurer, an enemy. ## See %% and %%. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-ntva-yati, -yitum>%, to pacify, appease, reconcile, comfort. See %%. ## %%, n. graciousness, complaisance. ## %% or %% (rt. %%), cold, chilly. ## %% or %%, coagulated, congealed. ## 1. %%, m. (rt. 1. %%), Ved. intense grief. 1. %%, Ved. causing great grief. ## %%, n. great grief, pain; a tormenting spirit or demon. ## 1. %%, tormenting. ## 2. %%, m. (rt. 2. %%), Ved. ardour. ## 2. %%, shining, glowing with heat. ## 2. %%, glowing with heat. ## %%, ind. towards auri or Ka. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), repeating Vedic texts, sitting down to a rddha. ## %%, m. hearing, becoming renowned. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rayati, -yitum>%, to resort to. ## %%, m.f. (from %% connected with %%), Ved. joining, connecting one's self with, mixing; combining, holding together, arranging, putting in order, united, approaching; having recourse to, worthy to be had recourse to; respected; shining; powerful. ## %% or %% (rt. %

  • %), Ved. a ligature. ## %%, n. a bandage, ligature. ## %%, m., Ved. one who breathes upon or towards. ## %%, m., Ved. breathing forth or on, eructation. ## %%, m. breathing upon or towards, blowing into a flame. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ajati, -aktum>%, to be in contact with; to revile, curse. ## %%, possessed by evil spirits, humiliated, defeated, reviled, cursed. ## %%, m. or %%, n. complete contact, union; connection, copulation, association, company; embracing; possession by evil spirits; oath; curse or imprecation; false accusation, calumny; defeat, blow, shock, sudden affliction. ## %%, m. a fever supposed to be caused by evil spirits. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ahate, -hitum>% or %<-ohum>%, to attack. @<[Page 0068-b]>@ ## %%, ind. violently, by force, insolently. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. following; honouring, paying attention to, devoted; defeating. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-icati, -te, -ektum>%, to sprinkle; to water, wet; to consecrate, anoint, appoint by consecration; A. to be consecrated or inaugurated: Desid. %<-iikati>%, to be desirous of watering, &c.: Caus. %<-ecayati, -yitum>%, to have (another) consecrated. ## %%, sprinkled; anointed, installed, inaugurated, enthroned. ## %%, desiring to inaugurate. ## %%, m. sprinkling, anointing; inaugurating or consecrating by sprinkling water; inauguration of a king, royal unction; the water or liquid used at an inauguration; religious bathing; ablution; bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered. ## %%, f. the hall of coronation. ## %%, wet on the head with the royal unction. ## %%, m. day of inauguration. ## %%, m. an anointer, one who inaugurates. ## %%, n. sprinkling; initiation, inauguration. ## %% or %% or %%, worthy of inauguration; belonging to inauguration; %<(-nyas)>%, m., N. of a sacrificial ceremony performed at the inauguration of a king. ## %%, caused to be sprinkled, inaugurated. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-uoti, -otum>%, to express the Soma juice or any other juice; to moisten. ## %%, m. or %%, n. pressing out the juice of the Soma plant; distillation; religious bathing, ablution preparatory to religious rites; drinking Soma juice, sacrifice; ferment, yeast, any substance producing vinous fermentation; (%%), n. sour gruel. ## %%, f. an apparatus for pressing the Soma. ## %%, to be expressed as Soma juice. ## %%, or %%, m. the priest or any one who expresses the Soma juice. ## %%, nom. P. %<-yati, -yitum>%, to long for such a priest. ## %%, expressed as Soma juice; (%%), n. sour gruel. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m., Ved. approaching as an enemy with an army; directing arrows against. ## %%, n. march to attack or repel an enemy. ## %%, nom. P. %<-eayati, -yitum>%, to approach with an army, to march with an army against the enemy. ## %%, desirous of approaching with an army. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-yati, -tum>%, to put an end to, to destroy. ## %%, destroying, killing. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. roaring, bawling, a shout. ## %%, m. (fr. 1. %%; according to other authorities fr. %% or fr. %%, q. v.), Ved. an assistant, a protector; one who is to be praised or worshipped (as a prtector); one who approaches in order to assist, one who approaches to attack; one who assails an enemy, one who overpowers an enemy, one who approaches in order to obtain; desiring, desire; (%%), f. assistance, protection; favour, help, worshipping, praising; a sacrifice, a hymn; approaching in order to assist, approaching in general, access. ## %%, Ved. assisting; granting desires. ## %%, Ved. giving happiness. ## %%, m., Ved. guarding from enemies, keeping off enemies. ## %%, Ved. desirable, favourable. ## %%, m., Ved. rendering assistance, able to overcome enemies. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-auti, -otum>%, to praise, extol. ## %%, m. praise, eulogy. ## %%, praised. ## %%, praising. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tihati, -htum>%, to trample upon, destroy. ## %%. See under %%. ## %% or %%, m. (rt. %%), oozing or flowing; weakness of or running at the eyes; great increase or enlargement. ## %% or %%, oozing, trickling; laxative; causing defluxions or serous effusion. ## %% or %%, n. a suburb, a smaller city appended to a larger one. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), intense attachment or affection. ## %%, m. intimate union, close contact. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-rabhate, -rabdhum>%, to support one's self on. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-ruaddhi, -roddhum>%, to ward off. ## %% (rt. %%), covered, clad, clothed. ## %% or %% (rt. %%), coagulated, congealed. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), refuge. ## %%, m. (rt. %<>%), approaching together or in multitudes; (%%), ind. having approached together. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to shape, form; to make, render; to consecrate. ## %%, m. imagination; vain or profitless performance. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-stabhnoti, -stambhitum>%, to support, render firm. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), praise, praising highly. ## %%, highly praised. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sp-ati, -spraum, -sparum>%, to wash one's self. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-smarati, -smartum>%, to recollect. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-hanti, -tum>%, to surround, enclose. ## %%, joined, united. ## See under %%. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-krudhyati, -kroddhum>%, to be angry with. ## %%, angry with (with gen.). ## %%, being angry with (with acc.). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kroati, -kroum>%, to call out to. @<[Page 0069-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kipati, -keptum>%, to compress, to crowd together in a small space. ## %%, thrown together or at; casting, throwing, shooting, aiming or aimed at. ## %%, m. compressing, comprehending. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to enumerate; infer. ## %%, inferable, clearly ascertainable. ## %%, to be enumerated. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to approach together; to join in welcoming; to meet with. ## %%, guarded, protected. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-gti, -te, -garitum, -rtum>%, to promise. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te, -grahtum>%, to grasp at once with all the fingers. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-sacate, -citum>%, to follow; to revere, favour. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-ritave, -rase, -radhyai>%, to go up to, to seek for, to move or wander about. ## %%, moving in every direction, inconstant, changeable. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-cinoti, -nute, -cetum>%, to arrange with reference to (anything). ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-cintayati, -yitum>%, to remember. ## %% (rt. %%), produced, coming into existence. ## %%, cl. 9. A. %<-jnte, -jtum>%, to allow, acquiesce in. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvarati, -ritum>%, to envy, regard with spite. ## %%, m., Ved. surrounded by brave beings or heroes. ## %%, cl. 8. P., Ved. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to spread or stretch across, to use for bridging over or stretching across. ## %%, stretched across, spread over, covering. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -ptum>%, to press hard on all sides. ## %%, tormented. ## %%, m. war, battle. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tarati, -ritum, -ritum>%, to cross over towards. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tyajati, -tyaktum>%, to abandon, give up, desist from. ## %% (rt. %%), terrified, much alarmed. ## %% (rt. %%), compressed, tightened. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), exchange; organ of generation. In the last sense also written %%. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadhti, -dhtum>%, to aim at; overcome; deceive; calumniate; declare; add; prefer. ## %%, agreed, contracted; attached to, interested, following any object eagerly. @<[Page 0069-b]>@ ## %% or %%, m. a deceiver, a calumniator. 2. %%, f. speech, declaration, promise. ## %%, n. speech, deliberate declaration; attachment or interest in any object; special agreement; cheating, deceiving; making peace or alliance. ## %%, ind. having aimed at, shooting at. ## %%, m. speaking or declaring deliberately, purpose, intention, object, meaning; special agreement; cheating, deceiving; making peace or alliance; joint, junction. ## %%, done intentionally or on purpose. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-namati, -nantum>%, to inflect. ## %%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-nahyati, -te, -naddhum>%, to bind or string together; to arm one's self against (?). ## %%, accoutred, armed. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to lead to or upon. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-nauti, -navitum, -nuvitum>%, to rejoice or cheer together at or towards. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), union, association. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to approach together, come to. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-pad-yate, -pattum>%, to approach, enter upon. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to come together or meet at (a particular place); to invade. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kate, -itum>%, to see, look, at, have in view; to comprehend, examine. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-rayati, -yitum>%, to put in motion. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-hati, -te, -hitum>%, to cover by bringing together. ## %%, cl. 5. A., Ved. %<-ute, -artum, -ritum, -rtum>%, to reach, seize. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aiti, -tum>%, to join in coming near or approaching, to go in quest of. ## %%, Pass. %<-pacyate>%, to become ripe at a certain time (with acc.). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly to, hasten to, jump upon; to fly along. ## %%, m. concourse, war, battle. ## 1. %%, cl. 4. A. %<-pad-yate, -pattum>%, to become anything, become similar to, be changed to; to come to, arrive at; to obtain: Caus. %<-pdayati, -yitum>%, to make equal, change into. ## %%, f. becoming or being effected completely; transition. ## 2. %%, f. becoming complete, complete number. ## %%, complete, completely effected. ## %%, m. (rt. %% with %% and %%), futurity. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-pja-yati, -yitum>%, to honour, revere greatly. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to come towards, share in. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-pnoti, -ptum>%, to reach, come to, arrive at, get, obtain. @<[Page 0069-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-prekate, -itum>%, to look at, perceive. ## %%, Pass. %<-badh-yate>%, to be connected with, to relate or refer to. ## %%, connected with, referring to. ## %%, m. connection; contact, conjunction, relation; sexual connection. ## %%, very confined or contracted. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-bha-vati, -vitum>%, to be near to, to enjoy. ## %%, or %<, am>%, fronting, facing; looking respectfully towards. ## %%, &c. See %%. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), coming near. ## %% or better %%, cl. 10. P. %<-sntvayati, -yitum>%, to conciliate, pacify, comfort. ## %% or %%, m. consolation, conciliation. ## %%, ind. about evening, at sunset. ## %%, &c. See %%. ## %%, or %% or %%, desirous of expressing Soma juice. See %%. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-scayati, -yi-tum>%, to point out, show. ## %%, pointed out. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-sdayati, -yitum>%, to kill outright, destroy utterly. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sarati, -sartum>%, to approch, go towards, advance in order to meet, to attack: Caus. P. %<-srayati, -yitum>%, to visit, approach. ## %%, m. a companion, a follower; N. of a people. ## %%, n. approaching, meeting, rendezvous, going to meet. ## %%, going to meet, attacking. ## %%, attacking, assailant. ## %%, m. attack, assault; meeting, rendezvous; companion, follower; war, battle; a purificatory rite; going to meet a lover, an assignation, appointment; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people; (%<>%), f., N. of a town. ## %%, f. a. woman who goes to meet her lover or keeps an assignation. ## %%, going to meet, visiting, attacking; %<(i)>%, f. a woman who keeps an assignation or goes to meet her lover; N. of a species of the Triubh metre, in which two Pdas contain twelve instead of eleven syllables, and which therefore is said to approach another metre called Jagat. ## %%, being approached. ## %%, ind. having gone near. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sjati, -sra-um>%, to pour forth, to give. ## %%, m. creation. ## %%, n. gift, donation; killing (?). ## %%, given. ## %%, n. practising, cultivating. ## %%, m., Ved. assault; an assailant; (%%), ind. by assailing. ## %%, ind. very firmly. ## %%, m. attachment, affection, desire. @<[Page 0070-a]>@ ## %%, expanded to the full (as a blossom). ## %%, cl. 1. A., poet. P. %<-sma-yate, -ti, -smetum>%, to smile upon. ## %%, &c. See %%, &c. ## %%, ind., Ved. on the brick (used in sacrifices and called) %% (perforated in itself, i. e. full of holes). ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-svarati, -svartum, -ritum>%, to approve, praise, invoke. ## %%, f., Ved. invocation; calling into (one's) presence; a hymn or song of praise. ## %%, m., Ved. invoking, praising, an invoker. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-hanti, -tum>%, to thump at, strike, kill; to beat off, drive off. ## %%, struck; beaten; smitten; killed; humbled, subdued, broken down; obstructed; multiplied. ## %%, f. striking; (in arithm.) multiplication. ## %%, being smitten, killed, &c. ## %%. See s. v. ## 1. %%, m. (rt. %%), invocation; (for 2. see under %% below.) ## %%, f. invocation, worshipping. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. ridiculous, laughable. ## %%, m. jest, joke, mirth. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), held forth, said, declared, spoken; determined; spoken to, addressed, accosted; whispered, prompted to say; placed upon; (%%), m., N. of a chief; (%%), n. a name, expression, word. ## %%, n. the state of being said or spoken; a holding forth, declaration; authority, test. ## %%, f. telling, manifesting, title. See %%. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-juhoti, -hotum>%, Ved. %<-hotavai>%, to make an oblation, sacrifice. ## 2. %%, m. oblation, sacrifice. See above. ## %%, m. making the oblation of clarified butter. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-harati, -hartum>%, to snatch away, carry off; to bring: Caus. P. %<-hra-yati, -yitum>%, to make a sudden attack. ## %%, carrying off, removing. ## %%, n. bringing near, conveying, robbing. ## %% or %% or %%, to be brought near. ## %%, one who snatches away, seizes, takes by violence; a ravisher. ## %%, m. robbing, seizing anything in the owner's presence; a brisk attack; effort; arming, taking up arms; mingling together. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. bending, causing crookedness, acting injuriously; (%%), f. fall, defeat, damage. ## %%, f. causing to fall; defeat, damage, offence; offensive, injurious. ## %% or %%, falling off; crookedness, sin. ## 1. %%, without fear, fearless. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to come near, approach; to go up to or towards (with acc.); to go along, go after; to go into, enter; to join; to go over to; to reach; to come to, to fall to one's share (with acc.); to get; to fall into: Ved. Intens. or Pass. %<-yate>%, to ask, request; %% or %%, to go near. 1. %%, f., Ved. approach, assault. See next col. @<[Page 0070-b]>@ ## %%, m. f., Ved. approaching, attacking: also written %%. ## %%. See s. v., p. 71, col. 2. ## 1. %% (= %%, q. v., fr. %%), longing after; lustful, libidinous; anxious, desirous; (%%), m. a lover, a husband, a master. ## 2. %%, n. (fr. %%; cf. %%), Ved. meeting together, closeness, nearness; collision, combat, opposition; %%, ind. in the neighbourhood, at the same place or time, at the right time, just in time; in a moment, instantaneously; (with abl.) from, out of; on account of, with regard to; from (in connection with verbs expressing defending from, &c.). ## 3. %% (fr. %%), fearless; (%%), m. a poet; a master. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-k-ate, -itum>%, to look towards. ## %% (contraction of %%), repeated, frequent; constant, perpetual: (%%), ind. repeatedly, again and again; perpetually, constantly; very, exceedingly; quickly. ## %%, ind. repeatedly. ## %%. See %%. ## %% (rt. %%), to be sacrificed to, one to whom sacrifice is offered: (%%), m. a god. ## %%, not terrified, fearless. ## %%, ind. as one not afraid, fearlessly. ## 2. %%, f. fearlessness. See last line first col. ## %%, cl. 7. A. %<-inddhe, -indhitum>%, to surround with flames, to inflame. ## %%, inflamed, shining. ## %%, m. (fr. %% and %%; cf. %%), Ved. a pond or any spot in which water collects; favour (?). ## %%, ind. (fr. rt. %

    % with %%), Ved. according to the event, at the right time (?). ## %%, Desid. of rt. %

    %; perhaps connected with 1. %% or with %%), water; the sky; the fourth sign of the zodiac; collective N. for gods, men, manes, and Asuras; mystical name of the letter %% [cf. [greek] imber]. ## %%, n. a pearl. ## %%, m. smoke; cloudiness. ## %%, what holds or contains water; abiding in water. ## %%, done by water. ## %%, produced in water, waterborn, aquatic; (%%), m. the moon; the srasa or Indian crane; (%%), n. the lotus. ## %%, n. a group of lotus flower. ## %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. an epithet of Brahm, being born secondarily from a lotus. ## %%, f. an assemblage of lotus flowers or a place where they abound. ## %%, m. a cloud; the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis Nees. ## %%, m. a cloud. ## %%, m. (receptacle of waters), the ocean. ## %%, m. coral. ## %% or %%, m. a pool, the ocean. ## %%, n. or %%, n. the lotus; (%%), m. the Indian crane. ## %%, f., Ved., N. of an instructress, who transmitted the white Yajur-veda to Vc (speech). ## 1. %% (connected with 1. %%), Ved. powerful, great, violent [cf. [greek]]. ## 2. %% (fr. rt. %%), crying violently, roaring terribly. ## 3. %%, m. (rt. %% with %%), Ved. a vessel used in preparing the Soma juice; N. of a i, the father of Vc. See %%. ## %% (for %%), formed from or consisting of water, watery. ## %%, ind., Ved. (rt. %% with %% being inserted), towards, here (?). ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), the mango tree. See %%. ## %% or %%, m. a species of Spondias or hog-plum, Spondias Magnifera. See %%. ## %% (fr. rt. %%, to make sick), sour, acid; (%%), m. sourness; acidity; vinegar; wood sorrel, Oxalis Corniculata; (%<>%), f. Oxalis Corniculata; (%%), n. sour curds. ## %%, n., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. citron tree. ## %%, f. or %%, m. a kind of sorrel. ## %%, m. lime tree. ## %%, f. sourness. ## %%, m. sorrel. ## %%, m. the lime. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Curcuma Zerumbet, Roxb. ## %% or %%, n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Oxalis, and other plants. ## %%, m. a tree, Artocarpus Lacucha, Roxb. ## %%, n. acidity of stomach. ## %%, m. the tamarind tree, Magnifera Indica; (%%), n. the fruit of this tree. ## %%, m. sorrel. ## %%, m. a urinary disease. ## %%, sour, having a sour taste; (%%), m. sourness, acidity. ## %%, f. a kind of betel. ## %% or %% or %%, f. wood sorrel, Oxalis Corniculata. ## %%, m. a class of plants with acid leaves or fruits, as the lime, orange, pomegranate, tamarind, sorrel, and others. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Pythonium Bulbiferum Schott. ## %%, m. hog-plum, Spondias Magnifera. ## %%, f. a sort of betel. ## %%, n. sorrel. ## %%, m. the tamarind tree. ## %%, m. a kind of dock or sorrel, Rumex Vesicarius. ## %%, m. a sort of sorrel, commonly used as a pot-herb. ## %%, m. the lime; a sort of sorrel; (%%), n. rice water after fermentation. ## %%, f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet, Roxb. ## %%, acidulated. ## %%, m. a kind of sorrel. ## %%, n. a disease of the eyes. ## %%, m. sour eructation. ## %%, m. the plant Artocarpus Lacucha. ## %% or %%, f. a sour taste in the mouth, acidity of stomach; the tamarind tree; wood sorrel, Oxalis Corniculata. ## %%, m. a sort of cake. ## %%, m. sourness. ## %%, become sour. ## %%, m. sourness. ## %% (rt. %%), not withered, clean, clear; bright, unclouded; (%%), m. globe-amaranth, Gomphraena Globosa L. ## %%, f. vigour, freshness, verdure; %<(is, is, i)>%, vigiorous, unfading. ## %%, clean, clear; (%%), f. an assemblage of globe-amaranths. ## %% (connected with rt. %%, q. v.), cl. 1. A. %%, to go. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), going; a move towards the right at chess; good luck, favourable fortune; a die; N. of a Prajpati; %<(as, , am)>%, going, moving. ## %%, f. good luck. ## %%, happy. ## %%, bright with good fortune. ## %%, fortunate, lucky. ## %%, n., Ved. a leg, foot (?). ## %% (fr. rt. %%), going; especially at the end of a compound, e. g. %%, going to the ocean; (%%), n. going, walking, walk; a road, a path; a place, a site (?); course, circulation, period; final emancipation; a commentary, treatise; N. of certain sacrificial performances; the sun's road north and south of the equator, the half year; the equinoctial and solstitial points; way, progress, manner; a stra or inspired writing. ## %%, m. the interval between the equinoxes. ## %%, f. a deity or an idol placed near a road (?). ## %%, m. or %%, m. the arc between the vernal equinoctial point and the beginning of the fixed zodiac or first point in Aries. ## %%, n. deviation of the ecliptic. ## %%, n. the ecliptic. ## %%, Ved. not consumptive; not sick, healthy; causing health; (%%), n. health. ## %%, Ved. producing health. ## %%, f. or %%, n., Ved. freedom from consumption; health. ## %%, m. not wishing or not about to sacrifice. ## %%, Ved. without a sacrificial formula or verse. ## %%, m. no sacrifice; a bad sacrifice; %<(as, , am)>%, not offering sacrifice. ## %%, Ved. not performing a sacrifice, performing worthless sacrifices. ## %%, unfit for sacrifice. ## %%, not fit for sacrifice; not worthy of sacrifice, profane, common. ## %%, Ved. not sacrificing, impious, profane, wicked. ## %%, Ved. not offering sacrifice, profane. ## %%, m. not Yajadatta, i. e. the vile Yajadatta. ## %% (rt. %%), not making efforts. ## %%, unrestrained, uncontrolled, unchecked. ## %%, of unsubdued appetite; incontinent. ## %%, m. absence of effort or exertion; %% or %% or %%, without effort or exertion. ## %%, making no exertion, indifferent, idle. ## %% or %%, easily or readily produced, spontaneous. ## %%, inactive, indifferent, idle. ## %%, ind. not as it should be, unfitly, unsuitably. ## %%, Ved. without effort. ## %%, not so as it should be, unfit, unsuitable; useless, unprofitable, vain; (%%), ind. unfitly, unsuitably. ## %%, n. unsuitableness, unprofitableness, incompatibility. ## %%, n. intimation of something unexpected. ## %% or %%, unprecedented. ## %%, ind. not according to one's power. ## %%, not according to measure. ## %%, having the face turned away. ## %%, not according to the sense or object, incongruous, unmeaning, nonsensical; improper, unfitting. ## %%, ind. inaccurately, erroneously. ## %%, not acting in accordance with the scripture. ## %%, not as wished; disliked, disapproved of; insufficient, not enough. ## %%, unworthily, unsuitably. ## %%, m., N. of an author. ## %%, &c. See under %%, p. 78. ## %%, n., Ved. non-restraint, not a means of restraining; having no restraint; a powerful weapon for restraining enemies. ## %%, unhindered, unrestrained, self-willed. ## %%, unchecked, untrimmed, unpaired, unclipped. ## 1. %%, deficient; (%%), m., N. of a worm bred in the intestines. ## 2. %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, n. the dark half of the month. ## 3. %%, or %%, having worthless or no barley. ## %%, unfit for barley. ## %%, n. infamy; %<(s, s, as)>%, infamous, disagreeable. ## %%, or %<, am>%, disgraceful, degrading. ## %%, infamous. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), going, nimble; (%%), n. iron, steel, gold, metal [cf. Lat. oes, oer-is for oes-is; Goth. ais, Them. aisa; Old Germ. er, 'iron;' Goth. eisarn; Mod. Germ. Eisen]; (%%), m. fire. ## %%, n. a particular hell. ## %%, f. iron image. ## %%, m., N. of an Asura. ## %%, Ved. lying in iron, made of iron (said of fire). ## %%, Ved. having jaws or a nose of iron. ## %%, m., N. of an Asura. ## %%, Ved. having a head of iron. ## %%, n. an iron lance; fraudulent or cunning artifice. ## %% or %% or %%, Ved. having iron pillars or spikes; (%%), m., N. of a i. ## %%, n. iron filings. ## %%, m. n. an iron goblet. ## %%, m. n. an iron arrow. ## %%, m. a precious stone, the loadstone. ## %%, m. a blacksmith; the upper part of the thigh (?). ## %%, n. rust of iron. ## %%, m. f. an iron pot or boiler. ## %%, f. a rope partly consisting of iron. ## %%, f. preparation of iron. ## %%, making iron red-hot. ## %%, n. an iron vessel. ## %%, Ved. made of iron or of metal; (%%), m., N. of a son of Manu Svrocia; (%<>%), f., N. of one of the three residences of the Asuras. For compounds beginning %%, see s.v. %%. ## %% may be used for %% at the end of compounds, as %%, q. v. ## %%, ind. (fr. pronominal base %%), Ved. in this manner, thus. ## %% (rt. %%), one who does not ask or solicit. ## %%, unasked, unsolicited; %%, ind. without being asked; (%%), m., N. of the i Upavarsha. ## %%, f. or %%, n. subsisting on alms without begging. ## %%, not soliciting. ## %% (rt. %%), a person or thing for whom or for which one must not offer sacrifices; outcast, degraded; not competent to offer sacrifice; incapable of or inadmissible to religious ceremonies. ## %%, n. the state of an outcast. ## %% or %%, n. sacrificing for an outcast. ## %%, following, subsequent to, succeeding. ## %%, Ved. not weak; not worn out by use; fresh; (%%), n., N. of certain texts of the Yajur-veda, revealed to Yjiavalkya. ## %%, f., Ved. unweakened strength, freshness. ## %%, Ved. not weak, fresh. ## %%, Ved. not demoniacal; free from evil spirits; (%%), m. not a demon, the opposite of an evil spirit. ## %%, improper, unjust; not genuine, not real, incongruous, absurd. ## %%, n. impropriety, unfitness, absurdity, nonsense. ## %%, n. not moving, halting, stopping; natural disposition or temperament: (in the last sense the etymology is doubtful.) ## %%, n. good and bad luck; (%%), m. a particular position of the pieces on a chess or backgammon board. ## %%, m. a piece at chess or backgammon so moved. ## %%, unstained with lac-dye, naturally red. ## %%, n. not causing to unite. ## %%, Ved. unfit for copulation. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. agile (without effort), dexterous, nimble; (%%), ind. fire (?). ## %%, Ved. not to be obtained by effort, indefatigable; valiant; enterprising; (%%), m., N. of an Agiras; mystical name of the chief vital air. ## %%, n., N. of some verses of the Sma-veda. ## %%, ind. a vocative particle; a particle of encouragement or introducing a kind enquiry. ## %% (rt. %%), at the end of compounds, going, e. g. %%, q. v. ## %% (rt. %%), not yoked, not joined, not united, not married; not harnessed; not connected; not suited, unfit, unsuitable; not attentive, not devout; negligent, not dexterous, unpractised, untrue, wrong; indecent. ## %%, committing wrong acts. ## %%, m. (a king &c.) who does not appoint spies. ## %%, f. or %%, n. the not being used. ## %%, m. the sense of a word to be supplied. ## %%, unfit, unsuitable. ## %%, f. disunion, separation; unreasonableness, want of conformity to correct principles or to analogy; impropreity, unfitness. ## %% or %%, separate, single, odd. ## %%, m. fire. ## %%, ind. not at once, gradually, seriatim. ## %%, n. apprehending gradually and not simultaneously. ## %%, m. successiveness. @<[Page 0079-c]>@ ## %%, not in couples, separate, single; odd, uneven. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Alstonia Scholaris. ## %%, m., N. of iva. ## %%, m., N. of the god of love ('having an odd number of arrows'). ## %%, not existing in couples; odd, uneven. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Alstonia Scholaris. ## %%, m., N. of a tree. ## %%, n. a kind of alliteration, viz. the same syllables in the first and third Pda of a word in a different sense. ## %%, m., N. of iva. ## %%, m., N. of Kma, from his having five arrows; see %%. ## %%, having an odd number of elements. ## %%, m., N. of Kma. ## %% or %%, m., N. of iva, from his having three eyes; see %%. ## %%, Ved. without a companion, not having an equal; not existing by pairs, separate, odd. ## %%, m. separation, disjunction; interval; unfitness, unsuitableness, unconformity; inefficacy of a remedy; medical treatmetn counter to the symptoms; non-application or mis-application of remedies; vigorous effort, exertion; a widower, an absent lover or husband; inaupicious conjunction of the planets; a conjunction of two planets; (%%), unconnected with; indistinctly connected with; making vigorous efforts. ## %%, m. a term for Anusvra, Visarjanya, Upadhmnya, and Jihvmlya, as standing between vowels and consonants. (For %%, hammer, see %% below.) ## %%, unfit, unsuitable, useless; immaterial; (in phil.) not ascertainable &c. by the senses. ## %%, f. or %%, n. unfitness, unsuitableness. ## %%, n. disunion, separation. ## %%, not conformable to, inconsistent with. ## %%, n. uncontemporaneous existence, unsimultaneousness. ## %%, having no regular derivation. ## %%, Ved. not existing in couples; odd, uneven. ## 1. %% (rt. 2. %%), Ved. not disturbed or interrupted; (%%), m., N. of a son of Rdhika. ## %%, proved to be not separated or interrupted, proved to be inherent. ## %%, f. proof that certain things or notions are not separable. ## %%, Ved. undisturbed, unshaken. ## 2. %% (rt. 1. %%, to mix), disjoined, detached, not counted; (%%), n. ten thousand, a myriad. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Bhajamna. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, ind. by myriads. ## %%, m. a kind of sacrifice. ## %%, m. a good teacher. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Jayasena rvin; of a son of rutavat. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Sindhu-dvpa. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. unconquered; not fighting; (%%), n. not war, absence of war, peace. ## %%, m., Ved. whose arrows or armies are unconquered, irresistible. ## %%, ind., Ved. without fighting. ## %%, m. a non-fighter. ## %%, unconquerable. ## %%, m., Ved. not conquering, not a valiant warrior. ## %%, m. no warrior, a bad fighter; unmatched by other warriors. ## %%, Ved. not to be warred against, irresistible; (%<>%), f. the capital of Rma, the modern Oude, on the river Sarayu. ## %%, m. the sovereign of Ayodhy. ## %%, inhabiting Ayodhy. ## %%, m. not a warrior. @<[Page 0080-a]>@ ## %%, m. no sacrificial post. ## %%, ind. a vocative particle, an interjection of surprize, recollection, fatigue, fear, passion; used also in the same meanings as %%. ## %%, or %<>%, m. f. or %% (etymology uncertain; perhaps connected with %%, iron, or fr. %%), the offspring of a dra man and Vaiya woman, whose business is carpentry. See %%. ## %%, m. (%% for %%, iron), a chalybeate pill, one made of some preparation of iron; an iron ball. ## %% or %%, n. a hammer, a forge hammer; a mace or club tipped with iron; a pestle for cleaning grain. (A form %%, m., is also given in the sense 'iron hammer.') ## %%, m. a hammer, a forge hammer. ## %%, n. rust of iron. ## %%, furnished with iron nets; (%%), n. iron net-work. ## %%, Ved., or %%, iron-toothed, having iron weapons. ## %%, m. the burning quality of iron. ## %%, Ved. furnished with iron claws or heels. ## %%, made of iron. See also s.v. %%. ## %%, n. rust of iron. ## %%, having an iron mouth, face, or beak; tipped or pointed with iron; (%%), m. an arrow; N. of a Dnava; N. of a mountain. ## %%, n. or %%, n. rust of iron. ## %%, m. iron rust or filings. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. iron-work, any iron fabric. ## %%, Ved. embossed in iron-work; made or performed by a priest &c. who wears a golden ring on his finger. ## %%, Ved. iron-jawed. ## %%, iron-hearted, stern, unrelenting. ## See %%, p. 79, last col. ## %%, f. not the womb; anything but the womb; not a particular verse of the Sma-veda; %<(is, is, i)>%, without origin; not born from the womb, born in a manner not approved by law or religion; (%%), m., N. of Brahm and iva; a pestle (for %% above ?). ## %%, not born from the womb, not produced in the ordinary course of generation, generated equivocally; (%%), n., N. of a Trtha. ## %%, n. the state of not being born from a womb. %<-ayonijea (-ja-a-), as>%, m., N. of iva. ## %%) or %%, n., N. of a Trtha. ## %%, q. v. ## %%, without the verse containing the word %%. ## %%, (fr. rt. %<>%), swift, speedy; little; (at end of comp.) going; %<(as, am)>%, m. n. the spoke or radius of a wheel, see also %%, col. 3; (%%), m. a spoke of the time-wheel, viz. a Jaina division of time, the sixth of an Avasarpi or Utsarpi; the eighteenth Jaina saint of the present Avasarpi; N. of an ocean in Brahm's world. ## %% or %%, m. a wheel or machine for raising water from a well (Hind. [arabic]); a deep well. ## %%, m., N. of Brahma-datta, king of Koala. ## %%, loc. pl. in the intervals of the spokes. ## %%, m. the spoke of a wheel; a Jaina division of time [cf. %%]; the plant Blyxa Octandra; another plant, Gardenia Enneandra. ## %%, Ved. harmless, honest; not disturbed &c. by evil spirits. @<[Page 0080-b]>@ ## %%, unprotected, undefended; not preserved, not kept. ## %%, m., Ved. a valley (?). ## %%, cl. 8. P., Ved. %<-karoti, -kar-tum>%, to prepare, make ready; serve. See %%, col. 3. ## %%, Ved. acting satisfactorily; preparing, serving as a worshipper. ## %%, Ved. prepared, ready; gratified. ## %%, f., Ved. service, gratification. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to be present, come near (in order to help), become visible, appear. See %%, col. 3. ## %%, Ved. coming near or into the presence, appearing (in order to help), becoming visible. ## %%, m., Ved. praising readily (?); factitious or made up poison. See %%. ## %%, passionless. ## %%, m. a passionless being, a class of gods with Buddhists. ## %%, Ved. praising readily, sounding aloud. See %%, col. 3. ## %%, or %% or %%, dustless; free from passion or desire; clean, pure; not having the monthly courses; %<(s)>%, f. a young girl. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to become dustless; to lose the monthly courses. ## %%, Ved. not consisting of cords; not furnished with cords. ## %% or %%, m., N. of the tree Calosanthes Indica Bl. ## %%, made of the wood of the above tree; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## 1. %% (rt. %<>%), Ved. departed, gone away; strange, foreign; distant; (%%), n. moving, entering; being inserted; a refuge. ## 1. %%, m. f. the wood of the Ficus Religiosa used for kindling fire by attrition; the lower one %<(adharrai>%) of the two Arais; (%<>%), du. the two pieces of wood used in kindling the sacred fire; (%%), m., N. of several plants, especially Premna Integrifolia; the sun; fire; a flint?; (%%), f. a way, a path. ## %%, related to the two Arais; to be produced by the Arais. ## %%, m. the Premna Integrifolia. ## 2. %%, not fighting, without fighting. ## 2. %%, f., Ved. stinginess. ## %%, m. n. (fr. rt. %<>%), land neither cultivated nor grazed; a wilderness, desert, forest; N. of a plant; N. of a Sdhya. ## %%, f. wild cumin seed. ## %%, f. the wood or wild plantain. ## %%, n. title of the third book of the Rmyaa. ## %%, f. the wild cotton. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Glycine Labialis Lin. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Carthamus Tinctorius. ## %%, m. a wild elephant. ## %%, gone into a forest. ## %%, n. one of the four Gnas or hymn-books of the Sma-veda. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. a wild pigeon. ## %%, living in forests, wild. ## %%, produced or born in a forest. ## %%, f. wild ginger. ## %%, m. wild cumin. ## %%, living in a forest. ## %%, m. a wild plant, called %%. ## %%, f. or %%, n., N. of a ceremony performed on the twelfth day of the month Mrgara. ## %%, m. forest usage, wild or savage state. ## %%, n. wild rice. ## %%, m. king of the forest. ## %%, growing in a forest, wild. ## %%, f. the gad-fly. ## %%, m. wild cat. ## %%, m. a kind of bean. ## %%, n. going into a forest. ## %%, m. forestkeeper, superintendent of a forest district. ## %%, m. king of the forest; epithet of a lion or tiger. ## %%, n. the sovereignty of the forest. ## %%, n. weeping in a forest, i. e. weeping in vain, with no one to hear. ## %%, ind. like a wilderness. ## %%, m. a raven. ## %%, m. a hermitage. ## %%, living in a forest, wild; (%<>%), m. forest-dweller, a hermit, anchorite; %<(n)>%, f., N. of a plant. ## %% or %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. wild rice. ## %%, m. a wild hog. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. a wolf. ## %%, f., N. of a festival celebrated by females in the month Jyaiha. ## %%, f. a forest court. ## %%, m. forest-keeper or ranger, a head-man or superintendent of a forest district. ## %%, n. going into the forest, becoming a hermit. ## %%, m. wild sesamum growing in a forest and containing no oil; hence, anything which disappoints expectation. ## %%, m., Ved. a kind of oblation. ## %%, m. living in a forest, a Brhman who has left his family and become an anchorite. ## %%, n. a forest, a desert; N. of a plant. ## %%, or %%, f. a wilderness, desert, large forest; the goddess of the wilderness and desert, and mother of wild animals. ## %%, containing a forest, near to one. ## %% (rt. %%), dull, languid, apathetic; disgusted, disconted; (%%), n. non-copulation. ## %%, not ashamed of copulation; (%%), m. a dog. ## 1. %%, f. dissatisfication, discontent; absence of pleasure, pain; dulness, languor; anxiety, distress, regret; a bilious disease; %<(is, is, i)>%, disconected, unhappy; dull, languid, restless. ## %%, dull, spiritless. ## 2. %%, m. (fr. rt. %<>%, cf. %%), Ved. going, approaching; moving quickly; moving flame; occupying; attacking; a servant, assistant, manager, administrator; a master; an intelligent being of all-piercing intellect; anger, passion; anxiety. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. rt. %<>%), the elbow, a corner; a cubit of the middle length, from the elbow to tip of the little finger, a fist. ## %%, one ell in length. ## %%, m. the elbow. ## %%, having no carriage. ## %%, m. a warrior who does not fight in a car, or owns, no car. ## %%, m., Ved. not a charioteer. ## %%, Ved. not lazy; not to be subdued; unproperous. ## %%, m., N. of a Trtha. ## %%, Ved. unhurt; sinless, pure. ## %%, Ved. unhurt, safe; not hurting, benificial, charitable; sinless, pure. ## %%, m. a mystical collective N. of the five Buddhas, each being represented by a letter. ## %%, ind. (fr. rt. %<>%, see %%), Ved. swiftly, at hand, near, present; readily, fitly, suitably, so as to answer a purpose; enough, sufficient [cf. %% and Gr. [greek]]. ## %% and %%, see p. 80, col. 2. ## %% (for %%), Ved. ready to serve, obedient, devoted to the worship of God; (according to native interpretation) having hostile intentions. ## %%, f. (for %%), Ved. readiness to serve, obedience, devotion; a goddess, described in the Vedas as protecting the worshippers of the gods and pious works in general; (accoding to others) not resting, active, going everywhere; splendor. ## %%, Ved. hastening near (?). ## %% (rt. %%), not gratifying, not pleasing. ## %%, unpleasant, disagreeable. ## %%, f. disagreableness. ## %%, not gratifying; Ved. unremitting, unceasing. ## %%, not causing gratification. ## %%, m. a king of Nepl. ## %%, n. a covering, a sheath; %<(as, , am)>%, m. f. n. the leaf of a door, a door; the sheath of the shoot of a bamboo; (%%), m. an awl; a part of a sacrifice; fighting, war. ## %%, m. n. a door; a door-leaf. ## %%, f., N. of the ancestress of a celebrated Hind family. ## %%, m. a descendant of Ararak. ## %%, n., Ved. water; a vessel used in preparing the Soma juice (?). ## %%, m. f. (rt. %%), Ved. not offering; envious, hard, cruel, unfriendly; an epithet of evil spirits, who strive to disturb the happiness of man; an enemy. ## 1. %%, m. = the preceding; N. of an Asura; (%%), m. f. (?) a weapon. ## 2. %% (rt. %<>%), Ved. moving. ## %%, ind. a vocative particle, expressing haste. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to work with an awl; to try, put to the proof (?). ## %%, or %%, m. a plant, Bignonia Indica. ## %% (rt. %%), noiseless. ## %%, n. (fr. %%, 'like', and %%, q. v., for %%), a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphaea Nelumbo; (%%), m. the Indian crane; copper. ## %%, n. copper. ## %%, m. Viu, from whose navel sprung the lotus that bore Brahm at the creation. ## %%, m., N. of Brahm, 'sitting on a lotus.' ## %%, f. an assemblage of lotus flowers. ## %%, Ved. having no ropes or reins. ## %%, sapless, tasteless; weak, effectless, having no strength; dull, flat; insipid; (%%), m. no juice, absence of juice. ## %%, m. the eating of sapless food; maceration of the body. ## %%, eating sapless food; macerating the body. ## %%, devoid of taste, unfeeling, dull; insipid, flavourless. ## %%, n. absence of secrecy. ## %%, nom. A. %<-yate, -yitum>%, to become public. ## %%, not deprived of, possessed of, having. ## %%, or %%, unimpassioned, cool. ## %%, having no king or governor, anarchical. ## %%, m., Ved. not a king. @<[Page 0081-b]>@ ## %%, not fit for the enjoyment or use of a king. ## %%, not allowed or licensed by government. ## %%, Ved. having no splendor; unchecked, uncontrolled. ## %%, f., Ved., N. or epithet of the plant Ajag. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), Ved. the nonoffering (of sacrifice); stinginess, hardness, disfavour, severity; malignity, malevolence; failure; adversity; malignity personified; particular evil spirits, who frustrate the good intentions and disturb the happiness of man; (%%), m. an enemy; the number 'six.' ## %%, or %%, or %%, Ved. destroying enemies or adversity. ## %%, m. defeat of a foe. ## %% or %%, nom. P., Ved. %<-yati, -yi-tum>%, to desire not to offer; to act like an enemy. ## %%, Ved. envious, unfriendly, not offering; behaving like an enemy, striving to cause adversity. ## %%, Ved. not in the habit of offering. ## %%, m., Ved. not offering, not giving; unfriendly, malicious. ## %%, f., Ved. transgression, sin, envy. ## %%, Ved. too poor to perform sacrifices, not making oblations, unkind, hard, stringy, selfish. ## %%, m., Ved. too poor to make oblations, obstructing a sacrifice; niggard, stingy; %<(as, ,)>% m. f. any evil spirit. ## %%, Ved. overpowering malignant spirits; (%%), n. destruction of malignant spirits. ## %%, Ved. detroying evil spirits; (%%), n. destruction of evil spirits. ## %% (connected with %%, fr. rt. %<>%; Intens. for %%), crooked, curved; spreading like the spoke of a wheel; (%%), m. a bent or crooked arm; the resin of the plant Shorea Robusta; an elephant in rut; (%<>%), f. a disloyal or unchaste woman; a modest woman. ## %%, whose eyelashes are curved. ## %%, Ved. not offering, envious, inimical, odious; an epithet of evil spirits. ## %%, n., Ved. loss of royal power or of a kingdom. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %<>%), Ved. going, moving; reaching, obtaining, making an effort to get; aspiring after; desiring, sacrificing, devoted to; (%%), m. the wind; a lord, a master; a pious man. ## %%, m., Ved. praised by devoted men or by worshippers; (according to others) ready for the destruction of enemies. ## %%, Ved. willingly yielding milk (as a cow); (according to others) to be held by lords only, very precious. ## %%, Ved. praised with zeal. ## 2. %%, m. (rt. %%; but by some written %%, and identified with 1. %%), Ved. ungenerous, malicious; not worshipping; inimical, hostile; an enemy; a species of Khadira or Mimosa; N. of the numeral 'six;' N. of a condition in astronomy. ## %%, m. tamer of enemies. ## %%, n. family of an enemy. ## %%, m., N. of a son of vaphalka. ## %%, m. a destroyer of enemies. ## %%, n. or %%, f. a plot directed against an enemy, administration of foreign affairs. ## %%, f. or %%, n. enmity. ## %<1. ari-tra, as, , am>%, protecting from enemies (for 2. see next col.). ## %%, m. enemy-subdued; N. of a man. ## %%, gratifying an enemy, affording triumph to an enemy; an enemy's joy. ## %%, m. an invasion made by enemies. ## %%, praised even by enemies. ## %%, conquering, victorious; (%%), m. a conqueror of enemies; N. of a man; N. of a Muni. ## %%, n. an enemy's town or country. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, foe-trampling, enemy-destroying; (%%), m., N. of a son of vaphalka. ## %%, m. an ally or friend of an enemy. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Kuru, or of vaphalka. ## %%, m. a fetid Mimosa, Vachellia Farnesiana; N. of a country. ## %%, m., N. of an insect. ## %%, n. an enemy's country. ## %%, m. a hostile tribe or an enemy's country. ## %%, n. consternation, defeat. ## %% or %%, m. destroyer of foes. ## %%, m. a son of Avcna, a son of Devtithi. ## %%, not empty. ## %%, not entitled to a share of property, not an heir. ## %% = the preceding. ## %%, m. a cock. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %<>%), Ved. a rower; a helmsman [cf. Gr. [greek] &c.; Lat. ratis, remex, &c.]. ## 2. %%, Ved. propelling, driving; (%%), n. an oar; a rudder, helm; a ship, a boat; a part of a carriage; a Soma vessel; (%%), m. a Soma vessel; N. of a person. [For 1. see under 2. %%; also cf. Lat. aratrum.] ## %%, oar-deep, shallow. ## %%, Ved. passing over by means of oars. ## %%, n. a wheel, a discus. ## %%, m. the father of Nala. ## %%, Ved. spotless, clean, clear; faultless, blameless. ## %%, not changed to %%, said of Visarga. ## %%, without the letter %%. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not hurting, defending from injury. ## %%, Ved. not being hurt. ## %%, unhurt; unharmed; perfect; secure, safe; (%%), m. a heron; a crow; N. of several plants, the soap-berry tree, Sapindus Detergens Roxb.; Azadirachta Indica; garlic; a distilled mixture; N. of an Asura, son of Bali, slain by Ka (Viu); N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata; (%<>%), f. a bandage; a medical plant; N. of a daughter of Daksha and one of the wives of Kayapa; (%%), n. bad or ill-luck, misfortune; a natural phenomenon boding misfortune; sign or symptom of approaching death; good fortune, happiness; buttermilk; vinous spirit; a woman's apartment, the lying-in chamber. ## %%, m., N. of a king of the Andhra dynasty. ## %%, Ved. having a secure residence. ## %%, Ved. whose cattle are unhurt. ## %%, n. a lying-in chamber. ## %%, m., Ved. whose troop is complete in number (said of the Maruts). ## %%, f., Ved. safeness, security; (%%), auspicious, making fortunate or happy. ## %%, apprehensive of death, alarmed at its approach. ## %%, Ved. the felly of whose wheel is unhurt; an epithet of Trkya; the twenty-second of the twenty-four Jaina Trthakras of the present Avasarpi. ## %%, n., N. of a town. ## %%, m., Ved. yioelding security. ## %%, m. Viu (iva?) as killer of the Asura. ## %%, m., Ved. whose carriage is unhurt. ## %%, m., Ved. whose heroes are unhurt. ## %%, f. a lying-in couch. ## %%, m. or %%, m. Viu as killer of the Asura. ## %%, n., N. of a town. ## %%, Ved. whose vital power is unhurt. @<[Page 0082-a]>@ ## %%, m. the same as %%, m. above. ## %%, f., Ved. safeness, security. ## %%, Ved. not being hurt. ## %% (for %%, rt. %%), Ved. not licked. ## %%, m. the sun; N. of a plant. ## %%, f. scab on the head. ## %%, Ved. having no light, lightless. ## %%, f. aversion, dislike; want of appetite, disrelish, disgust. ## %%, disagreeable, disgusting. ## %%, disagreeable. ## %%, not breaking, not suppurating, not festering; free from disease, sound, healthy. ## %%, not broken, not diseased. ## %%, not breaking; not suppurating; sound; (%%), m., N. of a plant, Cassia Fistula; N. of a Dnava. ## %% or %<, am>% (said to be fr. rt. %<>%), reddish-brown, tawny, red; ruddy; the colour of the morning opposed to the darkness of night; perplexed; dumb; (%%), m. red colour, the colour of the dawn; dawn; the dawn personified as the charioteer of the sun; the sun; a kind of leprosy, with red spots and insensibility of the skin; a little poisonous animal; N. of a plant, Rottleria Tinctoria; molasses; N. of several persons; (%<>%), f., N. of several plants; a plant Betula; madder, Rubia Manjith; another plant, commonly Teori; a black kind of the same; Colocynth or bitter apple; the plant that yields the red and black berry used for the jewellers' weight, called Retti; N. of a river; (%<>%), f. a red cow; the dawn; (%%), n. red colour; gold. ## %%, n. the red lotus. ## %% m. an epithet of iva. ## %%, f. red colour. ## %%, m., N. of an author. ## %%, f. reddish fennel. ## %%, f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, Ved. having a red shape. ## %%, Ved. reddish-yellow. ## %%, Ved. furnished with red (rays of light), an epithet of the dawn. ## %%, red-eyed; (%%), m. a pigeon. ## %%, m. whose charioteer is Arua; epithet of the sun. ## %%, m. Garua, the bird of Viu. ## %%, m., N. of Jayu, a fabulous bird, said by some to be the son of Arua, but more generally of Garua. ## %%, m. the sun. ## %%, m. the younger brother of Arua, a N. of Garua. ## %%, m., Ved. driving with red horses, an epithet of the Maruts. ## %%, red-eyed. ## %%, m. n., N. of a lake. ## %%, m. break of day, dawn, the period preceding sunset. ## %%, m. a ruby. ## %%, reddened, dyed red, impurpled. ## %%, m. redness, ruddiness. ## %%, reddened, turned or become red. ## %% or %%, m. the twenty-fifth Upaniad of the Atharva-veda. ## %%, Ved. whose cheeks or jaws cannot be broken. ## %%, (rt. %%), not obstructed, not hindered. ## %%, inflicting wounds, causing torments; sharp, corrosive; acrimonious, sour (as disposition). ## %%, n. infliction of pain; acrimoniousness, causticity. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), a medicinal climbing plant; the wife of Vasiha; the wife of Dharma; the morning star, personified as the wife of Vasiha or of the seven is; also one of the Pleiades. At marriage ceremonies Arundhat is invoked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bridegroom. ## %%, or %%, m. Vasiha, one of the seven is or saints, and stars in the great bear. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of certain miserly evil spirits (as the Pais, &c.). ## %%, m. (%%), Ved. striking the red (clouds), an epithet of Indra. ## %%, not angry, goodtempered. ## %%, not angry, calm. ## %% (said to be fr. rt. %<>% and connected with %%), Ved. red, reddish; the colour of Agni and his horses; (%%), m. the red horse of Agni, flame; the sun, the day; the red storm-cloud; (%<>%), f. the dawn; a red horse; flame; N. of the wife of Bhgu and the mother of Aurva. ## %%, Ved. having brilliant masses of flame. ## %% or %%, nom. P. %% or %%, to go. ## %% (fr. rt. %<>%), wounded, sore; (%%), n. a sore or wounded; ind. a joint. ## %%, causing wounds, wounding; (%%), m. the plant Semecarpus Anacardium; the nut of this tree. ## %%, wounded. ## %%, n., Ved. a kind of medical preparation for wounds. ## %%, m., N. of a tree, Semecarpus Anacardium. ## %%, f. eruptions on the scalp with acute pain (?). ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to wound. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, Ved. soft. ## %%, f., Ved. softness. ## %%, Ved. soft, supple. ## %%, Ved. soft, tender. ## %%, formless, shapeless; ugly, ill-formed; dissimilar, unlike. ## %%, f. shapelessness, ugliness; disimilarity. ## %%, shapeless, ugly. ## %%, without figure or metaphor, not figurative, literal. ## %%, shapeless. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %<>%), the sun, a kind of snake. ## %%, ind. interjection of calling. ## %%, Ved. not dusty, not touching the dust (of the earth); (%%), n. what is not dusty, the ether. ## %%, or %%, seedless, not receiving seed. ## %%, Ved. spotless, clear, clean, shining. ## %%, ind. interjection of calling to inferiors or of calling angrily. ## %% (rt. %%), darkened, obscured, dimmed. ## %%, or %%, having black or discoloured teeth, having bad teeth. ## %%, free from disease, healthy, well; (%%), m. health. ## %%, Ved. not rendering sick, freeing from disease. ## %%, or %%, healthy. ## %% or %%, f. healthines, health. @<[Page 0082-c]>@ ## %% (rt. %%), not shining; causing want of apprtite or disgust; (%%), m. want or loss of appetite, disgust, indigestion. ## %%, suffering from want of appetite or indigestion. ## %%, not shining. ## %%, dark, disagreeable, ugly. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), not weeping. ## %% (rt. %%), not to be hindered or obstructed, unobstructed. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), not planting or fixing. ## %%, m. calmness, gentleness. ## %%, not formidable or fierce. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %%, to heat or warm; to praise. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a ray, flash of lightning; the sun; fire; crystal; copper; a N. of Indra; Sunday; membrum virile; N. of the plant Calotropis Gigantea; a religious ceremony; praise, hymn; praising; a singer; a learned man; an elder brother; food. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Polanisia Icosandra W. ## %%, n. 'the field of the sun', N. of a sacred place in Orissa. ## %%, f. 'the medical art of the sun', title of a work on medicine. ## %%, m. du. the two sons of Srya or the sun and Avin, and physicians of Svarga or heaven. ## %%, m. offspring of the sun, an epithet of Kara, Manu Vaivasvata, Manu Svari, and ani; (%<>%), f. an epithet of the rivers Yamun and Tapat. ## %%, n. brightness, &c. ## %%, f. a ray of light, the light of the sun. ## %%, n. a solar day. ## %%, m. a son of the sun; a N. of the planet Saturn; an epithet of Kara. ## %%, m., N. of an Asura. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Calotropis Gigantea; (%<>%), f. a kind of birth-wort, Aristolochia Indica; (%%), n. the leaf of the plant Calotropis Gigantea. ## %%, m. the plant Calotropis Gigantea; (%%), n. the leaf of this plant. ## %%, m., N. of the tree Melia Azadirachta Lin. ## %%, m. the child of the sun, i. e. Kara. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Gynandropsis Pentaphylla. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Kuumbin. ## %%, m. 'the revelation of the sun', title of a work on medicine and jurisprudence. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L. ## %%, or %%, m. a N. of Buddha kya-muni. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Polanisia Icosandra W. and A. ## %%, n. the disc of the sun. ## %%, f. a kind of birth-wort, Aristolochia Indica. ## %%, m. Revanta, the son of Srya. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, containing flashes of lightning. ## %%, m. a solar year. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Pentapetes Phoenicea Lin. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. the rule or law of the sun; i. e. levying taxes, subjecting the people to imposts, or drawing their wealth as imperceptibly as the sun evaporates water. ## %%, m., Ved. brilliancy of rays. ## %%, f., Ved. invention of hymns, poetical inspiration. ## %%, m. son of the sun, an epithet of Yama. ## %%, m. Airvata, the elephant of Indra. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Polanisia Icosandra W. ## %%, m. a digit or the twelfth part of the sun's disc. ## %%, m. heliotrope, girasol, crystal. ## %%, m. swallow wort. ## %%, m. the instant of conjunction of the sun and moon. ## %%, m. the sun-stone, a ruby. ## %%, Ved. shining; praising. @<[Page 0083-a]>@ ## %% or %%, belonging to %%. ## %%, m. f. (for %%), an impediment. ## %%, or %<, am>%, m. f. n. (said to be fr. rt. %%), a wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door or the cover of a vessel; a bar; a wave or billow. ## %%, f. a small door pin, a bolt. ## %%, fastened by a bolt or pin. ## %% or %%, belonging to a bolt or pin. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to be worth, to cost; to hurt ? [cf. Germ. arg, rgern; Old Germ. arg, ark, and with a inserted, arag, arak, miserly, wicked, impious; arg, evil]. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), worth, value, price; a respectful offering of various ingredients to a god or Brhman. ## %%, n. presentation of a respectful offering. ## %%, n. rate of price, proper price, the cheapness or dearness of commodities. ## %%, n. fixing the price of commodities, appraising, assize: it is the act of the king or ruler, in concert with the traders, and should be done once a week or once a fortnight. ## %%, worthy of or requiring a respectful offering, a superior. ## %%, n., N. of a town. ## %%, m. a N. of iva. ## %%, valuable; venerable; deserving a respectful oblation; (%%), n. a respectful oblation to gods or venerable men, of rice, drva-grass, flowers, &c., with water; or of water only in a small boatshaped vessel; a kind of honey. ## %%, ind. of true value. ## %%, n. ashes. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to shine; to praise; to honour or treat with respect, to worship; to salute: Caus. %%, to cause to shine; to praise; to honour; worship, salute: Desid. %%, to wish to honour: Ved. Pass. %%. ## %%, Ved. shining. See also %% below. ## %%, worshipping; (%%), m. a worshipper. ## %%, Ved. sounding, neighing, roaring. ## %%, Ved. to be praised. ## %%, Ved. whose smoke is shining. ## %%, praising, celebrating with praise; (%<>% or %%), f. n. worship, the homage paid to deities and to superiors. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of a i ('he who has a sounding carriage'). ## %%, to be worshipped, respectable, venerable, adorable. ## %%, f. worship, adoration; an image or idol destined to be worshipped. ## %%, worshipped. ## %%, n. false or feigned worship. ## %%, m. ray, flame (of fire or of the dawn, &c.). ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a Yaksha. ## %%, shining, blazing; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, Ved. blazing. ## %%, honoured, worshipped, respected, saluted; offered with reverence. ## %%, honouring. ## %%, m. a worshipper. ## %%, Ved. praising, honouring; shining (as a ray of light), radiating; (%<>%), m., N. of a man; a ray of light. ## %%, f. n. ray of light, flame; light, lustre; (%%), f., N. of the wife of Kva and mother of Dhmaketu. ## %%, brilliant, resplendent; (%%), m. fire, the god of fire; (%%), f. one of the ten earths with Buddhists. ## 1. %%, to be honoured or worshipped. ## 2. %%, ind. having honoured or worshipped. @<[Page 0083-b]>@ ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to procure; to acquire, reach, gain, earn: Caus. %%, to procure, acquire; to work or manufacture; to make or prepare. ## %%, procuring, acquiring; (%%), m., N. of several plants, Ocymum Gratissimum L., &c. ## %%, n. procuring; acquiring, gaining, earning; gathering. ## %%, acquired, gained, earned. ## 2. %% (a doubtful root, probably distinct from the last, and connected with %%, and %%), to shine, to be white (?). ## %%, or %<, am>%, white, clear, the colour of day; of silver; (%%), m. the white colour; a peacock; cutaneous disease; the tree Terminalia Arjuna W. and A.; a N. of Indra; N. of the third of the Pava princes, who was a son of Indra and Kunt; N. of a son of Ktavrya, who was slain by Paraurma; N. of a kya; N. of a country; the only son of his mother; (%<>%), f. a procuress, a bawd; cow; a kind of serpent; U wife of Aniruddha; N. of a river, more commonly called Bhud or Karatoy; (%% or %%), du. or pl., N. of the constellation Phalgun; (%%), n. silver; gold; slight inflammation of the conjunctiva or white of the eye; grass; (%%), m. pl. the descendants of Arjuna. ## %%, Ved. having a white appendage. ## %%, of a white colour, white. ## %%, ind. on the side or party of Arjuna. ## %%, m. having a white banner, an epithet of Hanumat. ## %%, f., N. of a plant and its fruits. ## %%, covered with Arjuna and Nimb trees. ## %%, m. the teak tree, Tectona Grandis L. ## %%, belonging to Arjuna; (%%), m. a worshipper of Arjuna. ## %%, overgrown with Arjuna plants. ## %% (fr. rt. %<>%), being in motion, agitated; foaming, effervescing; restless; (%%), m. a wave, flood, stream; the teak tree, Tectona Grandis L.; a letter; N. of a metre, comprising ten feet, and belonging to the class called Daaka; N. of a man; (%%), n. tumult or din of battle. ## %%, f., Ved. tumult of battle. ## %%, being agitated; foaming; restless; (%%), m. a wave, flood, stream; the foaming sea, high water; the ocean of air; N. of a metre; title of a work on jurisprudence. ## %%, sea-born, marine; %<(as, am)>%, m. n. cuttle fish. ## %%, m. a boat or ship. ## %%, m. an epithet of Varua, regent of the waters. ## %%, n. a boat or ship. ## %%, m. the extremity of the ocean. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, n. a wave, flood, stream; the sea, ocean; the ocean of air; river, water. ## %%, Ved. containing many waves. ## %%, m. a cloud; N. of the plant Cyperus Rotundus. ## %%, m. a shell. ## %%, Ved. including the waters. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Barleria caerulea Roxb. ## %% (rt. %%), blaming, reviling; (%%), n. censure, approach, abuse. ## %%, Ved. provoking, contentious, quarrelsome. ## %%, f. (a weakened form of %%, fr. rt. %<>% with %<>%), pain; the end of a bow. ## %%, f. an elder sister (in theatrical language), [cf. %% and %%]. ## %%, cl. 10. A. %%, Aor. %%, ep. cl. 1. A. %%, to strive to obtain, to desire, wish, request; to supplicate or entreat any one, to sue. ## %%, m. n., in g-veda generally n., but in later Sanskt only m. (said to be fr. rt. %<>%, but connected with rt. %%), object; purpose; cause, motive, reason; advantage, use, utility; thing; substance, wealth, property, opulence; affair, concern; request, suit, petition; asking, begging, want, need; sense, meaning, notion; manner, sort, kind; prohibition, prevention, abolition; price; N. of a son of Dharma. (%% in some of its first senses may govern an inst. case; e. g. %%, 'what concern have I with life?'). ## %%, or %<, am>%, producing or yielding advantage or wealth; useful; enriching. ## %%, n. a principal or main action. ## %%, m. du. utility and desire, wealth and pleasure; %<(as, , am>%), desirous of wealth. ## %%, n. a difficult matter. ## %%, causing profit, useful. ## %%, f. n. an action aiming at profit. ## %%, without an object, useless. ## %%, highly significant. ## %%, wasteful, extravagant. ## %%, significant, full of meaning; worth the money. ## %%, understanding the meaning of anything. ## %%, n. truth, the real object, nature or cause of anything; the true state of the case, the fact of the matter. ## %%, ind. towards a particular object; with reference to the meaning; in fact, really, truly; namely, that is to say; on account of, (at the end of a compound). ## %%, conferring advantage; profitable, useful, complaint, favuourable; liberal, minificent. ## %%, n. spoiling of another's property; unjust seizure of property, or a withholding of what is due; waste, prodigality, extravagance; finding fault with the meaning of a passage. ## %%, having its cause in wealth, contingent on affluence and respectability. ## %%, m. determination, decision. ## %%, m. the lord of riches; a king; an epithet of Kuvera; N. of a man. ## %%, intent on gaining wealth; parsimonious, niggardly. ## %%, m. application of wealth, as, to trade, usury, &c.; the profession of usury. ## %%, f. acquisition of wealth; attainment of an object. ## %%, m. that which binds together the sense; the text. ## %%, selfish. ## %%, m. indication of the real import. ## %%, entitled to a share in the division of property. ## %%, having high wages (as a servant). ## %%, m. distinction, difference of meaning. ## %%, f. n. property, money. ## %%, m. acquisition of wealth. ## %%, greedy of wealth, covetous, niggardly. ## %%, m. a little wealth. ## %%, m. desire of wealth, avarice. ## %%, wealthy, rich; significant, full of sense or meaning; (%%), m. a man; %<(-vat)>%, ind. according to a purpose. ## %%, n. significance, importance. ## %%, concerning the category of objects. ## %%, m. explanation of an affair, explanatory remark, exegesis; affirmation or narrative; declaration of purpose or object; speech or expression having a certain object; sentence; praise, eulogium. ## %%, n. comprehension of meaning, one of the six exercises of the undertanding. ## %%, sagacious, sensible, wise. ## %%, m. title of a Buddhist Stra work. ## %%, f. accumulation of wealth. ## %% n. deviation from truth, perversion or disguise of fact; prevarication. ## %%, m. expenditure. ## %%, liberal in giving and using. ## %%, prodigal. ## %%, n. institutes of the science of what is useful in life; science of polity or moral and political government. ## %%, n. purity, honesty in money matters. ## %%, n. accumulation of wealth; treasury. ## %%, m. accumulation of wealth; treasure. ## %%, m. acquisition of wealth; wealth, property. ## %%, m. connection of the sense with the word or sentence. ## %%, m. bringing any matter to a conclusion; N. of a minister of king Daaratha. ## %%, m. a considerable property. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Vitex Negundo L. ## %%, f. success. ## %%, inheriting or taking wealth. ## %%, unmeaning, nonsensical; poor, deprived of wealth; failing. ## %%, m. receipt or collection of property; income, acquisition of wealth. ## %%, m. office of treasurer, charge of money or property. ## %%, m. a treasurer, a paymaster. ## %%, n. another matter, a different or new circumstance, a new affair; a different meaning; opposite or antithetical meaning, difference of meaning or purport. ## %%, m. antithesis. ## %%, possessed of wealth, rich; significant. ## %%, f. an inference from circumstances; one of the five arguments of the Mmsakas; presumption, supposition. ## %%, one who solicits wealth, or endeavours to gain any object. ## %%, Ved. active, industrious; hasty. ## %%, desirous of wealth. ## %%, f. desire of wealth. ## %%, f. desire of wealth. ## %%, n. a simile in which the object of comparision, is stated without any particle of comparison, e. g. 'he is a dog.' ## %%, n. acquisition of wealth or property. ## %%, n. wealth, the glow or pride of wealth, the condition of being wealthy; (so, Anglice, 'a warm man'). ## %%, m. a treasure. ## %%, f. request, begging, asking, entreaty. ## %%, to be requested, asked, &c. ## %% or %%, ind. (generally at the end of compounds) on account of, in behalf of, for the sake of. ## %%, ind. according to the state of the case, according to the circumstances, as a matter of fact; in fact; that is to say. ## %%, nom. P. %%. See rt. %%. ## %%, ind. on account of, for the sake of. ## %%, m. a crier, a watchman, a minstrel, a servant, whose duty it is to announce, by song or music, fixed periods of the day, such as the hours of rising and going to rest. ## %%, asked, desired, requested; %<(am)>%, n. wish, desire, supplication, petition. ## %%, to be asked, requested. ## %%, one who seeks to effect or gain a purpose or object; one who asks or begs for anything (with inst.); desirous of (with inst.); supplicating or entreating any one (with gen.); a beggar, a petitioner, suitor; a plaintiff, a prosecutor; a servant; a follower, a companion or partizan. ## %%, f. the condition of a beggar, asking, wishing; begging. ## %%, n. the condition of a suppliant. ## %%, ind. with %%, to dispose of anything in favour of one who asks or begs for it. ## %%, (as last member of a compound) destined for; relating to. ## %%, ind. on account of; see %%. ## %%, to act on behalf of (?). ## %%, proper, fit; rich; to be asked or sought for; intelligent, wise; (%%), n. red chalk. ## %% cl. 1. P. %%, Ved. 3. pl. impv. %% and cl. 7. P. %%, to move; to be moved; to be scattered as dust; to dissolve; to go; to ask, beg; to torment, hurt, kill: Caus. %%, to make agitated or restless; to atir up, shake vehemently; to distort; to torment, distress; to strike, hurt, kill: Desid. %% [cf. Lat. ardeo]. @<[Page 0084-b]>@ ## %%, moving restlessly; disturbing, distressing; (%<>%), f. going; asking, begging, giving pain, killing; (%%), n. pain, trouble, excitement, disturbance. ## %%, m. sickness, disease; asking, begging; fire. ## %%, gone; asked, requested, begged; killed, injured, pained, afflicted; (%%), n. a disease, spasm of the jaw-bones; trimus, tetanus; or hemiplegia, i. e. paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face and neck. ## %%, having spasms of the jaw-bones. ## %%, being distressed. ## 1. %%, m. (said to be fr. rt. %%), Ved. side, part; place, region, country [cf. Lat. ordo, Germ. ort]. The accent is on the first syllable. ## 2. %%, half, halved, forming a half [cf. Osset. ardag]; %%, one part, the other part; (%%), m. n. the half; one part of two, a part, a party; half; a short syllable. The accent is on the last syllable. (%% may be compounded in a peculiar way with an ordinal, e. g. %%, containing (two and) the third (only) half, i. e. two and a half; %%, three and a half, &c.) ## %% or %%, m. an epithet of iva. ## %%, half-done, halfperformed. ## %%, m., N. of a Rudra. ## %%, f. half a crore, five millions. ## %%, m. a moiety of one's treasure. ## %%, m. half a league. ## %%, n. f. a measure, half a khr. ## %%, f., N. of the river Kver. ## %%, Ved. in the middle of the womb. ## %%, m. a necklace of twenty-four strings. ## %%, m. a hemisphere. ## %% or %%, m. half a cakravartin; N. of the nine black Vsudevas and the nine enemies of Viu. ## %%, m. half-moon; the semicircular marks on a peacock's tail; the semicircular scratch of the finger nail; an arrow, the head of which is like a half-moon; the hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw, as for the purpose of seizing or clutching abything; (%<>%), f., N. of the plant Convolvulus Torpethum; (%%), crescent-shaped, of a semilunar form. ## %%, or %%, half-moon-shaped, crescentshaped; (%%), m. or (%%), f. a meniscus. ## %%, f., N. of a climbing plant. ## %%, m. a short bodice. ## %%, f., N. of the river Kver. ## %%, f. half a body. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. a particular kind of musical instrument. ## %%, half-burnt. ## %%, m. half a day, midday; a day containing one half of a whole day, a day of twelve hours. ## %%, m., Ved. demi-god. ## %%, n. a knife or lancet with a single edge, the blade two inches long, the handle six. ## %%, m. a form of Viu. ## %%, m. one of the forms of iva (half male and half female). ## %%, n. half a boat. ## %%, f. midnight. ## %%, f. twenty-five. ## %%, n. a measure containing half a paa. ## %%, n. half-way; (%%), ind. midway. ## %%, having only half a foot. ## %%, m. a kind of pigeon. ## %%, n. a half-gallop, canter. ## %%, half-full. ## %%, m. half a watch, one hour and a half. ## %%, f., Ved. half the usual breadth. ## %%, m. a half; a part. ## %%, or %%, taking or sharing half. ## %%, taking or sharing half; (%%), m. a sharer, companion. ## %%, m. midday. ## %%, f. a kind of cake. ## %%, f. a variety of the Mgadh dialect. ## %% or %%, m. a necklace of twelve strings. ## %%, f. half a short syllable. ## %%, ind. half-way, midway. ## %%, m. half a month; %%, ind. every half month, or fortnight. ## %%, or %%, done or happening every half month; lasting half a month, or a fortnight. ## %%, m. f. a half-clenched hand. ## %%, m. half a watch, an hour and a half. ## %%, m. a warrior who fights on a car along with another. ## %%, m. midnight; a night containing half a whole day of twenty-four hours. ## %%, m. the time of midnight. ## %%, n. the equinox. ## %%, m. n. half a verse or hemistich. ## %%, ind. in every hemistich. ## %%, clothed or enveloped in half-garments. ## %%, m. the sound Visarga before %%, so called because its sign (%%) is the half of that of Visarga (%<>%). ## %%, n. a sidelook, a glance, a leer. ## %%, middle-aged. ## %%, m., N. of the followers of Kada ('arguing half-perishableness'). ## %%, m. the radius of a circle. ## %%, n. fifty; one hundred and fifty. ## %%, for %%, n. half a meal. ## %%, m. a kind of fish. ## %%, having a low voice. ## %% or %%, having only half left. ## %%, half-clouded. ## %%, m. half a loka. ## %%, having its crops half-grown. ## %%, m. a cultivator, a ploughman, who takes half the crop for his labour. ## %%, m. a necklace of sixty-four or of forty strings. ## %%, n. half a short syllable. ## %%, m. a half, the half. ## %%, sharing a half. ## %%, m. half the letter %%; another name for %%, q. v. ## %%, n. half the body. ## %%, m. half of a half, a quarter; half and half. ## %%, m. pain in half the head, hemicrania; (%%), n. dividing in equal parts. ## %%, having only one half left. ## %%, n. half a meal. ## %%, n. half a seat (it is considered a mark of high respect to make room for a guest on the same seat with one's self); greeting kindly or with respect; exemption from censure. ## %%, m. a halfmoon or crescent; the semicircular impression of a finger nail; an arrow with a crescent-shaped head; the hand expanded in a semicircular from like a claw. ## %%, m. iva, whose diadem is a half-moon. ## %%, that of which a half belongs to Indra. ## %%, half-uttered, said imperfectly or indistinctly. ## %%, f. speaking indistinctly or incompletely, broken or interrupted speech. ## %%, m. the rising of the half-moon. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), half-risen; (rt. %%), half-uttered. ## %%, reaching to the middle of the thighs; (%%), n. a short petticoat. ## %%, m. n. the same as %%. ## %%, m., N. of Rudra. ## %%, cl. 8. P., Ved. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to prefer, to favour. ## %%, measuring a half, relating to a half. ## %%, entitled to half or sharing a half. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), Ved. succeeding, prospering. ## %%, to be accomplished; to be obtained. ## %%, Caus. of rt. %<; arpayati, -yitum>%, to throw, cast; insert, fix; pierce, place in or upon; offer, deliver, consign, entrust, give back. ## %%, n. throwing, casting; inserting, fixing; piercing; placing in or upon; offering, delivering, consigning, entrusting; giving back. ## %%, to be delivered, to be placed. ## %%, delivered, consigned; placed in or upon. ## %%, extending or giving the hand; married. ## %%, m. the heart. ## %%, to be delivered, consignable. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to go, to go to or towards; to hurt or kill. ## %%, m. n. (said to be fr. the preceding rt.), a serpent; a serpent-like demon conquered by Indra; a long round mass; a swelling, a tumour, a polypus; a hundred millions; N. of a mountain in the west of India, commonly called Ab, a place of pilgrimage, especially of the Jainas; N. of a people; N. of a hell. ## %%, m., Ved. a serpent-like demon conquered by Indra. ## %%, afflicted with swelling or tumour. ## %% (said to be fr. rt. %<>%), little, small, unimportant; (%%), m. child, pupil [cf. Lat. orbus; Gr. [greek]]. ## %%, small, minute; weak, little; emaciated; young, childish; like, similar; (%%), m. a boy, a child, the young of any animal; a fool, an idiot. ## %%, Ved. youthful. ## %%, m. n. (said to be fr. rt. %<>%), a disease of the eyes. ## %%, narrow, thin; (%%), n. narrowness. ## %%, m. a measure of one droa. ## %% n. a disease of the eyes. ## %% (fr. rt. %<>%), attached to, true, devoted, dear; kind; excellent; (%%), m. a master, lord; an ryan; a man of the third tribe, a Vaiya; (%<>%), f. a woman of the third tribe, the wife of a Vaiya. ## %%, f., Ved. the mistress of an ryan. ## %%, f., Ved. wife of a true, legitimate husband. ## %%, m. a Vaiya of rank. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., Ved. a bosom friend, play-fellow, companion, especially a friend who asks a woman in marriage for another; N. of an ditya, who is commonly invoked together with Varua and Mitra; N. of the chief of the manes; the sun; the Asclepias plant. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f., N. of the twelfth lunar mansion. ## %%, Ved. intimate, very friendly; (%%), m. bosom friend, companion. ## %%, f. a multitude of women of the Vaiya tribe (?). ## %%, f. a mistress; a woman of the third or Vaiya tribe. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to hurt, kill. ## %%, (in comp.) hither, towards, near to. ## %%, m. one of the seven principal rays of the sun. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %%), ashes. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %<>%), going, running; epithet of a horse or its driver; a horse; one of the ten horses of the moon; epithet of Indra; a short span; (%%), f. a mare; a bawd, a procuress; %<(, at, at)>%, low, contemptible, inferior, vile. ## %%, whose nose is like that of a horse. ## %%, Ved. possessed of coursers, quick. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%; cf. %%), coming hitherward; turned towards, coming to meet any one; being on this side (as the bank of a river); being below or behind, turned down or downwards; following, subsequent. ## %%, ind. (with abl.) hitherward; on this side; from a certain point; before, after; on the lower side of, behind, downwards; (with loc.) within; near. ## %%, belonging to proximate time, modern. ## %%, f. modernness, posteriority of time. ## %%, n. the near bank of a river. ## %%, Ved. epithet of three days, during which a Soma sacrifice is performed. ## %%, N. of a creation of beings in which the current of nutriment tends downwards. ## %%, Ved. having the mouth hitherward. ## %%, Ved. offering riches. ## %%, ind., Ved. in the proximity of, near to. ## %%, turned towards; favouring; being on this side or below (with abl.); born afterwards, posterior, recent, modern; reverse, contrary. ## %%, f. or %%, n. state of being posterior, recent or contrary. ## %%, ind. (with abl.) on this ide of; thenceforward, thence onward; less than. ## %%, f., Ved. proximity [cf. %%]; being near. ## %%, m., Ved. N. of the Hot; N. of the Brahman of the gods. ## %%, m., N. of a tribe or people in the Mah-bhrata. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %<>%), damage, hurt; hemorrhoids, piles. ## %%, n. piles, hemorrhoids. ## %%, destroying the hermorrhoids; (%%), m., N. of the plant Amorphophallus Campanulatus Blume; one part of buttermilk with three parts of water; (%<>%), f., N. of the plant Curculigo Archioides Lin. ## %%, afflicted with hemorrhoids. ## %%, m. the hemorrhoids. ## %%, or %%, afflicted with hemorrhoids, having hemorrhoids. ## %%, m. the marking nut plant, Semecarpus Anacardium. ## %%, afflicted with hemorrhoids. ## %%, Ved. striving to hurt, malicious; (%%), m. fire. ## %%, afflicted with hemorrhoids. ## %% (fr. rt. %<>%), flowing, movable. ## %%, f., Ved. a pricking or piercing pain. ## %%, n. hemorrhoids. See %% above. ## %%, cl. 1. P., ep. A. %%, Ved. %%, to deserve, merit, be worthy; to have a claim to anything, to be entitled to (with acc.); to be allowed to do anything (with inf.); to be obliged or required to do anything (with acc.); to be worthy; to be worth; to counterbalance; to be able; (the 2nd pers. pres. of %% with an infinitive is often used as a softened form of imperative; e. g. %%, 'be pleased to give;' %%, 'deign to listen', for %%): Caus. %% (aor. %%, to honour: Desid. %% [cf. Gr. [greek]]. ## %%, meriting, deserving, worthy of, having a claim or being entitled to (with acc. or inf.); being required, obliged, or allowed (with inf.); becoming, proper, fit; worth (in money), costing; (%%), m. a N. of Indra; (%<>%), f. worship; %<(i)>%, Ved. n. pl. worship. ## %%, n. f. worship, adoration, honour, treating with veneration or respect; (%<>%), ind., Ved. according to what is due; according to one's means. ## %%, deserving, entitled to; able, allowed to; worthy; venerable, respectable; praised, celebrated; (%%), m. a Buddha; the highest rank in the Buddhist hierarchy; an Arhat or superior divinity with the Jainas. ## %%, most worthy, best, most venerable. @<[Page 0085-c]>@ ## %%, worthy; (%%), m. a Buddha; a Buddhist mendicant; N. of iva. ## %%, honoured, worshipped, saluted. ## %%, worthy; respectable; right, fit. ## %%, Ved. making enemies %<(arhari>%) cry aloud; (if formed by redupl. of %% with affix %%) exultant. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to adorn; to be competent or able; to prevent. See %%. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %%), the sting in the tail of a scropion; yellow orpiment. See %%. ## %%, m. n. (said to be fr. rt. %%), a curl, lock; (%%), m. a mad dog [cf. %%]; (%<>%), f. a girl from eight to ten years of age; N. of the capital of Kuvera, situated on a peak of the Himlaya inhanited also by iva. ## %%, n. the state of a curl or tress. ## %%, f. a young girl from eight to ten years old; N. of the Gag river; N. of a river that runs from the Himlaya mountains and falls into the Gag. ## %%, f. the capital of Kuvera. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Terminalia Tomentosa W. and A. ## %%, f. rows of curls. ## %%, m. or %%, m. a N. of Kuvera. ## %%, m. the end of a curl, a ringlet. ## %%, m. a N. of Kuvera. ## %%, ind., Ved. in vain, for nothing. ## %% or %%, m. (said to be for %%), the red resin of certain trees; or perhaps the cochineal or its red sap. ## %%, m. the Alakta juice [cf. the preceding]. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), a bad, inauspicious sign; %<(as, , am)>%, having no signs or marks; without characteristic, having no good marks, inauspicious, unfortunate. ## %%, unseen, unperceived, unobserved, unlooked for; uncharacterized, having no particular mark. ## %%, suddenly dead. ## %%, one who has approached unobserved. ## %% or %%, invisible; unmarked, not indicated; having no particular marks, insignificant in appearance; (%%), m., N. of a certain weapon. ## %%, moving invisibly. ## %%, disguised, incognito. ## %%, f. evil fortune, bad luck, distress, poverty. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Gurjara. ## %% or %%, m. a water-serpent, the black variety of the Cobra de Capello (Coluber Nga); (%<>%), f. a large poisonous leech; (etymology doubtful.) ## %% (rt. %%), not joined or connected. ## %%, speaking unconnectedly; stammering. ## %%, not light, heavy; not short, long; weighty; serious, solemn; intense, violent. ## %%, solemnly pledged or promised. ## %%, m. a rock. ## %%, m. intense heat. ## %%. See under %%, p. 86, col. 1. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), not surmounting, not transgressing, not passing over or beyond. ## %% or %%, insurmountable, impassable, not to be crossed; not to be transgressed, inviolable, venerable. ## %% or %%, f. impassableness, insurmountableness, inaccessibility; inviolability; respectability; authoritative or absolute rule; superiority. ## %%, m. a kind of bird. ## %%, f. inflammation of the eye, at the edge of the cornea. ## %%, shameless. ## %%, m. an earthen waterjar. See %%. ## %%, m. a kind of song. ## %%, not speaking. ## %% (rt. %%), unobtained. ## %%, friendless, without a patron. ## %%, disappointed in one's desire. ## %%, not gaining, &c. ## %%, unobtainable, unattainable. ## %%, ind. (said to be fr. rt. %%), enough, sufficient, adequate, equal to, competent, able. (%% may govern a dat., e. g. %%, sufficient for living; also a loc. or inf., e. g. %% or %%, able to conceive; also inst., e. g. %%, enough, i. e. away with fear! It may be used with the future tense, e. g. %%, he will be able to kill; or with an indecl. part., e. g. %%, enough of eating, i. e. do not eat more; %%, enough of consideration.) ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to prepare, make ready; to ornament, decorate; to prevent from, impede (with gen.). ## %%, n. preparation, the act of decorating, decoration; ornament. ## %%, fond of ornament; decorating, skilled in decorating; ornamented; (%%), m. an epithet of iva. ## %%, decorating, skilled in decoration, a decorator. ## %%, competent to any act, skilful, clever. ## %%, m. the act of decorating; ornament, decoration; a figure or rhetorical expression. ## %%, f. title of a commentary on Kuvalaynanda. ## %%, decorated, ornamented; (%%), f. title of the ninth Lambaka in the Kathsaritsgara; (%%), ind. like an ornament. ## %%, n. a manual or text-book of rhetoric. ## %%, n. gold used for ornaments. ## %%, m., N. of a kind of meditation in Buddhism. ## %%, unadorned. ## %%, m. ornament, decoration. ## %%, prepared, made ready; ornamented, adorned. ## %%, f. ornament; rhetorical ornament, figure or rhetorical expression. ## %%, f. adorning, ornamenting. ## %%, going after or following in due or proper manner. ## %%, sufficient for livelihood. ## %%, sufficient, adequate to. ## %%, able, sufficient, having power. ## %%, possessing sufficient wealth. ## %%, m. thick smoke, smoke enough. ## 1. %%, m. the interior of a hoiuse; woman's apartment. ## %%, able to keep cattle. ## %%, fit for a man, becoming a man; sufficient for a man. ## %%, m. strong enough, having sufficient power; an epithet of iva. ## %%, able, competent. ## 2. %%, not libidinous, chaste. @<[Page 0086-b]>@ ## %%, m. (etymology doubtful, though connected with %% above), the palm of the hand with the fingers extended; vomiting; N. of a Rkasa or evil spirit; (%<>%), f. a barrier, a line or anything not to be crossed; a sort of sensitive plant; N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, m. (rt. %%, to be dissolved, or to rest, cling to), non-dissolution, permanence; %<(as, , am)>%, houseless, homeless; vagrant. ## %%, m. (etymology doubtful), a mad dog or one rendered furious; a fabulous animal, like a hog with eight legs; N. of the plant Calatropis Gigantea Alba; N. of a prince. ## %%. See s. v. %<>%. ## %%, Ved. eager to bestow, ready to grant gifts, one whose gifts are granted quickly. ## %%, Ved. becoming active or lively. ## %%, ind. a word of no import occuring in the dialect or gibberish of the Picas, a class of imps or goblins, introduced in plays, &c. ## %% or %%, n. a basin for water at the root of a tree. ## %% (rt. %%, to shine), not shining. ## %% (rt. %%, to labour), inactive, without energy, lazy, idle, indolent, tired, faint; (%%), m. sore or ulcer between the toes; N. of a small poisonous animal; N. of a plant; (%<>%), f., N. of the climbing plant Vitis Pedata Wall. ## %%, f. or %%, n. idleness. ## %%, f. a woman with languishing looks. ## %%, indolent; (%%), m. tympanitis, flatulence, intumescence of the abdomen, with constipation and wind. ## %%, idle, lazy. ## %%, m., N. of a small noxious insect or other animal. ## %%, n. a fire-brand, coal. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. not granting anything; a cloud. ## %% or %<, s>%, f. (fr. %%, 'not', and %%, 'to sink?'), the bottle-gourd, Lagernaria Vulgaris Ser; (%%), m. n. a vessel made of the preceding. ## %%, n. a jar made of the bottle-gourd. ## %%, made of a bottle-gourd. ## %%, n. the down of the bottle-gourd. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), nonacquirement; loss. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. epithet of Indra or N. of a man; an assailant. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %<>%), a door. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. %%, saliva), inflammation and abscess at the root of the tongue. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a crow; the Indian cuckoo; a scorpion; a large black bee; spirituous liquor. ## %%, n. a flight or number of bees. ## %%, m. the water plant Trapa Bispinosa. ## %% or %%, f. the uvula or soft palate. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, f., N. of a shrub. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Tragia Involucrata Lin. ## %%, n. the red lotus, Nymphaea Rubra; (%<>%), f. the teumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens. ## %%, f. a flight of bees. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Premna Spinosa. ## %%, m. or %%, n. song or hum of the bee. ## %%, m. a scorpion; a large black bee. ## %%, f. a swarm of bees. ## %%, m., Ved. a kind of demon. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), the forehead. ## %%, m., Ved. a kind of carrion bird. ## %%, m. a snake. See %%. ## %%, n. absence of marks; %<(as, , am)>%, having no marks; (in gram.) having no gender. ## %%, an impostor, a pretended ascetic or student, one wearing the usual frontal marks, skin, staff, &c., without belonging to a religious order. ## %%, m. a small earthen water-jar. ## %%, m., Ved. N. of a tribe (?). ## %% or %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a terrace before a house-door; (%%), pl., N. of a people. ## %%, m. a dog; the Indian cuckoo; a bee. ## %%, f. (Desid. of rt. %%), freedom from desire or cupidity. ## %% or %% or %%, m. the Indian cuckoo; a frog; a bee; N. of the plant Bassia Latifolia; the filaments of the lotus. ## %% (said to be fr. rt. %%, 'to adorn', i. e. dress out in false colour; perhaps fr. %%, 'not', and %%, but the latter does not occur), unpleasing, disagreeable; untrue, false; small, little; (%%), n. anything displeasing; falsehood, untruth; the forehead; heaven. ## %%, f. falsehood, vanity. ## %%, m. a kind of dish resembling the taste of fish ('mock-fish'), made of the flour of a sort of bean fried with Seamum oil. ## %%, m., N. of a Brhman. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to be deceived. ## %%, disagreeable; false, deceiving. ## %%, belonging to falsehood, false. ## %%, m. a snake. See %%. ## %%, f. a small water-pot. See %%. ## %% (rt. %%), not cut off, undiminished. ## %%, of undiminished glory. ## %%, or %% (rt. %%), Ved. moderate, content, not covetous. ## %%, n. freedom from covetousness, moderation, contentment. ## %%, m. non-confusion; right process (?); absence of cupidity, moderation. ## %%, not wanting or desiring anything. ## %%, soft. See %%. ## %% (rt. %%), uncut, unshorn. ## %% or %%, ind. unmeaning words in the dialect of the demons or Picas, introduced in plays, &c. ## %%, stainless. ## %%, not little, much, large; (%%), ind. not at all. ## %%, firm, steady. @<[Page 0087-a]>@ ## %%, m. (rt. %%), not the world; the end of the world; the immaterial or spiritual world; not the people; (%%), not having space, finding no place. ## %%, n. invisibility, disappearance. ## %%, invisible, imperceptible. ## %%, unseen. ## %%, unusual, unallowed. ## %%, f. unfitness for heaven. ## %%, not current in the world, not relating to this world, uncommon, supernatural; (in gram.) not current in the usual language; unusual, rare; theoritical; Vedic (as opposed to the later usage of a word). ## %%, n. rare occurence of a word. ## %%, Ved. not defective in a single limb. ## %%, not causing erection of the hair of the body (from joy). ## %%, unagitated, firm, steady, tranquil; (%<>%), f., N. of a metre containing four lines, each of fourteen syllables. See %%. ## %%, indifferent to sensual objects. ## %%, n. indifference to sensual objects. ## %%, free from desire; not greedy or covtous, apathetic. ## %%, m., N. of a person? (Gaa to Pini IV. 2, 97). ## %%, bloodless, %<(am)>%, n. Nymphaea Rubra. ## %%. See above. ## %%, m. (a doubtful word), a tree; a member of the body. ## %% (fr. rt. %%) perhaps connected with %%), small, minute, trifling; little; seldom, rare; of short existence. %%, ind. little; %%, ind. without much trouble, easily; %%, ind. easily [cf. Lith. alpstu, ap-alpstu, 'to faint']. ## %%, n. small matter. ## %%, f., N. of a plant; or perhaps the root of sweet flag. ## %%, bought for little money, cheap. ## %%, n. the red lotus. ## %%, inert. ## %%, scantily clad. ## %%, knowing little, ignorant, shallow, superficial. ## %%, small-bodied; short, thin. ## %%, f. or %%, n. smallness, minuteness; inferiority, insignificance. ## %%, defective in presents (as a ceremony). ## %%, of confined views, narrow-minded. ## %%, of little wealth, not affluent. ## %%, weak-minded, having little sense, foolish. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, a species of the Tulasi. ## %%, n. the red lotus. ## %%, having a small train or retinue. ## %%, Ved. having a small number of cattle. ## %%, whose religious merits are small. ## %%, having few descendants or few subjects. ## %%, of little weight or consequence, insignificant. ## %%, n. insignificance. ## %% or %%, of little weight or measure; of little authority, resting on little evidence; (%%), m. common cucumber, Cucumis Sativus. ## %%, of rare application or use. ## %%, m. (in gram.) slight breathing or weak aspiration; the effort in uttering the vowels, the semivowels %%, the consonants %%, and the nasals, is said to be accompanied with slight aspiration, but practically %% is here equivalent to unaspirated, as opposed to %%, q. v.; (%%), having little or short breath, asthmatic. ## %%, of little strength, feeble. ## %%, causing little annoyance or inconvenience. ## %%, weak-minded, unwise, ignorant, silly. ## %%, having little fortune. ## %%, speaking little, taciturn. ## %%, thin-waisted. ## %%, n. a little, a little merely; a short time, a few moments. ## %%, m. a kind of amaranth, Amaranthus Polygamus. ## %%, small-bodied, diminutive; (%%), f. a small figure or object. ## %%, of small value. ## %%, of little understanding, ignorant, silly. ## %%, cooking little, stingy. ## %%, young in age. ## %%, speaking little, taciturn. ## %%, ignorant, ill-taught, uneducated. ## %%, of limited range or capacity, engaged in trifling matters. ## %%, f., N. of a metre. ## %%, of little strength, weak, feeble. ## %%, ind. in a low degree, a little; separately; seldom, now and then. ## %%, n. a basin, a small pond, one which is shallow or dry in the hot season. ## %%, having few sinews. ## %%, desiring little, contented or satisfied with little. ## %%, Ved. covered with minute spots. ## %%, short-lived; young, of few years; (%%), m. a goat. ## %%, m. a gradual beginning. ## %%, very little, minute; little by little. ## %%, m. the taking little food; moderation, abstinence; %<(as, , am)>%, abstinent. ## %%, eating little, moderate, abstemious. ## %%, moderate in wishes, seeking little. ## %%, large, lit. other than small. ## %%, named after an insignificant chief or master, of low origin. ## %%, slightly defective, not quite complete or not finished. ## %%, m. small means. ## %%, small, minute, trifling; (%%), ind. little; (%%), m., N. of a plant, Hedysarum Alhagi. ## %%, diminished. ## %%, least, smallest, very small. ## %%, of little note. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to make small. ## %%, made small; comminuted; reduced in number. ## %%, become small; diminished, reduced in number. ## %%, smaller, less, very small. ## %%, f. a mother; voc. %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to be glad, to enjoy one's self, to satisfy one's self with (with loc.); to do good to any one; to satisfy, to fill; to like, wish, desire, love; to be pleased with, to bestow great care upon; to favour, promote, animate; to help, guard, defend, protect. (The following meanings are doubtful); to move; to know or apprehend; to enter; to be near; to have a right; to obey; to shine; to embrace; to kill or hurt; to take; to be; to grow, to burn, to divide: Caus. P. %%, to consume, devour [cf. Lat. aveo; Gr. [greek]]. ## 1. %%, Ved. desiring, loving. ## %%, &c. See s.v. ## 2. %% or sometimes %%, ind. (as a prefix to verbs and nouns expresses) off, away, down; implying sometimes depreciation, disrepect, diminution, &c. (As a separable adverb or preposition with abl.) away, off, away from or down [cf. the Zend pron. ava, to which corresponds the Slav. ovo, ova, 'this, that:' cf. also the syllable [greek] in [greek] Lat. au-t, au-tem, &c.]. @<[Page 0087-c]>@ ## %%, opposite, contrary; backwards, downwards; (%%), n. opposition, contrariety, reverse. ## %%, f. dissimulation. ## %%, opposite, contrary; backwards, downwards; (%%), n. reverse, contrariety. ## %%, f. dissimulation. ## %%, m. a low or despised family; (%%), n., Ved. that which has no beams or support, the ether. ## See above. ## %%, Seen, observed; wicked, perverse (?). ## %%, f. a grassy plant growing in marshy land, Blyxa Octandra Rich; otherwise called aivla. ## %%, Ved. eating the plant Blyxa Oct. R. ## %%, covered or surrounded with Avak plants. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. A. %<-kate, -k-yate, -itum>%, to be visible, to be manifest: Caus. P. %<-kayati, -yitum>%, to cause to look at: Intens. part. %<-ckaat, at, at, at>%, shining; seeing. ## %%, m. a glance cast on anything; N. of certain verses, during the recitation of which the eyes must be fixed on certain objects; place, space, open or wide space, room, occasion, opportunity; interval, aperture; intermediate time; %% or %%, to make room, to give way, to admit; %%, to get a footing; to obtain a favourable opportunity; to find scope, happen, take place; %%, not to give way; to hinder, impede. ## %%, spacious. ## %%, admitted in the recitation of the Avaka verses. ## %%, n. bending, curving, flexure, contraction. ## %%, vexed, inflamed; cut off. ## %%, n. investing, surrounding; attracting. ## %%, invested, surrounded, attracted. ## %%, cl. 10. P. A. %<-kutsayati, -te, -yitum>%, to blame, revile, contemn. ## %%, reviled, despised; (%%), n. blame, censure. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-kuti, -koi-tum>%, to draw or rub downwards; to prove (?); to display (?). ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-klayati, -yi-tum>%, to singe, burn. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kntati, -karti-tum>%, to cut off or away: Caus. P. %<-kartayati, -yitum>%, to cause to cut off. ## %%, m. a part cut off, a strip. ## %%, n. cutting off, excision. ## %%, cutting off, cutting out. ## %%, Caus. %<-karayati, -yitum>%, to emaciate, make lean or meagre or mean-looking; to deform. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-karati, -karum, -kraum>%, to draw off or away, to pull off or out, to extract, to take off; to drag down. ## %%, n. taking or pulling out, off or down, extraction; expulsion. ## %%, drawn away or down, sent away, removed, dropped; expelled, turned out; dragged down; being below; inferior, low; degraded, outcast; (%%), m. a servent who performs the lowest office, a sweeper, a waterman, &c. ## %%, ind. having drawn away or down. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum, -rtum>%, to pour out or down, to spread, to scatter; to shake off, throw off, leave; to bestrew, pour upon, cover with, fill: A. %<-kirate>%, to extend; to fall asunder; to pass away, fall off, become faithless. ## %%, m. dust or sweepings. ## %%, thrown off, left; scattered, disregarded, violated, coarsely pounded. ## %%, violating a vow or engagement of chastity, continence, temperance, &c.; (%<>%), m. a religious student who has committed an act of incontinency. ## %%, n. penance for an act of incontinency. ## %%, being scattered or strewed. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kalpate, -pitum, -ptum>%, to correspond with, to answer; to be right; to be fit; to help to, to serve: Caus. %<-kalpayati, -yitum>%, to put in order; to prepare, make ready; to employ becomingly; to consider as possible: Desid. of Caus. %<-cikalpayiati>%, to wish to prepare or to make ready. ## %%, corresponding with, right, fit. ## %%, f. considering as possible; possibility, suitableness. ## %%, Ved. having the hair hanging down. ## %%, unfruitful, barren; (%<>%), m. a tree without fruit. ## %%, called down to by the koil (singing in a tree above?). ## %%. See s. v. %%. ## %% (rt. %%), not to be said, improper; indescribable. ## %%, having no mouth (as a vessel). ## %%, not crooked, straight, upright, honest. ## %% (rt. %% connected with %%), Ved. dashing down, overcoming. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-krandati, -te, -ditum>%, or Caus. P. %<-krandayati, -yitum>%, to cry out, roar. ## %%, m., Ved. roaring, neighing. ## %%, n. crying out, weeping aloud. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. P. %<-krmati, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to step down or away, run away, escape; to tread down, overcome; to descend: Caus. P. %<-kramayati, -yitum>%, to cause to go down. ## %%, f. descending, descent; appraoch. ## %%, Ved. running away, escaping. ## %%, f. neglect, omission, non-performance of prescribed acts. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-krti, -te, -kretum>%, to purchase; to let out to hire; to bribe. ## %%, m. letting out to hire; rent; revenue; price. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-krati, -te, -itum>%, to play (?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kroati, -kro-um>%, to call down to; to revile. ## %%, sounded ill or badly; reviled, abused. ## %%, m. a discordant noise; a curse, an imprecation; abuse. ## %% Caus. P. %<-klamayati, -yitum>%, to bring water for washing; (this word, given by Westergaard, is doubtful.) ## %%, m. (rt. %%), trickling, descent of moisture; ichor, malignant or fetid discharge. @<[Page 0088-b]>@ ## %%, n. trickling, falling as dew or moisture. ## %%, m. a discordant or false note. ## %%, m. imperfect digestion or decoction. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-krayati, -yitum>%, to cause to flow down upon. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-klayati, -yitum>%, to wash by dipping in. ## %%, m., Ved. propitiatory offering, satisfaction of claims, compensation. ## %%, cl. 9. 5. 1. P. %<-kiti, -oti, -kayati, -ketum>%, to remove: Pass. %<-k-yate>%, to waste away. ## %%, m. destruction, waste, loss. ## %%, n. a means for extinguishing (a fire, &c.). ## %%, wasted, emaciated. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-kipati, -te, -keptum>%, to throw down; to cause to fly down or away; to hurl; to reprimand, revile any one; to grant, yield: Caus. P. %<-kepayati, -yitum>%, to cause to fall down. ## %%, thrown down, badly thrown; said sarcastically, imputed, insinuated; blamed, reviled. ## %%, m. blaming, reviling, scolding. ## %%, n. throwing down, overcoming; censure, blame; despising; %<()>%, f. rein, bridle. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-kauti, -kavi-tum>%, to sneeze upon. ## %%, sneezed upon. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kodati, -di-tum>%, to stamp or pound; to rub to pieces. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kyati, -k-tum>%, to burn down or to the end. ## %%, burnt down. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-kauti, -kavitum>%, to rub to pieces. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-khaayati, -yitum>%, to divide, annihilate, destroy. ## %%, n. dividing, destroying. ## %%, m., Ved. a bad or contemptible meal, eating to no purpose, an unworthy oblation. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-khyti, -khytum>%, to look down, perceive: Caus. P. %<-khy-payati, -yitum>%, to cause to look at. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-gaayati, -yi-tum>%, to disregard, disrepect, pay no attention; to despise. ## %%, n. contempt, disregard. ## %%, disregarded, despised. ## %%, separated from one's companions, isolated, alone. ## %%, m. a boil or pimple upon the face. ## %% (rt. %%, to go), bathing or bathed early in the morning. ## %% (rt. %%), unsaid, unuttered. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gan-tum>%, to go down, descend; to come to, visit; to go near, undertake; to reach, obtain; to hit upon, think of, conceive; to learn, understand, assure one's self, be convinced; to recognize, consider: Caus. P. %<-gamayati, -yitum>%, to bring near, procure; to cause to know, teach. ## %%, gone, gone away; obtained, conceived, known, learnt, understood, comprehended; assented, promised. ## %%, f. perception, knowledge, comprehension. ## %% or %%, to be known or understood, to be judged, intended to be understood, meant. ## %%, m. or %%, n. going near, descending, understanding, comprehension, intelligence; knowledge, getting acquainted with. ## %%, despised. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-galati, -litum>%, to fall down, slip down. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-galbhate, -bhitum>%, to be brave, valiant. ## %%, m. a small wooden bason for baling water out of a boat; (etym. doubtful.) ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghate, -ghi-tum, -ghum>%, to plunge into; to go deep into, to be absorbed in (with loc. or acc.). ## %%, immersed, bathed, plunged into; that in which one bathes; deepened, low; concealed, curdling (as blood). ## %%, bathing, plunging, diving. ## %%, m. plunging, bathing; a bucket (?). ## %%, n. immersion, plunging, diving, bathing. ## %%, bathed, immersed. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-guhayati, -yitum>%, to cover with; to draw over, conceal. ## %%, n. hiding, veiling, a veil; a peculiar joining of the fingers in certain religious ceremonies; sweeping. ## %%, covered with a veil. ## %%, f. a veil. ## %%, covered, concealed, veiled, screened. ## %%, having the face veiled. ## %%, pounded, ground, pulverulent. ## %%, cl. 6. A. %<-gurate, -ritum>%, to assail with threats, to attack, to raise a weapon for the purpose of striking a blow. ## %%, n. menacing, assaulting with intent to kill, asailing with weapons. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ghati, -te, ghitum, -gohum>%, to cover; to hide, conceal; to put into or inside; to embrace. ## %%, n. hiding, concealing, embracing. ## %%, cl. 6. A. %<-girate>% or %<-gilate, -garitum>% or %<-galitum, -gartum>% or %<-galtum>%, to swallow up. ## %%, swallowed up. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gyati, -gtum>%, to sing in a discordant tone, sing depreciatingly, satirize in song, reproach, revile. ## %%, sung in a discordant tone, sung badly; sung depreciatingly, satirized in song, destroyed by incantation; reproached, abused, censured; wicked, vile; seen frequently (%<= muhur-da>%), sung of frequently, well known, 'decantatus;' (%%), n. satire in song; reproach, blame, bad or discordant singing. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te>%, or Ved. %<-gbhti, -te, -grahtum>%, to let loose, to let go; to divide; (in gram.) to break off, separate, discontinue; to distinguish: Caus. P. %<-gr-hayati, -yitum>%, to knead, make dough. ## %%, obstructed, impeded, restrained. ## 1. %%, (in gram.) separable. ## 2. %%, ind. having separated, laying hold with the feet, leaning against with force or violence. @<[Page 0089-a]>@ ## %%, m. separation of the component parts of a compound, or of other grammatical forms, occurring in some Phas, e. g. in the Pada-text of the Vedas; the mark or the interval of such a separation; the syllable or letter after which the separation occurs; the chief member of a word so separated; obstacle, impediment, restraint; drought; nature, original temperament; a sort of knowledge, a false idea (?); an imprecation or term of abuse; an elephant's forehead; a herd of elephants; an iron hook with which elephants are driven. ## %%, n. obstacle, impediment, restraint, disrespect. ## %%, m. breaking off, discontinuing; obstacle, impediment, imprecation; drought; the forehead of an elephant. ## %%, ind. in breaking off or discontinuing. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghaate, -itum>%, cl. 10. P. %<-ghaayati, -yitum>%, to push or brush away or off; to touch, feel, rub; to stir up. ## %%, m. a hole in the ground, a cave, a cavern. ## %%, n. rubbing away or off. ## %%, n. pushing or rubbing together; rubbing off. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), striking, hurting, killing; a violent or fatal blow; threshing corn by bruising it with a wooden pestle in a mortar of the same material. ## %%, striking, killing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ghoati, -i-tum>%, to proclaim aloud; to convoke, send for, summon; to fill with cries or calmour. ## %%, proclaimed, summoned. ## %%, n. crying, proclaiming, denouncing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ghrati, -te, -itum>%, to whirl round, brandish, move to and fro. ## %%, m. a whirling round; a whirlpool. ## %%, n. rolling or whirling round. ## %%, whirled round. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-gharati, -te, -itum>%, to rub off, rub to pieces: Caus. %<-ghar-ayati, -yitum>%, to rub off, scratch off. ## %%, n. rubbing off, scrubbing. ## %%, rubbed off, scrubbed. ## %% (rt. %%, cf. rt. %% with %%), covered, concealed. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jighrati, -ghr-tum>%, to smell at, to touch with the mouth; to kiss: Caus. %<-ghrpayati, -yitum>%, to cause to smell at. ## %%, n. the act of smelling at. ## %%, smelled, smelled at; kissed. ## %%, lower. This word is connected with %% as %% is with %%, but only found in %%, q. v. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-cae, -ca-um>%, to look down upon, to perceive. ## %%, n. looking down upon? (Gaa to Pini VIII. 1. 27, 57). ## %%, n. absence of assertion, silence, taciturnity; (%%), not speaking, silent. ## %%, not doing what one is bid, disobedient. ## %%, not to be spoken, improper. ## %%, f. or %%, n. impropriety of speech. ## %%, or %<, am>%, silent, not speaking, taciturn. ## %%, n., Ved. the looking down of the moon. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-carati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-ritave>% or %<-vai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to move or come down; to go down towards: Caus. %<-crayati, -yitum>%, to cause to move or descend upon; to employ. ## %%, going or moving down or in or upon; (%%), m. place of descent, road, field of action. ## %%, n. employing, application, mode of proceeding. ## %%, to be cast down, to be given, to be put on or applied. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-ciketi, -cetum>%, to worship, honour, respect. ## 2. %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-cinoti, -nute, -cetum>%, to gather, pick off; to take off; to let down (one's cloak) behind, to open (one's cloak). ## %%, m. gathering, especially flowers, fruits, &c. ## %%, gathering, picking off. ## %%, gathered; filled, inhabited. ## %%, m. the pendent crest or streamer of a standard. See %%. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-crayati, -yitum>%, to sprinkle with meal, dust, &c.; to cover. ## %%, n. sprinkling with powder; pounding, reducing to powder. ## %%, n. sprinkled with powder; coarsely pounded, ground, crushed. ## %%, m. (fr. %% for %%), an ornament hanging downwards from the top of a banner, the top ornaments (such as streamers, peacocks' tails, &c.) of a standard hanging downward; a chowr. ## %%, m. a chowr or brush, formed of a cow's tail, peacock's feathers, &c., for fanning off flies. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-ctati, -carti-tum>%, to let loose. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-cch-dayati, -yitum>%, to cover over, overspread; to conceal, to obscure, leave in darkness. ## %%, m. a cover, covering. ## %%, covered over, overspread, filled. ## %%, ind. having covered over; having obscured. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-cchinatti, -cchinte, -cchettum>%, to cut off, detach, separate, to tear in pieces, break asunder; to excerpt, distinguish, discriminate; to interrupt. ## %%, cut off, separated, divided, detached, excerpted; broken; (in logic) predicated, i. e. separated from everything else by the properties predicated; bounded. ## %%, m. anything cut off; part, portion; separation, distinction; discrimination; distinguishing; boundary, limit; a predicate, the property of a thing by which it is distinguished from everything else. ## %%, m. generalising, removing distinctions. ## %%, separating, distinguishing, particularising, determining; bounding, separating one thing from another; peculiar; (%%), m. that which distinguishes, &c.; a predicate, characteristic, property; boundary, limit. ## %%, n. cutting off; separating, dividing; discriminating, distinguishing. ## %%, to be cut off, separated, &c. ## %% or %%, n. (fr. rt. %%, 'to split', with %%, 'that which splits one's sides?'), a horse-laugh. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-cchyati, -cchtum>%, to cut off or away, to flay, to skin, to reap. ## %%, cut off, flayed, emaciated by abstinence; reaped. ## %% (rt. %%), born, brought forth. @<[Page 0089-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to spoil (i. e. deprive by conquest), to win; recover; to ward off; conquer: Desid. %<-jigati>%, to wish to win or recover. ## %%, m. the act of overcoming, victory. ## %%, conquered; contemned, disregarded. ## %% (rt. %%), visited. ## 1. %%, cl. 9. P. %<-jnti, -jtum>%, to disesteem, have a low opinion of, despise, treat with contempt. ## 2. %%, f. or %%, n. contempt, disesteem, disrepect (with obj. in loc. or gen.). ## %%, treated with contempt, humiliated, degraded. ## %%, despised, disrespected. ## %%, contemptible, to be treated with disrespect, disreputable. ## %% (rt. %% for %%), Caus. %<-jyotayati, -yitum>%, to light up or bring a light to bear upon, to illumine. ## %%, ind. having lighted (a lamp.) ## %%, Caus. %<-jvlayati, -yitum>%, to set on fire. ## %%, m. (fr. 2. %%, q. v.), a hole, a vacuity; a hole in the ground, a chasm, a pit; any depressed part of the body, a cavity, a fosse, a sinus; a well; a juggler; N. of a man. ## %%, m. a tortoise in a hole (said of an inexperienced man, who has seen nothing of the world). ## %%, n. a particular hell. ## %%, m. a hole in the ground; a sinus; a hollow, a cavity. ## %%, flat-nosed. ## %%, m. f. the back or nape of the neck; a hole in the ground; a well; N. of a tree; (%%), n. a hole, a rent. ## %%, m. a hind curl, the hair on the back of the head. ## %%, Ved. being in a hole. ## %%, m., Ved. a well, a cistern. ## %% or %% or %% (?) or %%, m. a market, a mart. ## %%, n. (rt. %<>%), the flight of a bird, flying downwards. ## %%, Ved. not without a tail. ## %% or %%, m. n. (rt. %%), a garland; a ring-shaped ornament, ear-ring, crest. ## %%, having a garland or earring, crested. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), anything cut in pieces; chopped straw. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-tayati, -yitum>%, to strike downwards. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to stretch or extend downwards; to overspread, cover; to loosen, undo, especially a bowstring. ## %%, overspread, canopied, covered; loosened. ## %%, m., Ved. whose bow is unbent. ## %%, f. stretching, extending, ## %%, f. stretching, extending; unbending of a bow; cover; awning. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -taptum>%, to radiate heat (or light) downwards: Caus. %<-tpa-yati, -yitum>%, to irradiate; to heat; to illuminate. ## %%, heated. ## %%, n. an ichneumon's standing on hot ground (metaphorically said of the inconstancy of man). @<[Page 0090-a]>@ ## %%, a place where the sun strikes vertically down. ## %%, n. slight darkness, obscurity. ## %%, ind. (fr. %% with compar. affix), Ved. farther away, more distantly. ## %%, ind. below, in the lower world. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), soothing remedy. ## %%, cl. 7. P., Ved. %<-tatti, -tarditum>%, to chip off, sever; to silence. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tarati, -taritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to descend (especially as a deity in becoming incarnate); to alight; to betake one's self to; to make one's appearance; to undertake, overcome: Caus. %<-trayati, -yitum>%, to make or let one descend, to bring or fetch down; to pour down, take down, take off, remove; to bring down towards; to introduce, set a-going, render current; to descend (?). ## %%, n. descending, alighting; rushing along, sudden disappearance; crossing; translating. ## %%, f. the short prayer (e. g. %%) at the beginning of a work, which causes the divinity so addressed to descend from heaven. ## %%, to be descended. ## %%, m. descent (especially of a deity from heaven), the appearance of any deity upon earth, but more particularly the incarnations of Viu in ten principal forms, viz. the fish, tortoise, boar, man-lion, dwarf, the two Rmas, Ka, Buddha, and Kalki; any new and unexpected appearance; (any distinguished person in the language of respect is called an Avatr or incarnation of a deity); aiming at an object (with gen.); a landing-place, a Trtha or sacred place; a pond; translation, translating, crossing; %%, to gain one's aim or object with regard to anything (with gen.). ## %%, f. account of an Avatra; N. of a chapter in the work entitled 'akara-vijaya', supposed to have been composed by Anantnanda-giri. ## %%, n. title of a chapter of the work 'rdhvmnya-sahit.' ## %%, m. a prayer causing the descent of a deity. ## %%, f., N. of a controversial work by Purushottama. ## %%, making one's appearance; making a descent. ## %%, n. causing to descend; translation; worship, adoration; possesion by an evil spirit; the ends or border of a garment. ## %%, taken off or out, laid down or aside; descended; translated. ## %%, making one's appearance; making a descent. ## %%, ind. having caused to alight. ## %%, descended, alighted; crossed, passed over; translated. ## %%, freed from debt. ## %%, ind. having alighted or descended. ## %%, f. a woman or a cow miscarrying from accident. ## %%, n. (fr. %%, q. v.), Ved. a small well. ## See under %%. ## %% (rt. %%), terrified. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tveati, -tve-um>%, to glitter, shine; to move (?); to take (?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tsarati, -ritum>%, to fly away. ## %%, m., N. of a descendant of Kayapa. ## %%, not suitable for a calf. @<[Page 0090-b]>@ ## %%, m. any pungent food which excites thirst; a stimulant. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), given away; finished, accomplished. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-dayate, -yitum>%, to give or pay an instalment (for the purpose of silencing or keeping one off). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dalati, -litum>%, to burst, to crack asunder. ## %%, burst, cracked, destroyed. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to burn down, destroy. ## %%, m. (Gaa to Pini VII. 1. 3, 53.) ## %%, m. burning down, the root of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus. ## %%, n. = the last. ## %%, or %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), clean, clear; white; yellow; beautiful; (%%), m. white colour. ## 1. %%, n. a pure or approved occupation; an act accomplished; a great or glorious act, achievement; object of a legend. ## 2. %%, n. See under %%. ## %%, niggardly, stingy [cf. %%]. ## %%, Ved. having no bad reputation. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to show or practice (kindness &c.): Caus. %<-deayati, -yitum>%, to inform. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-degdhi, -dhum>%, to besmear. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-payati, -te, -draum>%, P. to look at, observe; A. to see, live to see: Pass. %<-dyate>%, to be inferred or inferrible. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-dti, -daritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to split or force open, to rend or tear asunder: Caus. %<-drayati, -yitum>%, to cause to burst, to rend or split: Pass. %<-dryate>%, to be split, to burst. ## %%, n. breaking (as a boil &c.). bursting, separating. ## %%, n. tearing, dividing; a spade or hoe. ## %%, torn off or away, rent. ## %%, torn, rent; melted, fused, liquefied; bewildered. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-dyati, -dtum>%, to cut off, divide; Ved. A. to take away (anger), pacify. ## %%, cut off, divided. ## %%, (after a cardinal num.) dividing into so many parts; e. g. %%, dividing into five parts. ## 2. %%, n. cutting or dividing into pieces, a part, portion; the root of a fragrant grass, see %%. (For 1. %%, see under %%.) ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%) , milk. ## %% (rt. %%), not to be praised; low, inferior; disagreeable, blamable, disliked; (%%), n. anything blamable, or not to be spoken of with praise; want, imperfection, vice, sin; blame, censure; shame, reproach. ## %%, Ved. concealing or keeping off want. ## %%, f., Ved. fear of vices or sin. ## %%, Ved. disgraceful, lamentable. ## %% (rt. %%), shining down upon, illuminating [cf. %%]. @<[Page 0090-c]>@ ## %%, m. a market. See %%. ## %%, m. (rt. %% or %%), no murder; %<(as, , am)>%, Ved. inviolable, invulnerable; see %%. ## %%, not worthy of death. ## %%, not to be killed, inviolable. ## %%, f. or %%, n. inviolability. ## %% (rt. %%), to be defied. ## %%, cl. 3. A. %<-dhatte, -dhtum>%, to place down, deposit, apply (as the mind &c.); to be attentive: Pass. %<-dhyate>%, to be placed, applied or directed (as the mind). ## %% or %% or %%, to be attended to, deserving attention and care. ## %%, n. attention, attentiveness, intentness; care, carefulness, devotion. ## %%, f. or %%, n. attentiveness. ## %%, attentive. ## %%, m. application, attention, care; a term, a limit, conclusion, termination; a district, division, department; period, time; agreement, engagement; a hole, a pit. ## %%, f. or %%, n. limit, limitation. ## %%, limited, bounded. ## %%, being placed down or in, deposited. ## %%, deposited, applied; attentive, careful, done with care; celebrated, known. ## %%, having all the senses at rest, imperturbable. ## %%, f. application, attention. ## %%, with joined hands. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-dhvati, -te, -vitum>%, to run down, drop down; to run after. ## 1. %%, n. running after, pursuing; seizure. ## %%, to be run after. ## 1. %%, chased, pursued. ## 2. %%, n. (rt. 2. %%), cleaning, washing. ## 2. %%, cleaned, cleansed. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-dhrayati, -yi-tum>%, to disregard, disrepect; to despise, repudiate. ## %%, n. treating with disrespect, despising, repudiating. ## %%, disrepected, disregarded, despised. ## %%, despising, scorning, excelling. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-dhnoti, -dh-nute, -dhavitum>% or %<-dhotum>%, to shake off or out, shake, toss; to discard; to lie down (?): Caus. %<-dhnayati, -yitum>%, to shake. ## %%, shaken off, removed, shaken, tossed, compelled; discarded, rejected, spurned; trodden upon; separated from wordly feeling and obligation. ## %%, rejecting an act of homage. ## %%, ubdressed, naked. ## %%, n. shaking, causing to shake; expelling; agitation, trembling; trampling on, treading on. ## %%, m. having no wife. ## %%, perfumed with incense. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-dhrayati, -yi-tum>%, to consider, ascertain, determine accurately, make out, limit, restrict. ## %%, m. accurate determination, limitation. ## %%, determining accurately, restricting one's self to anything. @<[Page 0091-a]>@ ## %%, n. ascertainment, affirmation, emphasis; stating or holding with positiveness or assurance, accurate determination, limitation (of the sense of words); restriction to a certain instance or instances with exclusion of any other; (%%), restrictive. ## %% or %%, to be ascertained, determined or known. ## %%, ascertained, known, certain. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. (A. ?) %<-dhyyati, -te, -dhytum>%, to think ill of, despise. ## %%, spurned, disdained. ## %%, Ved. innoxious, beneficent. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-dhvasayati, -yitum>%, to cast down. ## %%, m. falling off or from; sprinkling; meal, dust; abandoning, quitting; disrespect, censure, blame. ## %%, sprinkled; pounded coarsely; abandoned, quitted; censured; scattered. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), satisfaction; joy, happiness; desire; favour, preserving, protection, defence; speed; going, obtaining, asking; seizing, killing; power; increase; existence; adorning; embracing; bearing; entrance. ## %%, f. (said to be fr. rt. %%, but rather connected with ? %%, down), course, bed of a river; stream, river; the earth; a finger. ## %%, prostrate on the ground. ## %%, roving over the earth, vagabond. ## %%, m. lord of the earth, a king; Viu; Yudhihira. ## %%, m. protector of the earth, a king. ## %%, n. the globe. ## %%, m. a tree. ## 1. %%, f. the earth; N. of a plant. ## %%, m. or %% or %%, m. lord of the earth, a king. (For 2. see next col.) ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-nak-ati, -itum>%, (with gen.) to overtake (a person). ## %%, n. the disappearance of the stars. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-namati, -nan-tum>%, to bow down, to bend down, bend: Caus. %<-nmayati, -yitum>%, to bend down, bend. ## %%, bowed; bent down, downcast; bending, stooping, deepened, not projecting. ## %%, bending the body, crouching down. ## %%, with downcast countenance. ## %%, bowing the head. ## %%, f. bowing down, stooping; setting. ## %%, bowed, bent. ## %%, m. causing to bend down, bending, bowing. ## %%, what depresses or causes to bow or bend. ## %%, bending or bowing down. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nardati, -ditum>% (a technical term applicable to chanting in the Hind ritual), to slur or trill, &c. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-nayati, -nai-tum>% and %<-naum>%, to disappear, perish. ## %%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-nahyati, -te, -naddhum>%, to bind on, tie on, put over, cover with. ## %%, bound on, tied, covered; (%%), n. a drum. ## %%, m. binding, girding, putting on. ## %%, flat-nosed; (%%), n. the condition of having a flat nose. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-nenekti, -nenikte, -nektum>%, to wipe or wash off, purify, clean; A. to wash one's self: Caus. %<-nejayati, -yitum>%, to cause to wash off. ## %%, used for washing off. ## %%, n. washing, washing off, ablution; water for washing, foot-bath. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to put or bring into (water); to pour down. ## %%, m. deduction, ascertainment. ## %% (or %<-hv>%), cl. 1. P. %<-hvati, -hevitum>%, to spit upon. ## %%, n. spitting upon. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead or bring down, to push into, to cause to descend or to flow; to lead away; to pour down or over. ## %% or %%, m. causing to descend; throwing down, precipitating. ## %%, n. leading down, pouring down. ## %%, causing to descend. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %<-navate>%, to move or go towards. ## %%, Caus. %<-nodayati, -yitum>%, (with two acc.) to cause a person to drive away another. ## %%, m., N. of a country and its inhabitants; N. of a city, the modern Oujein (one of the seven sacred cities of the Hinds, to die at which secures eternal happiness); N. of a river. ## %%, n. a portion of the Skandapura. ## %%, m. = %%, q. v. ## %%, n. the city of the Avantis, Oujein; N. of a town in Kmra, built by Avantivarman; (%<>%), f. Oujein. ## %%, m., N. of a district inhabited by Brhmans. ## %%, m. the king of Avanti, i. e. Bhoja. ## %%, m., N. of a king; also of a poet. ## %%, m. sour gruel, prepared from the fermentation of rice-water. ## %%, f. the modern Oujein. ## %%, f. Oujein; the queen of Oujein; N. of a river. ## %%, m. the region of Avant ## %% m., N. of a sanctuary built by Avanti-varman. ## %%) or (%<>%), m. f., N. of a place. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to split: Pass. %<-pyate>%, to split one's self; to be split. ## %%, f. laceration of the prepuce. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly down, jump down, fall down, alight: Caus. %<-pta-yati, -yitum>%, to throw down. ## %%, n. alighting, descending. ## %%, m. falling down; descent, descending; flying down; a hole or pit for catching game in. ## %%, n. felling, knocking or throwing down. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to go down, glide down, descend; to be deprived of (with abl.); to fall, meet with an accident: Caus. %<-pdayati, -yitum>%, to cause to glide or go down. ## %%, fallen on or into; descended, alighted; thrown down. ## %%, without a net. ## %%, a person not allowed by his kindered to eat or drink from a common vessel; one who has lost his caste [cf. %%]. ## %%, n., Ved. drinking, giving to drink; a pond or pool for watering. ## %% (fr. %%, Caus. of rt. 3. %

    % with %%), unprotected, neglected. @<[Page 0091-c]>@ ## %%, snared, having a snare laid over. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yi-tum>%, to press down, compress. ## %%, m. pressing down; a sternutatory; any drug producing sneezing. ## %%, n. the act of pressing down; a sternutatory; (%<>%), f. damage, violation. ## %% (rt. %

    %), full of, filled. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), the end of the warp of a web. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-plavate, -plotum>%, to jump down or off. ## %%, ind. having jumped down. ## %%, m. flatulence, wind from the bowels. ## %%, f. segment of the base of a triangle [cf. %% and %<-bdh>%]. ## %%, m. falling or palsy of the eyelids, Blepharoptosis. ## %%, m. spasm in the arm. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-budhyate, -boddhum>%, to awake, become sensible or aware of, perceive, know: Caus. %<-bodhayati, -yitum>%, to make one aware of, inform, explain. ## %%, m. waking, being awake; perception, knowledge; discrimination, judgment; teaching. ## %%, m. an awakener, a teacher. ## %%, n. instruction, guidance, explanation. ## %%, n. perception, knowledge, &c. ## %%, m. (rt. %
    % with %%), ill report, defamation. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-bhanakti, -bhaktum>%, to break off, smash. ## %%, ind. having broken off. ## %%, n. breaking off, tearing. ## %%, cl. 10. P. (or A. ?) %<-bhartsayati, -yitum>%, to deter by scolding or threatening, to menace. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-bhti, -tum>%, to shine downwards. ## %%, n. speaking. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-bhsate, -si-tum>%, to shine forth, become manifest: Caus. %<-bhsa-yati, -yitum>%, to illuminate. ## %%, m. splendor, lustre, light; appearance, manifestation; space, reach, compass. ## %%, m., N. of a divinity. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a whole class of deities. ## %%, N. of a world. ## %%, irradiating, luminous. ## %%, n. luminousness. ## %%, illumined, lighted, radiant; evident, manifest. ## %%, shining, bright; %<(n)>%, f. the outer skin or cuticle. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-bhinatti, -bhet-tum>%, to break off, shatter. ## %%, broken off, pierced, divided. ## %%, breaking off, shattering, dividing. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-bhujati, -bhok-tum>%, to bend down, curve. ## %%, contracted, bent. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), carrying off, removing; purification by bathing of the sacrificer and the sacrificial vessels after a sacrifice; the water of purification; a supplementary sacrifice to atone for defects in a principal and preceding one. ## %%, n. bathing or ablution after a sacrificial ceremony. ## %%, m. abduction, carrying off. ## %%, flat-nosed; (%%), n. state of having a flat nose. ## %% (fr. 2. %%), undermost, inferior, lowest, base; next, intimate; last, youngest; growing less, decreasing; (%%), n. a lunar day exactly coinciding with a solar one. ## %%, cl. 4. A. or poet. P. %<-manyate, -ti, -mantum>%, to despise, treat contemptuously: Caus. %<-mnayati, -yitum>%, to despise, &c. ## %%, despised, disregarded, contemned. ## %%, m. a restive elephant that disdains the hook, one in rut. ## %%, m. a master, an owner; (%%), f. aversion, dislike; disregard, contempt. ## %%, ind. having scorned, despising. ## %% or %%, contemptible, to be treated with disrepect. ## %%, despising; contemptuous, disrepectful; arrogant. ## %%, m. disrespect, contempt. ## %%, f. or %%, n. dishonourableness, contempt. ## %%, n. f. disrespect. ## %% or %%, to be disrepected, contemptible, despicable. ## %%, disrepected, despised. ## %%, contemning, despising, behaving disrespectfully. ## %%, f. or %%, n. disrespectfulness. ## %% or %%, m. (rt. %%), swellings caused by boils or contusions. ## %%, m. See %%. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), intolerance, impatience; effacing, obliterating, banishing from recollection. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-mucati, -mok-tum>%, to loosen; to let go; to take off (a garment, &c.); to unharness. ## %%, ind. having unloosed or ubharnessed. ## %%, n. letting go, loosening; setting at liberty. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-mtrayati, -yitum>%, to urine upon. ## %%, urining upon. ## %%, lying with the head hanging down. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-mri, -mrji-tum>% or %<-mrum>%, to wipe or rub off, to strip off, remove; to efface. ## %%, n., Ved. what is stripped or rubbed off. ## %%, ind. having stripped, having pulled off; having wiped away. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-mdnti, -mardi-tum>%, to grind down, to reduce by friction (or otherwise); to crush, to tread down; to rub. ## %%, m. trampling, oppression, driving one into straits; giving pain; devastation, inflicting pain or punishment on an enemy by laying his country waste, &c. ## %%, treading down, grinding, crushing, oppressing; (%%), n. rubbing, washing; oppression. ## %%, ground, rubbed, crushed, oppressed. @<[Page 0092-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-mati, -mar-um, -mraum>%, to touch. ## %%, m. touch, contact. ## %%, to be touched. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-yajate, -yaum>%, to expiate; not to worship, to abandon. ## %%, n., Ved. expiating; purification. ## %%, f., Ved. a particular portion of a sacrifice; m. a kind of priest. Gram. 176. f. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %% with %%), a limb, a member; a part, a portion; a member or component part of a logical argument or syllogism. ## %%, ind. part by part, severally. ## %%, m. the meaning of the component parts of a word. ## %%, limbed, having limbs; having portions or subdivisions; a whole; (%<>%), m. a syllogism, a logical argument. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. A. %<-yti, -te, -y-tum>%, to go down, to give way, desist; to remove. ## 2. %%, Ved. giving way, desisting, ceasing. ## %%, m., Ved. one whose anger is appeased. ## %%, m., Ved. turning away; appeasing, one who appeases. ## %%, n. going down, retreat; appeasing, expiation. ## %%, Ved. not to be recognized; indistinct, confused. ## %% (fr. 2. %%), below, inferior; low, mean, unimportant, of small value; posterior, hinder, later, last, younger; western; nearer; (at the end of a compound signifying quantity) the least, the lowest degree, lowest value; (%<>%), f. the hind thigh of an elephant; a N. of Durg; (%%), n. the hind thigh of an elephant; [with %% have been compared Gr. [greek] Lat. eurus; also the Lat. aver-nus]. ## %%, of low birth, inferior; younger, junior; (%%), m. a dra; a younger brother; (%<>%), f. a younger sister. ## %%, ind. behind, afterwards, hinder, posterior, downwards. ## %%, ind., Ved. one after another. ## %%, m. pl. the descendants. ## %%, m. a low or despised tribe; %<(as, , am)>%, belonging to a low caste or tribe; a dra, a man or woman of the fourth tribe. ## %% or %%, belonging to or born in a low tribe. ## %%, m. the sun [cf. %%]. ## %% f., N. of a Buddhist monastery. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a Buddhist school. ## %%, Ved. having the last first, or the hindermost foremost; inverted, confused. ## %%, m. the least part, the minimum; the last half; (%%), ind. in a certain succession of parts; successively. ## %%, ind. from below. ## %%, being on the lower or nearer side; beginning from below; belonging to the last half; (%%), n. the least or smallest part, the minimum. ## %%, lowest, most inferior of all. ## %%, named last. ## %%, ind. behind, hinder, posterior; below, downwards. ## %%, degraded, debased; censured, blamed. ## %%, ind. (with acc.) below. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to become lower. ## %%, the Saskt from of the Muhammedan name Aurungzeb. %% = the Persian [arabic]). ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ramate, -rantum>%, to leave off, cease. @<[Page 0092-c]>@ ## %%, stopped, ceased, desisted from. ## %%, f. stopping, ceasing, cessation, relaxation, repose, end. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Manu Svara. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-rujati, -roktum>%, to break off, to break. ## %%, broken off, torn; diseased. ## %%, ind. having broken off. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-ruaddhi, -runadhe, -rodhum>%, to obstruct, restrain, hinder, shut up, besiege; to keep back: Pass. %<-rudhyate:>% Intens. P. %<-raroddhi>%, to injure, hurt. ## %%, checked, stopped, hindered; shut up or in, enclosed; imprisoned, secluded, as in the inner apartments. ## %%, incarcerated. ## %%, f. restraint, besieging; gaining. ## %%, being enclosed or surrounded. ## 1. %%, m. hindrance, obstruction; restraint; an enclosure, confinement, besieging, a siege; a covering, lid; a fence, a pen; a watchman; the inner apartments of a palace, the queen's or women's apartments; a palace; pl. the wives of a king. (For 2. %%, see below under %%.) ## %%, n. a seraglio. ## %%, obstructive, hindering, impending; (%%), m. a guard; (%%), f. a female of the inner apartments; (%%), n. a barrier, a fence. ## 1. %%, n. siege, blockade; hindering, obstructing; obstacle, impediment; a closed or private place, the innermost part of anything; the inner or women's apartments in a royal palace. (For 2. %%, see below under %%.) ## %%, obstructive, impeding; (%%), m. a guard of the queen's apartments. ## %%, obstructing, hindering. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rohati, -rohum>%, to descend, alight, dismount: Caus. %<-ropayati>% or %<-rohayati, -yitum>%, to cause to descend; to bring down; to lower, lessen. ## %%, descended, dismounted, alighted. ## 2. %%, m. (rt. %% for %%), Ved. moving down, descending; a shoot sent out by the root of a plant, a slip (for planting), the pendent shoots of the Indian fig tree. ## 2. %%, n. (rt. %% for %%), Ved. descending motion, descending. ## %%, n. causing to descend; uprroting; taking away, depriving, diminishing; descending; setting (as of the sun). ## %%, caused to descend; uprooted, deprived of, curtailed, diminished, lost. ## %%, ind. having made to descend; rooting up. ## %%, m. descent, passing from or over; mounting, ascending (?); a shoot sent out by a plant; a pendent branch, one that strikes fresh root into the earth, as those of the Indian fig tree; the growth of a creeping plant or vine; a creeping plant climbing up to the top of a tree; heaven or Svarga. ## %%, or %%, m. the Indian fig tree. ## %%, n. alighting, descending, dismounting; ascending. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Physalis Flexuosa L. ## %%, descending, what descends, what ascends; (%<>%), m. the Indian fig tree. ## %%, mis-shapen, deformed; degenerated. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. shining, brilliant. ## %%, m. want of appetite. ## %%, Ved. without splendor, insignificant in form, mean-looking. @<[Page 0093-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. not hindering, not being able to prevent. ## %% or %<, am>%, colourless; having no marks; bad, low, destitute of good qualities; (%%), m. blame, censure. ## %%, m. censure, blame, reproach. ## %%, N. of an %% or island, mentioned in the Puric descriptions of the earth. ## %%, non-existent, not present, absent. ## %%, f. (%%, fr. rt. %<>% with %%), Ved. bad fortune, poverty, distress, want. ## %%, Ved. (rt. %%), not turning back; (if fr. rt. %%) not to be kept back. ## %%, not increasing, not growing, not thriving. ## %%, Ved. having no armour. ## %%, m. or %%, n. want of rain, drought. ## %%, Ved. not raining. ## %%, Ved. being active in rainless bright weather. ## %% or %%, white; (%%), m. the white colour. ## %% (rt. %%), hanging down; placed contiguously, impressed, attached, &c.; %<(as, am)>%, m. n. the waist. ## %%, cl. 10. P. A. %<-lagha-yati, -te, -yitum>%, to pass (time), spend. ## %%, cl. 1. A. or poet. P. %%, to hang, glide or slip down, descend; to catch hold of, cling to, hang to, hold on or support one's self by; rest upon as a support, to depend upon: Caus. %<-lambayati, -yitum>%, to make one rest upon or catch hold of. ## %%, m. hanging down; hanging on or from; depending; resting upon; asylum, dependance, support; a prop, a stay; suspender; an appendage; a perpendicular. ## %%, m., N. of a metre. ## %%, n. depending upon, dependance; hanging on or from; a prop. ## %%, hanging on or upon, suspended from, clinging to; depending upon, trusting to, supported by, protected, cherished; alighting, descending; expenditious (?). ## %%, to be caught hold of or grasped, to be clung to; expeditious, quick. ## %%, hanging down so as to rest upon, hanging on or from, depending on; clinging to, reclining, resting upon. ## %%, ind. leaning on, having depended or relied on, supporting one's self; trusting to; waiting. ## %% (rt. %%), anointed, plastered, smeared; proud, arrogant, vain. ## %%, f. or %%, n. unction; pride, arrogance, vanity. ## %%, m. smearing, anointing; ornament; union, association; pride, haughtiness. ## %%, n. anointing; proud behaviour; daring, proud or arrogant purpose. ## %%, cl. 2. P. A. %<-lehi, -lhe, -lehum>%, to lick off, to lick, to lap: Intens. %<-lelehi>%, to lick again and again. ## %%, licked, lapped; devoured, destroyed; (%<>%), f. disregard. contempt. ## %%, m. or %%, f. licking, lapping; an extract, an electuary, confection. ## %%, n. licking with the tongue, lapping. @<[Page 0093-b]>@ ## %%, to be licked; thick, viscid. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-lyate, -letum>% or %<-ltum>%, to stick to, hang to. ## %%, sticking to, cleaving to. ## %%, f. sport, paly, mirth. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-lucati, -citum>%, to pull down or out. ## %%, n. tearing or cutting off, pulling out. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), robbing; rolling or wallowing on the ground. ## %%, robbed; rolled on the ground. ## %%, cl. 6. A. or P. %<-lumpate, -ti, -loptum>%, to rush or dash upon as a wild beast on its prey, to burst or break in upon. ## %%, n. leaping on suddenly. ## %%, that can be broken in upon or assailed with a sudden rush. ## %%, cut off. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), anything scraped off. ## %%, n. f. scraping off. ## %%, f. rubbing; adorning the person. ## %%. See under %% last col. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-lokate, -kitum>%, or cl. 10. P. %<-lokayati, -yitum>%, to look down upon, look at, view, behold, see, consider. ## %%, m. sight, seeing; looking down upon with compassion. ## %%, looking at, wishing to see. ## %%, n. act of looking at; beholding; sight; seeing; review. ## %%, looking upon, considering. ## %%, seen; (%%), m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva; (%%), n. a look, a glance. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva, worshipped by the northern Buddhists. ## %%, looking at, beholding; considering. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), sensual desire. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Vernonia Anthelmintica. ## %%, f., N. of a poisonous insect. ## %%, m. or %%, n. (rt. %%), evil report or reputation. ## %%, m., Ved. one who speaks finally or decisively (?), an adjudicator. ## %%, m. evil report or reputation; censure, reproach; a command, an order; trust, confidence; information. ## %%, n. raining upon. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-vti, -tum>%, to radiate (?), to prevail (?), to rage (as fire?). ## %% (rt. %%), cast down. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-vcati, -vra-citum, -vraum>%, to splinter, cut off. ## %%, m. splinter, chip. ## %% (rt. %%), unsubmissive to another's will; independent, unrestrained, free; not having one's own free will; doing something against one's liking or unwillingly; necessary, certain. ## %%, not submitting to another's will. ## %%, whose mind and senses are not held in subjection. ## %%, unrestrained, independent; uninfluenced by magic. ## %%, untameable, ungovernable, inevitable; (%%), ind. necessarily, inevitably, certainly, at all events, by all means; %%, most surely. If compounded with a fut. pass. part. the final nasal is dropped; e. g. %%, to be necessarily cooked; %%, to be necessarily done: but retained in %%, doing what is necessary; %%, necessarily being. ## %%, necessary, inevitable, indispensable. ## %%, f. or %%, n. necessity, obligation, certainty. ## %%, f. a cloth tied round the legs and knees of a person sitting on his hams. [cf. %%]. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), Ved. wrong desire. ## %%, f., Ved. not a cow, a bad cow. ## %%, n. (Caus. of rt. %%), withering, drying up. ## %%, or %%, having the head turned down. ## %%, Pass. %<-iyate>%, to be left last or as a remnant, to remain over. ## %%, left, remaining; (%%), n. or %%, n. rest, remainder. ## %%, m. (n. ?) leavings, remainder; end, close, termination. Frequently as the last member of a compound; thus, %%, having only one half left; %%, the condition of one who survives only in narrations. ## %%, left remaning. ## %%, Pass. %<-ryate>%, to be shattered. ## %%, f. (rt. %% with %%), hoar-frost; a fog or mist. ## %%, m. a scorpion. ## %%, m. hoar-frost; white dew; pride. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), taking (anything) from off the fire (opposed to %%, q. v.). ## %%, ind. (rt. %%), Ved. as if blown away. ## %%, f. (%<= vakaya>%), a cow that bears a calf after a long interval. ## %%, cl. 5. 9. P. %<-abhnoti>% or %<-nti, -ambhitum>%, to lean or rest upon; to be contiguous or near; to be astounded or bewildered. ## %%, supported, rested on, protected; hanging from or upon; stopped, obstructed, stayed; paralysed; bound, tied, attached; wrapped up, enfolded; opposed; surpassed, overcome; near. ## %%, ind. leaning upon, resting on, holding; stopping, arresting. ## %%, m. leaning or resting upon, having recourse to any one; stopping, stamnding still, staying; self-confidence, resoluteness; commencement, beginning; excellence; obstruction, impediment; support, stay; paralysis; a post or pillar; gold. ## %%, golden, made of gold. ## %%, n. resting upon, having recourse to; supporting, protecting; stopping, staying; paralysing; a pillar or post. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-va-ati, -itum>%, to smack (one's lips) or otherwise make a noise in eating. ## %%, m. noisy eating, smacking. ## 1. %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. satisfaction, pleasure, enjoyment; wish, desire, aspiring; favour, furtherance, protection, assistance. ## %%, Ved. striving, desirous. ## %%, n., Ved. refreshment, food, provisions, viaticum; preserving, protecting; (%%), m. a king; the sun. ## 2. %%, ind. (fr. 2. %%), Ved. adv. below, downwards, hitherward. (As a prep. with inst. or abl. it expresses) below, at the lowest place of; without, on the outside. ## %%. See s. v. ## %% or %%, f. a cloth tied round the legs and knees of a person sitting on his hams; a wrapper; a girth or band [cf. %%]. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sajati, -saktum>%, to suspend, attach, cling to. ## %%, suspended from, attched to or by, in contact with, bound round, begirt; engaged in, intent on, eager, placed upon. ## %% or %%, n. embracing, clinging. ## %%, n. (rt. %<>%), the united downward flight of birds. ## %%, m. (for %<-vasatha>%, q. v.), habitation; a village; a college, a school; (%%), n. a house. See %<-vasatha>%. ## %%, m. a college, a school. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sdati, -sattum>%, to sink down, to faint; become disheartened, be exhausted, perish, come to an end: Caus. %<-sdayati, -yitum>%, to cause to sink, dispirit, render downhearted, to ruin. ## %%, sunk down, bowed, bent; languid, enervated; melancholy, dispirited, unhappy; ended, terminated, separated; non-suited. ## %%, f. or %%, n. affliction, low spirits; dejection; termination, completion. ## %%, m. sitting down; sinking, fainting; exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, want of energy or spirit, especially as proceeding from doubtful or unsuccessful love; (in law) badness of a cause; end, termination. ## %%, causing to sink, frustrating; exhausting, tiresome, wearisome; ending, finishing. ## %%, n. oppressing, disheartening; finishing; an escharotic; removing proud flesh by escharotic applications. ## %%, made to sink, exhausted, faint, languid. ## %%, Ved. excluded from society. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), descent, place of descent; descent of water; rain, raining; occasion, moment, favourable opportunity; leisure, advantageous situation; consultation in private; a year. ## %%, at a favourable opportunity, at a time of leisure. ## %%, n. removing, causing to move. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a spy, a secret emissary. ## %%, n. stepping down. ## %%, stepping down; %<(i)>%, f. a long period of time with the Jainas. ## %%, not left, right. ## 1. %% (rt. 2. %%), Ved. not dressing. (For 2. %%, see under %% next col.) ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sicati, -sektum>%, to sprinkle, bedew, bespatter. ## %%, sprinkled. ## %%, having the limbs sprinkled. @<[Page 0094-b]>@ ## %%, m. sprinkling, irrigating, bedewing. ## %%, m. a kind of cake, pulse ground and fried with oil or butter. ## %%, n. sprinkling, water used for sprinkling; bleeding. ## %% (rt. %%), asleep. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sjati, -sra-um>%, to let off, to let loose, let go, fling down, pour out, dismiss, remit, liberate. ## %%, m. letting off, letting go, emission, remission, laxity, relaxation, following one's own inclinations, independence. ## %%, n., Ved. liberation. ## %%, dismissed, let go. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-syati, -stum>%, to finish, accomplish; to destroy: Caus. %<-syayati, -yitum>%, to destroy; to cause to be completed. ## %%, f., Ved. liberation, setting free, deliverance. ## %%, m., Ved. a deliverer, liberator. ## 2. %%, n. place of dismounting from a horse or alighting from a carriage, stopping, restingplace, residence; conclusion, termination, cessation; death; boundary, limit; (in gram.) the last part of a word or period, disjunction of letters; a pause; the end of a verse or the verse itself: (for 1. %%, see last col.) ## %%, Ved. looking at one's place of destination or residence. ## %%, coming to an end, perishing. ## %%, Ved. belonging to the end of a verse. ## 1. %%, m. conclusion, end; termination, completion; remainder; determination, ascertainment, certainty. ## 2. %%, ind. having finished; having loosened, having set free. ## %%, residing, dwelling in. ## %%, ind. having caused to be completed, ## %%, having settled in a place, residing; ended, terminated; finished, completed; standing in a pause; known, understood; stored (as grain, &c.); gone; (%%), n. a dwelling-place. ## %%, frustrated, disappointed. ## %%, to be destroyed, destructible, perishable. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-skandati, -skantum>%, to storm, to assault. ## %%, m. assault, attack, storm; a camp; descending, bathing. ## %%, n. attacking, assaulting, storm; refutation; descending; bathing. ## %%, attacked; gone down; refuted; bathed, bathing. ## %%, leaping upon, covering; attacking, assaulting. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), something to be concealed or swept away; a privity; ordure, faeces, &c. ## %%, n. a privy, water-closet. ## %%, m. existing in the faeces, an, insect; a sweeper; a brush, broom, &c. ## %%, m. a kind of worm. ## %%, ind. (fr. 2. %%, q. v.), below, from below, downwards, hitherwards; (with gen.) below. ## %%, (anything) attained from below (as heaven, &c.). ## %%, n. a worthless thing; nothing; insubstantiality, the unreality of matter. ## %%, f. or %%, n. insubstantiality, unreality. ## %%, cl. 9. P., Ved. %<-stti, -startum, -staritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to cover; to spread or lay down a covering. @<[Page 0094-c]>@ ## %%, n. spreading out or laying down a covering. ## %%, m. a screen or wall of cloth surrounding a tent. ## %%, without clothes, garmentless, naked. ## %%, f. nakedness. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-tihate,-sth-tum>%, to take one's stand, remain standing; to stay, abide, stop, stand apart, stand by or near; Ved. to place: Caus. %<-sthpayati>% or %<-te, -yitum>%, to cause to stand or stop, to place, fix, settle, set, array. ## %%, m. membrum virile, see %%, f. appearance (in a court of justice); stability, consistence; state, condition, situation, circumstance of age or position; degree, proportion; the female organ of generation. ## %%, n. the four periods or states of human life, viz. childhood, youth, manhood, and old age. ## %%, n. the three states, or waking, dreaming, and sound sleep. ## %%, n. the two states of life, viz. happiness and misery. ## %%, n. standing on or placing one's self on (anything), residing, abiding, dwelling; residence, abode; place or period of abiding or staying; situation, station. ## %%, n. fixing, settling. ## %%, fixed. ## %%, ind. having fixed, placed, set or put. ## %%, ind. having stayed or remained. ## %%, staying, residing in; placed. ## %%, standing on or in, remaining, staying, abiding, residing, lasting, remaining firm or fixed, &c.; firm of purpose, steady; engaged in, prosecuting, following. ## %%, of fixed mind. ## %%, f. abiding; residence; following, practising. ## %%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-spoti, -spartum>%, to defend, preserve from. ## %%, m., Ved. a preserver, saviour. ## %% (fr. 1. %%), nom. P. %%, Ved. to seek favour or assistance. ## %%, Ved. desiring favour or assistance. ## %%, n. falling off or down. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-svanati, -ni-tum>%, to sound, to smack (the lips) or otherwise make a noise in eating. See %%. ## %%, Ved. roaring, boisterous. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-hanti, -tum>%, to strike, hit, beat off. ## %%, beaten, bruised; threshed, winnowed. ## %%, n. threshing, pounding of rice, winnowing; the lungs. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-hasati, -situm>%, to smile at, laugh at, deride. ## %%, m. jest, joke. ## %%, to be derided, exposed to jest, ridiculous. ## %%, m. the back of the hand. ## %%, Pass. %<-hyate>%, to be left remaining. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), a wall, a bound hedge. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, f., %%, n. (corrupted fr. %%), dissimulation. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-hurati, -hartum>%, to lay aside, throw away, take away; Ved. to throw or knock down (?). @<[Page 0095-a]>@ ## %%, n. throwing away; taking away; stealing, plundering; taking back, redeeming; fining, mulcting. ## %%, m. truce, suspension of arms, cessation of gambling, fighting, &c.; a thief; a shark; a water elephant; summoning, inviting; any object fit or able to be brought near; apostacy, abandoning a sect or cast; re-delivery. ## %%, one who stops fighting, &c.; (%%), m. a shark, a marine monster. ## %%, to be made to restore or compensate; finable, punishable; recoverable, redeemable; (anything) which one is compelled to restore. ## %%, taken off, back, or away; seized; stolen; fined. ## %%, n. f. or %%, n. (fr. rt. %% for %% with %%), disrespect. ## %%, disrespected; (%%), n. disrespect. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a crooked way; trick; deceit. ## %% (rt. %%), not speaking. ## 1. %%, Ved. speechless. ## 1. %%, speechless, dumb. ## %%, deaf and dumb. ## 1. %%, not to be addressed; improper to be uttered; vile, bad; not distinctly expressed. ## %%, f. or %%, n. impropriety; reproach, calumny. ## %%, m. unmentionable region, the vulva. ## %%, cl. 8. 5. P. %<-karoti, -koti, -kartum>%, to remove. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum, -rtum>%, to strew, pour upon. ## %%, m. a mint (?). ## %% (fr. 2. %% for %% with %%), who or what looks down upon or defends, a guardian, a keeper. ## %%, having a bent top; stooping, bending, bowed. ## 2. %% (fr. 2. %% and %%), turned downwards, being or situated below, lower than (with abl.); looking downwards, headlong; south; (%<>%), f. the south quarter, the lower regions [with %% has been compared the Lat. au-ster for ava-ster]. ## %%, ind. downwards; south, southward, southern. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Anethum Sowa Roxb. ## %%, having the branches turned downwards; epithet of the Ficus Religiosa. ## %%, having the head downwards, headlong. ## %%, m. the part below. ## %%, looking down or away, having the face turned downwards, headlong; (%%), m., N. of a weapon. ## %%, n. disrespect. ## 2. %%, Ved. a word formed for the etymology of %%. ## %%, down-looked, headlong; south, southern; descended, gone down; (%%), m., N. of a king. ## 2. %%, southern, southerly. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-cinoti, -nute, -cetum>%, to heap up, accumulate, gather. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-cchinatti, -cchinte, -cchettum>%, to tear or snatch away. ## %%, ind. having snatched away. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to drive down, to throw down. ## %%, m., Ved. a bad horse. @<[Page 0095-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %%, to go down; (formed for the etym. of %%, q. v.) ## %%, gone down. ## 1. %%, Ved. windless, not moved by wind, calm. ## 1. %% (rt. %%, whence the part. pass. %%), Ved. unattacked, untroubled, untouched; unconquered. ## %%, not flatulent. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %%, to cause to eat food. ## %%, no speaker, no disputer, one who does not prosecute or bring an action, peaceable. ## %%), cl. 2. P. %%, to breathe or inhale. ## 1. %%, m. breathing, inhaling. ## 2. %% (for %%, dried, dry. See %%. ## %%, situated between; included, involved. ## %%, or %%, f. an intermediate region of the compass. ## %%, m. a place situated in an intermediate region. ## %%, ind., Ved. between. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-pnoti, -nute, -ptum>%, to reach, enter; to receive; to attain, obtain, gain; to get, suffer. ## %%, reached, received, obtained, got. ## %%, reaching, obtaining, receiving, taking; entertaining (as a belief). ## %%, to be obtained or gained. ## %%, f. obtaining, getting, receiving. ## 1. %%, ind. having obtained. ## 2. %%, to be obtained or gained; unattainable, unobtainable (?). ## %% (rt. %%), not sown (as grain) but planted. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to remove. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), giving way, yielding, complying. ## %%, m. n. (fr. 2. %% or 2. %%, as %% fr. %% or %%, q. v.), this side, the near bank of a river. ## %%, ind., Ved. to this side. ## %%, m. the ocean. ## %%, belonging to the ocean; crossing a river. ## %%, crossing a river. ## 1. %%, being on the near side of a river. ## %% (rt. %%), incurable, not to be remedied. ## 1. %%, treating of incurable sicknesses. ## 2. %%, not to be warded off. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Coriandrum Sativum. ## %%, unimpeded, unobstructed; innumerable. ## %%, having open doors. ## %%, not to be impeded or hindered, not to be kept off. ## 2. %%, unrestrainable, irresistible; not to be warded off; incurable. ## %%, Ved. of irresistible courage. ## %%, f. incurableness ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %%, to unharness, to fall down. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %%, to dismiss. @<[Page 0095-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-locate, -citum>%, to consider. ## %%, m. the son of a woman by any other man than her first husband. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a thief. ## %% (rt. %%), undesirable. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %%, to throw down. ## %%, unclothed, naked. ## %% or %%, unsubstantial, unreal; fictitious; unfounded, irrational (as an argument). ## %%, Ved. having no dwelling, homeless. ## %%, Ved. having no no team or carriage, not driving in a carriage. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), Ved. favourable, attached to, kindly disposed; (%%), m. f. a sheep; the woollen Soma strainer; (%%), m. a master; the sun; air, wind; a mountain; a wall or enclosure; a cover made of the skin of mice; a rat; a blanket; the shawl goat; (%%), f. an ewe; a woman in her courses [cf. Lith. awi-s; Slav. ovjza; Lat. ovi-s; Gr. [greek] Goth. avistr]. ## %%, m. a kind of tribute (perhaps consisting of sheep). ## %%, f., N. of a plant %<= aja-gandh>%. ## %% or %% or %% or %%, n. the milk of an ewe. ## %%, m. sheep's skin, woollen cloth. ## %%, m. a shephered. ## %%, m. 'liked by sheep', N. of the grass Oplismenus Frumentaceus; (%<>%), f., N. of another plant. ## %%, Ved. possessing sheep. ## %%, n. 'sheep-place', N. of a town. ## %%, m. a sheep; (%<>%), f. an ewe; (%%), n. a diamond. ## %%, m. a flock of sheep. ## %%, f. an ewe, a sheep. ## %%. See below, s. v. ## %%, closed, shut (as a flower). ## %%, unblown. ## %%, not boasting, not talking vainly or idly. ## %%, one who does not boast; (%%), n. not boasting. ## %%, m. absence of separation. ## %%, not drawn apart, not separated. ## %%, unimpaired, perfect, entire; regular, orderly, consistent. ## %%, m. absence of doubt or alternative, positive act or precept; (%%), unchangeable; (%%), ind. without any doubt. ## %%, or %%, immutable, unchangeable; permanent; (%%), n. unchangeableness. ## %%, unchanged, permanent. ## %%, showing no alteration or difference, unchangeable, always alike. ## %%, powerless, feeble, without courage; (%%), m. cowardice. ## %%, unsurpassed; feeble, powerless. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), non-sale. ## %%, unsold; one who has not sold. @<[Page 0096-a]>@ ## %%, unsaleable, not to be sold. ## %%, m. vigour, freshness, absence of fatigue. ## %%, unwearied, vigorous. ## %%, calm, composed, firm. ## %%, undiminished, entire; unhurt. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, Ved. undiminished, unhurt. ## %%, m. unable to distribute, dispense, &c.; distributing badly; different from one who distributes; one who is no distributer. ## %%, not thrown away, retained; attenctive, composed. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), quiet, quiescence. ## %%, undisturbed, tranquil. ## %%, undisturbed. ## %%, imperturbable. ## %%, unseparated, retained, present. ## %%, unseparated, unremoved; (%%), m. non-separation, association, inherence, presence. ## %%, unreproached. ## %%, uncensured, unreproached. ## %%, compatible, consistent with, not contrary to. ## %%, m., N. of the fruit tree Carissa Carandas L. ## %%, bodiless, incorporeal. ## %% (rt. %%), unimpended, having no obstacle. ## %%, unimpeded or unobstructed in (its) course. ## %%, uninterrupted, unimpeded; (%%), n. undisturbedness, want of obstacle; %%, ind. without obstacle, uninterruptedly. ## %%, unlearned, ignorant. ## %%, immoveable. ## %%, or %%, or %%, Ved. not staggering or fluctuating, standing firmly. ## %%, undiscriminating, ill-judging, unwise; unhesitating, prompt; (%%), m. want of judgement or discrimination, error, folly; promptitude. ## %%, ill-judged, badly investigated, unconsidered; determined, certain, clear, not requiring deliberation. ## %%, m. prejudice. ## %%, unthinking, inconsiderate. ## %%, ind. without considering, inconsiderately, unreflectingly. ## %%, unmoved; unshaken; victorious. ## %%, Ved. not to be loosened. ## %%, Ved. unintelligible. ## %%, unseparated, undivided, uninterrupted. ## %%, ind. fallen on one's knees. @<[Page 0096-b]>@ ## %%, uninterrupted; undivided, entire, whole; %<(as)>%, m. the not being separated, entireness; connection, continuity. ## %%, ind. uninterruptedly. ## %%, not deviated from, observed, followed; eternal, permanent. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not having brought forth, not having offspring. ## %%, of the same species. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not understanding. ## %%, ignorant, untaught; clumsy, stupid. ## %%, f. or %%, n. ignorance, folly. ## %%, unknown; undistinguished, unintelligible, indistinct, doubtful. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Anila and iv. ## %%, Ved. speaking in an unintelligible manner. ## %%, ind. not having understood, without distinguishing. ## %%, undistinguishable, undiscernible, unintelligible, not to be recognized or known. ## %%, ind. not having conquered. ## %%, n. a direct flight. ## %% (rt. %%), preserved, protected. ## %%, m. f., Ved. a favourer, patron, protector. ## %%, not untrue, true; not vain, not false or futile; effective; (%%), n. truth; a species of the Atyai metre; (%%), ind. not falsely, according to truth. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not passing away, not departing, remaining. ## %%, unsatisfied. ## %%, having the desires unsatisfied. ## %%, (rt. %%, to find), not found; unknown, poor. ## %%, f., Ved. the not finding, the not possessing, poverty. ## %%, m. n. quicksilver. ## %%, Ved. not staggering; not fragile. ## %% (fr. %%), fit or suited to a sheep. ## %% (rt. %%), unlearned, inexperienced, stupid; undigested. ## %%, imperfectly digested, producing heartburn. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not ceasing, inexhaustible. ## %%, perennial, perpetual. ## %%, unknown. ## %%, ind. not knowing, without having ascertained. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not deliberating, not delaying; shining, resplendent. ## %%, not very distant, near, contiguous; (%%), n. proximity; (%%), ind. near to. ## %% or %% or %%, ind. near, not far off (with abl.). ## %%, unpierced. ## %% or %% (also %%), f., N. of the plant Cissampelos Hexandra. ## %%, all-seeing. ## %%, of unimpaired glory. ## %% (rt. 1. %%, to know), unlearned, unwise, foolish; not relating to knowledge; (%<>%), f. ignorance, spiritual ignorance, illusion, personified illusion or My; (with Buddhists) ignorance together with non-existence. ## %%, caused by ignorance or illusion. ## %%, unwise, unlearned. ## %% (rt. 2. %%, to find), not present, absent; non-existent. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. without a rent; impenetrable, solid, dense. ## %%, (rt. %%), not hating, not an enemy. ## %%, m., Ved. absence of hatred or hostility. ## %%, f. not a widow. ## %%, ind. an interjection corresponding to the prkt %% or %%, used in calling for help in danger. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), deviation from or absence of fixed rule, irregularity. ## %%, ind. irregularly. ## %%, void of or contrary to rule; (%%), f. irregularity. ## %%, not according to rule. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a sacrificer, one who performs a sacrifice or causes it to be performed; an offciating priest at a sacrifice. ## %% (rt. %%), without proper training, ill-behaved, indecorous; (%%), m. want of good manners or modesty; bad training; rude behaviour; indecotum, impropriety, fault; incivility, disrespect; offence, crime. ## %%, badly trained, badly brought up, ill-mannered, misbehaving, acting ill or improperly, wicked, vile; (%<>%), f. an immodest, unchaste, or disloyal woman. ## %%, or %%, indestructible. ## %%, not perishing. ## %%, m. non-destruction, preservation. ## %%, indestructible. ## %%, m. inherent and essential character. ## %%, m. an illogical conclusion. ## %%, without an exception. ## %%, not turning back, holding on, advancing. ## %%, m., N. of a minister of Rvaa; (%<>%), f., N. of a river. ## %% (rt. %%), not ripe, immature, undigested. ## %%, inexperienced. ## %%, m. indigestion; immaturity; not suffering the consequence of actions in a former life; %<(as, , am)>%, suffering from indigestion. ## %%, having no adversary, unopposed. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), prosperity, ease. ## %%, uninjured, unhurt; not soiled or contaminated, pure, clean. ## %%, unwise, ignorant. ## %%, small, insignificant, slender. @<[Page 0097-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. not spiritually excited, not inspired; not a worshipper, not a praiser. ## %%, not remote, near. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, undeviating, steadily observing; unviolated, observed without deviation. ## %%, fruitful, productive. ## %%, unblown. ## %% (rt. %%), undivided, unpartitioned; unseparated, joint, not sharing (applied to co-heirs who have not divided their inheritance.) ## %%, unpartitioned, unportioned; (%%), m. undivided inheritance. ## %%, one who does not share; not sharing, not dividing. ## %%, not to be divided, not to be partitioned. ## %%, f. or %%, n. indivisibility, unfitness for partition. ## %%, f. or %%, n. (rt. %%), non-perception, non-discrimination, imperceptibility, disappearance. ## %%, imperceptible, undistinguishable. ## %%, unperceived, unobserved. ## %%, undistinguishable, imperceptible. ## %%, uninterrupted. ## %%, m., N. of a man (?). ## %%, not clear, foul, turbid. ## %% (rt. %%), unloosed, not quitted; (%%), m., N. of a Trtha near Benares. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, m. a celebrated iva-liga at Benares. ## %%, Ved. not to be loosened. ## %% (rt. %%), undivided, conjoined; not separated or absent. ## %%, m. conjunction, association; the not being parted or absent, presence. ## %%, f., N. of a certain festival or holiday. ## %%, N. of the sixteenth Adhyya of the Bhavishyottara-Pura. ## %%, not indifferent or estranged; attached to, interested in. ## %%, m., Ved. continuation. ## %% (rt. %%), not desisting from (with abl.); uninterrupted, continual, eternal; abandoned; (%%), ind. eternally, continually. ## %%, f. incontinence, intemperance. ## %%, uninterrupted, continuous; (%%), m. uninterrupted succession, continuance; (%%), ind. uninterruptedly. ## %%, contiguous, close; coarse, gross, substantial; uninterrupted; (%%), ind. contiguously, closely. ## %%, m. incessant down-pour of heavy rain. ## %%, not separated from, abounding in. ## %%, Ved. not withdrawing one's self, not avoiding; not desisting. ## %% (rt. %%), unobstructed, unimpeded; allowed, permitted, proper; compatible, consistent with. @<[Page 0097-b]>@ ## %%, m. absence of impediment; assent, concurrence, non-opposition; consistency, compatibility. ## %%, unimpeded, unobstructed. ## %%, n. anything which constipates or stops the passage of the food. ## %%, not to be purged. ## %%, concealed, veiled. ## %%, n. non-transgression, not exceeding, not trespassing. ## %%, not to be exceeded or transgressed; prescribed, fixed. ## %% or %%, not delaying, prompt, quick, expeditions; %<(bas)>%, m. non-delay. ## %% or %%, ind. without delay, quickly. ## %%, not delaying, not slow, quick, expeditious; (%%), ind. going quickly, a swift pace. ## %%, f. an ewe. See under %%. ## %%, free from caprice, faithful, constant. ## %%, m. unable to write or paint, writing or painting badly; different from one who writes or paints; one who is not a writer or painter. ## %%, uninterrupted. ## %% (rt. %%), not intended to be said, unasserted, undeclared. ## %%, not admitting censure or correction; N. of the tenth day of a certain Soma sacrifice. ## %%, m. non-disagreement, concurrence, consent. ## %%, uncontentious, quiet, peaceable. ## %% (rt. %%), unmarried, ## %%, not marrying, single; not relating to marriage; interdicted as to marriage. ## %% (rt. %%), undiscriminated, uninvestigated; indiscriminate, confounded; common, public. ## %%, viewing all as one with God. ## %%, without judgment or discrimination; (%%), m. absence of discrimination or judgment, ignorance. ## %%, done thoughtlessly. ## %%, f. or %%, n. want of judgment, inconsiderateness, imprudence. ## %%, or %%, undiscriminating, ignorant, having no judgment, superficial, short-sighted. ## %%, f. want of judgement or discrimination. ## %%, Ved. not disaffected; (%%), ind., Ved. not disaffectedly, favourably. ## %% (rt. %%), having no fears or doubts, fearless; (%<>%), f. unapprehensiveness, confidence, certainty. ## %%, ind. undoubtingly, without hesitation. ## %%, unapprehensive, confiding, trusting. ## %%, m., Ved. an unskilful cutter up or killer (of animals at a sacrifice). ## %%, pure, clear, free from fault or defect; valid, perfect, unimpeached. ## %%, uniform, alike, without any difference; (%%), n. equability, uniformity. ## %%, not perceiving the difference in things, undiscriminating. @<[Page 0097-c]>@ ## %%, unwearied. ## %%, Ved. not all-embracing, not pervading everything. ## %%, Ved. not perceived everywhere. ## %% (rt. %%), not causing confidence, mistrusted; (%%), m. mistrust, suspicion; (%<>%), f. a cow calving after long intervals. ## %%, not trusted, suspected, doubted. ## %%, mistrustful, unbelieving. ## %%, not poisonous, anti-venomous, antidote; (%%), m. the ocean; sky; (%<>%), f., N. of the plant Curcuma Zedoaria; (%<>%), f. a river; the earth; heaven. ## %%, unimpeded, unrestrained, unchecked. ## %%, unperceived, invisible; insensible; disregarding objects of sense; (%%), m. disappearance; absence; disregard of objects of sense. ## %%, n. the not making anything an object. ## %%, not dejected, unwearied, persevering; (%%), m. cheerfulness. ## %% (superl. of rt. %%), Ved. gladly accepting; very attentive. ## %%, f. (fr. %%), Ved. wish, desire, ardour; wish to go. ## %%, Ved. assailing; desirous, vehement, violent; wishing to eat; wishing to protect. ## %%, m. an extender, enlarger (?). ## %%, not contradictory. ## %%, not quitting, retaining, adhering to; (%<>%), m. an unintermittent fever. ## %%. See under %%. ## %% (rt. %%), of small extent or circuit. ## %%, m. absence of amplification. ## %%, not extended, not amplified, contracted. ## %%, compact, compressed, close. ## %%, not clear or plain, indistinct, obscure; (%%), n. indistinct speech. ## %%, n. or %%, f. not forgetting, remembering, recollection. ## %%, unobstructed, unimpeded. ## %%, one whose course is unobstructed. ## %%, Ved. whose will cannot be averted; (%%.) doer of acts undesired (by his foes). ## %%, undone, uneffected; unprescribed, not directed or ruled. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. unbent, unbroken; not curved. ## %% Ved. not slipping, not falling; undeviating. ## %%, unagitated, composed, calm. ## 1. %%, wrong reading for %%, q. v. ## 2. %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %
    %), a woman in her courses. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), not looking at, not regarding. @<[Page 0098-a]>@ ## %%, unseen, unbeheld. ## %%, waveless; (%%), m. a particular hell. ## %%, m. a hell, the place of punishment for liars. ## %%, seedless, impotent; (%%), n. bad seed, bad grain; absence of seed. ## %%, seedless; unsown. ## %%, unmanly, effeminate, weak; helpless; having no sons; destitute of men; (%<>%), f. a woman who has neither husband nor son. ## %%, f., Ved. want of sons. ## %%, Ved. not killing men, not pernicious to men. ## %%, Ved. weak, ineffective. ## %%, Ved. not hurting, inoffensive, true; unendangered, safe; free from one who obscures; %<(am)>%, n. safety, peace; quiet. ## %% or %%, treeless; destitute of trees. ## %%, Ved. not intriguing, straightforward, sincere, not deserting (friends), an epithet of the dityas. ## %%, Ved. unchecked, unimpeded; unsubdued; unselected; uncovered, unprotected. ## %%, f. inadequate support, absence of subsistence or allowance; want; %<(is, is, i)>%, not existing, not present. ## %%, n. nonexistence. ## %%, ind. not in vain, successfully, profitably. ## %%, successful, gaining one's object. ## %% (rt. %%), not augmentative; not bearing interest. ## %%, Ved. not promoting, not honouring. ## %%, f. want of rain, drought; famine. ## %% or %%, m. pl. (rt. %%), a class of Buddhist divinities. ## %%, few, not much or large. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to go away, to move away; to go to (with acc.); to come down upon, rush upon; to look upon, consider; perceive, conceive, understand, learn, know: Intens. or Pass. %%, to beg pardon for, conciliate. ## %%, elapsed, past; one who has gained, obtained, attained; joined with. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to look towards, look at, consider; to perceive, observe, experience; to have in view, aim at; to have regard to, respect; to expect, hope for: Caus. %%, to cause to look at. ## %%, n. looking towards or at; the act of considering, attention, observation. ## %%, to be looked at, to be respected. ## %%, looking at, inspecting, examining. ## %%, f. seeing, looking at; observation, care, regard, attention to (with loc.); agreement, engagement. ## %%, looked at, perceived, regarded. ## %%, observing, seeing, looking at. ## 1. %%, to be regarded, to be respected. ## 2. %%, ind. having beheld, having regarded. ## %%, not braided, having no braid of hair; not commingled (as the waters of rivers). @<[Page 0098-b]>@ ## %% (rt. 1. %%), not knowing, not ascertaining. ## %%, m. a Brhman who has not studied the Vedas. ## %%, not enjoined in the Vedas, unscriptural. ## 1. %%, not to be known; unascertainable, secret. ## 2. %% (rt. 2. %%), not to be married; (%%), m. a calf. ## %%, Ved. unconscious, not perceiving. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %%, to send away. ## %%, m. denial or concealment of knowledge; (%<>%), f. chewed betel. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. appeasing or expiation by sacrifices. ## %%, not Vedic, not belonging to the Veda. ## %%, irregular, heterodox, contrary or not conformable to rule. ## %%, free from widowhood. ## %%, n., Ved. the non-destruction of men, security from slaughter. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. besprinkling, bedewing. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), dripping down, sprinkling, moistening; (%%), wet, moist. ## %% (fr. 2. %%, q. v.), Ved. bringing down the gods. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to push down. ## %%, m. (%<= abda>%), a cloud; a year. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. coming from or belonging to sheep. ## %% (rt. %%), unapparent, indistinct, not manifest, not to be discerned, invisible, imperceptible, unperceived, undetermined; (in algebra) unknown as quantity or number; (%%), m. a fool; primary matter which has not yet entered into real existence; N. of Viu; of iva; of Kma or Kandarpa; (%%), n. the supreme being or universal spirit; (in Skhya phil.) 'the undiscrete', the primary germ of nature, the primordial element or productive principle whence all the phenomena of the material world are developed; the soul; nature, temperament; (%%), ind. imperceptibly, indistinctly, secretly. ## %%, f. algebraic calculation; any act of an indistinct character or aim. ## %%, going imperceptibly. ## %%, inarticulate. ## %%, whose form is incomprehensible. ## %%, m. dark-red, the colour of the dawn. ## %%, f. an unknown number or indistinct quantity (in algebra). ## %% or %%, m. epithet of iva, whose qualities are not perceptible. ## %%, or ## %%, mysterious in his ways. ## %%, speaking indistinctly. ## %%, n. equation of unknown quantities. ## %%, whose beginning is inscrutable. ## %%, n. the imitating of unarticulated or unmeaning sound. ## %%, indistinct; plain, not figurative; (%%), m. an animal without horns, though of an age to have them. @<[Page 0098-c]>@ ## %%, steady, cool, deliberate; indifferent, undisturbed; attentive. ## %%, not mutilated, sound, perfect; not figurative, plain; (%<>%), f., N. of the plant Carpopogon Pruriens Roxb. [cf. Zend aiwyahanem]. ## %%, well made, symmetrical, perfect, entire. ## %%, Ved. not spacious. ## %%, f. (for %%), N. of the plant Carpopogon Pruriens Roxb. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. the act of satiating, satisfaction; desire. ## %%, unmixed, unblended, distinct, specific, separate. ## %% (rt. %%), free from pain; not inflicting pain, merciful; (%%), m. a snake; (%<>%), f., N. of the plant Terminalia Citrina Roxb., and of the plant Hibiscus Mutabilis L.; Ved. firmness, steadiness, absence of tremor. ## %%, Ved. not moving unsteadily, not trembling. ## %%, Ved. not tremulous, not tottering; not unsteady, stepping firmly and safely, sure-footed, undaunted; epithet of the horses of the Avins; (%%), f. a firm step, sure-footedness; undauntedness. ## %%, f. the earth; night. ## %%, free from pain, not inflicting pain. ## %%, m. the ocean; the sun; (%<>%), f. the earth; midnight. ## %%, free from pain, not giving pain, not paining. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not breathing, lifeless. ## %%, not to be defined. ## %%, m. steadiness, consistency, constancy. ## %%, not going astray, constant; virtuous, moral; steady, steadfast, permanent, faithful. ## 1. %% (fr. %%, q. v.), Ved. coming from sheep, made of sheep's skin. ## 2. %% (rt. %% with %% and %%), not liable to change, imperishable, undecaying, immutable, eternal; unexpended, unwasted; economical, parsimonious; (%%), m. a N. of Viu or of iva; N. of a son of Manu Raivata; (%%), m. n. an indeclinable word, a particle; (%%), n. (in the Vednta) a member or corporeal part of an organized body. ## %%, n. imperishableness. ## %%, m. the class of indeclinables. ## %%, imperishable, eternal; (%<>%), m. soul, spirit. ## %%, m. unchangeable state, imperishableness; an indeclinable compound. ## %%, not useless, profitable, fruitful; effectual, efficacious. ## %%, not false, true, veracious, not disagreeable. ## %% (rt. %%), close, contiguous, immediate; not screened, not concealed, open, careless. ## %%, f. or %%, n. contiguity, carelessness. ## %%, adjoining, contiguous. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), negligence, inactivity. ## %%, negligent, inactive, remiss. ## %%, negligent, inactive, remiss. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), irregularity, deviation from established rule; incorrect legal opinion. ## %%, not conformable to law or practice; unacquainted with the law or custom; ill-regulated; displaced, disordered, not in due order, unmethodical. ## %% (rt. %%), unactionable, not to be discussed in law. ## %%, not determined or investigated by law; not spoken. ## %%, m. absence of interval, non-separation. ## %%, or %%, free from evil practices, not vicious, moral, correct, steady. ## %%, undecomposed, simple; not separated, undispersed, collected. ## %%, not disturbed, composed, calm, firm. ## %%, undecomposed, simple; (%%), n. elementary substance from which all things were created, considered as one with the substance of Brahma. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), want of clearness of explanation, obscurity. ## %%, unexplained, obscure. ## %%, n. non-explanation, absence of explicitness. ## %%, inexplicable, unintelligible; not requiring to be explained, easy. ## %%, m. absence of fraud, simplicity, honesty. ## %% (rt. %

    %), not spread over or pervading the whole, not an invariable concomitant, special, individual, peculiar. ## %%, f. or %%, n. non-comprehensiveness or generalization, speciality, individuality. ## %%, not pervading, not comprehensive, not invariably concomitant, special, individual; partial, limited. ## %%, f. or %%, n. non-generalization, speciality. ## %%, not pervaded with, peculiar, individual, limited. ## %%, f. inadequate pervasion or extent (of a definition); e. g. 'man is a cooking animal', which does not extend to savages who eat raw food. ## %%, not to be pervaded generally, not extending to the whole circumstances, peculiar; (%%), ind. not pervading. ## %%, (in logic) a category of limited application, partial inherence, with reference to place and time, as pain, pleasure, love, hatred, virtue, vice, &c. ## %%, not dead, not quite extinct, just alive. ## %%, m. vacation from work, state of being unemployed; a business not practised or understood, not one's own business. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), non-exertion, absence of lassitude or of fatigue from exertion. ## %%, not occupied, not detached, holding firm (?). ## %%, n. not returning, not coming back, not circulating. ## %%, unresisted, unimpeded; not disappointed. ## %%, not uttering (?). ## %%, undisputed. ## %%, not interrupted. @<[Page 0099-b]>@ ## %%, not accomplished, not proficient, inexperienced. ## %%, Ved. not yet shining (as the dawn). ## %%, f., Ved. not failing. ## %% or %% (rt. %%), Ved. not disappearing, not vanishing. ## %%, without rents or scirs, without splinters; unhurt, unscarred, sound; %%, a peculiar disease of the eyes. ## %% or %%, lawless, disobedient, wicked; not oberving religious rites or obligations, uninitiated. ## %%, n., Ved. offence against the rule of an ascetic, violation of a religious obligation. ## %%, m., Ved. one who is not a Vrtya. ## %%, not wandering or travelling as a mendicant (?). ## 1. %%, cl. 5. P. A. (in classical Sanskt A. only), %% or %% and %%, to reach, come to, arrive at; to get, gain, obtain; to become master of, to master, to be able; to pervade, penetrate, pierce through, fill; to heap, accumulate: Caus. %% Desid. %% Intens. %%. ## %%, m., Ved. a missile-stone, or stone for slinging, stone, rock; a cloud. ## 1. %%, reaching, reaching across. ## %%, m. f. a missile, especially the thunderbolt and flash of lightning; the tip of a missile; N. of a warrior-tribe. ## %%, m., N. of a Rkasa. ## %%, Ved. throwing the thunderbolt, endowed with it. ## 1. %%, m. a thief. ## %%, reaching far, enduring; Vedic superlative %% and %%. ## 2. %%, cl. 9. P. %%, to eat, consume; to taste, enjoy: Caus. %%, to cause to eat, to give to eat, to feed: Desid. %%, to wish to eat: Intens. %%. ## 2. %%, n. eating, feeding; food (often at the end of compounds, e. g. %%, having roots and fruit for food). ## %%, Ved. preparing food. ## %%, m., Ved. lord of food. ## %%, Ved. possessed of food. ## %%, nom. P. %<-yati, -yitum>%, to desire food, to be hungry. ## %%, f. hunger. ## %% or %%, Ved. hungry. ## %%, eaten, satisfied. ## %% or %%, formerly grazed by cattle. ## %%, to be eaten. ## %%, m. eating, an eater. ## 2. %%, n. an oblation of rice, &c. ## %%, fed, satiated, satiate; given to eat; (%%), n. food. ## %%, n. an inauspicious omen. ## %%, f., N. of the aquatic plant Pistia Stratiotes Lin. ## %% (rt. %%), unable, incompetent. ## %%, f. or %%, n. weakness, inability. ## %%, f. inability, incapability, weakness, impotence. ## %%, impossible, impracticable; not to be done. ## %%, unavailing. ## %%, m., N. of the author of the ntipura. @<[Page 0099-c]>@ ## %% (rt. %%), fearless, undaunted; secure, certain. ## %%, certain, undoubted; fearless. ## %%, virtuous, sincere. ## %%, Ved. one who has no adversary; one whom no enemy defies; without opposition from enemies; (%%), m. the moon; (%%), n. condition of having no enemy. ## 3. %%, m. %<= asana>%, N. of the tree Terminalia Tomentosa W. and A. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a plant. ## See under 1. %%, 2. %%. ## %%, Ved. not cursing, not imprecating. ## %%, ind. (rt. %%), Ved. non-welfare, harm, mischief. ## %%, m. disquietude, uneasiness. ## %%, unappeased, indomitable, violent, wild; resttless, anxious, unresigned; unconsecrated, not sacred, irreligious, profane. ## %%, f. want of tranquillity, passionateness. ## %%, f. restlessness, anxiety. ## %%, causing anxiety. ## %%, unappeasable. ## %%, destitute of refuge, defenceless. ## %%, bodiless, incorporeal; (%%), m. a N. of Kma, the god of love. ## %%, incorporeal. ## %%, n. unhappiness, pain, affliction; %<(, , a)>%, unhappy, afflicted. ## %% (rt. %% for %%), Ved. not blessing, not wishing well, not praising, cursing, hating. ## %%, Ved. inexpressible, ineffable, not esteemed, hated, ill-starred. ## %%, Ved. having indescribable treaures; (Sy.) who is not asked for wealth, i. e. who grants it of his own accord. ## %%, f., Ved. not wishing well, imprecation, evil design, curse; a curser, hater. ## %%, Ved. averting imprecations or curses. ## %% (rt. %%, to hurt), weaponless, unarmed. ## %%, f., N. of a grass. ## %%, not relating to or endowed with body, incorporeal. ## %%, perishable, transient, temporary. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), want of government, anarchy, disorder. ## %% or %%, ungovernable. ## %%, ungoverned, undisciplined. ## %%, unscriptural, not conformable to sacred authority, heterodox. ## %% or %%, not enjoined by the stras. ## %%, unscriptural, heterodox, illegal, immoral, irreligious. ## %%, untaught. ## %%, &c. See under 2. %%. ## %%. See under 1. %%, 2. %%. ## %%, not loose, firm, tight, hard. ## %%. See under 1. %%. ## %%, Ved. not causing the sickness called ipada. ## %%, Ved. not destructive like a imid. @<[Page 0100-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. epithet of the seven Parjanyas or rain-clouds (perhaps the true reading may be %%, 'hater of the imis'). ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 2. %%), fire; a N. of the sun, 'consumer or devourer;' N. of a Rkasa or goblin; (%<>%), f., N. of the wife of this Rkasa; (%%), n. a diamond. ## %%, or %%, headless. [cf. [greek]]. ## %%, n. bathing the whole body except the head. ## %%, unfriendly, unkind, envious; pernicious, dangerous; causing or threatening mischief; unlucky, unfortunate; (%%), m., N. of a certain divine being; (%<>%), f. a female demon or globin; (%%), n. ill-luck, evil fortune, mischief. ## %%, not cold, warm. ## %%, f. heat, warmth. ## %% (fr. rt. 2. %%, in Desid.), hungry. ## %%, childless, without young ones. ## %% or %%, f. a childless woman. ## %% (rt. %%), untrained, badly trained, ill-regulated, ill-behaved, rude, barbarous, profligate. ## %%, f. or %%, n. rudeness. ## %%, m. bad behaviour, rudeness, profligacy. ## %%, not to be taught, not to be informed. ## %% (superl. of %%, see 1. %%), Ved. reaching very far. ## 1. %%, the eightieth. ## %%, f. eighty. ## %%, m. the eightieth part, one part out of eighty. ## %%, an octogenarian, one eighty years of age. ## 2. %%, not cold, warm, hot. ## %%, or %%, m. the sun, 'having hot rays.' ## %%, hot. ## %%, undecayed, unimpaired. ## %%, Ved. or %%, headless. ## %%, ill-behaved, vulgar, offensive; indifferent; (%%), n. bad manners, bad conduct, depravity. ## %% (rt. 2. %%), foul, impure; (%%), f. impurity, disgrace, degradation. ## %%, f. or %%, n. impurity. ## %%, n. impurity, foulness; legal impurity, contamination, defilement contracted by the death of a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, &c. ## %%, n. impure or abandoned nature or disposition; defilement, contamination. ## %% (rt. %%), impure; inaccurate; unknown, unascertained. ## %%, m. a vagrant, a supicious character. ## %%, impure; (%%), f. impurity. ## %%, n. uncleanness; inaccuracy. ## %%, uncleansed, unclean; inaccurate, uncorrected, unrevised. ## %%, unlucky, inauspicious; (%%), n. sin, a shameful deed, misfortune. ## %%, m. inauspicious omen. ## %%, f. inattention, neglect of service or respect. @<[Page 0100-b]>@ ## %% (fr. rt. 2. %%), Ved. eating, consuming, voracious; (Sy.) not causing to dry up, not extinguished (as if fr. rt. %%). ## %% (rt. %%), not dry, moist, fresh, green. ## %% or %%, not to be dried up. ## %%, m. one who is not a dra. ## %%, not empty. ## %%, n., %%, f., %%, n., N. of certain ceremonies. ## %%, f. the tree Vitex Alata. ## %%, having no horn or top. ## %%, untameable, unbridled. ## %%, not cooked, unripe. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not loosened. ## %%, Ved. pernicious, dangerous, not causing pleasure. ## %%, without remainder, entire, perfect, all, whole, every; infinite, endless; (%%), m. non-remainder; %% or %% or %%, ind. entirely, wholly. ## %%, f. totality. ## %%, m. an epithet of iva. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to finish entirely. ## %%, Ved. without offspring or descendants. ## %%, m. an Arhat (lit. 'no longer a pupil'). ## 1. %% (rt. 2. %%), Ved. without heat. ## 2. %% (rt. 1. %%), without sorrow, not feeling or not causing sorrow; (%%), m., N. of the tree Jonesia Aoka Roxb. (it is a tree of moderate size, belonging to the leguminous class, with magnificent red flowers); N. of a minister of king Daaratha; N. of a king in Paliputra; (%<>%), f., N. of a medicinal plant; one of the female domestic deities of the Jainas; (%%), n. the blossom of the Aoka plant; quicksilver. ## %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. an Aoka tree. ## %%, m., N. of a feast which lasts during three nights. ## %% or %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f., N. of a certain holiday. ## %%, f., N. of a metre. ## %%, f., N. of a medicinal palnt. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, f., N. of a certain holiday. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Nauclea Kadamba Roxb. ## %%, f. the eighth day in the first half of the month Caitra. ## %%, m. absence of care or vanity; content, tranquillity, modesty. ## %%, not to be sorrowed for. ## %%. See under %%. ## See under %%. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, n. want of heroism, cowardice. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. 2. %%), Ved. voracious; (%%), m., N. of a demon. ## %%, f., Ved. hunger. ## %%, f. invitation to eat and to drink. ## %%, nom. he invites to eat and drink. @<[Page 0100-c]>@ ## 1. %%, m., Ved. eating. ## 2. %%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %%), Ved. a stone; a cloud. ## %%, m. a mountain, a rock; Ved. a cloud. ## %%, m. f., N. of several persons. ## 2. %%, m. a stone, especially one fit for slinging; flint; hard stone, rock; a cloud; thunderbolt; sky (?); N. of a Brhman [cf. Zend aman; Pers. asmn; Lith. akmu-, Them. akmen; Slav. kamy, Them. kamen]. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %% or %%, breaking or brushing anything with a stone, bruised or broken by stones. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, n. or %%, n. an emerald. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, Ved. furnished with a disk of stone. ## %%, n. red chalk; iron. ## %%, n. bitumen. ## %%, m. an axe or crow for breaking stones; (%%), n. splitting stones or rocks. ## %%, Ved. throwing rocks or thunderbolts; (Sy.) one who has obtained a weapon, having adamantine weapons. ## %%, Ved. made of stone. ## %%, Ved. of stone, stony. ## %%, n. benzoin (styrax). ## %%, n. a mortar of stone or iron. ## %%, m. the plant Coleus Scutellarioides, supposed to dissolve stone in the bladder. ## %% or %%, m. the same. ## %%, made or consisting of stone, stony. ## %%, m. an emerald. ## %%, stony, of stone. ## %%, n., Ved. a wall or shield of stone. ## %%, Ved. included in rocks. ## %%, m. n. iron; sapphire. ## %%, made or consisting of iron. ## %%, n., Ved. a stroke of the thunderbolt. ## %%, Ved. having a stone-mouth or stone-source, i. e. flowing from a rock. ## %%, n. asphalt, bitumen. ## %%, stony, rocky, appertaining to stone or rock; (%<>%), f. strangury, stone or gravel (the disease). ## %%, m., N. of the tree Crataeva Roxburghii R. Br., used as a lithontriptic. ## %%, n. a lithontriptic. ## %%, m., N. of the tree Pentaptera Arjuna, used as a lithontriptic. ## %%, m. n. stone or gravel (the disease). ## %%, n. (fr. 2. %%), a fire-place; a field, a plain; death; %<(as, , am)>%, unauspicious, unlucky; unbounded, unlimited; (%%), m., N. of a Marut; [with this word compare Gr. [greek] and Lat. caminus.] ## %%, n. a fire-place; a shade for a lamp; (%%), m., N. of a plant, from the fibres of which a Brhman's girdle may be made. ## 1. %%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %%, wrongly spelt %%), a corner [cf. %%]. ## 2. %%, n. %<= aru>%, a tear, q. v. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to shed tears. ## %%, having tears, in tears. ## 3. %%, n. %<= asra>%, blood, q. v. ## %%, m. fiend, a cannibal, 'a blood-drinker.' ## %% (rt. %% with %%), not trusting in (with loc. c.); unbelieving; (%<>%), f. want of trust, unbelief. ## %%, unbelieving, incredulous, having no faith. ## %%, not to be believed, incredible. ## %%, not performing funeral rites, not entitled to them, not belonging or relating to them; (%%), m. non-performance of funeral rites. ## %%, one who has taken the vow not to eat during the performance of the rddha ceremonies. @<[Page 0101-a]>@ ## %%, m. (rt. %%), freedom from fatigue, freshness; absence of toil, laziness; (%%), Ved. indefatigable. ## %%, Ved. indefatigable; (%%), m. one who is not an ascetic or Buddhist mendicant. ## %%, untired, unwearied, eternal, continual; (%%), ind. unweariedly, continually, uninterruptedly. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), loss of hearing, deafness. ## %%, not to be heard, unfit to be heard, not to be spoken of. ## %%, ind. (rt. %%), Ved. in an uncooked manner, raw. ## %%, or %%, f. (fr. rt. 1. %%), the sharp side of anything, a corner, angle of a room or house; the edge of a sword [cf. Lat. acies, acer; Lith. assmu-]. ## %%, cornered. ## %%, Ved. unapproached, difficult of access; not stopping (?). ## %%. See under 2. %%. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), unlucky, unpropitious. ## %%, unfortunate, inglorious. ## %%, Ved. unpleasant, ugly. ## %%, unprosperous, unlucky. ## %% substituted for %%), unlucky, unpropitious. ## %%, unpleasant, ugly; coarse, vulgar; abusive, blackguard; (%%), n. rustic language, untruth, low abuse. ## %%, n. a tear [supposed to stand for %% fr. rt. %%; cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. lacryma for dacryma; Goth. tagrs, Them. tagra; Eng. tear; Mod. Germ. Zhre; Lith. aszara]. ## %%, f. a tear-drop. ## %%, f. Fistula Lachrymalis. ## %%, whose eyes are filled with tears. ## %%, bathed in tears. ## %%, m. flow of tears. ## %%, filled with tears. ## %%, troubled and filled with tears. ## %%, whose eyes are filled with tears. ## %%, having tears on the face. ## %%, having tears in the eyes. ## %%, affected by tears. ## %% (rt. %%), unheard, inaudible; contrary to the Vedas; (%%), m., N. of a son of Ka, also of Dyutimat. ## %%, ind. as if it were not heard. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f. not hearing, forgetfulness; not being directed by the Vedas. ## %%, not striking the hearing; not knowing the Veda. ## %%, not the better, inferior, worse; worthless, useless, unprofitable, bad; (%%), n. mischief, unhappiness. ## %%, not the best, inferior, worse; bad, vile. ## %%, Ved. without bands (?). ## %%, m. a Brhman who has not read the Vedas; not a theologian. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), absence of self-applause, modesty, reserve. ## %% or %%, undeserving of honour or praise, worthless; base, mean. ## %%, f. (rt. %

    %; see %%), desired, wished. ## %%, or %%, desirous of obtaining, wishing. ## %%, unterrific, causing no fear; (%%), m., N. of Viu. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), pride, &c. See %% under %%. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), joy. ## %% (only used in pl.), Ved. intense joy and pleasure; or %%, excessively joyful (fr. irreg. intens. of rt. %%). ## %%, m. a cowherd; N. of a people; %<()>%, f. the language of this people; (%%), n., N. of a metre, containing four Pdas with eleven Mtrs in each Pda. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), a kind of serpent. ## %%, f. a kind of poisonous insect. ## %% or %%, unterrific; fearless, undaunted; (%%), m., N. of Bhairava or iva; (%% or %%), f., N. of a plant, Asparagus Racemosus. ## %%, f. a plant, the leaves of which are like those of the plant Abhiru (see above); the plant Abhru. ## %%, unterrific, fearless, innocent. ## %% (for %%), or %%, fearless. ## %%. See %%. @<[Page 0070-c]>@ ## %% (only used in pl.), Ved. discourse and talk; or %%, talking excessively, whimpering (fr. irreg. intens. of rt. %%, cf. %% last col.). ## %%, m. (rt. %%), circuit, compass. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, q. v.), Ved. existing everywhere, going towards, approaching, attacking successfully; successful assault, victory; a hymn recited in attacking the enemy. ## %%, Ved. abiding everywhere. ## %% (rt. %%), covered, surrounded. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), curse, imprecation. See %%. ## %% or less correctly %%, m. (rt. %<>% or 1. %% with %%), Ved. rein, bridle; arm, finger; ray of light. ## %<1. abhu-mat, n, at, at>%, splendid, brilliant. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to seek for, long for, endeavour to gain. ## %% or %%, wishing, desiring. ## %%, m. attachment, love, lust, passion [cf. %% above]. ## %<2. abhu-mat, n, at, at>%, attached, enamoured. ## %%, wished, desired; acceptable, dear, favourite, darling; optional; (%<>%), f. a mistress; betel. ## %%, f. state of being desired. ## %%, f. beloved goddess, favourite deity. ## %%, m. or %%, f. the gaining a desired object. ## %%, m. curse, imprecation. See %%. ## %%, ind. (inst. case of %%), fearlessly. ## %%, Ved. overpowering; %<()>%, f. immense power. ## %% (rt. %%), uneaten; unenjoyed, unused, unexpended; one who has not eaten, enjoyed or expended. ## %%, one who has not eaten. ## %%, Ved. one who has not experienced or enjoyed, one who does not keep (a promise). ## %%, not eating; Ved. not allowing to enjoy; not protecting. ## %%, not bent, straight; well, free from disease. ## %%, armless, maimed. ## %%, m. f. not a slave, not a servant. ## %%, m. unborn; an epithet of Viu. ## %%, non-existent, whatever is not or has not been. ## %%, m. the coming into being of that which has not existed before. ## %%, unprecedented. ## %%, m. the becoming manifest of what has not been before. ## %%, m. pl., N. of some deities supposed to have existed in the fifth Manvantara. ## %%, having no enemy. ## %%, f. non-existence; want of power; poverty. ## %%, f. non-earth, anything but earth; no proper object, unfit place or object. ## %%, produced in unfit or unsuitable ground. ## %%, few, scanty. ## %%, few, some, several. @<[Page 0071-a]>@ ## %% or %%, unadorned. ## %% or %%, not receiving hire, not hired, not paid. ## %%, not much, little, few. ## %%, m. absence of difference or distinction; identity; not breaking, compactness, closeness of array; %<(as, , am)>%, undivided, identical, alike. ## %%, not dividing, not distinguishing. ## %%, or %%, not to be divided or broken or pierced; indivisible; %<(-yam)>%, n. a diamond. ## %%, f. indivisibility, impenetrability. ## %%, or %%, not enjoying, not using, abstemious. ## %%, not to be enjoyed or used. ## %%, m. non-enjoyment, not making use of. ## %%, not to be enjoyed. ## %%, m., Ved. not affording enjoyment (to the gods, i. e. refusing to sacrifice). ## %%, m., Ved. killing the stingy (who will not sacrifice). ## %%, n. not eating, fasting, abstinence. ## %%, not fed, not feasted. ## %%, not eating, fasting. ## %%, not to be eaten, prohibited as food, impure. ## %%, one whose food is not allowed to be eaten. ## %%, not elemental, not relating to or produced by the gross elements, mental. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Etaa or Aitaa; %<(i)>%, ind. towards the fire. ## %%, near; fresh, new; (%%), n. proximity. ## %%, recently marked. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ajati, -jitum>%, to unite, join. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-anakti, ajitum, -aktum>%, to smear, anoint; to decorate. ## %%, oiled, anointed. ## %%, m. rubbing with unctuous substances, smearing the body with oil, inunction; unguent, liniment. ## %%, n. smearing the body with oil, inunction; oil; applying collyrium to the eyelashes; ornament; embellishment. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-atati, -titum>%, to visit. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to step over, to walk through; to overpower; to transgress; to violate. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-karati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai>%, to flow over to. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to mix with (?). ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to go past, glide away; to pass over; to get through. ## %%, dead, passed away. ## %%, surpassing (in number, power, kind); exceeding the common measure, excellent; pre-eminent, extraordinary; superior, more excellent, having more authority or power; (%%), ind. exceedingly. @<[Page 0071-b]>@ ## %%, ind. towards the way, on the way; (%%), ind. on the way, near. ## 1. %%, cl. 9. P. %<-jnti, -jtum>%, to allow, permit; to authorize, direct; to allow one to depart, dismiss; to take leave: Caus. %<-jpayati, -yitum>%, to ask for leave to depart, to take leave. ## 2. %%, f. or %%, n. assent, permission; granting leave of absence, dismissing; order, command. ## %%, allowed, permitted, assented to, dismissed; ordered, commanded. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-pcchati, -praum>%, to iquire after, ask for. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-modayati, -yitum>%, to permit one to leave, to dismiss. ## %% (rt. %%), said conformably to what was declared before. ## %%, interior, being inside; initiated in, conversant with; next, nearly related, intimate; (%%), n. inner part, interior, inside, middle; included space; (%% or %%), ind. in the interior, inwards. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, f. the secret art or the art of coquetry. ## %%, m. curvature of the spine by spasm; emprosthonos. ## %%, m. an intimate friend. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to initiate, inaugurate; to make a near friend (of a person); to familiarize. ## %%, n. initiating in, inaugurating; making a near friend (of a person). ## %%, put between, made interior; initiated; made intimate or familiar with. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to go away to, to go up to. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-apniti, -nitum>%, to breathe on. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-amati, -mitum>%, to advance violently against, to attack, to pain, hurt; to be angry with; to overcome. ## %%, n. attacking, assault, disease. ## %%, with assaults or attacks, with diseases. ## %%, diseased, sick. ## %%, attacking, inclined to attack. ## %%. See s. v. ## %%, n. assault on an enemy; (%%), ind. towards or against the enemy. ## %% or %% or %%, m. a soldier who faces the enemy valiantly. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, see %%), going near, approaching, arriving; entering; setting (of the sun). ## %%, ind. towards or against the enemy. ## %%, ind. towards the disk of the sun. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-arcati, -citum>%, to praise, celebrate in song; to worship, reverence: Pass. %<-arcyate>%, to be honoured. ## %%, worshipping, reverencing. ## %%, n. or %%, f. worship, reverence. ## %% or %%, to be worshipped, to be reverenced. ## %%, praised, worshipped. ## %% (fr. rt. %<>% or %% with %%), near, proximate; (%%), n. nearness, proximity. @<[Page 0071-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 10. A. %<-arthayate, -yitum>%, to ask, request. ## %%, n. f. petition, request. ## %% or %%, to be requested or asked. ## %%, asking, one who asks. ## %%, asked, invited. ## %%, asking. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ardati, -ditum>%, to oppress, afflict, pain. ## %%, distressed, oppressed. ## %% (fr. %% for %% with %%, cf. %%), Ved. being on this side; proximate, near; increasing; (%%), n. the being situated on this side, near. ## %%, m., Ved. granting gifts; increasing the worshipper's prosperity. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ar-ati, -itum>%, to flow near, to run near (with acc.); to cause to flow near. ## %% (rt. %%), to be greatly honoured, venerable. ## %%, f. honourableness, honour. ## %%, greatly honoured, venerable; fit, proper, becoming. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to decorate. ## %%, decorated. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), extraction, drawing out. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), an open space. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum, -rtum>%, to throw or cast on, to pour on, to cover. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-tave, -tavai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to press on, penetrate: Caus. %<-crayati, -yitum>%, to send away. ## %%, cl. 8. P., Ved. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to extend along or to. ## %%, Ved. withholding gifts, not liberal. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-dyati, -dtum>%, to divide into pieces for any purpose. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to lay down on all sides, overlay. ## %%, allayed, laid, e. g. dust. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-nmayati, -yitum>%, to bow, incline. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-nenekti, -nenikte, -nektum>%, to wipe or wash off, clean: Caus. %<-nejayati, -yitum>%, to cause to wash off. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to lead down, pour into. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly or fall down. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-manyate, -mantum>%, to despise, scorn, reject. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-skandati, -skantum>%, to jump up (or out ?). ## %%, m. or %%, n. impetuous assault, facing an enemy; striking so as to disable an enemy. ## %%, Caus. %<-hrayati, -yitum>%, to get one to oppose another; to cause one to take or eat. ## %%, n. throwing away or down; taking food, eating. ## %%, m. taking food, eating, enjoying; food. ## %%, eatable, fit for eating; (%%), n. food, eating. ## %%, taken (as food), devoured. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -situm>%, to throw upon. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-avaiti, -tum>%, to go down; to descend; to get an insight, to condescend; to perceive. ## %%, n. going down, descending. ## %%, descended, immersed. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-avekate, -itum>%, to look at or upon. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-a-noti, -nute, -aitum, -aum>%, to pervade, reach to, gain; to make one's self master of. ## %%, n. reaching to, pervading, gaining. ## %%, m. reaching to, pervading; proximity, neighbourhood, result, consequence, prospect, hope of gaining; %<(as, , am)>%, near, proximate (also written %% or %%, ind. near (also written %%, arrived from near at hand. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-asti>%, to fall to one's share; to be over; to excel; to reign over, tyrannize over. ## 2. %%, cl. 4. P. %<-as-yati, -asitum>%, to throw down, throw to, heap one on the other, accumulate, to shoot off at, to concentrate one's attention in one direction; to repeat, practice, exercise; to study, read, recite; to learn by heart. ## %%, n. concentrating of the faculties of the mind in one direction; practice, exercise; repetition, study. ## %% or %% or %%, to be studied, to be repeated or reduplicated. ## %%, accumulated, practised, exercised; learnt by heart, repeated, studied; multiplied; reduplicated in grammer; (%%), n. the reduplicated base of a root. ## %%, studying, practising. ## %%, m. repetition; practice, military practice, permanent or repeated exercise, discipline, use, habit, custom; repeated reading, reciting, study; learning by heart; education; practising archery; (in grammar) repeating twice, reduplication; the first syllable of a reduplicated radical; (in poetry) repetition of the last verses of a stanza; (in arithmetic) multiplication: see also under %%. ## %%, approached, gone near (see %% above). ## %%, f. constant practice, use, habit. ## %%, n. the cause of the reduplication in grammar. ## %%, wandering about or near, for %%. ## %%, m. the practice of frequent and repeated meditation on any deity or on abstract spirit, repeated recollection. ## %%, m. interval caused by the reduplication-syllable. ## %%, practising, repeating. ## %%, ind. near; more correctly written %%. ## %%, nom. P. A. %<-asyati, -te, -yitum>%, to show indignation, to detract. ## %%, angry, vexed, impatient. ## %%, detracting, a detractor, calumniator; envious. ## %%, f. detraction, envy, calumny. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, or %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to go down or set (as the sun) during or with reference to (some act). ## %%, m. setting of the sun during or with reference to. ## %%, one on whom the sun has gone down while asleep. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a striking of the flat of the hand upon the breast in defiance (a practice common to wrestlers and pugilists). ## %%, n. a groundless complaint, a false accusation. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-ka-roti, -kartum>%, to draw near to one's self, attract. ## %%, ind. by or in drawing near to one's self. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kra-mitum>%, to step near. ## %%, ind. by or in stepping near or mutually, in stepping rapidly. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kro-ati, -kroum>%, to assail with harsh language, to revile. ## %%, accused falsely, calumniated. ## %%, n. a false or groundless accusation, calumny. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to come near to, approach, visit; to come to, fall into. ## %%, come, arrived; (%%), m. a guest, a visitor. ## %%, m. or %%, n. approaching, arrival, visit, visitation; neighbourhood; arriving at or enjoying a result; rising, getting up; war, battle; encountering, striking, killing; enmity. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-ji-gti, -gtum>%, to come to, approach, arrive. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v., with %%), diligent in supporting a family. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), assault, attack. ## %%, attacking, assailing. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-cae, -um>%, to look at; to speak. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-carati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-itave, -itavai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to approach, practice. ## %%, m., Ved. approaching (as an enemy), disturbing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jati, -jitum>%, to drive near. ## %%, m. (rt. %%, Ved. order, command. ## %%, cl. 8. A., Ved. %<-tanute, -nitum>%, to take aim at, shoot. ## %%, m. spreading over; expanion. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -ptum>%, to distress, torment. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tarati, -ritum, -rtum>%, to come up. ## %%, Ved. directed towards one's self; (%%), ind. towards one's self. ## %%, ind. more towards one's self. ## %%, cl. 3. A. %<-datte, -dtum>%, to seize, snatch away; to put on; to take up the conversation, or commence speaking after another. @<[Page 0072-c]>@ ## %% (for %%), obtained; having gained, encompassing. ## %%, n. beginning, commencement; first beginning. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to aim at (in talk), to have in view. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadhti, -dhtum>%, to lay on (fuel, &c.), to add, apply. ## %%, n. laying or placing on, adding. ## %%, laid on, put on. ## %%, m. a present usual in some districts of India. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to pour into, mix with. ## %%, cl. 4. P., Ved. %<-ntyati, -nartitum>%, to dance towards, to hasten near. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%, see %%), sick, diseased. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-pnoti, -ptum>%, to reach to, to get, to obtain: Caus. %<-pa-yati, -yitum>%, to bring to an end: Desid. %<-psati>%, to strive to reach, to ask for, to desire. ## %%, desired, acceptable, dear. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to jump on, to hasten near to, rush towards. ## %%, m. calamity, misfortune. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to come to, to approach. ## %%, m. or %%, n. (rt. %%), war, battle, fighting. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-yacchati, -yantum>%, to restrain. ## %%, m., Ved. to be restrained; to be made subject. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to come up to, attain. ## %%, cl. 1. A. or P. %<-rabhate, -ti, -rabdhum>%, to commence. ## %%, m. beginning, commencement. ## %%, ind. (rt. %<>%), near, at hand, by coming near. ## %% (rt. %%), ascended; gone up to; surpassed. ## %%, m. or %%, n. going up to, ascending; transition from one place to another; progress; ascending in devotion, praying. ## %%, m., N. of a sacrificial ceremony. ## %%, to be ascended, to be gained. ## %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. P. %<-vartate, -ti, -titum>%, to come up to, come towards, approach. ## %%, m. repetition; a hymn, the verses of which are repeated in singing; (%%), ind. repeatedly, by repeating. ## %%, repeatedly coming; (%<>%), m., N. of a king. ## %%, come near to, approached, repeated. ## %%, f. repetition. ## %%, m. See %%. ## %%. See 2. %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sdati, -sattum>%, to attain, obtain. ## %%, n. striking so as to disable an enemy, facing an enemy. @<[Page 0073-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-hanti, -tum>%, to strike, wound, smite, impede. ## %%, struck, wounded, impeded. ## %%, n. striking, hurting, killing, impeding. ## %%. See under %%, p. 72, col. 3. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-hara-ti, -hartum>%, to bring towards, bring near; to give, hand over. ## %%, m. bringing near; robbery. ## %%, to be eaten. ## %% (rt. %%), declared with reference to (some particular point). ## %%, cl. 6. 1. P. A. %<-ukati, -te, -itum>%, to sprinkle over, besprinkle. ## %%, n. sprinkling over, wetting. ## %%, besprinkled. ## %%, ind. having sprinkled over. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-ucyati, -citum>%, to like, to take pleasure in visiting. ## %%, usual, cutomary. ## %%, going exceedingly high; (%<>%), m., N. of a Buddha. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), increase, augmentation. ## %%, increased, augmented. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-tave, -tavai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to rise over. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %% and %%), raised aloft, elevated. ## %%, with uplifted proboscis. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvati, -vitum>%, to live for others. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kra-mitum>%, to go up to: Caus. P. %<-kramayati, -yitum>%, to cause to go up to, to cause to ascend. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kroati, -kroum>%, to raise loud acclamations. ## %%, applauded with loud acclamations. ## %%, n. loud acclamation. ## %%, m. a hymn of applause. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-tarati, -ritum, -rtum>%, to cross over towards, penetrate to. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tihati, -thtum>%, to rise, rise from a seat to do any one honour. ## %%, n. rising from a seat through politeness; rising, elevation, obtaining a high position, gaining authority, dignity, respectability; sunrise. ## %%, rising from a seat to do any one honour. ## %%, risen, arisen, elevated, exalted. ## %%, m., N. of a prince descended from Daaratha. ## %%, to be greeted reverentially, i. e. by rising from one's seat. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly up to, jump up to: Caus. %<-ptayati, -yitum>%, to cause to fly up to (with acc.). ## %%, n. springing or leaping against any one. @<[Page 0073-b]>@ ## %%, Caus. P., Ved. %<-sdayati, -yitum>%, to destroy (?). ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-sahate, -sahitum, -sohum>%, to feel competent, to venture, to dare. ## %%, cl. 1. A. or poet. P. %<-smayate, -ti, -smetum>%, to smile. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aniti, -anati, -anitum>%, to breathe on or upon. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), an example or illustration of a thing by its reverse. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to go up; to rise over; to happen; to engage in combat with. ## %%, rising; (%%), m. the rise of luminaries (especially with reference to some other occurence), sunrise; beginning, commencing; elevation, increase, prosperity; happiness; good result; a festival, any religious celebration; accident, occurrence. ## %%, f., N. of a particular expiatory sacrifice. ## %%, rising, arising. ## 1. %%, risen (as the sun); arisen, happened; elevated, exalted; asleep at sunrise; celebrated as a festival; %<()>%, f., N. of a religious ceremony; (%%), n. rising, sunrise. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), mentioned, referred to. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kate, -itum>%, to look towards. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-rayati, -yitum>%, to raise (one's voice); to speak aloud; to incite, stir up. ## %%, thrown over or upon. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-hati, -te, -hitum>%, to move or push farther out. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aiti, -tum>%, to go up to, approach. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to extend; to go out to meet. ## %%, rising, uprisen. ## %%, extended; gone out in order to meet (another); risen, elevated. ## %%, m., N. of a Buddhist Kalpa. ## %%, m. or %%, n. rising from a seat to honour any one; setting out to pay a visit. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to rise over or before. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), the becoming visible (of a star); (%<>%), f., N. of a ceremony. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-uddharati, -rtum>%, to take up, take out; to destine, set apart: Caus. %<-uddhrayati, -yitum>%, to snatch away. ## %%, taken out, taken up, delivered. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-yacchati, -yantum>%, to bring, offer; to lift up. ## %%, brought or given unsolicited; prepared, exerting one's self, lifted up. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-unat-ti, -unditum>%, to wet, bedew; flow over. ## %%, bedewing, wetting; flowing over. ## %% (rt. %%), raised, elevated; projecting upwards, very high or full. ## %%, f. great elevation or prosperity. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to pour upon, scoop towards. @<[Page 0073-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to go near to, approach, arrive at; to obtain; to assent, agree to, promise, believe: Caus. %<-gamayati, -yitum>%, to prevail on any one to assent. ## %%, gone near to, approached, arrived at; promised, agreed, assented to; admitted, implied; inferred, probable; similar, analogous. ## %%, to be approached or assented to, to be admitted. ## %%, one who approaches or assents, &c. ## %%, m. going near to, approaching, arriving at; a promise, an agreement, contract; granting, allowing, admitting, believing; probable ascertainment; supposition, inference, analogy, affinity. ## %%, m. an admitted axiom. ## %%, made to consent, obtained by assent or free consent; (%%), m. a slave for a fixed term. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to approach in order to help; to deliver; to honour, to comfort; to ask for help; to furnish with. ## %%, f. approaching in order to assist, protection, defence; favour, the conferring of a benefit or kindness, affection; agreement, assent; impregnation of a woman (especially of a brother's widow, as, an act of duty). ## %%, protected, rescued, delivered, agreed to, agreeing to, proved, admitted. ## %% (rt. %%), employed, used. ## %% (rt. %%), allayed, calmed. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-sevate, -vitum>%, to observe religiously. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tihati, -sthtum>%, to accompany, attend, assist. ## %%, accompanied, attended, assisted by. ## %%, summoned to take part (in a ceremony?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to come to. ## %%, cl. 3. A. %<-datte, -dtum>%, to pick up. ## %% (rt. %%), approached, come to. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-upaiti, -tum>%, to go near, approach, arrive at, enter; to enter a state or condition; to agree with, approve of; to be faithful, obey, submit. ## %%, m. an agreement, a promise, an engagement; a means, an expedient. ## %%, n. a bribe, douceur, complimentary gift, an inducement. ## %%, approached; promised, assented or agreed to (as by contract, &c.), admitted. ## %%, pledged to the performance of a required act. ## %% or %%, to be admitted or assented to. ## %%, ind. having arrived at, having assented or agreed to. ## %%, f. a head or title of law, breach of engagement or contract between master and servant. ## %%, (having) arrived at. @<[Page 0074-a]>@ ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-upaiti, -tum>%, to go towards, approach. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-upekate, -itum>%, to leave, abandon. ## %% or %% or %%, m. (rt. %%), a kind of cake of grain &c. half dressed, slightly scorched, or parched so as to be eaten from the hand; bread. ## %% or %% or %% or %% or %% or %%, consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain. ## %% (rt. 1. %%), dwelling near to, dwelling with. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), brought near. ## %%, cl. 2. P. A. %<-roti, -ute, -ravitum>% or %<-uvitum>%, to cover, hide, conceal; to cover one's self (?). ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-h-ati, -te, -hitum>%, to cover over, to clothe; A. %<-hate>%, Ved. %<-ohate>%, to watch for, to form a plot against; to infer, to guess. ## 2. %%, reasoned upon, concluded, inferred. ## %%, m. discussion, reasoning, deduction, inference; supplying an ellipsis; understanding. ## %% or %%, to be inferred or guessed. ## %% (the %% being shortened after %% before the %% of the ind. part., but sometimes wrongly written with long %<>%), ind. having concluded or inferred, having reasoned; having supplied an ellipsis. ## %%, cl. 3. 5. P. %%, to go to, to pervade. ## %%. See s. v., p. 71, col. 2. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-cchati, -chitum>%, to come to, to visit or afflict with; to strive against, to strive to overpower. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-jati, -te, -jitum>%, to stretch out the hand for, to hasten to or towards. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ar-ati, -itum>%, to flow or run towards a place; to let flow or run towards a place. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aiti, -tum>%, to go near, to come to. ## %%, ind. having approached, having come to. ## 1. %%, n. (rt. 3. %%), desiring, wishing for. ## %%, to be desired. ## 2. %%, n. (rt. 1. %%), going towards, attacking. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to go; to err or wander about. ## %% (sometimes spelt %%, according to the derivation %%, 'water-bearer'), %%, n. cloud; sky, atmosphere, ether, heaven; dust (?); talc, mica; gold; camphor; the ratan (Calamus Rotang); Cyperus Rotundus; (in arithmetic) a cypher; [cf. Gr. [greek] and Lat. imber.] ## %%, cloud-licking; what touches or sweeps the clouds; sky-scraper; (%%), m. wind. ## %%, thickly covered with clouds. ## %%, grazing (hurting) the clouds, very high; (%%), m. air, wind, a mountain. ## %%, Ved. born from clouds, caused by vapours. ## %%, m. one of the elephants supporting the globe. ## %% or %%, m. sky-demon, N. of Rhu, the descending node personified. ## %%, m., N. of a cane, Calamus Rotang; (%%), n. water; a flower in the clouds, castle in the air, anything impossible. ## %%, f., Ved. the sprinkling of the clouds, rain. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Valeriana Jams. ## %%, m. Airvata, Indra's elephant. ## %%, f. a line or succession of clouds. ## %%, n. Lapis Lazuli. ## %%, overspread with clouds. ## %%, Ved. pouring water from the clouds. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Spondias Magnifera. ## %%, n. a head formed of the sky. ## %%, m. fall of rain, clouds as the only shelter. ## %%, or %%, exposed to the rain (and so doing penance), not seeking shelter from the rain, having the clouds for shelter, open to the sky. ## %%, m. sky-born, i. e. Indra's thunderbolt. ## %%, n. talc, mica; the same as %%, q. v. ## %%, n. calx of talc. ## %%, n. steel. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to create clouds, make cloudy. ## %%, clouded, covered with clouds. ## %%, belonging to or produced from clouds; (%%), m. lightning; (%%), n. a collection of thunder-clouds. ## %%, m. a naked ascetic, who is clothed only by the air. ## %%, not blundering; steady, clear; (%%), m. steadiness, composure. ## %%, f. the female elephant of the east, the mate of Airvata. ## %% or %%, m. the male elephant of the east or Airvata. ## %%, Ved. or %%, or %%, m. f. brotherless. ## %%, m. f., Ved. not killing a brother. ## %%, having no rival, without an enemy. ## %%, unperplexed, not mistaken or in error, clear, composed. ## %%, f. absence of perplexity or error. ## %% or %%, or %%, f. (fr. rt. %%), a wooden scraper or shovel for cleaning a boat, a spatula, a spade, a pointed stick. ## %%, n., Ved. dug up with the above instrument, as a ploughed field. ## %%, m. non-deviation, fitness, propriety. ## %% (etymology doubtful, %% or %%), Ved. huge, immense, mighty; monstrous, terrible; (%%), m. a powerful man, applied to an enemy; (%%), n. immense power, monstrosity, the great pervading principle of the universe; embarrassed state, great calamity; sultriness (?); a monster; offspring; water, a cloud. ## 1. %%, ind. quickly, a little. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. P. %%, Ved. %% or %%, to go; to go to or towards; to serve or honour; to sound: Caus. %%, to afflict with sickness or pain from disease; to be afflicted or sick. ## 1. %%, m., Ved. going, pressure, heavy weight, violence, strength, power, depriving of sensation, fright, terror; disease, sickness; a servant; companion; (%%), unripe; unfortunate (?). ## %%, Ved. impetuous, violent, strong; powerful, bold, persevering, constant; attended by ministers, attended by diseases, possessed of self; (%%), ind. impetuously. ## %%, injured by disease, &c. ## %%, destroying diseases, &c. 1. %%, m. sickness; disease; death; time. 1. %%, m. moon, time; (%%), f., Ved. form, shape, a splendid shape; splendor, glitter; (%%), Ved. poor, indigent; (%%), f. want, indigence. ## 1. %%, m., Ved. poor, indigent. ## %%. See s. v. ## 2. %%, m. (connected with %%), this; self; (%<>%), f. soul. ## %%, ind., Ved. at home, in the house; with; together with; near: see also p. 75, col. 3. ## %%, to take or carry with one's self. ## 1. %%, ind., Ved. from near at hand, from the neighbourhood. (For 2. see p. 75, col. 3.) ## 3. %%, m. or %%, f. (rt. %%), unmeasured state. ## 2. %%, Ved. of unmeasured lustre (the sun). ## %% or %%, inauspicious, unlucky, evil; %<(las)>%, m. the castor oil tree, Ricinus Communis; (%%), n. inauspiciousness, ill-luck. ## %%, m. the castor-oil tree, Ricinus Communis. ## %%, unadorned. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), not felt, not perceptible by the mind; (for 1. %%, see under 2. %%.) ## %%, incompatible with the principal subject or subject-matter. ## 3. %%, f. unconsciousness, ignorance, feebleness of intellect, absence of forethought, knowledge or intention; %<(is, is, i)>%, evilminded, unworthy of credit, depraved. ## %%, unconscious, unintentional, without forethought. ## 2. %%, m., Ved. evil-minded, weak-minded. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. overpowering, overcoming, strong, violent, impetuous; (%%), n., Ved. strength, power; a vessel, a utensil. ## %%, Ved. strong, powerful; having a drinking-vessel. ## %%, unenvious, charitable. ## %% (rt. %%), cheerless, grave, sorrowful. ## %%, not inebriated, sober, sane, not mad. ## %%, not worthy of the sweetness (of the Soma). ## %%, not worthy of the %%, q. v. ## %%, non-central, not being in the middle. ## %%, not indifferent. ## %%, n. not the organ of desire, non-perception, want of perception; %<(s, s, as)>%, = the next. ## %%, without the organ of desire, without perception; without intellect, unconscious. ## %%, unintelligent, inhuman (as a Rkasa). ## %%, ind. not little, much, greatly. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %%), a road, a way. ## %%, not human, unfrequented by men; (%%), m. not a man, a demon. ## %%, f. unmanliness. ## %%, not inhabited by men. ## %%, unthought of, unknown. ## %%, unwelcome to the mind, disagreeable, disliked. @<[Page 0075-a]>@ ## %%, disapproved; reprobate. ## %%, m. inattention. ## %%, inattentive. ## %% or %%, or %%, disagreeable, displeasing, unattractive. ## %% or %% (rt. %%), not to be regarded, inadmissible. ## %%, Ved. unwise, foolish, indocile; (for %%), despising. ## %%, m. not a Vedic verse or text; (%%), or %%, unaccompanied by Vedic verses or texts; unentitled to or not knowing Vedic texts, as a dra, a female, &c. ## %%, not knowing the formulas or texts of the Veda; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, not slow, active, violent; not stupid; not little, important; (%%), m., N. of a tree. ## %%, Ved. not understanding, offering no homage; not expecting, not being aware of. ## %%, Ved. not affected with secret anger, not bearing ill-will against a person. ## %%, without egotism, devoid of all selfish or wordly attachment or desire; (%%), m. the twelfth Jaina saint of a future Utsarpi. ## %%, f. or %%, n. disinterestedness, indifference. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. immortal, undying. ## %% (rt. %%), undying, immortal, imperishable; (%%), m. a god, a deity; N. of a Marut; a plant, Euphorbia Tirucalli; another plant, Tiaridium Indicum; a species of pine; quicksilver, gold; N. of Amara-siha; of a mountain; mystical signification of the letter %%; the number 33, such being the number of gods according to the later mythology; (%<>%), f. the residence of Indra; the umbilical cord; the womb; a house-post; N. of several plants, Panicum Dactylon, Cocculus Cordifolius, &c.; (%<>%), f. the same as %% in many of its senses. ## %%, n. 'peak of the immortals', N. of part of the Vindhya range near the source of the So and Narmad. ## %%, m. the fortress of immortals; N. of the capital of a Rjput state. ## %%, m., N. of the Sanskt dictionary of Amara or Amara-siha. ## %%, f. title of a commentary on Amara-siha's dictionary. ## %%, m. the assemblage of immortals. ## %%, m., N. of the author of the Bla-bhrata. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, f. river of the gods; an epithet of the Ganges. ## %%, f. or %%, n. immortality; the condition of the gods. ## %%, m., N. of a lexicographer. ## %%, m., N. of a tree (Pinus Deodaru Roxb.). ## %%, m. a N. of Amara-siha. ## %%, m. a Brhman who lives by attending a temple or idol; superintending a temple. ## %%, m. the lord of the gods; an epithet of Indra. ## %%, n. the residence of the immortals, paradise; N. of various towns. ## %% or %%, m., N. of several plants; a kind of grass, Saccharum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus, Magnifera Indica. ## %%, f. a kind of anise, Anethum Sowa Roxb. ## %% or %%, like an immortal. ## %%, m. 'lord of the immortals', one of the thousand names of Viu. ## %%, m. lord of the gods; an epithet of Indra. ## %%, f. title of a dictionary, said to be by the same author as the Amara-kosha. ## %%, n. crystal. ## %%, m. king of the gods; an epithet of Indra. ## %%, m. an enemy of the king of the gods; an epithet of Rvaa. ## %%, m. the abode of the gods, heaven. ## %%, f. the bliss of heaven. ## %%, ind. like an immortal. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Cassyta Filiformis Lin. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, f. the river of the gods; epithet of the Ganges. ## %%, m. 'god-lion', N. of a renowned lexicographer; he was a Buddhist, and is supposed to have adorned the court of Vikramditya, being included among the nine gems. ## %%, f. an Apsaras or nymph of heaven. ## %%, m. Vhaspati, teacher of the gods. ## %%, f. a nymph of Indra's heaven. ## %% m. the mountain of the gods; an epithet of the mount Sumeru or Meru. ## %%, m. lord of the gods; an epithet of Indra. ## %%, f. the river of the gods; an epithet of the Ganges. ## %%, m., N. of Vhaspati. ## %%, m. lord of the gods; an epithet of iva or Indra. ## %%, m. an epithet of Viu, iva, or Indra. ## %%, best of the immortals. ## %%, like an immortal. ## %%, n. the not dying, immortality. ## %%, immortal. ## %%, f. immortality. ## %%, f. the abode of the immortals, residence of Indra; N. of a town in Berar. ## %%, Ved. immortal. ## %%, Ved. immortal. ## %%, immortal, imperishable, divine; (%%), m. god. ## %% or %%, n. immortality. ## %%, n. the world of the immortals, heaven. ## %%, m., N. of a king, the author of the %%, n. or the hundred verses of Amaru. ## %%, without wind, calm. ## %% (rt. %%), unthreshed, unsubdued, not trodden down. ## %%, Ved. not injuring; indefatigable (?). ## %%, m., Ved. not a vital part of the body, without a joint, having no joint, having no vital part. ## %%, not produced in a vital organ. ## %%, not injuring vital organs, mild. ## %%, having no limits, transgressing every bound; (%<>%), f. the transgressing or overstepping due bounds; disrepect, impropriety of conduct; violation of decorum or due reverence; forwardness or pertness. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), nonendurance; impatience; impetuosity, determination of purpose; anger, passion; %<(as, , am)>%, unenduring, not bearing; (%%), m., N. of a prince. ## %%, springing from impatience or indignation. ## %%, m. an angry laugh, a sarcastic sneer. ## %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, not suffering, not bearing; impatient, intolerant; passionate, wrathful, angry, impetuous, determined. ## %%, spotless, stainless, clean, pure, shining, white; (%<>%), f., N. of the goddess Lakm; the umbilical cord; N. of a tree, Emblica Officinalis Gaertn.; N. of a plant; (%%), n. purity; the supreme spirit; talc. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva. ## %%, m. f. the wild goose. ## %%, n. or %%, m. f. crystal. ## %%, of undefiled mind. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to make spotless. ## %%, stainless, free from dirt, clean. ## %%, n. globe-amaranth (Gomphraena Globosa). See %%. ## %%. See under 1. %%. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), going in different directions, up and down. ## %%, m. disease; stupidity, a fool, time. ## %%, not soft, harsh, hard; violent, intense. ## %%, headless. ## %%, n. curds. See %%. ## 1. %%, f. day of conjunction of sun and moon or new moon; see %%, p. 76, col. 1. ## %%, m. the end of the day of new moon. ## 2. %%, ind. at home, in the house; see also under 2. %%, p. 74. ## %%, Ved. met, come together. ## %%, f., Ved. living at home during life, growing old at home; being without husband in the same dwelling with her parents (as a maiden). ## %%, n. not flesh, anything but flesh; %<(as, , am)>%, without flesh, feeble, thin. ## %%, not relating to a preparation of rice with meat. ## 2. %% or %%, not measuring. (For 1. see p. 74, col. 3.) ## %%, without a mother, motherless. ## %%, m. having neither mother nor son. ## %%, not fit for the use of a mother. ## %%, m. (fr. 2. %% above), inmate of the same house, belonging to the same house or family; a companion, follower, counsellor, minister. ## %%, n. non-measure, not a measure or quantity (said of the universal spirit); (%%), boundless; not whole or entire; not elementary; having the measure or quantity of the letter %%. ## %%, n. deficiency, defect; spirit, spiritual essence. ## %%, n. disrespect, contempt, disobedience. ## %%, not human, animal; superhuman. ## %%, n. pain. ## %%, f. or %%, n. (rt. %%), modesty, humility. ## %%, humble, modest. ## %% or %% or %%, to be disrepected. ## %%, not human, anything but man; supernatural, inhuman, a monster; not well disposed towards man. ## %%, not human, superhuman, &c. ## %% or %% for %%, p. 76, col. 1. ## %%, not cunning, not sagacious; free from error or deceit, guileless, sincere; (%<>%), f. absence of delusion, deceit, or guile; knowledge of the truth; sincerity, honesty. ## %%, or %%, without illusion or deceit, void of trick or guile; true, honest; real. ## %%, m. not dying. ## %%, m. want of a road; %<(as, , am)>%, pathless, without a road. ## %%, unsought, not hunted after. ## %%, uncleansed, unwashed, unadorned. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Purravas, of a son of Kua and others. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %%, 'to dwell', with %%, 'together', i. e. %%, night of new moon), the first day of the first quarter on which the moon is invisible; a sacrifice offered at that time; the sacrificial cake ?; (%%), or %%, produced in a night of new moon. ## %% or %% or %%, f. the night of new moon; that night during which the moon dwells together with or in the same quarter as the sun. ## %%, or %%, having no kidney-beans. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %%), gone, served, honoured, sounded. ## 2. %% (rt. %%), unmeasured, boundless, infinite; without a certain measure; neglected; unpolished, unclean. ## %%, m., Ved. of unbounded wisdom; of unbounded energy. ## %%, m., N. of a Jaina author. ## %%, of boundless glory. ## %%, of infinite splendor. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Dharmadhvaja. ## %%, m. of unbounded valour, a N. of Visu. ## %%, m. of immense strength. ## %%, not containing a fixed number of syllables, unbound, prosaic. ## %%, of unmeasured splendour; (%%), m. a kind of deity; N. of a Dhyni-buddha. ## %%, m., N. of a Dhyni-buddha. ## %%, of unbounded energy, all-powerful, almighty. ## %%, m. f. not a friend, an enemy, adversary, foe. (According to some authorities this is not derived from %% and %%, a friend, but fr. rt. %%, 'to attack.') ## %%, m., Ved. swallowing or devouring his enemies; an epithet of Indra. ## %%, destroying the hosts of one's enemies. ## %%, Ved. killing enemies; (%%), m. a N. of Vindusra, the son of Candragupta. ## %%, or %% or %<, am>%, the same as the preceding. ## %%, m. conquering one's enemies; a son of Suvara. ## %%, f. enmity. ## %%, Ved. hurting enemies. ## %%, m., Ved. enduring or overcoming enemies; epithet of Indra. ## %%, f. hostile arrow. ## %%, m., Ved. killing enemies. ## %%, Ved. subduing one's enemies. ## %% or %%, nom. %%, to act like an enemy, have hostile intentions, to hate. ## %%, hostile, an adversary, enemy. ## %%, or %%, hostile; inimical. ## %%, Ved. not reviled; unprovoked. ## %%, ind. not falsely, truthfully. @<[Page 0076-b]>@ ## %% (fr. %%, see %%), sick, diseased. ## 1. %% (fr.rt. %%), Ved. going everywhere, violent, tempestuous (?); loved by all (?) . ## 2. %%, Ved. unmeasured, unparalleled, inviolable. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not hurting; unhurt. ## %%, n. globe-amaranth. ## %%, unmixed, unmixing; without participation of others. ## %%, immiscible. ## %%, unmixed, unblended. ## 1. %%, n. luxury, object of enjoyment, flesh. See %%. ## 2. %%, n. luxury, objesty, simplicity, absence of fraud; dishonesty (?). ## %% fr. rt. %%), Ved. of infinite hue; of unhurt or unextinguishable colour. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), absence of reasoning or investigation. ## %%, not to be reasoned about or discussed, not to be demonstrated by reason. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %%), pain, distress, terror, fright; tormenting spirit, demon; affliction, disease; (%%), m. an enemy, one who afflicts; (%%), n. affliction, pain, grief. ## %%, Ved. driving away pains, diseases, enemies, or tormenting spirits. ## %%, m., Ved. killing evil spirits, destroying pains. ## %%, a pronominal base, used in the declension of the pronom. %%. ## %%, a certain person or thing, anything or person referred to without a name. ## %%, ind. from there, there; from that place, from above, i. e. from the other world, from heaven; hereupon, upon this; henceforth. ## %%, ind. there; there, i. e. in what precedes or has been said; there above, i. e. in the other world, in the life to come; here. ## %%, n., Ved. being there above or in the other world; dying. ## %%, belonging to a future state, being of the next world. ## %%, ind. thus, in that manner, like that; %%, to be thus, a euphemistic expression used in the sense of, to fare very ill. ## %%, ind., Ved. in that manner, thus or thus; (with rt. %% or %%) to be thus; to be gone, to be lost. ## %%, ind. at that time, then. ## %%, ind. like a person or thing referred to without name. ## %% (loc. sing. of %%), in the other world. ## %% (gen. sing. of %%), of such a one. ## %%, belonging to the family of such a one. ## %%, m. f. the son or daughter of such a one; of a good family, of known origin. ## %%, m. f. offspring of such a one; of respectable birth, of known origin. ## %%, or %%, or %%, like that, such like, such a one, of such form or kind. ## %%, not loosed, not let go; not liberated from birth and death; (%%), n. a weapon that is always grasped and not thrown, as a knife, a sword, &c. ## %%, one whose hand is not open (to give); sparing; stingy; frugal, prudent. ## %%, f. non-liberation; want of freedom or liberty. @<[Page 0076-c]>@ ## %%, f., Ved. non-liberation. ## %%, f., Ved. not unbinding, not setting at liberty (epithet of an evil spirit). ## %%, having no mouth. ## %%, not chief, inferior, ordinary. ## %%, not confounded, not perplexed, not foolish. ## %% (rt. %%), not infatuated, wise; not perplexed. ## %% (for %%, q. v.), Ved. without error or mistake, infalliable, not ignorant, not bewildered. ## %%, formless, shapeless, incorporeal, unembodied; (%%), m., N. of iva. ## %%, or %%, m. a son of Ka by Vaidarbh. ## %%, f. shapelessness, absence of shape or form; %<(is, is, i)>%, formless; (%%), m., N. of Viu; %<(-ayas)>%, m. pl. a class of Manes, who have no definite form. ## %%, formless. ## %% or %%, rootless, baseless; without support; without authority; without material cause or origin; not fixed in the earth; having locomotive powers; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant, Methonica Superba Lam. ## %%, invaluable, not to be purchased, priceless. ## %%, Ved. unhurt, unharmed, safe. ## %%, n. the root of a fragrant grass, used for taties or screens, &c., commonly called Kaskas, Andropogon Muricatus. ## %%, not dead; immortal, imperishable, causing immortality; beautiful, beloved, desired; (%%), m. a god, an immortal; N. of Indra, of the sun, of Prajpati, of the soul, of Viu, of iva, of Dhanvantari as physician of the gods, &c.; N. of a plant, Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.; N. of the root of a plant; (%<>%), f. spirituous liquor; N. of several plants, Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia Citrina Roxb., Cocculus Cordifolius, Piper Longum, Ocymum Sanctum, &c.; N. of the mother of Parkit; (%%), n. immortality; the collective body of immortals; the world of immortality, heaven, paradise, eternity; the immortal light; the nectar conferring immortality, ambrosia; the Soma juice; antidote against poison; a drug; the residue of a sacrifice; unsolicited alms; water; clarified butter; milk; food; boiled rice; anything sweet, a sweetmeat; property; gold, quicksilver; poison; splendour; final emancipation; N. of a sacred place; N. of various conjunctions of planets supposed to confer long life; the number 'four.' ## %%, n. the vessel containing the Amta or nectar. ## %%, m., N. of a temple, built by Amta-prabh. ## %%, n. sal ammoniac. ## %%, f., N. of a metre consisting of four times ten syllables. ## %%, m., Ved. the immortal fetus, i. e. sleep; (%%), filled with nectar. ## %%, f. the accumulation or arrangement of sacrificial bricks conferring immortality. ## %%, produced by the Amta; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant, Yellow Myrobalan. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Valeriana Jams. ## %%, f. moonlight. ## %%, f. or %%, n. immortality. ## %% or %%, m. the moon. ## %%, shedding ambrosia. ## %%, shedding or distilling ambrosia; (%<>%), f., N. of a metre. ## %%, f., N. of an Upanished, lit. 'the sound of immortality.' ## %%, drinking nectar; (%%), m. a deity. ## %%, m. the immortal or golden wing (of sacrificial fire); having immortal or golden wings. ## %%, f., N. of several women. ## %%, m. n., N. of a plant, Trichosanthes Dioeca, Roxb.; (%<>%), f. a bunch of grapes; the plant Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. ## %%, m., Ved. friend of immortality, keeper of immortalioty; a horse (so called because a horse was produced in the ocean along with the Amta). ## %%, n., N. of a monastery. ## %%, m. an immortal, a deity. ## %%, free from birth and death. ## %%, f., N. of the metre Amtangati. ## %%, n. the churning for the Amta. ## %%, immortal; consisting of or full of Amta. ## %%, f., N. of Durg. ## %%, m. nectar, ambrosia; (%<>%), f. dark-coloured grapes. ## %% or %%, f. a nectar-giving creeping plant. ## %%, m. of immortal form, iva. ## %%, m. a shower of nectar. ## %% or %%, f. a creeping plant, Cocculus Cordifolius. ## %%, f. a kind of bird. ## %%, f., N. of an Upaniad of the Atharva-veda, lit. 'drop of nectar.' ## %%, f. a creeping plant, Cocculus Cordifolius. ## %%, m. essence of ambrosia. ## %%, m. raw sugar, molasses. ## %%, m. the moon (as distilling nectar). ## %%, m. a horse, lit. 'brother of nectar', born together with the Amta at the churning of the ocean. ## %%, f., N. of a plant and tree. ## %%, shedding nectar. ## %%, m. 'a mine of nectar;' N. of a man. ## %%, immortal and imperishable. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. a deity, whose food is ambrosia. ## %%, n. the fruit of the Trichosanthes. ## %%, m., N. of Viu. ## %% or %%, m. eating ambrosia; a deity. ## %%, n. a collyrium, extracted from the Amomum Anthoriza. ## %%, whose soul is immortal. ## %%, m., N. of Garua, the bird of Viu, who upon one occasion stole the Amta. ## %%, n. a kind of fruit. ## %% or %%, m. epithet of iva. ## %%, m. sleeping on the Amta, epithet of Viu. ## %%, f. a kind of sacrificial brick, shaped like golden heads (of men, animals, &c.). ## %%, f. the production of the Amta. ## %%, f. a fly; (%%), n. a kind of collyrium. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Sihahanu. ## %%, n. a kind of collyrium. ## %%, n. the nectar of immortality. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to be like nectar. ## %%, m. not death, immortality; (%%), immortal, causing immortality. ## %%, Ved. uninjured, not to be impaired, invulnerable; unremitting, unceasing, indefatigable (?). ## %%, ind. not falsely, certainly, surely; rightly. ## %%, speaking truly. ## %% (rt. %%), not rubbed. ## %%, of unimpaired purity. ## %% unbearable, insufferable. ## %%, not enduring, not bearing or tolerating. ## %%, having no %% or mixing-instrument. ## %%, cloudless. @<[Page 0077-b]>@ ## %%, without fat, lean. ## %%, foolish; an idiot. ## %%, not able or not allowed to sacrifice, not fit for sacrifice, impure, unholy, nefarious, foul; (%%), n. faeces, excrement; an unlucky omen. ## %%, feeding on carrion. ## %%, f. or %%, n. impurity, foulness, filthiness. ## %%, filthy, foul. ## %%, smeared with ordure, foul, defiled. ## %%, m. smearing with ordure. ## %%, soiled by ordure. ## %%, m., Ved. having no wife, a widower. ## %%, Ved. not shooting, not able to shoot, not injuring. ## %%, immeasurable. ## %%, possessing extraordinary powers of mind, magnanimous; (%<>%), m. a N. of Viu. ## %%, Ved. sacrificed at home. See 2. %%, p. 75. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. that cannot be unloosed. ## %%, n. not loosening or letting go; non-liberation. ## %%, not to be liberated, not to be let go. ## %%, not liberated, confined. ## %% (rt. %%), unliberated, unloosed; (%%), m. want of freedom, bondage, confinement; non-liberation from mundane existence. ## %%, unerring, unfailing, not vain, efficacious, succeeding, reaching the mark; productive, fruitful; (%%), m. the not erring, the not failing; unerringness; N. of iva and Viu; N. of a river; (%<>%), f. trumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens, Roxb: a plant of which the seed is used as a vermifuge, Erycibe Paniculata, Roxb.; Terminalia Citrina, Roxb.; N. of a spear; N. of iva's wife; mystical name of the double consonant %%. ## %%, m. (unerring in punishment), N. of iva. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva. ## %%, of unerring view or mind. ## %%, of never-failing strength. ## %%, m., N. of a king of the Pajb. ## %%, m., N. of a Bhikshu. ## %%, f. words that are not vain or idle. ## %%, never disappointed. ## %%, m. of unerring valour; N. of iva. ## %%, m., N. of the fifth Dhyni-buddha. ## %%, m., N. of an author. ## %%, Ved. woven at home, taken care of at home; see 2. %%. ## %%, f., Ved. a maiden protected at home. ## %%, m., Ved. protected at home (a child); a weaver (?). ## %%, not washed by a washerman. ## %%, n. non-silence; knowledge of soul. ## %% (liable to become %%), Ved. unawares, quickly; at present; a little. (The etymology is doubtful, but cf. 1. %%.) ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to go; cl. 1. A. %%, to sound. ## %%, m. a father; sound, the Veda, one who sounds; (%<>%), f. a mother, see %%, n. the eye; water?; (%%), ind. a particle of affirmation, well! well now! ## %%, n., N. of a mountain peak. ## %%, n. a father (?), an eye [cf. %%]; copper?; (%%, f.), see under %%. ## %%, f., Ved. mother, good woman (as a respectful title ?), conveying water (?). ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% or rt. %%, to surround, with %% prefixed), circumference, compass; surrounding country, neighbourhood; clothes, apparel; cotton; sky, atmosphere, ether; saffron; talc; a perfume (Ambergris); N. of a people. ## %%, sky-going. ## %%, n. cotton. ## %%, n. the two principal female garments, or upper and lower cloths or mantles. ## %%, m. a high mountain touching the sky. ## %%, f. the earth. ## %%, m. the end of a garment; the horizon. ## %%, m. dwelling in heaven; a god. ## %%, nom. p. %%, to bring together. ## %%, m. n. (fr. rt. %%), a frying-pan (in this sense also written with short %%); one of the hells; remorse, war, battle; (%%), m. a young animal, a colt; the sun; the hog-plum plant, Spondias Magnifera; N. of Viu; of iva; of a king of the solar race, celebrated as a worshipper of Viu. ## %%, m. son of Ambara, whence the N. of a country. ## %%, m. (fr. %% and %%), N. of a country and of its inhabitants; the offspring of a man of the Brhman and a woman of the Vaiya tribe, a man of the medical caste; (%<>%), f., N. of several plants, Jasminum Auriculatum, Clypea Hernandifolia, Oxalis Corniculata; %<(>%) or (%<>%), f. an Ambaha woman. ## %%, f. the plant Clypea Hernandifolia. ## %%, f. the plant Clerodendrum Siphonanthus. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% the voc. case in the Veda is %% or %%; in later Sanskt %% only), a mother, good woman (as a title of respect); N. of a plant: N. of Durg, the wife of iva; N. of an Apsaras; N. of a daughter of a king of Ki; a sister of Pu's mother; a term in astrology to denote the fourth condition (?). In the South-Indian languages, %% is corrupted into %%, and is often affixed to the names of goddesses, and females in general [with %% has been compared the Germ. Amme, 'a nurse;' Old Germ. amma, Them. ammon, am-mun]. ## %%, f. a river in Ceylon. ## %%, n., N. of a Trtha. ## %% or %% or %%, f. mother. ## %%, f. mother, good woman (as a term of respect); N. of a plant; N. of a daughter of a king of Ki, wife of Vicitra-vrya, and mother of Pu. ## %%, f., Ved. water; woman, mother, nurse. ## %%, f., Ved. the best of waters or mothers. ## %%, f. mother, good woman (as a term of respect); N. of the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica; a sister of Rudra; N. of Prvat, the wife of iva; the wife of Rudra Ugraretas; one of the female domestic deities of the Jainas; daughter of a king of Ki, wife of Vicitra-vrya, and mother of Dhtarra; N. of a place in Bengal. ## %%, m., N. of iva. ## %%, m., N. of Dhta-rra. ## %% or %%, m., N. of Gaea, Krttikeya, and Dhta-rra. See %%. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), water; the watery element of the blood [cf. [greek] imber]; the plant Andropogon Schoenanthus; N. of a metre; a term in astrology %<= amb>%. ## %%, m. a drop of water. ## %%, m. the shortnosed alligator. ## %%, m. an alligator. ## %% or %%, m. a porpoise, especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus. ## %%, m. lemon tree. ## %%, f. a funeral rite %<= jala-kriy>%. ## %%, water-goer, living in water. ## %%, m. hail, frozen rain. ## %%, moving in the water, aquatic. ## %%, n. waterchowr, an aquatic plant, Valisneria. ## %%, moving in water, as a fish, &c. ## %%, produced in water, water-born, aquatic; (%%), m., N. of a plant, Barringtonia Acutangula Gaertn.; a lotus, Nymphaea Nelumbo; the thunderbolt of Indra. ## %%, n. a lotus, Nymphaea Nelumbo. ## %%, m. the god Brahm. ## %%, sitting on a lotus. ## %%, m. water-thief, the sun. ## %%, m. the plant Valisneria. ## %%, shedding or giving water; (%%), m. a cloud; the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis. ## %%, m. a cloud. ## %%, m. (receptacle of waters), the ocean; the number 'four.' ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Aloes Perfoliata. ## %%, m. (treasury of waters), the ocean. ## %%, drinking or imbibing water; (%%), m. a plant, Cassia Tora or Alata. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, Cyperus Hexastychius Communis Nees. ## %%, f. or %%, m. current, stream, flow of water. ## %%, m. or %%, n. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum: the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water; they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains. ## %%, m. a cloud; the ocean (?); a grass, Cyperus Pertenuis; talc. ## %%, watery, having or containing water; (%%), f., N. of a river. ## %%, produced only in water; (%%), m. a bivalve shell. ## %%, m. a cloud. ## %%, m. the ocean; N. of Varua. ## %%, m. (heap of waters), the ocean. ## %%, n. the lotus; (%<>%), f. Hibiscus Mutabilis. ## %%, f. the lotus. ## %%, f. four days in ha, the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month, when the earth is supposed to be unclean, and agriculture is prohibited. ## %%, the thirteenth of the same. ## %%, n. the tenth in the second half of the month ha. ## %% or %%, f. the trumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens. ## %%, m. a cloud; the grass Cyperus Pertenuis; a water-carrier; talc; the number 'seventeen.' ## %%, carrying or conveying water; (%%), f. a wooden baling vessel; N. of a river. ## %%, m. a kind of cane or reed growing in water. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, f. a leech. ## %%, f. a wooden baling vessel. ## %%, pronounced indistinctly, so that the words remain too much in the mouth; sputtered (as apeech, accompanied with emission of saliva). ## %%, m., Ved. a chanter. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to sound. ## 1. %%, n. also ind., power, splendor, fruitfulness; a philos. term %<= tui:>% (the etymology is doubtful; perhaps connected with obs. rt. %%, or fr. %%, 'to shine', with prefix %%.) ## 2. %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %

  • %), the ninth Nakshatra or lunar mansion, containing five stars; disunion, disjunction. ## %%, or %%, m. a N. of Ketu, i. e. the descending node or dragon's tail; (as formed of the lower extremities of the Daitya Saihika, who was cut in two by Viu at the churning of the ocean.) ## %%, Ved. not lame, not crippled. ## 1. %%, m. (rt. 1. %%), a horse, especially a stallion; the number 'seven' (that being the number of the horses of the sun); a race of men horse-like in strength; N. of a son of Citraka, also of a Dnava; (%<>%), f. a mare; (%%), du. a horse and a mare [cf. Zend apa; Lat. equus; Gr. [greek] Lith. aszwa; Old Sax. ehuscalc]. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Physalis Flexuosa. ## %%, m. the ear of a horse; N. of the tree Vatica Robusta W. and A., so called from the shape of its leaves; a term in surgery for a particular fracture of the bones; N. of a mountain. ## %%, m. = the preceding in all but its last sense. ## %%, f. a stable for horses. ## %% or %%, skilled in horses. ## %%, m., N. of a bird. ## %%, m. a horse's hoof; a perfume, apparently a dried shell-fish; (%<>% or %<>%), f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea Lin. ## %%, f. the pace of a horse; N. of a metre containing four verses of sixteen syllables each. ## %%, f. the plant Physalis Flexuosa Lin. ## %%, n. a pair of horses. ## %%, n. a stable. ## %%, m. 'horse-neck', N. of a demon, a foe of Viu, more commonly called Hayagrva. ## %%, m., N. of a place. ## %%, m. pasture for horses. ## %%, m., N. of a Buddhist. ## %%, m. 'horse-bane', N. of a kind of Oleander, Nerium Odorum Ait. ## %%, f. a riding-house. ## %%, m. a farrier, a veterinary surgeon. ## %%, f. farriery. ## %%, m. a kind of centaur, a being with lower limbs like those of a horse. ## %%, Ved. gaining horses by conquest; (%%), m., N. of a Buddhist Bhikshu. ## %%, n., N. of a place of pilgrimage near Knyakubja on the Gag. ## %%, giving horses. ## %%, f. the plant Tribulus Lanuginosus Lin. ## %%, m., Ved. or %%, m., Ved. giving horses. ## %%, m. a riding messenger. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, m. a horseherd, i. e. one who has the charge of a drove of grazing horses. ## %%, m. lit. 'a horse-fastener', a groom. ## %%, Ved. decorated or embellished with horses. ## %%, m., Ved. a groom. ## %%, m., Ved. lord of horses; N. of several persons, of a king of Madra and father of Svitr; and of an Asura. ## %%, Ved. having horses for wings. ## %%, Ved. having horses for (its) home or seat or source, consisting in horses (?), depending on horses (?). ## %%, horse-footed. ## %%, m. a groom. ## %%, f. the plant Glycine Debilis Ait. ## %%, n. horseback. ## %%, Ved. decorated or embellished with horses. ## %% or %%, n. horses. and mares; (%%), m. du. a horse and a mare. ## %%, m. lit. 'a horse-fastener', a groom, an ostler. ## %%, n. fastening of horses; (%%), used for fastening horses. ## %%, f., N. of a vegetable. ## %% or %%, m. tail or hair of a horse; a kind of reed, Saccharum Spontaneum Lin. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Citraka. ## %%, Ved. based on horses, having its origin in horses, standing on horses, i. e. on a carriage drawn by horses. ## %%, Ved. based on horses, having its origin in horses (as wealth), distinguished by horses. ## %%, f. lightning. ## %%, f. the natural enmity of a horse and a buffalo. ## %% or %%, or %%, m. 'horse-destroying', a kind of Oleander, Nerium Odorum. ## %%, m. a kind of serpent. ## %%, Ved. seeking or wishing for horses; procuring horses, an epithet of Agni; (Sy.) whose rites are pervasive, or who desires quick worship. ## %%, having the head or countenance of a horse; (%%), m. a Kinnara or celestial chorister (so represented); according to others, a kind of demi-god distinct from the preceding; N. of a peculiar race of people. ## %%, m. a horsestealer. ## %%, m. the horse-sacrifice; (a celebrated ceremony, the antiquity of which reaches back to the Vedic period. For example, hymns 162 and 163 in the first Maala of the g-veda were used at this sacrifice. In later times its efficacy was so exaggerated, that a hundred such sacrifices entitled the sacrificer to displace Indra from the dominion of Svarga; kings who engaged in it spent enormous sums in gifts to the Brhmans. It is said that the horse was sometimes not immolated, but kept bound during the ceremony); N. of a son of Bharata. ## %%, n., N. of the thirteenth book of the atapatha-Brhmaa. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %% or %%, relating to the horsesacrifice; (%%), m. a horse fit for the sacrifice, called Ava-medha. ## %%, Ved. harnessing horses; having horses put to (as a carriage); (%%), f., N. of a constellation, the head of Aries; the first lunar mansion; m. the month vina (Sept.--Oct.); (%%), born under the constellation Avayuj. ## %%, m. the month vina. ## %%, m., Ved. the post to which the sacrificial horse was bound. ## %%, Ved. causing the yoking of horses, joining or reaching as quickly as horses. ## %%, m. the keeper or rider of a horse, a groom. ## %%, m. a carriage drawn by horses; (%<>%), f., N. of a river. ## %%, Ved. furnishing horses. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Nerium Odorum Ait. ## %%, N. of a species of the Vikti metre. ## %%, f. a kind of snake. ## %%, m. horse-hair; a kind of snake. ## %%, m. a Kinnara or Gandharba. ## %%, n. a stud of horses and mares; (%%), m. du. a horse and a mare; (%%), m. horses and mares, see %%. --1. %%, ind. like a horse. ## %<2. ava-vat>%, or Ved. %%, possessed of horses, consisting of horses. ## %%, m., N. of a people. ## %%, m. a horseman. ## %% or %%, m. a horseman, a groom. ## %%, m. a horseman, a groom. ## %%, m., N. of the Bos Gavaeus. ## %% or %%, m. a horseman. ## %%, m. a horse-dealer. ## %%, skilled in taming horses, an epithet of Nala; a jockey; Ved. procuring horses. ## %%, m., Ved. a stallion. ## %%, m. a farrier, a veterinary surgeon. ## %%, n., Ved. excrements of a horse. ## %%, n. excrements of a horse, horsedung; N. of a river. ## %%, m., N. of a Dnava. ## %%, f. a stable. ## %%, m. a foal, a colt. ## %%, n. a manual or text-book of veterinary science. ## %%, n. a horse's head; (%%), having the head of a horse, an epithet of Nryaa; (%%), m., N. of a Dnava. ## %%, f. the natural enmity between the horse and the jackal. ## %%, Ved. causing joy (by means of) horses; brilliant with horses. ## %%, n. a set or team of six horses. ## %%, Ved. or %% or %%, Ved. gaining or procuring horses. ## %%, or %%, m. a horseman, a rider, a horse-soldier. ## %%, n. management of horses and cars, horsemanship and driving, coachmanship, charioteership. ## %%, m., N. of an author of Vedic hymns. ## %%, Ved. praised sincerely for (the gift of) horses; whose praise for (giving) horses is agreeable and true. ## %%, m., N. of a Nga. ## %%, m., N. of a king and saint, also Sanatkumra. ## %%, Ved. relating to the praise of the sacrificial horse. ## %%, n. a stable or stall for horses; (%%), born in a stable. ## %%, Ved. driving or spurring a horse. ## %%, m. a horse-stealer. ## %%, n. horsemanship. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, f. a whip. ## %%, strong in cavalry, superior in horses. ## %%, m. a guardian of horses. ## %%, Ved. rich in horses. ## %%, m. veterinary science. ## %%, m. a buffalo. ## %%, mounted, sitting on horseback. ## %%, riding or mounted on a horse; (%%), m. a horseman; (%<>%), f., N. of the plant Avagandh. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Avagandh. ## %%, mounted or riding on horseback. ## %%, furnished with horses. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Avagandh. ## %%, hurried along by horse. ## %%, broad-chested like a horse. ## 2. %%, nom. P. %%, to behave like a horse. ## %%, horse-like, acting like a horse, &c.; (%%), m. a small horse; a bad horse, a hack; a stray horse, one whose owner is not known; any horse. ## %%, f. the first Nakshatra or lunar mansion. ## %%, swift, speedy; (%%), m. f. a mule; (%%), m. a male calf; N. of a Gandharva; one of the chiefs of the Ngas or serpent-race, inhabiting the regions under the earth. ## %%, m. the holy fig tree, Ficus Religiosa L. (under which horses stand; %%); Ved. a vessel made of its wood; N. of another tree (%<= garda-bha>%); the fruit of the Ficus Religiosa; the time at which it bears; an epithet of the sun; N. of a man; N. of a people; (%<>%), f. day of full moon in the month vina, in which month the fruits of the Ficus Religiosa generally become ripe; day of full moon; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. the fruit season of the holy fig tree. ## %%, m., N. of a tree, Bignonia Suaveolens. ## %%, to be given or to be done &c. when the Avattha tree bears; (%%), n. the petals of the Arabian jasmine. ## %%, m. (%% for %%), N. of a saint and warrior, the son of Droa and one of the chiefs of the Kurus. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to wish for horses. ## %%, f., Ved. desire to get horses. ## %%, Ved. desiring horses. ## %%, m., N. of the Hot-priest of Janaka, king of Videha. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to wish for the stallion. ## %%, nom. P. %%, Ved. to wish for horses. ## %%, drawn by horses, carried by horses. ## %%, Ved. possessed of horses, consisting of horses; (%<>%), m. a cavalier, a horse-tamer; (%%), m. du. the two charioteers; N. of two divinities, who appear in the sky before the dawn in a golden carriage drawn by horses or birds; they bring treasures to men and avert misfortune and sickness; in later times they are considered as the physicians of Svarga or heaven; (in astronomy) they are the twins of the zodiac; (%%), f. a nymph, considered in later times as the mother of the Avins; she was the wife of Srya or the sun, who concealed herself in the form of a mare; (in astronomy) the head of Aries or the first of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or lunar mansions; (%%), n., Ved. richness in horses. ## %%, whose divinities are the Avins. ## %% or %% or %%, m. du. the twin sons of Saj, the sun's wife, in the form of Avin, commonly called the Avins. ## %%, (any Mantra &c.) containing the word Avin. ## %%, n. the heaven or station of the Avins, to which the giver of a horse is raised. ## %%, Ved. referring to horses; (%<>%), Ved. neut. pl. a troop of horses. ## %%, distant a day's journey for a horse; more usually %%. ## %%, belonging or relating to a horse, conducive to horses; (%%), n. a number of horses. ## %%, Ved. belonging to or coming from horses; consisting of horses; (%%), n., Ved. a number of horses, possession of horses; (%%), m., N. of Vaa, the son of Ava. ## %%, n. (connected with %%, q. v.), death; a field; a fire-place; termination, limit; (%%), unlucky, inauspicious, unbounded, unlimited. [In the first sense %% may be for %%, 'end of life.'] ## %%, or %%, of to-day, not of or not for to-morrow; one who makes no provision for to-morrow. ## %%, ignorant of the future. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to go or move; to take or receive; to shine. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), anything not seen by six eyes, i. e. known or determined by two persons to the exclusion of a third; a secret. ## %%, Ved. (fr. a positive, which is not preserved, but may be referred to rt. 1. %%), more accessible or acceptable. ## %%, or Ved. %%, not to be overcome, invincible; born under the constellation Ah; (%%), m. the month Aha (or ha), commencing with the sun's entrance into Gemini (June-July); a staff made of the wood of Pala, carried by a student during the performance of certain vows; N. of a teacher; N. of the Malaya mountain; (%<>%), f., N. of a sacred brick; N. of a constellation; pl. the eighteenth and nineteenth or twentieth and twenty-first lunar mansions. ## %%, m. the month Aha (or ha). ## %% or %% (but %% is more common for nom., acc., and voc. cases), pl. eight [cf. Lat. octo; Gr. [greek] Goth. ahtau; Mod. Germ. acht; Eng. eight; Lith. aszt-uni; Slav. osmj]; in comp. with other numerals often %%, e. g. %%, eighteen; %%, the eighteenth, divided into eighteen parts; %%, eighteen-fold; %%, twenty-eight; %%, the twenty-eighth, divided into twenty-eight parts; %%, the thirty-eighth, containing thirty-eight; %%, the forty-eighth. ## %%, one who has the number eight as a mark burnt in his ear; (%%), m. eight-eared, an epithet of Brahm, who is supposed to have four heads; (%<>%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, ind. eight times. ## %%, m. an octagon. ## %%, m. title of a collection of several sections of the g-veda. ## %%, n. a flock of eight cows. ## %%, m. a fabulous animal (called arabha), supposed to have eight legs; a spider (?). ## %%, eight-fold; (%%), n. the eight qualities. ## %%, endowed with the eight qualities, epithet of a king. ## %%, n. condition of eight. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Virpa, author of a hymn of the g-veda; N. of a Dnava. ## %%, an octagon. ## %%, m. pl. the regents of the cardinal points, as Indra of the East, Agni or Vahni of the S. E., Yama of the South, Nairta of the S. W., Varua of the West, Marut of the N. W., Kuvera of the North, and a or iva of the N. E. ## %%, f. the eight cardinal points of the compass collectively. ## %%, ind. eight-fold, eight times, in eight parts or sections. ## %%, n. the eight metals collectively, as gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, brass, iron, and steel. ## %%, m. a Vedic metre of eight Padas. ## %%, having eight legs; (%%), m. a spider; a fabulous animal with eight legs. ## %%, having eight legs; (%%), m. a kind of spider with a small body and long legs. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Vallaris Dichotomus Wall. ## %%, m. a horse with a white face, tail, mane, breast, and hoofs; (%%), n. a collection of eight lucky things to be assembled on certain occasions (such as a coronation &c.), e. g. a lion, a bull, an elephant, a water-jar, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a lamp; or, according to others, a Brhman, a cow, fire, gold, ghee, the sun, water, and a king. ## %%, n. a measure, one kuava. ## %%, occurring once in eight months. ## %%, m. eight-formed, an epithet of iva (as identified with the five elements, mind, egotism, and matter; or, according to the opening of the akuntal, with the five elements, the sun and moon and the sacrificing priest). ## %%, m. possessing eight forms, an epithet of iva. ## %%, n. the eight jewels, title of a collection of eight lokas on ethics. ## %%, endowed or furnished with the eight rasas or sentiments of poetry. ## %%, m. a psalm or hymn consisting of eight verses. ## %%, n. a class of eight metals, gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, the magnet, mualoha (?), and tkaloha or steel (?). ## %%, m. a class of three principal medicaments (mostly the roots of plants from the hills), named abha, Jvaka, Med, Mahmed, ddhi, Vddhi, Kkol, and Krakkol. ## %%, eight-fold, of eight kinds. ## %%, n. eight hundred. ## %%, or %%, m., N. of Brahm (eight-eared, see %%). ## %%, consisting of eight thousand. ## %%, (an oblation) prepared or offered in eight pans; (%%), m. a sacrifice in which ghee or clarified butter is offered in eight pans. ## %%, containing eight syllables; (%%), m., N. of an author. ## %%, n. a car or wain, one drawn by eight oxen. ## %%, n. eight parts of the body with which very profound obeisance is performed (viz. the hands, breast, forehead, eyes, throat, and middle of the back; or the first four, with the knees and feet; or these six, with the speech and mind); the eight parts of a court, or the law, the judge, assessors, scribe, and astrologer, gold, fire, and water; any whole consisting of eight parts or members; a die, dice; (%%), consisting of eight parts or members. ## %%, m. %<= aga>%. ## %% or %%, m. prostration of the eight parts of the body as in reverence. ## %%, n. title of a medicinal work. ## %%, m. an offering of eight articles, water, milk, kua grass, curds, ghee, rice, barley, and mustard; or honey, red oleander flowers, and sandal are substituted for the last three. ## %%, q. v. ## %%, f., N. of the wife of iva. ## %%, m. a decoction of eighteen ingredients. ## %%, f. title of the eleventh Ka of the atapatha-Brhmaa, consisting of eight lectures. ## %%, the ninety-eighth. ## %%, m. a spider; a worm; a fabulous animal with eight legs, the arabha; a wild sort of jasmin; a pin or bolt; the mountain Kailsa or abode of Kuvera; (%%), m. n. a kind of chequered cloth or board for drafts, dice, &c.; gold. ## %%, n. gold-leaf; a sheet of gold. ## %%, m. f., Ved. having eight legs, consisting of eight members; (in ritual language) a term for a pregnant animal; (%%), f. a wild sort of jasmin. ## %%, quartered by eight, having eight for the root. ## %%, eight-fold. ## %%, m. having a wheel with eight spokes, an epithet of Maju-r, a Jaina saint and ruler. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Bhmaratha. ## %%, m., N. of a Brhman, a son of Kahoa. ## %%, n. an octagon. ## %%, octangular. ## %%, lasting eight days. ## %%, consisting of eight parts, eight-fold; one who studies or is acquainted with the eight books of Pini's grammar or the formulas of the Veda; (%%), m. the eighth part, e. g. of the gveda; N. of a son of Vivmitra; (%<>%), f. the eighth day after full moon; especially the eighth day of three months, on which the progenitors or manes are worshipped; worship of the progenitors or manes on certain days, vegetables, flesh, and cake being severally offered upon these occasions, and the Brhmans feasted; (%%), n. a whole consisting of eight parts, e. g. the eight sections of Pini's grammar. ## %%, n. a kind of board or cloth for playing with dice on, having eight divisions. ## %%, m. one who performs an Aak. ## %%, n. a conjunction or aggregate of eight. ## %%, the eighth; (%%), m. the eighth part; (%<>%), f. (scil. %%), the eighth day (night) in a half-month; N. of the medicinal plant Krakkol, the last of a class of eight medicinal plants. ## %%, one who omitting seven meals partakes only of the eighth. ## %%, an eighth part. ## %%, the eighth. ## %%, f. a ukti or weight of four tolas. ## %%, consisting of eight parts; (%%), n. collection of eight things. ## 1. %%, f., N. of a metre consisting of sixtyfour syllables. ## %%, consisting of eight members or syllables. ## 2. %%, f. (fr. rt. 1. %%), Ved. reaching. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. 1. %%), Ved. a prick or goad for driving cattle; (sometimes regarded as the badge of the agriculturist, as the staff is of the Brhman); [cf. Zend astra; Lith. akstinas.]. ## %%, Ved. obeying the goad. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. 1. %% connected with %% and %%), seed; a kernel, a stone. ## %%, f. a globular body; a round pebble or stone; kernel; seed-corn; a globular swelling below the navel, produced by wind; contusion. ## %%, f. a kind of abscess; a pebble. ## %%, m. n. the knee, knee-bone; (by native grammarians derived fr. %%.) ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %%, (2nd sing. %%, Impf. %%, Pot. %%, Impv. %%, 2nd sing. %%, Perf. %%), to be, live, exist, be present; to take place, happen; to belong to, be in the possession of (e. g. %%, there is no property belonging to him); to fall to the share of, to happen to any one (with gen.); to abide, dwell, stay; to turn out, tend towards any result, prove (with dat.); to be sufficient for (with dat.); to become: %%, to be lost, to perish; [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. es-t; Goth. is-t; Lith. es-ti; Slav. jes-tj.] ## 2. %%, cl. 4. P. %%, to throw, cast, shoot at (with dat., loc., or gen. of the mark); to drive or frighten away; to throw away, take away, let go, leave. ## %%, n. the act of throwing, &c. See s. v. ## 3. %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to go; to shine; to take. @<[Page 0103-b]>@ ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not entering, not pleasing. ## %%, (rt. %%), Ved. undisturbed, (various reading for %%.) ## %%, m. (rt. %%), absence of check or restraint, especially of the senses. ## %%, unrestrained, unassailed. ## %%, having the soul uncontrolled. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), noncombination, hiatus (in Vedic grammar). ## %%, m. absence of union or connection. ## %%, m. unmixed, unblended; an epithet of Viu. ## %%, unobstructed. ## %%, disjoined, detached, separate. ## %%, Ved. not supported a whole year (as a sacred fire). ## %%, Ved. one who does not support (a fire) a whole year. ## %%, ignorant, unwise; not promising or covenanting. ## %%, uncovered, exposed; imperfectly or scarcely covered. ## %%, ind. immediately, without interval. ## %%, m. absence of doubt; (%%), free from doubt, certain. ## %%, ind. without doubt, certainly, verily. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), the being out of hearing; (%%), ind. out of the hearing of; (%%), out of hearing, inaudible. ## %%, ind. inaudibly, out of the hearing of (with gen. of the person). ## %%, m. not joined, not in contact, an epithet of iva. ## %%, not attached to, not joined together, disunited, indifferent to. ## %%, unaccomplished, incomplete. ## %%, Ved. swallowing whole or without chewing (said of Rudra's dogs). ## %%, f. not returning to a new course of existence, absorption into the supreme spirit. ## %%, unmixed with, separate, not living in common. ## %%, not perfect, unpolished, rude, common; uninitiated, not having gone through the proper rites of caste, state, sex, or age. ## %%, unknown, unacquainted, not known as acquaintances; not on terms of friendship. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), absence of cohesion or configuration; disorder, confusion; want, destitution. ## %%, not arranged or arrayed, disordered, irregular; not collected; not finished, not accomplished; not ceasing, not stopping; destitute. ## %%, f. disorder, confusion; want, destitution. ## %%, not joined; scattered, loose, straggling, uncompressed; (%%), n. a form of array, loose or open order of troops. ## %%, irresistible, insuperable. ## %%, not included in the %% of the Veda. ## %%, not all, not entire, a part. ## %%, ind. not once, oftener than once, again and again, repeatedly. ## %%, m. repeated meditation. ## %%, m. repeated birth. ## %%, detached, disunited; detached from worldly feelings or passions; not interested in, unattached to, indifferent to. ## %%, without thighs, thighless. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not ceasing to flow, not drying up; not going elsewhere. ## %%, m. an untrustworthy friend. ## %%, m. an enemy, an adversary. ## %%, of a different family. ## %%, m. n. absence of predetermination, absence of interested purpose, sincerity. ## %%, not purposed, not resolved or determined on. ## %%, not fickle, unfluctuating, firm, steady. ## %%, unmixed, uncompounded, uncollected. ## %%, not crowded, open, clear, broad; (%%), m. a broad road. ## %%, not appointed, not agreed upon. ## %%, uninvited. ## %% (rt. %%), without number, innumerable, exceedingly numerous. ## %%, f. or %%, n. innumerableness, immensity, infinity. ## %%, uncounted, innumerable. ## %%, innumerable; (%%), m. an epithet of iva; (%%), n., Ved. an innumerable multitude; an exceedingly large number. ## %%, innumerable, unnumbered. ## %%, f. innumerableness. ## 1. %%, m. (rt. %%), nonattachment; (%%), not attached, having no attachment or inclination for or interest in, independent, free from ties, not hindered, moving without hindrance. ## %%, not attached to. ## %%, not attached to the world. ## %%, having a soul free from attachments. ## 2. %% (rt. %% with %% and %% prefixed), not united, unassociated, solitary; (%%), m., N. of a son of Yuyudhna. ## %%, ununited, unaccompanied, unassociated with; uneven, unequal; improbable, inconsistent; unpreferred, disesteemed; unbecoming, unseemly; rude, ill-mannered, unpolished, clownish. ## %%, n. inconsistent conduct. ## %%, f. not associating; incongruity, improbability. ## %%, m. not associating with; separation, disunion; incongruity; inequality. @<[Page 0104-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. persecuting those who are not (his) worshippers; having no enemies. ## %%, &c. See under %%. ## %%, Ved. not related by blood. ## %%, Ved. without consanguinity. ## %%, insensible; (%<>%), f., Ved. disunion, disagreement, discord. ## %%, m. pl. a class of Buddhist divinities (otherwise %%). ## %%, not being, not existing, unreal; not as it should be, not answering its purpose, untrue, wrong, wicked, bad, vile; (%<>%), f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife; (%%), m. Indra; (%%), n. non-existence, non-entity; untruth, falsehood, a lie; evil. ## %%, f., Ved. an unreal branch, a seeming member (?). ## %%, n. heretical or heterodox doctrine. ## %%, m. a bad, wicked, or contemptible man. ## %%, m., N. of a person. ## %%, f. an untrue action, or one which never took place; fabrication of falsehood. ## %%, f. non-existence; untruth; wickedness. 1. %%, n. non-existence; untruth; wickedness. ## %%, m. a bad road; evil practice or doctrine. ## %%, m. receiving unfit presents, or from improper persons. ## %%, m. a childless man; a wicked or disreputable son. ## %%, m. evil company. ## %%, attached to evil; (%%), m., N. of a doorkeeper or porter in the Prabodhacandrodaya. ## %%, m. a Brhman who reads heterodox works; a heterodox student. ## %%, following evil practices, wicked; (%%), m. evil practice. ## %%, one who follows bad or heterodox practices, wicked, vile. ## %% or %%, m. mischievous or wicked trick; caprice, idle or childish desire. ## %%, performing mischievous or malicious tricks. ## %%, evil-eyed. ## %%, m. non-existence, absence; an evil temperament or disposition. ## %%, f. low or degrading occupation or profession; wickedness. ## %%, following evil practices; (%%), m. evil practices. ## %%, following evil courses. ## %%, m., Ved. untrue or false counsel or speech. ## %%, f. wickedness. ## %%, f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife. See above. ## %%, m. the son of an unchaste wife, a bastard. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to do no good, to harm, injure, dishonour. ## %%, wicked; (%%), n. wickedness. ## %%, m. offence, doing injury; (%%), not honouring. ## %%, ill-done, done from improper motives or in an unbecoming manner; (%%), not honoured; (%%), n. wicked deed. ## %%, one who has done evil or wicked actions. ## 2. %%, strengthless, without energy; (for 1. %%, see under %% above.) ## %%, false, untrue; lying, a liar; (%%), n. untruth, falsehood. ## %%, speaking falsely, giving false evidence, a liar. ## %%, treacherous, base, wicked. ## %%, improbable, unlikely. ## %%, unlike, dissimilar. ## %%, behaving improperly. @<[Page 0104-b]>@ ## %%, ind. not on the same day, not immediately. ## %%, the base of some of the cases of %%, blood, q. v.; thus, inst. %%, gen. %%, &c. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. 2. %%), throwing, sending; a shot; (%%), m., N. of the tree Terminalia Tomentosa, see %%. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Marsilea Quadrifolia, see %%. ## %%, f., Ved. a missile, an arrow. ## %% (rt. %%), childless, having no posterity; (%%), f. want of posterity. ## %%, childless; (%%), m. want of posterity. ## %%, (rt. %%), Ved. not suffering pain or sorrow; not causing pain or sorrow. ## %% (rt. %%), discontented, displeased. ## %%, m. displeasure. ## %% (rt. %%), not indistinct; not vanished; certain, confident; undoubted, unsuspected; (%%), ind. without any doubt, certainly. ## %% or %% (rt. 4. %%, to bind), Ved. unbound, unrestrained. ## %% (rt. %%), unapprised, uncommunicated. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), want of aim or object, disjunction. ## %%, m. want of union or connection. ## %%, untied, unbound, at liberty, loose. ## %%, not to be made peace with. ## %%, Ved. restless, without rest or repose. ## %% (rt. %%), unarmed; born, produced; pretending to knowledge, conceited as a Pait or teacher; proud. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), non-perception of objects, not bringing them to the mind, remoteness. ## %%, unperceived, undistinguished; not near, remote. ## %%, m. or %%, n. (rt. %%), absence, distance; confidence, absence of doubt. ## %%, not near, far. ## %%, one who has not renounced the world. ## %%, n. disrespect, impropriety. ## %%, Ved. without another wife, without a rival; not attacked; without an adversary; not rivalling; (%%), n. undisturbed condition, peace. ## %%, unconnected by funeral offerings. ## %%, Ved. not related. ## %%, unfit for an assembly, vulgar, low. ## %%, uneven, unequal either in surface or number; odd; unequalled, individual, without a fellow or equal; (%%), m. a N. of Buddha or a Buddha. ## %%, Ved. possessed of an unequalled chariot. ## %% or %%, m. or %%, m. having an odd number of arrows, i. e. the five-arrowed, an epithet of Kma. ## %%, m., N. of a person. ## %%, going asunder or in different directions; uneven, unequal; (if, according to Sy., derived fr. %%), of different minds, of different colours. ## %%, not the same, not homogeneous, not of equal birth; unlike, unequal, different. ## %%, not having the same cause. ## %%, not visible, not present, absent. ## %%, incomplete, unentire, partial, part. ## %%, or %%, m., N. of a descendant of Ikvku, a son of Sagara by Kein and father of Aumat. ## %%, unequal, unlike; (%%), n. unconformity, disparity, difference; (%%), ind. unfitly, unbecomingly; in a fluctuating or confused manner. ## %%, f., Ved. non-conflict, harmony, concord. ## %%, m. unseasonableness; unfit or unfavourable time. ## %%, unable, incompetent; feeble, weak. ## %%, n. non-delivery, not committing or intrusting anything to another. ## %%, unconsigned, unintrusted, undelivered. ## %% (rt. %% with %% and %%), accidental, not inherent, not intimate and inseparable. ## %%, n. (in logic) accidental cause, not intimate or inherent relation (e. g. the separable conjunction of two different objects). ## %%, n. the condition of something that is not inherent and inseparable. ## %%, not classed together, not connected, incoherent. ## %%, ind. incoherently. ## %%, Ved. of unattainable wisdom. ## %%, uncompounded, separate, several; uncollected; incomplete, imperfect. ## %%, Ved. having nothing equal, unparalleled; (%%), m., N. of a king. ## %%, Ved. of unequalled strength. ## %%. See %% above. ## %% or %%, unfinished, unaccomplished, incomplete. ## %%, f. incompleteness. ## %%, or %%, m. a religious student who has not completed the period of his residence with his teacher. ## %%, m. non-recovery of anything; disjunction, disconnection. ## %%, irrecoverable, not to be combined or united. ## %%, ind. not having considered. ## %%, acting inconsiderately. ## %%, improper, incorrect. ## %%, Ved. not increased, not prosperous; one whose wishes are frustrated. @<[Page 0105-a]>@ ## %%, f. non-increase; failing, perishing; (%%), unfortunate. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), illluck, want of success; non-accomplishment, failure. ## %%, uneffected, unaccomplished. ## %% (rt. %%), destitute of contact, without connection or relation. ## %%, unconnected with, not belonging to. ## %%, incomplete, not entire. ## %%, ind., Ved. not according to the moment or to present circumstances. ## %%, ind. without reaching. ## %% (rt. %%), not closely associated, distant, not related; unconnected, incoherent, unmeaning; improper, wrong; speaking unconnectedly or unmeaningly. ## %%, unconnected, not relating or belonging to; (%%), m. non-connection. ## %% (rt. %%), unconfined, spacious, wide, large; open, accessible; (%<>%), f. a species of the arkar metre, consisting of fifty-six syllables; (%%), n., Ved. non-confinement, open space. ## %% (rt. %%), inconsistent, improbable, unlikely; non-existent; (%%), n. f. any extraordinary event; non-existence. ## %%, ind., Ved. in an incomprehensible or extraordinary manner. ## %%, f. difficulty or impossibility of conceiving or comprehending. ## %% or %%, inconceivable, incomprehensible, impossible. ## %%, ind. in an incomprehensible or impossible manner. ## %%, unproduced. ## %%, f., Ved. non-existence, the not being born again. ## %%, m. non-enjoyment, not using or enjoying. ## %%, free from flurry, composed, cool; (%%), m. calmness, steadiness. ## %% (rt. %%), disapproved, despised; dissentient, differing from; averse, contrary. ## %%, taking without the consent of the possessor; a thief. ## %%, f. dissent, difference of opinion; dislike, aversion. ## %%, n. disrespect, disgrace. ## %%, Ved. not measured, immeasurable. ## %% (rt. %%), calm, deliberate, cool, clear seeing, judging well. ## %%, m. steadiness, calmness, composure. ## %%, Ved. unpurified, uncleansed. ## %%, m. the allowing nothing to escape (one's cognizance ?). ## %%, improper, incorrect; imperfect, incomplete. ## %%, acting unskilfully, inexpert, incompetent; acting improperly, ill-conducted, profligate. ## %%, m. (rt. 2. %%), the medicinal plant Blumea Lacera. ## %%, not knowing everything. @<[Page 0105-b]>@ ## %%, Ved. not having all one's men collected round. ## %%, n. iron; arms; a mantra. ## %%, of a different caste, of a different colour. ## %%, m. pl. (of %%, q. v.), the vital airs or breath. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not ceasing, not sticking, not closed up, not drying up, untouched (as by any one attempting to enter a door). ## %%, f. pl. (i. e. %%), inexhaustible streams. ## %%, ind. in an inexhaustible manner. ## %%, Ved. not ceasing, not drying up. ## %%, Ved. not sleeping. ## %% (rt. %%), not bearing, not enduring, intolerant, impatient; (%%), n. the middle of the breast. ## %%, unenduring, envious, jealous; (%%), m. an enemy; (%%), n. intolerance, impatience. ## %% or %% or %%, unbearable, insufferable, insuperable. ## %%, causing intolerable pain. ## %%, impatient, not bearing, not enduring. ## %%, impatient, unenduring, envious; quarrelsome. ## %%, f. impatience, envy. ## %%, without companions, friendless, lonely, solitary. ## %%, f. or %%, n. loneliness, solitude, the life of a hermit; friendlessness, being without a friend or patron. ## %%, without companions, friendless. ## %%, unassociated, unaccompanied. ## %%, ind. [cf. 2. %% and %%, the eye], not before the eyes, invisible, imperceptible; not present. ## %%, unattested, unwitnessed. ## %%, incompetent as a witness, not an eye-witness. ## %%, n. want of evidence. ## %%, unwholesome, disagreeing (as food ?). ## %%, Ved. seatless, not sitting. ## %% (rt. %%), without means, destitute of means, resources, materials, instruments or implements; (%%), n. non-accomplishment, not proving or establishing. ## %% or %%, not to be effected or completed, not proper or able to be accomplished; incurable, irremediable, not susceptible of proof. ## %%, unaccomplished. ## %%, not common, special, specific; (%%), n. speciality, species, special property. ## %% or %%, not good, wicked, bad; (%%), f. an unchaste wife. ## %%, f. or %%, n. wickedness. ## %%, f. an unchaste woman. ## %%, not close, fine, delicate but with interstices, transparent. ## %%, n. non-proximity, distance. ## %%, unseasonable. ## %%, n. weakness. @<[Page 0105-c]>@ ## %%, peculiar, not common; (%%), n. peculiar or special property. ## %%, Ved. not half, entire, whole, complete; (%%), ind. completely. ## %%, Ved. having complete strength. ## %%, not fit, not becoming, improper. ## %%, ind. unfitly, improperly, inopportunely. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), difference, dissimilarity; unsuitableness (in medicine or diet), unwholesomeness; disagreeableness. ## %%, sapless; without genuine strength and value; without vigour, spoiled, unfit, vain, unprofitable; weak, feeble, infirm, fragile; (%%), m., N. of the plant Ricinus Communis or castor-oil tree; (%%), n. Agallochum. ## %%, f. saplessness; unfitness, fragility. ## %%, careless, inadvertent. ## %%, f. or %%, n. carelessness. ## %%, n. absence of violence, gentleness. ## %%, not violent, peaceable, gentle. ## %%, n. want of assisttance or co-operation. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 2. %%), a sword, a cimeter, a knife used for killing animals. ## %%, m. a small pillow for the cheek. ## %% or %%, m. the marine monster Makara, painted on the banner of Kmadeva. ## %%, m. a crocodile. ## %%, f. the edge of a sword. ## %%, n. a vow of standing on the edge of a sword, used figuratively for any hopelessly difficult task. ## %% or %%, m. an armourer, a furbisher, a sword or tool cleaner. ## %%, or %%, f. a knife. ## %%, m. n. the blade of a sword; a sheath, a scabbard; (%%), whose leaves are swords, having sword-shaped leaves; (%%), m. the sugar-cane, Scirpus Kysoor Roxb.; a kind of tree which grows in the lower world; a hell paved with swords. ## %%, m. sugarcane. ## %%, n. a hell where the trees have leaves as sharp as swords. ## %%, n., Ved. the course of a sacrificial knife (?). ## %%, m. the Gagetic porpoise, Delphinus Gangeticus. ## %% or %%, f. a knife, lit. daughter of a sword. ## %%, Ved. furnished with knives or daggers. ## %%, m. the fetid Mimosa Vachellia Farnesiana W. and A. ## %%, m., N. of a Dnava. ## %%, n. fighting with knives or swords. ## %%, m. a swordsman or soldier armed with a sword. ## %%, ind. sword to sword, sword against sword. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), the part of the face between the underlip and the chin. ## %%. See 2. %%. ## 1. %%, (rt. %%), Ved. unbound. ## 2. %%, f. %% or Ved. f. %%, 'white', appears to have been formed from this word, which is probably original, and not a compound of %% and %%; cf. the formation of %% fr. %%), dark-coloured, black, dark-blue; (%%), m. the black colour; N. of the planet Saturn; the dark fortnight of a lunar month; N. of a being presiding over darkness and magic; N. of a descendant of Kyapa and several other persons; N. of a mountain; a black snake; (%%), f. the indigo plant; N. of an Apsaras; (%%), f., Ved. 'the dark one', the night; a girl attending upon the inner or women's apartments (whose hair is not whitened by age); N. of a daughter of Vraa and wife of Daksha; N. of the river Akesines (afterwards Candra-bhga) in the Pajb. ## %%, having black locks. ## %%, Ved. having a black neck. ## %%, Ved. having black knees. ## %%, black-eyed. ## %%, having black eyelids. ## %%, m., N. of a family. ## %%, m., N. of Buddha. ## %%, m. the blue lotus. ## %%, m. fire. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. the lapis lazuli; any black or dark-blue stone. ## %%, n. the blue lotus, Nymphaea Caerulea. ## %%, n. lapis lazuli. ## %%, f. a woman-servant [cf. %%]. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, imperfect, incomplete; unaccomplished, uneffected; unproved; unripe. ## %%, f. imperfect or incomplete accomplishment, failure; (in logic) want of proof, conclusion not warranted by the premises. ## %%, or %%, Ved. insatiable. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 2. %%, to throw), Ved. a beam, a ray; an arrow, a bolt. ## %%, (superl.) Ved. most skilful in shooting (arrows &c.). ## %%, f., N. of a river, %<= asi>%. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %%, to be), breath, life, spiritual life; life of the spiritual world or departed spirits; water ?; [cf. [greek]]; (%%), nom. pl. the five vital breaths or airs of the body; animal life; (%%), n. reflection, thought or the heart as the seat of it; grief. ## %%, n. life, existence. ## %%, n., Ved. the world of spirits, or (%%), m. the lord of the spirits. ## %%, f., Ved. the life or the world of spirits; that life personified as a female deity invoked for the preservation of life, or as Yama, lord of the dead. ## %%, m. breaking of life; fear about life; danger of life. ## %%, m. breathing, living, a creature. ## %%, living, breathing; (%%), m. life, the principle of vitality, the portion of spirit connected with the attributes of existence. ## %%, dearly loved, as dear as life; (%%), m. a husband, a lover. ## %%, Ved. living, alive, spiritual; an epithet of the supreme spirit; Varua; incorporeal, superhuman, divine; (%%), m. spirit; an incorporeal being of an evil kind; an evil spirit, a demon; a ghost or spectre; a general name for the chief of the Asuras [these Asuras are often regarded as the children of Diti by Kayapa, see %%; as such they are demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with the gods, and must not be confounded with the Rkasas or imps who animate dead bodies and disturb sacrifices]; the sun; Rhu; an elephant; N. of a warrior-tribe; (according to Sy.) a cloud ?; (%<>%), f. night; a zodiacal sign; a prostitute; (%<>%), f. a female demon, the wife of an Asura; N. of the plant Sinapis Racemosa Roxb. [Observe, in later Sanskt, %% has been formed from %%, as %% from %%, q. v.] ## %%, m. pl. a class of deities belonging to the Bhavandhas. ## %%, or %%, Ved. destroying the Asuras. ## %%, n., Ved. spirituality, supernatural or divine dignity. ## %%, f., Ved. demoniacal magic. ## %%, n. pl., Ved. the Asuras and Rkasas; (%%), n. sing. a demoniacal being, partaking of the qualities of both the classes of evil spirits. ## %%, m. king of the Asuras, epithet of the Asura Baka. ## %%, m. enemy of the Asuras, epithet of Viu. ## %%, m. destroyer of the Asuras, epithet of Viu. ## %%, Ved. destroying the Asuras, epithet of Agni, Indra, &c. ## %%, m. teacher of the Asuras; epithet of the regent of the planet Venus. ## %%, m. lord of the Asuras; N. of Bali Vairocani and of Mydhara. ## %%, n. bell-metal, named after an Asura. ## %%, Ved. incorporeal, spiritual, divine; demoniacal, belonging to the Asuras; (%%), n. spirituality, divine nature; the incorporeal, the collective body of spiritual beings; (according to Sy.) the water of the clouds. ## %%, not easy to be done, difficult, arduous. ## %%, a various reading for %%, q. v. ## %%, unhappy, sorrowful, melancholic; (%%), n. sorrow, pain, affliction. ## %%, f. a joyless life. ## %%, pained with grief. ## %%, producing unhappiness. ## %%, afflicted with grief, pain, or unhappiness. ## %%, causing or ending in unhappiness. ## %%, productive of or ending in unhappiness. ## %%, unhappy, sorrowful, afflicted. ## %%, difficult of attainment or accomplishment, hard, unattainable; difficult to be understood. ## 1. %% (rt. 2. %%), Ved. not pressed out, not cleared or purified, not ready (as the Soma juice). ## %%, or %%, or %%, Ved. not pressing out the Soma juice, not worshipping the gods, wicked. ## 2. %% (rt. 1. %%), childless. See %%. ## %% (rt. %%), not to be easily passed. ## %%, Ved. insatiable, not easily satiated. ## %%, disagreeable, unpleasant, offensive. ## %% or %<, am>%, plain, ugly; improper, unbecoming. ## %%, not asleep. ## %%, never closing the eyes in sleep, ever-seeing. ## %%, Ved. contrary, adverse. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, perishable, volatile, transitory. ## %%, difficult of retention or preservation. ## %%, f. the plant Basilicum Pilosum Benth. ## %%, difficult of attainment. ## %%. See under. 1. %%. ## %%, unwell, indisposed, not well placed, uncomfortable. ## %%, f. indisposition, sickness. ## %%, m. not a friend, an enemy. @<[Page 0106-c]>@ ## %%, m. f. (rt. 1. %%, to bring forth), Ved. not bringing forth, barren. ## %% or %%, Ved. one who has not brought forth, barren. ## %%, f. non-production; obstruction, removal; barrenness. ## %%, Ved. not bringing forth, barren. ## %% or %% or %% or %% or %%, n. (etymology doubtful), disrespect. ## %%, not fine, not minute, large, thick, gross. ## %% (fr. %%), nom. P. A. %%, to murmur at, to detract from, depreciate; to envy, scorn, be displeased or discontented with, or grumble at (with dat. or acc.): Caus. %%, to cause to murmur or be displeased or discontented. ## %%, detracting, envious, calumnious, discontented, displeased; (by some written %%). ## %%, n. calumny, detraction. ## %%, ind. having scorned, having cursed. ## %%, f. displeasure, indignation, especially at the merits or the happiness of another, envy, jealousy; calumny, detraction; aversion; N. of the wife of Atri. ## %%, murmuring, detracting, displeased. ## %%, envious, displeased; (%%), m. calumny. ## %%, n., Ved. absence of a person to press out the Soma juice; (Sy.) a place or country devoid of praise or worship. ## %%, n. disrespect. See %%. ## %%, Ved. not moving, remote (?). ## %%, Ved. sunless. ## %%, f. the wife of a king who being shut up in the inner apartments never sees the sun, a chaste and loyal wife. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %% with %%, which may stand for %% or %<>%), blood; saffron; (%%), m. a kind of religious abstraction; [cf. Lat. sanguis.] ## %%, m. the essence of the body, lymph, serum, &c. ## %%, m. a Rkasa or imp of malicious propensities, who drinks blood. ## %%, m. the falling of blood; (%%), m. pl. drops of blood, as from a wound. ## %%, Ved. drinking blood. ## %%, m. bleeding, letting blood. ## %%, bleeding, who or what takes away blood. ## %%, m. irregular or excessive menstruation, moenorrhagia. ## %%, shedding blood, bleeding. ## %%, f. the skin. ## %%, f. a stream of blood; the skin. ## %%, f. a blood-vessel. ## %%, n. blood-letting, bleeding. ## %%, mixed or covered with blood. ## %%, Ved. whose face is bloody. ## %%, m. f. (for %%), a stream of blood. ## %%, unrestrained. ## %% (rt. %%), uncreated; undistributed, not presented; continued. ## %%, one who does not distribute food. ## %% or %%, that on which one cannot look enough; charming, lovely [cf. %<-secanaka>%]. ## %%, Ved. not worthy of an army; not striking, not wounding (?). ## %%, n. or %%, f. (rt. %%), disregarding, neglecting; not following or practising, shunning; disregard, inattention, disobedience. ## %%, neglected, unattended to, disobeyed; abstained from, disused. ## %%, not waiting at the doors of the great. ## %%, not to be served or attended to; not to be used or practised, not to be eaten, drank, &c. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to do such and such a thing. ## %%, Ved. having such and such a name. ## %%, n. ugliness. ## %%, ugly, unlovely; disagreeable, displeasing. ## %%, having a bad or croaking voice. ## %%, n. ugliness, deformity; demerit, worthlessness. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not spilt, not effused, not fallen; not sprinkled, not covered; permanent, durable. ## %%, not spilt, not fallen, not gone, not attacked. ## %%, true to vows. ## %%, n., Ved. want of a pillar or support. ## %%, Ved. not narrow or deficient, abundant. ## %%, unshaken, unyielding, firm, permanent; not stumbling or slipping, undeviating. ## %%, not stumbling in progress, with unfaltering step. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. 2. %%), thrown, cast; expelled, sent away; sent, despatched; removed, laid or set aside; finished; (%<>%), f., Ved. a missile, an arrow. ## %%, whose anger is laid aside. ## %%, foolish. ## %%, obstructed (?). ## %%, scattered hither and thither, confused, disordered, irrelevant. ## %%, innumerable. ## %%, m., Ved. throwing, a shooter. ## 2. %%, n. (fr. rt. 1. %%), Ved. home; death, end; (%%), m. the western mountain, behind which the sun is supposed to set; sunset; (in astronomy) the seventh lunar mansion. ## %%, ind. at home, home. ## %% or %% or %%, to go home; to go down, to set; %% or %%, to conduct or lead home; to lead to setting, to cause to set; %% or %% or %%, to go to one's eternal home, to cease, to vanish, to die. ## %%, set (as the sun). ## %%, n. setting. ## %%, m. the western mountain. ## %%, m. or %%, n. disappearance, setting. ## %%, set (as the sun). ## %%, m. the western mountain. ## %%, reclining on the western mountain, about to set. ## %%, m. the western mountain. ## %%, n. the resting of a heavenly body on the western part of the horizon. ## %%, setting as the sun, on the point of setting. ## %%, n., Ved. home; (%%), m. going to one's eternal home, beatitude, eternal felicity. ## %%, f., Ved. home. ## %%, f. (perhaps a corruption of %%), the plant Desmodium Gangeticum. ## %%, n. corruption of (%%), setting. ## %%, ind., Ved. at home, near. ## %%, ind., Ved. at home. ## %%, not firm or self-possessed, confounded. ## %%, n. being confused or confounded, want of self-possession. @<[Page 0107-b]>@ ## %%, n. disrespect. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of the fifteenth Arhat of the past Utsarpi. ## %%, very deep. See %%. ## %%, ind. (3rd sing. pres. of rt. I. %%), being, existent, present; (%%), f., N. of a sister of Prpti, daughter of Jarsandhas and wife of Kasa. ## %%, m. a category or predicament. ## %%, having milk. ## %%, n. existence. ## %%, ind. doubtful, partly true and partly not. ## %%, n. or %%, f. uncertain or doubtful existence; partial existence. ## %%, n. title of the fourth of the fourteen Prvas or older writings of the Jainas. ## %%, possessed of property, wealthy, opulent. ## %% (3rd sing. impv. of rt. 1. %%), let it be, be it so, implying assent, also reluctance and pain. ## %%, efficacious, as a medicament; (%% is here the acc. of %%, 'producing that which the physician promises shall be.') ## %%, ind. be it so. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not praised, not deserving praise; not recited in prayer. ## %%, m. the absence of praise. ## %%, Ved. not overcome, invincible, indestructible. ## %%, Ved. sacrificing indefatigably or invincibly. ## %%, or %%, n. absence of theft, honesty. ## %%, n., Ved. a house. See 2. %%. ## %%, n. reproach, blame. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. 2. %%), a missile weapon, bolt, arrow; bow; a weapon in general, a sword; [with %% cf. Gr. [greek] and [greek] perhaps that which throws out or emits rays of light.] ## %%, m. an arrow. ## %% or %%, or %%, m. an armourer, maker of weapons. ## %%, shooting arrows. ## %%, m. a surgeon. ## %%, f. surgery. ## %%, n., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. a soldier, a warrior. ## %%, n. the bearing of arms. ## %%, m. one who bears arms, a soldier. ## %%, n. warding off a blow. ## %% or %%, m. an armourer, a sword-polisher or tool-cleaner, furbisher. ## %%, m. fighting with weapons. ## %%, n. dexterity in arms. ## %%, skilled in the science of arms or war. ## %%, f. the military science. ## %%, skilled in the use of arms. ## %%, f. shower of arrows. ## %%, m. the science of arms and war. ## %%, n. all sorts of arms (as arrows and swords). ## %%, f. military exercise, passage of arms. ## %%, m. an iron arrow. ## %%, unarmed, defenceless. ## %%, m. an arsenal, an armoury. ## %%, m. a wound, a cut. ## %%, struck, wounded, killed. ## %%, fighting with a missile weapon, an archer. ## %%, f. not a woman; (in gram.) the masculine and neuter genders. ## %%, having no wife, without a woman. ## %%, Ved. without a wife. ## %%, the base of some of the cases of %%, 'a bone', q. v.; thus, inst. %%, &c. @<[Page 0107-c]>@ ## %% at the end of some compounds. ## %%, f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, f. (?), Ved. a thunderbolt. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), very deep; also written %%. ## %%, (rt. %%), very deep; (%%), n. no place, a place where there is no firm footing, a bad or wrong place; (%%), ind. unsuitably, unseasonably; %%, ind. unseasonably, inopportunely. ## %%, not permanant, perishable, transient. ## %%, moveable, moving, not fixed; (in law) personal, as property, money, cattle, &c., opposed to land. ## %%, not standing still, not fixed. ## %%, f. want of place or condition, want of firm continuance. ## %%, Ved. %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. 2. %%; perhaps fr. %% for %<-sth>%), a bone; the kernel or stone of a fruit. At end of compounds %% is found, e. g. %%, q. v. The weakest cases of %% are derived from %%, q. v.; the Veda has also %%, &c. [cf. Lat. os, ossis, assimilated fr. ostis; Gr. [greek] Slav. kosti, with k prefixed]. ## %%, Ved. having bones, bony. ## %%, m. f. n. marrow. ## %%, n. a particular fracture of the bones. ## %%, Ved. produced in the bones; (%%), m. marrow; the thunderbolt; in the last sense a various reading for %%. ## %%, m. marrow. ## %%, m. f. a bird (whose mouth or beak consists of bone). ## %%, n. marrow. ## %%, m. pain in the bones. ## %%, f. the periosteum. ## %%, m. a N. of iva. ## %%, m. a skeleton; lit. a cage of bones. ## %%, m. a dog (eating bones). ## %%, m. fracture of the bones; N. of the plant Vitis Quadrangularis. ## %%, m. a bone-eater, a dog. ## %%, Ved. consisting chiefly of bones, dried up. ## %%, m. fracturing, breaking or wounding a bone; a sort of bone, a bone. ## %%, a bone-breaker, who or what breaks bones. ## %%, having bones, vertebrated. ## %%, bony, consisting of bones. ## %%, f. a necklace of bones. ## %%, m. an epithet of iva (this deity being commonly represented with a necklace of skulls). ## %%, m. the joining of a broken bone. ## %%, bony, osseous. ## %%, m. a N. of Bhgin, one of iva's attendants. ## %%, f. or %%, m. f., N. of the plant Heliotropium Indicum. ## %%, m. dryness and decay of the bones. ## %%, m. 'bone-seizer', the adjutant bird. ## %%, m. collecting the bones or their ashes after burning a corpse. ## %%, m. a joint, an articulation; uniting of a broken bone. ## %%, n. throwing the bones of a dead body into the Ganges. ## %%, m. marrow. ## %%, m. the body, 'having the bones for its pillars.' ## %%, m. marrow. ## %%, Ved. causing the bones to fall asunder. ## %%, n. a bone; used at the end of compounds, e. g. %%, boneless. ## %%, unsteady; trembling, shaking; uncertain, unascertained; unworthy of confidence. ## %%, f. or %%, n. unsteadiness, fickleness, mutability. ## %%, unsteady, not firm. ## %%, n. instability, unsteadiness. ## %%, Ved. furnished with more than one horse; not one-sided. @<[Page 0108-a]>@ ## %%, not bulky, delicate. ## %%, Ved. not fond of bathing, not a bather. ## %%, Ved. without sinews, without bands. ## %% (rt. %%), not smooth, harsh, hard, dry; unkind. ## %%, n. a kind of pine tree. ## %%, unkind; harsh, hard, dry; (%%), m. unkindness, want of affection; absence of oiliness. ## %%, not trembling, not moving, fixed, unchangeable. ## %% (rt. %%), not touching, not in contact; (%%), m. not touching, noncontact. ## %%, n. non-contact, avoiding the contact of anything, especially of one who is impure. ## %%, not to be touched, impure. ## %%, untouched. ## %%, not to be touched, intangible. ## %%, untouched. ## %%, perfectly pure. ## %%, unscathed by fire. ## %%, f. not touching, avoiding contact. ## %%, indistinct. ## %%, Ved. unconquered, irresistible. ## %%, undesirous, content; indifferent. ## %%, undesirable. ## %%, n. indistinct speech; (%%), indistinct, obscure, invisible, unblown. ## %%, n. indistinct result; (in geom.) gross area of a triangle, &c. ## %%, lisping, speaking indistinctly. ## %%, a pronominal base (supposed to be compounded fr. %% and %%) from which several cases of the pronoun of the 1st person plur. and of the 3rd sing. are derived. See also the next. ## %%, the plural base of the 1st personal pronoun (said to be fr. 2. %%, 'to throw', U-st. I. 138; or fr. 1. %%, 'to be'), nom. sing. %%, 'I', du. %%, 'we two', pl. %%, 'we;' acc. pl. %%, inst. %%, dat. %%, abl. %% or %%, gen. %%, loc. %%. Native grammarians derive the sing. as well as plur. from the base, %%. The form %%, common to all oblique cases of the plur., is confined to the Vedas; and sometimes a form %% is used for the gen. %%. The form %% for acc., dat., and gen. is enclitic. The form %% is met with in the Vedas as well as the %% of the classical language, especially at the beginning of compounds [cf. Gr. [greek] fr. [greek] Goth. unsa for usna; Mod. Germ. unser]. ## %%, ind., Ved. to us, with us, among us. ## %%, Ved. turned towards us. ## %%, Ved. given by us. ## %%, Ved. forming a plot against us or me, inimical. ## %%, or %%, or %%, similar, or like us or me; one of us. ## %%, f., Ved. errand or message for us. ## %%, our, ours. ## %%, Ved. turned towards us; (%%), ind. towards us. ## %%, Ved. endeavouring to attain us, desiring us, favourable to us. ## %%, Ved. our, ours. @<[Page 0108-b]>@ ## %%, n. a furnace or fireplace. See %%. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), forgetfulness, forgetting. ## %%, not to be recollected. ## %%, immemorial, not within memory; illegal, not according to law; not belonging to the Hind institutes. ## %%, not remembered, forgotten. ## %%, f. want of memory, forgetfulness; the not being part of the institutes of law; (%%), ind., Ved. inattentively. ## %%, f. (abstract noun formed fr. %%, 1st pers. sing. pres. of 1. %%, 'I am'), egotism. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not sullen, confiding. ## %%, Ved. not gliding away. ## %%, n. the hymn beginning with the words %% (g-veda 1. 164). ## %%, ## %%. See Gaa Anuatikdi to Pini VII. 3, 20. ## %% (for %%), having the sword raised. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. 2. %%), hair of the head; a corner, an angle, see %%, n. blood; a tear, see %% and %%. ## %%, m. an arrow; (perhaps a variation from %%). ## %%, m. a red Mimosa. ## %%, n. flesh. ## %%, m. a plant; see %%. ## %%, m. a Rkasa or goblin; (%<>%), f. a leech; a Dkin or female imp. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, Rubia Cordifolia L. (?). ## %%, n. plethora, hemorrhage, epistaxis, involuntary discharge of blood from the mouth, nostrils, anus, &c. ## %%, f. the plant Boswellia Thurifera Roxb. ## %%, f. chyle, chyme. ## %%, f. the plant Mimosa Pudica. ## %%, f., N. of a tuberous plant. ## %%, m. the white Tulas plant. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to shed tears. ## %% (rt. %%), not flowing; Ved. not leaky (as a ship). ## %%, n. granulation (of a running sore). ## %%, Ved. not stiff, not lame. ## %%, f. an angle; ten millions. See %%. ## %%, or %%, or %%, Ved. not doing harm; uninjured, unfatigued; pious, peaceable. ## %%, Ved. having food which falls or drops down (?). ## %%, n. a tear, &c. See %%. ## %%, m., Ved. praiseworthy, to be praised; (if fr. rt. %%) undecaying, immortal. ## %%, or %% or %%, or %%, not one's own, belonging to another. ## %%, Ved. not going to one's own home, homeless. ## %%, f., Ved. homelessness. ## %%, of a different caste, of a different species. ## %%, n. or %%, f. want of claim or right to anything, having no indefeasible property in it, absence of ownership. ## %%, docile; not self-willed, dependant. @<[Page 0108-c]>@ ## %%, not self-willed, dependant, subject; docile, humble. ## %%, m. unnatural or unusual character or temperament; (%%), of a different nature. ## %%, essentially different or unlike. ## %%, Ved. having no home of one's own, expelled from home. ## %%, m. a Brhman who has not performed his studies, who has not read the Vedas previously to his investiture; interruption or interval of study, prohibited on certain days of the moon, at eclipses, &c. ## %%, not for one's self; not for a proper object; having a different meaning. ## %%, m. non-acquiescence, dissent. ## %%, dissented from, refused, not promised. ## %%, not clear, opaque. ## %%, ending ill, leading to or having an unfavourable issue; (fr. %%) approaching the end of life; a fireplace, see %%. ## %%, Ved. sleepless, awake; (%%), m. sleeplessness, the being awake; a god, a deity [cf. [greek]]. ## %%, Ved. not sleepy, sleepless. ## %%, not aloud, speaking in an under tone, indistinct; having a bad or croaking voice; (%%), ind. not aloud, in a low tone, indistinctly. ## %%, not leading to heaven, unheavenly. ## %%, not in good health, not one's self, sick. ## %%, f. want of firmness; weakness, illness. ## %%, n. indisposition, sickness, discomfort, indigence. ## %%, tasteless, insipid. ## %%, or %<, am>%, unowned, unclaimed. ## %%, having no right or title to anything, not being master of it; that which has no master or owner. ## %%, m. sale without ownership. ## %%, n. absence of right or title to property. ## %%, unselfish, disinterested. ## %%, m. suppressed perspiration; (%%), not perspiring. ## 1. %% (connected with rt. %%), cl. 1. P., Ved. %%, 2nd pl. perf. %%, to string together (?), to compose, to celebrate, to prepare, to increase. ## 2. %%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %% or %%, to pervade or occupy; to go or move; cl. 10 (?) to cause to shine (?). ## %%, illuminating, spreading light (epithet of the dawn). ## 3. %% (defect. verb, preserved only in five persons of the perfect, viz. %%, which may have a present signification), to say, speak; to acknowledge, accept, state; to declare, express, signify; to call; to attribute; to call (with two acc.); to hold, consider, regard; to adjudge anything (acc.) to any one (gen.). [To this rt. are referred, Hib. ag-all, 'speech;' ag-aill, 'to speak;' eigh-im, 'I call:' Goth. af-aika, 'I deny:' Lat. nego for %%, 'to say no:' also ajo.] @<[Page 0109-a]>@ ## %%, ind. (as a particle implying ascertainment, affiramation, certainty, &c.) surely, certainly, yes, well; (as explaining, defining, admitting, limiting, &c.) namely; I grant you, granted, indeed, of course; at least. This particle is also said to imply rejecting, sending; deviation from custom, impropriety. ## &c. See under %%. ## %% (rt. %%), unhurt, uninjured, not struck, not killed; unbeaten (as clothes in washing); unwashed, new; unblemished, unsoiled; not disappointed; (%%), n. unwashed or new clothes. ## %% or %%, f., Ved. safeness. ## %%, ind. not having killed. ## %% or %%, not to be killed. ## %% or %% or %%, Ved. indestructible, invincible. ## %% and %%, n. (said to be fr. 2. %% with %%, 'not;' according to others, who compare the Goth. daya, Germ. tag, Eng. day, a corruption of %% fr. rt. %%; the nom. acc. voc. sing. and the middle cases come fr. %%, the others fr. %%; in the Vedas the middle cases also are sometimes formed fr. %%, e. g. %%); a day; a sacrificial or festival day; a day's work; a portion of a book appointed for one day's reading; day personified as one of the eight Vasus; N. of a Trtha; %% or %%, day by day, daily; %%, du. day and night; %%, on that very day; %%, on which day. (As the last member of a compound %% generally appears in the form %%, m., rarely n., but sometimes also in the form %%, e. g. %%, q. v. As the first member of a compound %% and %% are the usual forms; as in the following examples.) ## %%, m. lord of the day, the sun; see %%. ## %%, n. evening. ## %%, m. the approach of day. ## %%, m. a series of sacrificial days; a month; any calculated term. ## %%, m., Ved. the year (as making days become old). ## %%, Ved. born in the day or from day, not belonging to night or to the spirits of darkness. ## %%, Ved. existing every day; (%%), ind. daily, day by day. ## %%, ind., Ved. day by day, every day, constantly. ## %%, Ved. beholding the day, living. ## %%, n. day and night, a whole day; (%%), ind. day and night, during the whole day, continually. ## %%, m., Ved. lord of the day; the sun; epithet of iva; also written %%. ## %%, m. the sun. ## %%, Ved. partaking of the day. ## %%, m. the sun. ## %%, n. commencement of the day, morning, dawn. ## %%, Ved. taking the place of day. ## %%, Ved. existing (many) days; known long ago; knowing the (fit) time or season. ## %%, ind., Ved. every day. ## %%, m. the sun. ## %%, m. the sun; swallow wort. ## %%, &c. See s. v. ## %%. See 2. %%. ## %%, nom. sing. 'I.' The supposed base of this 1st personal pronoun is %%, q. v. [cf. Zend azem; Gr. [greek] Lat. ego; Goth. ik; Mod. Germ. ich; Lith. asz; Slav. az; Cambrobrit. ym; Bret. am, em]. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Sayti. ## %%, selfish, proud, haughty; (%%), m. a warrior. ## %%, speaking only of one's self, presumptuous, haughty. ## %%, or %%, n. claiming superiority for one's self. ## %%, Ved. gaining for one's self, obtaining for one's self. @<[Page 0109-b]>@ ## %%, to be referred to self; (%%), n. the object of Ahakra. ## %%, m. the making of self, sense of self, thinking of self, egotism, individuality; self-consciousness, pride, haughtiness; (in the Skhya phil.) the third of the eight producers or elements of creation, viz. the conceit or conception of individuality, individualization. ## %%, conscious, selfish, proud. ## %%, self-important, proud. ## %%, n. that which is to be done by one's self, any personal object, business or matter. ## %%, egotistic; proud, haughty; conscious. ## %%, f. egotism, high opinion of one's self, pride. ## %%, f. or %%, n. a contest for superiority, rivalry. ## %%, f. assertion or conceit of superiority, boasting, egotism; military vaunting. ## %%, Ved. desirous of being first. ## %%, f. or %%, f. emulative onset, the running forward of soldiers with emulation; conceit, vaunting. ## %%, n. self-conceit, a high notion of one's own superiority. ## %%, f. or %%, n. selfillusion, spiritual ignorance, conceit, self-love. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), N. of the twelfth Manu; a Dnava. ## %%, not to be taken away. ## %%, not taking (?). ## %%, not to be stolen, not to be removed; (%%), m. a mountain. ## %%, f. or %%, n. the state of not being liable to be taken away, security. ## %%, Ved. not yellow. ## %% (rt. %%), unhappy, gloomy, sorrowful. ## %%, unhappy, sorrowful. ## %%, or %%, unploughed, unfurrowed. ## %%, not arable, unploughed; (%<>%), f., N. of an Apsaras; N. of the wife of Gautama or aradvat; N. of a sea. ## %%, m., Ved. a talker, tattler (?). ## %% (rt. %%), not to be offered as an oblation, not fit or proper to be sacrificed. ## %%, Ved. without oblations, sacrificeless. ## %%, handless. ## %% or %%, ind. a particle or interjection, as Ah! Aha! &c., implying surprise, fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling. ## %%, &c. See under %%. ## %%, Ved., said to be a sound like a flourish at the end of a hymn. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%; according to Sy. fr. rt. %% with %<>% prefixed and shortened, 'one that destroys on all sides'), a snake; the serpent of the sky, the demon Vtra; a cloud; water; lead; a traveller; the sun; a N. of Rhu, the ascending node; the navel; [cf. %% and %%, pp. 1, 6; Lat. anguis; Gr. [greek] and [greek] Lith. ungury-s; Russ. ugorj; Armen. oz; Germ. unc; Mod. Gr. [greek]] ## %%, m. air, wind; (snakes being supposed to feed upon air.) ## %%, m. the slough or cast skin of a snake. ## %% and %%, m., N. of a country. ## %%, Ved. guarded by a serpent. ## %%, n., Ved. the slaying of the serpent or demon (Vtra) who obstructs the heavenly waters. ## %%, m., Ved. killing snakes. ## %%, m. a kind of vegetable poison; the plant Gymnema Sylvestre (?); N. of a country; (%<>%), f. sugar; the city of Ahicchatra. ## %%, n. a mushroom. ## %%, m., N. of Ka, also of Indra. ## %%, m. a snake-catcher or exhibiter; see %%. ## %%, or %%, having the teeth of a serpent. ## %%, enemy of the serpents or of Vtra; (%<>%), m. an ichneumon; a peacock; Garua, the bird of Viu; Indra. ## %%, f. the natural enmity between a snake and an ichneumon. ## %%, m., N. of Baladeva (as identified with ea). ## %%, m. or %%, f. the cast off skin of a snake. ## %%, m. a kind of snake, not venomous. ## %%, m., N. of ea, sovereign of the snakes, also of Vsuki and others; any large serpent. ## %%, m. a kind of boat. ## %%, m. f. sores on the hinder part of the body (of children). ## %%, n. opium, the saliva or venom of a snake [cf. 2. %%]. ## %%, m., N. of iva; one of the Rudras; corrupted fr. %%. ## %%, f. the twenty-sixth lunar mansion. ## %%, m. fear of a lurking snake; apprehension of treachery. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta Roxb. ## %%, Ved. shining like serpents; epithet of the Maruts. ## %%, m. Garua, the bird of Viu; a peacock; N. of a plant. ## %%, m. 'carrying serpents', N. of iva. ## %%, Ved. enraged like serpents, epithet of the Maruts; (Sy.) 'endowed with destructive anger', or 'with unimpaired knowledge.' ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, Ved. multiform or versatile like a snake, showing the same variety of colour and shape. ## %% or %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. a peacock. ## %%, m., N. of iva; corrupted fr. %%. ## %%, f. pl. the twenty-sixth lunar mansion. ## %%, m., N. of a Rudra. ## %%, f., the plant Betel; another plant. ## %%, m., N. of a servant of iva. ## %%, snake-bitten. ## %%, m. Garua; Indra. ## %%, m., Ved. one whose men (the Maruts) hiss like serpents; epithet of Indra; (according to Sy. %% means 'of all-pervading strength', and is to be separated from %%.) ## %%, n. the slaying of the serpent or demon (Vtra) who obstructs the heavenly waters. ## %%, m., Ved. killing serpents or Vtra. ## %%, Ved. gliding like a snake. ## 1. %%, m. a blind snake, not venomous, see %%, f., N. of the silk-cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum Salmalia Malabarica. (For 2. %%, see below.) ## %%, or %%, or %% (rt. %%), Ved. not hurting, harmless, innocuous. ## %%, f. harmlessness, not injuring anything, one of the cardinal virtues of most Hind sects, but particularly of the Buddhists and Jainas; security, safeness. ## %%, devoted to harmlessness or gentleness. ## %% or %%, Ved. uninjured, being unharmed. ## %%, innocuous, innocent, harmless; (%%), n. harmless behaviour; (%<>%), f., N. of the plant Momordica Cochinchinensis, Spreng, (commonly called Krkavli.) ## 2. %% (fr. %%, q. v.), is found at the end of a few compounds in the sense of lasting a certain number of days, e. g. %%, lasting for ten days. See 1. %% above. ## %%, f. a kind of small poisonous animal. @<[Page 0110-a]>@ ## %% (rt. %%), not placed, not put, not fixed; unfit, improper; unadvantageous, noxious; hurtful, prejudicial; hostile, inimical; (%%), m. an enemy; (%%), n. damage; food &c. contraindicated in a disease. ## %%, adverse, inimical, acting unkindly. ## %%, Ved. having as yet no name. ## %%, not friendly-minded, hating, adverse, inimical. ## %%, whose intellect is incapable of discriminating between good and evil. ## %%, not wishing well, malevolent. ## %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, m. the sun. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of a demon conquered by Indra and his companions; a serpent (see %%); a cow; (%<>%), du. heaven and earth. ## 1. %% (fr. %%), lasting several days; (%%), m. a sacrifice lasting several days; one lasting twelve days (i. e. %% or %%). ## 2. %%, m. (fr. %%, q. v.), a large snake (?). ## 3. %% (rt. 2. %%), unimpaired, whole, entire; full, luxurious; not deprived of, not withdrawing; possessed of; not outcast or vile. ## %%, m., N. of a prince, son of Devnka. ## %%, m. a witness capable of giving evidence. ## %%, m. a cowherd. See %%. ## %%, or %%, m. a kind of snake, said to be two-headed. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of a demon conquered by Indra. ## %%, (in compounds) narrow. See %%. ## %% (rt. %%), unsacrificed, unoffered, not yet sacrificed; one who has not received any sacrifice; not gained or obtained by sacrifice; (%%), m. religious meditation, prayer, and study of the Veda, considered as one of the five great sacraments, otherwise called Brahma-yaja. ## %%, Ved. not eating of a sacrifice; not allowed to partake of a sacrifice. ## %% (rt. %%), uncalled, unsummoned, unchallenged. (The form %% with the sense 'uncalled', given by Wilson, is very questionable.) ## %%, Ved. not being angry, friendly. ## %%, Ved. not being angry, jealous, or envious; not discontented, willing; that which is bestowed willingly. ## %%, not desired, not agreeable. ## %%, disagreeable, causing disgust. ## %%, ind. a particle implying reproach, rejection, separation. ## %%, m. absence of cause or reason. ## %%, f. or %%, n. absence of cause, reason, or necessity. ## %%, causeless, groundless. ## %%, having no reason or foundation; causeless, having no motive, disinterested. ## %%, f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus. ## %%, or %%, or %% (rt. %%, Ved. %% with %%), Ved. not angry, not displeased, favourable. ## %%, ind. (as a particle and interjection of joyful or painful surprise) Ah! (of enjoyment or satisfaction) Oh! (of fatigue, discontent, compassion, sorrow, regret) Alas! Ah! (of praise) Bravo! (of reproach) Fie! (of calling) Ho! Halo! (of doubt, deliberation) either, or; (of contempt) Pshaw! It is also sometimes an expletive. ## %%, f. self-confidence; boasting. ## %%, m., Ved. not sacrificing; not competent to sacrifice. ## %%, m. n. (fr. %%, q. v. %<+ rtri>%, q. v.), a day and night, [greek] a day of twenty-four hours or thirty Muhrtas, from sunrise to sunrise; a day and night of the Pits = a month of the gods = a year of Brahm = 2000 Yugas of the gods; (%%), ind. day and night, continually, always. ## %%, n. the appearance of day. ## %%, ind. a particle of calling, of compassion, of fatigue. ## %%, ind. in a variegated or wonderful manner (?). ## %%, m. as last member of a compound %<= ahan>%, a day, q. v.; e. g. %%, midday; %%, afternoon. ## %%, ind. formerly; instantly; soon, speedily. ## %%, as last member of a compound %<= ahan>%; e. g. %%, lasting two days. ## %%, f. and %%, or %% (all fr. %%), used at the end of compounds; e. g. %%, n. the daily journey of a chariot. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not to be denied or set aside; (%%), m. according to Sy. the N. of a king. ## %%. See under %%. ## %% or %% (fr. %
    %, shame, q. v.), Ved. luxurious, proud, bold, conscious of one's own power. ## %%, Ved. luxurious, fat. ## %%, Ved. shameless, importunate. ## %%, shameless; (%%), m. a Buddhist mendicant. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. not fluctuating, not stumbling; going in a straight line; not crooked, straight. ## %%, Ved. of straight or upright appearance. ## %%, f., Ved. not fluctuating, not stumbling, firmness; the plant Semecarpus Anacardium. #<># #<># 1. %<>%, the second letter of the alphabet, corresponding to %
    % long, as in far. #<># 2. %<>%, (as a particle or interjection of assent) yes, verily; (of compassion or pain) Ah! Alas! in the latter sense it is more correctly written %%; (of reminiscence) Ah! Oh! (a conjunction disjunctive) but; (a conjunction copulative) and. This particle remains unaltered in orthography even before vowels. #<># 3. %<>% a prefix to verbs and nouns, (expressing) near, near to, towards, from all sides, all around; and sometimes redundant. As a prefix to verbs of motion it expresses the notion of moving or going towards; e. g. %<-krmati>%, he goes towards. When prefixed to roots like %%, and %%, to go, and %%, to give, it reverses the action; e. g. %<-gacchati>%, he comes; %<-datte>%, he takes. As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns it forms with them either compound adverbs or adjectives, implying the limit conclusive (until, unto, as far as), or the limit inceptive (from, from thence or that time); e. g. %<-maraam>%, till death; %<-kumram>%, from childhood [cf. a puero]; %<-gopl dvijtaya>%, the twice-born including the cowherds. (Prefixed to adjectives &c. it implies) diminution; e. g. %<-pu>%, a little pale; %<-pakva>%, half-cooked. (As a separable adverb %<>% implies) near, near to, towards; thereto, further, also, and; especially, even. In many places in the Vedas %<>% gives force to the word which precedes it (e. g. %%, 'your greatness, O Indra and Agni, is praiseworthy indeed'); and in a similar manner we find it in the Veda placed after prepositions, the sense of which is strengthened by it. (As a separable preposition with acc. or abl.) near to, up to, to, as far as; e. g. %%, as far as a hundred births; %< samudrt>%, as far as the ocean: (with abl.) away from, from; out of, of, from among; e. g. %< mlt>%, from the beginning; %%, from among many: (with loc.) in, at; e. g. %%, in a house. #<># 4. %<, s>%, m., N. of iva; (%<>%), f., N. of Lakm. ## %<-i>%. See %%. ## %<-indh>%. See %%. ## %<-inv>%. See %%. ## %<-i>%. See %%. ## %<-k>%. See %%. ## %<-r>%. See %%. #<># %<->%. See %%. ## %<-u>%. See %%. ## %<-uk>%. See %%. ## %<-ru>%. See %%. ## %<-h>%. See %%. #<># %<->%. See %%. ## %<-ch>%. See %%. ## %<-j>%. See %%. ## %<-dh>%. See %%. ## %<-kac>%, cl. 1. A. %<-kacate, -citum>%, to tie on, to fasten on. ## %<-katthana, as, , am>%, boasting, swaggering. ## %<-kan>%, cl. 1. P. %<-kanati, -nitum>%, or Intens. %<-ckanti>%, to be pleased with (with loc.); to endeavour to obtain; to love, to desire, solicit, praise. ## %<-kamp>%, cl. 1. A. %<-kampate, -pitum>%, to tremble: Caus. %<-kampayati, -yitum>%, to cause to tremble. ## %<-kampa, as>%, m. or %<-kampana, am>%, n. trembling motion, shaking, trembling. ## %<-kampita>% or %<-kampra, as, , am>%, shaken, trembling; moved, agitated. ## %<-kara, karin>%, &c. See under %<-k>%. ## %<-karaa>%. See under %<-k>%. ## %<-kar>%, cl. 10. P. %<-karayati, -yitum>%, to give ear to, listen to, hear. ## %<-kara>%, up to the ear, (occurs at the commencement of several compounds to denote the end of an arrow reaching to the ear in drawing a bow.) ## %<-karana, am>%, n. hearing, listening. ## %<-karita, as, , am>%, heard, listened to; overheard. ## %<-karya>%, ind. having heard or listened to. ## %<-kara, -karin>%, &c. See under %<-k>%. @<[Page 0111-a]>@ ## %<-kal>%, cl. 10. P. %<-kalayati, -yitum>%, to shake, agitate, throw, cast; to lay hold of, seize; to tie, fasten; to surrender, transfer; to observe, take into consideration; to consider [cf. Gr. [greek]]. ## %<-kalana, am>%, n. binding, confinement; counting, reckoning; laying hold of; wish, desire. ## %<-kalita, as, , am>%, bound; counted, reckoned; seized, held. ## %<-kalpa, as>%, m. (rt. %% with %<>%), adding to, improving, increasing; ornament, decoration; sickness, disease. ## %<-kalpaka, as>%, m. remembering with regret, missing; joy; fainting, loss of sense or perception; darkness; a knot or joint. ## %<-kalpam>%, ind. till the end of a kalpa. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), sickness, disease. ## %<-kaa, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %%, 'to rub', with %<>%), a touchstone. ## %<-kaaka, as, ik, am>%, cutting, rubbing, or testing with a touchstone, touching, assaying. ## %<-kaika, as, , am>%, touching, testing. ## %% (fr. %%), causeless, unforeseen, unexpected, sudden. ## %%, n. suddenness, &c. ## %<-kk>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-kkati, -te, -itum>%, to desire, long for, hope for, endeavour to gain, expect (with acc.); to endeavour to reach a place, turn to; (in gram.) to require some word or words to be supplied for the completion of the sense. ## %<-kka, as, , am>%, desiring, wishing; (in gram.) requiring a word or words to complete the sense; (%<>%), f. desire, wish; (in gram.) the requiring of a word or period for the completion of the sense; looking at or towards; purpose, intention; enquiry, asking; the significancy of a word. ## %<-kkaya>% or %<-kkitavya, as, , am>%, to be desired or expected, desirable. ## %<-kkat, an, ant, at>%, wishing, expecting; looking at, looking to or towards. ## %<-kkita, as, , am>%, wished, desired; asked, enquired; regarded, looked at; wanted, necessary. ## %<-kkin, , i, i>%, wishing, desirous, wishful, hopeful; asking, enquiring, expectant. ## %<-kkya, as, , am>%, desirable; (%%), n. need of supplying a word or words for the completion of the sense. ## %<-kya, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), a funeral pile; abode, residence. ## %<-kyya, as, , am>% (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), Ved. desirable; in every way praiseworthy or commendable. ## %<-kra>%. See under %<-k>%. ## %<-kla, as>%, m. the right time; (for %%) wrong or inauspicious time. ## %%, or %<, am>%, not filling a space of time, momentary, instantaneous; unseasonable; (%<>%), f. lightning. ## %%, n. unseasonableness, suddenness. ## %<-k>%, cl. 1. A. %<-kate, -itum>%, to shine, be bright; to view, recognize. ## %<-ka, as, am>%, m. n. (in Ved. m.) light, clearness; a free space, vacuity; the ether, the sky or atmosphere considered as the fifth element; Brahma as identical with ether. %% is the subtle and ethereal fluid, supposed to fill and pervade the universe and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and of sound. %%, ind. in the air; a stage direction implying something said by or to a person out of sight. ## %%, f. the horizon, 'girdle of the sky.' ## %%, going through the atmosphere. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhisattva. ## %%, m. the moon, ('a cup or vessel with ether.') ## %%, produced in the sky. ## %%, m. a loophole, a casement, an embrasure. ## %% or %%, m. a lamp or torch lighted in honour of Lakm or Viu and elevated on a pole in the air at the Dvli (Dpli) festival, in the month Krttika; a beacon, a lantern on a pole. ## %%, m., N. of a Buddha. ## %%, m. (in theatrical language) fixing the gaze on some object out of sight of the audience. ## %%, n. (in dramatic language) speaking outside or off the stage; a supposed speech, which is replied to as if it had been spoken; a voice or sound in the air. ## %%, n. the celestial sphere; the atmosphere. ## %%, consisting of ether. ## %%, f. the plant Nardostachys Jams. ## %%, f. the aquatic plant Pistia Stratiotes. ## %%, n. a heavenly car, one moving through the air. ## %%, m. a warder, a watchman on the outer battlements. ## %%, filling a certain place, spacious, extensive. ## %%, n. the atmosphere, the firmament, the air. ## %%, f. a sort of creeper, a parasite, Cassyta Filiformis. ## %%, f. a voice from heaven; m., N. of the author of a Hanumat-stotra. ## %%, n. rain. ## %%, abiding in the sky, aerial. ## %%, m. a kind of crystal supposed to be formed in the atmosphere. It is of two kinds, Srya-knta and Candra-knta, q. v. ## %%, n. abode of infinity or of infinite space; N. of a world with Buddhists. ## %%, m. epithet of Indra, as ruler of the firmament; (in law) any helpless person, as a child, a woman, a pauper or invalid (who has no other possession than the air). ## %%, or %%, atmospherical. ## %%, being in the atmosphere. ## %% or %%, n. (fr. %%), want of any possession, poverty. ## %%, and %%, m., N. of a warrior-tribe and its chief. ## %<-km>%, ind., Ved. (with abl.) from. ## %<-kuc>%, cl. 6. P., 1. A. %<-kucati, -kucate, -citum>%, to bend: Caus. %<-kucayati, -yitum>%, to draw together, contort, contract; to bend inwards, shorten. ## %<-kucana, am>%, n. compression, contraction, shrinking; collecting, heaping; curving, flexure; contortion. ## %<-kucita, as, , am>%, bent, contorted, contracted; twisted, crooked. ## %<-kuhita, as, , am>%, confounded, abashed. ## %<-kurvat>%. See under %<-k>%. ## %<-kula, as, , am>% (rt. %%, to compact or compress together), filled, full, overburdened with (with inst.); confounded, confused, agitated, flurried; confused (in order), disordered; taken out of one's natural condition; incoherent, contradictory; (%%), n. an inhabited place. ## %%, f. or %%, n. accumulation, multitude; perplexity, confusion, bewilderment. ## %%, confused in mind. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to confound, make disordered. ## %%, m., N. of an Asura priest. ## %%, confounded; bewildered, flurried, agitated; distressed. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to fill with; to confound. ## %%, n. confounding. ## %%, confounded; perplexed, bewildered. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to become perplexed. ## %%, perplexed, confounded. ## %<-kua, as, , am>%, expelled, extracted. ## %<-kj>%, cl. 1. P. %<-kjati, -jitum>%, to twitter, warble, coo. ## %<-kta, am>%, n. (rt. %% or %%, to sound), meaning, intention, purpose; wish, desire. ## %<-kti, is>%, f. intention, wish, desire; N. of a daughter of Manu Svyambhuva and of atarp. ## %%, Ved. accomplishing one's intentions. ## %%, m. %<= a-k-pra>%, q. v. ## %<-k>%, cl. 8. 5. P. %<-karoti, -koti, -kartum>%, to bring near or towards, to bring down, to make or form wholly; to drive near to or together: Caus. P. %<-krayati, -yitum>%, to ask any one (acc.) for anything (acc.); to invite to a place, to call into existence, to cause to appear: Desid. %<-cikrati>%, to intend to accomplish: Intens. %<-karikrati>%, 3rd pl., Ved. to attract repeatedly towards one's self. ## %<-kra, as>%, m. form, figure, shape, stature, appearance, aspect, behaviour, external gesture or aspect of the body, the expression of the face, as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind; hint, sign, token; the letter %<>%. ## %%, f. or %%, n. dissimulation, suppressing all sign or inclination of the feelings. ## %%, having a shape, embodied, symmetrical, handsome, wellformed. ## %%, delicate in shape and colour. ## %<-kraa>% or %<-karaa, am, >%, n. f. calling, inviting, a call or summons; challenging, a challenge. ## %<-kraya, as, , am>%, to be called. ## %<-krita, as, , am>%, called, summoned; stipulated, agreed; demanded, exacted. ## %<-kurvat>%, f., N. of a certain rocky hill. (Rm. II. 71. 3.) ## %<-kta, as, , am>%, Ved. brought near to; being near. ## %<-kti, is>%, f., Ved. a constituent part; form, figure, shape, appearance, aspect; character, specimen; the body; tribe, species; a metre consisting of four lines with twenty-two syllables to each line. ## %%, m. a list of specimens, a collection of words belonging to a certain grammatical rule, which does not exhibit every word belonging to that rule, but only specimens; whereas a simple Gaa exhibits every word; (explained by native authorities to mean a list of words, the fact of a word belonging to which can only be determined by observing the forms used by classical authors.) ## %%, f. the plant Achyranthes Aspera. ## %%, having shape, embodied. ## %<-k>%, cl. 1. P., 6. P. A. %<-karati, kati, -te, -karum>% or %<-kraum>%, to draw towards, attract, put on, draw away; to bend (e. g. %%, a bow); to draw or tear off, draw out of; to withdraw, deprive of, take away; to borrow: Caus. %<-karayati, -yitum>%, to draw near to one's self. ## %<-kara, as>%, m. drawing or attracting towards one's self, pulling to or towards, dragging, attracting, hawling; drawing the bow; attraction, fascination; spasm; playing with dice; a die or dice; a board for such a game; an organ of sense; magnetic attraction; a magnet, a loadstone; N. of a prince. ## %<-karaka, as, ik, am>%, attractive, what draws or attracts; (%%), m. a magnet or loadstone; (%%), f., N. of a town. ## %<-karaa, am>%, n. pulling, drawing, attracting; (%<>%), f. a crooked stick for pulling down fruit, &c.; any instrument for pulling. ## %<-karika, as, , am>%, magnetic, attractive. ## %<-karita, as, , am>%, drawn, attracted. ## %<-karin, , i, i>%, attractive; (%<>%), f. a rod with a hook at the end for pulling down boughs in order to gather fruit. @<[Page 0112-a]>@ ## %<-ka, as, , am>%, drawn, pulled, attracted. ## %%, distracted in mind. ## %%, pulling, dragging, pulling up or out; pulling to, attracting; charming, fascinating. ## %<-ki, is>%, f. attracting, drawing near, bending of a bow. ## %%, m. an incantation by which another person is attracted. ## %<-kya>%, ind. having drawn, extracted, pulled or dragged. ## %<-kyama, as, , am>%, being drawn or attracted. ## %<-k>%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to scatter or sprinkle over, fill, fill up, give abundantly, cover, replenish, heap up, accumulate. ## %<-kara, as>%, m. one who scatters over or fills; accumulation, collection, plenty, multitude; a mine, a rich source of anything; best, excellent; N. of a country; N. of the Mah-bhya. ## %%, produced in a mine, mineral. ## %<-kra, as, , am>%, scattered, spread; overspread, filled; crowded, impervious; covered, surrounded. ## %%, f. or %%, n. fulness, crowd, multitude. ## %%, ind. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), Ved. hitherward, near, in the neighbourhood. ## %%, Ved. considering or regarding from a near place; wise; (Sy.) falling down near at hand, advancing near (as rays of light). ## %<-kai>%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %<-kyati, -te, ktum>%, to implore, appeal to, solicit; praise. ## %%, m. the constellation Capricornus ([greek]). ## %%, n. (fr. %%), inexpertness, want of skill or practice. ## %% (rt. %% or %%), bent, curved. ## %<-krand>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-krandati, -te, -ditum>%, to shout at, roar at; to invoke; to cry with sorrow, lament, weep: Caus. P. %<-krandayati, -yitum>%, to cause to weep or cry; inspire courage by its sound (as a drum ?); to shout at, roar at; to cry without interruption. ## %<-kranda, as>%, m. calling, crying, crying out; shouting; weeping, sobbing; sound; war-cry; furious or violent combat; war, battle; violence; a friend; a brother; a king, a lord; usurper; a king who prevents an ally from aiding another; (%%), one who checks or restrains. ## %<-krandana, am>%, n. lamentation, weeping. ## %%, going to where cries of distress are heard. ## %<-krandita, as, , am>%, roaring, crying wofully; invoked; (%%), n. a cry, a roar; lamentation. ## %<-krandin, , in, i>%, shouting at; invoking in a weeping tone, weeping. ## %<-kram>%, cl. 1. P. A., cl. 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to step near to; to come towards, approach; to enter; to visit; arrive at; to step or tread upon, to lie heavily on, to press; to hold fast with the hands, seize; to attack, invade, take possession of, become master of, conquer, overcome; to undertake, begin; to rise, mount, ascend; to cover: Caus. P. %<-kramayati, -yitum>%, to cause to come or step near: Desid. %<-cikrasate>%, to wish to ascend. ## %<-krama, as>%, m. coming near, approaching, arriving, attaining; overcoming, obtaining; invading, attacking, falling upon, an attack; spreading or going over or upon, surpassing, overloading; might, valour. ## %<-kramaa, as, , am>%, Ved. coming near, approaching, stepping upon; (%%), n. attacking, marching against, invading; overpowering, subduing; spreading or extending over or upon; going over or beyond; attacking. ## 1. %<-kramya>% or %<-kramaya, as, , am>%, to be approached; to be attacked; to be ascended or surpassed or overcome, to be seized. ## 2. %<-kramya>%, ind. having attacked, invaded, seized upon, overrun or encroached. ## %<-krnta, as, , am>%, come near; obtained; possessed; overspread; overcome, overrun; attacked; surpassed, surmounted; accompanied, attended; agitated or overcome by (any feeling); pained, distressed. ## %%, mentally overcome or overpowered; having the mind engrossed or deeply impressed. ## %<-krnti, is>%, f. ascending, rising; stepping upon; going over or beyond; overpowering; might, valour. ## %<-krmaka, as, ik, am>%, an invader, attacker. ## %<-kr>%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-krti, -te, -kretum>%, to purchase. ## %<-kraya, as>%, m., Ved. a dealer, small trader, pedlar. ## %<-kr>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-krati, -te, -itum>%, to play, sport, take one's pleasure. ## %<-kra, as>%, m. a play, sport, pleasure; (%%), m. n. a playing-place, pleasure-grove, garden, royal garden; (%%), m., N. of a son of Karutthma. ## %<-krana, am>%, n. sporting, taking pleasure. ## %<-krin, , in, i>%, sporting, playing. ## %<-kru>%, cl. 1. P. %<-kroati, -kroum>%, to cry out at, call out aloud to; to call to any one in an abusive manner, to assail with angry and menacing words; to scold at any one; to curse, revile, express displeasure. ## %<-krua, as, , am>%, scolded, reviled; vociferated; abused, calumniated, accused; cursed; (%%), n. calling out. ## %<-kroa, as>%, m. calling or crying out, vociferation; scolding, reviling, blaming, censuring, abuse; a curse or oath. ## %<-kroaka, as, , am>%, vociferous, abusing, abusive. ## %<-kroana, am>%, n. assailing with harsh language, scolding, censuring; imprecation, curse. ## %<-kroanya>% or %<-kroitavya>% or %<-kroya, as, , am>%, censurable, to be reviled or cursed. ## %<-kroita, as, , am>%, cursed, abused. ## %<-kro, >%, m. a reviler; one who vociferates. ## %<-kl>%, an undeclinable word joined to the roots %%, and %%. See Gaa to Pini I. 4, 61. ## %<-kleda, as>%, m. moistening, sprinkling. ## %%, effected or completed by gambling. See %% under 3. %%. ## %<-kapaa, am>%, n. (rt. 1. %%), fasting, purification by fasting, abstinence. ## %%, m. a judge. See %% under 2. %%. ## %%, m. a follower of the Nyya doctrine; a logician. See under 2. %%. ## %%. See Gaa to Pini V. 1. 50. ## %<-kar>%, cl. 10. P. %<-krayati, -yi-tum>%, to abuse, revile, accuse, punish. (Sometimes regarded as a nom. fr. the next.) ## %<-kra, as>%, m. calumny, accusation. ## %<-kraa, am, >%, n. f. abuse; calumnious accusation (especially of adultery). ## %<-krita, as, , am>%, calumniated, falsely accused; accused of adultery or fornication; guilty, criminal; reviled, abused. ## %<-ki>%, cl. 2. 6. P. %<-keti, -kiyati, -ketum>%, to abide, dwell in, stay at (with acc.); to inhabit; to exist; to possess, take possession of (with acc.). @<[Page 0112-c]>@ ## %<-kit, t, t, t>%, Ved. abiding, dwelling in, staying at. ## %% (fr. 3. %%), relating or belonging to a die or to gambling, &c.; won at dice; (%%), n. a gambling debt, money lost at play; (%%), m., N. of the tree Morinda Tinctoria. ## %%, m. a stake, a wager, a bet. ## %<-kip>%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-kipati, -te, -keptum>%, to cast or throw at or down; to strike with a bolt; to draw near or together, to contract, convulse, cause to tremble; to draw or take off or away, withdraw; to chase or drive out of a place; to hang out or expose to view; put into; point to, apply to, refer to, hint, indicate; to refuse, not to have regard to, refuse as wrong; to insult, deride; to say or state ironically: Caus. P. %<-kepayati, -yitum>%, to cause to throw down. ## %<-kipat, an, at>% or %%, casting, striking, tossing, sending; reviling, abusing; excelling so as to reproach or put to shame. ## %<-kipta, as, , am>%, cast, thrown, tossed; thrown down or away; taken away; borne, carried; insulted, reviled, abused, blamed, ridiculed; equal or equivalent to. ## %<-kiptik>%, f. a particular air or song which is sung by a person approaching the stage. ## %<-kipya>%, ind. having spurned, having insulted. ## %<-kepa, as>%, m. throw, toss, drawing together or near to one's self, attraction, convulsion, palpitation; hinting; applying, laying on (as a colour); throwing away, giving up; sustaining (as a sound); reviling, abuse, censure, blame, reproach; objection; doubt, irony (as a figure in rhetoric). ## %<-kepaka, as, ik, am>%, blaming, censuring, reviling; (%%), m. a thrower, a detractor, a calumniator or accuser; sickness, disease; convulsion, spasm. ## %<-kepaa, am>%, n. throwing, tossing. ## %<-kepin, , i, i>%, applying to, concerning; (also %<= -kepaka>%.) ## %%, m., N. of the plant Morunga Guilandina and Hyperanthera. See %%. ## %%, n. (fr. %%, q. v.), spiritual ignorance. ## %% or %% or %% (?), m. or n. (?) a walnut (Pistacio nut ?); N. of a tree, Plu; also of another tree, Aleurites Triloba. See %%. ## %%, n. hunting (also %%). ## %<-ku>%, cl. 2. P. %<-kauti, -ka-vitum>%, to rub, polish up; sharpen. ## %<-kyat, an, ant, at>% (fut. part. fr. %% or %% with %< ?); kyanti ahni>%, days leading to completion, complemental days; the N. of certain days on which the ceremony Ayana, performed for the ditys and Agirasas, is finished. ## %%, hard. ## %<-khaayit, t>%, m. (rt. %%), a breaker, a destroyer. ## %<-khaala, as, , am>%, breaking, destroying; destroying enemies; (%%), m. a N. of Indra. ## %<-khan>%, cl. 1. P. %<-khanati, -nitum>%, to dig. (It is doubtful whether %<-khan>% is used as a verb, but the nouns which follow are all derived from it.) ## %<-kha, as>%, m. a spade, a hoe. ## %<-khana, as>%, m. a digger, a spade. ## %<-khanika, as>%, m. a digger, a ditcher, a miner; a thief; a hog; a rat; a mouse; a spade. ## %% or %%, m. a stork in relation to a mouse; (metaphorically) a man who behaves as an hero towards a weak person; a digger, a spade. @<[Page 0113-a]>@ ## %<-khara, as>%, m., Ved. the hole or cover of any animal; a stable; a spade, a digger. ## %%, Ved. abiding or dwelling in a hole. ## %<-khta, as, am>%, m. n. a natural pond. See %%. ## %<-khna, as>%, m. a spade, a digger. ## %<-khu, us>%, m. a mouse, a rat, a mole; the grass Lipeocercis Serrata; a thief; a hog; a digger, a spade. ## %%, n., Ved. a mole-hill. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Salvinia Cucullata. ## %%, m. (riding on a rat), an epithet of Gaea and of Krttikeya. ## %%, m. a dra or man of low caste and profession, lit. 'a ratcatcher.' ## %% or %%, f., N. of the plant Salvinia Cucullata Roxb. (?). ## %%, m. a kind of mineral, a loadstone. ## %%, m. 'a mouse-eater', a cat. ## %%, m. a N. of Gaea, 'having a rat for his vehicle.' ## %%, f. a kind of grass, Andropogon Serratum, considered as a remedy for a rat's bite. ## %%, m. a mole-hill. ## %%, m. the rising up or appearance of rats or moles, a swarm of rats or moles. ## %<-khd>%, cl. 1. P. %<-khdati, -ditum>%, to chew, to bite into pieces; to eat, consume. ## %<-khid>%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-khidati>%, Class. %<-khindati, -khettum>%, to take away and appropriate to one's self, to draw to one's self. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), the whole. ## %<-khea, as>%, m. (rt. %%), chase, hunting; terror, fright. ## %%, n. a cavern, a mine. ## %<-kheaka, as, , am>%, hunting, a hunter; frightening, frightful; (%%), n. hunting, chase. ## %%, who or what hunts; terrible, frightful; (%%), m. a hound; a hunter. ## %%, m. the walnut tree. See %%. ## %<-khy>%, cl. 2. P. %<-khyti, -tum>%, Ved. to look at; to count, number; to recite; to tell, notify; inform, communicate, declare, make known; to announce; to call, signify (with two acc.); Caus. P. %<-khypayati, -yitum>%, to make known, declare; A. to cause to tell. ## %<-khyas, s>%, m., N. of Prajpati, the lord of creation. ## 2. %<-khy>%, f. appellation, name; (%%), often at the end of a compound in the sense of 'named', 'called.' ## %<-khyta, as, , am>%, counted, recited; said, spoken; called; declared, made known; inflected, declined, conjugated; (%%), n. a verb. ## %<-khytavya, as, , am>%, to be told; to be declared, to be made known. ## %<-khyti, is>%, f. telling, communication, publication of a report; fame; name, appellation. ## %%, adj. fr. %<-khyta>%. Pini IV. 3, 72. ## %<-khyt, t>%, m. one who tells or speaks. ## %<-khyna, am>%, n. saying, declaring; speech; a tale, story, legend. ## %%, n. a tale, a short narrative; (%<>%), f., N. of a metre, being a combination of the Indravajr and Upendravajr. ## %<-khypana, am>%, n. causing one to tell, making known. ## %<-khyyaka, as>%, m. a messenger, a teller, an announcer or relater; (%%), f. a tale or short narrative; a true or probable story. ## %<-khyyin, , in, i>%, telling, declaring, informing. ## %<-khyeya, as, , am>%, to be told or related; fit or proper to be said. ## 1. %% in %%, q. v. ## %<-gam>%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to come; to make one's appearance; to come near, go towards or to or into; to arrive at, attain, reach, strike; to return; to fall into (any state of mind); have recourse to: Caus. P. %<-gamayati, -yitum>%, to cause to come near; to lead towards; to convey; to announce the arrival (of any one); to obtain information about anything, ascertain (with acc.); A. to wait for, to have patience: Intens. Ved. %<-ganganti>%, to approach repeatedly: Desid. %<-jigamiati>%, to be about to come. ## 2. %<-ga, as, , am>%, accidental; happening accidentally. ## %%, n. accident, chance. ## %<-gata, as, , am>%, come, arrived; occurred, happened; living or residing in; returned; fallen to one's share; fallen into; received, obtained; passed; (%%), n. occurrence, event [cf. %%]. ## %%, confounded, perplexed. ## %%, terrified, afraid. ## %<-gati, is>%, f. arrival, coming; return; origin; accident, chance. ## %<-gatya>%, ind. having come, having arrived. ## %<-gantavya, as, , am>%, to be arrived, what is likely to arrive; to be come to (with acc. or loc. of the place); obliged to come. ## %<-gantu, us, us, u>%, coming, arriving; what is added, adhering; coming from the outside, external; adventitious, incidental; (%%), m. a new comer, a stranger, a guest; an accident, any accidental hurt or wound ## %%, arising accidentally. ## %%, or %<, am>%, coming, arriving; arriving of one's own accord; stray; incidental, accidental, adventitious (as pleasure, pain, ornament, &c.); (%%), m. a new comer, a stranger, a guest; an interpolated %% or various reading (which has crept in without authority). ## %<-gama, as, , am>%, coming near, approaching, supplying; (%%), m. arrival, appearance; coming, approach; addition; course; the mouth of a river; supply of money, income, revenue; increase of property (especially in the compound %%), lawful acquisition of anything; increase of knowledge (especially in the compound %%); knowledge, science, intelligence; a traditional doctrine or precept, a collection of such doctrines or precepts, a sacred work, scripture; a manual; an affix; the interpolation of a letter in grammar, a grammatical augment, a meaningless syllable or letter inserted in any part of the radical word; record, title-deed, legal title, a voucher or written testimony; (%%), n. a Tantra or any work inculcating the mystical worship of iva and akti. ## %%, independent of a written voucher or title. ## %%, studied, read, examined. ## %%, devoid of a written title or a voucher; without a stra. ## %%, having an augment or addition of any kind; having approached for sexual intercourse. ## %%, with or supported by legal vouchers. ## %%, transient, of short duration. ## %%, f., N. of the plant Tragia Involucrata Lin. ## %<-gamana, am>%, n. coming, approaching, arriving; returning; arising; approaching a woman for sexual intercourse. ## %%, n. reason of one's coming. ## %%, ind. on account of an arrival. ## %<-gamayya>%, ind. having explored or discovered. ## %<-gamita, as, , am>%, read over, perused, studied; understood, ascertained. ## %%, (in gram.) receiving an augment. ## %<-gamiha, as, , am>% (superl.), Ved. coming with pleasure or very quickly. ## 1. %<-gamya, as, , am>%, to be approached, accessible; to be acquired. ## 2. %<-gamya>%, ind. having arrived or come. ## %<-gntu, us>%, m. a guest. See %<-gantu>%. ## %%, relating or belonging to the future. ## %<-gmin, , in, i>%, coming, about to come, arriving, impending; future. ## %%, m. future time. ## %<-gmuka, as, , am>%, coming, arriving; future. @<[Page 0113-c]>@ ## %%, Ved. %<= -gra>% (?). ## %<-galita, as, , am>%, drooping, languishing, dejected. ## %<-gaviha, as, , am>% (either a false reading for %<-gamiha>% or fr. an adj. %<-gu>%), Ved. coming near (?). ## %<-gavna, as, , am>%, occupied with any business till the return of the cows. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %% with %% substituted), transgression, offence, sin, fault [cf. Gr. [greek]]. ## %%, offending; offended. ## %%, referring to the sage Agasti, q. v.; originating from the plant Agasti Grandiflorum. ## %%, relating to or tending to the advantage of Agasti. ## 1. %<-g>%, cl. 2. P. %<-gti, -tum>%, to come towards or into; to approach, make one's appearance; to meet with; to visit. ## 2. %<-g, s, s, am>%, coming towards, &c. ## %%, q. v. ## %<-gra, am>%, n. (probably fr. %<-g>%, 'to swallow down', and denoting first any inner receptacle), room, covered place, dwelling, house, receptacle [cf. %%]. ## %%, f. a lizard (?). ## %%, m. arson, setting a house on fire. ## %%, m. an incendiary. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## 1. %<-gur>%, cl. 6. A. %<-gurate, -ritum (gur>% = rt. %%, see %<-g>%), to approve, to agree or assent to, to promise, to pronounce the gur. ## 2. %<-gur, r>%, f., Ved., N. of a class of plauditory or approving exclamations or formularies used by the priests in sacrificial rites; assent, an agreement. ## %<-guraa>% or %<-graa>% or %<-gra, am>%, n. recitation of the gur. ## %<-g, s>%, f. an agreement (?). ## %<-grtin, , in, i>%, Ved. performing or pronouncing the gur. ## %% (fr. %%), originating from or formed of Agallochum. See %%. ## %<-g>%, cl. 9. P. A., Ved. %<-gti, -te, -garitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to approve, to praise. ## %<-gai>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-gyati, -gtum>%, to sing to, to obtain by singing. ## %<-gt, t, tr, t>%, obtaining by singing. ## %<-gna, am>%, n. the act of obtaining by song. ## %%, Ved. belonging or referring to Agni and Pan. ## %%, Ved. belonging or referring to Agni and Viu. ## %% (fr. %%), fiery, belonging to fire or to a sacrifice performed with fire. ## %%, belonging or referring to Agni and the Maruts; (%%), m. an epithet of Agastya; (%%), n. a hymn praising Agni and the Maruts [cf. Pini VII. 3, 21; VI. 3, 28]. ## %%, belonging or referring to Agni and Varua. ## %% and %%, m., N. of two teachers. ## %%, belonging to the Agnioma; one who recites or is conversant with the Agnioma. ## %%, fit for the Agnihotra. ## %%, Ved. originating from or belonging to the Agndh, i. e. to the priest who kindles the fire; (%%), m. the priest who kindles the fire; (%<>%), f. care of the sacred fire; (%%), n. the place where a sacrificial fire is kindled; the function of the priest who kindles the sacred fire. ## %%, being within the gndhra or the place where a sacrificial fire is kindled; (%%), m. the fire (%%) within the gndhra; the fire-place (%%) within the gndhra. ## %%, belonging to the gndhra or the priest who kindles the sacred fire. ## %%, Ved. consecrated to Agni and Indra. ## %%, fiery, belonging or relating or consecrated to fire or its deity Agni; similar to fire or Agni; belonging to Agny, wife of Agni; (%%), m. epithet of Skanda; of Agastya; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people; (%<>%), f., N. of Agny, wife of Agni; the wife of ru and daughter of Agni (?); the south-east quarter, of which Agni is the regent; (%%), n. blood; ghee or boiled butter; gold; N. of a region. ## %%, m. an insect (%%) which flies into the fire (applied to a thief who breaks into a room and extinguishes the lamp). ## %%, n. the same as the %%, q. v. ## %%, belonging to the Agnydheya. See under %%. ## %<-granth>%, cl. 9. 1. P. %<-grathnti, -granthati, -thitum>%, to wind round, to intwine. ## %% (fr. %%), one to whom food is first offered. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), the first Soma libation at the Agnioma sacrifice (see %%); a form of Agni; (%<>%), f. an oblation consisting of first-fruits or firstling; (%%), n. oblation consisting of first-fruits at the end of the rainy season. ## %<-grasta, as, , am>%, bored, perforated. ## %<-grah>%, Ved. %<-grabh>%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te>%, Ved. %<-gbhti, -te, -grah-tum>%, to seize, take hold of; to draw tight (as reins). ## %<-graha, as>%, m. seizing, taking; attack; surpassing, surmounting; favour; patronage; power, ability; moral power, courage. ## %%, f. favour, patronage, help. ## %%, belonging to the month Agra-hayaa (%<= agra-hyaa>%, q. v.). ## %%, m. 'commencement of the year', N. of a Hind month commencing about the 12th of November, see %%, f. the day of full moon (%%) in the month Agra-hyaa; a particular kind of Pka-yaja, q. v.; N. of a constellation consisting of three stars, one of which is [greek] Orionis, figured by an antelope's head, hence also called Mga-iras. ## %%, to be paid (as a debt &c.) on the day of full moon in the month Agrahyaa. ## %%, m. the month Agra-hyaa; (%%), to be paid on the day of full moon in the month Agra-hyaa. ## %%, one who appropriates to himself an Agra-hra, viz. an endowment of lands or villages conferred upon Brhmans. ## %%, m., N. of a grammarian; a sacrifice offered when the new rice or wheat ripens; (see %%, which is the correct reading.) ## %%, f. the ceremony gryaa. ## %<-ghaaka, as>%, m. (rt. %% or %%), a rubber; anything which causes friction; the plant Desmochaeta Atropurpurea. ## %<-ghaana, am>%, n. friction, rubbing, contact, shaking. ## %%, rubbed, touched, shaken. ## %<-gha, as>%, m., Ved. a musical instrument used for accompanying a dance; a cymbal or rattle; boundary, limit; the plant Achyranthes Aspera; (at the end of some compounds) %<= -ghta>%, see next col. @<[Page 0114-b]>@ ## %<-ghi, is, is>%, m. f, Ved. a musical instrument which sounds on being shaken, a cymbal or rattle. ## %<-ghara, as>%, m. (rt. %%), rubbing, friction. ## %<-gharaa, as, , am>%, scratching, rubbing; (%%), n. rubbing, friction; (%<>%), f. a brush, a rubber. ## %<-gharita, as, , am>%, rubbed, brushed. ## %<-ghta, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), striking, a blow, a wound; killing; a beater, striker; retention of urine; misfortune, pain; a slaughter-house, a place for killing animals or victims. ## %<-ghtana, am>%, n. striking, killing; a slaughterhouse. ## %<-ghnat, an, at, at>%, striking, beating. ## %<-ghra>%. See under %<-gh>%. ## %<-ghu>%, cl. 1. P. %<-ghoati, -gho-itum>%, to make one's self audible; to cry aloud, to proclaim; to praise; to listen to: Caus. %<-ghoayati, -yitum>%, to make a noise, to cause to sound; to proclaim or cause to proclaim aloud; to complain continually. ## %<-ghoa, as>%, m. calling out to, invocation. ## %<-ghoaa, am, >%, n. f. a crying or proclaiming, public announcement. ## %<-ghr>%, cl. 6. P., 1. A. %<-ghrati, -ghrate, -itum>%, to fluctuate, stagger; to roll, whirl. ## %<-ghrana, am>%, n. rolling, tossing; fluctuating, whirling round. ## %<-ghrita, as, , am>%, rolled, rolling; whirled round, fluctuating. ## %<-gh>%, cl. 1., and Ved. cl. 3. P. %<-gharati, -jigharti, -ghartum>%, to sprinkle towards or upon: Caus. %<-ghrayati, -yitum>%, to sprinkle. ## %<-ghra, as>%, m. sprinkling, sprinkling clarified butter upon the fire at certain sacrifices; ghee or clarified butter. ## %<-ghi, is, is, i>%, Ved. glowing with heat; endowed with spendor; epithet of the god Pan. ## %%, Ved. rich with heat, epithet of Agni; (Sy.) having splendid wealth. ## %<-ghr>%, cl. 1. P. %<-jighrati, -ghrtum>%, to smell, smell at; to kiss: Caus. %<-ghrpayati, -yi-tum>%, to cause to smell at. ## %<-ghra, am>%, n. smelling; satisfaction, satiety; (%%), satisfied, satiated. ## %<-ghrta, as, , am>%, smelled, scented; satisfied, satiated; surmounted, surpassed. ## %<-ghreya, as, , am>%, to be smelled at. ## %%, adj. formed fr. %%. See Gaa to Pini IV. 2, 80. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, f. a musical instrument, a tabor. ## %% (fr. 2. %%), relating to the base (%%), of a word in grammar; bodily, corporeal; having limbs or parts or relating to them; relating to the inferior persons of a drama, to a portion of the Vedas, &c.; (%%), n. a soft delicate form or body; (%%, pl. %%), produced or born in the country Aga; a prince of that country. ## %%, m. the ruler of the country Aga; an inhabitant of the same. ## %%, occurring in or being familiar with chiromancy or the knowledge of lucky and unlucky marks on the body. See %%. ## %%, bodily, corporeal; gesticulated, expressed by bodily action (dramatic sentiment, passion &c., exhibited by attitude, gesture &c.); (%%), m. a player on a tabor or drum. ## %%, f., N. of the capital of Agada's kingdom. @<[Page 0114-c]>@ ## %%, n. (fr. %%), a multitude of firebrands. ## %% (fr. %%), descended from or belonging to or referring to the Agirasas or to Agiras; (%%), m. a descendant of Agiras; especially a N. of Vhaspati, the preceptor of the gods; a Kshatriya by will of Brahm and by profession. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), like a finger. ## %%, m., Ved. praising aloud, a hymn [cf. %%]. ## %%, Ved. praising aloud, sounding; fit for praise. ## %% probably %<= g>%. See %%. ## %%, adj. fr. %%, q. v. ## 1. %%, m., N. of a man. ## 2. %%, in the words %% and %%, 'turned towards and away from' (?). ## %<-cak>%, cl. 2. A. %<-cae, -um>%, to look at, inspect; to tell, relate, make a communication about anything (with acc.); to announce, declare; to make known, confess; to acquaint, introduce to; to address any one (with acc.); to call, name. ## %<-cakama, as, , am>%, saying, declaring. ## %<-cakus, us>%, m. a learned man, a Pait. ## %<-caturam>%, ind. till the fourth generation. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), clumsiness, stupidity. ## %<-cam>%, cl. 1. P. %<-cmati, -camitum>%, to sip; to rinse the mouth (with inst. of the thing); to lap up, lick up, to cause to disappear (as the wind licks up moisture): Caus. %<-cmayati, -yitum>%, to cause to sip water. ## %<-cama, as>%, m. rinsing the mouth. ## %<-camana, am>%, n. rinsing the mouth, sipping water (before religious ceremonies, before meals &c., from the palm of the hand. It is usual to spit the water out again; the ceremony also includes touching the body in various parts); gargling the throat; the water used for rinsing the mouth. ## %<-camanaka, as>%, m. a spitting pot. ## %%, used for rinsing the mouth; (%%), n. water for rinsing the mouth, a gargle. ## %<-camya>%, ind. having rinsed the mouth, having sipped and ejected a little water. ## %<-cnta, as, , am>%, sipped and ejected (as water); one who has rinsed his mouth. ## %<-cma, as>%, m. sipping water, rinsing the mouth; the water or foam of boiled rice. ## %<-cmaka, as, , am>%, rinsing the mouth. ## %<-cmanaka, as>%, m. a spitting pot. ## %<-cmya, am>%, n. rinsing the mouth, water so used, a gargle; (%%), to be rinsed. ## %<-caya, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), collection, plenty. ## %%, collecting, skilful in collecting. ## %<-car>%, cl. 1. P. ep. A. %<-carati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai, -ritave, -rase>%, to come near to, approach; to step upon, pass through; to proceed, manage, behave one's self towards (with loc.); to treat; to have intercourse with, frequent; to act, undertake, do, exercise, practice, perform; to devour, eat into; to help forward, put into. ## %<-caraa, am>%, n. approaching, arrival; following, observing, conduct, usage, practice; an institute, rite or rule of conduct; a cart, carriage. @<[Page 0115-a]>@ ## %<-caraya, as, , am>%, to be done or performed; to be followed or observed, right, proper. ## %<-carat, an, ant, at>%, following, practising, observing. ## %<-carita, as, , am>%, observed, practised, as a rite or usage; usual, customary; enjoined, fixed by rule. ## %<-caritavya, as, , am>%, to be performed in a customary manner; to be done or performed. ## %<-carya, as, , am>%, to be gone to or approached; to be done or performed. ## %<-cra, as>%, m. conduct, manner of action; behaviour; good conduct, good behaviour; custom, practice, usage; an established rule of conduct, an ordinance, an institute, a precept; manner of conducting one's self, diet; rule; [cf. Hib. acara, 'convenience, conveniency, use.'] ## %%, f. title of a work on the religious customs of the dras. ## %%, n. one of the four classes of Tantras with Buddhists. ## %%, m. 'lamp of religious customs', title of a work. ## %%, fallen from established usage, apostate. ## %%, m. 'ray of religious customs', title of a work. ## %%, wellconducted, virtuous. ## %%, irregular, out of rule; outcast. ## %%, contrary to custom. ## %%, f. 'altar of religious customs', a N. of ryvarta. ## %<-cra-hna, as, , am>%, deprived of established ordinances, outcast. ## %%, n. title of the first of the twelve sacred books of the Jainas. ## %%, m. 'looking-glass of religious customs', title of a work. ## %%, m. 'sun of religious customs', title of a work. ## %%, m. 'light of religious customs', title of a work. ## %%, conformable to rule or practice, prescriptive, authorized; (%%), n. rules for the preservation of health, habit of life, regimen, diet. ## %%, following established rites or practice. ## %<-cr>%, f. the plant Hingtsha Repens, also called Hilamocik. ## %<-crya, as>%, m. lit. 'one to whom one must have recourse' or 'one who is to be attended to or waited on' or 'one whose precepts are to be followed' or 'one who knows the %% or rules;' a spiritual guide or teacher, especially one who invests the student with the sacrificial thread, and instructs him in the Vedas, in the law of sacrifice and religious mysteries (Manu 2. 140, 171); an epithet of Droa the teacher of the Pus; (%<>%), f. a spiritual preceptress. The title %% affixed to names of learned men is rather like our Dr.; e. g. %%, &c. ## %%, n. acting as teacher. ## %<-crya-t>%, f. or %%, n. the office or proficiency of a holy teacher. ## %%, m. one whose preceptor is his god. ## %%, delighting the holy teacher. ## %%, venerable, honourable. ## %%, one who has a teacher. ## %%, n. waiting upon or serving the spiritual preceptor. ## %%, originating from a spiritual teacher; (%%), n. the proficiency of a holy teacher. ## %%, f. (with dental %%, Pini IV. 1, 49. Vrt. 6), the wife of an crya or holy teacher. ## %<-cra, as, , am>% (anom. past pass. part.), devoured, eaten into. ## %<-caraya>% (nom. fr. %%), P. %<-carayati, -yitum>%, to move one's self, to move or extend towards. ## %<-cal>%, Caus. P. %<-clayati, -yitum>%, to move, draw away from one's place, stir up. ## See under %<-cam>%. ## %<-ci>%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-cinoti, -nute, -cetum>%, to accumulate; to collect; to heap up, load with; to cover. @<[Page 0115-b]>@ ## %<-cita, as, , am>%, collected, accumulated, heaped; filled, loaded with, covered; spread, diffused; inlaid, set (e. g. %%, a girdle half set with gems); larded; (%%), m. n. a cart-load; a measure of ten bhras or cart-loads. ## %%, or %%, holding or being equal to or cooking a quantity equal to the preceding measure; (a numeral may be placed before these forms, e. g. %%, &c.). ## %<-cikhys>%, f. (fr. Desid. of rt. %% with %<>%), desire or intention of expressing or denoting something. ## 1. %<-cit>%, cl. 1. 3. P. %<-cetati, -ciketti>%, A. %<-cikite, -cettum>%, to attend to, to keep in mind; to comprehend, understand, know; to invent; to appear, become visible, distinguish one's self: Desid. %<-cikitsati, -te>%, to wait for, watch clandestinely, lurk. ## 2. %<-cit, t>%, f., Ved. taking notice or cognizance, attention to; (according to Sy. the form %<-cit>% may stand for %<-cite>% fr. %<-cita>% above.) ## %<-cra, as, , am>%. See under %<-car>% last col. ## %<-caa, am>%, n. suction; sucking out; application of cupping-glasses to the skin. ## %<-ct>%, cl. 6. P. %<-ctati, -cartitum>%, to fasten, tie, affix. ## %%, m., N. of a sanctuary built by ca. ## %<-ce>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ceati, -te, -itum>%, to undertake; to do. ## %%. See 2. %%. ## 1. %<-cchad (-chad)>%, cl. 10. P. %<-ccha-dayati>% or %<-cchdayati, -yitum>%, to cover, hide; to clothe, to dress, put on clothes; to conceal. ## 2. %<-cchad, t>%, f., Ved. a cover, covering; a sheath. ## %%, n., Ved. an arrangement made for defence, a means of covering; or (%%), one who has such means. ## %<-cchanna, as, , am>%, covered, concealed, clothed. ## %<-cchda, as>%, m. cloth, clothes. ## %<-cchdaka, as, , am>%, concealing, hiding. ## %<-cchdana, am>%, n. covering, concealing, hiding; disappearance; a covering, a sheath; cloth, clothes; mantle, cloak, &c.; the wooden frame of a roof. ## %<-cchdita, as, , am>%, covered, clothed. ## %<-cchdin, , in, i>%, covering, concealing. ## 1. %<-cchdya>%, ind. having clothed or put on. ## 2. %<-cchdya, as, , am>%, to be covered or clothed. ## %%, m., N. of the tree Morinda Tinctoria; (better %%, q. v.) ## %<-cchid (-chid)>%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-cchi-natti, -cchinte, -cchettum>%, to tear or cut off; to cut or break in pieces; to take out of; to draw off; remove; to cut off, exclude; to snatch away, to tear from, to rob; to disregard, not to take notice of. ## %<-cchidya>%, ind. cutting off; cutting, excluding, disregarding; setting aside, in spite of, notwithstanding. ## %<-cchinna, as, , am>%, cut, cut off. ## %<-ccheda, as>%, m. cutting, cutting off, excision. ## %<-cchedana, am>%, n. excision, cutting off, exclusion. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Morinda Tinctoria. See %% and %%. ## %<-cchurita, as, , am>% (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), scratched; irritated; (%%), n. making a noise with the finger-nails by rubbing them on one another; a horse-laugh. ## %%, n. a scratch with a finger-nail; a horse-laugh. ## %<-cchd (-chd)>%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-cch-atti, -cchnte, -ccharditum>%, to pour upon, to fill. ## %<-ccho (-cho)>%, cl. 4. P. %<-cchyati, -cchtum>%, to skin, to flay. @<[Page 0115-c]>@ ## %<-cchodana, am>%, n. (rt. %% for %%), hunting, the chase. See %%. ## %<-cyu>%, Caus. P. A. %<-cyvayati, -te, -yitum>%, to cause to flow over, pour out; to draw or bring near; to induce (any one) to come near. ## %% (fr. %%) or %% (fr. %%, m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to drive or bring towards; to procure; to drive near, i. e. to come near in a carriage. ## %%, f., Ved. a stick for driving. ## 1. %%, m. f. (Ved. m.), a running-match; (%% or %% or %% or %%, to run with or against any one for the prize); a fighting-match, fighting, combat, battle, war; place for running, course, level ground; abuse, invective; an instant; [cf. Scot. agh, 'fight;' Hib. agh.] ## %%, Ved. running or fighting for a prize; making war. ## %%, f. fighting, making war. ## %%, Ved. victorious in battles. ## %%, m., Ved. lord of the battle. ## %%, m. the goal in a race-course. ## %% (fr. 1. %%), coming from goats, belonging to goats, produced by goats; (%%), m. a vulture; (%%), n. boiled or clarified butter; ghee. ## %%, n. a flock of goats. ## %%, m. iva's bull. ## %% (fr. %%), treating of the boa or large serpent; (a chapter in the Mah-bhrata.) ## %%, m. the bow of iva [cf. %%]. ## %<-jan>%, cl. 4. A., Ved. %<-jyate, -jani-tum>%, to be born or come into existence, to be produced or born from; to beget, cause to be born, render prolific. ## %<-janana, am>%, n. birth, origin. ## %<-janma>%, ind. from birth, since birth. ## %%, m., N. of a plant (the leaves of which are fragrant from their first appearance). ## %<-jti, is>%, f. birth, origin. ## %<-jna, am>%, n. birth, descent, species; birth-place. ## %<-jni, is>%, f., Ved. birth, descent; noble birth; (Sy.) a mother. ## %%, of noble origin, of good breed (as a horse), fearless, undaunted; (%%), m. a wellbred horse. ## %%, Ved. of good breed, wellbred. ## %<-jap>%, cl. 1. P. %<-japati, -pitum>%, to mutter or whisper to. ## %%, m., N. of a king in the Mah-bhrata. ## %<-jarasam>% or %<-jarasya>%, ind., Ved. till old age. ## %<-javana, am>%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), rushing at, attacking, fighting. ## %% (patronymic fr. %% Pini IV. 1, 136). ## %% or %% fr. %% Pini IV. 2, 133. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), epithet of Bhadrasena in the atapatha-Brhmaa V. 5. 5, 14. ## %%, originating from the warrior-tribe called Ajdas or a chief of that tribe. ## %<-jna, jneya>%. See under %%. ## 1. %%. See under %% above. @<[Page 0116-a]>@ ## 2. %<-ji>%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to conquer, win, acquire: Desid. %<-jigati>%, to try or desire to conquer or win. ## %<-jayana, am>%, n. conquering. ## %<-jigu, us, us, u>%, ambitious, wishing to excel or overcome. ## %<-jigraha, as, , am>% (rt. %%), who or what takes or seizes. ## %<-jijsenya, as, , am>% (fr. Desid. of rt. %% with %<>%), Ved. liable to investigation; (%%), f. pl., N. of a short section of the Kuntpa hymns in the Aitareya-Brhmaa; (the word %% must be supplied.) ## %<-jihru, us, us, u>% (fr. Desid. of rt. %% with %<>%), about to bring towards (with acc.); wishing to take. ## %%, N. of a region. ## %%, a patronymic fr. %%. ## %<-jv>%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvati, -vitum>%, to live by; to have the use or enjoyment of; to subsist. ## %<-jva, as>%, m. livelihood, subsistence; a Jaina beggar. ## %<-jvaka, as>%, m. a beggar, one who obtains his livelihood everywhere. ## %<-jvana, am>%, n. livelihood, subsistence. ## %%, m. (%%, n. ?) means of livelihood or subsistence, business, profession. ## %<-jvin, >%, m. having a livelihood; a peculiar kind of beggar. ## %<-jvya, as, , am>%, to be practised as a means of living; fit for or affording a livelihood; habitable, fertile; fruitful; (%%), n. means of living. ## %<-jur, r>%, f. or %<-j, s>%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %< ?>%), unpaid labour, working without wages; consigning to hell; infirm age (?). ## 1. %<-j>%, cl. 9. P. %<-jnti, -jtum>%, to know, understand, learn, obtain information, ascertain, notice, perceive: Caus. %<-jpayati, -yitum>%, to publish, order, command, direct; to assure. ## %<-japta, as, , am>%, ordered, commanded. ## %<-japti, is>%, f. order, injunction, command. ## 2. %<-j>%, f. an order, a command; allowance, permission; [cf. Hib. agna, 'wisdom.'] ## %%, executing an order, obeying, obedient; (%%), m. a servant. ## %%, n. execution of orders, obedience. ## %%, n. the office of a servant. ## %%, one who obeys or executes orders, obedient, ministrant. ## %%, n. a mystical circle or diagram, one of six described by the Tantras. ## %% or %%, obeying or executing orders, obedient. ## %%, executing orders, obedient. ## %%, n. an edict, written order. ## %%, m. disobedience, rebellion. ## %%, m. disobedience, insubordination, disloyalty. ## %%, obedient, subject, ministrant. ## %%, executing an order, obedient, submissive. ## %<-jta, as, , am>%, ordered, commanded; (%%), m., N. of one of the first five pupils of kya-muni. ## %<-jt, t>%, m., Ved. one who orders or directs. ## %<-jna, am>%, n. the act of noticing, perceiving. ## %<-jpaka, as, , am>%, giving orders, commanding, a commander. ## %<-jpana, am>%, n. ordering, commanding, making known. ## %<-jpita, as, , am>%, ordered, commanded. ## %<-jpya, as, , am>%, to be directed or commanded. ## %<-jyin, , in, i>%, perceiving, understanding. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), melted or clarified butter used for oblations, or for pouring into the holy fire at the sacrifice, or for anointing anything sacrificed or offered; (in a wider sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter at a sacrifice; N. of a sort of chant or religious service; turpentine. ## %%, Ved. drinking the clarified butter; (%%), m. pl. a class of Manes who are the sons of Pulastya and the ancestors of the Vaiya order. ## %%, n. a vessel or dish to hold clarified butter. ## %%, m. a portion of clarified butter; (%%), m. du. the two portions of clarified butter belonging to Agni and Soma; (%%), partaking of the clarified butter; offering clarified butter at certain ceremonies. ## %%, m. 'consumer of clarified butter', epithet of Agni. ## %%, m. 'sea of clarified butter', one of the seven seas. ## %%, f., see %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to bend, crook, curve. ## %%, n. partial extraction of thorns or arrows and the like from the body. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %% or %%, to make straight; to lengthen or stretch; to regulate, draw into the right position; to set (a bone or leg). ## %%, n. setting (a bone or leg), bringing back into the right place by stretching, bending, or drawing. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %% or %%, to anoint; to smooth, polish, prepare; to honour, receive respectfully. ## %%, n. f. ointment, especially for the eyes; fat. ## %%, n. f., N. of a certain ceremony. ## %%, f. a woman who anoints or makes ointments. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, his mother), N. of the monkey Hanumat. ## %% (fr. %%). See Gaa to Pini V. 1. 128. ## %%, m., N. of a Dnava. ## %%, m. an insect, a kind of lizard, Lacerta Unjinensis. See %% and %%. ## %%, m., N. of a serpent. ## %%, m., N. of the tree Justicia Adhenatoda. See %% or %%. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), the inhabitant of a forest; a woodman, a pioneer. ## %%, f., N. of a town in the Mah-bhrata (2. 1175). ## %%, m., N. of a teacher in the Vyu-Pura. ## %%, f. (rt. %%, to wander), N. of the bird Turdus Ginginianus [cf. %% and %%]. ## %<-mukha, as>% or %%, m. or n. ? a surgical instrument employed in blood-letting, the top of which is like the beak of the bird %%. ## %%, able to wander; (%<>%), f., N. of the wife of Ushasti. ## %%, being on a voyage. ## %<-kana>% or %<-laka, am>%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), the leaping motion of a calf [cf. %% and %%]. ## %<-ikara, as>%, m. a bull (etym. probably the same as the last). ## %%, m. (said to be fr. a Sautra rt. %% with %<>%), puffing, swelling; flatulence, borborygmi; pride, self-conceit. ## %% (fr. %%) Gaa to Pini IV. 2, 127. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), Ved., N. of Para in the atapatha-Brhmaa; (%%), fond of wandering (?). @<[Page 0116-c]>@ ## %%, m. (etym. doubtful, probably rt. %% with %<>%), a drum used in battle; charge sounded by musical instruments; the sounding of a trumpet as a sign of attack; the roaring of elephants; pride, arrogance (in this sense perhaps connected with %%); commencement (in this sense perhaps connected with %%); anger, passion; happiness, pleasure; the eyelid; (%%), n. rubbing and kneading the body; (sometimes this word is written %%.) ## %%, m., Ved. one who beats a drum. ## %%, arrogant, proud. ## %%, f. a bird, the arli (Turdus Ginginianus); a kind of fish. See %%. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), striving to obtain anything. #<># %<, s>%, m. (or f. ?) a raft, a float. See %%. ## %%, m. n. (etym. doubtful), a measure of grain, the 4th of a droa and equal to 4 prasthas = 16 kuavas = 64 palas = 256 karshas = 4096 mas; or containing nearly 7 lbs. 11 ozs. avoirdupois. In Bengal an %% is equal to two mans or 164 lbs. avds.; (%<>%), f. a kind of pulse, Cajanus Indicus Spreng.; a kind of fragrant earth. ## %%, N. of a country. ## %%, relating to that country. ## %%, or %%, holding or containing an haka; sown with an haka of seed, as a field &c. ## %%, a various reading for %<-laka>%. See %<-kana>%. ## %% (etym. doubtful, perhaps for %% fr. %%), opulent, wealthy, rich; (with an inst. or as last member of a comp.) rich in, abounding in, productive; possessing abundantly; mixed with, watered with; abundant, existing in abundance. ## %%, descended from a rich family. ## %%, enriching; (%%), n. the means of enriching, wealth, prosperity. ## %%, once opulent (?). ## %%, f. opulence, wealth. ## %%, or %%, becoming rich or eminent. ## %%, m. (abundant wind), a convulsive or rheumatic palsy of the loins. ## %%, striving to get wealth. ## %%, n. wealth, opulence, abundance. ## %%, (fr. %%, q. v.), low, inferior. See %%. ## %%, n. exceeding smallness; (%%), very small, fine (?). ## %%, bearing or fit to bear Panicum Miliaceum. ## %%, m. f. [cf. %%], the pin of the axle of a cart, the linch-pin; the part of the leg just above the knee; the corner of a house; a limit, a boundary; the edge of a sword. ## %%, n. (fr. %%, q. v.), an egg; a multitude of eggs, a brood; (%%), m. du., Ved. the testicles [cf. %%]. ## %%, born from an egg. ## %%, possessed of eggs or testicles. ## %%, m., Ved. one who eats eggs, N. of a demon. #<># %<>%, f., Ved. a testicle. ## %%, Ved. bearing eggs, as a plant with egg-shaped fruits or bulbs. ## %%, having many eggs. ## %%, ind. (fr. 4. %%), Ved. afterwards, then; (in which senses it is often used in a concluding paragraph antithetically to %%, being then sometimes strengthened by the particles %%; e. g. %%, 'at the very time when he has unyoked his coursers from his car, then night extends the veiling darkness over all;' %%, 'when, O Indra, thou didst slay with thy power the dragon Vtra, then indeed thou didst raise the sun in the sky, that it might be seen.' In other passages %% is simply used like a conjunction, equivalent to 'then, further, also, and.' Sometimes it only serves to strengthen the meaning of another word, or to give emphasis to an interrogative pronoun, in the same way as %%, &c.; e. g. %%, 'he who considered himself alone irresistible, another was born mightier even than he;' %%, 'How can we at all proclaim ?' ## %%, m. f. (fr. %<-tan>% below ?), Ved. a scaffold; the frame of a door; (Sy.) a quarter of the sky. ## %<-tas>%, Caus. A., Ved. %<-tasayate, -yitum>%, to shake out; (Sy) to decorate from all sides. ## %%, m., N. of a Nga. ## %<-tak>%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %<-takati, -te, -kitum, -taum>%, to bring from all sides, to procure. ## %<-tac>%, cl. 7. P. %<-tanakti, -taktum>% or %<-tacitum>%, to cause to shrink or contract, to coagulate. ## %<-taka, as>%, m. (this word may also be connected with rt. %%, q. v.), disease or sickness of the body; pain or affliction of mind, disquietude, apprehension, fear; fever; the sound of a drum or tabor. ## %<-tacana, am>%, n. casting one thing into another to effect some change, as butter-milk into fresh milk to turn it; the act of causing to contract; that which causes coagulation; runnet; curdled milk; a sort of whey; calcining, adding a powder or flux to metals in fusion; the flux so used; casting away, destroying; danger, calamity (as a pestilence or epidemic); speed, velocity; gratifying, satisfying; making fat. ## %<-ta>%, cl. 10. P. %<-tayati, -yitum>%, to thump, strike. ## %<-tan>%, cl. 8. P. %<-tanoti, -nitum>%, to extend over, stretch over, penetrate, to spread, overspread; to illuminate; to take hold of, seek to attain, assume a (hostile) attitude; to stretch (as a bow for shooting); to diffuse; to bring to pass, effect: Caus. %<-tnayati, -yitum>%, to stretch (a bow); [cf. rt. %%, with which some of the following forms are connected.] ## %<-tata, as, , am>%, spread, extended, stretched (as 2 bow), &c. ## %%, one whose bow is stretched to take another's life; endeavouring to kill some one; 2 felon, a thief, a murderer, incendiary, ravisher. ## %%, f. or %%, n. persecuting, murdering, destroying, stealing. ## %%, Ved. one whose bow is stretched. See %%. ## %<-tana, am>%, n. spreading, expanding; sight, view. ## %<-tani, is, is, i>%, Ved. spreading, penetrating. ## %<-tna, as>%, m., Ved. an extended cord, string, &c. ## %<-tyin, >%, m. a falcon, a kite. See %%. ## 1. %<-tap>%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -taptum>%, to radiate heat; to blaze, to heat; to cause to glow: Pass. %<-tapyate>%, to suffer pain, be afflicted; to inflict (austerities) upon one's self. ## 2. %<-tap, p>%, f., Ved. heat. ## %<-tapa, as, , am>%, Ved. causing pain or affliction; (%%), m. heat of the sun, sunshine. ## %%, n. a large umbrella of silk or leaves used in the East as a parasol. ## %%, n. a small umbrella, a mat or basket carried on the head as one. ## %%, irradiated by the sun. ## %%, Ved. (water &c.) produced by rain during sunshine. ## %%, n. a parasol. ## %%, dried in the sun, evaporated by the solar heat. ## %%, m. non-existence of sunshine, shadow. ## %<-tapana, as>%, m. causing heat, an epithet of iva. ## %% (adj. fr. %<-tapa>%), sunshiny (?). ## %%, Ved. being in the sunshine. ## %<-tam>%, cl. 4. P. %<-tmyati, -tamitum>%, to faint, to swoon, to become senseless; to despond, to languish, fade away. ## %<-tamm ?>% (a superlative form fr. 3. %< ?>%). ## %<-tara>%. See under %<-t>%. ## %<-tarj>%, cl. 10. P. %<-tarjayati, -yitum>%, to scold, abuse. ## %<-tardana>%. See under %<-td>%. ## %<-tarpaa>%. See under %<-tp>%. ## %%, a proper N. (whence the patron. %% Pini IV. 1, 110. Gaa.) ## %<-tna>%. See under %<-tan>%. ## %% or %%, m., N. of the bird Falco Cheela. See under %<-tan>%. ## %<-tra, -trya>%. See under %<-t>%. ## %%, an indeclinable word compounded with %%, and %% (see Pini I. 4, 61). ## %%, m. f. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. a kind of water-bird; the bird Turdus Ginginianus (see %%); going. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), proper for a guest, hospitable, attentive to a guest; (%<>% or %%), f. n. hospitality. ## %%, proper for a guest, hospitable, attentive to a guest; (%%), m. a guest; (%%), n. hospitable reception; hospitality; a particular rite, the reception of the Soma when it is brought to the place of sacrifice, also called %%. ## %%, Ved. being in the place of the tithya rite. ## %%, m. the rites of hospitality. ## %%, (in gram.) connected with an %%, q. v.; having reference to substitution or putting one thing for another. ## %<-tiracna, as, , am>%, a little transverse or across. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), superfluity, excess. ## %% (fr. %%), surpassing the perception or understanding. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), excess, quantity. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), Ved. the being placed at the head of something, being a universal ruler. ## %%, m. (said to come fr. %<-t>% next col.; but probably fr. rt. %%), a raft, a float. See %<>%. ## %<-tuc, k>%, f., Ved. growing dusk, evening. ## 1. %<-tuj>%, cl. 1. 6. P., Ved. %<-tojati, -tujati, -tojitum>%, to bring near, to procure. ## 2. %<-tuj>%, m. (Sy.) destroyer of enemies, or giver of wealth. ## %<-tuji, is, is, i>%, Ved. rushing on, hastening towards; carrying off (as booty), injuring. ## %<-tud>%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-tudati, -te, -tot-tum>%, to strike, to push, spur on, stir up. ## %<-todin, , in, i>%, Ved. striking, pushing, pricking. @<[Page 0117-c]>@ ## %<-todya, am>%, n. 'to be struck', a musical instrument. ## %<-tura, as, , am>% (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), hurt, injured; suffering; sick in body or mind, disabled, diseased; feeble, weak, incapable of doing anything (with inf.). ## %<-tul>%, cl. 10. P. %<-tolayati, -yitum>%, to lift up, raise, elevate. ## %<-td>%, cl. 7. P. %<-tatti, -tarditum>%, to split, sever, pierce; to push open, open; A. %<-tnte>%, to become split or severed, to sever one's self. ## %<-tardana, am>%, n. pushing open, opening. ## %<-ta, am>%, n. an opening, hole; an open wound. ## %<-tp>%, cl. 4. 5. 6. P. %<-tpyati, tpnoti, -tmpati, -tarptum>% or %<-traptum>%, to be satisfied: Caus. %<-tarpayati, -yitum>%, to satisfy. ## %<-tarpaa, am>%, n. satisfying, gratification, satisfaction; whitening the wall, floor or seat on festive occasions; the pigment used for that purpose. ## %<-tpya, as, , am>%, satisfiable, to be satisfied; (%%), m. the custard apple tree Annona Reticulata; (%%), n. the fruit of this tree. ## %<-t>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-tarati, -taritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to pass through or over; to cross over; to overcome; to enlarge, increase. ## %<-tara, as>%, m. fare for being ferried over a river, passage money, freight. ## %<-tra, as>%, m. landing, coming to shore, fare, freight. ## %<-trya, as, , am>%, to be crossed; (Ved.) landing, coming to shore, relating to landing. ## %<-tta, as, , am>% (contracted fr. %<-datta>%, part. pass. of %<-d>%, q. v.), taken, accepted; assumed; attracted. ## %%, one whose smell is taken away, one who is throttled; hence one whose pride is humbled, insulted. ## %%, whose pride has been taken down, humiliated, degraded. ## %%, whose mind is transported or carried away (with joy). ## %%, stripped of wealth. ## %%, Ved. destitute of speech. ## %%, thou saidst. See under rt. 3. %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%, to breathe, or %%, to go; or, according to some, fr. rt. %% and connected with %%, I; or, according to others, a contraction of %% fr. rt. %%; but the existence of the old Vedic form %% makes all these etymologies doubtful); the breath, soul, the principle of life and sensation, the individual soul, the self, the abstract individual (e. g. %% Ved. loc. %%, 'he places in himself, he makes his own;' %%, 'to lose one's life;' %%, 'made the seventh by one's self', i. e. 'being one's self the seventh with six others'); self, one's self, used as a reflexive pronoun for all three persons (e. g. %%, 'she strikes herself'); and used in the singular even when it refers to a dual or plural (e. g. %%, 'they two having touched their son fell down'); the natural temperament or disposition; essence, nature, character, peculiarity; the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body; the body; the understanding, intellect, the mind, the faculty of thought or reason, the thinking faculty; the highest personal principle of life, Brahma, the supreme deity and soul of the universe (but %% is more usual in this latter sense); care, effort, pains; firmness; the sun; fire; wind; air; a son; [cf. Goth. ahma; Old Germ. tum, Them. tuma; Angl. Sax. oedhm; Mod. Germ. Athem, Odem; Hib. adhm, 'knowledge', and adhma, 'knowing;' Gr. [greek] cf. also rt. [greek] &c. = rt. %%.] ## %% is used at the end of some compounds for %%; e. g. %%, whose natural disposition is confidence. ## %%, n. one's own act. ## %%, loving one's self, possessed of self-conceit; loving Brahma, the supreme spirit. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, inhabited by the tmakmeyas. ## %%, n. one's own business, private affairs. ## %%, self-executed, done of one's self; done against one's self. ## %%, ind. lit. 'gone to one's self', aside (used in theatrical language, like the English 'aside', to denote that the words which follow are supposed to be spoken privately, as if to the speaker's self and not in the hearing of any one but the audience). ## %%, f. course of the soul's existence, life of the spirit; one's own course. ## %%, ind. by one's own act (without the intervention of another). ## %%, f., N. of the plant Mucuna Pruritus Hook.; (according to others) Cowach or Cowhage. ## %%, f. a cave, the hiding-place of an animal. ## %%, selfish, greedy, taking care of one's self, appropriating, taking for one's self. ## %%, m. suicide; heresy, schism. ## %%, a suicide, a heretic, a schismatic, one who disregards moral or religious institutions. ## %%, m. a crow; a cock ('one who calls out to himself'). ## %%, m. a son; (%<>%), f. a daughter; a descendant; the reasoning faculty, understanding. ## %%, n. the birth of one's self, i. e. the birth of a son; (%<>%), m. a son. ## %%, m. one's own victory; victory over one's self. ## %%, m. a sage, one who knows his own nature and that of spirit, selfknowing. ## %%, n. knowledge of the soul or supreme spirit, spiritual knowledge, philosophical knowledge of the spiritual principle in creation; self-knowledge, true wisdom. ## %%, n. the true nature of the soul or of the supreme spirit. ## %%, m. a sage versed in the Vednta doctrines. ## %%, f. or %%, n. identity with self, spirituality. ## %%, m. self-sacrifice, giving up one's own life, suicide. ## %%, m. one who gives up his own life, a suicide; a heretic, an unbeliever. ## %%, n. self-preservation, a body-guard. ## %%, m. 'self-shower', a mirror. ## %%, n. seeing one's self; knowledge of man's real nature, spiritual knowledge. ## %%, Ved. granting personal existence or life. ## %%, n. gift of self, self-sacrifice, resignation. ## %%, Ved. corrupting the soul, soul-destroying. ## %%, f. a tutelary deity. ## %%, self-tormenting, fretful, miserable. ## %%, constantly in the heart, greatly endeared to one's self. ## %%, f. self-reproach. ## %%, n. offering one's self as a living sacrifice to the deity. ## %%, Ved. having a soul, animated, alive, personal. ## %%, Ved. animated, having a soul. ## %%, Ved. one who has lost himself. ## %%, m. self-sacrifice. ## %%, m. cognition of soul or supreme spirit; title of an Upaniad. ## %%, shining by one's own light. self-illuminated. ## %%, m. conversation about the soul or supreme spirit; N. of the seventh of the fourteen Prvas or most ancient sacred writings of the Jainas. ## %%, f. selfapplause. ## %%, f. self-enjoyment, selfindulgence. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m. one's own kinsman, a first cousin or father's sister's son, mother's brother's son, mother's sister's son. ## %%, f. selfknowledge. ## %%, m. knowledge of soul or supreme spirit; self-knowledge; N. of a work of akarcrya; N. of one of the Upaniads of the Atharva-veda; (%%), possessed of a knowledge of soul or the supreme spirit. ## %%, m. becoming or existing of one's self; (%%), produced in one's self, caused by one's self. ## %%, m. existence of the soul; the self, proper or peculiar nature; the body. ## %%, m. self-born, self-existent; an epithet of Brahm, Viu, iva, and Kmadeva, the god of love. ## %%, self-produced, become one's self, own, peculiar, belonging to; attached to, faithful. ## %%, n. peculiarity, own nature. ## %%, spiritual. ## %%, f. a particle of the supreme spirit. ## %%, selfhonouring, self-respecting, decorous, respectable. ## %%, self-existent; (%<>%), f., the plant Alhagi Maurorum ('striking root in self'). ## %%, self-nourishing, one who takes care only of his own person, selfish, greedy. ## %%, sacrificing for one's self; one who sacrifices himself; (%<>%), m. a wise or learned man, one who studies his own nature and that of the soul. ## %%, m. one whose birth-place is self; an epithet of Brahm, Viu, iva, and Kmadeva, the god of love. ## %%, f. the plant Cucumis Colocynthis or Trichosanthes Bracteata (a creeper with a poisonous fruit). ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, n. the hair of the body; the beard. ## %%, selfdeceiver. ## %%, f. self-delusion. ## %%, self-possessed, composed, prudent; knowing spirit; (%%), ind. like one's self. ## %%, f. self-possession, self-regard, prudence; selfresemblance, proportion, analogy. ## %%, m. or %%, f. suicide. ## %%, m. subjection of the mind, self-control, self-government; (%%), depending on one's own will. ## %%, m. sale of one's self, sale of one's liberty. ## %%, m. a wise man, a sage, one who knows the nature of the soul or spirit; a sensible man, one who knows himself; a N. of iva. ## %%, f. knowledge of soul or the supreme spirit; spiritual knowledge. ## %% or %%, f. self-advantage. ## %%, existent, sentient; appropriate, good for one's self, suitable as diet &c.; (%%), m. a mighty man; a son; a wife's brother; the jester or Vidaka in a play. ## %%, m. one's own story, account of one's self, autobiography. ## %%, f. one's own circumstances; practising one's own duties or occupation. ## %%, f. inherent or own power or effort. ## %%, f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus Willd. ## %%, f. self-purification. ## %%, f. self-praise, boasting. ## %%, m. self-restraint, stoicism. ## %%, Ved. dwelling in self. ## %%, Ved. granting the breath of life. ## %%, m. internal doubt, personal risk. ## %%, m. a son; (%<>%), f. a daughter. ## %%, ind. one's own; (used in connection with rt. %%, see %% next col.) ## %%, f. personal aggrandizement, self-advantage. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f. self-praise. ## %%, f. selfdestruction, suicide. ## %%, m. one who kills his soul, or does not concern himself about the welfare of his soul; a heretic, an unbeliever; a selfmurderer, a suicide; a priest in a temple, a servant or attendant upon an idol; (the priest subsisting by appropriating to himself offerings to deities, for which future punishment is assigned.) ## %%, n. suicide. ## %%, beneficial to one's self; (%%), n. one's own profit or advantage. ## %%, self-counselled; (%%), m. a treaty dictated by the party wishing it himself. ## %%, depending on self, independent; sentient, existent; (%%), m. a son; a wife's brother; the jester or Vidaka in a play, see %% and %%. ## %%, m. own offence, personal transgression. ## %%, m. an impostor, one who pretends to belong to a higher class than his own. ## %%, m. the soul's desire. ## %%, for one's own sake, for the sake of one's self. ## %%, m. a fish, supposed to eat its young. ## %%, m. self-dependance; innate idea, abstract knowledge which is independant of the thing to be known. ## %%, m. master of one's self, self-possessed; God. ## %%, m. self-advantage or elevation. ## %%, born or produced from one's self; (%%), m. a son; (%<>%), f. a daughter; N. of the plant Glycine Debilis Roxb. ## %%, one who lives by his own labour; one who lives by his wife; a public performer, actor, singer, dancer, &c.; a daylabourer. ## %%, f. title of an Upaniad which treats of the supreme spirit. ## %%, like one's self. ## %%, n. likeness to self, analogy to one's own self. ## %%, m. f. %<= tman>%, essence, nature, character, property, peculiarity; (%%), belonging to the nature or essence of a thing, of the same nature as. %% often occurs as the last member of a compound; e. g. %%, whose characteristic is %%, five-fold, composed of five; %%, poisonous; %%, belonging to the Rig-veda. ## %% or %%, belonging to one's self, one's own, own; cognate, related of kin. Used reflexively for all three persons. ## %%, belonging to self, own; appropriate, good for, fit for, suitable (as diet &c.), existent, sentient; (%%), m. a son; any living being; a wife's brother; the jester or Vidaka (q. v.) in a drama. ## %%, n. 'word to one's self', form for one's self; that form of the verb which implies an action belonging or reverting to self; that voice which corresponds to the Greek middle; the terminations of that voice. ## %%, taking the terminations of the middle voice, inflected in this voice. ## %%, f. the Sanskt middle voice. ## %%, to make one's own, to acquire or gain for one's self, to place upon one's self. ## %%, made one's own, appropriated. ## %%, m. becoming part of the supreme spirit. ## %%, belonging to self, personal; (at the end of a comp.) having the nature of. ## %% (fr. %%), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless; excessive, superlative, abundant; supreme. ## %%, m. the grand or universal destruction of the world. ## %% (fr. %%), having a rapid course, rushing quickly to a termination, not suffering delay, pressing, urgent; destructive, disastrous, distressing, painful, ill-omened, unpropitious. ## %%, m. a gallinule. See %%. ## %% (fr. %%), originating from Atri; (%%), m. a descendant of Atri; a priest who is closely related to the Sadasya (perhaps because this office was generally held by a descendant of Atri); an epithet of iva; an essential humor or juice of the body; (%<>%), f. a female descendant of Atri; a woman in her courses; any woman of the Brhmanical order; N. of a river in the north of Bengal, otherwise called Tist. ## %%, m., N. of a teacher. ## %%, f. a woman in her courses. ## %% (fr. %%), originating from, or belonging or relating to Atharvan or the Atharvans; (%%), m. a descendant of Atharvan; a priest whose ritual is comprised in the Atharva-veda; a Brhman versed in the Atharva-veda; a housepriest; the Atharva-veda; (%%), n. a private apartment in which, after a sacrifice, the sacrificer is informed of the happy event of the sacrifice by the officiating Brhman. @<[Page 0119-a]>@ ## %%, m. a Brhman who has studied the Atharva-veda. ## %%, f., N. of an Upaniad. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %%, to eat. ## %<-da>%, cl. 1. P. %<-daati, -daum>%, to nibble, bite or peck at. ## %<-daa, as>%, m. a bite, a wound caused by biting. ## %<-daa, as, , am>%, nibbled, pecked at. ## %<-daghna, as, , am>% (fr. %%), Ved. reaching up to the mouth (as water). ## %<-dambh>%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-dabhnoti, -dambhitum>%, to harm, hurt, injure, treat injuriously. ## %<-dara>%. See under %<-d>%. ## %<-dara>%. See under %<-d>%. ## %<-dah>%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to burn, burn up: Caus. %<-dhayati, -yitum>%, to cause to burn: Caus. Pass. %<-dhyate>%, to be burnt. ## %<-dahana, am>%, n., Ved. a place where anything is burnt. ## 1. %<-d>%, cl. 3. A. (Ved. sometimes P.) %<-datte, -dadti, -dtum>%, to give to one's self, appropriate to one's self, take, receive, accept, seize, take away, separate; to carry off, to put on (as clothes), to perceive, comprehend; to agree to; to undertake, begin; to begin to speak; to repeat (with %%): Caus. %<-dpayati, -yitum>%, to cause one to take: Desid. A. %<-ditsate>%, to desire to take, to be on the point of taking or seizing. ## %<-da, as, , am>%, (at the end of some compounds) taking, receiving. ## %<-datta, as, , am>% (sometimes contracted to %%, q. v.), taken, seized, put on; agreed to, undertaken, begun. ## %<-dadna, as, , am>%, taking, accepting, undertaking, beginning. ## %<-dadi, is, is, i>%, Ved. procuring, gaining; taking or carrying away or off. ## %<-dtavya, as, , am>%, to be taken or received. #
    # %<-dt, t>%, m. a receiver. ## 1. %<-dna, am>%, n. taking, seizing; receipt, acceptance; taking for one's self, drawing near to one's self; receiving; taking away or off; a symptom: (for 2. %<-dna>% see below under 2. %<-d>%.) ## %%, one who receives something. ## %<-dn>%, f., N. of a plant, commonly called %%. ## %<-dpana, am>%, n. inviting or causing another to accept something. ## 1. %<-dya, as, , am>%, receiving, taking. ## 2. %<-dya>%, ind. having taken. ## %%, one who goes away after having taken anything. ## %<-dyamna, as, , am>% (epic form for %<-dadna>%), taking, seizing. ## %<-dyin, , in, i>%, receiving, inclined to receive (gifts), taking gifts for one's self. ## %<-deya, as, , am>%, to be taken or received, receivable, leviable. ## 2. %<-d>%, cl. 2. 4. P. %<-dti, -dyati, dtum>%, to bind, fasten. ## 2. %<-dna, am>%, n., Ved. binding, fettering; a horse's trappings. (For 1. %<-dna>% see under 1. %<-d>%.) ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to that class of roots of which the first is %%, i. e. to the second class. ## %%, m. (fr. 1. %<-d ?>%), beginning, commencement; a firstling, first-fruits; first, prior, prime, pre-eminent; (very often at the end or in the middle of a compound in the sense) beginning with, et caetera, and so on (e. g. %%, the gods beginning with Indra, i. e. Indra &c.; %%, possessed of houses, &c.; %%, such and similar things; %%, the word %% means a bed &c.); %%, ind. in the commencement or beginning, at first; [with this word has been compared the Slav. jedin, 'one.'] ## %%, m. the creator; an epithet of Brahm. ## %%, m. the creator; an epithet of Brahm, Ka or Viu. ## %%, n. (in gram.) the beginning or commencement of an action (as in the example %%, 'the sun has begun to shine;' see Gram. 895. a). ## %%, m. the first poet; an epithet of Brahm, or of Vlmki. ## %%, n. first part or chapter; title of the first book of the Rmyaa. ## %%, n. a primary cause; analysis, algebra. ## %%, m. primitive time, remote antiquity. ## %%, n. the first poem, an epithet of the Rmyaa. ## %%, m. the creator; see %% above. ## %%, m. the first keava, an epithet of Viu. ## %%, ind. from the beginning, from the first, in the beginning, at first, at the head of (with gen.). ## %%, f. or %%, n. priority, precedence. ## %%, m. the first god, the creator; N. of Brahm, Viu or Ka, or Nryaa; the sun. ## %%, m. epithet of Hirayakaipu. ## %%, m., N. of di-buddha; N. of an author. ## %%, n. first section or chapter, title of the first book of the Mah-bhrata. ## %%, n. the primitive Pura, N. of the Brahma-Pura. ## %% or %%, m. the first male or progenitor, usually applied to Viu; the primeval spirit. ## %%, n. generative power (first vigour). ## %%, perceived in the beginning; (%%), m. the primitive Buddha, the chief deity of the northern Buddhists. ## %%, produced at first; (%%), m. epithet of Brahm. ## %%, first-born or existent; (%%), m., a N. of Brahm. ## %%, having a beginning ## %%, n. primitive foundation, primeval cause. ## %%, m. primitive teacher of devotion; an epithet of iva. ## %%, m. the first or chief of the eight rasas, the principal sentiment or emotion, i. e. sgra or love. ## %%, m., N. of a poem supposed to be written by Klidsa. ## %%, m. the first king; an epithet of Manu; of a son of Kuru; of Pthu. ## %%, m. primeval race, primitive family. ## %%, m. the first boar; N. of Viu, alluding to his incarnation in that form. ## %%, relating to the first boar. ## %%, f., N. of a metre. ## %%, n. the primitive body. ## %%, m. primitive creation. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, having beginning and end; from the beginning to the end; (%%), n. beginning and end, first and last. ## %%, having beginning and end, finite. ## %%, containing beginning, end, and middle; being all in all. ## %%, having the acute accent on the first syllable. ## %%, n. the condition of having the acute accent on the first syllable. ## %%, ind. from first to last. ## %%, (used like %%, q. v., at the end of compounds) beginning with, et caetera, and so on. ## %%, first, prior, primitive, original. ## 1. %%, being at the beginning, first, primitive; beginning with (used in this sense like %%; e. g. %%, the gods beginning with Indra, i. e. Indra &c.); immediately preceding (e. g. %%, immediately before the eleventh, i. e. the tenth; %%, immediately preceding a double consonant); being at the head, unparalleled, unprecedented, excellent; (%%), n. the beginning; %%, in the beginning; (%%), m. pl., N. of a class of deities; (%<>%), f. an epithet of Durg. ## %%, m. the first poet, a N. of Vlmki, the author of the Rmyaa. ## %%, m. a ma, a weight equal to five guja or retti seeds, about 17(1/2) grains troy. ## %%, n. a primary cause. ## %<-digdha, as, , am>% (rt. %%), besmeared. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), a son of Aditi; a god, a deity, a divinity. ## %%, belonging or devoted to, or originating from Aditi; belonging or relating to, or originating from the dityas; (%%), m. a son of Aditi. In the earliest times this is the N. of seven deities of the heavenly sphere, of whom Varua is the chief and to whom therefore especially belongs the title ditya. The names of six of the seven are Varua, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Daksha, and Aa; that of the seventh is not clearly ascertained. Sometimes their number is supposed to be eight; and in the period of the Brhmaas twelve, as representing the sun in the twelve months of the year. The name ditya was afterwards applied to any god, though especially applicable to Srya, the sun; N. of Viu in his Vmana or dwarf avatr, as son of Kayapa and Aditi and younger brother of Indra; the plant Calotropis Gigantea; N. of a man; (%%), m. du., N. of a constellation, the seventh lunar mansion. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Dhta-rra. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva. ## %%, m. du. sun and moon. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. a plant %<= arka-pattra>%. ## %%, f. a creeping plant with gold-coloured flowers, growing near the banks of water. ## %%, n., N. of an Upapura. ## %%, f. red swallow wort. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, f. %<= arka-bhakt>%, q. v. ## %%, n. the disc or orb of the sun. ## %%, surrounded by the dityas. ## %%, Ved. winning the (favour of the) dityas. ## %%, having the colour of the sun; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, n. %<= arka-vrata>%, q. v. ## %%, like the sun. ## %%, m., son of the sun; N. of Sugrva, the monkey-king; of Yama, Saturn, Svari Manu, and Vaivasvata Manu. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Ujjayin. ## %%, m., N. of an author. ## %<-dits>%, f. (fr. Desid. of 1. %<-d>%), desire to seize or take. ## %<-ditsu, us, us, u>%, wishing to take or have (with acc.). ## %% (rt. %%), eating (used at the end of compounds; cf. %% &c.). ## %%, n. (?), Ved. misfortune, hinderance, want of luck (in dice); see %%. ## %%, Ved. having evil designs towards a fellow-player at dice. ## 1. %<-di>%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-dati, -te, -deum>%, to aim at, to assign; to point out, indicate, report, announce, teach, determine, specify, foretel; to order, direct, command; to provoke, challenge; to undertake, try; to profess as one's purpose or duty: Caus. %<-deayati, -yitum>%, to indicate, announce. ## 2. %<-di, k>%, f., Ved. aiming at, design, intention; project, proposition; proposal, declaration; region, quarter; (Sy.) a sacrifice offered or assigned (to a particular deity). ## %<-diya>%, ind. announcing, apprising, aiming at. ## %<-dia, as, , am>%, advised, enjoined; directed, commanded; said; (%%), n. command, order; fragments or leavings of a meal. ## %%, or (%<>%), m. one who receives instruction, a pupil, a student, a Brhman in the first order or quarter of his life; a penitent, one engaged in any expiatory rite. ## %<-dea, as>%, m. account, information; advice, instruction, precept, rule; an order, command; foretelling; (in gram.) a substitute, substituted form or letter, &c.; (in astrology) event, result, consequence of stellar conjunctions. ## %%, obedient. ## %<-deana, am>%, n. the act of instructing, commanding or prescribing. ## %<-dein, , in, i>%, ordering, commanding, instigating, exciting (e. g. %%, exciting a glow on the cheek); (%<>%), m. a commander, a director; an astrologer, a fortune-teller. ## %<-deya, as, , am>%, to be ordered or commanded. ## %<-de, >%, m. an adviser, a director, a commander; an employer of priests. ## %%, m. distress, pain, uneasiness; fault, transgression; an afflicter of distress. ## %<-dp>%, Caus. P. %<-dpayati, -yitum>%, to cause to blaze, kindle, set on fire, illuminate. ## %<-dpana, am>%, n. setting on fire, inflaming, exciting, embellishing; whitening the wall, floor or seat &c. upon festival occasions. ## %<-dpita, as, , am>%, illuminated, inflamed. ## %<-dpta, as, , am>%, set on fire, blazing up. ## %<-du>%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-dunoti, -te, -dotum>%, to feel pain. ## %<-d>%, cl. 6. A. or poet. P. %<-driyate, -ti, -dartum>%, to feel timid from veneration; to respect, mind; to honour, reverence; to enjoy honour, be honoured. ## %<-dara, as>%, m. respect shown to a person or thing, notice, care; reverence; commencement, beginning; [cf. Hib. adharadh, 'adoration;' adharach, 'one who adores.'] ## %<-daraa, am>%, n. notice, respect. ## %<-daraya, as, , am>%, venerable, respectable; to be attended to. ## %<-dartavya, as, , am>%, to be respected or regarded. ## %<-darya, as, , am>%, venerable, respectable. ## %<-dra, as>%, m., Ved. allurement, attraction; (Sy.) an instigator; N. of a plant used instead of the Soma plant, if this cannot be had. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## 1. %<-drin, , i, i>%, Ved. attracting, alluring; (Sy.) destroying (as if fr. %<-d>%). ## 1. %<-duri, is, is, i>%, Ved. careful, attentive. (For 2. %<-duri>% see under %<-d>% below.) ## %<-dta, as, , am>%, respected, honoured, worshipped; zealous, diligent; respectful. ## 1. %<-dtya, as, , am>%, venerable, respectable. ## 2. %<-dtya>%, ind. having respected, having honoured. ## %<-d>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-payati, -draum>%, to look at: Caus. P. %<-darayati, -yitum>%, to show, exhibit. ## %<-dara, as>%, m. a looking-glass, a mirror; copy of a work; the original manuscript from which a copy is taken; a commentary; N. of a son of the eleventh Manu; N. of a country. ## %%, having mirror-like spots; N. of a snake. ## %<-daraka, as>%, m. a mirror. ## %<-darana, am>%, n. showing, making apparent or seen; a mirror. ## %<-darita, as, , am>%, shown, made apparent. ## %<-di, is>%, f. looking at, power of looking. ## %<-d>%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-dti, -te, -dari-tum>% or %<-rtum>%, to crush, to force or split open, make accessible, bring to light: Intens. %<-dardarti>%, to crush. ## %<-dardari, is, is, i>%, Ved. crushing, splitting. ## 2. %<-drin, , i, i>%, crushing, destroying. ## %<-drya>%, ind. having split, showing fissures. ## 2. %<-duri, is, is, i>%, Ved. crushing, bruising. ## %<-deya>%. See under 1. %<-d>% last page. ## %<-devaka, as, , am>% (fr. rt. %
    % with %<>%), one who sports or plays. ## %<-devana, am>%, n. a place for playing. ## 1. %<-dyna, as, , am>%, shamelessly voracious (said to come fr. %<-div>%, but the connection of this meaning with rt. %
    % is not very apparent). For 2. %% see next col. @<[Page 0120-b]>@ ## %<-do>%, cl. 4. P. %<-dyati, -dtum>%, to reduce to pieces or fragments; to tie, fetter. (In this last sense, the rt. is better written %%; see 2. %<-d>%.) ## 2. %% (fr. rt. %%), to be eaten edible; (%%), n. grain, food. (For 1. %% see s. v. %% last page, col. 2.) ## 2. %%, without beginning. (For 1. %<-dyna>% see last col.) ## %<-dyota, as>%, m. (rt. %%), light, brilliance. ## %% (fr. %%), made of iron, iron. ## %<-dru>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. A. %<-dravati, -te, -drotum>%, to run towards, to hasten towards, to approach running; to bring running. ## %<-dvdaam>%, ind., Ved. up to twelve. ## %<-dhamana, am>%, n. (fr. %<-dh>% below or fr. %<-dham>% for %<-dhm?>%), a deposit, pledge; fraudulent puffing of goods at a sale (?). ## %%, n. (fr. %%), the state of being indebted. ## %% (fr. %%), unjust, unrighteous. ## %<-dharaa>%. See %<-dh>%. ## %<-dh>%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to place, deposit, apply, appoint, direct, propose, supply, give, make, constitute; (only A.) to appropriate to one's self, hold, possess, take. ## %<-dadhna, as, , am>%, having, possessing. ## %<-dhna, am>%, n. putting near or upon, placing; taking, having; receiving, recovering; the containing anything, the being in possession of a thing; a ceremony performed with consecrated fire (see %%); a ceremony performed previous to conception (see %%); a pledge, a deposit; a surety; assigning, attributing, employing; the place in which anything is deposited or rests; a receptacle; enclosure, circuit. ## %%, n. a ceremony performed after cohabitation to procure or favour conception. ## %<-dhya>%, ind. having deposited or placed. ## %<-dhyaka, as, ik, am>%, placing, assigning, attributing, applying. ## 1. %<-dhi, is>%, m. (for 2. %<-dhi>% see under %<-dhyai>%), place, situation; a pledge, deposit; a pawn, a mortgage; location fixing, site; definition, epithet. ## %<-dhi-tva, am>%, n. the nature or circumstance of a pledge. ## %%, m. the object or purpose with which a pledge is given, the conditions or terms of a mortgage. ## %%, m. enjoyment or use of a deposit, use of a horse, cow, &c., when pledged. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to pledge, mortgage. pawn, make a deposit. ## %%, n. pledging, mortgaging, a pledge. ## %%, pledged. pawned, mortgaged. ## %%, ind. having pledged, mortgaged, &c. ## %<-dhyamna, as, , am>%, being placed, being deposited. ## %%, having the heart applied or intent on. ## %<-dheya, as, , am>%, to be deposited or placed; to be pledged or mortgaged; what is put down or has a place assigned to it; to be assigned, attributed or given; to be received, held or supported; (%%), n. %<= -dhna>%, q. v. ## %<-dhra>%. See under %<-dh>%. ## %<-dhv>%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhvati, -vitum>%, to come running, to run towards. ## %<-dhvamna, as, , am>%, running, rushing onwards or at. ## %<-dhi>%. See under %<-dh>% above for 1. %<-dhi>%, and under %<-dhyai>% for 2. %<-dhi>%. @<[Page 0120-c]>@ ## %%, n. (fr. %%), possession, location. ## %% (fr. %%), supreme, superior, relating or belonging to anything or person in authority; official, relating to any office or duty. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), excess, abundance, superabundance, high degree, overweight, preponderance; superiority. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to a tutelary or presiding deity. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), supremacy, sovereignty, power. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to beings; elementary, derived or produced from the primitive elements, material. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), royalty, royal government, supreme sway. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), property, gifts &c. given to a first wife upon marrying a second. ## %<-dhu>% or %<-dh>%, cl. 5. 9. P. %<-dhunoti, -dhunti>% or %<-dhnoti, -nti, -dhavitum>% or %<-dho-tum>%, to stir, agitate. ## %<-dhava, as>%, m., Ved. one who stirs up or agitates; that which is agitated, mixture; throwing; also = %<-dhavanya>% (?). ## %<-dhavana, am>%, n. agitating, moving. ## %<-dhavanya, as>%, m. a vessel in which the Soma plant is shaken and cleansed. ## %<-dhva, as>%, m., Ved. that which is shaken or cleansed by shaking. ## %<-dhuta>% or %<-dhta, as, , am>%, shaken, agitated, trembling. ## %% (fr. %%), new, recent, of the present moment. ## %%, n. weakness (?). ## %<-dh>%, cl. 1. P. %<-dharati, -dhartum>%, to hold, keep, support: Caus. P. %<-dhrayati, -yitum>%, to bring, supply: Pass. %<-dhriyate>%, to be brought. ## %<-dhra, as>%, m. support, prop, stay; the power of sustaining, or the support given, aid, patronage, assistance; that which contains; a vessel or receptacle; a dike, dam; a canal; a basin round the foot of a tree; comprehension, location, the sense of the locative case; relation. ## %%, m. the influence or action of the support or recipient upon the thing received or supported. ## %<-dhraka, as>%, m. foundation. ## %<-dhraa, am>%, n. bearing, holding, supporting. ## %<-dhrya, as, , am>%, to be located, that to which a location is to be assigned. ## %%, m. the relation of the recipient or receptacle and the thing to be received or located. ## %<-dhta, as, , am>%, Ved. contained, supported. ## %<-dh>%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-dhoti, -dharitum>%, to assail, defy, injure, overcome; cl. 10. P. %<-dharayati, -yitum>%, to injure, hurt, overcome, defy; refute, convict: Intens. Ved. %<-dadhar-ati>% or Le of Caus. to overcome. ## %<-dharaa, am>%, n. conviction of crime or error; sentence, refutation; injuring, annoying. ## %<-dharita, as, , am>%, convicted, sentenced; refuted in argument, disproved, injured, aggrieved. ## %<-dha, as, , am>%, checked, overcome. ## %<-dhi, is>%, f. assailing, attacking. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), want of cows. ## %%, m. the rider or driver of an elephant. ## %<-dhm>%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhamati, -dhmtum>%, to inflate, puff up; to sound. @<[Page 0121-a]>@ ## %<-dhmta, as, , am>%, sounded, sounding; inflated, burnt; (%%), m. flatulence, borborygmi, swelling of the abdomen with noise, war, battle. ## %<-dhmna, am>%, n. blowing, inflation; boasting; a bellows; intumescence, swelling of the body, dropsy. ## %<-dhmpana, am>%, n. a means of inflating. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), Ved. superintendence. ## %%, N. of a place. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to self (as %%, a hymn sung by any deity or other personage in praise of himself); relating to the supreme spirit; spiritual, holy. ## %<-dhyna>%. See under %<-dhyai>%. ## %%, m. a teacher, a scriptural preceptor; %<= adhy-paka>%, q. v. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), occupied or employed with reading or studying. ## %<-dhyai>%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhyyati, -dhytum>%, to think on, meditate on, remember. ## 2. %<-dhi, is>%, m. (for 1. see under %<-dh>%), thought, care, anxious reflection, mental agony, anxiety, pain; misfortune; reflection on religion or duty; hope, expectation; a man solicitous for his family's livelihood. ## %%, produced by pain, &c. ## %%, suffering pain, distressed; crooked. ## %%, m. pl. feverish heat or burning. ## %%, withered with anxiety. ## %<-dh>%, f., Ved. thinking, longing, care. ## %%, Ved. winged with longing or hope. ## %<-dhta, as, , am>%, Ved. reflected or meditated upon; (%%), n. the object or subject of one's thoughts, anything intended or hoped for. ## %<-dhy>%, f. recollection, remembering especially with regret. ## %<-dhyna, am>%, n. remembering with regret, pensive or sorrowful recollection, dwelling or meditating upon, &c. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. poor, destitute, indigent, weak. ## %% (fr. %%), being on a journey. ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to a Soma sacrifice. ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to the Adhvaryu or to the Yajurveda; (%%), n. service at a sacrifice, especially the office of an Adhvaryu priest. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), inhalation, breath inspired; Ved. mouth, nose; breathing, blowing. ## %%, n. the mouth, the face. ## %%, n. face-lotus (i. e. lotus-like face). ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a large military drum beaten at one end, a double drum, a small drum or tabor; the thunder-cloud or a cloud to which the noise of the thunder is ascribed. ## %%, m. (a patronymic fr. %%, q. v.), an epithet of Vasudeva the father of Ka; (%%), m. f. a large drum beaten at one end, a large %%, a kettle-drum. ## %%, f., N. of a country. ## %%, m. (?), N. of a sage (for Cakya ?). ## %<-nak>%, cl. 1. P. %<-nakati, -itum>%, to approach, obtain, reach, present. ## %% (fr. %%), originating from a bull; (%%), n., N. of a Trtha. ## %<-nad>%, Caus. P. %<-ndayati, -yitum>%, to make resonant, cause to sound. @<[Page 0121-b]>@ ## %<-ndayat, an, ant, at>%, causing to sound, making to ring. ## %<-naddha>%. See under %<-nah>%. ## %%. See s. v. %% above. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), immediate consequence or succession; proximity, absence of interval. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), infinity; immortality, future happiness. ## %<-nand>%, cl. 1. P. %<-nandati, -ditum>%, to rejoice: Caus. P. %<-nandayati, -yitum>%, to gladden; A. to amuse one's self. ## %<-nanda, as>%, m. happiness, joy, enjoyment, sensual pleasure; N. of the forty-eighth year of the cycle of Jupiter; an epithet of iva; N. of a Bala-rma according to the Jaina doctrine of many Kas and many Bala-rmas; N. of a cousin and a zealous follower and favourite disciple of Buddha kya-muni, compiler of the Stras; (%<>% and %<>%), f., N. of two plants; (%%), n. God, the supreme spirit according to the Vednta. ## %%, or %%, or %%, m., N. of an annotator on akarcrya. ## %%, f. joyfulness, joy. ## %%, m., N. of a scholiast. ## %% or %%, exhilarating, delighting. ## %%, m. membrum virile. ## %<-nanda-paa, am>%, n. a bridal garment. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, n. the seminal fluid. ## %%, m., N. of a scholiast. ## %%, causing both enjoyment and fear. ## %%, blissful, made up or consisting or happiness; (%%), n. the supreme spirit. ## %%, m. the innermost case of the body, or causal frame enshrining the soul. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %% or %<>%, f. 'wave of enjoyment', title of a hymn by akarcrya, addressed to Prvat. ## %<-nanda-vana, as>%, m., N. of a scholiast. ## %%, enhancing enjoyment; (%%), m., N. of a poet. ## %%, f. title of the second part of the Taittirya-Upaniad. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. a king. ## %%, m., N. of a scholiast. ## %<-nandaka, as, , am>%, gladdening, rejoicing. ## %<-nandathu, us, us, u>%, happy, joyful; (%%), m. happiness, joy. ## %<-nandana, am>%, n. delighting, making happy; civility, courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest at meeting and parting; what gives or occasions delight. ## %<-nandayitavya, am>%, n. the object of enjoyment or sensual pleasure. ## %<-nandayit, t>%, m. one who gladdens or makes joyful. ## %<-nandi, is, >%, m. f. happiness, enjoyment, pleasure. ## %<-nandita, as, , am>%, rejoiced, delighted, happy; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %<-nandin, , in, i>%, happy, joyful. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), childlessness. ## %%, m. a descendant of An-abhimlta. ## %<-nam>%, cl. 1. P. %<-namati, -nantum>%, to bend, bend down, bow, incline; to humble; to salute reverently: Caus. P. %<-nmayati, -yitum>%, to cause to bend. ## %<-nata, as, , am>%, bending, stooping, bowed; pacified, conciliated; humbled; submissive, obedient; saluted reverently. ## %%, m. pl. a class of divine beings. ## %<-nati, is>%, f. bending, bowing, stooping; saluting. ## %<-nama, as>%, m. bending, stretching (a bow). ## %<-namita, as, , am>%, bent, bowed down. @<[Page 0121-c]>@ ## 1. %<-namya>% or %<-nmya, as, , am>%, to be bent. ## 2. %<-namya>% or %<-natya>%, ind. having bent. ## %<-namra, as, , am>%, (3. %<>% prefixed in the sense of diminution), a little bent, bowing, stooping, bowed down. ## %<-naya>%, &c. See under %<-n>%. ## %<-narta, as>%, m. (fr. %<-nt>%, q. v.), a stage, a theatre; war; N. of a country and its inhabitants in the peninsula Gujarat with its capital Dvrak or Kuasthal. ## %%, f. the capital of narta. ## %%, belonging to or coming from narta; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), unfitness, impropriety; uselessness, unprofitableness. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. kind to men, benevolent (?); human; (%%), m. men, people; foreign men or people. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. belonging to a waggon. ## %<-nah>%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-nahyati, -te, -naddhum>%, to bind to; A. to be stopped up. ## %<-naddha, as, , am>%, bound, tied, costive; (%%), n. a drum in general, dressing, putting on clothes or ornaments. ## %%, f. retention of urine. ## %<-nha, as>%, m. epistasis, suppression of urine, or constipation; length, especially of cloth. ## %%, to be used in cases of epistasis. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), state of being unprotected or without a guardian, orphanism. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. indestructible nature; (according to Mah-dhara) wholly gone out of the world. ## %% (fr. %%), proceeding from or produced by wind, windy; (%%), m., N. of Hanumat and Bhma; (%<>%), f., N. of the fifteenth lunar mansion. ## %%, m., N. of Hanumat and Bhma. ## %<-n>%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead towards or near; to bring, fetch, bring back or take back: Caus. P. %<-nyayati, -yitum>%, to have anything brought, to cause to be fetched: Pass. %<-nyate>%, to be brought or fetched. ## %<-naya, as>%, m. bringing, investiture with the sacred thread. ## %<-nayana, am>%, n. bringing or leading near to; investiture with the sacred thread. ## %<-nayitavya, as, , am>%, to be brought or led near. ## 1. %<-nya, as>%, m. a net. ## 2. %<-nya>%, nom. A. %%, to form or represent a net. ## %%, m. a fisherman, a fisher. ## 1. %<-nyya, as, , am>%, to be brought near; (%%), m. consecrated fire, taken from the Grhapatya or household fire, and placed on the south side, whence it is called Dakigni. ## 2. %<-nyya>%, ind. having caused to be brought, having caused to be introduced, having brought together, having convened. ## %<-nta, as, , am>%, taken, brought, obtained. ## %<-nti, is>%, f. leading near. ## %<-nya>%, ind. having taken, having brought. ## %<-netavya>% or %<-neya, as, , am>%, to be brought, to be fetched. ## %<-net, t>%, m. a bringer, bringing. ## %<-nla, as, , am>%, darkish; slightly black or blue; (%%), m. a black horse. ## %<-nu>%, cl. 2. P. %<-nauti, -navitum>% or %<-nuvitum>%, Ved. 1. A. %<-navate>%, to sound, scream, warble: Intens. Ved. %<-navnoti>%, to sound through. ## %%, m. one who knows the %%, q. v. @<[Page 0122-a]>@ ## %% (fr. %%), favourable, conformable. ## %%, n. conformity, suitableness; favour, kindness. ## %%, q. v. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), acquaintance, familiarity. ## %%, relating to a follower. ## %%, q. v. ## %% (fr. %%), about or belonging to a village, rustic, rural. ## %% (fr. %%, rt. %%), Ved. posthumous. ## %%, m. a patronymic from %%, q. v. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), nasality (of a sound). ## %% (fr. %%), following, pursuing, tracking. ## %%, n. f. (fr. %%), order, series, succession; (in law) direct order of the castes; (in logic) a conclusion, regularly or syllogistically deduced. ## %% or %%, ind. one after the other, in due order. ## %%, n. order, series, succession. ## %% (fr. %%, rt. %%), relating to the consent or favour (of another). ## %% (fr. %%, rt. %%), relating to a conclusion; derived from inference, subject to inference, inferable, inferred. ## %%, n. the state of being inferable. ## %%, f. passion, affection; the same as %%, q. v. ## %% (fr. %%), in the direction of the hair, produced in natural or direct order; (%%), n. a direction similar to that of the hairs, natural or direct order; favourable direction, fit disposition, favourableness; regular series or succession; bringing to one's right place. ## %%, regular, orderly, in due course or series; favourable. ## %%, f. (corrupted fr. %% fr. rt. %%), ingratitude. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), a neighbour who lives in the same house. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to or treating of instruction. ## %% (fr. %%), being with or within the awns (as rice). ## %% or %% (fr. %%), according to hearing, resting on tradition. ## %%, ind. (fr. %%, q. v.), Ved. in continuous order, uninterruptedly, one after the other. ## %%, connected with, concomitant, necessarily following, adherent, inherent, implied; proportionate, like, analogous, relative; necessary as a result or consequence, inevitable; (in gram.) elliptical, including or agreeing with words not comprised in the sentence. ## %% or %%. See Gaa to Pini IV. 2, 133. 134. @<[Page 0122-b]>@ ## %% (either %<= nu-ka>% or fr. rt. %% ?), promoting, driving forward. ## %% (fr. %%), consisting of Anuubhs, formed like the Anuubh metre (e. g. composed of four divisions). ## %%, coming from Anusy. ## %%, ind. (fr. %<-ankam ?>%), Ved. in abundance. ## %% (fr. %%), wet, watery, marshy; (%%), m. any animal frequenting watery or marshy places, as a buffalo, &c. ## %%, m. the flesh or meat of animals frequenting marshes. ## %%, living or happening in marshy places. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), acquittance of debt or obligation, the not being indebted to (with gen.). ## %<-nt>%, cl. 4. P. %<-ntyati, -nartitum>%, to dance towards, hasten near, dance: Caus. P. %<-nar-tayati, -yitum>%, to agitate gently. ## %<-narta, as>%, m. a stage, theatre; war. See s. v. ## %% (fr. %%), untruthful; (%%), m., N. of a people (?). ## %%, inhabited by the ntas. ## %% or %%, n. (fr. %%), mildness, kindness, mercy, compassion; cruelty (?). ## %<-netavya, -neya>%. See under %<-n>%. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), clumsiness, stupidity; %<= a-naipua>%, q. v. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), absence of power or supremacy. See %%. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %%), gone. ## 2. %% (fr. %%), final, terminal, relating to the end. ## %%, m., Ved. one who finishes; personified as Bhauvana. ## %%, ind. (fr. %< + antam>%), to the end, completely, from head to foot. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), nearest or closest relationship (as of two letters). ## %%, n. (fr. %%), near relationship (of two letters). ## %% or %% (fr. %%), belonging to the intermediate space between earth and heaven, atmospherical, heavenly, celestial, produced in the atmosphere; (%%), n. the firmament, the intermediate region between earth and sky. ## %% (fr. %%), included, comprehended (as in a class or troop). ## %% (fr. %%), being inside a house. ## %% (fr. %%), produced or occurring within a house. ## %%, f. an elder sister. See %%. ## %%, n., Ved. the bowels, entrails. ## %%, visceral, within, or relating to the bowels. ## %%, m., N. of a despised class of men. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %%, to swing. See %%. @<[Page 0122-c]>@ ## %%, m. swinging. ## %%, n. swinging, a swing; trembling, oscillation. ## %%, swung, shaken. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, q. v.), the scum of boiled rice. ## %%, m. a cook. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), blindness. ## %%, m. pl. the Telugu country, Telingana, see %%, anything relating to this country (as the Telugu language). ## %% (fr. %%), fed, having food; relating to food, derived from it, &c. ## %%, m., N. of a grammarian. ## %% (fr. %%), of a good family, well born; orderly, according to order or arrangement. ## %% (fr. %%), daily. ## %%, f. (fr. %%), logic, logical philosophy, metaphysics. #

    # %

    %, cl. 5. 1. P. %% or %%, to reach, overtake, meet with, fall upon; to obtain, gain, take possession of, undergo, suffer; to enter, pervade, occupy, to equal: Pass. %%, to be reached, found, met with, obtained; to arrive at one's aim or end, become filled: Caus. P. %%, aor. %%, to cause to reach or obtain or gain; to cause any one to feel; to hit: Desid. P. %%, to strive to reach or obtain: Desid. of the Caus. %%, to strive to reach; [cf. Lat. apio, aptus; adipiscor: Old Germ. uoban: Mod. Germ. ben.] ## 1. %%, at the end of compounds; e. g. %%, difficult to be obtained. ## %%, n. reaching, obtaining; pepper. ## %%, to be reached or obtained. ## %%, one who procures, procuring. ## %%, m., Ved. an ally, a friend, an acquaintance. ## %%, n., Ved. confederation, friendship. ## %%, reached, overtaken, equalled; got, gained, obtained; reaching to, extending; abundant, full; apt, fit, true, exact, clever, trusted, trustworthy, confidential; intimate, related, acquainted; appointed; generally received; commonly used; authentic; accused, prosecuted; (%%), m. a fit person, a credible person, a warranter, guarantee; a friend; an Arhat; N. of a Nga; (%<>%), f. a twisted band or lock of hair; (%%), n. a quotient; equation of a degree. ## %%, one who has gained his wish, satisfied. ## %%, managing things in a fit or confidential manner; (%<>%), m. a trusty agent, a confidential servant. ## %%, f. a pregnant woman. ## %%, proud, arrogant. ## %%, having proper gifts, or furnished with gifts. ## %%, n. received text, revelation, authority. ## %%, f., N. of an Upaniad. ## %%, n. a correct sentence. ## %%, f. the evidence of a credible person; (%%), m. one whose evidence is credible. ## %%, f. augment or affix; a word of received acceptation and established by usage only. ## %%, to be reached, obtainable. ## %%, f. reaching, meeting with; obtaining, gain, acquisition; binding, connection, relation, fitness, aptitude; (%%), f. pl., N. of twelve sacrificial verses beginning with %% (dat. case of %%). ## 1. %%, obtainable. See %%. ## 2. %%, n., Ved. confederation, alliance, relationship, friendship. ## 2. %%, m. (probably connected with %%, q. v.), N. of one of the eight demigods called Vasus. (For 1. %% see above.) @<[Page 0123-a]>@ ## %% (fr. %%), offensive, mischievous, unfriendly. ## %<-pakva, as, , am>% (rt. %% with 3. %<>%, implying diminution), half-baked, crude, raw; nearly ripe, not quite ripe; undressed, what is eaten without further preparation (as bread &c.). ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a river, a stream; N. of a stream. ## %%, m. the son of a river; an epithet of Ka or Bhma. ## %<-pa>%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to split; to sever. ## %<-paa, as>%, m. (rt. %% with %<>%), a market, a shop. ## %%, mercantile, relating to traffic, to a market &c.; (%%), m. a merchant, a dealer, a shop-keeper; tax on markets or shops; assize, marketrate. ## %<-pat>%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly towards, to come flying, to come in haste, to rush in or on; to assail; to approach; to fall to one's share, to befal, happen: Caus. P. %<-ptayati, -yitum>%, to throw down, let fall, shed; %<-patayati, -yitum>%, to go towards, approach. ## %<-patat, an, ant, at>%, approaching, preparing to assail. ## %<-patana, am>%, n. coming, approaching; descending, alighting, happening. ## %<-pati, is, is, i>%, Ved. coming in haste, rushing on. ## %<-patika, as, , am>%, accidental, unforeseen, sent from heaven; (%%), m. a hawk. a falcon. ## %<-patita, as, , am>%, happened, befallen; alighted, descended. ## %<-pta, as, , am>%, rushing upon, attacking, approaching; (%%), m. rushing upon, pressing against, falling, descending; throwing down; causing to descend; happening, becoming apparent, appearance; the instant, the current moment; (%%), ind. at the first attack, instantly, immediately. ## %<-ptin, , in, i>%, falling on, descending, happening. ## %%, f. (fr. %%), N. of a metre. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to offspring; (in gram.) relating to the formation of patronymic nouns. ## %<-pathi, is, is, i>% (fr. %% with %<>%), Ved. being on the way or on a voyage. ## %<-path, s>%, or %<-pathya, as>%, m., Ved. a traveller, wanderer. ## 1. %<-pad>%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to come, walk towards; to enter into, attain; to get into trouble, fall into misfortune; to happen: Caus. P. %<-pdayati, -yitum>%, to bring on, bring to pass. ## %<-patti, is>%, f. entering into a state or condition, entering into relationship with anything, changing into; obtaining, procuring; misfortune, calamity, fault, transgression; remonstrance, expostulation. ## 2. %<-pad, t>%, f. misfortune, calamity; [cf. Hib. apadh, 'death;' apthach, 'mortal.'] ## %%, m. season of distress. ## %% or %<, am>%, occurring in a time of calamity, belonging to such a time. ## %%, unfortunate, unhappy, afflicted. ## %%, fallen into misfortune. ## %%, seized by misfortune, unfortunate, unhappy, in misfortune. ## %%, m. practice or profession other than that proper to caste, but allowable in time of distress. ## %<-pad>%, f. misfortune, calamity. ## %<-panna, as, , am>%, gained, obtained, acquired; afflicted, unfortunate. ## %%, impregnated, pregnant; (%<>%), f. a pregnant woman. ## %%, fruitful in the relieving of the pains of the afflicted. @<[Page 0123-b]>@ ## %<-pda, as>%, m. reward, remuneration. ## %<-pdana, am>%, n. causing to arrive at, leading to. ## %%. See under rt. %

    %. ## %%, m. an emerald; a kirta or barbarian. ## %% (fr. %%, rt. %% with %%; cf. %%), received by barter; (%%), n. property &c. obtained by barter. ## %%, f., Ved., N. of a river near the Sarasvat. ## %%. See under rt. %

    %. ## %% (fr. %%), occurring in the afternoon. ## %% (fr. %%), not bound to fixed times, not restricted to particular seasons. ## %%, m. an epithet of Vaiha. ## %% (fr. %%), conferring final beatitude. ## %%, n. a religious ceremony; water (see %%); sin [cf. %%]. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), the root or extremity of the trunk or body. ## %%, m., N. of a renowned sage and writer on ritual. ## %%, m. a patronymic from the preceding. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, perhaps Eriocaulon Quinquangulare Lin. #

    # %<-p>%, cl. 1. P. %<-pibati>% or %<-pivati, ptum>%, to drink up, to drink out of or at; to drink with the ears or eyes, hear, see: Caus. %<-pyayati, -yitum>%, to cause to drink. ## %<-pna, am>%, n. a drinking-party, a banquet; a tavern, a liquor shop, a place for drinking in company. ## %%, Ved. giving zeal or courage when drunk (said of the Soma juice). ## %<-pyin, , in, i>%, fond of drinking. ## 1. %<-pta, as, , am>%, drunk up, exhausted. ## %<-pka, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), a baking oven, a potter's kiln. ## %%, Ved. standing in an oven. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), anointing the corners of the eyes. ## %<-pura, as, , am>%, slightly pale, palish. ## %<-pta>%. See under %<-pat>%. ## %<-pda, -pdana>%. See under %<-pad>%. ## %<-pli, is>%, m. a louse. ## %%. See under rt. %

    %. ## %<-pijara, as, , am>%, somewhat red, reddish. ## %<-pi>%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-piati, -pei-tum>%, to shape, configurate; to decorate, ornament. ## %%, m., N. of an old grammarian. ## %%, originating from piali; (%%), m. a pupil of piali. ## %<-pi>%, cl. 7. P., Ved. %<-pinai, -peum>%, to press, touch. #

    # %

    %, ## %<-pna>%. See %<-pyai>%. #

    # %<-p>%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to press, weigh down; to press hard, give pain, perplex. ## %<-pa, as>%, m. compressing, squeezing; giving pain, hurting; a chaplet tied on the crown of the head; (%<>%), f., N. of a metre. ## %<-pana, am>%, n. compressing, squeezing, tying or drawing tightly; embracing, clasping; giving pain, hurting. ## %<-pita, as, , am>%, compressed, squeezed; bound tightly, embraced; hurt; decorated with chaplets. ## 2. %<-pta, as, , am>%, yellowish; (%%), n. a pyritic mineral. (For 1. %<-pta>% see under %<-p>%.) #

    # %<-p>%, cl. 1. A. %<-pavate, -vitum>%, to be pure; to flow towards after purification; to carry towards in its course (said of a stream). ## %% (fr. %%), selling cakes; accustomed to eat cakes; fond of cakes, eating cakes (with benefit); a good maker of cake; (%%), m. a baker; a confectioner; (%%), n. a multitude of cakes. ## %%, n. flour, meal. ## %<-py>%, cl. 1. P. %<-pyati, -yitum>%, to be putrescent, putrify. ## %%, n. tin. ## %<-pc>%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-pakti, -pkte, -parcitum>%, to fill, pervade; A. to satiate one's self; to mix with. ## %<-pk>%, ind., Ved. in a mixed manner, confusedly. ## %<-pcch>%, &c. See under %<-prach>%. #

    # %<-p>%, Caus. P. %<-prayati, -yitum>%, to fill, fulfil: Pass. %<-pryate>%, to be filled, become full. ## %<-pra, as, , am>%, becoming full. ## %<-praa, as, , am>%, becoming full; (%%), m., N. of a Nga; (%%), n. filling, making full. ## %<-prti, is>%, f. filling; fulness, satisfaction. ## %<-prya>%, ind. filling, having filled. ## %<-pryama, as, , am>%, becoming full, being filled. ## %%, m. the crescent or waxing moon. ## %% (fr. %%), raising expectations. ## %%, m., in astronomy = Gr. [greek] ## %% (fr. %%, nom. pl. of %%, q. v.), consisting of water. ## %%, f. the subtle elementary principle of water. ## %%, m., N. of a deity under Manu Svrocia, one of the seven is of the tenth Manvantara. ## %%, m., N. of a kind of prayer spoken before and after eating; perhaps contracted from %%, 'drink the water', with which words the prayer began. ## &c. See under rt. %

    %. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of a class of deities, and especially of the deity Trita, as one of that class. ## 3. %% (fr. %%), belonging or relating to water; watery; consisting of water; living in water. (For 1. 2. %% see under rt. %

    %.) ## 4. %%, m. (for %%), N. of a class of deities in the sixth Manvantara. ## 5. %%, n., N. of a plant, a kind of Costus. See %%. ## %<-pyai>%, cl. 1. A. %<-pyyate, -pytum>%, to grow fat or comfortable, to increase, become full, enlarge: Caus. P. %<-pyyayati, -yitum>%, to make fat or comfortable; to enlarge. #

    # %%, f. the twentieth Nakshatra or lunar mansion. ## %<-pna, as, , am>%, stout, fat; (%%), m. a well; (%%), n. an udder. ## %%, Ved. containing the rt. %% with %<>% (said of a %% or verse). ## %<-pyna, as, , am>%, stout, robust. ## %<-pyya, as>%, m. becoming full or fat. ## %%, causing fulness or stoutness, increasing welfare; (%%), n. the act of making full or fat; satisfying, refreshing, pleasing; satiety, satisfaction; advancing; anything which causes corpulency or good condition; strengthening medicine; corpulency, growing or being fat or stout; (in certain ceremonies) the act of pouring water &c. on the Soma and so causing it to swell. ## %%, satisfying. ## %<-pyyita, as, , am>%, satisfied, increased, improved, pleased, gratified; stout, fat. ## %%, (fr. rt. %

    % with %< ?>%), Ved. busy, zealous; (Sy.) able to reach. ## %<-prach>%, cl. 6. A. or poet. P. %<-pc-chate, -ti, -praum>%, to bid farewell; to salute on receiving or parting with a visitor; to extol. ## %<-pcch>%, f. conversation, speaking to or with; bidding farewell. ## 1. %<-pcchya, as, , am>%, Ved. to be saluted, to be welcomed, to be honoured; laudable, commendable, beautiful. ## 2. %<-pcchya>%, ind. having saluted, having bid adieu. (In Rmyaa I. 72, 20, a form %<-pv>% occurs.) ## %<-pracchana, am>%, n. expressions of civility on receiving or parting with a visitor, welcome, bidding adieu, &c. ## %<-pratinivtta, as, , am>%, prevented, turned back (?). ## %<-pradivam>%, ind., Ved. for ever. ## %<-prapada, am>%, n. a dress reaching to the feet; (%%), ind. to the end of the foot, reaching to the feet. ## %%, reaching from the shoulders to the feet (as a dress). ## %%, n. a dress reaching to the feet. ## %<-prvam>%, ind. until the rainy season. ## %<-pr>%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), Ved. gaining one's favour, conciliation, propitiation; (%<-pri-yas>%), propitiatory verses; N. of certain invocations addressed to a series of deified objects in order, and said to be introductory to the animal sacrifice. According to others, the objects propitiated by these hymns are the real prs or %%; whence the hymns themselves are called %% hymns. The objects invoked are in a series of twelve verses, as follows: 1. Su-samiddha (or the fuel); 2. and 3. Tannapt and Narasa (these are sometimes invoked in one verse as mystic names of fire); 4. The divine being who bears the invocations to the gods (see under %%); 5. Barhis (or the sacred grass); 6. The doors of the chambers in which the sacrifice is offered; 7. Night and dawn; 8. The two divine beings, sometimes called Pracetasas, who preside over and protect the sacrificial rite; 9. The three goddesses, Il (see under %%), Sarasvat (goddess of eloquence), and Mah (a form of Bhrat or speech); 10. Tva (the maker or creator); 11. Vanas-pati (the tree or wooden column to which the victim is tied); 12. Svh (the exclamation used in inviting the gods to the sacrifice when finally offered in the fire). All these are by Sy. regarded as forms of Agni. See g-veda I. 13. ## %<-prta-p, s>%, m., Ved. epithet of Viu, 'guarding those who have appeased his anger.' ## %<-plu>%, cl. 1. A. %<-plavate, -plotum>%, to bathe, wash, immerse one's self; to jump up, dance: Caus. P. %<-plvayati, -yitum>%, to cause to be bathed or washed; to wash or wet; to overflow, overwhelm; to set in commotion; A. %<-plvayate>%, to bathe. ## %<-plava, as>%, m. bathing, sprinkling with water. ## %%, m. an initiated householder, who has passed through the first order (Brahma-crin), and is admitted into the second. See %%. ## %<-plavana, am>%, n. immersing, bathing, sprinkling with water. ## %<-plva, as>%, m. bathing, sprinkling, wetting; a submerging; a flood, an inundation. ## %<-plvita, as, , am>%, inundated, overflowed. ## %<-plvya>%, ind. having wetted or sprinkled. ## %<-pluta, as, , am>%, bathed; wetted, sprinkled. In comp. sometimes used figuratively (e. g. %%, overflowing with affection); (%%), m. an initiated householder, see %%, n. bathing. ## %%, m. an initiated householder; see %%. ## %%, bathed all over. ## %<-plutya>%, ind. having bathed, having washed; having jumped up. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %

  • # %%, m. (see %%), a scorpion; a bee; (%%), f. a woman's female friend; a row, range, continuous line [cf. %%]; a ridge or mound of earth crossing ditches, dividing fields, &c.; a dike; a line, a race, family; (%%), useless, idle, unmeaning; pure, honest, sincere. ## %%, m. a scorpion [cf. %%]. ## %%, f. a female friend, row, range, line, &c. ## %<-likh>%, cl. 6. P. %<-likhati, -lekhitum>%, to write, delineate. ## %<-likhat, an>%, m. scratching; N. of an evil spirit. ## %<-likhya>%, ind. pourtraying, delineating, sketching. ## %<-lekhana, as, , am>%, scratching, painting; (%%), m., N. of a teacher; (%<>%), f. a brush, a pencil; (%%), n. scratching, writing, painting. ## %<-lekhya, as, , am>%, to be written, to be delineated or painted; (%%), n. a painting, writing. ## %%, f. painting. ## %%, having nothing left but a painting, deceased. ## %%, f., Ved., N. of a serpent. ## %<-lig>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ligati, -te, gitum>%, or cl. 10. P. %<-ligayati, -yitum>%, to clasp, join the limbs closely; to encircle, embrace. ## %<-liga, as>%, m. embracing; a kind of drum. ## %<-ligana, am>%, n. clasping, embracing, an embrace. ## %<-ligita, as, , am>%, embraced; (%%), n. an embrace. ## %%, one who has embraced. ## %<-ligin, , in, i>%, embracing; (%<>%), m. a small drum, shaped like a barley corn and carried upon the breast. ## 1. %<-ligya, as, , am>%, to be embraced; (%%), m. a small drum. ## 2. %<-ligya>%, ind. having embraced. ## %%, m. a large clay water-jar. ## %% or %%, m. a terrace before a house, a raised place or terrace for sleeping upon. See %%. ## %<-lip>%, cl. 6. P. %<-limpati, -leptum>%, to anoint, besmear. ## %<-lipta, as, , am>%, anointed, smeared, plastered. ## %<-limpana, am>%, n. whitening or painting the floor, wall, &c., on festival occasions. ## %<-lepa, as>%, m. smearing, plastering, anointing; liniment. ## %<-lepana, am>%, n. smearing, plastering; liniment. ## 1. %%, f. See under %
  • % last col. ## 2. %<-l>%, cl. 4. A. %<-lyate, -letum>% or %<-ltum>%, to settle down upon; to melt; faint. ## %<-laya, as, am>%, m. n. a house, a dwelling, a receptacle, an asylum; (frequently at the end of a compound, e. g. %%, the abode of snow.) ## %<-lna, as, , am>%, melted, fused. ## %%, n. tin; lead (from its melting easily). ## %<-lha, as, , am>% (rt. %%), eaten, licked, lapped by the tongue, scraped; (%%), m., N. of a man; (%%), n. an attitude in shooting, the right knee advanced, the left leg retracted. ## %%, n. the frolicing of a calf; (etym. doubtful, perhaps for %%.) ## %%, m. (said to be for %% fr. rt. %<>%), an owl; an esculent root, Arum Campanulatum; in the modern dialects this name is applied to the yam, potatoe, &c.; ebony, black ebony; (%% or %%), f. a pitcher, a small water-jar; (%%), n. a raft, a float. ## %%, m. a kind of ebony; an epithet of ea, the chief of the Ngas or serpent race; (%%), n. the esculent root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus. ## %<-lucana, am>%, n. (rt. %%), tearing in pieces, rending. ## %<-lu>%, cl. 1. P. %<-loati, -loitum>%, to stir up, mix, agitate. ## %<-loana, am>%, n. mixing, blending; stirring, shaking, agitating. ## %<-loita, as, , am>%, mixed, blended, shaken, agitated. ## %<-lna, as, , am>% (rt. %%), cut, cut off. ## %<-lekhana>%, &c. See under %<-likh>%. ## %<-lok>%, cl. 1. A., 10. P. %<-lokate, -ki-tum, -lokayati, -yitum>%, to look forth; to behold; to consider, contemplate, regard. ## %<-loka, as>%, m. looking, seeing, beholding, sight, aspect; light, lustre splendor; flattery, praise, complimentary language, panegyric; section, chapter. ## %<-lokana, am>%, n. seeing, looking, sight, beholding. ## %<-lokanya, as, , am>%, visible; to be considered, regarded. ## %%, f. the being visible. ## %<-lokita, as, , am>%, seen, beheld. ## %<-lokin, , in, i>%, seeing, beholding. ## %<-lokya>%, ind. having seen or looked at, beholding. ## %<-loc>%, cl. 1. A. %<-locate, -citum>%, to behold, view, perceive, consider, reflect. @<[Page 0131-a]>@ ## %<-locaka, as, , am>%, beholding; causing to see; (%%), n. the faculty of vision or the cause of sight. ## %<-locana, am, >%, n. f. seeing, perceiving; considering, reflecting. ## %<-locita, as, , am>%, seen, beheld, considered. ## 1. %<-locya>% or %<-locanya, as, , am>%, to be seen, thought of or considered. ## 2. %<-locya>%, ind. having considered, having reflected. ## %<-lola, as, , am>%, trembling slightly, rolling (as an eye); shaken, agitated; (%%), m. trembling, agitation. ## %<-lolita, as, , am>%, shaken, agitated. ## %%, the base of the dual cases of the pronoun of the 1st person; Nom. Acc. %% (Ved. %%); Inst. Dat. Abl. %%; Gen. Loc. %%. ## %<-vac>%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-vivakti, -vak-tum>%, to invoke. ## %<-vat, t>%, f. (fr. 3. %<>%), Ved. proximity, (opposed to %%.) ## %<-vad>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-vadati, -ditum>%, to shout at, invoke, celebrate. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), son of the earth; epithet of the planet Mars. ## %% (fr. %%), coming from or belonging to Avanti or the district of Oujein; (%%), m. pl., N. of a Buddhist school; (%<>%), f., N. of the daughter of a Brhman. ## %%, coming from or being in the country Avanti; (%%), m. a prince or an inhabitant of Avanti or of Oujein; the offspring of a degraded Brhman. ## %<-vap>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vapati, -te, -vap-tum>%, to sow, scatter; to pour out; to offer: Caus. P. %<-vpayati, -yitum>%, to shave, cut off, trim. ## %<-vapana, am>%, n. the act of sowing, throwing, scattering, placing upon; instilling, inserting; capacity, a vessel, a jar, a ewer; sowing seed, weaving; (%<>%), f., Ved. a vessel, a jar. ## %<-vapantika, as, , am>%, Ved. scattering. ## %<-vpa, as, , am>%, scattering, throwing; (%%), m. scattering, throwing; sowing seed; casting, directing; (in pharmacy) throwing additional ingredients into any compound in course of preparation; mixing, inserting; setting out or arranging vessels, jars, &c.; a kind of drink; a bracelet; a basin for water round the root of a tree; uneven ground; hostile purpose, intention of going to war; a vessel; principal oblation to fire. ## %%, m. a bracelet of gold, &c. ## %<-vpana, am>%, n. a loom, an implement for weaving; a reel or frame for winding thread. ## %%, additional, inserted, supplementary. ## 1. %%, n. (fr. 2. %%), Ved. non-conception, barrenness. ## 2. %%, m. f. water. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), Ved. one who expiates or averts by means of sacrifice; (Sy. as if from rt. %% with %<>%) one who causes the sacrifice to go to the gods. ## %% (fr. %%), to be paid in the following year. ## %<-varjita>%. See under %<-vj>%. ## %<-varta>%, &c. See under %<-vt>%. ## %<-varhita, as, , am>%, eradicated, plucked up by the roots. ## %% or %<>%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %< ?>%), a row, a range, a continuous line; a series, dynasty, a lineage. ## %<-valg>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-valgati, -te, -gitum>%, to spring, to jump, to leap up. @<[Page 0131-b]>@ ## %% (fr. %%), produced from the plant Vernonia Anthelminthica. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), necessity, inevitable act or conclusion. ## %%, necessary, inevitable; (%%), n. necessity, inevitable act or conclusion; (%%, to do what nature makes necessary.) ## %<-vayaka-tva, am>%, n. or %%, f. necessity, inevitability. ## %<-vas>%, cl. 1. P. %<-vasati, -vastum>%, to inhabit, be occupied or engaged in (with acc.): Caus. P. %<-vsayati, -yitum>%, to cause or allow one to dwell, receive hospitably; to inhabit, settle in a place. ## %<-vasati, is>%, f. the night, i. e. the time during which one rests. ## %<-vasatha, as>%, m. a dwelling-place, habitation; a house; a fire-temple or place where sacrificial fire is preserved; a dwelling for pupils and ascetics; a particular religious observance; a treatise on the ry metre. ## %%, inhabiting a house, household, domestic; keeping a sacred fire in one's house. ## %%, being in a house; (%%), m. the sacred fire kept in a house; (%%), m. n. a dwelling for pupils and ascetics; (%%), n. placing a sacred fire within a house. ## %<-vsa, as>%, m. abode, residence, dwelling, house. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. going after a livelihood or provisions. ## %%, stored (as grain), winnowed; ripe, full-grown. See %%. ## %% (fr. 2. %%), founded on circumstances, suitable, adapted to. ## %<-vah>%, cl. 1. P. %<-vahati, -vohum>%, to bring, to bring to pass: Caus. P. %<-vhayati, -yitum>%, to have brought, cause to be brought, send for; to make one bring. ## %<-vaha, as, , am>%, bringing, bringing to pass, producing; what bears or conveys; (%%), m., N. of one of the seven winds or bands of air, that which is usually assigned to the %% or atmospheric region between the %% and %%; one of the seven tongues of fire. ## %<-vahat, an, ant, at>%, bringing, receiving. ## %<-vahana, am>%, n. bringing near. ## %<-vahamna, as, , am>%, bearing along, bringing near, followed by, succeeded, bringing in succession. ## %<-vha, as>%, m. marrying; N. of a son of vaphalka. ## %<-vhana, am>%, n. sending for, inviting, calling; offering oblations with fire; (%<>%), f. a particular position of the hands, the palms being placed together, and the thumbs turned towards the root of the ring-finger. ## %<-vhita, as, , am>%, invoked, invited. ## %<-v>%, cl. 2. P. %<-vti, -tum>%, to blow from all quarters, to blow upon; Desid. P. A. %<-vivsati, -te>%, to care for, be attentive to, favour. ## %<-vt, n, t>% or %%, blowing. ## %<-vdh>%, f. (see %<-bdh>%), pain, distress; segment of the base of a triangle. ## %%, &c. See under %<-vap>%. ## %%, n. a basin of water round the foot of a tree. See %%. ## %<-vsa>%. See under %<-vas>%. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to or derived from sheep; woollen; (%%), n. a woollen cloth, blanket. ## %%, made of woollen thread. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), a patronymic of Marutta. ## %%, m. the fruit tree Carissa Carandas L. See %%. @<[Page 0131-c]>@ ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. undistinguishable. ## %<-vi-tan>%, cl. 8. A. %<-tanute, -nitum>%, to diffuse light over, illuminate. ## 1. %<-vid>%, Caus. P. %<-vedayati, -yitum>%, to make known, report, declare, announce. ## 2. %<-vid, t>%, f., Ved. knowledge, the being or becoming known; technical designation of the Vedic formulas beginning with %% and %%. ## %<-vidvas, n, u, as>%, Ved. acquainted with, knowing thoroughly, skilled in. ## %<-vedaka, as, , am>%, making known, reporting, announcing; (%%), m. an appellant, a suitor; one who makes known, an informer. ## %<-vedana, am>%, n. representation, stating a complaint, addressing or apprising respectfully. ## %<-vedanya, as, , am>%, to be declared or reported or announced. ## %<-vedita, as, , am>%, made known, communicated, represented. ## %<-vedin, , in, i>%, announcing, declaring. ## 1. %<-vedya>%, ind. having made known. ## 2. %<-vedya, as, , am>%, to be represented or made known. ## %<-vedyamna, as, , am>%, being made known, stated or represented. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), proximity. ## %<-vi-bh>%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-bhti, -tum>%, to kindle on all sides (with dat. of the thing kindled, g-veda I. 71, 6). ## %%. See under %%. ## %% (said to be fr. rt. %% with %<>%), turbid (as a fluid), foul, not clear. ## %%, m., N. of a root. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to make turbid, to blot. ## %<-vi>%, cl. 6. P. %<-viati, -veum>%, to go towards, approach; to enter; to take possession of; to arise; Caus. %<-veayati, -yitum>%, to cause to enter. ## %<-viat, an, at>%, or %%, approaching, entering. ## %<-via, as, , am>%, entered; possessed (by a demon &c.); possessed, engrossed, filled (by any sentiment or feeling), intent. ## %%, (a noun) which possesses or has the force of all three genders (or which in every relationship preserves its own gender, e. g. %%, &c.). ## %<-vea, as>%, m. joining one's self; entering, entrance, taking possession of; absorption of the faculties in one wish or idea, intentness, devotedness to an object; demoniacal frenzy, possession, &c.; pride, arrogance; indistinctness of idea, apoplectic or epileptic giddiness. ## %<-veana, am>%, n. entering, entrance; possession by devils, &c.; passion, anger, fury; a house in which work is carried on, a workshop, a manufactory, &c.; the disk of the sun or moon. ## %%, own, peculiar; inherent; (%%), m. f. n. a guest, a visitor; (%%), n. entering into; hospitable reception, hospitality. ## %<-vi>%, cl. 3. P. A., Ved. %<-vevei, -vevie, -veum>%, to pervade, penetrate, visit, go through. ## %%, ind. (said to be connected with %% and %%; or, according to others, fr. %<-vid:>% cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. ex?), before the eyes, openly, manifestly, evidently; (very often joined to the roots %%, and %%.) ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to be or become apparent or visible, to appear, become manifest, be present before the eyes. ## %%, m. manifestation, becoming visible, presence. ## %%, manifest, become visible, appeared. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to make apparent, reveal, uncover, show. ## %%, n. or %%, m. making visible, manifestation. ## %%, made visible, revealed, uncovered, evident, manifest, known. ## %%, Ved. apparent, manifest. ## %%, ind., Ved. in a more manifest way. ## 1. %<-v>%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-veti, -tum>%, to go towards, approach, enter. ## 2. %<-v>%, f. the pangs of child-birth. (For %%, f. of %%, see %% next col.) ## %<-vta, as, , am>%, entered, passed, gone; placed, hung; (%%), m. the sacrificial cord worn in a particular manner. ## %%, m. a Brhman who wears the sacrificial cord in a particular manner, especially on the right shoulder. ## %%, m. a father (in theatrical language). ## %<-v>%, cl. 5. 9. P. A. %<-voti, -vute, vti, -te, -varitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to choose, desire; to cover, hide, conceal; fill, surround; to enclose, comprehend, shut, hem in; to keep off: Caus. P. %<-vrayati, -yitum>%, to cover, enclose, ward off, keep off. ## %<-varaka, as, , am>%, what covers or conceals, a cover, a veil. ## %<-varaa, as, , am>%, covering, hiding, concealing; (%%), n. covering, concealing, hiding; shutting, enclosing; an obstruction, interruption; a covering, a garment, cloth; anything that protects, an outer bar or a fence, a wall; a shield; a bolt, lock; mental blindness. ## %%, f. the power of illusion, that which veils the real nature of things. ## %<-vra>%, enclosing, keeping off, in the words %%, q. q. v. v. ## %<-vri, is>%, m. a shop, a stall. ## %<-vrya>%, ind. having enclosed, having covered; concealing; warding off. ## %<-vta, as, , am>%, enclosed, encompassed, surrounded (by a ditch, wall, &c.); covered, screened, concealed; invested, involved; spread, overspread, overcast; filled with, abounding with; (%%), m. a man of mixed origin, the son of a Brhman by a woman of the Ugra caste. ## %<-vti, is>%, f. covering, enclosing, hiding. ## %<-vj>%, cl. 1. A. %<-varjate, -jitum>%, to bestow, give: Caus. P. %<-varjayati, -yitum>%, to turn over, incline, bend, pour out, to cause to yield, overcome. ## %<-varjita, as, , am>%, inclined, poured down, made to flow downwards. ## %<-varjya>%, ind. turning down slantwise, inclining, pouring out. ## 1. %<-vt>%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to turn or go towards, to turn round, turn back, revolve, return: Caus. P. %<-vartayati, -yitum>%, to cause to turn; to roll; to cause to roll down, shed; to attract; A. %<-vartayate>%, to turn round or back. ## %<-varta, as>%, m. turning, winding, turning round, revolving; whirl, gulf, whirlpool; deliberation, revolving (in the mind); a lock of hair that curls backwards, especially on a horse; the two depressions of the forehead above the eyebrows; a crowded place where many men live close together; a kind of jewel; N. of a form of cloud personified; (%<>%), f., N. of a river; (%%), n. a mineral substance, pyrites, marcasite. ## %<-vartaka, as>%, m. a kind of poisonous insect; N. of a form of cloud personified; depression above the frontal ridge or over the eyebrows; whirlpool; revolution; revolution of the mind from the influence of the senses; a curl of hair; (%<>%), f., N. of a creeping plant. ## %<-vartana, as, , am>%, Ved. turning round or towards; revolving; (%%), n. turning, turning round, returning; circular motion, gyration, churning, stirring anything in fusion; melting metals together, alligation; the time when the sun begins to cast shadows towards the east or when shadows are cast in an opposite direction; repeating, doing over again; study, practising; (%<>%), f. a crucible. ## %%, m. a gem of secondary order, generally known as Rjvarta. ## %<-vartanya, as, , am>%, to be turned round or whirled; to be reversed; to be repeated. ## %<-vartamna, as, , am>%, going round, revolving; advancing, proceeding. ## %<-vartita, as, , am>%, turned round, stirred round. ## %<-vartin, , in, i>%, what whirls or turns upon itself; returning; (%<>%), m. a horse having curls of hair on various parts of his body, considered as a lucky mark; (%%), f. a whirlpool; N. of the plant Odina Pinnata. ## 2. %<-vt, t>%, f. turning towards or round, entering; (Sy.) causing to turn towards; turn of a path or way, course, process, direction; progress of an action, occurrence, a series of actions, order, method. ## %%, Ved. turned or turning towards. ## %<-vtta, as, , am>%, turned round, stirred, whirled; reverted, averted; retreated, fled. ## %<-vtti, is>%, f. turning towards, entering, turning back or from, reversion, retreat, flight; recurrence to the same point; repetition; turn of a way, course, direction; occurrence; revolving, going round; worldly existence, the revolution of births; use, employment, application. ## %%, n. (in rhetoric) laying stress upon a word by repeating it. ## %<-vtya>%, ind. having turned, turning towards. ## %<-vdh>%, cl. 1. A. %<-vardhate, -dhitum>%, to increase. ## %<-v>%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %<-varati, -te, -itum>%, to rain, to pour out (a libation). ## %<-vi, is>%, f. raining, pouring. ## %<-vega, as>%, m. (rt. %%), hurry, haste produced by excitement; flurry, agitation; (%<>%), f. the plant Convolvolus Argenteus. ## %% (fr. %%), not connected with anything else; independant. ## &c. See under 1. %<-vid>%. ## %<-vea>%, &c. See under %<-vi>%. ## %<-vea, as>%, m. (rt. %%), surrounding, covering with. ## %<-veaka, as>%, m. a wall, a fence, an enclosure. ## %<-veana, am>%, n. wrapping round, binding, tying; a wrapper, an envelope, a bandage; an enclosure. ## %<-veita, as, , am>%, surrounded, enveloped, inclosed, bound or tied. ## %%, f. %%, Ved. belonging to sheep; woollen. ## %<-vyadh>%, cl. 4. P. %<-vidhyati, -vyad-dhum>%, poet. %<-veddhum>%, to shoot at, to throw; to hit, pierce, wound; to pin on. ## %<-viddha, as, , am>%, cast, thrown, sent; pierced, wounded; disappointed; crooked; false, fallacious; stupid, foolish. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %<-vidha, as>%, m. an awl, a drill, a kind of gimlet worked by a string. ## %<-vedhya, as, , am>%, to be pierced, pinned on, put on. ## %<-vydhin, , in, i>%, Ved. wounding, attacking; (%%), f. a band of robbers. ## %<-vyuam>% Ved., ind. till the dawn. ## %<-vraj>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vrajati, -te, -jitum>%, to walk towards or up to; to return. ## %<-vrac>%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-vcati, -vracitum>% or %<-vraum>%, to tear off, cut off, tear in pieces, interrupt. ## %<-vracana, am>%, n., Ved. the stump of a tree. ## %<-vraska, as>%, m., Ved. the being torn off or tearing itself off. @<[Page 0132-c]>@ #<># 1. %< (-a)>%, cl. 5. P. A. (Class. only A.) %%, to reach to; to obtain, gain; to addict one's self to. #<># 2. %< (-a)>%, cl. 9. P. %%, to eat: Caus. %%, to give to eat. ## %% (fr. rt. 2. %%), an eater, eating; often in this sense at the end of compounds; (%%), m. eating. ## %%, n. eating. ## %%, feeding, a feeder, one who gives food; protecting, a protector. ## 1. %%, f. the act of eating food. ## %%, eaten; given to eat; voracious. ## %%, formerly grazed by cattle. ## %%, satiating; (%%), n. food, victuals; (%% or %%), m. n. satisfaction, satiety. ## %%, voracious, gluttonous, eating excessively. ## %%, eating. ## 1. %%, voracious; (%%), m. fire; a Rakshas. (For 2. %% see under %%.) ## %<-as>%, cl. 1. P. %<-asati, -situm>%, to tell; A. or ep. P. %<-asate>%, to hope for, desire, believe: Caus. P. Ved. %<-asayati, -yitum>%, to render famous or celebrated. ## %<-asana, am>%, n. expecting, wishing; declaring, asserting. ## %<-as>%, f. wish, desire, hope; speech, declaration. ## %<-asita, as, , am>%, wished, hoped, expected; declared, said. ## %<-asit, t, tr, t>%, wishing, desiring; asserting. ## %<-asin, , in, i>%, declaring, announcing. ## %<-asu, us, us, u>%, wishing, hoping, desiring. ## %<-as, as>%, f., Ved. wish, desire, hope; (Say.) praise. #<># 1. %<->%, f. wish, desire, hope, expectation, prospect; hope personified as the wife of a Vasu: (for 2. %<>% see next page.) ## %<-kta, as, , am>%, lit. 'made expectation', attended with the expectation (of being gratified) or hope of success. ## %%, having hope. ## %<-picik>%, f. fallacious hopes. ## %<-prpta, as, , am>%, successful, possessing the object hoped for. ## %<-bandha, as>%, m. band of hope, confidence, trust, expectation; a spider's web. ## %<-bhaga, as>%, m. disappointment. ## %<-vat, n, at, at>%, hoping, having hope, trusting. ## %<-vaha, as>%, m. bringing hope; N. of a son of heaven; of a Vi. ## %<-vibhinna, as, , am>%, disappointed in expectation. ## %<-hna, as, , am>%, one who has lost all hope, desponding, despairing. ## %<-ak>%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-aknoti, -ak-tum>%, to render one capable, to make one master or possessor of: Desid. Ved. %<-ikati>%, to render one master of, impart. ## %<-akta, as, , am>%, able, powerful, capable. ## %<-akti, is>%, f. power, ability, might. ## %<-ik>%, f., Ved. desire of learning. ## %<-ak>%, cl. 1. A. %<-akate, -kitum>%, to fear, suspect, doubt, hesitate. ## %<-akanya, as, , am>%, to be doubted; to be apprehended; questionable. ## %<-akamna, as, , am>%, fearing, apprehending. ## %<-ak>%, f. fear, apprehension; doubt, uncertainty; distrust, suspicion. ## %%, apprehensive, doubting, uncertain; afraid. ## %<-akita, as, , am>%, feared, dreaded; doubted. ## %<-akin, , in, i>%, fearing, doubting, hesitating. ## %<-akya>%, ind. having suspected, fearing, apprehending, doubting. ## %<-ad>%, cl. 6. A. %<-yate, -attum>%, to go. ## %%, m., N. of the tree Pentaptera Tomentosa. See 3. %%. ## %%. See under 3. %<->%. @<[Page 0133-a]>@ ## %%. See under %<-aya>% below. ## %<-ara, as>%, m. (rt. %<>%), fire; a Rakshas, a goblin; the wind ? [cf. 1. %%]. ## %<-arka, as>%, m., Ved., N. of a disease, violent and acute pain in the limbs. ## %%, m. a tree. See %%. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), speed, quickness; (for %<-sava>%, q. v.) a spirit distilled from molasses. ## %<-asana, am>%, n. (rt. %%), Ved. cutting up an animal when killed. #<># 2. %<>%, f. (fr. rt. 1. %%; for 1. %<->% see last page under %<-as>%), space, region, quarter of the compass, an intermediate region. ## %<-gaja, as>%, m. an elephant of a quarter or point of the compass, supporting one division of the globe. ## %<-dman, >%, m., N. of a king. ## %% or %%, m., N. of a commentator. ## %<-pla, as>%, m., Ved. a defender or guardian of the regions or quarters. ## %<-pura, m>%, n., N. of a town. ## %<-pura-guggulu, us>%, or %%, m. a kind of Bdellium. ## %% for %%, q. v. ## %<-ra, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), shelter. ## %%, Ved. seeking shelter. ## %<-s>%, cl. 2. P. %<-sti, -situm>%, to order, command, relate; A. %<-ste>%, to wish well towards, pray for; to praise; to desire. ## %<-sya, as, , am>%, to be wished, desirable; (%%), n. wish, benediction. ## 1. %<-is, s>%, f. asking for, prayer, wish; blessing, benediction; bestowing or praying for a blessing upon others; one of the eight chief medicaments. ## %% or %%, m. expression of a prayer or wish, benediction. ## %%, n. a song accompanied with benedictions. ## %%, f., Ved. the offering of a prayer. ## %%, n. a blessing, a benediction. #<># 1. %<->%, f. wishing or bestowing a blessing. ## 2. %<-i>%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-ieti, -etum>%, to incite. (For 1. %% see under %% last page.) ## %<-ik>%. See under %<-ak>%. ## %<-ijita, as, , am>%, tinkling (as of the ornaments worn on the hands and feet). ## See under %% last page. ## %% (fr. 1. %%), Ved. aged; (reaching to many years.) ## %%. See under %% next col. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %<>% for %% with %<>%), Ved. the milk which is mixed with the Soma juice to purify it (e. g. %% = Soma offerings purified by mixture with thickened milk). ## %%, Ved. mixed with milk (as Soma). ## 2. %%, a form sometimes used for %%. See also under %%. ## %<-ira-pdam>%, ind. from head to foot. ## 2. %%, f. (fr. rt. 1. %%), a serpent's fang: (for 1. %<-is>% see above.) ## %%, m. a snake (having venom in its fang). #<># 2. %<>%, f. a serpent's fang; a kind of venom, the venom of a snake. ## %<-via>%, see %%. #<># 3. %<->%, cl. 2. A. %<-ete, -ayitum>%, to lie or sleep on, pass (the night) in sleep; to inhabit, have for one's home. ## %<-aya, as>%, m. bed-chamber, resting-place, seat, place, an asylum, an abode or retreat; a receptacle; any recipient, any vessel or viscus of the body (e. g. %%, the heart; %%, the stomach, &c.); the stomach in particular; the seat of feelings and thoughts, the mind, heart; the thought lying in the mind, meaning, intention; disposition of mind, mode of thinking; will or pleasure; virtue, vice; fate, fortune; property, possessions; a miser, a niggard; N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia. ## %%, m. fire; [cf. %% under 1. %<-ri>%.] ## %% (said to be fr. 1. %%), fast, quick, going quickly; (%%), ind. quickly, quick, immediately, directly; (%%), m., Ved. the quick one, a horse; (%% or %%), m. n. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season; [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. acu in acupedeus, ocissimus: of the same origin may be the Lat. aquila and accipiter.] ## %%, doing anything quickly, smart, active; (in medic.) operating speedily. ## %%, easily provoked, irritable. ## %%, f. quick procedure. ## %%, going or moving quickly, swift, fleet; (%%), m. the wind; the sun; an arrow; N. of one of the first five followers of kya-muni. ## %%, going or moving quickly; (%<>%), m. an epithet of the sun. ## %%, m., Ved. N. of an animal, perhaps a bird; going to the horse (?). ## %%, easily pleased or appeased; (%%), m., N. of iva. ## %%, n. quickness. ## %%, f. a tree which yields frankincense, Boswellia Serrata. ## %%, m., Ved. flying quickly. ## %%, m. a kind of weapon. ## %%, 'easily understood', 'teaching quickly', title of a grammar. ## %%, Ved. quick; (%%), ind. quickly. ## %<1. u-y, s, s, am>%, Ved. (Sy.) going quickly. ## %%, Ved. possessing a fast chariot. ## %%, m. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season. ## %%, Ved. having swift arrows. ## %%, m., Ved. urged to fast course, running on quickly; inciting his horses (as an epithet of Agni, especially when regarded as Ap-napt). ## %%, Ved. having neighing horses; (Sy.) having quick horses or quickly praised; epithet of the Avins. ## %%, Ved. acting quickly. ## %%, Ved. possessed of quick horses; an epithet of the Maruts. ## %%, n., Ved. possession of quick horses. ## %%, m. quickness, rapidity; %<= ava>%, q. v. ## 2. %%, ind., Ved. quickly, rapidly. ## %<-uukai, is, is, i>% (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), Ved. shining forth; (Sy.) 'being worshipped on account of shining very quickly' or 'causing sorrow (to one's enemies'); (%%), m. fire, wind; air. ## %%, m. a mountain (etymology doubtful). ## %<-oaa, am>%, n. the act of drying. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), impurity. ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %% with %<>%, with a sibilant inserted), appearing rarely, curious, marvellous, astonishing, wonderful, extraordinary; (%%), ind. rarely, wonderfully; (%%), n. strange appearance; a wonder, miracle, marvel, prodigy; wonder, surprise; astonishment. ## %%, f. or %<-carya-tva, am>%, n. wonderfulness, wonder, astonishment. ## %%, having a marvellous appearance, wonderful. ## %%, wonderful, marvellous, miraculous. ## 2. %%, nom. P. (?) %<-yati, -yitum>%, to be wonderful. ## %<-cotana>% or %<-cyotana, am>%, n. (fr. rt. %% or %% with %<>%), aspersion, sprinkling; applying ghee &c. to the eyelids. ## %% (fr. %%), stony, made of stone. ## %% (fr. %%), having a mass of stones. ## %%, m., N. of a teacher of ritual. ## %%, stony, made of stone; (%%), m., N. of Arua, the charioteer of the sun. @<[Page 0133-c]>@ ## %%, suffering from stone in the bladder. ## %%, made of stone, consisting of stone, &c. ## %<-yai>%, cl. 1. A. %<-yyate, -ytum>%, to become coagulated or congealed, to congeal, to become dry. ## 1. %<-yna, as, , am>%, consolidated, coagulated, congealed. ## 2. %<-yna, as, , am (>% implying diminution), partially dried. ## %<-rapaa, am>%, n. (rt. %% with %<>%), the act of cooking slightly. ## %<-rama, as, am>%, m. n. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), a hermitage, the abode of ascetics, the cell of a hermit or of retired saints or sages; a period in the religious life of a Brhman, of which there are four referable to the different periods of life (viz. 1st, that of the Brahma-crin or student; 2nd, that of the Gha-stha or householder; 3rd, that of the Vnaprastha or anchorite; and 4th, that of the Bhikshu or beggar: in some places the law-givers mention only three such periods of religious life, the first period being then omitted); a college, a school; a wood or thicket. ## %%, m. the head of a religious order, a preceptor, a principal. ## %%, m. the special duty or duties of each order or period of life. ## %%, n. a hermitage; a period in the religious life of a Brhman. ## %%, n. the first section of the fifteenth book of the Mah-bhrata. ## %%, fallen or apostatising from an %% or religious order. ## %%, n. the circle of a hermitage, a hermitage. ## %%, relating to residence in a hermitage; %%, title of the fifteenth book of the Mah-bhrata. ## %%, or %%, m. an inhabitant of a hermitage, an ascetic. ## %%, n. the abode of hermits, a hermitage. ## %%, m. an inhabitant of a hermitage, an ascetic. ## %%, f. title of an Upaniad. ## %%, or %%, belonging to one of the four orders or periods of religious life; belonging to a hermitage, a hermit, an anchorite, &c. ## 1. %<-rava, as>%, m. (more correctly written %<-srava>%, q. v.), stream, flow, river; distress, fatigue; fault, transgression. (For 2. %<-rava>% see under %<-ru>% next page.) ## 1. %<-ri>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-rayati, -te, -yitum>%, to resort to, betake one's self to; seek refuge in, enter, inhabit; depend on, choose, prefer; to assist, adhere to, be subject to, keep in mind. ## %<-raya, as>%, m. that to which anything is annexed, or with which anything is closely connected, or on which anything depends or rests; a recipient, the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent or retained or received; seat, resting-place; dwelling, asylum, place of refuge, shelter; depending on, having recourse to; help, assistance, protection; authority, sanction, warrant; a plea, an excuse; being inclined or addicted to, following, practising; attaching to, choosing, taking; joining, union, attachment; dependance, contiguity, vicinity; relation; connection; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent; (in gram.) the subject, that to which the predicate is annexed; (with Buddhists) the five organs of sense with %% or mind (the six together being the recipients of the %% or objects which enter them by way of their %% or qualities); source, origin. %% may occur at the end of compounds in the sense of 'depending on, resting on, endowed or furnished with' (e. g. %%, see under %%). ## %%, ind. in consequence of the proximity. ## %%, n. the state of %<-raya>% above. ## %%, m. fire; see %%. ## %%, one who is the refuge or support of another person, protecting, supporting. ## %%, a word the gender of which must agree with the gender of the word to which it is referred, an adjective. ## %%, having help or support. ## %%, consuming everything with which (it) comes in contact; (%%), m. fire; a forfeiter of an asylum, one who by misconduct &c. loses patronage or protection. ## %<-rayaa, as, , am>%, resorting to, seeking refuge in; relating to; (%%), n. betaking one's self to; joining, accepting, choosing; refuge, asylum, means of protection or security. ## %<-rayaya, as, , am>%, to be had recourse to, to be practised or followed. ## %<-rita, as, , am>%, inhabiting, dwelling in, resorting to as a retreat or asylum; having recourse to; following, practising, observing; using, employing; receiving anything as an inherent or integral part; taking one's station at a window or seat &c.; dependant on, a dependant; (%%), n. pl. the objects perceived by the senses and %% or mind. ## %%, n. dependance. ## %<-ritya>%, ind. having sought or obtained an asylum; having recourse to, employing, practising. ## 2. %%, f. the edge of a sword. See %%. ## %<-ru>%, cl. 5. P. %<-oti, -rotum>%, to listen to, to hear; to accept, promise: Caus. %<-rva-yati, -yitum>%, to cause to hear, to call, to tell: Desid. %<-urati>%, to wish to hear; to listen. ## 2. %<-rava, as, , am>%, obedient, compliant; (%%), m. a promise, an engagement. (For 1. %<-rava>% see last page.) ## %<-rvaa, am>%, n. calling out so as to make one listen; designation of certain short words uttered at ceremonies. ## %<-rvya, as>%, m., N. of a man. ## %<-ruta, as, , am>%, heard, promised, agreed; (%%), n. calling so as to make one listen. ## %<-ruti, is>%, f., Ved. hearing; range of hearing. ## %%, Ved. one whose ears listen all around. #
  • # %<-li>%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-liyati, -te, -leum>%, to embrace. ## %<-rea, as>%, m. (for %<-lea>%), Ved. one who embraces; N. of an evil spirit or goblin; (%%), f. pl., N. of the seventh Nakshatra or lunar mansion. ## %<-lia, as, , am>%, embraced; embracing, who or what embraces; connected, interwoven, blended; attaching to, joining, who or what adheres to; invested, spread; connected as a consequence, deduced, concluded. ## %<-lea, as>%, m. embracing, embrace, intwining; intimate connection, contact; site of any act; (%%), f. pl., N. of the seventh Nakshatra. ## %% (fr. %%), relating or belonging to a horse, equestrian, coming from a horse (e. g. %%, 'the urine of a horse'); drawn by horses (e. g. %%, 'a chariot drawn by horses'); (%%), n. a number of horses, a chariot drawn by horses; the state or action of a horse. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of a man. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), patronymic of Buila (Bulila); a descendant of Avatara, son of Ava. ## %% (fr. %%), taken from or made of the tree Ficus Religiosa; relating to the fruit-bearing season of this tree; (%%), n. the fruit of the holy fig tree. ## %%, relating to or produced by the Avattha tree; relating to its fruit-bearing season. ## %%, m. pl. (fr. %%), the pupils or followers of Ava-peja. ## %% (fr. %%), produced by the plant Ava-bal. ## %% or %% (fr. %%), made of the cane Ava-bla. @<[Page 0134-b]>@ ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to the horse-sacrifice; (%% is the N. of the fourteenth book of the Mahbhrata.) ## %% (fr. %%), born under the constellation Avayuj, belonging to or occurring in the month vina; (%%), m. the month vina; (%<>%), f. the day of full moon in vina. ## %%, sown at the day of full moon in the month vina. ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to a chariot drawn by horses. ## %% (fr. %%), knowing the marks of horses; (%%), m. a farrier, a groom. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), a descendant of Ava. ## %%, equestrian, cavalier, relating to a horse, drawn by horses. ## %%, (if fr. 1. %%) Ved. like riders; belonging to or devoted to the Avins; (if fr. rt. 1. %%, to pervade), pervading, penetrating; (%%), m., N. of a month of the rainy season, during which the moon is near to the constellation Avin; (%<>%), f., N. of certain (%%), bricks; (%%), n. a day's journey for a horse or rider. ## %%, m. (a patronymic fr. %%, the fathers of the twins Nakula and Sahadeva), N. of Sahadeva, the youngest of the Pava princes; (fr. their mother %%), an epithet of either of the two Avins. ## %%, passed over by a horse in one day; (%%), n. a day's journey for a horse. ## %%, n. a number of horses. ## %%, m. a patronymic from Ava. ## %%, &c. See under %%. ## %%, m. (patronymic fr. %%), N. of the author of a ritual work, called the valyana Stras; he was a disciple of aunaka; (%%), belonging to valyana. ## %<-vas>%, cl. 2. P. %<-vasiti, -situm>%, to breathe, breathe again, breathe freely, take breath, recover breath, take heart or courage; to revive: Caus. P. %<-vsayati, -yitum>%, to cause one to take breath; to encourage, comfort, cheer up; to conciliate. ## %<-vasat, an, at, at>%, taking breath, breathing anew; reviving; recovering. ## %<-vasita, as, , am>%, encouraged, cheered, consoled. ## %<-vsa, as>%, m. breathing again, taking breath, breathing freely, recovery; cheering up, consolation; a chapter or section, the division of a book; a probable story; cessation, completion. ## %<-vsaka, as, ik, am>%, consolatory, consoling, comforting; (%%), m. clothing. ## %<-vsana, am>%, n. making or letting one take breath, consoling, encouraging, reviving; cheering up. ## %<-vsayat, an, ant, at>%, encouraging, animating. ## %<-vsita, as, , am>%, encouraged, animated, comforted, consoled. ## %<-vsin, , in, i>%, breathing freely, reviving, becoming cheerful; consoling. ## %<-vsya>%, ind. having consoled, having cherished; having recovered or revived. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), N. of a month, corresponding to part of June and July, in which the full moon is near the constellation Ah; a staff of the wood of the Pala, carried by an ascetic during certain vows in the month ha; N. of a prince; the Malaya mountain; (%<>%), f. the twenty-first and twenty-second lunar mansions, commonly compounded with %% and %%, f. the day of full moon in the month ha. ## %%, produced in the month ha; (%%), m. the planet Mars. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. produced in the month ha; the planet Mars. ## %%, m. the month ha; N. of a man. ## %%, f., N. of a Rkas. ## %%, born under the constellation Ah. ## %%, N. of a region. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), the eighth part. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. 1. %%), ether, sky, atmosphere. ## %%, f., Ved. kitchen, fire-place; (if fr. rt. 1. %%, according to Sy.) an extensive forest. ## %%, f. [cf. 2. %<>%], region, quarter. ## 1. %%, ind. (an interjection implying joy, anger, menace, pain, affliction, recollection) Ah! Oh! &c. ## 2. %%, cl. 4. P., Ved. %%, to enclose, border; to admit (as water) into. ## 3. %% (fr. 2. %% above ? or fr. rt. 2. %%; cf. Lat. os), mouth, face; only used in two forms, as follows: %%, abl., Ved. from mouth to mouth, in close proximity; %%, inst., Ved. before one's eyes; by word of mouth, personally; present; in one's own person; immediately. ## %%, n., Ved. a vessel which is as it were the mouth of the gods. ## 4. %%, cl. 2. A. %% (Ved. and poet. also cl. 1. A. %%, to sit, sit down, rest, lie; to be present, to exist, to inhabit, dwell in; to make one's abode in; to sit quietly, abide, remain, continue; to cease, have an end; to solemnize, celebrate; to do anything without interruption, to continue doing anything, to continue in any situation, to last. It is used in the sense of 'continuing', with a participle, adj., or subst. (e. g. %%, 'he continues singing this verse'); with an indeclinable participle in %%, or %% (e. g. %%, 'he should continue blockading the foe'); with an adverb (e. g. %%, 'he continues quiet;' %%, 'continue well'); with an inst. case (e. g. %%, 'he continues well'); with a dat. case (e. g. %%, 'may it be to your satisfaction'): Caus. %%, to cause any one to sit down: Desid. %%; [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. asa changed to ara; a-nus for as-nus.] ## 1. %%, seat (e. g. in the compound %%, 'staying in one's own seat'); (%%), n. the seat or lower part of the body; proximity. ## 1. %%, n. sitting, sitting down; sitting in peculiar postures, according to the custom of devotees, (five or, in other places, even eighty-four postures are enumerated; see %% the manner of sitting forming part of the eight-fold observances of ascetics); halting, stopping, encamping; abiding, dwelling; seat, place, stool; the withers of an elephant, the part where the driver sits; maintaining a post against an enemy; (%<>%), f. stay, abiding; (%<>%), f. stay, abiding, sitting; a shop, a stall; a small seat, a stool. ## %%, seated, at rest, one who has sat down, one who is seated or dwells; (%%), n. sitting, sitting down; a seat; place where one has lived, place of abode, a city; %%, an improper way of sitting. ## %%, sitting, seated. ## %%, n. nodding, nodding when seated, falling asleep. ## %%, f. sitting, abiding, abode, state of rest. ## 5. %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %%, to sit down upon. ## 2. %%, m. (fr. rt. 2. %%, to throw), Ved. ashes, dust which easily flies away; (%%), m. n. a bow. (For 1. %% see under 4. %%.) ## 2. %%, n. throwing; (%%), m., N. of a tree. See %%. ## %<-sasra, as, , am>% (rt. %%), liable to continuous flow, progress or alteration; (%%), ind. as long as the world goes on, till the end of the world. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), detachment, disunion. ## %<-saj>%, cl. 1. P. %<-sajati, -saktum>%, to fasten on, attach, fix; to fasten on one's self, put on (as dress, armour, &c.); to take up: Caus. %<-saja-yati, -yitum>%, to cause to attach, have (anything) fastened or put on: Pass. %<-sajyate>%, to adhere, cohere, to be attached. ## %<-sakta, as, , am>%, attached strongly to or intent on; zealously following or pursuing; trusting to, confiding in, eternal; (%%), ind. eternally. ## %%, having the mind deeply engaged in, intent on, devoted to, absorbed in. ## %%, having the mind fixed or intent on any object. ## %%, having the mind fixed upon any object. ## %<-sakti, is>%, f. devotedness or attachment (as to one object or pursuit), diligence, application; Ved. lying wait for, way-laying; (%%), ind., Ved. purposely, intentionally. ## %<-saga, as>%, m. fastening to, fixing; association, connection; attachment to any object; proximity, contact; Ved. way-laying; N. of a man; (%%), n. a kind of fragrant earth; (%%), uninterrupted, eternal; (%%), ind. without interruption; eternally. ## %<-sagin>%, f. a whirlwind. ## %%, m. (in surgery) a kind of bandage. ## %<-sajana, am>%, n., Ved. putting on (dress, armour, ornaments, &c.); fastening to, fixing; a handle, a hook. ## %%, having a handle, hook, loop, &c. ## %<-sad>%, cl. 1. P. %<-sdati, -sattum>%, to sit down, sit near; to place; to approach, meet with, find; encounter, attack, commence, undertake; cl. 10. P. %<-sdayati, -yitum>%, to approach, meet with, find; encounter, attack; commence, undertake; Ved. to make one sit down. ## %<-satti, is>%, f. intimate union, meeting, junction; gain, profit, acquirement; (in logic) connection or relation between two or more proximate terms and the sense they convey. ## %<-sadana, am>%, n. the act of sitting down; a seat. ## %<-sanna, as, , am>%, near, proximate; (%%), m. the setting sun. ## %%, m. the hour of death; one whose last hour is at hand. ## %%, nearer. ## %%, f. greater nearness. ## %%, near parturition, about to bring forth or to lay eggs. ## %<-sda, as>%, m., Ved. a cushion. ## %<-sdana, am>%, n. putting or laying down; attacking, making war upon; going to or towards; meeting with; obtaining, attaining; accomplishing. ## %<-sdayitavya, as, , am>%, to be attacked, to be encountered; attainable. ## %<-sdita, as, , am>%, obtained, acquired, gained, reached, gone to; spread, extended, overspread; effected, completed; met with, attacked. ## 1. %<-sdya, as, , am>%, attainable, obtainable. ## 2. %<-sdya>%, ind. having attained or reached; having obtained, according to. ## %<-sisdayiu, us, us, u>%, about to attack; wishing to attack. ## %%, n. [cf. 2. %% and %%], Ved. the mouth, the jaws; (this word occurs in inst., dat., abl., loc. sing., and inst. plur.) ## %%, Ved. one who has arrows in his mouth. ## %%, Ved. being in the mouth. ## %%, See under 4. %% and 2. %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %< ?>%), an epithet of Viu; (%<>%), f. a small couch or oblong chair, the seat of which is made of basket work; a chair, arm-chair. ## %%, m., N. of a country. ## %% (fr. rt. 1. %%), Ved. what exists or is present (?). ## %<-samudrt>%, ind. as far as the ocean. ## %<-sambdha, as, , am>%, blocked up, obstructed, confined. ## %%, ind. (irreg. inst. case fr. 3. %%, q. v.), Ved. together with, from mouth to mouth, near to, in the presence of. ## %<-sava>%. See under %<-su>%. ## %%, ind. (fr. 1. %%), Ved. from or in the proximity, near. ## %<-sdhana, am>%, n. (rt. 1. %%), accomplishment, attainment. ## 1. %<-siddha, as, , am>%, accomplished, effected. (For 2. %<-siddha>% see below.) ## %<-sra, as>%, m. (rt. %%), surrounding an enemy; incursion; attack; a hard shower; the army of an ally or of a king, whose dominions are separated by other intervening states; provision, food. ## %<-svya>%. See under 2. %<-su>%. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), a swordsman. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. 4. %%), turn or order of sitting; sitting; (%%), one who sits. ## 1. %<-sic>%, cl. 6. P. %<-sicati, -sektum>%, to pour in or on, besprinkle, wet, water: Caus. %<-secayati, -yitum>%, to have (anything) poured in. ## %<-sikta, as, , am>%, poured in or on; sprinkled. ## 2. %<-sic, k>%, f., Ved. a dish, vessel; (Say.) an oblation which is poured out. ## %<-seka, as>%, m. wetting, sprinkling, pouring in. ## %<-secana, am>%, n. the act of pouring into, wetting, sprinkling; Ved. a reservoir or vessel for fluids; (%%), charming, lovely, beloved [cf. %%, for which it may be a substitute]. ## %%, containing a reservoir or cavity, hollow, concave. ## %% (?), beloved, desired, charming [cf. %%]. ## 2. %<-siddha, as, , am>% (rt. 2. %%), put under restraint, imprisoned. (For 1. see above.) ## %<-seddh, dh>%, m. one who confines or arrests another. ## %<-sedha, as>%, m. arrest, custody, legal restraint of four kinds, viz. %%, limitation of time; %%, confinement to a place; %%, prohibition against removal or departure; %%, restriction from employment. ## %<-sedhaka, as, , am>%, restraining, confining. ## %<-sedhanya>% or %<-sedhya, as, , am>%, to be placed in custody, restrained, confined, prohibited, interrupted. ## 1. %<-su>%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-sunoti, -sotum>%, to press out Soma juice, to distil. ## 1. %<-sava, as>%, m. distilling, distillation; decoction; rum, spirit distilled from sugar or molasses, spirituous liquor in general: (for 2. %<-sava>% see next col.) ## %%, m., N. of the Palmyra tree, Borassus Flabellifornis; (its juice on fermenting affording a spirituous liquor.) ## %<-sva, as>%, m., Ved. one who presses out the Soma juice; (Sy.) a praiser (?). ## 1. %<-suti, is>%, f. distilling; decoction; a draught so prepared; distillation: (for 2. %<-suti>% see next col.) ## %%, m. a sacrificing priest; a sacrificer at the full and change of the moon; one who prepares or sells spirituous liquors, a distiller; one who sells female slaves (?). @<[Page 0135-c]>@ ## 2. %<-su>%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-sauti, -sotum>%, to bring forth, excite. ## 2. %<-sava, as>%, m., Ved. exciting, enlivening. ## %<-savit, t, tr, t>%, Ved. exciting, an exciter. ## %<-svya, as, , am>%, to be born. ## 2. %<-suti, is>%, f., Ved. exciting, enlivening. ## %% (fr. %%), spiritual, divine; belonging to or devoted to evil spirits; belonging or relating to the Asuras; infernal, demoniacal; (%%), m. an Asura or demon; a form of marriage in which the bridegroom purchases the bride from her father and paternal kinsmen; (%%), m. pl. the stars of the southern hemisphere; a prince of the warrior-tribe Asura; (%<>%), f. a division of medicine, surgery, curing by cutting with instruments, applying the actual cautery; N. of the plant Sinapis Ramosa; (%%), n. blood; black salt. ## %%, m., N. of a teacher. ## %%, m. (patron. fr. %%), N. of a teacher. ## %%, m. an epithet of Prnputra. ## %%, belonging to or coming from suri. ## %<-s>%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-suvati, -savitum>%, to bring or send quickly, yield, grant. ## %<-strita, as, , am>%, tied on or round, forming or wearing a garland. ## %<-sj>%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-sjati, -sra-um>%, to pour out upon, pour in. ## %<-sedha>%. See 2. %<-siddha>% last col. ## %<-sev>%, cl. 1. A. or poet. P. %<-sevate, -ti, -vitum>%, to attend to, accomplish; carry out, practice, perform assiduously; to indulge in, enjoy. ## %<-sevana, am>%, n. assiduous practice or performance of any action. ## %<-sev>%, f. zealous cultivation of any pursuit; commerce, intercourse. ## %<-sevin, , in, i>%, performing assiduously, acting. ## %<-skand>%, cl. 1. P. %<-skandati, -skan-tum>%, to invade, attack. ## %<-skanda, as>%, m. ascending, mounting; assault, attack; an assailant. ## %<-skandana, am>%, n. going towards, assailing, attack; battle, war; reproach, abuse; effacing, destroying; drying (?). ## %<-skandita>% or %<-skanditaka, am>%, n. the walk of an horse. ## %<-skandin, , in, i>%, jumping upon, assailing; causing to flow; granting. ## %<-sku>%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-skunoti, -sko-tum>%, to snatch up. ## %<-skra, as, , am>% (fr. %% = rt. %%), Ved. joined, united; (Sy.) attacking, assailing enemies, approaching. ## &c. See under %<-st>%. ## %<-stva, as>%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. the place of reciting a particular hymn. ## %% (fr. %%, 3rd pers. sing. of rt. 1. %%), a believer in sacred tradition; one who believes in God and another world; believing, pious, faithful; (%%), m., N. of a Muni or saint, more correctly written %%, q. v. ## %%, f. or %%, n. belief in God. ## %% or %%, m. an epithet of king Janam-ejaya (who granted the request of the sage stika, and spared the Nga Takshaka from the destruction to which he had doomed the serpent-race). ## %%, n. belief in God, piety, faithfulness, a believing nature or disposition. ## %%, m., N. of an old saint, the son of Jarat-kru; (%%), relating to or treating of that saint; %%, a section of the first book of the Mah-bhrata. ## %%, f. the wife of Jarat-kru and mother of stka. ## %%, n. (? error for %%), belief. ## %<-st>% or %<-st>%, cl. 5. 9. P. A. %<-st-oti, -ute, -ti, -te, -startum, -ritum, -rtum>%, to spread (as a carpet &c.), deck, bestrew, scatter over, cover. ## %<-stara, as>%, m. a covering, coverlet, blanket thrown over the back of a horse or elephant; a carpet, bed; spreading (clothes &c.); N. of a man. ## %<-staraa, am, >%, n. f. the act of spreading; a carpet, a rug, a cushion, a quilt, bed-clothes; a bed; a layer of sacred grass spread out at a sacrifice; an elephant's housings, a painted cloth or blanket worn on his back. ## %%, covered with a cloth or carpet. ## %%, resting on a cloth or carpet. ## %<-stra, as>%, m. spreading, strewing, scattering. ## %%, f., N. of a metre, the first verse of which consists of two Pdas of eight syllables each, the second of two Pdas of twelve syllables each. ## %<-stra, as, , am>%, spread, strewed, scattered. ## %<-stta, as, , am>%, spread, covered, strewed. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of a man. ## 1. %<-sth>%, cl. 1. P. or poet. A. %<-tihati, -te, -sthtum>%, to stand or remain on or by; to stay near, go towards, resort to; to ascend, mount; to undertake, perform, do, carry out, practise, use; to behave; to exhibit, aim at; to undertake, i. e. promise. ## 2. %<-sth>%, f. consideration, regard, care, care for (with loc., e. g. %%, care for me); assent, promise; confidence, hope; prop, stay, support; place or means of abiding; an assembly; state, condition. ## %<-stht, t, tr, t>%, Ved. standing on, mounting on. ## %<-sthna, am>%, n. place, site, ground, base; an assembly; a hall of audience; (%<>%), f. an assembly. ## %%, n. an assembly-room. ## %<-sthpana, am>%, n. placing, fixing, causing to stay or remain; a strengthening remedy; an enema of oil, ghee, &c. ## %<-sthpita, as, , am>%, placed, fixed, &c. ## %<-sthya>%, ind. having recourse to, using, employing; having ascended; standing, standing by. ## %<-sthyik>%, f. audience; (e. g. %%, to give an audience.) ## %<-sthita, as, , am>%, stayed, dwelt, abiding, abode; having recourse to; applied to; occupied, engrossed by, engaged in; spread, overspread; obtained; observing, adhering to, following, practising. ## %<-stheya, as, , am>%, to be approached, to be seized, to be applied or practised. ## %<-snna, am>%, n. (rt. %%), Ved. water for washing, a bath. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. bloody, being in blood. ## %%, n. (fr. %% with %<>% prefixed, %% being inserted), place, site, seat, office; rank, station; dignity, authority; business, affair. Often used in comp.; e. g. %%, the seat of consciousness. ## %<-spandana, am>%, n. trembling, throbbing. ## %<-spardh>%, f. emulation, rivalry, endeavour after. ## %<-spardhin, , in, i>%, emulous, striving after. ## %<-spara, as>%, m. (rt. %%), contact; %%, by the contact. ## %%. See 3. %%. @<[Page 0136-b]>@ ## %<-sphal>% or %<-sphul>%, Caus. %<-sphla-yati, -yitum>%, to cause to flap, rock or shake. ## %<-sphla, as>%, m. striking, rubbing, causing to move gently; flapping, clapping; the flapping motion of an elephant's ear. ## %<-sphlana, am>%, n. rubbing, stirring, flapping, moving gently; striking; pride, arrogance. ## %<-sphlita, as, , am>%, struck gently, rubbed, touched, stirred; flapped, clapped, struck together. ## %<-sphy>%, cl. 1. A. %<-sphyate, -yi-tum>%, to grow, increase. ## %% = [greek] N. of the planet Venus. ## %<-sphul>%. See %<-sphal>% above. ## %<-sphoa, as>%, m. (rt. %%), moving or flapping to and fro, quivering, trembling, shaking, the sound of clapping or striking on the arms as made by combatants, wrestlers, &c.; a plant, see %<-sphota; ()>%, f. a wild variety of Jasmin. ## %<-sphoaka, as>%, m., the plant Careya Arborea. ## %<-sphoana, am>%, n. moving to and fro, flapping, trembling; shaking; blowing, expanding; contracting, closing, sealing; slapping or clapping the arms, or the noise made by it; (%<>%), f. a gimlet or auger. ## %<-sphota>% or %<-sphotaka, as>%, m. (probably an incorrect form of %<-sphoa>%), N. of several plants, Calotropis Gigantea, Bahinia Variegata L., Echites Dichotoma Roxb.; (%<>%), f., N. of several plants, Jasminum Sambac, Clitoria Terneata, Echites Frutescens or Echites Dichotoma. ## %%, or %% (fr. %%), our, ours. ## %%, n. (see 3. %%), mouth, jaws; face; a part of the mouth as the organ of pronouncing letters; mouth, opening; (%%), belonging or relating to the mouth or face. ## %%, drinking the mouth, kissing. ## %%, n. a lotus. ## %%, m. 'whose face is a plough;' a hog, a boar. ## %%, n. the hair of the face, the beard. ## %%, m. spittle, saliva. ## %<-syandana, am>%, n. flowing near. ## %%, flowing near. ## %%, containing the word %% (a chapter). ## %%, f. See under 4. %%. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), the nineteenth lunar mansion. ## %<-srava, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with prep. %<>%), the foam on boiling rice; flowing, running, discharge; distress, pain, affliction; (with Jainas) that which directs the embodied spirit towards eternal objects, (viz. the occupation or employment of the senses or organs on sensible objects; or the association or connection of body with right and wrong deeds.) ## %<-srva, as>%, m. flow, issue, running, discharge; pain, affliction; a disease of the body. ## %%, n., Ved. a medicament, medicine. ## %%, flowing, emitting fluid, discharging humor; an epithet of the elephant (a fluid issuing from its temples during the rutting-time). ## %<-srasta, as, , am>%, fallen off, loose. ## %<-svad>% or %<-svd>%, cl. 1. A. %<-svadate>% or %<-svdate, -ditum>%, to taste, eat. ## %<-svda, as, , am>%, tasting, eating; (%%), m. tasting, enjoying, eating; flavour. ## %%, having a good taste, palatable; delicious in flavour. ## %<-svdaka, as, ik, am>%, tasting, enjoying. ## %<-svdana, am>%, n. tasting, enjoying, eating. ## %<-svdita, as, , am>%, tasted, enjoyed, possessed; eaten. @<[Page 0136-c]>@ ## %<-svdya, as, , am>%, to be tasted or enjoyed, to be eaten; having a good taste, palatable, delicious. ## %%, having sweet or palatable water. ## %<-svan>%, cl. 1. P. %<-svanati, -nitum>%, to sound. ## %<-svanita>% or %<-svnta, as, , am>%, sounded. ## 1. %%, ind. (an interjection implying reproof, severity, command, casting, sending) Ah! Aha! &c. ## 2. %%. See rt. 3. %%. ## %%, m. a peculiar disease of the nose, inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), conceitedness. ## %<-han>%, cl. 2. P. A. %<-hanti, -hate, -hantum>%, to strike at, hit, beat, kill; commit slaughter. ## %<-hata, as, , am>%, struck, beaten; injured, killed; multiplied; known, understood; uttered falsely; (%%), m. a drum; (%%), n. old cloth or raiment; new cloth or clothes; assertion of an impossibility. ## %%, noted for good qualities. ## %<-hati, is>%, f. hitting, striking, a blow, a hit; killing. ## %<-hanana, am>%, n. the act of striking at, beating; killing of an animal. ## %%, Ved. making one's self known by beating (a drum &c.). ## %% (fr. rt. %%), Ved. swelling, tumid, crammed full; fat, luxuriant, lascivious; (Sy.) to be beaten or pressed out (as Soma). ## %%, n., Ved. luxuriancy, lasciviousness; (%%), f. pl. verses (%%) of a lascivious character. ## %%, Ved. uttering lascivious words. ## %%, ind., Ved. a smacking sound. ## &c. See under %<-hu>% and %<-hve>%. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), the descending node; an epithet of the grammarian Pini. ## %%, a particle %<= hi kam>% (?). ## %<-hi>%, cl. 1. A. %<-hiate, -itum>%, to roam about. ## %%, m. a man of mixed origin, the son of a Nida father and a Vaideh mother, employed as a watchman on the outside of gaols &c. ## %<-hita, as, , am>% (fr. rt. %% with prep. %<>%), placed, deposited; entertained, felt; comprising, containing; performed, done. ## %%, exhausted. ## %%, noted or known for good qualities; [cf. %%.] ## %%, pained, grieved. ## %%, uttering or making a sound noisy. ## %%, one who has placed the sacred fire upon the altar, a sacrificer; a Brhman who has kept alive a sacred fire perpetually in a family &c. ## %%, marked, spotted, stained. ## %<-hiti, is>%, f., Ved. placing on; anything placed on. ## %% or %%, m. (fr. %%), a snake-catcher, a juggler. ## %%, m. a two-headed snake. ## %<-hu>%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-juhote, -juhute, -ho-tum>%, to sacrifice, to offer an oblation, to worship. ## 1. %<-hava, as>%, m. sacrificing, sacrifice. (For 2. %<-hava>% see under %<-hve>%.) @<[Page 0137-a]>@ ## %<-havana, am>%, n., Ved. offering an oblation, offering sacrifice, sacrifice. ## %<-havanya, as, , am>%, to be offered as an oblation; (%%), m. a consecrated fire taken from the householder's perpetual fire and prepared for receiving oblations; the eastern of the three fires burning at a sacrifice. ## %%, fit for a burnt offering; (%%), m. a consecrated fire. ## 1. %<-hva, as>%, m., Ved. a trough, a pail, a vessel; a trough near a well for watering cattle. ## %<-huta, am>%, n. an offering made to men, hospitality; the nourishment of all created beings considered as one of the five sacraments or principal sacrifices of the Hinds. ## 1. %<-huti, is>%, f. offering oblations with fire to the deities; any solemn rite accompanied with oblations: (for 2. %<-huti>% see under %<-hve>%.) ## %%, Ved. delighting in sacrifices. ## %%, m., N. of a prince, greatgrandfather of Ka, a son or grandson of Abhijit; (%<>%), f. a sister of this prince; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, n., N. of the leguminous shrub Tabernaemontana Coronaria. ## %<-h>%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-harati, -te, -hartum>%, to fetch, bring, bring near, give; to recover, bring back; to get, take; to offer in sacrifice: Caus. P. %<-hrayati, -yitum>%, to make one pay or give or fetch or bring; to exact; to exert, exhibit: Desid. A. %<-jihrate>%, to seek to recover or get back. ## %<-hara, as, , am>%, (at the end of compounds) bringing, fetching; (%%), m. taking, seizing; accomplishing, offering of a sacrifice; drawing in breath, inhaling, inhaled air; breath inspired, inspiration. ## %<-haraa, as, , am>%, taking away, robbing; (%%), n. taking, seizing, bringing near; extracting, removing; accomplishing, offering at a sacrifice; causing, inducing. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to give as a present. ## %<-hart, t, tr, t>%, one who takes, seizes, brings or procures; inducing, causing; offering; (%%), m. a copy holder (in law). ## %<-hra, as, >%, or %<, am>%, bringing near, procuring; going to fetch; (%%), m. taking, fetching, bringing near; employing; taking food, food (e. g. %%, to take food, eat). ## %%, m. want of food. ## %%, m. the juice of the body, chyle, lymph, serum. ## %%, begging or seeking for food. ## %<-hraka, as, , am>%, going to fetch. ## %<-hrika>%, (with Jainas) one of the five bodies belonging to the soul; described by Colebrooke as a minute form, issuing from the head of a meditative sage to consult an omniscient saint and returning with the desired information. ## %<-hrya, as, , am>%, to be taken or seized; to be fetched or brought near; to be extracted or removed; what may be removed, adventitious, accessary, incidental; to be eaten; (%%), m. a kind of bandage; (%%), n. any disease to be treated by the operation of extracting; extraction; a vessel; the ornamentative part of the drama, the dress, decorations, &c. ## %%, f. adventitious beauty, beauty not natural but the effect of paints, ornaments, &c. ## %<-hta, as, , am>%, brought, taken, collected. ## %%, Ved. intending (to offer) a prepared sacrifice; preparing a sacrificial act (?). ## %<-htya>%, ind. having taken or received, having brought. ## %% (fr. %%), belonging or relating to a snake. ## %%, ind. (an interjection of doubt and of asking) or, or perhaps. ## %%, f. great self-conceit, boasting, military vaunting; a vain determination to accomplish an object, vaunting of one's power. ## %%, ind. a particle implying doubt. ## %%, m. n. (fr. %%), a series of days, many days. ## %%, daily, diurnal, performed on a day, performed every day; (%%), n. a religious ceremony to be performed every day at a fixed hour; a day's work, what may be read on one day, the division or section of a book; constant occupation, daily work; daily food, &c. ## %%, m. daily observance, the prayers and practices necessary for bodily and mental purification. ## %%, m. a patronymic of auca. ## %<-hld>%, Caus. P. %<-hldayati, -yitum>%, to gladden. ## %<-hlda, as>%, m. joy, delight. ## %%, conferring delight. ## %<-hldana, am>%, n. gladdening. ## %<-hldi, is>%, m., N. of a son of Babhru. ## %<-hldita, as, , am>%, delighted, rejoiced. ## %<-hv>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-hvarati, -hvar-tum>%, to make crooked, to injure. ## %<-hrya, as, , am>%, Ved. to be bent down or brought near; to be made favourable, one towards whom one must bow; (Sy.) to be invoked (fr. rt. %%). ## %<-hruta, as, , am>%, injured. ## %%, Ved. curing what is bent or injured. ## %<-hvara, as>%, m., N. of a fortress of the Unaras. ## %<-hvaraka, as>%, m. a low or expelled man who, after having offered a sacrifice to the manes, takes the sacrificial food for himself. ## %%, m. pl. the hvrakas, a recension of the black Yajur-veda (distinct from the Taittirya) named from Ahvra or hvra. ## %<-hvti, is>%, m., N. of a prince. ## %<-hve>%, cl. 1. P. or poet. A. %<-hvayati, -te, -hvtum>%, to call near; to summon; to invite, ask; A. to provoke, challenge, emulate: Caus. %<-hvyayati, -yitum>%, to send for; to cause to invite or summon or challenge; provoked: Desid. %<-juh-ati>%, to wish to call near or invite: Intens. %<-johavti>%, to call. ## 2. %<-hava, as>%, m. challenge, provoking, calling; war, battle. ## %%, f. desire of war: (for 1. %<-hava>% see under %<-hu>%, page 136, col. 3.) ## 2. %<-hva, as>%, m. calling, invoking; battle, war. ## 2. %<-huti>%, calling, invoking. (This word may sometimes have this sense in the oldest Vedic texts, but see the more correct form %<-hti>%. For 1. %<-huti>% see under %<-hu>% last col.) ## %<-huva, as, , am>%, Ved. (Sy.) to be invoked. ## %<-h>%, f., Ved. calling, invoking. ## 2. %<-hta, as, , am>%, called, summoned, invoked, invited. ## %%, m. a defendant or witness absconding or not appearing when summoned. ## %<-hti, is>%, f. calling, invoking. ## %<-hya>%, ind. having invited. ## %<-hva, as, , am>%, who or what calls, a crier; named, called; (%<>%), f. a name, appellation. ## %<-hvaya, as>%, m. a lawsuit arising from a dispute about games with animals, as cock-fighting &c.; appellation, name (generally as last member of a compound, the first member of which, though commonly an appellative noun, is used as a proper name). ## %<-hvayat, an, ant, at>%, calling, challenging. ## %<-hvayana, am>%, n. appellation, name. ## %<-hvayitavya, as, , am>%, to be summoned or invited. ## %<-hvna, am>%, n. calling, invitation, a call or summons; invocation of a deity; challenge; legal summons; an appellation, a name; designation of a liturgical formula. ## %%, n. day of trial. ## %%, nom. P. %%, (in law) to summon. ## %<-hvya, as>%, m. a summons, a name. ## %<-hvyaka, as>%, m. a messenger, a courier. @<[Page 0137-c]>@ ## %<-hvyayitavya, as, , am>%, to be called before a tribunal. ## ## 1. %%, the third vowel of the alphabet, corresponding to %% short, and pronounced as that letter in kill &c. ## %%, m. the letter or sound %%. ## 2. %%, ind. an interjection of anger, calling, sorrow, distress, compassion, &c. ## 3. %%, pronominal base of the 3rd person; [cf. %% cf. also Lat. id; Goth. ita; Eng. it; Old Germ. iz; Mod. Germ. es.] ## 4. %%, m. a N. of Kmadeva. ## 5. %%, cl. 2. P., 1. P. A. %%, Ved. %%, to go; to go to or towards (with acc.); to come; to go away, escape, pass, retire; to return; to arrive at, reach, obtain; to fall into; to arise from, come from; to approach with prayers, ask; to undertake anything (with acc.); to appear, to be; to go on well, to prosper (e. g. %%, 'the funeral ceremony of one engaged in that goes on well or prospers'); to be employed in, go on with, be in any condition or relation (with a part. or inst., e. g. %%, 'the Asuras and Rakshas are being trampled upon;' %%, 'they were engaged in the Gavmayana'): Intens. or cl. 4. A. %%, inf., Ved. %%, to go quickly or repeatedly; to come, wander, run; to appear, make one's appearance; to approach any one with requests (with two acc.), ask, request; to be asked or requested: Caus. %%, to cause to come; [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. eo, imus; Lith. ei-mi, 'I go;' Slav. i-du, 'I go', i-ti, 'to go;' Goth. i-ddja.] ## %%, (at the end of a few compounds) going; cf. %%. ## %%, gone; returned; obtained; remembered; (%%), n. way. ## %%, Ved. whose vital spirits have departed. ## 1. %%, f., Ved. going, moving. ## %%, to be gone to or towards. ## %%, f., Ved. going, a way; a litter, a palanquin. ## %%, going. ## %%, going, travelling, a traveller; cruel, harsh; poor, indigent; low, vile; contemned; (%<>%), f. a disloyal or unchaste woman. ## %%, m. a kind of reed. See %%. ## %% in astrology = [arabic] iqbal, good fortune, prosperity. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 3. %%), the sugarcane (twelve species of it are enumerated); N. of a river. ## %%, m. n. the stem or cane of the Saccharum Officinale, the sugar-cane; (%%), m., N. of two different species of sugar-cane, viz. Saccharum Munja Roxb. and Saccharum Spontaneum L. ## %%, m. a gatherer or reaper of sugar-cane. ## %%, m. Saccharum Spontaneum; a kind of Asteracantha Longifolia; (%<>%), f. Saccharum Spontaneum, Asteracantha Longifolia, Capparis Spinosa, Batatas Paniculata. ## %%, f. Batatas Paniculata. ## %%, coming from sugar-cane. ## %%, f. Saccharum Spontaneum. ## %%, n. the stem or cane of the Saccharum Officinale. ## %%, f. a kind of grass or sugar-cane. ## %%, f., N. of a river; see %%. ## %%, n. a kind of sugar-cane. ## %%, m. the grain Penicillaria Spicata. ## %%, m. molasses. ## %%, m. the plant Saccharum Sara. ## %%, f. Saccharum Spontaneum, %<= iku-tuly>%. ## %%, f. a meal of sugar or molasses. ## %%, f., N. of a river in Kurukshetra. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a river; see %%. ## %%, n. a kind of sugar-cane; the root of sugar-cane. ## %%, m. diabetes or diabetes mellitus; see %%. ## %%, diabetic. ## %%, n. a sugar-mill. ## %%, m. Saccharum Officinarum. ## %%, m. the juice of the sugar-cane; molasses, unrefined sugar; the cane Saccharum Spontaneum. ## %%, m. raw or unrefined sugar, molasses. ## %%, m. the sea of syrup. ## %%, n. a sugar-cane wood. ## %% and %%, f. Batatas Paniculata. ## %% or %%, f. Saccharum Officinarum, the common yellow cane. ## %%, n. the sea of syrup, one of the seven seas. ## %%, m. sugar, molasses; any sweetmeat. ## %%, m. a kind of sugar-cane. ## %% or %%, n. a kind of sugar-cane. ## %%, m. the sea of syrup, one of the seven seas. ## %%, m. molasses, raw or unrefined sugar. ## %%, m. (for %% ?), Saccharum Spontaneum. ## %%, m. (for %%), Saccharum Spontaneum; (%<>%), f. another sort, Saccharum Fuscum, (native reed-pens are made from its stem.) ## %%, m. sugar-cane. ## %%, f. a region abounding in sugar-cane. ## %%, m. Capparis Spinosa; Asteracantha Longifolia; Saccharum Spontaneum. ## %%, m. Capparis Spinosa; Saccharum Spontaneum. ## %%, f., N. of a river. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata, father of Kukshi and first king of the solar dynasty in Ayodhy; a descendant of Ikvku; the Jainas derive their Cakravartins and many of their Arhats from Ikvku; (%%), m., N. of a warrior-tribe derived from Ikvku; (%%), f. a bitter gourd; according to some, the Coloquintida (Citrillus Colocynthis), the fruit of a wild species of Lagenaria Vulgaris. ## %%, born in the family of Ikvku. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to go, move; [cf. Gr. [greek] ?]. ## %% and %%, q. v. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to go, move; [cf. Hib. imchim, 'I go on, proceed, march.'] ## %%, cl. 1. P., ep. A. %%, to go, go to or towards; to move or agitate: Caus. P. %%, to move, agitate, shake; (in gram.) to divide or separate the members of a compound word, to use a word or bring it into such a grammatical relation that it is considered %%; see below; [cf. Hib. ing, 'a stir, a move.'] ## %%, movable, locomotive; surprising, wonderful; (%%), m. a hint or sign, an indication of sentiment by gesture, knowledge; (%<>%), f. a kind of counting. ## %%, n. shaking; (in gram.) the operation by which one member of a compound is separated from another, as by the %% or mark of tmesis. ## %%, n. palpitation, change of the voice, internal motion, motion of various parts of the body as indicating the intentions; hint, sign, gesture; aim, intention, real but covert purpose. ## %% or %%, understanding signs, acquainted with the gesture of another, skilled in the expression or interpretation of the internal sentiments by the external gesture. ## %%, movable from its place; in the Prtikhyas a term for those words or rather parts of a compound word which in certain grammatical operations may be separated from the preceding parts, a word which in the Pada-pta is divided by the %% or mark of tmesis. ## %%, N. of a plant, %<= iguda>% (?). ## %%, m. f., N. of a medicinal tree, Terminalia Catappa; in Bengal confounded with Putrajva Roxburghii Wall.; (%%), n. the nut of the tree Terminalia Catappa. ## %%, m. f., N. of the tree Terminalia Catappa. ## %%, m. a pond, mud, mire. ## 1. %%, m. the citron, Citrus Medica L. ## 2. %%, ## %%, &c. See under 3. %% at page 142. ## %%, m. a small tree growing in wet and saline soil, or on low grounds near the sea, Barringtonia Acutangula Gaertn. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a teacher; an epithet of Bhaspati the teacher or Guru of the gods; (%<>%), f. a sacrifice, making offerings to the gods or manes; a gift, a donation; worship, reverence; meeting, union; a cow; a bawd or procuress. ## %%, m. a frequent sacrificer. ## %%, m. a shrimp or prawn. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to go, to go to or towards; Ved. to make haste, to err. ## %%, m., Ved. cane or grass; a web made of it, a mat. ## %%, n., Ved. a texture of reed, a mat. ## %%, m., N. of a Bhrgava, author of a hymn of the g-veda. ## %%, m. (fr. 4. %% and %%), a bull or steer allowed to go at liberty. ## %%, f. title of a section of the Khaka recension of the Yajur-veda. ## %%, Ved. (only in inst., gen., abl. sing., and acc. pl. %% and %%; or, according to the spelling of the g-veda, %% and %%), a refreshing draught, refreshment, libation offered to the gods; the flow of speech, the stream of sacred words and worship, prayer; (Sy.) the earth, food; (%% or %%), pl. the object of devotion, addressed in the third or fourth verses of the pr hymns, (so used only in g-veda 3, 4. 3; but also erroneously referred to in the Brhmaas &c. as if etymologically connected with the words %%, 'the praiseworthy', 'the praised', which are used in the third or fourth verses of the other prs as the designation of the same object of worship.) ## %%, m., N. of Viu. ## %%, f. deity of the libation. ## %%, m., Ved. a N. of Pan. ## %%, in the place of sacred libation, i. e. at the altar or place of offering. ## %%, m., Ved. This word occurs only in one sacred formula as an epithet of Agni, who is to be addressed with prayers, or invoked with the stream or flow of praise. ## %%, f. or (in g-veda) %%, (not to be confounded with the inst. case of %% above), refreshing draught, refreshment, animation, recreation, comfort, vital spirit; food; offering, libation, especially a holy libation, coming between the Prayga and Anuyga, and consisting of four preparations of milk, poured into a vessel containing water, and then partially drank by the priest and sacrificers; (metaphorically cf. %%) stream or flow of praise and worship, personified as the goddess of sacred speech and action, invoked together with Aditi and other deities, but especially in the pr hymns together with Sarasvat and Mah or Bhrat; (Sy.) the earth, food; (%%, as the libation and offering of milk is personified in the cow, the symbol of feeding and giving, whence the word %% is given as a synonym of 'cow.' The goddess %% or %% is the daughter of Manu or of man thinking on and worshipping the gods; she is the wife of Budha and mother of Pur-ravas; in another aspect she is called Maitrvarui as daughter of Mitra-Varua, two gods who were objects of the highest and most spiritual devotion. %% is also a N. of Durg, of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kayapa, of a wife of Vasudeva and of the Rudra, Rita-dhvaja); heaven; a tubular vessel, one of the principal channels of the vital spirit, that which is on the right side of the body. %%, at the place of I, i. e. of worship and libation, earth. ## %%, Ved. refreshing, granting fresh vital spirits; possessed of refreshment, refreshed; (Sy.) possessed of sacrificial food. ## %%, f. (fr. %% ?), a wasp. ## %%, f. the earth. ## %%, m. a wild goat. ## %%, m. a bull fit to be set at liberty. See %%. ## %%, m. a knife (?). ## %%, n., Ved. (used in du.) two round small plates made of Muja reed, used as coverings for the hands in taking the fire-pans from the fire. ## %%, m. the tree Trochis Aspera (?). ## %%, f. a kind of cake. ## %%, Ved. %% (comparative form of pronom. base 3. %%; cf. Lat. iterum; Hib. iter), the other (of two), another; (pl.) the rest; (with abl.) different from; low, vile; expelled, rejected; %%, the one--the other, this--that. (%% connected antithetically with a preceding word often signifies the contrary idea, e. g. %%, to victory or defeat; so in Dvandva compounds, %%, in happiness and distress. It sometimes, however, forms a Tat-purua compound with another word to express the one idea implied in the contrary of that word, e. g. %%, the left hand.) ## %%, m. pl. other men; a euphemistic title of certain beings who appear to be considered as spirits of darkness; Kuvera belongs to them. ## %%, ind. otherwise than, different from; %%, hither and thither. ## %%, ind. in another manner, in a contrary manner; perversely; on the other hand, else. ## %%, f., N. of the mother of Aitareya. ## %% (occurring chiefly in oblique cases of sing. and in comp.; fr. %%, which may be for %%, cf. %%), one another, one with another, mutual, respective, several; (%%), n. or adv. mutually, &c. ## %%, f. respective or several fancies or inclinations. ## %%, affecting or concerning mutually. ## %%, ind. at another or different day. ## %% (superlative form of 3. %%), another (of many ?). ## %%, ind. (fr. 3. %% with affix %%, used like the abl. case of the pronoun %%), from hence, hence, here (opposed to %% and %%); from this point; from this world, in this world; %%, here--there; %%, hence and thence, hither and thither, here and there, to and fro; from this time, now; therefore. ## %%, Ved. extending or reaching from hence; existing or lasting longer than the present time, future; (Sy.) one who has obtained help. ## %%, ind. here and there, hither and thither. ## 2. %%, ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %%), in this manner, thus. In its original signification %% refers to something that has been said or thought, or lays stress on what precedes. In the Brhmaas it is often equivalent to 'as you know', reminding the hearer or reader of certain customs, conditions, &c., supposed to be known to him. In quotations of every kind %% means that the preceding words are the very words which some person has or might have spoken, and placed thus at the end of a speech it serves the purpose of inverted commas (e. g. %%, having so said; %%, having so considered, having so decided). It may often have reference merely to what is passing in the mind, e. g. %%, a king, though a child, is not to be despised, saying to one's self, 'he is a mortal', (Gram. 928.) In theatrical language %% = after these words he acts so. Sometimes %% is used to include under one head a number of separate objects aggregated together (e. g. %%, 'sacrificing, studying, liberality, penance, truth, patience, self-restraint, absence of desire', this course of conduct, &c.). ## %% is sometimes followed by %%, or a demonstrative pronoun pleonastically (e. g. %%, her he may call 'lady', thus). ## %% may form an adverbial compound with the name of an author (e. g. %%, thus according to Pini). It may also express manifestation (lo! behold!), something additional (as in %%, et cetera), order, arrangement specific or distinctive, and identity. It is used by native commentators after quoting a rule to express 'according to such a rule' (e. g. %%, according to the rule of Pini 1. 3, 12, the tmane-pada takes place). %%, wherefore, why ? (In the atapatha-Brhmaa %% occurs for %%; cf. Prkt %% and %%.) ## %%, unworthy of trust, not fit to be credited; wicked, lost; (%<>%), f. unmeaning or nonsensical discourse; (? for %%, q. v.) ## %%, n. or %%, m. the word %%. ## %%, proper or necessary to be done according to certain conditions; (%%), n. duty, obligation. ## %%, f. or %% or %%, f. any proper or necessary measure, obligation. ## %%, embarrassed, dumbfounded, wholly at a loss what to do. ## %%, Ved. such a one, such, e. g. %% dat. sing.) %%, before such and such a day thou wilt die. ## %%, of such extent or quality. ## %%, ind. in the same manner. ## %%, n. occurrence, event. ## %%, ind. for this purpose. ## %%, having such (thing or things) at the beginning, thus beginning, and so forth, et cetera. ## %%, n. information, report, narrative. ## %%, ind. thus indeed, (according to tradition.) ## %%, m. (%%, 'so indeed it was'), talk, legend, tradition, history, traditional accounts of former events, heroic history, as the Mah-bhrata. ## %%. See under 2. %% above. ## %%, m., N. of a people. ## %%, m. a kind of reed or grass. See %%. ## %%, f., N. of a perfume. See %%. ## %%, n. in astronomy = [greek] ## %%, ind. (fr. %%, q. v.), thus, in this manner; [cf. Lat. item.] ## %%, of such a kind, endowed with such qualities. ## %%, ind. in this manner. ## %%, m. the being thus endowed. ## %%, become thus, being thus or in such manner; so circumstanced. ## %%, (in astrology) N. of the third Yoga, = Arabic [arabic] ## %%, ind., Ved. thus; (often used in the g-veda, and sometimes only to lay stress on a following word; therefore by native etymologists considered as a particle of affirmation.) %% is often connected with words expressing devotion to the gods &c. in the sense of thus, truly, really; especially with %% as an adjective. Hence %% = such, i. e. true (%%) or real worship. Similarly, %%, so devout, so pious, i. e. very devout; (Sy.) performing such or true works. ## %%, ind. (%<= ittham>%), Ved. thus, in this way. ## %%, ind., Ved. (probably the neut. form of the pronom. base %%, see 3. %%; a particle of affirmation), even, just, only; (especially in strengthening an antithesis, e. g. %%, as the gods wish it, thus indeed it will be; %%, the enemies wishing indeed to hurt were in nowise able to hurt.) ## %% is often added to words expressing excess or exclusion (e. g. %%, everyone indeed; %%, constantly indeed; %%, one only). At the beginning of sentences it often adds emphasis to pronouns, prepositions, particles (e. g. %%, thou indeed; %%, if indeed, &c.). ## %% occurs often in the g-veda, seldom in the Brhmaas, and its place is taken in classical Sanskt by %% and other particles. ## %% (fr. %%, a kind of neut. of the pronom. base 3. %% with %%; cf. Lat. is, ea, id, and idem; the regular forms are partly derived from the pronom. base %%; see Gram. 224. The Veda exhibits various irregular formations, e. g. fr. pronom. base %%, an inst. %%, and gen. loc. du. %%; fr. the base %%, a gen. sing. %%, &c.; the forms derived fr. %% are used enclitically if they take the place of the third personal pronoun, do not stand at the beginning of a verse or period, and have no peculiar stress laid upon them), this, this here, referring to something near the speaker; known, present; (opposed to %%, e. g. %% or %% or %%, this earthly world, this universe; %%, this fire which burns on the earth; but %%, that fire in the sky, i. e. the lightning: so also %% or %% alone signifies 'this earth;' %%, here we are.) ## %% often refers to something immediately following, whereas %% points to what precedes (e. g. %%, having heard that they said this). ## %% occurs connected with %%, and a personal pronoun, partly to point out anything more distinctly and emphatically, partly pleonastically (e. g. %%, this speech here following; %%, this Vidaka here). ## %%, ind., Ved. here, to this place; now, even, just; there; with these words. ## %%, Ved. having this shape. ## %%, knowing this or conversant with this. ## %%, f. the plant Hedysarum Alhagi. ## %%, Ved. rich in this and that. ## %%, f. identity. ## %%, ind. in this manner. ## %%, doing anything for the first time. ## %%, Ved. made or consisting of this. ## %%, wishing this. ## %%, ind. (fr. pronom. base 3. %%), Ved. now, at this moment; (often connected with a gen. of %%, e. g. %% or %%, this present day, 'now-a-days;' and with %%, e. g. %%, only yesterday.) ## %%, m. originally perhaps 'the present or current year;' then one of the names given to the single years of a period of five years; one of the five years in which gifts of clothes and food are productive of great rewards. ## %%, belonging to such a year. ## %% and %% above. ## %% above. ## %%, ind. now, at this moment, in this case, just, even; (with gen. of %%, e. g. %%, this present day, 'now-a-days;' %%, just now; immediately; %%, in this case too; %%, thereupon, then.) In rare cases it is an expletive, affecting but slightly the sense. %% as a measure of time is the fifteenth part of an %%, and is then declinable (e. g. %%, as many Etarhis, so many Idnms fifteen times repeated). ## %%, present, momentary, of the present moment. ## &c. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 8. P., Ved. %%, 2nd sing. impv. %% or %%, cl. 9. P., 1st pl. %%, cl. 6. P. (fr. %%, perf. 3rd pl. %%, to advance upon, press upon, drive; to infuse strength, invigorate; to use force, to force; drive away, keep back, remove; to have in one's power, to take possession of, pervade; dispose; to be lord or master of a thing or an art. See %%. ## %%, Ved. able, strong, energetic, determined, bold; powerful, mighty, wild; glorious; (%%), m. a lord, a master; a king; the sun; the lunar mansion Hasta. ## %%, n. a royal court or assembly. ## %% (a Ved. Desid. of %%), to endeavour to reach, strive to obtain. ## %%, f., N. of a plant (= Vaapattr). ## %%, m., N. of a Gandharva. ## %%, f., an astrological term taken from the Arabic. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to be powerful; (this root seems to be formed merely for the etymology of the word %%, q. v.) ## %%, n. the blue lotus, Nymphaea Caerulea. See %%. ## %%, m. a large bee. ## %%, f. epithet of Lakm, wife of Viu. ## %%, m. epithet of Viu. ## %%, n. (lit. 'the abode of %% or Lakm'), the blue lotus, Nymphaea Stellata and Cyanea. (The goddess %% issued at the creation from the petals of the flower.) ## %%, n. = preceding. ## %% or %% or %%, m. (contracted fr. %%), the blue lotus, Nymphaea Stellata and Cyanea, see %%, f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus; (%<>%), f., N. of another plant. ## %%, f. a group of blue lotuses. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. rt. %%; perhaps connected with %%, which last is unknown in the g-veda), Ved. a drop, especially of Soma, Soma; a bright drop, a spark; the moon; (%%), m. pl. the moons, i. e. the periodic changes of the moon; time of moonlight, night; (%%), m. camphor. (In the Brhmaas %% is used only for the moon; but the connection between the senses 'Soma juice' and 'moon' in the word %% has led to the same two ideas being transferred in classical Sanskt to the word %%, although the latter has properly only the sense 'Soma juice.') ## %%, n. the white lotus. ## %%, f. a digit of the moon; N. of several plants, Cocculus Cordifolius, Sarcostema Viminale, Ligusticum Ajowan. ## %%, f. the plant Pandanus Odoratissimus. ## %%, m. the lunar gem, the moon-stone; (%<>%), f. night. ## %%, m. epithet of the planet mercury, 'son of the moon;' (%<>%), f., N. of the river Rev or Narmad in the Dekhan. ## %%, m. the ocean, lit. 'father of the moon', (the moon being produced amongst other things at the churning of the ocean.) ## %%, m. a portion of the moon, a digit, crescent. ## %%, m. epithet of the planet Mercury. ## %%, f. the plant Methonica Superba. ## %%, m. epithet of iva. 'bearing the crescent on his forehead.' ## %%, m. the moon-stone. ## %%, n. the orb or disc of the moon. ## %%, m., Ved. (in liturgical language) an epithet of Agni, because in the verses in which he is addressed the word %% occurs; (%%), f. day of full moon; N. of the sister of Bhoja and wife of Aja; N. of a river. ## %%, m. epithet of iva; see %%. ## %%, n. a pearl. ## %%, m. the moon, king of the stars. ## %%, f. a digit of the moon. ## %%, f. a digit of the moon; the plant Menispermum Glabrum; the moon-plant Asclepias Acida; a kind of lovage, Ligusticum Ajwaen. ## %%, n. silver. ## %%, f. a metre of four verses of which each contains fourteen syllables. ## %%, f. the plant Sarcostemma Viminale. ## %% in astrology = the Arabic [arabic] ## %%, n. a religious observance depending on the age of the moon; diminishing the quantity of food by a certain portion daily, for a fortnight or a month, &c. ## %%, m. 'moon-crested', an epithet of iva. ## %%, m., N. of a plant, %<= amantaka>%. ## %%, m. a rat, a mouse [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% or %% or obsolete rt. %% ?), the god who in Vedic mythology reigns over the deities of the intermediate region or atmosphere; he fights against and conquers with his thunderbolt (%%) the demons of darkness, and is in general a symbol of generous heroism; (%% was not originally lord of the gods of the sky, but his deeds were most useful to mankind, and he was therefore addressed in prayers and hymns more than any other deity, and ultimately superseded the more lofty and spiritual Varua. In the later mythology %% is subordinated to the triad Brahm, Viu, and iva, but remained the chief of all other deities in the popular mind; he is also regent of the east quarter, and considered one of the twelve dityas: in the Vednta he is identified with the supreme being); the first, the chief (of any class of objects); a prince; the pupil of the right eye (that of the left being called Indr or Indra's wife); N. of the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica, &c. (see %%); a vegetable poison; N. of the twenty-sixth Yoga or division of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic; the Yoga star in the twenty-sixth Nakshatra, [greek] Pegasi; the human or animal soul, the portion of spirit residing in the body; night; one of the nine divisions of Jambu-dvpa or the known continent; best, excellent (in compounds); (%<>%), f. the wife of Indra, see %%; N. of a plant, Marjoram (?), see %%. ## %%, Ved. having Indra as a bull, or impregnated by Indra, epithet of the earth. ## %%, m. epithet of Viu, 'performing Indra's deeds.' ## %%, m., N. of a mountain; a rock. ## %%, m. Indra's elephant; see %%. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, ploughed by Indra, growing in a wild state. ## %%, m. Indra's banner; N. of a man. ## %% or %% or %%, m. a platform, a scaffold; a projection of the roof of a house, forming a kind of balcony or terrace; a pin or bracket projecting from the wall. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, Ved. guarded or protected by Indra; (%%), m., N. of a Brhman. ## %%, m. teacher of Indra; an epithet of Kayapa. ## %%, or %<, s>%, m., Ved. having Indra as one's protector; (%%), m. the insect cochineal of various kinds; in this sense also %%. ## %%, m., Ved. noise of Indra personified; having the name Indra. ## %%, n. %<= hari-candana>%. ## %%, m. Indra's bow, a rainbow. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, n. a necklace consisting of 1008 strings. ## %%, n. Indra's birth. ## %%, treating of Indra's birth. ## %%, Ved. originating from Indra. ## %%, m., N. of a monkey. ## %%, n., Ved. the net of Indra; a weapon employed by Arjuna, stratagem or trick in war; deception, cheating; conjuring, juggling. ## %%, a juggler, a conjurer; deceptive, unreal. ## %%, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva. ## %%, m. 'conqueror of Indra', N. of the son of Rvaa; of a Dnava; of the father of Rvaa and king of Kmra; an author of the seventeenth century. ## %%, m. 'conqueror of Indrajit', an epithet of Lakmaa. ## %%, Ved. promoted, excited, or procured by Indra. ## %%, Ved. whose chief is Indra, led by Indra. ## %%, Ved. most Indra-like, mighty, powerful. ## %%, f. power and dignity of Indra. ## %%, m., N. of a Dnava. ## %% or %%, n. a flock of cotton, a flocculent seed &c. blown about in the air. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, n. Indra's power and dignity; kingship. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. favoured or protected by thee, O Indra. ## %%, m., N. of a Brhman. ## %%, m., the tree Pinus Devadru. ## %%, f., N. of the wife of king Meghavhana, who built a monastery called %%. ## %%, m., N. of a man with the patronymic Bhllaveya; (%%), n., N. of a lake. ## %%, m. the plants Terminalia Arjuna and Wrightia Antidysenterica. ## %%, m. the plant Terminalia Arjuna. ## %%, m. n. one of the nine dvpas or divisions of the known continent. ## %%, n. Indra's bow, the rainbow. ## %%, m., N. of a Tathgata or of a Nga. ## %%, n., Ved., Indra's lunar mansion; an epithet of Phalgun. ## %%, m. a sapphire. ## %%, m. an emerald. ## %%, f., Ved. the wife of Indra. ## %%, f., N. of a plant, perhaps Methonica Superba. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, Ved. drunk by Indra with more pleasure than by any one else. ## %%, Ved. drunk by Indra (anything which serves as his drink). ## %%, m. 'protected by Indra', N. of a king; also of a Vaiya. ## %%, Ved. drunk by Indra. ## %%, f., Ved. daughter of Indra. ## %%, preceded or led on by Indra, having Indra as leader. ## %%, f. the asterism Pushya. ## %% or %% or %%, f. the medicinal plant Methonica Superba. ## %%, m. a descendant of Vasiha, author of some verses of the g-veda. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, Ved. caused or impelled by Indra. ## %%, m. n., N. of a city on the Yamun (now Delhi), the residence of the Pavas. ## %%, n. Indra's weapon, the thunderbolt. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f. 'Indra's sister', epithet of the wife of iva. ## %%, m., N. of one of the eleven Gadhipas of the Jainas. ## %%, n. dried ginger. ## %%, n., N. of a ceremony beginning with the words %%. ## %%, m. a dog. ## %%, Ved. animating or delighting Indra. ## %%, m., N. of a Trtha. ## %%, Ved. whose friend or ally is Indra. ## %%, n. Indra-grain; the seed of the Wrightia Antidysenterica. ## %%, m., Ved., Indra's union or uniting power. ## %%, m. n. or %%, n. morbid baldness of the head; loss of beard. ## %%, m. Indra's world; Svarga or paradise. ## %%, n. (Arjuna's) approach to Indra's world. ## %%, m. the lord of Indra's world, i. e. Indra; a guest (as conferring paradise on his host). ## %%, f. a metre of four lines, each of which contains twelve syllables. ## %%, f. a metre of four lines occurring frequently in epic poetry; each line contains eleven syllables. ## %%, or in some cases %%, Ved. associated with or accompanied by Indra. ## %%, m., N. of a warrior. ## %% or %%, f. the plant Cucumis Colocynthis (?). ## %%, m. f. (?) the calf (of the leg). ## %%, Ved. much desired by Indra. ## %%, m. du. Indra and Vyu. ## %% or %%, f. Colocynth, a wild bitter gourd, Cucumis Colocynthis; the favourite plant of Indra and Varua. ## %%, m., Ved. carrying Indra. ## %%, n. the seed of the Wrightia Antidysenterica. ## %%, m. %<= indra-dru>%. ## %%, f. a kind of abscess. ## %%, m. a kind of horse. ## %%, n. a kind of precious stone. ## %%, n. 'Indra's rule of conduct', one of the duties of a king, viz. to distribute benefits, as Indra pours down rain. ## %%, f. Indr the wife or personified energy of Indra. ## %%, Ved. whose enemy or conquerer is Indra, conquered by Indra (with the Udtta on the first syllable; differently accented the word might mean 'an enemy of Indra'); (%%), m. 'Indra's enemy', epithet of Prahlda. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, Ved. having Indra as chief, led by Indra; see %%. ## %%, m., Ved. one whose ally or companion is Indra. ## %%, f. connection or alliance with Indra. ## %%, Ved. driving in the same carriage with Indra, an epithet of Vyu. ## %%, m., N. of the fourteenth Manu. ## %%, m. 'son of Indra', N. of the monkey-king Bali; also an epithet of Arjuna and Jayanta. ## %%, m. a shrub, the leaves of which are used in discutient applications, Vitex Negundo. ## %%, f. or %%, m., N. of the same plant (?). ## %%, m. 'the son of Indra', epithet of the monkey-king Bali. ## %%, m., N. of several men; N. of a Nga; (%<>%), f., N. of several women. ## %%, attended by Indrasena. ## %%, f., Ved., Indra's missile. ## %%, m. or %%, m. 'praise of Indra;' N. of particular hymns to Indra in certain ceremonies. ## %%, Ved. similar to Indra; (Sy.) accompanied by Indra, possessed of power (?). ## %%, m., Ved. invocation of Indra. ## %%, m. a kind of medicament. ## %%, f. the sixteenth lunar mansion. ## %%, m. frost, snow. ## %%, m. 'the younger brother of Indra', an epithet of Viu or Ka. ## %%, m., N. of a grandson (?) of Dhta-rra. ## %%, n. Indra's weapon, the rainbow; (%%), m., N. of a horse; a horse marked with black about the eyes; (%<>%), f. a kind of leech having rainbow tints on the back. ## %%, m., N. of a Nga. ## %%, m. Indra's enemy, an Asura or demon. ## %%, m. 'the younger brother of Indra', an epithet of Viu or Ka. ## %%, m. hemp, dried and chewed; the shrub which bears the seed used as a jeweller's weight, Albus Precatorius. ## %%, n. the throne of Indra, any throne; a foot of five short syllables. ## %%, m., N. of Vhaspati, the preceptor of the gods. ## %%, Ved. sent or driven or instigated by Indra. ## %%, m., N. of a son of ka and of Devpi. ## %%, m. a festival honouring Indra. ## %%, n. an assembly-room, a hall. ## %%, nom. A., Ved. %%, to behave like Indra. ## %%, Ved. longing for or wishing to approach Indra. ## %%, f. the plant Vitex Negundo. @<[Page 0141-a]>@ ## %%, f. the wife of Indra; N. of Durg, reckoned as one of the eight mothers (%%) or divine energies; a kind of coitus; the plant Vitex Negundo. ## %%, fit for or belonging to or agreeable to Indra; (%%), m. a companion of Indra; (%%), n. power, force, the quality which belongs especially to the mighty Indra; exhibition of power, powerful act; bodily power, power of the senses; virile power; semen virile; faculty of sense, sense, organ of sense; the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition to the five organs of perception, %% or %%, i. e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin, the Hinds enumerate five organs of action, %%, i. e. larynx, hand, foot, anus, and parts of generation; between these ten organs and the soul or %% stands %% or mind, considered as an eleventh organ. In the Vednta, %%, and %% form the four inner or internal organs, %%, so that according to this reckoning the organs are fourteen in number, each being presided over by its own ruler or %%; thus, the eye by the Sun, the ear by the Quarters of the world, the nose by the two Avins, the tongue by Pracetas, the skin by the Wind, the voice by Fire, the hand by Indra, the foot by Viu, the anus by Mitra, the parts of generation by Prajpati, manas by the Moon, buddhi by Brahman, ahakra by iva, citta by Viu as Acyuta. In the Nyya philosophy each organ is connected with its own peculiar element, the nose with the Earth, the tongue with Water, the eye with Light or Fire, the skin with Air, the ear with Ether. The Jainas divide the whole creation into five sections, according to the number of organs attributed to each being.) ## %%, Ved. desiring or endeavouring to obtain power. ## %%, perceptible, capable of being ascertained by the senses. ## %%, m. the assemblage of the organs, the senses or organs of sense collectively. ## %%, n. the faculty of perception, sense, consciousness. ## %%, m. restraint of the organs of sense. ## %%, f. perception by the senses, the exercise of any sense, the faculty of any organ. ## %%, exciting power, arousing or sharpening the senses; (%%), n. any excitement of sense, an object of perception, a stimulus, &c. ## %%, m. the assemblage of organs, the organs of sense collectively. ## %%, f. perversion of the organs, erroneous or perverted perception. ## %%, m. sleep of the senses, unconsciousness, insensibility; the end of the world. ## %%, imperceptible. ## %%, m. an epithet of Viu. ## %%, n. the residence of the senses; the body. ## %%, m. an object of sense (as sound, smell, &c.), anything exciting the senses. ## %%, or %%, Ved. powerful, mighty; sometimes also %%. ## %%, m. non-attachment to sensual objects, stoicism, philosophy. ## %%. See above. ## %%, cl. 7. A. %% or %%, to kindle, light, set on fire: Pass. %%, to be lighted; to blaze, flame; [with %% cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. oes-tus, oes-tas: Old Germ. eit, 'fire.'] ## %%, kindled, lighted, alight; shining, glowing, blazing; clean, clear, bright; wonderful; obeyed, unresisted ?; (%%), n. sunshine, light, heat; a wonder. ## %%, having the anger excited or kindled. ## %%, Ved. one whose fire burns. ## %%, (at the end of compounds) lighting; [cf. %%.] ## %%, m. n. fuel, especially that which is used for the sacred fire; [cf. Hib. adhmad; Zend aima.] ## %%, m., N. of a son of Priya-vrata. ## %%, m. a hatchet, an axe. ## %%, Ved. bringing fuel. ## %%, m. epithet of Dhasyu or Dhadasyu. ## %%, f. kindling, lighting. See %%. ## %%, lighting, kindling. ## %%, n. kindling, lighting; [cf. %%]; fuel; wood, grass &c. used for this purpose. ## %%, possessed of fuel. ## %%, Ved. possessed of fuel; flaming. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to pervade, surround, embrace, seize, take possession of; to invigorate, gladden. See %%. ## %%, pervading (in %%). ## %%, f. pl. stars in the head of Orion. ## %% or %%, m. or n. ? (said to be fr. rt. %%, to go), Ved. servants, dependants, domestics, household, family; (Sy.) fearless power; (%%), followed by attendants; (%%), m. an elephant; (%<>%), f. a female elephant; [with this word cf. the Gr. [greek] and the Lat. ebur.] ## %%, f. a plant with an aromatic seed, Scindapsus Officinalis. ## %%, m. the tree Mesua Roxburghii. ## %%, f., N. of a poisonous fruit. ## %%, f. the plant Tiaridium Indicum. ## %%, f. smartness, shrewdness, sagacity (like that of an elephant). ## %%, m. the driver or keeper of an elephant. ## %%, f. a young elephant, a cub. ## %%, m. a lion. ## %%, f. an elephant's cub. ## %%, m. the plant Mesua Roxburghii. ## %%, m. a lion ('enemy of the elephant'). ## %%, f. a kind of aromatic plant. ## %%, Ved. belonging to one's servants or attendants; wealthy, opulent, having many attendants; (Sy.) (%%), m. an enemy; (%<>%), f. a female elephant; N. of the Olibanum tree, Boswellia Serrata. ## %%, Ved. abundantly possessed of household requisites. ## %%, a pronominal base. See %%. ## %%, diminutive of %%. ## %%, ind., Ved. as in this place, as here, as now. ## %% (Anomalous Desid. of rt. %%), Ved. occurring only in the part. pres. %% and %%, and in impf. subj. %%, to go towards, approach; to request, endeavour to gain; to long for, seek. ## %%, Ved. longing for, seeking to gain. ## %% (fr. pronominal base 3. %%), so large, only so large; so much, only so much; [with %% cf. the syllable iens or ies in such Lat. words as totiens, toties, quotiens, quoties, and in numeral adverbs as quinquies.] ## %%, f. or %%, n. quantity, fixed measure or quantity, so much. ## %%, Ved. so small, very small, wee. ## %% (Anomalous Intens. of rt. %%), A., Ved. %%, to relax, weaken; to vanish. ## %%, f., Ved. lassitude, dejection, low spirits. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to go; [cf. %%.] ## %% (Anomalous Intens. of %%), P. rarely A., Ved. %%, to order, prepare, arrange; to lead; to dispose, be master of; (Sy.) to grow. ## %%, Ved. busy with preparations for the sacrificial rite. ## %%, desert; salt or barren (soil); %<= iria>%, q. v. @<[Page 0141-c]>@ ## %% (Anomalous Intens. of %% and %%, Ved. to endeavour to gain; (Sy.) to worship. The inf. %% is by some referred to this form, and regarded as a shortened form of %%; but Sy. refers it to rt. %%. ## %%, m., Ved. delighting in drink; an epithet of Agni, in the form of lightning and Ap-napt; a flash of lightning or the fire attending the fall of a thunderbolt; submarine fire. ## %%, P., Ved. %%, to behave insolently, be angry; (with dat.) to be ill-affected towards; [cf. Lat. ira, irasci.] ## %%, f., Ved. ill-will, malevolence; (Sy.) wish for food. ## %%, f. (closely allied to %% and %%), Ved. any drinkable fluid; a draught (especially of milk); refreshment, comfort, enjoyment; N. of an Apsaras, a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kayapa; water; ardent spirits; the earth; speech; the goddess of speech, Sarasvat; [cf. %%.] ## %%, Ved. whose milk is a refreshment or enjoyment. ## %%, n. hail; (%% or %<, am>%), earth-born, terrestrial, aquatic. ## %%, m. a N. of Kma, god of love, 'born from water.' ## %%, n., N. of an Asura-town near Meru. ## %%, Ved. granting drink or refreshment, satiating, giving enjoyment; endowed with provisions; comfortable; (%%), m., N. of a son of Arjuna; the ocean, a cloud; a king; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant; N. of Durg, the wife of Rudra, daughter of the Nga Suravas; N. of a river in the Pajb, now called Rv. ## %%, f. pimples or pustules on the head. ## %%, m. a N. of Viu; a king, a sovereign; Varua. ## %%, f., N. of a plant or tree. ## %%, n. a grove of such trees. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. rt. %<>%, to go; connected with %%), Ved. a water-course, a rivulet, a well; any incision in the ground, a hollow, hole; a desert, an inhospitable region; a bare plain, barren soil; salt soil. ## %%, Ved. belonging or relating to a desert &c. ## %% (connected with %%), Ved. powerful, violent; an overbearing fellow; (Sy.) an instigator; [cf. %% &c.] ## %%, m., N. of a plant, = %%. ## %%, m., N. of a man of the family of Kva, author of several hymns of the g-veda. ## %% or %%, f. pimples or pustules on the head. ## %%, Ved. active, powerful, energetical; epithet of Pan and of the Avins; (Sy.) instigating; destroying enemies; a lord. ## %%, m. f., N. of an eatable cucumber, Cucumis Utilissimus; of another kind, Cucumis Colocynthis; see %%. ## %%, f. a kind of melon, commonly Sphuti or Sphut, Cucumis Momordica. ## %%, m. an animal living in caves. ## %%, m. f. Cucumis Utilissimus Roxb. or Cucumis Colocynthis. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, or cl. 10. P. %% or %%, aor. %% or %%, to keep still, not to move; to become quiet; to send, to cast; to sleep; to move, to go; [a various reading has the form %% cf. Old Germ. illu, illo, for ilju; Mod. Germ. Eile; Cambro-Brit. il, 'progress, motion;' Gr. [greek]] @<[Page 0142-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. resting, motionless. ## %%, Ved. sounding, noisy, loud; [cf. %%.] ## %%, m., N. of a son of Daaratha; (%<>%), f., N. of a daughter of Tavindu, wife of Viravas and mother of Kuvera. ## %%, f. flow, speech, the earth, &c.; see %%. ## %%, n. the earth, the globe. ## %%, n. the fourth place in the circle of the zodiac; the surface of the earth. ## %%, m., N. of a certain sacrifice. ## %%, n. 'granting refreshment or food', N. of a ceremony or of a verse; N. of a Sman. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Agndhra, who received the Varsha %% as his kingdom; (%%), n. one of the nine Varshas or divisions of the known world, comprehending the highest and most central part of the old continent. ## %%, f. the earth. ## %%, f., N. of a daughter of Medhtithi. ## %%, f. a cudgel, a stick shaped like a sword or a short sword. See %%. ## %%, m., Ved., N. of a demon conquered by Indra. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. %%, to go), a fish, commonly the hilsa or sable, Clupea Alosa; the fish being one of high flavour, and very abundant at certain seasons, is generally eaten both by the natives of Bengal and by Europeans residing there; [cf. %%.] ## %%, m., N. of the father of Kavasha. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of a wonderful tree in the other world. ## %%, m., N. of a merchant's son. ## %%, m., N. of a bird. ## %%, m. the fish Clupea Alosa; [cf. %%.] ## %%, f. pl. the five stars in Orion's head. See %%. ## %%, m. a kind of fish; N. of a Daitya, the brother of Vtpi; (%%), f. pl., N. of the five stars in Orion's head. ## %%, ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %%), like, in the same manner as (in this sense %<= yath>%, and used correlatively to %%); as it were (after a metaphorical expression, e. g. %%, on a path going as it were); in a certain manner, in some measure, a little, perhaps (in qualification or mitigation of a strong assertion); nearly, almost, about (e. g. %%, almost an hour); so, just so, just, exactly, indeed, very (especially after words which involve some restriction, e. g. %%, just a little; %%, just a little bit: and after a negation, e. g. %%, very soon). %% is connected vaguely, and somewhat pleonastically, with an interrogative pronoun or adverb (e. g. %%, what ? %%, how could that possibly be ? %%, where, I should like to know ?). In the Pada texts of the g, Yajur, and Atharva-veda, and by native grammarians, %% is considered to be compounded with the word after which it stands, and is therefore enclitic. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Lambodara. ## %%, f. an elephant's eyeball. See %%. ## 1. %%, cl. 4. P. %%, to move, to cause to move; to let fly, to throw, cast; to raise (as one's voice); to sprinkle; cl. 9. P. %%, to cause to move quickly, to cast, let fly, swing; to strike; to fly off, escape; to impel, incite, animate, promote: Caus. P. %%, to bring, offer: Desid. %%. ## 2. %%, (at the end of some compounds) moving quickly, speedy. See %%. ## %%, nom. (from the next) A., Ved. %%, to move, excite. ## 1. %%, f., Ved. impulse, desire. (For 2. see under 3. %%.) ## %%, nom. P., Ved. %%, to cause to make haste, to excite, drive. ## %%, f., Ved. impulse, desire. ## %% (fr. %% below), Ved. skilled in archery. ## %% and %%, q. v. ## %%, moved, driven, tossed, sent; caused, excited, animated; quick. ## %%, ind., Ved. by impulse or excitement. ## %%, m., N. of a people, %<= aika; ()>%, f. reed, rush, stem or stalk of grasses; an arrow; a sort of sugar-cane, Saccharum Spontaneum; a brush; a small stick of wood or iron used for trying whether or not the gold in a crucible is melted; the eyeball of an elephant; see %%. ## %%, n. the point or upper part of a reed. ## %%, m. f. an arrow; (in mathematics) a versed sine; N. of a Soma ceremony. ## %%, or %%, m., Ved. an arrow-maker. ## %%, m. an archer. ## %%, see s. v. below. ## %%, m., N. of an Asura, who appeared on earth as king Magna-jit. ## %%, m. the range of an arrow. ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, Ved. powerful by arrows. ## %%, carrying arrows, an archer. ## %%, Ved. possessed of arrows. ## %%, having the length of an arrow, i. e. about five short spans or three feet; (%%), ind. as far as the range of an arrow. ## %%, f. the threefold arrow, N. of a constellation, perhaps the girdle of Orion. ## %%, 'arrow-handed', carrying arrows in the hand. ## %%, n. the point of an arrow. ## %%, n. the point of an arrow. ## %%, m. (for %%), Ved. one who averts arrows, a shield-bearer. ## %% or %%, n. a bow ('arrow-thrower'). ## %%, n., Ved. arrow and weapons. ## %%, throwing arrows; (%%), m. a bow; an archer, a warrior. ## %%, arrow-like; (%<>%), f., Ved. an arrow. ## %%, m. f. (rt. %%), a quiver. ## %%, Ved. possessed of a quiver. ## %%, nom. P., Ved. %<-dhyati, -yitum>%, to be a quiver, to contain arrows; to implore, request; (Sy.) to desire oblations. ## %%, f., Ved. imploring, request. ## %%, Ved. imploring, requesting; (Sy.) going. ## 1. %%, f. impulse, acceleration, hurry; invitation, order, despatch. ## %%, Ved. going quickly, speedy, impetuous; an epithet of the winds. ## 3. %%, cl. 6. P., ep. also A. %% or %%, to endeavour to obtain, strive, seek for; to endeavour to make favourable; desire, wish, long for; to request; to be willing, to be about to do anything, to intend; to strive to obtain anything (acc.) from any one (abl. or loc.); to expect anything from any one; to assent; to be favourable; to ask anything (acc.) from any one (loc.); to acknowledge, to regard: Pass. %%, to be wished or liked; to be asked, requested, prescribed; to be approved, acknowledged, accepted, regarded as; to be worth; to be wanted as a desideratum, see 2. %% Caus. P. %% Desid. %%; [with %% cf. Old Germ. eiscom, 'I ask;' Mod. Germ. heische: cf. also Gr. [greek] and perhaps Gr. [greek] and [greek]] ## %%, wishing, desirous of; (%%), m. demand, the sum sought (in arithmetic). ## %% or %%, wishing, wishful, desirous. ## %%, f. or %%, n. desire, wishfulness. ## %%, f. wish, desire, inclination; (in mathematics) a question or problem; (in gram.) the desiderative form; %%, according to one's wish or desire; %%, to suppress one's desire. ## %%, n. the granting or gratification of a wish. ## %%, f. suppression of desire. ## %%, having a desire, wishing, wishful. ## %%, m. (in mathematics) the solution of a question or problem. ## %%, wishing, wishful, desirous; (%%), f. a woman desirous of anything. ## %%, m. an epithet of Kuvera ('possessing wealth according to wish'). ## %%, f. fulfilment or attainment of wishes. ## %%, wishing, desiring (with acc. or inf.). ## %%, or %<, am>%, wishing, desirous. ## 4. %%, f. wish; [cf. %%.] ## 2. %%, f., Ved. wish, desire. (For 1. see under 1. %%.) ## %%, P., Ved. %%, to request, ask; (Sy.) to wish for food, wish to approach. ## 1. %% (for 2. see next page), sought; wished, desired; liked, beloved; agreeable; cherished; worshipped, reverenced, respected; regarded as good, approved; valid; (%%), m. a lover, a husband; the plant Ricinus Communis; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant; (%%), n. wish, desire; (%%), ind. voluntarily. ## %%, n. (in arithmetic) rule of supposition, operation with an assumed number. ## %%, m. the root of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus. ## %%, f. 'granting the wished-for desires', epithet of the cow of plenty. ## %%, fragrant; (%%), m. any fragrant substance; (%%), n. sand. ## %%, m. a beloved person, man or woman; a loved one. ## %%, most desired, best beloved, beloved, dearest. ## %%, more desired, more dear, dearer. ## %%, ind. according to one's wish or desire. ## %%, f. or %%, n. desirableness, the state of being beloved or reverenced. ## %%, m. or %%, f. a chosen or tutelary deity, a favourite god, one particularly worshipped. ## %%, Ved. going according to one's desire. ## %%, Ved. having desired or best reins or bridles. ## %%, Ved. obeying one's wish; (Say.) that by which good works succeed. ## %%, n., Ved. wish and deed, i. e. accomplishment of a wish (?); N. of a certain sacrificial ceremony. ## %%, n., Ved. wish and fulfilment, i. e. fulfilment of one's wishes; any religious duty or pious act, as oblation, sacrifice, penance, holy study, digging a well, planting a tree, &c. ## %%, m. anything desired or agreeable. ## %%, zealously active, diligent for a desired object. ## %%, Ved. having desired or best horses. ## 2. %%, f. seeking, endeavouring to obtain; wish, request, desire; any desired object, a desired rule, a desideratum (a term applied to Patajali's additions to Pini's rules); (%%), m., Ved. seeking, going after, guarding. ## %%, f. wish, desire. ## %%, m. the spring; love or the deity Kma. ## %%, m. n. the spring season. ## %%, m. a spiritual teacher. See %%. ## 5. %%, f., Ved. that which is drunk, a draught, refreshment, enjoyment; libation; the refreshing waters of the sky; sap, strength, freshness, comfort, increase; good condition, affluence. ## %%, m. one who possesses sap and strength; the month vina (September-October); strength, vigour (?). ## %%, Ved. vigorous. ## %%, m., Ved. a praiser of the desired (Sun); (%%), f. praise of comfort. ## %%, nom. P. A., Ved. %%, to be succulent, swell; to be fresh, active, powerful; to refresh, strengthen, animate. ## %%, Ved. succulent, refreshing, fresh, flourishing; vigorous, active, quick; [cf. Gr. [greek]]; (%%), m. fire ?; (%%), ind. quick. ## %% (an Adhyya or Anuvka), containing the words %%, 'for rain thee.' ## %%, &c. See 1. %% last page. ## %%, cl. 8. P., Ved. %<-karoti, -kar-tum>%, to arrange, set in order, prepare. ## %%, Ved. arranging, preparing, setting in order. ## %%, Ved. arranged. ## %%, Ved. whose Soma vessel is prepared or ready. ## 2. %% (fr. rt. %%; for 1. %% see last page), sacrificed, worshipped with sacrifices; (%%), m. sacrifice; (%%), n. sacrificing; sacred rite, sacrament. ## %%, Ved. one to whom sacrificial verses have been offered or addressed. ## %%, possessed of sacrifices. ## %%, f. a brick, especially one used in building the altar of a sacrifice. ## %%, n. a brick house. ## %%, built of bricks. ## %%, m. laying the foundation of a house. ## %%, m. a pile of bricks. ## 3. %%, f. sacrificing, sacrifice; oblation consisting of butter, fruits, &c., opposed to the sacrifice of an animal or of Soma. ## %%, or %%, m. an Asura, a demon. ## %%, n. a series of oblations, a sacrifice lasting a long time. ## %%, f. a brick, especially one used in building the sacrificial altar. See %% above. ## %%, one who has sacrificed. ## %%, ind. having sacrificed or worshipped. ## %%, Ved. (if fr. rt. %%), to be worshipped; (if instead of %%, fr. rt. %%), rustling, rushing. ## %%, ind. an interjection of anger, pain, or sorrow. ## %%, ind. (fr. pronom. base 3. %%), in this place, here; to this place; in this world; in this book or system; in this case (e. g. %%, 'therefore not in this case', i. e. the rule does not apply here); now, at this time; [cf. Zend idha, 'here;' Gr. [greek] or [greek] in [greek] and [greek]; Goth. ith; perhaps Lat. igi-tur.] ## %%, m. this life. ## %%, or %%, Ved. whose intentions or thoughts are in this world or place. ## %%, ind. here, in this world. ## %%, Ved. whose goods and gifts come hither. ## %%, m. this world, this life; (%%), ind. in this world. ## %%, ind. here, now, on the present occasion, at such a time as this. ## %%, standing here. ## %%, whose place or residence is on the earth; (%%), ind. in this place. ## %%, come or arrived hither. ## %%, ind. here and there, in this world and in the next. ## %%, ind. here and there, now and then, repeatedly. ## %%, m., Ved. of whose mothers one is here and one there; (Say.) whose mother is here and there, i. e. everywhere. ## %%, or %%, being here. #<># #<># 1. %<>%, the fourth letter of the alphabet, corresponding to %% long, and having the sound of %% in feel. @<[Page 0143-b]>@ #<># 2. %<, s>%, m., N. of Kandarpa, the god of love; %<>% or %%, f., N. of Lakm. #<># 3. %<>%, ind. an interjection of pain, anger, consciousness or perception, consideration, compassion. #<># 4. %<>% for rt. %%. See under 5. %%. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to see, look, view, behold, look at, gaze at (with acc. or rarely loc.); to see in one's mind, think, have a thought, regard, consider; to look to the welfare of any one (with dat.): Caus. %%, to make one look at (with acc.). (This root is perhaps connected with %%, q. v.) ## %%, m. a spectator, a beholder. ## %%, n. a look, view, aspect, sight; regarding, looking after, caring for; an eye. ## %%, m. f. a looker into the future, a fortune-teller. ## %%, looking at, surveying. ## %%, f. sight, viewing, considering. ## %%, seen, beheld, regarded. ## %%, seeing, beholding, a beholder. ## %%, Ved. deserving to be seen, curious. ## %%, being beheld, being viewed. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. P. %%, or %% or %%, to go, move. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. P. %%, or %% or %%, to go, move; Caus. %%, to move backwards and forwards, to move up and down, to swing. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. P. %% or %%, &c., to go; to blame or censure. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people. #<># 1. %<>%, cl. 2. A. %% (2nd sing. pres. %%, Ved. %%, Ved. %%, &c., to implore, request, ask for (with two acc.); to praise: Caus. P. %%, to ask; to praise. ## %%, n. the act of praising. #<># %<>%, f. praise, commendation. ## %% or %%, praised, commended. ## %% or %% or %%, Ved. to be invoked or implored, to be praised or glorified, praiseworthy, laudable. ## %%, being praised. #<># 2. %<, >%, f., Ved. %<= i>%, refreshment, libation. ## %% (? fr. %%), sought (?). ## %%, f. (fr. 4. %%), plague, distress, any calamity of the season (as drought, excessive rain, swarm of rats, foreign invasion, &c.); infectious disease; an affray; travelling in foreign countries, sojourning. ## %% (fr. %%, neut. of pronom. base 3. %%, and %%, rt. %%, dropping one %% and lengthening the preceding %%, as in %% from %%, &c.), of this aspect, of such a kind, endowed with such qualities, such like. ## %<-d, k>%, Ved. %<>%, endowed with such qualities, such; (%%), n., Ved. such a condition, such occasion. ## %%, f. quality. ## %%, or %%, endowed with such qualities, such; [with the final syllables %% and %% of these words cf. the Gr. [greek] in [greek] in [greek] &c.; Goth. leika in hveleiks, 'welcher', svaleik-s, 'such;' Mod. Germ. solcher; Slav. liko, nom. lik, e. g. tolik, 'such;' Lat. li in talis, qualis.] @<[Page 0143-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to bind; [cf. %% and %%.] ## %% (Desid. of rt. %

    % and %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P., ep. also A. %<-dhyyati, -te, -dhytum>%, to think of, remember. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. spotted. ## %%, n., Ved. a secondary star. ## %%, n. a disease of the finger-nails, whitlow, agnail. ## %%, n. a suburb. ## %%. See under %%. ## %% and %%, ind. near a river. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Vasu-deva; a pupil of kya-muni; a king of the Ngas. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Dhtarra. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-namati, -te, -nantum>%, to bend towards, tend towards, approach; to come to, arrive at; to fall to the share of; share in (with acc., dat., or gen.): Caus. %<-nmayati, -yitum>%, to lead towards or into the presence of (with gen.), introduce to; to offer. ## %%, bent towards, bent inwards; brought under, subjected, surrendered; dependent on (for protection &c.); brought near to; fallen to one's share; approached, approximate, near (either in time or space); brought about, produced, existing. ## %%, f., Ved. inclination, affection. ## %%, Ved. bending towards. ## %%. See under 1. %%. ## %%, m., N. of a king of the Ngas. ## %%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-nahyati, -te, -naddhum>%, to tie up, tie together; to make up into a bundle, bind together; to inlay; to set with: Caus. %<-nhayati, -yitum>%, to cause to bind together. ## %%, n., Ved. a cloth in which anything is bound up. ## %%, m. a bundle; a plaster, an unguent applied to a wound or sore; the tie of a lute, the lower part of the tail-piece where the wires are fixed; inflammation of the ciliary glands, stye. ## %%, n. putting a plaster upon, applying an unguent, unction, anointing, plastering. ## %%, n. a nickname, surname. ## %%, n. the part surrounding, the nose, that which is near the nose. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A., 4. P. %<-kipati, -te, -kipyati, -keptum>%, to throw down, place down, deposit. ## %%, m. a deposit sealed or covered up so that the contents are unknown; any article intrusted to one's keeping. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to meet with, fall into, fall upon, fall into any state. @<[Page 0164-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-gh-ti, -te>% (Ved. %<-gbhti, -te), -grahtum>%, to press down upon, bring near to. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to put or place near, to put down, place before any one (as a meal &c.), bring near, lead near to; to produce, cause; to deposit, to intrust. ## %%, putting down, laying down. ## %%, n. a deposit. ## %%, m. a deposit, pledge, property put under the care of a creditor, friend, &c.; in law this word ordinarily implies especially a sealed deposit, but according to some, any article intrusted to a friend which he may use whilst in his keeping; N. of a son of Vasu-deva. ## %%, deposited with, intrusted to; placed near to; offered, presented. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -ti-tum>%, to fly down to; to take place in addition; to be mentioned incidentally. ## %%, m. sudden and unexpected attack. ## %%, falling into; attacking suddenly. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to oppress, disturb. ## %%, cl. 10. A. %<-mantra-yate, -yitum>%, to invite, consecrate, inaugurate. ## %%, n. invitation, inauguration. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), scattering or pouring down upon. ## %% (rt. %%), attached to, inherent, annexed. ## %%, f. (rt. %% with %% and %%, implying originally sitting down at the feet of another in order to listen to his words, and hence confidential information given in this manner; but according to native authorities %% means 'to destroy ignorance by revealing the knowledge of the supreme spirit'); esoteric doctrine, secret doctrine, mysterious or mystical meaning, words of mystery &c.; certain mystical writings attached to the Brhmaas, the aim of which is the ascertainment of the secret sense of the Veda, (they are more than a hundred in number, and are said to have been the source of the six daranas or systems of philosophy; perhaps the most celebrated is the Bhad-rayaka-upaniad attached to the ata-patha-Brhmaa); true knowledge; a neighbouring mansion; a lonely place; (at the end of compounds %% sometimes becomes %%.) ## %%, to regard as a mystical or secret doctrine. ## %%, sitting at the feet of a person; subjected. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), a street, a principal or royal road. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate>% (ep. also %<-kr-mate), -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to go out towards, step out, go out. ## %%, n. going out towards; a particular religious rite, one of the Saskras, taking a child in the fourth month of its age for the first time into the open air (see Manu 11. 34); a main or royal road. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to lead near to, bring near, bring, adduce, offer; bring information, communicate; to bring about, produce; to employ, to bring into any state, bring into one's possession, lead away, lead; to bring near to one's self (as a teacher receives a pupil for instruction), to invest with the sacred thread, initiate; A. to take into one's service: Caus. %<-nyayati, -yi-tum>%, to cause (a master) to receive (a pupil), to cause to invest with the sacred thread. @<[Page 0164-c]>@ ## %%, m. bringing near, procuring; attaining, gaining; employing; the fourth member in a fivefold syllogism, the application to the special case in question; leading a youth of the three first castes to a teacher; initiation; investiture with a peculiar thread or cord worn over the left shoulder and under the right, by which act spiritual birth is conferred and the youth is reckoned a member of the twice-born classes; (the cord of the Brhman is of cotton, Munja or Kua grass; of the Kshatriya, of aa or hemp; and of the Vaiya, of wool: the youths should be invested, respectively, from eight to sixteen, from eleven to twenty-two, and from twelve to twenty-four years of age.) ## %%, n. leading to, bringing; leading to a teacher, initiation. See %%. ## %%, m. or %%, n. leading to a teacher, initiation. See the preceding. ## %%, leading to; N. of a Stra work. ## %%, brought near, approximated; presented; known; obtained, attained; cited, adduced; (%%), m. the youth led to a teacher and invested with the characteristic cord. ## %%, ind. having led towards or brought, having invested (with the sacred thread). ## %%, being initiated. ## %%, to be brought near; to be employed or observed. ## %%, m. one who leads or brings near. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-nyeti, -tum>%, to enter into, penetrate. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-nudati, -te, -nottum>%, to drive or waft near, impel towards. ## %%, sent, despatched; wafted, driven (by the wind). ## %%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-ntyati, -te, -nartitum>%, to dance before any one (with acc.), to dance before any one with insulting gestures. ## %%, n. a place for dancing. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -asitum>%, to lay upon, place down, put down, deposit, intrust to any one (with dat.), commit to the care of; to explain minutely, describe in detail; suggest, plead, put forth or adduce arguments, state. ## %%, placed near to or upon; pledged, intrusted, deposited; given, communicated; brought forward as an example &c., adduced, hinted, suggested. ## %%, ind. having delivered up, delivering up. ## %%, m. placing near to, juxta-position; intrusting, a deposit, pledge, a pawn, a hostage; statement, suggestion, hint, pretext, an exordium or introduction; a precept, a law. ## %%, to be adduced or stated. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-carati, -te, -ritum>% (Ved. %<-ritave, -vai, -rase, -ra-dhyai>%), to enter into, penetrate. ## %%, m., Ved. the shoulder. ## %%, Ved. near the shoulder. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -titum>%, to fly near, hasten towards. ## %%, m. accident, occurrence, misfortune, unlucky accident. ## %%, n. (with %% implying inferiority) a crime or sin in the second degree (as killing a cow, selling a daughter, &c.). ## %%, one who has committed a crime in the second degree; a sinner in any but the first degree. ## %%, falling into, hastening towards. ## %%, m. a paramour, a gallant. @<[Page 0165-a]>@ ## %%, ind. near the road. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to go near, approach, come to, arrive at, to be obtained or gained, fall to one's share; to go against, attack; to take place, occur, to be produced, to be present, to be possible, to be adapted, to be fit for or adequate for (with loc.); put in a word or statement: Caus. %<-pdayati, -yitum>%, to bring into any state, cause to arrive or be obtained, offer, present any one (acc.) with (inst.); to cause to occur or happen; to accomplish, effect, cause; to make a statement, mention; to justify; to make fit or adequate for, to make conformable to; to furnish with; to pronounce, declare; to find out, ascertain; examine. ## %%, f. happening, occurring, becoming visible, appearance, production, birth; gaining, effecting, accomplishing; cause, reason; termination, end; fitness, propriety; association, connection, possession; religious abstraction; proof, ascertained or demonstrated conclusion; (in arithm. or geom.) proof, demonstration; %%, ind. suitably, in a fit manner. ## %%, or %%, right, fit, reasonable, proper; united, associated. ## %%, produced, effected, obtained, gained, demonstrated, proved, manifested, offered, presented, endowed with, possessed of, furnished with (e. g. %%, endowed with good qualities); fit, suited to the occasion, adequate; physicked, cured. ## %%, producing, effecting, making visible. ## %%, n. effecting doing, causing to appear; giving, delivering, presenting; proving or establishing by argument; explaining; examination; (%%), examining. ## %%, effected, accomplished, performed, done; given, delivered, presented; proved, demonstrated. ## 1. %%, self-produced; (%%), m. a superhuman being, a god, a demon, &c.; hell (?). ## %%, to be effected, done, shown or proved; being produced, coming into existence. ## %%, m. a secondary word of a sentence (as for instance a subordinate word in a compound generally forming the first member; or a preposition, particle &c. prefixed to a verb or a noun derived from a verb qualifying or determining the idea contained in the verb; or a secondary word of any kind which is governed by or limits the general idea contained in the principal word); small, diminutive; a little. ## %%, n. or %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %% and %%), inquiring into, investigation, examination. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-paraiti, -tum>%, to go towards, approach. ## %% (rt. %%), closely touching; in close contact; (%%), n., Ved. admixture; (Sy.) impregnation. ## %%, Ved. closely attached, in close contact with. ## %%, f. the false ribs. ## %% (for %%), cl. 2. P. %<-palyeti, -tum>%, to return, turn back. ## 2. %%, having shoes, shod. ## %%, n. a crime in the second degree; [cf. %%.] ## %%, m. n. a shoulder; flank; the lesser ribs, the lesser flank; the opposite side. @<[Page 0165-b]>@ ## %% (fr. rt. 2. %

    %), protected, nurtured. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to press down, disturb, distress; (in astron.) to eclipse. ## %%, n. pressing down, oppressing, devastating, laying waste; inflicting pain; pain, agony, torture. ## %%, devastated; tortured, pained, distressed. ## %%, n. a suburb, 'near the city.' ## %%, belonging to a suburb. ## %%, n. a secondary or minor Pura, a number of writings subordinate to the eighteen principal Puras: viz. di (by Sanatkumra), Nsiha, Vyu, ivadharma, Durvsas, Nrada, Nandikevara, Uanas, Kapila, Varua, mba, Klik, Mahevara, Padma, Deva, Parara, Marca, Bhskara. ## %%, f. yawning, gaping. ## %% or %%, ind. at the time of full moon. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %%, to come near to, approach. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-pcchati, -praum>%, to ask a person (acc.) about anything. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-jyate, -janitum>%, to be born in addition. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jinvati, -vitum>%, to impel, stir up; (Sy.) to gratify or please in approaching. ## %%, Caus. %<-trayati, -yitum>%, to convey or transport across. ## %%, n. pointing out, showing, indication. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadti, -datte, -dtum>%, to deliver over, commit to (any one). ## %%, n. delivering over, presenting; a present, a bribe. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to approach, attack. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), seducing, alluring. ## %%, m. a secondary or inferior vital air belonging to the body. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-pr-pnoti, -ptum>%, to come near, approach. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-yti, -tum>%, to go near, approach. ## %%, Ved. flowing or rushing near; (Sy.) approaching. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-praiti, -tum>%, to go near, approach, invade; to undertake, begin; to set about anything (with acc. or dat.). ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-prekate, -itum>%, to overlook, pass over unnoticed, disregard. ## %%, n. overlooking, looking at without interest, disregarding. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-pre-yati, -preitum>%, to drive, impel; to invite or request (a priest to do anything at a sacrifice), to summon. ## %%, m. invitation, summons. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-plavate, -plotum>%, to assault violently, assail. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), violent assault or attack; unlucky accident, misfortune, great calamity, disturbance; a portent or natural phenomenon, especially an eclipse; a N. of Rhu, the ascending node, the author of eclipses; N. of iva. ## %%, one who has met with a calamity. ## %%, n., N. of the capital of Vira's country, Matsya. ## %%, violently assaulted, assailed, beset; distressed, pained; harassed (by Rhu &c.), eclipsed; marked by prodigies; wet, moistened; (%<>%), f. morbid sensibility of the uterus. ## %%, weeping. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), connection; an affix; a mode of sitting. ## %%, connected. ## %%, m. (rt. %% or %%; cf. %%, p. 168), a pillow. ## %%, n., Ved. a cushion, coverlet, covering. ## %%, supplementary, additional. ## %%, a few, a tolerable number. ## %%, m. the lower arm (from the elbow to the wrist); N. of a man. ## %%, or %%, m., Ved. noise, sound, rattling, clanking. ## %%, Ved. noisy, loud. ## %%, cl. 2. P. A. %<-bravti, -brte>%, to praise, celebrate. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a division or member (of a verse). ## %%, f. a secondary dialect. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-bhunakti, -bhukte, -bhoktum>%, to enjoy, eat, possess, use; make use of, receive (as a reward). ## %%, enjoyed, used, possessed. ## %%, one who has enjoyed or makes use of his riches; (%%), m., N. of a merchant's son. ## %%, enjoying, using. ## %%, an enjoyer, enjoying, possessing. ## %%, m. enjoyment, use, eating; usufruct; pleasure, satisfaction, cohabitation. ## %%, enjoying, using. ## %% or %% or %%, to be enjoyed, to be used; (%%), n. object of enjoyment. ## %%, eating, enjoying. ## %%, serving as food. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to be near to. ## %%, f., Ved. a sacrificial vessel made of wood; a cup of round shape, made of the wood of the banian tree, and used in sacrifices. ## 1. %% (fr. %%), Ved. uppermost, highest; nearest, next, first; most excellent, eminent, best. ## %%, Ved. of highest fame; (%%), m., N. of a son of Kururavaa and grandson of Mitrtithi. ## 1. %%, ind., Ved. in the closest proximity or neighbourhood. ## %%, ind., Ved. in the highest degree. ## 2. %%, at the end of compounds. See under 3. %%. ## %%, m., N. of a son of vaphalka and younger brother of Madgu. ## %%, cl. 10. A. %<-mantrayate, -yitum>%, to address, invoke, invite, persuade. ## %%, n. the act of addressing, inviting, persuading. @<[Page 0166-a]>@ ## %%, inviting, persuading. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), a staff for stirring. ## %%, Ved. stirring up. ## %%, Ved. zealous, striving after; (Sy.) knowing, understanding, intelligent; (%%), m., N. of a pupil of Dhaumya yoda. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P., 3 or 4. A. %<-mti, -mimte, -myate, -mtum>%, to measure one thing by another, compare; Ved. to give, grant. ## 3. %%, f. resemblance, equality, similarity; a resemblance, as a picture, portrait, image, &c.; a simile; comparison, a particle of comparison; (%%, at the end of a Bahu-vrhi compound) like, similar to, resembling (e. g. %%, resembling an immortal). ## %%, n. any object used for a comparison. ## %%, n. a figure in rhetoric combining comparison and metaphor. ## %%, compared with?; (%%), m., N. of the tree Vatica Robusta. ## 1. %%, m. an image-maker, a portraitpainter. ## %%, n. comparison, resemblance, analogy; a simile; that with which anything is compared; a particle of comparison; (in the Nyya phil.) recognition of likeness, comparison, the third of the four pramas or means of correct knowledge. ## %%, m. title of a philosophical work. ## %%, m. the connection between the subject of comparison and the comparison adduced. ## %%, compared, illustrated by comparison, similar. ## %%, f. resemblance, comparison, a likeness, a picture, image, &c.; analogy; knowledge of things derived from analogy or resemblance; inference, induction. ## %%, (with inst. or as last member of a compound) to be compared, comparable with; (%%), n. the subject of a comparison, that which is compared (opposed to %%, that with which it is compared). ## %%, f. the resemblance of any object to that compared with it; reciprocal comparison, as of the moon to a beautiful face. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. approaching with a prayer; addressing, address; (Sy.) comparison; (%%), m. approaching in a friendly way; obliging; one who may be addressed, affable, especially as an epithet of Agni; (Sy.) granting wealth. ## %%, Ved. one who receives addresses in a friendly way; (Sy.) destroyer of an enemy. ## %%, f., Ved. deliberation, investigation, consideration. ## 2. %%, f. (a second mother), a wet nurse; a near female relative. ## %%, m., Ved. enjoyment, delight. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. submerging (in water &c.). ## %%, f. a species of the Ati-akvar metre. ## %%, Ved. occurring every month, monthly. ## %%, f., Ved, a prop, a stay. ## %%, ind. at the root. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-mdnti, -mardi-tum>%, to crush, bruise, dash to pieces, destroy; rub down. ## %%, m. friction, rubbing down, bruising; destruction; reproach, abuse, refutation of a charge. ## %%, crushing, destroying, destructive; (%%), m. refutation of a charge. ## %%, f., Ved., N. of eleven additional formulas at a sacrifice. @<[Page 0166-b]>@ ## %%, m., Ved. the priest who utters these verses. ## %%, m. additional formulas at a sacrifice; N. of a younger brother of Yja. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-yantrayati, -yitum>%, to solicit or compel any one to do anything. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-yacchati, -te, -yantum>%, to take a wife, marry; to seize, take, receive, hold; to offer. ## %%, m. a husband. ## %%, n. (with %% implying inferiority) a minor surgical instrument or implement; a secondary application of any kind, as actual cautery, escharotics, &c. ## %%, m. marriage, marrying. ## %%, n. marrying; taking a wife; (%<>%), f. any support of stone, clay, gravel &c. for holding fire-wood; a sacrificial ladle; (%%), that upon which anything is placed, a support. ## %%, m., Ved. taking up with a ladle; a ladle (?); the verses or formulas uttered in ladling out the Soma juice; marriage. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to approach, undergo. ## %%, arrived; (%%), n. arrival, return. ## %%, n. coming near, approaching. ## %%, coming towards, approaching. ## %% (rt. %%), an asker, solicitor, begging. ## %%, n. soliciting, approaching with a request or prayer. ## %%, requested, solicited; offered, especially to the deities to render them propitious; (%%), n. prayer, request (to a deity). ## %%, m. any one employed to guard a Vihra; a wrong reading for %% (?). ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-yunakti, yun-kte, -yoktum>%, to harness (as horses to a carriage); to occupy, take possession of; to use, employ, apply; to bestow upon; to attach one's self to, be devoted to; to appropriate, consume, eat. ## %%, attached, adapted, suitable, appropriate, useful; worthy, servicable; proper, right; taken, eaten, touched. ## %%, attaching, taking, appropriating. ## %%, about to employ or apply. ## %%, to be employed. ## %%, m. application, employment, use, service, utility; administration of medicines, preparation of them; fitness, suitableness; contact, proximity; any act tending to effect a desired object; good conduct, observing established practices. ## %% or %%, to be employed or used. ## %%, employing, using; what is employed, conducive or contributing to, serviceable, useful, convenient; appropriate; favourable, propitious; touching, in contact with. ## %%, f. or %%, n. usefulness; fitness, suitableness; occasion, need; favour, propitiousness. ## %%, n. harnessing a horse (by the side of another); a team. ## %%, to be employed or used. ## %%, ind. a word expressing great pleasure; [cf. %%.] ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. situated below, under; posterior, later; nearer, approximate; %% (loc. fem. pl.), in the proximity of, near to; (%%), m. the lower stone on which the Soma is laid that it may be ground by means of other stones held in the hands; the lower part of the sacrificial post; a cloud; region (?). ## %%, ind., Ved. in the proximity or circumference. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), afflicted, overtaken by calamity; (%%), m. eclipsed (as sun or moon), Rhu the ascending node. ## %%, m. colour; darkening, an eclipse of the sun or moon; Rhu or the ascending node; an inauspicious event, calamity, affliction; misbehaviour, ill conduct; reproach, abuse. ## %%, n. a guard, an outpost. ## %%, made, prepared. ## %%, n. a secondary or inferior gem, a diamond of low value. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ramati, -te, -rantum>%, to cease, end, terminate, be finished; to desist; to cause to cease or desist: Caus. %<-ramayati, -yitum>%, to cause to cease or desist, stop, render quiet. ## %%, ceased, stopped; dead; withdrawn or retired from. ## %%, ceasing from works or from relying on them. ## %%, ceasing to dance or play. ## %%, ceasing from all desire after worldly things. ## %%, void of desire. ## %%, having no foe, being at peace with all. ## %%, f. ceasing, stopping; death; refraining from sensual enjoyment, abstaining from prescribed acts; great or exquisite pleasure (?). ## %%, m. stopping, ceasing; abstaining from, giving up; death. ## %%, n. abstaining from the pleasures of sense or from ceremonial acts (with abl.); ceasing, discontinuance. ## %%, m. ceasing, stopping. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a sound-hole, (designation of certain holes which increase the sound of the stones when the Soma is being ground.) ## %%, m. a secondary mineral, as red chalk, bitumen, &c.; a secondary passion or feeling; a subordinate flavour. ## %%, m. a viceroy. ## %%, ind. near a king. ## %%, ind. (as a separable adverb) above, upon, on, upwards, towards the upper side of (opposed to %% and %%, e. g. %%, to go upwards; sometimes written with a following word as if compounded with it, e. g. %%, marked above); besides, in addition to, further (%%, 1000 and 800 in addition); afterwards (e. g. %%, he should drink milk afterwards); %%, higher and higher; repeatedly, continuously. (As a separable preposition, with acc., loc., or gen.) over, above, upon, on, at the head of, on the upper side of, beyond (e. g. %%, to go over the mountain; %%, he arrived over Lak; %%, he stood at the very head of all; %%, having thrown himself upon him); in connection with, with reference to, with regard to, towards (with gen., e. g. %%, changed in feeling with regard to me; %%, enraged towards his son); after (with abl., e. g. %%, after a minute); [cf. Zend upara; Goth. ufar; Old Germ. obar; Mod. Germ. ber; Eng. over; Gr. [greek] Lat. super.] ## %% may also be used at the end of a compound; e. g. %%, to fall upon him, to attack him. ## %% often stands at the beginning of a compound, as in the following examples. ## %%, gone up, ascended. ## %%, m. epithet of the king Vasu ('walking in the air'). ## %%, piled over or above. ## %%, growing up, produced above, elevated, high. ## %%, laid over. ## %%, having a man above. ## %%, Ved. coming from above. ## %%, m., N. of a teacher of the ritual. ## %%, Ved. raised above the ground. ## %%, m. the upper portion or side. ## %%, m. the being above or higher. ## %%, f. the ground above. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. P. %<-bhramati, -bhrmyati, -bhramitum>%, to wander over or above. ## %%, Ved. above men. ## %%, n., Ved. a place of rest. ## %%, being in the upper series. ## %%, Ved. sitting or dwelling above. ## %%, n., Ved. the act of sitting above. ## %%, staying or being above, upper. ## %%, n. placing upon or above. ## %%, standing above, being above, upper. ## %%, Ved. raised, elevated. ## %%, m. a kind of coitus. ## %%, n. sitting on high. ## %%, upper (opposed to %%). ## %%, ind. (as an adverb) above, from above; behind (opposed to %%), further on (in a book), later; afterwards; (as a preposition) over, upon, down upon (with acc. and gen.); behind (with gen.). ## %%, f., N. of a Vedic metre consisting of forty-three or forty-four syllables, the end of which is like the beginning of the metre Jyotimat. ## %%, f. a verse of the Triubh metre, the last Pda of which consists of eight syllables. ## %%, f., N. of a Vedic metre consisting of four Pdas, the first of which contains twelve, each of the three others only eight syllables. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-rocate, -rocitum>%, to shine, be brilliant. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-ruaddhi, -rundhe, -roddhum>%, to obstruct, hinder, molest, trouble, disturb; to prevent; to conceal. ## %%, obstructed, impeded, molested, disturbed; covered, spread; protected, favoured. ## %%, ind. having kept in check or obstructed, having blockaded or hemmed in. ## %%, being besieged, besieged. ## %%, m. surrounding, blockading; obstruction, impediment, opposition, check, refusal; trouble, disturbance; binding, tying, taking hold of; protection, favour. ## %%, causing trouble, obstructing. ## %%, n. an inner room, a private apartment. ## %%, n. obstruction, impediment. ## %%, obstructing, impeding; obstructed, impeded. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rohati, -rohum>%, to ascend, rise. ## %%, ind. having ascended. ## %%, n. a drama of an inferior class, of which eighteen are enumerated. ## %%, m. (connected with %%, q. v.), a rock or stone; a precious stone or jewel; (%<>%), f. the upper and smaller mill-stone which rests on the %%; refined or candied sugar; [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. opalus.] ## %%, Ved. arranging stones; (Sy.) throwing grain on the mill-stone. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m. a stone. ## %%, cl. 10. P. A. %<-lakayati, -te, -yitum>%, to look at, observe, behold; to regard as, value as; to imply in addition: Pass. %<-lakyate>%, to be observed &c.; to be likely. ## %%, observing, designating. @<[Page 0167-b]>@ ## %%, n. looking at; observation; designation; implying something that has not been expressed, implying something in addition or any analogous object where only one is specified, using a term in a generic sense, metaphorical or elliptical expression, synecdoche of a part for the whole, of an individual for the species or of a quality for that in which it resides; mark. ## %%, n. the being implied. ## %%, to be observed. ## %%, comprehended, discovered, included, implied, metaphorically expressed, understood, characterized. ## %%, inferable; (%%), m. a prop, stay, support, asylum; an inference. ## %%, m. the Bos grunniens; perhaps a wrong form for %%, 'valued for its tail.' ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-labhate, -lab-dhum>%, to acquire, receive, accept, obtain, find; to conceive, become pregnant; to perceive, observe, hear, understand; [cf. Gr. [greek]] ## %%, obtained, received; conceived; perceived, understood, known, guessed. ## %%, one who has experienced pleasure. ## %%, having the meaning understood; (%<>%), f. a tale, a true or probable story. ## %%, to be observed. ## %%, f. obtaining, acquisition, gain; observation, perception, knowledge (especially religious), understanding, mind; a guess; appearance, perceptibility; [cf. Gr. [greek]] ## %%, perceptible, intelligible. ## 1. %%, obtainable, perceivable, to be understood. ## 2. %%, ind. having perceived or observed. ## %%, being perceived. ## %%, n. the being known. ## %%, m. acquisition; apprehension, conception, comprehension otherwise than from memory. ## %%, causing to observe, reminding. ## %%, n. apprehension. ## %%, obtainable, to be acquired; respectable, commendable, praiseworthy. ## %%, m., Ved. seizing or taking hastily. ## %%, f. desire of obtaining. ## %%, wishing to take or seize. ## %%, wishing to obtain or know. ## %%, f. thirst, oppression (?). ## %%, m. a portent, a natural phenomenon considered as boding evil. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-limpati, -te, -leptum>%, to defile, anoint, smear, besmear: Caus. %<-lepayati, -yitum>%, to cause to anoint or besmear. ## %%, anointed, smeared, plastered. ## %%, m. smearing, anointing, plastering; obstruction, the being concealed; becoming deadened or dull. ## %%, n. smearing, anointing, plastering; an ointment, an unguent. ## %%, serving as an ointment; anointing, smearing, obstructing. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), title of a grammatical work connected with the Prtikhyas. ## %%, m., Ved. one who directs and animates by his words; animating. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a country. ## %%, Caus. %<-vacayati, -yitum>%, to deceive; to repudiate. @<[Page 0167-c]>@ ## %%, m. the tree Buchanania Latifolia. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vadate, -ditum>%, to talk over, conciliate; to flatter, cajole. ## %%, m., Ved. censure, blame. ## %%, Ved. censuring, blaming. ## %%, n. a small forest, a grove, a garden; a planted forest. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-varayati, -yitum>%, to tell or describe copiously. ## %%, m. minute description, detail. ## %%, n. description, minute description, delineation. ## %%, described. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, m., N. of a son of akara-svmin and younger brother of Varsha, author of writings on the Mmsa philosophy. ## %%, swollen or dimmed with tears; (a various reading has %%.) ## %%, f., N. of a plant. ## %%, m., Ved. emulation, rivalry. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vasati, -vastum>%, to dwell in or at; to abide in a state of abstinence, abstain from food, to fast: Caus. %<-vsayati, -yitum>%, to cause to fast. ## %%, m., Ved. a fast-day, day of preparation for the Soma sacrifice, the day preceding a Soma sacrifice, day of a Soma sacrifice; a village (?). ## %% or %%, Ved. selected for an Upavasatha (as a day), belonging to or prepared for a Soma sacrifice. ## %%, n. a fast, fasting. ## %%, one who fasts. ## %%, m. n. a fast, fasting (as a religious act comprising abstinence from all sensual gratification, from perfumes, flowers, unguents, ornaments, betel, music, dancing, &c.); kindling a sacred fire, a fire altar. ## %%, n. a fast, fasting. ## %%, fasting, one who observes a fast. ## %%. See p. 173. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vahati, -te, -vohum>%, to bear or lead near, to lead towards, lead back; to bring about, commence. ## %%, n., Ved. anything placed on the neck of an ox under the yoke, to raise it to the right level for a yoke-fellow of greater height. ## %%, n. carrying, bringing back. ## %%, flowing or streaming towards. ## %%, to be drawn or led near to; (%%), m. a king's elephant, any royal vehicle. ## %%, being brought near, being commenced; [cf. %%, fr. which this participle may also be derived.] ## %%, f., Ved. blowing at. ## 1. %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. addressing, speaking to, praise. ## %% or %%, Ved. to be addressed or praised. ## 2. %%, m. f., Ved., Indragrain (see %%). ## %%, n. (said to be derived fr. rt. %%), a fan. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, n. (rt. 2. %%), Ved. a dress, a garment, a cover. @<[Page 0168-a]>@ ## %%, f., Ved. investigating, inquiring into. ## %%, f. profane science, inferior sort of knowledge. ## %%, m. secondary knowledge, a class of writings subordinate or appended to the four Vedas. According to the Bhgavata-Pura their number is four, viz. %%, and %%, or medicine, military art, music, and mechanics. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, ind. at or near the river Vip. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-viati, -veum>%, to sit down, take a seat; to pitch a camp; to enter; to seize, take possession of: Caus. %%, to cause to sit down. ## %%, ind. having sat down, sitting down. ## %%, seated, sitting; arrived, entered. ## %%, m. sitting down, sitting, resting; fixing one's mind upon, being attached to; voiding by stool. ## %%, n. sitting down, resting; causing to sit down; devoting one's self to; voiding by stool. ## %%, made to sit; seated. ## %%, sitting down; fixing one's mind upon, devoting one's self to. ## %%, ind. having seated or caused to sit. ## %%, he who sits, a sitter, sitting down. ## %%, n. factitious poison; a narcotic, any deterious drug, as opium, datura, &c.; (%<>%), f. a plant, Atis, Aconitum or Betula. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-v-kate, -itum>%, to look at or towards. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-vjayati, -yitum>%, to blow upon, fan. ## %%, nom. (fr. %%) P. %<-vayati, -yitum>%, to play on the V or Indian lute before or in the presence of any one. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %%), investiture with the sacred thread; the thread or cord worn by the first three classes of the Hinds over the left shoulder and under the right arm. ## %%, wearing the string in the usual manner, or over the left shoulder and under the right arm. ## %%, n. a kind of demon. ## %%, Intens. P., Ved. %<-varvarti>%, to put or place over or upon. ## %% or %<-vh>%, Caus. P. %<-v-hayati, -yitum>%, to increase. ## %%, m. a pillow; [cf. %%, p. 165.] ## %%, n. increasing, increase, collection. ## %%, increased, collected from, possessed of. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to go towards, approach; to return. ## %%, m. a particular high number. ## %%, n. a place for excercise, a country inhabited or not; a division, a district or Pergana; a kingdom. ## %%, f. motion towards. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. a stick (of green wood) used for stirring the sacrificial fire. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-veate, -itum>%, to surround, cover, dress. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), the three periods of the day, morning, midday, and evening. ## %%, n. subsidiary or supplementary explanation or interpretation. ## %%, m. the small hunting leopard. ## %%, Desid. P. %<-ikati>%, to learn. ## %%, training. ## %%, f. learning, desire of learning, training. ## %%, learnt, studied, trained. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-myati, -ami-tum>%, to become calm or quiet, to cease: Caus. %<-mayati, -yitum>%, to calm, tranquillize, appease, pacify, assuage, mitigate, make quiet, extinguish, kill. ## %%, m. becoming quiet, assuagement, ceasing, stopping, cessation, relaxation, intermission; tranquillity, calmness, patience. ## %%, placid, calm. ## %%, calming, affording repose, making patient. ## %%, n. quieting, calming, appeasing, mitigation, ceasing to burn, extinction; an anodyne. ## %%, to be made quiet, to be appeased. ## %%, calmed, appeased, pacified; calm, tranquil; intermitted, diminished. ## %%, one whose mind is pacified, placid. ## %%, f. cessation, intermission, remission; appeasing, allaying, assuaging; abatement; tranquillity, calm. ## %%, appeased, tame, tranquil, calm; (%<>%), m. a tame elephant. ## %%, &c. See %% below. ## %%, ind. at the time of autumn. ## %%, n. an open place before a town or village (lit. 'a place where archers practice' ?). ## %%, f. a secondary branch. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-ntvayati, -yitum>%, to appease, console, tranquillize. ## %%, n. appeasing, making quiet. ## %%, n. a place near a house, a court before a house; (%%), ind. near a house. ## %%, n. a minor science or treatise. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ighati, -ghitum>%, to kiss. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %%), anything given to smell at (in medicine). ## %%, m. the pupil of a pupil. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-ete, -ayitum>%, to lie near. ## %%, Ved. lying by the side of, lying down; productive of happiness or rest; (%<>%), f. a prepared piece of clay, i. e. %%, m. lying by the side of; ascertainment of disease or diagnosis by the effect of certain articles of food or medicine; allaying disease by diet, regimen, &c. ## %%, m. turn or rotation for sleeping with (another). @<[Page 0168-c]>@ ## %%, lying near to; lying, sleeping; going to bed; allaying, tranquillizing, what clams &c.; (in medicine) composing, narcotic. ## %%, f. or %%, n. tranquillizing, calming; secondary means of cure, as diet &c. ## %%, ind. near a dog. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-obhayati, -yi-tum>%, to adorn, ornament. ## %%, n. adorning, ornamenting. ## %%, ornamented, adorned. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-oayati, -yi-tum>%, to make dry, dry up. ## %%, drying up. ## %% or %<-cut>%, cl. 1. P. %<-cyotati, -titum>%, to ooze or trickle down, fall in drops. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-rayate, -yitum>%, to approach, go towards, go against; to attack; to surround. ## %%, f. a covering, anything thrown over. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-oti, -rotum>%, to listen to, give ear to, to hear. ## %%, listened to; promised, agreed. ## %%, f. giving ear to, listening to; range of hearing; a supernatural voice heard at night and personified as a nocturnal deity revealing the future; judicial astrology, aspect of the stars, fortune-telling; promise, assent. ## %%, ind. listening to. ## %%, a listener, hearer, listening to. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-liyati, -leum>%, to embrace: Caus. %<-leayati, -yitum>%, to cause to lay hold of, bring near, place at hand. ## %%, placed near, contiguous, adjoining. ## %%, m. juxta-position, contiguity, an embrace. ## %%, nom. (fr. %%) P. %<-lokayati, -yitum>%, to praise in lokas. ## %%, Ved. sounding, roaring. ## %%, ind. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. at command, (ready) at one's call. ## %%, m. the end of the world. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a secondary or subordinate connection, a modification. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), growing over, growing together, cicatrizing. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), agreeing together, agreement. ## %%, n. an under garment. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vrajati, -jitum>%, to enter, go towards, approach. ## %%, cl. 5. 8. P. A. %<-koti, -nute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to prepare (as a meal); to ornament. ## %%, cooked, dressed (as a meal). ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-harati, -te, -hartum>%, to draw together, bring together, collect, to contract; to withdraw, take away, withhold. ## %%, n. withdrawing, taking away; excluding; refusing, withholding; attacking, invading. ## %%, withdrawing, taking away; refusing, excepting; going against, invading. ## %%, m. drawing towards one's self, drawing in or together, contracting; drawing away, taking away, withholding, excepting, excluding; collection, assemblage, winding or summing up, a compendium, brevity, conciseness, resume; perfection; subduing, destruction, death, end; attacking, invading; (in logic) refutation; N. of the fourth section of the Vyu-pura. ## %%, comprehending; exclusive; non-exclusive (?). ## %%, withheld, refused, denied; excepted; excluded, compressed, comprehended, dead. ## %%, f. comprehension, seizing, taking; a compound expressive of various meanings (?). ## %%, Caus. P. %<-kalpayati, -yitum>%, to fix, deposit, settle; to appoint, choose. ## %%, placed over, built over. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate>% (ep. also %<-krmate), -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to go near to, approach: Caus. P. %<-kramayati, -yitum>%, to cause to approach. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a concise abridgment, a summary; an abstract, compendium. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), annumeration, adding, addition; further enumeration; (in gram.) a substitute in form or sense, a consignificant term or affix. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to approach together, join in approaching, to enter into any condition or relation. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te>% (Ved. %<-gbhti, -te), -gra-htum>%, to clasp or embrace; to take upon one's self, to experience, suffer; to receive, accept; to seize, take into custody; to win over, conciliate, make favourable. ## %%, ind. having clasped, having taken, holding. ## %%, m. clasping (e. g. the feet of a person as a mark of great respect), respectful salutation; polite address; obeisance; bringing together, collecting, joining. ## %%, n. respectful salutation (by clasping the feet of a person with the hands), polite address. ## %%, to be saluted reverentially, respectable, venerable. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-carati, -te, -caritum>%, Ved. %<-ritave>%, &c., to enter, approach; to have sexual intercourse with. ## %%, m. manoeuvre, flattery (?). ## 1. %%, cl. 1. 6. P. %<-sdati, -sat-tum>%, to sit near to, to go near to, approach; to worship; to obtain. ## %%, f. connection with, union; service, worship; gift, donation. ## %%, one who approaches, a worshipper; an inhabitant. ## 2. %%, Ved. one who goes near to, serving, attending, waiting upon; (%%), f. siege, assault; laying up, accumulating; service; N. of a ceremony lasting several days and forming part of the Jyotioma ceremony. ## %%, Ved. one who has attendants or worshippers, one who is worshipped. ## %%, observing the rules of the Upasad, viz. drinking milk in certain quantities, sleeping on the bare earth, chastity, silence, &c. ## %%, going near to; (%%), m. approach; gift, donation; N. of a ceremony. See 2. %%. ## %%, n. approaching, going to (a teacher), sitting near (a master), becoming a pupil; going near to, being present at, partaking of; a neighbouring abode, a neighbourhood. ## %%, f., Ved. attendants collectively (?). ## %%, to be attended on or worshipped. ## %%, approached, approximate; worshipped. ## %%, f. or %%, n. proximity, approach. ## %%, approached, come near to. ## %%, cl. 8. P. A. %<-tanoti, -nute, -nitum>%, to bring into immediate connection with. ## %%, m. immediate connection, joining together; a descendant. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to put together, add, increase; to join, connect, cause to partake of; to aim at. ## %%, connected with, furnished with, accompanied or surrounded by; having regard or reference to, attached to one another. ## %%, ind. near or towards evening. ## %%, m. (rt. 2. %%), laying down, giving up. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-anoti, -nute, -itum>%, to reach, obtain. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -si-tum>%, to put or place upon. ## %%, cl. 5. 8. P. A. %<-k-oti, -ute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to connect, combine together. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-da-dhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to put on (as wood on a fire), to place in order, arrange. ## %%, n. placing in or on, laying one upon the another. ## %% (rt. %%), to be brought together, to be arranged. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to approach together. ## %% or %%, ind. near the fire-wood. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-hati, -hi-tum>%, to draw together, contract, to collect together, to bring near. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aiti, -tum>%, to meet, meet with (with acc.). ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to come to, arrive at: Caus. P. %<-pdayati, -yitum>%, to bring near to, lead near, to give, grant; (with Buddhists) to receive into the order of priests, to ordain. ## %%, f. approaching, arriving at, entering into any condition. ## %%, arrived at; gained, obtained; furnished with; familiar with; finished; enough, sufficient; dead, deceased; immolated, sacrificed as a victim &c.; dressed, cooked. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-pc-chati, -praum>%, to ask a person about anything. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-pnoti, -ptum>%, to reach, obtain, approach. ## %%, ind. having arrived at. ## %%, f. talking over, friendly persuasion. ## %%. See %% next col. ## %%. See %% next col. ## %%. See %% next col. @<[Page 0169-c]>@ ## %%. See %%. ## %%, ind., Ved. in the lap, on the hip. ## %%, m., N. of a Daitya, son of Nikumbha and younger brother of Sunda. ## %%, n. the disk of the sun. ## %%, cl. 1. and Ved. 3. P. %<-sarati, -sisarti, -sartum>%, to go towards, approach, go against, attack; to have intercourse (as a woman with a man). ## %%, or %<, am>%, who or what approaches; (%%), m. approaching (a cow); the first pregnancy or impregnation of a cow. ## %%, n. going or flowing towards, rapid flowing of the blood towards the heart in sickness; what is approached as a refuge. ## %%, to be approached for help, to be had recourse to. ## %%, f. 'to be approached', a cow fit for a bull. ## %%, to be approached or gone to. ## %%, ind. having gone towards, having approached. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sjati, -sraum>%, to pour out or on, to offer, make an oblation; to join, attach, connect with; to beset with, oppress; to eclipse. ## %%, m. addition; trouble, misfortune; a portent, a natural phenomenon supposed to forbode future evil, an eclipse; a disease, possession by an evil spirit; change occasioned by any disease; indication or symptom of death; a disease superinduced on another; an inseparable particle or preposition prefixed to roots; see %%. ## %%, having the character of a preposition, to be treated like one. ## %%, n. pouring on; misfortune, inauspicious phenomenon, portent, eclipse; passing by, leaving, eclipsing; any person or thing subordinate or subsidiary to another, a substitute, a representative; (in gram.) a word which by composition or derivation loses its original independance, while it also determines the sense of another word; for instance, in the derivative %%, a pupil of Apiali, %% has become the %%; so also in the compound %% (fr. %% and %%) the first loses its independant character when compounded and is therefore the %%, f. an infusion. ## %%, joined, attached, connected to or with, attended by or accompanied with; seized or possessed by (evil demons &c.); eclipsed, as the sun or moon; furnished with an %% or preposition (e. g. the root %% with %<>% prefixed is said to be %%); (%%), n. coition, copulation. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-sarpati, -te, -sarptum>% or %<-sraptum>%, to creep near, approach; move onward, attack; [cf. [greek]] ## %%, m. approach, access, following a person. ## %%, n. approaching, advancing towards. ## %%, creeping near, approaching. ## %%, ind. having approached. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. one who sprinkles or pours one thing on another. ## %%, pouring or sprinkling one thing on another; (%%), n. pouring or sprinkling upon, watering; infusion, juice; (%<>%), f. a ladle or cup for pouring. ## %%, m., N. of a pupil of kya-muni. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-sevate, -vitum>%, to serve, worship, honour; to practise, pursue, cultivate, study, make use of, be addicted to, frequent, inhabit. ## %%, worshipping, following, practising. ## %%, n. worshipping, honouring; service, addiction to; using, enjoying. ## %%, f. service, worship, honour. ## %%, serving, worshipping, honouring; liking, pleased with. ## %% inserted, see %%), cl. 8. A. %<-kurute, -kartum>%, to prepare, elaborate, perfect, adorn, &c. ## %%, m. any article which serves to make complete, an ingredient, condiment, spice or seasoning (mustard, pepper, &c.); an appurtenance, utensil, implement or instrument; an article of household use (as a broom, a basket, &c.), apparatus; blame, censure. ## %%, m. anything additional, a supplement. ## %%, prepared; blamed, censured. ## %%, f. a supplement, anything additional. ## %%, cl. 5. 9. P. %<-stabhnoti, nti, -stabdhum>%, to stay, prop, support. ## %%, m. (also written %%), stay, support, support of life (as food, sleep, and government of the passions); encouragement, incitement; base, basis, ground, occasion. ## %%, supporting, promoting, encouraging. ## %%, n., Ved. a support. ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %% with %%), Ved. an attendant, a follower, a servant, a subject. ## %%, cl. 2. P. A. %<-stauti>% or %<-sta-vti, -stute>% or %<-stuvte, -stotum>%, to praise, invoke. ## %%, f., Ved. invocation, praise, invitation. ## %%, invoked, praised; (%%), m., N. of a i. ## %%, f., Ved. invocation, praise. ## %%, to be praised or invoked. ## %% or %<-st>%, cl. 5. 9. P. A. %<-st-oti, -ute, -ti, -te, -startum, -ritum>% or %<-r-tum>%, to spread, arrange, set in order; [cf. Lat. substerno.] ## %%, n., Ved. spreading out, scattering; what is spread out; a covering. ## %%, f., Ved. scattering about, spreading; what is spread; a covering. ## %%, spread out, arranged. ## %%, f. a concubine. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-tihati, -te, -sthtum>%, to stand near, stand by the side of in order to serve, wait on, attend on, serve (with acc.); to be or remain near; stay with; to come near, approach; to approach a god with prayer, worship; to stand under in order to support; to approach for intercourse, have intercourse with; to approach for assistance; to approach with hostile intentions, attack; to occur, come to pass, arise, be present; to meet with, obtain; to fall to one's share, come to the possession of; to conciliate: Caus. P. %<-sthpayati, -yitum>%, to cause to stand near, to provide, present, furnish with, place upon or near; to produce. ## %%, m. the lap, middle part in general, a secure place; (%%), m. n. the organs of generation, especially of a woman; the anus; the haunch or hip; (%%), near, proximate; %%, to sit down with the legs bent, make a lap; %%, to take on one's lap. ## %%, reaching to the lap. ## %%, m. restraint of sensual appetite; continence. ## %%, m. the Indian fig tree. ## %%, Ved. sitting in the lap. ## 2. %%, Ved. standing on. ## %%, m. an attendant, servant. @<[Page 0170-b]>@ ## %%, n. standing near, presence, proximity, nearness; approaching, appearing, coming into the presence of, introducing one's self; worshipping, waiting on; attendance; obeisance; abode; an assembly; any object approached with respect, a sanctuary; obtaining, getting; %%, to give access or scope for action. ## %%, f. the assembly-room of a Buddhist monastery. ## %%, to be stayed with or near, to be kept near; to be attended on or served. ## %%, placing or bringing near, causing to obtain; explaining, teaching, a teacher. ## %%, n. placing near; attendance, service. ## %% or %%, to be placed near. ## %%, placed near, attended. ## %%, to be placed near, to be produced or made visible. ## %%, ind. having approached, having brought near to or assembled. ## %%, m. a servant; (with Buddhists) a follower of Buddha. ## %%, standing near, being present, appearing. ## %%, Ved. stopping, not moving. ## %%, approached, arrived, arisen, appeared, present; staying by or near at hand, impending, ready; received, obtained, gained; accomplished, taken place, happened; caused, occasioned; felt; known; clean, cleansed; (in Ved. gram.) in the Pada text followed by the particle %%, n. the particle %% used in this manner; the position of words before and after %%, f., N. of a metre of four lines of ten syllables each; N. of another metre of four lines of eleven syllables each. ## %%, N. of a metre consisting of four lines and fifty-one syllables. ## %%, m. a ready speaker, an eloquent man. ## %%, about to engage in a battle, having battle at hand. ## %%, f. standing near, approach, presence, proximity, arrival; obtaining, getting; effecting, accomplishing; remaining. ## %%, to be attended to, to be worshipped. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), moistening, attracting moisture. ## %% (only used in acc. %<-jam>%), Ved. inconsiderate curiosity or jest (?). ## 1. %%, cl. 6. P. %<-spati, -spraum>% or %<-sparum>%, to touch (water); to wash or rinse the mouth; to sip water, to sprinkle; to wash off; to gnash (the teeth). ## %%, m. touching, contact; washing, bathing, ablution; rinsing the mouth, sipping water and ejecting it. ## %%, n. touching; bathing; rinsing the mouth. ## %%, touching, sipping water. ## 2. %%, Ved. touching. ## %%, ind. having sipped water. ## %%, touched, sipped. ## %%, f. a minor lawbook; eighteen such books are mentioned. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), flowing, the periodical flow of a woman. ## %%, n. revenue, profit, what is derived from land or other capital. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Satrjit. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), moisture. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-hanti, -tum>%, to kill, injure, destroy, disturb, vex; to waste. ## %%, injured, impaired, evilly affected by; struck by lightning &c.; pained, hurt; destroyed; infected, polluted, vitiated; impre. ## %%, dazzled, blinded. ## %%, infatuated. ## %%, agitated in mind, mentally affected as by passion. ## %%, ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky. ## %%, Ved. assailing. ## %%, f. dazzling of the eyes. ## %%, to be killed. ## %%, having a contrary effect, disturbing. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-hasati, -situm>%, to laugh at, deride. ## %%, n. satirical laughter, laughing; (%%), laughed at, derided. ## %%, Ved. laughing at, a derider. ## %%, m. fun, play, ridicule, derision, laughing at any one, satirical laughter. ## %%, n. a laughing-stock. ## %%, ridiculing others, jocose; (%%), m. a jester. ## %%, to be laughed at, ridiculous, laughable. ## %%, f. ridiculousness. ## %%, to expose one's self to laughter. ## %%, f. (fr. %%), a small bag or box containing condiments or betel. ## %%, cl. 3. A. %<-jihte, -htum>%, to go down, descend. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a country, part of the peninsula of India. ## %%, cl. 7. 1. P. %<-hinasti, -hi-sati, -situm>%, to injure, hurt, wound; to overpower. ## %% (past pass. part. of 1. %%, p. 163), placed, deposited, placed in or upon; preceded by; laid aside, joined; mixed; ready, deputed to act as a spy, connected with. ## %%, having the weight carried; (a better reading has %%.) ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-harati, -te, -hartum>%, to bring near, offer; to take away, destroy: Caus. %<-hrayati, -yitum>%, to cause to offer: Desid. %<-jihrati>%, to wish to offer. ## %%, n. bringing near; offering gifts to superiors; presenting victims; distributing or serving out food; taking, seizing. ## %% or %%, to be presented, to be offered as a victim. ## %%, offering victims, serving out food &c. ## %%, m. oblation; a complimentary gift, a present to a superior &c.; an offering to a deity, a victim &c.; honour; tribute, indemnification, presents as the price of peace; food distributed to guests &c.; exultation, mirth (consisting in laughter, dance, song, bellowing as a bull, bowing, recital of prayer &c.). ## %%, m. an oblation &c. ## %%, giving, presenting; sacrificing. ## %%, cl. 8. P. A. %<-karoti, -kurute, -kar-tum>%, to make an oblation, to offer. ## %%, offered, presented; immolated, offered as a victim; served out as food; taken, collected, gathered. ## %%, m. a supplementary sacrifice. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. bend, curve, arch, slope; declivity; the curved form of the Soma vessel; (%%), n. proximity; a solitary or private place; (%%), m. a car, a carriage; (%%), ind. in the proximity of, near to, in a private place. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-hvayati, -te, -hvtum>%, to invoke, call near to. ## %%, m. calling to, inviting, invitation; summoning, invoking; %%, to wish to receive an invitation from (with loc., e. g. %%, Indra wished to receive an invitation from him). ## %%, m., N. of a ceremony. ## %%, invoked, invited. ## %%, ind. having invoked or called or addressed. ## %%, n. act of inviting. ## %%, ind. in a low voice, in a whisper; secretly, in secret (e. g. %%, a vow observed in secret); (%%), m. a prayer uttered in a low voice; muttering prayers, reciting them in a low voice so as not to be overheard; N. of a Soma offering. ## %%, played with in secret, made the companion of (a king's) private amusements. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. brought near to one another, joined, approximate; (%%), Ved. du. an epithet of night and morning; (%%), ind. in the next neighbourhood, in the presence of, before. ## %%, Ved. standing present before the eyes. ## %%, cl. 5. 8. P. A. %<-koti, -nute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to bring near or towards, to fetch; to summon, invite; to deliver, commit to, offer, grant, bestow; to acquire, obtain; to bring about, make preparations for a sacred action; to undertake, begin; to enter. ## %%, n. bringing near, inviting, invitation to begin; a term applied to certain sentences, called Praishas &c., with which one priest invites another to perform a sacrifice; immolation, sacrifice of an animal duly consecrated; preparation, beginning; commencement of reading the Veda after the performance of a preparatory rite. ## %%, n. preparation, beginning; a ceremony performed before reading the Vedas; beginning to read the Vedas. ## %%, brought near, invited, addressed with invitatory sentences; (%%), m. a sacrificial animal killed during the recitation of prescribed prayers; attended with evil omens, disastrous, calamitous; (%%), m. misfortune; a portent, a phenomenon announcing calamity. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate>% (ep. also %<-krmate), -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to advance against in order to seize, to fall upon, take possession of. ## %%, ind. before the eyes. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to tell a story, narrate; to relate or give an account about anything (with acc.); to observe (?). ## %%, observable by the eyes; [cf. %%]; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, n. a tale, a short narrative, an episode; telling or repetition of a story already heard from another. ## %%, n. a short tale. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to go near or towards, to approach, visit; to return; to pass into any condition or relation; to undergo, suffer, endure; to occur, to come or fall to one's share. ## %%, approached, arrived; occurred, happened; promised; suffering, feeling. ## %%, m. approach, arrival; occurrence; promise, agreement; the state of suffering, feeling. ## %% or %%, ind. having approached, having gone near or towards. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, gtum>%, to come near, approach, come to. ## %%, ind. near a fire. ## %%, n. the part which is next to the end or top; a secondary member. @<[Page 0171-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te>% (Ved. %<-gbhti, -te), -grahtum>%, to comprehend, embrace. ## %%, n. reading the Vedas after initiation. ## %% or %%, ind. towards the day of full moon in the month Agrahyaa. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jighrati, -ghrtum>%, to smell at; to kiss. ## %% (fr. %%), to be marked. ## %%, n. a subdivision; any minor limb or member; a subsidiary or supplementary work of low value; a supplement of a supplement; secondary portion of science; (twelve Agas and Upgas constitute the sacred writings of the Buddhists); the sectarial mark made with Sandal &c. on the forehead. ## %%, n. a kind of song. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ca-rati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-tave>%, &c., to come near to; to attend upon, be attached to, to wait on, serve; to be obedient; to treat. ## %%, attached to any one's service, obedient; (in gram.) that rule of Sandhi by which the sound Visarga becomes %% before %% and %

    %. ## %%, m. position (as of a word in a sentence); procedure; Sandhi by which the sound Visarga becomes %% before %% and %

    %. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-cchinatti, -cchinte, -cchettum>%, to tear away from, cut off from. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %%, to bring near to. ## %%, to support. ## %% or %%, having supported. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, or %%, to draw (water). ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %%), anointing, plastering the ground with cow dung &c. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to pass over, cross (a river). ## %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to pass over; to be added as a surplus. ## %%, m. neglect or disobedience of customs; disorderly behaviour. ## %%, cl. 3. A. %<-datte, dtum>%, to receive, accept; to gain, acquire; to take, appropriate to one's self; to take away or off, carry off, steal; to seize, lay hold of, gather; to draw (water); to assume a form; to feel, perceive, consider, regard; to take in addition, include, comprise; to employ, apply, use; to undertake, begin; to mention, enumerate: Caus. %<-dpayati, -yitum>%, to cause to employ or apply; to make use of: Desid. P. %<-ditsati>%, to strive to obtain. ## %%, received, accepted, acquired, gained, obtained; appropriated; taken away; seized, gathered; shaped; felt, perceived, regarded; comprised; employed, used; begun; enumerated; allowed in argument, granted, conceded; (%%), m. an elephant out of rut. ## %%, acquiring speed, quick, fleet. ## %%, taking up arms, armed. ## %%, n. taking, acquiring, taking away, abduction, appropriating to one's self, accepting, employment, using, becoming familiar with; mentioning, enumeration; saying, speaking; including, containing; abstraction, withdrawing the organs of sense and perception from the outer world; cause, motive; immediate or proximate cause; the formal or distinct form, the material cause; a double meaning, an expression conveying a sense besides that which appears intended; (with Buddhists) conception; effort or exertion of body or speech. ## %%, n. a proximate cause. ## %%, ind. having seized, containing; including, inclusive of; together with; by means of. ## %%, to be taken or received, acceptable, admissible; to be chosen; to be selected, excellent, admirable. ## %%, m. a sort of insect; [cf. %%.] ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-di-ati, -te, -deum>%, to advise, show, point out, to indicate, inform, declare; to prescribe, give an order. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dravati, -drotum>%, to run near to. ## %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-da-dhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to place near, place upon; to offer; render, make, effect, fix; to keep, hold. ## 1. %%, m. (for 2. see below), deceit, deception, disguise (in the Vednta this is especially applied to certain natural forms or properties, considered as disguises of the spirit); that which more closely defines, a discriminative or distinguishing property, an attribute, a peculiarity, an indispensable condition; limitation (e. g. %%, a country beautiful without limitation, i. e. altogether beautiful); a title, a discriminative appellation, a nickname; a purpose, an occasion, an object; (in logic) a special cause for a general effect; (in rhetoric) the natural character of species, quality or action. %%, ind. in consequence of a peculiarity. (At the end of a compound the affix %% may be added to %%, e. g. %%, having 'is' as an attribute.) ## %%, deposited, placed; put on, worn; joined, annexed; agreed upon, made or done mutually; (%%), m. a fiery portent, a meteor, a comet. ## 2. %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), reflection on duty; virtuous reflection; a man who is careful to support his family. (For 1. see under %% above.) ## %%, exceeding, supernumerary. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 5. %% with %%), a sub-teacher who instructs in a part only of the Veda or in grammar and the other Vedgas, and is therefore inferior to the crya who instructs in the whole Veda with the Kalpa and Upaniads (see Manu II. 141); a spiritual teacher, a teacher in general; (%<>%), f. a female preceptor; (%<>%), f. a female teacher or the wife of a teacher. ## %%, f. the wife of a teacher. ## %% (fr. %% and %%), Ved. being on a carriage; (%%), n. the space in a carriage; carriage-load; anything placed on a carriage. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), a sandal, a shoe. ## %%, covered with a shoe. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to lead or carry or bring near or towards; lead away, carry off; to initiate, consecrate; [cf. %%.] ## %%, Ved. an epithet of Agni; (%%), n., N. of a section of the Taittirya-Sahit. ## %%, n. proximity to the edge or margin, border, edge; the angle of the eye; immediate proximity; the last letter but one; (%%), near to the end, last but one; near. ## %%, coming near. @<[Page 0172-a]>@ ## %%, near, proximate, neighbouring; (%%), n. proximity. ## %%, last but one; (%%), m. the corner of the eye; (%%), n. vicinity. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-pnoti, -ptum>%, to reach, to arrive at: Desid. %%, to wish to reach, to desire to win over or conciliate. ## %% in %%, difficult to be obtained. ## %%, f. reaching, obtaining. ## %%, f. desire to obtain. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-pc-chati, -praum>%, to take leave of. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. act of bringing near. ## %%, ind. having taken leave, having received permission to go. ## %%. See under 1. %% 3rd col. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to approach, arrive at. ## %%, approached; (%%), n. arrival; an event, an accident. ## %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %% or %<-rtum>%, to offend against, make a mistake; to injure: Caus. P. %%, to bring near. ## %%, m. or %%, n., Ved. a mistake, offence, sin. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ramate, -rantum>%, to sport, take one's pleasure, delight in; to cease; to rest. ## %%, delighted; engaged in, occupied with; frequenting, resorting to. ## %%, m. engaging in, going to or in. ## %%, cl. 5. P. %<-rdh-noti, -rddhum>%, to serve, wait upon. ## %%, ind. having served, having waited on. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-roditi, -roditum>%, to weep, deplore. ## %%, f. (rt. %% with %% and %<>%), Ved. the shoot of a plant. ## %%, grown, increased. ## %%, whose affection has increased. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to bring near to: Caus. %%, to cause to bring near, convey near, acquire, gain. ## %%, acquiring, obtaining, earning, gaining. ## %%, n. bringing near to, acquiring. ## %%, to be acquired, to be earned. ## %%, gained, acquired, earned. ## %%, of little worth. ## %%, Desid. P. %%, to wish to accomplish, persevere, hold out. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to pierce, prick, goad. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-la-bhate, -labdhum>%, to obtain; to censure, revile, abuse, scold. ## %%, reproached, reviled. ## %%, censurable, blamable. ## %%, m. or %%, n. abuse, reviling, censure; deferring, delaying. ## %%, Ved. to be taken in addition. ## %%, m., N. of a man who arranged the Buddhist Vinaya. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vati, -vitum>%, to cherish, behave friendly towards; to encourage (with dat. or acc.). ## %%, Ved. encouraging; attractive. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-rohati, -rohum>%, to descend towards. ## %%. See under 1. %% below. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. submissive, compliant, obeying, accommodating. ## %%, Ved. bringing riches, granting wealth. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-harati, -te, -hartum>%, to bring or lead down towards. ## %%, n. taking down, bringing down. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. A. %<-var-tate, -titum>%, to turn towards, go towards, approach; to turn away, return: Caus. P. %<-vartayati, -yitum>%, to cause to turn, lead back. ## %%, n. turning round, revolving; turning back, returning; approaching; ceasing. ## 2. %%, f., Ved. return. ## %%, turned round, rolling on the ground; ceased, ceasing, refraining; come, arrived; fit, proper; (%%), m. a horse rolling on the ground; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-vaiti, -tum>%, to go down, descend (into a bath &c.); to join in (singing &c.); to assent, show one's self willing. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ate, -itum>%, to look at, look down at. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. a vulnerable or unprotected spot. ## 1. %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-noti, -nute, -itum>%, to obtain, become master of. ## 2. %%, cl. 9. P. %<-nti, -itum>%, to eat, consume; to taste, enjoy. ## %%, to be expected (as anything future). ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-rayati, -te, -rayitum>%, to have recourse to. ## %%, m. recourse (for aid), asylum, support; reliance, dependance upon. ## %%, relying or depending upon; supporting (literally or figuratively), bearing, holding, protecting. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %%, to be near to or in. ## 2. %%, cl. 4. P. %%, to throw near or upon or among, cast down upon. ## 1. %%, n. injuring, hurting; archery. ## 3. %%, cl. 2. A. %%, to sit near to (with acc.), sit at the side of (as a mark of submission and respect); to sit; to occupy, reside, abide in, be present at; to approach, go towards, invest (as an enemy's town); be intent upon, be engaged in; to undergo, suffer; to remain or continue in any action (with indecl. part., e. g. %%, they continued doing); to remain in expectation, expect, wait for; to approach respectfully, to serve, worship, honour; attach one's self to; to respect, recognize, acknowledge; to regard as; to employ, make subservient. ## %%, serving, a servant; a dra, a low fellow; worshipping, a worshipper, a follower; (with Buddhists) a worshipper of Buddha (as distinguished from the %% or Buddhist priest). ## %%, m. pl. title of the seventh of the twelve sacred books of the Jainas. @<[Page 0172-c]>@ ## 2. %%, n. sitting by the side of; being intent on, engaging in, serving, service, attendance, worship, respect, adoration; regarding as, reflecting on, religious meditation; the sacred fire; (%<>%), f. service, worship, adoration. ## %%, worthy of attendance. ## %%, to be attended on, worthy of attendance. ## %%,f. religious reflection or meditation; service, worship. ## %%, served, honoured, worshipped; serving, paying worship or service. ## %%, to be served or worshipped; to be attended to, to be accomplished; to be regarded or considered. ## %%, a worshipper. ## %%, sitting near to, occupying. ## %%, f. service, especially of a deity, worship, veneration. ## 1. %%, to be served or worshipped; to be attended to or accomplished; to be respected; to be regarded or considered. ## %%, f. or %%, n. respectability, placability. ## 2. %%, ind. having served or worshipped; having associated (?). ## %%, being served, waited upon, attended, worshipped, receiving homage. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), proximity; a quiver. ## %%, n. sunset. ## %%, ind. about the time of sunset. ## %%, n. a secondary or minor weapon. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ti-hati, -te, -sthtum>%, to stand near, go near to, have intercourse with. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-harati, -te, -hartum>%, to offer; to make, prepare. ## %%, m. slight refreshment (consisting of fruits, sweetmeats, &c.). ## %%, offered, prepared; seized. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-hva-yati, -te, -hvtum>%, to challenge, invite. ## 1. %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to go near, approach (as a friend or enemy); come near to, arrive at, reach; to go to (a master), become a pupil; to undergo, perform, undertake, devote one's self to; to pass into any state, to fall into (misfortune &c.), incur, be present at; to obtain; to fall to one's share; to befal; to regard as, admit, acknowledge. ## %%, m. approaching, approach; that by which one reaches an aim, a means, an expedient, a way, stratagem; a means of success against an enemy (four of which are usually enumerated, sowing dissension, negotiation, bribery, and open attack); joining (in singing &c.). ## %%, n. the four expedients against an enemy; see above. ## %%, f. devising an expedient, thinking of a resource. ## %%, fertile in expedients, contriving, provident. ## %%, ind. by some means or expedient. ## %%, m. a fourth means, punishment. ## %%, n. state of being provided with means. ## %%, m. application of means or combination of expedients. ## %%, n. a remedy. ## %%, n. approaching, going near to, going to a teacher, becoming a pupil, engaging in any religious observance; undertaking, accepting; a present, a gift, a complementary or respectful gift. ## %%, conducive to. ## %%, approaching; having sexual intercourse with; expert in the use of means. ## %%, Ved. going near to, approaching. ## %%, come near, approached, arrived at, come near to, present, existent; accompanied by, endowed with, possessed of, having, possessing; surrounded, invested; fallen into. ## %%, f., Ved. approach, arrival. ## %%, approaching, going near to; contriving, a contriver, one who employs expedients, one who comes as an assailant. ## %%, ind. having approached, having gone near. ## %%, to be gone to or approached, to be effected by any means; assailable; to be sought, to be had recourse to. ## %%, accompanied or followed by, associated with, united; obtained, got. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %%, to come near to, go to, approach, visit; to have sexual intercourse with; to undergo, incur, fall into (misfortune &c.). ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to look at, regard; to perceive; to notice, have regard to; to consider, expect; to overlook, disregard; to neglect, to quit, abandon; to despise. ## %%, m., N. of a son of vaphalka. ## %%, disregarding, neglecting, looking at inattentively, disdaining; patient, enduring. ## %%, n. overlooking, looking at without interest or attention, disregarding, neglecting, disdaining; leaving, abandoning. ## %%, to be neglected or disregarded. ## %%, f. overlooking, negligence, neglect; indiference, contempt, disdain; abandoning, leaving; endurance, patience; dissent; trick, deceit (as one of the minor expedients in war); regard. ## %%, disregarded, disesteemed, neglected, disdained. ## %%, to be looked at, to be regarded, to be examined; to be disregarded. ## %%, to be regarded or examined; to be disregarded or neglected. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %% (cl. 6. P. fr. %%), to press in, force in. ## %%, driven or pressed in, turned in. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), N. of Viu or Ka as the younger brother of Indra, (born subsequently to Indra, especially as son of Aditi, either as an ditya or in the Vmana Avatr); N. of a king of the Ngas; (%<>%), f., N. of a river. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f. a metre of four lines of eleven syllables each. ## %%. See under %%. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %%, to attack. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. A., Ved. %%, to approach with a request &c., to request. ## 3. %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to creep near, approach. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to sprinkle in addition. ## 1. %% (fr. %%), brought near; brought about, advanced, begun; arranged, arrayed; near, proximate; married. ## 2. %%. See %% next col. ## %%, f. the pot-herb Basella Rubra or Lucida. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. and 4. P. %<-krmati, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to go up towards, rise upwards, ascend. ## %%, last but one; (%%), n. (scil. %%) the last vowel but one. @<[Page 0173-b]>@ ## %% (rt. %%), risen up. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %%, to moisten. ## %%, near to water; (%% or %%), f. the plant Basella Cordifolia. ## %%, ind. about the time of sunrise. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -tum>%, to approach. ## %%, f. the plant Basella Cordifolia. See %%. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aiti, -tum>%, to go up towards, go up to. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te>% (Ved. %<-gbhti, -te), -grahtum>%, to erect, set up. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), an example, an apposite argument or illustration; analysis, the ascertainment of the elements of anything; a beginning, a thing begun; an introduction, a preface. ## %%, m., N. of the third part of the Vyu-pura. ## %% (fr. %%), nom. P. %<-balayati, -yitum>%, to confirm. ## %%, confirming. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-viati, -veum>%, to sit down near, to take a seat near. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-oati, -itum>%, to burn down, burn. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. 1. %% with %%), a fast, fasting. ## %%, fasted; (%%), n. fasting. ## %%, ind. having fasted. ## %%, m., N. of a Brhman. ## %%; in some of its senses connected with %%), cl. 1. P. %%, to push or impel towards; to push under, insert; to bring near, produce; to accumulate: Pass. %%, to be brought about, to advance, begin. ## 2. %%, brought near, brought about, advanced, commenced. ## %%, m., Ved. adding, accumulating. ## %%, being brought about or commenced. ## %% (past pass. part. of rt. %%), sown (as seed). ## %%, ploughed after sowing. ## %%, f. sowing seeds. ## %%, m. an agriculturist. ## %%, sown, cultivated. ## %%, to be scattered or sown. ## %%, being sown. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to press down, subdue, keep under; to make straight: Desid. %%. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, pressed down, subdued. ## %% or %%, cl. 6. 9. 7. P., Ved. %% or %%, impf. %% or %% or %%, to compact together; to confine; to cover over, fill with; (Sy.) to break. ## %%, pron. (nom. du. %%, pl. %%; said to be fr. rt. %% above, and connected with Gr. [greek] Lat. ambo; Slav. oba; Lith. abbu; Goth. bai, ba), both. @<[Page 0173-c]>@ ## %%, (pl. m. f. n. %%, only used in sing. and pl., but by some authorities also in dual), both. ## %%, possessed of both qualities. ## %%, Ved. effecting or accomplishing both. ## %%, 'moving in or on both', living in water and on land or in the air, amphibious. ## %%, ind., Ved. on both days, on two subsequent days; the day past and to come. ## %%, applicable to two purposes, taking two shares or parts; (%%), n. a medicine that acts in two ways, as an emetic and a purge. ## %%, Ved. furnished with or containing both. ## %%, f. the twofold science, i. e. religious knowledge and acquaintance with worldly affairs. ## %%, appearing under two forms. ## %%, f., N. of a metre. ## %%, serving two masters, receiving wages from both. ## %%, having the marks of both sexes. ## %%, m. a dilemma. ## %%, belonging to both. ## %%, agreed to or accepted mutually or on both sides. ## %%, ind. for a double object, as for prosperity on earth and happiness in heaven. ## %%, ind. from both sides, on both sides, to both sides; in both cases. ## %%, Ved. two-edged. ## %%, having a double row of teeth (man, animal, &c.). ## %%, looking either way, two-faced. ## %%, having a short vowel on both sides, (an accented vowel) produced by two short vowels. ## %%, ind. in both places, on both sides; in both cases, both times. ## %%, having an Udtta accent on both sides; resulting from the blending of two Udtta accents. ## %%, ind. in both ways; in both cases. ## %%, ind., Ved. in both ways. ## %%, Ved. having teeth on both sides. ## %%, Ved. being on both sides, partaking of both. ## %%, ind., Ved. as much as may be grasped with both hands. ## %%, Ved. filling both hands. ## %%, belonging to both. ## %%, ind. on both days, on two subsequent days. ## %%, ind. an interjection of anger, interrogation, promise or assent, of cordiality or pacification. ## %%, m. a city, a town; a wharf, a landing-place. ## %%, f. (in the first sense perhaps fr. rt. %%), flax (Linum Usitatissimum); the plant Curcuma; N. of the daughter of Himavat and Men, and wife of Rudra or iva (she is also called Prvat and Durg); light, splendor; fame, reputation; quiet, tranquillity; night. According to the Kumrasambhava. 1. 26, the name %% is derived from %%, O do not (practice austerities)! the exclamation addressed to Prvat by her mother. ## %% or %%, m. or n. the pollen of flax. ## %%, m., N. of the mountain Himlaya as father of Um. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, m. epithet of iva as husband of Um. ## %%, m., N. of a poet. ## %%, worshipping iva. ## %%, n., N. of the town Vana-pura or Dev-koa (Devi Cote). ## %%, m., N. of iva as companion of Um. ## %%, m., N. of Krttikeya as son of Um. ## %%, m., N. of iva as lord of Um. ## %%, n. a field of linseed or of Curcuma. ## %%, m. the upper timber of a door frame; N. of a Gandharva. ## %%, f. the stalks of wheat or barley fried over a fire of wet grass, considered as a tonic. @<[Page 0174-a]>@ ## %%, m. the upper timber of a door frame; [cf. %%.] ## %%, f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, to go; (a Sautra root, i. e. one occurring only in grammatical Stras and not in the Dhtu-pha.) ## %%, m., N. of a i said to be of the family of Vta. ## %%, m., N. of one of iva's attendants. ## %%, m. (fr. %% and rt. %%), a snake ('going on the breast'); in mythology a Nga or semi-divine serpent usually represented with a human face of great beauty; lead; (%<>%), f. a female snake; (%<>%), f., N. of a town. ## %%, having a serpent for a wedding ring. ## %%, m. an epithet of iva, whose ornaments consist of snakes. ## %%, m. the king of snakes, ea or Vsuki. ## %%, m. n. a kind of sandal-wood. ## %%, n. the abode of the Ngas, i. e. Ptla, a region below the earth (not to be confounded with hell). ## %%, m. Garua, the bird of Viu; a large crane; (lit. 'the enemy of the snakes.') ## %%, m., N. of Garua; a gigantic crane; ('whose food consists of serpents.') ## %%, n. a kind of spade. ## %%, m. the king of the snakes, ea or Vsuki. ## %% and %%, m. a snake. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. rt. 4. %<>%), a ram, a sheep, a young ram; a certain demon slain by Indra; a cloud?; (%<>%), f. a ewe. ## %% or %%, m. the plant Cassia Alata or Tora. ## %% or %%, m. the plant Tora. ## %%, m. a ram; a cloud. ## %%, m. (fr. %% and rt. %%), a ram; a kind of poisonous insect. ## %%, ind. (perhaps connected with %%; cf. %%), a particle implying assent, admission, extension, expansion, diffusion; often compounded with the roots, %%, and %%. ## %%, to allow, admit, assent. ## %%, m. a promise, agreement; admission. ## %%, promised, agreed; spread, extended, diffused. ## %%, m., N. of a country inhabited by a warrior-tribe; (%<>%), f., N. of a town; also %%. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%, to cover; cf. %%), the breast, the bosom; (%%), best, excellent; %%, to press any one to one's breast; to assent. ## %%, n. injury to the chest, breaking a blood-vessel in the chest, consumption. ## %%, f. a pearl necklace hanging over the breast. ## %%, n. the breast, the bosom. ## %%, m. a cuirass, breastplate, armour, mail. ## %% or %%, m. the female breast (lit. 'produced on the chest'). ## %%, having hairs on the breast. ## %%, m. the sacrificial thread hung round the neck and upon the breast, as sometimes worn. ## %%, ind. from the breast, in the direction of the breast. ## %%, n. a breastplate, cuirass, coat of mail. ## %%, broad-chested, full-breasted, strong. ## %%, going on the breast (as a reptile), creeping, crawling. ## %%, m. disease of the chest, pleurisy. ## %%, m. striking or beating the breast; pain in the chest. ## %%, m. the female breast (lit. 'born on the chest'). ## %%, f., N. of a metre. ## %%, n. an ornament of the breast. ## %%, having a strong broad breast; (%%), n. (at the end of compounds) best, most excellent. ## %%, broad-chested, having a full or broad breast. ## 1. %%, nom. P. %%, to be strong. ## 2. %%, situated in the breast; pectoral; (labour or exertion) requiring an effort of the chest; legitimate (as a son or daughter); one born from a married couple of the same tribe or caste; excellent (i. e. the very heart, the breast or best part). ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. a ewe. ## %%, Ved. killing sheep. ## %%, m. a horse of a pale colour with dark legs; (probably a foreign word.) ## %%, ind. (cf. %%), a particle implying (especially in composition with the roots %%, and %%) promise, assent, admission, extension, diffusion, &c. ## %%, to promise, allow, admit, assent. ## %%, m. promise, admission, extension. ## %%, promised, extended, spread. ## %% or %% (fr. rt. %%, to cover), wide, spacious; extended, great, large; much, excessive; excellent, precious, valuable; (%%), n., Ved. wide space, space, room; %%, to grant space or scope, give opportunity; (%%), ind. far, far off; (%%), f. the wide earth, see %% next col.; comparative %%, superlative %%; [cf. Gr. [greek] Hib. ur, 'very;' ur-ard, 'very high;' uras, 'power, ability.'] ## %% or %%, m. the creeper Cucumis Colocynthis. ## %%, Ved. making room, granting space. ## %%, Ved. farstepping, making wide strides; of high rank; (%%), m. an epithet of Viu. ## %%, m., Ved. a spacious dwelling, a wide habitation; (%%), occupying spacious dwellings, an epithet of Mitra and Varua and the Maruts; (%%), m., N. of a prince. ## %%, f., Ved. a spacious or comfortable dwelling. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, Ved. having a wide domain or territory. ## %% fr. rt. %%), Ved. far-going, far-striding; an epithet of Viu, the Avins, Soma, and Indra; offering wide space or scope for movement; (Sy.) praised by the great; (%%), m. an epithet of Viu; (%%), n. wide space, scope for movement or free and unconfined motion. ## %%, offering ample space for motion, unconfined, ## %% (?), f., Ved., N. of a snake. ## %%, Ved. having wide wheels. ## %%, Ved. allowing unrestrained motion; (Sy.) granting ample assistance. ## %%, Ved. far-seeing; epithet of Mitra-Varua and of the dityas. ## %%, Ved. having a wide path or range. ## %%, or %%, Ved. moving in a wide course, extending over a wide space; (Sy.) of great impetuosity, of mighty impetus; epithet of Agni and of Indra. ## %%, widest, greatest. ## %%, wider, greater, larger. ## %%, f., Ved. wideness; opening. ## %%, m. great heat. ## %%, n. magnitude, vastness. ## %%, Ved. giving a broad stream (of milk, as a cow). ## %%, Ved. wide-spreading, widely extended, far-spread. ## %%, Ved. having a wide opening. ## %%, Ved. widely opened; (Sy.) excellent, pre-eminent. ## %%, m. a long road. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, Ved. furnished with a broad yoke. ## %%, Ved. containing wide space, widely extended; (Sy.) widely illuminating. ## %%, valiant, mighty. ## %%, m., N. of a Flamingo (in the Hari-vaa, whose condition was that of a hunter in a former birth). ## %%, f., N. of a village. ## %%, N. of a place. ## %%, Ved. occupying wide space, widely extending, widely capacious; (%%), m. a malignant spirit, an imp or goblin. ## %%, Ved. extending far; far-reaching, capacious; perceived in a distant place (as a sound); containing wide spaces. ## %%, Ved. having a wide domain or territory. ## %%, Ved. praising aloud; (Sy.) to be praised by many; reigning over a wide territory; (Sy.) praised by many; epithet of Varua, Pan, the dityas, Indra, and Soma. ## %%, Ved. finding refuge everywhere throughout the universe, widely pervading. ## %% (rt. %%), Ved. granting wide space or free scope; (Sy.) granting much. ## %%, magnanimous, of a generous or noble nature. ## %%, stentorian. ## %%, m. a valuable necklace. ## %%, Ved. broad-nosed, having a good scent (as a hound). ## %%, m. a mountain; the ocean. ## %%, m., Ved. an extensive field. ## %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. n. the plant Ricinus Communis. ## %%, nom. P., Ved. %%, to desire wide scope or freedom, to escape from (with acc.); to protect, preserve, secure, defend from (with abl.), to avert. ## %%, f., Ved. (only in inst.) with protecting hands; (Sy.) with desire to protect. ## %%, Ved. going to a distant place; (Sy.) desiring to protect. ## %%, liking space; fond of expatiating; free, unrestrained, disobedient. ## %%, ind., Ved. far, far off, far and near, widely. ## %%, f. the wide earth, the earth, the soil; space, the open space or great expanse comprising the six spaces, viz. the four quarters of the sky with the upper and lower spaces; a river; (%%), du., Ved. the two worlds, or heaven and earth. ## %%, m. a mountain; the serpent ea. ## %%, m. a king. ## %%, m. a mountain. ## %%, m. a tree, 'growing on the earth.' ## %%, m. a king. ## %%, f. protection, security. ## %%, (fr. %%), Ved. able to help or defend far and near; (Sy.) granting extensive protection. ## %%, m., N. of a demon; also of a man. ## %%, ind. a particle of assent and admission. See %%. ## %%, m. an owl; [cf. %%.] ## %%. See %% under %%. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), abandoned, left. ## %%, f., N. of a town. ## %%, m. a spider; [cf. %%.] ## %%, f. wool, felt, the hair of camels &c.; a circle of hair between the eyebrows. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to measure; to play; to be easy or cheerful. ## %%, m. an otter. See %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to kill or hurt. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. a year. ## %%, f., Ved. fertile soil, yielding every kind of crop, field sown with corn; land in general; a mixed mass of fibres, wool, &c.; jocular term for curled hairs; N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, Ved. acquiring fields. ## %%, m., Ved. master of the fields sown with corn. ## %%, Ved. granting fields. ## %%, f., Ved. tow, fibres drawn out of the distaff. @<[Page 0175-a]>@ ## %%, Ved. belonging to a field which is sown with corn. ## %%, f. (fr. %%), Ved. wish, ardour, hot desire; N. of an Apsaras or nymph of Indra's heaven, who became the wife of Purravas; she is also identified with the Gag. ## %%, f., N. of a glossary of synonymous words by an anonymous author. ## %%, m. epithet of Aila or Purravas, the second king of the lunar race and the husband of the Apsaras Urva. ## %% or %%, m. epithet of Purravas; see the preceding. ## %%, m. a kind of cucumber, Cucumis Usitatissimus. See %%. ## %%, n. the fruit of the above plant. ## %%, f., Ved. = the preceding. #

    %, q. v.), to wish to obtain. ## %%, n. desiring, wishing to obtain. ## %%, f. asking, desire, wish to obtain. ## %%, wished, desired. ## %%, striving to obtain; wishing to get or obtain, desirous of (with acc.). ## %%, m. a particular Soma sacrifice. ## %%, ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %%), Ved. a particle of affirmation and restriction, generally after short words at the beginning of a period, or after the relative pronouns, the conjunction %%, prepositions and particles such as %%, &c. %% has also the sense 'now' (%<= idnm>%), and is by Sy. sometimes considered as an acc. case for %%. ## %% fr. rt. %%), Ved. one whose eyes go or look about everywhere; (Sy.) of pervading sight. ## %%, gone, having gone, having obtained. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %%, Ved. inf. %%, to go, move, rise, arise from; to go away, retire; to agitate, elevate, raise (one's voice): Caus. P. %%, to agitate, throw, cast; to excite; to cause to rise; to bring to life; to raise one's voice, utter, pronounce, proclaim, cite; to elevate; A. to raise one's self. ## %%, agitating, driving; (%%), m. the wind. ## %%, sent, despatched; said, uttered. ## %%, n. declared purpose or intention. ## %%, to be excited. ## %%, f., Ved. the condition of one who is to be excited. ## %%, f. wandering about as a religious mendicant. ## %%, m. the observances of a religious mendicant; the four positions of the body, viz. going, standing upright, sitting and lying down. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), desert; (%%), n. salt and barren soil. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of a man; (%%), m. pl. the descendants of this man. ## %%. See %%. ## 1. %%, ind., Ved. in this place, here, to this place; (Sy.) going constantly, or instigating everything. ## 2. %%, m., Ved. the arm, the forequarter of an animal; (%%), n. a sore or wound. ## %%, Ved. epithet of a team of horses or of the horses of the sun's car; fullhaunched (lit. full-ended); thin-haunched; (perhaps) having the biggest horses on both sides of the team. ## %%, m. a cucumber, Cucumis Utilissimus. See %%. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. P. %%, or %%, &c., to envy, to feel impatient at another's prosperity (with dat.): Desid. %% or %%. ## %%, f. impatience, envy of another's success; more properly read %%. ## %%, impatient of another's success, envious. ## %%, envied; (%%), n. envy. ## %%, to be envied. ## %%, envious, jealous. ## %%, envious, envying; (%<>%), f. envy or impatience of another's success; spite, malice. ## %%, or %%, envious, spiteful, ## %%, overcome with envy. @<[Page 0144-a]>@ ## %%, envious, envying. ## %%, envying, envious. ## %%, envious, jealous. ## %%, envious, spiteful. ## %%, Ved. zealous. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Tasu and father of Dushyanta. ## %% or %%, f. a weapon, sometimes considered as a cudgel and sometimes as a short sword or stick shaped like a sword. ## %<, >%, &c. See under %<>%. ## %<-vat, n, at, at>% (fr. pronominal base 3. %%), Ved. so large, so stately, so magnificent, so much. #<># 1. %<>%, cl. 2. A. %%, or Ved. %%, to own, possess; to belong to; to dispose of, be valid or powerful, to be master of (with gen., or Ved. with gen. of an inf., or with a common inf., or the loc. of an abstract noun); to command; to rule, reign; to behave like a master, allow; [with this word are perhaps connected Goth. aigan, 'to have;' Old Germ. eigan, adj. eigan, 'own;' Mod. Germ. eigen.] #<># 2. %<, >%, m., Ved. master, lord, the supreme spirit. ## %<-vsya, am>%, n. 'to be clothed or pervaded by the supreme', a title of the a-upaniad, which commences with that expression. ## %%, owning, possessing, sharing; one who is completely master of anything; capable of (with gen.); powerful, supreme; a ruler, a master, a lord; (%%), m. a husband; a Rudra; the number 'eleven' (as there are eleven Rudras); N. of iva as regent of the north-east quarter; (%<>%), f. faculty, power, dominion. ## %%, n. supremacy, superiority. ## %%, m. iva's friend, an epithet of Kuvera. ## %%, m., N. of the a-upaniad. ## %%, f., N. of an Upaniad. ## %%, n. commanding, reigning. ## %%, owning, possessing, wealthy; reigning; (%%), m. a ruler, master, one of the older names of iva-Rudra; one of the Rudras; the sun as a form of iva; a Sdhya; epithet of Viu; N. of a man; (%<>%), f. an epithet of Durg; (%% or %<>%), m. or f. the silk-cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum; (%%), n. light, splendor. ## %%, Ved. acting like a competent person, making use of one's possessions or faculties; (Sy.) rendering one a master or able. ## %%, m., N. of a physician. ## %%, m. pl. a class of deities forming a section of the Kalpa-bhavas. ## %%, f., N. of a woman. ## %%, m. a master, an owner or proprietor; a king. ## %%, commanding, reigning; (%%), f. supremacy. ## %%, f. or %%, n. superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of iva. ## %%, able to do, capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf., or with common inf.), liable, exposed to; (%%), m. f. master, lord, prince, king, mistress, queen; (%%), m. a husband; god, the supreme, especially iva, one of the Rudras, the god of love, the soul or supreme soul (%%), N. of a prince; (%<>% or %<>%), f., N. of Durg; of Lakm or of any other of the aktis or female energies of the deities. ## %%, m., N. of the author of the Skhya-krik. ## %%, f. pl. a section of the Krma-Pura. ## %%, f. or %%, n. superiority, supremacy. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, m. atheism. ## %%, trusting in God. ## %%, pious. ## %%, f. worship of God. ## %%, m. divine grace. ## %%, m. royal or imperial state. ## %%, n. a temple. ## %%, n. a royal court or assembly. ## %%, f. the worship of God. ## %%, subject to a king, dependant on a master or on God. ## %%, f. or %%, n. dependance upon God, subjection to a ruler. ## %%, m., N. of a scholiast. #<># %<>%, cl. 1. A. (with prep. also P.) %% or %<-cakra>%, and Ved. %%, to go, to fly away, escape; to attack, to hurt; to glean, to collect a few grains; to look. ## %%, hastening; (%<>%), f. haste. ## %%, hastening. ## %%, m. the month vina; see %%; a son of the third Manu; a servant of iva. ## %%, ind. (said to be a pres. part. fr. rt. %<>%), little, a little, slightly. ## %%, slightly resounding. ## %%, n. shallow water, a little water. ## %%, doing little; easy to be accomplished. ## %%, connected with slight effort. ## %%, m. a pale or light brown colour. ## %%, that of which a little is drunk; (%%), n. a little draught. ## %%, m. a mean man. ## %%, to be gained for little. ## %%, slightly touched (applied to the semivowels). ## %%, tepid, slightly warm. ## %%, not quite complete or entire. ## %%, of little merit. ## %%, n. a glance, a slight inspection. ## %%, m. slight laughter, a smile. ## %%, pale red. ## %%, slightly open. ## %%, slightly sounding (applied to unaspirated soft consonants). ## %%, exchanged for a little. ## %%, to be obtained for a little. #<># %<>%, f. (said to be fr. %<>%), the pole or the shafts of a carriage or plough; (%%), du. the double or fork-shaped pole. ## %<-daa, as>%, m. the handle of a plough. ## %<-danta, as>%, m. an elephant with a large tusk or tooth, the tusk of an elephant. ## %%, m., N. of a Nga. ## %%, f. an elephant's eyeball; a painter's brush, &c.; a weapon, a dart or arrow. See %% and %%. ## %%, m. fire. See %%. ## %%, f. a painter's brush, a fibrous stick used as one; an ingot-mould; a dipping rod or something cast into a crucible to examine if the metal it contains is in fusion. See %%. ## %% and %%, m. Kmadeva; spring. See %% and %%. ## %%, m. a spiritual teacher. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, rarely P. %%, &c., to endeavour to obtain; to aim at or attempt; to long for, desire; to take care of; to have in mind, think of (with acc.): Caus. %%, to impel. ## %%, m. attempt (e. g. %%, attempt to rise). ## %%, attempting, undertaking, performing. ## %%, f. effort, exertion, activity; request, desire, wish. ## %%, ind. diligently, energetically, by or with labour or exertion. ## %%, m. a wolf; a division of the drama. ## %%, aiming at any object, seeking wealth. ## %%, m. a wolf. ## %%, sought, attempted, striven for; wished, desired; (%%), n. desire, request, wish, effort. ## ## 1. %%, the fifth letter and third short vowel of the alphabet, pronounced as the %% in full. ## %%, m. the letter or sound %%. ## 2. %%, ind. an interjection of assent, calling, compassion, anger, and command. @<[Page 0144-c]>@ ## 3. %%, ind. an enclitic copula, used frequently in the Vedas; (as a particle implying restriction and antithesis, generally after pronominals, prepositions, particles, and before %% and %%, equivalent to) and, also, further; on the other hand (especially in connection with a relative, e. g. %%, he on the contrary who &c.). This particle may serve to give emphasis, like %% and %%, especially after prepositions or demonstrative pronouns, in conjunction with %%, &c. (e. g. %%, I this very person invoke you constantly). It is especially used in the figure of speech called Anaphora, and particularly when the pronouns are repeated (e. g. %%, him I praise, Indra, him I sing). It may be used in drawing a conclusion, like the English 'now' (e. g. %%, that now he should not do in such a manner), and is frequently found in interrogative sentences (e. g. %%, who, I ask, should know that ?). Pini calls this particle %% to distinguish it from the interrogative %%. In the Pada-pha it is written %<>%. In the classical language %% occurs only after %%, and %%, with a slight modification of the sense, and often only as an expletive (see %% or %%, on the one hand--on the other hand; partly-partly; as well--as. ## 4. %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to sound, to make a noise; to roar, bellow: Caus. P. %%, to cause to sound. ## 5. %%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %%, to animate, ask, demand. ## 6. %%, m., N. of iva; also of Brahm. ## %%, m. a horse of a red and yellow or red and black colour, a bay or chesnut horse. ## %%, m. a bug; also %%. ## %% (past pass. part. of rt. %%), uttered, said, spoken; (%%), n. word, sentence; (%%), n. f. a stanza of four lines with one syllabic instant, one long or two short syllables in each; [cf. Zend ukhta.] ## %%, n. the being spoken or uttered. ## %%, m. maintaining an assertion. ## %%, a (feminine or neuter) word, of which also a masculine is mentioned or exists, and whose meaning only differs from that of the masculine by the notion of gender (e. g. the word %% is not %%, whereas the word %% is so; cf. %%). ## %%, n. speech and reply, discourse, conversation. ## %%, one who has spoken. ## %%, ind. except the cases mentioned. ## %%, one who has given an opinion; (%%), n. a dictum, a decree. ## %%, spoken and not spoken. ## %%, m. any brief or compendious phrase or description. ## %%, f. sentence, proclamation, speech, expression, word. ## %%, ind. having spoken or said. ## %%, n. a saying, sentence, verse, eulogy, praise; (in the ritual) a kind of recitation or certain recited verses forming a subdivision of the stras. They generally form a series, and are spoken or recited in opposition to those verses which are sung (%%) and to the muttered sacrificial formulas (%%). The great %% or %%) forms a series of verses, in three sections, each containing eighty threefold verses (%%), recited at the end of the Agnicayana; a N. of the Sma-veda; (%<>%), f. a kind of metre, a stanza of four lines having one long or two short syllables in each; (%%), m. a form of Agni; N. of a prince. ## %%, Ved. having verses as wings. ## %%, n. vessels or libations offered during the recitation of an uktha. ## %%, Ved. offering ukthas. ## %%, Ved. connected with an uktha. ## %%, Ved. strengthening one's self by or delighting in praise; (Sy.) to be celebrated in praise. ## %%, Ved. offering verses; one to whom verses are offered. ## %%, Ved. praising; uttering the ukthas. ## %%, or %%, m. f. or %%, Ved. uttering a verse, praising. ## %%, Ved. loudly resonant with verses, moving on with the sound of verses (as with the roaring of waters), accompanied by sounding verses; (Sy.) whose strength is praise. ## %%, n., Ved. praise and rejoicing. ## %%, n., Ved. recitation and hymn. ## %%, Ved. fond of verses. ## %%, n., Ved. recitation and praise. ## %%, Ved. uttering verses, praising, lauding; accompanied by praise, or (in ritual) by ukthas. ## %%, Ved. accompanied by verse or praise, consisting of praise, deserving praise, skilled in praising; accompanied by ukthas; (%%), m. a libation (%%) at the morning and midday sacrifice; (scil. %%) N. of a liturgical ceremony, forming part e. g. of the Jyotioma; a Soma-yaja. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. 6. P. A. %% (Ved. %%, to sprinkle, moisten, wet; to sprinkle or scatter in small drops, to emit; to throw out, scatter (as sparks); to clean; [cf. Lith. ukana: Hib. uisg, uisge, 'water, a river;' uisgeach, 'aquatic, watery, fluid, moist, pluvial.'] ## 1. %%, m. (at the end of some compounds) %<= ukan>% below; (%%), clean (?). ## %%, n. sprinkling, consecrating. ## %%, nom. P., Ved. %%, to do or behave like Ukshan; (Sy.) to desire one who pours down riches &c. ## %%, m., Ved. a patronymic from Ukaya. ## %%, Ved. behaving or doing like Ukshan; (Sy.) desirous of one who pours down riches &c. ## %%, m. an ox or bull (especially as drawing the chariot of Ushas or dawn); epithet of the Soma (as sprinkling or scattering small drops); of the Maruts; of the sun and Agni; one of the eight chief medicaments (%%); N. of a man; (%<, , a>%), large (?); [cf. Zend ukhshan; Goth. auhsa and auhsu; Armen. en.] ## %%, m. a small bull or ox; a large bull. ## %%, m., Ved. a bull-calf, male calf. ## %%, m., Ved. an impotent bull (?). ## %%, Ved. one whose food is oxen. ## 1. %%, sprinkled, moistened, cleansed, perfumed. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %%, and A. %%, to grow up, to grow strong; A. to strengthen one's self; become strong: Caus. %%, to strengthen. ## 2. %%, large. ## %%, swift, excellent, terrible, high, much; (%%), m. a monkey (?). ## 2. %%, adult, of full growth, strong; old. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %%, to go, move. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. a boiler, a pot, a vessel; N. of a pupil of Tittiri; (%<>%), f. a boiler, any saucepan, a pot or vessel which can be put on the fire; a part of the body. ## %%, Ved. breaking the pot. ## %%, Ved. being in a dish; boiled, dressed in a pot (flesh, &c.). ## %% or %%, m. a kind of grass, a sort of Andropogon. @<[Page 0145-b]>@ ## %%, f., N. of a deity. ## %% (corrupted fr. %% or %%), Ved. consisting of extended troops (used as an epithet of %%, an army). ## %% (said to be fr. rt. %%, but probably fr. a rt. %% or %%, fr. which also %%, may be derived; comparative %% and %%; superl. %% and %%), powerful, violent, mighty, strong beyond measure, huge, formidable, terrible; high, noble; cruel, fierce, ferocious, savage; angry, passionate, wrathful; hot, sharp, pungent, acrid; (%%), m., N. of Rudra or iva; N. of a mixed tribe, from a Kshatriya father and dra mother, (the employment of this caste, according to Manu, is the killing or catching of animals that live in holes, as of snakes &c.; but according to the Tantras the Ugra is an encomiast or bard); the tree Hyperanthera Moringa; N. of a Dnava; a son of Dhta-rra; the Guru of Narendrditya, who built a temple called Ugrea; a group of asterisms (viz. %%); N. of the Malabar country; (%<>%), N. of different plants, Artemisia Sternutatoria, Coriandrum Sativum, &c.; (%<>%), f. a being belonging to the class of demons; (%%), n. a certain poison, the root of Aconitum Ferox; wrath, anger; [cf. Zend ughra.] ## %%, fierce in action, violent, cruel. ## %%, m. a sort of gourd, Momordica Charantia. ## %%, strong-smelling; (%%), m. the plant Michelia Champaca; garlic; (%<>%), f. orris root; a medicinal plant; Artemisia Sternutatoria; Pimpinella Involucrata; the common carraway (Carum Carui, &c.); Ligusticum Ajowan; (%%), n. Asa Foetida. ## %%, strong-smelling. ## %%, m. strong desire. ## %%, f., N. of Durg. ## %%, base-born. ## %%, f., Ved., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, f. or %%, n. violence, passion, anger; pungency, acrimony. ## %%, endowed with great or terrible energy; (%%), m., N. of a Nga; of a Buddha; of another divine being. ## %%, having terrific teeth. ## %%, lit. 'stern-sceptred' or holding a terrible rod; relentless, remorseless. ## %%, of a frightful appearance, frightful, terrible. ## %%, f. daughter of a powerful man. ## %%, Ved. having a powerful bow, epithet of Indra. ## %%, largenosed. ## %%, m. son of a powerful man; (%%), having mighty sons. ## %%, Ved. whose arms are large or powerful. ## %%, frightful, hideous, fierce looking; malignant, wicked; (%<>%), f., N. of an Apsaras. ## %%, m. a form of Rudra. ## %%, Ved. having powerful men. ## %%, terrible in might. ## %%, of terrible velocity. ## %%, m., N. of a Dnava. ## %%, m., N. of a son of king Amara-akti. ## %%, severe in command, strict in orders. ## %%, f. 'crest of iva', N. of the Gag. ## %%, sorely grieving. ## %%, terrible to hear and see. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of several princes, e. g. of a brother of Janam-ejaya; (%<>%), f., N. of the wife of Akrra. ## %%, m. a N. of Kasa, the uncle and enemy of Ka. ## %%, m., N. of an author. ## %%, m., Ved. having mighty deities, N. of a i. ## %%, Ved. having powerful weapons; (%%), m., N. of a prince. ## %%, m. the mighty or terrible lord, an epithet of iva; N. of a sanctuary built by Ugra. ## %%, m., N. of a Nga. ## %%, m., N. of a companion of Viu. @<[Page 0145-c]>@ ## %%, m. a bug. See %%. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %%, to take pleasure in; to delight in, to be fond of; to be accustomed, to be suitable, to suit, to fit. ## %%, delightful, pleasurable, agreeable; customary, usual; proper, suitable, convenient; acceptable, fit or right to be taken; known, understood; intrusted, deposited; measured, adjusted, accurate; delighting in, used to. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. verse, praise. ## %%, Ved. deserving praise; (%%), m., N. of an girasa, author of some hymns of the g-veda. ## %% (said to be fr. 1. %% with %% fr. rt. %%), high, lofty, elevated; tall; deep; highsounding, loud, pronounced with the Udtta accent; intense, violent; (%%), m. the apex of the orbit of a planet; [cf. Hib. uchdan, 'a hillock;' Cambro-Brit. uched, 'cleve.'] ## %%, highest. ## %%, higher, more lofty. ## %%, m. the cocoa-nut tree; any lofty tree. ## %%, f. or %%, n. height, superiority. ## %%, n. music and dancing at feasts, drinking parties, &c. ## %%, m. an epithet of Viu or Ka. ## %%, f. time personified, chronos. ## %%, m., N. of kya-muni as teacher of the gods among the Tushitas, q. v. ## %%, high and low, variegated, heterogeneous; (%%), n. the upper and lower station of the planets; change of accent. ## %%, n. a high situation, a high office. ## %%, n. speaking aloud. ## %%, speaking with a loud voice, shouting, brawling. ## %% or %<-ik>%, f. a woman with a high or projecting forehead. ## %% (fr. %% and %%), high and low, great and small, variegated, heterogeneous; various, multiform; uneven, irregular, undulating. ## %%, ind. excessively lofty; tall; loud. ## %%, ind., Ved. above (in heaven), from above, upwards; %%, to carry upwards. ## %%, Ved. having a wheel above (epithet of a well). ## %%, Ved. having the bottom upwards. ## %%, ind. (used adjectively in comp.) aloft, high, above, upwards, from above; loud, accentuated; intensely, much, powerfully. ## %%, making acutely accented. ## %%, n. a high family; (%%), of high family. ## %%, n. making a loud noise, clamour. ## %%, Ved. sounding aloud, crying, neighing, roaring, rattling. ## %%, having trees like outstretched arms. ## %%, carrying one's head high, a man of high rank. ## %%, m. longeared or neighing aloud; epithet of the horse of Indra, produced at the churning of the ocean, (regarded as the prototype and king of horses.) ## %%, m. = the same. ## %%, m. a loud sound or voice; (%%), making a loud sound. ## %%, very high, tall or lofty; very loud. ## %%, ind. exceedingly high; on high; loudly, aloud. ## %%, higher, very high, loftier, louder; pronounced with a higher accent. ## %%, n. state of being too high. ## %%, n. height. ## %%, n. a high place; (%%), of high rank or family. ## %%, n. lofty, firmness (of character). ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %%, to look up at, behold. ## %%, whose eyes are directed upwards. ## %%, n. laughter in the mind not expressed in the countenance. @<[Page 0146-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-caati, -i-tum>%, to go away, disappear; Caus. P. %<-cayati, -yitum>%, to drive away, expel, scare. ## %%, n. eradicating (as a plant), expulsion; ruining (an adversary), causing a person to quit his occupation by means of magical incantations, exciting disgust for one's profession. ## %%, to be driven away. ## %%, driven away. ## %%, f. (perhaps connected with %% or in some sense fr. %% above), pride, arrogance; habit, usage; N. of different plants, a species of cyperus, a kind of garlic, Abrus Precatorius, Flacourtia Cataphracta. ## %%, quick, expeditious; passionate, violent; hanging down. ## %%, m. the moonless period of the night, the last watch of the night. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ri-tum>% (ep. sometimes %<-cartum>%), Ved. %<-ritave>% or %<-vai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to go upwards, ascend, rise (as the sun), issue forth, go forth; to rise (as the voice); to let the contents (of anything) issue out, to empty the body by evacuations; to emit (sounds), utter, pronounce; to quit, leave; to sin against, to be unfaithful to a husband; to transgress against: Caus. %<-cra-yati, -yitum>%, to cause to go forth, to evacuate the body by excretion, to discharge feces, to emit, to cause to sound, utter, pronounce, declare. ## %%, n. going up or out, uttering, articulating. ## %%, nom. P. %<-carayati, -yitum>%, to move out, stretch out to. ## %%, gone up or out, risen; uttered, articulated; (%%), n. excrement, dung. ## %%, m. feces, excrement; discharge; pronunciation, utterance. ## %%, pronouncing, making audible. ## %%, n. pronunciation, articulation, enunciation; making audible. ## %%, m. a linguist, one skilled in utterances or sounds. ## %%, n. the part of the throat whence certain sounds such as nasals, gutturals &c. proceed. ## %%, useful for pronunciation; necessary for pronunciation, a redundant letter &c. only used to make pronunciation easy. ## %%, to be pronounced. ## %%, pronounced, uttered, articulated; having excrements. ## 1. %%, ind. having spoken, uttered. ## 2. %%, to be spoken, to be pronounced. ## %%, being uttered or pronounced. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-calati, -li-tum>%, to go or move away from; to free one's self from, loosen one's self from. ## %%, n. the mind, the understanding. ## %%, n. going off or out, moving away. ## %%, gone up or out, winnowed. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-cinoti, -nute, -cetum>%, to gather, collect. ## %%, m. gathering, picking up from the ground; adding to, annumeration; collection, heap, plenty, multitude; the knot of the string or cloth which fastens the lower garments round the loins tied in front; the opposite side of a triangle. ## %%, m. du. prosperity and decline, rise and fall. ## %%, m. a passionate or angry man; a kind of crab; a sort of cricket. See %%. ## %%, m. a small poisonous animal living in water, a crab; [cf. the last.] ## %% or %%, m. (fr. %%), the flag or pennon of a banner; an ornament tied on the top of a banner. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-cyvayati, -yitum>%, to loosen, make free from, emancipate. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-chda-yati, -yitum>%, to uncover (one's body), undress. ## %%, ind. having undressed. ## %% (for %% by a Prkt corruption?), destroyed. ## %%, n. (for %%), cleaning or rubbing the body with perfumes. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-chalati, -te, -litum>%, to fly upwards or away, to move onwards. ## %%, flying up or away; going or moving on or against. ## %%, n. moving upwards, going on or against. ## %%, moved, waved, waved above; gone; shaken. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-chsti, -situm>%, to clean or purify thoroughly. ## %%, deviating from the law-books, transgressing the ritual-books. ## %% (fr. %%), having the flame pointed upwards; flaming, blazing up; radiant; high-crested; (%%), m., N. of a Nga ('with erected crest'). ## %%, n. (fr. %%), breathing through the nostrils, snuffing, snoring; (the word is also written %%.) ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-chi-natti, -chinte, -chettum>%, to cut out or off, extirpate, destroy; to interfere, interrupt, stop: Caus. P. %<-chedayati, -yitum>%, to cause to extirpate or destroy: Pass. %<-chidyate>%, to be cut off, stopped, or interrupted; to cease, be deficient, fail. ## %%, f. extirpation, destroying, destruction. ## %%, ind. having cut off, destroyed, killed, &c. ## %%, cut out or off; destroyed, killed; abject, vile; (%%), m. peace obtained by ceding valuable lands. ## %%, m. an extirpator, a destroyer. ## %%, m. cutting off or out; extirpation; destruction; cutting short, putting an end to; excision. ## %%, n. cutting off, extirpating, destroying, destruction. ## %%, to be cut off. ## %%, destroying. ## %%, to be cut off, to be destroyed. ## %%, having the head elevated, with upraised head, N. of a mountain also called Urumua. ## %%, n. a mushroom. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-chi-nai, -cheum>%, to leave (as a remainder), to reject: Pass. %<-chiyate>%, to be left remaining. ## %%, left, rejected, stale; having the remains of food on the mouth or hands, one who has not washed his hands and mouth and therefore is considered impure; (%%), n. leavings, fragments, remainder (especially of a sacrifice or of food). ## %%, f. a stale invention. ## %%, m. (opposed to %%), Gaea as worshipped by the Ucchias or men who leave the remains of food in their mouth during prayer. ## %%, f. the being left, state of being a remnant or remainder. ## %%, n. eating the leavings of another man; (%%), m. one who eats another's leavings; the attendant upon an idol, whose food is the leavings of offerings. ## %%, or %%, an eater of leavings, a mean person. ## %%, n. wax. ## %%, leavings, offal. ## %%, m. or %%, n. rest, remainder; leavings. ## %%, having the head raised; (%%), n. a pillow ('that which raises the head'). ## %%, Caus. %<-choa-yati, -yitum>%, to dry up, make dry. ## %%, dry, dried up, withered. ## %%, drying up, making dry; (%%), n. drying up, parching. ## %%, drying up, making dry. ## %%, n. or %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %% ?), confusion. ## %%, f. (see the more correct %%), the head of a banner or part above the flag. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), swollen, turgid; lofty, high; fat, bulky. ## %%, unbridled, uncurbed, unrestrained, perverse, selfwilled; irregular, desultory, unmethodical. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. burning. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-chra-yati, -te, -chrayitum>%, P. to raise, erect, extol; A. to rise, be erected. ## %%, m. rising, raising, erecting; elevation of a tree, mountain, &c.; rising of a planet, &c.; height; growth, increase, intensity; the upright side of a triangle. ## %%, possessing height, high, lofty, elevated. ## %%, n. raising, erecting. ## %%, m. rising upwards, elevation, height; growth, increase, intensity; (%<>%), f. an upraised piece of wood, plank. ## %%, high, raised, lofty. ## %%, raised, lifted up; high, tall; advancing, increasing, prosperous; born, produced; increased in size or bulk, grown. ## %%, with outstretched hand. ## %%, f. rising upwards, elevation, increase; the upright side of a triangle; the upright elevation or height of a figure. ## %%, high, lofty. ## %%, m., Ved. a part of the human body, (used only in du.) ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. gaping, cleaving open, forming a fissure. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-chva-siti, -situm>%, to breathe, take a deep breath, sigh, pant, respire. ## %%, breathing hard, panting. ## %%, n. breathing, sighing; taking a deep breath. ## %%, heaving, beating, breathed, inspired, blown, expanded; blooming, enlivened, gladdened; (%%), n. sighing. ## %%, m. breath, breathing, deep inspiration; sigh; breathing out, expiring, dying; consolation, encouragement; division of a book, pause in a narration; an air-hole. ## %%, breathless, out of breath, much, excessive, loosened, released, desisted from, disjointed, divided. ## %%, breathing, inhaling air; sighing, breathing out, expiring; pausing; rising, coming forward. ## %%, cl. 1. 6. P. %%, to finish; to bind; to abandon, transgress. @<[Page 0147-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jajanti, -janitum>%, to beget, produce; cl. 4. A. %<-jyate>%, to be born, originate. ## %%, &c. See s. v. %% below. ## %%, Caus. %<-jsayati, -yi-tum>%, to destroy, extirpate (with gen.). ## %%, n. killing, slaughter. ## %%, m., N. of a Trtha; also spelt %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to win, conquer, acquire by conquest; to be victorious: Caus. %<-jpayati, -yitum>%, to assist any one to win; to cause to conquer (with two acc.): Desid. %<-jigati>%, to wish to conquer. ## %%, m., N. of a man; (%<>%), f. Ujjayin or Oujein, the Gr. [greek] a city so called in Avanti (Mlava), formerly the capital of Vikramditya; it is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hinds, and the first meridian of their geographers, from which they calculate longitude; the modern Oujein is about a mile south of the ancient city. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain in Surra in the west of India, part of the Vindhya range. See %%. ## %%, f. the city Oujein. See %%. ## %%, f., Ved. victory; N. of certain verses in the Vjasaneyi-Sahit, so called because the words %% occurs in them. ## %%, Ved. victorious. ## %%, Ved. containing the word %%. ## %%, N. of a region. ## %%, f. (fr. Desid. of rt. %% with %%), wishing to take or seize. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvati, -vi-tum>%, to revive, return to life: Caus. P. %<-jvayati, -yitum>%, to restore to life, animate. ## %%, m., N. of a counsellor of Meghavara, the king of the crows. ## %%, cl. 1. A., poet. P. %<-jmbhate, -ti, -bhitum>%, to gape, to open; to part asunder; to show one's self, become visible, come forth, break forth, expand, arise. ## %%, gaping, parting asunder, open, apart; blown, expanded. ## %%, n. the act of gaping, opening the mouth. ## %%, opened, stretched; expanded, blown; (%%), n. effort, exertion. ## %% (fr. %%), having the bow-sinew loosened. ## %%, cl. 1. P., ep. A. %<-jvalati, -te, -litum>%, to blaze up, flame, shine: Caus. P. %<-jvalayati, -yitum>%, to light up, cause to shine, illuminate. ## %%, blazing up, luminous, splendid, light; burning; clean, clear; lovely, beautiful; blown, expanded; (%%), m. love, passion; (%%), n. gold; (%<>%), f. splendor, clearness, brightness; a form of the Jagat metre. ## %%, f. or %%, n. splendor, radiance; beauty. ## %%, m., N. of the author of a commentary on the Udi-stras. ## %%, n. burning, shining; fire, gold (?). ## %%, lighted, shining, flaming, &c. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, &c., to leave, abandon, quit; to avoid, escape. ## %%, quitting, forgetting. ## %%, m. a cloud, a devotee. ## %%, n. abandoning, removing. ## %%, left, abandoned; left off, discontinued. ## %%, who or what leaves. @<[Page 0147-b]>@ ## %% (rt. %%), perplexed, bewildered. ## %%, cl. 1. 6. P. %% (cl. 1. and 6. differing only in the accent), %%, to gather, glean. ## %%, n. gleaning, gathering grains. ## %%, one who lives by gleaning, a gleaner. ## %%, n. gleaning corn or grains. ## %%, one who lives by gleaning &c. ## %%, n. gleaning, gathering grains of corn in market-places &c. ## %%, m. leaves, grass, &c., used in making huts, thatches, &c. ## %%, m. n. a hut made of leaves, the residence of hermits or saints; a house in general. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. P. %% or %%, to strike or knock down. ## %%, f. n. a lunar mansion or constellation in the moon's path; (%%), n. water. ## %%, m. n. a raft or float; (%%), m. the moon, (the half-moon being formed like a boat.) ## %%, m. or %%, m. the moon; the Soma. ## %%, m. the ether, firmament (the path of the stars). ## %%, m. the moon. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. n. a raft, a float; (%%), m. the moon. ## %%, m. (in Ved. written with %%, in Class. generally with %<>%), the tree Ficus Glomerata; a species of leprosy with coppery spots; the threshold of a house; a eunuch; a kind of worm supposed to be generated in the blood and to produce leprosy; (%%), n. the fruit of the tree Ficus Glomerata; copper; a karsha, a measure of two tolas. ## %% or %%, f. the plant Croton Polyandra. ## %%, f., N. of a river; see also %%. ## %% (fr. %%), excellent, respectable, of high rank or consequence. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. A. %<-ayate>% or %<-yate, -ayitum>%, to fly up: Caus. %<-apayati (--payati?)>%, to scare. ## %%, n. flying up, flying, soaring. ## %%, flown up, flying up; (%%), n. flying as a bird; flying up, soaring. ## %%, n. flying up, soaring. ## %%, flying up, soaring, one who flies or soars. ## %%, m. a work so called, containing charms and incantations; a N. of iva. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, m. a texture, a net; a part of the body, the peritoneum ?; (this word is perhaps connected with %%.) ## %%, m. a ball of flour, a roll, a loaf. ## %%, f. a string of rolls, balls of meal or flour upon a string. ## %%, ind. a particle of doubt or deliberation = how, what (?), either, or; see 2. %%. (For the prep. %% see 1. %%, page 153.) ## 1. %% (fr. rt. %%), sewn, woven. ## 2. %%, ind. (as a particle of doubt or deliberation) and, also, even, or. Often used for the sake of emphasis, especially at the end of a line after %% or a verb (e. g. %%, all creatures, O king, certainly always despise him). (As an interrogative particle, generally at the beginning of the second or following part of a double interrogation) or, utrum-an (e. g. %%, how can it be decided whether he be a friend without a motive or a violator of confidence ?). In this sense it may be strengthened by %% (e. g. %%, art thou a mortal woman or divine ?), or by %% (e. g. %%, can it be lihotra or king Nala ?). Rarely %% is repeated before %% used in this sense (e. g. %%, has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form ?). (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (e. g. %%, would that he would read!). (%% preceded by %%) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (e. g. %%, thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one ?). (%% preceded by %%) on the contrary, rather (e. g. %%, this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us). %%, or else, and (e. g. %%, from the sea or from the moisture in the air); %% or %%, either--or; %%, both-and (e. g. %%, both the strong and the weak); %%, whether--or else. ## %%, m., N. of a i. ## %%, m. a kind of cloud named after that i. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Agiras and elder brother of Bhaspati. ## %%, m. an epithet of Gautama. ## %%, m. or %%, m. a N. of Bhaspati, regent of the planet Jupiter (younger brother of Utathya). ## %%, ind. (fr. 2. %%), a particle of doubt or deliberation = either, or; see under 2. %% above. ## %%, see under 2. %%. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people; also %% or %%. ## %% (fr. 1. %%), excited by the desire of obtaining anything; wishing for (with inf.), desirous of, longing for; regretting, sad, sorrowful; absent, thinking of something else; (%%), m. desire; opportunity, occasion. ## %%, f. a state of longing or regret; the plant Pothos Officinalis having aromatic seeds. ## %%, nom. A. %<-yate, -yitum>%, to long for. ## %%, having the hairs erect. ## %%, f. a metre of six verses, each verse containing eleven syllabic instants. ## %%, having no coat of mail, without bodice or jacket. ## %% (fr. 1. %%), exceeding the usual measure, important; richly endowed with, abounding in; drunk, mad, furious; excessive, much; superior, high, proud, haughty; uneven; difficult; (%%), m. fluid dropping from the temples of an elephant in rut; the plant Saccharum Sara, or a similar kind of grass; intoxication, pride; (%<>%), f. the plant Laurus Cassia; N. of a town; (%%), n. the fragrant bark of Laurus Cassia. ## %%, n. sitting on the hams, squatting. ## %%, f. a raised particle. ## 1. %%, having the neck uplifted, on the point of doing anything; (%% or %<>%), m. f. longing for a beloved person or thing; regretting, missing anything or person. ## 2. %%, nom. A. %%, to long for, regret, sorrow, for: Caus. %%, to excite longing, inspire with tender emotions. ## %%, regretting, wishing or sorrowing for, distressed, sorrowful; (%<>%), f. a woman longing after her absent lover or husband. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kan-dati, -kantum>%, to leap, jump over. ## %%, m. a kind of disease. ## %%, having the neck erect or uplifted; (%%), n. bending back the neck. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kampate, -pitum>%, to tremble: Caus. P. %<-kampayati, -yitum>%, to cause to tremble; to cause to swing upwards, agitate, shake. ## %%, trembling, tremor, agitation; (%%), m. trembling. ## %%, n. the act of trembling, agitation. ## %%, trembling, agitating, causing to tremble. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, m. a kind of musical instrument. ## %%, having the ears erect; (%%), m. an erect ear. ## %%, &c. See under %%. ## 1. %%, cl. 10. P. %<-kala-yati, -yitum>%, to unbind, loosen. ## %%, unbound, loosened; opened, blossoming; prosperous, rising, increasing; regretting, grieving for. ## 2. %%, cl. 10. P. %<-kla-yati, -yitum>%, to drive out, expel. ## %%, m. pl., N. of the inhabitants of Orissa, in the south of India; a subdivision of Brhmans, derived from %%, a son of Sudyumna; (%%), m. f. n. a porter, one who travels with a burden or load; (%%), m. a fowler, a bird-catcher. ## %%, having the tail erect and expanded. ## %%, nom. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to cause the peacock to spread its tail, to cause any one to be proud; to inspire conceit by an acknowledgment of merit; to return thanks (?) . ## %%, m., N. of a deity; (a various reading has %%.) ## %%, f. (fr. 1. %%), longing for, regretting, missing anything or person; wanton sportfulness, dalliance; a bud, an unblown flower; a wave. ## %%, (prose) abounding in compound words. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), tearing or pulling up, drawing through (as a plough). ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-ka-sati, -situm>%, to gape, to open. ## %%, f. a cow calving every year. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kate, -itum>%, to flash upwards, shine. ## %%, n. giving orders, commanding. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), hemming, clearing the throat of mucus. ## %%. See under %% 3rd col. ## %%. See %% 3rd col. ## %%, &c. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of a man. @<[Page 0148-b]>@ ## %% or %%, cl. 6. P., 1. A. %<-kucati, -kucate, -kucitum>%, to bend upwards; to bend aside, to bend from the right course, to go or lead any one astray, to corrupt. ## %% or %%, f. the plant Nigella Indica. ## %%, m. a bribe. ## %%, corrupted with bribes; (%%), m. the receiver of a bribe, a bribe; N. of a Trtha. ## %%, Caus. %<-koayati, -yi-tum>%, to bend upwards. ## %%, n. lying stretched out on the back, lying with the face upwards, sleeping with the head erect. ## %%, stretched out on the back with the face upwards, erect. ## %%, n. avoiding the above position. ## %%, n. a position like that just described. ## %%, m. a bug; a louse. ## %%, degenerating, dishonouring one's family. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kjati, -jitum>%, to utter monotonous sounds. ## %%, m. the singing of the kokila. ## %%, m. an umbrella or parasol. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-kr-dati, -te, -ditum>%, to jump up, spring upwards. ## %%, n. jumping up, springing upwards. ## %%, Ved. being on an elevation, going up-hill; (%%), ind. up-hill. ## %%, brought to the bank or shore. ## %%, cl. 8. A. %<-kurute, -kartum>%, to inform against. ## %%, f. a metre of four times twenty-six syllables. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kntati, -kartitum>%, to cut out or off, to tear out or off; to cut up, cut in pieces, carve, butcher. ## %%, n. cutting up, cutting to pieces, cutting off. ## %%, ind. having cut off or up, having cut out. ## %%, being cut to pieces, being cut up. ## %%, cl. 1. P. sometimes A. %<-karati, -te, -karum>% or %<-kraum>%, to draw or drag or pull up; to raise; to draw or take out, to extract; to pull or put off; to bend (as a bow); to tear asunder: Caus. %<-karayati, -yitum>%, to elevate, raise, increase: Pass. %<-kyate>%, to be lifted or drawn up, to be raised, to rise, become powerful, become eminent. ## %%, superior, eminent; much, excessive; exaggerated, boastful; attractive; (%%), m. pulling upwards, drawing, pulling; elevation, increase, rising to something better, prosperity; excellence, eminence; excess, abundance; self-conceit; boasting; joy, pleasure (?). ## %%, drawing upwards, raising. ## %%, n. drawing upwards, taking off. ## %%, drawn upwards, elevated. ## %% (opposed to %% and %%), drawn up or out; attracted; extracted; taking a high position; excellent, eminent; superior, best; much, most, excessive; %%, eminent through knowledge. ## %%, f. or %%, n. excellence, superiority, eminence. ## %%, m. a good soil. ## %%, n. marrying a man of a higher caste; the best or most respectable form of marriage (?). ## %%, f. state of high illusion. @<[Page 0148-c]>@ ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-kirati, -te, -karitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to scatter upwards, pile up, heap up; to dig up or out, excavate; to engrave. ## %% or %<, am>%, what piles or heaps, what makes up or raises; (%%), m. what is dug out, rubbish; heap, multitude; a pile, a stack. ## %%, f. a sort of sweetmeat made with milk, treacle, and ghee. ## %%, relating or belonging to a heap &c. ## %%, m. winnowing corn; piling it up. ## %%, f. a poultice. ## %%, heaped up, scattered, dug out, perforated. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-krtayati, -yitum>%, to proclaim, celebrate, praise, promulgate. ## %%, n. crying out, proclaiming; praising, celebrating. ## %%, proclaimed, promulgated; praised, celebrated, renowned. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-kalpayati, -yitum>%, to form, fashion, create. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., 4. P. %<-krmati, -kramate, -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to step up, go up, ascend; to step out, go out or away; to pass away, die; to go over; pass over; omit; not to notice; to neglect, transgress: Caus. P. %<-kramayati, -yitum>%, to cause to go up or ascend: Desid. Ved. %<-cikramiati>% or %<-cikramiyati>%, to wish to go up or out. ## %%, m. going up or out; progressive increase; going astray, acting improperly, deviation, transgression. ## %%, n. going up or out, soaring aloft, stepping out; surpassing, exceeding; (%%, n. the flight of the soul.) ## %%, to be abandoned, to be given up. ## %%, gone forth or out, gone over or beyond, passed, surpassed; trespassing, exceeding. ## %%, f. stepping up to, going out. ## %%, passing, passing away, gone, departed. ## %%, m. going from or out, going above, surpassing, deviating from propriety, transgression; opposition, contrariety. ## %%, going out, going over or above, surpassing. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kroati, -kroum>%, to cry out, to call to (with acc.), exclaim; proclaim. ## %%, crying, speaking out or aloud; (%%), n. crying out, calling, exclaiming, conversation. ## %%, m. clamour, outcry, proclamation; an osprey. ## %%, m. (fr. %% with %% ?), Ved. exultation (?); cf. %%. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-klinti, -kleitum>% or %<-kleum>%, to feel uneasy, to be uncomfortable or distressed: Caus. P. %<-kleayati, -yitum>%, to excite, stir up, expel. ## %%, m. excitement, disquietude; disorder or corruption of the humors (of the body); sickness, nausea. ## %%, m. a kind of poisonous insect. ## %%, or %%, exciting, stirring up, causing disorder (e. g. %%, exciting phlegm). ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), the becoming wet or moist. ## %%, wet, becoming moist. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kvathati, -thitum>%, to boil out, extract by boiling &c. @<[Page 0149-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-ki-pati, -te, -keptum>%, to throw up, raise, set up, erect; to throw away, reject, get rid of, vomit up. ## %%, thrown upwards, tossed, raised; thrown out, ejected; vomited; rejected, dismissed; (%%), m. the thorn apple (Datura Metel and Fastuosa). ## %%, f. an ornament in the shape of a crescent worn in the upper part of the ear. ## %%, m. throwing or tossing up; throwing away; sending, despatching; bringing up, vomiting; the region above the temples; N. of a country; also of a man. ## %%, throwing, a thrower, who or what elevates or raises; one who sends or orders; (%%), m. a stealer of clothes &c. ## %%, n. throwing upwards, tossing; sending, sending away; vomiting, taking up; a kind of basket or bowl used for cleaning corn; a fan; a measure of sixteen panas. ## %%, intermixed with. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-kha-nati, -te, -nitum>%, to dig up or out, to excavate; to tear out by the roots, root up; to draw or tear out; to destroy entirely. ## %%, dug up; excavated, eradicated, pulled up by the roots; destroyed, annihilated; (%%), n. a hole, a cavity, a deepening, uneven ground. ## %%, having cavities or holes, uneven; destructive. ## %%, m., N. of a deity; (a various reading has %%.) ## %%, f. (fr. %% and %%), a kind of perfume. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-khindati>% (Ved. %<-khidati), -khettum>%, to draw out, extract. ## %%, wet, moistened. See 2. %%, page 153. ## %%, m. n. (rt. %%), an earring; a crest, a chaplet, a wreath worn on the crown of the head. ## %%, m., N. of a Nga. ## %%, having earrings, crested. ## %%, cl. 1. 5. P., Ved. %<-takati, -koti, -kitum>% or %<-taum>%, to form (anything) out of any other thing; (Sy.) to take (anything) out of any other thing. ## %%, m., N. of a servant of iva. ## %%, overflowing its banks (as a river). ## %%, cl. 8. P. A. %<-tanoti, -nute, -nitum>%, to stretch upwards, stretch out; endeavour to rise. ## %%, stretched out, spread out, lying on the back, sleeping supinely or with the face upwards; upright; turned so that the mouth or opening is uppermost (as a vessel), concave; spreading out over the surface; shallow; open. ## %%, n. a particular posture in sitting. ## %%, m. a species of Ricinus. ## %%, f., Ved. one whose legs are extended (in parturition or creation); epithet of a peculiar creative agency described in g-veda X. 72; (Sy.) vegetation, the whole creation of upward-germinating plants. ## %%, Ved. having extended leaves. ## %%, m. the star in the little bear, personified as son of Vra or Manu Svyambhuva and father of Dhruva, the polar-star. ## %%, m. a N. of Dhruva or the polar-star. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, lying on the back, sleeping with the face upwards; (%%), m. f. a little child. ## %%, Ved. lying extended, stagnant. ## %%, Ved. having the hands extended, extending them in prayer; (%%), m. du. the two hands with the fingers stretched out, but with the backs towards the ground. ## %%, m. a species of Cyperus grass. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, cl. 1. P. rarely A. %<-tapati, -te, -ptum>%, to make warm or hot, to heat thoroughly; to pain, torment; to excite, urge on, press hard: Caus. P. %<-tpayati, -yitum>%, to warm up, heat. ## %%, burnt, seared; bathed, washed; anxious, excited; (%%), n. dried flesh. ## %%, m. great heat, affliction, distress, anxiety, excitement, ardour, effort, energy. ## %%, heated, made hot, pained, distressed, roused, excited. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-tmyati, -tamitum>%, to be distressed, to lose heart, to faint. ## %% (superlative fr. 1. %%; opposed to %%, &c.; cf. %%), uppermost, highest, chief; most elevated, principal; best, excellent (often at the end of compounds, e. g. %%, best of the twice-born); first, greatest; the highest (tone); the most removed or last in place, order, or time; (%%), ind. most, in the highest degree; (%%), m. the last person (= in European grammars the first person); N. of a brother of Dhruva, son of Uttna-pda and nephew of Priya-vrata; a son of Priya-vrata and third Manu; the twenty-first Vysa; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people; (%<>%), f. a kind of piak or pustule; the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.); an excellent woman, one who is handsome, healthy, and affectionate. ## %%, possessing abundantly the most delicate scent or delicious fragrance. ## %%, f. or %%, n. excellence, superiority; goodness, good quality. ## %%, n. a high office. ## %% or %%, m. the last person in verbal conjugation, i. e. I, we two, we (= in European grammars the first person, our third person being regarded in Hind grammars as the %%, q. v.; cf. also %%); the supreme spirit; an excellent man. ## %%, f. the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.). ## %%, m. a creditor; (%%), m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, m. a creditor. ## %%, m. a creditor. ## %%, m. great profit, a double return. ## %%, m. 'having the most excellent dress', N. of iva. ## %%, m., N. of a region. ## %%, m. intriguing with another man's wife, addressing her privately, casting amorous looks &c. ## %%, n. the highest of the three fixed mulcts or fines; a fine of 1000 or of 80,000 paas; capital punishment, branding, banishment, confiscation, mutilation, and death. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, n. the highest or chief part of the body, the head. ## %%, high and low. ## %%, good, bad, and indifferent; high, low, and middling. ## %%, f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus. ## %%, m. the last half or part; the best half. ## %%, relating to or connected with the last part or the best half. ## %%, m. the last or latest day, a fine day (?), a lucky day (?). ## %%, one to whom the best term is applicable, best, good. ## %%, m. 'of excellent valour', N. of one of the warriors of the Mah-bhrata. ## %% (fut. pass. part. fr. a nom. %% ?), Ved. to be raised or celebrated. @<[Page 0149-c]>@ ## %%, uppermost, highest, chief, best. ## 1. %% (comparative fr. 1. %%; opposed to %%; declined Gram. 238. a), upper, higher, superior (e. g. %%, the upper teeth); northern (because the northern part of India is high); left (opposed to %% or right, because in praying the face being turned to the east the north would be on the left-hand); later, following, subsequent, latter, concluding, posterior, future (opposed to %%, &c., e. g. %%, future time; %%, a following speech, answer, reply; %%, subsequent result, future consequence; %%, in future years); superior, chief, excellent, dominant, predominant, more powerful; better, more excellent; (%%), m., N. of a son of Vira; a king of the Ngas; N. of a mountain; (%<>%), f. the north (i. e. the northern %% or quarter); N. of a daughter of Vira and daughter-in-law of Arjuna; (%%), n. upper surface or cover; the north; the following member, the last part of a compound; answer, reply; (in law) a defence, a rejoinder; (in the Mims philosophy) the answer, the fourth member of an adhikaraa or case; superiority, excellence, competency; result, the chief or prevalent result or characteristic, what remains or is left, conclusion, remainder, excess, over and above, (often at the end of a compound, e. g. %%, one thousand with an excess of sixty, i. e. 1060; %%, 107; %%, attended with danger, having danger as the result; %%, chiefly characterized by virtue); remainder, difference (in arithmetic); N. of a song; (%%), ind. at the conclusion, at the end, e. g. %%, with the word 'bhavad' at the end; %%, looked at with tears at the end, i. e. with a glance ending in tears; [cf. Gr. [greek].] ## %%, n. following or concluding book; the seventh book of the Rmyaa. ## %%, m. the upper part of the body. ## %%, m. future time; time reckoned from full moon to full moon. ## %% or %%, m. n. one of the nine divisions of the world, the country of the northern Kurus, situated in the north of India, and described as the country of eternal beatitude. ## %%, f. the city Ayodhy, the modern Oude. ## %%, f. the last sacred action, funeral rites, obsequies. ## %%, n. last section; the concluding book of the Padma-pura, also of the iva-pura. ## %%, n. cutting off a reply, refutation. ## %%, m. title of a supplement of the Yoni-grantha. ## %<1. uttara-ga, am>%, n. a wooden arch surmounting the door frame. ## %%, m. a cover, what is thrown over anything. ## %%, born in the latter (or last-mentioned kind of wedlock); born subsequently or afterwards, posterity. ## %%, f. the versed sine of an arc, or rather the second half of the chord halved by the versed sine. ## %%, n., N. of a country. ## %%, n. 'concluding doctrine', N. of a supplementary section in the medical manual of Suruta. ## %% (compar. fr. %%), still further removed, still more distant, still higher. ## %%, ind. at the top, above, from the north, northward, to the left (opposed to %%); afterwards; behind. ## %%, ind. northwestward (with gen.). ## %%, title of the second part of the Nsiha-tpanyopaniad. ## %%, ind. in what follows, after, subsequently, later, further on, beyond, below (in a work), northward; (%%, in the first case or place--in the second.) ## %%, replying, giving an answer, impertinent. ## %%, situated in the north, northern. ## %%, f. the north quarter. ## %%, m. the country towards the north, the upcountry. ## %%, to be done subsequently. ## %%, m. the northern or left wing (side); second or following part of an argument, the reason %%, the reply, refutation; the answer to the first or objectionable argument, the right argument, demonstrated truth, or conclusion; the minor proposition in a syllogism. ## %%, f. or %%, n. conclusion, demonstration, reply. ## %%, m. an upper garment. ## %%, m. the northern way, the way leading to the north. ## %%, inhabiting the northern country. ## %%, n. the last member of a compound word. ## %%, or %%, relating to or studying the last word or term. ## %%, m. the northern mountain. ## %%, m. the north-western half. ## %%, north-western; (%<>%), f. the north-west (scil. %%). ## %%, m. a division of legal practice, that part which relates to the reply or defence, four divisions being admitted in every suit. ## %%, ind. north-eastward (with gen.). ## %%, m. %<= uttama-purua>% (?). ## %%, north-eastward; one who takes the north for the east. ## %%, m. a coverlid, a quilt. ## %%, n. a dispute, an altercation, a discussion; the pleadings in a law-suit. ## %% or %%, f. the twelfth lunar mansion, containing two stars, figured by a bed. ## %%, f. or %%, f. the twenty-sixth lunar mansion, figured by a couch, and comprehending two stars, of which one is %% Andromedae. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f. a loud but slow manner of singing. ## %%, n. a mere reply, even a reply. ## %%, n., N. of a Trtha. ## %%, f. the Vednta philosophy, an inquiry into the Jna-ka or second portion of the Veda (opposed to %%; see %%). ## %%, devoid of reply, having no answer. ## %% or %<-caritra, am>%, n. 'the further or later deeds of Rma', title of a drama of Bhavabhti. ## %%, n. the indication of an actual reply; (%%), marked on the left side. ## %%, having the hairs turned upwards or outwards. ## %%, n. the latter or declining years of life. ## %%, f. title of the second section of the Khakopaniad when divided into two Adhyyas. ## %%, f. a small syringe, a urethra injection pipe. ## %%, n. an upper garment. ## %%, m. a replicant; a defendant; one whose claims are of later date than another's. ## %%, n. an upper garment. ## %% or %<>%, f., Ved. the northern altar made for the sacred fire. ## %%, n. the left thigh. ## %%, designated in the reply (a witness &c.); hear-say evidence, see the next. ## %%, m. witness for the defence; a witness testifying from the report of others. ## %%, finishing what remains or follows, assisting at a ceremony, befriending; an assistant, a helper, a friend; who or what establishes a reply. ## %%, m., Ved. the upper jawbone. ## %%, superior and inferior, higher and lower; (%%), n. the upper and under lip; the lips; see %%. ## %%, m. right to property &c. in succession to another person, heirship, inheritance. ## %%, f. or %%, n. right of succession. ## %%, an heir or claimant subsequent to the death of the original owner, an heir who claims as the second in succession. ## %%, accompanied by Uttar. ## %%, n. the northern road or direction, the northern country, north. ## %%, m. a false, indirect or prevaricating reply. ## %%, f. or %%, n. inadequacy of a reply, the semblance without the reality. ## %%, n. the progress (of the sun) to the north; the period of the sun's progress to the north of the equator, the summer solstice. ## %% or %<>%, m. f. the upper %% (q. v.) which by cutting becomes the %% or churner. ## %%, for the sake of what follows. ## %%, n. the upper part (of the body); the northern part; the latter half; the further end. ## %%, Ved. being on the northern side. ## %%, Ved. victorious, overpowering. ## %%, f. the northern quarter, the north. ## %% or %%, m. the regent of the northern quarter, an epithet of Kuvera. ## %%, m., N. of a rocky river in the north. ## %%, f. the twenty-first of the lunar mansions, figured by an elephant's tooth or a bed, and containing two stars, one of which is in Sagittarius. ## %%, m. an upper or outer garment. ## %%, m. the following day. ## %%, f. the southern quarter. ## %%, more and more, higher and higher, further and further; always increasing, always following; (%%), ind. higher and higher, more and more, in constant continuation, one on the other; (%%), n. reply to an answer, reply on reply; conversation; a rejoinder; excess, exceeding quantity or degree; succession, gradation; descending. ## %%, constantly increasing; one following the other. ## %% or %%, m. the upper lip. ## %%, ind. further on, forward; hereafter, in the following part (of a book). ## %%, ind. north, northerly, northward (with gen. or abl.). ## %%, Ved. seated northward or on the left. ## %%, ind. from the left, from the north, northward. ## %%, ind., Ved. from the north. ## %%, ind. northerly, from the north (with abl.). ## %%, superior. ## %% or %%, n. an upper or outer garment. ## %%, ind. (with gen., abl., acc., or at the end of a compound) northward, on the left side of; posterior, subsequent. ## %%, ind. a subsequent day, a day following, to-morrow. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, cl. 5. 9. P. %<-tabhnoti, -nti, -tambhitum>%, to stay, prop, support. ## %%, n. upholding, staying, supporting; stopping, arresting; a prop, a stay. ## %%, upheld, supported; stopped, arrested; erect (as the hair of the head), standing on end. ## %%, to be upheld. ## %%. See above and under %%. ## 2. %% (for 1. see under 1. %%, p. 149), flooded, inundated, washed over by waves. ## %%, n. violent threatening. ## %%. See under %%, p. 149. ## %%. See under %%, p. 149. ## %%. See under %% next col. ## %% (fr. %% and %%), great, strong; formidable; arduous, difficult; speedy, swift, best, excellent; elevated, lofty, tall, loud; (%%), m. an ape; (%%), n. a particular number. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-tejayati, -yitum>%, to excite, stimulate, incite, instigate, urge on, stir up, animate. ## %%, instigating, stimulating. ## %%, n. f. incitement, instigation, exciting, animating; sending, despatching; urging, driving; whetting, sharpening, furbishing, polishing; an inspiring or exciting speech; an incentive, inducement, stimulant. @<[Page 0150-c]>@ ## %%, incited, animated, excited, urged; sent, despatched; whetted, sharpened, furbished, polished; (%%), n. an incentive, inducement; sidling, one of a horse's five paces; moderate velocity in a horse's pace. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-tavti>% or %<-tauti, -totum>% or %<-tavitum>%, to effect, bring about; (Sy.) to increase, prosper. ## %%, lofty, high, tall, swollen (as a stream). ## %%, f. or %%, n. height, loftiness, elevation. ## %%, n. the head of a thorn &c. which has entered the skin. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A., Ved. %<-tudati, -te, -tottum>%, to push up, tear up, stir up, push open. ## %%, m., Ved. one who stirs up. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-tolayati>% or %<-tulayati, -yitum>%, to raise up (by means of a counterpoise), to erect, set up; to weigh. ## %%, n. lifting up, raising, elevating (by means of a counterpoise or balance). ## %%, raised, lifted up. ## %%, m. fried grain; (freed from the husks.) ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-tatti, tnte, -tarditum>%, to split, cut through. ## %%, cl. 1. 6. P. %<-tarati, -tirati, -taritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to pass out of (especially %%, the water &c., with abl. c.), to disembark, to come out of; to escape from (a misfortune, affliction, &c.); to come down, descend, alight, put up at; to pass over; to cross (as a river, with acc.), to vanquish; to give up, leave; to elevate, strengthen, increase: Caus. %<-trayati, -yitum>%, to cause to come out, to deliver, assist, rescue; to make any one alight, take down, take off; to cause to pass over, to convey or transport across, land, disembark; to vomit up: Desid. %<-titrati>%, to wish to cross. ## 2. %% (for 1. see p. 149, col. 3), crossing over; to be crossed (in the word %%, difficult to be come out of or escaped from). ## %%, coming out of, crossing over; (%%), n. coming forth or out of (especially out of water), landing, disembarking; crossing rivers &c. ## %%, coming out of (water &c.), crossing, going over. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, m. transporting over; landing; delivering, rescuing; ejecting, getting rid of; vomiting; passing away, instability; (%%), surpassing others, excellent, pre-eminent. ## %%, having the eyes turned up. ## %%, m. a deliverer, epithet of iva. ## %%, transporting over, bringing over, rescuing; (%%), n. the act of landing, delivering, rescuing, helping to cross over or escape, transportation. ## %%, transporting across; unsteady; inconstant, changeable, tremulous, sick. ## %%, to be made to land, to be ejected, to be thrown up by vomiting. ## %%, about to pass out of (water), wishing to land. ## %%, ind. on the bank, on land, ashore. ## %%, landed, crossed, traversed; rescued, liberated, escaped; released from obligation; thrown off; one who has completed his studies, experienced, clever. ## %%, ind. having crossed, having landed. ## %%, n. (said to be fr. %%, but perhaps connected with rt. %%), one of the five paces of a horse in Hind jockeyship. ## %%, decorated with raised or upright arches. @<[Page 0151-a]>@ ## %%. See under %%. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), abandoned, left; thrown, tossed; free from passion or affection. ## %%, m. abandonment, quitting; throwing, throwing up; secession from worldly attachments. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-trsayati, -yitum>%, to frighten, alarm. ## %%, frightened. ## %%, m. fear, terror. ## %%, n. an upright tripod. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-tihati, -te, -thtum>%, to stand up, rise, raise one's self; come forth, arise, originate from; to rise (from the dead); to become animated; to be active or brave; to make efforts, take pains with, to excel: Caus. %<-thpayati, -yitum>%, to cause to stand up, raise, set up, erect; to lift up; to arouse, awaken, raise to life, make alive. ## %%, standing up, rising; increasing, augmenting. ## %%, (generally at the end of a compound) rising, arising; coming forth, originating, derived from; standing up; (%%), m. arising, coming forth; [cf. Zend usta.] ## %%, m., Ved. one who rises; resolving. ## %%, n. the act of standing up or rising; rising (of the moon &c.); resurrection; rising up to depart; leaving off; starting on a warlike expedition; rise, origin; effort, exertion; manly exertion, manhood; evacuating (by stool &c.); an army; joy, pleasure; a book; a court-yard; a shed where sacrifices are offered; a term, a limit; business of a family or realm, the care of subjects or dependants; reflection; proximate cause of disease; (%%), causing to arise or originate. ## %%, ready for action. ## %%, f. the eleventh day in the light or former half of the month Krttik, when Viu rises from his sleep. ## %%, lifting up, causing to get up, who or what raises &c.; exciting, animating. ## %%, n. causing to rise or get up; raising, elevating; causing to leave (a house &c., with acc. of the person made to leave); causing to come forth, bringing forth; exciting, instigating; bringing about; causing to cease, finishing; (in mathem.) the finding of the quantity sought, answer to the question, substitution of a value; (%<>%), f. a concluding verse (%%). ## %%, raised, lifted up, elevated; made to get up (from a seat, bed, &c.); aroused, instigated. ## 1. %%, ind. having raised or caused to rise, having roused or instigated. ## 2. %%, to be raised; Ved. to be sent away. ## %%, ind. having risen (from a seat &c.); having risen (in rank &c.). ## %%, every time one rises (from one's bed). ## %%, rising, coming forth, becoming visible. ## %%, risen or rising (as from a seat &c.); arisen, born, produced; happened, occurring; endeavouring, striving; advancing, increasing; high, lofty, eminent; extended; N. of a Pragtha consisting of ten Pdas. ## %%, f. state of activity or of readiness to serve others. ## %%, m. the palm of the hand with the fingers extended. ## %%, f. elevation, rising up. ## %%, or %%, with upraised eyelids. ## %%, apt to ripen or cook. ## %%, Caus. %<-payati, -yi-tum>%, to tear up or out, root up, eradicate, extirpate. ## %%, m. sap issuing from the cleft of a tree. @<[Page 0151-b]>@ ## %%, m. pulling up by the roots, destroying; a disease of the external ear. ## %%, m. the above disease; (%%), f. the external bark of a tree. ## %%, n. pulling up by the roots, eradicating; destroying, destruction. ## %%, pulled up by the roots, eradicated, torn out. ## %%, (often at the end of compounds) eradicating, extirpating. ## %%, ind. having plucked up. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-patati, -ti-tum>%, to fly or jump up, to rise, to be produced, originate: Caus. %<-ptayati, -yitum>%, to cause to fly up. ## %%, m. a bird; going upwards or up. ## %%, f. flying up and down. ## %%, flying upwards or onwards. ## %%, n. rising, ascending, going up; birth, production. ## %%, springing up, risen, ascended. ## %%, to be flown upwards. ## %%, rising, jumping up, going upwards. ## %%, rising, jumping up. ## %%, m. flying up, a spring, jump; an unusual or startling event boding calamity, a portent, prodigy, phenomenon; any public calamity, as an eclipse, meteor, earthquake. ## %%, m. a whirlwind, a hurricane. ## %%, m. a fabulous animal with eight legs, (written also %%, q. v.); N. of a Trtha. ## %%, with raised flags; with uplifted banners; (%<>%), f. a raised banner or flag. ## %%, with raised banners and flags. ## %%, m. wrong road, bad way, error, evil; (%%), ind. astray, on the wrong road. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to arise, rise, originate, be produced: Caus. %<-pdayati, -yitum>%, to produce, beget, generate, cause, effect; to cause to issue or come forth, bring forward. ## %%, f. arising, birth, production, origin; becoming visible, coming into existence; production in general, profit, productiveness; producing as an effect or result, giving rise to or generating as a consequence; resurrection. ## %%, taking place at the time of birth. ## %%, m. production by the joint operation of cause and effect; purport, meaning. ## %%, produced, born. ## %%, m. a type of birth (as investiture); a mark of the twice-born. ## %%, risen, gone up; arisen, born, produced; produced unexpectedly; acquired, gained; occurred, happened; effected, accomplished; known, ascertained. ## %%, having a line of descendants. ## %%, n. origin, production. ## %%, living from hand to mouth. ## %%, perishing as soon as produced. ## %%, m. coming forth, birth, production. ## %%, n. title of the first of the fourteen Prvas or older sacred writings of the Jainas. ## %%, see s. v. next col. ## %%, bringing forth, producing, productive, effective; (%%), m. a producer, a generator; a fabulous animal, called arabha, with eight legs; written also %%, f. a certain insect, perhaps the white ant (termes); N. of the pot-herb Enhydra Hingtsha, also of Basilla Rubra or Lucida; (%%), n. origin, cause. ## %%, bringing forth, producing, productive; (%%), n. producing, generating, begetting, causing. ## %%, produced, effected; generated, begotten. @<[Page 0151-c]>@ ## %%, produced, born; (at the end of compounds) bringing forth, producing. ## %%, ind. having produced; having begotten; having inspired. ## %%, being produced or generated. ## 1. %%, n. (fr. rt. %% for %% with %%, to burst upwards as a blossom?), the blue lotus, Nymphaea Caerulea, a seed of the Nymphaea; the plant Costus Speciosus; any water-lily; a plant in general; (%%), m., N. of a man who built a sanctuary, of an astronomer; N. of a lexicographer; (%<>%), f., N. of a river; (%<>%), f. a kind of cake made with unwinnowed corn. ## %%, n. a species of sandal of the colour of brass and very fragrant. ## %%, lotus-eyed, fine-eyed. ## %%, n. the leaf of a Nymphaea; a wound caused by the finger-nail of a woman; a Tlaka or mark on the forehead, made with sandal &c. by the Hinds; a broad-bladed knife or lancet. ## %%, n. a broadbladed knife or lancet used by surgeons. ## %%, n., N. of a town built by Utpala. ## %%, m. a kind of bandage. ## %%, f., N. of a lexicon. ## %%, m., N. of a poet. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, f., N. of a woman. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, f. the plant Ichnocarpus Frutescens. ## %%, m., and %%, m., N. of two princes. ## %%, lotus-like, resembling a lotus. ## %%, n., N. of a region in Pacla. ## %%, m., N. of a man; of a king of the Ngas. ## %%, abounding in lotus flowers; (%%), f. an assemblage of lotus flowers; a species of the Atijagat metre, the same as Candrik; N. of a river; title of a dictionary. ## 2. %% (fr. %% and %%, flesh), fleshless, emaciated; (%%), n., N. of a hell. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, looking up or upwards. ## %%, m. a kind of partridge, Parra Jacana or Goensis, (sleeping with legs erect.) ## %%, n., Ved. transporting over, transportation. ## %%, f. health (etym. doubtful). ## %%, uncaged, unconfined. ## %% substituted for %%), out of order, disordered, excessively confused; uncaged. ## %% (Desid. of %%, q. v.), desirous of rising or flying away or proceeding. ## %%, cl. 7. P. %<-pinai, -peum>%, to rub together; to crush, grind. ## %%, rubbed, ground; (%%), n. a disease, a grating of the bones or of the joints upon each other. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-payati, -yitum>%, to press upwards, to press out of. ## %%, m. pressing out, pressure; foam, froth, a gush. ## %%, n. the act of pressing out. ## %%, nom. (fr. %%) A. %%, to raise or cock the tail; P. %<-yati>%, to make one raise the tail. ## %%, m. a disease of the external ear; [cf. %%.] @<[Page 0152-a]>@ ## %%, joyful, delighted. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-punti, -punte, -pavitum>%, to cleanse, purify; to extract anything that has been purified. ## %%, n. cleaning, cleansing; straining liquids for domestic or religious uses; any implement for cleaning; the act of sprinkling clarified butter or other fluids on the sacrificial fire with two blades of Kua grass, the ends of which are held in either hand and the centre dipped into the liquid. ## %%, purifying; a purifier. ## %%, m. purifying ghee &c. ## %%, m., N. of an old king. ## %%, flashing forth or diffusing light, shining. ## %%, m. abortion. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 2. %% with %% and %%), hurling, throwing afar; violent burst of laughter; ridicule, derision; excess. ## %%, n. = the preceding. ## %%, f., Ved. that which bubbles up, a bubble. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-prekate, -itum>%, to look up to with attention (as a pupil to his teacher); to perceive; to transfer (with loc.); to compare one thing with another, illustrate by a simile. ## %%, n. looking into, perceiving, foreseeing, comparing. ## %%, f. overlooking, disregarding, carelessness, indifference; (in rhetoric) comparison in general, simile, illustration, metaphor; a parable; an ironical comparison. ## %%, m., N. of a poet. ## %%, compared (as in a simile). ## %%, that with which anything is compared. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-plavate, -plotum>%, to jump up, leap up; to bound; to spring or jump upon; to float upon. ## %%, m. a jump, leap, bound; (%<>%), f. a boat. ## %%, n. jumping or leaping up, springing upon; skimming off impure oil or ghee, or any dirt floating on a fluid, by passing a blade of Kua grass over it. ## %%, jumped up or upon, sprung upon suddenly. ## %%, ind. having sprung up or jumped upon. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-phalati, -litum>%, to spring; to part asunder, to expand (as a flower): Caus. P. %<-phlayati, -yitum>%, to open, open wide, cause to expand. ## %%, m. a jump, a spring, leaping up or out of, moving or shuffling of feet. ## %% pass. part. of rt. %%), widely opened (as the eyes); blown as a flower; swollen, increased in bulk; sleeping supinely; (%%), n. a kind of coitus. ## %%, n. excellent fruit. ## %%, m. (fr. 2 %%), Ved. a spring, a fountain (metaphorically applied to the clouds). ## %%, m., Ved. the receptacle of a spring, a well. ## %%, Ved. opening the thighs. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), embrace, association, union; slope, side; the haunch or part above the hip; the lap; the acclivity or edge of a hill; the roof of a house; the bottom or deep part of an ulcer; a high number = 100 Vivhas. @<[Page 0152-b]>@ ## %%, associated, combined, joined. ## %%, associating or combining with, an associate, a partner; deep-seated, as an ulcer; (%<>%), m. an ulcer, a deep sore; (%%), f. pimples on the inner edge of the eyelids. ## %%, n. leading upwards. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sdati, -sat-tum>%, to sink, settle down, fall into ruin or decay; to leave off; to rise up: Caus. P. %<-sdayati, -yitum>%, to destroy, overturn. ## %%, decayed, in ruins; destroyed, overturned; disused, fallen into disuse; risen, increased. ## %%, or %%, m. an interrupted or suspended sacrifice. ## %%, m., Ved. a particular part of the sacrificial animal. ## %%, destroying, overturning. ## %%, n. destroying, overturning; suspending, interrupting, omitting; cleaning the person with perfumes, rubbing or chafing the limbs; healing a sore, causing it to fill up; going up, ascending, rising; raising, elevating; ploughing a field twice or thoroughly. ## %%, to be destroyed; to be effected; to be gone up or ascended; (%%), n. any application to a sore producing granulations. ## %%, destroyed, overturned; cleansed, purified with oil, perfumes, &c.; risen, ascended; raised, elevated. ## %% or %%, to be destroyed. ## &c. See under %%. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 2. %% with %%), enterprise, beginning; a festival, a jubilee; joy, gladness; merry-making; height, elevation, insolence; passion, wrath; wish; rising of a wish; a section of a book. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-sahate, -sahitum>% or %<-sohum>%, to be able, to be adequate, to have power (with inf., or with dat. of an abstract noun); to act with courage or energy: Caus. %<-sha-yati, -yitum>%, to animate, encourage, excite; Desid. of the Caus. %<-sishayiati>%, to wish to excite. ## %%, m. power, strength, strength of will, resolution; effort, perseverance, strenuous and continued exertion, energy; firmness, fortitude; happiness; a thread. ## %%, active, energetic, persevering. ## %%, m. the heroic %% or feeling; (%%), n. increase of energy, heroism. ## %%, active, persevering. ## %%, n. effort, perseverance. ## %%, active, persevering. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-sicati, -te, -sektum>%, to sprinkle, pour, to spread; to make proud: Pass. %<-sicyate>%, to spout or foam up or over; to be puffed up; to overflow, increase. ## %%, sprinkled; flooded, abundantly furnished; elevated, raised, haughty, proud, rude; enlarged, increased; disordered, disturbed in mind &c. ## %%, foaming or spouting up, showering; increasing, overflowing, growing. ## %%, m. sprinkling, pouring; foaming upwards, spouting out or over, showering; overflow, increase, enlargement; haughtiness, pride. ## %%, overflowing; proud, haughty, puffed up. ## %%, n. the act of showering or spouting upwards, boiling or foaming over. ## %% (fr. 1. %% and %%; the latter does not exist separately, but may be derived from the particle %%, as %% fr. %% fr. %%; cf. also %%), restless, uneasy, unquiet, anxious; anxiously desirous, zealously active, striving or making exertions for any object (e. g. %%, anxiously striving for victory); eager for, fond of, attached to; regretting, repining, missing, sorrowing for; (%%), m. (?) longing for. ## %%, f. or %%, n. restlessness, uneasiness, unquietness, zeal; attachment, affection; sorrow, regret. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to become unquiet &c. ## %%, unstrung; irregular, out of rule, loose, detached. ## %%, m. evening, twilight (when the sun sets). ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-srayati, -yitum>%, to expel, turn out, drive away. ## %%, m. a species of the Ati-akvar metre, consisting of four verses of fifteen syllables each. ## %%, f. a cow when grown up and fit to take the bull. ## %%, m. one who drives away the mob from a person of rank, a policeman; a guard, a guardian. ## %%, n. moving, causing to move, removing, keeping at a distance, driving out of the way; assisting any one to step out (of a palanquin &c.); reception of a guest. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-sjati, -sraum>%, to pour out, emit, send forth; to let loose; to cast forth or away; to lay aside, quit, leave, abandon, avoid, eschew; to abolish (a rule &c.). ## %%, m. pouring out, pouring forth, emission, dejection, excretion, voiding by stool &c.; laying aside, abandoning, resigning, quitting, retiring from, suspending; loosening, delivering; oblation, libation; presentation of anything promised to a god or Brhman with suitable ceremonies; giving, donation; a particular ceremony on suspending a Vedic lecture; (in gram.) any general precept or rule (opposed to %%, special rule or exception, and so called because only abolished in express cases by a substitute). ## %%, ind. generally, i. e. without any special limitation. ## %%, leaving out or off; omitting, abandoning, quitting. ## %%, n. letting loose, abandoning, leaving, &c.; gift, donation, oblation; suspending (a lecture in the Veda), a ceremony connected with it. ## %%, wishing to create. ## %%, ind. having abandoned, having quitted. ## %%, left, abandoned; given up, given, presented; poured forth, cast into or upon. ## %%, m. a bull set at liberty upon particular occasions, as on a marriage &c., and allowed to go about at will. ## %%, one who has let fall, who has shed (a tear &c.). ## %%, f. abandonment, letting go, emission. ## %%, wishing to let go or put down. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-sarpati, -sarptum>% or %<-sraptum>%, to go, glide or soar upwards, to spread out. ## %%, m. going or gliding upwards; swelling, heaving. ## %%, n. gliding upwards; swelling, heaving. ## %%, gliding or going upwards; heaving, heaved, undulating. ## %%, moving or gliding upwards; rising; soaring; (%%), f. a Jaina division of time, a long period described as ten crores of crores of oceans of years; this period alternates with one of similar duration. See %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %% with %%), height, elevation; thickness, fatness, obesity; intumescence; excelling, sublimity; the body; (%%), n. killing, slaughter. @<[Page 0153-a]>@ ## %%, n., N. of an island. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-smayate, -smetum>%, to smile at, deride: Caus. P. %<-smyayati, -yitum>%, to make a fool of one. ## %%, m. a smile. ## %%, smiling. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. coming from a well or fountain (as water). ## %%, nom. (fr. %%) A. %%, to talk in one's sleep; to dream uneasily. ## 1. %%, a particle and prefix to verbs and nouns. (As implying superiority in place, rank, station, or power) up, upwards; upon, on; over, above. (As implying separation and disjunction) out, out of, from, off, away from, apart. (According to native authorities %% may also imply publicity, pride, indisposition, weakness, helplessness, binding, loosing, existence, acquisition.) ## %% is not used as a separable adverb or preposition; in those rare cases, in which it appears in the Veda uncompounded with a verb, the latter has to be supplied from the context (e. g. %%, out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams). ## %% is sometimes repeated in the Veda to fill out the verse (e. g. %%). [Cf. Zend %%; Hib. uas and in composition os, ois, e. g. os-car, 'a leap, bound', &c. See also %%, 1. %%, &c.] ## 2. %% or %%, cl. 7. P. %%, to flow or issue out, to spring (said of water); to wet, bathe: Caus. %%, aor. %% Desid. %%; [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. unda; Goth. vato; Lit. wand.] ## %%, n. (only at the beginning or end of a compound) water. ## %% or %%, m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia, the bark of which is rubbed and scattered into water to stun the fishes. ## %%, m. a water-jar, a jar with water. ## %%, m., Ved. holding water. ## %%, m. a cup containing water. ## %<1. uda-ja, as, , am>% (for 2. see %% 3rd col.), aquatic, watery, produced in or by water. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, containing water. ## %%, Ved. containing water; (%%), m. a water-jar, a reservoir for water; a cloud; a lake; the ocean. ## %%, m. pl. a class of divinities, belonging to the Bhavandhs. ## %%, m. or %%, m., Ved. a voyager, a mariner. ## %%, m. cuttle-fish bone. ## %%, f. the earth (girdled by the ocean). ## %%, m. the king of the waters, the ocean. ## %%, f. the daughter of the ocean; an epithet of Lakm; and of Dvrak, the capital of Ka. ## %%, crossing the water, as a boat. ## %%, n. f. a water-jug, a ewer. ## %%, m. n. a well. ## %%, m. a frog in a well; (metaphorically) an inexperienced man of limited ideas who knows only his own neighbourhood. ## %%, Ved. cleansing one's self with water, purified with water. ## %%, n. a paste, anything ground with water; (%%), ind. by grinding in water. ## %%, Ved. swimming or splashing in water; (Say.) causing water to flow. ## %%, Ved. swimming in water. ## %%, m. a water-carrier, a cloud. ## %% and %%, m., N. of two men. ## %%, m. barley-water. ## %%, m. a watery cloud; a shower of rain. ## %%, salted, prepared with brine. ## %%, m. a thunder-shower, a waterspout. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. residence in water; (%%), n. a house on the margin of a stream or pond, a marine grotto &c. ## %%, Ved. bringing water; epithet of the Maruts. ## %%, n. any water-vessel; a cloud. ## %%, m. a drop of water. ## %%, m. a yoke for carrying water. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m. a jar filled with water. ## %%, m. a water-jar. ## %%, n. two portions of buttermilk and one portion of water. ## %%, f. a caldron, a kettle. ## %%, m. a vessel for drawing water. ## %%, Ved. fetching or carrying water; (%%), m. a water-carrier, a cloud. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, n. water; %% or %% or %%, to offer a libation of water to a dead person (with gen. or dat. of the person); %%, to touch certain parts of the body with water, as prescribed by law; (the word %% may be used alone to express this ceremony, e. g. %%, for the sake of the %% ceremony.) ## %%, n. or %%, f. presentation of water to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth degree. ## %%, n. a religious ceremony performed with water; ablution of the body; oblations to the dead. ## %%, m. a water-jar. ## %%, n. sporting about in water. ## %% or %%, m. entering the water. ## %%, m. a mountain abounding in streams of water. ## %%, a kind of magic. ## %%, a giver of water, yielding water, offering water to the manes; (%%), m. an heir, a near kinsman. ## %%, or %%, m. one who presents libations of water to the manes, an heir or kinsman. ## %%, n. gift of water, especially to the manes, as a religious or obsequial rite. ## %%, referring to the above obsequial rite. ## %%, m. 'water-holder', a cloud. ## %%, m.; see %%. ## %%, ind. preceded by the water-rite, i. e. by pouring water on the hand as preparatory to or confirmatory of a gift or promise. ## %%, like water, watery, fluid. ## %%, m. a yoke for carrying water. ## %%, m. humid soil. ## %%, f. title of a work on medicine. ## %%, m., Ved. a water-pitcher. ## %% or %%, m. a kind of peeled grain. ## %%, m. a sort of diabetes, passing watery urine. ## %%, suffering from this disease. ## %%, m. a thunder-shower, a thunderstorm with rain; [cf. %%.] ## %%, furnished with water. ## %%, m. a drop of water. ## %%, m. a yoke for carrying water; [cf. %%.] ## %%, n. any aquatic herb. ## %%, f. sprinkling consecrated water over a sick person to allay fever. ## %%, m. ground rice moistened with water. ## %%, touching different parts of the body with water; touching water in confirmation of a promise. ## %%, m. a water-carrier. ## %%, chiefly consisting of water, whose chief substance is water. ## %%, m. a reservoir, a cistern, a well. ## %%, m. margin of water, bank, shore. ## %%, desirous of water, thirsty. ## %%, m. the drawing up of water. ## %%, moving or living in or inhabiting water. ## %%, dried in water, (a metaphorical expression for anything unheard of or impossible.) ## %%, m. a water-jar. ## %%, n. dropsy. ## %%, dropsical. ## %%, m. rice boiled with water. ## %%, watery, containing water. ## %%, watery, contaning water. ## %%, being in water; (%<>%), f. a woman in her courses (requiring water for purification). ## 1. %%, n. (not used in the nom. sing. du. plur. and the acc. sing. and du.), Ved. a wave, water. ## %%, Ved. wavy, watery, abounding in water; (%%), m. the ocean; N. of a i. @<[Page 0153-c]>@ ## %%, Ved. abounding in waves or water. ## 1. %%, nom. P., Ved. %%, to irrigate; to thirst, be thirsty. ## 2. %%, Ved. watery; (%<>%), f. thirst. ## %%, Ved. born in or living in water. ## %%, Ved. liking or seeking water, walking in water. ## %%, &c. See under %%, p. 159. ## %%. See under 2. %%. ## %%, with elevated top, having the top upwards, over-topping, towering or pointing upwards; projecting; high, tall, long; advanced (in age); increased, large, vast, fierce, intense; excited, enraptured. ## %%, having projecting teeth, large-toothed; (%%), m. an elephant with a large tusk. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ajati, -te, -ajitum>%, to drive out, expel, pull off. ## 2. %%, m. (for 1. see under %% 1st col.), the driving out or forth (of cattle &c.). ## %%, m. leading up or out. ## %%, m., N. of a wheelwright in the Paca-tantra. ## 1. %% or %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-a-cati, -te, -citum>%, to elevate, raise up, lift up, throw up; to send forth, utter, cause to resound. ## %%, gone up, raised up, risen, ascended; sent forth; uttered. ## %%, m. a vessel or bucket (for oil &c., but not for water); Pini III. 3, 123, N. of a man. ## 2. %% or %%, turned or going upwards; upper, upwards; turned to the north, northern (opposed to %% and %%); subsequent, posterior; (%%), ind. above; northward; subsequently; %%, the northern %% or quarter, the north. ## %%, ind., Ved. towards the north, northward. ## %%, m. the northern country. ## %%, sloping towards the north; proceeding well (as a sacrifice?). ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, m. the northern mountain; the Himlaya mountain to the north of Hindstan. ## %%, n. the sun's progress north of the equator, the half-year from the winter to the summer solstice. ## %%, having the border turned upwards or to the north. ## %%, m. fertile soil (turned upwards or towards the north). ## %%, m. good or fertile soil. ## %%, facing the north. ## %%, n. a bucket, a pail for drawing water out of a well; (%%), n. directing or throwing upwards; rising, ascending; a cover or lid. ## %%, raised up, thrown up, tossed; worshipped. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, hollowing the palms and then raising them. ## %%, m. a kind of fish; a sort of snake. ## %%. See under %%. ## %% 2. %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aniti, -nitum>%, to breathe upwards, emit the breath in an upward direction; to breathe. ## %%, m. breathing upwards, breathing, breath; one of the three or five vital airs, that which rises up the throat and passes into the head; (with Buddhists) an expression of joy or praise; the navel; an eyelash; a kind of snake. ## %%, reaching to the end or border of anything; (%%), m. 'telling to the end', full tidings, intelligence; news; a pure and virtuous man; supporting one's self by sacrificing for others; one who gets a livelihood by a trade &c. @<[Page 0154-a]>@ ## %%, m. news, tidings, intelligence. ## %%, f. satisfaction, satiety. ## %%, living beyond a limit or boundary. ## %%. See under 2. %%. ## %%, &c. See under %% 3rd col. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %<>% with %%), the belly; a cavity, the interior or inside of anything (e. g. %%, inside, in the interior); enlargement of the abdomen from dropsy or flatulence, any morbid abdominal affection, as liver, spleen, &c., a class of eight different diseases; the thick, inner side of the %% or thumb; slaughter; [cf. Lat. uterus.] ## %%, m. disease of the spleen, lit. 'knot of the belly' (a chronic affection of this organ not uncommon in India). ## %%, n. a cuirass, armour covering the front of the body; a girth, a belly-band. ## %%, m., Ved. a particular disease of the belly. ## %%, m. a glutton, voracious, one who devours everything, flesh, fish, &c. ## %%, ind. till the belly is full. ## %%, n. feeding the belly, supporting life. ## %%, desirous only of the mere filing of the belly. ## %%, nourishing only one's own belly, selfishly voracious, gluttonous. ## %%, having a large belly, corpulent. ## %%, sleeping on the face or belly. ## %%, m., N. of a sage. ## %%, m. an epicure, a glutton. ## %%, n. flatulence of the body. ## %%, m. disease of the belly, dysentery, diarrhoea. ## %%, suffering from dysentery or diarrhoea. ## %%, m. the navel. ## %%, m. tape worm. ## %%, abdominal. ## %%, having a large belly. ## %%, having a large belly, fat, corpulent; abdominal; (%%), f. a pregnant woman. ## %%, fat, corpulent. ## %%, belonging to the belly; (%%), n., Ved. contents of the belly or what forms the belly. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %<>% with %%), the sun; the ocean. ## %%. See under %% at p. 155. ## %%, shining or blazing upwards, luminous; (%%), m. a N. of fire; of iva, of Kandarpa. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-arjati, -jitum>%, to drive out, remove. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ardati, -ditum>%, to strike or beat upon. ## %%, m. (in medic.) erysipelas. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), scarlet fever. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-avati, -vitum>%, to regard, attend to; to wait for; to promote, impel. ## %%, m. a Svarita accent depending on an Udtta which stands in the %% (q. v.). See %%. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %% and %%), Ved. concluding, final. ## %%, n. a house, dwelling. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-anoti, -nute, aitum>% or %<-aum>%, to reach to the top of, reach, attain; to be able, be master of. ## %%, one whose tears gush forth, weeping. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-asyati, -situm>%, to cast or throw up; to raise, erect, elevate; to throw out, expel. ## %%, n. throwing up, raising, erecting. ## %%, thrown or cast up, raised, thrown; cast out, expelled; removed, scattered, humbled, shamed. ## %%, ind. having cast up, having tossed upwards, having thrown; having expelled, having scattered; having made efforts, having taken pains. ## 1. %%, m. throwing or directing upwards, elevation. ## %%, cl. 8. 5. P. A. %<-koti, -ute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to expel; to fetch out of; to select; A. to overpower. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to relate aloud; enunciate. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to come up or out towards. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-cae>%, to declare aloud. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-carati, -ritum, -rtum>%, Ved. %<-ritave, -tavai, -rase, -radh-yai>%, to rise from or out of. ## %%, cl. 4. A., Ved. %<-jyate, -janitum>%, to arise from; to become visible above. ## %%, cl. 8. P. A. %<-tanoti, -nute, -nitum>%, to erect one's self, to rise. ## %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-dadti, -d-tum>%, to lift up, elevate. ## %% (for %%), elevated, high, upraised, lofty; highly or acutely accented; great, illustrious; generous, gentle, and bountiful; giving, a donor; dear, beloved; (%%), m. the acute accent, a high or sharp tone; a gift, donation; a kind of musical instrument, a large drum; an ornament or figure of speech in rhetoric; work, business; (%%), n. an ornament or figure in rhetoric. ## %%, more elevated, more acute. ## %%, n. the state of having the acute accent. ## %%, similar to the high tone or accent. ## %%, n. title of a drama. ## %%, pronounced with the acute accent. ## %%, pronounced with the Udtta accent. ## %%, f. the state of being pronounced with the acute accent. ## %%, preceded and followed by an Udtta. ## %%. See under 2. %%, p. 153. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-nayati, -te, -netum>%, to lead up (out of water); to elevate. ## %%, cl. 5. P., Ved. %<-pnoti, -ptum>%, to reach up to, reach, attain. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Sahadeva. ## %%, ind., Ved. up the stream, against stream. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-yacchati, -yan-tum>%, to show, to make known. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, with uplifted weapon, upraising weapons. ## %%, or %<, am>% (fr. rt. %<>% with %%), high, lofty, exalted, noble, illustrious, generous, liberal, gentle, munificent, great, best; upright, honest, sincere; porper, right; eloquent; unperplexed; Ved. causing to rise, exciting, driving forth; (%%), ind. aloud; (%%), m., Ved. a rising fog or vapour; a sort of grain with long stalks; a figure in rhetoric, attributing nobleness to an inanimate object; (%%), pl. nebulous forms, spirits (?). ## %%, of a generous disposition, noble-minded. ## %%, high-minded, magnanimous. ## %%, f. liberality, generosity. ## %%, highly intelligent, wise, sagacious, noble-minded. ## %%, of great power. ## %%, generous-minded. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %% (fr. rt. %<>% with %%), Ved. steaming (as a hot dish); (Sy.) rising, or enlightening the organs of sense; (%%), m. an epithet of Viu. ## %%, m. a year, one of the five years forming a period. See %%. ## %%, m. a class of diseases, marked by the retention of the excrements; disease of the bowels, iliac passion; (%<>%), f. painful menstruation with foamy blood. ## %%, suffering from such diseases. ## %%, m., N. of a king of Videha, a son of Janaka; [cf. %%.] ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vahati, -te, -vohum>%, to extol, to praise; to draw, lead along; to marry. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-ste, -situm>%, to sit separate or away from, to sit on one side or apart, not to share in, not to show interest in; to be unconcerned about, to be indifferent or passive. ## 2. %% (for 1. see under %%), indifferent, unconcerned, apathetic; (%%), m. a stoic, a philosopher; indifference, apathy, stoicism. ## %%, indifferent, disregarding, stoical, one void of concern or affection. ## %%, indifferent, disregarding; (%<>%), m. a stoic, a philosopher; one who has no passion nor affection for anything; in popular acception, a religious mendicant in general, or one of a particular order. ## %%, sitting apart, indifferent, free from affection; (in law) not involved in the dispute; (%%), m. a stranger, a neutral, a common acquaintance, a person neither a friend nor a foe. ## %%, f. indifference, apathy. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>% and %%), a superintendent, a doorkeeper; a spy, an emissary; an ascetic who has given up his vow; (%%), set over. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %<>% and %%), elevated, raised. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-harati, -te, -hartum>%, to relate, declare, announce; illustrate. ## %%, n. relating, saying, declaring, declaration; referring a general rule to a special case, an example or illustration; an apposite argument, the third of the five premises of rhetorical reasoning; the example or third member in a fivefold syllogism. ## %%, m. an example or illustration; the beginning of a speech. ## %%, to be referred as a general rule to a special case. ## %%, said, illustrated, called, named, entitled. ## %%, f. an example, an illustration. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-eti, -etum>%, to go up or proceed; to rise (e. g. as a star), to come up (as a cloud); to go out of; to come out or arise from; to escape; to start up; to rise up against. ## %%, (in gram.) following, coming after or upon (as one letter, accent &c. upon another); (%%), m. going upwards; rising (of the sun or planets or of a cloud); the eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise; coming forth, creation, production, becoming visible, appearance, development; light, splendor; conclusion, result, consequence; rising, reaching one's aim, elevation; profit, advantage, income, revenue, interest; outlet, exit; N. of the seventh Arhat of the future Utsarpii, = Udayva; a son of Yjika; a follower of kya-muni. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Guala. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. or %%, m. the eastern mountain behind which the sun rises. ## %%, n., N. of the capital of Marvar. ## %%, m. the plateau of the mountain behind which the sun rises. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, risen. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a grandson of Ajta-atru. ## %%, going upwards, rising. ## %%, n. rising, ascending (of the sun); exit, result; conclusion, end; (%%), m. an epithet of Agastya; N. of a king of Vatsa; N. of a Purohita of king uddhodana. ## %% or %%, m. a philosopher and violent persecutor of the Buddhists. ## %%, n. title of a play. ## %%, belonging to an end or conclusion, finishing (as a ceremony). ## %%, rising, ascending, prosperous, flourishing; (%<>%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Ajta-atru. ## %%. See s. v. %%. ## 1. %%, risen, ascended, being above; high, tall, lofty; grown, augmented, born, produced; incurred, experienced. ## %%, Ved. sacrificing after sunrise. ## 1. %%, f., Ved. ascending, rising (of the sun); going away or down, setting (of the sun). ## %%, rising. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-igayati, -yitum>%, to impart a tremulous motion, to vibrate; to utter with a whirring or vibratory sound; to cause to whir (said of the pronunciation of certain letters). ## 2. %% (fr. rt. %%), said, spoken. ## %% (fr. 2. %% with 1. %%), well-grounded in the stras. ## 2. %%, f., Ved. speech. ## 3. %% (incorrectly spelt for %%, see 4. %%), bound, tied. ## %% (irreg. Desid. of rt. %%), Ved. %<-inakati>%, to attain, obtain, reach; to wish to gain, to pretend to. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kate, -itum>%, to look up to; to look at, regard, view, behold; to wait, to delay, to expect: Caus. %<-kayati, -yitum>%, to cause to look up. ## %%, n. looking up, seeing, beholding. ## %%, ind. having looked up at, having seen. ## %% (fr. 2. %%), turned towards the north, northern. ## %%, being or living in the north; (%%), m. the country to the north and west of the river Sarasvat, the northern region; (%%), m. the inhabitants of this country; (%%), n. a kind of perfume. ## %%, n. the metre of the inhabitants of the northern country, a species of the Vaitlya metre. ## %%, m. (fr. 1. %% and %%, water), high water, an inundation; (%%), flooded. ## %%, cl. 2. A. %<-rte, -ritum>%, to rise; to start (in order to go or to come); to move upwards, ascend; to arise, originate: Caus. %<-rayati, -yitum>%, to cause to rise or move; to throw or cast upwards, to cast, throw, discharge, to drive forward; to rouse up, excite; to raise one's voice; to utter, speak; to effect; to make visible: Pass. %<-ryate>%, to be cast or thrown upwards; to be excited; to be uttered, announced, enunciated; to sound; to issue forth. ## %%, n. throwing, casting, discharging (a missile); speaking, saying. ## %%, said, uttered; excited, animated. ## %%, whose mind is active, acute-minded. ## %%, issued out, excited, increased, intense; generous, great, excellent. ## %%, f. excitement, activity, agility. ## %%, intensely bright. ## %%, impetuous in its course (as a torrent), violent. ## 1. %%, to be raised, uttered, spoken. ## 2. %%, ind. having uttered, having spoken. ## %%, being cast or discharged; being spoken or uttered. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ate, -itum>%, to rise. ## %%, risen, elevated. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-ukati, -itum>%, to sprinkle upwards or outwards. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-ubjati, -jitum>%, to cleave asunder (?); to set up, erect. ## %%, m. (Ved. written with %%, in later books generally with %<>%), the glomerous fig tree, Ficus Glomerata; a kind of leprosy; a threshold; a eunuch; (%%), n. the fruit of the glomerous fig tree; copper; the weight karsha. ## %% or %%, f., N. of the plant Croton Polyandra. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, Ved. copper-coloured?; (Say.) of extended power (for %%; said of the two dogs, the messengers of Yama). ## %%, a word coined for the etymological explanation of %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-oati, -itum>%, to expel by heat. ## %%, Ved. having a red mouth (as a horse). ## %%, m. n. a wooden mortar used for pounding rice and separating the husk; any mortar; bdellium; a mortar-shaped joint. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), married; coarse, gross, heavy, fat; material, substantial; much, exceeding. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-hati, -te, -hitum>%, to push or press upwards, move or bear upwards. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-iyarti>% (Ved. aor. A. %<-rta), -artum, -aritum>%, or %<-rtum>%, to start up, rise; to move up, raise, excite: Caus. %<-arpayati, -yitum>%, to cause to rise. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. that which reaches beyond (the present time) or what follows, future time; remainder, conclusion, end, aim; concluding part or hymn (?). ## %%, m. reaching or extending beyond, surpassing; the future result of actions; consequence, futurity, future time; a remote consequence, reward; conclusion, end; elevation of a building, a tower, look-out place; the plant Vanguiera Spinosa. ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-ati, -aritum>%, to split, pierce through. ## %%, to come up, come out of, arise from; to step up (to an altar), to go out. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ejati, -ejitum>%, to move, rise, shake, tremble. ## %%, shaking, making tremble. ## %%, Ved. exceedingly powerful or violent. ## %%, fragrant. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gantum>%, to go up, rise, ascend; to shoot up; to go out, come from, break out, depart; to spread. ## %%, gone up, risen, ascended; gone, departed; proceeded forth or from; vomited, cast up; (%<>%), f. a stanza of four lines, with ten syllables in the first three and thirteen in the last. ## %%, (a calf) whose horns are just appearing. ## %%, deceased, dead. ## %%, f. going up, rising, ascent; coming forth; bringing up, vomiting. ## %%, m. going up, rising, ascending, elevation (as of a mountain); rising (of the stars); going out or away; coming forth, becoming visible, production, creation; shoot (of a plant); bringing up, vomiting. ## %%, n. rising, ascending; coming forth, becoming visible. ## %%, to be gone up or ascended; (%%), n. a pair of bleached cloths or sheets. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-galati, -litum>%, to trickle out, ooze out; issue in drops. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to rise (as the sun &c.); to come forward, to begin. ## %%, &c. See %% below. ## %%, &c. See %% below. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghate, -ghitum>% or %<-ghum>%, to emerge. ## %%, excessive, violent, much; (%%), ind. excessively, much. ## %%, cl. 6. A. %<-gurate, -ritum>%, to raise the voice in a threatening manner. ## %%, raised, lifted, held up; erected, excited. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ghati, -te, -ghi-tum>% or %<-gohum>%, to pierce through and through, to twist through. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-girati>% or %<-gilati, -gari-tum>% or %<-litum>%, or %<-gartum>% or %<-ltum>%, to eject (from the mouth), spit out, vomit out or up, belch out, pour out, discharge; breathe out; to rise from: Caus. P. %<-girayati, -yitum>%, to cause to pour forth, to raise (a sound), to cause to utter sounds. ## %%, m. spitting out, ejecting anything from the mouth, vomiting; belching, eructation; relating repeatedly; spittle, saliva; speaking in the throat, sound, roaring, hissing. ## %%, ejecting, spitting, vomiting. ## %%, n. vomiting; ejecting anything (as saliva &c.) from the mouth, slavering. ## %%, vomited forth, ejected, cast forth, breathed out, exhaled, disdained. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gyati, -gtum>%, to begin to sing; to sing or chant (applied especially to the singing or chanting of the Sma-veda, from which one order of priests take the name of Udgt); to announce, to celebrate in song; to sing before any one (with acc.); to fill with song. ## %%, wishing to sing. ## %%, m. one of the four chief-priests, viz. the one who chants the hymns of the Sma-veda; a chanter. ## %%, f. a variety of the ry measure, the same as the Gti, a stanza of four half-lines, containing alternately twelve and eighteen instants. ## %%, f. singing; chanting of the Smaveda; a variety of the ry metre, a verse of four half-lines, containing twelve, fifteen, twelve, eighteen instants. ## %%, m. chanting of the Sma-veda, the office of the Udgt; the second part of the Smaveda; N. of a son of Bhava; N. of a commentator of Vedic texts; designation of %% or the triliteral name of God. ## %%, cl. 9. 1. P. A. %<-grathnti, nte>%, or %<-granthati, -te, -granthitum>%, to bind up, tie into bundles; to tie up, truss; to fasten, wind; to unbind, loosen. @<[Page 0156-a]>@ ## %%, interlaced; unbound, loosened. ## %%, m. a section, chapter. ## %%, untied, free from worldly ties. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti>% or Ved. %<-gbhti, -te, -grahtum>%, to take or lift up; to set up, erect, elevate; to take out, draw out, take away; to take away from, to preserve; to cease, especially to cease to rain; to break off, discontinue (speaking); A. to raise one's self: Caus. %<-grhayati, -yitum>%, to cause to take up or out, to cause to pay; to extol, extol with praise. ## %%, taken up, turned up, upraised. ## %%, n., Ved. taking up, raising. ## %%, m. taking up; any object that may be accomplished by religious or other acts. ## %%, n. taking up, lifting up, taking away or out. ## %%, m., Ved. raising, elevating. ## %%, m. taking up or away; (in the Prtikhyas) the rule of Sandhi which causes the change of the terminations %%, and %%, to %% before a following vowel; replying in argument; objection. ## %%, f. the Sandhi called Udgrha before a long vowel. ## %%, ind. (in the Prtikhyas) 'like the Udgrha', a term applied to that kind of Sandhi by which final %% and %<>% appear as %% before %<>%. ## %%, f. replying in argument. ## %%, taken away, lifted up; deposited, delivered; seized; bound, tied; excellent, exalted; recalled, remembered. ## %%, or %%, one who lifts up or raises the neck (in trying to see anything). ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), excellence, happiness; the hollow hand; fire; a model, a pattern; organic air in the body. ## %%, m. a carpenter's bench, a plank on which he works. ## %%, m. striking, wounding, inflicting a hurt; a wound, a blow; slipping, tripping; raising, elevation; a beginning, a thing begun; breathing through the nostrils as a religious exercise; a club, a mallet, a weapon; the division of a book, a chapter, a section. ## %%, uneven, having elevations, rough. ## %%, Caus. %<-ghayati, -yitum>%, to open, unlock, unfasten; to peel, shell; to reveal, expose; to undertake, commence; to rub over, stroke, tickle. ## %%, m. a watch or guard-house. ## %%, m. an opener, the instrument or implement for opening anything, a key; (%%), n. the rope and bucket of a well, a leather bucket used for drawing water. ## %%, n. opening, unlocking; an opener, the instrument or means of opening, a key, &c.; the rope and bucket of a well, a leather bucket used for drawing water; hoisting, raising, lifting up. ## %%, to be opened. ## %%, opened, manifested; undertaken, commenced; raised, hoisted or lifted up; done with effort, exerted. ## %%, wise, intelligent. ## %%, naked; intelligent, wise. ## %%, opening, commencing. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a kind of time (in music). ## %%, n. kicking of a horse (?); friction; opening, opening upwards as a lid. ## %%, opened, unlocked. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), flesh. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ghoati, -itum>%, to sound, cry out, fill with cries: Caus. %<-ghoayati, yitum>%, to cause to sound aloud, to declare aloud; proclaim, noise abroad. ## %%, sounded out; proclaimed; (%%), n. sound, noise. ## %%, m. announcing or proclaiming aloud; popular talk, general report. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gharati, -i-tum>%, to rub, comminute by rubbing; to rub over, strike against. ## %%, n. rubbing, rubbing up; rubbing the skin with hard substances, as vitrified brick &c.; a cudgel. ## %%, n. a peculiar fault in pronunciation. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), a bug; a mosquito, a gadfly. ## %%, whose staff is raised, whose stalk is erect; raised on a staff or pole. ## %%, m. a punisher, whether king or magistrate; a sort of snake, a kind of fish; [cf. %%.] ## %%, large-toothed, having projecting teeth; high, tall; terriffic, formidable. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-dmyati, -damitum>%, cl. 10. P. %<-damayati, -yitum>%, to subdue, to overpower, become master of. ## %%, m. subduing, overpowering. ## %%, energetic, humble, elevated; (? for %%), vomited by an elephant. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-dadti, -dtum>%, to take away, snatch away. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. 4. %%, to bind, with %%), binding, confinement; taming, subduing; the middle, the waist; a fire-place; submarine fire; entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac. ## %% (fr. %% and %%, a bond), unrestrained, unbound, set free; self-willed; unlimited, extraordinary; proud, haughty; large, great; (%%), m. an epithet of Yama ('whose noose is raised'); an epithet of Varua; (%%), ind. in an unrestrained manner, without any limits. ## %%, bound, tied. ## %%, m. (fr. %% with %%), the plant Cordia Myxa or Latifolia; also Paspalum Frumentaceum. ## %%, m., N. of a Gandharba. ## %%, m., N. of the above plants; N. of a teacher; (%%), n. a kind of honey. ## %%, f. 'breaking of Uddlaka flowers', a sort of game played by people in the eastern districts. ## %%, m., N. of a teacher. ## %%. See under 1. %%. ## %%, n. midday. ## 1. %%, cl. 6. P. A., 3. P. %<-diati, -te, -didei, -deum>%, to show or direct towards; to point out, signify, declare, determine; to enunciate, prophesy; to mean; to aim at, intend, destine; to explain, instruct, teach. ## 2. %%, f., Ved. a particular direction or quarter of the sky. ## %%, ind. having shown or explained; stipulating for, demanding; aiming at, in the direction of, with reference to; towards; with regard to, for, for the sake of, in the name of. ## %%, mentioned, particularized, described, promised. ## %%, m. pointing to or at, direction; ascertainment; brief statement; exemplification, illustration, explanation; mentioning a thing by name; assignment, prescription; stipulation, bargain; quarter, spot, region, place; an object, a motive; upper region, high situation; (in Nyya phil.) the enunciation of a thing that is to be further discussed and elucidated; (at the end of compounds) relative to. ## %%, ind. pointedly, distinctly; by way of explanation. ## %%, illustrative, explanatory; (%%), m. an illustration, an example; an illustrator, a guide; (in mathematics) a question, problem. ## %%, to be illustrated or explained; anything to which one refers or which one has in view; (%%), n. the end in view, an incentive. ## %%, pointing out &c.; one who acts with a certain scope or design. ## %%, cl. 2. P. A., Ved. %<-degdhi, -digdhe, -degdhum>%, to throw or heap up. ## %%, m., N. of a people; (%<>%), f. the white ant. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-dpyate, -dpitum>%, to flame, blaze up, be kindled: Caus. %<-dpayati, -yitum>%, to light up, inflame, illuminate, excite, animate. ## %%, m. inflaming, lighting; an inflamer; animating, who or what animates; (%%), n. a gummy and resinous substance, bdellium. ## %%, inflaming, exciting, rendering more intense; lighting, setting alight. ## %%, n. inflaming (as passion), exciting, animating; illuminating; burning of a body &c.; any aggravating thing or circumstance, giving poignancy to feeling or passion. ## %%, lighting up, brightening, becoming light. ## %%, lighted, set on fire or alight; shining; inflamed, aggravated (as passion). ## %%, n. bdellium. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-payati, -draum>%, to see above (in the sky), to look upwards; to look into the future, expect; to become aware of; to doubt: Caus. %<-darayati, -yitum>%, to make visible, cause to appear. ## %%, m., N. of a king of the Ngas. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-dti, -daritum>% or %<-rtum>%, to tear out. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-dyotate, -titum>%, to blaze up, shine: Caus. %<-dyotayati, -yitum>%, to cause to shine: Intens. Ved. %<-davidyutti>%, to shine intensely. ## %%, flashing up, shining; (%%), m. light, lustre; revelation. ## %%, lighted up, emblazoned. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), flight, retreat, going upwards; (%%), running away. ## %%, fled, retreated, run away; ascended; gone up or upwards. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-dhanti>% (Ved. cl. 1. P. %<-dhanati), -dhantum>%, to raise up, elevate. ## %%, raised, elevated; exceeding, excessive; haughty, vain, puffed up; excited, intense; rude, ill-behaved; (%%), m. a king's wrestler. ## %%, or %%, high-minded, haughty, proud. ## %%, n. pride, arrogance. ## %%, raising a noise like the ocean. ## %%, f. elevation; pride, haughtiness; a stroke, shaking. ## %%. See under %%. ## %% (fr. rt. %% with %%), who or what drinks. ## %%, &c. See 2. %%. ## 1. %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), courage to undertake a thing. ## 1. %% (or fr. next ?), animating, encouraging; (%%), n. animating, encouraging. ## 2. %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), great joy; a festival (especially a religious one). @<[Page 0157-a]>@ ## 2. %%, n. erection of the hair of the body, occasioned by great pleasure. ## %%, Ved. whose hair is erected; (%%), f., N. of a metre of four verses, of fourteen syllables each. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a sacrificial fire; a festival, a holiday; N. of a Ydava, the friend and counsellor of Ka. ## %% and %%, m. title of two poems. ## %%, m., N. of a copyist. ## %% (fr. %% and %%), extending the hands, raising the hands. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-dadhti, -dhtum>%, to abandon or expose (an infant); to set up, erect, build up. ## %%, m., Ved. a particular part of a carriage, perhaps the part which rests on the axles; an earthen stand on which the Ukh rests. ## %%, set up, erected. ## 2. %%, cl. 3. A. %%, to go upwards, move upwards; to raise; to go away from. ## 1. %%, gone up, ascended. ## 2. %% (for %%, and %%), ejected, vomited; inflated, corpulent; (%%), n. ejecting, vomiting; a fire-place. ## %% (for %%), ejected, vomited; (%%), m. an elephant out of rut (from whose temples the juice ceases to flow). ## %% (fr. %% and %%), freed from a yoke or burden; ceasing from, leaving off; unrestrained, lively, cheerful; heavy, thick, gross, firm; high. ## %%, a corruption of 2. %%, q. v. ## %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-dhnoti>% or %<-dhu-noti, -nute, -dhavitum>% or %<-dhotum>%, to rouse up, shake up, move; to disturb, excite; to shake off, throw off; to expel. ## %%, shaken off, fallen from or off; tossed up, scattered above; exalted; high, loud. ## %%, one who has shaken off (his) sins. ## %%, n. fumigating. ## %%, nom. P. %<-dhlayati, -yitum>%, to powder, sprinkle with dust or powder. ## %%, n. horripilation; also %%. See 2. %%. ## %%, having the hairs erected. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-dharati, -te, -dhartum>%, to draw out, raise up, make honoured. ## %%, f. wish to remove. ## 2. %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-dha-rati, -te, -dhartum>%, to draw out, take out, to extricate, deliver; to tear out, pull out, eradicate; to extend, elevate, raise: Caus. %<-dhrayati, -yitum>%, to cause to draw out; to raise: Desid. %%, to wish to elevate or draw out, to elevate. ## %%, m., N. of a Rakshas; %<(as, , am) = ud-dhura (?)>%. ## %%, n. the act of drawing out, taking out, tearing out; taking off (clothes); extricating, delivering, rescuing; raising, lifting; eradication; extermination; act of destroying; taking a part or share; taking from the Grhapatya fire to supply the other sacred fires; vomiting, bringing up; vomited food; final emancipation; (%%), m., N. of the father of king antanu, the author of a commentary on a portion of the Mrkaeya-Pura. ## %%, to be raised or taken up, to be extracted. @<[Page 0157-b]>@ ## %%, to be drawn out. ## %%, one who raises or lifts up; a sharer, a coheir; one who recovers property; (%%), m. a destroyer, exterminator; redeemer, deliverer. ## %%, m. raising, elevating, lifting up; drawing out, extraction, deliverance, redemption, extrication; taking away; deduction, a part to be set aside, selected part; a portion, share, a surplus given by the Hind law to the eldest son beyond the shares of the younger ones; the first division of a patrimony; the sixth part of booty taken in war which belongs to the prince; debt, especially a debt not bearing interest, obligation; recovering property; selecting (a passage), quoting; (%<>%), f. the plant Cocculus Cordifolius; (%%), n. a fire-place. ## %%, m. division of shares, partition. ## %%, who or what raises or lifts, drawing out. ## %%, n. raising, elevating; drawing out of (a danger), delivering; sharing, dividing. ## %%, taken out, drawn forth, extricated, released. ## %%, drawn up or out as water from a well &c., raised, elevated; lifted up, thrown up or upwards; extracted, pulled up or out, eradicated or broken off; separated, set apart; divided, partitioned; selected, taken from or out of, recovered; uncovered; dispersed, scattered; holding, containing; vomited. ## %%, skimmed (as milk). ## %%, destroying an enemy. ## %%, one who has received his share; that from which a share has been deducted. ## %%, f. drawing out; extraction, an extract; delivering, rescue. ## %%, ind. having raised up or drawn out. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhamati, -dhm-tum>%, to breathe out, to puff, to pant, to blow; to inflate, to make known by blowing (a trumpet &c.). ## %%, who or what blows; (%%), m. breathing hard, panting; blowing, sounding. ## %%, n. a stove. ## %%, ind. breathing out &c. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), a river; N. of a river. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), hoarseness. ## %%, cl. 9. P. %<-badhnti, -ban-dhum>%, to tie up, hang. ## %%, tied up, hung. ## %%, m. or %%, n. tying up, hanging; hanging one's self. ## %%, Ved. one who hangs up. ## %%, strong, powerful. ## %%, having the arms raised; extending the arms; having the trunk upraised (as an elephant). ## %%, out of the hole, (an animal) that has quitted its hole. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., Ved. %<-bodhati, -te, -bodhitum>%, to awaken, arouse, excite, remind. ## %%, awakened, excited, reminded, made to think of, recalled; blown, budded. ## %%, m. association of ideas, recalling anything to remembrance. ## %%, m. awaking, reminding, incipient knowledge. ## %%, exciting; reminding, what reminds or calls to remembrance; discovering, exhibiting. ## %%, n. awaking, arousing; recalling, reminding. ## %%, excellent; exalted, magnanimous; (%%), m. a tortoise; a fan for winnowing corn; the sun (?). @<[Page 0157-c]>@ ## %%. See 1. %% below. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-bhti, -tum>%, to become visible, appear. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-bhsayati, -yitum>%, to illuminate, render beautiful. ## %%, m. radiance, splendor. ## %%, shining, radiant. ## %%, lighting up, irradiating. ## %%, lighted up, illuminated, splendid; ornamented, graced, beautified. ## %%, or %%, shining, radiant. ## 1. %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-bhinatti, -bhinte, -bhettum>%, to break out, burst forth. ## 2. %%, breaking forth, sprouting, germinating; penetrating, coming to the top, destroying; (Sy.) causing to come forth; (%%), m. a sprout or shoot of a plant, a plant; a spring, a fountain; a kind of sacrifice. ## %% (less correctly %%), sprouting, germinating (as a plant or some lower animals). ## %%, f. the science of plants, botany. ## %%, sprouting, germinating; (%%), n. culinary salt. ## %%, opened, burst, budded. ## %%, m. breaking through or out, becoming visible; a spring of water; treason. ## %%, n. a spring of water, fountain. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to exist, spring from, arise: Caus. %<-bhvayati, -yitum>%, to cause to exist; to produce; to use, employ. ## %%, m. existence, generation, production, birth, springing from, growing. (Often at the end of adj. compounds, e. g. %%, fruits produced by pure trees.) ## %% or %<, am>%, productive. ## %%, m. production, generation; magnanimity. ## %%, n. passing over, inattention, neglect, disregard; saying, speaking. ## %%, raising upwards, exalting, lifting up. ## %%, neglected, disregarded; said, declared. ## 2. %%, Ved. having persistency, lasting. ## %%, born, produced; lofty, literally or figuratively; visible, perceptible, present. ## %%, n. visible shape or form. ## %%, f. elevation, increase. ## %%, cl. 1. 3. P. A. %<-bharati, -te, -bibharti, -bibhte, -bhartum>%, to carry off, bear away. ## %%, Ved. raising, elevating. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. P. %<-bhramati, -bhrmyati, -bhramitum>%, to move about in a wide space, wander, err. ## %%, m. whirling, flourishing; regret; N. of a class of beings attending on iva. ## %%, n. moving or wandering about, ascending, rising. ## %%, agitated, bewildered, distressed; whirled, flourished, waved (as a sword); (%%), n. waving a sword. ## %%, n. rising into the air. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %%), Ved. surging, flooding. ## %%, m. a river; [cf. %%.] ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), rising; (%%), m. a star; N. of a mountain. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-yacchati, -yantum>%, to raise, elevate, uplift, raise in a menacing manner; to offer; to strive, be diligent; Intens. Ved. %<-yamya-mti>%, to raise. ## %%, raised, held up; active, persevering, labouring diligently and incessantly; trained, exercised, disciplined; eager, prepared, ready; (%%), m. time (in music); a section, a chapter, the division of a book. ## %%, with raised bow. ## %%, with uplifted mace. ## %%, with raised spear. ## %%, Ved. raising the ladle to offer a libation. ## %%, with uplifted weapon or weapons. ## %%, f., Ved. raising, elevation. ## %%, raising, elevating. ## %%, m. raising or lifting up, elevation; raising the hands for work, undertaking anything; strenuous and continued effort, exertion, perseverance. ## %%, m. breaking the efforts, discouragement, dissuasion; desisting. ## %%, bearing or undergoing exertions. ## %%, n. raising, elevation. ## %%, undertaking, persevering, making effort, active. ## %%, Ved. extending more widely; (Sy.) excessively raising. ## 1. %%, requiring exertion. ## 2. %%, ind. having lifted or taken up, having made exertion. ## %%, m. erecting, stretching out; a rope, cord. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to go up or out, to rise, originate. ## %%, n. going out; walking out; a garden, a royal garden, a park; purpose, motive; N. of a country to the north of India. ## %%, m. a gardener; the master or owner or keeper of a garden. ## %%, m. f. a gardener; superintendent or keeper of a garden. ## %%, m. a keeper of a garden; a gardener. ## %%, n. a garden, a park. ## %%, n. bringing to a conclusion, finishing, performing, accomplishing. ## %%, brought to a conclusion, finished, accomplished. ## %%, m. (rt. 1. %%), mixing, joining. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. exertion, effort. ## %%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-yunakti, -yukte, -yoktum>%, to excite, incite, make active or quick, stimulate to exertion. ## %%, zealously active, labouring for some desired end. ## %%, m. undertaking anything, exertion, perseverance, strenuous and continuous endeavour; active preparation. ## %%, n. title of the fifth book of the Mah-bhrata. ## %%, capable of exertion. ## %%, active, laborious, persevering, energetic, one who makes effort. ## %%, m. (fr. 2. %%), a kind of aquatic animal, perhaps a crab, or an otter; (at the end of some compounds = %%) water; see %%. ## %%, m., N. of a Nga. ## %%, m., N. of a i. ## %%, Ved. springing (said of water), abounding in water. ## %% or %%, m., N. of the town of Haricandra, floating in the air; a town in general, = %%. ## %%, m. the pin of the axle of a carriage; a cock. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %%), aloud noise. ## %%, Pass. %<-ricyate>%, to excel, increase, exceed, preponderate; to abound in: Caus. %<-recayati, -yitum>%, to cause to excel, augment. @<[Page 0158-b]>@ ## %%, increased, augmented; distinct; evident. ## %%, m. excess, preponderance, increase, overplus, abundance, commencement; (%<>%), f. the plant Melia Sempervirens. ## %%, m. the stifling or discouraging a thing at the outset. ## %%, (at the end of compounds) abounding in, giving preponderance. ## %% (rt. %%), destroying, breaking down; undermining, rooting up. ## %%, n. (rt. %%), rising, growing. ## %%, f. (fr. 1. %%), Ved. elevation, a hill. ## %%, m. a year; (a wrong reading for %%, q. v.) ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vapati, -te, -vap-tum>%, to pour out; to raise, elevate. ## %%, n. pouring out, shaking out. ## %%, m. ejection; (in logic) non-existence of a subsequent resulting from the absence of an antecedent. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-vamati, -mitum>%, to throw up, eject, vomit. ## %%, casting up, vomiting. ## %%, n. ejecting, emitting, vomiting. ## %%, vomited; (%%), m. an elephant out of rut. ## %%, f. ejecting, vomiting. ## %%, Ved. (perhaps) exciting or increasing the strength. ## %%, &c. See %% next col. ## %%, n. sly or suppressed laughter. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-vsayati, -yitum>%, to cause to live away, to banish, expel. ## 1. %%, m. (for 2. see next col.), banishment, exile; abandonment, setting free; carrying out for slaughter, killing. ## %%, n. taking out of or away (from the fire); expelling, banishing; quitting, abandoning; taking out in order to kill, killing, slaughter. ## %%, relating to the killing of a sacrificial animal. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-vahati, -te, -vo-hum>%, to carry out or away, elevate; to take or lead away; to bear up, raise up, elevate; to marry; to vomit (?): Caus. P. %<-vhayati, -yitum>%, to cause to marry, to allow any one to expel his wife. ## %%, carrying or leading up, carrying away, taking up or away; continuing, propagating; eminent, superior, best; (%%), m. son, offspring; the fourth of the seven winds or courses of air, viz. that of the Nakshatras supporting these lunar constellations and causing their revolution; the vital air that conveys nourishment upwards; one of the seven tongues of fire; N. of a prince; (%<>%), f. a daughter. ## %%, upholding, supporting, bearing, containing; having, possessing, assuming. ## %%, n. lifting or bringing up; carrying, drawing; being carried on, riding; possessing; leading home, marrying. ## %%, m. bearing up, supporting, marriage, wedding. ## %%, n. the marriage ceremony. ## %%, n., N. of a work of Raghunandana on marriage ceremonies; [cf. %%.] ## %%, drawing up, that which raises or draws up; (%%), n. lifting up; ploughing a field twice; anxiety, anxious regret; marriage; (%<>%), f. a cord, rope; the small shell used as a coin, a cowri. ## %%, relating to marriage, matrimonial. @<[Page 0158-c]>@ ## %%, raised, lifted or pulled up; eradicated. ## %%, what raises or draws up; who or what marries, relating to marriage; (%%), f. a rope. ## %%, desirous of marrying. ## %%, Ved. crying out (?). ## %%, n. crying aloud. ## %% (probably a corrupt form), ejected, vomited; (%%), n. ejecting, vomiting; a stove; [cf. %%.] ## %%, shedding tears. ## %%, n. the act of shedding tears. ## 2. %%, or %%, one who has put off his clothes. (For 1. %% see under %%.) ## %%, Caus. P. %<-ghoayati, -yitum>%, to declare or proclaim aloud, to cause to declare aloud. ## %%, cl. 6. A. (ep. also cl. 6. P. and cl. 1. P. A.) %<-vijate, -ti, -vejati, -te, -vejitum>%, to tremble, shake; to be agitated, grieved, or afflicted; to fear, be afraid of (with abl. or gen.); to grieve, afflict, frighten: Caus. P. %<-vejayati, -yitum>%, to terrify, frighten. ## %%, sorrowful, anxious, grieving for an absent lover. ## %%, or %%, depressed in mind, sorrowful, anxious, distressed. ## %%, agitated, afraid. ## %%, going swiftly, an express messenger, a runner, a courier, &c.; steady, composed, tranquil; ascending, mounting, going up or upwards; an ascetic whose arms by long habit continue always raised above the head; (%%), m. trembling, waving, shaking; agitation, anxiety; regret, fear, distress occasioned by separation from a beloved object; admiration, astonishment; %%, to disturb, to be disturbed in mind; (%%), n. the fruit of the Areca Faufel; the Areca nut, called betel nut because eaten with the betel leaf. ## %%, causing anxiety or agitation of mind; suffering distress, anxious, unhappy. ## %%, agitating, distressing, annoying, causing pain or sorrow. ## %%, causing to shake with terror, hurting the feelings; (%%), n. shaking with terror, agitation, anxiety, affliction; infliction of pain, torture; regret, sorrowing for one absent. ## %%, or %<, am>%, inflicting pain, punishing, torturing, painful. ## %%, causing terror or shaking (with gen. of the person). ## %%, grieved, pained, afflicted. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vk-ate, -itum>%, to look up or upwards, view, look at, perceive; to examine, consider. ## %%, n. looking up or upwards; seeing, looking at. ## %%, ind. having looked upwards. ## %%, cl. 10. P. %<-vjayati, -yitum>%, to blow upon, blow towards; to fan upon. ## %%, cl. 5. 9. 1. P. A. %<-voti, -ute, vti, -te, -varati, -te, -varitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to elect, select, choose. ## %%, n. increase. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vartate, -titum>%, to go upwards, rise, ascend, swell; to be puffed up with pride, to be haughty: Caus. %<-vartayati, -yitum>%, to cause to come out, extirpate, eradicate, destroy. ## %%, superfluous, redundant, plentiful; left over as a remainder; (%%), m. a remainder, a surplus. @<[Page 0159-a]>@ ## %%, causing to rise, increasing; rubbing and cleaning the body, who or what does so; (%%), m. a mathematical term, the quantity assumed for the purpose of the operation. ## %%, n. going up, rising, ascending; prosperity, elevation; springing up of plants or grain &c.; drawing out metal, laminating, wire drawing; grinding, pounding; rubbing or kneading the body; rubbing and cleaning it with fragrant unguents; the unguents used for that purpose or to relieve pains in the limbs &c.; bad behaviour, bad conduct. ## %%, risen, elevated; sprung up, drawn out; perfumed, scented, rubbed, kneaded, shampooed. ## %%, raised, elevated; exalted, prosperous; vomited up; left as a remainder; illconducted, ill-mannered. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-vhati, -varhitum>% or %<-varhum>%, to raise up, elevate; to draw up, pull out by the roots, eradicate. ## %%, raised, drawn or lifted up, eradicated. ## %%. See under %%, p. 158. ## %%, furnished with an elevated altar. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-vepate, -pitum>%, to tremble, to be agitated. ## %%, overflowing its banks (as a river). ## %%, tossed up. ## %%, investing, enveloping, surrounding; (%%), m. surrounding, enclosing; investing a town, besieging or surrounding it. ## %%, n. the act of surrounding; oppressing; an enclosure; pain in the back of the body; (%%, convulsive pain in the heart); (%%), unbound, unfettered, freed from bonds or ties. ## %%, to be unbound or unfastened. ## %%, surrounded, invested, enclosed. ## %%, n. an udder. See %%. ## %%, m., N. of a river. ## %% (another form of rt. %%, q. v.), cl. 9. 10. P. %%, to glean or gather by little at a time; to throw or cast upwards. ## %%. See 2. %%, p. 153. ## %%, n. moistening. ## %%, wetted, wet, moist; kind, humane. ## %%, or %%, or %%, m. a rat. ## %% or %%, f. the plant Salvinia Cuccullata. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-nayati, -yitum>%, to play a trick upon (with gen.). ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nadati, -ditum>%, to cry out, sound, roar. ## %%, m. crying out, humming, chirping. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-namati, -nantum>%, to rise, ascend; to bend up, raise, elevate, erect: Caus. P. %<-namayati, -yitum>%, to bend upwards, raise, erect. ## %%, raised, held or lifted up; high, tall; projecting, plump, full; great, eminent; (%%), m. a boa (%%); N. of a Buddha; (%%), n. elevation, ascension. ## %%, with uplifted paws, rampant. ## %%, n. height, sublimity, majesty. ## %%, having a projecting navel, i. e. corpulent. ## %%, holding up the head, carrying the head high; with head upraised. ## %%, elevated and depressed, uneven, undulating, wavy. ## %%, f. elevation, height; rising, ascending; increase, advancement, prosperity; N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma; the wife of Garua. ## %%, elevated, projecting, plump; high, sublime. ## %%, m. a N. of Garua. ## %%, n. bending upwards, raising, lifting up. ## %%, ind. having raised. ## %%, raised, elevated, lifted or pulled up; heightened, increased. ## %%, erect, upright, elevated, lofty, high. ## %%, f. erectness, uprightness (of the body). ## %%, m. bending upwards, raising, lifting up. ## %%. See under 1. %% below. ## %%, having the line of the eyelids uplifted. ## %%, having a prominent nose. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-nahyati, -naddhum>%, to tie up, bind up. ## %%, tied up; swelled, increased; unbound. ## %%, m. sour gruel made from the fermentation of rice. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), N. of a prince. ## %%, sleepless, awake; expanded as a flower; budded, blown; shining (as the moon, supposed to be awake when others are asleep). ## %%, f. sleeplessness. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -ne-tum>%, to lead upwards or up to, bring up; to set up, erect; to bring out of, free from, help, rescue, redeem; to draw up (as water); to lead away; to stroke, smooth; to lead out; press out, extract; to find out, ascertain by inference, infer; lead off (in singing): Desid. A. %<-ninate>%, to intend or wish to lead out &c. ## %%, m. raising, elevating, hoisting, leading upwards; analogy, resemblance, consequence. ## %%, n. raising, elevating, lifting up; taking out of, drawing water; the vessel out of which a fluid is taken; leading away; making straight, smoothing; deliberation, discussion, logic, reasoning, inference. ## %%, m. raising, elevating. ## %%, what raises; what leads to an inference or conclusion. ## 2. %%, bringing or leading upwards. ## %%, led up, led away, inferred. ## %%, m. one who pours a fluid out of one vessel into another, especially the priest who pours the Soma juice into the cups. ## %%, n. the office of the Unnet. ## %%, to be inferred, to be ascertained by analogy. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-majjati, -maktum>%, to emerge: Caus. %<-majjayati, -yitum>%, to cause to emerge. ## %%, m., N. of an attendant of iva. ## %%. See %% next col. ## %% or %%, cl. 1. 9. P. %<-mathati>% or %<-manthati, -mathnti, -manthi-tum>%, to shake up, disturb, excite; to shake, tear, or cut off; to strike, kill. @<[Page 0159-c]>@ ## %%, n. shaking off, throwing off or down, slaughter. ## %%, shaken, agitated. ## %%, m. agitation; killing, slaughter; a disease of the outer ear. ## %%, shaking up or off, agitating, stirring; throbbing, beating; (%%), m. inflammation of the outer ear. ## %%, n. the act of shaking or agitating; hurting, killing; probing, stirring a weapon &c. lodged in the body. ## %%, shaken up, moved, agitated, distressed. ## %%, destroying, killing; (%%), m. shaking; killing, slaughter; a snare or trap. ## %%, shaking, agitating. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-mdyati, -maditum>%, to be or become mad: Caus. P. %<-mada-yati>% or %<-mdayati, -yitum>%, to madden, inebriate, render drunk. ## %%, insane, frantic, mad; drunk, intoxicated; (%%), m. the thorn-apple, Datura Metel and Fastuosa; another tree, Pterospermum Acerifolium; N. of a Rakshas. ## %%, m. an epithet of iva. ## %%, n., N. of a region ('where the Gag roars'). ## %%, f. or %%, n. insanity, intoxication. ## %% or %%, maniac-like, mad. ## %%, spoken in drunkenness or madness. ## %%, n., N. of a Tantra. ## %%, feigning madness. ## %%, ind. like one mad, as if mad, like a maniac. ## %%, m. an epithet of iva. ## %%, m., N. of a prince. ## %%, insane, mad; drunk. ## %%, mad, furious, extravagant; drunk, intoxicated; (%%), m. insanity, either morbid or as the effect of temporary excitement, intoxication, ecstacy. ## %%, inflamed with love. ## %%, mad, insane, crazed, intoxicated; in rut (as an elephant). ## %%, mad, insane, extravagant; (%%), m. madness, extravagance; (in medicine) mania. ## %%, mad, insane, wild, extravagant. ## %%, maddening, exciting, intoxicating; (%%), m. one of the five arrows of the god of love. ## %%, mad, intoxicated; (%%), f., N. of a princess. ## %%, Ved. fond of drinking. ## %%, or %%, excited or disturbed in mind, perplexed, disturbed; regretting, missing, repining for a lost or departed friend. ## %%, nom. A. %%, to become excited or disturbed in mind, to repine. ## %%, cl. 8. P. %<-karoti, -kartum>%, to make excited, to excite, disturb. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to become disturbed in mind, to repine. ## %%, shining, radiant. ## %%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %%), rubbing off, rubbing; a fragrant essence used for this purpose. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), Ved. a measure. ## %%, n. a measure of size or quantity; price. ## %%, meted, measured. ## %%, f. measure, price. ## %%, to be weighed, what is weighed; (%%), n. weight. ## %%, m. f. n. a wrong road, deviation from the right way, improper conduct, an evil course, error. ## %%, erred, erring, going wrong. ## %%, n. going on a wrong road, following evil courses. ## %%, or %%, going wrong, erring, following evil courses; taking a wrong road. ## %%, carrying its waters on a wrong way. ## %%, going astray, finding an outlet. ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, mixed with, variegated. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-miati, -meitum>%, to open the eyes. ## %%, m. opening the eyes. ## %% or %%, opening the eyes, drawing up the eyelids, looking at, seeing. ## %%, opened (as the eye); blown as a flower. ## %%, m. opening the eyes, looking at; winking, twinkling or upward motion of the eyelids; blowing or blossoming of a flower; awaking, becoming visible. ## %%, n. awaking, becoming visible. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-mlati, -litum>%, to open the eyes; to open; to expand, be diffused: Caus. P. %<-mlayati, -yitum>%, to open. ## %%, m. opening of the eyes, awaking, becoming visible. ## %%, n. winking, twinkling, opening of the eye; awaking, becoming visible; blowing, expanding. ## %%, opened (as the eyes); blown as a flower; (%%), n. unconcealed or open reference or allusion (to anything, in rhetoric). ## %%, raising the face, looking at; waiting for, expecting; near to; (%%), m., N. of an antelope (in the Hari-vaa, in former births a hunter and a Brhman). ## %%, f. the state of one whose face is raised; state of watching or expectancy. ## %%, loud-sounding, noisy. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-mucati, -te, -moktum>%, to unfasten, pull off; take off (clothes &c.); to loosen, liberate; to elevate, raise: Caus. P. %<-moca-yati, -yitum>%, to loosen, deliver. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, n. unfastening, loosening. ## %%, unsealed, opened; blown as a flower. ## %%, eradicated, pulled up by the root. ## %%, n. eradicating, pulling up by the roots; destroying. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to eradicate, pull up by the roots; to extirpate, destroy. ## %%, eradicated, pulled up by the roots; destroyed. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-mri, mrjitum>% or %<-mrum>%, to rub off, wipe off; efface; blot out. ## %%, rubbing or wiping off. ## %%, f. repeatedly rubbing up and down. ## %%, worn off, blotted out, effaced. ## %% (rt. %% with %%), Ved. to be reached, to be touched. ## %%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %%), corpulence, fatness. ## %%, a prefix to verbs and nouns (expressing) towards, near to (opposed to %%, away), by the side of, with, together with, under, down (e. g. %%, to go near, undergo; %%, approaching. In the Veda the verb has sometimes to be supplied from the context, and sometimes %% is placed after the verb with which it ought to have been compounded, e. g. %%, they approached). (As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns %% expresses) direction towards, nearness, contiguity in space, time, number, degree, resemblance, and relationship, but with the idea of subordination and inferiority (e. g. %%, the finger next to the little finger; %%, a secondary or subordinate Pura; %%, nearly ten); sometimes forming with the nouns to which it is prefixed compound adverbs (e. g. %%, at the root; %%, towards the beginning of night; %%, near a well), which adverbs lose their adverbial terminations if they are again compounded with nouns (e. g. %%, a reservoir in the neighbourhood of a well). Prefixed to proper names %% may express in classical literature 'a younger brother' (e. g. %%, 'the younger brother of Indra'), and in Buddhist literature 'a son.' (As a separable adverb %% rarely expresses) thereto, further, moreover (e. g. %%, who further knows the Veda). (As a separable preposition with locative) near to, towards, in the direction of, under, below (e. g. %%, towards the regions); near to, at, on, upon; at the time of, upon, up to, in, above (with loc., e. g. %%, on the tops of the mountains); with, together with, at the same time with, according to (with inst., e. g. %%, according to the rules of duty). Besides the meanings given above %% is said to imply disease, extinction; ornament; command; reproof; undertaking; giving; killing; diffusing; wish; power; effort; resemblance, &c.; [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. sub; Goth. up; Old Germ. oba; Mod. Germ. ob in obdach, obliegen, &c.] ## %%, m. a diminutive of all proper names beginning with %%. ## %%. See %%. ## %%, Ved. reaching to the shoulder. ## %%, ind. upon the neck, near the throat; in the proximity of; (%%), n. proximity, neighbourhood, contiguous space; space near a village or its boundary; one of a horse's paces; (%%), near, proximate. ## %%, f. a short story, tale. ## %%, f. the last finger but one; the finger next to the little finger. ## %%, ind. near the women's apartments. ## &c. See %% next col. ## %%, ind. close to the ear, into the ear, (whispered &c.) ## %%, f. what goes from ear to ear, rumour, report. ## %%. See %%, p. 161. ## %%, ind. near a friend. ## %%, m., N. of a king of the Ngas. ## %%. See %% next col. ## %%, m. a relation or follower of the Kcakas. ## %%, or %%, f. the plant Nigella Indica; small cardamoms. ## %%, near, proximate; solitary, lonely, retired; (%%), ind. near the water-jar. @<[Page 0160-c]>@ ## %%. See %% below. ## %%, f. the plant Piper Longum; a canal, a trench, a ditch. ## %%, m. gum-boil; N. of a Cakravartin, a son of Kua. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kjati, -jitum>%, to fill with cooing, to make resonant. ## %%, made to resound (with cooing). ## %%, ind. near a well; (%%), n. a well (?). ## %%, m. a trough near a well for watering cattle. ## %%, ind. on the shore. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, cl. 5. 8. P. A. %<-koti, -ute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to place or bring near, to furnish with, provide; to assist, serve; favour, benefit; to foster, take care of; to serve, render homage to (with acc.); to undertake, begin, set about anything (with dat.); to place under, subdue; %% inserted) A. to add, supply; to furnish with; to elaborate, prepare, furnish with anything beautiful, to adorn, ornament; to care for, take care of (with acc.); to furnish badly, deform; corrupt; to bring together. ## %%, n. doing anything for another, doing a service or favour, helping, assisting; instrument, implement, machine, engine, apparatus, paraphernalia, as the vessels and offerings at a sacrifice; anything added over and above, contribution, expedient, means of subsistence, anything supporting life; object of art or science, fabricating, composing, &c.; the insignia of royalty; the attendants of a king. ## %%, furnished with means, instruments or implements, competent to do anything. ## %%, doing one a favour, assisting, befriending, one who helps or befriends. ## %%, m. help, assistance, benefit, service, favour, use, advantage, (%%, to be of service to another); preparation, ornament, garlands suspended at gateways as an embellishment on festivals, a flower &c.; (%<>%), f. a royal tent, a palace, a caravansera. ## %%, beneficent, diligent in doing good. ## %%, m. du. kindness and injury. ## %%, doing a service or favour, assisting, protecting, befriending; (%%), f. a protectress, a female assistant; a palace, a caravansera; a kind of cake. ## %%, n. assistance, protection. ## %%, helping, assisting, doing one a favour, a benefactor; subsidiary, subservient; (often used in comp., e. g. %%, helping others.) ## %%, f. or %%, n. aid, succour, protection. ## %%, deserving assistance or favour; to be assisted; (%<>%), f. a king's house, a palace, a caravansera; a royal tent. ## %%, m. a Brhman when passing from the state of a pupil (%%) to that of a householder (%%). ## %%, assisted, benefited; rendered as assistance, done kindly or beneficently; (%%), n. a favour, a benefit. ## %%, f. aid, assistance, favour, kindness. ## %%, or %%, one who has done a favour to any body. ## %%, f. service, favour. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kntati, -karti-tum>%, to trim, clip off, carp at. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-karati, -kar-um>% or %<-kraum>%, to draw towards, take; to take away, remove, set aside. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to scatter or throw down, to scatter upon, pour upon, besprinkle, bestrew. ## %%, to cut up, split, hurt. ## %%, n. scattering or throwing over, covering up (with earth &c.), burying. ## %%, besprinkled, strewed with, covered. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-kalpate, -kalpi-tum>% or %<-kalptum>%, to be fit for; to be ready at hand; to serve as, lead to (with dat.); to take shape or form, become, be: Caus. %<-kalpayati, -yitum>%, to prepare, make ready, equip; to bring near, to fetch; to allot, assign; to set up, exhibit; to render (homage), to communicate; to assume. ## %%, n. f. preparation, preparing articles of food, medicine, &c.; fabricating, making, substituting. ## %%, prepared, made; secondary, substituted. ## %%, brought near, at hand, ready, prepared, equipped, adapted, fitted for; formed, produced. ## %%, f., N. of a daughter of Upa-varsha and wife of Vararuci. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A., 4. P. %<-kr-mati, -kramate>% (ep. also %<-krmate), -krmyati, -kramitum>%, to go near, approach, come to; to go against, attack; to step over, stride; to approach with any object, have recourse to, to undertake, begin, set about (with acc. or dat. or inf.), to treat, act towards, attend on (as a physician). ## %%, a beginner, one who undertakes. ## %%, m. going near to, approach; undertaking; commencement, beginning; enterprise, planning, original conception, plan; what leads to any result, a means, an expedient, a stratagem, exploit; attendance (on a patient), treatment, practice of medicine, application of remedies, physicking; a particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas; trying the fidelity &c. of a counsellor or friend; retiring from flight, retreat (?). ## %%, n. approaching, undertaking, attendance (on a patient), treatment. ## %%, to be gone to, to be approached, to be commenced or undertaken; relating to the attendance (on a patient). ## %%, to be undertaken, to be commenced. ## %%, one who begins &c. ## %%, to be attended, to be treated. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %%, to purchase. ## %%, ind. having bought or purchased. ## %%, cl. 1. P. (ep. also A.) %<-kr-ati, -te, -itum>%, to approach playing, play around. ## %%, f. place for playing, play-ground. ## %%, ind. (rt. %%), chiding, blaming, affecting to be angry. ## %%, m. censure, reproach. ## %%, n. censuring, blaming. ## %%, m. a censurer, a reprover; an ass (which brays). ## %%, m. (rt. %%), the sound of a lute. ## %%, m., Ved. a kind of worm or insect. ## %%, cl. 1. P. (ep. also A.) %<-karati, -te, -ritum>%, Ved. %<-radhyai>%, to flow or stream towards. ## 1. %%, Pass. %<-kyate>%, to waste away, decay, be consumed, be exhausted, disappear. ## %%, m. waste, decay, loss, expenditure, outlay. @<[Page 0161-b]>@ ## %%, decayed, exhausted, consumed, disappeared. ## 2. %%, cl. 2. 6. P. %<-keti, -ki-yati, -ketum>%, to stay or dwell near or at (with acc.). ## %%, Ved. dwelling near; clinging to, attached to. ## %%, Ved. one who dwells near, attached to, a follower; (Sy.) one who approaches. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A., 4. P. %<-kipati, -te, -kipyati, -keptum>%, to throw at, hurl against; to throw down; to strike with words, insult, accuse, insinuate, charge with (a crime). ## %%, m. throwing at, mention, allusion, threatening; poetical or figurative style in composition. ## %%, n. throwing down, casting down, accusing. ## %%, cl. 2. P., Ved. %<-khyti, -tum>%, to see. ## %%, constituting a small or subordinate class; (%%), m. a small or inferior class; a small number less than a troop; N. of a man. ## %%, m. perfume, scent. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gan-tum>%, to go near to, come towards, approach, arrive at, visit, reach, attain; to come upon, attack; to occur, happen, present itself; to undertake, begin; to approach a woman (for intercourse); to enter any state or relation, undergo; suffer, participate in, make choice of; to admit, agree to, allow, confess: Caus. %<-gamayati, -yitum>%, to cause to come near or approach: Desid. %<-jigamiati>%, to wish to approach, desire to go. ## %%, (at the end of a compound) approaching, following, joining; receiving. ## %%, gone to, met, approached, near at hand, approximate, arrived, occurred, happened, attained, obtained; undergone, experienced; become; furnished with; promised, agreed; feeling, suffering, entertaining; passed away, dead; (%%), n. receipt, acquittance. ## %%, going to, having gone to or approached; possessing; feeling, suffering (as sorrow &c.); promising. ## %%, f. going near, approach; undergoing. ## %%, m. approach, approximation, coming to; obtaining; having; acquaintance, society, intercourse (as of the sexes); undergoing; suffering, feeling; agreement, promise; a particular high number. ## %%, n. coming to, obtaining; undertaking, addicting one's self to. ## 1. %%, approachable, to be approached, attainable. ## 2. %% or %%, ind. having approached. ## %%, coming near, approaching. ## %%, m., N. of a i. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to go near to, arrive at, come into, undergo. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-ghate, -ghitum>% or %<-ghum>%, to penetrate; force one's way into. ## %%, ind. at a mountain. ## %%, m. a country near a mountain; (%%), ind. near a mountain. ## %%, m. (fr. %% and %%), N. of a prince; (%%), ind. near a cow. ## %%, hidden, concealed; (%%), m., N. of a man, the son of Gupta. ## %%, of concealed resources. ## %%, m. an assistantteacher; N. of a prince; (a various reading has %%.) ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ghati, -te, ghitum>% or %<-gohum>%, to hide, cover, conceal, clasp, embrace. @<[Page 0161-c]>@ ## %%, hidden, concealed; lulled, suppressed; embraced; (%%), n. an embrace. ## %%, one who has embraced. ## %%, n. hiding, concealing; embracing, an embrace; astonishment, surprise. ## %%, m. a kind of fire considered as impure (and therefore to be hidden). ## 1. %%, cl. 9. P. A., Ved. %<-gti, -te, -garitum>% or %<-rtum>%, to call out to, invoke with hymns of praise; to approach with praise (with acc. of the person). ## 2. %%, cl. 6. P. %<-girati>% or %<-gilati, -garitum, -litum>% or %<-rtum, -ltum>%, to swallow down. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gyati, -gtum>%, to sing to any one (with dat. or acc.), to join in singing; to sing before any one (with acc.); to fill with song, praise in song, sing, celebrate. ## 2. %%, f. accompaniment of a song. ## %%, m. one who accompanies the song or recitation of the Udgt priest, a chorister. ## %%, celebrated, proclaimed, sung by bards &c. ## %%, f. a variety of the ry metre, a stanza of four lines, containing twice 12 + 15 syllabic instants. ## %%, ind. having sung, having celebrated. ## %%, being celebrated. ## %%, to be sung or celebrated. ## %%, cl. 9. 1. 10. P. %<-grath-nti, -granthati, -granthayati, -granthitum, -yi-tum>%, to intwine or wind round. ## %%, m. title of a writing or of a class of writings. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-grasati, -te, -grasitum>%, to swallow down, devour; to eclipse. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te>% (Ved. %<-gbhti, -te), -grahtum>%, to collect (a fluid by holding one vessel under another), to hold under; to seize from below; to seize, take possession of, take, obtain; to subdue, become, master of; to bring near to (one's self), take as one's ally, conciliate, make favourable; to conceive with one's mind (%%); to decide, to determine; to accept, approve. ## %%, m. seizure, confinement; a prisoner; subjoining, annexing; making favourable, appeasing, favour, encouragement, assistance; peace purchased by the cession of everything; the voice or pada of a verb; a heap of Kua grass; the presiding spirit or cause directing a planet's motion; (with %% implying inferiority) a minor planet or any heavenly body of a secondary kind, as a comet, a meteor, a falling star, &c. ## %%, n. holding up, seizing from below; the taking any one prisoner, seizure, capture, taking, supporting, forwarding, promoting; holy study, reading the Vedas after initiation. ## %%, m. oblation, present, (what is accepted.) ## %%, m. n. a present, an offering to a king or great man, a Nazr. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a stroke, injury, damage, offence; touch, contact, especially with intent to injure; personal violence, assault; disease, sickness; a kind of oblation offered in small portions at a time. ## %%, or %%, injuring, hurting, offending. ## %%, m. contiguous support; a contiguous resting-place, shelter, support, stay, protection; what rests upon or is supported by. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-ghoati, -i-tum>%, to fill with noise, make resonant. ## %%, resounding with; resonant; sounding. ## %%, n. proclaiming, publication, making known. @<[Page 0162-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jighrati, -ghrtum>%, to smell, smell at; to kiss: Caus. %<-ghrpayati, -yitum>%, to cause to smell at or kiss. ## %%, m. a variety of the ruddy goose, Cakra or Cakravka. ## %%, pl. almost four, nearly four. ## %%. See 1. %%. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-carati, -te, -caritum>%, Ved. %<-ritave, -vai, -rase, -radhyai>%, to come near, approach, go towards; to approach with the intention of serving, to assist, serve, attend, wait on (with acc.); to attend on a patient, to tend, nurse; to undertake; begin: Pass. %<-caryate>%, to be used figuratively or metaphorically, to be applied figuratively to any one (with loc.). ## %%, m. approach; attendance, cure. ## %%, n. going near to, approaching. ## %%, waited on, served, adored. ## 1. %%, to be served or waited on, to be worshipped; (%<>%), f. service, attendance; practice of medicine, physicking. ## 2. %%, ind. having approached or attended to; having groomed or tended (horses). ## %%, m. approach, service, attendance, act of civility, obliging or polite behaviour; proceeding, practice; profession, usage; physicking, the practice of medicine, tending the sick, nursing; behaviour, conduct; a ceremony, presenting offerings of water, betel, flowers, &c.; a present, a bribe; solicitation, request; incomplete act; a figure of speech, pretence, pretext, ellipsis, metaphor (e. g. %%, metaphorically); occurrence of %% and %<>% in the place of Visarga in grammar; N. of a Pariia of the Sma-veda. ## %%, n. or %%, n. or %%, f. offering presents, especially of perfumes, flowers, &c.; attention, service. ## %%, diligent in service, serving diligently. ## %%, void of civility, destitute of kindness, churlish, uncourteous. ## %%, attending, serving. ## %%, m. practice of medicine. ## %% or %%, ind. on the skin, near the skin. ## %%, m. and %%, m., N. of two Cakravartins. ## 1. %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-cinoti, -nute, -cetum>%, to gather together; to heap up, collect, hoard up, accumulate, increase, strengthen; to cover over with: Pass. %<-cyate>%, to be heaped together or accumulated, to increase, become strong; to better one's circumstances, be prosperous; to gain advantage, succeed, to be covered with. ## %%, m. accumulation, increase, growth, prosperity; quantity, heap; elevation, excess; addition; the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh degrees from the first of a zodiacal sign. ## %%, n. (?) according to some, a species of the Daaka metre. ## %%, m. du. prosperity and decay, rise and fall. ## %%, increasing, being in good circumstances. ## %%, m. a certain sacrificial fire; a place for holding sacrificial fire, a hearth, an altar. ## %%, f., Ved. a kind of disease, perhaps a swelling. ## %%, collected, gathered together, heaped up, increased, assembled; thriving, increasing; abundantly furnished with, plastered, smeared; burnt (?). ## %%, augmented in feeling. ## %%, f. accumulation, collection, abundance. ## %%, being collected or filled. ## %%, to be collected or heaped up. @<[Page 0162-b]>@ ## 2. %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-ciketi, -ce-tum>%, to honour, worship. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Ppyas. ## %%, m., N. of a man; (%<>%), f. the plants Salvinia Cuculluta and Croton Polyandra; N. of several metres, namely, 1. a variety of Mtrsamaka, containing 4x16 syllabic instants; 2. a metre of four lines of eleven syllables each; 3. a metre of two lines of twenty-two syllables each. ## %%, n. heating, burning (?). ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-ctati, -cartitum>%, to fasten, tie, bind on. ## 1. %%, cl. 10. P. A. %<-chdayati, -te, -yitum>%, to cover, hide, conceal, keep secret. ## %%, secret, concealed. ## 2. %% or %<-cchand (upa-chad)>%, Caus. %<-cchandayati, -yitum>%, to present any one (acc.) with anything (inst.); to persuade a person to do anything; to coax, to seek to seduce a person; to conciliate. ## %%, n. persuasion, persuading, coaxing. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), Ved. pressing close to (in sexual intercourse); (Sy.) going into (the chamber). ## %%, f. a variety of the Triubh metre, in which three Pdas contain twelve syllables instead of eleven. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-jyate, -janitum>%, to be produced in addition, to be born, originate; to happen, become visible, appear; to be born again; to exist, be: Caus. %<-janayati, -yitum>%, to produce, cause. ## %%, being produced in addition, increasing; (%%), m., N. of a divine being (?). ## %%, m. additional production, addition, increase; appendage; addition of a letter in the formation of words; letters, syllables or affixes added. ## %%, f., Ved. distant or not immediate posterity. ## %%, produced, engendered, aroused. ## %% or %%, provoked, excited, moved to anger. ## %%, believing, confiding, confident, trusting. ## %%, f. a mixed metre, especially a conjunction of Indravajr and Upendravajr, and a conjunction of Vaastha and Indravaa. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-japati, -japitum>%, to whisper into the ears (of another), to bring over to one's own party by secretly suggesting anything in the ear, to instigate to rebellion or treachery; to make mischief. ## %%, to be brought over or instigated to rebellion by secret suggestions or whispering in the ear. ## %%, m. the act of whispering into the ears, rousing to rebellion, bringing over to one's own party; treason, treachery; disunion, separation. ## %%, whispering anything into the ears, rousing to rebellion; a traitor, treacherous; a mischief-maker, one who foments quarrels. ## %%, ind. towards old age, in old age. ## %%, f., N. of a river. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jalpati, -pitum>%, to talk to, chatter, advise. ## %%, n. talk. ## %%, talking to a person, giving advice. ## %%, ind. near a wife. @<[Page 0162-c]>@ ## %% (fr. Desid. of rt. %%), desirous of going near. ## %%, f. (fr. Desid. of rt. %% with %%), desire, intention to rob. ## %% or %%, f. the uvula or soft palate, the epiglottis; enlargement of the under side of the tongue; a kind of ant. ## %%, m., Ved. a water deity. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jvati, -vitum>%, to live or exist upon (food), subsist, support one's self on, be supported by, derive profit from, make use of (with acc.); to live under, be dependant on, to serve; to live for a profession, practice. ## %%, Ved. living on &c. (?). ## %%, living upon, subsisting by (with inst.); living under, depending upon, subject to, a dependant; (%%), n. means of subsistence, act. ## %%, n. means of living, subsistence. ## %%, granting means of subsistence, affording a livelihood. ## %%, f. subsistence, livelihood. ## %%, living on, subsisting by (with acc. or gen.); living in dependance, dependant, subject. ## %%, that by which one lives, affording a livelihood; (%%), n. means of subsistence, cause. ## %%, ind. (rt. %%), according to one's desire or pleasure, quietly; an expression indicative of joy. ## %%, n. enjoying, frequenting. ## 1. %%, cl. 9. A. %<-jnte, -jtum>%, to ascertain; excogitate, invent, find out, hit upon: Desid. A., ep. also P. %<-jijsate, -ti>%, to seek to ascertain or invent. ## %%, Ved. enigmatical, unintelligible, mysterious. ## 2. %%, f. a knowledge obtained by one's self and not handed down by tradition, primitive or untaught knowledge, invention; commencement of a thing not previously done; (at the end of a compound used in neut., e. g. %%, the grammar invented by Pini.) ## %%, m., Ved. striding or stepping upon (?). ## %%, N. of a region. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-jrayati, -jre-tum>%, to extend to; (Sy.) to go near to, approach. ## %%, lighted up. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-haukayati, -yitum>%, to present an offering, make a respectful offering; carry out, accomplish. ## %%, n. a respectful offering or present, a Nazr. ## %%, m., N. of a certain semi-divine being, belonging to the class of Gandharvas or of Ngas. ## %%, ind. near the skirt; (%%), m. (?) the skirt. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-tapati, -taptum>%, to make warm, to heat; to feel pain, become sick; to afflict, befal (as an illness; sometimes used impersonally with gen. or acc.): Pass. %<-tapyate>%, to feel pain, become ill, be afflicted with; to be emaciated with penance (%%): Caus. %<-tpayati, -yitum>%, to kindle, ignite, burn, consume; to cause pain, macerate the body by penance; torment, hurt, offend, oppress. ## %%, m., Ved. (scil. %%) interior heat, a disease. ## %%, heated, parched; distressed, pained. ## %%, m. morbid heat; any cause of heat, burning or inflammation. @<[Page 0163-a]>@ ## %%, being distressed. ## %%, m. heat, warmth, heating, paining, pain, trouble, misfortune; sickness, disease, injury; haste, hurry. ## %%, n. heating, distressing. ## %%, heating, inflaming, exciting, causing pain; suffering heat or pain, sick. ## %% (rt. %%), overflowing. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Tishya by rik. ## %%, ind. on the shore. ## %%, Caus. %<-toayati, -yitum>%, to content, satisfy. ## %%, ind. at the cotton. ## %%, m., Ved. epithet of a snake (lurking in grass). ## %% (fr. %%), situated under or below. ## %%, f. low-land, land at the foot of a hill or mountain; a forest at the foot of a mountain; a vale, valley. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-daati, -da-um>%, to bite or eat anything as a relish. ## %%, m. a relish, anything to excite drinking or appetite, anything eaten in addition; biting, stinging; the venereal disease, chancre; a tree, the scraped root of which is used for horse-radish, Morunga Hyperanthera. ## %%, afflicted with the above disease. ## %%. See under 1. %%. ## %%, Caus. P., Ved. %<-dambha-yati, -yitum>%, to lesson, diminish, destroy. ## %%, pl. almost ten, nearly ten. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-dasyati, -situm>%, to fail, be wanting, be extinguished, be exhausted, dry up; (in Ved. used impersonally with inst. or abl.): Caus. P. %<-dsayati, -yitum>%, to cause to fail or cease, extinguish. ## %%, Ved. failing, wanting. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to burn, set fire to. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadti, -datte, dtum>%, to give in addition, offer, grant, give; to add: Ved. cl. 1. A. %<-dadate>%, to take upon one's self; to erect, support. ## 2. %%, Ved. giving a present; (%<>%), f. a present, an offering to a king or great man &c.; a Nazr. ## %% or %%, n. an oblation, a present; a gift which is for the purpose of procuring favour or protection. ## %%, f., N. of the daughter of the Dnava Va-parvan and mother of Dushmanta. ## %%, (fr. rt. %% with %%), smeared, covered; spotted over. ## %%, m. a cover; liniment, ointment; (%% implying inferiority) a minor or secondary body growing on diseased parts of the body. ## %%, f. a kind of ant; [cf. %%.] ## 1. %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-diati, -te, -deum>%, to point out to; to indicate, specify, explain, instruct, teach; advise, admonish; to assign the right place to anything, arrange; to mention, exhibit; to inform; to settle, prescribe; to dictate, command, govern; to name: Pass. %<-diyate>%, to be taught &c., to be called. @<[Page 0163-b]>@ ## 2. %%, or %%, f. an intermediate region, as north-east &c. ## %%, m., N. of a son of Vasu-deva. ## %%, ind. having advised or instructed. ## %%, specified, particularized; taught, instructed, advised; assigned as a plea or reason; initiated; (%%), n. council, advice. ## %%, m. pointing out to, instruction, teaching, informing, advice, prescription; specification; plea, pretext; initiation, communication of the initiatory Mantra or formula; (in gram.) a form in a rule, an indicatory form, i. e. a root, base, affix, augment, or any other word or part of a word furnished with indicatory letters (anubandhas) which serve as a guide to the application of particular grammatical rules and are rejected when the word or part of a word is ready for use. ## %%, f. the state of being a precept or rule; injunction; manner of instructing; doctrine. ## %%, f. title of a work of akara on philosophy. ## %%, n. a parable. ## %%, giving instruction, instructing, instructive, didactic; (%%), m. an instructor, a guide, especially a spiritual guide. ## %%, n. advising, instructing; (%<>%), f. information, doctrine. ## %%, advising, instructing, informing; (%<>%), m. a teacher, adviser; a word or affix &c. in the shape in which it appears in grammatical works. ## %%, Ved. to be taught; that which is to be taught or learnt. ## %% or %%, to be taught or advised, fit or proper to be taught. ## %%, one who points out, an adviser, teacher; a Guru or spiritual guide. ## %%, f. the plant Vanda Roxburghii or Aerides Tesselata. ## %%, f. a kind of ant; also %%. ## %%, sharing in an initiatory or other religious rite; a near relation. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-dpayati, -yitum>%, to kindle, set fire to. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-payati, -draum>%, to look at; to perceive, observe: Pass. %<-dyate>%, to be or become visible, appear: Caus. %<-darayati, -yitum>%, to cause to see, show, exhibit; to present a false show, impose upon another person by sham appearances; to illude; to explain, illustrate. ## %%, m. a guide, one who shows the way, a door-keeper. ## %%, n. a commentary. ## %%, perceived, distinguished. ## 2. %%, f., Ved. a view, aspect. ## %%, f. aspect, view, show. ## %%, Ved. a supervisor, inspector; overseeing, overlooking; (%<>%), m. a witness. ## %% or %%, ind. near a boundary stone. ## %%, m. an inferior deity; N. of a son of Akrra; also of Devaka; (%<>%), f., N. of the wife of Vasu-deva; of a daughter of Devaka. ## %%, f. a minor deity, as a Yaksha, Gandarbha, Apsaras, &c. ## %%, &c. See under 1. %%. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a nipple of the udder of a cow. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dravati, -drotum>%, to run near to, run towards, run at, rush at, assault, attack. ## %%, m. that which befalls suddenly, an unhappy accident, misfortune, calamity, mischief; national distress (whether the act of the seasons or the king, famine, exaction, &c.); national commotion, rebellion; violence, outrage; a symptom, a supervenient disease, one brought on whilst a person labours under another. ## %%, attacking, falling on; tyrannical, violent, factious; (%<>%), m. a tyrant, an oppressor, a rebel. ## %%, visited by calamities, oppressed, attacked, persecuted, tyrannized over; (in astron.) eclipsed; boding evil, inauspicious; (%%), n. a term of the Bkalas for that kind of Sandhi, which is also called %%, q. v. ## %%, m. an island. ## %%, m. a minor or subordinate duty; a by-law; a heretic, a schismatic. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P. A. %<-dadhti, -dhatte, -dhtum>%, to place or lay upon, place near to, put into; to place, lay; to put to (as horses to a carriage); to impose, lay upon, bestow upon, charge with (as a duty); to lay a command upon, enjoin, instruct in (with acc.); to place under one's self, to lie down upon; to place over, cover, conceal; to locate; to place in addition, to add; to communicate, cause to share in; (in gram.) to lie or be placed close to, to precede without the intervention of another syllable. ## %%, Ved. placing upon. ## 2. %%, f. imposition, forgery, fraud, deceit, trick, a false pretence; trial or test of honesty &c., of four kinds, viz. of loyalty, disinterestedness, continence, and courage; (in gram.) a penultimate letter. ## %%, m. a servant who has been guilty of dishonesty. ## %%, n. nasalization of the penultimate (?). ## %%, approved, tried, of approved loyalty &c. ## %%, n. placing or resting upon; that on which one rests, a pillow, cushion; individuality, peculiarity; affection, kindness; religious observance or obligation; poison; excellence, excellent quality; (%%), employed in placing upon, i. e. used (as a Mantra) in the putting up (of the sacrificial bricks). ## %%, n. a pillow, cushion. ## %%, ind. having placed or rested upon. ## %%, placing under. ## %%, m. the part of a wheel between the nave and the circumference; fraud, circumvention; fear, terror; foundation, (with Buddhists) substratum (?). ## %%, m. a cheat, a knave, especially one who imposes by threats, fraud. ## %%, being preceded by. ## %%, to be placed upon. ## %%. See p. 170, col. 3. ## %%, m. an inferior mineral, a semi-metal, (seven are specified; pyrites, sulphate of copper, talc, antimony, red orpiment, yellow orpiment, and calx of brass); secondary secretion of the body, as the milk, menses, adeps, sweat, teeth, hair, and lymph. ## %%. See under %% below. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-dhvati, -te, -vitum>%, to run near to, approach hastily; have recourse to for assistance; A. to run, glide, soar. ## %%, m. a follower. ## %%. See %% above. ## %%, fumigated; one to whom decline or death is near; being at the point of death; suffering extreme pain. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-dhrayati, -yitum>%, to hold up, support, bear, carry; to hold as, consider as, regard as; to hold in the mind, to comprehend, perceive, hear, experience, observe; to reflect or meditate on. ## %%, n. considering, consideration, reflection. ## %%, ind. having taken or held up. ## %%, f. a ray of light. @<[Page 0164-a]>@ ## %%, Caus. A., Ved. %<-dhpayate, -yitum>%, to rear by suckling. ## 1. %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhamati, -dhmtum>%, to blow or breathe at or upon, fan. ## 2. %%, f. blowing upon, breathing; the effort of the voice which produces the sound Upadhmnya. ## %%, n. blowing upon, breathing. ## %%, blowing upon, fanning, breathing. ## %%, m. the aspirate Visarga before the letters %

  • %), air, wind. ## %%, f. the neck. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, loc. pl. of %%), epithet of a Manu. ## %%, n. opium. See 2. %%. ## %<-bandh>%, cl. 9. P. %<-badhnti, -band-dhum>%, to bind or tie on. ## %<-baddha, as, , am>%, tied, bound, joined; (%%), m. a binding, a yoke; ornament; affection. ## %%, forming a wreath. ## %<-badha, as>%, m., Ved. binding. ## %<-bandha, as>%, m. a tie or bond; the tie of a yoke, that which fastens the ox to the yoke, or the latter to the plough; ornament, decoration; affection. ## %<-bandhana, am>%, n. tying, binding on or round. ## %%, Ved., perhaps the N. of a plant. ## %<-barha, as, , am>% (rt. %% or %% with %<>%), having the property or power of tearing or pulling out; (%%), m. tearing out. ## %<-barhaa, am>%, n. the act of tearing out. ## %<-barhin, , i, i>%, fit for tearing out. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), weakness. ## %<-bdh>%, cl. 1. A. %<-bdhate, -dhitum>%, to check, rein in, restrain; to interrupt, molest, attack. ## %<-bdha, as>%, m., Ved. attack; molestation, trouble, interruption, damage; (%<>%), f. pain, distress, segment of the base of a triangle. ## %<-blya, am>%, n. age ending with infancy. ## %<-bilam>%, ind., Ved. to the hole or aperture [cf. %%]. ## %%, m. (perhaps corrupted fr. %%), a sister's husband (in theatrical language). ## %<-budh>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-bodhati, -boddhum>%, to perceive, notice, understand. ## %<-bodhana, am>%, n. knowledge, understanding; instructing, informing. ## %% (fr. %%), annual, yearly. ## %<-bhaj>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-bhajati, -bhak-tum>%, to make one share, cause one to partake. ## %<-bhaga, as>%, m., Ved. a partaker of (with loc.); (Sy.) to be shared in. ## %<-bharaa, am>%, n. See under %<-bh>%. ## 1. %<-bh>%, cl. 2. P. %<-bhti, -tum>%, to shine, blaze; to irradiate; to outshine; to appear, to look like. ## 2. %<-bh>%, f. splendor, light; a flash; colour, appearance, beauty; a reflected image, shade; likeness, resemblance: (%%, at the end of compounds) like, resembling, appearing; e. g. %%, shining like gold; [cf. Hib. aoibh, 'likeness, similitude;' aoibe, 'neatness, elegance;' aoibheal, 'a spark of fire.'] ## %<-bhti, is>%, f. splendor, light; shade. ## %<-bh>%, cl. 1. A. %<-bhate, -itum>%, to address, speak to; to talk, shout. ## %<-bha, as>%, m. addressing; introduction, preface. ## %<-bhaa, am>%, n. addressing, speaking to. ## 1. %<-bhya, as, , am>%, to be addressed, worthy of being spoken to. ## 2. %<-bhya>%, ind. having addressed, having spoken to. ## 1. %<-bhs>%, cl. 1. A. %<-bhsate, -situm>%, to shine, blaze; to be bright: Caus. %<-bhsayati, -yitum>%, to illuminate. ## 2. %<-bhs>%, f. splendor, lustre, light. ## %<-bhsa, as>%, m. splendor, light, colour, appearance; semblance, phantom; mere appearance; fallacious appearance; reflection; intention, purpose; (in logic) fallacy, semblance of a reason, sophism, an erroneous though plausible argument (regarded by logicians as of various kinds). ## %<-bhsana, am>%, n. illuminating, making apparent or clear. ## %<-bhsura, as>%, m., N. of a class of deities or demigods, sixty in number. ## %<-bhsvara, as>%, m. a demi-god, of a class consisting of sixty-four. ## %% (fr. %%), maledictory, imprecatory, serving for malediction or cursing. ## %% (fr. %%), magical, relating to magic; (%%), n. incantation, magic. ## %% (fr. %%, rt. %%), relating to descent; (%%), n. loftiness of birth. ## %%, n. (fr. %%, rt. %%), the nature or state of a man of noble birth, nobility; birth, family, rank, learning. ## %% (fr. %%), born under the constellation Abhijit. ## %%, f. or %%, n. a sound, a word, a name. See %%. ## %%, contained in a dictionary, lexicographical; (%%), m. a lexicographer. ## %% (fr. %%), relating or belonging to a name or word; (%%), n. the property of a name. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to the religious ceremony called Abhi-plava. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), direction towards anything; wish or desire directed towards anything; presence, being in front of or face to face. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to the inauguration of a king; serving for it. ## %% (fr. %%), taken by force or fraud; (%%), n. a room. ## %%, n., N. of a Sma melody. ## %% (fr. %%), much, exceeding, eternal; (%%), ind. exceedingly, eternally. ## %%, n. continued repetition. ## %% (fr. %<-bht>%, 'up to %%'), contained in a chapter of Pini which ends with %%. ## %%, m., N. of a people; a cowherd sprung from a Brhman and female of the Ambaha or medical tribe; N. of a metre; (%<>%), f. a cowherd's wife or woman of the bhra tribe; the language of the bhra. ## %% or %<>% or %%, f. a station of herdsmen, a village inhabited by cowherds only, an abode of cowherds &c. ## %<-bhla, as, , am>%, (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), formidable, fearful; suffering pain; (%%), n. bodily pain; [cf. Hib. abheil, 'terrible, dreadful.'] ## %%, Ved. empty; one whose hands are empty; stingy; (Sy.) pervading, reaching. ## %%, Ved. empty, having no contents, powerless. ## %<-bhugna, as, , am>% (rt. 1. %% with 3. %<>% implying diminution), a little curved or bent. ## 1. %<-bh>%, cl. 1. P. %<-bhavati, -vitum>%, to be present, continue one's existence. ## 2. %<-bh, s, s, u>%, Ved. strong, sufficient, efficacious; (Sy.) approaching (as a praiser); a prison, a place of confinement; applied according to rule (as a hymn); very prosperous. ## %<-bhti, is>%, f., Ved. capability, efficiency; (Sy.) overpowering strength; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %<-bheya, as, , am>%, Ved. to be obeyed; (Sy.) praiseworthy. ## %<-bh>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-bhati, -itum>%, to adorn, to adorn with one's presence, i. e. to come. ## %<-bh>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-bharati, -bhar-tum>%, to bring; to carry; to bear; to support. ## %<-bharaa, am>%, n. ornament, decoration (as jewels &c.); act of nourishing; title of several works. ## %<-bharat, an, ant, at>%, bringing. ## %%, Ved. bringing property, goods, &c.; (%%), m., N. of a man. ## %%, f. one of the Rgis or modes of music, personified as a female. ## 1. %<-bhoga, as>%, m. (fr. rt. 1. %%, to curve, bend, with prep. %<>%), winding, curving, curve, crease; crumpling; circuit, circumference, environs, extension, fulness, expanse; a serpent; the expanded hood of the Cobra Capella (used by Varua as his umbrella); effort, pains. ## 2. %<-bhoga, as>%, m. (fr. rt. 2. %%, to eat, enjoy), enjoyment, satiety, fulness, completion. ## %<-bhogaya, am>%, n., Ved. means of supporting life, livelihood; (Sy.) to be enjoyed (as Soma juice). ## %<-bhogi, is>%, f., Ved. living, supporting life; (Sy.) enjoyment. ## %% (fr. %%), being inside, interior, inner. ## %% (fr. %%), living in the open air. ## %% (fr. %%), being near to each other, neighbouring; (less correctly in this sense written %%.) ## %% (fr. %%), resulting from practice, practising, repeating. ## %% (fr. %%), connected with the rising or beginning of anything; relating to or granting prosperity; high, exalted, important; (%%), n. a rddha or offering to ancestors on occasions of rejoicing. ## %% (fr. %%), one who digs with a spade or a hoe. ## %%, ind. an interjection of assent or recollection, (a vocative following this particle is %%.) ## 1. %% (fr. rt. 2. %%), raw, uncooked (the opposite to %%, q. v.; in the Veda often an epithet of the cow considered as the raw material which produces the milk); unbaked, unannealed; undressed; unripe, immature; undigested; (%%), n. condition of being raw; constipation, passing hard and unhealthy excretions; grain freed from chaff; [cf. Gr. [greek] Hib. amh, 'raw, unsodden, crude, unripe.'] ## %%, m. a water-jar of unbaked clay. ## %%, n. smell of raw meat or of a burning corpse. ## %%, n. the smell of raw meat. ## %%, f. rawness, unreadiness. ## %%, tender-skinned. ## %%, n. an unannealed vessel. ## %%, n. running at the nose, defluxion. ## %%, m. raw flesh. ## %%, m. a cannibal, eater of raw flesh. ## %%, m. dysentery. ## %%, m. imperfect chyme. ## %%, m. constipation or torpor of the bowels with flatulence and intumescence. ## %%, m. the cholic, pain arising from indigestion. ## %%, m. dysentery or diarrhoea produced by vitiated mucus in the abdomen; the excretion being mixed with hard and fetid matter. ## %%, eating raw flesh or food. ## %%, n. undressed rice. ## %%, m. the receptacle of the undigested food, the upper part of the belly to the navel, the stomach. ## %%, raw, uncooked, &c. See 1. %%. ## %%, n. flesh. See s. v. next col. ## 2. %%, m. or %%, n. (fr. rt. 2. %%), sickness, disease. ## %%, m. damage, hurt; disease, sickness; indigestion; (%%), n., N. of the medical plant Costus Speciosus. ## %%, sick, diseased, affected with indigestion, dyspeptic. ## %%, n. indigestion, dyspepsia. ## %%, m. the castor-oil plant [cf. %% and %%]. ## %<-mana, am>%, n. (rt. %%), Ved. friendly disposition, inclination, affection. ## %<-manas, s, s, as>%, friendly disposed, kind, favourable. ## %% or %%, n. (fr. %%), pain. ## %<-mantr>%, cl. 10. A. %<-mantrayate, -yitum>%, to address, especially in saluting and in bidding farewell; to ask, invite. ## %<-mantraa, am, >%, n. f. addressing, speaking to, calling or calling to; greeting, courtesy, welcome, bidding adieu, taking leave; inviting, invitation; deliberation, interrogation; the vocative case. ## %<-mantraya, as, , am>%, Ved. to be addressed or asked, to be asked for advice or consulted. ## %<-mantrayit, t, tr, t>%, asking, inviting, calling; (%%), m. an inviter, entertainer, especially of Brhmans. ## %<-mantrita, as, , am>%, invited, summoned, called; (%%), n. addressing; the vocative case. ## 1. %<-mantrya, as, , am>%, to be addressed or called to; to be invited; (%%), n. a word standing in the vocative case. ## 2. %<-mantrya>%, ind. having taken leave, bidding farewell. ## %<-manth>% or %<-math>%, cl. 1. P. %<-man-thati, -thitum>%, to agitate. ## %<-mandra, as, , am>%, having a slightly deep tone, making a low muttering sound (like thunder). ## %<-maranta, as, , am>%, or %<-ma-rantika (-a-ant-), as, , am>%, having death as the limit, continuing till death, lasting for life. ## %<-marit, t>%, m. (rt. %% or %% with %<>%), Ved. one who hurts or destroys; a destroyer. @<[Page 0125-c]>@ ## See under %<-md>%. ## %<-mara, as>%, m. (for %%, q. v.), impatience, anger, wrath. (For %<-mara>% see under %<-m>%.) ## %<-maraa, am>%, n. anger. ## %%, m. f. n. the plant Emblic Myrobalan, Emblica Officinalis Gaertn.; (%%), m. another plant, Gendarussa Adhatoda; (%%), n. the fruit of the Emblic Myrobalan. ## %%, f. designation of a particular (%%) verse of the g-veda (viz. g-veda VIII. 48, 3). ## %%, m., N. of a i. ## %<-m>%, cl. 3. A. %<-mimte, -mtum>%, to effect, accomplish. ## %%, m. a minister, a counsellor, an adviser; a general. See %%. ## %%, m. n. land near a mountain (?). ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to the new moon or its festival; born at the time of new moon; occurring on the day of conjunction; (%%), n. the new moon oblation. ## %%, f. curd of two-milk whey, a mixture of boiled and coagulated milk. ## %% or %%, suitable for the preparation of mik; made of curds. ## %% (fr. %%), produced by an enemy, inimical, odious. ## %<-mila, as, , am>%, Ved. having a tendency to mix, readily mixing. ## %%, n. (connected with 1. %%), flesh, enjoyment; an object of enjoyment, a pleasing or beautiful object &c.; a bribe; coveting, longing for; lust, desire; food; form. ## %%, fond of flesh-meat, carnivorous; (%%), m. a heron. ## %%, carnivorous. ## %%, carnivorous, eating flesh and fish. ## %%, m. (occurring in loc. c. %%), Ved. raw flesh, meat; a dead body. ## %<-m>%, cl. 9. P., Ved. %<-minti, -mtum>%, to destroy, neutralize, curtail; A. %<-minte>%, to destroy or neutralize mutually. ## %%, f. %<= mik>%, q. v. ## %<-ml>%, cl. 1. P. %<-mlati, -litum>%, to close the eyes. ## %<-mlana, am>%, n. closing of the eyes. ## %<-mvat, an, ant, at>%, or %%, Ved. attacking, pressing. ## %<-mukha, am>%, n. commencement; prelude, prologue; (%%), ind. to the face. ## %<-muc>%, cl. 6. P. %<-mucati, -moktum>%, to loosen, let go; to put on a garment. ## %<-mukta, as, , am>%, loosed, let go; liberated; discharged, cast, shot off; put on as clothes or armour; dressed, accoutred. ## %<-mukti, is>%, f. liberation, the being let loose; final liberation; (%%), ind. to the end of existence. ## %<-mocana, am>%, n. the act of loosing, liberating; emitting, shedding, letting forth, putting or tying on. ## %%, m. the cane Bambusa Spinosa Hamilt. Roxb. ## %<-mur, r>%, or %<-muri, is>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), Ved. destroying, hurting. ## %% (fr. %%, loc. of 1. %%), of that state, being there, belonging to the other world. @<[Page 0126-a]>@ ## %%, n., %%, n., Gaa to Pini V. 1. 133. ## %%, m. (fr. %%, gen. of 1. %%), son or descendant of such a one, son or descendant of an illustrious person; (%%), wellborn, well descended. ## %<-mlam>%, ind. to the root, by the root, entirely, radically. ## %<-mj>%, cl. 1. 2. P. %<-mrjati, -mri, mrjitum, -mrum>%, to wipe, rub. ## %<-mjya>%, ind. having wiped or rubbed. ## %<-ma, as, , am>%, wiped, rubbed. ## %<-ma, as, , am>%, vulnerable. See %%. ## %<-mta, as, , am>%, (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), mortal. ## %<-mtyos>%, ind. until death. ## %<-md>%, cl. 9. P. %<-mdnti, -mardi-tum>%, to crush by rubbing; to crumple; to press, to squeeze. ## %<-marda, as>%, m. crushing, handling roughly; pressing, squeezing; N. of a town. ## %<-mardin, , in, i>%, crushing; pressing. ## %<-m>%, cl. 6. P. %<-mati, -marum>% or %<-mraum>%, to touch, handle roughly, rub, injure. ## %<-mara, as>%, m. advice, counsel. ## %<-marana>%, or less correctly %<-maraa, am>%, n. rubbing, wiping. ## %<-menya, as, , am>% (fr. %% with %<>%), Ved. to be reached with an arrow or bolt; (Sy.) to be measured from all sides. ## %<-mokaa, am>%, n. the act of fixing or tying on or to. ## %<-mocana>%. See under %<-muc>%. ## %<-moda, as, , am>% (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), gladdening, cheering up; (%%), m. joy, serenity, pleasure; fragrancy, a diffusive perfume; strong smell. ## %<-modana, am>%, n. rejoicing, delighting. ## %<-modita, as, , am>%, pleased, delighted, fragrant. ## %<-modin, , in, i>%, fragrant; happy, delighted; (at the end of compounds) fragrant or perfumed with, e. g. %%, perfumed with kadambas; (%<>%), m. a perfume for the mouth made up in the form of a pill or bolus of camphor &c. ## %<-moa, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), robbing, stealing. ## %<-moin, , i, i>%, who or what steals, a thief. ## %<-mohanik>%, f. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), a particular fragrant odour. ## %<-mn>%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-manati, -mn-tum>%, to keep in mind, to repeat, commit to memory, hand down in sacred texts; to celebrate, to hail. ## %<-mnta, as, , am>%, kept in mind, remembered, committed to memory, learnt by heart, repeated, handed down in sacred texts, celebrated. ## %<-mnna, am>%, n. mention, repetition, handing down by sacred texts. ## %<-mnya, as>%, m. sacred tradition, sacred texts handed down by repetition; that which is to be remembered, studied or learnt by heart; a Veda or the Vedas in the aggregate; received doctrine; traditional usage, family or national customs; advice, instruction in past and present usage; a Tantra; an element of being, a property of substance (?); a family, series of families. ## %%, observing the Vedas and traditional customs, pious; containing the essence of the Veda. ## %%, having %% for its affix (e. g. a root like %<>%). ## %%, m. a country inhabited by the Ambara-putras. @<[Page 0126-b]>@ ## %%, m. an inhabitant of Ambaha. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), an epithet of Dhta-rra; also of Krttikeya. ## %% (fr. 2. %%), watery, fluid. ## %%, living in water, aquatic; (%%), m. a fish. ## %%, f. a N. of Vc, the daughter of the i Ambha. See 3. %%. ## %%, m. (said to be fr. rt. 2. %%), the mango tree, Mangifera Indica; (%%), n. the fruit of the mango tree. ## %%, m., N. of a mountain. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, m., N. of a man. ## %%, f., N. of a woman. ## %%, f. a portion of dried mango fruit. ## %%, made of mangoes (as sauce). ## %%, n. a mango forest. ## %%, m. inspissated mango juice. ## %%, m. the hog-plum, Spondias Mangifera. ## %%, m. the hog-plum, Spondias Mangifera; inspissated mango juice; N. of a mountain. ## %%, f., N. of a town. ## %%, m., Gaa to Pini V. 1, 123. ## %<-mreana, am>%, n. tautology, reiteration of words or sounds. ## %<-mreita, as, , am>%, reiterated, repeated; (%%), n. repetition of a sound or word; (in gram.) reduplication, the second word in reduplications. ## %%, m. f. (fr. %%), the tamarind tree, Tamarindus Indica; (%%), n. sourness, acidity. ## %%, m. the plant Rumex Vesicatorius. ## %%, f. the tamarind tree; sourness in the mouth, acidity of stomach. ## %%, f. the tamarind tree. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), arrival, approach; income, revenue; gain, profit; the guard of the women's apartments; the eleventh lunar mansion. ## %% or %%, n. or m. du. receipt and disbursement, income and expenditure. ## %%, n. a place where revenues are collected. ## 1. %<-yat, an, at, at>%, coming, approaching. ## %%, ind. at the time when the cows come home. ## %%, Ved. one to whom goods come. ## %%, n., Ved. coming. ## %%, Ved. driving near. ## %% (fr. %%), active, diligent, indefatigable; (%%), m. a man who, in order to obtain an object, uses forcible instead of gentle means; as, for instance, a beggar who holds a lance to your breast in asking for alms. ## %<-yaj>%, cl. 1. A. %<-yajate, -yaum>%, to honour (the gods); to give, present. ## %<-yaji, is, is, i>%, Ved. procuring, granting; (Sy.) accomplishing sacrifices from all sides. ## %<-yajiha, as, , am>%, Ved. procuring most or best; (Sy.) sacrificing best. ## %<-yajyu, us, us, u>%, Ved. endeavouring to gain; inclined to sacrifice. ## %<-yga, as>%, m. a gift given at a sacrifice. ## %%, obtained by sacrifice. ## 2. %<-yat>%, cl. 1. A. %<-yatate, -titum>%, to make effort; to rest on, to depend on, to have the upper hand (?). ## %<-yatana, am>%, n. resting-place, support, seat, place, home, house, abode; the place of the sacred fire, an altar, a shed for sacrifices; a sanctuary; a ground-plot, the site of a house; a barn; (with Buddhists) an inner seat (the five senses and Manas are considered as the six inner seats or yatanas); the cause of disease. ## %%, n. state of being an altar or seat. ## %%, Ved. having a certain seat or home; (%%), m., N. of the fourth foot of Brahm. ## %<-yatta, as, , am>%, dependant, tractable, docile. ## %%, f. or %%, n. dependence, humility, tractableness, docility. ## %<-yatti, is>%, f. dependence, subjection, subjecting; affection; power, strength; day; boundary, limit; sleeping; length (? for %<-yati>% below); majesty, dignity; future time (? for %<-yati>%); continuance in the right way, steadiness of conduct. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), unsuitableness, unfitness, incompatibility. ## %<-yam>%, cl. 1. P. %<-yacchati, -yantum>%, to stretch, lengthen out, extend, restrain; A. %<-yac-chate>%, to stretch one's self or be stretched, to grow long; to grasp, possess: Caus. %<-ymayati, -te, -yitum>%, to lengthen, &c. ## %<-yata, as, , am>%, long; diffuse, prolix; (%%), m. an oblong figure (in geometry). ## %%, f. the plantain tree Musa Paradisiaca Lin. ## %%, m. a panegyrist. ## %%, having large eyes or long eyelids. ## %%, having a long-cornered eye. ## %%, f. long continuance, remote futurity. ## %%, m. (in geometry) half an oblong. ## %%, long-eyed, having long or large eyes. ## %<-yati, is>%, f. extension, length; stretching the hand, accepting, obtaining; connection, junction; meeting; following or future time; the future, 'the long run;' majesty, dignity; restraint of mind; N. of a daughter of Meru. ## %%, long, extended; stately, dignified; self-restrained. ## %<-yant, t>%, m., Ved. one who fastens or raises; (Sy.) one who approaches. ## %<-yamana, am>%, n. stretching (as a bow). ## 1. %<-yamya, as, , am>%, to be stretched; to be restrained. ## 2. %<-yamya>% or %<-yatya>%, ind. having restrained, suppressed or stretched. ## %<-yma, as>%, m. stretching, extending; restraining, restraint, stopping; expansion, length (either in space or time), breadth (in mensuration). ## %%, extended, long. ## %<-ymita, as, , am>%, lengthened out, extended. ## %<-ymin, , in, i>%, one who restrains, long in space or time. ## %%, n. impatience, longing for, missing, regretting (etym. doubtful). ## %<-yavana, am>%, n. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), Ved. a spoon for stirring, any similar implement. ## %<-yavasa, as>% or %% (?), m. n., Ved. pasture-ground, place for feeding; (%%), m., N. of a man (?). ## %<-yas>%, cl. 4. P. %<-yasyati, -situm>%, to exert one's self, to weary one's self, become exhausted: Caus. %<-ysayati, -te, -yitum>%, to weary, worry. ## %<-yasta, as, , am>%, pained, distressed; vexed, angry; hurt, killed; managed or effected with difficulty; labouring, toiling, making effort or exertion; sharpened, whetted; thrown, cast, sent. ## %<-ysa, as>%, m. effort, exertion (of bodily or mental power), trouble, labour; fatigue, weariness. ## %<-ysaka, as, , am>%, causing effort, fatigue or weariness. ## %<-ysin, , in, i>%, making exertion, active, laborious; exhausted by labour, wearied. ## %% (fr. %%), of iron, made of iron or metal, metallic; armed with an iron weapon; zealous ?; (%<>%), f. armour for the body, a breastplate, a coat of mail; (%%), n. iron; anything made of iron; a weapon; a wind-instrument. @<[Page 0127-a]>@ ## %%, m. the upper part of the thigh of an elephant. See %%. ## %<-y>%, cl. 2. P. %<-yti, -tum>%, to come, arrive, approach, reach, attain; Ved. to bring. ## %<-yta, as, , am>%, come; (%%), n. excess, superabundance. ## %<-yti, is>%, f. coming near, arrival; (%%), m., N. of a son of Nahusha. ## %<-yna, am>%, n. coming, arrival; the natural temperament or disposition. ## %<-ypana, am>%, n. causing to come, inviting. ## %<-ycita, as, , am>% (rt. %%), urgently requested or desired. ## %% (perhaps fr. rt. %%, but said to be fr. rt. %%, to go), Ved. living, movable; (%%), m. a living being, man; living beings collectively; mankind; the human race; the first man; life, duration of life; wind; a son, descendant, offspring; the son of Purravas and Urva; N. of a man persecuted by Indra, also of one protected by him; N. of a Rishi; of a son of Hrada; of a king of frogs. ## %%, ind. (%% fr. rt. %%), Ved. joined with men, with the co-operation of men; (Sy.) attached to. ## %%, n. life, vital power, health, duration of life, long life, vital power; N. of a ceremony, commonly called yuoma, performed to obtain longevity and forming part together with the Go and Jyotis of the Abhi-plava ceremony; food; [cf. Dor. [greek] perhaps also [greek]]; (%%), m. the son of Purravas and Urva. ## %%, m. end of life, death. ## %%, f. the state of having nothing left but life. ## %%, or %%, or %%, Ved. giving life. ## %%, n. a medicament. ## %%, m. the science of health or medicine; it is classed among sacred sciences, and considered as a supplement of the Atharva-veda; it contains eight departments: 1. alya, surgery; 2. lkya, inquiry into diseases of the head and its organs; 3. Kya-cikits, treatment of diseases affecting the whole body; 4. Bhta-vidy, treatment of diseases of the mind supposed to be produced by demoniacal influence; 5. Kaumra-bhtya, treatment of children; 6. Agada-tantra, doctrine of antidotes; 7. Rsyana-tantra, doctrine of elixirs; 8. Vjkaraa-tantra, rules for increasing generative power. ## %%, m. a physician. ## %%, acquainted with medical science. ## %%, m. acquainted or familiar with medical science, a physician. ## %%, belonging to medicine, of the medical profession, medical, medicinal, &c.; (%<>%), m. a practiser of physic, a physician or surgeon. ## %%, wishing for life or health. ## %%, Ved. producing or creating life. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), a sacrifice to obtain longevity. ## %%, Ved. preserving life. ## %%, Ved. prolonging life. ## %%, possessed of vital power, healthy, long-lived; alive, living; lasting; old; (%%), m. the third of the twenty-seven Yogas or divisions of the ecliptic; the Yoga star in the third lunar mansion; N. of a son of Uttnapda, also of Sahrda. ## %%, or %<, am>%, promoting longevity, supporting life. ## %%, m., N. of a Buddha. ## %%, n. (at the end of some compounds) %<= yus>%, life. ## %%, (with Jainas) union or connection with the body or person; that which proclaims (%%) age (%%) or duration of life. ## %%, giving long life, vital, preservative of life, for the sake of life, relating or belonging to it; (%%), n. vital power, abundance of life; 'vivifying', N. of a ceremony performed after a child's birth. ## 1. %<-yuj>%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-yunakti, -yukte, -yoktum>%, to yoke to (anything); to join; to appoint. @<[Page 0127-b]>@ ## %<-yukta, as, , am>%, appointed, charged with; united, joined, obtained; (%%), m. a minister, an agent or deputy. ## 2. %<-yuj, k, k, k>%, Ved. uniting, joining. ## %<-yoga, as>%, m. appointment; action, the performance of an act; presenting or offering flowers, perfumes, &c.; a shore or bank, a quay to which boats are attached. ## %<-yojana, am>%, n. effort, exertion; taking, seizing; collecting. ## %<-yojita, as, , am>%, collected together. ## %<-yuta, as, , am>% (rt. %%), melted, mixed, mingled; (%%), n. (with %<>% implying diminution), half-melted butter. ## %<-yuvamna, as, , am>%, Ved. mixing, mingling. ## %<-yudh>%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-yudhyati, -te, -yoddhum>%, to war against, attack, oppose: Caus. %<-yodhayati, -te, -yitum>%, to attack, oppose. ## %<-yudha, as, am>%, m. n. a weapon; Ved. a vessel; (%%), n. pl., Ved. water; (%%), n. gold used for ornaments. ## %%, living by one's weapon; (%<>%), m. a warrior. ## %%, f. the plant Sesbania Aegyptiaca, commonly called Jayant. ## %%, n. an armoury, arsenal. ## %%, relating to arms; (%%), m. a soldier, warrior. ## %%, bearing weapons; (%<>%), m. a warrior. ## %%, relating to or connected with arms; (%%), m. a warrior. ## %<-yodhana, am>%, n. war, battle; slaughter, killing; battle-field. ## %%, ind. an interjection of calling, expressive of affection. ## %%, m. a man belonging to the tribe of Ayogu; a man of a mixed tribe sprung from a dra man and Vaiya woman; his business is carpentry &c.; (%<>%), f. a woman of this tribe. ## %%, m., N. of a i. ## 1. %% Ved. to praise; (Sy.) to approach or to make master of. ## 2. %%, cl. 3. P. %%, or cl. 5. P. %% or %%, to come; to reach, obtain, fall into; to inflict; to insert, place in: Caus. %%, to cause to partake of; to fix, settle, annex; to ordain. ## 1. %%, m. n. (? fr. rt. %<>%), an angle, a corner; N. of a tree; N. of a lake; brass; oxide of iron; (%%), m. the planet Mars, [greek] the planet Saturn; (%<>%), f. a shoemaker's awl or knife, a bore, a probe, a spoke. ## %%, m. n. brass. ## %%, n. the point of an awl; the iron thong at the end (of a whip); the edge of a semicircular arrow-head; (%%), sharpened, sharp at the top and broad at the bottom like an awl. ## %%, f., N. of a chain of mountains, a spur of the Vindhya. ## %%, afflicted, pained. See s. v. ## %%, fastened to, annexed; depending on. ## 2. %% (contained in %%, q. v.), distance; proximity (?). ## %%, ind., Ved. (with abl.) far from. ## 3. %%, probably a wrong reading for %%, a spoke, q. v. ## %<-rakta, as, , am>%, (see 3. %<>%), reddish. ## %<-raka, as, , am>% (rt. %%), preserved, defended, proper or worthy to be preserved; (%%), m. protection, guard, preservation; the junction of the frontal sinuses of an elephant; the part of the forehead below this junction. ## %<-rakaka, as, , am>%, who or what guards or protects; (%%), m. a watchman; see the next. @<[Page 0127-c]>@ ## %<-rakika, as>%, m. a watchman, a patrol; a village or police magistrate. ## %<-rakya, as, , am>%, to be preserved or guarded. ## %%, m. the tree Cathartocarpus (Cassia) Fistula; (%%), n. its fruit. ## %%, m., Ved. epithet of a bee. ## %<-racita, as, , am>% (rt. %%), arranged, prepared. ## %%, n. flesh. (This word is also one of the Gaa %% Pini IV. 1. 41.) ## %%, m. pl., N. of a people and country in Paca-nada or the Pajb. ## %%, born in raa; (%%), m. an inhabitant of this country; a horse from it. ## %% (fr. %%), Pini IV. 2, 71. ## %%, n. (probably related to 1. %%), Ved. depth, abyss, precipice. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a class of deities forming part of the Kalpa-bhavas. ## %%, m. an eddy. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v.), relating to the Arais or two pieces of wood by the attrition of which sacred fire is kindled; (%%), n. or %%, n. title of the last section of the third book of the Mah-bhrata. ## %% (fr. %%), forest, relating to a forest, forest-born, wild; (%%), m. pl. wild animals. ## %%, n. one of the four Gnas or psalm-books of the Sma-veda. ## %<-raya-parvan, a>%, n., N. of the third book of the Mah-bhrata, more usually called %%. ## %%, m. a wild or forest animal (as a buffalo, monkey, &c.). ## %%, f. a kind of bean, Phaseolus Trilobus Ait. ## %%, m. (in the zodiac) the sign Leo; Aries and Taurus; the former half of Capricorn. ## %%, forest, wild, forest-born, produced in a forest, relating to a forest; the %% of the Mah-bhrata is either the whole third book or only the first section of it; (%%), m. a forester, an inhabitant of the woods; (%%), n. an %%, i. e. one of a class of religious and philosophical writings (closely connected with the Brhmaas) which are either composed in forests or must be studied there; the Upaniads are considered to be attached to them. ## %%, n. title of the third book of the Rmyaa and of the fourteenth book of the atapatha-Brhmaa. ## %%, or %%, m., N. of a son of Setu. ## %% or %%, n. sour gruel made from the fermentation of boiled rice. ## %<-rabh>%, cl. 1. A. %<-rabhate, -rabdhum>%, to commence, begin, undertake; to be active or energetic; to rely, obtain. ## %<-rabdha, as, , am>%, begun, commenced. ## %<-rabdhi, is>%, f. beginning, commencement. ## %<-rabhaa, as>%, m. an enterprising, courageous man; (%%), m. f. boldness, confidence; (%<>%), f. a branch of the dramatic art, the machinery of the drama, the representation of supernatural and horrible events on the stage. ## %<-rabhama, as, , am>%, beginning, commencing resolutely with a determination to finish. ## %<-rabhya>%, ind. having begun, beginning from. ## %<-rabhyama, as, , am>%, being commenced. ## %<-rambha, as>%, m. undertaking, beginning; a thing begun; commencement; haste, speed; effort, exertion; pride; killing, slaughter; an introduction, a prologue, &c. ## %%, f. beginning. ## %<-rambhaka, as, , am>%, undertaking, beginning. @<[Page 0128-a]>@ ## %<-rambhaa, am>%, n. taking hold of, seizing, using; the place of seizing, a handle. ## %%, seizable. ## %<-rambhaya, as, , am>%, that with which one must begin, forming the commencement. ## %<-rambhin, , i, i>%, enterprising, one who makes many new projects. ## %<-ram>%, cl. 1. P. %<-ramati, -rantum>%, to delight in; to rest; to leave off. ## %<-rata, as, , am>%, quiet, gentle. ## %<-rati, is>%, f. stopping, ceasing; waving lights before an image. ## %<-ramaa, am>%, n. taking delight; cessation, pause; resting-place. ## %<-rma, as>%, m. delight, pleasure; place of pleasure, a garden, a grove; [with this word cf. [greek] and [greek]] ## %%, f., N. of a fragrant plant. ## %%, m. a gardener. ## %<-rambaa, am>%, n. (%<= -lambana>%), support. ## See under 1. %<-ru>%. ## %<-ras>%, cl. 1. P. %<-rasati, -situm>%, to bewail, to lament. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), insipidity, want of flavour or spirit. ## %%, f. a probe, an awl. See under 2. %%. ## %<-rga, as>%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %<>%), one of the seven suns at the end of a period of the world. ## %<-rj>%, f. (fr. %% with 3. %%), N. of a region. ## %%, m. with the epithet %%, N. of a teacher of kya-muni. ## %%, m. a patronymic of a teacher named Saugata in the Aitareya-Brhmaa. ## %%, ind. (see 2. %%), from a distant place; distant; to a distant place; far from (with abl.); near; directly, immediately. ## %%, remote; near, proximate. ## %%, ind., Ved. from a distant place. ## %%, m. an enemy. See %%. ## %<-rtrika, am>%, n. the light or the vessel containing it which is waved at night before an idol; N. of this ceremony; N. of another ceremony. ## %<-rdh>%, cl. 5. P. %<-rdhnoti, -rddhum>%, or Caus. P. %<-rdhayati, -yitum>%, to conciliate, propitiate; strive to obtain the favour of; to honour, worship; to deserve, merit: Pass. %<-rdhyate>%, to be effected or accomplished. ## %<-rdhaka, as, , am>%, who or what worships, a worshipper. ## %<-rdhana, am>%, n. propitiating, rendering favourable to one's self; (%%), n. accomplishment, undertaking; cooking; acquirement, attainment; gratifying, propitiating, worshipping; (%<>%), f. service; (%<>%), f. worship, adoration, propitiation of the deities. ## %<-rdhanya>% or %<-rdhitavya, as, , am>%, to be worshipped or adored, to be conciliated or propitiated. ## %<-rdhayit, t, tr, t>%, endeavouring to conciliate or propitiate. ## %<-rdhayiu, us, us, u>%, propitiatory; = the preceding. ## %<-rdhita, as, , am>%, accomplished, effected; propitiated, pleased; worshipped, honoured, reverenced. ## %<-rdhya, as, , am>%, to be made favourable, to be worshipped. ## %<-rdhyamna, as, , am>%, being in course of fulfilment, being accomplished; being worshipped, receiving worship. @<[Page 0128-b]>@ ## %<-rirdhayiu, us, us, u>%, endeavouring to gain one's favour, desirous of worshipping. ## %%, m. f. a cook, (etymology doubtful, said to be fr. %%, i. e. bending over dishes.) ## %%, f. See under 2. %%. ## %<-ric>%, cl. 7. P. A. %<-riakti, -rikte, -rektum>%, to empty. ## %<-reka, as>%, m. emptying, doubt. ## %<-recita, as, , am>%, emptied, contracted, mixed. ## %%, adj. fr. %%. Pini IV. 2, 116. ## %%, m. patronymic of the prince Sana-ruta. ## %<-r>%, cl. 4. A. %<-ryate, -retum>%, to trickle or flow upon, to flow over, water. ## 1. %<-ru>%, cl. 2. P. %<-rauti>% or %<-ravti, -ravi-tum>%, to shout, to cry out; to praise. ## %<-rava, as>%, m. cry, crying, howling, crash, sound; N. of a people. ## %<-rva, as>%, m. cry, crying; humming (of bees &c.); sound. ## %<-rvin, >%, m. epithet of Jayasena. ## 2. %%, m. a hog; a crab; the tree Lagerstroemia Regina; (%%), f. a pitcher. ## %%, n. a medicinal plant of cooling properties growing on the Himlaya mountains. ## %<-ruc>%, Caus. %<-rocayati, -yitum>%, to regard as pleasant, to choose. ## %<-roka, as>%, m. shining through; small points of light between the threads of a web. ## %<-rocana, as, , am>%, shining. ## %<-ruj, k, k, k>% (rt. %%), breaking. ## %<-ruja, as, , am>%, Ved. breaking, destroying; (%%), m., N. of a Rakshas attendant on Rvaa. ## %<-rujatnu, us, us, u>%, Ved. breaking. ## %<-roga, as>%, m., N. of a sun [cf. %<-rga>%]. ## %%, m., N. of an ancient Kalpa work on the ritual of the Brhmaas. ## %%, m. (fr. %%), N. of Uddlaka, a renowned Brhmaa teacher, son of Arua Aupavei and father of vetaketu; N. of Auddlaki, i. e. of vetaketu; of Supareya, son of Prajpati; of Vainateya, son of Vinat. ## %%, m. epithet of vetaketu. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a school derived from Vaimpyana rui. ## %%, f., Ved. 'the red one', a N. given to the horses of the Maruts, which are females. See %%. ## %<-rudh>%, cl. 7. P. %<-ruaddhi, -roddhum>%, to keep off: Caus. %<-rodhayati, -yitum>%, to obstruct, impede. ## %<-rodhana, am>%, n., Ved. secret place, innermost part. ## %%, f. (fr. %%), N. of a daughter of Manu and mother of Aurva. ## %%, n. the fruit of the Semecarpus Anacardium. ## 1. %<-ruh>%, cl. 1. P. %<-rohati, -rohum>%, to ascend, mount, bestride; to venture upon, undertake; to attain, gain: Caus. %<-rohayati>% or %<-ropayati, -yitum>%, to cause to mount or ascend, raise; to cause to grow; to plant; to place, fasten; to attribute. ## %<-rurukama, as, , am>% (Desid.), wishing to ascend. ## %<-ruruku, us, us, u>%, desirous to rise or ascend or advance, &c. ## 2. %<-ruh, k, k, k>%, Ved. ascending; (%%), f. excrescence, shoot (of a plant). @<[Page 0128-c]>@ ## %<-ruha, as, , am>%, leaping up, mounting, ascending; (%%), m. ascent. ## %<-ruhya>%, ind. having mounted, having ascended. ## %<-rha, as, , am>%, mounted, ascended, risen; raised up, elevated on high; often used in compounds, e. g. %%, brought under the cognizance of the senses, perceived. ## %%, mounting, rising. ## %<-rhi, is>%, f. ascent, mounting, ascending. ## %<-rohavya, as, , am>%, to be ascended or mounted. ## %<-roh, h, hr, h>%, who or what mounts or rides, &c. ## %<-ropa, as>%, m. imposing (as a burden), burdening with, charging with; placing in or on; assigning or attributing to; relating to; superior position. ## %<-ropaka, as, , am>%, planting, fixing, causing to ascend. ## %<-ropaa, am>%, n. the act of placing or fixing in or on; causing to mount or ascend, raising to heaven; planting; trusting, delivering; the stringing of a bow. ## %<-ropaya, as, , am>%, to be made to ascend; to be raised, placed, &c. ## %<-ropita, as, , am>%, raised, elevated; fixed, placed, made; strung (as a bow); deposited, intrusted; consecrated; accidental, adventitious. ## 1. %<-ropya, as, , am>%, to be placed or fixed on or in. ## 2. %<-ropya>%, ind. having made to ascend, having caused to mount, having placed upon. ## %<-ropyama, as, , am>%, being strung, being tried to be strung. ## %<-roha, as>%, m. one who mounts or ascends, a rider (on a horse &c.), one who is seated in a carriage; ascent, rising, creeping up, mounting, riding; haughtiness, pride; elevation, elevated place, altitude; a heap, mountain; a woman's waist, the buttocks; length; measure; descending (%<= ava-roha>%?); a mine. ## %<-rohaka, as, , am>%, ascending; rising; raising up; (%%), m. a rider; a tree. ## %<-rohaa, am>%, n. the act of rising, ascending; the rising or growing of new shoots, growing (of plants); Ved. a carriage; an elevated stage for dancing; a ladder, a staircase; riding on (a horse &c.). ## %%, relating to ascent or mounting. ## %<-rohin, , i, i>%, ascending, mounting; one who mounts or rides. ## %%, of a tawny colour; (%%), m. tawny (the colour). ## %%, ind. (see 2. %%), Ved. far, far from (with abl.); near. ## %%, Ved. having evil far removed. ## %%, Ved. one from whom blame or insult is far removed. ## %%, Ved. one whose enemies are driven far away. ## %%, m. a tree, %<= rag-badha>%, q. v.; (%%), n. the fruit of this tree. ## %<-rehaa, am>%, n. (fr. rt. %% for %% with %<>%), Ved. licking, kissing. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), freedom from disease, health. ## %%, m. a son of Arka or the sun; epithet of the planet Saturn. ## %% (fr. %%), stellar, regulated by the stars or constellations; (%%), m. a son or descendant of ka; epithet of vamedha, of rutarvan, of Savaraa. ## %%, m. a stellar year or revolution of a constellation. ## %%, patronymic of %% Pini IV. 1, 105. ## %%, inhabiting the mountain koda. ## %%, m. f. a bolt or bar. See %%. ## %%, m. %<= rag-badha>%, q. v. ## %%, f. a sort of yellow bee. @<[Page 0129-a]>@ ## %%, relating to this bee; (%%), n. its honey. ## %% (fr. %% or fr. %%), devout, worshipping; relating to the c or g-veda. ## %%, relating to the g-veda; (%%), n. an epithet of the Sma-veda. ## %%, m. a patronymic of ara. ## %%, m. pl., N. of a school, founded by a pupil of Vaiampyana. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %%, to fall into (mischief); to obtain; to partake of. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), straightness, straight direction; rectitude, propriety of act or observance; honesty, open behaviour; sincerity. ## %%, m. (cf. %%), Ved. originally perhaps a milk-vessel. This word probably denotes a celestial vessel, in which the heavenly Soma is purified, or one of the rivers which it forms in the sky; (Sy.) a lake in the country jk. ## %%, m. = the preceding; (%<>%), f. a terrestrial river; N. of the river Vip. ## %%, m. pl. (fr. %%), N. of a people. ## %%, inhabited by the rjunyanas. ## %%, m. a patronymic from Arjuna. ## %%, m. a patronymic of Kutsa. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %%, to strive after, to endeavour to obtain, to wish to possess. ## %% (probably past pass. part. of rt. %<>% with prep. %<>%, but according to some fr. rt. %%, and according to others an irreg. formation fr. rt. %%, which ought to form %% with prep. %% and %%, and %% in other cases), struck by calamity, afflicted, pained, disturbed; injured; oppressed, suffering, sick, unhappy. ## %%, m., N. of the plant Barleria Caerulea. ## %%, extremely pained, disturbed, confounded. ## %%, f. state of affliction, pain. ## %% or %%, m. a cry of pain. ## %%, m. friend of the distressed. ## %%, f. painful occurrence, pain, injury, mischief, evil; sickness; the end of a bow [cf. %% and %%]. ## %%, having or suffering pain; (%%), m., N. of a serpent. ## %%, or %%, destroying pain. ## %%, n. the relieving of distress, pain, &c. ## %%, f. (according to Sy. derived fr. %% above), Ved. a destructive combat; (as an adj. ?) uncultivated, wild ground (? connected with %%, &c.). ## %%, m. the son of tapara, a patronymic of Sudsa. ## %%, m. son of tabhga, a patronymic of Jarat-krava. ## %% or %<, am>% (fr. %%), belonging or conforming to the seasons or periods of time, seasonable; menstrual, relating to or produced by this discharge; (%%), m. a section of the year, a combination of several seasons; (%<>%), f. a mare; (%%), n. the menstrual discharge, certain days after the menstrual discharge fit for generation; fluid discharged by the female of an animal at the time of rut; a flower. ## %%, f. a woman during her courses. ## %%, f., Ved. the end of a bow, the place where the string or sinew is fastened; ([greek]) ## %% (fr. %%), fit for the office of a priest. @<[Page 0129-b]>@ ## %%, n. the office or business of a sacrificing priest, his rank or order. ## %%, m. a patronymic of Dvi-mrdhan, a kind of Asura. ## %% (fr. %%), relating to a thing or object; material, significant (opposed to %%, q. v.). ## %%, n. (fr. %%), power over or possession of a thing. ## %%, significant, wise, rich; substantial, real, pertaining to the true substance of a thing. ## %% (said to be fr. rt. %%), wet, moist, damp; fresh, not dry, succulent, green (as a plant), living; fresh, new; soft, tender, full of feeling, warm; loose, flaccid; (%%), m., N. of a grandson of Pthu; (%<>%), f. the fourth or sixth Nakshatra or lunar mansion. ## %%, n. green wood, timber not dry. ## %%, f. or %%, n. wetness, moisture; freshness, greenness; softness, tenderness. ## %%, Ved. granting moisture. ## %%, moist-eyed, weeping, suffused with tears. ## %%, Ved. having moist or dripping fellies (said of a carriage). ## %%, Ved. having a wet strainer; epithet of the Soma. ## %%, f. a leguminous shrub, Glycine Debilis. ## %%, n. fresh ginger. ## %%, Ved. moist-handed. ## %%, m. the dragon's tail or descending node. ## %%, n. ginger in its undried state; (%%), born under the constellation rdr; (%%), m., N. of a son of Vasumitra. ## %%, nom. P. %%, to make wet, moisten. ## %%, Desid. A. %%, to wish to obtain or to collect. ## %% (fr. %%), used at the beginning of compounds to express 'half.' ## %%, bought with half a drona, containing it, &c. ## %%, applicable to half the root or to the shorter form of the verbal base; this is the name of those terminations and affixes which belong to the six non-conjugational or general tenses. These terminations are supposed to be affixed immediately to the root or with the interposition only of an augment, such as the inserted %%. ## %%, bought &c. with half a prastha. ## %%, lasting &c. for half a month; observing or practising (continence &c.) for a fortnight. ## %%, m. pl. (fr. %%), N. of an astronomical school who reckoned the beginning of the motions of the planets from midnight. ## %%, sharing half, an equal partner; relating to half; (%%), m. one who ploughs the ground for half the crop. ## %% (fr. rt. %%), Ved. conducive to success, useful, beneficial. ## %%, Caus. fr. rt. %<>% with %<>%. See 2. %%. ## %%, m., Ved. one who injures or hurts. ## %% (fr. %%), belonging or sacred to the bhus. ## %%, m. f. (fr. %%, rt. %<>%), a loyal or faithful man, a man of one's own race; one who is faithful to the deities of his country; N. of the Hind and Iranian people (opposed to %%); in later times N. of the first three castes (opposed to %%); a man highly esteemed, a respectable, honourable man; a master, an owner; a friend; a Vaiya; Buddha; (with Buddhists) a man who has thought on the four chief principles of Buddhism and lives according to them; a son of Manu Svara; (%%, or %<, am>%), ryan, favourable to the ryan people; behaving like an ryan, worthy of one, honourable, respectable, noble; of a good family; excellent; wise; suitable; (%<>%), f. a name of Prvat; a kind of metre of two lines, each, line consisting of seven and a half feet; each foot containing four instants, except the sixth of the second line, which contains only one, and is therefore a single short syllable; hence there are thirty instants in the first line and twenty-seven in the second; [with %% cf. the Old Germ. era and Mod. Germ. Ehre.] ## %%, easily to be got by honourable men, to be received with honour by noble men; decorous, respectable, right. ## %%, f. or %%, n. honourable behaviour. ## %%, m., N. of a pupil of Ngrjuna. ## %%, m. a region inhabited by ryans or followers of the ryan laws. ## %%, originating from such a region. ## %%, m. son of an ryan or honourable man; the son of a spiritual preceptor; honorific designation of the son of an elder brother; of a husband by his wife; of a prince by a general; a husband (in theatrical language). ## %%, inhabited by ryan people; abounding with respectable persons. ## %%, m., N. of a renowned astronomer, the inventor of algebra, among the Hinds. ## %%, m. honourable character or behaviour. ## %%, m. the way of the honourable, the respectable way. ## %%, m. pl. an assembly of respectable or honourable men; (%%), distinguished, respectable; (%%), m. a gentleman, a man of consequence. ## %%, m. an ryan youth. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, one who has only the form of an ryan; a hypocrite, an impostor. ## %%, one who bears the external semblance of an ryan or honourable man, an impostor. ## %%, m., N. of a king. ## %%, n. the behaviour of an ryan or noble man; (%%), behaving like an ryan; virtuous, good, pious. ## %%, dressed like an ryan, well clothed, fine. ## %%, one who observes the laws and ordinances of the ryans or honourable men. ## %%, m. the whole body of the ryans, the collective body of noblemen; N. of a renowned philosopher, founder of the school of the Yogkras. ## %%, n. a noble or sublime truth; four such truths form the four chief principles of Buddhism. ## %%, m., N. of a Buddhist patriarch. ## %%, beloved by the noble. ## %%, f. a variety of the ry metre, containing eight equal feet or thirty-two syllabic instants in each verse of the couplet. ## %%, m. abode of the noble or excellent; the sacred land or place of residence of the ryans; N. of the land extending from the eastern to the western sea, and bounded on the north and south by the Himlaya and Vindhya mountains. ## %%, m. title of a work. ## %%, n. title of a work of rya-bhaa's, consisting of eight hundred distichs. ## %%, m. an honourable, respectable man; a grandfather; N. of a cowherd who became king; of a Nga. ## %% or %%, f. a respectable woman; (%%), f., N. of a Nakshatra; (%%), n. a ceremony performed to the manes, the vessel &c. used in sacrifices made to the manes. ## %%, N. of a country. ## %%, ind. after, afterwards, behind. See %%. ## %% (fr. %%), Ved. belonging to the antelope. ## %% (fr. %%), relating or belonging to or derived from is, i. e. the poets of the Vedic and other old hymns, archaistic; (%%), m. a form of marriage derived from the is, the father of the bride receiving one or two pairs of kine from the bridegroom; (%%), n. the speech of a i, the holy text, the Vedas; sacred descent; the derivation (of a poem) from a i author; (%<>%), f. a class of Vedic metres. ## %%, f. a wife married according to the ra form. ## %%, relating or belonging to or derived from a i, of sacred descent; venerable, respectable; (%%), n. sacred descent. ## %%, Ved. connected with sacred descent. ## %% (fr. %%), derived from a bull, produced by one. ## %%, m., N. of the first Cakravartin in Bhrata; a son of the first Trthakt abha. ## %%, a steer sufficiently full-grown to be used or one fit to be castrated. ## %%, m. a patronymic of Devpi. ## %% (fr. %%), belonging to the doctrine of Jina or the Jains; (%%), m. a Jaina, a follower of the doctrines of Jina. ## %%, n. the quality or practice of an Arhat or Jain saint. ## %%, n. spawn, any discharge of venomous matter from poisonous animals; yellow arsenic, orpiment; (%%), not small, large, extensive. ## %%, Ved. anointed with poison (as an arrow). ## %<-lak>%, cl. 10. P. A. %<-lakayati, -te, -yitum>%, to descry, behold. ## 1. %<-lakya, as, , am>%, to be observed, visible, apparent. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), misfortune, crime. ## 2. %<-lakya, as, , am>% (3. %<>% preprefixed in the sense of diminution), scarcely visible. ## %%, m. a species of Cobra. See %%. ## %<-lap>%, cl. 1. P. %<-lapati, -pitum>%, to address, speak to, converse: Caus. %<-lpayati, -yitum>%, to engage (another) in conversation, to question. ## %<-lpa, as>%, m. speaking to, addressing, speech, conversation, communication; statement of the question in an arithmetical or algebraic sum; a question. ## %%, speaking, addressing. ## %<-lpana, as, , am>%, causing to speak or converse about; (%%), n. speaking to, conversing with. ## %<-lpanya>% or %<-lpya, as, , am>%, to be said or spoken, to be spoken to or addressed. ## %<-lpin, , in, i>%, speaking or conversing with; (%%), f. a lute made of a gourd. ## %<-labh>%, cl. 1. A. %<-labhate, -labdhum>%, to take hold of, touch, handle. ## %<-labhana, am>%, n. taking hold of, bringing (?). ## 1. %<-labhya, as, , am>%, Ved. fit to be killed or sacrificed. ## 2. %<-labhya>%, ind. having received or obtained. ## %<-lambha, as>%, m. taking hold of, seizing, touching; tearing off, rooting out (of plants); the killing of the animal at a sacrifice. ## %<-lambhana, am>%, n. taking hold of, touching; killing. ## %<-lambhanya, as, , am>%, to be taken hold of or handled, to be touched. ## %<-lambhin, , in, i>%, touching, taking hold of. ## %<-lambhya, as, , am>%, obtainable, to be obtained; fit or proper to be killed. ## %<-lamb>%, cl. 1. A. %<-lambate, -bitum>%, to rest or lean upon; to hang from; to depend; to lay hold of, support, seize; to strike up (a tune or note). ## %<-lamba, as, , am>%, hanging down; (%%), m. that on which one rests or leans; support; receptacle; a prop; an asylum; depending on or from; a perpendicular; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant with poisonous leaves. ## %<-lambana, am>%, n. depending on or resting upon, hanging from; supporting, sustaining; fundament, base; reason, cause; (in rhetoric) the natural and necessary connection of feeling with the cause which excites it; the mental exercise practised by the Yogin in endeavouring to realize the gross form of the eternal; silent repetition of a prayer; (with Buddhists) the five attributes of things corresponding to the five senses, viz. form, sound, smell, taste, and touch; also %% or law corresponding to %%. ## %% or %%, m., N. of a teacher. ## %<-lambi, is>%, m., N. of a pupil of Vaiampyana. ## %<-lambita, as, , am>%, pendent, suspended, hanging from or on; supported, upheld; protected. ## %<-lambin, , in, i>%, hanging from, resting or leaning upon; depending on or from; laying hold of, supporting, maintaining; wearing; (%%), m. pl. N. of a school. ## %<-lambya>%, ind. having supported; supporting, sustaining; taking by the hand. ## %<-laya>%. See under 2. %<-l>%. ## %% (fr. %%), caused by or relating to a mad dog. ## %%, n. (fr. %%), ugliness, insipidity. ## %%, n. a basin for water round the root of a tree. See %%. ## %% (fr. %%), idle, slothful, lazy. ## %%, idle, slothful, apathetic; (%%), n. idleness, sloth, want of energy. ## %%, originating in indolence. ## %%. See under %%. ## %%, (rt. %% for %%), Ved. being amongst the breakers of the sea (?). ## %%, n. a firebrand; a coal burning or extinguished. See %%. ## %%, n. (etym. doubtful), the post to which an elephant is tied; the rope that ties him; a fetter, a tie; a rope or string; tying, binding; (%%), m., N. of a minister of iva. ## %%, serving as a post to which an elephant is tied. ## %<-lpa>%, &c. See under %<-lap>%. ## %%, or %%, f. a pumpkin gourd. See %%. ## %%, n. a fan made of cloth. ## %%, m. a crocodile ('poison-mouthed;' see %%). #

  • % with %%), attainable; friendly (?). ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-iyarti, -artum>% or %<-aritum>% or %<-artum>% (?), to follow; to follow in rising. ## %%, ind. verse after verse. ## %%, cl. 6. P., Ved. %<-dhati, -ardhitum>%, to carry out, accomplish. ## %%, cl. 2. P. %<-aiti, -tum>%, to come after, to follow as an adherent or attendant. ## %% (in the Vedas used in sing. and plur., but in the classical language only in plur.), %%, f. water; air, the intermediate region; the star [greek] Viriginis. Sometimes, particularly in the Vedas, the %% are considered as divinities. As the last member of a compound, %% may become %%. [Cf. Lat. aqua; Goth. ahva, 'a river;' Old Germ. aha, and affa at the end of compounds; Lith. uppe, 'a river;' perhaps Lat. amnis, 'a river', for apnis; cf. also [greek]]. ## %%, Ved. watery. ## %%, m. (Buddh.) destruction (of the world) by water. ## %%, m., N. of a star ('calf of the waters'). ## %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, &c., m., Ved., N. of Agni or fire as sprung from water. ## %% or %% or %% or %%, Ved. relating to Agni. ## %%, m. the ocean. ## %%, m. the ocean. ## %% or %%, m. the ocean; N. of Varua. ## %% or %%, n. fire; a plant. ## %%, n. deep meditation performed by means of water. ## %%, m. an aquatic animal. ## %%, see s. v. ## %%. See s. v. ## %%. See s. v. ## %%, for words beginning thus. See %%. ## %%, for words beginning thus. See %%, &c. ## %%, ind. (as a prefix to nouns and verbs, expresses) away, off, back, (opposed to %%), down (opposed to %%). When prefixed to nouns, it may sometimes = the neg. particle %%, e. g. %%, fearless; or may express deterioration, inferiority, &c., e. g. %%, q. v. (As a separable preposition or adverb, with abl.) away from, on the outside of, without, with the exception of. It is separated only in the Vedas [cf. Gr. [greek] Lat. ab; Goth. af; Eng. of]. ## %%, cruel. ## %%, m. an indelible digrace, a deep stain. @<[Page 0048-c]>@ ## %%, stainless. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kaati, -itum>%, to scrape off. ## %%, m., Ved. aversion, abhorrence; abominableness; deprivation of what is dear; (%%), ind. against one's liking, unwillingly. ## %%, f. infamy, disgrace. ## %%, m. a bad or illshaped belly (?). This word may also be used as a %% and as an %%. ## %%, m., N. of a younger brother of the serpent king ea. ## %%, cl. 8. P. A. %<-karoti, -kurute, -kartum>%, to carry away, remove, drag away; (with gen. or acc.) to hurt, wrong, injure (any one): Caus. %<-krayati, -yitum>%, to hurt, wrong. ## %%, n. acting improperly; doing wrong; ill-treating, offending, injuring. ## %%, injurious, offensive, hostile, inimical, an enemy. ## %%, n. discharge (of a debt); evil doing, improper conduct, wickedness; oppression, violence; laziness, incompetence; any impure or degrading act or rite. ## %%, acting wrong, offending; (%%), m. wrong, offence, injury, hurt; wickedness; oppression, enmity. ## %%, f. or %%, m. an offending or menacing speech. ## %%, f. wrong, offence. ## %%, malicious, malevolent. ## %%, or %%, (with gen.) acting wrong, doing ill (to any one), offending, injuring. ## %%, done wrong, maliciously, offensively or wickedly committed; observed or practised as a degrading or impure act, as servile duties, funeral rites, &c.; (%%), n. injury, offence. ## %%, f. oppression, wrong, injury; enmity, opposition; any degrading or impure act or rite. ## %%, n. damage, injury, hurt. ## %%, f. delivery, clearing off (debts); offence; any impure act or rite. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kntati, -kar-titum>%, to cut off. ## %%, cl. 1. and 6. P. A. %<-kar-ati, -te, -kati, -te, -karum>% or %<-kraum>%, to draw off or aside, drag down, carry away, take away, remove; to omit, diminish; to put away; to anticipate something which occurs later (as a word of a sentence); to bend (a bow); to detract, debase, dishonour: Caus. %<-karayati, -yitum>%, to remove, diminish, detract. ## %%, m. drawing or dragging off or down, detraction, deficiency, diminution, decay; lowering, deterioration, depression; decline, degradation, inferiority, infamy; anticipated performance of a duty; (in poetry) anticipation of a word occurring later. ## %%, m. f. a sophism in the Nyya, e. g. 'sound has not the quality of shape as a jar has, therefore sound and a jar have no qualities in common.' ## %%, drawing down, detracting (with gen.). ## %%, taking away, forcing away, removing, diminishing; (%%), n. taking away, depriving of; drawing down; abolishing, denying. ## %%, drawn away, taken away, removed, lost; dragged down, brought down, depressed; low, vile, inferior; (%%), m. a crow. ## %%, mentally debased. ## %%, of a low tribe. ## %%, f. or %%, n. inferiority, vileness. @<[Page 0049-a]>@ ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-kirati, -karitum, rtum>%, to spout out, spurt, scatter; to throw down; to scrape with the feet. ## %%, f. news, information. ## %%, f. (rt. %%), immaturity; indigestion. ## %%, unripe, immature; undigested. ## %%, f. immaturity; incompleteness. ## %%, of immature understanding. ## %%, eating raw, uncooked food. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-krmati>%, poet. A. %<-kramate, -mitum>%, to go away, fly, retreat, retire from; to glide away; to measure off by steps. ## %%, m. going away; passing off or away; flight, retreat. ## %%, n. or %%, m. passing off or away, retiring. ## %%, going away, retiring. ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-krti, -te, -kretum>%, to buy, purchase. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-kroati, -kro-um>%, to revile. ## %%, m. reviling, abusing. ## %%, without wings; not on the same side or party; adverse, opposed to. ## %%, f. opposition, hostility. ## %%, m. impartiality. ## %%, cl. 5. 9. or 1. P. %<-kioti, -kiti, -kayati, -ketum>%, to destroy, annihilate; bring to an end: Pass. %<-kyate>%, to decline, wane (as the moon). ## %%, m. decline, decay, wane. ## %%, waned. ## %%, declined, decayed, diminished. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-kipati, -te, -keptum>%, to throw away or down, take away, remove. ## %%, thrown or cast down or away. ## %%, n. casting away, throwing down. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-gacchati, -gan-tum>%, to go away, depart; to give way, vanish. ## %%, going away, turning away; (%<>%), f. a river. ## %%, gone, departed, remote, gone off; dead, diseased. ## %%, one who has recovered from a disease. ## %%, m. or %%, n. going away; giving way; separation, departure, death. ## %%, m. (rt. %%), reviler. ## %%, thunderless (as a cloud). ## %%, m., Ved. failing in boldness; abortive; being on the side (not in the middle ?); separated from the oldest by one. ## %%, cl. 3. P. %<-jigti, -gtum>%, to go away, vanish, retire. ## %%, cl. 6. A. %<-gurate>%, sometimes P. %<-gurati, -ritum>%, to reject, disapprove, threaten; to inveigh against any one; to deprive of (?): part. of the Intens. %%, Ved. rejecting, &c. ## %% or %%, ind. having raised. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-ghati, -te, ghitum, -gohum>%, to conceal, hide. ## %%, m., Ved. hiding place; secret. ## %%, without gates (as a town). @<[Page 0049-b]>@ ## %%, cl. 9. P. A. %<-ghti, -te, -grahtum>%, to take away, disjoin, tear off. ## %%, m. (fr. rt. %% with %%), a limb or member, as a hand or foot. ## %%, m. striking or cutting off; warding off; killing; a violent death. ## %%, warding off. ## %%, murderous, killing. See %%. ## %%. See %%. ## %% or %%, m. not cooking; not being able to cook; a bad cook. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-carati, -ritum>%, to depart; to act wrongly. ## %%, gone away, departed, dead; (%%), n. fault, offence. ## %%, m. want, absence; defect; fault, improper conduct, offence; unwholesome or improper regimen. ## %%, doing wrong, wicked, bad. ## %%, cl. 1. P. A. %<-cyati, -te, -yitum>%, to fear; to respect, honour. ## %%, honoured, respected. ## 1. %%, cl. 3. P., Ved. %<-ciketi, -cetum>%, to pay attention to, to respect; to invite respectfully. ## 1. %%, honoured, respected, saluted; (%%), n. honouring, esteeming. ## 1. %%, f. honouring, worship, reverence. ## %%, honoured. ## 2. %%, cl. 5. P. A. %<-cinoti, -nute, -cetum>%, to gather, collect: Pass. %<-cyate>%, to be injured in health or prosperity; to grow less; to wane; (with abl.) to lose anything. ## %%, m. diminution, decay, decrease, loss, privation, decline; N. of several planetary mansions. ## 2. %%, diminished, expended, wasted; emaciated, thin. ## 2. %%, f. loss; expense; exclusion; compensation; punishing; N. of a daughter of Marci. ## %%, f. a disease consisting in an enlargement of the glands of the neck. ## %%, m. a spendthrift. ## %%, f. (rt. %% in Desid.), desire of hurting any one. ## 1. %%, Caus. P. A. %<-cetayati, -te>%, or Ved. %<-citayati, -te, -yitum>%, to become faithless: Desid. %<-cikitati, -te>%, to wish to leave or to abandon any one. ## 2. %%, f., Ved. a noxious flying insect. ## %%, not having a parasol. ## %%, shadowless, having no shadow, as a deity or celestial being; having a bad or unlucky shadow; (%<>%), f. an unlucky shadow, a phantom, apparition. ## %%, m. or %%, n. (rt. %%), cutting off or away; loss; interruption. ## %%, cl. 1. A. %<-cyavate>%, poet. P. %<-cyavati, -cyotum>%, to fall off, to perish, to go off, desert, withdraw: Caus. %<-cyvayati>%, to expel. ## %%, m., Ved. going or coming out; moving down (as a pestle ?). ## %%, fallen off, departed, gone away, perished. ## %%, m. a bad son who has turned out ill. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-jayati, -jetum>%, to defeat, conquer, to ward, off, keep off or out. ## %%, m. defeat, discomfiture, overthrow. @<[Page 0049-c]>@ ## %%, conquerable, to be defeated. ## %% (fr. %% in Desid.), desirous of keeping off, wishing to avert. ## %% (fr. %%, q. v., in Desid.), wishing to carry off or take away. ## %%, cl. 9. A. %<-jnte, -jtum>%, to deny, repudiate; to dissemble, conceal; to cause not to be recognized. ## %%, denying, concealing. ## %%, n. simple elementary substance, not compounded of the five (%%) gross elements; the five subtle elements. ## %%, not separated by a curtain; adjoining, contiguous. ## %%, f. a screen or wall of cloth, especially the %% or screen surrounding a tent. ## %% or %%, m. tossing aside the curtain; %%, with a toss of the curtain, precipitate entrance on the stage, indicating hurry and agitation. ## %% or %%, not clever, awkward, uncouth; ineloquent; sick, diseased. ## %%, f. or %%, n. awkwardness; sickness. ## %%, m. unable to read, not reading. ## %%, unlearned, illiterate. ## %%, unsaleable, unfit for sale. ## %%, cl. 1. P., Ved. %<-takati, -itum>% or %<-taum>%, to chip off. ## %%, m. spasmodic contraction of the body or stomach, emprosthotonos. ## %%, m. spasmodic contraction. ## %%, affected with spasmodic contraction. ## %%, m., Ved. not a husband or master; (%%), without a husband or master, unmarried. ## %%, f. not killing the husband. ## %%, f. state of being without a husband. ## %%, without a husband and children. ## %%, f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife. ## %%, without a husband. ## %%, m. n. a bad or improper Trtha, q. v. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-tarpayati, -yi-tum>%, to starve, cause to fast. ## %%, n. fasting (in sickness). ## %%, leafless; (%<>%), f., N. of a plant. ## %%, without a wife. ## %%, n. (fr. %% or according to native etym. fr. rt. %% with %%, because a family is by offspring prevented from falling into decay); offspring, child, descendant; a patronymical affix. ## %%, desirous of offspring. ## %%, m., N. of a plant. ## %%, f. state of childhood. ## %%, giving offspring; (%<>%), f., N. of various plants. ## %%, m. the vulva. ## %%, m. a patronymical affix. ## %%, possessed of offspring. ## %%, m. a seller of his offspring; a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law. ## %%, m. 'having his descendants for enemies', a crab (said to perish in producing young). ## %%, Ved. accompanied with offspring. ## %%, m. a patronymic. ## %%, cl. 1. A. or poet. P. %<-trapate, -ti, -trapitum, -traptum>%, to be ashamed or bashful, turn away the face. ## %%, n. or %%, f. bashfulness; embarrassment. ## %%, bashful. ## %%, cl. 1. 4. P. %<-trasati, -syati, -situm>%, to be deterred, to be afraid of, to flee from in terror. ## %%, (with abl.) afraid of, fleeing or retiring from in terror. ## %%, n. not a way, absence of a road, pathless state, irregularity, deviation; heresy, heterodoxy; the vulva; (%%,), pathless, roadless; (%<>%), f., N. of various plants. ## %%, going by a wrong road, pursuing bad practices, heretical. ## %%, out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied. ## %%, m. absence of road, pathless state. ## %%, unfit; unsuitable; inconsistent; (in medic.) unwholesome as food or drink in particular complaints. ## %%, caused by unfit food or drink. ## %%, eating what is forbidden. ## %%, or %% or %%, Ved. footless, having no feet; going on a road which does not exist or is unknown (?). ## %%, footless; having no office; (%%), m. a reptile; (%%), n. no place, no abode; the wrong place or time; ether. ## %% or %%, f., N. of a parasitical plant, Epidendron Tesselloides. ## %%, out of office. ## %%, not separated by a foot, adjoining, contiguous; (%%), n. proximity. ## %%, ind. away from the right, to the left side. ## %%, without selfrestraint; of wavering fortune. ## %%, free from forest-fire. ## %%, free from the calamity of fire. ## %%, (any number) off ten. ## %%, cl. 4. P., Ved. %<-dasyati, -situm>%, to fail, i. e. become dry. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dahati, -dagdhum>%, to burn up, to burn out so as to drive out. ## %% or %%, n. (rt. %%), correct or pure conduct, approved occupation; a great or noble work; work well or completely done (for %%, q. v.). ## %%, m. nonentity, nothing. ## %%, cl. 6. P. %<-diati, -deum>%, to assign, to point out, indicate, betray, to pretend, hold out as a pretext or disguise. ## %%, ind. in an intermediate region (of the compass), half a point. ## %%, assigned as a reason or pretext. ## %%, m. turning away, refusal; pretence, feint, pretext, disguise, contrivance; the second step in a syllogism, accoring to the Vaieikas, i. e. the statement of the reason, adducing a reason or cause; a butt or mark; place, quarter; fame, reputation. ## %%, assuming the appearance or semblance of. @<[Page 0050-b]>@ ## %%, to be shown, to be stated. ## %%, used in part. of Intens., Ved. %%, tearing open. ## %%, f. an evil spirit, a goblin. ## %%, free from blame. ## %%, n. any bad thing. ## %%, n. a side-entrance (not the regular door). ## %%, f., Ved. hiding, shutting up. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhvati, -vitum>%, to depart (from a previous statement), prevaricate. ## %%, free from smoke. ## %%, Caus. P. %<-dhrayati, -yitum>%, to carry off. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhamati, -dhm-tum>%, to blow away or off. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-dhyyati, -dhy-tum>%, to have a bad opinion of, to curse mentally. ## %%, n. evil thoughts, wickedness. ## %%, cl. 1. P., better A., %<-dhvasati, -te, -situm>%, to scold, revile, repel; to fall away, be degraded. ## %%, m. falling away, degradation, disgrace; concealment. ## %%, m. a man of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower caste than his mother's). ## %%, causing to fall, destroying, abolishing. ## %%, reviled, cursed; abandoned, pounded or pounded badly; (%%), m. a vile wretch lost to all sense of right. ## %% (rt. %%), sounding wrong. ## %%, bulging out. ## %%, cl. 4. P. %<-nayati, -nai-tum>% and %<-naum>%, to disappear, to away. ## %%, without a nose. ## %%, cl. 4. P. A. %<-nahyati, -te, -naddhum>%, to unbind; to loosen. ## %%, n. a bad name; (%<, , a>%), having a bad name. ## %%, sleepless. ## %%, not yet extinct. ## %%, cl. 1. P. %<-nayati, -netum>%, to lead away or off; to rob, steal, take or drag away; to remove, frighten away; to put off or away (as garments, ornaments, or fetters); to extract, take from; to deny; to except, exclude from a rule: Desid. %<-ninati>%, to wish to remove. ## %%, m. leading away, taking away; bad policy. ## %%, n. taking away, withdrawing, removing; destroying, healing; acquittance of a debt or obligation. ## %%, taken away, removed; paid, discharged; led away from, contradictory; badly executed, spoiled; (%%), n. imprudent or bad behaviour. ## %%, m. a remover, taking away. ## %%, cl. 6. P. A. %<-nudati, -te, -nottum>%, to remove. ## %%, f. or %% or %%, m. removing, taking or sending away; expiation. @<[Page 0050-c]>@ ## %%, removing, driving away. ## %%, desirous of removing, expiating. ## %%, removing, driving away; (%%), n. removing, destroying. ## %%, to be removed. ## %%, Ved. having an indestructible house. ## %%, cl. 4. A. %<-padyate, -pattum>%, to escipe, run away. ## %%, m. a mistake in reading; a wrong reading in a text. ## %%, using separate vessels (from which no one else will eat); of low caste. ## %%, m. a person not allowed by his kindred to eat or drink from a common vessel; a person who has lost his caste. ## %%, having no protection for the feet, shoeless. ## %%, n. a bad or improper drink. ## %%, n. (for %%, fr. rt. %