Monier-Williams: English and Sanskrit Dictionary Based on Monier-Williams, Monier: A Dictionary. English and Sanskrit. Delhi : 2005 (= London : 1851) Input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL) [GRETIL-Version vom 08.02.2018] LICENSE This file is based on mwe.txt, available at (C) Copyright 2014 The Sanskrit Library and Thomas Malten under the following license: All rights reserved other than those granted under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license available in full at, and summarized at . Permission is granted to build upon this work non-commercially, as long as credit is explicitly acknowledged exactly as described herein and derivative work is distributed under the same license. ( MARKUP ## %% @@ ___________________________________________________________________ THIS TEXT FILE IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY! COPYRIGHT AND TERMS OF USAGE AS FOR SOURCE FILE. Text converted to Classical Sanskrit Extended (CSX) encoding: description character =ASCII long a à 224 long A â 226 long i ã 227 long I ä 228 long u å 229 long U æ 230 vocalic r ç 231 vocalic R è 232 long vocalic r é 233 vocalic l ë 235 long vocalic l í 237 velar n ï 239 velar N ð 240 palatal n ¤ 164 palatal N ¥ 165 retroflex t ñ 241 retroflex T ò 242 retroflex d ó 243 retroflex D ô 244 retroflex n õ 245 retroflex N ö 246 palatal s ÷ 247 palatal S ø 248 retroflex s ù 249 retroflex S ú 250 anusvara ü 252 capital anusvara ý 253 visarga þ 254 long e ¹ 185 long o º 186 l underbar × 215 r underbar Ÿ 159 n underbar ­ 173 k underbar É 201 t underbar  194 Other characters of the CSX encoding table are not included. Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order to facilitate word search. For a comprehensive list of CSX and other GRETIL encodings and formats see: and For further information see: ___________________________________________________________________ A DICTIONARY ENGLISH AND SANSKRIT CONTRACTIONS. s. for substantive a. adjective. pron. pronoun. adv. adverb. prep. preposition. v. a. verb active. v. n. verb neuter. p. p. passive participle. part. participle. c. conjugation or class. caus. causal form. pass. passive form. des. desiderative form. freq. frequentative form. nom. for nominal verb. impers. impersonal. irreg. irregular. def. definite. pres. present. pret. preterite. par. parasmaipada. àtm. àtmanepada. m. masculine gender. f. feminine. n. neuter. sing. singular number. du. dual. pl. plural. indec. for indeclinable. in comp. in composition. nom. c. nominative case. acc. c. accusative case. inst. instrumental case. instrum. instrumental case. dat. c. dative case. abl. c. ablative case. gen. c. genitive case. loc. c. locative case. conj. conjunction. interj. interjection. exclam. exclamation. PREFACE. ROGER ASCHAM, in bearing testimony to the classical proficiency of his illustrious pupils, Edward and Elizabeth, said 'of them, that they not only understood, but composed in Latin, skilfully and with ease. Such an assertion, made three centuries since by the great preceptor of the age, leads to the inference, that, even in that early period, the value of composition as a criterion of scholarship was duly appreciated. It would be needless to quote the more express statements of scholars and linguists of modern times, in proof of the estimation in which this accomplishment is now held as a test of sound proficiency. It is sufficient to know, that in these days of intellectual progress and competition, no classical examination is considered effectual in which a prominent place is not assigned to composition. Indeed, an increasingly high standard of excellence in this branch of education is now demanded by all collegiate tribunals. In unison with these opinions, the framers of the Statutes of the East-India College have provided, that no student shall be pronounced qualified for Indian service until he can make an intelligible translation from an English passage into the Oriental languages in which he has been instructed. And if this requirement has been wisely made, as a test of scholarship in the spoken dialects, much more has it so been made in regard to Sanskrit, the classical language of India, which bears a far closer relation to those dialects than Greek and Latin bear to the living languages of Europe. If at our Universities and Colleges, where are educated many who are destined to fill the highest offices in our home government, the composition of Latin prose is demanded of all candidates for degrees, with much more reason may Sanskrit composition be made an essential at this Institution, where are trained the whole body of civilians to whom the government of our Indian Empire is to be intrusted. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that a student can hardly be expected to practice composition and translation in a difficult language, if the usual aids are not placed at his disposal. That such aids have not hitherto been made available in Sanskrit has been owing to the great difficulty of compiling a good English and Sanskrit Dictionary. Reverse Dictionaries are sufficiently within the reach of the student of Greek and Latin. In truth. the time that has been spent in investigating these languages, during many centuries, by a succession of learned men, each improving upon the results of his predecessor's labours, has led to the production of such a variety of dictionaries, phrase-books, and vocabularies, that the work of Greek and Latin lexicography, in the present day, has become a mere process of sifting and digesting the mass of existing materials. Yet, even in these languages, so great has been the difficulty of compiling a good Reverse Dictionary, that, after numerous incomplete attempts, it has only been within recent years that any really valuable English-Greek or English-Latin Dictionary has been published. With reference to some of the spoken languages of the East, much has been done to facilitate translation and composition. In Hindustàni, it will scarcely be necessary to allude to the labours of that eminent scholar, Dr. Gilchrist, and in more recent times to the works of Mr. Shakespear and Dr. Duncan Forbes. In Bengàlã, great assistance is afforded to the student by the copious English-Bengàlã Dictionary of Ràm Comul Sen: in Maràthã, still greater, by the admirable English and Maràthã Dictionary of Major Candy: in Telugu, by that of Mr. Morris: in Carnàtaea, or Canarese, by that of Mr. Reeve. In Persian and Arabic, the dictionary of Professor Johnson, now passing through the press, will offer to the student a complete Persian, Arabic, and English Lexicon; but, although Reversed Dictionaries of English and Persian are procurable, a good lexicon in this form remains yet to be compiled. The English and Persian Dictionaries, or rather Vocabularies, of Meninski and Wilkins, are proofs of how little assistance is rendered to the student, in translating European ideas and phrases, by a mere supplementary vocabulary which is a reversed counterpart of the preceding lexicon. In most of the other spoken dialects of India such vocabularies exist, and are, without doubt, useful aids in the absence of more complete works. But in Sanskrit, nothing of this description, deserving of notice, has hitherto been effected. The Sanskrit and English Dictionary of Professor H.H. Wilson is, indeed, too well known as one of the best lexicons in any language to require comment in this place; and if the labours of that eminet Orientalist had been directed to the composition of an English and Sanskrit Dictionary, the student would long since have enjoyed the advantage of an aid to composition, far more effective than that which the present work can supply. Such as it is, however, this Volume appears before the public as the result of the first attempt that has yet been made to meet a want, which the experience of every day renders increasingly felt. For it is not too much to allege, that the great development of the study of Sanskrit, during late years, has caused the absence of a Reverse Dictionary to be recognised as a want by many very different and very important members of the community, both at home and abroad; by students and civilians, by scholars and philologists, by chaplains and missionaries; by all those zealous men who have devoted themselves to the social, religious, and intellectual improvement of the natives of our Indian Empire. With missionaries, and other philanthropists and scholars, whose aim has been to communicate scriptural and scientific truth to the learned natives, through the medium of their classical language, and to the uneducated, through their vernacular tongues, the absence of an aid to composition has doubtless enhanced the difficulties by which their labours have been retarded. It will be sufficient to mention the well-known names of Dr. Carey and Dr. Yates, whose translations of parts of the Bible are valued by all promoters of the cause of Christianity in the East; of Dr. Mill, formerly Principal of Bishop's College at Calcutta, whose history of Christ in Sanskrit dialogue is still more acceptable to the natives of India, from its adaptation to their own system of teaching; of Mr. John Muir, whose zeal for the welfare of the Hindås has been displayed by carrying out and improving the system of Dr. Mill, in numerous excellent tracts; and lastly, of Dr. James Ballantyne, the energetic Principal of the College at Benares, whose Sanskrit lectures on the elements of general knowledge, and other scholarlike writings, prove him to be eminently fitted for the post to which he has been appointed. The labours of these, and many other able and devoted men, are based upon the theory, that if the natives of India are to be effectively imbued with the principles of truth, whether religious or scientific, it must be through the medium of the only language through which they will be disposed to accept such information. Proficiency in English may be deemed indispensable to the liberal education of a native, but the attempt to make English the sole vehicle of instilling sound ideas respecting religion and philosophy, is not likely to be successful. The learned natives will be averse to receive any new truths which are not imparted by means of the language which they are accustomed to regard as the channel of all truth; and the more uneducated classes are found to be incapable of comprehending new ideas, excepting through their vernacular tongues. And since it is found that no vernacular tongue is adequate to express the ideas of religion and science, without borrowing its terms from the Sanskrit, the utility of an English and Sanskrit Dictionary will be recognised by all who have to compose in these dialects, whether in Hindã, Bengàlã, Uriya, Telugu, Canarese, Tamil, Malayàlam, or Maràthã. Among philological scholars, whether in Europe or the East, the need of a complete compendium of synonymous words and vocables, in a language which is the key to the solution of every problem in comparative philology, is too obvious to require demonstration. With respect to the civil servants of India, there can be no doubt that the want of a Reverse Sanskrit Dictionary has contributed to render unpopular the study of a language which must force itself, however distastefully, on their observation, by the influence which it exercises on the spoken dialects of India--an influence far greater than that of Latin on English, Italian, or French. But it is by the candidates for the civil service who are educated at the East-India College that this want has been chiefly cknowledged. Here it has seriously affected the popularity of a study which, above all others, ought to be cultivated, if on no other grounds, at least on the score of its adapting itself, more than any other, to the condition of students, who, being ignorant of their nrecise destination in India, are undergoing that course of general training which is best suited to fit them for the special requirements of particular localities. Such is the want, then, which the Compiler of this dictionary has attempted to supply. But not even his firm persuasion of its magnitude could have emboldened him to address himself to a task of so much difficulty, had he not been liberally encouraged by the Honourable Directors of the East-India Company, whom he has the honour to serve. The public does not require to be informed, that it is the desire of those generous Rulers to win the attachment of their Indian subjects, by furthering every undertaking which aims at improving the knowledge of their languages and literature. A long enumeration might be made of dictionaries, vocabularies, and important publications, which have issued, and are now issuing, from the press, under the patronage of the Honourable Court. The present is but one out of numerous instances in which the authors of long and laborious works have had to record their gratitude for the countenance thus wisely extended. It will not be necessary for the Compiler to dwell on the many difficulties he has had to encounter in pursuing his solitary labours, unassisted by the native Pandits and transcribers, who lighten the toil of the lexicographer in India. Those who understand what it is to be a pioneer in any work of lexicography, to be, as it were, the first to break and clear the ground over an untrodden field of inquiry, will doubtless, in their candour, appreciate at its full value the labour he has undergone in carrying this Volume to its completion. They will also be prepared to expect inequality in the execution, especially of the earlier pages, and many defects and inconsistencies throughout the whole body of the dictionary, agreeably to the inevitable law of expansion and improvement to which such a work must be subject in its progress through the press. No apology need, therefore, be made for these imperfections. But a brief account of the method in which, during nearly eight years, the Compiler has prosecuted his labours would seem to be expected of him, and is, in fact, rendered necessary by the entire novelty of his work. He commenced by transcribing carefully, and then arranging in alphabetical order, all the English words, with their Sanskrit synonyms, contained in the Kosha of Amara Sinha, edited by the late Mr. Colebrooke. His next step was, to have copied, on nearly two thousand pages of large folio paper, with suitable intervals, all the English words in Riddle's English-Latin Dictionary, known to be very useful in Latin composition. Having thus prepared a kind of thesaurus, or repository for the collection of words and phrases, he proceeded to insert therein, in their proper places, all the words of the Amara Kosha, above referred to, as well as all those contained in the Hitopade÷a, the Selections from the Mahàbhàrata, edited by Professor Johnson, the Meghadåta, the Anthology of Professor Lassen. and all the roots, with some of the examples, comprised in that most learned and admirable compilation, the Radices Linguae Sanskritae of Professor Westergaard. A sound and solid foundation of useful household words being thus laid, the Compiler commenced reversing the second edition of Professor Wilson's Sanskrit and English Dictionary, incorporating in his thesaurus all the new words as they occurred, and omitting only those which represented ideas or things having no approximate equivalent in English. This was a process of much time and labour, requiring a very attentive perusal of the dictionary, accompanied by much transcribing, collating, arranging, and inserting of words and phrases. It might be hastily inferred, that having accomplished thus much, considerable advance had been made towards the completion of the work; and if the object of the Compiler had been to compose a good vocabulary, reversing the senses of the words in the Sanskrit and English Dictionary, and nothing more, such would have been the case. But a complete dictionary, which was intended to offer an effectual help to the student in practising translation, was not merely to be compiled by collecting words and reversing meanings. It was to be continuously composed with a thoughtful consideration of the best Sanskrit equivalents for modern expressions and idioms, and a careful disposition, under each English word, of its several equivalents, in their proper order, and in their proper connection with its several shades of meaning. In fact, the real business of writing the Dictionary had now to be commenced. Having procured the latest edition of Webster's English Dictionary, in which are contained all the words of Tod's edition of Dr. Johnson, with many modern additions, as well as all the participles and adverbs, the Author proceeded to translate it systematically into Sanskrit, either gathering his materials from his own collection of classical words, or assisting his memory by suggestions from the Bengàlã Lexicon of Ràm Comul Sen, and omitting only those expressions which seemed obsolete or obsolescent, or of which no classical equivalent could be found or suggested. Having thus progressed as far as the letter C, and the exigency of the case seeming to require the speedy appearance of the work, even at the risk of incompleteness, the printing of it was commenced, the Compiler feeling confident that, by great diligence, he might keep in advance of the press. It was not till some progress had been made that the inexpediency of this step was manifested by various omissions, which, though overlooked in the manuscript, became gradually apparent in the printed pages of the work. As soon as this discovery was made, one of two courses remained to be pursued, either to cancel the earlier pages of the work, or to supply their deficiencies by an Appendix. The latter of these courses was adopted, and the process of printing was first suspended, and then retarded, until, by a more extensive course of reading and research, the stock of classical materials was enlarged. To effect this, the Compiler undertook a second and more minute perusal of Professor Wilson's Sanskrit and English Dictionary, and noted numerous words and terms which had before escaped his observation. He also reversed the Sanskrit part of the excellent English and Maràthã Dictionary of Captain Molesworth, collecting from this source many valuable words, and much useful information. He then read through the Code of Manu, and the Commentary of Kullåka Bhañña, with the view of obtaining therefrom a store of choice phrases and idioms. And lastly, he studied attentively, with the same object, the plays of Kàlidàsa, and parts of the Raghuvansa, Ràmayana, Mahàbhàrata, and Bhaññi Kàvya. He moreover extracted some good words from the Glossarium Sanskritum of Professor Bopp, and made extracts also from some modern Sanskrit writings and translations of the Scriptures. Without detracting from the acknowledged merit of these translations, he believes that little value is to be accorded to suggestions adopted from a source which is not classical. But he avails himself of this opportunity of gratefully acknowledging his obligation to his friend and colleague, Professor Johnson, for furnishing him with a list of words, collected by him in the course of his reading, chiefly from the following standard classical works:--The Text of Manu, with the Commentary of Kullåka; the two law-treatises of Jãmåtavàhana, called Dàyabhàga and Mitàkùara; the Vikramorva÷ã, øakuntalà, Mçchchhakati, Màlatãmàdhava, Mudràràkùasa, Ratnàvalã, Uttararàmacharitra, and the Ràjataranginã, published by Capt. Troyer. Having enriched his store of materials with words and phrases from these approved sources, the composition and printing of his Dictionary was gradually advanced to the end of the letter H. At this point a copy of Major Candy's English and Maràthã Dictionary came first to hand. Had an impression of this work been received earlier, it would have saved the Compiler the time and labour consumed by him in reversing Captain Molesworth's Maràthã and English Dictionary, a task which he had not completed, until three hundred pages of his own work had been printed off, and excluded from any improvement derivable from this source. It is, however, right to acknowledge, that the Dictionary of Major Candy, although it often furnished little more than a repetition of what the Compiler had himself collected, either from the Sanskrit or Maràthã Lexicons, provided him with numerous additional words, and much useful information, upon Hindå mythology and science, the value of which cannot be too highly estimated. Indeed, it would be difficult to make mention of Major Candy's work excepting in the highest terms of praise. By these aids, and with the addition of some happy renderings of scientific terms from Dr. Ballantyne's Lectures, and of some classical words from the Appendix to the late Dr. Yates' abridgment of Professor Wilson's Sanskrit Dictionary, the remainder of the present work, from the letter I to the end, was composed and printed in a comparatively short period. The foregoing statement is the best apology for any want of uniformity discoverable in the plan of this Volume. A general uniformity, sufficient, it is hoped, for all the purposes of reference, has been sustained throughout. But perfect unity is hard to be maintained, at least in the first edition of a laborious work, compiled by gradual accretion from an increasing store of materials, and liable in its growth to occasional improvement and expansion. If consistency has been sacrificed, it has only been in cases where improvements were admissible without endangering facility of reference, which should be the paramount consideration. For the convenience, therefore, of all consulters of the Dictionary, the use of too many symbols or abbreviations has been avoided. Whenever a substantive or adjective is followed by the parts of speech in connexion with it, or a verb by its participles and participial adjectives, and whenever, under each of these heads, separate gradations of meaning occur, the student will find the different meanings exhibited at full under the first word, and repeated at full under the others, the same relative order being generally preserved. For example, let him turn to the words Nobility, Noble, Nobly. Under the substantive Nobility, the first meaning given is, 'antiquity of family;' the second, 'greatness of mind;' the third, 'distinction;' the fourth, 'magnificence.' Under the adjective, instead of referring back to the substantive by symbols as in some other dictionaries, the meanings have been repeated thus: 'of ancient family,' 'great in mind,' 'distinguished,' 'magnificent;' and similarly under the adverb, thus: 'with nobleness of birth,' 'with greatness of mind,' &c. The better to effect this clear exhibition of successive meanings, close printing has been employed, and no needless blanks admitted; so that the spaces occupied by the words Nobility, Noble, and Noble is not so large, in comparison to the number of equivalents given, as the spaces occupied by the same words in the Maràthã Dictionary. If the order of the meanings has not always been preserved, it is because the object has been, under each word, to dispose the gradations of senses according to what appeared to be the ratio of their commonness. On the other hand, many meanings which appeared unusual or obsolete have been omitted; and under some words references have been made to preceding or succeeding parts of the Dictionary; but in all such cases a few of the commonest equivalents are generally given, of which the student can avail himself if indisposed to follow out the reference. Thus, under the word Vigilant, two meanings are given, viz. 'wakeful,' and 'wary.' In connexion with the first of these, a few of the commonest Sanskrit words are specified, but for a fuller enumeration the student must consult the word Wakeful itself. So also in connexion with the sense 'wary;' after mentioning the most useful equivalents, the student is referred back to the word Circumspect, for a more complete list. And in cases where no direct reference is made, as under the substantive, Vigilance, the student will infer that the word 'wakefulness,' in brackets, is intended not only to exhibit the variation of meaning, but also to direct his attention to the quarter of the Dictionary where additional synonyms may be found. If objection be raised to the multiplication of Sanskrit equivalents, under each English word, and the several meanings of which it is susceptible, the Compiler may state, in explanation, that in striving to render his work as complete as possible, he has been forced, at the risk of surplusage, into a copious enumeration of words and significant terms. Whenever it has been possible to give a complete list of synonymous Sanskrit words, it has been done. At the same time, the attempt has been made to dispose the words in the order of their usefulness. Indeed, for the simple purposes of prose composition or translation it will be advisable that the student should choose the Sanskrit word standing first in the list, or at least should make his selection from the first few equivalents enumerated; excepting in the case of such comprehensive terms as Sun, Moon, Earth, Fire, Water, &c., where the number of Sanskrit words is so great that the selection may be fairly made from the first few lines. The remaining equivalents given under such examples would, in any other language, be regarded as epithets rather than words, and would probably be restricted to poetical composition. And in fact, as regards their adaptation to plan Sanskrit prose, it will be better for the student so to treat them. It should be observed, notwithstanding, that no distinction is rightly to be made, in an English and Sanskrit Dictionary, between strictly prose and strictly poetical terms. Sanskrit is peculiarly the language of poetry, Nearly the whole of its immense and wonderful literature is poetical; and the little prose that exists makes free use of poetical expressions. In fact, the commonest names for some of the most ordinary objects are proofs that a rich poetical vein runs throughout the language. Thus, one of the common words for 'earth' is, 'repositery of wealth,' %%; for the sea, 'receptacle of water,' %%; for a cloud, 'water-giver,' %%, or 'water-holder,' %%; for fire, 'purifier,' %%; for the moon, lord of the night,' %%; for the sun, 'generator,' %%; for a good man, 'mine of merit, %%, or 'ocean of merit,' %%. And if the remaining equivalents under each of these heads were exammed many of them would be found to possess a still more poetical character. In proof of which the reader is referred to the words Sun, Moon, Cloud, as they stand in the pages of the Dictionary. >Again, the English verb 'to kill.' mav be rendered in Sanskrit either by the use of the simple root %%, or by %%, 'to make killing,' or by %%, 'to make destruction of life,' or by %%, in the causal form, 'to cause to go the state of the five elements,' or by %%, 'to cause to go to the other world.' All these expressions are legitimate, whatever be the form of composition; but the student, in writing prose, will do well to a dopt those which come first in order. Under the head of natural objects, and the terms of religion, literature, mythology, science, and social life, the copious enumeration of equivalent words and significant phrases will be valued, not only by the student of Sanskrit and its various cognate languages, but also by many of those learned and zealous men who are seeking to promote a sympathy between Hindås and Europeans, by diffusing amongst the latter a correct knowledge of Oriental customs, habits of thought, religious tenets, and ceremonial observances. It has been the desire of the Compiler to make this Volume not only a thesaurus of synonyms and phrases, but a repository of much useful information in connexion with such subjects. In illustration of this, the reader may turn to the words Water, Fire, Hand, Lotus, Vishnu, øiva, Indra, Veda, Scripture, Rite, Sacrament, Manes, School, Marriage, Measure, Planet, &c. The significant expressions collected under such words will, it is hoped, facilitate inquiry into the manners and customs of the Hindås, their mythological fictions, and the state of their scientific knowledge. Naturalists, also, may be expected to appreciate a collection of terms, the analysis of which must throw light on some particulars connected with botany and zoology. A comparison of the number of Sanskrit equivalents brought together under some of these heads might, at least, be a guide to the comparative value or utility of certain animals, plants, and minerals. In illustration, the reader may compare the words Elephant, Horse, Cow, Wolf, Frog, Camel, Lotus, Sandal, Mango, Musk, Myrobalan, Pyrites, Coal, Copper, Lead, Iron, Vitriol, &c. It is not unlikely, however, that under some heads an exception may be taken to the number of Sanskrit equivalents enumerated: as, for example, under the various scarcely-distinguishable shades of meaning belonging to numerous common nouns, adjectives, and verbs: or again, under the head of many English words of which no precise Sanskrit representative could be offered. In the first of these cases the impossibility of observing the proper medium, at least in the first edition of a work like the present, has led the Compiler to prefer erring on the side of excess rather than on that of deficiency. In the other case, where the great disparity between Hindå and European habits of thought and condition prevented the exhibition of any classical equivalent, the Compiler has been forced, almost against his will, into occasional redundancy, by the pliancy and malleability, so to speak, of the Sanskrit, and its amazing power of expressing exotic ideas by the employment of an infinite variety of compound words. As examples, the reader may take Cannon, Canon, Camera-obscura, Certificate, Episcopacy, To Farm. Laymen, Lay, To Lease Navy, Parliament, Penitentiary, Phrenology Rubric, Sail, Sabbatarian, Steam-engine, Steam-boat &c. In rendering such words, respect has been paid to the learned Hindås in their study of English. The comprehension of European ideas by the educated natives is as necessary to reciprocal sympathy as the comprehension of Hindå ideas by ourselves. In the rendering of the verbs some difficulty has been experienced. It is usual in an English Dictionary to prefix to the verb the infinitive sign 'to.' Consistently with this, in Greek and Latin, and some other Reversed Dictionaries, the infinitive of the equivalent verb is generally exhibited. But in Sanskrit the infinitive is a form of the verb very limited in its application, resembling, in some respects, the Latin supines in um and u. It has therefore been thought more proper to exhibit the root in the first place, specifying the infinitive, with the third person singular of the present tense, between brackets. The student will thus bear in mind, that the root is not to be regarded as representing the infinitive, or indeed any part of the verb, excepting the general idea expressed by it. Another source of difficulty was, the limitation in regard to the number of roots properly available in Sanskrit for the formation of legitimate verbs, supported by classical authority. It is well known that in this language there are about 1900 roots, or elementary sounds, which are generally monosyllabic. These are the imaginary sources of both nouns and verbs, and are the representatives of the simple ideas contained in them. Thus the root %% represents the idea of 'going;' %%, of 'eating;' %%, of 'joining;' %%, of 'making.' As a matter of convenience, grammarians have connected these roots more directly with verbs than nouns; and their theory is, that every root may serve as the basis on which to construct five distinct forms of verbs: First, a Primitive verb; second, a Causal; third, a Passive; fourth, a Desiderative; and fifth, a Frequentative. So, also, from every noun certain verbs, called Nominals, may theoretically be derived, and, not unfrequently, are so derived. It might reasonably be imagined that, amongst a collection of 1900 roots, each capable of five-fold multiplication, besides innumerable nominals, there would be little difficulty in finding equivalents for any form of English verb that might present itself. But it will be found, on examination, that nearly two-thirds of these 1900 roots do not occur in this Dictionary in any form, excepting in that of the nouns to which they give origin. It will be observed, too, that of these, certain particular roots, such as %%, recur perpetually, and, by the aid of prepositions and other affixes, are applied to the expression of the most varied and opposite ideas. In explanation, the Compiler thinks it proper to state, that he has been careful to follow only classical usage in the admission of verbs into his Dictionary; and that no verb has been so admitted unless a good example of its use could be adduced, either from the pages of Westergaard or other authentic sources. Rather than violate this rule, he has constantly been obliged to employ a noun with the auxiliaries %%, &c., or a participle with the auxiliaries bhå and %%, in place of a direct verb. In every case it is allowable thus to employ the auxiliaries, in the absence of legitimate verbs; and even should such verbs be available, the student may, if he please, still take the noun, participle, or adjective, and combine them with the auxiliaries, in place of using the more direct form. Thus, under the verb 'to resent,' he may either directly employ the roots %%, in the conjugations specified, or he may combine the equivalents given under the substantive with the auxiliaries, thus %%; or under the adjective, thus, %% or %%. Again, under the verb 'to perish,' he may either directly make use of the roots %% or %% in the passive form, or he may substitute %%, &c. In the specification of roots, the third person singular of the present tense has been chosen for exhibition in brackets in conjunction with the infinitive, as being the best guide to the conjugational form of the verb; whilst the infinitive furnishes a mark for the formation of some of the most useful non-conjugational forms. At the same time the conjugation or class of the verb is indicated by a figure; and if the verb is to be conjugated in the causal, passive, desiderative, or frequentative form, or as a nominal, it is so specified. But as the causal form is identical with that of the tenth conjugation, it has sometimes been more convenient to designate causal verbs as belonging to that conjugation. When a root is compounded with prepositions, these are not repeated in the bracket, that the student may more readily perceive the simple form of the root, but a small hyphen is used, to show that the preposition cannot be dispensed with in conjugating the verb. If a root occur more than once under the same verb, it has not been thought necessary to repeat the present tense and infinitive in connexion with it. Indeed, under some verbs towards the end of the Dictionary, these forms are omitted altogether, as having been frequently notified under the synonymous expressions, to which a reference is indicated. Thus, under the verb 'To Part,' v. a., the student must refer to the synonymous terms, Disunite, Divide, Separate, for any particulars relating to these grammatical forms. In regard to participles, this Dictionary will be found so copious that here also an exception may perhaps be taken to the number of equivalents enumerated. The explanation is to be sought in the genius of the Sanskrit language, which abounds in participles to an extent wholly unparalleled in any other language, living or dead. These participles are often idiomatically substituted for the tenses of the verb itself. They are constantly employed in place of the past and future tenses, especially of passive verbs; so that an example of a passive tense is of rare occurrence, excepting in the form of the third person singular or plural of the present and imperative. If, therefore, the student desire to write idiomatic Sanskrit, he must make free use of the participles in this Dictionary, especially of the passive past participle. This latter is the most useful derivative in the language, and should be abundantly employed in translation and composition. It corresponds with the Latin participle in tus, and, like it, often supplies the place of the past tense. Thus, in translating the phrase, 'he reproved his own son,' the student might employ the simple root, thus, %%, or he might idiomatically use the passive participle, thus, %%, the agent being placed in the instrumental case, and the participle agreeing with the object. With respect to the rendering of nouns in this dictionary, it will be proper to state, that the system of Amara Sinha has been followed, in exhibiting substantives and adjectives in their nominative case rather than in their crude state. Whenever the crude form differs from the nominative more than in rejecting the final visarga or anusvàra, it has been indicated by giving the final of the crude in brackets. Thus, under the word Fire, %% being the nominative case, the final of the crude is ascertained by rejecting the visarga, thus %%. Similarly %% becomes %% in the crude form; %% becomes %% becomes %% becomes %% becomes %% becomes %<à÷rayadhvaüsin; damunàþ>% becomes %% becomes %% becomes %%. It is necessary to be thus particular in exhibiting the crude form as distinct from the nominative case, both as a guide to the declension of the noun, which must always depend on the final of the crude, and because the crude state is that which is employed in the formation of compound words. In all such words, with but few exceptions, the last number of the compound alone admits of declension, and the preceding word or words require to be placed in the crude form, this form admitting of a plural as well as singular acceptation. For an explanation of compound words the Student must of course consult his grammar; but it will not be out of place to remark here, that in a language which, like Sanskrit, abounds in compounds more than any other language in the world, it will not be possible for him to compose idiomatically until he has made himself conversant with the principles of their formation. Under adjectives the nominative case in three genders has generally been given, and the final of the crude state exhibited when necessary, as in substantives. The genders are not specified, as the student will himself take for granted that %%, meaning 'good,' stands for the nominative case of the adjective in its three genders; %% being the nominative of the masculine form, %% being also the nominative of the feminine form, %% of a second feminine form, and %% of the neuter form; the crude state being %%. Similarly %%, stands for %% the nominative of the masculine, %% of the feminine, %% of the neuter, the crude being %% for %% the nominative of the masculine, %% of the feminine, and %% of the neuter, the last standing also for the crude form. Again, %% is for %% the nominative of the masculine, %% of the feminine, %% of the neuter, the crude form being %%. When, however, under one head a variety of similar adjectives are enumerated, it has not been deemed necessary in all cases to give the nominative case in more than the masculine form; but the addition of the sign, &c. indicates that the student must himself supply the other forms thus: %% &c., stands for %%. Similarly, %% &c., for %% &c., for %%, and %% &c., for %%. In the case of compound adjectives formed from neuter substantives, whose crude form ends in %% or %%, such as %%, 'lotus-eyed;' %%, 'long-lived;' %%, 'unblessed;' %<÷ucirocisþ>% 'clear-shining;' the nominative case in the three genders has been exhibited thus, %% &c. In some cases, however, as in the case of %%, where a masculine noun %<àyuþ>% exists as well as a neuter %<àyus>%, the nominative case of the compound adjective is susceptible of two forms, %% and %%. Some notice of this point seems to be required, as it appears to have been overlooked, if not erroneously explained, by the generality of European scholars. That the Compiler's view is correct, may be shown by a reference to Professor Wilson's Dictionary, under the words %% or %%; by referring also to the declension of %%, and %<à÷is>%, in Professor Wilson's Grammar, p. 68; and by the analogy of compound adjectives, like %%, 'high-minded,' derived from a neuter substantive ending in %%. The exhibition, in all cases, of the nominative case of nouns, whether substantive or adjective, has prevented the necessity of specifying the gender of substantives ending in %%, like %%, 'a god,' which are invariably masculine; or of substantives ending in %%, like %%, 'a gift,' which are invariably neuter; or of those ending in %<à>% and %<ã>%, like %%, 'a garland,' and %%, 'a goddess,' which are always feminine. The gender of all such substantives will be taken for granted. The student might also have been left to infer for himself the gender of substantives ending in %% in the nominative, like %%, 'the mind,' which are feminine, and of substantives ending in %%, derived from the root dhà, like %%, 'peace,' which are masculine. But since, in these latter instances, some slight occasional variation might occur, it has been thought desirable to notify the gender of substantives in these cases, as well as in every other where any doubt could possibly arise. The Compiler has now only the grateful duty to discharge of expressing his further obligation to Professor Johnson, for his invaluable assistance in correcting the greater number of the proof-sheets of this work. Nor does he think it just to conclude without some tribute of acknowledgment to the Printer, Mr. Watts, for the accuracy and clearness with which the typography has been executed. EAST-INDIA COLLEGE, HAILEYBURY, November 5th, 1851. @<[Page 1a]>@ ENGLISH AND SANSKRIT DICTIONARY ##. As an indefinite article before nouns singular, for the most part not expressed in Sanskrit; as, 'a lion,' %%; (One) %%. --(Some, a certain) %%; as, 'a certain man,' %%. --(Each, every) expressed by %% or %%, before the acc. neut.; as, 'a day,' 'each day,' %% or %%. When 'a' comes before a participle, after a verb of motion, it is expressed by the dat. c.; as, 'he went a hunting,' %%; or by %% preceded by the crude form of a noun; as, %%; or by the infinitive; as, %%. ##, adv. (Towards the stern of the ship) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 3. %%), %% (c. 6. %<-sçjati -sraùñuü>%), %% (c. 6. %%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. --(Reprobate) %%. ##, s. %%. --(Of worldly connexions) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-karùati>%, c. 6. %<-kçùati -kraùñuü>%), %% in caus. (%%) or %% in caus. (%<-pàtayati -pàtayituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (The act of bringing low) %%. --(A low state), %% f. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(làjayati làjayituü) hrã>% in caus. %<(hrepayati hrepayituü) trap>% in caus. (%%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. a. (To diminish) %% in caus. %<(hràsayati hràsayituü) kan>% (nom. %%), %% (nom. %%), %<÷am>% in caus. (%<÷amayati ÷amayituü>%). --(To let down the price in selling) %%. --(To depress) %% in caus. (%<-sàdayati -yituü>%). ##, v. n. (To grow less) %% in pass. %<(kùãyate) hras>% (c. 1. %%). --(To subside) %<÷am>% (c. 4. %<÷àmyati ÷amituü>%), %%. ##, p. p. (Subsided) %%. ##, s. %% or %% or %<à÷ramasya pradhànà strã>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (To shorten by contraction) %% (c. 1. %<-harati -harttuü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%), %% in caus. (%%). @<[Page 1b]>@ ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (To resign an office) %% or %% or %% (c. 1. %%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m., %% m. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, v. a. (To encourage) %% in caus. %<(-sàhayati -sàhayituü) pravçt>% in caus. (%<-varttayati -varttayituü>%). --(To help) %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%), %% or %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %%), %% in des. %<(bãbhatsate bãbhatsituü) ghçõàü kç dviù>% (c. 2. %%), %%. ##, s. %% f. ##, a. (Struck with abhorrence) %% --(Inconsistent with) %%. ##, v. n. (To dwell) %% (c. 1. %%). --(To remain) %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %%). ##, v. a. (To wait for, expect) %% (c. 1. %<-ãkùate -ãkùituü>%). %% (c. 1. %<-pa÷yati -draùñuü>%), %% (c. 10. %<-pàlayati -pàlayituü>%). --(To bear, support) %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% in des. (%%). --(To abide by one's promise) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<÷aktiþ>% f., %<÷aktatà balaü sàmarthyaü>%. --(Skill) %%. 'To the utmost of one's ability,' %% ind., %%. ##, a. %%. --(Without hope) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Renouncing with oath) %<÷apathena tyàgaþ>%. ##, v. a. (To renounce with oath) %<÷ayathena tyaj>% (c. 1. %%). --(To renounce) %% (c. 2. %<-khyàti -khyàtuü>%), %%. ##, %%. ##, a. (Of power sufficient) %%. --(Powerful) %% ##, v. n. %<÷ak>% (c. 5. %<÷aknoti>%, c. 4. %<÷akyati -te ÷aktuü>%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-sahate -soóhuü>%) with inf.; %% (c. 1. %<-bhavati -bhavituü>%) with dat.; as, 'they are able to destroy the world,' %%. @<[Page 2a]>@ ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Place of residence) %% n. %<(n) àyatanaü nivàsaþ nilayaþ -yanaü àlayaþ>%. --(Continuance in a place) %%. ##, v. a. (To annul) %%. --(To destroy) %% in caus. %<(nà÷ayati nà÷ayituü) vina÷; sad>% in caus. %<(sàdayati sàdayituü) utsad protsad; uddhç>% (c. 1. %<-harati -harttuü>%), %% (c. 7. %<-chinatti -chettuü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (Act of annulling) %%. --(Destruction) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %%), %% in des. (%%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (Detestation) %%. --(An abominated thing, the object of detestation) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Producing abortion) %%. --(Brought forth prematurely) %%. --(That does not succeed) %%. ##, v. n. (Followed by with or in) %% in pass. (%<-kãryyate>%) with inst. c.; %% in pass. %<(påryyate) àpé>% with inst. c. --(To be in great plenty) %% (c. 1. %<-bhavati -bhavituü>%). ##, %<àóhyaþ -óhyà -óhyaü saïkãrõaþ -rõà -rõaü citaþ -tà -taü nicayã -yinã -yi (n) saüvalitaþ -tà -taü>%. ##, prep. (Encircling) %% prefixed. --(Near to, in time) %%. --(In number) %% affixed; as, 'about twelve years old,' %%. --(Concerning, relating to) %%. --(On account of) %%, with the crude form, or sometimes the gen. c. of the preceding noun. --(Engaged in any thing) %%, with loc. c. --(Close to one's person) %% ind., %%. ##, adv. (Circularly) %% ind., %% ind. --(Nearly) %% or %% ind. --(Here and there) %% ind., %% ind. --(To be about to do any thing) expressed by %%, 'prepared,' with the infin.; as, 'about to kill,' %%; or by the act. part. of the 2d fut.; as, %%, 'about to go,' %%, 'about to increase'; or, by the desid. adj.; as, %%, 'about to go,' %% 'about to die.' ##, prep. or adv. (Higher in place) %% or %% prefixed; %%. --(More in quantity) %%. --(Higher in rank) %%. --(Superior to, beyond) %%; as, 'above man's power,' %%. --(Above all, especially) %% ind., %% ind. ##, v. n. (To excel) %% (c. 1. %<-bhavati -bhavituü>%), %% in pass. (%<-÷iùyate>%). --(To be higher) %<årddhvaü sthà>% (c. 1. %%). ##, a. (Not in the grave, still existing) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-harati -te -harttuü>%) %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%). --(To shorten) %% in caus. (%%). --(To deprive of, cut off) %% (c. 7. %<-chinatti -chettuü>%), %% in caus. (%<-yojayati -yojayituü>%). ##, s. %% f. ##, adv. (In another country) %% loc. c. --(At large, unconfined) %%. --(Out of the house) %%. --(In all directions) %% ind. --(Sojourn abroad in a foreign country) %%. --(A sojourner abroad) %%. ##, v. a. %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Broken, craggy) %%. --(Sudden) %<àkasmikaþ -kã -kaü>%. --(Unconnected) %%. ##, adv. (Hastily) %%. ##, s. %% m., %% ##, v. n. (To hide one's self) %<àtmànaü guh>% (c. 1. %%), %% or %%. --(To disappear) %% in pass. (%<-dhãyate>%). --(To escape privately) %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-patati -patituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-sarpati -sarpituü>%). ##, s. %% f., %% m. --(Absence from) %%. --(Of mind) %% m. --(In one's absence) %%. ##, a. (Not present) %%. --(Abroad) %%. --(Absorbed in meditation) %%. --(Thinking of something else) %% or %<-manàþ -nàþ -naþ (s) ÷ånyahçdayaþ -yà -yaü>%. ##, v. n. %%, or %%, or %% (c. 1. %%) or %% (c. 2. %%). ##, s. %% m. %<(n) ade÷asthaþ>%. ##, a. (Complete) %%. --(Not relative, simple) %%. --(Sovereign, paramount) %%. --(An absolute king) %%. ##, adv. (Entirely) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f. ##, v. a. (To acquit of a crime) %% (c. 6. %%), %%, or in caus. %<(mocayati -yituü) pàpaü kùam>% (c. 1. %%), %%; 'he is absolved from crime,' %%. ##, p. p. %%. @<[Page 3a]>@ ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-pivati -pàtuü>%), %% in caus. %<(÷oùayati -yituü) ucchuù upa÷uù; gras>% (c. 1. %%), %%. ##, p. p. (Absorbed in any occupation) %%. --(In meditation) %%; (Drunk in) %%. ##, %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-varttate -varttituü>%) with abl.; as, 'he abstains from eating flesh,' %% in caus. %<(varjayati -yituü) parivçj vivçj>% with acc. ##, a. %% m. f. n. %<(j) parimitàhàraþ -rà -raü niyatàhàraþ -rà -raü yatàhàraþ -rà -raü ladhvà÷ã -÷inã -÷i (n) ladhvàhàraþ -rà -raü>%. ##, s. %<àhàraparityàgaþ alpàhàritvaü>%. ##, s. (Abstaining from food) %%. --(Restraint of the passions) %%. --(Forbearance from any thing) %% f., %%, f. ##, a. (Temperate) %%. --(Fasting) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-harati -te -harttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-karùati>%, c. 6. %<-kçùati -kraùñuü>%), %% (c. 3. %<-datte -dàtuü>%), %%. --(To reduce to an epitome) %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%), %%. ##, a. %% --(From material objects) %% --(Metaphysical) %<ànvãkùikaþ -kã -kaü>%. --(Abstracted in mind) %%. ##, s. (An epitome) %% n. %%. --(An abstract noun) %%. ##, ABSTRACTLY, adv. %%. --(Simply) %%. ##, s. (Taking away) %%. --(Separation) %%. --(From material objects) %%. --(Of the mind) %% m., %%. ##, a. (Hidden) %%. --(Remote from apprehension, obscure) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. (That which is absurd) %%. ##, s. %<ànarthakyaü anyàyatvaü ayàthàrthyaü>%. ##, adv. %% ind., %<ànarthakyena avicàreõa>%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %% or %<-hvã -hu bahulaþ -là -laü pracuraþ -rà -raü bhåriþ -riþ -ri vipulaþ -là -laü samadhikaþ -kà -kaü>%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %% ind., %% ind. ##, v. a. (Make ill use of) %% or %% or %% (c. 7. %<-yuükte -yoktuü>%), or in caus. %<(-yojayati -yituü) kadarthãkç vyarthãkç vçthàkç>%. --(Revile) %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -kurute -karttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vadate -vadituü>%), %% (c. 6. %%), with dat. or loc.; %<÷ap>% (c. 1. %<÷apati>%, c. 4. %<÷apyati ÷aptuü>%), %%, in caus. %<(-kùàrayati -yituü) mukharãkç atibrå>% (c. 2. %<-bravãti -vaktuü>%) --(To abuse in return) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% n. %<(s) paruùavacanaü paruùoktiþ>% f., (Ill use) %%. ##, p. p. (Badly employed) %%. --(Reviled) %<àkùiptaþ -ptà -ptaü àkruùñaþ -ùñà -ùñaü>%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. (To be added to) %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 2. %<-eti -etuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-gacchati -gantuü>%). --(To assent) %% (c. 9. %<-jànàti -nãte -j¤àtuü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-manyate -mantuü>%), %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(tvarayati -yituü) santvar pravçt>% in caus. (%<-varttayati -yituü>%). ##, s. (The sound of a syllable) %%. --(The manner of speaking) %%. --(The mark of a syllable) %%. --(Acute accent) %%. ##, v. a. (To pronounce with a proper accent) %% or %% in caus. (%<-càrayati -yituü>%) or %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 3. %%). ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %%), %% (c. 3. %<-dadàti -datte -dàtuü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-icchati -eùñuü>%), %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%). ##, a. %%. --(Agreeable) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Acceptance of money) %%. ##, s. (Meaning) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (The way by which any thing may be approached) %<àgamaþ abhigamaþ upagamaþ>%. --(Increase, addition) %% f., %%. ##, a. (Co-operator) %%. --(To a crime) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. (Increase by something added) %<àgamaþ vçddhiþ>% f., %%. --(Accession of wealth) %%. --(The act of joining one's self to) %% f. --(Accession to a throne) %% f. ##, a. (Additional) %%. --(Associated with) %%, or %%, or %%. @<[Page 4a]>@ ##, s. (Rudiments of grammar) %%. ##, s. (A casualty, chance) %% f., %% f., %% or %% or %<-nà ativarttanaü abhyudayaþ>%. --(Unfortunate accident) %<àpada>% f., %% f. --(A non-essential quality) %% f., %%. --(By accident) %%. ##, a. (Casual) %%. --(Non-essential) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (To adapt, adjust) %% in caus. %<(yojayati -yituü) sandhà>% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%), %%. --(To settle a difference) %% in caus. (%<-àpayati -yituü>%). --(To supply with conveniences) %% (c. 10. %<-kalpayati -yituü>%), %% in caus. %%. ##, s. (Supplying of conveniences) %%. --(Convenience) %%. --(Mutual accommodation) %%. --(Adaptation) %%. ##, p. p. %%. As applied to two persons %% or %% may be used; as, 'Nakula accompanied by Sahadeva,' %%; 'accompanied by Umà,' %%, Sometimes %% is prefixed with this, sense; as, 'accompanied by his ministers,' %%. ##, v. a. (As a companion) %% (c. 2. %<-yàti -yàtuü>%), %% (c. 2. %<-eti -etuü>%), %% in caus. %<(-vàrayati -yituü) sahàyãbhå>%. --(To join with) %% (c. 7. %%, c. 10. %%), %%. ##, s. (In crime) %%. --(Coadjutor) %% m. (%%). --(Adherent) %% m. (%%). ##, v. a. %% or %% in caus. %<(sàdhayati -yituü) saüsàdh; samàp>% in caus. %<(-àpayati -yituü) sampad>% in caus. %<(-pàdayati -yituü) samàcar>% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%), %% in caus. %<(-varttayati -yituü) samàsthà>% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 8. %%) %%. ##, %%. ##, %%. --(Clever) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% f., %<àsàdhanaü nirvvàhaþ ràddhiþ>% f., %% f. --(Of one's object) %% f. --(The condition of an accomplished man) %%. --(Embellishment) %%. ##, v. n. (To agree, suit) %% in pass. %<(yujyate) anuråpaþ -pà -paü>%, or %%, or %%. --(To be of the same opinion) %%. ##, s. (Concurrence) %% f., %%. --(In music) %%. --(Of one's own accord) %% ind., %%. --(With one accord) %%. ##, s. (Conformity) %%. ##, prep. (According to) %% ind. %% prefixed; 'according to seniority,' %%; 'according to one's desire,' %%; 'according to one's power,' %% ind. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##. v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-bhàùate -bhàùituü>%), %<àbhàù samàbhàù abhidhà>% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%), %<àmantr>% (c. 10. %<-mantrayati -te -yituü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (A computation) %%. --(Value, estimation) %%. --(Great value) %%. --(Narrative, explanation) %%; 'on this account,' %% ind., %%; 'on what account?' %% or %%; 'on account of,' %% or %% with the crude form; or expressed by simply putting the noun in the abl. c.; as, 'on account of anger,' %%; or by the indec. part. of %%; as, 'on which account,' %%. ##, v. a. (To esteem) %% (c. 4. %%, or caus. %%), %% in caus.; %% (c. 9. %%). --(To reckon, compute) %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 2. %<-khyàti -khyàtuü>%). --(To give an account or relation) %% (c. 10. %%), %<àkhyà nivid>% in caus. (%<-vedayati -yituü>%). ##, a. %% or %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 4. %<-nahyati -te -naddhuü>%), %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%). ##, %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. (To be added) %% (c. 1. %<-varttate -varttituü>%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% in pass. (%<-àpyate>%). --(To arise as profit) %% (c. 4. %<-padyate -pattuü>%), %% (c. 4. %%), %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 5. %%), %%. ##, v. n. %% in pass. %<(-cãyate) vçdh>% (c. 1. %%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. --(Nicety) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. @<[Page 5a]>@ ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. --(False) %%. ##, a. (Case) %% n. %<(n) dvitãyà vibhaktiþ>%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 7. %<-yunakti -yoktuü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùaptuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vadati -vadituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-÷apati -÷aptuü>%), %%. --(To be accused), %% in pass. (%<-yujyate>%). ##, %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) abhiyoktà>% m. %<(ktç) apavàdakaþ parivàdakaþ>%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 4. %<-asyati -asituü>%), %% or %% in caus. (%<÷ikùayati -yituü>%). --(To be accustomed) %%. ##, a. %<àcàrikaþ -kã -kaü àcaritaþ -tà -taü vyàvahàrikaþ -kã -kaü vyavahàrànuråpaþ -pà -paü svàbhàvikaþ -kã -kaü>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (On cards or dice) %%. --(Within an ace, all but) %%.--'All but dead,' %%. ##, s. %%. --(Sharpness of temper) %%. ##, s. %%. --(Headache) %<÷irovedanà>%. --(Tooth-ache) %%. ##, v. n. %% in pass. %<(pãóyate) vyath>% (c. 1. %%). ##, v. a. (To perform, finish) %% in caus. %<(-àpayati -yituü) sampad>% in caus. %<(-pàdayati -yituü) sidh>% in caus. (%%). --(To obtain) %% (c. 5. %<-àpnoti -àptuü>%), %%. ##, s. (A noble exploit) %% n. %<(n) ceùñitaü caritraü>%. --(In heraldry) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Of stomach) %%. ##, v. a. %% (nom. %%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-jànàti -nãte -j¤àtuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-bhàùate -bhàùituü>%). ##, s. %%. --(Of a fault) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(j¤àpayati -yituü) vij¤à; budh>% in caus. %<(bodhayati -yituü) prabudh pratibudh avabudh nivid>% in caus. (%<-vedayati -yituü>%). ##, s. %%. --(Knowledge) %%. --(An acquaintance, friend) %% m. %<(n) vibhàvaþ>%. --(Familiarity) %%. ##, %%. --(Known) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %%), %% with inst. or loc. --(In an opinion) %%. --(To assent) %% (c. 4. %<-manyate -mantuü>%), %% (c. 9. %<-jànàti -j¤àtuü>%). ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% f., %<÷àntiþ>% f. --(Submission) %% f. ##, a. %%. @<[Page 5b]>@ ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 5. %<-àproti -àptuü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-padyate -pattuü>%), %% (c. 5. %%), %% (c. 6. %<-vi÷ati -veùñuü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% f., %% f., %% f., %%. --(The thing gained) %<àgamaþ>%. --(Acquirement of knowledge) %% f., %%. --(Acquisition of property) %%. --(Various acquirement) %% f. ##, v. a. %% (c. 6. %%), %%, or in caus. %<(mocayati -yituü) ÷udha>% in caus. %<(÷odhayati -yituü) nistç>% in caus. (%<-tàrayati -yituü>%). ##, s. %<÷uddhiþ>% f., %<÷odhanaü muktiþ>% f., %%. ##, s. %% f. ##, p. p. %<÷uddhaþ -ddhà -ddhaü muktaþ -ktà -ktaü>%. ##, ACRIMONIOUS, a. %% or %<-ñvã -ñu ugraþ -grà -graü aruntudaþ -dà -daü prakharaþ -rà -raü>%. ##, s. %%. --(Of temper) %%. ##, adv. (To the other side) %%; as, 'across the sea, %%. --(Transversely) %%. --(With hands across) %%. ##, s. %<÷lokavi÷eùaþ>%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 8. %%), %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%). --(To conduct one's self) %% (c. 1. %<-harati -te -harttuü>%), %<àcar>% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%) --(As a stage-player) %% (c. 1. %%). ##, v. a. (To feign by action) %% (c. 10. %%); as, 'Acting the sentiment of love,' %<÷çïgàrabhàvaü nàñayantã; råp>% (c. 10. %%), %%. The sense of acting a part may be expressed by nominal verbs; as, 'he acts the king,' %%. --(To assume disguise) %%. ##, s. (A deed) %% n. %<(n) kàryyaü ceùñitaü kriyà kçtaü kçtyaü viceùñitaü>%. --(Of a play) %%. --(A decree) %%. ##, s. %% n. %<(n) kriyà kçtyà ceùñà viceùñitaü pravçttiþ>% f., %%. --(Agency, operation) %%. --(The action of the wind) %% f. --(Gesticulation) %%. --(An action in law) %% --(Fight, battle) %%. ##, a. (In law) %%. ##, a. (Engaged in action) %%. --(Nimble) %%. --(Having motion) %%. --(Active voice) %%. --(A verb in the active voice) %%. --(Fond of manly exercise) %% @<[Page 6a]>@ ##, s. %% f., %%. --(Manly exercise) %%. --(Active life) %% f. --(With activity) %% ind. ##, s. (Stage-player) %% m. %<(tç) ÷ailàlã>% m. %<(n) kç÷à÷vã>% m. (%%). --(He that acts or does) %% m. %<(n) kàrakaþ kàraþ>%. ##, s. %% pl. ##, a. (True, real) %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Quickness of intellect) %%. ##, %%. ##, a. (In intellect) %%. --(Not blunt) %% --(Acute pain) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. (Of intellect) %%. --(Sharpness) %% n. %<(s) tãvratà>%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %<÷anaiþ ÷anaiþ mandaü mandaü>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% or %<-jraü abhedyaprastaraþ>%. --(Diamond) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(yojayati -yituü) sandhà>% (c. 3. %<-dhatte -dhàtuü>%). --(To be adapted) %% in pass. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. a. (One thing to another) %% (c. 10. %<-yojayati -yituü>%) or %% (c. 3. %%), %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%), %% (c. 5. %<-cinoti -cetuü>%). --(To add together, cast up) %% (c. 2. %<-khyàti -khyàtuü>%), %% (c. 10. %<-gaõayati -yituü>%). ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (One's self to any thing) %<àsa¤j>% in pass. (%<-sajyate>% or %<-sajjate -saüktuü>%) with loc.; %% (c. 1. %%), %<àsev>% (c. 1. %<-sevate -sevituü>%), %% in caus. %<(-ve÷ayati -yituü) nirataþ -tà -taü>% or %<àsaktaþ -ktà -ktaü bhå>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, %% f., %<àsaktiþ>% f., %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. --(The state of being additional) %<àdhikyaü>%. --(In arithmetic) %%. --(The thing added) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. (By words) %<àmantr>% (c. 10. %<-mantrayate -yituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-bhàùate -bhàùituü>%), %<àbhàù samàbhàù pratibhàù abhivad>% (c. 1. %<-vadati -te -vadituü>%, c. 10. %<-vàdayati -te -yituü>%), %% (c. 2. %<-vakti -vaktuü>%), %<àlap>% (c. 1. %<-lapati -lapituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-gadati -gadituü>%). --(By name) %% (c. 9. %%). --(To address a letter, &c., to any one) %%. #
#, s. %%. --(By name) %%. --(Courtship) %%. --(Dexterity) %%. --(Direction of a letter) %%. ##, p. p. %% ##, %% (c. 4. %<-asyati -asituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-nayati -netuü>%) %<ànã sàkùàt kç>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. n. %% in pass. (%% or %%) %% with loc.; %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, or %% (c. 9. %<-badhnàti -banddhuü>%) in pass. %<(-badhyate) lã>% (c. 4. %%), %% in caus. (%%).--'He adheres to his promise,' %%. ##, s. %<àsaïgaþ anuùaïgaþ àsaktiþ>% f., %% f., %%. --(To a pursuit) %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) anugataþ anugàmã>% m. %<(n) sahàyaþ sahacaraþ>%. --(Follower of the same party) %%. ##, s. %% f. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<àmantraõaü àpracchanaü prasthànakàle àmantraõaü>%. --(To bid adieu) %<àpracch>% (c. 6. %<-pçcchate -praùñuü>%), %<àmantr>% (c. 10. %<-mantrayate -yituü>%) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %<àyuj>% (c. 7. %<-yunakti -yoktuü>%, c. 10. %<-yojayati -yituü>%) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %%), %%. ##. See ADJACENT. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %%). ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. (To cause one of the parties to give up the thing controverted) %% in caus. (%%). --(To decree judicially) %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 10. %%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. (An indicatory affix to verbs) %%. ##, (The act of adjoining) %%. @<[Page 7a]>@ ##, s. (The act of proffering an oath) %<÷àthanaü>%. --(The form of oath proffered) %<÷apathavyavasthà>%. ##, v. a. (To put upon oath) %<÷ap>% in caus. (%<÷àpayati -yituü>%). --(To charge earnestly) %<÷apathena samàdi÷>% (c. 6. %<-di÷ati -deùñuü>%). ##, v. a. %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%), %% (c. 7. %<-yunakti -yoktuü>% or in caus. %<-yojayati -yituü>%), %% in caus. %<(-sàdhayati -yituü) tulyaü -lyàü -lyaü kç>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (A helper) %% m. %<(n) sàhàyyakàrã>% m. (%%). --(In the army) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (Give, afford, supply) %% (c. 3. %%), %% in caus. %<(-pàdayati -yituü) prayuj>% in caus. (%<-yojayati -yituü>%). --(To conduct) %% in caus. %<(-vàhayati -yituü) nirvçt>% in caus. %<(-varttayati -yituü) pravçt; àvas>% (c. 1. %<-vasati -vastuü>%). --(Justice, punishment, &c.) %% (c. 1. %<-nayati -netuü>%), %% in caus. (%<-varttayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. (As justice) %%. ##, s. (The act of administering an office) %%. --(Those to whom the care of public affairs is committed) %% pl.; 'ministers of action,' %% pl.; 'ministers of counsel,' %% pl. --(The ministerial office) %%. --(Act of administering medicine, &c.) %%. ##, s. (One entrusted with the care of the effects of a deceased man) %%. --(One that conducts any thing) %% m. %<(tç) sampraõetà>% m. %<(tç) pravarttayità>% m. %<(tç) pravarttakaþ>%. ##, a. %<÷làghyaþ -ghyà -ghyaü pra÷aüsanãyaþ -yà -yaü adbhutaþ -tà -taü anupamaþ -mà -maü sundaraþ -rà -rã -raü>%. ##, adv. %<÷làghyaprakàreõa pra÷aüsanãyaprakàreõa adbhutaü>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (The officers appointed to administer naval affairs) %%. ##, s. %%. --(Wonder) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-÷aüsati -÷aüsituü>%), %<÷làgh>% (c. 1. %<÷làghate ÷làghituü>%). --(To regard with wonder) %% (c. 1. %%) or %% (c. 1. %<-ãkùate -ãkùituü>%). --(To regard with love) %% or %%. ##, s. (The person who admires) %% m. %<(n) ÷làghakaþ pra÷aüsakaþ>%. --(A lover) %% m. %<(n) anuràgavàn>% m. %<(t) praõayã>% m. %<(n) snehã>% m. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, s. (The act of admitting) %%. --(Admittance, entry) %%. --(Allowing an argument) %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(-ve÷ayati -yituü) nivi÷ àvi÷>%. --(Allow, approve of) %% (c. 9. %%), %%. ##, s. (Entry) %%. --(Allowance) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(-de÷ayati -yituü) upadi÷>% (c. 6. %<-di÷ati -deùñuü>%), %% or %% in caus. %<(-bodhayati -yituü) samàvid>% in caus. %<(-vedayati -yituü) ÷ikù>% in caus. %<(÷ikùayati -yituü) vij¤à>% in caus. %<(-j¤àpayati -yituü) mantr>% (c. 10. %%), %% in caus. %<(-dar÷ayati -yituü) anuyogaü kç>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) anuyojakaþ ÷ikùàdàtà>% m. %<(tç) ÷ikùakaþ>%. ##, s. %% ##, a. %%. ##, s. (Trouble) %%. --(Bustle, tumult) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (As a child) %%. --(To assume) %% (c. 9. %%), %<àtmasàtkç>%. ##, p. p. %%; 'an adopted son,' %%. --(Not natural) %%. ##, s. (Of a child) %%. ##, s. (Of a child) %%. --(Assumption) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (nom. %%), %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -kurute -karttuü>%), %% (c. 10. %%), %% (nom. %%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% m. (%%). ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %%, c. 10. %%), %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -kurute -karttuü>%), %% in caus. %<(÷obhayati -yituü) upa÷ubh; maõó>% (c. 10. %%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %% ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %<÷uùkaþ -ùkà -ùkaü tçùitaþ -tà -taü tçùàrttaþ -rttà -rttaü>%. ##, s. %% f., %<÷làghà anunayaþ stutiþ>% f. @<[Page 8a]>@ ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(dåùayati -yituü) mi÷r>% (c. 10. %%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) vyabhicàrã>% m. %<(n) pàrajàyikaþ>%. ##, s. %% f., %% f. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Corrupt) %%. ##, s. %%. --(To commit adultery) %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%), %% (c. 1. %%). ##, v. a. %%. ##, s. %%. --(The act of adumbrating) %%. --(Sketch) %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 2. %<-yàti -yàtuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-gacchati -gantuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-tiùñhati -te -sthàtuü>%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-sarati -sarttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-sarpati -sarptuü>% or %<-sarpituü>%), %% (c. 1. %%). --(To improve) %% (c. 1. %%). ##, v. a. %<ànã>% (c. 1. %<-nayati -netuü>%), %%; 'to advance an army,' %%. --(To aggrandize) %% in caus. (%%). --(To accelerate) %% in caus. (%%). --(To pay beforehand) %%. ##, s. %%. --(Improvement) %<àgamaþ varddhanaü krama÷o vçddhiþ>% f., %%. ##, p. p. (Brought forward) %<ànãtaþ -tà -taü vardhitaþ -tà -taü>%. --(In knowledge) %%. --(In life) %% (%% or %<ù>%), %%. ##, s. %%. --(Promotion) %% f., %% f., %% f. --(In knowledge) %%. ##, s. (Gain, profit) %%. --(Superiority over) %%. --(Opportunity) %%; 'for one's own advantage,' %<àtmavivçddhaye>% dat. c.; 'dressed to advantage,' %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%), %% (c. 9. %<-gçhlàti -grahãtuü>%), %% or %% (c. 3. %%). ##, a. %% or %<-rã -raü labhanãyaþ -yà -yaü>%. ##, adv. (Profitably) %%. --(Conveniently) %%. @<[Page 8b]>@ ##, s. %%. ##, s. %<àgamanaü>%. --(Of Christ) %%. ##, a. %<àgantukaþ -kà>% or %<-kã -kaü àhàryyaþ -ryyà -ryyaü>%; 'adventitious beauty,' %<àhàryya÷obhà>%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. (To try the chance) %% or %%. --(To attempt with daring) %% (c. 4. %<-syati -sàtuü>%). ##, s. %% m. (%%). ##, a. (Inclined to adventure) %%. --(Dangerous) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) ÷atruþ>% m., %% m., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f. %<(-d) àpat>% f. %<(-d) vipattiþ>% f., %%. ##, v. n. (To attend to, regard) %% (c. 3. %<-dhatte -dhàtuü>%), %% (c. 7. %%. c. 10. %%), %<àlakù>% (c. 10. %<-lakùayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-ãkùate -ãkùituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-pa÷yati -draùñuü>%), %% or %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (To inform) %% in caus. %<(j¤àpayati -yituü) vij¤à; nivid>% in caus. %<(-vedayati -yituü) samàvid; budh>% in caus. %<(bodhayati -yituü); såc>% (c. 10. %%). --(Give notice, publish) %% in caus. %<(-kà÷ayati -yituü) vikà÷; vidhuù>% in caus. %<(-ghoùayati -yituü); saüvàdapatreõa prakà÷>%. ##, s. (Instruction) %%. --(Intelligence) %%. --(By public paper) %%. ##, s. (He that gives intelligence) %%. --(The paper in which advertisements are published) %%. ##, s. %% or %<-÷anaü mantraþ àde÷aþ mantraõaü -õà àmar÷aþ pratyavamar÷aþ bodhanaü>%. --(Intelligence) %%. ##, s. %% or %%. ##, a. (Prudent) %%. --(Open to advice) %%. ##, v. a. (To give counsel) %% (c. 6. %<-di÷ati -deùñuü>%), %<÷ikù>% in caus. %<(÷ikùayati -yituü) anu÷às>% (c. 2. %<-÷àsti -÷àsituü>%). --(To inform) %% in caus. %<(j¤àpayati -yituü) nivid>% in caus. %<(-vedayati -yituü) budh>% in caus. (%%). ##, v. n. (To consult) %% (c. 10. %%). --(To deliberate) %% in caus. (%<-càrayati -yituü>%). ##, %%. --(Informed) %%. @<[Page 9a]>@ ##, adv. (Prudently) %% ind., %% ind., %%. --(Purposely) %% ind., %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(ùñç) upade÷ã>% m. %<(n) àde÷ã>% m. %<(n) mantrã>% m. (%<-n>%). --(Counsellor) %% m. (%%). ##, s. (A pleader in law) %% m. %<(n) paràrthaü prativàdã>% m. %<(n) pratinidhiþ>% m. --(Any defender) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %%); %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 10. %<-pàlayati -yituü>%). ##, s. (He that has the right of advowson) %%. ##, s. (A right to present to a benefice) %%. ##, s. %% m. %<-sã>% f. ##, a. (Belonging to the air) %<àkà÷ãyaþ -yà -yaü vàyavaþ -vã -vaü vaihàyasaþ -sã -saü>%. --(Produced in the air) %<àkà÷ajaþ -jà -jaü vàyujaþ -jà -jaü>%. --(Inhabiting the air) %%. --(Lofty) %%. ##, s. (A hawk's nest) %<÷yenanãóaþ ÷akuninãóaþ>%. ##, s. %<àkà÷avidyà vàyuvidyà>%. ##, s. %<àkà÷agàmã>% m. %<(n) àkà÷acaraþ>%. ##, s. %<àkà÷aþ vàyuþ>% m., %% n. %<(s) vihàyaþ>% n. (%%). ##, adv. (At a great distance) %% ind. --(To a great distance) %%. --(From afar) %%. --(Afar off) %%. ##, a. %% f, %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %% n. %<(n) vyàpàraþ viùayaþ arthaþ>%. ##, v. a. (Aim at) %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%); %% (c. 1. %%). --(Operate upon) %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%); %% (c. 2. %<-hanti -hantuü>%); %% in caus. (%%). --(To move with grief, &c.) %<÷okopahataü -tàü -taü kç>%; 'to affect with joy,' %%. --(To pretend) %% or %%; 'to affect to befriend a person,' %%. --(To think one's self) %% (c. 10. %%); 'one who affects learning,' %%. ##, s. %%; 'affectation of learning,' %%. --(A branch of feminine action) %%. --(False pretence) %% n. (%%). ##, part. a. (Pretended) %% prefixed, as, %%, 'affected kindness.' --(Full of affectation) %%. --(Affected by, disturbed by) %%. ##, adv. %%. @<[Page 9b]>@ ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% m., %% f., %% f., %% m. or %<-ma>% n. %<(-man) hàrddaü pra÷rayaþ>%. --(Passion of any kind) %%. --(Of the mind) %%. --(Of the body) %<÷arãrasya bhàvaþ>%. --(Parental) %%; 'I have great affection for him' %% or %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. (A marriage-contract) %%. --(Trust, confidence) %%. ##, v. a. (To betroth) %%. --(To confide) %% (c. 2. %<-÷vasiti -÷vasituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %<÷apathapatraü>%. --(To make affidavit) %% or %% (c. 2. %%), %<÷apathaü ÷ap>% (c. 1. %<÷apati ÷aptuü>%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. (Opposed to deny) %% (c. 2. %%). --(Maintain, declare positively) %% (c. 1. %%). --(Ratify) %% (c. 5. %<-stabhnoti>%, c. 9. %<-stabhnàti -stambhituü>%), %%. ##, s. (Declaring positively) %% f., %%. --(Argumentative statement) %%. --(Confirmation) %%. --(False) %%. ##, a. (That which affirms) %%. --(Favourable to the argument) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %<-badhnàti -banddhuü>%), %% (c. 7. %<-yunakti>%, c. 10. %<-yojayati -yituü>%), %<àyuj upayuj>%. ##, s. (Grammatical) %% f. ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %% or %%), %% (c. 10. %%), %% in caus. %<(vyathayati -yituü) àyas>% in caus. (%<-yàsayati -yituü>%). --(To be afflicted with disease) %% in pass. (%%) or %% in pass. ##, p. p. %%. --(Afflicted with) %% in composition; 'afflicted with disease,' %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. --(The act of flowing to any one place) %%. ##, a. %%. --(Flowing to any one place) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (Give) %% (c. 3. %%, c. 1. %%), %% in caus. (%<-pàdayati -yituü>%). --(To be able to bear expenses) %% or %<÷ak>% (c. 8. %<÷aknoti ÷aktuü>%), or %% (c. 1. %<-kalpate -kalpituü>% or %<-kalptuü>%). ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %%, c. 6. %%), %% (c. 10. %%), %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(tràsayati -yituü) vitras; bhã>% in caus. (%% or %%), %% in caus. (%<-vejayati -yituü>%). ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (Offer open insult) %%, or %%, or %%, or %%, or %% (c. 4. %<-manyate -mantuü>%), %% (c. 9. %<-jànàti -j¤àtuü>%), %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%), %<àkùar>% in caus. %<(-kùàrayati -yituü) adhikùip>% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% or %% m. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<àsekaþ àsecanaü abhiùekaþ>%. ##, v. a. (Betroth) %%. ##, adv. (Floating) %%. ##, adv. (On foot) %%. --(Going on foot) %% --(In action, or use) %%. --(Set on foot) %<àrabdhaþ -bdhà -bdhaü udyataþ -tà -taü>%. ##, prep. (In front) %%. --(In former time) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%; 'to be afraid of,' bhã (c. 3. %%), with abl. or gen.; as, 'he is afraid of the dog,' %% or %%. So also %% (c. 4. %%), %% (c. 6. %<-vijate -vijituü>%). ##, adv. %%. ##, s. (The part of a ship towards the stern) %%. ##, adv. (Towards the stern of a ship) %%. ##, prep. %% or %% prefixed; as, 'to go after,' %%; 'to run after,' %%. --(Of time) %% with abl. --(According to) %%; 'after that,' %%, or %%, or %%, or %%; 'after one another,' %%; 'a century after,' %%; 'after eating,' %% or %%; 'after the rising of the sun,' %%; 'after a few days,' %%. Sometimes 'after' is expressed by the indec. part.; as, 'after ascending the tree the nests were destroyed,' %%, or even by %%; as, 'after laying down a stake,' %%; or by repeating the word in such phrases as, 'he waters tree after tree,' %%. @<[Page 10b]>@ ##, adv. (In after time) %%, --(Following after another) %%. --(Subsequently) %% ind. ##, s. %%. --(Descendants) %% m. pl. ##, %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) param upatiùñhati yaþ uttarakàle jãvati yaþ>%. ##, s. %<÷asyasya dvitãyasaïgahaþ>% or %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% ##, s. %% f. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Relating to the afternoon) %<àparàhlikaþ -kã -kaü vaikàlikaþ -kã -kaü>%. ##, s. %%. --(Atchildbirth) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Descendants) %% m. pl. ##, s. %% ind., %% ind., %%. ##, adv. %% ind. --(Moreover) %% indec. --(On the other hand) %%. --(Repeatedly) %%. --(Further, in argument) %%. --(As much again) %%. --(Back again, as re in English or Latin) %%. --(In return for) %%. ##, prep. %%. --(Opposed to) %%. --(Over against) %%; 'against the wind,' %%; 'against the stream,' %% ind. 'Against' may be expressed by %% or %%, in such phrases as 'one should store up money against misfortune,' %<àpadarthe dhanaü rakùet>%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (A celebrated Saint, son of Mitra and Varuna, and regent of the star Canopus) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Period) %%. --(Life) %<àyuþ>% n. %<(s) jãvitakàlaþ vayaþ>% n. (%%). --(Age of the world) %%. --(Old age) %%; 'a youth who has come of age,' %%; 'a son twenty years of age,' %%; 'of the same age,' %%. ##, a. %%. @<[Page 11a]>@ ##, s. (State of an agent) %%. --(Operation) %%; 'human agency,' %%. --(Office of a deputy) %%. ##, s. (Doer) %% m. %<(rttç) karttçkaþ kàraþ kàrakaþ karaþ>% in comp. --(A deputy) %% m. %<(n) pratipuruùaþ kàryyàdhã÷aþ pratinidhiþ>% m. --(That which has the power of operating) %% m., %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 5. %<-cinoti -cetuü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%); %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. n. %% in caus. %<(-÷leùayati -yituü) saüyuj>% (c. 7. %<-yunakti -yoktuü>%, c. 10. %<-yojayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 2. %<-hanti -hantuü>%), %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(vardhayati -yituü) saüvçdh edh>% in caus. %<(edhayati -yituü) àpyai>% (caus. %<-pyàyayati -yituü>%), %% in caus. %% (c. 8. %%). ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% f., %% f. %% f., %%; 'for one's own aggrandisement,' %<àtmavivçddhaye>% dat. c. or %<àtmodayày>% dat. c. ##, v. a. (To increase) %% in caus. %<(varghayati -yituü) adhikaü -kàü -kaü kç atiriktaü -ktàü -ktaü kç garay>% (nom. %%). --(To irritate, provoke) %% in caus. %<(-kopayati -yituü) prapãó>% (c. 10. %<-pãóayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. (Increased) %%. --(Provoked) %%. ##, s. (Act of irritating) %%. (Act of increasing) %%. --(Aggravating circumstance) %%. ##, s. %% m., %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%), %% (c. 5. %<-cinoti -cetuü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (The act of aggregating) %%. --(A sum, collection) %%. ##, v. a. %<àkram>% (c. 1. %<-kràmati>%, c. 4. %<-kràmyati -kramituü>%), %% (c. 10. %%). --(To be the first to injure) %% or %%. ##, s. %<àkramaþ -maõaü atikramaþ laïghanaü>%. --(The first act of injury) %%. ##, s. %<àkràmakaþ atikràmakaþ drohã>% m. %<(n) prathamàpakàrakaraþ prathamàü hiüsàü karoti yaþ>%. ##, s. (Wrong endured) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %%), %<÷uc>% in caus. %<(÷ocayati -yituü) kli÷>% (c. 9. %%), %% in caus. %<(vyathayati -yituü) ard>% in caus. %<(ardayati -yituü) samard hiüs>% (c. 1. %%, c. 7. %%). ##, a. a. %%. @<[Page 11b]>@ ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Aloe-wood) %% m., %<-ru>% n., %%. ##, s. %%. --(Embankment) %% m. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(kùobhayati -yituü) vikùubh; dhå>% (c. 5. %%, c. 9. %% or %%), %<àdhå; manth>% (c. 1. %%, c. 9. %%), %% in caus. (%% or %%); %% (c. 1. %% or %%); %% (c. 1. %% or caus. %%), %<àluó samàluó pariluó viluó saüluó>%. --(To be agitated) %% (c. 4. %%); %% (c. 1. %<-hvalati -hvalituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Of mind, &c.) %%. --(Discussion) %%. ##, s. (He who agitates) %% m. (%%). --(Manager of affairs) %% m. %<(tç) nàyakaþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Allied to) %%. ##, s. (Relationship) %%. ##, AGONE, adv. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, part. %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %%), %% in pass. %<(-taùyate) santap>% ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. n. (Be in concord) %% (c. 4. %<-manyate -mantuü>%), %%. --(Assent to) %% (c. 4. %<-manyate -mantuü>%), %% (c. 9. %<-jànàti -j¤àtuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vadati -vadituü>%), %% (c. 9. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-gacchati -gantuü>%). --(Settle by stipulation) %% (c. 3. %<-dhatte -dhàtuü>%), %%. --(Be of the same mind) %%. --(Be consistent or suitable) %% in pass. (%%). ##, v. a. %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhatte -dhàtuü>%), %% or %%. ##, a. (Pleasant) %%. --(Suitable, comfortable) %%. --(To be agreeable, please) %% (c. 1. %%) ##, s. (Consistency with) %%. --(The quality of pleasing) %%. --(Resemblance) %%. ##, adv. %%. --(Ae cording to) %% ind., %% ind. --(Agreeably to one's nature) %%. @<[Page 12a]>@ ##, p. p. %%; 'he has agreed to a separation,' %%. ##, s. (Compact) %% f., %%. --(Making an agreement) %%. --(Breaking an agreement) %%. --(Concord) %% f., %%. --(Resemblance) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% f. (The science) %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) kçùividyàj¤aþ>%. --(A man of the third class) %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. --(A tertian ague) %%. --(A quartan) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, interj. %<à às hanta hà aho ahaha>%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %% ind. --(Headlong) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. --(An assistant) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%), %% (c. 9. %<-gçhlàti -grahãtaü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-rakùati -rakùituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(rttç) upakàrakaþ>% ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. (To give pain) %% (c. 10. %%). --(To be ailing) %<ãùadrogeõa>%, or %% in pass. (%%). ##, s. %<ãùadrogaþ ãùadvyàdhiþ>% m., %% m. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. and n. (As at a mark) %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-di÷ati -deùñuü>%) with acc.; as, 'aiming at him,' %%. --(Endeavour after) %<àp>% in des. %<(ãpsati ãpsituü) abhyàp; sev>% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%); %% (c. 1. %%), %<àkàïkù anukàïkù>%. --(To direct the weapon) %% (c. 6. %%). ##, s. (The point to which a missive weapon is thrown) %%. --(The direction of the weapon) %%. --(A purpose, design) %%. --(Conjecture) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<àkà÷aþ vàyuþ>% m., %% n. %<(s) vihàyaþ>% n. %<(s) samãraõaþ samiraþ>%. --(Air in motion) %%. --(In music) %%. --(Appearance) %% f. --(Gesture, mien) %% f., %% f. --(Manner) %% m., %%. --(Scent, vapour) %%; 'aloft in air, %% ind.; 'to build castles in the air,' %%. ##, v. a. (To expose to the air) %%. --(To dry) %<÷uù>% in caus. %<(÷oùayati -yituü) ÷uùkãkç nirjalaü -làü -laü kç>%. ##, s. %<àkà÷ayànaü vyomayànaü àkà÷avartmanà gamanàrthaü vimànaü>%. ##, s. (Any cuticle filled with air) %% ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<÷aràdipràsanàrthaü vàyupåritaü yantraü>%. ##, s. %% ##, s. %% ##, s. %%. ##, s. %<àkare vàyugamanàrthaü pathaþ>% or %%. ##, a. (Composed of air) %%. --(Open to the air) %%. --(Wanting reality, vain, empty) %<÷ånyaþ -nyà -nyaü laghuþ -ghuþ -ghvã -ghu avàstavaþ -vã -vaü asàraþ -rà -raü ca¤calaþ -là -laü vàyusamaþ -mà -maü>% ##, s. (A path in a church) %%. ##, a. (Allied by blood, used of persons) %%. --(Used of things) %%. ##, s. %<÷vetaprastaravi÷eùaþ>%. ##, interj. (Alas!) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. (Fright) %%. --(A cry by which soldiers are summoned to arms) %%. --(Alarm-cry in general) %% m. ##, v. a. bhã in caus. (%% or %%), %% in caus. %<(tràsayati -yituü) vitras santras>% in caus. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m., %%. ##, interj. %%. ##, s. (A white garment worn by priests) %%. ##, %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %<÷vetadvãpaþ>%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<÷uklaü cakùårogaþ ÷uklamaõóalarogaþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% f. @<[Page 13a]>@ ##, s. %%. --(Impalpable powder) %% n. (%%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) ÷auõóikaþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %<÷ãtaþ -tà -taü ÷ãtalaþ -là -laü ÷i÷iraþ -rà -raü himavàn -vatã -vat (t)>%. ##, s. (A foreigner) %% m. %<(n) vide÷ãyaþ bhinnajàtãyaþ>%. ##, a. %%. --(Estranged from) %%. --(Adverse to) %%. ##, a. %%. --(Alienable property) %%. ##, v. a. (To withdraw the affections) %% in caus. (%<-ra¤jayati -yituü>%). --(To transfer property) %% or %%, or %% in caus. (%<-pàdayati -yituü>%). ##, a. %%. ##, p. p. %%. See ALIENATE. ##, s. (Coldness of affection) %% f., %%. --(Transferring of property) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-tarati -tarituü -tarãtuü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-vi÷ati -veùñuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-patati -patituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<àhàraþ bhojanaü bhakùyaü bhojyaü annaü khàdyaü pauùñikaü>%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) bharaõa÷ãlatà>%. ##, s. %% f. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. --(Cheerful, sprightly) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% m. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. @<[Page 13b]>@ ##, s. (The whole) %%; 'In all, altogether,' %%; 'not at all,' %%; 'at all times,' %%; 'all but,' %% ind., %%; 'all of a sudden,' %%; 'all I can,' %% ind., %%; 'all around,' %%; 'by all means,' %%; 'all at once,' %% ind., 'most of all,' %%; 'all hail,' %% ind. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. --(Omniparous) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, %%. ##, a. %%. ##, n. %%. ##, %%. ##, a. %% m. f. n., %%. ##, v. a. (To mitigate) %<÷am>% in caus. %<(÷amayati -yituü) pra÷am upa÷am; ÷àntv>% or %% (c. 10. %<÷àntvayati -yituü>%) %% in caus. (%%). --(To mix one metal with another) %% (c. 10. %%); %%. ##, s. (Mitigation) %<÷àntiþ>% f., %% f., %%; 'allayment of fear,' %%; 'allayment of hunger,' %%. --(Mixture of base metal) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %<÷amakaþ ÷àntikaraþ ÷àntikarttà>% m. %<(rttç) ÷àntidaþ>%. ##, s. (Affirmation) %%. --(False allegation) %%. --(Excuse, plea) %% n. %<(n) upade÷aþ vyapade÷aþ>%. ##, v. a. (To affirm, declare) %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 2. %%). --(To plead as an excuse) %%. (c. 6. %<-di÷ati -deùñuü>%), %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, v. a. %% (nom. %%) %% (c. 1. %%). ##, s. %% f. ##, adv. %%. ##, v. a. %<÷am>% in caus. %<(÷amayati -yituü) pra÷am upa÷am; ÷àntv>% or %% (c. 10. %%), %% (nom. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-harati -te -harttuü>%), %%. @<[Page 14a]>@ ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %<÷àntiþ>% f., %%. ##, a. (Giving alleviation) %<÷àntidaþ -dà -daü ÷àntikaraþ -rà -raü ÷amakaþ -kà -kaü>%. ##, s. (A narrow passage) %% f. --(A walk in a garden) %%. ##, s. (League) %% m., %%. --(Relation by marriage, &c.) %%; 'offensive and defensive alliance,' %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %<-badhnàti -banddhuü>% or caus. %<-bandhayati -yituü>%), %%. ##, s. (Tying together) %%. --(Rule in arithmetic) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. (Set on by crying alloo) %% (caus. %<-codayati -yituü>%). ##, v. a. (Distribute by lot) %% (c. 1. %<-bhajati -te -bhaktuü>%), %% (c. 10. %<-aüsayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 4. %<-asyati -asituü>%), %% (c. 10. %%), %%. --(To grant) %% (c. 8. %<-dadàti -dàtuü>%). ##, s. (Distributing by lot) %%. --(The portion granted) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %<-jànàti -j¤àtuü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-manyate -mantuü>%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-modate -modituü>%). --(To admit an argument) %% (c. 9. %%). --(To allow wages) %% or %% (c. 3. %<-dadàti -dàtuü>%). --(To abate) %%. ##, a. %%. --(Admissible) %%. ##, s. %% f. --(Stipulated pay) %%. --(Abatement) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Abatement, impairment) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. n. (Hint at) %% (c. 6. %<-di÷ati -deùñuü>%), %% (c. 10. %%), %% or %% or %% in caus. %<(smàrayati -yituü) prabudh>% in caus. (%<-bodhayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. a. %<àkçù>% (c. 1. %<-karùati>% or c. 6. %<-kçùati -kraùñuü>%), %% in caus. (%<-lobhayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. %<àkçùñaþ -ùñà -ùñaü>% or %<àkartpitaþ -tà -taü pralobhitaþ -tà -taü>%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %<àkarùakaþ -kà -kaü àkarùã -rùiõã -rùi (n) pralobhakaþ -kà -kaü va¤cakaþ -kà -kaü>%. @<[Page 14b]>@ ##, adv. %%. ##, s. (Hint) %%. --(Allusion to) %%. --(In allusion to) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% or %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) mitraü sçhçd>% m., %% m. %<(n) sambandhã>% m. (%%). ##, v. a. %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhatte -dhàtuü>%), %% (caus. %<-bandhayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 10. %<-yojayati -yituü>%), %% in caus. (%<-÷leùayati -yituü>%). ##, s. %% f. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %% m. f. n., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %% affixed. --(Somewhat less) %<ãùadånaü yat ki¤cina nyånaü>%; 'almost four,' %% m. pl.; 'almost every person,' %%; 'almost dead,' %% or %% or %%; 'almost finished,' %%; 'seven days being almost ended,' %%. ##, s. %%; 'to beg alms,' %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %%), %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) daridrapoùakaþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) bhikùopajãvã>% m. (%%). ##, s. (The plant) %%. --(A precious wood) %%. ##, adv. %%. --(In-air) %%. ##, a. %%. --(Only) %%. ##, prep. (At length, all along the side of) %% prefixed to the acc. c. neuter; as, 'along the Ganges,' %%; 'along the bank,' %%. --(Forward) %% ind., %%. --(Along with) %%. --(All along, from first to last) %%. --(Along-side) %% ind. ##, adv. %%. --(Standing aloof) %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, adv. (Some time ago) %%. --(At the present time) %%. @<[Page 15a]>@ ##, adv. %%. --(In like manner) %% ind., %%. ##, s. %% m. or %<-dã>% f., %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 4. %<-asyati -asituü>%), %% in caus. (%<-varttayati -yituü>%). --(To alter for the worse) %% (c. 8. %<-kurute -karttuü>%), %% (c. 10. %<-råpayati -yituü>%). ##, v. n. %% or %% or %%. --(For the worse) %% (c. 8. %<-kurute>%). --(To alter in mind and feelings) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. (The fostering of a child) %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-vadate -vadituü>%), %% (c. 1. %%). ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, p. p. %%. --(In mind) %%. ##, ALTERNATELY, adv. %%; 'alternate sleeping and waking,' %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(-varttayati -yituü) vihç>% (c. 1. %<-harati -harttuü>%). ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-varttate -varttituü>%). ##, s. %% f. --(Alternation of employment or duty) %%. ##, %%. --(In grammar) %% f. ##, conj. %%. 'Although' is sometimes expressed by the potential mood of the verb; as, 'although it be not,' %%. --(Notwithstanding) %%. ##, s. %% f. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. --(Superiority) %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %% ind., %%. --(Conjunctly) %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, adv. (Violently) %% ind. --(With impetuosity) %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 10. %%).-- --(To unite together) %% (c. 10. %<-yàjayati -yituü>%), %% in caus. %<(-÷leùayati -yituü) saühan>% (c. 2. %<-hanti -hantuü>%), %%. ##, s. (Of metals) %%. --(Junction) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 5. %<-cinoti -cetuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-bharati -te -bharttuü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %% or %<àtmavinodàrthaü sevate yaþ>%. --(In music) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(-smàyayati -te -yituü) àkulãkç. vyàkulãkç vismayàkulaü -làü -laü>% or %% or %%. ##, s. %%. --(Confusion) %<àkulatvaü vyàkulatà>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, part. a. (Astonishing) %%. --(Excessive) %%; 'amazing power,' %% f. ##, adv. %%. --(Excessively) %%; 'amazingly covetous,' %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %% m. (%%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m., %% m. %<(n) ÷åkàpuññaþ>%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Having equally the use of both hands) %%. --(Equally ready to act on both sides) %% m. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, AMBIGUOUSNESS, s. %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, s. %%. @<[Page 16a]>@ ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %%) or %% (c. 1. %%). ##, s. %% f. ##, s. %% m. (%%). ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%). %% in freq. %<(caükramyate) parikram>% (c. 4. %<-kràmyati kramituü>%), %%. ##, s. %%. ##, AMBUSH, s. (A place where persons lie in wait) %%. --(The liers in wait) %%. ##, v. a. %%, or %<÷reyàüsaü -yasãü -yaþ>% or %%, or %%. ##, s. %<÷reyastvaü bhadrataratà ÷reùñhatà ÷rauùñhyaü vçddhiþ>% f. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. (To correct) %<÷udh>% in caus. %<(÷odhayati -yituü) pari÷udh vi÷udh saü÷udh; samàdhà>% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhatte -dhàtuü>%). --(To amend one's life, leave wickedness) %% (c. 1. %<-varttate -varttituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%), or %% (c. 1. %<-tiùñhati -sthàtuü>%), %%. ##, v. n. (As the life or manners) %<÷udh>% (c. 4. %<÷udhyati ÷oddhuü>%), %% in pass. %<(-dhãyate) bhadrataraþ -rà -raü bhå sàdhuþ -dhuþ>% or %<-dhvã -dhu bhå>%. --(As a disease) %<÷am>% (c. 4. %<÷àmyati ÷amituü>%) %%. ##, p. p. %<÷odhitaþ -tà -taü saü÷uddhaþ -ddhà -ddhaü>%. --(Ceased from evil) %%. ##, s. %<÷odhanaü saü÷uddhiþ>% f., %%. --(Of life) %<àcàra÷odhanaü doùa÷odhanaü>%. --(Of a disease) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %%) with two accusatives. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Loss) %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. --(Pleasant) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, AMIDST, prep. %%. @<[Page 16b]>@ ##, adj. %%. adv. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Between nations) %% m. ##, s. (Gum ammoniac) %%. --(Sal ammoniac) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, AMONGST, prep. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, v. n. %% in pass. %<(-cãyate) sa¤ci samudi>% in pass. %<(-ãyate) saïkhyà>% in pass. (%<-khyàyate>%); 'amounting to,' %%. ##, s. %%; 'money to the amount of a lac,' %%. --(Value, price) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. --(In rhetoric) %% f. ##, AMPLIFICATE, v. a. %% in caus. %<(vardhayati -yituü) saüvçdh; vistç>% (c. 5. %<-stçõoti>%, c. 9. %<-stçõàti -starituü -starãtuü>%, caus. %<-stàrayati>%), %<àpyai>% in caus. %<(-pyàyayati -yituü) samàpyai; tan>% (c. 8. %%). ##, s. (Extent) %%. --(Greatness) %% m. (%%). --(Capacity) %<àdhàra÷aktiþ sàmarthyaü>%. --(Abundance) %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 7. %%), %% (c. 9. %%), %% (c. 6. %<-kçntati -kartituü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% or %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(nandayati -yituü) abhinand pratinand; ram>% in caus. %<(ramayati -yituü) vinud>% in caus. (%%). --(To amuse one's self) %% (c. 1. %<-lasati -lasituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% f., %% n. %<(n) kautukaü kutåhalaü>%. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) nandakaþ>%. ##. See A. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, %%. ##, %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(The essence of any thing) %% n. ##, v. a. %%, or %%, or %% or %% (c. 1. %<-bhajati -te -bhaktuü>%), %% (c. 7. %<-chinatti -chettuü>%), %% in caus. (%%), %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %<÷àpaþ abhi÷àpaþ pari÷àpaþ àkro÷anaü avakro÷aþ>%. ##, v. a. %<÷ap>% (c. 1. %<÷apati>%, c. 4. %<÷apyati ÷aptuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-kro÷ati -kroùñuü>%). ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, v. a. %<÷arãraü vyavachid>% (c. 7. %<-chinatti -chettuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-÷asati -÷asituü>%), %%. --(To lay open distinctly) %% (c. 5. %<-vçõoti -varituü>% or %<-varãtuü>%), %% (c. 2. %<-khyàti -khyàtuü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% m. (%%). ##, s. %<÷arãravyavachedavidyà vi÷asanavidyà vi÷asanaü>%. --(Division of any thing) %%. ##, s. %%. --(Ancestors) %% m. pl., %% m. pl., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% m. pl., %% m. pl., %% f., %% n. --(Birth, the honour of descent) %%. ##, s. %% or %%. --(A post for mooring vessels) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %%) or %%. ##, s. %%. --(The duty paid for anchoring) %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) yatã>% m. %<(n) yatiþ>% m., %% m. %<(n) sannyàsã>% m. %<(n) vanã>% m. (%%). --(Brahman of the 3d order) %% m. (%%). ##, s. %%. ##, a. %% or %<-õã -õaü puràtanaþ -nã -naü pràkkàlãnaþ -nà -naü pauràõaþ -õã -õaü pràktanaþ -nã -naü vçddhaþ -ddhà -ddhaü pràcãnaþ -nà -naü pårvvakàlãnaþ -nà -naü cirantanaþ -nã -naü>%. ##, s. %%. --(The flag of a ship) %% or %%. --(Flag-bearer) %% m. (%%). @<[Page 17b]>@ ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. pl., %% m. pl., %% m. pl. ##, conj. %% placed after the word which it connects with another. In many cases 'and' may be omitted in Sanskrit, and the connection expressed by the use of the indeclinable participle; as, 'the beasts assembled and informed the lion,' %%. --(Moreover) %%. --(And then) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, prep. (Concerning) %% ind., %% ind., %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, adv. (Over again) %%. --(Newly) %%. ##, s. %<ã÷varadåtaþ devadåtaþ ã÷varaprepyaþ svargã>% m. %<(n) parame÷varapreritaþ svargãyadåtaþ svargadåtaþ divyatåtaþ>%. ##, ANGELIC, a. %<ã÷varadåtopamaþ -mà -maü divyaþ -vyà -vyaü devaråpã -piõã -pi (n) svargãyaþ -yà -yaü>%. ##, adv. %<ã÷varadåtavat svargãyajanavat divyaprakàreõa>%. ##, s. %%; 'my anger is appeased,' %%; 'through anger,' %%. --(Smart of a sore) %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(kopayati -yituü) prakup saïkup; krudh>% in caus. (%%). ##, s. %%. --(Apparatus to take fish) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-harati -te -harttuü>%), %% (nom. %%), %% (c. 4. %%) or %% (c. 9. %%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) yo vaói÷ena matsyàn gçhlàti>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% or %% m. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%. --(To be angry) %% (c. 4. %%), %% (c. 4. %%), %% (c. 4. %%), %% with dative; %% (%%) with acc. ##, s. %% m., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Palpitation) %%. ##, s. (Reproof) %%.-- --(Infliction of punishment) %%. --(Observation) %%. ##, v. n. (To pass censure on) %% (c. 1. %<-nindati -nindituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-labhate -labdhuü>%). --(To punish) %% (c. 1. %<-nayati -netuü>%), %% (c. 10. %%). --(To make observation) %% (c. 1. %<-ãkùate -ãkùituü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. --(Punished) %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) anuyogã>% m. (%%). ##, s. %% m., %% m. %<(n) cetanaþ jãvã>% m. %<(n) jantuþ>% m., %% m. %<(n) ÷arãrã>% m. (%%). --(Beast) %% m., %% m. (%<-¤c>%). ##, a. %%. --(Animal food) %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) kùudrajantuþ>% m. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(jãvayati -yituü) pràõ>% in caus. %<(-ànayati -yituü) à÷vas>% in caus. %<(-÷vàsayati -yituü) samà÷vas vi÷vas parivi÷vas>% in caus.; %% in caus. %<(utthàpayati -yituü) udyuj>% in caus. %<(-yojayati -yituü) protsah>% in caus. %<(-sàhayati -yituü) uttij>% (c. 10. %<-tejayati -yituü>%). ##, ANIMATED, part. a. (Inspirited) %<à÷vàsitaþ -tà -taü udyuktaþ -ktà -ktaü uttejitaþ -tà -ta>%. --(Living) %%. --(Vivacious) %%. ##, s. (The act of enlivening) %<à÷vàsanaü uttejanaü>%. --(The state of being enlivened, vivacity) %%. ##, s. %<à÷vàsakaþ jãvadaþ pràõadaþ protsàhakaþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% or %% f., %% f. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% or %% (c. 10. %%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Sacrifice of first-fruits) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %% or caus. %%). ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %<-badhnàti -banddhuü>%), %<àbandh; saüyuj>% in caus. %<(-yojayati -yituü) upàdhà>% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhatte -dhàtuü>%), %<àdhà; upasthà>% in caus. (%<-sthàpayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (The act of annexing). See the last. --(The thing annexed) %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(nà÷ayati -yituü) vina÷; pralã>% in caus. (%<-làpayati>% or %<-làyayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-harati -te -harttuü>%), %% (c. 7. %<-chinatti -chettuü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. @<[Page 18b]>@ ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. n. %<ñãkàü>% or %% (c. 6. %%) or %% (c. 10. %%). ##, s. %<ñãkà bhàùyaü ñippanã>% f. ##, s. %<ñãkàlekhakaþ bhàùyakaraþ bhàùyakçt>%. ##, v. a. %<àkhyà>% (c. 2. %<-khyàti -te -khyàtuü>%), %% in caus. %<(khyàpayati -yituü) àkhyà>% in caus.; %% (c. 1. %<-ghoùati -ghoùituü>% or c. 10. %%), %% in caus. %<(vedayati -yituü) nivid àvid samàvid vinivid sannivid; vij¤à>% in caus. (%<-j¤àpayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. --(News) %%. ##, s. %<àkhyàyakaþ vij¤àpakaþ vighoùakaþ sande÷aharaþ>%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %%), %% in caus. %<(tàpayati -yituü) santap paritap; kli÷>% (c. 9. %%), %% in caus. %<(ardayati -yituü) samard bàdh>% (c. 1. %%). ##, s. %%. --(The act of annoying) %%. --(A source of annoyance) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. --(Lasting only for a year) %%; 'an annual plant,' %% f. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %% or %% or %%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. (%<-nàravyati -yituü>%). ##, a %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 7. %<-yunakti -yuükte -yoktuü>%). ##, s. %%. ##, %%. ##, a. %<÷ålaghnaþ -ghnã -ghnaü vedanà÷àntikaþ -kã -kaü pãóà÷amakaþ -kà -kaü>%. ##, s. %<÷ålaghnaü vedanà÷àntikaü>%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 6. %%), %% (c. 7. %%) or caus. %<(a¤jayati -yituü) samàlabh>% (c. 1. %<-labhate -labdhuü>%). --(To consecrate by unction) %% (c. 6. %<-si¤cati -sektuü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% m. (%%). @<[Page 19a]>@ ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %% ind. ##, s. %% m., %%. ##, adv. (Quickly, soon) %<÷ãghraü sapadi jhañiti>%. --(Now and then) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%. Another is often expressed by %% in composition; as, 'another place,' %%; 'along with another king,' %%. 'In another place,' %%; 'in another manner,' %%; 'at another time,' %%; 'one after another,' %% ind., %%; 'a defect in another,' %%; 'another's wife,' %%; 'another man's goods,' %%; 'another's right,' %%; 'another day,' %%. ##, v. n. (To speak in reply) %% (c. 2. %<-vakti -vaktuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-bhàùate -bhàùituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vadati -te -vadituü>%), %% (c. 2. %<-bravãti -vaktuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-harati -te -harttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-bhaõati -bhaõituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-jalpati -jalpituü>%). --(To correspond, to suit) %% in pass. %<(yujyate) anuråpaþ -pà -paü>% or %% or %%. --(To succeed) %% (c. 4. %<-padyate -pattuü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-sidhyati -seddhuü>%). --(To be accountable for) %% or %% (c. 3. %%). ##, s. %% f. %<(c) uttaraü pratyuttaraü pratyuktiþ>% f., %% f. --(Refutation of a charge) %%. ##, a. %%. --(Responsible) %%. --(Corresponding to) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(s) vamrãkåñaü vàmalåraþ syamãkaþ mçttikàkåñaü>%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) vipakùaþ vairã>% m. %<(n) ÷atruþ>% m., %% m. %<(ktç) paryyavasthàtà>% m. %<(tç) pratibandhakaþ>%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adj. %%. --(The south pole) %% m. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%, ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. @<[Page 19b]>@ ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<ã÷varastavàtmakaü gãtaü ã÷varastutiråpakaü gànaü>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. pl., %<àmamàüsà÷inaþ>% m. pl., %% m. pl., %% m. pl., %% m. pl. ##, a. %%. ##, a. (Buffoon-like) %%. --(Odd, unnatural) %%. ##, s. (A buffoon) %%. --(An odd gesture) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (Before the time) %% (c. 9. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-ãkùate -ãkùituü>%). --(To foretaste) %% (c. 1. %<-bhavati -bhavituü>%), %% (c. 9. %%) or %% (c. 7. %%), %% (c. 1. %%), %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Dealer in) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. --(Made of antimony) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, ANTIQUARIAN, s. %% m. (%%). ##, a. (Ancient) %% or %<-õã -õaü puràtanaþ -nã -naü pràktanaþ -nã -naü pårvvakàlãnaþ -nà -naü cirantanaþ -nã -naü>%. --(Oldfashioned) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Old-times) %%. --(The ancients) %% m. pl. --(Ancientness) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% n., %<àdar÷aþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %<÷çïgã -ïginã -ïgi (n) viùàõã -õinã -õi (n)>%. ##, %% m., %%. ##, s. %% f., %<÷årmmiþ>% m., %%. ##, s. %% m., %%. @<[Page 20a]>@ ##, a. (Solicitous) %%. --(Eagerly endeavouring) %%. --(Desirous of) %<ãpsuþ -psuþ -psu icchuþ -cchuþ -cchu>%; 'anxious to see,' %%; 'anxious to do,' %%. --(To be anxious) %% (nom. %%). ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %% m. %% f. %% n., %% m. %% f. %% n., %% m. %% f. %% n.; 'any thing,' %%; 'any where,' %%; 'any longer,' %%; 'any how,' %%; 'at any time,' %%; 'any further,' %%; 'any one soever,' %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, adv. Often expressed by the prep. %%; 'having the knees apart,' %%. --(Privately) %% ind., %%. --(At a distance) %%. --(Aside, to one's self) %%. ##, s. %<÷àlà koùñhaþ àvàsaþ àgàraü gçhaü>%. --(The inner apartments) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m., %%. --(Imitator) %% m. (%%). ##, v. a. %% or %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -karttuü>%). ##, s. %% m. ##, a. %%. --(An aperient medicine) %%. ##, s. %%. --(Act of opening) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %<÷ikhà ÷ikharaü agraü cåóà ÷iraþ>% n. (%%). ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Exciting passion) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %% ind., %% ind. ##, a. %%. --(Imitative) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %% ind. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Of uncertain authority) %%. ##, APOLOGETICAL, a. %%. ##, s. (For another) %% m. %<(rttç) pararakùàrthaü vàdã>% m. %<(n) prativàdã>% m. %<(n) uttaravàdã>% m. --(For one's self) %% m. %<(-ùñç) chadmakàrã svadoùasvãkàrã>% m. %<(n) pratyavaskandakàrã>% m. (%%). ##, v. n. (To state some plea) %% (c. 6. %<-di÷ati deùñuü>%), %% or %% or %%. --(To acknowledge one's fault) %%. --(To apologise for another) %% (c. 1. %<-vadati -vadituü>%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% n. %<(n) pratyavaskandaþ svadoùasvãkàraþ chadmakaraõaü>%. --(For another) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, APOPLECTIC, a. (Relating to apoplexy) %%. --(Inclined to apoplexy) %%. ##, s. %% f. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) svajàtãyavyavahàrabhraùñaþ àtmadharmmacyutaþ anya÷àkhaþ svajàtãyadharmmaü tyaktvà paradharmmà÷ritaþ>%. ##, v. n. %% or %% (c. 4. %%, c. 1. %%) or %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-÷rayati -÷rayituü>%). ##, APOSTHUME, s. %<÷vayathuþ vidradhiþ>% m., %<÷ophaþ sphoñaþ påyasampårõaþ sphoñaþ>%. ##, s. %<ã÷varapreritaþ ã÷varadåtaþ ã÷varàj¤àvahaþ preritaþ>%. ##, s. %<ã÷varapreritatvaü ã÷varadautyaü preritvaü>%. ##, APOSTOLIC, a. (Enjoined by an apostle) %<ã÷varapreritenàdiùñaþ -ùñà -ùñaü>%. --(Relating to the Apostles) %<ã÷varapreritasasbandhã -ndhinã -ndhi (n)>%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %<-mantrayate -yituü>%). ##, s. %% m. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) auùadhavikretà>% m. %<(tç) agadaïkàraþ>%. ##, s. See APOPHTHEGM. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. bhã in caus. (%% or %%), %% in caus. %<(tràsayati -yituü) vitras santras; udvij>% in caus. %<(-vejayati -yituü) vyàkulãkç>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% f. --(Military apparatus) %<÷astropakaraõaü>%. ##, s. %% ##, v. a. %% (nom. %%), %<àchad>% (c. 10. %<-chàdayati -yituü>%); %% (c. 1. %%), %% in caus. %<(vàsayati -yituü) pravas; pravç>% (c. 5. %<-vçõoti -varituü>% or %<-varãtuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vyayati -vyàtuü>%). --(To apparel one's self) %% (c. 2. %%). ##, p. p. %<àcchàditaþ -tà -taü pracchàditaþ -tà -taü paricchannaþ -nnà -nnaü vastraveùñitaþ -tà -taü saüvãtaþ -tà -taü>%. ##, a. %%. --(Not real) %%; apparent praise,' i. e. 'not real,' %% f., %%; 'heir-apparent,' %%. --(To make apparent) %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind., %<àvis pratyakùatas spaùñaü>%. ##, s. (Appearance, form) %<àbhàsaþ àbhà chàyà àkàraþ àkçtiþ>% f., %%. --(Spectre, walking spirit) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 10. %<-arthayate -yituü>%); %% or %%. --(To call another as witness) %% (c. 1. %<-hvayati -te -hvàtuü>%). ##, s. %%. --(The calling upon any one as witness or judge) %<àhvànaü>%. ##, v. n. (To become visible) %% in pass. %<(dç÷yate) abhidç÷ pratidç÷; prabhå>% (c. 1. %<-bhavati -bhavituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-kà÷ate -kà÷ituü>%), %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%). --(Show one's self) %<àtmànaü dç÷>% in caus. %<(dar÷ayati -yituü) dar÷anaü dà>%. --(To seem) %% (c. 2. %<-bhàti -bhàtuü>%), %% in pass. (%%). --(To be evident) %% (c. 1. %<-bhavati -bhavituü>%), %<àvirbhå; pràduras>% (c. 2. %<-asti>%); 'you appear dismayed,' %%. ##, s. (Coming into sight) %%. --(Entry into a place or company) %% f., %%. --(The thing seen) %% f., %% f., %<àkàraþ>%. --(Semblance, not reality) %%. --(Presence, mien) %%. --(Probability) %%. ##, v. a. %<÷am>% in caus. %<(÷amayati -yituü) upa÷am pra÷am; sàntv>% or %<÷àntv>% (c. 10. %%), %% in caus. %<(toùayati -yituü) paritup santuù; prasad>% in caus. %<(-sàdayati -yituü) abhiprasad samprasad; susthiraü -ràü -raü kç; parimç÷>% (c. 6. %<-mç÷ati -rmaùñuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-nayati -te -netuü>%). --(To be appeased) %<÷am>% (c. 4. %<÷àmyati ÷amituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-sãdati -sattuü>%). ##, p. p. %<÷àntaþ -ntà -ntaü ÷amitaþ -tà -taü pra÷àntaþ -ntà -ntaü àràdhitaþ -tà -taü anunãtaþ -tà -taü prasannaþ -nnàü -nnaü prasàditaþ -tà -taü>%. ##, s. %<÷àntiþ>% f., %% f., %% f., %<àràdhanaü prasàdanaü>%. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) punaràhvànakarttà>% m. %<(rttç) àhvànakarttà>% m. %<(rttç) àvedakaþ>%. ##, s. %% m. (%%). ##, s. %% n. %<(n) àkhyà saüj¤à abhidhànaü abhidhà abhikhyà àhvà>%. ##, a. %%. --(Common) %% ##, s. %<àhåtaþ abhiyuktaþ pratyarthã>% m. (%%). ##, v. a. %% (c. 9. %<-badhnàti -banddhuü>%) or caus. %<-bandhayati -yituü>%), %<àbandh; upàdhà>% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhatte -dhàtuü>%), %<àdhà; avalamb>% in caus. (%<-lambayati -yituü>%). ##, s. %%. ##, adj. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. n. (To belong to one's self) %<àtmasàt>% or %<àtmàdhãnaþ -nà -naü>%, or %%, or %%. --(To belong, in general) %% in pass. (%<-badhyate>%). The sense of 'appertaining' may often be expressed by the root %% or %% with the gen. case: as, 'money appertains to me,' %%. ##, p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Desire) %% f., %% f., %%. --(Hunger) %%. --(The digestive faculty causing appetite) %% m., %% m., %% f. --(One who has no appetite for food) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 1. %<-÷aüsati -÷aüsituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-nandati -nandituü>%), %%. --(By clapping the hands) %%. ##, s. %% m. (%%). ##, s. (Loudly expressed) %%. --(Praise) %<÷làghà pra÷aüsà stutiþ>% f. ##, a. %%. ##, s. (A kind of fruit) %%. --(Pupil of the eye) %%. ##, s. (The means applied) %%. --(The act of applying) %%. ##, s. %% ##, a. %%. ##, s. (Of one thing to another) %%. --(Attention to) %<àsaktiþ>% f., %%. --(Use) %%. --(Application of mind, study) %%. --(Petition) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) prayojakaþ>%. ##, v. a. (One thing on another) %% (c. 10. %<-yojayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-asyati -asituü>%), %% in caus. %<(arpayati -yituü) saïgam>% in caus. %<(-gamayati -yituü) pravi÷>% in caus. %<(-ve÷ayatiü -yituü) nivi÷ saülagnãkç>%. --(To make use of) %% (c. 7. %<-yunakti -yuïkte -yoktuü>%), %%. --(To attend to) %<àrathà>% (c. 1. %%), %%. --(To have recourse to, solcit) %% (c. 1. %<-yàcati -yàcituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-÷rayàta -te -÷rayituü>%), %% (c. 10. %%). --(To make effort study) %% (c. 4. %<-asyati -asituü>%), %% (c. 1. %%), %%. ##, v. n. (Suit, fit) %% in pass. %<(yujyate) saüyuja upapad->% (c. 4. %<-padyate -pattuü>%), %%. --(Have recourse as a petitioner) %% (c. 1. %<-÷rayati -te -÷rayituü>%), %% (c. 10. %%), %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%), %% in caus. %<(sthàpayati -yituü) avasthà prasthà; yuj>% (c. 10. %%). --(To appoint over any office) %% (c. 8. %<-karoti -kurute -karttuü>%), %% (c. 10. %<-yojayati -yituü>%, c. 7. %<-yunakti -yoktuü>%), with acc. of the pers. and loc. of the thing; %% (c. 6. %<-si¤cati -sektuü>%), with two acc. or with acc. and loc.; %% (c. 6. %<-di÷ati -deùñuü>%), %%. --(To make an appointment) %%. ##, p. p. %%. --(To any office) %%. --(An appointed duty) %%. --(An appointed time) %% m. --(Agreed upon) %%. --(As to time) %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. --(Engagement) %% f. --(Breaking an appointment) %%. --(Stipulation) %%. --(Order) %<àj¤à>%. --(Decree) %% m. --(Office) %%. --(Equipment, furniture) %%. --(Allowance) %%. --(Assignation) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-bhajati -te -bhaktuü>%), %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 4. %<-asyati -asituü>%), %% (c. 10. %<-kalpayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%). ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, v. a. (Set a price on) %% in caus. %<(-khyàpayati -yituü) bhålyaü niråp>% (c. 10. %<-råpayati -yituü>%) or %%, (c. 4. %<-syati -sàtuü>%), %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% or %% or %% or %% or %% (c. 9. %<-jànàti -nãte -j¤àtuü>%), or %% (c. 10. %<-råpayati -yituü>%), or %% or %% (c. 7. %<-vinakti -vektuü>%); 'one who knows how to appreciate,' %% m. %<(n) marmmaj¤aþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. (Lay hold on) %% (c. 9. %%), %% (c. 6. %<-mç÷ati -marùñuü>%), %% (c. 1. %%). --(Seize in order for trial) %<àsidh>% (c. 1. %<-sedhati -seddhuü>%); %% (c. 1. %<-kràmati -kramati -kramituü>%). --(By the mind) %% (c. 1. %<-labhate -labdhuü>%), %<åh>% (c. 1. %<åhate åhituü>%); %% (c. 2. %<-màti -màtuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-gacchati -gantuü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-budhyate -boddhuü>%). --(To fear) %<÷aïk>% (c. 1. %<÷aïkate ÷aïkituü>%) %<à÷aïk; bhã>% (c. 3. %%). ##, p. p. (Understood) %%. --(Arrested) %<àsiddhaþ -ddhà -ddhaü>%. ##, %%, ##, s. (Fear) %%. --(Opinion) %% f., %% f., %%. --(Seizure) %%. --(Arrest) %<àsedhaþ>%. --(Conception) %% f., %%. ##, a. %<÷aïkitaþ -tà -taü ÷aïkã -ïkinã -ïki (n) ÷aïkànvitaþ -tà -taü kçtabhayaþ -yà -yaü>%. ##, s. %<÷ilpavidyà÷iùyaþ ÷iùyaþ niråpitakàlaparyyantaü ÷ilpavidyà÷ikùàrthe niyamapatreõa sthàpitaþ>% or %%. ##, v. a. %<àvihitakàlàt ÷ilpavidyà÷ikùàrthe niyamapatreõa ÷iùyaü>% or %% in caus. (%%). ##, s. %<÷ilpavidyà÷ikùàvadhiþ>% m., %<÷ilpa÷ikùàsamayaþ sevàkàlaþ dàsyakàlaþ>%. ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(j¤àpayati -yituü) vij¤à; vid>% in caus. %<(vedayati -yituü) nivid samàvid; budh>% in caus. %<(bodhayati -yituü) såc>% (c. 10. %%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, v. n. (Draw near to) %% (c. 1. %<-gacchati -gantuü>%), %<àgam abhigam abhyàgama upàgam upagam samupagam; yà>% (c. 2. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-tiùñhati -te -sthàtuü>%), %<ç>% (c. 1. %<çcchati arttuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-varttate -varttituü>%), %% used only in the 3d pret.; as, 'he approached,' %%, i. e. %% with %<à>% (c. 2. %%), %% (c. 1. %<-sarmati -sarptuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-kràmati -kramituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vrajati -vrajituü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-padyate -pattuü>%), %% (c. 1. %%). ##, v. a. %% in caus. %<(-sthàpayati -yituü) samãpaü sthà>% in caus.; %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhatte -dhàtuü>%), %% in caus. (%<-gamayati -yituü>%). ##, s. %<àgamaþ abhigamanaü àgamanaü upagamaþ upasthitiþ>% f., %%. ##, a. %<àgamyaþ -myà -myaü upagamyaþ -myà -myaü upasàryyaþ -ryyà -ryyaü>%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, a. (Near at hand) %%. ##, s. %% f. or %<-taü anumatiþ>% f. or %<-taü pra÷aüsà prasàdaþ manaþsantoùaþ grahaõaü>%. ##, v. a. (To consign to some particular use) %% (c. 7. %<-yunakti -yuükte -yoktuü>%, caus. %<-yojayati -yituü>%), %%. --(To claim to one's self by an exclusive right) %% or %% (c. 1. %%), %% or %<àtmãyaü -yàü -yaü>% or %% or %<àtmàdhãnaü -nàü -naü>% or %<àtnasàt kç svasvatvaü budh>% in caus. (%%), or %% in caus. (%%.) ##, a. (Suited to the oecasion) %%. --(Belonging peculiarly) %<àtmanãnaþ -nà -naü svakãyaþ -yà -yaü sambandhã -ndhinã -ndhi (n) sambandhakaþ -kà -kaü vi÷eùakaþ -kà -kaü janãnaþ -nà -naü>%. --(Suitable) %%. ##, p. p. (Made one's own) %<àtmasàtkçtaþ -tà -taü>%. ##, adv. %%. @<[Page 23a]>@ ##, s. (Fitness of application) %%. ##, s. (The application of something to a particular purpose) %%. --(Claiming any thing as peculiar) %<àtmagrahaõaü svatvabodhanaü àtmasàtkaraõaü>%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 4. %<-manyate -mantuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-÷aüsati -÷aüsituü>%), %%, in caus. %<(rocayati -yituü) anuruc>%; 'that is approved by me,' %% or %% (c. 1. %<-nandati -nandituü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-rudhyate -roddhuü>%). --(To prove, show) %% (nom. %%), %% in caus. (%<-bhàvayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. %%. --(Tried) %%. --(Of tried probity) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-tiùñhati -te -sthàtuü>%), %% or %% (c. 1. %%), or %% (c. 1. %<-gacchati -gantuü>%), %%. --(To be like) %% or %%. ##, v. a. %% (nom. %%), %% in caus. %<(-sthàpayati -yituü) samãpaü sthà>% in caus., %% (c. 1. %<-nayati -netuü>%), %% in caus. (%<-gamayati -yituü>%). ##, a. %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (Approach) %% f., %%. --(Nearness) %%. ##, s. %<àghàtaþ àghàtanaü pratihananaü pratighàtaþ>%. ##, s. See APPERTENANCE. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. (In astronomy) %%. ##, a. (Fit) %%. --(Having a tendency to) expressed by %<÷ãlaþ>% in composition; as, 'disposed to piety,' %%, or by the affix %<àlu>%; as, 'apt to sleep,' %<÷ayàluþ -luþ -lu>%, or by the desiderative adjective; as, 'apt to do,' %%; 'apt to fall,' %%. --(Skilful) %%. --(Ready, quick) %%. ##, s. (Fitness) %% or %<-tvaü upayogità àptiþ>% f. --(Tendency) %<÷ãlatvaü -tà abhipràyaþ à÷ayaþ>%. --(Disposition) %<÷ãlaþ svabhàvaþ bhàvaþ rãtiþ>% f. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. --(Skilfully) %%. ##, s. (Fitness) %%. --(Skill) %%. --(Ability) %<÷aktiþ>% f., %%. ##, a. (Inhabiting the water) %%. --(Growinin the water) %%. --(Watery) %%; 'an aquatic animal,' %% m. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%, ##, a. (Resembling an eagle) %%. --(Hooked) %%; 'having an aquiline nose,' %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%; 'an Arabian,' %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% f. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) vicàrakarttà>% m. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %% ind. ##, a. (Following the will) %%. --(Capricious) %%. --(Tyrannical) %%. --(Depending on no rule) %%. ##, v. n., v. a. %% in caus. %<(-càrayati -yituü) nirõã>% (c. 1. %<-nayati -te -netuü>%), %% (c. 5. %<-cinoti -cetuü>%), %% (c. 10. %%), %% or %% or %% or %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (Determination) %%. --(Mediation) %% ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) ni÷càyakaþ vicàrakaþ>%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Segment of a circle) %%. --(Arched gateway) %%. ##, s. (Garden-walk) %%. --(A street arched over) %%, or %%. ##, s. (Part of a circle) %%. --(Arched gateway) %%. --(The arched roof of a house) %%. --(Vault of heaven) %%. ##, a. (Sly, waggish) %%. --(Chief) %%. ##, v. a. (To make in the form of an arch) %% (c. 2. %<-màti>%, c. 4. %<-màyate -màtuü>%) or %% in caus. %<(kàrayati -yituü) toraõàkàrapañalena àchad>% (c. 10. %<-chàdayati -yituü>%). --(To build an arch) %%. ##, s. %<'ã÷varadåtànàü madhye mukhyadåtaþ>% or %% m. (%%). @<[Page 24a]>@ ##, s. %% or %%. ##, s. (The bishop's vicegerent) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) dhanvà>% m. %<(n) dhanupmàn>% m. %<(-t) dhànuùkaþ dhanurdhàrã>% m. %<(n) iùvàsaþ iùudharaþ kàõóãraþ niùaïgã>% m., %% m. ##, s. %%. --(Skilled in) %%. ##, s. %% f., %<àdar÷aþ såkùma÷arãraü>%. ##, s. %% m., %% m. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% or %%. ##, s. %%. --(Ancient records) %% ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Hot) %%. --(Eager) %%. --(Affectionate) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. --(Of affection) %%. ##, a. (Lofty) %%. --(Difficult) %%. ##, s. %%. --(Difficulty) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% f., %%. ##, a. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, v. n. (To reason) %% in caus. %<(-càrayati -yituü) tark>% (c. 10. %%), %%. --(To dispute) %% (c. 1. %<-vadate -vadituü>%), %% or %%. ##, v. a. (To prove by argument) %%, (nom. %%), %% or %% or %% (c. 10. %%). --(To charge with, as a crime) %% (c. 1. %<-vadati -vadituü>%), %% (c. 6. %<-kùipati -kùeptuü>%). ##, s. %% m. %<(n) vivàdã>% m. %<(n) vicàrakaþ prativàdã>% m. %<(n) nyàyã>% m. (%%). ##, s. (A reason stated) %% m., %%; 'a false argument,' %%; 'a different side of the argument,' %%. --(Controversy) %%. --(The subject of any work) %%. --(Table of contents) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. (Consisting of argument) %%. --(Disposed to controversy) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %<÷uùkaþ -ùkà -ùkaü ÷oùitaþ -tà -taü pari÷uùkaþ -ùkà -ùkaü>%; 'arid soil,' %% m., %% m. (%%). ##, s. %<÷uùkatà -tvaü ÷oùaþ ÷oùaõaü pari÷oùaþ>% ##, adv. %%. ##, v. n. (To stand up) %% for %% (c. 1. %<-tiùñhati -te -thàtuü>%). --(To have origin) %% (c. 4. %<-padyate -pattuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-carati -carituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-ayati -etuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-bhavati -bhavituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-varttate -varttituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-sarati -sarttuü>%), %% (c. 2. %<-bhàti -bhàtuü>%), %% in caus. %<(dar÷ayati -yituü) jan>% (c. 4. %%), %%. --(From death) %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. (A form of government) %%. --(The persons of whom it is composed) %%. ##, a. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %% f. %<-ñã parikarmma>% n. (%%); 'the eight rules of arithmetic,' %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (A vessel, ship) %%. --(A chest) %<àdhàraþ koùaþ peñikà peñaþ -ñà -ñã>%. ##, s. (Of the body) %% m. f., %% or %<-jà>% f., %% f., %% m. %<(-s) praveùñaþ>%. --(Of a tree) %<÷àkhà upa÷àkhà>%. --(Of the sea) %%. --(Of a river) %%. --(Power, might) %% f.; 'a dominion acquired by one's own arm,' %%. --(The upper arm) %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 4. %<-nahyati -naddhuü>%), %% or %<÷astraiþ sajjãkç>%, or %% in caus. (%%), or %%. --(To arm one's self, put on one's arms) %% (c. 4. %%), %%. --(To put on armour) %% (nom. %% or %%). ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, p. p. %%. --(Having a weapon in the hand) %<÷astrapàõiþ -õiþ -õi>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m., %%. ##, a. (Without an arm) %%. --(Without weapons) %%. @<[Page 25a]>@ ##, s. (Bracelet) %% or %%. --(A little arm) %% m., %%. ##, a. %%. --(Belonging to the escutcheon of a family) %%. ##, s. %<àyudhàgàraü ÷astràgàraü astràgàraþ>%. --(A collection of arms) %<÷astrasaühatiþ>% f., %<÷astrasamåhaü>%. ##, s. %% n. %<(n) lauhavarmma>% n. %<(n) tanutraü tanutràõaü kavacaþ>% or %<-caü vàravàõaþ ka¤cukaþ tvaktraü daü÷anaü sannàhaþ dehàvaraõaü yuddhàstraü tanuvàraü sajjà>%. --(Chain-armour) %%; 'arrayed in armour,' %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(rttç) asidhàvakaþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %%. --(War in general) %%. --(State of hostility) %%; 'dexterity in arms,' %%; 'the taking up of arms,' %%; 'passage of arms,' %%; 'a brother in arms,' %% m. (%%). --(The ensigns armorial of a family) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% or %<-õóaü anãkaü cakraü dhvajinã vyåhaþ yodhasamåhaþ pçtanà varåthinã>%. --(A complete army) %%. --(In motion) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. %% m. pl., %% n. pl., %% n. pl. ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 1. %%). ##, adv. (Circularly) %%. --(On every side) %%. ##, prep. %%. ##, v. a. (To excite) %% in caus. %<(-sàhayati -yituü) protsah utthà>% for %% in caus. %<(utthàpayati -yituü) udbudh>% in caus. %<(-bodhayati -yituü) prabudh>%. --(To wake from sleep) %% in caus. %<(jàgarayati -yituü) prabudh>% in caus., %% (c. 7. %%). ##, p. p. %%. --(Awaked) %%. ##, v. a. (To set in order) %% (c. 10. %<-racayati -yituü>%), %% in caus. (%%). --(To accuse) %% (c. 1. %<-hvayati -hvàtuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vadati -vadituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-÷apati -÷aptuü>%). ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, v. a. %% (c. 10. %%), %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%), %% or %% in caus. %<(sthàpayati -yituü) granth>% (c. 1. %%, c. 9. %%). ##, p. p. %%; 'well-arranged,' %%. @<[Page 25b]>@ ##, s. %% f., %% f. --(The state of being in order) %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(tç) vyàsaþ>%. ##, a. (Bad in a high degree) %%. --(Excessive) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. (Of battle) %%, or %<-hanaü vyåóhiþ>% f., %%; 'to draw up in battle array,' %% (c. 1. %<-åhate -åhituü>%). --(Order) %% f., %%. --(Dress) %<àbharaõaü bhåpaõaü paricchadaþ>%. ##, v. a. (To put in order) %% or %% (c. 10. %%), %% or %% in caus. (%%), or %%; or %% (c. 3. %<-dadhàti -dhàtuü>%), or %%. --(To dress) %% (c. 10. %<-chàdayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-vyayati -vyàtuü>%), %% (c. 10. %%); %%. ##, s. %<çõa÷eùaü çõa÷eùàü÷aþ çõasya a÷odhito bhàgaþ çõasya ÷odhanãyo bhàgaþ>%. ##, s. %<àsedhaþ dharaõaü grahaõaü nirodhaþ bandhanaü>%. --(Stop) %%. ##, v. a. (As a bailiff) %<àsidh>% (c. 1. %<-sedhati -seddhuü>%), %% (c. 7. %<-ruõaddhi -roddhuü>%), %<çõahetoþ>% or %% or %% (c. 9. %%), or %% (c. 9. %%) or %% (c. 1. %%). --(Stop, bring to a stand) %% in caus. %<(stambhayati -yituü) viùñambh>% (c. 5. %<-stabhnoti>%, c. 9. %<-stabhnàti -stambhituü>%), %% in caus. (%<-vàrayati -yituü>%). ##, p. p. %<àsiddhaþ -ddhà -ddhaü dhçtaþ -tà -taü baddhaþ -ddhà -ddhaü niruddhaþ -ddhà -ddhaü>%. ##, s. %<àgamanaü abhigamanaü upasthitiþ>% f., %%. ##, v. n. %<àgam>% (c. 1. %<-gacchati -gantuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-tiùñhati -sthàtuü>%), %% (c. 5. %<-àpnoti -àptuü>%), %% (c. 2. %<-yàti -yàtuü>%), %%. ##, p. p. %<àgataþ -tà -taü samàyàtaþ -tà -taü upasthitaþ -tà -taü pràptaþ -ptà -ptaü>%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, a. %%. --(To be arrogant) %% (c. 1. %<-galbhate -galbhituü>%), %% (c. 4. %%). ##, v. a. (To claim proudly) %% or %% or %% or %% or %% (c. 9. %%), %%; or %% (c. 1. %%), or %<àdà>% (c. 3. %<-dadàti -dàtuü>%), or %% (c. 9. %<-jànàti -j¤àtuü>%), or %<àtmãyaü -yàü -yaü kç>% or %% or %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %<÷araþ vàõaþ iùuþ>% m., %<÷àyakaþ kàõóa ÷alya vipàñaþ vi÷ikhaþ pçùatkaþ patrã>% m. %<(n) bhallaþ nàràcaþ prakùveóanaþ ajihmagaþ khagaþ à÷ugaþ màrgaõaþ kalambaþ ropaþ>%; 'arrow-head,' %% 'arrow-shaft,' %<÷arakàõóaü>%; 'a shower of arrows,' %<÷aràkùepaþ ÷aravarùaü>%. ##, a. (Consisting of arrows) %%. --(Arrow-shaped) %%. ##, s. %<àyudhàgàraü àyudhagçhaü ÷astràgàraü astràgàraü yuddhabhàõóàgàraü>%. --(A collection of arms) %<÷astrasaühatiþ ÷astrasamåhaü>%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %<àgàradàhaþ gçhadàhàparàdhaþ>%. ##, s. %<÷ilpaü ÷ilpavidyà kalà vyavasàyaþ karmma>% n. (%%). --(Invention) %%. --(Science) %%. --(Skill) %% f., %<÷ikùà÷aktiþ>% f. --(Cunning) %%. ##, s. %% f., %% f., %% m. (%%). ##, a. %%. ##, a. (Performed with art) %<÷ilpena>% or %%. --(Skilful) %<÷ikùitaþ -tà -taü nipuõaþ -õà -õaü pañuþ -ñuþ -ñvã -ñu>%. --(Cunning) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. (Skill) %%. --(Cunning) %%. ##, a. (Gouty) %%. --(Relating to the joints) %%. ##, s. %<÷àkavi÷eùaþ>%. #
#, s. (Part of speech) %%. --(A particular part of any complex thing) %%. --(Thing) %% n., %%. --(Apparatus) %% f. --(Terms, stipulation) %%; 'articles of peace,' %%. --(A point of time) %%. ##, v. n. %% (c. 1. %<-ghaññate -ghaññituü>%). ##, a. %%. ##, a. (Distinct) %%. ##, v. a. (To utter words distinctly) %% or %% in caus. (%<-càrayati -yituü>%), or %% (c. 10. %<-ãrayati -yituü>%, c. 1. %<-ãrati -ãrituü>%), or %% (c. 1. %<-harati -harttuü>%). --(To joint) %% (c. 1. %%, c. 9. %%). ##, p. p. (Uttered) %%. --(Jointed) %%. ##, s. (Of words) %%. --(The juncture of bones) %% m., %% m. ##, s. (Stratagem, contrivance) %% n. %<(n) chalaü vyapade÷aþ kapañaþ -ñaü kau÷alaü>%. ##, s. (An artist) %<÷ilpakàraþ ÷ilpã>% m. %<(n) karmmakàraþ karmmàraþ kàruþ>% m. --(Maker) %% m. %<(rttç) nirmmàtà>% m. (%%).--. (Contriver) %% m. %<(tç) upàyaj¤aþ>%. ##, a. %<÷ilpikaþ -kã -kaü kçtrimaþ -mà -maü kçtakaþ -kà -kaü kàlpanikaþ -kã -kaü pratiyatnapårvvaþ -rvvà -rvvaü>%. --(Made by art) %%; 'an artificial lake,' %% n. (%%). ##, adv. %<÷ilpena kçtrimaprakàreõa ÷ilpikaprakàreõa>%. ##, s. %% n. pl. ##, s. %<÷ilpã>% m. %<(n) ÷ilpakàraþ karmmakàraþ kàrukaþ>%. ##, s. %<÷ilpã>% m. (%%). --(A skilful man) %%. --(Painter) %%. ##, a. (Without fraud) %%. --(Void of art) %%. ##, adv. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, conj. (In the same manner with something else) %%. --(Like) %% affixed; 'to act as a fool,' %%. --(In the manner that) %%; 'they did as he commanded,' %%. --(According as) %%. --(So as) %%. --(While, at the same time) %%. --(Because that) %%. --(As many as, as much as) %% or %% ind. --(As long as, as far as) %% prefixed with the abl. c.; as, 'as far as the ocean,' %<àsamudràt>%; 'as long as the vow lasted,' %<àsamàpanàd vratasya>%. --Sometimes %% or %% are affixed with the sense, 'as far as;' as, 'the land as far as the ocean,' %%, or %%. --(As soon as) %% affixed; 'as soon as he had spoken,' %%. --(As well as) %%. --(As yet) %%. --(As how) %%. --(Equally with) %%. --(As if, as though) %%. --(As to, with reference to) %%. --(As high as) %%; as, 'water as high as the knees,' %%. ##, v. n. (Rise up) %% (c. 1. %<-ayati -etuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-kramate -kramituü>%), %<årddhvaü gam>% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 1. %%). ##, v. a. (Mount upon) %<àruh>% (c. 1. %<-rohati -roóhuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-kràmati>%, c. 4. %%). ##, a. %<àrohaõãyaþ -yà -yaü adhirohaõãyaþ -yà -yaü àkramaõãyaþ -yà -yaü>%. ##, a. (Rising upwards) %<årddhvagaþ -gà -gaü adhirohã -hiõã -hi (n)>%. --(Superior) %%. ##, s. (Height, Elevation) %<årddhvatvaü uccatà ucchàyaþ uttuïgatà>% --(Superiority, influence) %%. --(In astronomy) %%. ##, s. (Influence, power) %%. ##, p. p. %<àråóhaþ -óhà -óhaü adhiråóhaþ -óhà -óhaü årddhvagataþ -tà -taü uparigataþ -tà -taü>%. ##, s. %<àrohaõaü årddhvagatiþ>% f., %<årddhvagamanaü>%. --(To heaven) %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %<àrohaõaü årddhvagatiþ>% f., %%. --(The way by which one rises) %<àrohaõapathaþ sopànaü adhirohaõã>%; 'difficult of ascent,' %%. ##, v. a. (Find out) %% (c. 9. %%), %% in desid. %<(jij¤àsate -situü) niråp>% (c. 10. %<-råpayati -yituü>%), %% (c. 2. %%). --(Determine) %% (c. 5. %<-cinoti -cetuü>%), %% (c. 1. %<-õayati -te -õetuü>%), %% (c. 4. %<-syati -sàtuü>%), %%; 'that is ascertained,' %%. ##, a. %%. ##, p. p. %%. ##, s. %%. ##, s. %% m. %<(n) yogã>% m. %<(n) tàpasaþ yatiþ>% m., %% m. %<(n) vairàgã>% m. %<(n) vairaïgikaþ muniþ satnyàsã>% m., %% m. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. ##, s. (Moon-plant) %%. --(A drinker of its juice) %% m. ##, a. %<àropaõãyaþ -yà -yaü abhisambandhanãyaþ -yà -yaü dàtavyaþ -vyà -vyaü>%. ##, (an action, cause, quality, &c., to anybody) %% or %% in caus. (%<-ropayati -yituü>%), or %%, or %% (c. 9. %<-bandhàti -banddhuü>%), or %%, or %% (c. 3. %%). --(To ascribe a fault) %%, or %%, or %%. ##, s. %<àropaþ -paõaü adhyàropaþ abhisambandhanaü sambandhanaü prasaïgaþ>%. ##, s. %%. ##, a. %%. --(To be ashamed) %% (c. 6. %%), %% (c. 4. %%); %% (c. 1. %%), %% (c. 3. %%), with abl. or gen. of the thing of which one is ashamed. To be ashamed of any thing, may be expressed by %%. --(To make ashamed) %% in caus. %%). ##, a. %%. ##, a. %% or %<-mayaþ -mayã -mayaü>%. ##, s. %% n. %<(n) bhasitaü bhåtiþ>% f., %% m., %%; 'to reduce to ashes,' %%; 'reducing to ashes,' %%; 'reduced to ashes,' %%. ##, s. %%. ##, adv. %% ind., %%. ##, a. %%. --(Turned into ashes) %%. #