Cappeller: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Based on Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St. Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

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description:multibyte sequence:
long a ā
long A Ā
long i ī
long I Ī
long u ū
long U Ū
vocalic r
vocalic R
long vocalic r
vocalic l
vocalic L
long vocalic l
velar n
velar N
palatal n ñ
palatal N Ñ
retroflex t
retroflex T
retroflex d
retroflex D
retroflex n
retroflex N
palatal s ś
palatal S Ś
retroflex s
retroflex S
long e ē
long o ō
l underbar
r underbar
n underbar
k underbar
t underbar

Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order
to facilitate word search.

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[Page 1]

a [1] pron. stem of 3d pers.

a [2] an neg. prefix, corresponding to Gr. a an, Lat. in, Germ. un, etc.

aṃśa m. portion, share, part, party; N. of a god.

aṃśakalpanā f. allotment of shares.

aṃśaprakalpanā f. allotment of shares.

aṃśapradāna n. granting of a share; abl. -tas.

aṃśabhāgin a. having a share, partaking of (gen. or --°).

aṃśabhāj a. having a share, partaking of (gen. or --°).

aṃśabhūta a. forming part of (gen.).

aṃśu m. stem or juice of the Soma plant; ray of light.

aṃśuka n. garment, cloth.

aṃśukānta m. the edge of a garment.

aṃśupaṭṭa n. a kind of cloth.

aṃśumant a. rich in Soma or rays, m. the sun.

aṃsa m. shoulder.

aṃsakūṭa m. -pṛṣṭha n. the same (lit. top & back of the shoulder).

aṃsatra n. armour, mail.

aṃsala a. strong, stout.

aṃsavartin a. being on the shoulder.

aṃsavyāpin a. reaching up to the shoulder.

aṃh aṃhate v walk. C. aṃhayati send.

aṃhati f. aṃhas aṃhu n. pressure, distress.

aṃhīyaṃs (comp.) narrower.

aṃhura a. pressed, distressed.

aṃhūraṇa a. pressed, n. pressure.

aṃhri m. foot.

aka n. not-joy, i.e. sorrow, woe.

akaṭhora a. not hard; soft, tender.

akaṇṭaka a. free from thorns or enemies, untroubled.

akathita a. not spoken of, unmentioned.

akaniṣṭha a. pl. having no youngest (brother), equal in age or strength.

akandasamutthita a. not grown from a bulb.*

akanyā f. no (more a) maid.

akampita a. not trembling, unshaken.

akaraṇa n. non-doing, omission.

akaruṇa a. pitiless, cruel.

akarṇa a. earless, deaf.

akartavya a. not to be done; n. misdeed.

akartṛ a. not acting, m. no agent.

akarmaka a. having no object, intransitive.

akarmakṛt a. performing no action.

akarman [1] n. inactivity.

akarman [2] a. inactive, lazy.

akalaha a. without quarrel.

akalita a. unconceived, undefined; -mahiman a. of immeasurable greatness.

akalpa a. unfit for (acc.); unable to, incapable of (loc., inf., or --°).

akalmaṣa a. stainless.

akalya a. unhealthy, sick.

akava a. abundant, liberal.

akavi a. unwise.

akasmāt adv. abruptly, unexpectedly, at once; (lit. without a why, i.e. without any apparent cause).

akāṇḍa a. immediate, sudden (lit. without any joint, i.e. connection or intervening cause); loc. = prec.

akāma a. free from love or desire, unwilling. involuntary; adv. akāmatas, abstr. akāmatā f.

akāra m. the sound or letter a.

akāraka a. ineffective, unsuccessful.

akāraṇa a. causeless; n. no cause.

akāraṇabandhu m. a disinterested friend.

akāraṇamāraka m. murderer without cause.*

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akārya a. & n. = akartavya.

akāryakārin a. committing a bad action; m. an evil-doer, offender.

akāla m. not the (right) time; °--, loc., & -tas untimely, out of time.

akālakṣepam adv. without delay, immediately.

akāladurdina n. unseasonable or bad weather.

akālahīnam adv. without loss of time; at once, suddenly.

akiṃcana a. without anything, poor, indigent; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

akiṃcitkurvāṇa a. not doing anything, inactive.

akīrti f. infamy, disgrace; -kara a. disgracing.

akīrtita a. unmentioned.

akutobhaya a. fearless (lit. not afraid from any quarter).

akutsayant a. not contemning.

akurvant a. not doing, omitting.

akurvāṇa a. not doing, omitting.

akula a. of low (lit. of no) family; low-born, base.

akulīna a. of low (lit. of no) family; low-born, base.

akulatā f. lowness of family.

akuśala a. inauspicious, unlucky; incapable, awkward, clumsy.

akusumita a. not having blossomed.

akūpāra a. boundless; m. the ocean.

akṛta a. undone, unmade, unwrought, unprepared, imperfect, unappointed; often °-- not having done or got.

akṛtacūḍa a. whose tonsure has not been performed.

akṛtajña a. unthankful (lit. not knowing or recognising things done).

akṛtapuṇya a. not having acquired merit; sinful, miserable.

akṛtapūrva a. never before done.

akṛtaprasāda a. not having got mercy, unpardoned.*

akṛtabuddhi a. of imperfect knowledge, dull, stupid; abstr. -tva n.

akṛtavaira a. unoffended.

akṛtasatkāra a. unaccommodated, not hospitably received.

akṛtātman a. of uncultivated mind, rude.

akṛtānna n. uncooked food.

akṛtārtha a. not having attained the (desired) object, unsatisfied.

akṛtāhnika a. not performing the daily rites.

akṛtya a. = akartavya.

akṛtsna a. not whole, incomplete.

akṛtsnavid a. not omniscient.

akṛpaṇa a. unquerulous, cheerful.

akṛṣīvala a. not cultivating the field.

akṛṣṭa a. untilled; n. untilled soil.

aketu a. without light or shape.

akaitava a. unfeigned, sincere.

akopayant a. not irritating.

aktā f. night (cf. seq.).

aktu m. ointment; light or night (lit. what is anointed, i.e. tinged bright or dark); instr. pl. o. = by night.

akra [1] a. inactive.

akra [2] m. banner, flag.

akratu a. powerless, unwise, free from desire.

akrama m. want of order; °-- confusedly.

akravyād a. not eating flesh.

akravyāda a. not eating flesh.

akriyā f. inactivity, omission.

akrīta a. unbought.

akrūra a. not cruel or harsh.

akrodha [1] m. abstr. to seq.

akrodha [2] a. free from anger, impassionate.

akrodhana a. the same.

akliṣṭa a. unvexed, unimpaired; akliṣṭakarman & akliṣṭakārin a. of unwearied activity.

akleśa m. non-affliction.

akṣa pp. aṣṭa reach, obtain.

akṣa [1] m. die for playing; pl. game at dice.

akṣa [2] m. axle.

akṣa [3] (adj. --° f. ī) = akṣan.

akṣaṇvant a. having eyes.

akṣata a. unhurt, unbroken, unhusked (grain).

akṣatayoni a. virginal (lit. vulvam integram habens), -patnī a wife wedded as a virgin.

akṣatra a. without the warrior caste.

akṣadyūta n. game at dice.

akṣan n. eye.

akṣanaipuṇa n. skill in playing at dice.

akṣapriya m. friend of, i.e. lucky with the dice.

akṣabhaṅga m. breaking of an axle.

akṣama a. unable to bear, no match or unfit for (loc., inf., or --°); f. ā intolerance, impatience, envy.

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akṣamālā f. rosary, string of beads (also -likā f.); E. of Arundhat.)

akṣaya a. imperishable; abstr -tā f., -tva n.

akṣayaphala a. yielding imperishable fruit.

akṣayya a. inexhaustible, imperishable.

akṣara a. the same; n. sound, word, syllable, esp. the sacred Om; record, writing.

akṣaracchandas n. a syllabic metre (i.e. a metre regulated by syllables).

akṣarapaṅkti f. N. of a metre.

akṣarapada n. a word consisting of syllables.*

akṣarā f. speech.

akṣavatī f. game at dice.

akṣahṛdaya n. the art (lit. heart) of playing at dice.

akṣāralavaṇa n. anything not pungent or salted; akṣāralavaṇānna & akṣāralavaṇāśin eating such food.

akṣi n. eye.

akṣiṇvant a. not hurting.

akṣita a. unhurt, unbroken, imperishable.

akṣīṇa a. unhurt, unbroken, imperishable.

akṣīyamāṇa a. unhurt, unbroken, imperishable.

akṣiti a. the same; f. imperishableness.

akṣipat adv. a bit (lit. what flies into the eye).

akṣiroga m. disease of the eyes.

akṣiśiromukha (n. sgl.) eye, head, and mouth.

akṣī f. eye.

akṣu m. a kind of net.

akṣuṇa a. unhurt, uninjured; fresh, new, strange.

akṣetra [1] n. no field, barren ground.

akṣetra [2] a. uncultivated, uninhabitable, comp. -tara.

akṣetrin a. having no field.

akṣauhiṇī f. a (complete) army.

akṣṇayā adv. athwart, obliquely, in the wrong way.

akṣṇayāvan a. going athwart.

akhaṇḍa a. undivided, indivisible; whole, entire.

akhaṇḍakala a. having its digits complete, full (the moon).

akhaṇḍita a. unbroken, uninterrupted, undisturbed.

akhaṇḍitacāritra a. of unbroken (good) conduct.*

akharva a. unmutilated, entire, complete.

akhādita a. unchewed.*

akhidra a. unwearied.

akhidrayāman a. of unwearied course.

akhila a. having no gap or void, whole, entire; instr. wholly, completely. n. all, everything.

akheda m. unweariedness, freshness.

akhkhalī exclam. of joy or surprise, -kṛ utter this sound.

aga (*a. not moving;) m. tree or mountain.

agaṇayant a. -yitvā ger. not reckoning or heeding; not caring for (acc.).

agata a. not gone; n. untrodden ground.

agatāsu a. alive (lit. whose breath is not yet gone).

agada [1] m. not-disease, health.

agada [2] a. free from disease, well, healthy; m. medicine, drug.

agandha a. without smell.

agandhavant a. without smell.

agama a. immovable, inaccessible; m. tree.

agamya a. inaccessible, unintelligible; f. ā (a woman) not to be approached.

agamyāgamana n. approaching an unapproachable (female), illicit sexual intercourse; -nīya a. relating to it.

agarhita a. unblamed, blameless.

agasti m. N. of a sage.

agastya m. N. of a sage.

agāgra n. mountain-top.

agādha a. bottomless, deep; -sattva a. of an unfathomable character.

agāra n. (m.) house. -dāhin burning a house, incendiary.

agu a having no cows, poor.

aguṇa a. having no qualities or virtues. worthless; m. bad quality. vice.

aguṇībhūta a. not being subordinate or secondary.

agupta a. unguarded.

aguru a. not heavy; light, short (prosod.): m. n. aloe wood.

agṛbhīta a. untaken, unconceived; -śocis having inconceivable splendour.

agṛhīta a. = agṛbhīta.

agṛhītvā ger. without (taking).*

agṛhṇant a. not taking or conceiving.

agṛhya a. not to be taken or conceived.

agocara a. not being within the reach of, inaccessible to (gen. or --°); abstr. -tā f.

agopā a. without a cowherd, unguarded.

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agopāla a. the same; m. no cowherd.

agohya a. not to be hidden.

agnāyī f. N. of Agni's wife.

agni m. fire, or Agni (the god of fire).

agnikarman n. action of Agni or action pertaining to fire, esp. the arranging or kindling of the sacrificial fire.

agnikalpa a. fire-like, fiery.

agnikāma m. wish for fire.

agnikārya n. -kriyā f. = agnikarman.

agnigṛha n. the place of the sacred fire.

agnicaya m. -cayana n. the arranging of the fire-place.

agnijihva a. fire-tongued.

agnijvalitatejana a. having a point blazing with fire.

agnitraya n. -tretā f. the three sacred fires.

agnida m. incendiary.

agnidagdha a. burned with fire; m. pl. a class of Manes.

agnidūta a. having Agni as messenger, carried or brought by Agni.

agnidūṣita a. hurt by fire, branded.

agnidh m. (the priest) who kindles the fire.

agnipakva a. cooked with fire; -pakvāśana eating cooked food.

agniparikriyā f. care of the sacred fire.

agniparicchada m. the implements required for a fire-sacrifice.

agnipurāṇa n. T. of a Pura.

agnipraveśa m. -praskandana n. (self-immolation by) entering the fire.

agnibhrājas a. having fiery splendour.

agnimant a. maintaining the sacred fire, also = agnivant.

agnimitra m. N. of a king.

agnivant a. standing at the sacred fire.

agnivarṇa a. fire-coloured, boiling hot.

agniśaraṇa n. = agnigṛha.

agniśikha a. having a fiery or burning point (arrow); f. ā fire-flame.

agniśuddhi f. purification by fire.

agniśuśrūṣā f. attention to the sacred fire.

agniṣṭut m. the first day of the Agniṣṭoma (v. seq.).

agniṣṭoma m. a cert. ceremony (lit. praise of Agni).

agniṣvātta m. pl. a class of the Manes (lit. eaten by fire).

agnisaṃskāra m. rite performed by fire, esp. the burning of the dead body.

agnisāt adv. into fire; -kṛ burn.

agnisvāmin m. N. of man.

agnihotra [1] n. fire-sacrifice.

agnihotra [2] a. sacrificing to Agni.

agnihotrahavaṇī f. ladle for a fire-sacrifice.

agnihotrin a. performing the fire-sacrifice.

agnīndra m. du. Agni and Indra.

agnīdh m. = agnidh.

agnīndhana n. kindling of the fire.

agnīṣoma m. du. Agni and Soma.

agnyāgāra m. = agnigṛha.

agnyādhāna n. setting up the fire.

agnyādheya n. setting up the fire.

agnyāhita a. who has set up the fire.

agra n. front, top, summit, tip, point, upper part, surface; outbreak, beginning; the highest or best of anything. -- agram in front or in presence of, (gen. or --°); agre the same + from (to = ā), before (abl.); absol. at first, in the beginning; w. bhū precede.

agrakara m. finger and first ray.

agraja a. first-born (also -jā); m. eldest brother.

agrajanman m. a Brahman (lit. = prec.).

agraṇī a. leading; m. chief, principal.

agratas = agre; agratas kṛ v place in front, send before.

agrabhāga m. -bhūmi f. uppermost part, top.

agramukha n. bill, beak.*

agrayāyin a. marching foremost.

agrahasta m. tip of the hand (i.e. finger) or of an elephant's trunk.

agrahāra m. a piece of land held by Brahmans under special grants.

agrānīka n. front of an army, vanguard.

agrāhayitvā ger. without making a person accept a thing (2 acc.).

agrāhin a. not catching or biting (leech).

agrāhya a. = agṛhya.

agrima a. preceding, foremost, first.

agriya a. the same, principal, best, excellent; n. the best.

agru f. agrū single, unmarried.

agrega a. first-going.

agregā a. first-going.

agregū a. first-going.

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agredidhiṣu m. a man married at his first marriage with a widow; f. (also -ṣū) a younger sister married before her elder.

agrepā a. first-drinking.

agrepū a. first-drinking.

agresara f. ī preceding, going first.

agrya a. foremost, first, best.

agha a. evil, bad, sinful (also aghala); n. evil, sin, harm, impurity.

aghamarṣaṇa a. forgiving sin; n. N. of a certain Vedic hymn.

aghavighātakartṛ m. destroyer of evil.

aghaśaṃsa a. meditating evil, wicked.

aghāy aghāyati v be wicked, a. -yu.

aghāhan n. day of sin, ill-luck, or impurity.

aghṛṇa a. pitiless, cruel, unkind.

aghoraghaṇṭa m. N. of a man.

aghnya m. bull, f. ā cow (lit. not to be slain).

aghreya a. not to be smelled at.

aṅka m. hook (poss. aṅkin), bend, flank, esp. of the body, groin, lap, side, proximity; mark, sign; act of a play.

aṅkapālī f. an embrace.

aṅkay aṅkayati v pp. aṅkita mark, stamp, brand (a criminal).

aṅkayaṣṭi f. a slender (lit. stalk of a) body.

aṅkaśāyin a. lying in the lap.

aṅkas n. bend, curve.

aṅkasa s. side, flank (of a horse).

aṅkastha a. = aṅkaśāyin.

aṅkura m. shoot, sprout; poss. -rita or -ravant.

aṅkuraya & aṅkurāy aṅkurāyate v to sprout.

aṅkuśa m. hook, esp. for driving an elephant.

aṅkuśin a. hooked, crooked, deceiving.

aṅkhay aṅkhayantra v grapple. --
     pari M. embrace.

aṅkya a. to be branded.

aṅga aṅgati v move.

aṅga [1] a. particle implying sollicitation, confirmation, or stress.

aṅga [2] m. N. of sev. men & of a country (Bengal), pl. its inhabitants.

aṅga [3] (adj. --° f. ī) limb, member, body (also aṅgaka n.); part, means requisite, supplement (cf. vedāṅga), theme (g.).

aṅgaṇa n. court.

aṅgada m. a man's name; n. bracelet, poss. -din.

aṅgana n. = aṅgaṇa.

aṅganā f. woman, female.

aṅgabhaṅga m. distortion of the limbs.*

aṅgarāga m. paint, ointment, perfume (applied to the body).

aṅgarāja m. the king of Anga, i.e. Karṇa.

aṅgavikāra m. disease (lit. alteration of the body).

aṅgavidyā f. knowledge of the (lucky and unlucky marks of the) body.

aṅgasaṃskāra m. embellishment of the body.

aṅgasaṃtāpa m. bodily pain.*

aṅgasparśa m. bodily contact.

aṅgahīna a. deficient in limbs; abstr. -tva n.

aṅgāra m. n. coal; aṅgārakā m. the same; the planet Mars.

aṅgāvapīḍana n. injuring of a limb.

aṅgiras m. a kind of mythol. beings with Agni at their head; N. of an old Rishi, pl. his descendants or their hymns, i.e. the Atharvaveda. -- -rastama (superl.) quite an A., aṅgirasvat adv. like an A.

aṅgin a. poss. to aṅga3; m. a. limbed or living creature.

aṅgīkṛ appropriate, conquer, subdue (lit. make part of one's self, cf. 3. aṅga); consent to, promise, grant; abstr. -karaṇa n., -kāra m.

aṅguri f. finger, toe.

aṅgurīyaka n. finger-ring.

aṅgula m. n. a thumb's breadth.

aṅguli f. finger or toe.

aṅgulī f. finger or toe.

aṅgulitra n. finger-protector, i.e. a kind of leather thimble worn by archers.

aṅgulitrāṇa n. finger-protector, i.e. a kind of leather thimble worn by archers.

aṅgulitravant a. poss. to aṅgulitra.

aṅgulimudrā f. seal-ring (lit. finger-seal).

aṅgulimūla n. the root of a finger.

aṅgulīya n. finger-ring.

aṅgulīyaka n. finger-ring.

aṅguṣṭha m. thumb or great toe; aṅguṣṭhamātra & aṅguṣṭhamātraka a. having the length of a thumb.

aṅguṣṭhamūla n. the root of the thumb.

aṅghri m. foot, root; aṅghripaṭna s. lotus-(like) foot.

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ac acati acate & añcati añcate v pp. akna (akta)

acita & añcita v (q.v.) bend, move, go; exalt, honour. C. añcayati rouse, excite. --
     apa push off, remove.
     ā bend, curve.
     ud lift up, raise.
     ni bend down; drop, sink.
     pari turn.
     vi bend asunder, spread, extend.
     sam bend or press together.

acakṣurviṣaya a. not being within the reach of sight, invisible; m. a far distance.

acakṣus a. eyeless, blind.

acandana a. not being sandal.

acara a. immovable, firm.

acarama a. having no hindmost, i.e. having innumerable followers.

acala a. the same; m. mountain, f. ā the earth.

acalana n. immobility; inflexibility from (abl.).

acalapratiṣṭha a. of firm standing.

acāpala n. non-unsteadiness; firmness, constancy.

acit a. unthinking, foolish.

acitta a. unconceived, inconceivable.

acitti f. want of intellect, folly.

acintanīya a. inconceivable.

acintā f. thoughtlessness, disregard.

acintita a. unthought of, unexpected.

acintya a. incomprehensible.

acintyaparākrama a. of inconceivable power.

acintyarūpa a. of incomprehensible form.

acira a. not long (time); short, brief. °-- not long ago, recently, just (esp. before pp.); acirama acireṇa & acirāt in a short time, soon, directly.

aciradyuti f. lightning (lit. having brief splendour).

aciraprabhā f. lightning (lit. having brief splendour).

aciraprabhās f. lightning (lit. having brief splendour).

acirapravrajita a. recently become a religious mendicant.

acirasthita a. not having been kept (lit. not h. stood) a long time.

acirodita a. just risen.

acetana a. reasonless, unconscious.

acetas a. the same.

aceṣṭa a. motionless; abstr. -tā f.

acodita a. not compelled, spontaneous.

acodyamāna a. not compelled, spontaneous.

acaura m. no thief.*

accha [1] acchā adv. close by, here; prep. to, towards (acc.); often °-- in verbs.

acchā adv. close by, here; prep. to, towards (acc.); often °-- in verbs.

accha [2] a. clear, transparent, clean, pure.

acchala n. no fraud or artifice; instr. adv.

acchidra a. unbroken, uninterrupted, complete.

acchinna a. uncut, unbroken, unhurt.

acchedya a. not to be cut off.

acchokti f. invocation, invitation.

acyuta a. unshaken, firm, imperishable; m. N. of Viṣṇu.

acyutacyut a. shaking what is firm.

aj ajati ajate v drive. --
     apa drive away.
     abhi drive near or together, join.
     ava drive down.
     ā bring near, fetch; approach.
     ud M. drive out, take off.
     upa drive near or hither.
     nis drive out.
     vi drive asunder, rush through (acc.).
     sam drive together, unite; overthrow.

aja [1] m. drift, rush; driver, mover (often w. ekapad q.v.); N. of a king; he-goat, f. ā she-goat.

aja [2] a. unborn; f. ā nature (ph.).

ajagara m. large serpent, boa.

ajaḍa a. not stupid, wise.

ajana unpeopled; n. solitude.

ajapa m. goat-herd.

ajapāla m. goat-herd.

ajamāyu a. bleating like a goat.

ajamīḍha (ajamīḷha) m. N. of a man.

ajayya a. invincible.

ajara a. not aging, ageless, undecaying.

ajarant a. the same.

ajarya a. the same.

ajarāmara a. free from age and death; -vat adv., -tva n. abstr.

ajalpant a. not saying.

ajasra a. unexhausted, incessant; n. adv.

ajahakṣaṇā f. opp. of jahallakṣaṇā q.v.

ajāta a. unborn, not existent.

ajātapakṣa a. having no wings (grown).

ajātaśatru a. having no enemies (existent), E. of Yudhiṣṭhira etc.

ajānant a. not knowing.

ajāmi a. not of kin; not becoming among kindred.

ajāvi (m. pl.), ajāvika (n. sgl.) goats and sheep.

ajita a. unconquered, unsubdued.

ajitātman a. having an unsubdued soul.

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ajitendriya a. having unconquered senses, passionate.

ajina n. hide, esp. of a goat or antelope.

ajira a. agile, swift; n. adv., as subst. area, court.

ajirāy ajirāyate v be quick.

ajihma a. not crooked; straight, upright.

ajihmaga a. going straight; m. arrow.

ajihvikā f. Tongueless, N. of a Rākṣasī.

ajīgarta m. N. of a Rishi.

ajīta a. unfaded, fresh; abstr. ajīti f.

ajīrṇa n. indigestion.

ajīryatā f. indestructibleness.

ajīva a. lifeless.

ajīvant a. not living, unable to subsist.

ajīvita n. not-life, death.

ajur a. not aging, imperishable.

ajurya a. not aging, imperishable.

ajuṣṭa a. unpleasant, disagreeable.

ajeya a. unconquerable.

ajjukā f. a courtesan.*

ajña a. not knowing, ignorant; m. fool.

ajñatā f. ignorance.

ajñāta a. unknown; n. adv. without the knowledge of (gen.).

ajñāti m. not a kinsman.

ajñāna a. ignorant. n. ignorance; ajñānanāt & ajñānanatas unknowingly, unawares.

ajñānaja a. born of ignorance.

ajñās a. having no relations.

ajñeya a. inconceivable, incomprehensible.

ajma m. ajmam n. course, way, train.

ajyeṣṭha a. not the eldest or the best, pl. having no eldest brother; ajyeṣṭhavṛtti a. not behaving like an eldest brother.

ajra m. acre, field, plain; a. ajyrṛ.

ajvin a. active, agile.

añcala m. end or border of a cloth.

añcita a. bent, crooked; raised, honoured, excellent, extraordinary, beautiful.

añj anakti aṅkte v pp. akta smear, anoint, adorn (M. refl.); glorify, extol; make clear, manifest. C. añjayati smear, anoint. --
     anu anoint.
     abhi smear, anoint (M. refl.), adorn.
     ā anoint, smooth, embellish, glorify.
     ni smear, anoint; M. slip into, hide among (antar).
     prati anoint, adorn.
     vi M. anoint throughout; anoint or adorn one's self with (instr. or acc.); make clear, bring to notice, betray. C. cause to become clear, reveal.
     abhivi P. become clear, appear.
     sam anoint, adorn, embellish, honour; join, unite; lick, devour; M. feed on (instr.). -- Cf. abhivyakta abhyakta vyakta.

añjana n. smearing, anointing; suggesting (rh.); ointment, paint, esp. a collyrium made of antimony.

añjali m. the two hollowed hands put together (as a measure or a token of reverence). -liṃ kṛ or bandh put the hands together and raise them to the forehead.

añjas n. ointment; instr. & acc. quickly, suddenly (lit. in a slippery way or with gliding motion).

añjaḥsava m. rapid preparation of Soma.

añji a. smearing, slippery (also añjiva); m. n. ointment, paint, colour, ornament.

añjimant a. anointed, adorned.

aṭ aṭati aṭate v ±
     pari) walk about, roam.

aṭana n. roaming, wandering.

aṭani f. the notched end of a bow.

aṭanī f. the notched end of a bow.

aṭavī f. forest.

aṭṭa m. tower, buttress, also aṭṭāla m.

aṭṭahāsa m. loud laughter.

aṭyā f. roaming.

aṇiman [1] m. subtility, minuteness (also considered as a superhuman faculty).

aṇiṣṭha superl. & compar. to aṇu.

aṇīyaṃs superl. & compar. to aṇu.

aṇiman [2] n. the smallest piece or part.

aṇu f. aṇvī small, minute, tiny, atomic; m. atom, f. finger.

aṇumātrika a. containing minute particles.

aṇumukha f. ī small-mouthed.

aṇḍa n. egg, testicle; -gata a. being in the egg.

aṇḍaja a. egg-born; m. bird.

aṇva n. a fine hole in the Soma strainer.

at atati atate v walk about, wander, run. --
     sam go or come to (acc.).

atattva n. untruth, unreality; -tas not really.

atattvārthavant a. not answering to the nature of truth.

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ataṭa m. precipice (lit. having no slope).

atathābhāva m. unreality (lit. the not being so).

atathocita a. not used to this (gen.).

atadvid a. not knowing that.

atanu a. not small, large.

atandra a. unwearied.

atandrita a. unwearied.

atandrin a. unwearied.

atapas a. impious (lit. excercising no austerities).

atapaska a. impious (lit. excercising no austerities).

atapasya a. impious (lit. excercising no austerities).

atarkita a. unconsidered, unexpected.

atala n. N. of a cert. hell (lit. bottomless).

atas adv. hence, afterwards, then, from now (± ūrdhvam & param); therefore, consequently. Also = abl. of 1 a.

atasa n. thicket, copse.

atasi m. wanderer, beggar.

ati adv. (mostly °--) across, beyond, past, over, excessively, quite, most; as prep. beyond, over (w. acc., r. gen.).

atikaruṇa a. too piteous or miserable, n. adv.

atikalyam adv. too early.

atikalyāṇa f. ī exceedingly beautiful.

atikātara a. too timid or shy.

atikāya a. very big or tall.

atikupita a. very angry, wrathful.

atikṛcchra m. a certain penance (lit. too painful).

atikṛta a. overdone, extraordinary.

atikopa m. great anger, wrath.

atikopana a. too angry.

atikrama m. going over, passing; transgression, disregard; mistake, blunder.

atikramaṇa n. going over, passing, transgressing; irreverence towards (--°).

atikrūra a. too cruel or dreadful.

atiklāmita a. very depressed.*

atiga (--°) exceeding, transgressing.

aticatura a. very quick.

aticāra m. transgression.

aticiram adv. very long.

aticchandas a. free from desires; f. a hypermetrical verse.

atijagatī f. N. of a metre.

atijīvanmṛtaka a. more dead than living.

atitapasvin a. very ascetic.

atitarām adv. more, in a higher degree; much, exceedingly, absolutely.

atitārin a. crossing, getting over.

atitṛṣṇa a. very thirsty.

atitṛṣṇā f. excessive greediness.

atitejas a. very splendid or powerful.

atitejasvin a. very splendid or powerful.

atithi m. guest: atithitva n. hospitality.

atithipūjana n. -pūjā f. honourable reception of a guest.

atidakṣiṇatā f. too much courtesy.*

atidāruṇa a. too hard or cruel.

atidāha m. violent burning or heat.

atidīpta a. blazing violently.

atidīrgha a. too long.

atidīrghakopanatā f. too long lasting anger.*

atiduḥkhānvita a. greatly afflicted.

atiduḥkhita a. greatly afflicted.

atidurvṛtta a. of very bad conduct.

atiduṣkara a. very difficult.

atiduṣṭa a. too wicked or cruel.

atidustara a. very difficult to be crossed.

atidūna a. too shaken or troubled.*

atidūra a. very or too far.

atidṛḍha a. too firm, close, or tight.

atideśa m. transfer, extended application, analogy.

atidhīra a. quite constant.

atidhṛti f. N. of a class of metres.

atināṣṭra a. past danger.

atinidrālu a. too sleepy.

atinirghṛṇa a. quite pitiless.*

atinirbandha m. too much eagerness; instr. & -tas adv.

atinirviṇṇa a. too despondent or humble.*

atiniṣkaruṇa a. too merciless.

atiniṣṭhura a. too rude or harsh; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

atinṛśaṃsa a. too wicked.

atiparikṣata a. grievously wounded.

atipāta m. passing away; disregard, neglect.

atipātin a. going beyond, passing, overtaking, neglecting.

atipinaddha a. too tightly fastened.*

atiprakāśa a. very manifest; abstr. -katva n.

atiprage adv. too early.

atiprabandha m. uninterruptedness, continuance

atipramāṇa a. of extraordinary size, huge.

atiprayukta a. very much used or common.

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atipravṛtta a. very zealous or active.

atipravṛddha a. full-grown, advanced (age); too haughty or arrogant.

atipraśānta a. quite abated or calm.

atiprasakti f. -prasaṅga m. excessive attachment to (gen. or --°); abl. -prasaṅgatas.

atiprasanna n. (imp.) too kind of (instr.).

atiprākṛta a. quite vulgar or uneducated.

atiprauḍhayauvana a. in the full bloom of youth.

atibala a. very strong.

atibalavant a. very strong.

atibalin a. very strong.

atibāla a. very young.

atibībhatsa a. quite disgusting.

atibodhisattva a. exceeding the saints.

atibhakti f. excessive devotion.

atibhāra m. heavy burden.

atibhīṣaṇa a. quite dreadful.

atibhukta n. (imp.) too much eaten.

atibhūmi f. culmination, high degree; (laṅghin going too far*).

atibhūri a. very much; -payas a. yielding very much milk.

atibhairava a. most terrific.

atimadhyaṃdina n. the very midday.

atibhojana n. too much eating.

atimadhuram adv. very sweetly.*

atimalina a. very dirty or mean.

atimātra a. exceeding the measure, excessive; °-- & n. adv.

atimāna m. high opinion, arrogance.

atimānin a. haughty, arrogant.

atimānuṣa a. superhuman.

atimukta a. escaped (acc.); s. N. of a plant.

atimukhara a. very talkative.

atimugdha a. much perplexed.

atimūḍha a. quite foolish.

atiyaśa a. very glorious.

atiyaśas a. very glorious.

atiraṃhas a. very quick.

atiramaṇīya a. quite delightful.

atiramya a. quite delightful.

atiraskṛta a. unimpaired.

atirātra a. left over from last night.

atirikta a. excessive, superfluous, too large, too much, surpassing (acc.) by (instr.); having too much or too many (°-- or --°); different from (abl. or --°). Abstr. atiriktatā f.

atiriktāṅga a. having redundant limbs.

atiruṣ a. very angry.

atirūpa a. most beautiful; n. great beauty.

atireka m. surplus, remainder, rest; excess, high degree.

atilajjanīya a. too shameful or confounding.*

atilalita a. very pleasant.

atilubdha a. very covetous or greedy.

atilobha m. -tā f. excessive greediness or desire.

atiloma a. too hairy.

atilola a. very unsteady or frail.

atilohita f. -hinī very red.

atilaulya n. too much eagerness or desire.

ativartana n. escape.

ativartin a. exceeding, transgressing.

ativarṣa m. n., -varṣaṇa n. too much rain.

ativāda m. excessive language, injury.

ativāmoru a. exceedingly beautiful (lit. hand-some-thighed).

atividhura a. too miserable.

ativisaṃṣṭhula a. too unsteady or uncertain.

ativistara a. diffuseness, prolixity; -tas at large, in full detail.

ativistāra m. too great extent.

ativīryavant a. very powerful.

ativṛtta a. passed away; past or beyond (--°).

ativṛddha a. very old, tall, or strong; prominent by (instr.).

ativṛṣṭi f. too much rain, -da giving or causing it.

atiśakvarī f. N. of a metre.

atiśaṅkita a. much afraid of (abl.)

atiśaya a. excessive, excellent, superior to (abl.); m. excessiveness, excellence, superiority. °-- & instr. adv. excessively, very much, more.

atiśayana f. atiśayanī & atiśayin a. excellent.

atiśayita a. exceeded; exceeding (acc.), extraordinary.

atiśayopamā f. an exaggerated comparison.

atiśāyin a. surpassing.

atiśithila a. very inconstant.*

atiśiṣṭa a. left, remaining.

atiśuddha a. quite pure or clean.

atiśauṇḍīratā f. too much generosity.*

atiśrama m. excessive weariness.

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atiṣakta a. connected with (instr.), attached to (--°).

atiṣita a. underbound.

atiṣkad f. leaping over.

atiṣṭhant a. not staying, restless; withdrawing from (loc.).

atiṣṭhā a. surpassing; f. superiority.

atisaṃkaṭa a. very difficult; n. great trouble.

atisaṃkruddha a. very angry.

atisaṃcaya m. too much hoarding.

atisaṃnidhāna n. too great nearness.

atisaṃbhrama m. vehement agitation or confusion.

atisarasa a. most delicious (also as compar. w. abl.).

atisarga m. concession, permission, leave.

atisahasā (instr. adv.) too suddenly.

atisāṃvatsara f. ī extending beyond a year.

atisādhvasa n. too much shyness.

atisāyam adv. very late.

atisāra m. diarrhoea.

atisāhasa n. excessive rashness, temerity.

atisukha a. most delightful.

atisūkṣma a. very subtile or minute.

atisṛṣṭi f. a higher creation.

atisauhitya n. too good cheer (lit. over-saturation).

atisvapnaśīla a. too much given to sleep.

atisvalpa a. very small or little.

atīta a. gone away, passed, dead; going beyond, transcending, surpassing (--°).

atītaśaiśava a. who has passed his infancy or minority.

atīndriya a. going beyond or unattainable by the senses; n. mind, soul.

atīndriyagrāhya a. conceivable (only) by the internal organ.

atīrtha n. not the right way or time.

atīva adv. exceedingly, very much; as prep. above, more than (acc. or abl.).

atudant a. not urging.

atula a. unequalled, unparalleled.

atuṣṭa a. dissatisfied.

atuṣṭi f. dissatisfaction.

atuṣṭikara a. causing discontent, disgusting.

atūtuji a. not quick; slow.

atṛpṇuvant a. insatiable.

atṛpta a. unsatiated, unsatisfied; abstr. -tā f.

ataijasa a. not made of metal.

atka m. garment, veil; lightning.

attavya a. to be eaten.

attā f. mother.*

attikā f. mother.*

atti a. eating, consuming.

attṛ m. eater, devourer; f. attrī.

atya a. hastening, running, swift; m. courser, horse, f. ā mare.

atyadbhuta a. most wonderful.

atyanta a. reaching to the end, uninterrupted, continual, thorough, complete, absolute. ° & n. to the end, through life, for ever, continually, throughout, thoroughly.

atyaya m. going beyond, passing-away; transgression, offence, sin; distress, pain, danger; end, death.

atyartha (°--) & -m adv. excessively, very much.

atyalpa a. very little.

atyalpabuddhi a. of very small understanding, stupid.

atyaśana n. too much eating.

atyaśnant a. eating too much.

atyaṣṭi f. N. of a metre.

atyākula a. very confused; n. adv.

atyāgin a. not leaving or renouncing.

atyādara m. too much regard or consideration.

atyāditya a. excelling the sun.

atyāyata a. very tall.

atyārūḍha a. risen too high, excessive, immoderate.

atyāścarya a. most wonderful or strange.

atyāhita a. extraordinary, dreadful; n. calamity, misfortune.

atyugra a. very mighty or strong; awful, dire.

atyucchrita a. highest, most exalted.

atyudātta a. prominent.

atyudāra a. most sublime.

atyunnati f. elevation, high rank.

atyuṣṇa a. very hot.

atra adv. here, hither; herein, in this case or matter; there, then; also = loc. of 1 a.

atrā adv. here, hither; herein, in this case or matter; there, then; also = loc. of 1 a.

atrapa a. shameless.

atrabhavant f. -vatī his or her reverence (here).

atrāntare (loc. adv.) meantime.

atri a. eating, devouring. m. N. of a Rishi & star in the Great Bear, pl. the descendants of Atri.

atrija a. born of Atri.

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atrin a. voracious, ravenous.

atrivarṣa a. not yet three years old.

atvara a. not speeding, slow.

atvarant a. not speeding, slow.

atvarā f. want of haste, slowness.

atha adv. then, now; therefore, accordingly; further, also; however, but (often merely expletive). At the beginning of books or sections of books = now beginneth (opp. iti q.v.). Often followed by atas (athātas) api (athāpi) u (atho) gha tu punar, etc. -- atha vā (r. atha alone or vātha) or, or rather, but, however, or if, even. atha vā--atha vā either or. atha kim how else?, i.e. of course. atha kimu so much the more.

athā adv. then, now; therefore, accordingly; further, also; however, but (often merely expletive). At the beginning of books or sections of books = now beginneth (opp. iti q.v.). Often followed by atas (athātas) api (athāpi) u (atho) gha tu punar, etc. -- atha vā (r. atha alone or vātha) or, or rather, but, however, or if, even. atha vā--atha vā either or. atha kim how else?, i.e. of course. atha kimu so much the more.

atharī f. point (of an arrow).

atharvan m. fire-priest, esp. the first fire-priest; pl. his race or = seq. (then also sgl.).

atharvaveda m. the Atharvaveda.

atharvaśiras n. T. of an Upanishad.

atharvāṅgiras m. pl. the races of Atharvan and Angiras, also = atharvateda.

ad atti v eat, feed on, consume, devour. C. ādayati te. -- ā pra vi sam = S.

adaṃṣṭrin a. not having tusks.

adakṣiṇa [1] a. left (not right), undexterous.

adakṣiṇa [2] a. giftless, i.e. not bestowing or not accompanied by sacrificial gifts.

adakṣiṇatā f. want of courtesy or kindness.*

adaṇḍayant a. not punishing.

adaṇḍya a. unpunishable.

adatta a. not given; f. adattā an unmarried girl; n. not-giving, avarice.

adattadāyin m. thief (lit. who takes what is not given).

adattapūrvā f. not yet given (in marriage).

adattaphala n. reward for avarice.

adadat n. not giving.

adana n. eating, food.

adant a. toothless.

adabdha a. unhurt, unbroken; harmless.

adabha a. harmless, faithful.

adabhra a. not scanty, much.

adambha [1] a. deceitless, honest.

adambha [2] m. non-deceit, honesty.

adambhitva n. = prec.

adaya a. merciless; n. adv. violently.

adaridra a. not poor.

adarpa a. having no pride, humble.

adarśana a. invisible; n. not-seeing, not-examining or trying, disregard, neglect; not being seen, not appearing, absence.

adarśayant a. not showing or producing.

adarśayitvā ger. without showing or paying.

adas (n. pron.) that, yonder (also °--); adv. there.

adātṛ a. not giving (esp. in marriage); avaricious, stingy.

adāna [1] a. being eaten.

adāna [2] n. not-giving, withholding.

adāna [3] a. giftless and juiceless (of an elephant).

adānava m. not a Dānava, i.e. a god.

adābhya a. uninjurable, infallible.

adāyāda f. ī (ā) not being an heir.

adāruṇa a. not harsh, meek, mild.

adāsa m. not a slave, a free man.

adāhya a. incombustible.

aditi [1] f. want, indigence.

aditi [2] a. boundless, unlimited, infinite; f. infinity, person, as the other of the gods.

aditsant a. not willing to give.

aditsu a. not willing to give.

adīna a. not distressed, cheerful.

adīnamanas a. of cheerful mind.

adīnasattva a. of cheerful mind.

adīnātman a. of cheerful mind.

adīyamāna a. not being given or married.

adīrgha a. not long.

aduṣṭa a. not bad or wicked.

aduṣṭatva n. goodness, virtue.

aduṣprāpa a. not difficult to be attained.

adūna a. unharmed, uninjured.

adūra a. not far, near; adūre adūrāt & adūratas adv. near, not far from (abl. or gen.).

adūṣita a. unvitiated, blameless, virtuous.

adṛḍha a. not firm, inconstant.

adṛpita a. not arrogant or proud; prudent, discreet.

adṛpta a. not arrogant or proud; prudent, discreet.

adṛśya a. invisible, insignificant, ugly; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

adṛśyamāna a. not being seen, invisible.

adṛṣṭa a. unseen, invisible, unforeseen, unexpected; unprecedented, unlawful; n. the invisible power, fate, destiny.

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adṛṣṭapūrva a. not seen before.

adṛṣṭvā ger. without seeing.

adeya a. not to be given.

adeva f. ī not divine, godless, impious; m. not a god, an Asura.

adeśa m. wrong place.

adeśakāla m. wrong place and time.

adeśya a. not on the spot, not present, not a witness.

adaiva a. unconnected with the gods.

adoṣa a. guiltless, sinless; m. no guilt or sin.

adoṣajña a. not knowing faults.

adoṣavant a. faultless, unblamable.

adga m. stalk, stem, cane.

addhā adv. indeed, truly; superl. addhātamām most truly.

adbhuta a. invisible, secret, mysterious, wonderful; n. wonder, portent.

adbhutainas a. in whom no fault is visible.

adbhutopamā f. a kind of comparison.

adman n. food.

admasad m. commensal, fellow, friend.

adya adv. to-day, now. -- adya pūrvam & adyayāvat till now. adya prabhṛti & adyārabhya from now, from to-day.

adyā adv. to-day, now. -- adya pūrvam & adyayāvat till now. adya prabhṛti & adyārabhya from now, from to-day.

adyatana f. ī to day's present.

adyadiva n. -divasa m. the present (lit. today's) day.

adravya n. not the (right) thing or person.

adri m. rock, stone, esp. bruising or hurling stone; mountain, cloud.

adridugdha a. extracted (lit. milked) with stones.

adrijā a. mountain-born.

adribudhna a. founded on rocks.

adrivant (only voc. -vas) hurler (lit. having a hurling stone).

adruh (nom. adhruk) a. deceitless, artless, true.

adrogha a. the same.

adroghavāc a. whose word is true.

adroha a. harmless, kind; m. kindness.

adrohacetas a. of harmless mind.

advaya a. without a second, unique.

advayatva n. non-duality, unity.

advayant a. free from duplicity; simple, sincere.

advayas a. free from duplicity; simple, sincere.

advayānanda m. N. of a philosopher, lit. whose joy is the unity (of the divine essence).

advayāvin a. = advayant.

advayu a. = advayant.

advār n. not the door.

advāra n. not the door.

advija a. destitute of Brahmans.

advitīya a. = advaya.

adveṣarāgin a. free from hatred and affection.

adveṣas a. free from hatred, benevolent.

adveṣṭṛ m. not an enemy, or friend; abstr. -tva n.

advaita a. = advaya, n. = advayatva.

adha (cf. atha) then, so, and, but, therefore, accordingly (esp. after a rel., temp., or condit. clause). adha-adha & adha-adha vā either-or.

adhā (cf. atha) then, so, and, but, therefore, accordingly (esp. after a rel., temp., or condit. clause). adha-adha & adha-adha vā either-or.

adhana a. having no wealth, poor.

adhanya a. the same; miserable, unhappy.

adhanyatā f. misery, misfortune.*

adhama a. undermost, lowest, worst of (--°).

adhamaceṣṭa a. of meanest conduct.

adhamadhī a. of weak understanding.

adhamayonija a. born of lowest origin.

adhamarṇa m. debtor.

adhamarṇika m. debtor.

adhara a. lower; adharaṃ kṛ subdue, adharaḥ pad be subdued. m. the lower lip, coll. the lips.

adharāraṇi f. the nether Araṇi (v. araṇi).

adharottara a. lower and higher, inferior and better, losing or winning; confuse, topsyturvy. n. state of confusion; address and answer.

adharoṣṭha n. (adj. --° f. ī) netherlip, coll. the lips.

adharauṣṭha n. (adj. --° f. ī) netherlip, coll. the lips.

adharma m. unrighteousness, injustice, demerit (often personif.).

adharmajña a. not knowing the law.

adharmadaṇḍana n. unjust punishment.

adharmabhīru a. afraid of injustice.

adharmiṣṭha a. unrighteous, unlawful.

adharmya a. unrighteous, unlawful.

adhaścaraṇāvapāta m. prostration at the feet of a person.

adhaḥśaya a. lying low, i.e. on the ground.

adhaḥśayya a. lying low, i.e. on the ground.

adhaḥśayyā f. lying or sleeping on the ground.

adhaḥśākha a. having the branches below.

adhaḥśāyin a. = adhaḥśaya.

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adhas adv. below, down; adho'dhas deeper and deeper. With kṛ put low, despise; w. pat sink down. As prep. under, below, w. acc. (also adho'dhas), gen., abl., & --°.

adhastāt adv. down, on the ground, from below; humbly, submissively; prep. underneath, below (gen., abl., or --°).

adhaspada a. being under the feet; -pada kṛ tread upon, subdue. n. the place under the feet, as adv. under foot.

adhaḥstha a. being below.

adhārmika a. unrighteous, unjust.

adhārya a. not to be borne or kept up.

adhi adv. up, above, over, within, besides, moreover; highly, very much. As prep. w. acc. above, over, on (also doubled); w. instr. along over (only w. snunā & snubhis); w. abl. above, down, from, out of; w. loc. above (*and below, in rank), over, in, on, in behalf of, concerning.

adhika a. exceeding, extraordinary; superior, more, better than (abl., instr., gen., or --°), by (instr. or --°). °-- and n. adv.; abstr. = n., also -tā f. -tva n.

adhikaguṇa a. h. superior qualities; abstr. -tā f.

adhikaṇṭham adv. at or round the neck.

adhikaraṇa n. (lit. the putting over, placing at the head, supremacy); substance, something concrete (as the recipient of qualities, actions, etc.); support, receptacle; relation, esp. the relation of the locative (g.), chapter, head (in books); court of justice.

adhikaraṇabhoja m. judge.

adhikaraṇabhojaka m. judge.

adhikaraṇamaṇḍapa s. hall of justice.

adhikaraṇika m. judge or magistrate.

adhikāṅga f. ī having a redundant member.

adhikādhika a. always increasing.

adhikāra m. supremacy, authority, government, dignity, rank, office, service; right, title to (loc.), chapter, head; heading-rule (g.).

adhikāritā f. -tva n. superintendence over (loc. or. --°).

adhikārin m. having an office, superintendent of (--°); a person being entitled to (--°), or fit for something.

adhikṛta a. placed at the head, appointed; m. superintendent, magistrate, official.

adhikṛtya ger. concerning, on account of, with reference to (acc.).

adhigantavya a. attainable, acquirable.

adhigama m. -gamana n. obtaining, acquiring, going through or over, reading, studying.

adhigamya a. attainable, accessible, conceivable, to be read or studied.

adhiguṇa a. possessed of high qualities.

adhigupta a. kept, guarded by (--°).

adhijanana n. birth.

adhijya a. having the string up; strung.

adhijyakārmuka a. having the bow strung (v. prec.).

adhijyadhanvan a. the same.

adhideva m. -tā f. a. supreme or tutelary god.

adhidaiva n. the divine agent in material objects.

adhidaivata n. = adhideva + adhidaiva.

adhipa m. lord, master, ruler.

adhipati m. lord, master, ruler.

adhipā m. lord, master, ruler.

adhipuruṣa m. the supreme spirit.

adhipūruṣa m. the supreme spirit.

adhipeṣaṇa a. whereon something is ground.

adhibhūta n. the highest being.

adhimanthana a. where with something is churned; n. the hard piece of wood used in producing fire.

adhiyajña [1] m. the supreme sacrifice.

adhiyajña [2] a. relating to the sacrifice.

adhiratha a. being on the chariot; m. charioteer, a man's name; n. a cart-load.

adhirāj m. supreme ruler, sovereign.

adhirāja m. supreme ruler, sovereign.

adhirājya n. supreme sway, sovereignty.

adhirūḍha a. mounted (act. & pass.), sitting upon (acc. or --°).

adhiropaṇa n. placing over or on (--°).

adhirohaṇa n. ascending (loc. or --°).

adhiloka m. the supreme world.

adhivaktṛ m. intercessor, protector.

adhivāka m. intercession, protection.

adhivāda m. offence (with words).

adhivāsa [1] m. inhabitant, neighbour; dwelling, abode.

adhivāsa [2] m. cover, upper garment.

adhivāsa [3] m. perfume; abstr. -tā f.

adhivāsana n. perfuming; -sita a. perfumed.

adhivāsin a. dwelling in or near (--°).

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adhivinnā f. superseded (by another wife).

adhivettavyā f. to be superseded (cf. prec.).

adhivedyā f. to be superseded (cf. prec.).

adhiśrita a. clinging to, hanging or resting on (loc. or acc.), put on (loc.), esp. on the fire; gone to (acc.).

adhiṣavaṇa a. fit for pressing (the Soma); n. the Soma-press.

adhiṣṭhātṛ superintendent, ruler; f. -trī.

adhiṣṭhāna n. standing or dwelling-place; residence, capital; high position, power, dignity.

adhiṣṭhāya ger. employing, by means of (acc.).

adhiṣṭhita a. standing, sticking; sitting on, being in (loc. or acc.); being above or foremost; placed at the head of, appointed to (loc. or --°), founded on (loc.); inhabited, occupied, seized, taken, filled, lead, managed, exercised (instr. or --°).

dhiṣṭhita a. standing, sticking; sitting on, being in (loc. or acc.); being above or foremost; placed at the head of, appointed to (loc. or --°), founded on (loc.); inhabited, occupied, seized, taken, filled, lead, managed, exercised (instr. or --°).

adhīkāra m. superintendence (w. loc.).

adhīta a. studied, learnt from (abl.); taught, learned; n. learning, study.

adhīti f. recollection; study, perusal.

adhītin a. well-read, versed in (loc.).

adhīna (mostly --°) subject, dependent.

adhīra [1] a. unsteady, abstr. -tā f.

adhīra [2] a. unwise.

adhīrākṣa a. having unsteady eyes.

adhīśa m. master, lord, king; abstr. -tā f.

adhunā adv. now, presently.

adhūmaka a. smokeless.

adhṛti f. unsteadiness, inconstancy, restlessness.

adhṛṣṭa a. not bold or impertinent; humble, modest, also = seq.

adhṛṣya a. invincible, irresistible.

adhenu f. a cow yielding no milk, fig. anything sterile.

adhairya n. = adhṛti.

adhoakṣa a. not reaching to the axle-tree.

adhośuka n. under-garment.

adhogata a. gone down (lit. & fig.).

adhogati f. going down, going into hell; also as adj., the same.

adhodṛṣṭi [1] f. a downcast look.

adhodṛṣṭi [2] a. looking down.

adhobhāga m. underpart, bottom, depth.

adhomukha f. ī looking or turned (lit. h. the face turned) downwards.

adhauta a. unwashed.

adhyakṣa m. eye-witness or superintendent.

adhyagni indecl. (what is given) over the fire.

adhyadhīna a. wholly dependent.

adhyantena (instr. adv.) close by or to (gen.).

adhyayana n. studying, reading, taking lessons from (abl.).

adhyayanādāna n. giving instruction, teaching.

adhyardha a. one and a half.

adhyavasāna n. -sāya m. making up one's mind, resolution.

adhyavasāyin a. resolved, determined to (--°).

adhyavasita a. finished, settled, certain (n. also impers.).

adhyavahanana a. whereon something is bruised.

adhyākrānta a. occupied, chosen.

adhyātma a. concerning one's self, one's own; n. adv. (tmama), as subst. the supreme soul.

adhyātmacetas n. the thinking on the supreme soul.

adhyātmarati a. delighting in (the contemplation of) the supreme soul.

adhyātmika a. referring to the supreme soul.

adhyāpaka m. teacher.

adhyāpana n. teaching, instruction.

adhyāpya a. to be instructed.

adhyāya m. study, lesson, section of a book, chapter.

adhyāropa m. -ropaṇā f. transferring erroneously (ph.).

adhyāvāhanika n. a cert. part of a wife's property (j.).

adhyāsa m. putting in or upon; also = adhyāropa.

adhyāsita a. seated or resting upon; inhabited or occupied by (--°).

adhyuṣita a. (having) occupied, inhabited, frequented, passed.

adhyeya a. to be read or studied.

adhri a. unrestrained, irresistible.

adhrigu a. of irresistible course.

adhruva a. not fixed, uncertain, inconstant.

adhvaga m. traveller.

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adhvanya m. traveller.

adhvan m. road, path, travel; length, space.

adhvara m. religious service, sacrifice, esp. a. greater one.

adhvaraśrī a. beautifying the sacrifice.

adhvarīy adhvary yati v perform the sacrifice.

adhvareṣṭhā a. persevering at the sacrifice.

adhvaryu m. priest, esp. one performing the actual work of the sacrifice.

adhvasman a. unpolluted.

an aniti anati v breathe, live. --
     apa breathe out or away.
     ud breathe up, breathe away.
     pra breathe in, respire, live. C. revive.
     vi breathe, breathe through.
     sam breathe, live.
     anusam breathe after.

ana [1] pron. stem of 3d pers.

ana [2] m. breath, spiration.

anaṃśa a. getting no share.

anagni [1] m. non-fire, anything else than fire.

anagni [2] a. having no fire.

anagnidagdha a. not burnt by fire; m. pl. a class of Manes.

anagha a. sinless, guiltless, pure.

anaṅga a. bodiless; m. the god of love.

anaṅgakrīḍā f. love-sport.

anaṅgatva n. abstr. to anaṅga.

anaṅgarati f. joy of love; a woman's name.

anaḍudda a. giving a bull.

anaḍuha m. (--°) = seq. m.; f. ī cow.

anaḍvah m. (nom. -ḍvān) bull or ox.

anaṇu a. not minute or small.

anatikṛcchreṇa (instr. adv.) without too much pain or trouble.

anatikrama m. anatikramaṇa n. not overstepping.

anatikramaṇīya a. not to be overstepped or transgressed, inviolable.

anatikruddha a. not too angry with (gen.).

anatidagdha a. not burnt over.

anatipātya a. not to be transgressed or neglected.

anatiprakāśaka n. not very enlightening (ph.); abstr. -tva n.

anatiprauḍha a. not full-grown.

anatilambin a. not too much hanging or undulating, rather tight (garment).

anatilulita a. not too much pressed, not too closely adhered to.

anatīta a. not passed away.

anadant a. not eating.

anaddhā adv. not truly or really.

anadyatana m. not this day, not to-day or the same day. -- bhūtāna & bhaviṣyadana° not the same day in the past or in the future.

anadhigata a. not attained.

anadhītya ger. without studying.

anadhīyant a. not studying.

anadhīyāna a. not studying.

anadhyayana n. want of study.

anadhyātmavid a. not knowing the supreme soul.

anadhyāya m. = anadhyayana.

ananujñāta a. not allowed.

ananujñāpya a. without permission from (acc.).

ananubhūta a. not experienced, unknown.*

ananurūpa a. not fit, ill suited.

ananuvrata a. not devoted, disobedient.

ananuṣṭhāna n. disregard, neglect.

ananūkta a. unstudied.

ananta a. endless; m. Viṣṇu, a man's name.

anantatā f. endlessness, eternity.

anantapāpa a. absolutely wicked.

anantabāhu a. having innumerable arms.

anantara a. having nothing within or between, immediately adjoing or following (in time and space), next, esp. in caste. anantaram adv. close by; thereupon, at once, soon after (gen., abl., or --°).

anantaraja a. next born, also = seq.

anantarajāta a. born of a woman of lower caste than the man's.

anantarāya a. without interval, uninterrupted, unchecked*; n. anantarāyam adv.

anantarūpa a. having innumerable forms.

anantavijaya m. N. of Yudhiṣṭhira's conch-shell (lit. counting endless victories).

anantavīrya a. of endless strength.

anantaśuṣma a. of endless vigour.

anantya n. endlessness, eternity.

ananda m. pl. N. of a cert. world.

anandha a. not blind.

ananya [1] a. not different from (abl.).

ananya [2] a. having no other (object); concentrated in (loc.).

ananyacitta a. having no other thought, quite absorbed in (loc.).

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ananyacetas a. having no other thought, quite absorbed in (loc.).

ananyajanman m. E. of the god of love (lit. born from no other).

ananyadṛṣṭi a. having no other sight, looking at nothing else.

ananyapara a. devoted to no other person; abstr. -tā f.

ananyaparāyaṇa a. = prec. adj.

ananyabhāj a. cherishing no other.

ananyamanas a. thinking of no other person or thing.

ananyamānasa a. thinking of no other person or thing.

ananyayoga m. exclusive devotedness.

ananyaruci a. having no other desire.

ananyaviṣaya a. relating to nothing else.

ananyasama a. having no equal unparalleled.

ananyasāmānya a. having no equal unparalleled.

ananyasādhāraṇa f. ī a. belonging to (lit. common with) no other.

ananviṣyant a. not seeking for (acc.).

anapakarman n. non-delivery.

anapakārin a. harmless, innocuous.

anapakriyā f. non-delivery, non-payment.

anapacyuta a. not falling off.

anapatya a. childless, having no progeny; n. & anapatyatā f. abstr.

anaparāddha a. faultless, having done no harm.

anaparādha a. the same.

anaparādhin a. the same.

anapasara a. having no escape or excuse.

anapasphur a. not kicking off.

anapasphura a. not kicking off.

anapasphurant a. not kicking off.

anapākṛtya ger. without restoring.

anapekṣa a. inconsiderate, careless; n. adv.

anapekṣā f. -kṣatva n. disregard, independence.

anapekṣita a. disregarded, unheeded.

anapnas a. having no possession, poor.

anapsaras f. no Apsaras.*

anabhikhyāta a. unknown.

anabhigamanīya a. inaccessible.

anabhijña a. unacquainted with, ignorant of (gen., loc., or --°).

anabhijñāta a. not recognised.*

anabhidhāna n. non-statement.

anabhibhavagandha a. showing no (smell of) contempt.

anabhibhāṣin a. not addressing, silent.

anabhimata a. unwished for.

anabhilulita a. untouched.

anabhivyakta a. not very distinct.

anabhiṣaṅga m. absence of attachment.

anabhiṣvaṅga m. absence of attachment.

anabhisaṃhitam adv. unintentionally.

anabhisaṃdhāya ger. having made no agreement; taking no interest in anything.

anabhisaṃdhi (°--) disinterestedness.

anabhisneha a. desireless.

anabhihita a. untied, unfastened; not named or designated.

anabhīśu a. reinless, unbridled.

anabhyanujñāta a. not having been allowed; without permission of (instr.).

anabhyantara a. uninitiated in (gen.).

anabhyarcya ger. without worshipping.

anabhyarthanīya a. not to be desired.*

anabhyāsa m. want of study.

anabhra a. cloudless.

anamitra a. free from enemies; n. as abstr.

anamitralābha m. the not-getting of enemies.

anamīva a. having or causing no sickness or pain, healthy, propitious. n. health, weal.

anaya [1] m. misconduct.

anaya [2] m. ill-luck, misery.

anarāla a. not crooked, straight.

anargala a. unrestrained, free.

anargha m. wrong (lit. no) value; a. priceless.

anargharāghava n. T. of a drama.

anarghya a. priceless, invaluable.

anarcita a. unpraised, unrespected, given without respect.

anartha a. useless, fruitless, unhappy, unlucky, meaningless, nonsensical (also -ka); m. non-advantage, disadvantage, damage, ill-luck, nonsense.

anarthakārin a. doing mischief.*

anarthapaṇḍita a. learned or versed in useless things.

anarthāntara n. not another i.e. the same meaning.

anarthya a. useless, good for nothing.

anarva unchecked, unrestrained, irresistible.

anarvaṇa unchecked, unrestrained, irresistible.

anarvan unchecked, unrestrained, irresistible.

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anarha a. not deserving, unworthy; too good or too bad for, unfit or unsuitable to (--°). Abstr. -tā f.

anarhant a. unworthy, innocent.

anala m. fire or the god of fire.

analaṃkṛta a. unadorned.

anavakḷpta a. irregular, wrong, unfit for (loc.).

anavagata a. not attained or understood.

anavagṛhīta a. unconceived, unfathomable.*

anavagraha a. unrestrained, indomitable.

anavacchinna a. undiscerned, undefined, indistinct; abstr. -tva n.

anavaccheda m. indistinctness.

anavadya a. faultless; abstr. anavadyatā f., anavadyatva n.

anavadyāṅga f. ī having a faultless body.

anavadhāna a. inattentive, careless; n. abstr.

anavapṛgṇa a. undivided.

anavabhāsa m. non-appearance.

anavabhrarādhas a. bestowing durable gifts.

anavama a. not the lowest; --° = seq.

anavara a. not inferior to (abl.).

anavarata a. uninterrupted, continual; n. adv.

anavalambana n. not-adhering to (--°).

anavalepa a. not anointed or not haughty; m. modesty.

anavalokayant a. not looking at (acc.).

anavalokita a. unsearched.*

anavasa a. not stopping, restless.

anavasara m. want of opportunity; not the time or place for (gen.).

anavasita a. = anavasa; f. ā N. of a metre.

anavastha a. unsteady, fleeting.

anavasthā f. instability, unboundedness, regressus in infinitum (ph.).

anavasthāna n. unsteadiness.

anavasthāyin a. unsteady.

anavasthita a. unsteady, fickle; abstr. -sthiti f.

anavāpta a. not obtained.

anavāpti f. non-obtaining.

anavāpya a. not to be obtained; n. imp.

anavekṣaṇa n. -kṣā f. want of attention, regardlessness.

anavekṣya ger. regardless of (acc.).

anaśana n. anaśanatā f. fasting.

anaśita a. uneaten.

anaśnant a. not eating.

anaśru a. tearless.

anaśva a. horseless.

anaśvadā a. not giving horses.

anas n. cart, (heavy) waggon.

anasūya a. not grumbling or envious; f. ā a woman's name.

anasūyaka (f. anasūyikā), anasūyant & anasūyu = anasūya a.

anasūyā f. freedom from envy.

anastha a. boneless.

anasthaka a. boneless.

anasthan a. boneless.

anasthi a. the same; s. a boneless animal.

anasthika a. = prec. a.

anahaṃvādin a. not talking (only) of one's self, modest.

anahaṃkāra m. freedom from self-conceit.

anahaṃkṛta a. not being egoistic.

anā (instr. adv.) certainly, indeed.

anākampa a. unshaken.

anākarṇita (d.) n. not hearing.

anākarṇitaka (d.) n. not hearing.

anākula a. untroubled, unperplexed.

anākṣārita a. not accused before.

anākhyāta a. untold.

anākhyāya ger. without telling.

anākhyeya a. unutterable.

anāgacchant a. not coming.

anāgata a. not yet come, future.

anāgatavidhātṛ m. Disposer of the future (N. of a fish).

anāgas a. harmless, sinless.

anāgāstva n. abstr. to prec.

anāghrāta a. unsmelt.

anācakṣat a. not telling.

anācarant a. not doing or exercising.

anājñā f. non-leave; instr. adv. without leave or permission.

anājñāta a. unknown, unperceived.

anātapa a. without heat, shady.

anātiṣṭhant a. not resorting to (acc.).

anātura a. not ill, well, healthy.

anātmajña a. stupid (lit. not knowing one's self).

anātmatva n. not being the soul.

anātman m. not the soul.

anātmavant a. not self-possessed.

anātha [1] a. having no protector, helpless.

anātha [2] n. helplessness.

anādara m. disrespect, contempt.

anādātṛ m. not a receiver.

anādi a. having no beginning.

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anādimant a. having no beginning.

anādṛta a. not respected, despised.

anādṛtya ger. without regarding.

anādeya a. unacceptable, inadmissible.

anādya a. uneatable, unfit for food.

anādyabhakṣaṇa n. eating forbidden food.

anādyādana n. the same.

anādhṛṣṭa a. unconquered.

anādhṛṣya a. unconquerable.

anānata a. unbent.

anāpad f. absence of calamity, misfortune, or need.

anāpi a. having no friends or relations.

anāpūyita a. not stinking.

anāpta a. not reaching or reached, not obtained or obtainable, unskilful, unapt.

anāpti f. non-obtaining, want of success, disappointment.

anābhyudayika a. inauspicious, unlucky.

anāman a. nameless.

anāmaya a. not unwholesome, healthy (subj. & obj.); not obnoxious to, exempt from (abl.); n. health.

anāmayapraśna m. inquiry after one's health.

anāmukta a. not yet put on or worn.

anāyaka a. without a leader or protector.

anāyata a. not fastened; not long, short.

anāyatārgala a. having its bolt not fastened, unlocked (a house).

anāyānt a. not arriving.

anāyāsa a. exempt from pain or difficulty, easy; m. abstr.

anāyudha a. not having implements or weapons.

anāyuṣya a. not imparting i.e. shortening life.

anārabhya a. not to be undertaken, impossible.

anārambha a. unenterprising; m. the not attempting of (gen.).

anāruhya ger. without undergoing (lit. ascending).

anārogya a. unwholesome.

anārjava n. crookedness, unrighteousness.

anārya a. not-Aryan, un-Aryan, dishonourable, unworthy; abstr. -tā f.

anāryakarmin a. not acting like an Aryan.

anārṣa a. not coming from or relating to a Rishi.

anārṣeya a. not coming from or relating to a Rishi.

anāviddha a. unpierced, unwounded, unhurt.

anāvila a. not turbid, clear, pure.

anāviṣkṛta a. not made known.

anāviṣkṛtapāpa a. whose sins have not been made known.

anāvṛt a. not returning.

anāvṛta a. uncovered, unfenced, unlocked; unchecked, unrestrained.

anāvṛtti f. non-return.

anāvṛṣṭi f. no rain, drought.

anāśin [1] a. not eating.

anāśin [2] a. not perishing.

anāśu a. not quick, slow.

anāśrita a. not resorting to or caring for (acc.).

anāśvas a. not having eaten.

anāṣṭra a. exempt from danger.

anāsaṅga m. unsteadiness, uncertainty.*

anāsādayant a. not obtaining.

anāsādya a. unobtainable.

anāstika a. unbelieving, sceptic, impious.

anāsthā f. disregard, indifference to (loc.).

anāsvādita a. not tasted; -pūrva never before tasted.

anāhata a. unbeaten (drum); -- unhurt*; *unwashed, new (cloth).

anāhārya a. not producible.

anāhitāgni a. not having set up the sacred fire.

anāhitāgnitā f. abstr. to prec.

anāhvāna n. non-calling, non-citation.

aniketa a. houseless.

anikṣipta a. not put down.

anikṣipya ger. without depositing.

anikṣeptṛ m. non-depositor.

anigaḍa a. chainless.

anicchant a. not wishing, against one's will.

anicchā f. want of desire, indifference, dislike; instr. without intention.

anicchāpūraka a. not fulfilling a wish.*

anitabhā f. N. of a river.

anitya a. not everlasting, perishable, transient, inconstant; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

anidra a. sleepless; f. ā want of sleep.

anidhāya ger. without putting down.

anindita a. unblamed, blameless.

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anindya a. unblamed, blameless.

aninditagāminī f. a woman of blameless walk.

anipāta m. non-death (lit. non-sinking).

anibaddha a. not bound, not appointed; unconnected, incoherent.

anibhṛta a. not fixed, restless, movable.

animitta a. having no cause, motive, or design; n. no cause etc., also = durnimitta; tas without reason.

animiṣa a. not winking, watchful.

animiṣanta a. not winking, watchful.

animiṣam adv. watchfully (cf. prec.).

animiṣā adv. watchfully (cf. prec.).

animiṣekṣaṇa a. whose eyes do not wink.

animeṣa not-winking (adj. & subst. m.).

aniyata a. unbound, unrestrained, uncertain.

aniyatavelam adv. at irregular hours.*

aniyantṛkartṛka a. not having the driver as agent (g.).

aniyantraṇa a. without restraint; -ṇānuyoga to be questioned freely.

aniyama m. want of restriction; -yopamā f. a. kind of comparison.

aniyukta a. unauthorized, unappointed.

aniyojya a. not to be enjoined.

anira a. strengthless, weak; abstr. anirā f.

anirukta a. not spoken out, unexplained, undefined, obscure.

anirjita a. unvanquished.

anirṇikta a. unpurified.

anirṇīta a. unascertained, undetermined.

anirdaya (° ) adv. not harshly; softly, meekly.

anirdaśa a. being not out of, i.e. within the ten days (of impurity).

anirdaśāha a. the same.

anirdiṣṭa a. unspecified, undefined.

anirdeśya a. not to be fixed, settled, or defined.

aniryātayant a. not delivering.*

anirvacanīya a. undefinable.

anirvarṇanīya a. not to be gazed at.

anirvāṇa a. not extinguished or gone out.

anirvāhanaśīla a. irresolute, timid (lit. not disposed to accomplish anything).*

anirvāhya ger. without carrying out.

anirviṇṇacetas -> nirviṇṇa.

anirvṛti f. discontent, unhappiness.*

anirvṛtta a. not accomplished, imperfect.

anirveda m. undauntedness, self-confidence.

anirvedita a. unrevealed or undaunted.

anirhrādin a. not sounding, low, soft, gentle.

anila m. wind (also in the body); the god of wind.

anilānala m. du. wind and fire.

anilāhati f. gale of wind, gust.

anivartitva n. abstr. to seq.

anivartin a. not turning back, brave.

anivāraṇa n. non-preventing.

aniviśamāna a. restless.

anivedya ger. without mentioning.

aniśa adv. uninterruptedly, continually.

aniśam adv. uninterruptedly, continually.

aniśita a. uninterrupted; n. adv.

aniścaya a. irresolute; m. irresolution, suspension.

aniṣavya a. impenetrable by arrows.

aniṣiddha a. unprohibited, unforbidden.

aniṣkṛta a. unfinished, unadorned, unsettled.

aniṣkṛtainas a. having one's guilt not settled, i.e. unexpiated.

aniṣṭa [1] a. undesired, unpleasant, unlawful, wrong. m. not a favourite; n. ill-luck, evil, misfortune.

aniṣṭa [2] a. not sacrificed; not worshipped with a sacrifice.

aniṣṭagandha a. ill-scented.

aniṣṭacintana a. thinking of what is undesirable.

aniṣṭaikabuddhi a. having only thoughts of ill-luck.

aniṣṭvā ger. without offering sacrifices.

aniṣṭhura a. not harsh or rude.

aniṣpanna a. not ripened; abstr. -tva n.

anisṛṣṭa a. not having got permission from (instr.).

anīka n. face, edge, point, front, troop, host.

anīti f. bad or unwise conduct, want of discretion.

anītijña a. indiscrect (lit. not knowing discreet conduct).

anīpsita a. undesired or undesirable.

anīrṣya a. not envious or jealous.

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anīrṣyu a. not envious or jealous.

anīśa a. not ruling, not independent, not master over (gen.); abstr. -śā f., -śatva n.

anīśvara [1]  = prec. adj.; abstr. -tva n.

anīśvara [2] a. having no master; not lordly.

anīhita a. unwished, disliked.

anīhamāna a. not exerting one's self, quiet.

anu [1] adv. afterwards, then; as prep. w. acc. after (in all its mgs), towards, along, over; by (distrib.), with regard to, in consequence of.

anu [2] m. man, esp. non-Aryan; N. of a king.

anukaccham adv. on the bank (of a river, lake, etc.).

anukampaka a. compassionate towards (--°).

anukampana n. -kampā f. compassion, pity.

anukampanīya a. pitiable, deplorable.

anukampārtham adv. from pity for (gen.).

anukampin a. = anukampaka.

anukara a. doing after, imitating; m. assistant, helper.

anukaraṇa n. imitation.

anukarṣa m. -ṇa n. drawing on, attracting; inclusion of a preceding in a subsequent rule (g.).

anukalpa m. secondary injunction, subsidiary rule (opp. prathamakalpa).

anukāṅkṣin a. striving after (--°).

anukāma [1] m. wish, desire.

anukāma [2] a. corresponding to a wish; n. adv.

anukāra [1] m. imitation.

anukāra [2] a. imitating, resembling.

anukārin  = prec.

anukīrtana n. the mentioning or naming of (--°).

anukūla a. dwelling or lying on the shore; favourable (orig said of the wind blowing along or toward the shore, opp. pratikūla), convenient, pleasant. n. -kūlam adv.

anukūlatā f. -tva n. favour, inclination.

anukūlay anukūlayati v favour, flatter, conciliate.

anukṛta n. anukṛti f. imitation.

anukta a. unsaid, not spoken of; abstr. -tva n.

anukrama m. order, turn; instr. & abl. in due order, in turn.

anukramaṇa n. methodical arrangement; f. anukramaṇī & anukramaṇikā table of contents.

anukrośa m. compassion, tenderness (p. -vant); -śātmatā f. compassionate disposition.

anukṣaṇam adv. every moment, perpetually.

anuga a. going after, following, corresponding to (--°). m. companion, attendant.

anugata a. gone after, followed, visited, occupied, conquered; following, complying with, obedient; equalling, resembling (--°).

anugati f. -gama m., -gamana going after, following.

anugara m. request or summons to the reciter (r.).

anugarjita n. roaring echo.

anugāmin a. going behind, following. m. servant, attendant.

anugīta n. imitating (lit. after-) song or hum.

anugīti f. N. of a metre.

anuguṇa a. congenial, corresponding to, equal to (mostly --°); abstr. -tva n.

anugupta a. kept, guarded, hidden.

anugṛhīta a. favoured, satisfied, happy.

anugraha m. favour, kindness, service, benefit.

anucara f. ī going after, following. m. attendant, servant (adj. --° f. ā); f. ī maid-servant.

anucita a. unwonted; not used to (gen.); not suitable, improper.

anucintana n. -cintā f. the thinking of (--°), recollection.

anuccalant a. not moving from (abl.).

anuja a. after-born, younger; m. a younger brother; f. ā a younger sister.

anujāta a. = prec. a. + born again, invested with the sacred cord (also -ka*); taking after, resembling (acc.).

anujīvin a. living upon another, dependent. m. servant, f. -nī.

anujñā f. -na n. leave, permission.

anujñāta a. allowed, permitted, authorized.

anutaṭa adv. on the edge or shore.

anutaṭam adv. on the edge or shore.

anutāpa m. repentance, woe, sorrow.

anutkhāta n. not uneven, i.e. level, ground.

anutta a. unshaken, invincible.

anuttama a. highest (lit. not having a highest), supreme, best, most, excellent.

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anutpatti f. -tpāda m. non-arising.

anutpādya ger. without having begotten (sons).

anutsuka a. unpresumptuous, modest; abstr. -tā f.

anutseka m. non-haughtiness, modesty; poss. -kin.

anudaka a. waterless.

anudaya m. not coming forth.

anudarśa m. admonition, exhortation.

anudarśana n. regard, consideration.

anudātta a. not elevated or high, low; spoken with the low accent. m. the Anudātta or low accent; -tara m. the lower accent (before an Udātta or a Svarita).

anudāsīna a. not indifferent.

anudita a. unspoken or not risen.

anudina (°--) & anudinam adv. daily.

anudivasam adv. the same.

anudeśa m. instruction, advice; the mutual reference of a latter to a former element (g.).

anudghāta m. no jolt or jerk.

anudghāyya ger. without opening.

anuddhata a. not haughty; m. a low place.

anuddhṛta a. not taken out, not deducted.

anudvigna a. not perplexed or frightened.

anudvega m. freedom from anguish, tranquillity, ease.

anudvegakara a. not causing fright.

anudvejayant a. not frightening.

anudhāvana n. running after, pursuit.

anunaya m. conciliatory behaviour, friendliness, prepossession.

anunāsika a. nasal (g.).

anupakārin a. not assisting.

anupakramya a. incurable.

anupakrāmya a. incurable.

anupaghnant a. not damaging or impairing.

anupatha a. walking along the path.

anupadam adv. upon the foot, immediately after (gen.); at every step, i.e. repeatedly.

anupadeṣṭavya a. not to be commended.

anupapatti f. not taking place, failing, impossibility.

anupapanna a. unsuitable, improper. unworthy of (loc.).

anupabhogya a. unfit to be eaten or drunk.

anupama a. incomparable, excellent.

anupayant a. not approaching (a wife).

anupayukta a. useless, unapplicable, unsuitable.

anuparodha m. non-hindrance or prejudice; instr. & -tas without detriment or prejudice to, with the consent of (gen.).

anupalabdhi f. -lambha m. non-perception.

anupasarga a. not compounded with a preposition.

anupaskṛta a. unprepared, unfinished; simple, plain.

anupahita a. unconnected, independent, absolute.

anupākṛta a. not consecrated.

anupālin a. preserving, guarding.

anupūrva a. following in one's turn, successive, orderly, regular. °--, anupūrvam & anupūrvaśas in due order, successively, further.

anupṛkta a. mixed with (--°).

anupeta a. not yet having gone (to the teacher).

anupetapūrva the same.

anupeya a. not to be married.

anupramāṇa a. proportionate, adequate.

anupravacana n. the reciting or learning of the Veda; -- -nīya a. belonging to the learning of the Veda.

anupraviṣṭa a. fled to (acc.), entered (act. & pass.); hidden, concealed.

anupraveśa m. entry, entering.

anuprāsa m. alliteration.

anubaddha a. bound, fettered, connected, coherent.

anubandha m. binding, attachment, connexion; (also -na n.); continuance, uninterrupted series; consequence, result; cause, motive, intention; appendage, esp. indicatory letter (g.); indispensable element (ph.).

anubandhin a. reaching far, lasting long; connected with, resulting in (--°).

anubodha m. perception, observation; *reviving a faded scent.

anubhartṛ a. supporting or refreshing.

anubhava m. apprehension, perception.

anubhāga m. subdivision.

anubhāva m. power, dignity.

anubhāvin a. perceiving, knowing.

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anumata a. allowed, permitted, approved, liked, agreeable, pleasant; n. assent, permission.

anumati f. = prec.; N. of a moon-goddess.

anumantṛ a. consenting, permitting.

anumaraṇa n. the dying after, esp. the self-cremation of a widow after her husband's death.

anumādya a. to be hailed or greeted with acclamation.

anumāna m. inference (ph.).

anumālinītīram adv. on the bank of the Māliṇī.

anumita a. thought, conceived, inferred, conjectured from (abl.).

anuyāja m. after-offering (r.).

anuyātra n. -trā f., -trika m. pl. retinue, attendance.

anuyāyin a. going after, following; pl. = prec.

anuyugam adv. according to the (four) ages.

anuyoga m. question, censure.

anuyojya a. to be questioned; to be commanded, standing as the command of (--°).

anurakta a. coloured, red; beloved; attached or devoted to, fond of, loving (acc., loc., or --°).

anurata a. fond of (loc. or --°), enamoured.

anurasita a. cried after; n. echo.

anurāga m. colouring, redness, affection (poss. -vant); red, affectionate, enamoured (saha or loc.).

anurāgin a. loving or lovely.

anurūpa a. suitable, adequate, fit, worthy, like, resembling (gen. or --°); able, equal to, a match for (gen.); adv. anurūpatas.

anurodha m. -rodhana n. compliance, regard, consideration; -rodhatas out of consideration for (--°).

anurodhin a. compliant, considerate; observing, having regard for (--°).

anulagna a. following immediately (--°).

anulepa m. -na n. unction, unguent, roughcast.

anuloma a. with the hair or grain, i.e. natural, regular. anuloma (°--) -mam adv. f. anulomā a woman of a caste inferior to the man's; -maja m. her son.

anulbaṇa a. not excessive; moderate, correct.

anuvaṃśa m. pedigree, lineage, genealogy; a. of equal race, adv. according to the race.

anuvacana m. speaking after, repeating, reciting.

anuvartana n. = anuvṛtti.

anuvartin a. following (acc. or --°); obedient.

anuvaśa a. obedient; m. obedience.

anuvāka m. recital, reading; section, chapter.

anuvākya a. to be repeated or recited; f. -kṛyā invitatory prayer (r.).

anuvāta m. the wind that blows from behind; anuvātam & anuvāte to windward.

anuvāda m. repetition, explanation.

anuvādin n. repeating, answering or corresponding to (--°).

anuvitta a. found, existing.

anuviddha a. pierced; intertwined or set with, full of (instr. or --°).

anuvidhāyin a. obedient; conformable (--°).

anuvṛtta a. round, full; also = anuvartin; n. compliance, obedience.

anuvṛtti f. sequence, continuance, esp. the continued application of a rule (g.); conformity, compliance with (gen. or --°).

anuvelam adv. hour by hour, continually.

anuvyam adv. behind, below.

anuvyākhyāna n. a cert. class of texts.

anuvrajyā f. following (a departed guest).

anuvrata a. subject to the will of another; obedient, faithful, devoted to (gen. or acc.).

anuśaya m. repentance, regret, rescission of sale or purchase (j).

anuśāsana n. instruction, precept, command.

anuśāsanīya a. to be instructed.

anuśāsitṛ m. ruler, commander.

anuśāsin a. reprimanding, punishing (--°).

anuśāsti f. instruction.

anuśiṣṭa a. taught, bidden, commanded (pers. & th.), inflicted, executed, punished.

anuṣakta a. clinging to (loc.); connected or endowed with (instr. or --°).

anuṣaṅga m. connexion, association, necessary consequence.

anuṣaṅgin a. attached, connected.

anuṣṭuti f. praise, eulogy.

anuṣṭubh a. shouting after. f. shout, praise; N. of a metre.

anuṣṭra a. except camels.

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anuṣṭhāna n. performing, practice.

anuṣṭhita a. following, imitating, practising (acc.); accompanied, assisted, practised, effected, done, begun.

anuṣṭhu adv. directly, forthwith.

anuṣṭhuyā adv. directly, forthwith.

anuṣṭhyā adv. directly, forthwith.

anuṣṭheya a. to be done or accomplished.

anuṣṇa a. not hot; lukewarm, chilly, cold; abstr. -tā f.*, -tva n.

anuṣvadham adv. willingly, freely.

anusaṃsthita a. followed or died after (acc.).

anusaṃcara m. follower.

anusaṃdhāna n. inquiry, investigation.

anusaṃdhyam adv. about dusk.*

anusara f. ī going after; m. attendant.

anusaraṇa n. following, pursuing.

anusāra m. the same; rule, legal precept; instr. according to, after (--°).

anusārin a. following, striving after, according with, seeking for (acc. or --°).

anusṛta a. following, repaired to (acc.); followed, pursued, gone through.

anusṛtya ger. following, i.e. according to (acc.).

anusevā f. attendance, service.

anuspaṣṭa a. seeh, observed.

anusmṛta a. remembered (n. impers.); recorded, taught, enjoined.

anusyūta interwoven with (--°); abstr. -tva n.

anusvāra m. the nasal element of a nasalized vowel and its sign (g.).

anūka m. n. the spine.

anūkta a. recited, studied, heard; addressed (with a sacred verse), named, called; n. = seq.

anūkti f. repeated mention, study.

anūcāna a. learned, esp. in the Veda.

anūcīna a. following each other, successive.

anūḍhā f. unmarried (of a woman).

anūna a. not wanting, complete, full; no less, no inferior to (abl.).

anūnavastuka a. of perfect substance or nature.

anūpa m. a moist country; water-basin; shore.

anṛkṣara a. thornless.

anṛc a. not having or knowing hymns; adv. anṛcam.

anṛca a. not having or knowing hymns; adv. anṛcam.

anṛju a. not straight; crooked, wicked.

anṛṇa a. free from debt, unindebted to (gen.); abstr. anṛṇatā f., anṛṇatva n.

anṛta a. untrue, false. m. a liar; n. untruth, falsehood, fraud.

anṛtapūrvam adv. untruly, falsely.

anṛtabhāṣaṇa n. untruth, perjury.

anṛtavādin a. speaking untruth, lying.

anṛtātmaka f. -tmikā of an untrue character.

anṛtin a. the same, m. liar.

anṛtu m. no time or season; loc. & adv. -tu out of season.

aneka a. not one; many or much (also pl.), manifold.

anekarūpa a. multiform, also = seq.

anekavarṇa a. many-coloured, variegated.

anekavidha a. various, different.

anekaśas adv. differently, frequently.

anekasaṃsthāna a. variously disguised.

anedya a. blameless.

anena a. deerless.

anenas a. sinless, faultless; a man's name.

anevaṃvid a. not knowing this.

anehas a. unattainable, incomparable, unaccessible, secure. m. time; n. security, protection.

anokaha m. tree (lit. not quitting the place).

anoṃkṛta a. not preceded by (the syllable) Om.

anovāhya a. to be carried in a cart; n. a cart-load.

anauśīra a. not being the unguent Auśīra.

anta m. (n.) end (in space), limit, border, hem (of a garment), vicinity, proximity; end (in time), issue, event; end of life, death; conclusion, settlement, termination; final letter, syllable, or word, final part in a compound (g.), --° ending with. antam as far as, till, to, into (--°). ante at last; close by, near, in the presence of, in, within (gen. or --°).

antaḥkaraṇa n. the interior sense, the heart.

antaḥpura n. the king's palace (lit. inner town); stronghold, esp. the inner apartment of it, i.e. the gynaeceum, harem. Sgl., pl. & -jana m. the females of the harem.

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antaḥpurikā f. a woman of the harem.

antaḥpracalita a. internally moved.

antaḥpramoda m. inner joy.

antaḥprāṇa m. the interior breath.

antaka a. ending, destroying; m. death or Yama, the god of death.

antakara a. making an end, destroying (mostly --°).

antakaraṇa a. the same; n. as subst.

antakāla m. time of death.

antatas adv. from the end or ends, at the end of (gen.); finally, at last.

antapāla m. a guard of the frontiers.

antama [1] a. nearest, next, intimate, dear; m. neighbour, friend.

antama [2] a. the last.

antar adv. inward, within, between; prep. in within (gen., loc., or --°), between, among, amidst (gen., loc., or acc.), from out (gen. or abl.).

antara [1] a. nearer (cf. antama1), near, intimate, dear; inner, interior, inmost. Compar. antaratara, superl. antaratama. -- n. the interior, middle, entry (antaramantaram make room!); distance, interval, start of (gen.); time, period, while; occasion, juncture; abstr. -tva n. -- antaram further, onward; among, into (gen. or --°). antareṇa in the middle; within, amidst, during, after, without, except, concerning, in behalf of (acc. or --°). antarāt from out, after (--°). antare meanwhile, midway (cf. atrāntare & tatrā°); in, within (also antareṣu) during, after; among, amidst (gen. or --°); on behalf of, concerning (--°).

antara [2] a. another, different from (abl.); n. difference, distinction, species, sort; kind of, a particular --, often = another (--°).

antaragata a. gone into, being within (gen. or --°).

antaraṅga a. inner, inmost, essential; near, related. n. m. inner part or organ, esp. the heart.

antaratas adv. within; as prep. the same (w. gen.), from out (--°).

antarapūruṣa m. the soul (lit. the male within the breast).

antaraprabhava a. of mixed origin or caste.

antaray antarayati v step between.

antarastha a. being within (gen. or --°).

antarasthita a. being within (gen. or --°).

antarā adv. in the middle, amidst, midway; therein, meanwhile; near, nearly. antarā-antarā sometimes -- sometimes, now-then. As prep. between (acc. or loc.); during (acc.); without, except (acc.).

antarāgamana n. passing between.

antarātman m. the inward soul, heart.

antarānveṣin a. seeking an opportunity.

antarāya m. obstacle, impediment, interval, anything that comes between.

antarārāma a. rejoicing in one's self.

antarāla n. interval (of sp. & t.), mixed caste; -le midway, meanwhile.

antarikṣa n. the intermediate region, i.e. the atmosphere or air.

antarikṣaga a. moving in the air; m. bird.

antarikṣagata a. = prec. a.

antarikṣasad a. dwelling in the air.

antarita a. gone or standing between, being in (--°); interior, hidden, concealed; excluded, disappeared.

antarindriya n. = antaḥkaraṇa.

antarīkṣa n. = antarikṣa.

antarīkṣastha a. standing or being in the air.

antarīya n. under-garment.

antaruṣya m. station; cf. daśāntaruṣya.

antargata a. gone into, entered, being within (--°); inmost, hidden, secret.

antarjalacara a. moving in the water.

antarjalanivāsin a. dwelling in the water.

antarjalaugha m. the quantity of water within.

antarjyotis a. having inner light.

antardaśāha m. an interval of ten days.

antardīpa -> sāntardīpa.

antardhāna n. covering, hiding, disappearance; -naṃ gam ī vraj, etc. disappear.

antardhi m. = prec.

antarnagara n. a king's palace (lit. inner town).

antarnikhāta a. engraven.

antarniveśana n. inner house or apartment.

antarbāṣpa a. containing or suppressing tears, m. suppressed tears; lit. (having) inward tears.

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antarbhavana (°--) in or into the house.

antarbhāva m. the being included or comprehended by (loc.).

antarbhinna a. cleft or torn inwardly.

antarbhūta a. being within, interior, contained in (--°); abstr. -tva n.

antarmanmatha m. suppressed (lit. inward) love.

antarmoda m. inward joy.

antaryāmin m. the inward regulator (ph.).

antarvaktra n. the interior mouth.

antarvant (f. antarvatī & antarvatnī) pregnant.

antarvṛtti f. interior condition.

antarvedi [1] m. pl. the inhabitants of Antarvedī.

antarvedi [2] adv. within the sacrificial ground.

antarvedī f. the country between the Gaṅgā and Yamunā rivers.

antarveśman n. inner house or apartment.

antarhāsa m. inward, i.e. suppressed laughter.

antarhita a. separated, covered, hidden, disappeared.

antavant a. having an end, limited, perishable.

antaḥśarīrastha a. being within the body.

antaḥśīrṇa a. withered or rotten within.

antaḥśleṣa m. -śleṣaṇa n. support, pillar (lit. interlacement, structure).

antastapta a. internally heated.

antastāpa m. inward heat.

antastuṣāra a. having dew in the interior.

antastoya a. containing water.

antaspatha a. walking within the path.

antaḥsaṃjña a. having internal consciousness.

antaḥsalila with concealed (lit. inward) water.

antaḥsāra a. having internal essence, i.e. water.

antaḥsukha a. inwardly happy.

antaḥstha a. being amidst or within (gen. or --°).

anti adv. opposite, in front, before, near. As prep. = near, toward, to (gen. or --°).

antika n. vicinity. Acc. near to, towards (cf. janāttikam); abl. from near, from, next, close by; loc. near, in presence of (all with gen. or --°).

antikacara a. moving near or about (--°).

antitas adv. from near.

antima a. the last.

antevāsa m. neighbour.

antevāsin m. -sinī f. pupil (lit. living close by).

antya a. ultimate, last (in sp., t., and order).

antyakarman n. last, i.e. funeral rite.

antyaja a. lowest born.

antyajanman a. lowest born.

antyajāti a. the same; abstr. -tā f.

antyayoni a. of lowest origin.

antyastrī f. a very low woman.

antyāvasāyin m. a man of low caste (lit. living at the end, scil. of the town or village).

antra n. (mostly pl.) intestines, bowels.

andu s., andū f. chain, esp. for an elephant's foot, or an ornament worn round the ankles.

andolana n. swinging, oscillating.

andolay andolayati v swing, pp. andolita.*

andolāy pp. -yamāna wavering.*

andha a. blind, dark.

andhaka a. the same; m. pl. N. of a princely race.

andhakāra a. dark; m. n. darkness, abstr. -tā f.

andhakūpa m. a covered (lit. blind) well.

andhatā f. -tva n. blindness.

andhatāmisra m. blind or deep darkness (of the soul); n. N. of a hell.

andhas [1] n. darkness.

andhas [2] n. herb, juice, esp. of the Somaplant, juice or food i. g.

andhīkṛ make blind, -bhū become blind.

andhu m. a well.

andhra m. N. of a people and of a caste.

anna n. food, esp. boiled rice; p. -vant.

annakāma a. desirous of food.

annada a. giving food.

annadoṣa m. fault committed by eating forbidden food.

annapakti f. cooking of food.

annapati m. lord of food (E. of sev. gods).

annapāna n. pl. food and drink.

annapiṇḍa s. lump of food.*

annaprāśana n. (first) feeding (of an infant) with rice (r.).

annamaya a. consisting of food.

annarasa (n. sgl. & m. pl.) food and drink.

annarasamaya a. consisting of food and drink.

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annavikāra m. transformation of food; abstr. -tva.

annaśeṣa m. leavings of food, offal.

annahartṛ m. thief of food.

annāda (f. ī & ā) eating food.

annādya n. (eating of) food.

annādyaja a. born or bred in food.

annārtha a. desiring food, hungry.*

anya (n. anyad) another, other, else, different from (abl.). -- anyacca and something else, i.e. further, again. anya (or eka)--anya the one--the other.

anyakartṛka a. having another agent (g.).

anyakṛta a. done by another or others.

anyagata a. relating to some one else.*

anyacitta a. thinking of some one or something else, of absent mind.

anyacetas a. thinking of some one or something else, of absent mind.

anyacintā f. thought or care of some one else.

anyajanman n. another birth or existence.

anyataḥplakṣā f. N. of a lotus-pond.

anyatama a. one of several, the one or the other of (gen. or --°).

anyatara a. one of two; rep. the one--the other; anyatarasyām in either way, optionally (g.).

anyatas adv. from elsewhere, elsewhere, otherwise, else; (only) on one side. Also = abl. & loc. of anya m. & f., sgl. & pl. Repeated = on one side -- on the other side, here-there.

anyatā f. the being other, difference.

anyatra adv. elsewhere, else, otherwise, also = loc. of anya m. f.; as prep. with abl. (r. --°) = in another place, time, case, or way than, without, except, apart from.

anyatva n. = anyatā.

anyathā adv. otherwise, else, differently, wrongly. -bhū suffer change. -kṛ act otherwise or wrongly, change, alter; frustrate, undo.

anyathādarśana n. false trial (of a cause).

anyathāprathā f. the becoming other, change.

anyathābhāva m. change, difference.

anyathābhidhāna n. false statement (j.).

anyathāvādin a. making a false statement or deposition; abstr. -ditva n.

anyathāvṛtti a. changed, altered.

anyathāsaṃbhāvanā f. false supposition, distrust.

anyathāsaṃbhāvin a. suspicious, distrustful.*

anyadā adv. at another time, else, once.

anyanimitta a. having another cause or motive.

anyapara a. having another object.

anyapuṣṭa m. the Indian cuckoo (lit. reared by another, sc. the crow).

anyabhṛta m. the Indian cuckoo (lit. reared by another, sc. the crow).

anyabījaja a. born from another's seed.

anyamanas a. thinking of some one (thing) else.

anyamānasa a. thinking of some one (thing) else.

anyarūpa [1] n. different shape.

anyarūpa [2] & anyarūpin a. of a different shape.

anyarūpin a. of a different shape.

anyalokya a. destined for another world.

anyavādin  = anyathāvādin.

anyaviṣaya a. having another object, relating to something else.

anyaśaṅkita a. supposing something else, suspicious.*

anyasaṃkrānta a. gone over to another.*

anyastrīga m. adulterer (lit. going to another's wife).

anyādṛkṣa (f. ī) looking different, of another kind or nature.

anyādṛś (f. ī) looking different, of another kind or nature.

anyādṛśa (f. ī) looking different, of another kind or nature.

anyāya m. unlawfulness, injustice, impropriety. °-- & instr. adv. illegally, improperly.

anyāyavartin a. acting improperly.

anyāyya a. unlawful, unjust.

anyārtha [1] m. another's cause; another sense or purpose.

anyārtha [2] a. having another sense or purpose.

anyūna a. not deficient, entire.

anyūnārthavādin a. expressing the whole subject.

anyedyus adv. on the other or following day; one day, once.

anyotpanna a. begotten by another.

anyonya (only sgl. m. f.) one another, mutual. anyonya (°--) & n. anyonyam mutually.

anyonyakṛtya n. pl. reciprocal friendly acts.

anyonyagata a. mutual, reciprocal.

anyonyadarśana n. interview.*

anyonyabheda m. mutual division.

anyonyaspardhā a. mutual emulation; adj. -rdhin.

anyonyānurāga m. mutual affection.*

anyonyopamā f. a kind of comparison.

anyopatāpin a. vexing others.

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anvañc (f. anūcī or anūcī) going behind or along, following (acc.); n. anvak adv. behind, after (acc.).

anvaya m. posterity, race, family; connexion, relation; -vat adv. before one's eyes, openly (lit. in connexion with).

anvayin a. related, connected, consecutive.

anvartha a. answering to the matter, having an obvious sense; -rthābhidha a. having a name of obvious meaning.

anvaṣṭakā f. the day after the aṣṭakā (q.v.).

anvaham adv. daily.

anvādheya n. a gift subsequent (j.).

anvāyanta a. partaking of, connected with, dependent on, being in or at (loc. or acc.).

anvālabhana n. handle.

anvāhārya n. a cert. sacrificial gift (lit. to be offered after, sc. the cakes); the monthly funeral repast.

anvāhāryapacana m. one of the sacrificial fires, serving to cook the Anvāhārya (v. prec.).

anvita a. followed; accompanied by, endowed, filled, connected with (instr. or --°).

anveṣa m. -ṣaṇa n., -ṣaṇā f. searching, investigation.

anveṣaṇīya a. to be searched or investigated, questionable, dubious.

anveṣya a. to be searched or investigated, questionable, dubious.

anveṣin a. searching, seeking.

anveṣṭṛ a. searching, seeking.

ap [1] s. work.

ap [2] f. pl. (sgl. only in V.) water, waters.

apa adv. away, off (*as prep. w. abl.).

apakarṣa m. drawing away, taking off, diminution, deterioration; anticipation (ph.).

apakarṣaka a. detracting, diminishing.

apakarṣaṇa a. the same; n. = apakarṣa.

apakāra m. -tā f. injury, mischief.

apakārin a. injuring, hurting.

apakṛta n. -ti f., -tya n. = apakāra.

apakṛṣṭa a. drawn down, inferior, low, mean.

apakrama m. apakramaṇa n., apakrānti f. going away.

apakruṣṭa a. abused, reviled.

apakṣa [1] a. wingless.

apakṣa [2] m. a rival, lit. not belonging to the (right) party.

apakṣaya m. diminution, decrease.

apakṣalopa m. non-loss of the wings.

apakṣasāda m. non-loss of the wings.

apagama m. -gamana n. going away, flying, disappearing.

apaghana a. cloudless.

apaghāta m. striking or warding off, driving away.

apaghātaka a. the same.

apacamāna a. not cooking for one's self.

apacaya m. decrease, decline.

apacarita n. misconduct, transgression.

apacāra m. absence, want; also = prec.

apacārin a. deviating from (--°); acting improperly; faithless, false, adulterous.

apacita [1] a. emaciated, thin, slender.

apacita [2] a. respected, honoured.

apaciti f. expiation, vengeance for (gen.); awe, honour, respect.

apaccheda m. -na n. cutting off, interrupting.

apajvara a. free from fever, well.

apañcīkṛta n. having not yet become the five, sc. elements (ph.).

apañcībhūta n. having not yet become the five, sc. elements (ph.).

apaṭīkṣepa m. the not tossing-up the curtain (d.).

apaṭu a. not sharp, blunt, awkward, uncouth.

apaṇḍita a. unlearned, ignorant.

apaṇya a. not to be sold; n. such an article.

apataram adv. further away.

apatita a. not fallen or sunk; not degraded or outcast.

apativratā f. not devoted to her husband.

apatya n. offspring, child; poss. -vant.

apatyavikrayin m. a seller of his offspring.

apatyasneha m. love of one's own children.

apatha n. no or the wrong road; fig. a bad course or wrong place.

apathya a. unfit, unsuitable.

apad (f. = m. or apadī) & apad a. footless.

apada [1] n. no or a wrong place.

apada [2] a. footless.

apadāna n. a glorious deed.

apadeśa m. statement, designation, name, pretence, pretext, excuse, evasion, refusal.

apadma a. having no lotus.

apadhā f. concealment, confinement.

apadhyāna n. grudge, envy.

apadhvaṃsa m. sinking down, concealment, degradation.

apadhvaṃsaja a. born in consequence of degradation, i.e. of a mixed marriage.

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apadhvasta a. brought down, degraded, ruined.

apadhvānta a. sounding wrong.

apanata a. bent out.

apanaya [1] m. taking away, removal.

apanaya [2] m. bad conduct or policy.

apanayana a. taking away; n. = 1 apanaya.

apanīta a. led away, removed from, i.e. opposite of (--°); n. = 2 apanaya.

apanutti f. removing, expiation.

apanunutsu a. desiring to remove or expiate.

apaneya a. to be removed.

apanoda m. driving away, repulsion, removal, expiation.

apanodana a. removing; n. = prec.

apapātra a. excluded from (the common use of) vessels.

apapātrika a. excluded from (the common use of) vessels.

apabhaya a. fearless.

apabhartṛ m. remover, destroyer.

apabhraṃśa m. falling down; fallen off, i.e. corrupted or vulgar language.

apabhraṣṭa a. fallen off, i.e. corrupted, vulgar (cf. prec.).

apama a. farthest, remotest, last.

apamarśa m. contact, touch.

apamāna m. (n.) disrespect, contempt.

apamārga [1] m. by-road, side-way.

apamārga [2] m. wiping off, cleaning.

apamārjana the same adj., as n. subst.

apamṛga a. having no game (wood).

apamlukta a. retired, hidden.

apayaśas n. disgrace, infamy.

apayāna n. retreat, flight.

apara [1] a. hinder, farther, later, inferior, posterior, western; following (in sp. & t.); different from, another than (abl. or gen.), foreign (opp. sva), particular, strange, extraordinary. m. apara hind-foot of an elephant. n. aparam adv. in future (also aparam); further, moreover (±ca); west of (abl.). apareṇa behind, west of (acc.).

apara [2] n. -rī f. the future.

aparakta a. discoloured, pale; averse from (abl.), unfavourable.

aparatas adv. elsewhere.

aparatra adv. elsewhere.

aparapakṣa m. the latter or dark half of a month.

apararātra m. the latter half of a night.

aparavaktra n. N. of a metre.

aparaśuvṛkṇa a. not hewn down with an axe.

aparasparasaṃbhūta a. not produced by one another or in regular order.

aparāga m. dislike, aversion.

aparāṅmukha a. not having an averted face, encountering, facing. (n. adv. frankly, plainly.*)

aparājaya m. invincibleness.

aparājita a. unconquered, invincible. -- f. ā w. diś the northeast (lit. invincible) quarter; N. of a metre and of sev. plants. -- n. the castle of Brahman.

aparāddha a. sinned; having sinned, guilty. n. impers. it has been sinned by (instr.), against (gen. or loc.); as subst. = seq.

aparāddhi f. sin, offence, transgression.

aparādha m. the same.

aparādhin a. guilty, criminal, offending.

aparānta m. last end, death; the farthest west, pl. its inhabitants.

aparāvṛtta a. not turned back. -bhāgadheya to whom fortune does not return, unhappy, miserable.

aparāhla m. the afternoon.

aparikrama a. unable to move.

aparikliṣṭa a. not vexed or troubled; -pūrva not vexed before.

aparikṣata a. unhurt, untouched.

aparigraha [1] m. non-comprehension, non-acceptance; want of property.

aparigraha [2] a. having no property or no wife.

aparicaya m. unacquaintedness.

aparicita a. unacquainted, unknown.

aparicchada a. having no attendance or luggage.

aparicchinna a. uncut, unlimited.

apariccheda m. inability to decide.

aparijñāta not known.

aparituṣṭa a. = seq.

aparitoṣa [1] a. dissatisfied.

aparitoṣa [2] m. dissatisfaction.

aparityakta a. not abandoned.*

aparityāga m. not giving up.

aparinirvāṇa a. not quite extinct or ended.

apariniṣṭhita a. not quite fixed or settled.

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aparipanthin f. ī not an opponent, friendly.*

aparipūta a. uncleaned, unhusked (corn)

aparibādha a. undisturbed.*

aparimita a. unmeasured, unlimited.

aparimeya a. immeasurable, countless, illimited.

aparivādya a. not to be blamed.

aparivṛta a. unfenced, uninclosed.

apariśrānta a. unwearied.

aparisthāna a. improper, n. impropriety.*

aparihata a. unrestrained, unlimited.

aparihāra m. non-avoiding.

aparihārya a. not to be avoided.

aparihīyamāna a. unavoided; -naṃ kṛ carry out, accomplish.

aparihṛta a. unavoided, i.e. carried out.

aparīkṣita a. inconsiderate (of p. & th.).

aparīkṣya ger. without deliberating.

aparīkṣyakārin a. acting inconsiderately.

aparīta a. unrestrained, irresistible.

aparīvṛta  = aparivṛta.

aparedyus adv. on the following day.

aparokṣa a. not beyond the eye or out of sight, witnessed, testified, perceptible, clear; abstr. aparokṣa++tva n. -- aparokṣam & aparokṣe in the presence of; aparokṣāt clearly.

aparokṣay aparokṣayati v to witness.

apartu [1] m. not the right season.

apartu [2] a. unseasonable.

aparyanta a. unlimited, boundless.

aparyāpta a. insufficient, unable.

aparyāpti f. insufficiency, inadequacy.

aparvan n. no joint (Ved. loc. the same form); no Parvan- or holiday (v. parvan).

apalāpin a. denying, concealing (--°).

apalāyana n. firmness, valour (lit. non-flight.).

apavarga m. completion, end, final delivery.

apavāda m. refutation, restriction, exception, censure, blame.

apavādin a. blaming, slandering (--°).

apavāraka s. bed-chamber.*

apavārita a. covered, hidden. apavāritam apavāritakena & apavārivārya apart, aside (d.).

apavighna a. unhindered.

apavitraḍākinī f. a dirty witch.*

apaviddha a. pierced, hit; thrown away, rejected, removed, given up, neglected.

apavṛtta a. turned away, overthrown, inverted, perverse, of bad conduct.

apavedha m. unskilful piercing (of a pearl).

apavrata a. not devout, faithless, disobedient.

apaśabda m. bad or ill language.

apaścima [1] a. not the last.

apaścima [2] a. the last of all (lit. h. no last); n. adv. last of all.

apaśya a. not seeing.

apaśyant a. the same.

apaśyamāna a. the same.

apas [1] n. work, action.

apas [2] a. active, skilful; f. pl. the fingers.

apasada m. an outcast; a. base-born (of a father inferior to the mother), low, vile (esp. --°).

apasara m. -ṇa n. going away.

apasalavi adv. to the left.

apasalais adv. to the left.

apasavya a. right, southern; n. & instr. adv.

apasāra m. going out, issue, egress.

apasāraṇa n. removal, expelling (ṇaṃ kṛ make room, clear the way*).

apasārin a. decreasing, vanishing (abstr. -ritā f.*).

apasnāna n. water used (previously) for a bath.

apasmāra m. epilepsy (lit. want of memory).

apasmārin a. epileptic.

apasy apasyati v be active; abstr. -syā f.

apasya (f. apasī) watery.

apasyu a. active, zealous.

apaha (--°) a. removing, destroying.

apahati f. removal, destruction.

apahantṛ m. (f. -ntrī) = apaha.

apaharaṇa n. taking away, robbing.

apahartṛ a. removing; m. ravisher, destroyer.

apahastay pp. -hastita shake off (hands); throw away.

apahāya ger. holding off, putting aside, notwithstanding, except, save.

apahāra m. taking away, stealing, robbing, concealing; a. apahāraka & apahārin.

apahnava m. -hvuti f. denial, concealment.

apāka a. coming from far.

apākā adv. far; -kāt from far.

apāṅkteya a. unworthy (of a society); abstr. -tva n.

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apāṅktya a. the same, -dāna n. giving to some one unworthy.

apāṅga m. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) the outer corner of the eye.

apāṅganetrā f. having eyes with beautiful outer corners.

apāṅgaviśālanetra a. having large eyes with beautiful outer corners.

apācīna (f. apācī) turned back, western. n. apāk adv. west.

apāñc (f. apācī) turned back, western. n. apāk adv. west.

apāṇi a. handless; -pāda hand and footless.

apātaka n. no crime.

apātra n. (m.) an unworthy person (lit. no recipient).

apātrakṛtyā f. an act rendering unworthy (v. prec.).

apātravarṣin a. liberal to (lit. raining on) the unworthy.

apātrīkaraṇa n. = apātrakṛtyā.

apādāna n. ablation (g.).

apāna m. the wind that goes downward (in the body); the anus.

apāpa a. not bad, sinless; -śīla a. good-natured.

apāṃpati m. the ocean or the god Varuṇa.

apāya m. departure (a. -yin); going astray or missing the aim, i.e. disadvantage, danger, diminution, loss; end, death.

apāra a. unbounded, immeasurable.

apārayant a. being unable to (inf.).

apārtha a. useless, unmeaning.

apārthaka a. useless, unmeaning.

apāvṛta a. unlocked, uncovered; open, manifest.

apāvṛtta a. inverted, turned away; averse from (abl.).

apāśraya m. support, refuge; p. apāśraya++vant & apāśayayin.

apāsya ger. putting aside, i.e. in spite of, except, save (acc.).

api (prep. w. loc., or °-- in verbs & nouns) close by or to, within, before; adv. further, also, too; even (w. na = Lat. quidem); at least, however, but (between words, clauses and sentences, or after, r. before an emphasized word). Converts an interrog. into an indefinite; after numerals = all; at the beginning of a sent. it is a particle of interrogation, with an optat. it expresses hope, fear, or desire. -- api ca or cāpi further, moreover. api--api (or ca) as well--as. api ca -- ja cāpi rather than. ye'pi--te'pi they too--who. yadyapi however, although. tathāpi even so, nevertheless.

apit a. barren, dry.

apitṛdevatya a. not having the Manes as deity.

apitrya a. not paternal.

apitva n. portion, share; p. -tvin.

apidhāna n. cover, bar; p. -vant.

apinaddha a. tied on, bound under, closed obstructed, covered.

pinaddha a. tied on, bound under, closed obstructed, covered.

apihita a. covered, concealed; checked, restrained.

pihita a. covered, concealed; checked, restrained.

apīcya a. secret, hidden.

apīḍayant a. not oppressing.

apīta [1] a. entered into, united with (acc.); abstr. -ti f.

apīta [2] a. not (having) drunk.

apīvṛta a. covered, veiled, shut up.

apuṇyakṛt a. acting wickedly; m. sinner.

aputra [1] m. not a son.

aputra (f. -trikā) sonless.

aputraka [2] (f. -trikā) sonless.

aputrin a. the same.

aputriya a. the same.

aputrya a. the same.

apunarāvartana n. -vṛtti f. not returning again (into life).

apumaṃs m. hermaphrodite (lit. not a man).

apuṣpa a. not flowering.

apūjita a. unworshipped.

apūta a. impure.

apūpa m. cake.

apūpaśālā f. a bake- (lit. cake-) house.

apūrṇa a. not full; less by (instr.).

apūrva a. having no predecessor, not having existed before, unknown, unheard of, unprecedented, extraordinary, wonderful, incomparable, strange, new; instr. adv. never before. Abstr. apūrvatā f., apūrvatva n.

apūrvya a. having no predecessor, first, singular, incomparable.

apṛṇant a. not munificent (lit. filling), avaricious.

apṛthagjita a. not conquered singly.

apṛṣṭa a. unasked, unquestioned.

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apekṣā f. regard, attention, expectation, consideration; often adj. --° regarding, expecting, requiring. Instr. with regard or in proportion to (--°).

apekṣitatva n. being expected or required.

apekṣitā f. expectation, regard.

apekṣin a. considering, respecting, expecting.

apeta a. gone away, fled, departed, ceased; rid of, free from (abl., °--, or --°).

apetaprāṇa a. dead (whose life is gone).

apeya a. not to be drunk.

apeśas a. shapeless.

apaiśuna n. no calumny.

apogaṇḍa a. not a minor (j.).

apoḍha a. carried off, removed.

apoha m. -na n. removal, rejection, negation.

apauruṣeya a. not produced by man, superhuman.

apcara m. aquatic animal (lit. moving in the water).

aptu a. light (lit. not falling), small.

aptur a. active, zealous.

aptya a. watery.

apnas n. wealth, property; work.

appati m. the lord of the waters, i.e. Varuṇa.

apya f. ā & ī born in water; made of or mixed with water.

apyaya m. the going in, union, junction; absorption, destruction (opp. prabhava).

aprakāśa a. not bright, dark, secret; -śaṃ kṛ hide, secrete. m. darkness; n. adv. secretly.

aprakāśant a. invisible.

aprakāśya a. not to be shown.

apraketa a. indistinct, shapeless.

apragalbha a. not bold; timid, modest.

apracetas a. unwise.

apracyuta a. unmoved, undeviating from (abl).

apraja a. childless; f. ā not bringing forth children.

aprajajñi a. unprolific; ignorant.

aprajas a. childless.

aprajastā f. aprajasya & aprajāstva n. childlessness.

aprajña a. unknowing, -jñāta a. unknown.

apraṇīta a. not carried forth.

apratarkya a. incomprehensible.

aprati a. irresistible.

apratikāra a. irremediable, helpless (guru helplessly oppressive*).

apratikūla a. not adverse; willing, obedient.

apratigṛhṇant a. not receiving.

apratigrāhaka a. who accepts nothing.

apratigrāhya a. unacceptable.

apratigha a. not to be kept off, irresistible.

apratipatti f. non-perception; irresolution.

apratipadyamāna a. not being granted or admitted.

apratipādana n. not giving, withholding.

apratipūjita a. not (duly) honoured.

apratibandha m. no obstacle; adj. unhindered.

apratibuddha a. not enlightened, stupid.

apratibuddhaka a. not enlightened, stupid.

apratima a. incomparable.

apratimāna a. incomparable.

apratimeya a. incomparable.

apratimaprabhāva a. of unmatched power.

apratimaujas a. of unmatched strength.

apratiratha a. having no antagonist, invincible.

apratirūpa a. of incomparable form, unequalled unfit for (gen.).

aprativārita a. unprohibited.

apratiṣedha m. no prohibition or contradiction.

apratiṣṭha a. unfixed, unsettled, uncertain.

apratiṣṭhita a. unfixed, unsettled, uncertain.

apratihata a. unrestrained, unimpaired.

apratihārya a. irresistible.

apratīkāra a. resistless (act. & pass.), also = apratikāra.

apratīta a. not encountered, unattackable; not understood, unintelligible.

apratīti f. unintelligibility; inconclusiveness.

apratyakṣa a. not being before the eyes, not witnessed, unknown.

apratyaya a. distrustful (loc.), untrustworthy; m. distrust.

apratyākhyāyin a. not refusing or turning away.

apradhāna a. not principal; subordinate or secondary; n. anything subord. or sec. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

apradhṛṣya a. invincible, unconquerable.

aprabuddha a. unawakened (l. & f.).

apramatta a. not negligent; attentive, vigilant, careful.

apramāṇa n. no authority.

apramāda [1] m. attention, carefulness.

apramāda a. = apramatta.

apramādin a. = apramatta.

apramādyant [2] a. = apramatta.

aprameya a. immeasurable, infinite.

apramoda m. want of joy or pleasure.

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aprayacchant a. not giving, withholding.

aprayata a. unprepared, impure (r.).

aprayatna m. want of effort, indifference; adj. not endeavouring, indifferent about (loc.).

aprayukta a. not employed; unusual.

aprayucchant a. not indolent; watchful, attentive.

aprayujyamāna a. not being applied.

apravṛtti f. non-activity, indolence.

apraśasta a. unpraised or unpraiseworthy; bad, evil.

aprasakti f. non-attachment to, abstinence from (loc.).

aprasanna a. not calm, uneasy, displeased.

aprasiddha a. unfinished, unsettled; unknown, unheard of.

aprastuta a. unpraiseworthy; not being spoken of, not the topic of conversation.

aprājña a. unwise, stupid; abstr. -tā f.

aprāṇa a. lifeless, inanimate.

aprāṇant a. lifeless, inanimate.

aprāṇin a. lifeless, inanimate.

aprādhānya n. the being secondary or inferior.

aprāpta a. not obtained; not established by a rule, unproved; not arrived, not occurred, not full grown.

aprāmāṇya n. no authority or proof.

aprāstāvika f. ī not belonging to the matter.

apriya a. unkind, unfriendly, disagreeable.

apriyaṃvada a. speaking unkindly.

apriyaṃvādin a. speaking unkindly.

apriyakara a. causing displeasure.

aprīti f. want of love, enmity.

aprītikara a. not giving joy.

aprekṣaṇīya a. not worth seeing, ugly.

aprekṣya a. invisible.

apvā f. a kind of disease.

apsaras f. Apsaras (a cert. class of fem. deities).

apsarā f. Apsaras (a cert. class of fem. deities).

apsas n. forehead or face.

aphala a. fruitless (l. & f.); emasculated.

aphalaprepsu a. not desirous of any result or recompense.

aphalākāṅkṣin a. the same.

aphena a. frothless.

aphenila a. frothless.

abaddha a. untied, unconnected, nonsensical.

abandhya a. not to be bound.

abarha a. not yet having tail-feathers.

abala a. weak, feeble; f. ā woman, maid.

abalīyaṃs (compar.) weaker.

abalya n. weakness, disease.

abahiṣkārya a. not to be expelled or excluded.

abādha a. unimpeded.

abādhaka a. unimpeded.

abādhita a. unimpeded.

abāndhava a. having no relatives.

abāndhavakṛta a. not brought about by relatives.

abālasattva a. having an unchild-like disposition.

abibhīvaṃs a. fearless.

abibhyat a. fearless.

abīja n. no or bad seed; adj. without seed or manly strength.

abījaka a. not having (good) seed.

abuddhi a. ignorant (also -mant); f. ignorance.

abudh  = prec. adj.

abudha  = prec. adj.

abudhya a. not to be wakened.

abudhyamāna a. not awaking.

abodha m. ignorance; ignorant; -pūrvam adv.

abja a. born in water; n. a lotus-flower.

abjasaras n. a lotus-pond.

abjā a. water-born.

abda m. year (lit. giving water; cf. varṣa).

abdaparyaya m. change of the year.

abdayā (instr.) from desire to give water.

abdārdha a. half-year.

abdurga n. a fortress (protected) by water.

abdaivata a. having the waters as deity.

abdhi m. ocean, sea (lit. water-receptacle).

abbhakṣa a. living (only) on water.

abrahmaṇya a. unbrahmanical; n. misdeed, violence.

abrahman m. no Brahman; adj. without Brahmans or prayers.

abrāhmaṇa [1] m. no Brahman.

abrāhmaṇa [2] a. without Brahmans.

abruvant a. not speaking, silent.

abhakta a. not imparted; not attached or devout.

abhakṣya a. not to be eaten.

abhakṣyabhakṣin a. eating forbidden food.

abhaga a. luckless, unfortunate.

abhaṇita a. unspoken, untold.*

abhaṇitvā ger. without saying.*

abhadra n. inauspicious; n. misfortune, ill-luck.

abhaya a. free from fear or danger, safe; n. safety, superl. greatest s.

abhayaṃkara a. procuring safety.

abhayaṃkṛt a. procuring safety.

abhayada a. giving safety.

abhayaprada a. giving safety.

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abhayapradāyin a. giving safety.

abhayadakṣiṇā f. promise or gift of safety.

abhavya a. bad, vicious, ugly, miserable (lit. what ought not to be).

abhāga a. having no portion or share.

abhāgya a. unfortunate; n. misfortune.

abhājana n. no object (lit. vessel or recipient) for (gen.), unworthy.

abhāna n. non-appearance.

abhārya a. without a wife.

abhāva m. not being, non-existence, absence, want, failure, destruction, death. ---vaṃ gam perish, die.*

abhāvayant a. unconscious, unwise.

abhāvin a. what is not to be

abhi adv. to, unto, near (comp. abhitaram or -rām nearer); towards, against; as prep. the same + into, for, for the sake of, over, above, concerning, about (acc.); without, except (abl.).

abhika a. eager, desirous, libidinous.

abhikāṅkṣā f. wish, desire (acc. or --°).

abhikāṅkṣin a. wishing for, desirous of (acc. or --°).

abhikāma a. affectionate, loving, desirous of (acc. or --°); m. affection, love, desire.

abhikḷpta a. formed or manifested by (instr.)

abhikrama m. approaching (also -ṇa n.), undertaking, overcoming.

abhikṣadā a. giving without being asked.

abhikhyā f. sight, glance (subj. & obj), brightness, clearness, splendour, glory beauty; name, designation.

abhikhyāta a. known, notorious.

abhigama m. -na n. coming near, going to, approaching (also of sex. intercourse).

abhigamya a. to be approached, accessible.

abhigarjana n. shout, roar.

abhigarjita n. shout, roar.

abhigāmin a. approaching (sexually)

abhigupta a. kept, guarded.

abhighāta m. stroke, attack, affliction.

abhighātin a. striking; m. enemy.

abhighṛta a. sprinkled.

abhicakṣe (dat. inf.) to view.

abhicāra m. incantation, sorcery.

abhijana m. origin, race, family. ancestors, -vant = seq. adj.

abhijāta a. well or nobly-born; n. = seq.

abhijāti f. (noble) birth, nobility.

abhijit a. victorious, m. a cert. sacrifice, N. of a lunar mansion.

abhijña a. knowing, understanding, acquainted with, skilled in (gen. or --°). f. ā remembrance, recollection.

abhijñāna n. = prec. f.; recognition or sign of recognition. -śakuntala n. T. of a drama (the Token or Ring-Sakuntala).

abhijñu adv. on or up to the knees.

abhitas adv. & prep. (w. acc.) towards, near; around, behind, before and after.

abhitāpa m. heat, pain.

abhidarśana n. sight, appearance.

abhidyu a. tending heavenward, heavenly.

abhidruh a. offending, impious.

abhidroha m. offence, wickedness.

abhidhā a. surrounding; f. name, appellation.

abhidhāna n. = prec. f. + statement, speech, discourse, word; also = seq; f. -dhānī a halter.

abhidhānakoṃśa m. a dictionary

abhidheya a. to be named or expressed; n. meaning, signification.

abhidhyāna n. thinking of (gen.), longing for, coveting (loc.).

abhinanda m. voluptuousness, desire.

abhinandanīya a. to be praised or rejoiced at.

abhinandya a. to be praised or rejoiced at.

abhinandin a. praising, rejoicing at (--°)

abhinabhyam adv. up to the sky.

abhinaya m. pantomime, dramatic representation; -yācārya m. teacher of this art.

abhinava a. quite new or fresh; abhinava++yauvana & abhinavavayaska a. of tender youth, very young.

abhinimrukta a. on whom the sun sets, i.e. whom the setting sun finds sleeping.

abhiniviṣṭa a. entered, penetrated, fixed, settled, intent upon, attached to (loc., acc. w. prati, or --°), endowed with (instr.).

abhiniveśa m. inclination, attachment to (loc. or --°); intentness, resolution, tenacity.

abhiniveśin a. inclined, adhering, clinging to (--°).

abhiniścita a. fixed, certain (pers. & thing).

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abhinīta a. brought near, adduced, performed; trained, educated; fit, proper.

abhinna a. uncleft, unpierced, unbroken, uninterrupted, whole, entire, continual, undivided, one, the same as, not different from (abl. or --°).

abhiparipluta a. filled with, full of (instr.).

abhipitva n. approach, arrival, stopping, esp. of the day, i.e. evening.

abhipūjita a. honoured, pleasant, dear.

abhipūrṇa a. filled, full of (instr., gen., or --°).

abhipracakṣe dat. inf. to view.

abhipravṛtta a. occupied in (loc.).

abhiprāya m. intention, purpose, goal, object, wish, opinion, meaning; the conception (of a thing) as (--°).

abhiprepsu a. desirous of, wishing for (acc.).

abhipluta a. visited by, suffereing from (instr.).

abhibhava a. predominant, superior. m. predominance, superiority, overthrow, humiliation, defeat (also abhibhavana n.).

abhibhāṣin a. addressing.

abhibhu  = abhibhava adj.

abhibhū  = abhibhava adj.

abhibhūti a. & f. = abhibhava adj. & m.

abhibhūtyojas a. having victorious power.

abhimata a. approved, wished for, dear.

abhimatta a. intoxicated.

abhimantṛ a. self-conscious.

abhimanyu m. a man's name.

abhimara m. slaughter, war.

abhimarśa m. touch, contact.

abhimāti f. plot, hostility; plotter, adversary, enemy.

abhimātin a. inimical, m. foe.

abhimāna m. = prec. abstr.; self-conceit, arrogance, pride (p. -vant); affection, love; conception, supposition, esp. a false one.

abhimānitva n. abstr. to seq.

abhimānin a. self-conceited, arrogant; imagining one's self to have or to be (--°).

abhimukha f. ī (ā) having the face towards, facing, turned to (acc., dat., gen., or --°); propitious, favourable to (gen. or instr.); approaching, near; occupied in, going to (--°). n. adv. in front, towards, against, over against (acc., gen. or --°); -khe against, opposite (gen. or --°). -khī bhū turn towards, be favourable.

abhiyāna n. approach, assault.

abhiyāyin a. approaching, assaulting.

abhiyukta a. assailed, charged, prosecuted (j); intent on (loc. or --°), versed in (loc.), competent.

abhiyuta a. contained in (acc.).

abhiyoktṛ assailing; m. enemy, plaintiff, claimant.

abhiyoga m. application, endeavour, effort at (loc. or --°); attack, assault, accusation.

abhirati f. delight in (loc. or --°).

abhirāddha a. propitiated, satisfied.

abhirādhana n. propitiation.

abhirāma a. agreeable, pleasing; m. = seq.; abstr. -tā f., (tva n.*).

abhiruci f. delight in (loc. --°).

abhiruta a. sounding; n. sound, cry.

abhirucita a. pleasing, agreeable (dat. or gen); pleased with, delighting in (--°).

abhiruṣita a. enraged, wrathful.

abhirūpa a. suitable, apt, beautiful (also -vant); learned, wise.

abhirūpapati m. a. cert. rite.*

abhilakṣya a. recognisable by (--°).

abhilakṣyam adv. towards the goal.

abhilaṅghana n. jumping over, transgression.

abhilaṅghin a. overleaping, transgressing (--°).

abhilāṣa m. desire, wish (loc. or --°); poss. -ṣin.

abhilāṣapūrayitṛka a. fulfilling a desire.*

abhilīna a. adhering; occupied by (--°).

abhilulita a. touched.

abhivandana n. respectful greeting.

abhivāñchita a. wished for; n. wish.

abhivāta a. tired, languid.

abhivāda m. salutation; -ka a. saluting.

abhivādana n. = prec. m.; -śīla a. respectful, modest.

abhivāhya n. being carried, conveyance.

abhivikhyāta a. celebrated; known as, called (iti).

abhivinīta a. instructed, versed in (loc.).

abhiviśruta a. known as, called (nom.).

abhiviṣṭa a. penetrated, seized by (--°).

abhivīta a. sought for, desired.

abhivṛta [1] a. surrounded, covered.

abhivṛta [2] a. chosen, preferred.

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abhivṛddhi f. increase, plenty, success.

abhivyakta a. apparent, clear; n. adv.

abhivyakti f. manifestation, appearance.

abhivyāharaṇa n. -hāra m. speaking, utterance.

abhivyāhṛta a. spoken to; said, uttered; n. word.

abhiśaṃsana n. defamation, accusation.

abhiśaṅkā f. distrust (gen.), suspicion; p. -ṅkin

abhiśaṅkita a. suspected of (gen.), suspicious.

abhiśas f. imprecation.

abhiśasta a. defamed, cursed, wicked.

abhiśasti f. imprecation, curse; censure, blame; misfortune, harm; concr. a slanderer, enemy.

abhiśī a. closing or closed together; joining or joined.

abhiśruta a heard of, known, famous.

abhiṣaṅga m. inclination, attachment, curse, imprecation; defeat, humiliation; a. -ngin defeating, humiliating.

abhiṣava m. pressing out (of the Soma).

abhiṣāta a. won, conquered.

abhiṣeka m. sprinkling over, bathing, religious, ablation, consecration, inauguration; the consecrated water itself.

abhiṣecanīya a. worthy or destined to be consecrated; m. consecration.

abhiṣṭi [1] a. superior, victorious.

abhiṣṭi [2] f. help, aid.

abhiṣṭhita a. trampled or stepped upon.

abhiṣṭiśavas a. granting strong assistance.

abhiṣvaṅga m. attachment, affection.

abhisaṃhatya ger. jointly.

abhisaṃhita a. directed, turned; intended, agreed; connected with (--°).

abhisaṃdhāna n. holding together, union; declaration, statement, speech; aim, purpose, interest; cheating, deceiving.

abhisaṃdhi m. intention, purpose, interest, condition; -pūrvakam adv. with a fixed purpose.

abhisaṃbandha m. connexion, relation.

abhisāra m. approach, attack; love-visit, appointment.

abhisārikā f. a woman visiting her lover.

abhisārin a. going to (--°); f. -ṇī = prec.

abhisṛta a. come, gone to (acc.) or against (--°); turned towards (--°); visited by (instr.).

abhisṛṣṭa a. let loose, hastening to (acc.), allowed, granted.

abhisvar f. calling, invocation.

abhisvare prep. behind (gen.), lit. within calling.

abhisvartṛ m. invoker, singer.

abhihata a. struck, smitten, beaten (drum), broken; visited by, suffering from (instr. or --°).

abhihasya a. ridiculous.

abhihita a. fastened, attached; yoked; said, spoken named, designated, declared, addressed, called.

abhihrut a. bending, hurting; f. injury, defeat.

abhihruti a. bending, hurting; f. injury, defeat.

abhīka n. encountering, meeting; loc. at the same time or in time; out of or from out (abl.).

abhīkṣṇam adv. every moment, frequently.

abhīta a. fearless; -vat adv. as if not afraid.

abhīti f. assault, attack.

abhīpsita a. desired, agreeable, dear.

abhīpsu a. desirous to obtain (acc.).

abhīru a. fearless or harmless.

abhīvarga m. reach, compass.

abhīvarta a. victorious; m. victory.

abhīśu m. rein; ray.

abhīṣṭa a. longed for, wished, pleasant, dear. m. favourite, lover; n. wish.

abhukta a. uneaten, not enjoyed.

abhujiṣya f. ā not a slave or a servant; abstr. abhujiṣya++tva n.

abhūta a. not having been; -pūrva -- before.

abhūtalasparśa a. not touching the earth; abstr. -tā f.

abhūti f. non-existence, weakness, wretchedness, misfortune.

abhūtopamā f. a kind of comparison.

abhūmi f. not the right place or object.

abhṛta a. not hired or paid.

abhettṛ m. observer (lit. not-breaker).

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abheda a. not different, identical; m. undividedness, sameness, identity.

abhedya a. not to be divided or pierced.

abhoga m. non-enjoyment.

abhogghan a. killing the stingy.

abhojana a. not eating, fasting.

abhojayant a. not feeding.

abhojya not to be eaten; also = seq.

abhojyānna a. whose food is not to be eaten.

abhyakta a. smeared or anointed with (--°).

abhyaṅga m. smearing, unction, unguent.

abhyañjana n. the same; also embellishment, ornament.

abhyatīta a. passed away, dead.

abhyadhika a. excessive, eminent; superior to; greater, stronger, more, dearer than or by (abl., instr., or --°); excellent, extraordinary. n. adv. extraordinarily, very much.

abhyanujñā f. -na n. permission, leave.

abhyanujñāta a. allowed, permitted, authorized.

abhyanujñāpana n. inducement to approve, corroboration.

abhyantara a. interior, included by, contained in (loc., gen., or --°), inner, secret, near, intimate (also -ka*); initiated in, conversant or familiar with (loc.). n. interior, interval; acc. into, loc. in, within, inside (--°).

abhyantaracārin a. moving within (--°).

abhyantarīkṛ place between, insert; initiate in (loc.).

abhyarkabimbam adv. towards the sun's orb.

abhyarcana n. worship, reverence.

abhyarṇa a. near; n. nearness (space & time).

abhyarthana n. -rthanā f. request, begging.

abhyardhayajvan a. receiving sacrifices.

abhyarhaṇa n. veneration, honour.

abhyarhaṇīya a. worthy of honour, venerable.

abhyalaṃkāra m. ornament.

abhyavaharaṇa n. throwing down or away; also = seq.

abhyavahāra m. taking food, eating or drinking.

abhyavahārya a. fit for eating or drinking; n. food.

abhyasūyaka a. en, ous, m. detractor.

abhyasūyā f. indignation, envy.

abhyasta a. thrown, shot; exercised, studied, learned; repeated, reduplicated (g.).

abhyastaguṇa a. containing studied virtues or merits.

abhyāgata a. arrived; m. guest.

abhyāgama m. -na n. approach, arrival.

abhyāghāta m. assault, inroad.

abhyātma a. directed towards one's self; n. -tmam adv.

abhyādhāna n. laying on, adding.

abhyāpti f. getting, acquiring.

abhyāram adv. at hand, readily.

abhyārambha m. beginning.

abhyārūḍha a. risen, high.

abhyāroha m. rising, increasing.

abhyāvṛtta a. turned towards (acc.), returned.

abhyāśa m. obtaining; result, consequence; vicinity, nearness (sp. & t.); adj. near, proximate. abhyāśam & abhyāśe adv. near, close by (gen., abl., or --°).

abhyāsa m. addition. repetition; reduplicate (g.), study, reading, exercise, custom.

abhyucchrita a. elevated, high, excelling.

abhyutthāna n. rising, increasing.

abhyutthita a. risen, high, excellent in (instr.), appearing, going to (acc.), ready.

abhyudaya m. rising (lit. & fig.) beginning, event, result, success, fortune, welfare, feast, esp. a kind of Śrāddha.

abhyuddṛṣṭa a. having become visible (of a star); n. as subst.

abhyudyata a. lifted up, offered, presented; risen, intent upon, prepared or ready for, going to (loc. or --°).

abhyunnata a. raised, elevated.

abhyupagama m. consent, agreement, promise.

abhyupapatti f. assistance, favour; ---nimittam for the sake of (gen.)*

abhyupapanna a. approached, suppliant.

abhyupaśānta a. calmed, allayed.

abhyupasthita a. come, approached; accompanied or attended by (instr.).

abhyupāya m. means, expedient.

abhyupāvṛtta a. returned.

abhyupeta a. come to (acc.), joined by (instr.), agreed upon, promised.

abhyuṣita a. having dwelt or passed (acc. of time).

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abhyūha m. reasoning, inference, conjecture, suspicion.

abhra n. (m.) rain-cloud, sky.

abhraṃliha a. touching (lit. licking) the clouds.

abhrakūṭa s. a dense mass of clouds.

abhrakhaṇḍa s. part (lit. piece) of a cloud.

abhrapruṣ f. the sprinkling of a cloud.

abhrāgama m. approach of the clouds, rainy season.

abhrātṛ (abhrātṛ) f. brotherless.

abhrāvakāśika a. exposing one's self to the rain.

abhrāvakāśin a. exposing one's self to the rain.

abhri f. shovel, spade.

abhrita a. clouded.

abhriya a. belonging to or coming from a cloud; m.n. a thunder-cloud.

abhva (abhvṛ or abhva) a. huge, enormous, dreadful; n. enormity, monster, dread, horror.

am amīti v press on, harm (only pp. emuṣam harmful, pernicious). C. āmayati suffer, be sick. --abhi & pari = S.

ama [1] (pron. st.) this.

ama [2] m. onset, impetuosity; fear, terror.

amaṅgala a. inauspicious, unlucky.

amaṅgalya a. inauspicious, unlucky.

amaṇḍita a. unadorned.

amata a. unthought, unexpected, unapproved.

amati [1] f. appearance, shape.

amati [2] a. poor, f. poverty.

amati [3] f. not-knowing; instr. unwittingly.

amatra [1] a. strong, firm.

amatra [2] & amatraka n. vessel, cup; p. amatrin.

amatsara a. not egoistic, unselfish, as subst. unselfishness; charity.

amadhyama a. pl. having no midmost.

amanas [1] n. no mind or intellect.

amanas [2] a. without mind or understanding.

amantu a. unadvised, ignorant, unknowing.

amantra a. not having or knowing mantras.

amantraka f. -ntrikā not having, i.e. not accompanied by mantras.

amantrajña a. not knowing mantras.

amantravid a. not knowing mantras.

amanda a. not slow or dull; abstr. -tā f.

amanyamāna a. unaware.

amara f. ā & ī immortal; m. a god.*

amarapakṣapātin m. a friend of the gods.

amaraprabha a. god-like.

amaraloka m. the world of the immortals; abstr. -tā f.

amaravarṇin a. of divine colour or beauty.

amarasadas n. assembly (lit. seat) of the gods.

amarāvatī f. N. of Indra's capital.

amaru m. N. of a poet (also amarū & amarūka); amaruśataka n. the hundred (stanzas) of Amarn.

amareśa m. lord of the gods, E. of Civa, Viṣṇu, or Indra.

amareśvara m. lord of the gods, E. of Civa, Viṣṇu, or Indra.

amaropama a. god-like.

amarta a. undying, immortal.

amartya a. undying, immortal.

amardhant a. untiring (intr. & tr.).

amarṣa m. non-endurance, impatience, anger.

amarṣaṇa a. not enduring, impatient; n. = prec.

amarṣita  = prec. adj.

amarṣin  = prec. adj.

amala a. free from dirt; clean, pure.

amalina a. free from dirt; clean, pure.

amalānvaya a. of pure or noble race.

amavant a. impetuous, bold, strong; n. -vat adv.

amahātman a. not high-minded.

amahīyamāna a. depressed.

amā adv. at home, home; with kṛ appropriate or keep by one's self.

amājur f. old maid, spinster (lit. growing old at home).

amāt (abl. adv.) from home, from near.

amātya m. inmate, relative, householder, councillor of a king, minister.

amānayant a. not honouring.

amānitva n. abstr. to seq.

amānin a. not proud; modest, humble.

amānuṣa f. ī not human, un- or superhuman. m. no human being, a beast, brute, f. ī a female animal.

amāya a. not clever, unwise.

amāyā f. no deceit or guile; instr. without guile.

amārjita a. unwashed.

amāvasu m. N. of a king.

amāvāsī f. (± rātri) the night of the new moon (lit. of the cohabitation or conjunction, scil. of sun and moon).

amāvāsyā f. (± rātri) the night of the new moon (lit. of the cohabitation or conjunction, scil. of sun and moon).

amita a. unmeasured, unlimited.

amitatejas a. of unmeasured lustre.

amitabuddhimant a. of unmeasured intellect.

amitavikrama a. of unmeasured power.

amitaujas a. of unmeasured strength.

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amitra m. f.) enemy; ad. vat; abstr. -tā f.; den. -trāy yate.

amitrakarṣaṇa a. harassing enemies.

amitraghātin a. killing enemies.

amitraghna a. killing enemies.

amitravinibarhin a. destroying enemies.

amitrayant a. inimical.

amitrayu a. inimical.

amitrahan a. = amitraghātin.

amitrin a. inimical.

amitriya a. inimical.

amithyā adv. not falsely; -kṛ make true, confirm, accomplish.

amina a. impetuous, bold.

aminant a. not injuring; undisturbed, unfailing.

amīmāṃsya a. not to be reasoned about, unquestionable, certain.

amīva n. pain, disease, distress, grief; f. amīvā the same, concr. tormentor, fiend.

amīvacātana f. ī dispelling, grief or disease.

amu pron. st. of 3d pers.

amukta a. not loosed or liberated, not given up.

amuktahasta a. economical (lit. not open-handed).

amutas adv. from, there, thence, further. Also = abl. of adas.

amutra adv. there, in the other world; here. Also = loc. of adas.

amuthā adv. in that way; w. as be away or gone.

amuyā adv. in that way; w. as be away or gone.

amurhi adv. at that time, then.

amūḍha a. not perplexed or troubled.

amūra a. infallible, sagacious.

amūla a. having no root (lit. & fig.).

amūlya a. priceless, inestimable.

amṛkta a. unharmed, safe.

amṛta m. immortal. m. a god. n. immortality (also concr. = the gods); the drink of the gods, i.e. nectar; anything sweet, delightful, or wholesome, e.g. water, milk, medicine, the remainder of sacrifice, alms unasked.

amṛtakalpa a. nectar-like.

amṛtatva n. immortality.

amṛtadhāyin a. sipping nectar.

amṛtaplavana n. a flood of nectar.

amṛtabhojana a. eating ambrosia.

amṛtamaya f. ī immortal; nectar-like or consisting of nectar.

amṛtamegha m. a cloud containing nectar.

amṛtaraśmi m. the moon (lit. having nectarlike rays).

amṛtavarti f. a nectar-like unguent.

amṛtāṃśu m. the same.

amṛtodbhava a. nectar-born.

amṛtopama a. nectar-like.

amṛtyu m. not death; a deathless.

amṛdhra a. incessant, indefatigable.

amṛṣā adv. not falsely truly.

amṛṣyamāṇa a. not enduring.

amedhya a. unfit for sacrifice (act. & pass.), impure. n. impurity, ordure.

amedhyakuṇapāśin a. feeding on ordure and carrion.

amedhyākta a. soiled by ordure.

amena a. having no wife.

ameni a. harmless.

ameya a. immeasurable, unfathomable.

amogha a. infallible, efficacious, auspicious; f. ā N. of a spear.

amoghadarśana a. of auspicious sight.

amoghavacana a. of unfallible speech.

amoghārtha a. of infallible purpose.

amocya a. not to be loosed.

amauktika a. not containing pearls.

amṇas adv. immediately, just.

amnas adv. immediately, just.

ambaka n. eye (esp. Śiva's).

ambara n. garment, (also m.) sky; abl. -tas.

ambarakhaṇḍa m. n. piece of cloud or cloth.

ambarīṣa m. n. a frying-pan; m. a man's name.

ambaṣṭha m. N. of a caste, also of a people and its country.

ambā f. mother (voc. ambe or amba, the latter form o. used as a simple exclamation); N. of a princess.

ambālikā f. mother, N. of a princess.

ambi f. mother, good wife.

ambī f. mother, good wife.

ambikā f. the same; N. of a princess.

ambu n. water.

ambucārin moving in water; m. aquatic animal.

ambuja a. water-born; n. lotus.

ambuda m. rain-cloud (lit. giving water).

ambudhārā f. pl. water-drops.

ambudhi m. the ocean (lit. water-receptacle.).

ambunivaha m. rain-cloud (carrying water).

amburaya m. current of water.

amburāśi m. the ocean (lit. heap of water).

amburuha n. lotus (lit. grown in water).

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ambuvāha m. = ambunivaha.

ambūkṛta a. accompanied by water, i.e. spitting, sputtered (sounds).

ambhas n. water.

ambhṛṇa a. dreadful; m. tub, vat.

ambhogarbha a. containing water (cloud).

ambhoja n. lotus (lit. water-born).

ambhodhi m. = ambudhi.

ambhonidhi m. = ambudhi.

ambhoruh n. = amburuha.

ambhoruha n. = amburuha.

amla a. sour, acid; m. wood-sorrel.

amlāna a. unfaded, unimpaired, fresh.

aya m. walk, course (--°); luck, fortune; die.

ayaḥpiṇḍa m. n. a piece of iron.

ayakṣma a. not sick, healthy; n. health.

ayajña [1] m. no sacrifice.

ayajña [2] a. = seq.

ayajyu a. not sacrificing, impious.

ayajvan a. not sacrificing, impious.

ayati m. no ascetic; N. of a man.

ayatna m. no effort, no pains; °--, ayatnena & ayatnatas adv. without effort, easily, gently.

ayatnalabhya a. easy to be got.

ayatha n. leg, foot.

ayathātatham adv. not as it ought to be.

ayathāyatham adv. the same.

ayathārtha a. unsuitable to the matter or sense; incorrect, false.

ayathāvat adv. unjustly, erroneously.

ayana a. going, coming; n. motion, walk. course, esp. the sun's road between the solstitial points, also solstice, half-year; way, manner; refuge, residence.

ayamitanakha a. with uncut nails.

ayava m. -vas n. the dark half-month.

ayavan m. -vas n. the dark half-month.

ayaśas [1] n. dishonour, infamy.

ayaśas [2] a. inglorious.

ayaśaskara f. ī disgraceful, ignominious.

ayas n. metal, iron.

ayaskānta m. the loadstone (lit. the beloved of iron).

ayaskāntamaṇi m. the loadstone (lit. the beloved of iron).

ayasmaya made of iron.

ayasmayī made of iron.

ayā (instr. adv.) thus, in this way.

ayācant a. not begging or asking.

ayācita a. unasked.

ayājya a. what or for whom it is not permitted to sacrifice.

ayājyayājana n. sacrifice for persons unworthy to offer sacrifices.

ayājyasaṃyājya n. sacrifice for persons unworthy to offer sacrifices.

ayātayāma a. vigorous, powerful, fresh. strong (lit. not having gone one's way); n. pl. cert. mantras of the Yajurveda.

ayās a. untired, brisk, active.

ayāsya a. the same; m. N. of a Rishi.

ayi vocat. or interrog. particle.

ayukta not yoked, not harnessed, not joined unconnected, unappointed; not attentive or devout, unsuitable, unfit, improper, wrong; abstr. -tva n.

ayugū f. a girl that is the only child of her mother.

ayugma a. not paired, uneven, odd.

ayuṅga a. not paired, uneven, odd.

ayuja a. not paired, uneven, odd.

ayuta [1] a. unrestrained.

ayuta [2] m. n. a myriad; adv. -śas.

ayuddha a. not fought or combated. n. no fight, loc. = seq.

ayuddhvī abs. without fighting.

ayudhyamāna a. not fighting.

aye a. vocat. particle.

ayoga m. separation (lit. non-union), inconsistency, impropriety, impossibility; want of devotion (abl. -tas).

ayogava m. N. of a cert. mixed caste.

ayoguḍa m. an iron ball.

ayogya a. unfit, unsuitable, incapable, unqualified. Abstr. -tva n.

ayodaṃṣṭra a. iron-toothed.

ayodhya a. unconquerable, invincible. f. ā N. of a town.

ayoni [1] f. not a vulva.

ayoni [2] a. without, or of low, origin.

ayomaya f. ī iron.

ayomukha a. having an iron mouth, beak, or point.

ayohata a. beaten or forged of iron.

ara m. spoke of a wheel.

arakta a. undyed.

arakṣant a. not protecting.

arakṣas a. harmless, true.

arakṣitṛ m. non-protector.

araghaṭṭa m. a wheel for raising water from a well.

araghaṭṭaka m. a wheel for raising water from a well.

araṃkṛta a. prepared, ready; abstr. araṃkṛti f.

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arajas a. free from dust or impurity, passionless; f. a young girl (cf. rajas).

araṇa f. ī distant, strange.

araṇi f. a. piece of wood used for producing fire by attrition.

araṇī f. a. piece of wood used for producing fire by attrition.

araṇya n. wilderness, forest.

araṇyarudita n. a useless complaint (lit. weeping in a forest).

araṇyavāsa m. residence in a forest, hermitage.

araṇyavāsin a. dwelling in a forest; m. deer.

araṇyāni f. wilderness and the deity of the wilderness.

araṇyānī f. wilderness and the deity of the wilderness.

araṇyaukas m. inhabitant of a forest, a hermit.

arati [1] m. assistant, minister, disposer.

arati [2] f. discomfort, uneasiness.

aratni m. elbow, cubit; angle, corner.

aratha a. having no chariot.

arathī m. no charioteer.

aradhra a. unwilling, disobedient; wealthy, liberal.

arapa a. unhurt, safe.

arapas a. unhurt, safe.

arapas a. the same; harmless, salutary.

aram adv. suitably, conveniently, sufficiently, enough; aram++kāmāya according to one's wish. -- -kṛ make or get ready, serve (dat.), arambhū & aramgam be present or at hand.

aramaṇīyatva n. unpleasantness.*

aramati [1] f. devotedness, also personif.

aramati [2] a. restless.

aramya a. unpleasant, disagreeable.

ararivaṃs a. envious, unkind.

araru a. envious, unkind.

aravinda n. day-lotus; abstr. -tva n.

arasa a. tasteless, insipid (subj. & obj.).

arasika a. having no taste, insensible, dull.

arākṣasa a. free from Rākṣasas.

arāgadveṣatas adv. not from passion or anger.

arājaka a. having no king; n. anarchy.

arājan m. not a king.

arājanya a. without the warrior-caste.

arājanyaprasūti a. not born in the warrior caste (abl. -tas).

arājin a. having no splendour.

arājyabhāj a. not enjoying dominion.

arāḍa a. long-horned.

arāḍya a. long-horned.

arāti f. envy, jealousy (lit. the not giving), enmity; concr. enemy, foe.

arātīy arātīyati v be malign; a. -yu = seq.

arātīvan a. malign, envious.

arādhas a. unkind, stingy, selfish.

arāya [1] a. niggard, stingy.

arāya [2] m. -yī f. a kind of evil spirits.

arāla a. crooked, bowed, curled (hair); m. a kind of resin.

arāvan a. hostile, adverse (lit. not giving).

ari [1] a. eager, devoted, faithful.

ari [2] a. greedy (lit. not giving), impious, envious, hostile, adverse. m. enemy.

arikta a. not void or empty; -- -pāṇi not with empty hands.*

arikthīya a. not entitled to inheritance.

aritra m. n. oar.

ariṃdama m. tamer of enemies.

aripra a. stainless, clear, pure.

ariṣṭa a. unharmed, safe, secure. m. N. of a tree; n. good or bad luck.

ariṣṭaka m. = prec. m.; n. the fruit of the A. tree.

ariṣṭagrāma a. whose troop is unhurt.

ariṣṭatāti f. unharmedness; welfare.

ariṣṭaśayyā f. the lying-in chamber.

ariṣṭi f. unharmedness, safety.

arisūdana m. slayer of enemies.

arisevin m. partisan of a foe.

arihan a. slaying enemies.

arīḍha a. unlicked.

arīḷha a. unlicked.

aru (°--) = arus n.

arugṇa a. unbroken.

aruc a. lightless.

aruj a. free from disease, sound, healthy, well.

aruja a. the same; m. N. of a demon.

aruṇa f. ā (ved. also ī) ruddy, light-brown, yellowish. m. redness, pers. as Aruṇa, the Dawn, conceived as the charioteer of the Sun; the Sun itself; N. of an old teacher etc. f. ī a red cow; the dawn. n. redness, gold, ruby.

aruṇapsu a. of ruddy appearance.

aruṇāśva a. having ruddy horses.

aruṇiman m. redness.

aruṇodaya m. sunrise.

aruṃtuda a. cutting to the quick (lit. striking a wound.)

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arundhatī f. cert. plant; N. of the wife of Vasiṣṭha, conceived as a star in the Great Bear.

aruṣaṃ f. aruṣī red, fire-coloured. m. the Sun, day. f. the Dawn; a red mare, pl. flames, conceived as the team of Agni.

arus a. sore, n. wound; aruṣkṛta wounded.

arūḍhamūlatva n. the not having firm (lit. grown) roots.

arūpa a. shapeless, ill formed, ugly.

arūpaṇa n. no metaphorical expression.

are a vocat. particle.

areṇu a. not dusty, not earthly, i.e. heavenly. m. pl. the gods.

arepas a. stainless, pure, bright.

aroga a. free from disease, healthy (also -gin); m. health.

arogatā f. arogatva n., arogitā & arogyatā f. = prec. m.

arocakin a. having no appetite; critical, dainty.

arocamāna a. not shining, not pleasing.

aroṣaṇa a. not angry; meek, tender.*

arka m. beam, ray; the sun, fire; praise, song, sound, roar; singer; N. of a plant.

arkin a. rich in beams or songs.

argala m. n., ā f. bolt, bar, obstacle.

argh arghati v to be worth, cost.

argha m. worth, price; gift of honour.

arghodaka n. water of honour* (v. seq.).

arghyodaka n. water of honour* (v. seq.).

arghya n. worth or fit for an honourable reception. n. a reverential offering to gods or venerable men.

arcaka a. honouring (--°).

arcatri a. singing, thundering.

arcana n. arcanā & arcā f. praise, worship.

arcanīya a. to be honoured.

arcārha a. worthy of honour or praise.

arci m. beam, flame; p. arcimant & arcivant.

arcita a. honoured, adorned.

arciṣmant a. flaming, brilliant, resplendent; m. fire.

arcis n. (later also f.) beam, flame.

arcya a. to be honoured.

arjaka a. gaining, acquiring.

arjana n. gain, acquisition.

arjuna f. ī silver-white. m. Arjuna, one of the Pāndavas, N. of a tree; f. du. & pl. name of a lunar mansion.

arṇa m. n. wave, flood, stream; m. letter, syllable.

arṇava a. waving, undulating, rising. m. (n.) = seq.

arṇas n. wave, flood, sea, ocean; sky.

arṇasāti f. winning of the streams; bustle of the fight, broil.

artha n. m. aim, purpose, meaning, sense, object, profit, advantage of (instr.), wealth, property, money, thing, matter, business, cause, suit, action; o. --° adj. having a thing for object, for the sake of, on account of, for; acc., instr., dat. & loc. the same adv.

arthakalyavarta n. money, (this) paltry thing.*

arthakāma [1] (n. sgl., m. du.) wealth and pleasure.

arthakāma [2] a. desirous of wealth.

arthakilbiṣin m. a sinner for gain.

arthakṛcchra n. difficulty (of a matter).

arthaghna f. ī wasteful, extravagant.

arthajāta (n. sgl. & pl.) the whole of or whatever (v. jāta) money, things, matter, business etc.

arthatas adv. for a purpose, for profit; on account of (--°); indeed, intruth; according to the sense.

arthatṛṣṇā f. desire (lit. thirst) of money.

arthada a. useful or munificent.

arthadatta m. a man's name.

arthadāna n. gift of money, gratuity.

arthadūṣaṇa n. spoiling or seizure of (another's) property.

arthanā f. begging, request.

arthabandha m. text, verse (lit. context of the sense or matter).

arthay arthayate v (arthati arthate) aim at, strive after, beg or wish for (acc.); ask or entreat (2 acc.). --
     abhi beg a person (acc.) for (acc., dat., loc., or artham).
     pra entreat, desire, sue for (acc.), beg of (abl.).
     sam prepare, conclude, reflect, judge, think, consider as (2 acc.), approve, determine.

artharuci a. avaricious, eager for money.

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arthavattā f. -ttva n. significancy, importance, consequence.

arthavant a. having sense or meaning, significant; suitable, apt, wealthy, rich. n. -vat according to the purpose.

arthavāda m. declaration of purpose or object.

arthavid a. knowing the signification (of words).

arthavaikalya n. deficiency of a transaction.

arthaśāstra n. manual of practical life.

arthaśauca n. honesty in money-matters.

arthasamāhartṛ m. collector of money.

arthasaṃpādana n. attaining of advantage or arranging of a matter.

arthasaṃbandhin a. connected with or interested in a cause.

arthasiddha a. self-evident, perfectly clear.

arthasiddhi f. recovering of money; attaining of a purpose, success; evidence (v. prec.).

arthānartha (m. du.) what is expedient or inexpedient.

arthāntara n. another thing or meaning.

arthārjana n. acquisition of an object.

arthārthin a. wanting money, covetous.

arthitavya a. desirable.

arthitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

arthin a. having an object, industrious, eager; wanting, poor, desirous of (instr. or --°), begging, a beggar or petitioner, amorous, wooing, a wooer, suitor, plaintiff.

arthibhāva m. condition of a petitioner.

arthya a. suitable, apt, fit; wealthy.

arthyukta a. called by the suitor (j.).

ardana (--°) vexing, tormenting.

ardha [1] a. half, halved. m. n. half, middle; party.

ardha [2] m. side, part, place.

ardhakṛṣṭa a. half-drawn.

ardhakoṭī f. half a koti, i.e. five millions.

ardhacandra m. half-moon, crescent.

ardhadaṇḍa m. half the fine.

ardhadeva m. demi-god.

ardhapañcan (pl.) four and a half.

ardhapañcama (pl.) four and a half.

ardhapañcāśat f. twenty-five (lit. half of fifty).

ardhapaṇa m. half a paṇa.

ardhapatita a. half decayed.*

ardhapatha m. half the way, midway.

ardhapādika a. half-footed (having the half of one's feet cut off.).

ardhapīta a. half-drunk or sucked.

ardhabṛgala n. semi-morsel, fragment.

ardhabhakṣita a. half eaten.

ardhabhāj a. obtaining a half; m. partner, fellow.

ardhamāgadhī f. half-Māgadhī (a dialect).

ardhamārga m. = ardhapatha.

ardhamāsa m. half a month, a fortnight. (ardharajanī f.* &) ardharātra m. midnight.

ardharca m. half-stanza.

ardharcaśas adv. by half-verses.

ardhalikhita a. half-painted.

ardhavācita a. half read.*

ardhaśata n. a hundred and a half, i.e. a hundred and fifty.

ardhasamavṛtta n. a half-equal metre, i.e. a metre the halves of which are equal (pāda 1 = 3, 2 = 4).

ardhasīrin m. = ārdhika.

ardhahāra m. a necklace of 64 strings.

ardhākṣi n. side glance.

ardhāvalīḍha a. half-licked or chewed.

ardhika a. measuring a half.

ardhin a. getting one half.

ardhendu m. = ardhacandra; -mauli m. E. of Śiva (having the crescent as diadem).

ardhokta a. half spoken.

ardhodita a. half risen.

ardhoruka n. a short petticoat.

arpaṇa f. ī procuring, getting, conferring; n. arpaṇa throwing, sending, putting in or on, delivering, entrusting, offering, sacrifice; transmission, restitution.

arbuda m. a snake, a serpent-demon (arbuda); N. of a mountain, pl. of a people; n. a hundred millions, cartilage of the ribs.

arbudaśikhara m. N. of a mountain.

arbudodāsarpiṇī f. the creeping near of Arbuda (v. arbuda), N. of a path of the sacrifice.

arbha a. small, weak, young; m. a child.

arbhaka a. small, weak, young; m. a child.

arma m. pl. rubbish, remnants, ruins.

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arya [1] (arya) a. faithful, devoted, pious, attached, kind.

arya f. ā2 a man or woman of one of the first three castes, esp. a Vaiśya.

aryaman m. intimate, friend, esp. a bridegroom's friend; N. of a god.

aryamya a. intimate.

arvan running, quick. m. a courser, horse, charioteer.

arvant running, quick. m. a courser, horse, charioteer.

arvaśa  = prec. a.

arvāke (loc. adv.) near.

arvākkālikatā f. posteriority (of time).

arvācīna turned towards, being on this side or below, nearer (time). n. as prep. on this side, from, since, less than (abl.).

arvāñc f. arvācī turned towards or downwards, coming near; acc. with kṛ bring hither. n. arvāk as adv. and prep. hitherwards, down, near (loc.); from, since, before, after (abl. or instr.).

arśas n. haemorrhoids.

arśasa a. suffering from haemorrhoids.

arh arhati v (arhate) deserve, merit, have a right or be worthy to (acc. or inf.), be liable to, capable of (acc.); dare, be obliged or able to (inf.). C. arhayati honour or present with (instr.).

arha a. deserving, worthy, entitled to (acc. or inf.); fit or apt for (gen. or --°).

arhaṇa a. deserving (--°); f. ā veneration, worship, instr. arhaṇā according to merit. n. merit, worth, also = f.

arhaṇīya a. venerable.

arhant a. deserving, entitled to (acc.); worthy, venerable, superl. arhattama m. an Arhant, i.e. a Jaina saint.

arhase (dat. inf.) to be worthy of (acc.).

alaka m. n. curl. f. ā Kubera's residence.

alakam adv. in vain, for nothing.

alakta m. alaktaka m. n. red lac.

alaktakāṅka a. marked by a red colour (lit. lac).

alakṣaṇa [1] n. inauspicious mark.

alakṣaṇa [2] a. unmarked, inauspicious.

alakṣita a. unmarked, unnoticed.

alakṣya a. invisible, not to be observed, not appearing (thus), insignificant.

alagarda m. a kind of snake. f. ā a large black leech.

alaghu a. not light; heavy, slow.

alaṃkaraṇa n. adorning, dressing; ornament.

alaṃkaraṇaratna n. jewel for ornament.

alaṃkariṣṇu a. fond of ornament; *adorning (acc.).

alaṃkartṛ m. ornamenting.

alaṃkāra m. ornamenting or ornament (lit. & fig.).

alaṃkāraka m. ornamenting or ornament (lit. & fig.).

alaṃkārakārin a. forming the ornament of (--°).*

alaṃkārabhāṇḍa n. jewel-box.

alaṃkārin a. adorning.

alaṃkṛti f. = alaṃkāra.

alaṃkriyā f. = alaṃkāra.

alaṅghanīya a. not to be overtaken; not to be left unnoticed or neglected.*

alaṅghita a. not reached, untouched.

alaṅghitapūrva a. not before violated.*

alaṅghya a. impassable; not to be touched or violated.

alaja m. a kind of bird.

alaji f. a cert. disease of the eye.

alajī f. a cert. disease of the eye.

alajja a. shameless; f. ā shamelessness.

alaṃdhana a. having sufficient money.

alabdha a. not obtained or gained. -vant not having obtained.

alabhamāna a. not getting.

alabhya a. not to be obtained.

alam (indecl.) enough, one's fill; sufficient, a match for (dat.); capable of, able to (inf. or loc.). With instr. or absol. enough with, have done with! ---kṛ make ready, prepare, adorn (M. also refl.), with gen. violate (M.); -bhū suffice.

alarka m. a mad dog; a fabulous animal; a plant.

alalābhavant a. dabbling, splashing (water).

alasa a. lazy, indolent, dull, weary.

alāghava n. not-lightness, heaviness (fig.).

alāṇḍu m. a kind of vermin.

alāta n. a fire-brand.

alātṛṇa a. stingy, greedy.

alābu (alābū) f. the bottle gourd; m. n. a vessel made of the b. g.

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alābha m. non-acquirement, not getting, loss.

alāyudha m. N. of a Rākṣasa.

alāyya m. E. of Indra.

ali m. bee; -kula n. a flight of bees.

aliṅga a. having no mark or sign, having no gender (g).

aliṅgin m. not a student, an impostor.

aliñjara m. a large water-jar.

alin m. -nī f. male and female bee.

alinda (& -ka*) m. terrace before a house.

alimālā f. a flight of bees.

alīka a. unpleasing, contrary, false, untrue; n. adversity, falsehood, untruth.

alīkadākṣiṇya a. of a feigned courtesy.*

alīkanirbandha m. accusing of falsehood.

alīkapaṇḍita a. unpleasantly or falsely wise, pedantic.

alīkasupta n. feigned sleep.

alubdha a. not avaricious or covetous.

alūna a. uncut, unplucked, unhurt.

alepaka a. stainless, pure.

aloka [1] m. not the world, the end of the world.

aloka [2] a. finding no place.

alokasāmānya a. not common in the world.

alokya a. unusual (lit. unwordly), unallowed; making unfit for the (other) world.

alobha a. not greedy; m. absence of greed or cupidity, moderation, content.

alomaka (f. -makā & -mikā), & aloman a. not covered with hair.

alolatva n. steadiness, constancy.

alaukika f. ī not common in the world, extraordinary, strange, rare.

alga m. du. the loins, flanks.

alpa a. small, minute, little. n. little, a trifle. alpena and *alpāt adv. for a little, easily, without pain. Comp. alpīyaṃs less, little; n. a little bit.

alpaka (f. alpikā) = prec.; n. little, -kam adv. a little, -kāt soon after.

alpakālatva n. shortness of time.

alpakleśa a. causing little pain.

alpacetas a. weak-minded, stupid.

alpacchada a. scantily clad.

alpajña a. knowing little, ignorant; abstr. -tva n.

alpatā f. -tva n. smallness, minuteness.

alpatejas a. of little fire or energy; dull, weak.

alpadakṣiṇa a. deficient in fees (sacrifice).

alpadroha m. little injury.

alpadhana a. having little wealth.

alpadhī a. of small understanding, ignorant.

alpapāyin a. little or ill sucking (leech).

alpapuṇya a. of small religious merit or virtue, wicked, miserable.

alpabuddha a. little or sarcely awakened.*

alpabuddhi a. weak-minded, ignorant.

alpabhāgya a. of small fortune; unhappy, miserable; abstr. -tva n.

alpabhujāntara a. narrow-breasted.

alpamūlya a. of small value.*

alpamedhas a. of little sense.

alpavidya a. of small learning.

alpaśas adv. to a small degree, little, rarely.

alpaśeṣa a. of which little is left; almost finished or gone.

alpasāra a. having little strength or value; worthless, insignificant.

alpāṅga a. of small body; abstr. -tva n.

alpāyāsa m. little pains;* instr. easily.

alpāyus a. short-lived.

alpālpa a. very little.

alpālpabhās a. of very little splendour.

alpāvaśiṣṭa a. = alpaśeṣa; abstr. -tva n.

av avati v pp. uta favour, like, delight in (acc.), accept; further, protect, aid, comfort, satiate. C. āvayati enjoy, eat, devour. --
     upa caress, encourage, join (acc. or dat.).
     pra = S. -- Cf. avant.

ava [1] adv. down, off; mostly as pref. in nouns and verbs, rarely as prep. w. abl.

ava [2] m. favour, protection.

avaṃśa [1] m. low (lit. no) family.

avaṃśa [2] n. the sky (lit. what has no beams or support).

avakara m. dust, sweepings, rubbish.

avakarta m. piece cut off.

avakartana n. cutting off.

avakāśa m. open place, space, room, free course or scope, interval, while, time. opportunity of (gen.).

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avakāśada a. giving room or shelter.

avakīrṇa a. who has shed (esp. his sperm); scattered, spread; bestrewn, filled with, seized by (--°).

avakīrṇin a. = prec. act.; unchaste, incontinent.

avakīrṇivrata n. penance for incontinency.

avakṛṣṭa a. drawn down, being below or under (--°); remote, inferior, low.

avakṛṣṭajāti a. of a low(er) caste.

avakracetas a. of upright mind.

avakraya m. letting or hiring out; rent, price.

avakṣāṇa a. burnt down.

avakṣuta a. sneezed upon.

avakṣepa m. derision, scoff, sarcasm.

avakṣepaṇa n. throwing down, also = the prec.

avakhāda m. devouring, wasting, destruction.

avagama m. -na n. understanding, knowledge.

avagāḍha a. entered (act. & pass.), immersed (l. & f.), depressed, deep.

avagāha m. -na n. submersion, bathing.

avaguṇṭhana n. veiling, a veil. -vant veiled.

avagraha m. hindrance, impediment; separation of padas and the pause between them (g.).

avaca a. lower (only in uccāvaca q.v.).

avacana a. speechless, silent.

avacanīya a. not to be spoken, (blameless.*).

avacaya m. gathering, plucking.

avacāya m. gathering, plucking.

avacāraṇa n. application (medic.); -ṇīya relating to the application of (--°).

avacchanna a covered over, overspread, filled.

avacchāta a. emaciated, thin.

avacchinna a. interrupted, bordered or included by (--°); defined.

avaccheda m. cutting off, part cut off, piece; separation, distinction.

avajñā f. -na n. contempt.

avañcaka a. not a deceiver.*

avaṭa m. hole, pit; a. -yya being in a pit.

avaṭu m. or f. neck.

avata m. well, cistern.

avataṃsa m. garland or ear-ring.

avataṃsaka m. the same, as adj. (f. -sikā) crowned with (--°).

avataṃsanīya a. to be made into a garland.*

avataṃsay avataṃsayati v make into a garland.*

avataṃsinī f. wearing a garland of flowers.*

avataraṇa n. descending, alighting.

avataram adv. further away.

avatāḍana n. pounding, crushing.

avatānta a. faint, feeble.

avatāra m. descent, esp. of a deity from heaven, incarnation, appearance; a. -rin.

avatīrṇa a. come down, descended (cf. prec.) from (abl. or --°), in consequence of or in the shape of (--°), fallen or got into (acc.).

avatta a. cut off, divided.

avatsala a. not tender, cruel to (loc.).

avadāta a. clean, pure, white, clear.

avadāna [1] n. cutting off or a part cut off.

avadāna [2] n. heroic deed, exploit.

avadāra m. breaking, rupture. -ṇa a. breaking through, tearing; n. as subst.

avadāvada a. undisputed, indisputable.

avadīrṇa a. perplexed, bewildered.

avadya a. blamable, bad. n. imperfection, want, fault; blame, censure, blemish, disgrace.

avadha [1] m. no murder.

avadha [2] a. inviolable.

avadhāna n. attention, devotion.

avadhāraṇa n. ascertainment, strict determination, restriction.

avadhi m. limit, term, period. avadhi (--°) & -dhes (gen. or --°) till, as far as.

avadhīraṇa n. -ṇā f. disregard, contempt.

avadhīray avadhīrayati v despise, reject.

avadhūta a. shaken off, removed, rejected, sparned, tossed, trodden upon, unclean.

avadhūnana n. shaking.

avadhya a. not to be killed, inviolable.

avadhyatā n. inviolability.

avadhyatva n. inviolability.

avadhyabhāva m. the same.

avadhra a. indelible.

avana n. favour, grace, protection.

avanata a. bent down, deepened, not projecting.

avanati f. stooping, setting; humiliation.

avani f. bed or course of a river; river, stream; earth, ground, place (also -nī f.).

avanipa m. king.

avanipati m. king.

avanipāla m. king.

avanegya a. fit for washing.

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avanejana f. ī the same; n. washing, washwater.

avant a. favourable, kind; N. of a man.

avanti m. pl. N. of a people.

avantī f. N. of the capital of the Avan.

avandhya a. not fruitless or vain; successful, happy. -pāta unerring (of an arrow, lit. whose flight is not vain).

avapatita a. on what something (--°) has fallen.

avapanna a. on what something (--°) has fallen.

avapāta m. downfall, descent; a pit for catching game in.

avapātana n. felling, throwing down.

avapāna n. drinking or giving to drink.

avabaddha a. tied on, fettered; fixed by, sticking in (--°); hanging on, concerned about (loc.).

avabāḍha a. uncovered.

avabodha m. waking; perception, understanding, knowledge.

avabodhaka a. awakening.

avabhaṅga m. -bhañjana n. breakiNg, splittiNg.

avabhāsa m. splendour, light, manifestation, appearance; -ka a. illumining, manifesting; abstr. -tva n.

avabhāsana n. manifestation, appearance; enlightening, illumination.

avabhāsin a. shining, bright; enlightening, manifesting.

avabhṛtha m. bathing after a sacrifice; conclusion, end.

avama a. lowest, vilest; nearest, next; latest last.

avamantṛ m. despiser (w. acc.).

avamanyaka (--°) a. despising, rejecting.

avamarśa m. contact, touch; reflection, consideration.

avamāna m. -mānana n., -mānanā f. disrespect, contempt.

avamānin a. despising, contemning.

avayava m. limb, member; p. -vin.

avayavadharma m. the figure of pars pro toto.

avayavarūpaka n. two kinds of comparison.

avayavavirūpaka n. two kinds of comparison.

avayātaheLas a. whose wrath is appeased.

avara lower, inferior; posterior, following, later, younger; nearer; preceding (w. abl.); western; vile, base, mean; --° at least in adj., n. in adv. --f. avarā after-birth.

avaraja a. low-born, born after (another). m. a Śūdra or a younger brother; f. ā a younger sister.

avaravarṇa m. a low caste; -ja m. a Śūdra (cf. prec.).

avaruddha a. checked, stopped, imprisoned.

avarūḍha a. descended; put down or taken off (load).

avareṇa (instr. as prep.) under (acc.).

avarodha m. hindrance, oppression, investment, siege, imprisonment, confinement; harem, pl. the females of the h.

avarodhana n. the same; interior, sanctuary.

avaroha m. descent (fig.).

avarohaṇa f. ī descending; n. descent (l. & f.).

avarohin a. descending (lit. & fig.).

avartamāna a. not taking place, not present.

avarti f. want, need (lit. going down).

avartra a. unchecked.

avarṣa n. want of rain, drought.

avarṣaṇa n. want of rain, drought.

avalagna a. hanging down, hanging on (--°).

avalamba a. hanging down; m. = seq. n.

avalambana f. ī hanging down; hanging, leaning, depending on; n. the same as subst. hold, support.

avalambita  = prec. adj.

avalambin  = prec. adj.

avalipta a. haughty; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

avalīna a. sitting, cowering, hidden in (loc or --°).

avalepa m. -na n. = prec. abstr. + ointment.

avaloka m. -na n. sight, seeing.

avalokayitṛ m. looker on, spectator.

avalokitā f. a woman's name.

avalokin a. seeing, looking at (--°).

avaśa a. independent, uncontrolled, free; unwilling, reluctant.

avaśaka f. -śikā the same.*

avaśaga a. not subject or submissive to (gen.).

avaśānta a. extinct.

avaśin a. having no (own) will, dependent.

avaśiṣṭa a. left, remaining from (gen. or --°), having only (instr. or --°) left.

avaśīrṇa a. decayed, shattered.

avaśeṣa m. rest, remainder; abstr. -tā f.

avaśya a. not yielding to another's will; °-- & avaśyam adv. necessarily, by all means.

avaśyakatā f. avaśyabhāva m. necessity.

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avaśyabhāvin a. what must be.

avaśyāya m. frost, rime.

avaṣṭabdha a. standing firm, reclining, leaned upon (act. & pass.), seized, taken, held.

avaṣṭambha m. leaning or depending on; confidence, courage.

avaṣṭambhamaya a. confident, bold (arrow).

avas [1] n. favour, aid, assistance, recreation, relief, comfort, joy, inclination, desire.

avas [2] adv. down; as prep. down from (abl. or instr.), under (instr.).

avasa n. refreshment, food.

avasakthikā f. a kind of wrapper; -kāṃ kṛ tie a cloth round one's legs or knees.

avasanna a. sunk down, impressed, deep; brought down, exhausted, afflicted.

avasara m. opportunity, occasion, right moment to (gen. or --°).

avasarpaṇa n. descent.

avasā f. rest, liberation.

avasātṛ m. deliverer.

avasāda m. sinking, decline, weakness, defeat.

avasāna n. resting-place, rest, end, death.

avasāya m. stopping, settling down; a. -yin.

avasita a. (act.) having stopped, having ceased or desisted from (abl. or --°); (pass.) finished, settled, determined.

avasitakārya a. satisfied (lit. who has done his duty).*

avasitamaṇḍana a. entirely dressed (lit. whose toilet is completed).*

avasupta a. asleep.

avaseka m. sprinkling, bleeding.

avasecana n. the same; wash-water (cf. pādā-vasecana).

avaskanda m. assault, attack.

avastāt adv. underneath; on this side, before; prep. under, west of (gen.).

avastu n. a slight or bad thing; nonentity, unreality. Abstr. -tva n.

avastra a. unclothed; abstr. -tā f.

avastha m. membrum virile. f. ā (often adj. --°) state, condition, situation, circumstance, appearance in court; vulva.

avasthāna n. treading upon; staying, abiding; position, situation.

avasthāntara n. altered condition, alteration.*

avasthita a. standing, posted; contained or remaining in, intent upon (loc. or --°), keeping on, continuing (instr. of an abstr. or nom. of a pp.), ready to (dat.); fixed, settled, firm, steady, true; (thus) situated or circumstanced.

vasthita a. standing, posted; contained or remaining in, intent upon (loc. or --°), keeping on, continuing (instr. of an abstr. or nom. of a pp.), ready to (dat.); fixed, settled, firm, steady, true; (thus) situated or circumstanced.

avasthiti f. abode, stay.

avaspartṛ m. deliverer.

avasyant a. seeking favour or help.

avasyu a. seeking favour or help.

avasruta a. flowed down.

avasvant a. striving, eager.

avahanana n. trashing, husking.

avahārya a. to be restored; to be made to restore or to pay (acc.).

avahāsa m. jest, joke; -sārtham for jest.

avahita a. put down, fallen into (esp. the water); absorbed, attentive.

avākśākha a. having the branches downwards.

avākśiras a. having the head downwards. headlong.

avāggamanavant a. moving downwards.

avāṅmanasagocara a. not within the reach of language or intellect.

avāṅmukha f. ī looking or turned (lit. having the face t.) downwards.

avācīna a. directed downwards, lying under (abl.).

avācya a. unspeakable, not to be spoken to.

avācyavāda m. a forbidden word.

avāñc f. avācī directed downwards, lower. n. avāk downwards, headlong.

avāta [1] a. unconquered, secure.

avāta [2] a. not windy. n. calm.

avāntara a. included, intermediate (rām adv. between); always another, different.

avāntaradeśa m. intermediate region (cf. diś).

avāpta a. (having) reached or obtained.

avāpti f. acquirement, getting.

avāpya a. to be obtained; due to (--°).

avāraṇīya a. not to be stopped.

avi a. favourable, kind. m. sheep, f. ewe.

avikatthana a. not boastful.

avikampa a. unshaken.

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avikala a. not incomplete. full.

avikāra a. not changing; m. no change.

avikārin a. not liable to change (sides), loyal.

avikārya a. immutable.

avikṛta a. unaltered, unprepared, undeveloped.

avikṛtya ger. without detailing.

avikriya a. unchanging; f. ā no change, -yātmaka a. not subject to change.

avikrīta a. who has not sold.

avikreya a. unsalable.

avikṣata a. unhurt.

avikṣubdha a. undisturbed.

avigaṇayya ger. without reckoning or heeding.

avighna a. unhindered (also -ghnita); n. undisturbedness, quiet.

avighnamaṅgala n. prayer for undisturbedness or quiet.

avicakṣaṇa a. not sagacious; stupid, ignorant.

avicala a. unmoved, constant.

avicalita a. unmoved, constant.

avicāra [1] a. undiscerning, inconsiderate. n. adv.

avicāra [2] m. want of discrimination or reflection (also -ṇa n.); (instr. without much reflecting, quickly*).

avicārajña a. knowing no reflection, inconsiderate.

avicārayant a. not reflecting or hesitating.

avicārita a. inconsiderate, n. adv.

avicārya a. not to be reflected upon.

avijānant a. not knowing, ignorant.

avijñāta a. unknown.

avijñāna [1] n. want of knowledge.

avijñāna [2] a. having no knowledge, unwise.

avijñānavant a. the same.

avijñāya ger. without knowing.

avijñeya a. unknowable, indiscernible.

avitatha a. not false or vain; real, effective, true; n. adv., as subst. N. of a metre.

avitṛ m. protector, assistant.

avithura a. not staggering.

avida exclam. of surprise or grief; also repeated and with bhoḥ or mādike*

avidāsin a. not ceasing.

avidita a. unknown; n. unknowingly.

avidūra a. not very far, near; n. nearness, adv. near = avidūre avidūrāt & avidūratas.

aviddha a. unpierced.

avidya a. ignorant, without knowledge.

avidyamāna a. not existent.

avidyā f. want of knowledge, ignorance.

avidvaṃs a. not knowing, ignorant.

avidhavā f. not a widow.

avidhāna n. non-rule, irregularity; -tas adv. not according to regulation.

avidhāya ger. without having settled.

avidhi m. no rule; instr. against the rule.

avidhipūrvakam adv. not according to the rule.

avinaya m. want of breeding or manners, incivility.

avinaśyant a. imperishable.

avināśin a. imperishable.

avinīta a. untrained; ill-bred, ill-behaved.

avinoda m. want of diversion or amusement.

avindant a. not finding.

avindhya m. N. of the minister of Rāvaṇa.

avipaścit a. ignorant, unwise.

avipāla m. shepherd.

avipluta a. unbroken, unshaken, unviolated.

avibruvant a. not saying or explaining.

avibhakta a. undivided, unseparated, joint.

avibhāvita a. not clearly perceived, undistinguished, unobserved, unknown or unknowable.

avibhrama a. free from coquetry, unfeigned.

avimarśitavya a. not to be thought of, unim. portant.

avimṛśya ger. without reflecting; -kārin acting inconsiderately.

aviyukta a. undivided, unsevered from (abl.).

avirata a. not deviating from (abl.), uninterrupted, continual. n. adv.

avirala a. having no interstices, uninterrupted, close, contiguous. n. adv.

aviraha m. non-separation, staying together.*

avirahita a. unabandoned by (°--), unseparated.

aviruddha a. unimpeded; not opposite or contrary to (instr. or --°); right, proper.

avirodha m. no conflict with, prejudice to (--°).

avirodhin a. not contradictory or detrimental to (gen. or --°).

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avilamba a. not delaying, n. adv. quickly. m. no delay; instr. without delay.

avilambana n. not delaying, quickness.

avilambita a. immediate, prompt, speedy; n. adv.

avilambin a. = prec. adj*

avilambya ger. without delaying.

avivāda [1] a. undisputed, uncontested.

avivāda [2] m. non-dissent, consent.

avivāha a. not living in matrimony (beasts).

avivāhin a. unfit for matrimonial alliance.

avivāhya a. unfit for matrimonial alliance.

avivikta a. undiscriminated.

aviveka [1] m. non-discrimination.

aviveka [2] a. = seq.; abstr. -tā f.

avivekin a. undiscriminating, unwise.

avivenant a. not turning away, kind.

aviśaṅka a. unhesitating, confident.

aviśaṅkita a. unhesitating, confident.

aviśaṅkā f. no fear or hesitation.

aviśada a. not clear, indistinct.

aviśiṣṭa a. not different, like, equal; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

aviśeṣa a. the same. m. no difference or distinction. aviśeṣeṇa & aviśeṣatas indiscriminately, in general.

aviśeṣita a. unspecified.

aviśrama a. unwearied, restless.

aviśrānta a. unwearied, restless.

aviśrāma a. unwearied, restless.

aviśvasanīya a. not to be trusted; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

aviśvāsa [1] m. mistrust, suspicion.

aviśvāsa [2] a. mistrustful, suspicious.

aviśvāsajanaka a. raising suspicion.*

aviśvāsin a. = aviśvāsa2.

aviṣa [1] n. no poison.

aviṣa [2] a. not poisonous.

aviṣama a. not unequal; equal, even.

aviṣaya [1] m. no province, no sphere; no object for (--°), anything impossible or illicit.

aviṣaya [2] a. having no object.

aviṣayamanas a. whose mind has no object, unworldly.

aviṣayīkaraṇa n. the not making a thing (gen.) an object.

aviṣahya a. unbearable (lit. & fig.), irresistible, impracticable, inaccessible.

aviṣāda m. non-despondency, courage.

aviṣṭha (superl.) deigning to accept.

aviṣyant a. eager; -ṣyā f. eagerness.

aviṣyu a. eager; -ṣyā f. eagerness.

avispaṣṭa a. not clear, indistinct; n. adv.

avihvala a. unbent, calm, composed.

avītarāga a. whose passions are unsubdued (lit. not gone).*

avīra [1] a. unmanly, childless (abstr. -tā f.); weak, impotent; f. ā having no husband.

avīra [2] a. devoid of men; n. an unpeopled country.

avīrajuṣṭa a. hateful to (lit. not liked by) men.

avīrya a. weak, feeble.

avṛka a. harmless; n. adv. as subst. safety.

avṛjina a. guileless (lit. not crooked).

avṛta [1] a. unchecked, unimpeded.

avṛta [2] a. unchosen, uninvited.

avṛtti f. want of subsistence.

avṛṣaṇa a. having no testicles.

avṛṣṭi f. want of rain; drought.

avekṣaṇa n. looking to, attention.

avekṣā (& -kṣitā*) f. the same; regard, care for (loc. or --°).

avedana n. want of knowledge, ignorance.

avedayāna a. not knowing.

avedavid a. not knowing the Veda.

avedavihita a. not enjoined in the Veda.

avedya [1] a. not to be known.

avedya [2] a. not to be married.

aveśasadṛśa a. not belonging to prostitution.

avairijuṣṭa a. not (even) resorted to (lit. liked) by an enemy.

avya a. coming from the sheep, made of wool or threads; s. the Soma-strainer.

avyakta a. undisclosed, unmanifested, not clear, indistinct, imperceptible, transcendental; n. adv.

avyaktabhāṣin a. speaking, indistinctly.*

avyaktamūrti a. of imperceptible form, invisible.

avyagra a. undistracted, unoccupied, tranquil, steady; n. adv.

avyaṅgāṅga f. ī having complete (lit. unmutilated) limbs.

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avyathi a. not wavering, firm; f. firmness, intrepidity.

avyabhicāra m. not going astray, non-failure, constancy, fidelity; as adj. = seq.

avyabhicārin a. steady, constant, faithful.

avyabhīcāra  = avyabhicāra a. & m.

avyaya [1] m. non-expense.

avyaya [2] a. imperishable, immutable. n. an indeclinable word.

avyaya [3] (avyaya) a. = avya.

avyayātman a. of imperishable nature.

avyayībhāva m. an indeclinable compound.

avyavadhāna a. uninterrupted; n. the not being interrupted by (instr.).

avyavasāyavant a. irresolute.

avyavasāyin a. irresolute.

avyasana a. not vicious.

avyasanin a. not vicious.

avyākṛta a. undivided.

avyāja m. no fraud; a. artless, natural, °-- adv.

avyāpāra m. no (regular) occupation.

avyāpta a. not pervaded by or mixed with (instr.).

avyāhṛta n. not speaking, silence.

avyucchinna a. uninterrupted.

avyuṣṭa a. not yet risen or shining.

avraṇa a. having no wound, scar, or blemish.

avrata [1] n. non-observance or religious precepts.

avrata [2] a. lawless, disobedient.

aśnoti aśnute1 v attain, reach, come to, arrive at (acc.); obtain, get, befall, betide; overcome; offer, bring. --
     abhi reach, obtain, overwhelm.
     upa obtain, get.
     vi reach, attain, get; fill, penetrate.
     sam attain, get, receive; fall to one's share.

aśnāti v pp. aśita2 partake of, eat, drink, taste, enjoy. C. āśayati feed (2 acc.). D. aśiśiṣati wish to eat. --
     ati eat before (acc.).
     upa = S.
     pra the same; C. feed.
     sam = S.

aśakta a. unable to or incapable of (inf., loc., or dat.).

aśakti f. inability.

aśaknuvant a. not being able.

aśakya a. impossible to or to be (inf.), impracticable. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

aśaṅka a. without fear or doubt; n. adv.; f. aśaṅkā no fear or hesitation.

aśaṅkita a. without fear or doubt; n. adv.; f. aśaṅkā no fear or hesitation.

aśaṅkanīya a. not to be feared or supposed.

aśaṭha a. not deceitful, honest.

aśan m. stone, rock, sky.

aśana n. eating, food.

aśanā f. = aśanāyā.

aśanānaśana n. eating and fasting.

aśanāyā f. hunger.

aśanāyāpipāsā (f. du.) hunger and thirst.

aśanāyāvant a. hungry.

aśanāyuka a. hungry.

aśani f. (m.) thunderbolt, flash of lightning.

aśabda a. soundless; unvedic.

aśam (indecl.) ill luck; woe.

aśama m. restlessness.

aśaraṇa a. unprotected; n. want of protection, helplessness.

aśas a. cursing, hating, foe.

aśastra a. unarmed.

aśastrapūta a. not purified by the sword.

aśānta a. unsubdued, -mānasa u. in mind.

aśāy aśāyate v = 1.

aśāśvata f. ī not eternal, transitory.

aśāsant a. aśāsitvā ger. not punishing.

aśāstravihita a. not enjoined by the precept books, unscriptural.

aśikṣita unlearnt, untaught (w. acc. or loc.).

aśitavya a. to be eaten; (n. food*).

aśitṛ m. eater.

aśitra n. food.

aśiras a. headless.

aśiraska a. headless.

aśiva unlucky, evil. n. ill luck.

aśivaśaṃsin a. announcing ill luck, inauspicious.

aśiśira a. not cold, hot; abstr. -tā f.

aśiṣyavṛtti a. not behaving like a pupil.

aśīta a. the eightieth.

aśīti f. eighty.

aśītitama a. the eightieth.

aśītibhāga m. the eightieth part.

aśīrya a. indelible.

aśīrṣaka headless.

aśīrṣan headless.

aśuci a. impure.

aśucibhakṣaṇa n. eating of impure things.

aśucibhāva m. impurity.

aśucivrata a. making unholy vows.

aśuddha a. impure.

aśuddhi f. impurity.

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aśubha a. ugly (lit. not shining), unpleasant, inauspicious, bad, wicked, impure. n. ill luck, woe, evil, sin.

aśubhamati a. evil-minded.

aśuśūṣā f. disobedience.

aśuśūṣu a. not willing to learn or to obey.

aśuṣa a. devouring, voracious.

aśuṣka a. not dry; fresh, green.

aśūnya a. not empty or void, not incomplete, not in vain. -nyaṃ kṛ fulfil, execute.

aśeva a. hateful, odious.

aśeṣa m. no rest or remainder; adj. entire, whole. aśeṣam aśeṣeṇa & aśeṣatas adv. entirely, wholly.

aśoka a. heatless, painless; m. the Aśoka tree.

aśokavanikā f. Aśoka wood.

aśocanīya a. not to be regretted.

aśocya a. not to be regretted.

aśodhayitvā ger. without trying or deciding.

aśauca n. impurity.

aśauṇḍīrya n. want of generosity.

aśna m. stone; N. of a demon.

aśmaka m. ī f. a man's and a woman's name; m. pl. a tribe of warriors.

aśmakuṭṭa a. grinding with a stone.

aśmakuṭṭaka a. grinding with a stone.

aśmadidyu a. having stones for a weapon.

aśman [1] m. eater.

aśman [2] m. rock, stone, thunderbolt, sky. aśman loc. in the sky. Du. heaven and earth.

aśmaplava m. a boat made of stone.

aśmantaka m. a kind of grass.

aśmanmaya f. ī of stone, stony.

aśmanvant a. stony.

aśmamaya f. ī the same.

aśmamūrdhan a. stony-headed.

aśraddha a. = seq.; f. aśaddhā disbelief.

aśraddhadhāna a. unbelieving, having no faith.

aśraddheya a. incredible.

aśrama [1] m. absence of fatigue.

aśrama a. unwearied, indefatigable.

aśrama [2] a. unwearied, indefatigable.

aśravaṇa n. the not being heard, the not occurring (in a text), absence, want (of a word, suffix, etc.).

aśrāddhin a. not performing funeral meals.

aśrānta a. indefatigable, n. adv.

aśri f. (adj. --° aśrika) edge, corner.

aśru n. (m.) a tear.

aśrukaṇṭha a. having tears in the throat.

aśruta a. unheard.

aśrudhārā f. flood of tears.

aśreyaṃs a. worse; n. ill luck.

aśrotra a. earless.

aśrotriya a. not knowing the Veda.

aślāghya a. not praiseworthy, disgraceful.

aślīka a. inauspicious.

aśva m. horse, a man's name; f. ā mare.

aśvakarṇa [1] m. a horse's ear.

aśvakarṇa [2] a. horse-eared; m. N. of a tree.

aśvakhura m. a horse's hoof; -vat adv.

aśvatara m. ī mule.

aśvattha m. the holy fig-tree.

aśvatthāman m. N. of an ancient warrior.

aśvada m. giver of horses.

aśvadāvan m. giver of horses.

aśvanadī f. N. of a river.

aśvapa m. groom.

aśvapāla m. groom.

aśvaparṇa a. winged with horses.

aśvamukha f. ī having the head of a horse; m. & f. ī = kiṃnara ī q.v.

aśvamedha m. horse-sacrifice.

aśvayuj a. yoking or being yoked with horses; f. sg. & du. a lunar mansion.

aśvarāja m. king of the horses.

aśvavant a. rich in horses.

aśvavṛṣa m. stallion.

aśvaśālā f. stable for horses.

aśvasārathya n. horsemanship and driving.

aśvasena m. N. of a serpent-demon.

aśvastana a. not having a to-morrow.

aśvastanavidhāna n. care for to-morrow.

aśvastanika a. not caring for to-morrow.

aśvahāraka m. horse-thief.

aśvahṛdaya n. horsemanship (cf. akṣahṛdaya).

aśvādhyakṣa m. overseer or master of the horse.

aśvānīka n. cavalry, cavalcade.

aśvānṛta n. a lie about horses.

aśvārūḍha a. mounted, on horseback.

aśvāvant  = aśvavant.

aśvin a. horsed. m. horseman; du. the two Aśvins; f. aśvinī their wife or mother.

aśviya (n. pl.) troops of horses.

aśvīya n. troop of horses or of horsemen.

aśvya [1] a. equine; n. = aśviya.

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aśvya [2] m. a part. name.

aṣatara (compar.) more acceptable.

aṣāḍha a. unconquerable; m. a man's name.

aṣāḷha a. unconquerable; m. a man's name.

aṣṭaka a. eightfold; m. a man's name; f. ā the eighth day after full moon.

aṣṭaguṇa a. = prec. adj.

aṣṭadhā adv. eightfold, eight times.

aṣṭan a. eight.

aṣṭapāda a. eight-legged.

aṣṭabhāga m. an eighth.

aṣṭama f. ī eighth.

aṣṭamakālika a. eating (only) at every eighth meal-time.

aṣṭarasāśraya a. based on the eight sentiments, i.e. dramatic.

aṣṭavarṣa a. aged eight years.

aṣṭavidha a. eightfold, of eight kinds.

aṣṭāṅga eight parts of the body (°--); adj. consisting of eight parts or members.

aṣṭādaśadhā adv. eighteenfold.

aṣṭādaśan a. eighteen.

aṣṭādaśa a. eighteenth.

aṣṭādaśama a. eighteenth.

aṣṭāpad (nom. -pāt, f. -padī) eight-legged.

aṣṭāpādya a. eightfold.

aṣṭi [1] f. reaching.

aṣṭi [2] f. N. of a class of metres.

aṣṭi [3] f. grain of seed.

aṣṭottara a. more eight.

aṣṭrā f. goad.

aṣṭhīlā f. globe, ball, round pebble or stone.

aṣṭhīva n. (only --°) & -vant m. knee-pan.

as asti1 v be, exist, happen, become; be present or at hand; fall or belong to (gen. or dat.), be enough for (gen.), be able to (dat.); turn to, serve for (2 dat.). astu or evamastu well, so be it. With na not be, be gone. Pers. or impers. with another fin. verb = I happen to or it happens that I, e.g. asti paśyasi do you happen to see? asmi vikrīṇe I happen to sell. --
     ati be beyond, surpass (acc.).
     api be in or with (loc.), fall or belong to (loc. or dat.); partake of (impers. w. gen. & loc.).
     abhi be above, rule, overcome, conquer. win; *fall to one's (gen.) share.
     upa be in or with, partake of (acc.).
     pari overtake; pass or spend (time).
     pra be prominent, excel.
     prati equal, emulate (acc.).
     sam equal, reach; be together with (saha).

as asyati2 v (asati), pp. asta (q.v.) throw, cast, shoot at (loc., dat., or gen.), with (instr.). --
     apa throw away, lay down, doff, leave, give up.
     abhi (also asati te) throw, hurl; throw one's self upon, take to, practise, study, read; repeat, double, reduplicate (g.).
     ud throw up, lift, throw away; rise from (acc.).
     vyud spread, disperse, dismiss, give up.
     ni (also asati) throw or put down, lay aside, put or pour in (loc.), apply to (loc.), turn (the eyes) upon (loc.), deposit, commit to (loc), give up, relinquish; bring forward, mention.
     upani put down, bring forward, indicate, insinuate.
     vini (also asati) lay asunder, spread; put, place, turn upon or in, apply to (loc.), deposit, commit, entrust to (loc.).
     saṃni (also asati) put down (together), take off; put or place on (loc.), commit or entrust to (loc. or gen.); abandon, relinquish, give up, esp. the world, i.e. become an ascetic.
     nis throw out, send away, banish from (abl.); keep off, remove, destroy.
     parāṃ cast away, expose (a child); leave, reject, refute.
     pari cast or turn about, throw down, toss, upset (also C.) put on (M.).
     vipari overturn, upset, invert. transpose, change.
     pra cast forwards, hurl, throw or put in (loc.), throw down.
     prati throw towards or against; cast away, shake off.
     vi cast asunder, break in pieces, scatter.
     sam put together, join; P. be composed with (instr.). -- Cf. apāsya abhyasta upanyasta nyasta paryasta viparyasta vyatyasta vyasta samasta.

asaṃyata a. unrestrained, uncontrolled.

asaṃyatātman a. having the soul uncontrolled.

asaṃyājya a. unfit for common sacrifices.

asaṃvasant a. not living together with (instr.).

asaṃvīta a. uncovered, unclothed.

asaṃvṛta a. uncovered, bare; n. a cert. hell.

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asaṃśaya m. no doubt; a. having no doubt, n. adv.

asaṃśravaṇe (loc.) not within hearing of (gen.).

asaṃśrave (loc.) not within hearing of (gen.).

asaṃsārin a. not subject to the mundane existence.

asaṃsṛṣṭa a. unconnected, strange, unknown, unmixed with, free from (instr.).

asaṃskāra a. unadorned; m. want of ornament, artlessness.

asaṃskārya a. not to be adorned etc. (v. seq.).

asaṃskṛta a. unadorned, uncultivated, unprepared, uninitiated, unmarried.

asaṃstuta a. not harmonizing, refractory; distant, foreign.

asaṃsthita a. not standing still, restless, inconstant.

asakala a. incomplete; -vyakti a. not fully appearing.

asakṛt adv. not once; repeatedly, often.

asakta a. not hanging on or entangled in (loc.); independent, free.

asaktabuddhi a. whose mind is not attached to (loc.).

asaktātman a. whose mind is not attached to (loc.).

asakti f. non-attachment (to worldly things).

asagotra a. not of the same family.

asaṃkasuka a. not fickle; firm, steady.

asaṃkṣipta a. not laid down*; not concise, extensive, full.

asaṃkhya a. innumerable.

asaṃkhyāta a. innumerable.

asaṃkhyeya a. innumerable.

asaṅga [1] m. not sticking to (--°).

asaṅga [2] asaṅga a. not sticking or hanging, moving freely, independent.

asaṅga a. not sticking or hanging, moving freely, independent.

asacadviṣ a. not hating the followers.

asaṃgītakam adv. without music; -nṛt dance w. m., i.e. do something absurd or ridiculous.*

asajāti a. belonging to a different caste.

asajātya a. having no kin.

asajjana m. a bad man, villain.

asaṃjña a. insensible; abstr. -tva n.

asaṃjñā f. dissension, discord.

asaṃjvara a. feeling no heat or resentment.

asatkalpanā f. fabrication of an untruth, lie.

asatkārya n. an evil deed.

asatkāryaparigraha m. commission of evil deeds.

asatkṛta a. ill-done or ill-used; n. injury, wrong.

asattva [1] a. wanting strength or courage.

asattva [2] n. non-existence, non-substantiality; non-presence, absence.

asattvavacana a. not signifying anything substantial or material; abstr. -tā f.

asatputra a. having no son.

asatya a. untrue, false; n. falsehood, lie.

asatyavacana a. speaking falsely, lying.

asatyasaṃdha a. faithless, treacherous.

asadṛśa a. unlike, dissimilar, incomparable; of unequal birth; unfit, improper.

asadgraha a. bent upon something evil, following a bad caprice; m. bad inclination, caprice, whim.

asadbhāva m. non-presence, absence.

asan n. blood.

asana n. throwing, hurling; f. asanā dart, arrow.

asanāma a. not having the same name.

asant (f. asatī) not existing, unreal, untrue, bad, wicked. f. asatī an unchaste woman. n. non-existence, untruth, lie. evil.

asaṃtuṣṭa a. dissatisfied.

asaṃtoṣa m. dissatisfaction.

asaṃdita a. unbound.

asaṃdina a. unbound.

asaṃdheya a. irreparable.

asaṃnidhāna n. -nidhi m. distance, absence.

asaṃnivṛtti f. non-return; dat. never to return.

asaṃnihita a. distant, absent.*

asaṃnyasta a. not laid down or given up.

asapatna [1] m. no rival.

asapatna [2] a. unrivalled; n. peace, quiet.

asapiṇḍa a. unconnected by the funeral cake.

asama [1] a. unlike, uneven.

asama [2] a. having no equal, incomparable.

asamagra a. incomplete; not full (moon), °-- & n. adv.

asamañja m. N. of a man.

asamañjas m. N. of a man.

asamañjasa a. unequal, irregular, false; n. adv.

asamad f. concord, harmony.

asamaya m. wrong time.

asamartha a. incapable of, unable to (inf., dat., loc., or --°). Abstr. -tvā n.

asamasta a. not compounded (g.).

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asamāna a. unequal, dissimilar; n. an awkward situation.

asamāpta a. unfinished.

asamāvṛttaka a. not yet returned (from the teacher's house).

asamāvṛttika a. not yet returned (from the teacher's house).

asamāhita a. not concentrated.

asamidhya ger. without kindling.

asamīkṣya ger. without considering.

asamudyama m. no effort, no pain about (loc.).

asamudrotthita a. not risen from the ocean.

asamṛddha a. imperfect.

asamṛddhi f. non-success, failure.

asametya ger. without having approached (instr.).

asaṃpatti f. want of success, failure.

asaṃpāṭhya a. unfit for common instruction.

asaṃpūrṇa a. incomplete, imperfect.

asaṃpūrṇamanoratha a. having one's desire unaccomplished.*

asaṃprāpta a. not arrived, unsuccessful; not arrived at, unfulfilled (desire).

asaṃbaddha a. unconnected, incoherent, absurd, foolish.

asaṃbaddhapralāpa m. idle talk.

asaṃbaddhapralāpin (& -bhāṣaka*) a. talking idly.

asaṃbaddhamanoratha a. having absurd wishes.*

asaṃbandha [1] m. no connection or relation.

asaṃbandha [2] a. unconnected, not a relative.

asaṃbādha a. unlimited, unbounded, unrestrained, spacious, empty.

asaṃbhava [1] m. non-existence, absence, want; impossibility, absurdity.

asaṃbhava [2] a. not existing, absent, wanting, impossible.

asaṃbhāvita a. impossible (lit. unconceived).

asaṃbhāvitopamā f. a kind of comparison.

asaṃbhāṣya a. unfit for conversation.

asaṃbhojya a. unfit for common meals.

asaṃbhrama a. free from agitation, tranquil, calm; n. adv.

asaṃbhrānta a. the same; n. adv.

asaṃmata a. disapproved, despised; unauthorized by (--°).

asaṃmūḍha a. unconfused, composed, calm.

asaṃmoha m. abstr. to prec.

asamyak adv. not in the right way, wrongly.

asamyakkārin a. acting improperly.

asarva a. not whole, incomplete.

asavarṇa a. not belonging to the same caste.

asaścat (f. asaścantī) unceasing, inexhaustible.

asaścant (f. asaścantī) unceasing, inexhaustible.

asasant a. sleepless.

asaha a. incapable of bearing (acc. or --°), unable to (infin. or --°), impatient, intolerant.

asahana a. unable to bear (--°); impatient, jealous, envious. n. intolerance, impatience.

asahant f. -ntī a. not bearing, unable to (infin.).

asahamāna a. not bearing, impatient.

asahāya a. friendless, lonely; abstr. -tā f.

asahāyavant a. = prec. a.

asahāyin a. = prec. a.

asahiṣṇu a. unable to bear (acc., loc., or --°); intolerant, jealous; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

asahya a. intolerable, irresistible, impossible.

asākṣika a. unwitnessed, unattested.

asādṛśya n. unequality, dissimilarity.

asādhaka a. not accomplishing, not satisfactory.

asādhana n. no means, no requisite; a. without means, impossible.

asādhāraṇa f. ī uncommon, special, singular.

asādhāraṇopamā f. a kind of comparison.

asādhu a. not good, bad, wicked; m. a bad man, a villain; n. evil, malice, also adv.

asādhudarśin a. of little discrimination (lit. seeing not well).

asādhuvṛtta a. of bad conduct.

asādhya a. not to be overcome, impracticable, incurable, irremediable; not susceptible of proof. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

asāṃnidhya n. non-presence, absence.

asāmānya a. not common, peculiar.

asāmi a. not half; whole, entire.

asāmiśavas a. having full strength.

asāṃprata a. unfit, improper; n. adv.

asāra a. worthless, vain.

asāvadhāna a. inattentive, inconsiderate.*

asi m. sword, knife; p. asimant.

asiṃhāsana a. throneless (a reign).

asita [1] a. unbound.

asita [2] (f. asitā & asiknī) a. dark-coloured, black. m. N. of a cert. myth. being & of sev. men; f. asiknī or asiknī N. of a river.

asitotpala n. a blue lotus-flower.

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asitapītaka f. -tikā dark yellow, tawny.

asitekṣaṇa a. black-eyed.

asidhārā f. the edge of a sword.

asidhārāvrata n. a vow to stand on the edge of a sword; i.e. a hopeless task.

asinva a. insatiable.

asinvant a. insatiable.

asipattra n. the blade of a sword.

asipattravana n. a cert. hell (lit. a wood whose leaves are sword-blades).

asipattravrata n. = asidhārāvrata.

asilatā f. the blade of a sword.

asu m. (later always pl.) vital spirit, breath, life.

asukha a. unpleasant, painful, unhappy, difficult to (infin.); n. sorrow; pain, grief.

asukhodaya a. having evil results.

asukhodarka a. the same.

asutṛp a. taking away (lit. feeding on) one's life, or insatiable.

asura a. spiritual, divine. m. spirit, esp. the highest spirit, later a bad spirit, demon f. ī (opp. sura a god).

asuradharma m. law or custom of the Asuras.

asurabrahma m. a priest of the Asuras.

asurarakṣasa n. a being as well Asura as Rakṣas, pl. the Asuras and Rakṣas.

asurahan f. asuraghnī killing Asuras.

asurya a. spiritual, god-or demonlike; n. godhead, divinity.

asulabha a. not easy to get, rare; abstr. -tva n.

asuvarṇa a. not golden.*

asuṣvi a. not pressing Soma; impious.

asustha a. unwell.

asusthita a. unwell.

asuhṛd m. not friend, foe.

asū f. not bringing forth, barren.

asūy asūyati & asūyate v grumble, be impatient or angry with, murmur at (dat., acc., or gen.) C. asūyayati also = S. -
     abhi = S.

asūya grumbling, displeased, envious. f. ā discontent, envy.

asūyaka = prec. adj.

asūyitṛ = prec. adj.

asūyu = prec. adj.

asūta a. untrodden, unknown.

asūrya a. sunless.

asūryaga not moving towards the sun.

asṛkpāta (m. pl.) drops of blood (lit. the falling of blood).

asṛj n. blood.

asṛṣṭānna a. whereat no food is distributed (sacrifice).

asenya a. not hurting or wounding.

asevana n. non-performance of (--°).

asevā f. non-use, neglect.

asoḍha a. unconquered.

asoma [1] m. no Soma-juice or sacrifice.

asoma [2] a. not having Soma-juice.

asomapa a. not drinking Soma.

asau m. f. (n. adas q.v.) yonder, that, one so and so; with eva the same.

asauvarṇa a. not golden.

asauṣṭhava a. not well, ill-disposed.

asauhṛda n. enmity.

askanda m. -tva n. not spilling.

askandayant a. not spilling; not omitting or neglecting.

askanna a. unspilt.

askṛdhoyu a. not scarce, abundant.

askhalana n. not wavering from (abl.), firmness.

askhalita a. not stumbling, firm (gait), unshaken, uninterrupted. n. not stumbling or sticking.

askhalitacakra a. indefatigable (lit. whose chariot never stops).

askhalitapada a. safe, secure (lit. where the foot does not stumble).*

asta [1] n. home (also -ka n.); acc. w. ī gam yā etc. go home, go down, set (of the sun); come to an end, die. As m. the mountain behind which the sun and moon are supposed to set (cf. udaya), also = astamaya.

asta [2] a. thrown, cast off (mostly °--).

astaṃyant a. going down, setting.

astakaruṇa a. pitiless, cruel.

astamaya m. -mayana n. setting (of the sun).

astamita a. set (sun); -te (sc. sūrye) after sunset.

astā f. dart, bolt, arrow.

astṛ m. hurler, archer.

astṛta a. not overthrown, invincible.

astena m. no thief or robber.

astenamānin a. not considering o.'s self as a thief.

asteya n. non-theft, honesty.

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astoka a. not small or insignificant.

astotṛ m. not a praiser.

astra n. (m.) dart; bow, arrow.

astragrāma m. collection of weapons.

astrī f. no woman; masculine and neuter (g.).

asthan n. bone; poss. asthanvant.

asthā adv. immediately.

asthāna n. no stay; no place or the wrong place for (gen). °-- & loc. in the wrong place, not in time, without cause.

asthi n. bone; poss. asthimant.

asthicūrṇa n. pulverized bone, bone-dust.

asthija a. produced in the bones; m. thunderbolt, marrow.*

asthipañjara m. skeleton.*

asthibhedaka m. bone-breaker.

asthira a. not firm, unsteady, inconstant, dubious, uncertain. Abstr. -tva n.

asthisaṃstha a. being on the bone (flesh).

asthisthūṇa a. having bones for beams (the body).

asthisneha m. marrow.*

asthūla a. not big or coarse; slender, thin.

asnātṛ a. not bathing, not wet, dry.

asparśa a. touchless.

aspaṣṭa a. not clear, indistinct.

aspṛśant a. not touching.

aspṛṣṭa a. untouched.

aspṛha a. free from desires.

aspṛhā f. no desire.

asphuṭa a. indistinct, incorrect; n. adv.

asma [1] pron. stem of 1st pers.

asma [2] asma pron. stem of 3d pers.

asma pron. stem of 3d pers.

asmattas adv. from us.

asmatrā adv. among or to us; a. -trāñc.

asmad (°--) = asma1.

asmadīya a. our.

asmadryañc a. turned towards us; n. -dryak adv.

asmadvidha a. our like.

asmayu a. fond of us.

asmāka a. our, ours.

asmādṛśa a. our like.*

asmṛti [1] f. want of memory, oblivion.

asmṛti [2] a. forgetful, inattentive.

asmehiti f. commission for us.

asra [1] n. a tear.

asra [2] a. throwing, hurling.

asramukha f. ī having tears in the face.*

asridh a. not going wrong; safe, harmless.

asridhāna a. the same.

asredhant a. the same.

asreman a. faultless, perfect.

asvatantra a. not independent.

asvadita a. not tasted.

asvapnaj a. not sleepy, sleepless.

asvarita a. not having the Svarita accent; abstr. -tva n.

asvargayogya a. unworthy of heaven.

asvargya a. not leading to heaven, unheavenly.

asvastha a. indisposed, unwell; abstr. -tā f.

asvasthacetasa a. of troubled mind.

asvasthaśarīra a. sick at body.*

asvātantrya n. want of independence.

asvādhīna a. not free, dependent.

asvāmivikraya m. sale without ownership (j.).

asvāmin m. non-owner.

ah (only pf. āha) say, speak, tell (w. dat. or acc. of pers. & acc. of th.), call, name (2 acc.); state, declare to be (acc.); attribute or adjudge (acc.) to (gen.). --
     adhi speak or intercede for (dat.).
     anu recite, repeat.
     abhi speak to (acc.), answer, reply; tell (dat. of pers. & acc. of th.).
     nis speak out, express.
     pra pronounce, deliver; say tell, name, declare ( = S.).

aha [1] indecl. of course, certainly, namely, at least; often only emphasizing the preceding word.

aha [2] m. n. day (mostly --°).

ahaṃyu a. selfish, haughty.

ahaṃkāra m. sense of self, egoism, pride, arrogance; poss. -rin.

ahaṃkārya a. forming the object of the sense of self.

ahaṃkṛta a. conscious of self, egoistic.

ahaṃkṛti f. = ahaṃkāra.

ahata a. not beaten, not washed, new (cloth).

ahatamārga a. whose course is unchecked or free.*

ahatvā abs. without killing.

ahan n. day. - ahanyahani & aharahas every day, daily. ubhe ahanī day and night.

ahar n. day. - ahanyahani & aharahas every day, daily. ubhe ahanī day and night.

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ahanya a. daily.

aham (pron.) I; so'ham I here.

ahar n. = ahan.

ahas n. = ahan.

aharāgama m. the approach of day, morning.

aharniśa n. day and night.

aharvid a. knowing the (right) days.

ahalyā f. N. of the wife of Gautama.

ahaḥśeṣa m. the rest of the day.

ahasta a. handless.

ahaha exclam. of joy or sorrow.

ahārya not to be taken or stolen; unalterable, incorruptible.

ahi m. serpent, esp. the demon Vṛtra.

ahiṃsaka a. harmless, innocuous.

ahiṃsant a. harmless, innocuous.

ahiṃsā f. the not injuring or being injured, harmlessness.

ahiṃsra a. = ahiṃsaka.

ahigandha m. likeness to (lit. smell of) a serpent.

ahita a. unfit, improper, bad, wrong, evil, hostile. m. enemy; n. evil, misfortune, ill luck.

ahibhānu a. shining like serpents.

ahima a. not cold, warm.

ahimanyu a. having the ire of serpents.

ahihatya n. the slaying of the serpent, the fight with Vṛtra.

ahī m. serpent, a cert. serpent-demon.

ahīna [1] a. lasting several days; m. a sacrifice lasting several days.

ahīna [2] a. unimpaired, whole, entire, not deficient in (instr.).

ahuta a. unoffered, unsacrificed; not worshipped with or not attained by sacrifice; m. a muttered prayer, unaccompanied by sacrifices.

ahṛṇāna a. not being angry.

ahaituka f. ī having no cause or motive; n. adv.

aho exclamation of joy, sorrow or astonishment.

ahorātra m. n. day and night; -vid a. knowing d. & n.

ahna m. day (--°); dat. instantly, at once.

ahyarṣu m. a cert. bird of prey.

ahraya a. luxurious, proud.

ahrayāṇa a. luxurious, proud.

ahri a. luxurious, proud.

ahrasva not short.

ahruta not crooked, straight.

ahrutapsu a. of upright appearance.

ahvalā f. not staggering, firmness.

ā [1] adv. hither, near, towards (esp. as a pref. to verbs of motion); besides, further; quite, entirely, even (often only emphasizing the prec. word). °-- a little, slightly, scarcely (in adj. & subst.); reaching to (in adj.); till, as far as, before, from (in adv.). As prep. towards, up to, till, as far as (acc. or abl.); except, but, save (acc.); all the way or time from (abl.); in, at, on (loc.).

ā [2] excl., esp. of sudden remembrance.

ākara m. scatterer, dispenser, giver; heap, plenty, abundance; mine.

ākarṇa (°--) & ākarṇam adv. up to the ear.

ākarṇana n. listening, hearing; news.

ākarṇay ākarṇayati v pp. ākarṇita listen, hear, understand. --
     upa & sam = S.

ākarṣa m. drawing towards one's self.

ākarṣaṇa f. ī the same as adj.; n. = prec., also bending (a bow).

ākalpa [1] m. ornament.

ākalpa [2] (°--) = seq.

ākalpam adv. to the end of the world.

ākalpāntam adv. to the end of the world.

ākāṅkṣa a. desiring, wanting (esp. a word to complete the sense); f. ā wish, desire, want (of a word to complete the sense).

ākāra [1] m. form, shape, figure; abstr. -tā f.

ākāra [2] m. the sound ā.

ākāravant a. shaped, embodied; well-formed, shapely.

ākārita a. having the shape of (--°).

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ākālam adv. until the same hour (of the next day).

ākālika f. ā1 & ī a. lasting until the same hour (of the next day).

ākālika f. ī2 unseasonable.

ākāśa m. n. free or open space, sky; esp. the atmosphere or sky as the fifth element. -śe behind the scene or into the air (d.).

ākāśaga moving through the sky; m. bird.

ākāśacārin moving through the sky; m. bird.

ākāśayāna n. moving through the sky.

ākāśavartman n. the aerial path.

ākāśaśayana n. lying in the open air.

ākāśasaṃcārin m. wanderer in the sky.*

ākāśeśa m. ruler of the atmosphere.

ākiṃcanya n. want of anything, poverty.

ākīm (prep.) from (abl.).

ākīrṇa a. scattered, spread; filled with, surrounded by (instr. or --°).

ākuñcita a. contracted, crooked, curled.

ākuṭila a. slightly curved.

ākula a. confounded, confused, agitated, anxious; overburdened with, full of (instr. or --°).

ākulay ākulayati v confound, confuse, trouble. pp. ākulita confounded, bewildered, obscured by (--°).

ākuli m. N. of an Asura priest.

ākulīkṛ  = ākulay; -bhū become or be perplexed.

ākulīyamāna a. contused, agitated, frightened.*

ākūta n. ākūti f. intention, purpose.

ākṛti f. constituent part; shape, form (poss -mant), beauty.

ākṛṣṭi f. drawing near, attraction.

āke (loc. adv.) near, hither.

ākekara a. a little squinting or looking aside; -rākṣa a. having such eyes.

ākauśala n. inexpertness, want of skill.

ākranda m. cry, call; friend, protector, esp. the neighbour of a (king's) neighbour.

ākrandana m. -ndita n. crying, calling.

ākrama m. approach, attack.

ākramaṇa a. approaching; n. = prec.

ākrānta a. taken, seized; overcome, ruled by (instr. or --°).

ākrānti f. ascending, rising.

ākrīḍa m. n. play-ground, garden.

ākruṣṭa a. being reviled.

ākrośa m. crying out, scolding, reviling.

ākṣika a. relating to the dice, won or lost at dice.

ākṣipta a. hit, struck, touched.

ākṣiptikā f. song of approach (d.).

ākṣepa m. throwing up, tossing, drawing to one's self, attraction; applying, laying on; casting off, removing, giving up; hint, allusion; objection; abuse, injury.

ākṣepaṇa n. tossing, impelling; abuse, objection.

ākṣeparūpaka n. = ākṣepopamā.

ākṣepavalana n. tossing to and fro.

ākṣepin a. drawing away; -ṇī siddhi f. the power of flying into the air.

ākṣepopamā f. a kind of comparison.

ākhaṇḍala m. E. of Indra (lit. breaker, destroyer).

ākhu m. mole, mouse.

ākhukiri m. a mole-hill.

ākheṭa m. chase.

ākhyā f. appellation, name; instr. with name; adj. --° called, named.

ākhyāta n. finite verb (g.).

ākhyātukāma a. wishing to tell.

ākhyātṛ m. relater, speaker.

ākhyāna n. telling, relating; tale, legend.

ākhyānaka n. a short tale; f. ī N. of a metre.

ākhyānavid m. knower of (ancient) tales.

ākhyāyikā f. = ākhyānaka.

ākhyāyin a. telling, relating (--°).

ākhyeya a. to be told or related.

āgata a. come, arrived (acc., loc. or --°), returned (±punar), sprung or descended from (abl.), happened, occurred (gen.); fallen into, having met with (acc.). m. guest.

āgati f. coming, arrival, return.

āgadhita a. clasped, held fast.

āgantavya n. veniendum.

āgantu a. coming, arriving; m. new-comer, guest.

āgantuka a. & m. the same (abstr. -tā*).

āgantṛ a. venturus.

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āgama a. coming to, approaching, being added. m. approach, arrival, going to (--°); course (of a river), appearance, origin; income, revenue, possession, title; knowl edge, science, doctrine; augment (g.).

āgamana n. coming, arrival, appearance.

āgamavant a. approaching sexually.

āgamāpāyin a. coming and going.

āgamin a. augmented (g.).

āgarbhanirgama (°--) from birth.*

āgas n. offence, injury, sin.

āgastya a. relating to Agasti; pl. Agasti's descendants.

āgāmin a. coming, future.

āgāmuka a. coming, wont to come to (acc.).

āgāra n. room, dwelling, house.

āgur f. acclamation (r.).

āgnika f. ī belonging to fire or to the fire sacrifice.

āgnīdhra a. belonging to the Agnīdh. m. = āgnīdh; n. the place for or the function of the A.

āgnīdhrīya being within the Āgnīdhra (v. prec. n.); m. the fire therein.

āgneya f. ī relating to fire or Agni, fiery.

āgrayaṇa m. firstling (a cert. Soma-libation); f. ī & n. oblation of firstlings or firstfruits.

āgrayaṇaka n. (& adj. --°) = prec. n.

āgrahāyaṇī f. a cert. day of full moon.

āghargharam adv. growlingly.

āghāṭa m. & āghāṭi m. or f. cymbal, rattle (cf. seq.).

āghāta m. striking, killing, blow; slaughter-house, place of execution.

āghṛṇi a. glowing, hot.

āghṛṇīvasu a. glowing, hot.

āghoṣaṇā f. calling, proclaiming.

āṅgirasa f. ī relating to or descending from the An1giras.

āṅgūṣa m. n. praise, hymn.

ācamana n. rinsing the mouth or sipping water; the water used for rinsing the mouth (also f. ī).

ācaraṇa n. approach, arrival; conduct, behaviour; cart, carriage.

ācarita n. arrival, conduct, custom, customary proceeding, usage, way.

ācaritavya a. to be done; n. impers. (it is) to be acted in the usual way.

ācānta a. sipped (water); rinsed or having rinsed (the mouth).

ācāma m. the water or foam of boiled rice.

ācāra m. conduct, (good) behaviour; custom, usage, ordinance, institute; abl. in -tas.

ācāravant a. of virtuous conduct.

ācārahīna a. defective in conduct.

ācārya m. teacher, spiritual guide (poss. -vant; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); a cert. caste.

ācāryaka n. office or art of teaching.

ācāryopāsana n. reverence for the teacher.

ācikhyāsā f. wish to express; a. -su.

ācikhyāsopamā f. a kind of comparison.

ācita a. heaped, accumulated; filled or covered with (instr. or --°).

ācchanna a. covered, clothed.

ācchāda m. clothing, clothes.

ācchādaka a. concealing, covering.

ācchādana n. covering, clothing.

ācchādin a. concealing, hiding (--°).

ācchinna a. cut off, split, broken.

āja a. coming from or belonging to goats; n. E. of a cert. lunar mansion.

ājamīḍha (ājamīḷha) m. patr. from ajamīḍha.

ājāti f. birth, origin, existence.

ājāna n. ājāni f. the same.

āji m. f. running or fighting match; race, battle, combat; place for running, course.

ājimukha n. front of battle.

ājīgarti m. patron. from ajīgarta.

ājīva m. -vana n., (vikā f.*) livelihood, subsistence.

ājīvitāntam adv. through (lit. to the end of) life.

ājuhvāna a. sacrificed or worshipped with sacrifices.

ājñapti f. order, command.

ājñā f. the same.

ājñākara m. ī f. servant; abstr. -karatva n.

ājñāna n. perceiving, understanding.

ājñābhaṅga m. violation of a command, disobedience.

ājñābhaṅgakārin a. violating a command, disobedient.

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ājya n. melted or clarified butter; also oil and milk (used for religious purposes).

ājyapa a. drinking melted butter; pl. a class of Manes.

āñch āñchati v tear, stretch.

āñjana n. ointment, esp. for the eyes.

āñjanagandhi a. smelling of ointment (v. prec.).

āṭavika a. belonging to a wood; n. woodman, forester.

āṭopa m. puffing up, pride, self-conceit.

āḍambara m. a kind of drum, noise, sound, bombast; the non-plus-ultra of (--°).

āḍhaka m. n. (adj. --° f. ī) a cert. measure of grain.

āḍhya a. opulent, wealthy; abstr. -tā f.

āṇi m. the pin of the axle-tree (also *aṇi).

āṇḍa n. egg; m. du. the testicles; f. ī a t.

āt (abl. adv.) from this, afterwards, thereupon, then, further, often correl. to yad yadā yadi and followed by it.

ātaṅka m. pain, sorrow, anguish.

ātañcana n. rennet.

ātata a. stretched out, spread, strung (bow), turned to, hung on (loc.); wide, long.

ātatāyin a. having a stretched bow; threatening, inimical.

ātatāvin a. having a stretched bow; threatening, inimical.

ātapa a. causing pain; m. heat, sunshine.

ātapatra n. a large umbrella used as a parasol.

ātapavāraṇa n. a parasol.

ātā f. (instr. pl. also ātais) frame, border, edge.

ātāmra a. reddish.

āti f. a kind of water-bird.

ātī f. a kind of water-bird.

ātitheya f. ī hospitable; f. ī & n. hospitality.

ātithya a. = prec. a.; n. hospitality, (hospitable) reception.

ātiraikya n. excess, superfluity.

ātuje (dat. inf.) to procure or bestow.

ātura a. diseased, sick, suffering from (--°).

ātta a. seized, assumed, taken. °-- having taken or having been robbed of.

āttagandha a. hurt, insulted (lit. whose smell or breath is taken away).

āttadaṇḍa a. having taken or lifted the sceptre.

āttadhanvan a. having taken or grasped a bow.

āttaśastra a. having taken a weapon, armed.

ātma (--°) = ātman.

ātmaka f. ātmikā (--°) having the nature of, consisting of, -like.

ātmakṛta a. done by or against one's self.

ātmagata a. being connected with or contained in one's self; n. adv. to one's self, i.e. aside (d.).

ātmagati f. one's own way, course, power; instr. by one's own act or means.

ātmacintā f. meditation on the soul.

ātmacchandānucārin a. following one's own will, wilful, wayward.*

ātmaja a. born of one's self; m. son, f. ā daughter.

ātmajña a. knowing one's self or the all-soul.

ātmajñāna n. self-knowledge; knowledge of the all-soul.

ātmatā f. -tva n. abstr. to ātman.

ātmatulya a. like one's self.

ātmatṛpta a. satisfied with one's self.

ātmatyāga m. suicide (lit. leaving one's self).

ātmatyāgin a. suicide (lit. who leaves himself).

ātmadāna n. gift of self.

ātman m. breath, life, spirit, soul; the supreme spirit or all-soul; nature, character; self, one's self (as refl. pron.). Often °-- one's own; --° = ātmaka. Instr. w. an ordin. number -> seq.

ātmanātṛtīya a. (made) the third by one's self; being one's self the third with two others.

ātmanepada n. the middle (lit. self-) form of the verb.

ātmanvant a. having a soul, animated.

ātmanvin a. having a soul, animated.

ātmapradāna n. = ātmadāna.

ātmaprabha a. shining by one's self, self-illuminated.

ātmapraśaṃsā f. self-applause.

ātmabodha a. knowing the all-soul; m. knowledge of the all-soul, T. of a philos. work.

ātmabhava [1] m. the existence or being of one's self.

ātmabhava [2] a. existing of one's self.

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ātmabhāva m. the being or nature of one's self, one's own personality; -stha a. remaining in one's own nature.

ātmabhū a. self-existent (E. of sev. gods).

ātmabhūta a. being (another's) self, entirely devoted.

ātmayājin a. sacrificing (for) one's self.

ātmayoga m. union with the all-soul.

ātmarati a. happy in one's self.

ātmalābha m. one's own gain or advantage.

ātmavat adv. as one's self.

ātmavattā f. self-control.

ātmavadha m. -vadhyā f. suicide.

ātmavant a. having a soul, animated; self-possessed, wise, virtuous.

ātmavaśa a. depending on one's self.

ātmavaśya a. depending on one's self.

ātmavikraya m. sale of one's self.

ātmavid a. knowing the supreme spirit.

ātmavidyā f. knowledge of the supreme spirit.

ātmavinigraha m. subduing of one's self.

ātmaśreyas n. the best of the soul.

ātmasaṃsiddhi f. highest perfection of the soul.

ātmasaṃstha a. staying with or confined to one's own person.

ātmasaṃdeha m. personal risk.

ātmasama a. like one's self, abstr. -tā f.

ātmasaṃbhava m. ā f. = ātmaja jā.

ātmasaṃbhāvita a. self-conceited.

ātmasātkṛ make one's own, acquire.

ātmastava m. self-praise.

ātmahan a. killing the soul or one's self.

ātmahita a. good for one's self.

ātmānapekṣa a. not considering one's self, disinterested.

ātmāpahāra m. concealment of one's self.

ātmāpahāraka a. concealing or making away with one's own self.

ātmāpahārin a. concealing or making away with one's own self.

ātmārtham adv. for one's own sake.

ātmārthe adv. for one's own sake.

ātmīya a. one's own.

ātmopajīvin a. living by one's own self (i.e. by labour).

ātmaupamya n. likeness or analogy to one's own self.

ātyantika f. ī continual, uninterrupted, infinite, absolute.

ātyayika f. ī connected with danger, pressing, urgent.

ātreya m. ī f. descendant of Atri; f. also a woman in her courses.

ātharvaṇa f. ī belonging to Atharvan; m. descendant of A. or the Atharvaveda.

ādaghna a. reaching up to the mouth.

ādara m. consideration of, respect to, care about (loc. or --°); reverence, honour. Instr. & abl. respectfully, carefully, eagerly.

ādardira a. crushing.

ādarśa m. looking-glass, mirror; reflected image; illustration, copy, commentary.

ādātṛ m. recipient.

ādāna n. taking, seizing, acceptance.

ādānanitya a. who always takes.

ādāya (ger.) having taken, i.e. with (acc.).

ādi m. commencement, beginning, firstling; loc. ādau in the beginning, first. Often adj. --° (also ādika) beginning with, and so on. Abstr. āditva & ādikatva n.

ādikartṛ m. the (first) creator.

ādiguru m. the first father (Brahman).

ādigdha a. anointed or smeared with (--°).

āditas adv. from the beginning, from the first.

āditeya m. son of Aditi.

āditya [1] m. belonging to or coming from Aditi. m. = prec., esp. Sūrya or the sun; pl. the (highest) gods.

āditya [2] a. belonging to the Ādityas or the sun.

ādityagata a. being in the sun.

ādityacandra m. du. sun and moon.

ādityamaṇḍala n. the orb of the sun.

ādityavat adv. like the sun.

ādityavarcas a. having the splendour of the sun.

ādityavarṇa a. having the colour of the sun.

ādityasaṃkāśa a. sun-like.

āditsu a. wishing to take or have.

ādideva m. first god (Brahma, Viṣṇu, or Śiva).

ādin a. eating.

ādipuruṣa m. the first male or primeval spirit, E. of Viṣṇu.

ādipūruṣa m. the first male or primeval spirit, E. of Viṣṇu.

ādibhūta a. being the first of (gen.).

ādima a. first.

ādimūla n. the first cause.

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ādivaṃśa m. primeval race.

ādiś f. aiming at, design; dat. (as inf.) to aim at, to hit.

ādiṣṭa n. instruction, order, command; m. a sort of treaty or alliance.

ādiṣṭin a. having received instruction; a novice.

ādīpta a. flaming, glowing, brilliant.

ādṛta a. respectful, zealous, intent upon (loc.); esteemed, honoured.

ādeya a. to be taken or employed.

ādevanaṃ n. gambling-place.

ādeśa m. account, information, prophecy; instruction, precept, rule, command; substitute (g.).

ādeśin a. imparting, ordering (--°).

ādya [1] a. eatable, n. food.

ādya [2] a. first, preceding, primitive, extraordinary, excellent; n. beginning. °-- = ādi.

ādyanta n. beginning and end; a. beginning and ending with (--°).

ādyantavant a. having beginning and end.

ādyādya a. each preceding (opp. paraspara).

ādyūna a. voracious.

ādhamana n. mortgage.

ādhamarṇya n. state of being indebted.

ādhava m. stirrer or a stirred mass, mixture.

ādhavanīya m. a vessel for shaking and cleansing the Soma.

ādhātṛ m. = agnyāhita + giver, imparter, teacher.

ādhāna n. placing, adding, causing, producing; depositing, deposit, pledge; receptacle, enclosure; also = agnyādhāna & garbhādhāna q. ->

ādhāra m. support, basis (l. & f.); receptacle, canal; (g.) province, sphere (of an action).

ādhi [1] m. receptacle, foundation; base (fig.); deposit, pledge, earnest-money.

ādhi [2] m. (mostly pl.) thought, care, woe, sorrow.

ādhikaraṇika m. judge.

ādhikya n. excess, abundance, high degree, superiority.

ādhidaivata a. referring to the gods.

ādhidaivika a. referring to the gods.

ādhipatya n. supremacy.

ādhirathi m. patr. from adhiratha.

ādhirājya n. sovereignty.

ādhistena m. stealer of a pledge.

ādhī f. thought, care.

ādhīta a. thought of; n. object, purpose, hope.

ādhīti f. reflection, intention.

ādhunika a. new, recent.

ādhūta a. shaken, vexed, tormented.

ādhṛṣe (dat. inf.) to attack or defy.

ādheya a. to be set, placed, deposited, granted; being contained, situated.

ādhmāta a. inflated, puffed up by (--°)

ādhyātmika (f. ī & ā) referring to the self or the supreme soul.

ādhra a. poor, destitute.

ādhvanika a. being on a journey.

ādhvaryava a. belonging to the Adhvaryu priest; n. the office of the A.

ādhvasta a. veiled, covered.

āna m. mouth, face.

ānaka m. a kind of drum.

ānata a. bowed, bent (of a bow); bent inwards, hollowed, flat, level; bowing, stooping.

ānataparvan a. having the knots or joints flatted; smooth, polished (arrow).

ānati f. bowing; salute, submission.

ānaddha a. bound, tied, costive; overlaid or covered with (instr.).

ānana n. mouth, face.

ānanacara f. ī falling into the mouth of (gen.).

ānantarya n. absence of interval, immediate consequence or succession.

ānantya a. infinite; n. infinity, immortality.

ānanda m. (n.) joy, pleasure, bliss.

ānandana a. delightful.

ānandamaya f. ī made up of joy, blissful. Abstr. -tva n.

ānandayitṛ n. who gladdens.

ānandita a. delighted with (loc.).

ānandin a. joyful or gladdening.

ānandotsava m. feast of joy.

ānayana n. bringing towards, back, or about.

ānardita n. roaring.

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ānava a. kind to men; human; m. foreigner.

ānāya m. net; -yin m. fisherman.

ānīti f. leading near.

ānīla a. blackish.

ānupūrva n. -pūrvī f., -pūrvya n. order, succession; instr. in due order, one after the other.

ānuyātrikajana) m. follower, attendant.

ānuveśya m. the next neighbour but one.

ānulomya n. natural order (cf. anuloma).

ānuṣak adv. coherently, uninterruptedly.

ānuṣaṅgika a. connected, adherent.

ānṛṇya n. state of not being indebted to (gen.); abstr. -tā f.

ānṛśaṃsa n. mildness, kindness.

ānṛśaṃsya a. mild, kind; n. = prec.

ānetṛ m. -trī f. bringer.

āntara a. interior, inner; -jña a. knowing the inner state or the heart.

āntarikṣa f. ī aerial, celestial.

āntarīkṣa, f. ī aerial, celestial.

āntra n. sgl. & pl. the bowels, entrails.

āndhya n. blindness.

ānvāhika f. ī daily.

ānvīkṣikīvidyā) f. logic.

āp āpnoti v (āpnute), pp. āpta (q.v.) obtain, reach, overtake, meet with, find; acquire, win, get, beget; pervade, occupy; befall, betide. P. become filled. C. āpayati cause to reach or attain, bring to, let a person (acc.) have or feel a thing (acc.). D. īpsati te (q.v.) --
     anu attain.
     abhi reach to, attain; C. accomplish.
     ava reach, get at, meet, acquire, obtain, incur.
     samava the same.
     pari reach, acquire, make up, finish.
     pra reach, arrive at, come upon (acc.); obtain, win, get, catch, incur; befall, betide, exist, be; result or follow from a rule (also P.). C. cause to arrive at, bring to (2 acc. or dat. of pers. & acc. of th.); announce, bring before the court (j.), obtain, get.
     anupra reach, attain, meet, follow, imitate; come, arrive.
     samanupra reach, attain, arrive.
     saṃpra reach, arrive at, come upon, obtain, win, catch.
     anusaṃpra = samanupra.
     vi pervade, occupy, reach up to (ā).
     sam reach, obtain, get, win; finish, accomplish. C. cause to reach or attain; achieve, finish, conclude.
     parisam P. be comprehended in, belong to (loc.). -- Cf. avāpta āpāna parisamāpta paryāpta prāpta vyāpta samāpta saṃprāpra.

āpagā f. river, stream.

āpaṇa m. market; merchandise.

āpatkalpa m. rule for times of need.

āpatti f. occurrence of, entering or changing into (--°); also = āpad.

āpathi a. being on the road.

āpathī m. traveller.

āpad f. accident, misfortune, distress.

āpadgata a. fallen into misfortune, unhappy.

āpaddharma m. law for times of need.

āpaneya a. to be obtained.

āpanna a. having got or come to (°-- or --°); unfortunate, unhappy.

āpannasattvā f. having got a (new) being, i.e. pregnant.

āpas [1] n. religious work.

āpas [2] n. water.

āpastamba [1] m. N. of a sage.

āpastamba f. ī2 coming from Āpastamba.

āpāṭala a. reddish.

āpāṇḍu a. palish, yellowish; abstr. -tā f.

āpāṇḍura a. the same.

āpāta m. rushing on, onset, entering into (--°); sudden event. °-- or -tas adv. immediately, at first sight.

āpāna [1] a. reaching, obtaining; successful.

āpāna [2] n. drinking-party, banquet.

āpārṣṇi adv. up to the heels.

āpi m. friend, ally; abstr. āpitva n.

āpīḍa m. pressure, squeeze (also -na n.); crown, garland (lit. head-presser).

āpīta [1] a. yellowish.

āpīta [2] a. turgid, swelled, full.

āpīna a. = prec.; n. udder.

āpūraṇa a. filling; n. as subst.

āpūrṇa a. filled with (instr. or --°), full.

āpūrṇamaṇḍala a. having a full round (of the moon and the face).

āpṛk adv. in contact with, upon (gen.).

āpṛcchaya a. to be saluted or revered; praiseworthy.

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āpomaya a. consisting of water.

āpta a. got, begot, attained, accomplished, complete, abundant, apt, fit, able, true, intimate; m. friend.

āptakārin a. acting properly or faithfully, i.e. trustworthy.

āptadakṣiṇa a. abounding in fees.

āptavarga m. acquaintance (concr.).

āptavāc a. trustworthy (lit. whose word is true).

āpti f. reaching, meeting, gain, acquisition.

āptya m. E. of sev. gods.

āpya [1] a. watery, aquatic; n. a lunar mansion.

āpya [2] a. to be got or acquired.

āpya [3] n. friendship, alliance.

āpyāyana n. filling, satiating (also -nā f.); strengthening, satisfying.

āpra a. active, busy.

āprapadam adv. up to the feet.

āprapadīna a. reaching to the feet.

āprī f. pl. N. of cert. invocations.

āprīta a. glad, merry.

āplava m. āplavana n., & *āplāva m. bath, bathing.

āpluta a. bathed, wetted, sprinkled, covered or filled with, rich in (instr. or --°).

āpluṣṭa a. a little scorched or singed.

ābaddha a. bound, joined, fixed; caused, got, manifested (esp. °--).

ābandha m. tie or bond.

ābādha m. attack; trouble, pain, sorrow (also f. ā).

ābutta m. honourable man.*

ābdika a. annual, yearly; --° of -- years.

ābhakta a. partaking of (loc.).

ābhaga m. partner of (loc.).

ābharaṇa n. ornament, decoration.

ābharaṇasthāna n. place for ornament (on the body).*

ābhā f. splendour, light; likeness, a. --° resembling, like.

ābhāta a. shining, bright, appeared, manifest.

ābhāsa m. splendour, light; appearance, phantom.

ābhijātī f. -jātya n. noble birth, generosity.

ābhimukhya n. direction towards (gen., acc., or --°), intention to (--°); -karaṇa n. calling hither.

ābhiṣeka (f. ī) relating to the inauguration of a king.

ābhiṣecanika (f. ī) relating to the inauguration of a king.

ābhīkṣṇya n. frequent repetition (g.).

ābhīra m. N. of a people & a caste.

ābhu a. empty, stingy.

ābhugna a. bent, curved.

ābhū a. present, helpful, ready; m. assistant.

ābhūti f. power, might.

ābhūṣeṇya a. to be honoured or obeyed.

ābhṛta a. procured, got, caused, filled with (--°).

ābhoga m. curve, circuit, extension, fullness, amplitude, abundance.

ābhogaya m. -gi f. food, enjoyment.

ābhyantara a. interior, inner.

ām excl. of recollection or assent.

āma a. raw.

āmagna a. quite immersed in (loc).

āmana n. benevolence, kindness.

āmanas a. benevolent, kind.

āmantraṇa n. addressing, calling to; greeting, taking leave; invitation, consultation.

āmantraṇaka n. invitation.*

āmantrita n. addressing, the vocative case.

āmandra a. somewhat deep or hollow (of a sound).

āmapātra n. a raw vessel, i.e. a vessel of unburnt clay.

āmaya m. hurt, disease.

āmayāvin a. sick, esp. dyspeptic; abstr. -vitva n.

āmaraṇam adv. until death.

āmaraṇānta a. lasting till death.

āmaraṇāntika a. lasting till death.

āmarda m. crushing, squeezing; -rdin adj.

āmarśa m. touch.

āmalaka m. ī f. the Myrobalan tree; n. its fruit.

āmād a. eating raw flesh.

āmāvāsya a. belonging to the new moon; n. the new-moon oblation.

āmikṣā f. curds; poss. -kṣavant.

āmiśra a. mixed, mingled.

āmiśla a. (readily) mixing.

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āmiṣa n. flesh; -ṣāśin a. eating f.

āmis m. raw flesh.

āmukta a. put on or off, clothed in or with (acc. or --°).

āmur m. destroyer.

āmuri m. destroyer.

āmuṣmika f. ī belonging to that place, b. to the beyond or the other world.

āmuṣyāyaṇa m. the descendant of such and such, born from that race.

āmūla (°--) & āmūlam a. from the first (lit. the root).

āmṛṣṭa a. touched, seized, occupied.

āmeṣṭakā f. an unburnt brick.

āmoṭana n. cracking, breaking.

āmoda a. gladdening; m. joy, fragrance.

āmodita a. fragrant.

āmodin a. fragrant.

āmnātin a. having quoted (loc.).

āmnāya m. tradition, sacred text, legend.

āmnāyapara a. honouring the sacred tradition.

āmra m. the mango tree; n. its fruit.

āmreḍa m. repetition.

āmreḍita n. the same, reduplication (g.).

āmlāna a. (somewhat) faded.

āya m. approach; income, revenue.

āyaji a. procuring (by sacrifices).

āyajin a. procuring (by sacrifices).

āyajyu a. procuring (by sacrifices).

āyata a. extended, long; turned towards, put on (arrow); n. & instr. f. -tayā adv. directly, forthwith.

āyatana n. foot-hold, support, seat, object of (--°); fire-place, sanctuary; barn.

āyatalocana a. having long eyes.

āyatākṣa f. ī the same.

āyati f. extension, length; sequel, future; expectation, hope; offspring, son.

āyatikṣama a. faithful (lit. bearing the future).

āyatekṣaṇa a. having long eyes.

āyatta a. striving, active, ready; being in (loc. or acc.); resting, based, dependent on (loc., gen., or --°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

āyadarśin a. seeing i.e. enjoying an income.

āyavyaya m. du. revenues and disbursements.

āyasa (f. -sī or āyasī) of iron, metallic.

āyāti f. = seq.; m. N. of a man.

āyāna n. coming, arrival.

āyāma m. stretching out, extension, length (poss. -mavant or -min); stopping, restraint (poss. -min).

āyāsa m. effort, trouble, sorrow; p. -sin.

āyāsaka a. tiring, trying.

āyāsakara a. tiring, trying.

āyāsada a. tiring, trying.

āyāsayitṛ (& -tṛka, f. -cikā) causing pain.*

āyu [1] a. living, lively, active; m. living creature, man, mankind.

āyu [2] m. the genius of life; n. life.

āyukta a. yoked to (loc.), intent upon*, charged with (gen. or loc.); m. (also -ka) minister, agent.

āyuta a. connected or endowed with (--°).

āyudha n. weapon, vessel; adj. --° armed with.

āyudhabhṛt a. bearing arms; m. warrior.

āyudhāgāra n. armoury, arsenal.

āyudhika a. & m. = āyudhamṛt.

āyudhin a. & m. = āyudhamṛt.

āyudhīya a. & m. = āyudhamṛt.

āyurveda m. the science of health; T. of a book on medicine.

āyuḥśeṣa [1] m. rest of life.

āyuḥśeṣa [2] a. having a rest of life, not yet dead; abstr. -tā f.

āyuṣkāma a. wishing for (a long) life.

āyuṣmant a. having life or vitality, healthy, long-lived, old, lasting (for life).

āyuṣya a. giving (long) life; n. vital power, longevity.

āyus n. life, vitality, longevity; world ( = living creatures).

āyoga m. team or set (of draught-cattle); ornament, decoration; swarm of bees.

āyogava m. a cert. mixed caste.

āyoda m. patron. of a Rishi.

āyodhana n. war, battle, battle-field.

ār āryati v praise.

āra m. n. ore, metal; n. sting, point, corner, angle.

ārakāt adv. far from (abl.).

ārakta a. reddish.

ārakṣa m. -kṣā f. protection, guard.

ārakṣaka m. watchman, guard.

ārakṣaṇa (f. ārakṣaṇī), ārakṣakṣika & ārakṣakṣin (f. ārakṣakṣiṇī) m. the same.

āraṅgara m. bee.

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āraṭi s., -ta n. roaring, sound.

āraṇa n. depth, abyss.

āraṇya a. belonging to a forest, forest-born, wild; m. a wild animal.

āraṇyaka a. = prec. a.; m. forester, hermit; n. a class of religious writings to be studied in the forest.

āraṇyapaśu m. a wild animal.

ārabdha a. (having) begun.

ārabdhi f. undertaking.

ārabhya ger. beginning with, i.e. from, since (acc., abl. or --°).

ārambha m. undertaking, beginning, abstr. -tā f.

ārambhaṇa n. getting hold of, seizing, concr. support, handle.

ārambharuci a. delighting in undertakings; abstr. -tā f.

ārava m. cry, howl, crash, sound.

ārasita a. crying; m. cry.

ārā f. awl, prick.

ārāt (abl. adv.) far, from afar, far from (abl.); immediately, at once.

ārāttāt (abl. adv.) from afar, from a distance.

ārādha m. homage.

ārādhana a. propitiating, conciliating, gaining over. n. the same as subst., also adoration, homage.

ārādhayitṛ m. adorer.

ārādhya a. to be made favourable, to be won.

ārāma m. pleasure, pleasure-garden.

ārāva m. cry, howl, sound; p. ārāvin.

āruka a. hurting (acc.).

āruj a. breaking.

āruja a. breaking.

ārujatnu a. breaking.

āruṇa m. ī f. descendant of Aruṇa; f. āruṇī also a red mare.

āruṇi m. ī f. descendant of Aruṇa; f. āruṇī also a red mare.

ārurukṣu a. wishing to ascend or advance to (acc.).

ārūḍha a. mounted, ridden by (--°), got, obtained; act. (having) mounted, riding, sitting or standing on (loc., acc. or --°); come forth, risen; fallen into, got to (acc. or --°).

ārūḍhi f. mounting, rising (only --°).

āre (loc. adv.) far, far from (abl.).

ārogya a. healthy; n. health.

āropa m. imposing, laying in or upon; substitution of, identification with (loc.).

āropaṇa n. the same; the stringing of a bow.

āropaṇīya a. to be caused to mount (loc.), to be strung (a bow), being substituted or identified.

āropita a. raised, elevated, strung (a bow); placed or put upon, brought to (acc.).

āropya a. to be placed upon; to be strung; being substituted or identified.

āroṣita a. angry, wrathful.

āroha m. mounted on (--°), a rider; mounting, rising, increase, eminence, heap, mountain; a woman's hip.

ārohaṇa f. ī a. mounting, ascending; n. the same as subst., also vehicle, carriage, staircase, ladder.

ārohin a. mounting; causing to rise, bringing to (--°).

ārjava a. straight, honest; n. straightness, rectitude.

ārjīka m. a cert. Soma-vessel.

ārjīkīya m. a cert. Soma-vessel.

ārta a. fallen into (mischief); afflicted, distressed, pained, troubled by (--°), suffering, sick, sore, unhappy; abstr. -tā f.

ārtava a. seasonable, menstrual; n. the menstrual discharge.

ārti f. mishap, disaster, sorrow, pain, woe; p. -mant.

ārtihara m. remover of pain.*

ārtnī f. the end of the bow.

ārtvijya n. office or service of the sacrificing priest.

ārtha f. ī based upon advantage; relating to things (not words).

ārdra a. wet, moist, succulent, fresh, new, soft, tender. f. ā N. of a lunar mansion.

ārdrapāda a. having wet feet.

ārdrabhāva m. wetness, humidity, softness.

ārdravastra a. wearing wet clothes.

ārdravāsas a. wearing wet clothes.

ārdraidhāgni m. a fire of fresh fuel.

ārdhadhātuka a. applicable to the shorter form of the base (g.).

ārdhika m. a ploughman who gets half the crop.

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ārya (f. ā & ārī) belonging to the faithful or loyal, to one's own race, i.e. Aryan, noble, reverend, honourable. m. (f. ā) an Aryan, a honourable man, esp. one of the first three castes; also one's senior, i.e. grandfather, great-grandfather, or elder brother. f. ā mother (also pl.) or wife of the elder brother; voc. m. & f. often in reverential address = your honour. f. ā also N. of a metre.

āryaka m. an honourable man; N. of a man, pl. of a people.

āryakarman a. acting like an Aryan.

āryacetas a. of an Aryan or noble mind.

āryajāta a. born of an Aryan.

āryajuṣṭa a. liked by decent people, respectable.

āryatā f. -tva n. respectability.

āryadeśa m. country inhabited by Aryans.

āryaputra m. son of an Aryan or a gentleman (often in respectful address, esp. of a wife to her husband).

āryaprāya a. chiefly inhabited by Aryans.

āryabhaṭa m. N. of two astronomers.

āryamiśra m. honourable etc.

āryamṇa m. E. of a lunar mansion.

āryarūpa a. having the form of an Aryan.

āryaliṅgin a. bearing the (external) marks of an Aryan.

āryavāc a. speaking an Aryan language.

āryavidagdhamiśra m. honourable, learned, etc.

āryavṛtta [1] n. decent behaviour.

āryavṛtta [2] a. behaving decently.

āryāgīti f. N. of a metre.

āryādhūtā f. honourable lady (lit. daughter of an Aryan wife).*

āryāvarta m. the country of the Aryans (between the Himālaya and Vindhya mountains); pl. its inhabitants.

ārṣa f. ī belonging to or derived from the Rishis, archaic. m. (± vivāha) a cert. form of marriage. n. holy text or Veda; sacred origin.

ārṣabha a. belonging to a bull, a bull's.

ārṣeya a. = ārṣa a; n. sacred origin.

ārṣeyabrāhmaṇa n. T. of a Brāhmaṇa.

ārṣoḍhā a. wife married by the Ārṣa rite; -ja m. her son.

ārṣṭiṣeṇa m. patron. of Ṛṣṭisena.

āla n. spawn, venomous matter (of animals).

ālakṣya a. (scarcely) visible.

ālagna a. clinging to (--°).

ālapana n. talk, conversation.

ālapita n. the same.

ālabhana n. = ālambhana.

ālamba a. hanging down; m. anything to hang on, support (l. & f.).

ālambana n. leaning or depending on; also = prec. m.

ālambita a. hanging down from (--°); upheld, supported, seized, taken hold on.

ālambin (--°) a. hanging from; leaning, resting, depending on; supporting, maintaining.

ālambha m. taking hold of, seizing, tearing off (plants), killing (cf. seq.).

ālambhana n. touching, killing (of animals at the sacrifice).

ālambhin a. touching (--°).

ālaya m. (n.) dwelling, house.

ālavāla n. trench for water round the root of a tree.

ālasya n. sloth, idleness.

ālāna n. the post or rope, to or with which an elephant is tied.

ālānastambha m. the post to which an elephant is tied.*

ālāpa m. talk, conversation, singing (of birds); poss. -vant & -pin.

āli [1] ālī f. female friend.

ālī f. female friend.

āli [2] ālī f. line, row; swarm (of bees).

ālī f. line, row; swarm (of bees).

ālikhita a. painted.

āliṅg āliṅgati & āliṅgate v also -ṅgayati embrace.
     prati embrace in return.
     sam = S.

āliṅgana n. an embrace.

ālīḍha n. licked, touched, smoothed, polished; n. a cert. attitude in shooting.

ālīna a. clinging to (acc.), cowering, hid in (--°).

ālu f. a small water-jar; n. raft, float.

ālū f. a small water-jar; n. raft, float.

āluñcana n. lacerating.

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ālulita a. gently touched.

ālūna a. cut or plucked off.

ālekhana n. scratching, painting.

ālekhya n. painting, picture.

ālekhyasamarpita a. fixed on a picture, painted.

ālepa m. -na n. smearing, ointment.

āloka m. sight, view, glance, aspect.

ālokana a. looking, viewing; n. = prec.

ālokapatha m. horizon (lit. path or reach of sight).

ālokamārga m. horizon (lit. path or reach of sight).

ālokasthāna n. reach of sight.

ālokanīya a. to be seen or considered, visible; abstr. -tā f.

ālokin a. seeing, beholding (--°).

ālocana n. seing, perceiving; considering, reflecting (also -nā f.).

ālocanīya a. to be considered.

ālocya a. to be considered.

ālohita a. reddish.

āva pron. st. of 1st pers. du.

āvat f. proximity (opp. parāvat).

āvantaka a. belonging to or coming from the Avantis.

āvantika a. belonging to or coming from the Avantis.

āvantya a. the same; m. a cert. caste.

āvapana n. throwing or putting down, strewing, scattering, inserting, capacity; (also = f. -nī) receptacle, vessel.

āvaya n. conception.

āvaraṇa a. covering, concealing; n. the same as subst. + shutting, enclosing; obstruction, hindrance; cover, garment; bolt, lock; guard, protection.

āvarjana n. conciliating, winning.

āvarjita a. bent, inclined, poured down, offered, presented; propitiated, won over.

āvarta m. turning, winding; whirl, vortex (lit. & fig.); tuft of hair on the top of the head or between the eyebrows.

āvartana a. turning round (tr. & intr.); n. turn, return.

āvali f. row, range, series.

āvalī f. row, range, series.

āvalgita a. jumping, leaping.

āvalgin a. jumping, leaping.

āvaśyaka f. ī necessary, inevitable (n. & -tā f. abstr.); -kaṃ kṛ perform the necessities of nature.

āvasati f. resting-place, night (as the time for rest).

āvasatha m. dwelling-place, habitation.

āvaha a. bringing, causing (--°).

āvahana n. bringing near.

āvāpa m. scattering, sowing, mixing, inserting, adding; receptacle, vessel; also = hastāvāpa q.v.

āvāpaka m. a kind of bracelet.

āvāra m. guard, protection.

āvāsa m. dwelling, abode; p. -sin.

āvāha m. -na n. invitation.

āvi f. pain; pl. the pangs of childbirth (adj. --° f. ī).

āvī f. pain; pl. the pangs of childbirth (adj. --° f. ī).

āvika a. sheep's, woolen; n. sheep's skin, woolen cloth.

āvikasautrika a. made of woolen thread.

āvigna a. perplexed, astounded.

āvid f. knowledge.

āviddha a. thrown (arrow), pierced, broken; wound, crooked.

āvidvaṃs a. knowing.

āvirbhāva m. -rbhūti f. coming forth, appearance, notoriety.

āvila a. turbid; disturbed by, covered or mixed with (--°).

āvilay -yati disturb, trouble.

āviṣkaraṇa n. -ṣkāra m. manifestation, revelation.

āviṣṭa a. entered (act. & pass.), inhabited, filled, hit, pierced, seized, overwhelmed with (instr. or --°).

āviṣṭita a. covered or clothed with (instr. or --°).

āviṣṭya a. apparent, manifest.

āvis adv. openly, before the eyes. With as & bhū become visible, appear; w. kṛ make visible, reveal, show.

āvīta -> prācīnāvīta & prācīnāvītin.

āvītin -> prācīnāvīta & prācīnāvītin.

āvuka m. father (d.).*

āvṛt f. turning, stopping, entering (dat. as infin.); way, process, course, direction, order, method; (r.) performance, ceremony (opp. the spoken word).

āvṛta a. covered, veiled, hidden, clothed, surrounded, filled with (instr. or --°), fenced, locked; withheld, forbidden; captive, prisoner; m. a cert. mixed caste.

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āvṛtta a. turned round, towards, or sidewards, bent, inverted, averted from (abl.), returned, repeated.

āvṛtti f. turning, return, repetition, new birth; course, way, direction.

āvega m. hurry, haste, excitement.

āvedana n. communication, denunciation, statement of a complaint.

āveśa m. entrance, access; fit, wrath, anger.

āveśana n. workshop.

āveṣṭa m. -na n. enclosure, embrace.

āvya [1] (f. āvī) sheep's woolen.

āvya [2] ger. by granting.

āvyathā f. a slight emotion (thā kṛ feel --).

āvyādhin a. shooting, striking; f. pl. (scil. senās) a gang of robbers.

āvraścana n. stump of a tree.

āśa [1] m. acquiring (only --°).

āśa [2] m. food.

āśaṃsana n. āśaṃsā f. wish, desire, expectation, hope.

āśaṅkanīya a. to be feared.

āśaṅkā f. fear, apprehension of (abl.); distrust. -- -śalya n. the dart or thorn of fear.*

āśaṅkin a. fearing, supposing (--°).

āśaya m. resting-place, couch, abode, retreat, seat, esp. of feelings and thoughts, i.e. heart, mind; intention, disposition.

āśas f. wish, expectation, hope.

āśasana n. cutting up a killed animal.

āśā [1] f. = āśas (w. gen., loc., or --°).

āśā [2] f. space, region, quarter (of the sky).

āśājanana a. awaking hope.

āśātantu m. (the thread of) hope.

āśānvita a. hopeful.

āśāpāśa m. (the cord of) hope.

āśāpratīkṣā f. du. hope and expectation.

āśābandha m. hopefulness (lit. the binding or gathering of hope).

āśāmukha n. = āśā2 (lit. front of a region).

āśāvant a. hopeful.

āśāvāsas n. the sky as garment; acc. w. vas put on the garment of the sky, i.e. go naked.

āśāsya n. to be wished, desirable; n. wish, desire.

āśi s. eating.

āśiñjita a. tinkling; n. as subst.

āśita a. eaten, filled; n. food.

āśin a. eating (--°).

āśina a. aged.

āśir f. the milk mixed with the Soma-juice.

āśiṣṭha superl. to āśu.

āśis [1] f. prayer, wish, benediction.

āśis [2] & *āśī f. a serpent's fang.

āśīna a. = āśina.

āśīyaṃs compar. to āśu.

āśīrmant a. mixed with milk.

āśīrvant a. mixed with milk.

āśīrvacana n. -rnāda m. benediction, blessing.

āśīrvādābhidhānavant a. containing a word of benediction.

āśīviṣa m. a venomous serpent.

āśīviṣopama a. resembling a venomous serpent, poisoned (an arrow).

āśu a. swift; n. adv.; m. horse.

āśuklānta a. swiftly faded.

āśuga a. swiftly going; m. arrow.

āśugamana n. swiftly going, speed.

āśumat adv. quickly.

āśuyā adv. quickly.

āśuśukṣaṇi a. shining forth; m. fire.

āśṛta a. little boiled.

āśauca n. impurity (r.).

āścarya a. strange, miraculous; n. wonder, prodigy.

āścutita a. dripped (intr.).

āśyāna a. coagulated.

āśrama m. hermitage; one of the (four) orders of religious life (also -pada n.).

āśramavāsin m. inhabitant of a hermitage, hermit, ascetic.

āśramin a. belonging to one of the orders of religious life.

āśraya m. leaning, resting, depending on (--°); resting place, dwelling, seat, recipient or subject (of any quality or action); refuge, protection, aid, assistance; adj. --° = seq. a.

āśrayaṇa f. ī depending on, relating to (--°); n. going to, seeking, choosing.

āśrayaṇīya a. to be approached for protection.

āśrayabhūta a. being the refuge, support, recipient, or subject of (gen. or --°).

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āśrayin a. leaning on, attaching to; dwelling in (--°).

āśrava a. obedient; abstr. -tā f.

āśrāvaṇa n. call (r.).

āśrita a. leaning, hanging, depending on; resorting, devoted, subject to (acc., gen., loc., or --°), m. dependant, servant; clinging, belonging, relating to (acc. or --°); come to, having got, obtained, or taken to (acc. or --°), dwelling, seating, standing, lying, situate in or on (acc., loc. or --°); visited, approached, assisted, helped, reached, entered, got, obtained, practised, chosen.

āśritya ger. resorting to, taking care of (acc.), often = because or for the sake of.

āśruta a. heard, audible, granted, promised; n. calling, exhortation (r.).

āśruti f. reach of hearing.

āśrutkarṇa a. having ears to hear.

āśreṣa m. embracer (a demon).

āśliṣṭa a. hanging on, clinging to (loc. or --°); embraced, encircled.

āśleṣa m. close contact, embrace. f. āślevā sgl. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion.

āśva a. belonging to or coming from horses.

āśvattha f. ī made of (the wood of) the holy fig tree.

āśvayuja m. = āśvina2 m.

āśvaśva a. having quick horses.

āśvāsa m. breathing anew, recovery, comfort, confidence in (gen. or loc.).

āśvāsana n. -nā f. consoling, encouraging, refreshment, comfort.

āśvāsanaśīla a. disposed to encouraging another; abstr. -tā f.*

āśvāsin a. reviving, cheering up.

āśvina f. ī1 a. resembling riders.

āśvina [2] a. belonging or consecrated to the Acvins; m. a cert. mouth.

āṣāḍha m. a cert. mouth.

āṣṭrī f. fire-place, hearth.

ās [1] excl. of joy or displeasure.

ās āste2 (āsti āsati āsate āsyati āsyate), v pp. āsita (q.v.) & āsīna sit, seat one's self on (loc.); settle down, keep quiet, rest, lie, dwell, stay, remain; continue, keep on (w. nom of a pp., adj. or subst., also adv. or ger.); belong to (gen.); be or turn to (dat.); also trans. keep, perform celebrate. C. āsayati cause to sit down. --
     adhi sit or lie down upon (acc.), inhabit enter, get into, undergo; preside, rule
     anu sit near or round (acc.), sit down after another (acc.); worship, celebrate.
     ud sit apart, be indifferent or passive.
     upa be seated, esp. sit near or round (acc.); surround, invest; expect, wait for or on, honour, respect; partake of, enjoy, celebrate, perform, execute; get into, inhabit; undergo, take pains, endeavour to (pp.); keep on, continue (pp. or ger.). C. upāsayati cause to sit or to do homage.*
     paryupa sit upon or around, surround; revere, worship; partake of, enjoy.
     samupa be seated; perform, execute; celebrate, revere, wait upon, attend.
     pari sit or assemble round (acc.), endeavour at (acc.); keep quiet, i.e. do nothing.
     sam sit (together), assemble round (acc.), hold a meeting; abide, dwell in (loc.); take to, exercise (acc.); also =
     pratisam be a match for, withstand. -- Cf. adhṣāsita udāsīna.

ās [3] n. mouth, face; only abl. āsas w. ā by word of mouth, in person; & instr. āsā before one's eyes, near or from near, openly.

āsa [1] m. ashes, dust.

āsa [2] m. seat, proximity; abl. adv. (from) near.

āsakta a. suspended, hanging on; clinging, attached, or used to; intent on (loc. or --°).

āsakti f. adhering, clinging to, pursuit, devotion; as adv. coherently, entirely.

āsaṅga m. = prec. f.

āsaṅgin a. hanging on (--°).

āsañjana n. hanging on, fastening; handle, hook.

āsatti f. close connection, union.

āsan n. mouth, jaws.

āsana n. sitting, sitting down; the way of sitting (r.); sitting quiet, halting; seat, throne, high position.

āsanastha a. being seated.

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āsanodaka n. du. seat and water.

āsanna a. set, put down, reached, got; come to, neared, approached; proximate, near, next, imminent. n. proximity.

āsannacara a. moving near (--°).

āsannaprasavā f. near parturition or about to lay eggs.

āsannavartin a. being near.

āsapiṇḍakriyākarma adv. before the performance of the Sapiṇḍīkaraṇa.

āsayā (instr. adv.) before one's eyes.

āsava [1] m. spirituous liquor, rum.

āsava [2] m. excitement, impulse.

āsavakaraka m. maker of liquors.*

āsādana n. laying down; meeting with, obtaining.

āsādya [1] a. to be got or obtained.

āsādya [2] ger. having reached or got; often = a prep. on, in, at, with; according to, in consequence of (acc.).

āsāra m. shower of rain.

āsikā f. one's turn to sit.

āsic f. dish, vessel.

āsita a. sitting (n. imp. it has been seated); practised, done; n. sitting, being seated, seat, place.

āsiddha a. arrested, prisoner.

āsuti [1] f. decoction, draught.

āsuti [2] f. = āsava2.

āsura f. ī belonging to the Asuras, divine or demoniacal.

āsuraniścaya a. of a demonic state of mind.

āsurasva n. property of the Asuras.

āseka m. wetting, sprinkling.

āsecana n. the same; cavity, vessel for fluids.

āseddhṛ m. who arrests another.

āsedha m. arrest, custody.

āsevana n. āsevā f. (p. -vin) practice, cultivation, intercourse, stay in (--°).

āskanda m. ascending; assault, onset.

āskra m. joined, united.

āstara m. āstaraṇa n. spread, couch, carpet, cushion, coverlet.

āstāra m. spreading, arranged place (for dicing).

āstāva m. place for a cert. recitation (r.).

āstika a. pious, faithful; abstr. -kya n.

āstīka m. N. of a saint.

āstīrṇa a. strewed, spread, covered.

āstṛta a. strewed, spread, covered.

āsthā f. consideration, care, wish, interest, inclination (w. loc. or --°).

āsthātṛ m. charioteer, lit. standing on (the chariot).

āsthāna n. stand, station place, basis for operation; also = f. āsthānī audience or assembly hall.

āsthita a. standing or sitting on, dwelling in or at, entered or fallen into, arrived at (acc.); proceeded to, ready for (acc. or --°); occurred, happened; damaged, sore, ill; (pass.) entered, occupied, resorted to, undertaken, begun.

āspada n. place, seat, station, abode; object for (--°). -dī bhū become an object of (--°).

āspātra n. mouth, i.e. drink-vessel.

āsphālana n. striking on, friction.

āsphoṭa m. -na n. moving to and fro, shaking, waving.

āsya n. mouth, face.

āsyagarta m. the mouth-cavity.

āsyā f. sitting.

āsyūta a. sewn together out of (instr.).

āsrasta a. fallen off.

āsrāva m. flowing out, efflux, suppuration, diarrhoea, i.g. disease, bodily pain.

āsvāda m. tasting, taste (also -na n.).

āsvādavant a. tasting well, delicious.

āsvādya a. to be tasted; also = prec.; abstr. -tva n.

āhata a. beaten, struck, hurt, wounded, damaged, injured.

āhati f. blow, hit.

āhanana n. striking, beating, killing.

āhanas a. luxuriant, lascivious; abstr. -sya n.

āharaṇa n. seizing, fetching, bringing, offering, removing.

āhartṛ the same as adj.

āhava m. challenge, war, fight.

āhavana n. offering, sacrifice.

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āhavanīyaagni) m. sacrificial fire, esp. the eastern of the three s. fires.

āhavanīyāgāra a. house or place for the A. fire (v. prec.).

āhāra f. ī fetching, procuring, going to fetch (--°); m. taking, seizing, employing; eating, food.

āhāradāna n. giving food, feeding.

āhārārthin a. seeking food, hungry.

āhiṇḍaka m. traveller,* also = seq.

āhiṇḍika m. a cert. mixed caste.

āhita a. put on (esp. of wood put on fire), placed, deposited, pledged, performed, done; being in, resting on (--°).

āhitāgni m. = āgnyāhita.

āhiti f. laying on or what is laid on.

āhirbundha m. n. E. of a lunar mansion.

āhirbudhnya m. n. E. of a lunar mansion.

āhīnta m. a man's name.*

āhuta a. sacrificed or worshipped with sacrifices, put into the fire.

āhuti f. offering, oblation; p. -mant & -vant.

āhutīkṛ offer as a sacrifice.

āhū f. invocation.

āhūta a. called, invoked, invited, summoned, challenged.

āhūtaprapalāyin m. who absconds when summoned.

āhūti f. = āhva.

āho (indecl.) or; w. svid or perhaps.

āhnika a. daily, diurnal.

āhlāda m. refreshment, delight.

āhlādaka a. refreshing, delighting.

āhlādakara a. the same.

āhlādakārin a. the same.

āhlādin a. the same.

āhvaya m. betting; also = seq.

āhvayana n. āhvā f. appellation, name.

āhvāna n. calling, invitation, legal summons.

āhvānay āhvānayati v summon (j.).

i [1] pron. stem of 3d pers.

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i eti ayate ayati2 v (iyati), ite & iyate (only --°), P. īyate, pp. ita (mostly --°) go, come (punar again or back); go to or towards, approach (acc.); attain, get; go or come from (abl.); cease, pass away; go on, continue (w. pres. pp.); be engaged in (instr.); w. acc. of an abstr. often = become or get w. a pp. or adj. (cf. gam); īyate, pp. īyāna (also w. pass. mg), 1. pl. īmahe move, speed, hasten to (acc., dat. or loc.), approach with prayers, implore, ask, request (w. 2 acc.). --
     accha go to, approach (acc.).
     ati go beyond or past; go in, enter; overstep, exceed, overwhelm; leave behind, neglect, escape.
     abhyati go beyond, pass, neglect.
     vyati = abhyati + overcome, vanquish; cease, deviate, decline from (abl.).
     adhi perceive, notice, call to mind; repeat, study, learn, recite (esp. M. adhīte). C. adhyāpayati (-te) cause to learn, teach (2 acc.).
     samadhi M. study, learn.
     anu go along or after, follow, pursue; obey, resemble, imitate (acc.).
     antar go within or between; remove, exclude from (abl., r. gen.).
     apa go away, retire, escape, disappear.
     vyapa go asunder, part; cease, disappear.
     api enter, dissolve into (acc.); perish, die.
     abhi come up to, approach, appear; go against or along, enter (acc.); reach, meet, attain, get; betide, befall.
     ava go down, descend; go to, rush on (acc.); go off, depart; look at, consider, perceive, notice; learn, understand; know that -- (2acc. or acc. & nom. w. iti); w. īmahe conciliate, beg pardon of (gen.), for (acc.).
     samava meet in (acc.); consider, regard as (acc. w. iva).
     ā come, go to (acc. or dat.), fall or get into (acc.); befall, betide; w. ūrdhvam rise.
     abhyā approach, come or go to (acc.), meet with (acc. or instr.); w. bhūyas come back.
     udā go up, rise; go out, come forth.
     upā come near, approach, betake one's self to or into (acc.), ask or beg for (2 acc.).
     paryā walk about, circumambulate (acc.), return.
     pratyā return, come back to (acc.).
     samā approach together, gather, assemble at or in (acc. or loc.); meet, encounter (instr. ±samam); marry (instr.); come near, go to, enter (acc.).
     ud go up, rise, mount, increase; spring forth, appear, begin.
     apod retire, withdraw, abstain from (abl.).
     abhyud rise, come forth, appear.
     samud rise.
     upa come near, arrive, enter from (abl.) into (acc.), address one's self to (acc.), approach sex., marry; attain, get, meet with (acc. of an abstr., cf. S.); befall, betide.
     abhyupa arrive at, come to, meet, encounter; attain, get undergo, incur (w. acc. of an abstr. =
     upa); suppose, believe, assent.
     samupa come together, meet, encounter, approach sex., turn or address one's self to; attain, get; come forth, appear; befall, betide.
     ni go or fall into (acc.).
     nis come forth.
     parā go away, depart, die.
     pari walk about, circumambulate, surround; come to, attain, get.
     vipari turn about, return; fail.
     saṃpari circumambulate, enclose; ponder on, consider.
     pra go onward, set out, advance proceed; go to, attain, get; go on, succeed, prosper; go off, depart, die.
     anupra go after, seek for, follow.
     abhipra come near, go to, fall to one's (acc.) share; call to mind, think of, understand, consent to (acc.).
     saṃpra come together, meet.
     prati go towards or against, meet, encounter; come near or back; address one's self to (acc.); fall to one's (dat.) share; accept, assume, admit, acknowledge, approve, believe, become or be sure of, trust, confide. P. pratīyate be understood, result from, follow. C. pratyāyayati make understood, show, explain, prove, convince.
     vi go asunder, disperse, spread over, pervade; cease, disappear, perish.
     abhivi come from different parts to (acc.).
     sam come together, assemble, meet, encounter, approach sex. (acc. or sārdham saha w. instr.), agree, harmonize with (instr.).
     anusam = seq. + pass into, enter (acc.).
     abhisam & upasam go or come (together) to (acc.). -- Cf. atīta adhīta antarita anvita apīta apeta abhipreta abhyatīta abhyupeta udita udetos upeta parīta pareta pratīta prādhīta preta pretya viparīta vīta vyatīta vyapeta samanvita samaveta samita samupeta sameta.

ikāra m. the sound or letter i.

ikṣu m. sugar-cane; -matī f. N. of a river.

ikṣvāku m. N. of a king & his descendants.

iṅga iṅgati iṅgate v stir, move (intr.). -- C. iṅgayati stir, move (tr.); shake, agitate.
     ud & sam C. = S. C.

iṅga a. movable.

iṅgana n. shaking.

iṅgiḍa m. N. of a plant.

iṅgita n. gesture, intention.

iṅguda m. ī f. the Inguda tree; n. its nut.

icchā f. wish, desire; °-- & instr. according to one's wish, voluntarily, intentionally.

icchāśaktimant a. possessed with the faculty of desire.

icchu a. desirous of, willing to (acc., inf., or --°).

ijya a. to be honoured or worshipped. m. a teacher or a god, esp. Bṛhaspati, the teacher of the gods. f. ā offering, sacrifice.

iṭa m. cane, grass; also = iṭasūna n. a mat.

iḍ f. refreshing draught; libation; prayer; iḍaspati m. lord of libation, E. of gods.

iḍa m. E. of Agni; N. of a king.

iḍā f. = iḍ + speech, earth, cow; N. of a goddess (personif. of worship and sacrifice), a daughter of Manu or Daksha, E. of Durgā.

iLā f. = iḍ + speech, earth, cow; N. of a goddess (personif. of worship and sacrifice), a daughter of Manu or Daksha, E. of Durgā.

ilā f. = iḍ + speech, earth, cow; N. of a goddess (personif. of worship and sacrifice), a daughter of Manu or Daksha, E. of Durgā.

iḍāvant a. refreshing or refreshed.

iṇḍva n. du. the two hand-plates (r.).

ita n. going, way.

itara (n. -ram or -rad) a. other, different from (abl. or --°); usual, common. itaraitara the one -- the other. Obs. also dvijetara not a Brahman; sukhetara n. pl. joy and woe; dakṣiṇetara left.

itaratas adv. otherwise, elsewhere.

itaratra adv. the same, also = loc. of itara.

itarathā adv. otherwise, else.

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itaretara (only °--, n., & in the obl. cases of sgl.) each other, mutual(ly), several(ly).

itaretarakāmyā f. mutual inclination.

itaretarānurāga m. mutual affection.

itas adv. hence, from here (also ita ūrdhvam); from this time, from now, henceforward (also ito 'param itaḥ param, and itaḥ prabhṛti); here, hither. itaitaḥ hither, hither! itaḥ -- itaḥ here -- there; itastataḥ here and there, hither and thither, to and fro. itaḥ pūrvam formerly. -- Also = abl. or loc. of i1.

iti [1] adv. thus, so. It refers to something said or thought, which it follows (rarely precedes), and is often = with these words, here endeth (cf. atha), at this thought, as you know etc.; often not to be transl. at all. A nom. before iti may have the mg. of an acc. itīti itīva ityuta ityeva ityevam iti ha sma & iti sma ha = iti alone. iti tāvat as much as, the same as (--°). iti kṛtvā for this reason. kimiti wherefore, why? or = iti kim.

iti [2] iti f. going, pursuing.

iti f. going, pursuing.

itikartavya a. fit or proper to be done, necessary; abstr. -kartavyatā etc. necessity, obligation.

itikārya a. fit or proper to be done, necessary; abstr. -kartavyatā etc. necessity, obligation.

itikṛtya a. fit or proper to be done, necessary; abstr. -kartavyatā etc. necessity, obligation.

ititha f. ī such and such.

itivat adv. just so.

itivṛtta n. occurrence, event.

itihāsa m. story, legend, tradition.

itogata a. relating to this (lit. gone hither).*

itomukha a. hither-faced; n. adv. hitherwards.*

itthaṃvidha a. so qualified, such.

itthaṃgata a. so circumstanced; loc. under these circumstances.*

ittham adv. thus, in this way.

itthaṃbhūta a. being thus, so qualified, of this kind.

itthā adv. = ittham + right, well, really, truly, indeed, even; o. only emphasizing.

ityartham adv. for this purpose.

ityā f. course, way.

ityādi adj. beginning thus; n. -- and so on.

ityevamādi adj. beginning thus; n. -- and so on.

itvan a. (only --°) going, moving.

itvara a. the same; low mean.

id (indecl., orig. n. of 1. i) just, exactly, even (lays stress on the prec. word).

idaṃrūpa a. thus shaped.

idam (n. sgl. & °-- as stem) this, this here (refers to something following, rarely preceding); this all or this universe (±viśvam sarvam, or sakalam). Obs. also tadidam even this, this very thing, kimidam what here? As adv. here; now, thus, even, right. idamidam here and there, now and then.

idā adv. now, this moment; w. ahnas this very day; w. hyas only yesterday.

idānīm adv. = prec. (also w. ahnas); idānīmeva immediately, just; idānīmapi even now, still.

idh indh inddhe v pp. iddha kindle, set on fire, inflame; P. idhyate be lighted, flame.
     anu kindle.
     abhi surround with flames, set on fire.
     ā kindle, burn (tr. & intr.).
     pari kindle on all sides.
     sam kindle, burn (tr. & intr.); inflame, rouse, strengthen. -- Cf. preddha.

idhma (& idhman) m. fuel, esp. for the sacred fire, p. -vant.

ina a. strong, mighty, fierce; m. a great lord or king, the sun.

inakṣ inakṣati v strive to get. -
     ud & sam the same.

indīvara m. n. the blue lotus; m. a bee.

indu m. a drop, esp. of Soma; the drop or spark in the sky, i.e. the moon.

indubimba n. the orb of the moon.

indumukha (f. ī) & -vadana a. moon-faced.

induśekhara m. E. of Śiva (lit. moon-crested).

indra m. N. of the national god of the Indo-Aryans; later also chief, first, the best of one's kind.

indragopa [1] & -pā a. having Indra as guard.

indragopa [2] & -gopaka m. the cochineal insect.

indracāpa m. Indra's bow, i.e. the rain-bow.

indrajāla n. Indra's net; a cert. mystic weapon; juggling, magic.

indrajālika m. juggler, prestigiator.

indrajālin m. juggler, prestigiator.

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indrajit m. Indra' conqueror, N. of Rāvaṇa's son etc.

indrajūta a. sped by Indra.

indrajyeṣṭha a. having Indra as chief.

indratama (superl.) most Indra-like.

indratva n. Indra's might; kingship, sovereignty.

indradhanus n. = indracāpa.

indranīla m. sapphire.

indraputra m. Indra's son*; f. ā I.'s mother (lit. having I. as son).

indraprastha n. N. of a town.

indramada m. a cert. disease of leeches.

indramaha m. Indra's feast; *-kāmuka m. dog (lit. fond of Indra's feast).*

indray indrayate v long for Indra; a. -yu.

indraloka m. Indra's world, heaven.

indravaṃśā f. N. of a metre.

indravajra n. Indra's thunderbolt; f. ā N. of a metre.

indravant a. joined with Indra; I.'s comrade.

indravah (-vāh) a. carrying Indra.

indraśatru [1] m. Indra's conqueror.

indraśatru [1] a. having Indra as conqueror.

indrasakha a. having Indra as friend.

indrasakhi a. having Indra as friend.

indrasena m. a man's name.

indrasenā f. Indra's weapon, personif. as his bride; a woman's name.

indrāgni m. du. Indra and Agni.

indrāṇī f. N. of Indra's wife.

indrābṛhaspati m. du. Indra and Bṛhaspati.

indrābrahmaṇaspati m. du. Indra and Brahmaṇaspati.

indrāmarut m. pl. Indra and the Maruts.

indrāyudha n. Indra's weapon or bow, the rainbow; f. ā a kind of leech.

indrāvaruṇa m. du. Indra and Varuṇa.

indrāviṣṇu m. du. Indra and Viṣṇu.

indrāsoma m. du. Indra and Soma.

indriya a. belonging or agreeable to Indra. m. a friend of Indra. -- n. Indra's chief quality i.e. strength, might; used also of man's powers, esp. a sense or organ of sense, also the virile power, concr, semen.

indriyanigraha m. restraint of the organs of sense.

indriyavant (superl. -yavattama) a. powerful, vigorous.

indriyaśakti f. power of the organs of sense.

indriyārtha m. object of the senses, sensual pleasure.

indriyāvant a. = indriyavant.

indriyāvin a. = indriyavant.

indriyāsaṅga m. non-attachment to sensual objects.

indreṣita a. sent or impelled by Indra.

indha a. kindling.

indhana n. kindling, lighting; fuel, wood, p. -vant.

indhanvan a. flaming.

inv (inu in), invati inoti send forth, press on, set in motion, give out, utter; further, favour; possess, dispose of (acc.); force, overwhelm, remove, destroy. --
     ava send down.
     ā send hither, procure.
     pra stir up, raise.
     prati further, speed.
     vi push off, remove; send forth, spend.
     sam impart, restore. -- Cf. upenita.

ibha m. n. household, family; m. elephant.

ibhadantā f. N. of a plant.

ibhya a. belonging to one's household; m. vassal, rich man.

im interj.

ima (pron. stem in some obl. cases) this.

imathā adv. in this manner.

iyakṣ iyakṣati v pp. iyakṣant & iyakṣamāṇa pray, ask, long for (w. acc. of th. & gen. or acc. of pers.).
     abhi and pra strive after, wish or long for (acc.).

iyakṣu a. longing, eager.

iyacciram adv. so long, till now.

iyattaka (f. -ttikā) so small, so little.

iyattā f. quantity, number, measure, distance.

iyant a. so large, so much; so small, so little.

iyam f. this (here), this earth (±pṛthivī).

iyasā f. shrinking, lassitude.

iyasy iyasyate v shrink, relax, dwindle; pp. iyasita, as n. = iyasā.

irajy irajyati irajyate v direct, lead; dispose of, command over (gen.).

irajyu a. preparing (the sacrifice).

iradh iradhate v strive to gain; dat. inf. iradhyai.

irasy irasyati v be angry or envious (w. dat.). --
     abhi the same.

irasyā f. ill-will, anger.

irā f. drink, refreshing draught; comfort, enjoyment.

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irā f. drink, refreshing draught; comfort, enjoyment.

irāvant a. giving refreshment, gladdening; -vatī f. N. of a river and sev. mythol. women.

iriṇa n. water-course, rivulet; a hollow or hole, desert land; gaming board.

iriṇastha a. standing on barren soil.

irin a. strong, mighty; m. a despot.

irya a. active, vigorous, powerful.

il (ilati come), ilayati be quiet, not budge.

ilava m. ploughman, peasant.

iva (encl.) like, as, as it were, so to speak, almost, nearly, about; just, quite, even (o. only explet.).

iṣ iṣati eṣati1 v (--°), iṣyati iṣṇāti (also M.), pp. ipita send, impel, hurl, throw, raise (the voice), utter, proclaim; incite, promote, further; intr. advance, strive; tend towards, aim at (dat. or loc.). --
     anu follow, seek, look for (acc.).
     pra A. & M. drive forth, send out; call upon, summon, invite. C. preṣayati te hurl, cast, send out, dismiss.
     anupra C. send forth after.
     saṃpra summon, invite; send forth, dismiss.

iṣ icchati icchate2 v pp. iṣṭa (q.v.) seek, desire, like, choose; acknowledge, state, take for (2 acc.); wish that (acc. & inf. or 2acc.); ask a thing (acc.) of some one (abl. or loc.); intend, be about or going to (inf.); w. na disagree, decline, refuse to (inf.), object to (acc.). P. iṣyate be liked, wanted, approved, recognised; pass for (nom.). --
     anu seek, search, try., strive after, wish for. C. anveṣayati seek, wait for (acc.).
     paryanu seek about.
     samanu search.
     abhi seek for, strive after, exert one's self at (acc.); intend to (inf.).
     pari look about for (acc.).
     prati strive towards, seek after (acc.), receive, accept from (gen.); attend to, observe.
     vi seek. -- Cf. abhīṣṭa.

iṣ [3] f. drink, refreshment, vigour, strength; w. ūrj drink and food.

iṣa [1] (--°) a. seeking.

iṣa [2] a. vigorous, strong, fat, juicy, fruitful.

iṣaṇay iṣaṇayate & iṣaṇy iṣaṇyati v impel, stir up.

iṣaṇyā f. stir, impulse.

iṣay iṣayati iṣayate v intr. be fresh, active, quick; tr. refresh, strengthen.

iṣayu a. fresh, vigorous.

iṣavant a. fresh, vigorous.

iṣi f. refreshing (dat. as inf.).

iṣidh f. offering, gift.

iṣira a. refreshing, enlivening; fresh, strong, quick.

iṣīkā f. reed, stem of grass, arrow.

iṣu m. f. arrow; poss. iṣumant (iṣumant).

iṣudhi m. quiver (arrow-receptacle).

iṣudhimant a. poss. to prec.

iṣudhy iṣudhyani v implore (acc.); beg for (dat.).

iṣudhyā f. imploring, request.

iṣudhyu a. imploring, desirous.

iṣūy iṣūyati v strive, endeavour.

iṣkartṛ m. arranger, disposer.

iṣkṛta a. arranged, prepared.

iṣkṛti f. arrangement, putting right.

iṣṭa [1] a. sought, wished for, desired, liked, pleasant, dear; auspicious, happy; approved, settled, valid. m. favourite, lover, husband; n. wish, desire.

iṣṭa [2] a. sacrificed; m. n. sacrifice.

iṣṭakā f. brick.

iṣṭakāmaduh f. (nom. dhuk) the fabulous wondercow granting (all) desires.

iṣṭajana m. the beloved person (man or woman).

iṣṭani a. rustling, rushing.

iṣṭavrata a. obtaining a wish.

iṣṭasādhana a. fulfilling one's wish.

iṣṭāpūrta n. sg. & du. & iṣṭāpūrti f. sacrifice and charity; poss. -rtin.

iṣṭi [1] f. impulse, furtherance, aid (abstr. & concr.).

iṣṭi [2] f. seeking, request, wish, desire.

iṣṭi [3] f. sacrifice (mostly of a simpler kind).

iṣmin a. impetuous, rash.

iṣvasana n. a bow (arrow-thrower).

iṣvastra n. a bow (arrow-thrower).

iṣvastrakarman n. the practice of archery.

iṣvāsa m. archer or bow (lit. = iṣvasana).

is ( = nis) -> kṛ1.

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iha adv. here, hither; here in this world, in this case, in this system or book, etc.; now, this moment. Also = loc. of a1. -- iheha here and there, hence and thence, now and then.

ihaloka m. the world here (below).

ihastha a. standing or staying here.

ihārtha a. useful here (for this world).

ihārthin a. busy here (for this world).

īkṣ īkṣate v (īkṣati), pp. īkṣita (q.v.) look, view, behold, perceive, see (l. & f.), consider, regard, expect; *tell fortune to (dat.). C. īkṣayati cause to look at (acc.). --
     apa look away, look off to, watch, regard, consider, wait for, expect, require.
     abhi look at (acc.).
     ava look at, view, consider, regard, expect, hope.
     anvava regard, consider.
     pratyava look at, inspect, examine.
     samava view, regard, consider.
     ud look up to, gaze at (acc.), wait, expect.
     samud look up to, gaze at, behold, perceive; think of, consider (acc.).
     upa look on, behold, observe; overlook, neglect.
     samupa the same.
     nis look at, perceive, contemplate.
     pari look round, investigate, scrutinize, examine.
     pra look at, behold, perceive; overlook, neglect.
     abhipra view, regard.
     utpra look up to (acc.), regard as (2 acc.), suppose, imagine; transfer, use or call metaphorically (rh.).
     upapra A. disregard, overlook.
     abhisaṃpra look at (acc.).
     prati look towards. behold, observe; wait, expect; bear with, tolerate (acc.).
     saṃprati wait, expect.
     vi regard, behold, deliberate, ponder, consider as (vat); inquire, perceive, discern.
     anuvi look about, behold; examine, try.
     abhivi & samabhivi regard, behold, perceive, observe.
     udvi look (up) to, perceive, observe, investigate.
     sam look upon, behold, observe, consider; think of, aim at (acc.); try, examine, find out, ascertain.
     abhisam & prasam behold, regard, consider.

īkṣa f. ī looking, seeing (--°); f. ā view, consideration.

īkṣaka m. spectator, beholder.

īkṣaṇa n. look, view, aspect, eye; looking after, caring for (gen.).

īkṣaṇapatha m. path of the eyes, horizon.

īkṣaṇika m. seer, soothsayer.

īkṣaṇīka m. seer, soothsayer.

īkṣita a. seen, beheld; n. view, aspect.

īkṣitṛ a. seeing, a beholder of (gen.).

īkṣeṇya a. worth seeing.

īṅkh īṅkhti v C. īṅkhyati swing, shake. --
     pra tremble, shake. C. swing (tr.); M. swing (intr.).

īṅkhana n. swinging.

īj ījate
     apa v drive away. --
     sam drive together.

īḍ īṭṭe v pp. īLita1 praise, implore, beg for (acc., gen., or dat.). --
     pra upapra prati sam & prasam praise, honour, worship.

īḍ [2] f. praise, veneration.

īḍitṛ m. adorer, worshipper.

īLitṛ m. adorer, worshipper.

īḍeṇya a. to be asked for (dat.); also = seq.

īLeṇya a. to be asked for (dat.); also = seq.

īḍya a. praiseworthy, venerable.

īti f. plague, distress.

īdṛkṣa f. ā īdṛś & īdṛśa, f. ī of this kind, such like. īdaśa tādṛśa such and such.*

īps īpsati & īpsate v pp. īpsita (q.v.) wish to obtain, desire, long for (acc.). --
     abhi pari & pra the same.

īpsā f. wish, desire.

īpsita a. wished, desired; n. = prec.

īpsu a. striving to obtain, desirous of (acc., inf., or --°).

īm (encl.) used as acc. sg. of i1, makes a rel. indef. -- ya īm whoever, after other pron. or conj. emphasizing or only explet.

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īr īrte v pp. īrṇa tr. set in motion, impel, further; intr. stir, move, rise. C. īrayati te, pp. īrita = S. tr.; also bring forth. raise (the voice), utter, proclaim, cite; P. be raised, uttered, called. --
     ā (also C.) procure, get, obtain, raise, utter.
     nyā appoint as (2 acc.).
     ud tr. cause to rise, draw out of (abl.); intr. stir, move, rise. C. = ud tr., also throw, hurl, shoot (lit. & fig.), raise, utter, speak; show, betray; further, strengthen, elevate; rouse up, impel, excite. P. be hurled, raised, excited; be proclaimed or taught, pass for (nom.).
     abhyud C. simple, further, excite; utter, speak.
     samud C. drive out, hurl, cast, raise, utter, proclaim (pp. samudīrita).
     pra stir, move, come forth; rise, sound. C. drive on, send forth; push on, press urge; turn, direct; emit, utter, pronounce. --
     vi (also C.) split, divide.
     sam put together, shape, create, produce. C. the same, also rouse up, impel, revive, instruct with (instr.). -- Cf. udīrṇa samudīrṇa.

īra m. wind.

īraṇa a. driving, agitating; m. = prec., n. pressing, sqeezing, uttering.

īrapāda m. snake (lit. wind-foot).

īriṇa n. salt and barren soil.

īriṇastha  = īriṇastha.

īrma m. arm, the fore-quarter of an animal.

īrmā (īrma) adv. here, on the spot.

īrya a. to be stirred or impelled.

īrṣy īrṣyati v be jealous or envious.

īrṣyā f. envy, jealousy.

īrṣyālu a. envious, jealous.

īrṣyāvant a. envious, jealous.

īrṣyu a. envious, jealous.

īlay īlayati v move (tr. & intr.).

īvant a. so large, so great, so much.

īś īṣṭe1 v (īśe) be master, own, possess, reign, rule (gen. or acc.); dispose of, claim at (gen.); have power or be able to (inf. in tum or tos, loc., or acc.). -- Cf. riśāna.

īś [2] m. lord, master, Śiva.

īśa f. ā owner, disposer of (gen.), able to (inf.). m. lord, sovereign, chief of (gen. or --°); N. of Śiva, Kubera, & Rudra. f. ā = seq.

īśana n. power, dominion.

īśāna a. owning, disposing of (gen. or acc.), able; m. ruler, sovereign; E. of Śiva & other gods. f. īśānā E. of Durgā.

īśānakṛt a. acting as a lord.

īśitā f. -tva n. omnipotence.

īśitṛ m. lord, master.

īśin m. ruler of (--°); -nī f. supremacy.

īśopaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad.

īśvara a. powerful, supreme; able or liable to, capable of (loc. or inf., esp. in tos, then often w. nom. sg. m. īśvara for all genders & numbers). -- m. owner of (gen., loc., or --°); ruler, king, lord, a rich man, husband; E. of Brahman, Śiva, & other gods. f. īśvarī mistress, queen.

īśvaratā f. -tva n. supremacy, sovereignty.

īśvarapraṇidhāna n. subjection to the will of god.

īśvarabhāva m. royal state, sovereignty.

īṣ riṣati & riṣate v move, hasten, flee, retire, deviate from (abl.); leave, abandon (acc.); īṣant assaulting, hurting. --
     apa withdraw from (abl.).
     ā (mostly M.) hasten towards; approach with prayers, beseech, assail, attack; strive after, covet.
     vi stretch (intr.). -- Cf. udīṣita samīṣita.

īṣat adv. nearly, slightly, easily, a little.

īṣatkara a. easy to be done.

īṣatpāna a. easy to be drunk.

īṣā f. the pole of a carriage; du. the double or fork-shaped pole, the thills.

īṣīkā f. = iṣīkā.

īh rihate v (rihati), pp. īhita (q.v.) be eager endeavour, strive after, wish for (acc.); have a mind or intend to (inf.).
     sam = S. -- Cf. samīhita.

īha m. attempt, endeavour.

īhā f. the same + effort, exertion, labour; wish, desire. īhātas by labour or exertion.

īhāvanta a. zealous, brave, valiant.

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īhita a. wished for, striven after; destined for (loc.); n. = īhā.

u [1] interj.

u (encl.) and, also, yet, now, soon, again; lays stress on a prec. pron., particle or infin. in tavai (tavā u); u ṣu ( = su) right soon, mo ( = māu) ṣu never. u-u (or uta) on the one hand-on the other hand, as well-as.

ū [2] (encl.) and, also, yet, now, soon, again; lays stress on a prec. pron., particle or infin. in tavai (tavā u); u ṣu ( = su) right soon, mo ( = māu) ṣu never. u-u (or uta) on the one hand-on the other hand, as well-as.

u unoti3 v proclaim.

ukāra m. the sound u.

ukta a. spoken, said, mentioned, stated, taught (n. impers. w. instr. of pers.); declared as, meant by (instr.); spoken to, addressed, told something (acc.) by (instr.), summoned, called by (--°). n. word, term.

uktapūrva a. said or told before.

uktapratyukta n. speech and reply, conversation.

uktamātra a. just spoken.

uktavākya a. who has said his say.

ukti f. expression, saying, speech, word, term.

uktha n. saying, praise, verse; a. cert. recitation (r.).

ukthin a. praising or accompanied by praise.

ukthya a. praiseworthy, also = prec.; m. a cert. libation.

ukṣ ukṣati ukṣate v pp. ukṣita1 sprinkle, besprinkle; drip drop (M. intr.). --
     anu abhi ava ā besprinkle.
     pari sprinkle round.
     pra sprinkle before one's self, consecrate, sacrifice, kill.
     saṃpra besprinkle, M. refl.
     vi shed, M. besprinkle.
     sam besprinkle (l. & f.). pour out.

ukṣ ukṣati v pp. ukṣita2 grow up, get strong. C. ukṣayate strengthen. --
     sam grow up or get strong together.

ukṣaṇa n. sprinkling, consecration.

ukṣaṇy ukṣaṇyati v wish for bulls, a. -ṇyu.

ukṣan m. bull, ox.

ukha m. pot, boiler (also ā f.); a cert. part of the upper portion of the thigh (v. seq.).

ukhacchid a. who has broken the hip.

ukhya a. being in a pot.

ugra a. mighty, strong, huge, fierce, dire. m. a mighty one, a despot, tyrant, N. of a caste; E. of Śiva or Rudra. f. ugrī a cert. female demon.

ugrakarman a. performing fierce acts, cruel.

ugratā f. -tva n. vehemence, rigour, cruelty.

ugrapūti a. giving forth a strong stench.

ugraprabhāva a. having strong power.

ugrabāhu a. having strong arms.

ugrarūpa a. of awful appearance.

ugraśāsana a. bearing terrible sway.

ugrasena m. N. of sev. princes.

ugrātapa a. dreadfully hot.

ugrānna n. food of an Ugra.

uc ucyati v pp. ucita (q.v.) be pleased or wont, like. --
     ni delight in (acc. or loc.).
     sam be fond of (instr.). -- Cf. samucita.

ucatha n. verse, praise.

ucathya a. praiseworthy.

ucita a. pleased with, wont to (gen., loc., or --°), obliged to (infin.); customary, usual, proper, suitable. Abstr. -tva n.

ucca a. lofty, high (l. & f.) loud; abstr. -tā f., -tva n. -- Cf. uccā & uccais.

uccaṇḍa a. most violent, terrible.

uccaya m. gathering, picking up; collection, heap, plenty, multitude.

uccasaṃśraya a. standing above (star).

uccā adv. high (esp. in heaven), from above, upwards.

uccāra a. getting up, rising. m. discharge, excrement, also = seq.

uccāraṇa n. utterance, pronunciation.

uccāvaca a. high and low. great and small, various.

uccāsana n. an elevated seat.*

uccitra a. ornamented.

uccaiḥkula n. a high family.

uccaiḥpada n. high stand-point.

uccairghoṣa a. sounding loud.

uccairdhāman a. shining above.

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uccairbhuja a. with uplifted arms.

uccaiḥśiras a. of high rank (lit. carrying the head high).

uccaiḥśravas m. N. of a myth. horse.

uccais (instr. adv.) above, high, loud; intensely, very much. Often used as an adj., esp. °--. uccairbhū rise, get up.

uccaistara (compar.) higher, very high; -rām adv.

uccaiḥsthāna [1] n. a high place.

uccaiḥsthāna [2] a. of high rank.

ucchalant a. leaping or leapt up; rising or risen.

ucchalita a. leaping or leapt up; rising or risen.

ucchāstravartin a. transgressing the law.

ucchikha a. with erected crest or point.

ucchikhaṇḍa a. with erected tail (peacock).

ucchitti f. extirpation, destruction.

ucchinna a. cut off, lost, abject, vile.

ucchiras a. carrying the head high.

ucchilīṃdhra a. covered with sprouted (lit. erected) mushrooms.

ucchiṣṭa a. left, rejected, impure (pers. & th.). n. leavings, esp. of the sacrificial food; abstr. -tā f.

ucchiṣṭabhojin a. eater of leavings.

ucchīrṣaka a. having the head raised; n. pillow.

ucchuṣka a. dried up, withered.

ucchūna a. swollen, turgid, increased.

ucchṛṅkhala a. uYchained, unrestrained.

ucchettṛ m. extirpator, destroyer.

uccheda m. -na n. = ucchitti.

ucchedanīya a. to be cut off.

ucchedin a. destroying (--°).

uccheṣa m. uccheṣaṇa n. rest, remainder.

ucchotha m. swelling, inflation.

ucchoṣaṇa a. drying, burning; n. subst.

ucchraya m. -ṇa n., ucchrāya m. rising, increase, elevation.

ucchrita a. lifted, raised, high, haughty; proud of (--°); increased, grown, enormous.

ucchriti f. = ucchraya etc.

ucchvasana n. getting loose (girdle).

ucchvasita a. calmed (also ucchūsta), refreshed, lifted, opened, loosed; n. breathing, breath; also = prec.

ucchvāsa m. = prec. n. + exhaling, expiring, draught (in drinking); sigh, death.

ucchvāsin a. breathing, expiring, sighing; rising.

ujjayinī f. N. of a city.

ujjiti f. victory.

ujjihānajīvita a. whose life is going out.

ujjṛmbha a. gaping.

ujjṛmbhaṇa a. gaping, expansion.

ujjṛmbhita a. expanded, opened, blown.

ujjeṣa a. victorious; m. victory.

ujjya a. having the bow-sinew loosened.

ujjvala a. flaming, beaming, beautiful.

ujjh ujjhati v pp. ujjhita (q.v.) forsake, leave, give up, avoid, escape. --
     pra and sam = S.

ujjha a. having left or forsaken (--°); abstr. -tā f.

ujjhaṭita a. confused, troubled.

ujjhita a. forsaken, left; destitute of, free from (instr. or --°).

uñch uñchati v glean, gather.

uñcha m. -na n. gleaning.

uñchavartin a. who lives by gleaning; m. a gleaner.

uñchavṛtti a. who lives by gleaning; m. a gleaner.

uñchaśila n. gleaning (cf. śiloñcha).

uṭaja m. n. a hut made of leaves.

uṭṭaṅkita a. stamped or marked with (--°).

uḍu f. n. star, lunar mansion.

uḍupa m. n. boat; m. = seq.

uḍupati m. the moon (lord of the stars).

uḍḍamara a. extraordinary, strange, intense.

uḍḍayana n. flying up, flying.

uḍḍāmara a. = uḍḍamara.

uḍḍīna n. = uḍḍayana.

uḍḍīyana n. = uḍḍayana.

uṇādi m. pl. a cert. class of suffixes.

uta (indecl.) and, also, even; apyuta and also; uta-uta (also uto) as well-as, both-and. As interr. particle or in the sec. part of a double interrogation, often w. vā āho svid & āho svid or also, or even. -- Cf. u & kim.

utathya m. N. of a son of An1giras.

utathyatanaya m. the son of Utathya, i.e. Gautama.

utāho -> uta.

uto -> uta.

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utūla m. slave, servant; pl. N. of a people.

utka a. longing for, willing to (inf. or --°). n. & -tā f. longing, desire.

utkaṭa a. exceedingly great, strong, intense, violent; abounding in, full of (--°); drunken, mad.

utkaṇṭh utkaṇṭhate v pp. utkaṇṭhita (q.v.) lift the neck, long for (dat.). C. utkaṇṭhayati make a person (acc.) lift his neck; also = seq. --
     pra C. excite longing in (acc.)
     sam long for, regret, remember.

utkaṇṭha a. having the neck uplifted, longing for, desirous; n. adv.

utkaṇṭhā f. longing, regret, sorrow.

utkaṇṭhākārin a. causing regret.*

utkaṇṭhānirbharam adv. sorrowfully.*

utkaṇṭhābhāgin a. having sorrow as one's lot.*

utkaṇṭhita a. = utkaṇṭha + enamoured.

utkampa a. trembling; m. = seq.

utkampana n. trembling, agitation.

utkampita n. trembling, agitation.

utkampin a. trembling, shaking (--°).

utkara m. what is dug up, rubbish; pile, heap, multitude.

utkarṇa a. having the ears erect.

utkarṣa a. haughty. m. elevation, increase, eminence, ascendency, superiority, excess, abundance.

utkarṣin a. superior, better.

utkalāpa a. having the tail erect and expanded (of a peacock).

utkalikā f. longing, ardent desire.

utkalita a. let loose, opened, appeared, blown, blossoming, shining with (--°).

utkaṣaṇa n. tearing up.

utkira a. piling up (--°).

utkīrṇa a. cut out, shaped, engraven.

utkula a. degenerate (from one's race).

utkūrdana n. jumping up.

utkṛṣṭa a. drawn out, lifted, raised, high, eminent by (--°); abstr. -tva n.

utkṛṣṭavedana n. marriage with a man of higher caste.

utkoca m. bribing, a bribe (lit. crookedness, crooked way).

utkocaka a. accessible to bribes (cf. prec.).

utkrama m. going up or out.

utkramaṇa n. utkrānti f. = prec.

utkraṣṭṛ -> bījotkraṣṭṛ.

utkroda m. exultation, a. -din.

utkṣipti f. utkṣepa m., -ṇa n. lifting up, raising.

utkhacita a. mixed, interwoven with (instr. or --°).

utkhaṇḍita a. broken, destroyed.*

utkhāta n. undermining, extirpation; uneven soil.

utkhātin a. uneven (soil).

uttaṃsa m. crown, wreath of flowers.

uttaṃsay uttasayati v pp. uttaṃsita crown, adorn with a wreath.

uttaṅka m. N. of a Rishi.

uttapta a. heated, glowing, red-hot.

uttabdha a. erected, set up.

uttabhita a. erected, set up.

uttama (superl.) upmost, highest, first or best of (--°); chief, excellent; extreme, last; better than, superior to (abl.); m. the first person (g.).

uttamajana m. pl. excellent people.

uttamatejas a. having excellent splendour or power.

uttamapuruṣa m. the first person (g.), also = seq.

uttamapūruṣa m. the supreme spirit.

uttamarṇa m. creditor.

uttamarṇika m. creditor.

uttamavarṇa a. of beautiful colour or high caste.

uttamavida a. having the highest wisdom.

uttamasāhasa m. the highest fine (j.).

uttamāṅga n. the head (lit. highest member).

uttamaujas m. N. of a man (lit. of highest strength).

uttara (compar.) upper, higher; northern, left (opp. dakṣiṇa); later, following, subsequent, future, last; being above, victorious, superior, mightier, better. n. surface, cover (mostly adj. --° covered with); the north. hinder or last part, sequel, consequence (--° followed by); answer, reply; defence, rejoinder (j.); superiority, victory, power of (loc. of an abstr.); chief part of characteristic; excess, surplus (only adj. --°).

uttarakāla m. future time; a. future, imminent.

uttarakuru m. pl. the northern Kurus.

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uttarakosala m. the northern Kosalas.

uttaraṅga [1] m. a surging wave.

uttaraṅga [2] a. surging, heaving.

uttaraṅgin a. = prec.*

uttaraṇa a. crossing, passing, over; n. the same as subst., overcoming (--°).

uttaraṇasetu m. bridge to pass over (gen.).*

uttaratas adv. northward, from north, north or left of (gen.); further.

uttaradāyaka a. giving answer, contradicting.

uttarapakṣa m. the northern or left wing (side); reply to an objection, refutation (ph.).

uttarapada n. last member of a compound (g.).

uttaram adv. further, later, hereafter.

uttaramīmāṃsā f. the latter part of the Mīmāṅsā, i.e. the Vedānta.

uttararāmacarita n. the further deeds of Rāma, T. of a drama.

uttararāmacaritra n. the further deeds of Rāma, T. of a drama.

uttarala a. starting up, trembling; den. -lāy yate.

uttaravedi f. the northern altar (r.).

uttaravedī f. the northern altar (r.).

uttarā adv. northward;* north of (gen. or abl.).

uttarāt (abl. adv.) from the north or from the left.

uttarādhara a. higher and lower; n. the upper and under lip, the lips.

uttarāpatha m. the northern path, the north.

uttarām adv. farther off.

uttarāyaṇa n. the northern progress (of the sun), the winter-solstice.

uttarāraṇi f. the upper Araṇi (v. araṇi).

uttarārtha a. taking place for the sake of what follows.

uttarārdha m. the upper part (esp. of the body); the northern part, the latter half.

uttarāvant a. superior, victorious.

uttarāsaṅga m. uttarīya n. upper or outer garment.

uttarāhi adv. north (of -- abl.*).

uttareṇa (instr. adv.) in the north or in the left side (w. gen., abl., acc., or --°).

uttaredyus adv. the next day.

uttarottara a. following and following, later and later, higher and higher, more and more. °-- & n. adv.; n. as subst. reply, talking, chattering.

uttarottarokta a. always later mentioned.

uttaroṣṭha m. upper lip.

uttarauṣṭha m. upper lip.

uttāna a. stretched out (lying); turned upwards, high, straight, upright; being on the surface, open, shallow.

uttānahṛdaya a. open-hearted.*

uttānīkṛ open wide.

uttāra m. crossing, passing over (--°); rescue, delivery.

uttāraṇa a. saving (Śiva); n. bringing over (--°), delivering from (abl.).

uttāla a. vehement, violent; huge, dreadful; abundant, copious.

uttīrṇa a. (having) crossed or passed, saved or escaped from (abl. or --°); victorious, fortunate; learned, clever.

uttuṅga a. lofty, high.

uttrasta a. frightened.

uttha a. standing up, rising; coming from, consisting of, beginning with (--°).

utthāna n. rising, coming forth, origin, setting out, starting, exertion, endeavour, energy (poss. -vant); leaving off, conclusion.

utthānavīra m. a man of energy or activity.

utthāpana n. causing to rise, awakening, producing, bringing about, finishing.

utthāyin a. getting up, rising, coming forth; active, energetic.

utthita a. risen, high, erect, upright, prominent; sprung or come from (abl. or --°); broken out (fire); occurred, appeared, manifest; come in (money); eager, ready or devoted to (loc. or dat.).

utpakva a. over-ripe, swollen, turgid.

utpakṣman a. upturned-eyelashed (eye).

utpakṣmala a. upturned-eyelashed (eye).

utpatana f. ī flying up; n. leaping high.

utpatti f. coming forth, origin, birth (p. -nant); result, produce.

utpattivyañjaka a. indicating a new birth.

utpatha m. wrong way (lit. & fig.).

utpanna a. risen or come from (--°); born of (loc.), begot by (instr. or --°); happened, occurred, existing, present, ready.

utpannabuddhi a. judicious, wise (lit. having a ready mind).

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utpala n. the blue lotus.

utpaladṛś f. lotus-eyed.

utpalavana n. group of lotus-flowers.

utpalin a. abounding in lotus flowers; f. -nī = prec.

utpavana n. cleaning or any implement for cleaning.

utpavitṛ m. purifier.

utpāṭana n. pulling up, tearing out.

utpāṭin (--°) the same as adj.

utpāta m. flying up, jump; sudden and unusual event, portent, phenomenon.

utpāda m. coming forth, birth.

utpādaka a. producing, causing, begetting; m. producer, begetter; abstr. -tva n.

utpādana f. ī = prec. adj.; n. as abstr.

utpādin a. bringing forth (--°); produced, born.

utpiṃṣṭa a. crushed, trodden down.

utpīḍa m. pressing out, pressure; stream, flood; gash, wound.

utprabandha a. continual, uninterrupted.

utprāsa m. -na n. derision, irony.

utprekṣaṇa n. foresight; comparison, metaphor (rh.).

utprekṣā f. disregard, indifference; also = prec. (rh.).

utprekṣitopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

utphāla m. jump, bounding.

utphulla a. blown (flower), opened; utphulla++nayana & utphulla++locana a. having wide opened eyes.

utsa m. spring, fountain (lit. & fig.).

utsaṅga m. lap, roof, surface; seat, bottom.

utsadhi m. receptacle of a spring; well.

utsanna a. prominent, projecting; ceased, vanished, lost.

utsarga m. pouring forth, emission, excretion; laying aside, taking off, loosening, delivering, abandoning, giving up, closing, completion (esp. of the study of the Veda); oblation, present.

utsarjana n. letting loose, giving up, dismission, closing, completion (v. prec.).

utsarpaṇa n. rise (of the sun), coming forth.

utsarpin a. leaping up, soaring, rising, appearing.

utsava m. enterprise, beginning; feast, joy.

utsavapriya a. fond of feasts.

utsādana n. putting off, interrupting, injuring, destroying; rubbing or chafing the limbs.

utsāha m. strength, resolution, energy, exertion, endeavour, eagerness, inclination for, delight in (--°).

utsāhakāraṇa a. causing exertion, painful.*

utsāhayitṛ (utsāhayitṛka) n. instigator.*

utsāhayoga m. display of energy.

utsikta a. exuberant, abundant in, swelled by (instr or --°); overstrained (lit. & fig.); extravagant, haughty, disordered (mind).

utsiktamanas a. of disordered mind.

utsita a. fettered.

utsuka a. restless, uneasy, intent; regretful, sad, anxious about, longing or wishing for (loc., prati, or --°); *caring about (loc. or instr.). Abstr. -tā f.

utsukay utsukayati v make sad, afflict.

utsukavadana a. having a sad face.*

utsṛṣṭi f. letting out, emission.

utseka m. overflow, excess; extravagance, haughtiness; poss. -kin.

utsedha m. eminence, height (lit. & fig.).

utsphura m. a jump.*

utsvapnāy utsvapnāyate v talk in sleep.

utsrasta a. loosened, fallen down (girdle).

ud [1] (only °-- in nouns and verbs) up, upwards, forth, out, beyond.

ud und unatti2 v & undati (also M.), pp. utta & unna spring (water), bubble up, wet, bathe. --
     anu abhi & upa sprinkle, wet.
     ni immerse.
     vi spring or bubble forth, also =
     sam sprinkle, wet.

uda (only °-- and adj. --°) water.

udaka n. water. -- udakaṃ dā or pradā offer a libation of water to a dead person (gen. or dat.); udakaṃ kṛ the same, also = -kamupaspṛś touch cert. parts of the body with water (r.).

udakakarman n. libation of water (v. prec.).

udakakārya n. the same, + ablution of the body.

udakakriyā f. -dāna n. = udakakarman.

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udakadāyin a. performing a libation of water.

udakavant a. furnished with water; f. udakāvatī a woman's name.

udakasecana n. shower of rain.

udakāñjali m. a handful of water.

udakānta m. margin of water. odakāntāt as far as the water's brink.

udakārṇava m. the ocean of water.

udakārtha m. ablution (lit. water-business); -m to perform and ablution.

udakumbha m. a water-jug; N. of a physician.

udaktas adv. from above or from the north.

udaktāt adv. from above or from the north.

udakya a. being in water; f. ā a woman in her courses.

udagayana n. the (sun's) northern progress; the time from the winter to the summer solstice.

udagra a. having the top lifted, i.e. lofty, high, tall, long; increased, excited, roused by (--°); fierce, intense.

udagrapluta a. making lofty boundings; abstr. -tva n.

udaṅmukha a. turned (lit. having the mouth or front) upwards or to the north.

udaja n. lotus flower (water-born).

udañc (f. udīcī) turned upwards or to the north, northern; n. udak adv. northward.

udañcana m. pail or bucket for drawing water out of a well.

udañjali a. hollowing and raising the palms (cf. añjali).

udadhi a. containing water. m. receptacle of water (cloud, lake, or river, in l. l. the sea).

udadhīy udadhīyati v take a thing (acc.) for the sea.

udan n. wave, water; p. udanimant.

udanta [1] m. end of labour, harvest, feast, quiet; news, intelligence.

udanta [2] a. running over the brim; n. adv. to the end.

udantya a. living beyond a boundary.

udany udanyati v pp. -nyant pour down on (loc.).

udanya a. fluctuating, watery.

udanyu a. seeking water.

udanvant a. = udanya; m. the sea.

udapātra n. water-jug, ewer.

udapāna m. n. well, cistern.

udaprut a. swimming in water, splashing.

udabindu m. a drop of water.

udamaya a. consisting of water.

udaya m. going up, rising (also = seq.); coming forth, appearance, manifestation, origin; result, issue, consequence; success, advantage; income, revenue, interest.

udayagiri m. the eastern mountain, behind which the sun rises (cf. asta).

udayaśaila m. the eastern mountain, behind which the sun rises (cf. asta).

udayataṭa s. slope of the eastern mountain.

udayana n. going up, rise; issue, end; m. N. of a king.

udayācala m. = udayagiri.

udayādhipa m. the lord of rising, i.e. the Sun.*

udayāstamaya m. du. rising and setting.

udayin a. coming forth.

udayorvībhṛt m. = udayagiri.

udara n. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) belly, womb, cavity, interior, inside; loc. within, amidst (--°).

udaraṇa n. rising.

udaraṃbhara nourishing one's own belly, a glutton.

udaraṃbhari nourishing one's own belly, a glutton.

udaravistāra m. expansion of the belly, corpulence.*

udarka m. breaking forth, sounding; result, consequence, future; issue, end.

udarcis a. shining, luminous; m. fire.

udavāsa m. dwelling in water; a. -sin.

udavāha a. bringing water.

udaśru a. weeping (lit. having one's tears up)

udahāra f. ī fetching water.

udāja m. selection, choice (also concr.).

udātta a. elevated, high (lit. & fig.), highly or acutely accented, sublime, illustrious, high-minded, generous, haughty, arrogant. m. the high or acute accent.

udāna m. the wind that goes upward (in the body).

udāra a. raising, causing; sublime, noble, excellent. m. rising fog or mist; pl. the spirits of the fog.

udāratā f. -tva n. sublimity (of style).

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udāracarita a. of noble conduct, acting nobly.

udāradhī a. of noble mind.

udāraśīla a. of noble character.

udāsīna a. indifferent, passive, neutral; adv. -vat.

udāharana n. saying, speech; example.

udāhāra a. going to fetch water. m. the fetching water.

udāhṛta a. called, quoted.

udita [1] a. risen, high, elevated, haughty; begun, occurred, appeared, manifest, clear.

udita [2] a. said, spoken, proclaimed, taught; spoken to, addressed.

uditi f. rising (of the sun); going away, setting (of the sun); disappearance, end.

udīkṣā f. looking up, gazing.

udīcīna a. turned northward.

udīcya a. northern; m. the northern country, pl. its inhabitants.

udīraṇa n. throwing, uttering, speaking.

udīrṇa a. roused, excited, haughty; abstr. -tā f.

udīṣita a. risen, lifted.

udumbara m. the glomerous fig tree, its fruit (also n.); N. of a race of priests.

udumbala a. copper-coloured, brown.

udūḍhā f. married, taken to wife.

udṛc f. issue, end; loc. at last.

udetos (abl. inf.) go up, rise.

udojas a. of high power.

udgata a. come forth, sprung from (abl. or --°), appeared, risen; f. N. of a metre.

udgama m. rising, exertion; expansion, fulness; appearance, origin; shoot (of a plant).

udgamana n. rising, appearance.

udgamanīya n. a clean garment.

udgarjita n. roaring, grunting.

udgarbha a. pregnant.

udgāḍha a. overflowing with (--°); excessive, vehement.

udgātṛ m. chanter (of the Sāman-hymns).

udgāra m. spitting or pouring out, ejecting; spittle. flood; roaring, sound, echo; utterance, tale.

udgārin a. spitting or pouring out (--°).

udgiraṇa n. spitting, vomiting.

udgīta n. song.

udgīti f. N. of a metre.

udgītha m. (n.) chanting (of the Sāman-hymns).

udgīrṇa a. spit out, ejected, brought forth, caused.

udgūrṇa a. lifted, raised.

udgrahaṇa n. taking away.

udgrāha m. taking up or away, a kind of Samdhi.

udgrīva a. with lifted neck.

udghaṭṭana n. opening, bursting (tr. & intr.), outbreak.

udgharṣaṇa n. rubbing, cudgelling.

udghāṭa m. = udghāṭana n.

udghāṭaka m. opener, key.

udghāṭana a. opening, pushing away (a bolt); n. opening, laying bare, showing.

udghāṭin a. = prec. adj.

udghāta m. strike, blow, jerk, jolt; elevation, eminence; rising, beginning.

udghātin a. jolting, uneven, rough.

udghuṣṭa a. sounding; n. sound, noise.

udghoṣa m. calling out, proclaiming. -ḍiṇḍima m. drum for publishing.

udghoṣaṇa n. announcing, publishing.

uddaṇḍa a. having a raised staff or stalk; raised, extraordinary, sublime.

uddāma a. unbound, unrestrained, unlimited, extraordinary, full of (--°). °-- & n. adv. beyond measure, wildly, exultingly.

uddālaka m. N. of a man (lit. Up-tearer).

uddāha m. heat, fire.

uddiśya (ger.) aiming at; used as prep. w. acc. = towards, with regard to, for the sake of, concerning, about.

uddṛṣṭa n. the becoming visible (of the moon).

uddeśa m. pointing to, mentioning, statement, rule; place, region. -- Instr. & abl. concerning, with regard to (--°); -tas briefly, in a few words.

uddyota a. flashing up, shining; m. flash, shine, light, splendour.

uddhata a. raised, excited, elevated; excessive, vehement, intense; haughty, proud, arrogant; full of, rich in (instr. or --°).

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uddharaṇa n. taking out or off, removing, destroying, extricating, delivering.

uddhāra m. = prec. (also uddhāraṇa n.); deduction, deducted or selected portion, additional share (j.).

uddhi m. a cert. part of a carriage.

uddhita a. set up, erected.

uddhuta a. shaken, brandished.

uddhura a. unrestrained, extravagant, extraordinary (lit. freed from a yoke).

uddhūta a. = uddhuta + roused, kindled (fire); n. roaring (of the sea).

uddhūti f. shaking, brandishing.

uddhūmāy pp. -yita filled with vapour.*

uddhūlay uddhūlayati v bestrew.

uddhṛta a. drawn up or out, raised, extracted, separated, selected.

uddhṛtasneha a. from which the oil or fat has been extracted, skimmed.

uddhṛti f. drawing out, extraction, salvation.

uddhṛtya ger. excepting, except.

udbaddha a. tied up, suspended, hung; compact, solid.

udbandha [1] m. hanging one's self.

udbandha [2] a. untied, loose.

udbāṣpa a. shedding tears (lit. having one's tears up); abstr. -tva n.

udbuddha a. awakened, budded, appeared.

udbhagna a. burst, rent.

udbhaṭa a. eminent, extraordinary.

udbhava m. origin, coming forth; adj. coming from (--°).

udbhāsin a. shining, radiant with; appearing, bursting from (--°).

udbhijja a. propagated by sprouts or seed (v. seq.).

udbhid a. breaking forth, sprouting, piercing, victorious. m. a kind of sacrifice; f. sprout, plant; spring, fountain.

udbhinna a. burst, opened, blossomed, apparent.

udbhū (f. udbhvī, n. udbhu) lasting, perpetual.

udbhūta a. come forth, born, risen, increased.

udbhūti f. origin, rise, appearance.

udbheda m. breaking forth, becoming visible, appearance; spring, fountain.

udbhrānta a. started or flown up, risen, fled; agitated, bewildered; wandering, roving. n. rising; waving a sword.

udbhrāntaka n. rising into the air.

udman n. surging, flooding.

udyata a. held up, offered (esp. food); undertaken, begun; prepared, ready, eager; occupied in, endeavouring or going to (inf., dat., loc., or artham).

udyatadaṇḍa a. ready to strike (lit. having lifted up the stick).

udyati f. raising, elevation, offering.

udyama m. uplifting, elevation; undertaking, effort, endeavour, exertion at (dat., acc., w. prati, inf., or --°).

udyamana n. raising, elevation, exertion.

udyamabhṛt a. bearing or undergoing exertions.

udyāna n. walking out; garden, park.

udyānagahana n. garden-thicket.

udyānapāla m. ī f.; -pālaka m., -likā a. gardener.

udyānamālā f. a row of gardens.

udyānavāṭa m. garden-fence.

udyukta a. prepared, ready, intent on, going or about to (dat., loc., prati w. acc., or --°).

udyoga m. effort, endeavour, activity.

udyogin a. taking pains, active, industrious.

udra m. a kind of aquatic animal.

udrikta a. excessive, superfluous, surpassing (--°); highminded, haughty.

udrin springy, wet.

udreka m. excess, preponderance; p. -kin.

udvat f. eminence, hill.

udvartana a. bursting (tr. --°); n. rising, ascending; rubbing, anointing, unguent.

udvaha a. leading up, carrying away or on, continuing (--°); m. leading home, marriage; son, offspring (--°).

udvahana n. lifting up, carrying, drawing; riding on (instr.); leading home, marriage, possession.

udvāha m. leading home, marriage.

udvāhamaṅgala n. marriage-feast.

udviddha a. raised, high.

udvigna a. astounded, terrified, afraid of (abl, gen., instr., or --°); dejected, depressed, wearied of (instr.); sorrowful, tired of life.

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udvignodvigna a. quite astounded.*

udvīkṣaṇa n. looking up, beholding, sight.

udvṛtta a. swollen, turgid, prominent; roused, excited; extravagant, dissolute.

udvega m. trembling, waving, agitation, uneasiness, disgust.

udvegakara (f. ī), udvegakāraka (udvegakāraṇa*), & udvegakārin a. causing anxiety or agitation.

udvejana a. the same; n. anxiety, agitation.

udvejanakara f. ī = prec. adj.

udvejanīya a. horrible.

udvellita a. tossed up, moving to and fro.

udvyūḍha a. dropped from (--°)*

undara m. mouse, rat.

undura m. mouse, rat.

unduru m. mouse, rat.

unnata a. raised, high, eminent; n. = seq.

unnati f. rising, elevation, height; p. -mant.

unnaddha a. tied up, unbound; haughty, arrogant.

unnayana n. lifting up, raising, drawing out (water).

unnāla a. having an erected stalk.

unnāha m. exuberance, fulness.

unnidra a. sleepless, awake, expanded. budded, blown.

unmagna a. emerged.

unmatta a. excited, intoxicated, drunk, mad, furious; m. the thorn-apple.

unmattībhūta being mad.*

unmathya ger, with violence.

unmanas a. excited or disturbed in mind, agitated, restless; abstr. -skatā f.

unmanaska a. excited or disturbed in mind, agitated, restless; abstr. -skatā f.

unmarda m. rubbing in.

unmardana n. the same; a fragrant essence.

unmāda a. mad, insane; m. madness, insanity.

unmādayitṛ (unmādayitṛka) a. inebriating.*

unmādavant  = unmāda a.

unmādin  = unmāda a.

unmārga m. by-way, evil way; a. = seq.

unmārgagāmin a. going evil ways.

unmārgavartin a. going evil ways.

unmiśra a. mixed with (--°).

unmiṣita a. opened, budded, blown.

unmīlana n. = unmeṣa.

unmīlita a. = unmiṣita + unfolded, manifest.

unmukta a. destitute of, wanting (--°); taken off, sent forth.

unmukha f. ī looking or turned (lit. having the face) upwards; looking at, desirous of, going or about to, waiting for (--°).

unmūl unmūlati v be unrooted. C. -layati unroot, destroy, dethrone. --
     sam C. eradicate, destroy.

unmūlana n. eradication, destruction.

unmṛṣṭa a. wiped off, blotted out.

unmeṣa m. opening (of the eye), expanding, becoming visible, appearance.

unmeṣin a. starting or flying up.

upa adv. thereto, further, as prep. towards, unto, near, at, in, *below, less than (acc.); near, by, at, upon, at the time of, up to, *above, more than (loc.); together with, according to (instr.). -- It is mostly used °-- in verbs, adverbs or nouns, denoting approach, vicinity, or inferiority (cf upagam; gamana mūlam purāṇa).

upakakṣa a. reaching to the shoulder.

upakaṇṭha n. nearness, proximity; -ṇṭam adv. near (--°).

upakaraṇa n. doing a service, helping, assistance; instrument, supplement, means, expedient; p. -ṇavant.

upakartṛ f. -rtrī assisting, befriending, kind.

upakāra m. service, assistance, favour.

upakāraka (f. -rikā) & -rin a. serviceable, officious, useful, kind. -- *f. -rikā royal tent.

upakārya a. to be served or favoured; f. ā royal tent.

upakṛti f. service, kindness.

upakḷpta a. being at hand, ready, prepared.

upakrama m. approach, arrival; commencement, enterprise; means, expedient.

upakrānta n. commencement, beginning.

upakriyā f. service, benefit.

upakruṣṭa m. carpenter (lit. blamed, despised).

upakṣaya m. decrease, decay, disappearance.

upakṣepa m. -ṇa n. allusion, insinuation (rh.).

upaga a. going to, being in, belonging to, serving for, furnished with (--°).

upagata a. approached, happened, occurred, fallen into or got at (acc. or --°); n. receipt, acquittance.

upagati f. -gama m. approach, arrival.

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upagāna n. accompanying song.

upagīta a. (pass.) sung, praised, celebrated by (--°); (act.) having begun to sing.

upagīti f. N. of a metre.

upagūḍha n. an embrace.

upagraha m. taking possession of, annexing, winning over.

upagrahaṇa n. holding up, supporting, promoting.

upagrāha m. gift, present.

upaghāta m. stroke, blow, hurt, injury, damage, offence.

upaghātaka a. damaging, offending (--°).

upaghātin a. damaging, offending (--°).

upacaya m. accumulation, increase, growth; prosperity, advantage.

upacara a. approaching; m. & -ṇa n. approach, coming near.

upacaritavya & upacarya v to be treated, served, waited on.

upacaryā f. service, attendance.

upacāra m. conduct, behaviour, use, practice, dealing with (gen.); civility, kindness, service, attendance, ceremony; ornament (p. -vant), figure of speech.

upacāraka f. -rikā (adj. --°) politeness, kindness.

upacita a. augmented, strengthened, covered or furnished with, full of (instr. or --°).

upacchanna a. covered, hid.

upaja a. additional, belonging to (gen.); coming from (--°).

upajāti f. N. of a metre.

upajāpa m. whispering, talking over, persuading, seducing.

upajāpaka m. whispering to, conspiring with (--°).

upajigamiṣu a. approaching (acc.).

upajihvā f. uvula, epiglottis.

upajīvaka a. living, subsisting, dependent upon (instr. or --°); m. subject or dependant.

upajīvana n. & upajīvā f. livelihood, subsistence.

upajīvanīya a. affording a livelihood.

upajīvin a. = upajīvaka (absol. or w. acc., gen., --°).

upajīvya a. = upajīvanīya; n. subsistence.

upataṭam adv. on the slope.

upatapta a. hot, warm; sick, unwell.

upatāpa m. heat, pain, sickness, trouble, distress, woe, sorrow.

upatāpaka a. causing pain, distressing.

upatāpin a. the same (--°); ill, diseased.

upatyakā f. land at the food of a mountain.

upadā f. offering, present.

upadigdha a. smeared or covered with (--°).

upadiś f. intermediate region (north-east etc.).

upadiśā f. intermediate region (north-east etc.).

upadṛś f. sight, view.

upadeśa m. hint, direction, advice, instruction; indicatory or conventional form (g.).

upadeśana n. upadeśanā f. advice, instruction.

upadeśin a. instructing, teaching; m. teacher, f. -nī.

upadrava m. misfortune, calamity.

upadraṣṭṛ m. supervisor, witness.

upadharma m. minor duty, by-law.

upadhā f. imposition, fraud; penultimate letter (g.).

upadhāna a. & n. setting up; n. also = seq.

upadhānīya n. cushion, pillow.

upadhi m. putting to i.e. adding; imposition, fraud; the part of a wheel between nave and circumference.

upadhmānīya m. the Visarga before pa & pha.

upadhvasta a. brindled, spotted.

upanata a. bent towards or inwards, brought down, subject, dependent; brought about, existing, present.

upanati f. abstr. to prec., + inclination, affection.

upanaya m. bringing near, procuring, getting, obtaining, employing; introduction (into a science).

upanayana n. the same + seq.

upanāyana n. leading to a teacher, initiation.

upanidhātṛ a. setting down.

upanidhi m. deposit, esp. a sealed one.

upanipāta m. outbreak, onset, attack.

upanipātin a. falling into (--°).

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upanibaddha a. hanging on, sticking to (--°); written down, composed; abstr. -tva n.

upanibandhana n. writing down, description, literary composition, versification.

upanirgama m. departure from (--°).*

upaniṣad f. secret doctrine (lit. sitting down, sc. to listen); an Upaniṣad, i.e. a class of writings intended to ascertain the secret meaning of the Veda.

upanetṛ f. -trī who brings, bearer of (gen.).

upanyasta a. brought forward, adduced, hinted; n. hint, insinuation.

upanyāsa m. placing near, juxtaposition, addition; utterance, argumentation, also = prec. n.

upapakṣa m. armpit; a. -pakṣya.

upapati m. paramour, gallant.

upapatti f. happening, appearing, following, resulting; rightness, exactness, fitness, propriety.

upapada n. a secondary word of any kind (g.).

upapanna a. having gone or come to, got at, met with (acc. or --°); endowed with, possessed of (instr. or --°); happened, occurred, born, existing; fit, suited, right, proper, natural.

upapannārtha a. having good reasons, well founded.

upapāta m. occurrence, accident.

upapātaka n. minor offence; poss. -kin.

upapātin a. falling into (--°).

upapādaka a. effecting, producing, making; possible.

upapādana a. producing, mentioning; n. bringing near, presenting, appearing.

upapārśva m. shoulderblade.

upapīḍana n. torture, pang.

upapurāṇa n. a secondary or minor Purāṇa.

upaplava m. visitation, disturbance, trouble, calamity, any portent, esp. an eclipse.

upapluta a. visited, afflicted.

upabarha m. cushion, pillow.

upabṛṃhita a. strengthened, increased, accompanied by, furnished with (instr. or --°).

upabda m. rattling, noise.

upabdi m. rattling, noise.

upabhaṅga m. division of a verse.

upabhoga m. enjoyment, use, pleasure.

upabhogin a. enjoying, using (--°).

upabhogya a. to be enjoyed or used.

upama a. uppermost, highest; nearest, next; first, best, excellent, chief.

upamantraṇa n. inviting, persuading.

upamantrin [1] the same as adj.

upamantrin [2] m. a king's counsellor of second rank.

upamanyu a. eager, zealous; m. a man's name.

upamarda m. friction, injury, reproach, abuse; also = upamardana.

upamardaka a. crushing, destroying.

upamardana n. oppression, destruction.

upamardin a. = upamardaka.

upamā [1] adv. quite, near.

upamā [2] f. resemblance, similarity; comparison, image (rh.); o. adj. resembling, equal to, like (--°).

upamāti f. address, invocation; fit to be invoked, accessible, kind.

upamāna n. comparison, simile, esp. that with which a thing is compared, opp. upameya (rh.); adj. --° = upamā adj.

upamām adv. highest.

upamāvyatireka m. a kind of comparison (rh.).

upamiti f. resemblance; induction (ph.).

upameya a. to be or being compared, comparable with (instr. or --°); n. (rh.) the thing compared with something else (opp. the upamāna q.v.).

upameyopamā f. a reciprocal comparison (rh.).

upayantṛ m. husband.

upayama m. wedding, marriage.

upayamana n. = prec.; f. ī any support (for holding fire-wood), a sacrificial ladle.

upayāna n. nearing, approach.

upayukta a. employed, used, consumed; useful, requisite, fit, proper, worthy.

upayoktavya a. to be employed.

upayoga m. employment, application; use, enjoyment.

upayogin a. being employed, conducive, useful, fit, suitable; employing using (--°).

upayojya a. to be or being used.

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upara a. placed below, deeper, posterior, later, nearer, neighbouring. m. the lower pressing stone or the lower part of the sacrificial post.

uparakta a. coloured, reddened, eclipsed (sun or moon).

uparati f. ceasing, resting; quietism (ph.).

uparama m. ceasing, ending, desisting from (--°), death; abstr. -tva n.

uparamaṇa n. coming to rest.

uparamatva n. coming to rest.

uparāga m. colour, darkness.

upari adv. above, upwards, moreover, further, then; doubled = higher and higher, more and more. As prep. above, over, beyond, upon, up into (acc., gen., abl., loc., °-- or --° in an adv.); above in number or order (gen. or --° in an adv.), after (gen. or --°); concerning, as to (gen.); doubled = immediately over (acc.), high over (gen.).

uparitana f. ī upper.

upariṣṭāt adv. above, from above, behind, later, afterwards. As prep. over, upon (acc. or gen.), behind; concerning, about, as to (gen.).

uparuddha a. captive, prisoner; n. shut up or inner apartment.

uparūḍha a. ascended; come to, arrived at (acc.), situated on (loc.).

uparūpaka n. a drama of the second rank (rh.).

uparodha m. hindrance, impediment; locking up, blockading; trouble, disturbance.

upala m. stone, rock, jewel; f. upalā the upper mill-stone.

upalakṣaṇa n. observation, designation; implicit or elliptical expression.

upalakṣya a. recognisable.

upalaprakṣin f. -ṇī arranging the press or millstones.

upalabdhi f. acquirement, gain; perception, knowledge, p. -mant.

upalambha m. = prec. f.

upalepa m. smearing.

upalepana n. the same, (painting, colouring*).

upavaktṛ m. exhorter.

upavana n. a small wood, grove.

upavasatha m. a fast-day.

upavāsa m. fast.

upavāsin a. fasting.

upaviṣṭa a. seated; resorted to (acc. or --°).

upavīta n. investiture with the sacred cord the sacred cord itself.

upavītin a. wearing the sacred cord.

upaveśa n. sitting down; devoting one's self to (--°).

upaveśana n. sitting down; devoting one's self to (--°).

upaśama m. coming to rest, cessation, tranquillity.

upaśamana f. ī calming, appearing; n. subst.

upaśaya a. lying near or at hand.

upaśānta a. allayed, extinct.

upaśānti f. = upaśama.

upaśikṣā f. learning, skill in (gen.).

upaśobhana a. & n. adorning.

upaśobhā f. ornament.

upaśobhin a. adorned; shining with (--°).*

upaśliṣṭa a. clinging to (acc.), come near (loc. or samīpam), contiguous.

upasaṃvyāna n. under-garment.

upasaṃhāra m. drawing towards one's self; winding up, recapitulation, conclusion.

upasaṃhita a. connected or endowed with, accompanied or surrounded by (instr. or --°).

upasakta a. attached to sensual objects.

upasaṃkhyāna n. annumeration, addition.

upasaṃgraha m. gathering, taking (esp. of a wife); also = seq.

upasaṃgrahaṇa n. clasping (of a person's feet); deferential greeting.

upasaṃgrāhya a. to be greeted deferentially.

upasattṛ m. worshipper (lit. who approaches).

upasad a. serving, attending; f. approach, assault, siege; attendance, waiting on; N. of a ceremony (r.).

upasadana n. going to (a teacher), apprenticeship also = upasaṃgrahaṇa.

upasadya a. to be revered or waited on.

upasanna a. placed upon (the Vedi), presented, granted; approached (esp. to worship or to seek information or protection).

upasaṃpanna a. furnished or familiar with (instr. or --°); living in the same house.

upasaraṇa n. approach.

upasarga m. addition (lit. pouring on), accident, ill luck, calamity; preposition.

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upasarjana n. pouring on; inauspicious phenomenon, esp. an eclipse; a secondary word (g.) or person (j.).

upasarpaṇa n. advancing towards, approaching.

upasarpaṇīya a. to be approached.*

upasarpin a. creeping near, approaching.

upasiddha a. prepared, ready.

upasṛṣṭa a. thrown, sent; hit, visited, afflicted by (instr. or --°); eclipsed (sun or moon), having a prefix (g.).

upasecana a. pouring or sprinkling upon; n. the same as subst. + juice, broth, condiment; f. ī a ladle or cup for pouring.

upasevaka (--°) a. serving, following.

upasevana n. -sevā f. attendance, homage, worship, devotion; enjoyment, use.

upasevin (--°) serving, worshipping; pursuing, practising.

upaskara m. (n.) anything subsidiary or complementary, ingredient, condiment, utensil, instrument, esp. of household.

upaskṛta a. prepared, arranged.

upastambha m. -stambhana n. stay, support.

upastaraṇa n. pouring under, spreading out; a covering or mattress.

upasti m. inferior, a follower, servant.

upastire (dat. inf.) to spread out.

upastīrṇa a. covered, spread out; poured upon (r.).

upastut f. invocation, praise.

upastuti f. invocation, praise.

upastha m. lap, groin; m. n. the sexual organs, esp. of a woman.

upasthātavya a. to appear (n. impers.); to be waited upon.

upasthātṛ m. coming near, appearing (in court); m. servant, attendant.

upasthāna n. coming or standing near, appearance, presence, attendance, service, worship; gathering, assembly.

upasthita a. approached, arrived at, got to (acc. or loc.); fallen to one's (gen.) lot or share, happened, appeared, present, impending, ready; visited, waited upon, attacked by, furnished with (instr.).

upastheya a. = upasthātavya.

upasparśa m. -na n. touching, bathing, rinsing the mouth.

upasparśin a. touching, bathing in (--°).

upaspṛṣṭa a. touched; n. impers. or = sparśa.

upasveda m. moisture.

upahatnu a. assailing.

upaharaṇa n. presenting, offering.

upahartṛ m. who presents or offers.

upahava m. calling near, invitation.

upahāra m. present, gift, offering; abstr. -tā f. -tva n.

upahāraka f. -rikā (adj. --°) = upahāra.

upahārīkṛ offer as a sacrifice; -cikīrṣu a. going to ofter.

upahārya a. to be offered; n. offering.

upahāsa m. laughter, fun.

upahāsanīyatā f. ridiculousness.*

upahāsin a. laughing at (--°).

upahāsya a. laughable, ridiculous; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

upahita a. placed or set upon, connected with, dependent on, preceded by (--°); brought near, procured, got, put, applied, undertaken, begun, set to action, employed, led, seduced.

upahūta a. called, invoked, invited.

upahvara m. bend, curve, slope. n. solitude, proximity, loc. secretly, near.

upāṃśu adv. in a low voice, inaudibly; m. an inaudible prayer.

upāṃśuvrata n. an inaudible vow.

upāka a. neared, joined, close, connected; loc. -ke close by, at hand, present (w. gen.).

upākaraṇa n. bringing near, fetching, also = seq.

upākarman n. preparation, commencement, esp. to study the Vedas.

upākhyāna n. short narrative, episode.

upākhyānaka n. short narrative, episode.

upāṅga n. minor limb or member, subdivision, supplement.

upāñjana n. smearing, anointing.

upātta a. taken, received, got, felt, done.

upāttasāra a. thoroughly enjoyed (lit. whereof the best has been taken).

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upādāna n. taking, acquiring, appropiating; non-exclusion, addition; enumeration, mention; the material cause (ph.).

upādāya ger. together with (lit. having taken), including, besides, by means of; since, from (acc.).

upādeya a. to be taken from (abl.); contained in (--°); acceptable, admirable, excellent.

upādhāya ger. taking, i.e. along with (acc.).

upādhi m. substitution, substitute; supposition, postulate, cause.

upādhyāya m. teacher, subteacher; -dhyāyānī f. the teacher's wife.

upānasa a. being on a carriage.

upānah f. (nom. -nat) & upānaha m. sandal, shoe.

upānta n. nearness of the end, edge, margin, immediate proximity; acc. & loc. near (gen. or --°); °-- near, neighbouring.

upāntika n. nearness, proximity; acc. & loc. near, abl. (from) near.

upāpti f. getting, acquiring.

upāya m. approach, way to or of, means, expedient, stratagem; upāyena & upāyatas in a clever way, by stratagem.

upāyana n. approach, going to a teacher, becoming a scholar; undertaking, enterprise, offering, gift.

upāyin a. approaching.

upāyu a. approaching.

upāyopeya (°--) means and purpose.

upāra m. upāraṇa n. transgression, offence, sin.

upārjana n. ā f. bringing near, acquiring, obtaining.

upālabdhavya a. to be blamed or censured.

upālambha m. -na n. censure, reviling.

upālambhanīya a. = upālabdhavya.

upāvṛt f. return.

upāvṛtti f. return.

upāvṛtta a. turned round or towards (acc.), come to (acc.); approached, arrived, returned.

upāśrita a. leaning or resting on, resorted to, staying in or with (acc. or loc.); intent upon, given to (acc.).

upāśritya ger. having resorted to, i.e. by means of (acc.).

upāsaka a. serving, intent upon (--°); m. a servant or follower, esp. of Buddha (f. -sikā*).

upāsana n. seat; service, attendance, worship (also -sā f.); meditation, practice, exercise.

upāsthita a. standing on (loc.), intent upon (acc.).

upāsya a. to be served, worshipped, practised, resorted to.

upāhita a. set out as a price; caused, produced; s. a conflagration.

upekṣaṇa n. -kṣā f. overlooking, disregard, neglect.

upeta a. arrived, present, existing, come or gone to (acc. or --°), come to the teacher i.e. initiated; fallen to one's (gen.) share; being in (loc.); accompanied by, endowed with (instr. or --°).

upetapūrva a. initiated before.

upeti f. approach.

upetṛ m. contriver, employer.

upenita a. driven or pressed in.

upendra m. E. of Viṣṇu (lit. inferior to Indra).

upendravajrā f. N. of a metre.

upeya a. being or to be effected, to be gone to or approached; n. aim, object.

upoḍha a. brought near, brought about, begun, caused, attained, got; existing, present.

upoḍhatapas a. rich in penitence.

upoḍharāga [1] m. a rising blush.

upoḍharāga [2] a. blushing.

upoḍhaśabda a. causing a sound, noisy.

upottama a. last but one.

upodghāta m. introduction, beginning, opportunity.

upoṣaṇa [1] a. burning down (--°).

upoṣaṇa [2] n. fasting.

upoṣita a. (having) fasted; n. = prec.

upta a. sown, strewn, thrown down, lying; covered or sprinkled with (instr. or --°).

upti f. sowing.

uptivid a. acquainted with sowing (--°).

ubj ubjati v force, subdue. --
     ni press down, overthrow.
     nis let loose.

ubh umbhati ubhnāti unapti v pp. ubdha umbhita confine, unite, couple. --
     ni keep down.
     sam keep together, cover, shut up.

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ubha du. both.

ubhaya f. ī (sgl. & pl.) both, of both sorts.

ubhayacakravartin m. ruler of both (worlds).

ubhayatas adv. from or on both sides (w. gen. or acc.); in both cases.

ubhayatodant a. having a double row of teeth.

ubhayatodanta a. having a double row of teeth.

ubhayadant a. having a double row of teeth.

ubhayatra adv. in both places, on both sides, in both cases.

ubhayathā adv. in both ways or cases.

ubhayā adv. in both ways.

ubhayātmaka a. having a double nature.

umā f. flax; N. of the daughter of Himavant, the wife of Civa-Rudra.

umānātha m. the lord or husband of Umā, i.e. Civa.

umāpati m. the lord or husband of Umā, i.e. Civa.

umeśa m. the lord or husband of Umā, i.e. Civa.

ura m. N. of a Rishi; °-- = uras or ūrṇā.

uraga m. a snake (lit. going on the breast).

uraṃga m. a snake (lit. going on the breast).

uraṃgama m. a snake (lit. going on the breast).

uraṇa m. a ram (wool-bearer).

urabhra m. a ram (wool-bearer).

urarīkṛ = urīkṛ v q.v.

uralli s. roaring.*

uras n. breast; adj. --° uraska.

uraḥsūtrikā f. a kind of necklace.

urā f. a ewe.

urīkṛ accept, get, show; admit, assent, promise; place at the head, begin with (acc.).

uru f. urvī spacious, extensive, wide, broad, great. --n. adv. widely, far; as subst. space, room, wide scope, freedom, w. kṛ give room, liberty, opportunity. --f. urvī the earth, the soil; du. heaven and earth; pl. w. ṣaṣ the six spaces (the four quarters of the sky with what is above and below).

urukṛt a. granting space.

urukrama a. far-stepping; m. the wide step (of Viṣṇu).

urugāya a. = prec. a. + far, extending (way); m. E. of Viṣṇu; n. = uru n.

uruyā (instr. adv.) far.

urucakṣas a. far-seeing.

uruvyacas a. capacious, widely extending.

uruvyañc a. the same; f. urūcī also the earth.

uruśasa a. praising aloud; far-ruling.

uruṣy uruṣyati v seek or grant wide scope, i.e. either turn from (abl.), escape (acc.); or rescue, protect from (abl.), avert.

urūṇasa a. broad-nosed.

urogata a. being on the breast.

urvarā f. fertile soil, land i.g.; the earth.

urvarī f. tow, hards.

urvaśī f. ardour, wish, desire; N. of an Apsaras.

urvāru *m., -rū f. a kind of cucumber.

urvāru n. the fruit of prec.

urvāruka n. the fruit of prec.

urvaśīsuta m. the son of Urvaśī, i.e. Āyus.

urviyā (instr. adv.) far, far off, widely.

urvītala n. the surface of the earth.

urvīpati m. king (lit. earth-lord).

urvībhuj m. king (lit. earth-lord).

urvībhṛt m. mountain (lit. earth-bearer).

urvīśa m. = urvīpati.

urvīśvara m. = urvīpati.

urvyā f. freedom, security.

ula m. a kind of wild animal.

ulapa m. shrub, bush.

ulūka m. owl; E. of Indra, pl. N. of a country & people.

ulūkhala n. mortar.

ulūkhalamusala n. du. mortar and pestle.

ulūpa m. a sort of plant; f. ī N. of the wife of Arjuna, orig. a serpent-maid.

ulkā f. meteor, firebrand, flame.

ulkāmukha m. a kind of demon or goblin.

ulba n. (m.) the bag enveloping the embryo, womb i.g.

ulbaṇa a. massy, thick, big, huge, extraordinary; rich in, full of (--°). n. ulbaṇa = ulba.

ulmuka n. firebrand.

ullaṅghana n. leapiNg or passiNg over, transgression.

ullaṅghanīya a. to be transgressed.

ullaṅghya a. to be transgressed.

ullasita a. shone forth, appeared; joyous, petulant; moving to and for.

ullāsa m. shining forth, appearing; joy, happiness; prosperity, increase; chapter, section.

ullīḍha a. ground, polished.

ulluñcita a. plucked out or off.

ullūna a. cut, mown.

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ullekha m. mention, description.

ullekhana a. scraping, painting, describing; n. the action of scraping etc.

ullekhya a. to be or being scraped, written, painted, described.

ulloca m. awning, canopy.

ullola a. dangling, swinging.

uśanas m. (nom. -nā) N. of an old sage.

uśanā f. (instr.) with ardour or haste.

uśant a. desirous, eager, striving, willing, ready.

uśāna a. desirous, eager, striving, willing, ready.

uśij a. the same.

uśīnara m. pl. N. of a people or country.

uśīra m. n. a kind of fragrant root.

uṣ oṣati & uṣṇāti1 v burn, consume, destroy, punish. --
     ud expel by heat.
     ni burn down.
     prati & sam burn.

uṣ [2] f. dawn, morning.

uṣa a. desirous, eager.

uṣarbudh a. early awake.

uṣas f. morning light, dawn (often personif.), also evening light; du. uṣāsau morning and evening.

uṣā f. dawn, morning.

uṣāsānaktā (nom. du. f.) dawn and night.

uṣita a. passed, spent (day), dwelt (n. imp.); having stopped, stayed, dwelt, lived, passed the night, fasted.

uṣṭa m. plough-bull.

uṣṭṛ m. plough-bull.

uṣṭra m. buffalo; camel (f. uṣṭrī).

uṣṭrayāna n. carriage drawn by camels.

uṣṇa f. ā (ī) hot, warm, n. heat, warmth, the hot season.

uṣṇakara m. the sun (lit. having hot rays).

uṣṇakiraṇa m. the sun (lit. having hot rays).

uṣṇatā f. -tva n. heat, warmth.

uṣṇakaṭuka a. warm and bad-smelling.*

uṣṇadīrgham adv. hot and long (breathing).*

uṣṇaraśmi m. = uṣṇakara.

uṣṇaruci m. = uṣṇakara.

uṣṇasamaya m. the hot season.

uṣṇāṃśu m. = uṣṇakara.

uṣṇālu a. suffering from heat.

uṣṇih (nom. -k) N. of a metre.

uṣṇīkṛ make warm or hot.

uṣṇīṣa m. n. turban, headband, diadem.

uṣṇīṣapaṭṭa s. the same.

uṣṇoṣṇa a. very hot.*

uṣman -> ūṣman.

uṣya  = uṣitvā.

usṛ f. = uṣas.

usra a. morning-, bright; m. bull or ray; f. ā dawn or cow.

usri f. dawn, morning.

usriya a. reddish, bull-; m. bull, calf; f. ā brightness, light; cow, milk.

uh  = ūh1.

uhyamāna a. carried or borne along.

uhyamānaka a. carried or borne along.

ū & ū v = u2.

ūkāra m. the sound ū.

ūḍha a. carried, borne; n. load, prey; f. ā bride, wife.

ūḍhapūrvā f. married before.

ūḍhi f. carrying.

ūti [1] f. (m.) furtherance, help, aid, refreshment; helper, furtherer, protector.

ūti [2] f. weaving, sewing.

ūdhan n. udder, bosom, lap, the cloudy sky.

ūdhar n. udder, bosom, lap, the cloudy sky.

ūdhas n. udder, bosom, lap, the cloudy sky.

ūdhasya a. milking; n. milk.

ūna a. wanting, incomplete; inferior to, less than (abl. or --°); less by (instr. or --°); °-- in numerals = ekona, i.e. minus one.

ūnadvivārṣika a. less than two years old.

ūnay ūnayati v leave unfulfilled (a wish); pp. ūnita lessened by (instr.).

ūma m. protector, friend, companion.

ūru m. thigh (adj. --° f. ūru or ūrū); N. of an old sage.

ūrujanman  = aurva2 (lit. descending from Ūru).

ūrusaṃbhava a. born from the thigh.

ūruskambha m. paralysis of the thigh.

ūrustambha m. the same.

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ūrūdbhava  = ūrusaṃbhava.

ūrj f. sap, food; vigour, strength.

ūrja a. strong; m. & f. ā = prec.

ūrjay ūrjayati v pp. ūrjita (q.v.) feed, strengthen; M. be strong or exuberant; ūrjayant tr. or intr.

ūrjas n. strength, power, exuberance.

ūrjasvant  poss. to prec.

ūrjasvala  poss. to prec.

ūrjasvin  poss. to prec.

ūrjāvant a. giving strength; also = seq.

ūrjita a. strong, powerful, n. adv.

ūrjin a. fertile, exuberant.

ūrṇa m. N. of a Yakṣa; n. & f. ūrṇā wool, a spider's thread.

ūrṇanābha m. spider (wool-navel).

ūrṇanābhi m. spider (wool-navel).

ūrṇamrada a. soft as wool.

ūrṇamradas a. soft as wool.

ūrṇavābhi m. spider (wool-weaver).

ūrṇāmaya f. ī woollen.

ūrṇāmṛdu a. = ūrṇamrada.

ūrṇāmradas a. = ūrṇamrada.

ūrṇāyu a. woolly; f. ewe.

ūrṇāvant a. woolly; m. spider.

ūrṇu ūrṇoti & ūrṇauti ūrṇute v cover, veil, hide, M. one's self. --
     apa uncover, unveil, open; M. also refl.
     abhi & pra = S.
     vi uncover, open.

ūrdara m. bushel.

ūrdhva a. going upwards, raised, elevated, upright, erect, high (mostly °--). -- n. eminence, height; as adv. & prep. upwards, aloft, in(to) heaven (w. gam die), above (abl.); in the sequel, afterwards, later; beyond, from, since, after (abl.); later than i.e. after the death of (gen.); in a high tone, aloud. -- Cf. atas & itas.

ūrdhvaka a. raised; n. adv. loud.*

ūrdhvakara a. with lifted hands or rising rays.

ūrdhvakarṇa a. having the ears pricked up.

ūrdhvaga a. going upwards, ascending.

ūrdhvagati a. the same; f. subst.

ūrdhvagamana n. rising (of stars), also = prec. f.

ūrdhvagamanavant  = ūrdhvaga.

ūrdhvagāmin  = ūrdhvaga.

ūrdhvacūḍa a. tied up in a tuft (hair).*

ūrdhvajānu a. raising the knees.

ūrdhvajñu a. raising the knees.

ūrdhvatas adv. upwards.

ūrdhvathā adv. upwards.

ūrdhvadṛś a. looking upwards.

ūrdhvadṛṣṭi a. looking upwards.

ūrdhvadeha n. funeral ceremony (lit. the body above).

ūrdhvanabhas a. being above the clouds.

ūrdhvapatha n. the sky (lit. upper path).

ūrdhvapātra n. a high vessel.

ūrdhvapāda a. having the heels upwards; m. the point of the foot.

ūrdhvapuṇḍra m. the perpendicular line on the forehead of a Brahman.

ūrdhvapuṇḍraka m. the perpendicular line on the forehead of a Brahman.

ūrdhvabāhu a. having the arms raised.

ūrdhvabṛhatī f. N. of a metre.

ūrdhvabhāga m. the upper part.

ūrdhvamukha a. (having the mouth or opening) turned upwards.

ūrdhvamuṇḍa a. shaved or bald on the head.

ūrdhvamūla a. having the roots above.

ūrdhvarāji f. a line running upwards.

ūrdhvareta a. chaste (lit. having the semen above).

ūrdhvaretas a. chaste (lit. having the semen above).

ūrdhvaloka m. the upper world, heaven.

ūrdhvavṛta a. put on or worn above (i.e. on the shoulder).

ūrdhvasāna a. rising.

ūrdhvasānu a. having the neck raised.

ūrdhvāṅguli a. having the fingers raised.

ūrmi m. f. wave, current, flood; metaph. of the (six) human infirmities.

ūrmikā f. a finger-ring.

ūrmin a. undulating.

ūrmimant a. undulating.

ūrmimālā f. a wreath or row of waves.

ūrmilā f. a woman's name.

ūrmya a. undulating, agitated; f. ūmryā night.

ūrva m. receptacle, esp. of water, i.e. cloud; fence, fold, stable, prison; N. of an ancient sage.

ūrvaṣṭīva n. knee-pan.

ūrvastha n. thigh-bone.

ūlī f. bulb.

ūṣa m. ūṣā & ī f. alkaline earth.

ūṣaka n. salt or pepper.

ūṣaṇa n. pepper.

ūṣara a. impregnated with salt; s. = seq.

ūṣarakṣetra n. saline or barren soil.*

ūṣman m. heat, steam, ardour, passion.

ūṣmapa a. drinking (only) the steam of food; m. pl. a class of Manes.

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ūh (uh) ūhati ūhate v pp. ūḍha & ūhita1 shift, change. --
     adhi put on; raise above (loc.).
     apa push off, remove, destroy; avoid, shun, give up.
     vyapa dispel, remove, destroy.
     abhi overlay, cover.
     ava push down.
     ud push upwards, bring forth.
     abhyud push on, push further.
     vyud push asunder, move away, sweep out.
     upa push near, insert, produce.
     samupa bring near, offer.
     nis push out, pull out, remove.
     pari heap or pile round, surround, fortify.
     prati push back, strip off, doff, remove; keep off, detain; reject, refuse; outstrip, surpass, excel; disturb, interrupt.
     vi push asunder, separate; divide, arrange (esp. in battle-array).
     prativi arrange in return.
     sam bring together, gather, collect.
     parisam sweep together. -- Cf. udvyūḍha upoḍha nivryūḍha vyūḍha.

ūh ohate ūhati ohate ūhate2 v mind, mark, watch, wait or lurk for (acc. or loc.); conceive, understand; be regarded as, pass for (nom.). --
     api conceive, comprehend, guess.
     abhi wait or lurk for (acc.), also = prec.
     ni mind, notice.

ūha [1] m. addition, change, modification.

ūha [2] m. consideration, examination.

ūhana n. the same.

ūhanīya a. to be changed or modified.

ūhya [1] a. to be changed or modified.

ūhanīya a. to be examined or found out.

ūhya [2] a. to be examined or found out.

ūhavant a. reasoning well, sagacious.

iyarti ṛṇoti ṛṇute ṛṇvati ṛcchati ṛcchate arcchati arti v pp ṛta (q.v.) move (tr.), raise, excite; move (intr.), rise, hasten, meet with, get at, reach, attain. C. arpayati hurl, throw, pierce, send, put, place, fasten or fix in, turn, direct (eyes or mind); offer, deliver, give back, restore. --
     anu M. rise after (acc.).
     apa open, unlock.
     abhi hasten towards, approach, assail.
     ā put in, insert, get, procure, reach, fall into (acc.), afflict, distress.
     ud rise, raise. C. make to rise or thrive.
     upa approach, assist; go against, offend, transgress.
     ni put down, set in; succumb, perish.
     nis put asunder, dissolve; be deprived of (abl. or gen.).
     pra go forth, advance, also = C. set in motion, stir up.
     prati insert. C. throw against, fasten, fix, put on; deliver, give back, restore.
     vi open (tr. & intr.).
     sam put together, get done; come together, meet (instr.), run together to (acc. or loc.). C. hurl at (acc.) strike, hit; put on, insert, fasten; deliver, restore. -- Cf. ārta.

ṛkāra m. the sound .

ṛktas adv. concerning the Ric (cf. ṛc2).

ṛkva a. praising, m. praiser singer.

ṛkvan a. praising, m. praiser singer.

ṛkvant a. praising, m. praiser singer.

ṛkṣa [1] a. bald, bare.

ṛkṣa [2] a. hurtful, bad, m. bear, the Seven Stars (pl.); a kind of monkey; a man's name; f. ṛkṣī a. female bear; m. n. star, constellation, lunar mansion.

ṛkṣara m. thorn (cf. anṛkṣara).

ṛkṣarāja m. the king of the bears or monkeys, the king of the stars, i.e. the moon.

ṛkṣavant m. N. of a mountain.

ṛkṣīkā f. a kind of evil spirits.

ṛkṣeṣṭi f. offering to the lunar mansions.

ṛksaṃhitā f. the Riksaṃhitā, i.e. the collection of the Rigveda-hymns.

ṛgmin a. praising.

ṛgmiya a. deserving praise, laudable.

ṛgyajuṣ n. du. the Rig- and Yajurvedas.

ṛgvidhāna n. the application of the Ric, N. of a book.

ṛgveda m. the Rigveda (the hymns with or without the Brāhmaṇa and Sūtra works).

ṛghāy ṛghāyati ṛghāyate v tremble, rage, rave.

ṛghāvan a. raving, storming, impetuous.

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ṛghāvant a. raving, storming, impetuous.

ṛc arcati1 v beam, shine, sing, praise, honour, adorn. C. arcayati te, pp. arcita (q.v.) cause to shine; honour, salute. --
     abhi sing, praise, honour.
     pra shine forth, intone, sing, honour.
     sam honour, worship, adorn. -- Cf. ṛcase.

ṛc [2] f. lustre, beam; hymn, verse; the Rigveda (mostly pl.).

ṛcase (dat. inf.) to praise.

ṛcīka m. N. of a man.

ṛcīṣama a. E. of Indra.

ṛj ṛñjati ṛñjate ṛjyati ṛjyate1 v stretch out (intr.), strive after, long for. --
     abhi grasp, snatch.
     ā M. strive after, long for.
     ni reach, attain.
     pra strive towards.
     sam strive together. -- Cf. irajy yati & ṛñjasāna.

ṛj arjati2 v reach, get, obtain. C. arjayati arjayate = S. --
     ati get over, admit or remove.
     anu & ava dismiss.
     upa admit; C. get, acquire.

ṛjipya a. striving onwards, hastening.

ṛjīka a. beaming, shining (only --°).

ṛjīti a. burning, sparkling.

ṛjīyaṃs compar. to ṛju.

ṛjīṣa a. = seq., m. a cert. hell.

ṛjīṣin a. hastening, advancing, swift.

ṛju (f. ṛjvī) straight, right, upright, nonest; n. adv.

ṛjutā f. straightness; also = seq.

ṛjutva n. sincerity, honesty.

ṛjūy only ṛjūyant honest & ṛjūyamāna upright.

ṛjūyā (instr. adv.) straightways, directly.

ṛjūyu a. honest.

ṛjra a. reddish brown, dark red.

ṛñjasāna a. rushing on, hastening near, striving to (acc.).

ṛṇa a. guilty; n. guilt, debt, obligation. ṛṇaṃ kṛ borrow of (gen.), -dhāray be indebted to (gen.), -dā nī, or
     saṃnī pay a debt.

ṛṇakartṛ a. indebted (lit. making debts).

ṛṇayā a. prosecuting or punishing guilt.

ṛṇayāt a. prosecuting or punishing guilt.

ṛṇayāvan a. prosecuting or punishing guilt.

ṛṇavan a. guilty, indebted.

ṛṇavant a. guilty, indebted.

ṛṇādāna n. non-payment of a debt.

ṛṇāvan a. = ṛṇavan.

ṛṇin a. indebted, obliged; m. a debtor.

ṛta a. right, true, honest, fit, proper. n. & instr. ṛteṇa adv.; n. as subst. right way. established order, divine law, pious work; righteousness, faith, truth, oath.

ṛtajā a. right or righteous by nature.

ṛtajāta a. right or righteous by nature.

ṛtajñā a. knowing the sacred law.

ṛtadyumna a. full of sacred strength.

ṛtadhīti a. right or true-minded.

ṛtanī a. leading the right way.

ṛtapā a. observing righteousness.

ṛtaprajāta a. = ṛtajā.

ṛtapsu a. of right or good appearance.

ṛtay ṛtayate v (pp. ṛtayant or ṛtayant) make right.

ṛtayā (instr. adv.) in the right way.

ṛtayu a. observing the divine law, pious, holy.

ṛtayuj a. well harnessed or well allied.

ṛtavāka m. right or pious speech.

ṛtasad a. dwelling in truth.

ṛtasāp a. practising righteousness.

ṛtaspṛś a. loving (lit. touching) righteous ness.

ṛtāy pp. -yantra lead or make right, observe the law; be obedient, pious, or honest.

ṛtāvan f. -varī lawful, righteous, just, pious.

ṛtāvṛdh a. rejoicing in the divine law, holyminded, faithful.

ṛtāmṛta n. du. truth and nectar.

ṛti f. onset, struggle.

ṛtīy ṛtīyate v struggle, quarrel.

ṛtīṣah a. enduring or defying assault; durable, lasting.

ṛtīṣāh a. enduring or defying assault; durable, lasting.

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ṛtu m. right or fixed time, period, epoch, season (mostly reckoned as 6, but also 5, 7, 12, & 24); the menses of a woman & coition at that time; fixed order, rule. -- ṛtunā & ṛtubhis in time, at the appointed time, esp. for sacrifice or a festival: pura ṛtos before the (right) time, too early.

ṛtukāla m. the time of the season or the time of menstruation.

ṛtuthā adv. in order, duly, exactly.

ṛtuparṇa m. N. of a king.

ṛtuparyaya m. the change of the seasons.

ṛtumaṅgala n. good omen for the season.*

ṛtuliṅga n. mark of the seasons.

ṛtumant a. coming at regular times; f. -matī having the menses.

ṛtuśas adv. orderly, duly.

ṛtusaṃhāra m. collection of the seasons, T. of a poem.

ṛtūtsava m. feast of the season.*

ṛte (loc. as prep.) except, besides, without (abl. or acc.).

ṛtejā a. living in truth or in the sacred law.

ṛtokti f. ṛtodya n. true speech.

ṛtva n. timely seed; the menses.

ṛtvanta [1] m. the end of a season.

ṛtvanta [2] a. forming the end of a season (a day).

ṛtvij a. sacrificing at the proper seasons; m. a priest.

ṛtviya [1] a. orderly, regular, corresponding to or knowing the sacred rules.

ṛtviya f. ā2 menstruating; n. menstruation.

ṛd ṛdati ṛrdati v dissolve (intr.), pass away; stir (tr.), trouble, vex, afflict, hurt, destroy, torment. C. ardayati, pp. ardita = S. tr. --
     abhi vex, afflict.
     vi pass away; C. destroy, annihilate.
     sam C. wound.

ṛdūdara a. mild, soft, kind.

ṛddha a. thriven, prosperous, wealthy, rich.

ṛddhi f. success, prosperity, welfare, happiness, perfection.

ṛddhimant a. prosperous, considerable, important, wealthy, rich in (--°).

ṛdh ṛdhnoti ṛdhyate ṛdhyati v pp. ṛddha (q.v.) thrive, succeed, prosper; make prosperous, further, promote, accomplish. C. ardhayati gratify. --
     anu fulfil, execute.
     vi be deprived of (instr.). C. exclude from, deprive of (instr.).
     sam thrive, prosper, be accomplished. C. make succeed, fulfil, furnish with (instr.). -- Cf. vyṭṛddha samṛddha.

ṛdhak adv. separately, singly, apart, particularly.

ṛbīsa n. gulf, abyss.

ṛbhu a. skilful, clever; m. artist, builder, N. of three myth. beings, the Ribhus, esp. the first of them.

ṛbhukṣan m. N. of the first Ribhu, E. of Indra and the Maruts.

ṛbhukṣā m. N. of the first Ribhu, E. of Indra and the Maruts.

ṛbhva a. clever, skilful.

ṛbhvan a. clever, skilful.

ṛbhvas a. the same; skilfully made.

ṛśya m. the male of a species of antelope.

ṛśyada a. pit for catching antelopes.

ṛśyamūka m. N. of a mountain.

ṛśyaśṛṅga m. a man's name.

ṛṣ arṣati1 v flow, glide. --
     anu flow after (acc.).
     abhi flow or let flow towards (acc.).
     pari flow or let flow round (acc.).
     vi run through (acc.).
     sam meet with (instr.), come together to (acc.).

ṛṣ ṛṣati v pp. ṛṣṭa2 push, thrust. --
     ni put in, cover, fill.

ṛṣabha m. bull, male animal i.g.; the best, first, chief of (--°).

ṛṣi m. holy singer, poet, saint, sage, hermit, a Rishi; pl. w. saptan the seven (i.e. many) Rishis of the olden times, or the seven stars of the Great Bear.

ṛṣikalpa a. resembling a Rishi or approaching him in dignity.

ṛṣikumāra m. the boy or son of a Rishi.

ṛṣidviṣ a. hating Rishis.

ṛṣiputra m. the son of a Rishi.

ṛṣiyajña m. offering to the Rishis (i.e. prayer and study of the Veda).

ṛṣivat adv. like a Rishi.

ṛṣu (only gen. pl.) flame, glowing fire.

ṛṣṭi f. spear.

ṛṣṭimant a. armed with spears.

ṛṣṭividyut a. shining with spears.

ṛṣyamūka m. = ṛśyamūka & ṛśyaśṛṅga.

ṛṣyaśṛṅga m. = ṛśyamūka & ṛśyaśṛṅga.

ṛṣva a. high, lofty, sublime.

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ṛhant a. small, weak.

e pron. stem of 3d person.

eka a. one of (gen, abl., or --°); alone, sole, single, solitary; the same, identical, common (esp. °--); in l. l. a certain or = the indef. article; with na and mostly w. cana or api no one, none; pl. eke some. -- eke--eke (apare anye) some -- some (others).

ekaka (f. ekakā & ekikā) sole, single.

ekakāla a. occurring at the same time; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

ekakālam adv. (only) once a day.

ekakālikam adv. (only) once a day.

ekakrama (°-- & instr.) mutually or at once.*

ekakriyāvidhi m. application of one and the same verb.

ekakhura a. one-hoofed, i.e. whole-hoofed; m. such an animal.

ekagrāma m. the same village; -grāmīṇa a. dwelling in the same village.

ekacakra a. having (only) one wheel.

ekacara a. going alone, solitary.

ekacitta [1] n. one and the same thought.

ekacitta [2] a. having one and the same thought, agreeing; abstr. -tā f.

ekacchatra n. = ekātapatra.

ekaja a. born or growing alone.

ekajāta a. born of the same parents.

ekajāti a. having (only) one birth (cf. dvijāti) or belonging to the same family.

ekata m. N. of a cert. mythol. being.

ekatama a. one of many.

ekataya f. ī single.

ekatara a. one of two.

ekatas adv. from or on one side, also = abj. of eka.

ekatā f. unity, identity.

ekatodant a. having only one row of teeth.

ekatra adv. in one or in the same place, together, also = loc. of eka.

ekatriṃśa a. the thirty-first.

ekatriṃśat f. thirty-one.

ekatva n. = ekatā, also = singular (g.).

ekadā adv. at once, at the same time, sometimes, at a certain time = once upon a time.

ekaduḥkha a. having the same sorrow.

ekadeśa m. a certain place or spot, one and the same place; a part or portion of a whole, something individual.

ekadhana [1] m. a kind of jug (r.).

ekadhana [2] n. one (part of the) property.

ekadhana [3] a. having something as one's only property or wealth, quite filled with (--°).

ekadharma a. having the same nature.

ekadharmin a. having the same nature.

ekadhā adv. simply, singly; together with (instr.).

ekapañcāśat f. fifty-one.

ekapatni a. having (only) one wife.

ekapatnī f. the wife of one man, a faithful wife; pl. having one and the same man.

ekapad a. having (only) one foot, limping, lame, imcomplete, f. ekapadī foot-path.

ekapād, a. having (only) one foot, limping, lame, incomplete

ekapadī f. ekapadī foot-path. f. foot-path.

ekapada [1] n. one and the same spot; one (and the same) word. -- ekapadam & ekapade on the spot, at once, suddenly.

ekapada [2] a. measuring only one step; having one foot; consisting of one word.

ekapara a. only and solely important or dear.

ekapalādhika n. one pala more.

ekapātin a. being alone, solitary.

ekapāda [1] m. one foot.

ekapāda [2] a. one-footed; f. ā N. of a Rākṣasī.

ekapārthiva m. single ruler, monarch.

ekapīta a. only i.e. quite yellow.

ekapuruṣa m. only one man or the one (supreme) spirit.

ekaprahārika a. getting (only) one blow; -kaṃ kṛ kill with one blow.*

ekaphala a. offering the same fruit as (--°).

ekabuddhi a. having only one thought, unanimous.

ekabhakta a. devoted only to one, faithful.

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ekabhakti a. devoted only to one, faithful.

ekabhāva [1] m. the being one, oneness, simplicity.

ekabhāva [2] a. being or becoming one.

ekabhāvin a. the same.

ekabhūta a. the same.

ekamati [1] f. the mind fixed upon one object.

ekamati [2] a. unanimous.

ekamanas a. the same + having the mind fixed upon one thing, thoughtful.

ekamaya f. ī only consisting of or in (--°).

ekamāṣaka n. one masa (a cert. weight).

ekamukha a. having one mouth, head, or chief; having the same aim.

ekamūla a. having but one root.

ekayaṣṭi f. a single string of pearls.

ekayaṣṭikā f. a single string of pearls.

ekayoni a. of the same womb or origin.

ekarasa [1] m. the only inclination or pleasure.

ekarasa [2] a. having only one inclination; finding pleasure only in (--°).

ekarāj m. single king, monarch; f. ekarājñī single queen.

ekarāja m. single king, monarch; f. ekarājñī single queen.

ekarātra m. a ceremony lasting one night; n. a night's (day's) duration.

ekarātrika a. sufficient for one night or day.

ekarikthin m. coheir.

ekarūpa [1] n. one form or manner.

ekarūpa [2] a. of one colour, uniform; n. N. of two metres.

ekarūpatā f. uniformity, immutability.

ekarca a. consisting of one verse; n. such a hymn.

ekarṣi m. the only or chief Rishi.

ekala a. one, alone.

ekalocana a. one-eyed; f. ā N. of a Rākṣasī.

ekavacana n. the singular number.

ekavarṇa a. one-coloured, not brindled.

ekavasana a. having only one garment.

ekavastra (abstr. -tā f.) & -vāsas a. the same.

ekaviṃśa f. ī the twenty-first or consisting of twenty-one.

ekaviṃśaka f. -śikā the same.

ekaviṃśat f. pl., ekaviṃśati f. sgl. (& pl.) twenty-one.

ekavidha a. of one kind, simple; identical.

ekavīra m. an only, i.e. an incomparable hero.

ekaveṇi [1] ekaveṇī f. a single braid of hair (as a sign of mourning); -ṇīdharā f. wearing such a one.

ekaveṇī f. a single braid of hair (as a sign of mourning); -ṇīdharā f. wearing such a one.

ekaveṇī [2] f. consisting of a single braid (hair).

ekaveda [1] m. only one Veda.

ekaveda [2] a. knowing only one Veda.

ekaveśman n. one house or stable.

ekavrata a. commanding alone or devoted only to one, i.e. faithful.

ekaśata [1] n. 101.

ekaśata a. the 101st.

ekaśatatama [2] a. the 101st.

ekaśapha a. one i.e. whole-hoofed. m. a whole-hoofed animal; n. the solidungulous class of animals.

ekaśas adv. singly.

ekaśeṣa m. the only rest, only left of (--°); a kind of ellipsis (g.).

ekaśruti a. monotonous; f. monotony, a kind of accent (g.).

ekaṣaṣṭa a. the sixty-first.

ekaṣaṣṭi f. sixty-one.

ekasaṃśraya a. keeping together; m. as subst.

ekasaptata a. the seventy-first.

ekasaptati f. seventy-one.

ekasaptatiguṇa a. multiplied by seventy-one.

ekasahasra n. 1001; adj. the 1001st.

ekasāra a. whose only essence is (--°).

ekastambha a. resting upon one pillar.

ekastha a. standing together, joined, concentrated, assembled. -- With bhū join, meet.*

ekasthāna n. one or the same place.

ekahāyana f. ī one year old; f. a heifer one year old.

ekāṃśa m. part; -tā f. partnership.

ekākin a. alone, solitary.

ekākṣa [1] a. having only one axle.

ekākṣa [2] a. one-eyed.

ekākṣara [1] n. the only imperishable; only one syllable.

ekākṣara [2] a. monosyllable; n. a monosyllabic word.

ekāgra a. having one point or aim, fixed, concentrated, intent or attentive upon (--°). n. & -tas adv., abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

ekāṅga n. a siNgle member or part; m. pl. a body guard.

ekāṅgarūpaka n. an iYcomplete simile.

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ekātapatra a. being under one umbrella (cf. ātapatra); w. prabhutva n. universal sovereignty.

ekātman [1] m. the one spirit.

ekātman [2] a. reduced to one's self, solitary; of the same essence as (gen.), abstr. -tmatā f.

ekādaśa f. ī the eleventh.

ekādaśaguṇa a. eleven times as much.

ekādaśan a. eleven.

ekādaśama a. the eleventh.

ekādaśin a. consisting of eleven; f. -śinī the number eleven.

ekādaśadvāra a. having eleven gates.

ekādhika a. more by one.

ekānartha a. suffering the same mischief.

ekānudiṣṭa n. (sc. śāddha) funeral meal in honour of one ancestor.

ekānta [1] m. a solitary place, lonelines, exclusiveness, absolute oneness. ekānta (°--), ekāntam ekāntena ekāntāt & ekāntatas adv. exclusively, absolutely, wholly, necessarily.

ekānta [2] a. quite devoted to or intent upon (loc. or --°); abstr. -tā f.

ekāntabhīru a. quite afraid or timorous.

ekāntara a. separated by one intermediate member.

ekāntaśīla a. fond of solitude.

ekāntasādhya a. quite practicable.

ekāntahita a. quite good, perfect.

ekāntin a. = ekānta2, abstr. -ntitva n.

ekānnādin a. eating the food given by one.

ekānvaya a. belonging to the same family, related to (gen.).

ekāpāya m. diminution by one (in each).

ekāyana [1] n. a path passable for only one; meeting-place; absolute oneness.

ekāyana [2] a. passable for only one, narrow.

ekāra m. the sound e.

ekārtha [1] m. one and the same matter.

ekārtha [2] a. having the same object or meaning; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

ekāvali f. a single string of pearls (adj. --° f. ī).

ekāvalī f. a single string of pearls (adj. --° f. ī).

ekāha m. period or ceremony of one day.

ekāhan n. one single day.

ekin a. single, simple.

ekīkṛ unite; -bhū become one.

ekībhāva m. becoming one.

ekaika a. each single or singly (also pl.); n. adv.

ekaikaśas adv. each singly, one by one.

ekaiśvarya n. universal sovereignty.

ekottara a. greater or more by one.

ekodaka a. connected by the water-libation (lit. having the same w.-l.); related, kin.

ekoddiṣṭa n. = ekānudiṣṭa.

ekona a. less by one.

ej ejati v stir, move, tremble; C. ejayati ejayate move (tr.). --
     apa drive away, chase.
     ud move, rise.
     sam the same.

ejathu m. trembling, shaking (of the earth).

ejant a. moving, alive.

ejaya a. stirring, rousing (only --°).

ejya a. to be offered.

eḍa m. a kind of sheep.

eḍaka m. a kind of sheep.

eṇa m. eṇī f. a kind of black antelope.

eṇanetrā f. deer-eyed.

eṇākṣī f. deer-eyed.

eṇīdṛś f. deer-eyed.

eta [1] pron. stem, nom. sgl. eṣa eṣā etad (q.v.) this, this here; refers oftener to the preceding than the following; may be connected with another demonstr., rel. or interr. pron. -- Loc. etasmin in this case.

eta f. enī2 rushing, quick; m. a deer; f. etā a doe.

eta [3] a. arrived, come.

etagva a. going quickly.

etatkāla m. this time, i.e. present (opp. tatkāla).

etattulya a. like this.

etad (n. sgl. of eta) adv. thus, in this manner.

etadanta a. ending with this or these.

etadartham adv. for this purpose, therefore.

etadavastha a. being in this condition, thus situated.

etadyoni a. having this origin.

etadvaśa a. depending on this.

etadvid a. knowing this.

etannāmaka a. having this name.

etannimittam adv. for this reason.*

etanmaya f. ī consisting of this, of such a kind or nature.

etarhi adv. now, at present, at this time (often correl. to yarhi).

etave dat. inf. to i2.

etavai dat. inf. to i2.

etaśa a. swift, quick; m. a horse, esp. of the Sun.

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etaśa a. swift, quick; m. a horse, esp. of the Sun.

etādṛkṣa (f. ī) such, of this or the same kind.

etādṛś (f. ī) such, of this or the same kind.

etādṛśa (f. ī) such, of this or the same kind.

etāvant a. so great, so much, so many, so far; n. adv., loc. etāvati at such a distance, here.

etāvanmātra n. so much.*

eti f. arrival.

etṛ a. going (--°).

ed ( = ā+id) behold! (w. acc.).

edh edhate v (edhati), pp. edhita thrive, prosper, grow up, get strong, great, or happy. C. edhayati make thrive or prosper, strengthen, honour, celebrate. --
     sam = S.

edha a. kindling (--°); m. sgl. & pl. fuel.

edhatu m. f. prosperity, welfare.

edhavant a. nourished with fuel.

edhas [1] (h. sgl. & pl.) fuel.

edhas [2] n. prosperity.

edhodaka n. fuel and water.

ena [1] pron. stem of 3d pers. (used subst.).

ena [2] m. deer (only --°).

enas n. sin, crime, fault.

enasvant sinful, wicked.

enasvin sinful, wicked.

enā (instr. of a1 adv.) thus, in this way, here, there, then, --enā paraḥ beyond here; para enā beyond (w. instr.).

ema m. eman n. course, way, path.

eraka m. N. of a serpent-demon; f. ā a kind of grass, ī N. of a plant & a river.

eraṇḍa m. the castor-oil plant.

elā f. cardamoms.

eva adv. so, even so; certainly, really; even, just, exactly, emphasizing the prec. word or only expl., often connected with a pron. or another adv., e.g. sa eva etadeva ityeva tathaiva naiva caiva; eva ca eva vā, etc.

evā [1] adv. so, even so; certainly, really; even, just, exactly, emphasizing the prec. word or only expl., often connected with a pron. or another adv., e.g. sa eva etadeva ityeva tathaiva naiva caiva; eva ca eva vā, etc.

eva [2] a. speedy, quick; m. (mostly pl.) course, way, custom, manner, use.

evarūpa a. of such a form or kind.

evaṃvid a. knowing (thus).

evaṃvidvas a. knowing (thus).

evaṃvidha a. of such sort, such.

evaṃvṛtta a. behaving thus.

evaṃkarman a. having (done) this deed.

evaṃgata a. so circumstanced or situated, such; loc. under such circumstances.

evaṃguṇa a. having such qualities or virtues.

evaṃguṇopeta a. having such qualities or virtues.

evaṃtarkin a. so thinking.

evaṃdarśin a. so seeing or judging.

evam adv. so, in this way (later than eva q.v.), often correl. to yathā. Refers to what precedes or follows. evaṃ kṛtvā for this reason.

evamādi a. this (these) and the like, similar (lit. whose beginning is such).

evaṃpūrva a. preceded by this (lit. having such a predecessor).

evaṃprakāra a. of such kind.

evaṃprāya a. the same.

evaṃbhūta a. (being) such.

evayā a. going quickly, swift.

evayāvan a. going quickly, swift.

evayāmarut exclamation pertaining in some way to the Maruts.

evāṣa m. a cert. small animal.

eṣ eṣati v creep, slide.

eṣa [1] a. rushing on, eṣa m. as subst.

eṣa [2] m. seeking, looking for; wish, desire.

eṣaṇa a. seeking, wishing; n. & eṣaṇā f. the same as subst.

eṣin a. = prec. adj. (mostly --°).

eṣṭa a. won by offerings or worship.

eṣṭavya a. to be sought or desired.

eṣṭi f. wish, desire.

eṣṭṛ a. rushing on, advancing.

eṣya [1] a. to come, future.

eṣya [2] a. to be sought or searched.

eha a. wishing, desirous.

ehas -> anehas.

ai interj.

aikamatya n. unanimity.

aikaśapha a. coming from one-hoofed animals.

aikaśrutya n. monotony.

aikāgrya n. concentrated attention.

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aikātmya n. unity of essence or nature.

aikāntika f. ī exclusive, absolute.

aikāntya n. exclusiveness.

aikāra m. the sound ai.

aikārthya n. unity of purpose, meaning, or notion.

aikāhika f. ī ephemeral, quotidian; belonging to the Ekāha-ceremony.

aikya n. unity, identity.

aikṣava f. ī made of or coming from the sugar-cane; n. sugar.

aikṣavya f. ī made of or coming from the sugar-cane; n. sugar.

aikṣvāka f. ī belonging to Ikṣvāku; m. a descendant of I.

aiḍa f. ī containing refreshment; m. descendant of Ida, i.e. Purūravas.

aiṇa a. coming from the male black antelope.

aiṇeya a. the same; m. = eṇa.

aitadātmya n. the state of being the nature of this (ph.).

aitareya m. N. of an ancient teacher (lit. descendant of Itarā); a. coming from Aitareya.

aitareyaka n. the Brāhmaṇa of Aitareya.

aitareyabrāhmana n. the Brāhmaṇa of Aitareya.

aitareyin m. pl. the school of Aitareya.

aitihāsika f. i relater of old legends.

aitihya n. oral tradition.

aidaṃparya n. chief matter or purpose.

aidha m. thrift, prosperity.

aindava f. ī lunar, belonging to the moon.

aindra f. ī Indra's belonging to or coming from I.; n. E. of a lunar mansion.

aindrajāla n. magic, sorcery.

aindrajālika f. ī magical; m. a juggler.

aindriya a. sensual, belonging to or perceptible by the senses; n. sensual pleasure.

aibha f. ī belonging to an elephant.

airāvaṇa m. N. of Indra's elephant.

airāvata m. the same; also N. of a fabulous serpent-demon.

aila m. = aiḍa m.

ailaba m. noise, roar.

aiśa a. Śiva's belonging to Śiva.

aiśāna f. ī the same + north-eastern; f. ī (sc. diś) the north-east (Śiva's quarter).

aiśi m. son of Īśa i.e. Śiva; patr. of Skanda.

aiśya n. power, might, sway.

aiśvara f. ī belonging to a sovereign or great lord, majestic; n. sovereignty, supremacy.

aiśvarya n. = prec. n. (w. gen., loc., or --°); reign, realm, dominion; superhuman power; poss. -vant.

aiśvaryamatta a. intoxicated by power.

aiṣamas adv. this year.

aiṣīka a. made of stalks or cane.

aiṣṭaka a. made of bricks.

aiṣṭikapaurtika a. consisting of sacrifices and charitable works.

aihalaukika a. belonging to this world.

aihika a. the same.

o  = ā+u1.

oka s. home, house.

okas n. wont, comfort, pleasure; wonted or resting place, refuge, home.

okāra m. the sound o.

okya a. homely; n. = okas.

ogha m. flood, stream (p. -vant); abundance, heap, multitude of (--°).

oṃkāra m. the syllable oṃm (q.v.).

ogaṇa a. standing alone, an outcast.

oja a. odd (the first, third, etc.).

ojas n. strength, vigour, energy, power, might; instr. ojasā with might, energetically.

ojasīna a. showing one's self strong.

ojasya a. powerful.

ojasvant a. powerful.

ojasvitā f. (strength, power*); energetic speech.

ojasvin a. strong, energetic, courageous.

ojāy ojāyate v employ or show strength.

ojiṣṭha (superl.) the strongest of (gen.); very strong or mighty.

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ojīyaṃs (compar.) stronger or mightier than (abl.); very strong or mighty.

ojodā a. giving strength.

ojman m. strength.

oḍa m. N. of a man.

oḍra m. N. of a country, pl. a people.

oḍha a. brought near, got, procured.

oṇi (m. or f.) a kind of Soma-vessel.

oṇḍra m. pl. N. of a people.

ota a. woven or sewn in, pulled through (loc.), interwoven with (instr.).

otave infin. of 2.

otavai infin. of 2.

otum infin. of 2.

otu m. the woof or cross-threads of a web.

odatī f. flowing forth, rising, waving, swarming.

odana m. n. boiled rise, porridge; food i.g.

odanapacana m. the southern fire of the altar (lit. rice-boiler).

odanapiṇḍa m. rice-cake (r.).

odanamaya a. consisting of boiled rice.*

odanavant a. having boiled rice.

odanīy odanīyati v wish for boiled rice.

odman n. waving, flooding; moisture, rain.

opaśa m. lock of hair, top-knot; p. -śin.

om (indecl.) the mystic syllable Om (somewhat like Amen!).

oma m. = ūma.

oman [1] m. protection, favour, assistance.

oman [2] m. = oma.

omanvant a. friendly, favourable.

omātrā f. = oman.

omyā f. = oman.

omyāvant  = omanvant.

oṣa m. burning, combustion.

oṣadhi f. a herb or plant.

oṣadhī f. a herb or plant.

oṣadhipati m. the lord of the plants, i.e. the moon or a physician.

oṣadhīmant a. poss. to oṣadhī.

oṣam adv. quickly, at once.

oṣṭha m. the (down-hanging) upper-lip, lip i.g. (adj. --° f. ī).

oṣṭhaya a. being at or belonging to the lips, labial; m. labial sound.

oha m. attention, kindness, service, also = ohas.

ohabrahman m. a real or true Brahman.

ohas n. conception, notion; instr. really.

aukāra m. the sound au.

aukṣa f. ī coming from an ox, taurine.

aukṣaka n. a multitude of oxen.

aukṣṇa a. the same.

augrya n. fierceness, dreadfulness.

augha m. a flood.

aucitya n. fitness, propriety; wont, habit; pleasure at (--°).

auccaiḥśravasa m. N. of a mythical horse.

aujjvalya n. brilliancy, brightness.

auḍava f. ī relating to the stars.

autkaṇṭhya n. longing, desire.

autkya n. longing, desire.

auttama m. patr. of the third Manu.

auttami m. patr. of the third Manu.

auttarādharya n. state of being above one another.

autpattika f. ī inborn, natural.

autpātika f. ī prodigious, supernatural.

autsukya n. longing, desire; p. -vant.

audaka f. ī belonging to water, grown in water, watery, aquatic.

audanya m. patron. of Muṇḍibha.

audanyava m. patron. of Muṇḍibha.

audanvata a. marine.

audara a. being in the belly.

audarika a. voracious, gluttonous.

audarya a. being in the belly or womb.

audāttya n. having the high tone (g.).

audārya n. sublimity; generosity, liberality (also -tā f.)

audāsīnya n. indifference.

audāsya n. indifference.

audumbara f. ī coming from the Udumbara tree, made of its wood.

audgātra a. relating to the Udgatr; n. his office.

auddālaki m. patron. to uddālaka.

auddhatya n. haughtiness, arrogance.

auddhārika a. belonging to the additional share (j.)

audbhida a. springing forth, prevailing, victorious; n. spring-water.

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audbhidya n. prevalence, victoriousness.

audbhettra n. = prec.

audbhettriya n. = prec.

audvāhika a. relating to marriage, given at marriage.

aunnatya n. height.

aunmukhya n. longing, ardent desire.

aupakārya n. or -ryā f. royal tent.

aupacchandasaka n. N. of a metre.

aupacchandasika n. N. of a metre.

aupadhika a. deceitful; m. deceiver, extorter of money.

aupanāyanika a. relating to the initiation.

aupanidhika a. forming a deposit (j.).

aupaniṣadha f. ī contained or taught in the Upanishads.

aupamanyava m. patron. to upamanyu.

aupamya n. likeness, similitude, comparison.

aupayika f. ī answering to a purpose, suitable, fit, proper.

aupala a. stony, of stone.

aupavasathika a. belonging to the fast-day.

aupavasathya a. belonging to the fast-day.

aupavāhya a. used for driving or riding (carriage, elephant, etc.).

aupāsana m. (sc. agni) the fire used for do mestic rites.

auma a. flaxen or relating to Uma.

auraga a. relating to serpents, serpentine.

aurabhra a. belonging to or coming from a ram or sheep.

aurabhrika m. shepherd.

aurasa f. ī produced from the breast or the (own) body; innate, natural, own; self-begotten, legitimate; m. & f. ī a legitimate child.

aurasya a. = prec. a.

aurṇa a. woollen.

aurṇika a. woollen.

aurṇāsūtra f. ī consisting of woollen threads.

aurdhvadeha n. the future life.

aurdhvadehika a. relating to the future life; n. funeral solemnities.

aurva f. ī1 relating to the earth.

aurva [2] m. Aurva, patron. of sev. Rishis.

aurva [3] a. relating to Aurva (v. prec.); m. the submarine fire (supposed to come from A.).

aurvaśeya a. descending from Urvaśī.

aurvāgni m. = aurva3 m.

aurvānala m. = aurva3 m.

aurvāy aurvāyate v be like the Aurva fire.

aulūkhala a. belonging to the mortar: m. du. mortar and pestle.

auśanasa f. ī a. & patron. to uśanas.

auśija a. eager, zealous.

auśīnara f. ī belonging to the Uśīnaras; f. N. of the wife of Purūravas.

auśīra a. made of the Uśīra root; n. such an unguent.

auṣadha a. consisting of herbs. n. a herb or herbs (collect.); simples, medicine.

auṣadhavikrayin a. selling medicine.

auṣasa a. early, matutinal; f. ī daybreak.

auṣṭra a. derived from a buffalo or camel.

auṣṭraka n. a multitude of camels.

auṣṭha a. lip-shaped.

auṣṇya n. warmth, heat.

ka [1] stem of the interr. pron. (n. kad older than kim q.v.) who, what, which? Used as subst. or adj. in direct & indirect questions, often connected w. iva u nāma nu vā svid, also w. a demonstr. pron., e.g. ko ' yamāyāti who comes here? kimidaṃ kuruṣe what are you doing there? Used also as indef. pron. = some, any, whoever, whatever, whichever, esp. after ya & mā, before ca cana cid, & (later) api; kaśca kaścana, etc. w. neg. = nobody, none, n. nothing. kaścit-kaścit the one--the other; pl. some-others.

ka [2] m. the god Who (E. of Prajāpati, Brahman, etc.); n. joy, water, head.

kaṃvant a. salutary, pleasant, lovely.

kaṃsa m. a vessel made of metal; metal, brass (also n.); N. of a myth. king slain by Kṛṣṇa.

kaṃsaniṣūdana m. E. of Kṛṣṇa (v. prec.).

kaṃsaśatru m. E. of Kṛṣṇa (v. prec.).

kaṃsāri m. E. of Kṛṣṇa (v. prec.).

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kakāra m. the sound ka.

kakutstha m. N. of an ancient king.

kakud f. peak of a mountain, hump on the shoulders of the Indian bull; head, chief.

kakuda n. (m.) the same.

kakudman a. high, lofty.

kakudmant a. = prec. & seq.; m. mountain or buffalo.

kakudmin a. having a hump.

kakunmant a. towering, lofty.

kakubh f. peak, summit; region, quarter; N. of a metre.

kakubha a. high, lofty, sublime, eminent. m. a kind of goblin, a cert. musical mode.

kakuha a. = prec. adj.

kakkola m. a cert. tree (also ī f.); n. (also -ka n.) a perfume made of its berries.

kakṣa m. hiding-place, recess; thicket, weeds; f. ā enclosed court, private apartment; m. & f. ā armpit, region of the girth; girdle, cincture; balance (mostly f.); likeness, similarity; rivalry, emulation (only f.)

kakṣīvant m. N. of a Rishi.

kakṣya [1] a. belonging to a thicket.

kakṣya [2] a. hidden, secret. f. ā girdle, cincture; balance.

kaṅka m. heron; N. of a man, pl. of a people.

kaṅkaṭa m. mail, armour.

kaṅkaṇa n. ring-shaped ornament, bracelet.

kaṅkaṇābharaṇa a. adorned with a golden bracelet.*

kaṅkata m. kaṅkatikā f. comb.

kaṅkapattra [1] n. a heron's feather (on the arrow).

kaṅkapattra [2] a. furnished with heron's feathers; m. such an arrow.

kaṅkapattrin a. = prec. a.

kaṅkāla m. n. skeleton.

kaṅkeli m., -llī f. the Aśoka tree.

kaṅkelli m., -llī f. the Aśoka tree.

kaṅkola m. -lī f. N. of a plant.

kaca m. the hair of the head; N. of a son of Bṛhaspati.

kacaṭatapagajaḍadaba n. specimen of a nonsensical speech.

kacarūpin a. wearing the form of Kaca.

kaccid -> kad.

kaccha m. the margin of a river or lake; marshy or watery ground.

kacchapa m. tortoise; N. of a serpent-demon.

kaja n. a lotus.

kajjala n. ī f. lampblack, used as ink or a collyrium.

kañcuka m. n., ī f. (adj. --° f. ā) coat of mail, bodice, jacket.

kañcukin m. chamberlain (poss. to prec.).

kaṭa [1] -> vikaṭa.

kaṭa [2] m. a straw mat; hip ( = kaṭi); the temples of an elephant; a cert. throw of the dice.

kaṭaka m. a straw mat; m. n. cord, string, bracelet; valley; royal camp; caravan.

kaṭakaṭāy kaṭakaṭāyati & kaṭakaṭāte v gnash, grate (onomat.).

kaṭakaraṇa n. -kriyā f. the twisting of a mat.

kaṭapūtana m. -nā f. a kind of demon.

kaṭākṣa m. a sidelong glance.

kaṭāgni m. straw-fire.

kaṭāha m. (n., & ī f.) a frying pan, anything hollow, e.g. the temples of an elephant.

kaṭi f. hip.

kaṭī f. hip.

kaṭu a. pungent, biting, sharp, bitter; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kaṭuka a. = prec. adj.; abstr. kaṭukatā f., kaṭukatva n.

kaṭukita a. irritated (lit. made sharp).*

kaṭubhāṣin a. speaking sharply.*

kaṭṭ kaṭṭayati v hill (i.e. heap up the earth about).

kaṭphala m. names of trees.

kaṭvaṅga m. names of trees.

kaṭha m. N. of an ancient teacher & his disciples.

kaṭhina a. hard, violent (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); f. ī chalk; n. cooking vessel.

kaṭhinay kaṭhinayati & kaṭhinīkṛ v make hard, harden.

kaṭhora a. hard, stiff; sharp, cruel; young, buxom.

kaṭhoracitta a. hard-hearted; abstr. -tā f.

kaṭhoray yati v harden, strengthen, vivify.

kaḍa a. dumb.

kaḍāra a. tawny.

kaṇa m. a small grain or single seed; flake, drop, spark; atom, a bit.

kaṇavāhin a. bearing drops, wet.

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kaṇāda m. N. of the author of the Vaiśeṣika philosophy.

kaṇānna a. feeding on grains, abstr. -tā f.

kaṇika m. = kaṇa.

kaṇūkay pp. -yantī being in distress.

kaṇṭaka m. thorn, prickle, point, sting, fish-bone; erection of the hair of the body; annoyance, vexation, pain; foe, enemy.

kaṇṭakita a. thorny, covered with erect hairs.

kaṇṭakidruma m. thorn-tree.

kaṇṭakivṛkṣa m. thorn-tree.

kaṇṭakin a. thorny; m. thorn-plant.

kaṇṭha m. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) throat, neck (lit. & fig.); sound, voice; --° often = having a thing at or in the throat.

kaṇṭhaga a. reaching up to the throat.

kaṇṭhagata a. the same, being at or in the throat, cf. kaṇṭhavartin.

kaṇṭhagraha m. -ṇa n. an embrace.

kaṇṭhabhūṣaṇa n. *bhūṣā f. ornament for the neck.

kaṇṭhavartin a. being in the throat i.e. ready to escape (life).

kaṇṭhasajjana n. hanging down from the neck.

kaṇṭhāśleṣa m. = kaṇṭhagraha.

kaṇṭhya a. being at or in the throat; produced by the throat, guttural.

kaṇḍana n. thrashing, husking; husk, chaff; f. ī mortar.

kaṇḍu mostly kaṇḍū f. itching, scratching.

kaṇḍura a. itching.

kaṇḍula a. itching.

kaṇḍūti f. = kaṇḍu.

kaṇḍūy kaṇḍūyati kaṇḍūyate v scratch; M. itch (lit. & fig.).

kaṇḍūyana n. scratching, itching.

kaṇva m. N. of an old Rishi, pl. his descendants.

kataka m. the Kataka tree; n. the nut of it (used for clearing water).

katama a. (pron. interr.) who or which (of many)?

katara (pron. interr.) who or which (of two)?

kataratas (adv. interr.) on which of the two sides?

kati [1] (pron. interr.) how many? w. cid & api some, several.

kati [2] m. N. of an ancient sage.

katidha w. cida (pron. indef.) the so and so maniest.

katidhā (adv. interr.) in how many places or parts? how often? w. cid everywhere.

katipaya f. ī (ā) some, several. *Instr. & abl. n. adv. with some exertion, hardly.

katipayakusuma a. having few flowers or blossoms.

katipayarātram (acc. adv.) some days (lit. nights).

katipayāhasya (gen. adv.) after some days.

katividha a. how manifold?

kattā f. a die.*

katth katthate (katthati) v boast, praise, flatter; abuse, blame. --
     vi boast or brag of (instr.), praise, extol; degrade, humble (also C.).

katthana a. & n. boasting.

kathaṃrūpa a. of what shape?

kathaṃvīrya a. of what power?

kathaka a. relating; m. relater, reciter.

kathaṃjātīyaka a. of what kind?

kathana a. telling, tale, story.

kathanīya a. to be told or named.

katham adv. how? in what way? whence? interr. & excl.; often followed by nu ( = katham alone or = how much more, w. neg. how much less); also by iva nāma svid. With cana cid, & (later) api indef. somehow, in any way, scarcely, hardly, a little (katham sometimes doubled); w. a negation (kathaṃ cana also alone) in no way, by no means, not at all. yathā kathaṃ cid howsoever, anyhow.

kathaṃbhūta a. how being? of what quality?

kathay kathayati (kathayate) v pp. kathita (q.v.) talk, converse with (instr. ± saha); relate, report, denounce, declare, explain, state. P. be called, pass for (nom.). --
     pari name.
     pra announce, report.
     vi talk idly, chatter.
     sam = S.

kathayitavya a. to be told or mentioned.

kathā [1] adv. how? in what way? whence? In a. l. more frequent than katham q.v. -- yathā kathā ca howsoever.

kathā [2] f. talk, conversation about (loc. or --°); tale, story of (gen. or --°); communication, mention, statement; discussion, dialogue. -- kā kathā what mention of i.e. to say nothing of (gen., loc., or prati w. acc.). kaiṣā kathā to say nothing of it. kathāṃ kṛ talk or think of (gen.).*

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kathānaka n. a short tale or story.

kathāntara n. (course of) conversation.

kathāvalī f. collection of tales.

kathāsaritsāgara m. ocean of the rivers of tales, T. of a work of Somadeva.

kathita a. said, mentioned; n. talk, conversation.

kathodaya m. beginning of a tale; mention, statement.

kad (Ved. n. acc. sgl. of ka1) nonne, num? w. neg. & cana by no means; kaccid & kaccinnu = kad alone. Often °--, where it marks abnormity or defectiveness.

kadana n. slaughter, destruction.

kadamba m. the Kadamba tree (has orange-coloured fragrant blossoms). m. multitude, group.

kadambaka m. the Kadamba tree (has orange-coloured fragrant blossoms). m. multitude, group.

kadambagola m. Kadamba blossom (lit. globe)*

kadambapuṣpatva a. state of a Kadamba blossom (v. prec.).

kadartha a. having what purpose?

kadarthana n. -nā f. vexation, annoyance.

kadarthay kadarthayati v despise, vex, annoy; *surpass.

kadarya a. avaricious, stingy; abstr. -tā f.

kadala m. -lī f. N. of a tree.

kadalikā f. the same; flag, banner.

kadalīgṛha n. bower of Kadali trees.

kadā adv. when? at what time? how? With na never; w. cana the same or at some time, once; w. cid some time or other, sometimes, perhaps; w. api (later) at any time, always, ever. kadā cid kadā cidapi & kadāpi w. na never.

kadru a. tawny, reddish-brown. f. kadrū a cert. Soma-vessel; N. of the mythol mother of serpents (also kadru).

kadhapriya a. ever kind or friendly.

kadhaprī a. ever kind or friendly.

kan (only pp. kāyamāna, aor. akāniṣam, & perf. or intens-stem cākan or cakān) be glad, be satisfied with, enjoy (acc., loc., gen., or instr.); be liked, please, (w. gen.); love, wish, desire (acc.). --
     ā be pleased with (loc.); strive after, long for. -- Cf. saṃcakāna.

kanaka n. gold; m. N. of sev. plants.

kanakamaya f. ī golden.

kanakarasa m. liquid gold.

kanakavalaya m. n. a gold bracelet.

kanakaśakti m. E. of Skanda (lit. Gold-spear).

kanakasūtra n. a gold cord or chain.

kanakājja n. gold-lotus.

kanakojjvala a. shining with gold.

kanakhala n. N. of a bathing-place.

kanā f. a girl.

kaniṣka m. N. of an Indoscythic king.

kaniṣṭha (superl.) the smallest, least, lowest, youngest, younger; f. ā the youngest wife, (±anguli) the little finger.

kaniṣṭhaka f. -ṣṭhikā the smallest; f. kaniṣṭhikā the little finger; subordination, obedience.

kanī f. girl, maiden (in a. l. only gen. pl.).

kanīna a. young, youthful.

kanīnaka [1] m. boy, youth; f. ā girl, maiden.

kanīnaka [2] m. kanīnakā & kanīnikā f. the pupil of the eye.

kanīyaṃs (compar.) smaller, less, younger, very little or small; m. a younger son or brother.

kanīyasa a. smaller, less, younger.

kantva n. welfare, happiness.

kanthā f. a patched garment.

kanda m. bulbous root, bulb.

kandara n. cave, glen.

kandarpa m. the god of love, love.

kandarpajanana f. ī exciting love.*

kandala n. the flower of the Kandali plant.

kandalay pp. kandalita bring forth abundantly (lit. like Kandalas, -> prec.).

kandalī f. N. of a plant.

kandu s. cooking utensil, boiler or saucepan.

kanduka m. the same; playing ball, pillow.

kandottha n. blue lotus.*

kaṃdhara m. neck (lit. head-bearer).

kanya a. the smallest; f. kanyā girl, maid, daughter, the Virgo in the zodiac.

kanyaka f. ā = prec. a. & f.

kanyakābhāva m. state of maidenhood, virginity.

kanyakubja n. N. of a town.

kanyātva n. virginity.

kanyādātṛ m. who gives his daughter in marriage.

kanyādāna n. the giving a daughter in marriage.

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kanyāpradāna n. the giving a daughter in marriage.

kanyādūṣaka m. defiler of virgins.

kanyāpura n. gynaeceum.

kanyābhāva m. virginity.

kanyābhaikṣa n. the begging for a maiden.

kapa m. pl. a cert. class of gods.

kapaṭa m. n. fraud, deceit; °-- feigned, pretended, dissimulated.

kapaṭakāpaṭika m. cheat, rogue, sharper; f. ā fraud, deceit.*

kapaṭanāṭaka n. the comedy of deceit.*

kapanā f. worm, caterpillar.

kaparda m. a small shell used as a coin; braided or knotted hair (resembling a shell).

kapardaka m. -dikā f. a small shell (v. prec.).

kapardin a. wearing braided or knotted hair (v. kaparda), shaggy (of a bull); m. E. of Śiva etc.

kapala n. a half, a part.

kapāṭa m. n. door or door-panel.

kapāṭavakṣas a. broad-breasted (v. prec.).

kapāla n. cup, jar, cover or lid, shell, potsherd, skull, the cotyla.

kapālaka a. formed like a shell; m. a shell, dish, f. -likā a. potsherd.

kapālakuṇḍalā f. N. of a sorceress.

kapālamālin a. wearing a garland of skulls (Śiva).

kapālin a. bearing a cup (for begging) or skulls (Śiva or a cert. Śivaitic seet).

kapi m. ape.

kapiketana m. E. of Arjuna.

kapiñjala m. a kind of partridge.

kapittha m. N. of a tree; n. its fruit.

kapidhvaja m. = kapiketana.

kapipati m. chief of the monkeys.

kapila a. brown, reddish; m. N. of an ancient sage etc.; f. ā a brown cow or a kind of leech.

kapilarṣi m. the Rishi Kapila.

kapilavastu s. N. of Buddha's native town.

kapiśa a. brown, reddish.

kapiṣṭhala m. N. of a Rishi, pl. his descendants.

kapītana m. N. of sev. plants.

kapīndra m. = kapipati.

kapīśvara m. = kapipati.

kapucchala n. the hair on the back part of the head; the forepart of a sacrificial ladle.

kapūya a. smelling badly, stinking.

kapṛth m. the membrum virile.

kapṛtha m. the membrum virile.

kapota m. dove, pigeon; f. kapotī a. pigeon-hen.

kapotapālikā f. a dove-cot, pigeon-house.*

kapola m. cheek.

kapha m. phlegm (one of the three humours of the body).

kabandha -> kavandha & kavandhin.

kabandhin -> kavandha & kavandhin.

kabara a. speckled, brindled; f. ī a braid of hair.

kam [1] interr. or emphasizing particle, esp. after dat. inf.; encl. after nu su & hi.

kam [2] (without pres.), pp. kānta (q.v.) wish, desire, love. C. kāmayate (ti) the same; kāmaṃ kāmayamāna having a wish. --
     anu & abhi wish, desire.
     ni lust after, long for (acc.).

kamaṭha m. tortoise.

kamaṇḍalu m. water-jar.

kamaṇḍalūdaka n. water from a jar.

kamala m. n. lotus-flower.

kamalanayana a. lotus-eyed.

kamalanetra a. lotus-eyed.

kamalalocana a. lotus-eyed.

kamalapattra n. a lotus-leaf; -pattrākṣa a. = prec. a.

kamalamukha f. ī lotus-faced.

kamalavana n. -lākara m. a group of lotuses.

kamalākṣa f. ī lotus-eyed.

kamalāy pp. -yamāna resemble a lotus-flower.

kamalinī f. the lotus-plant; a group or lake of lotuses.

kamalinīdala n. a lotus-leaf.*

kamalekṣaṇa a. lotus-eyed.

kamidhātu) m. the root kam.

kamp kampate (kampati) v pp. kampita (q.v.) tremble, shake. C. kampayati te make tremble or shake, agitate. --
     anu sympathize with, commiserate (loc. or acc.); C. the same (w. acc.).
     abhi & ā = S.
     ud tremble, swing upwards. C. shake up, agitate.
     pra tremble, quiver, shake, become loose. C. make tremble, swing, agitate.
     vi tremble, stir, move, cease from (abl.) C. make tremble.
     sam = S.

kampa m. trembling, shaking, esp. earthquake.

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kampana a. trembling or causing to tremble; n. = prec.

kampavant a. trembling.

kampita a. trembling; shaken, swing; n. a trembling, tremor.

kampin a. trembling; --° shaking, swinging.

kampra a. trembling, agile, quick.

kambala m. (n.) woollen cloth or cover; m. also dew-lap.

kambu m. a shell or a bracelet made of shells.

kambukaṇṭha f. ī shell-necked (i.e. having a neck with three folds).

kambugrīva the same; m. N. of a tortoise.

kamboja m. pl. N. of a people.

kamra a. pleasant, beautiful.

kamvant -> kamvant.

kaya (only gen. sgl. m.) w. cid each, every.

kayā (instr. adv.) in what manner?

kara f. ī1 (ā) making, doing, causing, producing (mostly --°); m. the hand (lit. maker); an elephant's trunk.

kara [2] m. ray of light, sun-beam; revenue, tax, tribute.

karaka m. a water-pot.

karakisalaya n. finger (lit. shoot of the hand).

karagraha m. -ṇa n. taking the hand, marriage.

karaṅka m. skull or head.

karañja m. N. of a tree.

karaṭa m. an elephant's temple or cheek; crow.

karaṭaka m. a kind of musical instrument*; N. of a jackal.

karaṇa [1] a. active, clever, skilled.

karaṇa f. ī2 making, causing (--°). m. helper, assistant, N. of a caste (f. ī); complex of sounds, i.e. word. n. making, doing, causing; action, occupation; organ, instrument; instrumentality or the instrumental case (g.); document, bond, evidence (j.).

karaṇarūpa a. having the function of an instrument.

karaṇīya a. to be done or caused; n. affair, matter, business.

karaṇḍa n. -ṇḍaka m., -ṇḍikā f. a basket or box.

karatala n. the palm of the hand.

karapattra n. a saw.

karapallava m. = karakisalaya.

karapāla m. chief tax-gatherer.

karabha m. the trunk of an elephant; a young elephant or camel.

karabhaka m. a man's name.

karabhūṣaṇa n. ornament for the hand, bracelet.

karabhorū f. having round thighs (lit. thighs resembling an elephant's trunk).

karambha m. groats, gruel; poss. -mbhin.

karambhavālukā f. sgl. & pl. hot sand for groats (a punishment in hell).

karambhād a. eating groats.

kararuha m. a finger-nail.

karavāla m. sword; -- -pāṇi s. in hand.*

karavīra m. fragrant oleander.

karavīradāma n. a garland of fragrant oleander.*

karas n. action, deed.

karastha a. being in or on the hand.

karasna m. fore-part of the arm; finger-nail.

karāṅguli f. finger of the hand.

karārpaṇa n. marriage (lit. giving the hand, said of a woman).

karāla a. projecting (teeth or eyes), opening wide, gaping, ugly, terrible; f. ā E. of Durga. Abstr. -tā f.

karālavadana a. having a gaping mouth.

karidanta m. ivory.

karin m. -ṇī f. an elephant (lit. having a trunk).

kariṣṭha (superl.) doing most.

karīra m. n. the shoot of a bamboo; m. a cert. thorny plant, n. its fruit.

karīṣa n. rubbish, dung, esp. dry cow-dung.

karuṇa a. pitiable, miserable, n. adv.; f. ā pity, compassion.

karuṇadhvani m. piteous sound, lamentation.

karuṇavedin a. compassionate; abstr. -ditā f., -dvitva n.

kareṇu m. f. an elephant (f. also -kā).

karoṭi f. basin, cup; the skull.

karka f. ī white; m. a white horse (f. ā).

karkaṭa m. a crab; the sign Cancer.

karkaṭaka m. a crab; the sign Cancer.

karkandhu m. f. the jujube tree, n. its fruit.

karkara a. hard, firm.

karkari f. a kind of lute; f. -rī water-jar.

karkarī f. a kind of lute; f. -rī water-jar.

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karkaśa a. rough, hard.

karkāru m. a kind of gourd.

karkāruka m. a kind of gourd.

karki m. the Cancer in the zodiac.

karkin m. the Cancer in the zodiac.

karketaṇa m. the cat's eye (a sort of gem).

karketana m. the cat's eye (a sort of gem).

karketaraka m. the cat's eye (a sort of gem).

karkoṭa m. N. of a serpent-demon, pl. of a people.

karkoṭaka m. N. of sev. plants; pl. = prec. pl.

karcūra n. auripigment.

karṇa [1] m. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) ear (lit. & fig.), rudder; N. of a hero etc.

karṇa [2] karṇa a. having (long) ears.

karṇa a. having (long) ears.

karṇaka m. lateral prominence, tendril, handle; f. karṇikā earring, the pericarp of a lotus.

karṇakisalaya n. a blossom (as ornament) for the ear.

karṇatāla m. the flapping of an elephant's ears.

karṇadhāra m. helmsman, sailor; abstr. -tā f.

karṇapatha m. compass (lit. path) of hearing.

karṇapūra m. n. ornament for the ears, earring; -ka m. N. of a servant (Ear-filler).

karṇabhaṅga m. bending of the ears.

karṇabhūṣaṇa n. ornament for the ears.

karṇamūla n. the root of the ear; -mūle into the ear.

karṇavant a. having ears or hooks.

karṇaviṣ f. ear-wax.

karṇaveṣṭa m. earring.

karṇaveṣṭaka m. earring.

karṇaveṣṭana n. the same.

karṇaśirīṣa n. a Śirīṣa flower as an ornament for the ears.

karṇaśrava a. audible to the ears.

karṇāṭa m. N. of a people (f. ī).

karṇāṭakalaha m. a Karnatic quarrel (v. prec.), i.e. a quarrel about nothing.*

karṇābharaṇa n. ornament for the ears.

karṇālaṃkaraṇa n.; -kāra m., -kṛti f. the same.

karṇikāra m. N. of sev. plants.

karṇin a. having ears; having knots, barbed (weapons).

karṇotpala n. a lotus flower (as an ornament) for the ears; m. N. of a poet and king.

karṇopaghātin a. deafening (lit. beating the ears).*

karṇya a. being in or at the ear.

karta [1] m. division, distinction.

karta [2] m. hole, cavity (cf. garta).

kartana n. cutting off, excision, destruction.

kartari f. scissors or some other cutting instrument.

kartarī f. the same; -phala n. blade of a knife.

kartavya a. to be made or done; n. duty, task.

kartavyatā f. obligation, necessity.

kartukāma a. desirous to make.

kartṛ m. doer, accomplisher, creator, author, officiating priest; making, causing, working at (--°); facturus; the agent or spontaneous performer of an action (g.).

kartṛka (--°) = karta agent.

kartṛtā f. -tva n. the being an agent.

kartṛbhūta a. being an agent.

kartṛrūpa a. having the function of an agent.

kartos gen. inf. of kṛ1.

karttṛ [1] m. destroyer.

karttṛ [2] m. spinner.

kartra n. spell, charm.

kartva a. = kartavya (also n.).

kardama m. slime, mud; as adj. = seq.

kardamita a. muddy, dirty.

karpaṭa n. rag, patch.

karpaṇa s. a kind of lance or spear.

karpara m. cup, pot; a turtle's shell.

karpūra m. n. camphor.

karpūrakeli m. N. of a flamingo.

karpūratilaka m. N. of an elephant.

karpūrapaṭa m. N. of a dyer.

karpūramañjarī f. N. of a woman, a flamingo, & a drama.

karpūravilāsa m. N. of a washer.

karbu a. spotted, variegated.

karbura a. the same; f. ā a kind of leech.

karmaka (--°) = karman.

karmakara f. ī doing work (for others); servant, artisan.

karmakartṛ m. the object-agent (g.).

karmakṛt a. doing work, active, skilful; m. workman, servant.

karmakṛtya n. activity, industry.

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karmaceṣṭā f. active exertion, labour.

karmacodanā f. impulse to (pious) works.

karmaja a. sprung from an action.

karmajanyatā f. the resulting from an action.

karmaṭha a. capable of, fit for (--°); working or exerting one's self at (loc. or --°); absol. doing religious work, pious.

karmaṇya a. skilful in work, clever, fit for religious acts, auspicious.

karmatā f. -tva n. abstr. to karman.

karmadoṣa m. sinful deed, sin, vice.

karmadhāraya m. a cert. class of compounds (g.).

karman n. action, deed, work, esp. holy work, sacrifice, rite; result, effect; organ of sense; the direct object (g.); fate, destiny.

karmanāman n. a name given according to an action.

karmaniṣṭha a. diligent in sacred works.

karmaniṣṭhā a. diligent in sacred works.

karmapāka m. the ripening (i.e. consequence) of actions.

karmapravacanīya m. term for some prepositions & adverbs under certain conditions (g.).

karmaphala n. fruit or result of actions.

karmabandha m. the tie or fetter of actions.

karmabandhana n. the same; a. bound by actions.

karmamaya f. ī consisting of or resulting from works.

karmayoga m. performance of actions, esp. of religious works.

karmavidhi m. rule of action, observance, practice.

karmavipāka m. = karmapāka.

karmasaṅga m. attachment to action.

karmasaṅgin a. attached to action.

karmasaṃgraha m. the totality of acts.

karmasaṃbhava a. resulting from acts.

karmasākṣin m. witness of acts.

karmasiddhi f. success of an act.

karmahetu a. caused by acts.

karmātman a. whose nature is action.

karmānubandhin a. involved in action.

karmānta m. end or completion of a work, management of (--°); occupation.

karmāra m. workman, mechanic, smith.

karmin a. active; doing, performing (--°); m. workman, labourer.

karmendriya n. organ of action (opp. buddhīndriya).

karmopakaraṇa a. doing service by labour.

karvaṭa n. market-place, borough.

karvara n. deed, action.

karśana a. rendering lean, attenuating; tormenting, vexing (--°).

karṣa m. drawing, ploughing, agriculture; a cert. weight.

karṣaka a. tearing, vexing (--°); ploughing, cultivating; m. cultivator, husbandman.

karṣaṇa a. tearing, vexing (--°); n. tearing, drawing near or away; bending (of a bow), vexing, tormenting; ploughing, agriculture.

karṣin a. drawing near, dragging, ploughing; attractive, inviting; m. ploughman, cultivator.

karṣū f. furrow, trench, incision.

karhi adv. when? With cid & api at any time, ever; w. cid & neg. at no time, never.

kal kalayati (kalayate) & kālayati v pp. kalita (q.v.) drive, impel; carry, bear; do, make, cause, produce, utter; observe, notice; try, examine; suppose, think, regard as (2 acc.). --
     ā shake, agitate, cast, fling; seize, tie, fasten; observe, notice; try, etc. = S.
     ud drive out, let loose.
     upa drive home.
     ni drive out, chase away.
     pari follow, pursue, seize, devour; consider or regard as.
     pra drive out, impel, pursue.
     sam drive away, put to flight; join, combine, be of opinion. -- Cf. utkalita.

kala a. dumb, indistinct, low, soft (of sounds); n. adv. -- f. kalā q.v.

kalakaṇṭha m. ī f. N. of sev. birds.

kalakaṇṭhikā f. the female Indian cuckoo.

kalakaṇṭhin m. the Indian cuckoo.

kalakala m. confused noise, buz, humming.

kalaṅka m. spot, mark (l. & f.); poss. -kin.

kalañja m. tobacco.

kalatra n. wife or any female being.

kalatravant a. having a wife.

kalatrin a. having a wife.

kaladhauta n. gold or silver; adj. = seq.

kalana a. causing, producing (--°); f. ā driving, impelling, performing, demeanour, gesture; n. shaking, agitating.

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kalabha m. a young elephant or camel.

kalabhāṣin a. speaking softly.

kalama m. a kind of rice.

kalamakedāra m. a rice-field.*

kalamaudana s. boiled rice.*

kalaviṅka m. sparrow or the Indian cuckoo.

kalaśa m. ī f. pot, water-jar (adj. --° f. ī).

kalaśodaka n. the water in the jar.

kalasa -> kalaśa.

kalaha m. strife, quarrel.

kalahaṃsa m. a kind of duck, goose, or swan (f. ī); N. of a man. -- Abstr. -tā f.

kalahaṃsagāminī f. moving like a swan.*

kalahakāra f. ī causing quarrel, quarrelsome.

kalahapriya a. fond of quarrel, contentious.

kalahavant a. having quarrel with (saha).

kalahin a. having quarrel with (saha).

kalahāy kalahāyate v quarrel, contend.

kalā f. a small part, esp. a sixteenth of the moon's orb; a cert. small division of time; an art (there are 64).

kalājña a. knowing the arts; m. an artist.

kalānātha m. the moon.

kalānidhi m. the moon.

kalāpa m. band, bundle, quiver (also n.); a peacock's tail, ornament i.g; totality.

kalāpin a. having a quiver with arrows or spreading its tail, m. a peacock.

kalābhṛt m. an artist, mechanic.

kalāvant m. the moon.

kalāvida a. = kalānja.

kalāśeṣa a. forming only a small sickle (moon).

kali [1] m. the One-side of a die; the last and worst of the 4 ages of the world; quarrel, strife (personified in all mgs).

kali [2] m. a class of mythic beings; N. of a man, pl. his race.

kalikā f. the sixteenth part of the moon's orb; a cert. small division of time; an unblown flower. blossom.

kalikātā f. the city of Calcutta.

kaliṅga m. N. of a king, pl. of a people.

kaliṅgadeśa m. the country of the Kalingas.

kalita a. furnished with (°-- or --°).

kalitakusuma a. furnished with flowers, budded.

kalindakanyā f. E. of Yamuna.

kalindatanayā f. E. of Yamuna.

kalila a. covered with, full of (--°); n. confusion, chaos.

kaluṣa a. unclean, muddy, turbid (lit. & fig.); n. dirt, stain, blemish.

kaluṣacetas a. having impure thoughts.

kaluṣamati a. having impure thoughts.

kaluṣay kaluṣayati v make turbid, soil.

kaluṣayonija a. of impure origin, base born.

kaluṣāy kaluṣāyate v get turbid or troubled.

kaluṣīkṛ make turbid, trouble.

kalevara n. (m.) the body.

kalka m. dough, paste; dirt, sin.

kalki m. N. of a future liberator of the world.

kalkin m. N. of a future liberator of the world.

kalpa a. feasible, possible; fit for, able to, capable of (gen., loc., inf., or --°). m. ordinance, rule, esp. for ceremonial or sacrificial acts, practise, custom, manner, way (adj. --° having the manner or way of --. i.e. resembling --, similar to --; after an adj. almost, as it were); a fabulous period of time, a day of Brahman or 1000 yugas. etena kalpena in this way. prathamaḥ kalpaḥ or prathamakalpaḥ primary rule (opp. anukalpa), chief matter, main point.

kalpaka a. normal, answering; stating, supposing (--°); m. ordinance, rule, precept.

kalpakṣaya m. the end of a Kalpa.

kalpataru m. the (mythic) Wish or Wonder-tree.

kalpadruma m. the (mythic) Wish or Wonder-tree.

kalpadhenu f. the (mythic) Wish or Wonder-cow.

kalpana n. forming, imagining, cutting, fashioning; f. ā the same + contrivance, arrangement, action, deed; form, shape.

kalpanīya a. practicable, possible, to be supposed or stated.

kalpapādapa m. = kalpataru.

kalpavṛkṣa m. = kalpataru.

kalpasūtra n. a Sutra work on ritual.

kalpādi m. the beginning of a Kalpa (v. seq.).

kalpānta m. the end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world.

kalpya a. to be made of (instr.); to be supposed, imagined, or stated.

kalmali s. splendour.

kalmalīkin a. shining, bright.

kalmaṣa n. dirt, stain, sin.

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kalmāṣa f. ī black spotted. m. N. of a serpent demon; f. kalmāṣī a spotted cow; n. spot, stain.

kalya a. well, healthy, ready, able, capable. n. health; dawn, daybreak; an intoxicating drink. kalyam kalye & kalya (°--) early.

kalyavarta (*m.) morning meal, breakfast; n. a trifle, a little.

kalyāṇa (f. kalyāṇī) beautiful, lovely, good, excellent, noble, auspicious, fortunate. f. -ṇī a kind of shrub; n. fortune, happiness, virtue (p. -ṇin); festival.

kalyāṇakaṭaka s. N. of a place.

kalyāṇakṛt a. doing good, virtuous.

kalyāṇasūcaka a. indicating fortume auspicious.*

kallola m. wave, billow.

kalhaṇa m. N. of an author.

kava -> akava kavatnu & kavāri.

kavaka n. a mushroom.

kavaca m. n. armour, mail, jacket, the bark of a tree.

kavacadhara m. a wearer of mail ( = a young man).

kavacin a. dressed in armour.

kavatnu a. stingy.

kavandha m. n. barrel, cask (metaph. of a cloud or the belly); a headless trunk. m. E. of the demon Danu.

kavandhin a. having casks (of water), driving the rain clouds (the Maruts).

kavala m. mouthful, bit, morsel; -- gulf.*

kavalana a. swallowing, devouring; n. the same as subst.

kavalaya kavalayati v pp. kavalita swallow, devour.

kavaṣ (f. kapaṣī) gaping, opened wide.

kavaṣa (f. kapaṣī) gaping, opened wide.

kavāri a. stingy.

kavi a. wise, thoughtful; m. a wise man, seer, sage, poet (esp. of artificial poems); N. of sev. men.

kavikratu a. = prec. adj. (lit. h. wise understanding).

kavitā f. poetry.

kavitva n. wisdom (also -tvana), poetry, poetic talent.

kaviputra m. N. of a dramatic poet.

kavirāja m. king of poets; N. of a poet.

kaviśasta a. said or praised by wise men.

kavoṣṇa a. lukewarm, tepid.

kavya a. = kavi a.; m. pl. a class of Manes; n. an oblation to the Manes (mostly connected with havya).

kaśa m. a kind of gnawing animal, a whip; f. kaśā whip, rope, rein.

kaśāvant a. having a whip.

kaśikā f. a whip.*

kaśipu m. n. mat, pillow.

kaśīkā f. a weasel.

kaśu m. N. of a man.

kaśmala f. ī & ā dirty,--foul; timid, shy. n. dirt; timidity, shyness (also m.).

kaśmīra m. N. of a country, pl. of a people.

kaśyapa a. black toothed. m. tortoise; a class of divine beings; N. of sev. Rishis.

kaṣ kaṣati kaṣate v rub, scratch (M. scratch one's self or being scratched), hurt, destroy. --
     apa scratch off.
     ud rub in, dye.
     ni rub in or scrape off.

kaṣa a. rubbing, wearing off (--°); as subst. the touchstone.

kaṣaṇa n. rubbing, scratching.

kaṣāya a. astringent, sharp (of taste), fragrant, red, dark-red. m. red colour, passion, emotion; decoct, extract, ointment (also n.); n. a yellowish-red garment.

kaṣṭa a. bad, evil, painful, rough, constrained, affected, unnatural. n. evil, grief, pain, difficulty. °--, abl., & instr. with difficulty, hardly; n. kaṣṭam the same, as interj. ah! alas! often after dhik or hā dhik.

kaṣṭatapas a. doing severe penance.

kaṣṭatā f. -tva n. affectation, unnaturalness.

kas kasati v pp. kasta w.
     ud gape, open (intr.).
     nis C. niṣkāsayati drive away.
     pra C. (the same*), cause to expand or bloom.
     vi burst, expand, spread, bloom, blossom, shine, beam. C. cause to blow or shine.

kastambhī f. the prop of a carriage-pole.

kasturikā f. musk.

kastūrikā f. musk.

kastūrī f. musk.

kasmāt (abl. of ka1 as adv.) whence? why?

kahoḍa m. N. of a man, n. of his work.

kahlāra n. the white water-lily.

[1] (°--) = kad or ku (°--).

[2] -> kan.

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kāṃśi m. coup, goblet.

kāṃsya a. brazen; n. brass.

kāṃsyatāla m. a cymbal.

kāṃsyapātra n. -trī f. a brazen vessel.

kāka m. ī f. a crow; abstr. -tā f.

kākatālīya a. unexpected, sudden, lit. like the crow (killed by the) palmfruit; n. & -vat adv.

kākapakṣa m. crow's wing; a side or temple lock (--° also -ka m).

kākapada n. a crow's foot.

kākapadamastaśīrṣaka an abusive word (lit. foot, head, and skull of a crow)*.

kākali f. a soft sweet sound or song.

kākalī f. a soft sweet sound or song.

kākā f. croaking (onom.).

kākāy kākāyate v make kākā.

kākiṇī f. a cert. small coin.

kākinī f. a cert. small coin.

kāku f. wail, lamentation, emphatic speech.

kākutstha m. descendant of Kakutstha (E. of Daśaratha, Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa, etc.).

kākud f. the hollow of the mouth, palate.

kākola m. raven; n. a cert. poison or hell.

kākolūka m. pl. crows and owls.

kāṅkṣa kāṅkṣati kāṅkṣate v desire, long for, strive after, expect (acc.), wait (absol.). --
     anu M. & abhi wish for, strive after (acc.).
     ā the same + long for (gen.), turn to (acc.) require as a complement (g.).
     pratyā M. expect, watch.
     samā pra & prati desire, long for.

kāṅkṣā f. kāṅkṣita n., -tā f. wish, desire.

kāṅkṣin a. desiring, expecting (acc. or --°).

kāca m. glass; pl. glass-pearls.

kācamaṇi m. crystal or quartz (lit. glass jewel).

kācara a. made of glass.

kācitkara a. doing many things or serving many purposes.

kāja n. a wooden hammer.

kāñcana [1] n. gold.

kāñcana f. ī2 golden; m. & f. N. of sev. plants.

kāñcanakalaśa m. a golden jar.*

kāñcanagiri m. the golden mountain (Sumeru).

kāñcanaprabha a. gold-like; m. N. of a king.

kāñcanamaya f. ī golden.

kāñcanamālā f. a woman's name (lit. Goldgarland).

kāñcanācala m. = kāñcanagiri.

kāñcanādri m. = kāñcanagiri.

kāñcanīya a. golden.

kāñci m. pl. N. of a people.

kāñcī f. a girdle, esp. a woman's.

kāñcīguṇa m. the same (lit. girdle-band).

kāñcīguṇasthāna n. a woman's hips (lit. the region of the girdle).

kāñjika n. sour gruel.

kāṭa m. n. depth, hole, bottom.

kāṭayavema m. N. of a commentator.

kāṭava n. acidity.

kāṭavema m. = kāṭayavema.

kāṭya a. being in the depth.

kāṭha a. coming from Kaṭha.

kāṭhaka f. ī belonging to Kaṭha; n. T. of a Veda.

kāṭhakopaniṣad f. = kaṭhopaniṣad.

kāṭhinya n. hardness, rigidity, firmness, severity.

kāṇa a. one-eyed (*akṣṇā blind of one eye); perforated (shell or *eye).

kāṇatva n. one-eyedness.

kāṇelīmātṛ (& kāṇelīsuta*) m. a whoreson. bastard.

kāṇḍa m. n. section, part, internode (of a plant), chapter (of a book); stalk, stem, switch, cane, arrow, long bone.

kāṇḍapṛṣṭha m. a Brahman following the military profession (lit. arrow-backed).

kāṇḍāra m. a cert. mixed caste.

kāṇḍin a. reed-shaped.

kāṇḍīra a. armed with arrows.

kāṇva m. descendant or follower of Kanva.

kātkṛ insult, deride.

kātantra n. title of a grammar; m. pl. the followers of the Katantra grammar.

kātara a. cowardly, timid, shy, afraid of (loc., inf., or --°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kātarya n. = prec. abstr.

kātyāyana m. N. of an old ancient (descendant of Kati), & sev. authors, f. ī a woman's name; adj. (f. ī) coming from Kātyayana.

kātyāyanīya m. pl. the followers of Kātyāyana; n. T. of sev. works.

kādamba m. a kind of goose; n. the flower of the Kādamba tree.

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kādambarī f. a cert. spirituous liquor; N. of the heroine of Bana's novel and the novel itself.

kādambarīsagdhikā f. compotation.*

kādambinī f. a thick mass of clouds.

kādrava a. tawny, reddish-brown.

kādraveya m. metron. of sev. serpent-demons.

kānana n. forest; -nānta n. region of the f.; -naukas m. ape (inhabitant of the f.).

kānīna a. born of a virgin.

kānta a. desired, loved, lovely, beautiful. m. the beloved man, husband; f. beloved or lovely woman, mistress, wife.

kāntatva n. loveliness, beauty.

kāntāra m. n. large forest, wilderness.

kāntārabhava m. inhabitant of a forest, forester.

kānti f. (adj. --° f. also ī) loveliness, splendour, beauty, esp. womanly beauty, charms.

kāntiprada a. giving splendour.

kāntimant a. lovely, charming; abstr. -mattā f.

kānyakujja n. N. of a town.

kāpaṭa f. ī deceitful.

kāpatha m. bad road or course (fig.).

kāpāla f. ī pertaining to or made of skulls. m. pl. the followers of a cert. Śivaitic sect (cf. kāpālin).

kāpālika m. pl. = prec. m. pl.; also a cert. mixed caste.

kāpālikatva n. barbarity, cruelty.

kāpālin m. N. of Śiva (bearer of skulls); pl. a cert. mixed caste.

kāpila f. ī pertaining to or coming from Kapila; m. a follower of Kapila.

kāpileya a. & m. the same.

kāpileyabābhrava m. pl. the Kapileyas and Babhravas.

kāpuruṣa m. wretch, coward; adj. cowardly, mean.

kāpota f. ī peculiar to or coming from a pigeon; pigeon-coloured, grey.

kābhartṛ m. a bad lord.

kāma m. wish, desire, longing for (gen., dat., or loc.); love, inclination, lust, pleasure; pers. as the god of desire or of love; adj. --° (esp. after an inf. stem in tu) wishing for, intending to. -- kāmāya or kāme according to one's wish, out of love for or for the sake of (gen. or dat.) kāmāt & kāmatas voluntarily, intentionally. kāmayā (instr. f.) only after brūhi & prabrūhi freely, unreservedly.

kāmakānana n. the grove of Kama.

kāmakāma a. wishing wishes.

kāmakāmin a. wishing wishes.

kāmakāra a. fulfilling one's (gen.) wishes, m. voluntary or spontaneous action; °--, instr., abl., & adv. in tas voluntarily, intentionally.

kāmakrodha m. du. desire and wrath.

kāmaga a. going or acting of one's own accord.

kāmagati a. moving freely.

kāmagama a. moving freely.

kāmacara f. ī = kāmaga; abstr. -tva n.

kāmacaraṇa n. free motion.

kāmacāra [1] m. free motion or action. -cāratas adv. intentionally.

kāmacāra [2] a. moving or acting freely.

kāmacārin a. the same; sensual, libidinous.

kāmaja a. born of desire or love.

kāmatantra n. the book of love, T. of a work.

kāmatas -> kāma.

kāmada a. granting wishes, abstr. -tva n.

kāmadugha a. the same (lit. milking wishes); successful, fortunate; f. ā the fabulous Wish or Wonder-cow.

kāmaduh (nom. -dhuk) = kāmada a. & prec. f.

kāmadeva m. the god of love.

kāmadhenu f. the fabulous Wonder-cow.

kāmandaki m. N. of an author.

kāmandakī f. N. of a town & a Budhhistic priestess.

kāmapāla m. E. of Śiva (*& Baladeva).*

kāmapūra a. fulfilling desires.

kāmapra a. fulfilling desires.

kāmabhāj a. enjoying desires (kāmānām).

kāmam adv. at will, willingly, freely, easily, by all means, indeed, w. a neg. by no means. kāmam (o.w. imper.)--tu kiṃtu ca punar tathāpi granted, admitted that, although, however -- nevertheless. kāmam--na tu or na ca rather-than.

kāmamūta a. actuated by love.

kāmarāga m. the affection of desire.

kāmarūpa [1] n. a shape changing at will.

kāmarūpa [2] a. taking any shape at will.

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kāmarūpin a. the same.

kāmalubdha a. libidinous (lit. greedy of love).

kāmavant a. enamoured.

kāmavaśa m. subjection to love, amorousness.

kāmavāsin a. taking any abode at will.

kāmavihārin a. roaming freely (at will).

kāmavṛtta a. indulging desires, licentious.

kāmaśāstra n. manual of pleasure or of love.

kāmasamuttha a. springing from desire.

kāmasūtra n. the thread of love, also a love-manual.

kāmahaituka a. caused (only) by desire.

kāmātman a. whose nature is desire, voluptuous; abstr. -tmatā f.

kāmāndha a. blind from love.

kāmābhiṣvaṅga m. amorous inclination.

kāmāri m. the foe of Kāma (E. of Śiva).

kāmārta a. tormented by passion or desire.

kāmārtha m. object or matter of pleasure.

kāmāśoka m. N. of a king.

kāmika a. desired, wished for.

kāmijana m. a lover or lovers (cf. jana).

kāmita n. wish, desire.

kāmitā f. the state of a lover, amorousness.

kāmin a. wishing, desiring, longing for (acc. or --°); loving, affectionate, enamoured of (acc. or sārdham). m. a lover; f. kābhinī a (loving) woman or maiden.

kāmuka a. wishing, desiring (acc.), loving, fond of (--°). m. lover. --f. ī mistress of (--°).*

kāmepsu a. = kāmakāma.

kāmeśvara m. E. of Kubera.

kāmpila m. N. of a tree.

kāmpilaka m. N. of a tree.

kāmboja a. coming from Kamboja. m. a king of the Kambojas; pl. N. of a people = kamboja.

kāmya a. desirable, precious, lovely, pleasant; voluntary, relating to or sprung from a certain wish, egoistical.

kāmyaka m. N. of a wood and a lake.

kāmyatā f. loveliness, beauty.

kāmyā f. wish, desire, striving after (gen. or --°).

kāya f. ī1 relating to the God Ka (Prajapati); m. the marriage rite of Ka.

kāya [2] m. body, heap, group, multitude.

kāyakleśa m. bodily toil or pain.

kāyagata a. dwelling in the body.

kāyadaṇḍa m. control over the body.

kāyavant a. bodily, embodied.

kāyastha m. writer (a mixed caste).

kāyika f. ī bodily, corporeal.

kāyoḍhaja a. born from a wife married by the rite of Ka.

kāra f. ī1 (--°) making, doing, performing, causing; m. maker, author; sound, word.

kāra [2] m. hymn, battle-song.

kāraka (f. kārikā) a. = kāra1 (--°), *also = facturus (acc., abstr. -tva n.); absol. who effects anything, successful. m. maker, doer, author of (gen. or --°). f. metrical explanation of a difficult rule (g.). n. the relation of the noun to the verb, the notion of a case (g.).

kāraṇa a. = kāra1 (--°). n. (adj. --° f. ī) cause, reason, motive, first or chief matter or element, substance; sign, mark, document, proof; means, instrument, organ. °--, abl., instr., & loc. from some cause or reason; for the sake of (gen.); abl. also instead of (gen.). --* Abstr. f., -tva n.

kāraṇakopa a. being angry with cause.

kāraṇakrudh a. being angry with cause.

kāraṇaśarīra n. the causal body (ph.).

kāraṇātman a. whose nature is the cause of (gen.).

kāraṇāntara n. a particular occasion.

kāraṇḍava m. a kind of duck.

kārayitavya a. to be (caused to be) done.

kārayitṛ a. causing to act.

kārā f. prison.

kārāgāra n. prison-house.

kārāgṛha n. prison-house.

kārāvara m. N. of a caste.

kārita a. caused, effected by (--°); f. āvṛddhi) stipulated (not legal) interest.

kārin [1] a. doing, making, causing, acting (w. gen., adv., or --°).

kārin [2] a. praising, exulting; m. singer, poet.

kāru [1] m. -rū f. artisan.

kāru [2] m. singer, praiser, poet.

kāruka m. = kāru1.

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kārukānna n. the food of an artisan.

kāruṇya a. praiseworthy, excellent; n. pity, compassion.

kāruṣa m. N. of a country and caste.

kārūṣa m. N. of a son of Manu.

kārkaśya n. roughness, hardness, severity.

kārttika m. a cert. month in autumn, also = seq.

kārttikeya m. metron. of Skanda.

kārtsnya n. entireness, totality; instr. wholly.

kārpaṇya n. peevishness, wretchedness, niggardliness; pity, compassion.

kārpāsa m. ī f. cotton; adj. made of cotton.

kārpāsaka (f. kārpāsikā & kārpāsikī) = prec. adj.

kārpāsatāntava n. weft of cotton.

kārpāsāsthi n. the seed of the cotton plant.

kārmaṇa a. pertaining to or sprung from actions; enchanting, bewitching (abstr. -tva n.). n. magic, sorcery.

kārmaṇika a. caused by magical art.

kārmāra m. artisan, smith.

kārmuka [1] a. effective.

kārmuka f. ī2 consisting of wood of the tree Kṛmuka; n. (m.) a bow.

kārmukin a. armed with a bow.

kārya a. to be done etc. (v. kṛ1). n. affair, duty, business, work, matter; lawsuit, dispute; an operation in grammar; effect, result; purpose, object. kiṃ kāryam to what purpose? na kāryamasmākam we have no business with or need of (instr.).

kāryakaraṇa n. performing one's duty.

kāryakāraṇa n. a special cause or motive.

kāryakāla m. time for acting.

kāryatā f. -tva n. the being an effect or a result.

kāryadarśana n. trial of a law-suit.

kāryadarśin a. sagacious, ingenious (lit. seeing what is to be done).

kāryadhvaṃsa m. the giving up of a business.

kāryanidhāna f. ā accomplisher or treasure of works.*

kāryanirṇaya m. decision of a law-suit.

kāryapadavī f. way to act.

kāryarūpa a. appearing as a result (ph.).

kāryavattā f. abstr. to seq.

kāryavant a. having a business, occupied.

kāryavaśāt (abl.) for a certain purpose or business.

kāryavinimaya m. reciprocity of duty, mutual obligation.

kāryavṛttānta m. matter of fact.

kāryavyasana n. the failure of a business.

kāryaśeṣa m. the rest of a business.

kāryaśeṣajña a. knowiNg what is left to be done (v. prec.).

kāryasiddhi f. accomplishment of a business, success.

kāryahantṛ m. destroyer of a business.

kāryākārya (°--) what is and what is not to be done, right and wrong.

kāryātipāta m. neglect of a business; a. -tin.

kāryādhikārin m. minister of politics.

kāryāntara n. another business or something else than business, i.e. recreation, pleasure.

kāryāntarasaciva m. the companion of a king in his hours of recreation (v. prec.), maitre de plaisir.

kāryārtha m. an object or business; -m adv. for one's purpose, after one's business.

kāryārthin a. having an object, business, or law-suit.

kāryika a. the same.

kāryin a. the same.

kāryekṣaṇa a. = kāryadarśana.

kāryoparodha m. interruption of a business.

kāryopekṣā f. neglect of a duty, carelessness.

kārśya n. meagerness, thinness, smallness, decrease.

kārṣāpaṇa m. n. a cert. coin or weight.

kārṣi a. drawing, furrowing.

kārṣin a. drawing, furrowing.

kārṣika a. weighing a Karsha.

kārṣīvaṇa m. ploughman.

kārṣṇa f. ī pertaining to the black antelope the dark half of the month, or to Krsna; n. the skin of the black antelope.

kārṣṇāyasa f. ī made of iron; n. iron.

kārṣṇi m. patron. of Kṛṣṇa.

kārṣṇya n. blackness, darkness.

kārṣman n. a furrow as the goal in a racecourse.

kārṣmarya m. N. of a tree.

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kāla f. ī1 dark-blue, black, m. the black part of the eye, E. of Rudra-Śiva; N. of sev. kings etc., also = kālasarpa q.v.; f. ī E. of Durga etc.

kāla [2] m. time, esp. the right or proper time (w. gen., dat., loc., inf., or --°); opportunity, case; season, mealtime (twice a day); the half of a day, hour, age, era, measure of time, prosody; time as ruler or destroyer of the world, i.e. destiny, fate; end; death or the god of death. --paraḥ kālaḥ high time (w. inf.). kālaṃ kṛ appoint a time for (loc.). kālena in course of time (also -gacchatā; kālāt or kālatas), at times; kālena dīrgheṇa bahunā, or mahatā (also gen.) after a long time. kasya citkālasya after some time. kāla & kāle in time, at the right or appointed time; (also kāle gacchati) in course of time, little by little. kāle kāle always in time or at the right time. kasmiṃścitkāle one day. -- ubhau kālau morning and evening. ṣaṣṭhe kāle on the sixth half-day i.e. after three days; pancaśate kāle after 250 days.

kālaka [1] a. dark-blue, black. m. mole, freckle, a sort of grain. f. kālakā a kind of bird; kālikā black spot, E. of Durgā.

kālaka [2] (f. kālikā) monthly.

kālakañja m. pl. N. of a race of Asuras.

kālakaṇṭhaka m. sparrow.

kālakarman n. death (lit. the work of time).

kālakārita a. temporary (lit. caused by time).

kālakūṭa m. a poison produced at the churning of the ocean; poison i.g.

kālakṛta a. temporary, passing (lit. made by time).

kālakṣama a. durable, lasting (lit. bearing time).

kālakṣepa m. loss of time, delay; -kṣepāya to win time.

kālacakra n. the time (thought as) a wheel.

kālajihva a. black-tongued.

kālajña a. knowing the (proper) times.

kālajñāna n. knowledge of time or chronology.

kāladaṇḍa m. the staff of Death.

kāladharma m. the law of time, i.e. death.

kāladharman m. the law of time, i.e. death.

kālanemi m. N. of an Asura.

kālapakva a. ripened by time.

kālapakvabhuj a. eating things ripened by time.

kālaparaśudhāra m. executioner (lit. bearer of the axe of Death).*

kālaparyaya m. the course of time.

kālaparyāya m. the course of time.

kālapāśa m. the sling of Death.

kālapāśasthita a. being in the sling (i.e. on the brink) of death.

kālaprāpta a. come with or produced by time.

kālayoga m. a connection with or arrangement of time. -tas according to circumstances.

kālapriyanātha m. E. of Śiva.

kālavarṣin a. raining in time.

kālavāla a. black-tailed.

kālavid a. & kālavidyā f. = kālajña & kālajñāna.

kālavibhakti f. division of time.

kālavṛddhi f. periodical (not legal) interest.

kālaśāka m. a kind of pot-herb.

kālasaṃrodha m. keeping (of a pledge) for a long time.

kālasarpa m. coluber naga.

kālasūtra n. the cord of the god of death; m. n. N. of a certain hell.

kālaharaṇa n. -hāra m. loss of time, delay.

kālāguru m. a black kind of Agallochum.

kālātipāta m. loss of time, delay.

kālātyaya m. lapse of time, prescription (j.).

kālānusārya s. a kind of gum.

kālāntara n. another time or intermediate time, interval, delay. -- Instr. & abl. after some delay.

kālāntarakṣama a. bearing a delay, patient.

kālāyasa n. iron, adj. made of iron.

kālāyasadṛḍha a. iron-hard.

kālika a. relating to time; timely, season able; lasting as long as (--°).

kāliṅga a. coming from the country of the Kalingas; m. an inhabitant or king of it; f. -ngī princess of the Kalingas.

kāliṅgaka a. coming from the country of the Kalingas; m. an inhabitant or king of it; f. -ngī princess of the Kalingas.

kālidāsa m. N. of several poets.

kālinda n. water-melon, f. ī patr. of the Yamuna river; a. coming from this river.

kāliman m. blackness.

kālīna a. relating to the time of --°; also = kālika (--°).

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kālīyaka m. N. of a serpent-demon; n. a kind of fragrant black wood.

kālya n. daybreak; loc. & acc. at daybreak, early.

kāvya [1] a. having the qualities of a sage; wise, inspired; m. patr. of Uśanas.

kāvya [2] a. the same; n. wisdom, inspiration; poetry, poem; m. pl. a class of Manes.

kāvyakartṛ m. a poet.

kāvyaprakāśa m. light of poetry, T. of a work.

kāvyabandha m. a poem or verse (lit. composition of poetry).*

kāvyarasa m. the flavour of poetry.

kāvyaśāstra n. manual on poetry, T. of a work.

kāvyādarśa m. mirror of poetry, T. of a work.

kāvyālaṃkāra m. ornament of poetry, T. of a work = seq.

kāvyālaṃkārasūtra n. a manual on the ornaments of poetry; -vṛtti f. the commentary to this work.

kāś kāśate (kāśati) v pp. kāśita be visible, appear, shine, be brilliant or pleasant. I. cākaśīti & cākaśyate shine bright; see clearly, survey. --
     abhi I. shine bright upon, illumine; look on, survey.
     ava be visible, lie open.
     nis C niṣkāśayati -> kas. pra be visible, shine, radiate, appear, become clear or manifest. C. prakāśayati (te) make visible, cause to appear, show, unveil, explain, declare as (acc.).
     saṃpra & C. the same.
     vi appear. C. display, spread; illuminate, irradiate. l. pp. vicākaśat shining, beaming; beholding, perceiving.
     sam appear, behold.

kāśa m. a kind of grass.

kāśi m. the clenched hand or a handful; m. N. of a people; kāśi or kāśī f. the town of Benares.

kāśika a. coming from Kāśi or Benares; f. ā the town of Benares (±vṛtti T. of a commentary).

kāśin a. appearing (--°).

kāśirāja m. king of the Kāśi.

kāśmarī f. kāśmarya m. N. of a plant.

kāśmīra f. ī pertaining to or coming from kacmira; m. = kaśmīra.

kāśmīraja n. saffron.

kāśmīrajanman n. saffron.

kāśya m. ā f. king & queen of the Kāśi.

kāśyapa f. ī patron. to Kaśyapa; N. of sev. persons.

kāṣa m. rubbing.

kāṣāya a. dyed brown-red; f. ī a kind of wasp or bee; n. a brown-red garment.

kāṣṭha n. stick of wood, log; a kind of measure.

kāṣṭhabhāra m. a load of wood.

kāṣṭhabhṛt a. leading to the goal (cf. kāṣṭhā).

kāṣṭhamaya f. ī made of wood, wooden.

kāṣṭhaloṣṭamaya a. made of wood or clay.

kāṣṭhastambha m. a beam of wood.

kāṣṭhā f. race-course, course (esp. of the winds and clouds); mark, goal, limit; summit, top, height (fig.); cardinal point or quarter of the heaven; a cert. measure of time.

kās kāsate (kāsati)1 v to cough.

kās [2] f. kāsa m., kāsā f. cough.

kāsavant a. having a cough.

kāsāra m. pond, lake.

kāsikā f. cough.

kāsin a. having a cough.

kāhan n. a day of Brahman, a Kalpa.

kāhas n. a day of Brahman, a Kalpa.

kāhala a. improper, unbecoming (speech); m. a large drum, f. ā a cert. wind-instrument.

kāhlāra a. coming from the white water-lily.

ki interr. stem in kim & kis.

kiṃyu a. what wishing?

kiṃrūpa a. of what shape or form?

kiṃvadanta m. N. of an imp or goblin. f. ī rumour, common saying (lit. what do they say?).

kiṃvarṇa a. of what colour?

kiṃvyāpāra a. of what occupation?

kiṃśuka m. N. of a tree; n. its flower.

kiṃsakhi m. a bad friend.

kiṃsuhṛd m. a bad friend.

kiṃhetu a. having what reason?

kikidīvi m. the blue jay.

kiṃkara m. ī f. servant or slave.

kiṃkartavyamūḍhatā f. the being at a loss about what is to be done.*

kiṅkiṇī f. a small bell.

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kiṅkirāta m. the Aśoka tree.

kiṃcanya n. possession (lit. somethingness).

kiñjalka s. filament or blossom, esp. of the lotus.

kiṃjyotis a. having what light?

kiṭi m. a wild hog.

kiṭṭa n. secretion, dirt.

kiṇa m. thick hard skin, callosity, scar.

kiṇva n. ferment, lees.

kitava m. gambler (f. -vī); cheat, deceiver.

kināṭa n. bark of a tree.

kiṃdevata a. having what as a deity?

kiṃdevatya a. belonging or consecrated to what deity?

kiṃnara m. a class of mythical beings (half man half animal).

kiṃnarakaṇṭha f. ī singing like a Kimnara (v. prec.).

kiṃnāmaka f. -mikā a. having what name?

kiṃnāmadheya a. the same.

kiṃnāman a. the same.

kiṃnimitta a. having what cause or reason? (tas adv. wherefore?*).

kim (n. sgl. of ki to ka1, used also °-- as stem o. = kad q.v.) what? as adv. whence? wherefore? why? also merely interr. = num, an; in all these mgs o. connected with aṅga iti iva u uta nu (khalu), vā svid, in the second clause of a double question kim alone or w. uta u vā nu vā vā, also (without kim) uta uta vā & vāpi atha vā or āho svid. -- With cana (ca na), cid (& api*) indef. = something, a little (kimapi also in l. l. rather, much, vehemently); w. all three & a neg. by no means, not at all. kimu how much more, however. still. kiṃ ca moreover, further (esp. between two stanzas). kiṃ tu yet, however, nevertheless. kimuta & kiṃ nu how much more or less. kiṃ punar the same + still, yet however. kimuddiśya for what purpose (lit. aiming at what)? kim w. instr. what is gained by? what is the use of? what is it (instr.) to (gen.)?

kimartha a. having what purpose or aim?

kimākhya a. having what name?

kimācāra a. of what conduct?

kiṃpara a. having what consequences?

kiṃpuruṣa m. a class of mythical beings, imp, dwarf (cf. kiṃnara).

kiṃpuruṣaparvata m. the mountain of the Kimpurushas.

kiṃprabhu m. a bad master.

kiṃphala a. bearing what fruit or result?

kiṃbala a. of what strength? how strong?

kiṃbhṛtya m. a bad servant.

kimmaya a. consisting of what?

kiṃmātra a. of what measure?

kiyacciram adv. how long? -reṇa how soon?

kiyadadbhuta n. no great wonder.

kiyaddūra n. what or some distance (v. seq.); °--, acc., or loc. not far, a little way off (loc also how far?*).

kiyant a. how great? how far? how long? what sort of? indef. in a derogatory sense = not great; small, little. kiyātyā (loc. w. ā1) how long ago? n. kiyat adv. how far? how much? something, a little.

kiyanmātra a. of small importance.

kiyāmbu n. N. of a cert. water-plant.

kir a. scattering, spreading (--°).

kiraṇa m. very small dust, a mote, a ray or beam of light.

kirāṭa m. merchant, trader.

kirāta m. ī f. N. of a barbarous mountaintribe (appearing also in the service of kings).

kirātārjunīya n. (the combat of) Arjuna with (Śiva in the form of) a Kirata, T. of an epic poem.

kiri -> ākhukiri.

kirika a. sparkling.

kirīṭa n. diadem; m. = kirāṭa.

kirīṭin a. diademed, crowned (E. of gods and heroes).

kirmira a. variegated, many-coloured.

kirmīra a. variegated, many-coloured.

kirmīrita a. variegated, many-coloured.

kila (kilā) adv. indeed, of course (lays stress on the preceding word).

kilakila m. E. of Śiva; f. -lā (onom.) shout of joy.

kilañja m. a mat.

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kilāsa a. leprous; f. kilāsī a kind of spotted deer; n. leprosy.

kiliñja m. = kilañja.

kilbiṣa n. fault, guilt, sin against (--°), offence, injury; p. -ṣin.

kilbiṣaspṛt a. shunning or removing sins.

kiśora m. ī f. colt; young animal i.g., also lad, lass.

kiṣkindha m. N. of a mountain, f. ā of a cave in it.

kiṣku m. fore-arm, handle (of an axe).

kis interr. particle.

kisalay kisalayati v cause to sprout or germinate (also fig.).

kisalaya n. sprout or shoot; -yita having sprouts or leaf-buds.

kīkaṭa m. pl. N. of a people.

kīkasa m. the spine; f. kīkasā vertebre; n. a bone i.g.

kīcaka m. reed, sedge; m. N. of an ancient chief, pl. of a people.

kīja m. a cert. instrument.

kīṭa m. worm, insect; w. āgneya a fireworm (applied by a thief for extinguishing a lamp).

kīṭaka m. = prec.

kīṭaja n. silk (lit. produced by a worm).

kīdṛkṣa a. of what sort?

kīdṛgākāra a. of what shape?

kīdṛgrūpa a. of what shape?

kīdṛgvyāpāravant a. having what occupation?

kīdṛś f. ī of what sort? what like? Before ca & after yāvat indef.

kīdṛśa f. ī = prec., also good for what, i.e. useless.

kīnāra m. cultivator of the soil.

kīnāśa m. plougher, drudge, slave, niggard.

kīra m. parrot; pl. N. of a people.

kīri m. praiser, poet.

kīrin a. praising; m. = prec.

kīrṇa a. scattered, dispersed, spread, strewn, covered, filled.

kīrtana n. -nā f. mentioning, report.

kīrtay kīrtayati v (kīrtayate) mention, commemorate, tell, report, proclaim, praise (gen. or acc.); mention or declare as, name, call (2 acc.); P. be called, pass for (nom.). --
     anu remember, mention, report, relate.
     pari tell around, announce, relate, report, praise, commend; w. 2 acc., P. w. 2 nom.
= S.
     pra mention, quote, communicate, relate, divulge, praise, approve; w. 2acc. etc. =
     pari saṃpra mention, declare, name.
     sam mention, repeat, proclaim, praise.

kīrti f. mention, speech, report, renown, glory.

kīrtināśana a. destroying reputation.

kīrtibhaj a. enjoying reputation, renowned.

kīrtimant a. glorious, celebrated (of pers.).

kīrtiyuta a. glorious, celebrated (of pers.).

kīrtenya a. deserving praise.

kīla m. kīliṃkā f. a pointed piece of wood; peg, bolt, wedge, etc.

kīlaka m. kīliṃkā f. a pointed piece of wood; peg, bolt, wedge, etc.

kīlāla m. a sweet drink, similar to the Amrit; n. blood.

kīlita a. stuck on, fastened; stuck or covered with (--°).

kīvant a. = kiyant.

kīśa m. ape, monkey.

kīsta m. praiser, singer.

ku [1] (°--) = kad.

ku [2] -> .

ku [3] f. earth, soil, land.

kukāvya n. a bad poem.

kukura m. N. of a people.

kukkuṭa m. cock; f. kukkuṭī hen.

kukkuṭaka m. N. of a caste.

kukkura m. dog, f. ī bitch.

kukṣi m. belly, womb (also kukṣī f.); cave, valley.

kuṅkuma m. saffron.

kuc kuñc kucati kuñcate, pp. kuñcita v (q.v.) & kucita shrink, curl, contract, draw in (intr.) C. kuñcayati. --
     sam A. = S. + close, shut (intr.). C. saṃkocayati contract, draw in (tr), close up, lessen, diminish. -- Cf. ākuñcita vikuñcita saṃkucita.

kuca m. the female breast (mostly du.).

kucandana m. red sanders or saffron.

kucara a. roving, wandering; behaving ill.

kucaritra n. kucaryā f. evil conduct.

kucela n. bad garment; a. badly clothed.

kujīvikā f. a wretched life.

kuñcana n. contraction.

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kuñci m. a cert. measure of quantity.

kuñcikā f. a key.

kuñcita a. contracted, bent, curled.

kuñcī f. cumin.

kuñj kuñjati v murmur.

kuñja m. bush, bower.

kuñjara m. elephant (f. ī); chief or best of (--°).

kuṭaja m. N. of a tree.

kuṭaru m. cock.

kuṭi f. curve, contraction (--°); hut, cottage.

kuṭila a. crooked, curled; false, deceitful. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kuṭilaka a. bent, curved; f. -likā a kind of dance.

kuṭilakarkaśa a. crooked (false) and hard.

kuṭilakeśa f. ī having curled hair.

kuṭilagāmin a. going crookedly.

kuṭilīkṛ bend, curve.

kuṭī f. = kuṭi.

kuṭīra s. hut, bower.

kuṭumba n. household, family.

kuṭumbaka n. household, family.

kuṭumbabharaṇa n. support of the family.*

kuṭumbin m. householder, father of a family; member of a household or family, servant. -nī f. housewife, matron; maid-servant.

kuṭṭ kuṭṭayati v pp. kuṭṭita sqash, stamp, crush.

kuṭṭa a. sqashing, stamping, crushing, hammering.

kuṭṭaka a. sqashing, stamping, crushing, hammering.

kuṭṭana n. stamping, pounding, beating; f. ī = kuṭṭinī.

kuṭṭāka a. tearing, lacerating (--°).

kuṭṭinī f. a bawd, procuress.

kuṭṭinīputra m. son of a bawd.*

kuṭṭima n. plaster-floor, pavement.

kuṭhāra m. axe; -rikā f. a small axe.

kuṭhāraka m. axe; -rikā f. a small axe.

kuṭhārika m. a wood-cutter (axe-bearer).

kuḍmala a. blossoming; s. blossom (l. & f.), n. a cert. hell.

kuḍmalita a. blossomed or shut like a blossom.

kuḍya n. ā f. wall.

kuṇapa [1] n. carcase, corpse.

kuṇapa [2] a. rotting, mouldering.

kuṇapabhuj m. a Rakṣas (lit. carcase-eater).

kuṇāru a. lame in the arm.

kuṇi a. = prec. (*w. instr.); abstr. -tva n.

kuṇṭh only pp. kuṇṭhita blunted, dulled. -- Cf. vikuṃṇṭhita.

kuṇṭha a. blunt, dull; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kuṇḍa n. jar, pitcher (also ī f.); hole in the ground, fire-pit. m. the son of a wife by a paramour.

kuṇḍaka s. & kuṇḍikā f. = kuṇḍa n. & ī f.

kuṇḍala n. ring, esp. ear-ring.

kuṇḍalin a. wearing ear-rings; forming a ring, coiled; m. a snake.

kuṇḍāśin a. eating from a Kuṇḍa.

kuṇḍina m. a man's name; n. = seq.

kuṇḍinanagara n. N. of a town.

kuṇḍinapura n. N. of a town.

kutapa m. n. a blanket of goat-hair; m. Kuśa grass.

kutas adv. whence? whither? wherefore? why? how? Also = abl. of the inter. pron.; w. api cana & cida from any (side), w. neg. from no side, from nowhere.

kutuka n. curiosity, eagerness, interest; desire for (--°).

kutūhala n. the same (also w. prati or loc.); anything curious, interesting, or amusing.

kutūhalavant a. curious, eager, interested in anything.

kutūhalin a. curious, eager, interested in anything.

kutra (kutrā) adv. where? whither? on what account? for what purpose? With cid & api indef. anywhere, somewhere. kutra cid w. neg. nowhere; kutra cid -- kutra cid here--there, sometimes -- sometimes; kutra--kva = kva--kva.

kutsa m. N. of a Rishi etc.

kutsana n. reviling, abuse, reproach.

kutsay kutsayati v pp. kutsata revile, abuse, blame.--
     abhi & ava = S.

kutsā f. = kutsana.

kutsya a. blamable.

kuth only pp. kuthita putrid, stinking, & C. kothayati cause to putrify.

kutha m. ā f. a dyed woollen blanket.

kudṛṣṭi f. bad sight; bad doctrine or system.

kuddāla s. hoe, spade.

kudhī a. foolish, stupid; m. a fool.

kunakha a. having ugly nails.

kunakhin a. having ugly nails.

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kunta m. spear, lance.

kuntala m. the hair of the head; pl. N. of a people.

kuntāpa n. cert. organs in the belly; N. of a section of the Atharvaveda.

kunti m. pl. N. of a people; sgl. = seq.

kuntibhoja m. a prince of the Kuntis.

kuntī f. N. of Pṛthā, one of the two wives of Pāṇḍu, adopted daughter of Kunti.

kuntīsuta m. son of Kuntī, E. of the Pāṇḍavas.

kunda m. a kind of jasmine; n. its flower.

kundalatā f. stalk or twig of jasmine.

kup kupyati kupyate v pp. kupita become moved or agitated, boil up, be angry with (dat. or gen.). C. kopayati te excite, agitate, make angry. --
     pari become greatly moved, be very angry. C. excite vehemently, make very angry.
     pra = S., C. = S. C.
     sam become angry. C. boil up; make angry, excite. -- Cf. prakupita.

kupa m. beam of a pair of scales.

kupaya a. moving, restless.

kupāyu a. liable to anger.

kuputra m. a bad son.

kupuruṣa m. bad man, wretch, coward.

kupya n. base metal (all metal except silver and gold).

kuplava m. a bad raft.

kubera m. Kubera, the chief of the spirits of darkness, afterwards the god of riches, the regent of the north.

kubja a. humpbacked, crooked.

kubjaka m. N. of a plant.

kubjakagulma m. thicket of Kubjakas (v. prec.).

kubhanyu a. desirous of water.

kubhā m. N. of a river.

kubhikṣu m. a wicked beggar.

kubhra m. a cert. animal.

kumati [1] f. false opinion, folly.

kumati [2] a. foolish, stupid.

kumanas a. displeased, angry.

kumāra m. boy, youth, son, prince (lit. easily dying, frail); E. of Skanda, the god of war. f. -rī girl, maiden, daughter; a woman's name.

kumāraka m. child, little boy, youth; f. -rikā girl, maid.

kumāratva n. boyhood, youth.

kumāradeṣṇa a. granting perishable gifts.

kumārabrahmacārin a. chaste from infancy.

kumāravana n. Kumara's grove.*

kumāravrata n. vow of chastity.*

kumārasaṃbhava m. the birth of the god of war, T. of a poem.

kumārin a. having or granting children.

kumārila m. N. of a philosophical teacher.

kumārilabhaṭṭa m. N. of a philosophical teacher.

kumārilasvāmin m. N. of a philosophical teacher.

kumārībhāga m. a daughter's share.

kumārībhāva m. maidenhood, virginity.*

kumitra n. a bad friend.

kumuda n. the flower of the white water-lily.

kumudākara m. a group of Kumudas (v. prec.).

kumudinī f. the Kumuda plant, also = prec.

kumudvant a. abounding in Kumudas; f. kumudvatī = prec.

kumba s. a kind of head-dress for women.

kumbha m. jar, pot (also kumbhī), funeral urn; du. the two frontal globes of an elephant, which swell in the time of rutting.

kumbhaka  = prec. adj --°; m. n. a cert. religious exercise to suspend the breath.

kumbhakarṇa m. N. of a Rākṣasa.

kumbhakāra m. a potter (a cert. mixed caste).

kumbhadāsī f. a whore or bawd.

kumbhadhānya a. having grain enough to fill a jar.

kumbhāṇḍa m. a cert. class of demons.

kumbhin a. having a jar; m. elephant.

kumbhila (& -ka*) m. thief.

kumbhīdhānyaka a. = kumbhadhānya.

kumbhīnasa m. a kind of serpent.

kumbhīpāka m. the contents of a cooking vessel; the being cooked in jars (in a cert. hell).

kumbhīra m. crocodile.

kumbhīla m. the same; thief (also -ka m.*).

kumbhīlaka m. N. of a servant.

kuyava a. bringing a bad harvest. m. N. of a demon; n. a bad harvest.

kuyavāc a. speaking ill, abusing.

kuraṅga m. a kind of antelope, antelope i.g., f. ī a female antelope.

kuraṅgaka (& -ka*) m. = prec. m.

kuraṅganayanā f. a fawn-eyed woman.

kuraṅganetrā f. a fawn-eyed woman.

kuraṅgākṣī f. a fawn-eyed woman.

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kuraṅgākṣī f. a fawn-eyed woman.

kurabaka m. crimson amaranth; n. its flower.

kurara m. ī f. osprey.

kurīra n. a kind of head-band.

kuru m. N. of an ancient king; pl. his race and people.

kurukurāy kurukurāyate v prattle, chatter.*

kurukṣetra n. N. of a country and celebrated battle-field; m. pl. its inhabitants.

kurupañcāla m. pl. the Kurus and PaJcālas.

kurupāṇḍava (m. du. & pl.) the descendants of Kuru and Pāṇḍu.

kuruvṛddha m. E. of Bhīṣma.

kurūpa a. ill shaped, ugly; abstr. kurūpatā f.

kurūru m. a kind of worm.

kurkura m. dog.

kula n. herd, flock, swarm, multitude, race, family, esp. good family, nobility; guild, corporation, community, association, caste, tribe; land for one family, abode, residence, house; chief of a corporation (v. kulabhūta). °-- often = chief, noble.

kulaka multitude (adj. --°); n. three or more (lokas forming only one sentence.

kulakanyakā (& kulakumārī*) f. a girl of good family.

kulakṣaya m. ruin of a family.

kulaguru m. chief or priest of a family.

kulagotra n. du. family and tribe.

kulaghna a. destroying a family.

kulaja a. born of noble race.

kulatantu m. the last (lit. thread) of his race.

kulattha m. a kind of pulse.

kuladūṣaṇa a. disgracing a family.

kuladeva m. -tā f. family god or deity.

kuladaiva n. the same.

kuladaivata n. the same.

kuladharma m. practice, observance, or duty of a family.

kulanārī f. a noble woman.

kulanāśaka f. -śikā destroying a family.*

kulapati m. head of a family.

kulapā m. head of a family.

kulapāṃsana f. ī disgracing a family.

kulaputra m. son of a noble family.

kulapratiṣṭhā f. support or prop of a family.

kulabhūta a. being the chief of a corporation.

kulabhūbhṛt m. chief mountain; excellent prince.

kulamitra n. a friend of the family.

kulavadhū f. a woman of good family.

kulavardhana a. propagating a race.

kulavidyā f. family science.

kulavrata n. family vow.

kulasaṃkhyā f. the being numbered among the (noble) families, respectability.

kulasaṃtati f. propagation of the race, posterity.

kulasaṃnidhi m. the presence of many; loc. before witnesses.

kulastamba m. the grass-tuft (last straw) of a family.

kulastrī f. a woman of good family.

kulāṅkura m. offspring of a family.

kulāntakaraṇa n. causing the end of a family.

kulānvaya m. descent from a noble race.

kulānvita a. descended from (lit. possessed of) a noble race.

kulāya m. n. texture, web, nest, case.

kulāyin a. forming a nest, nest-like, homely.

kulāla m. potter, f. -lī.

kulika m. a kinsman.

kuliṅga m. a kind of mouse or bird.

kulija n. a cert. vessel or measure.

kuliśa m. axe, hatchet, a cert. fish; n. thunderbolt, diamond; f. kuliśī N. of a river in the sky.

kuliśadhara m. the thunderbolt-bearer (Indra).

kuliśabhṛt m. the same.

kulīkaya m. a cert. aquatic animal.

kulīkā f. a kind of bird.

kulīna a. of noble race or mind; belonging to the family of, related to (--°).

kulīya (--°) = kulīna (--°).

kulīra m. a crab.

kulūta m. pl. N. of a people.

kulodgata a. sprung from a noble race.

kulodvaha a. propagating the race of, descendant of (--°).

kulpha m. ankle.

kulmala n. neck i.e. the portion between point and shaft (of an arrow).

kulmāṣa (m. sgl. & pl.) sour gruel of fruits etc.

kulmi s. herd, multitude.

kulya [1] a. belonging to a family; also = kulīna.

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kulya [2] a. belonging to a river.

kulya [3] n. place for preserving the bones of a burnt corpse.

kulyā f. river, channel.

kullūka m. N. of a celebrated scholiast on Manu. lva a. bald.

kuvaya m. a cert. bird.

kuvala n. the fruit of the jujube tree (f. kuvalī); also = seq.

kuvalaya n. the blue water-lily.

kuvalayadṛś f. a dark-eyed woman (v. prec.).

kuvalayanayanā f. the same.

kuvalayākṣi f. the same.

kuvalayānanda m. T. of a work.

kuvalayita a. adorned with water-lilies.

kuvitsa m. anybody, an unknown person.

kuvid interr. particle (in direct and indir. questions).

kuvinda m. weaver.

kuvindaka m. weaver.

kuvivāha m. a low marriage.

kuśa m. grass, esp. the sacred grass used at cert. rel. ceremonies. --f. kuśā & kuśī a little peg, serving as a mark.

kuśara m. a kind of reed.

kuśala a. in good condition, in order, all right, proper, suitable, well, healthy; equal to, capable of, clever, skilful, versed in (loc., gen., inf., or --°). f. kuśalī N. of sev. plants. n. right condition, welfare, health, luck; also = seq.

kuśalatā f. ability, skill, cleverness.

kuśalapraśna m. inquiry after another's wellfare.

kuśalavant a. healthy, well.

kuśalavāc a. eloquent.

kuśalāvasānatā f. happy result.*

kuśalin a. = kuśalavant, also auspicious, favourable.

kuśalīkṛ put in order, arrange.

kuśavāri n. water boiled with Kuśa grass.

kuśastamba m. a heap of (Kuśa) grass.

kuśāvatī f. N. of a town.

kuśika m. N. of an ancient sage; pl. his race, also N. of a people.

kuśīlava m. bard, herald, actor; du. N. of the two sons of Rāma.

kuśūla m. -> kusūla & -dhānyaka.

kuśūladhānyaka m. -> kusūla & -dhānyaka.

kuśeśaya a. lying on Kuśa grass; n. waterlily.

kuśodaka n. = kuśavāri.

kuśorṇā f. pl. grass-wool.

kuśri m. N. of a teacher.

kuṣ kuṣṇāti & kuṣati v pp. kuṣita pinch, tear, gnaw, knead. --
     nis the same.

kuṣavā f. N. of a river or a Rākṣasī.

kuṣītaka m. a cert. bird; a man's name.

kuṣṭha m. N. of sev. plants (also n.); f. kuṣṭhā point, beak, hind-claw; n. leprosy.

kuṣṭhikā f. hind-claw.

kuṣṭhita a. leprous.

kuṣṭhin a. leprous.

kuṣmāṇḍa m. N. of a plant; pl. a class of demons.

kusitā f. a cert. demoniacal being.

kusitāyī f. a cert. demoniacal being.

kusidāyī f. a cert. demoniacal being.

kusindha n. trunk.

kusīda a. lazy, inert; n. lending money, loan; also = kusīdapatha & kusīdavṛddhi.

kusīdapatha m. usury.

kusīdavṛddhi f. interest on money.

kusīdin m. usurer.

kusuma n. flower, bud.

kusumakomala a. tender as a flower.

kusumacāpa m. the god of love (having a bow of flowers)

kusumadāyin a. putting forth buds.*

kusumadhanvan m. = kusumacāpa.

kusumamaya f. ī consisting of flowers.

kusumamālā f. garland of flowers.*

kusumay kusumayati v pp. kusumita (q.v.) bring forth flowers.

kusumaśayana n. a couch of flowers.

kusumaśara having flowers for arrows (abstr. -tva n.); m. the god of love.

kusumākara m. the spring; --N. of a garden.*

kusumāñjali m. two handfuls of flowers, a flower offering.

kusumāḍhya a. rich in or adorned with flowers.

kusumāpīḍa m. wreath of flowers.*

kusumāyudha m. = kusumaśara m.

kusumāvacaya m. gathering flowers.

kusumāstaraṇa n. = kusumaśayana.

kusumita a. budded, flowered; n. blossoming or the time of blossoming.

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kusumodgama m. the coming forth of flowers, blossoming.*

kusumbha m. safflower; pot, water-jar.

kusumbhakṣetra n. field of safflower.

kusumbhavant a. carrying a water-pot.

kusūla m. a granary.

kusūladhānyaka a. having enough to fill a granary.

kustrī f. a bad woman.

kuha adv. where (also w. svid). With cid wherever, somewhere.

kuhaka m. cheat, deceiver, juggler; f. ā and n. juggling, deception.

kuhayā adv. where?

kuhara m. N. of a serpent-demon; n. hole, cave.

kuharabhāj a. dwelling in dens.

kuhā f. N. of a plant.

kuhū f. the new moon (personif.).

kuvate v w. ā1 intend.

[2] adv. where? w. cid anywhere.

kūcī f. pencil, brush.

kūj kūjati kūjate v make inarticulate sounds. cry, sing (of a bird), coo, caw, hum, moan, groan, etc. --
     anu follow in crying etc.
     abhi ā ud vi sam
= S.

kūja m. kūjana & kūjita n. crying, singing, etc.

kūṭa [1] n. bone of the forehead, horn; peak, point, heap, mass (also m.); trap, snare, fraud, deceit, falsehood.

kūṭa [2] a. not horned (ox etc.); false, deceitful.

kūṭaka a. false; n. eminence, projection.

kūṭakarman n. fraud, deceit.

kūṭakāraka m. forger, false witness.

kūṭakṛt m. briber, falsifier.

kūṭatāpasa m. a false (not real) ascetic.

kūṭapāla m. fever of the elephant.

kūṭapālaka m. fever of the elephant.

kūṭavāgurā f. a hidden trap or snare.*

kūṭaśāsana n. a forged edict; -kartṛ m. forger of an edict or document.

kūṭasākṣin m. false witness.

kūṭastha a. being at the head, highest, supreme; standing amidst (--°); immovable, unchangeable.

kūṭākṣa m. a false die.

kūṭāgāra m. n. upper room pleasure-house.

kūḍ kūḍayati v (kūḍalayati) singe, scorch. --
     upa roast.

kūṇ kūṇati v pp. kūṇita contract, close (intr.). --
     ni & vi = S.

kūdī f. fagot, bundle, bunch.

kūpa m. hole, cave, well.

kūpakhanana n. digging of a well.

kūpacakra n. wheel for drawing water from a well.

kūpayantra n. wheel for drawing water from a well.

kūpāra -> akūpāra.

kūpya a. being in a hole or well.

kūbara m. or n., kūbarī f. (adj. --° f. ā) the pole of a carriage.

kūra n. boiled rice.

kūrca m. n. bundle, bunch, brush; n. beard.

kūrcaka m. the same.

kūrcatā f. beardedness.

kūrcala a. bearded.

kūrcānata a. long-bearded (lit. bent down by the heard).*

kūrd kūrdati kūrdate v leap, jump. --
     ud jump up.
     pra jump forward.

kūrda m. -na n. a jump.

kūrpa s. sand.

kūrpara m. elbow, r. knee.

kūrpāsaka m. jacket, bodice.

kūrma m. tortoise (f. kūrmī); one of the winds of the body; N. of a serpent-demon & a Rishi.

kūrmapati m. the king of tortoises (who bears the earth).

kūrmi & kūrmin -> tuvikūrmi & tuvikūrmin.

kūl kūlayati v (cf. kūḍ) singe. --
     ava = S.

kūla n. slope, hill; shore, bank.

kūlaṃkaṣa a. wearing of the bank (river).

kūlajāta a. grown on the shore.

kūlavatī f. river (lit. having banks).

kūlinī f. river (lit. having banks).

kūlya a. belonging to a bank or shore.

kūlva a. bald.

kūśma m. a cert. demoniacal being.

kūṣma m. a cert. demoniacal being.

kūṣmāṇḍa m. a kind of imp or spirit; a cert. spell or magical verse (also f. ī & n.).

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kṛ [1] (skṛ), kṛṇoti kṛṇute karoti kurute (karati & karti), pp. kṛta (q.v.) make, do, cause or produce anything in or on one's self or others; absol. act, work; bring or help to (dat.); get or procure for (gen.), M. for one's self; make or begin something (acc., esp. kim) with something (instr.); make something (acc.) of something (instr. or abl.); make (into), render 2 acc. or acc. & adj. or adv. in ī ū -- With the acc. of an abstr. kṛ answers to a verb of kindred mng, e.g. w. praveśam = enter, w. maraṇam die, w. rājyam reign; esp. in the periphr. perf., e.g. vidāṃ cakāra he knew. We often use a more special verb, e.g. perform or offer (yajñam), prepare or till (kṣetram), fix (samayam), wait (kṣaṇam), utter (vācam or śabdam), exert (vīryam), show, betray, feel (kṛpām bhāvam sneham), enjoy (sukham), marry (dārān), violate, dishonour (kanyām) etc.; put, set in or on (pāṇau skandhe), take to (hṛdi); ponder, deliberate (cetasi manasi hṛdaye), turn, direct (manas, w. loc.), call, name (nāmnā) etc. Note also dvidhā kṛ divide into two, bhasmasāt° reduce to ashes, tṛṇavat° value like straw. For other phrases cf. the corr. adj. or adv. C. kārayati kṛṇoti kṛṇute karoti kurute (karati & karti), pp. kṛta (q.v.) make, do, cause or produce anything in or on one's self or others; absol. act, work; bring or help to (dat.); get or procure for (gen.), M. for one's self; make or begin something (acc., esp. kim) with something (instr.); make something (acc.) of something (instr. or abl.); make (into), render 2 acc. or acc. & adj. or adv. in ī ū -- With the acc. of an abstr. kṛ answers to a verb of kindred mng, e.g. w. praveśam = enter, w. maraṇam die, w. rājyam reign; esp. in the periphr. perf., e.g. vidāṃ cakāra he knew. We often use a more special verb, e.g. perform or offer (yajñam), prepare or till (kṣetram), fix (samayam), wait (kṣaṇam), utter (vācam or śabdam), exert (vīryam), show, betray, feel (kṛpām bhāvam sneham), enjoy (sukham), marry (dārān), violate, dishonour (kanyām) etc.; put, set in or on (pāṇau skandhe), take to (hṛdi); ponder, deliberate (cetasi manasi hṛdaye), turn, direct (manas, w. loc.), call, name (nāmnā) etc. Note also dvidhā kṛ divide into two, bhasmasāt° reduce to ashes, tṛṇavat° value like straw. For other phrases cf. the corr. adj. or adv. C. kārayate cause to act or do (2 acc. or acc. of th. & instr. of pers.), have something put in (loc.), also = S. D. cikīrṣati te wish to act or do. I. karikrati (3 pl.) do repeatedly. --
     adhi put before or over, place at the head, appoint to (loc.); make a thing the chief matter or main point; be entitled to (A. w. loc., M. w. acc. or inf.).
     anu do afterwards, imitate, equal (acc. or gen.).
     apa put off, remove; injure, offend, do wrong (acc., loc. or gen.).
     abhi do in behalf of (acc.); effect, make.
     ā bring or call near; bring about, perform, prepare; serve a god (gen.), sacrifice. C. call near; ask for (2 acc.).
     apā keep off, remove, pay (a debt); reject, desist.
     udā expel, select.
     upā bring near, fetch; grant, present; acquire, get; invite, prepare, undertake, begin (r.).
     nirā separate, select; push, away, keep off, reject, destroy; refuse, contradict.
     vyā divide, separate from (instr.), analyse, explain.
     samā bring together, collect, unite; make ready, prepare. is ( =
     nis) arrange, make ready, prepare.
     upa bring near, impart, grant, offer, render a service (gen. or loc. of pers.); further, support; w. skṛ M. prepare, cultivate (land), adorn. enchase; think of, care for (acc. or *gen.); deform, corrupt.
     pratyupa return a service. tiras put aside, remove, cover, conceal; cut out, supplant, surpass; contemn, despise, blame, abuse.
     ni bring down, humiliate.
     vini wrong, injure, offend.
     nis bring forth from (abl.); drive away (also w. skṛ), dispel, exclude; accomplish, arrange, settle, prepare, bring together; restore, requite.
     pari prepare (food); w. skṛ make ready, fit out, adorn. puras put before or at the head, place in front, introduce, appoint to (loc.); show, betray.
     pra perform, effect, cause, make, render (2 acc.); take, marry; appoint to (loc.); undo, destroy, kill; violate, deflower; M. induce, move, cause to do; direct or turn (manasṃ buddhim) upon (dat. loc.). resolve; gain, acquire, effect; put before, mention. pipra hurt, wrong, injure, disappoint (Caus. the same*).
     prati do against, return, repay, revenge (acc. of th., gen., dat., loc. of pers.); counteract, withstand (act. of th. and gen. of pers.); restore, requite, repay. D. wish to requite or revenge (acc. of th., acc. or loc. of pers.).
     vi make different, change, alter, divide. detail, specify; deform, spoil, destroy; develop, produce; M. (P.) become different, alter, become hostile, unkind, or faithless (w. gen. or loc.); contend, fight.
     sam (kṛ & skṛ) put together, join, compose, prepare, arrange; consecrate, invest, initiate, marry; refine, embellish, adorn.
     abhisam (skṛ) arrange, perform. M. render (2 acc.); consecrate, dedicate.
     upasam (skṛ) prepare, adorn.
     pratisam restore, repair. -- Cf. adhikṛta adhikṛtya upaskṛta nikṛta pariśkṇta puraskṇta puraskṇtya prakṇta vikṇta saṃskṇta.

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kṛ [2] I.-st. carkṛ (3 sgl. M. carkṛṣe w. act. & pass. mg.) commemorate, mention, extol (gen.).

kṛ [3] (skṛ), kirati kirate, pp. kīrṇa pour out, cast forth, scatter, strew, cover, fill. --
     anu scatter, strew; cover, fill.
     abhi sprinkle, cover, fill.
     ava pour down, scatter, spread, spend (semen); cast off, reject; sprinkle, bestrew, cover, fill.
     samava bestrew, cover entirely.
     ā scatter or bestow abundantly, cover over, fill.
     samā scatter over, cover.
     ud whirl up (dust); excavate, engrave.
     upa scatter or throw down, besprinkle, bestrew.
     vini scatter, disperse; throw away, abandon.
     pari scatter or strew about, surround.
     pra scatter forth, throw down; spring forth, issue, rise.
     vi throw asunder or about, cast, hurl, scatter, disperse, dissolve, split, rend.
     sam pour out, bestow richly, cover, fill; mix together, confound. -- Cf. avakīrna ākīrṇa utkīrṇa prakīrṇa vikīrṇa viprakīrṇa vyākīrṇa saṃkīrṇa.

kṛkara m. a kind of patridge; one of the winds of the body.

kṛkalāsa m. lizard, chameleon.

kṛkavāku m. cock, esp. peacock.

kṛkaṣā f. a cert. bird.

kṛkāṭa n. the joint of the neck.

kṛkāṭikā f. the joint of the neck.

kṛkāṭī f. the joint of the neck.

kṛkālikā f. a cert. bird.

kṛcchra a. troublesome, painful, difficult, dangerous, bad, miserable, n. adv. --m. n. trouble, pain, difficulty, danger, misery; austerity, expiation, a cert. slight penance. °--, instr., & abl. (*w. pp.), & kṛcchratas adv. with difficulty, hardly.

kṛcchrakarman n. hard work, toil, drudgery.

kṛcchrakāla m. the time of distress or danger.

kṛcchragata a. being in trouble or doing a penance.

kṛcchratā f. dangerous state (of a disease).

kṛcchrapatita a. fallen into trouble.

kṛcchrātikṛcchra m. du. the ordinary and extraordinary penance.

kṛt kṛntati kṛntate1 v (kartati), pp. kṛtta cut, cut off, cleave, split, divide, destroy. C. kartayati (kṛntayati) the same. --
     apa & api cut off.
     ava cut off, destroy. C. cause to be gashed.
     ud cut out or off, carve, tear asunder, destroy.
     ni cut or hew down, cut or tear off; M. cut one's self (e.g. the nails). C. cause to be cut.
     pari cut round, clip, cut off, exclude from (abl.).
     pra cut off or asunder.
     vi the same, tear to pieces, lacerate, destroy. C. the same.
     sam cut etc. (together).

kṛt kṛṇatti2 v twist the thread, spin. C. krtayati weave.

kṛt [3] a. making, doing, causing, effecting; maker, performer, author of (--°) m. a suffix forming nouns from roots, also = kṛdanta m.

kṛta a. made, done, prepared, arranged, appointed, got; present, ready, fit, proper, good. Often °-- having done, doing using, showing, betraying etc. --n. it is done, i.e. shall be done instantly; w. instr. (±saha) be it done with, i.e. away with, enough of! n. as subst. act, deed, work, esp. religious work, sacrifice, ceremony, etc.; service, benefit; stake at game; booty in battle; the (lucky) Four-side of the die; the first or golden age. kṛtena because or instead of (gen. or --°); kṛte the same. abs. for something.

kṛtaka a. made, prepared, artificial, unnatural. false. °--& n. adv. -- With putra m. an adopted son; abstr. -tva n.

kṛtakartavya a. who has attained his object.

kṛtakārya [1] a. the same, satisfied.

kṛtakārya [2] n. an attained object.

kṛtakṛtya [1] a. what has been done and is to be done.

kṛtakṛtya [2] a. who has done his duty or attained his object; abstr. -tā f. satisfaction.

kṛtakautuka a. giving pleasure to (gen.).

kṛtakriya a. who has performed a religious ceremony, married.

kṛtakṣaṇa a. waiting (a moment) for intent upon (loc., acc. w. prati inf., or --°); impatient.

kṛtaghna a. ungrateful (lit. killing benefits).

kṛtacūḍa a. who has received the tonsure (r.)

kṛtajña a. grateful (lit. mindful of benefits).

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kṛtatvara a. making haste, being quick.

kṛtadāra a. married (of a man).

kṛtadhvaj a. furnished with banners.

kṛtanirṇejana a. having done penance.

kṛtaniścaya a. convinced, certain, sure; resolute, determined to (dat., loc., infin., or --°).

kṛtapuṇya a. blessed, fortunate.

kṛtapraṇaya a. enamoured.

kṛtapūrva a. done before.

kṛtapūrvin a. having made (acc.) before.

kṛtabuddhi a. who has formed his mind, wise, judicious, also = seq.

kṛtamati a. who has made up his mind, resolute.

kṛtamārga a. made accessible.

kṛtamāla m. the spotted antelope; N. of a plant & a river.

kṛtalakṣaṇa a. marked, branded (cf. kṛtāṅka).

kṛtavadhyacihna a. bearing the mark of death.

kṛtavasati a. having fixed one's habitation, dwelling, abiding.

kṛtavāpa a. who has shaven his hair.

kṛtavāpana a. who has shaven his hair.

kṛtavidya a. having acquired knowledge learned.

kṛtaviśeṣaka a. having made coloured lines on the forehead; painted.*

kṛtavaira a. who has become an enemy.

kṛtaśauca a. who has purified himself.

kṛtasaṃskāra a. prepared, adorned, initiated.

kṛtasaṃjña a. having signals given or arranged.

kṛtasaṃdhāna a. brought near, united, fitted, adapted.

kṛtasmita a. smiling.

kṛtahasta a. dexterous, skilled; abstr. -tā f.

kṛtā f. cleft, abyss.

kṛtāṅka a. having got a mark, branded.

kṛtākṛta a. done and not done, half-done; arbitrary, indifferent; n. sg. & du. what is done and not done.

kṛtāñjali a. humble, suppliant (cf. añjali).

kṛtānusāra m. established rule, arrangement, stipulation.

kṛtānta a. causing an end, finishing (f. ī perished, vanished*); m. matter, cause, conclusion, dogma; fate, destiny, the god of death.

kṛtāntanagarī f. the city of the god of death.

kṛtānna n. prepared or cooked food.

kṛtāparādha a. having done wrong, guilty.

kṛtābhiyoga a. taking pains.

kṛtārtha a. who has attained his object, satisfied. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kṛtārthay kṛtārthayati v satisfy, content; fulfil, accomplish.

kṛtāvaguṇṭhana a. veiled.

kṛtāvastha a. brought into court (j.).

kṛtāvṛtti a. going to and fro, swinging.

kṛtāstra a. skilled in arms, esp. in archery.

kṛtāhāraka a. having done eating.

kṛti [1] f. doing, action, production, work.

kṛti [2] m. or f. a cert. weapon.

kṛtin a. active, clever, wise, skilful in (loc. or --°), also = kṛtārtha.

kṛtopakāra a. having (been) rendered a service.

kṛtopanayana a. initiated.

kṛtopavāsa a. having fasted.

kṛttāvaśeṣa a. broken off (chain).

kṛttikā f. pl. (later sgl.) the Pleiads, personif. as the nurses of Skanda.

kṛttivāsas m. f. clothed in a skin, E. of Śiva & Durga.

kṛtnu a. active, skilful, clever.

kṛtya a. to be done, fit, proper, right; n. impers. it imports or matters (w. gen. of pers. & instr. of th.). --m. a suffix of the fut. pass. part. f. kṛtyā act, action, deed; magic, spell. n. business, task, duty, purpose, end.

kṛtyavant a. having an object or request, active, busy.

kṛtyākṛt a. practising magic, bewitching.

kṛtyārūpa a. spectre-like.

kṛtyāhata a. stricken by spell.

kṛtrima a. artificial, factitious, adopted (putra): unnatural, accidental; false, feigned.

kṛtrimadhūpaka m. a compound perfume.

kṛtvan (f. kṛtvarī) causing, producing (--°): active, magical.

kṛtvas (acc. adv.) -- times (in l. l. only --°).

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kṛtvya a. capable, apt, strong.

kṛtsna a. whole, entire; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.; adv. -śas.

kṛtsnakarmakṛt a. doing all things.

kṛtsnavid a. knowing all things, omniscient.

kṛtha -> tanūkṛtha & putrakṛtha.

kṛdanta a. ending in a Krt-suffix; m. such a word (g.).

kṛdara n. store-room, treasury.

kṛdhu a. shortened, deficient.

kṛntatra n. section, cleft, shred.

kṛntana n. cutting off.

kṛp [1] f. (only instr. kṛpā) shape, appearance, beauty.

kṛp kṛpate2 v mourn, long for (acc.). --
     anu = S.

kṛpa m. ī f. a man's & woman's name.

kṛpaṇa [1] a. pitiable, miserable, querulous (n. adv.); poor, stingy. m. a poor man or a miser.

kṛpaṇa [2] n. misery, pity.

kṛpay kṛpayati v mourn, grieve, pity.

kṛpā f. compassion, pity.

kṛpāṇa m. sword; f. ī scissors, dagger, knife.

kṛpāṇapāṇi a. sword in hand.

kṛpāṇapāta m. fall or stroke of a sword.

kṛpāy kṛpāyate v = kṛpay. --
     anu M. feel pity for (loc.).

kṛpālu a. having pity upon (loc.), compassionate.

kṛpāvant a. the same.

kṛpīṭa n. underwood, copse, thicket.

kṛmi m. worm, esp. silk-worm, mite, spider, insect i.g.; a man's name; f. a woman's name (also kṛmī), N. of a river.

kṛmika m. a small worm.

kṛmikośa m. the cocoon of a silkworm.

kṛmikośaja a. silken (lit. coming from the cocoon, -> prec.).

kṛmikośottha a. silken (lit. coming from the cocoon, -> prec.).

kṛmija a. produced by a worm.

kṛmuka m. a kind of tree.

kṛś kṛśyati v pp. kṛśita become or be lean or feeble. C. karśayati, pp. karśita (often confounded with the C. of kṛṣ) make lean, keep short of food, diminish, attenuate, vex, torment. -
     anu ava pri vi afflict, vex.

kṛśa a. lean, thin, slender; weak, feeble; insignificant, poor.

kṛśatā f. -tva n. leanness, thinness.

kṛśana [1] n. a pearl.

kṛśana [2] m. the pulsing of the heart.

kṛśanāvant a. wearing pearls.

kṛśanin a. wearing pearls.

kṛśāṅga f. ī lean (membered), thin, slender.

kṛśānu a. bending the bow, shooting; m. archer, esp. a cert. divine archer, also E. of Agni, in l.l. fire.

kṛśīkṛ & bhū make or become thin, weak, or poor.

kṛśodara f. ī thin-waisted, slender.

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kṛṣ karṣati karṣate v (kṛṣati kṛṣate), pp. kṛṣṭa (q.v.) drag, draw; pull, tear, bend (a bow); draw furrows, plough (only kṛṣati); draw to one's self, get possession of, overpower. C. karṣayati tug, pull, tear, extract; affict, vex (cf. kṛś C.). I. carkṛṣati plough. --
     ati draw beyond.
     anu draw after one's self; attract from the preceding, supply (g.); quote.
     apa draw away, take off; reject, remove; bend (a bow); detract, debase, dishonour.
     vyapa draw away, take off, doff; reject, remove, abandon.
     ava draw or take off, remove, drag down.
     ā draw on, attract; bend (a bow); drag away; take off, extract, remove from (abl.).
     apā turn away, avert from (abl.).
     vyā draw to one's self; draw off, remove, avert.
     samā draw near; extract from (abl.).
     ud draw out or up, take off; bend (a bow); raise (fig.); rise, be superior.
     ni draw down.
     saṃni P. come near, come in contact with (instr.).
     nis draw out, extract; tear in pieces, rend asunder.
     pari draw about, conduct (army); vex afflict; think over, ponder.
     pra draw forth, conduct (an army); vex, afflict.
     vipra draw away, remove.
     saṃpra the same.
     vi draw asunder, tear in pieces; draw towards one's self (arrow), bend (bow), turn up (foam), drag about, pull; conduct (army); extract, deprive, withhold.
     sama draw together, contract; drag away, carry off. -- Cf. apakṛṣṭa avakṛṣṭa utkṛṣṭa nikṛṣṭa prakṛṣṭa vikṛṣṭa viprakṛṣṭa saṃnikṛṣṭa.

kṛṣaka m. ploughman, husbandman; f. kṛṣikā agriculture.

kṛṣi f. ploughing, agriculture, husbandry; field (also kṛṣī); harvest.

kṛṣikara m. plougher, husbandman.

kṛṣikarman n. ploughing, agriculture.

kṛṣikṛt m. = kṛṣikara.

kṛṣijīvin m. the same (lit. living by agriculture).

kṛṣīvala m. plougher, husbandman.

kṛṣṭa s. a ploughed field.

kṛṣṭaja a. grown on tilled ground.

kṛṣṭi f. (lit. drawing, ploughing) pl. the (ploughing) people, the races of men (supposed to be 5).

kṛṣṭyojas a. conquering men.

kṛṣṇa a. black, dark. --m. (±pakṣa) the dark half month, the black antelope (mostly kṛṣṇa); N. of an ancient hero and teacher, later as the god Kṛṣṇa identified with Viṣṇu; du. kṛṣṇau = Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna. f. kṛṣṇā a. black kind of leech. N. of sev. plants, E. of Durgā and Draupadī; f. kṛṣṇī night. n. blackness, darkness.

kṛṣṇacaturdaśī f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month, i.e. new moon's day.

kṛṣṇajanmāṣṭamī f. the eighth (of a cert. month, thought as) Krsna's birth-day.

kṛṣṇatā f. -tva n. blackness, darkness.

kṛṣṇanayana a. black-eyed.

kṛṣṇanetra a. black-eyed.

kṛṣṇapakṣa m. = kṛṣṇapakṣa).

kṛṣṇabhūma m. black soil.

kṛṣṇamukha f. ī black-mouthed.

kṛṣṇayajurveda m. the black Yajurveda.

kṛṣṇala (m.) n. a kind of black berry (used as a weight or a coin).

kṛṣṇavarṇa a. black-coloured.

kṛṣṇavartman m. fire (lit. having a black way).

kṛṣṇavāla a. black-tailed.

kṛṣṇaśa a. blackish.

kṛṣṇasarpa m. a very venomous black serpent.

kṛṣṇasāra f. ī essentially black, spotted black; m. (±mṛga) the spotted antelope.

kṛṣṇājina n. the skin of the black antelope.

kṛṣṇāy kṛṣṇāyati v behave like Kṛṣṇa, -yate make black.

kṛṣṇāyas n. iron.

kṛṣṇāyasa n. iron.

kṛṣṇiman m. blackness.

kṛsara m. n., ā f., a dish of rice and sesamum.

kḷp kalpate v pp. kḷpta (q.v.) be in order or right, succeed; answer or correspond to, accord or agree with (instr.); be fit or serve for, help to (dat.); get at, partake of (dat.); fall to the share of, be partaken by (loc., dat., or gen.), become, be (nom. or dat.); happen, occur. C. kalpayati te put in order, arrange, prepare, dispose, distribute; furnish with (instr.), help to (dat. or loc.); bestow on (acc. of th. & gen. of pers.); make, fabricate, compose, perform, accomplish; fix, settle; declare or regard as (2 acc.); put to (loc.), use, employ. --
     abhi answer or correspond, being adequate to (acc.).
     ava be in order or right, answer, serve, be fit for (dat.). C. prepare, arrange, employ.
     upa the same; C. also procure, fetch; assign, destine for or to (dat. or loc.); assume, state.
     pari C. fix. settle, determine, choose, contrive, arrange, distribute (with a num. in dhā), invent, imagine, believe, suppose, regard as (acc.).
     pra proceed well, succeed; be right or in order. C. arrange, prepare, fix, settle, appoint to (loc.); choose for (acc.), contrive, effect.
     vi shift, change; fluctuate, balance; be doubtful or optional (g.). C. make, form, compose, distribute; choose, select; consider as doubtful, state as optional or arbitrary (g.); suppose, imagine, invent.
     sam be all right, succeed, prosper. C. join together, produce, create; assign, destine, settle, determine, intend, imagine, appoint to (loc.); consider or regard as (acc. w. iva).
     upasam put down, appoint, select. -- Cf. abhikḷpta upakḷpta prakḷpta saṃkḷpta.

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kḷpta a. put in order, arranged, prepared; finished, accomplished; fixed, settled, ready, all right; being, existing.

kḷpti f. coming round, success; exposition, description, definition.

kekaya m. N. of a people, f. ī.

kekā f. the cry of a peacock.

kekotkaṇṭha a. fond of crying (peacock).

keta m. desire, intention; abode etc. = ketana.

ketaka m. (ki &) -kī f. N. of a tree.

ketakakāṇḍaka s. thorn from the Ketaka tree.*

ketana n. desire, intention, summons, invitation; abode, place of refuge; flag, banner.

ketanajuṣ a. desirous of (--°).

ketay ketayati v pp. ketita summon, invite.

ketu m. brightness, light (pl. beams); apparition, form, shape; sign, mark, flag, banner; chief, leader.

ketumant a. bright, clear.

kedāra m. an irrigated field; -khaṇḍa n. a hole in such a field.

kedārabhaṭṭa m. N. of an author.

kena (instr. to ka1) by whom? etc.; adv. why? whence? how?

kenipa m. a sage.

keneṣitopaniṣada f. T. of an Upanishad (beginning w. keneṣitam).

keneṣitopaniṣad n. T. of an Upanishad (beginning w. keneṣitam).

kendra n. the centre of a circle.

kepi a. trembling, shaking.

keyūra m. n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm.

kerala m. pl. N. of a people.

keru -> mahikeru.

keli m. f., -lī f. play, sport, esp. amorous sport.

kelikala a. playing, sporting; *f. ā = prec.*

kelikalaha m. love-quarrel.*

keligṛha n. pleasure-house.

kelita n. playing, sporting.

kelivana n. pleasure-grove.

keliśayana n. pleasure-couch.

kevaṭa m. cave, pit.

kevarta m. a fisherman.

kevala f. ī (later ā) exclusive, belonging only to (gen. or dat.); alone, simple, pure, mere; whole, entire, each, all. °-- & n. adv. only. na kevalam -- api not only--but also.

kevalāgha a. alone guilty.

kevalādin a. eating alone.

keśa m. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) hair (of the head), mane, tail (of the Yak).

keśakalpanā f. arranging of the mane.*

keśagraha m. pulling of the hair.

keśapāśa m. tuft of hair.

keśabandha m. hair-band.

keśaracanā f. arranging of the hair.

keśava a. having long hair; m. E. of Visnu-Krsna.

keśavant  = prec. a., also maned.

keśavapana n. cutting of the hair.

keśahasta m. tuft of hair.*

keśākeśi adv. hair to hair, head to head.

keśāgra n. the top of a hair.

keśānta m. end or lock of hair, tuft; tonsure.

keśāntika a. reaching the end of the hair (at the forehead).

keśin a. = keśavant; m. N. of an Asura & sev. men. f. keśinī E. of Durgā etc., a woman's name; pl. cert. mythical beings.

keśiniṣūdana m. slayer of Kecin (Krsna).

keśimathana m. slayer of Kecin (Krsna).

keśisūdana m. slayer of Kecin (Krsna).

keśihan m. slayer of Kecin (Krsna).

keśihantṛ m. slayer of Kecin (Krsna).

kesara n. f.) = keśa; also filament, esp. of a lotus; m. N. of a plant = bakula.

kesaraguṇḍa m. Kesara pollen.*

kesaramālikā f. a Kesara garland.*

kesaravṛkṣa m. the Kesara tree.*

kesarāgra n. the ends of a mane.

kesarāla a. rich in filaments.

kesarāvalā f. = bakulamāla q.v.*

kesarin a. maned; m. lion.

kaikeya m. a king of the Kekayas; f. ī a princess of the K., one of the wives of Dacaratha.

kaiṃkirāta a. belonging to the Aśoka tree.

kaiṭabha m. N. of an Asura slain by Viṣṇu.

kaitava f. ī a deceitful; f. ī & n. fraud, deceit lie.

kairāta a. pertaining to the Kirātas; m. a prince of the Kirātas.

kairiśi m. patron. of Sutvan.

kailāsa m. N. of a mountain, the seat of Śiva and Kubera.

kaivarta m. fisherman (a mixed caste); f. ī.

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kaivalya n. exclusiveness, absolute oneness, eternal happiness, beatitude.

kaiśika f. ī as fine as a hair; m. N. of an ancient king, pl. his people (cf. krathakaiśika).

koka m. wolf; cuckoo (f. ī).

kokila m. ā f. the Indian cuckoo.

koṅkaṇa m. pl. N. of a people.

koca m. drying, shrinking up.

koṭa m. fort, stronghold.

koṭaka m. carpenter (a mixed caste).

koṭara n. hollow of a tree.

koṭaravant a. having holes or cavities.

koṭi f. the curved end of the bow, of claws etc., the horns of the moon; edge or point i.g., utmost degree, highest number ( = 10 millions).

koṭī f. the curved end of the bow, of claws etc., the horns of the moon; edge or point i.g., utmost degree, highest number ( = 10 millions).

koṭimant a. edged, pointed.

koṇa m. corner, angle.

kotha m. putrefaction, corruption.

kodaṇḍa s. a bow.

kopa m. irritation, passion, wrath, anger (w. loc., gen., prati, or upari).

kopana a. passionate, angry; irritating, making angry (also as subst. n.).

kopānubandha m. continuance of anger.

kopin a. angry; making angry, irritating (--°).

komala a. tender, soft.

komya a. smooth, lithe.

koyaṣṭi m. the lapwing.

koyaṣṭika m. the lapwing.

kora m. a movable joint.

koraka s. bud, unblown flower.

kola m. boar.

kolaka *m. a cert. perfume.

kolāhala m. n. confused cry, uproar.

kovida a. knowing, clever, skilful in (loc., gen., or --°). Abstr. -tva n.

kośa m. cask, bucket (fig. of a cloud), box, chest, inner part of a carriage, sheath, scabbard, case, cover; ball, globe (--°); bud, seed-cup (esp. of the lotus plant); pod, husk, shell; cocoon, womb, scrotum; store-room, treasury; treasure, dictionary, anthology.

kośadaṇḍa m. du. treasury and army.

kośapeṭaka s. treasure or jewel-box.

kośaphala n. the scrotum.

kośarakṣin m. guard of the treasury, treasurer.

kośarāṣṭra n. du. treasury and realm.

kośala -> kosala.

kośavant a. having treasures, rich, wealthy.

kośahīna a. wanting treasures, poor.

kośāgāra m. n. treasure-house, treasury.

kośādhyakṣa m. superintendent of the treasury, treasurer.

koṣa -> kośa.

koṣṭha m. the bowels or the belly (also n.), a kind of vessel or pot; n. store-room, surrounding wall.

koṣṭhāgāra n. store-room, treasury.

koṣṇa a. tepid, warm.

kosala m. N. of a country, pl. its people, f. ā its capital (Ayodhyā).

kosalavideha m. pl. the Kosala and Videha.

kaukṣeya m. sword, knife.

kaukṣeyaka m. sword, knife.

kauṅkuma f. ī consisting of or dyed with saffron.

kauṭa a. deceitful, false.

kauṭasākṣya n. false evidence.

kauṭilya n. crookedness, deceit, falsehood.

kauṭumba n. relation to a family; as adj. = seq. a.

kauṭumbika a. belonging to the household or family; m. the father of a family.

kauṇakutsya m. N. of a Brahman.

kauṇapa a. pertaining to corpses; m. a Rakṣas.

kautuka n. curiosity, interest, eagerness, vehement desire or longing for (loc. or --°), anything curious or interesting, show, festival, ceremony, esp. the marriage-thread ceremony, also the marriage-thread itself; blessing, happiness.

kautukakriyā f. nuptial ceremony.

kautukagṛha n. wedding-house.

kautukaratnākara m. kautukarahasya & kautukasarvasva n. the jewel-mine, secret, & essence of curiosity (T. of comedies).

kautukālaṃkāra m. nuptial ornament.*

kautūhala n. curiosity, interest, longing after (loc., prati, or inf.); feast, ceremony.

kautsa a. Kutsa's; m. a patr. name (f. ī).

kaunakhya n. disease or ugliness of the nails.

kaunteya m. metron. of the Pandavas.

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kaunda f. ī jasmine (as adj.).

kaupīna n. the pudenda or a piece of cloth worn over them.

kaubera f. ī belonging to Kubera; f. īkāṣṭhā or diś) K.'s region, i.e. the north.

kaumāra f. ī a. juvenile, belonging to a youth or maiden; belonging to Skanda, Skanda's; n. (w. vrata) = -vrata (q.v.), as subst. childhood, youth, virginity.

kaumārabandhakī f. whore.*

kaumāravrata n. vow of abstinence; -cārin a. practising the vow of abstinence.

kaumuda m. a patr. name. f. ī the moonshine (causing the Kumudas to blossom); the full-moon, often --° in the titles of books = elucidation, explanation.

kaumudikā f. a woman's name.

kaumudīmaha (& -mahotsava*) m. festival of the full moon.

kaurava f. ī belonging to the Kurus; m. a descendant of Kuru.

kauraveya m. pl. the descendants of Kuru.

kauravya m. the same, also N. of a people.

kaurma a. belonging to a tortoise.

kaula f. ī relating to a family, ancestral, hereditary; m. a cert. sect.

kaulika m. = kaula m., also weaver.

kaulitara m. E. of the demon Cambara.

kaulīna a. noble; n. (family-) talk, gossip, rumour.

kaulūta m. pl. N. of a people.

kauleya m. dog (lit. family or domestic animal).

kauleyaka m. dog (lit. family or domestic animal).

kaulya a. of noble race; n. noble race.

kauvera -> kaubera.

kauśa f. ī1 made of Kuśa grass.

kauśa [2] a. silken.

kauśala n. welfare, health; cleverness, skill in (loc. or --°).

kauśalya n. welfare, health; cleverness, skill in (loc. or --°).

kauśāmbikā f. a woman's name.*

kauśāmbī f. N. of a town.

kauśāmbīya a. of or from Kauśāmbī.

kauśika [1] a. pertaining to Kuśika; m. patron. of sev. men. E. of Indra, f. kauśikī E of Durgā; N. of sev. women & rivers.

kauśika [2] n. a silk cloth.

kauśika [3] m. owl.

kauśīlava n. the profession of an actor or bard.

kauśīlavya n. the profession of an actor or bard.

kauśeya a. silken; n. silk, a silk cloth.

kauṣārava m. a patron name.

kauṣītaka m. patron. names.

kauṣītaki m. patron. names.

kauṣītakin m. pl. N. of a Vedic school.

kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa m. T. of a Brāhmaṇa, -ṇopaniṣad & kauṣītakyupaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

kauṣṭha a. being in the belly or in a store room.

kausala m. pl. N. of a people & a dynasty.

kausalyaṃ a. belonging to the Kosalas; m. a prince of the Kosalas, f. ā a princess of the Kosalas, esp. one of the wives of Daśaratha.

kausīda f. ī connected with a loan.

kausuma f. ī made of flowers, flowery.

kausumbha f. ī made of safflor, dyed with s., orange, red.

kaustubha m. n. N. of a celebrated jewel, the ornament of Visnu.

knath knathati v hurt, kill.

knūy (*knūyate), only C. knopayatiabhi) wet, moisten.

kya a. agreeable to Ka ( = Prajāpati).

kyāku n. a mushroom.

krakaca m. n. a saw.

krakṣ only pp. krakṣamāṇa crashing, roaring.

kratu m. power, might, strength (of body or mind); deliberation, insight, wisdom; inspiration, enthusiasm; plan, design, purpose, will; act, deed, work, esp. sacred work, sacrifice, feast; festival (cākṣuṣa of the eye); N. of an old sage who appears as a star in the Great Bear.

kratumant a. intelligent, wise, inspired, resolute.

kratumaya a. full of wisdom.

kraturāj m. the highest sacrifice (lit. king of sacrifices).

kratuvikrayin a. who sells (the benefits of) sacrifices.

kratūy kratūyati v exert one's self.

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krath (*krathati), only C. krāthayati exult; *hurt. injure (gen.).

kratha m. N. of an ancient king, son of Vidarbha (cf. seq.).

krathakaiśika m. pl. N. of a people (identif. w. the Vidarbhas).

krand krandati krandate v roar, neigh, creak, click, cry, lament. C. krandayati make roar, neigh, etc., also = S. I. kanikrantti kanikrantte, esp. pp. kanikrat kanikradat & kanikradyamāna = S. --
     abhi shout or roar at, call to (also C. & I.).
     ava roar (also C.).
     ā call to, invoke, cry, lament. C. the same; also cause to cry or lament.
     pra call aloud.
     vi lament.
     sam cry together with (instr.). -- Cf. ākrandita.

kranda m. krandana n. crying, calling.

krandanadhvani m. (sound of) lamentation.

krandanu m. roaring, sounding.

krandas n. war-cry; du. the two opposed armies (lit. the two shouting ones).

krandya n. neighing.

kram krāmati kramate v (kramati krāmate), pp. krānta (mostly --° & w. act. mg). stride, step, walk, go or come to (acc. or loc.); go over, pass, ascend, approach (sex.); surpass, pervade, fill, accomplish; M. proceed well, succeed. C. kramayati (krāmayati) cause to stride. I. caṅkramate caṅkramyate & caṅkramīti step to and fro, wander, walk, pass. --
     ati step beyond, cross, pass, excel, overcome, pass by, neglect, transgress (abs. or w. acc.); part or escape from, lose, be deprived of (abl.). C. let pass, take no notice of (acc.).
     abhyati step beyond or across, pass, excel, overcome, overstep, neglect, transgress.
     vyati & samati the same,
     adhi ascend, mount up to (acc.)
     anu go on or along, follow; go through, enumerate.
     apa go or pass away; withdraw or fly from (abl.).
     abhi step near, approach, attack, overwhelm; enter, begin, undertake.
     samabhi come near, approach.
     ava go away, fly; tread upon, overwhelm (acc.). --
     ā approach, visit, enter, tread upon (acc. or loc.); cling to, grasp, attack, overpower, take hold or possession of (acc.); undertake, begin (inf.); ascend, mount (mostly M.).
     adhyā attack, seize, occupy.
     samā the same + tread upon, overpower, take hold or possession of (acc.).
     ud go up or out, depart; escape, fly or withdraw from (abl. or acc.); pass by, neglect.
     vyud go asunder, part, go away; overstep, transgress, disregard.
     upa come near, approach, enter (acc. or loc.); go against, attack; treat, deal with (acc.); (mostly M.) undertake, begin, be about to (acc., dat., or inf.).
     samupa come near; undertake, begin (M. w. inf.).
     ni enter, step, tread down.
     nis go out of (abl.), depart, fly, escape. C. cause to step out, expel, lead or take away.
     abhinis upanis, & vinis go out, come forth from (abl.).
     parā step forward, advance, exert one's self, excel.
     pari walk about (esp. on the stage), circumambulate, walk through, visit; overtake, overcome.
     pra step forth, set out, go to (acc.), go across, pass; M. deal with (loc.); M. (A.) proceed to, undertake, begin (acc., artham, or inf.).
     saṃpra M. proceed to, begin (acc. or inf.).
     prati & anuprati come back.
     vi go asunder, part, separate; walk through, bestride; move on, advance, proceed, exert one's self; content, fight against (acc.).
     anuvi M. step after.
     nirvi step out.
     sam come together, meet, encounter; go to, enter (acc.), pass from (abl.) to (loc.), go through or across, come near, walk along. C. cause to pass, transport, deliver; lead to (2 acc.), cast upon (acc. of th. and loc. of pers.).
     anusam follow after (acc.), also =
     upasam step towards, come or pass to (acc.). -- Cf. adhyākrānta ākrānta niṣkrānta vikrānta saṃkrānta.

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krama m. step, course, method, way; regular progress, order, succession; cause or reason of (gen. or --°); also = kramapāṭha. -- krama (°--) & krasatas in due order, successively, gradually. krameṇa & kramāt the same + according to (--°).

kramagata a. come into the way of (gen.).

kramaṇa m. step; n. stepping, walking, crossing.

kramadīśvara m. N. of a grammarian.

kramapāṭha m. the step-recitation (of the Veda, opp. saṃhitāpāṭa q.v.).

kramaprāpta a. got by succession, hereditary.

kramayoga m. regular order, succession.

kramaśas adv. step by step, in order, gradually.

kramāgata a. come in due order, hereditary.

kramāyāta a. come in due order, hereditary.

kramika a. successive, hereditary, inherited.

kramuka m. the betel-nut tree.

kramela m. camel.

kramelaka m. camel.

kraya m. purchase, purchase-money.

krayaṇa n. buying.

krayavikraya m. buying and selling (sgl. & du.), traffic.

krayavikrayānuśaya m. rescission of a bargain (j.).

krayavikrayin a. one who buys or sells.

krayika m. buyer.

krayin m. buyer.

krayya a. purchasable.

kraviṣṇu a. greedy for raw flesh.

kravis n. raw flesh, carrion.

kravya n. raw flesh, carrion.

kravyagandhin a. smelling of raw flesh.

kravyabhojana a. eating raw flesh; m. bird of prey.

kravyād a. = prec. adj.; m. beast of prey.

kravyāda a. = prec. adj.; m. beast of prey.

kraṣṭavya a. to be drawn or extracted.

krāṇa a. busy, eager; instr. -ṇā adv.

krānta n. step.

krānti f. passage.

krimi -> kṛmi.

krimija -> kṛmija.

kriyā f. action, performance, occupation, labour, pains; activity, verb; work, esp. religious work, sacrifice, ceremony, worship; argument, document, bond, contract.

kriyākula a. busy (lit. troubled by work).

kriyātmaka a. whose nature is activity; abstr. -tva n.

kriyādveṣin a. rejecting arguments or documents (j.).

kriyāntara n. another action.

kriyāprabandha m. the uninterrupted continuance of an action.

kriyābhyupagama m. explicit agreement (j.).

kriyāyogya a. fit for action or work.

kriyārambha a. undertaking works.

kriyārtha a. having the sense of a verb (g.).

kriyālopa m. omission of (pious) works.

kriyāvant a. active, busy, religious.

kriyāvidhi m. application of a verb, also = karmavidhi.

kriyāviśeṣaṇa n. adverb (lit. that which specifies an action).

kriyāśakti f. capability of acting.

kriyāśaktimant a. poss. to prec.

kriyāśraya m. recipient of an action (g.).

krivi m. a leather bag; N. of a people (later the PaJcālas).

krivirdatī f. having teeth like a saw.

krī krīṇāti & krīṇīte v pp. krīta (q.v.) buy, purchase (w. instr. of price & acc. or gen. of pers.). --
     apa = S.
     abhi buy for a certain purpose.
     ava M. purchase, hire.
     ā & upa buy.
     nis buy off or ransom from (abl); M. (±ātmānam) buy off one's self.
     pari purchase, get by exchange; hire, obtain (*w. dat. or instr. of price).
     vi exchange or sell for (instr.).
     sam = S.

krīḍ krīḍati v (krīLati) & krīḍate, pp. krīḍita (q.v.) play, sport, amuse one's self with (instr. of th. & instr. ±saha sārdham, or samam of pers.). C. krīḍayati cause to play.
     ā & samā = S.
     pari play about
     pra begin to play, also = S.
     vi & sam = S.

krīḍa a. playing, sporting; f. krīḍā play, sport, amusement.

krīḍana n. playing, play.

krīḍanaka m. plaything, toy.

krīḍāgṛha m. n. pleasure-house.

krīḍāmayūra m. a peacock to play with.

krīḍāmarkaṭapota m. a young monkey to play with.

krīḍāmahīdhra m. pleasure-mountain, hillock.

krīḍāmātra n. only a joke.

krīḍāmud f. amorous joy or sport.

krīḍāyoga m. occupation with playing.

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krīḍārasa m. delight in playing.

krīḍāveśman n. pleasure-house.

krīḍāsaras n. pleasure-lake.

krīḍi a. sporting, playful.

krīḍita n. play, sport.

krīḍin a. = krīḍi.

krīḍu a. = krīḍi.

krīḍumant a. = krīḍi.

krīta a. bought (esp. a son); n. buying.

krītaka a. = prec. adj.

kruñc m. curlew.

kruñca m. curlew.

krudh kradhyati1 v (krudhyate), pp. kruddha be angry with (dat., gen., or loc.; pp. also w. upari or prati). C. krodhayati make angry, irritate. --
     abhi be angry with (acc.).
     prati be angry with (acc.) in return.
     sam & abhisam be angry.

krudh [2] f. anger, wrath.

krudhmi a. wrathful, irritable.

krudhmin a. wrathful, irritable.

krumu f. N. of a river.

krumuka m. fire-catcher (r.).

kruś krośati krośate v pp. kruṣṭa (w. act. & pass. mg) cry out, shout, croak, lament; call to (acc). --
     anu shout at (acc.); C. show sympathy (lit. follow in lamenting).
     abhi call or cry at (acc.), lament, mourn.
     ā call aloud, scold at, revile, defame; challenge, emulate.
     ud cry out, call to (acc.).
     upa show anger or defiance.
     pra raise a cry, call at (acc.).
     vi the same.
     sam cry out together, shout angrily at (acc.). -- Cf. apakruṣṭa ākruṣṭa upakruṣṭa.

krūḍ krūḍayati v thicken (trans.).

krūra a. bloody, raw, sore; cruel, harsh, dreadful. n. a wound or sore; bloodshedding, slaughter; cruelty, harshness.

krūrakarmakṛt m. a carnivorous animal (lit. = seq. 2.).

krūrakarman [1] n. a bloody or cruel work.

krūrakarman [2] a. doing cruel deeds.

krūratā f. cruelty, harshness.

krūrācāra a. of cruel conduct.

krūrācāravihāravant a. whose conduct and delights are cruel.

kretavya a. to be bought.

kreya a. to be bought.

kretṛ m. buyer.

kroḍa m. breast, chest, lap; cavity, hollow; a hog.

kroḍavāla m. a hog's bristle.

krodha m. anger, wrath.

krodhacakṣus n. an angry eye.

krodhaja a. sprung from anger.

krodhana a. irritable, passionate.

krodhin a. irritable, passionate.

krodhavaśa [1] m. the power of anger.

krodhavaśa [2] a. subject to anger.

krośa m. shout, yell; calling distance.

krośana a. & n. crying.

kroṣṭu m. a jackal.

kroṣṭuka m. a jackal.

kroṣṭṛ a. crying, lamenting; m. = prec.

krauñca m. curlew (f. ī also the myth. mother of the curlews); N. of a mountain torn asunder by Kārttikeya.

krauñcaripu m. E. of Kārttikeya (v. prec.).

krauñcaśatru m. the same.

krauñcāri m. the same.

krauḍa f. ī belonging to a hog.

kraurya n. harshness, cruelty.

klath klathati v turn round (intr.).

kland -> krand.

klam klāmyati v pp. klānta (q.v.) be weary or languid. C. klāmayati tire, exhaust. --
     pari be extremely tired or exhausted.
     vi M. languish, despond. -- Cf. atiklāmita viklānta.

klama m. fatigue, weariness.

klamāpaha a. destroying weariness.

klānta a. tired, exhausted, languid, dejected, sad; thin, slender.

klānti f. = klama.

klid klidyati v pp. klinna (q.v.) be or become wet. C. kledayati wet, moisten, soil. -- Cf. klindant parikninna viklinna.

klindant a. wet, dripping.

klinna a. wet, moist; soft, tender (heart).

kliś kliśnāti v (kliśyati kliśyate) pp. kliṣṭa (q.v.) torment, trouble, molest; P. kliśyate (-ti) be distressed, suffer. C. kleśayati = S. trans. --
     ati (kliśyati) have or give too much pains.*
     sam press together, sqash; trouble, molest. -- Cf. parikliṣṭa vikliṣṭa.

kliṣṭa a. distressed, afflicted, sad (n. adv.); hurt, injured, worn, used; painful, difficult; constrained, affected, obscure (rh.).

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klība a. impotent, emasculated, unmanly, timorous. m. eunuch, weakling, coward. n. the neuter gender (g.).

klībatā f. -tva n. impotence, weakness.

kleda m. moisture, wetness.

kledana a. & n. wetting.

kleśa m. affliction, pain, distress.

kleśin a. tormenting, hurting.

klaibya n. impotence, weakness.

kloman m. n. the right lung.

klośa m. cry, calling (cf. krośa).

kva adv. where? wither? how? Used also as loc. of ka1. Often connected w. aha id iva nu svid, w. the latter also = somewhere. -- With cid & (later) api somewhere, anywhere, at or to a cert. place. kva cid -- kva cid here--there, now--now. kva w. negation & api cida ca, or cana nowhere, in no place. kva--kva where is this? where is that? i.e. how distant or different is this from that.

kvaṇ kvaṇati v pp. kvaṇita (q.v.) sound, hum, tinkle. --
     ud = S.*

kvaṇita n. sound, hum, twang.

kvath kvathati kvathate v pp. kvathita boil (tr. & intr.).

kvatha m. decoction, extract.

kvathana n. boiling, decocting.

kvayi m. a cert. bird.

kvala m. pl. a kind of jujube.

kvastha a. where standing or being?

kvāṇa m. sound.

kvātha m. boiling, decoction.

kṣaṇa m. (n.) instant, moment, little while; suitable time, opportunity of (--°); feast. °--, abl., & instr. instantly, immediately; loc. (also doubled) every moment. -- kṣaṇaṃ kṛ wait a moment (also grah*) or give an opportunity (also ); kṣaṇaṃ labh find an opportunity.

kṣaṇadā f. the night (giving moments or opportunities).

kṣaṇadākara m. the moon (night-maker).

kṣaṇadācara m. night-walker, a Rakṣas.

kṣaṇana n. hurt, injury.

kṣaṇamaṅgala n. good omen for a feast.*

kṣaṇāntara n. a moment's interval; loc. immediately.

kṣaṇika f. ī momentary, transient; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kṣata a. hurt, wounded, destroyed, violated. f. ā a dishonoured maiden; n. hurt, wound.

kṣati f. hurt, injury, destruction, damage.

kṣattṛ m. cutter, carver, attendant, charioteer; N. of a caste.

kṣattṛjāti m. who belongs to the Kṣattṛ caste.

kṣatra n. rule, dominion, power; the reigning or warrior (second) caste or a member of it.

kṣatrajāta a. born of the warrior caste.

kṣatradharma m. the duty of the warrior caste.

kṣatradharman a. fulfilling the duties of the warrior caste.

kṣatrabandhu m. who belongs to the warrior caste.

kṣatrayoni a. descended from the warrior caste.

kṣatravidyā f. the science of the warrior caste.

kṣatriya a. reigning, supreme. m. member of the princely (second) caste (f. ā); n. supremacy, dominion.

kṣad kṣadate v cut, carve, distribute; take, eat.

kṣadman n. carving knife.

kṣan kṣaṇoti v pp. kṣata (q.v.) hurt, harm, wound, break; M. kṣaṇute refl. & intr. -- Cf. parikṣata vikṣata.

kṣantavya a. to be forgiven (of pers. & th.); n. impers. w. gen. of pers. & abl. of th.

kṣap kṣapati1 v & kṣapate do penance, be abstinent. --
     sam the same.

kṣap [2] f. night; gen. & instr. at night.

kṣapaṇa [1] m. a Buddhist or Jaina mendicant; n. penance, abstinence.

kṣapaṇa [2] a. destroying; m. destroyer; n. destruction, expulsion, omission (of studies), passing away (the time).

kṣapaṇaka m. = kṣapaṇa1 m.

kṣapā f. night.

kṣapākara m. the moon (night-maker).

kṣapākṛt m. the moon (night-maker).

kṣapākṣaya m. the end of the night, i.e. morning.

kṣapācara m. night-walker; night-animal or bird, a Rakṣas or goblin.

kṣapāha n. night and day.

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kṣam kṣamate1 v (kṣamati & kṣamyate), pp. kṣānta (q.v.) be patient or quiet, endure, suffer, bear, pardon, forgive (gen. or dat. of pers. & acc. of th., pp. also kṣamita); be able to (infin.). C. kṣamayati te ask pardon for (2 acc.); endure, put up with (acc.). --
     abhi be gracious, pardon.
     sam suffer, put up with (acc.).

kṣam [2] (kṣām) f. the earth; instr. kṣamā on the earth.

kṣama a. patient; enduring, resisting (--°); propitious, friendly; tolerable; able to, capable of (loc., infin., or --°); suitable, fit, proper for (dat., gen., loc., inf., or --°). f. kṣamā patience, forbearance, indulgence (gen. or prati); the earth.

kṣamatā f. -tva n. fitness, capability.

kṣamānvita a. endowed with patience, enduring, indulgent.

kṣamāvant a. the same.

kṣamāśīla a. the same.

kṣamin a. the same.

kṣamya a. earthly, terrestrial.

kṣaya [1] a. dwelling; m. dwelling-place, abode, seat; tribe, people.

kṣaya [2] m. decrease, waste, loss, destruction, consumption (also as a sickness); decay, ruin, fall, end; kṣayaṃ gam i, or come to an end, perish; kṣayaṃ nī bring to an end, destroy.

kṣayakara a. making an end, destroying (--°).

kṣayakartṛ a. making an end, destroying (--°).

kṣayakṛt a. making an end, destroying (--°).

kṣayaṃkara f. ī the same.

kṣayaṇa [1] a. ending, destroying.

kṣayaṇa [2] (kṣayaṇa) a. habitable.

kṣayadvīra a. ruling over men.

kṣayaroga m. the disease consumption.

kṣayarogin a. consumptive; -gitva n. = prec.

kṣayin a. decreasing, perishable, consumptive; abstr. kṣayitā f., -tva n.

kṣayiṣṇu a. perishable or destroying.

kṣar kṣarati v (kṣarate) flow, glide, melt away, perish; flow with, abound in (acc.). C. kṣārayati cause to flow, dismiss. --
     abhi flow through (acc.); overflow.
     anu flow upon or into (acc.)
     abhi the same, flow about.
     ā C. cause to flow near, sprinkle, soil; defame, accuse.
     upa flow near.
     prati flow around or towards.
     pra stream forth.
     vi flow asunder, pour down.
     sam flow together.

kṣara a. melting away, perishable; n. the body.

kṣal kṣālayati v wash, cleanse. --
     pra & abhiprā = S.

kṣava m. sneezing.

kṣavathu m. sneezing.

kṣā kṣāyati v pp. kṣāṇa1 burn, set on fire. C. kṣāpayati burn, scorch. --
     pra burn (intr.).
     sam burn (trans.). -- Cf. avakṣāṇa.

kṣā [2] f. (Nom. kṣās) = kṣam.

kṣāti f. heat, flame.

kṣātra f. ī pertaining to the military tribe; n. dominion, supremacy.

kṣānta a. borne, pardoned, forgiven (n. impers.); patient, indulgent. n. patience, indulgence.

kṣānti f. = prec. n.; poss. -mant.

kṣāntiśīla m. N. of a man.

kṣāma a. burned, scorched, dried; thin, slender, weak.

kṣāmakṣāma a. quite emaciated.

kṣāman n. kṣāmi f. the earth.

kṣāmāṅga f. ī slender (limbed).

kṣāmīkṛ shorten.

kṣāra a. pungent, saline, sharp; m. (n.) any pungent or saline substance, as caustic alcali, saltpetre, natron, etc.

kṣāralavaṇa n. du. anything pungent and salt.

kṣāla m. washing.

kṣālana a. & n. washing, cleansing.

kṣi kṣeti kṣiyati kṣayati1 v abide, dwell, inhabit; rule, be master of (gen.). C. kṣayayati & kṣepayati pacify. --
     adhi dwell in, rest on, spread over (acc. or loc.).
     ā dwell in, inhabit, be or become possessed of (acc.), exist.
     upa dwell in or near, remain with, rest or depend on (acc.),
     pari dwell about (acc.).
     prati settle at (acc).
     sam dwell together with (instr.).

kṣi kṣiṇāti kṣiṇoti2 v (kṣayati), pp. kṣita & kṣīṇa (q.v.) destroy, injure, exhaust; P. kṣīyate (kṣīyate) be exhausted, perish, cease, wane (moon). C. kṣayayati & kṣapayati te = S. tr.; w. kālam etc. pass, spend. --
     apa & upa P. = S. P.
     pari destroy; P. suffer loss, become poor. --
     pra sam A. & P. = S. -- Cf. parikṣīṇa prakṣīṇa.

kṣit a. & s. dwelling, ruling; inhabitant, ruler.

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kṣita pp. exhausted, afflicted, wretched.

kṣiti [1] f. abode, settlement, the earth; pl. the settlements, i.e. tribes, nations, men, people.

kṣiti [2] f. destruction, decay, end.

kṣitikampa m. earthquake.

kṣititala n. the surface of the earth.

kṣitidhara m. a mountain (earth-bearer).

kṣitidharaguru m. the master of the mountains i.e. the Himalaya.

kṣitipa m. a king.

kṣitipati m. a king.

kṣitibhuj m. a king.

kṣitibhṛt m. a mountain or king.

kṣitirasa m. the sap or juice of the earth.

kṣitīndra m. a king.

kṣitīśa m. a king.

kṣitīśvara m. a king.

kṣip kṣipati kṣipate v pp. kṣipta1 (q.v.) throw, cast, send; put, place, direct, turn (esp. the eye or mind); hit, hurt; abuse, scold; throw down, cast off, reject; destroy, annihilate; pass, spend (time). C. kṣepayati cause to (be) cast, make to descend through (instr.) into (loc.). --
     adhi bespatter, insult, abuse.
     apa cast off, take away, remove.
     abhi strike at (acc.).
     ava throw down, throw into (loc.) hurl at (dat.); take off.
     ā throw at (loc. or dat.), put in (loc.); strike, hit; draw near, attract; take away, withdraw, cast off; insult, revile.
     vyā stretch out (the hand), open (the mouth); strike, attract (the mind).
     samā throw together, pile up; shake, hurl; take away, tear off, expel, destroy; insult, revile.
     ud throw, set or take up, life, raise; extract from (abl.); cast off, get rid of (acc.).
     samud throw up, lift; loosen, deliver of (abl.); annihilate, destroy.
     upa throw at, hurl against (loc.); strike, hit, esp. w. words, i.e. either insult, mock, revile, or intimate, insinuate, allege, allude to (acc.).
     ni throw down, place, put, apply; deposit, grant, deliver, entrust, appoint (2 acc. or acc. of pers. & loc. of th.); leave, abandon, give up.
     upani put down.
     vini throw or put down, commit, entrust.
     pari throw beyond, put or lay round, surround, encircle, place or put in (loc.).
     pra throw far, set before; fling at, put in (loc.); let down.
     prati hurt, harm, reject, despise.
     vi throw asunder, scatter, dispel, distribute; extend, stretch out; let loose (the bow-string), shoot off (the bow); *handle, manage.
     pravi toss, harass.
     sam throw together, heap up; compress, contract, abbreviate, diminish. -- Cf. ākṣipta vikṣipta saṃkṣipta.

kṣip [2] f. (only nom. pl.) finger.

kṣipaṇi f. gallop, course.

kṣipaṇu m. archer or arrow.

kṣipā f. (only instr. pl.) finger.

kṣipta a. thrown, tossed, hit, afflicted; defamed, despicable; n. a wound caused by shooting or throwing.

kṣipra a. darting (bow); quick, fast; n. quickly, immediately.

kṣipraniścaya a. quick of resolution, resolute.

kṣipreṣu a. having quick arrows.

kṣīṇa a. diminished, wasted, exhausted, broken down, thin, emaciated, feeble; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kṣīṇakalmaṣa a. freed from sins.

kṣīṇavṛtti a. whose means of subsistence are exhausted.

kṣīṇāyus a. whose life is (nearly) ended.

kṣība a. drunk, intoxicated, excited; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kṣīva a. drunk, intoxicated, excited; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

kṣīra n. milk (also of plants).

kṣīrakṣaya m. the diminution of milk (in the udder).

kṣīradhi m. the ocean (lit. milk-receptacle).

kṣīranidhi m. the ocean (lit. milk-receptacle).

kṣīranīra (°--) milk and water.

kṣīrapa a. drinking milk; m. a suckling baby, infant.

kṣīrabhṛta a. paid with milk.

kṣīravant a. full of milk.

kṣīravṛkṣa m. milktree (E of sev. kinds of fig.).

kṣīrasamudra m. the ocean (of milk).

kṣīrasāgara m. the ocean (of milk).

kṣīrasnigdha a. wet with milky juice.

kṣīrasvāmin m. N. of a grammarian.

kṣīrānna n. milk-rice.

kṣīrābdhi m. = kṣīrasamudra.

kṣīrāmbudhi m. = kṣīrasamudra.

kṣīrārṇava m. = kṣīrasamudra.

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kṣīrin a. milky, yielding milk; m. N. of sev. plants.

kṣīroda m. = kṣīrasamudra.

kṣīrodhi m. = kṣīrasamudra.

kṣu kṣauti1 v sneeze (upon); pp. kṣuta (q.v.) -- Cf. avakṣuta.

kṣu [2] n. food.

kṣuṇa a. pounded, bruised, crushed, broken, pierced, violated, interrupted.

kṣut f. sneeze, sneezing.

kṣuta a. having sneezed or being sneezed upon; n. = prec.

kṣud kṣodati v pp. kṣuṇa (q.v.) pound, shatter, shake, stamp upon, dash to pieces. C. kṣodayati shake, crush. --
     ava pra vi sam = S.

kṣudra a. small, minute (also kṣudraka); low, mean.

kṣudraghaṇṭikā f. a small bell (worn for ornament).

kṣudrajantu m. a small animal or a mean person.

kṣudrabuddhi m. N. of a jackal (lit. Small-wit).

kṣudraśatru m. a small enemy.

kṣudh kṣudhyati v pp. kṣudhita1 be hungry. --
     vi = S.

kṣudh [2] f. hunger.

kṣudhā f. the same; -kara causing hunger.

kṣudhārta a. distressed with hunger.

kṣudhālu a. hungry.

kṣunmant a. hungry.

kṣupa m. kṣupaka m. & -kā f. shrub, bush.

kṣubdha -> seq.

kṣubh kṣubhyati kṣubhyate1 v (kṣobhate), pp. kṣubdha or kṣubhita tremble, shake, be agitated. C. kṣobhayati (-te) agitate, impel, set in motion. --
     pra vi & sam = S. -- Cf. prakṣobdhos.

kṣubh [2] f. jerk.

kṣumant a. rich in food, nourishing; strong, brave.

kṣumpa m. shrub, bush.

kṣura m. knife, esp. razor.

kṣuraka m. N. of a plant; f. kṣurikā knife, dagger.

kṣurakarman n. the work of shaving.

kṣurakṛtya n. the work of shaving.

kṣuradhāna n. razor-case.

kṣulla a. minute, small.

kṣullaka a. minute, small.

kṣetra n. dwelling-place, piece of ground, field, place, seat; womb, wife.

kṣetragṛha n. field and house.

kṣetraja a. growing in fields; m. the wife's son (by another than the husband).

kṣetrajña a. knowing (fields or places); m. the soul.

kṣetratara a. fitter for habitation or cultivation.

kṣetrapa m. protector of the fields.

kṣetrapati m. the lord or owner of a field.

kṣetrapāla m. = kṣetrapa.

kṣetravid a. = kṣetrajña, comp. -vittara.

kṣetrika m. owner of a field or wife, husband-man.

kṣetrin m. the same; soul.

kṣetriya a. belonging to a place. m. husband; n. pl. environs.

kṣepa m. throwing, a throw or cast; loss (of time), delay; insult, abuse; accusation.

kṣepaka a. throwing, destroying; inserted, interpolated.

kṣepaṇa n. darting, throwing, loosing, sending off; passing away (time); also = f. ī a sling.

kṣepaṇika m. mariner, pilot.

kṣepan m. a throw; instr. kṣepṇā quickly.

kṣepiṣṭha superl. & comp. to kṣipra.

kṣepīyaṃs superl. & comp. to kṣipra.

kṣeptṛ m. thrower, hurler.

kṣepnu m. darting (of the bowstring).

kṣema a. habitable, comfortable, peaceful, tranquil, safe. m. resting place, abode, home; security, tranquillity, comfort, welfare, enjoyment (opp. yoga exertion, acquisition). kṣemaṃ te hail to thee! Instr. sgl. & pl. safely, at ease.

kṣemakara a. causing peace or rest.

kṣemakṛt a. causing peace or rest.

kṣemaṃkara a. causing peace or rest.

kṣemay only pp. kṣemayant resting or giving rest, harbouring.

kṣemayoga m. du. rest and exertion.

kṣemin a. safe, secure.

kṣemīśvara m. N. of a poet.

kṣemendra m. N. of sev. authors.

kṣemya a. resting or giving rest, secure, comfortable.

kṣeṣṇu a. perishable.

kṣaiṇya n. perishing.

kṣaita m. chief of a tribe, prince; -vant princely.

kṣaitra n. husbandry.

kṣaipra a. gliding (a kind of Samdhi).

kṣoṇi f. (nom. -ṇīs) woman, wife, fig. the earth; du. heaven and earth.

kṣoṇī f. (nom. -kṣoṇīs) woman, wife, fig. the earth; du. heaven and earth.

kṣoṇipati m. king (earth-lord).

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kṣoṇipāla m. king (earth-lord).

kṣoṇīndra m. = prec.

kṣoṇīpati m. = prec.

kṣoda m. jolt, blow, pounding, grinding; flour, powder.

kṣodas n. swell of water.

kṣodiṣṭha superl. & comp. to kṣudra.

kṣodīyaṃs superl. & comp. to kṣudra.

kṣobha m. shaking, agitation, emotion.

kṣobhaṇa a. shaking, agitating; n. = prec.

kṣauṇī f. the earth, land.

kṣauṇīdhara m. a mountain (earth-bearer).

kṣauṇīnātha m. a king (earth-lord).

kṣauṇībhṛt m. = kṣauṇīdhara.

kṣaudra m. a cert. tree, N. of a caste; n. a species of honey.

kṣauma f. ī made of linen; n. linen garment, linseed.

kṣaumayugala n. pair of linen garments, under and upper garment of linen.*

kṣaura a. done with a razor. n. (±karman) shaving. kṣauraṃ kṛ shave, -kāray have one's self shaved.

kṣaurakaraṇa n. = prec. n.

kṣaurakarman n. = prec. n.

kṣṇu kṣṇoti v whet, sharpen. --
     ava rub to pieces, crush.
     sam M. = S.

kṣṇotra n. whet-stone.

kṣmā f. the earth; only instr. kṣmayā on the earth.

kṣmādhara m. a mountain (earth-holder).

kṣmāpa m. king.

kṣmāpati m. king.

kṣmābhuj m. king.

kṣmābhṛt m. a king or a mountain.

kṣviṅkā f. a cert. animal.

kṣviḍ kṣveḍati v creak, hum, murmur, whistle.

kṣvid kṣvedati v pp. kṣviṇa the same.

kṣvel kṣvelati v leap, jump; play.

kṣvelana n. kṣveli & kṣvelikā f. play, sport.

kṣvelita n. kṣveli & kṣvelikā f. play, sport.

kha n. hole, hollow, aperture, esp. the hole in the nave of a wheel or an aperture of the human body (as eyes, mouth, etc.); organ of sense; void space, sky, air. f. khā source, fountain.

khaga a. moving in the air, flying; m. bird.

khagapati m. king of birds (E. of Garuda).

khagama a. & m. = khaga.

khagādhipa m. = khagapati.

khagendra m. = khagapati.

khaṅkhaṇa a. or s. snarling.*

khac khacati v pp. khacant glimmering, shining, & khacita q.v. -- Cf. utkhacita & parikhacita.

khacara a. & m. = khaga.

khacita a. glittering, shining; inlaid, adorned with (--°).

khaja m. churning; agitation, bustle, esp. of war; f. khajā churning stick.

khajala n. mist, dew, rain (lit. water of the sky).

khañj khañjati v limp.

khañja a. lame; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

khañjana m. wagtail.

khañjanaka m. wagtail.

khañjarīṭa m. the same.

khañjarīṭaka m. the same.

khaṭakhaṭāy khaṭakhaṭāyate v crackle.

khaṭikā f. chalk.

khaṭinī f. chalk.

khaṭvā f. bedstead, couch.

khaṭvāṅga n. a club shaped like the food of a bedstead, considered as the weapon of Śiva & worn by his adherents; -ghaṇṭā f. a bell fastened to this club.

khaṭvāṅgadhara m. E. of Śiva (lit. bearer of the Khaṭvān1ga, -> prec.).

khaṭvāṅgadhāra m. E. of Śiva (lit. bearer of the Khaṭvān1ga, -> prec.).

khaṭvāṅgabhṛt a. bearing the foot of a bedstead, also = prec.

khaṭvāṅgin a. bearing the foot of a bedstead, also = prec.

khaṭvātala n. the place under a bedstead.

khaḍa m. a kind of sour drink.

khaḍga m. sword; rhinoceros.

khaḍgadhara a. bearing a sword; m. a man's name.

khaḍgapāṇi a. sword in hand.

khaḍgaprahāra m. a sword-cut.

khaḍgalatā f. the blade of a sword.

khaḍgavidyā f. the art of the sword, i.e. fencing.

khaḍgahasta a. = khaḍgapāṇi.

khaḍgin a. armed with a sword.

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khaṇḍa a. broken, crippled, defective, not full (moon). m. n. break, fragment, piece, part, section (of a book), sickle (of the moon); number, multitude.

khaṇḍaka m. piece, part; lump-sugar.

khaṇḍadhārā f. a kind of dance or air.

khaṇḍana a. breaking to pieces, destroying, removing, n. the act of breaking etc., also wounding, injuring, interrupting, frustrating, refusing, cheating, deceiving.

khaṇḍamodaka m. a kind of sweetmeats.*

khaṇḍay khaṇḍayati v pp. khaṇḍita break or cut to pieces, divide, dispel, hurt, wound, destroy; interrupt, violate, transgress, frustrate, disappoint, refute, cheat, deceive. --
     vi cut to pieces, tear asunder, interrupt, trouble.

khaṇḍaśas adv. in or to pieces. -- With kṛ kalpay & parikalpay cut asunder, divide.

khaṇḍitavṛtta a. immoral (lit. of broken conduct).

khad khadati v be firm or hard.

khadā f. hut, stable.

khadira m. N. of a tree (Acacia Catechu).

khadyota m. a glowing flying insect.

khan khanati khanate v pp. khāta dig, dig up, delve, bury. C. khānayati. --
     abhi turn up (the soil).
     uda root up, extract, exterminate, destroy. proda & samud the same.
     ni bury, inter; dig up, root up; infix, pierce.
     nis dig out.
     pari dig round, dig up.
     pra eradicate, overturn.
     vi dig up. -- Cf. antarnikhāta utkhāta.

khana a. digging; m. hollow, pit.

khanaka m. digger.

khanana n. digging, burying, burial.

khani a. digging; f. mine.

khanitṛ m. digger.

khanitra n. khanitrā f. spade, shovel.

khanitrima a. produced by digging, dug up.

khanya a. coming from holes or pits.

khamūrtimant a. having an ethereal form.

khara a. harsh, rough, sharp, piercing; n. adv. -- m. ass, mule, f. kharī.

kharamayūkha m. the sun (having piercing rays).

kharāṃśu m. the sun (having piercing rays).

kharayāna n. a donkey-cart.

kharāy pp. -yita behave like an ass.

khargalā f. owl or some other night-bird.

kharj kharjati v creak (of a carriage-wheel).

kharjūra m. ī f. the date tree; n. its fruit.

kharpara n. ī f. a cert. mineral.

kharma n. harshness, rudeness.

kharva a. mutilated, crippled, imperfect, minute low, vile.

khala [1] m. threshing floor, granary; oil-cake (also ī f.).

khala [2] m. a wicked person, villain, ruffian f. ā.

khalati a. bald-headed; m. baldness.

khalāy khalāyate v act like a villain.

khalīkṛ use ill, hurt, offend.

khalu adv. indeed, verily, truly (also khalu vai); now, now then (also atha khalu u khalu vai khalu), often only expl. -- na khaluvai) indeed not; khalvapi further, moreover.

khalya a. being in the granary.

khall khallate v pp. khallita be loose, hang down.

khalla m. paper-cornet; f. ī gouty pain in the extremities.

khallikā f. frying-pan.

khalva m. a cert. grain or leguminous plant.

khalvāṭa a. bald-headed.

khaśarīrin a. = khamūrtimant.

khasa m. a degraded Kshatriya; pl. N. of a people.

khastha a. standing in the air.

khākhasa m. poppy. -tila m. poppy-seed.

khāñjya n. limping, lameness.

khāṭkṛ make khāṭ, i.e. clear the throat.

khāṇḍava m. a cert. sweetmeat (also n.); N. of a sacred wood.

khāt  = khāṭ.

khāta m. n. ditch, well, pond; n. cavity, hole.

khātṛ m. digger.

khātra n. a breach.

khād khādati v (khādate) chew, bite, eat, devour, consume, destroy. C. khādayati also = S. --
     pra & sam chew, eat, devour.

khāda a. eating, devouring (--°); n. eating, food.

khādaka m. eater, devourer; debtor; f. -dikā eating, devouring of (--°).

khādana n. = prec. f.; also food.

khādanīya a. to be eaten, eatable.

khādi s. bracelet, ring.

khāditavya a. = khādanīya.

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khāditṛ m. eater, devourer.

khādin [1] a. chewing, eating (--°).

khādin [2] a. wearing bracelets or rings.

khādira f. ī made of Khadira wood.

khādihasta a. having rings on the hands.

khādya a. = khādanīya.

khāna n. eating; -pāna n. eating and drinking.

khānaka a. digging up (--°); m. digger.

khāni f. cave, mine.

khāra m. khārī f. a cert. measure of grain.

khārvā f. the second age of the world.

khālatya n. baldness.

khālitya n. baldness.

khid khidati v pp. khinna (q.v.) depress (fig.); P. khidyate (ti) be depressed, languish, suffer pain. C. khedayati te depress, afflict, vex. --
     ā snatch.
     ud pull out.
     ni press down.
     nis cut off, remove.
     pari P. = S. P.
     pra push away.
     vi tear asunder.
     sam press together; pull out, snatch away. -- Cf. parikhinna.

khidra n. a borer or hammer.

khidvaṃs a. pressing.

khinna a. depressed, tired, weary, sad.

khila m. a waste piece of land, desert, vacant space; n. supplement, addition.

khilīkṛ waste, weaken; w. bhū become void of (gen.), be frustrated, fail.

khilya m. lump, piece; also = khila m.

khīla m. = kīla.

khud khudati v futuere.

khura m. hoof, claw.

khuraka m. a kind of dance.

khurin m. a hoofed animal.

khṛgala m. a crutch.

khecara f. ī = khacara.

kheṭa m. n. a kind of village or small town, shield (also -ka); m. phlegm; adj. low, vile, wretched (esp. --°).

kheda m. depression, weariness, distress, sorrow, trouble, anger at (gen.). f. khedā borer.

khedana n. weariness, languor.

khedayitavya a. to be troubled.

khedin a. tiresome or tired.

khel khelati v move to and fro, swing; C. khelayati.

khela a. moving, swinging; N. of a man.

khelagamana a. of a dallying gait.

khelana n. swinging, going to and fro (also f. ā) play, sport.

khelanaka m. play, pastime.*

kheli f. play, sport.

khoṭa a. lame, limping.

khora a. lame, limping.

khyā (khyāti), pp. khyāta (q.v.) see, appear; P. khyāyate be called or known; C. khyāpayati, pp. khyāta (q.v.) see, appear; P. khyāyate be called or known; C. khyāpayate make known, proclaim; show, betray; praise, celebrate. --
     ati survey, overlook, neglect, abandon.
     anu behold, view.
     antar descry, find out.
     abhi behold, look at; favour, protect. C. make known.
     ava look down, behold.
     ā behold, view; count, enumerate; show, declare, announce, tell, narrate; name, designate as (2 acc.). C. make known, tell; M. have told to one's self.
     pratyā name singly; turn away, repulse, reject, refute, deny, forbid; outvie, excel, surpass.
     vyā explain, illustrate; announce, proclaim, tell, call, name.
     samā enumerate, communicate, declare as (iti).
     pari look around, behold, consider; overlook, neglect.
     pra behold, see; announce, tell; P. be visible or known.
     prati behold, see.
     vi look about, look at, see, perceive; shine forth, beam; illuminate, make visible, show. C. make visible or known, proclaim, tell, confess.
     abhivi look at, behold.
     sam appear together with, belong to (instr.); count together, reckon up, estimate.
     parisam reckon up completely, enumerate, calculate. -- Cf. abhikhyāta abhivikhyāta prakhyāta pravikhyāta vikhyāta.

khyāta a. named, called, known, celebrated.

khyātakīrti a. of celebrated renown.

khyāti f. apprehension, notion, idea, knowledge; renown, name.

khyāna n. apprehension, knowledge.

khyāpaka a. telling, indicating (--°).

khyāpana n. declaration, confession.

khyāpin a. making known, showing (--°).

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khyāpya a. to be related or told.

ga a. going in or to, situate or being in, referring to (--°).

gagaṇa n. sky, heaven, air.

gagana n. sky, heaven, air.

gaganatala n. celestial vault, firmament.

gaganapratiṣṭha a. standing or being in the air.

gaganavihārin a. walking in the air.

gaganaspṛś a. touching the sky.

gaganāṅgana n. the space (lit. court) of heaven.*

gaganāṅganā f. (nymph of heaven*); N. of a metre.

gaganojjvala a. beaming like the sky.*

gaṅgā f. the river Ganges (often personif.).

gaja m. elephant (f. ī); a man's name.

gajadanta m. an elephant's tusk, ivory.

gajapuṃgava m. a noble elephant (lit. bull, chief of the elephants).

gajapura n. N. of a town ( = hāstinapura).

gajamada m. the rut-juice (flowing from the temples) of an elephant.

gajamāna m. N. of a man.*

gajayūtha m. a herd of elephants.

gajayūthapa m. chief of the herd of elephants.

gajavadhū f. female elephant.

gajasāhvaya n. = gajapura.

gajāhvaya n. = gajapura.

gajendra m. a noble elephant (lit. chief of the elephants).

gañja s. treasury; f. ā a tavern; hemp.

gañjana a. contemning, outvying (--°).

gaḍi m. a young bull.

gaḍu s. excrescence on the body, as goitre, hump, etc.

gaṇa m. troop, crowd, host, tribe, suit, retinue, flock, number, series, line; a troop deity (esp. pl. the followers of Śiva, ruled by Ganeśa); company, association; a group of words belonging to the same rule (g.), foot of a verse consisting of 4 instants.

gaṇaka m. arithmetician, astrologue.

gaṇacchandas n. a metre consisting of feet of 4 instants each.

gaṇadāsa m. N. of a dancing master.

gaṇana n. f. numbering, calculation; taking into account.

gaṇanātha m. = gaṇeśa.

gaṇanāyaka m. = gaṇeśa.

gaṇapa m. the same, protector or chief of a corporation.

gaṇapati m. chief of a troop; the god Ganeśa.

gaṇapāṭha m. collection of gaṇas; cf. gaṇa (g.).

gaṇay gaṇayati v (gaṇayate), pp. gaṇita (q.v.) number, calculate, count among (loc.); esteem, value at (instr.), regard as (2 acc.); care about, take notice of, esp. w. na or bauha (acc.). --
     ava disregard.
     pari count over, consider, reflect.

gaṇavṛtta n. = gaṇacchandas.

gaṇaśas adv. by troops.

gaṇaśrī a. joined in troops.

gaṇānna n. food from a corporation.

gaṇābhyantara m. member of a corporation.

gaṇikā f. a harlot, courtesan.

gaṇikādārikā f. daughter of a courtesan.*

gaṇikānna n. food from a courtesan.

gaṇikāpravahana n. carriage of a courtesan.

gaṇita a. numbered, reckoned, valued at (instr.); n. reckoning, calculation.

gaṇin a. having adherents; surrounded by (--°).

gaṇeśa m. the god Ganeśa (lit. the lord of the hosts or troops, cf. gaṇa), also E. of Śiva.

gaṇḍa m. cheek, side of the face (adj. --° f. ā & ī), side i.g.; boil, pimple, crop, (pledge*).

gaṇḍapālī f. the region of the cheeks.

gaṇḍamāla (f.) swelling of the glands of the neck.

gaṇḍamālā (f.) swelling of the glands of the neck.

gaṇḍamālin a. having swollen glands (cf. prec.).

gaṇḍalekhā f. the region (lit. line) of the cheeks.

gaṇḍasthala n. -lī f. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) cheek (lit. place or region of the cheeks).

gaṇḍu s. a pillow.

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gaṇḍūṣa m. n. a mouthful of water or any other liquid (for rinsing the mouth or drinking); draught, gulp. ---peya a. to be drunk by gulps, to be devoured (fig.).

gaṇya a. consisting in lines (a song); to be counted or calculated, to be taken care or notice of.

gata a. gone, come; arrived at, got to, fallen into, situated, contained, or being in (acc., loc. or --°); belonging or relating to (prati or --°); spread, celebrated, known as (loc.); departed, gone away to (dat. or inf.); come forth from (abl. or --°); passed away, disappeared, lost, dead, often adj. °-- whose -- is gone, bereft of--, free from --, less; entered. frequented, visited; got, acquired. n. going motion; disappearance, loss of (--°); extension, divulgation; way, manner.

gataklama a. rested, refreshed.

gatajīva a. lifeless, dead.

gatajīvita a. lifeless, dead.

gatapāra a. who has reached his goal.

gatapūrva a. gone before.

gatapratyāgata a. gone and come back.

gataprāṇa a. breathless, dead.

gataprāya a. almost gone or perished.

gatamātra a. scarcely or just gone away.

gatayauvana a. whose youth has passed away, no more young.

gatayauvayas a. whose youth has passed away, no more young.

gatarasa a. flavourless, insipid.

gatavyatha a. free from pain or anxiety.

gatasaṅga a. free from attachment.

gatasaṃdeha a. free from doubt.

gatasāra a. worthless, vain.

gatāgata a. going and coming; n. sgl. & pl. the same as subst.

gatāgati f. = prec. n.

gatādhvan a. who has gone or made his journey (also of the moon).

gatānugatika a. moving always in the same ruts (lit. going after the gone).

gatāyus a. going to die or dead (lit. whose life is gone).

gatāsu a. lifeless, dead.

gati f. going, flying, motion i.g.; going on progress; course, path, way, manner; getting to obtaining, acquirement (gen., loc. or --°); going out, event, issue; starting point, origin, root, cause; expedient, means, remedy, refuge; success, happiness; transmigration, metempsychosis; lot, fate, condition.

gatipatha m. path (to go).*

gatibhaṅga m. a broken or uncertain gait (lit. interruption of the gait).

gatibheda m. the same.

gatimant a. having motion, moving.

gatodaka a. waterless.

gatvan -> pūrvagatvan.

gatvara f. ī going to (dat.); perishable.

gad gadati v (gadate), pp. gadita speak, pronounce, recite, tell (acc. of pers. & th.), enumerate, name, call. --
     ni = S.; P. be called, pass as (nom.).
     praṇi teach, assert.
     vini speak to, address (acc.); P. be called.

gada [1] m. ā f. speech, sentence.

gada [2] m. disease, sickness.

gadana n. speaking, reciting.

gadā f. mace, club.

gadādhara a. bearing a mace (E. of Kṛṣṇa).

gadābhṛt a. bearing a mace (E. of Kṛṣṇa).

gadin a. bearing a mace (E. of Kṛṣṇa).

gadgada a. & n. stammering; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

gadya a. to be spoken; n. speech, prose.

gadha only gadhya to be taken hold of, to be seized. -- Cf. āgadhita & parigadhita.

gantave & gantavai v dat. inf. to go.

gantavya n. to be gone (n. impers. w. instr. of subj.); to be walked (a way), to be approached (esp. sex.); to be undergone or begun; to be reached, got, acquired; to be understood, intelligible.

gantu m. way, course.

gantukāma a. willing to go.

gantṛ going or coming to (acc., loc. or *dat.). used also as fut. pp. (f. gakamī).

gandha m. (n.) smell, odour, fragrance, fragrant substance, perfume (mostly pl.); the mere smell i.e. a bit of, some likeness with (--°).

gandhaka f. ikā smelling of (--°).

gandhagaja m. scent-elephant (i.e. an elephant in rut).

gandhaguṇa m. the quality of smell.

gandhadvipa m. = gandhadvaja.

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gandhadvirada m. = gandhadvaja.

gandhana m. a sort of rice; n. smelling.

gandhamādana m. N. of a mountain and forest.

gandhamālya n. du. & pl. fragrances and garlands.

gandhayukti f. preparation or application of perfumes.

gandharva m. N. of a genius, connected with Soma and the Sun; w. apām = garbha; later mostly pl. the heavenly singers.

gandharvarāja m. the king of the Gandharvas.

gandharvaloka m. the world of the Gandharvas.

gandhavant a. smelling, odoriferous.

gandhavaha m. the wind (bearer of odours).

gandhavāha m. the wind (bearer of odours).

gandhasāra m. sandal-wood.

gandhāḍhya a. rich in odours, fragrant.

gandhāra m. pl. N. of a people.

gandhāri m. pl. N. of a people.

gandhi a. smelling of, perfumed with; having the mere smell of a thing, being -- only by name.

gandhika a. smelling of, perfumed with; having the mere smell of a thing, being -- only by name.

gandhin a. smelling of, perfumed with; having the mere smell of a thing, being -- only by name.

gandhoddāma a. perfumed, odoriferous.

gabha m. vulva.

gabhastala n. N. of a hell.

gabhasti m. arm, hand, ray.

gabhastimant a. having rays, shining; m. the sun.

gabhīra deep, profound, impervious, inscrutable, secret; °-- & n. adv.

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gam gacchati gacchate gamati ganti v pp. (--° w. act. & pass. mg.) gata (q.v.) go, move; go or come to, get at, fall into or upon, undergo, incur, reach, acquire (acc. ±prati, loc., or dat.); approach sex. (acc.); move on, wander; keep on (with a pp.); approach mentally, perceive (±manasā), guess, understand (P. be understood or meant); go away, pass, set out, depart, die. -- With the acc. of an abstr. often = become or be w. adj. or pp., as harṣaṃ gacchati he becomes glad, upālambhanaṃ gacchati he is censured (cf. i2). C. gamayati te cause to go or come, lead or bring towards (acc., dat., or loc.); put a person into a condition (2 acc.); grant, impart (gen. of pers. & acc. of th.); cause to go away i.e. send forth; pass, spend; overcome; *cause a person (acc.) through some other (instr.) to go; make understood, explain; convey the idea of (acc.), mean, denote. D. jigamiṣati & jigāṃsati wish to go, be going. 1. ganīganti approach, visit. -- accha acchā go to, meet with.
     ati pass away, pass over (acc.).
     adhi get at, meet with, obtain, acquire; commence, undertake, accomplish; approach (sex.), take to wife, marry; find out, invent, discover; perceive, learn, study, read.
     samadhi come near, get at, obtain, acquire; learn, study, read.
     anu go after, follow, accompany (also C.); seek, look for; approach, arrive, visit, enter; observe, obey, imitate, answer to; go out, be extinguished, die.
     samanu go after, follow; penetrate, pervade.
     antar step between, exclude from (abl.).
     apa go away, depart, cease, disappear.
     vyapa the same.
     api go into, join, approach (sex.); get, obtain.
     abhi come near, approach, visit; go after, follow; find, meet; approach (sex.); undertake, take to (acc.), get, acquire; perceive, understand, learn (also C.).
     ava come down, descend; come to, approach, visit; fall into, incur; get, obtain; undergo, undertake; learn from (abl.), perceive, guess, understand; be of opinion, know; take for, consider as (2 acc.). C. bring near, procure; cause to know, make acquainted with, teach (2 acc. or gen. of pers. & acc. of th.).
     ā go near, approach, come to (acc. or loc.), come back (±punar); meet with (instr.); reach, obtain, get at, undergo, incur; befall, betide. C. bring near, convey; procure, ascertain (acc.), learn from (abl.). D. wish to come to (acc.). I. approach repeatedly (acc.).
     adhyā meet with, encounter, find.
     anvā go after or along.
     abhyā come near, approach, visit; fall into, incur.
     upā & samupā the same.
     nyā come down to (acc.).
     paryā go or come round.
     pratyā come back, return from (abl.) to (acc.); return to life, revive, recover.
     samā come together, associate, meet, encounter (instr. ±saha or sārdham); come near, approach, come to (acc. or loc.), come back; meet with, find.
     ud go up, rise, shoot up, grow; come forth, extend, spread. apod, D. apojjigāṃsati wish to withdraw from, to avoid (abl.).
     abhyud rise, go out to meet (acc.), extend, spread; agree, consent to (acc.).
     pratyud come forth again; go out to meet or to face (acc.); set out, depart.
     upa come near, approach, visit; go against, attack; meet, encounter, approach (sex.), undertake; undergo incur; reach, befall, happen.
     abhyupa come near, go to, join, get at; reach, obtain; admit, consent to (acc.).
     samupa come near, go to, undergo, incur.
     ni settle down, approach (also sex.), get at, incur, undergo.
     upani & saṃni meet with, encounter.
     nis go out, depart, proceed from (abl.), appear; go away, disappear; get rid of (abl.); reach, get, fall into (nidrām fall asleep).
     vinis go out, depart, set off, cease, vanish; get rid of (abl.).
     parā go away, depart.
     pari walk about, circumambulate surround, inclose, pervade, spread.
     pra set out, start, advance, proceed; go to, get at (acc.).
     prati go to meet, come back, return.
     vi go asunder, go away, pass, cease, vanish. C. pass, spend (time).
     sam (mostly M.) meet, encounter, join, approach (sex.); harmonize, agree; be fit, answer, correspond. C. bring together, join with (instr.); lead to (acc.), bestow on (loc.).
     abhisam & upasam meet with, come (together) to (acc.). -- Cf. anugata antargata abhyāgata āgata udgata upagata parigata vigata saṃgata.

gama a. going to or in (--°); m. going, march, approach, cohabitation.

gamaka a. convincing, conclusive; showing, betraying (--°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

gamadhyai (dat. inf.) to go or come.

gamana n. going, coming, moving; going to, entering, approaching (prati, acc., gen., or --°); intercourse, cohabitation (--°); setting cut, departure, march.

gamanīya a. accessible, attainable, assailable by (gen.)

gamāgama m. going and coming, going to and fro.

gamin a. intending to go to (acc. or --°).

gamiṣṭha (superl.) coming willingly, ready to enter (--°).

gamiṣṇu a. going or willing to go.

gambhan s. depth, bottom.

gambhiṣṭha superl. to gambhīra.

gambhīra  = gabhīra.

gambhīraśaṃsa a. reigning secretly.

gamya a. to be approached or entered, accessible (also for sex. intercourse), attainable to (gen., loc., or --°), possible, fit, proper; to be guessed or understod, perceptible, intelligible. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

gaya m. house, household, family, N. of a Rishi etc., pl. N. of a people. f. gayā N. of a famous place of pilgrimage.

gayasphāna a. increasing the family wealth.

gara a. devouring (--°); m. drink, fluid, poison (also n.); a man's name. f. devouring, swallowing.

garada a. giving poison, m. poisoner.

garala n. poison.

gariman m. heaviness, weight, importance, dignity, power.

gariṣṭha -> guru.

garīyaṃs -> guru.

garīyastva n. weight, importance.

garuḍa m. N. of a mythical bird; also a building or military array of a cert. shape.

garut s. wing.

garutmant a. winged; m. bird, esp. Garuda.

garga m. a man's name; f. ā & ī a woman's name.

gargara m. whirlpool, eddy; also = f. gargarā & gargarī churn, butter-vat, a kind of water-jar.

garj garjati v (garjate) roar, growl, hum, rave, thunder, chatter (of birds); brag, boast. --
     anu roar or rave after.
     abhi roar at (acc.), shout.
     pra begin to roar or thunder.
     prati roar against, answer with roars, shout at (acc.); oppose, resist; emulate or vie with (gen. or instr.).
     vi roar, shout.
     sam shout together (anyo'nyam). -- Cf. abhigarjita udgarjita.

garja m. -na n. roar, noise, thunder.

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garjita n. the same + bragging, boasting.

garta [1] m. high seat, throne; the seat of a warchariot, carriage i.g.

garta [2] m. n., ā f. hollow, cave, ditch, grave; a water-hole (only m.).

gartamit a. buried in a hole; s. such a post.

gartasad a. sitting in the war-chariot.

gartāruh (nom. -ruk) mounting the war-chariot.

gartāśraya m. an animal living in holes.

garda gardati v exult.

garda a. ardent, eager.

gardabha m. ass (adj. --° f. ā); f. ī she-ass; N. of sev. plants; (a cert. throw with the dice*).

gardha m. eagerness, desire of (--°).

gardhin a. greedy, desirous or fond of (--°).

garbha m. womb, inside, interior (adj. --° having in the interior, containing, filled with); fetus, embryo, scion, fruit, offspring, child.

garbhaka m. kind of garland.

garbhakāla m. the time of pregnancy.

garbhagata a. lying in the womb.

garbhagṛha n. a lying-in chamber, also = seq.

garbhageha n. sanctuary of a temple.

garbhagraha m. -grahaṇa n. conception (of the fetus).

garbhatā f. -tva n. pregnancy.

garbhadāsa m. f.*) a slave by birth.

garbhadha a. impregnating.

garbhadharā f. bearing a fetus, pregnant.

garbhadhāraṇa n. gestation (of the fetus), pregnancy.

garbhadhi m. breeding place, nest.

garbhabhartṛdruh f. (a woman) killing her husband and the child in her womb.

garbhabhavana n. = garbhageha.

garbhavatī f. pregnant.

garbhavasati f. -vāsa m. womb (abode of the fetus).

garbhaveśman n. inmost apartment, also = garbhagṛha.

garbhastha a. = garbhagata, also being inside (--°).

garbhasrāva m. abortion, miscarriage.

garbhādhāna n. impregnation.

garbhāṣṭama m. the eighth year from conception.

garbhin a. pregnant (l. & f., w. acc. or instr.); f. garbhiṇī a pregnant woman.

garbheśvara m. a ruler by birth.

garmut f. a kind of wild bean.

garvagir f. pl. arrogant language.

garvita a. arrogant, proud of (instr. or --°).

garh garhate v (garhati), garhayate (-ti), pp. garhita (q.v.) chide, blame, censure, reproach, complain to (dat.) of (acc.). -- *ni (garhate) find fault with (dat.).
     vi reproach, blame, abuse, revile. -- Cf. vigarhita.

garhaṇa a. reproachful; n. & f. ā = seq.

garhā f. reproach, censure.

garhita a. blamed, censured, forbidden, bad, worse than (abl.). -- n. adv. badly, ill.

garhitānnāśana a. eating forbidden food.

garhin a. blaming, censuring (--°).

garhya a. to be blamed, contemptible.

gal galati v pp. galita (q.v.) drip, drop, fall, vanish, pass away. C. gālayati cause to drop, liquify, melt, filter, wring out. --
     ava & ā drop down.
     pra the same.
     vi be dissolved or melted, fall down, pass away, perish.
     pravi stream forth, cease, vanish. (sam come forth, break out, rise.*) -- Cf. nirgalita parigalita.

gala m. throat, neck.

galaguhā f. cavity of the throat, gulf.

galahasta m. seizing by the throat, collaring.

galita a. dropped, lost, omitted (esp. a passage in the Rigveda omitted in the Padapāṭha).

galitaka m. kind of dance or gesticulation.

galda a. = garda.

galla m. cheek.

gallapūraṇa a. filling or swelling the cheeks.*

galvarka m. crystal, crystal vessel.

gava [1] (°-- & --°, f. ī) bull, cow.

gava [2] -> purogava.

gavaya m. a species of ox, the Gayal, f. ī.

gavala m. buffalo.

gavākṣa m. round window (lit. bull's eye).

gavānṛta n. untruth concerning cows.

gavāpati m. bull (lit. master of the cows); E. of Agni and the Sun (lord of the rays).

gaviṣ a. wishing for cows; fervent, eager i.g.

gaviṣa a. wishing for cows; fervent, eager i.g.

gaviṣṭi a. the same; f. passion, desire, esp. for fighting; fight, battle.

gavīdhumat n. N. of a town.

gavīnikā f. du. the groins.

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gavīnī f. du. the groins.

gaveṣ gaveṣate gaveṣayati & gaveṣayate v strive after, look for (acc.).

gaveṣaṇa a. eager, desirous, esp. of combat.

gaveṣin a. seeking (--°).

gavy only pp. gavyant eager, desirous (orig. & esp. of cattle or combat).

gavya a. consisting of, belonging to, coming from cows or cattle; f. gavyā desire for cows or milk, ardour of battle; n. gavya cattle, milk, pasture-ground.

gavyaya f. ī = prec. adj.

gavyayu a. wishing for cattle.

gavyu  = gavyant, -> gavy.

gavyūti f. pasture land, district, dwelling place, abode.

gahana a. deep, thick, impenetrable; n. depth, abyss, thicket, impenetrable place or darkness.

gahvara f. ā & ī deep, impenetrable, confused, perplexed; p. = prec. n., also secret, riddle.

gahvareṣṭha a. being in the depth or in the secret.

jigāti1 v go, move, come, approach, repair to (acc. or loc.); follow, persecute; undergo, incur, obtain. --
     accha go or come.
     ati step beyond, cross; surpass, overcome, escape; leave unnoticed, neglect; pass away, perish, die.
     adhi fall into, obtain; think of, resolve on (acc.); remember, attend to (gen. or acc.); study (mostly M.), learn from (abl.).
     anu go after, follow, go along; undergo, incur.
     antar go between (acc.); separate, exclude from (abl.).
     apa go away; keep or cease from (abl.).
     api enter, mix with (acc.).
     abhi come near, approach, get at, obtain.
     ava go away, be lost; go to, join (acc.).
     ā & abhyā come near. approach, get at; befall, visit (acc.).
     upā come near, approach, come to (acc.).
     paryā turn round (intr.); carry on, be engaged in (acc.).
     ud rise.
     upa go to, get at (acc.).
     nis go out, go away or come forth from (abl.).
     pari go about, surround, pervade, enter, befall, visit; disregard, avoid.
     pra come forth, proceed; move towards (acc.); go away, withdraw from (abl.).
     apapra go away, cease, desist.
     vi the same.
     sam meet; go to (acc.).

gāyati (gāyate) & gāti v pp. gīta2 (q.v.) sing, chant, recite, praise, proclaim; P. also be called, have the name of (nom.). C. gāpayati. I. jegīyate (w. act. & pass. mg.). --
     accha call with a song.
     anu sing after or to (acc.), praise, celebrate.
     abhi sing or call to (acc.), fill or praise with song.
     ā sing to (acc.), gain by singing.
     ud intonate, begin to sing, chant, recite, fill with song.
     upa sing to or before (dat., loc., acc.), praise, celebrate, fill with song.
     ni accompany with song, sing, proclaim.
     pra begin to sing; praise, celebrate; sound, resound.
     abhipra begin to celebrate.
     vi decry, blame.
     sam sing together. -- Cf. anugīta udgīta upagīta vigīta saṃgīta.

gāṅga f. ī being on or in the Ganges, coming from it, etc.; m. metron. of Bhisma.

gāṅgeya a. & m. the same.

gāṅgya a. & m. the same.

gāḍha a. dived into, entered; tight, fast, close; vehement, strong; °-- & n. adv. strongly, extremely, very much.

gāḍhatā f. -tva n. intensity, strongness, excess.

gāḍhānurāgin a. extremely passionate.

gāḍhodvega a. extremely anxious.

gāṇḍiva m. n. Arjuna's bow.

gāṇḍīva m. n. Arjuna's bow.

gātave (dat. inf.) to go.

gātu [1] m. (f.) motion, course, way, path; progress, welfare, refuge, abode, space.

gātu [2] m. song or singer.

gātumant a. capacious, commodious.

gātuy (gātūy) gātūyati v grant free course, further.

gātṛ m. singer; a man's name.

gātra n. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) a limb of the body (lit. means of going); the body.

gātrānulepanī f. unguent for the body.

gātrotsādana n. rubbing of the body.

gātha m. song; f. gāthā the same, esp. a kind of rel. verse or stanza; N. of a metre ( = āryā).

gāthaka m. singer; f. gāthikā song, verse.

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gāthin a. familiar with songs, m. a singer; N. of the father of Vicvamitra, pl. his descendants.

gādha a. offering a standing ground, fordable, shallow; n. (m.) a shallow place in water, ford.

gādhi m. = gāthin m.

gādhin m. = gāthin m.

gādhija m. part. names of Viśvamitra.

gādhinandana m. part. names of Viśvamitra.

gādhiputra m. part. names of Viśvamitra.

gādhisūnu m. part. names of Viśvamitra.

gādheya m. part. names of Viśvamitra.

gāna n. singing, song.

gāndharva f. gāndharvī belonging or peculiar to the Gandharvas, esp. w. vivāha or vidhi m. a marriage without any ceremony; m. a singer, pl. N. of a people; n. the art of the Gandharvas i.e. song, music.

gāndharvavidhi m. the Gandharva marriage (v. prec.).

gāndhāra m. ī f. a prince and princess of the Gandharis; m. pl. = seq.

gāndhāri m. pl. N. of a people.

gāmin a. going, moving, going to (adv., *acc. ± prati); mostly --° going or moving on, in, to, towards, or-like (after an adv.), approaching (sex.); reaching, belonging or relating to, meeting with, obtaining.

gāmbhīrya n. depth, profundity, dignity, generosity.

gāya [1] a. moving (only --°).

gāya [2] m. song.

gāya [3] a. belonging to or coming from Gaya.

gāyaka m. ī f. singer.

gāyatra m. n. song, verse, hymn; f. ī N. of a metre & a cert. sacred verse.

gāyatrin m. chanter of hymns.

gāyana m. singer, chanter; n. song.

gāruḍa a. pertaining to or resembling the bird Garuda.

gārutmata a. pertaining to or resembling the bird Garuda.

gārgya m. patr. from garga; N. of sev. men, pl. of a people.

gārgyāyaṇa m. patr. from gāgrya.

gārddhya n. greediness, desire.

gārbha a. born from the womb, relating to the fetus or the pregnancy.

gārbhika a. relating to the womb, maternal.

gārhapatya m. (± agni) the fire of the householder (r.). m. n. = seq., n. government of a family, household.

gārhapatyāgāra m. house or place for the G. -- fire (r.).

gārhasthya a. pertaining to a householder; n. household.

gārhya a. domestic.

gāla a. produced by the throat.

gālana n. straining, filtering; abusing, reviling.

gālava m. N. of an ancient teacher; pl. his descendants.

gāli f. pl. (& sgl.*) abusive language, insult.

gāh gāhate (gāhati) v pp. gāḍha (q.v.) dive or enter into (acc.). --
     ati emerge from, overcome (acc.).
     abhi penetrate into (acc.).
     ava or va plunge or enter into, be absorbed in (loc. or acc.).
     ud emerge, rise.
     upa enter.
     pra penetrate, pervade.
     vi dive into, bathe in, enter, penetrate (acc. or loc.); get, attain (acc.); w. kakṣām be equal to (gen.). -- Cf. avagāḍha udgāḍha parigāḍha pragāḍha vagāḍha vigāḍha.

gāha m. depth, interior.

gāhana n. plunging, bathing.

gir [1] -> 1 gṛ.

gir [2] a. s. singing, singer; f. song, word, voice, call, verse, praise. girā by the advice or in the name of (gen. or --°).

gir [3] -> gṛ2.

gir [4] (--°) devouring.

gir [5] m. = giri.

gira [1] (--°) = gir2.

gira [2] (--°) = seq.

giri m. mountain, hill.

girikānana n. mountain-wood.*

girikṣit a. dwelling on hills.

giricara a. mountain-roving.

girija a. mountain-born, f. ā the mountain-daughter (Parvati).

girijā a. = prec. a.

giriṇadī f. mountain-torrent.

giritra a. protecting mountains (Rudra-Civa).

giridurga a. hill-fort.

giridhātu m. pl. the minerals in a mountain; red chalk.

girinadī f. = giriṇadī.

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giripati m. chief of the mountains; high mountain or rock.

giripṛṣṭha n. hill-top.

giriprastha m. the table-land of a mountain.

girirāj m. = giripati.

girivara m. an excellent mountain.

giriśa a. dwelling on mountains, m. E. of Rudra-Civa.

giriṣṭhā a. being on mountains.

girīśa m. = giripati.

girvaṇas a. = seq.

girvaṇasyu a. = seq.

girvan a. rich in praise.

gīta a. sung, praised, proclaimed, named, called; n. song, verse. f. ā sacred song or poem.

gītaka n. = prec. n.

gītakṣama a. fit to be sung.

gītagovinda n. T. of a poem (lit. Govinda praised in song).

gītanṛtya n. song and dance.

gītavādana n. song and music.

gītācārya m. singing master.

gīti f. song; N. of a metre.

gītyāryā f. a cert. metre.

gīthā f. song.

gīrvāṇa m. a god.

gu only I. joguve & joguvāna1 sound, praise, proclaim.

gu [2] a. going, coming (--°).

gu [3] (adj. --°) = go.

guggulu (m.) n. bdellium.

guṅgu m. N. of a man, pl. his race. f. guṅgū = kuhū.

guccha (& *ka) m. bundle, b unch, bush.

gucchagulma n. sgl. bushes and shrubs.

guñj guñjati v buz, hum.

guñja m. gunjita n. buzzing, humming.

guñjā f. the Gunja berry (used as a weight).

guṭikā f. globe, pill, pearl, jewel.

guḍa m. a globe or ball (also -ka m.); treacle, molasses, a pill (also guḍikā f.); pl. N. of a people.

guḍadhānā f. pl. grains of corn with sugar.

guḍamaya f. ī made of sugar.

guḍaśarkarā f. sugar.

guḍākeśa m. E. of Arjuna.

guḍodaka n. sugar-water.

guḍaudana n. boiled rice with sugar.

guṇa m. thread, cord, rope, string (adj. --° after a num. = fold or -- times, lit. threaded); division, species, kind; anything secondary or unessential, e.g. the seasoning of a dish (opp. anna), (g.) the secondary object (cf. gaṇakarman), the articulation (opp. sthāna), the secondary gradation (opp. vṛddhi); (ph.) the quality, peculiarity or attribute (opp. dravya or svabhāva), one of the five attributes or the three qualities; good quality, virtue, excellence; merit, high degree, pl. the six or four measures of royal policy. Abstr. guṇatā f., -tva n.

guṇaka (adj. --°) = guṇa.

guṇakarman n. a secondary action (abl. -matas) or secondary object (opp pradhānaṃ karman).

guṇakaluṣa n. confusion of the (three) qualities.

guṇaguru a. respectable.

guṇagṛhya a. to be captivated by, i.e. sensible of, virtues or merits.

guṇagraha a. to be captivated by, i.e. sensible of, virtues or merits.

guṇagrāma m. assemblage of virtues or merits.

guṇagrāhin a. = guṇagṛhya.

guṇaccheda m. the breaking of the cord (loss of merits).

guṇajña a. knowiNg virtues or merits; abstr. -tā f.

guṇatas adv. according to the (three) qualities.

guṇatyāgin a. abandoning virtue.

guṇadoṣajña a. knowing good and evil.

guṇadhṛta a. supported by virtues (cords).

guṇabhadra m. N. of an author.

guṇabhūta a. secondary, subordinate.

guṇabhedatas adv. according to the difference of quality.

guṇabhoktṛ a. perceiving the qualities.

guṇamaya a. consisting of threads; containing the three qualities; virtuous.

guṇay guṇayati v pp. guṇita multiply, increase.

guṇavacana m. n. an attributive or adjective.

guṇavattā f. -ttva n. abstr. to seq.

guṇavant a. having a thread (virtues); possessed of the five qualities (cf. guṇa); virtues, excellent, useful, good. Compar. guṇavattara, superl. -ttama.

guṇasaṃyukta a. endowed with good qualities or virtues.

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guṇasaṃpanna a. endowed with good qualities or virtues.

guṇasaṅga m. attachment to the qualities (ph.).

guṇahārya to be won by virtues.

guṇahīna a. destitute of merit or virtues.

guṇāguṇa m. pl. virtues or faults.

guṇāḍhya m. N. of a poet (lit. rich in virtue).

guṇātīta a. having overcome the qualities (ph.).

guṇāntara n. another quality. -rādhāna n. the addition of another quality, i.e. occupation with, care of (gen.).

guṇānvita a. = guṇasaṃyukta, also auspicious, lucky.

guṇābhilāṣin a. desirous of virtues.

guṇālaya m. the (very) seat of virtues; adj. most virtuous.

guṇāśraya m. the seat of the qualities, also = prec. (m. & adj.)

guṇin a. having a cord (virtues); having parts, qualities, advantages, or merits; auspicious, lucky (day); object, thing, substantive.

guṇī w. as or bhū submit, yield to (gen.); pp. guṇībhūta subject to (gen.), also = guṇabhūta.

guṇojjvala a. shining with virtues.

guṇotkarṣa m. superiority of merits.

guṇotkṛṣṭa a. distinguished by merits.

guṇodaya m. rising or development of virtues.

guṇṭh guṇṭhayati v pp. guṇṭhita veil, conceal, hide, cover. -- ava samava ā & pari = S.

guṇṭhana n. -nā f. veiling, covering with (--°).

gutsa m. a necklace of 32 strings.

gutsārdha m. a necklace of 24 strings.

guda m. (n.) the rectum or anus.

gundra m. ā f. N. of sev. plants.

gup pp. gupita & gupta1 (q.v.) keep, protect, guard from (abl.) D. jugupsate (ti) beware of, shun, detest; pp. jugupsita detested, abominable, or *detesting (w. abl.). --
     prati beware of (abl.).
     vi D. fly from, be afraid of (abl.). -- Cf. adhigupta anugupta abhigupta saṃgupta.

gup [2] (--°) keeping, guarding.

gupta a. kept, preserved, guarded, hidden, secret; n. adv. privately, secretly, loc. at a secret place; m. N. of sev. kings, esp. --°.

gupti f. keeping, protection, guard, caution, hiding, concealment, prison.

guptipālaka m. guardian of a prison, jailer.*

gumph gumphati & gumphayati v pp. gumphita string together, wreathe, wind.

gur (gurate) v (only --°), pp. gūrta (q.v.) & gūrṇa (--°) *lift up. --
     apa reject, revile, threaten.
     ava threaten.
     ā approve, agree.
     ud lift up, raise. -- Cf. udgūrṇa.

guru f. gurvī a. heavy, weighty (w. abl. also = gurutara), big, large, great, long (prosod.); strong, vehement; difficult, hard; bad, evil; important, valuable, venerable. Comp. gurutara & garīyaṃs heavier, weightier, etc. than (abl.); very heavy, weighty etc.; superl. gariṣṭha very big or swollen. -- m. any venerable person, as father, mother (du. the parents), teacher (also pl.), esp. Brhaspati as the teacher of the gods, any elder relative; chief of (--°). f. gurvī pregnant, a pregnant woman.

gurukārya n. an important matter.

gurukula n. the teacher's house; -vāsa m. the living in it, scholarship.

gurugṛha n. = prec. n.

gurucaryā f. service to the teacher.

gurutalpa m. the teacher's bed; violator or violation of it.

gurutalpaga a. violating the teacher's bed.

gurutalpagāmin a. violating the teacher's bed.

gurutalpin a. violating the teacher's bed.

gurutā f. weight, burden, difficulty, importance, gravity; the office or state of a teacher.

gurutva n. weight, heaviness, severity; prosodical length, importance etc. = prec.

gurudakṣiṇā f. the teacher's fee.*

gurudāra m. the teacher's wife.

gurudhur f. pl. hard work.

gurupatnī f. = gurudāra.

guruputra m. the teacher's son.

gurupūjā f. reverence towards the teacher.

gurubhakti f. reverence towards the teacher.

gurubhāryā f. = gurudāra.

guruyoṣit f. = gurudāra.

gurulāghava n. great and small, i.e. relative importance or value, prosodical length and shortness.

guruvat adv. like (towards) the teacher.

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guruvāsa m. = gurukulavāsa.

guruvṛtti f. the (right) conduct towards the teacher; -para a. behaving properly towards the teacher.

guruśuśrūṣā f. obedience to the teacher.

guruśuśrūṣu a. obedient to the teacher.

gurusuta m. = guruputra.

gurjara m. -rī f. the district of Guzerat.

gurvaṅganā f. the teacher's wife.

gurvaṅganāgama m. adultery with the teacher's wife.

gurvartha m. an important affair; also the teacher's affair or fee; -rtham adv. for the parents or the teacher.

gurviṇī f. pregnant, a pregnant woman; N. of a metre.

gula m. = guḍa.

gulikā f. a ball or pill.

gulgulu n. bdellium (cf. guggulu).

gulpha m. the ankle.

gulphadaghna a. reaching to the ankles.

gulma m. (n.) shrub, bush, thicket; a troop or guard of soldiers.

guvāka m. the betel-nut tree.

guh gūhati gūhate v pp. gūḍha1 (q.v.) hide, cover, keep secret. --
     apa hide, put away.
     ava cover, conceal; embrace.
     ud pierce or twist through.
     upa cover, hide, embrace.
     ni & vini cover, conceal, keep secret. -- Cf. upagūḍha nigūḍha vigūḍha.

guh [2] f. hiding-place.

guha m. E. of Skanda & Civa. f. guhā = prec. + cave, pit, mine, fig. the heart. Instr. guhā in secret, secretly; w. kṛ & dhā conceal, remove.

guhāśaya a. living in hiding-places or caverns, also = seq.

guhāhita a. being (laid) in a secret place, in the heart.

guhya a. (to be) hidden or covered, secret. n. a secret, mystery, adv. secretly, in silence.

guhyaka m. a cert. class of demi-gods.

gūḍha (guḷha) a. hidden, private, secret; n. darkness, a secret, loc. secretly.

gūḍhaja a. secretly born.

gūḍhāgāra s. prison (lit. secret house).

gūḍhārtha a. & m. (having a) secret meaning.

gūḍhotpanna a. = gūḍhaja.

gūrta a. approved, welcome, pleasing.

gūrti f. praise, applause, flattery.

gūrda m. a jump.

gūrdhay gūrdhayati v praise.

gūhana n. hiding, concealing.

gṛ [1] gṛṇāti gṛṇīte v (also w. pass. mg), girate ti (only w. sam) sing, invoke, call, praise, proclaim, relate. --
     anu join in praising; answer, agree (*dat.); repeat.
     abhi chime in with (acc.); salute praise, approve, accept.
     ā approve, praise,
     pratyā answer, respond.
     upa invoke, call to (acc.).
     pra proclaim, extol, celebrate.
     prati invoke, welcome (acc.); answer, respond (dat.); assent, agree (*dat.).
     sam chime in, agree, assent, promise, acknowledge, affirm.

gṛ [2] girati2 girati girate gilati (gṛṇāti), pp. gīrṇa swallow, devour. --
     ava swallow down.
     ud spit out, pour out, discharge, eject, burst out with (acc.).
     ni swallow down, devour, suppress.
     nis spit out.
     sam devour. -- Cf. udgīrṇa.

gṛ [3] I. jāgarti3 (jāgarati jāgrati te) be awake, wake up, wake or be watchful, have a care for (dat.), rule over (loc. ±adhi). C. jāgarayati wake (trans.), rouse, excite, animate.
     pra keep watch, wait for (gen.), wake (trans.).
     prati watch near or over (acc.). -- Cf. jāgṛvas.

gṛñja m. N. of a plant.

gṛñjana m. a kind of garlic.

gṛñjanaka m. a kind of garlic.

gṛtsa a. clever, dexterous, wise.

gṛtsamada m. N. of a poet; pl. his descendants.

gṛda s. the region near the anus (of a horse).

gṛddha a. eager, desirous of, longing for (loc.).

gṛdh gṛdhyati v pp. gṛddha (q.v.) be eager or greedy, speed, hasten, strive after, long or wish for (acc. or loc.). --
     anu & prati strive after, covet (loc.).

gṛdhnu a. rash, eager, greedy, desirous of (loc. or --°).

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gṛdhnutā f. abstr. to prec.

gṛdhya a. to be desired; f. gṛdhyā = prec.

gṛdhyin a. eager, desirous of (--°).

gṛdhra a. the same; m. vulture, f. ī female v., the myth. mother of the vultures.

gṛdhrakūṭa m. vulture-peak (N. of a mountain).

gṛdhrapati m. the king of the vultures (Jatayu).

gṛdhrarāj m. the king of the vultures (Jatayu).

gṛdhrarāja m. the king of the vultures (Jatayu).

gṛbh f. grasping, seizing; dat. gṛbhe as inf.

gṛbha m. grasp.

gṛbhay gṛbhayati v grasp, seize.

gṛbhāya gṛbhāyati v the same. --
     anu accept, take care of (acc.).
     ud keep back, stop.
     sam grasp, seize, keep together.

gṛbhi a. holding, containing (gen.).

gṛṣṭi f. heifer.

gṛh (--°) grasping, seizing.

gṛha m. a servant (lit. who grasps or lays hold on anything); n. house (as the receiving or containing), mansion, habitation (also m. pl., sgl. only in Veda); temple, bower (mostly --°), sign of the zodiac; m. pl. inhabitants of a house, a family.

gṛhakapota m. *domestic pigeon.

gṛhakapotaka m. *domestic pigeon.

gṛhakarman n. domestic work or rite.

gṛhakārin m. house or mason wasp.

gṛhakārya n. domestic work or affair.

gṛhakṛtya n. domestic work or affair.

gṛhaja a. born in the house.

gṛhajana m. family.

gṛhajāta a. = gṛhaja.

gṛhada m. giver of a house.

gṛhadāru n. house-post; -vat adv.

gṛhadāsa m. ī f. domestic servant or slave.

gṛhadāha m. burning of a house, conflagration.

gṛhadīpti f. the splendour or ornament of a house (a virtuous woman).

gṛhadevatā f. pl. the deities of a house.

gṛhadvāra n. house-door.

gṛhapa m. guardian of a house.

gṛhapati m. master of a house, householder, (f. gṛhapatnī) E. of Agni.

gṛhapāla m. = gṛhapa.

gṛhabali m. domestic oblation; -muj m. a sparrow or crow (eater of it).

gṛhabhartṛ m. master of a house.

gṛhamayūra m. domestic or tame peacock.*

gṛhamedha [1] m. domestic sacrifice.

gṛhamedha [2] a. performing domestic rites, partaking of or belonging to them; m. house-holder = gṛhastha.

gṛhamedhin  = prec. adj. & m., f. -nī a. house-wife.

gṛhamedhīya a. pertaining to the domestic sacrifice or the householder; n. domestic sacrifice.

gṛharakṣā f. the guarding of a house.

gṛhavāsa m. = gṛhāśama.

gṛhaśikhaṇḍin m. = gṛhamayūra.

gṛhaśuka m. house-parrot or house-poet.

gṛhasaṃveśaka m. house-builder.

gṛhasārasa m. domestic crane.

gṛhastha a. living in the house of (--°); m. householder, a Brahman in the second stage of his religious life.

gṛhārtha m. household affairs or care.

gṛhāśrama m. the order of the householder (cf. gṛhastha).

gṛhi m. master of a house.

gṛhin a. having a house; m. householder, f. gṛhiṇī house-wife.

gṛhīta a. grasped, taken, conceived, etc.; often °-- having taken or conceived; taken by, provided with.

gṛhītacāpa a. armed with (lit. having taken) a bow.*

gṛhītadhanu a. the same.*

gṛhītadhanvan a. the same.*

gṛhītanāmadheya a. named, mentioned.*

gṛhītapaścāttāpa a. seized by repentance.*

gṛhītapātheya a. furnished with provisions.*

gṛhītākṣara a. having conceived the words or meaning of (gen.).*

gṛhītārtha a. having conceived the purpose.*

gṛhītāvaguṇṭhana a. veiled, covered (carriage).*

gṛhīti f. taking, conceiving.

gṛhī w. bhū become a house or habitation.

gṛhu m. beggar.

gṛheśvara m. master of a house; f. ī housewife.

gṛhya [1] a. to be seized or taken, perceptible.

gṛhya [2]  = gṛhītvā (v. grabh).

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gṛhya [3] a. belonging to a house, domestic. m. the house-fire, pl. the inmates of a house, the family or servants; f. ā & n. domestic rite or rule.

gṛhyasūtra n. manual of domestic rules.

geṇḍuka m. ball for playing.

geya a. to be sung or praised; *singing (gen.); n. song.

geṣṇa [1] m. singer, chanter.

geṣṇa [2] m. joint, juncture.

geha n. house, mansion; gehinī f. = gṛhiṇī.

gehadāha & gehapati v = gṛhadāha & gṛhapati.

gehapārāvata m. = gṛhakapota.*

gehīy gehīyati v take for a house.

gehya [1] a. being in a house, domestic.

gehya [2] n. household, domestic wealth.

gairika n. f.) red chalk.

go m. bull, ox, ox-hide, leather, sinew; pl. cattle, herds, the stars or rays of light (as the herds of the sky); pieces of flesh, cow-milk (also sgl.). --f. cow, the earth (as the milch cow of kings); speech and Sarasvati, the goddess of speech.

goagra a. having cows or milk as chief part or object.

goarṇas a. swarming with cows or stars.

gokarṇa [1] m. cow-ear.

gokarṇa [2] a. cow-eared; m. a kind of antelope, N. of a place of pilgrimage sacred to Śiva, of Śiva himself, & of sev. men.

gokāma a. desirous of kine.

gokāmyā f. love of cows.

gokula n. herd or station of cattle.

gokṣīra n. cow-milk.

goghna a. noxious to kine, kine-killing; m. a cow-slayer.

gocandana n. a kind of sandal-wood; f. ā a kind of leech.

gocara m. reach, scope, sphere, range (lit. field for cattle); adj. being within range or reach of, subject to, accessible, perceptible, attainable by (--° or gen.).

gojā a. sprung from the cow.

gojāta a. star-born (the gods).

goṇa m. ox.

goṇḍa m. N. of a people.

gotama m. the biggest ox; N. of sev. men, pl. their race.

gotra n. cow-stall (m.); race, family; family name, name i.g.; a grandson & cert. further descendants, also a patron suffix (g.).

gotraja a. born in the family, noble; m. a relative.

gotranāman (& -nāmadheya*) n. family name.

gotranāmābhijānatas adv. by race, name, and family.

gotrabhid a. opening the cow-shed or destroying families. m. E. of Indra.

gotrariktha n. du. the family name and inheritance.

gotrākhyā f. family name, patronymic.

gotrin a. belonging to the same race; m. a relative.

gotva n. state or nature of a cow.

goda a. giving cows; f. ā N. of a river.

godā a. = prec. a.

godāna [1] n. the gift of cows.

godāna [2] n. the part of the head close to the ear & a cert. ceremony performed with it.

godāvarī f. N. of a river.

goduh (nom. -dhuk) m. a cow-milker or herd.

godoha m. -na n. the milking of cows.

godha m. pl. N. of a people. f. godhā bowstring, sinew, arm-leather (cf. angulitra); a kind of lizard.

godhana n. possession, herd, or station of cows; m. N. of a man.

godhūma m. wheat.

gonanda m. pl. N. of a people.

gonarda m. pl. N. of a people.

gonasā f. a kind of snake.

gonāsā f. a kind of snake.

gopa m. cow-keeper, cowherd (f. ī), keeper or guardian i.g., E. of Kṛṣṇa.

gopati m. bull, the sun or moon (lit. lord of the cows or stars); lord or chief i.g.; E. of Kṛṣṇa, Varuṇa, & Śiva.

gopatha m. way for cows; T. of a Brāhmaṇa.

gopana n. guarding, protecting (also nopanā f.); hiding, concealment.

gopanīya a. to be guarded from (abl.).

gopay gopayati & gopayate v pp. gopita guard, preserve, hide, keep secret.

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gopā m. cowherd, guardian, protector; f. the wife of a cowherd etc.

gopāy gopāyati & gopāyate v guard, protect, keep secret. --
     abhi & pari A. guard, shelter.

gopāla m. cowherd; prince, king; E. of Kṛṣṇa.

gopālaka m. cowherd (f. -likā); E. of Kṛṣṇa.

gopāladāraka m. a cowherd's boy, a young cowherd.*

gopāvant a. granting protection.

gopiṣṭha (superl.) protecting best.

gopītha [1] m. a draught of milk.

gopītha [2] m. protection, shelter.

gopuccha n. cow's tail; m. a kind of monkey.

gopura n. town-gate, gate i.g.

gopendra m. chief herdsman, E. of Kṛṣṇa.

gopeśa m. chief herdsman, E. of Kṛṣṇa.

goptṛ m. guardian, protector (f. goptrī, n. goptṛ); who hides or conceals.

gobandhu a. kin to a cow.

gobījakānana n. pl. cows, grain, and gold.

gobrāhmaṇa n. sgl. a cow and (or) a Brahman.

gobhāj a. earning a cow.

gobhila m. N. of an author.

gobhuj m. king.

gobhṛt m. king.

gomant a. possessing, containing, consisting of, cows or milk, milky (draught); f. gomatī a place abounding in herds, gomatī N. of sev. rivers; n. gomat possession of cattle.

gomaya a. consisting of cattle; n. (often pl.) m. cow-dung.

gomātṛ a. having a cow for mother.

gomāyu a. lowing like a cow; m. a kind of frog, a jackal & N. of a jackal.

gomithuna (n. sgl. & m. pl.) a pair of cattle, a bull and a cow.

gomin m. owner of cattle or kine.

gomukha m. a cert. musical instrument; N. of sev. men.

gomūtra n. a cow's urine.

gomṛga m. the Bos Gavaens.

gomedha m. the sacrifice of a cow.

goyajña m. the sacrifice of a cow.

goyāna n. a carriage drawn by oxen or cows, carriage i.g.

goyukta a. yoked with or drawn by cattle.

gorakṣaka a. guarding cattle; m. cow-herd.

gorakṣā f. -ksya n. keeping or breeding cattle.

gorasa m. cow-milk, milk i.g.

gorocanā f. a bright yellow pigment prepared from the bile of a cow.

gola m. ball, globe; a widow's bastard.

golaka m. ball, globe; a widow's bastard.

golāṅgūla m. = gopuccha m.

govadha m. the killing of a cow.

govardhana m. N. of a mountain and an author; E. of Krsna.

govāla m. a cow's hair.

govid a. getting cows.

govinata m. a form of the horse-sacrifice.

govinda m. E. of Krsna-Visnu (lit. = govid).

govṛndāraka m. an excellent bull.*

govṛṣa m. bull, E. of Śiva.

govṛṣaṇa m. the scrotum of a bull.

govraja m. cow-pen.

gośakṛt n. cow-dung.

gośakṛdrasa m. liquid (lit. the juice of) cow-dung.

gośālā f. cow-stall.

gośīrṣa m. N. of a serpent-demon (lit. cowhead); n. a cert. weapon, a kind of sandal-wood.

gośṛṅga n. a cow's horn.

gośva n. sgl. oxen and horses; m. N. of a mountain.

goṣaṇi a. getting cattle.

goṣan a. getting cattle.

goṣā a. getting cattle.

goṣāti f. getting cattle, fighting for booty.

goṣṭha m. cow-pen, stable, station, place; n. a kind of Śrāddha; f. goṣṭhī assembly, meeting, society, party, fellowship, conversation.

goṣṭhīyāna n. carriage of an assembly.

goṣṭhya a. being in a cow-pen.

goṣpada n. the mark or impression of a cow's foot, a small puddle; fig. a trifle.

gosava m. a kind of (orig. cow-) sacrifice.

gostana m. the udder of a cow; *a kind of garland.

gosvāmin m. the owner of a cow.

goha m. hiding place, lair; (N. of a man*).

gohatyā f. the killing of a cow.

gohan killing cattle, m. a cow-killer.

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gohantṛ killing cattle, m. a cow-killer.

gauḍa f. ī made of sugar or belonging to the Gaudas. m. n. N. of a country; m. pl. N. of a people; f. ī rum made of sugar.

gauṇa f. ī secondary, subordinate, also = seq.

gauṇika f. ī relating to or depending on the qualities.

gautama f. ī descending from Gotama. m. N. of sev. men; f. N. of a river and sev. women.

gautamāraṇya n. N. of a forest.

gaura f. ī white, yellowish, reddish; brilliant, beautiful. m. = gauramṛga or = gaurasarṣapa, N. of a teacher; f. ī a female buffalo, a young girl before puberty, E. of the wife of Śiva, N. of sev. women.

gauramukha m. N. of sev. men.

gauramṛga m. a kind of buffalo (Bos Gaurus).

gaurava a. relating to a Guru or teacher; n. weight, heaviness, (prosodical) length; importance, gravity, authority, respect, reverence.

gaurasarṣapa m. yellow mustard or the seed of it (considered as a weight).

gaurīguru m. the father of Gaurī, i.e. the Himālaya.

gaurīnātha m. the husband of Gaurī, i.e. Śiva.

gaurīpati m. the husband of Gaurī, i.e. Śiva.

gaurīpūjā f. the adoration of Gaurī, a cert. festival.

gaurībhartṛ m. the lord of Gaurī, i.e. Śiva.

gaurīśa m. the lord of Gaurī, i.e. Śiva.

gaurīvrata n. the vow of Gauri (a kind of rite).

gnā f. a superhuman female, a kind of goddess or female genius; poss. -vant.

gnāspati m. the husband of a divine wife.

gnāspatnī f. a divine wife.

gman -> pṛthugman.

gmā f. the earth (only abl. gen. gmas).

grath granth grathnāti v pp. grathita tie or string together, arrange, compose, write. --
     ud tie up, fasten, wind; also = C. udgrathayati unbind, loosen.
     vi & sam bind together, connect. -- Cf. sagrathita.

grathana n. ā f. tying, binding, connecting.

grathin a. playing tricks, artful.

grathna m. bunch, tuft.

grantha m. arranging of words, composition, text, chapter, section.

granthakāra m. the author of a work.

granthakṛt m. the author of a work.

granthana n. = grathana.

granthi m. knot, tie, joint (also of the body); N. of sev. plants.

granthika m. relater, fortune-teller, astrologer.

granthicchedaka m. purse-cutter, pick-pocket.

granthin a. versed in books, learned.

granthibheda m. = granthicchedaka.

granthimant a. tied, bound.

granthila a. knotted, knotty.

grapsa s. bunch, tuft.

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grabh grah gṛbhṇāti gṛbhṇīte gṛhlāti gṛhlīte v (gṛhlati gṛbhṇāti gṛbhṇīte gṛhlāti gṛhlīte (gṛhlate), pp. gṛbhīta & gṛhīta (q.v.) grasp, seize, catch; take (in various mgs, e.g.) gather, pluck, collect, take up or draw (a fluid); take away, rob, occupy, buy, chose, marry, esp. w. pāṇiṃ or pāṇau take (by) the hand (acc.); accept, receive; assume, use, put on or in; undertake, undergo, begin; gain over, win; get, acquire, keep, hold; take into the mouth, mention, name; take in with the mind, perceive, observe, understand, learn; admit, approve, obey, follow; take for, consider as (2 acc.); ger. gṛhya having taken i.e. accompanied by, furnished with, with (acc.); P. gṛhyate be meant by (instr.). C. grāhayati cause to grasp, seize, take etc. (pāṇiṃ the hand, see above); cause to choose or marry (2 acc.), cause a person (acc.) to be occupied with (instr.), make learn, teach (2 acc.). D. jighṛkṣati te be about to seize or take, strive to perceive or understand. --
     anu follow in taking etc., accept, admit, approve, support, uphold; favour (āsanam the seat = deign to sit down), oblige, make happy, esp. anugṛhīto'smi I am happy or satisfied = thanks for (instr.).
     apa take away, tear off.
     abhi seize, catch, take hold of, take up, put together, put on, set (a blossom or fruit), accept, receive.
     ava let loose; stop, keep from (abl.); separate, divide (g.); perceive, notice, feel.
     ā grasp, seize, draw tight (the reins); take in, learn.
     ud take up, lift, raise, rear (M. refl.); take out, draw (a sword), preserve, save; cease; admit, grant.
     upa life, take up, hold under, seize, take, obtain; admit, accept, approve.
     ni keep down, depress, draw near or together, close, contract, seize, catch, hold fast, stop, oppress, restrain, subdue, conquer.
     saṃni keep down, suppress, stop, subdue, restrain.
     pari seize on both sides, embrace, surround, enclose, esp. iti, i.e. repeat a word before and after iti (g.); put on, don; grasp, clutch, hold, overpower, surpass; want, lack; get, obtain, acquire, keep in possession; accept, receive, take (a wife), marry, have regard to, obey, follow.
     saṃpari accept, receive, comprehend.
     pra hold out, stretch forth, offer; take, draw near or together, accept, receive (ger. = S.); keep, favour; separate, isolate (g.).
     saṃpra hold out or stretch forth (together), seize, take, receive (well).
     prati take hold of, seize, take = eat, drink; take possession of, occupy; attack, assault; receive, accept (śirasā on the head as a mark of esteem), take = marry, accept willingly, approve. C. cause to accept, present with (2 acc.).
     vi hold apart, stretch or spread out, separate, divide, analyze (g.); quarrel, rival, war with (instr. ±saha or sārdham), fight against (acc.); seize, clutch by (loc.); accept, receive; perceive, understand.
     sam seize or hold (together), gather, collect, assemble; enclose, contain; draw together, contract, restrain; concentrate (the mind); accept, receive, take = marry, take into the mouth, name, pronounce; perceive, understand, learn.
     anusam salute humbly (by clasping a person's feet.
     upasam the same (±pādau, also w. acc. & pādayos); take, get, receive.
     pratisam accept, receive, meet. -- Cf. anugṛhīta parigṛhya parigṛhīta pragṛhya pragṛhīta vigṛhya.

grabha m. seizing, taking possession.

grabhītṛ m. grasper, one who seizes.

gras grasati grasate v pp. gramita & grasta put in the mouth, swallow, devour, consume, vex, afflict; destroy, annihilate. C. grāsaṃyati cause to devour. --
     ā upa pari pra sam devour.

grasana n. swallowing, devouring.

grasiṣṭha (superl.) swallowing most.

grasiṣṇu a. accustomed to swallow.

grastṛ m. devourer.

grah -> grabh.

graha a. grasping, seizing, etc. (v. grabh). -- m. one who seizes, esp. the demon Rāhu (who seizes and obscures the moon), a planet or star (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men), demon of illness, crocodile, one of the eight organs, house, vessel for drawing water; anything seized, e.g. booty, prey, ladleful, spoonful, the middle of the bow; seizing, grasp, robbery, theft, tenacity, insisting upon (loc. or --°); taking, receiving; choice, favour; mention, apprehension, conceiving, understanding.

grahaṇa a. seizing, holding (--°). f. ī an imaginary organ in the belly. --n. grasp, seizure (esp. by Rahu, i.e. eclipse, cf. graha), taking, holding, marrying, buying, choosing, drawing (water), putting on, donning, undergoing, acquiring, learning, study, perception, apprehension, mentioning, naming, the use of a term & the term itself.

grahaṇānta a. lasting to the close of study.

grahaṇāntika a. lasting to the close of study.

grahaṇīya a. acceptable.

grahayuti f. conjunction of the planets.

grahayuddha n. opposition (lit. strife) of the planets.

grahayoga m. = grahayuti.

grahavarṣa m. a planetary year.

grahasamāgama m. = grahayuti.

grahi -> phalagrahi & phalegrahi.

grahila a. accepting of, inclined to (--°); sensible, irritable, crazy, mad.

grahītṛ m. seizer, taker, buyer, observer, hearer.

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grahītavya a. to be taken or received.

grābha m. grasper or grasp.

grāma m. dwelling-place, village (also n.), community, tribe, race, multitude, troop, collection; pl. inhabitants, people.

grāmakukkuṭa m. village or house cock.

grāmaghāta m. plundering of a village.

grāmaja a. village-born, grown in cultivated ground.

grāmajāta a. village-born, grown in cultivated ground.

grāmajit a. conquering troops.

grāmaṇī m. chief of a troop or a community; *barber.

grāmadaśeśa m. the head of ten villages.

grāmayājika a. sacrificing for a whole village or community.

grāmayājin a. sacrificing for a whole village or community.

grāmaśakaṭika n. village cart.*

grāmaśatādhyakṣa m. the chief of a hundred villages.

grāmaśateśa m. the chief of a hundred villages.

grāmādhipa m. chief of a village.

grāmāntara n. another village.

grāmāntīya a. lying near a village.

grāmika m. the chief of a village.

grāmin a. surrounded by a tribe or community; m. villager, peasant.

grāmīṇa a. rustic, vulgar.

grāmīyaka m. member of a community.

grāmya a. village, domestic, cultivated; rustic, vulgar. m. villager, peasant; domestic animal. n. = grāmyadharma m. copulation, lust.

grāmyatā f. -tva n. rusticity, vulgar speech.

grāvan m. stone for pressing out the Soma; stone, rock i.g.

grāsa a. swallowing (--°); m. mouthful, lump, bit, piece, food; eating, devouring, eclipse (cf. graha).

grāsācchādana n. sgl. food and clothing.

grāha f. ī seizing, catching, taking, accepting (--°). m. beast of prey, crocodile, shark, serpent; seizure, grasp, hold, attack, disease; naming, mentioning.

grāhaka f. -hikā taking, receiving, containing, enclosing; perceiving, observing; m. seizer, catcher, receiver, buyer, observer.

grāhakatva n. power of perception.

grāhi f. a female spirit of evil; swoon, fainting fit.

grāhin a. grasping, seizing, holding (--°), catching, gathering, enclosing, containing, gaining, buying, choosing, keeping; attracting, alluring; searching, perceiving.

grāhya a. to be seized, taken, held, gathered, gained, received, perceived, understood, learned, recognized, considered.

grāhuka m. seizing (acc.). (grīva m.,) grīvā (& grīvālikā*) f. the neck.

grīṣma m. summer.

grīṣmamayūrī f. a peahen in summer.*

grīṣmasamaya m. summer-time, the hot season.

graiva n. graiveya m. n. the chain on the neck of an elephant.

graiveyaka n. the same, necklace, collar i.g.

graivya a. relating to the neck.

graiṣma a. relating to the summer.

graiṣmika a. relating to the summer.

glap glupati v be sorry about (inst.).

glapana a. tiring; n. fading, withering.

glapsa s. = grapsa.

glah glahate v play with dice.

glaha m. game at dice, stake in playing; die. dice-box; contest, bet, prize.

glahana n. playing at dice.

glā glāyati v (glāyate & glāti), pp. glāna (q.v.) be loth, displeased, averse to (loc. or instr.); be wearied, exhausted, fade away. C. glāpayati & glapayati; pp. glāpita wearied, faded, withered. --
     pra fade, wither. -- Cf. pariglāna.

glāna n. glāni f. exhaustion, depression.

glāvin a. wearied, inactive.

glāsnu a. exhausted, languid.

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glau s. a kind of ball or round lump of flesh of the sacrificial victim.

gha ghā1 v (encl.) surely, indeed, even, at least; lays stress upon a prec. particle, pronoun, or preposition; is often followed by id or īm.

gha [2] (--°) striking, killing.

ghaṭ ghaṭate (ghaṭati) v be eager or busy, work at, exert one's self for, strive after (loc., dat., or acc.); be accomplished, come round, succeed, be possible, fit, or suitable; meet, join (instr.). C. ghaṭayati (te), pp. ghaṭita bring together, unite, place upon (loc.), bring near, procure, cause, effect, produce, make, form. --
     ud open (intr.); C. uḍghāṭayati open (trans.), reveal.
     pra exert one's self, devote one's self to (loc.); commence, begin.
     vi go asunder, burst. C. vighaṭayati tear asunder, destroy, annihilate.
     sam come together, meet. C. saṃghaṭayati & saṃghāṭayati assemble, collect.

ghaṭa m. jar, ewer; f. ā multitude, troop, ī = m.

ghaṭaka a. producing, arranging, procuring; m. & f. ghaṭikā = prec. m.

ghaṭakarpara m. N. of a poet; n. his poem.

ghaṭakāra m. potter.

ghaṭakṛt m. potter.

ghaṭana n. joining, union with (instr. or --°). f. ā the same, arranging or shooting (of an arrow), action, way of acting, effort, endeavour at (loc. or --°); success, accomplishment; getting, procuring, producing; literary work or composition.

ghaṭīyantra n. machine for raising water.

ghaṭotkaca m. N. of a myth. giant.

ghaṭṭ ghaṭṭate v (only --°) & C. ghaṭṭayati stroke, touch (also with words
= mock), shake, set in motion. --
     ava C. touch, stroke, set in motion. --
     ava C. touch, stroke, rub; also =
     ud & upa C. stir about.
     pari C. rub or touch on all sides.
     vi C. break asunder, burst open, stir about, shake, open.
     sam rub or crush to pieces, bruise. C. cause to rub against (instr.), stir about, touch, collect, meet.

ghaṭṭa m. landing or bathing place.

ghaṭṭajīvin m. ferry-man (a cert. caste).

ghaṭṭana n. pushing, stirring, touching.

ghaṇṭā f. a bell; ghaṇṭikā f. a small bell.

ghaṇṭākarṇa m. N. of a Rakṣasa, E. of sev. gods.

ghaṇṭātāḍa a. ringing a bell.

ghaṇṭāpatha m. chief road, high way; T. of a commentary.

ghaṇṭārava m. the sound of a bell.

ghaṇṭārāva m. the sound of a bell.

ghaṇṭāvant a. furnished with a bell or bells.

ghaṇṭika m. alligator.

ghaṇṭin a. = ghaṇṭāvant.

ghana a. slaying, striking; compact, solid, firm, tight (n. adv.); dark, deep (sound); uninterrupted, whole, entire; full of (--°). m. slaughter, slayer; mace, club, hammer; compact mass, cloud; nothing but (--°).

ghanakāla m. the season of the rains (clouds).

ghanatā f. compactness, thickness (also -tva n.); state of a cloud.

ghanatāmasa a. deep-dark.

ghanatimira n. thick darkness, blindness.

ghanapadavī f. the sky (lit. the path of the clouds).

ghanavīthi f. the sky (lit. the path of the clouds).

ghanasamaya m. = ghanakāla.

ghanasāra a. solid, strong; m. camphor.

ghanāghana a. fond of slaughter; compact, thick.

ghanātyaya m. autumn (lit. the end of the clouds or rains).

ghanānta m. autumn (lit. the end of the clouds or rains).

ghanīkṛ harden, thicken; w. bhū become hard or thick.

gharaṭṭa m. grindstone.

gharaṭṭaka m. grindstone.

gharghara a. gurgling.

ghargharikā f. a small bell, used as an ornament.

gharma m. heat, warmth; any hot (sacrificial) beverage, esp. milk; boiler, cauldron; also = seq.

gharmakāla m. the hot season.

gharmaccheda m. cessation of the heat, the rainy season.

gharmajala n. perspiration.

gharmatoya n. perspiration.

gharmadīdhiti m. the sun.

gharmadyuti m. the sun.

gharmaraśmi m. the sun.

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gharmaraśmi m. the sun.

gharmavant a. glowing.

gharmavāri n. gharmajala.

gharmastubh a. shouting in the heat.

gharmāṃśu m. = gharmadīdhiti.

gharmānta m. = gharmaccheda.

gharmāmbu n. = gharmajala.

gharmāmbhas n. = gharmajala.

gharmārta a. suffering from heat.

gharmita a. heated, hot.

gharmin a. who prepares the hot sacrificial drink.

gharmodaka n. = gharmāmbu.

gharmya n. a vessel for preparing the hot sacrificial drink.

gharṣa m. rubbing, friction.

gharṣaṇa n. rubbing, grinding, anointing.

ghas ghasti v devour, swallow, eat. D. jighatsati.

ghasa m. devourer, N. of a Rakṣas.

ghasana n. devouring.

ghasi m. food.

ghasmara a. voracious.

ghasvara a. voracious.

ghāta a. slaying, destroying; m. the same as subst.

ghātaka f. ī = prec. a.; m. slayer, murderer.

ghātana n. killing, murder; f. ī a kind of club.

ghātay ghātayati(ghātayate) v punish, slay, kill, destroy; also C. --
     vyā impede, disappoint.
     ni slay, kill.
     prati repel.
     vi beat, vex, afflict; impede, interrupt.

ghātin a. = ghātaka.

ghātuka a. killing, harmful, mischievous.

ghātya a. to be killed or destroyed.

ghāsa m. food.

ghāsi m. food.

ghuṇa m. wood-worm.

ghuṇakīṭaka m. wood-worm.

ghuṇākṣara n. a strange incident (lit. letter produced by the wood-worm.

ghuraghurāy ghuraghurāyate v grunt, growl.

ghuṣ ghoṣati (ghoṣate) v pp. ghuṣṭa sound, cry, call out, proclaim. C. ghoṣayati cause to sound etc., also = S. --
     ava proclaim aloud, offer.
     ā listen to; also = C. cry aloud, proclaim.
     ud sound, cry aloud. C. proclaim.
     vi make noise, sound, proclaim.
     sam sound, fill with noise, proclaim, praise, offer. -- Cf. uḍghuṣṭa & parisaṃghuṣṭa.

ghuṣṭānna n. offered food.

ghūka m. owl.

ghūtkāra m. screeching (of the owl).

ghūrṇ ghūrṇati ghūrṇate v pp. ghūrṇita move to and fro, tremble, shake, whirl. C. ghūrṇayati cause to move to and fro etc. --
     ava ā pari vi = S.

ghūrṇa a. moving to and fro, trembling, whirling.

ghūrṇana n. ā f. the same as subst.

ghūrṇikā f. N. of a woman.

ghṛ jigharti v pp. ghṛta (q.v.) sprinkle, moisten. --
     vyā C. the same. -- Cf. abhighṛta vighṛta.

ghṛṇa m. heat, sunshine, instr. ghṛṇā; f. ghṛṇā compassion, pity, contempt.

ghṛṇālu a. compassionate.

ghṛṇi m. heat, sunshine, ray of light, day; wave, billow.

ghṛṇitva n. = ghṛṇā.

ghṛṇin a. fierce, wild; meek, tender.

ghṛṇīvant a. glowing, shining.

ghṛta n. clarified butter, ghee; butter, fat i.g. (esp. as emblem of fertility).

ghṛtakumbha m. a jar of ghee.

ghṛtaghaṭa m. a jar of ghee.

ghṛtanirṇij a. clothed in fat.

ghṛtapaśu m. an animal made of ghee.

ghṛtapṛṣṭha a. (having a back or surface) smeared with ghee.

ghṛtapratīka a. (having a face) smeared with ghee.

ghṛtaprāśa m. -na n. eating of ghee.

ghṛtapruṣ a. sprinkling ghee.

ghṛtavant a. abounding in fat or butter; containing the word ghṛta.

ghṛtavartani a. whose tracks are in ghee.

ghṛtaścut a. sprinkling ghee.

ghṛtasnā a. dipped in ghee or dropping it.

ghṛtasnu [1] a. the same.

ghṛtasnu [2] a. = ghṛtapṛṣṭha.

ghṛtākta a. smeared with ghee.

ghṛtācī (only f.) greazy, fat; as subst. the sacrificial ladle (±juhū); N. of an Apsaras.

ghṛtānna a. feeding on fat.

ghṛtāsuti a. receiving the ghee drink.

ghṛtāhavana a. receiving the ghee oblation.

ghṛtāhuta a. receiving the ghee oblation.

ghṛtāhuti f. the ghee oblation.

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ghṛtya a. consisting of ghee.

ghṛṣ gharṣati v pp. ghṛṣṭa rub (M. refl.), polish. crush, pound. C. gharṣayati rub, grind. --
     ava rub off.
     ud the same, rub over, strike against.
     ni rub into, graze, chafe; try, examine.
     nis rub against (loc.)
     sam grind to pieces, crush, wound; contend, vie with (saha). -- Cf. vighṛṣṭa.

ghṛṣu a. lively, sprightful, gay.

ghṛṣvi a. lively, sprightful, gay.

ghṛṣvirādhas a. gladly giving.

ghed & ghem v -> gha1.

ghoṭa m. horse.

ghoṭaka m. horse.

ghoṇā f. nose, snout, beak.

ghora a. awful, terrific, horrible, violent; n. awe, horror, magic, incantation.

ghoratā f. -tva n. awfulness, horror.

ghoradarśana a. of terrible aspect.

ghorarūpa a. of dreadful appearance.

ghoravarpas a. of dreadful appearance.

ghorākāra a. the same.

ghorākṛti a. the same.

ghola m. buttermilk.

ghoṣa m. noise, tumult, cry, sound, rumour, report, proclamation; a station of herdsmen.

ghoṣaṇa a. sounding; f. ā & n. proclamation, judgment.

ghoṣaṇasthāna n. place for proclamation.*

ghoṣavant a. sounding, roaring; sonant (g).

ghoṣi a. sounding, noisy.

ghoṣin a. sounding, noisy.

ghoṣṭṛ m. proclaimer.

ghna slaying, killing, destroying, removing (--°).

ghraṃs m. the heat of the sun.

ghraṃsa m. the heat of the sun.

ghrā jighrati (jighrate & ghrāti) v pp. ghrāta (--° w. act. & pass. mg) smell, sniff, kiss, perceive. --
     ava smell, kiss.
     ā the same, touch, seize.
     samā & upa smell, touch with the mouth, kiss.

ghrāṇa m. n. smell, sniff, odour; f. ā & n. nose, snout.

ghrātṛ m. one who smells.

ghrāti f. smelling, smell.

ghreya a. to be smelled; n. odour, smell.

ca (encl.) and, also; even, just; but, yet; if. It is often joined with api & eva. -- ca--ca as well--as, both-and (also ca--tu), no sooner-than, although -- yet; w. neg. neither--nor. ca--na ca (tu) although -- yet not, na ca--ca although not--nevertheless.

cak (cakati) v pp. cakita (q.v.) tremble, shake, be alarmed.

cakāra m. the word ca.

cakās cakāsti v shine, beam.

cakita a. & n. trembling.

cakora m. a kind of partridge.

cakoravrata m. the practice (lit. vow) of the Cakora (said to feed on moon-beams); -vratamālamb follow the practice of the Cakora (i.e. enjoy the sight of a moon-like face).

cakoranetra f. ī partridge-eyed.

cakorākṣa f. ī partridge-eyed.

cakra n. m. wheel (lit. & fig.), discus (esp. of Viṣṇu); orb, circle; troop, multitude, army; circuit, district, province, domain. --m. a kind of duck, also a man's name; f. cakrī wheel.

cakragoptṛ m. guardian of the wheel (scil. of the king's chariot), trabant.

cakradhara a. & m. having a wheel or a discus, a sovereign or Visnu.

cakranābhi f. the nave of a wheel.

cakrabhaṅga m. the breaking of a wheel.

cakrarakṣa m. = cakragoptṛ.

cakrarakṣin m. = cakragoptṛ.

cakraratna n. an excellent (lit. jewel of a) discus.

cakravadgati a. moving like a wheel, turning round.

cakravartitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

cakravartin a. rolling on wheels; m. supreme ruler, emperor, chief of (gen. or --°).

cakravāka m. ī f. the Cakravāka, a kind of goose or duck.

cakravāta m. whirlwind, hurricane.

cakravāla n. orb, circle, troop, multitude.

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cakravṛddhi f. compound interest or freight-money (lit. wheel-profit).

cakravyūha m. a circular array of troops.

cakrāṅkita a. marked with a (mystic) circle.

cakrāṅga f. ī a kind of goose or flamingo.

cakrāhva m. = cakravāka.

cakrāhvaya m. = cakravāka.

cakri a. making, active.

cakrin a. having wheels or a discus, driving in a chariot; m. sovereign, king, serpent, E. of Visnu or Civa.

cakṣ caṣṭe cakṣate (cakṣati) v see, look at, perceive; consider as (2 acc.); appear, become, visible; show, announce, declare, tell, say. --
     anu look after or at; name, term.
     abhi behold, view, survey; see with favour, address; name, term.
     ava look down upon (acc.), behold, perceive.
     ā look at, inspect; proclaim, announce, relate, tell, speak to (acc.); signify, mean (acc.); name, term.
     pratyā refuse, reject; reply to, answer (acc.).
     vyā recite, explain.
     pari overlook, neglect, despise, condemn; name, term; speak to (acc.), answer.
     pra relate, tell; consider as, take for, call, name.
     saṃpra explain, suppose.
     prati see, perceive, behold, expect; cause to appear, show.
     vi appear, shine, see, behold, look at, observe; also = C. cause to appear, show, reveal; proclaim, announce, tell.
     sam view, behold, survey, examine, observe; enumerate, report; call, name, term. -- Cf. abhicaṣṭe vicaṣṭe.

cakṣaṇa n. appearance, aspect.

cakṣaṇi m. who illuminates.

cakṣan n. eye.

cakṣas n. brightness, clearness; seeing or being seen (dat. as infin.).

cakṣu m. eye.

cakṣurviṣaya m. range of sight, visibility.

cakṣuṣpatha m. range of sight, visibility.

cakṣuṣprīti f. joy of the eye.

cakṣuṣmant a. having eyes, seeing.

cakṣuṣya a. wholesome or agreeable to the eyes, pleasing, beautiful, dear.

cakṣus a. seeing. m. N. of a Marut & sev. Rishis; n. brightness, light, view, sight, eye.

cakṣūrāga m. delight of the eye.

caṅkrama m. ā f. walk (abstr. & concr.).

caṅkramaṇa a. walking; n. = prec.

caṅga a. acquainted with, clever at (--°); abstr. -tā f.

cacara a. movable.

cañc cañcati v leap, jump.

cañcarin m. bee.

cañcarīka m. bee.

cañcala a. movable, unsteady, unconstant, fickle; abstr. -tva n. -- m. lover, libertine.

cañcalalocana a. having rolling eyes.

cañcā f. mat-work.

cañcu a. known or renowned by (--°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n. -- m. N. of a man & sev. plants; f. (also cancū) beak, bill.

cañcupuṭa n. -puṭī f. the hollow of a bird's beak.

cañcūpuṭa n. -puṭī f. the same.

caṭ caṭati v pp. caṭita happen, take place; arrive, get to or into (loc.). --
     ud go away, disappear. C. uccāṭayati drive away, expel.
     vi break (intr.).

caṭaka m. ā f. a sparrow.

caṭu s. courtesy, flirtation.

caṭula a. trembling, movable, unsteady, fickle; courteous.

caṭūpamā f. a kind of comparison.

caṇa a. known, famous (--°), abstr. tva n.; m. = seq.

caṇaka m. the chick-pea.

caṇḍa f. ā & ī fierce, violent, wrathful, angry; n. adv. --m. N. of sev. myth. beings, E. of Śiva or Skanda. f. ā & ī E. of Durgā.

caṇḍakara m. the sun.

caṇḍakiraṇa m. the sun.

caṇḍakauśika m. N. of a man; n. T. of a drama.

caṇḍatā f. -tva n. abstr. to caṇḍa a.

caṇḍadīdhiti m. = caṇḍakara.

caṇḍaraśmi m. = caṇḍakara.

caṇḍasiṃha m. N. of a king.

caṇḍāṃśu m. = caṇḍakara.

caṇḍātaka n. a short petticoat.

caṇḍāla m. a Candala or outcast.

caṇḍikā f. E. of Durgā.

caṇḍīkṛ make angry.

caṇḍīśa m. E. of Śiva.

caṇḍīśvara m. E. of Śiva.

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caṇḍīstotra n. praise of Durgā (T. of a hymn).

caṇḍeśvara m. = caṇḍīśa.

cat only catant & catta hide one's self. C. cātayati, only catant & catta hide one's self. C. cātayate scare, drive away. --
     nis pra & vi C. M. the same.

catasṛ catasṛ v -> catvār.

catin a. hiding one's self.

catur (°--) -> catvār.

catura [1] a. swift, quick, dexterous, clever, skilful in (--°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

catura [2] (--°) -> catvār.

caturaka f. -rikā = catura; m. N. of a jackal; f. N. of a woman.

caturakṣa f. ī four-eyed.

caturakṣara a. consisting of four syllables.

caturaṅga a. consisting of four members or parts; n. (±bala) a complete army (infantry, cavalry, elephants, chariots); f. ā the same, a sort of chess.

caturaṅgin a. = prec. adj.

caturanīka a. four-faced.

caturanta a. surrounded (by the sea) on all four sides; f. ā the earth.

caturarṇava (°--) the four oceans which surround the earth.

caturaśra a. four-cornered, regular, harmonious; abstr. -tā f.

caturaśri a. four-cornered, quadrangular.

caturaha m. a period of four days.

caturānana a. four-faced, E. of Brahman.

caturuttara a. increasing by four.

caturguṇa a. fourfold, quadruple.

caturtha f. ī the fourth, n. adv. the fourth time; subst. the fourth part. f. ī the fourth day in a lunar fortnight; the fourth case or its endings (g.).

caturthakāla m. the fourth meal-time, a. = seq.

caturthakālika a. keeping only the fourth meal-time.

caturthāṃśa [1] m. the fourth part, a quarter.

caturthāṃśa [2] a. receiving a quarter.

caturdaśa f. ī the fourteenth, consisting of fourteen; f. ī the 14th day in a lunar fortnight.

caturdaśadhā adv. fourteenfold.

caturdaśan a. fourteen.

caturdaśama a. the fourteenth.

caturdikkam adv. towards the four quarters of the sky, all around.

caturdiśam adv. towards the four quarters of the sky, all around.

caturdhā adv. in four parts, fourfold.

caturbāhu a. four-armed.

caturbhāga m. the fourth part, a quarter.

caturbhuja a. = caturbāhu, m. E. of sev. gods.

caturbhūmika a. having four stores.

caturmukha (°--) four faces; a. four-faced, m. E. of sev. gods.

caturmūrti a. four-shaped or four-faced, m. E. of sev. gods.

caturyukta a. drawn by four.

caturyuga [1] n. the four ages of the world.

caturyuga [2] a. containing the four ages of the world, also = caturyukta.

caturyuj a. yoked or put to the chariot by four; drawn by four.

caturvaktra a. four-faced.

caturvaya a. fourfold.

caturvarga m. a collection of four; esp. the four chief objects (virtue, pleasure, wealth, and final beatitude; cf. trivarga).

caturviṃśa f. ī the twenty-fourth.

caturviṃśat f. twenty-four.

caturviṃśati f. twenty-four.

caturviṃśatitama a. the twenty-fourth.

caturvidha a. fourfold; n. adv.

caturveda [1] m. pl. the four Vedas.

caturveda [2] a. containing the four Vedas, also = seq.

caturvedavid (& caturvedin*) a. knowing the four Vedas.

catuścatvāriṃśa f. ī the forty-fourth.

catuścatvāriṃśat f. forty-four.

catuḥśata n. 104 or 400.

catuḥśapha a. four-hoofed.

catuḥśāla a. containing four halls; m. such a building.

catuḥśālaka m. -śālikā f. = prec. m.

catuṣka a. consisting of four or increased by four; n. = seq. n., also a kind of hall or square.

catuṣṭaya f. ī fourfold, consisting of four; n. the number four or a collection of four.

catuṣpañcāśat f. fifty-four.

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catuṣpatha m. n. eross-way.

catuṣpad f. -padī four-legged; m. a quadruped.

catuṣpād f. -padī four-legged; m. a quadruped.

catuṣpada f. ī a. having four feet, consisting of four words of lines; m.
= prec. m.

catuṣpadavastuka a. having as object (referring to) four lines or verses.

catuṣpadottha a. consisting of four lines or verses.*

catuṣpāda f. ī = catuṣpad.

catus adv. four times.

catustriṃśa f. ī the thirty-fourth.

catustriṃśat f. thirty-four.

catuḥsamudra [1] (°--) the four seas.*

catuḥsamudra f. ī2 containing the four seas or surrounded by them.

catuḥsahasra n. four-thousand.

catuḥsauvarṇika a. containing four Suvarṇas (in weight).

catūrātra s. four days (nights); acc. for f. d.

catvara m. n. quadrangular place or yard; quarter of a town.

catvār (catasṛ & catṛr) a. four; m. pl. the four dite for playing.

catvāriṃśa f. ī the fortieth.

catvāriṃśat f. forty.

catvāriṃśati f. forty.

can (only aor. caniṣṭam) delight in, enjoy.

cana (also ca na) indecl. also not, even (not), (not) even, nor; in l. l. usually with another negation & only after an interrog. which it makes indefin., e.g. na kaścana not any one = none, na kva cana not anywhere = nowhere.

canas n. delight, satisfaction, only w. dhā delight in, be satisfied with (acc. or loc.). enjoy, accept, approve.

canasy canasyati v delight in (acc.).

caniṣṭha (superl.) most welcome or gracious.

canodhā a. gracious.

candana m. n. sandal (tree, wood, or unguent).

candanaka m. N. of a man.

candanapaṅka m. unguent prepared from sandal.

candanapura n. N. of a town.

candanamaya a. made of sandal.

candanarasa m. (& candanavāri n.*) sandal-water.

candanāy candanayate v become or be like sandal.

candanodaka n. sandal-water.

candra a. shining, glittering, brilliant, bright. -- m. the moon (often personif.), moon i.e. chief among (--°).

candraka m. (adj. --° f. candrikā) moon; f. candrikā also moonshine; illumination, elucidation (--° in titles of books).

candrakānta a. beautiful as the moon; m. the moon-stone (a fabulous gem.).

candrakṣaya m. new-moon (lit. end of the moon).

candragupta m. N. of sev. kings.

candracūḍa m. E. of Civa (lit. the moon-crested).

candracūḍāmaṇi m. T. of a work.

candratāraka n. sgl. the moon and stars.

candratva n. abstr. to candra moon.

candranibhānanā f. having a moonlike face.

candrapāda m. a moon-beam.

candraprabha m. ā f. moon-like; a man's & woman's name.

candrabimba n. the orb of the moon.

candramaṇḍala n. the orb of the moon.

candramas m. moon or god of the moon.

candramāsa m. a lunar month.

candramukuṭa m. = candracūḍa.

candramauli m. = candracūḍa.

candramaulin m. = candracūḍa.

candrarekhā f. a digit of the moon.

candralekhā f. the same, a woman's name.

candravaṃśa m. the lunar race (mythol.).

candravant a. brilliant as the moon; rich in gold. f. candravatī a woman's name.

candravapus a. beautiful as the moon.

candravarṇa a. of shining or bright colour.

candraviśuddha a. pure as the moon.*

candraśālā f. moon chamber (on the top of the house).

candraśekhara m. = candracūḍa; a man's name.

candrasaṃjña m. camphor.

candrasaras n. moon-lake (mythol.).

candrasiṃha m. N. of a king.

candrāṃśu m. moon-beam.

candrātapa m. moon-shine.*

candrāpīḍa m. = candrācūḍa.

candrārdha m. half-moon, crescent.

candrin a. golden.

candrodaya m. moon-rise.

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capala a. moving to and fro, tremulous, unsteady, agitated, rash, nimble, fickle, inconsiderate, n. adv. --f. ā lightning, a wanton woman, N. of two metres.

capalagaṇa m. wanton troop, goblins.

capalatā f. (& -tva n.*) nimbleness, fickleness, wantonness.

capeṭa m. ā & ī f. slap with the open hand.

cam cāmati & camati v sip, drink. -- ā sip, rinse the mouth, lick up, absorb, cause to disappear. C. ācamayati & ācāmayati cause to sip. -- Cf. ācānta paryācānta.

camat adv., only w. kṛ utter or excite surprise; pp. camatkṛta surprised, astonished, infatuated, proud, arrogant.

camatkaraṇa n. -kāra m., -kṛti f. astonishment, amazement, surprise, wonder.

camana n. sipping.

camara m. i f. the Yak (Bos Grunniens); m. n. the chowrie, a long brush made of the tail of the Yak.

camasa m. vessel for drinking, a wooden cup.

camū f. the bottom of the Soma-press; squadron, army.

camūgati f. movement of an army, march.

camūnātha m. leader of an army.

camūpa m. leader of an army.

camūpāla m. leader of an army.

campa m. N. of the founder of campā f. a town.

campaka m. N. of a tree, n. its fruit; f. ā a town.

campakavatī m. N. of a forest and a town.

campāvatī f. = campā.

campū f. a kind of composition, prose and verse mixed.

caya [1] m. layer, heap, pile, wall; troop, multitude, collection.

caya [2] a. revenging, punishing (--°).

cayana n. heaping up, gathering; heap, pile.

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car carati (carate) v pp. carita (q.v.) & cīrṇa move, go, drive (w. instr.), walk, roam, wander through or along (acc.), pervade, explore (only pp. carita); behave, conduct one's self, act or deal with (instr. or loc.), be engaged or busy with (instr.), have sexual intercourse with (instr.); continue doing or being (pp., adj., ger., or adv.); exercise, perform, produce, cause, effect, do, make, render (2 acc.); consume, eat, feed, pasture. --C. cārayati cause to move, walk, roam, eat, pasture, approach sexually, set in motion, impel; cause to do (2 acc.). D. cicariṣati or cicarṣati try to go, be willing to approach sex. (instr.). I. carcarīti or carcūryate (w. act. & pass. mg) move quickly or repeatedly, wander, roam (acc. or loc.). --
     accha move towards (acc.).
     ati escape, go past (acc.), transgress, also = seq.
     vyati commit offence against (acc.).
     adhi move on or over.
     anu move along or through, follow; move towards, strive after, endeavour to, keep or take to, behave, conduct one's self. C. cause to be pervaded or explored by (instr.).
     antar move between or within, be inside (acc., loc., or gen.).
     apa depart, also = seq.
     abhi act wrongly towards (acc.).
     vyabhi the same; M. bewitch, practise sorcery.
     ava descend.
     ā come near, approach, enter, visit; use, employ, treat (like--vat), apply to (acc.); behave, conduct one's self; deal with, have intercourse with (instr. ± saha), undertake, practise, perform, accomplish, effect, do, make.
     samā proceed, deal or converse with (instr.), perform etc. = prec.
     ud rise (l. & f.); emit, esp. the excrement, also = C. uccārayati utter, pronounce.
     abhyud rise over (acc.). prod cause to sound.
     vyud go forth in different directions; be unfaithful to (acc.), commit adultery with (instr.); perform, accomplish.
     upa come near, approach, wait on (acc.), attend, treat with (instr.), undertake, begin.
     nis & vinis go or come forth.
     parā go away, depart.
     pari walk about, circumambulate; wait upon, serve. C. be attended by (instr.).
     pra come forth, appear, succeed, thrive; go towards, arrive at, reach, visit; proceed, undertake, begin; be active or busy with (loc); perform, do.
     saṃpra begin to move, go on, take place, happen.
     vi go asunder, open, spread, be diffused; fall on, attack; walk about, roam, wander, go through, pervade; have intercourse with (instr.); go astray, fail, sin; practise, fulfil, do. C. cause to roam or go astray, corrupt, seduce; move to and fro (in the mind) i.e. deliberate, consider, reflect, ponder, examine, ascertain, state.
     pravi advance, proceed, go about, roam.
     sam come together, meet, approach, arrive, appear, reach to (ā); spread through, pervade; stay, remain; exercise, fulfil. C. make to meet, bring into contact, set in motion, cause to go.
     anusam go after or along, spread through, penetrate, also = seq.
     abhisam go towards, seek for. -- Cf. ācarita ācaritavya vicārita.

cara a. moving, movable; as subst. an animal (opp. sthāvara); n. going, walking, being, living, doing, performing, having been formerly (--°); m. spy, secret emissary; f. carā.

caraka m. wanderer, traveller, esp. a religious student or a spy; m. N. of an ancient physician, pl. a branch of the Yajurveda.

carakādhvaryu m. a priest of the Carakas (v. prec.).

caraṇa m. n. foot, m. pl. the feet of -- i.e. the venerable (--°); line or verse of a stanza; sect or school of the Veda. n. moving, walking, course, way; practice, performance, esp. rel. observance; behaving, conduct, esp. good conduct, morality.

caraṇaguru m. teacher of a Vedic school.

caraṇanyāsa m. setting down of the feet, foot-step, walk, gait.

caraṇapatana n. -pāta m. foot-fall.

caraṇarāga m. paint or unguent for the feet.

caraṇavikṣepa m. foot-step.

caraṇavyūha m. T. of a treatise.

caraṇasaṃskāra m. ornament of the feet.

caraṇyu a. moving, movable.

caratha a. the same; n. going, stirring; way, course (dat. as inf.).

caradhyai (dat. inf.) to go.

carama a. the last, final, ultimate, extreme, lowest, least.

caramavayas a. of extreme age, aged.

carācara [1] a. movable, stirring.

carācara [2] a. movable and immovable, s. animals and plants, the whole world.

carita n. going, course, way, practice, behaviour, conduct; acts, deeds, adventures.

caritapūrva a. done before.

caritave (dat. inf.) to go.

caritavrata a. having accomplished a vow or an act of devotion.

caritārtha a. having attained one's object, successful, satisfied; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

caritra n. foot, leg (m.); also = carita + custom, law.

cariṣṇu a. moving, wandering, unsteady.

caru m. pot, kettle; sacrificial food, esp. boiled rice.

carkṛti f. praise, glory.

carkṛtya a. worthy of praise, glorious.

carc C. carcayati, pp. carcita (q.v.) repeat, esp. by inserting iti.

carcarikā f. a kind of march or song.

carcarī f. a kind of march or song.

carcā f. repetition (also carcana); unguent, ointment; the being penetrated by, thought, care, or talk of (gen. or --°).

carcita a. repeated; smeared, covered with (--°); wiped off; determined, decided; n. unguent, ointment.

carpaṭa a. flat.

carma (--°) = carman.

carmakāra m. worker in leather, shoemaker.

carmakārin m. the same.

carmakṛt m. the same.

carmakārya n. working in leather.

carmaja a. leathern.

carmaṇya n. leather-work.

carmaṇvant a. covered with skin; f. -ṇvatī N. of a river.

carman n. skin, leather, hide, shield.

carmamaya f. ī leathern.

carmāvakartin m. leather-cutter, shoemaker.

carmāvakarttṛ m. leather-cutter, shoemaker.

carmin a. covered with skin; m. shield-bearer.

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carya a. to be done, practised, kept, etc.; f. ā going, wandering, visiting; behaviour, conduct, morality, piety; practice, performance, occupation with (instr. or --°).

carv C. carvayati, pp. carvita chew, munch, sip, suck.

carvaṇa n. chewing, sipping, tasting (also f. ā); food, nourishment.

carṣaṇi a. agile, swift, active; f. pl. men, people, w. panca the five races of men.

carṣaṇiprā a. filling or nourishing men.

carṣaṇīdhṛt a. bearing or supporting men.

carṣaṇīdhṛti f. support or protection of men.

carṣaṇīsah a. ruling or overpowering men.

cal calati (calate) v pp. calita (q.v.) get into motion, stir, budge; tremble, quiver, totter; set out, start, depart, pass away; walk, march; spread, be diffused; be troubled or disappointed; swerve, deviate, fall off from (abl.). C. calayati or cālayati set in motion, shake, push, disturb, agitate; expel or turn off from (abl.). --
     ā, C. ācālayati set in motion, stir.
     ud get off from, leave (abl.); also = prod set out, depart.
     samud start up or set out together.
     pari C. move, stir, turn round.
     pra get in motion, shake, tremble; come forth, rise, start up; swerve or deviate from (abl.); proceed, advance, depart; be perplexed or troubled. C. set in motion, shake, stir.
     vi move to and fro, waver, totter, set out, start, fall off or down, depart, swerve or deviate from (abl.); be perplexed or disappointed. C. vicālayati set in motion, excite, turn from (abl.), shake, destroy.
     pravi get in motion, shake, tremble, swerve, deviate, leave from (abl.).
     sam move, shake, tremble, proceed, advance, start or set off from (abl.). C. saṃcālayati set in motion, cause to tremble, remove, push away from (abl.).

cala a. moving, shaking, trembling, stirring, tremulous, inconstant, fickle, variable, perishable; m. agitation, motion, trembling (also -tā f., -tva n.); wind.

calacitta a. fickle-minded, inconstant; n. fickleness (also -tā f.).

calana a. moving, going on foot, tremulous, fickle, wanton (woman); f. ī = seq.; n. stirring, trembling, shaking; motion, activity, function; swerving, leaving off (abl.)

calanaka m. n. a short petticoat.

calācala a. moving to and fro, wavering, unsteady, variable.

calātman a. fickle-minded, frivolous.

calita n. moving to and fro.

cavya n. ā f. a sort of pepper.

caṣaka s. vessel, cup, goblet.

caṣāla m. n. top of a sacrificial post; p. -vant.

cākrika m. carrier, potter, oil-maker.

cākṣuṣa f. ī pertaining to the eye or sight, visible; m. patron, of the sixth Manu.

cākṣma a. content, forbearing, gracious.

cāñcalya n. unsteadiness, iYconstaYcy.

cāṭa m. cheat, deceiver, fortune-teller.

cāṭu m. n. courtesy, flattery, politeness.

cāṭukāra a. courteous, polite; m. a flatterer.

cāṇakya a. made of chick-peas; m. N. of a celebrated minister and poet.

cāṇūra m. N. of a king and a myth. wrestler (slain by Krsna).

cāṇḍāla m. = caṇḍāla.

cātaka m. the bird Cataka (supposed to live only upon rain drops).

cātakāy pp. -yita behave like the Cataka (v. prec.).

cātana a. dispelling, removing (--°).

cāturthaka a. appearing every fourth day; s. the quartan ague.

cāturthika a. appearing every fourth day; s. the quartan ague.

cāturmāsya n. a cert. sacrifice (lasting four months); period of four months.

cāturya n. ability, dexterity, grace.

cāturvarṇya n. the four castes.

cāturvidya a. versed in the four Vedas; n. the four Vedas.

cāturvaidya a. versed in the four Vedas; n. the four Vedas.

cāturhotra a. performed by the four chief priests; n. such a sacrifice.

cātuṣprāśya a. enough for four to eat.

cāttra n. a kind of cylinder, esp. used for kindling fire.

cāndra (f. cāndrī) cāndraka cāndrama & cāndramasa (f. cāndrī) lunar.

cāndravratika a. acting like the moon, moon-like.

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cāndrāyaṇa m. observer of the moon's path; n. (± vrata) the moon-penance (r.).

cāpa m. n. bow.

cāpaguṇa m. bow-string.

cāpayaṣṭi f. the same; also = cāpa alone.

cāpala n. agility, haste, inconstancy, wantonness.

cāpalya n. agility, haste, inconstancy, wantonness.

cāpaveda m. skill in the managing of the bow.

cāpādhiropaṇa n. the fastening of the string on the bow or the bending of the bow.

cāpāropaṇa n. the fastening of the string on the bow or the bending of the bow.

cāpin a. armed with a bow.

cāmara a. coming from the Yak; n. chowrie ( = camara).

cāmīkara n. gold; -maya, f. ī golden.

cāmuṇḍa m. N. of an author; f. ā a form of Durgā.

cāy cāyati cāyate v fear, worship, revere; notice, observe, discern. --
     apa fear, revere.
     ni only ger. nicāyya worship, observe, perceive.

cāyu a. showing awe or respect.

cāra m. course, way, behaviour, conduct; spy, scout.

cāraka a. acting, proceeding, setting in motion (--°). m. spy, scout.

cāracakṣus [1] n. a spy as the eye (of a king).

cāracakṣus [2] a. spy-eyed, i.e. using spies to see.

cāraṇa a. belonging to the (same) sect or school; m. wandering actor, celestial singer; spy, scout.

cāratha a. wandering.

cāritārthya n. attainment of an object, success.

cāritra n. conduct, esp. good conduct, virtue, reputation; abl. -tas.

cāritrāvaśeṣa a. having lost all but virtue (lit. having -> as rest).

cāritrya n. = cāritra.

cārin a. movable, moving, going in, on, or to, living in or upon, acting like, doing, performing (--°); m. foot-soldier, spy.

cāru a. pleasant, lovely, beautiful, dear; n. adv.

cārugīti f. N. of a metre.

cārutā f. -tva n. pleasantness, charm, beauty.

cārudatta m. a man's name.

cārudarśana a. good-looking.

cārunetra a. having beautiful eyes.

cārupratīka a. of beautiful appearance.

cārurūpa a. of lovely form; m. a man's name.

cārulocana a. = cārunetra.

cāruhāsin a. smiling sweetly.

cārekṣaṇa a. = cāracaksus2.

cārcikya n. smearing of the body, unguent (adj. --° besmeared with*).

cārmika a. leathern.

cārya n. a cert. outcast; state of a spy or scout.

cārvāka m. N. of a Rakṣasa & a sceptic philosopher; a. pertaining to C., m. pl. his followers.

cāla m. shaking (only --°).

cālana n. shaking, wagging, loosening, pushing away; f. ī sieve, strainer.

cālya a. to be moved or shaken.

cāṣa m. the blue jay.

ci cinoṇi cinute (ceti cayati cinvati) v pp. cita1 (q.v.) heap up, pile up, arrange, construct, build (esp. the sacrific. altar); collect, gather; cover, inlay, set with (instr.); P. cīyate increase, thrive, abound. C. cayayati & capayati cāyayati & cāpayati. --
     adhi heap or build upon (loc.).
     apa gather, collect; P. decrease, wane, get rid of (abl.).
     ava gather, pick off (*2 acc.), take off (a garment).
     ā & samā collect, accumulate; lad, cover, furnish with (instr.).
     ud gather, collect, pick off.
     samud = prec., also connect, add.
     upa connect, join; heap up, accumulate, augment, strengthen, cover, furnish with (instr.); P. increase, grow, get strong.
     samupa heap up, collect; P. increase, grow.
     pari pile up, accumulate; P. increase, grow.
     pra gather, collect, accumulate, augment, strengthen; P. increase, become strong.
     vi pick out, select, segregate, sever, disperse, distribute.
     saṃvi select.
     sam pile up, arrange, prepare, gather, accumulate. -- Cf. apacita, ācita, upacita, nicita1, paricita1, pracita, samupacita, sacita.

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ci [2] ciketi, cinoti, cinute (cayate) observe, perceive, notice, seek for, search. --
     anu remember.
     apa respect, honour.
     ni notice, observe.
     nis & vinis examine, consider, fix upon.
     pari search, examine, find out, discover. P. get acquainted.
     vi discern, distinguish, make clear, illustrate, examine, try, look for, strive after.
     pravi examine, try.
     sam deliberate, ponder. -- Cf. apacita, abhiniścita, nicita2, niṃścita, paricita2, viniścita.

ci cayate3 v detest, hate, punish, revenge, take vengeance on (acc.).

cikit a. visible, clear, also = seq.

cikiti a. knowing, wise.

cikitu a. visible, manifest, clear; f. understanding, intellect.

cikitvaṃs a. attentive, knowing, wise.

cikitvan a. attentive, knowing, wise.

cikits -> cit1.

cikitsaka m. physician.

cikitsana n. cikitsā f., cikitsita n. medical attendance, art of healing.

cikīrṣ -> kṛ1.

cikīrṣā f. wish to do; desire of, endeavour at (gen. or --°).

cikīrṣita n. purpose, intention.

cikīrṣu a. wishing to act, desirous of (acc. or --°).

cikura m. hair.

ciketas -> naciketas.

cikkaṇa a. smooth, slippery.

ciccika m. a cert. bird.

ciñcā f. the tamarind tree.

cit cetati cetate v pp. citta1 (q.v.) perceive, observe, attend to (gen. or acc.), aim at, intend (dat.), strive after, desire (acc.), take care of (acc.); conceive, understand, know; intr. appear, be conspicuous or known. C. cetayati te & citayati make attentive, remind, instruct, teach; notice, put to mind, attend to; M. (A.) be conscious or sensible, think, reflect, conceive, understand, remember; appear, be conspicuous, shine. D. cikitsati (te) intend, aim at, care for; treat medically, heal. I. cekite appear, shine. --
     ā attend to, call to mind, understand, know, find out, invent; intr. appear, shine, excel.
     pra become visible, appear, also = C. perceive, understand, announce, proclaim.
     vi observe, discern conceive, know (also C.); M. be perceptible, appear. D. wish to discern, deliberate, doubt, hesitate.
     sam perceive (together), survey, notice; be unanimous, agree. -- Cf. cikitvaṃs cekitāna vicitta.

cit [2] f. thought, mind, intelligence.

cita a. covered, strewn with (instr. or --°); f. ā layer, pile of wood, esp. funeral pile; n. building.

citāgni m. the fire of the funeral pile.

citādhūma m. the smoke of the funeral pile.

citi [1] f. = citā.

citi [2] f. = cit2.

citta a. thought, observed, desired; n. attention, observation, idea (adj. --° thinking of); purpose, intent, wish, desire, intelligence, reason; the mind or heart.

cittakheda m. sorrow of the heart.

cittacaura m. thief of the heart.

cittaja m. love or the god of love.

cittajanman m. love or the god of love.

cittanātha m. lord of the heart.

cittabhrama m. cittabhrānti f. confusion of the mind.

cittarāga m. affection of the heart.*

cittavant a. having reason, sensible.

cittavikāra m. alteration of the mind.

cittavikṣepa m. distraction of the mind.*

cittavṛtti f. condition of the mind, sentiment.

cittākarṣin a. attracting the soul.

cittānuvartin a. compliant (to one's mind); abstr. -titva n. = seq.

cittānuvṛtti f. compliance, obedience.

citti [1] f. thinking, reason, intelligence, purpose, design; pl. devotion.

citti [2] f. crackling.

cittin a. reasonable.

citya a. being arranged, heaped or piled (esp. the fire of the sacrif. pile); f. cityā arranging, piling, building (of an altar or fun. pile).

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citra a. conspicuous, visible, bright, clear, loud, variegated, manifold, various, excellent, extraordinary, strange, wonderful. f. ā N. of a lunar mansion. n. anything bright or shining, esp. jewel, ornament, picture; extraordinary appearance, wonder (often as exclamation).

citraka m. tiger or panther, a kind of snake, N. of sev. plants, also of sev. men, pl. of a people; n. mark, sign (adj. --° marked by), picture.

citrakara m. painter.

citrakāra m. painter.

citrakarman [1] n. painting or picture.

citrakarman [2] a. having various occupations.

citrakūṭa m. N. of sev. mountains.

citraga a. being in a picture, i.e. painted.

citragata a. being in a picture, i.e. painted.

citragṛha n. a painted or picture house.

citragrīva m. Speckled-neck, N. of a pigeon king.

citrajavanikā f. a painted curtain.

citranyasta a. put in a picture i.e. painted.

citrapaṭa m. painting, picture.

citrapaṭṭa m. painting, picture.

citraparicaya m. knowledge i.e. skill in decorating or painting.*

citraphalaka (m. n.*) tablet for painting, picture.

citraphalakagata a. * = citraga.

citrabhānu a. shining bright; m. fire.

citrabhitti f. a painted wall.

citray citrayati v pp. citrita make variegated, speckle, decorate, paint.

citraratha a. having a bright chariot; m. N. of a Gandharva & sev. men.

citrarāti a. granting brilliant gifts.

citrarādhas a. granting brilliant gifts.

citralikhana n. painting, drawing.

citralikhita a. painted, drawn.

citralekhā f. picture; a woman's name.

citravant a. painted or decorated with pictures.

citravarti f. a painter's brush.

citravartikā f. a painter's brush.

citravāja a. of extraordinary swiftness.

citraśālā f. picture-room.

citraśālikā f. picture-room.

citraśikhaṇḍin m. pl. E. of the seven Rishis (lit. having bright crests), as a constellation the Great Bear.

citraśravastama (superl.) uttering or worthy of, loud praise.

citrasena a. furnished with brilliant weapons; m. N. of a serpent-demon, a Gandharva, & sev. men.

citrākṛti f. picture.

citrāṅga m. N. of an antilope (lit. having a spotted body).

citrāṅgada a. having brilliant bracelets; m. N. of a Gandharva etc., f. ā of sev. women.

citrārpita a. committed to a picture, painted.

citrīkṛ make into a picture.

citrīy citrīyate v wonder, be surprised.

citrya a. brilliant, sparkling.

cid adv. even, indeed, also, just, always, at every time; w. neg. not even. Often only emphasizing the prec. word; in l. l. only after an interrog. & jātu.

cint cintayati cintayate v pp. cintita (q.v.) think, reflect, consider, find out, invent; think of, care for (acc., dat., loc., or
     prati); w. neg. not care for, not mind. --
     anu meditate, consider, call to mind.
     samanu & abhi consider, ponder upon (acc.).
     pari meditate, ponder, think of, find out.
     pra reflect, consider; invent.
     vi discern, observe, meditate, think of (acc.) or to (inf.), consider, regard, imagine, invent.
     sam think, meditate, consider.

cintaka a mindful of, intent upon (--°).

cintana n. thinking of, consideration, reflection; care for (gen. or --°).

cintanīya a. to be thought of, attended to, or found out.

cintayāna  = cintayamāna.

cintā f. thought, consideration, reflection, care or sorrow about (gen., loc., or upari).

cintāpara a. thoughtful, sorrowful.

cintāmaṇi m. the gem of thought ( = the philosopher's stone); T. of sev. works.

cintāmoha m. confusion of the mind.

cintita n. thought, reflection; anxiety, sorrow; purpose, design.

cintya [1] a. = cintanīya, also uncertain, questionable.

cintya [2] ger. = cintayitvā (v. cint).

cinmaya a. consisting of intelligence, spiritual.

cinmātra a. consisting only of intelligence, quite spiritual.

cipiṭa a. blunted, flat.

cibuka n. the chin.

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cira a. long (of time), lasting, ancient, old. n. delay; also adv. a long time, too long, long ago, w. kṛ make long, put off, delay. cira (°--) & any of the obl. cases adv. after a long time, long since, too late, at last, at length, finally.

cirakāra a. acting slowly, delaying.

cirakāri a. acting slowly, delaying.

cirakārin a. acting slowly, delaying.

cirakāla m. a long time.

cirakṛta a. done long ago.

cirakrameṇa adv. slowly, softly.*

cirajīvikā f. long life.

cirajīvin a. living long.

ciradṛṣṭa a. seen at length.*

cirantana a. old, ancient; m. pl. the ancients.

ciramitra n. an old friend.

ciray cirayati (cirayate) v act slowly, delay.

cirarātra s. a long time; °--, acc. & dat. adv.

ciravāsa m. long sojourn.

ciravelā f. a late hour.

cirasthita a. having stood for a long time.

cirāy cirāyati & cirāyate = ciray v pp. cirāyita.

cirāyuṣa a. giving long life.

cirāyus a. long-lived.

ciri m. parrot.

ciroṣita a. departed long since.

cirbhaṭa m. ī f. a kind of cucumber.

cirbhiṭa n. ā f. the same.

cilli m. a cert. bird of prey; f. (also cillī) a kind of pot-herb.

cihna n. sign, mark; adj. --° = seq. pp.

cihnay cihvayati v pp. cihvita mark, stamp, sign.

cīti f. gathering, collecting.

cītkāra m. cry, noise (lit. making cīt).

cītkāravant a. accompanied by a cry.

cītkṛta n. cītkṛti f. = cītkāra.

cīna m. pl. the Chinese.

cīnāṃśuka n. China cloth, silk.

cīra n. strip of bark or cloth, rag; f. ī cricket.

cīracīvara n. bark-garment.

cīravasana a. clothed in bark or rags.

cīravāsas a. clothed in bark or rags.

cīrikā f. a written publication.

cīrin a. = cīravasana.

cīrīvāka m. cricket.

cīrṇavrata a. having fulfilled one's vow.

cīvara n. the dress of a mendicant; poss. -vant.

cukra s. a kind of vinegar or the Indian sorrel.

cuccu m. f. a kind of pot-herb.

cuccū m. f. a kind of pot-herb.

cuṭ coṭayati v w.
     ā scrape.

cuñcu m. a cert. mixed tribe.

cuṇṭī f. a well.

cud codati codate v impel, incite, urge; M. hasten, speed. C. codayati (te) = S. + animate, accelerate, press; inspire, excite; turn, cast, direct; start (trans.), further, help on, bring or offer quickly; settle, fix. --
     abhi C. incite, encourage, summon, invite, request, command; ask, inquire for (acc.).
     pari C. set in motion, impel, summon, request.
     pra push on, impel. C. the same + animate, inspire, inflame, summon, urge, request, command, etc. (v. abhi).
     sam C. set in motion, impel, excite, inflame, summon, request, solicit; speed, procure quickly.

cup copati v stir, move (intr.).

cubuka n. chin, top of the altar.

cumb cumbati cumbate v kiss, touch; C. cumbayati. --
     vyati touch closely.
     pari = S.
     vi kiss.

cumbana n. a kiss.

cumbin a. touching closely (--°).

cur corayati corayate v steal, rob.

culuka m. n. the hollow of the hand, a handful or mouthful, a draught.

culukay culukayati v swallow out of the hollowed hand, taste.

cullī f. a chimney or a three-winged hall.

cūcuka a. stammering; n. the nipple of the breast.

cūḍa m. knob or protuberance (on bricks); the tonsure of a child (r.). f. cūḍā the tuft or hair on the crown of the head, top i.g.; also = m. (r.).

cūḍākaraṇa n. = prec. m. (r.).

cūḍākarman n. = prec. m. (r.).

cūḍāpīḍa m. chaplet worn on the crown of the head.

cūḍāmaṇi m. diadem (crest-jewel); the gem or best of (--°); abstr. -tā f.

cūta m. the mango tree.

cūtamañjarī f. = seq. N. of a woman.

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cūtalatikā f. a mango blossom.

cūtaśara m. the mango arrow (of the god of love.

cūr cūrayati v steal.

cūru m. a kind of worm.

cūrṇa a. ground, pulverized; m. n. dust, flour, powder.

cūrṇana n. grinding, pulverizing.

cūrṇay cūrṇayati v pp. cūrṇita grind, pulverize, crumble, crush. --
     ava strew with dust, flour, etc.
     pra vi & sam = S.

cūrṇavṛddhi m. N. of a man.*

cūrṇaśas & cūrṇīkṛ v = cūrṇay.

cūrṇīkaraṇa n. = cūrṇana.

cūlaka (adj. --°) tuft, crest; f. cūlikā the comb of a cock, crest, summit i.g.

cūlin a. having a crest.

cūlha m. ī f. fire-place, chimney.

cūṣ P. boil, burn, be inflamed; C. cūṣayati suck up.
     sam P. = S. P.

cūṣaṇa n. sucking (of the leech).

cṛt cṛtati v pp. cṛtta (only --°) w.
     ati fasten connect, attach.
     ava let loose.
     ā & upa fasten, tie, affix.
     ni insert.
     nis loosen, untie.
     pari wind round, tie together.
     vi untie, loosen, open, spread out.
     sam be joined to (instr.).

cekitāna a. knowing, wise; N. of a man.

ceṭa m. ī f. male & female servant.

ceṭaka m. ceṭikā f. the same.

cetana (f. cetanī) perceptible, visible, conspicuous, excellent; perceiving, conscious, intelligent. m. a sentient being, a man; f. cetanā consciousness, intelligence; n. appearance, perception, soul, mind.

cetas n. appearance, aspect, intelligence, consciousness, mind, heart, desire, fancy.

cetiṣṭha (superl.) very conspicuous or bright.

cetu m. attention, carefulness.

cetṛ m. avenger.

cetobhava m. love or the god of love.

cetobhū m. love or the god of love.

cetomukha a. whose mouth is intelligence.

cettṛ m. observer, guardian.

ced conj. ( = ca + id) and; also, even (w. prec. api); when, if (often prec. by iti = if thus, in this case). atha ced but if. na ced (cenna) or no ced if not, else. Rarely yadi ced = ced alone.

cedi m. pl. N. of a people; sgl. their ancestor.

ceya a. to be heaped up or collected.

ceru a. active, busy (at the sacrifice).

cela -> caila.

ceṣṭ ceṣṭati ceṣṭate v pp. ceṣṭita (q.v.) move the limbs, stir, exert one's self, be active or busy, be engaged in (acc.); act or behave towards (loc.); make, do, perform. C. ceṣṭayati te set in motion, impel. --
     ā make, perform.
     pari wallow, roam about.
     vi move the limbs, writhe, struggle, stir, be active or busy, act or behave towards (loc.), effect, produce.
     sam be restless, exert one's self, act. -- Cf. viceṣṭita.

ceṣṭa n. motion, gesture, effort, activity; conduct, behaviour.

ceṣṭana n. ceṣṭā f. the same; making, doing.

ceṣṭāvant a. movable.

ceṣṭita n. = ceṣṭa.

caitanya n. consciousness, intelligence, mind, soul.

caitanyacandrodaya m. the moonrise of intelligence (a play).

caitta a. mental, spiritual.

caitya [1] m. the individual soul.

caitya [2] a. relating to the funeral pile; m. monument, tombstone, temple, also = seq.

caityataru m. a sacred fig tree.

caityadruma m. the same.

caityavṛkṣa m. the same.

caitra m. N. of a month in spring.

caitraratha a. pertaining to the Gandharva Citraratha; n. (± vana) C.'s wood.

caitravibhāvarī f. a night in spring (cf. caitra).

caidya m. descendant of Cedi or king of the Cedis.

caila n. cloth, garment.

cailadhāva m. a washerman.

nirṇejaka m. a washerman.

cailavat adv. as (of) a cloth.

cailāśaka m. a cert. goblin.

coka n. a kind of root.

cokṣa a. clean (of persons).

coca n. the bark of a kind of cinnamon.

coḍa m. pl. N. of a people.

coda [1] m. goad, whip.

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coda [2] a. impelling, driving.

codaka a. impelling, driving.

codana a. = prec.; f. ā & n. impulse, summons, precept.

codayitṛ m. -trī f. impeller, promoter.

coditṛ m. the same.

cora m. thief; *corikā f. theft.

coraka m. thief; *corikā f. theft.

corikāvivāha m. secret (lit. theft-) marriage.*

cola m. jacket, bodice; pl. N. of a people.

colamaṇḍala n. the coast of Coromandel.

coṣa a. sucking (--°); m. heat, inflammation.

coṣaṇa n. sucking.

caukṣa a. = cokṣa.

caukṣya a. = cokṣa.

cauḍa n. = cūḍa (r.).

caura m. ī f. thief, robber.

caurakilbiṣa n. the guilt of a thief.

cauraśaṅkin a. feariNg thieves or robbers.

caurikā f. theft.

caurīsuratapañcāśikā f. T. of a poem.

caurya n. theft.

cauryaka n. theft.

caula n. = cūḍa (r.).

cyava -> bhuvanacyava.

cyavana a. shaking or shaken. m. a man's name; n. motion, shock, loss of (--°).

cyavas -> tṛṣucyavas.

cyavāna a. stirring, active; m. N. of a Rishi.

cyāvana a. causing to fall; n. expulsion, deprivation.

cyu cyavate (cyavati) v pp. cyuta move, stir, waver, shake; go away, escape, fall, flow, retire from, get rid or be deprived of (abl.), sink (l. & f.), decrease, wane, vanish. C. cyāvayati (cyavayati) set in motion, shake, agitate (M. intr.); cause to fall or drop, pour out, loosen; remove or expel from (abl.), deprive of (2 acc.). --
     ā C. cause to flow over, pour out.
     ud C. draw out, extract.
     pari get loose; fall, descend, swerve or part from, get rid of (abl.), sink down, decline.
     pra start, proceed; get off, flow out, pour down, descend, part from, get rid or be deprived of (abl.). C. move, shake, drive away, expel, drop down, divert from (abl.), cause to fall, ruin.
     anupra rush atter, follow (acc.).
     vi go or fall asunder; go away, fall off, part from (abl.) fail, be lost. -- Cf. pracyotos.

cyut [1] a. moving (intr.); shaking, destroying (--°).

cyut cyotati2 v drop, sprinkle.

cyut [3] a. dropping, sprinkling (--°).

cyuti f. departing or dropping from (--°), falling down, descending; falling off, swerving, deviating from (abl.); vanishing, perishing, dying.

cyautna a. impelling, promoting. n. shock, concussion, enterprise, exertion, endeavour.

chagala m. ī f. a goat.

chaṭā f. mass, lump, multitude.

chattra n. parasol (emblem of royalty).

chattradhāra m. bearer of a parasol or umbrella; abstr. -tva n.

chattradhāraṇa n. the bearing of a parasol.

chattradhārin a. bearing a parasol.

chattravant a. having a parasol.

chattravṛkṣa m. N. of a tree.

chattrāka n. mushroom.

chattrin m. = chattradhāra + prince, king.

chattropānaha n. a parasol and shoes.

chad only pp. channa1 (q.v.) & C. chādayati (te) cover, veil, hide, conceal, keep secret. --
     abhi C. cover.
     ava C. cover, overspread, hide, veil, obscure, conceal.
     ā C. cover, clothe (M. also refl.), hide, obscure.
     pari C. wrap round, envelop, cover.
     pra C. cover (M. refl.), hide, veil in (instr.), conceal, keep secret.
     prati C. overspread, clothe, envelop.
     sam the same. -- Cf. avacchanna ācchanna upacchanna paricchanna pracchanna praticchanna saṃchanna.

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chad & chand chantti chandati chadayati (chadayate)2 v seem, appear, pass for (nom.), please; M. like, be pleased with (acc. or loc.). C. chandayati offer (w. acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); allure, strive to corrupt. --
     upa C. = S. C.
     sam offer ( = S. C.).

chada a. covering (--°); m. cover, veil, wing, leaf.

chadana n. = prec. m.

chadi a. covering (--°).

chadin a. covering (--°).

chadis n. cover, roof, thatch.

chadman n. the same + veil, disguise; plea, pretext, trick, deceit, fraud; °-- feigned, only apparently (cf. seq.).

chadmarūpin a. having the feigned form of, disguised as (--°).

chadmin a. having the feigned form of, disguised as (--°).

chand -> chad2.

chanda a. pleasant, alluring. m. appearance, shape; delight, pleasure; wish, desire. Instr. & abl. at one's own pleasure or will, freely; at the pleasure or will of (gen. or --°).

chandaka a. charming, winning.

chandana a. charming, winning.

chandaḥśāstra n. metrical science, prosody.

chandas n. delight, pleasure, wish, desire; fancy, ideal; incantation, holy song, sacred text or Veda; metre, also = prec.

chandaskṛta a. metrically composed; n. any metrical part of the Vedas.

chandasya a. pertaining to hymns, metrical.

chandasvant a. desirous.

chandaḥsūtra n. manual of prosody.

chandaḥstut a. praising in hymns.

chandaḥstubh a. praising in hymns.

chandu a. pleasing, charming.

chandoga m. chanter of holy songs.

chandomañjari f. garland of metres, T. of a treatise on prosody.

chandomañjarī f. garland of metres, T. of a treatise on prosody.

chandomaya (f. ī*) & chandovant* a. = chandasya.

chandoviciti f. question about metres, T. of a treatise on prosody.

chandovṛtta n. metre.

chandya a. pleasing.

channa a. covered, veiled, concealed, secret; n. cover, secret place, also adv. = °-- secretly, low.

chardana ., chardi f. vomiting.

chardis [1] n. refuge, secure place.

chardis [2] n. vomiting.

chala n. (m.) fraud, deceit, pretence, delusion, appearance, fiction. °-- & instr. with fraud, deceitfully; chalatas under the disguise of (--°).

chalana n. deceiving, cheating.

chalay chalayati v pp. chalita deceive, cheat. --
     upa = S.

chalika n. a kind of song or dance.

chavi f. skin, hide; complexion, colour; beauty, splendour.

chā chāti v pp. chita (only --°) & chāta (q.v.) cut off. --
     ava flay, skin.
     ā the same, cut off.
     pra bleed, scarify.

chāga [1] m. ram, goat; f. chāgā & chāgī she-goat.

chāga [2] a. coming from a goat.

chāgamāṃsa n. flesh of a goat.

chāgala  = chāga 1 m. & 2.

chāta a. lean, thin, weak.

chāttra m. pupil; abstr. -tā f.

chādaka a. covering, veiling.

chādana n. cover, screen, clothing.

chādin (--°) = chādaka.

chādmika a. deceitful, fraudulent.

chāndasa f. ī Vedic, archaic; metrical.

chāndogya n. T. of a Brahmana.

chāndogyabrāhmaṇa n. T. of a Brahmana.

chāndogyopaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

chāya a. shadowing; f. ā shadow (lit. & fig., also personif. as wife of the Sun); image, reflection; translation (esp. from Prākrit into Sanskrit); lustre, colour, complexion, beauty, charm, grace.

chāyātapa m. du. shadow and sunlight.

chāyātaru m. an umbrageous tree.

chāyādruma m. an umbrageous tree.

chāyādvitīya a. casting a shadow (lit. having one's shadow as second).

chāyānāṭaka n. a kind of drama.

chāyāmaya a. shadowy, reflected.

chāyāvant a. shadowy.

chāyāsaṃjñā f. Chāyā as SamjJā.

chālikya n. a kind of song.

chikkara m. a cert. animal.

chikkā f. sneezing.

chikkāra m. a kind of antelope.

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chid chinatti chinte1 v (chindati), pp. chinna (q.v.) cut, hew or tear off, chop, rend, split, pierce, separate, divide, interrupt, disturb, destroy. C. chedayati cause to cut etc., also = S. --
     antar cut off, intercept.
     ava reject; P. be severed from (abl.).
     vyava cut off, split, sever from (abl.), interrupt.
     ā the same; take away, rob, remove, destroy; disregard, neglect. P.
     ud cut out or off, destroy, interrupt, impede, disturb; P. cease, fail.
     samud tear out, exterminate.
     pari cut on both sides, clip round, mow; limit on all sides, fix accurately, define, decide.
     pra tear, cut or hew off, split, pierce, snatch away, rob.
     vi tear or break asunder, separate, divide, disturb, interrupt, destroy,
     sam cut or hew off, split, pierce, destroy (a doubt), decide (a question). -- Cf. avacchinna ucchinna vicchinna.

chid [2] a. cutting off, breaking, splitting, piercing, destroying, removing (--°); f. as subst.

chidura a. easily breaking, decreasing; destroying (--°).

chidra a. torn, rent, pierced; n. hole, fissure, opening, interruption, defect, weakness, flaw, fault, Abstr. -tā f.

chidray chidrayati v pp. chidrita making holes, pierce.

chidrānusārin a. looking out for the faults of (gen.).

chidrin a. having holes, hollow.

chinna a. cut off or in, carved, incoherent; included by (--°), broken, destroyed, vanished.

chinnadvaidha a. whose doubts have been destroyed.

chinnanāsya a. having the nose-string cut or broken.

chinnapakṣa a. having the wings torn off.

chinnamūla a. cut up by the root.

chinnasaṃśaya a. whose doubts are dispelled.

chinnābhra n. a cloud torn asunder.

chucchu m. a cert. animal.

chucchundara m. the musk rat.

chucchundari m. the musk rat.

chucchūndara m. -rī f. the same.

chuṭ C. pp. ācchoṭita torn.

chuḍ C. prachoḍayati stretch out.

chubuka n. chin.

chur churayati v (chorayati), pp. churita bestrew, beset, inlay. --
     ā pp. clothed.
     vi pp. = S. pp.

churikā f. knife.

chūrikā f. the same, a cow's mouth.

chṛd chṛṇatti v pp. chṛṇa pour out or upon, eject, spue, vomit. C. chardayati the same, make overflow. --
     ā pour upon, fill.
     pra C. vomit, eject.
     vi C. cast off, abandon.*

cheka a. clever, shrewd.

chekokti f. clever speech, insinuation.

chettavya a. to be cut or split.

chettṛ m. cutter, esp. wood-cutter; destroyer.

cheda m. cutter, a cut, section, piece, portion; cutting, dividing, separation, interruption, disturbance; decrease, cessation, loss, want; decision, definition.

chedaka a. cutting off.

chedana a. the same, hewing, splitting, destroying, removing; n. the act of cutting off etc.

chedanīya a. = chettavya.

chedin a. = chedana a.

chedya a. = chettavya; n. the act of cutting off etc.

chelaka m. chelikā f. goat.

choṭana n. cutting off.

choṭikā f. snapping of the thumb and fore-finger.

ja a. born, produced, caused by, in, or from; made of, living at, belonging to, connected with (--°). f. race; --° daughter.

jaṃhas n. wing.

jakṣ jakṣiti1 v (jakṣati), pp. jagdha (q.v.) eat, consume. --
     pra & vi
= S. pp.

jakṣ only pp. jakṣat2 laughing.

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jagat a. moving, alive. m. pl. men; f. jagatī a female animal, the earth or world, N. of a metre; n. what moves or is alive, men and (or) animals, the earth, world or universe, du. heaven and the lower world.

jagatīgata a. existing on earth.

jagatītala n. the surface of the earth.

jagatīpati m. king.

jagatīpāla m. king.

jagatībhartṛ m. king.

jagatkāraṇa n. the cause of the world.

jagattraya n. the three worlds, i.e. heaven, earth, and the lower world.

jagattritaya n. the three worlds, i.e. heaven, earth, and the lower world.

jagatpati m. the lord of the world, E. of sev. gods.

jagatprakāśa a. illuminating the world or known in the world.

jagatprabhu m. = jagatpati.

jagatsraṣṭṛ m. the creator of the world, Brahman.

jagatsvāmin m. = jagatpati, abstr. -svāmitva n.

jagadaṇḍa n. the egg of the world, the universe.

jagadīśa m. = jagatpati.

jagadīśvara m. the same, prince, king.

jagadguru m. father of the world, E. of sev. gods.

jagaddīpa m. light of the world, the sun.

jagaddhātṛ m. creator of the world, E. of sev. gods.

jagadyoni f. the womb of the world.

jagannātha m. lord of the world, N. of sev. gods & men.

jagannivāsa m. abode of the world (Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa or Śiva).

jaganmātṛ f. mother of the world (Durgā or Lakṣmī).

jaguri a. leading (a way).

jagdha a. eaten, consumed; exhausted by (instr.).

jagdhatṛṇa a. having eaten grass.

jagdhārdha a. half eaten.

jagdhi f. eating, food, victuals.

jagmi a. going, stirring; hastening towards --°).

jaghana m. n. hinder part, rear of an army (also jaghanārdha m.); the hips or pudenda.

jaghanacapalā f. libidinous woman (lit. moving the hips); N. of a metre.

jaghanena (instr. adv.) behind, after (w. gen. or acc.).

jaghanya a. hindmost, last, latest, lowest.

jaghanyaja a. last born, youngest.

jaghanyaprabhava a. of low origin.

jaghni a. striking.

jaghri a. sprinkling about.

jaṅga m. N. of a man.

jaṅgama a. going, moving, living (abstr. -tva n.); n. what is moving or alive.

jaṅgiḍa m. N. of a plant.

jaṅghā f. leg, esp. its under part.

jaṅghānalaka m. n. bone of the leg.

jaṅghābala n. the power of the legs, i.e. running, flight.*

jaṅghāla a. running, swift.

jaja m. warrior.

jajñi a. germinating, shooting.

jajhjh only pp. f. pl. jajhjhatīs splashing waters.

jañj pp. f. jañjatī glittering, flashing.

jañjaṇā w. bhavant glitteriNg.

jaṭā f. twisted or matted hair (worn by ascetics and mourners).

jaṭākalāpa m. tress of hair twisted on the top of the head.

jaṭācīradhara a. wearing matted hair and a garment of bark.

jaṭājūṭa m. = jaṭākalāpa.

jaṭādhara a. wearing matted hair; m. an ascetic or Civa.

jaṭādhārin a. = prec. adj.

jaṭābhāra m. = jaṭājūṭa.

jaṭābhāradhara a. wearing a tuft of matted hair.

jaṭāmaṇḍala n. hair braided in a coil on the top of the head.

jaṭāyu m. N. of a fabulous vulture.

jaṭāyus m. N. of a fabulous vulture.

jaṭāla a. wearing a coil of twisted hair.

jaṭin a. the same; m. an ascetic or Civa.

jaṭila a. = prec. a.+confused, full of (--°); m. = prec. m.

jaṭhara [1] n. belly, stomach, womb; cavity, hole.

jaṭhara [2] a. = jaraṭha.

jaḍa a. cold, cool; apathetic, stupid, idiotic; m. an idiot. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

jaḍaprakṛti a. of a stupid nature.

jaḍabuddhi a. of a stupid mind.

jaḍamati a. of a stupid mind.

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jaḍay jaḍayati v stun, stupify.

jaḍāṃśu m. the moon.

jaḍātmaka a. cool or stupid (by nature).

jaḍātman a. cool or stupid (by nature).

jaḍāy jaḍāyate v be insensible or dumb.

jaḍiman m. coolness, frigidity, apathy, stupidity.

jaḍīkṛ  = jaḍay; bhū become stupid.

jaḍībhāva m. = jaḍiman.

jatu n. lac. gum.

jatugṛha n. the lac-house (in the Mahabharata).

jatugeha n. the lac-house (in the Mahabharata).

jatumudrā f. lac-seal.*

jatū f. a bat.

jatru m. pl. cert. bones (supposed to be 16); n. the collar bone.

jan jāyate (jāyati) v older janati jāyate (ti), older janate, pp. jāta (q.v.) be born or produced, grow, be born again, be by birth or nature, be destined for (acc.), become (nom. or *dat.); be, take place, happen, be possible or suitable; generate, beget with (loc.), bring forth, produce, cause, effect. The older pres. stem & C. janayati te have only the trans. mgs. --
     adhi be born, become, be.
     anu be born later or after (acc.); take after, resemble (acc.).
     abhi be born or destined to (acc.), be born, become (nom.).
     ā be born. C. beget; cause to be born for (dat.), make prolific.
     ud beget, produce; be born, arise.
     upa be produced in addition, be born (again), appear, arise. C. procreate, cause, effect, attempt.
     samupa arise, appear, be born (again). C. produce, cause.
     pra be born (again) arise, propagate offspring through or in (instr.), bring forth, beget with (loc. or instr.). C. cause to propagate offspring or to be born, beget, generate.
     prati be born again.
     vi be born, arise, become, be changed into (nom.); propagate offspring, beget, bring forth.
     sam be born with (instr.), come forth, appear, take place, become, pass; bring forth. C. beget, bring forth, produce, generate, cause. -- Cf. anujāta abhijāta prajāta.

jana [1] m. creature, man, person, tribe, race, nation; pl. & sgl. coll. people, folks. Often --° w. collect. or indiv. mg, e.g. preṣyajana a servant or the servants. --ayaṃ janaḥ & eṣa janaḥ this person ( = I or he, she). f. janā birth, production.

jana [2] m. N. of a man.

janaka a. generating, producing, causing. m. progenitor, father, N. of sev. kings etc.

janakatanayā f. the daughter of Janaka (Sita).

janakasutā f. the daughter of Janaka (Sita).

janakātmajā f. the daughter of Janaka (Sita).

janatā f. assemblage of men, community, people, subjects, mankind.

janadeva m. a king (god of men).

janana f. ī = janaka a.; m. progenitor, creator, f. ī mother; n. producing, causing; birth, life.

janapati m. a king (ruler of men).

janāntara n. some other or former birth.

janani f. = jananī, -> janana.

janapada m. district, country (lit. tribe-place); (also pl.) people, esp. country people, subjects (opp. prince).

janapravāda m. sgl. & pl. talk of men, rumour.

janamaraka m. epidemic disease, pestilence.

janamāra m. -mārī f. the same.

janamejaya m. N. of sev. men, esp. princes.

janayitṛ m. progenitor, father; f. -trī mother.

janarava m. = janapravāda.

janarāj m. king (of men).

janarājan m. king (of men).

janavāda m. = janapravāda.

janas n. race; as indecl. (also janar) N. of a cert. world.

janasaṃmarda m. throng of people, crowd.

janasthāna n. N. of a part of the Dandaka forest.

janādhipa m. ruler of men, king.

janāntikam adv. to a (single) person, i.e. secretly, under one's breath.

janāpavāda m. pl. evil talk of men.

janārava m. = janapravāda.

janārṇava m. crowd (lit. sea) of men, caravan.

janārdana m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

jani f. woman, wife, pl. metaph. the fingers; jani also birth, origin, birthplace.

janī f. woman, wife, pl. metaph. the fingers; jani also birth, origin, birthplace.

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janikartṛ a. originating or generating, producing (f. -trī).

janitṛ m. progenitor, father; f. janitrī mother.

janitra n. birthplace, home, origin; pl. parents, relatives.

janitva [1] a. to be born or produced.

janitva [2] n. the state of a wife.

janiman n. birth, origin; offspring, descendants; creature, being; race, kind.

janimant a. having a wife or wives.

janivant a. having a wife or wives.

janiṣṭha (superl.) very generative.

janiṣya a. = janitva1.

janī -> jani.

janus n. birth, origin, birthplace; creature, being; creation, production, work; race, kind. Instr. januṣā by birth or nature, essentially, necessarily.

janendra m. lord of men, king.

janeśa m. lord of men, king.

janeśvara m. lord of men, king.

jantu m. creature, being, any animal, esp. worms, insects, etc.; man, person (sgl. also coll.); attendant, servant; child, descendant.

jantva a. = janitva1.

janmakāla m. time of birth.

janmakṛt m. progenitor, father.

janmakṣetra n. birthplace.

janmatas adv. according to birth or age.

janmada a. giving birth to (--°); m. father.

janmadina n. birthday.

janman n. birth, origin, new birth; existence, life; birthplace, home; progenitor, father (esp. --° begotten by); creature, being; relatives, people i.g.; race, kind; nature quality.

janmapratiṣṭhā f. mother (lit. support of the race).

janmabhāj m. living creature, a being (lit. possessing birth).

janmabhū f. birthplace, home.

janmabhūmi f. birthplace, home.

janmamṛtyu m. du. birth and death.

janmalābha m. (the gain of) birth.*

janmasthāna n. birthplace, home.

janmāntara n. another birth or life. -gata newborn.

janmāntaragata a. born anew.

janmāspada n. birthplace.

janmin m. creature, man.

janya [1] a. born, produced, rising from (--°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n. -- n. body.

janya [2] a. belonging to the (same) race, national, native; common, vulgar. -- m. the bridegroom's friend; f. ā bridesmaid; n. people, tribe, race (also janya), pl. inimical tribes; fighting, war.

janyayātrā f. the procession of the bridegroom's friend.

jap japati japate v pp. japita & japta whisper, mutter, esp. prayers, invoke in a low voice. --
     ā mutter into (karṇe).
     upa whisper to i.e. bring over secretly.
     sam whisper or talk about.

japa a. whispering, muttering; m. muttering prayers, a muttered prayer or spell.

japana n. = prec. m.

japamālā f. a rosary.

japayajña m. a sacrifice consistiNg of muttered prayers.

japahoma m. sgl. & pl. the same or ( = du.) muttered prayers and ablations.

japā f. the China rose.

japāpīḍa m. a garland of Japa flowers.*

japin a. muttering prayers.

japya a. the same; n. (m.) whisper or prayer.

jabh jambh v snap at (api), seize with the mouth. C. jambhayati crush, destroy. I. janjabhyate open the jaws, snap at; w.
     abhi the same.

jamadagni m. N. of a Rishi.

jambāla s. mud, clay.

jambīra m. the citron tree; n. a citron.

jambu f. the rose-apple tree; n. its fruit.

jambū f. the rose-apple tree; n. its fruit.

jambuka m. a jackal (used also as an abusive word).

jambudvīpa m. the continent abounding in roseapple trees, i.e. India, thought as one of the 7 Dvipas.

jambūka m. = jambuka.

jambūkhaṇḍa m. n., jambūdvīpa m. = jambudvīpa.

jambha [1] m. tooth, tusk, the jaws, mouth; swallowing, devouring.

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jambha [2] m. crusher, devourer; N. of a cert. demons.

jambhaka a. crushing, devouring (--°); m. E. of cert. demons.

jambhana f. ī crushing, destroying.

jambhalikā f. a kind of song.

jambhya m. front- or back-tooth; pl. the jaws.

jaya [1] a. conquering, winning (--°); pl. cert. verses or formulas causing victory.

jaya [2] m. conquest, victory, gain.

jayakuñjara m. a victorious elephant.

jayakṛt a. causing victory.

jayaghoṣa m. -ṇa n., -ṇā f. shout of victory.

jayada a. giving victory.

jayadeva m. N. of sev. poets.

jayadratha m. a man's name.

jayadhvaja m. flag of victory.

jayanta m. N. of a son of Indra; E. of sev. gods.

jayapatākā f. = jayadhvaja.

jayaparājaya (m. du. & n. sgl.) victory or defeat, gain or loss.

jayaprepsu a. desirous of victory.

jayalakṣmī f. the fortune or goddess of victory.

jayavarman m. a man's name.

jayaśabda m. = jayaghoṣa.

jayaśrī f. = jayalakṣmī.

jayasena m. ā f. a man's & woman's name.

jayājaya (m. du. & n. sgl.) victory or defeat.

jayāditya m. a man's name.

jayāśis f. prayer for or cheer of victory.

jayitṛ f. -trī victorious.

jayin a. conquering, winning, a conqueror (gen. or --°); granting victory.

jayiṣṇu a. victorious.

jayus a. victorious.

jayendra m. a man's name.

jayeśvara m. lord of victory, E. of Śiva.

jayaiṣin a. wishing to conquer (--°).

jayottara a. full or certain of victory.

jayya a. to be won or conquered.

jar jarate v (cf. car) awake, stir, move, approach (acc.). C. jarayati te awaken, set in motion.

jara m. wearing out, wasting; f. jarā the same; decay, old age.

jaraṭha a. old, aged; hard, solid, strong.

jaraṇa a. infirm, old; f. ā old age.

jaraṇyā f. decrepitade.

jaraṇyu a. calling aloud, calling to (dat.).

jaratkāru m. f. N. of an ancient Rishi & his wife.

jaratkārupriyā f. = prec. f.

jaradaṣṭi a. long-lived; f. longevity.

jaradgava m. an old bull; N. of a vulture.

jaradyoṣit f. an old woman.

jarant f. jarat decayed, infirm, dry; old, ancient, former; m. an old man.

jaras f. decrepitude, old age.

jarā [1] f. -> jara.

jarā [2] f. crackling, roaring; calling, greeting.

jarājarjara a. infirm with age.

jarāyu n. the cast-off skin of a serpent; (also f.) the chorion or outer skin of the embryo, after-birth, secundines.

jarāyuja a. born from the womb.

jarāvant a. old, aged.

jarāsaṃdha m. N. of sev. kings.

jaritā f. N. of a myth. bird.

jaritāri m. N. of the son of Jaritā (v. prec.).

jaritṛ m. invoker, singer, worshipper.

jariman m. old age, decay, death.

jarjara a. decayed, worn out, broken, hurt, tattered, perforated; abstr. -ratva n.

jarjarita a. decayed, worn out, broken, hurt, tattered, perforated; abstr. -ratva n.

jarjarīkṛ wear out, hurt, break, split; -bhū the same pass.

jarbhari a. supporting, nourishing.

jarbhur -> bhur.

jala [1] n. water (also pl.); abstr. -tā f.

jala [2] a. = jaḍa.

jalakriyā f. offering water, funeral ceremony.

jalakhaga m. aquatic bird.

jalacara m. aquatic animal, fish.

jalacārin a. living in or near water; m. = prec.

jalaja a. born or produced in water; m. = prec. m.; n. product of the sea, pearl, shell, the lotus.

jalajantu m. aquatic animal.

jalajīvin a. living in, near, or on water; m. fisherman.

jalatrāsa m. hydrophobia.

jalada m. a cloud (rain-giver).

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jaladāgama m. coming of the clouds, the rainy season.

jaladravya n. product of the sea, pearls etc.

jaladhara m. cloud (lit. water-bearer).

jaladhārā f. flood or gush of water.

jaladhi m. ocean, sea.

jalanidhi m. the same.

jalanidhinātha m. the Ocean (personif.).

jalapāna n. drinking water.*

jalabindu m. drop of water.

jalabudbuda m. bubble of water.

jalabhājana n. vessel for water.

jalamaya f. ī consisting of water, watery.

jalamuc a. shedding water; m. a cloud.

jalayantra n. water-engine.

jalayantraka n. water-engine.

jalarākṣasī f. N. of a sea-monster.

jalarāśi m. the ocean.

jalaruh (*m.) lotus (growing in water).

jalaruha m. aquatic animal; n. = prec.

jalavant a. abounding in water.

jalavāsa [1] m. residence in water.

jalavāsa [2] a. = seq.

jalavāsin a. living in water.

jalavāha a. bearing water; -ka m. w. carrier.

jalavihaṃgama m. water-fowl.

jalaśayyā f. lying in water.

jalasaṃdha m. N. of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra.

jalastha a. being in water.

jalasthāna n. -sthāya m. pond, lake.

jalasnāna n. bathing, bath.

jalahāra m. water-carrier, f. ī.

jalahīna a. waterless, dry.

jalāgama m. rain (coming of water).

jalāñjali m. two handfuls of water (for the dead), the last farewell.

jalādhāra m. pond, lake.

jalāyukā f. leech.

jalārthin a. desirous of water, thirsty.

jalārdra a. wet with water; f. ā a wet cloth.

jalāvaseka m. shower of rain.

jalāśaya [1] m. pond, lake, sea.

jalāśaya [2] a. lying or resting in water.

jalāṣa a. appeasing, healing.

jalāṣabheṣaja a. having healing medicines.

jalecara f. ī living in water; m. (adj. --° f. ā) aquatic animal.

jaleśa m. the sea or its lord i.e. Varuṇa.

jaleśaya a. resting or living in water.

jaleśvara m. Varuṇa (the lord of the waters).

jalodara n. dropsy (water-belly).

jaloddhatagati f. N. of a metre.

jalodbhava a. born in water; m. aquatic animal.

jalauka (m.), ā f. leech.

jalaukas a. living in or near water; m. aquatic animal, f. leech.

jalaukāvacāraṇīya a. relating to the application of leeches.

jalaukovaseka m. bleeding by (the application of) leeches.

jalaukovraṇa s. a wound made by a leech.

jalp jalpati v (jalpate), pp. jalpita (q.v.) murmur, chatter, talk; address, speak to (acc. or instr. ±sārdham), speak of (acc.). --
     abhi address, answer, talk over, suggest, advise.
     upa & pari chatter.
     pra speak, announce, proclaim.
     vi speak, utter.
     sam talk, speak. -- Cf. prajalpita.

jalpa m. -na n. chat, talk, conversation.

jalpaka a. talkative.

jalpāka a. talkative.

jalpi f. murmur, speaking in an undertone.

jalpita n. chat, talk.

jalpin a. speaking, talking (--°).

jalpya n. chat, talk.

java a. hastening, quick; m. haste, speed.

javana f. ī impelling; quick, swift; n. = prec. m.

javanikā f. screen, curtain.

javas n. quickness, velocity.

javā f. = japā.

javin a. hastening, running, quick.

javiṣṭha (superl.) quickest, fleetest.

javīyaṃs (compar.) quicker, speedier.

jaṣa m. a cert. aquatic animal.

jas jasate v be exhausted, languish. C. jāsayati exhaust, weaken. --
     ud C. destroy (gen. or acc.).
     ni (jasyati) perish, disappear. C. exhaust.

jasu f. exhaustion, weakness.

jasuri a. exhausted, tired.

jasra -> ajasra.

jasvan a. needy, wretched, poor.

jahakā f. hedge-hog.

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jahallakṣaṇā f. a rhet. figure in which a word loses its original meaning.

jahita a. abandoned, forlorn.

jahu m. a young animal.

jahnu m. N. of an ancient king; pl. his race.

jahnukanyā f. the daughter of Jahnu, E. of Gan1gā.

jahnusutā f. the daughter of Jahnu, E. of Gan1gā.

(--°) = ja; m. f. (nom. jās) offspring.

jāgata a. composed in the Jagatī metre, pertaining to it, etc.; n. the Jagatī metre.

jāgara m. state of waking.

jāgaraka m. state of waking.

jāgaraṇa a. awake; n. = prec.

jāgarita a. having waked; n. = n. prec.

jāgaritasthāna a. being in the state of waking.

jāgaritānta m. the state of waking.

jāgariṣṇu a. wide or much awake.

jāgarūka a. waking, watchful, attentive.

jāgṛ -> gṛ3.

jāgṛvas a. watchful, eager, indefatigable.

jāgṛvi a. watchful, attentive, quick; exciting.

jāgrat a. waking; s. the state of waking.

jāgratsvapna m. du. waking and sleeping.

jāghanī f. tail.

jāṅgala a. arid, level, fertile (land); living in such a country. m. a kind of partridge; n. deer, game.

jāṅghika a. quick-footed; m. runner.

jāṭhara f. ī being on or in the belly; m. offspring of the womb, son.

jāḍya n. coldness, frigidity, stiffness, dulness, stupidity, want of intelligence.

jāta a. born, begot with (loc.), by (instr. or abl.); born-ago, -- old (--°); grown, arisen, appeared, happened, passed, become, turned to (dat.), being, present; often °-- (or --°) having born, grown, or existing --, i.e. having got, endowed with, possessed of. -- m. son (f. jātā daughter*), living creature; n. being, creature; birth, origin, race, kind, sort; the whole of, all that is (gen. or --°).

jātaka a. born, begot (--°); m. a new-born child; n. birth (esp. a former birth of Cakyamuni & its history), nativity, also = seq.

jātakarman n. the ceremony after birth.

jātadanta a. having teeth (grown).

jātapakṣa a. fledged (having grown wings).

jātapūrva a. born before.*

jātabala a. having strength (grown or gained).

jātamātra a. just born.

jātarūpa a. beautiful, golden; n. gold.

jātarūpamaya f. ī golden.

jātavidyā f. knowledge of (all) beings.

jātaviśvāsa a. having got confidence or courage.

jātavedas m. E. of Agni (knower or possessor of all beings); in l. l. also
= fire.

jātaveśman n. lying-in room.

jātasaṃkalpa a. who has made up his mind.

jāti (jātī) f. birth, origin, new birth, form of existence, position, rank, caste, family, race, kind, sort, genus, genuine or true state of anything; a kind of jasmine. °--, jātyā & jātitas by birth or nature, from the beginning.

jātijānapada a. relating to castes and districts.

jātitas adv. according to (one's) caste.

jātidharma m. law or duty of caste.

jātibhraṃśa m. loss of caste.

jātibhraṃśakara a. causing loss of caste.

jātimant a. of (high) birth or rank.

jātimātra n. mere birth or caste; -tropajīvin a. subsisting only by (the name of) one's caste.

jātisaṃpanna a. born of a noble race.

jātismara a. recollecting a former existence; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

jātismaraṇa n. recollection of a former birth.

jātihīna a. base born (lit. destitute of birth).

jātīkośa m. nutmeg.

jātīphalā f. N. of a plant.

jātu (jātu) adv. at all, ever, once, possibly, perhaps; w. na not at all, never.

jātuṣa f. ī made of or covered with lac.

jātūkarṇa m. ī f. a man's & woman's name.

jāteṣṭi f. birth-rite.

jātya a. belonging to the family, caste, or race (of --°); kin, legitimate, genuine, noble.

jātyandha a. born blind.

jātyandhabadhira a. born blind and deaf.

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jāna n. birth, origin.

jānaka m. a patron. name; f. ī patron. of Sītā.

jānakīnātha m. the lord of Sītā, E. of Rāma.

jānakīvallabha m. the lord of Sītā, E. of Rāma.

jānakīśa m. the lord of Sītā, E. of Rāma.

jānapada a. living in the country; m. countryman (in both mgs), subject.

jānarājya n. supreme power.

jāni f. wife (only adj. --°).

jānu n. (m.) knee.

jānuka m. N. of a man; n. = prec. (esp. a. --°).

jānukā f. bearing, bringing forth.

jānudaghna f. ī reaching up to the knees.

jānvasthi n. shin- (lit. knee-) bone.

jāpa m. muttering (esp. prayers).

jāpaka a. muttering, whispering (--°).

jāpin a. muttering, whispering (--°).

jāpya a. to be muttered, n. a prayer.

jāmadagna f. ī belonging to Jamadagni.

jāmadagnya a. the same.

jāmātṛ m. son- or brother-in-law.

jāmi a. related by blood; kindred, own, native, customary; f. sister (±svasṛ, metaph. also the fingers), daughter in law, female relative i.g.; n.
= seq.

jāmitva n. consanguinity, relationship, friendship.

jāmbavant m. N. of a monkey prince.

jāmbila n. the knee-pan.

jāmbīla n. the knee-pan.

jāmbuka a. belonging to a jackal.

jāmbūnada [1] n. a kind of gold; gold i.g.

jāmbūnada f. ī2 golden.

jāmbūnadamaya f. ī the same.

jāyaka n. a kind of fragrant wood.

jāyā f. wife, consort; abstr. jāyātva n.

jāyin a. conquering, fighting (--°).

jāyu a. victorious.

jāyuka a. victorious.

jāra [1] a. becoming old.

jāra [2] m. paramour, lover, friend.

jāraja a. born of a woman by her paramour.

jārajāta a. born of a woman by her paramour.

jārajātaka a. born of a woman by her paramour.

jāratā f. love-affair.

jāravṛttānta m. the same.

jārāsaṃdhi m. patr. of Sahadeva.

jāriṇī f. having a paramour, enamoured.

jārūthya a. E. of aśvamedha.

jāla [1] n. net, web, springe, snare, coat or helmet of wire, grate, lattice, (lattice-) window, the membrane between the toes of waterbirds (supposed also to exist between the toes and fingers of godlike personages), mane (of a lion); collection, multitude.

jāla [2] a. watery.

jālaka n. net, web, grate, grated window, bundle of beeds or flowers, collection, multitude i.g.; m. a kind of tree; f. jālikā net, veil, armour; multitude.

jālapāda m. a webfooted bird.

jālabandha m. net, springe.

jālamārga m. the way of the window; instr. through the window.

jālamālā f. net.

jālavant a. having a net, a mail, lattice-windows, etc.

jālākṣa m. lattice-window.

jālāṣa n. a cert. soothing medicine.

jālika m. fowler.

jālopajīvin m. fisherman.*

jālma f. ī wretched, low, vulgar; m. wretch.

jāvan -> pūrvajāvan.

jāvant a. having or granting offspring.

jāspati m. the father of a family.

jāspatya n. the state of a householder.

jāhaka m. hedgehog.

jāhuṣa m. N. of a man.

jāhnava m. patr. of sev. man; f. ī of Gan1gā.

jāhnavīya a. belonging to (the) Gan1gā.

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ji jayati jayate v pp. jita conquer, win, subdue, overcome, suppress, expel from (abl.), deprive of (2 acc.); absol. vanquish (in a game or a suit of law), be victorious. jayati tu (w. nom.), jitam (w. instr.) = victorious is or be--, hail to--! C. jāpayati cause to conquer or win (2 acc.); salute with reverence*. D. jigīṣati wish to win, seek for prey. --
     apa keep off, prevent.
     abhi win, conquer, obtain.
     ava win, gain, reconquer, vanquish, ward off.
     ā & ud conquer, win, subdue.
     nis gain, attain, subdue, conquer, overcome, surpass.
     vinis the same.
     parā (mostly M.) lose, be deprived of (acc.), succumb (abl.*); vanquish, overcome.
     pari pra prati win, conquer, vanquish.
     vi (mostly M.) the same; surpass, excel; also = S. absol. D. (mostly M.) wish to win or conquer, attack.
     sam win, conquer, obtain (together). -- Cf. parājita.

jigatnu a. hastening, quick.

jigamiṣu a. wishing or about to go.

jigīṣā f. wish to conquer or win, ambition.

jigīṣu a. wishing to conquer or obtain.

jigyu a. victorious.

jighatsā f. wish to eat, hunger.

jighatsu a. wishing to devour.

jighāṃs jighāṃsati v -> han.

jighāṃsā f. wish to kill or destroy.

jighāṃsin a. wishing to kill (--°).

jighāṃsu a. wishing to kill or destroy (acc. or --°).

jighṛkṣā f. wish to take or seize.

jighṛkṣu wishing to take, seize, grasp, rob, gather, learn (acc. or --°).

jiṅgī f. N. of a plant.

jijīviṣā f. wish to live; a. -viṣu or jijīṣu.

jijñāsana n. wish to know, investigation.

jijñāsā f. the same; -sārtham for information.

jijñāsu a. wishing to know, inquiring.

jit a. winning, conquering (--°).

jitakāśin a. appearing victorious, certain of victory.

jitaklama a. having overcome or shaken off fatigue.

jitakrodha a. having conquered anger.

jitātman a. self-subdued.

jiti f. gain, victory, conquest.

jitendriya a. having suppressed the organs of sense, abstr. -tva n.

jityā f. gain, victory (--°).

jitvan *a. victorious; m. N. of a man.

jitvara a. victorious; vanquishing (--°).

jina m. a Buddha or Arhant.

jinendra m. = jina.

jinv jinvati v (jinvate), jinoti be lively, hasten; put in motion, quicken, impel, refresh, further, favour, bring or help to (dat.); fill, satisfy. --
     pra quicken, speed on, favour, help to (dat.).
     upapra urge on, impel.

jinva -> dhiyaṃjinva & viśvajinva.

jivri a. decayed, old.

jiṣe (dat. inf.) to win or conquer.

jiṣṇu a. victorious, triumphant, superior, winning, conquering (--°); m. E. of Viṣṇu or Arjuna; N. of sev. men.

jihāsā f. wish to give up.

jihāsu a. wishing to give up.

jihīrṣā f. wish to seize or take, a. -rṣu.

jihma a. not straight or upright, oblique, transverse, crooked; w. i gam, etc. go awry or astray, fail, miss (abl.). -- n. & -tā f. falsehood, dishonesty.

jihmaga a. going crookedly; m. snake.

jihmaśī a. lying crookedly or athwart.

jihmita a. bent, curved.

jihva m. E. of Agni; r. = f. jihvā tongue.

jihvaka (adj. --°, f. ikā) tongued.

jihvāmūla n. the root of the tongue.

jihvāmūlīya m. the Visarga before ka & kha.

jīti -> ajīti.

jīna m. a leather bag.

jīla m. a leather bag.

jīmūta m. thunder-cloud; m. N. of sev. plants, E. of the Sun, a man's name.

jīmūtavāha m. a man's name.

jīmūtavāhana m. a man's name.

jīra a. quick, active, driving, exciting; m. quick movement (esp. of the Soma stones).

jīradānu a. dropping, sprinking, causing to flow abundantly.

jīrāśva a. having quick horses.

jīri [1] (m. or f.) quick or flowing water.

jīri [2] f. old age.

jīrṇa a. decayed, infirm, old, frail, dry; n. digestion; also = seq.

jīrṇatā f. -tva n. decrepitude, old age.

jīrṇadevāyatana n. a temple in ruins.

jīrṇavastra n. a worn or tattered raiment.

jīrṇāraṇya n. an old or desert wood.

jīrṇi a. decrepit with age.

jīrṇodyāna n. an old or desert garden.

jīla (or jīna) m. a leather bag.

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jīv jīvati v (jīvate), pp. jīvita (q.v.) live, revive (±punar), subsist on (instr.). Imper. jīvaciram) may you live (long)! C. jīvayati (-te) make or keep alive, nourish, bring up; wish a pers. to live (by calling jīva). D. jijīviṣati (-te) or jujyūṣati wish to live, seek a livelihood by (instr.). --
     ati survive.
     anu live after i.e. like (acc.); live for, be devoted to (acc.); live on, subsist by (instr.).
     ā live on, make use of, enjoy (acc.).
     ud & pratyud revive; C. restore to life.
     upa subsist (±vṛttim); live on, make use of, practise (acc., gen., or instr.); live under, depend on, serve (acc.).
     pratyupa C. restore to life.*
     vi revive.
     sam live (together), subsist on (instr.), revive. C. vivify, keep alive, nourish.

jīva a. living, alive; living on or causing to live, vivifying (--°). m. the principle of life, the living or personal soul; E. of the planet Jupiter; n. life; m. n. living being, creature; f. jīvā pl. water as the living or vivifying element.

jīvaka f. ikā a. = prec. adj.; f. jīvikā life, livelihood, pl. = prec. f. pl.

jīvagṛbh a. taking alive, catcher.

jīvaja a born alive.

jīvajīvaka m. a kind of fowl.

jīvaṃjīvaka m. a kind of fowl.

jīvadatta m. N. of a man.

jīvadāyaka a. life-giving, generating.

jīvana f. ī causing to live, vivifying; n. life, existence, mode of life; livelihood, subsistence (adj. --° living on); making alive, enlivening; water.

jīvanaś (nom. -naṭ) a. where life is lost.

jīvanasyā f. love of life.

jīvanahetu m. mode of subsistence.

jīvanīya a. vivifying; n. (impers.) vivendum, as subst. water.

jīvanmukta a. liberated in life, abstr. -kti f.

jīvanmṛta a. alive and dead, half dead; abstr. -tva n.

jīvanmṛtaka a. alive and dead, half dead; abstr. -tva n.

jīvapati f. -patnī a. whose husband or wife is alive.

jīvapitṛ a. whose father is alive.

jīvapitṛka a. whose father is alive.

jīvaputra a. whose son is alive.

jīvapurā f. the abode of the living.

jīvapraja a. whose offspring is alive.

jīvabhūta a. being alive, living, vital.

jīvamaya a. animated, living.

jīvala a. living or enlivening; N. of a man.

jīvaloka m. the world of the living.

jīvavadha m. the killing of a living creature.

jīvaśaṃsa a. praised by the living.

jīvaśeṣa a. having only life (left).

jīvasarvasva n. the whole or substance of a life, the highest treasure.*

jīvasuta a. whose children are alive.

jīvasū f. bringing forth a living child or whose children are alive.

jīvase (dat. inf.) to live.

jīvātu f. life.

jīvātman m. the living or individual soul.

jīvāśaṅkin a. thinking (a person to be) alive.

jīvita a. lived, living, alive, restored to life; n. living creature, life, subistence.

jīvitakṣaya m. loss of life, death.

jīvitatṛṣṇā f. thirst for life.*

jīvitanātha m. lord of life, husband.

jīvitapradāyin a. life-giving or l. preserving.*

jīvitapriya a. dear as life.

jīvitamaraṇa n. death in life.*

jīvitavya n. vivendum (impers.), as subst. life.

jīvitasaṃśaya m. risk of life.

jīvitasama a. dear as (lit. equal to) life.

jīvitasarvasva n. = jīvasarvasva.

jīvitātyaya m. danger of life.

jīvitānta m. end of life, death.

jīvitāntaka a. ending life, E. of Śiva.

jīvitāvasāna n. end of life, death.*

jīvitāśā f. hope or love of life.

jīviteśa m. lord of life (Yama), f. ā mistress, wife.

jīviteśvara m. lord of life (Śiva); f. -rī = prec. f.

jīvitodvahana n. carrying on life.*

jīvin a. alive, living on or by (loc. or --°); m. living creature.

jīvya n. vivendum (impers.); life.

ju -> 1.

jugups jugupsati v -> gup.

jugupsā f. horror, disgust, aversion.

jugupsita n. the same, horrible deed.

jugurvaṇi a. fond of praise.

juṭaka n. tuft, bunch.

juṭikā f. tuft, bunch.

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jumbaka m. E. of Varuṇa.

jur jurati jūryati v pp. jūrṇa (q.v.) grow old, decay, perish, jurati also trans.

juvas n. quickness, speed.

juṣ juṣate juṣati v pp. juṣṭa1 or juṣṭa (q.v.) be pleased or satisfied; be fond of, delight in, enjoy (acc. or gen.); like to, resolve upon (dat. or inf., esp. in dhyai); prefer or choose (a cert. place), i.e. visit, inhabit. C. joṣayate (ti) like, love, approve of, choose. --
     abhi like, visit, frequent.
     upa cheer, gladden.
     prati cherish, fondle; delight in, be pleased with (acc.). C. fondle, caress. -- Cf. prajuṣṭa saṃjuṣṭa.

juṣ [2] a. (mostly --°) delighting in, attached to, visiting, frequenting.

juṣṭa a. acceptable, welcome, pleasant; wont, visited, frequented; surrounded by, endowed with, possessed of (instr. or --°).

juṣṭi f. favour, love, satisfaction.

juhū f. tongue, esp. tongue of Agni, flame; a wooden ladle used for pouring butter into the fire.

juhūṣu a. wishing to sacrifice.

juhoti m. burnt oblations (opp. yajati).

juhotiyajatikriyā f. pl. burnt oblations and other sacrifices.

juhvāsya a. tongue-or flame-mouthed (Agni).

javate1 & junāti v pp. jūta press on, speed; impel, incite, promote, inspire; expel, drive, away. --
     pra press on (tr. & intr.). -- Cf. jūjuvas & jūjuvāna.

[2] a. quick, speedy, pressing, urging; s. horse.

jūjuvas a. speedy, quick.

jūjuvāna a. speedy, quick.

jūti f. impulse, speed, energy.

jūtimant a. impetuous, speedy.

jūrṇa a. decayed, old.

jūrṇi [1] f. blaze, fiery weapon.

jūrṇi [2] a. singing, praising.

jūrṇin a. glowing.

jūrṇī f. a cert. snake.

jūrya a. old, aged.

jūrv jūrvati v singe, burn. --
     ni burn down.
     sam = S.

jṛ jarati v pp. jīrṇa1 (q.v.) make or grow old; jīryati (te) grow old, age, decay, wither, waste away; be dissolved or digested. C. jarayati (-te) make old, wear out, digest. --
     sam (jīryati) grow old (together). -- Cf. jarant.

jṛ jarate2 v crackle, roar (fire); sound, call, invoke. --
     prati call to, salute.
     sam sound.

jṛmbh jṛmbhate v (jṛmbhati), pp. jṛmbhita (q.v.) gape, yawn, open (of a flower), blossom; spread, extend; come forth, rise; be or feel at ease. C. jṛmbhayati cause to yawn. 1. jarī-jṛmbhate extend far. --
     ud & samud open wide, come forth, appear, arise.
     pari spread round.
     pra begin to yawn.
     vi yawn, gape, blossom, expand, break forth, appear; be or feel at ease.
     sam expand, break forth, appear. -- Cf. vijṛmbhita.

jṛmbha m. ā f. gaping, yawning, opening, blowing.

jṛmbhaṇa a. causing to yawn; n. = prec.

jṛmbhaṇakara a. = prec. a.

jṛmbhita n. = jṛmbha.

jetavya a. to be conquered or won.

jetva a. to be conquered or won.

jetṛ m. conqueror, winner.

jenya a. noble, genuine, true.

jeman [1] a. superior.

jeman [2] m. superiority.

jemana n. eating, food.

jeya a. to be vanquished.

jeṣa m. gain, acquirement.

jeh jehate v open the mouth, gasp, gape. --
     vi = S.

jaitra f. ī victorious, triumphant.

jaitrayātrā f. triumphal procession.

jaitraratha m. triumphal chariot.

jaitriya n. victory, triumph.

jaina f. ī belonging to the Jinas; m. a Jaina.

jaimini m. N. of a saint and philosopher.

jaiminīya a. relating to Jaimini (v. prec.); m. pl. his followers, n. his work.

jaiva f. ī relating to the individual soul.

jaivātṛka a. long-lived.

jaihmaya n. falsehood, deceit.

jaihva a. being on or belonging to the tongue.

jaihvya n. pleasure of taste (lit. of the tongue).

jogū a. singing, praising.

joṅga n. aloe wood.

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joṅgaka n. aloe wood.

joṣa m. satisfaction, pleasure. joṣam after one's satisfaction, sufficiently, abundantly (also anu° or ); w. as ās, or sthā be silent, keep quiet.

joṣaṇa n. satisfaction, delight in (--°).

joṣṭṛ a. loving, fostering.

johūtra a. calling aloud, neighing.

jña a. knowing, versed in, conversant or familiar with (gen., loc. or --°); intelligent, wise.

jñatā f. jñatva n., jñapti f. abstr. to prec.

jñaptika (adj. --°) = jñapti (v. prec.).

jñā jānāti jānīte1 v (jānati jānate), pp. jñāta know, be or get aware of (acc., r. gen.), recognize, ascertain, investigate, acknowledge, approve, perceive, observe, notice (acc.), remember (gen.); consider or regard as, understand or suppose that -- (2 acc.), know how to (infin.); *M. have to do with, deal with (gen.). With na know nothing of (acc.). C. jñāpayati te & jñapayati te, pp. jñapta & jñāpita inform, teach; announce, notify; make a person acquainted with (2 acc.); M. beg, request (acc.). D. jijñāsate (-ti) wish to know, try, examine; ascertain, suppose. D. C. jñīpsati wish to make a person acquainted with (2 acc.); pp. jñīpsyamāna wished or intended to be informed. --
     anu permit, grant, approve, forgive, pardon (gen. of pers.); empower, authorize to (dat. or *prati w. acc.); dismiss, bid farewell (acc.), be gracious or kind to (acc.). C. ask for permission or leave, take leave of (acc.).
     abhyanu & samanu the same.
     abhi perceive, notice, understand, know; acknowledge as, think that (2 acc.), concede, grant; agree, approve.
     pratyabhi recognize again, notice, understand, come to one's self, recover one's consciousness.
     samabhi know, recognize.
     ava despise, surpass.
     ā attend to, notice, hear, learn, understand. C. command, appoint a pers. (acc.) to (dat. or loc.).
     samā perceive, notice. C. bid, appoint.
     upa & samupa think out, invent.
     nis & vinis discern, find out.
     pari observe, understand, ascertain, know thoroughly, know as (2 acc.).
     pra understand, distinguish, discern, be clever or wise, perceive, become aware of, find out.
     prati acknowledge, recognize, approve, consent, agree, promise (dat., gen., r. loc. of pers., acc. of th.); M. state, affirm, answer; perceive, observe, become aware of.
     saṃprati consent to, promise.
     vi perceive, find out, observe, notice, hear from (gen.); consider as, understand or know that (2 acc.); distinguish, discern, know thoroughly, become or be wise; vijñāyate it is well known or recognized (a rule, dogma, etc.); mā vijñāyi this (prec. nom.) is not to be understood (g.). C. make known, report, communicate, say that (2 acc.); make one understand, apprise, teach; interrogate, beg, ask for (dat., prati artham, or nimittam*).
     abhivi become aware of, notice.
     sam M. be of one mind, agree together, harmonize with (loc., *instr. or *acc.), obey (dat.); direct, appoint (acc.), understand, know. C. cause to agree together, unite; appease, satisfy; make understood, make signs or hints to (anyo'nyam), order, command.
     abhisam agree in (acc.), acknowledge. -- Cf. anujñāta abhyanujñāta parijñāta prajānant prajñāta.

jñā [2] (--°) knowing, acquainted with.

jñāta a. known, understood, learnt, noticed; thought to be (nom.). -- āṃ jñātam Ah! I know; mayā jñātam I was of opinion.

jñātavya a. to be learnt or understood.

jñāti m. near relation, kinsman.

jñātitva n. abstr. to prec.

jñātiprabhuka a. powerful among the relatives.

jñātiprāya a. destined chiefly for the paternal relations.

jñātibhāva m. relationship.

jñātibheda m. dissension among relatives.

jñātimant a. having near relations.

jñātṛ m. knower; acquaintance, witness.

jñātra n. capacity of understanding, intelligence.

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jñāna n. knowing, understanding, knowledge, esp. higher knowledge, science, wisdom; conscience, organ of intelligence or sense. Abstr. -tva n.

jñānagamya a. accessible to knowledge.

jñānacakṣus [1] n. the mind's eye.

jñānacakṣus [2] a. using the mind's eye.

jñānatas adv. from knowledge.

jñānada a. imparting knowledge.

jñānapaṇya a. dealing in knowledge or science.

jñānapūrva a. preceded by (the acquisition of) knowledge.

jñānamaya f. ī consisting of knowledge.

jñānayajña m. the sacrifice of knowledge.

jñānayuta a. endowed with knowledge.

jñānayoga m. the practice of knowledge.

jñānavant a. knowing, intelligent, wise.

jñānaśaktimant a. having the capacity of knowing.

jñānasaṅga m. attachment to knowledge.

jñānāgni m. the fire of knowledge.

jñānārthin a. wanting to know (--°).

jñānāsi m. the sword of knowledge.

jñānin a. = jñānavant; m. astrologer, fortuneteller, abstr. -nitva n.

jñānecchākriyāśaktimant a. endowed with the capacity of knowing, wishing, and acting (ph.).

jñānendriya n. organ of perception or sensation.

jñāpaka (f. -pikā) making understood, teaching, hinting, insinuating. -- m. the master of requests (a kind of officer); n. precept, rule, esp. an implicit or indirect rule (g.).

jñāpana n. information, insinuation.

jñāpanīya a. to be made known.

jñāpya a. to be made known.

jñās m. a near relative.

jñīps jñīpsati v -> jñā1.

jñīpsā f. wish to know, question.

jñu (only °--& --°) n. knee.

jñubādh a. bending the knees.

jñeya a. to be known, understood, learnt, found out; to be regarded as or supposed to by (nom.). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

jman (loc.) course or way.

jmayā a. following one's course.

jmā f. the earth (only jmā instr. & jmas abl. gen.).

jmāyant a. striving to the earth.

jyā jināti v pp. jita1 overpower, oppress, deprive of (2 acc.), P. jīyate (jīyate), D. jijyāsati --
     adhi & pra overwhelm.

jyā [2] f. force, violence.

jyā [3] f. bow-string.

jyākā f. the same.

jyākṛṣṭi f. the straining of the bow-string.

jyāghoṣā m. twang of the bow-string.

jyāna n. oppression.

jyāni f. the same, deprivation, loss.

jyāpāśa m. bow-string.

jyāyaṃs (compar.) superior, greater, stronger, elder; excellent, best.

jyāyasvant a. having a senior or superior.

jyāyiṣṭha (superl.) first, best, excellent.

jyut jyotati v (jyotate) shine; C. jyotayati --
     ava illuminate.

jyuti f. light; -mant shining.

jyeṣṭha (superl.) principal, best, eldest, highest, greatest, worst; superior to (abl.). m. chief, senior, eldest brother, N. of a man. f. jyeṣṭā the eldest wife. n. the chief, best (of things); adv. most, much.

jyeṣṭhatama (superl. to prec.) the first or best of all.

jyeṣṭhatara (compar to jyeṣṭha) an elder one; f. ā or -tarikā old woman, duenna.

jyeṣṭhatā f. -tva n. superiority, primogeniture.

jyeṣṭhabandhu m. head of a family.

jyeṣṭharāj m. sovereign.

jyeṣṭhavayas a. older than (--°).

jyeṣṭhavṛtti a. behaving like an elder brother.

jyeṣṭhasāmaga a. who sings the Jyesthasaman (v. seq.).

jyeṣṭhasāman n. N. of a Saman; a. = prec. a.

jyeṣṭhāṃśa m. the eldest brother's share.

jyaiṣṭha m. a cert. month in summer; f. ī the full-moon in this month.

jyaiṣṭhya n. preeminence, sovereignty, primogeniture.

jyok adv. long; w. kṛ delay, tarry, Superl. jyoktamām adv. longest.

jyotirgaṇa m. the troops of the heavenly bodies.

jyotirjña m. star-knower, astrologer.

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jyotirmaya a. consisting of light.

jyotirvid [1] m. = jyotirjña.

jyotirvid [2] a. creating light.

jyotirvidābharaṇa n. T. of an astrological work.

jyotiḥśāstra n. astronomy.

jyotiṣa n. astronomy.

jyotiṣkṛt a. creating light.

jyotiṣmant a. luminous, shining, celestial; m. the sun, a man's name.

jyotiḥṣṭoma m. a cert. Soma ceremony.

jyotis n. light (l. & f.), brightness, fire, moonshine, light of the eyes; pl. the heavenly bodies; du. sun and moon.

jyotīratha a. whose chariot is light (sev. gods).

jyotsnā f. moonlight night, moonshine.

jyotsnāḍhya a. shining brightly (lit. rich in light).

jyotsnikā f. a woman's name.*

jyautsna m. the light half of a month.

jraya -> pṛthujraya.

jrayas n. stretch, expanse.

jri jrayati v w.
     upa stretch out to (acc.).

jvar jvarati v be hot or feverish. C. jvarayati make feverish. --
     sam be grieved or sorry.
     anusam be sorry for (acc.), also =
     abhisam be grieved or envious.

jvara m. fever, pain, grief, sorrow.

jvarita a. feverish.

jvarin a. feverish.

jval jvalati v (jvalate), pp. jvalita (q.v.) blaze, flame, burn, glow, shine. C. jvalayati & jvālayati set on fire, illuminate. I. jājvalīti & jājvalyate flame violently, be brilliant. --
     abhi shine, C. =
     ava C. illuminate.
     ud blaze up, flame, shine; C. = S. C.
     pra flame up, shine forth; C. set on fire, kindle.
     abhipra & saṃpra flame up, catch fire
     prati blaze, burn.
     abhivi flame against or opposite to.
     sam blaze, flame; C. kindle, illuminate.

jvala m. flame.

jvalana a. burning, flaming, combustible; m. fire (also jvalana or jvalana); n. burning, blazing.

jvalanasaprabha a. fiery, burning.

jvalant a. burning, flaming; m. fire.

jvalita n. blazing, shining.

jvāra -> navajvāra.

jvāla m. light, flame (also jvālā f.); torch, hot infusion.

jvālana n. kindling.

jvālin a. flaming.

jhaṃkāra m. clattering, murmuring, noise.

jhaṃkārita n. the same (adj. --° sounding with*).

jhaṃkārin a. clattering, humming, buzzing, etc.

jhaṃkṛti f. = jhaṃkāra.

jhañjhā f. roaring (of the wind etc.).

jhañjhānila m. storm, hurricane.

jhañjhāmarut m. storm, hurricane.

jhañjhāmāruta m. storm, hurricane.

jhaṭ w.
     ud -> ujjhaṭita.

jhaṭiti adv. instantly, on the spot; jhaṭiti -- jhaṭiti no sooner-than.*

jhaṇ jhaṇati v tinkle.

jhaṇajhaṇa an onom, sound.*

jhaṇajhaṇāy jhaṇajhaṇāyate v jingle, tinkle.

jhaṇatkāra m. tinkling.

jhampa m. ā f. a jump.

jhar only jharant flowing or falling down.

jharā f. waterfall, cascade.

jharī f. the same, river.

jharjhara m. ī f. a sort of drum.

jharjharita a. exhausted, withered.

jhalla m. cudgel-player (a caste).

jhallaka n. a kind of cymbal.

jhaṣa m. a large fish, fish i.g.

jhaṣaketana m. the god of love; love.

jhaṣadhvaja m. the god of love; love.

jhiṅginī f. N. of a plant.

jhiṅgī f. N. of a plant.

jhillika m. pl. N. of a people; f. ā = seq.

jhillī f. jhillīka m. a cricket.

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jhaulika s. small bag, purse.

ṭaṅka s. hoe, chisel, stamp.

ṭaṅkaccheda m. stamping (lit. cutting or hewing with the chisel).

ṭaṅkaṇa m. (also ṭaṅkana) borax.

ṭaṅkay ṭaṅkayati v cover, shut up. -- Cf. uṭṭaṅkita & viṭaṅkita.

ṭaṃkāra m. howling, crying, humming, clattering.

ṭaṃkārita n. the same.

ṭaṃkṛta n. the same.

ṭal ṭalati v be confused or disturbed.

ṭasat ṭasiti & ṭāt v (onomat.) crash!

ṭāṃkāra m. & ṭāṃkṛta n. clinking, sound.

ṭāla a. tender (of fruits).

ṭiṭṭibha m. ī f. a kind of bird.

ṭiṇṭhā f. gaming house.

ṭīk ṭīkate v trip. C. ṭīkayati explain, make clear.

ṭīkā f. a commentary, esp. on some other commentary.

ṭītkāra m. crashing.

ṭopara s. small bag, purse.

ṭhakāra m. the sound or letter ṭha.

ṭhakkura m. deity, idol, object of reverence, often --° as honorary title after a pr. n.

ṭhāra m. rime, hoar-frost.

ṭhiṇṭhā f. = ṭiṇṭhā; also a woman's name.

ḍam ḍamati v sound (of a drum).

ḍama m. N. of a caste.

ḍamara m. riot, tumult.

ḍamarin m. ḍamaru (*m.) a kind of drum.

ḍamb viḍambayati v pp. viḍambita imitate, equal (acc.); mock, cheat, deceive.

ḍambara m. noise, confusion, sound of words, bombast, heap, mass, extent, course.

ḍavittha m. N. of a man.

ḍākinī f. female imp. witch.

ḍāṃkṛti f. sound, roaring.

ḍātkṛti f. sound, roaring.

ḍāmara a. extraordinary, strange (abstr. -tva n.); m. astonishment, wonder.

ḍāla s. branch.

ḍāhala m. N. of a people.

ḍāhāla m. N. of a people.

ḍiṇḍima m. a kind of drum (also ā & n.); humming, sound.

ḍittha m. N. of a man; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

ḍima m. a kind of drama; a cert. caste.

ḍimba s. affray, riot, tumult, danger, distress; m. egg.

ḍimbha m. a new-born child, fool, ignorant; young animal, sprout of a plant; egg, globe.

ḍimbhalīlā f. a child's play.*

ḍilli f. the town of Delhi.

ḍillī f. the town of Delhi.

ḍī ḍayate ḍīyate v pp. ḍīna fly, move through the air. --
     ud fly up, C. uḍḍāpayati scare. prod fly up and away.
     pra fly up. -- Cf. uḍḍīna.

ḍīna n. flying, flight (of a bird).

ḍuḍubha m. a kind of lizard.

ḍuḍuma & quRquBa m. a kind of lizard.

ḍerikā f. musk-rat.

ḍomba m. a cert. low caste; f. ī a kind of drama.

ḍauṇḍubha a. lizard-like (cf. ḍuṇḍubha).

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ḍval C. ḍvālayati w. ā mix.

ḍhakka m. a kind of building, N. of a city or district; f. ā a large drum.

ḍhāmarā f. goose.

ḍhāla n. shield.

ḍhālin a. armed with a shield.

ḍheṅka m. a kind of bird.

ḍhola m. a kind of large drum.

ḍhauk ḍhaukate v approach (acc.). C. ḍhaukayati cause to approach, bring near to (gen.). --
     upa C. present, offer.

ḍhaukana n. offering, present.

ta pron. stem of 3d pers. (cf. sa; n. tad q.v.) he, she, it; this, that (adj. & subst.), also = the def. article. Repeated, mostly in the plur. = this and that, various, several. ya ta (in the same sentence) whoever, anybody; ya (ya) -- ta ta or ya ka w. cid -- ta whoever-he. -- It often lays stress on an other pronoun of any pers. separately expressed or contained in a verbal form, as taṃ tvā -- ahvaṣata thee (there) they have invoked, sa naḥ--bhava be thou to us, te vayam we here.

taṃs tas v pour out (fig.); C. taṃsayati shake. --
     abhi shake out of, rob.
     pari C. shake, stir.
     vi the same. -- Cf. avataṃsay.

tak takti v pp. takta rush, fly. --
     nis M. rush on, attack (acc.).

taka pron, stem, demin, to ta.

taku a. rushing, hastening.

takman m. a kind or whole class of diseases.

takra n. buttermilk (mixed with water).

takva a. quick, fleet.

takvan m. a cert. bird of prey.

takvavī m. a cert. bird of prey.

takṣ takṣati takṣate takṣṇoti & tāṣṭi v pp. taṣṭa hew, cut, work, fashion, make, invent. --
     anu procure, get.
     apa split or cut off.
     ā produce, procure.
     ud fashion out of (abl.).
     nis shape or form.
     pra fashion, make.
     vi = apa.
     sam = S. (±together). -- Cf. vitaṣṭa.

takṣa a. cutting off, destroying (--°); m. a carpenter (--°); N. of a serpent-demon etc.

takṣaka m. cutter, carpenter; as pr. n. = prec.

takṣaṇa n. hewing, cutting, planing.

takṣan m. carpenter.

takṣaśila m. pl the inhabitants of T. (v. seq.).

takṣaśilā f. N. of a town; -tas from T.

takṣya a. to be shaped or formed.

taṅgaṇa m. pl. N. of a people.

taṅgana m. pl. N. of a people.

taccarita a. of that conduct.

tacchīla a. of that character or nature.

tajja a. produced by that.

tajjña a. knowing that, familiar with (--°).

tañc tanakti v contract. -- ā coagulate.

taṭ taṭati v rumble, groan.

taṭa m. ī f. slope, declivity (lit. & fig.); shore, bank.

taṭastha a. standing on a slope, bank or shore; also = madhyastha q.v.

taṭāka n. pond, lake, poss. -kin; f. -kinī a large lake.

taṭinī f. river (having banks); -pati m. the ocean.

taḍ C. tāḍayati beat, strike, hurt, hit. --
     abhi & ā C. the same.
     pari strike, pelt.
     vi pound, crush; C. pelt, wound, strike against (loc.).
     sam beat, strike, hit.

taḍāga n. pond, lake; -bhedaka m. the piercer or drainer of a pond.

taLit ( = taḍit & taḍitas) adv. closely, near.

taLitas ( = taḍit & taḍitas) adv. closely, near.

taḍit f. lightning.

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taḍitvant a. having or emitting a flash of lightning; m. a cloud.

taḍinmaya a. consisting of lightning.

taḍinmālā f. flash of lightning.

taḍillatā f. the same.

taḍillekhā f. the same.

taṇḍula m. grain, esp. of rice (used also as a weight).

taṇḍulakaṇa m. a grain of rice.

taṇḍulakaṇḍana n. rice-bran.

taṇḍulodaka n. rice-water.*

tata [1] m. father; voc. also = my son.

tata [2] a. stretched out, expanded, wide; overspread or covered with (instr. or --°).

tatas (adv. abl. of ta) thence, there, thither; then, therefore. --tatastatam & itastatas (from) here and there, (from) everywhere; the former also interr. = tataḥ kim what then? tataḥ param moreover, further, also = tataḥ paścāt thereupon, afterwards. tataḥprabhṛti (or tata ārabhya*) thenceforth, since. tato'nyatas elsewhere. tato'param later, afterwards. yatastatas from what (person or place) soever, (from) wherever. yatoyatas (from) wheresoever; correl. tatastatas.

tati [1] (only as pl.) so many.

tati [2] f. extension, spreading, offering (of a sacrifice); multitude, abundance, high degree.

tatitha f. ri the so maniest.

tatidhā adv. so manifold.

taturi a. overcoming, victorious.

tatomukha a. directed thither.*

tatkartṛ a. doing that.

tatkarmakārin a. performing the same action.

tatkāraṇa a. doing or causing that.

tatkārin a. doing the same.

tatkāryakāraṇāt (abl. adv.) for that (precise) reason.

tatkāla [1] m. that time, the time (now or then) being; (°--*) or acc. = at or during that time, just, directly, immediately.

tatkāla [2] a. happening at the same time or immediately.

tatkālavedin a. knowing that time.*

tatkālīna a. = tatkāla2.

tatkṛta a. caused by that (those); loc. therefore.

tatkṣaṇa m. the same moment; °--, acc., abl., & loc. at the same moment, just, immediately, forthwith.

tattulya a. equal or corresponding to, worthy of that (those).

tattva n. the state of being that, i.e. the true state or real nature; truth, reality, first principle (ph.). °--, instr., & adv. in tas in truth, really, exactly.

tattvakathana n. telling the truth.

tattvajña a. knowing the truth or true state of (--°).

tattvajñāna n. knowledge of the truth, T. of a work.

tattvadarśin a. seeing or knowing the truth.

tattvadṛś a. seeing or knowing the truth.

tattvabodha m. = tattvajñāna.

tattvabhāva m. true being or nature.

tattvabhūta a. being truth, i.e. true.

tattvavid a. = tattvajña.

tattvaśuddhi f. exact knowledge of the truth.

tattvākhyānopamā f. & tattvāpahvarūpaka n. two kinds of comparison (rh.).

tattvābhiyoga m. accusation on ground of facts (j.).

tattvārtha m. the exact truth; the true meaning of (--°).

tatpada n. the place of that or the word tad.

tatpara [1] a. following that or thereupon, inferior; abstr. -tva n.

tatpara [2] a. (lit. = seq.) quite given to or intent upon (loc. or --°), abstr. -tā f.

tatparāyaṇa a. having that as highest object.

tatpuruṣa m. his servant; a class of compounds (g.).

tatpratipādaka a. suggesting or teaching that.

tatpradhāna a. depending chiefly on that (pers. or thing).

tatprayojaka a. impelling him (her or them).

tatra (tatrā) adv. = loc. of ta, there, therein, then. tatra tatra here and there, everywhere. yatra tatraapi) wherever, at every place or time.

tatratya a. relating to that place, i.e. being there, coming thence, etc.

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tatrabhavant f. -vatī his or her reverence (there).

tatrastha a. standing or dwelling there.

tatrāntare (loc. adv.) meanwhile (lit. in that interval).

tatsakha m. his (her, their) friend.

tatsaṃkhyāka a. being in that number, counting so much.

tatsama a. equal, of equal meaning to (--°).

tatsamakṣam adv. before his (her, their) eyes.

tatsaṃbandhin a. connected with that (pers. or th.).

tatsahāya a. joined with that (those).

tatspṛṣṭin a. touching that (--°).

tatsvarūpa a. having the nature of that.

tathā adv. so, thus; also, likewise (±ca or api); as well, as truly (in asseverations, correl yathā); well, surely, certainly. --tathāpitu) even thus, nevertheless, yet (mostly after yadyapi or kāmam). tathā hi for thus (it is), for instance, namely. tathaivaca) just so. na tathā = anyathā (q.v.). yathā tathā howsoever, anyhow; w. neg. by no means. yathā yathā-tathā tathā in what manner or degree, the more -- in that manner etc.

tathāgata a. being in that condition, of such a quality or nature; m. a Buddhist.

tathāguṇa a. having such qualities or virtues.

tathābhāva m. the being so.

tathābhāvin a. who will be so.

tathābhūta a. being so, of such a kind or nature.

tathārūpa a. of such a form or shape.

tathārūpin a. of such a form or shape.

tathāvidha a. of such a sort or kind.

tathāvīrya a. of such strength or power.

tathāvrata a. observing such conduct.

tathya a. real, true; n. truth, reality; instr. & -tas according to truth.

tad n. sg. of ta (°-- used also as stem), as adv. there, then; therefore, accordingly; now, and; often connecting two sentences & correl. to yad yena yatas yadi, or ced. -- tadapi nevertheless, even; tadyathā for instance.

tadanantara a. nearest to that, immediately connected with (gen.); n. adv. immediately upon that, thereupon.

tadanu adv. thereupon, then.

tadanukṛti adv. accordingly (to that).

tadanuguṇa a. answering or corresponding to (--°).

tadanta a. ending with that.

tadantarbhūta a. being among or within (that).

tadapatya a. having offspring by that (woman); abstr. -tā f.

tadapas a. doing that work, used to do that.

tadapekṣa a. having a regard for that.

tadabhimukham adv. towards or against that.

tadartha [1] m. the meaning of that (those).

tadartha [2] a. having that purpose or meaning; n. adv. therefore, on that account.

tadarthin a. wishing for that (those).

tadarthīya a. having that object.

tadardhika a. half of that.

tadavastha a. being in that state or condition; being unaltered or safe.

tadā adv. at that time, in that case, then; sometimes redundant, esp. before atha & after tatas & purā. Often strengthened by eva (tadaiva); correl to yadā yatra yad yadi & ced. -- tadā prabhṛti thenceforward.
yadā tadā at every time, always.

tadātman a. having that nature.

tadātva n. present state (opp. āyati).

tadānīm adv. at that time, then.

tadāśraya a. relating to that (those.).

tadāśrayin a. relating to that (those.).

tadīya a. belonging to or coming from that (those); his, her, their; such.

tadupakārin a. helping to that, conducive.

tadupahita a. dependent on that.

tadūna a. diminished by that.

tadokas a. delighting in that.

tadgata a. directed towards that, pertaining to (--°).

tadguṇa [1] m. the quality or virtue of that (those).

tadguṇa [2] a. poss. to prec.

taddviguṇa a. double of that.

taddhita m. a kind of suffix & a word formed by it (g.).

tadbuddhi a. having that mind.

tadbhava a. originating in that, i.e. coming from Sanskrit (g.).

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tadbhāgin a. responsible for that.

tadyuta a. joined with that (pers. or thing), together.

tadyukta a. joined with that (pers. or thing), together.

tadrūpa a. thus shaped or formed.

tadvaṃśya a. being of that race.

tadvaktṛ a. teaching that.

tadvacana a. expressing or meaning that.

tadvat adv. so, in that manner (correl. to yadvat or yathā); likewise, also.

tadvattā f. abstr. to prec.

tadvayas a. being the same age.

tadvaśa a. desirous of that.

tadvid a. = tajjña.

tadvidha a. of that kind, answering to that; abstr. -tva n.

tadviṣaya a. having that for object, relating to that.

tadvṛtti a. living according to that.

tan tanoti tanute v pp. tata1 (q.v.) extend, stretch, spread (intr. & tr.); last, continue; protract, prolong, lengthen; spin out, weave (l. & f.); prepare, arrange, direct, accomplish, perform, compose, make. P. tāyate be extended, increase, grow. --
     adhi string (the bow), cover.
     anu extend along (intr.), continue; carry on, maintain.
     abhi extend or reach over (acc); spread out, unfold, place in front.
     ava sink down; overspread, cover; loosen, let off (esp. the bow-string).
     ā spread over, penetrate, cover (esp. with light); expand, diffuse, stretch (a bow); bring forth, produce, effect, show, betray.
     anvā stretch or reach over; spread (tr. & intr.).
     vyā diffuse, produce, effect.
     samā the same, stretch (esp. the bow).
     pari stretch around, surround, envelop.
     pra spread, extend (tr. & intr.); cause, produce; show, betray.
     vi spread over, cover, fill, stretch out (a cord, web, etc.) string (a bow); diffuse, extend; prepare, arrange, sacrifice; produce, effect; make, render (2 acc.).
     sam join one's self with, hold together; cover, fill; connect, continue, protract; effect, accomplish; exhibit, evince.
     anusam add, join, annex; spread, expand; carry on, prosecute. -- Cf. ātata pravitata vitata satata.

tan [2] (only dat. & instr.) spreading, continuation, propagation, offspring; instr. tanā (tanā) adv. uninterruptedly, continually.

tan tanyati3 v roar.

tana n. ā f. offspring, child.

tanaya a. propagating a race or belonging to a family. m. son (du. also son and daughter); f. tanayā daughter; n. posterity, offspring, child, descendant.

tanayitnu a. roaring, thundering.

tanas n. posterity, offspring.

taniman m. thinness, weakness; n. the liver.

taniṣṭha superl. & compar. to seq. tanu (f. tanu tanū & tanvī) thin, slender, small, minute, little, spare (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.), f. tanu or tanū body, form, nature (abstr. tanutā f.); person, esp. one's own person or self (often = a refl. pron.; cf. ātman). f. tanvī a (slender) woman.

tanīyaṃs superl. & compar. to seq. tanu (f. tanu tanū & tanvī) thin, slender, small, minute, little, spare (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.), f. tanu or tanū body, form, nature (abstr. tanutā f.); person, esp. one's own person or self (often = a refl. pron.; cf. ātman). f. tanvī a (slender) woman.

tanugātra f. ī slender (-limbed).

tanucchada m. feather, pl. plumage; armour, attire (lit. what covers the body).

tanuja m. ā f. son, daughter (born from the body or self).

tanutyaj a. giving up one's person.

tanutyāga m. giving up or risk of one's own life.

tanutra n. armour, mail (lit. body-protector).

tanutrāṇa n. armour, mail (lit. body-protector).

tanudhī a. of small understanding.

tanubhāva m. thinness, slenderness.

tanumadhya [1] n. the middle of the body, waist.

tanumadhya [2] a. having a slender waist.

tanumadhyama a. = prec.

tanuvarman n. armour (of the body).

tanuśarīra a. having a slender body.

tanūkṛ make thin, attenuate, diminish; w. bhū wane, decrease.

tanūkṛtha s. preservation of body and life.

tanūja a. born from or belonging to one's own body or person; m. & f. ā son, daughter.

tanūtyaj a. = tanutyaj.

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tanūnapāt m. Agni or the fire (lit. son of one's own self).

tanūpā a. protecting body and life.

tanūpāna f. ī the same; n. protection of body and life.

tanūbala n. the strength of the body or self.

tanūruc a. brilliant in person.

tanūruha n. hair of the body, feathers, wings; m. son (lit. what grows out of the body).

tanti f. cord, rope, line.

tantī f. cord, rope, line.

tantu m. thread, string, cord, wire, warp of a weft; uninterrupted line i.e. continuation of a sacrifice, propagation of a race, etc.; also concr. the propagator of a family (cf. seq.).

tantubhūta a. being the propagator of a family.

tantumant a. forming a thread; uninterrupted, lasting.

tantuvāna n. weaving.

tantuvāya m. a weaver.

tantra n. loom, the warp of a weft; anything continuous, regular, lasting, firm, constant, prevalent, or essential; series, troop, army; foundation, basis, regular order, chief part, main point; rule, theory, authority, doctrine, science; book, esp. a kind of mystic works, a magical formula; means, expedient, stratagem; medicine, esp. a specific. f. tantrī (nom. -s) string, lute.

tantraka a. recent from the loom, quite new (cloth); adj. --° doctrine, scientific work.

tantrakāra m. writer of a book, author.

tantray tantrayati v keep up, perform, conform one's self to, care or provide for (acc.).

tantravāya m. weaver.

tantrāyin a. drawing out a thread.

tantrīsvana n. time of a lute.

tand tandate v relax, give way.

tandr C. tandrayate grow weary.

tandra n. series, line.

tandrayu a. lazy, slothful.

tandrā f. weariness, laziness.

tandrāy tandrāyate v grow or be weary.

tandrī f. = tandrā.

tannimitta a. caused by that, abstr. -tva n.

tanniṣṭha a. intent on that.

tanmanas a. having the mind turned upon that.

tanmaya a. consisting or made up of that; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

tanmāṃsāda m. eater of that flesh.

tanmātra a. only so much or little. n. a trifle; atom, elementary matter (ph.).

tanmūla a. caused by (lit. rooted in) that.

tanyatā (instr. f.) thundering, roaring.

tanyatu m. the same.

tanyu a. roaring, howling.

tanvaṅga f. ī slender (-limbed); f. a maiden or woman.

tap tapati v (tapate), pp. tapta (q.v.) be warm or hot, burn (instr.), shine; castigate one's self, do penance, suffer; heat, burn (tr.), distress, pain, torment. P. tapyate (also tapyate ti) has only the intr. mgs. C. tāpayati te make hot, consume by heat, listress, pain, castigate (one's self). --
     ati make warm or hot, trouble, distress.
     anu heat, pain; P. suffer pain, repent, long for (acc.).
     pratyanu & samnu P. repent.
     abhi make hot, shine upon, pain, ache; P. suffer pain.
     ā glow, shine, heat; P. suffer pain, w. tapas castigate one's self.
     abhyā heat, pain, torment.
     ud the same.
     upa make hot, vex, hurt; also = P. suffer, pain, get unwell (A. also impers. w. gen. or acc. of pers.).
     nis (niṣ) heat, singe.
     pari burn all round, set on fire, kindle; also = P. feel pain, suffer, do penance (±tapas). C. pain, afflict.
     pra A. give out heat, burn, shine (l. & f.); shine upon, warm, heat, singe, roast, pain, torment; also = P. feel pain, suffer, castigate one's self. C. heat, warm, illumine, kindle; pain, distress.
     prati give out heat towards, make hot or warm.
     vi give out strong heat, burn; pervade, penetrate.
     sam heat, burn, pain, torment (also C.); suffer pain, repent. P. be distressed, grieve, do penance.
     abhisam vex, distress. -- Cf. uttapta upatapta pratapant pratapta saṃtapta.

tapa a. heating, burning, tormenting (--°); m. heat, fire, penance, religious austerity.

tapaḥklama a. exhausted by austerities.

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tapaḥkṣama a. fit to bear austerities.

tapatī f. N. of a daughter of the Sun & of a river.

tapana a. warming, burning, shining (of the sun); vexing, tormenting. m. the sun, a cert. hot hell. f. tapanī heat, ardour. n. tapana the same + pain, penance, religious austerity.

tapanīya m. a sort of rice; n. (purified) gold.

tapanīyāśoka m. a kind of Acoka.*

tapaścaraṇa n. -ścaryā f. the practice of penance.

tapas n. warmth, heat, ardour; pain, grief; religious austerity, penance, meditation; (*m.) a cert. month or season.

tapasy tapasyati v do penance.

tapasya a. produced by heat; m. a cert. cool month, a man's name; f. ā & n. penance, austerity.

tapasvant a. glowing; ascetic, devout.

tapasvikanyā f. -jana m. a female devotee.

tapasvijana m. = seq. m. (also coll.).

tapasvin a. distressed, miserable; devout, pious, doing penance; m. & f. tapasvinī an ascetic, a religious man or woman.

tapātyaya m. the end of the heat, the rainy season.

tapānta m. the end of the heat, the rainy season.

tapiṣṭha (superl.) very hot or burning.

tapiṣṇu a. burning, glowing, hot.

tapīyaṃs (compar.) extremely ascetic; more ascetic than (gen.).

tapu a. burning, hot.

tapuṣi a. the same; m. or f. a burning weapon.

tapuṣpā a. drinking hot (drinks).

tapus a. = tapu.

tapodhana a. rich in penance, ascetic, pious; m. a devout or pious man.

taponidhi m. a treasure of penance, i.e. a very pious man.

taponta a. ending with austerity.

tapobhṛt a. bearing penance, ascetic; m. = prec.

tapomadhya a. having austerity in the middle.

tapomūla a. founded on austerity.

tapoyajña a. having austerity as sacrifice.

tapoyukta a. devout, religious (lit. furnished with penance).

tapoyoga m. practice of austerities.

taporata a. delighting in penance.

taporati a. delighting in penance.

tapolubdha a. eager for penance, devout.

tapovana n. penance grove, hermitage.

tapovant a. ascetic, devout, pious.

tapovṛddha a. strong by or rich in penance, very devout or religious.

tapta a. heated, burnt, hot, molten, scorched, distressed, afflicted; (having) undergone (tapaḥ) n. adv.; as subst. hot water.

taptakṛcchra m. n. a kind of penance.

taptāyas n. red-hot iron.

tapti f. heat, warmth.

tapyati f. heat, warmth.

taptṛ a. making hot or warm.

tapyatu a. hot, glowing; f. = tapti.

tam tāmyati v (tāmyate), pp. tānta become dark, dull, or stiff; faint away, be exhausted, lauguish, perish (also impers. w. acc. of subj.). --
     ā ud & sam languish, be perplexed.
     pra be out of breath, be exhausted, languish. -- Cf. avatānta nitānta.

tamaka m. a kind of asthma.

tamana n. the becoming breathless.

tamas n. darkness, gloom; mental darkness, illusion; error, ignorance (ph.).

tamasa a. dark-coloured; n. darkness.

tamasvant (f. -svatī & tamasvarī) dark, gloomy.

tamām (--° in adv., later also in fin. verbs) in a high degree, very, much.

tamāla m. N. of a tree.

tamisra n. darkness (also f. tamistrā), a dark night; a cert. dark hell, hell i.g.

tamoghna a. destroying darkness; m. the sun.

tamoniṣṭha a. founded on darkness.

tamonud a. expelling darkness.

tamonuda a. expelling darkness.

tamobhūta a. dark, ignorant, stupid.

tamomaya f. ī consisting of darkness.

tamorūpa a. the same.

tamorūpin a. the same.

tamovant a. dark, gloomy.

tamovṛdh a. delighting in darkness.

tamohan a. destroying darkness.

tamra a. obscuring or choking.

tar m. (only nom. pl. tāras) star.

tara a. crossing, surpassing, overcoming (--°); m. passage, ferry, freight.

tarakṣa m. hyena.

tarakṣu m. hyena.

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taraṃg taraṃgati taraṃgate v wave, heave.

taraṃga m. a wave (fig. of a section in a book); jumping motion, leap; waving, moving to and fro.

taraṃgay taraṃgayati v pp. taraṃgita (q.v.) move to and fro (trans.), toss.

taraṃgavāta m. air or wind coming from the waves.

taraṃgita a. waving, fluctuating, restless, agitated; n. as abstr.

taraṃgin a. waving, moving to and fro; f. -ṇī a river; fig. = taraṃga.

taraṇa n. crossing, surpassing.

taraṇi a. running through or onward, quick, fleet; eager, ardent; helpful, favourable; m. the sun.

taraṇitva n. eagerness, zeal.

taraṇīya a. to be crossed or surpassed.

taratamatas adv. more or less.

taraddveṣas a. overwhelming enemies.

taradhyai dat. inf. to tṛ.

tarala a. moving to and fro, trembling, glittering, shining; inconstant, fickle, perishable (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); m. wave, billow, the central gem in a necklace, pl. N. of a people; f. ā & n. rice-gruel.

taralay taralayati v pp. taralita move to and fro, shake (tr. & intr.).

taralikā f. N. of a woman.*

taras [1] n. speed, energy, efficacy, strength; ferry, raft. Instr. speedily, quickly, violently.

taras [2] a. rash, energetic.

tarasa m. n. flesh; a. -maya consisting of flesh.

tarasvant a. rash, energetic, bold, valiant.

tarasvin a. rash, energetic, bold, valiant.

tarām adv. very, much (--° in adv., later in verbs); w. na by no means.

tari f. boat, ship.

tarī f. boat, ship.

tarika m. ferry-man; f. ā boat.

tariṇī f. boat, ship.

tarivāra sword; -dhārā f. sword-blade.*

tarī [1] f. -> tari.

tarī [2] f. = starī.

tarīyaṃs (compar.) running through (acc.).

tarīṣaṇi (inf.) to run through (acc.).

taru [1] a. rash.

taru [2] m. tree.

tarukoṭara n. the hollow of a tree.

tarugahana n. the thicket of a tree.

tarucchāyā f. the shade of a tree.

taruṇa f. ī young, tender, new, fresh; just begun (heat), just risen (sun, moon, etc.). m. young man, N. of sev. plants, also a man's name; f. taruṇī young woman, girl; n. cartilage; sprout, stalk.

taruṇay taruṇayati v refresh, strengthen.

taruṇāditya m. the young (i.e. just risen) sun.

taruṇiman m. youth, juvenility.

tarutala n. the place under a tree.

tarutṛ [1] a. winning, conquering (acc.).

tarutṛ [2] m. conqueror, impeller (gen.).

tarutra a. carrying across; gaining or granting victory.

tarumaṇḍapa s. arbour, bower.

tarumūla n. root of a tree, also = tarutala.

tarurāji f. row of trees, avenue.

taruṣ taruṣati taruṣate v overcome, vanquish. -- ā pass over, cross.

taruṣa m. conqueror, vanquisher; f. ī victorious fight.

taruṣaṇḍa n. a group of trees.

taruṣy pp. taruṣyant fighting (tr.).

tarus n. fight, contest; superiority.

tarūṭa m. the root of the lotus.

tarūṣas a. victorious, superior.

tark tarkayati v (tarkayate) suppose, conjecture, guess, reflect, regard as (2 acc.), think of (acc.), think to (inf.). --
     pari ponder, think over, consider as (2 acc.).
     vi suppose, conjecture, reflect on (acc.), ascertain.
     sam regard as (2 acc.).

tarka m. supposition, conjecture, opinion; meditation, discussion, philosophical doctrine or system, refutation.

tarkasaṃgraha m. T. of a work (v. prec.).

tarkin a. supposing, thinking, reasoning, skilled in speculation or philosophy.

tarku s. spindle.

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tarj tarjati v (tarjate), pp. tarjita (q.v.) threaten, menace, abuse, revile. C. tarjayati te = S. + deride, mock; frighten, terrify. --
     abhi & vi C. scold, revile.
     pari C. threaten.
     sam C. = S.C.

tarjana n. = seq., also = f. ā censure, blame; f. ī the fore-finger.

tarjita n. threat, menace.

tarṇaka m. calf; any young animal.

tarda m. a sort of insect (lit. borer).

tardana n. hole, opening, cleft.

tardman n. hole, opening, cleft.

tarpaṇa f. ī satiating, refreshing, comforting. n. the action of satiating etc.; satiety, fulness, comfort, pleasure, satisfaction; restorative, nourishment, food.

tarpaṇīya a. to be satiated or satisfied.

tarman -> sutarman.

tarya m. N. of a man.

tarṣa m. -ṇa n. thirst, greediness, desire.

tarṣita a. thirsty, desirous of (--°).

tarṣyāvant a. thirsty.

tarhaṇa f. ī crushing.

tarhi adv. at that time, in that case, then (often correl. w. yarhi yad yadā yatra yadi ced); therefore, then, now, well (esp. w. imper. or interr.).

tala m. n. place on or under (gen. or --°), surface, bottom, plain; often corresp. to a more special word, as pāṇitala palm of the hand, nabhastala vault of the sky, often otiose. n. arm-leather (cf. aṅgulitra).

talaghoṣa m. clapping of the hands.

talaloka m. the nether world.

talava m. a musician.

talavakāra m. N. of a Vedic school.

talavakāropaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

talātala n. a cert. hell.

talāśā f. a cert. tree.

talita a. fried.

talina a. thin, slender; small, little.

talima n. floor, pavement.

talīdya n. a cert. part of the body.

talpa m. f.) bed, couch, fig. = wedlock.

talpaga a. going to the bed of (--°); cf. prec.

talpaja a. born in a marriage bed (but by an appointed substitute of the man).

talpya a. belonging to a bed; born in wedlock.

tavas a. strong, bold, m. strength, heroism.

tavasya n. = prec. m.

tavasvant a. = tavas adj.

tavāgā a. strong, huge (bull).

taviṣa a. = tavas a.; f. taviṣī & n. = tavas m.

taviṣīmant a. strong, bold, courageous.

taviṣīy taviṣīyate v pp. -yant & yamāṇa be strong, violent, or eager; exert one's self.

taviṣīyu a. = taviṣīmant.

taviṣīvant a. = taviṣīmant.

taviṣy taviṣyate v = taviṣīy.

taviṣyā f. violence, force.

tavīyaṃs compar. to tavas a.

tavya a. strong, powerful.

tavyaṃs a. = tavīyaṃs.

taṣṭi f. carpentry.

taṣṭṛ m. builder, carpenter.

tasara n. shuttle.

taskara m. thief, robber; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

tasthu a. stationary, immovable.

tasmāt (abl. adv.) therefore, then (correl. to yada or yasmāt).

tākṣṇa f. ī belonging to a carpenter.

tājak adv. suddenly, at once.

tājat adv. suddenly, at once.

tājaka m. a Persian.

tājika m. a Persian.

tāḍa a. beating (--°); m. strike, blow.

tāḍaka m. killer; f. ā N. of a Yakṣiṇī changed into a Rākṣasī and killed by Rāma.

tāḍana a. beating, striking, hurting; n. the act of beating, stroke, blow.

tāḍanīya a. to be beaten.

tāḍāga a. being in or coming from ponds.

tāḍya a. = tāḍanīya.

tāṇḍava s. a wild dance, esp. of the god Śiva.

tāṇḍavita a. dancing, hopping (cf. prec.).

tāṇḍya m. patr. N. of a teacher.

tāṇḍyabrāhmaṇa n. T. of a Brāhmaṇa.

tāt (abl. adv.) thus, then.

tāta m. father; voc. also i.g. reverend, dear.

tātṛpi a. satisfying, delightful.

tātkālika f. ī lasting that (i.e. the same) time or belonging to it; happening at that moment, i.e. immediate, sudden.

tāttvika a. essential, real, true.

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tātparya n. the being devoted to or aiming at one object; the real meaning, scope, or purport of a speech or work; -tas with that intention.

tātya a. paternal.

tātsthya n. the being there or contained therein.

tādarthya n. the being intended for that.

tādātmya n. the identity of nature with (instr., loc., or --°).

tādītnā adv. at that time, then.

tādṛkṣa a. = tādṛś.

tādṛgguṇa a. of such qualities.

tādṛgrūpa a. of such a shape or form.

tādṛgrūpavant a. of such a shape or form.

tādṛgvidha a. of such a kind or nature.

tādṛś a. (nom. m. f. tādṛṅ & tādṛk) such like, such a one; n. tādṛk adv. in such a manner.

tādṛśa f. ī = prec. a.

tādrūpya n. the being shaped like that.

tādvidhya n. the being qualified like that.

tāna m. thread, fibre; n. expanse.

tānava n. thinness, meagreness, slenderness.

tānūnaptra n. a cert. ceremony relating to Agni Tanūnapāt (r.).

tāntava f. ī made of thread; m. son (cf. tantu); n. a web or woven cloth.

tānti f. choking, suffocation.

tāntra s. the music of a string instrument.

tāntrika f. ā & ī familiar with or contained in a cert. doctrine, esp. relating to the Tantras, mystical.

tāpa m. heat, ardour, pain, affiction.

tāpaka a. heating, burning, purifying.

tāpana f. ī heating, burning, distressing, illumining (--°). m. the sun; n. burning, distressing, chastisement, penance; a cert. hell.

tāpanīya a. made of (pure) gold; m. pl. a cert. Vedic school.

tāpanīyopaniṣad f. T. of sev. Upanishads (cf. prec.).

tāpayiṣṇu a. burning, tormenting.

tāpaścita n. a kind of ceremony (r.).

tāpasa a. performing penance or belonging to it. m. a devotee, ascetic, hermit (f. ī).

tāpasaveṣabhṛt a. wearing a hermit's clothes.

tāpasya n. the state or condition of an ascetic.

tāpiccha m. N. of a plant.

tāpiñcha m. N. of a plant.

tāpin a. vexing (--°); f. -nī T. of sev. Upanishads.

tāpya m. n. marcasite.

tāma m. longing, desire.

tāmarasa n. a red-coloured lotus (adj. --° f. ā); f. ī lotus pond.

tāmasa f. ī dark, belonging to ignorance (ph.); N. of the fourth Manu.

tāmi f. suppression of the breath.

tāmī f. suppression of the breath.

tāmisra (pakṣa) m. the dark half of the moon; m. a Rākṣasa or a cert. hell.

tāmbala m. a kind of hemp; adj. f. ī.

tāmbūla n. betel (also f. ī), esp. its leaf.

tāmbūlavīṭikā f. betel-globe.

tāmbūlika m. a seller of betel.

tāmra [1] a. copper-coloured, dark-red (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); m. a kind of leprosy; n. copper or a copper vessel.

tāmra f. ī2 made of copper; f. ī a kind of clepsydra.

tāmrakuṭṭa m. coppersmith (f. ī).

tāmracūḍa a. red-crested; m. cock.

tāmradhūmra a. dark-red.

tāmranakha f. ī having red (i.e. dyed) nails; -nakhāṅguli h. red nails & fingers.

tāmrapaṭṭa m. a copper-plate.

tāmrapātra n. a copper vessel.

tāmramaya f. ī made of copper.

tāmralipta m. pl. N. of a people.

tāmravarṇa a. copper-coloured, dark-red.

tāmrākṣa f. ī red-eyed; m. a crow.

tāmrika a. made of copper.

tāy tāyate v (cf. tan1) w. vi & sam expand.

tāyana n. succeeding, prospering.

tāyu m. thief.

tāra a. all-pervading, esp. of a sound, i.e. loud, high, shrill; or of light, i.e. shining, radiant. -- m. passing over, crossing (only --°); saver, deliverer (E. of sev. gods), a clear or beautiful pearl, a man's name. f. ā a star or meteor, the pupil of the eye; N. of sev. goddesses & women. n. descent to a river, bank; a loud or shrill sound (also m.); tāram as adv. aloud; comp. tārataram, superl. tāratamam.

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tāraka (f. -rikā) carrying over, rescuing; m. N. of a demon, pl. the children of T.; f. tārakā star (also n.), meteor, pupil of the eye, a woman's name; f. tārikā the juice of palms.

tārakākṣa a. star-eyed.

tārakāntaka m. the killer of Tāraka, i.e. Skanda.

tārakārāja m. the moon (lord of the stars).

tārakeśvara m. the moon (lord of the stars).

tārakopaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

tāraṇa a. & n. carrying over, rescuing; n. also crossing, surpassing, conquering.

tāratamya n. the being more or less, difference, gradation, proportion.

tāralya n. fickleness.

tārava f. ī belonging to a tree.

tārākṣa a. = tārakākṣa.

tārādhipa m. the moon (lord of the stars).

tārāpati m. the same; the husband of Tārā, E. of sev. gods.

tārāmaya f. ī consisting of stars.

tārāmṛga m. N. of a lunar mansion.

tārāmaitraka n. spontaneous love (lit. the friendship of the stars).

tārāyaṇa m. the holy fig tree.

tārika n. fare or toll for passage.

tārin a. carrying over, rescuing; -ṇī f. E. of Durgā.

tāruṇya n. youth, juvenility.

tārkika m. thinker, philosopher.

tārkṣa m. a cert. bird; E. of Garuḍa & Kaśyapa.

tārkṣya m. N. of a mythical being, conceived as a horse, later as a bird, also = prec.

tārṇa a. made of grass.

tārtīya a. belonging to the third, the third; n. the third part.

tārtīyīka a. the third; abstr. -tva n.

tārpya n. a garment made of a cert. vegetable substance.

tārya a. to be crossed or conquered; n. fare, toll.

tārṣṭāgha m. a cert. tree; a. (f. ī) belonging to it.

tāla m. the fan-palm (often mentioned as a banner or a measure of height); clapping of the hands, flapping (esp. of the ears of an elephant); beating time, musical time or measure, dance; E. of Śiva, pl. N. of a people. f. ī a cert. tree, palm-wine, clapping of the hands. n. the nut of the fan-palm.

tālaka m. a cert. insect; f. tālikā the palm of the hand, clapping of the hands.

tālaketu m. bearer of the palm banner, E. of sev. heroes.

tālaja a. coming from the fan-palm.

tālajaṅgha a. having long (lit. palm-tree) legs; m. N. of sev. demons & heroes, pl. of a warrior tribe.

tāladruma m. the fan-palm tree.

tāladhvaja m. = tālaketu.

tālana n. clapping of the hands.

tālapattra n. leaf of the fan-palm.

tālaphala n. the nut of the fan-palm.

tālavṛnta (& *ka) n. a palm-leaf or fan.

tālavya a. palatal.

tālaśabda m. (sound of the) clapping of the hands.

tālasvana m. (sound of the) clapping of the hands.

tālīyaka s. a cymbal.

tālu n. (m.) palate.

tāluka (adj. --°) the same.

tālūra m. whirlpool.*

tālūṣaka s. palate.

tālpa a. born of the marriage-bed.

tāvaka f. ī thy, thine.

tāvakīna a. the same.

tāvacchata f. ī consisting of as many hundreds.

tāvacchas adv. so manifoldly.

tāvajjyok adv. so long.

tāvatkālam adv. the same.

tāvatkṛtvas adv. so many times.

tāvattāt adv. just as much or many.

tāvatphala a. yielding so much fruit (fig.).

tāvadguṇa a. having so many qualities.

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tāvant a. so great, so much (many), so long, so far (correl. w. yāvant q.v.). n. tāvat adv. so much, so long, so far; for a while, in the mean time (also instr. or loc.); first, at once, just, now (esp. w. imperat. or 1. pers. pres. or fut.); indeed, of course, it is true, one must admit. Often only emphasizing (±eva). -- na tāvat not yet, not at all, mā tāvat by no means! tāvat-yāvat (±na) as long or as far--as. yāvadyāvat -- tāvattāvat gradually as -- (so). tāvat -- ca no sooner-than.

tāvanmātra f. ri just as much.

tāsūna m. a sort of hemp, a. (f. ī) hempen.

tāskarya n. theft, robbery.

tikta a. sharp, pungent, bitter, fragrant.

tiktāy tiktāyate v taste bitter.

tigita a. sharp, pointed.

tigma a. = prec. + poignant, hot; abstr. -tā f.

tigmakara m. the sun.

tigmajambha a. sharp-toothed.

tigmatejana a. sharp-edged or pointed.

tigmatejas a. the same + violent, fiery; m. the sun.

tigmadīdhiti m. the sun.

tigmaraśmi m. the sun.

tigmavīrya a. violent, strong, intense.

tigmaheti a. having sharp or fiery weapons.

tigmāṃśu m. the sun, fire.

tigmāyudha a. having sharp weapons.

tigmeṣu a. having sharp arrows.

tij tejate v pp. tikta (q.v.) be or make sharp. C. tejayati sharpen, incite. D. titikṣate (ti) wish to be sharp or firm against, i.e. endure, bear (acc.). I. tetikte = S. tr. & intr. --
     ud & sam C. incite, impel. -- Cf. nitikta.

titau s. sieve, cribble.

titikṣā f. endurance, patience; a. -kṣu.

titīrṣā f. wish to pass over; a. -rṣu.

tittira m. partridge.

tittiri m. the same (abstr. -tva n.), N. of an ancient teacher & a serpent-demon.

tithi m. f. a lunar day (also tithī f.); -viśeṣa a particular i.d.*

tiniśa m. N. of a tree.

tintiḍikā f. tamarind.

tintiḍī f. tamarind.

tinduka m. ī f. N. of a plant.

tim timyati v pp. timita become quiet (or *damp*).

timi m. a large fish, fish i.g.

timiṃgila m. swallower of the Timi, a large fabulous fish.

timiṃgilagila m. swallower of the Timingila (v. prec.).

timira a. dark, gloomy; n. darkness, dimness of the eyes.

timiray timirayati v darken, obscure.

timiraugha m. deep (lit. flood of) darkness.

tiray tirayati v veil, cover, hide; restrain, oppress; pervade, fill.

tiraścīna a. transverse, oblique.

tiraścīnavaṃśa m. cross-beam.

tiras prep. through, across, beyond, past, without, against (acc.), apart, secretly, or safely from (abl.); adv. crossways, aside, awry; privately, covertly. -- Cf. kṛ dhā bhū.

tiraskara f. ī surpassing (gen.).

tiraskarin m. -riṇī f. veil, curtain.

tiraskāra m. abuse, reproach, contempt (adj. -rin); armour, mail.

tiraskṛti (--°) & tiraskiyā f. = tirarkāra abstr.

tirīṭa (*n. a kind of head-dress); p. -ṭin.

tiroahnya a. having lasted beyond a day; left from the day before yesterday.

tirojanam adv. apart from men.

tirodhā f. concealment, secrecy.

tirodhāna n. -bhāva m. disappearance, vanishing.

tirobhūta a. disappeared, vanished.

tirohita a. hidden, concealed, vanished.

tirohnya a. = tiroahvaya.

tiryaktā f. -tka n. condition of a beast.

tiryakpratimukhāgata n. the coming sideways or backwards.

tiryagāyata a. stretched out obliquely.

tiryagga a. going obliquely.

tiryaggata a. going horizontally.

tiryaggati f. condition of a beast.

tiryagja a. born from an animal.

tiryagjana m. a beast (lit. = pr.).

tiryagyona m. a beast (lit. = pr.).

tiryagyoni f. the womb of an animal; condition or race of animals (incl. plants), organic nature.

tiryagvalana n. oblique movement, deflection.

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tiryañc (nom. m. tiryaṅ, f. tiraścī, n. tiryak) transverse, oblique, horizontal; m. n. an animal (as horizontal, not erect), esp. an amphibious animal, i.g. any creature except man; n. breadth, adv. = tiraścā or -ści sideways, obliquely, across.

tila m. the sesamum plant or seed; mole or spot, small particle of anything.

tilaka m. N. of a tree; freckle, mole, spot under the skin; coloured mark, esp. on the forehead either as an ornament or a sectarian distinction (also n.); the ornament or pride of (--°).

tilakakriyā f. painting, ornamenting (v. prec.).

tilakabhūta a. being the ornament of (gen.).*

tilakay tilakayati v pp. tilakita mark, ornament, glorify.

tilataila n. sesamum-oil.

tiladroṇa s. a Droṇa of sesamum.

tilaparṇa n. sandal-wood.

tilaparṇika n. sandal-wood.

tilaparṇikā f. the sandal-tree.

tilaparṇī f. the sandal-tree.

tilapīḍa m. sesamum-grinder.

tilaprada a. giving sesamum.

tilamaya f. ī made of sesamum.

tilamiśra a. mixed with sesamum.

tilamiśla a. mixed with sesamum.

tilaśas adv. in small (lit. sesamum-) pieces.

tilasaṃbaddha a. mixed with sesamum.

tilasarṣapa n. pl. sesamum and mustard-seed.

tilāmbu n. water with sesamum.

tiliṅga m. N. of a country.

tiliṅgadeśa m. N. of a country.

tilottamā f. N. of an Apsaras.

tilodaka n. = tilāmbu.

tilodana n. boiled rice with sesamum.

tilaudana n. boiled rice with sesamum.

tilpiñja m. names of plants.

tilvaka m. names of plants.

tilvila a. fertile, rich.

tiṣya m. N. of a heavenly archer (cf. kṛśānu) & of a lunar mansion.

tisṛ f. pl. three.

tīkṣṇa a. sharp, hot, pungent, acid; harsh, rude, noxious; eager, quick; subtle, keen, intelligent. m. a man's name; f. N. of sev. plants; n. adv., as subst. *iron, poison, slaughter.

tīkṣṇakara m. = tīkṣṇāṃśu.

tīkṣṇatā f. -tva n. sharpness, pungency.

tīkṣṇadaṃṣṭra a. having sharp teeth.

tīkṣṇadaṇḍa a. inflicting severe punishment.*

tīkṣṇadhāra a. sharp-edged.

tīkṣṇabhaṅga a. knocked (sharply) asunder.*

tīkṣṇavipāka a. burning in digestion.

tīkṣṇaśṛṅga a. sharp-horned.

tīkṣṇahṛdaya a. hard-hearted; abstr. -tva n.

tīkṣṇāṃśu a. having hot rays; m. the sun.

tīkṣṇāgra a. sharp-pointed.

tīkṣṇāmla a. bitter-sour.*

tīkṣṇārcis a. having hot rays.

tīkṣṇeṣu a. having sharp arrows.

tīra n. shore, bank, brim (of a vessel).

tīraja a. growing near a shore; m. such a tree.

tīray tirayati v get through, bring to an end.

tīraruha a. & m. = tīraja.

tīrikā f. a sort of arrow.

tīrtha n. (m.) passage, access, approach (esp. to a water or the altar); descent into a water, landing or bathing-place (poss. -vant), shrine or holy place of pilgrimage, any venerable or worthy thing or person, esp. counsellor, adviser, teacher (also counsel, instruction); certain lines or parts of the hand sacred to sev. gods; the right way, place, or moment.

tīrthaka a. worthy, sacred. m. an ascetic, the chief of a sect; n. a holy bathing-place.

tīrthakara a. creating a passage, sc. through life (Viṣṇu & Śiva); m. a venerable person, esp. the chief of a sect.

tīrthamṛttikā f. earth from a holy bathing-place.*

tīrthayātrā f. visit to a sacred shrine or bathing-place, pilgrimage.

tīrthodaka n. water from a sacred bathing-place.

tīrthya a. belonging to a ford or bathing-place; m. = tīrthaka m.

tīvara m. hunter (a mixed caste).

tīvra a. strong, violent, intense, fierce; m. & -tā f. abst.

tu tavīti1 v be strong. --
     ud & sam (1. tavītvat) effect, bring about.

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tu [2] (tū) (indecl.) pray, do (w. imperat.); but, on the contrary (±eva or vai); often only explet. -- kiṃ tu & paraṃ tu yet, however (esp. after a concess. sent.); na tu yet not, rather than (esp. after kāmam bhūyas varam etc.). tu--tu on the one hand -- on the other, indeed -- but.

tuk m. child, boy.

tugra m. N. of the father of Bhujyu & an enemy of Indra.

tugrya m. patron. of Bhujyu; pl. the race of Tugra.

tugvan n. ford.

tuṅga a. high, lofty, sublime (abstr. -tva n.); m. height, eminence, mountain.

tuṅgabala m. a man's name.

tuṅgiman m. height, sublimity.

tuc s. (only dat. tuce) offspring.

tuccha a. empty, void, vain, s. a paltry thing; abstr. -tva n.

tucchay tucchayati v make empty or poor.

tucchaya a. void. empty, vain; n. as abstr.

tuj tujati tujate1 v (tuñjati & tuñjate 3 pl.) push on, impel, stir up; press out, emit, promote, further; M. dash together or wave to and fro, hasten, rush on; P. be vexed or angry. C. tujayati hasten, run. -- Cf. ātuje tūtujāna.

tuj [2] a. & s. urging, pressing, impelling.

tuj [3] s. (only tujam & tuje) = tuc.

tujase dat. inf. to tuj1.

tuji [1] (only dat. tujaye) propagation.

tuji [2] m. N. of a man protected by Indra.

tujya a. to be pushed or impelled.

tuñja m. shock, impulse.

tuṇḍa n. beak, snout, trunk (of an elephant), mouth, face; point; chief, head; E. of Śiva, N. of a Rakṣas; f. ī a kind of cucumber.

tuṇḍika a. having a trunk.

tuṇḍikera m. N. of a people.

tuṇḍibha a. having a prominent navel.

tuṇḍila a. having a prominent navel.

tuṇḍela m. a cert. evil spirit or goblin.

tuturvaṇi a. striving to bring near or to obtain.

tuttha n. blue vitriol.

tud tudati v (tudate), pp. tunna strike, push, prick; pound, crush, C. todayati goad, prick. --
     ā goad, urge on.
     ni pierce, penetrate.
     pra strike at, prick at; C. urge, impel.
     vi pierce, strike, tear.

tuda a. striking (--°).

tunda n. belly, f. ī navel.

tundila a. having a large belly.

tunnavāya m. tailor.

tubara a. astringent.

tumula a. noisy, tumultuous, confused; m. n. noise, rumult, uproar.

tumba m. ī f. a kind of long gourd.

tumburu m. N. of a Gandharva & sev. men.

tumra a. big, strong.

tur turati turate turayati turayate1 v hasten, advance, run; tūryati overcome. D. tūtūrṣati press forwards.

tur [2] a. hastening, speeding; conquering.

tura [1] a. quick, eager, prompt, willing.

tura [2] a. strong, mighty, victorious, wealthy, abundant.

tura [3] a. hurt, wounded.

turaka m. pl. the Turks.

turaga m. a horse (lit. = seq.); f. ī a mare.

turagātu a. going quickly.

turaṃga m. f.) = turaga.

turaṃgama m. f.) = turaga.

turaṃgin a. consisting of horses or horsemen.

turaṇa a. quick, nimble.

turaṇy turaṇyati v be quick, hasten, speed (trans. & intr.).

turaṇyu a. quick, eager, zealous.

turam adv. quickly.

turayā a. going quickly.

turāyaṇa n. a cert. sacrifice.

turi f. victorious strength (only dat. turyai), also = seq.

turī f. the weaver's brush.

turīpa n. seminal fluid; adj. spermatic.

turīya (turīya or turīya) a. the fourth, consisting of four; n. one fourth.

turīyabhāj a. partaking of a fourth.

turuṣka m. pl. N. of a people, the Turks.

turya a. = turīya.

turyavah (nom. -vāṭa) a. four years old; m. such an ox, f. turyauhī such a cow.

turyā f. superior strength.

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turv tūrvati v overpower.

turva m. = turvaśa.

turvaṇi a. conquering (acc.), victorious.

turvaṇe dat. inf. to turv.

turvaśa m. N. of an Aryan hero, mostly connected with Yadu; pl. his race. turvaśāyadū du. Turvaśa and Yadu.

turvasu m. N. of a son of Yayāti.

turvīti m. N. of a man.

tul tolayati & tulayati tulayate v pp. tulita lift up, weigh, examine, compare; equal, match, resemble. --
     ā lift up.
     ud raise, weigh.
     sam weigh against each ofter.

tulana n. lifting, weighing, rating.

tulā f. balance, scales; measure, weight; equal weight, resemblance, similarity, likeness with (instr.); the Libra in the zodiac. Acc. w. i gam ā-yā adhiruh, etc. equal, resemble, be like (instr.); instr. w. dhṛ weigh, compare with (instr.).

tulākoṭi m. = tulāyaṣṭi or an ornament on the feet of a woman.

tulādhāraṇa n. weighing.

tulāmāna n. weights and measures.

tulāyaṣṭi f. the end of the beam of a balance.

tulāyoga m. pl. the various modes of employing a balance.

tulāvant a. having a pair of scales.

tulima a. to be or being weighed.

tulya a. equal in (instr. or loc.), to (instr. ±saha, gen., or --°), like, resembling, similar. °-- & n. adv. similarly, in like manner as (instr. or --°).

tulyajātīya a. of like kind, similar.

tulyaprabhāva a. of equal dignity.

tulyabhāgya a. of like destiny.

tulyayogopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

tulyavarcas a. of equal strength.

tulyaśīlatā f. like disposition.

tulyāntaram adv. in equal intervals.

tulyābhijana a. of like descent, related.

tulyārimitratā f. the state of having the same enemies and friends, defensive and offensive alliance.

tulyārtha a. equally rich.

tulyāvastha a. being in a similar condition.

tuvi a. (only °--) much, many, great, strong.

tuvijāta a. powerful (lit. strong born).

tuvikūrmi a. powerful in work.

tuvikūrmin a. powerful in work.

tuvikratu a. having great power.

tuvidyumna a. very glorious.

tuvinṛmṇa a. very valiant or courageous.

tuvimanyu a. very zealous or furious.

tuvirādhas a. granting abundantly.

tuviṣṭama (superl.) strongest, most powerful.

tuviṣmant a. powerful, mighty.

tuviṣvaṇas a. calling loud, roaring.

tuviṣvaṇi a. the same.

tuviṣvan a. the same.

tuvis -> tuviṣṭama & tuviṣmant.

tuvīmagha a. giving abundantly.

tuvīrava a. roaring awfully, thundering.

tuś tośate1 v drip (intr.). --
     ni drip down (tr. & intr.); C. grant, distribute.

tuś tośate2 v be pleased or content, feed on (instr.); appease, satisfy.

tuṣ tuṣyati v (tuṣyate), pp. tuṣṭa become quiet, be satisfied or pleased with, delight in (gen., dat., instr., loc., or acc. w.
     prati); also = C. toṣayati te (tuṣayati) satisfy. --
     upa C. satisfy.
     pari be delighted or charmed, be happy. C. satisfy completely, please much.
     sam be calm, content, or happy. C. gratify, rejoice, comfort. -- Cf. parituṣṭa saṃtuṣṭa.

tuṣa m. the husk or chaff of grain.

tuṣadhānya n. a leguminous plant.

tuṣāgni m. fire of chaff.

tuṣānala m. fire of chaff.

tuṣāmbu n. sour rice or barley-gruel.

tuṣāra a. cold; m. frost, rime, dew, ice, snow.

tuṣārakaṇa m. a flake of snow.

tuṣārakara m. the moon (h. cold rays).

tuṣārakiraṇa m. the same.

tuṣāradyuti m. the same.

tuṣāragiri m. the Himalaya (l. snowy mountain).

tuṣārapatana n. snowfall.

tuṣāraraśmi m. = tuṣārakara.

tuṣārāṃśu m. = tuṣārakara.

tuṣārādri m. = tuṣāragiri.

tuṣita m. pl. a cert. class of gods.

tuṣṭaprakṛti a. having contented subjects.

tuṣṭi f. satisfaction, pleasure.

tuṣṭikara a. causing satisfaction, sufficient.

tuṣṭimant a. satisfied, contented.

tuhina n. = tuṣāra m.; -kaṇa m. snowflake.

tuhinakara m. the moon.

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tuhinakiraṇa m. the moon.

tuhinagiri m. the Himalaya.

tuhinadyuti m. the moon.

tuhinamayūkha m. the moon.

tuhinācala m. = tuhinagiri.

tuhinādri m. = tuhinagiri.

tūṇa m. ī f. (adj. --° tūṇaka) quiver.

tūṇava m. a flute.

tūṇavadhma m. flute-player.

tūṇi m. quiver; poss. tūṇin.

tūṇīra m. = prec. m.

tūta m. mulberry-tree.

tūtujāna a. eager, quick.

tūtuji [1] a. quick, swift, nimble.

tūtuji [2] a. furthering, promoting (w. gen.).

tūtuma a. strong, big, copious.

tūpara a. hornless; m. such a goat.

tūya a. strong, vigorous; n. eagerly, quickly.

tūr f. haste, speed; instr. swiftly.

tūrṇa a. quick, swift; n. adv.

tūrṇāśa n. shoot of water.

tūrṇi a. quick, eager.

tūrta a. quick, swift.

tūrti -> viśvatūrti.

tūrya [1] n. a musical instrument.

tūrya [2] a. the fourth.

tūrya [3] -> vṛtratūrya.

tūryaghoṣa m. sound of musical instruments.

tūrv -> turv.

tūrvayāṇa a. overpowering; m. N. of a man.

tūrvi a. victorious, superior.

tūla n. panicle of a flower or plant, tuft of grass; cotton (also tūlaka n. & tūlī f.).

tūlika m. seller of cotton.

tūlinī f. the silk-cotton tree.

tūṣa m. n. border or fringe of a garment.

tūṣṇīka a. silent.

tūṣṇīm adv. silently, still; w. bhū be silent.

tūṣṇībhāva m. silence.

tūsta n. dust.

tṛ tarati tarate tirati tirate turati turate titarti tarute v pp. tīrṇa (w. act. & pass. mg) cross over, get through, overcome, subdue, escape; float, swim, rush on; be saved, survive; M. emulate, content, also = C. tārayati te lead or help over (acc.), bring to (acc. or dat.), further, save. D. titīrṣati te wish to pass over or to arrive at (acc.). I. tartarīti tarītarti, pp. tarītrat get through, be victorious or fortunate. --
     ati & vyati cross, pass, overcome.
     abhi overtake, get up to (acc.).
     ava come down, descend (esp. from heaven to earth, ±mahīm), alight; betake one's self from (abl.) to (acc.); take place, happen; overcome, surpass. C. make descend, lead or bring (down) from (abl.) to (acc. or loc.); remove, take off, avert from (abl.); introduce, establish.
     ā pass, cross, overcome; enlarge, increase.
     ud the same + come up from (abl.), esp. out of the water (±jalāt), escape, be saved from (abl.). C. cause to come out, vomit up, take off; lead or fetch over, save from (abl.), deliver, rescue.
     abhyud cross, pass, get through unto (dat.).
     samud = ud.
     ni overthrow, humiliate.
     nis come forth from, get out of (abl.); pass, finish, accomplish; overcome, master C. save, deliver; overcome, vanquish.
     pra take to the water, cross over; start on, advance, increase, grow; lead on, further, strengthen, promote, prolong (esp. āyus the life); M. live on. C. extend, lengthen; cheat, deceive; lead astray, seduce to (dat. or loc.).
     vipra C. cheat, deceive.
     vi cross through, traverse; further, promote, prolong; remove from (abl.); destroy, frustrate; grant, bestow, give, offer; perform, cause, effect.
     sam cross over, pass through (l. & f.), escape, be saved; also = C. bring over, save. -- Cf. avatīrṇa uttīrṇa nistīrṇa vitīrṇa.

tṛca m. n. a stanza of three verses.

tṛṇa n. grass, herb, grass-blade, straw; fig. small or worthless thing, trifle.

tṛṇavat tṛṇī kṛ & tṛṇaṃ man v = tṛṇay.

tṛṇakāṣṭha n. grass and wood.

tṛṇakuṭi f. hut of grass or straw.

tṛṇakuṭīra s. the same.

tṛṇakuṭīraka s. the same.

tṛṇakūṭa m. n. heap of grass.

tṛṇacchedin a. who tears off grass.

tṛṇajalāyukā f. caterpillar.

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tṛṇajalūkā f. caterpillar.

tṛṇatantu m. grass-blade.

tṛṇaprāya a. full of grass.

tṛṇabhuj a. eating grass; m. grass-eater.

tṛṇamaya a. consisting of grass, grassy.

tṛṇay tṛṇayati v value like grass, i.e. slighten, despise.

tṛṇarāj m. the vine-palm (lit. king of the grasses).

tṛṇarāja m. the palmyra tree (lit. = prec.).

tṛṇalava m. grass-blade.

tṛṇavant a. full of grass.

tṛṇaskanda m. N. of a man.

tṛṇāgni m. a grass or straw-fire.

tṛṇāṅkura m. young (lit. shoot of) grass.

tṛṇāda a. eating grass, graminivorous.

tṛṇāśa a. the same; m. ruminant.

tṛṇāśana a. the same; m. ruminant.

tṛṇāśin a. the same; m. ruminant.

tṛṇendra m. = tṛṇarāj.

tṛṇodaka n. sgl. grass and water.

tṛṇolkā f. a torch of hay.

tṛtīya [1] a. the third; n. adv. thirdly, for the third time. f. ā the third day in a half month; the endings of the third case & the third case itself (g.).

tṛtīya [2] a. forming the third part; n. one third.

tṛtīyadivasa m. the third day; loc. (on) the day after to-morrow.

tṛtīyasavana n. the third Soma offering (in the evening).

tṛtīyāṃśa [1] m. a third part.

tṛtīyāṃśa [2] a. receiving a third as share.

tṛtīyāsamāsa m. a third (case) compound (g.).

tṛtīyin a. = tṛtīyāṃśa2.

tṛtsu m. N. of a race or people.

tṛd tṛṇatti tṛntte v pp. tṛṇa split, bore, open, let free. --
     anu bore after i.e. for (water), make flow.
     abhi split, open, release; win, acquire.
     ā split, pierce, separate.
     vi pierce, cleave, open, break through, excavate.
     sam hollow out, connect by a hole, fasten, together.

tṛdila a. having holes, porous.

tṛp tṛpyati v (tṛpyate), tṛpṇoti (tṛpnoti), tṛmpati (tarpati), pp. tapta satiate one's self, be satisfied or content with (gen., instr. or --°); enjoy (abl.). C. tarpayati te satisfy, please, nourish; M. refl. --
     abhi C. satiate, refresh.
     ā be satiated or satisfied; C. satiate.
     pari C. satiate or refresh thoroughly.
     pra C. satiate, fill.
     vi be satiated or pleased.
     sam be satiated or satisfied with (gen.). C. satiate, refresh, gladden.

tṛpat adv. one's fill.

tṛpala a. restless, eager; n. adv.

tṛptatā f. satiety, satisfaction.

tṛptāṃśu a. having abundant juice or strong shoots (Soma).

tṛpti f. = tṛptatā; p. -mant.

tṛptikara a. giving satisfaction, pleasing.

tṛptikāraka a. giving satisfaction, pleasing.

tṛpra a. restless, anxious; °-- & n. adv.

tṛbhi m. ray.

tṛṣ tṛṣyati v pp. tṛṣita1 be thirsty, be greedy, desire. C. tarṣayati cause to thirst. --
     vi thirst, languish. C. cause to languish.

tṛṣ [2] f. thirst (lit. & fig.).

tṛṣā f. the same.

tṛṣārta a. tormented by thirst.

tṛṣu a. greedy, eager, quick; n. adv.

tṛṣucyavas a. moving eagerly or quickly.

tṛṣucyut a. moving eagerly or quickly.

tṛṣṭa a. dry, rough, harsh.

tṛṣṭāmā f. N. of a river.

tṛṣṇaj a. thirsty.

tṛṣṇā f. thirst; greediness, strong desire for (--°).

tṛṣṇārta a. = tṛṣārta.

tṛṣṇāsaṅga m. attachment to desire.

tṛṣyāvant a. thirsty.

tṛh tṛṇeḍhi v pp. tṛḍha (tṛḷha) crush, bruise, dash to pieces. --
= S.

tekṣṇiṣṭham (n. superl. adv.) sharpest, hottest.

teja m. sharpness; N. of a man.

tejana n. sharpening, kindling; point or shaft of an arrow, reed, bamboo; f. -nī mat of straw, tuft, bunch, etc.

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tejas n. sharpness, edge, (pungent) heat, fire, light, radiance, lustre, beauty, vigour, strength, energy, esp. male energy, concr. semen virile; violence, fierceness; power, authority, dignity.

tejaskāma a. desiring strength, energy, or dignity.

tejasya a. conspicuous, splendid.

tejasvant a. burning, shining, splendid, beautiful.

tejasvitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

tejasvin a. sharp, burning, shining, radiant, bright; strong, mighty, energetic, violent; dignified, noble, glorious.

tejiṣṭha (superl.) most sharp, hot, shining, bright, strong, or violent. n. adv.

tejīyaṃs (compar.) sharper, keener; (more) powerful or glorious.

tejodvaya n. the two lights (sun and moon).

tejomaya f. ī consisting of fire, light, or splendour; shining, bright, clear.

tejomūrti a. whose form is light.

tejorāśi m. nothing but (lit. a heap of) splendour.

tejorūpa a. = tejomūrti.

tejovant a. shining, radiant.

tejovṛtta n. noble or dignified behaviour.

tedani f. (clotted) blood.

tedanī f. (clotted) blood.

tena (instr. adv.) in that direction, there; or in that manner, so (correl. to yena); therefore; then (correl. to yena yada yasmāt & yatas). -- tena hi now then.

taikṣṇya n. sharpness, pungency, harshness, severity.

taijasa f. ī luminous, bright, splendid; metallic.

taittira f. ī coming from a partridge or from Tittiri.

taittirīya m. pl. N. of a cert. school of the Yajurveda; -ka a. belonging to it.

taittirīyabrāhmaṇa n. a Brāhmaṇa of the Taittirīyas (v. prec.).

taittirīyasaṃhitā f. the Samhitā of the Taittirīyas (i.e. the black Yajurveda).

taittirīyāraṇyaka n. an Āraṇyaka of the Taittirīyas.

taittirīyin m. = taittirīya.

taittirīyopaniṣad f. an Upanishad of the Taittirīyas.

taimira (+ roga) m. = taimirya.

taimirika a. whose eyes are dim (cf. seq.).

taimirya n. dimness of the eyes.

tairthika a. sectarian, heretical, m. a worthy person, an authority; n. water from a sacred bathing-place.

tairyagyona a. of animal origin; m. animal.

tairyagyoni a. = prec. a.

tairyagyonya a. = prec. a.

taila n. sesamum oil, oil i.g.

tailakāra m. oil-miller.

tailakuṇḍa n. oil-pot.

tailaghṛta n. ghee with sesamum-oil.*

tailapaka m. a kind of bird.

tailaparṇika m. a kind of sandal-tree.

tailapātra n. oil-cup.

tailapradīpa m. oil-lamp.

tailayantra n. oil-mill.

tailika m. oil-miller, f. ī.

taiṣa f. ī belonging to the lunar mansion Tiṣya; m. N. of a month.

toka n. offspring, race, child (o. connected w. tanaya); p. -vant.

tokasāti f. winning or breeding of children.

tokinī f. having or bringing forth children.

tokma m. tokman n. a young green blade, esp. of corn.

toṭaka a. quarrelsome; n. violent speech, N. of a metre & a kind of drama.

tottra n. stick for driving cattle.

toda m. instigator, exciter; the sun (as pricking or driving horses); also
= seq.

todana n. stinging, pricking.

todya n. a kind of cymbal.

tomara m. n. spear, lance; m. pl. N. of a people.

toya n. water (p. -vant); acc. w. kṛ make a libation of water.

toyakaṇa m. drop of water.

toyakarman n. any ceremony with water.

toyacara a. moving in water; m. aquatic animal.

toyaja a. born in water; n. lotus flower.

toyada m. cloud (lit. giving water).

toyadātyaya m. autumn (end of the clouds).

toyadhara a. bearing or containing water.

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toyadhāra m. ā f. stream of water.

toyadhi m. the sea (receptacle of water).

toyapāta m. rain (fall of water).

toyamaya f. ī consisting of water.

toyamuc m. cloud (pouring out water).

toyarāj m. the sea (king of the waters).

toyarāśi m. sea or lake (mass of water).

toyavāha m. cloud (bearing water).

toyāñjali m. two handfuls of water (r.).

toyādhāra m. water reservoir, pond.

toyālaya m. sea (receptacle of water).

toyāśaya m. pond, river (lit. = prec.).

toraṇa n. arch, arched doorway, portal.

tolana n. lifting up, weighing.

tolya a. to be weighed.

tośa a. trickling, streaming; granting, abundant.

tośas a. trickling, streaming; granting, abundant.

toṣa m. satisfaction, contentment, joy in (loc., gen., or --°).

toṣaṇa a. (f. ī) & n. satisfying, pleasing.

toṣaṇīya a. to be pleased or pleasant.

toṣayitavya a. to be satisfied or pleased.

toṣin a. satisfied with, delighting in (--°); satisfying, pleasing.

taugrya m. patr. of Bhujyu.

taurya n. music; tauryatraya & tauryatrika n. the musical triad, i.e. instrumental music, song, and dance.

taulya n. weight.

tauṣāra a. snowy, dewy.

tman m. the vital breath; one's own person or self. Instr. tmanā (f. tmanyā) & loc. tman yet, really, even, indeed; used as an emphatic particle, esp. after adha iva & uta before ca & na.

tya (pron-st.) that (person or thing); o. = the defin. article; n. tyad (q.v.).

tyaktajīvita a. prodigal of life; -yodhin fighting with peril of life.

tyaktavya a. to be abandoned, removed, given up or sacrificed.

tyaktāgni a. having forsaken the sacred fire.

tyaktukāma a. desirous to abandon.

tyaktṛ a. abandoning, prodigal of (gen. or acc.).

tyaktvā ger. having left, i.e. excepting, with exception of (acc.).

tyaj tyajati1 v (te), pp. tyakta (tyajita) leave, abandon, let alone, spare, avoid, shun, dismiss, shoot off, cast away, put off, get rid of (also P. tyajyate w. instr.); disregard, neglect, renounce, give up; w. tanum jīvitam prāṇān = set aside or risk body or life, also = die. C. tyājayati cause to leave or abandon, deprive of (2 acc.), expel, turn out (±bahis). --
     abhi quit.
     samabhi give up, renounce, risk (jīvitam).
     pari leave, abandon, expel, reject, put off, give up, disregard, neglect, set aside, risk (cf. S.).
     sam leave, abandon, reject, shun, avoid, withdraw from (acc.), deliver, give up, etc. ( = pari). C. deprive of (2 acc.). -- Cf. tyaktkā nityakta parityakta parityajya saṃtyajya saṃtyakta.

tyaj [2] a. leaving, giving up (--°).

tyajana n. abandoning.

tyajas [1] n. abandonment, distress.

tyajas [2] m. offspring, descendant.

tyad (n. adv. of pron. st. tya) indeed, you know (always preceded by ha or yasya).

tyāga m. leaving, abandoning, rejecting, avoiding, giving up; donation, sacrifice (also fig. of one's life); also = seq.

tyāgitā f. liberality, prodigality.

tyāgin a. leaving, abandoning, rejecting, dismissing, sacrificing, renouncing, liberal, prodigal; w. ātmanas giving up one's life, dying voluntarily.

tyājaka a. leaving, dismissing, rejecting.

tyājana n. abandoning, renouncing.

tyājya a. to be left, abandoned, rejected, removed, avoided, given up or away.

trada m. who opens or lets free.

trap trapate v (trapati) become perplexed or ashamed. C. trapayati make perplexed or ashamed. --
     apa & vyapa turn perplexed away.

trapa (m.), trapā f. perplexity, shame.

trapu n. tin.

trapus n. tin.

traya f. ī triple, threefold; n. a triad; f. trayī the same (esp. the three Vedas); trayī vidyā the threefold knowledge (r.).

trayaḥpañcāśat f. fifty-three.

trayadhā  = tredhā.

trayayāyya a. to be guarded or protected.

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trayastriṃśa f. ri the thirty-third.

trayastriṃśat f. thirty-three (r. pl.).

trayīdharma m. the duty taught by the three (Vedas).

trayīdhāmavant a. whose light are the three (Vedas), i.e. the sun.

trayīniṣkarṣa m. the extract or essence of the three (Vedas).

trayīmaya f. ī consisting of or based upon the three (Vedas).

trayodaśa f. ī the thirteenth.

trayodaśadhā adv. in (into) 13 parts.

trayodaśan a. thirteen.

trayoviṃśa f. ī the twenty-third.

trayoviṃśati f. twenty-three.

tras trasati (trasate) & trasyati (trasyate) v pp. trasta tremble, quake, be afraid of (abl., gen., or instr.). C. trāsayati (te) shake, agitate, frighten, scare. --
     apa start back, flee.
     ud C. frighten, rouse up.
     samud C. frighten, terrify.
     nis flee.
     parā C. frighten away.
     pra flee in terror. C. affright, scare.
     vi & sam tremble, fear; C. terrify, frighten. -- Cf. uttrasta paritrasta samutrasta.

trasa a. movable, moving; n. what moves or lives, beasts and men.

trasadasyu (& trasaddasyu) m. N. of a prince.

trasara m. a shuttle.

trasareṇu m. mote of dust, atom.

trastanayana a. looking timid (lit. having frightened eyes).

trasnu a. afraid, timorous.

trā trāyate trāte (trāti) v pp. trāta1 (q.v.) protect shelter, rescue from (abl. or gen.). --
     pari & sam = S.

trā [2] m. protector.

trāṇa n. = seq. + armour, mail.

trāṇana n. protection, guard.

trāta a. protected; n. protection.

trātavya a. to be protected.

trātṛ m. protector, guardian.

trātra n. protection.

trāpuṣa a. made of tin.

trāman n. protection, guard.

trāsa m. terror, fright.

trāsana a. (f. ī) & n. terrifying, frightening.

trāsanīya a. to be dreaded, dreadful.

trāsin a. fearful, timid.

tri m. n. pl. three.

triṃśa f. ī the thirtieth.

triṃśacchata n. one hundred and thirty.

triṃśat f. thirty.

triṃśati f. thirty.

triṃśattama f. ī = triṃśa.

triṃśadvarṣa a. thirty years old.

trika a. trine, forming a triad, consisting of three; ± śata three per cent. --m. a triangular place or yard; n. a triad.

trikakud a. having three peaks, points, or horns; m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa, Brahman, etc.

trikakubh a. = prec. a.; m. thunderbolt, E. of Indra.

trikadruka m. pl. three cert. Soma-vessels.

trikarmakṛt a. performing the three (chief) duties (of a Brahman, i.e. sacrifice, study of the Vedas, & liberality).

trikarman a. performing the three (chief) duties (of a Brahman, i.e. sacrifice, study of the Vedas, & liberality).

trikāla [1] n. the three times (past, present, & future, or morning, moon, & evening).

trikāla [2] a. belonging to the three times.

trikālajña a. knowing the three times, omniscient.

trikāladarśin a. knowing the three times, omniscient.

trikālarūpa a. appearing in the form of the three times (the sun).

trikūṭa a. having three peaks, m. N. of sev. mountains.

trikṛtvas adv. thrice, three times.

trikoṇa a. triangular; n. triangle.

trigarta m. pl. N. of a people.

triguṇa [1] m. pl., n. sgl. the three qualities (ph.).

triguṇa [2] a. consisting of three threads or strings; threefold, triple, n. adv.

triguṇātmaka a. containing the three qualities (ph.).

trica m. n. = tṛca.

tricakra a. three-wheeled; n. such a carriage.

tricakṣus a. three-eyed.

tricatura pl. three or four.

trijagat n. sgl. & pl., -tī f. the triple world (heaven, earth, & the lower w.).

trijaṭa a. wearing three braids of hair; f. ā N. of a Rakṣasi.

triṇāciketa a. who has thrice kindled the Nāciketa fire.

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trita m. N. of a god, pl. a class of gods.

tritaya n. tritā f., tritva n. a triad.

tridaṇḍa n. the three staves (of a mendicant Brahman) or the triple subjection (of words, thoughts, & acts); poss. -ṇḍin, as m. a religious mendicant.

tridaśa a. pl. three times ten i.e. thirty; m. pl. the thirty (round for 33) deities.

tridaśatā f. -tva n. divinity.

tridaśapati m. the chief of the gods (Indra).

tridaśaśreṣṭha m. the best of the gods (Brahman or Agni).

tridaśādhipa m. = tridaśapati.

tridaśādhipati m. E. of Śiva (lit. = prec.).

tridaśāyudha n. the divine bow, the rainbow.

tridaśāri m. an Asura (foe of the gods).

tridaśālaya [1] m. the residence of the gods, i.e. heaven.

tridaśālaya [2] m. a dweller in heaven, a god.

tridaśendra m. = tridaśapati.

tridaśeśa m. = tridaśapati.

tridaśeśvara m. = prec., also E. of Agni, Varuṇa, & Yama.

tridiva n. the third i.e. highest heaven (in Veda always w. gen. divas).

tridiveśvara m. lord of the third heaven (Indra).

tridivaukas m. an inhabitant of the third heaven, a god.

tridhā adv. in three ways, in (into) three parts; at three times.

tridhātu a. tripartite, triple; n. = trijagat.

tridhāman [1] a. = prec. adj.; m. E. of Viṣṇu & Brahman.

tridhāman [2] n. = tridiva.

trinayana a. three-eyed, m. E. of Rudra-Śiva.

tripakṣa n. three fortnights.

tripañcāśa f. ī the fifty-third, consisting of 53.

tripatha n. the triple path (the sky, earth, & atmosphere or lower world).

tripad  or tripad (pād), f. tripadī = seq., also making three steps; s. three quarters, m. E. of Viṣṇu.

tripada (f. tripadā or tripadā) three-footed or consisting of three Pādas.

tripadya a. tripartite.

tripāṭhin a. studying the three (Vedas).

tripādaka f. -dikā three-footed.

tripiṭaka n. the three baskets (i.e. collections of Buddhistic writings).

tripiṇḍī f. the three sacrificial cakes.

tripiṣṭapa n. the (third) heaven, Indra's residence (cf. tridiva).

tripuṭa m. a kind of pease.

tripuṭaka m. a kind of pease.

tripuṇḍra n. three lines made across the forehead and other parts of the body with ashes etc., esp. by the followers of Śiva.

tripuṇḍraka n. three lines made across the forehead and other parts of the body with ashes etc., esp. by the followers of Śiva.

tripura n. the triple city or the three cities (of the Asuras, destroyed by Śiva); also N. of the capital of the Cedis.

tripuraghātin m. E. of Śiva (cf. prec.).

tripuradruh m. the same.

tripuradviṣ m. the same.

tripurahan m. = tripuraghātin.

tripurahara m. = tripuraghātin.

tripurāntaka m. = tripuraghātin.

tripurārāti m. = tripuradruh.

tripurāri m. = tripuradruh.

tripṛṣṭha a. having three backs or summits.

triprakāra a. threefold.

triphala a. having three fruits.

tribandhu a. connected or related in three ways.

tribāhu a. three-armed.

tribhāga m. the third part.

tribhuj a. threefold.

tribhuja a. = tribāhu.

tribhuvana n. the three worlds (cf. tripatha).

tribhuvanaguru m. E. of Śiva & Viṣṇu (cf. prec.).

tribhuvanapati m. E. of Śiva & Viṣṇu (cf. prec.).

tribhuvaneśvara m. E. of Indra or Śiva.

tribhauma a. three-storied.

trimātra a. containing three (prosodical) instants.

trimūrti a. having three forms; subst. °-- the trinity (i.e. Brahman, Viṣṇu, & Śiva).

trimūrdhan a. three-headed.

triyāna n. the three vehicles (r.).

triyāma a. containing three watches ( = 9h irs); f. ā night.

triyuga n. three periods or ages.

triraśri n. three-cornered, triangular.

trirātra a. lasting three days (lit. nights); m. such a festival; n. such a period i.g., acc. for three days, abl. & instr. after three days.

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trirūpa a. of three shapes or colours.

triliṅga a. having the three qualities (ph.), or three genders (g.). --n. the country of the Telingas.

triloka n. (only °--& loc.), ī f., & m. pl. the three worlds (cf. tribhuvana).

trilokanātha m. E. of Indra or Śiva (v. prec.).

trilokīnātha m. E. of Viṣṇu or Śiva.

trilokīpati m. E. of Viṣṇu or Śiva.

trilokeśa m. E. of Viṣṇu or Śiva.

trilocana a. three-eyed; m. E. of Śiva, a man's name.

trivatsa a. three years old (ox or cow).

trivandhura a. three-seated (chariot).

trivarūtha a. granting threefold protection.

trivarga m. any group of three, esp. the three aims (virtue, pleasure, & wealth, cf. caturvarga), the three qualities (cf. triguṇa), or the three higher castes.

trivarṇa a. three-coloured.

trivartu a. threefold.

trivarṣa a. three years old; n. a period of three years.

trivali (°--) or -valī f. the three folds (across the belly, esp. as a mark of female beauty).

trivikrama n. the three steps; m. E. of Viṣṇu.

trivikramasena m. N. of a king.

trividya a. containing the three Vedas.

trividha a. of three kinds, threefold.

trividhā adv. into three parts.

triviṣṭapa n. = tripiṣṭapa.

triviṣṭi adv. three times.

trivṛt a. threefold; m. a kind of recitation, a cord or amulet of three strings.

trivṛtkaraṇa n. tripling, combining three things.

trivṛttā f. abstr. to trivṛt a.

triveda [1] (°--) the three Vedas (also trivedī f.).

triveda [2] a. knowing or containing the three Vedas (also -din).

triśaṅku m. N. of an ancient sage and king (conceived as a constellation in the southern hemisphere).

triśata a. 103; 300 (f. ī) or the 300th.

triśatatama a. the 103d or 300th.

triśas adv. by threes.

triśākha a. having three branches.

triśikha a. = seq.; n. trident.

triśikhara a. three-pointed.

triśiras a. three-headed or three-pointed; a man's name.

triśīrṣa a. three-headed.

triśīrṣan a. three-headed.

triśuc a. having threefold splendour.

triśūla n. trident (weapon of Śiva); a. bearing the trident.

triśṛṅga a. haviNg three horns or peaks; m. N. of a mountain.

triśoka a. = triśuc; m. N. of a Rishi.

triḥśveta a. white on three places.

triṣatya a. triply true.

triṣadhastha a. being in three seats or places.

triṣapta a. pl. three times seven, twenty one; an indef. number i.g.

triṣavaṇa n. pl. the (daily) three Soma oblations, a. connected with them.

triṣaṣ a. three times six, eighteen.

triṣāhasra a. consisting of 3000.

triṣṭubh f. N. of a metre.

triṣṭha a. three-seated (chariot).

triṣṭhin a. standing on threefold ground.

tris adv. three times, thrice; ahnas thrice a day.

trisaṃdhya adv. the thee divisions of the day (dawn, noon, & sunset); a. belonging to them.

trisapta a. pl. = triṣapta.

trisavana a. & n. pl. = triṣavaṇa.

trisādhana a. dependent on three things.

trisuparṇa m. n. N. of cert. sacred texts; a. knowing these texts.

tristana f. ī three-breasted; f. ī N. of a Rakṣasi.

trisrotas f. E. of Gāṅgā (lit. having three streams, cf. tripatha).

trihāyaṇa f. ī three years old.

trīrātrīṇa a. three days (nights) old.

truṭ truṭati & truṭyati v (truḍyati), pp. truṭita burst, break (intr.), fall asunder. C. troṭayati tear, break, cut, divide.

truṭi f. a little bit, atom; a very minute space of time.

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tretā f. a triad, the three sacred fires, the die or side of the die marked with three points; the second Yuga or age of the world.

tredhā adv. triply, in three parts, ways, or places.

traikālika f. ī relating to the three times (cf. seq.).

traikālya n. past, present, & future.

traikālyadarśin a. knowing the three times (v. prec.); m. fortune-teller.

traiguṇya n. triplicity, three qualities; also = triguṇa1, a. = triguṇātmaka.

traita m. trilling.

traitana m. N. of a cert. divine being.

traidaśika a. relating to the 33 (gods).

traidham adv. = tredhā.

traipada n. three quarters.

traipura a. belonging to the three cities (cf. tripura); m. pl. the inhabitants of them.

traimāsika a. three months old or lasting three months.

traiyambaka a. belonging or consecrated to Tryambaka; m. such a cake.

trairūpya n. tripleness of form.

trailiṅgya a. tripleness of gender.

trailokya n. the three worlds (cf. triloka).

trailokyadarśin a. knowing the three worlds; m. a sage.

trailokyarājya n. the sovereignty over the three worlds.

traivaṇi m. N. of an ancient teacher.

traivargika a. belonging to the Trivarga.

traivargya a. belonging to the Trivarga.

traivarṣika a. three years', triennial.

traivārṣika a. lasting three years.

traividya a. studying the three Vedas or familiar with them; n. the three Vedas or the knowledge of them.

traividhya a. triple; n. triplicity.

traiviṣṭapa m. pl. the gods (lit. inhabitants of heaven).

traiviṣṭapeya m. pl. the gods (lit. inhabitants of heaven).

traivedika f. ī belonging to the three Vedas.

traiṣṭubha f. ī relating to the Triṣṭubh metre.

traisrotasa a. belonging to (the) Gan1gā.

traisvarya n. the three accents (g.).

traihāyaṇa n. a period of three years.

troṭaka a. tearing, breaking. --m. a cert. poisonous insect; n. angry speech; a kind of drama.

tryaṃśa m. three portions or shares; adj. having three shares.

tryakṣa (f. ī & ā) three-eyed; m. E. of Śiva; f. ī N. of a Rākṣasī.

tryakṣaka m. = prec. m.

tryakṣan m. = prec. m.

tryakṣara a. consisting of three sounds or syllables; n. such a word.

tryaṅga [1] n. pl. cert. portions of the sacrificial animal.

tryaṅga [2] n. a threefold (lit. three-membered) army ( = caturaṅga without elephants).

tryaṅgula [1] n. abstr. to seq.

tryaṅgula [2] a. three fingers long or broad.

tryadhiṣṭhāna a. having three stations.

tryanīka a. three-faced.

tryabda n. a period of three years.

tryambaka m. E. of Rudra-Śiva, f. -kā E. of Pārvatī (lit. the three-eyed).

tryara a. having three wheel-spokes.

tryaruṇa m. N. of a man.

tryaruṣa f. ī red in three places.

tryavara a. pl. three at least; n. = seq.

tryavarārdhyam adv. at least three times.

tryavi m. a calf eighteen months old; f. tryavī.

tryaśīta f. ī the eighty-third.

tryaśīti f. eighty-three.

tryaśra a. three-cornered.

tryaṣṭavarṣa a. twenty-four years old.

tryaha [1] m. a period of three days; acc. for three days; abl. loc., & instr. after three days.

tryaha [2] a. lasting three days.

tryahavṛtta a. happened three days before.

tryahīna a. = tryaha2.

tryahaihika a. having provision for three days.

tryāyuṣa n. the threefold life (childhood, youth, & old age).

tryāśir a. mixed with three products of milk.

tryāhika a. three days', tertian.

tryudhan a. three-uddered.

tryṛca n. a stanza consisting of three verses.

tryeṇī f. spotted in three places.

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tryenī f. spotted in three places.

tva [1] (nom. tvam) pron. stem. of 2nd pers.

tva [2] a. thy, thine.

tva [3] a. one, several, many. tva--tva the one--the other; this--that (one); n. tvad partly; tvad--tvad partly--partly.

tvaktra n. armour (lit. protection for the skin).

tvakṣ (only pp. tvakṣāṇa) = takṣ. -- Cf. pratvakṣāṇa.

tvakṣas n. energy, vigour.

tvakṣīyaṃs (compar.) very vigorous.

tvaksāra a. having the skin or bark as chief part; m. cane.

tvagdoṣa m. disease of the skin; poss. -ṣin.

tvagbheda m. breaking of the skin; a scratch.

tvagbhedaka a. who breaks or cuts the skin.

tvaṃkāra m. the addressing with Thou.

tvaṅg tvaṅgati v pp. tvaṅgita jump, leap, gallop.

tvac f. skin, hide, bark, rind, cover, surface, cloud.

tvaca n. hide, skin (esp. --°); cinnamon.

tvacana n. skinning, flaying.

tvacasya a. being in the skin.

tvacya a. good for the skin.

tvatkṛta a. made by thee.

tvattas adv. from thee etc. = abl. of tva1.

tvad = 1 tva (°--); also = abl. of tva1.

tvadīya a. thy, thine.

tvadrik a. towards thee.

tvadvidha a. like thee, of thy kind.

tvanmaya a. consisting of thee.

tvam (nom. to tva1) thou.

tvaṃpada n. the word thou.

tvar tvarate (tvarati) v pp. tvarita tūrta & tūrṇa (q.v.) hurry, hasten to (dat., loc., or inf). C. tvarayati (te tvarayatitarām) quicken, accelerate; snatch away. --
     ati hasten very much.
     pari hasten about.
     pra & sam hasten, speed. (tvara m.),
     ā f. haste, speed; tvareṇa & tvarayā quickly.

tvaraṇa a. making haste, quick.

tvarāvant a. the same.

tvarita a. hastening, quick (also tvaritatvarita*); °-- & n. adv. (also tvaritaṃ tvaritam); n. as subst. haste, hurry.

tvaritadāna n. a quick gift.

tvaṣṭi f. carpentry.

tvaṣṭṛ m. carpenter, workmann, creator; N. of a god.

tvādatta a. given by thee.

tvādāta a. given by thee.

tvādūta a. having thee as a messenger.

tvādṛś f. -śī like thee, of thy kind.

tvādṛśa f. -śī like thee, of thy kind.

tvāyant a. longing for thee, seeking thee.

tvāyā (instr. adv.) out of love towards thee, for thy sake.

tvāyu a. longing for thee, loving thee.

tvāvant a. like thee.

tvāṣṭra a. belonging to Tvaṣṭṛ; m. his son, a patron. name.

tviṣ [1] (no pres.) pp. tviṣita stir, move (tr. & intr.); glitter, sparkle.

tviṣ [2] f. stir, agitation, violence; light, splendour, beauty.

tviṣi f. = prec.; poss. -mant or tviṣīmant.

tvī adv. well; now then.

tveṣa (f. ā & ī) impetuous, vehement; awful, dire; brilliant, shining.

tveṣatha m. violence, fury.

tveṣadyumna a. of impetuous strength.

tveṣanṛmṇa a. of impetuous courage.

tveṣapratīka a. of brilliant appearance.

tveṣayāma a. of impetuous course.

tveṣas n. vehemence, energy.

tveṣasaṃdṛś a. of brilliant aspect.

tveṣya a. shaking, agitating, awful.

tvota a. helped or protected by thee.

tvoti a. enjoying thy help or favour.

tsar tsarati v creep, sneak, steal upon.
     abhi & upa = S.
     ava sneak away.

tsarā f. stealing near.

tsaru m. a creeping animal; stalk of a leaf; hilt or handle of a sword, poss. -mant.

tsārin a. creeping, stealing near; crooked, hidden, secret.

tharatharāy tharatharāyate v reel, stagger, shake, tremble.

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thūrv only pp. thūrvant E. of Agni.

da [1] (--°) giving, granting, causing.

da [2] (--°) cutting off, destroying.

daṃś daśati v (daśate & daṃśati), pp. daṣṭa r. daṃśita (q.v.) bite. C. daṃśayati cause a pers. (acc.) to be bitten by (instr.). --
     nis pari & vi bite through.
     sam bite, seize with the teeth, press together. -- Cf. saṃdaṣṭa.

daṃśa m. biting, a bite or the spot bitten; gadfly; armour, mail.

daṃśaccheda m. the cutting out of a bitten spot.

daṃśana n. biting; armour, mail.

daṃśamaśaka n. sgl. gadflies and gnats.

daṃśita a. bitten, stung; mailed, armed; prepared, ready for (loc.); pressed together, crowded.

daṃśuka a. biting (acc.).

daṃśman n. a bite or the place bitten.

daṃṣṭṛ m. biter.

daṃṣṭra m. daṃṣṭrā f. large tooth, tusk, fang.

daṃṣṭrākarāla a. having terrible tusks.

daṃṣṭrāyudha a. having tusks as weapons.

daṃṣṭrin a. tusked; m. beast of prey or snake.

daṃs (only daṃsayas) possess wonderful power.

daṃsana n. marvellous power or deed.

daṃsanā f. the same; poss. -vant.

daṃsas n. = prec. f.

daṃsiṣṭha superl. to seq.

daṃsu a. wonderfully strong (°--); n. adv. wonderfully.

daṃsupatnī f. having a powerful lord or master.

dakṣ dakṣati dakṣate v A. satisfy, please (dat.); M. be able or strong. C. dakṣayati make able or strong.

dakṣa a. able, capable, appropriate, suitable, fit for, clever in (loc. or --°); strong, mighty; intelligent, wise, right (not left). m. ability, power, fitness, cleverness, intelligence, energy, will, disposition, (evil) design; N. of an Aditya, also identif. w. Prajapati.

dakṣakanyā f. Dakṣa's daughter.

dakṣakratu [1] m. du. will and intellect.

dakṣakratu [2] a. having a strong intellect.

dakṣat a. gleaming, glittering.

dakṣatā f. ability, dexterity, cleverness.

dakṣapitṛ a. having Dakṣa as father or gifted with cleverness.

dakṣas a. able, strong, clever.

dakṣasuta m. ā f. son & daughter of Dakṣa.

dakṣāyya a. to be obeyed or pleased.

dakṣiṇa a. able, capable of, fit for (--°); right (not left), southern; upright, honest; amiable, polite, chivalrous. dakṣiṇaṃ w. pari-i walk round a person with the right side towards him; w. kṛ = dakṣiṇataḥkṛ q.v. --m. the right hand or arm, the right hand horse; the right side, the south (m. or n.). f. ā (scil. go) a good milch-cow; a present given to officiating priests (orig. a cow); fee, donation, gift i.g.; (±diś) the south.

dakṣiṇatas adv. from the right or the south; on the right side or south of (gen.). With kṛ turn the right to a person (as a mark of esteem).

dakṣiṇatrā adv. on the right side.

dakṣiṇatva n. honesty, amiableness.

dakṣiṇapavana m. the south-wird.

dakṣiṇapaścima a. south-western.

dakṣiṇapūrva a. south-eastern.

dakṣiṇā adv. on the right or on the south of (abl.).

dakṣiṇāt (abl. adv.) from or on the right or south.

dakṣiṇāpatha m. the Dekhan (lit. southern path or country).

dakṣiṇāpara a. south-western.

dakṣiṇāpratyañc f. -tīcī south-western.

dakṣiṇāpravaṇa a. sloping to the south.

dakṣiṇābhimukha a. facing or flowing southwards.

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dakṣiṇāmukha a. turning the face to the right or to the south; n. adv.

dakṣiṇāyana n. the southern progress (of the sun), the summer.

dakṣiṇāraṇya n. the southern forest.

dakṣiṇāvant a. able, fit; rich in offerings or presents, pious.

dakṣiṇāvarta m. = dakṣiṇāpatha.

dakṣiṇāśiras a. turning the head towards the south.

dakṣiṇāvṛt a. turned or going round towards the right.

dakṣiṇāhi adv. far on the right or in the south of (abl.).

dakṣiṇīkṛ  = dakṣiṇaṃ kṛ.

dakṣiṇīya a. worthy of the sacrificial fee.

dakṣiṇetara a. other than right, left.

dakṣiṇena (instr. adv.) = dakṣiṇā, w. acc.

dakṣiṇais (instr. pl. adv.) on the right side.

dakṣiṇottara a. right and left, south and north.

dakṣiṇya  = dakṣiṇīya.

dakṣu a. burning.

dakṣus a. burning.

dagdha a. burnt, destroyed.

dagdhakilbiṣa a. whose sins are burnt or destroyed.

dagdhṛ a. & m. burning, a burner.

dagh daghnoti v reach, attain. --
     ati reach beyond, pass.

daghna (f. ā & ī) reaching up to, as tall as (--°).

daṅkṣṇu a. mordacious.

dacchada m. lip (covering of the teeth).

daṇḍa m. (n.) stick (+ vaitasa cane), staff (esp. of the twice-born), pole, cudgel, mace, club; flag-staff handle, on a chariot; (the rod as symbol of) power, force, (concr. forces = army); assault, violence; sovereignty, dominion of (gen. or --°), authority; punishment of all kinds.

daṇḍaka m. stick, staff (also f. daṇḍikā), flagstaff; n. = seq.

daṇḍakāraṇya n. N. of a forest.

daṇḍakāla m. N. of a man.*

daṇḍakāṣṭha n. a wooden stick.

daṇḍaghna a. striking with a stick, committing assault.

daṇḍacakra n. body of troops, detachment.

daṇḍajita a. subdued by force or punishment.

daṇḍadāsa m. slave from a fine (not paid).

daṇḍadhara a. bearing the scepter or power; m. king, general, judge.

daṇḍadhāra a. = prec. a. (ka police officer).*

daṇḍadhāraṇa n. the carrying a staff (r.). the wielding a rod i.e. employing force, chastising, punishment.

daṇḍadhārin a. bearing the rod, punishing.

daṇḍana n. beating, punishing.

daṇḍanāyaka m. judge (bearer of the rod).

daṇḍanigaḍa s. chain or fetter (of punishment).*

daṇḍanīti f. application of the rod i.e. administration of justice.

daṇḍanīya a. to be punished.

daṇḍanetṛ m. = daṇḍanāyaka; abstr. -tva n.

daṇḍapāṇi a. stick in hand; m. police officer; E. of Yama.

daṇḍapāta m. -naṃ n. applying the rod, punishment.

daṇḍapāruṣya n. assault (with a stick).

daṇḍapāla m. judge (keeper of the rod).

daṇḍapāśa m. du. staff and rope (as attributes of Yama).

daṇḍabhāj a. deserving punishment, culpable; being punished by (gen.).

daṇḍabhṛt a. carrying a staff; m. E. of Yama

daṇḍay daṇḍayati v punish, chastise, fine (acc. of pers. & fine).

daṇḍayātrā f. warlike expedition; solemn or festive procession.

daṇḍayoga m. infliction of punishment.

daṇḍaleśa m. a small fine.

daṇḍavat adv. like a stick; w. pra-nam fall prostrate on the earth.

daṇḍavadha m. capital punishment, pain of death.

daṇḍavant a. having a stick or handle; having a large army.

daṇḍavācika a. real or verbal (j.).

daṇḍavikalpa m. arbitrary punishment.

daṇḍavidhi m. mode of punishment.

daṇḍavyūha m. arraging an army in long lines (like a staff).

daṇḍaśūra m. N. of a man.*

daṇḍahasta a. = daṇḍapāṇi adj.

daṇḍādhipa m. superior judge.

daṇḍādhipati m. superior judge.

daṇḍānīka n. = daṇḍacakra.

daṇḍāy resembling the stem of (--°).*

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daṇḍāyamāna resembling the stem of (--°).*

daṇḍika a. chastising, punishing; m. staffbearer, police officer.

daṇḍin a. carrying a stick or staff; m. = prec. m., also a Brahman in the fourth stage of his life; E. of Yama, N. of an author etc.

daṇḍodyama m. raising the stick, threatening; pl. application of force.

daṇḍopānaha m. du. a stick and shoes.

daṇḍya a. to be or being punished (w. acc. of the fine).

datta a. given etc.; often °-- having given or having been given i.e. having received; m. = seq., a man's name; n. gift, donation, liberality.

dattaka (putra) m. a son given away (to be adopted by others).

dattadṛṣṭi a. turning the eye upon, looking at (loc.).

dattavara a. allowed to choose a boon or granted as a boon.

dattaśulkā f. having been bought with money (a bride).

dattātaṅka a. making fear, frightening (gen.).

datti f. gift, donation, offering.

dattottara a. passing a judgment.

dattrima a. received by gift (son or slave).

datra n. wealth, pl. goods; p. -vant.

datvant a. having teeth, biting.

dad a. giving (--°).

dada a. giving (--°).

dadāti m. gift.

dadi a. giving.

daditṛ m. giver or owner.

dadru f. a kind of leprosy.

dadrū f. a kind of leprosy.

dadruṇa a. leprous.

dadhan -> dadhi2 & dadhivant.

dadhanvant -> dadhi2 & dadhivant.

dadhi [1] a. giving, bestowing.

dadhi [2] (dadhan) n. sour milk.

dadhikarṇa m. N. of a serpent-demon & a cat.

dadhikrā m. N. of a cert. myth. being.

dadhikrāvan m. N. of a cert. myth. being.

dadhittha m. the wood-apple tree.

dadhidrapsa m. sgl. & pl. whey of sour milk.

dadhibhakta s. = dadhyodana.*

dadhibhāṇḍa n. a vessel with sour milk.

dadhimaṇḍa m. sour cream.

dadhivant a. having (i.e. prepared with) sour milk.

dadhiṣu m. suitor, husband.

dadhisaṃbhava a. prepared from sour milk.

dadhīy dadhīyati v wish for sour milk.

dadhṛṣ (nom. -dhṛk) & dadhṛṣa a. daring, bold strong, victorious; n. dadhṛk adv.

dadhṛṣvaṇi a. = prec. adj.

dadhyañc (dadhīc) m. N. of a cert. myth. being.

dadhyodana m. boiled rice mixed with sour milk.

dan [1] only in patirdan & patī dan (voc. du.) = daṃpati & daṃpatī.

dan only danas2 & dan straighten.

danu f. N. of a daughter of Dakṣa, the mother of the Dānavas.

danuja m. a son of Danu, a Dānava.

dant m. (adj. --° f. datī) tooth.

danta m. (n.) (adj. --° f. ā & ī) tooth, fang; an elephant's tusk, ivory.

dantaka (adj. --°) tooth.

dantaghāṭa m. an artisan in ivory.

dantaghāṭaka m. an artisan in ivory.

dantaghāta m. a bite (cut with the teeth).

dantacchada m. lip (covering of the teeth).

dantajāta a. having already teeth (grown).

dantadhāva m. -na n. cleaning the teeth.

dantapāñcālikā f. a doll of ivory.

dantaprakṣālana n. the same.

dantamaya a. made of ivory.

dantamāṃsa n. the gums.

dantamūla n. the root of a tooth.

dantamūlīya a. belonging to the root of the teeth, dental (g).

dantaracanā f. cleaning the teeth.

dantaveṣṭa m. the gums (also du.).

dantaśuddhi f. -śodhana n. cleaning of the teeth.

dantāgra n. the point of a tooth.

dantādanti adv. tooth to tooth (of a hard fight).

dantāli f. row of teeth.

dantāvalī f. row of teeth.

dantidanta m. ivory, -maya a. made of ivory.

dantin a. having teeth or tusks; m. elephant.

dantura a. having long teeth, jagged, notched, uneven; beset with, full of (--°); ugly.

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danturay danturayati v beset with, pp. danturita (--°) = prec.

dantolūkhalika a. using the teeth as a mortar, i.e. eating unground corn.

dantolūkhalin a. using the teeth as a mortar, i.e. eating unground corn.

dantya a. belonging to the teeth, dental (g).

dandaśūka a. mordacious, mischievous; m. a snake.

dabh dambh dabhati dabhnoti, pp. dabdha v harm, injure, deceive, beguile. P. suffer damage or loss. C. dambhayati dabhati dabhnoti, pp. dabdha harm, injure, deceive, beguile. P. suffer damage or loss. C. dambhayate ward off, strike down. D. dipsati wish to hurt or destroy. --
     ā hurt, injure.
     upa C. destroy, annihilate.

dabha a. deceiving; dat. dabhāya as infin.

dabhīti m. deceiver, enemy; N. of a man.

dabhya a. to be harmed or deceived.

dabhra a. small, little, scanty; n. as adv. & abstr.

dam dāmyati v pp. dānta1 (q.v.) be or make tame; conquer, master, control. C. damayati = S. tr.

dam [2] s. (only °-- & gen. pl. damām) = seq.

dama [1] m. or n. house, home.

dama [2] a. taming, subduing; m. self-control, self-command, punishment, fine, mulct, a man's name.

damaka a. (--°) = prec. a.

damaghoṣa m. N. of a prince.

damadāna n. du. self-control and liberality.

damana a. (f. ī) & n. taming, controlling, chastising; m. tamer of horses, charioteer, a man's name.

damanaka m. N. of a man & a jackal.

damamaya a. consisting of self-control.

damayantī f. N. of the wife of Nala.

damayitṛ m. tamer, subduer, chastiser.

damāy damāyati v subdue or control (also one's self).

damitṛ m. tamer, subduer.

damin a. tamed; controlling one's self.

damūnas a. belonging to the house or family, domestic, homely; m. friend of the house, E. of Agni, Savitr, Indra, etc.

damopeta a. endowed with self-control.

daṃpati m. master of the house, householder; du. husband and wife, male and female.

dambha m. deceit, fraud, hypocrisy.

dambhaka a. deceiving, deluding (--°).

dambhana a. (--°) & n. harming, deceiving.

dambhin a. deceitful, m. deceiver, hypocrite.

dambholi m. Indra's thunderbolt.

dambholipāṇi m. E. of Indra (cf. prec.).

damya [1] a. to be tamed or subdued; m. (n.) a young bullock that is to be tamed.

damya [2] a. being in a house, homely.

day dayate (dayati) v pp. dayita (q.v.) divide, allot (acc. or *gen.); possess, partake; sympathize with, love (acc. or gen.); repent. --
     ava & nirava satisfy.
     vi divide, distribute; separate, destroy, be liberal with (instr.), i.e. impart. -- Cf. seq.

dayamāna a. compassionate, tender, enamoured.

dayā f. sympathy, pity for (loc., gen., or --°); poss. -vant.

dayālu a. pitiful, tender; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dayita a. beloved, dear; m. husband, the beloved one, f. ā mistress, wife.

dara a. cleaving, rending, opening (--°); °-- & n. little, a little. m. a hole in the earth, pit, cavern (also f. ī); fear, terror.

daraṇa n. cleaving, rending, bursting.

darad m. N. of a people.

darada m. N. of a people.

dari a. = dara (--°); m. N. of a serpent-demon.

daridra a. vagrant, strolling, poor, needy, m. beggar; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

daridratātura a. suffering from poverty.*

daridrā -> drā1.

daridrātura a. = daridratātura.

darīman s. destruction.

darīvant a. cavernous.

dartṛ a. & m. breaking, a breaker.

dartnu m. the same.

dardura m. frog, flute; N. of a mountain & sev. men.

dardru m. a cert. bird.

darpa m. extravagance, petulance, temerity, arrogance, pride in (instr. or --°).

darparja a. sprung from pride.

darpaṇa m. looking-glass, mirror; often --° in titles of books.

darbha m. bundle or bunch of grass, esp. of the sacred Kuca grass.

darbhaṇa n. matting, texture.

darbhapiñjula n. a bunch of grass.

darbhapiñjūla n. a bunch of grass.

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darbhapuñjīla n. a bunch of grass.

darbhamaya f. ī made of Darbha grass.

darbhamuṣṭi m. f. a handful of Darbha grass.

darbhastamba m. a bunch of Darbha grass.

darma m. breaker, destroyer.

darman m. breaker, destroyer.

darva m. ladle, spoon.

darvi f. the same; the hood of a snake.

darvī f. the same; the hood of a snake.

darvīkara m. a kind of snake with an expanded hood.

darśa a. looking or aiming at (--°); m. sight, view, m. (n.) the new moon, its day and festival.

darśaka a. seeing, viewing, looking at, spectator; examining, trying, showing, revealing (gen. or --°); w. lohitasya who fetches blood.

darśata a. visible, conspicuous, beautiful.

darśana f. ī (--°) = darśaka; n. seeing, looking, observing; sight, view, vision; appearance, (also in court), occurrence; apparition, dream; visit, meeting with (gen., instr. ±saha or --°); trying, examining, understanding; judgment, opinion, knowledge, doctrine; showing, eye.

darśanakāṅkṣin a. longing for the sight of (gen.).

darśanagocara m. range (lit. path) of sight, horizon.

darśanapatha m. range (lit. path) of sight, horizon.

darśanaprātibhāvya n. surety for appearance (j.).

darśanaviṣaya a. being within sight of (gen.).

darśanāntaragata a. accessible to the eye, visible.

darśanīya a. = darśata + to be shown, to be made to appear (in court).

darśanīyākṛti a. of handsome appearance.

darśanotsuka a. = darśanakānkṣin*.

darśapūrṇamāsa m. du. new and full moon.

darśayitavya a. to be shown.

darśayitṛ m. shower, guide.

darśin a. (--°) seeing, beholding, knowing, understanding, finding out, inventing, showing, teaching.

darśya a. to be shown or seen.

dal dalati v pp. dalita (q.v.) burst, split, open (intr.). C. dālayati & dalayati cause to burst, divide, tear or drive asunder. --
     ava burst or fly open.
     ud C. split, cleave, tear up.
     vi burst or fly open; tear asunder, split.

dala n. a piece split off, fragment, portion; blade, petal, leaf.

dalana a. (f. ī) & n. bursting, splitting, crushing.

dalaśas adv. to pieces.

dava m. fire, heat, also = davāgni.

davathu m. fire, heat; vexation, distress.

davāgni m. conflagration of a forest.

davānala m. the same.

daviṣṭha (superl.) the farthest; n. -ṣṭham adv.

davīyaṃs (compar.) very remote or distant; n. davīyas farther away.

daśa (--°) = daśan.

daśaka a. tenfold; n. a decad.

daśakaṇṭha m. ten-necked (E. of Ravana).

daśakaṃdhara m. ten-necked (E. of Ravana).

daśaguṇa (n. adv.) & -guṇita a. tenfold.

daśagrāmapati m. chief of ten villages.

daśagrīva m. = daśakaṇṭha*.

daśagva a. tenfold (lit. going by tens or in ten ways).

daśagvin a. tenfold (lit. going by tens or in ten ways).

daśat f. a decad.

daśataya f. ī tenfold.

daśati f. = daśat; also a hundred ( = a decad, scil. of decads), daśatīrdaśa a. thousand.

daśadaśin a. consisting of repeated decads.

daśadiṅmukha n.* = seq.

daśadiś f. the ten quarters of the heavens.

daśadhā adv. in ten parts, tenfold.

daśan a. ten.

daśana m. tooth.

daśanakha a. having ten finger-nails.*

daśanacchada m. the lip (teeth-covering).

daśapala n. sgl. ten Palas.

daśapura n. N. of sev. towns.

daśabandha m. a tenth part.

daśama f. i the tenth; n. adv. for the tenth time; f. ī the tenth day of the half moon, the tenth decad of the life.

daśamāsya a. ten months old.

daśamīstha a. between 90 and 100 years old (cf. daśama).

daśamukha a. ten-faced (E. of Rāvaṇa).

daśaratha a. having ten chariots; E. of sev. kings.

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daśarātra a. lasting ten days; m. such a festival.

daśarūpa n. the ten forms of Viṣṇu, also = seq.

daśarūpaka n. the ten forms of the drama, T. of a rhet. work.

daśarca m. a strophe of ten verses.

daśalakṣaṇaka a. having a tenfold character.

daśavarṣa a. ten years old.

daśavarṣīya a. ten years old.

daśavārṣika f. ī the same; lasting ten years or happening after ten years.

daśavidha a. of ten kinds, tenfold.

daśaśata a. & n. 110; n. also = f. ī 1000.

daśaśatakaradhārin a. having a thousand rays (the moon).

daśaśiras a. ten-headed; m. E. of Ravana.

daśaśīrṣa a. ten-headed; m. E. of Ravana.

daśasāhasra a. consisting of 10,000, n. 10,000.

daśasy daśasyati v serve, obey, honour, worship; grant, bestow (dat. of pers. & acc. of th.), help to (dat.). --
     ā = S.
     sam pardon, forgive.

daśasvarṇa n. ten Suvarṇas.

daśā f. fringe of a garment, wick of a lamp; fig. state or condition of life; situation, circumstances i.g.

daśākṣara a. containing ten syllables.

daśāṅgula a. ten fingers long.

daśānana a. = daśamukha.

daśāntaruṣya n. a distance of ten stations.

daśārṇa a. ten-syllabled; m. pl. N. of a people.

daśārdha a. pl. half of ten, five.

daśārha m. pl. N. of a people.

daśāvara a. containing ten at least.

daśāvipāka m. the fulfilment of fate.

daśāsya a. = daśamukha.

daśāha m. a period or ceremony of ten days.

daśin a. consisting of ten parts; m. chief of ten villages.

daśeraka m. pl. N. of a people.

daśeruka m. pl. N. of a people.

daśeśa m. chief of ten villages.

daśottara a. the eleventh.

daśonāsa m. a kind of snake.

daṣṭa a. bitten or stung; n. biting.

daṣṭamātra a. just bitten or stung.

das dasyati v pp. dasta suffer want, languish. C. dasayate exhaust, consume.
     apa upa pra & vi be exhausted, be wanting, fail.

dasa m. an inimical demon.

dasma a. miraculous, extraordinary.

dasmant a. miraculous, extraordinary.

dasmavarcas a. of miraculous strength.

dasmya a. = dasma.

dasyu m. foe, enemy (either a superhuman enemy, an evil demon, or an enemy of the gods, an unbeliever or barbarian, opp. ārya).

dasyuhatya n. fight with the Dasyus (v. prec.).

dasyuhan a. destroying the Dasyus.

dasra a. = dasma; m. du. the two Acvins.

dah dahati (dahate) v pp. dagdha (q.v.) burn, inflame (l. & f.), consume, destroy. P. dahyate (ti) be burnt, burn (intr.), suffer, pine. C. dāhayati (cause to) burn. D. didhakṣati dahati (te), pp. dagdha (q.v.) burn, inflame (l. & f.), consume, destroy. P. dahyate (ti) be burnt, burn (intr.), suffer, pine. C. dāhayati (cause to) burn. D. didhakṣate be about to burn or destroy. I. dandahīti & dandagdhi burn completely (tr.); dandahyate the same (tr. & intr.). --
     ati burn over, dry up.
     anu burn over again, burn thoroughly.
     upa kindle.
     ni burn down, P. intr.
     nis & vinis burn out, destroy by fire.
     pari burn round (tr.); P. burn, glow.
     pra burn, consume, destroy.
     prati burn against.
     vi burn out, damage or consume by fire; P. be burnt or inflamed, glow.
     sam A. burn or destroy (together); P. be burnt or tortured. -- C. vidagdha.

dahana a. (f. ī) & n. burning, consuming, destroying; m. (adj. --° f. ā) fire or the god Agni.

dahara a. small, fine.

dahra a. the same; n. dahram adv. little.

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dadāti datte dadati dadate (dāti) (dadmi) v pp. datta1 (q.v.) give, grant, bestow, impart (w. acc. or partit. gen. of th., gen. or loc. of pers.), give in marriage (±bhāryām), give back, restore (±punar); pay (ṛṇam); open *(dvāram); deliver up, hand over (±haste); make over, surrender; concede, allow, permit; give away, sell (instr. of price); offer, sacrifice; communicate, teach, pronounce; put in or on, turn to (loc.); w. pāvakam set fire to (loc.); w. agnīn burn (dat.); do, make, cause, perform, bring about. M. receive, carry, bear, keep, guard from (abl.). C. dāpayati cause to give, grant, etc. (1 or 2 acc.), make pay (2 acc.), demand from (abl.); put in or on (loc.).* D. ditsati te didāsati wish or be ready to give. --
     anu concede, yield, remit, grant, admit.
     abhi give.
     ā M. (A.) accept, receive, conceive (garbham); take, grasp, seize, rob; take or separate from (abl.); take along with one's self, carry off; put on, don; take = eat, gnaw (±daśanais); perceive, comprehend, mark; keep, retain (in the memory); undertake, begin.
     apā M. take off.
     abhyā M. (A.) appropriate, put on, take up (vākyam).
     upā M. accept, receive, acquire, appropriate, take, seize, choose, employ, mention; undertake, begin.
     samupā M. obtain, get, take, rob, put on, employ.
     pratyā M. receive or take oack, recall, repeat.
     vyā M. (±mukham) open the mouth, gape.
     samā A. give, restore; M. take (together), seize, grasp, gather, collect; comprehend, understand, observe, take to heart; undertake, begin.
     ud add, grant, give.
     parā deliver, surrender, give up; exchange for (dat.), barter.
     pari surrender, deliver up; intrust, deposit with or in (dat., loc., or gen.); grant, bestow.
     pra A. (M.) give up, deliver, present, offer, give in marriage (±bhāryām); pay, discharge (a debt), restore, sell (w. instr. of price); teach, communicate, impart; grant, permit; put in set (fire) to (loc.).
     saṃpra give up, deliver, concede, grant, impart, teach, communicate.
     prati restore, return, give.
     vi distribute.
     sam give (together), grant, concede; M. P. meet together. -- Cf. ātta ādāya udātta upātta upādāya parītta pratta vyātta.

[2] m. giver; often --° giving, granting.

dāti dyati v pp. dina3 & dita cut, mow. --
     ava cut off, divide (esp. the sacrif. cake).
     nis distribute, among (2 acc.).
     samava cut in pieces and collect them.
     ā vi & sam cut up, bruise, crush. -- Cf. avatta samavatta.

dyati v pp. dita4 (only --°) bind. --
     ā & ni tie, fetter.
     vi loosen.
     sam bind together, fasten, tie. -- Cf. nidita sadita.

pp. dāta5 (--°) clean, purify. -- Cf. avadāta.

dākṣa a. southern or belonging to Dakṣa.

dākṣāyaṇa f. ī descended from or belonging to Dakṣa; m. n. a cert. sacrifice.

dākṣiṇa a. belonging to a sacrificial gift.

dākṣiṇātya a. southerly, belonging to the Dekhan; m. or n. the south, m. pl. the inhabitants of the Dekhan.

dākṣiṇya  = dākṣiṇa; n. civility, kindness, gallantry towards (loc., gen., or --°); the south.

dākṣiṇyavant a. kind, polite, amiable.

dākṣya n. dexterity, shrewdness, skill, industry.

dāḍima m. ī f. the pomegranate tree; n. its fruit.

dāḍimapuṣpa n. pomegranate-flower.

dāḍhikā f. beard, whiskers.

dāṇḍika a. inflicting punishment, punishing.

dātave dat. inf. to 1.

dātavai dat. inf. to 1.

dātavya a. to be given (also in marriage), to be imparted, taught etc.; n. impers.

dāti f. gift, liberality.

dātivāra a. giving freely, liberal (lit. choosing or liking to give).

dātu n. share, allotted portion.

dātṛ [1] dātṛ a. giving (esp. in marriage), bestowing, granting, conceding, paying; imparting, teaching; causing, producing (gen. or --°); liberal, generous. m. giver, donor; payer, creditor. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dātṛ a. giving (esp. in marriage), bestowing, granting, conceding, paying; imparting, teaching; causing, producing (gen. or --°); liberal, generous. m. giver, donor; payer, creditor. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dātṛ [2] m. cutter, mower, reaper.

dātṛpratīcchaka m. du. giver and receiver.

dātyūha m. ī f. a kind of cock or hen.

dātyauha m. = prec. m.

dātra [1] n. distribution, share, possession.

dātra [2] n. sickle, scythe.

dāda m. gift.

dādhṛvi a. capable, able to (dat. inf.).

dādhṛṣi a. courageous, daring.

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dāna [1] n. giving, imparting, bestowing of (gen. or --°) on (loc. or --°); giving in marriage, giving up, sacrificing, offering, paying; teaching, communicating; granting, conceding; gift, present, donation.

dāna [2] m. distribution (concr. distributer, dispenser), liberality, (sacrificial) meal, share, portion, possession.

dāna [3] n. cutting, dividing; pasture.

dāna [4] n. the rut (of an animal) & the rutfluid (flowing from an elephant's temples in the time of rutting).

dānakāma a. loving to give, liberal.

dānadharma m. the duty of liberality, charity.

dānapati m. a very liberal man (lit. master of liberality).

dānapara a. liberal, abstr. -tā f.

dānapratibhū m. a surety for payment (j.).

dānava m. ī f. son or daughter of Danu, a demon or enemy of the gods.

dānavant a. rich in gifts, liberal.

dānavīra m. = dānapati.

dānaśīla a. of liberal disposition, munificent.

dānaśūra m. = dānapati.

dānastuti f. praise of liberality (cert. hymns).

dānin a. = dānavant.

dānu [1] m. f. a class of demons.

dānu [2] f. n. any dripping fluid, drop, dew; poss. -mant.

dānucitra a. shining with dew or moisture.

dānaukas a. liking offerings (Indra).

dānta [1] a. tamed, subdued, patient, passionless; m. a man's name.

dānta [2] a. made of ivory.

dāpanīya a. to be made to give or pay.

dāpayitavya a. the same.

dāpya a. the same.

dābha f. ī harming, injuring (--°).

dāma n. ā f. = dāman3.

dāman [1] m. giver, a liberal man.

dāman [2] n. gift, donation; p. -nvant.

dāman [3] m. or f. allotment, share.

dāman [4] n. band, fetter; thread, rope; wreath, garland; p. -nvant.

dāmodara m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa; N. of a month & of sev. men.

dāmodaragupta m. names of poets.

dāmodaramiśra m. names of poets.

dāṃpatya n. conjugality.

dāmbhika a. deceitful; m. cheat, hypocrite.

dāya [1] a. giving (--°); m. gift.

dāya [2] m. share, portion, inheritance.

dāyaka f. -yikā1 giving, granting, imparting, effecting, producing (mostly --°).

dāyaka [2] a. heir, kinsman.

dāyabhāga m. partition of inheritance, N. of a work.

dāyahara m. = dāyaka2.

dāyāda m. the same, also son or brother; f. ā daughter.

dāyādya n. inheritance.

dāyin a. giving, granting, conceding, permitting; causing, producing (--°).

dāra [1] m. ī f. rent, cleft.

dāra [2] m. sgl. & pl. (f. ā & n. pl.) wife; dārān kṛ or pra--kṛ take a wife, marry.

dāraka f. -rikā1 rending, splitting (--°); f. also = dāra1.

dāraka [2] m. boy, son, a young animal; du. two boys or a boy and a girl. f. dārakā (dārakī) girl, daughter.

dārakarman n. taking a wife, marrying.

dārakriyā f. dāragrahaṇa n. the same.

dāraṇa f. ī bursting, tearing, splitting (gen. or --°); n. the act of bursting etc. f. ī E. of Durgā.

dāratyāgin a. rejecting one's wife.

dāraparigraha m. = dārakarman.

dārava f. ī & dāravīya a. wooden.

dārasaṃgraha m. = dārakarman.

dārādhigamana n. taking a wife, marriage.

dāri a. bursting, tearing (--°).

dārin a. the same (also w. gen.).

dāru [1] a. breaking.

dāru [2] n. a piece of wood, wood i.g.; adv. -vat like a piece of wood.

dāruka m. a man's name.

dāruja a. wooden.

dāruṇa (ī) hard, rough, harsh, cruel, severe; n. & -tā f. abstr.

dāruṇa, f. (ī) hard, rough, harsh, cruel, severe; n. & -tā f. abstr.

dāruṇā (ī) hard, rough, harsh, cruel, severe; n. & -tdāruṇā f. abstr.

dāruṇātman a. hard-hearted, cruel.

dāruṇya n. hardness.

dārupātra n. a wooden vessel.

dārumaya f. ī wooden.

dārḍhya n. firmness, corroboration, strength, constancy.

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dārdura f. ī belonging to a frog.

dārduraka f. -rikā = prec.

dārbha f. ī made of Darbha grass.

dārva f. ī wooden.

dārvāghāṭa m. woodpecker.

dārśa f. ī relating to the new moon; m. the new moon sacrifice.

dārśika f. ī & dārśya a. = prec. adj.

dāla -> rajjudāla; f. dālā & dālikā colocynth.

dālima m. = dāḍima m.

dālbhya m. a patron. name.

dāva m. conflagration, esp. of a forest; m. n. forest.

dāvadahana m. = prec. m.

dāvan a. giving (--°).

dāvane (dat. inf.) to give.

dāvāgni m. the fire of a forest conflagration.

dāvānala m. the fire of a forest conflagration.

dāś dāśati dāṣṭi & dāśnoti1 v make offering, sacrifice, grant, bestow, dedicate, serve a god (dat.) with (instr.), be pious or religious. C. dāśayati offer. -- Cf. dāśvas.

dāś [2] f. worship, m. (nom. dās) worshipper.

dāśa m. fisherman, ferryman, mariner.

dāśataya f. ī tenfold.

dāśaratha a. belonging to or descending from Daśaratha.

dāśarathi m. descendant of Dacaratha, patron. of Rāma & Lakṣmaṇa, du. R. & L.

dāśarājña n. the fight with the ten kings.

dāśārha m. king of the Dacarhas (f. ī), E. of Kṛṣṇa.

dāśivas a. = dāśvas.

dāśuri a. worshipping the gods, pious.

dāśeraka m. fisherman, pl. N. of a people.

dāśvas a. worshipping the gods, sacrificing; merciful, gracious, granting, bestowing; m. a pious servant of a god.

dās dāsati v w. abhi bear ill-will towards, try to harm, persecute.

dāsa [1] m. foe, esp. an evil demon or an infidel (opp. ārya); servant, slave, f. dāsī. dāsyāḥ putraḥ or putrī son or daughter of a slave (abusive words).

dāsa f. ī2 inimical, demoniacal; m. foe, infidel, demon (f. dāsī).

dāsajana m. slave, servant (also coll.).

dāsajīvana a. living like a slave.

dāsatā f. -tva n. slavery, servitude.

dāsadāsī f. the female slave of a slave.

dāsabhāva m. condition of a slave, slavery.

dāsavat adv. like a slave.

dāsītva n. the state of a female slave.

dāsībhāva m. the same.

dāseraka m. young camel (f. ī); pl. N. of a people.

dāsya n. slavery, servitude, dependence.

dāsvant a. giving, liberal, munificent.

dāha m. burning (tr. & intr.), combustion, burning-place; heat, glow, fire.

dāhaka f. -hikā burning, setting on fire.

dāhajvara m. inflammatory fever.

dāhana n. causing to burn or be burnt, combustion.

dāhātmaka a. easily burning, inflammable.

dāhin a. burning (tr. & intr.).

dāhuka a. burning; m. conflagration.

dāhya a. to be or being burnt.

dikka (--°) = diś2.

dikkarin m. elephant of a region (myth.).

dikkuñjara m. the same.

dikcakra n. circuit of the quarters of the compass, horizon.

dikcakravāla n. circuit of the quarters of the compass, horizon.

dikchabda m. a word denoting a direction (g.).

dikpati m. the regent or guardian of a quarter of the world (myth.).

dikpatha m. = dikcakra.

dikpāla m. = dikpati.

digadhipa m. = dikpati.

diganta m. end of the horizon, remotest distance.

digantara n. another region, a foreign country.

digambara a. unclad, naked (lit. sky-clothed), abstr. -tva n.; m. a naked mendicant.

digīśa m. = dikpati.

digīśvara m. = dikpati.

diggaja m. = dikkarin.

digjaya m. the conquest of the world.

digdāha m. uncommon redness (lit. burning) of the horizon.

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digdevatā f. the deity of a region.

digdeśa m. remote distance, space (lit. region of the horizon).

digdha a. smeared, anointed, soiled, covered; poisoned (arrow).

digbhāga m. direction (of the sky).

digvasana a. & m. = digambara.

digvāsas a. & m. = digambara.

digvijaya m. = digjaya.

digvibhāga m. = digbhāga.

diṅnāga m. = dikkarin.

diṅnātha m. = dikpati.

diṅmaṇḍala n. = dikcakra.

diṅmātra n. a mere direction.

diṅmukha n. quarter of the heavens (lit. face of the sky).

diti [1] f. distribution, liberality.

diti [2] f. N. of a goddess (cf. aditi).

ditija m. a son of Diti, a Daitya.

dityavah (nom. -vāṭ) f. dityauhī a bull or cow two years old.

ditsā f. the wish to give; a. ditsu & diditsu.

didṛkṣā f. the wish to see; a. didṛkṣu.

didṛkṣeṇya a. worth seeing, conspicuous.

didṛkṣeya a. worth seeing, conspicuous.

didyu m. dart, arrow.

didyut a. shining, blazing; f. = prec. + thunderbolt, flame, N. of an Apsaras.

didhakṣā f. the wish to burn; a. -kṣu.

didhiṣu a. wishing to gain; m. suitor, husband, f. (also -ṣū) a woman married twice.

didhiṣūpati m. the husband of a woman married a second time.

dina [1] -> 3.

dina [2] n. day.

dinakara m. the sun (day-maker).

dinakartṛ m. the sun (day-maker).

dinakartavya n. daily work (esp. religious observance).

dinakārya n. daily work (esp. religious observance).

dinakṣaya m. evening (end of day).

dinanaktam adv. day and night.

dinanātha m. the sun (lord of the day).

dinaniś f. du. day and night.

dinapati m. = dinanātha.

dinabhartṛ m. = dinanātha.

dinamaṇi m. the sun (jewel of the day).

dinamukha n. break (lit. mouth) of day.

dinādhinātha m. = dinanātha.

dinādhīśa m. = dinanātha.

dinānta m. evening (end of day).

dinārdha s. noon (half of the day).

dināvasāna n. = dinānta.

dineśa m. = dinanātha.

dineśvara m. = dinanātha.

dinodaya m. daybreak, morning.

dipsu a. wishing to harm.

dilīpa m. N. of sev. kings.

dilīpasūnu m. the son of Dilīpa (Raghu).

div dīvyati dīvyate v pp. dyūta1 (q.v.) shine, play (orig. throw, sc. rays of light or the dice); play at dice (akṣais or *akṣān), gamble with (instr.) for (acc., instr., dat., or *gen.). sport, joke; trifle with, mock, rally (acc.). C. devayati cause to play. --
     ati play higher; put to stake.
     prati play against (acc.); *put to stake (gen. or acc.).
     vi play for (acc.), joke, sport.

div devati devate v pp. dyūna2 (q.v.) lament, be distressed. --
     pari (A. & M.) the same; C. paridevayati te lament, deplore. -- Cf. ādyūna paridevita paridyūna.

div (nom. sgl. dyaus) m. sky, heaven (also f.), the god of heaven; day (also n.); light, fire-flame (only instr. pl. dyubhis). --dyāvā m. du. heaven and earth or day and night. anu dyūn & dyavi dyavi day by day. abhi dyūn in the course of the days, in a long time. upa dyubhis by day & = prec.

dyu [3] (nom. sgl. dyaus) m. sky, heaven (also f.), the god of heaven; day (also n.); light, fire-flame (only instr. pl. dyubhis). --dyāvā m. du. heaven and earth or day and night. anu dyūn & dyavi dyavi day by day. abhi dyūn in the course of the days, in a long time. upa dyubhis by day & = prec.

diva n. heaven, day; dive dive day by day.

divaṃgama a. going or leading to heaven.

divasa m. heaven or day.

divasakara  = dinakara etc.

divasakṛt  = dinakara etc.

divasakṣaya  = dinakara etc.

divasacara a. going about by day (animal).

divasanātha m. = dinanātha.

divasamukha n. = dinamukha.

divasīkṛ make a day (of a night).

divaseśvara m. = dineśvara.

divaspati m. lord of heaven, E. of Indra & Viṣṇu.

divaspṛthivī du. heaven and earth (only -vyās).

divā (instr. adv.) by day.

divākara m. the sun (day-maker).

divākīrti m. a Caṇḍāla.

divākīrtya a. to be recited at day-time; n. cert. recitations or songs.

divācara a. = divasacara.

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divācārin a. = divasacara.

divātana f. ī & divātara a. daily, diurnal.

divānaktam adv. day and night.

divāniśam adv. day and night.

divāndha a. blind by day; m. owl.

divārātram adv. day and night.

divāsaṃketa m. a rendezvous by day.*

divikṣaya a. dwelling in heaven.

divikṣit a. dwelling in heaven.

divicara a. moving in the sky.

divicārin a. moving in the sky.

divija a. born in the sky.

divijā a. born in the sky.

divit a. going to heaven.

divitmant a. the same, celestial.

diviṣad a. dwelling in heaven; m. a god.

diviṣṭi f. devotion, prayer, sacrifice.

diviṣṭha a. dwelling in heaven, celestial.

divispṛś a. touching the sky, going to heaven.

divispṛśant a. touching the sky, going to heaven.

divojā a. born in heaven.

divodāsa m. N. of a man (slave of heaven).

divaukas m. an inhabitant of heaven, a god.

divya a. heavenly (opp. earthly), divine (opp. human), wonderful, splendid. n. anything heavenly or divine, esp. celestial good, the celestial regions (pl.), ordeal, oath.

divyacakṣus [1] n. a heavenly eye.

divyacakṣus [2] a. having a divine (prophetic) eye.

divyajñāna a. having divine or supernatural knowledge.

divyatā f. -tva n. divine nature.

divyadarśana a. of a divine aspect.

divyadarśin a. = divyacakṣus2.

divyadṛś a. the same; m. astrologer.

divyanārī f. divine female, Apsaras.

divyarūpa a. of a celestial form.

divyarūpin a. of a celestial form.

divyavarmabhṛt a. wearing a celestial armour.

divyavijñānavant a. = divyajñāna.

divyasaṃkāśa a. heaven-like, divine.

divyastrī f. = divyanārī.

divyākṛti a. of heavenly appearance, very beautiful.

divyāstra n. a cert. magical weapon.

divyauṣadha n. a cert. magical drink.

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diś dideṣṭi diśati dideṣṭi diśate v pp. diṣṭa1 (q.v.) point out, show, produce (a witness); assign, grant, bestow; order, command, bid (inf.). C. deśayati te show, assign, direct, bid. I. dediṣṭe exhibit, show, bid, order or direct urgently; dediśyate show or prove one's self. --
     ati assign, transfer, extend to (gen.).
     anu point at (acc.), direct, bid, assign.
     samanu assign.
     apa the same; indicate, state, denounce; feign, pretend.
     vyapa designate, name; feign, pretend.
     ā aim at, menace, challenge (acc.), assign, announce, teach, designate, term; foretell, prophesy of a pers. (acc., P. w. nom.); direct, order, appoint to (loc., dat., inf., or artham). C. indicate, show.
     upā assign, give in marriage to (gen.); announce, tell.
     pratyā direct, order, recommend; invite, summon; reject, despise; vanquish, surpass.
     vyā assign or distribute (separately); explain, indicate, teach; direct, order, appoint to (loc., dat., or
     prati); foretell, prophesy of a pers. (acc., P. w. nom.).
     samā assign, impart, communicate (dat. or gen.); teach, designate, name (2 acc.); direct, appoint to (dat., inf., or artham), also = C. order, command (absol.).
     ud stretch out towards (acc.); indicate, explain, teach, designate as, mean by (2 acc.), predict or prophesy of (acc.); point out i.e. propose or offer as (2 acc.).
     samud mention, enumerate; designate, name (2 acc.).
     upa point to (acc.), show; indicate, explain, mention, speak of (acc.); advise, recommend; inform, instruct, teach (2 acc.); command, rule over (acc.).
     pratyupa teach in return (2 acc.).
     samupa point to (acc.), teach, show (2 acc.).
     nis point to (acc.), assign, destine, designate, name, regard as, take for (2 acc.); mention, proclaim, predict; advise, suggest (2 acc.).
     abhinis name, designate (2 acc.); settle, determine.
     vinis assign, destine for (loc.); indicate, proclaim; designate, name (2 acc.); resolve, determine; appoint to, charge with (loc.).
     pari indicate, state.
     pra the same + announce, proclaim, direct, order; assign, grant, impart.
     saṃpra indicate, designate, state.
     sam assign, destine for; direct, instruct, order; appoint to, charge with (2 acc.).
     pratisam give a pers. (acc.) a commission (in return) to (gen.); direct, command. -- Cf. uddiśya nirādiṣṭa samuddiśya.

diś [2] f. point, esp. cardinal point, quarter of the sky (4--10), region, place, (foreign) country, space (opp. kāla); direction, precept, rule; manner, way. --diśi diśi in all directions, everywhere; diśo'ntāt from the end of the world; pl. all quarters, the whole world; diśo'valokya staring into the air.

diśā f. direction, region.

diśya a. relating to the quarters of the sky or to the horizon, coming from afar, foreign, outlandish.

diṣṭa a. pointed out, appointed, bidden, assigned, settled, decided. n. appointed place; order, decree; destiny.

diṣṭānta m. the appointed end, death.

diṣṭi f. direction, order, command; juncture, good luck, only instr. diṣṭyāvṛdh M.*) how fortunate! thank heaven!

dih degdhi v pp. digdha (q.v.) anoint, smear. --
     abhi wreath, also = S.
     ava pari pra = S.
     sam the same; M. P. be doubtful or dubious; P. also be confounded with (instr.). C. confound, perplex, M. be uncertain. -- Cf. ādigdha upadigdha nidigdha saṃdigdha.

dīyati dīyate1 v fly. --
     nis fly away.
     pari fly about.

[2] -> dīdi.

dīkṣ dīkṣate v pp. dīkṣita (q.v.) be consecrated. C. dīkṣayati te consecrate. D. didīkṣiṣate wish to be consecrated. --
     abhi = S.

dīkṣaṇa n. consecrating (one's self); f. ā religious preparation for (--°).

dīkṣaṇīya a. relating to consecration, f. ā the ceremony of consecration.

dīkṣā f. preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony, initiation; dedication, devotion to (--°); personif. as the wife of Soma.

dīkṣāpati m. lord of consecration (Soma).

dīkṣāpāla m. guardian of consecration (Agni or Viṣṇu).

dīkṣita f. -tī consecrated for (dat., loc., instr., or --°), prepared, ready for (dat., instr., loc., or --°); abstr. -tva n. -- Often °-- or --° in names, esp. of Brahmans.

dīti -> sudīti.

dīdi 3 pl. dīdyati intr. shine, gleam, be bright or visible, please; tr. bestow by shining (dat. or loc. of pers., acc. of th.). --
     abhi bestow by shining.
     ā shine upon.
     ni = S. tr.
     pra shine forth.
     sam shine together, also = S. tr. -- Cf. dīdyat dīdyāna dīdivas.

dīditi -> sudīditi.

dīdhyat a. shining, radiant.

dīdhyāna a. shining, radiant.

dīdivas a. the same.

dīdyuṣ a. the same.

dīdivi a. the same.

dīdhi dīdhye adīpdet v pp. dhīta (q.v.) appear, seem (A.); perceive, look at (acc.); think, consider (±manasā), desire. --
     anu observe, think over.
     abhi think of, consider.
     ā attend to, care for (gen.), make up one's mind.
     ud look up to (acc.).
     prati hope, expect.
     vi hesitate, be irresolute. -- Cf. dīdhyat & dīdhyāna.

dīdhiti [1] f. religious reflection, devotion.

dīdhiti [2] f. brightness, splendour.

dīdhyat a. thinking, reflecting, thoughtful, attentive.

dīdhyāna a. thinking, reflecting, thoughtful, attentive.

dīna a. scarce, scanty, weak, feeble (abstr. -tā f.); depressed, sad, wretched, n. as abstr. & adv. (also dīnakam).

dīnacitta a. distressed in mind.

dīnacetana a. distressed in mind.

dīnamanas a. the same.

dīnamānasa a. the same.

dīnarūpa a. of sad appearance, mournful, dejected.

dīnasattva a. low-spirited.

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dīp dīpyate dīpyate (dīpyati), pp. dīpta (q.v.) blaze, flame, shine, be brilliant (l. & f.). C. dīpayati te kindle, inflame, illuminate; excite, raise. I. dedīpyate blaze brightly, be radiant. --
     ā C. inflame, kindle.
     ud flame up, burn; C. = S. C.
     upa C. kindle, set fire to (acc.).
     pra flame forth. burn. C. kindle, inflame, rouse.
     vi blaze, flame; C. kindle, illuminate.
     sam flame; C. inflame, excite. -- Cf. atidīpta ādīptapradīpta sadīpta.

dīpa m. light, lamp.

dīpaka a. kindling, inflaming, illuminating; m. & f. dīpikā = prec.

dīpada a. who gives a lamp.

dīpana f. ī kinding, inflaming (lit. & fig.); n. the act of kindling etc.

dīpamālā f. a row of lamps, illumination.

dīpamālikā f. a row of lamps, illumination.

dīpāloka m. lamp-light, a burning lamp.

dīpāvali f. = dīpamālā.

dīpin f. ī kindling, inflaming (--°).

dīpta a. blazing, flaming, glowing, hot, bright, radiant.

dīptakiraṇa a. having hot rays.

dīptavīrya a. of fiery strength.

dīptākṣa f. ī having flaming eyes.

dīpti f. flame, brilliancy, brightness (p. -mant); lustre, beauty.

dīptaujas a. of burning energy, hot-blooded.

dīpra a. flaming, shining.

dīrgha a. long (sp. & t.); n. adv.; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dīrghakarṇa m. Long-ear, N. of a cat.

dīrghakālam (acc. adv.) a long time.

dīrghajihva a. long-tongued; m. N. of a Dānava, f. ā & ī N. of a Rākṣasī & some other female demon.

dīrghajīvin a. long-lived.

dīrghatamas m. N. of a Rishi.

dīrghatīkṣṇamukha f. ī having a long and sharp mouth.

dīrghadarśitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

dīrghadarśin a. far-sighted, provident.

dīrghaniḥśvāsa m. a long sigh.*

dīrghaprayajyu a. offering or receiving constant prayers and sacrifices (of gods & men).

dīrghabāhu a. long-armed; a man's name.

dīrghamukha f. ī long-mouthed or long-beaked.

dīrghayaśas a. far renowned.

dīrgharāva m. Long-yell, N. of a jackal.

dīrgharoṣa a. persevering in anger, slow to forgive; abstr. -tā f.

dīrghalocana a. long-eyed.

dīrghaśravas a. far renowned.

dīrghaśrut a. hearing afar or = prec.

dīrghasattra n. a long-continued Soma sacrifice; p. -trin.

dīrghasaṃdhya a. prolonging the twilight devotions; abstr. -tva n.

dīrghasūtra a. dilatory, slow (lit. spinning a long thread); abstr. -tā f.

dīrghasūtrin a. = prec. a.; abstr. -sūtritā f.

dīrghākṣa f. ī long-eyed.

dīrghādhī a. looking or thinking far.

dīrghāpāṅga a. having long outer corners of the eyes; m. N. of an antelope.*

dīrghāyu a. long-lived; abstr. -tva.

dīrghāyuṣṭva n. abstr. to seq.

dīrghāyuṣya n. abstr. to seq.

dīrghāyus a. long-lived or who may live long.

dīrghikā f. a (long) lake or pond.

dīrghīkṛ lengthen (bhū pass.); lead far away.

dīrghocchvāsam adv. with a long sigh.

dīv f. (only dat. & loc.) game at dice.

du dunoti (dunvate) v pp. dūna1 q.v. (& duta) burn, grieve (tr. & intr.); P. dūyate (ti) only intr. C. dāvayati = S. tr. --
     abhi burn (tr.).
     ā M. grieve, be afflicted.
     pari burn violently (intr.), be distressed.
     pra burn (intr.), vex, afflict.
     vi burn, destroy; M. be distressed.

du [2]  = div1; only daviṣāṇi.

duḥkha a. uneasy, unpleasant; n. uneasiness, pain, sorrow (comp. duḥkha++tara n.), as adv. = instr., abl., & °-- with difficulty, scarcely, hardly, unwillingly.

duḥkhakara (& -kārin*) a. causing pain (gen.).

duḥkhagraha a. hard to conceive.

duḥkhajīvin a. living in distress.

duḥkhatā f. discomfort, pain, sorrow.

duḥkhaduḥkhena (instr. adv.) with great pain or difficulty.*

duḥkhaprāya a. consisting of pain, miserable, wretched.

duḥkhabhāgin a. having pain as one's portion, unhappy.

duḥkhabhāj a. having pain as one's portion, unhappy.

duḥkhamaraṇa a. having a painful death.

duḥkhay duḥkhayati v to pain or distress.

duḥkhayoga m. infliction of pain.

duḥkhayoni m. a source of misery.

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duḥkhaśīla a. having a difficult temper, full of pretensions, irritable.

duḥkhahan a. destroying pain.

duḥkhākula a. troubled with pain, aggrieved.

duḥkhābhijña a. knowing woe.

duḥkhāy duḥkhāyate v feel pain, be distressed.

duḥkhārta a. afflicted by pain.

duḥkhālaya m. a home of woes.

duḥkhita a. pained, afflicted, miserable.

duḥkhitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

duḥkhin a. = duḥkhita.

duḥkhīy duḥkhīyati v = duḥkhāy.

duḥkhottara a. followed by pain.

duḥkhopacarya a. difficult to be treated or satisfied.

duḥprasaha -> duṣprasaha.

dukūla m. a cert. plant; n. a kind of fine cloth or garment.

dugdha a. milked, sucked out, extracted; n. milk, the water in the cloud.

dugdhadoha a. milked out.

dugdhasindhu m. the sea of milk.

dugdhasrotas n. a stream of milk.

dugha a. milking, yielding (--°); f. dughā milchcow.

ducchunā f. misfortune, harm.

ducchunāy ducchunāyate v seek to harm.

dudh only dodhat impetuous, wild, fierce, & dudhita confused (darkness).

dudhi a. = dodhat (v. prec.).

dudhra a. = dodhat (v. prec.).

dudhrakṛt a. stirring.

dundubha m. a cert. aquatic animal.

dundubhi m. f. drum (f. also ī); m. also E. of Kṛṣṇa & N. of sev. men, f. ī N. of a Rākṣasī.

dundubhyāghāta m. beater of a drum, drummer.

dur [1] f. door (only duras & duras).

dur [2] (°--) = dus.

dura m. opener, giver of (gen.).

durakṣa a. weak-eyed.

duratikrama a. difficult to be overcome or escaped.

duratyaya a. = prec. & seq.

duradhiga difficult to be attained.

duradhigama difficult to be attained.

duranta a. taking a bad end or taking no end, endless; abstr. -tā f.

durabhisaṅga m. a bad inclination.*

duravagāha a. difficult to be fathomed or found out.*

duravabodha a. difficult to be understood.

duravāpa a. difficult to be attained.

durasy durasyati v wish to harm; a. -syu.

durākṛti a. disfigured, ugly.

durāgama m. bad gain or corrupt tradition.

durācara f. ī difficult to be handed or treated.

durācāra [1] m. bad conduct, wickedness.

durācāra [2] a. ill-behaved, depraved, wicked.

durātman a. of bad nature, evil, wicked.

durātmavant a. the same.

durādhara a. difficult to be restrained, obtained, or kept.

durādharṣa a. difficult to be attacked, untractable, dangerous.

durādhī a. evil-minded.

durāpa a. difficult to be reached or attained.

durāpana a. difficult to be reached or attained.

durārādhya a. difficult to be won or conciliated.

durāruha a. difficult to be ascended.

durāroha a. difficult to be ascended.

durālakṣya a. difficult to be perceived.

durālabha a. difficult to be laid hold of.

durālamba a. difficult to be kept or maintained.

durālambha a. = durālabha.

durāloka a. difficult to be perceived, indistinct.

durāvaha a. difficult to be led towards (--°).

durāvāra a. difficult to be kept back.

durāśaya a. having wicked thoughts.

durāśā f. bad hope, despair at (loc.).

durāśir a. badly mixed.

durāśis a. having evil wishes or intentions.

durāsada a. difficult to be approached or met, unaccessible, impracticable, unheard of.

durāsaha a. difficult to be accomplished.

durita (durita) n. difficulty, danger, distress, damage, discomfort, evil, sin; adj. difficult, evil, bad, sinful, wicked.

duriti f. difficulty, distress, trouble.

duriṣṭi f. failure in a sacrifice.

durīha a. badly meant.

durukta a. ill or badly spoken; n. such a word.

durukti f. = prec. n.

duruttara a. difficult to be overcome.

durutsaha a. difficult to be borne.

durudvaha a. difficult to be borne.

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durudgītha s. a wrong Udgitha.

durupacāra a. difficult to be approached or treated.

durupasada a. unaccessible.

durupasarpin a. approaching carelessly.

durūha a. difficult to be perceived or understood; abstr. -tva n.

dureva a. evil-minded, wicked; m. evil-doer.

durokam adv. uneasily.

duroṇa n. dwelling, home.

duroṇasad a. sitting in the house.

durodara m. player at dice or a die; n. game at dice.

durga a. hard to go through or to, difficult of access or attainment, impassable, unaccessible. m. N. of an Asura & sev. men; n. rough ground, difficult place; mountain, hill, crag, stronghold, castle; difficulty, danger, distress; f. ā N. of a goddess, the daughter of Himavant and wife of Śiva.

durgata a. faring ill, miserable, poor; n. = seq.

durgati f. ill condition, misery, poverty.

durgandha a. ill-smelling; m. = seq.

durgandhatā f. bad smell, stink.

durgandhi a. = durgandha adj.

durgapati m. governor of a fortress.

durgapāla m. governor of a fortress.

durgama a. = durga a., s. difficult situation.

durgamanīya a. hard to go or enter.

durgamya a. hard to go or enter.

durgasiṃha m. names of authors.

durgasena m. names of authors.

durgaha n. dangerous place or way, danger.

durgācārya m. N. of a scholiast.

durgāḍha a. difficult to be fathomed.

durgādatta m. names of men.

durgādāsa m. names of men.

durgādha a. = durgāḍha.

durgāpūjā f. the festival in honour of the goddess Durga.

durgāhya a. difficult to be fathomed; abstr. tva n.

durgṛbhi a. difficult to be seized or held fast.

durgraha [1] a. the same + difficult to be overcome, gained, understood.

durgraha [2] m. stubbornness, a foolish whim; an evil demon (causing diseases).

durgrāhya a. = prec.; abstr. -tva n.

durjana m. a bad man, villain.

durjanīkṛ make a villain of (acc.), i.e. offend, compromise, mortify.*

durjaya a. difficult to be subdued or overcome, invincible; m. N. of a Dānava, a Rakṣas, & sev. men.

durjala n. bad water.

durjāta a. wretched, miserable, bad (lit illborn or natured); n. misery.

durjāti [1] a. = prec. a.

durjāti [2] f. misfortune.

durjātīya a. = durjāti1.

durjīva n. a hard life, also impers. it is hard to live.

durjeya a. difficult to be vanquished.

durjñāna a. difficult to be known; abst. -tva n.

durjñeya a. = prec. adj.

durṇaśa a. difficult to be attained.

durṇāman m. a kind of demon (lit. of bad name).

durdama a. difficult to be subdued.

durdamya a. difficult to be subdued.

durdarśa a. difficult or unpleasant to behold.

durdarśana a. difficult or unpleasant to behold.

durdaśā f. bad situation, misfortune.

durdānta a. badly tamed or hard to tame; m. N. of a lion.

durdina n. a bad day, rough weather.

durdivasa m. the same.

durduhā f. difficult to be milked (a cow).

durdṛś a. seeing badly.

durdṛśa a. = durdarśa.

durdeśa m. a bad or unwholesome place.

durdaiva n. bad luck, misfortune.

durdyūta n. bad or unfair game.

durdhara a. hard to be borne, held, restrained, administered (punishment), kept in mind or recollected; m. a man's name.

durdharītu a. difficult to be restrained, irresistible.

durdhartu a. difficult to be restrained, irresistible.

durdharṣa a. difficult to be assaulted or approached, invincible, dangerous, terrible; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

durdhā f. derangement, bad order.

durdhārya a. difficult to be borne or kept.

durdhita a. badly arranged, not in order.

durdhī a. weak- or evil-minded; stupid or wicked.

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durdhur a. badly yoked.

durnaya m. evil or imprudent conduct.

durnigraha a. difficult to be kept down or restrained.

durnimitta a. an ill omen.

durnirīkṣa difficult to be looked at.

durnirīkṣaṇa difficult to be looked at.

durnirīkṣya difficult to be looked at.

durnivāra a. difficult to be checked, hard to get rid of.

durnivārya a. difficult to be checked, hard to get rid of.

durnīta a. badly managed; n. a bad situation or conduct.

durnyasta a. badly arranged.

durbala a. weak, feeble, thin, unwell; poor, scanty. Abstr. -tā f.

durbalendriya a. having weak organs.

durbuddhi [1] f. folly or wickedness.

durbuddhi [2] a. foolish, wicked.

durbodha a. hard to understand.

durbodhya a. hard to understand.

durbrāhmaṇa m. a bad Brahman.

durbhaga a. uncomfortable, unpleasant, unhappy; abstr. -tva n.

durbhara a. hard to bear or suffer, to please or satisfy.

durbhartṛ m. a bad husband.

durbhāgya a. unfortunate.

durbhāryā f. a bad wife.

durbhāṣa a. speaking ill or badly; m. ill speech.

durbhāṣita f. ā w. vāc = prec. m.

durbhāṣin a. = durbhāṣa a.

durbhikṣa n. (m.) famine, want; abstr. -tva n.

durbhida a. difficult to be cleft or broken.

durbhūta n. ill luck, evil.

durbhṛti f. scanty or difficult maintenance.

durbheda a. = durbhida.

durbhedya a. = durbhida.

durbhrātṛ m. a bad brother.

durmati [1] f. ill-will or false opinion.

durmati [2] a. foolish or wicked.

durmada [1] m. false, pride, infatuation.

durmada [2] a. drunken, fierce, extravagant; very fond of, all eager for (--°).

durmanas [1] a. bad disposition, perversity of mind.

durmanas [2] a. discouraged, sad.

durmanaska a. = prec., abstr. -tā f.

durmanāy durmanāyate v become or be sad or sorrowful. --
     ati be quite melancholy.

durmanuṣya m. a wicked man, villain.

durmantu a. difficult to be understood.

durmantra m. bad advice.

durmantrita a. badly advised; n. = prec.

durmantrin m. evil adviser or bad minister; a. as poss.

durmanman a. evil-minded.

durmara a. dying with difficulty; n. impers.

durmaraṇa n. a hard death.

durmaratva n. a hard death.

durmarṣa a. not to be forgotten, imperishable; also = seq.

durmarṣaṇa a. unbearable, unsufferable.

durmitra a. unfriendly, inimical (also -triya); m. a man's name.

durmukha f. ī having an ugly face or a foul mouth; m. a man's name.

durmedha a. dull-witted, silly, stupid.

durmedhas a. dull-witted, silly, stupid.

durmedhāvin a. dull-witted, silly, stupid.

durmaitra a. inimical.

durmocahastagrāha a. holding fast (lit. the grasp of whose hand is difficult to unloose).*

durya a. belonging to the door or house; m. & f. ā pl. residence, home.

duryaśas n. disgrace, ignominy.

duryuga n. a bad age (of the world).

duryuj a. difficult to be yoked.

duryoga m. bad contrivance, offence.

duryoṇa n. residence, home.

duryoni a. of low origin, base-born.

duryodhana a. difficult to be conquered, invincible (abstr. -tā f.); m. N. of the eldest son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra.

durlakṣya a. difficult to be observed, hardly visible.

durlaṅghana a. difficult to be overcome or escaped.

durlaṅghya a. the same; abstr. -tā f.

durlabha a. difficult to be obtained or seen; rare, precious dear; difficult i.g. (w. infin.).

durlabhadarśana a. out of sight, invisible (lit. whose sight is difficult to be obtained).

durlalita a. fondled too much, ill-bred; n. ill behaviour, a roguish trick.

durvaca a. hard to be spoken (of); abstr. -tva n.

durvacana n. = seq.*

durvacas [1] n. evil speech, abuse.

durvacas [2] a. speaking harshly.

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durvarṇa [1] m. bad colour, impurity.

durvarṇa [2] a. bad-coloured, low-born.

durvartu a. difficult to be restrained, irresistible.

durvasa n. (it is) bad dwelling.

durvasati f. bad residence.

durvaha a. difficult to be borne or managed.

durvāc [1] f. evil speech.

durvāc [2] a. speaking ill.

durvācya a. hard to be uttered, harsh (words); n. harsh language or bad news.

durvāda m. hard speech, censure, abuse.

durvānta a. (leech) that has not well vomited.

durvāra a. difficult to be checked or stopped, irresistible.

durvāraṇa a. difficult to be checked or stopped, irresistible.

durvārttā f. bad news.

durvārya a. = durvāra; abstr. -tā f.

durvāla a. bald-headed or red-haired.

durvāsas a. badly clad, naked; m. N. of a Rishi.

durvigāha a. = durgāḍha.

durvigāhya a. = durgāḍha.

durvijñāna [1] n. difficulty understanding with.

durvijñāna [2] a. difficult to be understood.

durvijñeya a. the same.

durvidagdha a. badly taught, i.e. ignorant, stupid or cunning, crafty, subtle.

durvidya a. uninformed, uneducated.

durvidvaṃs a. evil-minded.

durvidhi m. a bad fortune.

durvinaya m. ill behaviour.

durvinīta a. ill-behaved.

durvipāka [1] m. evil consequences.

durvipāka [2] a. having evil consequences.

durvibhāva a. difficult to be conceived or understood.

durvibhāvana a. difficult to be conceived or understood.

durvibhāvya a. difficult to be conceived or understood.

durvilasita n. ill behaviour, bad manners.

durvivāha m. bad marriage, mesalliance.

durviṣaha a. unbearable, irresistible.

durviṣahya a. unbearable, irresistible.

durvṛtta [1] a. ill-behaved, wicked.

durvṛtta [2] n. ill behaviour, misconduct, villany.

durvṛtti f. misery, distress, also = prec.

durvyasana n. bad inclination, vice.

durhaṇā f. damage, misfortune, p. -vant.

durhaṇāy pp. -yant = seq.

durhaṇāyu a. meditating evil.

durhaṇu a. having ugly jaws.

durhārda a. bad-hearted.

durhita a. ill-conditioned, miserable.

durhṛṇāy pp. -yant = seq.

durhṛṇāyu a. raging, furious.

durhṛd a. bad-hearted; m. enemy.

dul dolayati v pp. -lita raise, swing.

duvas [1] n. honour, worship.

duvas [2] a. stirring, restless.

duvasy duvasyati v honour, worship; present (acc. of pers. & instr. of th. or dat. of pers. & acc. of th.).

duvasyu a. reverent, respectful.

duvasvant a. reverent, respectful.

duvoyā f. (instr.) honour, worship.

duvoyu a. = duvasyu; n. adv.

duścara a. difficult to be gone, entered, or overcome; inaccessible, impracticable. Abstr. -tva n.

duścarita [1] n. misbehaviour, wickedness, folly.

duścarita [2] a. misbehaving, wicked.

duścarman a. having a cutaneous disease.

duścāritra a. = duścarita2.

duścārin a. = duścarita2.

duścit a. thinking evil.

duścitta a. afflicted, sad.

duścetas a. = duścit.

duśceṣṭā f. -ṣṭita n. ill conduct or practice.

duścyavana a. difficult to be shaken.

duḥśaṃsa a. speaking or thinking evil.

duḥśala m. ā f. N. of a son & a daughter of Dhrtarastra.

duḥśāsana m. N. of a son of Dhrtarastra.

duḥśāsus a. evil-minded, malevolent.

duḥśikṣita a. badly taught, uneducated.

duḥśiṣya m. a bad pupil.

duḥśīla a. having a bad character or disposition; abstr. -tā f.

duḥśeva a. malevolent, envious.

duṣ [1] (°--) = dus.

duṣ duṣyati (duṣyate) v pp. duṣṭa2 (q.v.) be or become bad, corrupted, defiled, impure; sin be guilty. C. duṣayati q.v. --
     pra get worse, be spoiled or contaminated, do amiss, sin against (prati).
     vi act improperly, commit a sin.
     sam be polluted. -- Cf. praduṣṭa vipraduṣṭa saṃduṣṭa.

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duṣkara a. difficult, arduous, uncommon, extraordinary; difficult to or to be (infin.); n. hardly, scarcely (w. yad or yadi).

duṣkarman n. misdeed, sin; a. & m. who does evil, villain.

duṣkula [1] n. a low race.

duṣkula [2] a. of low race, base-born; abstr. -tā f.

duṣkṛt  = duṣkarman a. & m.

duṣkṛta [1] a. ill done.

duṣkṛta [2] n. evil deed, crime, sin.

duṣkṛtakarman a. doing evil deeds; reprobate, criminal.

duṣkṛtakārin a. doing evil deeds; reprobate, criminal.

duṣkṛti a. doing evil; m. evil-doer.

duṣkṛtin a. doing evil; m. evil-doer.

duṣṭa a. spoiled, corrupt, injured, damaged, vicious, bad, guilty. m. villain, wicked man; n. guilt, sin. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

duṣṭacaritra a. ill-behaved; m. evil-doer.

duṣṭacārin a. & m. the same.

duṣṭacetas a. evil-minded.

duṣṭanu a. having an ugly body.

duṣṭabaṭuka m. bad fellow.*

duṣṭabhāva a. evil-natured, wicked; abstr. -tā f.

duṣṭara a. unconquerable, irresistible, unbearable, unsufferable.

duṣṭarītu a. the same.

duṣṭavāc a. speaking evil; m. a defamer.

duṣṭaśoṇita n. corrupt blood.

duṣṭātman a. evil-natured.

duṣṭāntarātman a. evil-natured.

duṣṭi f. corruption, depravity.

duṣṭuti -> duḥṣṭuti.

duṣparihantu a. difficult to be destroyed.

duṣpāra a. difficult to be crossed, overcome, or accomplished.

duṣpūra a. difficult to be filled or satisfied.

duṣpraṇīta a. ill-managed, failed; n. bad conduct.

duṣpradharṣa a. unassailable, untouchable.

duṣprayukta a. badly employed.

duṣprasaha a. difficult to be borne or overcome, irresistible.

duṣprasāda a. difficult to be propitiated.

duṣprasādana a. difficult to be propitiated.

duṣprāpa a. hard to attain.

duṣprāpaṇa a. hard to attain.

duṣprekṣa a. difficult or unpleasant to be looked at.

duṣprekṣaṇīya a. difficult or unpleasant to be looked at.

duṣprekṣya a. difficult or unpleasant to be looked at.

duṣmanta duṣyanta duḥṣanta m. N. of a king, the husband of Śakuntalā.

duḥṣṭuti f. bad i.e. faulty hymn or praise.

duḥṣvapnya n. evil dream, restless sleep.

dus (°--) = Gr. dus.

dustara a. difficult to be crossed or overcome.

dustaraṇa f. ī the same.

dustyaja a. difficult to be relinquished or quitted; abstr. -tā f.

dustha -> duḥstha & duḥsthita.

dusthita -> duḥstha & duḥsthita.

duḥsaha a. difficult to be borne, irresistible; (abstr. -tva n.*).

duḥsādhya a. difficult to be accomplished or managed.

duḥstha a. ill-faring, miserable, unhappy, poor, ill.

duḥsthita a. ill-faring, miserable, unhappy, poor, ill.

duḥsthiti f. abstr. to prec.

duḥsparśa a. difficult or unpleasant to be touched.

duḥspṛśa a. difficult or unpleasant to be touched.

duḥsvapna m. an evil dream.

duh dogdhi dugdhe1 v (duhati duhate dohati dohate duhyati duhyate), pp. dugdha (q.v.) milk, i.g. extract, derive, draw the good out of (2 acc.); yield, grant, bestow (mostly M.). C. dohayati te cause to milk, also = S. milk, extract. D. dudukṣati & dudhukṣati with to milk. --
     nis A. M. milk out, extract.
     vipra A. suck out.
     vi M. milk out, empty.
     sam A. M. milk or suck (together); M. yield or grant together.

duha [2] & duha a. (--°) milking; milching or yielding.

duhitāmātṛ f. du. daughter and mother.

duhitṛ f. daughter; abstr. -tṛtva n.

f. = duvas1.

dūḍabha a. difficult to be deceived, infallible.

dūḍāśa a. not worshipping, irreligious.

dūḍhī a. evil-minded.

dūṇaśa a. unattainable.

dūṇāśa [1] a. the same.

dūṇāśa [2] a. imperishable, everlasting.

dūta m. messenger, ambassador, envoy, gobetween; f. ī (also dūti) esp. confidante, procuress.

dūtaka f. dūtikā the same.

dūtakarman n. office or state of a messenger.

dūtatva n. office or state of a messenger.

dūtya n. dūtyā f. the same; message, news.

dūna a. burnt, pained, vexed.

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dūra a. far, distant from (abl. or gen.); n. distance (in sp. & t.); as adv. far, high above, in a high degree, very much, (also dūra °--); w. kṛ surpass. dūreṇa far, from afar, comp. dūratareṇa; by far. dūrāt (from) afar, far from (abl.). dūre far, a long way off, comp. dūratare at some distance from (abl.).

dūraādhī a. whose longing is in the distance.

dūrakam (acc. & loc. adv.) far.

dūrake (acc. & loc. adv.) far.

dūrakṣya a. difficult to be preserved or kept.

dūraga a. going far, remote.

dūragata a. gone far away.

dūraṃgama a. going far away.

dūratas adv. from afar, far away, far, not at hand; w. bhū keep in distance.

dūratva n. remoteness, distance.

dūradarśana far-seeing (lit. & fig.).

dūradarśin far-seeing (lit. & fig.).

dūrapatha m. long way, distance.

dūrapātin a. flying or sending far.

dūrabhāva m. remoteness, distance.

dūray dūrayati v remove, deprive.

dūravartin a. being far.

dūravilambin a. hanging far down.

dūrasaṃstha a. being in the distance.

dūrasūrya a. having the sun far i.e. high, shone upon from above.

dūrastha a. = dūrasaṃstha.

dūrasthita a. = dūrasaṃstha.

dūrākṛṣṭa a. far stretched or extended.

dūrārūḍha a. risen high (lit. far).*

dūrārohin a. the same.*

dūrāloka m. sight from afar, remote distance.

dūrīkṛ leave behind, remove, reject; w. bhū go back, retire, be far.

dūreanta a. ending in the distance, boundless.

dūrecara a. staying (lit. moving) far.

dūredṛś a. visible from afar.

dūrebhā a. shining far and wide.

dūrevadha a. far striking or hitting.

dūrotsārita a. driven far away.*

dūroha a. ascending with difficulty.

dūrohaṇa a. difficult to be ascended, n. N. of a cert. rite.

dūrva m. N. of a king; f. dūrvā a kind of grass.

dūrvācatvara s. grass plot.*

dūrśa n. a kind of woven cloth or garment.

dūṣa a. defiling, polluting (--°).

dūṣaka f. ikā (gen. or --°) = prec. + corrupting, disgracing, offending; f. dūṣikā also = dūṣī q.v.

dūṣaṇa f. ī = prec.; m. N. of a Rakṣas; n. the act of defiling or corrupting, seduction, defamation, objection, refutation; want, fault, guilt, sin, offence.

dūṣay dūṣayati (dūṣayate) v pp. dūṣita spoil, corrupt, defile, pollute, harm, injure, blame, revile. --
     pra spoil, attack, defame.
     vi the same, w.
     upahāsais mock, laugh at (acc.).
     sam spoil, dishonour. -- Cf. pratidūṣita.

dūṣi a. defiling, destroying (--°).

dūṣin a. polluting, disgracing (--°).

dūṣī f. the rheum of the eyes.

dūṣīkā f. the rheum of the eyes.

dūṣya [1] a. liable to be corrupted or defiled.

dūṣya [2] n. a kind of cloth, tent, garment.

dūṣyagandhin a. smelling of rags (cf. prec.).*

dṛ dṛṇāti1 v (darṣi), pp. dīrṇa burst, break asunder, split open (tr. & intr.); P. dīryate (-ti) the same (intr.). C. darayati & dārayati (te) = S. tr. + drive asunder, disperse, scatter. I. (st. dardṛ & dādṛ) = S. tr. --
     ava S. & C. split, break, burst asunder (tr.); P. the same (intr.).
     ā split, go asunder; also = I. rend, break, open, make accessible.
     nis S. & C. rend, split, cleave.
     pari M. rend on all sides, P. peel or drop off on all sides (skin).
     pra break, tear; P. split, open, burst asunder (intr.).
     vi split, tear, rend asunder, open; P. burst, go asunder; C. rend or saw in pieces, break through, open, drive asunder, chase away; I. split, open (tr.). -- Cf. avadīrṇa paridīrṇa vidīrṇa.

dṛ driyate v w. ā ādriyate (ti), pp. ādṛta2 (q.v.) regard, respect, mind (w. acc. or inf.); also w. pass. mg. --
     atyā have much regard or consideration.
     pratyā be regardful towards (acc.).

dṛṃhaṇa n. making firm, fortifying.

dṛṃhita a. made firm, fortified; n. = prec.

dṛṃhitṛ m. strengthener, fortifier.

dṛkpatha m. range of sight.

dṛkpāta m. (the letting fall) a glance.

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dṛganta m. the outer corner of the eyes.

dṛggocara m. range of sight.

dṛgrudh a. obstructing the sight.

dṛḍha (dṛḷha) a. firm, strong, solid, durable, steady, sure, certain; n. adv., as subst. anything firm or solid, esp. stronghold, fortress.

dṛḍhakārin a. persevering (lit. acting firmly).

dṛḍhatā f. -tva n. firmness, steadiness, perseverance in (loc.).

dṛḍhadhanvan a. having a strong bow.

dṛḍhadhanvin a. having a strong bow.

dṛḍhaniścaya a. of firm determination, resolute.

dṛḍhamati a. firm-minded, strong-willed.

dṛḍhamuṣṭi f. strong or close fist; also as a. poss.

dṛḍhay dṛḍhayati v make firm, fasten, confirm, strengthen.

dṛḍhavrata a. strict, faithful (lit. whose vows are firm); firmly insisting on (loc.) or devoted to (--°).

dṛḍhāyu m. a man's name.

dṛḍhāyus m. a man's name.

dṛḍhāyudha a. having strong weapons; E. of Śiva.

dṛḍhīkṛ  = dṛḍhay, w. bhū become or be firm.

dṛḍhīkaraṇa n. -kāra m. making firm, confirmation.

dṛti m. (f.) bag of leather, bellows (also dṛtī f.).

dṛdhra a. holding tightly, fastening.

dṛp dṛpyati (darpati) v pp. dṛpta rave, be foolish, insolent, or proud. C. darpayati, pp. darpita make mad, foolish, etc.

dṛbdhi f. stringing together.

dṛbh dṛbhati v bunch, make into tufts, string together, connect. --
     sam connect, compose, write. -- Cf. saṃdṛbdha.

dṛbhīka m. N. of a demon.

dṛvan a. tearing asunder, rending.

dṛś [1] (cf. paś), pp. dṛṣṭa (q.v.) see, behold, know by (instr.); see with the mind, notice, observe, try, examine; find out, invent (esp. a sacred song). P. M. dṛśyate (ti) be seen or visible, appear or be regarded as, pass for (nom.); be found, occur. C. darśayati cause a pers. (acc., gen., dat., or *instr.) to see (acc.), show, w. ātmānam one's self, i.e. appear, pretend to be; produce, point out, make known as or prove to be (2 acc.); -- pp. darśitam (impers.) appearance has been made by (instr.).* D. didṛkṣate (ti) desire or like to see. --
     anu look at (acc.), behold, see (manasā with the mind); P. M. be seen, appear; C. cause to see, teach, show (2 acc.).
     abhi behold, see; P. be seen, appear; C. cause to see, show, betray.
     ā M. appear; C. show.
     ud C. pp. uddarśitam = darśitam (v.S.).
     upa look on, notice, observe; P.M. be visible, appear; C. cause to see, show, explain; exhibit, pretend, feign.
     ni C. cause to see, show, point out, explain, teach, proclaim.
     pari see = visit; behold, notice, know, understand, find out; P. be visible, appear; C. show, explain.
     pra P. M. be visible, appear; C. make visible, show, point out, make known or clear, explain, teach.
     saṃpra behold; P. be seen, appear; C. cause to see, show,
     ātmānam pretend to be (adv. in vat), point out etc. = prec.
     prati behold, notice; P. M. be seen or visible, appear as (nom.); C. cause to see, show.
     vi P. M. be clearly visible, come forth, appear; C. = prec.
     sam A. M. behold, observe; P. M. be seen or appear (together), resemble; C. cause to see, make manifest, show; w. ātmānam etc. =
     saṃpra C. -- Cf. abhyuddṛṣṭa uddṛṣṭa saṃdṛṣṭa.

dṛś [2] f. (nom. dṛk) seeing, looking; f. the action of seeing, --° look, appearance; n. eye.

dṛśati f. looking, sight.

dṛśi f. seeing, power of sight, eye, poss. -mant.

dṛśīka a. worth seeing, conspicuous; n. sight.

dṛśīkā f. sight, appearance.

dṛśīka a. looking at (--°); m. spectator.

dṛśenya a. = dṛśīka.

dṛśya a. to be seen, visible to (instr. or --°); worth seeing, beautiful; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dṛṣatkaṇa m. small stone, pebble.

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dṛṣad f. rock, large stone, esp. the nether mill-stone.

dṛṣadupala n. sgl. du. & -lā f. du. the nether and the upper mill-stone.

dṛṣadolūkhala n. sgl. mill-stone and mortar.

dṛṣadvant m. N. of a man; f. -dvatī N. of a river & sev. women.

dṛṣṭa a. seen, visible, apparent, known, foreseen, destined; decided, knowledged, valid; n. perception, observation, sight, view, glance.

dṛṣṭadoṣa a. having found out faults or being found out as a fault.

dṛṣṭapūrva a. seen before.

dṛṣṭamātra a. only seen.*

dṛṣṭavīrya a. of proved strength.

dṛṣṭasāra a. of proved strength.

dṛṣṭaśruta a. seen and (or) heard.

dṛṣṭānta a. serving for an example or standard; m. example, standard, precedent.

dṛṣṭārtha a. whose aim is apparent, also = prec. a.

dṛṣṭi f. seeing, looking at (gen.); viewing, beholding (lit. & fig.); sense or power of sight; look, glance; eye.

dṛṣṭikṣama a. worth seeing (lit. bearing the sight).

dṛṣṭikṣepa m. glance, look (lit. the throwing about of the eyes).

dṛṣṭigocara m. = dṛggocara.

dṛṣṭipatha m. = dṛkpatha.

dṛṣṭipāta m. = dṛkpāta.

dṛṣṭipūta a. purified by the sight.

dṛṣṭiprasāda m. the favour of a look; -daṃ kṛ grant an audience.

dṛṣṭimant a. having sight or insight.

dṛṣṭirāga m. expression of the eyes.*

dṛṣṭivikṣepa m. = dṛṣṭikṣepa.

dṛṣṭisaṃbheda m. mutual glance (lit. mixing or meeting of glances).*

dṛh (dṛṃh) dṛṃheti v pp. dṛḍha or dṛḷha (q.v.) make or be firm; M. dṛhate or dṛhyati te only intr. C. dṛṃhayati, pp. dṛṃhita (q.v.) make firm, fortify, fix; m. hold fast, be firm.

deya a. to be given, granted, married, restored, committed; n. impers, as subst. gift, offering, present, pay.

deva f. ī divine, heavenly. --m. celestial being, god (esp. Indra), idol; priest, Brahman; king, prince. f. ī goddess (esp. Durgā), queen, princess.

devaka (adj. --°) god; N. of a Gandharva & of sev. men. f. devikā a goddess of low rank; devakī N. of Kṛṣṇa's mother.

devakanyakā f. celestial maiden, nymph.

devakanyā f. celestial maiden, nymph.

devakarman n. any action pertaining to the gods; pious work, offering.

devakalpa a. god-like.

devakārya n. = devakarman, also divine command.

devakilbiṣa n. sin against the gods.

devakīnandana m. E. of Kṛṣṇa.

devakīputra m. E. of Kṛṣṇa.

devakīsūnu m. E. of Kṛṣṇa.

devakula n. temple.

devakṛta a. made or done by the gods.

devakṛtya n. = devakarman.

devakhāta a. hollow by nature (lit. dug by the gods).

devagaṇa m. a troop or class of gods.

devagarbha m. divine child.

devagavī f. pl. the cows of the gods.

devagiri m. N. of a mountain.

devagupta a. guarded by a god or gods.

devaguru m. god and teacher (°--); father or teacher of the gods, E. of Kacyapa & Brhaspati.

devaguhya n. a secret of the gods.

devagṛha m. n. temple, chapel; palace.

devacchanda m. a necklace of 81 strings.

devaja a. god-born.

devajana m. pl. (sgl.) host of gods or demons.

devajananī f. the mother of the gods.*

devajā a. born or produced by gods.

devajāta [1] a. the same.

devajāta [2] n. a race or class of gods.

devajuṣṭa a. liked by the gods.

devajūta a. sped by the gods.

devatā [1] f. godhead, divinity (abstr. & concr.); a god or idol.

devatā [2] (instr. adv.) like a god or among the gods.

devatāgāra n. a temple (lit. house of the gods).

devatāgṛha n. a temple (lit. house of the gods).

devatāt f. divine service or a troop of gods.

devatāti f. divine service or a troop of gods.

devatāmandira n. = devatāgāra.*

devatāmaya f. ī containing (all) the gods.

devatārcana n. worship of the gods.

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devatāśeṣa -> devaśeṣa.

devatāsahāyin a. alone (lit. having only the gods as companions).

devatumula n. thunder (noise of the gods).

devatta a. given by the gods.

devatya a. having -- as deity, consecrated to (--°).

devatrā adv. among or to the gods.

devatva n. divinity (only abstr.).

devadatta a. given by a god or by the gods; m. Arjuna's conch-shell, one of the vital airs, a man's name.

devadarśana a. seeing the gods.

devadarśin a. seeing the gods.

devadāru m. a species of pine.

devadūta m. a messenger of the gods.

devadeva m. the god of the gods, the highest god (Brahman, Śiva-Rudra, Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa, or Gaṇeśa).

devadeveśa m. E. of Śiva or Viṣṇu (cf. prec.).

devadaivatya a. sacred to the gods (lit. having the gods as deity).

devadryañc f. -drīcī turned towards the gods.

devana n. shining, beaming; playing, game at dice.

devanadī f. celestial river, E. of sev. sacred rivers.

devanātha m. lord of the gods, Śiva.

devanāman n. divine name.

devanikāya m. host of gods.

devanid m. a god-hater.

devanirmita a. created by the gods.

devapati m. lord of the gods (Indra.).

devapatnī f. having a god as husband.

devapaśu m. cattle sacred to the gods.

devapātra n. cup of the gods.

devapāna a. serving the gods for drinking.

devaputra [1] m. the son of a god.

devaputra [2] a. having gods as children.

devapur f. -pura n., -purā f. castle or city of the gods.

devapūjā f. worship of the gods.

devapūrva  +-giri m. = devagiri.

devapūrvakam adv. beginning with the gods.

devapriya a. dear to the gods (Śiva).

devabhakti f. devotion (to the gods), piety.

devabhiṣaj m. the physician of the gods.

devabhoga m. pleasure of the gods, heavenly joy.

devamaṇi m. divine amulet, esp. the jewel on Krsna's breast.

devamanuṣya m. pl. gods & men.

devamaya a. containing the gods.

devamātṛ f. the mother of the gods.

devamuni m. a divine Muni.

devay pp. -yant serving the gods, religious.

devayaj a. worshipping the gods, making oblations to them.

devayajana f. ī = prec. or serving for an oblation; n. place of offering.

devayajña m. sacrifice to the gods, esp. a burnt sacrifice.

devayajya n. -yajyā f. worship of the gods, a sacrifice.

devayā a. going to or desirous of the gods; relig ous, pious.

devayājin a. = devayaj.

devayātrā f. idol procession, pilgrimage i.g.; -gata being on a pilgrimage.

devayāna f. ī going or leading to the gods; f. ī N. of a daughter of Uśanas; n. path of the gods.

devayu (f. ū) loving the gods; religious, pious.

devayū (f. ū) loving the gods; religious, pious.

devayukta a. yoked by the gods.

devayuga n. the age of the gods, i.e. the first age of the world.

devayoṣā f. the wife of a god.

devara m. husband's brother.

devarata a. delighting in the gods, pious.

devaratha m. the car of a god.

devarāj m. king of the gods, E. of Indra.

devarāja m. a divine ruler, also = prec.

devarājya n. dominion over the gods.

devarāta m. God-given, a man's name.

devarūpin a. having a divine form, godlike.

devarṣi m. a celestial saint.

devala m. a man's name or = seq.

devalaka m. attendant upon an idol (who carries it about and shows it).

devaliṅga n. the characteristic of a god.

devaloka m. the world of the gods.

devavadha m. a celestial weapon.

devavadhū f. = devathoṣā.

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devavant a. surrounded or accompanied by gods.

devavanda a. praising the gods.

devavāhana a. carrying the gods.

devavid a. knowing the gods.

devaviś f. race or host of the gods.

devaviśā f. race or host of the gods.

devavī a. gratifying or comforting the gods; superl. -tama.

devavīti f. a feast or meal for the gods.

devavrata [1] n. religious observance, also = prec.

devavrata [2] a. devoted to the gods, pious, religious; E. of Bhīṣma & Skanda.

devaśatru [1] m. an enemy of the gods, an Asura or Rakṣas.

devaśatru [2] a. having the gods as enemies.

devaśarman m. a man's name.

devaśiṣṭa a. directed by the gods.

devaśunī f. the divine female dog, i.e. Saramā.

devaśeṣa n. the remnants of (a sacrifice offered to) the gods.

devaśrut a. audible to or heard by the gods.

devasakha m. friend of the gods.

devasad a. dwelling among the gods.

devasadman n. seat of the gods.

devasṛṣṭa a. sent forth or created by the gods.

devasena m. a man's name; f. -nā the army or host of the gods (often person.).

devasva n. the property of the gods.

devahavis n. oblation to the gods.

devahavya n. oblation to the gods.

devahita a. arranged or settled by the gods.

devahiti f. divine arrangement.

devahū a. invoking the gods.

devahūti f. & devahūya n. invocation of the gods.

devaheti f. a divine weapon.

devāgāra m. n. a temple.

devāṅganā f. a divine female.

devāñc (f. devācī) turned towards the gods.

devātman m. the divine soul.

devādhipa m. lord of the gods (Indra).

devānīka n. army of the gods.

devānna n. food of (i.e. offered to) the gods.

devāy  = devay.

devāyant  = devay.

devāyu a. = devayu devayū.

devāyū a. = devayu devayū.

devāri m. enemy of the gods, an Asura.

devārcana n. worship of a god.

devāvant a. = devavant.

devāvī a. = devavī.

devāvṛdh a. gladdening the gods.

devāśva m. the horse of a god.

devāsura m. pl. the gods and the Asuras.

devitṛ m. dice-player.

devin a. playing at dice.

devīgṛha n. the temple of the goddess (Durga).

devībhavana n. the temple of the goddess (Durga).

devībhū be a god i.e. represent an idol.

devṛ m. husband's brother.

deveddha a. kindled by the gods.

devendra m. lord of the gods (Indra).

deveśa m. the same (also Brahman, Viṣṇu & Śiva), prince, king; f. ī E. of Durgā & Devakī.

deveśvara m. lord of the gods (Śiva).

deveṣita a. impelled or sent by the gods.

deveṣu m. a divine arrow.

devya n. divine dignity or power.

devyupaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

deśa m. place, spot, region, country; deśe in the right place (o. w. kāle q.v.). --f. deśī language of the country, vulgar speech, provincialism.

deśaka a. & m. pointing out, showing, directing, teaching, teacher.

deśakāla m. du. place and time, sgl. pl. & t. for (gen.); -jña or -vid a. knowing pl. & t.

deśadṛṣṭa a. customary (lit. seen) in a country, local.

deśadharma m. local law or custom.

deśanā f. direction, instruction.

deśabhāṣā f. the dialect of a country.

deśabhāṣāntara n. a foreign language (lit. another dialect than that of the country).*

deśāṭana n. travelling (in a country).

deśātithi m. foreigner (guest in a country).

deśāntara n. another country, abroad.

deśāntaragamana n. a travelling abroad.*

deśāntarastha a. being abroad.

deśika a. & m. showing the way, guide, teacher.

deśin a. pointing out, showing; f. -nī the index or forefinger.

deśīkośa m. vocabulary of provincialisms.

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deśīnāmamālā f. garland of provinicial words (T. of a glossary).

deśīya a. belonging to the country, provincial; native of, contiguous to, resembling (--°).

deśya a. to be pointed out, exemplary, standard; being on the spot, present, m. eye-witness; also = prec.

deṣṭṛ m. (deṣṭrī) f. pointer, guide, instructor.

deṣṭra n. direction, assignation, promise.

deṣṭha (superl.) giving most.

deṣṇa n. gift, donation.

deha m. n. body, person, abstr. -tva n.; f. dehī mound, wall.

dehakara m. father (lit. former of the body).

dehakartṛ m. father (lit. former of the body).

dehakṛt m. father (lit. former of the body).

dehaja m. son or the god of love (lit. born of the body).

dehatyāga m. death (lit. relinquishing the body).

dehadāha m. heat of the body, fever.

dehadhāraṇa n. life (lit. supporting of the body).

dehabhṛt a. carrying or having a body; m. living creature, esp. man, E. of Śiva.

dehayātrā f. support of the body, prolonging life.

deharakṣā f. chastity (lit. care of the body).

dehalī f. threshold.

dehavant a. having a body; m. living creature, man.

dehavṛtti f. support of the body.

dehin a. = dehavant; m. man or soul.

dehotkampa m. trembling of the body.

daikṣa a. relating to initiation.

daiteya m. descendant of Diti, an Asura, f. ī; a. belonging or pertaining to a Daiteya.

daitya m. & a. = prec.

daityadānavamardana m. the crusher of the Daityas and Danavas (Indra).

daityanibarhaṇa m. killer of the Daityas (Viṣṇu).

daityaniṣūdana m. killer of the Daityas (Viṣṇu).

daityāntaka m. killer of the Daityas (Viṣṇu).

daityāri m. enemy of the Daityas, a god.

daityendra m. the king of the Daityas.

dainya n. dejection, wretchedness, misery; acc. w. kṛ or vidhā be querulous or humble.

dairghya n. length.

daiva belonging to or coming from the gods; divine, celestial, royal; fatal (v. seq.) --m. (±vivāha) a certain form of marriage, f. ī a woman married by it; n. deity, religious work (sc. karman or kārya), divine appointment i.e. fate, destiny.

daiva, f. belonging to or coming from the gods; divine, celestial, royal; fatal (v. seq.) --m. (±vivāha) a certain form of marriage, f. ī a woman married by it; n. deity, religious work (sc. karman or kārya), divine appointment i.e. fate, destiny.

daivī belonging to or coming from the gods; divine, celestial, royal; fatal (v. seq.) --m. (±vivāha) a certain form of marriage, f. ī a woman married by it; n. deity, religious work (sc. karman or kārya), divine appointment i.e. fate, destiny.

daivagati f. a fatal chance.

daivajña a. knowing fate; m. astrologer.

daivata f. ī belonging to a deity, divine; n. deity, a god or an idol; adj. --° = devatya.

daivatas adv. by fate or chance.

daivatya (adj. --°) = devatya.

daivadurvipāka m. a bad fatality (lit. the hard ripening of destiny).

daivanirmita a. formed by destiny or nature.

daivaparāyaṇa a. putting fate above all, m. fatalist.

daivamānuṣaka a. belonging to gods and men.

daivayāneya m. metron. from devayānī.

daivayoga m. fatality, chance, -tas by chance.

daivavaśa m. = prec. (also abl.).

daivavid a. & m. = daivajña.

daivahataka a. struck by destiny, cursed, damned; n. the cursed destiny.*

daivādyanta a. beginning and ending with the gods.

daivika a. relating to the gods, divine.

daivoḍhā f. a woman married according to the Daiva rite; -ja a. born of such a woman.

daivya (f. ā & daivī) the same; n. divine power, fate, destiny.

daiśika a. belonging to a place, local, provincial; also = deśika.

daihika f. ī bodily, corporeal.

dogdhṛ m. milker; f. dogdhrī having or yielding milk (cow or wet-nurse), also = seq.

dogdhra n. milk-pail.

dogha a. & m. milking.

dodhaka n. N. of a metre.

dordaṇḍa m. an arm (resembling a stick).

dola m. swinging, rocking; f. ā (r. m.) swing, litter, hammock.

dolāghara s. a house with a swing.*

dolāgharaka s. a house with a swing.*

dolāy dolāyate v swing, waver; be restless or unsteady.

dolārūḍha a. restless, unsteady (lit. mounted on a swing); doubtful, uncertain.

dolotsava m. a swinging-feast.

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doḥśālin a. having strong arms.

doṣa [1] m. mostly doṣā f. evening, dark; doṣām & doṣā (instr.) in the evening, at dusk.

doṣā f. evening, dark; doṣām & doṣā (instr.) in the evening, at dusk.

doṣa [2] m. (n.) fault, defect, want; sin, transgression; harm, evil consequence; disadvantage, damage, bad condition.

doṣaguṇa n. sgl. faults and virtues.

doṣajña a. knowing faults, wise i.g.

doṣaṇya a. being in the arm.

doṣan n. fore-arm, arm i.g.

doṣamaya a. consisting of faults.

doṣala a. faulty, corrupt, bad.

doṣavat adv. like a fault or sin.

doṣavant a. = doṣala + guilty, sinful, noxious, dangerous.

doṣas n. evening, dusk.

doṣākara m. the moon (night-maker).

doṣākṣara s. a word of blame or reproach.

doṣātana a. nocturnal, nightly.

doṣānudarśin a. perceiving faults.

doṣāy doṣāyate v appear as a fault.

doṣāvastṛ m. illuminer of the darkness.

dos n. (m.) fore-arm, arm i.g.

doha a. yielding, granting (--°); m. milking, making profit out of (--°); milk, milk-pail.

dohada m. the longing of pregnant women, i.g. ardent wish or desire of (loc. or --°); pregnancy, fig. of plants before blossoming.

dohadin a. desirous of, eager for (loc. or --°).

dohana a. giving milk (--°); n. milking or milk, also = f. dohanī milk-pail.

dohala m. = dohada.

dohas n. milking; dat. dohase as infin.

dohya a. to be milked.

dautya n. message, mission.

dautyaka n. message, mission.

daurātmya n. wickedness, malice.

daurita n. mischief, harm.

daurga a. relating to Durgā.

daurgatya n. misery, distress, poverty.

daurgaha m. patron. of Purukutsa, horse.

daurjanya n. wickedness, meanness.

daurbalya n. weakness.

daurbhāgya n. ill luck, esp. unrequited love.

daurmanasya n. melancholy, sadness.

daurvratya n. disobedience, ill conduct.

daurhṛda m. villain, enemy; n. evil disposition, enmity.

dauvārika m. ī f. door-keeper, porter.

dauścarmya n. a disease of the skin.

dauḥśīlya n. evil disposition, wickedness.

dauṣkula a. of low family.

dauṣkuleya a. of low family.

dauṣkulya [1] a. the same.

dauṣkulya [2] n. a low family or race.

dauṣkṛtya n. badness, wickedness.

dauṣṭya n. badness, wickedness.

dauṣmanta & dauṣmanti v -> seq.

dauṣyanta a. belonging to or descended from Duṣyanta.

dauṣyanti a. belonging to or descended from Duṣyanta.

dauḥṣanti -> dauṣyanti.

dauḥṣvapnya n. (state of) having evil dreams.

dauhitra m. ī f. a daughter's son or daughter.

dauhṛda n. (a. --° f. ā) the longing of a pregnant woman.

dyāvā -> div3.

dyāvākṣam f. du. (nom. -kṣāmā) heaven and earth.

dyāvāpṛthivī f. du. (nom. dyāvāpṛdhivī & dyāvāpṛdhivyau) the same.

dyāvābhūmi f. du. (nom. -mī) the same.

dyu -> div3.

dyukṣa a. heavenly, light, brilliant.

dyugat adv. through or across the sky.

dyucara a. moving in the sky, an inhabitant of heaven.

dyut dyotate (dyotati) v pp. dyutta1 shine, beam, twinkle, glitter. C. dyotayati, pp. dyotita make brilliant, illuminate, make clear or manifest. I. davidyutati (3 pl.) shine bright. --
     abhi C. illuminate, irradiate.
     ud shine forth; C. illuminate; I. shine intensely.
     pra begin to shine; C. irradiate.
     vi beam, glitter, shine forth (impers. vidyotate it lightens), also = C. illumine, irradiate.
     sam shine together, emulate in shining.

dyut [2] f. splendour, lustre.

dyut pp. dyutta3 broken; C. dyotayati break asunder.

dyutay dyutayati v w.
     vi twinkle, glitter.

dyuti f. splendour, beauty, majesty; poss. -mant.

dyuniś (n. sgl. & f. du.) day and night.

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dyuniśa (n. sgl. & du.) the same.

dyupati m. a god (lord of heaven).

dyupatha m. the air (heavenly path).

dyubhakta a. given by heaven.

dyumaṇi m. the sun (sky-jewel).

dyumatsena m. N. of a king.

dyumant a. heavenly, bright; clear, loud (n. adv.), splendid, excellent; powerful, vigorous, energetic.

dyumna n. splendour, glory; vigour, power; inspiration, enthusiasm; wealth, opulence.

dyumnavant poss. to prec.

dyumnin poss. to prec.

dyuyoṣit f. divine female, Apsaras.

dyuvadhū f. divine female, Apsaras.

dyuṣad m. a god (inhabitant of heaven).

dyusarit f. the heavenly river (Ganges).

dyustrī f. = dyuyoṣit.

dyū a. gambling; f. play at dice.

dyūta n. gambling, play (at dice); war, fight & its prize.

dyūtakara m. a gambler.

dyūtakāra m. a gambler.

dyūtakṛt m. a gambler.

dyūtajita a. won at dice.

dyūtadāsa f. ī a slave won at dice.

dyūtadharma m. rule of playing (at dice).

dyūtapalāyita a. run away from gambling.*

dyūtalekhaka s. gambling-bill.*

dyūtavṛtti m. a gambler by profession.

dyūtaśālā n. gaming-house.

dyūtasadana n. gaming-house.

dyūtasamāja m. assembly of gamblers.

dyūna a. distressed, sorrowful.

dyota m. light, lustre.

dyotaka a. shining, illuminating, explaining, meaning.

dyotana a. & n. shining, illuminating, enlightening, showing.

dyotani f. brightness, splendour.

dyotin a. = dyotaka.

dyotya a. to be (being) expressed or explained.

dyaurloka m. the heavenly world.

draṅga m. ā f. town, city.

draḍhay draḍhayati v make firm, strengthen, corroborate.

draḍhiman m. firmness, resolution, corroboration.

draḍhiṣṭha superl. & compar. to dṛḍha.

draḍhīyaṃs superl. & compar. to dṛḍha.

dradhas n. garment.

drapsa m. drop, spark; the moon (as the spark on the sky), a flag.

drapsavant a. dropping, besprinkled.

drapsin a. falling in drops or carrying a banner.

dram I. dandramyate run about, roam.

dramila m. N. of a people.

drava a. running, swift, flowing, liquid, overflowing or full of (--°); m. course, flight; liquid substance, juice, essence.

dravaṇa n. running, flowing, melting.

dravat adv. speedily, quickly.

dravatā f. -tva n. fluidity.

dravamaya a. liquid.

dravay dravayate v run, flow.

dravara a. running quickly.

dravi m. a smelter.

draviḍa m. N. of a country, pl. of a people (considered also as a caste); f. ī w. strī a Dravidian woman.

draviṇa n. movable property, wealth, money; substantiality, essence, power, strength; poss. -vant.

draviṇas n. wealth, property (v. prec.); concr. giver of wealth.

draviṇasyu a. desiring or procuring wealth.

draviṇādhipati m. lord of wealth (Kubera).

draviṇeśvara m. owner of wealth, also = prec.

draviṇoda a. giving wealth.

draviṇodas a. giving wealth.

draviṇodā a. giving wealth.

draviṇovid a. procuring wealth.

dravitṛ m. runner.

dravitnu a. running, quick.

dravī w. bhū become fluid, melt.

dravya [1] n. property, wealth; substance, thing, object, esp. worthy object or fit person.

dravya [2] a. belonging to a tree.

dravyagarvita a. proud of money.*

dravyajāta n. a cert. substance; various objects.

dravyadātṛ m. giver of money.

dravyamaya a. material, substantial.

dravyayajña m. sacrifice of wealth.

dravyavant a. having property, wealthy, opulent; inherent in the substance (ph.).

dravyavṛddhi f. increase of wealth.

dravyaśuddhi f. cleansing of (soiled) objects.

dravyahasta a. carrying any object (with the hands).

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dravyārjana n. acquisition of wealth.

dravyāśrita a. inherent in the substance (ph.).

draṣṭṛ m. one who sees (also as 2d sgl. fut.), examines, tries, or decides; m. judge.

draṣṭukāma a. wishing to see.*

draṣṭavya a. to be seen, visible; to be considered as (nom.); to be understood, investigated, examined, tried (j.).

drahyat adv. firmly, strongly.

drā drāti1 v run, hasten; C. drāpayati; I. daridrāti run about, be in need. --
     apa run away.
     abhi overtake.
     vi run asunder or away, disappear.

drā drāti drāyate2 v sleep. --
     ava fall asleep.
     ni go to sleep, sleep. -- Cf. nidrāṇa & nidrita.

drāk adv. speedily, quickly, soon.

drākṣā f. vine, grape.

drāghay drāghayati v lengthen, extend; tarry, delay.

drāghiman m. length.

drāghiṣṭha superl. & compar. to dīrgha.

drāghīyaṃs superl. & compar. to dīrgha.

drāghman m. = drāghiman; instr. drāghmā adv.

drāpi [1] m. mantle, garment.

drāpi [2] a. causing to run.

drāvaṇa a. & n. causing to run, putting to flight.

drāvayatsakha a. speeding the friend (horse).

drāvayitnu a. melting.

drāviḍa f. ī belonging to the Draviḍas; m. sgl. & pl., f. ī = draviḍa ī.

dru dravati1 v (dravati1 (-te), pp. druta (q.v.) run, hasten, flee; become fluid, melt (l. & f.). C. drāvayate), pp. druta (q.v.) run, hasten, flee; become fluid, melt (l. & f.). C. drāvayati (-te). --
     ati run past (acc.).
     adhi run towards, mount, leap upon, cover.
     anu run after, follow, pursue; run through i.e. recite quickly.
     apa run away.
     abhi run near, hasten towards, attack, assail; visit, befall.
     ā run near, approach.
     samā run (together) towards or against (acc.).
     ud run up or out.
     upa & samupa rush at (acc.); attack, visit, befall.
     nis run out or away.
     pari run about.
     pra hasten, on, rush at (acc.); run away, flee, escape.
     vipra run asunder, also =
     saṃpra run away, flee.
     vi run asunder or away, flee. C. drive away, chase, put to flight.
     sam run together. -- Cf. vidruta.

dru [2] m. n. wood or any wooden implement, as a cup or an oar, a wooden handle, etc.

drugdha m. injurer, foe; n. impers. (it has been) plotted or sinned, as subst. offence, injury.

drughaṇa m. a wooden mace.

drughnī f. a felling (lit. wood-) axe.

druta a. run, fled; speedy, quick (n. adv., compar. -taram); fluid, melted (l. & f.), wet with (--°).

drutatva n. the being melted or touched.

drutapada n. N. of a metre, as adv. speedily, quickly.

drutavilambita n. N. of a metre.

druti f. = drutatva.

drupada n. a wooden pillar or post; m. N. of a king.

druma m. tree; -maya a. wooden.

drumavant a. poss. to prec. m.

drumāgra m. n. the top of a tree.

drumāmaya m. lac, resin (lit. tree-disease).

drumāy drumāyate v pass for a tree.

druvaya m. a wooden vessel, esp. the cylinder of a drum.

druh druhyati1 v (te), pp. drugdha (q.v.) be hostile, hurt, offend, strive to harm (dat., gen., loc., or acc.); *emulate, vie. --
     abhi hurt, injure, plot against (acc., dat., or loc.) commit (acc.); pp. w. act. & pass. mg.

druh [2] (nom. dhruk) a. hurting, injuring, offending against (gen., mostly --°); m. f. = drugdha m.; f. = drugdha n.

druhiṇa m. E. of Brahman, Viṣṇu, or Śiva.

druhu m. f. injury, hurting.

druhyu m. N. of an ancient king, pl. of a people.

druhvan a. hurting, damaging.

drū drūṇāti v hurl.

drekā f. N. of a plant.

drogdhṛ a. & m. malevolent, injurer.

drogha a. deceitful, malicious.

droṇa n. trough, bucket, cup, a cert. measure; m. N. of an ancient hero, the teacher of the Kurus and Pāṇḍavas, & of sev. other men; also = droṇamegha; f. droṇā a woman's name; f. droṇī = n. + channel, valley.

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droṇakalaśa m. a large Soma-vessel.

droṇamegha m. a cloud pouring forth water as from a trough; droṇavṛṣṭi the rain from such a cloud.

droṇya a. belonging to the trough.

droha m. injury, wrong, offence, treachery.

drohabhāva m. inimical disposition.

drohin a. hurting, injuring, deceiving, betraying (gen. or --°).

drauṇi m. Aśvatthāman, the son of Droṇa.

draupadī f. patron. of Kṛṣṇā, the daughter of Drupada and wife of the five Pāṇḍu princes.

draupadeya m. a son of Draupadī.

dva f. du. two, both (±api); dvayos (g.) occurring in both genders (sc. m. & f.), and also in both numbers (sgl. & pl.)

dvaka a. du. two and two together.

dvaṃdva n. pair, couple, esp. a pair of opposites (as male & female, heat & cold, etc.); duality, contrast; duel, strife, fight; m. n. a copulative compound (g.). -- Acc. & instr. by pairs.

dvaṃdvabhāva m. discord.

dvaṃdvaśas adv. two by two, by couples.

dvaṃdvin a. forming a couple.

dvaṃdvī w. bhū pair off; become embroiled; be uncertain or irresolute about (loc.).

dvaya f. ī twofold, double; n. a pair or couple (also f. ī), double nature, falsehood; the masc. & fem. gender (g.).

dvayāvin a. false, dishonest (lit. double natured or tongued).

dvayu a. false, dishonest (lit. double natured or tongued).

dvara a. obstructing.

dvari a. obstructing.

dvarin a. obstructing.

dvā (°--) = dvi.

dvātriṃśa f. ī the thirty-second.

dvātriṃśat f. thirty two.

dvātriṃśallakṣaṇika a. having the 32 (auspicious) marks or spots on the body.

dvātriṃśallakṣaṇikṣaṇopeta a. having the 32 (auspicious) marks or spots on the body.

dvādaśa f. ī the twelfth, consisting of twelve; n. the number twelve or an aggregate of 12.

dvādaśaka a. & n. = prec.

dvādaśadhā adv. in (into) twelve parts.

dvādaśan a. pl. twelve.

dvādaśarātra [1] n. a period of 12 days (nights).

dvādaśarātra [2] a. lasting 12 days.

dvādaśavārṣika f. ī twelve years old.

dvādaśavidha a. twelvefold.

dvādaśaśata n. one hundred and twelve.

dvādaśasāhasra f. ī consisting of twelve thousand (years).

dvādaśābda a. lasting twelve years.

dvādaśāra a. having twelve spokes.

dvādaśāha [1] m. a period of 12 days.

dvādaśāha [2] a. lasting 12 days.

dvāpañcāśa f. ī the fifty-second.

dvāpañcāśat f. fifty-two.

dvāpara m. the Two-side of the die; N. of the third age of the world.

dvār f. gate, door, opening; entrance or issue; way, means; dvārā (--°) by means of.

dvāra n. (m.) = prec., also --° occasioned by; dvāreṇa (--°) = dvārā (cf. prec.); f. dvārī door.

dvāraka n. door, gate; f. dvārakā (rikā) N. of Kṛṣṇa's capital.

dvārapa m. door-keeper, servant.

dvārapakṣa m. fold of a door.

dvārapakṣaka m. fold of a door.

dvārapati m. door-keeper, warder.

dvārapāla m. door-keeper, warder.

dvārapidhāna m. or n. bolt of a door; shutting (of a door), conclusion, close.

dvāraphalaka n. = dvārapakṣa.

dvārabāhu m. door-post.

dvāramukha n. opening (lit. door-mouth).*

dvārarakṣaka m. door-keeper.

dvārarakṣin m. door-keeper.

dvāravatī f. N. of Kṛṣṇa's capital.

dvāraśobhā f. a splendid portal.*

dvārastha a. standing at the door; m. door-keeper, porter.

dvārika m. = prec. m.

dvārin m. = prec. m.

dvārīkṛ use as a means (lit. as a door).

dvārbāhu m. door-post.

dvārya a. belonging to or being at a door; f. ā = prec. n.

dvāviṃśa f. ī the twenty-second.

dvāviṃśati f. twenty-two.

dvāviṃśatidhā adv. in 22 parts or ways.

dvāṣaṣṭa a. the sixty-second.

dvāsaptati f. seventy-two.

dvāstha -> seq.

dvāḥstha a. standing at the door; m. door-keeper.

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dvi (°--) two.

dvika [1] a. consisting of two, two.

dvika [2] m. a crow (cf. kāka).

dvikarmaka a. having two objects or accusatives (g.).

dvigu m. a cert. class of compounds (g.).

dviguṇa a. double, twofold, twice as much as (abl. or --°); dviguṇa & dviguṇatara (°--) adv., also n. -taram. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dviguṇay dviguṇayati v double, multiply by two; pp. dviguṇita doubled, folded, double.

dviguṇīkṛ  = prec. act., -bhū = prec. pass.

dvija adj. twice-born (lit. & fig.). -- m. a man of the first three castes, esp. a Brahman; bird; tooth.

dvijadharmin a. having the duties of the twice-born.

dvijanman a. having a double birth, birth-place, or nature; m. = prec.

dvijarṣabha m. chief (lit. bull) of the twice-born, a Brahman.

dvijarṣi m. = bahmarṣi.

dvijaliṅgin a. wearing the external marks of a Brahman.

dvijavatsala a. fond of Brahmans.

dvijavara m. a Brahman (best of the twice-born).

dvijaśreṣṭha m. a Brahman (best of the twice-born).

dvijasattama m. a Brahman (best of the twice-born).

dvijā a. twice or doubly born.

dvijāgrya m. a Brahman (chief of the twice-born).

dvijāgryārcā f. the veneration of Brahmans.

dvijāti a. twice-born; m. a member of the three upper castes, esp. a Brahman.

dvijādi m. Brahman and so on, i.e. caste.

dvijāni a. having two wives.

dvijihva a. two-tongued, double-tongued (lit. & fig.); m. a snake.

dvijendra m. a Brahman (chief of the twice-born).

dvijeśvara m. a Brahman (chief of the twice-born).

dvijottama m. a Brahman (chief of the twice-born).

dviṭsevin a. serving the enemy; m. a traitor.

dvita m. N. of a Vedic god & of a Rishi.

dvitaya a. consisting of two, twofold, double, pl. both; n. a pair.

dvitā adv. just so, so also, likewise.

dvitīya a. second, n. adv. secondly, for the second time. -- m. companion, fellow, follower, friend or enemy, adj. --° followed by, endowed with, possessed of. f. ā female companion (*the second day of a half-month*); the second case (accusative) and its endings, also a word standing in the accusativ (g.).

dvitīyabhāga m. a half.

dvitīyāṃśa m. a half.

dvitīyācandra m. the moon of the second day of a half-moon; the young moon.*

dvitra (& dvitri) pl. two or three.

dvitricaturabhāga pl. a half, a third, or a fourth.

dvitva n. doubleness, duality; dual or reduplication (g.).

dvidroṇa n. two Droṇas; instr. by such a measure.

dvidha a. twofold, divided or split in two.

dvidhā adv. in two parts, in twain; w. kṛ double.

dvidhābhūtākṛti a. of twofold shape.

dvidhāsthita a. existing double.

dvipa m. elephant (lit. drinking twice).

dvipad (pād) a. having two feet (m. man, n. mankind) or consisting of two verses (f. dvipād or dvipadī), m. & f. -dī such a metre.

dvipada  = prec. a., also consisting of two words; m. the two-footed i.e. man.

dvipadikā f. a kind of metre or tune.

dvipadīkhaṇḍa m. or n. a piece in Dvipadikā (v. prec.).

dvipāda f. ī two-footed.

dvipāri m. lion (lit. the elephant's enemy).

dvipendra m. a large elephant (lit. prince of the elephants).

dvipeśvara m. a large elephant (lit. prince of the elephants).

dvibāhu a. two-armed; m. a man.

dvibhāga m. a half.

dvibhuja a. = dvibāhu.

dvimātra a. twice as large.

dvimāsādi a. more than two months (pregnant).

dvimukha f. ī having two mouths or faces.

dvimūrdhan a. two-headed.

dvirada a. two-toothed; m. elephant.

dvirātra a. lasting two days; m. such a ceremony.

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dvirukta a. twice said, repeated, doubled, reduplicated; n. = seq.

dvirukti f. repetition.

dviruccārita n. the repeated execution (of a musical piece).

dvirūpa a. bicolour, biform, twofold.

dvirepha m. a kind of bee.

dvirvacana n. repetition, reduplication.

dvilakṣa n. a distance of 200,000 (Yojanas).

dvilakṣaṇa a. twofold, of two kinds.

dvilaya s. double time (tempo) or measure.

dvivaktra a. = dvimukha.

dvivacana n. the dual & its endings (g.).

dvivarṇa a. two-coloured.

dvivarṣa (f. -rṣikā) two years old.

dvivarṣaka (f. -rṣikā) two years old.

dvivārṣika a. the same.

dvividha a. twofold, -dhā adv.

dviśata f. ī consisting of or amounting to two hundred, the two hundredth. f. ī two hundred; n. the same, hundred and two.

dviśapha a. cloven- (lit. double-) footed.

dviśavas a. doubly strong.

dviśas adv. two by two, in couples.

dviśiras a. two-headed.

dviśṛṅga a. having two horns or points.

dviṣ dveṣṭi dviṣṭe1 v (dviṣati & dviṣate), pp. dviṣṭa (q.v.) hate, be hostile or a rival (w. acc., r. dat. or gen.). --
     pra dislike, hate, show enmity against (acc.).
     vi A.M. the same; M. also hate each other mutually, be hostile towards one another. -- Cf. dviṣant vidviṣant vidviṣāṇa vidviṣṭa.

dviṣ [2] (nom. dviṭ) f. hatred, concr. hater, enemy (also m.); adj. --° = seq.

dviṣa a. hating, disliking (--°).

dviṣadanna n. food from an enemy.

dviṣadāyus m. an enemy (life-hater).

dviṣant (f. dviṣantī) hating, hostile, averse; m. enemy.

dviṣṭa a. hated, odious; averse, hostile.

dvis adv. twice (*ahvas ahvā, or ahvi twice a day).

dvisahasra n. two thousand.

dviḥsama a. twice as large.

dvihāyana f. ī two years old.

dvīpa m. n. island, peninsula, sandbank; esp. one of the (4, 7, 13, or 18) islands or continents of which the earth is supposed to consist.

dvīpicarman n. an elephant's skin.

dvīpin m. panther, leopard, or elephant; f. -nī stream, river, sea.

dvīpya a. living on an island.

dvedhā adv. in two, asunder.

dveṣa m. aversion, hate, dislike.

dveṣaṇa a. hating, inimical; n. = prec.

dveṣaṇīya a. = dveṣya.

dveṣas n. = dveṣa; hater, enemy.

dveṣastha a. feeling a dislike.

dveṣin a. disliking, hating, inimical; m. hater, enemy.

dveṣṭṛ a. disliking, hating, inimical; m. hater, enemy.

dveṣya a. to be hated, m. enemy.

dveṣyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

dvaiguṇya n. the double, double the amount, value, measure, etc.

dvaijāta a. belonging to or consisting of the twice-born.

dvaita n. duality, dualism.

dvaitabhāna n. appearance of dualism.

dvaitavāda m. the doctrine of dualism.

dvaitin m. a dualist (ph.).

dvaidha a. twofold, double; n. adv., as subst. duality, difference, division (esp. of the forces), contest, strife.

dvaidhībhāva m. duality, double state or nature; duplicity, fraud, uncertainty, doubt.

dvaidhībhū go asunder into two parts, become separated or disunited.

dvaipa [1] a. being in or coming from an island.

dvaipa [2] a. coming from a tiger or panther.

dvaipāyana m. the island-born, E. of Vyāsa.

dvaipya a. living in or coming from an island.

dvaimātura a. having two mothers (a natural m. and a stepmother).

dvaimāsya a. lasting two months.

dvairatha n. (±yuddha) a duel with chariots, duel or fight i.g.; m. adversary.

dvairājya a. dominion divided between two princes.

dvaividhya n. duality, twofold nature or manner.

dvyaṃśa m. two shares (also f. ī); a. having two shares.

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dvyakṣa f. ī two-eyed.

dvyakṣara [1] n. two syllables.

dvyakṣara [2] dvyakṣara a. consisting of two syllables; n. such a word.

dvyakṣara a. consisting of two syllables; n. such a word.

dvyaṇuka n. aggregate of two atoms.

dvyadhika a. consisting of two more.

dvyabhiyoga m. a twofold accusation.

dvyartha a. having two meanings; ambiguous.

dvyardha a. one and a half.

dvyaha a. lasting two days. -- m. a period or ceremony of two days; acc. two days long, abl. & loc. after two days.

dvyahavṛtta a. happened two days before.

dvyāsya a. having two mouths.

dvyuraṇa a. having two lambs.

dvyekāntara a. separated by one or two.

dha a. putting, placing (--°), f. dhā as subst.

dhakṣat a. = dakṣat & dakṣu.

dhakṣu a. = dakṣat & dakṣu.

dhaṭa m. pair of scales, balance; f. ī a rag of cloth.

dhattūra m. thorn-apple; n. its fruit, gold.

dhan (dadhanti) set in motion. C. dhanayati dhanayate = S., M. also
= be quick, run. --
     pra spring forth,-te = S., M. also = be quick, run. --
     pra spring forth, flow.

dhana n. prize (of contest or game), booty, wealth, property, money; adj. --° possessed of, rich in. -- hita dhanam the proposed prize or the opened match. dhanaṃ w. bhṛ M. carry off the prize or booty; dhanaṃ ji win the prize or match.

dhanakośa m. treasure of money.

dhanakṣaya m. loss of money.

dhanajit a. winning treasures or booty.

dhanaṃjaya a. the same, victorious i.g.; m. fire, a cert. wind in the human body, E. of Arjuna, N. of a serpent-demon & sev. men.

dhanaṃjayavijaya m. T. of a drama.

dhanada a. giving money or wealth, munificent, liberal; m. E. of Kubera, N. of a serpent-demon & sev. men.

dhanadaṇḍa m. fine, amercement.

dhanadatta m. a man's name.

dhanadā a. bestowing the prize, the booty, or treasures.

dhanadeśvara m. the wealth-giving god (Kubera).

dhananāśa m. loss of wealth.

dhanapati m. lord of wealth (a rich man or Kubera).

dhanapāla m. guardian of treasure.

dhanamada m. pride of wealth; p. -vant.

dhanamitra m. a man's name.

dhanayauvanaśālin a. gifted with wealth and youth.

dhanarakṣa a. guarding one's money; -ka m. E. of Kubera.

dhanarc a. shining with booty.

dhanarci a. shining with booty.

dhanalobha m. greediness for money.

dhanavant a. wealthy; m. a rich man, the sea.

dhanavarjita a. destitute of wealth, poor.

dhanavṛddha a. rich in money.

dhanavṛddhi m. N. of a merchant.

dhanavyaya m. spending of money, liberality, munificence.

dhanasaṃcaya m. -na n. accumulation of riches.

dhanasani a. winning or granting treasures.

dhanasā a. winning or granting treasures.

dhanasāti f. abstr. to prec.

dhanaspṛt a. carrying the prize or booty.

dhanasvāmin m. owner of money, capitalist.

dhanahārya a. to be won by money.

dhanahīna a. = dhanavarjita; abstr. -tā f.

dhanāgama m. income or property of money.

dhanāḍhya a. opulent, rich; abstr. -tā f.

dhanādāna n. acceptance of money.

dhanādhipa m. lord of wealth (Kubera).

dhanādhipati m. lord of wealth (Kubera).

dhanādhyakṣa m. treasurer, E. of Kubera.

dhanāyu a. earning money.

dhanārthin a. greedy for money.

dhanika a. rich; m. a rich man, creditor, a man's name; *f. ā a (good or young) woman.*

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dhanin  = dhanika a. & m.

dhaniṣṭha [1] (superl.) very quick.

dhaniṣṭha [2] (superl.) very rich; f. ā sgl. & pl. E. of lunar mansion.

dhanu [1] m. bow.

dhanu [2] & dhanū f. sandbank, sandy shore, island (fig. of a cloud).

dhanutṛ a. running, swift.

dhanurārtnī f. bow-end.

dhanurgraha m. bowman, archer.

dhanurgrāha m. bowman, archer.

dhanurgrāhin m. bowman, archer.

dhanurjyā f. bow-string.

dhanurdurga n. = dhanvadurga q.v.

dhanurdhara a. bearing a bow; m. archer.

dhanurdhārin a. bearing a bow; m. archer.

dhanurbhṛt a. & m. = prec.

dhanuryaṣṭi f. the bow (conc. as f.).

dhanurlatā f. the bow (conc. as f.).

dhanurvidyā f. -veda m. science of archery.

dhanuḥśata n. a hundred bows' length.

dhanuṣka (--°) = dhanus.

dhanuṣkāṇḍa n. sgl. bow and arrow.

dhanuṣkāra m. bow-maker.

dhanuṣkṛt m. bow-maker.

dhanuṣkoṭi f. bow-end.

dhanuṣkoṭī f. bow-end.

dhanuṣpāṇi a. bow in hand; m. archer.

dhanuṣmant a. having a bow; m. = prec. m.

dhanus n. bow or a bow's length (a cert. measure).

dhaneśa m. lord of treasure, rich man or = seq.

dhaneśvara m. E. of Kubera, a man's name.

dhanaiśvarya n. the dominion of wealth.

dhanaiṣin a. craving money; m. creditor.

dhanopakṣaya m. expense of money.

dhanoṣman m. the (burning) wish for treasures.

dhanya a. having or bringing wealth, wealthy, opulent; rich in, full of (--°); auspicious, fortunate.

dhanyatā f. fortune, bliss.

dhanv dhanvati v (dhanvate) run, speed (intr. & tr.); swing or bend (the bow). -- accha anu & abhi run towards or near.
     pra run (asunder), dissolve, perish.
     sam M. run near or together with (instr.).

dhanva (adj. --°) bow; m. N. of a man.

dhanvacyut a. shaking the ground.

dhanvadurga n. a fortress protected by a desert.

dhanvan [1] n. bow (later mostly --°).

dhanvan [2] n. m. dry land, desert, shore.

dhanvantari m. N. of a cert. mythol. being, E. of the Sun, in l. l. the physician of the gods.

dhanvanya a. being on dry land.

dhanvāyana f. ī carrying a bow.

dhanvāyin a. the same.

dhanvāvin a. the same.

dhanvārti f. bow-end.

dhanvāsah a. strong with the bow.

dhanvin a. armed with a bow; m. an archer, E. of Śiva, a man's name.

dham (dhmā), dhamati (-te), pp. dhamita & dhmāta blow, exhale; kindle (fire by blowing), melt (ore). --
     anu blow upon.
     apa blow off.
     abhi blow at, terrify by blowing.
     ā inflate, blow, sound, proclaim aloud; P. be inflated or puffed up.
     upā & samupā blow, sound.
     ud exhale, breathe out, proclaim.
     upa blow at (acc.).
     nis & parā blow away.
     pra blow forth, blow away i.e. terrify by blowing, blow at (acc.); M. proclaim aloud. C. blow into (a conchshell), sound.
     vi blow i.e. drive asunder, scatter, disperse, destroy.
     sam blow or melt together; proclaim aloud.

dhama a. blowing, melting (--°).

dhamadhamāy dhamadhamāyate v quake, tremble.*

dhamana a. blowing away, scaring (--°); n. the melting (of ore).

dhamani f. piping; reed, pipe; tube or canal of the human body, vessel, vein, nerve, etc.

dhammilla m. the braided hair of a woman tied round the head.

dhaya a. sucking, drinking (gen. or --°).

dhara a. bearing, supporting, wearing, carrying, keeping, preserving, knowing, owning, possessing (--°); m. a man's name; f. ā the earth.

dharaṇa f. ī bearing, holding; m. N. of a serpent-demon, m. n. a cert. weight; f. dharaṇī the earth; n. holding, support, bringing, procuring.

dharaṇi f. the earth (also personif.).

dharaṇidhara a. holding or supporting the earth; m. a mountain, E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

dharaṇipati m. prince king.

dharaṇibhṛt m. prince king.

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dharaṇīdhara a. & m. = dharaṇidhara.

dharaṇīdhṛt m. a mountain.

dharaṇīdhra m. a mountain.

dharaṇībhṛt m. a mountain.

dharaṇīruha m. tree (grown from the earth).

dharādhara a. & m. = dharaṇidhara.

dharādhipa m. prince, king.

dharāpati m. prince, king.

dharābhuj m. prince, king.

dharābhṛt m. a mountain (earth-holder).

dharāśaya a. sleeping on the (bare) earth.

dharitrī f. female bearer, the earth.

dhariman m. balance, weight; dharimameya a. sold (measured) by the weight.

dharīman m. only loc. -maṇi according to custom or nature.

dharuṇa f. ī1 bearing, supporting, holding, capacious, m. bearer, supporter; n. support, basis, foundation; receptacle (also f.).

dharuṇa [2] m. a sucking calf.

dharṇasa a. = seq. a.

dharṇasi a. strong, firm, powerful; n. bearing, keeping.

dharṇi m. keeper.

dhartṛ m. bearer, supporter, preserver.

dhartra n. hold, support.

dharma m. statute, established order, custom, practice; law, right, justice (o. personif.); good works, merit, virtue; nature, character, quality, mark, attribute; E. of Yama & Prajāpati. -- Instr. dharmeṇa according to law or virtue; dharme sthitaḥ abiding by the law, virtuous. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dharmakañcuka m. the breastplate of righteousness.*

dharmakāmārtha m. pl. virtue, pleasure, and wealth; -saṃbandha m. matrimony (lit. union of virtue, pleasure, & wealth).

dharmakāmyā f. (only instr.) love or sense of duty.

dharmakārya n. an act of duty.

dharmakṛtya n. an act of duty.

dharmakośa m. the treasury of law or duties.

dharmakriyā f. = dharmakārya.

dharmakṣetra n. = kurukṣetra q.v.

dharmaghna a. immoral, unlawful (lit. destroying law).

dharmacakṣus a. having an eye or a sense for what is right.

dharmacaraṇa n. -caryā f. observance of the law, doing one's duty, virtuousness.

dharmacārin a. virtuous (cf. prec.); f. -ṇī a (virtuous) wife.

dharmaja a. begot or produced by a sense of duty; m. patron. of Yudhiṣṭhira.

dharmajīvana a. living by (the fulfilment of) pious works.

dharmajña a. knowing the law or one's duty; abstr. -tā f. = seq.

dharmajñāna n. knowledge of the law or one's duty.

dharmatattvatas adv. according to the true nature of law.

dharmatas adv. according to law or rule, rightly, justly, from a virtuous motive. Also = abl. of dharma.

dharmadatta m. a man's name.

dharmadāra m. pl. a lawful wife.

dharmadṛṣṭi a. = dharmacakṣus.

dharmadeva m. the god of justice.

dharmadhṛt a. observing the law.

dharmadhvaja a. whose banner is virtue, also = seq.; m. a man's name.

dharmadhvajin a. hypocritical.

dharman [1] m. bearer, supporter.

dharman [2] n. support, foundation; law, order, custom, manner, modality; arrangement, direction; right conduct, duty; nature, quality, characteristic (esp. --°). -- dharmaṇā & dharmabhis according to rule or nature; dharmaṇaspari in (natural) order or succession.

dharmaniṣṭha a. grounded on or devoted to virtue.

dharmapati m. the lord of order and law.

dharmapatnī f. a lawful wife.

dharmapara a. holding law or virtue above all, righteous, virtuous.

dharmaparāyaṇa a. holding law or virtue above all, righteous, virtuous.

dharmapāṭhaka m. reciter or teacher of the law.

dharmaputra m. lawful son i.e. a son begot from a sense of duty, also a pupil; *E. of Yudhiṣṭhira.*

dharmapratirūpaka m. counterfeit of virtue.

dharmapradhāna a. devoted to duty (lit. having d. as chief object).

dharmapravaktṛ m. interpreter of the law.

dharmaplava m. boat of virtue (fig. of a son).

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dharmabuddhi a. having a virtuous mind, virtuous.

dharmabhaginī f. a female having the right of a sister; a sister in the faith.

dharmabhāgin a. possessed of virtue, virtuous.

dharmabhikṣuka m. a mendicant from a sense of virtue.

dharmabhṛt a. maintaining the law, just.

dharmamaya a. consisting of law or virtue.

dharmamārga m. the path of law or virtue.

dharmayukta a. virtuous, pious, just.

dharmarata a. delighting in virtue, virtuous.

dharmarati a. delighting in virtue, virtuous.

dharmarāj m. king of justice, E. of Yama & Yudhiṣṭhira.

dharmarāja m. king of justice, E. of Yama & Yudhiṣṭhira.

dharmarājan m. king of justice, E. of Yama & Yudhiṣṭhira.

dharmaruci a. delighting in or devoted to virtue.

dharmalopa m. neglect of duty.

dharmavant a. righteous, just.

dharmavid a. = dharmajña.

dharmavidhi m. theory of law.

dharmavṛddha a. rich in virtue, m. a man's name.

dharmaśāsana n. a law-book.

dharmaśāstra n. a law-book.

dharmaśīla a. of a virtuous disposition or character, religious, pious.

dharmaśuddhi f. a correct knowledge of law.

dharmasaṃyukta a. legal, lawful.

dharmasaṃhitā f. a code or collection of laws.

dharmasaṃcaya m. store of good works.*

dharmasaṃjñā f. sense of duty.

dharmasamaya m. a lawful obligation.

dharmasū a. promoting order or justice.

dharmasūtra n. a manual on law and custom.

dharmasevana n. performance of duties.

dharmastha m. a judge (lit. abiding in the law).

dharmasvarūpin a. having justice as one's own nature or character; w. bhagavant m. Yama.

dharmahantṛ f. -hantrī transgressing (lit. killing) law or justice.

dharmahāni f. neglect of duty.

dharmākṣara n. pl. formula or confession of faith.*

dharmācārya m. teacher of law.

dharmātikrama m. transgression of law or duty.

dharmātmatā f. abstr. to seq.

dharmātman n. of a virtuous disposition, piousminded, just, virtuous.

dharmādharma m. du. right and wrong; -jña a. knowing r. & w.

dharmādhikaraṇa n. administration of the laws; m. judge, magistrate.

dharmādhikaraṇasthāna n. court of justice (v. prec.).

dharmādhikāra m. = dharmādhikaraṇa m.

dharmādhikāraṇika m. judge.

dharmādhikārin m. judge.

dharmādhikṛta m. judge.

dharmādhiṣṭhāna n. court of justice.

dharmādhyakṣa m. overseer of justice, superior judge.

dharmānukāṅkṣin a. striving after justice, having a sense for what is right.

dharmānuṣṭhāna n. performance of duty.

dharmābhiṣekakriyā f. the performance of a religious ablution.

dharmāraṇya n. a sacred grove; N. of a wood & a town.

dharmārtha m. du. virtue and wealth; -tham adv. for a pious purpose.

dharmāviruddham adv. according (lit. not opposed) to law or duty.

dharmāvekṣitā f. respect for the law, sense of duty.*

dharmāśoka m. the Aśoka of justice (E. of king A.).

dharmāśrita a. just, virtuous.

dharmāsana n. throne of justice, seat of the judge.

dharmitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

dharmin a. knowing or observing the law, virtuous, just; having the right, duty, manners or characteristics of (--°).

dharmiṣṭha (superl.) perfectly virtuous, just, or lawful; abstr. -tā f.

dharmendra m. king of justice, E. of Yama.

dharmeśa m. king of justice, E. of Yama.

dharmeśvara m. king of justice, E. of Yama.

dharmepsu a. wishing to gain merit.

dharmopaghātaka a. unlawful (lit. killing the law).

dharmopadeśa m. -deśanā f. instruction in law.

dharmopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

dharmya a. lawful, legal, customary, just, righteous; endowed with qualities (ph.), suitable or corresponding to (gen.).

dharmyāmṛta n. the nectar of right or faith.

dharṣaka a. attacking, assailing (--°).

dharṣaṇa n. ā f. attack, assault, offence, violation.

dharṣin a. = dharṣaka.

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dhav dhavate v run, flow. --
     ava flow down, descend.

dhava [1] m. N. of a plant.

dhava [2] m. man, husband, master, lord.

dhavala (f. ā & ī) white; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dhavalagiri m. N. of a mountain.

dhavalay dhavalayati v make white, illumine.

dhavalāy dhavalāyati v become or shine white.

dhavaliman m. whiteness, white colour.

dhavitavya a. to be fanned.

dhavitra n. fan, brush.

dhavīyaṃs (compar.) running, hastening.

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dhā dadhāti dhatte; dadhati dadhāti dhatte dadhate1 (dhāti dhāyate) v pp. hita (q.v.) & dhita (only --°) put, set, lay; put upon, bring to, direct towards (loc. or dat.), fix (esp. the mind) upon, think of (loc. or dat.); resolve, determine to (dat., loc., acc. w. prati, or infin.); establish, constitute, appoint (2 acc.); create, produce, cause, do, make; hold, keep, wear, bear, maintain; M. take to one's self, receive, obtain, get, win, conceive (gerbham); w. okam & canas enjoy, delight in (loc. or dat.); assume, incur, show, betray (M. & A.). C. dhāpayati (only --°). D. didhiṣati te wish to give; M. wish to win or get, w. avadyam bid defiance (gen.); dhitsati wish to put or place upon (loc.). --
     adhi A. set upon (esp. the fire); bestow on (dat. or loc.), grant, impart; M. acquire, get, exhibit.
     anu put on additionally; induce to (dat.).
     vyanu unfold, exhibit.
     antar A.M. put into (loc.) or between, separate, exclude; hide, conceal, cover; A. receive or contain within; keep from (abl.), withhold; P. be covered or hidden, disappear.
     apa A. take or drive away.
     api or pi put in (loc.); offer or present to (dat.), bestow on (loc.); cover, shut up, hide, conceal; P. be hidden, become invisible, disappear in (loc.).
     abhi put on or to, surround or cover with (instr.), give up to (dat.), deliver; practice, apply, commit; name, designate; tell (2 acc.); P. be called.
     pratyabhi draw back, reabsorb; answer, consent.
     ava put down or in, immerse (in water), shut up or enclose in (loc.); be immersed in (loc.), be attentive. C. cause to be laid in.
     vyava put asunder, place between, separate, interrupt; P. be separated or interrupted.
     ā put on (esp. wood on the fire), lay, set, place in or on, direct towards, fix upon (loc. or dat.), lay down, deposit; impart, grant, bestow, offer (dat., loc., or gen. of pers.), bring to (dat.), employ at (loc.); produce, cause, effect; M. seize, take, receive, conceive (garbham), appropriate to one's self.
     atyā place above, extol.
     adhyā place upon.
     anvā put on (esp. wood), i.e. set up or kindle (the fire).
     abhyā the same.
     upā put on, place upon (loc.); M. seize, take.
     nirā take out or away. payā lay about, surround.
     vyā P. be divided, be separated from (abl.); be uncomfortable or ill.
     samā put on (wood), set up or kindle (fire); lay, set, place on or in (loc.), turn or fix (the eyes or mind) upon (loc.), collect or concentrate the mind (±ātmānam); impose, adjust, apply; unite, keep together, reconcile, restore, settle, arrange, cause, produce. M. put on (a garment), conceive (of women), accept, appropriate to one's self, manifest, betray, devote one's self entirely to (acc.); establish, state, concede, agree.
     upasamā = anvā + put a thing in its place.
     pratisamā adjust (the arrow), put in order, restore.
     uda shut up, erect; cast away, expose.
     upa put on or in, w. adhastāt under; put on the fire, put (the horse) to the yoke, put to mind (hṛdi); lie down upon (acc.), (g.) precede immediately (only P.); commit to (dat.), impart, teach; add, join; use, employ. tiras set aside, remove, drive back, overwhelm; hide, conceal. M. be hidden from (abl.), vanish, disappear.
     ni lay down, take off, put, set, place in or on (loc. ±antar or antar --°), put before one (dat.), turn (the eyes) to (loc.), set the mind i.e. resolve upon (dat.); deposit, keep, guard; appoint, commit, entrust; keep down, suppress, remove, finish. With kriyām take pains with (loc.); w. bhūmau or avaṭe bury; w. maulau esteem highly; w. manasi or hṛdaye reflect, ponder; w. mano manasi consent (lit. put mind to mind). C. cause to deposit or to put in (loc.).
     adhini lay upon, bestow, impart.
     apani put aside, remove, drive away.
     abhini lay on, impose; approach, touch.
     upani place near, put before (dat.); lay down, bury (a treasure); deposit, commit, entrust (loc.); bring about, effect.
     praṇi lay down, prostrate (the body); put on or in (loc.); touch, approach with (instr.), turn or fix (eyes or mind) on (loc.); be intent upon or attentive to (acc.); stretch forth, send out (esp. spics, ±carān), explore, search; find out to be (2 acc.)
     pratini put instead, substitute; order, command.
     vini lay apart, distribute, take off or down; put in, fix on, appoint to (loc.).
     saṃni lay down (together) in or at (loc.); place near or aside; keep, preserve, heap up, collect; M. appoint, assign; w. dṛṣṭim fix on (loc.), w. hṛdayam concentrate, collect; M. P. be near or present. C. bring near, fetch.
     nis find out.
     pari A.M. lay or set around, put on, don (±vāsas etc.); surround, clothe, dress; A. conclude the recitation (r.). C. cause to put on (2 acc.), surround or clothe with (instr.).
     vipari change, esp. clothes (±vāsas). puras M. (A.) put before, place in front or at the head, prefer, choose, be intent on or eager for (acc.); appoint (esp. to priestly functions); commit, entrust to (dat. or gen.).
     pra present, offer; set forward, send out (spies).
     prati put instead, replace; adjust (the arrow), take aim; put to the lips, set the foot upon (loc.), stride out; present, offer, restore; M. commence, begin.
     vi distribute, divide; impart, procure, grant; appoint, arrange, settle; destine, design; exhibit, show, betray; find out, produce, found, form, cause, effect, make (in various mgs & w. various nouns = kṛ1 q.v.); make, render (2 acc.); lay, place, put, fix in or on (loc.); set forward or send out (spies). D. (dhitsati te) wish to impart, fix, settle, find out, procure, make or render (2 acc.); intend or purpose i.g.
     anuvi M. appoint or regulate (in due order); cause or effect (after another), bring about, perform; P. be regulated according to, i.e. obey, follow (acc. or gen.).
     prativi arrange, prepare, make ready; counteract, take measures against (loc.).
     saṃvi M. dispose, arrange; settle, direct, order, appoint; hold up, carry on, manage, employ, use; make or render (2 acc.).
     sam put together, connect, compose, unite; close, collect (lit. & fig.); repair, restore; lay down, put in or on (loc., esp. śaram ± dhanuṣi, also absol. = aim, shoot); impart, grant, bestow (together) on (loc.); M. bring together, unite; make peace or agree with (instr., r. acc.); stand out against (acc.), rival, vie. P. be united with = get possessed of (instr.); be held or contained in (loc.).
     anusam add, connect; follow (lit.* & fig.), observe, explore, ascertain.
     abhisam snap at (loc.), unite or join, esp. the arrow with the bow (instr.); bring about, beget; aim at (dat. or loc.), purpose, intend (acc. or dat.); call to mind, ponder; consent, agree about (acc.); win over, take in, cheat, deceive.
     upasam add, increase; join or connect with (instr.); aim at, keep in view; cheat, deceive.
     pratisam put together (again), readjust; M. put on (esp. the arrow on the bow), restore, return. -- Cf. atyāhita antarhita apihita abhihita avahita āhita uddhita upasaṃhita upahita upādhāya upāhita tirohita nihita parihita purohita praṇihita vinihita vihita vyavahita vyāhita sahita saṃnihita samāhita.

dhā [2] a. & f. putting, placing, etc. (--°).

dhā dhayati v pp. dhīta3 suck, drink, imbibe. C. dhāpayate suckle, nourish. --
     upa C.M. = S.C.
     nis suck out.

dhāṭī f. assault, attack.

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dhātu [1] m. layer, part of a whole, ingredient. esp. element or elementary matter (ph.), mineral, metal, ore; a verbal root (as the primary elements of the earth and the language).

dhātu [2] a. fit to be sucked or sipped; f. a milch cow.

dhātukriyā f. metallurgy.

dhātupāṭha m. list of verbal roots.

dhātumattā f. abstr. to seq.

dhātumant a. rich in minerals or metals.

dhātumaya f. ī metallic, also = prec.

dhātuvāda m. metallurgy, mineralogy.

dhātuvādin m. metallurgist, assayer.

dhātuvṛtti f. -samāsa m. titles of works.

dhātṛ m. bearer, supporter, preserver, author, creator; in l. l. N. of sev. gods etc., E. of Brahman, also = Fate, Destiny (person.). -- f. dhātrī nurse, mother, the earth.

dhātra a. relating to Dhātṛ.

dhātreyikā f. foster-sister.

dhātreyī f. foster-sister.

dhātvākara m. a mine.

dhāna a. holding, containing; n. & f. ī receptacle, seat.

dhānaka m. a cert. coin; n. coriander.

dhānā f. pl. grains of corn; poss. -vant.

dhānuṣka a. having a bow; m. archer.

dhānya a. consisting or made of grain or corn; n. sgl. & pl. corn i.g., p. -vant.

dhānyaka (adj. --°) = prec. n.; n. coriander.

dhānyakūṭa s. granary.

dhānyakhala m. corn-floor.

dhānyacaura m. a stealer of grain.

dhānyada m. a giver of grain.

dhānyadhana n. corn and wealth.

dhānyapañcaka n. the five sorts of corn.

dhānyamaya a. consisting of grain.

dhānyamiśra a. mixing or adulterating corn.

dhānyavat adv. like corn.

dhānyāṃśa m. a grain of corn.

dhānyāda a. eating corn.

dhānyārdha m. price of corn.

dhānva m. N. of an Asura prince.

dhānvana a. situated in a desert.

dhāma m. a kind of superhuman beings.

dhāman n. seat, home, residence, realm (of the gods); wont or favourite place, thing, or person; inmates, family, troop, host (also pl.); law, rule; custom, rite, manner; strength, power, majesty, splendour (also pl.); N. of a Rishi.

dhāmavant a. powerful, strong.

dhāya m. layer.

dhāyas a. nourishing, refreshing; n. (only dat. as inf.) sucking, drinking; feeding, supporting; refreshment, enjoyment, satisfaction.

dhāyu [1] a. liberal, generous.

dhāyu [2] a. thirsty.

dhāyyā f. additional verse (r.).

dhāra f. ī1 holding, bearing; (debtor*).

dhāra [2] m. n. (only °-- & --°), dhārā f. stream, jet, gush, flood.

dhāraka a. bearing, holding.

dhārakā f. vulva.

dhāraṇa f. ī holding, bearing, maintaining (gen. or --°). -- f. ā wearing, keeping, retaining, maintenance, assistance; remembrance, memory; abstraction of mind, fixed attention (ph.); precept, rule (j.). n. dhāraṇa holding, supporting, wearing, keeping (esp. in the memory); bearing, suffering; abstraction or concentration (of the mind).

dhāraṇaka a. holding, bearing, consisting of (--°); m. debtor.

dhārapūta a. clear as water.

dhārayatkavi a. supporting sages.

dhārayatkṣiti a. supporting creatures.

dhārayitavya a. to be borne or held.

dhārayitṛ m. bearer, holder.

dhārayu a. flowing, dropping.

dhārā [1] -> dhāra2.

dhārā [2] f. edge, blade (p. -vant): margin, circumference (esp. of a wheel); continuous line or series.

dhārāṅgura m. hail (sprout of water).

dhārādhara m. cloud (water-bearer).

dhārādhirūḍha a. having reached the highest point (lit. the edge).

dhārānipāta (pl.) m. shower (lit. downfall) of rain.

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dhārāpāta (pl.) m. shower (lit. downfall) of rain.

dhārāyantra n. water-machine, fountain.

dhārāvara a. sending showers of rain.

dhārāvarṣa m. n. torrent of rain.

dhārāśru n. a flood of tears.

dhārāsaṃpāta m. downfall or shower of rain.

dhārāsāra m. downfall or shower of rain.

dhāri a. holding, bearing (--°).

dhārin [1] a. holding, bearing, wearing, possessing, keeping (also in one's memory), retaining, supporting, observing. f. -ṇī the earth, a woman's name.

dhārin [2] a. streaming.

dhāru a. sucking.

dhārtarāṣṭra f. ī belonging to or descending from Dhṛtarāṣṭra.

dhārma f. ī relating to justice or Dharma.

dhārmika f. ī righteous, lawful, just, virtuous, pious (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); m. a juggler.*

dhārya [1] a. to be held, borne, worn, kept, turned, fixed, retained, upheld, supported, observed; n. clothing.

dhārya [2] n. water.

dhārṣṭya n. boldness, audacity.

dhāv dhāvati1 v (te) run, stream, pour, ride, swim, glide; hasten, rush, run after or against (acc.). C. dhāvayati cause to run, impel; ride or drive (w. instr. of the vehicle); jump, dance. --
     ati run over or past (acc.).
     anu run after, through, towards, against (acc.); succour, assist (acc.).
     apa run away, depart (from a previous statement), prevaricate (j.).
     api run into (acc.).
     abhi run towards or against, attack or succour (acc.).
     ava run or drop down from (abl.).
     ā run or flow towards (loc.), come near, return; run against (acc.).
     upa run near, approach, hasten towards, resort to (acc.); M. run, glide.
     nis stream or spring forth, run out, escape from (abl.).
     pari run or flow about or through (mṛgayām go hunting), run near or after (acc.).
     pra run forth or away, hasten, rush on, resort to (acc.), penetrate.
     prati run back; rush against, assail (acc.).
     vi run away or through, be scattered or lost in (loc.).
     anuvi run after in different directions.
     sam run together, rush against, assail (acc.).

dhāv dhāvati dhāvate v pp. dauta2 (q.v.) rinse, wash, cleanse, purify; M. also refl. C dhāvayati wash. --
     ā knead, press out, cleanse (esp. the Soma-stems).
     ni M. rub or anoint one's self; rub one's self against i.e. cling to (loc.).
     pra rub off, C. wash.
     vi wash or cleanse off.
     sam M. run or wash one's self. -- Cf. nirdauta vidauta.

dhāva a. & s. washing, cleansing.

dhāvaka [1] a. running.

dhāvaka [2] a. washing; m. washer.

dhāvaka [3] m. N. of a poet.

dhāvana [1] n. running, galloping; onset, assault.

dhāvana [2] (adj. --° & n.) rubbing.

dhāvalya n. the white colour.

dhāvitṛ m. runner, courser.

dhāvin a. running or washing (--°).

dhāsi [1] f. seat, home.

dhāsi [2] m. milk-beverage; drink or nourishment i.g.

dhāsyu a. desirous of drinking or of eating.

dhi dhinoti1 v nourish, refresh, gladden.

dhi [2] m. receptacle (only --°).

dhik (excl. of sorrow & displeasure) alas! shame! fie! (w. nom., voc., gen., or acc.). dhigdhik aho dhik hā dhik (±kaṣṭam), hā hā dhik & hahā dhik the same; also dhigastu (w. gen. or acc.). With kṛ reproach, mock, despise.

dhikkāra m. dhikkṛta n. reproach, censure.

dhigdaṇḍa m. reprimand, reproof.

dhigvaṇa m. a cert. mixed caste.

dhitāvan a. rich in gifts, bounteous.

dhiti -> nemadhiti.

dhipsu a. wishing to deceive.

dhiyaṃjinva a. exciting or cherishing devotion.

dhiyaṃdhā a. devout, pious.

dhiyāyu a. devout, pious.

dhiyāvasu a. rich in devotion.

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dhiṣaṇa a. intelligent, wise; m. E. of Bṛhaspati. -- f. ā a cert. Soma-vessel, also fig. = the Soma-juice & its effects; intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, a woman's name; du. the two worlds (lit. bowls), i.e. heaven and earth; pl. heaven, earth, and air.

dhiṣaṇy only dhiṣaṇyant attentive, devout.

dhiṣā (instr. adv.) readily.

dhiṣṇya [1] a. spiritual, transcendental, holy, devout, pious. -- m. (f. ā & n.) a heap of earth, forming a sort of inferior or side-altar; n. meteor (also f.); place, abode, region, star, asterism.

dhiṣṇya [2] a. placed upon the earth-altar (v. prec.); m. (±agni) such a fire.

dhiṣṭhita -> adhiṣṭhita.

dhī [1] -> dīdhī & dhyā.

dhī [2] f. thought, idea, notion, intention, opinion, intelligence, wisdom, art; devotion, prayer, (often personif.).

dhīta a. thought of, reflected on; n. thought, idea.

dhītā f. daughter.

dhīti f. thought, idea, reflection, perception, devotion, prayer (o. personif.); intelligence, skill (pl.), intention, design.

dhīmant a. intelligent, skilful, wise.

dhīra [1] (f. dhīrī & dhīrā) intelligent, skilful, clever, wise; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dhīra [2] a. firm, steady, grave, deep (sound); insisting on (--°), constant, persevering, resolute, courageous; °-- & n. adv.; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dhīra [3] n. saffron.

dhīracetas a. strong-minded, resolute.

dhīraṇa a. devout, pious.

dhīrapraśānta a. grave and calm.

dhīrabhāva m. firmness, constancy.

dhīrasattva a. strong-minded, courageous.

dhīrya [1] a. = dhīra1.

dhīrya [2] n. intelligence, wisdom.

dhīvan a. clever.

dhīvant a. intelligent; devout, pious.

dhīvara (f. ī) & -ka m. a fisher.

dhu -> dhū.

dhukṣ dhukṣate v only w.
     sam S. & C. saṃdhukṣayati kindle.

dhuṅkṣā f. a cert. bird.

dhunay dhunayati v rush; w.
     ā rush on.

dhuni a. boisterous, tempestuous, wild; m. N. of a demon.

dhunimant a. boisterous, tempestuous, wild; m. N. of a demon.

dhuneti a. boisterous, tempestuous, wild; m. N. of a demon.

dhunivrata a. wont to rave or roar.

dhundhu m. N. of an Asura: -māra m. the slayer of D., i.e. Kuvalayāśva.

dhur f. (m.) yoke or pole (of a earriage, esp. its fore-part); fig. load, burden; top, highest place, place of honour.

dhura m. f. ā load, burden; peg on the axletree (only m.); pole (only f.).

dhuraṃdhara a. bearing the yoke or burden (l. & f.), patient; m. foreman, leader.

dhurā (instr. adv.) violently.

dhurya a. fit to be yoked or harnessed, draught; being at the top of (--°); eminent, highest, best. -- m. beast for draught; chief, foreman; n. fore-part of the pole.

dhuryāsana n. seat of honour.

dhurv -> dhūrv.

dhustūra m. thorn-apple.

dhū dhūnoti dhūnute dhunoti dhunute v (dhūvati dhuvati dhunāti dhunīte), pp. dhūta & dhuta shake, toss, agitate; shake off a thing from (2 acc.), cast away, remove; fan, kindle (fire); intr. struggle, resist. I. dodhavīti & dodhūyate shake violently, flourish, swing, fan; intr. move to and fro, totter, rush on. --
     apa shake off.
     abhi shake, fan.
     ava shake or throw down, shake off from (abl.) upon (loc.), reject; move to and fro, toss.
     vyava shake off, reject, renounce.
     ā & vyā shake, toss, stir.
     ud rouse up, stir, lift, swing, fan, kindle, move, excite; throw off, reject.
     samud shake up, raise, stir, toss.
     nis shake out or off, drive away, remove, expel; swing, brandish.
     vinis shake off, drive asunder, reject; move to and fro, toss.
     pra move onward (tr.), blow away or out. I. shake or blow out (the beard).
     vi shake, toss, swing (M. also refl.), fan, kindle, drive asunder or away, remove, destroy; M. shake off (1 or 2 acc.), give up, renounce.
     sam shake towards i.e. bestow on (dat.); M. raff up together. -- Cf. avadhūta ādhūta uddhūta nirdhūta.

dhūka m. N. of a plant.

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dhūtā f. daughter.*

dhūti m. shaker, agitator; f. = seq.

dhūnana n. shaking, stirring.

dhūnay dhūnayati dhūnayate v shake, move, toss. --
     ava & vi = S.

dhūpa (m. sgl. & pl.) incense, perfume; smoke, vapour.

dhūpaka m. perfume or perfumer.

dhūpana n. incensing, fumigation.

dhūpay dhūpayati v pp. dhūpita besmoke, fumigate, perfume, incense. --
     ava ā upa pra = S.

dhūpāy dhūpāyati v smoke, fume, fumigate.

dhūpi (m. pl.) cert. winds bringing rain.

dhūpin a. perfuming.

dhūma (m. sgl. & pl.) smoke, vapour, incense.

dhūmaka (adj. --°) & dhūmikā f. the same.

dhūmaketana m. fire (lit. = seq. a.).

dhūmaketu a. whose sign is smoke, marked by smoke; m. fire or a comet, E. of Agni or the sun, N. of a Yakṣa.

dhūmagraha m. E. of Rahu.

dhūmadhvaja m. fire (whose flag is smoke).

dhūmapatha m. sacrifice (lit. path of smoke).

dhūmapāta m. sgl. & pl. rising smoke.

dhūmamaya f. ī consisting of smoke or vapour.

dhūmay only P. dhūmyate be obscured by smoke or vapour, be eclipsed or darkenend.

dhūmavant a. smoking, steaming; abstr. -vattva n.

dhūmavartman n. = dhūmapatha.

dhūmaśikhā f. a column of smoke.

dhūmākṣa f. ī dim-eyed.

dhūmānubandha m. a compact cloud of smoke.

dhūmāy dhūmāyati dhūmāyate v smoke, steam.

dhūmin a. smoking, steaming.

dhūmodgama m. the rising of smoke.

dhūmodgāra m. = prec.

dhūmyā f. thick smoke, a cloud of smoke.

dhūmra a. smoke-coloured, grey, dark-red; dim, obscured (lit. & fig.).

dhūmray dhūmrayati v colour grey.

dhūmravarṇa a. grey-coloured.

dhūmrākṣa a. grey-eyed.

dhūmriman m. dark colour, obscurity.

dhūrgata a. standing at the head, being the first or best of (--°).

dhūrjaṭi m. E. of Rudra-Civa.

dhūrjaṭin m. E. of Rudra-Civa.

dhūrta a. shrewd, sly, cunning; m. rogue. cheat; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dhūrtaka a. & m. = prec.

dhūrtacarita n. pl. roguish tricks.

dhūrtanartaka n. T. of comedies.

dhūrtasamāgama n. T. of comedies.

dhūrti f. injury, harm.

dhūrv dhūrvati v injure, damage.

dhūrvan n. bending, damaging.

dhūrvoḍhṛ m. cattle for draught.

dhūrṣad m. leader (of a carriage).

dhūrṣah (rṣāh) a. bearing the yoke.

dhūlana n. covering with dust.

dhūlay pp. dhūlita covered with dust. -- Cf. uddhūlay.

dhūli f. dust, powder, farina.

dhūlī f. dust, powder, farina.

dhūlīmaya f. ī covered with dust.

dhūsara a. dust-coloured, grey.

dhūsarita a. made grey, greyish.

dhūsariman m. grey colour.

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dhṛ (dharati dharate), pp. dhṛta (q.v.); C. dhārayate), pp. dhṛta (q.v.); C. dhārayati te = S. hold, bear, carry on, keep down, suppress, keep back i.e. own to (dat. or gen.); withstand, resist; uphold, maintain, preserve, support, wear, use, possess; turn the mind or set the heart on (loc. or dat.), be determined to (infin.). With garbham become or be pregnant; w. daṇḍam or damam inflict punishment on (loc.); w. vratam observe a vow; w. mūrdhnā (-dhni) or śirasā (-si) honour highly; w. tulayā weigh, measure; ±manasā bear in mind, remember; ±ātmānam prāṇān śarīram, etc. live on, survive. P. dhriyate (-ti) be held, borne, etc., mostly = A. intr. I. dardharti & dādharti hold fast; establish, fix. --
     adhi bring upon. carry over to, communicate (loc.).
     abhi maintain, uphold, withstand.
     ava settle, establish, state, assume as certain, consider as (2 acc. or acc. & nom. w. iti); learn, hear, understand, perceive, observe, ponder.
     ā uphold, preserve, keep (esp. in the memory), put on or to (loc.). P. ādhriyate be (contained) in (loc.).
     ud draw out, elevate, raise, further.
     samud maintain, support.
     upa bear, support, take for, consider as (2 acc.); learn, hear, perceive, observe, think over.
     ni lay down in, bring to (loc.); appoint, render (2 acc.).
     nis take out, set off, ascertain, decide.
     pra keep in mind, think over, ponder; w. manas set the mind on (dat.), determine; w. daṇḍam = S.
     saṃpra commit, entrust to (dat.); w. buddhim & loc. = prec. w. manas & dat., ±manasā = S.; make up the mind, resolve, settle.
     vi hold, bear; keep asunder, separate, distribute, arrange; keep from (abl.), withhold, suppress; support, preserve, guard; w. manas set the mind upon (loc.).
     sam keep together, bear, support, maintain; keep in mind, remember; keep back, withhold, resist; hold, wear, possess; w. manas = prec. -- Cf. vidhṛta.

dhṛk (only nom. sgl.) & dhṛt a. holding, bearing, supporting, having, possessing (--°).

dhṛta a. held, borne, worn, kept, detained, turned or fixed upon, ready for (loc. or dat.), upheld, maintained, observed; existing, alive; o. °-- holding, bearing, etc.

dhṛtadaṇḍa a. punishing or being punished (lit. by or over whom the stick is carried).

dhṛtadvaidhībhāva a. bearing doubt or suspense.

dhṛtadhanus m. carrying a bow; m. bowman, archer.

dhṛtaniścaya a. firmly resolute upon (dat.).

dhṛtapūrva a. worn before.

dhṛtapraja a. having descendants.

dhṛtarāṣṭra m. N. of an ancient king, the elder brother of Pāṇḍu (pl. his sons).

dhṛtavrata a. of fixed law or order, resolute, firm, devoted, faithful; N. of a serpent-demon etc.

dhṛtaśarīra a. bearing up one's body, living on, existing.

dhṛtasaṃkalpa a. firmly resolute upon (loc.).

dhṛtātman a. firm-minded, constant.

dhṛti f. holding fast, firmness, solidity, constancy, resolution; satisfaction, contentment. -- dhṛtiṃ kṛ hold fast or be satisfied; -bandh set the mind on (loc.).

dhṛtigṛhīta a. armed with constancy or resolution.

dhṛtipuṣpa n. the flower of content or happiness; -ṣpaṃ bandh be satisfied or blessed.

dhṛtimant a. steadfast, constant, firm; satisfied, content.

dhṛtimuṣ a. robbing fortitude, agitating.

dhṛṣ dhṛṣṇoti dharṣati v pp. dhṛṣita & dhṛṣṭa q.v. be bold, dare or venture to (inf.), defy (acc.). C. dharṣayati, pp. dharṣita attack, injure, violate; M. overwhelm. --
     apa overwhelm, conquer.
     abhi S. & C. the same.
     ā venture against, attack. C. injure, offend.
     pra venture against, assail, injure, harass. C. the same + violate (a woman), destroy, lay waste.
     saṃpra C. assail, defy.
     prati hold out against, withstand.
     vi C. venture against, injure, harass, also = seq.
     sam C. violate (a woman), destroy. -- Cf. ādhṛṣe & dhṛṣant.

dhṛṣaj a. a hero.

dhṛṣadvin a. bold, courageous.

dhṛṣant a. bold, daring, courageous (also dhṛṣāṇa & dhṛṣamāṇa); n. dhṛṣat & instr. dhṛṣatā adv.

dhṛṣita a. bold, courageous, brave.

dhṛṣṭa a. bold, audacious; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

dhṛṣṭaketu m. a man's name.

dhṛṣṭadyumna m. N. of a prince.

dhṛṣṭi a. bold, daring; m. a pair of tongs (also du.); a man's name; f. boldness, courage.

dhṛṣṇu a. bold, courageous, valiant, strong, firm, n. adv. -- Abstr. -tva n.

dhṛṣṇuyā (instr. adv.) = prec. n. adv.

dhṛṣṇuṣeṇa a. carrying a strong weapon or leading a valiant army.

dhṛṣṇvojas a. having powerful strength.

dhṛṣya a. assailable.

dhenā f. milch cow or milk.

dhenu a. milching; f. = prec., fig. the earth.

dhenukā f. milch cow, female animal i.g.

dhenumant a. containing milk, nourishing.

dhenvanaḍuha m. milch cow and bull.

dheṣṭha (superl.) giving most.

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dhairya [1] n. wisdom, prudence.

dhairya [2] n. firmness, constancy, courage, calmness, gravity (also -tā f.), p. -vant.

dhaivara a. relating to a fisherman.

dhoraṇi f. an uninterrupted series.

dhoraṇī f. an uninterrupted series.

dhauta a. washed, clean, polished, bright; n. & f. ī washing.

dhautakauśeya n. bleached silk.

dhauti f. spring, brook.

dhaumya m. patron. names.

dhaumra m. patron. names.

dhaureya a. standing at the head of; m. = seq.

dhaureyaka m. beast of burden, horse.

dhaurjaṭa f. ī relating to Śiva.

dhaurtya n. deceit, fraud; (jña deceitful*).

dhmā -> dham.

dhmāta -> dham.

dhmātavya a. to be blown or kindled.

dhmātṛ [1] m. blower, smelter.

dhmātṛ [2] n. melting (only dhmātari).

dhmāna n. blowing, puffing, swelling.

dhyā dhyāyati1 v (te dhyāti), pp. dhyāta think of (acc.), reflect, meditate, ponder (±manasā or -si etc.). D. didhyāsate. --
     anu = S. + regret, remember.
     samanu muse, ponder.
     apa think ill of (acc.), bewitch by evil thoughts.
     abhi set the mind on (acc. or loc.); intend, wish, desire; take for (2 acc.); absol. meditate, ponder.
     ava despise, curse.
     ni perceive, notice; also = D. nididhyāsate be thoughtful or attentive.
     nis ponder on, think over, consider (regard, contemplate, observe closely or intently*).
     pra meditate upon, reflect, consider, find out.
     sam reflect, ponder.

dhyā [2] f. thinking, meditation.

dhyātavya a. to be thought of.

dhyātṛ m. thinker, abstr. -tva n.

dhyāna n. thought, reflection, (religious) meditation; p. -vant & dhyānin.

dhyānatatpara a. lost in thought.

dhyānapara a. lost in thought.

dhyānapaṭaha s. the drum of meditation (fig.).*

dhyānayoga m. the practice of meditation.

dhyānasthita a. sunk in meditation.

dhyānika a. based upon meditation.

dhyāma n. a kind of fragrant grass.

dhyāyin a. lost in meditation, quite intent on or devoted to (--°).

dhyeya a. = dhyātavya.

dhraj dhrajati v sweep, glide (of the wind, birds, etc.).

dhrajas n. gliding or sweeping course.

dhrajīmant a. gliding, sweeping.

dhrāj dhrājate1 v = dhraj.

dhrāj [2] f. pl. the action or power of gliding.

dhrāja m. who glides.

dhrāji (dhrāji) f. = dhrajas.

dhruti f. seduction.

dhruva a. steady, firm, constant, certain, safe; n. adv. -- m. the polar star, a man's name; f. ā the largest of the three sacrificial, ladles.

dhruvakṣit a. firmly fixed solid.

dhruvakṣiti a. firmly fixed solid.

dhruvakṣema a. firmly fixed solid.

dhruvacyut a. moving what is firm.

dhruvasad a. resting on firm ground.

dhruvasiddhi m. N. of a physician.

dhruvase (dat. inf.) to stop or rest.

dhruvi a. resting firmly.

dhrauva a. being in the ladle called Dhruvā.

dhrauvya n. fixedness, constancy.

dhvaṃs dhvaṃsati dhvaṃsate v pp. dhvasta (q.v.) sink down, fall to dust, perish (also P. dhvasyate); be gone (only imper.). C. dhvaṃsayati, pp. dhvaṃsita strew, fell, destroy, violate (a. woman). dhvasayati spatter, sparkle. --
     apa be gone (only imper.).
     ava M. be scattered or dispersed.
     ni C. (dhvasayati) scatter, destroy.
     vini be gone (only imper.).
     pra M. flow away, subside (water); fall to dust, perish
     vi M. (A.) be scattered, crumble down. C. (-dhvaṃsayati) crush, waste, destroy. -- Cf. apadhvasta ādhvasta upadhvasta paridhvasta vidhvasta.

dhvaṃsa m. decay, ruin, fall.

dhvaṃsaka a. destroying, ruining (--°).

dhvaṃsakārin a. the same.

dhvaṃsana a. & n. the same.

dhvaṃsin a. decaying, perishing; destroying. ruining.

dhvaja m. (n.) banner, standard, flag, sign of any trade, mark, emblem, symbol, characteristic; the ornament of (--°).

dhvajapaṭa m. banner (-cloth), standard.

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dhvajayaṣṭi f. flag-staff.

dhvajavant a. adorned with flags, having a mark or sign; m. standard-bearer or vendor of spirituous liquors.

dhvajāhṛta a. robbed at the standard, i.e. won on the battlefield.

dhvajin a. & m. = dhvajavant.

dhvan pp. dhvānta1 (q.v.); C. veil cover.

dhvan dhvanati v pp. dhvanita2 (q.v.) sound; C. dhvanayati or dhvānayati cause to sound. --
     abhi & pra = S. -- Cf. apadhvānta.

dhvana m. a cert. wind.

dhvanana n. sounding; hinting at, allusion (rh.).

dhvani m. sound, noise, roar, thunder; hint, figure of speech.

dhvanita a. sounded; n. sgl. & pl. sound, noise, thunder.

dhvaras f. a kind of female demons.

dhvarā f. bending, causing to fall.

dhvas -> dhvaṃs.

dhvasan m. N. of a king.

dhvasani m. sprinkler (cloud).

dhvasanti m. N. of a man.

dhvasira a. scattered, covered.

dhvasta a. fallen, decayed, perished, destroyed, vanished; bestrewn, covered with (instr. or --°).

dhvasti f. cessation, destruction.

dhvasman m. pollution, obscuration.

dhvasmanvant a. polluted, obscured.

dhvasra a. decayed, withered, faded; falling off, withdrawing from (gen.).

dhvāṅkṣa m. a crow.

dhvāna m. hum, murmur, sound, noise.

dhvānta [1] a. dark; n. darkness.

dhvānta [2] m. a cert. wind.

dhvṛ dhvarati v bend, cause to fall, ruin.

na [1] pron. stem. of 1st pers. du. & pl.

na [2] (indecl.) not (also °-- = a2), nor, neither (±u uta api cāpi vā atha vā); no (absol.); lest (w. opt.); like, as (only in a. l.). In the negat. mgs often followed by eva & khalu. Two negations in the same sentence generally form an emphatic affirmation. -- Cf. khalu ced tu nahi no.

naṃś -> 1 & 2 naś.

naṃśa m. getting, acquisition.

naṃśuka a. perishing.

nak (nom.) night.

nakāra n. the sound n or the negation na.

nakiṃcana a. having nothing, quite poor.

nakiṃcid n. nothing.

nakis (ind.) none, nobody, also = seq.

nakīm (ind.) not, not at all, never.

nakula m. the ichneumon (f. ī); E. of Śiva, N. of a Pāṇḍava etc.

nakta n. night, acc. by night.

naktaka m. rag, wiper.

naktaṃcara a. walking about at night (also -cārin); m. a night-animal or nocturnal demon (f. ī).

naktan (only instr. pl. naktabhis) night.

naktaṃdina n. sgl. night and day; acc. adv. by night and day.

naktayā (instr. sgl.) by night.

nakti f. night.

naktoṣas f. du. night and dawn.

nakra m. crocodile or alligator.

nakṣ nakṣati nakṣate v get at, obtain. --
     abhi = S.
     ava overtake.
     pari get round.
     pra come near.

nakṣatra n. a star or constellation (sgl. also coll.); esp. a lunar mansion (27, later 28; o. personif. as the daughters of Dakṣa and wives of the moon).

nakṣatradarśa m. star-gazer.

nakṣatranātha m. the moon.

nakṣatramālā f. garland i.e. group of stars or of the lunar mansions; a necklace containing 27 pearls.

nakṣatrarāja m. the king of the stars, the moon.

nakṣatraloka m. pl. the worlds of the stars.

nakṣatravidyā f. knowledge of the stars, astronomy.

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nakṣatriya a. belonging or relating to the stars.

nakṣatreśa m. = nakṣatrarāja.

nakṣaddābha a. slaying the approaching.

nakṣya a. to be approached.

nakha m. n. (adj. --° f. ī) nail (of finger or toe), claw.

nakhakhādin a. biting the nails.

nakhacchedana n. nail-cutting.

nakhapada n. nail-mark, scratch.

nakhara a. shaped like a claw; n. such a knife or dagger, also = nakha.

nakhaviṣkira m. scratcher (kind of bird).

nakhāgra n. nail-point.

nakhāghāta m. hurt or injury by the nails.

nakhāṅka m. = nakhapada.

nakhānakhi adv. nail against nail (of a hard fight).

nakhāyudha a. having nails or claws as weapons; m. a claw-footed animal, abstr. -tva n.

nakhin a. having nails or claws; m. = prec. m.

naga m. mountain; tree, plant i.g.

naganadī f. N. of a river.

naganimnagā f. mountain-river.

nagara n. (m.), ī f. town, city.

nagaragāmin a. going or leading to the town.

nagarajana m. pl. towns-folk.

nagaradaivata n. the deity of a town, adv. -vat.

nagaradvāra n. city-gate.

nagararakṣā f. government of a town.

nagararakṣin m. civic guard, watchman of a town.

nagaravṛddha m. eldest of a town, alderman.

nagarastha a. dwelling in a town.

nagarādhipa m. lord of a town.

nagarādhipati m. lord of a town.

nagarādhyakṣa m. the same.

nagarin m. the same.

nagarīya a. belonging to a city.

nagarīrakṣin m. = nagararakṣin.

nagaropānta n. neighbourhood of a town.

nagaraukas m. townsman, citizen.

nagaryanna n. food given by the lord of a town.

nagavant a. rich in trees.

nagāgra n. mountain-top.

nagāpagā f. mountain-river.

nagendra m. king of mountains, the Himālaya, Kailāsa, etc.

nageśa m. king of mountains, the Himālaya, Kailāsa, etc.

nageśvara m. king of mountains, the Himālaya, Kailāsa, etc.

nagodara n. mountain-rift.

nagna a. naked, bare; m. a naked mendicant, f. ā a naked i.e. wanton woman, also = seq. f.

nagnaka (f. nagnikā) a. naked, wanton; m. = prec. m., f. a girl before puberty (allowed to go naked).

nagnatā f. nagnatva n. nakedness, nudity.

nagnahu m. yeast, ferment.

nagnīkṛ make a person naked i.e. a mendicant.

naciketa m. N. of a man.

naciketas m. N. of a man.

nacira a. not long (time); n. not long, for a short time (also -kālam). Instr., abl., & dat. shortly, soon.

naṭ naṭati v dance, play. C. nāṭayati perform, represent (d.). -- *ud play a trick (w. gen.).

naṭa m. naṭī f. a dancer or mime (also as a caste).

naṭaka m. naṭī f. a dancer or mime (also as a caste).

naṭatā f. the state of a dancer or actor.

naṭana n. dance, pantomime.

naṭanīya n. impers. it must be danced.

naḍa m. a species of reed.

naLa m. a species of reed.

naḍaka n. the hollow of a bone.

naḍamaya f. ī consisting of reeds.

naḍvala n. -lā f. reed-bed.

nata a. bent, curved, rounded; bowing before (gen. or acc.); sunk, depressed; cerebralized (g.).

natabhrū f. having arched brows or bending the brows, frowning.

natarām (compar.) not at all, by no means.

natāṅgā f. a beautiful (lit. round-limbed) woman.

nati f. bending, stooping, humility; the change of a dental letter into a cerebral (g.).

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nad nadati v (nadate) sound, roar, cry, hum (±svanam śabdam, etc.). C. nadayati or nādayati te, pp. nādita (q.v.) make resound. I. nānadati (3. pl.) sound violently, howl, neigh. --
     anu & abhi sound towards (acc.); C. (also
     vyanu) make resound, fill with noise.
     ud & samud sound, howl. roar, cry.
     upa C. make resound.
     ni sound, cry out, shriek; C. = prec. C.
     pra (ṇadati) begin to cry or roar.
     prati sound back, answer with a cry or howl.
     vi sound, cry, roar (±ravam svanam, etc.), also = C. make resound, fill with noise.
     sam sound, roar, cry out. C. = prec. C., abs. cry aloud.

nada m. roarer, bellower, neigher, esp. bull, stallion, etc; also reed, rush, sedge; river, stream. f. nadī flowing water, river; a kind of fem. themes in ī or ū (g.).

nadathu m. sounding, roaring.

nadanadīpati m. the lord of the rivers (conc. as males & females), i.e. the ocean.

nadanadībhartṛ m. the same.

nadaniman a. sounding, humming.

nadanu m. noise, sound.

nadanumant a. sounding, thundering.

nadabhartṛ m. the ocean (lord of the streams).

nadarāja m. the same.

nadi m. crier, caller.

nadī -> nada.

nadīja a. river-born, m. E. of Bhīṣma; living near a river (horses).

nadītaṭa m. -tīra n. the bank of a river.

nadīna m. the ocean (also personif.).

nadīnada m. pl. & n. sgl. the rivers (conceived as males & females).

nadīnātha m. = nadarāja.

nadīpati m. = nadarāja.

nadīpūra m. the flood of a river.

nadīmukha n. the mouth of a river.

nadīśa m. = nadarāja.

nadīṣṇa a. familiar with rivers; i.g. clever, skilful, versed in (loc.).

nadīsaṃtāra m. the crossing of a river.

nadṛśya a. invisible.

naddha a. tied, bound on, attached to covered or inlaid with (--°); n. band, knot.

naddhi f. tying, binding.

nanā f. mother (fam. expression).

nanāndṛ f. the husband's sister.

nanu adv. not, by no means, never; also interr. = nonne, or affirm (±ca)
= certainly, I suppose, I dare say etc.); w. an imperat. = pray, do, just.

nantṛ a. (g.) bending, changing (a nasal into a cerebral).

nantva a. to be bent.

nand nandati v (nandate) rejoice, be satisfied with (instr., r. abl.) C. nandayati gladden. --
     abhi please; be pleased with, delight in (acc.), greet, take leave of (acc.), accept, approve; w. na reject, decline.
     pratyabhi greet (in return).
     samabhi congratulate.
     ā rejoice; C. gladden, make happy, bless.
     prati greet joyfully or in return, bid farewell (acc.), speak kindly or humbly to (acc.); accept, approve; w. na decline, refuse. C. gladden, make happy.

nanda m. joy, happiness, a son (as the chief object of joy); E. of Kṛṣṇa, N. of a cowherd (K.'s foster-father) etc.; f. ā a woman's name, nandī a cert. tree, a kind of musical instrument, E. of Durgā.

nandaka a. delighting in (--°); m. N. of Kṛṣṇa's sword, a serpent-demon, etc.

nandana a. gladdening, making happy; m. son, descendant of (--°), N. of sev. myth. beings & of a minister; f. ā daughter; n. gladdening, joy, bliss, N. of Indra's grove.

nandanandana m. Nanda's son, i.e. Kṛṣṇa.

nandasūnu m. Nanda's son, i.e. Kṛṣṇa.

nandātmaja m. Nanda's son, i.e. Kṛṣṇa.

nandanavana n. the grove Nandana.

nandi m. the Joyful, E. of Viṣṇu, Śiva & one of his attendants; f. joy, happiness, a woman's name.

nandikara a. causing joy to (gen.); m. son of (--°).

nandigrāma m. N. of a village.

nandighoṣa m. sound of joy.

nandideva m. a man's name.

nandin a. delighting in or gladdening, m. son of (--°); E. of Śiva, a man's name. f. -nī daughter, E. of Durgā etc., N. of a myth. cow.

nandivardhana a. increasing the happiness of (gen.); m. E. of Śiva, a man's name.

nandīmukha m. E. of Śiva.

nandīśa m. E. of Śiva.

nandīśvara m. E. of Śiva.

napāt -> naptṛ.

napuṃsa m. eunuch (lit. not a man).

napuṃsaka m. n. neither male nor female, i.e. a eunuch or hermaphrodite; n. a word in the neuter gender, the neuter gender.

napti f. daughter or grand-daughter.

naptī f. daughter or grand-daughter.

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naptṛ m. descendant, son, (esp. & in l.l. only) grandson; f. naptrī grand-daughter.

nabh nabhate v burst (tr. & intr.). C. tear open, rend asunder. --
     ud C. = S. C.
     pra burst, split (intr.).

nabha m. a man's name.

nabhanu m. -nū f. spring, river.

nabhanya a. breaking forth, penetrating (lit. & fig.).

nabhaścara a. moving in the sky; m. a god or Vidyādhara (f. ī).

nabhaḥśrit a. reaching to the sky.

nabhas n. mist, vapour, clouds, atmosphere, sky; a cert. month in the rainy season (*m.); du. heaven and earth.

nabhasa m. a man's name.

nabhastala n. the celestial vault, cope of heaven.

nabhastas adv. down from heaven.

nabhasmaya a. misty, vaporous.

nabhasya a. the same; m. a cert. month in the rainy season.

nabhasvant a. misty, cloudy; m. wind.

nabhaḥsad m. inhabitant of heaven, a god.

nabhaḥsindhu f. the celestial river (Ganga).

nabhaḥsthala n. -sthalī f. canopy or vault of heaven.

nabhaḥspṛś a. touching the sky.

nabhaḥspṛśa a. touching the sky.

nabhīta a. not afraid, adv. -vat.

nabhojā a. born in the clouds or mist.

nabhojū a. driving the clouds.

nabhomaṇḍala n. the vault of heaven.

nabhoyoni a. sky-born, E. of Śiva.

nabhorūpa a. dark (lit. cloud-) coloured.

nabhovid a. knowing the sky or dwelling therein.

nabhovīthī f. the path of the sun.

nabhya [1] a. misty, cloudy.

nabhya [2] n. nave of a wheel, centre i.g.

nabhyastha a. being in the nave of a wheel or in the centre.

nam namati namate v pp. nata (q.v.) bend, bow (mostly intr.), yield or submit to (dat. or gen., r. acc.); aim at (gen.) with (instr.). C. namayati or (mostly --°) nāmayati (nāmyati) cause to bend, curve; w. cāpam or dhanus bend a bow; cerebralize (g.). I. nannamīti bend (intr.), bow very low. --
     ati hold aside.
     anu incline to (dat.).
     abhi bow or incline to (dat.).
     ava bend down (intr.), bow; C. the same (trans.), w. dhanujyām bend the bow.
     ā (intr.) bend, stoop, bow before (acc.); tr. bend down, overthrow, subdue. C. = prec. tr., w. dhanus bend a bow.
     ud rise, ascend (lit. & fig.), also = C. raise, lift, erect.
     samud rise; C. = prec. C.
     upa come or repair to, befall, occur, come into the mind (w. acc., later also w. dat. or gen. of pers.), approach or wait upon (acc.) with (instr.). C. bring near, offer or present to (gen.).
     ni bend (tr. & intr.), bow to (acc.), humble one's self, submit.
     pari (intr.) bend aside, stoop; change, develop, ripen, fade, be accomplished. C. ripen, bring to an end, pass (time).
     pra bend or bow before (dat., gen., loc., or acc.). C. bow (tr.); make a person (acc.) bend before (dat.).
     abhipra bend or bow before (dat. or acc.),
     prati incline towards (acc.).
     vi bow, bend (intr.); C. the same trans.
     sam bow, bend, humble one's self, submit to (dat., gen., or acc.); M. yield or conform one's self to, obey (dat.); make straight or right. arrange, prepare (A.M.). C. bend down, make sink, change, arrange, prepare, accomplish. -- Cf. apanata abhyunnata (add.), avanata ānata unnata upanata nirṇata pariṇata praṇata pronnata vinata sanata samabhyunnata samunnata.

nama m. abode, pasture-ground.

namaukti f. (expression of) homage.

namana a. (--°) & n. bending.

namayiṣṇu a. = prec. a.

namas n. bow, obeisance, adoration, homage w. kṛ pay homage, revere, worship (dat. loc., or acc.).

namasāna a. doing homage, worshipping.

namaskāra m. exclamation of namas, worship, adoration.

namaskārya a. to be adored or worshipped.

namaskṛti f. = namaskāra.

namaskriyā f. = namaskāra.

namasy namasyati v (namasyate) do homage, worship bless (acc.). --
     sam = S.

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namasya a. to be worshipped, venerable; respectful, humble.

namasyā f. worship, homage.

namasyu a. bowing, worshipping.

namasvant a. the same; inspiring veneration.

namasvin a = namasyu.

namuci m. N. of a demon.

namucihan m. the slayer of Namuci (Indra).

namovṛdh a. honoured by adoration.

namovṛdha a. increasing or furthering adoration.

namra a. bowing, bent, curved, humble; abstr. -tā f., -tva n., the latter also = suppleness, nimbleness.

namravaktra a. bending down the face.

namrīkṛ bend down, humiliate.

naya m. leading (of an army), conduct, behaviour, way of life, policy, worldly or political wisdom.

nayakovida a. skilled in policy, prudent, wise.

nayajña a. skilled in policy, prudent, wise.

nayana m. a man's name; n. leading, conduct, the eye as the leader (adj. --° f. ā, r. ī).

nayanagocara a. being within seeing distance.

nayanajala n. tears (lit. eye-water).

nayanapatha m. -padavī f. path or range of sight.

nayanaprīti f. delight of the eyes.

nayanamadhu n. the same (lit. honey of the eyes).*

nayanavant a. having eyes to see.

nayanaviṣaya m. range of sight, horizon.

nayanasalila n. = nayanajala.

nayanāñcala n. corner of the eyes.

nayanāñjana n. ointment for the eyes.

nayanāmbu n. = nayanajala.

nayanodaka n. = nayanajala.

nayanodabindu m. a tear-drop.

nayavant a. prudent, wise, virtuous.

nayavid a. = nayakovida.

nayaśālin a. = nayavant.

nayaśāstra n. the doctrine of policy.

nayahīna a. opp. to nayavant.

nayitavya a. to be led or brought.

nayiṣṭha (superl.) leading best.

nayuta m. pl. a myriad.

nara m. man, husband, hero; the primal man or spirit (always connected with nārāyaṇa) person or personal ending (g.).

naraka m. (n.) the lower world, hell (also personif.); m. N. of a demon killed by Kṛṣṇa.

narakajit m. E. of Kṛṣṇa (cf. prec.).

narakaripu m. E. of Kṛṣṇa (cf. prec.).

narakastha a. being in hell.

narajāṅgala n. man's flesh.

naratā f. -tva n. humanity, human condition.

naradanta m. a human tooth.

naradeva m. king, prince.

naranātha m. king, prince.

narapati m. king, prince.

narapaśu m. man-beast.

narapāla m. king, prince.

narapuṃgava m. the best (lit. bull) of men or heroes.

narabali m. human sacrifice.

naramāṃsa n. man's flesh.

naramedha m. = narabali.

nararāja m. king (of men); abstr. -rājya n.

nararūpa a. formed like a man.

naraloka m. the world of men, earth.

naravāhana a. carried or drawn by men; m. E. of Kubera, a man's name.

naravāhin a. = prec. a., w. yāna n. palankin.

naravīra m. a (man-) hero.

naravyāghra m. man-tiger, an eminent man or hero.

naraśārdūla m. man-tiger, an eminent man or hero.

narasiṃha m. man-lion (a great hero or Viṣṇu); a man's name.

narahari m. E. of Viṣṇu or a man's name.

narādhama a. lowest of men, a wretch.

narādhipa m. king, prince.

narādhipati m. king, prince.

narāśa m. man-eater, a Rakṣas.

narāśaṃsa m. E. of Agni or Pūṣan.

narāśana m. = narāśa.

nariṣṭā f. chattering, sport.

nariṣṭhā f. chattering, sport.

nariṣyant m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata.

nariṣyanta m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata.

narendra m. king, prince; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

narendramārga m. the king's road, high way.

nareśa m. = narendra.

nareśvara m. = narendra.

nareṣṭhā a. standing or serving as standing-place for men.

narottama a. the best of men.

nartaka a. causing to dance; m. & f. ī dancer.

nartana m. dancer; (f. ā &) n. dance.

nartayitṛ a. = nartaka; m. a dancing master.

nartita a. danced or made to dance; n. dancing.

nartitavya n. the necessity to dance.*

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nartin -> vaṃśanartin.

nard nardati v (nardate), pp. nardita bellow, roar, scream, sound. --
     abhi roar to (acc.).
     prati roar or scream against (acc.); roar after (food etc.).
     vi roar out, cry, thunder.
     sam roar.

nardana n. roaring, crying.

nardita n. the same, a cert. throw with the dice.

narma m. sport.

narmada a. causing sport, sporting; f. ā N. of a river.

narman n. sport, jest; narmārtham for sport.

narmayukta a. jocular (lit. connected with a joke).

narmasaciva m. = kāryāntarasaciva q.v.

narmasuhṛd m. = kāryāntarasaciva q.v.

narmokti f. a facetious word.

narya a. manly, human, strong, capable, good or agreeable to men. -- m. man, person; n. manly deed or gift for men.

naryāpas a. doing manly deeds.

nala m. a kind of reed-grass; N. of sev. kings & my hol. beings; f. ī a kind of fragrant substance.

nalaka m. n. = naḍaka; f. nalikā = prec. f., quiver.

nalakūbara m. N. of a son of Kubera.

nalagiri m. N. of Pradyota's elephant.

nalada n. nard; f. naladī N. of an Apsaras.

nalina n. lotus flower; f. ī lotus plant, group, or pond.

nalinadala n. lotus leaf.

nalinidala n. lotus leaf.

nalinīdala n. lotus leaf.

nalinīpattra n. the same.

nalodaya m. Nala's rise, T. of a poem.

nalopākhyāna n. the Nala-episode.

nalva m. a cert. measure of distance.

nava [1] a. new, fresh, young; °-- adv. newly, lately, just.

nava [2] m. sneezing.

navaka [1] a. = nava1.

navaka [2] a. consisting of nine; n. the number nine.

navakṛtvas adv. nine times.

navagat a. bearing the first time.

navagva a. ninefold, consisting of nine; m. a mythol. family (cf. daśagva).

navaja a. recently born or risen, young, fresh.

navajā a. recently born or risen, young, fresh.

navajāta a. recently born or risen, young, fresh.

navajvāra m. new pains.

navata a. the ninetieth.

navatā f. novelty, freshness.

navati f. ninety.

navatitama a. the ninetieth.

navatva [1] n. = navatā.

navatva [2] n. the number nine.

navadaśa a. the 19th or consisting of 19.

navadaśan a. nineteen.

navadvāra [1] n. pl. the nine gates (of the body).

navadvāra [2] a. having nine gates; n. the body.

navadhā adv. in nine parts or ways.

navan a. nine.

navana n. praise.

navanī f. navanīta n. fresh butter.

navapad f. ī nine-footed.

navama f. ī the ninth.

navamallikā f. Arabian jasmine.

navamālikā f. Arabian jasmine.

navameghakāla m. spring (time of the new clouds).

navayauvana [1] n. the first youth.

navayauvana [2] a. being in the first youth.

navarātra m. a period or festival of nine days.

navarca a. consisting of nine verses.

navavadhū f. bride, newly-married woman.

navavārṣika a. nine years old.

navavidha a. ninefold.

navasasya n. the first fruits of the harvest; -syeṣṭi f. a sacrifice of them.

navasū f. (a cow) that has recently calved.

navākṣara a. consisting of nine syllables.

navānna n. the first fruits; navānneṣṭi f. sacrifice of the first fruits.

navidya a. ignorant.

navin a. consisting of nine.

naviṣṭi f. eulogium, panegyric.

naviṣṭha (superl.) the newest, youngest; n. adv.

navīkṛ renew, revive; -bhū pass.

navīna a. fresh, young.

navīya a. = navya1.

navīyaṃs (compar.) fresh, young, near; navīyas & navīyasā newly, just.

naveda a. knowing (w. gen.).

navedas a. knowing (w. gen.).

navoḍhā f. newly-married.

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navya [1] a. = nava1.

navya [2] navya a. to be sung or praised.

navya a. to be sung or praised.

navyaṃs (f. navyasī) = navīyaṃs; also n. as adv.

naś [1] naśyati (-te) & naśati (-te), pp. naṣṭa (q.v.) be lost or missing, vanish, disappear, wane, perish, fly, escape, be gone. C. nāśayati (-te), pp. nāśita make disappear, expel, destroy, violate, deflower; lose, also from memory, i.e. forget. --
     apa be gone.
     ava wane, disappear.
     nis C. expel, drive away.
     pra (ṇaśyati) be lost, disappear, run away.
     vipra be lost, vanish, have no effect or result.
     saṃpra disappear, cease.
     vi be lost, vanish, perish, have no effect or success; be deprived of (abl.). C. make disappear, destroy, annihilate, kill.
     anuvi disappear or perish after (acc.). -- Cf. pranaṣṭa vinaṣṭa vipranaṣṭa.

naś [2] (naṃś), naśati te attain, get, meet with (loc.); reach, befall. D. inakṣati q.v. --
     accha come near.
     abhi ud pari pra vi & sam reach, attain.

naśana n. disappearance, loss.

naśvara f. ī perishable.

naṣṭa a. lost, disappeared, invisible, fled, escaped (n. impers.), perished, damaged, destroyed; deprived of, less (abl. or °--); having lost a cause in court (j.).

naṣṭacetana a. senseless.

naṣṭaceṣṭa a. motionless.

naṣṭarūpa a. invisible, unknown.

naṣṭasaṃjña a. unconscious.

naṣṭasalila a. waterless.

naṣṭātman a. = naṣṭacetana.

naṣṭārtha a. impoverished.

naṣṭāśaṅka a. fearless, n. adv.

naṣṭāsu a. lifeless, inaminate.

naṣṭi f. loss, ruin.

nas nasate1 v meet, encounter; copulate (man and wife). --
     sam meet, join with (instr.).

nas [2] f. nose (only nasā nasi nasos nastas, & adj. --°).

nas [3] (encl.) us, to us, or of us (acc., dat., & gen. pl. of 1st pers. pron).

nasa (adj. --°) = nas2.

nastaka m. the septum of the nose.

nastas (abl. adv.) from the nose or into the nose.

nastā f. a hole bored in the septum of the nose.

nasya a. being in the nose; f. ā the string through the nose of an animal (cf. prec.); n. a sternutatory.

nasyakarman n. the application of a sternutatory.

nasyota a. bound with a nose-string (cf. nasyā); m. such a bull.

nasvant a. having a nose, nosed.

nah nahyati v (nahati), pp. naddha (q.v.) tie, bind on; M. put on, esp. armour, arm one's self. C. nāhayati cause to tie together. --
     apa unbind, loosen.
     api or pi tie on, fasten, bind under, cover, obstruct.
     ava bind on, put over, cover.
     ā bind on; M. be stopped up.
     ud push off, remove; break forth, rise from (abl.).
     upa tie up, bind together.
     pari tie round, gird, encircle.
     sam tie together, bind over, fasten; gird, clothe, arm (M. refl.); A.M. put on, make ready or prepare to (inf.). -- Cf. apinaddha ānaddha unnaddha ninaddha pariṇaddha vinaddha sanaddha.

nahana n. binding, tying round; bond, fetter, bolt.

nahi (na hi) adv. indeed not, by no means, not at all.

nahuṣa m. race, lineage; m. N. of an ancient king etc., E. of Kṛṣṇa-Viṣṇu.

nahuṣya a. belonging to or descendent of Nahusa, human i.g.

nahus m. race, lineage, tribe; neighbour, comrade, friend.

adv. not ( = na2).

nāka m. celestial vault, heaven, sky (±divas); adj. painless, sorrowless.

nākacara a. moving in the sky.

nākanārī f. divine woman, Apsaras.

nākapati m. a god (lord of the sky).

nākapāla m. = prec.

nākapṛṣṭha n. cope of heaven.

nākasad m. a god (dwelling in heaven).

nākastrī f. = nākanārī.

nākin m. a god.

nākṣatra (f. ī) belonging to the stars, sidereal.

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nākṣatrika (f. ī) belonging to the stars, sidereal.

nāga [1] m. serpent or serpent-demon; a cert. wind in the body, elephant, a man's name. f. nāgī a serpent-maid or fem. elephant.

nāga [2] a. relating to serpents or elephants.

nāgakanyakā f. a serpent-maid.*

nāgakumāra m. a serpent-prince.

nāgadanta m. an elephant's tooth or tusk, ivory; a peg to hang things on.

nāgadeva m. serpent-king, a man's name.

nāganātha m. serpent-king, a man's name.

nāganāyaka m. leader or king of the serpents.

nāgapati m. leader or king of the serpents.

nāgapura n. = hāstinapura.

nāgamātṛ f. the mother of the serpent-demons.

nāgamudrā f. seal showing a serpent.*

nāgara a. born or bred in town, civic, urbance; clever, cunning (abstr. -tā f.). -- m. citizen; n. dry ginger.

nāgaraka (f. -rikā) coming from or living in town; m. citizen, chief of a town or police; f. -rikā a woman's name; n. = prec. n.

nāgarāj m. serpent-king.

nāgarāja m. the same, also king of the elephants, i.e. a large elephant.

nāgarājan m. = nāgarāj.

nāgarika a. urbance, polite; m. citizen.

nāgarikavṛtti f. town manners, politeness.

nāgaloka m. the world of the serpents.

nāgavadhū f. female elephant.

nāgavaśā f. female elephant.

nāgavant a. consisting of elephants.

nāgasāhvaya a. named after elephants; w. nagara n. = hāstinapura.

nāgahrada m. serpent-lake.

nāgānanda n. the Joy of the Serpents, T. of a play.

nāgāhvaya a. & n. = nāgasāhvaya.

nāgin a. surrounded by serpents.

nāgendra m. = nāgarāja.

nāgoji m. N. of a grammarian.

nāgojibhaṭṭa m. N. of a grammarian.

nāciketa a. pertaining to Naciketa; m. (±agni) a cert. sacred fire.

nāṭa m. pl. N. of a people; f. ī its language.

nāṭaka m. actor, dancer, mime; n. & f. nāṭikā plays of a cert. kind.

nāṭakīya a. dramatic; f. ā actress.

nāṭayitavya a. to be played or represented.

nāṭita n. mimic representation, gesture.

nāṭitaka n. mimic representation, gesture.

nāṭya n. dancing, mimic representation.

nāṭyaveda m. art of dancing or dramatic representation.

nāṭyavedī f. scene.

nāṭyaśālā f. dancing-room.

nāṭyaśāstra n. = nāyyaveda.

nāṭyācārya m. dancing master or teacher of dramatic art.

nāḍi f. vein, artery, any tubular organ of the body.

nāḍika (a. --°) the same; f. ā a tubular stalk of a plant or organ of the body, a cert. measure of time.

nāḍī f. tube, pipe, flute; cranny, fissure; vein, pulse, etc. (v. nāḍi); wheel-box.

nāḍīkā f. the wind-pipe or throat.

nāṇaka n. a coin.

nāticira a. not very long (time); nāticire & nāticirāt soon.

nātidīrgha a. = prec. a., n. adv.

nātidūra a. not too far; abl., & loc. adv., as prep. w. abl. or gen.

nātidūraga a. not too distant.

nātidūravartin a. being not too far.

nātidūrasthita a. being not too far.

nātinīca a. not too low.

nātiparisphuṭa a. not fully manifest.

nātipramanas a. not very cheerful.

nātibhinna a. not too different from (abl.).

nātimātram adv. not too much.

nātimānin a not too self-conceited; abstr. -nitva n.

nātirūpa a. not very beautiful.

nātiśliṣṭa a. not quite tight or fast.

nātisvastha a. not quite well.

nātyucchrita a. not too high.

nāth nāthate v (nāthati), pp. nāthita (q.v.) seek aid; beg or ask for (gen. or *dat. of th. or 2 acc.). C. nāthayati cause to ask. --
     anu & *upa A. ask.

nātha n. refuge, aid; m. protector, lord, husband; o. adj. dependent on, occupied by, endowed with (--°).

nāthavattā f. abstr. to seq.

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nāthavant f. -vatī having a protector (husband).

nāthita a. wanting help, being in need, oppressed; n. entreaty, request.

nāthin a. having a patron or protector.

nāda m. loud sound, cry, roaring, thunder, sound or noise i.g.

nādi a. sounding, noisy.

nādita n. sound, roar, noise.

nādin a. sounding, roaring, thundering, resonant (often --°).

nādeya a. belonging to or coming from a river, fluvial.

nādya a. belonging to or coming from a river, fluvial.

nādh  = nāth, only nādhamāna seeking aid, supplex, & nādhita = nāthita a.

nādhas n. refuge, aid.

nādhīta a. who has learned nothing.

nānā adv. differently, variously, distinctly, separately, o. adj., esp. °--; *as prep. without (instr., abl., or acc.).

nānākāra a. multiform, manifold.

nānātva n. variety, diversity, difference.

nānādigdeśa m. sgl. the different quarters of the sky, all countries of the world.

nānādeśa m. different countries; nānādeśīya & nānādeśya a. coming from everywhere.

nānādhī a. having different knowledge.

nānānam adv. differently.

nānārasa a. variously flavoured or disposed.

nānārūpa [1] n. pl. various forms or shapes.

nānārūpa [2] a. variously formed different, manifold.

nānārtha a. having a different aim or purpose; having different meanings, s. such a word.

nānāvidha a. manifold, different.

nānāstrī f. pl. women of various castes.

nāndana n. pleasure-ground, paradise.

nāndī f. joy, satisfaction; the introductory prayer (d.).

nāndīmukha f. ī showing a merry face, m. pl. a class of Manes; f. ī N. of a metre.

nānyagāmin a. running to nothing else.

nānyacetas a. thinking of nothing else.

nāpita m. barber; f. -tī.

nāpitagṛha n. a barber's shop.

nābh f. opening or spring.

nābha (adj. --°) = nābhi q.v.

nābhasa f. ī celestial, heavenly.

nābhāga m. a man's name.

nābhāgāriṣṭa m. sons of Manu Vaivasvata.

nābhānediṣṭha m. sons of Manu Vaivasvata.

nābhi f. (m.) the navel or any navel-like cavity, the nave of a wheel (also nābhī f.) centre, middle, rallying point, community of race or family, home, concr. relative, friend; (*f.) musk, musk animal.

nābhika (adj. --°) navel or nave, f. ā a navel-like cavity.

nābhijāta [1] a. sprung from a navel.

nābhijāta [2] a. not of noble birth.

nābhidaghna a. reaching up to the navel.

nābhibhū m. navel-born, E. of Brahman.

nābhimāna m. non-arrogance, meekness.

nābhilakṣita a. unobserved.

nābhivardhana n. cutting of the navel (-string).

nābhī -> nābhi.

nābhya a. = nābhijāta1.

nāma (adj. --° & adv.) -> nāman.

nāmaka (adj. --°, f. nāmikā) = nāman.

nāmakaraṇa m. nominal suffix; n. = seq.

nāmakarman n. name-giving (r.).

nāmakīrtana n. mentioning the name of (gen.).

nāmagraha m. -grahaṇa n., -grāha m. mentioning of the name.

nāmatas adv. by name, namely; w. kṛ call, name (2 acc.); w. prach inquire after the name of (acc.). nāma nāmatas by name; cf. nāman.

nāmathā adv. by name.

nāmadha m. name-giver.

nāmadhā m. name-giver.

nāmadhāraka a. bearing (only) the name of, i.e. being only by name (nom.).

nāmadhārin a. bearing the name of, i.e. being called (--°).

nāmadheya n. appellation, name; also = nāmakarman.

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nāman n. (adj. --° f. nāmnī, r. nāman) name, appellation, esp. personal name (opp. gotra); characteristic form, nature, species; noun (g.). nāmnā or nāma (also both together or w. nāmatas) by name, called. -- nāma grabh (grah) call or address by name, mention (gen.); nāma bhṛ bear a name, be called, nāma kṛ dā, or dhā give a name, call; nāmnā kṛ or vidhā call, term (2 acc.). Acc. nāma also adv. namely, indeed, of course; perhaps, probably, indeed, then (esp. after an interr. pron.). api nāma I wonder if, perhaps, mā nāma would that not --, if only not (opt.).

nāmana a. bending.

nāmamātra n. only the name, a. having only the name.

nāmamālā f. vocabulary (garland of nouns).

nāmamudrā f. seal-ring (with a name).

nāmarūpa n. name and form.

nāmavant a. having a name.

nāmaśeṣa a. having (only) the name left, i.e. dead.

nāmākṣara n. pl. inscription (lit. the letters) of a name.

nāmāṅka a. marked with a name.

nāmāṅkita a. marked with a name.

nāmin [1] a. = nāmavant.

nāmin [2] a. bending; changing into a cerebral (g.).

nāmba m. a species of grain; a. consisting of it.

nāmya a. to be bent.

nāya m. leader, guide; (wise) conduct, policy.

nāyaka m. (adj. --° ā) leader, guide (abstr. -tva n.); chief, general (±sainyasya); lord, husband; lover, hero, f. nāyikā (d.).

nāra adj. belonging to a man, human; m. man, pl. water; f. nārī woman, wife.

nāraka f. ī1 hellish, infernal; m. inhabitant or lord of the infernal regions.

nāraka [2] m. hell or the infernal regions.

nāraṅga m. ī f. the orange tree.

nārada [1] nārada m. N. of sev. myth. persons, esp. of an ancient Rishi often associated with Parvata, of a Gandharva, etc.

nārada m. N. of sev. myth. persons, esp. of an ancient Rishi often associated with Parvata, of a Gandharva, etc.

nārada f. ī2 pertaining to Nārada.

nāradīya a. = prec.

nārāca m. a kind of arrow.

nārāyaṇa [1] m. the son of (the primeval) man (cf. nara), often identified with Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa; a man's name.

nārāyaṇa [2] a. relating to Nārāyaṇa.

nārāśaṃsa f. ī relating to the praise of a man or men, belonging or sacred to Agni Narāśaṅśa; m. a sort of Soma vessels.

nāri f. = nārī.

nārikera m. the cocoa-nut tree or cocoa-nut.

nārikela m. the same.

nārī -> nāra.

nārīṣṭha a. fond of women.

nārya m. N. of a man.

nāla a. consisting or made of reeds; n. a hollow stalk, esp. of the lotus, pipe, tube, handle.

nālikera (f. ī) & -kela m. = nārikera.

nālīka m. a kind of arrow.

nāva [1] m. shout of joy.

nāva [2] (--°) & nāvā f. = nau.

nāvanīta f. ī coming from or being like butter; soft, meek.

nāvāja m. mariner, pilot.

nāvika m. mariner, pilot.

nāvopajīvana m. the same.

nāvopajīvin m. the same.

nāvya a. navigable; n. & f. ā river.

nāśa m. loss, ruin, destruction, death.

nāśaka (f. nāśikā) = seq. a.

nāśana f. ī destroying, removing (gen. or --°); n. as subst.

nāśin a. = seq.; --° = prec. a.

nāśuka a. disappearing, perishing.

nāśya a. to be removed or destroyed.

nāṣṭika m. the owner of anything lost.

nāṣṭrā f. danger, destruction, evil spirit.

nāsatya m. E. of the Aśvins.

nāsā f. (du. & sgl.) nose.

nāsāgra n. the tip of the nose; -randhra s. nostril.

nāsāntika a. reaching to the nose.

nāsāpuṭa m. wing of the nose, nostril.

nāsāmūla n. root (upper part) of the nose.

nāsikā f. nostril; nose (mostly du.).

nāsikāgra n. the tip of the nose.

nāsikāpuṭa m. = nāsāpuṭa.

nāsikāmūla n. = nāsāmūla.

nāsikārajju f. nose-string* (cf. nasyā).

nāsikya a. being in or uttered through the nose, nasal; m. nasal sound (g.), pl. N. of a people.

nāstika a. & m. atheist(ical), sceptic(al).

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nāstikavṛtti a. leading the life of or deriving one's livelihood from, an atheist.

nāstikatā f. nāstikya n. abstr. to nāstika; -kya w. karmaṇām denial of the future results of works.

nāstitā f. -tva n. non-existence (ph.).

nāsya n. nose-cord (cf. nasya).

nāhuṣa f. ī1 belonging to the same race, kin.

nāhuṣa [2] m. descendant of Nahuṣa, patr. of Yayāti, N. of a serpent-demon.

ni (°--) in, within, down, back.

niṃs (niṃste) kiss.

niṃsin a. kissing (--°).

niḥ before ka -> niṣka.

niḥkṣatra a. without the warrior caste.

niḥkṣatriya a. without the warrior caste.

niḥ before pa & pha -> niṣpa & niṣpha.

nikakṣa m. armpit.

nikaṭa a. near; s. nearness, proximity; nikaṭam nikaṭe & nikaṭāt adv.

nikara m. heap, pile, mass, abundance, multitude (often --°).

nikarṣa m. decrease, reduction.

nikaṣa m. rubbing in, anointing; a roller or harrow; the touchstone, n. the streak of gold or test made on it.

nikaṣaṇa n. rubbing off; m. or n. touchstone.

nikaṣā adv. close by (w. acc.).

nikāma [1] m. desire, wish, pleasure, satisfaction; °--, acc., & abl. in -tas adv.

nikāma [2] a. desirous, eager, greedy.

nikāman a. the same.

nikāya m. group, class, troop, assemblage, multitude.

nikāra m. humiliation, insult.

nikārin m. oppressor.

nikāśa m. horizon, proximity; adj. --° appearance, likeness, abstr. -tva n.

nikāṣa m. scratching, rubbing, grinding.

nikilbiṣa n. expiation.

nikuñja m. thicket, bower, vault.

nikumbha m. N. of a plant & sev. men.

nikuramba m. n. multitude.

nikurumba m. n. multitude.

nikurumbaka m. n. multitude.

nikṛta a. bent down, humiliated, injured; mean, vile.

nikṛti f. baseness, meanness, deceit, fraud (also personif.).

nikṛtin a. base, false, deceitful.

nikṛtvan a. base, false, deceitful.

nikṛntana a. cutting down or off, destroying; n. as abstr.; m. a cert. hell.

nikṛṣṭa a. brought down, debased, mean, low; (brought) near; n. vicinity.

niketa m. (n.) habitation, abode, house; order of the relig. life of a Brahman; mark, sign.

niketana n. habitation, abode, temple.

nikoca m. -na n. contraction.

nikta a. washed, rinsed, cleansed, purified, besprinkled.

nikramaṇa n. stamping (with the foot), footstep.

nikṣ nikṣati v pierce. --
     vi = S.

nikṣepa m. putting down, placing, throwing, casting (also -ṇa n.); deposit, pledge, trust (j.).

nikṣeptṛ m. depositor (j.).

nikṣepya a. to be put down or thrust into (loc.).

nikhila a. entire, whole; instr. adv.

nikhilārtha a. complete.

nigaḍa n. chain (for the feet), fetter; as adj. ( = poss. -vant*) chained, fettered.

nigaḍana n. binding, fettering.

nigaḍapūrita a. chained, fettered.*

nigaḍay nigaḍayati v bind, fetter.

nigada m. recitation, prayer or sacrif. formula: mention, speech.

nigantavya a. to be studied.

nigama m. insertion (r.); source, root, etymon (g.); sacred text or precept; lesson, rule i.g.

nigamana n. insertion, quotation; conclusion (ph.).

nigaraṇa n. swallowing, devouring.

nigiraṇa n. = nigaraṇa.

nigut m. enemy.

nigūḍha a. hidden, concealed, secret, n. adv.; -cārin walking in secret.

nigūhana n. covering, hiding.

nigṛhīti f. subduing, restraint.

nigrabhītṛ m. who holds or binds fast.

nigraha m. seizing, holding, restraining, subduing; chastisement, punishment, censure, blame.

nigrahaṇa a. & n. suppressing, chastising.

nigrahītṛ m. = nigrabhītṛ.

nigrahītavya a. to be chastised.

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nigrābha m. pressing down; N. of a verse (r.).

nigrāhya a. to be (or being) kept down or punished.

nighaṇṭu m. vocabulary, pl. T. of the Vedic glossary explained by Yāska.

nigharṣa m. -ṇa n. rubbing.

nighāta m. stroke, blow.

nighātin a. striking, destroying (--°).

nighna a. dependent, subject to (--°); abstr. -tā f.

nicakrayā (instr. adv.) with down-rolling chariots.

nicamana n. sipping.

nicaya m. heaping or piling up, heap, multitude, accumulation, provisions.

nicita [1] a. heaped or piled up, covered or endowed with, full of (instr. or --°).

nicita [2] a. seen, visible.

nicira a. attentive, watchful.

nicula m. N. of a tree & a poet.

niculaka m. cover, wrapper, case.

nicṛt f. a defective metre.

nicetṛ m. observer.

niceya a. to be heaped or piled up.

niceru a. gliding, sneaking.

nicola m. = niculaka.

nij pp. nikta (q.v.), I. nenekti nenikte wash, cleanse, purify; M. refl. --
     ava = S.; C. avanejayati cause to wash off.
     abhyava A.M. wash, cleanse; C. = prec. C.
     nis A. wash off, cleanse; M. wash, dress, or adorn one's self.
     pra wash off, cleanse.
     vi wipe off. -- Cf. nirṇikta.

nija a. inborn, indigenous, native, own; w. ripu m. a foe in one's own camp. In l. l. = a poss. pron. of all persons.

nijaghni a. striking down.

nijur f. burning, consuming.

niṭala n. forehead.

niṭāla n. forehead.

niṭila n. forehead.

niṇik adv. secretly.

niṇya a. inner, private, secret, n. a secret or = prec.

nitamba m. the buttocks, esp. of a woman (mostly du.); ridge or side (of a mountain); the sloping bank (of a river).

nitambavatī f. a buxom woman (cf. prec.).

nitambasthala n. -lī f. the region of the buttocks.

nitambinī f. = nitambavatī.

nitarām adv. downwards, in a low tone; completely, extremely, especially, by all means.

nitala n. a cert. hell.

nitānta a. extraordinary, excessive, much; °-- & n. adv.

nitikta a. impelled, urged on.

nitoda m. piercing, hole.

nitodin a. piercing, boring.

nitośana a. sprinkling, distributing; m. distributer (gen.).

nitya a. inner, interior, indigenous, own; constant, continual, eternal (nitya °-- & n. adv.); abiding or persevering in, devoted to (--°); regular, essential, necessary, obligatory. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nityakarman n. a constant act or duty.

nityakālam (acc. adv.) always, constantly.

nityakṛtya n. -kriyā f. = nityakarman.

nityakta a. driven away, vanished.

nityajāta a. being constantly born.

nityatṛpta a. always contented.

nityadā adv. always, constantly.

nityayukta a. always devoted, always intent upon (loc.).

nityaśas adv. always, constantly.

nityasaṃnyāsin m. always an ascetic.

nityasevaka a. always serving (others).

nityasnāyin a. always bathing.

nityābhiyukta a. constantly devoted.

nityodaka a. always provided with water.

nityodakin a. always provided with water.

nityodita a. risen spontaneously (of a knowledge).

nid [1] nind nindati v (nindate), pp. nindita (q.v.) revile, abuse, blame, despise; ridicule, mock, surpass. D. ninitsati be willing to revile. --
     prati & vi revile, censure, reproach.

nid [2] f. mocking, contempt; mocker, blamer, reviler; adj. mocking, reviling (--°).

nidarśaka a. seeing, perceiving (--°); also = seq. a.

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nidarśana f. ī pointing at, proclaiming, teaching (--°). f. ā a cert. comparison (rh.); n. pointing or looking at, evidence, example, symptom, omen, -nārtham for instance.

nidarśin a. seeing, knowing (--°).

nidā f. blame, contempt.

nidāgha m. heat, the hot season, summer.

nidātṛ m. who ties on or restrains.

nidāna n. band, rope, halter; first cause, original form, essence (ph.), cause, reason i.g. -- Instr. nidānena originally, essentially, really.

nidānasūtra n. T. of a metrical work.

nidigdha a. clinging to (loc.).

nidita a. tied on; kept, hidden.

nididhyāsana n. meditation.

nididhyāsitavya a. to be meditated upon.

nididhyāsu a. wishing to meditate on (acc.).

nideśa m. direction, command.

nideśakārin a. executing orders, obedient.

nideśakṛt a. executing orders, obedient.

nideśavartin a. the same; m. servant.

nidrā f. sleep, -kara a. causing sleep.

nidrāgama m. sleepiness (the coming of sleep).

nidrācaura m. stealer of sleep.*

nidrāṇa a. sleeping, asleep.

nidrālasa a. drowsy (lit. lazy from sleep).

nidrālasya n. drowsiness (cf. prec.).

nidrālu a. sleepy.

nidrita a. asleep.

nidhana n. going or lying down, i.e. settlement, abode, receptacle; or conclusion, end, death.

nidhana a. destitute of wealth, poor, miserable; abstr. -tā f.

nidhā f. net, snare.

nidhātos abl. inf. to ni + dhā.

nidhāna n. laying down, depositing, keeping, preserving; receptacle, vessel (r. also m., adj. --° f. ī); (hidden) treasure.

nidhi m. setting down or serving up (of food etc.); receptacle, vessel, (hidden) treasure.

nidhipa m. guardian of treasure.

nidhipati m. the same; a very rich man, E. of Kubera.

nidhipā m. = nidhipa.

nidhipāla m. = nidhipa.

nidhīśa m. E. of Kubera.

nidhuvana n. coition.

nidheya a. to be put down or on.

nidhyarthin a. wishing for treasures.

nidhruvi a. constant, faithful.

ninada m. n. sound, noise, cry, hum.

ninaddha a. tied fast to (loc.).

ninayana n. pouring out, offering.

nināda m. -dita n. the same.

ninādin a. sounding or crying, causing to sound (--°).

ninitsu a. wishing to blame.

ninīṣu a. wishing to lead or spend (time).

nindaka a. s. reviling, reviler (mostly --°).

nindana n. reviling, blaming, reproaching.

nindā f. the same + shame, disgrace.

nindārha a. worthy of censure.

nindita a. reviled, blamed, rejected, prohibited, forbidden.

ninditṛ m. scoffer, blamer.

nindin a. blaming, reproaching (--°).

nindopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

nindya a. blamable, abstr. -tā f.

nipa [1] m. chief, master.

nipa [2] m. water-jar.

nipatana n. falling or flying (down); fall, ruin, loss.

nipāta m. fall, ruin, loss, death; falling down from (abl.) into or upon (--°), flying down, descending; falling against, assault, onset; accidental occurrence or mention, exception, irregularity, particle (g.).

nipātana n. letting fall, throwing down, killing, destroying; occasional mention or use of a word (g.); falling or flying down, descent.

nipātanīya a. to be caused to fall.

nipātin a. falling or flying down; descending upon (--°); felling, destroying (--°).

nipāda m. low ground, valley.

nipāna n. drinking; watering place, pond.

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nipuṇa a. clever, skilful; versed in, familiar with (loc., *gen., *instr., infin., or --°); exact, complete, perfect. °-- & n. adv.; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nipuṇikā f. N. of a woman.

nipūta a. filtered, strained.

nibaddha a. tied or fastened to (loc.), dependent on (instr.); joined together, built; composed or consisting of, accompanied by, endowed or adorned with (--°); enclosed, contained in, turned towards, being in or on (loc. or --°); used, employed (word or sound).

nibanddhṛ m. composer, author.

nibandha m. tying on, fastening; band, fetter; foundation, literary composition.

nibandhana f. ī tying, fastening; n. ligation, construction, literary composition; bond, fetter (also f. ī); cause, means, condition; adj. caused by, dependent on, related to (--°).

nibandhin a. binding, fettering; connected with, causing (--°).

nibarhaṇa a. & n. destroying, removing.

nibiḍa a. low; thick, dense, close, tight; full of (instr. or --°).

nibiḍay nibiḍayati v pp. nibiḍita embrace closely, make tight.

nibha a. like, equal to (--°).

nibhṛta a. loaden or filled with (instr. or --°); firm, steady, unmoved, constant, faithful; devoted to, intent upon (--°); settled, certain; hidden, secret. n. secret, mystery, silence, also adv.

nimagna a. plunged, immersed in, sunk down or fallen into (loc. or --°), set (sun), entered, penetrated; deepened, depressed.

nimagnanābhi f. slender (lit. having a depressed navel or waist).

nimagnamadhyā f. slender (lit. having a depressed navel or waist).

nimajjana n. diving, bathing.

nimajjanasthāna n. bathing-place.

nimantraka m. inviter.

nimantraṇa n. invitation.

nimaya m. barter, change.

nimi m. N. of sev. kings.

nimita a. measured out; caused by (instr.).

nimitta n. mark, aim, sign, token; presage, omen; reason, cause, esp. the efficient cause; in the obl. cases = because or on account of; adj. caused, produced, occasioned by (--°).

nimittaka a. caused by, dependent on (--°).

nimittakāraṇa n. causa efficiens.

nimittatas adv. by or from a special cause or reason.

nimittatva n. the being a cause, causality.

nimittanaimittika n. du. cause and effect.

nimittamātra n. only the cause or instrument.

nimittahetu m. = nimittakāraṇa.

nimiśla a. attached or devoted to (--°).

nimiṣ f. winking, shutting the eyes.

nimiṣa n. the same; an instant.

nimīlana n. shutting (esp. of the eyes).

nimīlita a. having shut the eyes; closed, shut; disappeared, vanished.

nimṛgra a. clinging or yielding to (loc. & ā).

nimṛda m. crusher.

nimeṣa m. = nimiṣa.

nimeṣaṇa n. the shutting of the eyes, a. (f. ī) causing it.

nimna n. depth, lowland; a. deep, depressed, sunk, instr. pl. downwards.

nimnagā f. a river (going downwards).

nimnonnata a. depressed and elevated i.e. voluptuously shaped (woman).

nimba m. N. of a tree, -taila n. the oil coming from it.

nimrukti f. sunset, evening.

nimruc f. the same; a. withered, faded.

nimrocana n. nimloca m. = prec. f.

niyata a. tied or fastened to (loc.); kept back, checked, restrained, suppressed, settled, fixed; regular, exact, constant; confined or reduced to (--°); limited, concentrated or quite intent upon (loc.).

niyatakāla a. limited in time, temporary.

niyatavrata a. firm in one's vow or faith, faithful, pious.

niyatātman a. self-controlled.

niyatāhāra a. restricting one's food.

niyati f. the fixed order of things; necessity, destiny (also pers.).

niyatendriya a. having one's organs or passions restrained.

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niyantavya a. to be restrained or tamed.

niyantṛ m. restrainer, tamer, charioteer.

niyantraṇa n. restraining, confining (also ā f.).

niyama m. = prec. + limitation, restriction to (loc. or prati); definition, statement; fixed rule or law, strict necessity; promise, vow; voluntary restraint, minor duty (r.); common-place (rh.). Instr. & abl. necessarily, absolutely, by all means.

niyamana a. restraining, subduing; n. also limiting, defining.

niyamārtham adv. for the sake of restriction.

niyamopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

niyamya a. to be restrained, subdued, limited, or defined.

niyāna n. coming down, arrival; way, path.

niyāmaka f. -mikā restraining, subduing, confining, deciding; m. leader, ruler.

niyukta a. tied on, fettered or fastened to (loc.); commissioned, ordered, appointed to (loc., dat., artham, or infin.), turned or directed to (loc.); prescribed, enjoined. - m. functionary, official; n. necessarily, by all means.

niyukti f. injunction, appointment.

niyut f. team of horses, esp. the steeds of Vāyu; series, row (of objects); gift, donation.

niyuta a. tied on, fastened; n. a million.

niyutvant a. having a team of horses (E. of sev. Gods); forming a line or series, i.e. uninterrupted, continual, everlasting.

niyuddha n. fight, esp. fistic combat.

niyoktṛ m. who ties or fastens; employer, ruler, lord, master.

niyoktavya a. to be turned to (loc.); to be appointed to or commissioned with (loc.); to be called to account.

niyoga m. attaching, fastening (only °--); use, employment; injunction, commission, appointment, command, order; necessity, destiny.

niyogakṛt a. executing a commission.

niyogārtha m. the object or purpose of an appointment.

niyojana n. tying, attaching; bond, fetter; commission, appointment to (loc.); f. -nī a halter.

niyojya a. to be fastened; endowed with (instr.); enjoined, authorized, or appointed. m. servant, dependant.

niraṃśaka a. getting no share.

niraṃśu a. rayless.

niragni a. having no fire or hearth.

niragha a. sinless, blameless.

nirata a. satisfied with, delighting in, devoted to, intent upon (loc., instr., or --°).

niraṅkuśa a. unchecked (lit. unhooked), independent, free, extravagant, n. adv.; abstr. -tva n.

nirañjana a. without unguent or paint, deceitless, honest.

niratiśaya a. unsurpassed, highest.

niratyaya n. dangerless, secure, infallible.

niranukrośa [1] m. mercilessness, cruelty; -tas adv.

niranukrośa [2] a. merciless, cruel towards (loc.); abstr. -tā f.

niranurodha a. regardless, unkind, indifferent to (loc.).

nirantara a. having no interval, continuous, uninterrupted, constant, dense, compact; abounding in, full of (instr. or --°); not different, equal, identical. n. adv. tight, fast; constantly, regularly; immediately, forthwith.

nirantarapayodharā f. having thick clouds (breasts).

nirantarotkaṇṭhā f. continual longing.*

nirantarodbhinna a. densely blossomed.*

niranvaya a. childless, unrelated; n. adv. behind one's back, not openly (opp. anvayavat q.v.).

nirapa a. waterless.

nirapatya a. childless, abstr. -tva n.

nirapatrapa a. shameless.

niraparādha a. faultless, innocent (also -vant); abstr. -tā f.

nirapāya a. imperishable (also -yin); infallible, secure.

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nirapekṣa a. regardless, careless, indifferent to or about (loc. or --°). -- Abstr. nirapekṣā & nirapekṣatā f., nirapekṣatva n.

nirapekṣita a. regardless or disregarded.

nirapekṣin a. careless, indifferent.

nirabhilāṣa a. not wishing for, indifferent about (--°).

nirabhra a. cloudless, loc. in a cloudless sky.

niramitra a. free from enemies.

nirambara a. unclothed, naked.

nirambu a. having or drinking no water.

niraya m. hell (also personif.).

nirayaṇa n. egression, issue.

nirargala a. unchecked, free; n. adv.

nirartha [1] m. disadvantage; nonsense (pl.).

nirartha [2] a. = seq. + destitute of wealth, poor.

nirarthaka a. purposeless, useless, unmeaning, nonsensical.

niravakāśa a. offering or finding no space.

niravagraha a. unchecked, free; n. adv.

niravadya a. blameless; abstr. -tva n.

niravadhi a. unlimited, incessant.

niravayava a. not consisting of parts, indivisible.

niravarodha a. unrestrained.

niravalamba a. having or offering no support.

niravalambana a. having or offering no support.

niravaśeṣa a. complete, whole, entire; niravaśeṣeṇa & niravaśeṣatas adv.

niraṣṭa a. emasculated.

nirasana a. (f. ī) & n. expelling, rejecting.

nirastra a. weaponless.

nirahaṃkāra a. free from selfishness.

nirahaṃkṛti a. free from selfishness.

nirahaṃkriyā f. abstr. to prec.

nirākaraṇa n. rejecting, removing, forgetting.

nirākariṣṇu a. rejecting; forgetful.

nirākāṅkṣa a. expecting or wanting nothing.

nirākāṅkṣin a. expecting or wanting nothing.

nirākāra a. shapeless, formless; insignificant, unassuming, modest.

nirākula a. not over-filled; unconfused, clear, calm, steady; n. adv. & as abstr.

nirākṛti [1] a. shapeless, formless.

nirākṛti [2] f. disturbance, interruption.

nirākriyā f. = nirākaraṇa.

nirāga a. passionless, calm.

nirāgas a. sinless, innocent.

nirāgāra a. houseless, shelterless.

nirātaṅka a. not uneasy, comfortable.

nirātapa a. not exposed to the heat of the sun.

nirātapatra a. having no parasol.

nirādiṣṭa a. paid off (pers. & th.); -dhana a. having been paid off with money.

nirānanda a. joyless, sorrowful.

nirānandakara f. ī causing woe or sorrow.

nirāpad f. prosperity; adj. prosperous.

nirābādha a. undisturbed, harmless (n. adv.).

nirāmaya [1] m. health, happiness.

nirāmaya [2] a. healthy, well, wholesome, perfect.

nirāmin a. staying in (loc.).

nirāmiṣa a. having no meat or prey, free from sensual desires.

nirāmiṣāśin a. eating no flesh.

nirālamba a. = niravalamba.

nirālambana a. = niravalamba.

nirāloka a. not looking about, blind (lit. & fig.); dark.

nirāśa a. hopeless, despairing of (loc., dat., abl., acc. w. prati, or --°); abstr. -tva n.

nirāśaṅka a. fearless, n. adv.

nirāśā f. hopelessness.

nirāśin a. hopeless.

nirāśis a. without a hope or blessing.

nirāśraya a. without (i.e. not having or offering) shelter, refuge, or support.

nirāsa m. ejection, removal.

nirāsvāda a. tasteless, yielding no enjoyment.

nirāsvādya a. tasteless, yielding no enjoyment.

nirāhāra a. & m. not eating, fasting; abstr. -tā f.

niriṅga a. immovable, not flickering.

niriccha a. desireless.

nirindriya a. having no organs (of sense), impotent, barren, weak, frail.

nirīkṣaka a. looking at, observing (--°).

nirīkṣaṇa a. = prec.; n. look, sight.

nirīkṣā f. consideration.

nirīkṣitavya a. to be looked at or considered.

nirīkṣya a. to be looked at or considered.

nirīha a. inactive, indolent; abstr. -tā f.

nirukta a. uttered, pronounced, declared as (2 nom.), explained, distinctly said or enjoined; n. explanation, etymological interpretation, T. of a work.

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nirukti f. = prec. n.

niruja a. free from sickness, healthy, whole-some.

nirutkaṇṭha a. free from desire or longing.*

niruttara a. having no superior, having or making no reply.

nirutsava a. having no festivals.

nirutsavārambha a. showing no preparations for a festival.*

nirutsāha [1] m. want of energy, indolence.

nirutsāha [2] a. devoid of energy or courage, indolent; abstr. -tā f.

nirutsuka a. unconcerned, calm; having no desire for (prati).

nirutseka [1] m. modesty, humbleness.

nirutseka [2] a. pretenceless, modest.

nirudaka a. waterless.

nirudara a. having no belly or trunk.

niruddha a. held back, obstructed; expelled, rejected; stuffed or filled with (instr. or --°).

niruddhati a. not jerking (waggon).

nirudyama a. inactive, indolent.

nirudyoga a. effortless, lazy.

nirudvigna a. undisturbed.

nirudvega a. undisturbed.

nirupadrava a. inflicting or suffering no harm; harmless, undisturbed.

nirupadhi a. deceitless, honest.

nirupapada a. having no epithet.

nirupaplava a. = nirupadrava.

nirupama a. having no like, matchless.

nirupāya a. unsuccessful, idle.

nirūḍha a. grown, risen.

nirūpaṇa a. (--°) & n. determining, defining.

nirūpayitavya a. to be determined or defined.

nirūpya a. to be determined or defined.

nirṛti f. decay, destruction (o. personif. as the goddess of death); depth, abyss.

nirṛtha m. destruction or destroyer.

nirodha m. shutting in, confinement, restraint, coercion, oppression.

nirodhana a. confining, obstructing (--°); n. = prec.

nirauṣadha a. incurable, irremediable (lit. where there is no healing plant).

nirgandha a. scentless, abstr. -tā f.

nirgama m. going out (also -na n.), ceasing, vanishing, issue, end.

nirgarha a. blameless.

nirgalita a. flowed out, poured forth.

nirguṇa a. having no thread or string; devoid of attributes, qualities, or virtues, abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nirgṛha f. ī houseless.

nirgrantha a. freed from all ties; m. a Jaina beggar.

nirgraha m. finding out, recognizing.

nirghaṇṭu m. vocabulary.

nirghaṇṭuka m. vocabulary.

nirgharṣaṇa n. rubbing.

nirghāta m. removal, destruction; hurricane, whirlwind.

nirghṛṇa a. unmerciful, cruel, hard-hearted, n. adv.; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nirghoṣa [1] m. sound, noise.

nirghoṣa [2] a. soundless, noiseless.

nirjana a. unpeopled, lonely, s. solitude, desert; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nirjaya m. conquest, victory.

nirjara a. not growing old; young, fresh.

nirjarāyu a. having cast its skin (serpent).

nirjala a. waterless, s. such a land.

nirjiti f. = nirjaya.

nirjihva a. tongueless.

nirjīva a. lifeless, dead, -karaṇa n. killing, slaughter.

nirjīvita a. = prec. a.

nirjetṛ m. conqueror.

nirjñāti a. having no relatives.

nirjñāna a. ignorant, stupid.

nirjhara m. (n.) -ṇa n. waterfall, cataract.

nirjhariṇī f. torrent, river.

nirṇaya m. taking away, removal; composing, settling; decision, determination; sentence, verdict (j.).

nirṇayopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

nirṇata a. bent outwards, projecting, high.

nirṇānaka a. moneyless, poor.*

nirṇāma m. bent, curve.

nirṇikta a. washed off, cleansed, polished, purified, expiated.

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nirṇikti f. expiation.

nirṇij f. shining dress or ornament.

nirṇīta a. found out, ascertained, settled, fixed.

nirṇeka m. ablution, expiation.

nirṇejaka m. washerman.

nirṇejana n. = nirṇeka.

nirṇetṛ m. who pronounces a sentence, judge, umpire.

nirṇoda m. expulsion.

nirdaya a. pitiless or unpitied, cruel, passionate, n. adv.; abstr. -tva n.

nirdara s. cave, cavern.

nirdari s. cave, cavern.

nirdalana n. splitting, breaking.

nirdaśa a. more than ten days old.

nirdahana a. (f. ī), & n. burning.

nirdātṛ m. weeder.

nirdāha a. & m. = nirdahana.

nirduḥkha a. feeling or causing no pain, abstr. -tva n.

nirdeva a. forsaken by the gods.

nirdeśa m. pointing out, direction, order, command to (--°), description, designation.

nirdeśya a. to be determined, described, announced, or foretold.

nirdoṣa a. faultless, guiltless, innocent, abstr. -tā f.

nirdravya a. immaterial; wealthless, poor.

nirdvaṃdva a. free from or indifferent about the opposites (as heat and cold etc.); not standing in mutual relation; uncontested, undisputed.

nirdhana a. having no property, indigent, poor.

nirdharma a. unjust, lawless, impious.

nirdhāra m. taking out, separating.

nirdhāraṇa n. the same, determining, settling.

nirdhuta -> seq.

nirdhūta a. shaken out or off, driven away, rejected (also nidhurta); raised, brandished, swung; troubled, vexed; bereft of (--°).

nirdhūma a. smokeless; abstr. -tva n.

nirdhauta a. washed off, cleansed.

nirnamaskāra a. doing or deserving no homage, despised by all.

nirnara a. devoid of men, deserted.

nirnātha a. protectorless, abstr. -tā f.

nirnāyaka a. guideless, abstr. -tva n.

nirnāśana a. & n. removing, expelling.

nirnāśin a. (--°) = prec. a.

nirnāsa a. noseless or snubnosed.*

nirnidra a. sleepless, abstr. -tā f.

nirnimitta a. causeless, groundless, °-- & n. adv.

nirnimeṣa a. not winking (eye).

nirbandha m. insisting upon (loc. or --°), pertinacity, perseverance.

nirbandhin a. insisting upon (loc. or --°).

nirbala a. strengthless, weak.

nirbādha a. unchecked, undisturbed.

nirbīja a. seedless, empty; abstr. -tva n.

nirbuddhi a. senseless, stupid, ignorant.

nirbhaya [1] n. safety, security.

nirbhaya [2] a. fearless, dangerless, secure.

nirbhara a. excessive, violent, full of (--°); °-- & n. adv.

nirbhartsana n. threat, reproach.

nirbhāta a. shining forth, radiant, bright; appeared, arisen.

nirbhāsana n. illuminating (lit. & fig.).

nirbhinna a. cleft or burst asunder; budded, blossomed; separated, disunited.

nirbhī a. fearless, not afraid of (--°).

nirbhīka a. fearless, not afraid of (--°).

nirbhīta a. the same.

nirbhūti f. ceasing to be.

nirbheda [1] m. bursting, splitting asunder (tr. & intr.); blurting or blabbing out.

nirbheda [2] a. uninterrupted.

nirbhedin a. splitting, piercing.

nirbhoga a. not devoted to enjoyment.

nirbhrānti f. stepping out, roaming.*

nirmakṣika (a. free from flies); -kaṃ kṛ purify the air, chase away the bystanders.*

nirmatsara a. free from envy or egoism.

nirmathana n. stirring, churning, rubbing (esp. kindle fire by rubbing).

nirmada a. not in rut (elephant); not proud, humble, modest.

nirmanaska a. mindless, senseless, abstr. -tā f.

nirmantra a. not accompanied by sacred verses (a marriage).

nirmanthana n. = nirmathana.

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nirmama a. unselfish, disinterested, careless about (loc.); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nirmaryāda a. unlimited, countless; extravagant, criminal, impious. n. confusion, chaos, also as adv.

nirmala a. stainless, clean, pure; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nirmā f. measure, value, equivalent.

nirmāṃsa a. fleshless, meagre.

nirmāṇa n. measuring, measure; making, production, creation, work.

nirmātṛ m. maker, builder, creator, author.

nirmāna a. free from pride or egoism.

nirmānuṣa a. unpeopled, desolate.

nirmāya a. strengthless or deceitless.

nirmārjana n. sweeping away, cleaning.

nirmālya a. cast out or left (from a garland), useless; n. the leavings of a sacrifice, esp. flowers.

nirmita a. produced, made, built, formed, created by (instr. or --°), out of (abl., instr. or --°); effected, caused, settled, determined.

nirmiti f. formation, production, creation.

nirmukta a. unbound, loosened; delivered, escaped; saved from, rid of (instr., or abl.); given up, lost, disappeared (°--); having cast the skin (serpent).

nirmukti f. liberation, deliverance from (abl. or --°).

nirmūla a. rootless, unfounded, abstr. -tā f.

nirmoka m. a hide or skin (taken or cast off).

nirmokṣa m. nirmocana n. = nirmukti.

niryantraṇa a. unrestrained, n. adv.

niryāṇa n. going out or off, departure, disappearance, death.

niryātana n. giving back, returning, requital.

niryātya a. to be restored or delivered.

niryāpaṇa n. expelling, banishing from (abl.).

niryāsa m. exudation of trees, juice, resin, milk, etc.

niryūha n. prominence, projection, pinnacle, turret.

niryogakṣema a. neither acquiring nor enjoying.

nirlakṣaṇa a. unmarked, undistinguished, unimportant.

nirlakṣya a. unobservable.

nirlajja a. shameless; abstr. -tā f.

nirluṇṭhana n. robbing, plundering.

nirlepa a. unsmeared, stainless, pure.

nirlobha a. free from avarice.

nirvaṃśa a. having no family, single.

nirvacana [1] n. speaking out, utterance, saying, proverb, explanation, etymology.

nirvacana [2] a. not speaking, silent; unobjectionable, blameless.

nirvatsala a. untender towards (loc.).

nirvapaṇa a. & n. pouring out, offering, bestowing.

nirvartana n. accomplishment, completion.

nirvartanīya a. to be accomplished.

nirvartayitavya a. to be accomplished.

nirvartya a. to be accomplished.

nirvarvin a. accomplishing, performing (--°).

nirvalkala a. barkless.*

nirvaśa a. having no free will, dependent; abstr. -tā f.

nirvasu a. wealthless, poor; abstr. -tva n.

nirvahaṇa n. issue, end, close.

nirvākya a. speechless, silent.

nirvāc a. speechless, silent.

nirvācya a. to be explained or defined.

nirvāṇa [1] n. blowing out, extinction, disappearance; liberation i.e. annihilation or eternal bliss (r.); joy, satisfaction i.g.

nirvāṇa [2] a. extinguished, set (sun), liberated, blessed.

nirvāṇayitṛ a. extinguishing, cooling.*

nirvāṇayitṛka a. extinguishing, cooling.*

nirvāta a. windless, sheltered; s. such a place.

nirvāda m. censure, blame.

nirvāpa m. scattering, strewing, pouring out, offering.

nirvāpaka a. extinguishing; soothing, refreshing.

nirvāpaṇa [1] n. = nirvāpa.

nirvāpaṇa [2] a. & n. extinguishing, cooling.

nirvāpayitṛ  = nirvāṇayitṛ.

nirvāpayitṛka  = nirvāṇayitṛ.

nirvāsa m. departure, banishment from (abl.); travelling, living abroad.

nirvāsana n. expulsion, banishment.

nirvāsanīya a. to be expelled or banished.

nirvāsya a. to be expelled or banished.

nirvāha m. accomplishment, performance; competency, subsistence.

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nirvāhaka (f. -hikā) & -hin a. accomplishing, performing, effecting.

nirvāhya a. to be accomplished or performed.

nirvikalpa a. having or offering no alternative, free from difference or doubt; n. -lpam without hesitation or reflection.

nirvikalpaka a. having or offering no alternative, free from difference or doubt; n. -lpam without hesitation or reflection.

nirvikāra a. unchanged, immutable, firm; abstr. -tā f.

nirvighna a. undisturbed, n. & instr. adv.

nirvicāra a. inconsiderate, n. adv.

nirviceṣṭa a. motionless.

nirviṇṇa a. despondent, depressed; disgusted with, weary of (abl., gen., loc., or --°); anirviṇacetas a. having an undesponding heart, constant.

nirvidya a. unlearned.

nirvinoda a. having no pastime.

nirvindhyā f. N. of a river.

nirvimarśa a. inconsiderate.

nirviśaṅka fearless, confident, n. adv.

nirviśaṅkita fearless, confident, n. adv.

nirviśeṣa a. making or showing no difference, not differing from (--°); equal, similar; n. as adv. or as abstr. = -tā f., -tva n.

nirviṣa a. poisonless (serpent).

nirviṣaya a. having no residence, support, or sphere; banished, driven from (--°).

nirviṣṭa a. entered, sticking in (loc. or --°); restored, paid; enjoyed, earned, won.

nirvīra a. destitute of men or heroes, abstr. nirvīratā f.

nirvīrya a. unmanly, powerless, impotent, exhausted; abstr. -tā f.

nirvṛkṣa a. treeless.

nirvṛta a. extinct, allayed; satisfied, happy.

nirvṛti f. extinction, tranquillity, happiness, bliss; poss. -mant.

nirvṛtta a. come forth, arisen; accomplished, finished, ready.

nirvṛtti f. completion, fulfilment; want of manners, ill behaviour.

nirveda m. despondency, despair, indifference; disgust for, aversion to (loc., gen., or --°); poss. -vant.

nirvedaduḥsaham adv. in a manner unbearable to (or on account of) despair.*

nirvepana a. not trembling or flickering.

nirveśa m. requital, payment, expiation.

nirveśya a. to be paid or requited.

nirveṣṭavya a. to be paid or requited.

nirvaira a. peaceable, free from enmity towards (loc.); n. adv. & = abstr. -tā f.

nirvoḍhṛ a. going to carry away.

nirvyapekṣa a. regardless, indifferent to (loc. or --°).

nirvyākula a. undisturbed, calm; abstr. -tā f.

nirvyāja a. deceitless, honest, sincere, pure, genuine; n. adv., abstr. -tā f.

nirvyādhi a. free from sickness, healthy.

nirvyāpāra a. free from occupation, not busy.

nirvyūḍha a. finished, successful; n. completion.

nirvyūḍhi f. issue, end; top, summit.

nirvyūha n. prominence, turret, battlement.

nirvraṇa a. free from wounds, unhurt, undam aged.

nirvrata a. neglecting religious observances.

nirvraska a. uprooted.

nirvrīḍa a. shameless.

nirharaṇa n. taking out or off, removing, carrying away.

nirhasta a. handless.

nirhāra m. nirhṛti f. = nirharaṇa.

nirheti a. weaponless, unarmed.

nirhetu a. causeless; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nirhrāda m. sound, noise; a. -din.

nirhlāda a. joyless, uncomfortable.*

nilaya m. settling down, rest, repose; hiding-place, dwelling, abode, receptacle; a. --° living or staying in.

nilayana n. settling down upon (loc.); refuge, dwelling-place, camp.

nivacana n. speaking out, utterance, address; saying, proverb.

nivat f. depth, valley; instr. = seq.

nivanā adv. downhill, adown.

nivapana n. pouring out, scattering; an oblation to the Manes.

nivara m. covering, protection or protector.

nivarta a. causing to return.

nivartana a. the same; n. return, cessation, desisting from (abl.); causing to return, bringing back from (abl.).

nivartanīya a. to be brought or kept back.

nivartayitavya a. = prec.

nivartitavya a. = prec.

nivartya a. = prec.

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nivartin a. returning, abstaining from (abl.).

nivasana n. putting on; cloth, garment.

nivastavya n. (it is) to be lived or spent.

nivaha a. bringing, causing; m. sgl. & pl. troop, multitude, heap, mass.

nivāta [1] a. windless; n. such a spot.

nivāta [2] a. unimpeded, secure; n. security.

nivātastha a. standing in a windless place.

nivāpa m. seed or a sown field; also = seq.

nivāpāñjali m. an oblation to the Manes.

nivāpodaka n. a libation to the Manes.

nivāraṇa a. & n. keeping back, warding off (acc. or --°).

nivāraṇīya a. to be kept off.

nivārya a. to be kept off.

nivāsa [1] m. clothing; a. clothed in (--°).

nivāsa [2] m. stopping, dwelling; resting-place, abode, home.

nivāsaracanā f. architecture, edifice.

nivāsana n. dwelling, abode.

nivāsavṛkṣa m. a tree (serving) as resting-place (for a bird).

nivāsin [1] a. clothed in (--°).

nivāsin [2] a. dwelling, staying or being in (loc. or --°); m. inhabitant.

niviḍa -> nibiḍa.

nivid f. instruction, precept, doctrine; a kind of short address or invocation of the gods (r.).

niviṣṭa a. entered, settled down, gone to rest; lying, resting, dwelling, staying, sitting, sticking in, on, or at; turned to, intent upon (loc. or --°); established, founded; occupied, cultivated.

nivīta a. = seq.; also n. as subst.

nivītin a. wearing the sacred thread round the neck.

nivṛta a. surrounded, enclosed, stopped; n. covering, mantle.

nivṛtta a. returned, gone, departed, fled; having escaped, desisted or abstained from (abl. or --°); deprived of (abl.); ceased, vanished, disappeared, no more, to be supplied (g.); independent of wordly motives (an action).

nivṛtti f. return; cessation, vanishing, disappearance, desisting or escaping from (abl. or --°); abstaining, esp. from action, inactivity.

nivedaka (f. -dikā*) telling, relating (--°).

nivedana a. & n. relating, announcing.

nivedayiṣukāma a. wishing to relate.*

nivedin a. knowing, aware of; telling, relating; offering, presenting (--°).

nivedya a. to be related or communicated.

niveśa m. entering, stopping; putting down, pressing against; settling down, halting-or dwelling-place, settlement, habitation, home; founding a household, matrimony.

niveśana f. ī entering, penetrating (--°); laying down, lodging. -- n. entrance, putting down, laying on, employing, introducing, fixing, impressing; settling down etc. = prec.

niveśin a. being in, lying near, resting on (--°).

niveśya a. to be founded (town) or married (man).

niveṣṭa m. -na n. covering, clothing.

niveṣṭavya n. (it is) to be married (of a man).

niveṣṭakāma a. wishing to marry.

niveṣya [1] m. whirlpool or whirlwind.

niveṣya [2] a. belonging to a whirlpool, whirling.

niś f. night.

niśa (--°) n. & niśā f. the same.

niśākara m. the moon (night-maker).

niśāgama m. evening, coming of night.

niśācara a. night-walking; m. a Rakṣas (f. ī).

niśātyaya m. close of night, day-break.

niśādhīśa m. the moon (lord of night).

niśānātha m. the same.

niśāniśam adv. day by day (lit. night by n.).

niśānta [1] a. tested, approved, usual, customary.

niśānta [2] n. dwelling-place, house.

niśānta [3] s. close of night, day-break.

niśāpati m. = niśādhīśa.

niśāma m. -na n. observing, perceiving.

niśāmukha n. the face or the coming of the night.

niśita a. sharpened, whetted; eager for (loc.).

niśitā f. night.

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niśitāṅkuśa s. a sharp or pointed book.

niśiti f. stimulation, invitation, entertainment, treat.

niśītha m. (n.) midnight, night i.g.

niśīthadīpa m. night lamp.

niśumbha m. killing, slaughter, N. of a Dānava.

niścaya m. ascertainment, conviction, persuasion, decision, resolution, fixed opinion or purpose.

niścala a. immovable, invariable.

niścita a. having settled a thing, resolved upon, sure of (dat., loc., artham or --°); settled, fixed upon, certain, n. adv.

niścinta a. thoughtless, careless, unconcerned.

niścetana a. unconscious, unreasonable; abstr. -tva n.

niścetas a. = prec. a.

niśceṣṭa a. motionless; n. adv.

niśchandas a. not studying the Veda.

niśchidra a. having no rent, openings, or weak points; whole, complete, uninterrupted.

niśvasita n. breathing out.

niśvāsa m. breathing in or out, sigh.

niḥśaṅka a. fearless, not afraid of (--°), confident; °-- & n. adv.

niḥśaṅkā f. fearlessness; instr. = prec. adv.

niḥśaṅkita a. = niḥśaṅka.

niḥśatru a. free from enemies.

niḥśabda a. noiseless, silent; s. silence.

niḥśaraṇa a. defenceless.

niḥśalāka a. free from (high) grass (a forest).

niḥśalya a. freed from the point of an arrow; n. adv. without pain or reluctance, willingly.

niḥśastra a. weaponless, unarmed.

niḥśukra a. having no splendour.

niḥśeṣa a. having no remainder, whole, entire; acc. w. kṛ = niśeṣay (q.v.). °--, instr. & adv. in tas entirely, completely. -- Cf. aśeṣa.

niḥśeṣatā f. abstr. to seq.

niḥśeṣay yati v destroy totally.

niḥśoka a. ugly, unhappy, inglorious.

niḥśreyasa f. ī best, most excellent (lit. having no better or superior); n. bliss, deliverance, final beatitude, happiness, welfare.

niḥśreyasakara a. creating supreme bliss.

niḥśvasita a. breathing out, sighing.

niḥśvāsa m. breathing out, breath i.g.

niṣaṅga m. quiver or sword (lit. what is attached); poss. -ṅgin.

niṣakta a. hanging on, clinging to, sitting in, turned towards (--°).

niṣaṇa a. seated; sitting, lying, or resting on (loc. or --°).

niṣatta a. seated.

niṣatti f. sitting, seat.

niṣatsnu a. sitting fast.

niṣad a. sitting inactive; n. the state of sitting, esp. near the altar.

niṣadana n. sitting down; seat, abode.

niṣadvara a. sitting (inactive or near the altar).

niṣadha m. N. of a mountain & sev. men; pl. N. of a people.

niṣāda m. Non-Aryan, barbarian.

niṣādin a. sitting, lying on or in (loc. or --°); m. elephant-driver.

niṣiddha a. kept off, prohibited, forbidden (pers. & th.).

niṣiddhi f. keeping off.

niṣūdaka m. killer, destroyer.

niṣūdana m. killer, destroyer.

niṣeka m. sprinkling, infusion; impregnation (r.); water used for washing.

niṣecana n. pouring out, sprinkling.

niṣeddhavya a. to be kept off or back.

niṣeddhṛ m. who keeps off.

niṣedha m. keeping off, probition (also -na n.); denial, negation, contradiction.

niṣedhin a. repelling, beating (--°).

niṣedhya a. = niṣeddhavya.

niṣeva a. practising, frequenting, enjoying; devoted to, intent upon (--°); m., f. niṣevā & niṣevana n. as abstr.

niṣevita a. inhabited, frequented, tenanted, occupied, approached, enjoyed.

niṣevitavya a. = niṣevya.

niṣevin a. practising, observing, enjoying (--°).

niṣevya a. to be practised, observed, or enjoyed.

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niṣka m. (n.) a golden ornament for breast or neck (p. niṣkin); a. cert. coin.

niṣkaṇṭaka a. free from thorns or enemies.

niṣkampa a. not trembling, unshaken, immovable; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

niṣkara a. free from duties or taxes.

niṣkaruṇa a. pitiless, cruel (abstr. -tā f.*).

niṣkarman a. inactive.

niṣkarṣa m. drawing out, extracting, taking off (also -ṇa n.); extract or essence of anything, main point, chief matter.

niṣkala a. without parts, undivided; maimed, impotent, barren.

niṣkalaṅka a. stainless, sinless, pure.

niṣkalmaṣa a. = prec. a.

niṣkāma a. desireless, disinterested.

niṣkāraṇa a. having no reason, cause, motive, or purpose; °--, n., & abl. adv.

niṣkāsana n. expulsion, driving away.

niṣkāsanīya a. to be driven away.

niṣkiṃcana a. having nothing, poor.

niṣkuṭa m. n. grove, pleasure-ground.

niṣkutūhala a. free from curiosity.

niṣkula a. having no family, single.

niṣkūja a. soundless, mute.

niṣkṛta n. expiation; fixed place, rendezvous.

niṣkṛti f. restoration, healing; also = prec.

niṣkṛpa a. pitiless, cruel.

niṣkośa a. unsheathed.

niṣkrama m. -ṇa n. going out (esp. for the first time with a child).

niṣkraya m. redemption, ransom, acquittance; reward, wages.

niṣkrayaṇa a. & n. redeeming, ransoming.

niṣkrānta a. gone out; exit, exeunt (d.).

niṣkriya a. inactive (abstr. -tā f.); not performing or not performed with, ceremonious rites.

niṣkriyātman a. inactive, lazy; abstr. -tmatā f.

niṣkrīti f. redemption.

niṣkrodha a. not angry with (gen.).

niṣṭāpa m. warmth.

niṣṭur a. throwing down, felling.

niṣṭya a. external, foreign.

niṣṭha a. staying, lying, being, resting, footing, dependent, or intent upon; relating, attached, or devoted to (--°), abstr. -tā f. -- f. ā stand-point, basis, foundation; devotion to, familiarity with (loc.); height, summit, close, end (adj. --° ending with); decision, sentence, verdict (j.); the endings ta & tavant and the participles formed with them (g.).

niṣṭhā a. excelling, leading.

niḥṣṭhā a. excelling, leading.

niṣṭhāvant a. perfect, consummate.

niṣṭhāśūnya a. wanting firmness, unsteady.

niṣṭhita [1] a. standing on, being in (loc.).

niṣṭhita a. grown forth, risen, accomplished, ready.

niḥṣṭhita [2] a. grown forth, risen, accomplished, ready.

niṣṭhīvana n. -vikā f., -vita n. spitting out, spittle.

niṣṭhura a. rough, hard, cruel, merciless; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

niṣṭhyūta a. bespat; n. spittle.

niṣṇa a. clever, skilful, versed in (--°).

niṣṇāta a. the same (also w. loc.); agreed upon, settled.

niṣpatana n. rushing forth.

niṣpatti f. coming out or forth, completion, result.

niṣpad f. excrement.

niṣpada a. footless.

niṣpanda [1] m. motion.

niṣpanda [2] a. motionless; -ndīkṛ make m.

niṣpanna a. come forth, arisen, descended or derived from (abl.); brought about, effected, ripened; succeeded, prospered, thriven.

niṣparāmarśa a. incapable of thinking.

niṣparyanta a. unlimited.

niṣpādaka a. accomplishing; abstr. -tva n.

niṣpādanīya a. to be accomplished.

niṣpādya a. to be accomplished.

niṣpāpa a. sinless.

niṣpāra a. boundless, unlimited.

niṣpīḍana n. pressure.

niṣputra a. sonless.

niṣpuruṣa a. destitute of men (males), unpeopled.

niṣpeṣa m. -ṇa n. clashing against, bounce, shock.

niṣprajña a. ignorant, stupid.

niṣpratāpa a. void of dignity.

niṣpratyāśa a. hopeless; -śī w. bhū lose all hope of (prati).

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niṣpratyūha a. unimpeded, unlimited.

niṣprabha a. deprived of light, splendourless, dark, obscure; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

niṣprayojana a. having no motive, purpose, or object; useless, harmless, inoffensive, n. adv.; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

niṣpravāṇi a. fresh from the loom, quite new (cloth).

niṣprāṇa a. breathless, exhausted; abstr. -tā f.

niṣprīti a. joyless, not rejoicing in (--°).

niṣphala a. bearing no fruit, fruitless, useless, unsuccessful; abstr. -tva n.

niṣphalīkṛ leave unrewarded.

niṣphāra m. yawning, gaping.

niṣphena a. foamless.

niṣyanda -> nisyanda & -ndin.

niṣyandin -> nisyanda & -ndin.

niṣṣah a. overpowering, powerful.

niṣṣāh a. overpowering, powerful.

niṣṣidh f. preparation, dish, food; grant, gift, oblation.

niḥṣecana n. pouring out, sprinkling with (--°).

niḥṣpanda  = niṣpanda; abstr. -tā f.

nis prep. out of, away from (abl.), mostly °-- as prep. or neg. pref. (cf. a2) in subst. & adj.

nisarga m. evacuation, discharging (esp. of the body); giving forth, ceding, granting, bestowing; dismission, creation; natural state or character, nature; °--, instr., & abl. by nature, originally.

nisargaja a. innate, natural, originally given by (--°).

nisarganipuṇa a. clever by nature.

nisargaśālīna a. modest by nature.

nisargasauhṛda n. natural friendship.

nisṛṣṭa a. hurled on or against (loc. or --°); turned, directed; let loose, dismissed, sent forth; kindled (fire); committed, entrusted, granted, bestowed; made, accomplished.

nistamaska a. free from darkness, light.

nistaraṇa n. passing over; escape, rescue.

nistāra m. = prec. + payment, acquittance.

nistāraṇa n. passing over, overcoming.

nistīrṇa a. crossed, passed, overcome; saved or escaped from (--°).

nistejas a. deprived of splendour or energy.

nistriṃśa a. cruel, merciless (lit. more than thirty), abstr. -tva n. -- m. a sword, p. -śin.

nistriṃśakarkaśa a. cruel and hard.

nistraiguṇya a. exempt from the three qualities (ph.).

nisyanda a. & m. flowing or trickling down; m. also discharge of any fluid, gush, stream.

niṣyanda a. & m. flowing or trickling down; m. also discharge of any fluid, gush, stream.

nisyandin a. = prec. adj., also trans. (--°).

niṣyandin a. = prec. adj., also trans. (--°).

nisrava m. flowing down, stream, torrent.

nisrāva m. flowing down, stream, torrent.

nisvana m. sound, noise, voice.

niḥsvana m. sound, noise, voice.

nisvanita n. the same.

niḥsvanita n. the same.

nisvara a. noiseless, mute.

niḥsaṃśaya a. doubtless, infallible, certain (pers. & th.); n. adv.

niḥsaṅga a. unattached, unobstructed, indifferent to (loc.); disinterested, unselfish; m. & -tā f., -tva n. as abstr.

niḥsaṃcāra a. & m. not roaming.

niḥsaṃjña a. senseless, unconscious.

niḥsattva a. unreal, abstr. -tva n.; wanting courage or strength, weak, cowardly, abstr. -tā f.

niḥsatya a. untrue, false; abstr. -tā f.

niḥsaṃdigdha a. doubtless, certain (things); n. adv.

niḥsapatna a. having no rival or equal; abstr. -tā f.

niḥsaraṇa n. going out, issue; means, expedient.

niḥsalila a. waterless.

niḥsaha a. unable to bear or resist (--°); defenceless, weak, impotent, abstr. -tā f.

niḥsādhvasa a. fearless, confident, bold, n. adv.; abstr. -tva n.

niḥsāra [1] m. going forth.

niḥsāra [2] a. sapless, pithless, worthless, vain; abstr. -tva n.

niḥsāraṇa n. going or driving out.

niḥsārya a. to be driven out or excluded from (abl.).

niḥsīman a. boundless, immeasurable.

niḥsuvarṇaka a. having no gold.*

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niḥsūnu a. sonless.

niḥsneha a. having no grease or oil; loveless, unfeeling; unloved, hated.

niḥspṛha a. desireless, not wishing or caring for (loc. or --°); turning away from (abl).

niḥsphura a. not throbbing (heart).*

niḥsva a. having no property, indigent, poor.

niḥsvana a. soundless, -> also nisvana.

niḥsvādhyāyavaṣaṭkāra a. neither studying nor sacrificing.

niḥsvāmikā f. having no lord or husband.

nihantavya a. to be killed or destroyed.

nihantṛ m. killer, destroyer.

nihākā f. whirlwind.

nihita a. laid (down), situated, deposited, hidden, kept, turned, placed, fixed, given, delivered.

nihnava m. denial, concealment, contradiction, excuse, expiation.

nihnuta a. denied, disowned, concealed, secreted, hidden, covered, falsely represented.

nihnuti f. denial.

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nayati nayate v pp. nīta1 lead, guide, conduct, direct (l. & f.); carry away, remove; draw near, attract; bring to or into (acc., esp. of an abstr., prati, dat., or loc.); M. (A.) lead home, i.e. marry (a wife); pass or spend (time); make out, ascertain, settle. -- With agram take the lead, head (gen.); w. daṇḍam bear the rod, i.e. inflict punishment; w. an adv. in sāt reduce to or change into, e.g. bhasmasāt; w. śūdratām make a person (acc.) a Śūdra; samatām make equal; w. duḥkham make unhappy. pain; w. pritoṣam gratify; w. kṣayam destroy (cf. ī & gam). C. nāyayati cause a pers. or th. to be led or carried away by (instr.) to (acc.). D. ninīṣati te be willing to lead etc., to carry off, to bring into (acc.); to find out or ascertain. I. nenīyate lead away as a captive, have power of (acc.). --
     accha lead near or towards (acc.).
     ati lead over or beyond (acc.); I. bring forward.
     anu bring near or towards (acc.); try to win, conciliate; ask, request.
     pratyanu conciliate, deprecate, ask pardon for (acc.).
     apa lead or take away, put off, remove.
     vyapa the same.
     abhi lead near or towards (acc.); fetch, procure; represent, act, perform (d.).
     ava lead down, push or put into (acc. or loc.); pour down, off, or over.
     abhyava lead down or pour into (acc.).
     vyava pour out singly.
     samava lead or pour together, mix, unite.
     ā lead or bring near, fetch, cause; lead or bring towards or into (acc., w. kśam subject, subdue), lead or bring back (±punar); pour in, mix; offer, sacrifice.
     udā lead up or out (esp. out of the water).
     upā lead or bring near, draw towards (acc.); get or cause to (gen. of pers. & acc. of th.); lead away, carry off.
     paryā lead round or near.
     pratyā lead or bring back, recover; pour to, fill up by pouring in.
     samā conduct together, gather, collect; lay together (the hands); conduct towards, unite with (instr. saha); pour together, mix; lead or bring near; carry away, lead home; offer, sacrifice.
     ud lead upwards, bring up, erect; lead out, deliver, rescue; draw out (water), fill up by drawing; lead off (vadhāṃya to death); find out, investigate, infer.
     samud lift up, raise (lit. & fig.), investigate, ascertain; pay off (a debt).
     upa lead near, bring to, present, offer, communicate; carry off, lead away, take to one's self, receive (esp. as a pupil); bring or put into a state or condition, ātmānam betake or expose one's self to (acc. or loc.*); bring about, cause, produce. C. cause a person (acc.) to be received as a pupil.
     samupa draw near, admit, lead to (acc.), present, offer; lead away, take to one's self; bring about, cause.
     ni lead to (dat. or loc.), cause to (dat. inf.); bend, incline; pour out or in; offer, sacrifice; perform, accomplish.
     nis lead or take away; find out, settle, decide.
     parā lead away or back.
     pari lead or carry round, esp. lead a bride round the fire, i.e. marry; lead away, carry off, lead near, bring to (acc.); find out, explore. C. pariṇayayati & pariṇāyayati marry a man (acc.) with a woman (acc.).
     pra bring forwards, lead further, promote; convey (r.); conduct or take to (M. to one's self), present, offer; bring or reduce to (a state); employ, inflict (punishment); state, decide, teach, compose, promulgate; perform, accomplish; show, betray (esp. one's feelings), love, desire.
     saṃpra bring together, collect, raise (taxes); employ, inflict (punishment); compose, promulgate.
     prati lead back or towards, put together, mix.
     vi lead or drive away, remove; spend, pass (time); mix, stir up (Soma etc.); part (the hair); spread, extend; train, discipline, teach, instruct; cause or induce to (dat. inf.); perform, accomplish.
     sam lead together, gather, collect, unite; mix together, stir up (r.); bring near, fetch, get, procure; present with (instr.); give back, restore, return. -- Cf. apanīta abhinīta abhivinīta nirṇīta pariṇīta praṇīta vinīta.

[2] (--°) leading, bringing, etc.

nīkāśa m. appearance, look, only adj. --° resembling, like.

nīca a. low, deep (lit. & fig.), inferior, mean, base; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

nīcā (instr. adv.) below, down.

nīcāt (abl. adv.) from below.

nīcīna a. turned downwards, -bāra t. d. with the opening.

nīcais (instr. adv.) low, below, down, downwards; humbly, modestly; in a low or deep tone (comp. -starām).

nīḍa m. n. resting-place, esp. a bird's nest; the interior or seat of a carriage.

nīLa m. n. resting-place, esp. a bird's nest; the interior or seat of a carriage.

nīti f. conduct, esp. right or wise conduct; also = nītividyā q.v.

nītikuśala a. skilful in politics or human affairs.

nītijña a. skilful in politics or human affairs.

nītimant a. of right or discreet conduct.

nītividyā f. -śāstra n. moral or political science.

nītha m. a man's name (lit. leader); n. nītha musical mode or song; f. nīthā way, trick, artifice.

nīdhra n. (the edge of a) roof.

nīpa a. situated low, deep. --m. N. of a tree, n. its blossom & fruit; m. pl. N. of a princely race.

nīpya a. = prec. adj.

nīra n. water (also pl.).

nīraja [1] m. n. lotus (water-born).

nīraja [2] a. = seq.

nīrajas a. free from dust or passion.

nīrajaska a. free from dust or passion.

nīrada [1] m. cloud (water-giver).

nīrada [2] a. toothless.

nīradhi m. sea, ocean (lit. receptacle of waters).

nīranidhi m. sea, ocean (lit. receptacle of waters).

nīrandhra a. having no holes or openings, uninterrupted, close, thick; abstr. -tā f.

nīrava a. soundless.

nīrasa a. sapless, dried up, withered, tasteless, insipid, dull; abstr. -tā f.

nīrāga a. colourless, passionless; abstr. -tā f.

nīrājana n. -nā f. a kind of lustration (r.).

nīruj a. free from sickness, healthy, well.

nīruja a. free from sickness, healthy, well.

nīroga a. free from sickness, healthy, well.

nīroha m. shooting forth.

nīla a. dark-coloured, esp. dark-blue or black. --m. sapphire; N. of a serpent-demon, sev. men, etc.; f. nīlā a woman's name, nīlī indigo (plant or dye); n. dark colour or substance, indigo.

nīlakaṇṭha a. blue-necked; m. peacock, E. of Śiva, a man's name.

nīlagiri m. N. of a mountain.

nīlagrīva a. blue-necked, E. of Civa.

nīlapakṣman a. having dark eyelashes.

nīlapaṭa m. dark garment.

nīlapṛṣṭha a. black-backed, E. of Agni.

nīlamaṇi m. nīlaratna n. sapphire (blue gem.).

nīlalohita a. blue-red, E. of Śiva.

nīlavant a. blackish, dark.

nīlavarṇa a. blue-coloured.

nīlavasana n. blue cloth or garment.

nīlavastra n. blue cloth or garment.

nīlasaṃdhānabhāṇḍa n. vat for (preparing) indigo.

nīlasaroruha n. blue lotus.

nīlāñjana n. (black) antimony.

nīlābja n. blue lotus.

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nīlāmbhoja n. blue lotus.

nīliman m. blackness, dark colour.

nīlībhāṇḍa n. indigo vat.

nīlīvarṇa a. having the colour of indigo.

nīlotpala n. blue lotus.

nīva m. a kind of tree.

nīvāra m. wild rice.

nīvārakaṇa m. rice-grain.

nīvi f. a cloth or girdle worn round a woman's waist.

nīvī f. a cloth or girdle worn round a woman's waist.

nīśāra m. a blanket or shawl.

nīṣah (nīṣāh) a. overpowering.

nīhāra m. (n.) fog, mist (also pl.).

nu (indecl.) now, still, then, indeed (esp. in questions ±khalu); -ever or -soever (w. a rel., which it makes indefin.); w. neg. certainly not, never. --nū cid just now, for ever; never, never more; nu--nu (--nu) either-or (-or), also in questions without an interr. pron.

[1] (indecl.) now, still, then, indeed (esp. in questions ±khalu); -ever or -soever (w. a rel., which it makes indefin.); w. neg. certainly not, never. --nū cid just now, for ever; never, never more; nu--nu (--nu) either-or (-or), also in questions without an interr. pron.

nu nauti nuvati navate navati v pp. nuta2 roar, sound, exult, praise. I. nonavīti navīnot howl, thunder. --
     accha call or shout to (acc.).
     anu I. cheer after (acc.).
     abhi hail, shout to (acc.).
     ā M. sound, scream; I. sound through (acc.).
     pra roar, sound, howl, hum, utter (esp. the syllable Om).
     abhipra shout to, hail (acc.).
     sam sound or roar together.

nu navate3 v (nauti) move (trans & intr.); C. nāvayati move from a place, remove. --
     apa A. lay, by.
     abhi & ava M. turn to (acc.).

nuti f. praise.

nutti f. driving away, removal.

nud nudati nudate v pp. nutta1 & nunna push, thrust; impel, incite; expel, drive away, remove, reject. C. nodayati impel. I. nonudyate drive away repeatedly, chase. --
     apa vyapa apā & vyapā push or drive away, chase, remove.
     nis push out, expel, remove, reject.
     parā push away, chase, remove.
     pra push or drive away, chase; impel, incite.
     prati push back, repel, avert.
     vi drive asunder or away; strike, wound. C. drive away, pass or spend (time); divert, amuse; delight in, enjoy (instr.).
     sam press or bring together. C. bring near, fetch; impel, incite.
     upasam = prec. S.

nud [2] (--°) chasing, removing.

nuda a. = prec. + hurting, injuring.

-> nu1.

nūtana a. new, recent, fresh, young.

nūtna a. = prec. + future.

nūnam adv. now, just; immediately, in future; then, therefore; certainly, indeed.

nūpura m. n. an ornament for the toes or ankles of women; p. nūpurin & nūpuravant.

nṛ m. man, hero (used also of gods); a masculine word (g.); pl. men, people.

nṛkalevara s. human body, corpse.

nṛkesarin m. man-lion, i.e. Visnu.

nṛga m. a man's name.

nṛcakṣas a. beholding men.

nṛjit a. conquering men.

nṛjyāya m. the conquering of men.

nṛt nṛtyati (nṛtyate) v pp. nṛtta1 dance; play, act, represent (d.). C. nartayati (te) cause to dance or to move to and fro. I. narinartti narīnartti narīnṛtyati nṛtyati (te), pp. nṛtta1 dance; play, act, represent (d.). C. nartayati (te) cause to dance or to move to and fro. I. narinartti narīnartti narīnṛtyate (cause to) dance about or to and fro. --
     anu dance after or before (acc.).
     ā dance or hasten near. C. cause to dance or move gently.
     upa dance before (acc.).
     pari dance about (acc.).
     pra dance (forwards), begin to dance.
     sam dance together.

nṛt [2] f. gesture, gesticulation.

nṛtama a. manliest, strongest.

nṛtā f. the masculine sex.

nṛti f. dancing, acting.

nṛtu a. gesticulating, lively.

nṛtū s. dancer.

nṛtta n. dance.

nṛtya n. dance, pantomime.

nṛtyagīta n. du. dance and song.

nṛdurga n. a fortress (protected) by men.

nṛdeva (f. ī) & nṛpa m. king (god or lord of men).

nṛpakārya n. the king's affair or commission.

nṛpajana m. sgl. the kings (coll.).

nṛpati m. = nṛpa.

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nṛpatikanyakā f. royal maid, princess.

nṛpatnī f. the king's wife, queen.

nṛpatva n. royalty, dominion.

nṛpaśu m. a brute of a man or a man serving as a sacrificial victim.

nṛpasuta m. a king's son, prince.

nṛpāṅgaṇa n. a royal court.

nṛpāṅgana n. a royal court.

nṛpāṇa a. giving drink to men.

nṛpātṛ m. protector of men.

nṛpātmaja m. = nṛpasuta; f. ā princess.

nṛpāyya a. protecting men; n. large building, hall.

nṛpāla m. king (protector of men).

nṛpāsana n. royal seat, throne.

nṛpīti f. guard of men.

nṛbāhu m. a man's arm.

nṛbhartṛ m. king (lord of men).

nṛmaṇas a. kind towards men.

nṛmaṇasy nṛmaṇasyate v denom. to prec.

nṛmāṃsa n. man's flesh.

nṛmādana a. gladdening men.

nṛmedha m. man-sacrifice, N. of a man.

nṛmṇa n. manliness, courage, strength.

nṛyajña m. sacrifice to men, i.e. hospitality.

nṛloka m. the world of men, the earth.

nṛvat adv. like a man, strongly, bravely.

nṛvant a. manly, having or belonging to men.

nṛvarāha m. the man-boar (Visnu).

nṛvāhaṇa a. carrying men.

nṛvāhas a. carrying men.

nṛvīra m. (man-) hero.

nṛśaṃsa a. cursing or wronging men, malicious, base (also -vant); abstr. -tā f.

nṛśaṃsahṛdaya a. cruel-hearted, mischievous.

nṛśaṃsya a. = nṛśaṃsa; n. as abstr.

nṛśṛṅga n. a man's horn, non-entity.

nṛṣac (nṛṣāc) a. friendly to men, kind.

nṛṣad a. dwelling in or among men.

nṛṣadana n. assemblage or residence of men.

nṛṣadman a. = nṛṣad.

nṛṣadvan a. = nṛṣad.

nṛṣah a. conquering men.

nṛṣāh a. conquering men.

nṛṣahya n. abstr. to prec.

nṛṣā a. winning or procuring men.

nṛṣāti n. abstr. to prec.

nṛṣāhya a. = nṛṣah; n. = nṛṣahya.

nṛṣūta a. impelled by men.

nṛsiṃha m. man-lion, a great hero or Visnu; a man's name.

nṛhan a. man-killing.

nṛhari m. = nṛsiṃha.

nekṣaṇa n. a sharp stick or fork.

nejaka m. a washerman.

nejana n. washing, cleansing.

netavya a. to be carried or brought.

netṛ [1] a. leading or (as 3d fut.) he will lead also = seq.

netṛ [2] m. leader, guide, conductor, bringer, inflicter (daṇḍasya); f. netrī.

netṛtva n. abstr. to prec.

netra m. leader, guide (only adj. --°); a man's name, n. netra guidance, conduct, the eye.

netragocara a. within range of sight, visible.

netracapala a. restless with the eyes.

netraja a. coming from the eyes.

netrajala n. tears (lit. eye-water).

netravāri n. tears (lit. eye-water).

netrāñjana n. ointment for the eyes, collyrium.

netrotsava m. delight of the eyes, beautiful sight.

ned nedati1 v w. ati overflow.

ned [2] indecl. not, by no means; that not, lest (w. conj., opt., or imper.).

nediṣṭha (superl.) the nearest, very near; n. adv. very nearly, next.

nediṣṭhatama (superl.) the nearest of all; -tamām adv.

nedīyaṃs (compar.) nearer, quite near; n. adv.

nepathya n. ornament, decoration, attire, dress, adj. --° dressed in, adorned with; also = seq., loc. behind the scene.

nepathyagṛha n. tiring-room, postscenium.

nepathyasavana n. a cert. ceremony.

nepāla m. N. of a country & (pl.) a people.

nema adj. the one, some; nema--nema the one--the other; half (°--).

nemadhiti f. (only loc. -tā) discord, conflict, seclusion.

nemi f. the circumference of a wheel; rim, edge i.g.

nemiśabda m. noise of carriage-wheels.*

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neya a. to be carried, brought, passed (time); to be guessed (rh.).

neyārtha a. the meaning of which is only to be guessed, not evident (rh.).

neyārthaka a. the meaning of which is only to be guessed, not evident (rh.).

neṣṭa a. not wished for, unpleasant.

neṣṭṛ m. one of the chief priests at a Soma sacrifice.

neṣṭra n. the Soma vessel or office of the Nestr (cf. prec.).

naika a. not one, i.e. many, several.

naikaṭya n. proximity, neighbourhood.

naikadhā adv. manifoldly, in various ways or parts.

naikarūpa a. multiform, various.

naikavarṇa a. many-coloured.

naikavikalpa a. manifold, different.

naikavidha a. manifold, different.

naikaśas adv. repeatedly, often.

naikṛtika a. dishonest, mean, wicked.

naigama f. ī relating to Vedic quotations or the Veda itself, Vedic. m. an interpreter of the Veda; means, expedient; citizen, trader.

naighaṇṭuka a. mentioned by the way; n. = nighaṇṭu.

naityaka a. constant, perpetual, regular.

naityika a. the same.

naidāgha f. ī belonging to the hot season, summer-like; m. summer time.

naidāghika a. = prec. adj.

naidāghīya a. = prec. adj.

naidra a. relating to sleep.

naidhana a. having an end, perishable, relating to death, death's; n. decay, death.

naipuṇa n. cleverness, skill.

naipuṇya n. cleverness, skill.

naibiḍya n. closeness, uninterruptedness.

naimittika f. ī having a cause, as s. effect (cf. nimitta°); having some particular cause, occasional, accidental. --m. fortune-teller, soothsayer.

naimiṣa n. N. of a sacred forest, m. pl. its inhabitants.

naimiṣāraṇya n. = prec. n.

naimiṣīya a. relating to the Naimisa forest; m. pl. = naimiṣa m. pl.

naiyagrodha a. belonging to or made of the Indian fig-tree.

naiyamika a. fixed, regular.

naiyāyika a. belonging to the Nyaya system; m. an adherent of it.

nairantarya n. uninterruptedness, close succession, immediate consequence.

nairapekṣya n. disregard, indifference.

nairarthya n. meaninglessness.

nairāśya n. hopelessness, despair.

nairukta a. based on etymology, explained etymogically; m. etymologist.

nairujya n. health.

nairṛta f. ī belonging or consecrated to Nirṛti (also nairṛtya); m. a child of N., demon, Rakṣas; n. E. of a lunar mansion.

nairgandhya n. inodorousness.

nairguṇya n. want of qualities or virtues.

nairghṛṇya n. pitilessness, cruelty.

nairdhanya n. want of property, poverty.

nairmalya n. stainlessness (lit. & fig.).

nairlajjya n. shamelessness, impudence.

naivāra a. consisting or made of wild rice.

naivedya n. offering of eatables to a deity.

naiveśika n. furniture of a house.

naiśa f. ī nocturnal, nightly.

naiśika f. ī the same.

naiścintya n. absence of care or anxiety.

naiḥśreyasa (f. ī) & -sika a. giving supreme bliss.

naiṣadha m. a prince of the Niṣadhas, esp. Nala; pl. the Niṣadhas. n. T. of a poem about Nala.

naiṣadhīya n. = prec. n.

naiṣadhīyacarita n. = prec. n.

naiṣāda f. ī belonging to the Nisada; m. a Nisada.

naiṣkarmya n. exemption from acts, inactivity.

naiṣkiṃcanya n. want of anything, poverty.

naiṣkṛtika -> naikṛtika.

naiṣṭhika f. ī forming the end, last, definitive; highest, perfect, complete.

naiṣṭhurya n. severity, harshness.

naiṣphalya n. fruitlessness, uselessness.

naisarga a. natural, original.

naisargika a. natural, original.

naiḥsnehya n. absence of love, unkindness.

naiḥsvya n. want of property, poverty.

no (na + u) adv. neither, nor; not.

not adv. almost, nearly.

noda m. = seq. n.

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nodana a. & n. pushing, impelling, driving away.

nodin a. (--°) = prec. adj.

nodhas m. N. of a Rishi.

nodhā ( = navadhā) adv. ninefold.

nonuva a. sounding.

nopalakṣita a. not perceptible.

nopasthātṛ a. not appearing (in court).

nopasthāyin a. not appearing (in court).

nau [1] acc., dat., & gen. du. of pron. of 1st pers.

nau [2] f. ship, boat, vessel.

nauka (adj. --°) = prec.; f. ā small boat or ship.

naukarṇadhāra m. helmsman, pilot.

naukarman n. the occupation of a boatsman; -majīvin a. living as a b.

naucara a. going in a ship; m. sailor.

naujīvika m. sailor, boatsman.

naubandhana n. N. of the highest peak of the Himalaya.

nauyāna n. going in a ship, navigation; vessel.

nauyāyin a. going in a boat; m. a passenger.

nauvyasana n. shipwreck.

nyakkāra m. nyakkṛti f. bringing down, humiliation, contempt.

nyagbhāva m. degradation, debasement.

nyagbhāvana n. = nyakkāra.

nyagrodha m. the Indian fig-tree (lit. growing downwards).

nyaṅka m. du. cert. parts of a carriage.

nyaṅku m. a kind of deer.

nyaṅga m. somethiNg cliNgiNg or adheriNg; mark, sign; offensiveness, invective.

nyaccha n. mole or spot on the body.

nyañc (nīc, f. nīcī) directed downwards, going down, deep (l. & f.); n. nyak adv. downwards, down, w. kṛ bring down, humiliate, contemn, w. bhū humble one's self.

nyañcana n. hollow, recess, hidiNg-place; f. ī the lap.

nyante (loc.), nyantena (instr.) adv. near, close to (--°).

nyayana n. entrance or receptacle.

nyarṇa a. waterless.

nyartha n. destruction, ruin.

nyasana n. casting down; putting, placing, mentioning.

nyasta a. thrown down, put aside, stretched or laid out, mystically touched, leaned upon, put on or donned, applied to (--°).

nyastadaṇḍa a. harmless, peaceful (lit. having laid down the stick or the weapons).

nyastaśastra a. harmless, peaceful (lit. having laid down the stick or the weapons).

nyastavya a. to be put (down).

nyasya a. to be put (down).

nyahna (only loc.) the closing day.

nyācam ger. lowering, bending down.

nyāya m. norm, standard (lit. that to which a thing goes back); rule, axiom, method; manner, way, esp. the right way, fitness, propriety; law-suit, judicial sentence, judgment; logical argument, syllogism, N. of a phil. system. -- Instr. & abl. in the right way, regularly, duly (also °--); in the way or after the manner of (--°).

nyāyavant a. acting rightly, behaying properly.

nyāyavartin a. acting rightly, behaying properly.

nyāyavādin a. speaking properly.

nyāyavidyā f. logic.

nyāyavṛtta a. = nyāyavant.

nyāyaśāstra n. manual of logic.

nyāyya a. regular, customary, usual; proper, fit to (infin. w. pass. sense); n. adv.

nyāsa m. putting in, placing, settling; putting down, writing, painting; depositing, deposit, pledge (j.); giving up, abandoning, renunciation.

nyāsadhārin m. the holder of a deposit, depositary (j.).

nyāsīkṛ deposit a thing with a person.

nyubja a. turned downwards, lying on the face.

nyūṅkha m. the insertion of the sound O into the recitation.

nyūna a. wanting, incomplete, defective, inferior, smaller, less by (instr. or --°), less than (abl.); low, vile.

nyūnay nyūnayati v lessen, diminish.

nyūnādhika a. too little or too much; n. as subst. (also -kya n.).

nyūnīkṛ lessen, diminish.

nyokas a. delighting in, used to (--°); homely, comfortable.

nradhīśa m. lord of men, king.

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nvai ( = nu vai) adv. really, indeed.

pa [1] (--°) drinking.

pa [2] (--°) protecting, keeping.

paktavya a. to be cooked or baked.

pakti f. cooking, food, digestion, ripening (fig. = bearing consequences), development.

paktidṛṣṭi f. du. digestive organs and sight.

paktṛ m. who cooks or bakes.

paktha m. N. of a man, pl. of a people.

pakva a. cooked, prepared (on fire), ripened, matured, developed (abstr. -tā f.); n. = seq.

pakvānna n. cooked food.

pakveṣṭaka a. made of burnt bricks; f. ā a burnt brick.

pakṣa m. wing, feather, flank or side, half, esp. of the month, a fortnight; party, faction, troop, class; one of two cases, alternative (pakṣe on the other hand, --° with regard to); supposition, statement, thesis, the subject of a syllogism; action, law-suit. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

pakṣaka (adj. --°) wing.

pakṣagrahaṇa n. abstr. to seq.

pakṣagrāha a. choosing a party.

pakṣagrāhin a. choosing a party.

pakṣadvāra (& -ka*) n. a side- or inner door.

pakṣadhara a. maintaining the party of (gen.), adhering to (loc.); m. bird.

pakṣapāta m. moult or flight (lit. the falling or flying of the wings), partisanship (lit. the falling to one side) predilection for (loc., gen., prati, or --°).

pakṣapātin a. flying, partial to (loc. *or --°); abstr. -titā f.

pakṣapuccha n. pl. wings and tail.

pakṣavant a. winged or belonging to a party.

pakṣavikala a. with lamed wings.

pakṣas n. wing, side.

pakṣānta m. the end of the wings of an army or the last day of a fortnight.

pakṣābhāsa m. feigned or ungrounded lawsuit; abstr. -tva n.

pakṣin a. winged (lit. & fig.); taking the side of, partial to (--°). m. bird; f. -ṇī a female bird, ±rātri a night with the preceding and following day.

pakṣimṛgatā f. the condition of a bird or of a beast.

pakṣirāj m. the king of the birds (E. of Garuda or Jatayu).

pakṣirāja m. the king of the birds (E. of Garuda or Jatayu).

pakṣiśāvaka m. young bird, birdling.

pakṣisvāmin m. = pakṣirāj.

pakṣīndra m. = pakṣirāj.

pakṣottara s. cover formed by the wings.

pakṣman n. eyelash.

pakṣmala a. having (strong or long) eyelashes, hairy, shaggy i.g.; -netra having eyes with long eyelashes.

pakṣya a. being in the wings; changing by halves or half-months; belonging to the party of (--°).

paṅka s. mud, dirt.

paṅkacchid m. N. of a plant, whose fruit is used to clear water (lit. destroying mud).

paṅkaja n. a kind of lotus (lit. mud-born).

paṅkajajanman m. E. of Brahman (lotus-born).

paṅkavant a. muddy.

paṅkin a. muddy.

paṅkila a. muddy.

paṅkeruh n. = paṅkaja.

paṅkeruha n. = paṅkaja.

paṅkti f. a set or row of five; group, troop, assembly, party; a kind of metre.

paṅktikrama m. successive order.

paṅktipāvana a. purifying or adorning a society.

paṅgu (f. paṅgvī) lame (also -ka); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

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pac pacati pacate v cook, bake, boil, roast, burn (bricks), digest; mature, ripen, develop (trans., pacyate intr.); P. pacyate be cooked etc., also intr. = pacyate. C. pācayati te cook or cause to cook (tr.), bring to maturity or perfection. --
     pari P. be cooked or roasted, grow mature (lit. & fig.), bear results.
     vi cook thoroughly; P. be cooked or digested, ripen i.e. have results (of an action).

paca a. cooking, boiling, roasting (--°).

pacata a. cooked; n. cooked food.

pacana a. cooking, roasting (--°); n. the act of or an instrument for cooking, also = pacanā f. ripening, maturing.

pacelima a. cooking or ripening quickly.

pacchas adv. by Pādas or hemistichs.

pacchauca n. cleansing the feet.

pajra a. solid, stout, sturdy; m. N. of a race of Rishis.

pajriya a. belonging to the Pajras, E. of Kakṣīvant.

pañcaka a. consisting of five, five days old, etc.; w. śata n. five per cent. --m. a man's name; f. pancikā a book of 5 chapters; n. aggregate of five.

pañcakṛtvas adv. five times.

pañcakṛṣṇalaka a. equal to five Kṛṣṇalas.

pañcakoṇa m. a pentagon.

pañcagavya n. the five (products) of the cow, i.e. milk, sour milk, butter, urine, & dung.

pañcacatvāriṃśat f. forty-five.

pañcajana m. the five (classes of) beings, i.e. gods, men, Gandharvas, Apsaras, serpents, & Manes.

pañcatantra n. T. of a collection of fables (lit. having five divisions or books).

pañcatantraka n. T. of a collection of fables (lit. having five divisions or books).

pañcatapas [1] n. the five fires (i.e. four fires and the sun).

pañcatapas [2] a. exposed to the five fires.

pañcataya f. ī fivefold.

pañcatā f. fivefoldness, also = pañcatva.

pañcatriṃśa a. the thirty-fifth.

pañcatriṃśat f. thirty-five.

pañcatriṃśati f. thirty-five.

pañcatva n. the five elements or the dissolution of the body into them, i.e. death.

pañcatha a. the fifth.

pañcadaṇḍacchattraprabandha m. T. of a tale.

pañcadaśa f. ī the fifteenth, increased by or consisting of 15; f. ī the 15th day.

pañcadaśakṛtvas adv. fifteen times.

pañcadaśadhā adv. in or into 15 parts.

pañcadaśan a. fifteen.

pañcadaśarca a. consisting of 15 verses.

pañcadaśavārṣika a. fifteen years old.

pañcadaśāha m. a period of 15 days, a. -hika.

pañcadaśin a. consisting of 15 parts.

pañcadhā adv. in five parts or ways.

pañcadhātu n. sgl. the five elements.

pañcan a. five.

pañcanakha a. having five nails or claws; m. a five-toed animal.

pañcanada n. the (country of the) five rivers, the PaJjāb; m. pl. the inhabitants of it.

pañcanāman (f. -nāmnī) having five names.

pañcapañcāśat f. fifty-five.

pañcapaṭṭika m. N. of a man.

pañcapada a. containing five verses.

pañcapāda a. five-footed.

pañcabāṇa m. the god of love (lit. the five-arrowed).

pañcabhūta n. pl. the five elements.

pañcama f. ī fifth or forming the fifth part, w. aṃśa m. a fifth. --f. ī the fifth day of the half month, the fifth case & his endings (g.); n. a fifth, adv. for the fifth time, fifthly.

pañcamāṣika a. amounting to five Māṣas.

pañcamāsya a. containing five months.

pañcamukha a. having five faces or points.

pañcarātra [1] m. five days (nights).

pañcarātra [2] a. lasting five days.

pañcarca a. containing five verses.

pañcavaktra a. five-faced; m. E. of Śiva.

pañcavarga m. a group of five.

pañcavarṇa a. five-coloured, many-coloured.

pañcavarṣa a. five years old.

pañcavarṣaka a. five years old.

pañcavārṣika a. five years old.

pañcaviṃśa f. ī the twenty-fifth or consisting of twenty-five.

pañcaviṃśat f. twenty-five.

pañcaviṃśati f. twenty-five.

pañcaviṃśabrāhmaṇa n. T. of a Brāhmaṇa.

pañcavidha a. of five kinds.

pañcaśata a. five hundred (pl.), amounting to 500 (fine) or fined 500; the 500th, -te kāle in the 500th year. --n. 105 or 500, f. ī 500, a period of 500 years.

pañcaśara m. = pañcabāṇa.

pañcaśas adv. five by five.

pañcaśākha a. five-fingered; m. the hand.

pañcaśīrṣa a. five-headed.

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pañcaṣa pl. five or six.

pañcasahasrī f. sgl. five thousand.

pañcasāṃvatsarika a. five years old.

pañcahāyana a. five years old.

pañcāṃśa m. the fifth part.

pañcākṣara a. five-syllabled.

pañcāgni [1] (°--) the five sacred fires.

pañcāgni [2] a. maintaining the five sacred fires or exposing one's self to them.

pañcāṅga (°--) five limbs, members, or parts; a. having five limbs, members, or parts.

pañcātmaka a. consisting of the five elements, abstr. -tva n.

pañcābdākhya a. so called for ten years.

pañcābhyadhika a. best of five.*

pañcāmṛta n. sgl. & pl. the five kinds of divine food or the five elements.

pañcāra a. having five spokes.

pañcāla m. pl. N. of a warrior-tribe.

pañcāvayava a. five-membered.

pañcāśaka a. pl. fifty; f. -śikā T. of sev. works.

pañcāśat f. fifty.

pañcāśadbhāga m. the fiftieth part.

pañcāsya a. five-faced or five-pointed.

pañcin a. fivefold.

pañcīkṛ render fivefold; abstr. -karaṇa n.

pañcendriya a. having five organs.

pañceṣu m. = pañcabāṇa.

pañjara n. cage, skeleton.

pañjarakapiñjala m. a partridge, a dove, and a parrot kept in a cage.*

pañjarakapota m. a partridge, a dove, and a parrot kept in a cage.*

pañjaraśuka m. a partridge, a dove, and a parrot kept in a cage.*

pañjikā f. a kind of commentary.

pañjī f. almanac, calendar.

paṭ paṭati v split, burst, open (intr.). C. pāṭayati cause to split etc., break asunder, rend, tear, cut off, hurt, injure. --
     ava C. split, tear asunder, open.
     ud & samud C. the same + expel, remove, dethrone.
     vi split, tear, rend, divide, root out, remove, drive away.

paṭa m. (woven) cloth, blanket, garment; picture, image of (--°); f. ī piece of cloth, screen, curtain (d.).

paṭagata a. painted on cloth.

paṭaccara m. thief, robber.

paṭara [1] m. or n. ray (of sunlight).

paṭara [2] m. E. of Varuna.

paṭala n. ī f. cover, veil, screen, roof, basket, chest, heap, mass, multitude; n. & m. division, section, chapter of a book.

paṭavāsa [1] m. cloth, tent.

paṭavāsa [2] (& *ka) m. perfumed powder.

paṭaveśman n. tent (house of cloth).

paṭaha m. (f. ī & n.) kettle-drum, abstr. -tā f.

paṭahaghoṣaka m. crier who beats a drum.

paṭahaghoṣaṇā f. proclamation by sound of a drum.

paṭāñcala m. the edge of a garment.

paṭānta m. the edge of a garment.

paṭi f. a kind of woven cloth.

paṭikā f. a kind of woven cloth.

paṭiṣṭha (superl.) most clever with (--°).

paṭīkṣepa m. tossing up the curtain.

paṭīyaṃs (compar.) very clever in (--°) or fit for (loc. or --°).

paṭīra m. the sandal tree.

paṭu a. sharp, pointed, pungent, acute, fierce; piercing (ray of light), clear, shrill (sound); violent, strong, intense; clever, skilful in, fit for (loc. or --°); n. adv. -- m. N. of a man, pl. of a people.

paṭutā f. -tva n. sharpness, cleverness.

paṭumati a. sagacious.

paṭottarīya n. upper garment (of cloth).

paṭola m. a kind of cucumber.

paṭaura m. a cert. member of the body.

paṭṭa m. plate, tablet; cloth, bandage, ligature, frontlet, turban (cf. paṭa).

paṭṭaka m. paṭṭikā f. plate, tablet, cloth, bandage; n. also patent, document.

paṭṭadola n. or -lā f. a swing made of cloth.*

paṭṭana n. town, city.

paṭṭāṃśuka n. a kind of garment.*

paṭṭiśa m. a kind of spear, p. -śin.

paṭh paṭhati (paṭhate) v read aloud, recite, rehearse; teach, mention; repeat to one's self, study, learn from (abl.). C. pāṭhayati teach to talk or read, teach i.g. (2 acc.); read, peruse. I. pāpaṭhīti & pāpaṭhyate recite often, read or study diligently. --
     anu speak after, repeat.
     pari enumerate, name, mention.
     pra recite aloud; C. teach, explain.
     vi & sam read, peruse.

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paṭhaka m. reader, reciter.

paṭhana n. reciting, studying.

paṭhanīya a. to be studied or read.

paṭhitavya a. to be studied or read.

paṭhitasiddha a. effective while being (only) uttered.

paḍbīśa n. fetter (esp. for a horse); fettering or halting-place.

paḍvīśa n. fetter (esp. for a horse); fettering or halting-place.

paḍviṃśa n. fetter (esp. for a horse); fettering or halting-place.

paṇ paṇate (paṇati) v pp. paṇita (q.v.) bargain, barter, buy; bet, wage, stake, risk, play for (gen.); win a thing (instr.) from (acc.) at play. --
     vi sell; bet, stake (gen.).

paṇa m. bargain, stipulation, contract; play, game, bet, wager; the thing staked, deposited, or agreed upon; a cert. coin.

paṇana n. purchasing, bartering.

paṇabandha m. -na n. making a treaty, stipulation.

paṇayitṛ m. seller.

paṇava m. a kind of drum.

paṇastrī f. venal woman, harlot.

paṇāy infin. -yitum1 sell.

paṇāy paṇāyati paṇāyate2 v worship, revere.

paṇāyitṛ m. seller.

paṇāyya a. to be praised, venerable.

paṇi m. bargainer, niggard, a stingy sacrificer or a malicious demon.

paṇita a. & m. having betted, a better; n. bet, wager, stake.

paṇitṛ m. trader, seller.

paṇīkṛ lay at stake, risk.

paṇḍa m. eunuch, weakling.

paṇḍaka m. eunuch, weakling.

paṇḍaga m. eunuch, weakling.

paṇḍita a. learned, educated, wise, clever in, familiar with (--°); m. scholar, teacher. -- Abstr. -tva n.

paṇḍitagarva m. pride in wisdom.*

paṇḍitamānika a. thinking one's self learned or clever, self-conceited.

paṇḍitamānin a. thinking one's self learned or clever, self-conceited.

paṇḍitaṃmanya a. the same.

paṇḍitaṃmanyamāna a. the same.

paṇḍra m. = paṇḍa etc.

paṇḍraka m. = paṇḍa etc.

paṇya [1] a. to be sold, vendible; n. article of trade, ware (poss. -vant); traffic, business; warehouse, shop.

paṇya [2] a. to be praised.

paṇyajana m. trader.

paṇyabhūta a. forming an article of trade.

paṇyayoṣit f. = paṇastrī.

paṇyastrī f. = paṇastrī.

paṇyāṅganā f. = paṇastrī.

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pat patati (patate) v pp. patita (q.v.) fly, soar, rush; come down, descend, fall or sink (lit. & fig. ±adhas), lose caste, rank, or position; fall or light upon (loc.); incur or get into (loc.); come to pass, happen. C. pātayati patati (te), pp. patita (q.v.) fly, soar, rush; come down, descend, fall or sink (lit. & fig. ±adhas), lose caste, rank, or position; fall or light upon (loc.); incur or get into (loc.); come to pass, happen. C. pātayate (& patayati q.v.) cause to fly or fall, pour out or shed (water, tears, etc.); hurl, cast, throw; put, turn, direct to, impose or inflict upon (loc.); throw down, fell, ruin, cut off or asunder, divide (dvedhā); M. rush on, hasten. D. pipatiṣati & pitsati being about to fly or to fall in. --
     accha fly towards (acc.).
     ati fly or fall beyond or past.
     anu fly to, through, or after; go after, follow, pursue.
     antar fly into (loc.).
     abhi fly or hasten near, go towards or against; fall down or upon, come into (acc.). C. throw on (dat. or loc.); throw down, kill.
     samabhi rush upon (acc.).
     ava fly, jump, fall down or upon (acc.).
     ā fly or hasten near, fall into or upon (acc. or loc.); happen, occur, fall to one's (gen) share. C. throw or cut down, let fall, shed (tears).
     abhyā hasten near, rush upon (acc.).
     samā fly or hasten near, rush upon (acc.); come to, obtain; have sexual intercourse with (saha).
     ud fly or spring up, come forth, rise, start, set out, escape. C. cause to fly up, lift, raise.
     abhyud fly or jump up. C. cause to fly up to (acc.).
     samud fly or spring up (together) etc. =
     ud S.
     upa fly near, hasten towards (acc. or loc.).
     ni fly down, alight, descend, fall or rush upon (acc. or loc.), get or fall into (loc.), tumble down, throw one's self down (pādayos); happen, occur (w. gen. = come into the mind*), fall to the share of (loc.), fall into ruin, be lost or in vain. C. cause to fall, let fall, drop, throw down; put in, turn upon (loc.); fell, destroy, kill; put down, establish (g.).
     praṇi throw one's self down, bow to (acc., dat., or loc.). C. cause to fall down or bow.
     vini fly, fall, rush, descend upon or into (loc.); attack, assail. C. throw down, cut off or split (the head), inflict (punishment); destroy, ruin, kill.
     saṃni fly, fall, or descend upon (loc.); assemble, meet, encounter; come together with (instr. ±saha). C. throw down, shoot off; collect, unite, bring together.
     nis & vinis fly or rush out, come forth, depart, retreat, escape.
     parā fly away or past, fall out or down, depart, escape, retreat, stay away, fail; fly along, hasten; come near, arrive.
     pari fly or run about, round, or to and fro; leap down from (abl.), rush or fall upon (loc.). C. cause to fall down, shoot off, throw into.
     pra fly forth or along, hasten to (loc.); fall down, rush upon, come into (loc.). C. cause to flee, pursue.
     vi fly along or through; split, burst asunder (intr.). C. cause to fly away, shoot off; rend asunder, throw down, destroy, kill.
     sam fly or rush together; meet, encounter (of friends & foes); hasten on or towards (acc.), come to, arrive at (acc. or loc.); fall down upon, get into (loc.), happen, pass, occur. C. hurl upon, throw down into (loc.).

pataga m. a winged animal, bird.

patagapati m. the king of the birds, E. of Garuda.

patagarāja m. the king of the birds, E. of Garuda.

patageśvara m. = prec., also E. of Jaṭāyu.

pataṃga a. flying; m. bird, insect, esp. grasshopper, butterfly, or moth (also pataga).

pataṃgara a. bird-like.

pataṃgarāja m. = patagarāja.

pataṃgavṛtti [1] f. rashness, temerity, lit. the way of a moth (attracted by a light).

pataṃgavṛtti [2] a. very thoughtless or rash (cf. prec.).

patañjala m. N. of a man.

patañjali m. N. of a philosopher, grammarian, etc.

patatra n. wing, pinion, feather.

patatrin a. winged, feathered, flying; m. bird, horse, arrow.

patatrirāj m. = patagarāja.

patatrirāja m. = patagarāja.

patadgraha m. spitting-pot or alms-box (receiver of what falls).

patadgrāha m. spitting-pot or alms-box (receiver of what falls).

patana m. N. of a Rakṣas; n. flying, descending, rushing; getting into (loc.), ruin, fall (lit. & fig.).

patanīya a. causing fall or the loss of caste; n. such a crime.

patant a. flying. m. a bird.

patay patayati v fly, hasten, M. drive away or fell. --
     accha & ā A. fly to (acc.).
     vi A. open, go or fly asunder.

patayālu a. flying.

patayiṣṇu a. flying.

patayiṣṇuka a. flying.

patara a. flying, fugitive.

pataru a. flying, fugitive.

patākā f. flag, banner; the flag or symbol of (--°).

patākāṃśuka n. flag or banner (-cloth).

patākādaṇḍa m. flag-staff.

patākin a. having or bearing a flag; m. flagbearer, flag, chariot, f. -nī army.

pati m. master, owner, ruler, lord, husband.

patiṃvarā f. choosing her husband.

patika (adj. --°) = pati.

patighātinī f. husband-slaying.

patighnī f. husband-slaying.

patijuṣṭa a. loved by her husband.

patita a. fallen, sunk, degraded, an outcast; often --° fallen from, at, or upon, got into. n. flying, flight.

patitasāvitrīka a. having lost the Sāvitrī (r.).

patitānna n. food from an outcast.

patitotthita a. fallen and risen (l. & f.).

patitva n. matrimony, wedlock.

patitvana n. matrimony, wedlock.

patidevatā f. a wife regarding her husband as a divinity.

patidevā f. a wife regarding her husband as a divinity.

patiprāṇā f. a wife whose life is her husband.

patimatī f. having a husband, married.

patiloka m. the husband's world (in a future life).

pativatī f. = patimatī.

pativatnī f. = patimatī.

pativrata n. devotion to a husband.

pativratā f. a wife devoted or obedient to her husband.

patiṣṭha (superl.) flying most or best.

patisevā f. devotion to the husband.

patīy patīyati v wish for a husband.

patīyas (compar.) w. pat fly better or well.

pattatas adv. = pattas.

pattana n. town, city; m. pl. N. of a people.

pattave dat. inf. to pad1.

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pattas adv. from or at the feet.

patti m. foot-soldier, pedestrian; f. the smallest division of an army.

pattika a. walking on foot.

pattra n. wing, feather (also on the arrow), any vehicle as chariot, cart, horse etc.; the leaf of a tree or a leaf for writing on, paper, a letter or any written document; a thin plate of metal, blade.

pattraka f. pattrikā wing or leaf (adj. --°).

pattracchedabhakti f. interval between the veins of a leaf.*

pattracchedya n. a piece of leaf.

pattrapāśyā f. a kind of ornament on the forehead.

pattrabhaṅga m. figures or lines painted on the face or body.

pattray pattrayati v pp. pattrita (q.v.) to feather.

pattraratha m. a bird (having wings as a vehicle).

pattrala a. leafy.

pattralekhā f. = pattrabhaṅga.

pattraviśeṣaka m. the same.

pattraśāka n. vegetables consisting of leaves, greens.

pattrāṅga n. red sandal.

pattrāṅguli f. = pattrabhaṅga.

pattrāṅgulī f. = pattrabhaṅga.

pattrārūḍha a. written down (on a leaf).

pattrāvali f. = pattrabhaṅga.

pattrāvalī f. = pattrabhaṅga.

pattrita a. feathered (arrow).

pattrin a. winged, feathered; m. bird, arrow.

pattrorṇa n. woven silk or a garment made of it; m. pl. N. of a people.

patnī f. mistress, lady, wife; abstr. -tva n.

patnīka (adj. --°) = prec.

patnīy patnīyati v regard or treat as a wife.

patnīvant a. having a wife or wives.

patman n. flight, path, way.

paty patyate v be master, get possessed of, own (acc. or. instr.); partake of (loc.), be fit for, serve as (dat.).

patvan f. patvarī flying; n. flight.

patsutaḥśī a. lying at the feet.

patsutas adv. at the feet.

path (nom. panthās) path, road, course, way, manner; a cert. hell. -- panthānaṃ dā give the way to, go out of the way of (gen.). pathi in the way, on the journey; pathānena in this way or manner.

pathi (nom. panthās) path, road, course, way, manner; a cert. hell. -- panthānaṃ dā give the way to, go out of the way of (gen.). pathi in the way, on the journey; pathānena in this way or manner.

panthan (nom. panthās) path, road, course, way, manner; a cert. hell. -- panthānaṃ dā give the way to, go out of the way of (gen.). pathi in the way, on the journey; pathānena in this way or manner.

patha m. path, course, way (mostly a. --°).

pathi -> path.

pathika m. traveller, wanderer.

pathikasārtha m. company of travellers, caravan.

pathikṛt a. preparing a path.

pathipā a. protecting ways.

pathirakṣas a. protecting ways.

pathirakṣi a. protecting ways.

pathiṣṭhā a. standing in or on a way.

pathistha a. the same + being on the way, going.

patheṣṭhā a. = pathiṣṭhā.

pathopadeśaka m. guide, leader (of the way).*

pathya a. customary, normal, regular, suitable, fit, proper. n. fortune, good lock; hail to (gen. or dat.)! --f. pathyā path, way; w. revatī & svasti the rich path (personif. as the goddess of fortune).

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pad padyate (padyati) v pp. panna1 (q.v.) fall, drop, fall out, sink down, perish; (mostly --°) go, step, tread; go to (acc.). C. pādayati padyate (ti), pp. panna1 (q.v.) fall, drop, fall out, sink down, perish; (mostly --°) go, step, tread; go to (acc.). C. pādayate bring to fall. --
     ati go beyond (acc.); transgress, neglect (also C.).
     anu go after, follow, betake one's self to or into; get at, befall.
     apa escape.
     api enter.
     abhi approach, appear, betake one's self to or into, meet with (acc., r. loc.); catch, seize, overpower, master, undertake, accept.
     ava fall down or out; lose, be deprived or fall short of (abl.).
     ā come near, approach, enter; get into, meet with (acc.), esp. get in trouble, meet with an accident; happen, occur, be; evamāpadyate so is it. C. cause to go or enter, bring to or into (acc.), esp. bring to fall, ruin, destroy; bring near, procure, occasion; get, obtain.
     abhyā get into (acc.).
     pratyā come back, return.
     vyā perish, be lost; C. destroy, kill.
     samā attack, assail; get into (acc.); occur, appear.
     ud come forth or out of (abl.), be born, happen, occur, appear, arise, begin. C. A. (M.) procreate, beget with (loc.), cause, effect, produce, bring forth; grow (plants or animals), spill (blood), kindle (fire).
     vyud originate (scil. from a root), have an etymology (g.). C. produce, cause; derive, trace back to a root (g.).
     samud come forth, be born of (loc.), happen, occur, present one's self. C. bring forth, effect, cause, produce.
     upa fall upon, attack; come near, approach (esp. for aid or insruction); get to or into (acc. or loc.), fall to the lot of (gen.); happen, occur, take place, appear as (nom.), turn to (dat.); be fit or right. C. bring about, cause, effect, arrange, prepare; make or appoint (2 acc.); present or furnish with (2 acc. or acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); give (also in marriage), offer, procure, bestow on (acc. of th. & dat., r. loc. of pers.); find out, ascertain, prove.
     abhyupa approach, ask for help (acc.); endow or furnish with (instr.).
     ni lie down, rest; lie with (acc.); C. lay down, fell, destroy.
     anuni & upani (acc.) lie with.
     nis come forth, spring up, arise, ripen, be accomplished. C. A. (M.) bring about, make ripe, prepare, accomplish, settle, decide.
     abhinis come to, enter (acc.), come forth, appear.
     pra come or resort to (acc.), visit, enter, get, obtain, meet with (acc.), undertake, begin; happen, take place, become, be; assent, agree.
     anupra enter after (acc.), follow, obey.
     abhipra approach, enter, undertake, begin; get at, resort to (acc.).
     saṃpra enter (together), repair or resort to (acc.); be accomplished or brought about.
     prati step to, enter upon, resort to, get at or into, meet with (acc.), undertake, begin; happen, take place; perform, accomplish, make = reddere (2 acc.), do anything to, behave towards (loc., gen., or acc.); find out, learn, understand, think, judge (w. anyathā falsely); accede, yield, consent, confess, promise, answer (±uttaram). C. lead or bring to (acc.); get, procure; give (also in marriage) to, present, bestow on (2 acc. or acc. of th. & loc., dat., or gen. of pers.); cause, effect, produce; make clear, explain, teach, show.
     viprati go hither and thither, be perplexed or uncertain, waver.
     saṃprati go to, get at (acc.); obtain, recover; consent, agree, acknowledge; take for (2 acc.).
     vi fall asunder, go amiss, fail, perish, die. C. destroy, kill.
     sam fall to, devolve upon (loc. or gen.); turn out well, succeed, prosper; come together, meet with, get at (acc. or instr.); arise, be born, become (nom. or dat. = turn out to be, be changed into). C. A. (M.) procure, furnish, present, provide (acc. of th. & dat. or gen. of pers. or acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); bring about, accomplish, make ready, prepare, transform, make into (2 acc.), get, obtain; agree, consent.
     abhisam be changed into, become like (acc.); get at, obtain (acc. or loc.). C. make into or like (acc.).
     upasam come to, arrive at (acc.). C. bring near, procure. -- Cf. avapanna āpanna utpanna upapanna upasaṃpanna niṣpanna pratipanna pratyutpanna pratyupapanna prapanna vipanna vipratipanna vyutpanna samutpanna sapanna.

pad m. (adj. --° f. pad or padī) foot, step, quarter.

pād [2] m. (adj. --° f. pad or padī) foot, step, quarter.

pada n. (m.) step, pace, stride; footstep, vestige, mark; footing, stand-point, place. spot, position, station; office, (high) rank, dignity; object, cause, often adj. subject or obnoxious to (--°); foot (also as a measure of length), quarter of a stanza, line; word or a kind of base of a noun (g.); also = padapāṭha q.v. -- padena on foot; pade pade at every step, everywhere; padaṃ dā (or padātpadaṃ gam*) make a step, stride; padaṃ kṛ put the foot on or in, enter, occupy (loc.); C. bring together a person (acc.) with (loc. or acc. w. prati).

padagati f. manner of going, gait.

padajñā a. knowing (places), wise.

padanī a. following the steps of (gen.).

padanīya a. to be investigated; abstr. -tva n.

padanyāsa m. putting down the feet, tread, footmark.

padapaṅkti f. = seq.; N. of a metre.

padapaddhati f. a row of footsteps.

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padapāṭha m. the word-recitation (of the Veda, cf. krama & saṃhitāpāṭha).

padapūraṇa a. & n. filling out a verse.

padabandha m. poem (lit. = seq.).

padaracanā f. arrangement of words, literary composition.

padavī m. (nom. -vīs) leader, guide, usher; f. (nom. -vī) path, way, track; reach, range (of eyes, ears, etc.); position, rank. -- padaṃ padavyāṃ (w. gen. or --°) dhā or nidhā tread in the footstep of a person, i.e. rival with him.

padavīya n. footstep, vestige.

padaśabda m. the sound of footsteps.*

padaśas adv. step by step or word by word.

padaśreṇi f. = padapaṅkti.

padastha a. going (lit. standing) on foot; having a rank or position.

padākrānta a. following at one's heels.*

padāṅka m. footmark.

padāti a. going on foot; m. pedestrian, foot-soldier.

padādi m. the beginning of a verse or word.

padānuga a. = padākrānta + suitable, agreeable to (--°); m. attendant, companion.

padānusāra m. following at one's heels; -reṇa upalabh overtake.*

padānta m. the end of a verse or word.

padāntara [1] n. a step's interval.

padāntara [2] n. another word.

padārtha m. the meaning of a word or the thing corresponding to it; thing, object, matter; man, person; category or predicament (ph.).

paddhati f. footstep, track, way, path; leader, guide, guide-book.

padma m. n. lotus, esp. the flower (which closes at evening), fig. an army arrayed in the form of a lotus or a cert. posture of the body in religious meditation; one of the treasures of Kubera, a cert. high number (1000 billions).

padmaka m. n. = prec., m. N. of a tree & a man.

padmagarbha [1] m. the interior or calyx of a lotus.

padmagarbha [2] a. containing lotuses or sprung from a lotus; m. N. of a lake, E. of Brahman, Visnu, & Civa.

padmagṛhā f. E. of Lakṣmī (lit. the lotus-housed).

padmaja m. E. of Brahman (cf. padmagarbha2).

padmatā f. abstr. to padma.

padmadalekṣaṇa a. lotus (leaf-) eyed.

padmanābha m. E. of Viṣṇu (the lotus-naveled).

padmapāṇi m. E. of Brahman (the lotus-handed).

padmapura n. N. of a town.

padmapurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

padmabhava m. = padmaja.

padmabhū m. = padmaja.

padmamaya f. ī made or consisting of lotus.

padmayoni m. = padmaja.

padmarati f. a woman's name.

padmarāga m. a ruby (lotus-coloured).

padmavant a. full of lotus-flowers; f. -vatī N. of a woman and a town.

padmavarcas a. lotus-coloured.

padmavarṇa a. lotus-coloured.

padmavyākośa a. lotus-blossom or flower.

padmaśas adv. by thousands of billions.

padmaṣaṇḍa n. a group of lotuses.

padmasaṃbhava m. = padmaja.

padmasaras n. lotus-lake.

padmākara m. lotus group or pond.

padmākṣa f. ī lotus-eyed; m. E. of Viṣṇu.

padmāditva n. the being a lotus-flower etc.

padmālaya m. E. of Brahman (the lotus-housed).

padmāvatī f. = padmavatī.

padmāsana [1] n. lotus-seat.

padmāsana [2] m. E. of Brahman (the lotus-seated).

padmin a. spotted (elephant); f. -nī the lotus plant or a lotus pond.

padminīkhaṇḍa n. a multitude of lotuses.

padminīpattra n. a lotus-leaf.

padmodbhava m. = padmaja.

padya a. relating to the foot or consisting of parts of verses; f. ā pl. footsteps, horses hoofs; n. verse, poetry (opp. gadya).

padyamaya a. consisting of verses.

padra m. a village.

padvant a. having feet, running; n. such an animal.

pan panate v pp. panita be wonderful; admire, praise, commend. C. panayati te = S. tr.; M. also rejoice at, be glad of (acc. or gen.). --
     ā admire, praise.
     vi P. pride one's self.

panayāyya a. admirable, wonderful.

panasa m. the bread-fruit tree, N. of a monkey.

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panasy panasyate v show one's self admirable or glorious.

panasyu a. glorious or boastful.

panāyya a. = panayāyya.

panitṛ a. praising, welcoming.

paniṣṭha (superl.) very admirable or glorious.

panīyaṃs (compar.) more or very glorious.

panu f. admiration, praise.

panū f. admiration, praise.

panthan -> path.

panna s. creeping on the ground.

pannaga m. ī f. serpent or serpent-demon (cf. prec.).

pannaganāśana m. E. of Garuda (serpent killer).

pannagabhojana m. E. of Garuda (serpent-eater).

pannagarāja m. the serpent-king.

pannagāri m. E. of Garuḍa (enemy of serpents).

pannagendra m. = pannagarāja.

pannageśvara m. = pannagarāja.

panya a. wonderful, glorious.

panyaṃs a. = panīyaṃs.

papi a. drinking (acc.).

papuri a. liberal, abundant.

papṛkṣeṇya a. desirable.

papri [1] a. liberal, granting (gen. or acc.).

papri [2] a. leading over, saving.

pampā f. N. of a river and a lake.

payaḥpūra m. flood or jet of water.

payas n. juice, fluid, esp. water or milk; semen virile, strength, vital power; pl. drops, floods, streams.

payaspā a. drinking milk.

payasya a. made of milk; f. -syā curds.

payasvant a. juicy, succulent, liquid, milky; exuberant, strong.

payasvin a. succulent, milky; f. ī a milchcow.

payograha m. oblation of milk.

payoda a. giving milk or water; m. cloud.

payoduh a. giving milk or semen.

payodhara m. a cloud or a woman's breast (water- or milk-holder).

payodhā a. sucking milk.

payodhārā f. stream of water; -gṛha n. bathing-room.

payodhi m. the ocean (receptacle of waters).

payonidhi m. the ocean (receptacle of waters).

payobhṛt m. a cloud (water-holder).

payomaya a. consisting of water.

payomukha a. showing milk on the surface.

payomuc a. yielding milk (water); m. cloud.

payorāśi m. the sea (mass of water).

payovāha m. a cloud (water-bearer).

payovṛdh a. succulent, overflowing, exuberant.

payovrata a. living on mere milk (r.).

payoṣṇī f. N. of a river.

para a. far, distant, different; either in space, i.e. remote, opposite, foreign, hostile -- or in time, i.e past, previous, former, ancient, old; subsequent, future, later, last, extreme; -- or in number, order, & degree, i.e. exceeding, more than; following, standing after, worse, worst; surpassing, superior, better, best (in the compar. mgs mostly w. abl. or --°). --m. another, stranger, foe, the supreme Spirit, the Absolute, a man's name. n. remotest distance, highest point or degree, final beatitude; chief matter or occupation, esp. adj. --° quite consisting of, filled with, devoted to, intent upon; as adv. & prep. beyond, after (abl.); hereafter, next, moreover, further (±atas itas, or tatas), excessively, beyond measure; at the best, at the utmost; at least, at any rate; but, however (±tu or kiṃ tu). -- Abstr. paratā f., -tva n.

parakathā f. pl. talk about others.

parakārya n. another's business.

parakīya a. belonging to another, strange, inimical; abstr. -tva n.

parakṛtya n. = parakārya.

parakṣetra n. another's field or wife.

paracchidra n. another's fault or flaw.

parajana m. strangers.

paratas adv. farther, thereafter, then, as prep. after, beyond, above (abl.); often = abl. of para.

paratra adv. elsewhere, in another world, here-after (w. bhīru anxious about the other world); farther on, below.

paradāra m. sgl. & pl. another's wife; adultery.

paradārin a. committing adultery.

paradāropasevana n. -sevā f. intercourse with another's wife.

paradeśa m. foreign or hostile country.

paradoṣajña a. knowing another's faults.

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paradravya n. another's property or goods.

paradhana n. another's wealth.

paraṃtapa a. vexing foes.

parapakṣa m. the party of the foe.

paraparigraha m. another's property or wife.

parapāka m. food or meal of a stranger.

parapiṇḍapuṣṭaka m. who feeds on another's food, parasite.*

parapuraṃjaya a. conquering the foe's city or cities.

parapuruṣa m. the husband of another woman.

parapuṣṭa m. ā f. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo (lit. nourished by a stranger, sc. the crow).

parapūruṣa m. = parapuruṣa.

parapūrvā f. a woman who has had a former husband, -pati m. the husband of such a woman.

parapreṣyatva n. service (of another), slavery.

parabhāga m. supremacy, excellency, might; abl. -tas.

parabhṛta m. = parapuṣṭa.

parabhṛtikā f. female Kokila, a woman's name.*

parama a. farthest, last, extreme, best or worst, highest, chiefest; surpassing, better or worse than (abl.). °-- as adj. supreme, chief, adv. highly, exceedingly; --° = para; n. paramam yes, very well, with pleasure.

paramaka (f. -mikā) a. utmost, best or worst.

paramata n. the opinion of others.

paramatā f. the highest point, position, or rank.

paramadāruṇa a. most dreadful.

paramadharmātman a. very dutiful or virtuous.

paramapumaṃs m. the supreme spirit (Viṣṇu).

paramaprīta a. very glad.

paramarṣi m. an excellent Rishi.

paramasamudaya a. quite perfect or satisfactory.

paramākṣara n. the highest syllable (i.e. Om) or Brahman.

paramāṇu m. infinitely small part or atom.

paramātman m. the supreme spirit, the soul of the universe; abstr. -tmatva.

paramānanda m. the highest bliss.

paramārtavat adv. very mournfully.

paramārtha m. the highest or whole truth, reality (abstr. -tā f.). °--, instr., abl., & adv. in tas really, truly (taḥ saṃkalpya taking for real*).

parameśa m. the supreme lord, i.e. Viṣṇu.

parameśvara m. a rich or noble lord, a prince or king (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); also = prec. & E. of sev. gods, f. ī E. of Durgā.

parameṣṭhin a. standing in the highest place, chief, supreme; E. of sev. gods (esp. Prajāpati), heroes, or sages.

parameṣvāsa m. an excellent archer; abstr. -tā f.

paraṃpara a. following one another, successive, repeated; f. ā uninterrupted series, thick mass, instr. in the course of, along (--°).

paraloka m. the other or future world.

paralokahasta a. sure of (lit. holding in the hand) the future world.*

paravattā f. abstr. to seq.

paravant a. subject to another, powerless, helpless, beside one's self; dependent on, devoted to (loc., gen., or --°).

paravaśa a. subject to another's wish, dependent on another; mastered or ruled by (--°).

paravāraṇa m. chaser of foes.*

paravīrahan a. killing hostile heroes.

paraśu m. hatchet, axe.

paraśumant a. poss. to prec.

paraśurāma m. E. of Rama (R. with the axe).

paraśvadha m. hatchet, axe; p. -dhin.

paraśvas adv. the day after to-morrow.

paraḥśata a. pl. more than a hundred.

paras adv. beyond, on the other or opposite side, (as prep. w. acc., instr., or abl.); further, later, afterwards, in future; without, except (instr. or abl.); above, more than (acc., instr., or °-- in numerals).

parastaram adv. farther away.

parastarām adv. farther away.

parastāt adv. & prep. (w. gen.) beyond, on the other side, below or above, in future, later, after; afterwards, towards or away; from above, before, or behind.

parasthāna n. foreign place.

paraspa protecting; n. = seq.

paraspatva n. protection.

paraspara (only the obl. cases of m. sgl., n. & °-- adv.) each other, one another, mutual(ly)

parasparatas adv. = abl. to prec.

parasparādin a. eating each other.

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paraspā m. protector.

parasmaipada n. the form for another, i.e. the active or transitive form of the verb.

parasva n. another's property.

parasvant m. the wild ass.

parasvādāyin a. seizing another's property.

paraḥsahasra a. more than a thousand.

parā adv. (only °-- in subst. & verbs) away, off, forth.

parāka s. distance (only loc. & abl.); m. a kind of penance.

parākāttāt adv. from afar.

parākrama m. sgl. & pl. bold advance, courage, strength.

parāga m. sgl. & pl. the pollen of a flower (poss. -gin), dust i.g.

parāgama m. the arrival or attack of an enemy.

parāgvadana a. = parāṅmukha.

parāgvadanaśālin a. = parāṅmukha.

parāṅga n. the hinder part of the body.

parāṅmanas a. having the mind directed backwards.

parāṅmukha f. ī a. having the face turned backwards, averted, turned away; flying from, avoiding, shunning, not caring for (abl., loc., gen., prati w. acc., or --°); contrary, unfavourable. --n. adv., abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

parāṅmukhīkṛ put to flight; w. bhū take to flight, turn the back upon (gen.), be contrary or unfavourable.

parācīna a. turned away, averted, opposite; not caring for, indifferent about (abl.); n. adv. beyond, away, after (as prep. w. abl.).

parācais adv. away, aside, off.

parājaya m. conquest, victory (gen. or --°); defeat, deprivation, loss (abl. or --°).

parājita a. conquered, overthrown; having lost (a lawsuit).

parājiṣṇu a. succumbent or victorious.

parāñc (f. parācī, n. parāk & parān) directed away, averted, opposite to, turning from (abl.), behind or after one another, following upon (abl.); departed, lost; turned outwards (the organs of sense); n. adv.

parātaram adv. further away.

parātman m. the supreme spirit.

parādadi a. giving up, delivering (acc.).

parādāna n. the action of giving up.

parādhīna a. subject to another, dependent or intent upon, occupied with (--°); abstr. -tā f.

parānīka n. hostile troop.*

parānude (dat. inf.) to push away.

parānta m. the final end, death.

parāpara n. the far and near, more and less, better and worse, earlier and later, cause and effect; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

parābhava m. going away, parting, vanishing, disappearance, also = seq.

parābhāva m. defeat, humiliation.

parābhūti f. = prec.

parāmarśa m. seizure, touch; attack, injury loc., gen., or --°); relation, insinuation, recollection, reflection, consideration, thought.

parāyaṇa n. going away, departure, last way or exit; final end or aim, last resort or refuge; essence, sum, chief matter; N. of a work. --° having a thing as highest object or occupation, i.e. quite filled with, devoted to, or intent upon (cf. para). -- Adj. violent, strong, being the last refuge or essential matter of, conducive to, dependent on (gen.).

parāyatta a. dependent on, subject to (--°).

parārtha [1] m. highest (or another's) advantage, interest, business, or matter. °--, acc. & loc. adv. for another's sake, for others.

parārtha [2] a. having another object, dependent on another person or thing.

parārthavādin a. speaking for another, representative (j.).

parārdha m. the other or more remote side or half; the highest number (also n.).

parārdhya a. being on the other or more remote side or half; finest, best, most excellent; more excellent than (abl.).

parāvat f. distance.

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parāvara n. = parāpara; also adj. more distant and nearer, higher and lower, all-including; m. pl. ancestors and descendants.

parāvṛj m. outcast.

parāśara m. destroyer, a man's name.

parāśraya [1] m. dependence on others.

parāśraya [2] a. dependent on others.

parāsu a. dying or dead (lit. whose breath is going or gone out).

parāsedha m. arrest, prison.

parāsya a. to be cast away.

parāhṇa m. the afternoon.

pari adv. round, about (often °--, also to denote abundance or high degree); prep. round, about, against, opposite to, beyond, above, more than (acc.); from, out of, after, in consequence or on account of, according to (abl.); *around i.e. outside or with exception of (abl., also pari pari).

parikara m. attendance, assistance, followers, servants, troop, multitude (also pl.); a girdle.

parikarman n. the being about or intent upon something, preparation for (--°), attendance, worship, veneration, care, esp. of the body, as anointing, perfuming, toilet i.g.

parikarmin m. assistant, servant.

parikarṣa m. -ṇa n. dragging about.

parikalpanā f. bringing about, contrivance.

parikīrtana n. proclaiming aloud, boasting.

parikopa m. violent anger.

parikrama m. -ṇa n. walking about, roaming.

parikraya m. purchase, hire, wages.

parikrayaṇa n. hiring, engaging.

parikrāmitaka (only instr.) walking about (d.).

pariklinna a. thoroughly wet.

parikliṣṭa a. much vexed or troubled, suffering, uneasy, weak; n. adv. unwillingly.

parikleśa m. vexation, hardship, fatigue.

parikleṣṭṛ m. tormentor, torturer.

parikṣata a. hurt, wounded.

parikṣati f. hurting, wounding.

parikṣaya m. disappearing, decay, end.

parikṣāma a. quite emaciated or exhausted.

parikṣit a. spreading or dwelling around; m. N. of an ancient king.

parikṣīṇa a. exhausted, vanished, perished, brought down, poor, weak in (instr.).

parikṣepa m. tossing about, moving to and fro; surrounding, enclosing.

parikhacita a. inlaid, set or strewed with (--°).

parikhā f. a ditch or trench round a town.

parikhinna a. wearied, annoyed.

parikheda m. weariness, exhaustion.

parigaṇana n. -nā f. accurate enumeration or statement.

parigaṇitin a. thoroughly versed in (loc.).

parigata a. gone round or through, diffused, spread; deceased, dead; surrounded by, endowed or affected with, possessed of (instr. or --°); known, learnt of (abl.).

parigatārtha a. acquainted with or initiated into a matter.

parigama m. surrounding, extending; meeting, getting acquainted with, partaking of (--°).

parigalita a. dropped down, sunk into (--°).

parigāḍham adv. intensely, strongly.

parigṛhya ger. along, with (lit. taking); without (lit. wanting).

parigṛhīta a. seized, received, connected with, possessed of (instr. or --°).

parigṛhīti f. taking together, comprehending.

parigraha m. surrounding, enclosing (lit. & fig.); putting on, assuming; taking or holding together, seizing, grasping; taking, receiving, getting, obtaining; acquisition, possession (adj. --° possessed of); undertaking, incurring, occupation or business with (loc. or --°); taking to, i.e. favouring, revering; honour, grace; taking to wife, marrying; wife (also coll.), household, family, attendants etc.

parigrahaṇa n. putting on, wrapping round.

parigrahītṛ m. helper, assister, ruler, husband.

parigrāha m. enclosure (of the Vedi).

pariglāna a. wearied, exhausted; *averse to (dat.).

parigha m. iron bar for locking a gate, du. gate; iron club, fig. obstacle, hindrance, esp. a current of clouds before the sun.

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parighastambha m. door-post.*

parigharmya m. an implement for preparing the hot sacrificial beverage.

paricakṣā f. rejection, disapproval.

paricakṣya a. to be rejected or disapproved.

paricaya [1] m. heaping up, accumulation.

paricaya [2] m. knowledge, acquaintance, familiarity or intercourse with (gen., loc., instr. ±samam, or --°).

paricayavant [1] a. heaped up, accumulated; full, complete.

paricayavant [2] a. acquainted, familiar.

paricara a. roaming about, moving, flowing. -- m. companion, assistant; attendance, homage.

paricaraṇa m. servant, assistant; n. going about, attendance, service, devotion.

paricarya a. to be served or waited upon; f. ā = seq.

paricāra m. attendance, devotion.

paricāraka f. -rikā male or female attendant.

paricārin a. going about, movable, attending to, serving; m. servant.

paricita [1] a. heaped up, increased, acquired, got; filled with i.e. containing (instr.).

paricita [2] a. known, accustomed, familiar.

pariciti f. acquaintance, familiarity.

paricchada m. cover, garment, dress, surroundings, domestic implements, baggage, retinue, train, attendants; adj. --° possessed of, covered or adorned with.

paricchanna a. covered, filled, concealed, disguised.

pariccheda m. cutting, severing, separation, section, chapter of a book; discrimination, definition, decision, judgment.

parijana m. servant, mostly coll. retinue, suite.

parijñāta a. known, learnt; known as (--°).

parijñāna n. perception, knowledge.

parijñeya a. to be known or learnt.

parijman a. moving or being around; as loc. adv. round about, everywhere.

parijri a. running or spreading round.

pariṇata a. bent outwards or aside, altered, changed into (instr. or --°), developed, ripe, mature, abundant, advanced (age), full (moon), setting (sun), digested (food), faded, passed.

pariṇati f. change, transformation, development, ripening, maturity, accomplishment; consequence, result, issue, end.

pariṇaddha a. bound or wrapt round; girt or encirled by (--°); broad, large.

pariṇamayitṛ a. ripening (gen.).

pariṇaya m. -na n. leading round (the sacred fire), marriage.

pariṇāma m. change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution into (instr.), transformation of od i.e. digestion; fading, decay; course (of time), advancement (of age), old age; consequence, result, end. °-- & loc. finally, at last.

pariṇāmamukha a. verging to the issue.*

pariṇāmin a. altering, subject to change.

pariṇāyaka m. leader, husband (cf. pariṇīta).

pariṇāha m. compass, circumference, extent, width.

pariṇāhavant a. poss. to prec.

pariṇāhin a. poss. to prec.

pariṇīta n. marriage; f. -tā a married wife (lit. leading and led round, scil. the sacrificial fire).

pariṇītapūrvā f. married before.

pariṇetṛ m. husband (cf. pariṇīta).

paritakmya a. causing anxiety, insecure, dangerous; f. ā danger, fear.

paritas adv. round about, on all sides, everywhere; prep. round (acc., r. gen.).

paritāpa m. glow, heat, pain, grief, sorrow, repentance.

paritāpin a. burning, heat; causing pain or sorrow.

parituṣṭa a. much pleased by (instr.), very glad.

parituṣṭi f. high satisfaction, delight.

paritoṣa m. the same; poss. -vant or -ṣin.

paritoṣaka a. satisfying.

paritoṣaṇa a. & n. the same.

parityakta a. left by, deprived of, wanting (instr. or --°).

parityajya (ger.) letting aside, i.e. at a distance from or with exception of (acc.).

parityaktṛ m. forsaker, deserter.

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parityāga m. leaving, quitting, abandonment, giving up, rejection, renunciation.

parityāgin a. leaving, abandoning, forsaking, renouncing.

parityājya a. to be left, abandoned, given up, renounced, omitted.

paritrasta a. frightened, afraid.

paritrāṇa n. protection, rescue from (abl.), refuge.

paritrātavya a. to be protected or defended.

paritrātṛ m. protector, defender.

paridā f. -dāna n. giving one's self up, surrender, devotion.

paridīrṇa a. dropsical.

parideva m. lamentation, wailing.

paridevita a. mournful, sad; n. lament.

paridevin a. lamenting, wailing.

paridyūna a. distressed, miserable.

paridhāna n. laying round, putting on, wrapping; garment, vesture.

paridhi m. enclosure, fence, wall; cover, garment; circumference, compass, horizon; fire-frame (r.).

paridhūsara a. quite gray or dusty.

paridhvaṃsa m. mischief, disaster, ruin, trouble; loss of caste (also f. ā), an outcast.

paridhvaṃsin a. falling off or destroying.

paridhvasta a. covered with (--°); destroyed, annihilated.

parinindā f. strong censure.

parinirmita a. measured, marked out, fixed, settled.

pariniṣṭhā f. extreme limit, highest point; completion, perfection.

pariniṣṭhita a. being in (loc.); thoroughly versed in or familiar with (loc.).

paripakva a. completely burnt (brick); quite ripe or mature.

paripatana n. flying round.

paripanthin a. besetting the path; m. waylayer, opponent, enemy.

paripāka m. being completely cooked of digested; ripening, maturity, perfection.

paripāṭi f. succession, order.

paripāṭī f. succession, order.

paripāṭha m. complete enumeration.

paripāṇa m. n. protection, refuge.

paripāṇḍu a. very pale or white.

paripāṇḍura a. very pale or white.

paripāna n. drink, beverage.

paripārśva a. being at one's side; paripārśva++cara & paripārśva++vartin a. going or standing near.

paripālaka a. guarding, protecting.

paripālana n. protection, guard, nurture, maintenance, care (also f. ā).

paripālanīya a. to be protected or maintained.

paripālya a. to be protected or maintained.

paripīḍana n. -pīḍā f. squeezing, vexing, injuring.

paripuṣṭa a. nourished, fostered, cherished, increased, blessed or abundantly furnished with (instr. or --°).

paripūta a. cleaned, husked; purifed by (--°).

paripūraka a. filling or causing fulness.

paripūrṇa a. filled or covered with (--°), full, entire, complete, accomplished, attained.

paripūrṇatā f. -tva n. fulness.

paripūrṇendu m. the full moon.

paripūrti f. getting full, completion.

paripelava a. very fine or delicate.

paripraśna m. question, inquiry.

pariprī a. dear, valued.

paripruṣ a. sprinkling, splashing.

pariprepsu a. wishing to obtain, desirous of (acc. or --°).

pariplava a. swimming, moving to and fro. m. ship, boat; wavering, unsteadiness, unquietness.

paribādh f. obstructor, hinderer.

paribādhā f. trouble, pains.

paribṛṃhaṇa n. increase, addition; supplement.

paribṛḍha -> parivṛḍha.

paribhagna a. broken, interrupted, troubled, prevented.

paribhava m. ill treatment, injury, humiliation, offence, transgression; disrespect, contempt for (loc., gen., or --°).

paribhavana n. humiliation, contempt.

paribhavanīya a. to be offended or humiliated.

paribhavin a. injuring, humiliating, mocking.

paribhāva  = paribhava & -vin.

paribhāvin  = paribhava & -vin.

paribhāvuka a. contemning, humbling (acc.).

paribhāṣaṇa n. talk, conversation; blame, censure.

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paribhāṣā f. the same, a kind of rule (g.).

paribhāṣenduśekhara m. T. of a work.

paribhū a. being around, encompassing, pervading, ruling, superior.

paribhūti f. superior strength; humiliation, injury.

paribhoktṛ m. enjoyer, parasite.

paribhoga m. enjoyment, esp. sexual intercourse; means of enjoyment, subsistence.

paribhogin a. enjoying.*

paribhraṃśa m. escape.

paribhraṃśana n. falling from, losing (abl.).

paribhrama m. going to and fro, roaming; digression.

paribhramaṇa n. moving round, circumference.

paribhraṣṭa a. fallen down, dropped off, fallen from (abl.) upon or into (loc. or --°); sunk, ruined, vanished, gone, escaped from (abl.); abstaining from (--°), deprived or void of (abl. or --°).

paribhrāmaṇa n. turning round (trans.).

parimaṇḍala n. circle, circumference; a. circular, round.

parimanthara a. very slow or tardy.

parimanda a. very tired or languid; abstr. -tā f.

parimanyu a. wrathful, angry.

parimara m. dying around; w. brahmaṇaḥ a cert. magical rite.

parimarda m. crushing, grinding.

parimardana n. rubbing.

parimarśa m. consideration, reflection.

parimala m. fragrance, perfume.

parimalay parimalayati v (pp. -malita*) to perfume.

parimā f. measure in circumference.

parimāṇa n. measuring, measure, compass, size, number, value; a. amounting to (--°).*

parimāthin a. torturing, vexing.

parimārga m. -ṇa n. searching, seeking for.

parimārjana n. wiping off, cleaning.

parimita a. meted out, measured; limited, little, few.

parimiti f. measure, quantity.

parimilana n. touch, contact.

parimūḍha a. confounded, perplexed.

parimṛṣṭa [1] a. polished, clean; wiped off, purged away, destroyed.

parimṛṣṭa [2] a. caught, found out.*

parimeya a. measurable, calculable, finite, small in number.

parimokṣa m. -ṇa n. liberation, deliverance.

parimoṣa m. theft.

parimoṣaka a. stealing.

parimoṣaṇa n. taking away.

parimoṣin a. stealing; m. thief.

parimohana n. bewilderment, fascination.

parimohin a. bewildered, perplexed.

parimlāna a. faded, withered, diminished, impaired, vanished, gone.

pariyajña m. a secondary rite.

parirakṣaka m. guardian, keeper.

parirakṣaṇa f. ī guarding, protecting, keeping; n. = seq.

parirakṣā f. protection, saving.

parirakṣitṛ m. = parirakṣaka.

parirambha m. -ṇa n. an embrace.

parirambhin a. embracing.

parirodha m. obstructing, keeping back.

parilagna a. stuck, held fast.*

parilaghu a. very light or small, minute, paltry; abstr. -tā f.

parilaṅghana n. jumping to and fro.

parilamba m. -na n. lingering, tarrying.

parilekha m. -na n. outline, delineation.

parivatsara m. a full year; adj. -rīṇa.

parivarga m. shunning or removing.

parivargya a. to be avoided.

parivarjaka a. shunning, avoiding.

parivarjana n. avoiding, giving up, resigning, escaping.

parivarjanīya a. to be avoided.

parivarta m. turning round, moving to and fro, roaming, revolving, revolution (of a planet), lapse (of time); change, barter; abode, spot, place.

parivartakaṃ a. causing to turn round or back; m. change, barter.

parivartana f. ī = prec. a.; n. turning round, revolving; revolution, lapse or end (of time), change, barter.

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parivartin a. moving round, revolving, circling, ever recurring; changing, passing into (--°); abiding in, about, or with (loc. or --°).

parivardhana n. increasing, augmenting.

parivaha m. N. of a wind.

parivāda m. abuse, reproach, censure.

parivādakara m. censurer, slanderer.

parivādin a. speaking ill of, blaming.

parivāra m. cover, covering, surroundings, train, retinue (adj. --° followed by).

parivāraṇa n. = prec. + warding off.

parivāsa [1] m. abode, stay, residence.

parivāsa [2] m. fragrance, odour.

parivāsana n. shred, chip.

parivāha m. overflow; a. -hin.

pariviṃśat f. full twenty.

parivitta m. an elder brother who marries after the younger.

parivitti m. the same; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

parivinna m. the same.

pariviśrānta a. thoroughly rested.

pariviṣṭi f. service, attendance.

parivī a. wound round.

parivīta a. surrounded, enveloped, covered, veiled.

parivṛkta a. rejected, despised; f. parivṛktā or parivṛktī a disliked or despised wife.

parivṛj f. avoiding, removing.

parivṛḍha m. lord, chief (lit. the surrounded one).

parivṛta a. covered, veiled, or hung with, surrounded or accompanied by (instr. or --°); n. a covered place of sacrifice.

parivṛtta a. rolling (n. as subst.), turned or spread round, lasting, finished, ended, gone; -bhāgya unfortunate (lit. whose fortune has gone).

parivṛtti f. rolling, turning round, turn, return, change, barter.

parivṛddhi f. increase, growth.

parivettṛ m. a younger brother that marries before the elder.

pariveda m. complete knowledge.

parivedana [1] n. the same.

parivedana [2] n. the marrying of a younger brother before the elder.

pariveṣa m. arrangement, preparation or distribution of food, waiting at meals; circumference, circle, esp. a halo round the sun or moon.

pariveṣaka m. attendant, distributer of food.

pariveṣaṇa n. = pariveṣa.

pariveṣṭana n. cover, veil; ligature, bandage (also -nā f.).

pariveṣṭṛ m. -ṣṭrī f. attendant, waiter.

parivyaya m. seasoning, condiments; (expense, cost*).

parivyayaṇa n. winding round, covering.

parivyāṇa n. the same.

parivrajyā f. strolling, wandering (esp. of a religious mendicant).

parivrāj m. (nom. -vrāṭ) vagrant, religious mendicant.

parivrājaka m. the same.

pariśaṅkanīya a. to be distrusted or feared; n. impers.

pariśaṅkita a. afraid, suspicious; suspected, distrusted.

pariśaṅkin a. fearing, anxious.

pariśapta n. cursing, a curse.

pariśiṣṭa a. left, remaining; n. supplement, appendix.

pariśīlana n. frequent contact or occupation with (--°).

pariśuddha a. clean, pure; diminished by (--°).

pariśuddhi f. purification, justification.

pariśuṣka a. quite dry or parched.

pariśeṣa a. left, remaining; m. n. remnant, rest, supplement.

pariśodhana n. purification, paying off.

pariśoṣa m. getting dry, dryness.

pariśoṣaṇa a. & n. drying up, parching.

pariśoṣin a. drying up (tr. & intr.).

pariśrama m. fatigue, pain, exertion, labour.

pariśraya m. enclosure, fence.

pariśrānta a. much tired, worn out.

pariśrit f. encloser (r.).

pariśruta a. heard, learnt from (gen., instr., or --°, also n. impers.); known as, passing for, called (nom.); celebrated, famous.

pariṣattva n. abstr. to seq. f.

pariṣad a. sitting around, besetting; f. assembly, congregation.

pariṣūti f. enclosing, oppressing.

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pariṣeka m. sprinkling over, moistening, bathing.

pariṣecana n. sprinkling, watering.

pariṣoḍaśa a. pl. full sixteen.

pariṣkāra m. arranging, adorning, ornament.

pariṣkṛta a. prepared, arranged, adorned, accompanied by (--°).

pariṣṭi f. surrounding, impeding, oppression, distress.

pariṣṭuti f. praise.

pariṣṭubh a. shouting or exulting around.

pariṣṭhā a. obstructing, impeding; f. impediment, barrier.

pariṣṭhita a. obstructed, hindered.

pariṣyanda m. stream, river; sandbank, island.

pariṣvaṅga m. embrace, contact.

pariṣvajana n. the same.

pariṣvajya a. to be embraced.

pariṣvañjana n. = pariṣvajana.

parisaṃvatsara [1] m. a full year.

parisaṃvatsara [2] a. a full year old.

parisaṃkhyā f. -na n. enumeration, sum, total.

parisaṃghuṣṭa a. resonant all around.

parisamāpta a. finished, perfect.

parisamāpti f. completion, end.

parisara a. adjacent, contiguous, lying near or upon (--°); m. standing-place, position, environs, proximity.

parisaraṇa n. running about, moving to and fro.

parisarpaṇa n. = prec., creeping upon (--°).

parisarpin a. going about, roaming.

parisahasra a. pl. full thousand.

parisādhana n. bringing about, accomplishing, arranging, settling.

pariskanna a. scattered (semen).

paristara m. -staraṇa n. strewing, covering, cover.

paristoma m. cover, cushion.

paristhita a. remaining in (loc.).

parispanda m. -spandita n. stirring, motion.

parispardhin a. vying with (--°).

parispṛdh f. rival.

parisphuṭa a. very clear or distinct, n. adv.

parisyanda m. = pariṣyanda.

parisraj f. wreath, garland; p. -jin.

parisrava m. overflowing, gliding down; stream, gush.

parisrāva m. fluxion.

parisrut a. streaming round or over, foaming, fermenting; f. a kind of liquor.

parihara m. reserve, concealment.

pariharaṇa n. moving, placing, or carrying round, avoiding.

pariharaṇīya a. to be avoided.

parihartavya a. to be avoided.

parihāṇi f. decrease.

parihāni f. decrease.

parihāra m. leading round, avoiding, escaping, forsaking, leaving out, passing over, reserve, concealment; exemption, immunity, privilege (j.).

parihārin a. avoiding (--°).

parihārya a. to be avoided or left alone; to be exempted or presented with an immunity.

parihāsa m. jest, joke, sport.

parihāsanimittam adv. for sport.*

parihāsaśīla a. fond of jesting; abstr. -tā f.*

parihita a. placed round, seated or standing round; put on, donned; covered, clothed, surrounded.

parihīṇa a. left out, ceased, disappeared; wanting, being without (abl., instr., or --°).

parihṛti f. shunning, avoiding.

parihṛṣṭa a. greatly delighted.

parihṛṣita a. greatly delighted.

parihrut a. causing to fall.

parihvṛti f. going or leading astray, damage, injury.

parīkṣaka m. examiner, investigator.

parīkṣaṇa n. -ṇā f. examination, investigation.

parīkṣā f. the same.

parīkṣin a. proving, testing; m. examiner.

parīṇas n. plenty, abundance; instr. richly, abundantly.

parīṇasa n. = prec.

parīṇah f. (nom. -ṇat) enclosure; trunk or chest on a carriage.

parīṇāma m. = pariṇāma & -ṇāha.

parīṇāha m. = pariṇāma & -ṇāha.

parīta a. standing round; filled with, seized, surrounded by (instr. or --°); abstr. -tā f.

parītāpa m. = paritāpa & -toṣa.

parītoṣa m. = paritāpa & -toṣa.

parītta a. given up, delivered.

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parītti f. delivering.

parīpāka m. = paripāka.

parīpsā f. desire of obtaining or saving, a. -psu.

parīman s. bounty, abundance.

parīmāṇa n. = parimāṇa.

parīrambha m. = parirambha.

parīvarta m. exchange, barter.

parīvāda m. = parivāda parivāra, & -vāha.

parīvāra m. = parivāda parivāra, & -vāha.

parīvāha m. = parivāda parivāra, & -vāha.

parīvṛta a. = parivṛta.

parīvettṛ m. = parivettṛ.

parīśāsa m. excision; du. a kind of tongs (r.).

parīṣeka m. = pariṣeka.

parīṣṭi f. investigation, research.

parīsara m. circumference, surroundings.

parīhāra m. avoiding, reserve.

parīhāsa m. = parihāsa.

paru m. limb, member.

parucchepa m. N. of a Rishi.

parut adv. last year.

parutka a. knotted or limbed.

paruśas adv. limb by limb, member by member.

paruśśas adv. limb by limb, member by member.

paruṣa (f. old paruṣṇī) knotty (reed), bristly, shaggy (hair); spotted, many-coloured, dirty; piercing, keen, rough, harsh. --m. reed, arrow; f. paruṣṇī cloud, N. of a river; n. sgl. & pl. harsh language.

paruṣākṣara a. containing or using harsh words (language or person).

paruṣokti f. harsh language.

parus n. knot, joint (of a plant or the body), member, portion, section.

pare (loc. adv.) later, in future.

pareṇa (instr. adv.) beyond, past (acc.), farther; later, after (abl. or gen.).

pareta a. gone, dead; m. pl. the Manes.

pareti f. departure.

paredyavi (loc. adv.) next day, to-morrow.

pareśa m. supreme lord, E. of Brahman or Viṣṇu.

parokṣa a. beyond the eye, out of sight, invisible, imperceptible, unintelligible, obscure. Loc. behind one's back, in one's absence; °-- & instr. secretly, mysteriously; acc. & abl. in the absence or without the knowledge of (instr. or gen.).

parokṣatā f. -tva n. the being out of sight, invisibility, imperceptibility.

parokṣānurāga m. love without seeing (the beloved object).*

paropakāra m. abstr. to seq.

paropakārin a. assisting or helping others.

paropakṛti f. = paropakāra.

paroviṃśa a. pl. more than twenty.

parośīta a. pl. more than eighty.

parka -> madhuparka.

parkaṭī f. a kind of fig-tree.

parjanya m. rain-cloud or rain, personif. as the rain-god.

parjanyajinvita a. animated by the rain (-god).

parjanyavṛddha a. nourished by the rain (-god).

parṇa n. wing, plume, feather (also of an arrow), leaf; m. = palāśa m.

parṇadhi m. the part of an arrow to which the feathers are fastened.

parṇamaya f. ī made of Palaca-wood.

parṇavant a. leafy.

parṇaśayyā f. couch of leaves.

parṇāda m. a man's name.

parṇāśana n. abstr. to seq.

parṇāśin a. eating leaves.

parṇin a. winged, plumed, leafy.

parṇya a. relating to leaves.

partṛ s. protector or protection (only instr. pl.).

pard pardate v fart.

parpaṭa m. ī f. names of plants.

paryak adv. round about.

paryagni m. the circumambient fire (r.); as adv. w. kṛ carry the fire round (cf. seq.).

paryagnikaraṇa n. carrying the fire round (the sacrificial animal).

paryaṅka m. couch, bed; the sitting with bent legs upon the hams.

paryaṭana n. wandering about, roaming through (gen. or --°).

paryanta m. circumference, limit, edge, end; adj. --° surrounded by, reaching to. paryantam to the end of, as far as, until (--°).

paryantastha a. limitative, adjoining.

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paryaya m. revolution, lapse (of time); change, mutation, inversion.

paryayana n. going round, circumambulation.

paryavasāna n. -sāya m. close, end.

paryavasita a. living farther off, having removed to (acc.); thoroughly finished or closed, settled, definitive.

paryaśru a. tearful, weeping.

paryaśrunayana a. having tears in the eyes.

paryasana n. throwing about, moving to and fro.

paryasta a. inverted, overturned, upset, fallen on (loc.), spread about (--°).

paryastamayam adv. about sunset.

paryākula a. filled, full of (--°); troubled, confused, excited. Abstr. -tva n.

paryākulay paryākulayati v trouble, confound.

paryākulīkṛ  = prec., -bhū P.

paryācānta (anna) n. food left by a person who has rinsed his mouth prematurely.

paryāpta a. got, obtained, finished, complete, large, copious, sufficient to, enough for (gen. or dat.); n. adv., w. etāvatā this is enough for (gen.).

paryāptabhoga a. having sufficient enjoyment.

paryāpti f. conclusion, end; satisfaction, sufficiency; capability of (--°).

paryāya m. turning round, revolving; course, lapse (of time); turn, succession; formula, stanza; convertible term, synonym. °-- & instr. successively, in turn.

paryāloca m. -na n. circumspection, deliberation.

paryālocanā f. = prec. + plan, intention.

paryāvarta m. -na n. return.

paryāsa m. turning round, revolution; edging, bordering, close, end, concluding strophe in a recitation.

paryukṣaṇa n. sprinkling; f. ī a. vessel for sprinkling.

paryutsuka a. very restless, sorrowful, eager, desirous of or longing for (dat.); abstr. -tva n.; -kī bhū become or be very sad.

paryupasthita a. standing round (acc.); approached, imminent, impending.

paryupāsana n. sitting around, surrounding, veneration, friendliness, courtesy.

paryuṣita a. having passed a night, stale, nightflat, not fresh, insipid.

paryetṛ m. conqueror, lord.

paryeṣaṇa n. searching, inquiring.

paryeṣṭavya a. to be sought or striven after.

paryeṣṭi f. searching for (--°).

parva (adj. --°) = parvan.

parvakāla m. = seq. f.

parvaṇa m. N. of a demon; f. ī the period of a change of the moon.

parvata a. knotty, rugged (of a mountain). --m. mountain (also fig. of a cloud), height, hill, rock, stone, N. of sev. men, esp. of a Rishi (cf. nārada); f. parvatī rock, stone.

parvatacyut a. shaking mountains.

parvatapati m. lord of the mountains.

parvatamastaka s. top (lit. head) of a mountain.

parvatarāj m. = prec., E. of the Himavant.

parvatarāja m. = prec., E. of the Himavant.

parvataśikhara m. n. mountain-top.

parvatāgra n. the same.

parvatātmajā f. E. of Durgā (mountain-daughter).

parvatāyana m. = pārvatāyana.

parvati f. rock, stone.

parvatīya a. mountainous, mountain.

parvateśvara m. = parvatapati; N. of a man.

parvateṣṭhā a. dwelling on mountains.

parvatopatyakā f. land at the foot of a mountain.

parvatya a. = parvatīya.

parvan n. knot, joint (esp. of a plant or of the body), limb, member (lit. & fig.), break, division, portion, section (esp. of a book); period, fixed time (esp. the 2 or 4 changes of the moon and the Caturmasya festival).

parvaśas adv. limb by limb, piece by piece.

parvasaṃdhi m. change of the moon, esp. the time of new- and full-moon.

parśāna m. chasm, precipice.

parśu [1] f. rib; curved knife, sickle.

parśu [2] m. = paraśu.

parṣa m. bundle, sheaf.

parṣaṇi [1] a. carrying over (ship).

parṣaṇi [2] loc. inf. to pṛ2.

parṣad f. = pariṣad.

parṣiṣṭha (superl.) carrying over or rescuing best.

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pala n. a cert. weight (also m.) or measure; flesh, meat.

palakṣa f. ī white.

palala n. ground sesamum seeds, pap; mud, mire.

palalaudana n. a pap made of ground sesamum seeds.

palāṇḍu m. (n.) onion.

palāy palāyati & palāyate v flee. --
     pra run away, escape.
     vi flee asunder.

palāyana n. flight, escape.

palāyin a. flying, fugitive.

palāla n. ī f. stalk, straw.

palālabhāra m. a load of straw.

palālabhāraka m. a load of straw.

palāloccaya m. a heap of straw.

palāva s. fishing-hook; m. pl. chaff, husks.

palāśa n. (adj. --° f. ī) leaf, petal; m. a kind of tree ( = parṇa m.), n. its blossom.

palāśin [1] a. leafy; m. tree.

palāśin [2] a. eating flesh, carnivorous.

paliknī -> seq.

palita f. paliknī grey, hoary; n. grey hair.

palpūlana n. lye.

palpūlay palpūlayati v pp. palpūlita wash in lye, wash or cleanse i.g.; tan.

palya n. sack for corn.

palyaṅka m. couch, bed.

palla m. a large granary; f. ī = pallikā.

pallava m. n. sprout, shoot, twig (lit. & fig.); edge of a garment.

pallavakā f. a woman's name.*

pallavay pallavayati v sprout, shoot, spread; pp. pallavita also full of (--°).

pallavin a. having young shoots.

palli f. a small village, esp. a settlement of wild tribes.

palvala n. small tank, pond, pool.

pava m. N. of a man; f. pavā purification.

pavana m. wind (often personif.), N. of a man; n. instrument for purifying, sieve, strainer, etc.

pavanaja m. son of the wind, E. of Hanumant.

pavanatanaya m. son of the wind, E. of Hanumant.

pavanāśana m. snake (l. wind-eater).

pavanāśin m. snake (l. wind-eater).

pavanotkampin a. trembling in the wind.*

pavamāna a. being purified or strained; m. wind, N. of cert. Stotras.

pavayitṛ m. purifier.

pavasta n. du. heaven and earth.

pavi m. tire of a wheel, metallic point of a spear or arrow.

pavitṛ m. purifier.

pavitra n. instrument for cleansing, esp. filter, strainer, etc.; i.g. anything cleansing or purifying (l. & f.); a. purifying, pure, holy, sinless. m. a cert. sacrifice.

pavitrakīrti a. of stainless renown.

pavitrapūta a. clarified by a stainer.

pavitray pavitrayati v pp. pavitrita cleanse, purify.

pavitrīkṛ  = prec.

pavītṛ m. = pavitṛ.

pavyā f. purification.

paś only pres. paśyati, only pres. paśyate1 (cf. spaś & dṇṣ) see, behold, perceive, look, look on, try, examine, ponder; regard or consider as, take for (2 acc. or acc. & adv. in vat), see with the spiritual eye (of seers and poets), find out, invent. --
     ati look beyond.
     anu look at, behold, discover, regard or consider as etc. = S.
     ava look at, observe.
     ud look up, foresee, expect, behold, perceive.
     pari look over, survey, descry, discover, learn, understand, know as (2 acc.).
     pra look forward, foresee, view, behold, know, recognize, take for (2 acc.).
     prati look at, behold, experience, learn.
     vi see in different places or in detail, discern, distinguish; perceive, observe, know, understand.
     abhivi behold, perceive.
     sam see (together or at the same time), look over, survey, observe, consider, try, examine, perceive, behold, know, understand; M. look at each other, be together.

paś [2] (only instr. paḍbhis) look, eye.

paś [3] (only instr. paḍbhis) bond, rope.

paśavya a. belonging to or fit for cattle; n. a herd or drove of cattle.

paśu m. cattle (singly or coll.), animal. esp. domestic a. or sacrificial victim (sometimes including man, sometimes said contemptuously of a man. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

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paśukarman n. -kriyā f. the act of animal sacrifice.

paśughāta m. slaughter of cattle.*

paśughna a. killing cattle.

paśutṛp a. taking away (lit. feeding on) cattle.

paśupa a. guarding cattle; m. herdsman.

paśupati m. lord of the animals, E. of sev. gods.

paśupā m. keeper of cattle, herdsman.

paśupāla m. the same.

paśupāśa m. the cord for (binding) the victim.

paśubandha m. an animal sacrifice.

paśumant a. connected with, relating to, or rich in cattle. m. a herdsman; n. possession of cattle.

paśumāra (only instr. & acc. adv.) as if killing cattle.

paśumāraṇa n. slaughtering cattle.*

paśukarman n. slaughtering cattle.*

paśuyajña m. an animal sacrifice.

paśuyājin a. offering an animal sacrifice.

paśurakṣi m. herdsman, herd.

paśurakṣin m. herdsman, herd.

paśuvat adv. like an animal or as in an animal (sacrifice).

paśuvid a. procuring cattle.

paśuvrata a. acting like an animal.

paśuśiras n. the head of an animal.

paśuśīrṣa n. the head of an animal.

paśuśṛṅga n. the horn of an animal.

paśuṣa a. bestowing cattle.

paśuṣā a. bestowing cattle.

paśusani a. the same.

paśusaṃbhava a. coming from cattle.

paśusoma m. pl. the animal and Soma sacrifices.

paśuhavya n. animal sacrifice.

paśūkhā f. a vessel to cook the sacrificial animal in.

paścā (instr. adv.) behind, afterwards, later, westward.

paścāt (abl. adv.) from behind, from the back, behind, after, later, west (as a prepos. w. gen. & abl.). -- With kṛ leave behind, surpass, excel, w. gam go back; tataḥ paścāt after that, thereupon.

paścātāt (abl. adv.) from behind.

paścātkāla m. later time.

paścāttāpa m. sorrow, repentance (l. after-pain).

paścāttāpin a. feeling regret or repentance.

paścādvāta m. wind from behind, west wind.

paścārdha m. the hinder or western part.

paścārdhya a. being on the west side.

paścima a. hinder, hindmost, westerly, latter, last; f. ā + saṃdhyā the evening twilight, + kriyā the last rite i.e. burning the dead, ±diś the west.

paścimadakṣiṇa a. south-westerly.

paścimottara a. north-westerly.

paśya a. looking, knowing, intelligent.

paśyata a. visible, conspicuous.

paśvaṅga n. anything belonging to the sacrificial animal.

paśvanṛta n. untruth concerning cattle.

paśvijyā f. animal sacrifice.

paśviṣ a. wishing for cattle.

pasas n. the membrum virile.

pastya n. habitation, stall, stable; f. ā pl. house, dwelling, family, sgl. the goddess of a house.

pastyasad m. house-mate.

pastyāvant a. being kept in a stable, having or offering a fixed abode; m. householder, a wealthy man.

pahlava m. pl. the Parthians or the Persians.

pibati pibate (pāti) v pp. pīta1 (with pass., r. with act. mg), drink, imbibe, swallow, draw in, enjoy. C. pāyayati, pp. pāyita give to drink (2 acc.). D. pipāsati (pipīṣati) wish to drink, be thirsty. I. pepīyate drink greedily or repeatedly (also w. pass. mg). --
     ā drink up, drink out of (abl.) or at (acc.); imbibe, absorb, draw in, enjoy.
     ni drink in, imbibe, absorb.
     pari drink before and after (acc.), drink or draw up.
     pra begin to drink, drink in, sip.
     vi drink up, drink largely, drink out of (abl.).
     sam A. & M. drink in together. -- Cf. pipāsant & pipāsita.

[2] a. drinking (--°).

pāti3 v (pp. pāna) protect, watch, shelter from or defend against (abl.); rule, govern; keep, observe. --
     abhi guard, observe.
     ni protect, shelter from (abl.), watch, observe, keep.
     nis protect from (abl.).
     pari protect on all sides, observe, keep, maintain.
     pra protect or shelter from (abl.).

[4] a. protecting, guarding, keeping (--°).

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pāṃsana f. ī defiling, disgracing (--°).

pāṃsava a. formed of dust.

pāṃsavya a. to seq.

pāṃsu m. pl. (sgl.) dust, sand.

pāṃsuka m. pl. = prec.

pāṃsukrīḍana n. playing with sand.

pāṃsura a. dusty.

pāṃsula a. the same + impure, defiled; defiling, disgracing.

pāṃsuvarṣa m. n. falling (lit. rain) of dust.

pāṃsusaṃcaya m. a heap of sand.

pāṃsusamūhana a. raising dust (wind).

pāṃsusnāna n. rolling (lit. bathing) in dust.

pāṃsūpta a. covered with dust.

pāka [1] a. very young, simple, ignorant, stupid, artless, honest. --m. the young of animals, N. of a Daitya.

pāka [2] m. (adj. --° f. ī) cooking, baking (tr. & intr.), burning (bricks), cooking in the stomach, i.e. digestion; ripening, maturity, development (esp. of consequences), perfection.

pākatrā adv. simply, artlessly.

pākapātra n. cooking-utensil.

pākabali m. = pākayajña.

pākabhāṇḍa n. = pākapātra.

pākayajña m. a simple or domestic sacrifice.

pākayajñika a. relating to the P. (v. prec.).

pākayajñiya a. relating to the P. (v. prec.).

pākala a. quite black.

pākavat adv. = pākatrā.

pākaśaṃsa a. speaking honestly.

pākaśāsana m. the punisher of Pāka or the instructor of the ignorant (E. of Indra).

pākāru m. a cert. disease.

pākima a. obtained by cooking or burning (pot etc.), red-hot.

pākya a. cookable or obtained by cooking.

pākyā f. (instr.) in simplicity or honesty.

pākṣapātika a. favouring a party, partial.

pākṣika a. = prec. or subject to an alternative.

pākhaṇḍa  = pāṣaṇḍa.

pāṅkta a. fivefold.

pāṅktatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

pāṅkteya a. worthy (of a society), decent.

pāṅktya a. worthy (of a society), decent.

pāṅktra m. a kind of mouse.

pācaka f. -cikā cooking, ripening (tr.).

pācana f. ī the same; n. as subst.

pājaka m. cooking-basket.

pājas n. glimmer, sheen, brightness, cheerfulness, vigour; du. heaven and earth (as the two sheens or shining surfaces).

pājasya n. the region of the belly or flanks (of an animal).

pājasvant a. shining or vigorous.

pāñcajanya a. relating to or containing the five tribes.

pāñcabhautika a. consisting of the five elements.

pāñcayajñika a. relating to the five sacrifices.

pāñcavārṣika f. ī five years old.

pāñcāla f. ī belonging to the PaJcālas. m. a prince of the P., pl. the people of the P.; f. ī a princess of the P., esp. Draupadī.

pāñcālaka f. -likā = prec. adj.

pāñcālya a. the same; m. a prince of the Pancalas.

pāṭa m. intersection; f. pāṭā N. of a cert. plant.

pāṭaka m. who splits or tears asunder.

pāṭaccara m. thief, robber.

pāṭana n. splitting, tearing asunder.

pāṭala a. pale-red; m. pale-red colour, redness; N. of a tree, n. its blossom, f. ā = both.

pāṭalāvatī f. N. of a river.

pāṭali f. N. of a tree.

pāṭaliputra n. N. of a city, pl. its inhabitants.

pāṭava n. sharpness, acuteness, dexterity.

pāṭin a. splitting (--°); m. a cert. fish.

pāṭīra m. the sandal-tree.

pāṭūra m. the part near the ribs (of an animal).

pāṭha m. recitation, perusal, study, text.

pāṭhaka m. reciter, reader, student, scholar, teacher.

pāṭhadoṣa m. error of the text, false reading.

pāṭhana n. teaching, instruction.

pāṭhavant a. well-read, learned.

pāṭhin a. well-read in (--°); m. student, scholar.

pāṭhīna m. a kind of fish.

pāṭhya a. to be recited.

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pāṇa m. a stake at play.

pāṇi m. hand, hoof; adj. --° carrying in the hand. pāṇiṃ grah or take or give the hand i.e. marry (the former of the man, the latter of the woman).

pāṇigraha m. -grahaṇa n. marriage (cf. prec.).

pāṇigrahaṇika a. nuptial.

pāṇigrahaṇīya a. nuptial.

pāṇigrahītṛ m. bridegroom, husband (lit. hand-taker).

pāṇigrāha m. bridegroom, husband (lit. hand-taker).

pāṇigrāhaka m. bridegroom, husband (lit. hand-taker).

pāṇitala n. the palm of the hand.

pāṇidharma m. form of marriage.

pāṇin (--°) = pāṇi.

pāṇini m. N. of a celebrated grammarian.

pāṇinīya a. relating to or coming from Pāṇini; m. a disciple or follower of P., n. his grammar.

pāṇipadma s. a lotus (like) hand.

pāṇipāda n. sgl. & m. pl. hands and feet.

pāṇipīḍana n. marriage (lit. pressing the hand).

pāṇibandha m. marriage (union of the hands).

pāṇimant a. having hands.

pāṇimita a. to be measured or spanned with the hands, very thin or slender.

pāṇistha a. being in the hand.

pāṇḍara a. whitish yellow.

pāṇḍaravāsas a. wearing a yellow garment.

pāṇḍava m. a son or descendant of Pāṇḍu; a., f. ī belonging to the Pāṇḍavas.

pāṇḍavīya a. = prec. a.

pāṇḍaveya m. & a. = pāṇḍava.

pāṇḍitya n. learning, erudition, knowledge; cleverness, dexterity.

pāṇḍiman m. = seq. abstr.

pāṇḍu a. whitish yellow, white, pale (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.), N. of an ancient king.

pāṇḍunandana m. a son of Pāṇḍu.

pāṇḍupattra n. a yellow leaf.

pāṇḍubhūma m. a whitish soil.

pāṇḍura a. whitish, pale.

pāṇḍuratā f. -riman m. abstr. to prec.

pāṇḍuroga m. the yellow disease, jaundice.

pāṇḍulekha s. first outline or sketch (lit. pale writing).

pāṇḍusopāka m. a cert. mixed caste.

pāṇḍusaupāka m. a cert. mixed caste.

pāṇḍya m. pl. N. of a people.

pāṇḍva n. an uncoloured woolen garment.

pāṇya a. relating to the hand.

pāṇyāsya a. whose mouth is his hand.

pāta m. flying, flight; fall, downfall; attack, inroad; case, possibility; happening, event.

pātaka a. causing to fall (--°); m. crime, sin.

pātakin a. criminal, wicked; m. sinner.

pātañjala m. composed by PataYjali; m. a follower of P., n. his system (ph.), the Mahābhāṣya (g.).

pātana n. causing to fall, felling (also adj.), throwing, removing, destroying; w. daṇḍasya chastising, punishing.

pātanīya a. to be caused to fall or thrown.

pātayitṛ m. who causes to fall or throws.

pātave dat. inf. to 1.

pātavai dat. inf. to 1.

pātavya [1] a. to be drunk.

pātavya [2] a. to be protected.

pātāla n. lower world, abode of serpents or demons, also a cert. hell.

pātin a. flying, falling, sinking; felling, throwing down (--°).

pātuka a. falling, losing caste or going to hell.

pātṛ [1] pātṛ m. drinker.

pātṛ m. drinker.

pātṛ [2] m. protector, defender.

pātya [1] a. = pātanīya.

pātya [2] n. dominion, sway.

pātra n. instrument of drinking, cup, bowl, vessel, dish, utensil or receptacle i.g., fig. a (worthy) recipient, a person worthy of or fit for (gen., loc. or --°), a master in (gen.); an actor or a part in a play; a cert. measure of capacity. --m. a king's counsellor or minister; f. pātrī (pātrī) vessel, pot, dish.

pātratā f. -tva n. capacity, fitness, worthiness (lit. the being a receptacle).

pātrin a. provided with a drinking vessel or a dish.

pātrīkṛ make a receptacle or worthy object, honour, dignify; w. bhū P.

pāthas n. spot, place (also -this n.); water.

pātheya n. provender for a journey; p. -vant.

pāthoja n. lotus-flower, -jinī f. the lotus plant.

pāthoda m. cloud (water-giver or -bearer).

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pāthodhara m. cloud (water-giver or -bearer).

pāthodhi m. the see (receptacle of water).

pāthonātha m. the ocean (lord of the waters).

pāthonidhi m. = pathodhi.

pāda m. foot, leg (lit. & fig.), foot as a measure; column, pillar; ray, beam (as the foot of a heavenly body); fourth part, quarter of anything, esp. of a four-versed stanza, also part or verse i.g., section, chapter. Often pl. the feet of (--°) i.e. the venerable --.

pādaka s. little foot; a. --° foot i.g. (f. -dikā).

pādakaṭaka m. n. foot-ring, anklet.

pādagṛhya (ger.) seizing one's feet.

pādagrahaṇa n. clasping a person's feet (as a reverential salutation).

pādacāra a. going on foot.

pādacārin a. going on foot.

pādajala n. water for washing the feet.

pādatala n. the sole of the foot.

pādatas adv. from or at the feet; step by step, by degrees.

pādatra n. a shoe (foot-protecting).

pādatrāṇa n. a shoe (foot-protecting).

pādadhāvana n. washing the feet.

pādanakha m. a toe-nail.

pādanyāsa m. placing the feet or throwing the rays, step, footprint.

pādapa m. plant, tree (drinking with the foot or root).

pādapatana n. falling at another's feet, prostration.

pādapaddhati f. line of footsteps, track.

pādapadma m. a lotus (like) foot.

pādapīṭha n. foot-stool.

pādapūraṇa a. & n. filling out a verse.

pādaprakṣālana n. washing the feet.

pādaprahāra m. a kick (foot-blow).

pādabandha m. fetter for the feet.

pādabhaṭa m. foot-soldier.

pādabhāga m. fourth part, quarter.

pādamudrā f. foot-print, trace; -paṅkti f. a row of foot-prints.

pādamūla n. root or sole of the foot; the foot of a mountain; also = pāda (--°). pādamūle nipat fall at one's feet.

pādarajas n. the dust of the feet.

pādalagna a. sticking in the foot or lying at one's feet.

pādavant a. having feet.

pādavandana n. respectful salutation (lit. saluting the feet).

pādaśas adv. foot by foot or by a fourth.

pādaśauca n. cleaning the feet.

pādāgra n. point of the foot, toe.

pādāghāta m. a kick (blow with the feet).

pādāṅgada n. foot-ring, anklet.

pādāṅguli f. toe (foot-finger).

pādāṅgulī f. toe (foot-finger).

pādāṅguṣṭha m. the great toe (foot-thumb).

pādāta m. foot-soldier, foot-man.

pādānta m. the extremity of the foot or the end of a verse.

pādāntara n. interval or distance of a foot.

pādābhivandana n. = pādavandana.

pādābhivādana n. = pādavandana.

pādārdha n. half a quarter or half a stanza.

pādārpaṇa n. setting down the feet, stepping upon.

pādāvanejana f. ī used for washing the feet.

pādāvasecana n. water for washing the feet or in which the feet have been washed.

pādāhati f. = pādāghāta.

pādin a. = pādavant; also being entitled to one fourth.

pādu m. foot, step; place.

pāduka shoe, slipper.

pādukā f. shoe, slipper.

pādū f. the same.

pādūna a. = pādona.

pādodaka n. water for washing the feet.

pādona a. less by one fourth.

pādya a. relating to the feet; n. water for washing the feet.

pāna [1] n. drinking, beverage.

pāna [2] -> 3.

pāna [3] -> tanūpāna.

pānaka m. n. drink, beverage, potion.

pānapa a. drinking spirituous liquors.

pānapātra n. drinking-vessel.

pānabhāṇḍa n. drinking-vessel.

pānabhojana n. drinking and eating.*

pānamatta a. mad from drinking, intoxicated.

pānamada m. intoxication.

pānīya a. drinkable; n. drink, beverage, esp. water.

pānīyavarṣa s. (water-) rain.

pānta m. drink, beverage.

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pāntha m. wanderer, traveller; abstr. -tva n.

pāpa f. ī (later ā) bad, wicked, evil, inauspicious; n. pāpam & f. instr. pāpayā (±amuyā q.v.) badly, wrongly. m. bad fellow, wretch, profligate; n. evil, sin, harm, trouble. śāntaṃ pāpam may the sin be destroyed = heaven forbid.

pāpaka f. -pikā (& -pakī) bad, evil; n. evil, wrong, sin; m. wicked person, villain.

pāpakarman [1] n. evil deed, crime.

pāpakarman [2] a. doing evil; m. evil-doer, sinner, villain.

pāpakalpa m. villain.

pāpakārin (superl. -kṛttama) = prec.

pāpakṛt (superl. -kṛttama) = prec.

pāpakṛta n. -kṛtyā f. evil deed, sin.

pāpacetas a. evil-minded, wicked.

pāpatva n. bad condition, misery.

pāpaniścaya a. malevolent.

pāpabandha m. an uninterrupted series of evil deeds.

pāpabuddhi [1] f. bad intention, malevolence.

pāpabuddhi [2] a. evil-minded.

pāpabhāj a. partaking of a wrong, guilty.

pāpamati a. = pāpabuddhi2.

pāpayoni f. bad or low birth-place.

pāparahita a. free from guilt, innocent.

pāparoga m. a bad disease; p. -gin.

pāpaloka m. the evil world, place of the wicked.

pāpaśīla a. of bad character, wicked; abstr. -tva n.

pāpasama n. a bad year.

pāpahan a. destroying sin or the sinful.

pāpātman a. evil-minded; m. a bad person, sinner, wretch.

pāpānubandha m. evil consequences.

pāpārambhaka a. doing evil, wicked.

pāpāha s. an inauspicious day.

pāpin a. doing evil; m. evil-doer.

pāpiṣṭha (super. to -pāpa) worst, lowest, most wicked; comp. -tara worst off, superl. -tama worse than (abl.). --m. a bad man, villain.

pāpīyaṃs (compar. to pāpa) worse off, more wretched or miserable; also = prec. adj. & m.

pāpman m. evil, harm, trouble, crime, sin.

pāman m. skin disease, scab.

pāmana a. scabbed.

pāy pāyate v cacare.

pāyaka f. -yikā drinking (gen. or --°).

pāyana n. giving to drink.

pāyam (ger., doubled) drinking or sucking continually.

pāyasa a. prepared with milk; m. n. such a food, esp. rice boiled in milk.

pāyasapiṇḍāraka m. rice-eater.*

pāyasāpūpa m. a cake of milk, rice, etc.

pāyin a. drinking, sucking (--°).

pāyu [1] m. guard, protector.

pāyu m. the anus.

pāyu [2] m. the anus.

pāyya a. to be caused to drink; n. drink, beverage.

pāra [1] a. carrying over. m. crossing (only --°), a man's name; n. (m.) the further shore or bank, i.g. limit, end, aim. pāraṃ gam cross over, go through, carry out. f. pārā N. of a river, pārī milk-pail.

pāra [2] m. = pāla keeper, protector.

pārakya a. belonging to others, strange, alien, hostile, inimical; m. enemy.

pāraga a. crossing over, going through (lit. & fig.); thoroughly familiar or conversant with (gen., loc., or --°).

pāraṇa a. carrying over, rescuing. --n. fulfilling, accomplishing; ending, esp. a fast, i.e. breakfast; reading through, perusal, study (also f. ā).

pāraṇīya a. to be gone through or brought to an end.

pārata m. quicksilver, pl. N. of a people.

pāratantrya n. dependence (on others).

pāratas adv. on the other side, beyond (gen.).

pārada m. = pārata.

pāradārika a. having intercourse with another's wife; m. an adulterer.

pāradārya n. intercourse with another's wife, adultery.

pāradeśya a. coming from a foreign country, foreign.

pārabhṛtīya a. of a Kokila or sacrificial (flesh).*

pāramārthika f. ī real, essential, true.

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pārameśvara f. ī belonging to the supreme lord.

pārameṣṭhya a. = prec.; n. highest rank, supremacy.

pāraṃparya n. uninterrupted series, continuous succession or tradition; intercession, intermediation.

pāraṃparyakramāgata a. handed down by tradition.

pāraṃparyāgata a. the same.

pārayitṛ a. going or about to lead over.

pārayiṣṇu a. bringing through, overcoming, victorious.

pāralaukika a. belonging to the other world.

pāravaśya n. dependence, the being subject or obnoxious to (--°).

pāraśava f. ī made of iron; m. a cert. mixed caste.

pārasa f. ī Persian, f. ī (±bhāṣā) the Persian language.

pārasika m. pl. the Persians.

pārasīka m. pl. the Persians.

pāraskara m. N. of an ancient teacher; a. composed by P.

pārāyaṇa n. going through, perusal, study.

pārārthya n. altruism, unselfishness.

pārāvata a. remote, coming from afar; m. turtle dove, pl. N. of a people.

pārāvāra s. the nearer and further shore; m. the sea.

pārāśara (f. -śarī) patron. from pārāśara.

pārāśarya (f. -śarī) patron. from pārāśara.

pārāśaryāyaṇa m. patron. from pārāśarya.

pārikṣit m. descendant of Parikṣit, patron. of Janamejaya.

pārikṣita m. descendant of Parikṣit, patron. of Janamejaya.

pārijāta m. the coral tree, N. of one of the five trees of paradise, a man's name.

pārijātaka m. the coral tree, N. of one of the five trees of paradise, a man's name.

pāriṇāyya n. furniture, marriage-portion.

pāritathyā f. a kind of pearl-string.

pāritoṣika n. gratuity, present, reward (abstr. -tva n.*).

pāripanthika m. waylayer, robber, thief.

pāripārśvaka a. standing at the side, attending. m. servant, attendant; assistant of the manager of the play; f. -rśvikā female attendant (d.).

pāripārśvika a. standing at the side, attending. m. servant, attendant; assistant of the manager of the play; f. -rśvikā female attendant (d.).

pāriplava a. swimming or moving to and fro, unsteady, fickle, abstr. -tā f., -tva n.; m. ship, vessel.

pāribhadra m. N. of a tree.

pāribhadraka m. N. of a tree.

pāriṣada a. fit for an assembly, decent. m. assessor at a council, pl. the attendants of a god.

pārihārya m. a kind of bracelet.

pārīndra m. lion.

pāruṣeya a. spotted, freckled.

pāruṣṇa m. a kind of bird.

pāruṣya n. harshness, esp. harsh speech, insult.

pāreśmaśānam adv. on the other side of the burial-place.

pārokṣya a. out of sight or mind, indiscernible, invisible; n. mystery.

pārjanya a. belonging to Parjanya.

pārṇa a. made of Parṇa-wood.

pārtha [1] m. patr. from Pṛthi; n. cert. sacred texts.

pārtha [2] m. descendant of Pṛthā, E. of the Panduids.

pārthava f. ī belonging to Pṛthu; n. extent, width.

pārthiva f. ī1 earthly, terrestrial; m. inhabitant of the earth, lord of the earth, prince, king, warrior. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

pārthiva f. ī2 royal, princely.

pārya a. opposite, upper, last, final, decisive, effective, helpful. n. end, decision.

pārvata f. ī belonging to or coming from a mountain, mountainous; f. ī a mountain stream or the daughter of the mountain (Himavant), i.e. Durgā.

pārvatāyana m. a patron. name.

pārvatīpariṇaya m. T. of a play.

pārvatīya a. living in the mountains; m. mountaineer.

pārvāyanāntīya a. relating to the changes of the moon and the solstices.

pārśva n. (m.) the region of the ribs, pl. the ribs; flank, side, immediate neighbour-hood. Acc. near to, towards, loc. close to, near; abl. away from, on the part or by means of.

pārśvaga a. going at the side, accompanying (also -gata); m. pl. attendants, retinue.

pārśvatas adv. sideways, aside (gen. or --°).

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pārśvaparivartita a. directed sideways.*

pārśvaparivartin a. being at the side, near.

pārśvavartin a. the same.

pārśvavivartin a. the same.

pārśvastha a. standing near.

pārśvānucara m. attendant.

pārṣata a. belonging to the spotted antelope, made of its skin; m. & f. ī patron. names of Drupada & his race.

pārṣad pl. = seq. m. pl.

pārṣada m. attendant, esp. of a god, partaker of an assembly, spectator; n. text-book of a gramm. school.

pārṣṭeya a. being within the ribs.

pārṣṇi f. the heel, fig. = back; acc. w. grah attack from behind.

pārṣṇigraha a. attacking or threatening from behind; -grahaṇa n. abstr.

pārṣṇigrāha a. = prec. a.; m. an enemy in the rear.

pāla [1] m. guard, protector, herdsman (f. ī), king; a man's name.

pāla [2] m. n. alms-pot.

pālaka m. guard, protector (f. -likā), prince, ruler; a man's name.

pālana a. (f. ī) & n. keeping, guarding, protecting, observing.

pālanakarman n. protectorship, superintendence.*

pālanīya a. to be kept or protected.

pālay pālayati (pālayate) v pp. pālita protect, keep, watch, rule, observe, maintain. --
     anu abhi pari pra the same.
     prati the same + wait for, expect.
     sam protect, guard, keep.

pālayitṛ m. protector, guardian, keeper (gen., acc., or --°).

pālāgala m. runner, messenger.

pālāśa f. ī made of Palāśa wood; m. = palāśa.

pāli f. the tip of the ear; edge, margin, side i.g.; row, range, line; raised bank, dike; pot, boiler; an oblong pond (only pālī).

pālī f. the tip of the ear; edge, margin, side i.g.; row, range, line; raised bank, dike; pot, boiler; an oblong pond (only pālī).

pālitya n. greyness (of age).

pālin a. guarding, protecting; m. ruler, king.

pālī -> pāla & pāli.

pālya a. to be protected, guarded, kept, maintained, observed.

pālvala f. ī coming from a pond.

pāva m. a cert. wind-instrument.

pāvaka a. pure, clear, bright, shining; m. fire or the god of fire.

pāvakārcis f. flash of fire.

pāvaki m. son of Fire, E. of sev. gods.

pāvan a. drinking or protecting.

pāvana f. ī purifying or purified, pure, holy; n. the act or a means of purifying.

pāvamāna a. relating to the Soma-juice while being purified; f. ī N. of cert. Vedic hymns.

pāvara s. a cert. die ( = dvāpara).

pāvā f. N. of a city.

pāvitrya n. purity.

pāśa m. bond, snare, trap (lit. & fig.).

pāśakaṇṭha a. having a sling on the neck.

pāśakapīṭha m. board for playing at dice.*

pāśay pāśayati v pp. pāśita bind, fetter.

pāśava a. coming from or belonging to cattle.

pāśahasta m. E. of Yama (lit. snare in hand).

pāśin a. having a snare or sling; m. fowler, E. of Varuna.

pāśuka f. ī belonging to cattle, esp. to the sacrificial animal.

pāścāttya a. hinder, western, last.

pāścātya a. hinder, western, last.

pāṣaṇḍa f. ī heretical; m. heretic, m. n. = seq.

pāṣaṇḍatā f. heresy.

pāṣaṇḍastha a. being in heresy, heretical.

pāṣaṇḍin m. heretic.

pāṣāṇa m. stone; -maya, f. ī made of stone.

pāṣya n. pl. stones; du. the two stones for pressing Soma.

pāstya a. belonging to a house, as s. domestic affairs.

pi -> 2.

piṃś -> piś & piṣ.

piṃṣ -> piś & piṣ.

pika m. ī f. the Indian cuckoo.

piṅga a. reddish brown, tawny; m. a man's name.

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piṅgala a. = prec. a.; m. a man's name, esp. N. of an author on Chandas or metrics, E. of sev. gods & demons; f. piṅgalā a. kind of leech, a woman's name.

piṅgalaka f. -likā = prec. adj.; f. a kind of owl, a woman's name.

piṅgalākṣa f. ī tawny-eyed.

piṅgaliman m. a reddish-brown colour.

piṅgalocana a. = piṅgalākṣa.

piṅgākṣa f. ī = prec.; m. ape, E. of Agni, N. of a Rakṣas, a Daitya, etc.

picu m. cotton.

picula m. N. of a tree.

piccha n. feather of a tail (esp. of the peacock); pl. the feathers of an arrow. f. ā the scum of boiled rice etc.; lump, mass, heap, multitude.

picchaka m. sgl. = prec. n. sgl.; f. picchikā the tail of a peacock tied in a bunch.

picchala a. slimy, slippery.

picchila a. slimy, slippery.

picchorā f. fife, flute.

piccholā f. fife, flute.

piñjara a. reddish yellow, gold-coloured, hoary.

piñjaray piñjarayati* v pp. piñjarita to colour reddish yellow.

piñjarīkṛ  = prec.

piñjalā f. N. of a river. -lī f. bundle of stalks or grass (r.).

piñjula n. -lī f. = prec. -lī f.

piñjūla n. -lī f. = prec. -lī f.

piṭaka m. n., ā f. basket, box; boil, blister.

piṭhara n. ī f. pot, pan.

piṭharaka m. the same.

piṭhīnas m. N. of a man.

piḍaka m. ā f. a small boil or pimple.

piṇḍa m. n. (piṇḍī f.) a round mass, lump, globe, ball, knob, clod; esp. a cake of meal offered to the Manes, also i.g. a mouthful or lump of bread, victuals, subsistence.

piṇḍaka m. lump, knob, meal-cake (v. prec.); f. piṇḍikā a. round swelling or protuberance, esp. a fleshy one, du. the calves of the leg.

piṇḍakharjūra m. a species of date tree.

piṇḍada a. giving the (funeral) cake; m. patron, master.

piṇḍadāna n. offering of the funeral cake.

piṇḍanirvapana n. the same.

piṇḍapāta m. a meal received as an alms; -velā f. the time for it.*

piṇḍapitṛyajña m. a cert. sacrifice to the Manes consisting of meal-cakes.

piṇḍabhāj a. partaking of the funeral cake; m. pl. the Manes.

piṇḍamaya a. made of a lump (of clay).*

piṇḍay piṇḍayati v pp. piṇḍata roll or press together, heap up, collect.

piṇḍāgra n. a small portion of a (funeral) cake.

piṇḍānvāhāryaka a. offered after the funeral cakes (śāddha).

piṇḍāra m. N. of a serpent-demon.

piṇḍāraka m. N. of a serpent-demon.

piṇḍālaktaka s. thick lac.*

piṇḍitārtha a. having many reasons or advantages.*

piṇḍīkṛ make into a lump, press together; pp. -kṛta thickened, strengthened, thick, strong.

piṇḍopaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

piṇyāka s. oil-cake.

pitāputra m. du. father and son.

pitāmaha m. father's father, grandfather, E. of Brahman, pl. the Manes; f. -mahī paternal grandmother.

pitu m. (n.) drink; nourishment, food.

pitukṛt a. providing food.

pitubhāj a. enjoying food.

pitubhṛt a. bringing food.

pitumant a. rich in food, nourishing.

pituṣaṇi a. getting food.

pitṛ m. father, E. of sev. gods; du. the parents; pl. the father and his brothers, also the forefathers & their spirits, the Manes.

pitṛka (adj. --°) = prec.

pitṛkarman n. sacrifice to the Manes.

pitṛkānana n. cemetery (grove of the fathers).

pitṛkārya n. -kriyā f. = pitṛkarman.

pitṛkṛtya n. -kriyā f. = pitṛkarman.

pitṛghātaka m. parricide.

pitṛghātin m. parricide.

pitṛghna m. parricide.

pitṛtama m. the best of the fathers.

pitṛtarpaṇa n. offering to the Manes (lit. refreshing or feeding the M.).

pitṛtas adv. on the father's side.

pitṛtva n. abstr. to pitṛ.

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pitṛdāya m. patrimony.

pitṛdeva [1] m. pl. the Manes and the gods or the divine Manes.

pitṛdeva [2] a. having the father as a god.

pitṛdevata a. having the Manes for deities.

pitṛdevatā f. pl. the Manes and the gods.

pitṛdevatya a. = pitṛdevata.

pitṛdaivata f. ī relating to the worship of the Manes.

pitṛpīta a. drunk by the fathers.

pitṛpūjana n. worship of the Manes.

pitṛpaitāmaha f. ī derived from father and grandfather.

pitṛbandhu m. kinsman by the father's side; n. as abstr.

pitṛbhakti f. devotion to a father.

pitṛmant a. having a father or belonging to the Manes.

pitṛmātrartha a. begging for father and mother.

pitṛmedha m. sacrifice to the Manes.

pitṛyajña m. sacrifice to the Manes.

pitṛyāṇa a. trodden by the Manes; m. the path trodden by or leading to the Manes.

pitṛyāna a. trodden by the Manes; m. the path trodden by or leading to the Manes.

pitṛrāja m. king of the Manes, E. of Yama.

pitṛrājan m. king of the Manes, E. of Yama.

pitṛloka m. the father's house; the world or abode of the Manes.

pitṛvaṃśa m. the father's family, -vaṃśya belonging to it.

pitṛvat adv. like a father or the Manes.

pitṛvadha m. parricide.

pitṛvana n. = pitṛkānana; sumanas n. flower from a cemetery, pl. funeral wreath.

pitṛvitta a. acquired by the fathers.

pitṛveśman n. the father's house.

pitṛvya m. father's brother, paternal uncle.

pitṛvyaputra m. cousin (cf. prec.).

pitṛvrata a. worshipping the Manes.

pitṛṣad a. sitting or dwelling with the father i.e. unmarried; living with the Manes.

pitṛṣvasṛ f. the father's sister.

pitṛṣvasrīya m. a father's sister's son.

pitṛsadman n. cemetery (seat of the father's).

pitṛhan m. parricide.

pitṛhūya n. invocation of the Manes.

pitta n. the bile.

pittajvara m. bilious fever.

pittala a. bilious.

pitrādyanta a. beginning and ending with the Manes.

pitrya a. paternal, ancestral, belonging or sacred to the Manes.

pitva -> abhipitva.

pidva m. a cert. animal.

pidhātavya a. to be covered, shut, or stopped.

pidhāna n. covering, shutting up; cover, lid.

pidhāyaka a. covering, veiling (--°); abstr. -tā f.

pidhitsu a. wishing to conceal.

pinaddha -> apinaddha.

pināka n. staff, stick; the club and the bow of Rudra-Śiva.

pinākin m. E. of Rudra-Śiva (v. prec.).

pinv pinvati pinvate v cause to swell or stream; fill, moisten; pour forth, discharge; intr. swell, overflow. C. pinvayati = S. tr. --
     pra = S.

pinva a. causing to swell or flow (--°).

pinvana n. a cert. vessel (r.).

pipatiṣu a. about to fall.

pipāsant a. thirsty.

pipāsavant a. thirsty.

pipāsā f. desire to drink, thirst.

pipāsārta a. tormented by thirst.

pipāsita a. thirsty.

pipāsu a. thirsty.

pipiṣvant a. swelling, overfull, abundant.

pipīla m. ant.

pipīlaka m. pipīlikā f. the same.

pipīlika m. the same.

pipīṣu a. wishing to drink, thirsty.

pipṛcchiṣu a. wishing to ask.

pippakā f. a cert. bird.

pippala m. the holy fig-tree; f. ā N. of a river, ī berry; n. pippala berry, esp. of the holy fig-tree.

pippalāda m. N. of an ancient teacher, pl. his school.

piprīṣā f. desire of pleasing.

piprīṣu a. wishing to please.

pipru m. N. of a demon.

piplu m. freckle, mark, mole.

piba a. drinking (--°).

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pibadhyai dat. inf. to 1.

pibd only pp. pibdamāna being firm or compact.

pibdana a. firm, compact, solid.

piś piśati piśate v pp. piśita1 & piṣṭa (q.v.) cut up, carve (esp. meat), arrange, prepare, adorn, shape, form; M. also refl. adorn one's self, be brilliant or beautiful. --
     abhi & ā adorn, embellish. -- Cf. pepiśat pepiśāna.

piś [2] f. ornament, decoration.

piśa m. a kind of deer.

piśaṅga f. ī reddish brown.

piśaṅgāśva a. having reddish horses.

piśāca m. a cert. class of demons or devils.

piśācaka f. ī the same.

piśācāṅganā f. female demon, witch.

piśāci m. N. of a demon.

piśita n. flesh (cut up or prepared).

piśitāśa a. eating flesh; m. a Rakṣas or Piśāca, demon, fiend.

piśitāśana a. eating flesh; m. a Rakṣas or Piśāca, demon, fiend.

piśitāśin a. eating flesh; m. a Rakṣas or Piśāca, demon, fiend.

piśīla n. a (wooden) vessel or dish.

piśuna a. backbiting, slanderous, treacherous; betraying or showing (--°). m. betrayer, traitor, slanderer, a man's name; n. = seq.

piśunatā f. slander, calumny.

piśunay piśunayati v pp. piśunita betray, manifest.

piṣ pinaṣṭi (piṃṣati) v pp. piṃṣṭa (q.v.) grind, pound, crush, destroy. C. peṣayati = S. --
     nis & vinis pound, crush, rub (the hands).
     pra crush or grind down.
     prati rub or beat against (together), pound, crush.
     vi beat asunder, pelt with (instr.).
     sam pound, squeeze, crush or grind down. -- Cf. utpiṣṭa prapiṣṭa.

piṣṭa [1] a. adorned, decorated.

piṣṭa [2] s. bread, cake; f. ī & n. flour, meal.

piṣṭaka m. = prec. s.; n. = prec. f. & n.

piṣṭapa -> viṣṭapa.

piṣṭapaśu m. an animal made of meal.

piṣṭamaya f. ī made of meal.

piṣṭāta s. perfumed powder.

piṣṭātaka s. perfumed powder.

piṣṭānna n. farinaceous food.

piṣṭi f. powder.

piṣṭodaka n. water mixed with flour.

pis pisyati v stretch.

pispṛkṣu a. wishing to touch.

pihita -> apihita.

pihiti f. covering, stopping.

(pi) payate (pīpeti) v pp. pīna1 & pīpivas (q.v.) swell, be exuberant, overflow; cause to swell or overflow, fill, bless. --
     abhi swell, be exuberant.
     ā & pra swell or cause to swell. -- Cf. āpīta2 & āpīna.

pīyati2 v -> pīy.

pīṭha n. seat, stool, bench, pedestal.

pīṭhaka s., pīṭhikā f. = prec.

pīṭhamarda m. -mardikā f. the hero's or heroine's companion (d.).

pīṭhasarpa a. moving with the help of a board, i.e. lame; m. cripple.

pīṭhasarpin a. moving with the help of a board, i.e. lame; m. cripple.

pīḍ pīḍayati (pīḍayate) v pp. pīḍita (q.v.) press, squeeze, oppress, suppress, vex, harass, pain, beleaguer (a city), eclipse (sun or moon). --
     abhi press against, tread upon, press, squeeze, vex, pain, beleaguer.
     ava press down, vex, harass.
     ā press out, vex, plague.
     ud press upwards or out of.
     upa press, suppress, vex, pain.
     ni press against or together, plague, annoy.
     nis press out or together.
     pari press together, compress, plague or torment greatly.
     pra press, squeeze, pain.
     sam press together, pain, torment.

pīḍana a. & n. vexing, paining.

pīḍā f. pain, ache, harm, wrong.

pīḍākara a. causing woe or harm.

pīḍākṛt a. causing woe or harm.

pīḍita n. harm, mischief.

pīta [1] -> 2.

pīta [2] a. yellow; abstr. f.

pītaka f. -tikā = prec.

pītana m. N. of a tree; *n. saffron.

pītavant a. having drunk.

pītavāsas a. dressed in yellow; m. E. of Viṣṇu.

pītasomapūrva a. having formerly drunk the Soma-juice.

pītāmbara a. & m. = pītavāsas.

pīti f. drinking; drink, beverage.

pītiman m. a yellow colour.

pītodaka a. having drunk water.

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pītha m. drink or protection.

pīthin a. drinking (--°).

pīna a. fat, brawny, thick solid, firm. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

pīnasa m. rheum, catarrh; p. pīnasita & pīnasin.

pīpivaṃs f. pipyuṣī exuberant, luxurious; abounding in, flowing with (gen. or acc.).

pīy pīyati v abuse, blame.

pīyaka m. abuser, scoffer.

pīyatnu a. scornful, scoffing.

pīyu a. scornful, scoffing.

pīyūṣa m. n. biestings, cream, juice, Soma, nectar.

pīyūṣagarala n. sgl. nectar and poison.

pīlā f. N. of an Apsaras.

pīlu m. N. of a tree (n. its fruit); elephant, atom.

pīlumatī (dyaus) f. the central sky.

pīva (only nom. pīvān) a. fat.

pīvaṃs (only nom. pīvān) a. fat.

pīvan f. pīvarī swelling, fat, stout, plump, thick; m. a man's name; f. a woman's name.

pīvara a. fat; swelling with, rich in (--°); abstr. -tva n.

pīvas n. fat.

pīvasa a. fat, swelling, abundant.

pīvasvant a. rich in fat.

pīviṣṭha (superl.) very fat.

puṃliṅga n. the masculine gender, a masculine (g.).

puṃvat adv. like a man or like the masculine (g.).

puṃścalī f. harlot (lit. running after men).

puṃścalīputra* & puṃścalīya m. whore-son.

puṃścalīya m. whore-son.

puṃścalū f. a harlot; m. fornicator.

puṃs -> pumaṃs.

puṃsavana a. bringing forth a male; n. (±vrata) a cert. ceremony to get a son.

puṃsavant a. having a son.

puṃsuvana n. begetting a male child.

puṃska (adj. --°) = pumaṃs.

puṃskaṭī f. a man's hip.

puṃskokila m. the male Kokila.

puṃstrī du. a male and a female (child).

puṃstva n. the being male, the masculine gender (g.); manhood, semen virile.

pukkaśa m. a cert. mixed caste.

pukkasa m. a cert. mixed caste.

puṅkha m. the lowest (feathered) part of an arrow, poss. puṅkhita.

puṅkhitaśara a. having feathered arrows.

puṃgava m. bull; hero among, chief of (--°).

puccha m. n. tail; poss. -vant.

pucchadhi m. the root of the tail.

pucchāgra n. the tip of the tail.

puñja m. heap, lump, mass, multitude of (--°).

puñjay puñjayati v pp. pañjita heap up, press together.

puñjaśas adv. in heaps.

puñjiṣṭha m. a fisherman or a birdcatcher.

puñjīkṛ  = puñjay, w. bhū pass. & refl.

puṭ puṭati v to fold or cover.

puṭa m. n., ī f. fold, cavity; cover, envelope.

puṭaka m. fold, pocket, cavity; chink.

puṭakinī f. plant or group of lotus-flowers.*

puṇḍarisrajā f. garland of lotus-flowers.

puṇḍarīka n. a lotus-flower, esp. a white one (poss. -vant); m. a man's name, f. ā a woman's name.

puṇḍarīkanayana a. lotus-eyed, E. of Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa.

puṇḍarīkamukha a. lotus-faced; f. -khī a kind of leech.

puṇḍarīkalocana a. = puṇḍarīkanayana.

puṇḍarīkākṣa a. = puṇḍarīkanayana.

puṇḍra m. N. of an ancient hero; pl. N. of a people.

puṇya a. prosperous, auspicious, favourable, fair, beautiful, right, just, pure, good, holy. n. good, right, good work (also collect), virtue, merit; also
= seq.

puṇyaka n. a cert. religious ceremony.

puṇyakartṛ a. right-doing, virtuous, honest.

puṇyakarman a. right-doing, virtuous, honest.

puṇyakṛt a. right-doing, virtuous, honest.

puṇyakṛtyā f. a right or good action.

puṇyakriyā f. a right or good action.

puṇyagandha a. sweet-scented, fragrant.

puṇyagandhi a. = prec.

puṇyagandhin a. = prec.

puṇyajana m. pl. a kind of genii (lit. good people.)

puṇyatā f. -tva n. holiness, purity, virtue.

puṇyatīrtha [1] n. a holy bathing-place.

puṇyatīrtha [2] a. rich in holy bathing-places.

puṇyapāpekṣitṛ a. seeing good and bad deeds.

puṇyaphala n. the fruit of good works.

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puṇyaloka a. belonging to or partaking of the good world.

puṇyavant a. virtuous, fortunate.

puṇyaśīla a. of virtuous or honest character.

puṇyaśloka a. of good fame; m. E. of Nala, f. ā E. of Sītā & Draupadī.

puṇyātman a. holy-minded, virtuous, honest.

puṇyāha n. a god or happy day, also = seq.

puṇyāhavācana n. wishing a person a happy day.

put -> pud.

puttala m. (likā f.) puppet, statue.

puttalaka m. (likā f.) puppet, statue.

puttikā f. the same; termite or a small species of bee.

putra m. son, child, the young of an animal; f. ī daughter.

putraka m. little son, boy, N. of a man; f. putrikā daughter, esp. adopted daughter (j.), puppet, dole.

putrakāma a. wishing for sons or children.

putrakāmyā f. wish for a son or children.

putrakārya n. a son's duty.

putrakṛtaka a. adopted as a son.

putrakṛtya n. = putrakārya.

putrakṛtha s. procreation of children.

putratā f. -tva n. sonship.

putradāra n. sgl. son and wife.

putrapiṇḍapālana s. a cert. religious ceremony.*

putrapitṛ m. du. son and father.

putrapautra n. sgl. (also -ka) & m. pl. sons and grandsons; p. -trin.

putramaya a. consisting of a son.

putravat adv. like a son (sons).

putravant a. having a son, sons, or children.

putrasneha m. a son's love.

putrācārya a. having a son for one's teacher.

putrārthin f. -rthiṇī wishing for children.

putriṇyāpta a. begot with a female that has already a son.

putrin f. -ṇī = putravant.

putriy putriyati v wish for a son or children.

putriya a. relating to a son.

putrī -> putra.

putrīkṛ adopt as a son, abstr. -karaṇa n.

putrīy putrīyati v = putriy.

putrīya a. = putriya.

putrya a. = putriya.

puth C. pothayati (te) crush, destroy. --
     ava ni vi = S.

pud s. hell or a kind of hell.

pudgala a. beautiful; m. body, matter, soul, individual, man, E. of Śiva.

punaḥkaraṇa n. doing again, transforming.

punaḥkarman n. -kriyā f. repetition.

punaḥpāka m. repeated cooking or baking.

punar adv. back, home, again, once more ±bhūyas); again and again, repeatedly (mostly punaḥ punaḥ); further, moreover, besides or in turn, on the other hand, however, but. Lays stress on a prec. vā atha vā & api vā; punaḥ--punaḥ now--now. -- Cf. kim.

punarāgama m. -na n. return.

punarāgāmin a. returning.

punarādhāna n. setting up again (the sacred fires).

punarānayana n. leading back.

punarāvartin a. returning or leading back (to mundane existence).

punarāvṛtti f. return (esp. to mundane existence); repetition.

punarukta a. said again, repeated; superfluous, useless; n. adv. or = seq.

punaruktatā f. -tva n. repetition, tautology.

punaruktavādin a. repeating the same thing, talking idly.*

punarukti f. repetition, tautology.

punarupalabdhi f. obtaining again, recovery.

punargarbhavatī f. again pregnant.

punarjanman n. re-birth.

punarjāta a. born again.

punarṇava a. new again, renewed.

punardarśana n. seeing again.

punardārakriyā f. taking a second wife.

punarnava a. = punarṇava.

punarbhava a. born again; m. new birth.

punarbhū [1] a. = prec. a.; f. a female marrying again (with her own consent).

punarbhū [2] a. be born or marrying again (cf. prec.).

punarbhoga m. enjoying again.

punarlābha m. obtaining again, recovery.

punarlekhana n. writing down again.

punarvacana n. saying again, repeating.

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punarvasu a. restoring goods; m. (sgl. & du.) N. of a lunar mansion.

punarvāda m. saying again, tautology.

punarhan a. destroying again.

punarhavis n. repeated oblation.

punaścarvaṇa n. chewing again (the cud).

punaściti f. piling up again.

punaḥsaṃbhava m. re-birth.

puṃnapuṃsaka n. masculine and neuter (g.).

puṃnāga m. N. of a tree.

punāman [1] a. having a masculine name.

punnāman [2] a. having the name pud (q.v.).

pumaṃs (pus) m. a man or male, a word in the masculine gender (g.); man = human being; servant, attendant; the soul, spirit.

puṃbhāva m. masculine sex, manliness.

pur [1] f. fullness, abundance (only pūrbhis).

pur [2] (nom. pūr) f. stronghold, castle, (fortified) town; the body.

pura n. ī f. the same.

purauṣṇih f. N. of a metre.

puraetṛ m. who goes before, leader.

purajana m. townsfolk.

purajit m. the conqueror of castles, E. of Śiva.

puraṃjaya m. N. of sev. heroes (lit. = prec.).

puratas adv. & prep. in front, before (sp. & t.), in presence of (gen. or --°).

puradvāra n. a city-gate.

puraṃdara m. E. of sev. gods (lit. destroyer of castles).

puraṃdhi a. prolific (lit. bearing a body), bounteous, liberal; f. liberality, also = seq.

puraṃdhri f. wife, woman.

puraṃdhrī f. wife, woman.

purabhid m. of Śiva (lit. = puraṃdara).

puramathana m. of Śiva (lit. = puraṃdara).

puramathitṛ m. of Śiva (lit. = puraṃdara).

puraya m. N. of a man.

purarakṣa m. watchman of a town.

purarakṣin m. watchman of a town.

purarāṣṭra (°--) town and country.

puravāsin m. city-dweller, townsman.

puraścaraṇa a. making preparations for (--°), abstr. -tā f.; n. a preparatory rite.

puras adv. in front, forward, before (also prep. w. gen., abl., acc., or --°); eastward, at first. With gam go first, take the lead. -- Cf. kṛ1 & dhā.

puraskāra m. preference, veneration, honour.

puraskṛta a. placed before, appointed, chosen, preferred, honoured; accompanied by, possessed of, connected or occupied with; n. adv. in company with (--°).

puraskṛtya ger. having placed before or appointed, having paid respect to; as adv. or prep. with regard to, on account of, about (acc.).

purastāt adv. in front, before, eastward or from the east, at first, previously (also as prep. w. gen., abl., acc., or --°).

purastānmukha a. having the face turned towards, looking into a person's face.*

puraḥsad a. sitting in front or towards the east.

puraḥsara f. ī going before, preceding. m. forerunner, attendant, servant; adj. preceded or accompanied by, connected with, n. adv. with, after (--°).

puraḥstha a. evident, clear (lit. standing before, scil. one's eyes).

purā adv. formerly, once upon a time, of yore; up to the present time, hitherto (w. pres. ±sma); at first, firstly; soon, shortly (w. pres.); w. a neg. never. -- As a conj. ere, before (w. pres. ±na mā, or yadi); as a prep. before, from, except, without (abl.).

purākalpa m. the past or a tale of the past.

purākṛta a. done before; n. former deed.

purājā a. existing from of old.

purāṇa f. ī former, ancient, old; n. things of the past, ancient history or legend, T. of a class of sacred works.

purāṇavat adv. as of old.

purāṇavid a. knowing past things.

purāṇavidyā f. -veda m. abstr. to prec.

purāṇasaṃhitā f. collection of the Purāṇas.

purātana f. ī existing from of old, former, ancient, loc. in the times of old; m. pl. the ancients.

purādhipa m. governor of a city, prefect of police.

purādhyakṣa m. governor of a city, prefect of police.

purāri m. E. of Śiva or Viṣṇu (lit. foe of the castles).

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purāvid a. knowing past things.

purāvṛtta a. happened long since, past, ancient; n. past event, old story.

puriśaya a. resting in the body.

purītat m. n. the pericardium, intestine i.g.

purīṣa n. crumbling or loose earth, rubbish, excrement, ordure; poss. -vant.

purīṣin a. dwelling in or on the earth; earthy, muddy.

purīṣya a. dwelling in or on the earth; earthy, muddy.

puru f. pūrvī much, many (in l. l. only °--); m. N. of an ancient king; n. puru or purū much, often, greatly; superl. purutama or purutama very much or many, very frequent, often repeated, n. adv.

purukutsa m. a man's name.

purukutsānī f. the wife of Purukutsa.

purukṛt a. doing much, active, busy, efficacious.

purukṛtvan a. doing much, active, busy, efficacious.

purukṣu a. rich in food, i.g. abundant in, liberal with (gen.).

purujit m. a man's name.

purutrā adv. in many places or ways, variously, often.

purudaṃsa a. rich in wonders or deeds.

purudaṃsas a. rich in wonders or deeds.

purudatra a. rich in gifts.

purudrapsa a. rich in drops, dropping.

purudha adv. in many ways, variously, frequently.

purudhā adv. in many ways, variously, frequently.

purupriya a. beloved of many.

purupraiṣa a. inciting many.

purubhuj a. possessing much.

purumitra m. a man's name (friend of many).

pururūpa a. multiform, many-coloured.

puruvīra a. rich in men (children or followers).

puruśāka a. helpful, powerful.

puruścandra a. shining much or bright.

puruṣa (pūruṣa) m. man, human being, male, person, individual of a cert. generation; man = hero; man = servant, attendant; official, agent; the primal man or spirit; the life-giving principle in man and other beings; the supreme spirit or soul of the universe. --f. puruṣī a woman.

puruṣakāra m. manly deed, human effort; manhood, virility.

puruṣakesarin m. man-lion (E. of Viṣṇu).

puruṣajñāna n. knowledge of men.

puruṣatā f. manhood, manliness; as instr. adv. = seq.

puruṣatrā adv. among men or in the manner of men.

puruṣatva n. manhood, virility.

puruṣapaśu m. a man as a sacrificial victim or a beast of a man.

puruṣamānin a. thinking one's self a man or hero; abstr. -nitva n.

puruṣamṛga m. the male of the antelope.

puruṣamedha m. the sacrifice of a man.

puruṣarṣabha m. man-bull, i.e. excellent man.

puruṣavara m. the best of men, E. of Viṣṇu.

puruṣavidha a. man-like; abstr. -tā f.

puruṣavyāghra m. man-tiger, excellent man.

puruṣasiṃha m. man-lion, hero.

puruṣākāra a. of human form.

puruṣād a. eating or consuming men.

puruṣād f. ī = prec.; m. a Rakṣas.

puruṣādaka a. & m. the same.

puruṣānṛta n. falsehood regarding a human being.

puruṣārtha m. any object or aim of men; -prayojana n. means for obtaining it.

puruṣī -> puruṣa.

puruṣottama m. the best of men or of servants; the supreme spirit (Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa).

puruṣṭuta a. praised by men.

puruṣya a. human.

puruhūta a. invoked by many; m. E. of Indra.

purū -> puru.

purūcī f. many, abundant; long.

purūtama -> puru.

purūravas a. crying loudly; m. N. of a myth. king and hero.

purūvasu a. rich in goods.

puroga a. going before, first, excellent, best; m. forerunner, leader, chief (f. ā), adj. led or accompanied by, furnished with (--°).

purogama a. & s. = prec.

purogava m. forerunner (lit. fore-bull); leader (f. ī).

purogā m. = prec.

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puroḍāś (puroLāś; nom. -Lās) m. sacrificial cake, oblation i.g.

puroḍāśa m. = prec.; offering of (gen.).

purodhas m. appointed priest, house-priest of a king.

purodhā f. the office of a house-priest.

puronuvākyavant a. poss. to seq.

puronuvākyā f. invitatory verse (r.).

purobhāga m. forepart; obtrusiveness, impudence, malevolence, envy.

purobhāgin a. obtrusive, troublesome (abstr. -gitā f.*).

purobhū a. being in front, excelling (acc.).

puromukha a. turned forward or eastward (with the mouth or face).

puromūla n. the root of a tree that is turned eastward.

puroyudh a. fighting in front.

puroyodha a. fighting in front.

puroratha a. whose chariot is foremost; i.g. excelling, superior.

puroruc a. shining in front or before; f. N. of cert. sacred formulas.

purovartin a. being in front or before.

purovāta m. wind from before, east wind.

purohan a. destroying castles.

purohita a. set before, commissioned, appointed; m. an appointed priest, esp. house-priest of a prince.

purohiti f. the office of the house-priest.

purya a. being in a strong place.

pulaka m. N. of a plant; n. pl. the erection of the hairs of the body (as a sign of rapture or desire).

pulakay pulakayati v pp. pulakita having the hairs erect (cf. prec.).

pulastya m. names of ancient Rishis.

pulaha m. names of ancient Rishis.

pulāka m. empty or bad grain.

pulina n. sandbank, small island.

pulinda m. pl. N. of a people.

pulu (°--) = puru.

pulukāma a. desiring much, covetous.

puloman m. N. of a demon.

pulomā f. N. of a female demon.

pulomāri m. foe of Puloman, i.e. Indra.

pulkasa m. ī f. N. of a cert. mixed caste.

pulvagha a. doing much evil.

puṣ pupyāta v (pupyāte pupṇāti & poṣati), pp. puṣṭa (q.v.) intr. thrive, bloom, grow, prosper; tr. cause to thrive etc.; cherish, foster, develop, unfold, display, possess, enjoy. C. poṣayati cherish, foster, rear, bring up, cause to be nourished by (instr.). --
     uda (utpuṣṇāti) nourish, make fat.
     upa = S.* - Cf. paripuṣṭa vipuṣṭa.

puṣkara n. a blue lotus-flower (fig. of the heart); head of the ladle (r.); the skin of a drum; the tip of an elephant's trunk; water, air, the sky; N. of sev. places of pilgrimage. --m. a species of crane, E. of Kṛṣṇa, Śiva, etc.; a man's name.

puṣkarākṣa a. lotus- or blue-eyed.

puṣkarāraṇya n. N. of a forest.

puṣkarāvartaka m. pl. a cert. class of clouds.

puṣkarin a. rich in lotuses; m. elephant, f. -riṇī lotus-pond.

puṣkala a. abundant, numerous, rich, splendid, resounding, loud; m. a kind of drum, a man's name; n. the head of a ladle.

puṣkalaka m. the musk-deer.

puṣṭa a. having thrived; nourished, fat, strong; abundant, rich in, furnished with; n. wealth, prosperity.

puṣṭāṅga a. fat-limbed.

puṣṭi f. thriving, prosperity, comfort, wealth, opulence; breeding, rearing (of cattle), nourishment (o. personified).

puṣṭimant a. thriving, abundant.

puṣṭivardhana a. augmenting prosperity.

puṣpa n. bloom, flower (adj. --° f. ā or ī); m. topaz, a man's name.

puṣpaka m. a kind of snake, N. of a mountain; n. (m.) N. of Kubera's chariot.

puṣpakaraṇḍa n. flower-basket, also = seq.

puṣpakaraṇḍakodyāna n. N. of a grove.

puṣpakāla m. spring (time of flowers).

puṣpaketu m. E. of the god of love (lit. having flowers as attribute).

puṣpacāpa [1] m. a bow of flowers.

puṣpacāpa [2] m. E. of the god of love (lit. having a bow of flowers).

puṣpadanta m. flower-tooth, E. of Śiva or of an attendant of Śiva.

puṣpadha m. the son of an outcast Brahman.

puṣpadhanus m. = puṣpacāpa2.

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puṣpadhanvan m. = puṣpacāpa2.

puṣpapeśala a. as delicate as a flower.

puṣpaphala n. blossom and fruit.

puṣpabāṇa m. E. of the god of love (the flower-arrowed).

puṣpabhadra m. a man's name.*

puṣpabhājana n. a flower-basket.

puṣpamaya f. ī consisting of flowers.

puṣpamālā f. garland of flowers.

puṣpamitra m. N. of sev. kings.

puṣpamegha m. a cloud raining flowers.

puṣparāga m. topaz.

puṣpalāvī f. flower-gatherer or seller, flower-girl.

puṣpavant a. rich in blossoms or flowers.

puṣpavarṣa n. -vṛṣṭi f. rain of flowers.

puṣpaśayyā f. a couch of flowers.

puṣpaśekhara m. garland of flowers.

puṣpasāyaka m. = puṣpabāṇa.

puṣpasāra m. the juice of flowers.

puṣpasūtra n. T. of a Sūtra work.

puṣpāgama m. spring (the coming of flowers).

puṣpāyudha m. = puṣpabāṇa.

puṣpārāma m. flower-garden.

puṣpāvant  = puṣpavant; f. -vatī N. of a town.

puṣpita a. blooming, flowery.

puṣpitāgra a. flower-pointed; f. ā N. of a metre.

puṣpin a. = puṣpita.

puṣpeṣu m. = puṣpabāṇa.

puṣpotkaṭā f. N. of a Rakṣasi.

puṣpy puṣpyati v to blossom.

puṣya [1] n. nourishment; the blossom i.e. the best part of anything.

puṣya [2] m. N. of a lunar mansion; f. puṣyā a. cert. plant.

puṣyase dat. inf. to puṣ.

pusta m. ā f. manuscript, book.

pustaka m. pustikā f. the same.

punāti punīte pavate1 v (ti), pp. pūta (q.v.) cleanse, purify, make clear or bright, sift, discern; contrive, invent, compose; M. also clear itself, flow clear; grow or be pure (lit. & fig.). C. pavayati or pāvayati purify. --
     ati purify, strain over or through (acc.); M. pass through (the body).
     abhi M. clear itself, flow clear towards or for (acc.).
     ā M. flow clear towards (acc.) or in (loc.), bestow by flowing (also A.).
     ud cleanse, purify.
     nis winnow.
     parā clear off.
     pari strain, filter, purify; M. flow off clear.
     vi cleanse thoroughly.
     sam cleanse, purify; C. the same. -- Cf. nipūta paripūta.

[2] purifying (--°).

[3] drinking (--°).

pūga m. association, corporation, multitude; betel-palm, n. its nut.

pūgayajña m. a sacrifice for a corporation.

pūj pūjayati pūjayate v pp. pūjita (q.v.) reverence, worship, honour, present with (instr.); respect, regard. --
     abhi receive or greet reverentially, honour or present with (instr.), praise, celebrate.
     pari esteem highly.
     pra honour, praise, esteem, present with (instr.).
     prati honour (in turn), salute respectfully, esteem, present with (instr.), praise, extol.
     sam do honour to, salute respectfully, praise, celebrate, esteem, present with (instr.). -- Cf. abhipūjita.

pūjaka worshipper (gen. or --°).

pūjikā f. worshipper (gen. or --°).

pūjana n. worship, veneration.

pūjanīya a. to be honoured, honourable.

pūjayitavya a. = pūjanīya.

pūjayitṛ m. worshipper, adorer.

pūjā f. honour, worship, respect.

pūjāgṛha n. house of worship, temple.

pūjārha a. worthy of reverence, venerable.

pūjāsatkāra m. revering by worship, adoration.*

pūjāsaṃbhāra m. the apparatus of worship.

pūjita a. honoured, respected, acknowledged recommended, initiated; frequented or inhabited by; furnished with (--°).

pūjopakaraṇa n. the apparatus of worship.*

pūjya a. to be honoured, honourable.

pūjyatā f. -tva n. honourableness.

pūtadakṣa a. pure-minded.

pūtadakṣas a. pure-minded.

pūtana m. a kind of demon; f. ā, abstr. -tva n.

pūtapāpa a. purified from sin.

pūtamūrti a. (whose body has been) purified.

pūti a. putrid, stinking.

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pūtika a. = prec.; m. a cert. herb.

pūtigandha m. fetid odour, stench.

pūtigandhi a. fetid, stinking.

pūtitva n. putrid state, stench.

pūtibhāva m. the same.

pūtimṛttika m. N. of a cert. hell.

pūtivaktra a. having a stinking breath, abstr. -tā f.

pūtīka m. a kind of herb (cf. pūtika).

pūtrima a. purified, clean.

pūpa m. cake.

pūpaśālā f. cake-room, a baker's shop.

pūy pūyati v become foul or putrid, stink.

pūya m. n. pus.

pūyabhuj a. eating pus.

pūyaśonita n. purulent blood.

pūra a. filling, completing, satisfying (--°); m. completion, fulfilment, satisfaction; flood, gush, stream; a cake.

pūraka a. = prec. (--° or *gen.); m. stream, gush, f. pūrikā a sort of cake.

pūraṇa a. (f. ī) & n. (pūraṇa) making full, completing, accomplishing, satisfying; m. & f. ī an ordinal number in the masc. & fem. gender (g.).

pūraṇīya a. to be completed, supplied, or satisfied.

pūray pūrayati v -> pṛ1.

pūrayitṛ (pūrayitṛka*) a. filling up; m. fulfiller, satisfier.

pūru m. man, people (coll.); N. of a tribe & an ancient prince.

pūruṣa -> puruṣa.

pūruṣād a. eating men.

pūrṇa a. filled, full; full of, rich in (instr., gen., or --°), complete, abundant; fulfilled, accomplished, satisfied.

pūrṇaka m. a cert. tree; f. pūrṇikā a cert. bird.

pūrṇakumbha m. a full cup or jar; m. n. a breach or gap of a cert. shape.

pūrṇacandra m. the full moon.

pūrṇatā f. -tva n. fulness.

pūrṇapātra m. n., -pātrī f. a full vessel or cup; -pātravṛttyā plentifully, abundantly.

pūrṇamās m. the full moon.

pūrṇamāsa m. the same, full-moon sacrifice; f. ī the day or night of full moon.

pūrṇaviṃśativarṣa a. full twenty years old.

pūrṇaśrī a. completely fortunate.

pūrṇāmṛtāṃśuvadanā f. having a face like the full moon.

pūrṇārtha a. having one's wishes fulfilled, successful.

pūrṇimā f. the day or night of full moon.

pūrṇeccha a. whose wish has been fulfilled.

pūrṇendu m. the full moon.

pūrta a. filled, full of (gen.); bestowed, fulfilled; n. = seq.

pūrti f. fulfilment, reward; merit, esp. charity.

pūrtin poss. to pūrta.

pūrtvan a. having filled one's self (with food).

pūrpati m. the lord of a castle or city.

pūrbhid a. breaking castles; abstr. -rbhidya n.

pūrva a. being before (sp. & t.), fore, first, eastern, to the east of (abl.); prior, preceding, ancient, previous to, earlier than (abl. or --°, often °-- or --° w. pp. in the sense of an adv., e.g. pūrvokta or uktapūrva spoken before or already); accompanied by, following; with, under, according to (--°); w. vayas n. youth; w. āyus n. old age. --m. elder brother, pl. the ancestors or ancients. f. pūrvādiś) the east. n. forepart, as adv. in front, before (as prep. w. abl.), first, previously, already, long since; --° accompanied by etc. (cf. adj. --°). pūrva uttara former-latter, n. adv. first-last; adya pūrvam until now, hitherto.

pūrvaka f. pūrvikā ealier, former, previous; --° adj. & n. adv. accompanied by etc. = prec.; m. ancestor, forefather.

pūrvakarman n. a former or the first action.

pūrvakāya m. the fore or upper part of the body.

pūrvakāla a. of former times.

pūrvakālika a. of former times.

pūrvakṛta a. done before, n. a former act.

pūrvaga a. going & gone before.

pūrvagata a. going & gone before.

pūrvagatvan a. going to meet.

pūrvacitti f. foreboding, presentiment, only dat. forthwith, immediately.

pūrvacodita a. mentioned or stated before.

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pūrvaja a. born or produced before, former, previous, ancient, very old, the elder or eldest; m. forefather, ancestor; eldest (elder) brother.

pūrvajana m. pl. men of former times, the ancients.

pūrvajanman [1] n. a former birth of life.

pūrvajanman [2] m. the elder brother.

pūrvajā a. born before, former, ancient.

pūrvajāvan a. born before, former, ancient.

pūrvatas adv. in front, eastward, first.

pūrvataskara m. a former thief.

pūrvatra adv. before, above; also = loc. to pūrva.

pūrvatva n. precedence, priority, former state.

pūrvathā adv. formerly, from old or as of old, at first, before.

pūrvadakṣiṇa a. south-eastern.

pūrvadatta a. given before.

pūrvadiś f. the eastern region.

pūrvadṛṣṭa a. seen before, looked upon by the ancients as (nom.).

pūrvadeva m. -devatā f. a primal god or deity.

pūrvadeśa m. the eastern region or country.

pūrvanipāta m. the irregular precedence of an element of a compound (g.).

pūrvaniviṣṭa a. dug before (tank).

pūrvapakṣa m. the fore part or side; the first half of a month or year; action or law-suit; the first objection (ph.).

pūrvapatha m. the former path.

pūrvapada n. first member of a compound (g.).

pūrvapā a. drinking before or first.

pūrvapāda m. forefoot.

pūrvapāyya n. the first drink.

pūrvapitāmaha m. forefather, ancestor.

pūrvapīti f. = pūrvapāyya.

pūrvapuruṣa m. forefather, ancestor; the primeval spirit i.e. Brahman.

pūrvapūrva a. each previous or former one; m. pl. the forefathers.

pūrvapūrvokta a. the one always mentioned before.

pūrvapeya n. = pūrvapāyya.

pūrvabandhu m. first i.e. best friend.

pūrvabhāga m. the fore or upper part.

pūrvabhāj a. receiving the first share, preferred.

pūrvabhukti f. old or long possession.

pūrvabhūbhṛt a. the eastern mountain or a former king.

pūrvamārin a. dying before.

pūrvamīmāṃsā f. the former Mimansa (ph.).

pūrvarātra m. the first part of the night.

pūrvarūpa [1] n. indication, forerunner, prognostic of (prati); a cert. figure of speech.

pūrvarūpa [2] a. having the previous form, being as before.

pūrvavat adv. as before, as aforesaid.

pūrvavant a. having or relating to something precedent; f. -vatī having been married before.

pūrvavah a. drawing in front or for the first time.

pūrvavāh a. drawing in front or for the first time.

pūrvavāda m. action at law.

pūrvavid a. knowing (the things of) the past.

pūrvavidhi m. a preceding rule.

pūrvavihita a. deposited or buried before (treasure).*

pūrvavṛtta a. past before; n. a former event.

pūrvavairin m. first i.e. worst foe.

pūrvaśiṣya m. ā f. former pupil.

pūrvasad a. sitting in front.

pūrvasabhika m. chief of a gaming house.

pūrvasamudra m. the eastern sea.

pūrvasāgara m. the eastern sea.

pūrvasāhasa n. the first or heaviest fine (j.).

pūrvasū f. first bringing forth.

pūrvahūti f. first invocation, morning prayer.

pūrvācala m. the eastern mountain.

pūrvācārya m. an ancient teacher.

pūrvādya a. beginning with the east.

pūrvādri m. = pūrvācala.

pūrvādhika a. more important or greater than before.

pūrvāpara a. fore and hind, eastern and western, first and last, prior and subsequent.

pūrvārdha m. (n.) the front or upper part; the east side; the first half.

pūrvārdhakāya m. the front or upper part of the body.

pūrvāvadhīrita a. despised before.

pūrvāvedaka m. plaintiff.

pūrvāhṇa m. forenoon (lit. earlier day); loc. early in the morning.

pūrvāhṇika f. ī relating to the forenoon.

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pūrvī -> puru.

pūrveṇa adv. in front; before, to the east of (acc. or gen.).

pūrvedyus adv. on the day before, yesterday.

pūrvokta a. said or mentioned before.

pūrvopakārin a. who has rendered a person a service before.

pūrvopanihita a. deposited before.

pūrvya (pūrvya) a. previous, former, ancient, old; first, best, next, nearest; n. adv. formerly, long, since, hitherto.

pūla m. bunch, bundle.

pūlaka m. bunch, bundle.

pūlya n. an empty grain of corn.

pūṣaṇvant a. protected by Pūṣan (cf. seq.).

pūṣan m. N. of a Vedic divinity, often identif. with the Sun.

pṛ piparti pṛṇāti pṛṇati v pp. pūrta1 & pūrṇa (q.v.) fill, make full; sate, nourish, refresh; give abundantly, lavish (dat. of pers. & acc. of th.), present with (acc. of pers. & instr. of th.), fulfil, accomplish. M. & P. pūryate (pūryate & pūryati) fill or sate one's self, become full of (instr.). C. pūrayati te make full, complete, fulfil, accomplish; fill, cover, present with (instr.). --
     abhi make full; M. P. become full, be filled with (gen.); C. fill, complete, load, cover, present abundantly with (instr.), increase, augment, fulfil, accomplish.
     ā fill, sate; make full, complete, fulfil, accomplish; M.P. be or become full, increase, be rich in (instr.); C. fill wholly, cover with (instr.).
     ni put down, pour out (r.).
     pari M. P. be filled, become full or complete by (instr.); C. fill, make full, accomplish.
     pra fill, make up, complete, accomplish; M.P. refl.; C. = S.
     prati bestow in return; C. fill, satiate, satisfy, accomplish.
     sam M.P. be or become filled; C. fill, make full, fulfil, accomplish. -- Cf. abhipūrṇa āpūrṇa paripūrṇa pṛṇant pratipūrṇa saṃpūrṇa.

pṛ piparti2 v pass (trans.), bring across or to (acc.), rescue, save from (abl.); protect, further, promote. C. pārayati (te) the same + come through, overcome; resist, keep one's ground; be capable of or able to (infin.). --
     ati lead over, bring across (acc.); pass (trans.), go through (acc.). C. lead over, pass (trans.); M. rescue, deliver from (abl.).
     nis draw or help out of (abl.), escape; C. = S.
     sam C. bring over; finish, perform.

pṛ pṛṇoti v pp. pṛta3 (only --°), w.
     ā be busy or active; w.
     vyā (priyate or pṛṇute) be busy or occupied with (artham). C. vyāpārayati set to work, employ in or at (loc., instr., or artham). -- Cf. āpṛta (add.), vyāpṛta.

pṛkta a. mixed, mingled; united with, full of (instr. or --°).

pṛkṣ f. refreshment, food, satiation.

pṛkṣa a. spotted, dappled; m. such a horse.

pṛc pṛṇakti pṛṅkte1 v etc., pp. pṛkta (q.v.) mix, mingle, unite or combine with (instr., r. loc.); fill, satiate; bestow richly, lavish upon (loc.); augment, increase. --
     ā mix or unite with (instr.); fill, satiate (M. refl.); pervade, penetrate.
     upa add to (loc.), increase, augment; approach, esp. for sexual intercourse.
     vi bring asunder, separate from (instr.); scatter, disperse, fill, satiate.
     sam A.M. mix, mingle, join, touch; fill, endow, present with (instr.). -- Cf. anupṛkta sapṛkta.

pṛc [2] f. refreshment.

pṛcchaka (f. pṛcchikā*) asking, inquiring after (gen. or --°).

pṛcchā f. asking, question, inquiry.

pṛcchya a. to be asked or inquired after.

pṛṇant a. giving richly, liberal.

pṛt f. fight, battle (only loc. pl.).

pṛtana n. hostile army; f. ā the same or = prec.

pṛtanāj a. rushing in battle.

pṛtanājit a. victorious in battle.

pṛtanājya n. contest, fight.

pṛtanāy to fight, only pp. -yant.

pṛtanāyu a. hostile, inimical.

pṛtanāṣah (pṛtanāṣāh) a. conquering hostile armies.

pṛtanāṣāhya n. abstr. to prec.

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pṛtanāsāhya n. abstr. to prec.

pṛtany pṛtanyati v attack, fight (tr.).

pṛtanyu a. attacking; m. enemy.

pṛtsuti m. f. hostile attack.

pṛtsuṣutur a. victorious (in battle).

pṛtha m. the palm of the hand.

pṛthak adv. separately, severally, respectively, singly, here and there (often doubled); prep. apart from, except, besides (abl., *instr., or *gen.). -- With kṛ separate, sunder, keep off, avert from (abl.); w. bhū become separate, sever (intr.).

pṛthakkaraṇa n. pṛthakkriyā f. separation, disunion.

pṛthaktā f. -tka n. separateness, singleness, individuality.

pṛthakpiṇḍa a. distantly related (opp. sapiṇḍa).

pṛthaksukha a. pl. having different (not the same) enjoyments.

pṛthaksthiti f. separation, singleness.

pṛthagartha a. pl. having different (not the same) advantages.

pṛthagupādāna n. particular mention.

pṛthaggaṇa m. pl. several classes.

pṛthagjana m. a man of the lower classes; sgl. & pl. low people.

pṛthagbhāva m. separateness, difference, individuality.

pṛthagvarṣa n. pl. always one year.

pṛthagvidha a. of different kinds, various.

pṛthājanman m. son of Pṛthā, E. of Yudhiṣṭhira.

pṛthātmaja m. son of Pṛthā, E. of Yudhiṣṭhira.

pṛthābhū m. the same.

pṛthāsūnu m. the same.

pṛthi m. N. of a man.

pṛthivī f. the earth (lit. the wide one, often personif.); land, country, realm.

pṛthivīkampa m. earthquake.

pṛthivīkṣit a. inhabiting or ruling the earth; m. prince, king.

pṛthivītala n. the surface of the earth.

pṛthivīdyāvā (nom. du.) earth and heaven.

pṛthivīnātha m. prince, king (lord of the earth).

pṛthivīpati m. prince, king (lord of the earth).

pṛthivīpāla m. prince, king (lord of the earth).

pṛthivībhuj m. prince, king (lord of the earth).

pṛthivībhṛt m. mountain (earth-bearer).

pṛthu (f. pṛthvī & pṛthu) wide, broad, large, extensive, ample, abundant; n. adv. --m. a man's name; f. pṛthvī the earth, land, realm.

pṛthuka m. n. half-ripe rice; m. boy, young animal.

pṛthujraya (f. ī) & -jrayas a. far-spreading.

pṛthutarīkṛ open wider (the eyes).

pṛthutā f. -tva n. breadth, width.

pṛthudhāra a. broad-edged.

pṛthunitamba a. broad-hipped.

pṛthuparśu a. having large sickles.

pṛthupājas a. far-shining, resplendent.

pṛthupāṇi a. broad-handed.

pṛthubudhna a. broad-based.

pṛthuyāman a. broad-pathed.

pṛthula a. broad, wide, large.

pṛthulavakṣas a. broad-breasted.

pṛthulekṣaṇa a. large-eyed.

pṛthulocana a. large-eyed.

pṛthuśiras a. broad-headed.

pṛthuśravas a. far-famed.

pṛdāku m. pṛdākū f. adder, snake.

pṛśana n. clinging to, tenderness.

pṛśanāyu f. clinging to, attached, tender.

pṛśanī f. clinging to, attached, tender.

pṛśni a. speckled, dapple; pl. manifold, various. --m. N. of a prince, pl. N. of a race of Rishis; f. a dappled cow, milk, the earth, a cloud, the starry sky, N. of the mother of the Maruts.

pṛśnimātṛ a. having Pṛśni for a mother (cf. prec.).

pṛṣata m. the spotted antelope; drop of water; spot, mark.

pṛṣatka m. arrow.

pṛṣadaśva a. having spotted horses or having antelopes for horses.

pṛṣadvant a. spotted, many-coloured.

pṛṣant f. pṛṣatī spotted, dappled. --m. the spotted antelope; f. a spotted cow, mare, or female antelope; n. drop of water.

pṛṣita n. rain.

pṛṣṭa a. asked, questioned, r. that which is asked or inquired after.

pṛṣṭi f. rib, pṛṣṭitas on the ribs.

pṛṣṭī f. rib, pṛṣṭitas on the ribs.

pṛṣṭyā f. side-horse.

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pṛṣṭha n. back (esp. of an animal); hinder part, rear; upper side, surface, top (of a hill or palace); loc. behind the back, behind or from behind.

pṛṣṭhaga a. being on the back, mounted on (gen. or --°).

pṛṣṭhatas adv. from the back, from behind; at the back of, behind (gen. or --°); with the back i.e. with averted face; behind the back i.e. secretly, privately. -- With kṛ take on the back; place behind the back i.e. neglect, forsake, abandon.

pṛṣṭhabhāga m. hinder part, back.

pṛṣṭhamāṃsa n. back-flesh; -saṃ khād bite the back-flesh i.e. backbite, speak ill.

pṛṣṭhayajvan a. worshipping on hills.

pṛṣṭhavāstu n. the upper story or top of a house.

pṛṣṭhānuga a. going behind, following.

pṛṣṭhānugāmin a. going behind, following.

pṛṣṭhānupṛṣṭhikā f. following, persecuting.*

pṛṣṭhya a. carrying on the back; m. (±aśva) pack- or riding-horse.

pṛṣva a. consisting of dew or rime.

peṭa m. or n., ā & ī f. basket, bag.

peṭaka m. n., -ṭikā f. the same; n. troop, multitude.

peṭṭālaka s. basket, bag.

peḍā f. the same.

petva m. ram, sheep.

pedu m. N. of a man.

pepiśat a. adorned, embellished, brilliant, many-coloured.

pepiśāna a. adorned, embellished, brilliant, many-coloured.

peya a. to be drunk, drinkable; n. drink, beverage.

peyūṣa  = pīyūṣa.

perā f. a cert. musical instrument.

peru [1] a. penetrating, leading through, rescuing.

peru [2] a. swelling or causing to swell.

peru [3] a. drinking or thirsty.

pelava a. tender, delicate.

peśa m. ornament, decoration; adorner, shaper, fabricator; f. peśī a lump of flesh.

peśana f. ī well formed, decorated.

peśala a. = prec. + handsome, beautiful, charming, pleasant, n. as abstr.; clever, dexterous, abstr. -tva n.

peśas n. shape, form; ornament, decoration, embroidery, p. peśasvant.

peśitṛ m. who cuts, carver.

peṣa f. ī (--°) & m. grinding.

peṣaṇa n. = prec. m.; f. ī grind-stone.

peṣīkṛ pound, grind, crush.

peṣṭṛ m. grinder.

peṣṭra n. bone.

peṣya a. to be ground into (--°).

pesuka a. spreading, extensive.

paiṅgala m. patron, from pingala.

paiṅgalāyana m. patron, from pingala.

paiṅgalāyani m. patron, from pingala.

paiṅgalya n. brown colour.

paiṅgi m. patron. of Yaska.

paiṅgin m. a follower of Pain1gya (cf. seq.).

paiṅgya m. N. of ancient teachers.

paija m. N. of ancient teachers.

paijavana m. patron. of Sudās.

paiṭhara adj. cooked in a pot.

paitāmaha f. ī coming from a grandfather or from Brahman. m. Brahman's son; n. E. of a lunar mansion.

paitṛka f. ī paternal, parental, relating to the Manes.

paitṛyajñika a. relating to a sacrifice to the Manes.

paitṛyajñīya a. relating to a sacrifice to the Manes.

paitṛṣvaseya f. ī descended from a father's sister; m. her son.

paitra (f. ī) & paitrya a. relating to the Manes.

paidva a. belonging to Pedu; m. his horse.

paināka a. relating to Pinākin i.e. Śiva.

paippala a. made of the wood of the holy fig-tree.

paippalāda a. derived from Pippalada; m. pl. his followers.

pailava a. made of Pilu wood.

paiśalya n. versatility, affability.

paiśāca f. ī belonging to the Piśācas; f. ī their language.

paiśuna n. backbiting, slander.

paiśunya n. backbiting, slander.

paiṣṭa (f. ī) & paiṣṭika a. made of meal or flour.

poṭaka m. servant.

poṭala m. -likā f. bundle.

poṭalaka m. -likā f. bundle.

poṭī f. the rectum.

pota m. a young animal or plant, a young or fresh (--°); m. n. ship, vessel, abstr. -tva n.

potaka m. = prec. (--°); f. -tikā cloth, garment.

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potaplava m. seaman, mariner.

potabhaṅga m. shipwreck.

potavaṇij m. a seafaring merchant.

potṛ m. purifier (a kind of priest).

potra n. the Soma-vessel or the office of the Potr (cf. prec.); the snout of a hog.

potrin m. a wild boar (cf. prec.).

potrīya a. belonging to the Potr.

potha m. blow, strike with (--°).

poyā f. a cert. wind-instrument.

polikā f. a kind of cake.

poṣa m. thriving, growth, welfare; nourishing, fostering.

poṣaka f. -ṣikā nourishing, breeding, keeping.

poṣaṇa a. = prec.; n. as abstr.

poṣaṇakara a. effecting nourishment.

poṣaṇīya a. to be nourished.

poṣayitnu a. nourishing, causing to grow or thrive.

poṣayiṣṇu a. nourishing, causing to grow or thrive.

poṣitṛ m. nourisher, breeder.

poṣin a. nourishing, bringing up (--°).

poṣuka a. growing, thriving.

poṣṭṛ m. = poṣitṛ.

poṣya a. to be (being) nourished or well fed; thriving or causing to thrive.

poṣyāvant a. causing prosperity.

pauṃścalīya a. relating to harlots.

pauṃścaleya m. whoreson.

pauṃścalya n. running after men, harlotry.

pauṃsna a. human, manly; n. manhood, virility.

pauṃsya n. = prec. n.; also manly deed, pl. hosts of men.

pauccha a. being on the tail.

pauñjiṣṭa m. a fisherman.

pauñjiṣṭha m. a fisherman.

pauṇḍarīka a. made of lotus-flowers.

pauṇḍra m. N. of Bhīṣma's conch-shell, pl. N. of a people.

pauṇḍraka m. pl. a cert. mixed caste or = prec. pl.

pauṇya a. honest, virtuous.

pautana s. N. of a region.

pautināsikya n. stencn of the nose.

pautra f. ī coming from or belonging to a son or to children; m. a grandson (vat adv.); f. pautrī granddaughter.

pautraka m. grandson, poss. pautrin.

paunaḥpunya n. frequent repetition.

paunaruktya n. repetition, tautology.

paunarbhava a. relating to a woman remarried with her own consent; m. her son, w. bhartṛ her (second) husband.

paura [1] m. filler, increaser.

paura [2] m. townsman, citizen.

paurakārya n. the citizens' affairs.

paurajana m. townsfolk, the citizens.

pauraṃdara a. belonging to the destroyer of the castles (Indra).

paurava f. ī descended from or belonging to Pūru; m. a descendant of P., pl. his race, N. of a people.

paurastya a. foremost, eastern.

paurastyapavana m. east wind.

paurāṇa f. ī belonging to or derived from the olden times; primeval, ancient.

paurāṇika f. ī = prec., also knowing the past.

paurika m. townsman, citizen.

pauruṣa f. ī human, manly, belonging or consecrated to Puruṣa. --m. a man's load; f. ī a woman; n. manhood, virility, manly deed, a man's length.

pauruṣeya f. ī a relating to man, human. --m. hireling, day-labourer; n. human deed or work.

pauruhūta a. relating to Puruhūta-Indra.

paurūravasa a. belonging to Purūravas.

paurogava m. inspector of a royal household, esp. of the kitchen.

paurobhāgya n. envy, malevolence.

paurohitya n. the office of a house-priest.

paurṇamāsa f. ī relating to the full moon; m. n. festival of the full moon; n. day of full moon; f. ī day or night of full moon.

paurṇamāsya n. full-moon sacrifice.

paurta w. karman n. a meritorious work.

paurtika a. relating to a meritorious work.

paurvadehika a. relating to a former life or existence.

paurvadaihika a. relating to a former life or existence.

paurvāparya n. priority and posteriority; succession, continuity.

paurvāhlika f. ī belonging to the morning, matutinal, as s. mat. ceremony.

paurvika f. ī former, ancient, old.

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paulastya m. patron. of Kubera.

pauloma a. relating to Puloman or Puloma. m. N. of a Rishi, pl. a cert. class of demons; f. ī patron. of Indra's wife.

pauṣa m. N. of a cert. month.

pauṣṭika f. ī conducive to welfare.

pauṣṇa f. ī consecrated to Pūṣan (the Sun); n. E. of a lunar mansion.

pauṣya f. ī coming from or made of flowers.

pauṣya m. N. of a an ancient king.

pyā pyāyate v swell, overflow. --
     ā swell, become full of or rich in (instr.); make full, enlarge, strengthen. C. āpyāyayati te cause to swell, make full, esp. pour water upon the Soma; nourish, refresh; excite, rouse.
     samā swell, grow, increase; C. nourish, strengthen, vivify.
     pra swell, C. make swell.

pyukṣṇa s. covering for a bow.

pra [1] adv. forward, onward, forth, away, fore (mostly °-- in subst. & verbs); very, much, greatly (°-- in adjectives).

pra [2] filling, sating, nourishing (--°); n. fulfilment.

prauga n. the forepart of the shafts of a chariot.

prakaṭa a. manifest, apparent; °-- & n. adv.

prakaṭana n. manifesting, showing.

prakaṭay prakaṭayati v pp. prakaṭita manifest, reveal, bring to light.

prakaṭaśīrṣa a. with uplifted head.*

prakaṭīkṛ  = prakaṭay prakaṭībhū w. pass. mg.

prakaṭīkaraṇa n. manifesting, revealing.

prakampa a. & m. trembling, shaking.

prakampana m. wind; n. = prec. m.

prakampin a. trembling, moving to and fro.

prakara m. heap, multitude.

prakaraṇa n. bringing forth, creation; treatment, discussion or object of it; section, chapter, book; a kind of drama.

prakarṣa m. excellence, superiority, high degree; °--, abl., & instr. eminently, perfectly, very much.

prakarṣaṇa m. vexer, tormentor; n. drawing away or along.

prakalpanā f. fixing, settlement.

prakāṇḍa m. the stem or trunk of a tree; best or chief of (--°).

prakāma m. desire, delight, pleasure. prakāma (°--), prakāmam & prakāmatas willingly, at will, very much, indeed.

prakāmodya n. loquacity (talking to heart's content).

prakāra m. manner, way, sort, kind; °-- adj. like, -fold, abstr. -tva n.

prakāśa a. shining forth, clear, open, manifest; famed, celebrated, renowned, glorious; °-- & n. openly, clearly, publicly, aloud. --m. clearness, light, elucidation, explanation esp. in titles of books), shine, appearance (adj. °-- resembling, like); publicity, fame, renown; loc. adv. openly, publicly, before the world. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

prakāśaka f. -śikā = prec. + seq. adj.; abstr. -tva n.

prakāśana a. & n. illuminating, disclosing, explaining, expressing.

prakāśanārī f. public woman, prostitute.

prakāśay prakāśayati v -> kāś.

prakāśavant a. bright, brilliant.

prakāśitā f. -tva n. clearness, brilliancy.

prakāśin a. clear, bright; manifesting, disclosing.

prakāśīkṛ illuminate, disclose, make known.

prakāśetara a. invisible (lit. the opposite of visible).

prakāśya a. to be illuminated or manifested; abstr. -tā f.

prakiraṇa n. scattering, throwing about.

prakīrṇa a. scattered, dispersed, mixed, miscellaneous; n. miscellanea.

prakīrṇaka a. scattered, dispersed, mixed, miscellaneous; n. miscellanea.

prakīrtana n. announcing, proclaiming; f. ā mentioning, naming.

prakīrti f. commendation, praise.

prakampita a. agitated, moved, angry (prati or loc.).

prakṛta a. made, done; commenced, mentioned, in question.

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prakṛti f. the original or natural form or cause of anything; nature or the material world (ph.); the (5--8) constituent elements of the state, e.g. the king, the ministers, subjects etc.; i.g. nature, character, disposition, temper.

prakṛtija a. springing from nature, innate.

prakṛtipuruṣa m. minister of state.

prakṛtimant a. natural, normal, ordinary.

prakṛtiṣṭha a. being in the natural state or condition, healthy, normal, genuine.

prakṛtistha a. being in the natural state or condition, healthy, normal, genuine.

prakṛtisthadarśana a. normal-sighted.*

prakṛṣṭa a. long, protracted; extraordinary, excellent; violent, strong.

prakḷpta a. prepared, arranged, settled; n. adv. readily, easily.

praketa m. appearance; observation, intelligence; observer, knower.

prakopa m. violent anger, rage, wrath.

prakopaṇa a. (--°) & n. irritating, exciting, provoking.

prakopana, f. a. (--°) & n. irritating, exciting, provoking.

prakopaṇī a. (--°) & n. irritating, exciting, provoking.

prakoṣṭha m. fore-arm; a room near the gate (or a court*) of a royal palace.

prakrama m. step, stride (also as a measure of distance); commencement, beginning, proportion, measure.

prakramaṇa n. stepping forward, advancing towards (--°); going out.

prakrānta n. setting out, departure.

prakriyā f. bringing forth, producing; proceeding, way, manner; ceremony; privilege, superiority, high rank and its insignia; chapter, section.

prakrī a. to be bought.

prakrīḍa m. play, sport; play-ground.

prakrīḍin a. playing, sporting.

prakrośa m. shriek, scream.

prakleda m. wetness, humidity.

prakṣaya m. destruction, ruin, fall.

prakṣālaka a. washing, m. washer.

prakṣālana a. performing ablutions (r.); n. washing, purifying, water for washing.

prakṣīṇa a. destroyed, diminished, exhausted.

prakṣīṇapāpa a. whose sins have been destroyed.

prakṣepa m. & -ṇa n. throwing, strewing, pouring upon or into.

prakṣveḍā f. -ḍita n. humming, grumbling.

prakhala m. a great villain.

prakhya a. visible, clear, distinct; f. ā look, appearance, adj. --° resembling, -like, shining, brilliant.

prakhyāta a. acknowledged, known, famous.

pragardhin a. impetuous, eager.

pragalbh pragalbhate v be bold etc. (cf. seq.).

pragalbha a. bold, resolute, confident; abstr. -tā f.

pragāḍha a. steeped, soaked, impregnated; mixed with, rich in (--°), excessive, abundant, advanced (time); n. adv. much, vehemently, intensely.

pragāṇa [1] n. access, approach.

pragāṇa [2] n. singing, song.

pragātha m. N. of a cert. mixed metre.

pragīta a. sung, filled with song; having begun to sing, singing.

praguṇa a. all right, excellent.

praguṇay praguṇayati v pp. praguṇita set right, make straight.

praguṇīkṛ make straight or smooth, strengthen, foster, nourish.

pragṛhya [1] a. to be taken (separately), not subject to the rules of Samdhi (g.).

pragṛhya [2] (abs.) having taken, along with (acc.).

prage adv. early in the morning or to-morrow morning.

pragetana a. matutinal, to-morrow's, future.

pragraha m. holding or stretching forth (also adj. --°); taking, seizing; friendly reception, kindness, favour; taking to, being fond of or eager for, obstinacy, pertinacity; rein, bridle, rope; leader, chief, comrade, satellite.

pragrahaṇa m. guide, leader (only adj. --° led by). n. taking, seizing; rein, bridle; offering, presenting.

pragrahavant a. having seized, holding (--°); receiving kindly, obliging.

praghasa m. Voracious, N. of a Rakṣas & a monkey.

praghāsin a. voracious.

praghāsya a. voracious.

praghoṣa m. sound, noise, roar.

pracaṇḍa a. very violent or wrathful, abstr. -tā f.

pracaṇḍātapa m. excessive heat.

pracaṇḍapāṇḍava n. T. of a drama.

pracatā adv. secretly, mysteriously.

pracaya m. plucking, gathering; heap, quantity, multitude.

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pracayasvara m. a kind of accent (g.).

pracaraṇa n. going forth, proceeding; f. ī a cert. wooden ladle used at a sacrifice.

pracaryā f. proceeding, action.

pracala a. being in motion, trembling.

pracalana n. trembling, shaking, tottering.

pracāra m. going forth, coming off, appearing; occurrence, existence; proceeding, behaviour, conduct; use, employment; play- or pasture-ground.

pracita a. gathered, heaped up, covered or filled with (instr. or --°).

pracura a. much, many, abundant; rich in, filled with (--°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

pracetas a. attentive, knowing, wise; m. E. of Varuṇa.

pracetuna a. affording a wide prospect.

pracoda m. -na n. impelling, inciting.

pracchad f. cover, covering.

pracchada m. coverlet, sheet.

pracchadapaṭa m. coverlet, sheet.

pracchanna a. covered, veiled, hidden, secret; n. adv.

pracchannapāpa a. having secret sins.

pracchādaka a. (--°) = seq. a.

pracchādana a. (--°) & n. covering veiling.

pracchāya s. a shadowy place, shade.

pracchid a. cutting off or to pieces.

praccheda m. slip, strip.

pracyava m. falling off, fall.

pracyavana n. pracyuti f. = prec.; being deprived of (abl.).

pracyotos (gen. inf.) to break down.

prach pṛcchati (pṛcchate) v pp. pṛṣṭa (q.v.) ask, question, inquire, w. acc. of pers. or (&) th.; seek, request, entreat; P. pṛcchayate be asked after (acc., r. dat., loc., arthe adhikṛtya, or hetos). With na not care for (acc.). --
     anu ask, ask some one after (2 acc.).
     ā M. (A.) bid farewell to (acc.), invoke (a god), ask, inquire.
     upā & samā bid farewell.
     pari ask, question, interrogate a person (acc.) about (acc. ±prati, r. loc. or gen.).
     prati ask, interrogate a person about (2 acc.).
     vi ask, inquire, ascertain.
     sam M. consult, converse or talk with (abl.), absol. with each other; ask, question, inquire (2 acc.).

praja a. bringing forth (--°); f. ā procreation, offspring, descendants, children, family; creature, esp. man, folk, subjects.

prajana m. generation (also n.), generator.

prajanana a. begetting, generating; n. procreation, production, procreative power, semen.

prajananavant a. generative.

prajanayitṛ m. generator.

prajaniṣṇu a. procreative.

prajanu m. f. the vulva.

prajaya m. victory, conquest.

prajalpa m. -lapana n. talk, conversation.

prajalpita n. talk, spoken words.

prajava m. haste, rapidity.

prajavana a. rapid, swift.

prajavin a. rapid, swift.

prajas f. (--°) = prajā.

prajākāma a. desirous of offspring.

prajāgara a. waking, watchful; m. waking or watching, a guardian.

prajāta a. born; f. ā having born.

prajāti f. generation, propagation, offspring.

prajādāna n. the breeding of children.

prajādharma m. rule for the breeding of children.

prajānant f. -natī knowing, wise.

prajāpati m. lord of creatures or of procreation, the Creator, E. of sev. gods & Rishis, also N. of a separate god & sev. men.

prajāpāla m. protector of creatures i.e. Krsna, or protector of subjects i.e. king, sovereign.

prajāpālana n. the protection of subjects.

prajāyinī f. bearing, bringing forth, a mother.

prajāvant a. having or granting offspring, prolific; f. -vatī pregnant, mother of (--°), the wife of the (elder) brother.

prajāhita a. good for (all) creatures.

prajīvana n. livelihood, subsistence.

prajuṣṭa a. delighted with (loc.).

prajeśa m. lord of creatures, creator; or lord of subjects, king.

prajeśvara m. lord of creatures, creator; or lord of subjects, king.

prajña a. intelligent, wise, knowing (--°); f. prajñā intelligence, wisdom, discernment, judgment, reason.

prajñatā f. intelligence, wisdom.

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prajñapti f. communication, information.

prajñācakṣus [1] n. the mind's eye.

prajñācakṣus [2] a. seeing with the mind's eye.

prajñāta a. well-known, renowned; common, usual.

prajñāta a. knowing; m. guide.

prajñāna f. ī knowable, distinguishable. -- n. knowledge, discrimination; mark, sign; organ of perception.

prajñānaghana m. nothing but intelligence.

prajñāvāda m. word of wisdom.

prajvalana n. blazing up, flaming.

prajvalita n. the same.

prajvālana n. kindling.

prajvālā f. flame.

praṇata a. bent, stooped; bowing to (gen. or acc.); subject, humble.

praṇati f. bending, bowing, salutation.

praṇapāt m. great-grandson.

praṇaptṛ m. great-grandson.

praṇamana n. = praṇati.

praṇaya m. leader, guide; leading, conduct; manifestation, betrayal, esp. of one's feelings, confidence, familiarity, love, desire.

praṇayana n. bringing near, fetching, means for fetching, vessel; manifestation, betrayal; use, employment of (--°).

praṇayabhaṅga m. breach of confidence.

praṇayavant a. acting confidently or without restraint; attached or used to, familiar with (loc. or --°).

praṇayaspṛś a. showing confidence.

praṇayijana m. a lover.

praṇayitā f. love, desire, longing for (loc., gen., or --°).

praṇayin a. loved, dear; affectionate, tender, loving, kind; pleased with, fond of, connected with (instr. or --°). -- m. favourite, friend, lover, husband; f. ī mistress, wife.

praṇava m. the sacred syllable Om (--° also praṇavaka).

praṇāda m. sound, shout, roar.

praṇāma m. bow, reverent salutation.

praṇālī f. channel, water-course, stream.

praṇālikā f. channel, water-course, stream.

praṇāśa m. disappearance, loss, death.

praṇāśana f. ī = seq. a.; n. as abstr.

praṇāśin a. destroying, removing (--°).

praṇidhāna n. laying on, applying, employment, endeavour, effect; consideration, attention or submission to (--°); meditation, devotion.

praṇidhi m. watching, spying, sending out (spies); spy, emissary.

praṇipatana n. falling at a person's feet.

praṇipāta m. the same, reverence, humility.

praṇihita a. laid down, put on (--°); set forward, stretched out; turned upon (--°), committed, entrusted; concentrated or intent on one thing.

praṇī m. guide, f. guidance.

praṇīta a. brought, presented (of a son); f. ā holy water.

praṇīti f. guidance, conduct; leading away.

praṇejana f. ī wiping away (--°); n. washing away, bathing, water for washing.

praṇetṛ m. leader, guide; maker, creator; author, teacher.

praṇeya a. to be (being) guided or led, obedient; to be applied, effected, fixed, settled.

prataṭa s. a high bank or shore.

pratanu a. very thin, slender, delicate, or small.

pratapant a. shining, majestic, powerful.

pratapta a. heated, hot (l. & f.), pained, vexed by (--°).

pratamam adv. chiefly, particularly.

prataraṇa f. ī carrying on, furthering, increasing; n. crossing over, navigation.

prataram adv. further, longer, in future.

pratarām adv. further, longer, in future.

pratarka m. conclusion, supposition.

pratardana a. piercing through; m. destoyer, E. of Visnu.

pratavas a. active, powerful.

pratāna m. shoot, tendril, a plant with tendrils; ramification (lit. & fig.).

pratāpa m. heat, glow, splendour, brilliancy, highness, majesty, power.

pratāpana a. burning, paining. m. a cert. hell; n. burning, heating.

pratāpamukuṭa m. N. of a prince.

pratāparudrīya m. T. of a work.

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pratāpavant a. majestic, glorious, powerful.

pratāpin a. = pratāpana a. + pratāpavant.

pratāmra a. deep-red.

pratāra m. crossing over; taking in, deceiving.

pratāraka a. deceiving; m. deceiver.

pratāraṇa n. = pratāra.

prati adv. towards, against, again, back, in return (°-- in verbs & substantives, in adv. comp. also at the time of, about, with regard or according to, before, on, at, mostly with the idea of constant repetition); as a prep. (w. preceding, rarely following acc.) towards, against, before, over against, opposite, near, on, by, at in; at the time of, about (also abl. or gen.); with regard to, in favour of (also gen.); according to, on account or in consequence of; *w. abl. instead of or in return for; on a par with or as a match for (also adv. in tas). -- ātmānaṃ prati to one's self, aside (d.); māṃ prati according to me, in my opinion.

pratikara f. ī counteracting; m. requital, compensation.

pratikarkaśa a. as hard as (--°).

pratikarman n. counterworking, cure, remedy; dress, decoration.

pratikāmam adv. at will.

pratikāra m. requital, retaliation, counteraction, remedy.

pratikūla a. adverse (lit. against the shore), contrary, opposite, unfavourable, inauspicious, rebellious, inimical; abstr. -tā f. -- n. inverted order, also as adv. -kūlam inversely, contrarily.

pratikūlakārin a. offering opposition.

pratikṛti f. resistance, defence; (reflected) image, picture.

pratikrama m. inverted order.

pratikramaṇa n. stepping towards.

pratikriyā f. requital, retaliation, defence; remedy of, return for (--°).

pratikṣaṇam adv. at every moment, constantly.

pratigamana n. going back, return.

pratigara m. response (r.).

pratigu adv. against a cow.

pratigṛham adv. in every house.

pratigraha m. receiving, accepting from (gen. ±sakāśāt, abl., or --°), acceptance (esp. of gifts, as a prerogative of Brahmans); gift, donation; kind reception, favour, grace; taking to wife, marriage; seizer, receiver.

pratigrahaṇa n. receiving, accepting.

pratigrahītavya a. to be received or accepted.

pratigrahītṛ m. who receives or marries.

pratigrāha m. spittoon (as a receptacle).

pratigrāhin a. receiving, accepting.

pratighāta m. -na n. warding off, resistance, hindrance.

pratighātaka (f. -tikā) & -tin a. warding off, disturbing.

praticakṣaṇa n. look at, view; appearance.

praticakṣin a. looking at, viewing.

praticakṣya a. visible.

praticchanda m. reflected image.

praticchandaka m. reflected image.

praticchanna a. covered, clothed, veiled, concealed, unknown.

praticchāyā f. reflected image, shadow.

pratijana m. adversary.

pratijanman n. re-birth.

pratijanya a. adverse, hostile.

pratijñā f. = seq. + plaint, indictment (j.).

pratijñāna n. agreement, promise, statement, assertion.

pratijñāparipālana n. the keeping of a vow or promise.

pratijñāpūrvakam adv. by beginning with the indictment (j.).

pratidarśa m. -na n. look, view, appearance.

pratidāna n. restoring, gift in return.

pratidinam adv. day by day, daily.

pratidivasam adv. day by day, daily.

pratidiśam adv. in every direction, everywhere.

pratidīvan m. adversary at play.

pratidūṣita a. stained, polluted.

pratidoṣam adv. about evening.

pratidvaṃdva m. opponent, adversary.

pratidvaṃdvin m. = prec., adj. --° outvying.

pratidhā f. putting to (the lips), draught.

pratidhāna n. putting on (--°).

pratidhi m. the cross-bar on the pole of a carriage.

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pratinandana n. greeting, salutation.

pratinayana (°--) towards the eyes.

pratinava a. new, fresh.

pratināyaka m. the hero's adversary (d.).

pratinidhi m. substitution, substitute; image of, resembling (--°).

pratiniryātana n. giving back, restoring.

pratinivṛtti f. return, coming back.

pratipakṣa m. opposite side or party, rivality; also = seq. + equal to, a match in (--°).

pratipakṣin m. adversary, rival.

pratipaccandra m. the young moon* (cf. pratipad).

pratipatti f. acquiring, getting, perceiving, understanding, wisdom, intelligence, supposition, assertion, statement; agreement, admission; giving, bestowing on (loc. or --°); honouring, respecting; causing, effecting; undertaking, beginning, proceeding at or with (gen. or loc.); means against (gen.) to (loc.).

pratipad f. access, entrance, beginning, commencement, first day of a half-month; introductory verse or stanza (r).

pratipada (°--) & -dam adv. at every step or word.

pratipanna a. approached, arrived, (having) got to or met with; begun, acted, done; undertaken, performed; learnt, understood, promised, consented to.

pratipāṇa m. counter-stake or game.

pratipātram adv. in every character (d.).

pratipādaka f. -dikā giving, bestowing; treating, discussing, explaining, teaching.

pratipādana n. bringing, imparting, bestowing on (loc. or --°); restoring, appointing to (loc.); causing, effecting, producing; treating, discussing, explaining, teaching; undertaking, beginning.

pratipādanīya a. to be given (esp. in marriage*); to be discussed or expounded.

pratipādayitṛ m. giver, expounder, teacher.

pratipādya a. to be produced, treated, discussed, or taught.

pratipāna n. drinking or water for drinking.

pratipālana n. keeping, protecting, maintaining, observing, (expecting*).

pratipālin a. keeping, guarding.

pratipālya a. to be kept or guarded; to be waited on or for.

pratipuruṣa [1] m. substitute, companion; a puppet employed by a thief.*

pratipuruṣa [2] (°--) & -ṣam adv. man by man.

pratipūjaka a. honouring, revering.

pratipūjana n. -pūjā f. abstr. to prec.

pratipūjya a. to be honoured or revered.

pratipūraṇa n. filling or being filled with (instr.).

pratipūrṇa a. full, filled with (instr. or --°); satisfied, pleased.

pratiprati m. n., -tinī f. counterpart; match for, equal to (acc.).

pratipraśna m. counter-question.

pratiprasthātṛ m. a cert. priest, -sthāna n. his office.

pratipriya n. kindness or service in return.

pratibaddha a. tied to, plaited, twisted, connected with, dependent on (--°).

pratibandha m. binding to, connection, conjunction; obstruction, hindrance, resistance.

pratibandhaka f. -ndhikā obstructing, impeding (--°).

pratibandhavant a. encountering obstacles, difficult.

pratibandhin a. = prec. or = pratibandhaka.

pratibala [1] n. hostile army.

pratibala [2] a. of equal strength, a match for (gen. or --°); able to (infin.).

pratibādhaka a. repelling, rejecting (--°).

pratibādhana n. abstr. to prec.

pratibimba n. (m.) reflected disk of sun or moon; image, shadow i.g.

pratibimbita a. reflected, mirrored back.

pratibuddha a. awakened, awake (lit. & fig.); illuminated, enlightened, perceived, known.

pratibuddhi f. awaking (fig.).

pratibodha m. awaking, a. -dhin; knowledge, p. -vant.

pratibodhaka a. awakening; m. instructor, teacher.

pratibodhana a. awakening, refreshing (--°); f. ā awaking, recovering consciousness, n. awaking, awakening, teaching, enlightening.

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pratibodhanīya a. to be awakened.

pratibhaṭa a. vying with, a match for (gen. or --°).

pratibhaya a. formidable, terrible; n. adv., as subst. dread, peril.

pratibhā f. image, light, splendour, look, appearance, understanding, intelligence, presence of mind, fancy, idea, conception.

pratibhāga m. distribution, portion, share.

pratibhāna n. intelligence, understanding.

pratibhānavant a. intelligent, wise.

pratibhāvant a. intelligent, wise.

pratibhāsa m. appearance, semblance, occurring to the mind, idea.

pratibhū m. substitute, surety or bail for (gen., dat., *loc., or --°).

pratibheda m. splitting, piercing; betrayal.

pratibhoga m. enjoyment.

pratimalla m. antagonist, rival.

pratimā m. framer, creator; f. measure, image, likeness, picture, idol, symbol, emblem; adj. --° resembling, equal to.

pratimāna n. measure, weight, counterpart, match, model, pattern, likeness, similarity.

pratimārga m. way back.

pratimit f. support, stay.

pratimita a. reflected, mirrored back.

pratimukha [1] n. epitasis (d.).

pratimukha f. ī2 standing opposite, facing, °-- & n. adv.; imminent, present.

pratimuhūrta (°--) & -rtam adv. at every moment, constantly.

pratimocana n. loosening, getting rid of (--°).

pratiyatna m. care for anything, effort, endeavour; arrangement, preparation.

pratiyātana n. requital, retaliation; f. ā counterpart, image.

pratiyuddha n. fighting against or in return.

pratiyoga m. opposition, resistance.

pratiyogika a. correlative (ph.).

pratiyogin a. = prec.; m. = seq.

pratiyoddhṛ m. adversary, rival, match.

pratiyodha m. adversary, rival, match.

pratiyodhana n. = pratiyoddha.

pratira a. carrying over, furthering, promoting.

pratiratha m. = pratiyoddhṛ.

pratirava m. crying out to; crying back, echo.

pratirāja m. anti-king, hostile king.

pratirājan m. anti-king, hostile king.

pratirātram adv. each night, nightly.

pratirātri adv. each night, nightly.

pratirūpa [1] n. counterpart, image, model.

pratirūpa [2] a. similar, corresponding, suitable.

pratirūpaka n. & a. = prec. 1 & 2.

pratiroddhṛ m. opposer, adversary.

pratirodha m. obstruction, hindrance.

pratirodhaka a. obstructive, hindering.

pratirodhana n. obstructing, hindering.

pratirodhin a. = pratirodhaka.

pratilabhya a. to be received or obtained.

pratilambha m. = seq. + conceiving, understanding.

pratilābha m. receiving, finding, obtaining.

pratiloma a. against the hair or grain, reverse, inverted, contrary; °--, n., & -tas adv.

prativacana n. final clause (g.); also = seq.

prativacas n. answer, reply.

prativatsara m. year, -ram adv. annually.

prativarṣa (°--) & -rṣam adv. = prec. adv.

prativastu n. counterpart, equivalent.

prativastūpamā f. a kind of comparison.

prativākya n. -vāc f., -vācika n. answer.

prativāta m. contrary wind; n. against the w.

prativāda m. rejection, refusal.

prativādin a. contradicting, disobedient; m. adversary, opponent; defendant (j.).

prativāraṇa a. & n. warding off.

prativāsaram adv. daily.

pratividhāna n. arrangement against, prevention of (gen. or --°); care about (--°).

pratividhi m. remedy or measure against (--°).

pratividheya a. to be counteracted or done in return; n. impers.

prativīra m. opponent, match.

prativeśa a. neighbouring, auxiliary; m. neighbour.

prativeśin a. neighbouring; m. neighbour, f. -nī.

prativeśman n. a neighbour's house.

pratiśatru m. adversary, enemy.

pratiśabda m. resonance, echo.

pratiśabdaka m. resonance, echo.

pratiśāpa m. curse in return.

pratiśraya m. refuge, help, assistance; shelter, abode, dwelling.

pratiśrava a. answering; m. promise. agreement.

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pratiśravaṇa n. = prec. m.

pratiśrut f. = prec.; echo, resonance.

pratiśruti f. = prec.; echo, resonance.

pratiṣiddha a. warded off, prohibited, forbidden, refused, contradicted; suppressed, omitted.

pratiṣiddhavāma a. refractory when driven back.*

pratiṣeka m. besprinkling.

pratiṣeddhṛ m. hinderer, prohibiter.

pratiṣedha m. warding off, driving away, expulsion; prohibition, denial, refusal; negation or a negative particle (g.).

pratiṣedhaka f. -dhikā prohibiting, refusing; negative (g.).

pratiṣedhana a. warding off; n. expulsion, refusal, refutation.

pratiṣedhātmaka a. of a negative character (g.).

pratiṣṭha a. steady, resisting; f. ā stead, standing-place, support, receptacle, basis, foundation, abode, home; state of rest, quiet, comfort; position, high rank, celebrity, preeminence, accession of a prince.

pratiṣṭhāna n. stead, basis, pedestal, foundation (lit. & fig.); N. of a town.

pratiṣṭhi f. resistance.

pratiṣṭhita a. standing; being or abiding in, founded or resting on (loc. or --°); established, settled, firm.

pratisaṃhāra m. taking back, withdrawing.

pratisaṃdeśa m. answer to a message.

pratisaṃdhāna n. -saṃdhi m. reunion, connection, juncture.

pratisara m. a bracelet or ribbon used as an amulet.

pratisīrā f. curtain, screen.

pratispardhin a. vying with (gen.), equal to (--°).

pratiharaṇa n. throwing back, rejecting.

pratihartṛ m. averter, destroyer; a kind of priest.

pratihasta m. substitute, proxy.

pratihastaka m. substitute, proxy.

pratihāra m. striking against, pushing back; door, gate (which keeps off), porter (f. ī).

pratihārabhūmi f. door-place, threshold.

pratīka n. exterior, surface; face, mouth (poss. -vant); look, appearance, image, symbol, copy; (also m.) first verse or word.

pratīkāra m. = pratikāra.

pratīkāśa m. reflected image; look, appearance, adj. --° similar to, -like.

pratīkṣa a. waiting for, having regard for (--°); f. ā expectation, attention to, regard for (--°).

pratīkṣaṇa n. consideration, regard; observance, fulfilment.

pratīkṣaṇīya a. to be waited for.

pratīkṣin a. looking or waiting for (--°).

pratīkṣya a. to be waited for or expected; to be observed or fulfilled; to be considered or regarded.

pratīghāta a. warding off, repelling; m. = pratighāta.

pratīcī -> pratyañc.

pratīcīna a. turned towards or against (also pratīcīna), turned away or back, being behind or west; imminent, future, later than (abl.); n. adv. behind.

pratīcīnagrīva a. having the neck turned to the west.

pratīcya a. westerly.

pratīta a. convinced, resolute, relying on (--°); satisfied, glad, pleased; known, famous for (instr.).

pratītātman a. confident, resolute (in mind).

pratīti f. coming near, approaching; conclusiveness, intelligibility; insight, knowledge, conviction, persuasion, confidence, faith, belief.

pratīpa a. contrary (lit. against the stream), inverted, cross, refractory, hostile, trouble-some, unpleasant; m. adversary, antagonist. -- n. adv. contrarily, against, back, in inverted order; w. gam oppose, resist.

pratīpavipākin a. resulting in the contrary.

pratīmāna n. counter measure.

pratīṣṭam adv. according to one's wish.*

pratīhāra m. ī f. door-keeper, porter.

pratud m. pecker (a kind of bird).

pratuda m. pecker (a kind of bird).

pratuṣṭi f. satisfaction.

pratūrti a. rapid, violent; f. haste, hurry.

pratoda m. goad.

pratolī f. broad way, high street.

pratolīdvāra n. gate of a street.*

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pratti f. giving away, delivery.

pratna a. former, old, ancient; traditional, customary.

pratnathā adv. as formerly, as usual.

pratnavat adv. as formerly, as usual.

pratyak -> pratyañc.

pratyakṣa a. before the eyes, plainly visible, clear, distinct, actual, immediate. -- n. superintendence, care of (gen.); ocular evidence, immediate apprehension or intelligence; as adv. before one's face, publicly, distinctly, immediately, personally (also abl., instr., & °--).

pratyakṣacārin a. moving before one's (gen.) eyes.

pratyakṣatā f. -tva n. ocular evidence, visibility, explicitness, distinctness.

pratyakṣadarśana n. the seeing with one's own eyes, esp. the power of seeing a god bodily.

pratyakṣadarśin a. seeing or having seen (gen.) with one's own eyes.

pratyakṣadṛṣṭa a. seen with one's own eyes.

pratyakṣabhūta a. become visible, manifested.

pratyakṣīkṛ take a view of, look at, see (w. acc.); w. bhū catch the eye, be visible or manifest.

pratyakṣīkaraṇa n. abstr. to prec. w. kṛ.

pratyagātman m. the inner soul (ph.).

pratyagānanda a. appearing as inward joy (ph.).

pratyagdakṣiṇatas adv. southwesterly.

pratyagdakṣiṇā adv. southwesterly.

pratyagra a. fresh, new, young, recent; °-- & n. adv.

pratyaṅga [1] n. a minor or secondary member of the body.

pratyaṅga [2] (°--) & -ngam adv. limb by limb, member by member.

pratyaṅgadakṣiṇā f. fee for each part (of a sacrifice).

pratyaṅmukha a. turned to the west.

pratyañc f. pratīcī or pratīcī turned towards, facing, being in front of or opposite to (acc.); turned backwards, averted; westerly, west of (abl.); turned inwards, inner, interior; equal to, a match for (acc.); n. pratyak adv. backwards, back, away; behind, west of (abl.), inwardly. -- m. the inner soul; f. pratīcī (±diś) the east.

pratyanantara a. being nearest or next; n. adv.

pratyanīka a. hostile, opposite; m. enemy, rival; n. enmity, hostile army.

pratyabhighāraṇa n. besprinkling afresh (r.).

pratyabhijñā f. -na n. recognition.

pratyabhiyoga m. counter plaint (j.).

pratyabhivāda m. -na n. regreet, return of salutation.

pratyaya m. belief, conviction, confidence, trust in (loc., gen., or --°), evidence, certainty, knowledge, notion, idea; suffix (g.).

pratyayakara a. producing confidence.

pratyayakāraka a. producing confidence.

pratyayakāraṇa a. producing confidence.

pratyayaprativacana n. a certain answer.

pratyayita a. tested, tried, unsuspected; confidential, intimate.

pratyayin a. trustworthy, sure, certain.

pratyarthitā f. abstr. to seq.

pratyarthin a. hostile, inimical; emulating with (--°). m. opponent, adversary, rival; defendant (j.).

pratyarpaṇa n. giving back, restoring.

pratyarpaṇīya a. to be given back or restored.

pratyavamarśa m. -na n. inner contemplation or meditation.

pratyavara a. lower, meaner, viler.

pratyavarūḍhi f. descending towards.

pratyavarodhana n. obstruction, disturbance.

pratyavaroha m. -rohaṇa n. = pratyavarūḍhi.

pratyavarohin a. descending, moving down wards.

pratyavasāna n. consuming, eating.

pratyavahāra m. drawing back or in; reabsorption, dissolution.

pratyavāya m. decrease, diminution; inversion, inverted order; annoyance, uneasiness; offence, sin.

pratyavekṣaṇa regard, attention, care.

pratyavekṣaṇā f. regard, attention, care.

pratyavekṣā f. regard, attention, care.

pratyavekṣya a. to be considered.

pratyaha a. daily; n. adv.

pratyākhyāna n. refusal, rejection, refutation.

pratyākhyeya a. to be refused or rejected.

pratyāgati f. coming back, return.

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pratyāgama m. -na n. the same.

pratyādāna n. recovery; repetition.

pratyādeśa m. direction, order, command; repudiation, putting to shame or confusion, warning, caution.

pratyādeśin a. rejecting, contemning (--°).*

pratyānayana n. leading or bringing back.

pratyāyana [1] n. setting (of the sun).

pratyāyana [2] a. convincing, trustworthy; f. ā convincing, appeasing, comforting; n. showing, explaining, proving.

pratyāyayitavya a. to be explained or proved.

pratyāvṛtti f. return.

pratyāśā f. confidence, trust, hope; abstr. -śatva n.

pratyāśvāsa m. breathing up again, recovery.

pratyāśvāsana n. bringing to life again, recomforting.

pratyāsatti f. -sannatā n. proximity, nearness.

pratyāharaṇa n. drawing or keeping back; detention from (abl.).

pratyāhāra m. = prec., dissolution, destruction; comprehension or comprehensive word (g.).

pratyukta n. -kti f. answer, reply.

pratyujjīvana n. coming back or restoring to life.

pratyuttara n. rejoinder, reply.

pratyutthāna n. rising up to meet (as friend or foe), esp. respectful reception.

pratyutpanna a. present; -mati a. having presence of mind; m. Ready-wit, N. of a fish.

pratyudāharaṇa n. counter example.

pratyudgati f. going to meet (respectfully or hospitably).

pratyudgama m. -na n. = prec.

pratyupakāra m. return of a service or kindness; adj. -rin.

pratyupapanna a. present; -mati a. having presence of mind; abstr. -tva n.

pratyupasthita a. approached, present, standing opposite, assembled, happened, imminent, standing or being in (loc.).

pratyupahāra m. giving back, restitution.

pratyūṣa s. dawn, day-break (mahati pratyūṣye early in the morning*).

pratyūṣas n. dawn, day-break.

pratyūha m. obstacle, impediment.

pratyṛcam adv. at each verse or stanza.

pratyṛtu adv. in each season.

pratyeka a. each one, each single; °-- & n. = seq.

pratyekaśas adv. one by one, singly.

pratvakṣas a. powerful, mighty.

pratvakṣāṇa a. powerful, mighty.

prath prathate v pp. prathita (q.v.) spread, extend (intr., r. prathati trans.); become larger or wider, increase, grow; appear, arise; become famous or celebrated. C. prathayati trans. (M. intr. or refl.) spread, broaden, extend, augment; proclaim, celebrate, disclose, show, manifest. --
     anu M. (intr.) spread along (acc.).
     abhi M. (intr.) stretch before or against; C. (tr.) spread about (acc.), divulge.
     ā C. (trans.) spread, expand.
     prati M. (intr.) spread round or over.
     vi A. spread, expand; M. (intr.) stretch, increase, be large or wide. C. spread, extend, disclose, unfold, manifest.

pratha m. N. of a man, f. ā = seq. + fame, renown.

prathana n. spreading, displaying.

prathama a. first, primal, foremost, earliest, principal, best, chief. °-- & n. first, before (n. as prep. w. gen.), for the first time, just, now, immediately; often also adj. pro adv. -- m. the first (third) person; f. ā the first or nominative case and its endings.

prathamakalpa m. first or primary rule.

prathamakalpita a. first in rank or importance.

prathamaja a. firstborn, primary, original.

prathamajā a. firstborn, primary, original.

prathamajāta a. firstborn.

prathamatas adv. first, at first; forthwith, immediately; before, rather than (gen. or --°).

prathamabhakti f. the former devotion.*

prathamavayas n. earliest age, youth.

prathamaśrī a. having just become rich or fortunate.

prathamasāhasa m. the first (lowest) fine (j.).

prathas n. prathiman m. width, extension.

prathita a. spread, divulged, -yaśas a. far-famed.

prathiṣṭha superl. & comp. to pṛthu.

prathīyaṃs superl. & comp. to pṛthu.

prada a. giving, uttering, causing (mostly --°).

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pradakṣiṇa a. standing on or moving to the right, turning the right towards a person, i.e. respectful, reverential; °-- & n. -ṇam adv., the latter also = towards the south. Acc. w. kṛ or -ṇī kṛ turn the right side towards a person or an object. m., n., & f. ā as abstr., also circumambulation from left to right.

pradakṣiṇārcis a. flaming towards the right.

pradakṣiṇit adv. = pradakṣiṇa adv.

pradakṣiṇīkṛ -> pradakṣiṇa.

pradara m. splitting, rending; crack, crevice.

pradarśa m. look (--°); direction.

pradarśaka a. showing, announcing, teaching; m. teacher.

pradarśana n. look, aspect (often a. --°); showing, pointing out; instruction, lesson.

pradarśin a. looking, seeing; showing, indicating (--°).

pradātṛ m. giver, bestower, granter, esp. who gives a daughter in marriage.

pradāna n. giving, esp. in marriage, presenting, offering, yielding, granting, applying; gift, donation, oblation; communicating, teaching, proclaiming; putting on, applying; effecting, producing.

pradāya n. gift, present.

pradāyaka a. giving, presenting.

pradāyin a. giving, presenting.

pradāha m. burning, heating; destruction.

pradiv [1] f. (nom. pradyaus) the third or fifth of the heavens.

pradiv [2] a. ancient, old; abl. long since, from of old, also = loc. always, ever.

pradiś f. pointing to or out; direction, order, command; quarter, region of the sky, intermediate region (e.g. north-east etc.).

pradīpa m. lamp, light (fig. = ornament); explanation, commentary.

pradīpaka m. -pikā f. a small lamp, light, or commentary.

pradīpana a. & n. inflaming, kindling.

pradīpāy pradīpāyate v represent a lamp.

pradīpta a. flaming, glowing, hot, shining.

pradīptaśiras a. having a hot head.

praduṣṭa a. corrupt, bad, wicked, libidinous; m. villain, ruffian.

pradeya a. to be given, esp. in marriage, marriageable; to be presented, offered, communicated, taught; m. gift, present.

pradeśa m. pointing out, direction, destination; place, spot, region; appealing to a precedent; instance, example.

pradoṣa [1] m. disorder (of body or state); mutiny, insurrection.

pradoṣa [2] a. bad, evil.

pradoṣa [3] m. evening, nightfall; -ṣam adv. at dusk.

pradoṣāgama m. the coming on of evening.

pradoṣānila m. the evening wind.

pradyumna m. E. of the god of love (lit. the powerful), N. of sev. men, a mountain, & a river.

pradyota m. flashing up, light, splendour; N. of a Yakṣa & sev. kings.

pradveṣa m. -ṇa n. dislike, hatred.

pradhana n. the prize of the contest; contest, fight.

pradharṣaka a. attacking, molesting (--°).

pradharṣaṇa a. = prec. (--°); f. ā & n. as abstr.

pradhāna n. the main thing or person, chief, head; original matter or supreme spirit (ph.); often --° having -- as chief thing or person i.e. devoted to, excelling or delighting in, full of. Adj. & °-- chief, main, principal, best.

pradhānatas adv. according to rank or eminence.

pradhānatā f. -tva n. preeminence, superiority.

pradhānapuruṣa m. chief person, man of rank or authority; supreme spirit (E. of Civa).

pradhānaprakṛti s. chief minister.

pradhānabhūta a. being the chief person.

pradhānavāsas n. rich garment.

pradhānasabhika m. = pūrvasabhika.

pradhi m. the circumference or rim of a wheel; pl. the fellies.

pradhura n. the point of carriage-pole.

pradhṛṣṭi f. overwhelming.

pradhyāna n. reflection, thought.

pradhvaṃsa m. destruction, ruin.

pradhvaṃsana a. destroying, ruining.

pradhvaṃsin a. perishable, also = prec. (--°).

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pranaṣṭa a. lost, disappeared, missing; gone, past, fled, escaped.

pranaṣṭasvāmika a. whose owner has disappeared.

pranaṣṭādhigata a. lost and found.

prapañca m. expansion, development, prolixity, amplification; the visible world or universe (ph.).

prapañcana n. circumstantial explanation.

prapañcay prapañcayati v develop, amplify, explain copiously.

prapatana n. flying forwards or falling down.

prapatha m. journey, way, road.

prapathin a. wandering, travelling.

prapad [1] f. way; entrance (cert. sacred texts).

prapad [2] f. the forepart of the foot.

prapada n. = prec.; point of the foot, tip of the toes.

prapanna a. approached, arrived, come (esp. as a suppliant); happened, appeared; having resorted to, h. entered, incurred, got, obtained (acc.); acknowledged, agreed to; furnished with (instr.).

prapalāyana n. running away, flight.

prapā f. watering-place, well, cistern.

prapāṭha m. lesson, chapter.

prapāṭhaka m. lesson, chapter.

prapāṇa n. watering-place or a drink.

prapāta m. a mode of flying; rushing forth, starting off; fall, falling out, falling from (abl. or --°), on or into (loc. or --°).

prapātana n. causing to fall, throwing down.

prapāna n. drinking, sipping.

prapāpālikā f. female well-keeper.

prapālaka m. guardian, protector.

prapālana n. guard, protection.

prapitāmaha m. great-grandfather (also E. of Brahman & Kṛṣṇa), pl. greatgrandfathers, ancestors i.g.; f. -mahī greatgrandmother.

prapitva n. going away, flight, retreat; evening.

prapiṣṭa a. rubbed or ground down.

prapautra m. ī f. great-grandson or -daughter.

praprotha m. snorting.

prapluta a. dipped in water.

prapharvī f. a wanton girl.

praphulla a. blossomed, blooming, expanded, opened.

prabaddha a. attached to, dependent on (--°); suppressed, checked, stopped.

prabanddhṛ m. author.

prabandha m. connection, bond, tie (also -na n.); continuation, uninterrupted series; literary composition.

prabala a. strong, mighty, intense, violent, important, great (also -vant; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); n. -lam greatly, much; m. a man's name.

prabuddha a. awakened, expanded, blossomed, appeared; enlivened, brightened; clearsighted, clever, wise.

prabudh a. awake, attentive; f. awaking.

prabodha m. awaking (also of flowers); appearing, rising; watching, perceiving, understanding, intellect, knowledge; awakening, reviving (esp. a lost fragrance).

prabodhaka a. awakening.

prabodhacandra m. the moon of knowledge; -candrodaya m. the rise of the moon of knowledge, T. of a drama.

prabodhana a. awakening, rousing; n. awaking, understanding, or awakening, enlightening; *the reviving of a fragrance.

prabhaṅga m. breaker, crusher; breaking, crushing, destruction.

prabhaṅgin a. breaking, crushing, destroying.

prabhañjana a. = prec.; wind, storm.

prabhartṛ m. bringer.

prabharman n. bringing, placing before.

prabhava a. excelling; m. origin, source, home, a. --° sprung or descended from, being in or on.

prabhavitṛ a. powerful; m. lord, ruler.

prabhaviṣṇu a. the same; abstr. -tā f.

prabhā f. splendour, light, beauty (often --°), pl. rays; a woman's name.

prabhākara m. the sun (light-maker); a man's name.

prabhāta a. shone forth, begun to be light; n. day-break.

prabhātakaraṇīya a. morning-work.*

prabhātakalpa a. nearly begun to be light (night).

prabhāmaṇḍala n. circle or garland of light.

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prabhāmaṇḍalaka n. circle or garland of light.

prabhāmaya f. ī consisting of light.

prabhāva m. might, majesty, superhuman strength, power over (loc.); splendour, brilliancy. -- Instr. & abl. by means or in consequence of.

prabhāvant a. shining, radiant; f. -vatī N. of a metre & of sev. women.

prabhāṣita a. said, told, explained; n. word, speech.

prabhāsa m. N. of sev. gods & men, also of a celebrated place of pilgrimage.

prabhāsana n. irradiating, illuminating.

prabhāsura a. shining bright, splendid.

prabhāsvant a. shining bright, splendid.

prabhāsvara a. shining bright, splendid.

prabhīta a. afraid, timid.

prabhu (or -bhū, f. prabhvī) excelling, surpassing, mighty, abundant; being a master of (gen.) or a match for (*dat.); capable of or able to (infin., loc., or --°) -- m. lord, ruler, prince, E. of Brahman etc.

prabhutā f. -sva n. lordship, supremacy, power, possession; preponderance, preference, instr. chiefly.

prabhūta a. come forth, become (--°); much, abundant, numerous, great, important (°-- adv.); rich in, blessed with (--°), able to (infin.).

prabhūtatā f. -tva n. might, multitude.

prabhūti f. origin, source; sufficiency, power, might.

prabhṛti f. bringing forth, offering, presenting, beginning; often adj. (--°) or adv. (after an abl. or --°) beginning with, since, from, -- and so on.

prabhṛtha m. offering, donation.

prabheda m. splitting, division, separation, difference, species, kind.

prabhedaka f. -dikā cleaving, piercing (--°).

prabhedana a. = prec.

prabhraṣṭaka n. a wreath of flowers hanging down from the crown of the head.

prabhraṣṭa a. fallen down; run away, escaped from (abl.).

pramaṇas -> pramanas.

pramati f. care, providence, protection, concr. protector.

pramatta a. intoxicated, excited; rutting, lascivious; negligent, careless about (abl., loc., or --°).

pramatha m. tormentor (a kind of goblin); N. of a man, f. ā of a woman.

pramathana (f. ī) & -thin tormenting, destroying.

pramad f. joy.

pramada [1] m. joy, pleasure, delight.

pramada [2] a. gay, merry, wanton, petulant; f. ā a wanton young woman, woman i.g.

pramadana n. amorous desire.

pramadavana n. pleasure-grove of the wives of a prince, harem's garden.

pramadājana m. a woman or women (coll).

pramadāvana n. = pramadavana.

pramadāvanapālikā f. woman guarding a harem's garden.*

pramadvara a. foolish; m. fool, f. ā woman's name.

pramanas a. loving, tender; cheerful, merry, gay.

pramantha m. rubbing-stick (to produce fire).

pramanyu a. wrathful or sorrowful.

pramaya m. perishing, death.

pramayu a. perishable.

pramara m. pramaraṇa n. death.

pramardana a. & n. crushing, destroying; m. E. of Visnu, a man's name.

pramarditṛ m. crusher, destroyer.

pramardin (--°) = pramardanana a.

pramahas a. of great might.

pramā f. basis, foundation, ground-measure, right notion or conception.

pramāṇa n. measure, scale, standard; extent, size, weight, distance, duration, prosodical length; norm, rule of action, authority; proof, argument (ph.).

pramāṇay pramāṇayati v adapt; take as authority or argument, prove, demonstrate.

pramāṇasūtra n. measuring cord.

pramāṇādhika a. beyond measure, excessive.

pramāṇīkṛ  = pramāṇay.

pramātṛ m. a person fit to perceive or judge; an authority, a proof (ph.).

pramātha m. tearing, rape (of a woman), overwhelming, destruction.

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pramāthin a. tearing, stirring, harassing; N. of a Rakṣasa & a monkey.

pramāda m. drunkenness, intoxication, negligence, carelessness.

pramādin a. neglectful, careless.

pramāpaṇa f. ī murdering; n. slaughter.

pramāyu a. = pramayu.

pramāyuka a. = pramayu.

pramāra m. dying, death.

pramārjaka a. wiping off, destroying.

pramārjana n. abstr. to prec.

pramita a. meted out, measured, limited, little, few; (--°) measuring, of such and such extent or size; n. a hall.

pramitākṣarā f. N. of a metre.

pramiti f. correct notion, true knowledge or inference.

pramīta a. deceased, dead; -patikā f. whose husband is dead, a widow.

pramīti f. ruin, destruction, death.

pramukti f. liberation.

pramukha (f. ī*) turning the face towards, facing (acc.); foremost, first, principal, best; often --° having as first or chief, headed by, -- and so on. °-- before one's face, publicly; loc. & -tas as prep. w. gen. or --°.

pramugdha a. fainted, unconscious; very charming.

pramud f. joy, pleasure, esp. sensual pl.

pramudita a. glad, merry, gay; n. joy, delight.

pramūḍha a. bewildered, unconscious, foolish, stupid, dull.

pramṛḍa a. gracious, kind.

pramṛṇa a. destroying.

pramṛta a. dead; n. death.

pramṛśa a. touching.

pramṛṣṭa a. polished, clean, bright; smeared with (instr.); wiped off, removed, destroyed.

pramṛṣṭi f. smearing with (instr.).

prameya a. measurable, provable, discernible; n. object of certain knowledge, the thing to be proved.

pramoka m. liberation, deliverance.

pramokṣa m. letting fall, losing, also = prec.

pramocana a. (f. ī) & n. letting free, liberating from (--°).

pramoda m. joy, delight, a man's name.

pramodana a. gladdening, delighting; n. joy, mirth.

pramodanṛtya n. dance of joy, merry dance.

pramodin a. gladdening.

pramoṣa m. robbing, taking away.

pramoha m. bewilderment, perplexity.

pramohana (f. ī) & -hin a. bewildering, perplexing.

prayaj f. offering, oblation.

prayajyu a. rushing on, impetuous.

prayata a. stretched or held out, far-reaching; placed upon (loc.); offered, given, returned; restrained, composed, well-prepared, purified, pure (r.).

prayatatā f. purity, holiness.

prayatātman a. pure in heart.

prayati f. offering, oblation, gift; endeavour, intention.

prayatna m. effort, endeavour, pains at (loc. or --°), activity; °--, instr., & abl. with pains, carefully; hardly, scarcely.

prayatnavant a. assiduous, careful.

prayantṛ m. giver, bringer; leader, driver.

prayamaṇa n. purification (r.).

prayas n. pleasure, enjoyment; object of enjoyment, e.g. food & drink, dainties, etc.

prayasta a. boiling over; hot, eager.

prayasvant a. having or offering enjoyment.

prayā f. onset.

prayāga m. N. of a region (lit. the place of sacrifice), pl. its inhabitants.

prayācana n. imploring.

prayāja m. fore-offering (r.).

prayāṇa n. setting out, starting, going forth; journey, march; onset, beginning.

prayāman n. setting out or moving on.

prayāsa m. -sita n. effort, exertion.

prayukta a. yoked, used, employed, acted, proceeded (n. impers.), lent; usual, answering to the purpose.

prayukti f. impulse.

prayuj f. team of horses; impulse, activity, acquisition.

prayuta n. a million.

prayuddha n. fight, combat.

prayudh a. attacking.

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prayoktavya a. = prayojya.

prayoktṛ m. hurler, archer; employer, executor; agent (g.); performer (d.); lender on interest; speaker, reciter, author, poet.

prayoga m. hurling, throwing, position or addition (of a word); employment, use, practice; usual form (g.); means (only instr. plur. by means of); commencement, beginning, enterprise, execution; device, plan, contrivance; offering, bestowing; lending at interest or the invested capital; recitation, delivery, performance, representation.

prayoganipuṇa a. clever in practice.*

prayogin a. being employed, usual.

prayojaka f. -jikā causing, effecting, essential; m. author (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.), composer, lender, creditor.

prayojana n. cause, reason, motive, aim, purpose, use of (instr.). -- kiṃ (or bhavatu*) prayojanaṃ what is the use of, enough of (instr.); kena prayojanena, *kasmai-nāya, (also *abl., *gen. & *loc.) the same.

prayojya a. to be shot off, to be used, employed, recited, performed.

prayotṛ m. remover.

prarakṣaṇa n. protecting.

praruja m. N. of a Rākṣasa.

prarūḍha a. grown up, grown with (--°); strong, old; born or sprung from (--°).

prarūḍhi f. growth, increase.

prareka m. -prarecana n. abundance, superfluity.

prarocana (f. ī) & n. inciting, seducing.

prarodhana n. ascending.

praroha m. -ṇa n. growing or shooting forth (lit. & fig.); sprout, shoot, twig.

prarohin a. shooting up from (--°).

pralapana n. prattling, talking.

pralapita n. talk, chaff; lament, wail.

pralamba a. hanging down, pendulous; m. N. of a Daitya etc.

pralambakeśa a. whose hair hangs down.

pralambin a. = pralamba a.

pralambha m. gain, acquisition, also = seq.

pralambhana n. taking in, deceiving.

pralaya m. dissolution, destruction, esp. of the universe; -ghana m. & -dahana m. the cloud and the fire causing the end of the world.

pralayana n. layer, bed.

pralava m. part cut off, chip, fragment.

pralavana n. cutting off, mowing.

pralāpa m. talk, prattle, chattering, unintelligible or delirious speech; lament (also n.).

pralāpavant poss. to prec.

pralāpin poss. to prec.

pralīna a. vanished, gone, dead; dissolved i.e. tired, wearied.

pralobha m. seduction.

pralobhaka m. seducer (N. of a jackal).

pralobhana a. (f. ī) & n. seducing, alluring.

pralobhya a. to be desired, attractive.

prava a. hovering, soaring.

pravaktavya a. to be announced or taught.

pravaktṛ m. speaker, announcer, expounder, teacher.

pravacana m. = pravaktṛ; n. speaking, announcing, recitation, exposition, sacred writings, esp. the Brahmanas.

pravacanapaṭu a. skilled in speaking, eloquent.

pravacanīya a. to be recited.

pravaṇa s. slope, steep descent, precipice, gulf, depth; a. declined, bent, sloping towards (--°); prone, inclined or attached to (loc., dat., gen., infin., or --°).

pravat f. slope of a mountain, sloping path, easy or rapid course; instr. sgl. & pl. downwards or rapidly.

pravatvant a. poss. to prec.

pravada a. sounding forth (drum); m. proclaimer, herald.

pravadana n. announcement.

pravant a. directed forwards or towards.

pravapaṇa [1] n. shaving (of the beard).

pravapaṇa [2] n. sowing.

pravayas a. advanced in age; robust, vigorous; aged, old.

pravara [1] m. cover, upper garment.

pravara [2] m. call, either a summons of a Brahman to priestly functions or an invocation of Agni; a line of ancestors (so named in such an invocation) or a member of it.

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pravara [3] a. chief, principal, best of (gen. or --°), the eldest son; higher, better, greater than (abl.); distinguished by (--°).

pravarajana m. a person of quality.

pravarga m. a cert. sacrificial vessel.

pravargya m. a cert. ceremony introductory to the Soma sacrifice.

pravartaka a. proceeding (--°); setting in motion or activity, causing, effecting, promoting, furthering; m. promoter, prompter, instigator.

pravartana n. moving forwards or onwards, coming forth from (abl.), arising, appearing, happening; acting, dealing with (instr. or loc.); causing, producing, fetching, applying, introducing.

pravartanīya a. to be applied or begun.

pravartitavya n. impers. (it is) to be proceeded.

pravartin a. coming or streaming forth, moving on, flowing, active, busy; causing, effecting, applying, introducing.

pravardhaka f. -rdhikā augmenting, increasing (--°).

pravardhana a. the same.

pravarṣa m. -ṇa n. rain.

pravasatha n. setting out, leaving (pl. w. abl.).

pravasana n. setting out, departing, dying.

pravaha a. carrying (--°); m. a cert. wind.

pravahaṇa n. letting go, marrying (a girl); any vehicle, carriage, ship (also f. ī, adj. --° f. ā).

pravahaṇabalīvarda m. draught-ox.*

pravahaṇabhaṅga m. shipwreck.

pravahaṇavāhaka m. coachman, driver.*

pravahaṇika m. the same.*

pravācana n. proclamation, praise.

pravācya a. to be proclaimed, praiseworthy.

pravāta (a. windy*); n. a draught of air or an airy place.

pravātaśayana n. an airy couch.

pravāteja a. grown in an airy place.

pravātejā a. grown in an airy place.

pravāda m. speaking out, expressing, naming, mentioning, saying, talk, rumour; pl. ill report, slander, calumny.

pravādin a. speaking out, telling.

pravāpin a. sowing upon (--°).

pravāra m. cover, cloth.

pravāraṇa n. satisfying, gratifying.

pravārya a. to be satisfied.

pravāla m. n. shoot, sprout, coral.

pravāsa m. the being abroad or on a journey; acc. w. gam go abroad.

pravāsana n. sending abroad, banishment.

pravāsin a. being abroad or on a journey.

pravāsya a. to be sent abroad or banished.

pravāha m. stream, current, course, continuance, series.

pravāhaṇa a. & n. carrying off, driving forth.

pravāhin a. carrying, drawing, flowing; m. beast for draught.

pravikta a. shaken, trembling.

pravikhyāta a. universally known, renowned as (nom.).

pravitata a. extended, wide; performed, accomplished; numerous, various.

pravid f. knowledge, wisdom.

praviddha a. hurled, cast away, scattered, dispersed, spilt; omitted given up.

pravidvas a. knowing, wise.

pravibhakta a. distributed, divided, separate.

pravibhāga m. division, part, portion.

pravirala a. rare, isolated, very few.

pravivikta a. separated, detached, single or simple, solitary.

praviviktabhuj a. enjoying the simple (ph.).

praviṣṭa a. entered (act. & pass), come into or being in, turned towards, intent upon (acc., loc., or --°).

praviṣṭaka n. (only instr.) entrance (d.).

pravīṇa a. clever, versed in, familiar with (loc or --°); abstr. -tā f.

pravīra m. great hero, chief among (gen. or --°).

pravṛtta a. having turned forward, advanced, set out, come forth, arisen, appeared, happened; being, existing; (having) begun, going to, intending (infin., dat., loc., or --°); occupied with, devoted to, engaged in (loc. or --°); acting, proceeding; interested, done on purpose (karman).

pravṛttapāraṇa n. N. of a cert. ceremony (r.).*

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pravṛtti f. coming forth, rising, appearance, origin; progress, advance, activity, endeavour, application or devotion to, occupation or dealing with (loc. or --°); acting, proceeding; use, employment; continuance, validity of a rule (g.); fate, destiny; news, tidings.

pravṛttivacana a. expressing activity.

pravṛddha a. grown up, adult, developed, mature; strong, great, large, high, mighty, old.

pravṛddhi f. growth, increase, prosperity, welfare.

pravedana n. making known, announcing.

pravedin a. knowing well (--°).

pravepa m. -na n. trembling, shaking.

pravepin a. trembling.

praveśa m. entering, ingress, penetration; entrance (d.).

praveśaka (adj. --°) = prec.; a kind of interlude (d.).

praveśana n. entering, going into (loc., gen., or --°), sexual intercourse.

praveśin a. entering (--°).

praveśya a. to be entered or introduced.

praveṣṭavya a. = prec.; n. impers.

praveṣṭṛ m. who enters into (--°).

pravoḍhṛ (ḷhṛ) m. who carries off (gen. or --°).

pravrajita a. gone abroad; m. religious mendicant, ascetic.

pravrajyā f. going abroad, emigration (also -jya n.); retirement into solitude, the order of a religious mendicant or ascetic.

pravraska m. a cut.

pravrāj m. religious mendicant.

pravrāja m. the bed of a river.

pravrājaka m. religious mendicant; f. -jikā female ascetic.

pravrājana n. expulsion, banishment.

pravrājin a. running after (--°); m. = pravrājaka m.

praśaṃsana n. -sā f. commendation, praise, eulogy.

praśaṃsin a. commending, praising (--°).

praśaṃsopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

praśaṃsya a. to be praised, better than (abl.).

praśama m. calmness, tranquillity (esp. of the mind), ceasing, disappearance, extinction (of fire).

praśamana a. & n. tranquillizing, suppressing, healing, securing.

praśardha a. valiant, bold.

praśas f. axe, hatchet, knife.

praśasta a. praised, extolled, commended or commendable, good, better, best, auspicious, lucky; abstr. -tva n.

praśastavacana n. pl. commendatory words, praises.

praśasti f. praise, eulogy, panegyric; direction, guidance.

praśastikṛt a. giving praise, praising.

praśasya a. praiseworthy, commendable, excellent; abstr. -tā f.

praśākhā f. branch, limb (of the body).

praśākhikā f. a small branch or bough.

praśānta a. tranquillized, quiet, calm, indifferent; extinguished, removed, ceased, disappeared, gone, died.

praśāntatā f. tranquillity of mind.

praśānti f. becoming tranquil or calm, quiet, rest, ceasing, vanishing, extinction, destruction, also = prec.

praśāsana n. direction, guidance, government, dominion.

praśāsitṛ m. governor, ruler.

praśāstṛ m. director (a class of priests).

praśithila a. very loose.

praśiṣṭi f. direction, command.

praśis f. direction, command.

praśna [1] m. question, demand, inquiry, controversy; task, lesson.

praśna [2] m. basket-work, a plaited basket.

praśnakathā f. a tale ending with a question.

praśnapūrvaka a. beginning with a question.

praśnay praśnayati v inquire after (2 acc.).

praśnākhyāna n. du. question and answer.

praśnin m. inquirer.

praśnottara n. question and answer.

praśnottaramālā f. garland of questions and answers, T. of a work.

praśraya m. -ṇa n. respectful demeanour, civility, modesty.

praśrayavant poss. to prec. m.

praśrayin poss. to prec. m.

praśrita a. modest, humble, n. adv.; secret mysterious.

praśliṣṭa a. twisted (a kind of Samdhi).

praśleṣa m. twisting together, close contact, euphonic coalition of vowels.

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praṣṭavya a. to be asked or inquired into.

praṣṭi m. side-horse; bystander, companion.

praṣṭṛ m. inquirer.

praṣṭha a. standing in front, preceding, best of (--°); m. foreman, leader.

prasakta a. attached or devoted to, turned upon, connected or endowed with (loc. or --°); absol. clinging to objects, worldly, enamoured; following, resulting; lasting, constant. °-- & n. adv.

prasakti f. adherence, attachment, devotion, inclination; bearing upon, applicability.

prasaṅga m. = prec. + union, connection, business with (adj. --° connected with); occurrence of a possibility, case, event, occasion, opportunity. Instr., abl., & loc. occasionally, incidentally; on the occasion, on account, or in the course of (--°).

prasaṅgavant a. occasional, incidental.

prasaṅgin a. attached or devoted to, dependent on (--°); belonging to something else, secondary, unessential, also = prec.

prasatta a. satisfied, pleased with (--°).

prasatti f. grace, favour.

prasanna a. clear, bright, pure; distinct, plain, just; propitiated, pleased, delighted, content; gracious or kind to (loc., gen., or acc. w. prati). -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

prasannajala a. containing clear water.

prasannatarka a. thinking just.

prasannaprāya a. almost plain or just.

prasannamukha a. having a tranquil face.

prasannarasa a. clear-juiced.

prasannasalila a. = prasannajala.

prasannātman a. of gracious or tranquil mind.

prasabha (°--) & prasabham adv. forcibly, violently.

prasabhadamana n. violent subduing.

prasara m. coming forth, rising, appearing, spreading, free course, bold behaviour; flood, stream, multitude.

prasaraṇa n. running away, escape.

prasarga m. rushing forth, discharge, emission.

prasalavi adv. to the right.

prasava [1] m. pressing out the Soma.

prasava [2] m. urging, setting or getting in motion, impulse, animation; furtherance, assistance; activity, pursuit; impeller, vivifier.

prasava [3] m. procreation, generation, conception, bringing forth, childbirth; birthplace; offspring, blossom, flower.

prasavana n. bringing forth; fecundity.

prasavavedanā f. the pangs of childbirth, throes.

prasavitṛ [1] m. impeller, promoter.

prasavitṛ [2] m. procreator, father.

prasavin a. bringing forth, producing.

prasavītṛ m. = prasavitṛ1.

prasavya a. directed to the left; n. adv.

prasah (prasāh) a. overpowering.

prasaha a. & m. bearing, resisting (--°).

prasahya [1] ger. forcibly, by force.

prasahya [2] a. to be resisted or overpowered.

prasahvan a. overpowering.

prasāda m. clearness, brightness, serenity, calmness, tranquillity, kindness, grace, favour, aid, assistance, gratuity, present.

prasādaka a. clearing, soothing, propitiating, gladdening, comforting.

prasādana a. (f. ī) & n. the same.

prasādayitavya a. to be propitiated.

prasādavitta a. rich in favour; m. favourite.

prasādasumukha a. inclined to do grace.

prasādin a. clear, bright; brightening (--°).

prasādīkṛ favour or present a person (gen.) with (acc.).

prasādya a. = prasādayitavya.

prasādhaka f. -dhikā dressing, adorning; man-or maid-servant.

prasādhana a. accomplishing; n. bringing about, arranging, ornament, dress, -kalā* f. the art of dressing or decorating. -- f. ī comb.

prasāra m. stretching, spreading, rising.

prasāraṇa n. stretching, spreading, exhibiting, showing, increasing, augmenting.

prasārin a. coming forth, flowing from (--°); stretching, extending to (--°).

prasita [1] a. devoted to, intent upon, anxious about (loc. or *instr.).

prasita [2] a. flying along.

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prasiti f. track, path, course, stretch, reach, dominion, continuation, duration.

prasiddha a. accomplished, brought in order, arranged, settled; famous, celebrated; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

prasiddhi f. success, accomplishment, perfection; celebrity, notoriety.

prasut a. flowing forth (from the press); f. continued pressing of Soma.

prasuta a. (having) pressed out continually; n. = prec. f.

prasuti f. = prec. n.

prasup a. sleeping, asleep.

prasupta a. fallen asleep, sleeping, senseless, at rest.

prasū n. bearing, bringing forth (--°), fruitful. f. mother; shoot, young grass or herb.

prasūta a. born, brought forth (f. ā also act.), produced, sprung from (abl., gen., or --°), in (loc.); sent forth, impelled, bidden, allowed.

prasūti f. bringing forth, bearing, birth, production, coming forth, growth; f. father or mother, child, offspring, grown fruit; urging, impelling, bidding, permission.

prasūtikā f. having brought forth recently.

prasūtivikala a. having no progeny.

prasūna n. bud, blossom, fruit.

prasūnamālā f. garland of flowers.

prasūmant (f. prasūvarī) furnished with flowers.

prasūvan (f. prasūvarī) furnished with flowers.

prasṛta a. streamed or broken forth, spread, extensive, mighty strong, widely spread, common, usual; run away, fled. -- m. the stretched out and hollowed hand (also as a measure.)

prasṛti f. streaming, flowing, also = prec. m.

praseka m. flowing forth, discharge; the bowl of a spoon or ladle.

prasena m. names of sev. princes.

prasenajit m. names of sev. princes.

prastabdha a. stiff, rigid.

prastara m. stramentum, layer, straw; bunch of grass (r.); surface, plain; stone, rock.

prastava m. praise, eulogy.

prastāra m. spreading, extension, high degree; straw, cushion, bed, layer, plain, surface.

prastārapaṅkti f. N. of a metre.

prastārin a. spreading, stretching over (--°).

prastāva m. mentioning, subject or opportunity of conversation, opportunity i.g., occasion of (--°); introduction (r.); prologue (d.). -- Instr. occasionally, by the bye.

prastāvanā f. announcing, proclaiming; introduction, prologue (cf. prec.).

prastīrṇa a. spread, extended, flat.

prastuta a. praised, mentioned, in question, commenced, begun; n. beginning, purpose.

prastuti f. praise.

prastotṛ m. a class of priests.

prastha m. n. table-land on a mountain, surface, plain; a cert. weight & measure.

prasthāna n. going forth, setting out, departure.

prasthāvan a. hastening on, rapid.

prasthita a. standing ready (to sacrifice), rising; prominent, appointed (to an office); started, set out, having left for (acc. ±prati, dat., or loc.).

prasthiti f. = prasthāna.

prasnava m. what flows forth, esp. milk or urine, pl. tears.

prasnigdha a. very slippery, soft, or delicate.

prasphuṭa a. manifest, clear.

prasyanda m. -na n. flowing forth.

prasyandin adj. to prec.

prasrava m. the flowing forth, esp. of the milk from the udder, also the milk itself; gush, flood, stream.

prasravaṇa n. flowing fort, efflux; spring (also m.).

prasvādas a. pleasant, charming.

prasveda m. sweat, perspiration.

prahati f. stroke, throw.

prahara m. a watch i.e. a period of about 3 hours (lit. a stroke, scil. on a gong).

praharaṇa n. striking, beating, fighting, war, battle, weapon.

prahartavya a. to be struck or assailed; n. impers.

prahartṛ m. sender, striker, assailant, champion.

praharṣa m. great joy, delight, rapture.

praharṣaṇa a. making stiff (the hairs of the body) i.e. exciting, gladdening; n. erection (of the hairs); delighting or delight.

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praharṣin a. gladdening (cf. prec.).

prahasana n. laughing, mocking; n. a kind of comedy or farce.

prahasta [1] m. the outstretched hand.

prahasta [2] a. long handed; m. N. of a Rakṣas etc.

prahā f. start, advantage.

prahāṇa n. -ṇi f. ceasing, vanishing.

prahāra m. stroke, blow, shot.

prahārin a. striking, fighting; m. warrior, hero.

prahāsa m. laughter, sarcasm; p. -sin.

prahi m. a well.

prahīṇa a. left alone, deprived of, wanting (--°); vanished, gone.

prahuta m. a kind of sacrifice.

prahuti f. oblation, sacrifice.

prahṛṣṭa a. rigid, erect; delighted, joyful, glad.

prahṛṣṭamanas a. rejoiced in mind.

praheti m. weapon, spear.

prahetṛ m. impeller.

prahoṣa m. -ṣin a. offering.

prahrāda m. N. of the chief of the Asuras.

prahlāda m. refreshment, comfort, joy, happiness; N. of a Daitya, also = prec. pl. N. of a people.

prahlādana a. (f. ī) & n. refreshing, gladdening.

prahlādin a. = prec. adj.

prahva a. bent forwards, stooping; humble.

prā pp. prāta1 = pṛ1; prā2 = pra2 (--°).

prāṃśu a. tall, high.

prāk -> prāñc.

prākāra m. encircling wall, rampart.

prākārakhaṇḍa m. a piece or the ruins of a wall.*

prākārastha a. standing on a wall.

prākṛta f. ā & ī natural, normal, usual, common, vulgar, vernacular; n. the vulgar language, the Prakrit.

prākṛtabhāṣin a. speaking the vulgar language.

prākchāya n. the falling of a shadow towards the east.

prāktana f. ī former, previous, ancient.

prāktas adv. from the front or from the east.

prāktāt adv. from the front or from the east.

prāktūla a. having the points turned towards the east (blades of grass).

prākprastuta a. mentioned before.

prākśas adv. eastward.

prāgagra a. having the point directed to the front or to the east.

prāganurāga m. the former affection.

prāgalbhī f. -lbhya n. confidence, boldness.

prāgavasthā f. the former condition.

prāguttara a. north-eastern; prāguttareṇa & prāguttaratas north-east of (abl. or gen.). f. ā the north-east.

prāgudañc a. north-eastern; f. -dīcī = prec. f.

prāgūḍhā f. having been married before.

prāggamanavant a. moving forwards.

prāggrīva a. having the neck turned eastward.

prāgjanman n. a former birth.

prāgjāta n. -jāti f. the same.

prāgdakṣiṇa a. south-eastern; -ṇā adv.

prāgbhāra m. slope, inclination (lit. & fig.), mass, heap.

prāgra n. the extreme point; -sara a. first of all, best of (gen.).

prāgvat adv. as before.

prāghuṇa m. guest.

prāghuṇaka m. guest.

prāghuṇika m. guest.

prāghūrṇa m. the same.

prāghūrṇaka m. the same.

prāghūrṇika m. = prec.; n. hospitable reception.

prāṅ -> prāñc.

prāṅgaṇa n. fore-court, court-yard.

prāṅgana n. fore-court, court-yard.

prāṅmukha f. ī facing the east; inclined towards (--°); abstr. -tva n.

prācaṇḍya n. violence, passion.

prācīna a. turned forward or eastward; former, prior, ancient, old; n. adv. forwards, in front or to the east of, before (abl.).

prācīnāvīta n. & -tin a. wearing the sacred cord over the right shoulder.

prācurya n. multitude, plenty.

prācetasa m. patron. from pracetas.

prācais (instr. adv.) forwards.

prācya a. being in front, eastern, former, ancient; m. pl. the ancients or the inhabitants of the east.

prāch m. (nom. prāṭ) inquirer.

prājaka m. driver.

prājāpatya a. coming from or belonging to Prajapati; m. (± vivāha) a. cert. form of marriage; n. procreative power.

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prājika m. falcon.

prājña a. intellectual; intelligent, wise, clever (abstr. -tva n.). m. a wise man.

prājñamānin a. thinking one's self wise.

prājñaṃmānin a. thinking one's self wise.

prājya a. abundant, much, great, important.

prājyakāma a. having plenty of enjoyments.

prājyavṛṣṭi a. giving plenty of rain.

prāñc f. prācī turned forwards, being in front, facing; turned eastwards, easterly; previous, former; m. pl. the eastern (people or grammarians). Acc. w. kṛ bring, offer, promote, further; w. kalpay turn one's front towards. n. prāk (prāṅ) in front, before (w. abl. of pl. & t.); eastward, in the east of (abl.); formerly, previously, first, at first, from now. Instr. prācā forwards; abl. prācas from the front. f. prācī (±diś) the east.

prāñjala a. straight, plain; abstr. -tā f.

prāñjali (f. -li or -lī) making hollow hands (cf. añjali).

prāḍvivāka m. judge.

prāṇa m. breath, esp. vital breath, vitality; wind, esp. one of the winds in the human body; pl. life, the vital organs or organs of sensation.

prāṇakarman n. a vital function.

prāṇakṛcchra n. danger of life.

prāṇatyāga m. abandonment of life.

prāṇatrāṇa n. saving a life.

prāṇatha m. breathing.

prāṇada a. giving or saving life.

prāṇadātṛ a. giving or saving life.

prāṇadhāraṇa n. support or prolongation of life.

prāṇana a. & n. vivifying; n. also breathing.

prāṇanātha m. lord of life, i.e. husband, lover.

prāṇanānta m. death (end of life).

prāṇanāśa m. death (loss of life).

prāṇanigraha m. checking the breath.

prāṇaparityāga m. = prāṇatyāga.

prāṇaprada a. saving or having saved a person's life.

prāṇapriya a. dear as life; m. husband, lover.

prāṇabhṛt a. supporting life, alive; m. living creature, man.

prāṇamant a. vigorous, strong.

prāṇamaya a. consisting of breath, breathing.

prāṇayātrā f. support of life, subsistence.

prāṇayātrikamātra a. having only what is necessary for the support of life.

prāṇayuta a. endowed with life, living.

prāṇalābha m. saving of life.

prāṇalipsu a. wishing to save a life.

prāṇalābha m. preservation of life.

prāṇavant a. having breath, living, vigorous, strong.

prāṇavṛtti f. vital function, activity.

prāṇavyaya m. loss of life.

prāṇasama a. dear as (lit. equal to) life.

prāṇasāra a. full of life, vigorous.

prāṇahara a. robbing life, destructive.

prāṇahāraka a. robbing life, destructive.

prāṇahārin a. robbing life, destructive.

prāṇahīna a. robbed of life, lifeless.

prāṇātyaya m. danger of life.

prāṇādhika a. dearer than life.

prāṇāpriya a. dearer than life.

prāṇānuga a. following the life of, i.e. following in death (--°).

prāṇānta [1] m. end of life, death.

prāṇānta [2] a. causing the end of life; w. daṇḍa m. punishment of death.

prāṇāntika a. = prec. a. + lifelong; n. peril of life.

prāṇāpāna m. du. inspiration and expiration.

prāṇābādha m. injury or danger of life.

prāṇāyāma m. restraining of breath.

prāṇārthin a. greedy for life.

prāṇāvarodha m. = prāṇāyāma.

prāṇitva n. abstr. to seq.

prāṇin a. having breath or life; m. living creature, man or animal.

prāṇivadha m. killing a living creature.

prāṇeśa m. lord of life, i.e. husband, lover; f. ā wife, mistress.

prāṇeśvara m. ī f. the same.

prātaḥkārya n. morning ceremony.

prātaḥkṛtya n. morning ceremony.

prātar adv. early, in the morning, to-morrow.

prātarabhivāda m. morning salutation.

prātaraśana n. morning-meal, breakfast.

prātarahṇa m. early morning.

prātarāśa m. morning-meal, breakfast; -śita a. who has breakfasted.

prātarāhuti f. morning oblation.

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prātaryajña m. early sacrifice.

prātaryukta a. yoked early in the morning.

prātaścandra m. the moon in the morning, -dyuti a. having the colour of it i.e. pale.

prātastana a. matutinal; n. morning.

prātastya a. = prec. a.

prātaḥsaṃdhyā f. morning twilight, dawn.

prātaḥsava m. -savana n. the morning libation of Soma.

prātikūlika a. opposed to, adverse, inimical, abstr. -tā f. & -kūlya n.

prātipadika a. explicit; n. the crude form or base of a noun, abstr. -tva n.

prātibhāvya n. surety (j.).

prātilomya n. inverted order; instr. adv.

prātiveśika m. neighbour.

prātiveśmika m. neighbour.

prātiveśya a. neighbouring; m. a neighbour living opposite, neighbour i.g.

prātiśākhya n. a cert. class of works.

prātiśrutka a. being in the echo.

prātyakṣika a. perceptible by the senses.

prāthamakalpika a. being the first in rank or importance.

prāthamika a. primary, first.

prāthamya n. priority.

prādakṣiṇya n. circumambulation from the left to the right.

prādurbhāva m. the becoming visible, rising, appearance.

prāduṣkaraṇa n. the making visible, production.

prādus adv. forth to view, into sight. With as & bhū become visible, appear, rise; w. kṛ make visible, reveal, show.

prādoṣa a. vespertine.

prādoṣika a. vespertine.

prādhānika a. predominant, chief.

prādhānya n. predominance, prevalence; °--, instr., abl., & -tas adv. chiefly, principally.

prādhīta a. learned in the Veda.

prādhva m. start; -dhve kṛ place at the head of (gen.).

prādhvam adv. far away (w. kṛ lay aside); kindly, humbly.

prādhvana m. the bed of a river.

prānta m. n. edge, margin, border, point, end.

prāntara n. a long and solitary path.

prāntavṛti s. horizon.

prāpaka a. leading towards (--°), getting, procuring.

prāpaṇa f. ī leading towards (--°); n. reaching, attaining, coming, entering, getting at (loc.), gain, acquisition.

prāpaṇīya a. to be attained or brought to (acc.); abstr. -tva n.

prāpin a. reaching, getting at.

prāpta a. (having) reached or obtained; come, arrived at (--°); existing, being, often °-- whose-- is come, who has got --, provided with; following from a rule, valid, correct (g.).

prāptakāla [1] m. the arrived time, i.e. the right or favourable moment.

prāptakāla [2] a. whose time is come, seasonable, suitable, fit, proper, f. ā marriageable.

prāptajīvana a. having recovered life, saved from death.

prāptaprabhāva a. mighty (lit. having attained might).

prāptayauvana a. having attained adolescence, f. ā marriageable.

prāptarūpa a. fit, proper; learned, wise.

prāptavikalpatva n. alternativeness (g.).

prāptavya a. to be met with or attained.

prāptāparādha a. having committed a fault.

prāptārtha [1] m. the attained object.

prāptārtha [2] a. having made money.

prāptāvasara a. seasonable, suitable, proper.

prāpti f. reaching, attaining (conc. also as a superhuman faculty), arriving at, coming, entering, pervading; finding, meeting with; acquisition, rescue from (abl.), gain, profit, fortune; resulting from a rule, validity, correctness (g.).

prāptodaka a. having got water.

prāpya a. = prāptavya + fit, proper.

prābalya n. might, force.

prābhavatya n. superiority, power.

prābhākara m. a follower of Prabhākara; n. his work (ph.).

prābhṛta n. present, offering.

prābhṛtaka n. present, offering.

prāmāṇya n. the being an authority or a proof, -tas adv.

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prāya m. going forth, esp. to fight, onset; departure, esp. from life, seeking death by fasting (acc. w. ās upās āsthā kṛ etc. devote one's self to death); what is prominent, most or principal part. Adj. --° mostly consisting of, abounding in; resembling, like; nearly, as it were.

prāyaṇa a. going; n. entrance, beginning, course of or departure from life; acc. w. kṛ = prec. w. ās etc.

prāyatya n. purity (r.).

prāyaśas adv. mostly, generally, likely.

prāyaścitta n. -tti f. expiation, atonement, amends.

prāyaścittīy prāyaścittīyate v be obliged to do penance.

prāyaścittīyatā f. abstr. to prec.

prāyas adv. = prāyaśas.

prāyus n. a very long life.

prāyeṇa (instr. adv.) = prāyaśas.

prāyopagamana n. seeking death by abstaining from food.

prāyopaveśana n. seeking death by abstaining from food.

prārabdha a. (having) begun or undertaken.

prārambha m. beginning, undertaking.

prāroha m. shoot, sprout.

prārtha a. ready to set out.

prārthaka a. wooing; m. a suitor.

prārthana n. -nā f. desire, wish; requesting, begging; petition or suit for (loc. or --°).

prārthanīya a. to be asked or desired.

prārthayitṛ m. wooer, suitor.

prārthayitavya a. = prārthanīya.

prārthita a. wished, desired, wanted, asked, requested; n. wish, desire.

prārthin a. wishing, desiring, longing for; attacking (--°).

prārthya a. = prārthanīya.

prārpaṇa m. impeller.

prālamba a. hanging down; s. a kind of pearl ornament.

prālambikā f. a golden necklace.

prāleya s. hail, snow, rime, dew.

prāleyādri m. the Himalaya (snow-mountain).

prāvaraṇa n. covering, cover, cloak, mantle.

prāvarga a. distinguished, eminent.

prāvāra m. upper garment, mantle.

prāvāraka m. upper garment, mantle.

prāvitṛ m. protector, guardian.

prāvitra n. protection, guard.

prāvī a. heedful, zealous.

prāvīṇya n. cleverness, skill in (loc. or. --°).

prāvṛṭkāla m. the rainy season.

prāvṛṇmegha m. rain-cloud.

prāvṛta a. covered or filled with (instr.); put on (clothes); n. = prāvaraṇa.

prāvṛṣ f. the rainy season, the rains.

prāvṛṣa m. = prec.; adj. belonging to the rainy season, rainy.

prāvṛṣika a. = prec. adj.

prāvṛṣīṇa a. = prec. adj.

prāvṛṣeṇya a. = prec. adj.

prāvepa m. swinging, hanging down.

prāveśika f. ī relating to the entrance (d.).

prāś f. assertion in a dispute.

prāśa m. eating, food.

prāśana n. eating, feeding.

prāśastya n. excellence, perfection, high quality.

prāśā f. ardent desire.

prāśita a. eaten or drunk; m. a kind of sacrifice.

prāśitavya a. to be eaten, eatable.

prāśitṛ m. eater.

prāśitra n. the Brahman's portion of food at a sacrifice; prāśitraharaṇa n. the vessel for holding it.

prāśu a. very quick, swift.

prāśnika a. containing many questions; m. inquirer, umpire.

prāsa m. cast, throw; spear.

prāsaṅgika f. ī relating to attachment or connection; occasional, accidental.

prāsaha a. powerful, victorious; f. force, victory.

prāsaha m. power, force.

prāsāda m. lofty seat or platform for spectators, tower, upper story, palace, temple.

prāsādagarbha m. inner apartment; sleeping-room in a palace.

prāsādapṛṣṭha n. terrace on the top of a palace.

prāsādāgra n. terrace on the top of a palace.

prāstāvika f. ī introductory (d.).

prāhuṇa m. ī f. guest.

prāhuṇaka m., -ṇikā f. the same.

prāhuṇika m., -ṇikā f. the same.

prāhṇa m. morning, forenoon.

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priya a. dear, valued, pleasing to, beloved of, one's own (gen., loc., dat., or --°); loving. fond of, devoted to (loc., °--, or --°). -- m. friend, lover, husband (also priyatama), son-in-law; f. ā mistress, wife, (also priyatamā). n. love, kindness, favour, as adv. agreeably, pleasantly, instr. willingly.

priyaṃvada a. speaking, kindly; f. ā a woman's name.

priyakāma a. well-wishing, kind.

priyakāmyā f. benevolence, kindness.

priyakāra a. doing a kindness, obliging.

priyakāraka a. doing a kindness, obliging.

priyakārin a. doing a kindness, obliging.

priyakṛt (f. ī & ā) the same.

priyaṃkara (f. ī & ā) the same.

priyakṣatra a. ruling kindly.

priyaṅgu m. f. a medicinal plant and perfume.

priyacikīrṣā f. desire to do a kindness or to please; adj. -cikīrṣu.

priyajana m. the beloved person.

priyajāta a. born beloved or desired.

priyatā f. -tva n. dearness, affection, love.

priyadarśa a. pleasant to look at.

priyadarśana a. pleasant to look at.

priyadarśikā f. N. of a play & its heroine.

priyanivedana n. glad tidings.

priyanivedayitṛ (priyanivedayitṛka) m. messenger of glad tidings.*

priyanivedikā f. -ditṛ *m. = prec.

priyabandhu m. a dear friend.

priyabhāṣaṇa n. friendly speech; a. -ṣin.

priyarūpa a. pleasantly formed.

priyavacana n. & a. = priyabhāṣaṇa & priyabhāṣin.

priyavacas n. & a. = prec.

priyavasantaka m. the pleasant spring or (and) dear Vasantaka.

priyavāc [1] f. kind or pleasant speech.

priyavāc [2] a. speaking kindly or tenderly.

priyavāda m. = prec. 1, -vādin a. = prec. 2.

priyasaṃvāsa m. society of friends.

priyasakha m. ī f. a dear friend.

priyahita a. pleasant and good.

priyātithi a. kind to guests, hospitable.

priyāpriya n. sgl., du., & pl. pleasant and unpleasant things, comfort and discomfort.

priyāla m. N. of a tree.

priyālāpin a. talking kindly.

priyokti f. friendly speech.

prī prīṇāti prīṇīte prīyate1 v (ti), pp. prīta (q.v.) A. please gladden, rejoice, propitiate; also = M. be glad or cheerful, delight in, be content or pleased with, be fond of (gen., instr., loc., or abl.). C. prīṇayati = S.A.; D. priprīṣati wish to please or propitiate. --
     ā A. please, satisfy, gladden, propitiate. M. be glad, rejoice.
     sam (prīyate) be glad or cheerful, delight in (loc. or abl.). -- Cf. āprīta pariprīta saṃprīta.

prī [2] (--°) friendly to, delighting in.

prīṇana a. & n. pleasing, gratifying.

prīṇay prīṇayati v -> prī1.

prīta a. pleased, satisfied with (instr., loc., or --°), glad, cheerful; loved, dear.

prītātman a. pleased in mind.

prīti f. pleasure, satisfaction, or delight in (loc. or --°); friendship, love (also personif. as the wife of the god of love).

prītikara a. causing pleasure.

prītikarman n. labour of love.

prīticcheda m. disturbance of joy.*

prītidāna n. -dāya m. gift of love.

prītipūrvakam adv. out of love.

prītipramukha a. kind from the beginning.

prītimant a. pleased, content; feeling love or friendship for (loc., gen., or acc.); fond, kind (words); having Priti (cf. s. v.).

prītivacas n. kind talk, friendly words.

pru pravate v flow, spring up. --
     ati jump away.
     apa jump down.
     abhi jump near.
     ud jump up or forth.
     ni sputter about. -- Cf. vipruta.

pruth prothati v snort. --
     pra = S.

pruṣ pruṣṇoti pruṣṇute v (pruṣyati), pp. pruṣita sprinkle, wet, moisten. --
     abhi M. sprinkle anything on one's self.
     pari sprinkle about.
     vi drip off or down.

pruṣitapsu a. speckled, dapple.

pruṣvā f. hoar-frost, ice.

prekṣaka f. prekṣikā looking at, viewing; considering, judging.

prekṣaṇa n. look, view, sight, spectacle.

prekṣaṇaka a. looking at; m. spectator, beholder; n. spectacle, show.

prekṣaṇālambha s. looking at and touching (women).

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prekṣaṇīya a. to be seen or viewed, visible, worth seeing, sightly, beautiful; abstr. -tā f.

prekṣā f. look, view, sight, show, spectacle; consideration, reflection.

prekṣāgāra m. n., -gṛha n. play-house.

prekṣāvant a. considerate, wise.

prekṣāsamāja n. sgl. public spectacles or assemblies.

prekṣita n. look, view, glance.

prekṣitṛ m. spectator, beholder.

prekṣitavya a. to be seen.*

prekṣin a. looking at, watching (--°).

prekṣya a. = prekṣitavya + worth seeing.

preṅkha a. rocking, swinging; m. n. & f. ā a. swing.

preṅkhaṇa n. swinging.

preṅkhola a. swinging, moving to and fro; m. a swing.

preṅkholana n. swinging; a swing.

preṅkholita a. swung, moved to and fro.

preṇā instr. = premṇā, -> preman.

preta a. deceased, dead, adv. -vat; m. a ghost.

pretakarman n. funeral rite.

pretakāya m. dead body, corpse; abl. -tas.

pretakārya n. = pretakarman.

pretakṛtya n. = pretakarman.

pretagata a. gone to the dead, dead.

pretadhūma m. the smoke of a burned corpse.

pretagati f. the way of the dead; -tiṃ gata died, dead.

pretanātha m. lord of the dead (Yama).

pretapati m. lord of the dead (Yama).

pretaniryātaka m. a carrier of dead bodies.

pretapurī f. the city of the dead.

pretabhāva m. the being dead.

pretarāja m. = pretanātha.

pretaśuddhi f. the purification after a death.

pretahāra m. carrier of dead bodies.

pretādhipa m. the same.

pretādhipati m. the same.

pretānna n. the food destined for the dead.

preti f. going away, flight.

preteśa m. = pretanātha.

preteśvara m. = pretanātha.

pretya ger. after death, in the other world.

pretyabhāva m. the state after death.

pretvan f. pretvarī rushing on, straying about.

predaṇḍa m. ruffian, villain.*

predaṇḍaka m. ruffian, villain.*

prepsā f. wish to attain, adj. prepsu.

prema (adj. --°) = seq.

preman m. n. love, affection, kindness.

premabandha m. -na n. the ties of love.

premābandha m. = prec.

premārdra a. overflowing with love.

preyaṃs (compar.) dearer, more valued or wished for; m. & f. preyasī the beloved one; n. joy, happiness.

preraka a. & m. impelling, impeller.

preraṇa n. ā f. impulse, activity.

preraṇīya a. to be urged on or incited.

preritṛ m. inciter, impeller.

preṣ f. pressing, urging on.

preṣa m. impulse, zeal.

preṣaṇa n. sending forth, commissioning, order, command; -kṛt a. executing an order.

preṣṭha (superl.) most dear or beloved, very pleasant. m. lover, husband. f. ā mistress, wife.

preṣya a. to be sent. m. & f. ā man- & maid-servant; n. service, order, command.

preṣyajana m. servant (also collect.).

preṣyatā f. -tva n. servitude, service.

preṣyabhāva m. the same.

praiṣa m. request, direction, command.

praiṣya m. ā f., man- or maid-servant; n. praiṣya servitude.

praiṣyajana m. = preṣyajana & -bhāva.

praiṣyabhāva m. = preṣyajana & -bhāva.

prokta a. spoken to, addressed; said, uttered, announced, declared, stated, mentioned, called.

prokṣa m. sprinkling (r.).

prokṣaṇa n. the same; f. -ṇī water for sprinkling, holy water.

prokṣitavya a. to be sprinkled.

proccais (instr. adv.) very loudly or intensely.

proñch -> uñcha.

proñchana n. wiping out (lit. & fig.).

prota a. tied, strung; pierced, put on (a spit); set, inlaid.

proti m. N. of a man.

protkaṭa a. very great or high, chief.

prottuṅga a. very high or lofty.

protthita a. broken forth, appeared (leaf); sprung from (--°).

protphulla a. widely expanded, full-blown.

protsāha m. great effort, zeal, ardour.

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protsāhana n. instigation, stimulation.

protha s. the nostrils of a horse or the snout of a hog.

prothatha m. snorting, panting.

prodaka a. dripping, wet.

prodyata a. lifted up, raised (voice); going or about to (infin.).

pronnata a. raised up, prominent, very high, superior in (--°).

proṣa m. burning.

proṣita a. away from home, abroad, absent; vanished, gone, dead.

proṣṭha m. bench, stool; pl. N. of a people.

proṣṇa a. burning hot.

proṣya a. wandering, roaming.

prauḍha a. grown up, full-grown, mature, developed; adult, buxom (woman), confident, bold; great, mighty, strong; full of, rich in (--°).

prauḍhatva n. confidence, audacity.

prauḍhapāda a. holding the feet in a cert. position (r.).

prauḍhācāra a. of confident or audacious behaviour.

prauḍhi f. growth, maturity, also = prauḍhatva.

prauṣṭhapada m. a cert. month, f. ī the full-moon's day in it.

plakṣa m. the holy fig-tree.

plati m. N. of a man.

plava a. swimming, floating, verging towards (--°), perishable. -- m. boat, raft (also n.), a kind of duck, swimming, bathing, flood; jump, leap.

plavaga m. frog or ape (lit. going by leaps).

plavaṃga m. ape; -ma m. frog or ape (cf. prec.).

plavana a. sloping towards (--°); n. swimming, bathing in (--°), flying, jumping over (--°).

plavitṛ m. leaper.

plākṣa a. coming from the holy fig-tree.

plāva m. flowing over; jump.

plāvana n. bathing, ablution.

plāvin a. flowing from; spreading, promulgating (--°).

plāśi m. sgl. & pl. a cert. part of the intestines.

plāśuka a. growing swiftly again.

plihan m. plīhā f. the spleen.

plīhan m. plīhā f. the spleen.

plu plavate v (plavati), pp. pluta (q.v.) float, swim, bathe, sail; vibrate, hover, soar, fly; blow (wind), pass away (time); spring, jump, dance. C. plāvayati te make float or swim, inundate, overflow, cover with (instr.), bathe, cleanse, wash away, remove. I. poplūyate swim about. --
     abhi sail or move towards (acc.), spring or hasten near, attack, visit.
     samabhi inundate, submerge, attack, visit.
     ava immerse; jump down or off.
     ā bathe, plunge, or wash (tr. & intr.); overflow, inundate, cover; jump near, over, up, or off. C. = S. tr.; M. also bathe (intr.).
     upanyā swim near or towards (acc.).
     samā bathe (intr.); overflow, cover thoroughly.
     ud spring up, emerge, rise.
     upa swim on the surface, float upon, hover towards, overflow, cover, veil, eclipse, attack, assail.
     pari swim about, bathe; flood, inundate; soar about, fly through; spring about, move restlessly, waver, go astray.
     pra go to sea (acc.); C. cause to float away, wash or flood with water.
     vi go asunder, be dispersed, fall into disorder, go astray, be ruined, perish. C. make swim; flood, inundate; spread abroad, divulge; ruin, destroy.
     sam flow together, gather, contract (intr.); fluctuate, waver (mind). C. gather, contract (trans.), flood, inundate. -- Cf. abhiparipluta (add.), abhipluta āpluta upapluta prapluta vipluta saṃpluta.

pluta a. floated, bathed, inundated, overflowed, covered or filled with (instr. or --°); protracted (g.); flown, jumped, n. leap, jump.

pluti f. overflowing, flood; leap, jump; prolation (g.).

pluṣ ploṣati v pp. pluṣṭa burn, singe.

pluṣi m. a kind of insect.

pleṅkha m. swing.

plota s. cloth, rag.

ploṣa m. burning, conflagration.

ploṣaṇa a. burning, singeing (--°).

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ploṣin a. burning, singeing (--°).

psara (--°) shyness, shame.

psaras [1] (--°) the same.

psaras [2] n. food, feast, enjoyment.

psā psāti v pp. psāta chew, devour.

psu [1] (--°) food.

psu [2] (--°) form, aspect.

psuras n. food, fruit.

phakk phakkati v swell.

phañjī f. N. of a plant.

phaṭ interj. & mystic syllable.

phaṭā f. the hood of a serpent.

phaṇ phaṇati v spring. C. phāṇayati cause to spring or run.

phaṇa m. scum, froth; the hood of a serpent (also f. ā).

phaṇadhara m. hooded serpent, snake i.g.

phaṇabhṛt m. hooded serpent, snake i.g.

phaṇavant a. hooded; m. = prec.

phaṇābhṛt a. & m. the same.

phaṇāvant a. & m. the same.

phaṇi m. serpent.

phaṇin m. = prec., E. of Rāhu & PataJjali.

phaṇipati m. serpent-king, E. of Śeṣa.

phaṇīndra m. = prec.

phaṇīśa m. = prec.

phaṇīśvara m. = prec.

phal phalati v pp. phulla1 (q.v.) burst, split (intr.). --
     ud burst out, rush forth. C. utphālayati tear open, open wide (eyes).
     prati rebound, be reflected.
     vi & sam burst or split asunder. -- Cf. utphulla praphulla protphulla samutphulla saṃphulla.

phal phalati phalate v pp. phalita2 (q.v.) fruit, bear fruit, have results or consequences, be fulfilled. --
     prati & vi bear fruit, ripen, be accomplished.

phal [3] interj. = phaṭ.

phala n. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) fruit, esp. of a tree, kernel, testicle; fruit i.e. result, profit, gain, reward or punishment, compensation, interest on capital; tablet, board, blade, point of an arrow. f. ā & ī names of plants.

phalaka (adj. --° f. -likā) result, advantage.* gain; abstr. -tva n. -- phalaka n. tablet, board etc. = phala + a wooden bench, the palm of the hands, shield.

phalakośa m. sgl. & du. the scrotum.

phalagraha a. & m. deriving fruit or profit.

phalagrahi a. fruit-bearing, fruitful.

phalagrahiṣṇu a. fruit-bearing, fruitful.

phalatas adv. concerning the fruit or reward.

phalatā f. -tva n. the state of fruit.

phalada a. yielding fruit or profit.

phaladarbhodaka n. fruit, Darbha grass, and water.

phalanirvṛtti f. fulfilment of consequences, final retribution.

phalapāka m. the ripening of fruit or the fulness of consequences.

phalapākānta a. perishing after the ripening of its fruit (plant).

phalapātana n. causing a fruit to fall.

phalaprada a. bringing gain or a reward.

phalaprāpti f. obtaining a result, success.

phalabandhin a. forming fruit.

phalabhāga m. share in any product, advantage, or reward; poss. -gin.

phalabhūmi f. the land of retribution.

phalabhṛt a. fruit-bearing, fruitful.

phalamiśra a. accompanied by fruits.*

phalayoga m. remuneration, reward.

phalavant a. fruitful, yielding results or advantages; abstr. -vattā f., -vattva n.

phalasādhana n. obtaining a result.

phalasiddhi f. success, prosperity.

phalahaka m. board, plank.

phalahetu a. having results for a motive.

phalākāṅkṣin a. desirous of results or consequences.

phalāgama m. autumn (arrival of fruits).

phalāḍhya a. rich in fruit (tree).

phalārthin a. wishing for fruits or a reward.

phalāśin a. living on fruits.

phalāhāra a. living on fruits.

phaliga m. receptacle for water; barrel, cask, etc., fig. a cloud.

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phalita a. fruitful, having yielded fruits or consequences, resulted, fulfilled; n. also impers.

phalin a. fruitful, having gain or advantage. m. fruit-tree, f. phalinī a. cert. plant.

phalina a. bearing fruit.

phalīkṛ winnow, thrash.

phalīkaraṇa n. abstr. to prec.; m. pl. the refuse from the cleaned grain.

phalegrahi a. bearing fruit, fruitful.

phalodaya m. the appearance of consequences; reward or punishment for (loc. or --°).

phalodgama m. pl. the appearance of fruit.

phalgu (f. phalgu phalgū & phalgvī) reddish; small, minute, weak (abstr. -tā f.); f. du. N. of a lunar mansion.

phalguna a. reddish, red. m. E. of Arjuna; f. ī sgl. & du. N. of a double lunar mansion.

phalgva a. small, weak.

phāla m. (*n.) ploughshare or a kind of shovel; bundle, bunch, nosegay.

phālakṛṣṭa a. tilled with the plough, s. ploughed land; growing on tilled ground, m. such fruit.

phālguna f. ī belonging to the lunar mansion Phalgunī; m. N. of a month, E. of Arjuna, f. ī the day of full moon in the month Ph., also = phalgunī.

phiṭsūtra n. T. of a grammatical work.

phuṭa s. the hood of a snake.

phut (interj.) w. kṛ blow, scream, shriek.

phutkāra m. abstr. to prec.

phutkṛta n. phutkṛti f. the same.

phurāphurāy phurāphurāyate v tremble, flicker.*

phulla phullati v bloom, expand.

phulla a. burst or torn open, loose, expanded, blooming.

phullanalinī f. a lotus plant in full bloom.*

phullotpala n. N. of a lake (lit. having blooming lotuses).

phūtkṛ m. phūtkṛti f. = phutkṛ etc.

phūtkāra m. phūtkṛti f. = phutkṛ etc.

pheñcaka m. a cert. bird.

pheṭkāra m. howling.

phetkāra m. phetkṛta n. the same.

phetkārin a. howling.

phena m. (n.) foam; phenī a kind of food.

phenapa a. drinking foam.

phenavant a. frothy, foaming.

phenila a. = prec., m. N. of a tree.

phenya a. being in foam.

pherava m. a jackal.

pheru m. a jackal.

baṃh pp. bāḍha (q.v.), C. baṃhayate make firm, strengthen, increase. --
     sam C = S.C. -- Cf. avabāḍha nibālha (add.).

baṃhiṣṭha (superl.) & bahīyaṃs (compar.) very firm, strong, thick, or fat.

baka m. a kind of heron; hypocrite, flatterer, a man's name.

bakavṛtti a. acting like a heron i.e. hypocritical.

bakavrata n. the conduct of a heron i.e. hypocrisy; -vratacara vratika vratin a. = prec. adj.

bakura s. war-trumpet.

bakula m. a kind of tree; n. its flower.

bakuladāman n. a garland of Bakula flowers.

bakulamālā f. the same.

bakulāvali f. the same.

bakulāvalikā f. a woman's name.

bakoṭa m. a kind of heron.

baṭ adv. indeed.

baṭu m. lad, fellow, boy, esp. a young Brahman.

baḍā adv. = baṭ.

baLā adv. = baṭ.

baḍiśa m. n. hook, esp. fish-hook.

baṇḍa a. maimed, crippled.

bata [1] interj. of astonishment or regret (also batāre aho bata & ayi bata).

bata [2] m. weakling.

badara s., ī f. the jujube tree, n. badara its fruit, f. also = seq.

badarikā f. N. of one of the sources of the Gan1gā & a neighbouring hermitage of Nara & Nārāyana.

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baddhaka m. a prisoner.

baddhakadambaka a. forming groups.

baddhacitta a. fixing the mind upon (loc.).

baddhadṛṣṭi a. fixing the gaze upon (loc.).

baddhanetra a. fixing the eyes upon (loc.).

baddhaparikara a. having tucked up one's garments.*

baddhapallava a. having formed shoots, abstr. -tā f.*

baddhamaṇḍala a. forming circles.

baddhamūla a. having struck root, deeply rooted; abstr. -tā f.

baddhalakṣa a. turning the eyes (lit. taking aim).

baddhavat adv. as if bound.

baddhāñjali a. putting the hollowed hands together (cf. añjali).

baddhāśa a. placing one's hope upon (--°).

badbadhāna -> bādh.

badva n. (m.) troop, number, multitude.

badhira a. deaf, abstr. -tā f.

badhiray badhirayati v pp. badhirita make deaf, deafen.

bandigraha m. capture, captivation.

banditā f. abstr. to seq. 1.

bandin [1] m. praiser of a prince, bard.

bandin [2] m. captive, prisoner, slave.

bandī f. = prec., also a female captive or robbery.

bandīkṛta a. taken prisoner, seized, overcome; m. a prisoner.

bandh badhnāti badhnīte v (bandhati), pp. baddha (q.v.) bind, tie, attach, fix, fasten put on (mostly M.); bind (a victim for the gods), i.e. sacrifice; bind together, join, construct, compose; effect, produce, perform, make, get, show, manifest, betray; obstruct, stop, close, dam up (±setunā); catch, take or keep prisoner; direct, turn (the eyes or mind) upon (loc. or infin.). C. bandhayati cause to be bound, caught, constructed, dammed up, etc. --
     anu tie to, attach (l. & f.), join, connect; stick to, adhere, follow, (*equal, resemble); adduce, cause, effect; show, betray; hold together, last; insist upon, be urgent with (acc.). P. be tied to etc., be added as indicatory letter (g.).
     ava tie to, attach.
     ā bind or tie on, join, unite, bring together; begin, enter into (conversation).
     ud tie up, hang.
     upa bind, fetter.
     ni bind on, fasten, tie to (loc.); fetter, chain (l. & f.); join, unite; build, construct; close up, stop, restrict; fix, put or turn upon (loc.); compose, write down; betray, manifest.
     pari bind or put on, tie round (M.), surround, obstruct, stop.
     pra tie, fasten, fetter.
     prati tie to, fasten; enchase, set in (loc.); join, connect; fix, direct; shut out, keep off, exclude; stop, interrupt.
     sam bind together, connect, attach; P. be bound together, be connected with i.e. belong to (instr.).
     abhisam connect with, mean by. P. be connected with, belong to, be to be supplied. -- Cf. anubaddha (add.), avabaddha ābaddha udbaddha upanibaddha nibaddha nirbaddha (add.), pratibaddha prabaddha saṃbaddha.

bandha m. binding, tying to (esp. the sacrificial post), fettering, capturing; custody, prison; band, string, sinew (of the body); chain, tether, bondage (opp. mukti); joining together, connection, position (esp. of hands, feet, etc.); union, intercourse with (--°); forming, constructing; embankment, covering with a bridge; fixing or turning upon (loc.); manifestation, exhibition, show, display (--°).

bandhaka m. binder, catcher; rope, halter. -- f. ī an unchaste woman.

bandhana f. ī binding, fettering, holding fast; n. the act of binding etc., capture, custody, prison; band, string, sinew, muscle; stem, stalk; chain, fetter, bondage (opp. mukti); constructing, building, covering with a bridge, embanking; dam, mole; union, connection, fixing or turning upon (loc.) etc. = bandha.

bandhanakośa s. stalk-cavity.

bandhanastha a. being in prison, prisoner.

bandhanāgāra m. prison-house.

bandhanīya a. to be (being) tied or caught.

bandhapāśa m. bond, fetter.

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bandhin a. binding, catching; causing, effecting; showing, betraying (--°).

bandhu m. connection, association, relation (adj. f. ū only nominally connected with, only by name --°); concr. relative, kinsman, friend, brother, husband; f. ū wife (only adj. --°).

bandhukṛtya n. the duty of a kinsman or friend.

bandhujana m. kinsman or kinsfolk; friend(s).

bandhutā f. bandhutva n. connection, relation, affinity (the former also concrete).

bandhudāyāda m. kinsman and heir.

bandhubāndhava s. kith and kin.

bandhupriya a. dear to friends or relations.

bandhumant a. having relations or surrounded by relations.

bandhura a. bent, inclined (lit. & f.), favourable; delightful, charming.

bandhula m. a bastard.

bandhuvat adv. like a relative.

bandhūka m. N. of a plant.

bandhya [1] a. to be bound, fettered, stopped, caught, joined together.

bandhya [2] -> vandhya.

bandhyeṣa m. inquiring after kindred.

babara m. N. of a man.

babhasa m. eater, devourer.

babhri a. bearing or borne.

babhru (f. babhru or babhrū) reddish brown, tawny; m. a large kind of ichneumon, E. of sev. gods & men.

babhruka [1] a. = prec. a.

babhruka [2] m. a kind of ichneumon.

babhruloman f. -mnī brown-haired.

babhruvāha m. N. of a prince.

babhruvāhana m. N. of a prince.

bambharāli f. fly.

bambhārava m. lowing (of cows).

barāsī f. a kind of garment.

barkara m. kid.

barku m. N. of a man.

barjaha m. udder.

barjahya n. nipple.

barbara a. stammering or curled. -- m. pl. the barbarians or Non-Aryans, sgl. a man of the lowest origin, adj. mean, vile.

barsa m. tip, point, thin end.

barsva m. the socket of a tooth.

barha m. tail-feather, tail of a bird, esp. a peacock's tail.

barhaṇa a. & n. pulling out, uprooting.

barhaṇā (instr. adv.) firmly, strongly; really, indeed.

barhaṇāvant a. solid, strong, earnest; n. adv.

barhabhāra m. a peacock's tail.

barhāpīḍa m. a garland made of the feathers of a peacock.

barhi n. = barhis.

barhiṇa m. a peacock (cf. barha).

barhin m. a peacock (cf. barha).

barhiṣad a. sitting on the sacrificial grass; m. a class of Manes.

barhiṣṭha (superl.) the largest or strongest; n. adv.

barhiṣmant a. poss. to barhis; m. worshipper, sacrificer.

barhiṣya a. belonging to the sacrificial grass.

barhiḥṣṭha a. standing on the sacrificial grass.

barhiḥṣṭhā a. standing on the sacrificial grass.

barhis n. (m.) the sacrificial grass or bed (often personif.).

bala [1] n. (sgl. & pl.) might, power, strength, force; forces i.e. troops, army. balena balāt & balatas by force, forcibly; by the power or by means of, through, by.

bala [2] m. a crow; N. of a demon (cf. vala), a brother of Krsna, etc.; f. ā a woman's name; n. bala = vala cave, cavern.

balakṛta a. done by force.

balakṛti f. a mighty deed.

balakṣa f. balakṣī white.

balakṣagu m. the moon (lit. having white rays).

balacakra n. dominion, sovereignty, army.

balaja m. ā f. heap of corn.

balada m. ox.

baladā a. giving strength.

baladāvan a. giving strength.

baladeya n. abstr. to prec.

baladeva m. N. of the elder brother of Krsna.

balapati m. lord of strength or chief of an army.

balapura n. the castle of Bala.

balaprada a. giving strength.

balabha m. a kind of insect.

balabhadra m. = baladeva.

balabhid m. the destroyer of Bala (Indra).

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balabhṛt a. strong (bearing strength).

balamada m. pride in strength or power.

balamukhya m. chief of an army.

balayukta a. endowed with force, strong.

balayuta a. endowed with force, strong.

balarāma m. = baladeva.

balavattā f. -ttva n. abstr. to seq.

balavant a. powerful, mighty, strong, prevalent, superior to (abl.); n. -vat adv. greatly, much, well.

balavṛtraghna m. the slayer of Bala and Vṛtra, i.e. Indra.

balavṛtraniṣūdana m. the slayer of Bala and Vṛtra, i.e. Indra.

balavṛtrahan m. the slayer of Bala and Vṛtra, i.e. Indra.

balasamūha m. armed force, host.

balasenā f. army, troops.

balastha a. strong, vigorous; m. warrior.

balahīna a. wanting strength, weak, feeble.

balāka m. balākā f. a kind of crane; poss. -kin.

balātkāra m. (acting with) force or violence; °-- & instr. by force, violently.

balātkṛta a. treated violently, overpowered.

balādhika a. superior in strength.

balādhyakṣa m. commander of an army or minister of war.

balābala [1] n. strength or weakness, (relative) strength or importance.

balābala [2] a. now strong, now weak.

balārthin a. desirous of power.

balāsa m. a cert. disease; p. balāsin.

balāhaka m. cloud; N. of a serpent-demon etc.

bali m. tax, impost, tribute, gift, present, pious offering (opp. the real sacrifice; poss. balimant); handle of a fly-flapper; N. of a Daitya.

balikarman n. the presenting of a pious oblation (v. prec.).

balin a. mighty, strong.

balipuṣṭa m. crow (fed by offerings).

balibhuj m. the same.

balibhojana m. the same.

balibhṛt a. paying tribute.

balivarda m. ox.

balividhāna n. = balikarman.

baliṣṭha (superl.) mightiest, strongest, stronger than (abl.).

balisuta s. arrow.

baliharaṇa n. -hāra m. = balikarman.

balihṛt a. paying tribute.

balīyaṃs (compar.) mightier, stronger; very strong or important, n. adv.

balīvarda m. = balivarda.

balkasa n. dregs, sediment.

balbaja m. a kind of grass.

balbalākṛ stammer, stutter.

balbūtha m. N. of a man.

balbūla m. N. of a serpent-demon.

balya a. strengthening.

ballava m. cowherd (f. ī); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

balhika m. N. of a man, pl. of a people.

basta m. a goat.

bastājina n. a goat's skin.

basti -> vasti.

basri adv. quickly.

bahala a. thick, dense, wide, large, intense; filled with, consisting mostly in (--°).

bahirgeham adv. outside the house.

bahirgrāmapratiśraya a. living outside the village.

bahirdvāra n. outer door or the place outside a door.

bahirdhā adv. & prep. (w. abl.) outside, without, out of.

bahiryāna a. going or driving out.

bahirvedi [1] f. the place outside the Vedi.

bahirvedi [2] adv. outside the Vedi.

bahiṣṭāt adv. outside, without.

bahiṣpavamāna m. n. a cert. sacred song; f. ī pl. its single verses.

bahiṣprajña a. whose perception is directed outward.

bahis adv. & prep. (w. abl. or --°) outward, abroad, outside, out. -- With kṛ (pp. bahiṣkṛta) drive away, turn out of (abl.), exclude from (abl. or loc.); cast off, give up, renounce; w. bhū come forth or out of (abl.).

bahu f. bahvī much, many, numerous, frequent, abundant, rich in (instr.), large, great, mighty. -- n. subst. w. gen.; as adv. much, frequently, often, greatly; almost, nearly, as it were (only °--); w. man cf. s. ->

bahukṛtvas adv. many times, often.

bahugu f. ū rich in cows.

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bahuguṇa a. many-threaded, manifold, various, having many (good) qualities or virtues.

bahujalpa a. talkative; m. -jalpitṛ as subst.

bahutanaya a. having many sons.

bahutaya a. pl. manifold.

bahutarām adv. highly, greatly, much.

bahutā f. multiplicity, multitude.

bahutitha a. manifold, many, much, -the'hani for many days; n. adv. highly, greatly.

bahutṛṣṇa a. very thirsty.

bahutrā adv. among or to many.

bahutrivarṣa a. nearly three years old.

bahutva n. multiplicity, multitude, majority; the plural number (g.).

bahudāna [1] n. a rich gift.

bahudāna [2] a. giving richly, liberal.

bahudāyin a. = prec. 2.

bahudeya n. munificence, liberality.

bahudoṣa [1] m. great evil or harm.

bahudoṣa [2] a. full of faults, very bad.

bahudhana a. having much wealth, very rich; abstr. -tva n.

bahudhā adv. in many ways, forms, parts, or places, much, variously, repeatedly; w. kṛ multiply, divulge.

bahupatnīka a. having many wives; abstr. -tā f. polygamy.

bahupada a. many-footed.

bahuparṇa a. many-leaved.

bahupaśu a. rich in cattle.

bahupākya a. who has much cooked (for the poor).

bahupāṭhin a. studying much.

bahupāda a. many-footed or composed of many verses.

bahupāyya n. a large hall (lit. protecting many).

bahupuṣṭa a. being in high prosperity.

bahuprakāra a. manifold; n. adv.

bahupraja a. rich in offspring.

bahuprajas a. rich in offspring.

bahupratijña a. containing many counts (plaint).

bahupratyavāya a. connected with many difficulties.

bahupriya a. dear to many.

bahubhāṣin a. talkative; n. -bhāṣya abstr.

bahubhuj a. eating much, voracious.

bahubhojaka a. eating much, voracious.

bahubhojin a. = prec.; abstr. -jitā f.

bahumatsya n. a place abounding in fish.

bahumadhyaga a. belonging to many.

bahumantavya a. to be esteemed highly.

bahumāna m. high esteem or consideration, high opinion of (loc. or gen.).

bahumānin a. highly esteemed.

bahumānya a. = bahumantavya.

bahumukha a. many-mouthed, speaking variously.

bahumūlya [1] n. a large sum of money.

bahumūlya [2] a. costly, precious.

bahurajas a. very dusty or having much pollen.

bahurasa a. very juicy or succulent.

bahurūpa a. many-coloured, multiform, manifold.

bahula a. thick, dense, wide, large, numerous, many, much, abounding in (--°); n. adv. often. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

bahulāyāsa a. giving much effort.

bahulita a. increased, augmented.

bahulīkṛ -> bahulīkṛta; w. bhū increase, spread (intr.), get public.

bahulīkṛta a. made (to appear) thick or dense*; increased, spread, public.

bahulauṣadhika a. rich in herbs.

bahuvacana n. the plural number and its endings (g.).

bahuvallabha a. having many favourites or wives.*

bahuvāsara m. pl. many days.

bahuvighna a. connected with many difficulties, abstr. -tā f.

bahuvid a. rich in knowledge.

bahuvidya a. = prec.; abstr. -tā f.

bahuvidha a. manifold, various; n. adv.

bahuvidhākara a. of many kinds.

bahuvīrya a. very strong or powerful.

bahuvṛttānta a. rich in adventures (house).*

bahuvrīhi m. possessive compound, lit. (having) much rice; adv. -vat (g.).

bahuśas adv. manifoldly, repeatedly.

bahuśākha a. having many branches or ramifications (also -khin); abstr. -tva n.

bahuśruta a. very learned, well taught.

bahusaṃsthita a. frequented by many.

bahusāra a. pithy, solid.

bahusāhasra a. containing many thousands, f. ī sgl. many thousands.

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bahūdaka a. having much water; m. a kind of religious mendicant.

bahūdara a. big-bellied or many-bellied.

bahūpamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

bahvanna a. rich in food.

bahvapatya a. having or promising a numerous progeny.

bahvapāya a. connected with many dangers.

bahvaśva a. rich in horses; m. N. of a man.

bahvādin a. eating much, voracious.

bahvāśin a. = prec., abstr. -śitva n.

bahvṛc a. having many verses, E. of the Rigveda.

bahvṛca a. = prec. a.; m. a student, adherent, or priest of the Rigveda.

bahvenas a. very sinful.

bākura a. + dṛti m. a kind of bag-pipe.

bāḍha (bāḷha) a., only loc. bāḷhe adv. strongly, aloud; n. bāḍham adv. indeed, certainly, yes, very well.

bāṇa [1] bāṇa m. reed-shaft, arrow, N. of an Asura etc.; bāṇavat adv. like an arrow.

bāṇa m. reed-shaft, arrow, N. of an Asura etc.; bāṇavat adv. like an arrow.

bāṇa [2] -> vāṇa.

bāṇadhi m. quiver (receptacle of arrows).

bāṇapatha m. reach of a shot (lit. arrow-path).

bāṇapāta m. shot (lit. arrow-fall), also = prec.

bāṇapāta (patha) vartin a. being within the reach of a bow-shot.

bāṇavant m. arrow or quiver.

bāṇaśabda m. the sound of an arrow.

bāṇāsana n. bow (arrow-thrower).

bāṇin a. having an arrow.

bādara a. coming from the jujube tree, n. its berry; pl. N. of a people.

bādarāyaṇa m. N. of sev. men, esp. of an ancient sage; a. composed by B.

bādh bādhate v (bādhati), pp. bādhita oppress, torment, beset, hurt, injure, remove, annul. C. bādhayati oppress, vex, pain, fight. D. bībhatsate feel aversion or loathing (abl.). I. bābadhe or baddhadhe press heavily, confine, hem in. --
     ati afflict or distress hard (acc. or gen.).
     apa drive away, remove (also C.). D. have a loathing for (abl.).
     abhi press hard, pain, vex, obstruct.
     ava keep off.
     ā press against, torment, distress.
     ud break forth.
     ni press down, hem in, beset.
     nis keep off.
     pari keep off, exclude or prevent from (abl. or gen.), protect from (abl.); vex, harass, pain.
     pra press forwards, urge on, further; drive back, repel, torment, afflict, molest, injure, abolish, undo.
     prati drive back, ward off, hem in, disturb, afflict.
     vi press or drive asunder, repel, afflict, pain, hurt, injure.
     sam press together, oppress, afflict, torment.

bādha m. oppressor, tormentor; (also f. ā) oppression, annoyance (also bādha), opposition, resistance, pain, distress, injury, damage, expulsion, removal, annulment, contradiction, absurdity.

bādhaka f. -dhikā molesting, afflicting, paining, injuring, removing.

bādhana a. oppressing, molesting, opposing; n. the action of oppressing etc., expulsion, removal, annulment; f. ā discomfort, uneasiness.

bādhitatva n. the being suspended or set aside.

bādhitavya a. to be oppressed, molested, pained, suspended, annulled, or set aside.

bādhitṛ m. oppressor, harasser.

bādhirya n. deafness.

bādhya a. = bādhitavya, abstr. -tva n.

bādhva m. N. of a Rishi.

bāndhava m. ī f. relation, kinsman or kinswoman (esp. on the mother's side), friend.

bāndhavadhurā f. friendly turn, kindness (lit. the burden of friendship).

bāndhavya n. relationship.

bābhrava m. patr. from babhru.

bābhravya m. = prec., N. of sev. men.

bāra (--°) opening, aperture.

bārha a. made of the tail-feathers of a peacock.

bārhata f. ī relating to the metre Bṛhatī.

bārhataka m. N. of a man.

bārhaspata f. ī relating to Bṛhaspati.

bārhaspatya a. = prec.

bāl (interj.) crack!

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bāla [1] a. young, not full-grown, newly risen (sun), waxing (moon); childish, ignorant. m. child, boy, fool, N. of a Rakṣas etc.; f. ā girl, young woman, a cow of one year.

bāla [2] -> vāla.

bālaka f. likā = bāla1.

bālakamalinī f. a young lotus plant.*

bālakeli f. a child's play.

bālakelī f. a child's play.

bālakrīḍana n. -krīḍā f. the same.

bālakrīḍanaka m. a child's toy or plaything, a ball etc.

bālaghna m. a child-slayer.

bālacandra m. the young or waxing moon.

bālatā f. -tva n. childhood.

bāladeva m. N. of a man.

bāladhana n. the property of infants.

bālaputraka m. a little son.

bālabandhana m. N. of a demon (lit. child-binder).

bālabhārata n. T. of an epic poem & a play.

bālabhāva m. childhood or childishness.

bālamati a. having a childish mind.

bālamitra n. an early friend.*

bālarāmāyaṇa n. T. of a drama.

bālaroga m. disease of children.

bālalīlā f. a child's play.

bālavaidhavya n. widowhood in early age.

bālasakhi m. friend from childhood.

bālasuhṛd m. friend from childhood.

bālahan f. -ghnī murdering children, infanticide.

bālātapa m. early heat, i.e. the heat of the morning sun.

bālāditya a. the newly risen sun, N. of two kings.

bālādhyāpaka m. a teacher of boys.

bālāpatya n. young offspring (of men and animals).

bālārka m. the young (newly risen) sun.

bāliśa a. young, childish, ignorant, simple.

bāliśatā f. -tva n., & bāliśya n. abstr. to prec.

bāleya a. fit for an oblation or descended from Bali. -- m. ass; patron. from Bali.

bālbaja f. ri made of Balbaja-grass.

bālya n. childhood, infancy; childishness, simplicity, stupidity.

bālhi m. N. of a country.

bālhika m. pl. N. of a people.

bālhīka m. pl. = prec.; a (f. ī) belonging to or coming from the B.; n. saffron.

bāṣpa m. (sgl.) tears, vapour.

bāṣpakaṇṭha f. ī choking with tears (lit. having tears in the throat).

bāṣpamokṣa m. the shedding of tears.

bāṣpasalila n. flood of tears.

bāṣpāmbu n. flood of tears.

bāṣpāy bāṣpāyate v to shed tears.

bāṣpāsāra m. flood of tears.

bāṣpotpīḍa m. flood of tears.

bāsta a. belonging to or coming from a goat.

bāstika n. a multitude of goats.

bāhava m. arm.

bāhīka a. being outside, exterior; m. pl. N. of a people.

bāhu m. arm, esp. fore-arm, (of beasts) foreleg, esp. its upper part; a cert. measure of length; N. of a Daitya & sev. princes.

bāhuka (adj. --°) arm; N. of a serpent-demon etc.

bāhuguṇya n. possession of many advantages, superiority.

bāhujūta a. swift with the arms.

bāhutā adv. in the arms.

bāhudaṇḍa m. a long arm (lit. arm-stick).

bāhudā f. N. of a woman & sev. rivers.

bāhupāśa m. the encircling arms (lit. armfetter).

bāhubandha a. fettered on the arms.

bāhubandhana n. = bāhupāśa.

bāhubala [1] n. strength of the arm.

bāhubala [2] a. = seq.; m. N. of a king.

bāhubalin a. strong in the arm.

bāhumant a. having (strong) arms.

bāhumātra [1] n. a distance of an arm's length.

bāhumātra [2] f. ī as long as an arm.

bāhumūla n. the root of the arm, armpit.

bāhuyuddha n. arm-fight, wrestling.

bāhuyodha m. pugilist, wrestler.

bāhuyodhin m. pugilist, wrestler.

bāhulatā f. a little or slender arm (lit. armcreeper).

bāhulya n. abundance, multitude, commonness, ordinary state of things; abl. adv. usually, likely, probably.

bāhuvīrya [1] n. strength of the arm.

bāhuvīrya [2] a. strong in the arm.

bāhuśālin a. = prec.; warlike, valiant.

bāhuśrutya n. much learning, scholarship.

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bāhūtkṣepam adv. with uplifted arms or hands.

bāhūbāhavi adv. arm against arm i.e. in close combat.

bāhya a. external, being outside or without, opposite or contrary to, extra-, anti- (abl. or --°), strange, foreign; m. a foreigner or an outcast. °--, acc. instr., & loc. outside, without, abl. from without. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

bāhyakaraṇa n. external organ of sense.

bāhyatas adv. & prep. (w. abl.) outside, without.

bāhyasparśa m. contact with external objects.

bāhyāntar adv. from without and within.

bāhyendriya n. = bāhyakaraṇa.

bāhli etc. -> bāhli etc.

bāhvaṅka m. bending the arm, encircling.

bāhvṛcya n. the Rigveda (cf. bahvṛca).

bāhvojas a. strong in the arm.

biḍāla m. ā f. cat.

biḍālaka m. -likā f. the same.

biḍālākṣa f. ī cat-eyed.

bidala -> vidala.

bindu m. drop, globule, point, dot; the sign of the Anusvara (g.).

binduka m. drop.

bindumant a. formed into drops or globules.

bindusāra m. names of kings.

bindusena m. names of kings.

bindūy pp. -yamāna dripping, wet with (--°).*

bimba m. n. disk (of sun or moon), globe, hemisphere; orb, circle i.g.; mirror, image, picture, shadow. -- m. lizard, chameleon; f. ī a kind of gourd, n. its red fruit.

bimbādhara m. the red (lit. Bimba-like, -> prec.) lip.

bimbita a. mirrored back.

bimbisāra m. N. of a king.

bila n. cleft, hollow, cavern, den.

bilavāsa a. living in holes; m. such an animal.

bilavāsin a. living in holes; m. such an animal.

bilaśaya a. & m. = prec.

bilaśāyin a. & m. = prec.

bileśaya a. & m. = prec.

biliśa a. fishing hook or bait.

bilaukas a. & m. = bilavāsa.

bilma n. slip, chip; a broken helmet.

bilmin a. having a helmet.

bilva m. N. of a tree; n. its fruit, also a cert. weight.

bilvamātra [1] n. the weight of a Bilva fruit.

bilvamātra [2] a. having the weight or the size of a Bilva-fruit.

bilhaṇa m. N. of a poet.

biṣkalā f. parturient.

bisa n. the film or fibre of a lotus plant.

bisatantu m. the same.

bisaprasūna n. a lotus flower.

bisavatī f. a place rich in lotus flowers.

bisinī f. the lotus-plant.

bīja n. seed (of plants and animals), seedcorn, grain, germ, element, origin, beginning, adj. caused by (--°).

bījaka m. a citron; n. seed.

bījakāṇḍaprarohin a. springing up from seed or from slips (plants).

bījakāṇḍaruha a. springing up from seed or from slips (plants).

bījakośa s. seed-vessel, esp. of a lotusflower.

bījapūra m. the citron-tree; n. a citron.

bījapūraka m. the citron-tree; n. a citron.

bījaprada a. giving the seed (father).

bījavant a. provided with seed or grain.

bījavāpa m. the sowing (seed).

bījāṅkura m. seed-shoot; du. seed and shoot; adv. -vat.

bījāḍhya m. = bījapūra.

bījāśva m. stallion (lit. seed-horse).

bījin a. = bījavant; m. the (real, not nominal) begetter or father.

bījotkraṣṭṛ m. the extractor of seed- (i.e. of good) corn (scil. in selling, while the rest is bad).

bībhats bībhatsate v -> bādh.

bībhatsa a. loathsome, disgusting, hideous (abstr. -tā f.); f. ā (& n.*) disgust, horror.

bībhatsu a. loathing, detesting, disgusted, revolted; m. E. of Arjuna.

buka m. N. of a plant.

bukkā f. heart.

buḍila m. N. of a man.

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buddha a. awakened (lit. & fig.), completely conscious, enlightened; m. the Enlightened One, the Buddha, E. of Gautama of the Cakya tribe.

buddhatva n. abstr. to prec.

buddhadharma m. the law of Buddha.

buddhamārga m. the path or doctrine of Buddha.

buddharakṣita m. ā f. a man's & woman's name.

buddhāgama m. the doctrine of Buddha.

buddhānta m. waking state or condition.

buddhi f. insight, intellect, reason, mind, judgment; perception, comprehension, knowledge; opinion, persuasion, supposition, notion, idea, conjecture, the taking for (--°); design, intention, purpose; instr. for the sake, on account, or because of (--°).

buddhikṛta a. acted wisely.

buddhigrāhya a. attainable by intellect.

buddhijīvin a. subsisting by intelligence, rational.

buddhipūrva (n. adv.) premeditated.

buddhipūrvaka (n. adv.) premeditated.

buddhibheda m. disturbance of the mind.

buddhimant a. intelligent, wise, abstr. -mattva n.

buddhimoha m. confusion of the mind.

buddhiyukta a. endowed with understanding, intelligent.

buddhivarjita a. opp. to prec.

buddhivivardhana a. increasing the understanding.

buddhivṛddhi f. growth of the understanding.

buddhiśarīra m. names of men.

buddhisāgara m. names of men.

buddhiśālin a. = buddhiyukta.

buddhiśuddha a. pure in heart or intention.

buddhiśuddhi f. purification of the heart.

buddhihīna a. = buddhivarjita; abstr. -tva n.

buddhīndriya n. a perceptive organ of sense.

buddhopāsaka m. -sikā f. a worshipper of Buddha.

buddhyadhika a. superior in wisdom.

budbuda m. a bubble in water.

budh bodhati v (bodhate), budhyate (-ti), pp. buddha (q.v.) wake, awake (intr., r. trans.); watch, notice, heed (acc. or gen.); perceive, learn, know, understand, regard or know as, take for (2 acc.), present with (acc. of pers. & instr. of th.). C. bodhayati awaken, revive, restore to consciousness, cause to notice, attend, or understand; remind of, teach (2 acc.). D. bubhutsate wish to know or learn. I. bobudhīti have knowledge of (acc.). --
     anu awake, watch, notice, perceive, think of, consider. C. remind of, teach, inform.
     ava awake; perceive, learn, understand. C. awaken, remind, inform, explain.
     samava perceive, learn.
     ā attend to (acc.).
     ud M. awake.
     ni (bodhati) attend to, learn or hear from (gen., r. sakāśāt), understand, know.
     pra (budhyate) wake up, be awake, watch; expand, blossom; (bodhati) know, understand. C. awaken, cause to expand or blossom, make sensible of, admonish, persuade; teach, instruct (2 acc.).
     prati awake, expand, blossom, notice, perceive. C. awaken, admonish, remind, inform, teach.
     vi awake; perceive, learn. C. awaken, make conscious, bring to reason.
     sam awake, watch, perceive, notice. C. awaken (lit. & fig.), make attentive to or aware of, exhort, admonish, teach (2 acc.). -- Cf. udbuddha pratibuddha prabuddha vibuddha saṃbuddha.

budha a. intelligent, clever; m. a wise or learned man, a knower; a god; a man's name.

budhna (or budhna) m. n. bottom, ground, depth, lowest part, foot of a tree, root.

budhnya a. being on the ground or in the depth; w. ahi m. the serpent of the deep.

bunda m. arrow.

bubhukṣā f. desire of eating, hunger.

bubhukṣita a. hungry.

bubhukṣu a. hungry.

bubhutsā f. desire of knowing, curiosity.

bubhutsu a. wishing to know (--°), curious.

bubhūrṣā f. desire of supporting (gen.).

bubhūrṣu a. wishing to support (acc.).

bubhūṣā f. desire of being or living.

bubhūṣu a. wishing for welfare or power.

buruḍa m. basket-maker.

bulla m. N. of a man.

bulva a. oblique, transverse.

busa n. vapour, mist, rubbish, chaff and other refuse of grain.

bṛṃhaṇa a. & n. making fat, strengthening, nourishing.

bṛṃhita [1] a. strengthened, increased by or furnished with.

bṛṃhita [2] n. roaring.

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bṛgala n. morsel, piece, fragment.

bṛbaduktha a. E. of Indra.

bṛbu m. N. of a man.

bṛsī f. bunch of grass, a kind of seat or cushion.

bṛh [1] (vṛh), bṛhati (vṛhati), pp. bṛḍha (vṛḍha) pluck, tear out. --
     ā tear off, root out.
     ud & samud draw forth.
     ni throw down; C. the same, destroy, annihilate.
     pra tear out or off, snatch away; tear asunder, destroy; M. =
     upapra M. draw towards one's self, attract.
     vi rend asunder, break up, split, destroy, remove.
     sam rend asunder, draw out (together).

bṛh bṛhati2 v (only bṛhant q.v.) & bṛṃhati bṛṃhate; C. bṛṃhayati te, pp. bṛṃhita (q.v.) make great or big, strengthen, augment, further. --
     abhi C. strengthen, increase, augment.
     upa the same; I. (barbṛhi) press or embrace close.
     samupa C. strengthen, supply, complete.
     pari A. M. enclose, encircle, make tight or firm, strengthen, fortify. C. strengthen, augment.
     sam join firmly together. C. saṃvarhayati join together, attach (dat.); saṃbṛṃhayati strengthen, encourage. -- Cf. upabṛṃhita paribṛḍha parivṛḍha.

bṛh [3] (vṛh) bṛṃhati (vṛṃhati), pp. bṛṃhita (q.v.) roar.

bṛh [4] -> bṛhaspati.

bṛhacchoka a. having great sorrow.

bṛhacchravas a. loud-sounding or = seq.

bṛhacchloka a. far-famed.

bṛhajjātaka n. T. of a work.

bṛhajjyotis a. shining bright.

bṛhata m. N. of a man.

bṛhatikā f. cover, mantle.

bṛhatkathā f. the large narrative, T. of a work.

bṛhatkīrti a. far-famed.

bṛhatketu a. of great brightness.

bṛhattṛṇa n. coarse grass.

bṛhattva n. greatness, size, extent.

bṛhatpalāśa a. large-leaved.

bṛhatpāda a. large-footed.

bṛhatsaṃhitā f. T. of a work.

bṛhatsumna a. very gracious or benevolent.

bṛhatsena m. N. of sev. kings, f. ā a woman's name.

bṛhadaśman a. containing big rocks (mountain).

bṛhadaśva m. a man's name.

bṛhadāraṇyaka n. T. of an Upanishad.

bṛhaduktha a. having loud praise, far-famed; m. a man's name.

bṛhadukṣ a. sprinkling abundantly, raining.

bṛhadukṣa a. sprinkling abundantly, raining.

bṛhadukṣan a. having great bulls.

bṛhadgiri a. calling loudly.

bṛhadgrāvan a. resembling a large stone.

bṛhaddiva [1] a. belonging to the lofty sky, heavenly. m. N. of an ancient Rishi; n. pl. the lofty sky.

bṛhaddiva [2] a. = prec. a.; f. ā N. of a goddess.

bṛhaddevatā f. T. of a work.

bṛhaddyuti a. shining bright.

bṛhaddyumna m. N. of a prince.

bṛhadbhānu a. shining bright; m. a man's name.

bṛhadbhās a. = prec. a.

bṛhadratha [1] m. a great hero.

bṛhadratha [2] m. a man's name.

bṛhadrayi a. having much wealth.

bṛhadravas a. loud-sounding.

bṛhadri a. = bṛhadrayi.

bṛhadvayas a. very vigorous or powerful.

bṛhadvasu m. a man's name.

bṛhadvādin a. boastful, vain-glorious.

bṛhadvrata n. the great vow (scil. of chastity); a. observing it.

bṛhant f. bṛhatī high, tall, great, much, abundant, important, mighty, grown-up, old, clear, loud; n. height, as adv. highly, widely, thickly, firmly, aloud, much, greatly. m. a man's name; f. ī N. of a metre.

bṛhanta a. great.

bṛhannaḍa m. a kind of reed-grass, a feigned name of Arjuna.

bṛhannala m. a kind of reed-grass, a feigned name of Arjuna.

bṛhanmati a. high-minded.

bṛhanmadhya a. great in the middle.

bṛhaspati m. N. of a god (the lord of prayer, later of wisdom and eloquence), the planet Jupiter; a man's name.

bekanāṭa m. usurer.

bekurā f. voice, sound. beṭī f. whore.

baijavāpa m. patron. names.

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baijavāpāyana m. patron. names.

baijika a. relating to seed or the semen virile, sexual.

baiḍāla a. peculiar to cats, feline.

baiḍālavratika a. acting like a cat, hypocritical, false.

bainda m. N. of a despised tribe.

baila a. living in holes, m. such an animal.

bailva a. coming from the Bilva tree or made of its wood.

boddhavya a. to be observed, perceived, understood, recognized; to be taught or admonished; n. impers. (it is) to be waked.

boddhṛ m. perceiver, knower; abstr. -tva n.

bodha a. perceiving, understanding; m. waking, becoming or being awake (lit. & fig.); expanding, budding; perception, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom.

bodhaka f. -dhikā awakening, teaching, explaining, conducive to the knowledge of (--°); m. instructor, teacher.

bodhana f. ī causing to expand or blossom, exciting, rousing, explaining, teaching; n. awaking, state of waking, perception, knowledge; awakening, rousing, instructing, teaching.

bodhanīya a. to be reminded, to be made known or explained.

bodhamaya a. consisting of knowledge.

bodhayitṛ m. waker, awakener, teacher.

bodhayitavya a. to be made acquainted with (acc.).

bodhayiṣṇu a. wishing to awaken.

bodhi m. f. perfect wisdom; m. the tree of wisdom or knowledge (r.).

bodhitavya a. to be taught or imparted.

bodhin a. awakening, instructing, causing to perceive or know; knowing, familiar with, thinking of (--°).

bodhisattva m. a Buddha immediately before the attainment of perfect knowledge.

bodhya a. to be known or understood, to be taught or explained.

bauddha a. borne in mind (not spoken out), relating to the intellect or to Buddha; m. a Buddhist.

bauddhadarśana n. the doctrine of the Buddhists.

bauddhamata n. the doctrine of the Buddhists.

baudhāyana m. patron. of an ancient teacher, m. pl. his school; a. belonging to or composed by B.

bradhna a. reddish-yellow; m. the sun.

brahma m. priest (only --°).

brahmakalpa [1] a. like (a) Brahman.

brahmakalpa [2] m. the age of Brahman (a cert. period of remote antiquity).

brahmakāra a. offering prayers, devout.

brahmakilbiṣa n. crime against Brahmans.

brahmakūrca n. a kind of penance.

brahmakṛt a. = brahmakāra.

brahmakṛti f. devotion, prayer.

brahmakṣatra n. sgl. & du. Brahmans and warriors.

brahmakṣatrasava m. pl. sacrifices offered by Brahmans and warriors.

brahmagītikā f. the song of Brahman (cert. verses).

brahmagupta m. a man's name.

brahmaghātaka m. a Brahman-killer.

brahmaghātin m. = prec, f. -nī a woman on the second day of her menses.

brahmaghna m. = prec. m.

brahmacarya n. sacred study, the life and condition of a Brahman student, esp. abstinence, chastity; poss. -vant.

brahmacaryāśrama m. the state of a Brahman student (as the first of the four periods of a Brahman's life).

brahmacārin a. poss. to brahmacarya; m. a Brahman student.

brahmajanman [1] n. rebirth effected by sacred knowledge.

brahmajanman [2] a. sprung from Brahman.

brahmajāyā f. a Brahman's wife.

brahmajuṣṭa a. delighted by prayer or devotion.

brahmajūta a. incited by prayer or devotion.

brahmajña a. knowing the sacred writings.

brahmajñāna n. knowledge of sacred things or writings.

brahmajya a. oppressing Brahmans.

brahmajyeya n. abstr. to prec.

brahmaṇaspati m. = bṛhaspati.

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brahmaṇaspatnī f. the wife of the Brahman priest.

brahmaṇy only brahmaṇyant praying, devout.

brahmaṇya a. devoted to sacred knowledge or friendly to Brahmans; religious, pious i.g.

brahmaṇyatā f. devotion towards Brahmans.

brahmaṇvat adv. like a Brahman.

brahmaṇvant a. devout, pious.

brahmatā f. abstr. to brahman n. (i.e. the impersonal divinity).

brahmatva n. abstr. to brahman1 & brahman2.

brahmada a. imparting sacred knowledge.

brahmadaṇḍa m. Brahman's staff (a myth. weapon) or a B.'s punishment i.e. his curse.

brahmadatta a. given by Brahman; a man's name.

brahmadātṛ a. = brahmada.

brahmadāna n. the gift of the Veda.

brahmadāya [1] a. imparting or teaching the Veda.

brahmadāya [2] m. the Veda as an heritage, -hara a. receiving it from (gen.).

brahmadeya a. f. ā married after the Brahma rite, w. vidhi m. this rite itself; n. instruction in the sacred writings.

brahmadviṣ a. hating devotion or the Brahmans.

brahmadveṣa m. hatred of devotion, impiety.

brahman [1] n. devotion (lit. swelling, sc. of the soul), worship, piety, holy life, chastity; hymn of praise, prayer; sacred text, magic formula, incantation, the syllable Om, the Veda, i.g. divine science, theology or theosophy; the priestly or sacerdotal class; the supreme Being regarded as impersonal, the Absolute.

brahman [2] m. one who prays, any devout person or a priest; a knower of sacred knowledge, a Brahman of caste or the priest so called; the supreme Being, personif. as the highest god or creator of the world.

brahmanirvāṇa n. extinction in Brahman.

brahmaniṣṭha a. quite absorbed in (the contemplation of) the Absolute.

brahmapatha m. the way to Brahman (m. or n.).

brahmaputra m. a son of a Brahman or of the god Brahman.

brahmapura n. ī f. Brahman's city (in heaven), also N. of sev. cities on the earth.

brahmapurāṇa n. T. of Purāṇa.

brahmaprāpta a. having attained Brahman.

brahmapriya a. loving devotion or the Veda.

brahmaprī a. loving devotion or the Veda.

brahmabhavana n. the abode of Brahman.

brahmabhāga m. the share of a Brahman or chief priest.

brahmabhāva m. the entrance into Brahman (n.).

brahmabhuvana n. the world of Brahman.

brahmabhūta a. entered into Brahman; n. the absorption into Brahman.

brahmabhūya n. = prec. n., Brahmanship.

brahmabhūyaṃs a. & n. = brahmabhūta.

brahmamaya f. ī consisting of Brahman (n.).

brahmamīmāṃsā f. the investigation into Brahman, i.e. the Vedānta.

brahmayajña m. the offering of prayer, the study or recital of the Veda.

brahmayāga m. the offering of prayer, the study or recital of the Veda.

brahmayuj a. yoked by prayer.

brahmayoga m. the application of prayer or devotion.

brahmayoni [1] f. home in Brahman, -stha a. = seq.

brahmayoni [2] a. dwelling in Brahman as in one's home.

brahmarakṣas n. -rākṣasa m. a kind of evil demon.

brahmarājanya m. du. a Brahman and a prince.

brahmarāta m. a man's name (lit. given by Brahman).

brahmarāśi m. the whole mass of sacred texts or knowledge.

brahmarṣi m. a priestly sage; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

brahmarṣideśa m. the country of the priestly sages.

brahmaloka m. the world of Brahman.

brahmavadha m. -vadhyā f. the murder of a Brahman.

brahmavadhyākṛta n. the (committed) murder of a Brahman.

brahmavani a. devoted to Brahmans.

brahmavant a. possessed of sacred learning.

brahmavarcasa n. preeminence in sacred learning or holiness, poss. -sin or -svin; -sya a. conducive to it.

brahmavarcasakāma a. desirous of holiness (cf. prec.).

brahmavāc f. the sacred text.

brahmavāda m. speaking of sacred matters, -din m. theologian, sage.

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brahmavittva n. abstr. to seq.

brahmavid a. having sacred knowledge; m. theologian, philosopher, sage.

brahmavidyā f. abstr. to prec.

brahmavidvaṃs a. knowing Brahman.

brahmavidviṣ a. = brahmadviṣ.

brahmavṛddha a. grown by devotion.

brahmaveda m. the Veda of the Brahmans or the Veda of sacred spells, the Atharvaveda.

brahmavedin a. = brahmavid.

brahmavaivarta n. T. of a Purāṇa.

brahmavaivartaka n. T. of a Purāṇa.

brahmavrata n. a cert. religious observance; the vow of chastity, -dhara a. performing it.

brahmaśālā f. Brahman's hall.

brahmaśiras n. Brahman's head, N. of a mythical weapon.

brahmaśīrṣan n. Brahman's head, N. of a mythical weapon.

brahmasaṃśita a. sharpened by devotion or prayers.

brahmasaṃsad f. Brahman's hall or an assembly of Brahmans.

brahmasaṃstha a. wholly devoted to sacred knowledge.

brahmasattra n. the sacrifice of devotion or prayer, adj. -ttrin.

brahmasadana n. Brahman's seat or hall.

brahmasadas n. Brahman's seat or hall.

brahmasaras n. Brahman's lake, N. of a holy bathing-place.

brahmasava m. gush of prayer, N. of a cert. libation.

brahmasārṣṭitā f. equality or union with Brahman.

brahmasiddhānta m. T. of sev. works.

brahmasuvarcalā f. a cert. plant, also an infusion or a decoction of it.

brahmasūtra n. the Brahmanical thread worn over the shoulder; a theological or philosophical Sūtra work, esp. that of Bādarāyaṇa on the Vedānta philosophy.

brahmastena m. a stealer of holy things, esp. who gets possessed of the Veda by illicit means.

brahmasteya n. abstr. to prec.

brahmasthala n. N. of a town.

brahmasva n. the property of Brahmans.

brahmahatyā f. killing of a Brahman.

brahmahan m. the murderer of a Brahman.

brahmāñjali m. joining the hands for the sake of (or while studying) the Veda; -kṛta a. performing it.

brahmāṇī f. Brahman's wife, E. of Durgā.

brahmāṇḍa n. Brahman's egg, i.e. the Universe.

brahmādya [1] a. to be eaten by Brahmans.

brahmādya [2] a. beginning with Brahman.

brahmādhigamika a. relating to the sacred study.

brahmābhyāsa m. the study of the Veda.

brahmāraṇya n. N. of a forest.

brahmārambha m. beginning of the sacred study.

brahmārgha a. worthy of Brahman or of sacred knowledge.

brahmāvarta m. the holy land (between Sarasvatī and Dṛṣadvatī).

brahmāstra n. Brahman's weapon (myth.).

brahmāhuti f. sacrifice of prayer or devotion.

brahmiṣṭha (superl.), brahmīyaṃs (compar.) a most holy or a holier Brahman.

brahmeddha a. kindled with prayers.

brahmojjha a. having neglected or forgotten the Veda, abstr. -tā f.

brahmodya a. forming the conversation among Brahmans, w. kathā f. discussions about or riddles from the Veda; n. rivalry in sacred knowledge.

brahmopaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

brahmaudana n. boiled rice for Brahmans.

brāhma f. ī pertaining to (the) Brahman i.e. divine, holy, spiritual; or pert. to Brahmans i.e. belonging or favourable to, consisting of the sacerdotal class, Brahmanical. -- f. ī E. of Durgā or Sarasvatī; a woman married according to the Brahman rite.

brāhmaṇa [1] m. a priest or theologian, a Brahman; f. ī a woman of the priestly caste.

brāhmaṇa f. ī2 Brahmanical; n. the Brahman or Absolute, sacred or divine power, a cert. class of Vedic writings.

brāhmaṇaka m. a bad Brahman, a Brahman only by name.

brāhmaṇakalpa [1] m. pl. Brāhmaṇas and Kalpas (two kinds of Vedic works).

brāhmaṇakalpa [2] a. like a Brahman.

brāhmaṇakāmyā f. love of Brahmans.

brāhmaṇakumāra m. a Brahman boy.

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brāhmaṇakula n. a Brahman's house.

brāhmaṇaghna m. the killer of a Brahman.

brāhmaṇacāṇḍāla m. a degraded or outcast (lit. a Caṇḍāla of a) Brahman.

brāhmaṇajāta n. the Brahmanical race or caste.

brāhmaṇaḍimbha m. infant or weakling of a Brahman.

brāhmaṇatā f. -tva n. the state or dignity of a Brahman.

brāhmaṇadhana n. the fee given to Brahmans.

brāhmaṇaputraka m. a Brahman boy or lad.

brāhmaṇapriya m. a friend of Brahmans.

brāhmaṇabruva m. calling one's self a Brahman, i.e. a B. only in name, a bad B.

brāhmaṇabhojana n. feeding Brahmans.

brāhmaṇavacana n. the statement of a Brāhmaṇa.

brāhmaṇavadha m. killing a Brahman.

brāhmaṇavarcasa n. the dignity of a Brahman.

brāhmaṇavākya n. = brāhmaṇavacana.

brāhmaṇavidhi m. precept of a Brāhmaṇa.

brāhmaṇavilāpa m. the Brahman's Lament, T. of an episode of the Mahābhārata.

brāhmaṇavihita a. enjoined in a Brāhmaṇa.

brāhmaṇasātkṛ present to Brahmans, w. as belong to B.

brāhmaṇaspatya a. relating to Brahmaṇaspati.

brāhmaṇasva n. the property of Brahmans.

brāhmaṇācchaṃsin m. a cert. priest; -sya a. belonging to him, n. his office.

brāhmaṇāyana m. a (mere) descendant of a Brahman.

brāhmaṇī [1] -> brāhmaṇa1.

brāhmaṇī [2] w. bhū become a Brahman.

brāhmaṇokta a. enjoined in a Brāhmaṇa.

brāhmaṇya a. fit for Brahmans; n. state or dignity of a Brahman, an assembly of Brahmans.

brāhmi a. Brahmanical, holy, divine.

brāhmīputra m. the son of a woman married according to the Brahman rite.

brāhmoḍhā f. a woman married according to the Brahman rite.

brāhymya a. pertaining to Brahman or the Brahmans.

bruva a. calling one's self --, only in name a (--°).

brū bravīti brūte v say, tell (acc. of th. & gen., dat., loc. of pers.; or 2 acc.), speak to (acc., r. gen.); name, call (2 acc.), speak of (acc. ±prati or adhikṛtya); answer (±punar); announce, foretell; M. (A.) call one's self or profess one's self to be (nom., r. + iti). --
     acchā M. call near.
     ati abuse, revile.
     adhi encourage, console, comfort (dat.), speak in favour of or intercede for (dat.).
     anu pronounce, recite; teach, rehearse to (dat.), address reverentially (dat.), invite a person (dat.) to (gen.); say, speak; take for, recognize; M. repeat, learn by heart.
     apa speak off, i.e. conjure, charm with words; console a person (abl.) for the loss of (acc.).
     ā M. converse.
     ud renounce, give up (acc. or gen.).
     upa M. (A.) speak to (acc.), beg for (dat., r. acc.), invoke, persuade.
     nis pronounce (clearly and singly), explain.
     pra tell forth, proclaim, announce, teach, praise, relate, betray, call, describe as (2 acc.).
     prati speak back, answer; M. return (an attack etc.).
     vi speak out, utter, state, explain, answer a question; declare falsely; contradict, disagree; M. dispute, contend.
     sam A.M. talk together, converse; M. consent, agree, say anything to (2 acc.).

bleṣka m. snare, noose.

bha n. star, asterism, lunar mansion.

bhaṃsas n. a cert. part of the abdomen.

bhakta a. distributed, divided; attached or devoted to, faithful, m. a worshipper or adorer (loc., gen., acc., or --°); n. food, nourishment, meal.

bhaktada a. giving food to (gen.).

bhaktadāyaka a. giving food to (gen.).

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bhaktadāsa m. a slave who serves for food.

bhaktadveṣa m. aversion from food, want of appetite.

bhaktaruci f. desire of food, appetite, hunger.

bhaktaśaraṇa n. receptacle for food, store-room or kitchen.

bhakti f. distribution, partition, division, portion, share; division by lines, variegation, decoration, line, streak; devotion, attachment, love or piety for (loc., gen., or --°).

bhakticcheda m. pl. division by lines or streaks, variegation.

bhaktinamra a. bent down in devotion.

bhaktibhāj a. full of faith or devotion.

bhaktimant a. = prec. (w. loc. or --°).

bhaktiyoga m. faithful devotion.

bhaktivas a. partaking of (gen.).

bhaktivan a. partaking of (gen.).

bhaktivāda m. assurance of devotion.

bhaktihīna a. wanting piety or devotion.

bhakṣ bhakṣati bhakṣate v older bhakṣayati bhakṣayate, pp. bhakṣita (q.v.) partake of, enjoy, eat, drink, devour, consume, waste, destroy. C. bhakṣayati *cause a pers. (instr. or acc.) to eat (acc.); cf. also S. D. bibhakṣiṣati & bibhakṣayiṣati wish to eat or devour. --
     pari enjoy or drink (esp. what belongs to another), eat, feed on.
     sam enjoy or devour (together).

bhakṣa m. enjoyment, eating or drinking, food or drink; adj. feeding or living on (--°).

bhakṣaka a. eating, feeding on (gen. or --°); m. enjoyer, eater, devourer.

bhakṣaṇa a. enjoying (--°); n. enjoyment, eating or drinking; being eaten by (inst.); drinking vessel.

bhakṣaṇīya a. to be (being) devoured.

bhakṣayitavya a. to be enjoyed or eaten.

bhakṣita a. eaten; munched (g.); the being devoured by (instr.).

bhakṣitavya a. = bhakṣayitavya.

bhakṣitṛ m. enjoyer, eater.

bhakṣin a. enjoying, eating (mostly --°).

bhakṣivan a. enjoying.

bhakṣya a. to be (being) enjoyed or eaten, enjoyable, eatable; n. food.

bhakṣyabhojya (°--) all kind of enjoyments.

bhakṣyābhakṣya n. allowed and forbidden food.

bhaga m. distributer, dispenser, gracious lord, protector, N. of an Āditya & E. of sev. gods; portion, lot, fortune; abundance. happiness; dignity, majesty; loveliness, beauty; affection, love; the vulva.

bhagatti f. a gift of fortune.

bhagadatta m. N. of a king.

bhagadevata a. having Bhaga for a deity.

bhagadaivata a. = prec.; n. E. of a lunar mansion

bhagavadgīta a. sung or declared by Bhagavant i.e. Kṛṣṇa; f. ā pl. (±upaniṣad) T. of a philosophical poem.

bhagavant a. fortunate, prosperous, happy, glorious, illustrious, excellent, holy, divine (of gods & men, esp. in the voc. sgl. m. bhagavan bhagavas & bhagos, f. bhagavati, pl. m. bhabhavantas, or in the nom. w. 3d pers. as reverential address). m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa, Śiva, etc., f. bhagavatī a holy woman (abstr. -tva n.*); E. of Lakṣmī & Durgā.

bhagin a. fortunate, happy, splendid; f. bhaginī sister.

bhaginīpati m. a sister's husband.

bhagīratha m. N. of an ancient king.

bhageśa m. the lord of fortune.

bhagos -> bhagavant.

bhagna a. broken, bent, curved; scattered, defeated, disappointed, marred, destroyed, annihilated, lost; abstr. -tā f.

bhagnamanas a. broken-hearted, discouraged.

bhagnayuga n. (loc.) when the yoke is broken.

bhagnavrata a. who has broken a vow.

bhagnāśa a. whose hopes are broken, disappointed.

bhagnāsthi a. whose bones are broken.*

bhaṅktṛ m. breaker, destroyer.

bhaṅga a. breaking. -- m. the act of breaking, bending, or curving; breach, fracture, division, separation, downfall, ruin, destruction, interruption, disturbance, frustration, disappointment, defeat; bend, fold, wave; hemp (also f. bhaṅgā).

bhaṅgakārin a. causing a breach, breaking (--°).

bhaṅgi f. breaking, bending; curve. step (of a stair-case), crooked path, indirect manner of speech, circumlocution; way, manner i.g.; mere appearance or semblance.

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bhaṅgī f. breaking, bending; curve. step (of a stair-case), crooked path, indirect manner of speech, circumlocution; way, manner i.g.; mere appearance or semblance.

bhaṅgin a. breaking down, fragile, perishable (--°); defeated in a law-suit.

bhaṅgimant a. curled (hair).

bhaṅgu m. N. of a demon.

bhaṅgura a. fragile, transitory, changing, fickle; crisp, curled, wrinkled. Abstr. -tā f.

bhaṅguray bhaṅgurayati v break, destroy; crisp, curl (trans.).

bhaṅgurāvant a. insidious, malignant.

bhaj bhajati bhajate v pp. bhakta (q.v.) deal out, apportion, dispense, distribute (w. gen. or dat. of pers.), share, divide (M. among each other); M. grant, bestow, endow, furnish with (instr.); M. (A.) receive as a portion, partake of, enjoy, prefer, choose, take or go to, pursue, practise, belong or be attached to, revere, honour, worship, love, court. C. bhājayati deal out, distribute, divide; make a pers. (acc.) share in (gen.). --
     apa give a pers. (gen. or dat.) a share of (gen.); content, satisfy; divide, distribute.
     ā A. (M.) deal out, give a pers. (acc.) a share in (loc.).
     anvā M. make a person share in (loc.) after or along with others.
     nis exclude from (abl.), content or satisfy with (instr.); C. disinherit.
     pari divide.
     prati fall again to the share of (acc.).
     vi part asunder, divide, distribute (2 acc., acc. of th. & dat. or loc. of pers., or acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); M. also share among each other or with (instr.).
     pravi divide, distribute.
     saṃvi sever, sunder; divide with (instr. ±saha, dat., or gen.); give a share, present with (instr.).
     sam distribute, divide, share, present with a gift, endow. -- Cf. anvābhakta (add.), ābhakta pravibhakta vibhakta saṃbhakta.

bhajaka m. distributer.

bhajana n. adoration, worship; -tā f. the same.

bhajanīya a. to be loved or adored.

bhajitavya a. the same.

bhajenya a. the same.

bhañja bhanakti v pp. bhagna (q.v.) break, bend, curve; scatter, disperse; defeat, conquer; frustrate, disappoint, destroy, annihilate; P. bhajyate with intr. mg. (C. bhañjayati w. śūle pierce with a pale*). --
     abhi break, destroy.
     ava break down (tr.).
     nis break asunder, split.
     pra break, destroy; rout, defeat (an army).
     vi break to pieces; scatter, distribute; frustrate, disappoint.
     sam break, crush. -- Cf. paribhagna saṃbhagna.

bhañjaka m. breaker; f. bhañjikā breaking (--°).

bhañjana a. & m. breaking, breaker, destroyer (--°); n. the act of breaking, destroying, interrupting, disturbing.

bhañjin a. breaking, dispelling (--°).

bhaṭ bhāṭayati v hire.

bhaṭa m. hireling, soldier, servant.

bhaṭṭa m. lord, E. of learned men (°-- & --° in names).

bhaṭṭanārāyaṇa m. N. of a poet.

bhaṭṭācārya m. illustrious teacher (E. of Kumārilabhaṭṭa).

bhaṭṭāra m. lord (applied to gods & learned men).

bhaṭṭāraka m. lord (applied to gods & learned men).

bhaṭṭārakavāra m. the lord's day, Sunday.

bhaṭṭi m. N. of a poet.

bhaṭṭoji m. N. of a grammarian.

bhaṭṭojidīkṣita m. N. of a grammarian.

bhaḍa m. N. of a cert. mixed caste.

bhaṇ bhaṇati v pp. bhaṇita (q.v.) speak, say, relate; call, name (2 acc.). C. *bhāṇayati (bhaṇāpayati*) cause to speak. --
     prati answer, reply.

bhaṇa m. telling (--°).

bhaṇana a. telling, announcing.

bhaṇanīya a. to be told.

bhaṇita n. bhaṇiti f. speech, talk, description.

bhaṇḍa m. jester, buffoon, a cert. mixed caste.

bhaṇḍi m. N. of a man.

bhadra a. bright, pleasing, good, happy; voc. bhadra bhadre & bhadrās good sir, good lady, & good people! bhadram & bhadrayā adv. luckily, fortunately. n. luck, prosperity, good fortune, bhadraṃ te or vaḥ happiness to thee or you (often only explet.).

bhadraka f. bhadrikā good; m. pl. N. of a people.

bhadrakāraka a. causing prosperity.

bhadrakṛt a. causing prosperity.

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bhadrakālī f. N. of a goddess (in l. l. Durgā).

bhadratas adv. fortunately.

bhadratā f. goodness, honesty.

bhadratva n. prosperity, good fortune.

bhadrapāpa n. sgl. good and evil; m. pl. the good and evil.

bhadrapīṭha n. splendid seat, throne; m. a cert. winged insect, used by thieves.

bhadrabhuja a. whose arms cause prosperity.

bhadramukha a. whose face causes prosperity (in voc. as reverential address).

bhadramusta m. ā f. a kind of fragrant grass.

bhadravant a. causing happiness or prosperity, auspicious, f. -vatī wanton girl.

bhadraśrī f. sandal.

bhadrasena m. a man's name.

bhadrāvaha a. bringing happiness.

bhadrāśva m. a man's name.

bhadrāsana n. splendid seat, throne.

bhadrāha n. a lucky day, favourable time.

bhadreśa m. E. of Śiva.

bhan bhanati v speak, tell.

bhand bhandate v be bright, shine; resound, praise.

bhandadiṣṭi a. hastening along with shouts.

bhandana a. shouting, cheering; f. ā as abstr.

bhandiṣṭha (superl.) shouting or praising most loudly.

bhaya n. fear, dread, anxiety, terror, danger, distress (w. abl. or --°).

bhayakara a. causing fear.

bhayakartṛ (f. ī), & -kartṛ a. = prec.

bhayakṛt (f. ī), & -kartṛ a. = prec.

bhayaṃkara (f. ī), & -kartṛ a. = prec.

bhayada a. inspiring fear.

bhayadāyin a. inspiring fear.

bhayaprada a. inspiring fear.

bhayastha s. dangerous situation.

bhayānaka a. dreadful, terrible.

bhayāpaha a. warding off fear or peril.

bhayābhaya n. du. danger and security.

bhayārta a. tormented by fear.

bhayālu (bhayālaka*) a timid.

bhayāvaha a. causing fear or danger.

bhayeḍaka m. wild ram.

bhayya n. impers. (it is) to be feared.

bhara m. bearing, carrying (also a. mostly --°); obtaining, getting, carrying away, theft, fight, battle, burden, load, a cert. weight or measure; mass, quantity, abundance (instr. & abl. adv.); song, hymn.

bharaṇa n. bearing, wearing, bringing, procuring, maintaining, nourishing; wages, hire.

bharaṇīya a. to be maintained or nourished.

bharata m. E. of Agni (lit. to be maintained or kept alive); N. of sev. princes & other men, esp. of a patriarchal hero & the mythical author of dramatic art, also = seq.; pl. the race of the Bharatas.

bharataputra m. actor, mime.

bharatarṣabha m. the best (lit. bull) among the Bharatas, E. of sev. men.

bharatavākya n. epilogue, lit. speech of Bharata (d.).

bharataśārdūla a. tiger or best of the Bharatas.

bharataśeṣṭha a. tiger or best of the Bharatas.

bharatasattama a. tiger or best of the Bharatas.

bharadvāja m. field-lark, N. of a Rishi.

bharadhyai dat. inf. to bhṛ.

bharas n. bearing, supporting.

bharahūti f. battle-cry, shouting in battle.

bharākrānta a. heavy (lit. oppressed by a load).*

bhari -> udaraṃbhari & sahobhari.

bharita a. filled, full of (gen. or --°).

bharitra n. arm or hand.

bhariṣa a. rapacious, greedy.

bharīman m. support, maintenance, nourishment.

bharu m. E. of Viṣṇu & Śiva.

bharuja m. roasted barley.

bharga m. = seq., a man's name, pl. N. of a people.

bhargas n. radiant light, glory.

bhargasvant a. majestic.

bharjana a. frying, roasting; n. frying or frying-pan.

bharṇas -> sahasrabharṇas.

bhartavya a. to be borne, maintained, nourished, or fed.

bhartṛ [1] (bhartṛ) m. bearer, supporter, maintainer, lord, chief; f. bhartrī female supporter mother.

bhartṛ [2] m. husband; abstr. -tva n.

bhartṛka (adj. --°) = bhartṛ2.

bhartṛghnī f. husband-slaying.

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bhartṛcittā f. thinking of the husband.

bhartṛdāraka m. -rikā f. a king's son or daughter; prince, princess.

bhartṛpriya a. devoted to a lord or husband.

bhartṛbhakta a. devoted to a lord or husband.

bhartṛmatī f. having a husband, married.

bhartṛmeṇṭha m. N. of an author, abstr. -tā f.

bhartṛrūpa a. formed like a (the) husband.

bhartṛloka m. the husband's world.

bhartṛvatsalā f. affectionate to the husband.

bhartṛvrata n. devotion to the husband.

bhartṛvratā f. devoted to the husband.

bhartṛhari m. N. of an author.

bharts bhartsati & bhartsayati bhartsayate v pp. bhartsita (q.v.) threaten, revile, mock, deride.
     abhi ava nis pari sam = S.

bhartsana n. -nā f. threatening, scolding.

bhartsita n. threat, menace.

bharman n. support, nourishment.

bharv bharvati v munch, devour.

bhal nibhālayati nibhālayate v look at, behold, perceive; (nis the same*).

bhala adv. certainly, indeed.

bhalla m. a kind of arrow (also f. ī); bear.

bhallūka m. bear, -yuvan m. a voung bear.

bhava m. coming into existence, birth, birthplace, origin (often a. --° born of, sprung from, being in); becoming (--°); being, existence, world; means of existence, wealth, prosperity; N. of a god.

bhavacchid a. destroying mundane existence.

bhavaccheda m. abstr. to prec.

bhavajala n. the ocean of existence.

bhavatpūrva a. beginning with 'your honour' n. adv.

bhavadīya a. your, your honour's.

bhavaduttaram adv. with 'your honour' at the end.

bhavadvasu a. rich in goods.

bhavadvidha a. one like you or your honour.

bhavana n. coming into existence, place of existence, dwelling, abode, house, palace, temple.

bhavanadvāra n. the door of a palace.

bhavanīya a. being about to take place.

bhavanodyāna n. garden of a house or palace.*

bhavant [1] (nom. bhavan) a. being, present; f. -ntī the present time or tense.

bhavant [2] (nom. m. bhavān, f. bhavatī) pers. pron. of 2nd pers., with 3d pers. of the verb, used in respectful address (pl. also for sgl. & msc. for n.) = your honour, your worship, you.

bhavanmadhya a. having 'your honour' in the middle; n. adv.

bhavabhāvana m. creator of the world.

bhavabhūti f. welfare, m. N. of a poet.

bhavavyaya m. du. production and dissolution.

bhavasāgara m. the ocean of existence. (*bhavādṛkṣa), bhavādṛś & bhavādṛśa (f. ī) your like.

bhavānī f. N. of a goddess, the wife of Bhava, in l. l. = pārvatī.

bhavānīpati m. E. of Śiva (cf. prec.).

bhavānīvallabha m. E. of Śiva (cf. prec.).

bhavāntara n. another existence, a former or future life.

bhavābdhi m. = bhavasāgara.

bhavārudra m. du. Bhava and Rudra.

bhavārṇava m. = bhavasāgara.

bhavāśarva m. Bhava and Śarva.

bhavika a. benevolent, pious.

bhavitavya a. = seq., n. impers. w. instr. of subj. & pred.; abstr. -tā f. necessity, fate, destiny.

bhavitṛ f. -trī what is to be, future.

bhavitos gen. abl. infin. to bhū1.

bhavin m. living being, esp. man.

bhaviṣṭha -> śabhaviṣṭha.

bhaviṣṇu a. being, becoming (only --°); thriving, prospering.

bhaviṣya a. future, imminent; n. the future.

bhaviṣyatkāla a. relating to the future (g.).

bhaviṣyattā f. -ttva n. futurity.

bhaviṣyatpurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

bhaviṣyadvācin a. expressing the future (g.).

bhaviṣyant a. future; n. the future (time or tense).

bhavītva a. future.

bhavīyaṃs (compar.) more abundant.

bhavodadhi m. = bhavasāgara.

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bhavya a. being, present, future; proper, fit, right, good, excellent, fine, beautiful, auspicious, fortunate, gracious, favourable, religious, pious. n. existence, presence, future; good luck, fortune.

bhaṣ bhaṣati bhaṣate v bark.

bhaṣa a. barking.

bhaṣaka m. barker, dog.

bhas babhasti bapsati v pp. bhasita1 (q.v.) chew, devour, consume.

bhas [2] (only loc. bhasi) ashes.

bhasad f. the hinder parts, pudendum muliebre.

bhasadya a. being on the hinder parts (v. prec.).

bhasita a. consumed to ashes.

bhastrā f. bag, sack, bellows.

bhastrikā f. little bag, pouch, purse.

bhasmakṛta a. made into ashes.

bhasmatā f. abstr. to seq. n.

bhasman a. chewing, devouring. n. (also pl.) ashes, abl. bhasmatas.

bhasmabhūta a. reduced to ashes.

bhasmarāśīkṛ change into a heap of ashes.

bhasmareṇu m. dust of ashes.

bhasmaśāyin a. lying on ashes.

bhasmasātkṛ & reduce to ashes; w. gam & bhū become ashes.

bhasmānta [1] n. neighbourhood of (loc. near) ashes.

bhasmānta [2] a. ending in ashes, being finally burnt.

bhasmānti adv. = prec. 1 loc.

bhasmāp f. pl. water with ashes.

bhasmāvaśeṣa a. reduced to ashes (lit. of what only ashes remain).

bhasmita a. made into ashes, consumed, destroyed.

bhasmīkṛ & bhū = bhasmasāt w. the same.

bhasmīkaraṇa n. burning to ashes.

bhasmībhāva m. being or becoming ashes.

bhasmībhūta a. reduced to or being mere ashes.

bhā bhāti v pp. bhāta1 be bright, shine, be splendid or beautiful, please (acc. w. prati or pratibhāti w. acc.); show one's self, appear; look or be like (nom. ±iva or adv. in vat), pass for (nom.). --
     ati shine bright or brighter than (acc.).
     anu shine after (acc.).
     abhi shine forth, appear.
     ava shine down or upon.
     ā shine upon, illumine; shine forth, appear, look or be like (iva yathā or adv. in vat).
     ud shine out, become manifest.
     nis & vinis shine forth.
     pra shine forth, begin to be bright (as the night), appear or be like (nom. ±iva).
     prati shine upon, illumine; become manifest, offer or present one's self, come into the mind, occur to (acc. or gen.); appear to (gen. or acc. ±prati), look or be like, resemble ( = S.); seem fit, please.
     saṃprati appear, come into the mind, occur.
     vi shine forth, shine far and wide, begin to be bright (night), be brilliant, make a show, catch the eye, appear, arise, look or be like ( = S.); shine upon, illumine.
     sam shine out, become manifest, arise, appear as (nom. ±iva or yathā). -- Cf. ābhāta nirbhāta prabhāta vibhāta.

bhā [2] f. light, brightness, splendour, adj. --° resembling, like.

bhāḥkūṭa m. a kind of fish.

bhākta a. subordinate, secondary; m. N. of cert. sects.

bhāga [1] m. part, portion, share, property; lot, esp. happy lot, good fortune; place, spot, region, side.

bhāga [2] a. relating to Bhaga.

bhāgadugha m. distributer, dispenser.

bhāgadheya n. portion, share, property; lot, esp. happy lot, luck, fortune; a. (f. ī) due as a share.

bhāgabhāj a. having a share of anything, m. a partner.

bhāgalakṣaṇā f. insinuation of a part (rh.).

bhāgavata f. ī relating to Bhagavant (Viṣṇu), m. a follower of Bh.; n. = seq.

bhāgavatapurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

bhāgaśas adv. in parts, part by part; in turns, by and by.

bhāgahara a. receiving a share; m. heir.

bhāgahārin a. & m. = prec.

bhāgāpahārin a. & m. = prec.

bhāgānubhāgena (instr. adv.) in greater and smaller portions.

bhāgārthin a. claiming a share.

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bhāgin a. sharing in, partaking of, responsible for, entitled to (loc., gen., or --°); m. partaker, owner.

bhāgineya m. a sister's son.

bhāgineyaka m. a sister's son.

bhāgīratha f. ī relating to Bhagīratha; f. ī E. of Gan1gā.

bhāguri m. a man's name.

bhāgya [1] a. relating to Bhaga; n. E. of lunar mansion.

bhāgya [2] a. lucky, fortunate; n. lot, fortune, welfare, reward, fate, destiny.

bhāgyakrama m. course of fortune.

bhāgyarahita a. deserted by fortune, unhappy, miserable.

bhāgyavattā f. abstr. to seq.

bhāgyavant a. having good luck, happy, fortunate.

bhāgyavaśa m. the power of destiny.

bhāgyodaya m. pl. luck, welfare.

bhāṅga a. hempen.

bhāṅgāsuri m. patron. of Ṛtuparṇa.

bhāj a. partaking of, entitled to, connected with, belonging to, sharing, enjoying, practising, occupying, inhabiting, revering (--°, r. gen.).

bhājana n. vessel, dish, receptacle i.e. fit place or person for (gen. or --°, cf. pātra), substitute; adj. --° sharing, partaking of, relating or belonging to, serving or equivalent for.

bhājayu a. liberal, bounteous.

bhājin a. partaking of, connected with (--°).

bhājya a. to be distributed or divided.

bhāṭa n. wages, hire, rent.

bhāṭaka n. wages, hire, rent.

bhāṭi f. the same.

bhāṭṭa m. a follower of (Kumārila) Bhaṭṭa; n. K's work.

bhāṇ an onomat. word.

bhāṇa m. a kind of drama.

bhāṇaka m. proclaimer; f. bhāṇikā a kind of drama.

bhāṇḍa n. vessel, pot, dish, chest, trunk; implement or utensil, esp. musical instrument; horse-trappings, harness, ornament i.g.; wares, merchandise.

bhāṇḍavādana n. playing on a musical instrument.

bhāṇḍavādya n. a musical instrument.

bhāṇḍāgāra n. store-, treasure-, or warehouse; -rika m. the overseer of such a house, treasurer.

bhāṇḍāra m. -gṛha n. = bhāṇḍāgāra.

bhāṇḍāvakāśada a. giving room (to a thief) for (concealing his) implements.

bhāti f. light, splendour; perception, knowledge.

bhātvakṣas a. luminous (lit. light-strong).

bhādra m. N. of a month.

bhādrapada m. N. of a month.

bhāna n. = bhāti.

bhānava a. relating to the sun.

bhānavīya a. relating to the sun.

bhānu m. light, beam, the sun; N. of an Āditya, pl. the Ādityas.

bhānumant a. beaming, luminous, splendid; m. the sun, a man's name, f. -matī a woman's name.

bhānumitra m. names of kings.

bhānuratha m. names of kings.

bhām -> bhāmita.

bhāma m. light, beam, splendour; heat, passion, fury, rage, wrath.

bhāmita a. wrathful, angry.

bhāmaha m. N. of an author.

bhāmin a. shining, beaming, beautiful, fair; f. bhāminī a. beautiful or an angry woman.

bhāminīvilāsa m. T. of a poem.

bhāra m. burden, load, quantity, mass, multitude.

bhārata f. ī descended from Bharata or relating to the Bharatas, also E. of Agni (cf. bharata). -- m. descendant of Bharata, pl. the race of Bh. = bharatās. f. ī N. of a deity, in l. l. the goddess of speech = Sarasvatī; speech, word, eloquence. n. the country of Bharata i.e. India, or the story of the Bharatas, often = mahābhārata (q.v.).

bhāratīya n. T. of a work.

bhāradvāja f. ī belonging to or descended from Bharadvāja; m. pl. N. of a people or = seq.

bhāradvājin m. pl. N. of a Vedic school.

bhāradvājīya m. pl. N. of a Vedic school.

bhārabhārin a. bearing loads.

bhārabhṛt a. bearing loads.

bhāravant a. heavy; abstr. -vattva n.

bhāravāha a. bearing burdens, m. carrier.

bhāravāhana a. & m. = prec.

bhāravāhin a. & m. = prec.

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bhāravi m. N. of a poet.

bhārasaha a. burden-bearing, very strong or powerful.

bhārasādhana a. effecting much, most powerful (weapons).

bhārasādhin a. effecting much, most powerful (weapons).

bhārākrānta a heavily laden (cf. bharākrānta).

bhārika m. carrier.

bhārin a. bearing, m. = prec.

bhārūpa a. shining, bright.

bhārga m. N. of a man, pl. of a people.

bhārgava f. ī relating to or coming from Bhṛgu, m. descendant of Bh.; also = seq.

bhārgavagraha m. the planet Venus.*

bhārgāyaṇa m. patron. from bharga.

bhārman s. support; board, table.

bhārya a. to be supported or maintained. m. servant, soldier; f. bhāryā wife.

bhāryātva n. abstr. to prec. f.

bhāryādrohin a. injuring one's own wife.

bhāryāvant a. having a wife.

bhāla n. forehead.

bhāva m. becoming, being (often --°); passing or change into (loc. or --°); occurrence, appearance, existence, duration; state, condition; conduct, behaviour; nature, character, temper, disposition; sentiment, feeling (rh.); supposition, conjecture, meaning, sense; the abstract idea of a verb (g.); affection, inclination; heart, soul, mind; a being, thing, creature; a clever man, in respectful address = honourable sir (d.).

bhāvaka a. causing, effecting, furthering, promoting (--° or gen.); fancying, imagining (gen. or --°).

bhāvakartṛka a. whose agent is an abstract noun (g.).

bhāvana f. ī = bhāvaka. -- f. ā & n. effecting, bringing about; imagination, conception, conjecture, supposition, thought, idea; ascertainment, evidence (only f.).

bhāvanīya a. to be effected or accomplished; to be fancied or imagined (n. impers.).

bhāvabandhana a. binding hearts.

bhāvamadhura a. sweet or pleasant by (following) nature (picture).*

bhāvamiśra m. honourable sir (d.).*

bhāvayitavya a. to be cherished or promoted.

bhāvayitṛ m. cherisher, promoter.

bhāvayu a. cherishing, promoting.

bhāvarūpa a. real, actual; n. thing (ph.).

bhāvavacana a. expressing the abstract idea of a verb (g.).

bhāvavant a. being in a state or condition.

bhāvaśuddhi f. purity of mind.

bhāvaśūnya a. void of affection.

bhāvasaṃśuddhi f. = bhāvaśuddhi.

bhāvasamāhita a. concentrated in mind.

bhāvaskhalita n. offence committed only in thought.

bhāvastha a. being in love.

bhāvākūta n. the first emotions of the heart.

bhāvika f. ī real, actual; sentimental, expressive; n. lively expression.

bhāvita a. brought into being, produced; enlivened, refreshed, comforted, exalted; got, obtained; thought of, known; stated, convicted; full of, occupied with (instr. or --°), turned upon (loc.); perfumed.

bhāvitva n. abstr. to seq.

bhāvin a. becoming, being (often --°); what ought or is about to be, impending, future. f. -nī a beautiful woman.

bhāvuka a. becoming (w. nom. or --° after an adv. in am); a sister's husband (d.).

bhāvodaya m. the rising of passion or emotion.

bhāvya a. what ought to be, future (n. impers.); to be caused or effected; to be (being) conceived or imagined, to be convinced, to be demonstrated.

bhāvyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

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bhāṣ bhāṣate v (bhāṣati), pp. bhāṣita (q.v.) speak, talk, say, tell (acc. of pers. & th.); name, call (2 acc.). C. bhāṣayati te cause to speak; tell, say. --
     anu call after or to (acc.), speak to or about (acc.); pronounce, confess.
     apa abuse, revile.
     abhi speak, say, tell (acc. of th. or - & - pers.), proclaim, confess.
     ā speak to, address (acc.), converse with (saha); say, tell (1 or 2 acc.); name, call; exclaim, promise.
     vyā & samā address, speak to, communicate.
     pari speak to, admonish, remind, pronounce, explain, teach.
     pra speak out, name, proclaim, communicate, expound, explain, converse with (acc.).
     prati speak back, answer (acc. of pers. or th.); relate, communicate.
     vi revile, abuse; P. admit an alternative, be optional (g.).
     sam talk to, converse with (instr. ±saha), address, salute, persuade. C. = S. -- Cf. vibhāṣita.

bhāṣaka a. speaking, talking about (--°).

bhāṣaṇa n. speaking, talking.

bhāṣā f. speech, language, esp. vernacular l., dialect; description, definition; accusation, plaint.

bhāṣājña a. knowing languages.

bhāṣika a. dialectical; f. ā language.

bhāṣita a. spoken, told, uttered; n. speech, language, talk, conversation.

bhāṣitavya a. to be spoken to.

bhāṣitṛ a. speaking (acc. or --°).

bhāṣin a. speaking, talking (mostly --°); loquacious.

bhāṣya n. speech, talk; any work in the vulgar speech, esp. explanatory work, commentary, also = mahābhāṣya q.v.

bhāṣyakāra m. the writer of a commentary, E. of PataJjali.

bhāṣyakṛt m. the writer of a commentary, E. of PataJjali.

bhās [1] n. (older than) f. light, brightness.

bhās bhāsati bhāsate v pp. bhāsita2 (q.v.) shine, be bright, appear as or like (nom. or instr.), become clear or obvious, be imagined or conceived. C. bhāsayati te make shine, illuminate, cause to appear as (instr.), show, manifest. --
     ava M. shine, light, become manifest, appear as (instr. or adv. in vat). C. shine upon, illumine.
     ā M. appear as (iva).
     ud shine forth, make a show, catch the eye. C. illumine (M.), illustrate, embellish.
     samud shine with (instr.).
     nis C. illumine.
     pari M. appear, look like (iva). C. beautify, adorn.
     pra shine, be bright, appear like (iva). C. illumine, illustrate.
     prati M. shine forth, become manifest, appear like (nom.) or as (instr. of an abstr.), be brilliant, make a show. C. show, manifest.
     vi shine, be bright.

bhāsa m. light, brightness; a cert. bird of prey (f. bhāsī their mother), a man's name.

bhāsaka a. causing to shine or appear, making evident or known; m. N. of a poet.

bhāsatā f. the state of the bird Bhāsa.

bhāsada m. buttock.

bhāsana n. shining, glittering, excelling.

bhāsas [1] n. light, lustre.

bhāsas [2] n. food.

bhāsita a. shining, brilliant.

bhāsin (--°) & bhāsura a. = prec.

bhāsuradeha a. of radiant aspect (body).

bhāskara a. the same; m. the sun, a man's name, n. a kind of breach (made by a thief).

bhāskaranandin m. son of the god of the sun.

bhāsmana a. ashy.

bhāsya a. to be (being) brought to light or made visible; abstr. -tva n.

bhāsvant a. shining, brilliant; m. the sun.

bhāsvara a. = prec. a.

bhikṣ bhikṣate v (bhikṣati) wish for (acc. or gen.); request, beg (1 or 2 acc.), esp. go begging for food. C. bhikṣayati cause to beg.

bhikṣaṇa n. begging, asking for alms.

bhikṣā f. begging or begged food, alms; acc. w. yā car, or aṭ go begging for food.

bhikṣācaraṇa n. -caryā f. going about begging.

bhikṣācarya n. -caryā f. going about begging.

bhikṣāṭana n. the same; -naṃ kṛ beg for alms.

bhikṣānna n. begged food.

bhikṣāpātra n. vessel for begged food.

bhikṣābhāṇḍa n. vessel for begged food.

bhikṣārthin a. asking for alms; m. beggar.

bhikṣāvant a. begging.

bhikṣāvṛtti a. living on alms.

bhikṣāśitva n. abstr. to seq.

bhikṣāśin a. eating begged food.

bhikṣāhāra [1] m. begged food, alms.

bhikṣāhāra [2] a. eating begged food.

bhikṣitavya a. to be begged or asked for.

bhikṣin a. begging.

bhikṣu m. beggar, religious mendicant, esp. a Brahman in the last stage of his life, also a Buddhist mendicant.

bhikṣuka m. = prec., f. ī a female mendicant.

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bhikṣucaryā f. begging, a beggar's life.

bhitta n. fragment, broken piece; partition, wall.

bhitti f. breaking, splitting, dividing; a mat (made of split reeds); partition, wall.

bhittivedikābandha m. a kind of altar.*

bhid bhinatti1 v (bhintte), pp. bhinna (q.v.) split, cleave, cut asunder, break in twain, destroy, annihilate; pierce, open, expand; loose, extricate; interrupt, disturb, trouble; disclose, betray; divide, separate, part; change, alter; distinguish, discriminate. P. bhidyate (-ti) be split etc., mostly intr. burst, open, expand, blossom, get loose or free; separate or keep aloof from (instr.); change, alter, differ from (abl.). C. bhedayati te split, break, destroy, divide, disunite, seduce. D. bibhitsati wish to break or destroy. --
     ava cleave asunder, pierce.
     ud break through (disclose, betray*); P. burst open, become manifest
     nis split or tear asunder, pierce, hurt, wound, loose, unveil, discover; P. split, burst, open (intr.).
     pari P. be split, broken, changed, disfigured.
     pra split forth, tear asunder, open, pierce, divide.
     prati pierce, penetrate; disclose, betray; reproach, censure.
     vi split or break asunder, pierce, destroy, divide, disunite, change, alter. C. alienate, estrange from (abl.).
     sam cleave, split, break, pierce, hurt, wound, interrupt, give up; combine, mingle, join, associate with (acc.).
     anusam & upasam bring together, mingle, mix. -- Cf. udbhinna nirbhinna prodbhinna (add.), vibhinna saṃbhinna.

bhid [2] a. breaking, dividing, piercing, destroying (--°); f. the act of splitting or dividing; difference, species, kind; partition, wall.

bhidā f. breaking, splitting, piercing; division, separation, difference; species, kind.

bhidura a. easily split or broken, fragile, brittle; breaking, destroying; coming into contact, mingling or joining with (--°).

bhidya m. a rushing river; n. breaking, splitting (--°).

bhindipāla m. a kind of spear.

bhindipālaka m. a kind of spear.

bhindu m. splitter, breaker, destroyer; drop (cf. bindu).

bhinna a. split, cleft, broken, destroyed, annihilated; loosened, opened, burst, blossomed; divided, disunited, seduced; changed, altered, distinct, different from (abl.); mingled, mixed with (instr. or --°), cleaving or sticking to (loc. or --°). -- n. piece, fragment.

bhinnagati a. of a broken or unsteady gait.

bhinnatva n. the being different from (--°).

bhinnadeśa a. belonging to different places, abstr. -tva n.

bhinnabhājana n. a broken dish or vessel.

bhinnabhāṇḍa n. a broken dish or vessel.

bhinnaruci a. having a different taste.

bhinnavṛtta a. leading an evil life, abstr. -vṛttitā f.

bhinnavṛtti a. leading an evil life, abstr. -vṛttitā f.

bhinnasvara a. speaking with a broken voice.

bhinnāñjana n. collyrium mixed with oil.

bhinnārtha a. having a clear meaning, intelligible; abstr. -tva n.

bhiyas m. fear (only acc., instr., & dat. as infin.).

bhiyasāna a. timid.

bhilla m. pl. N. of a people; m. sgl. a king of the Bh., f. ī a Bh. woman.

bhiṣaktara compar. & superl. to seq. 2 adj.

bhiṣaktama compar. & superl. to seq. 2 adj.

bhiṣaj bhiṣakti1 v heal.

bhiṣaj [2] a. healing; m. physician or medicine.

bhiṣajy bhiṣajyati v heal, cure.

bhiṣajya a. sanative, healthy; f. ā cure, remedy.

bhiṣṇajy bhiṣṇajyati v heal, cure.

bhī bhayate bibheti1 v (bibhyati), pp. bhīta (q.v.) fear, be afraid of (abl. or gen., r. instr. or acc.); fear for, be anxious about (abl.). C. bhīṣayate (-ti) & bhāyayati frighten, terrify. --
     ni C put in fright.
     vi take fright. -- Cf. prabhīta vibhīta saṃbhīta.

bhī [2] f. fear, horror at (abl., loc., acc. w. prati, or --°).

bhīta a. frightened, terrified, afraid of (abl., gen., or --°); anxious about (--°); n. or -vat adv., n. also as abstr.

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bhītabhīta a. much frightened, afraid of (abl.).

bhīti f. fear, danger of (abl. or --°); bhītitas from fear of (--°).

bhītimant a. timid, shy.

bhīma a. fearful, terrible, abstr. -tā f.; E. of Rudra-Śiva, N. of sev. men, esp. of a Vidarbha king.

bhīmakarman a. doing terrible deeds.

bhīmadarśana a. of terrible aspect.

bhīmanāda [1] m. a terrible sound.

bhīmanāda [2] a. sounding terribly.

bhīmant a. fearful, afraid.

bhīmaparākrama a. possessing terrible power or courage.

bhīmabala a. possessing fearful strength.

bhīmayu a. dreadful, terrible.

bhīmala a. dreadful, terrible.

bhīmasaṃdṛś a. of terrible aspect.

bhīmasena m. N. of one of the sons of Pāṇḍu etc.

bhīmāṅgada m. N. of a man.*

bhīmaujas a. having terrible strength.

bhīra a. inspiring fear, frightening.

bhīru (f. bhīru & bhīrū, voc. bhīru) timid, cowardly, shy, afraid of (abl. or --°, paratra of the other world). -- Abstr. bhīru++tā f., -tva n.

bhīruka a. timid, cowardly, afraid of (--°).

bhīluka a. timid, cowardly, afraid of (--°).

bhīṣaṇa f. ā & ī terrifying, frightening (gen. or --°), awful, horrible.

bhīṣay -> bhī1.

bhīṣā [1] f. frightening, intimidation.

bhīṣā [2] (instr. adv.) from fear.

bhīṣikā f. N. of a goddess.

bhīṣma a. dreadful, horrible; N. of an ancestor of the Bharatas, the son of Gan1gā.

bhu (--°) = bhū2.

bhuk (interj.) crack!

bhukta a. enjoyed, eaten; feeding on (--°); n. eating, food.

bhuktapīta a. having eaten and drunk.

bhuktapūrvan a. having enjoyed (acc.) before.

bhuktamātre (loc. adv.) immediately after eating.

bhuktavant a. heaving eaten; -vajjane (loc. adv.) when people have eaten.

bhuktaśeṣa n. the remnants of a meal.

bhukti f. eating, enjoyment, food; fruition, possession.

bhugna a. bent, curved, distorted; broken, discouraged.

bhuj bhujati v pp. bhugna1 (q.v.) bend, turn, make crooked. --
     ava & ā bend in.
     ni bend down.
     nis & vinis bend aside, turn away.
     pari encompass, embrace.
     pra bend, fold. -- Cf. ābhugna vyābhugna.

bhuj bhunakti bhuṅkte2 v (bhuñjati te), pp. bhukta (q.v.) enjoy (in older lang. w. instr., later mostly w. acc.), esp. food (i.e. eat, feed on, ± acc.), but also the earth, a country or town (i.e. rule), a woman (i.e. love carnally), etc.; experience, endure, atone for (acc.) at the hands of (gen.); be of use to, serve (acc.). C. bhojayati (-te) cause to enjoy or eat, feed (acc. of pers. & acc. or instr. of th.). D. bubhukṣate (-ti) wish to eat, be hungry. bobhujīti1 enjoy. --
     anu reap the fruit of (acc.), partake of, enjoy.
     abhi be of service to (acc.).
     upa enjoy (also carnally), eat, consume, use, possess, partake of, live on, reap the fruit of (acc.); be of use or service to (acc.).
     pari eat before another or leave another without food (acc.); eat, devour, use, employ.
     sam eat together, keep a common meal, enjoy (also carnally). C. cause to eat, feed with (instr.).

bhuj [3] f. enjoyment, profit, advantage, service, use, possession, wealth (dat. bhuje also as infin.); adj. --° enjoying, eating, ruling, loving etc. (v. prec.)

bhuja m. arm, branch, trunk of an elephant; f. ā the coil of a snake, arm.

bhujaga m. ī f. snake (lit. going crookedly), serpent-demon or serpent-maid; abstr. -tva n.

bhujagapati m. the king of snakes.

bhujagarāja m. the king of snakes.

bhujagātmajā f. serpent-daughter.

bhujagendra m. the same.

bhujageśvara m. the same.

bhujaṃga m. = bhujaga, lecher, parasite.

bhujaṃgaprayāta n. N. of a metre.

bhujaṃgama m. = bhujaga.

bhujaṃgaśatru m. E. of Garuḍa (enemy of snakes).

bhujaṃgendra m. the king of snakes.

bhujaṃgeśa m. the king of snakes.

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bhujacchāyā f. protection (shadow of the arms).

bhujadaṇḍa m. a long arm (lit. arm-staff).

bhujabandhana n. an embrace.

bhujamadhya n. breast (middle of the arms).

bhujamūla n. shoulder (root of the arms).

bhujayaṣṭi f. = bhujaṭaṇḍa.

bhujalatā f. a slender arm (lit. arm-creeper).

bhujastambha m. a strong arm (lit arm-post).*

bhujāntara n. the breast or chest (interval between the arms).

bhujāntarāla n. the same.

bhuji [1] f. enclosure.

bhuji [2] f. protection or protector.

bhujiṣya a. yielding food or profit, useful; m. & f. ā servant.

bhujman a. fruitful.

bhujyu a. flexible, pliant; N. of a man.

bhur bhurati bhurate v quiver, jerk, struggle, stir, flash. I. jarbhurīti = S. --
     pari I. = S. I.
     sam I. rush along.

bhuraṇa a. stirring, active.

bhuraṇy bhuraṇyati v quiver, stir (tr. & intr.).

bhuraṇyu a. stirring, restless, eager, active.

bhurij f. a pair of shears or scissors; a kind of two-armed chopping bench used by a wheelwright, N. of a metre.

bhurvaṇi a. restless, impatient.

bhurvan s. restless motion (of water).

bhuvana n. being, existence, thing; world (2, 3, 7, or 14), earth; place of existence, abode, dwelling.

bhuvanacyava a. shaking the world.

bhuvanatala n. the surface of the earth.

bhuvanatraya n. the three worlds (heaven, atmosphere & earth).

bhuvanadvaya n. the two worlds (heaven and earth).

bhuvanapati m. the lord of the world.

bhuvanabhartṛ m. = prec.

bhuvanabhāvana m. creator of the world.

bhuvaneśa m. the lord of the world.

bhuvaneśvara m. = prec., also king, prince, E. of Śiva.

bhuvaneṣṭhā a. being in the world or in the existing creatures.

bhuvas (indecl.) air or atmosphere.

bhuviṣṭha a. standing on the ground or dwelling on the earth.

bhuśuṇḍi f. a cert. weapon.

bhuśuṇḍī f. a cert. weapon.

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bhū bhavati1 v (bhavate), pp. bhūta (q.v.) become, be (nom. or adv. in ī or ū), rise, appear, happen, occur; exist, live (w. na cease to be, perish, die), stay, abide; be possible or suitable; befall, fall to the lot of, belong to (gen., r. dat. or loc.); serve for, tend or conduce to (dat. of th.), devote one's self to, be occupied with (loc.); get something i.e. thrive, prosper, be lucky (±idam); turn out well, succeed. bhavet may be, granted; bhaṃvatu good, possible, enough of this. C. bhāvayati te, pp. bhāvita (q.v.) bring into existence or being, produce, effect, cause; cherish, further, refresh, comfort; practise, exercise; get possessed of, obtain; show, manifest, call to mind, imagine, consider, know, take for (2 acc.); convince, convict, state, establish; mingle, mix, saturate, steep. D. bubhūṣati (-te) wish to become or be, to rise or thrive, endeavour at (acc.); like, prefer, honour, esteem. I. bobhavīti be repeatedly, use to be. --
     ati be or become in a high degree; excel, overcome (acc.).
     anu be after, come up with, attain, equal; embrace, comprehend, include; help, serve, further; enjoy, feel, experience, suffer; perceive, hear, learn.
     samanu enjoy, experience.
     antar be within, penetrate.
     apa be absent or wanting.
     abhi be against, surpass, overcome, oppress, harass, humiliate; turn to, approach or present with (instr.).
     ā be present or at hand; exist, live on; come forth, spring from (abl.).
     anvā follow, imitate.
     abhyā occur, happen.
     ud come forth, arise, grow, increase, be sufficient or equal. C. bring forth, produce, develop, display.
     samud spring forth, arise, increase.
     upa approach, assist. tiras be absent or lost, disappear, vanish. C. cause to disappear, dispel.
     nis be off, move on.
     parā perish, be lost, succumb, yield; overcome, conquer, harm, hurt, injure. C. overthrow, destroy.
     pari surround, encompass, comprehend, include; attend, manage, take care of (acc.); surpass, overcome, vanquish; hurt, injure, despise, disgrace; mock, scoff.
     pra come forth, spring up, arise, appear, happen, occur, spread, expand, increase, grow; be numerous or strong, prevail, rule over, dispose of (gen., loc., or dat.); be equal to or a match for (dat.), be able to or capable of (infin.); be of use, profit, avail (dat.). C. augment, increase, strengthen, nourish, further.
     prati equal (acc.). C. observe, learn, know. bi expand, develop, arise, appear; suffice for, be equal to, attain, pervade, fill (dat. or acc.), be able to (infin.). C. cause to expand or develop, open, show, manifest; separate, divide; discern, discover, perceive, know, recognize or acknowledge as, take for (2 acc.), deliberate, ponder, fancy, imagine, suppose, establish, prove, convict, convince. P. be considered as, pass for, appear, seem (nom.).
     sam come or be together, assemble, meet, be united with (instr. ±saha or loc.), have sexual intercourse with (instr. ±saha or sārdham & acc.); be held or contained in (loc.); originate, be produced or engendered, be born, spring from (abl.), happen, occur, exist, become, be, fall to a person's (loc. or gen.) share or lot, be possible, be able to or capable of (infin.). C. bring together, produce, accomplish, make that-(pp.); go to meet, betake one's self to, salute, honour, gratify or present with (instr.); combine, think, judge (anyathā falsely); imagine, suppose, give a person (loc.) credit for (acc.), consider as, take for (2 acc.) P. be possible.
     abhisam attain, get possessed of, participate in (acc.). -- Cf. antarbhūta ūdbhūta prabhūta samudbhūta saṃbhūta saṃbhūya.

bhū [2] a. becoming, being, sprung from (--°); f. becoming, existing, the universe (pl. the worlds), the earth, land, country, place, ground.

bhūkampa m. earthquake.

bhūgata a. being or living on the earth.

bhūgola m. the terrestrial globe.

bhūgolaka m. the terrestrial globe.

bhūcara a. going or living on the earth; m. inhabitant of the earth.

bhūta a. become, either been, past, gone, former; or being (often --°), present, real. -- m. N. of a Yakṣa etc. n. being, creature, the world; ghost, goblin, demon (m.); the past, fact, reality, welfare, prosperity; element (ph.). -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

bhūtakartṛ m. the creator of (all) beings.

bhūtakāla m. the past time.

bhūtakṛt m. = bhūtakartṛ.

bhūtagaṇa m. host of beings or demons.

bhūtagrāma m. the same.

bhūtajananī f. the mother of beings (E. of sev. goddesses).

bhūtadharā f. the earth (supporting beings).

bhūtadhāriṇī f. = prec.

bhūtapati m. lord of (evil) beings (E. of sev. gods).

bhūtapūrva a. having been before.

bhūtapūrvaka a. having been before.

bhūtabhartṛ a. supporting all beings, m. = bhūtapati.

bhūtabhavya n. past and future.

bhūtabhavyeśa m. the lord of past & future.

bhūtabhāvana a. creating all beings.

bhūtabhāvin a. = prec. or past and present.

bhūtabhāṣā f. the language of demons or Piśācas; -maya, f. ī written in this language.

bhūtabhṛt a. supporting all beings.

bhūtamaya f. ī containing all beings or consisting of the five elements.

bhūtamaheśvara m. the great lord of all beings or demons (E. of Viṣṇu or Śiva).

bhūtamātṛ f. = bhūtajananī.

bhūtamātrā f. pl. the subtile elements (ph.).

bhūtayajña m. oblation to all created beings.

bhūtayoni f. the origin of all beings.

bhūtala n. the surface of the earth.

bhūtavat adv. as if past.

bhūtavid a. knowing (evil) beings.

bhūtavidyā f. the knowledge of (evil) beings.

bhūtasaṃsāra m. the world of beings.

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bhūtasaṃplava m. end (lit. submersion) of all being or of the world.

bhūtasarga m. creation of beings or elements.

bhūtasākṣin m. witness of all beings, the Allseer.

bhūtastha a. being in beings.

bhūtātman [1] m. the soul of beings, the individual soul.

bhūtātman [2] m. the body (lit. whose soul are the elements).

bhūtādi m. the first of all beings, E. of Viṣṇu.

bhūtādhipati m. lord of all beings.

bhūtānadyatana -> anadyatana.

bhūtārtha m. matter of fact, reality, truth.

bhūtāvāsa m. the abode of the elements, the body; also E. of Viṣṇu & Śiva.

bhūti f. being, esp. well-being, welfare, wealth, fortune; ornament, decoration.

bhūtikarman n. any auspicious rite.

bhūtikāma a. desirous of welfare.

bhūtikṛt a. causing welfare (Śiva).

bhūtikṛtya n. = bhūtikarman.

bhūtida a. causing welfare, E. of Śiva.

bhūtimant a. having welfare, prosperous.

bhūtejya a. worshipping evil beings.

bhūteśa m. lord of (evil) beings, E. of sev. gods.

bhūteśvara m. lord of (evil) beings, E. of sev. gods.

bhūdeva m. a Brahman (god on earth).

bhūdhara a. bearing or supporting the earth; m. mountain.

bhūdharāraṇya n. mountain-forest.

bhūnā -> bhūman2.

bhūpa m. earth-protector, king.

bhūpati m. lord of beings (Rudra) or of the earth (a king).

bhūpatita a. fallen on the earth.

bhūpāla m. = bhūpa.

bhūbhartṛ m. = bhūpa.

bhūbhāra m. the bearing or the burden of the earth.

bhūbhuj m. earth-possessor i.e. king.

bhūbhṛt m. earth-holder i.e. mountain, king, or Viṣṇu.

bhūma (--°) = bhūmi.

bhūmaṇḍala n. the terrestrial globe.

bhūman [1] n. earth, country, world, a being; pl. all existing things.

bhūman [2] m. plenty, abundance, multitude, wealth; adj. full of (--°). Instr. bhūmnā & bhūnā abundantly, mostly, generally.

bhūmahendra m. great lord of the earth, i.e. king.

bhūmi (bhūmī) f. the earth, ground, soil, land, country, place, site, abode; floor or story of a house; step, degree (fig.); position, part or character (d.); a person or thing worthy of (--°).

bhūmikampa m. -kampana n. earthquake.

bhūmikā f. the earth, ground, place for (--°); floor or story of a house, step, degree (fig.), part, character, costume (d.).

bhūmikābhāga m. floor, threshold.*

bhūmigata a. = bhūpatita.

bhūmigarta m. a pit in the ground.

bhūmigṛha n. an under-ground chamber.

bhūmicala m. -calana n. earthquake.

bhūmija a. sprung from the earth.

bhūmijāta a. sprung from the earth.

bhūmitala n. the surface of the earth.

bhūmitva n. abstr. to bhūmi.

bhūmida a. giving land.

bhūmidāna n. donation of land.

bhūmidundubhi m. earth-drum (a pit in the ground covered with a skin)

bhūmideva m. = bhūdeva.

bhūmidhara m. earth-holder, mountain or king.

bhūmipa m. king (cf. bhūpa etc.).

bhūmipati m. king (cf. bhūpa etc.).

bhūmipāla m. king (cf. bhūpa etc.).

bhūmiparimāṇa n. square-measure.

bhūmipra a. filling the earth (fame).

bhūmipracala m. earthquake.

bhūmibudhna a. having the earth as bottom.

bhūmibhāga a. portion of land, place, spot.

bhūmibhuj m. king (cf. bhūbhuj & -bhṛt).

bhūmibhṛt m. king (cf. bhūbhuj & -bhṛt).

bhūmiloka m. the terrestrial world.

bhūmivajramaṇi m. pl. land, diamonds, and (other) jewels.

bhūmiśaya a. lying or living on (in) the earth; m. such an animal.

bhūmiṣṭha a. standing or lying on the earth; being in one's own country.

bhūmisuta m. the planet Mars (the son of the earth).

bhūmispṛś a. touching the earth.

bhūmī -> bhūmi.

bhūmīruh m. tree, plant (earth-growing).

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bhūmīruha m. tree, plant (earth-growing).

bhūmya a. terrestrial.

bhūmyanṛta a. untruth concerning land.

bhūyaṃs (compar.) more, greater, larger, mightier, more numerous, abundant, or important; also w. the mgs of the positive or superl. (very) great, etc.; full of, abounding in (instr. or --°). bhūyas n. adv. more, most, very much, further, moreover, again (often doubled, also bhūyo'pi bhūyaścāpi & purnabhūyas); instr. bhūyasā exceedingly, in a high degree, mostly, generally.

bhūyastva n. the being more or greater, multitude, abundance.

bhūyiṣṭha (superl.) most, greatest, chiefest; very abundant, numerous, or important; mostly consisting of, chiefly filled with or accompanied by (--°); nearly, almost (--° after a pp., e.g. gatabhūyiṣṭha nearly gone). n. adv. mostly, chiefly, very much (also instr).

bhūr (indecl.) earth.

bhūri a. abundant, much, frequent, numerous, strong, mighty; n. adv.

bhūrigu a. rich in herds.

bhūritā f. numerousness, multitude.

bhūritejas a. rich in splendour, glorious.

bhūritoka a. having many children.

bhūrida a. much-giving, munificent.

bhūridakṣiṇa a. rich in sacrificial fees, liberal, bounteous i.g.

bhūridātra a. rich in gifts.

bhūridāvan f. -dāvarī liberal, munificent.

bhūridhana a. having much wealth.

bhūridhāman a. having much power.

bhūridhāyas a. nourishing or sating many.

bhūripāśa a. having many fetters (Mitra-Varuṇa).

bhūripoṣin a. nourishing many.

bhūribhāra a. bearing a heavy load.

bhūriretas a. rich in seed, prolific.

bhūrivarcas a. very splendid or glorious.

bhūrivarpas a. many-shaped.

bhūrivasu m. N. of a. minister.

bhūrivāra a. rich in treasures or gifts.

bhūriśas adv. manifoldly, variously.

bhūrivilambin a. hanging deeply down.

bhūriśṛṅga a. many- or strong-horned.

bhūriśravas m. N. of a prince.

bhūristhātra a. having many stations, being-in many places.

bhūruh m. = bhūmiruh bhūmiruha.

bhūruha m. = bhūmiruh bhūmiruha.

bhūrja m. a kind of birch; n. its bark (used for writing on).

bhūrjakaṇṭhaka m. a cert. mixed caste.

bhūrjadruma m. birch-tree.

bhūrṇi a. excited, irritated, shy, wild, fierce, active, busy.

bhūryakṣa a. many-eyed.

bhūryojas a. having great power.

bhūrloka m. the terrestrial world.

bhūloka m. the terrestrial world.

bhūśaya a. = bhūmiśaya.

bhūṣ bhūṣati v be busy for, endeavour at, attend upon (dat.). C. bhūṣayati (te), pp. bhūṣita adorn, embellish (M. refl.). --
     ā observe, maintain; conform one's self to (loc.).
     upa consider, regard, follow (acc.).
     pari serve, attend upon (acc.); honour, obey, follow. C. adorn.
     prati make ready, prepare; wait on, serve, honour, obey.
     vi C. adorn.

bhūṣaṇa f. ī adorning, embellishing (--°). n. (m.) ornament, decoration; adj., f. ā adorned with (--°).

bhūṣayitavya a. to be adorned.

bhūṣā f. ornament, decoration.

bhūṣāy bhūṣāyate v serve as ornament.

bhūṣin a. adorned with (--°).

bhūṣṇu a. growing, wishing to thrive.

bhūṣya a. = bhūṣayitavya.

bhūsura m. = bhūdeva.

bhūstṛṇa m. a kind of fragrant grass.

bhūstha a. standing or living on the earth.

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bhṛ bibharti v (bibharti), bharati bharate (bharti), pp. bhṛta bear (in all mgs), hold, carry, wear, keep (also in memory), contain, possess, have, maintain, support, nourish; hire, pay; convey, transport (M. move on rapidly), take away (M. for one's self, obtain, win); procure, offer, present, bestow; experience, undergo (w. ājñām obey); raise (the voice or a sound, M. refl.); fill, load. D. bubhūrṣati wish to keep or maintain. bharibhrat1, barībharti bear hither and thither or repeatedly. --
     apa carry off, take away.
     ava bear down, ward off; thrust or push in, introduce; imprint, impress; sever, cut off.
     ā bring near, procure, cause, produce; fill.
     paryā bring near from (abl.).
     samā bring together or near.
     ud take out, select; deliver from (abl.); lift up, hold high.
     upa bring near, procure, get.
     nis take out of (abl.).
     pari A.M. bring; M. spread (tr. & intr. w. acc.).
     pra bring forward or near, place before, make ready; offer, present; stretch out, hurl, cast; bring in, introduce; M. flash, vibrate, rush on, fly along.
     abhipra hurl, shoot; M. =
     prati present, offer.
     vi take asunder, spread out, diffuse; M. place here and there, distribute.
     sam bring together, collect, concentrate, compose, make ready, arrange, prepare, pay back, restore; nourish, foster. -- Cf. ābhṛta nibhṛta saṃbhṛta.

bhṛkuṭi f. contraction of the eyebrows, a frown.

bhṛkuṭī f. contraction of the eyebrows, a frown.

bhṛgu m. pl. N. of a mythical race of beings, m. sgl. N. of an ancient Rishi regarded as their ancestor.

bhṛgutuṅga m. N. of a sacred mountain.

bhṛgunandana m. Bhṛgu's son, patron. of Śaunaka, Ruru, & Paraśurāma.

bhṛgupati m. E. of Paraśurāma (cf. prec.).

bhṛgūdvaha m. = bhṛgunandana.

bhṛṅga m. a large black bee (f. ā & ī).

bhṛṅgasārtha m. a flight of bees.

bhṛṅgāy bhṛṅgāyate v be like a bee.

bhṛṅgāra m. n. water-pot, pitcher.

bhṛṅgāli f. = bhṛṅgasārtha.

bhṛjj bhṛjjati v pp. bhṛṣṭa roast, parch (esp. grain). C. bharjayati = S. --
     ava pari sam the same.

bhṛjjana n. roasting-pan.

bhṛt a. bearing, maintaining, possessing, having, bringing, procuring (--°).

bhṛta a. borne, held, kept, supported, nourished, hired, paid; acquired, won, loaden or filled with (--°); m. hireling, mercenary.

bhṛtaka a. hired, paid; m. a hired servant.

bhṛtakādhyāpaka m. a hired teacher.

bhṛtakādhyāpita a. taught by a hired teacher.

bhṛti f. bearing, carrying, maintaining, nourishing; wages or service for wages.

bhṛtya m. dependant, servant, minister of a king; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

bhṛtyabhāva m. the state of a servant, servitude.

bhṛtyavātsalya n. love to servants.

bhṛtyāy bhṛtyāyate v behave like a servant towards (loc.).

bhṛtha s. oblation.

bhṛma m. error, mistake.

bhṛmala a. stunned, torpid.

bhṛmi [1] a. quick, agile; m. whirlwind.

bhṛmi [2] f. quickness, agility.

bhṛśa a. powerful, strong, intense, exceeding, mostly °-- or n. adv.; abstr. -tā f.

bhṛśadaṇḍa a. inflicting severe punishment on (loc.).

bhṛṣṭi f. point, top or peak (of a mountain), corner, edge.

bhṛṣṭimant a. pronged, toothed.

bheka m. ī f. frog.

bhekīpati m. a male frog.

bheḍa m. ī f. a man's & woman's name.

bhetavya a. to be feared; n. impers.

bhettṛ m. breaker, piercer, disturber, traitor, conqueror.

bheda m. breaking, splitting, breach, division, separation, seduction, winning over (of another's ally), interruption, disturbance, hurt, injury; bursting, expanding, blossoming; alteration, change, difference; fissure, cleft, pudendum muliebre; part, portion; species, variety.

bhedaka a. breaking, piercing, digging through, destroying, seducing; distinguishing, defining.

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bhedakara f. ī breaking, piercing; separating, disuniting.

bhedakārin a. disuniting; different, n. adv.

bhedana a. breaking, tearing, piercing, perforating; n. the action of breaking etc., disclosing, betraying, disuniting; bursting, opening, breach, rupture, disunion, discord.

bhedanīya a. to be cleft or cut through.

bhedin a. breaking, splitting, piercing, opening, causing to flow, separating, dividing, disuniting.

bhedya a. to be cleft or pierced; to be betrayed, seduced, refuted; distinguished, defined.

bheya a. to be feared, n. impers.

bheri f. kettle-drum.

bherī f. kettle-drum.

bheruṇḍa a. terrible, awful. m. a kind of bird or beast of prey; f. ā N. of a goddess.

bheṣaja f. ī healthy, sanative; n. a remedy or cure for (--°).

bheṣajakṛta a. healed, cured.

bheṣajatā f. healing power.

bheṣajya a. curative, sanitary.

bhaikṣa a. living by alms; n. asking alms, mendicancy, begged food, alms. bhaikṣaṃ car & bhaikṣāya gam go about begging, beg.

bhaikṣacaraṇa n. -caryā f. going about begging.

bhaikṣacarya n. -caryā f. going about begging.

bhaikṣabhuj a. eating begged food.

bhaikṣavṛtti a. subsisting on alms, f. as abstr.

bhaikṣānna n. begged food.

bhaikṣāśin a. eating begged food.

bhaikṣāhāra a. eating begged food.

bhaikṣāśya n. the living on alms.

bhaikṣopajīvin a. subsisting on alms.

bhaima a. descended from Bhīma; f. ī the daughter of Bh., i.e. Damayantī.

bhairava f. ā & ī formidable, awful, horrible, n. adv. -- m. a form of Śiva, a man's name; f. ī a form of Durgā.

bhaiṣajya n. curativeness, a cert. sanative ceremony, remedy against (--°).

bhoktavya a. to be enjoyed or eaten (n. impers.), to be fed; to be used or employed.

bhoktukāma a. wishing to eat, hungry.

bhoktṛ m. -ktrī f. enjoyer, possessor; abstr. -ktṛtva n.

bhoga [1] m. winding, curve, coil.

bhoga [2] m. enjoyment, fruition, use, application, possession, dominion, government; feeling, perception, gain, advantage, pleasure, joy.

bhogatṛṣṇā f. longing after enjoyments, egoism.*

bhogapati m. lord of possession i.e. governor, viceroy etc.

bhogavant [1] a. having windings or rings, ringed; m. serpent or serpent-demon, f. -vatī.

bhogavant [2] a. having enjoyments, happy, prosperous; f. -vatī E. of the city of Ujjayinī.

bhogāy bhogāyate v ringle, coil.

bhogāyatana n. place of enjoyment.

bhogin [1] a. & m. = bhogavant1.

bhogin [2] a. enjoying, eating (--°); or = bhogavant2 a.

bhogīndra m. the serpent-king.

bhogīśa m. the serpent-king.

bhogya a. to be (being) enjoyed, used or experienced; useful, profitable. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

bhoja a. bountiful, liberal; or = bhogavant2 a.; m. N. of sev. kings, pl. N. of a people.

bhojaka a. eating (--°) or *about to eat.

bhojadeva m. N. of a king.

bhojana a. feeding, nourishing. m. enjoying, eating, feeding, nourishing, meal, food, wealth, possession, pleasure, joy; adj. --° feeding on or serving as food for.

bhojanakāla m. -velā f. meal-time.

bhojanārthin a. desirous of food, hungry.

bhojanīya a. to be (being) eaten or fed; n. food.

bhojayitavya a. to be fed or nourished.

bhojin a. enjoying, eating (--°).

bhojya a. to be enjoyed or eaten, fed or nourished; to be used, employed, perceived. n. eating, food, enjoyment, advantage; abstr. -tā f., -tva m.

bhojyānna a. whose food one may eat.

bhoṭa m. Tibet; bhoṭīya a. Tibetan.

bhobhavatpūrvakam adv. (to address) with bhos and bhavant

bhobhāva m. the nature of bho (cf. seq.).

bhos ( = bhavas, voc. of bhavant2) interj. of address, sorrow, or interrogation, often repeated or connected with other interjections.

bhoḥ ( = bhavas, voc. of bhavant2) interj. of address, sorrow, or interrogation, often repeated or connected with other interjections.

bho ( = bhavas, voc. of bhavant2) interj. of address, sorrow, or interrogation, often repeated or connected with other interjections.

bhaujaṃga f. ī relating to a snake, snaky.

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bhaujiṣya n. slavery, servitude.

bhauta a. relating to beings or ghosts; demoniacal, crazy, mad; m. idiot.

bhautika [1] a. = prec. adj.

bhautika [2] m. E. of Śiva; a class of monks.

bhauma f. ī relating to the earth, earthly, terrestrial; or consisting of earth, earthy. -- n. dust; grain, corn; ground, floor, story (only adj. --°).

bhaumaka m. animal living in the earth.

bhaumika a. being on the earth.

bhaumya a. being on the earth.

bhaurika m. treasurer.

bhaurja a. birchen.

bhauvana a. belonging to the world.

bhyas bhyasate v fear, tremble at (abl.).

bhraṃś bhraśate bhraśyate v (ti), pp. bhraṣṭa (q.v.) fall, drop, bounce against (loc.) or from (abl.); sink, decline, decay, disappear, be gone or lost; be deprived of, lose (abl.). C. bhraṃśayati cause to fall, throw down, drop (trans.); precipitate, overthrow, cause to be lost, deprive of (abl.). --
     pra fall down, disappear, vanish, be deprived of. C. bring to fall, deprive of (abl.).
     vi fail, have no success in (loc.); turn away from, abandon (abl.). C. cut or break off, fell, ruin, destroy; deprive of (abl.).
     sam fall down. -- Cf. apabhraṣṭa paribhraṣṭa prabhraṣṭa vibhraṣṭa.

bhraṃśa m. fall, ruin, disappearance, loss; aberration or deviation from (--°).

bhraṃśana a. causing to fall, throwing down; n. being deprived or depriving of (abl.).

bhraṃśin a. falling, dropping down from (abl.), sinking, declining, perishing; causing to fall, destroying.

bhraj f. stiffness.

bhram bhramati v (bhramate), bhrāmyati, pp. bhrānta (q.v.) roam, wander, stroll; go through, perambulate (acc.); fly about, flutter; move round, rotate; stagger about, waver, go astray, be perplexed or mistaken. C. bhramayati & bhrāmayati (-te) cause to roam etc., whirl round, swing, roll; cause to err, perplex, embarrass, confuse; pp. bhramita fasely taken for or confounded with (--°)*. bambhramīti1 & bambhraṃmyate wander about or through, the latter also w. pass. mg. --
     ud start up, rise. C. whirl around, swing, rouse, agitate, trouble, disturb.
     pari wander about, roam, turn round. C. move to and fro, shake, stir.
     pra roam, wander through, permeate.
     vi wander about or through, move to and fro (tr. & intr.), stagger, tumble, waver, be perplexed or agitated.
     sam wander, rove, be perplexed or bewildered. -- Cf. udbhrānta vibhrānta saṃbhrānta.

bhrama m. roaming, wandering, moving to and fro; wandering through (--°); whirling flame, whirlpool, eddy, a potter's wheel; giddiness, wandering of mind, confusion, mistake, error.

bhramaṇa n. roaming, wandering through (--°); tottering, wavering, unsteadiness; turning round, revolution (of a star), giddiness, dizziness.

bhramaṇīya a. to be roamed through.

bhramara m. ī f. bee (adj. --° f. ā).

bhrami f. turning round, revolution; whirlpool, eddy; a potter's wheel.

bhraṣṭa a. fallen, dropped down from (abl. or --°) into (loc.); sunk, ruined, lost, gone; separated from, deprived of (abl. or --°).

bhraṣṭra n. roasting pan.

bhrastā f. bag (cf. bhastrā).

bhrāj bhrājate bhrājati1 v shine, flash, beam. -- C. bhrājayati make shine, irradiate.
     pari shine all around.
     pra vi sam = S.

bhrāj [2] (nom. bhrāṭ) f. sheen, glitter.

bhrāja a. shining, glittering.

bhrājajjanman a. having a brilliant home or origin (Maruts).

bhrājadṛṣṭi a. having bright weapons (Maruts).

bhrājas n. sheen, lustre, splendour.

bhrājasvant a. shining, glittering.

bhrājasvin a. the same.

bhrāji f. = bhrājas.

bhrājin a. shining, sparkling.

bhrājiṣṭha (superl.) shining brightest.

bhrājiṣṇu a. shining, radiant; abstr. -tā f.

bhrājiṣmant a. = prec. adj.

bhrātṛ m. brother (in confidential address also = friend, dear.).

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bhrātṛka (m. brother*), mostly adj. --°.

bhrātṛjāyā f. a brother's wife, sister-in-law.

bhrātṛtva n. brotherhood.

bhrātṛdatta a. given by a brother.

bhrātṛbhāryā f. = bhrātṛjāyā.

bhrātṛmant a. having a brother or brothers.

bhrātṛvya m. a father's brother's son; nephew, cousin; rival, adversary, enemy.

bhrātṛvyavant a. having rivals.

bhrātra n. brotherhood.

bhrātrya n. brotherhood.

bhrānta a. roaming, roamed (also pass., n. impers.); turning round, rolling, perplexed, confused, mistaken; n. roaming, wandering (also in mind), mistake, error.

bhrānti f. roaming, wandering; moving round (--°), revolution; tottering, wavering, confusion, perplexity, uncertainty, doubt, error.

bhrāntimant a. roaming, turning round; erring, mistaken.

bhrāma m. roaming about, unsteadiness, fickleness.

bhrāmaka f. -mikā deceitful, false.

bhrāmaṇa n. swinging or turning round.

bhrāmarin a. epileptic.

bhrāmin a. confused, perplexed.

bhrāśya a. to be broken or cut off.

bhrāṣṭraka s. roasting pan.

bhrī bhrīṇāti v hurt.

bhrukuṭi f. = bhrukuṭi.

bhrukuṭī f. = bhrukuṭi.

bhrukuṭibandha m. -racanā f. knitting the brows, frowning.

bhrukuṭīmukha n. a frowning face (cf. prec.), adj. having a frowning face.

bhruva adj. (--°) = seq.

bhrū f. brow (adj. --° bhru bhrū & bhrūka, cf. also prec.).

bhrūkuṭīmukha n. = bhrukuṭīmukha.

bhrūkṣepa m. -kṣepaṇa n. contraction of the eye-brows.

bhrūṇa n. embryo, unborn child; m. a Brahman of high rank.

bhrūṇaghna m. the killer of an embryo.

bhrūṇabhid m. the killer of an embryo.

bhrūṇavadha m. bhrūṇahati & bhrūṇahatyā f. the killing of an embryo.

bhrūṇahan m. = bhrūṇaghna.

bhrūṇahantṛ m. = bhrūṇaghna.

bhrūbhaṅga m. contraction of the eye-brows.

bhrūbheda m. contraction of the eye-brows.

bhrūlatā f. an arched eyebrow (lit. brow-creeper).

bhrūvikāra m. = bhrūbhaṅga.

bhrūvikṣepa m. = bhrūbhaṅga.

bhrūvilāsa m. amorous play of the brows.

bhreṣ bhreṣati bhreṣate v totter, go astray.

bhreṣa m. tottering, going astray, trespass; loss.

ma pron. stem of 1st pers.

maṃh maṃhate maṃhayati v grant, bestow, w.
     vi distribute.

maṃhanā f. gift, donation, as instr. adv. readily, willingly, quickly.

maṃhayu a. liberal, generous.

maṃhiṣṭha (superl.) most liberal or generous.

maṃhīyaṃs (compar.) more liberal or generous.

makamakāy makamakāyate v croak (of a frog).

makara m. ī f. a kind of sea monster (the emblem of the god of love); array of troops in the form of a M.

makaraketana m. the god of love (cf. prec.).

makaraketu m. the god of love (cf. prec.).

makaradhvaja m. the god of love (cf. prec.).

makaranda m. the juice of flowers, a man's name; n. = seq.

makarandodyāna n. N. of a pleasure grove near Ujjayinī.

makarālaya m. E. of the sea (lit. multitude or abode of monsters).

makarāvāsa m. E. of the sea (lit. multitude or abode of monsters).

makāra m. the sound ma.

makṣ f. a fly.

makṣā f. a fly.

makṣika m. = prec. or bee.

makṣikā f. = prec. or bee.

makṣu adv. quickly, instantly, directly; superl. makṣūtama as adj.

makṣū adv. quickly, instantly, directly; superl. makṣūtama as adj.

makṣūyu a. quick, swift.

makha a. gay, jocund; m. occasion of joy, festivity, sacrifice; N. of a demon.

makhadviṣ m. a demon or Rakṣas (lit. enemy of sacrifices).

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makhamathana n. the disturbance of (Dakṣa's) sacrifice.

makhasy makhasyati makhasyate v be cheerful or merry.

makhasyu a. cheerful, merry.

makhahan m. the slayer of Makha (E. of sev. gods).

makhāṃśabhāj m. a god (lit. partaker of sacrifices).

maga m. a magian; pl. N. of a people.

magadha m. pl. N. of a country and people.

magadhadeśa m. the country of the Magadhas.

maganda m. usurer.

magundī f. N. of the mother of cert. female demons.

magna a. sunk, dived, immersed or penetrated into (loc. or --°); went down, set (moon), fallen, ruined, decayed.

magha n. gift, donation, reward; f. ā sgl. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion.

maghatti f. the giving and receiving of presents.

maghadeya n. the giving of presents.

maghava m. E. of Indra.

maghavattva n. liberality, munificence.

maghavan (f. maghonī) a. rich in gifts, liberal, generous; m. the institutor or patron of a sacrifice, E. of Indra.

maghavant (f. maghonī) a. rich in gifts, liberal, generous; m. the institutor or patron of a sacrifice, E. of Indra.

maṅkaṇaka m. N. of a Rishi & a Yakṣa.

maṅki m. N. of a man.

maṅku a. tottering, reeling.

maṅktavya n. impers. to be dived.

maṅkṣu adv. instantly, directly.

maṅkha m. a man's name.

maṅga m. pl. N. of a people.

maṅgala n. welfare, luck, prosperity; anything lucky, auspicious, or of good omen (also as adj. = maṅgalya), ancient or traditional usage; m. the planet Mars, a man's name.

maṅgalakaraṇa (& karman*) n. prayer for success (lit. luck-causing act).

maṅgalakalaśa s. auspicious pot or vase.*

maṅgalagṛha (& ka*) n. auspicious chamber or house.

maṅgalatūrya n. festive instrument.

maṅgalasamālambhana n. auspicious unguent.*

maṅgalavacas n. -śabda m. benedictory speech, congratulation.

maṅgalācāra m. auspicious custom or ceremony.

maṅgalādeśavṛtta m. fortune-teller.

maṅgalārtham adv. for the sake of good fortune.

maṅgalīya a. auspicious.

maṅgalodgīta n. festive song.*

maṅgalya a. lucky, auspicious, festive, solemn, holy. m. & f. ā names of sev. plants; n. anything auspicious or of good omen, esp. a prayer.

maṅginī f. boat, ship.

maṅgīra m. names of men.

maṅgu m. names of men.

maccitta a. having the mind (fixed) on me, thinking of me.

majj majjati v (majjate), pp. magna (q.v.) sink (in water), dive, bathe, be submerged or drowned, be ruined, perish. C. majjayati (-te) = S. trans. or act. --
     ud emerge or plunge. C. cause to emerge or come up.
     upa sink, dive.
     ni sink down, plunge or penetrate into (loc.); disappear, perish; cause to sink or fall. C. cause to dive, drown.
     saṃni sink down, fall.
     nis sink; overflow.
     pra & vi plunge, rush into (acc. or loc.). -- Cf. āmagna unmagna nimagna saṃmagna.

majjan m. marrow; poss. majjanvant.

majjana n. sinking, diving, bathing, overflowing.

majjayitṛ a. causing to sink.

majjas n. majjā f. marrow.

majman s. greatness, might; instr. adv. together, generally, at all.

mañca m. stage, platform.

mañcaka m. n. = prec., f. mañcikā chair.

mañjara n. cluster of blossoms, panicle.

mañjari f. = prec., blossom or bud i.g. -rī often in titles of books (--°).

mañjarī f. = prec., blossom or bud i.g. -rī often in titles of books (--°).

mañjiṣṭhā f. the Indian madder (bright red).

mañjīra s. foot-ornament, anklet.

mañju a. pleasant, sweet; n. adv.

mañjubhāṣin a. speaking sweetly.

mañjuvādin a. speaking sweetly.

mañjula a. = mañju; m. a kind of hen.

mañjusvana a. sweet-voiced.

mañjūṣā (& mañjūṣikā*) f. box, basket.

maṭaka s. dead body, corpse.

maṭacī m. hail.

maṭha m. ī f. hut, also = seq.

maṭhāyatana n. monastery, convent, college.

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maṭhikā f. hut, cottage, cell.

maṇa s. a cert. measure of grain.

maṇi m. pearl, jewel, gem, ornament i.g., fig. a jewel of (--°); magnet, water-jar.

maṇika m. a large water-jar.

maṇikarṇikā f. an ornament for the ears made of pearls; N. of a sacred pool & a woman.

maṇikāra m. jeweller (f. ī).

maṇita n. sound or murmur (during the sexual intercourse).

maṇidhanu m. & -dhanus n. rainbow.

maṇināga m. N. of a serpent-demon.

maṇipuṣpaka m. the conch-shell of Sahadeva.

maṇipūra (or -pura) n. N. of a town.

maṇibandha m. the fastening or putting on of jewels, the wrist (as the place for it).

maṇibandhana n. = prec., also string or ornament of pearls.

maṇibhadra m. N. of a king of the Yakṣas.

maṇimant a. adorned with jewels; m. N. of a Yakṣa, a Rakṣas, etc.

maṇimaya f. ī consisting of jewels.

maṇimālā f. string of pearls.

maṇiyaṣṭi f. string of pearls.

maṇiratna n. jewel, precious stone.

maṇiratnamaya f. ī = maṇimaya.

maṇiratnavant a. containing jewels.

maṇila a. dewlapt.

maṇisūtra n. string of pearls.

maṇistambha m. a crystal post or pillar.

maṇisraj n. wreath of jewels.

maṇiharmya n. N. of a palace (lit. Crystal P.).

maṇīndra m. diamond (jewel-chief).

maṇḍ maṇḍayati v pp. maṇḍita deck, adorn, embellish, glorify. --
     pari & prati = S.

maṇḍa m. n. broth, scum.

maṇḍaka (adj. --°) f. ikā = prec.

maṇḍana n. adorning (also adj.), ornament.

maṇḍapa s. open hall, pavilion, temple.

maṇḍapikā f. small pavilion or shed.

maṇḍala a. round, circular. -- n. disk, circle, ring; district, territory, country (also f. ī); assemblage, collection, totality, multitude, group, company, band (also m. & f. ī); circular array of an army (also m.); the circle of a king's neighbours, a cert. division of the Rigveda.

maṇḍalaka n. disk, circle, ring; f. -likā troop, multitude.

maṇḍalanyāsa m. drawing a circle.

maṇḍalita a. ringled.

maṇḍalin a. forming a circle or ring; possessing or ruling a country.

maṇḍalīkṛ & bhū make & become round.

maṇḍaleśa m. the ruler of a country.

maṇḍaleśvara m. the ruler of a country.

maṇḍitṛ m. adorner, ornament.

maṇḍu m. N. of a Rishi.

maṇḍūka m. frog (adj. --° f. ā), N. of a Rishi; f. maṇḍūkī female frog.

maṇḍūkapluti f. frog-leap (g.).

maṇḍūkikā f. female frog.

maṇḍūra s. rust of iron.

mata a. thought, believed, supposed; considered as, taken for (nom. & adv.); esteemed, honoured, approved or liked by (gen.); intended, designed; known, understood.

mataṅga m. elephant.

mataṅgaja m. elephant.

matavacas a. mindful of thoughts or prayers.

matavant a. having a purpose or object.

matasna n. du. a cert. internal organ of the body.

matākṣa a. well skilled in dice.

mati f. devotion, prayer, worship, hymn or song of praise; thought, purpose, mind, intention to (loc., dat., or infin.); thought, meditation, opinion, belief; understanding, intelligence. matyā on purpose or at discretion.

matipūrva a. premeditated; matipūrvam & matipūrve = seq.

matipūrvakam adv. intentionally, on purpose.

matibheda m. change of opinion.

matibhrama m. confusion or error of mind.

matimant a. intelligent, wise, clever.

mativid a. knowing (one's) mind or heart.

mativibhrama m. = matibhrama.

matiśālin a. endowed with intelligence, wise, clever.

matihīna a. opp. of prec.

matutha m. a wise man.

matka a. my, mine.

matkuṇa m. bug.

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matkṛta a. done by me.

matta a. intoxicated, drunk (lit. & fig.), excited, in rut.

mattakāśinī f. a wanton or charming woman (lit. one appearing intoxicated).

mattamayūra m. an excited peacock; n. N. of a metre.

mattavāraṇa m. an elephant in rut; n. top, turret.

mattas adv. ( = abl. of ma) from me.

mattahastin m.* = mattavāraṇa m.

matpara a. devoted to me.

matparama a. devoted to me.

matparāyaṇa a. devoted to me.

matya n. harrow, roller; club.

matsaṃsthā f. union with me.

matsamatva n. likeness with me.

matsara a. exhilarating, intoxicating, gay, merry; selfish, envious, jealous. m. the exhilarater (Soma); envy, jealousy of, eagerness for (loc. or --°), indignation.

matsaravant a. exhilarating, intoxicating.

matsarin a. = prec. + envious, jealous of, eager for (loc. or --°).

matstha a. living in me.

matsya m. ā f. fish.

matsyaghāta m. killing fish.

matsyaṇḍikā f. sugar-juice.

matsyapurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

matsyabandha m. fisherman.

matsyabandhana n. fishing hook (or fish-catching*).

matsyamāṃsa n. the flesh of fish (or fish and flesh*).

matsyād a. eating fish.

matsyāda a. eating fish.

math manth mathnāti mathnīte mathati1 v (te), manthati te, pp. mathita stir, whirl (w. agnim excite fire by attrition), churn, produce by churning; shake, agitate, confuse, crush, grind, oppress, afflict, destroy, annihilate. C. manthayati cause (milk) to be churned. --
     abhi twirl, turn round, w. agnim produce fire by attrition.
     ā churn (the sea), shake, agitate.
     ud shake up, excite, disturb, mix, mingle; strike, hurt, cut off, tear or root out, destroy, kill.
     upa stir up, mix, mingle.
     nis elicit by attrition out of (2 acc), shake or tear out of (abl.), wipe off; stir about, agitate, excite, hurt, harass, crush, pound, break in pieces, destroy.
     pra stir about, churn (the sea), tear away, cut out or off, harass, annoy, hurt, injure, lay waste, devastate, destroy. C.
     pramāthayati handle roughly, harass, kill.
     vi M. tear away, rend asunder, crush down; A. rout, disperse, perplex, bewilder.
     sam pound, crush. -- Cf. unmathya.

math [2] a. killing (--°); m. churning stick.

mathana f. ī (ā) afflicting, injuring, destroying; n. the act of afflicting etc., whirling, churning.

mathāy mathāyati v produce fire by attrition.

mathitṛ m. crusher, slayer (--°).

mathura m. N. of a man, f. ā N. of sev. cities.

mathya a. to be rubbed, to be churned out of (--°).

mathra a. whirling round.

mad [1] manda madati madate mandati mandate mamatti mādyati, pp. matta v (q.v.) bubble, undulate, boil, be agitated or (pleasantly) excited; rejoice at, revel in (instr., gen., or loc., r. acc.), be mad or drunk with (instr.); gladden, delight, exhilarate, intoxicate. C. madayati te mādayati te & mandayati te A. (M.) = S. tr.; M. the same refl. --
     anu shout or hail to, acclaim (acc.).
     abhi be glad or gladden.
     ud be excited or out of one's senses; gladden, exhilarate. C. excite, confuse, madden.
     upa rouse, encourage.
     pra rejoice, exult, be careless about (abl.) not attend to, take it easy.
     abhipra gladden, exhilarate; perplex, confound.
     vi be perplexed or confused; confound, embarrass, disturb.
     sam rejoice together at (instr.). -- Cf. abhimatta āmatta (add.), unmatta pramatta vimatta saṃmatta.

mad [2] (°--) = ma; also = abl. of the same.

mada m. excitement, inspiration, enthusiasm, intoxication, ardent passion, lust, rut, the rut-juice of an elephant; arrogance, conceit, pride in (gen. or --°); any intoxicating drink, as spirituous liquor, Soma, etc.

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madakala a. sounding or singing softly (in love or rut).

madakhela a. playful, wanton.

madacyut [1] a. exciting intoxication or excited by intoxication, gladdening, exhilarating, cheerful, merry.

madacyut [2] a. dropping rut-juice.

madacyuta a. staggering with intoxication.

madana m. love or the god of love.

madanamaha m. (great) festival held in honour of the god of love.

madanotsava m. (great) festival held in honour of the god of love.

madanalekha m. love-letter.

madanalekhā f. love-letter.

madanasaṃdeśa m. message of love.*

madanasārikā f. a kind of bird.*

madanātura a. love-sick.

madanāvastha a. enamoured; f. ā amorousness.

madanikā f. a woman's name.

madanodyāna n. N. of a garden.

madantī f. pl. boiling water.

madapaṭu a. in rut, furious (elephant).

madapati m. lord of the inebriating drink (Soma).

madapraseka m. the aphrodisiacal fluid.

madayantikā f. names of women.

madayantī f. names of women.

madayitṛ m. intoxicater, delighter.

madartham adv. for my sake.

madarpaṇa n. an offering to me.

madalekhā f. a line of rut-juice (on an elephant's temples.

madāndha a. blind through drunkenness, love, or arrogance.

madāmada a. constantly excited.

madāmbu n. the rut-juice of an elephant.

madāmbhas n. the rut-juice of an elephant.

madālasa a. lazy from intoxication.

madāvant a. intoxicated, drunk.

madāvasthā f. rut (of an elephant).

madāśraya a. resorted to me.

madi f. a kind of harrow or roller.

madikā f. a kind of harrow or roller.

madin a. gladdening, charming, intoxicating.

madira a. = madin; f. madirā any inebriating drink.

madiradṛś a. having beautiful (lit. intoxicating) eyes.

madiranayana a. having beautiful (lit. intoxicating) eyes.

madirākṣa (f. ī) & madirekṣaṇa a. the same.

madiṣṭha superl. to madin.

madīya a. my, mine.

madugha m. a kind of honey-plant or liquorice.

madotkaṭa a. excited by drink, rage, or rut.

madodagra a. much excited or furious.

madoddhata a. puffed up with pride, haughty.

madonmatta a. intoxicated by rut or arrogance.

madgata a. being in me.

madgu m. a kind of aquatic bird or animal, N. of a mixed caste.

madgura m. a kind of fish; a diver or pearl fisher (a cert. caste).

madbhakta a. devoted to me.

madbhāva m. my essence.

madya a. exhilarating, intoxicating, charming, pleasant. n. intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor.

madyapa m. drinking spirituous liquors, m. a drunkard.

madyapāna n. the drinking of spirituous liquors; any spirituous drink.

madyabhāṇḍa n. vessel for spirituous liquor.

madyānnavikraya m. the sale of spirituous liquors and victuals.

madyājin a. worshipping me.

madra m. pl. N. of a people, sgl. the country or a prince of the M.; *n. joy or hail to (gen. or dat.)!

madrik adv. towards me.

madryañc a. turned towards me; n. madryak adv. = prec.

madvat adv. like I or me.

madvan a. addicted to merriness or intoxication; also = seq.

madvant a. gladdening or intoxicating.

madvidha a. one like me.

madhu (f. madhu madhū & madhvī) sweet, pleasant, agreeable. m. N. of the first month of the year, the spring, N. of two Asuras & sev. princes; n. sweet food or drink, esp. milk, honey, Soma, mead, wine, etc.

madhukara m. ī f. honey-maker, bee.

madhukarikā a. woman's name.

madhukaśā f. honey-whip (myth.).

madhukāra f. ī = madhukara.

madhukṛt a. making sweetness; m. bee.

madhugraha m. libation of honey.

madhucchanda m. names of men.

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madhucchandas m. names of men.

madhucyut a. dropping honey or sweetness.

madhucyuta a. dropping honey or sweetness.

madhujāta a. sprung from honey.

madhujihva a. honey-tongued.

madhutva n. sweetness.

madhudviṣ m. foe of Madhu (Kṛṣṇa).

madhudhā a. giving sweetness.

madhunāḍī f. honey-cell.

madhuntama (superl.) very sweet.

madhupa a. sipping honey or sweetness; m. bee.

madhupaṭala m. bee-hive.

madhuparka m. a mixture or offering of honey (r.).

madhuparṇi f. names of plants.

madhuparṇī f. names of plants.

madhuparṇikā f. names of plants.

madhupavana m. vernal wind.

madhupā a. = madhupa.

madhupāna n. sipping honey; a cert. sweet beverage.

madhupiṅga a. yellow as honey; -ṅgākṣa a. having such eyes.

madhupeya a. sweet to drink; n. the drinking of sweetness.

madhupsaras a. greedy for sweetness.

madhumatta a. excited by wine or by the spring.

madhumada m. the intoxication of wine.

madhumant a. sweet, honied, pleasant, agreeable; f. -matī N. of a metre, a river, a town, & sev. women.

madhumaya f. ī made of honey, sweet as h.

madhumāṃsa n. honey and (or) meat.

madhumādhavī f. a kind of spring flower or a cert. intoxicating drink.

madhumādhava m. du. & n. sgl. the two spring months, the spring.

madhumāsa m. spring month, spring time.

madhumiśra a. mixed with honey or sweet milk.

madhura a. sweet, pleasant, charming, melodious, n. adv.; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

madhurapralāpin a. singing sweetly.*

madhurabhāṣin a. speaking sweetly or kindly.

madhuramaya f. ī full of sweetness.

madhurarāvin a. sounding sweetly.

madhurasa m. honey-juice, sweetness.

madhurasvara a. sweet-voiced, sounding sweetly; n. adv.

madhurākṣara [1] n. pl. sweet or kind words.

madhurākṣara [2] a. sounding sweetly.

madhurāsvāda a. tasting sweet.

madhuriman m. sweetness, suavity.

madhuropanyāsa m. friendly address or speech.*

madhula a. sweet.

madhulih a. honey-sucking; m. bee.

madhuvacas a. speaking kindly.

madhuvat adv. like honey.

madhuvana n. the Honey-Wood (myth.).

madhuvarṇa a. honey-coloured or of sweet aspect.

madhuvāhana a. bearing sweetness.

madhuvāhin a. bearing sweetness.

madhuvrata a. intent upon sweetness; m. bee.

madhuścut a. dropping sweetness, flowing with honey.

madhuścyuta a. dropping sweetness, flowing with honey.

madhuśrī f. the beauty of spring (personif.).

madhuṣut a. producing sweetness.

madhuṣṭhāla n. honey-pot.

madhus n. sweetness.

madhusarpis n. du. honey and clarified butter.

madhusūdana m. the Madhu-slayer (Kṛṣṇa).

madhustoka m. drop of honey.

madhusrava a. dropping honey.

madhuhan m. the Madhu-slayer (Kṛṣṇa).

madhuhantṛ m. the Madhu-slayer (Kṛṣṇa).

madhūka m. bee, N. of a tree.

madhūcchiṣṭa n. bees-wax, wax.

madhūtsava m. the spring festival.

madhūdyāna n. a spring garden.

madhūyu a. greedy for sweetness.

madhūlaka n. honey or sweetness i.g.; f. -likā a kind of bee & = seq.

madhūlī f. a cert. corn-fruit.

madhya a. middle, central, moderate, indifferent, neutral; n. (also madhye) adv. in the midst of, inside, in or into, between, among (gen. or --°, madhye also °-- in adv.), as subst. the middle, centre, interior, esp. the middle of the body, the waist (also m.).

madhyaga a. being (going) in the middle of, contained in, staying among (gen. or --°).

madhyagata a. being (going) in the middle of, contained in, staying among (gen. or --°).

madhyacārin a. going amidst (gen.).

madhyatas adv. from or in the middle, (from) among, out of (gen. or --°).

madhyatā f. mediocrity.

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madhyadeśa m. middle region or part, esp. middle of the body, the waist; the midland country (between Himālaya & Vindhya), pl. its inhabitants.

madhyaṃdina m. midday or midday offering.

madhyabhāga m. the middle part, esp. of the body, the waist.

madhyama a. = madhya; m. n. = prec.

madhyamaka n. = madhya n., -kaṃ praviś enter.

madhyamajāta a. middle-born (son).

madhyamapuruṣa m. the 2nd (middle) person (g.).

madhyamarātra m. midnight.

madhyamaloka m. the middle world, the earth.

madhyamavayasa n. the middle age.

madhyamaśī m. intercessor (lying between).

madhyamasthā a. being in the middle of (gen.); abstr. -stheya n.

madhyamasvara m. the middle sound (dominant).

madhyameṣā f. a cert. part of a waggon.

madhyameṣṭha a. = madhyamasthā.

madhyameṣṭhā a. = madhyamasthā.

madhyarātra m. -rātri f. midnight.

madhyavayas a. middle-aged.

madhyavartin a. being in, among, or between.

madhyastha a. being in the middle, being within, among, or between (gen. or --°); moderate, indifferent, neutral, impartial.

madhyasthatā f. indifference, impartiality.

madhyasthāna n. the middle space i.e. the air.

madhyasthita a. being between (gen.); indifferent, impartial, abstr. -tā f.

madhyā (instr. adv) in the midst (gen.), mean-while.

madhyāvarṣa n. the middle of the rainy season.

madhyāhna m. midday.

madhyenadi adv. in or into the river.

madhyepadmam adv. in a lotus-flower.

madhyepṛṣṭham adv. on the back.

madhyeraṇam adv. in the battle.

madhyesamudram adv. in the middle of the sea.

madhva m. N. of a man.

madhvaka m. bee.

madhvad a. eating sweets.

madhvāśin a. eating sweets.

madhvāpāta m. honey at the beginning.

madhvāsava m. decoction of honey.

man manyate manyati manute v pp. mata (q.v.) think, believe, imagine; consider as or take for (2 acc., acc. & dat., or acc. & adv. in vat), also refl. consider one's self as, pass for, appear as (nom. ±iva); think fit or right, approve of (acc.); think of, meditate on (as in prayer), intend or wish for, remember, mention, declare (acc., r. gen.); find out, invent; perceive, observe, know, understand, comprehend (gen. or acc.). With bahu esteem, honour, w. laghu disesteem, despise, w. sādhu (±iti) approve, commend, w. tṛṇāya (cf. above) value at a straw, esteem lightly, w. na think nothing of, disregard; manye methinks-(often inserted parenthetically). C. mānayati (-te), pp. mānita honour, esteem. D. mīmāṃsate (-ti) consider, examine, call in question. --
     ati value lightly, slighten; be proud or conceited.
     anu assent, approve, like; acknowledge as (2 acc.); grant, impart; allow, permit; indulge, forgive; w. na have no patience with, dislike. C. ask (acc.) for permission, take leave of (acc.), beg for (acc.); honour, regard, consider.
     ava disregard, despise.
     abhi put one's mind upon, wish for (acc.), love, like; have (evil) intentions against (acc.), threaten, menace, hurt, injure, kill; think, suppose, take for or consider as (2 acc., P. 2 nom.).
     ava despise, treat contemptuously, disregard.
     abhyava the same.
     pari overlook, neglect, forget.
     prati answer, return, oppose (2 acc.). C. honour, applaud, regard, consider, deign to accept.
     vi distinguish. C. disgrace, disregard, slighten.
     sam think, suppose, take for (2 acc.); intend, purpose; esteem, honour. C. honour, revere. -- Cf. anumata abhimata vimata saṃmata.

mana m. du. a cert. ornament.

manaḥpūta a. pure of mind.

manana a. thoughtful, careful; n. thought, reflection, consideration.

mananā (instr. adv.) thoughtfully, carefully.

manaḥśila m. n. red arsenic.

manaḥśilā f. red arsenic.

manaḥṣaṣṭha a. being six with the Manas (cf. seq.).

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manas n. mind, soul, heart; the internal organ of perception and cognition (ph.); intellect, reason, thought; excogitation, invention; wish, inclination, desire, endeavour; sentiment, disposition; adj. --° wishing or intending to (esp. w. an infin. in tu). -- Instr. manasā in the mind, in thought; with the heart, willingly. manaḥ kṛ take to (gen.); determine, resolve; also = - dhā vidhā bandh, etc. direct the mind towards, think of (loc., dat., acc. w. prati, or infin.); manasi kṛ or nidhā take to heart, consider, imagine.

manasa m. N. of man, f. ā N. of a goddess, n. (--°) = prec.

manasija m. love or the god of love (lit. the heart-born).

manasijataru m. love conceived as a tree.

manasijaruj f. love-sickness.

manaska n. (mostly a. --°) = manas.

manasketa m. idea (of the mind).

manastāpa m. heart-ache.

manastejas a. endowed with acuteness (of mind).

manasmaya a. spiritual (opp. material).

manasy manasyati manasyate v have in mind, intend.

manasyu a. wishing, desiring.

manasvant a. full of sense or spirit.

manasvin a. intelligent, wise, clever, abstr. -svitā f.

manaḥsaṃtāpa m. grief, sorrow of heart.

manā [1] f. zeal, ardour, jealousy, anger.

manā [2] f. a cert. vessel or weight of gold.

manāk adv. a little, slightly, somewhat; only, merely. With na almost, nearly; na manāk (±api) not at all, by no means.

manāy manāyati v be zealous or devout, mind, remember.

manāyī f. Manu's wife.

manāyu a. zealous, devout.

manāvasu a. rich in devotion, faithful.

manāvī f. = manāyī.

manīṣā f. thought, reflection, understanding, wisdom; notion, idea; prayer, hymn; wish, desire.

manīṣikā f. intelligence, wisdom.

manīṣita a. desired; n. wish, desire.

manīṣitā f. intelligence, wisdom.

manīṣin a. thoughtful, wise, devout.

manu m. man, coll. mankind (also manu in manāvadhi); N. of a class of divine beings (in later times thought to be 7), esp. of the father of mankind & suppositious author of a law-book.

manuja m. man (lit. sprung from Manu or men).

manujanātha m. lord of men, king.

manujapati m. lord of men, king.

manujāta a. sprung from Manu or men; m. man.

manujādhipa m. = manujanātha.

manujādhipati m. = manujanātha.

manujendra m. the same.

manujeśvara m. the same.

manurhita a. friendly to or good for men.

manuṣa m. man.

manuṣya a. human or humane; m. man, husband.

manuṣyakṛta a. committed by men (sin).

manuṣyajā a. born of men.

manuṣyajāta n. -jāti f. mankind.

manuṣyat adv. = manuṣvat.

manuṣyatā f. the condition of man, manhood, humanity.

manuṣyatrā adv. among men.

manuṣyatva n. = manuṣyatā.

manuṣyadeva m. human god, i.e. a Brahman or a king.

manuṣyamāraṇa n. manslaughter.

manuṣyayajña m. sacrifice to men, i.e. charity, hospitality, etc.

manuṣyarāja m. a human king.

manuṣyarājan m. a human king.

manuṣyarūpa n. human shape.

manuṣyaloka m. the world of men.

manuṣyaviś f. -viśa n., -viśā f. the race of men, mankind.

manuṣvat adv. like (with) man or Manu.

manus m. man, mankind.

manogata a. resting in the heart, innermost; n. thought, opinion, wish, desire.

manograhaṇa n. captivation of the mind.

manogrāhin a. captivating the mind, ravishing.

manoja m. = manasija.

manojanman m. = manasija.

manojava [1] m. the swiftness of thought.

manojava [2] a. swift as thought.

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manojavas (superl. -viṣṭha) & manojavin a. = prec.

manojāta a. born in the mind.

manojū a. = manojava2.

manojña a. agreeable (to the mind), pleasant, charming; abst. -tā f.

manotṛ m. inventor, disposer.

manodaṇḍa m. control over the thoughts.

manoduṣṭa a. defiled with (evil) thoughts.

manobhava a. born in the mind or heart; m. love, -druma m. the love-tree (poet.).

manobhiprāya m. heart's desire.

manobhirāma a. delighting the heart.

manobhū m. = manobhava m.

manomaya f. ī spiritual, mental.

manomṛga m. the heart conceived as a deer.

manoyuj a. heart-yoked (harnessed by mere wish, or suited to the mind i.e. judicious, wise).

manoratha m. wish, desire, fancy (lit. heart's joy).

manorathāntara m. inhabitant of the heart, the beloved of (gen.).*

manorama a. charming (the mind), lovely, beautiful.

manorāga m. affection of the heart.

manoruj f. affliction of the heart.

manolaulya n. fancy (of the mind), caprice.

manovākkarman n. pl. thoughts, words, or acts.

manovṛtti f. operation or state of the mind.

manohan a. heart-killing.

manohara (f. ā & ī) captivating, charming, delightful (lit. heart-taking); abstr. -tna n.

manoharākāra a. having a fine figure.

manohārin a. = manohara.

mantavya a. to be thought or supposed (n. impers.), to be taken for (nom.).

mantu m. adviser, manager, ruler (also f.); advice, counsel, direction, plan, intention.

mantumant a. (only voc. mantumas) good counsellor, ruler.

mantṛ m. thinker, assenter.

mantra m. (n.) speech, esp. sacred speech or text, prayer, hymn, etc.; charm, spell; deliberation, counsel, advice; plan, intention, secret.

mantrakāla m. time of deliberation.

mantrakṛt m. composer or reciter of a sacred text; counsellor, emissary.

mantrajña a. knowing sacred texts or experienced in counsel.

mantraṇa n. -ṇā f. consultation, deliberation.

mantratattvavid a. experienced in (the nature of) counsel.

mantratas adv. with respect or according to the sacred texts.

mantrada a. teaching the sacred texts or giving advice.

mantradarśin [1] a. knowing the sacred texts.

mantradṛś [2] a. = prec.; m. poet of hymns or counsellor.

mantrapada n. magical word, spell.

mantrapustikā f. magical book.

mantraprabhāva m. the power of magic.*

mantrabala n. the same.

mantrabheda m. a kind of magical incantation; breach or betrayal of counsel.

mantramūla a. rooted in counsel or deliberation.

mantray mantrayati & mantrayate v pp. mantrita (q.v.) speak, utter; deliberate with (instr. ±saha) about (dat.); talk over, consider; determine to (infin.); counsel, advice (acc. of pers. or thing); consecrate with sacred or magical texts, (cause a person to speak.*). --
     anu follow with sacred texts (-- iti); consecrate, dismiss, exhort, take leave of (acc.).
     abhi address, speak to (2 acc.), woo (a girl), conjure, charm, salute, bid farewell to (acc.).
     ā speak to, address, ask, invite, summon, greet (in coming or going).
     upā address, invite or appoint to (loc. or dat.), take leave of (acc.).
     upa call near, invite to (dat.), persuade, conciliate.
     ni call or summon to (loc.); also =
     upani invite, esp. by means of i.e. by offering (instr.)
     pari consecrate (cf. S.).
     prati call to (acc.), consecrate.
     sam consult together, deliberate with (instr. ±saha or samam) consider, salute. -- Cf. āmantrita (also add.).

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mantravant a. accompanied by or familiar with sacred texts, n. adv.

mantravarṇa m. the syllables or contents of a sacred text.

mantravāda m. the purport or contents of a sacred text; w. śloka m. a sacred stanza.

mantravādin m. reciter of magical formulas, conjurer.

mantravid a. knowing sacred texts or magical incantations.

mantravidyā f. magic art.

mantraśakti f. the power or a means of incantation.

mantrasaṃskāra m. a rite performed with sacred texts, -kṛt a. performing such a rite.

mantrasaṃhitā f. collection of Vedic hymns.

mantrasiddha a. thoroughly versed in the art of magic.

mantrādhirāja m. the king of spells (a Vetala).

mantrārādhana n. winning by spells, conjuring.

mantrita a. deliberated, talked over (n. impers.); advised, counselled, consecrated with sacred texts or magical formulas; n. deliberation, plan.

mantritā f. -tva n. the office of a king's minister or councillor.

mantriduhitṛ f. a minister's daughter.*

mantrin a. wise, clever. m. enchanter, conjurer; a king's minister or councillor.

mantriputra m. a minister's son.

mantrisuta m. a minister's son.

mantrisūnu m. a minister's son.

manth -> math.

mantha m. stirring, churning, killing, slaying; a mixed beverage; spoon for stirring, churning-stick; a kind of antelope.

manthana a. & n. kindling fire by friction, n. also stirring, shaking i.g.

manthara a. slow, lazy, tardy; dull, stupid; f. ā N. of a woman. °-- & n. adv.; abstr. -tā f.

mantharaka m. N. of sev. men & a tortoise.

mantharita a. tired, languid.

manthā f. churning or churning-stick.

manthāna m. shaker (E. of. Śiva); churningstick or a cert. instrument for kindling fire.

manthitavya a. to be rubbed or kindled by friction.

manthitṛ m. stirrer, shaker.

manthin a. stirring, shaking; m. Soma juice mixed with meal.

manthipa a. drinking mixed Soma (cf. prec.).

manthya a. to be kindled by friction (fire).

manda a. slow, lazy, tardy in (loc. or --°); dull, inert, weak (lit. & fig.), stupid. °-- & n. (also doubled) slowly, tardily, gradually, softly. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

mandaga a. moving slowly.

mandagati a. moving slowly.

mandacetas a. of slow or weak understanding, stupid, dull.

mandacchāya a. of little brilliance or beauty.

mandadhī a. = mandacetas.

mandana a. merry, gay.

mandapāla m. N. of a Rishi.

mandaprajña a. = mandacetas.

mandaphala a. bearing little fruit or having few results.

mandabuddhi a. = mandacetas.

mandabhāgin a. having little luck, unfortunate.

mandabhāgya a. = prec.; n. & -tā f. misfortune.

mandabhāj a. = prec. a.

mandamati  = mandacetas; m. N. of a man & a lion.

mandamandam adv. very slowly, by small degrees.

mandamedhas a. = mandacetas.

manday mandayati v weaken, diminish.

mandayatsakha a. rejoicing friends.

mandayu a. cheerful, gay.

mandara m. N. of a sacred mountain, a tree in paradise, & sev. men.

mandaviceṣṭita a. moving slowly.

mandavīrya a. of little strength, weak.

mandasāna a. enjoying one's self, delighted, pleased, glad, intoxicated.

mandākinī f. N. of sev. rivers & a mountain.

mandākrānta a. slowly approaching; f. ā N. of a metre.

mandātman a. = mandacetas.

mandādara a. having little regard for, careless about (loc.).

mandāy mandāyate v tarry, linger, be weak or faint.

mandāra m. coral tree (also a tree of paradise, cf. mandara).

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mandāraka m. = prec.; f. -rikā a woman's name.

mandāravatī f. a woman's name.

mandi a. delightful, charming; cheerful, gay, inspirited.

mandin a. delightful, charming; cheerful, gay, inspirited.

mandira n. dwelling, house, castle, palace, temple.

mandiṣṭha (super.) most delightful.

mandīkṛ weaken, diminish, slacken; w. bhū P.

mandu a. exhilarated, inspirited.

mandurā f. horse-stable; -pāla m. groom.

mandotsāha a. having little energy or zeal; not very enthusiastic.

mandodarī f. N. of a wife of Ravana.

mandautsukya a. having little desire to (prati).

mandra a. pleasant, charming, sweet, esp. well sounding, pleasant to the ear, deep, hollow (voice or sounds i.g.); n. adv.

mandrajihva a pleasant-voiced.

mandrayu a. sounding merrily or sweetly.

mandhātṛ m. thinker, devout or pious man.

mannimittam adv. for my sake.

manmatha m. love or the god of love (lit. the shaker or agitator).

manmathalekha m. love-letter.

manmathānala m. the fire of love.

manman n. thought, devotion, prayer, praise, hymn.

manmaya a. sprung from (lit. consisting of) me.

manya a. thinking one's self-, appearing as, passing for (--°).

manyā f. du. & pl. the muscles of the neck, neck i.g.

manyu m. mood i.e. temper of mind, esp. high spirit, ardour, zeal; passion, wrath, anger at (loc. or acc., w. prati), fury, rage (often personif.); distress, grief, sorrow; abl. manyutas adv.

manyumant a. spirited, zealous, wrathful, angry.

manyumī a. destroying (hostile) fury or in fury.

manyumokṣa m. abandoning anger, reconciliation.

manvantara n. (m.) the age of a Manu (now the seventh & seven others are to follow).

manviddha a. kindled by men.

mamaka a. my, mine.

mamat (repeated & w. cana or cid) now-then-at another time.

mamatā f. mamatva n. selfishness, egoism.

mamāy mamāyate v to envy (acc.).

mamṛvas f. mamruṣī moribund.

mamma m. a man's name.

mammaka m. a man's name.

mammaṭa m. N. of a writer.

maya f. ī1 made or consisting of (only --°); m. the Former, N. of an Asura.

maya [2] m. horse, f. mayī mare.

mayanta n. N. of a metre.

mayanda n. N. of a metre.

mayas n. refreshment, cheer, delight.

mayaskara a. causing delight.

mayu m. a Kimpurusa or some other manlike animal.

mayūkha m. peg; ray of light; p. -vant & -khin.

mayūra m. ī f. peacock or hen; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

mayūrapattrin a. adorned with peacock's feathers (arrow).

mayobhava a. refreshing, gladdening; m. = mayas.

mayobhu (f. mayobhū), or -bhuva a. = prec. a.

mayobhū (f. mayobhū), or -bhuva a. = prec. a.

mayya m. N. of a Brahman.

mara m. dying, death.

maraka m. epidemic, plague.

marakata n. emerald.

marakatamaya (f. ī) made of emerald.

maraṇa n. = mara; -ṇaṃ kṛ to die.

maraṇadaśā f. the hour of death.

maraṇabhīruka a. fearing death.*

maraṇānta a. ending in death.

maraṇāntika a. ending in death.

marāyu a. mortal.

marāla m. a kind of swimming bird; *an elephant.*

marica m. the pepper shrub; n. grain of pepper.

marīca m. & n. = prec.; m. also = marīci m.

marīcacūrṇa s. ground pepper.*

marīci f. mote in the air, beam of light (also marīcī); m. N. of a Prajapati, the father of Kacyapa.

marīcikā f. mirage.

marīcin m. the sun (lit. = seq. a.).

marīcimant a. having rays; m. the sun.

marīcimālin a. wreathed with rays; m. = prec. m.

marīmṛśa a. touching, groping.

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maru m. waste, desert (often pl.); mountain.

marut m. wind, god of the wind (only pl.), breath, air.

marutta m. N. of sev. princes.

maruttama (superl.) quite like the Maruts.

marutpati m. lord of the Maruts (Indra).

marutvant a. having the Maruts (Indra).

marutsakha a. having the wind for a friend (clouds or fire).

marutsakhi a. having the Maruts for friends.

marutsahāya a. = marutsakha (fire).

marudgaṇa [1] m. the host of the Maruts.

marudgaṇa [2] a. belonging to the host of the Maruts.

marudvṛdha a. rejoicing in the Maruts.

marudhanvan m. desert land, wilderness.

marusthala n. -lī f. the same.

marka [1] m. eclipse (of the sun).

marka [2] m. N. of the Purohita of the Asuras etc.

markaṭa m. ī f. ape, monkey.

marḍitṛ m. pitier.

marta m. a mortal, man.

martavya n. impers. it must be died.

martya a. mortal, m. man.

martyatā f. -tva n. mortality, human condition.

martyatrā adv. among men.

martyabhuvana n. -loka m. the world of mortals, the earth.

martyeṣita a. sent by mortals.

marda a. (--°) = seq. a,; m. violent pressure, hard rubbing.

mardana f. ī crushing, grinding, rubbing, pressing, afflicting, destroying (gen or --°); n. the action of crushing etc., also anointing with (°--).

mardanīya a. to be crushed or trodden down.

mardala m. a kind of drum.

marditavya a. = mardanīya.

mardin a. (--°) = mardana a.

marmaga a. going to (cutting through) the vitals, very painful.

marmacchid a. going to (cutting through) the vitals, very painful.

marmacchedin a. going to (cutting through) the vitals, very painful.

marmaccheda m. abstr. to marmacchid (v. prec.).

marmajña a. knowing the weak spots; i.g. knowing, clever, deeply versed in or familiar with (--°).

marman n. open part of the body, vulnerable or weak spot.

marmabhedin a. = marmacchid m. arrow.

marmamaya a. consisting of or relating to the mortal parts of man.

marmara a. & m. rustling, murmuring.

marmavid a. = marmajña.

marmavedin a. = marmajña.

marmaspṛś (f. -ghnī) touching or striking the vitals, very painful or injurious (lit. & fig.).

marmahan (f. -ghnī) touching or striking the vitals, very painful or injurious (lit. & fig.).

marya m. man, esp. young man, lover, suitor; pl. men, servants, attendants.

maryaka m. little man.

maryatas adv. from or amongst young men.

maryādā f. limit, boundary, frontier; coast, shore; the legal or moral bounds, order, law, rule, agreement, contract.

maryādābhedaka m. destroyer of landmarks.

maryādin a. observing the boundaries; m. borderer, neighbour.

marśa m. a cert. sternutatory.

marśana n. touching, inquiring, examining.

marṣa m. patient, endurance.

marṣaṇa a. bearing, forgiving (--°); n. = prec.

marṣaṇīya a. to be borne or forgiven.

marṣin a. patient, forbearing.

mala n. m. dirt, impurity (lit. & fig.); a dirty garment (only n.).

malaga m. fuller, washerman.

malapaṅka s. dirt, mire; poss. -ṅkin.

malaya m. N. of a mountain (also -giri m.); pl. N. of a people.

malayaja a. grown on the Malaya mountains; m. n. sandal tree or wood.

malayadruma m. the sandal tree.

malayaparvata m. the Malaya mountains.

malayabhūbhṛt m. the Malaya mountains.

malayācala m. the same.

malayādri m. the same.

malayānila m. a wind from the Malaya mountains.

malavant a. dirty.

malāvaha a. causing impurity.

malina a. dirty, impure (lit. & fig.); darkcoloured, gray, black. m. a religious mendicant; n. meanness, fault, sin.

malinay malinayati v pp. malinita soil, defile.

maliniman m. darkness, meanness, wickedness.

malinīkṛ  = malinay, P. -bhū.

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malinīkaraṇa n. soiling, contamination.

malinīkaraṇīya a. fit to cause pollution.

malimlu m. robber.

malimlusenā f. band of robbers.

malimluc m. robber, thief.

malimluca m. robber, thief.

malīmasa a. = malina a.

malla m. wrestler by profession, athlete; pl. N. of a caste & a people.

mallaghaṭī f. a kind of pantomime.

mallayuddha n. fistic combat.

mallikā f. a kind of jasmine.

mallikākṣa m. a kind of swan (lit. jasmine-eyed).

malligandhi n. a kind of Agallochum.

mallinātha m. N. of an author.

mallī f. = mallikā.

malva a. inconsiderate, foolish, silly.

malha a. dewlapt.

maśaka m. biting insect, gnat, fly.

maṣi f. powder, esp. bone-black, ink.

maṣī f. powder, esp. bone-black, ink.

masāra m. sapphire or emerald.

masi f. = maṣi & maṣī.

masī f. = maṣi & maṣī.

masīguḍikā f. globule or blot of ink.*

masūra m. lentil.

masūsya n. a kind of grain.

masṛṇa a. soft, smooth, tender.

masṛṇay masṛṇayati v pp. masṛṇita soften, smoothen.

maskara m. bamboo.

maskarin m. religious mendicant (p. to prec.).

mastaka m. n. head, skull, top, point.

mastakottaṃsa m. head-wreath, diadem.

mastiṣka m. n. the brain.

mastu n. sour cream.

mastuluṅga m. n. the brain.

mah mahate mahayati mahate mahayate v pp. mahita1 (q.v.) A. (M.) gladden; delight, exalt, refresh, excite, impel; esteem highly, honour; M. be glad, rejoice at (instr. or acc.); grant, bestow. --
     sam stir up, excite; honour, celebrate.

mah [2] (f. mah & mahī) great, mighty, powerful, strong, abundant; old, aged. f. mahī the earth (as the great one), ground, soil, land, country, kingdom; space; host; cow; du. heaven and earth; pl. rivers, waters.

maha [1] m. feast, festival.

maha [2] a. great, rich, abundant, abstr. -tā f.; n. pl. great deeds.

mahattama (superl.) very great or high; m. an eminent man.

mahattara (compar.) greater, mightier, stronger than (abl.); very great etc. m. chief, principal, courtier, chamberlain (also -ka* m.).

mahattā f. -tva n. greatness, power, high rank, importance, authority.

mahadbhaya n. great danger or distress.

mahan n. greatness, abundance, might (only instr. sgl. & pl.).

mahana n. praise.

mahanīya a. to be praised or celebrated.

mahant (mahānt, f. mahatī; °-- mostly mahā q.v.) great (in all mgs, i.e.) big, large, tall; extensive, long, protracted, far advanced; much, many, abundant, numerous; intensive, thick, dense; mighty, important, high, noble, distinguished, eminent. -- m. a great or noble man, (±ātman) the intellect; n. anything great or important; greatness, might.

mahaye (dat. inf.) for joy.

mahayya a. to be honoured or delighted.

mahar m. N. of a cert. world.

maharloka m. N. of a cert. world.

mahartvij m. great or chief priest.

maharddhi a. very rich or mighty.

maharddhika a. very rich or mighty.

maharddhin a. the same.

maharṣabha m. great bull.

maharṣi m. great Rishi.

mahalla (& -ka*) m. eunuch in a harem.

mahas [1] n. greatness, might, lustre, splendour, abundance, plenty, feast, festival, joy, pleasure; instr. pl. mahobhis with might, greatly.

mahas [2] adv. joyfully, willingly, quickly.

mahasvant a. great, mighty, splendid, glorious, delightful.

mahasvin a. splendid, brilliant.

mahā (only °-- & acc. sgl. mahām) = mahant.

mahākathā f. great tale.

mahākapāṭa m. large door.

mahākalpa m. great cycle of time.

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mahākavi m. great poet.

mahākāya a. of great stature, gigantic.

mahākāla m. a form and a temple of Śiva; f. ī a form of Durgā.

mahākāvya n. great or classical poem.

mahākula [1] n. noble family.

mahākula [2] a. of noble family or race.

mahākulīna a. = prec. 2, abstr. -tā f.

mahākratu m. great sacrifice.

mahākrodha a. very angry, wrathful.

mahāgaṇa m. great multitude or crowd.

mahāgada [1] m. great sickness.

mahāgada [2] m. great antidote.

mahāgada [3] a. armed with a large club.

mahāgala a. long- or thick-necked.

mahāgiri m. great mountain.

mahāguṇa [1] m. chief or cardinal virtue.

mahāguṇa [2] a. possessing great qualities or merits, distinguished; abstr. -tva n.

mahāguru m. a very venerable person.

mahāgṛha m. great or noble house.

mahāgrāma m. great multitude or village.

mahāgrīva a. long-necked (Śiva).

mahāghora a. most horrible.

mahāghoṣa a. loud-sounding, noisy.

mahācapalā f. N. of a metre.

mahācala m. great mountain.

mahāja m. a large he-goat.

mahājana m. a great or eminent man (also coll.); a great number of men, people (also pl.).

mahājava a. very swift, rapid.

mahājānu m. N. of a Brahman (large-kneed).

mahājvara m. great fever or affliction.

mahājvāla a. of great splendour.

mahāḍhya a. very rich or wealthy.

mahātapas a. much afflicted or doing severe penance; m. N. of a sage.

mahātapasvin a. = prec. a.; m. a great ascetic.

mahātala n. N. of a cert. hell.

mahātighora a. = mahāghora.

mahātejas a. possessing great fire or lustre; glorious, mighty.

mahātman [1] m. the supreme spirit, the intellect (ph.).

mahātman [2] a. large-minded, magnanimous, generous, noble, eminent.

mahātyaya m. great sorrow, a. causing gr. s.

mahātyāga m. great liberality; a. = seq.

mahātyāgin a. very liberal or generous.

mahāduḥkha n. great sorrow.

mahādeva m. the great god, esp. Rudra-Śiva or Viṣṇu; f. ī the great goddess i.e. Pārvatī or Lakṣmī, the first wife of a king.

mahādevakṛtyā f. a sin committed against Śiva.

mahādoṣa m. great fault or wrong.*

mahādyuti a. of great splendour or glory.

mahādhana [1] n. great contest or booty; great wealth.

mahādhana [2] a. having or costing much money; rich, wealthy, costly, precious.

mahānagna m. lover or athlete; f. ā & ī whore (lit. quite naked).

mahānada m. a great river or stream; f. ī the same, E. of Gan1gā.

mahānaraka m. a cert. hell.

mahānasa n. freight-waggon, kitchen.

mahānāga m. great serpent or elephant.

mahānāṭaka n. a great drama.

mahānāda [1] m. lound sound.

mahānāda [2] a. loud-sounding.

mahānāmnī f. pl. E. of cert. Vedic verses.

mahāniś f. dead of night, midnight.

mahāniśā f. dead of night, midnight.

mahānīla a. dark blue, black; m. sapphire.

mahānubhāva a. high-potent or magnanimous; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

mahānta a. great; m. N. of a king.

mahāpakṣa a. having many relatives or adherents.

mahāpaṅka m. n. deep mire.

mahāpaṅkti f. N. of a metre.

mahāpaṇḍita a. greatly learned.

mahāpatha m. chief road or the long journey i.e. death.

mahāparādha m. great crime.

mahāparibhava m. great outrage or indignity.*

mahāpaśu m. large cattle.

mahāpāta m. long flight; a. far-flying.

mahāpātaka n. great crime; poss. -kin.

mahāpāpa n. great evil or sin.

mahāpāpman a. very wicked.

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mahāpārśva a. broad-sided (leech); m. N. of a Dānava & a Rākṣasa.

mahāpuṇya a. very auspicious or fortunate; very good, pure, or holy.

mahāpura n. -rī f. great stronghold or city.

mahāpuruṣa m. a great man or the great spirit.

mahāpṛṣṭha a. broad-backed.

mahāprakaraṇa n. a great drama of a cert. kind.

mahāprajāpati m. the great lord of creatures (Viṣṇu).

mahāprapañca m. the great universe.

mahāprabha a. very resplendent; f. -prabhā great brightness.

mahāprabhāva a. of great power or might.

mahāprabhu m. great lord or king.

mahāpramāṇa a. of great extent or size.

mahāprasthāna n. the great journey, i.e. death; -prasthānika or -prasthānika a. relating to it.

mahāpraśna m. great or puzzling question.

mahāprājña a. very wise.

mahāprāṇa [1] m. strong breath or great strength.

mahāprāṇa [2] a. poss. to prec.

mahāphala [1] n. great fruit or reward, large testicle.

mahāphala [2] a. bringing great reward.

mahābala a. very strong or mighty.

mahābāhu a. long-armed (E. of gods & heroes).

mahābila n. deep cave or hole.

mahābuddhi a. of great understanding, very wise or clever.

mahābṛhatī f. N. of a metre.

mahābrāhmaṇa m. a great Brahman.

mahābhaya n. great danger or dread; a. very dangerous or dreadful.

mahābhāga a. having a great portion or a good lot; fortunate, prosperous, distinguished, eminent.

mahābhāgin a. having a great portion or a good lot; fortunate, prosperous, distinguished, eminent.

mahābhāgadheya a. of high rank or power.*

mahābhāgya n. high power or importance.

mahābhārata s. (±āhava or yuddha) the great war of the Bharatas; n. (±ākhyāna) the great narrative of the war of the Bh.

mahābhāṣya n. the great comment (of PataJjali on the grammatical Sūtras of Pāṇini).

mahābhijana m. high or noble descent.

mahābhiyoga m. great accusation (j.).

mahābhīśu a. very resplendent.

mahābhīṣaṇaka a. very dreadful.

mahābhuja a. = mahābāhu.

mahābhūta a. (being) great; m. great creature or being; n. grosser element (ph.).

mahābhūmi f. great realm or dominion.

mahābhoga [1] a. of great extent.

mahābhoga [2] a. having great windings or coils (also -vant or -bhogin); m. a serpent.

mahābhoga [3] m. great enjoyment; a. causing it.

mahābhoja m. great prince, N. of a king.

mahābhra n. great or dense cloud.

mahāmakha m. great or chief sacrifice.

mahāmaṇi m. great or precious jewel.

mahāmati a. = mahābuddhi.

mahāmatsya m. a large fish.

mahāmanas a. high-minded, proud or generous.

mahāmanuṣya m. great person, gentleman.

mahāmantrin m. chief councillor, prime minister.

mahāmaha a. very mighty.

mahāmahārgha a. most precious or dear.*

mahāmāṃsa n. precious meat, esp. human flesh, -vikraya m. sale of h. f.

mahāmātya m. = mahāmantrin.

mahāmātra a. great (in measure), best, first of (--°) --m. great man, high official, minister; elephant-driver or keeper.

mahāmāya a. very deceitful or illusory; m. E. of sev. gods, f. ā & ī E. of Durgā.

mahāmāyā f. the Great Illusion (ph.).

mahāmukha [1] n. large mouth.

mahāmukha f. ī2 large-mouthed.

mahāmuni m. great sage.

mahāmūrdhan a. large-headed.

mahāmṛga m. large deer, elephant.

mahāmṛdha n. great battle.

mahāmegha m. great or dense cloud.

mahāmeru m. the great mountain Meru.

mahāyajña m. great or chief sacrifice.

mahāyaśas a. very glorious.

mahāyuga n. a great Yuga ( = 4 ages of the world).

mahāyuddha n. great battle.

mahāyogin m. great Yogin, E. of Viṣṇu & Śiva.

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mahāyogeśvara m. great lord of devotion (Viṣṇu).

mahāyya a. to be gladdened or honoured.

mahārajana [1] n. safflower.

mahārajana [2] a. dyed with safflower.

mahāraṇa m. great battle.

mahāraṇya n. large wood.

mahāratna n. precious jewel or pearl.

mahāratha [1] m. great chariot or great hero.

mahāratha [2] a. having a great chariot.

mahārathyā f. great or high street.

mahārava m. loud sound or cry; a. loud-sounding, crying, roaring.

mahārāja m. great king, sovereign.

mahārājñī f. great queen, E. of Durgā.

mahārātra n. -tri f. dead or close of night.

mahārāva m. great howl or cry.

mahārāṣṭra m. pl. the Mahrattas; f. ī the language of the M.

mahāraurava m. a cert. hell.

mahārgha a. precious, costly, dear; abstr. -tā f.

mahārṇava m. (great) ocean.

mahārtha m. great thing, important matter; adj. great, important, wealthy.

mahārha a. = mahārgha.

mahāvada m. proclaimer of great things, i.e. teacher of sacred knowledge.

mahāvadha a. wielding a mighty weapon.

mahāvana n. large forest.

mahāvasu a. having much wealth.

mahāvākya n. great speech, i.e. either literary work or chief sentence.

mahāvāta m. -vātyā f. tempest, storm-blast.

mahāvikrama a. having great might or courage; m. N. of lion.

mahāvipulā f. N. of a metre.

mahāvīci m. a cert. hell.

mahāvīra m. great hero, E. of Viṣṇu.

mahāvīracarita n. T. of a play.

mahāvīrya a. of great strength or energy.

mahāvṛkṣa m. large tree.

mahāvṛṣa m. great bull; pl. N. of a people.

mahāvega a. very impetuous or rapid; stormy (sea).

mahāvyāhṛti f. great word (r.).

mahāvrata [1] n. great vow.

mahāvrata [2] a. having undertaken a great vow.

mahāśaṅkha m. a great conch-shell.

mahāśana a. eating much, voracious.

mahāśanidhvaja m. flag with a great thunderbolt.

mahāśabda [1] m. loud sound.

mahāśabda [2] a. loud sounding.

mahāśaya [1] m. the sea (lit. great receptacle).

mahāśaya [2] a. high-minded, magnahimous.

mahāśara m. great arrow.

mahāśarīra a. big-bodied.

mahāśalka m. a kind of sea-crab.

mahāśāla [1] m. the owner of a great house.

mahāśāla [2] m. a great Śāla-tree.

mahāśiras a. large-headed.

mahāśiva m. great Śiva.

mahāśaila m. great rock or mountain.

mahāśman m. precious stone.

mahāśmaśāna n. a large burial-place.

mahāsatī f. a virtuous woman or wife.

mahāsatobṛhatī f. N. of a metre.

mahāsattra n. great Soma sacrifice.

mahāsattva [1] m. great creature or being.

mahāsattva [2] a. great-minded, noble, virtuous, courageous; abstr. -tā f.

mahāsana n. great or splendid seat, throne.

mahāsādhu a. very good, excellent; f. -sādhvī = mahāsatī.

mahāsāra a. solid, pithy, strong, precious.

mahāsiṃha m. great lion.

mahāsena a. having a great army; E. of Skanda, N. of sev. kings.

mahāsenā f. great army.

mahāstra n. great weapon or bow.

mahāsya a. large-mouthed.

mahāsvana m. loud sound or cry; adj. lound-sounding.

mahāsvara a. = prec. a.

mahāhanu a. large-jawed.

mahāhava m. great fight or war.

mahāhavis [1] n. chief oblation or clarified butter; E. of Śiva.

mahāhavis [2] m. N. of a Hotṛ.

mahāhasta a. large-handed.

mahāhastin a. large-handed.

mahāhi m. great serpent.

mahāhna m. great (cf. broad) day, afternoon.

mahāhrada m. large tank or pool.

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mahi adj. (only °-- & nom. acc. sgl.) great; adv. greatly, much.

mahikeru a. praising highly.

mahita a. honoured, celebrated, highly esteemed by (gen. or --°).

mahitā f. mahitva & mahitvana n. greatness, might.

mahin a. great, mighty.

mahina a. great, mighty.

mahinā instr. = mahimnā (cf. seq.).

mahiman m. greatness, might, majesty; instr. also as adv. greatly, mightily.

mahimant a. much, abundant.

mahiratna a. having great treasures.

mahilā f. woman, wife.

mahivrata a. having great power or dominion.

mahiṣa f. mahiṣī mighty, strong. --m. the sun (w. suparṇa), buffalo (±mṛga), high priest, a man's name; f. mahiṣī buffalo-cow, woman of high rank, esp. the (first) wife of a king.

mahiṣṭha (superl.) greatest.

mahī -> mah2.

mahīkampa m. earth-quake.

mahīkṣit m. earth-ruler, king.

mahīcara a. moving on the earth.

mahīcārin a. moving on the earth.

mahīja a. earth-born; m. plant, tree.

mahītala n. surface of the earth.

mahīdurga n. earth-fortress.

mahīdhara a. earth-bearing; m. mountain or Viṣṇu.

mahīdhra m. = prec. m.

mahīnātha m. earth-lord, king.

mahīndra m. earth-lord, king.

mahīndrendra m. king of kings.

mahīpa m. earth-protector or ruler, king.

mahīpati m. earth-protector or ruler, king.

mahīpāla m. earth-protector or ruler, king.

mahīpṛṣṭha n. surface (lit. back) of the earth.

mahībhartṛ m. king (lit. = seq.).

mahībhuj m. king (earth-possessor).

mahībhṛt m. king or mountain (earth-bearer).

mahīmaya f. ī earthen.

mahīy mahīyate v be great, happy, or blessed; be exalted or honoured by (gen.).

mahīyaṃs (compar.) greater or very great.

mahīyā f. joy, bliss, -yai dat. as inf.

mahīyu a. joyful, merry.

mahīruh m. (nom. -ruṭ) tree (earth-grower).

mahīruha m. = prec.

mahīlukā f. cow.

mahīśvara m. earth-lord, king.

mahe (dat. inf.) for joy.

mahenadi (voc.) large river.

mahendra m. the great Indra (abstr. -tva n.) or a great king, N. of sev. kings.

mahendracāpa m. Indra's bow i.e. the rainbow.

mahendramandira n. Indra's palace.

mahemate (voc.) high minded.

maheśa m. the great lord or god, E. of Śiva; a man's name.

maheśvara m. = prec., also E. of sev. other gods, esp. of the 4 world-protectors; f. ī E. of Durgā.

maheṣu m. great arrow.

maheṣudhi f. great quiver.

maheṣvāsa m. great bowman or archer.

mahokṣa m. large bull, abstr. -tā f.

mahotsava m. great festival.

mahotsāha a. having great energy or perseverance.

mahodadhi m. sea, ocean.

mahodaya [1] m. great happiness, bliss.

mahodaya [2] a. very fortunate or lucky.

mahodara [1] n. large belly, dropsy.

mahodara [2] a. big-bellied; N. of a serpent-de-mon etc.

mahopādhyāya m. great teacher.

mahoraga m. great serpent.

mahoraska a. broad-breasted.

maholkā a. great firebrand or meteor.

mahoṣṭha a. large-lipped (Śiva).

mahaujas a. having great strength or might.

mahauṣadha n. a very efficacious remedy.

mahauṣadhi f. a very efficacious medicinal plant.

mahauṣadhī f. a very efficacious medicinal plant.

mahman m. greatness.

[1] (adv. & conj.) not, that not, lest, would that not, w. imperat. or an augmentless form of a past tense (±sma); rarely with an optative; or with aor. or fut.; often without verb. -- maivam or mā tāvat may it not be so; mo ( = mā u) and not, neither (prohib.).

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mimīte2 v (mamāti & māti), pp. mita (q.v.) measure, mete, compare with (instr.); measure across i.e. pass through, traverse; measure out = apportion, give, grant; help a pers. (acc.) to (dat.); prepare, arrange, form, make, create, develop, display (also refl.) show, manifest; conclude, infer; intr. (pres. māti) correspond in measure, find room in (loc.); w. na be beside one's self with (instr.). C. māpayati te cause to be measured or built, build, erect. --
     anu be inferior in measure, be not equal to (dat.) in (acc.); form after i.e. recreate in thought, conclude or infer from (abl.).
     upa apportion, grant; compare with (instr.).
     nis measure ont; fashion or make out of (abl. or instr.), construct, build, form, make, create, compose, produce, show, betray.
     abhinis produce, create, make, compose.
     vinis the same; fashion out of (abl. or instr.).
     pari measure around; limit, measure through, complete.
     pra measure, tax, estimate; frame, create, make, arrange; conceive, understand.
     vi measure out, pass through, count over, arrange, settle.
     sam measure, make equal to or compare with (instr.), apportion, distribute, grant, bestow. -- Cf. anumita upamita (add.), nirmita parimita pratimita pramita saṃmita.

[3] f. measure.

mimāti4 v bellow, roar, low; w.
     anu & ā bellow etc. towards (acc.).

mayate5 v w.
     ni exchange, barter for (instr.).

māṃs (only °--) = seq.

māṃsa n. sgl. & pl. meat, flesh, abstr. -tva n.

māṃsakhaṇḍa n. a bit of flesh.

māṃsagṛdhyin a. greedy for flesh.

māṃsapeśī f. = māṃsakhaṇḍa.

māṃsabhūta a. being flesh.

māṃsabhettṛ m. who cuts a flesh-wound.

māṃsamaya f. ī consisting of flesh.

māṃsaruci a. liking meat.

māṃsala a. fleshy, muscular, strong.

māṃsalubdha a. desirous of meat.

māṃsavikraya m. sale of meat.

māṃsavikrayin m. meat-seller.

māṃsavikretṛ m. meat-seller.

māṃsaśoṇitalepana a. having flesh and blood for mortar (the body).

māṃsād a. flesh-eating, carnivorous.

māṃsāda a. flesh-eating, carnivorous.

māṃsādin a. flesh-eating, carnivorous.

māṃsāśana n. flesh-meat.

māṃsāśin a. = māṃsād; abstr. -śitva n.

māṃsīy māṃsīyati v long for flesh.

mākanda m. the mango tree.

mākara f. ī relating to the sea monster Makara.

mākaranda a. coming from the juice of flowers.

mākis adv. = ne or ne quis.

mākī f. du. heaven and earth.

mākīna a. my, mine.

mākīm adv. ne.

mākuli m. a kind of snake.

mākṣika a. coming from a bee, n. honey.

mākṣīka m. ā f. spider; n. = prec. n.

māgadha f. ī relating to, coming from, or born among the Magadhas. -- m. a prince of the Magadhas, pl. N. of a people ( = magadha) & a caste; f. ā a princess of the M., f. ī the same or the language of the Magadhas.

māgha f. ī relating to the constellation Maghā; m. N. of a cert. month, of a poet (cf. seq.), etc.

māghakāvya n. Māgha's poem i.e. the Śiśupālavadha.

māghaśukla s. the bright half of the month Māgha.

māghona n. liberality.

māṅgalika a. bringing or wishing for happiness; n. any auspicious thing, e.g. amulet etc.

māṅgalya a. & n. = prec., n. also benediction, auspicious ceremony or festival.

māciram adv. shortly, quick, mostly w. imper, lit. (be) not long!

māñjiṣṭha a. red as madder.

māñjiṣṭhaka a. red as madder.

māñjiṣṭhika a. red as madder.

māṭhara n. a man's name.

māṭhavya m. N. of a Brahman.

māṇava m. boy, lad, youngster, esp. a young Brahman.

māṇavaka m. = prec.; f. -vikā lass, wench.

māṇika m. jeweller.

māṇikya n. ruby; m. N. of a man.

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māṇḍalika m. governor of a province.

mātaṅga m. elephant, greatest or best of (--°); a man's name.

mātariśvan m. N. of a divine being closely connected with Agni, or of A. himself.

mātali m. N. of Indra's charioteer.

mātalisārathi m. E. of Indra (cf. prec.).

mātalī m. N. of a divine being closely connected with Yama.

mātāduhitṛ f. du. mother and daughter.

mātāpitṛ m. du. father and mother.

mātāmaha m. ī f. maternal grandfather and grandmother; du. maternal grandparents.

mātula m. maternal uncle (applied also to others in confidential address).

mātulaka m. maternal uncle (applied also to others in confidential address).

mātulaṅga mātuliṅga -luṅga m. citron tree; n. a citron.

mātulānī f. the wife of a maternal uncle.

mātuliṅga -> mātulaṅga.

mātuluṅga -> mātulaṅga.

mātuleya m. ī f. son or daughter of a maternal uncle, cousin.

mātṛ [1] f. mother (applied also to the earth, the cow, the sticks of attrition, in respectful address to near relatives or elderly women i.g.); E. of Lakṣmī & Durgā; du. father and mother, heaven and earth; du. & pl. the sticks of attrition; pl. the (7, 8, 9, or 16) divine mothers, or the (8) female Manes.

mātṛ [2] m. measurer (acc.), knower.

mātṛka a. the mother's, maternal. m. maternal uncle; f. ā mother or grandmother.

mātṛgupta m. N. of a king.

mātṛtamā (superl.) f. very motherly.

mātṛtas adv. from the mother, on the mother's side.

mātṛbhakti f. devotion to a mother.

mātṛmant a. having a mother.

mātṛvat adv. as one's mother.

mātṛvatsala (a. mother-loving*;) m. E. of Skanda.

mātṛṣvasṛ f. a mother's sister.

mātṛṣvaseya m. ī f. a mother's sister's son & daughter.

mātṛhan m. matricide.

mātrā f. measure, limit (in sp. & time), quantity, size, duration (also mātra n.); unity of measure, foot; prosodial instant, moment i.g.; particle, atom; element, matter (ph.); wealth, money, utensils; n. --° in subst. all -- whatever, or only, mere --; in adj. (f. ā & ī) so and so long, high, large, etc.; having or being only, consisting only of --; after a pp. just, scarcely.

mātraka f. -trikā (--°) = prec. (--°).

mātratā f. -tva n. abstr. to mātra n.

mātrāchandas n. a metre measured by prosodial instants.

mātrāvant a. having a certain measure.

mātrāvṛtta n. = mātrāchandas.

mātrāśin a. eating moderately.

mātrāsaṅga m. devotion to one's utensils.

mātrīy mātrīyati v take for or treat as (one's own) mother.

mātsarya n. envy, jealousy, discontent.

mātsya a. fishy or fish-like.

mātha m. destruction, annihilation.

māthaka m. destroyer.

māthava m. patron. = mādhava.

māthura f. ī coming from or belonging to Mathura; m. an inhabitant of M., a man's name.

mādaka a. inebriating.

mādana a. inebriating.

mādanīya a. inebriating.

mādayitnu a. the same.

mādayiṣṇu a. the same.

mādṛś (f. ī) one like me.

mādṛśa (f. ī) one like me.

mādravatī f. = mādrī.

mādravatīputra m. son of M. (Nakula or Sahadeva).

mādravatīsūnu m. son of M. (Nakula or Sahadeva).

mādrī f. princess of the Madras, E. of the second wife of Pāṇḍu.

mādrī f. a princess of the Madras, E. of the wives of Pāṇḍu, Kṛṣṇa, etc.

mādhava f. ī vernal; m. the second month of the spring, spring i.g.; descendant of Madhu, E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa, Paraśurāma, etc., a man's name; f. mādhavī the Mādhavī (i.e. spring-) flower, a woman's name.

mādhavikā f. = prec. f.

mādhavasena m. N. of a king.

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mādhavācarya m. the teacher Madhava, N. of a celebrated scholar.

mādhavīya a. relating to Mādhava or to Mādhavācārya.

mādhavīmaṇḍapa s. Mādhavī-bower.*

mādhavīlatā f. Mādhavī-creeper (gṛha n. = prec.*).

mādhuparkika f. ī relating to the ceremony Madhuparka.

mādhurī f. & -dhurya n. sweetness, charm, grace.

mādhūka a. sweet-voiced.

mādhya a. middle, central.

mādhyaṃdina a. meridional, midday-; m. pl. N. of a Vedic school.

mādhyama (f. -mikā) central.

mādhyamaka (f. -mikā) central.

mādhyamika a. = prec.; m. pl. N. of a midland people.

mādhyastha a. showing indifference; n. = seq.

mādhyasthya n. indifference, neutrality.

mādhyāhnika f. ī belonging to midday, noon-.

mādhvika m. who collects honey.

mādhvī a. f. sweet, du. E. of the Aśvins.

mādhvīka n. a kind of liquor.

māna [1] m. opinion, conception; intention, will; pride, arrogance; respect, honour; anger, caprice, pouting, sulkiness anger (esp. in women).

māna [2] m. building, edifice, castle, house; n. the act of or an instrument for measuring, measure, extent, dimension, size, weight, esp. a cert. measure of weight, duration; picture, likeness, similarity; proof, evidence.

māna [3] m. thinker or maker, poet; N. of an ancient Rishi, pl. his race.

mānagrahaṇa n. (taking to) pouting.*

mānada a. giving or showing honour (to others); m. honour-giver (address of a woman to her husband or lover).

mānana n. -nā f. veneration, reverence.

mānanīya a. to be revered or honoured.

mānabhāj a. receiving respect from (--°).

mānabhṛt a. bearing pride, proud.

mānayitṛ m. honourer, who respects.

mānayitavya a. = mānanīya.

mānayoga m. pl. the different modes of measuring or weighing.

mānava f. ī descended from or relating to Manu, human. -- m. human being, man; pl. the tribes of men (5 or 7), mankind, people, the subjects (of a king); N. of a Vedic school. f. ī daughter of Manu or man, a woman. n. a man's length (as a measure), the law-book of Manu.

mānavakalpasūtra n. T. of a work.

mānavagṛhyasūtra n. the same.

mānavadeva m. king (man-god).

mānavadharmaśāstra n. Manu's law-book.

mānavant a. enjoying honour, high-spirited, disdainful; f. -vatī = māninī (v. mānin).

mānavapati m. man-lord, king.

mānavarjita a. wanting or breaking honour.

mānavardhana a. increasing honour.

mānavendra m. man-lord, king.

mānasa [1] f. ī (ā) sprung from the mind, the mind's, mental, spiritual; n. (adj. --° f. ā) mind, spirit, heart, soul, N. of a sacred lake and place of pilgrimage.

mānasa [2] a. dwelling on the lake Manasa.

mānasaka (adj. --° f. -sikā) = mānasa1 n.*

mānasasaṃtāpa m. mental anguish, grief.

mānādhika a. exceeding the measure.

mānāpamāna n. du. honour and dishonour.

mānārha a. worthy of honour.

mānitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

mānin a. thinking, being of opinion; considering, regarding as, honouring, also considering etc. (one's self) as, passing for (--°); high-minded, haughty, arrogant, proud of (tas) to (prati); highly honoured or esteemed; f. -nī an angry or pouting woman.

mānuṣa f. ī human or humane. m. (adj. --° f. ā) human being, man, pl. the (5) tribes of men; f. mānuṣī a woman; n. = seq.

mānuṣatā f. -tva n. condition of man, manhood, humanity.

mānuṣadaivika a. human and divine.

mānuṣarākṣasa f. ī a fiend in human form.

mānuṣya n. = mānuṣa n.

mānuṣyaka a. human; n. = prec.

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māntrika m. reciter of a text or spell, enchanter, sorcerer.

māntharya n. slowness, weakness.

mānthāla m. a kind of animal.

mānthālava m. = prec.

mānthīlava m. = prec.

mānda a. gladdening (E. of the water).

māndārya m. N. of a man.

māndya n. slowness, weakness, torpor.

māndhātṛ m. N. of an ancient king.

māndhāla m. = mānthāla.

mānmatha f. ī relating to love or the god of love.

mānya [1] a. to be respected, venerable; abstr. -tva n.

mānya [2] m. a patron. name.

mānyasthāna n. ground for respect.

māpanā f. meting out, measuring.

māma m. only voc. in confidential address = uncle.

māmaka (f. māmikā & māmakī) my, mine.

māmakīna a. = prec.

māmateya m. metron. of Dīrghatamas.

māyavant a. = māyāvant.

māyā f. art, supernatural or wonderful power, wile, trick, deceit, sorcery, illusion, phantom, unreality (ph.); °-- being only in appearance, a feigned or phantom --(cf. seq.).

māyākapota m. a phantom-pigeon, -vapus a. having the form of it.

māyādevī f. N. of Cākyamuni's mother.

māyādhara a. skilled in magic.

māyāpaṭu a. the same.

māyāmaya f. ī illusory, unreal.

māyāmṛga m. a phantom antelope.

māyāyantra n. magical work, enchantment.

māyāyoga m. the employment of illusion or magical art.

māyāvacana n. a deceptive speech.

māyāvant a. possessing magical power or skilled in magical art; deceptive, illusory.

māyāvāda m. the doctrine of illusion (ph.).

māyāvid a. knowing magical arts.

māyāvin a. = māyāvant; m. magician, juggler.

māyika a. deceptive, illusory.

māyin a. possessing magical powers, artful, wise, cunning, deceitful; m. magician, juggler; n. magic, magical art.

māyu [1] charm, spell (only --°).

māyu [2] m. bleating, roaring, a cert. animal.

māyūka a. lowing, roaring.

māyūra f. ī a peacock's.

māyobhava m. -bhavya n. gladness, happiness.

māra a. killing, destroying (--°). m. death, pestilence, slaughter, murder, hindrance, obstruction, the god of love, the Destroyer or Devil (with Buddhists). f. ī killing, pestilence.

māraka f. -rikā killing, murdering (--°); m. pestilence (also r. -rikā), the god of death.

mārakata f. ī smaragdine.

māraṇa n. killing, slaughter, murder (w. prāp suffer death); N. of a cert. magical ceremony & a mythical weapon.

māramohita a. infatuated by the god of love.

māraripu m. the foe of the god of love, i.e. Śiva.*

mārava f. ī forming or belonging to a desert.

mārātmaka a. murderous.

mārāri m. = māraripu.

mārin a. dying or killing (--°).

māriṣa m. honourable man (often in voc. as a respectful address).

mārīca a. relating to Marīci; m. = seq.

mārīci m. patron. from marīci.

mārīcya m. patron. from marīci.

mārīya a. belonging to the god of love.

māruka a. perishing.

māruta relating to the Maruts or the wind. -- m. wind, air, the god of wind (adj. --° f. ā), E. of Viṣṇu & Rudra; f. ā N. of a woman, f. ī (sc. diś) the north-west.

māruta, f. relating to the Maruts or the wind. -- m. wind, air, the god of wind (adj. --° f. ā), E. of Viṣṇu & Rudra; f. ā N. of a woman, f. ī (sc. diś) the north-west.

mārutī relating to the Maruts or the wind. -- m. wind, air, the god of wind (adj. --° f. ā), E. of Viṣṇu & Rudra; f. ā N. of a woman, f. ī (sc. diś) the north-west.

mārutasūnu m. the son of the god of wind, E. of Hanumant.

mārutātmaja m. the same.

māruti m. the same.

mārutāndolita a. swung or tossed by the wind.*

mārutodvellita a. the same.*

mārkaṭa f. ī apish, monkey-like.

mārkaṇḍeya m. patron. of an ancient sage, pl. his race.

mārkaṇḍeyapurāṇa n. T. of a Puraṇa.

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mārg mārgati mārgate v (mārgayati), pp. mārgita track, hunt, (cf. seq.), seek for, strive after, ask, request (2 acc.)
     pari = S.

mārga a. relating to game or deer. --n. (±māṃsa) game, venison. m. track, way, path, road, passage; mode, manner, esp. right manner, proper course; custom, use; title or head (j.), stile, diction. mārgeṇa & mārgais through, along (--°).

mārgaṇa a. asking, requiring (--°). --m. beggar, suppliant; arrow (abstr. -tā f.), n. searching, inquiring.

mārgadarśaka m. guide (way-shower).

mārgava m. N. of a mixed caste.

mārgaśīrṣa m. N. of a month.

mārgastha a. being on the (right) way (l. & f.).

mārgāgata a. coming from a journey, m. a traveller.

mārgāyāta a. coming from a journey, m. a traveller.

mārgāvalokin a. waiting, impatient (lit. looking out at a person's way).

mārgitavya a. to be searched for or striven after.

mārjana f. ī wiping away, cleansing, washing; washerman & woman. f. ā wiping out, washing; skin or sound of a drum; f. ī cleansing, purifying, brush, broom; n. wiping out, sweeping, cleansing, effacing.

mārjāra (f. ī) & -ka m. cat, esp. wild cat.

mārjāraliṅgin a. having the nature of a cat.

mārjālīya a. fond of washing (E. of Śiva); m. (scil. dhiṣṇya) a heap of earth to the right of the Vedi (r.)

mārjālya a. = prec. a.

mārjita a. cleaned, polished, smeared with (instr.); wiped off, removed, destroyed.

mārḍīka n. mercy, grace.

mārtaṇḍa m. the sun or the god of the s. (cf. seq.).

mārtāṇḍa m. bird, esp. the bird in the sky i.e. the sun.

mārttika f. ī made of clay, earthen.

mārtsna a. ground fine or small.

mārdava n. softness, meekness, kindness.

mārṣṭi f. *washing, cleaning.

māla m. N. of a country, pl. of a people; f. ā wreath, garland, chaplet, necklace, row, line, collection, esp. of words, dictionary; n. field, garland (only °--).

mālaka m. arbour, bower; f. -likā garland, necklace; row, line, multitude; n. garland, ring.

mālati f. a kind of jasmine.

mālatī f. = prec., a woman's name.

mālatīmādhava n. Mālatī and Mādhava, T. of a play.

mālaya a. coming from the Malaya mountain.

mālava [1] m. N. of a country (Malwa), pl. its inhabitants.

mālava f. ī2 relating to the Mālavas, a prince or princess of the M.

mālavaviṣaya m. the country of Malwa.

mālavikā f. N. of a woman.

mālavikāgnimitra n. Mālavikā and Agnimitra, T. of a play.

mālākāra m. ī f. wreath-maker, florist.

mālāvant a. wreathed, crowned.

mālika m. wreath-maker.

mālin a. = mālāvant (mostly --°). m. garland-maker, gardener; f. -nī a gardener's wife, N. of a river & a metre, a woman's name.

mālinya n. foulness, defilement, impurity.

mālūra m. a cert. fruit tree.

mālopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

mālya n. wreath, crown; poss. -vant, m. also N. of a Rākṣasa, a mountain, etc.

mālvya n. thoughtlessness, foolishness.

māvant a. one like me.

māvilambam adv. without delay (cf. māciram).

māṣa m. bean; a small weight of gold (also māṣaka m. n.).

māṣatila m. du. sesamum and beans.

mās [1] n. flesh, meat.

mās [2] m. moon, month.

māsa m. (adj. --° f. ī) moon (only --°), month.

māsadhā adv. by the month, monthly.

māsara n. a cert. dish or drink.

māsaśas adv. month by month.

māsasaṃcayika a. gathering (provisions) for a month.

māsānumāsika a. performed every month.

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māsika f. ī pertaining to a month, happening every month, lasting a month, monthly.

māsikānna n. food given at a monthly Śrāddha.

māsīna a. monthly.

māsūra f. ī lentil-shaped.

māsya a. a month old.

māhātmika a. magnanimous, glorious.

māhātmya n. magnanimity, highness, majesty.

māhārajana f. ī dyed with saffron.

māhārājya n. sovereignty.

māhārāṣṭra f. ī belonging to the Mahrattas; f. ī the M. language.

māhitra n. N. of a cert. hymn.

māhina a. joyous, glad.

māhiṣa f. ī relating to or coming from a buffalo.

māhiṣika m. a keeper or breeder of buffaloes.

māhiṣeya m. a son of the first wife of a king.

māhiṣya m. a cert. mixed caste.

māhendra f. ī great Indra's eastern; w. dhanus n. rainbow.

māheya a. earthen, f. ī cow.

māheśvara a. relating to great Śiva; m. a Śivaite.

mi minoti minute v pp. mita1 (q.v.) fix, establish, build, erect, measure, observe, perceive. --
     ud set up, erect.
     ni dig in, fix, build, construct.
     pra erect, build; perceive, understand.
     vi fix, set up, build.
     sam fix or set up together. -- Cf. vimita.

mi [2] -> .

mikṣ mimikṣati1 v mix, stir up; prepare. C. mekṣayati stir up, mix with (instr.).

mikṣ [2] -> myakṣ.

migh -> mih1.

mit f. post, pillar.

mita [1] a. measured, defined, limited; scanty, succinct, small, concise; examined, known.

mita [2] a. fixed, firm, solid.

mitajñu a. having firm or fixed (i.e. bent) knees.

mitadru a. running quickly (lit. having a firm course).

mitabhāṣitṛ a. speaking little.

mitabhāṣin a. speaking little.

mitabhukta a. eating little.

mitabhuj a. eating little.

mitabhojana a. eating little.

mitākṣara a. composed in measured (i.e. metrical) language, concise, short, comprehensive; f. ā T. of sev. commentaries.

mitāśana a. eating little or sparingly.

mitāhāra a. the same; m. as subst.

miti [1] f. measure, weight, value.

miti [2] f. erecting, establishing.

mitra m. friend, comrade (mostly n., esp. in l.l.), N. of an Aditya etc.; n. friendship.

mitrakarman n. friendly office.

mitrakārya n. friendly office.

mitrakṛti f. -kṛtya n. the same.

mitragupta a. protected by Mitra; m. N. of a man.

mitratā f. -tva n. friendship, intimacy.

mitradruh (nom. -dhruk) treacherous or faithless to friends.

mitradroha m. abstr. to prec.

mitradhā adv. in a friendly manner.

mitradhita n. friendly compact.

mitradhiti f. mitradheya n. = prec.

mitranandana a. gladdening one's friends.

mitrapati m. lord of friends or of friendship.

mitrabhāva m. friendly relation, friendship.

mitrabheda m. separation of friends.

mitramahas a. rich in friends.

mitralābha m. acquisition of friends.

mitravat adv. as a friend.

mitravatsala a. affectionate to friends.

mitravant a. having friends.

mitrasaṃprāpti f. acquisition of friends.

mitrasaha m. N. of a king & a Brahman (lit. = seq.).

mitrasāha a. indulgent towards friends.

mitrasneha m. love to friends, friendship.

mitrātithi m. N. of a man.

mitrāmitra n. sgl. friend and foe.

mitrāyu a. seeking friendship.

mitrāvaruṇa m. du. Mitra and Varuṇa.

mitrāvasu m. N. of a prince.

mitrin a. befriended, allied.

mitriya a. friendly, coming from or relating to a friend.

mitrīy mitrīyati v treat or gain as friend.

mitrya a. = mitriya.

mith methati methate v (& mithati) meet together, either associate, pair; or (more commonly) altercate, wrangle, reproach (acc.); M. contest with each other.

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mithatyā (instr. adv.) alternately or emulously.

mithas adv. together, mutually, alternately, secretely, privately.

mithaḥprasthāna n. mutual or common departure.

mithaḥsamaya m. mutual agreement.

mithaḥsamavāya m. mutual agreement.

mithaḥspṛdhya ger. rivalling with each other.

mithila m. pl. N. of a people.

mithu adv. alternately; wrongly, falsely.

mithū adv. alternately; wrongly, falsely.

mithuna a. paired, forming a pair; n. pair (male and female), twin couple, couple or pair i.g. (in Veda mostly m. du.); cohabitation, copulation, union, junction i.g. Abstr. mithunatva n., mithunabhāva m.

mithunīkṛ & bhū or as pair (tr. & intr.).

mithuyā (instr. adv.) wrongly, falsely.

mithus adv. mutually or = prec.

mithyā adv. wrongly, falsely, in vain. With brū vac, etc. speak falsely, tell a lie; w. kṛ make false, cheat; contradict, deny, w. kṛ & na keep (a given word).

mithyākṛta a. done wrongly.

mithyākopa m. feigned anger.

mithyākraya m. false price.

mithyāgraha m. useless obstinacy.

mithyācāra [1] m. improper conduct.

mithyācāra [2] a. acting falsely, hypocritical.

mithyājñāna n. misapprehension, error.

mithyābhiyogin a. bringing forth a false accusation (j.).

mithyābhiśaṃsin a. = prec.; -śasta a. accused falsely.

mithyābhiśasti m. false accusation.

mithyābhiśāpa m. false accusation.

mithyāyoga m. wrong use or employment.

mithyāvacana n. falsehood, lie.

mithyāvākya n. falsehood, lie.

mithyāvāda m. = prec., adj. = seq.

mithyāvādin a. speaking untruly, lying.

mithyāvyāpāra m. wrong occupation.

mithyāsākṣin m. false witness.

mithyopacāra m. feigned service or kindness.

mid madyati v (medate) be fat. C. medayati make fat.

mindā f. a bodily defect.

mimaṅkṣu a. desirous of bathing or diving.

mimardayiṣu a. wishing to crush.

mimardiṣu a. wishing to crush.

mimikṣa a. mixed, mingled.

mimikṣu a. mixed, mingled.

miyedha m. sacrificial meal.

miyedhya a. partaking of a sacrificial meal.

mil milati v pp. milita (q.v.) meet, assemble, join (instr. ±saha, gen., or loc.), mix, combine; occur, happen. C. melayati bring together with (gen.), assemble (tr.). --
     sam come together, be present, get into possession of (gen.).

milana n. meeting, contact.

milita a. met, joined, happened, occurred.

milinda m. bee.

miśa a. mixed, mingled; manifold, various; joined, connected, or furnished with, accompanied by (instr. ±samam, gen., or --°); abstr. -tā f. --° (pl.) -- and his followers, -- and others; °-- & --° (sgl.) as title of honour in proper names, esp. those of scholars (cf. bhaṭṭa); n. adv among (--°).

miśraka a. mingled, miscellaneous; mixing, adulterating.

miśrakeśī f. N. of an Apsaras.

miśraṇa n. mixing, uniting.

miśradhānya [1] n. mixed grain.

miśradhānya [2] a. mixed of various kinds of grain.

miśray miśayati v pp. miśita mix, mingle with (instr. or loc.). --
     vi & sam = S.

miśrīkṛ  = prec., w. bhū mix, associate with (instr.), also of sex. intercourse.

miśla (--°) = miśa.

miṣ miṣati v (miṣate) open the eyes, look, behold (only the pres. pp. miṣant, esp. in constructions as miṣato bandhuvargasya before the eyes of the friends). --
     ud = S. + blossom, expand.
     ni close the eyes, wink, fall asleep. -- Cf. unmiṣita.

miṣa n. deceit, fraud, illusion; instr., abl., & adv. in tas under the appearance or pretext of (--°).

miṣṭa a. savoury, dainty, sweet; n. = seq.

miṣṭānna n. sweetmeat, dainty dish.

misi f. N. of sev. plants.

[Page 412]

mih mehati1 v (te), pp. mīḍha (q.v.) make water; wet, sprinkle. C. mehayati cause to make water. --
     abhi urine upon (acc.).
     ava make water upon or towards (acc.).
     ni = S.
     pari wet by urining upon.
     pra = S.
     prati make water in the direction of (acc.). -- Cf. mīḍhvaṃs.

mih [2] f. mist, fog.

mihikā f. snow.

mihira m. the sun.

mināti v (minoti) damage, lessen, diminish; fail, transgress; frustrate, annul; M. P. mīyate mīyate perish, be lost. C. māpayati only with pra (q.v.) --
     ā disturb, remove, annul, change, alter (M. intr., refl., or recipr.).
     ud M. disappear.
     pra frustrate, annul, destroy, annihilate; change, alter; transgress, neglect, miss, forget; outstrip, surpass. P. M. perish, die. C. destroy, kill; cause to be killed by (instr.). -- Cf. pramīta.

mīḍam adv. softly, gently.

mīḍha (mīḷha) n. prize, reward; content, struggle.

mīḍhuṣmant (mīḷhuṣmant) a. = seq.

mīḍhvaṃs (mīḷhuṣ) a. bestowing richly, bountiful, liberal, gracious; superl. mīḷhuṣṭama.

mīna m. fish, poss. -vant.

mīnaketu m. the god of love (lit. the fish-bannered).

mīnadhvaja m. the god of love (lit. the fish-bannered).

mīmāṃsaka m. examiner (--°); follower of the Mimansa system (cf seq.).

mīmāṃsā f. reflection, consideration, examination, N. of a philos, system.

mīl mīlati v pp. mīlita (q.v.) close the eyes, wink (also = mil). C. mīlayati close, shut. --
     ā & vyā C. close (the eyes).
     ud open, expand, (trans. & intr.); come forth, appear. C. open, expand, manifest. prod & samud =
     ud (also C.).
     ni shut the eyes, wink; close, contract (intr.); disappear, vanish. C. shut or cause to shut.
     sam close the eyes; close up, contract (intr.). C. close, shut. -- Cf. unmīlita nimīlita saṃmīlita.

mīlana n. closing the eyes, winking.

mīlita a. having closed the eyes, sleepy or asleep; closed, shut; vanished, disappeared, gone; also = milita.

mīv mīvati v pp. mūta (q.v.) & mīvita push, move. --
     ā push aside, wrench open (door).
     pra push towards.
     prati push back, shut to.

mukuṭa m. diadem, crown; p. -ṭin.

mukunda m. E. of Viṣṇu.

mukura m. mirror, also = seq.

mukula n. bud (also fig. of a tooth).

mukulay mukulayati v pp. mukulita (q.v.) close.

mukulay mukulayate v bud, blossom (cf. seq.).

mukulāyita a. blossomed.*

mukulita a. budded or closed (like buds).

mukulitanayana a. with closed eyes.

mukulin a. having buds.

mukta a. released, freed from, rid of (abl. or instr.); loosened, relaxed, fallen off or down; set free, dismissed; relinquished, given up; put off, laid aside, cast away; discharged, shed; thrown, hurled; liberated, emancipated (from sin or worldly existence). -- f. muktā pearl.

muktakeśa f. ā & ī having flowing or dishevelled hair.

muktacetas a. whose mind is liberated.

muktatā f. -tva n. emancipation, liberation.

muktabuddhi a. = muktacetas.

muktasaṅga a. free from (worldly) attachment.

muktaśikha a. = muktakeśa.

muktāguṇa m. string of pearls.

muktājāla n. ornament of pearls; -maya, f. ī made or consisting of pearls.

muktātman a. = muktacetas.

muktāphala n. pearl (-fruit); abstr. -tā f.

muktāmaṇi m. pearl (-jewel); -sara m. string of pearls.

muktāmaya f. ī made or consisting of pearls.

muktāratna n. pearl (-gem).

muktāruc a. shining like pearls; f. as abstr.

muktāvali f. string of pearls.

muktāvalī f. string of pearls.

muktāśukti f. pearl-oyster.

muktāsana a. having left a seat, risen.

muktāhāra m. string of pearls.

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mukti f. liberation, release from (--°); final emancipation or beatitude; putting off, giving up, relinquishing (--°); casting, throwing, hurling.

muktivant a. freed from (abl.).

mukte prep. except (instr.).

mukṣījā f. snare, net.

mukha n. mouth, face, beak, snout, (adj. --° having -- in the mouth etc. or having a like mouth); direction, quarter (adj. --° turned towards, facing, n. adv.); opening, aperture, entrance into (gen. or --°); forepart, top, point, edge, surface; head, chief, best; commencement, introduction (adj. --° ±ādi beginning with); cause, occasion, means of, instr. mukhena by means of (gen. or --°).

mukhagata a. being in the mouth or in the face.

mukhacandra m. a moon-like face.

mukhacandramas m. a moon-like face.

mukhacapala a. talkative, garrulous (lit. whose mouth is ever moving, abstr. -tva n. --f. ā N. of a metre.

mukhaja a. sprung from or being in the mouth; m. a Brahman.

mukhatas adv. from, at, or by the mouth; at the head or in front.

mukhadaghna a. reaching to the mouth.

mukhadoṣa m. loquacity (mouth-sin).

mukhapaṅkaja n. a lotus-like face.

mukhapaṭa m. veil, screen (for the face).

mukhaprasādhana n. the adorning (washing, painting etc.) of the face.

mukhabheda m. distortion of the face.

mukhamadhu a. having honey in the mouth, sweetspeaking.*

mukhamāruta m. breath (mouth-wind).

mukhara a. talkative, loquacious, garrulous, noisy; eloquent on, resonant with (--°); abstr. -tā f. --m. chief, ringleader; f. ī bit of a bridle.

mukharay yati v pp. mukharita make resound or speak.

mukharāga m. colour of the face.

mukhavarṇa m. colour of the face.

mukharīkṛ  = mukharay.

mukhavant a. mouthed.

mukhavipulā f. N. of a metre.

mukhavyādāna n. opening the mouth; gaping.

mukhaśaśin m. a moon-like face.

mukhaśrī f. beauty of a face.

mukhāṅga n. part of the face.

mukhāditva n. the being face etc.

mukhābja n. = mukhapaṅkaja.

mukhāmbuja n. = mukhapaṅkaja.

mukhāsava m. nectar of the lips.

mukhāsvāda m. kissing the mouth.

mukhīya a. being at the entrance or at the head of (--°).

mukhendu m. -bimba n. a moon- (disk-) like face.

mukhya a. being in (on) the mouth or face, coming from the mouth; being at the head or at the beginning, best, principal, original, primary, first among (--°). m. chief, leader.

mukhyatā f. -tva n. first place, highest rank, preeminence among (gen. or --°).

mukhyaśas adv. principally, first.

mukhyasadṛśa a. similar to the principal (person or thing).

mukhyārdha m. the primary meaning (of a word); adj. employed in or having the primary meaning.

mugdha a. stupefied, perplexed; gone astray, lost; foolish, silly; careless, innocent, charming, lovely.

mugdhatā f. -tva n. simplicity, grace, charm.

mugdhadūrvā f. young Dūrvā-grass.*

mugdhadṛś f. fair-eyed.

mugdhadhī a. of simple mind.

mugdhabuddhi a. of simple mind.

mugdhabodha n. T. of a grammar (lit. instruction of the ignorant).

mugdhabhāva m. simplicity, inexperience.

mugdhasvabhāva m. simplicity, inexperience.

mugdhākṣī f. a fair-eyed woman.

mugdhātman a. = mugdhadhī.

mugdhekṣaṇā f. = mugdhākṣī.

mugdhendu m. the young moon.

muṅga m. names of men.

muṅgaṭa m. names of men.

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muc muñcati muñcate1 v & mucati mucate, pp. mukta, ger. mukttā (q.v.) release, deliver from (abl. or tas) unloose, open; let go, set free, relinquish, abandon, forsake, quit, put off, lay aside, give up, grant, bestow; discharge, shed; emit, utter; send forth, shoot, throw, hurl against (loc., dat., gen., or acc. w. prati). P.M. mucyate (mucyate mucyati) be released from, get rid of, escape (abl. & instr., r. gen.), be deprived of, want (instr.); be liberated from sin or mundane existence. C. mocayati te release, deliver or redeem from (abl., r. instr.), set free, let loose; unbind, open etc., cause to give up or discharge (2 acc.). D. mumukṣati te A. be about to give up or send forth, M. (also mokṣate) wish to be liberated from (abl.). esp. desire final liberation. --
     ati P. avoid, escape (acc.).
     abhi let loose, emit, stream forth; throw, hurl, shoot off.
     ava loose, release, unyoke, unharness; take off, doff.
     ā put on (a garment); let loose, emit, hurl, throw, cast.
     ud free or save from (abl.); unfasten, loosen, open; take off, doff; leave, relinquish; give back, restore; send forth, emit, throw, hurl. C. deliver from (abl.), loosen, untie (the hair), take off.
     upa put on, don.
     nis loosen, untie, free from (abl.). P. cast the skin (of a snake), be stripped or deprived of (instr.).
     vinis abandon, give up; P. be delivered from (instr.).
     pari free from (abl.), loose, unbind, take off, abandon, give up, send forth, emit. P. get rid of (abl., gen., or instr.), be liberated from worldly ties.
     pra et go release from (abl.), loosen, untie, shake off scare away, abandon, give up, emit, discharge, shed; hurl, shoot off. P. get rid of (abl. or instr.); become loose, fall off (fruit); leave off, cease.
     vipra free, deliver, loosen, unfasten, take off. P. be liberated from (abl.), escape.
     prati fasten on (loc.), put on, dress a person (dat., loc., or gen.); with (acc.). M. dress one's self, assume (a form etc.); set free, release, dismiss, give up, abandon, return, restore (a debt). P. get rid of (abl.). C. rescue, save.
     vi loosen, unharness, take off (clothes); abandon, quit, give up, avoid, loose, w. na not rest or leave off; forgive, pardon; emit, pour forth, utter; hurl, cast, shoot off, take, assume (a shape). M. (also A.) unharness, put up, stop; (also P.) get loose, fall off; P. be freed or escape from, be deprived of, lose (abl., adv. in tas, or instr.). C. unloose, unharness, liberate from (abl.), ward off.
     pravi dismiss, let loose, give up.
     sam pourforth, shed (tears). C. liberate. -- Cf. atimukta āmukta unmukta nirmukta vinirmukta vipramukta vimukta.

muc [2] a. freeing from, sending forth, emitting, throwing, hurling (--°).

muñja m. a sort of rush or grass.

muñjanejana a. cleaned from grass or rushes.

muñjamaya f. ī made of MuJja grass.

muṭ moṭate v w.
     ud break or pluck off. C. moṭayati (±prati) strangle, smother, kill.

muṭa s. basket or bunch.

muṇḍa a. shaved, bald; hornless (cow or goat), lopped (tree); pointless, blunt. m. bald-head, N. of a Daitya etc., pl. N. of a people; n. head.

muṇḍaka m. trunk or stem of a tree.

muṇḍakopaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

muṇḍadhārin a. wearing (a garland of) heads or sculls.*

muṇḍana n. shaving the head, tonsure.

muṇḍay muṇḍayati v pp. muṇḍita shave (the head).

muṇḍitaśiras a. shaven-headed.

muṇḍin a. = prec., also hornless.

muṇḍibha m. N. of a man.

mutava s. a kind of grass.

mutiba m. pl. N. of a people.

mud modate1 v (modati), pp. mudita (q.v.) be glad or merry, rejoice at, have pleasure in (loc. or instr.). C. modayati (-te) gladden. --
     anu rejoice after, with, or at (acc. of pers. & th.); agree to, approve of, applaud, permit. C. gladden; approve of etc. = S.
     pra become or be joyful, exult. C. gladden.
     prati meet or welcome with joy, rejoice at (acc., r. gen.). C. delight, exhilarate. -- Cf. pramudita.

mud [2] f. joy, delight.

mudā f. = prec., poss. -vant.

mudita a. joyful, glad, merry; delighted with (instr, or --°).

mudira m. cloud.

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mudga m. a sort of bean.

mudgara m. hammer, mallet.

mudgala m. N. of a Rishi etc., pl. N. of a people.

mudgavarṇa a. bean-coloured.

mudra a. joyous, glad.

mudraṇa n. sealing up, closing.

mudray mudrayati v pp. mudrita seal, stamp, shut, print. --
     ud unseal, open.
     vi seal up, shut.

mudrā f. seal, seal-ring, ring i.g., stamp, print, mark, impression; shutting, closing, lock, mystery.

mudrāṅka a. stamped, sealed, marked with (--°).

mudrāṅkita a. stamped, sealed, marked with (--°).

mudrārākṣasa n. Rākṣasa (a minister) and the seal-ring, T. of a drama.

mudrikā f. seal-ring, signet.

mudritākṣa f. ī having closed eyes.

mudhā adv. in vain, for nothing.

muni m. impulse or a man driven by (inward) impulse; an inspired saint or seer; ascetic, devotee, hermit, monk, esp. one who has taken the vow of silence; pl. the seven stars of the Great Bear (cf. ṛṣi).

munitanayā f. the daughter of a Muni.

munidauhitra m. the grandson of a Muni.

munipatnī f. the wife of a Muni.

muniputra m. the son of a Muni.

munivana n. a hermit's grove.

munivara m. the best of the Munis, E. of Vasiṣṭha.

muniveṣa m. a hermit's garment; also = seq.

muniveṣadhara a. wearing a hermit's garment.

munivrata a. keeping a Muni's vow (i.e. the vow of silence).

munisuta m. = muniputra.

munīndra m. the chief of Munis, i.e. a great sage or ascetic.

munīśa m. the chief of Munis, i.e. a great sage or ascetic.

munīśvara m. the chief of Munis, i.e. a great sage or ascetic.

munyanna n. pl. the food of ascetics.

mumukṣā f. desire of liberation.

mumukṣu a. desirous of freeing (acc. or --°) or of being freed, esp. from mundane existence.

mumukṣutā f. -tva n. desire of liberation or final emancipation.

mumūrṣā f. desire of death.

mumūrṣu a. wishing to die, moribund.

mumokṣayiṣu a. wishing to liberate.

mumocayiṣu a. wishing to liberate.

mura m. N. of a demon slain by Kṛṣṇa.

muraja m. a kind of drum or tambourine.

murajit m. the conqueror of Mura (Kṛṣṇa).

muradviṣ m. the foe of Mura (Kṛṣṇa).

muraripu m. the foe of Mura (Kṛṣṇa).

murala m. a cert. fish; pl. N. of a people.

murāri m. = muradviṣ, also N. of a poet.

murmura m. burning chaff or a burning coal about to be extinguished.

muṣ muṣṇāti1 v (moṣati muṣati), pp. muṣita (q.v.) rob, steal, plunder, rob or bereave of (2 acc.); carry off, ravish (lit. & fig.); surpass, excel. -
     abhi rob of (2 acc.).
     ava ā & nis take away, carry off.
     pari rob of (2 acc.).
     pra rob, take away. withdraw.
     vi & sam rob, carry off.

muṣ [2] robbing, taking away, destroying, surpassing (--°).

muṣāy muṣāyati v rob, snatch away. --
     ā = S.
     pra plunder.

muṣita a. robbed, stolen (also muṣṭa) plundered or stripped of (acc.), ravished, enraptured; destroyed, disappointed, surpassed, exceeded; stripped off, naked; taken in, deceived, cheated, mocked.

muṣitaka n. stolen property.

muṣīvan m. robber, thief.

muṣka m. testicle, du. the vulva.

muṣkadeśa m. the region of the scrotum.

muṣkabhāra a. having testicles.

muṣkara a. = prec.

muṣkavant a. = prec.

muṣṭi f. fist, handful; handle, esp of a sword.

muṣṭiprahāra m. blow with the fist.

muṣṭiyuddha n. -hatyā f. a fight with fists, hand to hand engagement.

muṣṭihan m. fighting hand to hand.

muṣṭīkṛ clench the fist.

musala m. n. pestle, mace, club, bell-clapper.

musalin a. armed with a club.

musta m. n., ā f. a kind of grass.

mustaka m. n., ā f. the same.

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muh muhyati v (muhyate), pp. mugdha & mūḍha (q.v.) be confused or faint; ert, lose one's senses; fail, not turn out well. C. mohayati te confuse, bewilder, disarrange, cause to rr or fail. I. momuhyate be in great confusion. --
     ati = S. I.
     anu become perplexed after (acc.).
     vyā M. become perplexed; C. perplex, bewilder, confuse
     pari err, go astray (fig.). C. make confused, throw into disorder.
     pra become perplexed or embarrassed, lose consciousness, faint.
     vi & sam the same; C. stupefy, deprive of consciousness, cause to err or fail. -- Cf. atimugdha atimūḍha unmugdha (add.), parimūḍha pramugdha pramūḍha vimugdha vimūḍha vyāmūḍha saṃmugdha saṃmūḍha.

muhu adv. suddenly, at once.

muhuka n. moment; instr. pl. = prec.

muhur  = muhu (±ā); for a moment, awhile; every moment, repeatedly (also doubled); on the other hand, however. muhur-muhur at one moment-at another, now-now.

muhūrta m. n. moment, instant; hour ( = 1/30 day); instr. & abl. in a moment, after a little while, immediately, directly.

muhūrtaka s. moment or hour (cf. prec.).

mūka (mūka) a. dumb, silent; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

mūjavant m. N. of a mountain, pl. of a people.

mūḍha a. erred, gone astray, confused, uncertain, silly, stupid; n. & -tā f., -tva n. as abstr.

mūḍhacetana a. perplexed in mind.

mūḍhacetas a. perplexed in mind.

mūḍhadṛṣṭi a. stupid, silly (lit. having an uncertain look).

mūḍhadhī mūḍhabuddhi & mūḍhamati v = mūḍhacetana.

mūta [1] -> kāmamūta.

mūta [2] m. n. a woven basket.

mūtaka n. a little basket.

mūtra n. urine.

mūtrapurīṣa n. du. urine and excrement.

mūtray mūtrayati mūtrayate v pp. mūtrita discharge urine, make water upon (acc.). --
     ava = S. tr.

mūtroccāra (°--) = mūtrapurīṣa; -samutsarga m. discharge of urine and excrement.

mūtrya a. relating to urine.

mūra [1] a. stupid, dull.

mūra [2] a. rushing, impetuous.

mūra [3] n. = mūla.

mūru N. of a country.

mūrkha a. stupid, dull, silly; inexperienced in (loc.); m. fool, blockhead.

mūrkhatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

mūrch mūrchati v pp. mūrta & mūrchita (q.v.) become rigid, coagulate, thicken, increase, grow, sound loudly; become torpid or senseless, faint away, swoon. C. mūrchayati (te) cause to thicken; form, shape strenghten, augment, excite, rouse. --
     sam thicken, coagulate, become firm or solid, sound loudly. C. stupefy, stun. -- Cf. vimūrchita saṃmūrchita.

mūrchana a. stunning; strengthening (--°). n. increase, growth; f. ā fainting, swooning; swelling or rising of sounds, intonation, note, tone or semitone (in the scale), melody.

mūrchā f. thickening, coagulation; swoon, faint, stupefaction, astonishment; melody.

mūrchita a. rigid, stiff, thick, strong, intensive, full of, mixed with (--°); roused, excited; stupefied, senseless; n. a kind of song.

mūrta a. thickened, coagulated, solid, substantial, corporeal; stupefied, insensible.

mūrti f. (firm) body, embodiment, form, shape, image, person, adj. --° formed of; pl. the solid parts of the body.

mūrtitas (abl. adv.) out of the body.

mūrtimant a. embodied, material, incarnate, personified; adj. --° formed of.

mūrdha (--°) = mūrdhan.

mūrdhaga a. being on the head.

mūrdhaja m. pl. hair or mane (l. head-born).

mūrdhatas adv. from or on the head.

mūrdhan m. forehead, scull, head, highest part, top, point, summit, chief, leader. mūrdhnā & mūrdhni kṛ put on the head i.e. esteem highly, w. dhṛ the same, w. vṛt stand above all.

mūrdhanya a. being on the head, uppermost, highest, first; cerebral (g.).

mūrvā f. a kind of hemp, -maya a. made of it.

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mūla n. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) root (lit. & fig.), foot, basis, foundation, ground, bottom, immediate neighbourhoud; origin, source commencement, cause; the chief person or thing, e.g. text (opp. commentary), capital (opp. interest), also capital = chief city, holder (opp. owner); N. of a lunar mansion (also m.). -- mūlaṃ kṛ or bandh take root; mūla (--°) sprung from, rooted in, resting on; (°--) original, chief, first, also = (±ā) mūlāt or mūlatas & mūlādārabhya from the bottom or the beginning.

mūlaka f. -likā = prec. (--°); n. an esculent root, radish.

mūlakarman n. magic with roots.

mūlakhānaka m. root-digger.

mūlatā f. -tva n. the being a root or origin.

mūladeva m. a man's name.

mūlapuruṣa m. the representative of the (original) race.

mūlaprakṛti f. the primary matter (ph.).

mūlaprāṇahita a. having been watched by spies.

mūlaphala n. sgl. roots and fruits; the interests of capital.

mūlaphalāśana a. eating roots and fruits.

mūlabhṛtya m. an old or hereditary servant.

mūlavyasanavṛttimant a. living by an hereditary vice.

mūlasādhana n. chief instrument or expedient.

mūlasvāmin m. du. holder and owner.

mūlahara a. taking away the roots, uprooting, destroying; abstr. -tva n.

mūlāyatana n. original seat or residence.

mūlāśin a. living on roots.

mūlika a. radical, original.

mūlin a. having a root.

mūlya a. being at the root. --n. original value, price, wages, pay, earnings, gain, capital.

mūṣ s. mouse.

mūṣa m. the same.

mūṣaka m. thief, robber; mouse, rat.

mūṣika m. mouse, rat; f. mūṣikā the same, a kind of leech.

mūṣikaśāvaka m. young mouse, mousey.

mūṣikotkara m. mole-hill or mouse-hole.

mṛ marati marate v also P. mṛiyate1 (ti), pp. mṛta (q.v.) die, depart from life. C. mārayati (-te) kill, slay, put to death. D. mumūrṣati wish or be about to die. I. maṃrīmarti suffer the pangs of death. --
     anu die after (acc.), follow in death.
     abhi affect or soil by dying.
     pari die around (acc.). -- Cf. pramṛta & mamṛvas.

mṛ mṛṇāti v pp. mūrṇa2 crush, destroy. --
     upa P. (mūryate) be destroyed.
     ni pra & vi = S.

mṛkaṇḍa m. N. of an ancient sage.

mṛkaṇḍu m. N. of an ancient sage.

mṛkṣ mṛkṣati mrakṣati v stroke, rub, smear. C. mrakṣayati, pp. mrakṣita = seq. --
     abhi S. & C. smear, anoint.
     ni rub on, touch (loc.)

mṛkṣa m. curry-comb.

mṛkṣiṇī f. torrent.

mṛga m. wild animal, beast of the forest, esp. deer, gazelle (seen also as spot in the moon), musk deer; a cert. high-flying bird; f. mṛgī hind, doe.

mṛgagrahaṇa n. capture of a deer.

mṛgajīvana m. hunter (lit. who lives by hunting).

mṛgaṇyu a. hunting wild beasts.

mṛgatṛṣṇā f. mirage (l. deer-thirst).

mṛgatṛṣṇikā f. mirage (l. deer-thirst).

mṛgadṛś f. deer-eyed.

mṛgadvija m. pl. beasts and birds.

mṛganābhi m. musk or musk-deer (lit. deer's navel).

mṛgapakṣin m. pl. = mṛgadvija.

mṛgapati m. lord of the beasts (lion, tiger, or roebuck).

mṛgamada m. musk (l. deer's moisture).

mṛgay mṛgayate v (mṛgayati) chase, hunt, pursue, seek for, strive after (acc.), request or beg anything (acc.) from (abl., adv. in tas, or gen. ±sakāśāt). --
     pari seek.
     vi search, investigate, examine.

mṛgayas m. wild beast, deer.

mṛgayā f. hunting, chase.

mṛgayāraṇya n. hunting park.

mṛgayāvana n. hunting park.

mṛgayāśīla a. addicted to hunting.*

mṛgayu m. hunter.

mṛgarāj m. lord of the beasts (lion or tiger).

mṛgarāja m. lord of the beasts (lion or tiger).

mṛgarājadhārin m. E. of Śiva.

mṛgarocanā f. a yellow pigment prepared from the bile of a deer (cf. gorocanā)*

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mṛgaromaja a. woollen (lit. produced from animal's hair).

mṛgalakṣman m. the moon, lit. having a deer (scil. as its spot).

mṛgalāñchana m. the moon, lit. having a deer (scil. as its spot).

mṛgalipsu a. wishing to catch or kill a deer.

mṛgalocanā f. deer-eyed.

mṛgavadhū f. female deer, doe.*

mṛgavana n. deer-park.

mṛgavya n. hunting, chase.

mṛgavyādha m. hunter (deer-slayer).

mṛgaśāva m. young deer, fawn.

mṛgaśāvākṣī f. fawn-eyed.

mṛgaśiras n. N. of a lunar mansion.

mṛgaśīrṣa n. N. of a lunar mansion.

mṛgahan m. hunter (lit. = seq.).

mṛgahantṛ m. deer-slayer.

mṛgākṣī f. deer-eyed.

mṛgāṅka m. = mṛgalakṣman.

mṛgāṅganā f. = mṛgavadhū.

mṛgādhipa m. king of beasts, lion.

mṛgārāti m. foe of deer, lion.

mṛgāri m. foe of deer, lion.

mṛgīdṛś f. deer-eyed.

mṛgekṣaṇā f. deer-eyed.

mṛgendra m. = mṛgādhipa.

mṛgebha n. sgl. deer and (or) elephant.

mṛgeśvara m. = mṛgādhipa.

mṛgy mṛgyati v hunt, search.

mṛgya a. to be sought for or inquired after.

mṛc pp. mṛkta; C. marcayati1 injure, hurt.

mṛc [2] f. injury, threat.

mṛcaya a. perishable, transitory.

mṛcchakaṭi f. a toy-cart made of clay; T. of a drama.

mṛj mārṣṭi mṛṣṭe v (mṛjati mṛjate mārjati mārjate), marjayati te & mārjayati te, pp. mṛṣṭa (q.v.), mṛjita & mārjita (q.v.) wipe, clean, polish, rub, stroke, adorn (M. also refl.); wipe off, remove, destroy, get rid of (acc.); (also M.) wipe off (a guilt, i.e. throw it) upon (loc.); M. take away, carry off, win. I. marmṛjyate marīmṛjyate, etc. wipe or clean repeatedly, M. one's self. --
     anu wipe down, smooth, purify.
     apa wipe off, remove, throw upon (loc.).
     ava stroke down wards, wipe away.
     ā wipe off, clean, purify.
     ud stroke upwards; wipe off, clean, adorn; M. refl., also carry off, win.
     upa stroke, wipe, polish.
     ni rub in or upon (loc.), rub or wipe off (M. refl.), lead to, bestow on (loc.); M. take for one's self, carry off.
     nis wipe off, destroy.
     pari wipe all round, rub, stroke, polish, clean, purify; wipe away, remove, destroy, get rid of (acc.).
     pra wipe, polish, clean, stroke; wipe off, remove, destroy, frustrate.
     vi wipe off, rub dry, clean, purify, embellish, adorn (tanvṛm refl.), stroke, smear, anoint.
     sam rub off, sweep clean, strain, filter, purify, stroke; wipe off, remove, destroy. -- Cf. unmṛṣṭa parimṛṣṭa pramṛṣṭa saṃmṛṣṭa.

mṛja a. wiping off, removing, destroying (--°); f. ā purification, ablution, purity, cleanliness; poss. -vant.

mṛjya a. to be wiped off or destroyed.

mṛḍ mṛḍati v (mṛLati), -te & mṛḍayati (mṛLayati), -te be gracious, forgive (dat. of pers. & acc. of th.); treat graciously, make happy.
     abhi forgive.

mṛḍa a. merciful, gracious; m. E. of Agni & Śiva.

mṛḍana n. showing grace, favouring.

mṛLayāku a. merciful, gracious.

mṛḍānī f. Mṛḍa's wife, i.e. Pārvatī.

mṛḍitṛ m. = marḍitṛ.

mṛḍīka (mṛlīka) n. grace, mercy.

mṛṇ mṛṇati v crush, pound, thrash. --
     ni pra vi sam = S.

mṛṇāla n. ī f. lotus-root or fibre; poss. -vant.

mṛṇālaka f. -likā (adj. --°) = prec.

mṛṇālavalaya n. bracelet of lotus-fibres.

mṛṇālasūtra n. necklace of lotus-fibres.

mṛṇālinī f. lotus plant or group.

mṛta a. dead, deceased, vanished, gone, useless; m. dead body, corpse, n. death.

mṛtaka m. dead man, corpse; n. death.

mṛtakalpa a. like dead, almost dead.

mṛtacela n. garment of a dead person.

mṛtajāta a. dead-born.

mṛtajīvana f. ī reviving the dead.

mṛtadeha m. dead body, corpse.

mṛtadhāra a. carrying a corpse.

mṛtadhāraka a. carrying a corpse.

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mṛtapuruṣadeha m. a human corpse.

mṛtapuruṣaśarīra n. = prec.

mṛtavat adv. as if dead.

mṛtavastrabhṛt a. wearing the clothes of the dead.

mṛtasaṃjīvana a. reviving the dead.

mṛtāṅga n. dead body, corpse.

mṛtāha m. mṛtāhan & mṛtāhas n. the day of one's death.

mṛti f. death; -man m. mortality. (mṛttika s. &) mṛttikā f. clay, loam.

mṛttoya n. pl. earth and water.

mṛtpātra n. an earthen vessel.

mṛtpiṇḍa m. a lump of clay.

mṛtpiṇḍabuddhi a. stupid, foolish (lit. having the wisdom of a lump of clay).*

mṛtprakṣepa m. scattering earth over anything.

mṛtyu m. death or the god of death; pl. the various kinds of death.

mṛtyukāla m. the time of death.

mṛtyudūta m. messenger of death.

mṛtyudvāra n. the door of death.

mṛtyupāśa m. death's noose or sling.

mṛtyubandhu m. death-fellow (man).

mṛtyubhaya n. danger or fear of death.

mṛtyumant a. subject to death.

mṛtsna s. dust, powder.

mṛd mṛdnāti mardati mṛdnāti mardate1 v (mradati mradate) pp. mṛdita, rub, squeeze, crush, smash; wipe off, destroy. C. mardayati te press or rub hard, pound, crush, grind down, destroy, harass, afflict, also cause to be rubbed etc. --
     abhi crush, smash, destroy, lay waste.
     ava the same.
     ud rub in, mix with (instr).
     ni smash, destroy, rub or strip off.
     pari trample down, squash, wear away, wipe off.
     pra crush down, bruise, pound, destroy, ravage.
     vi & sam the same.

mṛd [2] f. clay, loam, mound of earth or lump of clay.

mṛdaṅga m. a kind of drum.

mṛdā f. clay, loam.

mṛdu (f. mṛdu & mṛdvī) soft, tender, delicate, mild, gentle, weak, moderate; m. n. softness, gentleness.

mṛduka a. soft, gentle, n. adv.

mṛdukrūra n. du. softness or harshness.

mṛdugir a. sweet-voiced.

mṛdutīkṣṇa a. gentle and harsh.

mṛdupūrva a. soft, gentle (at first); n. adv.

mṛdubhāva m. softness, meekness.

mṛdubhāṣin a. speaking mildly.

mṛdula a. soft, tender, mild.

mṛduvāc a. = mṛdubhāṣin.

mṛdusūrya a. having a mild sun (day).

mṛdusparśa a. soft to the touch.

mṛduhṛdaya a. soft-hearted, kind.

mṛdūbhū become soft, soften.

mṛdbha a. forsaken, helpless.

mṛdbhāṇḍa n. an earthen vessel.

mṛdvaṅga f. ī tender-limbed.

mṛdvīkā f. a vine or bunch of grapes.

mṛdh mardhati v pp. mṛddha1 (q.v.) neglect, forsake, contemn, despise. --
     pari slacken, relent, cease.

mṛdh [2] f. combat, fight; foe, enemy.

mṛdha m. battle, fight.

mṛdhas n. contempt, disdain, only w. kṛ contemn, despise.

mṛdhra n. disdain, insult; insulter.

mṛdhravāc a. speaking injuriously, insulting.

mṛnmaya f. ī made of earth, w. gṛha the grave; s. an earthenware vessel.

mṛnmayūra m. a peacock made of clay.

mṛlloṣṭa n. lump of clay.

mṛś mṛśati mṛśate v pp. mṛṣṭa & mṛśita touch, stroke, grasp, take hold of (lit. & fig.); think of, consider. --
     anu grasp, seize, take into consideration.
     abhi touch, feel, bring into contact with (instr.).
     ava touch, grope, consider.
     ā touch, feel, enjoy, consider, examine.
     parā touch, seize, grasp, violate (a woman); point to, mean, P. be meant.
     pari touch, grope, seize, examine, try, consider.
     pra touch, feel,
     vi touch, feel, stroke, try, examine, find out. C. consider, reflect upon.
     sam take hold of, seize, touch. -- Cf. āmṛṣṭa parimṛṣṭa.

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mṛṣ mṛṣyate v (mṛṣyati) not heed, forget, suffer, bear, put up with (acc.). C. marṣayati te make forget (acc.); suffer, endure, bear, forgive, pardon; w. na not let alone, molest, disturb. --
     api forget, neglect.
     ā (also C.) bear patiently.
     upa C. the same.
     pra forget, neglect (acc. or dat.).

mṛṣā adv. in vain, uselessly, wrongly, falsely. With man or jñā not believe, w. kṛ feign.

mṛṣājñāna n. false knowledge, ignorance, folly.

mṛṣābhāṣin a. speaking falsely, lying.

mṛṣāvacana n. -vāc f. untrue or satirical speech, irony.

mṛṣāvāda m. = prec.; a. = mṛṣābhāṣin.

mṛṣāvādin a. = prec. adj.

mṛṣodya n. = mṛṣāvacana.

mṛṣṭa a. cleansed, washed, polished, clean, pure; smeared with (instr.); savoury, dainty (food); pleasant, charming.

mṛṣṭi f. cleaning, dressing (of food).

meka -> sumeka.

mekala m. pl. N. of a people.

mekṣaṇa n. wooden stick or spoon. (mekhala s. &) mekhalā f. girdle (lit. & fig.); also = seq.

mekhalāpada n. the place of the girdle, the hips.

mekhalāvant a. having a girdle, girt.

mekhalin a. = prec.; m. a Brahmanical student.

megha m. cloud, abstr. -tva n.

meghakāla m. the time of clouds, the rainy season.

meghadūta m. the Cloud-Messenger, T. of a poem.

meghanāda [1] m. thunder (lit. cloud-noise).

meghanāda [2] a. sounding like thunder, roaring.

meghanādin a. = prec. 2.

meghanirghoṣa a. = prec. 2.

meghamālā f. wreath of clouds, lit. = seq.

megharājī f. line of clouds.

megharekhā f. the same.

meghalekhā f. the same.

meghavāta a. wind with clouds or rain.*

meghodaka n. rain (lit. cloud-water).

meghodaya m. rising or gathering of clouds.

mecaka a. dark blue, black; m. an eye in a peacock's tail.

meḍi m. crackling, rustling.

meLi m. crackling, rustling.

meḍhī f. = methi methī.

meḍhra n. (m.) the membrum virile.

meṇṭha m. elephant-keeper, N. of a poet.

metṛ m. who erects or builds.

methana n. abusive speech.

methi m. methī f. pillar, post (esp. to bind cattle to), prop for supporting the shafts of a carriage.

meda m. = medas; a cert. mixed caste.

medana n. fattening.

medas n. (m.) fat, corpulence.

medasvant a. fat, corpulent.

medasvin a. fat, corpulent.

medin m. partner, companion; f. medinī the earth, land, soil, spot, place.

medinīpati m. earth-lord, king.

medinīśa m. the same.

medura a. fat, thick, dense; as thick as, full of (--°).

medya a. fat, thick.

medha m. juice of meat, broth; sap or essence, esp. of the sacrificial animal; the victim or sacrifice itself.

medhapati m. lord of sacrifice.

medhas [1] n. sacrifice.

medhas [2] a. intelligent, wise; --° intelligence, wisdom.

medhasāti f. gain of a prize or reward.

medhā f. prize, reward; mental vigour or power, intelligence, wisdom.

medhājanana a. producing wisdom; n. N. of a cert. rite.

medhātithi m. N. of sev. sages.

medhāvin a. intelligent, wise, judicious.

medhi  = methi & methī.

medhī  = methi & methī.

medhin -> gṛhamedhin.

medhira a. = medhāvin.

medhya a. full of sap or pith, vigorous, mighty; fit for a sacrifice, pure, undefiling.

medhyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

medhyātithi m. N. of a Rishi.

menakā f. N. of an Apsaras etc.

menā f. wife, female.

meni f. weapon, thrust, punishment, vengeance, anger, wrath.

meya a. to be (being) measured; discernible, provable, demonstrable.

meru m. N. of a mountain.

merukūṭa n. the summit of Meru.

merupṛṣṭha n. the summit of Meru.

merusarṣapa m. du. mount Meru and a mustardseed.

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mela m. ā f. meeting, assembly.

melaka m. = prec., -kaṃ kṛ assemble.

melana n. meeting, assembling, union.

meṣa m. ram, sheep, in Veda also a fleece or anything woollen; f. ī ewe.

meṣikā f. = prec. f.

meṣavṛṣaṇa [1] m. du. the testicles of a ram.

meṣavṛṣaṇa [2] a. having the testicles of a ram.

meṣka m. a cert. rapacious animal.

meha m. urine; acc. w. kṛ make water.

mehana n. the membrum virile, also = prec.

mehanā (instr. adv.) in streams, abundantly.

mehanāvant a. bestowing abundantly.

mehin a. making water (--°).

maigha f. ī coming from clouds, cloudy.

maitra f. ī belonging to or coming from a friend, friendly, kind, benevolent, affectionate; also relating to Mitra. --m. N. of a cert. mixed caste & of a cert. alliance (scil. saṃdhi), a man's name; f. maitrī friendship, benevolence, likeness with (--°); n. friendship, N. of a lunar mansion, the evacuation of excrement (presided over by Mitra).

maitraka n. friendship.

maitrākṣajyotika m. a kind of phantom or demon.

maitrāyaṇa m. pl. N. of a Vedic school.

maitrāyaṇīsaṃhitā f. T. of a Saṃhitā.

maitrāvaruṇa f. ī relating to Mitra and Varuṇa.

maitrin m. friend.

maitrībhāva m. friendship.

maitreya a. benevolent, kind; m. & f. ī patron. of sev. men & women, m. also = seq.

maitreyaka m. N. of a cert. mixed caste.

maitrya n. friendship.

maithila f. ī relating to Mithilā. m. sgl. & pl. the king & the people of M., f. ī the princess of M., i.e. Sītā.

maithuna f. ī paired, coupled; relating to copulation; n. copulation, marriage.

maithunin a. having sexual intercourse.

maithunya a. relating to copulation.

maināka m. N. of a mountain & a Daitya.

maināla m. fisherman.

mainika m. fisherman.

mainda m. N. of a monkey.

mairava f. ī relating to (mount) Meru.

maireya m. n. a kind of intoxicating drink.

mo -> 1.

moka n. a skin flayed or cast off; f. mokī night.

moktavya a. to be freed, relinquished, given up, hurled upon (loc.).

moktṛ m. releaser, deliverer, restorer.

mokṣ mokṣate v -> muc1.

mokṣa m. deliverance, release from (abl., gen., or --°), esp. final emancipation, death; loosening, unbinding, solution (of a question), shedding (of tears or blood), uttering (of a curse), throwing, shooting off; scattering, strewing; giving up, abandoning.

mokṣaka a. loosening, untying, setting free.

mokṣaṇa a. freeing, delivering; n. deliverance, acquittance, loosening, untying, letting go or flow, giving up.

mokṣaṇīya a. to be let go or given up.

mokṣaparāyaṇa a. having final emancipation as chief object.

mokṣabhāva m. deliverance, emancipation.

mokṣay mokṣayati (mokṣayate) v set free, deliver, draw out of, release from (abl.), emancipate; let flow, shed, cast, hurl. --
     vi & sam liberate, set free.

mokṣayitavya a. to be liberated.

mokṣayitṛ m. deliverer, liberator.

mokṣaśāstra n. the doctrine of emancipation.

mokṣasādhana n. means of emancipation.

mokṣin a. striving after or partaking of emancipation.

mokṣecchā f. desire of emancipation.

mokṣya a. to be liberated or saved.

mogha a. vain, useless, causeless, good for nothing; °-- & n. adv.

moghakarman a. of vain acts.

moghajñāna a. of vain knowlege.

moghatā f. vainlessness, uselessness.

moghāśa a. of vain hopes.

moghīkṛ frustrate, disappoint; w. bhū P.

moca m. ā f. names of plants.

mocaka a. liberating, freeing from (--°).

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mocana f. ī delivering from, hurling (--°); n. release, deliverance from (abl. or --°), loosening, unyoking, discharging, emitting.

mocanīya a. to be liberated or set free.

mocayitavya a. to be liberated or set free.

mocya a. the same, to be given back or restored.

moṭaka m. n. globule, pill.

moṭana a. (--°) & n. crushing, breaking, strangling.

moda m. delight, gladness; fragrance.

modaka a. delighting (--°); m. n. small round comfit, smeetmeat.

modana a. & n. gladdening, delighting.

modanīya a. to be rejoiced at, delightful.

modin a. rejoicing, pleased, happy; gladdening (--°).

momugha a. crazy, mad.

moraṭa m. a kind of plant.

moṣa m. robber, thief; robbery, theft; robbed or stolen property.

moṣaṇa a. (--°) & n. robbing, stealing.

moṣya a. to be stolen.

moha m. unconsciousness, bewilderment, perplexity, swoon; error, infatuation, darkness or delusion of mind (ph.), ignorance, folly.

mohana f. ī stupefying, perplexing, deceiving (--°); n. the act of stupefying etc., error, delusion, fascination, seduction, sexual intercourse.

mohanīya a. producing or relating to illusion.

mohamaya f. ī consisting of error or delusion.

mohamudgara m. T. of sev. works (lit. the hammer of ignorance).

mohayitṛ m. perplexer, infatuator.

mohavant a. perplexed, infatuated.

mohin a. perplexing, bewildering.

mohuka a. falling into confusion.

mohopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

mauktika a. desirous of emancipation; n. (m.) a pearl.

mauktikāvali f. string of pearls, necklace.

mauktikāvalī f. string of pearls, necklace.

mauktikāhāra m. the same.*

maukya n. dumbness.

maukha a. relating to the mouth.

maukharya n. talkativeness.

maugdhya n. simplicity, inexperience, innocence.

maughya n. uselessness.

mauca n. banana (the fruit).

maujavata a. coming from the mountain Mūjavant.

mauñja f. ī made of MuJja-grass, f. ī (sc. mekhalā) such a girdle.

mauñjin a. wearing a girdle of MuJja-grass.

mauñjīnibandhana n. the tying of the girdle (v. prec.).

mauñjībandhana n. the tying of the girdle (v. prec.).

mauḍhya n. simplicity, stupidity.

mauṇḍya n. shaving of the head, tonsure.

maudgalya m. patron. from Mudgala; a cert. mixed caste.

mauna n. the condition of a Muni or holy sage; silence.

maunavṛtti a. = seq. 2.

maunavrata [1] n. the vow of silence.

maunavrata [2] a. observing the vow of silence.

maunin a. keeping silence; abstr. -nitva n.

maurkhya n. stupidity, folly.

maurya m. pl. N. of a dynasty.

maurva f. ī Mūrvā (a kind of hemp); f. ī (scil. mekhalā) such a girdle.

maurvījyā f. a bowstring made of Mūrvā fibres.

maula a. coming from roots, radical, original, native, traditional, hereditary.

mauli m. head, top, point; crest, diadem (also f.). --maulau nidhā put on the head i.e. receive with submission.

maulin a. diademed, crested; being at the head of, excelling (--°).

maulimālā f. a crown worn on the head.

maulimālikā f. a crown worn on the head.

maulya a. being at the root.

mausala a. shaped like a club or fought with clubs (battle).

mauhūrta m. an astrologer (knower of hours).

mauhūrtika a. lasting an instant, momentary; m. astrologer.

mnā manati v w.
     ā mention, repeat, regard as, take for (acc.).
     samā the same. -- Cf. āmnāta (add.), samāmnāta.

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myakṣ myakṣati v be fixed in, rest on (loc.); be present. --
     apa keep off.
     ā be present in or on (loc.).
     ni hold; M. be present in (loc.).
     parā be beside.
     sam keep together.

mrakṣ -> mṛkṣ.

mrakṣa a. rubbing, destroying.

mrakṣaṇa n. rubbing, anointing; ointment, oil.

mrad -> mṛd.

mradiman m. softness, meekness.

mradīyaṃs (compar.) softer, milder.

mrit mrityati (±vi) v dissolve, decay.

mruc mrocati v w.
     ni set (of the sun), w.
     abhi ni set upon (acc.). -- Cf. abhinimrukta (add.).

mreḍ āmreḍayati v pp. āmreḍita (q.v.) repeat.

mlā mlāyati mlāyate (mlāti) v pp. mlāta & mlāna (q.v.) relax, languish, wither, fade, decay. C. mlāpayati cause to wither or langish, weaken. --
     pari pra vi = S. -- Cf. āmlāna & parimlāna.

mlāta a. made soft by tanning.

mlāna a. withered, faded, languid, weak, vanished, gone; n. & -tā f. = seq.

mlāni f. withering, decay, languor, dejection.

mlāyin a. withering, fading away.

mlit  = mrit.

mluc mlocati v pp. mlukta go to rest. --
     anu rise.
     upa retire to, hide behind (acc.).
     ni go down, set.
     abhini set upon (acc.). -- Cf. apamlukta (add.).

mlup  = mluc.

mlecch mlecchati v speak barbarously or unintelligibly.

mleccha m. barbarian or barbarism.

mlecchatā f. abstr. to prec.

mlecchadeśa m. the country of the barbarians.

mlecchana n. barbarian or unintelligible speech.

mlecchavāc a. speaking a barbarous or foreign language.

ya pron. rel. (n. yad q.v.) who, which; if anybody (mostly w. opt.). Repeated or connected with ta (q.v.) or kaśca kaścana kaścid ko'pi whoever, whichever, whatever, any. yo'gam yastvam I who, thou who etc.

yaka  = ya who, which.

yakan n. the liver.

yakṛt n. the liver.

yakāra m. the sound ya.

yakṛdvarṇa a. liver-coloured.

yakṣ yakṣati yakṣate v w.
     pra press on, strive after (acc.), overtake.

yakṣa n. a supernatural being or apparition, ghost, spirit; m. a class of genii, attendants on Kubera (f. ī); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

yakṣakardama m. kinds of ointment or perfume.

yakṣadhūpa m. kinds of ointment or perfume.

yakṣadṛś a. having the look of a supernatural apparition.

yakṣapati m. king of the Yakṣas, E. of Kubera.

yakṣarāj m. king of the Yakṣas, E. of Kubera.

yakṣarāja m. king of the Yakṣas, E. of Kubera.

yakṣādhipa m. the same.

yakṣādhipati m. the same.

yakṣin a. pressing on, avenging; or agile, lively; f. -ṇī a female Yakṣa.

yakṣu m. N. of a people.

yakṣendra m. = yakṣapati.

yakṣeśvara m. = yakṣapati.

yakṣma m. disease, esp. consumption.

yakṣman m. disease, esp. consumption.

yakṣmin a. consumptive.

yakṣya a. lively, agile.

yacchaddha a. of what (rel.) faith.

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yaj yajati yajate v pp. iṣṭa1 (q.v.) worship, esp. with sacrifices or oblations, consecrate, hallow, offer, sacrifice (A. mostly on account of another, M. on one's own account or by the help of another). C. yājayati te sacrifice (as priest) for (acc.) with (instr.), cause a person. (acc.) to sacrifice with (acc. or instr.) by means of a priest (instr.). D. yiyakṣati te wish to sacrifice. --
     anu worship afterwards with (instr.).
     apa drive away, M. purchase by a sacrifice.
     api sacrifice (acc. of the god or the oblation).
     ava avert, drive away, or satisfy by a sacrifice.
     ā consecrate, hallow, worship, win by a sacrifice (for men from the gods, M. also for one's self).
     pari get or procure by a sacrifice; worship or sacrifice before or after another.

     pra worship, sacrifice; offer the Prayaja.
     sam worship or sacrifice (together); do homage to, revere. C. cause to sacrifice together, act as sacrificing priest for (acc.). -- Cf. eṣṭa yajamāna.

yaj [2] worshipping, sacrificing (--°).

yajata a. venerable, holy.

yajatra a. venerable, holy.

yajati m. any oblation not burnt (opp. juhoti).

yajathāya dat. inf. to yaj1.

yajadhyai dat. inf. to yaj1.

yajana n. sacrificing or a place of sacrifice.

yajanīya (±ahan) n. the day of sacrifice or consecration.

yajamāna m. a person who institutes or performs a sacrifice and pays the expenses of it; also sacrificer, Brahman i.g.

yajamānaśiṣya m. the pupil of a Brahman.

yajas n. worship.

yajā f. N. of a tutelary goddess.

yaji a. worshipping, sacrificing (--°); m. sacrifice.

yajin m. worshipper, sacrificer.

yajiṣṭha (superl.) sacrificing best or most.

yajiṣṇu a. worshipping or adoring (the gods).

yajīyaṃs (compar.) sacrificing better or best.

yajurvid a. knowing sacrificial formulas.

yajurveda m. the Veda of the Yajus or sacrificial texts.

yajuṣṭas adv. on the side or with regard to the Yajus.

yajuṣmant a. accompanied with a sacrificial formula.

yajuṣya a. relating to worship.

yajus n. sacred awe, worship, sacrifice; sacrificial text, also = yajurveda (sgl. & pl.).

yajña m. worship, devotion, homage, praise, prayer; sacrifice, oblation.

yajñakarman [1] n. sacrificial act.

yajñakarman [2] a. performing a sacrifice.

yajñakāma a. eager for worship or sacrifice.

yajñakṛt a. performing or causing a sacrifice.

yajñakratu m. sacrificial rite or ceremony.

yajñakriyā f. sacrificial act.

yajñacchāga m. a goat for sacrifice.

yajñaturaṃga m. a horse for sacrifice.

yajñadatta m. a man's name.

yajñadīkṣā f. initiation into sacrifices.

yajñadhīra a. experienced in worship.

yajñanī a. directing the sacrifice.

yajñapati m. lord (either performer or receiver) of the sacrifice, E. of sev. gods.

yajñapaśu m. animal for sacrifice, victim.

yajñapātra n. sacrificial utensil.

yajñapriya a. liking sacrifices.

yajñaprī a. liking sacrifices.

yajñabhāga [1] m. share of a sacrifice.

yajñabhāga [2] a. having a share in a sacrifice.

yajñabhāgeśvara m. E. of Indra (lit. lord of prec. 1).

yajñabhūmi f. place for sacrifice.

yajñabhṛt m. arranger of a sacrifice, E. of Viṣṇu.

yajñamanman a. intent on sacrifices.

yajñamukha n. mouth or opening of a sacrifice.

yajñamuṣ m. N. of a demon (lit. stealer of sacrifices).

yajñavanas a. loving sacrifice.

yajñavant a. worshipping, adoring.

yajñavardhana a. promoting sacrifice.

yajñavalka m. N. of a man.

yajñavāṭa m. -vāstu n. place for sacrifice.

yajñavāha a. conducting the sacrifice, conveying it to the gods.

yajñavāhana a. the same, E. of Viṣṇu & Śiva.

yajñavāhas a. offering or receiving sacrifice.

yajñavid a. skilled in sacrifice.

yajñavidyā f. skill in sacrifice.

yajñavṛddha a. exalted or delighted with sacrifices.

yajñavṛdh a. delighting in sacrifices.

yajñaśaraṇa n. sacrificial shed.

yajñaśālā f. sacrificial hall.

yajñaśāstra n. the science of sacrifice.

yajñaśiṣṭa n. the remnants of a sacrifice; -ṣṭāśana n. the eating of them.

yajñaśīla a. zealous about offering sacrifices.

yajñaśeṣa m. = yajñaśiṣṭa.

yajñaśrī a. promoting sacrifice.

yajñaśreṣṭha m. the best of sacrifices.

yajñasaṃsthā f. the ground-form of a sacrifice.

yajñasadana n. sacrificial hall.

yajñasadas n. an assembly at a sacrifice.

yajñasādh a. performing sacrifice or worship.

yajñasādhana a. performing sacrifice or worship.

yajñasūtra n. the sacrificial cord.

yajñasena m. N. of sev. men, E. of Visnu etc.

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yajñahan a. disturbing sacrifice.

yajñahut m. offerer at a sacrifice.

yajñahotṛ m. offerer at a sacrifice.

yajñāṅga n. limb i.e. part, means, or implement of a sacrifice; m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

yajñāyatana n. place for sacrifice.

yajñāyudha n. sacrificial instrument; poss. -dhin.

yajñārtham adv. for a sacrifice.

yajñin a. rich in sacrifices (Viṣṇu).

yajñiya a. relating to, skilful in, or worthy of sacrifice; sacrificial, pious, holy, divine. m. offerer or a god.

yajñīya a. sacrificial.

yajñeśa m. lord of the sacrifice (Viṣṇu).

yajñeśvara m. lord of the sacrifice (Viṣṇu).

yajñopavīta n. the investiture with the sacrificial cord or the s. cord itself.

yajñopavītin a. invested with the sacrificial cord.

yajyu a. performing or receiving worship.

yajvan m. yajvarī f. worshipper, sacrificer, pious man or woman; adj. sacrificial.

yat yatati yatate v pp. yatta (q.v.) & yatita A. join, connect, unite; A. (M.) associate one's self with, rival with (instr.); M. join one's self with, meet (as friends or foes); M. (A.) try to join, strive after, endeavour at, be devoted to or intent upon (loc., dat., acc. ±prati, or infin.); absol. exert one's self, take pains, be cautious or careful. C. yātayati te A. put in order, arrange, join, connect (M. refl.), remind (gen.) of (acc.); requite with reward or punishment (also M.). --
     adhi M. fasten, stick or put on.
     ā arrive, enter, stay or abide in (loc.), strive after (dat.).
     anvā C.A. connect, unite, cause to join or partake of (loc. or acc.).
     upa M. befall.
     ni M. get at (loc.).
     nis C. carry off, lead away; fetch out of, get, procure, give back, restore, requite.
     pratinis C. give back, restore.
     pari surround.
     pra make effort, take pains, strive after, endeavour at (loc., dat., acc., or infin.).
     prati thwart, oppose; retaliate, requite.
     vi C. arrange; do penance; vex, harass.
     sam A. join, connect; M. intr. join with (instr.), assemble, meet together, encounter. -- Cf. anvāyatta (sic!), āyatta samāyatta sayatta.

yata a. held, restrained, checked, controlled.

yatacittātman a. restraining one's mind and self.

yatacetas a. restrained in mind.

yatanīya n. impers. = yatitavya.

yatama a. who or which (rel.) of many.

yatamathā adv. in which (rel.) of many ways.

yatara a. who or which (rel.) of two.

yatarathā adv. in which (rel.) of two ways.

yatavrata a. observing vows; devout, firm, constant.

yatas adv. ( = abl. of ya) from whom, what or which, (from) where (repeated from whom etc. soever); wherefore, why, because, as; since (±prabhṛti); as soon as; that, so that, in order that. -- Cf. tatas.

yatasruc a. lifting up or stretching out the sacrificial ladle.

yatātman a. self-restrained.

yatātmavant a. self-restrained.

yati [1] pl. as many (correl. of tati).

yati [2] m. controller, esp. of self i.e. ascetic, devotee; N. of a myth. race of ascetics etc.

yati [3] f. restraint, control; pause, caesura.

yaticāndrāyaṇa n. a kind of penance.

yatitavya n. impers. to be striven after (loc.).

yatitva n. the state of an ascetic.

yatitha f. ī the as (rel.) maniest.

yatidhā adv. in as (rel.) many parts or ways.

yatin m. ascetic.

yatipātra n. an ascetic's vessel.

yativeṣa a. wearing an ascetic's garments.

yatkāma a. which desiring.

yatkāmyā (instr. adv.) in which design.

yatkāraṇam adv. for which motive or reason; because, since.

yatkṛte adv. wherefore, why.

yatna m. endeavour, effort, labour, pains about (loc. or --°). °--, instr., abl. & adv. in tas with effort, diligently, carefully; yatnaṃ kṛ take pains, strive after, endeavour at (loc. or infin.).

yatnavant a. making effort, energetic, zealous about (loc.).

yatprabhāva a. of what power.

yatra adv. ( = loc. of ya) where, when, while, as, if. -- yatra kutra (±api) wherever, everywhere. yatra kva ca (±na) the same, at any time. yatra kvāpi anywhere, here and there.

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yatrā adv. ( = loc. of ya) where, when, while, as, if. -- yatra kutra (±api) wherever, everywhere. yatra kva ca (±na) the same, at any time. yatra kvāpi anywhere, here and there.

yatratya a. where being or dwelling.

yatrasāyaṃgṛha a. resting where evening (comes).

yatrecchaka (°--) where one likes, at pleasure.

yatrodbhūta a. where arisen.

yatsaṃkhyāka a. being in what number, counting how many.

yathā adv. as, in which way (correl. tathā eva or evam), as truly as (corr. tathā), as for example (also tadyathā). As conj. that (also before a direct quotation with iti), so that, in order that; as, since; as if. Often °-- in adject. & adv., where sometimes not to be translated. -- Cf. katham tathā, & tad.

yathākathita a. (as) already mentioned.

yathākartavya a. to be done under certain circumstances; n. the proper course of action.

yathākarma adv. according to (the respective) actions.

yathākāmam (or -kāmam) adv. according to wish, agreeably, at one's ease.

yathākārya a. = yathākartavya adj.

yathākālam adv. according to time, in due time.

yathākṛta a. well done, agreed; n. -kṛtam adv. as has been done, as usually, as agreed.

yathākramam adv. according to order, in regular series.

yathākhelam adv. with playful or gentle motion.

yathāgata a. (n. & instr. adv.) on which (way) one came before.

yathāgamanam adv. as it has been got or found (of a ring, lit. according to its arrival).*

yathāṅgam adv. limb after limb.

yathācittam adv. according to a person's thought or will.*

yathācintitānubhāvin a. judging by one's own frame of mind.

yathājñānam adv. according to (the best of one's) knowledge.

yathājyeṣṭham adv. according to age or rank.

yathātattva (°--) & n. adv. according to truth.

yathātatham adv. as it really is, exactly, accurately, duly.

yathātathyam adv. in accordance with the truth.

yathādarśitam adv. as shown.

yathādik adv. according to the various quarters of the sky.

yathādiśam adv. according to the various quarters of the sky.

yathādṛṣṭam adv. as seen.

yathādevatam adv. deity after deity.

yathādeśam [1] adv. according to places.

yathādeśam [2] adv. according to direction.

yathādharmam adv. according to duty or right.

yathādhīta a. as has been read, corresponding to the text.

yathānirdiṣṭa a. as before mentioned.

yathānyāyam adv. according to rule, justly.

yathāpaṇyam adv. according to the wares.

yathāpūrva a. (being) as before; n. -pūrvam adv. one after another, as before.

yathāpratijñam adv. according to promise or agreement.

yathāpradeśam adv. according to direction or place.

yathāpradhānam adv. according to precedence or superiority.

yathāprastutam adv. as intended or begun.

yathāprāṇam adv. according to one's might.

yathāprāṇena adv. according to one's might.

yathāprāpta a. suitable to circumstances, in conformity with a particular state or rule, proper; n. adv. regularly, correctly (g.).

yathābalam adv. according to power or to (the condition of) the army.

yathābījam a. according to the seed.

yathābhāgam adv. according to shares or portions; in the respective or proper places.

yathābhipreta a. as wished or desired; n. adv. according to wish, at pleasure.

yathābhimata a. & adv. = prec. (also °--).

yathābhirucita a. as wished for, agreeable.

yathābhilaṣita a. the same.

yathābhīṣṭa a. the same.

yathābhyarthita a. as requested or asked for.

yathāmati adv. according to one's opinion or judgment.

yathāmukhya a. according to the chief or first, according to rank and dignity; n. adv.

yathāmnātam adv. according to text or tradition.

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yathāmnāyam adv. according to text or tradition.

yathāyatanam adv. according to place, in the right place.

yathāyatham adv. as is fit, in regular order.

yathāyogam adv. according to circumstances.

yathāyogyam adv. as is fit or proper.

yathārūpa a. of which kind or sort; n. -pam adv. in a suitable way, properly, duly.

yathārtha a. accordant with the thing or fact, true, exact, proper, fit; °-- & -rtham adv., n. also as subst. the pure truth.

yathārthanāmaka a. having a true name.

yathārthanāman n. a true name; a. = prec.

yathārthita a. = yathābhyarthita.

yathārha a. according to worth or merit, fit, right; °-- & n. adv.

yathārhaṇam n. = prec. adv.

yathārhatas n. = prec. adv.

yathālabdha a. as obtained or met with, previously found.

yathālābha (°--) & -bham adv. just as it happens to occur; justly, accidentally.

yathālikhitānubhāvin a. perceiving that a thing is (only) painted.*

yathālokam adv. according to room or place; in the proper place.

yathāvakāśam adv. = prec.

yathāvat adv. according to propriety, as is fit or right, properly, duly.

yathāvayas adv. according to age.

yathāvayasam adv. according to age.

yathāvaśam adv. according to pleasure.

yathāvasaram adv. on every occasion.

yathāvastu a. according to the state of the matter, exact.

yathāvidyam adv. according to knowledge.

yathāvidha a. of which kind or sort.

yathāvidhānam adv. according to precept or rule.

yathāvidhānena adv. according to precept or rule.

yathāvidhi adv. = prec.; i.g. properly, duly.

yathāviṣayam adv. according to the object or matter.

yathāvīrya a. of what strength; n. adv. according to strength or courage.

yathāvṛtta a. as happened or as (how) behaving; n. the actual occurrence of a thing or adv. as it really happened.

yathāvṛddham adv. according to age.

yathāvedita a. as stated or deposed (j.).

yathāvyavasitam adv. as determined.*

yathāśakti adv. according to power or ability.

yathāśaktyā adv. according to power or ability.

yathāśāstra (°--) & -stram adv. according to precept or rule.

yathāśraddham adv. according to inclination.

yathāśruta a. as heard or handed down by tradition; n. adv.

yathāśruti a. according to the sacred precepts.

yathāsaṃvṛttam adv. as has happened.*

yathāsaṃkalpita a. corresponding to wishes or expectations.

yathāsaṃkhyam adv. number for number, in due correspondence.

yathāsaṅgam adv. accordiNg to need, as required.

yathāsanna a. at every approach, n. adv.

yathāsamayam adv. according to time or circumstances.

yathāsamarthitam adv. as settled.

yathāsamīhita a. as desired; n. adv.

yathāsarvam adv. as everything is, in all particulars.

yathāsukham adv. at ease or pleasure.

yathāsukhamukha a. turning the face as one pleases.

yathāsthāna [1] n. the right or proper place.

yathāsthāna [2] a. -nam adv. (being) in the proper place or in regular order.

yathāsva a. each his own; n. each in his own way.

yathāhāra a. eating as opportunity offers.

yatheccha a. according to wish or desire; °--, n., & -cchayā adv.

yathepsayā (instr. adv.) = prec. adv.

yathepsita a. & n. adv. = yatheccha.

yatheṣṭa a. & n. adv. = yatheccha.

yatheṣṭasaṃcārin a. going according to will or inclination.

yatheṣṭācaraṇa n. arbitrary proceeding.

yathokta a. as aforesaid or mentioned above; n. adv.

yathoktakārin a. acting as told or directed.

yathocita a. fit, proper, suitable, becoming; n. adv.

yathottara a. following in regular succession; n. adv.

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yathotsāham adv. according to power, with all one's might.

yathodita a. as said or spoken, previously told; n. adv.

yathoddiṣṭa a. as indicated or mentioned, n. adv.

yathopapatti adv. according to occasion, as may happen.

yathopta a. as sown, answering to the seed.

yad n. sg. of ya (used also as stem °--); as conj. that (after such verbs as say, think, etc.), in order that, as for the fact that; when, if; wherefore, why; as, because, since. Often correl. to tad q.v. -- adha yad & yadapi although, however; yadvā or else; however, nevertheless; yatsatyam certainly, indeed.

yadartha a. having which object or intention.

yadartham a. for which purpose, wherefore.

yadarthe a. for which purpose, wherefore.

yadā conj. when, if; often strengthened by eva (yadaiva). In the correl. clause esp. atha tad tadā tena, etc. -- yadā kadā ca yadā yadā or yadā w. doubled verb = whenever; yadā kadā cid at every time, always.

yadi conj. if, when (also yadi cid yadi ced yadīd yadyu, in the correl. clause often followed by atha tad tadā tatas tarhi tena, etc.); that, but (after a neg.); if not, perhaps that; how if? -- tadyapi1 or api yadi -- (tathāpi or tadapi) = although, however -- (still, nevertheless). yadi (vā) -- yadi (vā) whether -- or; yadi--na vā whether -- or not.

yadī conj. if, when (also yadi cid yadi ced yadīd yadyu, in the correl. clause often followed by atha tad tadā tatas tarhi tena, etc.); that, but (after a neg.); if not, perhaps that; how if? -- tadyapi1 or api yadi -- (tathāpi or tadapi) = although, however -- (still, nevertheless). yadi (vā) -- yadi (vā) whether -- or; yadi--na vā whether -- or not.

yadīya a. whose, belonging to whom, which, or what.

yadu m. N. of an ancient hero & his race; cf. turvaśa.

yadṛccha a. accidental; f. ā accident, change, °--, instr., & -tas accidentally, unexpectedly, spontaneously.

yadṛcchālābha m. earning of what comes spontaneously; -tuṣṭa a. satisfied with it.

yadgotra a. belonging to what family.

yaddevata a. having which godhead or divinity.

yaddhetos (abl. adv.) from which reason or motive.

yadbhaviṣya m. Fatalist, N. of a fish (lit. what will be, scil. will be).

yadriyañc a. moving or turned in which direction.

yadryañc a. moving or turned in which direction.

yadvat adv. as, in what manner, as surely as (correl. to tadvat or evam).

yadvā -> yad.

yadvidha a. of what sort.

yadvṛtta n. occurrence, event, adventure.

yantṛ m. holder, manager, driver, ruler.

yantavya a. to be held in or restrained.

yantra n. hold i.e. means for holding, prop, support, fence, barrier; trace (of a carriage); i.g. any instrument or machine.

yantraṇa n. ā f. restriction, limitation, control.

yantradṛḍha a. locked up (door).

yantradhārāgṛha n. a room with a shower-bath, a bathing-room; abstr. -tva n.

yantray yantrayati v pp. yantrita restrain, curb, bind, fetter. --
     upa ni sam = S.

yantrārūḍha a. mounted on a machine.

yantrin a. having a harness (horse); m. tormentor, harasser.

yannimitta a. caused by what; n. adv. wherefore, for which reason.

yabh yabhati yabhate v futuere.

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yam yacchati yacchate v (yamati yamate), pp. yata (q.v.) hold, hold up, lift, raise, erect, sustain, support; hold back, restrain, check, stop; hold out, offer, grant, furnish, give (dat. or loc. of pers. & acc. of th., or acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); stretch, extend, show; M. rest on (loc.), stretch or extend with (instr.); hold out, persevere, be obedient or faithful to (dat.). C. yamayati (te) hold back, restrain, control, bring in order. --
     adhi erect, raise towards (loc.), extend over (dat.).
     anu direct, turn, arrange, M. conform one's self to, follow (acc.).
     antar restrain, check (inwardly).
     ā hold out, stretch, extend, lengthen, bend (a bow), put on or draw back (an arrow), throw (a lance), abs. take aim; stop, check, restrain, draw near, bring.
     abhyā draw, extend, protract; aim at (acc.).
     nirā stretch out. -vyā tear asunder, stretch out, extend; M. (A.) struggle or contend about (loc.). C. (
     vyāyāmya) take excercise.
     samā draw together, contract, pull, stretch.
     uda lift up, raise (lit. & fig.); hold forth, offer, present; shake up, stir, agitate; check, restrain, stop; A. M. strive, prepare for, endeavour at (dat. or artham). prod raise, uplift.
     samud the same, check, curb, restrain.
     upa take hold of, seize; offer, present; take to wife, marry.
     ni hold, restrain, stop (M. intr.); fasten, lie to, bind up (the hair); take, assume; offer, present; govern, control, limit; fix, establish. C. restrain, curb; fasten, tie to (loc.), suppress, limit.
     vini & saṃni hold, restrain, suppress.
     pra stretch, hold out, offer, give; produce, cause; pronounce, utter; restore, pay back, return.
     pratipra offer in turn, give back, restore.
     saṃpra offer or present (together), grant, bestow, give in marriage; return, restore.
     vi hold asunder, stretch out, extend.
     sam hold together, draw tight (reins), restrain, curb, check, control, govern, bind together or up, attach, fasten, fetter; suppress, omit, annul, destroy. C. bind, fetter, bind up, arrange (hair); check, curb, subdue. -- Cf. abhyudyata (add.), āyata udyata niyata prayata prodyata viyata vyāyata sayata.

yama [1] m. holder, i.e. bridle or driver; restraint, self-control, any paramount moral duty or observance (ph.).

yama (f. ā2 & ī) paired, twin; m. a twin (du. twins), N. of a god, either the Twin (with his sister yamī f.) or the Restrainer, the god of death. n. pair, twin letter (g.)

yamaka a. double, twofold; n. a kind of paronomasia (rh.).

yamakiṃkara m. Yama's servant.

yamakṣaya m. Yama's realm.

yamagāthā f. a verse or hymn relating to Yama.

yamaja a. twin-born; m. du. twins.

yamajāta a. twin-born; m. du. twins.

yamajātaka a. twin-born; m. du. twins.

yamadaṇḍa m. Yama's rod.

yamadūta m. Yama's messenger.

yamadhānī f. Yama's abode.

yamana a. (f. ī) & n. restraining.

yamanetra a. having Yama as a guide.

yamapuruṣa m. = yamakiṃkara.

yamarājan [1] m. king Yama.

yamarājan [2] a. having Yama as king; m. a subject of Yama.

yamarājya n. Yama's dominion.

yamarāṣṭra n. Yama's dominion.

yamala a. twin, paired, doubled; m. a twin.

yamaloka m. Yama's world.

yamavant a. having self-possession, who governs or controls himself.

yamaviṣaya m. Yama's realm.

yamaśreṣṭha a. pl. having Yama as chief.

yamaśva m. Yama's dog.

yamasadana n. Yama's seat or abode.

yamasādana n. the same.

yamasū f. bringing forth twins.

yamin a. = yamavant.

yaminī f. bringing forth twins.

yamiṣṭha a. restraining best.

yamunā f. N. of river (identif. w. yamī).

yameṣṭa n. a sacrifice offered to Yama.

yayāti m. N. of an ancient patriarch.

yayi a. running, hastening; m. cloud.

yayī a. running, hastening; m. cloud.

yayu a. = prec. a.; m. horse.

yarhi conj. when, if (correl. tarhi); as, because.

yava [1] m. any grain or corn, esp. barley or a barley-corn.

yava [2] m. pl. the bright halves of the months.

yava [3] a. warding off, keeping away.

yavakṣetra n. field of barley.

yavakhala m. thrashing-floor.

yavagodhūmavant a. producing barley and wheat.

yavan m. = yava2.

yavana [1] a. keeping off (--°).

yavana [2] m. a Greek or Muhammedan (f. ī), i.g. a foreigner.

yavanikā f. curtain (cf. javanikā).

yavapiṣṭa n. barley-meal.

yavamadhya a. thick in the middle (lit. having the middle of a barley-corn).

yavamadhyama n. a kind of penance (r.).

yavamant a. containing or mixed with barley. m. corn-grower; n. abundance of corn.

yavamaya a. consisting or made of barley.

yavayāvan a. warding off.

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yavayu a. wishing for grain.

yavasa m. n. grass, pasture, food.

yavasād a. feeding on grass.

yavāgū f. rice-gruel.

yavācita a. laden with barley.

yavād a. eating barley.

yavāśir a. mixed with barley.

yavāsaka m. the manna-plant.

yavāhāra a. living on barley.

yaviṣṭha (superl.) youngest, E. of Agni as the fire just kindled or set on the altar.

yaviṣṭhya a. the same.

yavīyaṃs (compar.) younger; lesser, worse; the least or worst. m. & f. -yasī a younger brother & sister.

yavīyudh a. fond of war, warlike.

yavya [1] m. a stock of barley or corn i.g.

yavya [2] m. a month.

yavyā f. stream, river; only instr. sgl. & pl. in streams i.e. abundantly.

yaśas [1] n. glory, fame, honour, beauty.

yaśas [2] a. glorious, honoured, splendid.

yaśaskara f. ī causing renown, glorious.

yaśaskāma a. eager for renown, ambitious.

yaśaskṛt a. = yaśaskara.

yaśasya a. = yaśaskara.

yaśasyu a. seeking favour.

yaśasvant a. glourious, splendid, excellent.

yaśasvin a. the same.

yaśoghna a. destroying renown, disgracing.

yaśodā [1] a. causing renown or splendour.

yaśodā [2] f. N. of Nanda's wife, Kṛṣṇa's foster-mother.

yaśodhana a. rich in glory or renown.

yaśodhā a. conferring splendour or fame.

yaśobhagin a. rich in glory.

yaśobhṛt a. bearing fame, renowned.

yaśovarman m. N. of sev. men.

yaśohan f. -ghnī destroying glory or beauty.

yaśohara a. robbing fame, disgracing.

yaṣṭave dat. inf. to yaj1.

yaṣṭavya a. to be sacrificed or worshipped; n. impers.

yaṣṭi f. staff, stick, stalk (often to compare an arm or a slender body with); string of pearls, necklace.

yaṣṭṛ m. worshipper, sacrificer.

yaṣṭyutthāna n. the rising by the help of a stick.

yas yasyati yayasti v pp. yasta be hot or eager, exert one's self. -- ā = S., C. āyāsayati strain, stretch, tire, vex, harass (w. ātmānam refl.*). pra commence to boil up or be agitated, be hot or eager. -- Cf. āyasta (add.), prayasta.

yasmāt (abl. to ya) because, since, that.

yahu a. young, lively; m. child.

yahva f. ī youngest, newest, always young or fresh (of Agni = yaviṣṭha, of the waters etc.). f. ī pl. flowing water.

yahvant f. yahvatī = prec.

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yāti (yāte) v pp. yāta1 (--° mostly w. act. mg) go, travel, march, set out, depart, fly, escape, pass, vanish, perish; go off, speed, succeed; proceed, act, behave; go to (acc., loc., or dat.), reach, attain to a condition (acc. of an abstr., cf. gam), go to a woman, have sexual intercourse with (acc.), approach with a request, ask for (2 acc.); make out, learn, understand. With ākhyām be called (nom. + iti), w. khaṇḍaśas or dalaśas fall to pieces, w. śatadhā fall into a hundred pieces; kva tadyātam how is it with it? yātu let it go, no matter. C. yāpayati make or bid go (to *acc.), dismiss, send out, drive away, pass, spend. D. yiyāsati wish or be about to go etc. --
     accha approach, arrive.
     ati pass by, overtake, omit.
     anu go to (acc.), go after, follow (esp. in death), obey, imitate, equal, reach, attain.
     apa go away, depart, retreat, flee, cease, desist.
     pratyapa retreat, fly back.
     vyapa go away, set out, flee.
     abhi approach, go to or against; take to, partake of (acc.).
     ava come down, descend from w. abl.); go away, depart; avert, remove.
     ā approach, arrive, come from (abl.) to or into (acc., r. loc.), get at, enter into, partake of (acc.); appear to (gen.), befall (acc.).
     atyā pass by (acc.).
     abhyā come near or to (acc.).
     upā abhyupā samupā the same.
     pratyā return, come back to (acc.), go to meet or against (acc.).
     samā come near (together), arrive; assemble, meet, come out of or from (abl.) to (acc. or loc.); pass away; get into a state or condition (acc.).
     ud rise, go forth or out, depart from (abl.).
     pratyud rise and go to meet or against (acc.).
     upa come near, arrive, visit, approach (acc., also loc. of place); enter (acc.), meet, encounter, undergo (acc.); occur to, fall to one's share (acc.).
     abhyupa come to, get at, go against (acc.).
     pratyupa return, come back to or into (acc. ±prati or loc.).
     samupa come near (together), go or resort to (acc.).
     ni come down to or upon (acc.), run over (with a carriage), get into (acc.).
     nis go or come out of (abl.) to or into (acc.); pass away, vanish. C. cause to go away, expel from (abl.).
     abhinis & vinis go out, depart from (abl.).
     pari go round, circumambulate, surround, keep, guard; go through, pervade; pass by, avoid; flow off (Soma).
     pra go forth, set out, go towards (acc. ±accha or
     prati, & loc.) or against (acc.); walk, run, ride, drive, flow, etc.; vanish, pass away, die; get into, partake of (acc.); proceed, act, behave.
     anupra set out after (acc.), follow.
     abhipra approach (acc.), set out, leave for (acc.), attack, assail.
     pratipra come near or back.
     saṃpra set out (together), walk or flow towards (acc. ±prati).
     prati come near or back to (acc. ±prati); go against (acc.); comply with, gratify (acc.).
     vi pass or cut through, go or turn away.
     sam go or come together, meet, encounter (as friends or foes), approach, arrive, get into a state or condition.
     anusam go to and fro, go to, visit.
     abhisam go to or against (acc.).
     pratisam go against, attack.

[2] going (--°).

yāga m. sacrifice.

yāc yācati yācate v pp. yācita ask, beg, request (acc. or abl., r. gen. of pers.; acc. ±prati of th., also artham or arthe & dat. of an abstr.); woo, ask a girl (acc.) from (abl., r. acc.); offer a thing (acc.) to (dat.). C. yācayati cause to ask or sue; ask a thing (acc.) for (arthe). --
     anu ask, entreat.
     abhi ask, request (2 acc.); ask (a girl) in marriage from (acc.).
     ā & upa ask, implore.
     nis beg off from (2 acc. or acc. of th. & instr. of pers.).
     pra ask, beg (2 acc.).
     saṃpra & sam the same.

yācaka m. ī f. petitioner, beggar.

yācana n. asking (also in marriage), begging for (--°).

yācanaka m. beggar, mendicant.

yācanīya a. to be asked or requested (n. imp.).

yācitavya a. to be asked (also for a girl).

yācitṛ m. petitioner, beggar, suitor.

yācin a. asking, begging for (--°).

yāciṣṇu a. asking, soliciting, suppliant; abstr. -tā f.

yācñā f. asking, begging for (--°); petition, request.

yācñya s., ā f. = prec.

yācya a. to be asked or solicited; to be wooed, abstr. -tā f.

yāj m. sacrificer.

yāja m. = prec. (--°) or sacrifice.

yājaka m. sacrificing priest.

yājana n. performance of a sacrifice for (gen. or --°).

yājin a. & m. sacrificing, sacrificer.

yājña a. relating to sacrifice.

yājñavalkya m. patron. of a teacher.

yājñasena m. ī f. patron. of Śikhaṇḍin & Draupadī.

yājñika f. ī relating to sacrifice; m. sacrificer, liturgist.

yājñikya n. the rules of the liturgists.

yājñiya a. & m. = yājñika.

yājya a. for whom or what is sacrificed; m. sacrificer or tutor of a sacrifice, abstr. -tā f., -tva n. -- f. yājyā the consecrating text, poss. yājyavant.

yāt [1] (abl. adv.) in as much as, as long as, since.

yāt [2] -> ṛṇayāt.

yāta a. gone, passed, etc.; n. gait, march, motion; (*the place where a person has gone); the past time.

yātana n. requital; f. ā the same, punishment, fine, pains, esp. of hell.

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yātanārthīya a. subject to torments.

yātayajjana a. arranging men.

yātayāma a. exhausted, used, spoiled; useless, stale, flat (lit. having walked one's way); abstr. -tva n.

yātayāman a. exhausted, used, spoiled; useless, stale, flat (lit. having walked one's way); abstr. -tva n.

yātṛ [1] a. going, driving, riding etc., ceasing, perishing; m. the driver of a carriage.

yātṛ [2] m. avenger.

yātṛ [3] f. a husband's brother's wife.

yātave dat. inf. to 1.

yātavya [1] a. used against witchcraft.

yātavya [2] a. to be gone or set out (n. impers.); to be gone against, to be attacked or assailed.

yātavyapakṣa m. the inimical party (lit. the side to be gone against).

yātu m. sorcery, witchcraft; also = seq.

yātudhāna m. ī f. a kind of demons or evil spirits.

yātumant a. practising sorcery.

yātumāvant a. practising sorcery.

yātuvid a. skilled in sorcery.

yātuhan a. destroying witchcraft.

yātrā f. going, setting off, journey, travel, march, expedition; festive train, procession, feast, festival; livelihood, subsistence; custom, usage; a kind of dramatic entertainment.

yātrika a. belonging to a march or an expedition, requisite for the support of life; n. march, campaign.

yātrin a. being on a march or in procession.

yātrotsava m. festive procession.

yātsatra n. N. of a cert. ceremony.

yāthākāmī f. -kāmya n. acting according to will or desire, arbitrariness.

yāthātathya n. the proper state or condition, reality, truth; yāthātathyam yāthātathyena & yāthātathyatas in truth or as is proper.

yād only yādamāna closely connected with (instr.).

yādava f. ī relating to Yadu; m. & f. his descendant, m. pl. his race.

yādavaśārdūla m. E. of Krsna.

yādavendra m. E. of Krsna.

yādas n. sea monster.

yādura a. embracing voluptuously.

yādṛgguṇa a. of what qualities.

yādṛcchika a. spontaneous, accidental.

yādṛś f. ī which like, qualis.

yādṛśa f. ī which like, qualis.

yādrādhyam adv. as well or as quickly as possible.

yādva a. belonging to the race of Yadu.

yāna a. leading (of a way) to (gen. or adv. in trā). n. going, riding, marching; way, course; ship, vehicle i.g., waggon, chariot.

yānaka n. carriage, vehicle.

yānakara m. wheelwright.

yānaga a. riding in a carriage.

yānapātra n. ship, boat (lit. going-vessel).

yānabhaṅga m. shipwreck.

yānasvāmin m. the owner of a carriage.

yānāsana n. du marching and sitting.

yānāstaraṇa s. waggon-cushion.*

yāpaka a. bringing, procuring.

yāpana a. n. & f. ā causing to go, bringing to an end (time), prolonging or supporting (life); as subst. also procrastination, delay.

yāpya a. to be expelled or rejected (abstr. -tva n.); low, vile, trifling, unimportant.

yābha m. sexual intercourse, p. -vant.

yāma [1] m. close, end.

yāma f. ī2 belonging to or coming from Yama.

yāma [3] m. course, going, way, progress; carriage, chariot; watch of the night (3 hours).

yāmaśruta a. renowned for speed.

yāman n. going, motion, course, fight; march, expedition, approaching with prayers, invocation.

yāmahū a. to be called or being ready to help.

yāmahūti f. invocation for help.

yāmi f. = jāmi f.

yāmī f. = jāmi f.

yāmika a. keeping watch; m. watchman, night-watcher.

yāminī f. night; a woman's name.

yāmya a. relating to Yama, southern; m. a servant of Yama, f. (±diś) the south.

yāmyottara a. southern and northern.

yāyajūka a. sacrificing eagerly.

yāyāvara a. wandering about, having no fixed abode; m. a vagrant mendicant, pl. N. of a race of Brahmans.

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yāyin a. going, running, flying, travelling.

yāva [1] m. pl. = yava2.

yāva [2] a. consisting or made of barley.

yāva [3] m. lac-dye.

yāvaka [1] m. n. a kind of food prepared from barley.

yāvaka [2] m. = yāva3.

yāvacchas adv. as manifoldly as.

yāvaccheṣam adv. as much (many) as is left.

yāvacchreṣṭha a. the best possible.

yāvajjīvam adv. throughout life.

yāvajjīvena adv. throughout life.

yāvat -> yāvant.

yāvatitha a. the as manieth.

yāvatkālam adv. as long as anything lasts, a while.

yāvatkṛtvas adv. as often as, whenever.

yāvatsvam adv. as many (much) as one has.

yāvadadhyayanam adv. during the lesson.

yāvadantam adv. to the end.

yāvadantāya adv. to the end.

yāvadartha a. as much as necessary, corresponding to want; n. adv.

yāvadaha n. the corresponding (as manieth) day.

yāvadāyuṣam adv. through life.

yāvadāyus adv. through life.

yāvadukta a. as much as stated; n. adv.

yāvaddhā adv. as often or as many times as.

yāvadbalam adv. with all one's strength.

yāvan m. aggressor, pursuer.

yāvana [1] a. born among the Yavanas; m. *incense.

yāvana [2] n. removing, keeping off.

yāvant a. as great, as far of long, as much or many (correl. tāvant q.v.). n. yāvat as adv. or conj. as far or as long as, while (also instr. & loc., correl. tāvata tāvatā & tāvati); meantime, at once, just, now (w. 1. pers. pres., 3. pers. imper.); as prep. during (acc.), till or as far as (acc. or abl.). yāvanna as long as not, before, until; if not, unless. -- Cf. adya iti tāvant.

yāvanmātra a. of which measure or size, far extending; n. adv. as long as, a little, in some degree.

yāvayaddveṣas a. driving away foes.

yāśu n. embrace, coition.

yās -> ayās.

yāsa m. N. of a plant.

yāska m. N. of a teacher.

yiyakṣu a. going to sacrifice.

yiyāsā f. desire of going.

yiyāsu a. being about to go.

yu yauti yute yuvati yuvate v pp. yuta1 (q.v.) fasten, hold fast, bind, harness, join, unite, draw towards one's self, attract get possession of. D. yuyūṣati wish to attract or hold fast. --
     ā draw onwards or towards, seize, occupy, get, procure, mix, mingle.
     paryā & samā mix, stir up.
     ni tie on, fasten; procure, bestow; take to one's self, appropriate.
     pra stir up, mix; disturb, destroy.
     sam take to one's self, consume; put together, join, connect; share with, bestow on (instr.). -- Cf. abhiyuta āyuta niyuta saṃyuta samāyuta.

yu [2] companion, comrade.

yu yuyoti yucchati yuyoti yucchate v pp. yuta3 tr. repel, keep or ward off, separate, protect from (abl.); intr. keep apart, be or remain separate. C. yavayati or yāvayati = S. tr. I. pp. yoyuvat yield, give way. --
     apa remove, avert from (abl. or dat.).
     nis keep off, repel.
     pra remove; keep away (intr.), be indolent or heedless.
     vi part (tr. & intr.); separate or be separated from, deprive or be deprived of (instr.); scatter, disperse, open. -- Cf.

yu [4] driving, going, moving.

yukta a. yoked, harnessed, set to work, appointed, instituted, occupied with, (loc. or --°); active, zealous, attentive, concentrated, absorbed in thought; skilful, clever in (loc.), joined or furnished with; accompanied by (instr. or --°) relating to, dependent on (--°); fit, proper, right to (w. yad or infin.).

yuktagrāvan a. having set in motion (lit. harnessed) the Soma-stones.

yuktaceṣṭa a. acting or behaving properly.

yuktamada a. intoxicated.

yuktarūpa a. suitable, fit, proper (loc. or gen.); n. adv.

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yuktarūpaka n. a fit comparison (rh.).

yuktātman a. with concentrated mind.

yuktārtha a. sensible, rational.

yukti f. junction, connection (also of words, i.e.) sentence, preparation, application, use, employment, practice, means, expedient, trick, contrivance, stratagem, cause, motive, argument, correctness, fitness, propriety. --yuktiṃ kṛ find a means or try an art. yuktyā & yuktitasa properly, fitly, duly; by means or by virtue of (--°).

yuktimant a. joined or connected with (--°); fit, able, competent.

yuga n. (m.) yoke, team; couple, pair, race or generation of men, age of the world (4) a cert. measure of length.

yugakṣaya m. the end of (an age of) the world.

yugadhāra m. the peg by which the yoke is fixed on the pole.

yugaṃdhara n. pole of a carriage.

yugapad adv. simultaneously, at once.

yugamātra [1] n. the length of a yoke.

yugamātra f. ī2 as long as a yoke.

yugala m. n. pair, couple.

yugalaka n. = prec., esp. a couple of Clokas.

yugaśamya n. yoke and peg.

yugaśaram adv. along with (instr.).

yugādi m. the beginning of (an age of) the world.

yugānta m. the end of a yoke or of an age.

yugāntara n. the other (half of the) sky.

yugma a. paired, even; n. pair, double Śloka.

yugmaka a. paired, even; n. pair, double Śloka.

yugman a. = prec. adj.

yugmant a. = prec. adj.

yugya n. carriage or beast for draught.

yugyavāha m. coachman, driver.

yugyastha a. sitting in a carriage.

yuṅgin m. a cert. mixed caste.

yuch yucchati v -> yu3.

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yuj yunakti yuṅkta yujate1 v & yuñjati yuñjate pp. yukta (q.v.) yoke, harness (of waggon and steed); make ready, fit out, prepare, arrange, set to work (P. refl.); apply, use, fasten or fix on put or place (dhuri at the head lit. at the thill), turn or direct (esp. the mind) upon (loc.); (yogam) be intent on, meditate (also M.); appoint, institute; bid, order, enjoin; unite, connect, join with (instr.); P. M. cling to, adhere, marry; A. present or furnish with (acc. of pers. & instr. of th., or loc. gen. of pers. & acc. of th.); M. become possessed of (acc.); P. the same (instr. ±saha) or fall to one's (gen.) share or lot, be fit or suitable for (loc., gen. or instr.), be proper or right. C. yojayati te yoke, harness, fit out, array; use, employ, undertake, begin; appoint to or charge with (loc.), fasten, fix (esp. the mind) or place on (loc.); unite, connect, furnish, endow with (instr.). D. yuyukṣati wish to lay on or to appoint. --
     anu strive to overtake, pursue; ask, question (acc. of pers. or & th.).
     abhi A. appoint to, charge with (loc.); A. (M.) prepare or get ready for (acc. or infin.); M. (A.) yoke, harness, put to; attack, march against; P. be sued for or be accused of (acc.). C. furnish with, make a pers. (acc.) share in (instr.).
     pratyabhi attack or accuse in return.
     ā harness, put to (loc.); M. fasten, put on, place in (loc.). C. fix upon (loc.), put together.
     samā arrange, prepare; join, bring together with (instr.).
     ud make one's self ready, set to work; set off, be gone. C. urge on, impel, also =
     samud C. incite or animate to (dat.).
     upa M. (A.) yoke, harness, put to (loc.); use, employ, appropriate, enjoy; consume, eat. P. be applied, be useful, necessary, requisite, or qualified for (loc., dat. of th., gen. of pers.).
     ni M. (A.) fasten or put to (loc., dhuri = S.); join, put together; bind or attach to, fix or turn upon (loc. or dat.); put (a task) upon, commission, elect (2 acc.), appoint to, charge with (acc. of pers. & loc. or dat. of th.; or loc. of pers. & acc. of th.); use, employ. C. harness, put to (loc.); tie on, fasten, set (jewels); direct, impel, exhort or constrain to (dat., acc. w.
     prati, loc., or artham), appoint to (loc.), choose for, elect (2 acc.); commit or entrust to (loc.); set, lay, fix; place in or upon, take into or to (loc.); employ, set to work; furnish with, cause to partake of (instr.).
     vini M. (A.) loosen, untie, unharness, shoot of--at (loc.), appoint to, destine for (loc., dat. or artham); place, fix (the mind) upon; use, employ; eat, consume. C. appoint to, charge with (loc., arthāya or artham); commit to (loc.), present, offer to (dat.), use, employ.
     saṃni place in or on (loc.); commission, appoint, employ. C. the same, charge with ( =
     vini C.); urge on, impel; destine, assign.
     pra M. (A.) harness, put to (loc.), prepare (instr.) for (dat.), join with (instr.), set in motion, hurl, cast shut off-at (loc. or dat.), turn or fix upon (loc.), utter, pronounce, show, manifest; animate, impel, bid, direct to (dat. or loc.), elect, choose for (2 acc.), bring to or into (acc.), place at or upon (loc.), add; use, employ; effect, produce; arrange, execute, perform (d.). P. be fit or suitable. c. hurl, cast; bring forth, utter, show, betray; fix, concentrate (the mind); direct, instruct, appoint to (loc.), commit to (dat.), begin, undertake; represent, perform; use, employ; exact (interest).
     anupra M. add after (abl.); pursue, overtake; follow.
     vipra sever from (instr.); C. deprive or rid of (instr.).
     saṃpra yoke, harness, set in motion, let loose; execute. perform (music). P. be joined or added; partake or be guilty of (instr.). C. fit out make ready; join or connect with (instr.); bring forth, use, employ.
     vi detach or sever from (instr.); A.M. liberate from or deprive of (instr., r. abl.); M.P. relax, yield, give way. C. separate, rid or deprive of (abl. or instr.).
     sam A. put together, join, unite, bind, fetter; endow or furnish with (instr.), fix (the mind) upon (loc.). C. yoke, harness; fit out. equip (an army), lay on, shoot off (an arrow), turn or fix (the mind) on (loc.) appoint (to a commission), intrust or commit to (gen.); perform, accomplish; add to (loc.), put together, join, etc. = S. -- Cf. abhiyukta āyukta udyukta upayukta niyukta niryukta (add.), prayukta viprayukta viyukta visaṃyukta saṃyukta saṃprayukta samāyukta.

yuj [2] a. yoked together, harnessed with, drawn by (--°), endowed or furnished with (instr. or --°); pair, even. m. comrade, companion.

yuje dat. inf. to yuj1.

yujya a. united, allied, related, homogeneous, suitable, fit, proper. m. companion, ally; n. union, alliance.

yuñj (nom. yuṅ) a. yoked together; m. yokefellow, comrade.

yuta a. fastened to (--°); added, united or connected with, consisting of, increased by, possessed of (instr. or --°).

yuti f. union with, possession of (instr. or --°).

yutkāra a. making war.

yuddha a. fought; n. fight, battle.

yuddhabhū f. field of battle.

yuddhabhūmi f. field of battle.

yuddhaviśārada a. skilful in war.

yuddhaśālin a. warlike, valiant.

yuddhācārya m. military instructor.

yudh yudhyate yudhyati yodhati v pp. yuddha1 (q.v.) fight, combat, contend with (instr. ±saha or samam) for or about (loc.); fight (tr. w. acc.), vanquish. C. yodhayati yudhyate yudhyati yodhati, pp. yuddha1 (q.v.) fight, combat, contend with (instr. ±saha or samam) for or about (loc.); fight (tr. w. acc.), vanquish. C. yodhayate cause to fight, fight (tr.), defend. D. yuyutsati te wish to fight with (instr. or acc.). --
     abhi fight (acc. or instr.), vanquish, win by fighting.
     ā fight (tr.).
     ud rise against (dat.).
     ni fight with (saha or sākam).
     pra (begin to) fight, attack (acc.). C. cause to open the fight. maṃpra (begin to) fight.
     prati fight against, vanquish, be a match for (acc.). C. the same.
     sam fight together, fight with (acc. or instr. ±sārdham). -- Cf. prayuddha pratiyuddha.

yudh [2] m. warrior; f. fight, battle.

yudhāmanyu m. N. of a warrior.

yudhiṣṭhira m. N. of the eldest son of Paṇḍu etc. (lit. firm in battle).

yudhma m. warrior, champion.

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yudhvan a. warlike.

yup only pf. yuyopa & pp. yupita obstruct, thwart, hurt. C. yopayati efface, destroy. I. yoyupyate make smooth or straight (hair).
     sam C. efface, smooth.

yuyutsā f. desire for war, pugnacity.

yuyutsu a. eager for battle, wishing to fight with (instr. ±sārdham); N. of a prince.

yuyudhāna m. a man's name.

yuva pron. st. (du.) of 2d pers. (°-- often yuvā).

yuvati a. & f. young, young woman.

yuvatī a. & f. young, young woman.

yuvan a. & m. young, young man, youth (E. of sev. gods); a younger descendant (g.).

yūn a. & m. young, young man, youth (E. of sev. gods); a younger descendant (g.).

yuvant a. = prec. adj.

yuvanyu a. juvenile.

yuvayu a. longing for both of you.

yuvarāja m. young king i.e. heir-apparent, crown prince.

yuvarājatva n. the rank of an heir-apparent.

yuvarājya n. the rank of an heir-apparent.

yuvaśa a. young; m. a youth.

yuvāku a. belonging or devoted to both of you.

yuṣma pron. st. (pl.) of 2d pers. (°--yuṣmā & yuṣmad).

yuṣmadīya a. your, yours.

yuṣmadvidha a. one like you.

yuṣmāka a. your, yours.

yuṣmādatta a. given by you.

yuṣmādṛś a. one like you.

yuṣmādṛśa a. one like you.

yuṣmānīta a. led by you.

yuṣmāvant a. belonging to you.

yuṣmeṣita a. sent by you.

yuṣmota a. befriended by you.

yūka m. ā f. house.

yūtha n. m. heat, troop, multitude.

yūthanātha m. protector or leader of a herd or troop.

yūthapa m. the same.

yūthapati m. the same.

yūthapāla m. the same.

yūthaśas adv. in troops or herds.

yūthikā f. a kind of jasmine.

yūthya a. belonging to a herd or troop; f. ā herd, flock, troop.

yūna n. band, cord, string.

yūpa m. post, esp. the stake to which the sacrificial victim is fastened, poss. -vant.

yūpāhuti f. offering at the erection of the sacrificial post.

yūyuvi a. removing.

yūṣa m. n. broth, soup.

yūṣan (only weak cases) & yūs (only nom.) = prec.

yena (instr. adv. & conj.) whither, where, in what manner, wherefore, why, that (quod or ut).

yeṣ yeṣati v boil up, bubble. --
     nis boil or sweat forth.

yeṣṭha (superl.) going most quickly.

yoktavya a. to be set to work, to be applied or appointed, to be collected or concentrated, to be endowed or furnished with (instr.); n. impers. preparations are to be made for (loc.).

yoktṛ m. harnesser, driver.

yoktra n. band, cord, halter.

yoktraraśmi m. du. halter and bridle.

yoga m. yoking, harnessing, drive, yoke, team; fitting out (an. army), fixing (an arrow); setting to work, use, application; means, expedient, trick, stratagem, art, fraud, deceit, magic, charm; enterprise, work; union, combination, relation, contact with (instr. ±saha or --°); conjunction (of stars); pursuit, acquisition, property; succession, order, fitness, propriety; effort, endeavour, zeal, attention; collection or concentration of the mind, meditation. contemplation, N. of a phil. system; etymology & etym. meaning of a word, grammatical construction, rule or aphorism (g.). -- Instr. & abl. in the right way, as is proper, according to, by means or in consequence of (--°).

yogakṣema m. (n.) sgl., m. pl. (du.) security or secure possession of property; fortune (esp. if destined for pious uses), prosperity, welfare; -maṃ vah get a pers. (dat.) a livelihood.*

yogakṣemakara a. causing welfare.

yogadharmin a. devoted to meditation.

yogadhāraṇā f. perseverance in devotion.

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yoganidrā f. contemplative sleep, i.e. a state between sleeping and waking, slumber, esp. that of Viṣṇu at the end of an age of the world.

yogabhraṣṭa a. fallen from devotion.

yogamāyā f. magic, charm, spell.

yogayajña m. the sacrifice of devotion.

yogayātrā f. the way of meditation, T. of a work.

yogayukta a. sunk in meditation.

yogarocanā f. a cert. magical ointment.

yogavant a. joined, united; adhering to the Yoga system.

yogavid a. knowing the (right) means or the Yoga system.

yogavibhāga m. division of a rule (g.).

yogaśāstra n. the Yoga doctrine.

yogastha a. persevering in devotion.

yogācārya m. a teacher of the art of magic or of the Yoga system.

yogātman a. whose essence or nature is devotion or the Yoga system.

yogāyoga m. du. propriety or impropriety.

yogitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq. adj. (--°); n. also abstr. to seq. m.

yogin a. united or connected with, relating to (--°); m. a Yogin, a follower of the Yoga system (f. -nī), a devotee or ascetic i.g.; f. -nī also a kind of witch or female demon.

yogīśvara m. a master of sorcery or the chief among devotees, E. of Yajnavalkya.

yogeśvara m. = prec.

yogya a. fit for the yoke, i.g. fit, suitable, useful, conducive to, qualified for, capable of (gen., loc., dat., infin., or --°). m. beast for draught; f. yogyā setting to work, preparation, contrivance, practice.

yogyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec. adj.

yojaka m. harnesser, employer (--°).

yojana n. harnessing, yoke, team, drive, course, way, stage (a cert. measure of distance); direction, instruction, collection or concentration of the mind; arrangement, preparation, conjunction, combination (also f. ā).

yojanīya a. to be employed, to be joined with (instr.).

yojayitavya a. to be used or selected, to be furnished with (instr.).

yojya a. turned to (loc.), to be appointed or compelled to (loc. or --°); to be used or employed, to be added to (loc.) or furnished with (instr.).

yotra n. rope, cord.

yoddhavya a. to be fought, n. impers.

yoddhukāma a. wishing to fight.

yoddhṛ m. fighter, warrior.

yodha m. = prec.

yodhadharma m. the law for warriors.

yodhana n. combat, fight.

yodhanīya a. to be fought.

yodhamukhya m. chief in war, leader.

yodhavīra m. hero (in war).

yodhin a. fighting.

yodhīyaṃs a. more warlike.

yodhya a. to be fought.

yoni m. f., yonī lap, womb, vulva; place of origin or abiding, home, lair, nest, etc.; family, race, caste; source, spring; seat, place i.g.; adj. born among, sprung from (--°); yonitas by birth or blood.

yonisaṃkara m. mixture of caste (lit. origin), intermarriage.

yonya a. forming a womb or a receptacle.

yoṣaṇā (yoṣaṇā) f. girl, woman, wife.

yoṣan f. the same.

yoṣā f. the same.

yoṣit f. the same.

yos (only w. śam) welfare, happiness.

yaugaṃdharāyaṇa m. patron. of a minister.

yaugapada n. simultaneousness; instr. -padyena adv.

yaugapadya n. simultaneousness; instr. -padyena adv.

yaugika f. ī agreeing with the etymology or derived from it.

yautaka a. belonging privately to a person; n. gift, donation, private property, esp. a woman's dowry.

yaudha a. warlike.

yaudheya m. N. of a prince.

yauna n. relating to marriage or connected by it; n. matrimonial connection.

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yauvana n. youth.

yauvanavant a. youthful, young.

yauvanaśrī f. the beauty or bloom of youth.

yauvanasukha n. the joys of love (lit. of youth).*

yauvanastha a. being in (the bloom of) youth.

yauvanārambha m. first (lit. beginning of) youth, juvenility.*

yauvanīya a. young, juvenile.

yauvarājya n. the rank of an heir-apparent, -stha a. having this rank.

yauṣiṇya n. womanhood.

yauṣmāka a. your, yours.

yauṣmākīna a. your, yours.

ra (--°) possessing, having.

raṃsu a. delightful.

raṃsujihva a. sweet-tongued (Agni)

raṃh rahate rahati v pp. raṃhita M. run, hasten, A. make run or hasten. C. raṃhayati rahate rahati, pp. raṃhita M. run, hasten, A. make run or hasten. C. raṃhayate = S. -- Cf. rārahāṇa.

raṃhas n. speed, swiftness.

raṃhi f. running, a running stream; speed, haste, flight.

rakāra m. the sound ra.

rakta a. dyed, coloured, red, charming, beautiful, excited, agitated, impassioned, fond of (loc., gen., or --°), delighted with (instr.), loving, enamoured. f. ā lac; n. blood, *saffron.

raktaka a. red, bloody.

raktakaṇṭha f. ī sweet-voiced; m. the Indian cuckoo.

raktakaṇṭhin a. = prec. a.

raktakadamba m. a red Kadamba (flower).

raktacandana n. red sandal.

raktacchada a. red-leaved; abstr. -tva n.

raktatā f. -tva n. redness.

raktadant a. having red (i.e. dirty) teeth.

raktanetra a. red-eyed; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

raktapāda m. red-foot (a bird).

raktapuṣpa [1] n. a red flower.

raktapuṣpa [2] a. red-flowered.

raktabhāva a. enamoured.

raktamukha a. red-mouthed.

raktamūlaka m. a kind of mustard.

raktamokṣa m. -ṇa n. blood-letting, bleeding.

raktavarṇa [1] m. red colour.

raktavarṇa [2] a. red-coloured.

raktavāsas a. clad in red.

raktavāsin a. clad in red.

raktasaṃkoca n. safflower.

raktākṣa f. ī red-eyed.

raktābha a. having a red appearance.

raktāmbara [1] n. a red garment.

raktāmbara [2] a. wearing a red garment.

raktāśoka m. red-flowering Acoka.

raktiman m. redness.

raktimant a. charming, lovely.

rakṣ rakṣati rakṣate v pp. rakṣita protect, guard, keep, save from (abl.), take care of (acc.); beware of, prevent (acc.). C. rakṣayati protect from (abl.), save. D. rirakṣati wish to protect from (abl.). --
     anu guard or protect (by following).
     abhi & samabhi keep, protect.
     ā protect, guard from (abl.).
     pari keep, guard, watch, protect, save from (abl.), take care of, maintain, observe.
     pra preserve, rescue or deliver from (abl.).
     prati keep, observe.
     vi the same.
     sam guard, watch, keep, maintain, take care of, defend, save.

rakṣa f. ī protecting, guarding, keeping, watching; m. protector, keeper. f. ā guard, watch, protection, preservation; any preservative, esp. a sort of bracelet or amulet.

rakṣaka m. rakṣikā f. guardian, protector.

rakṣaṇa m. = prec. m.; f. ā & n. rakṣaṇa protecting, guarding, saving, preserving.

rakṣaṇīya a. to be guarded or protected, shunned or avoided.

rakṣapāla m. protector, guard.

rakṣapālaka m. -likā f. = prec.

rakṣas [1] a. protecting, cf. pathirakṣas.

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rakṣas [2] n. harm, injury, damage; harmer, N. of a kind of evil beings or demons (also rakṣas).

rakṣas -> asurarakṣasa.

rakṣastva n. demoniacal nature, malice.

rakṣasya a. anti-demoniacal.

rakṣasvin a. demoniacal, malignant.

rakṣākaraṇḍaka n. a basket as amulet.*

rakṣāgaṇḍaka m. a kind of talisman.*

rakṣādhikṛta a. appointed to protect; m. = seq.

rakṣādhipati m. superintendent of police.

rakṣāpati m. superintendent of police.

rakṣāpratisara m. an amulet (for protection).

rakṣāmaṅgala n. ceremony (performed) for protection.

rakṣāmaṇi m. a jewel as talisman.

rakṣāvant a. enjoying protection, guarded by (instr.).

rakṣi -> pathirakṣi.

rakṣitavya a. to be guarded or protected from (abl.).

rakṣitṛ m. keeper, guardian, protector.

rakṣin a. protecting, guarding; bewaring of (--°); m. = prec.

rakṣoghna a. driving back or killing Rākṣasas.

rakṣojana m. pl. the band of Rākṣasas.

rakṣodevatā f. pl. the deities of the Rākṣasas.

rakṣodevatya a. having the Rākṣasas as deities.

rakṣodaivata a. having the Rākṣasas as deities.

rakṣoyuj m. comrade of the Rākṣasas.

rakṣohatya n. the killing of Rākṣasas.

rakṣohan f. -ghnī = rakṣoghna.

rakṣṇa m. protection, guard.

rakṣya  = rakṣaṇīya.

raghīyaṃs (compar.) lighter (in weight).

raghu f. raghvī running, swift, fleet, light; m. runner, courser; N. of an ancient king, pl. his race.

raghunandana m. Raghu's son i.e. Rāma.

raghunātha raghunāyaka & raghupati v the chief of the Raghus, i.e. Rāma.

raghupatvan a. flying quickly.

raghumanyu a. quick-tempered.

raghuyant a. moving quickly.

raghuyā (instr. adv.) quickly, lightly.

raghuyāman a. moving lightly.

raghuvaṃśa m. the race of Raghu, T. of a poem.

raghuvara m. the best or the hero of the Raghus, i.e. Rāma.

raghuvīra m. the best or the hero of the Raghus, i.e. Rāma.

raghuvartani a. rolling or moving quickly.

raghuṣyad a. rapid, swift.

raṅka m. starveling, beggar.

raṅku m. a kind of deer or antelope.

raṅg raṅgati v move hither and thither, rock.

raṅga m. colour, hue; theatre, play-house, stage, arena.

raṅgadvāra n. prologue (d.).

raṅganātha m. a man's name.

raṅgabhūmi f. place for acting, stage, arena.

raṅgamaṅgala n. a cert. theatrical ceremony.

raṅgamaṇḍapa s. play-house, theatre.

raṅgavāṭa s. place for contest or plays; stage, theatre.

raṅgāṅgaṇa n. place for a public show.

raṅgāvataraṇa n. entering on the stage, the profession of an actor.

raṅgāvatāraka a. who enters the stage, m. an actor.

raṅgāvatārin a. who enters the stage, m. an actor.

raṅgin a. attached or devoted to, also = prec. a.

raṅgh raNGate hasten, run.

raṅghas n. haste, speed.

rac racayati v pp. racita (q.v.) produce, form, make (also w. 2 acc.); contrive, arrange, prepare; cause, effect; compose, write; place or fix on or in (loc.). --
     ā arrange, prepare; write, compose; put on, furnish with (instr.).
     upa produce, make, form, cause, effect.
     vi produce, fabricate, construct, cause, effect, arrange, prepare; compose, write; invent, find out; put, place, fix on or in (loc.); furnish with (instr.).

racana n. arranging, managing, preparing, writing, composing; f. ā arrangement, disposition, preparation, contrivance, bringing about, putting in or on, finding out, invention, fiction; style, literary composition.

racayitṛ m. composer, author.

racita a. produced, arranged, prepared, made of (instr. or --°), composed or written, placed or fixed on, turned towards (loc.), provided or occupied with (instr. or --°).

racitārtha a. who has attained his object.

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raj rañj rajyati rajyata, pp. rakta v (q.v.) be coloured or red, be exited or agitated, be affected with a strong feeling, esp. be delighted with, fond of, be in love with or have pleasure in (loc.). C. rañjayati (rajayati), pp. rañjita colour, redden; brighten, illumine; rejoice, delight, please, satisfy. --
     anu be coloured or reddened after, take the tinge of, be delighted with, feel affection towards (acc. or loc.). C. colour after or according to (instr.); brighten, exalt, gratify, win, conciliate.
     apa lose colour; C. estrange, alienate (acc.).
     abhi be charmed or delighted with (instr.).
     upa eclipse, cast a shade upon (loc.).
     vi lose colour, become cold or indifferent towards (abl. or loc.).
     sam be coloured or reddened. C. colour, redden, rejoice, gratify. -- Cf. anurakta aparaktra uparakta virakta saṃrakta.

raja m. dust, the pollen of flowers, a man's name.

rajaḥkaṇa m. a grain of dust, pl. dust.

rajaka m. (rajikā & rajakī f.) washerman (woman), who is also a dyer (a mixed caste).

rajata a. whitish, silver-coloured, silvery; n. silver.

rajatapātra n. silver vessel.

rajatabhājana n. silver vessel.

rajatamaya f. ī made of silver, silver.

rajatānvita a. adorned with silver.

rajana f. ī colouring; m. ray, beam, N. of a man, f. ī night.

rajani f. = rajanī (v. prec.).

rajanikara m. the moon (night-maker).

rajanicara m. a Rākṣasa (night-rover).

rajanirākṣasī f. night regarded as a Rākṣasī.

rajanīcara m. night-walker, the moon or a Rākṣasa.

rajanīpati m. the moon (lord of night).

rajanīmukha n. evening, (beginning of night).

rajanīramaṇa m. the moon (husband or lord of night).

rajanīśa m. the moon (husband or lord of night).

rajayitrī f. a female dyer.

rajaḥśaya a. of silver.

rajas n. atmosphere, air, esp. the lower region of clouds and vapours (opp. div or rācana); the sky (conc. also as twofold, rajasī) mist, gloom (i.g.); dust, pollen of flowers, any small particle of matter; foulness, impurity, esp. the menstrual secretion, darkness or soul-darkening passion (ph.).

rajasa a. obscure, dark.

rajaska (adj. --°) = rajas.

rajasya a. vaporous, dusty.

rajasvala a. dusty or full of passion; f. ā menstruating, a woman during the menses.

raji [1] m. N. of a demon or king.

raji [2] f. direction.

rajiṣṭha (superl.) straightest or most honest.

rajomegha m. a cloud of dust.

rajjavya n. materials for a rope.

rajju (rajjū) f. cord, rope.

rajjuka (adj. --°) = prec.

rajjudāla m. a kind of tree or = seq.

rajjudālaka m. the wild fowl.

rajjupīṭhikā f. a kind of rope-ladder.

rajjupeḍā f. a rope-basket.

rajjubandha m. fettering with ropes.

rajjumaya a. consisting of ropes.

rajjulamba m. a hanging rope.

rajjuvāla -> rajjudāla.

rajjusarja m. rope-maker.

rañjaka f. rañjikā colouring, dyeing; gladdening, charming, pleasing.

rañjana a. (f. ī) & n. = prec.; n. also colour.

rañjanīya a. to be rejoiced (at).

raṭ raṭati v pp. raṭita (q.v.) howl, yell, cry, roar. I. rāraṭīti scream aloud, croak. --
     ā = S.

raṭana n. cry, applause.

raṭaraṭāy raṭaraṭāyate v croak.

raṭita a. shouted at; n. cry, yell, sound.

raṇa m. joy, delight; (also n.) battle, fight about (--°).

raṇakarman n. battle, fight.

raṇakṛt a. causing joy or making war.

raṇakṣiti f. -kṣetra n. field of battle.

raṇatkāra m. rattling, humming.

raṇadundubhi m. battle-drum.

raṇapriya a. fond of war, warlike.

raṇabhū f. field of battle.

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raṇabhūmi f. field of battle.

raṇamukha n. raṇamūrdhan m., raṇaśiras & raṇaśīrṣa n. the front of battle or the van of an army.

raṇaraṇaka m. longing for, ardent desire; love or the god of love.

raṇarasika a. fond of war, pugnacious.

raṇalakṣmī f. the fortune of the goddess of war.

raṇaśikṣā f. the art or science of war.

raṇaśūra m. hero in war, warrior.

raṇaśauṇḍa a. experienced in war.

raṇasthāna n. battle-place.

raṇāṅgaṇa n. the same.

raṇāṅgana n. the same.

raṇājira n. the same.

raṇātodya n. war-drum.

raṇāvani f. field of battle.

raṇita a. & n. tinkling, rattling, humming.

raṇitṛ m. who rejoices in (loc.).

raṇḍā f. a slut or widow.

raṇya a. delightful, pleasant; n. pleasure, delight, war, battle.

raṇv raṇvati v pp. raṇvita (q.v.) delight.

raṇva a. delightful, lovely, also = seq.

raṇvasaṃdṛś a. of lovely appearance.

raṇvita a. merry, gay.

rata a. content, happy, glad, merry; pleased with, devoted to, fond of (loc., instr., or --°); dallying or having sexual intercourse with (--°).

rati f. rest, repose, quiet, comfort, pleasure in (loc. or --°); the pleasure of love, sexual intercourse (person. as the wife of the god of love).

ratikara f. ī causing joy or being in love, enamoured.

ratikriyā f. sexual intercourse.

ratijña a. skilled in love.

ratipati m. Rati's husband (cf. seq.).

ratiprīti f. du. Rati and Prīti (the wives of the god of love).

ratibandhu m. husband, lover.

ratimant a. cheerful, gay; accompanied by Rati.

ratiramaṇa m. Rati's lover i.e. the god of love.

ratirasa [1] m. sexual enjoyment.

ratirasa [2] a. sweet as love.

ratisaṃyoga m. sexual intercourse.

ratisarvasva n. the fulness of delight.

ratisahacara m. the god of love (Rati's husband).

ratīśa m. the god of love (Rati's husband).

ratotsava m. the feast of love.

ratna a. gift, present, riches, treasure, esp. precious stone, jewel, pearl; often --° the jewel called --, a jewel of i.e. the best of; °-- set or adorned with jewels.

ratnakumbha m. a jar set with jewels.*

ratnagarbha a. filled with jewels; f. ā the earth.

ratnacchāyā f. splendour of jewels.

ratnatalpa m. a couch set with jewels.

ratnadīpa m. jewel-lamp (i.e. a lamp with jewels serving as light).

ratnadha a. bestowing riches or blessings; superl. -dhātama.

ratnadhā a. bestowing riches or blessings; superl. -dhātama.

ratnadheya n. abstr. to prec.

ratnanidhi m. receptacle of pearls or jewels, E. of the sea, mount Meru, & Viṣṇu.

ratnaparvata m. jewel mountain, E. of Meru.

ratnapura n. N. of a city.

ratnapradīpa m. = ratnadīpa.

ratnaprāsāda m. a palace adorned with jewels.

ratnabhāj a. distributing or possessing treasures.

ratnabhājana n. jewel-box.*

ratnabhāṇḍa n. jewel-box.*

ratnabhūta a. jewel-like (lit. being a j.).

ratnamaya f. ī made of jewels or pearls.

ratnamālā f. a pearl necklace (poss. -lin); T. of sev. works (also --°).

ratnaratna n. the jewel of jewels.

ratnarāśi m. heap or collection of jewels.

ratnavant a. abounding in gifts or jewels.

ratnavardhana m. names of men.

ratnavarman m. names of men.

ratnaṣaṣṭhī f. a cert. observance.*

ratnasū a. producing jewels (the earth).

ratnahavis n. N. of a cert. oblation.

ratnākara m. jewel-mine, the sea.

ratnāṅkura s. small (lit. sprout of) a pearl.

ratnāṅgurīyaka n. a ring set with jewels.

ratnāṅgulīyaka n. a ring set with jewels.

ratnāvalī f. pearl necklace, a woman's name; T. of a play.

ratnin a. abounding in gifts or jewels.

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ratha [1] m. waggon, esp. war-chariot, also any vehicle of the gods; charioteer, warrior, champion, hero.

ratha [2] m. pleasure, joy.

rathakāra m. wheelwright.

rathakṛt m. wheelwright.

rathaketu m. the banner of a chariot.

rathaghoṣa m. the sound of a chariot.

rathacakra n. chariot-wheel (foot).

rathacaraṇa n. chariot-wheel (foot).

rathacaryā f. (often pl.) going by carriage.

rathajaṅghā f. the hinder part of a carriage.

rathajit [1] a. winning chariots.

rathajit [2] a. winning affection, charming.

rathajñāna n. knowledge of chariots, skill in driving; poss. -nin.

rathatur a. speeding or overtaking a chariot.

rathadhur f. the pole of a carriage.

rathanābhi f. nave of a chariot-wheel.

rathanemi f. the rim of a chariot-wheel.

rathapatha m. carriage-road.

rathaprā a. filling or furthering chariots.

rathabhaṅga m. the breaking of a carriage.

rathamārga m. = rathapatha.

rathamukha n. the front or forepart of a chariot.

rathayāna n. the going in a chariot.

rathayāvan a. going in a chariot.

rathayu a. wishing for chariots.

rathayuj a. yoking the chariot or yoked to it; m. charioteer.

rathayuddha n. a chariot fight.

rathayoga m. the team of a chariot.

rathayodha m. who fights from a chariot, a charioteer.

ratharaśmi m. waggon-string, trace.

rathary ratharyati v go in a chariot.

rathavant a. abounding in chariots; n. possession of chariots.

rathavartman n. carriage-road.

rathavāha f. ī drawing a chariot; m. chariot-horse or = seq.

rathavāhaka m. charioteer.

rathavāhana n. a movable frame to place carriages upon.

rathavijñāna n. -vidyā f. skill in (managing) chariots.

rathavimocana n. unyoking of a chariot; -nīya a. relating to it.

rathavīthī f. = rathapatha.

rathavega m. the speed of a chariot.

rathaśikṣā f. = rathavijñāna.

rathaśiras n. = rathamukha.

rathaśīrṣa n. = rathamukha.

rathasaṅga m. throng of chariots.

rathastha a. standing on a chariot.

rathaspati m. the deity of comfort or chariots.

rathākṣa m. a carriage axle.

rathāṅga n. any part of a carriage, esp. a wheel, also a potter's wheel & the discus of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa. m. a kind of goose or duck.

rathāṅganāman m. = prec. m.

rathāṅgasaṃjña m. = prec. m.

rathāṅgasāhva m. = prec. m.

rathāṅgapāṇi m. E. of Viṣṇu.

rathāṅgin m. E. of Viṣṇu.

rathānīka n. an array of war-chariots.

rathārathi adv. chariot against chariot.

rathāroha m. charioteer or the mounting a chariot.

rathāśva m. carriage-horse, n. carriage & horse.

rathāhas n. rathāhva m., & rathāhvya n. a day's journey by carriage.

rathika m. owner or driver of a carriage.

rathin a. having or going in a carriage, carriage or cart-; m. charioteer or = prec.

rathira a. = prec. a. or quick, swift.

rathī a. & m. = rathin; as m. also guide, ruler, lord i.g.

rathīy only rathīyant moving in a chariot.

ratheśa m. owner of a chariot or a warrior fighting from a chariot.

ratheśubh a. hastening along in a chariot.

ratheṣā f. the pole of a carriage.

ratheṣu m. a kind of arrow.

ratheṣṭha a. & m. standing on a chariot, charioteer.

ratheṣṭhā a. & m. standing on a chariot, charioteer.

rathoḷha a. carried on a chariot.

rathoddhata a. proud of a chariot; f. ā N. of a metre.

rathopastha m. the seat (lap) of a chariot.

rathya a. belonging or accustomed to a carriage, chariot-; m. a carriage-horse. f. rathyā road, high-road. n. chariot-trappings or a wheel; a race or contest with chariots.

rathyāmukha n. mouth or entrance of a road.*

rathyopasarpaṇa n. walking on a road.

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rad radati radate v pp. radita scratch, gnaw, rend, dig open (a way), guide, lead into a course (a river), convey or bring to (dat.). --
     pra scratch, dig.
     vi separate, open.

rada a. scratching, gnawing at (--°); m. tooth.

radacchada m. lip (lit. tooth-covering).

radana m. tooth, tusk.

radanacchada m. = radacchada.

radanikā f. a woman's name.

radāvasu a. dispensing wealth.

radh randh radhyati v pp. raddha be or make subject to (dat.); harass, pain. C. randhayati (te) = S. trans. I. (rārandhi) subdue. --
     ni give into the power of (dat.).

radhra a. wretched, poor; a miser.

radhracoda a. impelling the miser.

radhracodana a. impelling the miser.

radhratur a. the same.

ran raṇati raṇate & raṇyati1 v be pleased, rejoice, take pleasure in (loc., r. acc.). C. raṇayati te delight a pers. with (instr.) or in (loc.), or = S. (w. loc.).

ran raṇati v pp. raṇita2 (q.v.) ring, sound, tinkle. C. raṇayati make ring etc.

ranti f. delight in (loc.).

rantideva m. N. of an ancient king.

rantṛ a. liking to stay with (loc.).

rantya a. delightful, pleasant.

randhana a. & n. destroying; n. also cooking, preparation of food.

randhanāy randhanāyati v make subject, deliver into the power of (dat.).

randhi f. subjugation; the being cooked.

randhra n. (m.) opening, cleft, hole, pit; defect, flaw, weak part.

randhrānusārin a. searching out the weak parts.

randhropanipātin a. rushing in through holes.

rap rapati v chatter, whisper; I. rārapīti = S.

rapas n. defect, fault, hurt, injury.

rapś rapśate v (S. only in seq.) be full. --
     pra reach beyond (abl.).
     vi be overfull, have plenty of (gen. or instr.).

rapśadūdhan a. having a full udder.

raph only pp. raphita brought down, wretched.

rabdhā f. food.

rabh rambh rabhate rabhati (rambhti te), pp. rabdha v (--° w. act. & pass. mg) take hold, seize, embrace. C. rambhayami & D. ripsate (only --°). --
     anu grasp, seize.
     ā take hold upon, touch, seize, lean or stay upon (acc.), reach to, attain; undertake, begin to (acc. or infin.).
     anvā take hold of from behind, hold on to (acc.).
     samanvā take hold of each other or together.
     abhyā grasp, touch, get at, undertake, begin.
     prā & samā the same.
     pari & saṃpari embrace (together).
     sam take hold of (each other), seize upon, partake of, enjoy (instr.); M. P. be excited or agitated.
     abhisam grasp, hold fast. -- Cf. ārabdha (sic!), ārabhya prārabdha sarabdha.

rabha m. N. of a monkey.

rabhas n. impetuosity, fierceness, violence; instr. adv. violently, furiously, rapidly.

rabhasa a. impetuous, fierce, violent, strong. m. = prec. + energy, zeal, ardent desire of (--°); °--, instr., & abl. = prec. adv.

rabhasvant a. impetuous, violent.

rabhi f. a cert. part of a chariot.

rabhiṣṭha (superl.) very impetuous or fierce.

rabhīyaṃs (compar.) the same.

rabhyas (compar.) the same.

rabhodā a. giving impetuous strength.

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ram ramate ramati ramṇāti v pp. rate (q.v.) tr. stop, fix, settle; gladden, delight, enjoy (esp. carnally); intr. stop, rest, stay gladly with (loc. or dat.); delight in, be pleased with or to (loc., instr., or infin.); be happy or content; dally or have sexual intercourse with (instr. ±samam saha sākam, or sārdham). C. ramayati or rāmayati = S. trans. --
     anu A. stop (intr.), stay; M. find pleasure or delight.
     abhi M. stop, stay; delight in, be satisfied or pleased with (loc. or instr. ±saha).
     upāva M. feel comfortable.
     ā A. stop, cease; take delight in (loc.), enjoy carnally (instr. ±samam).
     upā A. (M.) rest, repose, desist from (abl.).
     vyupā & samā the same.
     upa A. stop (tr.); A.M. stop (intr.), rest, stay repose; cease from, renounce, resign (abl.).
     vyupa A. M. come to rest, cease, desist from (abl.).
     ni M. go to rest, cease, end. C. nirāmayati stop, check, restrain.
     pari A. take pleasure in, rejoice at (abl.).
     vi A. (M.) stop, cease, pause, rest; desist from (abl.), renounce, resign (abl. or absol.). C. viramayati or virāmayati bring to rest or to an end. -- Cf. anurata uparata (add.), nirata (to be placed after nirañjana), virata.

rama a. gladdening, delighting (--°); f. ā fortune, riches, splendour, E. of Lakṣmī.

ramaṭa m. pl. N. of a people.

ramaṭaka m. pl. N. of a people.

ramaṇa f. ī = rama adj. -- m. lover, husband; f. ī mistress, wife, N. of a serpentmaid; n. joy, pleasure, esp. sensual pleasure, sexual intercourse.

ramaṇīya a. enjoyable, delightful, charming; f. ā N. of a singer.*

ramaṇīyajanman a. whose birth is pleasant, born under an auspicious star.

ramaṇīyaḍāmaratva n. delight and wonder.

ramaṇīyatā f. -tva n. loveliness, beauty.

ramati [1] f. a pleasant abode.

ramati [2] a. liking to abide, not straying.

ramānātha m. lord of Ramā i.e. Viṣṇu.

ramāpati m. lord of Ramā i.e. Viṣṇu.

rameśa m. the same.

rameśvara m. the same.

ramb rambate v hang down.

rambh [1] -> rabh.

rambh rambhati rambhate2 v roar, bellow.

rambha m. prop, support, staff, N. of an Asura etc.; f. ā the plantain, N. of an Apsaras etc.

rambhin a. carrying a stick; m. old man or door-keeper.

rambhoru f. -ru or -rū having beautiful (plantainlike) thighs.

ramya a. enjoyable, charming, beautiful.

ramyatā f. -tva n. charm, beauty.

ramyadāruṇa a. beautiful and terrible.

ramyāntara a. offering pleasant intervals.

raya m. current, stream, course, quick motion, haste; instr. & abl. quickly, rapidly.

rayi m. (f.) wealth, treasure.

rayida a. bestowing riches.

rayidā a. bestowing riches.

rayintama (superl.) very wealthy.

rayipati m. lord of wealth or treasures.

rayimant a. wealthy, rich, opulent.

rayivant a. wealthy, rich, opulent.

rayivid a. obtaining or possessing wealth.

rayivṛdh a. rejoicing in wealth.

rayiṣac a. partaking of wealth.

rayiṣāc a. partaking of wealth.

rayiṣah a. ruling over wealth.

rayiṣāh a. ruling over wealth.

rayiṣṭhā a. wealthy (lit. standing in wealth); m. a rich man.

rayiṣṭhāna a. & m. = prec. (lit. a receptacle of wealth).

rayisthāna a. & m. = prec. (lit. a receptacle of wealth).

rayīyant a. wishing for wealth.

rarāṭa n. forehead (cf. lalāṭa).

ralā f. a cert. bird.

rallaka m. a kind of deer.

rava m. roar, howl, thunder, yell, cry; sound or noise i.g.

ravaṇa a. roaring, howling, singing.

ravata m. = rava.

ravatha m. = rava.

ravi m. the sun.

ravikiraṇa m. sun-beam.

ravitanaya m. the son of the sun; E. of the planet Saturn & of Yama.

ravitṛ m. crier, screamer.

ravibimba n. the sun's orb or disk.

ravimaṇḍala n. the sun's orb or disk.

ravisuta m. the son of the sun; E. of the planet Saturn & of the monkey Sugrīva.

raśanā f. cord, strap, rein; girdle, esp. of a woman, adj. --° girt or surrounded by.

raśanākalāpa m. a woman's girdle twisted of several strings.

raśman m. rein (only instr. raśmā & --°).

raśmi m. (f.) line, cord, trace, rein, whip, measuring rope; ray or beam of light.

raśmijāla n. a net or garland of rays.

raśmipuñja m. heap or multitude of rays.

raśmimant a. having rays, radiant; m. the sun.

raśmimaya a. consisting of rays.

raśmimālin a. garlanded with rays.

raśmivant a. & m. = raśmimant.

ras rasati rasate v pp. rasita1 (q.v.) roar, howl, cry, sound. --
     abhi neigh to (acc.).
     ā & vi roar, scream. -- Cf. anurasita ārasita.

ras rasati rasyati rasayati te2 v taste, relish, feel, perceive.

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rasa m. the sap or juice of plants and fruits, fluid, liquid i.g., poet. = water; the best or finest or strongest part of anything, its essence or bloom; taste or the organ of taste, relish or inclination for, desire of (loc. ±upari or --°), any object of taste or enjoyment; pleasure, charm, beauty; feeling, sentiment, affection; style, character (esp. of a work of art). --f. rasā moisture, humidity, N. of a river & a mythol. stream; the lower world, hell.

rasaguṇa a. possessing the quality of taste.

rasaja a. produced from liquids.

rasajña a. knowing tastes (lit. & fig.), i.g. judicious, wise, familiar with (loc. or --°), abstr. -tā f. --n. & f. ā tongue.

rasana [1] n. roaring, screaming, sounding i.g.

rasana [2] m. phlegm; f. ā tongue; n. tasting, feeling.

rasanīya a. what is tasted.

rasaprabandha m. poetical composition, esp. a drama.

rasamaya f. ī consisting of juice or fluids.

rasayati s. tasting.

rasayitavya a. to be tasted, tasty.

rasayitṛ m. taster.

rasavattā f. abstr. to seq.

rasavant a. juicy, savoury; pithy, strong; graceful, elegant.

rasavarjam adv. except taste.

rasavikrayin m. liquor-seller.

rasavid a. knowing tastes or having good taste (lit. & fig.).

rasātala n. the lower world, hell.

rasātmaka a. whose essence is juice or taste; juicy, tasteful, elegant.

rasādhika a. full of taste or enjoyments.

rasāntara n. another taste, sentiment or character; difference of tastes.

rasāntaravid a. knowing the different tastes.

rasāyana n. medicine for prolonging life, an elixir.

rasāyya a. juicy, tasty.

rasāla m. the mango tree.

rasāśir a. mixed with juice (milk).

rasāsvāda m. the perception of enjoyment.

rasika a. having (good) taste; having a liking for, be fond of or familiar with (loc. or --°); tasteful, elegant. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

rasikajana m. elegant people.

rasita a. & n. roaring, crying, tinkling, sounding i.g.

rasitṛ [1] m. roarer.

rasitṛ [2] m. taster.

rasin a. juicy, pithy, strong, tasteful, elegant.

rasona m. a kind of garlic.

rasya a. palatable, tasty, savoury.

rah rahati v pp. rahita (q.v.) leave, desert, abandon. C. rahayati = S. or cause to leave etc. --
     vi C. abandon, desert. -- Cf. virahita.

raha (°--) = rahas.

rahaṇa n. abandonment, separation.

rahas n. solitude, lonely place, as adv. secretely.

rahasū f. bringing forth (a child) in secret.

rahasya a. secret, private; n. a secret, mystical doctrine, mystery, also adv. = rahas.

rahasyadhārin a. keeping a secret.

rahasyabheda m. -bhedana n. disclosure of a secret.

rahasyasaṃrakṣaṇā f. the keeping of a secret.

rahasyākhyāyin a. telling a secret or making secret reports.

rahaḥstha a. being in private, alone.

rahita a. left, deserted, alone; destitute of, wanting (instr., °-- or --°).

rahūgaṇa m. pl. N. of a race of Rishis.

rahogata a. being in a lonely place, private, secret.

rāti rāte v pp. rāta1 (q.v.) give, grant, bestow. --
     sam = S.

[2] (--°) giving, bestowing.

rāyati3 v bark, bark at. --
     abhi bark at.

[4] -> rai.

rākā f. the goddess or the day of full moon; N. of a Rākṣasī & a river.

rākācandra m. full moon (cf. prec.).

rākāniśā f. the night of full moon.

rākāpati m. the full moon (husband of Rākā).

rākāramaṇa m. the full moon (husband of Rākā).

rākāśaśāṅka m. = rākācandra.

rākāśaśin m. = rākācandra.

rākṣasa f. ī belonging to the Rakṣas, demoniacal, m. an evil demon, a Rakṣas.

rākṣasatā f. -tva n., -bhāva m. the state or condition of a Rakṣas.

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rākṣasendra m. the king of the Rakṣas, Rāvana.

rākṣā f. lac (cf. lākṣā).

rāga m. colouring, colour, esp. redness; charm, loveliness; affection, feeling, passion; joy, pleasure, delight in, longing after, love of (loc. or --°); musical mode (6).

rāgadveṣa m. du. love and hatred.

rāgabandha m. manifestation of love or affection.

rāgamaya a. red or enamoured.

rāgalekhā f. line of paint; N. of a woman.

rāgavant a. = rāgamaya.

rāgātmaka a. consisting in passion.

rāgitā f. longing after, desire for (loc. or --°).

rāgin a. coloured, red; impassioned, loving, affectionate; attached to, fond of, delighting in (loc. or --°). f. -ṇī a modification of the Rāga (cf. s. v.).

rāghava m. descendant of Raghu, E. of sev. princes, esp. of Rāma.

rāghavapāṇḍavīya n. T. of poem.

rāṅkava a. beloNgiNg to the antelope called Ran1ku, made of deer's hair, woollen; m. a woollen cover.

rāṅga m. actor.

rāj rājati rājate rāṣṭi1 v reign, rule, direct, be master of (gen.); shine, glitter, be illustrious or eminent, distinguish one's self, appear as (iva). C. rājayati te rule, govern. --
     anu imitate.
     nis C. cause to shine or glitter.
     pari shine all around.
     vi = S. +excel, surpass (abl.).
     ativi shine very bright.
     anuvi follow (acc.).
     sam reign, rule (gen.). -- Cf. irajy.

rāj [2] (nom. rāṭ) m. sovereign, king.

rāja m. (only --°) prince, king, first or best of.

rājaka m. little king, also = rājan (--°); n. a multitude of kings.

rājakanyakā f. a king's daughter.

rājakanyā f. a king's daughter.

rājakartṛ m. king-maker (who sets a king on the throne).

rājakarman n. = rājakṛtya, also royal service.

rājakārya n. = prec.

rājakilbiṣin a. sinning as a king.

rājakīya a. royal, princely.

rājakumāra m. -rikā f. a king's son & daughter.

rājakula n. a king's or a royal family; the court of a king.

rājakṛt m. = rājakartṛ.

rājakṛtya n. a king's duty or business.

rājakriyā f. = prec.

rājagavī f. a kind of buffalo.

rājagāmin a. going to the king.

rājaguru m. councillor or minister of a king.

rājaguhya n. royal mystery.

rājagṛha n. a king's house, palace; n. (& f. ī) N. of a town.

rājaghātaka m. king killer, regicide.

rājajambū f. a species of date tree.

rājata n. silver, also adj. (f. ī).

rājatanaya f. ā a king's son & daughter.

rājataraṃgiṇī f. T. of sev. works.

rājatas adv. from the king.

rājatā f. -tva n. kingship, royalty.

rājadaṇḍa m. royal authority or a punishment inflicted by a king.

rājadanta m. principal tooth, front-tooth.

rājadarśana m. a royal audience (lit. the act of seeing a king).

rājadāra m. pl. a king's wife (wives).

rājadārikā f. a king's daughter, princess.*

rājaduhitṛ f. = prec.

rājadvār f. -dvāra n. the king's gate, gate of a palace.

rājadharma m. a king's duty; Pl. the laws relating to kings.

rājadharmabhṛt a. maintaining & knowing the duties of a king.

rājadharmavid a. maintaining & knowing the duties of a king.

rājadhānī f. a king's residence; abl. -tas.

rājan [1] m. king, ruler (often of gods, esp. of Soma), a man of the military caste; f. rājñī queen.

rājan [2] s. direction, guidance.

rājanaya m. -nīti f. policy or politics (lit. royal conduct.

rājanya a. royal, princely; m. a man of the military caste; abstr. -tva n.

rājanyaka n. an assemblage of warriors.

rājanyakumāra m. a king's son, prince.

rājanyabandhu m. friend of a prince, also = rājanya m.

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rājanvant a. having a (good) king.

rājapaṭṭa m. a kind of precious stone.

rājapati m. a lord of kings.

rājapatnī f. a king's wife.

rājapatha m. principal (lit. king's) street.

rājaparivarta m. change of government (l. king)*

rājaputra [1] m. a king's son, prince (f. -putrī); a Rājpoot.

rājaputra [2] a. having princes as sons.

rājaputraka m. -trikā f. a king's son or daughter, prince, princess.

rājapumaṃs m. a royal servant.

rājapura n. -rī f. N. of a city.

rājapuruṣa m. = rājapumaṃs.

rājapūruṣa m. = rājapumaṃs.

rājaprakṛti f. minister of a king.

rājapriyā f. a king's favourite wife.

rājapreṣya m. royal servant; n. royal service.

rājabāndhava m. ī f. a royal relation.

rājabhaṭa m. a king's soldier.

rājabhavana n. a king's palace.

rājabhāva m. royalty.

rājabhṛtya m. a king's servant.

rājabhrātṛ m. a king's brother.

rājamandira n. = rājabhavana.

rājamātṛ f. a king's mother.

rājamānatva n. the being radiant, brilliancy.

rājamānuṣa m. a royal officer.

rājamārga m. = rājapatha.

rājamukha n. a king's face.

rājayakṣma m. a kind of disease.

rājayakṣman m. a kind of disease.

rājayajña m. a king's sacrifice.

rājayoṣit f. a king's wife.

rājarāj m. a king of kings.

rājarāja m. = prec. (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); E. of Kubera.

rājarājya n. reign over all kings.

rājarṣi m. a royal sage.

rājalakṣaṇa n. royal sign or token.

rājalakṣmī f. royal fortune or splendour (often personif.).

rājaloka m. a company of kings.

rājavaṃśa m. a family of kings.

rājavaṃśya a. belonging to a royal family.

rājavat adv. like a king.

rājavadha m. a king's weapon.

rājavant a. having a king.

rājavallabha m. a king's favourite.

rājavidyā f. royal science, state policy.

rājavīthī f. = rājapatha.

rājaveśman n. a king's abode, palace.

rājaveṣa m. a royal garment.

rājaśāsana n. royal edict or order.

rājaśāstra n. royal science, state policy.

rājaśekhara m. N. of a poet.

rājaśrī f. = rājalakṣmī.

rājasa f. ī relating to passion (ph.); abstr. -tva n.

rājasaṃsad f. a king's court of justice.

rājasattra n. a king's sacrifice.

rājasadman n. a royal dwelling.

rājasabhā f. royal hall or assembly.

rājasarṣapa m. black mustard or the seed of it (used as a weight).

rājasiṃha m. king-lion, an illustrious king.

rājasuta m. ā f. a king's son or daughter.

rājasūnu m. = prec. m.

rājasūya m. n. a great sacrifice at a king's consecration.

rājasevaka m. a king's servant.

rājasevin m. a king's servant.

rājasevā f. king's service.

rājasyālaka m. the brother of a king's concubine.*

rājasva n. the property of a king.

rājahaṃsa f. ī a sort of goose or swan.

rājaharmya n. a king's palace.

rājahāra m. bringer of Soma.

rājādana m. a kind of tree.

rājādhirāja m. king of kings, supreme king.

rājādhiṣṭhāna n. royal capital.

rājādhīna m. subject or servant of a king.

rājānuja m. the younger brother of a king.*

rājānujīvin m. a king's servant.

rājānna n. food from a king.

rājābhiṣeka m. consecration of a king.

rājārtha royal property, treasury, abstr. -tā f.

rājārha a. worthy of a king, royal, princely; n. Agallochum.

rājāśva m. a strong (lit. royal) stallion.

rājāsana n. royal seat, throne.

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rājāsandī f. a stool to place the Soma upon (r.).

rāji f. streak, line, row.

rājī f. streak, line, row.

rājin a. shining.

rājimant a. striped.

rājila m. a kind of snake.

rājīmant -> rāji & -mant.

rājīkṛta a. striped, forming stripes.

rājīva a. striped; m. a cert. fish; n. a blue lotus-flower.

rājīvanetra a. lotus-eyed.

rājīvalocana a. lotus-eyed.

rājendra m. lord of kings.

rājopakaraṇa n. the ensigns of royalty.

rājopacāra m. homage or service rendered to a king.

rājopasevā f. royal service.

rājopasevin m. a king's servant.

rājñī -> rājan1.

rājya a. fit to reign, royal; n. (also rājya or rājya) kingship, sovereignty, reign, kingdom, country.

rājyacyuti f. loss of a realm, dethronement.

rājyabhaṅga m. decay of a realm.

rājyabhāj a. enjoying sovereignty.

rājyalakṣmī f. splendour of a reign.

rājyaśrī f. splendour of a reign.

rājyasukha n. the sweetness of sovereignty.

rājyastha a. being in a kingly office, reigning.

rājyasthāyin a. being in a kingly office, reigning.

rājyasthiti f. abstr. to prec.

rājyābhiṣeka  = rājā° & rājo°.

rājyopakaraṇa  = rājā° & rājo°.

rāta a. given (often °-- or --°).

rātahavis a. willing to present offerings.

rātahavya a. willing to present offerings.

rāti a. ready (to give); f. grace, favour.

rātin a. rich in gifts.

rātiṣāc a. granting favours, liberal, bounteous.

rātra n. night, mostly --° as m. or n.

rātraka f. -trikā nocturnal, nightly.

rātri -> rātrī.

rātrika a. nocturnal, nightly; --° after a num. lasting or sufficient for so and so many nights or days.

rātricaryā f. night-roving; a nightly act or observance.

rātrijāgara m. night-watching.

rātriṃdiva n. day and night, -divam also as adv. = instr. -divā by d. & n.

rātrimaya a. nocturnal.

rātrirakṣaka m. night-guard, watchman.

rātrivihārin a. roaming at night.*

rātriśeṣa m. the remainder or last part of a night.

rātrisattra n. a night ceremony.

rātrī (later rātri) f. night.

rātryahan n. du. night and day.

rātryāgama m. approach of night, evening.

rātryupāya m. the same.

rāthya [1] n. possession of chariots.

rāthya [2] a. fit for a chariot.

rāddha a. accomplished (n. impers. w. instr. of pers. & th.), ready, perfect, successful, happy.

rāddhi f. success, good fortune.

rādh rāghnoti rādhyate rādhyati v pp. rāddha (q.v.) succeed, prosper (of pers. & th.); be happy, have luck with (instr.); partake of, get at or to (dat. or loc.); *prophesy to (rādhyati w. dat.); accomplish, bring about; win over, gratify, conciliate. C. rādhayati bring about, satisfy. --
     apa miss (the mark), fail; be at fault, offend, sin against (loc. of th. or gen. of pers.).
     abhi C. satisfy, content.
     ava fail, make a fault.
     ā C. make happy, satisfy, conciliate, try to win, honour, serve (acc.); gain, partake of (acc.).
     upā serve (acc.).
     samā C. = ā C.
     prati counteract, oppose (acc.).
     vi be deprived of (instr.); hurt, injure, offend.
     sam C. agree about or upon (loc.); satisfy, content. -- Cf. aparāddha abhirāddha iradh.

rādha s. = seq.; m. a man's name; f. ā a cert. attitude in shooting, N. of Kṛṣṇa's foster-mother, of Kṛṣṇa's consort, etc.

rādhas n. favour, gracious gift, blessing, liberality, munificence.

rādhaspati m. lord of gifts.

rādhākānta m. the beloved of Rādhā i.e. Kṛṣṇa.

rādheya m. metron. of Karna and Bhīṣma.

rādhodeya n. bestowing wealth or showing favour.

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rādhya a. dark-coloured, black (m. ±śakuni a crow); charming, lovely, beautiful. -- m. a kind of deer, N. of three celebrated heroes etc. f. rāmā a dark or beautiful woman, mistress, wife, (young) woman i.g.; N. of an Apsaras etc.; f. rāmī darkness, night; n. dusk.

rāmakṛṣṇa m. a man's name.

rāmagiri m. N. of a mountain.

rāmacandra m. Rāma-moon, E. of Rāma & N. of sev. men.

rāmaṭha m. pl. N. of a people.

rāmaṇīyaka n. loveliness, beauty.

rāmatāpanī f. -tāpanīya n. T. of an Upanishad.

rāmatīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage.

rāmadeva m. E. of Rāma, N. of sev. men.

rāmanātha m. E. of Rāma, N. of sev. men.

rāmahrada m. Rāma's lake (a sacred bathing-place.)

rāmāyaṇa f. ī relating to Rāma; n. N. of an epic poem.

rāmeśvara m. a man's name.

rāmyā f. night.

rāyaskāma a. desirous of wealth.

rāyaspoṣa m. increase of wealth, a. = seq.

rāyaspoṣadā a. giving increase of wealth.

rāyaspoṣadāvan a. giving increase of wealth.

rāyaspoṣavani a. giving increase of wealth.

rāva m. roaring, crying, sound, noise.

rāvaṇa m. N. of a Rākṣasa (lit. causing to cry or lament).

rāvaṇi m. descendant of Rāvaṇa.

rāvan [1] a. giving, bestowing.

rāvan [2] a. sounding, calling (only --°).

rāvita n. sound.

rāvin a. roaring, sounding, crying like (--°).

rāśi m. heap, mass, multitude.

rāśiśas adv. by heaps.

rāśistha a. standing in a heap, heaped up.

rāśīkṛ A., -bhū P. heap or pile up.

rāṣṭra n. kingdom, sovereignty, country, region, people, subjects.

rāṣṭraka (adj. --°) = prec.

rāṣṭrakarṣaṇa n. harassing of a country.

rāṣṭragopa m. king (lit. protector of a kingdom).

rāṣṭrapati m. king (lit. protector of a kingdom).

rāṣṭrapāla m. king (lit. protector of a kingdom).

rāṣṭrabhaṅga m. decay of a kingdom.

rāṣṭrabhṛt m. dependent prince, tributary; f. pl. cert. sacrifices or sacrif. formulas.

rāṣṭrabhṛti f. -bhṛtya n. maintenance of dominion.

rāṣṭrabhedin m. rebel (divider of a country).

rāṣṭravardhana a. increasing dominion.

rāṣṭri f. female ruler.

rāṣṭrika m. inhabitant (subject or ruler).

rāṣṭrin a. holding a kingdom.

rāṣṭriya m. successor of a king, pretender; also = seq.

rāṣṭriyasyāla m. a king's brother-in-law (d.).

rāṣṭrī f. female ruler or manager.

rāṣṭrīya m. = rāṣṭriya.

rās rāsati rāsate v roar, howl. I. rārāsyate cry aloud, lament.

rāsa m. a kind of rustic dance (performed by Kṛṣṇa); play, sport i.g.

rāsabha m. -bhī f. ass.

rāsnā f. girdle; poss. rāsnāva.

rāspina a. noisy.

rāspira a. noisy.

rāhavīya a. belonging to Rāhu.

rāhitya n. the being without (--°).

rāhu m. the Seizer, E. of a demon supposed to swallow the sun and moon and thus cause eclipses.

rāhugraha m. the demon Rāhu.

rāhugrasana n. seizure & swallowing by Rāhu, i.e. eclipse of sun or moon.

rāhugrahaṇa n. seizure & swallowing by Rāhu, i.e. eclipse of sun or moon.

rāhūgaṇa m. patron. from rahūgaṇa.

ri rī riṇāti riṇīte rīyate, pp. rīṇa v A. let loose, sever from (abl.); cause to run or stream, emit, grant, bestow; M. flow, run, dissolve. --
     anu M. flow after (acc.).
     ā A. cause to run; M. run.
     ni loosen, unveil, tear asunder, destroy.
     nis sever from (abl.).
     vi hew asunder, cleave.
     sam put together, restore.

rikta a. empty, void; wanting, -less (--°) poor, indigent, worthless, vain.

riktaka a. empty, void, unladen.

riktapāṇi a. empty-handed.

riktahasta a. empty-handed.

riktha n. inheritance, property.

rikthagrāha a. receiving etc. an inheritance; m. heir.

rikthabhāgin a. receiving etc. an inheritance; m. heir.

rikthahara a. receiving etc. an inheritance; m. heir.

rikthāda a. taking an inheritance; m. heir.

rikthin a. poss. to riktha; m. heir or bequeather.

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rikh rikhati v = likh.

riṅkh riṅkhati riṅg riṅgati creep, crawl, move slowly.

riṅkhaṇa n. creeping, crawling.

riṅgaṇa n. creeping, crawling.

riṅgi f. going, motion.

riṅgin a. creeping, crawling.

ric riṇakti v pp. rikta (q.v.) leave, clear (a room), let go, let free; deliver up, part with, sell; leave behind, supplant. P.M. ricyate ricyate be emptied, be deprived of or freed from (instr.), be destroyed, perish. C. recayati make empty, give up, abandon; emit breath (±mārutam).
     ati M.P. leave behind, reach beyond, surpass, predominate over (acc. or abl.). C. cause to preponderate, overdo.
     abhyati M.P. be left in favour or for the sake of (acc.).
     vyati P. reach beyond, surpass, excel, differ from (acc. or abl.).
     ā cede, yield (dat. of pers. & acc. of th.).
     ud & pra M.P. reach beyond, exceed, preponderate over (abl.).
     vi M.P. the same, be emptied or purged. C. empty, purge. -- Cf. atirikta udrikta virikta vyatirikta.

rit a. flowing, moving.

rip only pp. ripta1 smear, stick, cleave to; cheat, impose upon (only riripus).

rip [2] f. cheat (abstr. & concr.).

ripu a. deceitful, treacherous; m. impostor, cheat, adversary, enemy, abstr. -tā f.

ripuṃjaya a. conquering foes; m. N. of sev. princes.

ripra n. dirt, impurity.

ripravāha a. removing impurity.

riph riphati rephati v pp. riphita snarl. --
     ava the same.
     ā snore.

ribh rebhati v crackle, creak, murmur, chatter, talk, sing, shout, praise.

riraṃsā f. desire of (sexual) enjoyment; -su a. lustful, lascivious.

rirakṣā f. desire to watch or guard.

rirakṣiṣā f. desire to watch or guard.

rirakṣiṣu (& rirakṣu) a. to prec.

ririkṣu a. wishing to hurt.

riś riśati v pp. riṣṭa (q.v.) tear, pull, bite off, crop.

riśā f. a cert. animal (tearer).

riśādas a. E. of the Maruts etc.

riśya m. = ṛśya.

riṣ riṣyati riṣyate reṣati v pp. riṣṭa1 (cf. riś) be hurt, receive harm, suffer wrong, fail, perish; harm, injure. C. reṣayati = S. tr., M. = S. refl. or intr. D. ririkṣati wish to harm.

riṣ [2] f. injury or injurer.

riṣaṇy ṇyati v fail, wrong.

riṣaṇyu a. injurious, malevolent.

riṣṭa a. torn, rent asunder, broken, hurt, destroyed, missed, failed; n. = seq.

riṣṭi f. bad luck, failure, misfortune.

rih reḍhi v pp. rīḍha lick, caress, kiss. I. rerihyate, pp. rerihat & rerihāṇa lick repeatedly, kiss. --
     ā lick, gnaw at (acc.).
     pari & prati the same.
     sam lick together.

-> ri.

rīti f. going, motion, course, stream; line, row; way, manner; style, diction.

rītyap a. streaming forth water.

ru rauti ruvati ravati ravate v pp. ruta1 (q.v.) roar, howl, shriek, croak, sound, thunder. C. rāvayati cause to roar or cry, fill with cries. I. roravīti rorūyate ti roar or cry out loudly. --
     abhi & ā roar etc. (at or against).
     pra roar or cry aloud.
     vi roar, yelp, shout, creak, rattle, tinkle; cry or call at. C. cry aloud, make resound. -- Cf. abhiruta viruta.

ru only rāviṣam2 & ruta (q.v.) crush.

ruṃṣ pp. ruṃṣita covered with dust, smeared, soiled.

rukma m. (n.) ornament of gold; n. gold.

rukmant a. shining (Agni).

rukmapāśa m. a string on which golden ornaments are worn.

rukmapuṅkha a. having a golden butt-end (arrow).

rukmapṛṣṭha a. overlaid with gold, gilded.

rukmamaya a. made of gold, golden.

rukmaratha [1] m. a golden chariot.

rukmaratha [2] a. having a golden chariot, E. of Droṇa.

rukmavakṣas a. golden-breasted (Maruts).

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rukmasteya n. stealing gold.

rukmābha a. bright like gold.

rukmiṇīśa m. E. of Kṛṣṇa (cf. seq.).

rukmin a. having golden ornaments. -- m. N. of an ancient hero, f. rukbhiṇī his sister, Kṛṣṇa's wife.

rukṣa a. shining, bright.

ruganvita a. visited by pains, ill.

rugārta a. visited by pains, ill.

rugṇa a. broken, crushed; n. cleft, fissure.

ruc rocate (rocati) v pp. rucita1 (q.v.) shine, be bright, make a show, appear beautiful or good, please (dat. or gen.); delight in (acc.), long for (dat.). C. rocayati rocate (ti), pp. rucita1 (q.v.) shine, be bright, make a show, appear beautiful or good, please (dat. or gen.); delight in (acc.), long for (dat.). C. rocayate A. cause to shine, illuminate, make bright or pleasant; cause a person (acc.) to like or long for (dat.); A.M. take delight in, approve, like (acc. or infin.); choose (2 acc.); intend, purpose; be agreeable, please (also P.). --
     ati shine over or outshine (acc.).
     abhi shine, be brilliant or splendid, please (dat.). C.A. content or satisfy with (instr.), entertain, amuse; A.M. take delight in, have a taste for, like (acc. or infin.).
     ud M. shine forth.
     upa M. approach with brightness.
     pra shine forth, be brilliant or clear, please. C.A. make shine, illumine, make agreeable or pleasant, commend, approve, like.
     prati M. please (acc.).
     vi M. shine forth, glitter, be bright or radiant, become visible, appear like (nom.), excel, outshine (acc.), appear good, please (gen.). C.A. make shine, illumine; take delight in (acc.).
     sam M. shine (together or in emulation). C.A. take delight in, approve of, resolve upon (acc.); choose for (2 acc.). -- Cf. abhirucita.

ruc [2] f. light, lustre, brightness, splendour, beauty, colour; appearance (--°); delight in, taste or longing for.

ruca a. bright, f. rucā pleasure, liking.

rucaka n. tooth; a cert. golden ornament, necklace; a kind of building.

rucay rucayate v shine.

ruci f. light, splendour, beauty, colour; wish, desire, pleasure in, taste for (loc., acc. w. prati, infin., or --°), appetite; adj. --° delighting in, eager or longing for. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

rucikara a. causing desire.

rucita a. shining, bright, splendid, beautiful, delicate, dainty.

rucira a. bright, splendid, beautiful, pleasant, agreeable to (gen. or --°).

ruciṣya a. pleasing, agreeable, desired.

rucya a. splendid, beautiful.

ruj rujati v pp. rugṇa1 (q.v.) break, crush down, destroy; pain, afflict. C. rojayati give one a blow upon (loc.). --
     ava break off.
     ā break open or asunder, tear out, lacerate, dislimb.
     pra break to pieces.
     vi & sam break, crush, rend.

ruj [2] a. breaking, crushing; f. grief, sorrow, pain, illness.

ruja a. = prec. adj.; f. rujā breaking, pain.

rujaskara (f. ī) causing pain.

rujākara (f. ī) causing pain.

rujāy pp. rujāyamāna causing pain, aching.*

ruṇḍa a. mutilated; m. (also -ka) cripple, a mere trunk.

ruta [1] a. sounding with (--°); n. roaring, shouting, neighing, singing (of birds), etc.

ruta [2] a. broken down, ill.

rutajña a. knowing the language (of beasts and birds); m. an augur.

rutavettṛ m. & rutābhijña a. = prec. m. & a.

rud roditi rudati roditi rudate rodati rodate v pp. rudita (q.v.) cry, weep, lament. C. rodayati cause to weep or lament. I. rorudyate weep very much. --
     anu weep after or for (acc.).
     pra burst into tears, begin to weep or lament; cry aloud; weep with (acc.).
     vi weep or cry aloud, sob.

rudita a. weeping, wet with tears; n. weeping, howling, crying.

rudra a. E. of sev. gods (as the red or howling); m. N. of the god of tempests (later identif. w. Śiva), ruler of the Maruts, pl. his sons, the Rudras or Maruts.

rudragarbha m. Rudra's offspring, i.e. Agni.

rudrajapa m. a cert. prayer addressed to Rudra.

rudrajāpaka a. reciting the Rudrajapa.

rudrajāpin a. reciting the Rudrajapa.

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rudradeva m. a man's name.

rudrayajña m. a sacrifice offered to Rudra.

rudravant a. accompanied by Rudra or the Rudras.

rudravartani a. E. of the Aśvins.

rudraśarman m. names of Brahmans.

rudrasoma m. names of Brahmans.

rudrāṇī f. Rudra's wife.

rudriya a. belonging to Rudra or the Rudras; m. sgl. & pl. the host of the Maruts; n. Rudra's power.

rudh rodhati1 v grow, sprout. --
     vi = S.

rudh ruṇaddhi runddhe (rundhati) (ruṇaddhi) (runddhe) (rundhate) (rodhati) v pp. ruddha2 obstruct, hold back, keep off, hinder, suppress, shut up, close, stop or fill up, besiege, invest, cover, veil. C. rodhayati te hold back, stop, cause to be confined or besieged by (2 acc. or acc. & instr.). --
     anu obstruct (a way), hem in, surround; fetter, master, govern; follow immediately (acc.); mostly P. rudhyate (ti) cleave or cling to, be devoted to, intent upon, engaged in (acc.); conform one's self to, have a regard for (acc.).
     apa keep or ward off, remove, expel or exclude from (abl.).
     ava hold back, keep away from (2 acc.), hold fast, confine in, shut up (loc., r. acc.); obstruct, hinder; surround, besiege; cover, veil; remove, expel from (abl.); cling or be devoted to (acc.). M. hold, contain; get, attain.
     samava shut up, confine; get, attain; P. be contained in (loc.).
     ā shut up, confine, invest, surround, besiege; ward off, expel drive away.
     upa the same, drive in (cattle); keep back, retain; molest, pain, harass, trouble, disturb, prevent; menace, compromise; cover, veil.
     ni hold back or fast, stop, overtake, check, restrain, obstruct, hinder, shut up, confine.
     saṃni hold back or fast, shut up, confine, check, restrain, suppress; stuff, fill.
     pari shutup, confine, keep back.
     pra hold back, obstruct, hinder.
     prati hold back, resist, disturb, trouble, shut up, confine; veil, cover.
     vi hinder, obstruct, restrain, suppress, surround, besiege, confine, shut up; M. be opposed by (instr.); P. virudhyate (ti) be opposed or contrary to (instr.); disagree, contend or fight with (instr. ±saha, gen., loc., or
     prati). C. render hostile, disunite, exasperate.
     sam drive in (cattle), confine, keep prisoner, invest, besiege, hold back, stop, detain, hold fast, fetter, withold, refuse; veil, cover. -- Cf. avaruddha (add.), uparuddha niruddha viruddha saṃruddha.

rudh [3] (--°) stopping, hindering.

rudhira a. red, bloody; m. the planet Mars; n. (rudhira) blood, saffron.

rudhirapāta m. flow of blood.

rudhiralepa m. stain of blood.

rudhiravarṣa n. blood-rain.

rudhirāśana a. drinking blood (Rākṣasa or arrow).

rup rupyati1 v have racking pain in the belly.

rup [2] f. the earth.

ruma m. N. of a man.

rumaṇvant m. N. of sev. men.

ruru m. a kind of deer.

ruruka m. N. of a prince.

rurukṣaṇi a. able to destroy.

rurutsu a. wishing to hold back.

rurudiṣā f. abstr. to seq.

rurudiṣu a. about to weep or cry.

ruvaṇy ruvaṇyati v scream, yell.

ruvaṇyu a. sounding, loud.

ruvatha m. lowing, bellowing.

ruśatpaśu a. having white cattle.

ruśadūrmi a. having bright waves.

ruśadgu a. having white cows.

ruśadvatsa a. having a white calf.

ruśant f. ruśatī light, bright, white.

ruṣ roṣati ruṣyati roṣati ruṣyate ruṣati ruṣate v pp. ruṣita1 & ruṣṭa (q.v.) be vexed, be cross or angry. C. roṣayati te vex, annoy, irritate. -- Cf. abhiruṣita āroṣita viruṣṭa saṃruṣita.

ruṣ [2] f. (nom. ruṭ) anger, wrath, rage.

ruṣā f. (only --°) = prec.

ruṣita a. enraged, irritated, wrathful, angry with (gen., loc., or acc. w. prati).

ruṣṭa a. enraged, irritated, wrathful, angry with (gen., loc., or acc. w. prati).

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ruh rohati rohate & (ruhati) (ruhate) v pp. rūḍha1 (q.v.) rise, mount up, climb, spring up, grow, develop, thrive; grow together, i.e. cicatrize, heal. C. roheyati & ropayati te raise up, erect, place on, fix, fasten, commit, intrust; grow (trans., i.e.) plant, sow; heal, cure (cf. S.). --
     ati rise beyond (acc.), grow higher.
     adhi ascend, mount (acc., r. loc.), w. tulām be a match for (instr.); rise into, get at, obtain paṃrā koṭim the highest degree). C. raise above, place or fix upon (loc. or acc.); put in, appoint to (loc.), intrust, commit to (loc.), bend (a bow).
     anu ascend, M. grow up or together.
     api & samapi grow together.
     abhi & samabhi mount, ascend, rise to (together).
     ava descend from (abl.) upon (acc.), tread on (loc.), enter. C. descend (tr.) or take down from (abl.); set, plant (trees); deprive of (abl.), decrease, diminish, destroy.
     ā mount, ascend climb; rise to (acc. or loc.), bestride, enter (also = inire, kakṣām = tulām, cf. sub
     adhi), spring forth, develop, increase; get to, arrive at, reach, attain. C. cause to mount, ascend, or enter (acc., w. tulām =
     saṃśayatulām expose to danger, compromise, w. pattram commit to paper, write down); set, plant; string (a bow); raise, promote; place in or upon, appoint to (loc. or acc.); cause, produce, show, betray.
     atyā exceed all limits.
     adhyā mount, ascend, enter; rise into the air. C. cause to ascend (2 acc.), promote or appoint to (loc.); falsely suppose or transfer to (loc.), exaggerate.
     anvā rise after (acc.), mount, ascend, enter, bestride.
     abhyā mount, ascend, rise to or above.
     upā mount, ascend, approach, get at (acc.).
     samā ascend or rise to or upon (acc. or loc.), approach (as friend or foe), enter upon, engage in (acc., w. tulām cf. sub
     adhi). C. cause to mount or ascend (2 acc. or acc. & loc.), load or place upon; raise, erect, promote, exalt; put in (loc. or acc.), deposit (the sacred fire), string (a bow), intrust, commit, transfer, attribute to (loc.); show, manifest.
     upa grow together; C. cause to grow together, heal.
     pra grow forth, sprout; grow together, cicatrize or heal; increase, thrive. C. plant, fix on or in (loc.).
     prati grow or sprout again; C. plant again, restore.
     vi grow out, germinate. C. cause to grow, plant, cause to cicatrize, heal; expel, remove from (abl.).
     sam grow, esp. grow together, cicatrize, heal; grow forth, germinate, appear. C. cause to grow etc., plant, sow = propagate (ātmānam refl.). -- Cf. atyārūḍha (add.), adhirūḍha abhyārūḍha avarūḍha ārūḍha uparūḍha nirūḍha prarūḍha virūḍha saṃrūḍha samārūḍha.

ruh [2] f. growing, sprouting, also a. = seq.

ruha a. growing on, springing from (--°).

rūkṣa a. rough, dry, arid, unpleasant, harsh, abstr. -tā f., -tva n., -bhāva m.

rūkṣaṇa a. & n. attenuating, emaciating.

rūkṣay rūkṣayati v make thin, emaciate, ±vi smear.

rūkṣavāc f. harsh language.

rūkṣasvana a. harsh-sounding, n. adv.

rūkṣīkṛ smear, soil.

rūḍha a. risen, mounted, grown; grown together i.e. healed, cicatrized; sprung up, produced from (--°); spread, public, notorious, traditional, special, conventional (cf. seq.).

rūḍhi f. mounting, ascent, growth, extent, publicity, notoriety; custom, traditional use, esp. of a word; special or conventional (opp. etymological) meaning.

rūpa n. (adj. --° f. ā, r. ī) outward appearance, colour, form, shape (often --° adj. -coloured or -shaped, -like, consisting of or in--), the right form i.e. beauty; nature, character, mark, peculiarity; circumstances; drama, play (cf. daśarūpa). -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

rūpaka a. figurative; m. a cert. coin; f. rūpakā bitch-fox or female jackal, rūpikā N. of a plant; n. form, appearance, shape, image, kind, species; a cert. figure of speech (rh.), a drama.

rūpakarūpaka n. a kind of Rūpaka (rh.).

rūpakāra m. maker of images, sculptor.

rūpakṛt a. forming, shaping; m. = prec.

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rūpaguṇa [1] a. possessing the quality of colour.

rūpaguṇa [2] m. beauty of form or appearance.

rūpaguṇopeta a. beautiful.

rūpaṇa n. metaphorical description; investigation, examination.

rūpatas adv. according to form, from without.

rūpadhara a. having the colour, shape, or form of (--°).

rūpadhārin a. having the colour, shape, or form of (--°).

rūpadhṛt a. = prec.

rūpabhṛt a. = prec.

rūpanāśin a. destroying form or beauty, disfiguring.

rūpay rūpayati v pp. rūpita form, model, figure; represent, perform (d.). --
     ni = S. (d.); behold, perceive, find out, try, examine, ascertain, fix, settle, determine, choose for (2 acc.); appoint to (loc., dat., or infin.).

rūpayauvanavant a. possessing beauty and youth.

rūpavant a. having form or colour, embodied, bodily; having the form of, shaped like, appearing as (--°); beautiful.

rūpaviparyaya m. change of bodily form.

rūpaśas adv. according to peculiar formation.

rūpaśālin a. handsome, beautiful.

rūpasaṃpad f. perfection of form, beauty.

rūpasaṃpanna a. endowed with beauty.

rūpājīva a. prostitute (lit. living by one's form or beauty); m. whore.

rūpidāraka m. a fine boy.*

rūpin a. = rūpavant.

rūpya a. to be (being) metaphorically indicated; n. silver.

rūpyada a. giving silver.

rūpyarajju f. a rope of silver.

rūra a. hot, burning.

rūṣ pp. rūṣita covered or smeared with, cleaving to (--°).

rūṣaṇa n. covering, smearing, soiling.

re interj. of address.

reku a. empty, void.

rekṇas n. (inherited) property, wealth.

rekṇasvant a. poss. to prec.

rekhā f. streak, line (r. rekha m.); also = seq.

rekhānyāsa m. drawing lines, a sketch.

reca m. -na n. emission of breath.

recaka m. -na n. emission of breath.

rej rejati rejate v A. shake (trans.); M. shake (intr.), tremble. C. rejayati = S. tr. --
     pra M. tremble; C. shake (tr.).
     sam M. tremble.

reṇu m. dust, pollen of a flower.

reṇuguṇṭhita a. covered with dust.

reta (°--) = retas.

retaja a. born from (one's own) seed (son).

retas n. flow, flood, gush, flow of semen, the seminal fluid itself, seed; offspring, progeny.

retasya a. conveying seed.

retasvant a. rich in seed, prolific.

retasvin a. rich in seed, prolific.

retaḥsicya n. -seka m. discharge of semen.

retaḥskandana n. the same.

retaḥskhalana n. the same.

retin a. rich in seed, impregnating.

retodhas a. impregnating; m. (±pitṛ) father.

retodhā [1] a. impregnating, fertilizing.

retodhā [2] f. -dheya n. impregnation.

repas n. spot, stain.

repha m. the snarling sound, i.e. ra.

rebha a. crackling, tinkling, splashing, sounding loudly; m. reciter, chatterer, N. of a man.

rebhin a. making resound (--°).

rebhila m. N. of a man.

rebhilaka m. N. of a man.

reriha a. licking constantly.

reva m. N. of a man; f. ā N. of a river ( = narmadā).

revant a. wealthy, rich, opulent, abundant, splendid; n. revat adv. -- f. revatī pl. the rich ones (fig. = the cows or the waters); N. of a lunar mansion (also sgl.); sgl. N. of a female demon, the wife of Balarāma, etc.

reśī f. pl. E. of the water.

reṣa m. hurt, injury.

reṣaṇa a. hurting; n. damage, failure.

reṣin a. hurting, injuring (--°).

reṣman m. whirlwind, storm-cloud.

rai m. (f.) possession, wealth, riches.

raikva m. N. of a man.

raitasa a. seminal.

raitika a. brazen.

raitya a. brazen.

raibhya m. patr. of sev. men, also a class of gods.

raivata f. ī descended from a wealthy family rich, opulent; N. of a Manu.

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raivataka m. N. of a mountain, pl. its inhabitants.

raivatya n. wealth, riches.

roka [1] m. brightness, light.

roka [2] m. rokas n. phenomenon of light.

roga m. infirmity, disease; sore place.

rogaghna a. removing sickness.

roganāśana (f. roganāghnī), & -hara a. = prec.

rogahan (f. roganāghnī), & -hara a. = prec.

rogārta a. visited by sickness, ill.

rogārdita a. the same.

rogāviṣṭa a. the same.

rogin a. sick, ill.

roca a. shining.

rocaka a. causing appetite.

rocakin a. having appetite (cf. ); delighting in (loc.).

rocana f. ī & ā shining, bright, beautiful; f. ā the bright sky, firmament, a cert. yellow pigment (cf. gorocanā); n. light, sheen, the ethereal space or (3) spaces (cf. rajas).

rocanāvant a. shining, light.

rocas n. brightness, light, sheen.

rociṣṇu a. shining, brilliant.

rociṣmant a. the same.

rocis n. light, splendour, beauty.

rocuka a. pleasant.

roda m. wail, lament.

rodana n. weeping.

rodas n. (only °-- & gen. du.) = seq. 1.

rodasī [1] f. du. heaven and earth.

rodasī [2] f. Rudra's wife.

roditavya n. impers. (it is) to be wept.

roddhavya a. to be closed or shut.

roddhṛ m. oppressor, besieger.

rodha m. obstruction, restraint, prevention, suppression; confinement in (loc.); siege, blockade; dam, bank, shore.

rodhaka a. investing, besieging (--°).

rodhana n. confining, investing, shutting up; restraining, suppressing.

rodhas n. dam, wall, mound, high bank, bluff.

rodhasvant a. having high banks (river).

rodhin a. keeping back, obstructing, hindering, preventing, disturbing (--°).

rodhra m. N. of a plant.

ropa m. planting (of trees).

ropaka m. planter; f. -pikā seed.

ropaṇa a. (f. ī) & n. putting or placing on, erecting, planting; causing to grow together, healing, curing.

ropaṇīya a. to be erected or planted.

ropayitṛ m. erecter, planter.

ropi f. pain in the bowels, colic.

ropin a. planting, growing (--°).

ropya a. to be planted or healed.

roma (--°) = rāman.

romaka m. pl. the Romans.

romaṇvant a. covered with hair, hairy.

roman n. hair (on the body of men or beasts), the feathers of a bird or the scales of a fish.

romantha m. ruminating, chewing the cud.

romarāji f. row or line of hair (esp. above the navel of women).

romarājī f. row or line of hair (esp. above the navel of women).

romavant a. = romaṇvant.

romaśa a. covered with thick hair, very hairy,

romaharṣa m. the erection of the hair on the body, a thrill or shudder; -rhaṣaṇa a. causing it.

romāñca m. = prec. m.; poss. -ñcita or -ñcin.

romālī f. = rāmarāji.

romāvalī f. = rāmarāji.

romodgati f. -dgama m. = romaharṣa.

romodbheda m. the same.

rora m. a cert. part of the body.

rolamba m. bee.

roṣa m. anger, wrath, fury against (--°).

roṣaṇa a. angry, wrathful, passionate, enraged at or against (gen. or --°).

roṣāgni m. the fire of wrath.*

roṣin a. wrathful, furious.

roṣṭṛ a. wrathful, furious.

roha a. rising, mounted on (--°); m. rising, growing, increasing, height.

rohaka a. riding, m. a rider.

rohaṇa m. N. of a mountain; n. mounting, ascending; entering in, riding, sitting, or standing on (--°); putting on, fastening; growing together, healing.

rohas n. elevation, height.

rohasena m. N. of a boy.

rohi m. a kind of deer.

rohiṇa m. a kind of tree.

rohiṇī -> rohita.

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rohit a. red (--°); f. a red mare or a doe.

rohita f. rohiṇī red, reddish. -- m. a red horse, a kind of deer or fish, a cert. form of rainbow, a man's name. f. rohiṇī a red cow or mare; (also rohiṇī) a cert. lunar mansion (personif. as a daughter of Dakṣa and the favourite wife of the Moon), N. of sev. myth. women.

rohitākṣa a. red-eyed; m. N. of a man.

rohitāśva m. N. of a man (lit. = seq.).

rohidaśva a. having red horses.

rohin a. rising, growing.

rohī f. a doe.

raukma f. ī golden, adorned with gold.

raukṣya n. roughness, harshness.

raudra relating to Rudra or the Rudras; Rudra-like i.e. fierce, violent, formidable, inauspicious, n. adv. -- m. a descendant or worshipper of Rudra, pl. a class of evil demons, N. of a people. n. fierceness, formidableness, horror (also -tā f.), N. of a lunar mansion.

raudra, f. relating to Rudra or the Rudras; Rudra-like i.e. fierce, violent, formidable, inauspicious, n. adv. -- m. a descendant or worshipper of Rudra, pl. a class of evil demons, N. of a people. n. fierceness, formidableness, horror (also -tā f.), N. of a lunar mansion.

raudrā f. ā and ī relating to Rudra or the Rudras; Rudra-like i.e. fierce, violent, formidable, inauspicious, n. adv. -- m. a descendant or worshipper of Rudra, pl. a class of evil demons, N. of a people. n. fierceness, formidableness, horror (also -tā f.), N. of a lunar mansion.

raudhira a. consisting of blood, bloody.

raupya (f. ī) made of silver, silver or silvery.

raupyamaya (f. ī) made of silver, silver or silvery.

raupyamāṣaka m. a Māṣaka (coin or weight) of silver.

raumya m. pl. a class of evil demons.

raurava f. ī coming from the Ruru (a kind of deer); m. a cert. hell.

rauhiṇa a. relating to Rohiṇī (cf. rohita); m. N. of a demon etc.

rauhiṇāyana m. a patron. name.

rauhiṇeya m. metron. of Bālarāma.

rauhī f. a doe (cf. rohī).

la m. the common name for all tenses & moods or verbal terminations.

lakāra m. the sound la.

lakuca m. a kind of tree, n. its fruit.

lakuṭa m. a club, poss. -ṭin.

lakṣ lakṣate lakṣati v mark, notice; cf. lakṣay.

lakṣa n. mark, sign, aim, prize; a lac i.e. one hundred thousand (also m.).

lakṣaka a. marking or indicating indirectly (rh.), n. = prec. n. (m.).

lakṣaṇa a. = prec. a.; f. ā aim, goal, indirect indication (rh.). -- n. mark, sign, token, characteristic, attribute, lucky or favourable mark, the genitals; accurate description, definition, designation, appellation, name, kind, species; aim, intention, direction; cause, occasion; adj. --° appearing as, relating to.

lakṣaṇavant a. showing lucky marks, marked with (--°).

lakṣaṇānvita a. endowed with auspicious marks.

lakṣaṇasaṃnipāta m. the impressing of a mark, branding.

lakṣaṇasaṃniveśa m. the impressing of a mark, branding.

lakṣaṇīya a. visible or imaginable.

lakṣaṇya a. serving as a mark or having good marks.

lakṣay lakṣayati (lakṣate) v pp. lakṣita (q.v.) mark, note, distinguish, define, signify, express, esp. indirectly (rh.), aim at, intend, mean, consider as, take for (acc. & acc. ±iva), know by (instr.), observe, examine; notice, perceive, behold. P. lakṣyate be marked, meant, or intended; be called or termed (2 nom.); be perceived or observed, appear, seem (nom. ±iva). --
     abhi mark, note, aim at, notice, perceive, behold; P. appear.
     ā upā & samā see, P. videri.
     upa mark, distinguish, define, express indirectly or figuratively (rh.), notice, observe, consider as, take for (2 acc.); see, behold, hear, learn. P. be seen etc., appear to be (nom.).
     samupa notice, perceive, observe.
     vi mark, notice, perceive.
     sam mark, see, hear, learn; P. videri. -- Cf. vilakṣita.

lakṣavedhin a. piercing or hitting the aim.*

lakṣāntara n. a distance of a hundred thousand (Yojanas).

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lakṣita a. marked with or knowable by (instr. or --°), aimed at, meant; expressed, esp. indirectly, abstr. -tva n. (rh.); noticed, observed, seen, heard, learnt, understood.

lakṣitavya a. to be defined.

lakṣin a. showing lucky marks.

lakṣīkṛ make a mark of, aim or point at; -bhū become the mark or aim of (--°).

lakṣmaṇa a. having marks or signs. -- m. the Indian crane, N. of Rāma's brother etc.; f. ā N. of sev. plants, a woman's name; n. mark, sign.

lakṣmaṇya a. serving as a mark, visible far and wide; m. N. of a man.

lakṣman n. mark, sign, token; any special mark or characteristic (good or bad).

lakṣmī f. (nom. lakṣmīs & lakṣmī) mark, sign; (±pāpī) bad sign or omen, (±puṇyā) good sign, good luck (also pl.); prosperity, wealth, splendour, esp. royal splendour or dignity (often personif.); beauty, grace, loveliness, N. of the goddess of fortune and beauty (often identif. w. śī q.v.).

lakṣmi (°--) = prec.

lakṣmīka (adj. --°) the same.

lakṣmīvant a. fortunate or beautiful.

lakṣya a. to be defined, to be expressed indirectly or implicitly (rh.); to be taken for or regarded as (nom.); to be aimed at, intended, noticed, observed; visible, perceivable, knowable by (instr. or --°). -- n. mark, aim, object, prize, a lac (100,000); appearance, pretence.

lakṣyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

lakṣyārtha m. the meaning expressed indirectly or implicitly.

lakṣyālakṣya a. visible and invisible, i.e. hardly visible.

lakṣyīkṛ  = lakṣīkṛ.

lag lagati v pp. lagna (q.v.) attach or fasten one's self to (loc.), cling to, adhere, approach, near, follow immediately, happen, occur, pass away. --
     ava abide, stay, tarry.
     ā cling to, adhere.
     vi cling or stick to (loc.). -- Cf. anulagna avalagna ālagna parilagna* pratilagna* (add.), vilagna saṃlagna.

laganīya n. impers. (it is) to be clung to (loc.).

laguḍa m. club, cudgel, poss. -ḍin.

laguḍaprahāra m. a blow with a cudgel.

laguḍahasta a. cudgel in hand.

lagna (loc. or --°) a. attached, stuck, held fast; following, immediately; clinging to, fastened on, intent on or about to (infin.); m. (n.) auspicious time or moment for (--°).

lagnakāla m. -dina n., -divasa m. auspicious time or day.

lagnavelā f. -samaya m. = prec.

laghaya laghayati v make light, lessen, diminish.

laghiman m. lightness (conceived also as a supernatural faculty), levity, fickleness, frivolity.

laghiṣṭha superl. & compar. to seq.

laghīyas superl. & compar. to seq.

laghu (f. laghvī & laghu) swift, quick, light, easy, soft, gentle (sound), pleasant; insignificant, small, low, mean; short (prosod.), young or younger. -- n. adv., w. man slight, despise (w. kṛ mock, scoff*).

laghukaumudī f. T. of a grammatical work (lit. the easy explanation).

laghukrama a. having a light step, hastening; n. adv.

laghugati a. moving quickly.

laghucitta a. light-minded, fickle; abstr. -tā f.

laghucetas a. little-minded, illiberal.

laghucchedya a. easy to be extirpated or destroyed.

laghūcchedya a. easy to be extirpated or destroyed.

laghutā f. -tva n. quickness, lightness, freshness, agility; smallness, insignificance, shortness (pros.); fickleness, frivolity; humbleness, meanness, contemptibleness.

laghupatanaka m. N. of a crow (lit. quickly flying).

laghupātin m. the same.

laghubhāva m. lightness.

laghubhrātṛ m. a younger brother.

laghuvāsas a. lightly or cleanly dressed.

laghuvikrama [1] m. a quick step.

laghuvikrama [2] a. stepping quickly, light-footed.

laghusattva a. of a weak character, abstr. -tā f.

laghuhasta a. light-handed, clever; p. -vant.

laghuhastatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

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laghuhṛdaya a. light-hearted, fickle.

laghūkṛ lighten, lessen, diminish, humble, despise.

laghūy laghūyati v slight, despise.

laghvāśin a. eating little or moderately.

laghvāhāra a. eating little or moderately.

laṅ s. the imperfect & its endings (g.).

laṅkā f. N. of the chief town in Ceylon & the island itself.

laṅga a. lame.

laṅgh laṅghati laṅghate v leap; mostly C. laṅghayati (te), pp. laṅghita spring over, go beyond (acc.); travel over (adhvānam); mount, ascend, enter; get off, escape; overstep, transgress; violate, offend; excel, surpass, outstrip. --
     ati C. transgress.
     abhi C. leap or step over, transgress, offend.
     ud C. the same + pass by, escape; pass or travel over (way).
     vi C. leap over, pass by; transgress, violate; neglect, omit; surpass, excel; wrong, offend.

laṅghaka m. offender.

laṅghana n. leaping, springing over (gen. or --°), mounting, rising to (--°), assault, capture, conquest; transgression, offence, repudiation.

laṅghanīya a. to be passed or travelled over; passable, attainable, transgressible; to be violated or wronged.

laṅghya a. the same.

lajj lajjate (lajjati) v pp. lajjita (q.v.) be abashed or embarrassed, be ashamed of (instr. or gen.) or to (infin.). C. lajjayati make ashamed, confound. --
     vi & sam = S. -- Cf. vilajjita.

lajjā f. shame, bashfulness.

lajjākara f. ī causing shame, shameful.

lajjāpayitṛ a. = prec.*

lajjāpayitṛka a. = prec.*

lajjāy pp. -yita = lajjita a. & n.

lajjālu a. bashful, modest.

lajjāluka a. bashful, modest.

lajjāvant a. full of shame, bashful, modest; abstr. -vattva n.

lajjāvaha a. causing shame, shameful.

lajjita a. abashed, embarrassed, ashamed of (instr. or --°); n. shame, bashfulness.

lañcā f. donation.

laṭ s. the present & its endings (g.).

laṭabha a. nice, pretty; f. ā a nice girl.

laṭaha a. nice, pretty; f. ā a nice girl.

laḍaha a. nice, pretty; f. ā a nice girl.

laḍḍu s. a kind of cake.

laḍḍuka s. a kind of cake.

laṇḍa n. excrement.

latā f. creeper, creeping plant or tendril, twig (often --° in comparisons); lash of a whip, string of pearls, a (slender) woman.

latāgṛha n. a summerhouse formed of creepers.

latāpāśa m. a sling or noose made of a creeper.

latāmaṇḍapa m. = latāgṛha.

latālaya m. dwelling (of an owl) made of creepers.

latāvalaya n. = latāgṛha, poss. -vant.

latāvitāna s. an awning or canopy formed of creepers.

latikā f. a small creeper or winding plant.

lap lapāta (lapāte) v pp. lapita (q.v.) chatter, prate, talk, lament. C. lāpayati cause to talk. I. lālapīti chatter senselessly, prattle, lālapyate (ti) wail, lament. --
     apa deny, refuse, conceal.
     abhi talk, speak of; name, call.
     ā address, speak to (acc.), converse with (samam or saha), say, tell (2 acc.). C. cause to speak, engage in conversation, question.
     ud C. = prec. C. or caress.
     samud raise the voice; (wail, lament*).
     pra prattle, chatter, talk, lament. C. compel to speak.
     vi wail, moan, chatter, talk confusedly or at random.
     sam converse, C. address. -- Cf. ālapita pralapita vilapita.

lapana n. mouth.

lapita n. chaff, humming.

lapsudin a. bearded (goat).

laba m. a cert. bird.

labdha a. caught, seized, taken; got, obtained (esp. °-- having caught etc.).

labdhanāman a. having gained a name, celebrated or famous for (--°).

labdhapratyaya a. having acquired confidence, abstr. -tā f.*

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labdhaprasara a. having got free course, let loose, unimpeded, bold.

labdhalakṣa a. experienced, versed in (loc.), lit. having hit the mark or won the prize.

labdhavarṇa a. learned, skilful, clever (lit. having learned the letters or got distinction).

labdhavya a. to be attained or received.

labdhāntara a. having got an opportunity, abstr. -tva n.

labdhāvakāśa a. the same.

labdhāvasara a. the same.

labdhāspada a. having got a situation.

labdhi f. acquisition, perception.

labdhṛ m. receiver, gainer, recipient.

labh labhate (labhati & lambhate) v pp. labdha (q.v.) catch, seize; meet with, find; obtain, get, receive; be capable of or able to, succeed in (dat. or infin.); possess, have, enjoy; perceive, know, learn, understand. P. be caught etc., be allowed or permitted; result, follow. C. lambhayati cause to take or receive (2 acc. or acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); get, obtain, find out, learn. D. lipsate (ti) wish to catch or obtain. --
     anu catch or seize from behind.
     abhi seize, touch, get, attain. D. wish to catch or seize.
     ā catch, seize, touch, take hold of (esp. the sacrificial animal to kill it); undertake, begin; gain, acquire, get, attain. C. cause to seize, touch, or begin. D. wish to touch or kill.
     anvā seize or touch (from behind); hold or stick to (acc.).
     upā touch, also = C. reproach, blame.
     samā take hold of, seize, touch, get, obtain, rub over, anoint.
     upa catch, meet with, find, obtain (P. fall to one's share), recover; conceive (garbham); perceive, learn, ascertain, understand, know as (2 acc.). C. let have or know.
     pratyupa receive back, recover.
     samupa get, obtain; learn, understand.
     pra seize; take hold of, get, obtain, also = C. take in, dupe, fool, mock.
     vipra = prec. C.
     prati receive back, recover, get, obtain; get it i.e. be punished; perceive, learn, understand, know as (2 acc.); wait for, expect.
     vi take asunder or away; get, procure; cede, surrender, yield. C. let a pers. have a th. (2 acc.).
     sam wrestle or struggle with (instr.), take hold of one another; obtain, receive.

labha -> durlabha & sulabha.

labhana n. obtaining, meeting with.

labhya a. to be found or met with, attainable, intelligible, suitable, fit, proper.

lam only lalāma, enjoy (sexually).

lampaṭa a. covetous, greedy for (loc. or --°).

lampā f. N. of a city & a kingdom.

lamb lambate (lambati) v pp. lambita (q.v.) hang down, sink; hang upon, cling to (loc., w. raśmiṣu let free); stay behind, tarry, lag, linger. C. laṃmbayati hang up, suspend; w. karam put the hand to (dat.). --
     ava hang down, descend, sink, sit down; hang, lean, rest, depend or rely upon, belong to (acc., r. loc. or instr.); take hold of, seize, uphold, maintain; take to, affect, pursue (acc.); linger, tarry. C. hang or let down, suspend on (loc.); seize, take hold of, support, uphold; load upon, impose.
     ā hang down; hang or lean, depend or rest upon, hold or stick to (acc., r. loc.); seize, take; support, maintain; take to, affect, pursue assume, show, exhibit.
     vyā hang down (from all sides), descend.
     samā cling to, lean or rely upon (acc.); take hold of, seize, assume; apply or devote one's self to (acc.). C. suspend on (loc.).
     ud C. hang, suspend.
     pari lag, loiter.
     pra hang down.
     prati C. hang, tie up.
     vi hang (on both sides) on (acc. or loc.); sink, descend; lag, loiter. C. suspend on (loc.); detain, delay, lag or loiter.
     pravi C. hang, suspend. -- Cf. avalambita ālambita ullambita (add.), pralambita (add.), vilambita vilambya samullambita.

lamba a. hanging down (intr.), hanging on or down to (--°).

lambakarṇa f. ī having pendulous ears, long-eared; m. a he-goat, N. of an ass & a hare.

lambana a. hanging down (tr. & intr.).

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lambita a. hanging down, pendent, hanging on (instr. or --°), sunk, fallen off; slow, moderate (time of music).

lambin a. = lamba.

lambodara f. ī having a large belly; m. E. of Ganeśa.

lambha m. -na n. obtaining, finding, recovering.

lambhanīya a. to be obtained.

lambhayitavya a. to be set to work or applied.*

lambhuka a. going to get or obtain (acc.).

laya m. dulling or hebetating the mind. m. clinging or adhering to (--°), cowering, hiding, vanishing or entering into (loc. or --°); absorption, extinction, death; rest, repose; time or pause in music.

layana n. rest or resting-place.

layamadhya (to be performed) in a mean or moderate time (piece of music).

layaśuddha a. (to be performed) in pure or just time (as prec.).

layasthāna n. place of dissolution.

lal lalani (lalate) v pp. lalita (q.v.) sport, dally, play, coruscate. C. lālayati cause to sport etc., caress, fondle, cherish, love. play, sport*).
     upa & sam C. = S. C.

lalana a. sporting, coruscating (light); f. ā a (wanton) woman, mistress, wife.

lalanikā f. little or poor woman.

lalantikā f. a pendulous necklace.

lalāṭa n. forehead, loc. in front.

lalāṭaka n. = prec.; f. -ṭikā (*ornament of) or mark on the forehead.

lalāṭaṃtapa a. burning the forehead (sun).

lalāṭapaṭṭa m. paṭṭikā f. (the plate or tablet of) the forehead.

lalāṭapaṭṭaka m. paṭṭikā f. (the plate or tablet of) the forehead.

lalāṭaphalaka n. the same.

lalāṭalikhita a. written (by Fate) on the forehead; lekhā f. such lines or features.

lalāṭākṣa a. having an eye on the forehead (Śiva); f. ī N. of a Rāksasī.

lalāṭika a. being in front.

lalāma f. -mī having a blaze or star (cattle); s. ornament, decoration; f. ī N. of a female demon.

lalāmaka n. garland worn on the forehead.

lalāman n. ornament, decoration.

lalita a. sporting, playing, coruscating; lovely, charming, favourite, liked; simple, artless, naive.

lalitalalita a. exceedingly beautiful.

lalitalocana a. fair-eyed; f. N. of a woman.

lalitavistara m. T. of a Buddhistic work.

lalittha m. pl. N. of a people.

lalla m. ā f. a man's & woman's name.

lava m. cutting, plucking, gathering etc.; what is cut, as wool, hair, etc.; fragment, piece, particle, bit, drop.

lavaṅga m. the clove tree; n. cloves.

lavaṅgikā f. a woman's name.

lavaṇa n. salt, esp. sea-salt, a. salt; f. ā or ī N. of sev. rivers.

lavaṇajala a. having salt water; m. = seq.

lavaṇajaladhi m. the sea.

lavaṇajalanidhi m. the sea.

lavaṇatā f. -tva n. saltness.

lavaṇatoya a. & m. = lavaṇajala.

lavaṇavāri a. & m. = lavaṇajala.

lavaṇābdhi m. the sea.

lavaṇāmburāśi m. = prec.

lavaṇāmbhas m. = prec.

lavaṇārṇava m. the same.

lavaṇālaya m. the same.

lavaṇita a. salted, seasoned with salt.

lavaṇiman m. loveliness, beauty.

lavaṇoda m. the (salt) sea.

lavaṇodadhi m. the (salt) sea.

lavaṇodaka a. having salt water.

lavana n. cutting or implement for cutting.

lavali f. N. of a plant.

lavalī f. N. of a plant.

lavaśas adv. in small pieces, w. kṛ & chid C. make or cut in small pieces.

lavitavya a. to be cut.

lavya a. to be cut.

laśuna n. (m.) leek, garlic.

laṣ laṣati (laṣate & laṣyati) v pp. laṣita desire, long for, strive after (acc.). --
     abhi samabhi ā & pari = S.

las lasati v pp. lasita gleam, glance; sound forth; appear, rise (only lasant & lasamāna), sport, play. C. lāsayati (cause or teach to) dance. --
     ud = S. C. cause to gleam etc.; cause, produce i.g.
     pratyud shine, appear. prod shine or sound forth, move hither and thither.
     samud shine or sound forth, appear.
     vi shine, glitter, appear, arise, sound forth, sport, play, move hither and thither, coruscate. -- Cf. ullasita vilasita.

laspūjanī f. a coarse needle.

lahara m. pl. N. of a people.

lahari f. wave, billow.

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laharī f. wave, billow.

lāti v grasp, seize, take; ger. lātvā having taken, i.e. with.

lākṣaṇa a. knowing characteristic signs or marks.

lākṣaṇika f. ī = prec. or indirect, metaphorical; m. prophet, fortune-teller.

lākṣaṇya a. = lākṣaṇa.

lākṣā f. N. of a plant, lac.

lāghava n. quickness, agility, dexterity in (loc.), lightness, relief; fickleness, inconsiderateness, smallness, shortness, insignificance, meanness, humbleness, contempt.

lāṅgala n. plough.

lāṅgaladhvaja m. E. of Balarāma, lit. having a plough (for an ensign).

lāṅgalin m. E. of Balarāma, lit. having a plough (for an ensign).

lāṅgula n. tail.

lāṅgūla n. tail.

lāja m. ā f. pl. parched or roasted grain.

lāñch C. lāñchayati, pp. lāñchita mark, distinguish.

lāñchana n. mark, sign, vestige.

lāṭa m. pl. N. of a people.

lātavya m. patron. of sev. men.

lāpin a. speaking, telling (--°); lamenting.

lāpu s. a cert. insrument.

lāba m. a kind of quail.

lābaka m. a kind of quail.

lābha m. finding, meeting with, getting, acquisition (gen. or --°); gain, advantage, capture, conquest; perception, knowledge.

lābhalipsā f. greediness of gain.

lābhavant a. having a gain; --° = lābhin.

lābhālābha m. du. & n. sgl. gain and loss.

lābhin a. finding, obtaining (--°).

lāla m. a man's name (cf. lalla).

lālaka f. -likā caressing, fondling.

lālana n. abstr. to prec.

lālanīya a. to be caressed or fondled.

lālasa a. ardently desirous of, eagerly longing for, thoroughly devoted to (gen. or --°); m., f. lālasā & lālasatā as abstr.

lālasaka f. -sikā = prec. adj.*

lālā f. spittle.

lālāṭa a. being on the forehead (also -ṭika); f. -ṭī forehead.

lālāpāna n. the sucking spittle.

lālāy lālāyate v emit spittle, slaver.

lālitya n. loveliness, grace, beauty.

lālin a. fondling, cherishing.

lāva f. ī cutting, severing, killing.

lāvaka [1] m. cutter, mower, reaper.

lāvaka [2] -> lābaka.

lāvaṇa a. saline, salt, salted.

lāvaṇaka s. N. of a place.

lāvaṇika a. dealing in salt; lovely, charming.

lāvaṇya n. saltness; charm, beauty.

lāvaṇyamaya f. ī full of loveliness or beauty.

lāvaṇyavant a. the same.

lāvāṇaka m. = lāvaṇaka.

lāsa m. jumping, sporting, dancing.

lāsaka a. moving hither and thither; m. & f. -sikā dancer.

lāsya n. dance; m. dancer.

likṣa s. nit (louse-egg).

likṣā f. nit (louse-egg).

likh likhati (likhate) v pp. likhita (q.v.) scratch, furrow, slit, peck at (acc.); draw a line, write, write down, delineate, sketch, paint. C. lekhayati cause to scratch etc.; also = S. write, paint. --
     abhi = S., (±hṛdayena) ponder upon*; C. cause to write or paint.
     ā scratch, touch, cut in, write, delineate, paint; ponder upon (acc.*).
     samā the same.
     ud furrow, scratch, scrape, cut in, inscribe, write down; cut out, chisel, form; smooth, polish. prod scratch, furrow.
     samud the same, touch (the sky); write down, register, record.
     pari draw a furrow or a line around, enclose in a circle.
     pra scratch, furrow; sketch, delineate, write; A.M. scrape together; M. comb one's self.
     prati write in return, answer.
     vi scratch, tear open, scrape, rub against, touch (the sky); scratch or cut in, write, delineate, paint.
     sam scratch, engrave, inscribe, touch (a musical instrument) i.e. play.

likhana s. cratching, writing.

likhita a. scratched, written, drawn, sketched, painted; likhita iva as if painted i.e. quite immovable. -- m. N. of a Rishi; n. scripture, written document.

likhitatva n. the being written down.

likhitṛ m. painter.

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likhya m. ā f. = likṣa ā.

liṅ s. the potential or precative & their endings (g.).

liṅg -> āliṅg.

liṅga n. mark, sign, emblem, badge, characteristic, attribute, sectarian mark; proof, means of proof, evidence (j.); organ of generation, esp. the male organ of Śiva (r.); idol i.g.; gender (g.), the subtile frame or body (ph.).

liṅgadeha m. n. = prec. (ph.).

liṅgadhara a. wearing marks; w. only the marks of, a false (--°).

liṅgadhāraṇa n. the wearing of (one's own) marks.

liṅgapurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

liṅgavant a. having marks or characteristics.

liṅgaśarīra n. = liṅga (ph.).

liṅgastha m. a religious student (cf. liṅgin).

liṅgānuśāsana n. the doctrine of grammatical gender.

liṅgin a. = liṅgadhara; m. a religious student or ascetic (who has a right to wear signs or badges).

liṅgiveṣa m. a student's dress.

licchivi m. N. of a princely race.

liṭ s. the perfect & its endings (g.).

lindu a. slimy, slippery.

lip limpati limpate v pp. lipta (q.v.) smear, stain, soil (lit. & fig.), besmear with (instr.) or smear a th. (acc.) over or on a th., stick on to (loc.); P. lipyate cleave or stick to (intr.). C. lepayati & limpayati = S. tr. --
     anu smear, anoint with (instr.); M. refl.
     ava the same; P. be haughty or arrogant.
     ā smear, anoint with (instr.); C. the same.
     upa the same.
     ni smear; cause to disappear; M. disappear, become invisible.
     pra vi sam smear, anoint; C. the same. -- Cf. avalipta.

lipi f. smearing, rubbing over, writing.

lipikara m. painter (f. ī*), writer.

lipinyāsa m. writing down.

lipta a. smeared, stained, soiled, defiled; cleaving or sticking to (loc.); f. ā minute (1/60 degree).

lipti f. ointment, dough.

lipsā f. desire to gain or have, longing for (loc. or --°).

lipsu a. wishing to get, longing for (acc. or --°).

libujā f. creeping plant, creeper.

limpi f. writing, scripture.

liś liśate v (only --°) = riś.

lih leḍhi līḍhe lihati v pp. līḍha1 lick, lick up, lick at (loc.), lick away i.e. destroy. C. lehayati cause to lick. I. lelihyate etc. (pp. lelihāna) lick frequently, play with the tongue. --
     ava ā ud lick, touch (with mouth or beak).
     upa M. enjoy by licking.
     nis lick off, sip.
     pari lick at (acc.); I. lick frequently.
     vi the same.
     sam & parisam lick at, enjoy. -- Cf. ālīḍha ullīḍha.

lih [2] (--°) licking.

liha a. = prec. (--°).

[1] līyate līyati (layate1 v only w.
     ni), pp. līna (q.v.) cling, adhere, stick, light or sit upon (of birds & insects); stoop, cower; slip into, disappear. C. lāpayati & lāyayati -> sub
     vi. --
     abhi cling to (acc.).
     ava settle down, cower, hide.
     vyava stoop, cower.
     ā cling or adhere to (loc.), sit down upon or in, stoop, cower, hide.
     ni cleave or stick to (acc.), lie or settle down upon (loc.); -layate (also
     apani) hide, disappear from (abl.).
     saṃni settle down, alight; hide or disappear in (loc.).
     pra hide one's self; dissolve, be absorbed in (loc.); disappear, perish, die.
     saṃpra vanish, be dissolved or absorbed in (loc.).
     prati disappear.
     vi cling or stick to, cower upon (loc.); settle down, alight; conceal one's self, disappear, be dissolved, melt. C. (lāpayati & -lāyayati) cause to disappear, dissolve, melt (tr.).
     pravi perish, disappear.
     sam cling or stick close to (acc.), find room in (loc.); hide, be concealed; stoop, cower, contract. -- Cf. abhilīna avalīna (add.), ālīna nilīna (add.), pralīna vilīna saṃlīna.

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[2] only I. lelāyate be unsteady, waver, tremble.

līkā f. pl. a class of evil demons.

līna a. clinging or sticking to (n. also as abstr. w. loc.), lying or sitting on, quite devoted to or intent upon; (n. also impers.) hidden, absorbed, or disappeared into (loc. or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

līlā f. play, sport, amusement, pastime; wantonness, grace, beauty, charm; mere play or sport, i.e. either ease or facility in doing anything; or appearance, semblance, pretence. °-- & instr. for sport, without effort; feignedly.

līlākamala n. a lotus (held in the hand) to play with.

līlāgāra n. pleasure-house.

līlāgṛha n. the same.

līlāgeha n. the same.

līlānṛtya n. a sham dance, the image of a dance.

līlāpadma n. = līlākamala.

līlābja n. = līlākamala.

līlābharaṇa n. a sham ornament.

līlāy līlāyati & līlāyate v play, sport, amuse one's self; pp. līlāyita playing, sporting, n. also impers. & as abstr.

līlāravinda n. = līlākamala.

līlāvant a. graceful, charming; f. -vatī a charming or wanton woman, a woman's name, E. of Durgā, T. of sev. works.

līlāvāpī f. pleasure-tank.

līlodyāna n. pleasure-garden.

luk s. disappearance, elision (g.).

luṅ s. the aorist & its endings (g.).

luñc luñcati v pp. luñcita pluck, tear; peel, husk. --
     ava & vi tear off or out. -- Cf. ulluñcita.

luñcaka a. tearing out.

luñcana a. tearing out.

luṭh luṭhati luṭhate v pp. luṭita1 roll, move to and fro (intr.), stir up, agitate. C. loṭhayati = S. D. luluṭhiṣate be about to roll. I. loluṭhīti wallow (of a drunkard). --
     ud pari pra & vi = S. intr.

luṭh luṇṭh luṇṭhati2 v = prec. S. tr.; C. luṇṭhayati & loṭhayati, pp. luṇṭhita rob, steal, plunder. --
     nis & vi = S. C.

luḍ C. loḍayati stir up, agitate. --
     ava rummage, investigate.
     ā stir up, agitate, trouble, disturb, rummage, work one's way through (acc.).
     samā mix together, mingle with (instr.), stir up etc. = prec.
     nis investigate thoroughly.
     vipra prati vi & sam stir up, trouble, disturb, confuse.

luṇṭh -> luṭh2.

luṇṭha s. a kind of grass.

luṇṭhaka m. plunderer.

luṇṭhana n. plundering of (--°).

luṇṭhi f. plundering, pillaging.

luṇḍikā f. ball, round mass.

luṇḍīkṛ make into a ball, roll together.

lup lumpati (lumpate) v pp. lupta1 (q.v.) break, harm, injure, attack, rub, plunder, consume, throw away, suppress, destroy, cause to disappear. P. lupyate (lupyate lumpati (lumpate), pp. lupta1 (q.v.) break, harm, injure, attack, rub, plunder, consume, throw away, suppress, destroy, cause to disappear. P. lupyate (lupyati) be broken or harmed etc.; be suppressed or elided, disappear (g.). C. lopayati te omit, neglect, infringe, violate; divert from (abl.). I. lolupyate etc. confuse, disturb. --
     apa pluck off, sever; P. fall off.
     ava strip off, snatch away; seize, attack; suppress, destroy.
     ā pull out, sever; P. be troubled or disturbed.
     vyā break, destroy.
     uda & samud take out, pick up.
     pari take away, remove, destroy.
     pra pluck out, rob, deprive of (tas).
     vipra take away, rob; trouble, disturb.
     vi tear or break in pieces, pull out or up, take away, rob, plunder, destroy, ruin; P. M. decay, perish, disappear, be gone or missing.
     sam pluck, pull, snatch away; C. ruin, destroy.

lup [2] s. elision, suppression.

lupta a. broken, harmed, robbed, plundered, deprived of (--°); mutilated, incomplete (opp. pūrṇa); suppressed, elided (g.).

luptadaṇḍaka m. peeled staff, i.e. arch-rogue.*

luptopamā f. elliptical comparison (rh.).

lubdha a. confused, perplexed, troubled; covetous, avaricious; desirous of, longing for (loc. or --°); m. = seq.

lubdhaka m. hunter.

lubdhatā f. -tva n. greediness, covetousness, eager desire for (--°).

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lubh lubhyati v pp. lubdha (q.v.) go astray, be lustful or covetous, desire eagerly, long for (loc. or dat.); attract, allure. C. lobhayati confuse, disturb, trouble, derange; allure. I. lolubhyate be very greedy of (loc.). --
     anu C. long for (acc.).
     abhi C. entice, allure.
     ā get into confusion.
     upa C. allure, seduce.
     pari S. & C. the same.
     pra M. go astray, be lustful, lust after (saha); also = C. allure, entice, seduce.
     vipra saṃpra & prati C. = prec. C.
     vi fall into disorder or confusion; C. lead astray, perplex, confuse, seduce, divert, amuse.
     sam be confounded; C. confound, disarrange, tempt, allure, seduce. -- Cf. parilubdha (add.).

lumbī f. fruit.

lul lolati v pp. lulita (q.v.) move hither and thither, roll, wallow; disappear. C. lolayati set in motion, agitate, confound. -- Cf. abhilulita ālulita vilulita saṃlulita.

lulāpa m. buffalo.

lulāya m. buffalo.

lulita a. moving hither and thither, fluttering, waving, tremulous; touched, shaken, agitated, disturbed, damaged; n. motion.

luśa m. names of men.

luśākapi m. names of men.

lunoti & lunāti lunīte v pp. lūna (q.v.) cut, sever, mow, pluck, hew down, tear asunder, pierce, destroy. --
     ava cut off.
     ā tear or pluck off.
     nyā vyā nis pari pra vipra vi cut or hew off.

lūkṣa a. rough, harsh.

lūtā f. spider.

lūna a. cut, severed, plucked, reaped, gnawed off, hewn asunder, destroyed; n. tail.

lṛṭ s. the future in sya & its endings (g.).

lekha m. streak, line, writing, letter; pl. a class of gods (sgl. a god i.g.). -- f. lekhā scratch, streak, line, furrow, row, edge, margin, a faint sickle (of the moon); drawing, likeness, impression.

lekhaka m. writer, scribe; writing down, scripture, reckoning, calculation; f. lekhikā a small stripe.

lekhana f. ī scratching, scraping, attenuating; f. ī writing reed, pen, pencil; n. scratching, writing down, copying.

lekhanasādhana n. pl. = lekhasādhana.

lekhanīya a. to be painted or written down.

lekhapattra n. -pattrikā f. letter.

lekhasādhana n. pl. materials for writing.*

lekhahāra m. letter-carrier.

lekhahāraka m. letter-carrier.

lekhāvidhi m. the action of painting (pl.).

lekhin a. scratching, scraping, touching (--°).

lekhya a. to be scratched, written down, or painted. n. writing, copying, drawing, painting; picture, written document.

lekhyagata a. being on a picture i.e. painted.

leṭ s. the conjunctive & its endings (g.).

leṭa m. a cert. mixed caste.

leṇḍa n. excrement.

lepa m. = seq. + dirt, impurity (l. & f.); the wipings (r.).

lepana n. smearing, daubing, ointment, plaster, mortar.

lepabhāgin a. partaking of the wipings (r.).

lepin a. smearing or covering, smeared or covered with (--°).

lepya a. to be smeared or soiled.

lelayā (instr. adv.) flickeringly, unsteadily.

leliha m. serpent (licker).

lelihāna m. serpent (licker).

leśa m. particle, atom, drop, bit of (gen. or --°); a cert. figure of speech (rh.) °--, instr., & adv. in tas slightly, very little.

leśya light.

leśyā f. light.

leṣṭu m. clod of earth.

leṣṭukā f. the same.*

leha m. licker, sipper.

lehana n. licking, sipping.

lehya a. to be (being) licked or sipped.

lok lokate v mostly lokayati (te) look, look at, view, contemplate; perceive, know. --
     abhi view, contemplate.
     ava & samava look, look at, contemplate, see, mark, perceive.
     ā & samā look at, behold, consider, regard, examine, investigate, perceive, learn, know as (2 acc.).
     pari look around. (pra consider*).
     vi look at, regard, try, examine, study; perceive, see, discover, look over or beyond (acc.).
     pravi look at, observe, behold, see, consider.

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loka [1] m. open splace, free room, place, region, world or one of the (imaginary 2, 3, or 7) worlds, esp. the earth; people, men or mankind (sgl. or pl.); company, community, troop or band of (--°); worldy life, ordinary practice or common usage (opp. to higher things, esp. knowledge).

lokakaṇṭaka m. a thorn to mankind, a wicked man or criminal.

lokakartṛ m. the creator of the world.

lokakānta a. liked by the world, popular.

lokakāma a. longing for a cert. world.

lokakāra m. = lokakartṛ.

lokakṛt a. granting space, liberating; also = prec.

lokakṣit a. dwelling in heaven.

lokacara a. wandering through the world.

lokacārin a. wandering through the world.

lokacarita n. the ways or proceedings of the world.

lokacāritra n. the ways or proceedings of the world.

lokajit a. winning space or heaven.

lokajña a. knowing the world, abstr. -tā f.

lokatantra n. the course of the world.

lokatas adv. from the world, from what people say.

lokatraya n. -trayī f. the three worlds (heaven, earth, and the air or the lower regions).

lokadambhaka a. deceiving the world.

lokadvaya n. the two worlds (heaven and earth).

lokadvāra n. the gate of heaven.

lokadhātṛ m. the creator of the world (Śiva).

lokanātha m. lord of the worlds (Brahman, Viṣṇu, or Śiva); also ruler of men, king.

lokapa m. = lokapāla.

lokapati m. = lokanātha.

lokapāla m. world-protector (4 or 8); prince, king.

lokapravāda m. world-saying, common saying, proverb.

lokabhāvana m. the creator of the world (Brahman).

lokamaya f. ī spacious or containing the world.

lokamārga m. the way or custom of the world.

lokaṃpṛṇa a. world-filling; f. ā E. of the bricks used for building the sacrificial altar (set up with the formula loka pṛṇa etc.).

lokayātrā f. business and traffic of men; support of life, daily bread.

lokarañjana n. pleasing the world, popularity.

lokavacana n. -vāda m. the talk of the world.

lokavant a. containing the world.

lokavijñāta a. known by the world or universally.

lokavid [1] a. having or granting room.

lokavid [2] a. knowing the world.

lokavidviṣṭa a. hated by men.

lokaviśruta a. universally celebrated.

lokavṛtta n. -vṛttānta m. course or proceedings of the world, universal custom.

lokavyavahāra m. the same.

lokaśreṣṭha a. best in the world.

lokasaṃgraha m. the welfare of the world.

lokasākṣika a. witnessed by the world or by men; n. adv.

lokahita n. the welfare of the world.

lokācāra m. usage or practice of the world, general custom.

lokātman m. the soul of the world.

lokādi m. the beginning i.e. the author of the world.

lokādhipa m. ruler of the world, a god.

lokādhipati m. ruler of the world, a god.

lokānugraha m. the welfare of the world.

lokāntara n. another world, the Beyond.

lokāntarastha a. deceased, dead.

lokāpavāda m. the reproach of the world, general evil report.

lokāloka (n. sgl. & m. du.) world and no world, N. of a myth. mountain.

lokin a. possessing the (best) world; pl. the inhabitants of the universe.

lokeśa m. lord or ruler of the world.

lokeśvara m. lord or ruler of the world.

lokaiṣaṇā f. yearning after heaven.

lokokti f. talk of the world, common saying.*

lokottara a. surpassing the world or what is common; unusual, extraordinary.

lokya a. granting free space or sphere of action; world-wide, usual, customary right; real, actual. -- n. free space or sphere.

loga m. clod of earth.

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loc (only --°) locate & C. locayati, (only --°) locate & C. locayate w.
     ā consider, reflect; C. the same, r. cause to appear or be seen; pp. ālocita (n. also impers.).
     anvā paryā samā & nis C. call to mind, imagine, consider, reflect, deliberate.

locana a. enlightening, n. eye.

locanagocara a. within the range of the eye.

locanatrayapatha m. the range of the three eyes (of Śiva).

locanapatha m. path of the eyes, sphere of vision.

locanāñcala m. corner of the eye.

locanānanda m. delight of the eyes.*

loṭ s. the imperative & its endings (g.).

loṭhana n. shaking (of the head).

loḍana n. vexing, annoying.

lodha m. a kind of animal.

lodhra m. a kind of tree.

lopa m. cutting off, severing, taking away, troubling, disturbing; want, loss; elision (g.). f. lopā a cert. bird.

lopaka a. troubling, disturbing, destroying (--°).

lopana n. omitting, violating.

lopāśa m. jackal or fox.

lopin a. wronging, injuring (--°); liable to elision (g.).

loptṛ m. violator, injurer.

loptra n. stolen property, plunder, booty.

lopya a. to be rejected or elided.

lobha m. greed, avarice, impatience, strong desire of (gen., loc., --°).

lobhana n. alluring, enticing.

lobhanīya a. to be desired or longed for; seductive, attractive.

lobhaviraha m. freedom from greed or avarice.

lobhin a. greedy, covetous; longing for or alluring (--°).

loma (--°) = loman.

lomaka (--°) = loman.

lomakīṭa m. louse (hair-insect).

lomakūpa m. pore of the skin (hair-hole).

lomagarta m. the same.

loman n. hair on the body of men & animals.

lomapāda m. N. of a king.

lomavant a. having hair, hairy.

lomaśa a. the same.

lomaharṣa m. erection of the hair, thrill or shudder.

lomaharṣaṇa a. exciting (cf. prec.); m. E. of Sūta.

lola a. moving hither and thither, restless, unsteady; greedy, eager or longing for (loc., infin., or --°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

lolupa a. ardently longing for or desirous of (loc. or --°); lolupā & lolupatā f., lolupa++tva n. abstr.

lolubha a. greedy after, longing for (--°).

lolekṣaṇa a. having a rolling eye.

loṣṭa m. n. clod of earth.

loṣṭaka m. the same, masonry.

loṣṭaguṭikā f. lump of clay.

loṣṭamaya a. made of clay, earthen.

loṣṭamardin a. who crushes clods.

loṣṭra  = loṣṭa.

loṣṭha  = loṣṭa.

loha a. reddish, of copper or iron. m. n. reddish metal, copper, also iron & metal i.g.; n. an iron vessel.

lohacāraka m. a cert. hell.

lohaja a. made of copper or iron.

lohadaṇḍa s. an iron bar.

lohadhātu m. iron.

lohamaya f. ī the same.

lohavant a. reddish.

lohaśaṅku m. a cert. hell.

lohāyasa a. of reddish metal, coppery; n. coppery metal, any m. alloyed with copper.

lohāṣṭhīlā f. a metal ball.

lohita (f. -tā & lohinī) reddish, red, coppery, metallic. -- m. a cert. precious stone, (*a kind of fish*). N. of a serpent-demon etc.; n. copper, metal i.g., blood, *saffron.

lohitakṛṣṇa a. reddish black.

lohitagrīva a. red-necked (Agni).

lohitavant a. containing blood.

lohitavāsas a. having a red (bloody) garment.

lohitākṣa f. ī red-eyed.

lohitāṅga m. the planet Mars (lit. the red-limbed).

lohitāy lohitāyati & lohitāyate v become or be red.

lohitāyasa a. made of red metal; n. copper.

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lohitorṇa f. ī having red wool.

lohinī -> lohita.

laukika f. ī worldly, popular, ordinary, common, vulgar. m. pl. ordinary people or men of the world; n. the ways of the world, common usage, abstr. -tva n.

laukya a. belonging to or extended through the world; common, vulgar.

laulya n. restlessness, unsteadiness, fickleness; greediness, eagerness or passion for (--°).

lauha f. ī coppery, metallic, red; n. metal, esp. iron.

lauhāyasa a. of reddish metal, coppery; n. metallic ware.

lauhitya m. a kind of rice, N. of a river etc.; n. redness.

va indecl. = iva.

vaṃśa m. cane, esp. of the bamboo; rafter, lath; reed-pipe, flute (also f. ī); the spine; lineage, family, race.

vaṃśaka m. a kind of sugar-cane; f. *vaṃśikā a kind of flute, also = n. Agallochum.

vaṃśakara m. the founder or propagator of a family.

vaṃśakṛt m. the founder or propagator of a family.

vaṃśakṛtya n. playing on the flute.

vaṃśagoptṛ m. guardian or maintainer of a race.

vaṃśaja a. made of bamboos or sprung from the race of (--°).

vaṃśadhara m. maintainer of a family; descendant.

vaṃśanartin m. juggler, buffoon (lit. family-dancer).

vaṃśabrāhmaṇa n. T. of a work.

vaṃśabhṛt m. supporter of a family.

vaṃśamaya f. ī made of bamboo.

vaṃśavardhana a. increasing or propagating a race (also -vardhin); m. son.

vaṃśastha n. N. of a metre.

vaṃśīya a. belonging to the family of (--°).

vaṃśya a. belonging to the main beam or to the family (--° = prec.); m. cross-beam, member of a family, ancestor or descendant.

vaṃsaga m. bull.

vakala m. the inner bark of a tree.

vakāra m. the sound va.

vakula etc. -> bakula.

vaktavya a. to be said or uttered, to be spoken to, of, or against; blamable, reprehensible, accountable, responsible; n. impers., as subst. reproach, censure. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vakti f. speech.

vaktukāma a. wishing to speak or say.

vaktṛ a. speaking telling; m. speaker, proclaimer of (gen., acc., or --°); orator, teacher.

vaktra n. mouth, face, snout, beak.

vaktradvāra n. mouth (-door).

vaktrāmbuja n. a lotus-like face.

vaktrendu m. a moon-like face.

vaktva a. to be uttered or spoken.

vakmya a. to be proclaimed or praised.

vakra a. crooked, tortuous, false, dishonest, ambiguous, malignant, inimical.

vakranāsa a. having a crooked nose or beak.

vakrapāda a. having crooked legs.

vakrabhaṇita n. ambiguous speech, falsehood.*

vakrabhāva m. crookedness, falsehood.

vakrita a. crooked, bent.

vakriman m. crookedness, ambiguity.

vakretara a. straight, not curled (hair).

vakrokti f. ambiguous or indirect speech, pun (rh.).

vakrolaka m. N. of a village; n. N. of a town.

vakva a. turning, rolling, moving to and fro.

vakvan f. vakvarī the same.

vakṣ (cf. ukṣ2), C. vakṣayati cause to grow or increase, strengthen. --
     ati excel, be superior to (acc.).

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vakṣaṇa (f. ī) & n. strengthening, refreshing.

vakṣaṇā f. pl. belly, womb (fig. of clouds, mountains, & rivers).

vakṣaṇi a. strengthening.

vakṣatha m. gathering strength.

vakṣas n. breast, chest.

vakṣaḥsthala n. -sthalī f. (the region of the) breast.

vakṣī f. flame.

vakṣoja m. du. the female breast (lit. the two chest-born).

vakṣoruh m. du. the female breast (lit. the two chest-born).

vagnu m. sound, cry, call.

vagvana a. talkative chattering.

vagvanu m. = vagnu.

vaghā f. a kind of noxious animal.

vaṅka m. tramper; f. ā pommel (of a saddle).

vaṅku a. going crookedly or hurriedly.

vaṅkya a. flexible, pliant.

vaṅkri f. a rib.

vaṅkṣaṇa m. groin, flank, side.

vaṅga m. tree; the country of Bengal, pl. its inhabitants.

vaṅgṛda m. N. of an evil demon.

vaṅgha m. a kind of tree.

vac vivakti vakti v pp. ukta (q.v.) say, speak, tell (2 acc. or dat. gen. of pers. & acc. of th.); name, call (2 acc., M. refl. 2 nom.); reproach, censure, blame (acc.); w. punar repeat or reply. P. ucyate be called, pass for (nom.). C. vācayati te cause to say, speak etc. (2 acc.); read, recite; agree, promise. D. vivakṣati (te), pp. vivakṣita wish to say, speak, etc.; P. be meant or in question. --
     accha call near, salute, invite.
     adhi speak in favour of, intercede for (dat.).
     anu recite (prayers etc.) for (gen. or dat.), teach, communicate; M. say after (the teacher) i.e. learn, study. C. cause to recite; read.
     abhyanu say with regard to something; describe in words.
     abhi = prec., also i.g. say, tell (2 acc.).
     ā address, invoke.
     upa exhort, impel.
     nis speak out, explain, derive (g.); speak off i.e. drive away with words.
     pra tell forth, proclaim, praise, mention, teach, communicate to (dat. or gen.); declare to be, name (2 acc.); betray, denounce, deliver, surrender.
     paripra scold, reproach.
     pratipra indicate, denounce.
     saṃpra declare (together), announce, indicate.
     prati announce, commend (M.); answer, return (2 acc.); refute.
     vi announce, proclaim, explain, decide; M. contend for, quarrel about (loc.).
     sam proclaim, communicate; say (together) to (acc. ±prati); M. converse, talk together. -- Cf. anukta anūcāna nirukta pratyukta (sic!), prokta.

vacana a. speaking, eloquent; saying, meaning (--°), abstr. -tā f., -tva n.; being said by (instr. or --°), abstr. -tva n. -- n. speaking, pronouncing, sound, voice, utterance, word, speech; affirmation, declaration, mention, statement; command, injunction; counsel, advice, precept, rule; number (g.). -- vacanaṃ kṛ or vacane sthā follow the advice of (gen.); vacanāt (nena) in the name of (gen. or --°); iti vacanāt as has been said.

vacanakara a. doing what one is told, obedient.

vacanakāraka a. the same.

vacanakārin a. the same.

vacanakṛt a. the same.

vacanāvakṣepa m. mocking or abusive speech.*

vacanāvant a. eloquent.

vacanīya a. to be spoken, mentioned, called, or reproved; n. reproach, censure. Abstr. -tā f.

vacanopanyāsa m. hinting or insinuating speech.*

vacas n. speech, word, song; counsel, advice.

vacasa a. staggering, reeling (carriage).

vacasy vacasyate v be audible, talk.

vacasya a. worthy of mention or praise.

vacasyā f. readiness of speech, eloquence.

vacasyu [1] a. eloquent.

vacasyu [2] a. = vacasa.

vacasvin a. eloquent.

vacoyuj a. harnessed at a word.

vacovid a. skilful in speech.

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vajra m. n. thunderbolt (flash of lightning), esp. conceived as the weapon of Indra; diamond (mostly n.); m. a form of military array (±vyūha), N. of sev. men, also = vajralepa. n. a thunder-like i.e. very hard word.

vajrakīla m. thunderbolt; den. -kīlāy.

vajradakṣiṇa a. holding a thunderbolt in the right hand (Indra).

vajradhara a. wielding the thunderbolt (E. of Indra).

vajrapatana n.* = vajrapāta.

vajrapāṇi a. having the thunderbolt in the hand (the same).

vajrapāta m. the fall of a thunderbolt or a stroke of lightning.

vajrabāhu a. = vajrapāṇi; m. N. of a monkey.

vajrabhṛt a. = vajradhara.

vajramaya a. made of or hard as diamond, adamantine.

vajramukuṭa m. N. of a prince.

vajramuṣṭi a. holding a thunderbolt in the fist, E. of Indra, N. of a Rākṣasa & sev. warriors.

vajralepa m. a kind of very hard mortar.

vajravah a. wielding the thunderbolt.

vajravāh a. wielding the thunderbolt.

vajravega m. N. of a Rākṣasa.

vajrasāra a. hard as diamond; s. diamond.

vajrasārīkṛ a. make hard as diamond.

vajrahasta a. = vajrapāṇi.

vajrāy vajrāyate v become a thunderbolt or diamond; pp. -yamāna hard, adamantine.

vajrin a. armed with the thunderbolt, E. of Indra.

vajrivas (voc.) = prec.

vañc vañcati v totter, go crookedly, sneak; P. vacyate move to and fro (lit. & fig.), rock, roll, hurry along. C. vañcayati te, pp. vañcita (q.v.) mislead, deceive, cheat of (instr. or abl.), escape. --
     accha roll or move towards (acc.).
     abhi C. deceive, cheat.
     ā P. roll or spring forth.
     upa C. & nis M. deceive, cheat.
     pari sneak about; C. cheat.
     pra C. escape.
     sam totter.

vañcaka m. deceiver, jackal (vacana* = vañcanavacana).

vañcana n. ā f. deceit, fraud; p. -navant.

vañcanavacana n. deceitful speech.*

vañcanīya a. to be deceived.

vañcayitavya a. = vañcanīya.

vañcayitṛ m. deceiver.

vañcita a. deceived, tricked, cheated of (instr., abl. or --°); deluded, imposed upon, surprised; escaped (acc.); f. ā a kind of riddle.

vañjula m. N. of sev. plants.

vaṭa m. the Indian fig-tree; also -vṛkṣa m.

vaṭaka m. vaṭakā & vaṭikā f. globule, ball, a kind of cake.

vaṭārakā f. cord, rope; a. -maya.

vaṭhara a. stupid, foolish; m. fool.

vaḍaba m. male horse resembling a mare.

vaḍabā f. mare.

vaḍabāgni m. the hellish fire (supposed to be at the South-pole).

vaḍabānala m. the same.

vaḍabhi f. = valabhī.

vaḍabhī f. = valabhī.

vaḍiśa -> baḍiśa.

vaṇikkarman n. trade (a merchant's business).

vaṇikpatha m. = prec. (a merchant's way).

vaṇikpīḍā f. a merchant's torment.

vaṇikputra m. a merchant's son.

vaṇiksārtha m. company of traders, caravan.

vaṇiksuta m. ā f. a merchant's son & daughter.

vaṇiksūnu m. = prec. m.

vaṇigjana m. trader or (coll.) traders.

vaṇij m. merchant, trader; trade, merchandise.

vaṇijyā f. trade, traffic.

vaṇṭa a. having no tail.

vaṇṭha m. lad, servant.

vat vatati v only w.
     api apprehend, understand; C. vātayati reveal, inspire (devotion).

vataṃsa m. garland, ring (cf. avataṃsa).

vatsa m. ā f. calf, young animal i.g., child (esp. voc. in friendly address); year (only --°); N. of sev. men & a country, pl. its inhabitants.

vatsaka f. vatsikā little calf (voc. = prec.).*

vatsatantī f. a long rope to which a calf is tied.

vatsatantrī f. a long rope to which a calf is tied.

vatsatara m. ī f. weaned calf, bullock or heifer (lit. more than a calf).*

vatsadanta m. a kind of arrow (lit. calf-tooth).

vatsanapāt m. N. of a man.

vatsapa m. keeper of calves; N. of a demon.

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vatsapati m. king of the Vatsas (Udayana).

vatsabhūmi f. the country of the Vatsas.

vatsara m. year (also personif.).

vatsarāja m. = vatsapati.

vatsala f. ā loving her calf, as subst. such a cow; adj. affectionate, tender, kind i.g., fond of, wholly given up or devoted to (loc., gen., prati, or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vatsalay vatsalayati v make affectionate or tender.

vatsavant a. having a calf.

vatsin a. = prec. (f. vatsinī).

vatseśvara m. = vatsapati.

vad vadati vadate v pp. udita (q.v.) A. speak, raise the voice (±vācam), sing, sound (ucais or bṛhat loud); speak or say to, relate, communicate, proclaim, announce (acc. ±abhi, gen. or loc. of pers. & acc. of th.), tell, teach, (2 acc.); counsel, advice, foretell, predict; designate as, name, call (2 acc.). M. speak or say to (acc.); talk over, discuss; dispute or quarrel about, lay a claim to (loc.). C. vādayati te cause to speak or sound, esp. a musical instrument, play on (acc. or loc.), absol. make music; speak, recite. D. vivadiṣati wish to speak or say. I. vāvadīti or vāvadyate speak or sound loudly. --
     accha A. salute, invite.
     ati A. speak louder or better, oversound, overspeak, defeat in disputing.
     anu repeat (words), imitate.
     ava revile, abuse, disapprove of; C. the same.
     abhi speak to, salute; say with regard to, mean by a word etc., express, utter, declare to be, call (2 acc.). C. address, salute; *M. greet a pers. (acc.) by means of another (acc. or instr.); make resound i.e. play on (acc.).
     pratyabhi A. greet in return (also C. M.).
     ava depreciate by words.
     vyava resume speaking.
     ā speak to, address, announce, proclaim.
     ud raise the voice, speak out. C. call or sound.
     pratyud C. make resound.
     nis & parā speak off, remove.
     pari express one's self about (acc.), esp. censure, blame.
     pra speak forth, say, proclaim, announce; raise the voice, utter sounds (of birds & beasts); suppose, state; declare to be, call (2 acc.). C. make sound, play on a musical instrument.
     prati speak to (acc.), answer, return, repeat.
     vi M. (A.) contradict, dispute or quarrel with (instr., r. acc.) about (loc.); C. commence an action or law-suit.
     sam A. M. say together; converse with (instr.) about (loc.); accord, agree; (be all right*); declare to be, call (2 acc.). C. make speak or sound, cause to converse, cause a conversation about (loc.); consent, agree; describe accurately.
     visam break an agreement; C. not stick to, neglect, miss.

vada a. & m. speaking, speaker (--°).

vadana n. speaking, sounding; mouth, face, front, point.

vadanapaṅkaja n. a lotus-like face.

vadanapavana m. breath (mouth-wind).

vadanamāruta m. the same.

vadanodara n. the jaws (lit. the hollow of the mouth).

vadara -> badara badarī.

vadarī -> badara badarī.

vadānya a. bountiful, liberal.

vaditavya a. to be spoken or said; n. imp.

vaditṛ a. & m. speaking, a speaker.

vadiṣṭha (superl.) speaking best.

vadman a. speaking.

vadh (vadhati) P. vadhyate (ji) v strike, slay, kill, destroy. C. vadhayati = S. --
     apa cut off, cleave; drive away.
     abhi & samabhi smite upon (acc.).
     ā crush down, dash to pieces.
     ud tear out or in pieces.
     upa strike on (acc.), slay, kill.
     ni fix or fasten in (loc.); knock down, kill.
     nis frustrate, annihilate.
     parā cleave, tear asunder.
     pra beat.
     vi destroy.

vadha m. slayer, murderer, destroyer; deadly weapon, esp. Indra's thunderbolt; capital or corporal punishment; place of execution; stroke, blow, hurt, injury, destruction, death.

vadhaka m. murderer, executioner.

vadhakāmyā f. desire to kill or slay.

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vadhajīvin m. a living by the death (of animals); m. butcher, hunter, etc.

vadhatra [1] n. deadly weapon, dart.

vadhatra [2] a. protecting from injury.

vadhadaṇḍa m. corporal punishment.

vadhanā f. deadly weapon.

vadhanigraha m. pain of death.

vadhabandha m. du. slaying and fettering.

vadhabhūmi f. place of execution.

vadhar n. dart, weapon (esp. Indra's).

vadhas n. dart, weapon (esp. Indra's).

vadhary only vadharyantī f. hurling darts (lightning).

vadhasna (only instr. pl.) deadly weapons.

vadhasnu a. wielding deadly weapons.

vadhu f. woman, wife.

vadhū f. bride or newly married woman, wife or woman i.g., also female of any animal; daughter-in-law, i.g. the wife of a younger relation.

vadhūjana m. (coll.) women, womankind.

vadhūṭikā f. a young woman.

vadhūṭī f. a young woman.

vadhūdarśa a. looking at a bride.

vadhūpatha m. the path of a bride.

vadhūmant a. furnished or harnessed with female animals.

vadhūyu a. uxurious, lustful.

vadhūsaṃyāna n. a woman's carriage.

vadhaiṣin a. wishing to slay or kill.

vadhopāya m. pl. means or kinds of corporal punishment.

vadhya a. to be slain, killed, or destroyed, deserving death or corporal punishment. m. villain, scape-grace; f. vadhyā killing, murder, execution.

vadhyaḍiṇḍima s. a drum beaten at the time of execution, funeral drum.*

vadhyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to vadhya adj.

vadhyapaṭaha m.* = vadhyaḍiṇḍima.

vadhyaparyāya m. one's turn to excecute a criminal.*

vadhyapuruṣa m. executioner.*

vadhyabhū f. place of execution.

vadhyabhūmi f. place of execution.

vadhyamālā f. funeral wreath (of a criminal).*

vadhyasthāna n. = vadhyabhū.

vadhra m. ī f. a leather strap or thong.

vadhri a. emasculated, unmanly.

vadhrimatī f. having an impotent husband.

van (vā) vanoti vanute vanati (vanati) vanoti vanute vanati (vanate v pp. vāta1 (--°) & vanita (cf. vanitā) like, love; wish, desire, aim at; get, obtain, acquire, win, conquer, dispose of, possess, enjoy. C. vānayati & D. vivāsati te (only --°). --
     abhi wish for, long or strive after.
     ā the same, D. wish to win or attract, entice, allure.
     abhyā D. approach (as an enemy).
     upa D. seek to win.
     pra win, conquer.
     sam C. make well-disposed.

van [2] (only gen. & loc. pl.) wood, wooden vessel.

vana [1] n. tree, wood, forest, wooden vessel or barrel for the Soma-juice, fig. = cloud. f. vanā the wood of attrition (person.), vanī wood, thicket.

vana [2] n. desire, longing.

vanakapi m. wild ape.

vanakarin m. wild elephant.

vanagaja m. wild elephant.

vanagamana n. the going into a forest.

vanagahana n. thicket of a wood.

vanagulma m. forest shrub or bush.

vanagocara f. ī living in a wood, m. forester.

vanagrahaṇa n. abstr. to seq. a.; -kolāhala s. hunting cry*

vanagrāhin a. taking the forest; m. hunter.

vanacara f. ī wandering in a forest; m. inhabitant of a forest (man or animal).

vanacaravṛtti a. living like a forester.*

vanacarya n. -caryā f. abstr. to vanacara.

vanacārin a. & m. = vanacara.

vanaja a. born or produced in a forest, sylvan. wild.

vanajāta a. born or produced in a forest, sylvan. wild.

vanajyotsnī f. Light of the Grove (poet. N. of a plant).*

vanadāha m. forest conflagration.

vanadevatā f. forest goddess, dryad.

vanadvipa m. = vanakarin.

vanadhārā f. avenue of trees.

vananā f. desire.

vananīya a. to be desired.

vanapa m. wood protector or keeper.

vanapāla m. the same.

vanapālaka m. the same.

vanabhū f. wood region.

vanabhūmi f. wood region.

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vanamālā f. garland of wood flowers; poss. -lin, m. E. of Kṛṣṇa.

vanamṛga m. a forest deer.

vanarāji f. a row of trees or long track of a forest.

vanarājī f. a row of trees or long track of a forest.

vanargu a. wandering in a forest or a wilderness; m. a savage.

vanalatā f. a wild (lit. wood-) creeper.

vanavāsa [1] m. forest-life.

vanavāsa [2] a. & m. = seq.

vanavāsin a. living in a wood; m. forester, hermit, ascetic.

vanaśvan m. jackal (forest-dog).

vanas n. desire or charm, loveliness.

vanastha a. & m. = vanavāsin.

vanasthalī f. region or neighbourhood of a forest.

vanaspati m. tree (lit. lord of the wood), esp. a large tree with fruit, but without flowers; stem, trunk, beam, timber, the sacrificial post; the Soma plant (as the lord of plants); E. of Viṣṇu.

vanānta [1] m. (region of a) forest.

vanānta [2] a. bounded by a forest.

vanāntara n. the interior of a forest; loc., acc., & abl. in, into, & out of a forest.

vanāyu m. N. of a prince (also -yus); pl. N. of a people.

vanālaya m. a forest as habitation, -jīvin a. living in forests.

vanāśraya a. living in a forest; m. inhabitant of a forest.

vani f. request, desire, wish.

vanikā f. little wood, grove (only --°).

vanitā f. mistress, wife; girl or woman i.g.

vanitṛ m. owner or possessor of (acc.).

vanin [1] a. requesting or bestowing.

vanin [2] m. tree, the Soma-plant.

vanina n. tree or wood.

vaniṣṭha (superl.) & vanīyaṃs (compar.) obtaining or bestowing most (more).

vaniṣṭhu m. the rectum or a part of the intestines near the omentum.

vanīyaka m. beggar, suppliant.

vanīvan a. requesting.

vanīvāhana n. carrying to and fro.

vanu m. plotter or adherent (cf. vanus).

vanuṣ vanuṣyati vanuṣyate v aim at, strive after, plot against, attack.

vanus a. eager, zealous; either devoted, loving, or plotting, hostile. m. an enemy.

vanecara f. ī wandering or dwelling in a forest; m. inhabitant of a forest (either man or animal).

vanejā m. tree (wood-born).

vanaikadeśa m. a (one) spot in a wood.

vanoddeśa m. neighbourhood of a wood or = pr.

vanodbhava m. produced in a forest, grown wild.

vanopaplava m. a forest conflagration.

vanopeta a. resorted to a forest.

vanaukas a. living in a forest; m. = vanecara m.

vanauṣadhi f. a wild herb.

vantṛ m. owner or possessor of (gen.).

vand vandate (vandati) v praise, honour, salute reverentially. C. vandayati the same. --
     abhi = S.,
     pari praise, extol.
     pra praise aloud or begin to praise.
     prati & sam honour, salute reverentially.

vanda -> devavanda.

vandadhyai dat. infin. to vand.

vandana [1] m. N. of a man; n. praise, worship, reverential greeting.

vandana [2] n. a parasitical plant or a kind of disease.

vandanīya a. to be praised or greeted with homage.

vandāru a. praising, respectful, reverential; n. praise.

vanditavya a. = vandanīya.

vanditṛ m. praiser.

vandin -> bandin.

vandya a. = vandanīya.

vandhura n. the seat or frame-work of a carriage.

vandhya a. barren, sterile (of women, female animals, & plants); fruitless, useless, in vain; wanting, destitute of (--°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vanya adj. living or growing in woods, sylvan, wild, wooden; m. wild animal, (also n.) wild plant.

vanyanāga m. wild elephant.

vanyavṛtti a. living on wild food.

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vanyāśana a. living on wild food.

vanyetara a. different from wild, tame or civilized.

vanyebha m. wild elephant.

vap vapati vapate v pp. upta1 shear, shave (hair or beard, M. refl.), trim (nails); shear fig. = crop off, graze. C. vāpayati te cause to shear or to be shorn (M. refl.). --
     pari shear around.
     pra shear off.

vap vapati vapate v pp. upta2 (q.v.) strew, scatter, esp. seed, sow; throw or cast (dice etc.). C. vāpayati sow, plant. --
     anu bestrew; scatter, disperse.
     apa disperse, destroy. api & abhi bestrew, cover.
     ā strew or throw upon, mix, mingle, pour out. C. mix, add, arrange, comb (the hair).
     ud draw out, dig up, raise; cast away.
     upa heap up, bestrew, inter, cover.
     ni heap up, raise, sow upon (loc.); throw down, cast (dice).
     nis throw or draw out, deal out (from a larger mass), distribute; present an oblation to a god, offer. C. scatter, sow, deal out.
     parā throw aside, remove.
     pari bestrew with (instr.).
     pra scatter, pour out, throw upon or in (loc.), bestrew.
     prati infix, insert; stick or set with (instr.); join, add.
     sam pour in, mingle.

vapa m. sower.

vapana [2] n. shearing, shaving.

vapana [1] n. sowing.

vapanīya a. to be sown; n. impers.

vapā [1] f. caul, omentum; poss. -vant.

vapā [2] -> valmīkavapā.

vapuṣa a. = vapus a., n. wonder.

vapuṣṭama superl. to vapus adj.

vapuṣṭara compar. to the same.

vapuṣmant a. beautiful; embodied, corporeal.

vapuṣy vapuṣyati v wonder, admire.

vapuṣya a. = vapus adj.

vapuṣyā f. (instr.) wonderment.

vapus a. wondrous, esp. wondrous beautiful; n. wonder, wonderful or beautiful appearance; form, shape, body.

vapodara a. having a fat belly.

vaptavya a. to be sown, n. impers.

vaptar [1] vaptṛ m. shearer, shaver.

vaptṛ m. shearer, shaver.

vaptṛ [2] m. sower.

vapra m. n. mound of earth, hillock, rampart; f. ā a bed (for plants).

vaprakriyā f. (the elephant's) building of or playing with earth-mounds.

vaprakrīḍā f. (the elephant's) building of or playing with earth-mounds.

vapsas n. beautiful form or appearance.

vam vamiti & vamati v pp. vānta (q.v.) vomit, spit out, give forth (vacas repent). C. vāmayati & vamayati cause to vomit. --
     abhi spit at.
     ud & nis spit out, eject.

vamathu m. vomiting.

vamana n. vomiting, ejecting, giving forth.

vami f. vomiting, sickness, nausea.

vamī f. vomiting, sickness, nausea.

vamra m. ī f. ant.

vamraka m. a small ant.

vayas [1] n. fowl (coll.), bird, esp. small bird.

vayas [2] n. food, meal, strength, health, youth; age i.g.

vayas [3] n. weft.

vayasa [1] m. bird.

vayasa [2] n. (--°) = vayas2.

vayasānvita a. aged.

vayaska (adj. --°) = vayas2.

vayaskṛt a. giving strength or life.

vayasya a. being the same age; m. contemporary, friend (also -ka, abstr. -katva n., -syabhāva m.), f. -syā female friend, a woman's confidante.

vayasvant a. strong, vigorous.

vayaḥsama a. equal in age.

vayaḥstha a. grown up, mature, aged, old.

vayā [1] f. bough, branch; race, family.

vayā [2] f. strengthening, refreshment.

vayitrī f. female weaver.

vayī f. female weaver.

vayuna a. moving, waving. n. what moves or lives; course, path, way, (pl. ways and means); usage, custom, rule, order.

vayunāvid a. knowing ways and means.

vayotiga a. advanced in age, old.

vayodhas a. = seq. adj.

vayodhā a. giving or possessing strength or health, strong, vigorous; f. strengthening, refreshing; -dhai as infin.

vayodhika a. superior in years or age, old; m. old man.

vayodheya a. giving strength, strengthening.

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vayobāla a. young of years.

vayorūpasamanvita a. endowed with youth and beauty.

vayovasthā f. age, stage of life.

vayovidha a. bird-like.

vayovṛddha a. old of years.

vayovṛdh a. increasing strength.

vayya m. comrade, companion, a man's name.

vara [1] m. surrounding, stopping (dat. as infin.); circle, extent, space.

vara [2] a. choosing ( = °); m. suitor, lover, bridegroom or the b.'s friend, husband, son-in-law.

vara [3] a. choice, select; most excellent, fairest, best of (gen., loc., abl., or --°); fairer or better than (abl. or gen.). n. rather or more than (abl. ±ā); vaṃra -- na (ca tu punar) (it is) better -- than; varaṃ kuryāt he had better or he might rather do. m. (n.) choice, wish, request, boon, gift, reward, privilege, dowry, alms. --varaṃ vṛ yāc kāṅkh, etc. choose a gift or utter a wish, -dā or prayam grant a gift, -labh have a wish fullfilled. varaṃ varam prati varam & varamā according to wish, at pleasure varāya to satisfaction, at heart's content.

varaka [1] m. who asks a girl in marriage.

varaka [2] s. choice, wish.

varagātra f. ī fair-limbed, well-shaped.*

varaṭa m. a kind of grain; f. *& ī a kind of wasp.

varaṇa [1] m. a kind of tree; f. ā N. of a river.

varaṇa [2] n. choosing, wishing, suing; m. pl. cert. verses recited at the choice of a priest.

varaṇḍa m. the string of a fish hook.

varaṇḍalambuka m. the same.*

varatanu f. ū having a beautiful body; f. ū a beautiful woman.

varatrā f. strap, thong, strip of leather.

varada a. granting or fulfilling wishes; m. benefactor; f. ā N. of a river.

varadāna n. the grant of a boon or wish.

varapuruṣa m. the best of men.*

varaprada a. = varada adj.; -pradāna n. = varadāna.

varaprārthanā f. desire for a suitor.

varayitavya a. to be chosen.

varayoṣit f. a most excellent woman.

vararuci m. N. of a poet and scholar.

varavarṇin a. of a fair complexion; -nī f. a fair-faced woman.

varavastra n. a beautiful garment.

varavṛta a. accepted as a boon.

varas n. width, breadth, room, space.

varasad a. sitting in a circle.

varastrī f. = varayoṣit.

varasyā f. wish, desire.

varāka f. ī wretched, miserable.

varāṅga n. the best member of the body, i.e. the head.

varāṅganā f. = varayoṣit.

varāṭa m. a cowry (used as a coin).

varāṭaka m. -ṭikā f. = prec., cord, rope.

varānanā f. fair-faced.

varāroha f. ā having fair hips or buttocks.

varārthin a. asking for a boon or blessing.

varārha a. exceedingly worthy or precious.

varāsana n. splendid seat, throne.

varāha m. boar, hog; a cert. array of troops, E. of Viṣṇu.

varāhamihira m. N. of an astronomer.

varāhu m. = varāha; pl. a class of winds.

variman [1] m. variman n. circumference, compass, width, extent.

variman [2] m. the chief or best.

varivas n. room, space, freedom, ease, comfort; w. kṛ dhā, or vid give room or free course to (dat.).

varivaskṛt a. granting room, freeing.

varivasy varivasyati v = varivas kṛ etc., also comfort, serve, cherish.

varivoda a. granting room or freedom.

varivodhā (superl. -tama) & varivovid (compar. -vittara) the same.

variṣṭha [1] (superl.) widest, broadest, largest.

variṣṭha [2] (superl.) most excellent, best, chief among (gen. or --°); better than (abl.); the worst of (gen.).

varītṛ m. suitor (of a woman).

varīman n. & varīman m. = 1 & variman2.

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varīyaṃs [1] (compar.) wider, broader, very wide or broad; n. adv. farther off, as subst. a wider room or freer course; free space, freedom.

varīyaṃs [2] (compar.) more excellent, better; most excellent, best of (gen.).

varīvṛta a. rolling, winding.

varuṇa m. the All-encompasser, N. of a god.

varuṇagṛhīta a. seized by Varuṇa, dropsical.

varuṇadeva n. E. of a lunar mansion.

varuṇapāśa m. Varuṇa's snare or noose.

varuṇapraghāsa m. N. of a cert. sacrifice.

varuṇameni f. Varuṇa's wrath.

varuṇarājan a. having Varuṇa as king.

varuṇaloka m. Varuṇa's world or his domain, the water.

varuṇasava m. a cert. oblation.

varuṇānī f. Varuṇa's wife.

varuṇālaya m. Varuṇa's abode, the sea.

varuṇya a. coming from or belonging to Varuṇa; w. āpas standing water.

varūtṛ m. coverer, protector, defender; f. varūtrī female defender, guardian goddess.

varūtha n. cover, protection, shelter; s. chariot-fender, army, troop, multitude.

varūthin a. wearing armour, having a fender (chariot), affording shelter or protection, sitting in a chariot; surrounded by a multitude of (--°). m. war-chariot, f. -nī army.

varūthya a. affording shelter or protection.

vareṇya a. desirable, excellent, dear, best of (gen.).

vareṇyakratu a. benevolent or intelligent.

varey vareyati v woo, ask in marriage.

vareyu m. wooer, suitor.

vareśa a. granting boons or fulfilling wishes.

vareśvara a. granting boons or fulfilling wishes.

varoru [1] m. a beautiful thigh.

varoru [2] (f. -ru or -rū) a. having beautiful thighs, f. a well-formed woman.

varga a. & m. removing, remover; m. group, section, division, party, class, esp. of words or sounds (g.).

vargaśas adv. by groups.

vargastha a. belonging to a side or party.

vargin a. belonging to a side or party.

vargya a. = prec.; m. colleague.

varcas n. light, brightness, lustre, colour, the illuminating power of fire or the sun, power or strength i.g., vitality, energy, activity; excrement, ordure.

varcasa n. light, brightness, colour (--°).

varcasya a. giving vigour or energy.

varcasvant a. vigorous, energetic.

varcasvin a. vigorous, energetic.

varcin m. N. of a demon.

varja a. wanting, excluding (--°).

varjana n. avoiding, shunning, excluding.

varjanīya a. to be avoided or shunned.

varjam adv. excepting, except (--°).

varjayitavya a. to be avoided.

varjayitṛ m. who avoids or shuns.

varjita a. avoided, shunned; destitute of, free from, -less, -- excluded (--°).

varjya a. to be avoided; --° = varja.

varṇa m. cover, lid; outside, external appearance, colour, dye, paint, complexion; sort, kind, character, sort of men i.e. caste; letter, sound, vowel, syllable, word; praise, glory.

varṇaka f. varṇikā painting, representing; s. specimen, pattern; f. varṇikā paint, ointment (also m.), mask, dress of an actor.

varṇakacitrita a. painted with colours.*

varṇakrama m. succession of colours or order of castes.

varṇacitrita a. = varṇakacitrita.*

varṇajyāyaṃs (compar. & superl.) higher or highest in caste.

varṇajyeṣṭha (compar. & superl.) higher or highest in caste.

varṇatā f. -tva n. abstr. to varṇa caste.

varṇadūṣaka a. sullying the caste.

varṇadharma m. sgl. & pl. the laws or duties of castes.

varṇana n. -nā f. description.

varṇanīya a. to be painted or described.

varṇaparicaya m. skill at song or music.*

varṇamātra n. the mere (only the) colour.

varṇay varṇayati (varṇayate) v pp. varṇita paint, colour, dye, picture, describe, relate, tell; observe. --
     anu describe, picture, relate, explain, tell, praise.
     samanu abhi vyā upa the same.
     nis observe, look close at, contemplate; picture, represent.
     vinis observe closely.
     sam communicate, relate.

varṇayitavya a. to be painted or described.

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varṇayitṛ m. who paints or describes.

varṇavarti f. pencil or painting-brush.

varṇavartikā f. pencil or painting-brush.

varṇavṛtta n. a metre measured by the number of syllables.

varṇasaṃsarga m. the mixture of castes (by intermarriage).

varṇasaṃkara m. the mixture of castes (by intermarriage).

varṇāpeta a. destitute of caste, degraded.

varṇāvara a. lower in caste.*

varṇāśrama m. pl. caste and order (cf. āśama).

varṇin a. having a cert. colour, coloured, having the appearance or belonging to the caste of (--°); m. a person belonging to one of the four castes, esp. a religious student.

varṇya a. to be painted or described.

vartaka m. vartikā f. a quail.

vartana a. causing to move or live (Viṣṇu). n. turning, rolling, moving on, wandering, roaming; staying, abiding in (loc.); living on (instr.), support of life, earnings, wages; intercourse or commerce with (saha), proceeding with (--°).

vartanārthin a. seeking an occupation.

vartani f. the felloe or the track of a wheel; way, road, course.

vartamāna a. going on, present; n. = -kāla m. the present time.

vartave dat. inf. to vṛ1.

varti f. a pad or kind of bandage on a wound; wick of a lamp; paint, ointment, esp. eye-salve.

vartī f. a pad or kind of bandage on a wound; wick of a lamp; paint, ointment, esp. eye-salve.

vartikā [1] f. -> vartaka.

vartikā [2] f. stalk, wick, paint-brush.

vartitavya a. to be stayed in, attended to, or dealt with; n. impers. (it is) to be stayed in or among (loc.), attended to (loc.) or dealt with (loc., gen. or instr. w. saha).

vartin a. staying, remaining, lying, situated in (--°), engaged in or occupied with (--°), proceeding with, behaving (well) towards (--°).

vartis n. place to turn to, quarters, abode.

vartīra m. a kind of quail or partridge.

vartula a. round; n. a circle.

vartṛ m. restrainer.

vartman n. wheel-track, path, course, way; instr. by way of, through (--°).

vartra f. ī warding off, holding back; n. dam, weir.

vardha [1] a. (--°) & n. increasing, furthering.

vardha [2] s. separation.*

vardhaka a. cutting, shearing; m. = seq.

vardhaki m. carpenter.

vardhakin m. carpenter.

vardhana [1] f. increasing, growing, thriving; strengthening, furthering, promoting, animating, exhilarating, delighting (mostly --°). -- m. increaser, a man's name. n. increase, growth, prosperity; rearing, educating, strengthening, enlargement, refreshment.

vardhana [2] n. the cutting (cf. nābhi°).

vardhanīya a. to be increased or strengthened.

vardhāpana n. the cutting of the navel-string.

vardhita s. a kind of dish.

vardhitavya n. impers. to be grown.

vardhitṛ m. increaser.

vardhinī f. increasing, strengthening (--°).

vardhiṣṇu a. increasing, growing.

vardhra m. & n. leather strap, thong, girth.

varpas n. assumed appearance, image, form; art, stratagem.

varma (adj. --°) = varman.

varmaṇvant a. clad in armour, mailed.

varman n. armour, coat of mail (lit. cover); shelter, protection.

varmi m. a kind of fish.

varmita a. = varmaṇvant.

varmin a. = varmaṇvant.

varya a. to be chosen (esp. in marriage), excellent, best of (gen. or --°).

varvara a. = barbara curled, curly.

varṣa a. raining (--°); n. m. rain (n. pl. the rains as a season), a year, a part of the world; m. N. of a grammarian; f. ā rain, pl. (sgl.) the rains.

varṣaṇa f. ī (mostly --°) & n. raining.

varṣadhara m. eunuch (lit. restrainer of rain, i.e. of semen).

varṣanirṇij a. clothed with rain.

varṣant a. raining, m. rain.

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varṣapāta m. pl. showers of rain.

varṣapūga m. n. sgl. & pl. plenty of rain or a series of years.

varṣavara m. = varṣadhara.

varṣavṛddha a. grown by rain.

varṣaśatavṛtta a. passed a hundred years ago.

varṣaśatin a. a hundred years old.

varṣasahasravṛtta a. passed a thousand years ago.

varṣākāla m. the rainy season.

varṣārātra m. -rātri f. = prec. (lit. r. night).

varṣārdha s. a half-year.

varṣāśarad f. du. the rainy season and autumn.

varṣāsamaya m. = varṣākāla.

varṣāhū f. fros (lit. caller in rain).

varṣika a. -- years old (--°).

varṣitā f. abstr. to varṣin.

varṣitṛ m. rainer.

varṣin a. raining, sprinkling (--°); or = varṣika.

varṣiman m. width.

varṣiṣṭha (superl.) highest, largest, greatest, strongest; n. adv.

varṣīya a. of -- years (--°).

varṣīyaṃs (compar.) superior, higher, longer, larger than (abl.); great, important, thriving; better than (abl.); aged, old.

varṣuka a. rainy, watery.

varṣodaka n. rain-water.

varṣopala m. hail (lit. rain-stone).

varṣaugha m. mass or shower of rain.

varṣṭṛ m. rainer.

varṣman [1] m. height, top, crown of the head.

varṣman [2] n. height, elevation, surface, point; size, extent; body.

varṣya a. rainy; f. varṣyā pl. rain water.

val valati valate v pp. valita (q.v.) turn (intr.), return; break forth, appear. C. valayati or vālayati cause to turn or roll. --
     vi turn away. -- Cf. saṃvalita.

vala m. cave, cavern; N. of a demon (cf. bala2).

valaka s. cover; n. procession.

valana n. turning, moving round, undulation, agitation, coming forth, appearance.

valantikā f. a kind of dance.

valabhid -> balabhid.

valabhī f. roof or turret of a house.

valabhi f. roof or turret of a house.

valaya m. n. bracelet (worn by men & women), circle, enclosure, boundary, circumference; adj. --° encircled or surrounded by.

valayita a. = prec. adj.; forming a circle, circular, round.

valayin a. having a bracelet; encircled by (--°).

valavṛtraghna etc. -> balavṛtraghna etc.

valāhaka -> balāhaka.

vali f. fold of skin, wrinkle.

valī f. fold of skin, wrinkle.

valita a. turned, bent, n. impers.; accompanied by, joined with (--°).

valina a. wrinkled.

valibha a. wrinkled.

valimant a. wrinkled.

valīpalita n. wrinkles and grey hair.

valīmant a. curled.

valīmukha m. ape (lit. having a wrinkled face).

valīvadana m. ape (lit. having a wrinkled face).

valka m. n. the bark of a tree.

valkala m. n. = prec.; a garment made of bark (worn by hermits).

valkalavant a. dressed in bark.

valkalājinavāsas a. clothed in garments of bark and hides of animals.

valkalāmbaradhāraṇa n. the wearing of bark-clothes.

valkalin a. having bark or dressed in bark.

valkavāsas n. a garment made of bark.

valg valgati valgate v pp. valgita (q.v.) spring, jump (esp. with joy). --
     abhi spring near or towards, boil up (water). (ava leap, bound*.)
     ā move quickly, jump, spring.
     vyā gallop, leap, move hither and thither.
     pra & vi leap, spring.
     sam begin to undulate or boil up.

valgaka m. jumper, dancer.*

valgana n. springing, galloping.

valgā f. bridle, rein.

valgita a. & n. springing, jumping, moving to and fro.

valgitabhrū a. moving the eyebrows playfully.

valgu a. handsome, lovely; beautiful. n. adv.

valgulī f. a kind of night-bird.

valgūy valgūyati v treat kindly.

valbh valbhate v eat, taste.

valmīka m. ant-hill.

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valmīkarāśi m. -vapā f., -śikhara n. the same.

valmīkāgra n. N. of a peak of Rāmagiri.

valla m. a kind of wheat or a cert. weight.

vallakī f. a kind of lute.

vallaki f. a kind of lute.

vallabha a. dearest to (gen., loc., or --°), dearer than (abl.), favourite, also as subst., f. ā; abstr. -tā f. (tva* n.).

vallabhajana m. favourite.

vallari f. a creeping or twining plant.

vallarī f. a creeping or twining plant.

valli f. the same.

vallī f. the same.

vallūra n. dried flesh.

valśa m. sprout, twig.

valh valhati valhate v challenge.

vavra a. hiding (intr.); cavern, deep.

vavri m. cover, garment or body.

vaś vaṣṭi vivaṣṭi vavaṣṭi vaśati v be eager, will, desire, long for, order, command; aver, declare to be (2 acc.). C. vaśayati subdue. --
     abhi rule over, command; strive after, M. long for (acc.). -- Cf. uśant uśamāna (add.), vāvaśāna.

vaśa [1] a. willing, submissive, dependent; m. will, command, control, authority, power, influence; adj. --° being in the power of or subject to. vaśena śāt śatas by command, by force, by means of, according to (gen. or --°). -- Acc. w. i gam etc. come into the power of (gen. or --°), w. nī ānī etc. bring into subjection, overpower, subdue (also loc. w. kṛ sthāpay etc.); loc. w. bhū sthā etc. be subdued or subject.

vaśa [2] n. liquid grease.

vaśaṃvada a. acknowledging a person's will or power, obedient or devoted to (--°).

vaśaga a. being in the power of, subject or obedient to, dependent on (gen. or --°); abstr. -tva n.

vaśagata a. = prec. adj.

vaśagamana n. subjection, submission.

vaśatā f. -tva n. subjection, dependence.

vaśanī a. subject to (gen.).

vaśavartin a. = vaśaga.

vaśā f. cow, esp. a barren cow (also woman); a female elephant, w. avi f. a ewe.

vaśānuga a. following one's own or another's (gen.) will; subject or obedient to (gen. or --°).

vaśānna a. devouring cows.

vaśitva n. self-control or power over (loc.).

vaśin a. having will or power, either self-control or command over others, ruling, powerful; m. ruler, lord of (gen.), f. vaśinī.

vaśīkṛ A. (M.) make submissive, enthrall, subjugate; -bhū P.

vaśīkaraṇa n. abstr. to prec.

vaśīkāra m. vaśīkṛti & vaśīkriyā f. the same.

vaśya a. submissive, obedient, yielding to (gen. or --°); n. might, power. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vaśyātman a. whose soul is restrained or controlled.

vaṣaṭ an exclamation used on making an oblation; w. kṛ utter this exclamation.

vaṣaṭkartṛ a. & m. exclaiming Vaṣaṭ.

vaṣaṭkāra m. = prec. m.

vaṣaṭkārin a. = vaṣaṭkartṛ.

vaṣaṭkṛta a. offered with the exclamation Vaṣaṭ.

vaṣaṭkṛti f. = vaṣaṭkāra.

vaṣṭi a. desirous or desirable.

vas [1] (encl. pron. of 2nd pers.) you.

vas ucchati v pp. uṣṭa2 (--°) shine, light up, dawn; bring or drive away (dūre) by shining. C. vāsayati cause to shine. --
     apa = S. + dūre, extinguish.
     vi shine abroad, light up. C. cause to dawn or grow bright. -- Cf. vyuṣṭa vyuṣita.

vas vaste3 v put on, don, enter, assume (an appearance). C. clothe, dress in, cover with (instr.), M. refl. --
     adhi put on.
     anu clothe, cover (M. refl.), surround, protect.
     abhi cover one's self with (acc.). C. clothe or cover with (instr.).
     ni put on (over another garment).
     pari pra prati don.
     vi change clothes, also = C. put on, don.
     sam dress one's self in (instr.).

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vas vasati vasate v pp. uṣita4 q.v. (& uṣṭa) stay in a place, esp. over night (±rātrim), dwell, live, rest on (eye) or in (loc.); w. dūratas keep away; w. sukham be at ease or comfortable. C. vāsayati te cause to stay (over night), lodge; confine in (loc.), stop, detain, keep, support. --
     adhi settle upon, occupy, inhabit.
     anu remove to a place after another person (acc.); dwell, inhabit; pass, spend (time).
     ā settle or enter upon (acc.), dwell or live in (loc.); cohabit with (acc.); w. gurostalpam commit adultery with the teacher's wife. C. harbour, lodge; take up one's abode in (acc.); stop, stay, esp. over night.
     adhyā choose as abode, inhabit (acc.), dwell or live in (loc.) enter upon, attend to (acc.).
     samā stop, stay (esp. over night); settle in, inhabit (acc.). C. make a halt, settle down.
     ud C. remove from its place (esp. the fire from the altar ±agnim), sever, cut off (a head), root out (trees), ravage, lay waste.
     upa abide, stay, wait, esp. with eating i.e. fast; enter upon, attend to (acc.). C. cause to stay (over night) or fast.
     ni dwell (of men & beasts), live in (loc.), inhabit, occupy, keep; incur, undergo; have sexual intercourse with (acc.). C. cause to stay, receive in one's house, lodge; make inhabitable, populate; inhabit.
     saṃni live with (instr.) in (loc.).
     nis finish (w. vāsam); C. expel from home, banish, send away, dismiss.
     pari stay (over night), live with (instr.); C. keep over night.
     pra set out, go abroad (for a night); depart, disappear, be gone; stay or dwell in (loc.); also = C. banish, exile.
     vipra go or be abroad. C. banish, remove.
     prati (stay over night*); have one's dwelling.
     vi change one's abode, go away from (abl.); pass, spend (time) C. drive away (from home or land), banish, exile, dismiss.
     sam dwell together, live with (instr. ±saha or acc.), cohabit with (acc.); stay or live in (loc.); pass, spend (acc. of time). C. cause to live together, bring together with (instr. ±saha), give shelter, harbour. -- Cf. adhyuṣita abhyuṣita upoṣita paryuṣita proṣita viproṣita vyuṣita.

vasati f. staying (over night), dwelling, living, abode, home, house, settlement, nest.

vasana [1] n. garment, cloth, clothing; du. under and upper garment, adj. --° clothed in.

vasana [2] n. staying, dwelling, abode.

vasanaparyāya m. change of clothes.*

vasanavant a. clothed.

vasanta m. spring (the friend of the god of love).

vasantaka m. = prec., a man's name.

vasantakāla m. spring time.

vasantatilaka n. N. of a metre.

vasantapuṣpa n. a spring flower.

vasantabandhu m. the friend of the spring (cf. vasanta).

vasantamahotsava m. the great spring festival (in honour of the god of love).

vasantaśrī f. the beauty of spring.

vasantasakha m. = vasantabandhu.

vasantasahāya m. = vasantabandhu.

vasantasamaya m. spring time.

vasantasena m. ā f. a man's & woman's name.

vasantā adv. in spring.

vasantotsava m. spring festival.

vasavāna m. (±vasvas) owner of wealth.

vasavya a. wealthy; n. wealth (also vasavya).

vasā f. fat, grease, brain.

vasāpāvan a. drinking grease.

vasāmaya f. ī consisting of fat.

vasāy vasāyate v dress one's self in (instr.).

vasāhoma m. oblation of fat.

vasiṣṭha (superl.) most excellent, best, richest; m. N. of an ancient Rishi, deified as a star in the Great Bear.

vasīyaṃs (compar.) better than (abl.), more wealthy or glorious.

vasu f. vasvī (& vasu) a. good, wholesome; m. E. of the gods or a class of (8) gods, N. of sev. men; n. good, property, wealth, riches.

vasujit a. winning good.

vasutā f. wealth or liberality.

vasutāti f. wealth or liberality.

vasutti f. enrichment.

vasutva n. wealth, riches.

vasutvana n. wealth, riches.

vasuda a. bestowing wealth, liberal.

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vasudatta m. ā f. a man's & woman's name.

vasudā a. = vasuda.

vasudāna a. = vasuda.

vasudāvan a. = vasuda.

vasudeya n. bestowing of wealth, liberality.

vasudeva m. N. of Kṛṣṇa's father etc.

vasudhā a. yielding good, liberal. f. the earth, land.

vasudhātala n. the surface of the earth.

vasudhādhara a. supporting the earth; m. king or mountain.

vasudhādhipa m. lord of the earth, king.

vasudhādhipati m. lord of the earth, king.

vasudhāna f. ī containing wealth.

vasudhāpati m. lord of the earth, king.

vasudhāra a. holding treasures.

vasudhāriṇī f. the earth (lit. = prec.).

vasudhiti a. possessing or bestowing wealth; f. = seq.

vasudheya n. bestowal of wealth.

vasuṃdhara a. containing wealth. f. ā the earth, land.

vasunīti a. bringing wealth.

vasunītha a. bringing wealth.

vasupati m. (±vasūnām) lord of wealth or of the gods (E. of Agni, Indra, etc.).

vasubhūti m. a man's name.

vasumattā f. wealth, riches.

vasumant a. containing treasures, wealthy; accompanied by the Vasus. m. a man's name; f. vasumatī the earth, a woman's name.

vasumaya f. ī a consisting in wealth.

vasumitra m. a man's name.

vasura a. valuable, rich.

vasuraṇva a. delighting in wealth.

vasuretas m. fire or the god of fire (lit. seed of wealth or of the Vasus).

vasulakṣmī f. N. of a woman.*

vasuvani a. craving or bestowing wealth.

vasuvant a. joined with the Vasus.

vasuvid a. bestowing good.

vasuśakti m. a man's name.

vasuśravas a. having good fame or famed for wealth.

vasuṣeṇa m. E. of Kṛṣṇa and Karṇa.

vasūy vasūyati v crave good.

vasūyā (instr. adv.) from desire for good.

vasūyu a. craving good.

vasta -> vasta.

vastave dat. infin. to vas2.

vastavya a. to be spent (time); n. impers. (it is) to be stayed, dwelt, or lived.

vasti m. f. bladder; *fringe.

vastu [1] f. brightening, dawning; gen. vastos in the morning, prati vastos towards morning.

vastu [2] n. seat, place; thing, object, reality; matter, circumstance; substance, contents or subject (of a poem etc.).

vastuka a. having as subject (--°).

vastutas adv. in reality.

vasturacanā f. arrangement of a matter, treatment of a subject.

vastūpamā f. a kind of comparison.

vastṛ a. lighting up, m. illuminer.

vastra n. cloth, garment; clothes, dress.

vastrapūta a. purified by a cloth.

vastravant a. well clothed.

vastravṛtta n. the real fact.

vastrayoni f. material of cloth.

vastraveśman n. tent.

vastrāñcala m. the hem of a garment.

vastrānta m. the end of a garment.

vastrāntara n. upper garment, cover.

vastrāpahāraka m. a stealer of clothes.

vastrāy vastrāyate v be like a garment.

vasna n. price, value.

vasnya a. valuable, purchasable.

vasman [1] n. cover.

vasman [2] n. nest.

vasyaiṣṭi f. striving after the highest good.

vasyaṃs (compar.) better, more excellent, wealthier than (abl.); n. the better or best, welfare, happiness.

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vah vahati vahate v pp. ūḍha1 (q.v.) conduct, carry (esp. the oblation), draw (waggon), guide (the horses); bring near, procure, cause, effect; offer, present (a sacrifice); carry off, rob; take to wife, marry; bear, support, feel, suffer; indulge, pardon; wear, have; undergo, incur; pass. spend; intr. travel, go (in or by any vehicle), drive, ride, run, swim, flow, blow (wind), pass away (time); P. uhyata be conducted etc., be borne along, move, go in or by (instr.). C. vāhayati te cause to conduct, draw, or carry; guide, drive (cf. S.), ride on (acc.); step upon or travel over (a way); set to work, use, apply; take in, deceive. I. vanīvāhyate carry hither and thither. --
     ati carry over or across, pass by; spend (time). C. transport, transpose, let pass i.e. spend (time), escape (a foe etc.).
     anu carry along.
     apa carry or drive away (also C.); take off, remove, give up.
     abhi convey near or towards, bring.
     ā the same, also bear (fig.), lead home i.e. take to wife; carry or drive away; intr. flow. C. call near, invite (esp. gods to a sacrifice).
     anvā & abhyā bring hither or to.
     udā & samudā lead away, esp. lead out a bride from her father's house, i.e. marry.
     samā bring hither or to (together), assemble; M. meet.
     ud & samud lead up or away; raise, elevate; draw out, extract; marry (cf. udā); lead or bring to, offer, present; bear, carry (lit. & fig.); have, possess, enjoy; endure, suffer; manifest, betray.
     ud C. (cause to) marry.
     upa lead or bring near, get, procure, cause, effect; betray into (acc.).
     samupa carry along, let flow; P. approach, begin, rise.
     ni lead down or towards (dat. or loc.); bear, support.
     nis lead out, extract, save from (abl.); carry off, remove; bring about, effect; succeed (of pers. & th.). C. pass, spend (time); bring about, perform, accomplish.
     parā lead or take to (dat.).
     pari lead about, esp. the bride or the wedding procession, i.e. wed; intr. flow about.
     pra trans. carry onward or along, lead or bring to (acc.); intr. be borne along, flow, blow. C. set in motion, send away, dismiss.
     prati conduct towards or near.
     vi lead away, marry (cf.
     udā), form a matrimonial alliance with (instr.); M. get married, celebrate a wedding. C. give in marriage or marry.
     sam carry (together), conduct, lead, draw, drag, bear along; P. ride on (instr.). C. bring together, assemble, collect; drive (carriage etc.), guide, conduct, lead, take to wife; carry the hand along the body, stroke. -- Cf. apoḍha udūḍha upoḍha oḍha vyūḍha.

vah [2] (vāh uh & ūh) carrying, drawing, bearing, holding (--°).

vaha a. = prec., also intr. flowing towards or through (--°). m. n. the shoulder of the yoked animal or the part of the yoke lying on it.

vahat f. vehicle or river.

vahatu m. wedding procession, wedding.

vahana a. (--°) & n. conducting, carrying, bearing; n. also flowing, ship.

vahanabhaṅga m. shipwreck.

vahanīya a. to be carried, drawn, or borne.

vahantī f. pl. flowing water.

vahala a. used to the yoke (cow).

vahitra n. ship; -bhaṅga m. shipwreck.

vahin a. = vahala.

vahiṣṭha (superl.) & vahīyaṃs (compar.) conducting best (better); most (more) practicable (way).

vahni m. beast for draught, team; conveyer, esp. who brings an oblation to the gods (Agni); the rider or charioteer (sev. gods), the flowing one (Soma); in l. l. mostly fire or the god of fire.

vahnigṛha n. house or place of the sacred fire.

vahnitama (superl.) carrying best (the oblation).

vahnipatana n. entering the fire, self-immolation.

vahnimant a. containing fire.

vahnimaya a. consisting of fire, fiery.

vahniśālā f. = vahvigṛha.

vahniśikhā f. fire-flame.

vahnisaṃskāra m. the burning of a dead body.

vahnisātkṛ burn, cremate.

vahnisphuliṅga m. fire-spark.

vahya a. fit to draw or carry; n. portable bed, litter.

vahyaka m. beast for draught.

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[1] (indecl.) or (following its word), either -- or not, i.e. optionally (g.), as, like ( = iva), indeed, even ( = eva), but, but if, suppose that (fut.), possibly (after an interr.), often only explet. -- vā -- vā either -- or; vā -- na vā either -- or not, perhaps -- perhaps not, whether -- or not; vā na -- vā either not -- or; yadi vā -- vā (na) whether -- or (not). na (±vā) -- neither -- nor. -- Cf. atha uta kim yadi.

vayati vayate v pp. uta2 or ūta weave, interweave, plait, fig.
= compose (hymns etc.). --
     ā weave or lay in, interweave; also =
     samā M. string upon (loc.).
     ud bind up, suspend.
     pari interweave; tie round, fetter, ensnare.
     pra weave or tie to (loc.).
     vi plait, twist, weave.
     sam weave together, interweave, inlay or adorn with (instr.). -- Cf. ota prota vyuta vyūta samuta.

vāti vāyati vāti vāyate v pp. vāta3 & vāna (--°) blow, blow near or towards (tr. & intr.), spread (intr. of odours), smell. --
     anu blow towards or after (acc.), inflame, rouse.
     abhi & ā blow towards or hither.
     ava blow down.
     upa cease to blow, be extinguished.
     nis blow, also = prec. C. nirvāpayati extinguish, allay, refresh, delight.
     parā blow away.
     pra blow, be exhaled or spread (odour).
     vi blow asunder or through.
     sam blow. -- Cf. nirvāṇa pravāta.

[4] -> van1.

[5] before u = vai.

vāka m. saying, formula, recitation (r.).

vākovākya n. dialogue, conversation; E. of cert. parts of the Vedic tradition.

vākkṣata n. offence by words.

vākcakṣus n. speech and look.

vākcapala a. restless with words, talking idly.

vākpaṭu a. eloquent, abstr. -tā f.

vākpati m. lord of speech.

vākpatha m. time or opportunity of speaking.

vākpāruṣya n. roughness of speech, verbal injury.

vākya n. speech, words; statement, deposition (j.); sentence, periphasis (g.).

vākyapadīya n. T. of a work.

vākyārtha m. the meaning or contents of a sentence.

vākyārthopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

vāksaṃyama m. restraint or control of speech.

vāksaṃvara m. restraint or control of speech.

vāgapahāraka m. stealer of (another's) words or of the Word, i.e. the Veda.

vāgīśa a. & m. = seq. (often --° in names of learned men).

vāgīśvara m. a master of language.

vāgurā f. snare, net, trap.

vāgurāvṛtti a. who lives by snaring animals.

vāgurika m. deer-catcher, hunter.

vāgṛṣabha m. master (lit. bull) of language; abstr. -tva n.

vāgguda m. a kind of bird or bat.

vāgdaṇḍa m. speech - assault, either reproof, reprimand, or = seq. n., also control over one's speech; du. word and stick.

vāgdaṇḍaja a. sprung from speech - assault, w. pāruṣya n. verbal injury.

vāgduṣṭa a. speaking ill or abusively; m. defamer.

vāgdevatā f. the goddess of speech (Sarasvatī).

vāgdevī f. the goddess of speech (Sarasvatī).

vāgdaivatya a. sacred to Sarasvatī (v. prec.).

vāgbandhana n. stopping of speech, silence.

vāgbhaṭa m. N. of sev. scholars.

vāgmitā f. -tva n. eloquence.

vāgmin a. eloquent.

vāgyata a. reserved in speech, taciturn.

vāgvant a. connected with language.

vāgvid a. skilled in language.

vāgvidagdha a. clever in speech; abstr. -tā f.

vāgvin a. eloquent.

vāgvisarga m. -sarjana n. breaking silence; speaking.

vāgvīra m. master of language.

vāgvīrya a. strong-voiced.

vāgvyavahāra m. discussion, quarrel.

vāgvyāpāra m. speaking, talking (lit. use of speech).

vāghat m. the institutor of a sacrifice.

vāṅmadhu n. sweet words (speech-honey).

vāṅmadhura a. sweet in speech.

vāṅmanas n. du., -manasa n. sgl. speech and mind.

vāṅmaya f. ī a. consisting of speech or words, relating to speech; n. speech, eloquence, rhetoric.

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vāṅmātra n. the mere word.

vāc f. speech, voice, sound, word, language, discourse; also speech personif. or the goddess of speech, Sarasvatī.

vācaṃyama a. = vāgyata, abstr. -tva n.

vācaka f. -cikā a. speaking, saying, expressing (gen. or --°); m. speaker, reciter. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vācakapada a. containing words that have a sense or express something.

vācana n. reciting or causing to recite, reading, expressing; f. ā lesson, chapter.

vācaspati m. lord of speech, master of language, E. of sev. gods, esp. of Bṛhaspati, also a man's name.

vācā f. speech, word; the goddess of speech.

vācāmātra n. = vāṅmātra.*

vācāmātraka n. = vāṅmātra.*

vācāṭa a. talkative, vain-glorious.

vācārambhaṇa n. a mere phrase (lit. a hold or support of language).

vācāla a. = vācāṭa; also noisy, resounding with (--°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vācālay vācālayati v cause to talk or fill with noise.

vācika a. consisting of words, verbal, oral.

vācin a. asserting, expressing (--°).

vācya to be spoken or said (n. impers.); being said or meant; to be spoken to or about; to be spoken against, blamable, censurable; n. blame, censure, fault. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vācyārtha m. the meaning immediately expressed.

vāja m. swiftness, strength, courage; race, struggle, contest & its prize, booty, gain, reward, treasure, good; offering - meat; runner, horse; N. of one of the Ṛbhus, pl. the Rbhus together.

vājajit a. winning the contest or booty.

vājadā a. granting good or strength.

vājadāvan a. granting good or strength.

vājapati m. lord of strength (f. -patnī).

vājapeya m. n. a cert. sacrifice.

vājapeśas a. embellished with gifts or strength.

vājaṃbhara a. carrying the prize.

vājay vājayati & vājayati vājayate v run for the prize, race, hasten; combat, contest; spur on, incite.

vājayu a. running (for the prize), zealous, eager, strong, bestowing booty or treasure.

vājaratna a. rich in goods or treasures.

vājavant a. consisting of or connected with booty, treasure etc., strong, vigorous; accompanied by the Vājas (i.e. Ṛbhus).

vājaśrava m. N. of a man.

vājaśravas m. N. of a teacher.

vājaśravasa m. patron. from prec.

vājaśruta a. famed for swiftness.

vājasani a. gaining or granting good, booty, strength, etc.; victorious.

vājasaneya m. patron. of YājJavalkya; pl. N. of a Vedic school.

vājasaneyin m. pl. the school of Vājasaneya.

vājasaneyibrāhmaṇa n. -saṃhitā f. Brāhmana & Saṅhitā of the Vājasaneyas.

vājasā a. = vājasani.

vājasāta n. -sāti f. gain of the prize or of goods, battle, victory.

vājasṛt a. running for the prize.

vājin a. swift, courageous, strong, brave, manly m. hero, warrior; horse, stallion. Pl. the horses of the gods, also the sect of Vājasaneya.

vājina n. race, running, contest, manly strength.

vājinīvant a. swift or having swift horses, courageous, strong.

vājinīvasu a. having swift horses or giving strength.

vājineya m. son of a hero or warrior.

vājimedha m. horse-sacrifice.

vājirūpadhara e. having the shape of a horse.

vājivega a. swift as an horse.

vāñch vāñchati v pp. vāñchita (q.v.) desire, wish. --
     abhi samabhi sam & abhisam = S.

vāñchā f. wish, desire for (loc., gen., acc. with prati, or --°).

vāñchita a. wished for, desired; n. wish. desire.

vāṭ an exclamation used on making on oblation.

vāṭa [1] a. made of the Indian fig-tree.

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vāṭa [2] m. enclosed place, garden (also ī f.); district, way.

vāṭaka m. -ṭikā f. enclosure, garden.

vāṭadhāna m. pl. N. of a tribe.

vāṭya [1] a. = vāṭa1.

vāṭya [2] m. parched barley.

vāḍaba adj. coming from a mare; m. = vaḍabāgni, also a Brahman.

vāḍabāgni m. = vaḍabāgni.

vāḍava  = vāḍaba.

vāṇa [1] m. instrumental music; a harp with a hundred strings.

vāṇa [2] -> bāṇa1.

vāṇaśabda m. the sound of a lute or of arrows.

vāṇija m. merchant, trader.

vāṇijika a. living by trade.

vāṇijya n. (jyā f.) a merchant's business, trade.

vāṇī [1] f. reed; du. the two spring-bars on a carriage.

vāṇī [2] f. music (pl. choir of singers or musicians), sound, voice; speech, words, eloquence or the goddess Sarasvatī.

vāṇīcī f. a cert. musical instrument.

vāta m. wind, air; the god of the wind.

vātajūta a. swift as the wind.

vātatviṣ a. impetuous like the wind.

vātabhakṣa a. living upon wind.

vātaraṃhas a. swift as the wind.

vātala a. windy, airy.

vātavarṣa m. sgl. & pl. rain and wind.

vātavya a. to be weft.

vātavyādhi m. wind-disease.

vātasvana a. roaring like the wind.

vātasvanas a. roaring like the wind.

vātātmaja m. E. of Hanumant (son of the Wind).

vātāpi a. swelling by wind, fermenting, or having the wind as ally (Soma); m. N. of an Asura.

vātāyana [1] m. a patron. name.

vātāyana [2] a. moving in the wind or in the air; n. air-hole, round window, i.g. a place to take the air, pavilion, turret etc.

vātālī f. whirlwind.

vātāvant a. windy, airy.

vātāvalī f. = vātālī.*

vātāśa m. serpent (wind-eater).

vātāśin m. serpent (wind-eater).

vātāśva m. a wind-swift horse, runner.

vātāhati f. a violent gust (lit. stroke) of wind.

vātika m. wind-maker, i.e. braggart, boaster.

vātula a. windy; also = seq.

vātūla a. crazy, mad, insane.

vātopaspṛṣṭa a. affected with a wind-disease.

vātormī f. N. of a metre (wind-wave).

vātyā f. storm, whirlwind.

vātsalya n. affection, tenderness towards (loc., gen., or --°).

vātsya a. relating to Vatsa; m. as patron.

vātsyāyana m. patr. from prec. m., N. of an author.

vāda a. speaking of or playing on (--°). m. speech, discourse, mention, assertion, proposition, statement, dispute, controversy; sound, music.

vādana m. & n. player & playing on a musical instrument.

vādayuddha n. speech-fight i.e. controversy.

vādika a. speaking, asserting (--°).

vādita n. instrumental music.

vāditavya n. instrumental music.

vāditra n. musical instrument or = prec.

vādin a. speaking, discoursing, asserting, expressing (--°, r. acc.). m. speaker, explainer, teacher, disputant; plaintiff, accuser, du. plaintiff and defendant.

vādya a. to be spoken or to be played (blown) on; n. speech or musical instrument.

vādhūya a. bridal; n. bridal garment.

vādhrīṇasa -> vārdhrīṇasa.

vāna n. weaving, sowing.

vānaprastha [1] m. a Brahman of the third order, hermit, anchorite.

vānaprastha [2] a. relating to a hermit; m. the third stage of a Brahman's life (also -prasthya n.).

vānara [1] m. (adj. --° f. ā) monkey, ape, f. ī.

vānara f. ī2 belonging to a monkey, monkey-like, apish.

vānaspatya a. relating to trees or woods, wooden; m. tree, bush, plant i.g.; n. fruit of a tree.

vānāyu m. pl. N. of a people.

vānīra m. a kind of reed or cane.

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vāneya a. living or growing in a wood.

vānta a. having vomited; n. = seq.

vāntānna n. vomited food.

vāntāśin a. eating vomited food.

vānti f. vomiting.

vānyā f. a cow whose calf is dead.

vāpa [1] m. shearing, shaving.

vāpa [2] m. sower, scatterer; scattering, seed.

vāpana [1] n. causing to shear or shearing.

vāpana [2] n. sowing.

vāpikā f. an oblong pond.

vāpī f. an oblong pond.

vāpījala n. water from a pond.

vāpīvistīrṇa n. a breach or gap formed like an oblong pond.

vāpuṣa a. wonderful.

vāpya [1] a. to be scattered.

vāpya [2] a. coming from ponds.

vābhi -> ūrṇavābhi.

vām (encl.) acc. dat. gen. du. of 2nd pers. pron.

vāma [1] f. ī & ā dear, pleasant, lovely, beautiful; fond of, eager or greedy for (--°). m. E. of Śiva, a man's name. f. vāmā a (beautiful) woman; f. vāmī a female or she- (ass, camel etc.); n. anything dear or precious, wealth, goods, etc.

vāma [2] a. left (not right), adverse, contrary, refractory, stubborn, prude, coy, cruel, wicked, bad; n. adversity, mischief. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vāmaka f. -mikā left (not right), adverse, cruel, hard. m. a cert. mixed caste; n. a kind of gesture.

vāmatas adv. from the left side.

vāmadṛś f. a fair-eyed woman.

vāmadṛṣṭi f. a fair-eyed woman.

vāmadeva m. N. of a Rishi.

vāmana [1] a. dwarfish, short, small, abstr. -tā f., -tva n. -- m. dwarf, E. of Viṣṇu etc., N. of sev. men.

vāmana [2] a. relating to a dwarf of Viṣṇu.

vāmanayanā f. = vāmadṛś.

vāmabhāj a. enjoying lovely things.

vāmalocana n. a beautiful eye.

vāmalocanā f. a fair-eyed woman.

vāmaśīla a. of a stubborn or wicked character.

vāmākṣī f. = vāmadṛś.

vāmārambha a. stubborn, refractory.

vāmin a. vomiting, ejecting.

vāmetara a. different from left, right.

vāmorū f. a woman with beautiful thighs.

vāmya n. perversity.

vāyaka m. weaver, sewer.

vāyava f. ī relating to the wind or to Vāyu, north-western; f. ī (±diś) the north-west.

vāyavya a. = prec. a.; n. E. of a lunar mansion.

vāyasa [1] m. bird, crow; f. ī crow-hen.

vāyasa f. ī2 relating to crows.

vāyasīkṛ change into a crow, bhū P.

vāyu [1] m. wind, air, esp. vital air (5); the god of wind, pl. the Maruts.

vāyu [2] a. tired, languid.

vāyu [3] a. desirous or desirable.

vāyugīta a. sung by the wind, i.e. universally known.

vāyuputra m. Vāyu's son i.e. Hanumant.

vāyupurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

vāyubhakṣa a. living on air.

vāyubhakṣaka a. living on air.

vāyubhakṣya a. living on air.

vāyubhūta a. being (like) wind.

vāyumant a. joined or connected with wind.

vāyumaya a. having the nature of wind.

vāyura a. windy.

vāyuvat adv. like the wind.

vāyuvega m. the swiftness of wind.

vāyuvegaka a. swift as wind.

vāyuvegin a. swift as wind.

vāyusama a. wind-like.

vāyusūnu m. = vāyuputra.

vāyya m. a patron. name.

vāyvaśva a. having the winds for horses.

vār n. water.

vāra [1] m. tail-hair, esp. of a horse; m. n. sgl. & pl. a hair-sieve.

vāra [2] -> durvāra.

vāra [3] m. good, treasure; appointed time or place, one's turn, alternation, succession, change, time (w. numerals, vāraṃ vāram many a time, often); day (of a week). -- f. vārā courtezan.

vārakanyakā f. = prec. f.

vāraṅga m. handle.

vāraṇa f. ī warding off, resisting (n. a subst.); strong, wild, fierce, dangerous. m. elephant.

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vāraṇaśālā f. stable for elephants.

vāraṇasāhvaya n. (±pura) the town synonymous with elephants, i.e. Hāstinapura.

vāraṇāvata n. N. of a city.

vāraṇīya [1] a. to be kept off.

vāraṇīya [2] a. relating to elephants.

vāranārī f. courtezan (cf. vāra3).

vārabāṇa s. coat of mail.

vāramukhya m. dancer, singer; f. ā = prec.

vārayitavya a. to be kept from (abl.).

vārayuvati f. = vāranārī.

vārayoṣit f. = vāranārī.

vāravadhū f. the same.

vāravanitā f. the same.

vāravant a. long-tailed (horse).

vāravilāsinī f. = vāranārī.

vārāṅganā f. = vāranārī.

vārāṇasī f. N. of a city (Benares).

vārāha f. ī relating to a boar (Viṣṇu), boarish, made of hog's leather, etc.

vāri [1] n. water.

vāri [2] & -rī f. place where elephants are caught or tied on.

vārigarbhodara a. pregnant with rain (cloud).

vāricara a. living in or near water; m. fish, pl. N. of a people.

vāricārin a. living in water.

vārija (water-born); m. conch-shell, n. a lotus.

vāritaraṃga m. (water-) wave.

vāritas adv. (& adj.) by water (& checked).

vāriti s. water-plant.

vārida a. giving water or rain; m. cloud.

vāridhara a. carrying water; m. = prec. m.

vāridhānī f. water-tub.

vāridhārā f. sgl. & pl. stream of water.

vāridhi m. sea (receptacle of water).

vārinidhi m. sea (receptacle of water).

vāripatha m. water-path, voyage.

vāripathopajīvin a. living by voyages, seafaring.

vāribindu m. drop of water.

vārimant a. abounding in water.

vārimaya f. ī consisting of water.

vārimuc a. discharging water; m. cloud.

vāriyantra n. water-wheel.

vārirāja m. E. of Varuṇa (water-king).

vārirāśi m. heap of water, the sea.

vārivaha a. carrying or pouring forth water.

vārivāha a. = prec.; m. cloud or the raingod.

vārivāhaka a. = prec. a.

vārivāhin a. = prec. a.

vārivihāra m. water-sport (i.e. leaping in the water and splashing others).

vārisaṃbhava a. born or produced in water.

vāristha a. reflected (standing) in water (sun).

vārīy vārīyate v be like water.

vāruka a. choosing (acc.).

vāruṇa f. ī relating to Varuṇa or the water, Varuṇa's, western, water-. m. aquatic animal, fish; f. ī the west (±diś), Varuṇa's wife or daughter, a kind of spirit or liquor; n. E. of a lunar mansion.

vāruṇi m. a patron. name.

vārevṛta a. chosen, elect.

vārkāryā f. producing water.

vārkṣa f. ī relating to trees, wooden.

vārtta a. common, regular; f. ā livelihood, subsistence (--° living on or by); business, trade, profession (esp. that of a Vaiśya); intelligence, news, tale, story, mention of (gen., loc., acc. ±uddiśya, or --°).

vārttākarman n. & vārttārambha m. business, trade, profession.

vārttāhara m. messenger (carrier of tidings).

vārttāhartṛ m. the same.

vārttāhāra m. the same.

vārttāhārin a. bringing a message from (--°).*

vārttika m. husbandman, trader, spy, messenger; explanatory or complementary rule (g.).

vārtraghna f. ī relating to the Vṛtra-slayer, w. havis n. offering of victory; m. E. of Arjuna (Indra's son).

vārtrahatya a. & n. (belonging to) the slaying of Vṛtra.

vārda m. = vārida m.

vārddhaka m. old man; n. old age.

vārddhakabhāva m. & vārddhakya n. = prec. n.

vārddhuṣa m. usurer.

vārddhuṣi m. usurer.

vārddhuṣin m. usurer.

vārddhuṣī f. -ṣya n. usury.

vārdhanī f. water-jar.

vārdhi m. = vāridhi & -muc m.

vārmuc m. = vāridhi & -muc m.

vārdhrāṇasa m. an old white hegoat or a kind of crane.

vārdhrīṇasa m. an old white hegoat or a kind of crane.

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vārya [1] a. to be checked or restrained; m. wall.

vārya [2] a. to be chosen, precious, dear. m. treasure, jewel.

vāryanilāśana a. living on water and air.

vāryokas s. leech (whose home is the water).

vārvāha m. rain-cloud.

vārṣa f. ī belonging to the rainy season.

vārṣaparvaṇa a. coming from Vṛṣaparvan, f. ī patron. of Śarmiṣṭhā.

vārṣika f. ī = vārṣa or = seq. a.

vārṣikya a. annual; n. the rainy season.

vārṣṇa m. patron. names.

vārṣṇeya m. patron. of sev. men, also of Kṛṣṇa; N. of Nala's charioteer.

vāla m. tail-hair, horse-hair, tail, bristle; hair-sieve.

vālakhilya a. (w. mantrās or ṛcas) cert. hymns of the Rigveda; m. pl. a class of dwarfish Rishis.

vāladhāna n. & vāladhi m. a hairy tail.

vālapāśyā f. a string of pearls to bind up the hair.

vālamaya a. made of hair, hairy.

vālavāsas a. wearing a hairy garment.

vālavyajana n. a fly-flap made of tail-hair.

vālin (having hair or a tail); N. of of a Daitya & a monkey.

vāluka a. made of sand; f. ā sgl. & pl. sand.

vālukāmaya f. ī = prec. adj.

vālukāmbudhi m. sea of sand i.e. desert.

vālukārṇava m. the same.

vālka a. made of bark, n. such a garment.

vālguda m. a kind of bat.

vālmīka a. composed by Vālmīki (v. seq.).

vālmīki m. N. of an ancient Rishi, the author of the Rāmāyaṇa, etc.

vāllabhya n. favouriteship, tenderness.

vāva (indecl.) surely, just; lays stress on the preceding word.

vāvacana n. the statement of something as optional or arbitrary (g.).

vāvadūka a. talkative, loquacious, abstr. -tva n.

vāvaśāna a. eager, willing, ready.

vāvahi a. conducting well.

vāvāta a. dear, favourite; f. ā a king's favourite wife of a cert. rank.

vāvātṛ m. follower, adherent.

vāś vāśati vāśate vāśyate vāśati vāśate vāśyati v pp. vāśita (q.v.) bleat, low, roar, cry (of birds). C. vāśayati te cause to bleat etc.; M. sound loudly. I. vāvaśyate howl, croak, sound loudly.
     anu & pratyanu low after or in return.
     abhi bleat or bellow at (acc.).
     prati the same.
     sam (also I.) bleak etc. (together).

vāśa a. roaring.

vāśaka a. croaking.

vāśana a. croaking.

vāśita n. howling, croaking.

vāśitā f. a cow desiring the bull (also of other animals & female, woman i.g.).

vāśin a. howling, croaking.

vāśī f. a pointed knife; p. -mant.

vāśra a. bleating, bellowing, roaring, sounding; f. ā a (lowing) cow.

vāsa [1] m. garment, clothes.

vāsa [2] m. staying (esp. over night), abiding in (loc. or --°), abiding-place, house, home, state, condition; adj. --° living or dwelling in.

vāsa [3] m. odour, perfume.

vāsaḥkhaṇḍa n. piece of cloth, rag.

vāsaka (--°) = 1 2 3 vāsa; n. = seq.

vāsagṛha n. sleeping-room.

vāsageha n. sleeping-room.

vāsateya a. deserving or giving shelter.

vāsana [1] n. garment, dress; box.

vāsana [2] n. causing to abide, lodging; f. ā thought or desire of (loc.); impression of (--°), notion, idea.

vāsanāmaya a. consisting in ideas or in impressions from (--°); abstr. -tva n.

vāsanīya a. intelligible only by deep reflection.

vāsanta f. ī vernal; f. N. of sev. plants.

vāsantika f. ī = prec. a.; m. a cert. festival in spring.

vāsapādapa m. a tree (serving) as resting place (for birds).*

vāsabhavana n. sleeping-room.

vāsabhūmi f. dwelling-place.

vāsay vāsayvāti v (vāsayvāte), pp. vāsita (q.v.) infuse, perfume, make fragrant. --
     adhi & anu = S.

vāsayaṣṭi f. pole for a bird to perch on.

vāsayitavya a. to be harboured or lodged.

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vāsayoga m. a kind of perfume.

vāsara f. ī matutinal, early; m. day (opp. night) or day of the week.

vāsava f. ī1 relating to or descended from the Vasus; m. E. of Indra.

vāsava f. ī2 belonging to Indra; f. ī (±diś) his region, the east.

vāsavaja m. Indra's son i.e. Arjuna.

vāsavadattā f. a woman's name, T. of a novel.

vāsavadiś f. the east (cf. vāsava2).

vāsavāśā f. the east (cf. vāsava2).

vāsavi m. = vāsavaja.

vāsaveśman n. sleeping-room.

vāsas [1] n. garment, dress; du. under and upper garment.

vāsas [2] n. night-quarters.

vāsātya a. dawny, dim.

vāsārtham adv. to dwell or stay over night.

vāsita a. perfumed, fragrant.

vāsin [1] a. clothed in (--°).

vāsin [2] staying or dwelling in (mostly --°).

vāsiṣṭha f. ī belonging to or descended from Vasiṣṭha; w. śata n. the hundred sons of V.

vāsuki m. N. of a genius & a serpent-king.

vāsudeva [1] m. patr. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

vāsudeva [2] a. relating to Kṛṣṇa (cf. prec.).

vāsū f. girl, maiden.

vāsoda a. giving clothes.

vāsodā a. giving clothes.

vāstava f. ī real, true.

vāstavya a. remaining on the spot, left (as worthless); belonging to an abode; m. inhabitant, E. of Rudra (lord of the remainders of a sacrifice).

vāstu n. (m.) dwelling, home.

vāstukarman n. building a house.

vāstujñāna n. art of building, architecture.

vāstudeva m. -devatā f. house-god.

vāstubandhana n. = vāstukarman.

vāstumadhya s. the centre of a house.

vāstuvidyā f. = vāstujñāna.

vāstuvidhāna n. -vidhi m. = vāstukarman.

vāstoṣpati m. the genius of the dwelling.

vāstva a. left; n. remainders.

vāh [1] -> vah2.

vāh vāhate2 v press, urge.

vāha a. carrying, drawing, flowing (--°); m. beast for draught, horse, bull etc., waggon or any vehicle; adj. --° riding or going in. n. drawing, driving, riding, carrying, bearing, flowing.

vāhaka f. -hikā carrying, bringing.

vāhataka -> bārhataka.

vāhana a. carrying, bringing. n. (m.) beast of burden or beast for riding; vehicle i.g., waggon ship, oar, sail (adj. --° riding or going in); n. drawing, carrying, driving, riding, guiding (a horse).

vāhanāyudha n. sgl. & pl. vehicle and weapons.

vāhas n. offering, presenting, waiting on.

vāhasa m. Boa-constrictor.

vāhitṛ m. guide.

vāhin a. moving on (carriage); drawing, carrying, bringing, having, flowing or running towards (--°). m. waggon, chariot; f. vāhinī army or a cert. division of an army, river.

vāhinīpati m. chief of an army.

vāhinīśa m. chief of an army.

vāhiṣṭha (superl.) carrying, bringing, or flowing most.

vāhīka -> bāhīka.

vāhya a. what is carried, drawn, ridden, borne on (--°). n. beast for draught or riding, vehicle i.g.

vāhli -> bālhi & -ka.

vāhlika -> bālhi & -ka.

vi [1] m. bird.

vi [2] adv. apart, asunder, away, out (mostly °-- in verbs & nouns, to express division or distance).

viṃśa a. the twentieth or twentifold; w. śata n. one hundred and twenty. m. (±aṃśa or bhāga) a twentieth part.

viṃśaka a. accompanied or increased by twenty; w. śata n. twenty per cent.

viṃśat (°--) = seq.

viṃśati f. twenty.

viṃśatika a. twenty years old or consisting of twenty parts.

viṃśatitama a. the twentieth.

viṃśatima a. the twentieth.

viṃśatiśata n. one hundred and twenty.

viṃśāṃśa m. the twentieth part.

viṃśin a. consisting of twenty.

vika m. N. of a man.

vikaṅkata m. N. of a plant.

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vikaca a. hairless, bald-headed; opened, blossomed (flower); shining, radiant, resplendent with (--°).

vikacay vikacayati v open, pp. vikacita blossomed.

vikaṭa [1] a. exceeding the usual measure, huge, monstrous, hideous, wicked, bad; n. adv. m. N. of sev. men & a gander.

vikaṭa [2] a. having no mat or bed.

vikaṭākṣa a. having hideous eyes.

vikaṭānana a. having a hideous mouth.

vikatthana m. braggart; n. = seq.

vikatthā f. vikatthita n. bragging, boasting.

vikampin a. trembling.

vikara a. robbed of the hands (as a punishment).

vikaraṇa a. & n. changing, modifying; m. the inserted conjugational suffix (g.).

vikarṇa a. having the ears far asunder, having no ears i.e. deaf. m. a kind of arrow, a man's name.

vikartana a. & n. cutting asunder, dividing; m. the sun.

vikartṛ m. changer, transformer.

vikarmakriyā f. commission of bad acts.

vikarman [1] n. bad or prohibited action.

vikarman [2] a. doing no work or = seq.

vikarmastha a. doing prohibited acts.

vikarmin a. doing prohibited acts.

vikarṣa m. drawing towards one's self or drawing asunder, distance.

vikarṣaṇa a. & n. drawing asunder, bending (a bow).

vikala a. defective, imperfect, crippled, mutilated, weak; destitute of, -less (instr. or --°); depressed, sad, unwell. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vikalay vikalayati v afflict, annoy.

vikalīkṛ the same.

vikalendriya a. deficient in organs of sense.

vikalpa m. alternative, choice between two or more; difference, variety; supposition, (false) conception; uncertainty, doubt.

vikalpaka m. distributer, arranger, former.

vikalpana m. = prec.; f. ā & n. giving an option or alternative; fancy, imagination, (false) conception.

vikalpavant a. having a doubt, uncertain.

vikalpin a. like, to be confounded with (--°).

vikalmaṣa a. sinless.

vikavaca a. having no coat of mail.

vikasti f. bursting.

vikasvara a. open (lit. & fig.), blossomed.

vikāra m. change, alteration, perturbation, disorder (of body or mind), modification, preparation, production, passion of any kind, love, hatred.

vikāraṇa a. causeless.

vikārin a. producing or undergoing a change etc.; changing into (--°).

vikārya a. mutable.

vikāla m. evening.

vikāśa [1] m. bright sheen.

vikāśa [2] -> vikāsa.

vikāśayitṛ -> vikāsayitṛ.

vikāśin [1] a. shining; illumining (--°).

vikāśin [2] -> vikasin.

vikāsa m. opening, blossoming, expansion, diffusion; opening of the heart, i.e. cheerfulness, merriment.

vikāsaka a. opening, developing (--°).

vikāsana a. & n. causing to blossom or expand.

vikāsayitṛ (vikāsayitṛka)* a. = prec. adj.

vikāsin a. opened, blossoming, expanding, spreading, extensive, great.

vikira m. a scattered portion of rice etc. (r.); a kind of bird.

vikiraṇa n. scattering.

vikīrṇa a. scattered, dispersed; spread, covered with, full of (--°).

vikukṣi a. big-bellied.

vikuñcita a. bent, curled, contracted.

vikuṇṭha a. sharp, piercing, irresistible; m. E. of Viṣṇu & N. of Viṣṇu's heaven.

vikuṇṭhita a. blunted, dulled.

vikūja m. humming, tinkling, etc.

vikūjana n. the same.

vikūjita n. the same.

vikūbara a. robbed of the pole (carriage).

vikṛta a. altered, changed, deformed, diseased, imperfect, unfinished, unnatural, artificial; inlaid or adorned with (--°). n. change, alteration, monstrous birth.

vikṛtākṛti a. deformed.

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vikṛti f. alteration, change, disorder (poss. vikṛtimant) | formation, development; N. of a species of metre.

vikṛṣṭa a. wide, long.

viketu a. robbed of the flag.

vikeśa f. ī shag-haired; f. ī E. of cert. evil demons.

vikośa a. unsheathed (sword).

vikautuka a. showing no curiosity or interest.

vikrama m. step, stride, going, gait; bold advance, valour, might.

vikramakesarin m. N. of a prince.

vikramaṇa n. stepping, striding, bold advance, valour.

vikramapura n. N. of a city.

vikramabāhu m. names of kings.

vikramasena m. names of kings.

vikramasiṃha m. N. of sev. princes.

vikramāṅka m. = vikramāditya.

vikramāṅkadeva m. = vikramāditya.

vikramāṅkadevacarita n. T. of a poem.

vikramāditya m. N. of sev. kings, esp. of the supposed founder of the Samvat era (56 B.C.).

vikramin a. stepping, bestriding; advancing, courageous, bold.

vikramorvaśī f. T. of a drama.

vikraya m. -ṇa n. sale.

vikrayaka m. seller, vender.

vikrayika m. seller, vender.

vikrayin a. selling; m. = prec.

vikrayya a. to be sold.

vikrānta a. bold, valiant; n. = vikrama.

vikrāntaplutam adv. with a bold and bounding gait.

vikrānti f. the power of bestriding the whole world; also = prec.

vikrāma m. a step's width.

vikrāyaka m. seller.

vikriyā f. = vikāra + misfortune, mischief, damage.

vikriyopamā f. a kind of comparison.

vikrīḍa m. play ground, toy; f. ā = seq.

vikrīḍita n. play, sport.

vikruṣṭa n. = vikrośa.

vikretṛ m. seller, vender.

vikretavya a. to be sold.

vikreya a. to be sold.

vikrodha a. free from anger.

vikrośa m. cry of alarm or for help.

vikrośana m. N. of a myth. being.

vikroṣṭṛ m. who cries for help.

viklava a. depressed, timid, shy, afraid, perplexed, troubled, out of order; uncertain about, incapable of (--°). n., -tā f., & -tva n. as abstr.

viklānta a. wearied, dispirited.

viklinna a. thoroughly wet; softened, compassionate.

vikliṣṭa a. hurt, violated.

vikleda m. becoming wet, wetness, dissolution.

vikṣata a. grievously hurt or wounded; n. wounding, wound.

vikṣara a. pouring out.

vikṣipta a. thrown asunder, scattered, dispersed; absent in mind, inattentive.

vikṣepa m. throwing, scattering, tossing, sending, dispatching; turning off, diversion, distraction; projection (ph.).

vikṣepaśakti f. the projective power (ph.); p. -mant.

vikṣobdhos (gen. inf.) to crush.

vikṣobha m. violent motion, agitation, confusion; adj. -bhin.

vikhanas m. E. of Brahman, N. of a Muni.

vikhāda m. devouring or devourer.

vikheda a. free from depression, fresh.

vikhyāta a. universally known; renowned or known as, called (nom. w. iti).

vikhyāti f. notoriety, fame.

vikhyāpana n. announcement.

vigata a. gone away, disappeared, ceased, dead, remote; often °-- having no --, free from, -less.

vigatajvara a. free from fever or distress.

vigatasaṃkalpa a. devoid of purpose or resolution, undetermined.

vigada [1] m. cry, confused noise.

vigada [2] a. free from illness, well.

vigandha a. smelling badly, stinking.

vigandhi a. smelling badly, stinking.

vigama m. departure, disappearance, absence, cessation.

vigarhaṇa n. -ṇā f. blaming, censure, reproach.

vigarhita a. blamed, censured, prohibited, forbidden by (instr. gen. or --°); wicked, bad.

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vigarhin a. blaming (--°).

vigarhya a. blamable.

vigāḍha a. plunged into (act. & pass.), begun, set in, advanced.

vigāthā f. N. of a metre.

vigāman n. step, stride.

vigāha a. plunging into, piercing.

vigīta a. discordant, contradictory.

vigīti f. N. of a metre.

viguṇa a. having no string; void of qualities or virtues; defective, incomplete, destitute of (--°); worthless, ineffective, contrary.

vigulpha a. abundant.

vigūḍha a. hidden, concealed.

vigṛhya (ger.) aggressive(ly).

vigra a. mighty, strong.

vigraha m. separation, division; isolation, analysis (g); discord, contest, quarrel, war with (instr. ±saha sākam, or sārdham, loc., gen. w. upari, or --°).

vigrahaṇa n. diffusing, distributing, seizing, grasping.

vigrahavant a. having a form or body, embodied, incarnate.

vigrahin a. making war; m. minister of war.

vighaṭana n. separating, dispersing, destroying.

vighaṭṭana a. opening; n. & ā f. opening, striking, rubbing, friction.

vighana [1] a. hurting, damaging; m. stamper, pounder, club, poss. -nin.

vighana [2] a. cloudless.

vigharṣaṇa n. rubbing, friction.

vighasa m. n. food, esp. the remains of an oblation of food.

vighasāśin a. eating the remains of the sacrificial food.

vighāta m. stroke, blow; warding off, beating back; obstacle, hindrance, disturbance; destruction, ruin.

vighātaka a. impeding, disturbing.

vighātana a. warding off, a. & n. = prec.

vighātin a. beating, fighting, hurting, removing, disturbing.

vighūrṇana n. -nā f. tottering, reeling.

vighṛta a. sprinkled.

vighṛṣṭa a. rubbed, sore.

vighna m. breaker, destroyer (--°); m. (n.) obstacle, hindrance.

vighnakara a. causing obstacles, impeding.

vighnakartṛ a. the same.

vighnakārin a. the same.

vighnakṛt a. the same.

vighnajit m. E. of Ganeśa (lit. overcoming obstacles).

vighnapati m. = prec. (lit. lord of obstacles).

vighnay vighnayati v pp. vighnita hinder, disturb. --
     sam = S.

vighnarāj m. = vighnapati.

vighnarāja m. = vighnapati.

vighnavant a. connected with obstacles.

vighneśa m. = vighnapati.

vighneśvara m. = vighnapati.

vic vinakti v (vivekti), pp. vikta separate, esp. grain from chaff by winnowing, i.g. sift, sever from (abl.), try, examine. --
     apa sever, separate ( = S.).
     vi separate by tossing or blowing, i.g. sift; sever from (abl.); examine, try, distinguish, decide (a question). C. vivecayati =
     pravi separate, try, examine -- Cf. pravivikta vivikta.

vicakila m. a kind of jasmine.

vicakra a. having no wheels.

vicakṣaṇa a. conspicuous, visible, clear, distinct; discerning, intelligent, knowing, wise, skilful or clever in (loc. or --°), abstr. -tva n.

vicakṣus a. eyeless, blind.

vicakṣe dat. inf. to cakṣ.

vicaya m. sifting, searching, investigating.

vicayana n. the same.

vicaraṇīya n. impers. to be proceeded.

vicarita a. roving about, wandering.

vicarcikā f. a kind of cutaneous disease.

vicarcī f. a kind of cutaneous disease.

vicaṣarṇi a. stirring, agile, swift, active.

vicāra m. proceeding, mode of procedure ( = a single case), also = seq.

vicāraṇa n. -ṇā f. change of place; reflection, deliberation, examination, hesitation, doubt.

vicāraṇīya a. requiring much consideration.

vicāravant a. acting with deliberation.

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vicārita a. deliberated, dubious or settled; n. deliberation, hesitation.

vicārin a. spreading, wide; roaming, wandering; going through, judging, considering (--°).

vicārya a. = vicāraṇīya.

vicikitsana n. -tsā f. uncertainty, doubt.

vicikitsya a. dubitable.

vicit a. sifting, discerning.

viciti f. = vicaya.

vicitta [1] a. senseless, perplexed.

vicitta [2] a. perceived, manifest.

vicitya a. to be sifted.

vicitra a. variegated, many-coloured; various, manifold, different; extraordinary, strange, wonderful beautiful, surprising, amusing. Abstr. -tā f.

vicitravīrya m. N. of an ancient king.

vicitrita a. variegated, many-coloured; embellished or adorned with (instr. or --°).

vicintana n. thinking, thought.

vicintanīya a. to be thought of or considered.

vicintā f. thought, care.

vicintya a. = vicintanīya.

vicṛt f. loosening, untying; du. E. of two stars.

vicetana a. unconscious, senseless, inanimate, dead, stupid, foolish.

vicetṛ m. sifter.

vicetas a. catching the eye, conspicuous; wise, clever; unconscious, senseless; stupid, foolish.

viceya a. to be sifted, searched, examined; n. as abstr.

viceṣṭa a. motionless, not stirring.

viceṣṭana n. stirring, agility, exertion.

viceṣṭā f. the same; conduct, behaviour.

viceṣṭita n. = prec.

vicchāya a. splendourless, colourless, dim.

vicchitti f. interruption, disturbance, hindrance, frustration.

vicchinna a. torn asunder, severed, interrupted, destroyed, perished.

viccheda m. piercing, tearing or breaking asunder, severing from (gen. or --°); interruption, hindrance, prevention, destruction; division, difference.

vicchedakārin a. causing an interruption.

vicchedana a. dividing, interrupting; n. cutting off, removing, dividing, distinguishing.

vicchedin a. destroying.

vicyuti f. falling off (lit. & fig.); separating from (abl.).

vij vijate1 v (ti & vejate), pp. vigna (vikta) dart up or back (intr.), tremble, flee from (abl.). C. vejayati dart (tr.), frighten, agitate; strengthen, increase. I. vevijyate start up at (dat.), flee from (abl.). --
     ud start up, take a fright, be afraid of (abl., gen., or instr.); get tired of or disgusted with, desist from (abl.). C. terrify, frighten, vex, annoy, harass.
     samud start for fear, take fright.
     pra rush away.
     vi C. frighten.
     sam start up, run away, fall asunder. -- Cf. āvigna udvigna pravikta vivigna saṃvigna samāvigna samudvigna.

vij [2] s. stake at game.

vijana a. destitute of people or inhabitants, desert, solitary. n. solitary place, lone-liness; vijanaṃ & vijanī kṛ remove all witnesses.

vijanman m. a cert. mixed caste.

vijaya m. victory, conquest, booty, a cert. array of troops. m. & f. ā a man's & woman's name.

vijayadaṇḍa m. a cert. detachment of troops.*

vijayadatta m. N. of sev. men & of the hare in the moon.

vijayapratyarthin f. -ṇī desirous of victory.

vijayavant a. victorious.

vijayavarman m. N. of sev. men.

vijayin a. victorious; m. victor, conqueror.

vijara a. not aging.

vijalpa m. (talk*); unjust reproach.

vijāta a. of a different kind, dissimilar.

vijātīya a. of a different kind, dissimilar.

vijāmi a. related (by blood).

vijāvatī f. who has born.

vijāvan a. corporal, one's own (son).

vijigīṣā f. desire to overcome or to conquer; adj. -ṣin or -ṣu.

vijita a. conquered, subst. c. land; n. conquest, victory.

vijiti f. contest, victory.

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vijitin a. victorious.

vijitendriya a. having the organs subdued.

vijihma a. bent, curved.

vijihva a. tongueless.

viju m. a cert. part of the body of a bird.

vijṛmbha m. stretching.

vijṛmbhaṇa n. gaping, blossoming, spreading, expanding.

vijṛmbhita a. gaped, opened, blown; n. impers., also = prec.

vijṛmbhin a. coming forth.

vijetavya to be subdued.

vijetṛ m. victor, conqueror.

vijja m. a man's name.

vijjala a. slimy, smeary.

vijña a. knowing, wise, learned.

vijñapti f. request, petition; report.

vijñātavya a. to be known.

vijñāti f. knowledge.

vijñātṛ m. who knows or understands.

vijñāna n. knowing, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, learning, science, art, the capacity or organ of knowledge; the meaning by, knowing as, supposing (--°).

vijñānamaya a. consisting of knowledge.

vijñānavant a. knowing, wise, learned.

vijñānin a. knowing, wise, learned.

vijñāpana n. -nā f. = vijñapti.

vijñāpanīya a. to be made known or to be apprised.

vijñāpya a. to be made known or to be apprised.

vijñeya a. to be known or understood, to be taken for (nom.).

vijya a. having no string (bow).

vijvara a. free from fever or pain, well, at ease.

viṭa m. boon-companion; bon-vivant (d.).

viṭaṅka crown, top, summit; a. nice, pretty.

viṭaṅkita a. stamped, marked, adorned with (instr. or --°).

viṭapa m. branch, twig, bush.

viṭapin a. having branches; m. tree.

viṭpaṇya n. the wares of a Vaiśya.

viṭpati m. chief of people ( = king) or of the Vaiśyas; a daughter's husband.

viḍa s. a kind of salt.

viḍamba a. imitating (--°); m. mockery, derision.

viḍambaka a. = prec. a.

viḍambana a. the same; n. & f. ā imitating, aping; abuse, mockery, derision, profanation.

viḍambin a. imitating, aping, mocking, profaning (--°).

viḍojas m. E. of Indra.

viḍaujas m. E. of Indra.

viḍja a. growing on dung.

viḍbhuj a. feeding on ordure.

viḍvarāha m. house-pig.

viṇmūtra n. sg. du. faeces and urine.

vitata a. spread out, extended, covered with (instr. or --°); extensive, broad, wide, n. adv.; abstr. -tva n. extent.

vitati f. stretching out, extension, length, abundance, multitude.

vitatha a. not so, false, in vain; abstr. -tā f.

vitathābhiniveśa m. inclination towards what is false, poss. -vant.

vitanu a. very thin or small; bodiless, unsubstantial; m. the god of love.

vitamas a. free from darkness, light.

vitamaska a. free from darkness, light.

vitara a. leading on (a path).

vitaraṇa n. leading on; transfer, bestowal, donation.

vitaram adv. further, more.

vitarām adv. further, more.

vitarka m. conjecture, supposition, deliberation, doubt.

vitarkya a. to be considered.

vitardi f. a kind of terrace.

vitardikā f. a kind of terrace.

vitala n. a cert. hell.

vitaṣṭa a. carved out, fashioned.

vitastā f. N. of a river (Hydaspes).

vitasti f. span (as a measure of length).

vitāna m. n. spreading out, extension; awning, canopy; abundance, multitude; sacrificial act; m. the distribution of the sacred fires & these themselves.

vitānaka n. awning, canopy, abundance.

vitānavant a. furnished with a canopy.

vitānāy pass. -yyate represent an awning.

vitāmasa a. = vitamas.

vitāra a. starless.

vitimira a. = vitāmasa.

vitīrṇa a. got over, passed; granted, bestowed; finished, accomplished.

vituṣa a. husked.

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vitṛṇa a. grassless.

vitṛṣ a. free from thirst.

vitṛṣa a. free from thirst.

vitṛṣṇa a. free from thirst or desire; abstr. -tā f.

vitṛṣṇā f. = prec. f.

vitoya a. waterless.

vitta [1] a. known, celebrated.

vitta [2] a. got, acquired; seized or visited by (--°); f. ā taken, married; n. anything found or got; wealth, money, property.

vittakāma a. desirous of wealth; -kāmyā f. abstr.

vittanātha m. lord of wealth (Kubera).

vittapa m. the same.

vittapati m. the same.

vittapāla m. the same.

vittapapurī f. N. of a town.

vittamaya f. ī consisting in wealth.

vittavant a. wealthy, rich.

vittavardhana a. increasing wealth.

vittavivardhin a. increasing wealth.

vittahīna a. destitute of wealth, poor.

vittāgama m. vittāpti f. acquisition of property or money.

vittāppati m. du the lords of wealth and water (Kubera and Varuṇa).

vitti [1] f. consciousness, intellect.

vitti [2] (vitti) f. finding or anything found; gain, acquisition.

vitteśa m. = vittanātha.

vitteśvara m. = vittanātha.

vitrāsa a. frightening (--°); m. fright.

vitrāsana a. (f. ī) & n. frightening.

vithura a. tottering, reeling, trembling; frail, uncertain.

vithury vithuryati v totter, reel.

vid vetti1 v (veda), pp. vidita or vitta (q.v.) know, understand, learn, perceive, experience, feel; think or be mindful of (acc. or gen.), know how to (infin.); believe, suppose, know or recognize as, declare to be, take for, call, name (2 acc. or acc. & nom. w. iti). C. vedayate ti make known, announce, report; inform of, teach (2 acc.); take for, learn or know -- to be (2 acc.); perceive, notice, experience, feel. D. vividiṣati wish to know, inquire after (acc.). --
     anu know thoroughly (lit. along).
     ā know well or exactly. C. address, invite, announce, proclaim, prescribe, inform; offer, present.
     ni C. cause to know, announce, report, communicate to (dat., gen., or loc.); name, call (2 acc.), offer, present, surrender (ātmānam refl.).
     vini & saṃni C. make known, announce, report, offer, present, surrender.
     pari know very well.
     pra know. C. make known, announce, relate.
     prati understand, know. C. make known, announce, tell; acquaint with (2 acc.); offer, entrust, commit.
     vi discern, know.
     sam know or understand (together); consent, agree. C. cause to know, inform, instruct; make known, communicate.

vid [2] (mostly --°) knowing.

vid vindati vindate3 v (vitte), pp. vitta & vinna (q.v.) find, meet with, get, obtain; visit, befall; have, possess; find out for, procure (dat.); look for, turn to (acc.); M. (A.) take to wife (±bhāryām), find a husband, marry; bring forth (±sutam). P.M. be found, be there (impers.), exist. vidyate (-ti) there is (esp. w. na), yathā vide as it is, i.e. as usual or as well as possible. D. vivitsati wish to find. I. vevidat vevidāna be present. --
     adhi supersede, supplant.
     anu find (after), get, obtain, take hold of; M. bhāryām take to wife. P. be found, exist.
     abhi find, find out, know.
     ā get hold of, get at, acquire, incur, undergo. P. be, exist.
     nis divide from (abl.); M. get rid of (gen.), take off (acc.); P. become depressed or dispirited, get weary of or disgusted with (abl., instr., r. acc.).
     pari P. be married with the younger brother before the elder has married.
     sam M. find, get hold of, acquire, win. P. be found, be there (esp. w. na), exist, belong to (gen.). -- Cf. adhivinna anuvitta nirviṇa parivitta parivinna vidāna saṃvidāna.

vid [4] (--°) finding, winning, procuring.

vida (--°) = vid2.

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vidagdha a. burnt, inflamed; burnt i.e. taught by experience, knowing, witty, cunning, clever.

vidagdhacūḍāmaṇi m. N. of a parrot (the crest-jewel of the wise).

vidagdhatā f. cleverness, skill in (loc.).

vidatra -> suvidatra.

vidatha n. direction, order; arrangement, disposition; meeting, assembly, council, congregation, esp. for a festival; array, squadron (esp. of the Maruts); fight, battle.

vidathya a. fit for a congregation or a council, festive, solemn.

vidadvasu a. winning good.

vidaraṇa n. bursting, splitting.

vidarbha m. pl. N. of a people, sgl. the country or a king of the V.

vidarbhanagarī f. city of Vidarbha, i.e. Kuṇḍina.

vidarbhapati m. king of Vidarbha.

vidarbharājan m. king of Vidarbha.

vidarbhīkauṇḍinya m. N. of a teacher.

vidala a. split, burst, blossomed; n. chip, splint, esp. a split bamboo cane or a split pea.

vidalana n. bursting, splitting (trans.).

vidāna [1] vidāna a. existing, being, real; usual, common.

vidāna a. existing, being, real; usual, common.

vidāna [2] n. dividing.

vidāra m. rending, tearing, or cutting asunder.

vidāraka a. tearing asunder, lacerating (--°).

vidāraṇa a. (f. ī) & n. tearing or breaking asunder, splitting, piercing, crushing, wounding.

vidārin a. = prec. a.

vidāhin a. heating, burning.

vidita a. known, learnt, understood, known as (nom.), famous, celebrated; n. impers. or adv. with the knowledge of (--°).

viditadharman a. knowing what is right.

viditabhakti a. knowing i.e. practising devotion.

viditātman a. knowing the soul or the self.

vidiś f. intermediate region (north-east etc.).

vidiśā f. = prec., N. of a city & a river.

vidīrṇa a. burst, torn asunder, opened.

vidura a. wise, intelligent, clever in (--°); m. N. of an ancient hero.

vidus a. attentive, mindful.

vidūra a. distant, remote. n. vidūram far off, vidūrāt or -ratas from afar, also = -re far away.

vidūratā f.*, -tva n. great distance.

vidūṣaka a. defilling; m. jester, buffoon, the confidential friend of the hero (d.)

vidṛti f. the suture on the head.

videgha m. N. of a man.

videya a. to be given or granted.

videva [1] a. godless, impious.

videva [2] m. dicing.

videvana n. the same.

videśa m. a foreign country, abroad.

videha [1] m. pl. N. of a people; m. the country or a king of the V.

videha [2] a. bodiless, dead, abstr. -tva n.

viddha a. pierced, hit, wounded, hurt; affected or afflicted with (instr. or --°).

vidman n. attention, knowledge; dat. as infin.

vidya [1] n. finding, getting.

vidya [2] (adj. --°) = seq.; abstr. -tā f.

vidyā f. knowledge, learning, a discipline or science, esp. sacred knowledge (threefold) or magic, spell.

vidyāguru m. the teacher of a science.

vidyāgrahaṇa n. acquirement of knowledge.

vidyādhana n. the treasure of knowledge.

vidyādhara m. a class of genii (lit. keeper of knowledge); -cakravartin m. king of the Vidyādharas.

vidyādharamahācakravartin m. supreme king of the Vidyādharas, abstr. -rtitā f.

vidyādharendra m. king of the Vidyādharas, abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vidyādhāra m. receptacle of knowledge, a great scholar.

vidyādhigama m. the study of science.*

vidyānupālin a. keeping the hereditary science.

vidyābala n. the power of magic.

vidyābhīpsin a. desirous of knowledge.

vidyāmada m. pride in one's learning.

vidyāmaya a. consisting in knowledge.

vidyārtha a. seeking for knowledge, desirous of learning.

vidyārthin a. seeking for knowledge, desirous of learning.

vidyāvant a. having or knowing knowledge, learned.

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vidyāvid a. having or knowing knowledge, learned.

vidyāvayovṛddha a. advanced in learning and age.

vidyāhīna a. wanting knowledge, uninstructed.

vidyut a. gleaming, glittering; f. lightning or a shining weapon.

vidyutya a. relating to lightning.

vidyutvant a. containing lightning; m. cloud, N. of a mountain.

vidyuddāman n. flash of lightning.

vidyuddhasta a. holding a glittering weapon in the hand.

vidyunman a. glittering, flashing.

vidyunmahas a. having a glittering sheen or whose delight is lightning.

vidyunmālā f. garland of lightning, N. of a metre.

vidyunmālin a. poss. to prec.; m. N. of an Asura & Rākṣasa.

vidyullatā f. flash of lightning (lit. a creeper & a line of lightning).

vidyullekhā f. flash of lightning (lit. a creeper & a line of lightning).

vidyota a. & m. flashing, glittering.

vidyotaka a. illuminating.

vidyotana a. = prec.; n. lightning.

vidyotin a. illuminating (--°).

vidrava m. running asunder, flight, panic.

vidrāvaṇa a. & n. driving asunder, putting to flight; n. also flight.

vidrāvin a. running away, flying.

vidruta a. run asunder, fled (n. impers.); scattered, destroyed; agitated, alarmed.

vidruma [1] n. coral.

vidruma [2] a. treeless.

vidvaṃs (vidus) a. knowing, wise, learned, cunning; versed in, familiar with (acc., loc., or --°). Compar. viduṣṭara, superl. vidvattama.

vidvajjana m. a wise man.

vidvattā f. -ttva n. knowledge, learning.

vidvala a. knowing, cunning.

vidviṣ m. enemy, foe.

vidviṣant a. hostile, averse; m. = prec.

vidviṣāṇa a. hostile, averse; m. = prec.

vidviṣṭa a. odious (abstr. -tā f.); hostile, opposite or contrary to (loc. or --°).

vidviṣṭi f. hatred, enmity.

vidveṣa m. = prec., aversion to (loc.), the being hated by (--°).

vidveṣaka a. hating, disliking (--°).

vidveṣaṇa a. causing hatred; n. the same as subst., also = vidveṣa.

vidveṣitā f. hatred, enmity.

vidveṣin a. hating, rivalling, inimical; m. hater, foe.

vidveṣya a. odious, hateful to (--°).

vidh vidhati1 v (te) serve a god (dat.); worship, honour with (instr.); offer, consecrate (acc.); be gracious or friendly (of a god). --
     upa worship, do homage.

vidh vindhate2 v lack, be destitute of (instr.); be bereft or alone.

vidh vidhyati3 v -> vyadh.

vidhana a. having no riches, poor.

vidhartṛ m. distributer, arranger, maintainer, supporter; loc. as inf. to distribute or to hold.

vidharma [1] m. distribution, disposition.

vidharma [2] m. injustice, wrong.

vidharma [3] a. illegal, unjust, wrong.

vidharman [1] m. holder, supporter, arranger; enclosure, receptacle, limits; arrangement, disposition, direction.

vidharman a. = vidharma3.

vidharmika a. = vidharma3.

vidharmin [2] a. = vidharma3.

vidhavatā f. widowhood.

vidhavā f. widow (±yoṣit strī, etc.).

vidhā f. part, proportion, measure, sort, kind; adj. --° often -fold, -like.

vidhātavya a. to be arranged, settled, caused, brought about, shown, manifested, aspired to, striven after, used, employed; n. impers.

vidhātṛ m. disposer, distributer, arranger, creator, N. of a god, often identif. with Brahman or a son of Brahman; also Fate personified, E. of Viṣṇu, Śiva etc.; f. vidhātrī disposing, arranging, creating.

vidhāna n. disposing, arranging (also adj., f. ī); performing, accomplishing, creating, creation (also concr.); ordering, ordinance, rule prescription, method; fate, destiny.

vidhānokta a. prescribed by rule.

vidhāyaka a. & m. regulating, ordering; builder, founder, author.

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vidhāyin a. & m. regulating, ordering; builder, founder, author.

vidhāraṇa n. bearing, holding, stopping, restraining, suppressing.

vidhārin a. checking, restraining (--°).

vidhāvana n. running to and fro.

vidhi m. disposition, arrangement, ordinance, prescription, rule, method, way, procedure, means of (dat., loc., or --°); act, the action of (--°), performance, business, work; solemn act, ceremony; creation, fate, destiny; the Creator or Brahman.

vidhijña a. knowing the law.

vidhidṛṣṭa a. prescribed by rule, regular.

vidhipūrvakam adv. = vidhivat.

vidhipūrvam adv. = vidhivat.

vidhimantrapuraskṛtam adv. according to rule and the sacred texts.

vidhiyajña m. a regular sacrifice.

vidhiyoga m. observance of a rule; disposition of Fate.

vidhivat adv. according to rule, in the right manner.

vidhivaśa m. the power of destiny.

vidhiviparyaya m. change of fortune, adversity.

vidhihīna a. destitute of rule, irregular.

vidhu [1] m. throb (of the heart).

vidhu [2] a. lonely; m. the moon.

vidhukṣaya m. the wane of the moon.

vidhuti f. shaking, tossing, chasing.

vidhuṃtuda m. E. of Rāhu (harasser of the moon).

vidhura m. robbed of the pole (carriage); i.g. bereft, alone; separated from, destitute of, lacking (--°); defective, incomplete; depressed, wretched, miserable; adverse, contrary, unfavourable; n. adv., as subst. adversity, misfortune.

vidhuratā f. -tva n. deficiency, want, misery.

vidhuradarśana n. sight of adversity.

vidhuray vidhurayati v deject, depress.

vidhūti f. = vidhuti.

vidhūnana a. causing to move hither and thither; n. shaking, agitating; waving, undulating; rejecting, removing.

vidhūma a. smokeless.

vidhūmra a. quite grey.

vidhṛta a. kept asunder, separated, distributed; shunned, avoided; kept back, detained, preserved; held, borne, worn, possessed, taken (resolution).

vidhṛti f. division, partition (also concr.).

vidheya a. to be granted, procured, used, employed; to be (being) ordered or enjoined; to be established or stated; to be performed or done, shown or manifested; subject or obedient to, dependent on (gen. or --°). n. what is to be done, incumbency, duty.

vidheyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

vidheyātman a. having the soul (self) well restrained.

vidheyīkṛ make dependent, subdue, -bhū P.

vidhauta a. cleansed by washing.

vidhyātmaka a. having a positive form.

vidhvaṃsa m. fall, ruin, destruction, harm, injury, violation (of a woman).

vidhvaṃsana a. & n. ruining, spoiling, destroying, violating.

vidhvaṃsin a. = prec. adj. + being ruined, perishing.

vidhvasta a. raised (dust); decayed, perished, destroyed, lost.

vinata a. bent, curved, stooped; deepened, depressed; bowing to (gen.), humble; cerebralized (g.). m. a kind of ant, a man's name; f. vinatā N. of a daughter of Dakṣa.

vinati f. bowing down, bending to (loc.).

vinada m. cry, sound, noise; adj. -din.

vinaddha a. untied, loosened.

vinamra a. bent down, humble, modest.

vinaya a. removing. m. removal, withdrawal; training, breeding, discipline, good manners, modesty, courtesy.

vinayadatta m. a man's name.*

vinayana a. removing, driving away; n. breeding, training, instructing in (loc.).

vinayin a. well-behaved, modest.

vinardin a. roaring.

vinaśana n. disappearing. (±sarasvatī° or sarasvatyās) the place where the river Sarasvatī is lost in the sand.

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vinaśvara f. ī perishable, abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vinaṣṭa a. lost, ruined; disappeared, perished; spoilt, corrupted, wretched.

vinaṣṭi f. loss.

vinasa a. robbed of the nose.

vinā prep. without, except, beside (acc., instr., or abl.). vinākṛta separated from, bereft of (instr., abl, or --°); -bhūta the same (instr.); -kṛtya without.

vināṭa m. bag.

vinātha a. having no protector.

vināyaka m. guide, conduct; E. of Ganeśa, pl. a class of demons.

vināśa m. perdition, destruction, ruin, disappearance, loss.

vināśaka a. causing to disappear, destroying.

vināśana a. (f. ī) & n. = prec.

vināśin a. perishing or destroying.

vināśya a. to be destroyed; abstr. -tva n.

vinigraha m. keeping separate, division; keeping down, check, control, restraint.

vinidra a. sleepless, awake, open, blossomed.

vininda a. surpassing; f. ā abuse, blame.

vinindaka a. blaming, mocking, surpassing.

vinipāta m. ruin, destruction, death.

vinimaya m. change, permutation, reciprocity.

vinimīlana n. closing (of a flower).

vinimeṣa m. closing (of the eyes).

viniyoga m. distribution; commission, charge; use, employment; relation, correlation.

vinirgama m. going out, departure.

vinirjaya m. conquest.

vinirṇaya m. decision, settled rule concerning (gen. or --°).

vinirmāṇa n. meting out; making, building, construction.

vinirmukta a. hurled, thrown; escaped, freed from or rid of (abl., instr., or --°).

viniryāṇa n. going away, setting out.

vinirvṛtta a. proceeded or risen from (--°) finished, complete.

vinivartana n. coming back, return; coming to an end, cessation.

vinivāraṇa n. keeping back or off.

viniviṣṭa a. dwelling, living, being in (loc. or --°), placed in or on (loc.).

vinivṛtta a. returned, averted from or deprived of (abl. or --°); ceased, vanished, gone.

vinivṛtti f. cessation, discontinuation.

viniveśa m. setting down, laying on; entrance, impression, vestige.

viniścaya m. settled opinion or firm resolution concerning (gen. or --°).

viniścala a. motionless, steady like (--°).

viniścita a. determined to (--°); ascertained, settled, certain, sure, n. adv.

vinihita a. placed or fixed upon (loc. or --°); appointed, commissioned; disagreeing, not consenting.

vinīta a. broken in, trained, disciplined, educated, taught, versed in (loc. or --°); well-behaved, dignified; modest, humble. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vinītātman a. of modest mind.

vinīti f. good manners, modesty.

vinutti f. expulsion.

vinud f. shock.

vinetṛ m. trainer, instructor, teacher.

vinetra [1] m. = prec.

vinetra [2] a. eyeless, blind.

vineya a to be removed, taught, or punished.

vinoda m. expulsion, removal, diversion, entertainment, amusement.

vinodana n. diversion, amusement.

vinodin a. driving away, diverting, amusing.

vinda a. finding, winning (--°).

vindu [1] a. knowing, familiar with (--°).

vindu [2] a. finding, winning, procuring.

vindu [3] -> bindu.

vindhya m. N. of the mountain-range separating Hindustan from Deccan.

vindhyagiri m. the same.

vindhyaparvata m. the same.

vindhyavana n. a forest in the Vindhya.

vindhyavāsin a. dwelling in the Vindhya.

vindhyāṭavī f. = vindhyavana.

vinna a. found, f. ā married.

vinyāsa m. putting down or on placing, distributing, arrangement, order, disposition.

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vip vepate1 v (ti) tremble, quake, vibrate; C. vepayati shake, agitate. --
     ud tremble, take fright. C. frighten.
     pari tremble.
     pra the same. C. shake, agitate.
     vi tremble, throb.
     sam tremble, quake.

vip [2] a. agitated, inspired. f. switch, rod, staff (of an arrow).

vipakva a. cooked, done; ripened, matured.

vipakṣa [1] m. the day of transition from one half-month to another; adversary, rival; counter assertion or example.

vipakṣa [2] a. robbed of the wings.

vipakṣabhāva m. state of a rival, enmity.

vipakṣas a. going on both sides (of the chariot).

vipakṣīya a. inimical.

vipañcī f. the Indian lute.

vipaṇa m. sale, traffic; bet, wager; trading-place, shop, market.

vipaṇana n. selling, trade.

vipaṇi f. sale, trade; shop, market.

vipaṇigata a. being on the market, marketable.*

vipatti f. failure, adversity, calamity, destruction, ruin, death.

vipatha [1] s. wrong way, bad road.

vipatha [2] m. n. a waggon fit for bad roads.

vipathi a. being beside the road.

vipad f. failure, misfortune, death.

vipanna a. turned out bad, gone wrong, failed; wretched, ruined, lost, dead; abstr. -tā f.

vipanyā (instr. adv.) wonderingly or wonderfully.

vipanyayā (instr. adv.) wonderingly or wonderfully.

vipanyu a. wondering or wonderful.

vipariṇāma m. change, transformation; adj. -min.

viparīta a. inverted, opposite, different, wrong, bad.

viparyaya a. inverted, perverse; m. revolution (of the sun), expiration (of a time); failure (of conception); overthrow, inversion; opposition, the contrary of (gen. or --°); change, barter, alteration, esp. to the bad, reverse of fortune, calamity, ill luck, adversity; error, mistake.

viparyasta a. inverted, changed; standing round.

viparyāsa m. upsetting (of a carriage), transposition, expiration (of a time); inversion etc. = viparyaya.

viparyāsopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

vipaścit a. agitated, inspired; wise, learned, clever in, familiar with (--°).

vipas n. agitation, inspiration.

vipāka a. ripe. m. ripening, maturity, consequence of actions; issue, result i.g.; digestion.

vipākin a. ripening, bearing fruit or having consequences.

vipāṭa m. a kind of arrow (cf. vipāṭha).

vipāṭala a. deep-red.

vipāṭha m. a kind of arrow (cf. vipāṭa).

vipāṇḍu a. whitish, pale, abstr. -tā f.

vipāṇḍura a. = prec. adj.

vipāna n. drinking off.

vipāpa a. faultless, sinless.

vipāpman a. faultless, sinless.

vipāla a. having no herd or keeper.

vipāś f. N. of a river.

vipāśa a. having no sling or fetters; f. ā = prec.

vipāśana n. untying.

vipāśin a. having no sting.

vipina n. wood.

vipula a. large, wide, broad, thick, long, strong, intensive, important, numerous, much, many, loud. f. ā N. of a metre.

vipulatā f. -tva n. largeness, extent, width.

vipuṣṭa a. ill fed, famished.

vipuṣpa a. flowerless.

vipṛccham acc. infin. to prach.

vipra a. stirred inwardly, inspired, wise, learned, clever; m. seer, poet, singer, priest, a Brahman.

viprakarṣa m. drawing away, carrying off; distance, remoteness; contrast, difference.

viprakāra m. doing harm, injuring.

viprakīrṇa a. scattered, diffused, loose (hair); expanded, wide.

viprakṛti f. change, variation.

viprakṛṣṭa a. remote, far (w. *gen. or *abl.); abstr. -tva n.

viprakṛṣṭāntara a. separated by a longer distance.

viprajitti m. N. of a teacher.

vipratā f. state or rank of a Brahman.

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vipratāpasa m. a Brahmanical ascetic.

vipratipatti f. false perception, delusion of the senses, error, mistake, discrepancy, conflict.

vipratipanna a. perplexed, confounded, bewildered; wrong, false.

vipratiṣiddha a. forbidden, contrary, n. adv.

vipratiṣedha m. checking, restraining; contrariety, discrepancy; negation.

vipratīpa a. (turned backwards*); refractory, inimical.

vipratyaya m. distrust.

vipratva n. = vipratā.

vipraduṣṭa a. corrupt, bad, libidinous.

vipranaṣṭa a. lost, vanished.

vipraputra m. a Brahman's son.

vipramukta a. hurled, shot off; driven away, absent; liberated from (instr. or --°).

viprayoga m. separation from (instr. ±saha, gen., or --°); absence, want, loss.

viprarṣabha m. chief (lit. bull) among Brahmans.

viprarṣi m. a priestly sage.

vipralambha m. deception, illusion or disillusion.

vipralambhaka a. deceiving; m. deceiver.

vipralambhayitṛka* & vipralambhin the same.

vipralambhin the same.

vipralumpaka a. rapacious.

vipravat adv. like a Brahman.

vipravāsa m. going or staying abroad; being outside (abl. or --°).

vipravāsana n. banishment.

vipravāhas a. receiving the homage or oblation of singers.

vipravīra [1] m. a heroic Brahman.

vipravīra [2] a. inspiring men or having inspired men.

vipraśna m. questioning Fate.

vipraśnika m. who questions Fate, astrologer.

viprasva n. the property of a Brahman.

viprahīṇa a. excluded from (abl.); disappeared, gone; destitute of (instr.).

viprahīna a. excluded from (abl.); disappeared, gone; destitute of (instr.).

viprāpavāda m. abuse of a Brahman.

vipriya a. disunited; not dear, unpleasant to (gen. or --°); n. something unpleasant.

vipruta a. submerged, washed away.

vipruṣ f. (nom. -pruṭ) drop, spot, dot.

viprendra m. an excellent Brahman.

vipreman m. estrangement, alienation.

viproṣita a. abroad, absent, removed to (acc.); banished.

viplava m. ruin, fall, destruction, loss, calamity, distress; tumult, rebellion, violation (of a woman).

vipluta a. confounded, disturbed, disquieted, agitated, depraved, wicked, ruined, lost.

vipluṣ f. a drop.

viphala a. fruitless, useless, unsuccessful, idle, vain; having no testicles.

viphalatā f. uselessness.

viphalatva n. fruitlessness (lit. & fig.).

viphalīkṛ render useless, frustrate, disappoint (bhū P.); emasculate.

vibala a. having no strength; weak.

vibādha m. remover or removal.

vibādhavant a. driving away (Agni).

vibālī f. N. of a river.

vibuddha a. awakened, expanded, blossomed; clever, skilful, versed in (loc.).

vibuddhi a. unwise, unseasonable.

vibudha a. very wise; m. a wise man or a god.

vibudharāja m. king of the gods, Indra.

vibudhastrī f. divine female, Apsaras.

vibudhādhipa m. the same.

vibudhādhipati m. the same.

vibudhānucara m. attendant of a god.

vibudheśvara m. lord of the gods.

vibodha m. awaking, perceiving, knowing.

vibodhana m. awaker, rouser; n. awaking or awakening.

vibhakta a. divided, separated by (instr. & --°) or from (instr.), isolated, lonely; distinct, different, manifold; regular, symmetrical. n. separation, isolation, loneliness.

vibhaktṛ m. distributer, arranger.

vibhakti f. division, distinction, modification; inflection, case, case-affix or personal ending (g.).

vibhaṅga m. bending, contracting (of the eye-brows); incision, furrow; interruption, disturbance, frustration.

vibhajanīya a. to be divided.

vibhajya a. to be divided.

vibhañjanu a. breaking (intr.).

vibhaya a. dangerless, secure; n. as adv.

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vibhava a. rich. m. omnipresence, ubiquity, evolution, development, growth; power, might, majesty, rank, high position; property, wealth, money.

vibhavatas adv. according to rank or fortune.

vibhavavant a. wealthy, opulent.

vibhavin a. wealthy, opulent.

vibhā a. shining; f. lustre, splendour, beauty.

vibhāga m. distribution, apportionment, division, partition, esp. of an inheritance; share, portion, part; separation, distinction, difference.

vibhāgaśas adv. in parts, separately.

vibhājya a. to be divided or distributed.

vibhāta a. shone forth, bright, luminous; n. daybreak.

vibhānu a. shining, resplendent.

vibhāva a. the same.

vibhāvan a. the same.

vibhāvana a. & n. developing, manifesting; n. also perceiving, ascertaining; f. ā a cert. rhetor. figure.

vibhāvanīya a. to be perceived or understood.

vibhāvarī adj. f. to vibhāvan; f. the star-light night, night i.g.

vibhāvarīmukha n. evening (beginning of night).*

vibhāvasu a. resplendent. m. fire or the god of fire; the sun.

vibhāvin a. powerful; showing, manifesting, displaying.

vibhāvya a. to be perceived, perceivable, intelligible; to be heeded or attended to (n. impers.).

vibhāṣā f. alternative, option (g.).

vibhāṣita a. optional (g.).

vibhās f. splendour.

vibhindu a. splitting; m. N. of a man.

vibhinna a. pierced, cleft, opened, blossomed, expanded, split asunder, destroyed; altered, disfigured, estranged, disunited, opposite, different.

vibhī a. fearless; m. N. of a man.

vibhīta [1] a. fearless.

vibhīta [2] m. = seq.

vibhītaka m. N. of a tree; n. its nut (used for dicing).

vibhīdaka m. N. of a tree; n. its nut (used for dicing).

vibhīṣaṇa a. terrifying, horrible. m. N. of a Rākṣasa etc.; n. frightening, terror.

vibhīṣaṇanāmaka f. -mikā a. having a terrible name.

vibhīṣikā f. frightening, terror.

vibhu f. vibhū & vibhvī far-reaching, pervading, omnipresent; abundant, intense, powerful, mighty, able to (infin). m. lord, ruler, chief of (--°), E. of Brahman, Viṣṇu, & Śiva; N. of a god etc.

vibhū f. vibhū & vibhvī far-reaching, pervading, omnipresent; abundant, intense, powerful, mighty, able to (infin). m. lord, ruler, chief of (--°), E. of Brahman, Viṣṇu, & Śiva; N. of a god etc.

vibhutva n. omnipresence, might, power.

vibhūti a. pervading, abundant, powerful, mighty, disposing of (gen.); f. development, growth, abundance, might, power, glory, majesty, splendour, success, welfare, fortune, prosperity, wealth, riches.

vibhūtimant a. powerful, mighty.

vibhūman m. growth, might.

vibhūvas a. mighty.

vibhūṣaṇa a. adorning; n. ornament, splendour, beauty.

vibhūṣaṇavant a. adorning.

vibhūṣā f. ornament.

vibhettṛ m. breaker, piercer, destroyer.

vibheda m. breaking, splitting, piercing; bending, contracting (of the eyebrows), change, alteration; interruption, disturbance; falling asunder, decay; discord, difference.

vibhedana a. & n. splitting, piercing, separating.

vibhedin a. splitting, tearing, destroying.

vibhraṃśa m. decay, disappearance, ruin, loss.

vibhraṃśin a. decaying, falling down or off.

vibhrama m. unsteady motion, flurry, going to and fro, esp. of the eyes; coquetry, grace, beauty; confusion, agitation, error, mistake; erroneous application of (gen.); mistaking for, phantom or mere semblance of (--°).

vibhraṣṭa a. fallen, ruined; separated from, deprived of, thwarted in (--°); idle, vain; vanished, gone.

vibhrāj a. shining.

vibhrātṛvya n. rivalry, enmity.

vibhrānta a. moving to and fro, rolling (eyes); flurried, confused, bewildered.

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vibhrānti f. agitation, confusion, error, mistake.

vibhvataṣṭa a. fashioned by Vibhvan or by a skilful artificer; well made, perfect.

vibhvan [1] a. far-reaching, pervading.

vibhvan [2] a. capable, skilful, clever; m. N. of a Ribhu.

vimata a. disagreed, disunited.

vimati [1] f. disagreement, dislike, aversion.

vimati [2] a. stupid, foolish.

vimatta a. discountenanced; ruttish.

vimatsara a. free from envy or selfishness.

vimada a. free from intoxication, rut, or arrogance; m. vimada N. of a Rishi.

vimadhya s. middle, centre.

vimanas a. very wise; out of one's senses or disheartened.

vimanaska a. depressed, disheartened.

vimanyu [1] m. longing for, desire.

vimanyu [2] a. free from anger or wrath.

vimanyuka a. not angry or appeasing anger.

vimarda m. crushing, pounding, stamping (with the feet); hostile encounter, fight, war, tumult; destruction, disturbance.

vimardaka a. crushing, destroying.

vimardakārin a. crushing, destroying.

vimardana a. & n = prec.; n. also war, fight.

vimardin (--°) = prec. adj.

vimarśa m. -na n. consideration, examination, dubitation.

vimarśacchedin a. destroying doubt, unequivocal.

vimarśin a. considering, examining (--°).

vimarṣa etc. = vimarśa etc.

vimarṣaṇa etc. = vimarśa etc.

vimarṣṭavya a. to be tried or inquired into.*

vimala a. stainless, clean, pure, bright; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vimalamati a. pure-minded, honest.

vimalay vimalayati v make pure or clear.

vimalātman a. bright (-natured, the moon).

vimalānana a. bright-faced.

vimaliman m. purity, brightness.

vimalīkaraṇa n. purification.

vimahant a. very great.

vimahas a. merry, gay.

vimāṃsa n. bad meat.

vimātṛ f. step-mother.

vimātha m. shaking, pounding.

vimāthin a. crushing.

vimāna f. ī1 measuring, traversing, pervading, esp. the sky. -- m. n. sky-chariot (of gods etc.), waggon i.g.; palace, tower; n. extension, measure.

vimāna [2] m. despising, contempt.

vimāna [3] a. dishonoured.

vimānana n. -nā f. = vimāna2.

vimānayitavya a. to be despised or dishonoured.

vimānya a. to be despised or dishonoured.

vimārga [1] m. wiping off.

vimārga [2] m. wrong road; a. being on it.

vimārjana n. = vimārga1.

vimita a. fixed, built; n. building, hall.

vimiśra a. mixed, mingled, dissimilar; mixed, joined or furnished with (instr. --°).

vimukta a. unyoked, unharnessed, unbound, loosened, dishevelled (hair); deprived of (instr.), escaped or freed from (abl., instr., °-- or --°); free from sin; clear (ship); emancipated (r.); given up, abandoned, relinquished by (°-- or --°); hurled, cast, thrown, sent forth by (--°).

vimuktakaṇṭham adv. loudly, aloud (lit. with loosened throat).

vimuktamaunam adv. breaking the silence.

vimukti f. loosening, emitting, giving up (breath); release, liberation from (abl. or --°), final emancipation.

vimukha a. turning the face away or back, averted; turning off or abstaining from (loc., abl., gen. w. upari, or --°); opposed, unfavourable; abstr. -tā f.

vimukhay vimukhayati v turn off, avert.

vimukhīkṛ the same, drive or bend back, put to flight; -bhū P.

vimukhībhāva m. aversion.

vimugdha a. confused, perplexed; stupid, foolish, abstr. -tā f.

vimuc f. stopping, halting (lit. unharnessing) or liberating; vimuco napāt the son of (happy) arrival or liberation, safe-guard or liberator (Pūṣan).

vimūḍha a. = vimugdha + incertain of (--°).

vimūḍhabhāva m. confusion, perplexity.

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vimūrchita a. thickened, coagulated; full of, resonant with (--°).

vimūla a. rooted out, eradicated.

vimṛgvarī f. cleanly.

vimṛtyu a. not subject to death, immortal.

vimṛdh m. despiser, averter, enemy.

vimṛdha a. warding off the despiser.

vimṛśa m. consideration, dubitation.

vimṛśya [1] ger. after mature consideration.

vimṛśya [2] a. to be considered or examined.

vimegha a. cloudless.

vimoka m. unharnessing, loosening, release etc. = vimukti.

vimoktṛ m. -ktrī f. releaser.

vimoktavya a. to be let loose, given up, hurled or thrown upon (loc. or dat.).

vimokṣa m. getting loose, opening (intr.); loosening, setting free, sending forth, shooting off, giving, bestowing; release etc. = vimukti.

vimokṣaṇa a. freeing from (--°); n. loosening, unbinding, emitting, giving up; liberating from (abl. or --°).

vimokṣin a. partaking of liberation.

vimocaka a. liberating from (--°).

vimocana f. ī unharnessing, loosening, freeing from (--°); n. giving up, abandoning, unharnessing, halting, stopping, liberating from (abl.).

vimocya a. to be liberated.

vimoha m. confusion of the mind.

vimohana a. perplexing, bewildering; n. = prec.

vimohin a. = prec. a.

viyata a. stretched, expanded.

viyant a. going asunder, dissolving, perishing; n. viyat the air or sky (as the space between the two separated, i.e. heaven and earth).

viyukta a. divided, du. disunited (man and wife); separated from, rid of, -less (instr. or --°).

viyuta a. separated from, deprived of (instr. or --°); f. ā du. heaven and earth.

viyoga m. separation, division, loss of (instr. ±saha, abl., or --°); absence, want; getting rid of, abstaining from, giving up (yaṃ gam be lost*).

viyogavant a. separated (from the beloved object).

viyogitā f. separation, parting.

viyogin a. separated (esp. of lovers) from (instr. or --°).

viyojana n. liberation or separation from (--°).

viyojanīya a. to be separated from (abl.).

viyojya a. to be separated from (abl.).

viyoni [1] viyonī f. womb of animals, also = -ja animal.

viyonī f. womb of animals, also = -ja animal.

viyoni [2] a. contrary to one's nature.

virakta a. discoloured, passionless, indifferent to or averse from (abl., loc., acc. w. prati, or --°).

virakti f. indifference (cf. prec.); p. -mant.

viracanā f. arrangement, putting on.

viraja a. dustless, passionless, pure.

virajas a. = prec.

virajaska a. = prec.

virata a. having desisted or ceased from (abl.), n. impers.; having given up or resigned (abl. or --°).

virati f. resting, ceasing, abstaining from (abl., loc., or --°); conclusion, end. °-- finally, at last.

virapśa f. ī swelling, full; m. abundance.

virapśin a. = prec. a.

virama m. -ṇa n. ceasing, desisting, abstaining from (--°).

virala a. having interstices or intervals, separated (in space or time), distant, thin, rare; abstr. -tā f.

viralāy viralāyate v be thin or rare.

virava m. roaring, thundering.

viraśima a. rayless.

virasa a. juiceless, flavourless, insipid, disgusting, repugnant; n. adv.

viraha m. abandonment, separation from (instr. or --°); absence, want.

virahita a. abandoned, forsaken, lonely, separated from, -less (instr. or --°).

virahin a. separated, absent, -less (--°).

virāga [1] m. change or loss of colour, absence of passion; aversion or indifference to (loc., abl., or --°).

virāga [2] a. many-coloured or = seq.

virāgavant a. passionless, indifferent.

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virāgin a. passionless, indifferent.

virāj a. shining, radiant, ruling; m. f. ruler, sovereign; f. high rank, distinction, (also m.) N. of a myth. being, the first progeny of Brahman, (ph.) the Intellect ruling over the collective aggregate of bodies, (only f) N. of sev. metres.

virāja a. shining, resplendent.

virājin a. shining, resplendent.

virājñī f. queen.

virājya n. reign, government.

virāṭa m. N. of an ancient king.

virātra s. the end of night.

virāddhṛ m. offender, injurer.

virādha m. N. of a Rākṣasa.

virādhana n. failure.

virāma m. cessation, rest, end, pause, caesura, stop and its sign (g.).

virāva m. cry, sound, noise, hum.

virāvaṇa a. causing to cry or howl.

virāvin a. crying, bellowing, roaring; resounding with (instr.).

virikta a. having purged.

viriñca m. E. of Brahman.

viriñci m. E. of Brahman.

virukmant a. shining; m. a bright ornament or weapon.

viruja [1] a. causing pain.

viruja [2] a. painless, sound, healthy.

viruta a. & n. tinkling, sounding, singing (of birds), humming.

viruti f. = prec. n.

viruddha a. stopped, hindered; opposed, contrary, repugnant, hostile to (instr., gen., or --°); unwished for, hateful, odious, prohibited, dangerous.

viruṣṭa a. very angry.

virūkṣa a. rough, harsh.

virūḍha a. grown forth, germinated, formed, risen; mounted or ridden by (instr.).

virūpa a. many-coloured, multiform, manifold, various, different from (--°); also = seq. Abstr. -tā f.

virūpaka a. deformed, ugly.

virūpay virūpayati v deform, disfigure.

virūpākṣa f. ī having deformed eyes; m. N. of a cert. divine being, E. of Śiva etc.

viroka m. ray of light.

virokin a. shining.

viroga m. health, a. healthy.

virocana a. illuminating; m. the sun.

virociṣṇu a. shining, bright.

viroddhavya a. to be opposed or fought with; n. impers. (it is) to be fought.

virodha m. obstruction, hindrance, disturbance; opposition, contradiction; adversity, injury, detriment, calamity; hostility, contest between (instr. ±saha or --°).

virodhaka a. opposed to, incongruous with (gen. or --°); also = seq.

virodhakṛt a. causing hostility or sedition.

virodhana a. opposed to, fighting with (--°); n. opposing, quarrelling, harming, injuring.

virodhitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

virodhin a. obstructing, hindering, (*rivalling, a match); disturbing, injuring, harming, repelling, hostile, inimical; m. adversary, foe.

virodhokti f. contradiction.

virodhopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

viropaṇa a. causing to grow together, heating.

virohaṇa a. causing to grow together, heating.

viroha m. -haṇa n. sprouting growing; adj. -hin.

vilakṣa a. having no aim or missing the aim, ashamed, embarrassed; abstr. -tva n.

vilakṣaṇa a. of different character or nature; unequal to, different from (abl. or --°); various, manifold.

vilakṣita a. marked, knowable by (instr. or --°); puzzled, vexed.

vilagna a. hanging, sitting or resting on, sticking or cleaving to, turned or fixed upon (loc. or --°); hanging down, pendulous; gone, past; thin, slender.

vilaṅghana n. springing over, striking against, harming, injuring.

vilaṅghin a. overstepping, transgressing (fig.); striking against, touching.

vilaṅghya a. to be overstepped or passed over (river); to be borne, tolerable.

vilajja a. shameless.

vilajjita a. ashamed, abashed.

vilapana n. wailing, lamenting.

vilapita n. wailing, lamenting.

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vilamba a. hanging down; n. lagging, loitering.

vilambana n. -nā f. retarding, delay.

vilambin a. hanging down, hanging or leaning on (loc. or --°), hung with (--°); lagging, loitering.

vilambita a. hanging down; laggering, loitering, retarded, slow; n. impers., as adv., or as subst. delay.

vilambya ger. lagging, loitering, slowly, so late.

vilaya m. dissolution, destruction, disappearance.

vilayana a. dissolving, n. = prec.

vilasana a. coruscating etc. = seq.

vilasita a. shining, radiant, appeared, risen, moving to and fro, coruscating (lightning), sporting, dallying.

vilāpa m. lament.

vilāpana [1] a. & n. causing to lament.

vilāpana f. ī2 dissolving, melting, removing, destroying.

vilāpin a. wailing, lamenting.

vilāsa m. appearance (rising or semblance); joy, merriment, petulance; joke, sport, play, esp. amorous pastime, dalliance, coquetry; grace, beauty.

vilāsaka f. -sikā moving hither and thither, dancing.

vilāsagṛha n. pleasure house.

vilāsacāpa m. E. of the god of love.

vilāsadhanvan m. E. of the god of love.

vilāsabāṇa m. the same.

vilāsabhavana n. = visagṛha.

vilāsavatī f. a coquettish woman.

vilāsikatva n. abstr. to seq. adj.

vilāsin a. flashing, beaming, moving to and fro, wanton, sportive, dallying with (--°). m. husband, lover; f. -nī a (wanton) woman; mistress, wife.

vilīna a. attached to, fixed upon, immersed in, sitting upon (loc. or --°); covered, hidden; disappeared, vanished, gone; melted or dissolved into (--°).

viluṇṭhana n. plundering, robbing, stealing.

vilumpaka m. robber, destroyer.

vilulita a. moved hither and thither, fallen down or asunder, disordered, confused.

vilepa m. -na n. ointment, rubbing in.

vilepin a. smearing, anointing.

vilokana n. look, glance; consideration.

vilokita n. look, glance; consideration.

vilokin a. seeing, beholding, perceiving, observing.

vilocana a. making see or seeing; n. eye.

viloṭhin a. moving hither and thither.

viloḍana n. stirring up, churning.

vilopa m. loss, disturbance, destruction, injury, theft.

vilopaka a. destroying, plundering.

vilopana n. destroying, omitting, stealing.

vilopin a. destroying, omitting (--°).

viloptṛ m. thief, robber.

vilopya a. to be destroyed.

vilobhana n. attraction, seduction.

viloma a. against the hair or grain, contrary, refractory.

viloman a. against the hair or grain, contrary, refractory.

vilola a. moving hither and thither, restless, unsteady.

vilva -> bilva.

vivakvant a. eloquent.

vivakṣaṇa a. swelling (Soma).

vivakṣā f. desire of saying, teaching, expressing; meaning, sense (loc. or --°), mere desire of saying etc., i.e. hesitation, doubt.

vivakṣita a. meant, intended, borne in mind (±hṛdi), abstr. -tva n.

vivakṣu a. calling aloud; wishing to say or tell.

vivacana a. decision, authority.

vivatsa a. having no calf; bereft of the young or children i.g.

vivatsu a. = vivadiṣu.

vivadana n. quarrel, contest.

vivadiṣu a. wishing to speak.

vivadha m. carrying-yoke; burden, load, provisions, stock of grain, etc.

vīvadha m. carrying-yoke; burden, load, provisions, stock of grain, etc.

vivayana n. matting-work.

vivara m. n. opening, hole, fissure, interval, distance, flaw, fault.

vivaraṇa n. opening, uncovering, explaining.

vivarcas a. splendourless.

vivarjana n. abandoning, giving up; desisting from (abl.).

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vivarjanīya a. to be abandoned or given up.

vivarjita a. abandoned by, destitute of, free from, -less (instr. or --°); left out --, not including (--°).

vivarṇa a. colourless or discoloured, pale; abstr. -tā f., -bhāva m.

vivarṇavadana a. pale-faced.

vivarta m. the turning or revolving one, i.e. the sky; whirl-pool, eddy; change, altered condition; the mere semblance of (--°).

vivartana a. turning, revolving, changing; n. the action of turning etc., moving hither and thither, wandering, roaming, turning away or back; turning point, change.

vivartin a. turning (intr.), moving in a circle, turning away or towards (--°), changing.

vivardhana f. ī (ā) increasing, strengthening, furthering (--°); n. growth, increase, welfare.

vivardhin  = prec. adj. (only f. & --°).

vivavri a. uncovered, bare.

vivaśa a. having no will, irresolute or indolent, acting involuntarily or against one's own will; abstr. -tā f.

vivasana a. unclothed, naked.

vivastra a. unclothed, naked.

vivasvatsuta m. patron. of Manu.

vivasvan a. (only instr. pl.) = seq. adj.

vivasvant a. lighting up, matutinal; m. N. of a god, later E. of the sun or the god of the sun.

vivāka m. decider.

vivāc a. calling to (i.e. challenging) each other; f. challenge, contest.

vivācana m. ī f. arbiter, umpire; n. decision, authority.

vivāda m. (n.) quarrel, contest, dispute.

vivādapada n. the object of a contest.

vivādārthin m. prosecutor, plaintiff.

vivādin a. disputing, litigating.

vivās -> 4.

vivāsa [1] m. the lighting up, daybreak.

vivāsa [2] m. leaving home, exile.

vivāsana n. expulsion, banishment.

vivāsas a. unclothed, naked.

vivāsya a. to be banished.

vivāha m. leading (the bride) home; wedding, marriage.

vivāhanepathya n. wedding ornament.*

vivāhapaṭaha s. wedding drum.

vivāhaveṣa m. wedding garment.

vivāhya a. to be married (girl); fit for a matrimonial alliance; related by marriage. m. son-in-law.

vivikta a. separated, detached, isolated, single, lonely, free from (instr. or --°); clean, pure, dainty, clear, distinct; n., -tā f. & -tva n. separation, loneliness, etc.

viviktasevin a. seeking solitude.

viviktāsana a. sitting in a lonely place.

vivikti f. separation, division, (right) distinction.

vivikṣu a. wishing or being about to enter.

vivigna a. much frightened.

vividha a. of different kinds, various, manifold; n. adv.

vividhāgama m. relating to various traditions.

vividhāyudha a. having different weapons.

vivṛta a. uncovered, bare, open, displayed, manifested, published, explained; n. adv.

vivṛtapauruṣa a. showing heroism.

vivṛtabhāva a. open-hearted, candid.

vivṛti f. explanation, exposition.

vivṛtta a. turned round or back, whirled, bent.

vivṛttākṣa a. rolling the eyes.

vivṛttāṅga a. distorting the limbs (in agony).

vivṛtti f. expansion; hiatus (g.).

vivṛddha a. grown, increased, enlarged, important, great, numerous, abundant.

vivṛddhi f. growth, increase, lengthening (of a vowel); thriving, welfare.

vivṛddhida a. giving welfare.

viveka m. separation, discrimination, discernment, examination, consideration, judgment insight, penetration; poss. vivekavant & vivekin.

vivekajña a. having (lit. knowing) the right insight into (--°).

vivekaviśrānta a. void of judgment, unwise, foolish.

vivekitā f. -tva n. right discrimination or judgment.

vivektṛ a. who discriminates or judges right.

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vivecaka a. discriminating (right).

vivecana a. (f. ī) & n. discriminating, examining, or judging (right); for n. also f. ā.

vivoḍhṛ m. husband.

vivrata a. refractory, stubborn.

viś viśati viśate v pp. viṣṭa1 (q.v.) enter, go in or into, sit or settle down on (acc. or loc.); go home or to rest, set (of the sun); get into a condition, undertake, begin (acc.); deal with (instr.), fall to the lot of, occur or happen to (acc.). C. veśayati cause to enter (acc.) or sit down upon (loc.). D. vivikṣati wish to enter (acc.). -
     anu follow, enter (acc); follow a person (acc.) into (acc.).
     ā enter, pervade, settle down on or among (acc., r. loc.); inire (acc.); approach, get at, take possession of (acc.); get into a state or condition (acc.). C. cause to enter, put into (loc., r. acc.), turn or set upon, entrust or commit to (loc.).
     anvā enter, take possession of (acc.); follow, conform one's self to (acc.).
     abhyā enter, penetrate (acc. or loc.).
     upā the same, get into; visit, befall (acc.).
     prā come to (acc.); C. lead in, introduce.
     samā enter, penetrate, pervade (acc.), sit or settle down on (loc. or acc.); visit, befall (acc.); get into a condition (acc.); devote one's self to (acc.). C. lead or put into (acc.), turn upon (loc.), commit, entrust (loc.).
     upa approach (acc.); stop, sit or settle down, set (sun); cohabit (instr.); attend or apply one's self to (acc.). C. cause to sit down on, put in (loc.). upopa sit down beside each other or at a person's (acc.) side.
     paryupa sit around.
     samupa sit down or be seated (together).
     ni M. (A.) enter, penetrate, pervade (acc. or loc.); bite (of a leech); sit or settle down on (loc.), resort, turn, or attend to (acc. or loc.); establish one's self i.e. marry (man); stop, make a halt, come to rest, cease. C. cause to enter, cause to sit or settle down on (loc.); bring to rest; cause (a man) to marry, draw up or encamp (an army); lead, bring, put, transfer into (loc.); build, found, populate, make inhabitable (town etc.), throw or hurl upon, fix in, put on, turn or direct to (loc.), don (clothes); appoint to (loc.), confer upon (loc.). With citre paint, w. pattre write down, w. citte or hṛdaye call to mind.
     abhini M. (A.) enter or penetrate into, insist or be bent upon (acc.); belong to (loc.). C. lead into, turn or direct to, place or fix upon (loc.).
     upani C. encamp (an army), found (a city).
     pariṇi settle down around.
     vini put, place, fix, turn (loc.), appoint to, set about (loc.).
     saṃni C. lead into (a house), lodge, set or lay down, draw up (an army); place, put, fix in or on, hurl upon (loc.); build, found; appoint to (loc.), load or confer upon (loc.).
     nis enter (acc. or loc., ±gṛheṣu become a householder, marry); pay back, restore; enjoy, delight in (acc.).
     pra enter, get into (acc. or loc.); pierce, penetrate; reach, attain (acc.), enjoy carnally (acc.); attend to, be bent upon (acc., r. loc.); enter, make one's appearance (d.). C. cause to enter, lead in, introduce (loc. or acc.); lead home, marry; lay down, place, put etc. in (loc. or acc.); appoint, install; initiate into (acc.); write down.
     anupra enter (after another), get into or among (acc., r. loc.), resort to (acc.).
     saṃpra enter, go in, inire, take to, deal with (acc.). C. cause to enter, bring or lead into (acc.).
     sam come near, approach; join (acc. or instr.); enter, go into (acc., r. loc.), settle down, go to rest; lie or sleep with (instr. ±saha, dat., or acc.), lie on or in (loc.). C. cause to lie down, set, place, put etc. on or in, bring into or to (loc.).
     anusam go to rest after (acc.).
     abhisam assemble around (acc.). -- Cf. anupraviṣṭa abhiniviṣṭa abhiviṣṭa āviṣṭa upaviṣṭa nirviṣṭa niviṣṭa praviṣṭa viniviṣṭa saṃniviṣṭa samāviṣṭa.

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viś [2] (nom. viṭ) f. settlement, dwelling place, house; sgl. & pl. community, tribe, people, esp. the third caste ( = vaiśya), sgl. a member of it. viśaspati m. E. of Indra & Agni; viśāṃ pati m. prince, king.

viśaṅka a. fearless, not afraid of (--°), secure; n. adv.

viśaṅkaṭa a. extensive, enormous, huge, awful, terrible.

viśaṅkā [1] f. hesitation, suspicion, doubt, fear, apprehension.

viśaṅkā [2] f. fearlessness, security, ease.

viśaṅkita a. fearful, suspicious, uneasy about, anxious over (acc. w. prati or --°).

viśaṅkin a. suspecting, expecting, apprehending.

viśaṅkya a. to be suspected or apprehended.

viśada a. clear, pure, distinct, intelligible; tender, soft; dexterous, fit for (--°). Abstr. -tā f.

viśaday viśadayati v cleanse, purify make clear or explain.

viśadīkṛ the same.

viśana n. entering, penetrating (--°).

viśaya m. middle, centre; uncertainty, doubt, p. viśayavant & viśayin.

viśara a. tearing asunder; m. a cert. disease.

viśarāru a. falling asunder, decaying, frail, abstr. -tā f.

viśarīka m. N. of a cert. disease.

viśalya a. having no point (arrow); having no (arrow-) point or wound, i.e. free from pain, N. of a man.

viśalyakaraṇa f. ī healing arrow-wounds, f. a cert. medicinal herb.

viśasana f. ī killing, murderous; m. sword; n. killing (an animal), cutting up, slaughter, fight.

viśasitṛ m. who kills or cuts up (an animal).

viśastṛ m. who kills or cuts up (an animal).

viśastra a. weaponless.

viśākha a. branchless or having spreading branches, forked; f. ā sgl. du. pl. N. of a lunar mansion, f. ī a forked pole (also -khikā f.); n. fork, ramification.

viśākhadatta m. N. of a poet.

viśātana a. (f. ī) & n. hewing down, destroying.

viśārada a. experienced, knowing, wise; clever at, familiar with (loc. or --°).

viśāla a. extensive, wide, large; intensive, great, important. f. ā E. of the city of Ujjayinī.

viśālatā f. extent, width.

viśālanetra a. large-eyed.*

viśālalocana a. = prec.

viśālākṣa f. ī the same.

viśikṣu a. communicative, liberal.

viśikha a. having no tuft of hair, bald; unfeathered or unpointed, blunt (arrow); m. a (blunt) arrow.

viśiras a. headless (also -ska), pointless, topless.

viśiśāsiṣu a. ready to kill.

viśiṣṭa a. separate, distinct, marked by (instr. or --°); peculiar, special; distinguished, eminent, excellent at (instr. or --°), best of (gen.); different from i.e. better or worse than (abl. or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

viśiṣṭavarṇa a. & m. (of) a particular colour.

viśis f. explanation.

viśīrṇa a. broken, torn, scattered, decayed, wasted, destroyed; abstr. -tā f.

viśīrṣan f. -rṣṇī headless.

viśīla a. bad-natured, immoral.

viśuddha a. completely purified or cleansed, pure, clear, bright; settled, absolved, finished. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

viśuddhabhāva a. pure-hearted.

viśuddhātman a. pure-hearted.

viśuddhi f. purification, purity; p. -mant.

viśuṣka a. quite dry, withered.

viśūnya a. quite void or empty.

viśūla a. having no spear or pike.

viśṛṅkhala a. unfettered, unrestrained; immoderate, excessive, n. adv.

viśṛṅga a. hornless, topless.

viśeṣa m. (n.) distinction, difference, special property, peculiarity; kind, species, individual; eminence, superiority; something extraordinary of, chief, first rate (°-- or --°) -- Instr., abl., & °-- in a high degree, especially, particularly.

viśeṣaka a. distinguishing, qualifying; m. n. mark of the forehead.

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viśeṣakaraṇa n. doing better, surpassing.

viśeṣajña a. knowing difference or different things; critical, wise, clever.

viśeṣaṇa a. & n. distinguishing, specializing; n. also doing better, surpassing; kind, species; the specializing word i.e. attribute, adjective, adverb, or predicate.

viśeṣatas adv. according to the difference of (--°); especially, in particular.

viśeṣamaṇḍana n. a quite peculiar ornament.

viśeṣay -> śiṣ.

viśeṣavant a. doing or having something peculiar or better.

viśeṣavid a. = viśeṣajña.

viśeṣin a. different from or superior to (--°), individual.

viśeṣya a. what is distinguished or specialized; n. substantive, subject.

viśoka a. freed or freeing from grief.

viśodhana a. (f. ī) & n. purifying.

viśoṣa m. dryness.

viśoṣaṇa a. & n. drying up (tr. & intr.).

viśoṣin a. = prec. a.

viśpati m. chief of a settlement or a community; du. master and mistress of the house.

viśpatnī f. house-wife.

viśpalā f. N. of a woman.

viśya a. forming or belonging to a community; m. a man of the third caste.

viśrabdha a. confident, fearless, secure; °-- & n. adv.

viśrabdhakārya a. having a confidential or a candid business.*

viśrabdhapralāpin a. talking without restraint.*

viśrabdhasupta a. sleeping peacefully.

viśrama m. -ṇa n. rest, repose, relaxation.

viśrambha m. trust, confidence in (loc., gen., or --°); unrestrained behaviour, ease.

viśrambhakathā f. -kathita n. confidential talk.

viśrambhagarbhakathā f. the same.*

viśrambhaṇa n. -mbhatā f. trust, confidence.

viśrambhālāpa m. familiar conversation.

viśrambhin a. inspiring or enjoying confidence, confidential.

viśravas [1] n. great renown, glory.

viśravas [2] a. famous, glorious, N. of a Rishi.

viśrānta a. rested, refreshed, ceased; desisting from, i.e. destitute of, -less (--°).

viśrānti f. rest, repose, cessation, end.

viśrāma m. rest, repose, deep breath; cessation, tranquillity; also = seq.

viśrāmabhū f. place of rest.

viśrāmasthāna n. the same; object of recreation.

viśruta a. heard, learnt, understood, known as (nom.); famous, renowned.

viśruti f. celebrity, fame.

viślatha a. relaxed, languid.

viśliṣṭa a. loosened, disjoined, separated.

viśleṣa m. disunion, disjunction, separation.

viśleṣaṇa a. dissolving, disuniting; n. = prec.

viśleṣin a. getting loose, falling asunder; separated (from the beloved person).

viśva a. all, every (n. every one); entire, whole, universal, pervading all (Viṣṇu, the intellect, etc.); pl. viśve (±devās) all the gods or the All-gods (as a class). m. the intellect (ph.); n. the All or Universe.

viśvakarman a. all-doing, all-creating; m. N. of a world-creating genius (similar to & often identified with Prajāpati), in l. l. the architect or artist of the gods.

viśvakṛt a. & m. = prec.

viśvakṛṣṭi a. dwelling among or known to all people, common or friendly to all.

viśvagūrta a. welcome to all.

viśvagūrti a. welcome to all.

viśvacakṣaṇa a. all-seeing.

viśvacakṣas a. all-seeing.

viśvacakṣus a. = prec.; n. all-eye.

viśvacarṣaṇi a. = viśvakṛṣṭi.

viśvajanya a. = viśvakṛṣṭi.

viśvajit a. all-conquering; m. N. of a cert. sacrifice.

viśvajinva a. all-refreshing.

viśvajū a. all-impelling.

viśvatas adv. from or on all sides, all around.

viśvatur a. all-surpassing.

viśvatūrti a. all-surpassing.

viśvatomukha a. (having the face) turned everywhere, facing all sides.

viśvatra adv. everywhere, evermore.

viśvathā adv. by all means, at all times.

viśvadarśata a. visible to all, all-conspicuous.

viśvadānīm a. always, evermore.

viśvadāva a. all-burning.

viśvadāvya a. all-burning.

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viśvadāvan a. all-giving.

viśvadṛś a. all-seeing.

viśvadṛṣṭa a. all-conspicuous.

viśvadeva a. all-divine; m. pl. the All-gods (cf. viśva).

viśvadevya a. belonging or dear to all gods.

viśvadohas a. milking or yielding all things.

viśvadha adv. by all means, always.

viśvadhā adv. by all means, always.

viśvadhāman n. the universal home.

viśvadhāyas a. all-nourishing.

viśvadhṛk a. all-supporting.

viśvadhṛt a. all-supporting.

viśvadhena a. sating all with drink.

viśvanātha m. lord of the universe; E. of Śiva, a man's name.

viśvanāman f. -mnī having all names.

viśvapiś a. having all sorts of ornaments or beauties.

viśvapeśas a. having all sorts of ornaments or beauties.

viśvapsu a. appearing in all forms.

viśvapsnya a. the same.

viśvabharas a. all-supporting.

viśvabhānu a. all-illumining.

viśvabhuj a. all-enjoying, all-consuming.

viśvabhṛt a. = viśvabharas.

viśvabheṣaja f. ī all-healing.

viśvabhojas a. all-giving or all-feeding.

viśvamanas a. mindful of all.

viśvaminva a. impelling or moving all.

viśvamūrti a. existing in all forms or whose form is the universe.

viśvamejaya a. all-exciting.

viśvaṃbhara a. supporting the universe, all-sustaining; m. fire, E. of Viṣṇu, f. ā the earth.

viśvaṃbharakulāya m. receptacle for fire.

viśvayoni m. or f. source or creator of the universe.

viśvarūpa (f. ā & viśvarūpī) a. many-coloured, multiform, manifold, various. m. E. of Viṣṇu, N. of a son of Tvaṣṭṛ, of an Asura, & of sev. men.

viśvavāra a. containing or granting all goods or treasures.

viśvavārya a. containing or granting all goods or treasures.

viśvavid [1] a. all-knowing, omniscient.

viśvavid [2] a. all-possessing.

viśvavedas a. = 1 viśvavid2.

viśvavyacas a. all-containing, all-embracing.

viśvaśaṃbhū a. causing welfare or happiness to all.

viśvaśuc a. all-sparkling.

viśvaścandra a. all-sparkling.

viśvaśrī a. blessing all.

viśvasakha m. all-friend.

viśvasattama m. the best of all (Kṛṣṇa).

viśvasanīya a. to be trusted (n. impers.); abstr. -tā f.

viśvasū f. bringing forth all.

viśvasṛj m. (nom. -sṛk) all-creator.

viśvasaubhaga a. bestowing all blessings.

viśvasta a. confident, fearless, trusting in (gen.); n. adv.

viśvaha (viśvahā) adv. always, at all times.

viśvā adv. always, evermore.

viśvāṅga a. having all limbs, complete.

viśvācī f. common, universal.

viśvātman m. the soul of the universe, E. of Viṣṇu.

viśvād a. all-consuming.

viśvādhipa m. the lord of the universe.

viśvānara a. = viśvakṛṣṭi.

viśvāmitra m. N. of a celebrated Rishi, pl. his race.

viśvāyu a. = viśvakṛṣṭi.

viśvāvasu a. blessing all (Viṣṇu); m. N. of a Gandharva, a son of Purūravas, etc.

viśvāsa m. confidence, trust in (loc., gen. instr. ±saha, or --°); private communication, secret.

viśvāsakārya n. confidential matter.

viśvāsaghāta m. breach of faith.

viśvāsana n. producing confidence.

viśvāsapātra n. -bhūmi f. a trustworthy person (lit. vessel & place for confidence).

viśvāsabhaṅga m. breach of faith.*

viśvāsasthāna n. surety.

viśvāsah (viśvāsāh) a. all-conquering.

viśvāsika a. trustworthy.

viśvāsin a. the same; also trustful.

viśvāsya a. = viśvasanīya.

viśvāhā adv. = viśvahā.

viśveśa m. lord of the universe, e. of sev. gods.

viśveśvara m. = prec. (f. ī); a man's name.

viśvaujas a. possessing all strength.

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viśvyā adv. everywhere.

viṣ viveṣṭi1 v & veṣati, I. veveṣti, pp. viṣṭa stir, bustle, work, be active, not rest (waters); serve, attend; accomplish, finish (food i.e. eat up), overcome, conquer. C. veṣayati clothe, dress. --
     upa serve, attend.
     pari the same, dress (food); P. have a halo (sun or moon).

viṣ [2] (nom. viṭ) f. excrement, faeces.

viṣa [1] m. servant, attendant.

viṣa [2] n. venom, poison; adj. f. ā poisonous.

viṣakanyā f. venom-girl (said to cause the death of her lovers).

viṣakanyakā f. venom-girl (said to cause the death of her lovers).

viṣakumbha m. a jar of poison.

viṣakṛta a. poisoned.

viṣakṛmi m. dung-beetle.

viṣakta a. hung, hanging or sticking in, turned upon (loc. or --°); dependent on (--°).

viṣaghāta m. destroyer of poison, physician.

viṣaghna a. destroying poison.

viṣaja a. produced by poison.

viṣaṅga m. sticking, clinging; adj. -ṅgin.

viṣajihva a. venom-tongued.

viṣaṇṇa a. dejected, sad, out of spirits.

viṣaṇṇarūpa a. of a sorrowful aspect.

viṣaṇravadana a. looking sad or dejected.

viṣataru m. poison-tree.

viṣatā f. -tva n. the being poison.

viṣadāyaka a. giving poison, poisoning.

viṣadāyin a. giving poison, poisoning.

viṣadigdha a. smeared with poison, poisoned.

viṣadūṣaṇa f. ī destroying poison.

viṣadruma m. = viṣataru.

viṣadhara m. a venomous serpent (venomholder).

viṣama a. uneven, unequal, odd (number); different, changing; difficult, hard, adverse, cross, inimical; bad, mean, dishonest, false, wrong. n. unevenness, bad road, pit, precipice; difficulty, pain, distress, adversity; unequality, incongruency, incompatibility.

viṣamatva n. unequality, adversity.

viṣamaya f. ī consisting of poison, poisonous.

viṣamavṛtta n. an unequal metre (having different verses).

viṣamaśīla a. cross-tempered.

viṣamastha a. being in danger or difficulties.

viṣamasthita a. being in danger or difficulties.

viṣamāyudha m. E. of the god of love, lit. the odd (i.e. five-) arrowed.

viṣameṣu m. E. of the god of love, lit. the odd (i.e. five-) arrowed.

viṣamīkṛ make uneven or adverse, P. -bhū.

viṣameṣu m. = viṣamāyudha.

viṣaya m. reach, sphere, domain, province, country; the right place for (gen.); object, esp. of sense, pl. (sgl.) the pleasures of sense or the external world. chandasi viṣaye in the sphere of i.e. only in the Veda (g.). Adj. --° falling into the sphere of, belonging or relating to. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

viṣayaparāṅmukha a. averse from the external world.*

viṣayavant a. having an object, objective.

viṣayavāsin a. living in a country; m. inhabitant of a country, countryman.

viṣayasaṅga m. addiction to sensual objects, -ja adj. sprung.

viṣayātmaka a. given to sensual pleasures.

viṣayānta m. the boundary of a country.

viṣayin a. sensual; m. sensualist, materialist.

viṣayīkṛ spread, diffuse; subdue, make a thing an object, P. -bhū.

viṣayīkaraṇa n. abstr. to prec.

viṣayopasevā f. indulgence in sensual pleasures.

viṣarasa m. a poisoned drink.

viṣavant a. poisoned, envenomed.

viṣaviṭapin m. poison-tree.

viṣavidyā f. toxicology.

viṣavṛkṣa m. = viṣaviṭapin.

viṣavega m. the effect of poison.

viṣavaidya m. conjurer of poison.

viṣahan a. destroying poison.

viṣahara f. ī removing poison.

viṣahya a. practicable (±kartum), conquerable.

viṣākta a. = viṣadigdha.

viṣāgni m. burning (l. fire of) poison.

viṣāṇa n. (old also ā f.) horn (adj. --° f. ā & ī), tusk (of an elephant or Ganeśa), claw (of a crab), nipple; point i.g.

viṣāṇavant a. having horns or tusks; m. boar.

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viṣāṇin a. = prec. adj.; m. elephant.

viṣād a. eating poison.

viṣāda m. slackness, dejection, depression, aversion, disgust.

viṣādana a. & n. causing despondency or depression.

viṣādavant a. = seq.

viṣādin [1] a. dejected, sad.

viṣādin [2] a. eating poison.

viṣānala m. = viṣāgni.

viṣānna n. poisoned food.

viṣāpaha a. destroying poison.

viṣāy viṣāyate v (viṣāyati) become poison.

viṣāsahi a. conquering (gen.), powerful.

viṣāsvāda m. tasting poison.

viṣita a. loosened, opened, unharnessed (lit. & fig.), let free.

viṣitastuka a. dishevelled.

viṣin a. poisoned.

viṣu adv. on both sides (--°).

viṣuṇa a. various, changing (moon); averse, hostile.

viṣuṇak adv. asunder.

viṣupta a. fallen asleep.

viṣurūpa a. many-coloured, various.

viṣuvatsaṃkrānti f. equinox passage or the time of it (cf. seq.).

viṣuvant a. belonging to both sides, i.e. middle, central. m. middle day (r.); n. equinox.

viṣūvant a. belonging to both sides, i.e. middle, central. m. middle day (r.); n. equinox.

viṣūcikā f. a kind of disease.

viṣūcī -> viṣvañc.

viṣūcīna a. going asunder, diverging, spreading.

viṣūvṛt a. balancing (lit. & fig.).

viṣolbaṇa a. full of poison.

viṣkandha n. a cert. disease.

viṣkambha m. support; width, diameter; also = seq. m.

viṣkambhaka a. supportiNg; m. a kind of interlude or introductory scene (d.).

viṣkira m. scratcher, a kind of bird.

viṣṭ -> āviṣṭita.

viṣṭa a. entered etc., contained in (acc. or loc.); filled or joined with (instr.).

viṣṭap f. viṣṭapa n. (m.) highest part, surface, firmament, heaven.

viṣṭabdha a. fixed, firm (also viṣṭabhita); supported, stayed, stopped, hindered; stiff, rigid, motionless.

viṣṭambha m. support, prop, obstruction, hindrance, resistance.

viṣṭambhana f. ī supporting; n. obstruction, suppression.

viṣṭambhin a. supporting (fig.), obstructing.

viṣṭara m. a bunch of reed-grass etc. to sit upon.

viṣṭāra m. straw (of the Barhis).

viṣṭārapaṅkti f. N. of a metre.

viṣṭārin a. spread (r.).

viṣṭi f. bustle, stirring, activity, service; one's turn, times (--°).

viṣṭir f. width, extent.

viṣṭuta a. praised variously or abundantly.

viṣṭuti f. mode of recitation.

viṣṭhā [1] f. place, province, domain, division, party; kind, form.

viṣṭhā [2] f. = viṣ2.

viṣṭhita a. standing asunder, scattered, diffused, spread; fixed, standing or being in (loc. or --°).

viṣṇu m. N. of a god; abstr. -tva n.

viṣṇukrama m. pl. Viṣṇu's paces (r.).

viṣṇugupta m. E. of Cāṇakya.

viṣṇucakra n. the discus of Viṣṇu.

viṣṇudatta a. given by Viṣṇu, m. a man's name.

viṣṇupatnī f. Viṣṇu's wife (Aditi).

viṣṇupada n. Viṣṇu's domain (the sky).

viṣṇupurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

viṣṇumaya f. ī coming from or belonging to Viṣṇu.

viṣṇumitra m. a man's name.

viṣṇumukha a. headed by Viṣṇu.

viṣṇurūpa a. bearing the shape of Viṣṇu.

viṣṇuvant a. accompanied by Viṣṇu.

viṣṇuśarman m. N. of an author.

viṣpardhas a. emulating.

viṣpaś m. (nom. viṣpaṭ) overseer.

viṣphuliṅga m. spark.

viṣyaṇṇa a. overflowing.

viṣyanda m. drop; adj. -ndin.

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viṣyandana n. dropping, overflowing.

viṣvaktana a. spread everywhere; numerous, abundant.

viṣvaksena m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

viṣvaggamanavant a. going everywhere.

viṣvagvṛtti a. = viṣvaktana.

viṣvañc f. viṣūcī turned to or being on both (all) sides; going asunder, splitting, spreading everywhere; diverging, averse or separated from (abl. or instr.). n. viṣvak adv. sideways, all around, everywhere.

viṣvadryañc a. turned everywhere; n. dryak sideways, away.

visaṃvāda m. contradiction, disagreement.

visaṃvādin adj. to prec.

visaṃṣṭhula a. loose, tottering, unsteady.

visaṃsthula a. loose, tottering, unsteady.

visaṃjña a. unconscious.

visaṃjñita a. unconscious.

visaṃdṛśa f. ā & ī unequal, inferior.

visaṃdhi a. having no joints (body); unallied.

visaṃnāha a. without a coat of mail.

visara m. plenty, abundance.

visarga m. cessation, end; loosening, letting go; dismission, evacuation (of the body); gift, donation; hurling, throwing, casting, shooting off; production, creation (abstr. & concr.); a kind of aspiration & its sign (g.).

visarjana n. cessation, end; making cease, remove; letting go, dismission etc. = prec. as far as creation.

visarjanīya m. = visarga (g.).

visarpa m. spreading about, a kind of inflammation (also -pikā f.).

visarpaṇa a. & n. spreading, increasing; n. also moving off, budging.

visarpin a. springing forth, coming out of (--°); moving to and fro, spreading, expanding.

visarman m. running asunder.

visalya m. a cert. disease.

visāra m. extending, diffusing, dissolving.

visārathi a. having no charioteer.

visārin a. coming forth, spreading, expanding.

visūraṇa n. grier, sorrow.*

visṛt f. flowing asunder.

visṛta a. expanded, stretched, slackened (bowstring), gone asunder; come forth or sprung from (--°); prominent (eyes).

visṛtvara a. spreading.

visṛpas abl. inf. to visṛp.

visṛṣṭi f. letting go, emanation, creation, esp. in detail.

visoḍha -> sah.

vista m. a cert. weight.

vistara a. extensive. m. extent, width; spreading, expanding; abundance, multitude, completeness, prolixity, specification. Instr., abl., vistaratas & vistaraśas adv. diffusely, fully, in detail.

vistāra m. spreading, expansion, diffusion, specification.

vistārin a. extending, large, broad.

vistīrṇa a. strewed, scattered, covered; spread, expanded, developed, broad, wide, ample, numerous, far-sounding.

vistṛta a. strewed, scattered, covered; spread, expanded, developed, broad, wide, ample, numerous, far-sounding.

vispardhā f. emulation.

vispardhin a. vying with (--°).

vispaṣṭa a. visible, clear, distinct, intelligible; n. adv.

vispaṣṭārtha a. having a clear sense.

visphāra m. gaping, bursting, opening; the twang of a bow-string.

visphārita a. opened wide, torn asunder.

visphūrja m. -rjita n. roaring, thundering.

visphoṭa m. crackling; boil, pustule.

vismaya m. -na n. wonder, surprise.

vismayanīya a. wondrous, strange.

vismayānvita (& -yākṣipta*) a. astonished.

vismayin a. the same.

vismaraṇa n. forgetting, oblivion.

vismāpaka (f. ī) astonishing.

vismāpana (f. ī) astonishing.

vismita a. astonished, surprised.

vismṛta a. having forgotten (acc. or --°); being forgotten by (instr. or gen.).

vismṛti f. forgetfulness, oblivion.

vismera a. astonished, abstr. -tā f.

visyanda etc. -> viṣyanda.

visra a. stinking of raw flesh.

visragandha m. the stench of raw flesh.

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visragandhin a. = visra.

visrava m. flowing forth, flood.

visrasas abl. infin. to visraṃs.

visrasta a. fallen down or asunder, loosened, detached, slackened, languished.

visruti f. = visrava.

visvara a. soundless or inharmonious.

viha (°--) air, the sky.

vihaga m. bird (sky-goer).

vihagapati m. the king of the birds, E. of Garuḍa.

vihagendra m. the king of the birds, E. of Garuḍa.

vihaṃga m. = vihaga.

vihaṃgama a. moving in the sky; m. a bird or the sun.

vihaṃgavāṭī f. aviary, bird-cage.*

vihata a. torn open, struck, hurt, visited, afflicted; hindered, disturbed, warded off.

vihati f. stroke, blow; defence, repulse.

vihantṛ m. slayer, killer, destroyer.

vihara m. transposition, change.

viharaṇa n. = prec.; leading or walking about.

vihartṛ m. robber; roamer, sporter.

vihava m. invocation.

vihavya a. to be invoked or desired.

vihasta a. handless, robbed of the tusk (elephant); unhandy, awkward; perplexed, helpless; quite intent upon or engaged in (--°).

vihāya ger. leaving behind or out; excluding, notwithstanding (acc.).

vihāyas [1] a. powerful, vigorous.

vihāyas [2] n. the open air, space, sky, atmosphere; instr. through the air.

vihāra m. (n.) distribution, arrangement, esp. of the sacred fires, & these themselves; expansion, esp. of the organs of speech; relaxation, recreation, amusement, sport, pastime, delight in (--°, also adj.); walking for pleasure, roaming about; place of recreation, pleasure-garden, grove; a Buddhist or Jaina temple or convent (also -rikā f.).

vihāraka f. -rikā finding or giving delight.

vihāradāsī f. female servant of a temple or convent.

vihāradeśa m. -bhūmi f. pleasure-ground.

vihāravana n. pleasure-grove.

vihāravant a. finding delight in (--°).

vihāravāri n. water to sport in.

vihāraśayana n. pleasure-couch.

vihāraśaila n. pleasure-mountain.

vihārasthalī f. -sthāna n. = vihāradeśa.

vihārāvasatha m. pleasure-house.

vihārin a. wandering about or = vihāraka.

vihāsa m. laughter.

vihiṃsaka a. harming (gen. or --°).

vihiṃsatā f. -sana n., -sā f. abstr. to prec.

vihita a. distributed, appointed, settled, arranged, made, done, put, placed; endowed or furnished with (instr.).

vihiti f. proceeding, bringing about.

vihīna a. abandoned, deserted, deprived or destitute of (instr., abl., or --°); wanting, missing; low, mean.

vihṛta n. walk, excursion.

vihṛti f. extent, increase, sport, pleasure.

vihṛdaya n. discouragement, despondency.

viheṭhaka a. harming, hurting.

vihrut f. a snake or worm.

vihruta a. bent, broken.

vihvala a. discountenanced, perplexed, confused, exhausted; n. adv.

veti v pp. vīta1 (q.v.) seek, pursue, strive after, fall upon, attack, win, take hold of, enjoy; undertake, begin, urge, impel, further, promote; procure, get for, help to (2 acc.). --
     ati overtake, be superior to (acc.).
     apa turn away (intr.).
     abhi drive on.
     ava seek after (acc.).
     ā approach, drive on or near, undertake, begin, seize, take hold of.
     upa strive after (acc.).
     ni (I. veveti) penetrate, rush into or among (loc.).
     pra drive on, set in motion; impel, inspire; strive on or after, enter into (acc.); fall upon, attack; inire, impregnate.
     prati receive. -- Cf. abhivīta.

[2] (nom. vīs) -> devavī & padavī.

I. vevīyate3 flutter, flicker.

vīkṣaṇa n. looking, viewing, considering; sight, eye.

vīkṣā f. looking at, examining; insight, knowledge.

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vīkṣita n. look, sight.

vīkṣitavya n. impers. to be looked or seen.

vīkṣitṛ m. beholder.

vīci [1] f. deception, seduction.

vīci [2] vīcī f. wave.

vīcī f. wave.

vīj vījati vījate v fan, blow on; C. vījayati kindle (fire). --
     anu abhi ā ud upa pari sam = S.

vījana n. fanning or fan.

vīṭā f. a small round pebble.

vīṭikā f. button of a garment; ball, esp. a preparation of the Areca nut enveloped in a leaf of the betel plant.

vīḍ vīḍayati v (vīLayati) make (M. -te be) strong or firm; pp. vīLita = seq. a.

vīḍu strong, firm; n. stronghold.

vīLu, f. strong, firm; n. stronghold.

vīḍvī strong, firm; n. stronghold.

vīḍvaṅga a. strong-limbed.

vīṇā f. lute.

vīṇāgāthin m. player on the lute.

vīṇāvāda m. player or playing on the lute.

vīṇin a. having a lute or playing on it.

vīta [1] a. straight, even; wished for, desired, n. wish, desire.

vīta [2] a. gone, ceased (--°).

vīta [3] a. hidden, concealed; covered in, girt with (instr.).

vītacinta a. free from care about (loc.).

vītadarpa a. whose pride is gone, humbled.

vītabhaya a. fearless.

vītabhī a. fearless.

vītabhīti a. fearless.

vītamanyu a. free from anger or sorrow.

vītarāga a. dispassionate.

vītavrīḍa a. shameless, impudent.

vītaśoka a. sorrowless, abstr. -tā f.

vītahavya a. presenting desired oblations.

vīti [1] f. enjoyment, delight, profit, advantage, favourite food or drink.

vīti [2] f. separation.

vītihotra a. inviting to feasts or meals; m. fire or the god of fire.

vīthi f. row, line, road, street, way, terrace, gallery, a kind of drama.

vīthī f. row, line, road, street, way, terrace, gallery, a kind of drama.

vīthika s. the same.

vīthikā f. the same.

vīdhra (only loc. adv.) clear sky.

vīpsā f. repetition, succession (g.).

vīra m. man, esp. hero, chief (also E. of sev. gods, esp. of Indra); husband, male child, son, coll. male offspring; also the male of an animal. Pl. men, people, retainers, followers.

vīraka m. little man.

vīraghnī -> vīrahan.

vīracaryā f. manly doing, seeking adventures etc.

vīraṇa n. a kind of fragrant grass.

vīraṇastamba m. bunch of grass.

vīraṇastambaka m. bunch of grass.

vīratama m. greatest & greater hero.

vīratara m. greatest & greater hero.

vīratā f. vīratva n. manliness, heroism.

vīradeva m. a man's name.

vīrapatnī f. the wife of a hero.

vīrapura n. N. of a city.

vīraprasavinī f. the mother of a hero.

vīraprasū f. the mother of a hero.

vīrabāhu a. strong-armed; m. E. of Viṣṇu, N. of sev. princes etc.

vīrabhaṭa m. a brave warrior.

vīramātṛ f. the mother of a man (hero).

vīramānin a. thinking one's self a man or hero.

vīraṃmanya a. the same.

vīray vīrayate v be like a man or hero.

vīrayā (instr. adv.) courageously.

vīrayu a. courageous, bold.

vīravant a. rich in men (retainers or sons), manly, heroic; n. plenty of men.

vīravara m. excellent hero, a man's name.

vīravah (vīravāh) a. carrying men.

vīraśaya m. the couch of a (wounded or dead) hero.

vīraśayana n. -śayyā f. the same.

vīrasū a. bringing forth heroes; f. the mother of a son.

vīrasena m. N. of a Dānava & sev. princes.

vīrahatyā f. the killing of a man (-child).

vīrahan f. vīrahan++ghnī & vīrahaṇī slaying men.

vīrāsana n. hero-sitting (a cert. posture).

vīriṇa m. n. = vīraṇa.

vīriṇī f. mother of sons, E. of Asiknī, a wife of Dakṣa.

vīrudh f. (m.) herb, plant, esp. a spreading creeper.

vīrudha n. vīrudhi s. the same.

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vīreṇya a. manly, heroic.

vīrendra m. chief of heroes.

vīrtsā f. desire of frustrating.

vīrya n. manliness, courage, strength, heroic deed, semen virile.

vīryakṛt a. doing manly deeds.

vīryavattā f. -ttva n. strength, might.

vīryavant a. strong, effective, powerful, mighty, rich in semen.

vīryaśulka [1] n. valour as purchase-price (for a wife).

vīryaśulka [2] a. purchased by valour (wife).

vīryāvant a. = vīryavant.

vūrya n. choice, election.

vṛ [1] vṛṇoti vṛṇute varati -te v (cf. also ūrṇu), pp. vṛta (q.v.) cover, veil, hide; enclose, encompass, surround, guard; shut (a door); hold back or captive, ward off, hinder, restrain. C. vārayati te keep back, hold prisoner, hide, conceal, hinder, stop, ward off, exclude, forbid, withhold. --
     anu cover, veil, enclose, surround; C.M. hinder, stop.
     apa (apā) uncover, open; C. hide.
     api veil.
     abhi cover, C. keep back, ward off.
     ā cover, veil, hide, surround, confine, bar, obstruct, occupy, fill. C. cover, hide, fill up, ward off.
     apā uncover, lay open, show, manifest.
     prā cover, veil; put on, don; fill.
     samā cover, veil, enclose, surround, fill, stop, hinder.
     ni ward off; C. keep back, withhold, forbid, remove, banish.
     vini C. keep back, hinder, stop, suppress, forbid, remove, dethrone.
     nis be satisfied or pleased.
     pari cover, veil, surround; shut up, obstruct, hinder. C. encompass, surround, attend.
     saṃpari C. surround, hem in.
     pra ward off, C. the same.
     prati C. keep or send back, ward off, prohibit, contradict.
     vi A.M. uncover, open, unsheathe (a sword), illumine, display, manifest, explain.
     sam A.M. cover over, hide, conceal, shut (a door); put together, bring in order; M. intr. gather, assemble, increase.
     abhisam cover, veil, surround, fill. -- Cf. apavārita, apavārya, apāvṛta (sic!), apīvṛta (add.), abhivṛta, āvṛta, nivṛta, nirvṛta, parivṛta, parīvṛta (sic!), paryāvṛta (add.), prāvṛta, vivṛta, vrāṇa, savṛta.

vṛ [2] vṛṇīte, vṛṇāti, vṛṇoti, vṛṇute, pp. vṛta choose, esp. in marriage, woo, ask for; prefer, desire, wish, like. C. varayati, vṛṇīte, vṛṇāti, vṛṇoti, vṛṇute, pp. vṛta choose, esp. in marriage, woo, ask for; prefer, desire, wish, like. C. varayate choose, ask, beg (2 acc.); esp. choose in marriage (±patim or patnīm), --
     apa M. content or satisfy with (instr.).
     abhi choose; prefer to (abl.).
     ā choose, desire; A. grant.
     nis choose, pick out.
     pari M. choose, select.
     pra M. (A.) choose, adopt. -- Cf. abhivṛta2.

vṛka a. tearing, harming (cf. avṛka). m. (the tearer, either) wolf or plough, N. of an Asura etc.; f. vṛkī a she-wolf.

vṛkatāti f. attempt at murder or robbery.

vṛkati m. murderer, robber.

vṛkadhūpa m. incense or turpentine.

vṛkala m. a bark garment; f. ā a cert. part of the bowels.

vṛkaloman n. a wolf's hair.

vṛkāyu a. rapacious, sanguinary.

vṛkodara m. E. of Bhīmasena (wolf-bellied).

vṛkka m. du. the kidneys.

vṛkṇa a. cut, torn, broken; n. a cut.

vṛkta a. turned, twisted, plucked (cf. seq.).

vṛktabarhis a. who has plucked or spread the sacrificial grass, i.e. sacrificing, pious.

vṛkya m. du. = vṛkka.

vṛkṣa m. tree, plant, esp. a tree with (visible) flowers or fruits.

vṛkṣaka m. a small tree.

vṛkṣacchāyā f. the shade of a tree.

vṛkṣadevatā f. the deity of a tree, dryad.

vṛkṣaniryāsa m. the exudation of trees, gum, resin.

vṛkṣamaya f. ī made of wood, wooden.

vṛkṣamūla n. the root of a tree.

vṛkṣāropaka m. a planter of trees.

vṛkṣārohaṇa n. the climbing of trees.

vṛkṣavāṭikā f. a grove of trees.

vṛkṣaśākhā f. a branch of a tree.

vṛkṣāgra n. the top of a tree.

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vṛkṣādana m. a carpenter's chisel (lit. tree-eater); f. ī N. of a plant.

vṛkṣeśaya a. living on trees.

vṛkṣaukas m. ape (lit. tree-dweller).

vṛkṣya n. fruit of a tree.

vṛj vṛṇakti vṛṅkte v pp. vṛkta turn, twist off, pluck out (the sacrificial grass), turn or set aside, remove; M. avert, keep away, withhold. C. varjayati (te), pp. varjita (q.v.) abandon, shun, avoid, exempt, spare; renounce, resign; leave out, exclude. P. be deprived of or excluded from. --
     apa avert, remove, scare away; turn or tear off; finish, conclude. C. abandon, avoid, renounce, yield, grant, present, offer (a funeral meal); keep (a promise), conclude, finish.
     api procure to, turn upon (loc.).
     ava turn off, sever; C. remove, destroy.
     ā procure, afford, furnish; take to one's self, appropriate; withhold from (abl.); be favourable to (acc.). C. bend, incline, make favourable, win over.
     vyā separate, divide.
     samā take to one's self, appropriate; C. bend, incline.
     ud remove, destroy.
     ni bend down, cause to fall, cast away.
     parā turn away (trans. & instr.), flee; tear off, remove, reject, abandon.
     pari turn round, give way, avoid, spare, exempt from (instr.); reject, turn out. C. keep off, remove, shun, avoid, abandon.
     pra strew (the sacrificial bed); set in or at the fire, heat or glow.
     sam take to one's self, appropriate. -- Cf. āvarjita parivṛkta vivarjita.

vṛjana (vṛjana) n. enclosure, either sacrificial ground or enclosed settlement, dwelling or the dwellers; also = f. ī crooked way, trick, cheat, art, stratagem.

vṛjina a. crooked, false, artful, mischievous; n. & f. ā falsehood, fraud, sin.

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vṛt vartate vartati vavartti1 v (vartti), pp. vṛtta (q.v.) turn, revolve, roll, run off, pass away (time); go on, take place, happen, occur; abide, live, exist, be (also as simple copula), become; find one's self, feel (w. adv.); (±vṛttim) deal with, act, proceed (adv. or instr.); behave towards (loc.), have intercourse with (saha, loc. with a woman); be concerned or occupied with (loc. or dat.); live or subsist on or by (instr.); conduce or tend to (dat.); be valid or supplying from a previous rule (g.). With mūrghni stand at the head, be chief in importance; w. hṛdi or manasi be turned or thought over in the mind; kiṃ vartate how is it with (gen.); ātmani na vartate he is beside himself (with joy etc.). C. vartayati vartate vartati vavartti1 (vartti), pp. vṛtta (q.v.) turn, revolve, roll, run off, pass away (time); go on, take place, happen, occur; abide, live, exist, be (also as simple copula), become; find one's self, feel (w. adv.); (±vṛttim) deal with, act, proceed (adv. or instr.); behave towards (loc.), have intercourse with (saha, loc. with a woman); be concerned or occupied with (loc. or dat.); live or subsist on or by (instr.); conduce or tend to (dat.); be valid or supplying from a previous rule (g.). With mūrghni stand at the head, be chief in importance; w. hṛdi or manasi be turned or thought over in the mind; kiṃ vartate how is it with (gen.); ātmani na vartate he is beside himself (with joy etc.). C. vartayate cause to turn or roll, whirl about, brandish, turn i.e. fabricate by turning; spend, pass (time); lead a life, exist (±jīvitam); live on or by (instr.); maintain, observe; perform, accomplish, make, do, utter; show, manifest; explain. tell, relate. I. varvartti varīvartti varīvṛtyate turn, roll, be present, exist. --
     accha C. bring near.
     ati intr. pass away (time), cease or desist from (abl.); trans, pass by, cross over, go beyond; overcome, resist, escape, transgress, neglect, omit, forget.
     vyati intr. = prec., tr. (w. acc.) cross over, pass, overcome, escape.
     samati intr. run away, tr. (w. acc.) pass by, escape.
     adhi roll over (loc.); move or turn towards (adv. in tas).
     anu intr. pass or rise after, last, continue, also = S. (g.); tr. (w. acc.) roll after, follow, pursue, adhere, cling to, equal in (instr.) consent, agree, obey, oblige, be devoted to or intent upon, conform one's self to or depend upon, fall, into or partake of. C. cause to roll on, cause to follow or pursue, join to (loc.); recite, answer.
     samanu go after, follow, conform one's self to (acc.).
     antar C. mix with (loc.).
     apa turn off or aside, go away, withdraw.
     vyapa the same, desist from (abl.).
     abhi move or turn towards (acc. or adv. in tas), rise, appear, take place; approach, advance (as friend or foe), meet, encounter, attack, conquer.
     samabhi approach, go against (acc.); come near or back; rise, appear.
     ā A. (M.) turn or roll hither, sc. ratham = come to; turn around, pass by (acc.); M. roll near or back (intr.), revolve; go down, set; (±punar) return, also = be born anew; be repeated or renewed. C. turn or come to (±ratham); bring near, attract; turn round, invert, disturb, destroy; bring back, repeat, recite. I. move quickly, stir.
     anvā M. roll after or along, follow; I. the same.
     apā turn away from (abl.).
     abhyā turn towards, resort to (acc.). C. approach (sc. ratham), repeat.
     upā turn towards, resort to (acc.), arrive at (acc. or loc.); turn from (abl.), return, come back. C. turn hither (tr.), bring near or back; obtain, win.
     abhyupā turn towards, get to, partake of (acc.).
     paryā turn round or away, turn into (instr.). C. put instead of something else.
     anuparyā go after or along, follow.
     abhiparyā turn towards or around.
     pratyā turn towards (acc.); return, come back.
     vyā turn away or back (intr.); separate from or part with, get rid of (instr. or abl.); open, burst, split into (adv. in dhā); cease, come to an end. C. sever or free from (instr. or abl.); remove, destroy, annul.
     samā turn back, return, go home (esp. of a pupil after his apprenticeship); approach, come hither; turn towards (acc.); come off, take place, pass away. C. drive home (cows), dismiss (a pupil).
     abhisamā & upasamā return.
     ud spring off, go out, disappear from (abl.), burst asunder, boil up, swell. C. burst asunder (tr.), destroy, ruin.
     upa tread upon, approach, appear, befall.
     ni turn round (tr. & intr.); return (also into life i.e. be born again); turn away, flee, abstain or desist from, get rid of (abl.); end with or at (abl.); not belong to, be withheld from (abl.), stop, pause, cease, disappear. C. turn downwards, bring or lead back, keep off, avert from (abl.), give up, let go, withhold, suppress, annul; refuse, deny; grant, procure, perform, accomplish.
     abhini return; C. repeat.
     upani return, be repeated.
     pratini turn back from (abl.), escape. C. lead back, turn off, avert.
     vini turn back, desist from, renounce (abl.); cease, disappear, vanish, be extinguished (fire). C. lead or draw back, avert, annul, frustrate.
     saṃni turn back, return from (abl.); stop, pause; abstain or desist from (abl.), pass away. C. send or lead back, divert from (abl.); stop (tr.), suppress.
     nis roll out, come forth, develop, grow, become (nom.), be performed or finished, return. C. bring forth, create, effect, perform, accomplish.
     abhinis come forth, develop; C. bring about, accomplish.
     parā turn the back upon (abl.), turn round (
     udak towards the north), return; abstain or desist from (abl.).
     pari turn round, move in a circle, roll (w. hṛdaye run in the mind); roam, walk about (acc.); return, go back to (acc.), be reborn in (loc.), change, alter (±anyathā); abide, dwell; act, proceed, behave. C. turn round (tr.), move about, upset, alter, change, renew; turn topsy turvy i.e. confuse, destroy.
     vipari turn round, roll (w. hṛdaye = prec.), roam about, change, alter.
     saṃpari the same + come back, return; get rid of (abl.).
     pra turn forward, set out, move on; come forth, rise, appear, originate from (abl.), come off, take place, happen, occur; undertake, begin, set about, prepare for (infin., dat., loc., or artham); act, proceed, deal with (loc.); work, be valid, cause, effect; rest or be turned upon (loc.); last, continue; become, be present, exist; have the sense or meaning of (loc.). C. set in motion, hurl, cast, or send away; introduce, establish, appoint; produce, accomplish; form, make; show, exhibit; undertake, begin; use, employ.
     atipra come forth abundantly.
     abhipra move or roll towards, fall into (acc); set out, get in motion.
     saṃpra come forth, rise, begin, undertake, prepare for (dat. or loc.); deal with, behave towards (loc.). C. set in motion, set abroad, divulge, introduce; undertake, begin.
     vi roll, run, turn, wallow, struggle; sink (sun); turn or run away, part with (instr.); come forth, rise from (abl.), expand, develop. C. turn, roll, contract (the brows); form, shape, make of (instr.); remove, keep off or asunder.
     sam turn towards, approach, meet, encounter (as friends or foes), assemble, unite; take shape, come into being, originate or rise from (abl.), happen, take place, begin, be, become, be present, exist. C. turn to (acc.); roll, clinch (the fist); envelop, cover; hurl, cast; break, destroy; perform, accomplish.
     abhisam turn to (acc.), prepare for, begin (infin.). -- Cf. atipravṛtta ativṛtta anuvṛtta apavṛtta apāvṛtta abhipravṛtta (add.); abhyāvṛtta abhyupāvṛtta āvṛtta udvṛtta upāvṛtta (sic!), nirvṛtta nivṛtta parivṛtta pravṛtta vinirvṛtta vinivṛtta vivṛtta vyāvṛtta saṃvṛtta saṃnivṛtta samāvṛtta.

vṛt [2] (--°) enclosing, surrounding; f. attendance, band, troop, army.

vṛt [3] (--°) turning, moving, existing, being; after numerals-fold.

vṛta a. covered, veiled, hidden, enclosed or surrounded by, endowed with, full of (instr. or --°).

vṛtā f. progress, motion.

vṛti [1] f. enclosure, hedge, fence.

vṛti [2] f. choice, selection, request.

vṛtta a. turned, round; happened, passed; finished, accomplished; ceased, gone, died; being, present (°--); become; having behaved towards (loc.). -- n. occurrence, appearance, event, adventure; cause, matter; conduct, behaviour, practice; verse, metre.

vṛttakarṣita a. distressed for subsistence.

vṛttakāya a. round-bellied (leech).

vṛttajña a. knowing the conduct of (gen.).

vṛttavant a. round; also = seq.

vṛttaśālin a. well behaved, virtuous.

vṛttasaṃpanna a. well behaved, virtuous.

vṛttastha a. well behaved, virtuous.

vṛttānta m. occurrence, adventures; report, story, tale.

vṛtti f. turning, rolling; being, existence, livelihood, maintenance (acc. w. kṛ or kalp & instr. live on or by); mode of being or acting, conduct, behaviour, esp. good conduct or respectful behaviour towards (gen. or --°); devotion to or pursuit of (loc. or --°); usage, practice, rule; nature, character, style (d.); action, activity, function or force of a word; commentary on a Sūtra.

vṛttin a. occupied with, living by (--°).

vṛttimant a. the same; acting like.

vṛttaujas a. displaying strength.

vṛttyartham adv. for the sake of subsistence.

vṛtra m. coverer, besetter, encloser, N. of a demon, the chief enemy of Indra; n. (m.) i.g. foe or host of foes.

vṛtratara m. a worse foe or Vṛtra.

vṛtratur a. overcoming foes or Vṛtra.

vṛtratūrya n. abstr. to prec.

vṛtraputrā f. Vṛtra's mother.

vṛtraripu m. Vṛtra's foe, E. of Indra.

vṛtravidviṣ f. the same.

vṛtravairin f. the same.

vṛtraha a. slaying foes or Vṛtra.

vṛtrahatya n. vṛtrahatha m. abstr. to prec.

vṛtrahan f. -ghnī = vṛtraha; m. E. of Indra.

vṛtrahant m. = prec. m.

vṛtrāri m. = vṛtraripu.

vṛthak adv. = seq.

vṛthā adv. at will, at pleasure; freely, gaily, at random; in vain, for nothing, falsely, wrongly (often °--).

vṛthāṭyā f. useless travel.

vṛthotpanna a. begotten in vain.

vṛddha a. grown up, adult, large, tall, strong, intense, great, high, important, aged, old, skilful, clever, distinguished or eminent by (instr. or --°); glad, cheerful, haughty, arrogant; subject to Vṛddhi (g.).

vṛddhakola m. an old boar.

vṛddhagarga m. the elder Garga.

vṛddhacāṇakya m. the elder Cāṇakya.

vṛddhatā f. -tva n. old age.

vṛddhabhāva m. the same.

vṛddhamahas a. high-potent.

vṛddhayoṣit f. an old woman.

vṛddharaṅka m. an old beggar.*

vṛddhavayas a. very strong or mighty.

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vṛddhaśavas a. very strong or mighty.

vṛddhaviṭa m. an old bon-vivant.*

vṛddhaśarman m. N. of a king.

vṛddhaśākalya m. the elder Śākalya.

vṛddhasṛgāla m. an old jackal.

vṛddhasevā f. reverence for the aged.

vṛddhasevin a. honouring the aged.

vṛddhāyu a. vital, vigorous.

vṛddhi f. growth, increase; swelling, rising, ascending; thriving, prosperity, happiness; delight, enthusiasm, inspiration; gain, profit, interest (on money lent); the highest gradation of a vowel (cf. guṇa).

vṛddhikara f. ī causing increase.

vṛddhijīvaka a. living by usury.

vṛddhijīvana a. living by usury.

vṛddhida a. the same.

vṛddhimant a. increasing, strong, mighty.

vṛddhiśrāddha n. a kind of funeral meal.

vṛddhokṣa m. an old bull.

vṛddhopasevin a. = vṛddhasevin.

vṛdh vardhati vardhate v pp. vṛddha1 (q.v.) A. make to grow, elevate, strengthen, cheer, gladden, rouse, inspire; M. (A.) grow, thrive, increase in (acc.); spread, expand, lengthen (days); be blessed or fortunate (±diṣṭhyā). C. vardhayati te A. elevate, rear, bring up, promote, further, make great or strong; delight, cheer, inspire (M. intr. or refl.). --
     ati grow beyond.
     anu grow after another or in proportion with (acc.); grow or increase gradually.
     abhi grow up, grow stronger or greater, thrive or increase in (instr.), spread, expand, grow beyond (acc.), surpass.
     ā A. cause to grow, M. grow, increase.
     pari grow up, increase, get stronger or mightier. C. cause to swell (the sea); rear up, foster; gladden, delight.
     pra A. elevate, exalt, inspire; M. (A.) grow on or up, thrive, be animated or inspired. C. strengthen, augment, lengthen, bring up, promote, further, exalt.
     atipra grow beyond (acc.), surpass, exceed.
     saṃpra grow, increase, augment, thrive.
     vi grow, increase, swell, thrive, be blessed or fortunate; rise, originate.
     saṃvi thrive.
     sam A. grant, fulfil (a wish); grow, increase. C. make to grow or thrive, bring up, rear, nourish, feed, strengthen, promote, cherish, embellish. -- Cf. atipravṛddha ativṛddha pravṛddha (sic!), vivṛddha saṃvṛddha.

vṛdh [2] a. pleased, merry, inspired; gladdening, increasing, strengthening.

vṛdha a. = prec.; m. comforter, promoter, friend.

vṛdhasāna a. growing or rejoicing.

vṛdhasnu a. cheerful, merry.

vṛdhīka a. a match for (gen.).

vṛdhe dat. inf. to vṛdh1.

vṛnta m. a cert. creeping animal or a kind of plant; n. leaf-stalk.

vṛntaka (adj. --°), f. vṛntikā = prec. n.

vṛnda n. heap, multitude, herd, troop, band; vṛndais & vṛndaśas in groups or in large numbers.

vṛndāra m. a god.

vṛndāraka f. -rikā being at the head of, the best or finest among (loc. or --°).

vṛndāvana n. N. of a sacred grove.

vṛndin a. containing plenty of (--°).

vṛśa m. N. of a man.

vṛṣa m. N. of a man.

vṛścika m. scorpion.

vṛṣ varṣati varṣate v pp. vṛṣṭa (q.v.) rain (either pers. w. Parjanya, Indra, etc. as subj., or impers.), pour down, shed or cover with (instr.); loc. varṣati while it is raining. C. varṣayati cause to rain or let fall down as rain; sprinkle or cover with (instr.). --
     abhi rain, pour down; sprinkle or cover with (instr.).
     ava & ā the same.
     pra begin to rain, pour or shower down; sprinkle or cover with (instr.).
     prati vi C., & sam = prec. w. instr.

vṛṣa m. man, husband, male of animals, esp. bull (old only --°), w. gavām the first of the dice; i.g. chief or best of (gen. or --°); E. of Śiva, Viṣṇu, etc., N. of sev. men.

vṛṣaka m. a cert. plant, N. of a king.

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vṛṣakarman a. acting like a man (hero) or like a bull.

vṛṣakratu a. manly-minded.

vṛṣakhādi a. wearing big bracelets or rings.

vṛṣaṇa m. scrotum, du. the testicles.

vṛṣaṇaśva a. drawn by stallions.

vṛṣaṇy vṛṣaṇyati v be in rut.

vṛṣaṇvant a. yoked with or drawn by stallions.

vṛṣaṇvasu a. having rich treasures.

vṛṣatva n. manhood.

vṛṣatvana n. manhood.

vṛṣadaṃśa m. cat (lit. = seq.).

vṛṣadant f. -datī strong-toothed.

vṛṣadhvaja [1] m. a flag with a bull.

vṛṣadhvaja [2] a. having a bull for a sign; m. E. of Śiva.

vṛṣan a. manly, potent, strong. m. man, stallion, bull, boar, E. of sev. gods, esp. of Indra; f. vṛṣṇī mare.

vṛṣanābhi a. having strong naves.

vṛṣaparvan a. strong-jointed, E. of Viṣṇu etc.

vṛṣapāṇi a. strong-hoofed.

vṛṣaprayāvan a. moving on with stallions.

vṛṣapsu a. looking strong.

vṛṣabha a. manly, potent, strong; m. bull, first or best of (gen. or --°), chief, lord etc.

vṛṣabhaketu a. & m. = vṛṣadhvaja2.

vṛṣabhadhvaja a. & m. = vṛṣadhvaja2.

vṛṣabhayāna n. ox-waggon.

vṛṣabhaṣoḍaśā f. pl. (±go) fifteen cows and a bull.

vṛṣabhānu m. N. of Rādhā's father.

vṛṣabhānujā f. patron. of Rādhā, T. of a play.

vṛṣabhaikasahasrā f. pl. (w. go) a thousand cows and a bull.

vṛṣabhaikādaśā f. pl. (w. go) ten cows and a bull.

vṛṣamaṇas a. strong-minded, manly, courageous.

vṛṣamaṇyu a. strong-minded, manly, courageous.

vṛṣayu a. ruttish, petulant.

vṛṣala m. little man, low person, esp. a Śūdra (f. vṛṣalī).

vṛṣalatā f. -tva n. the condition of a Śūdra.

vṛṣalavṛtti a. who gains his subsistence from Śūdras.

vṛṣalīpati m. the husband of a Śūdra woman.

vṛṣavrata a. bearing strong sway or ruling over men.

vṛṣavrāta a. forming a strong band (Maruts).

vṛṣasena a. having a host of men; m. a man's name.

vṛṣasy vṛṣasyati v desire the male, be in rut.

vṛṣākapi m. strong ape or man-ape, a mythol. being; E. of the sun, of Indra, etc.

vṛṣāṅka a. & m. = vṛṣadhvaja2.

vṛṣānna n. nourishing food.

vṛṣāy vṛṣāyati1 v cause (acc.) to rain.

vṛṣāy vṛṣāyate2 v be or roar like a bull, show manly strength or courage, be lustful or eager; rush upon (acc., dat., or loc.).

vṛṣāyudh a. fighting men.

vṛṣārava m. a kind of animal.

vṛṣṭa a. (having) rained; loc. vṛṣṭe when it has rained.

vṛṣṭi f. rain (lit. & fig.).

vṛṣṭipāta m. a shower of rain.

vṛṣṭimant a. rainy, raining.

vṛṣṭivani a. causing or giving rain.

vṛṣṭisani a. causing or giving rain.

vṛṣṭisaṃpāta m. = vṛṣṭipāta.

vṛṣṇi a. manly, potent, strong; m. ram, E. of Śiva etc., pl. N. of a princely race.

vṛṣṇipāla m. shepherd.

vṛṣṇya a. = seq.; n. manliness, vigour.

vṛṣṇyāvant a. manly, vigorous.

vṛṣya a. causing manliness; m. E. of Śiva, n. an aphrodisiac.

ve m. (nom. ves) = vi1.

vekṣaṇa n. = avekṣaṇa.

vega m. jerk, wrench, shock; gush, flood; violence, haste, speed, quick motion; onset, eruption, burst, paroxysm, effect (of a poison); impulse, agitation.

vegavant a. swelling, undulating, rapid.

vegita a. the same.

vegin a. the same.

vegodagra a. of rapid effect (venom).

veṅka m. pl. N. of a people.

veṅkaṭa m. N. of a mountain.

veṭ -> seq.

veṭkāra m. the exclamation Veṭ (r.).

veṇa m. worker in reed (a cert. caste); f. ā N. of a river.

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veṇātaṭa [1] m. the bank of the river Veṇā.

veṇātaṭa [2] m. pl. N. of a people.

veṇi f. a braid of hair, hair twisted into a single braid (cf. ekaveṇi).

veṇī f. a braid of hair, hair twisted into a single braid (cf. ekaveṇi).

veṇīsaṃhāra m. T. of a play.

veṇu m. reed, esp. bamboo-reed (poss. -mant); also = seq. sgl.

veṇuka m. flute, fife; pl. N. of a people.

veṇudala n. split bamboo-reed.

veṇumaya f. ī made of bamboo-reed.

veṇuyava m. pl. bamboo seed, f. ī an oblation of it.

veṇuyaṣṭi f. a bamboo staff.

veṇuvidala n. split bamboo; -vaidala a. made of it.

vetaṇḍa m. elephant.

vetana n. wages, price.

vetanādāna n. non-payment of wages.

vettave dat. inf. to vid3.

vettavai dat. inf. to vid3.

vetasa m. f. ī the ratan, a kind of large reed.

vetasavṛtti a. pliable, supple (cf. prec.).

vetāla m. a kind of goblins or vampires.

vetālapañcaviṃśati f. the 25 tales of the Vetāla (T. of sev. collections).

vetālapañcaviṃśatikā f. the 25 tales of the Vetāla (T. of sev. collections).

vettṛ [1] m. knower, witness.

vettṛ [2] m. husband.

vetra m. n. a kind of reed; n. also staff.

vetradhārā f. a female door-keeper (lit. staff-bearer).

vetrayaṣṭi f. a staff of reed or cane.

vetralatā f. a staff of reed or cane.

vetravant a. poss. to vetra; f. -vatī = vetradhārā, N. of a river.

vetrāsana n. seat or chair of cane.

vetrin m. staff-bearer, i.e. door-keeper.

veda [1] m. knowledge, esp. sacred knowledge, the (triple) Veda.

veda [2] m. finding, obtaining.

veda [3] m. a tuft of strong grass used to sweep, to kindle fire, etc.

veda [4] m. N. of sev. men.

vedajña a. knowing the Veda.

vedatattva n. the true nature of the Veda.

vedatattvārtha m. the true meaning of the Veda, -vid a. knowing it.

vedatā f. possession, wealth.

vedadarśin a. = vedajña.

vedana [1] a. making known, announcing; (also f. ā) understanding, knowledge; f. ā (also n.) feeling, sensation, esp. pain, ache.

vedana [2] a. finding, getting, procuring (--°); n. finding, acquiring, marrying (of both sexes), wealth, property.

vedanindaka a. reviling the Veda.

vedanindā f. abstr. to prec.

vedapāraga a. having got to the end of the Veda, i.e. thoroughly versed in it.

vedapuṇya n. merit acquired by the (study of the) Veda.

vedapradāna n. imparting or teaching the Veda.

vedaphala n. the fruit of the (study of the) Veda.

vedabāhya a. external to the Veda, not based on it.

vedabrahmacarya n. Veda-apprenticeship.

vedayajña m. a sacrifice prescribed by the Veda.

vedayitṛ m. knower, perceiver.

vedarahasya n. the secret of the Veda i.e. the Upanishad.

vedavant a. familiar with the Veda.

vedavid a. knowing the Veda; superl. -vittama.

vedavidyā f. the knowledge of the Veda.

vedavidvaṃs a. = vedavid.

vedavedāṅgapāraga a. having gone through the Veda and the Vedān1gas, well read in both.

vedavedāṅgavid a. knowing the Veda and the Vedān1gas.

vedaśāstra n. the doctrine of the Veda, -vid a. knowing it.

vedas [1] n. knowledge.

vedas [2] n. wealth, property.

vedasa -> sarvavedasa.

vedasaṃhitā f. a collection or redaction of the Veda.

vedasaṃnyāsika a. who has gone through and gives up the study and ritual of the Veda.

vedāṅga n. a limb of the Veda, i.e. one of the 6 auxiliary works belonging to it.

vedādi m. the beginning of the Veda, the sacred syllable Om (also n.).

vedādhigama m. the study of the Veda.

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vedādhyayana n. the same.

vedādhyāya a. who studies or has studied the Veda.

vedādhyāyin a. who studies or has studied the Veda.

vedānadhyayana n. neglecting the study of the Veda.

vedānuvacana n. repeating or reciting the Veda.

vedānta m. the end of the Veda or of the Veda-study; N. of a philos. system.

vedāntakṛt m. the author of the Vedānta.

vedāntavid m. a knower of the Vedānta.

vedāntasāra m. -sūtra n. T. of works.

vedāntin m. a follower of the Vedānta.

vedābhyāsa m. the study of the Veda.

vedārtha m. the meaning of the Veda; -vid a. knowing it.

vedi f. the sacrificial bed or altar (excavated in the ground and covered with grass or straw); i.g. support, pedestal, bench.

vedī f. the sacrificial bed or altar (excavated in the ground and covered with grass or straw); i.g. support, pedestal, bench.

vedikā f. the same.

veditavya a. to be known.

veditṛ m. knower.

vedin [1] a. knowing or making known (--°).

vedin [2] a. marrying (--°).

vedipurīṣa n. loose earth of the sacrificial bed.

vediṣad a. sitting in or on the altar.

vediṣṭha (superl.) procuring most (acc.).

vedīyaṃs (compar.) knowing or finding better than (abl.).

veduka a. obtaining (acc.).

vedokta a. taught or contained in the Veda.

vedodita a. taught or contained in the Veda.

vedopakaraṇa n. supplement or subordinate science to the Veda.

veddhṛ m. piercer, nom. also who will pierce or hit (fut.).

vedya [1] a. to be (being) known or learned; notorious, famous.

vedya [2] a. to be acquired or married.

vedyā f. knowledge, as instr. really, indeed.

vedyākṛti f. a kind of altar.

vedha m. piercing, opening.

vedhaka m. piercer.

vedhana n. piercing, hitting.

vedhas a. pious, devout, true, faithful, good, virtuous, honest, capable, clever, wise. m. worshipper, servant of the gods; author, creator, E. of Brahman (±prathama), of Prajāpati, Śiva, etc.

vedhasyā (instr.) f. worship.

vedhita -> vyadh.

vedhin a. piercing, hitting (--°).

vedhya a. to be pierced or perforated.

ven venati v long for, desire; be envious or jealous. --
     anu strive to entice or win.
     apa & vi turn away disdainfully.

vena f. ī longing for desirous of, loving; m. longing for, wish, desire (also f. ā), a man's name.

venya a. desirable, lovely, N. of a man.

vep -> vip1.

vepa a. (f. ī) & m. trembling, shaking.

vepathu m. tremor.

vepathubhṛt a. = seq. a.

vepathumant a. = seq. a.

vepana a. & n. trembling, shaking.

vepas n. = prec. n.

vepiṣṭha (superl.) most inspired.

vema m. a loom.

vemaka m. ī f. weaver.

veman n. loom or shuttle.

velā f. end-point, limit; either boundary of the land and of the sea i.e. shore, coast; or point of time, hour, day-time; also right time, opportunity, last hour, hour of death; tide, flow (opp. ebb).

velājala n. flow-water, flow (opp. ebb).

velāmbhas n. flow-water, flow (opp. ebb).

velāsalila n. the same.*

velāhīna a. untimely, premature.

vell vellati v pp. vellita move to and fro, tremble, reel, undulate. --
     ud vi & sam = S. -- Cf. udvellita.

vellana n. waving, rolling.

vevija a. rapid, quick.

veśa [1] m. settler, neighbour; dwelling, tent, house, esp. brothel.

veśa [2] -> veṣa1.

veśatva n. settlement, neighbourhood.

veśana n. entering, entrance.

veśanta m. veśantā & veśantī f. pond.

veśabhāva m. the nature of a courtezan.

veśavadhū f. a courtezan.

veśavanitā f. a courtezan.

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veśavāsa m. brothel.

veśas m. settler, neighbour.

veśāntā f. pond.

veśin a. entering (--°).

veśī f. pin.

veśman n. dwelling, house, chamber.

veśya n. neighbourhood; bondage, dependence.

veśyastrī f. = seq.

veśyāṅganā f. = seq.

veśyā f. whore, courtezan (intranda).

veśyāputra m. whoreson.

veṣa [1] m. work, activity, attendance; dress, external appearance.

veṣa [2] a. working, active.

veṣaṇa n., veṣaṇā f. waiting on, attendance, service.

veṣadhārin a. having the dress or appearance of (--°).

veṣānyatva n. change of dress.

veṣka m. a noose for strangling.

veṣṭ veṣṭate v wind around (intr.), cling or stick to (loc.). C. veṣṭayati te, pp. veṣṭita wind or tie round; wrap, envelop, cover, enclose, surround. --
     anu C. wrap, cover; spread.
     apa C. strip off.
     abhi wrap, cover.
     ā spread or expand over (loc.); C. wrap, cover, clothe; twist (a string); enclose, confine.
     ud unwind, unfasten, untwist, unseal.
     upa C. wind round, embrace.
     ni clutch, grasp, wrap.
     nis strip off, bare.
     pari wind or put around; wrap, cover, enclose, surround.
     vi strip off; wrap, envelop.
     sam roll or shrink together. C. wrap, envelop, cover; cause to roll or shrink together.

veṣṭa m. snare, noose, knot.

veṣṭana n. winding round, wrapping, covering, enveloping; wrapper, bandage; turban, diadem; enclosure, fence.

veṣṭuka a. clinging, sticking.

veṣya m. head-band.

vesara m. a mule.

vehat f. a barren or miscarrying cow.

vai a. particle emphasizing the preceding word or merely expletive.

vaikakṣa n. upper garment, mantle, also = seq.

vaikakṣaka n. a garland of flowers hanging down from the shoulder.

vaikarṇa m. du. N. of two tribes.

vaikarta m. a cert. part of the sacrificial victim.

vaikartana a. relating to or descended from the (god of the) sun; m. E. of Karṇa.

vaikalpika f. ī optional, arbitrary.

vaikalya n. infirmity, imperfection, deficiency, want, absence; despondency, perplexity.

vaikārika f. ī resting on or undergoing a change; n. = seq.

vaikārya n. change, alteration.

vaikālika n. evening meditation or meal.

vaikuṇṭha m. E. of Indra or Viṣṇu; m. n. Viṣṇu's heaven.

vaikṛta a. produced by change, derived, secondary; altered, disfigured, ugly; unnatural, artificial. n. change, alteration, degeneration, unnatural condition or apparition; aversion, enmity.

vaikṛtya n. = prec. n.

vaiklava n. confusion, agitation, distress.

vaiklavya n. -tā f. the same.

vaikhānasa [1] m. a class of Rishis & cert. stars; a Brahman of the third order, ascetic, hermit (f. -sī).

vaikhānasa [2] a. relating to hermits or ascetics, monastic.

vaiguṇya a. bad quality, fault, defect.

vaicittya n. confusion or absence of mind.

vaicitrya n. variety, diversity.

vaijayanta m. Indra's banner, also = f. ī banner, flag i.g.

vaijayantikā f. flag, banner; a kind of necklace.

vaijātya n. unequality, heterogeneousness.

vaiḍūrya n. (m.) the cat's eye (a kind of gem).

vaiṇa m. = veṇa.

vaiṇava f. ī made of bamboo-reed; m. flute.

vaitasa f. ī made of reed, reed-like; -sīvṛttiḥ f. flexibility, pliantness.

vaitāna a. relating to the three sacred fires, sacrificial.

vaitānika a. relating to the three sacred fires, sacrificial.

vaitānakuśala a. skilled in fire-rites.

vaitālika m. a king's bard or praiser.

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vaitālīya a. belonging to the Vetālas; n. N. of a metre.

vaidagdhī f. -gdhya n. knowingness, cleverness, skill at (loc. or --°).

vaidarbha f. ī relating to the Vidarbhas, a prince or princess of the Vidarbhas, pl. the Vidarbhas.

vaidika f. ī Vedic, scriptural, sacred.

vaidiśa m. a prince of Vidiśā, pl. its inhabitants.

vaidūrya -> vaiḍūrya.

vaideśika (f. ī) & -śya coming from abroad, foreign.

vaideha f. ī living in or coming from Videha; m. vaideha (±rājā) a king of Videha (f. -hī a cow from Videha, E. of Sītā); pl. N. of a people & a mixed caste (also vaidehaka).

vaidya a. learned; m. physician, doctor.

vaidyanātha m. chief of physicians, a man's name.

vaidyarāja m. king of physicians, E. of Dhanvantari.

vaidyādhara f. ī relating to the Vidyādharas.

vaidyuta a. relating to lightning; flashing, glittering.

vaidruma a. consisting or made of corals.

vaidharmya n. unlawfulness, injustice; unequality, difference.

vaidhava m. patr. of Budha (son of the moon).

vaidhaveya m. the son of a widow.

vaidhavya n. widowhood.

vaidhasa f. ī fatal, m. patr. of Hariścandra.

vaidhurya n. loneliness, absence, want.

vaidheya a. foolish, silly (lit. struck by Fate); m. fool, idiot.

vainateya a. descended from Vinatā, E. of Aruṇa & Garuḍa.

vainayika f. ī relating to discipline or moral conduct.

vaināyaka f. ī belonging to Vināyaka i.e. Ganeśa.

vainya m. patron. from Vena.

vaindhya a. relating to the Vindhya.

vaiparītya n. inverted order, contrary.

vaipulya n. largeness, width, great extent.

vaiphalya n. fruitlessness, uselessness.

vaibudha f. ī relating to the gods, divine.

vaibhava n. might, power, high position, majesty, grandeur.

vaibhāṣika a. optional, arbitrary.

vaibhīta a. coming from the Vibhītaka tree, made of its wood (dice).

vaibhītaka a. coming from the Vibhītaka tree, made of its wood (dice).

vaibhīdaka a. coming from the Vibhītaka tree, made of its wood (dice).

vaibhrāja n. N. of a celestial grove.

vaimatya n. dissension.

vaimanasya n. dejectedness, uneasiness.

vaimalya n. spotlessness, purity.

vaimātra a. born of a different mother, w. bhrātṛ m. = seq.

vaimātraka m. step-brother.

vaimātreya m. step-brother.

vaimānika f. ī riding in a sky-chariot, i.e. celestial, divine.

vaimukhya n. aversion, repugnance to (loc. or --°).

vaimūlya n. difference of price.

vaiyarthya n. uselessness.

vaiyākaraṇa m. grammarian.

vaiyāghra a. coming from a tiger; n. a tiger's skin.

vaiyāsa a. coming from or composed by Vyāsa.

vaiyāsika a. coming from or composed by Vyāsa.

vaira a. hostile, revengeful; n. enmity, quarrel with (instr. ±saha or sārdham & --°).

vairakara a. causing enmity or hatred.

vairakārin a. beginning quarrel.

vairakṛt a. hostile, malicious, quarrelsome.

vairadeya n. enmity, revenge, punishment.

vairayātanā f. requital of enmity, retaliation.

vairavant a. hostile, inimical.

vairasa n. aversion, disgust.

vairasya n. the tasting bad or being repugnant, also = prec.

vairahatya n. killing men.

vairāgya n. losing colour or turning pale; absence of passion, indifference, repugnance.

vairāja a. coming from Virāj or relating to the metre Virāj.

vairāṭa a. relating to or descended from Virāṭa.

vairāy vairāyate v commence hostilities, becoming inimical to (prati or instr.).

vairika m. foe, enemy.*

vairitā f. -tva n. enmity, hostility.

vairin a. inimical, m. enemy.

vairībhū change into hatred.

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vairūpa m. pl. N. of a class of the An1giras.

vairūpya n. variety, difference; deformity.

vairocana a. belonging to or coming from the sun; m. E. of Viṣṇu, N. of a prince etc.

vailakṣaṇya n. diversity, unequality.

vailakṣya n. sense of shame, embarrassment, perplexity.

vaivarṇya n. change of colour.

vaivasvata f. ī coming from the sun, relating to Yama or Manu; m. patron, of Yama or Manu.

vaivāha a. nuptial.

vaivāhika f. ī the same; n. wedding.

vaivāhya a. & n. = prec.

vaiśadya n. clearness, purity.

vaiśanta f. ī forming a pond, pond-like.

vaiśaṃpāyana m. N. of an ancient Rishi etc.

vaiśasa a. murderous, pernicious; n. murder, slaughter, war, destruction, horrible deed.

vaiśākha m. a cert. month in summer, f. ī the full-moon day in it.

vaiśārada f. ī experienced, clever; n. = seq.

vaiśāradya n. abstr. to prec.

vaiśāla f. ī coming from Viśāla.

vaiśika f. ī whorish.

vaiśiṣṭya n. particularity, superiority.

vaiśeṣika f. ī particular, specific, extraordinary. m. a follower of the Vaiśeṣika doctrine; n. peculiarity, characteristic, N. of a philos, system.

vaiśeṣya n. particularity, distinction, superiority.

vaiśya [1] m. ā f. a man & woman of the third caste; n. vaiśya condition of a V., dependence.

vaiśya [2] a. relating to a Vaiśya (v. prec.).

vaiśyatā f. -tva n., -bhāva m. = prec. 1 n.

vaiśyaputra m. the son of a Vaiśya.

vaiśyavat adv. like (of, to, in etc.) a Vaiśya.

vaiśyāja m. the son of a Vaiśya woman.

vaiśyāputra m. the son of a Vaiśya woman.

vaiśravaṇa m. patron. of Kubera.

vaiśva a. consecrated to the Vicve Devās, n. E. of a lunar mansion.

vaiśvakarmaṇa f. ī belonging or consecrated to Viśvakarman.

vaiśvadeva (f. ī) & -devika a. = vaiśva adj.

vaiśvarūpa a. manifold, various; n. the universe.

vaiśvarūpya a. = prec. adj.; n. variety, difference.

vaiśvānara f. ī1 belonging to or consisting of all men, universal, complete, omnipresent or omnipotent; m. fire or the god of fire, the sun, also = virāj (ph.).

vaiśvānara [2] a. consecrated to Agni V.

vaiśvāmitra f. ī relating to or descended from Viśvāmitra.

vaiṣamya n. unevenness, unequality, difference, dissension, disproportion, difficulty, pain, distress, injustice, unkindness.

vaiṣuvata a. being in the middle (of the year etc.), central; n. centre.

vaiṣṇava f. ī belonging or devoted to Viṣṇu; m. a worshipper of Viṣṇu (f. ī), n. E. of a lunar mansion.

vaiṣṇavya a. relating to Viṣṇu.

vaisādṛśya n. unequality, difference.

vaispaṣṭya n. clearness, distinctness.

vaisvarya n. loss of voice or language.

vaihaga (f. ī) & vaihaṃga a. bird-like.

vaihāyasa f. ī being in the open air or in the sky. m. a dweller in the sky or in heaven; n. the sky.

vaihvalya n. exhaustion, weakness.

voḍra m. a kind of snake.

voḍhavya a. to be carried, drawn, borne, married, undertaken, accomplished.

voḍhṛ a. carrying, drawing, leading, bringing. m. horse or ox of draught (±rathasya or halasya); carrier, charioteer, offerer, husband.

vopadeva m. N. of an author.

vauṣaṭ a. sacrificial exclamation.

vyaṃsa a. having the shoulders apart, i.e. broad-shouldered; m. N. of a demon.

vyaṃsana n. fraud, deceit.

vyaṃsayitavya a. to be deceived.

vyakta a. adorned, fair, manifest, clear, n. adv.; abstr. -tā f.

vyakti f. appearance, manifestation, distinctness, variety, individual.

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vyagra a. having no certain point or aim, unconcentrated, distracted, perplexed, bewildered; quite occupied with, eagerly engaged in (instr., loc., or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vyaṅga [1] a. spotted; m. spot, stain (lit. & fig.).

vyaṅga [2] a. limbless, mutilated, crippled; abstr. -tā f.

vyaṅgay vyaṅgayati v pp. vyaṅgita rob of a limb, mutilate, maim, cripple.

vyaṅgāre (loc.) when there is no coal burning.

vyaṅgin a. = vyaṅga2.

vyaṅgya a. clear, distinct; implicit (rh.), abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vyac vivyakti v extend around, embrace, encompass. --
     sam = S.

vyacas n. compass, extent, space.

vyacasvant a. capacious, extensive, large.

vyaciṣṭha (superl.) extending far and wide.

vyajana n. fanning; a fan (also -ka n.).

vyañjaka a. manifesting, betraying (gen. or --°); abstr. -tva n.

vyañjana a. = prec. a. -- f. ā indirect indication, insinuation (rh.). n. manifestation, betrayal, indirect or implicit expression, suggestion; mark, sign (esp. of gender or of puberty), characteristic, attribute, the insignia of a prince, ornament i.g., condiment, sauce, juice; consonant, syllable.

vyati m. horse, steed.

vyatikara m. mixing, confusing; contact, union; confusion, disaster, accident.

vyatikaravant a. mixed, altered, different.

vyatikarita a. mixed or joined with (instr. or --°).

vyatikrama m. passing, getting a start; transgression, violation, disregard, omission, also = seq.

vyatikramaṇa n. -krānti f. offence, injury.

vyatikrānta n. -krānti f. offence, injury.

vyatimiśra a. mixed, confounded.

vyatirikta a. reaching beyond (acc.), excessive, abundant; richer or superior in (instr. or --°), increased by (--°); haughty, arrogant.

vyatireka m. separateness, exclusion, exception, negation, contrast, opposite of (--°).

vyatiṣakta a. mixed, joined, connected.

vyatihāra m. barter, exchange; mutuality, reciprocity.

vyatīta a. gone, dead; passed over (act. & pass.).

vyatyaya m. change, inverted order.

vyatyasta a. inverted, crossed.

vyatyāsa m. transposition, change, reverse.

vyath vyathate v (vyathati), pp. vyathita (q.v.) waver, reel, stagger, come to fall, go wrong, fail; tremble, be afraid or pained. C. vyathayati cause to waver etc., bring to fall, make afraid or uneasy, distress, pain. -- pra saṃpra vi & sam = S.

vyathana a. exciting, disturbing; n. wavering, agitation, uneasiness.

vyathayitṛ m. harasser (acc.).

vyathā f. failure, disappointment, misfortune, loss, adversity, uneasiness, sorrow, distress.

vyathi -> savyathi.

vyathita a. wavering, agitated, disturbed, distressed; n. agitation, pain, harm.

vyathis a. wavering, reeling, sneaking, crooked, mischievous, secret.

vyadvara m. vyadvarī f. a gnawing animal.

vyadh vidhyati v (vidhyate), pp. viddha (q.v.) pierce, hit, wound, hurt, harm, injure, affect or afflict with (instr.). C. vedhayati pierce, hit, vyādhayati cause to pierce etc. --
     ati & vyati pierce, perforate.
     anu pierce or wound (after another); intertwine, set or fill with (instr.).
     apa hurl or throw away, give up, neglect.
     abhi wound, hit.
     ava precipitate into (loc.) or from (abl.).
     ā throw, bore or break through; scare, drive away, also  =
     vyā & samā wave, swing, brandish.
     ni throw down, overthrow; shoot at, hit, pierce.
     nis wound, kill, slay.
     parā hurl off wound, hit.
     pari shoot at.
     pra hurl, throw, shoot, perforate, wound.
     prati shoot, hit.
     vi pierce, shoot.
     sam shoot. -- Cf. anuviddha apaviddha āviddha praviddha vyapaviddha.

vyadha m. piercing, hitting, perforation.

vyadhana a. & n. piercing, perforating.

vyadhikaraṇa a. relating to another subject; n. incongruency (g.).

vyadhva m. half the way; loc. vyadhve or vyadhve adv. midway.

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vyadhvan a. being midway or swerving from the way.

vyadhvara a. piercing, boring (cf. vyadvara).

vyanta a. separated, remote.

vyantara [1] n. interval, indistinctness.

vyantara [2] m. a class of supernatural beings.

vyantarām adv. indifferently, moderately.

vyapadeśa m. designation, appellation, name, esp. family-name; pretext, pretence.

vyapadeśavant a. having a designation or name.

vyapadeśin a. = prec.; --° designating, appealing or conforming one's self to.

vyapanaya m. -na n. taking off, removing.

vyapanutti f. pushing away, removal.

vyapayāna n. retreat, flight.

vyaparopaṇa n. tearing out, removing, destroying.

vyapaviddha a. thrown asunder or away, scattered, broken, pierced, hit.

vyapāya m. cessation, end; absence, want.

vyapāśraya m. seat, place, refuge, support; adj. --° resorting to, trusting in.

vyapekṣā f. regard, consideration; expectation, supposition.

vyapeta a. separated, ceased, vanished.

vyapoha m. removal, expulsion; negation, denial.

vyabhicāra m. going asunder or astray, failure; offence, going beyond, transgressing, sin, crime, esp. adultery (of a wife).

vyabhicārin a. going asunder or astray, infidel, adulterous; going beyond, transgressing (--°).

vyabhra a. cloudless; loc. when the sky is clear.

vyay vyayati vyayate v waste, squander, expend.

vyaya m. going asunder, perishing, disappearance, loss, destruction, waste, prodigality, expense, money.

vyayakaraṇa m. pay-master.

vyayakaraṇaka m. pay-master.

vyayakarman n. a pay-master's office.

vyayakṛta a. expended, disbursed.

vyayaguṇa a. prodigal, dissipated.

vyayana n. going away, parting; waste, expense.

vyartha a. useless, vain (n. adv.); unmeaning, contradictory; destitute of wealth or money, i.g. destitute of (instr.).

vyarthatā f. -tva n. uselessness or senselessness.

vyardhuka a. being deprived of (instr.).

vyalīka a. false, deceitful; n. adv., as subst. falsehood, untruth, deceit, offence, pain, grief.

vyalkaśā f. N. of a plant.

vyavaccheda m. getting rid of (--°), separation, distinction, interruption, exclusion.

vyavacchedya a. to be excluded.

vyavadhāna n. lying or stepping between, intercession, mediation, separation, distinction, interruption; also = seq.

vyavadhi m. covering, cover, veil.

vyavasāya m. exertion, resolution, purpose, intention to (loc., prati, or --°).

vyavasāyavant a. determined, resolute.

vyavasāyin a. determined, resolute.

vyavasāyātmaka f. -tmikā of a resolute or constant nature.

vyavasita n. -siti f. determination, resolve.

vyavasthā f. distinctness, particularity; constancy, stability; state, position; decision, rule.

vyavasthāna n. remaining, persevering, constancy; state, condition.

vyavasthita a. being in a state or position, situated, standing or being in, resting or dependent on, sticking to (loc. or --°); settled, fixed, limited, constant; existing, appearing as (nom., instr., ger., adv., or --°).

vyavasthiti f. distinctness, particularity, constancy, perseverance in (loc.), fixedness, decision.

vyavahartavya a. to be used or employed; to be acted or proceeded (n. impers.).

vyavahartṛ a. occupied or dealing with (instr.); m. judge.

vyavahāra m. procedure, conduct, way of acting; intercourse with (saha); usage, custom, activity, occupation, dealing with or in (loc. or --°); business, commerce, trade; legal dispute, lawsuit, litigation, contract, stipulation, administration of justice.

vyavahāraka m. man of business.

vyavahāratantra n. judicial relation.

vyavahāradarśana n. judicial investigation, trial.

vyavahārapada n. -mārga m. case in law.

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vyavahāravant a. dealing in (--°); m. man of business.

vyavahāravidhi m. judicial procedure, code of law.

vyavahārasthāna n. case in law.

vyavahārasthiti f. judicial procedure.

vyavahārārthin a. having a lawsuit, accuser.

vyavahārin a. proceeding with, dealing in (--°); m. man of business, merchant.

vyavahārya a. to be dealt or communicated with.

vyavahita a. separated, interrupted, hindered, disturbed.

vyavahṛti f. procedure, mode of acting, intercourse, commerce, lawsuit.

vyavāya m. intervention, separation by inserting, penetration, coition.

vyavāyin a. intervening etc. (v. prec.).

vyaśva a. horseless; m. N. of an ancient Rishi.

vyaṣṭi f. acquisition, succession; individual (ph.).

vyaṣṭisamaṣṭitā f. the being individuality or totality (ph.).

vyasana n. moving hither and thither, activity, industry, propensity or devotion to, zeal for (loc. or --°); passion, whim, hobby, evil habit, vice; ill luck, adversity, calamity.

vyasanin a. active, exerting one's self; intently attached to, fond of (loc. or --°); having evil passions, vicious, wicked; unlucky, unfortunate. Abstr. -nitā f., -tva n.

vyasi a. swordless.

vyasu a. breathless, lifeless, dead; abstr. -tva n.

vyasta a. torn asunder, shaken, tossed; divided, separated; separate, single, several, various; vyaste kāle sometimes, now and then.

vyastakeśa f. ī having dishevelled hair.

vyasthaka a. boneless.

vyā vyayati vyayate v pp. vīta (q.v.) wrap, veil, envelop; M. refl. --
     apa unveil, uncover; M. extricate one's self i.e. deny.
     api cover.
     ā wrap round (acc.), hide one's self in (loc.).
     upa hang about (esp. the sacred cord over the left shoulder).
     ni wind or hang about.
     pari wrap around; M. wind something as cover round one's self.
     sam A. roll up, envelop; veil in (instr.), M. refl. -- Cf. upavīta nivīta parivīta saṃvīta.

vyākaraṇa n. putting asunder, s. paration; explanation, manifestation; analysis, grammar.

vyākula a. thoroughly filled with or full of (instr. or --°); quite intent upon or occupied with (--°); confused, disarranged, perplexed, bewildered. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vyākulay vyākulayati v confuse, disarrange; pp. vyākulita = prec.

vyākulīkṛ  = prec., -bhū P.

vyākṛti f. separation, analysis, explanation.

vyākośa a. expanded, blossomed, open.

vyākrośa m. abusing, reviling.

vyākṣepa m. = prec.; also distraction, absence of mind.

vyākṣepin a. dispelling, driving away.

vyākhyā f. explanation, commentary.

vyākhyātavya a. to be explained.

vyākhyātṛ m. explainer.

vyākhyāna f. ī explaining, reminding of (gen.) n. explanation, recitation, story, tale.

vyākhyānay vyākhyānayati v explain, relate.*

vyāghāta m. stroke, blow, shot; agitation, confusion; shock, defeat; obstacle, hindrance.

vyāghāraṇa n. sprinkling about (r.).

vyāghra m. tiger, first or best of (--°); f. vyāghrī tigress. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vyāghracarman n. a tiger's skin.

vyāghraloman n. a tiger's hair.

vyāghrya a. a tiger's or tiger-like.

vyāja m. (n.) deceit, fraud, false semblance, pretext, pretence; °-- & instr. adv.; adj. --° having the mere semblance of, only appearing as.

vyājanindā f. ironical censure.

vyājamaya f. ī feigned, simulated.

vyājay vyājayati v cheat, deceive.

vyājasupta a. & n. feigning to sleep.

vyājastuti f. ironical praise.

vyāḍa m. beast of prey.

vyāḍi m. patron. of sev. men.

vyāLi m. patron. of sev. men.

vyātta a. torn asunder, opened; n. the opened mouth, the jaws.

vyāttānana a. open-mouthed.

vyādāna n. tearing asunder, opening.

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vyādeśa m. hint, direction.

vyādha m. hunter, abstr. -tā; p. -dhin.

vyādhaka m. hunter, abstr. -tā; p. -dhin.

vyādhi m. disease; -ta a. ill, sick.

vyādhin [1] a. piercing, perforating.

vyādhin [2] -> vyādha.

vyādhibahula a. frequently visited by illness.

vyādhī f. care, sorrow.

vyādhyārta a. visited by illness.

vyāna m. breath, esp. the vital air diffused through the whole body.

vyānadā a. giving breath.

vyānamra a. bent.

vyānaśi a. pervading.

vyānodāna m. du. the Vyāna and Udāna.

vyāpaka a. pervading, spread or diffused everywhere; contained in, inherent. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vyāpatti f. going amiss, ill luck, adversity, misfortune, ruin, death.

vyāpad f. = prec., also misdeed.

vyāpāda m. ruin, death.

vyāpādana n. destroying, killing.

vyāpāra m. occupation, business, exertion, concern.

vyāpārin a. occupied with (--°).

vyāpita a. = vyāpta (--°).

vyāpitva n. abstr. to seq.

vyāpin a. spreading, extending; reaching through, filling, containing (--°).

vyāpīta a. quite yellow.

vyāpṛta a. active, busy, occupied with or in (--°, artham or hetos).

vyāpṛti f. occupation, activity.

vyāpta a. pervaded or penetrated by, filled with (--°); acquired, won.

vyāpti f. obtaining, reaching, penetrating, filling, containing; universal pervasion, general rule.

vyāptimant a. stretching, all-pervading, general.

vyāpya a. that wherein something is contained or inherent; abstr. -tva n.

vyābhugna a. bent, curved.

vyāma m. a fathom (lit. stretch -out).

vyāmiśra a. mixed, mingled or joined with (instr. or --°), manifold, various.

vyāmūḍha a. bewildered, perplexed, confused.

vyāmoha m. unconsciousness, bewilderment, error, uncertainty.

vyāyata a. torn asunder, stretched out, long; strong, vigorous, abstr. -tva n.

vyāyāma m. exertion, bodily exercise, struggle, fight; a fathom (cf. vyāma).

vyāyāmabhūmi f. place or hall for gymnastic exercise.

vyāyāmaśālā f. place or hall for gymnastic exercise.

vyāyuka a. running away.

vyāyudha a. weaponless, unarmed.

vyāyoga m. a kind of drama.

vyāla a. mischievous, malicious. m. a malicious elephant, beast of prey, snake (f. vyālī).

vyālagrāha (& -hin*) m. snake-catcher.

vyālamṛga m. beast of prey.

vyālamba a. hanging down, pendulous.

vyālambin a. hanging down, pendulous.

vyālola a. trembling, waving, unsteady.

vyāvartaka f. -rtikā excluding, removing; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

vyāvartana f. ī = prec.; n. turning.

vyāvahārika f. ī relating to practice or business; common, real (opp. ideal); judicial; n. intercourse, commerce, settled usage or law.

vyāvṛt f. distinction, prevalence, superiority.

vyāvṛtta a. turned away (lit. & fig.), liberated from or rid of (abl. or --°); opened, divided, different from, incompatible with (--°); ceased, perished, at an end.

vyāvṛtti f. turning away, getting rid or being deprived of (abl.); exclusion, removal; separation, distinction, difference; conclusion, end.

vyāsa m. separation, division; extension, diffusion, prolixity; N. of a celebrated Rishi and author.

vyāsaṅga m. attachment, adherence, desire of, delight in, passion for (loc. or --°).

vyāsedha m. hindrance, disturbance, interruption.

vyāharaṇa n. pronouncing, uttering.

vyāhāra m. utterance, talk, conversation; singing (of birds).

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vyāhārin a. talking, speaking, singing; resounding with (--°).

vyāhita a. indisposed, unwell, sick.

vyāhṛta a. uttered, spoken, communicated; n. talk, speech, singing (of birds).

vyāhṛti f. utterance, word, (sacred) exclamation (also -tī f.).

vyucchitti f. -ccheda m. interruption, disturbance.

vyucya n. impers. to be objected or contested.

vyuta a. plaited, twisted, woven, variegated.

vyūta a. plaited, twisted, woven, variegated.

vyutkrama m. transgression, offence; inverted order.

vyutthāna n. awakening, rising.

vyutthita a. gone asunder, split; diverging, differing; roused, excited; (±dharmāt) forgetful of one's duty, disloyal.

vyutpatti f. origin, growth, development.

vyutpanna a. developed, derived (g.); taught, educated, versed in (instr.).

vyuda a. waterless, dry.

vyudaka a. waterless, dry.

vyudāsa m. letting go, giving up, removing, excluding.

vyundana n. wetting, moistening.

vyuparama m. coming to rest, cessation, end.

vyupaśama m. ceasing, desisting.

vyuṣ f. dawn, daybreak.

vyuṣita a. shone up, grown bright; loc. vyuṣite at daybreak.

vyuṣṭa a. shone up, grown bright; loc. vyuṣite at daybreak.

vyuṣṭi f. shining up, growing bright, dawning; reward for (gen., loc., or --°), requital, retaliation; grace, beauty.

vyuṣṭimant a. fetching reward or endowed with beauty.

vyūḍha a. spread, expanded, broad, large.

vyūḍhā f. led-away, married.

vyūḍhoraska a. broad-breasted.

vyūha m. shifting, dislocation, distribution, disposition, arrangement, military array; totality, a whole or complex; host, troop, multitude; detailed explanation or description.

vyūhana a. & n. placing apart, separating; n. also shifting, change, development.

vyṛddha a. deprived of (instr.), failed, idle, vain.

vyṛddhi f. exclusion, loss, failure, ill-luck, want.

vyenas a. guiltless, sinless.

vyokas a. dwelling far asunder.

vyomaga a. moving in the sky, flying; m. such a being.

vyomagāmin a. = prec.

vyomacara a. = prec.

vyomacārin a. = prec.

vyoman n. heaven, sky, air; instr. vyomamārgeṇa & vartmanā through the air.

vyomasad a. dwelling in the sky.

vyomaspṛś a. touching the sky.

vyoṣa a. burning, hot.

vraj vrajati v (vrajate), pp. vrajita proceed, march, go (±padbhyām on foot), go to (acc., r. loc. or *dat.), go for i.e. to fetch (acc.), *be going to (infin., dat., or adj. in aka); attack, approach (a woman); go from, leave (abl.), pass away (time), get into a state or condition (acc.). With adhras go down i.e. be digested; w. punar return to life; w. saha agree, make peace. C. vrājayati drive. --
     ati pass beyond, roam through.
     anu go along, accompany, follow; visit, go to or into (acc.).
     apa go away.
     abhi go to or through.
     ā come near, approach; come back, return (±punar); go to arrive at (acc.).
     pratyā & samā come back, return.
     ud leave home.
     pratyud go to meet.
     upa come near, go to, follow.
     pratyupa march against, attack.
     pari walk about, circumambulate; roam, wander (esp. as a religious mendicant).
     pra march forth, go to, wander ( = prec.).
     abhipra march forth towards or to meet.
     sam travel.
     anusam go after, follow.
     upasam enter (acc.). -- Cf. pravrajita.

vraja m. (n.) fold, shed, stable, station of herds; herd, flock, troop, multitude; N. of a region.

vrajana n. wandering, way, road.

vrajanātha m. lord of the folds, E. of Kṛṣṇa.

vrajasundarī f. sheperdess.

vrajastrī f. sheperdess.

vrajāṅganā f. the same.

vrajin a. being in a stable.

vrajya a. belonging to a fold.

vrajyā f. going, motion; group, class.

vraṇa m. (n.) wound, sore, fracture, scar, rent.

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vraṇana n. piercing, perforating.

vraṇay vraṇayati v pp. vraṇita wound.

vraṇayukta a. wounded.

vraṇavant a. wounded.

vraṇaviropaṇa a. & n. healing wounds.

vraṇitahṛdaya a. having a wounded heart.

vraṇin a. wounded, sore.

vraṇila a. wounded, sore.

vrata n. will, decree, command, statute, order; dominion, province, sphere; wont activity or occupation; conduct, way of life; choice, determination, resolution, vow; holy work, religious observance; duty, obedience, service.

vratagrahaṇa n. making a vow i.e. becoming a monk or ascetic.

vratacaryā f. the practice of religious vows, esp. r. studentship; devotion, piety i.g.

vratacārin a. performing vows, fulfilling the duties of (--°).

vratati f. creeping plant, creeper.

vratapati m. the lord of vows or devotion.

vratapā a. maintaining ordinances or sacred duties.

vratapāraṇa n. conclusion of a vow, esp. of fasting, breakfast.

vratabhṛt a. maintaining the holy work.

vratamīmāṃsā f. examination of observances.

vrataruci a. fond of vows or religious observances, devout, pious.

vratalopa m. -na n. breach or violation of a vow or observance.

vratavant a. observing a vow or religious duty.

vratasaṃpādana n. performance of a vow or religious observance.

vratastha a. observing a vow or religious duty.

vratasthita a. observing a vow or religious duty.

vratādāna n. = vratagrahaṇa.

vratādeśa m. -na n. instruction in the performance of vows.

vratin a. = vratavant, also observing, honouring, behaving like (--°).

vrateśa m. = vratapati, E. of Śiva.

vratya [1] a. obedient, faithful (gen.).

vratya [2] a. belonging to or fit for a vow or religious observance; m. partaker of it.

vrad vradte v become soft or weak.

vrandin a. softening, weakening (tr. or intr.).

vrayas n. overwhelming power.

vraśc vṛścati v pp. vṛkṇa hew down, fell (a tree), cut to pieces. --
     api hew off or asunder.
     ava cut off, sever.
     ā sever, separate, estrange or alienate from (dat. or loc.).
     ni hew down, fell.
     pari cut, mutilate.
     pra cut or split off.
     vi cut or split asunder.
     sam hew or cut in pieces.

vraścana a. & n. hewing, felling, cutting.

vrā f. troop, band.

vrāja m. host, multitude.

vrāṇa a. shut up, confined.

vrāta m. heap, troop, multitude, community, corporation.

vrātīna a. belonging to a wandering band, vagrant.

vrātapati m. lord of a host or band.

vrātya m. vagrant, tramp, outcast; abstr. -tā f.

vrādh (vrādhate) stir up.

vriś f. finger.

vrīḍ vrīḍate v pp. vrīḍita be ashamed or embarrassed.

vrīḍa m. ā f. shame, bashfulness.

vrīḍāvant a. ashamed, bashful, modest.

vrīhi m. rice, pl. grains of rice.

vrīhin a. planted with rice (field).

vrīhimant a. mixed with rice or = prec.

vrīhimaya a. made of rice.

vrīhiyava m. du. pl. & -yava n. sgl. rice and barley.

vrīhyapūpa m. rice-cake.

vrīhyurvarā f. field of rice.

vruḍ pp. vruḍita sink.

vlag w. abhi pursue, overtake.

vlī vlīnāti vlināti crush, fell; P. vlīyate shrink, decay.

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vleṣka -> bleṣka.

śaṃyu a. benevolent, auspicious.

śaṃyos  = śaṃ yos (v. śam5).

śaṃvant a. salutary.

śaṃs śaṃsati v (śaṃsate), pp. śasta (q.v.) & śaṃśita say in a loud and solemn voice, recite, praise, vow, unfold, betray, announce, communicate, declare, foretell, prophesy. C. śaṃsayati cause to recite; announce, foretell. --
     ati recite beyond (2 acc. or instr. & acc.); omit in reciting.
     anu recite or praise (after another).
     abhi accuse, defame; praise, commend.
     ā M. (A.) hope or trust in, strive after (loc., acc., dat., or infin.), try to master (acc.), suppose, expect, fear; wish, desire (acc. or -- & -- infin.). beg for (acc.); praise, commend, recite, announce, foretell.
     samā A. adjudge to (dat.); M. hope or trust in (acc.).
     ud call upon, invoke.
     pra tell forth, proclaim aloud; stir up, excite; praise, extol, recommend to (gen.).
     vi recife, divide in reciting.
     sam recite (together).
     upasam recite in addition. -- Cf. abhiśasta praśasta.

śaṃsa m. solemn utterance, invocation, summons, vow, praise, blessing, curse; f. śaṃsā praise, eulogy, communication, message.

śaṃsatha m. conversation.

śaṃsana n. recitation, utterance, confession, communication.

śaṃsanīya a. to be praised.

śaṃsita a. praised, praiseworthy.

śaṃsitṛ m. reciter.

śaṃsin a. reciting, uttering, telling, communicating, prophesying (--°).

śaṃstavya a. to be recited.

śaṃstṛ m. = śaṃsitṛ.

śaṃsya a. to be recited; praiseworthy, glorious.

śak śaknoti v pp. śakta (q.v.) & śakita be able, P. śakyate impers. it is possible to (inf.) or pers. he is able to be, he can or may be (infin. w. pass. mg); be serviceable or helpful to (dat.), make another partake of (gen.). D. śikṣati (q.v.). --
     anu be equal in (acc.).
     ā assist (dat.), help a pers. (dat.) to (gen.), invite to (acc.).
     upa help, impart.
     pari master, overpower.
     pra be able to (infin.).
     sam be able to (infin.), w. na not be equal to or a match for (loc. or instr.).

śaka [1] n. dung, f. śakā a kind of bird or beast.

śaka [2] m. pl. N. of a people.

śakakāla m. the Caka-era (78 A.D.).

śakaṭa n. (m.) cart, waggon (also śakaṭī f.) a cert. form of military array (±vyūha m.)

śakaṭasārtha m. a train of carts.

śakaṭikā f. a small cart.

śakaṭin m. the owner of a waggon.

śakadhūma m. the smoke of dung.

śakan n. dung (cf. śakṛt).

śakapiṇḍa m. a lump of dung.

śakamaya a. produced in dung.

śakaṃbhara a. carrying dung.

śakara n. = seq. m. n.

śakala m. n. chip, splint, potsherd; piece morsel, fragment; n. a half (esp. of an egg-shell).

śakalay śakalayati v pp. śakalita break or cut to pieces, reduce to fragments, divide. --
     vi = S.

śakalīkṛ  = prec.; -bhū P.

śakāra m. the sound śa; (d.) the brother of a king's concubine (who pronounces śa instead of sa or ṣa).

śakuna m. bird (esp. of large birds & such as give an omen).

śakunajña a. knowing omens.

śakunajñāna n. the knowledge of omens.

śakuni m. = śakuna, N. of a serpent-demon etc., f. śakunī a female bird.

śakunikā f. = prec. f., a woman's name.

śakunilubdhaka m. a bird-catcher.*

śakunta m. bird, esp. a cert. bird of prey.

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śakuntaka m. -ntikā f. a little bird.

śakuntalā f. N. of an Apsaras, the heroine of a celebrated drama.

śakunti m. bird.

śakura a. tame (of beasts).

śakula m. -lī f. a kind of fish.

śakṛt n. dung (cf. śakan).

śakṛtpiṇḍa m. a lump of dung.

śakaidha m. dung-fire.

śakta a. able, capable, competent (instr., gen., dat., loc., acc. w. prati, infin., or --°); strong, mighty, important, rich, opulent.

śaktṛ m. bearer, sufferer.

śakti [1] f. ability, power, capacity of (infin., loc., gen., or --°); the triple power of a king; the energy or active power of a deity, esp. of Śiva; the power of a word i.e. its meaning or function; the productive power of a poet, i.e. his fancy or imagination; help, assistance, gift, donation.

śakti [2] śakti f. spear, lance.

śakti f. spear, lance.

śakti [3] m. N. of a Rishi.

śaktikara a. giving strength.

śaktijña a. knowing (one's own) power.

śaktitas adv. according to ability or power.

śaktidvayavant a. endowed with twofold power.

śaktidhara a. carrying a spear, E. of Skanda.

śaktinātha m. E. of Śiva.

śaktimant [1] a. having ability or power, able to, capable of (infin. or loc.).

śaktimant [2] a. armed with a spear.

śaktīvant a. powerful or helpful.

śakman n. ability; enterprise, work.

śakya a. possible, feasible, practicable (infin. w. pass. mg; n. impers., but also with a subject of any gender or number). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

śakra a. powerful, mighty, strong; m. E. of Indra.

śakratejas a. having the splendour or might of Indra.

śakradiś f. Indra's region, i.e. the east.

śakraprastha n. N. of a town = indraprastha.

śakrabhakṣa s. N. of a kind of hemp, a medic. plant (lit. Indra's food).

śakraloka m. Indra's world.

śakrāyudha n. Indra's weapon, i.e. the rainbow.

śakrāvatāra s. Indra's descent, N. of a sacred bathing-place.

śakrāśana n. = śakrabhakṣa.

śakrāsana n. Indra's throne.

śakvan f. śakvarī capable, clever. m. artificer, f. N. of a metre & a cert. class of verses or songs.

śakvara m. bull.

śagma a. helpful, benevolent, kind, friendly.

śaṅk śaṅkate v (śaṅkati), pp. śaṅkita (q.v.) doubt, hesitate, be anxious or suspicious, be afraid of (acc. or abl.); suppose, expect, believe. C. śaṅkayati make anxious about (loc.). --
     ati suspect strongly or falsely.
     abhi distrust, doubt, hesitate at (acc. or gen.).
     ā be doubtful or afraid, distrust (acc.); suppose, think to be (iti or 2 acc.).
     upa suspect, accuse of (instr.).
     pari be anxious or doubtful, distrust, suspect, disbelieve (acc.); suppose, expect, think to be (2 acc.).
     vi be anxious or afraid of (acc. or abl.), distrust, doubt, suspect (acc.); think to be (2 acc.).
     sam suspect. -- Cf. atiśaṅkita abhiśaṅkita upaśaṅkita (add.), pariśaṅkita viśaṅkita.

śaṅkanīya a. to be suspected, feared, or supposed; n. impers.

śaṃkara f. ī causing welfare or happiness; m. E. of Rudra-Śiva, a man's name.

śaṃkaragṛha n. a temple of Śiva.*

śaṃkaravijaya m. T. of a work.

śaṃkarācārya m. N. of a celebrated scholar.

śaṃkarālaya m. Śiva's residence (mount Kailāsa).

śaṅkā f. hesitation, doubt, suspicion, fear of (abl., loc., prati, or --°); supposition, conjecture, the taking for (--°).

śaṅkābhiyoga m. accusation on (mere) suspicion (j.).

śaṅkitavya a. = śaṅkanīya.

śaṅkin a. fearing, afraid of, timid or suspicious like (--°); conjecturing, supposing.

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śaṅku m. a pointed peg or wooden nail, stake, pike, beam, arrow, spear, sting (lit. & fig.), N. of a serpent-demon etc.

śaṅkukarṇa a. spike-eared (also -rṇin); m. N. of a Dānava etc.

śaṅkumukha f. ī having a pointed mouth.

śaṃkṛt a. beneficent.

śaṅkya a. = śaṅkanīya.

śaṅkha m. n. conch-shell (used to blow upon or as ornament); m. the temporal bone, temple, one of the treasures of Kubera, N. of an Asura, etc.

śaṅkhacakrapāṇi a. holding a conch and a discus (Viṣṇu).

śaṅkhadhma m. shell-blower.

śaṅkhabhṛt m. E. of Viṣṇu (holding a conch).

śaṅkhadhvani m. the sound of a conch or horn.

śaṅkhapuṣpikā f. N. of a plant.

śaṅkhapuṣpī f. N. of a plant.

śaṅkhamekhala m. N. of an ancient sage.

śaṅkhāntara n. forehead (cf. bhujāntara).

śaṅkhin a. having a shell or shells; f. -nī mother of pearl.

śaṃga -> śaṃgu.

śaṃgaya f. śaṃgayī beneficial to the household.

śaṃgavī (f.) & śaṃgu a. beneficial to cattle.

śaciṣṭha a. most helpful.

śacī f. might or help, personif. as the wife of Indra.

śacītīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place.

śacīpati m. lord of might or husband of Śacī (Indra).

śacīvant a. rich in help.

śacīvasu a. rich in help.

śaṭha a. false, wicked; abstr. -tva n.

śaṭhadhī a. wicked-minded, malignant, mischievous.

śaṭhabuddhi a. wicked-minded, malignant, mischievous.

śaṭhamati a. wicked-minded, malignant, mischievous.

śaṇa m. a kind of hemp.

śaṇatāntava f. ī made of hempen string.

śaṇamaya f. ī hempen.

śaṇarajju f. a hempen rope.

śaṇaśulba n. a hempen string.

śaṇasūtra n. a hempen thread.

śaṇasūtramaya f. ī of hempen thread.

śaṇḍa m. N. of the Purohita of the Asuras.

śaṇḍāmarka m. du. Śaṇḍa and Marka.

śaṇḍila m. N. of a man, pl. his family.

śat śātayati śātayate v cut in pieces, cause to fall off, break or throw down, destroy. --
     apa hurl away.
     vyava scatter, dispense, remove.
     ni hew down, defeat (an army).
     pra break, pluck.
     vi hew down, crush, disperse, chase away.
     sam crush, destroy.

śata n. (m.) hundred, also as expression of a large or infinite number (adj. f. --°).

śataka f. śatikā consisting of hundred or the hundredth; n. a hundred.

śatakumbha m. N. of a mountain; f. ā N. of a river.

śatakṛtvas adv. a hundred times.

śatakoṭi m. Indra's thunderbolt (lit. having a hundred edges).

śatakratu a. having a hundred forces; m. E. of Indra.

śatakhaṇḍa a. consisting of a hundred pieces; -ṇḍaṃ kṛ break in a hundred pieces.*

śatagu a. possessed of a hundred cows.

śataguṇa a. hundredfold.

śataguṇita a. hundredfold.

śatagvin a. = prec.

śataghaṇṭā f. N. of a spear.

śataghnī -> śatahan.

śatacakra a. having a hundred wheels.

śatacarman a. made of a hundred skins.

śatajit a. vanquishing hundreds; m. E. of Viṣṇu, a man's name.

śatatama f. ā & ī a. the hundredth.

śatada a. giving a hundred.

śatadā a. giving a hundred.

śatadaṇḍa s. a fine of one hundred, -ṇḍārha a. worthy of such a fine.

śatadant a. having a hundred teeth (comb).

śatadala n. = śatapattra n.

śatadātu a. hundredfold.

śatadāya a. giving a hundred.

śatadāvan a. = prec.

śatadyumna m. a man's name.

śatadru f. N. of a river.

śatadrū f. N. of a river.

śatadvāra a. hundred-gated.

śatadhanya a. worth a hundred.

śatadhā adv. in a hundred parts or ways.

śatanītha a. having a hundred arts or stratagems.

śatapati m. lord of a hundred.

śatapattra a. having a hundred feathers or leaves; m. wood-pecker, n. a lotus-flower.

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śatapatha a. having a hundred paths, many-sided; m. & -brāhmaṇa n. T. of a Brāhmaṇa.

śatapad (śatapād), f. śatapadī a. having a hundred feet.

śataparvan a. having a hundred knots or joints.

śatabali m. a cert. fish; N. of a monkey.

śatabuddhi a. having hundredfold understanding; m. N. of a fish.

śatabhāga m. the hundredth part.

śatabhuji a. hundredfold.

śatamakha m. = śatayajña.

śatamanyu a. having hundredfold wrath.

śatamāna a. hundredfold; m. n. a weight of a hundred Mānas in gold or silver.

śatamukha a. having a hundred openings on issues; m. N. of an Asura etc.

śatamūti a. granting a hundred aids.

śatamūrdhan a. having a hundred heads.

śatamūla a. having a hundred roots.

śatayajña m. E. of Indra (lit. receiving a hundred sacrifice.)

śatayaṣṭika m. a necklace consisting of a hundred strings.

śatarātra m. n. a festival of a hundred days (nights).

śatavant a. containing or possessing a hundred, hundredfold.

śatavarṣa a. a hundred years old.

śatavarṣin a. a hundred years old.

śatavāja a. giving a hundred forces.

śatavicakṣaṇa a. having a hundredfold appearance.

śatavīrya a. containing a hundred forces.

śataśas adv. by hundreds or hundredfoldly.

śataśākha f. ā & ī having a hundred branches.

śataśārada a. containing or granting a hundred autumns or years; n. such a period.

śataśīrṣa a. having a hundred heads.

śataśīrṣan a. having a hundred heads.

śataśṛṅga a. having a hundred horns; m. N. of a mountain.

śatasaṃkhya a. numbering a hundred.

śatasani a. winning or procuring a hundred.

śatasahasra n. sgl. & pl. a hundred thousand.

śatasahasradhā adv. in a hundred thousand pieces.

śatasā a. = śatasani.

śatasāhasra f. ī hundred thousand-fold.

śatasāhasrika a. consisting of a hundred thousand.

śatasukha n. hundredfold luck.

śataseya n. hundredfold gain.

śatasvin a. possessed of a hundred.

śatahan f. -ghnī killing a hundred; f. -ghnī a cert. weapon.

śatahima a. lasting for a hundred winters or years.

śatahrada m. N. of an Asura; f. ā lightning.

śatāṅga a. hundredfold (lit. -limbed).

śatātman a. having or granting a hundred lives.

śatādhika a. hundred and one (lit. more than a hundred).

śatānīka a. having a hundred fronts or points.

śatābda a. consisting of a hundred years.

śatāyu a. lasting for a hundred years or hundred years old.

śatāyudha a. having a hundred weapons.

śatāyus f. śatāyuṣī = śatāyu.

śatārgha a. worth a hundred.

śatārdha n. half a hundred, fifty.

śatārha a. = śatārgha.

śatāvarī f. a cert. climbing plant.

śatāśri a. having a hundred angles or edges.

śatāśva a. consisting of a hundred horses.

śatika a. the hundredth or consisting of a hundred.

śatin a. hundredfold or possessing a hundred.

śatendriya a. having a hundred senses.

śateśa m. the lord of a hundred (villages).

śatoti a. granting hundredfold help.

śatodara a. having a hundred bellies (Śiva).

śataudanā f. a cert. ceremony.

śatya a. consisting of a hundred.

śatri m. N. of a man.

śatru m. rival, adversary, enemy, esp. the immediate neighbour of a prince as his natural enemy.

śatrughna a. slaying foes; m. a man's name.

śatrujit a. conquering foes.

śatruṃjaya a. conquering foes.

śatrutā f. -tva n. rivalry, enmity.

śatrutūrya n. overcoming foes.

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śatrunandana a. gladdening foes.

śatruṃtapa a. tormenting foes.

śatruṃdama a. subduing foes.

śatrubādhana a. fighting foes.

śatrumardana a. crushing foes.

śatrusāha a. overwhelming foes.

śatrusevin a. serving an enemy.

śatruha a. = śatrughna adj.

śatruhan a. = śatrughna adj.

śatrūy pp. śatrūyant be hostile.

śatrūṣah (śatrūṣāh) a. overwhelming foes.

śad only I. śāśadus1 etc., pp. śāśadāna distinguish one's self, prevail.

śad perf. śaśāda, pp. śanna2 fall, decay. --
     vyava fall off or asunder.
     pari fall by the side.

śada m. fall (--°); produce (of land).

śadvalā f. N. of a river.

śanakais adv. quietly, gently, gradually.

śani m. the planet Saturn.

śanaiścara a. moving slowly; m. = prec.

śanais (instr. adv.) = śanakais; often repeated, compar. śanaistarām.

śaṃtanu a. beneficial to the body or person (abstr. śaṃtanutva); m. N. of an ancient king etc.

śantama (superl.) most auspicious or salutary.

śantāti a. beneficent; f. benefice.

śantiva a. kind, peaceful.

śantva n. benefice, kindness.

śanna a. fallen out or off; n. downfall.

śap śapati śapate v (śapyati), pp. śapta (q.v.) & śapita curse, execrate, revile, scold, blame; M. (A.) curse one's self if, i.e. assert with an oath that not (yadi), swear by (instr.), conjure (acc. or dat.); implore, entreat for (acc.) by (instr.). C. śāpayati cause to swear, conjure by (instr.). --
     abhi curse, blame, accuse; C. conjure.
     pari curse, blame, revile.
     prati curse in return.
     sam curse.

śapatha m. curse, oath, ordeal.

śapathya a. consisting in a curse.

śapana n. cursing.

śapta a. cursed, conjured; n. curse, oath.

śaptṛ m. curser, swearer.

śapha m. hoof, claw.

śaphara m. ī f. a small kind of carp.

śaphavant a. having hoofs or claws.

śabara m. pl. N. of a people.

śabala a. variegated, brindled; mingled or joined with (--°); altered, disfigured. m. N. of a serpent-demon; f. śabalī the Wonder-cow (myth.).

śabalatā f. -tva n. variety, alternation.

śabda m. sound, cry, noise, call, word, speech, the sacred syllable Om, name, term, title. śabdaṃ kṛ or raise the voice, call aloud; śabdena by word i.e. explicitly.

śabdakarmaka a. meaning sound (g.).

śabdakarman a. meaning sound (g.).

śabdakalpadruma m. T. of a dictionary.

śabdatva n. the being sound.

śabdapati m. lord only by name.

śabdabrahman n. the sacred scriptures (lit. the Word-Brahman).

śabdabhāj a. having the title of (--°).

śabdamaya f. ī made up of sound or sounds, sounding; consisting or formed of the word (--°).

śabday śabdayati v pp. śabdita (q.v.) give forth sounds, call aloud, cry, talk, prate, call, name, invoke, communicate, teach. --
     anu abhi & pari relate, communicate, talk over.
     sam exclaim, mention, quote.

śabdavant a. sounding, n. adv. loudly.

śabdavidyā f. grammar (the science of sounds or words).

śabdavedha m. the shooting at the mere sound (without seeing the aim); adj. -dhin, abstr. -dhitva n.

śabdaśāsana n. = śabdavidyā.

śabdaśāstra n. = śabdavidyā.

śabdāpay śabdāpayati & śabdāpayate v call near, call, name. (P. be called*).

śabdāy śabdāyate & śabdāti v sound, cry.

śabdārtha m. the meaning of sounds or of a word; du. word and sense.

śabdita a. called, named, invoked, communicated, taught; n. crying.

śabdin a. noisy, resounding with (--°).

śam śamati śamyati v pp. śamita1 labour, work; make ready, prepare (r.). -- Cf. śaśamāna.

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śam śāmyati śāmyate2 v (śamati), pp. śānta (q.v.) be quiet, still, or content; be allayed or extinguished; cease, desist, stop. C. śamayati (śāmayati) quiet, still, pacify, allay, extinguish, subdue, destroy, kill. --
     abhi cease, stop.
     samava C. pacify, still.
     upa cease, stop, be allayed or extinguished. C. tranquillize, pacify, cool, allay.
     vyupa & samupa cease, leave off.
     ni & pari C. appease, allay.
     pra become calm or tranquil, be extinguished, stop, cease. C. appease, quench, allay, subdue, kill, destroy. (prati C. appease, allay*).
     sam become thoroughly calm or pacified, make peace with (instr. ±saha), be allayed or extinguished, stop (tr. & intr.). C. mitigate, calm, soothe, allay, extinguish, finish, kill, destroy. Cf. abhyupaśānta avaśānta upaśānta praśānta saṃśānta.

śam [3] (śamnīte) harm.

śam śamayati4 v & śāmayati w.
     ni note, perceive, hear, learn. -- anuni samanuni abhini upani praṇi vini saṃni = S.

śam [5] indecl. (±yos) blessing, welfare, prosperity, happiness.

śama [1] a. tame, domestic.

śama [2] m. peace of mind.

śamatha m. quiet, tranquillity, rest, calm, peace; cessation, extinction.

śamana a. (f. ī) & n. tranquillizing, stilling, allaying; n. also killing, destroying.

śamapara a. devoted to quietism or peace of mind.

śamapradhāna a. the same.

śamaprāpta a. come to rest.

śamayitṛ m. calmer, quieter; slayer.

śamala n. stain, spot, fault, blemish.

śamavant a. quiet, peaceable.

śamaśama a. always quiet.

śamātmaka a. quiet-minded.

śamāy śamāyate1 v effort one's self, be active or zealous.

śamāy śamāyati2 v seek for peace of mind; -yate bring to rest i.e. kill.

śami [1] n. endeavour, effort.

śami [2] m. a man's name.

śamitṛ [1] m. dissector (of the sacrificial animal), killer, slaughterer, cook.

śamitṛ [2] a. = seq.

śamin a. calm, tranquil.

śamiṣṭha (superl.) most active or busy.

śamī [1] f. = śami1.

śamī [2] f. N. of a tree.

śamīka m. a man's name.

śamīgarbha a. grown or resting in a Śamī-tree; m. the holy fig-tree.

śamīdhānya n. Śamī-grains, pod-grain i.g.

śamīparṇa n. Śamī-leaf.

śamīmaya f. ī made of Śamī-wood.

śamīśākhā f. Śamī-branch.

śamīsumanas f. Śamī-flower; -nomālā f. garland of Śamī-flowers.

śamba m. a cert. weapon of Indra.

śambara m. N. of a demon slain by Indra, in l.l. also an enemy of the god of love.

śambaraghna m. slayer of Śambara (the god of love).

śambaradāraṇa m. slayer of Śambara (the god of love).

śambaravṛtrahan m. slayer of Śambara and Vṛtra (Indra).

śambarasiddhi m. N. of a juggler.

śambarahatya n. the slaying of Śambara.

śambarahan m. slayer of Śambara (Indra).

śambala n. provender for a journey (cf. saṃvala).

śambākṛ plough up and down.

śambin m. ferry-man.

śambu m. N. of a man.

śambūka m. conch-shell, snail, a cert. animal.

śambhala m. N. of a place; f. ī bawd, procuress.

śaṃbhava a. = śaṃbhu a.

śaṃbhaviṣṭha superl. to prec. or seq. a.

śaṃbhu a. causing happiness or welfare, helpful, friendly; m. E. of Śiva, Brahman, etc.

śaṃbhū a. causing happiness or welfare, helpful, friendly; m. E. of Śiva, Brahman, etc.

śaṃbhukāntā f. Śambhu's wife i.e. Gaurī.

śamyā f. staff, peg, prop, stay; a cert. measure of length.

śamyāpāta m. a Śamyā-throw (cf. prec.).

śamyāprāsa m. -prāsana n. the same.

śaya a. lying, sleeping, being in (--°). m. sleep; couch, bed (also śayā f.).

śayatha m. couch, lair, abode.

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śayadhyai dat. inf. to śī.

śayana a. & n. resting, sleeping; n. also couch, bed.

śayanagṛha n. -bhūmi f. bed-room.

śayanavāsas a. garment to sleep in.

śayanastha a. being on a couch.

śayanīya a. fit or suitable for sleep or rest; n. impers. (it is) to be rested or slept, as subst. coach, bed.

śayanīyagṛha n. -vāsa m. bed-chamber.

śayālu a. sleepy, slothful, sluggish.

śayita n. the place where a pers. (gen.) has lain or slept.

śayitavya n. (impers.) it is to be rested or slept.

śayu a. lying, resting.

śayutrā adv. on or to the couch.

śayyā f. couch, bed; rest, sleep.

śayyāgṛha n. bed-room.

śara [1] m. reed, arrow.

śara [2] m. sour cream.

śara [3] (°--) water.

śarakāṇḍa s. reed-stalk.

śarakāra m. arrow-maker.

śarakṣepa m. an arrow's throw or flight.

śaragulma m. a thicket of reeds.

śaragocara m. an arrow's reach or flight.

śaraccandra m. the autumnal moon; -ccandrikā f. the autumnal moon-shine.

śarajanman m. E. of Skanda (the reed-born).

śarajāla n. a thick shower of arrows.

śarajjyotsnā f. the autumnal moon-shine.

śaraṇa [1] n. falling asunder, decay.

śaraṇa [2] a. protecting, guarding; n. protection, refuge or place of refuge, shelter, shed, hut, dwelling, abode; -ṇaṃ gam have recourse to (gen. or acc.).

śaraṇāgata a. come for refuge, seeking protection.

śaraṇārthin a. seeking protection.

śaraṇaiṣin a. seeking protection.

śaraṇālaya m. place of refuge.

śaraṇi f. obstinacy, pertinacity.

śaraṇya a. affording or seeking protection, refuge, or help; abstr. -tā f.

śaratalpa m. a couch made of arrows.

śaratkāla m. the autumnal season.

śaratpadma n. an autumnal lotus-flower.

śaratparvan n. a full-moon night in autumn.

śaratparvaśaśin m. the full moon in autumn.

śaratsamaya m. the autumnal season.

śarad f. autumn, pl. also = year.

śaradaṇḍa m. reed-stalk.

śaradija a. born or produced in autumn, autumnal.

śaradvadhū f. autumn conceived as a woman.

śaradvant a. advanced in years (autumns), aged.

śaradhi m. receptacle for arrows, quiver.

śaranmegha m. an autumnal cloud.

śarapañjara n. = śaratalpa.

śarabandha m. a thick shower of arrows.

śarabarhis n. reed-straw.

śarabha m. a kind of deer, later a fabulous eight-legged animal; E. of Viṣṇu, N. of an Asura etc.

śarabhaṅga m. N. of a Rishi.

śarabhṛṣṭi f. reed-point.

śaramaya f. ī consisting or made of reeds.

śaravaṇa n. a thicket of reeds.

śaravarṣa [1] m. a shower of arrows.

śaravarṣa [2] n. rain (of water).

śaravarṣin [1] a. raining arrows.

śaravarṣin [2] a. raining (water).

śaravya n. aim, abstr. -tā f.; -vyā f. arrowshot or hail of arrows.

śaraśayana n. = śaratalpa.

śaras n. cream, the scum on boiled milk.

śarastamba m. a thicket of reeds.

śarāri f. a kind of heron.

śarārī f. a kind of heron.

śarāru a. harming, noxious.

śarāva m. n. a flat earthenware dish; also a measure for grain.

śarāvara m. a quiver; n. shield or coat of mail (also -varaṇa n.).

śarāvasaṃpāta m. the appearance of dishes (at a meal); -te vṛtte when this is past, i.e. after meals.

śarāvāpa m. bow or quiver (arrow-scatterer).

śarāsa m. -na n. bow (arrow-thrower).

śarāsāra m. a shower of arrows.

śarāsya n. the same.

śarin a. having arrows.

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śarīra n. (m.) the body, also = person; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

śarīraka n. a (small or inferior) body.

śarīrakartṛ m. father (body-maker).

śarīrakṛt m. father (body-maker).

śarīrakarṣaṇa n. tormenting the body.

śarīragrahaṇa n. taking a bodily form.

śarīraja a. sprung from or belonging to the body, bodily; m. embryo, son, love or the god of love.

śarīratyāga m. the sacrifice of life (lit. giving up the body).

śarīradaṇḍa m. corporal punishment.

śarīradeśa m. region or part of the body.

śarīradhātu m. chief part or element of the body (blood, flesh, etc.).

śarīradhṛk a. bearing a body; m. living creature.

śarīrapāta m. death (lit. falling or breaking down of the body).

śarīrabheda m. death (lit. falling or breaking down of the body).

śarīrayaṣṭi f. a slender body.

śarīrayātrā f. bodily subsistence.

śarīrayogaja a. sprung from bodily contact.

śarīravant a. having a body, bodily, solid, firm; m. a living creature.

śarīravṛtti f. = śarīrayātrā.

śarīraratna n. a jewel of a body.*

śarīraśuśrūṣā f. care of the body, personal attendance.

śarīraśoṣaṇa n. emaciation of the body.

śarīrasāda m. bodily exhaustion.

śarīrastha a. being in the body.

śarīrākāra m. bodily shape.

śarīrānta m. the hair (lit. end) of the body.

śarīrāntakara m. destroyer of bodies.

śarīrābhyadhika a. dearer than one's own person or body (friend).

śarīrārdha m. the half of the body.

śarīrāvayava m. a part of the body.

śarīrin a. having a body or having (--°) for body; m. living creature, man, soul.

śaru f. (m.) spear or arrow.

śarumant a. armed with a spear or arrows.

śaraugha m. shower of arrows.

śarkara a. consisting of gravel or grit; m. pebble, also = f. śarkarā gravel, grit, brown sugar.

śarkarāmbu n. sugar-water.

śarkarodaka n. the same.

śarku m. N. of an evil demon.

śarkoṭa m. a cert. snake.

śardh śardhati v fart (only w. ava & vi); be defiant or strong.

śardha [1] a. defiant, strong.

śardha [2] m. troop, host.

śardhanīti a. leading the host (of the Maruts) or acting boldly.

śardhas [1] (only compar. śardhastara) = śardha1.

śardhas [2] n. = śardha2.

śardhis (only --°) defiant, strong.

śardhya s. a cert. part of a waggon.

śarmaka m. pl. N. of a people.

śarmakārin a. causing welfare or happiness.

śarmakṛt a. causing welfare or happiness.

śarmaṇya a. protecting.

śarman n. cover, protection, shelter, refuge, comfort, welfare, joy, bliss (often --° in Brahman-names).

śarmay only śarmayant protecting.

śarmavant a. containing the word śarman.

śarmin a. joyful, happy.

śarmiṣṭhā f. N. of sev. women, esp. of the wife of Yayāti.

śarya m. arrow, dart; f. ā reed, arrow, p matting of reed (on the Soma-strainer).

śaryaṇa a. thicket of reeds; m. pl. N. of a region in Kurukṣetra.

śaryaṇāvant m. pond, lake (cf. prec.), fig. of the Soma-vat.

śaryahan m. archer (killer with arrows).

śaryāta m. names of men.

śaryāti m. names of men.

śarva m. N. of a god killing with arrows, in l. l. = Rudra-Śiva.

śarvapatnī f. Śarva's wife i.e. Pārvatī.

śarvaparvata m. Śarva's mountain, i.e. Kailāsa. (*śarvara a. spotted); f. śarvarī pl. the spotted deer (of the Maruts); sgl. the (starred) night.

śarvācala m. = śarvaparvata.

śarvāṇī f. N. of the wife of Śarva or Śiva.

śal śalati v w.
     ud 1 leap, jump, rise. -- Cf. ucchalant ucchalita.

śal [2] an exclamation.

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śala m. staff, quill of a porcupine (as a measure of length).

śalakara m. N. of a serpent-demon.

śalabha m. grasshopper, moth, night-butterfly; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

śalala n. -lī f. quill of a porcupine or bristle of a hog.

śalalita a. furnished with squills.

śalāka m. chip, splinter, stalk, rod, stick, peg, pin; finger, toe; quill of the porcupine.

śalākā f. chip, splinter, stalk, rod, stick, peg, pin; finger, toe; quill of the porcupine.

śalākikā f. small chip etc. (v. prec.).

śalāṭu m. n. the unripe fruit of a tree.

śalātura s. N. of the birth-place of Pāṇini.

śaluna m. a cert. insect.

śalka m. n. chip, piece, bit; n. scale of a fish.

śalya m. n. the point of a spear or an arrow, i.g. thorn, sting (lit. & fig.); blemish, fault, obstacle; m. also = seq.

śalyaka m. porcupine.

śalyakartṛ m. arrow-maker.

śalyakarttṛ m. surgeon.

śalyakṛnta m. surgeon.

śalyavant a. who has the arrow-point (either the killed deer or the killing hunter).

śallaka m. ī f. a porcupine, f. also N. of a tree.

śava m. n. dead body, corpse.

śavakarman n. funeral act, burial.

śavadahyā f. cremation of a body.

śavadhara a. carrying a dead body.

śavarta m. a. cert. worm (cf. śvavarta).

śavavāha m. corpse-carrier.

śavavāhaka m. corpse-carrier.

śavaśiras n. scull.

śavaśirodhvaja m. a flag or emblem consisting of a scull; adj. carrying such a flag.

śavas n. superiority, power, strength, heroism; instr. strongly, mightily.

śavasāna a. superior, powerful, heroic.

śavasāvant & śavasin a. the same.

śavasī f. powerful, mighty (Indra's mother).

śavaspṛś a. who touches a corpse.

śavāgni m. funeral fire.

śavānna n. funeral food.

śaviṣṭha (superl.) most mighty or strong.

śavīra a. powerful, mighty.

śavodvaha m. remover of corpses.

śavya n. funeral.

śaś śaśati v leap.

śaśa m. hare (seen also in the spot of the moon).

śaśaka m. hare, rabbit.

śaśakaviṣāṇa n. a hare's horn ( = impossibility).

śaśadhara m. the moon (hare-holder).

śaśabindu m. N. of a prince.

śaśabhṛt m. = śaśadhara.

śaśamāna a. active, busy, zealous, devout, pious.

śaśaya a. inexhaustible, incessant.

śaśayu a. desiring or pursuing hares.

śaśalakṣaṇa m. the moon (hare-marked).

śaśalakṣman n. the hare-mark; m. = prec.

śaśalāñchana m. = prec. m.

śaśaviṣāṇa n. = śaśakaviṣāṇa.

śaśaśṛṅga n. the same.

śaśāṅka m. = śaśalakṣaṇa.

śaśāṅkalekhā f. the lunar crescent (lit. moon-streak).

śaśāṅkavadanā f. a moon-faced woman.

śaśikalā f. a digit or sickle of the moon.

śaśin m. the moon (hare-marked).

śaśiprabha a. moon-like.

śaśimukhī f. = śaśāṅkavadanā.

śaśimauli m. E. of Śiva (moon-crested).

śaśilekhā f. = śaśāṅkalekhā.

śaśivadanā f. = śaśāṅkavadanā.

śaśiśekhara m. = śaśimauli.

śaśisaṃnibha a. = śaśiprabha.

śaśīyaṃs (compar.) more numerous, richer.

śaśvadhā adv. constantly, always.

śaśvant f. śaśvatī (śaśvatī) ever repeating or renewing itself, frequent, numerous, all, every. -- n. śaśvat adv. again and again, always, frequently, once more; indeed, of course; śaśvat--śaśvat no sooner -- than.

śaṣkuli f. the orifice of the ear or auditory passage; also a kind of food or meal.

śaṣkulī f. the orifice of the ear or auditory passage; also a kind of food or meal.

śaṣpa n. (young) grass, p. vant.

śaṣpya a. grassy.

śas śasati śasti & śāsti v pp. śasta cut to pieces, slaughter. --
     vi = S.

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śasana n. śasā f. slaughter, killing.

śasta [1] a. recited, praised, commended, praise-worthy, auspicious, happy, cheerful, beautiful; n. praise, commendation.

śasta [2] a. cut to pieces, slaughtered.

śasta [3] n. a kind of girdle.

śastṛ m. cutter, killer.

śasti f. praise or praiser.

śastra [1] n. a kind of recitation (r.).

śastra [2] n. knife, dagger (also f. śastrī & śastrikā); sword, weapon i.g.

śastrakali m. sword-fight.

śastranyāsa m. the laying down of arms.

śastrapattra n. blade of a knife or sword.

śastrapāṇi a. having a sword in hand.

śastrapāṇin a. having a sword in hand.

śastrapāta m. the (fall or) cut of a knife.

śastraprahāra m. the stroke of a sword.

śastrabhṛt a. bearing a sword; m. warrior.

śastravant a. armed with a sword.

śastravikrayin m. dealer in weapons.

śastravṛtti a. living by the trade of arms.

śastrasaṃpāta m. flying or discharge of missiles.

śastrāstrabhṛt a. carrying arms for striking and throwing; abstr. -ttva n.

śastrikā -> śastra2.

śastrī -> śastra2.

śastrin a. = śastravant.

śasman n. praise, enlogy.

śasya a. to be recited or praised; n. recitation.

śā śiśāti śiśīte śyati v pp. śāta & śita (q.v.) sharpen, whet; excite, make eager, strengthen, promote; communicate, impart; present with, help to (acc. of pers., instr., dat., or gen. of thing). --
     ati strike at.
     ava rid of (acc.).
     ā help to, cause to partake of (loc.).
     ni sharpen, whet; offer, present; lay down, spread.
     sam sharpen, whet; excite, make eager or ready for (dat.). -- Cf. niśita saśita.

śāka [1] m. help, assistance.

śāka [2] a. helpful; m. helper, assistant.

śāka [3] n. eatable herb, vegetable food.

śāka [4] a. belonging to the Śakas or to their kings; m. n. = seq.

śākakāla m. the Śaka-era (78 A.D.).

śākaṭāyana m. names of grammarians.

śākapūṇi m. names of grammarians.

śākala m. n. = śakala; m. pl. the adherents of Śākalya, a. relating to them.

śākalahoma m. a cert. oblation; -mīya a. relating to it.

śākalya m. N. of an ancient teacher.

śākavāṭa m. -vāṭikā f. a garden of vegetables.

śākin a. powerful, mighty.

śākina a. powerful, mighty.

śākuna f. ī relating to birds, bird-like; m. bird-catcher.

śākuni m. = prec. m.

śākunika m. = prec. m.

śākunikalubdhaka m. the same.*

śākuntala m. the son of Śakuntalā (Bharata); n. the play or the tale about Ś.

śākta m. teacher; worshipper of the Śakti or energy (of Śiva).

śāktīka m. spearman.

śākman n. help, aid.

śākya m. pl. N. of a warrior race, sgl. a man of this race, also = seq.

śākyabhikṣu m. a Buddhist mendicant.

śākyamuni m. the saint of the Śākyas, i.e. Buddha.

śākyaśramaṇa (& -ka*) m. = śākyabhikṣu.

śākra f. ī belonging to Śakra (Indra).

śākvara f. ī strong, mighty.

śākhā f. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) branch (lit. & fig.); limb, arm, leg, finger; ramification, subdivision, species, sort, branch of a Veda, i.e. Vedic school.

śākhāṅga n. limb of the body.

śākhāntaga a. having finished one Śākhā (r.).

śākhābāhu m. an arm (-like) branch.

śākhābheda m. pl. divisions and subdivisions.

śākhāmaya (f. ī*) consisting of branches.

śākhāmṛga m. ape (branch-animal).

śākhin a. having branches or schools (Veda); m. tree.

śākhīya a. belonging to the school of (--°).

śāṃkara f. ī relating to Śiva or Śamkarācārya.

śāṅkhāyana [1] m. N. of a teacher and author, pl. his race.

śāṅkhāyana f. ī2 belonging to Śan1khāyana.

śāṅkhika m. shell-blower.

śāṅkhya a. made of shells.

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śāci m. pl. grains, grit.

śācigu & śācipūjana m. E. of Indra.

śāṭa m. ī f., śāṭaka m. n. cloth, scarf.

śāṭyāyana m. N. of an ancient teacher and legislator; pl. his followers (also -nin).

śāṭhya n. falsehood, villany; p. -vant.

śāṇa f. ī1 hempen; m. & f. ī a hempen garment.

śāṇa [2] m. ā f. grind- or touchstone.

śāṇa [3] m. ā f. a cert. weight.

śāṇopala m. grindstone.

śāṇḍa m. a man's name.

śāṇḍila a. belonging to or descending from Śāṇḍilya, m. pl. his descendants.

śāṇḍilya m. N. of sev. teachers.

śāta [1] a. sharpened, whetted; thin, slender.

śāta [2] m. the falling out (of hair, nails etc.).

śātakumbha n. gold (lit. coming from the river Śatakumbhā).

śātakumbhamaya (f. ī) & -kumbhīya a. golden.

śātakaumbha (f. ī) & -kaumbhamaya a. = prec.

śātana a. (f. ī) & n. causing to fall, cutting off, destroying.

śātahrada a. of lightning.

śātin m. cutter, hewer (--°).

śātodara f. ī thin-bellied, abstr. -tva n.

śātrava a. inimical; m. enemy.

śāda m. falling, dropping (--°); grass. f. śādā brick.

śādana n. falling out.

śādvala a. grassy, verdant, green; n. a grassy spot.

śādvalavant a. = prec. a.

śādvalin a. = prec. a.

śānta a. appeased, still, tranquil, calm, quiet, gentle, meek, soft; extinguished, ceased, dead. m. & f. ā a man's & woman's name; n. = seq.

śāntatā f. -tva n. tranquillity, absence of passion.

śāṃtanava m. patron. of Bhīṣma.

śāṃtanu m. N. of an ancient king ( = śaṃtanu).

śāntamanas a. of tranquil mind.

śāntay śāntayati v calm, pacify.

śāntarajas a. dustless or passionless (lit. having the dust or the quality of passion allayed).

śāntarūpa a. of calm appearance.

śāntātman a. calm-minded, composed.

śānti f. tranquillity, peace of mind; averting of an evil omen, expiation; welfare, bliss; stopping, ceasing, extinction (of fire), destruction, end, death.

śāntika n. any act for averting bad consequences.

śāntikarman n. any act for averting bad consequences.

śāntida a. causing bliss or happiness.

śāntipātra n. vessel for the propitiatory water.

śāntibhājana n. vessel for the propitiatory water.

śāntisalila n. propitiatory water.

śāntyudaka n. propitiatory water.

śāntihoma m. propitiatory oblation.

śāntvay -> sāntvay.

śāpa [1] m. curse.

śāpa [2] m. float, drift (concr.).

śāpapradāna n. the utterance of a curse.

śāpamokṣa m. = prec. or deliverance from a c.

śāpāmbu n. curse-water (by applying which a pers. is cursed).

śāpodaka n. curse-water (by applying which a pers. is cursed).

śāba -> śāva1.

śābara m. N. of a plant & a teacher, f. ī the language of the Śabaras.

śābarikā f. a kind of leech.

śābalya n. medley, compound, f. -lyā female jester or singer.

śābda f. ī relating to sounds or words, esp. based upon the sacred word i.e. the Veda; m. philologist, grammarian.

śābdika a. uttering a sound or familiar with sounds (words); m. = prec. m.

śāmitra a. relating to the slayer or cutter of the sacrificial victim; m. the fire for cooking the sacrif. flesh; n. a place for slaying cattle or = seq.

śāmitrakarman n. the office of the slayer of the sacrificial animal.

śāmīla f. ī made of Śamī-wood.

śāmulya n. a woolen shirt.

śāmūla n. a woolen shirt.

śāmbara f. ī relating to Śambara; n. jugglery, sorcery.

śāmbarika m. juggler, sorcerer.

śāṃbhava f. ī relating to Cambhu (Śiva).

śāmya a. aiming at peae, peaceable; n. & -tā f. peace, tranquillity.

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śāya a. lying, sleeping (--°).

śāyaka f. -yikā = prec.; *f. also mode of lying or one's turn to lie.

śāyin a. lying, resting, sleeping (mostly --°).

śāra f. ā mottled, spotted; m. a stone or piece used at sev. games (also f. ī).

śāraṅga s. bow*; f. -ṅgī the female of a cert. bird.

śārada f. śāradī or śāradī autumnal.

śāradīna a. the same.

śāradīya a. the same.

śāradya n. autumn-corn.

śāradvata m. a man's name.

śāri m. = śāra m.; f. a kind of crow.

śārika m. ā f. = prec. m. & f.

śārīra f. ī made of bone; corporeal, of the body. n. bodily constitution, excrement.

śārīraka a. corporeal.

śārīrakamīmāṃsā f. -lakṣaṇa n., -vidyā f. titles of works.

śārga m. a cert. bird.

śārṅga a. made of horn or coming from the Cṛn1ga-tree. m. a cert. bird (f. ī); n. bow (esp. that of Viṣṇu).

śārṅgaka m. -ṅgikā f. = prec. m. & f.

śārṅgadhanurdhara m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

śārṅgadhanvan m. = prec.

śārṅgadhanvin m. = prec.

śārṅgadhara m. the same; N. of an author, -paddhati f. his work.

śārṅgadharapāṇi m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

śārṅgabhṛt m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

śārṅgarava m. N. of a man.

śārṅgin m. = śārṅgadhanurdhara.

śārdūla m. tiger (f. ī); best among (--°).

śārdūlacarman n. a tiger's skin.

śārdūlaloman n. a tiger's hair.

śārdūlavikrīḍita n. tiger's play, N. of a metre.

śāryāta m. ī f. patron. names.

śārva f. ī relating to Śarva (Śiva); w. diś f. the north-east.

śārvara a. nocturnal; f. ī night.

śārvarika a. = prec. adj.

śāla [1] m. a kind of timber tree, tree i.g., wall, fence; f. śālā (q.v.).

śāla [2] a. being in a hut, house, room, hall etc.

śāla [3] m. a kind of fish.

śālagrāma m. N. of a sacred village.

śālaṅkāyana m. N. of a Rishi, pl. his race.

śālapota m. a young Śāla-tree.

śālabha a. moth-like; -vidhi m. such a way of acting (cf. pataṃgavṛtti).

śālabhañjikā f. statue.

śālabhañjī f. statue.

śālā f. hut, house, hall, room, stable (--° also śāla n.).

śālāka m. a bunch of chips or fagots; fagot-fire.

śālāgni m. domestic fire.

śālāturīya a. native of Śalātura, m. E. of Pāṇini.

śālāpati m. householder.

śālāmukhīya a. being in the front of a house (fire).

śālāvaṃśa m. the chief post of a hut.

śālāvṛka m. cat (cf. sālāvṛka).

śālāśraya (abstr. -tva n.) & -sad a. dwelling in a house.

śālāstambha m. post or pillar of a house.

śāli m. sgl. & pl. rice.

śālikaṇa m. grain of rice.

śālikedāra m. -kṣetra n. field of rice.

śāligopa m. ī f. guardian of a rice-field.

śālicūrṇa n. rice-flower, ground rice.

śālin a. possessing, full of, rich in, eminent by (--°); f. -nī a field of rice.

śālibhavana n. -bhū f. a field of rice.

śālivāhana m. N. of a king.

śālihotra m. E. of the horse (lit. receiving rice-oblations); N. of an author on hippology, n. his work.

śālīna a. having a fixed abode, domestic; modest, bashful, ashamed; n. adv., as subst. modesty, humbleness.

śālīnatā f. = prec. n.

śālīnatva n. abstr. to śālīna in all mgs.

śālu n. a cert. fruit.

śāluḍa m. N. of an evil demon.

śālūka n. an esculent lotus-root.

śālūra m. frog.

śāleya f. ī grown with rice.

śālmali (adj. --°) = seq.

śālmali m. f., -lī f. the silk-cotton tree; the latter also N. of a river & a hell.

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śālmalīphalaka s. a board of Śālmalī-wood.

śālyanna n. boiled rice, rice-gruel.

śālyodana m. n. the same.

śālva m. pl. N. of a people.

śāva [1] m. the young of an animal.

śāva [2] a. relating to a dead body, cadaverous, dead.

śāvaka m. = śāva1.

śāvāśauca n. impurity on account of a dead body.

śāśa a. relating to a hare, leporine.

śāśaka a. relating to a hare, leporine.

śāśvata f. ī constant, perpetual, uninterrupted, eternal; n. = seq.

śāśvatatva n. constancy, eternity.

śās śāsti śāste (śāsati śāsate) v pp. śiṣṭa1 (q.v.), śāsta, & śāsita chasten, punish, correct, rule, govern, manage, direct, instruct, teach, order, command, announce, proclaim, foretell, avow, confess. --
     anu teach, instruct, order, command (2 acc.); direct, indicate; rule, govern (±rājyam or svarājyam); chastise, punish.
     abhyanu indicate, designate.
     samanu teach, impart (2 acc.); w. rājyam rule, bear sway.
     abhi indicate, direct, rule.
     ā M.(A.) wish, pray or hope for (acc.); expect from (abl.); ±āśiṣam & āśiṣas make supplication, utter wishes for (dat. or loc.).
     ud direct upwards (to the gods).
     pra instruct, teach, direct, order, command; dispose of, decide (acc. ±adhi); rule, govern (±rājyam).
     saṃpra w. rājyam bear sway, reign.
     vi give various instructions about (acc.).
     sam direct, bid, invite. -- Cf. anuśiṣṭa.

śās [2] f. command or commander.

śāsa [1] m. order, command.

śāsa [2] m. punisher, ruler.

śāsa [3] m. knife.

śāsaka m. teacher, instructor.

śāsana a. (f. ī) & n. chastising, punishing, instructing, teaching; n. also chastisement, punishment, discipline, government, order, command, edict, precept. -- śāsanaṃ kṛ ne vṛt or sthā obey the orders of (gen. or --°).

śāsanadhara m. messenger, envoy (bearer of commands).

śāsanavāhaka m. the same.

śāsanahāraka m. the same.

śāsanahārin m. the same.

śāsanīya a. to be taught or instructed.

śāsahasta a. holding a knife in the hand.

śāsitṛ m. chastiser, punisher, governor, teacher.

śāsitavya a. to be taught or prescribed.

śāsin a. punishing, instructing, commanding, ruling (--°).

śāsus n. direction, order.

śāsti f. punishment, order, command.

śāstṛ m. = śāsitṛ.

śāstra n. instruction, precept, rule, theory, a scientific or canonical work.

śāstrakāra m. the author of a Śāstra work (cf. prec.).

śāstrakṛt m. the author of a Śāstra work (cf. prec.).

śāstracintaka m. a learned man.

śāstrajña a. versed in science.

śāstratas adv. according to precept or law.

śāstradṛṣṭa a. mentioned or stated in a Śāstra work, according to precept or rule.

śāstrabuddhi f. scholarship.

śāstramati a. having a learned mind; m. a scholar.

śāstravāda m. statement of the Śāstras.

śāstravādin m. teacher (of sciences).

śāstravid a. = śāstrajña.

śāstrin a. learned; m. a scholar or learned man.

śāstrīya a. scriptural, theoretical.

śāsya a. to be punished, directed, or ruled.

śi -> śā.

śiṃśa m. a kind of tree.

śiṃśapa m. śiṃśapā f. a cert. tree.

śiṃśumāra m. a porpoise.

śikya n. strap, carrying-girth; a balance suspended by strings.

śikva a. able, clever.

śikvan a. able, clever.

śikvas a. able, clever.

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śikṣ śikṣati śikṣate v pp. śikṣita (q.v.) strive to be able, try, practise, learn (mostly M.); be willing to help (dat.), to give or impart (acc.), or to present with (instr.). C. śikṣayati (te) cause a person to learn a thing, teach, instruct (2 acc., or acc. of pers. & loc. of th. or infin.; also gen. of pers. & acc. of th.). --
     anu learn, C. teach.
     abhi C. teach.
     ā cause to partake of (gen.), wish to present with (instr.). ugra attract, entice, invite; try, practise, learn (mostly M.).
     prati allure, invite.
     vi distribute.
     sam C. teach.

śikṣaka a. teaching; m. teacher.

śikṣaṇa n. teaching, instruction in (loc.).

śikṣaṇīya a. to be taught or to be instructed in (acc.).

śikṣā f. ability, cleverness, skill, art, knowledge, instruction; esp. the science of the grammatical elements.

śikṣānara a. befriending men.

śikṣāvant a. rich in knowledge, instructive.

śikṣita a. learnt or learned, taught, instructed in (acc., loc., or --°).

śikṣitukāma m. beginner (lit. willing to learn).*

śikṣu a. communicative, helpful.

śikṣeṇya a. instructive.

śikha m. N. of a serpent-demon; f. śikhā (q.v.).

śikhaṇḍa m. a tuft of hair or a peacock's tail.

śikhaṇḍaka m. a tuft of hair or a peacock's tail.

śikhaṇḍin a. poss. to prec.; m. peacock, N. of a man, the son of Drupada, born as a female (śikhaṇḍinī), f. -nī also a pea-hen.

śikhaṇḍimant a. rich in peacocks.

śikhara a. peaked; m. n. peak, top, summit.

śikharin a. peaked, pointed, crested; m. mountain; f. -ṇī N. of a metre.

śikhā f. tuft or braid of hair, a peacock's crest, flame, ray of light, top, point, summit, end.

śikhājaṭa a. wearing a lock on the top of the head.

śikhādāman n. garland worn on the head.

śikhābharaṇa n. ornament of the head, diadem.

śikhāmaṇi m. crest-gem; best of (--°).

śikhālambin a. hanging down from the crest.

śikhāvant a. flaming, burning; pointed.

śikhāvala m. peacock.

śikhin a. wearing a tuft of hair or a crest; m. peacock, fire or the god of fire, f. śikhinī pea-hen.

śigru m. pl. N. of a people; sgl. the horse-radish tree.

śigruka m. = prec. sgl.

śic f. (nom. śik) = śikya, also net.

śiñj śiṅkte v pp. śiñjita (q.v.) twang, tinkle. --
     vi warble.
     sam = S. -- Cf. āśiñjita.

śiñjā f. tinkling, humming.

śiñjāra m. N. of a man.

śiñjita a. & n. twanging, tinkling, humming.

śiñjinī f. bow-string (the twanging one).

śita a. whetted, sharp, thin.

śitadhāra a. sharp-edged.

śitāman m. a cert. part of the sacrificial victim.

śiti a. white or black (blue).

śitikakṣa a. white-shouldered.

śitikaṇṭha a. white- or black - necked; m. a cert. bird or prey, a peacock, E. of Śiva, N. of a serpent-demon & sev. men.

śitikaṇṭhaka a. blue-necked.

śitiṅga a. whitish.

śitipakṣa a. white-winged.

śitipad a. white-footed.

śitipād a. white-footed.

śitipāda a. the same.

śitipṛṣṭha a. white-backed.

śitibāhu a. having white fore-legs.

śitibhru a. white-browed.

śitimāṃsa n. fat (white flesh).

śitiratna n. sapphire (blue gem).

śitivāra a. white-tailed.

śitivāla a. white-tailed.

śitivāsas a. clad in dark.

śitodara f. ī thin-bellied.

śityaṃsa a. white-shouldered.

śityoṣṭha a. white-lipped.

śithira a. loose, slack, soft, tender.

śithila a. loose, flaccid, languid, trembling, feeble.

śithilatā f. looseness, laxity.

śithilay śithilayati v pp. śithilita loosen, relax.

śithilasamādhi a. of relaxed attention, absent in thought.

śithilīkṛ  = śibhilay śibhilaybhū intr.

śini m. a man's name.

śipi -> seq.

śipita a. superfluous.

śipiviṣṭa a. the same, bald. m. E. of Viṣṇu & Śiva.

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śipravant a. full-cheeked.

śiprā f. du. the cheeks or those parts of a helmet that cover them.

śipriṇīvant a. = śipravant.

śiprin a. = śipravant.

śiphā f. a fibrous or thin root; a lash with a rod.

śibi m. N. of a king, pl. his people.

śibika m. = prec.; f. ā litter, palanquin, the weapon of Kubera.

śibira n. royal camp or tent.

śibhra a. wanton, lustful.

śim śimyati v = śam1.

śima m. distributer of the sacrificial meat.

śimī f. endeavour, effort.

śimīvant a. effective, pervading, strong.

śimba m. legume, pod; -la m. small pod.

śimbi f. = śimba.

śimyu m. pl. N. of a people.

śir (--°) crushing, afflicting.

śiraḥkapāla n. (head-) scull, p. -lin.

śiraḥkampa m. shaking of the head; a. -mpin.

śiraḥkarṇa n. sgl. head and ear.

śiraḥpaṭṭa m. head-band.

śiraścheda m. -na n. cutting of a head.

śiraḥśūla n. violent head-ache.

śiraḥśeṣa a. having only the head left; m. E. of Rāhu.

śiras n. head, top, point, summit, fore-part, front; yuddhasya an. -- Instr. w. kṛ dhṛ, etc. bear on the head i.e. esteem highly, honour, respect.

śirasija m. the hair of the head (lit. head-growing).

śiruha m. the hair of the head (lit. head-growing).

śiraska (adj. --°) = śiras.

śirastas adv. from or at the head.

śirastra n. helmet (head-protector).

śirastrāṇa n. the same.

śiraḥsnāta a. who has bathed his head.

śirīṣa m. N. of a tree, n. its blossom.

śirogrīva n. sgl. head and neck.

śiroghāta m. blow on the head.

śiroja n. pl. the hair of the head.

śirodāman n. head-band.

śiroduḥkha n. head-ache.

śirodhara m. ā f. the neck (head-bearer).

śirodharaṇīya a. to be borne on the head i.e. to be honoured or respected.

śirodhārya a. to be borne on the head i.e. to be honoured or respected.

śirodhūnana n. shaking of the head.

śirobhāga m. head-end, top.

śirobhitāpa m. head-ache.

śirobhūṣaṇa n. ornament for the head.

śiromaṇi m. crest-jewel; the crown, i.e. the first or chief of (gen. or --°).

śiromukha n. sgl. head and face.

śiroratna n. crest-gem, ornament for the head.

śiroruj f. head-ache.

śirorujā f. head-ache.

śiroruha m. hear or horn (head-born).

śirovedanā f. head-ache.

śirohṛtkamala n. du. the lotus of the head and heart (poet).

śila m. an ear of corn left on the field & the gleaning of it.

śilavṛtti a. who lives by gleaning.

śilā f. stone, rock.

śilāgṛha n. a house made of stone or in a rock.

śilācaya m. heap of stones, mountain.

śilātala n. a flat stone (or grind-stone*).

śilāpaṭṭa m. a slab or seat of stone.

śilāpaṭṭaka m. a slab or seat of stone.

śilāmaya f. ī made of stone, stony.

śilāvarṣin a. raining stones.

śilāveśman n. cave in a rock, rocky recess.

śilāstambha m. a stony pillar.

śilin m. N. of a serpent-demon.

śilībhū become stone or as hard as stone.

śilīṃdhra n. a mushroom.

śilīpada  = ślīpada.

śilīmukha m. arrow, bee; N. of hare.

śiloccaya m. = śilācaya.

śiloñcha m. -na n. gleaning; m. du. & n. sgl. gleaning and gathering grains.

śiloñchavṛtti [1] f. subsistence by gleaning.

śiloñchavṛtti [2] a. = seq.

śiloñchin a. who lives by gleaning.

śilpa [1] a. many-coloured, variegated.

śilpa [2] n. variegation, decoration, ornament, art, craft; f. śilpī = seq.

śilpakārikā f. a female artist.

śilpakārī f. a female artist.

śilpavant m. artist.

śilpidārikā f. female artist.*

śilpin a. knowing an art; m. & f. -nī artist, artisan.

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śilpopajīvin m. = prec. m. (living by an art).

śiva a. kind, friendly, mild, gracious, lovely, auspicious, fortunate. m. N. of a god (at first euphemistically = Rudra), jackal (mostly f. ā); du. Śiva and his wife. f. śivā Śiva's energy, personif. as his wife. n. (m.) luck, happiness, bliss; śivam śivena & śivebhis adv.

śivakṣetra n. a field or place consecrated to Śiva, N. of a cert. district.

śivatāti a. causing welfare; f. welfare.

śivadatta m. names of men.

śivadāsa m. names of men.

śivadiś f. Śiva's region (the north-east).

śivapura n. -purī f. N. of sev. towns & villages.

śivapurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

śivapriyā f. Śiva's wife.

śivabhakta m. a worshipper of Śiva.

śivabhakti f. worship of Śiva.

śivabhūti m. N. of a minister.

śivamaya f. ī thoroughly devoted to Śiva.

śivamārga m. final emancipation (lit. Śiva's path).

śivayoṣit f. Śiva's wife.

śivarūpin a. having the form of Śiva.

śivaliṅga n. the phallus of Śiva.

śivaloka m. Śiva's world.

śivaśarman m. N. of a man.

śivasaṃkalpa a. bearing good will; m. E. of cert. verses.

śivasundarī f. Śiva's wife.

śivasūtra n. pl. N. of cert. grammatical & philosophical aphorisms.

śivādeśaka m. fortune-teller, astrologer.

śivābhimarśana a. gently touching.

śivāyatana n. a temple of Śiva.

śivālaya m. Śiva's abode (a temple or mount Kailāsa).

śivi -> śibi etc.

śivika -> śibi etc.

śivira -> śibi etc.

śivetara a. malignant, unkind.

śiśan (only śiśnā) = śiśna.

śiśaya a. communicative, liberal.

śiśayiṣu a. wishing to lie down, sleepy.

śiśira m. n. the cool or dewy season, i.g. hoar, frost, dew; as adj. cool, chilly.

śiśirakara m. the moon (having cold rays).

śiśirakiraṇa m. the moon (having cold rays).

śiśiradīdhiti m. the same.

śiśiramayūkha m. the same.

śiśiray śiśirayati v to cool (trans.).

śiśirāṃśu a. having cold rays; m. the moon.

śiśirātyaya m. spring (end of the dewy season).

śiśirartu m. the cool season of the year.

śiśirasamaya m. the cool season of the year.

śiśirātyaya m. spring (end of the cool season).

śiśirīkṛ  = śiśiray.

śiśu m. young, child.

śiśuka m. young, child.

śiśukāla m. childhood.

śiśukṛcchra n. a kind of penance.

śiśucāndrāyaṇa n. the lunar penance of children.

śiśujana m. sgl. (coll.) children.

śiśutā f. -tva n. childhood.

śiśunāga m. a young snake.

śiśupāla m. N. of a king slain by Kṛṣṇa.

śiśupālavadha m. the slaying of Śiśupāla, T. of an epic poem by Māgha.

śiśubhāva m. childhood, childishness.

śiśumant a. having children or young.

śiśumāra m. the Gangetic porpoise (lit. childkilling) & a constellation conceived in the form of this animal and as an apparition of Viṣṇu.

śiśūla m. a little child.

śiśna m. n. tail or the membrum virile.

śiśnatha m. piercing, perforation.

śiśnadeva m. pl. a class of tailed demons or false gods.

śiṣ śinaṣṭi śiṃṣati v pp. śiṣṭa (q.v.) leave; P. śiṣyate be left, remain, w. na want, be missing. C. śeṣayati te leave, spare. --
     ati leave remaining; P. remain.
     apa leave out.
     ava leave remaining (also C.); P. be left, remain. ūd & pari the same.
     vi leave apart i.e. separate, distinguish, characterize. P. be distinguished by (instr.), differ from (abl.); be eminent among (gen. or loc.), be better or more excellent than (abl. or instr.). C. distinguish, characterize; pick out, prefer; exceed, surpass (acc.).
     pravi increase, augment. -- Cf. atiśiṣṭa avaśiṣṭa ucchiṣṭa pariśiṣṭa (sic!), viśiṣṭa saśiṣṭa.

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śiṣṭa [1] a. ordered, commanded (pers. & th.); taught, learned, wise. m. a wise or a good man; n. precept, rule, instruction.

śiṣṭa [2] a. left, remaining; n. rest, remainder.

śiṣṭaprayoga m. the use or practice of learned men.

śiṣṭabhakṣa m. the eating of leavings.

śiṣṭasabhā f. an assembly of learned men.

śiṣṭāgama m. the tradition of learned men.

śiṣṭācāra [1] m. the conduct of well-bred men.

śiṣṭācāra [2] a. behaving like well-bred men.

śiṣṭādiṣṭa a. approved by wise men.

śiṣṭi [1] f. punishment, command, instruction.

śiṣṭi [2] f. help, aid.

śiṣya a. to be taught or instructed; m. scholar, pupil (f. ā); abstr. -tā f.

śiṣyaka m. = prec. m.

śiṣyarūpin a. having the form or appearance of a scholar.

śī śīyate1 v fall, cease, perish.

śī śete2 v & śayate (śayati), pp. śayita (q.v.) lie, sleep, rest. C. śāyayati te cause to lie down or go to sleep, lay down, put on or in (loc.). D. śiśayiṣate wish to sleep. --
     ati sleep or go to rest before another (acc.); also = C. surpass, excel.
     vyati reach beyond, surpass (acc.).
     adhi lie in or on, mount, enter (acc., r. loc.).
     anu lie on or in (acc. or loc.), lie down after another (acc.); rue, repent.
     abhi lie upon (acc.).
     ā lie in or on (acc.).
     anvā stretch, extend.
     pratyā lie before or in front of (acc.).
     upa lie by or on (acc. or loc.).
     pari lie about, surround, encompass; be at or in (acc.).
     pra lie down upon (acc.).
     sam be undecided or in doubt, despair of (loc.); A. disagree about (acc.). -- Cf. atiśayita saṃśayita.

śī [3] (--°) lying, resting.

śīk śīkate v pp. śīkita drip.

śīkara m. thin or drizzling rain; -kaṇa m. drop.

śīkarin a. drizzling, sprinkling.

śīghra a. quick, speedy; śīghram & śīghreṇa adv.

śīghrakārin a. acting quickly.

śīghrakṛt a. acting quickly.

śīghrakṛtya a. to be done quickly.

śīghraga a. going quickly, hastening, swift.

śīghragāmin a. going quickly, hastening, swift.

śīghracāra a. = prec., maṇḍala° whirling around.

śīghratā f. -tva n. quickness, speed.

śīghrapāṇi a. quick-handed (the wind).

śīghrapātin a. flying swiftly.

śīghrapāyin a. drinking or sucking swiftly.

śīghrayāna n. & a. (also -yāyin) going quickly.

śīghravāhin a. riding or driving fast.

śīghravega m. moving on quickly.

śīghrya a. speedy.

śīta a. cold, cool; n. cold, frost.

śītaka f. śītikā = prec. adj.

śītakara [1] a. cooling.

śītakara [2] m. the moon (cold-rayed).

śītakiraṇa m. = prec. 2.

śītakṛcchra n. a kind of penance.

śītakriyā f. cooling, refreshing.

śītagu m. = śītakara2.

śītatā f. -tva n. coldness, cold.

śītadīdhiti m. = śītakara2.

śītadyuti m. = śītakara2.

śītapāṇi m. the same.

śītabhāna m. the same.

śītapūtanā f. N. of a female demon.

śītamaya a. cold, cool.

śītamayūkha m. = śītakara2.

śītamarīci m. = śītakara2.

śītay śītayati v to cool.

śītaraśmi a. cold-rayed (abstr. -tva n.); m. the moon.

śītaruc m. = prec. m.

śītaruci m. = prec. m.

śītarocis m. = prec. m.

śītarūra m. n. du. cold and hot fever.

śītala a. cold, cool (lit. & fig.); n. = seq.

śītalatā f. -tva n. coldness, cold.

śītalay śītalayati v to cool.

śītalasparśa a. cold to the touch.

śītalāy śītalāyate v become cool.*

śītalīkṛ to cool; -bhū be or become cool (lit. & fig.).

śītavaha a. flowing cold (river).

śītasaṃsparśa m. the touch (or sense) of cold.

śītahrada a. cool as a pond.

śītāṃśu a. cold-rayed; m. the moon (also -mant m.).

śītādri m. snow-mountain (Himālaya).

śītādhivāsa a. living in cool places or cooling.

śītārta a. pained with cold.

śītālu a. suffering from cold, freezing.

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śītikāvant f. -vatī cool.

śīteṣu m. the cold arrow (a cert. myth. weapon).

śītoṣṇa a. cold and hot; n. sgl. & pl. cold and heat.

śītoṣṇakiraṇa m. du. moon and sun.

śītkṛ make Śīt (cf. seq.).

śītkāra m. the sound Śīt (expresses pleasurable sensations).

śītkṛta n. -ti f. making Śīt (cf. prec.).

śīna a. coagulated, congealed; n. ice.

śīpāla s. N. of a plant.

śīphara a. charming.

śībham adv. quickly.

śībhara a. = śīphara.

śībhya a. moving quickly.

śīra a. sharp, pointed; m. boa.

śīraśocis a. having piercing rays (Agni).

śīri f. a vein.

śīrī f. a vein.

śīrṇa a. crushed, broken, torn, withered, faded, shriveled, decayed, rotten; abstr. -tva n.

śīrṇi f. breaking, breach.

śīrti f. breaking, breach.

śīrya a. fragile, delible.

śīrṣa n. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) head; point, upper part.

śīrṣaka n. head; a kind of fine (j.).

śīrṣakapāla n. (head) scull.

śīrṣakti f. head-ache; p. -ktimant.

śīrṣacchinna a. beheaded.

śīrṣaccheda m. decapitation.

śīrṣacchedya a. to be beheaded.

śīrṣaṇī f. the head end of a couch.

śīrṣaṇya a. being at the head (lit. & fig.); n. = prec.

śīrṣaṇvant a. having a head.

śīrṣatas adv. from or at the head, overhead.

śīrṣatrāṇa n. helmet (head-protector).

śīrṣan n. head.

śīrṣapaṭṭaka m. -bandhanā f. head-band.

śīrṣabhidya n. cleaving a head.

śīrṣavedanā f. head-ache.*

śīrṣaśoka m. the same.

śīrṣāmaya m. the same.

śīrṣahārya a. portable on the head.

śīla n. character, nature, custom, habit, behaviour, conduct, esp. good or moral conduct, virtue (often adj. --°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

śīlatas adv. by character or nature.

śīlatyāga m. giving up honesty or virtue.

śīlana n. practice, exercise, study, repeated mention.

śīlabhaṅga m. = śīlatyāga (lit. breach of h.).

śīlay śīlayati v pp. śīlita (q.v.) practise, exercise, use or enjoy frequently, cherish, like. --
     pari = S.

śīlavant a. of good character or conduct; having the nature or conduct of (--°).

śīlavṛtta [1] n. sgl. du. honesty and good conduct.

śīlavṛtta [2] a. well-conducted, moral.

śīlavela a. (a sea) whose shores are virtues.*

śīlāditya m. N. of sev. kings.

śīlita a. prepared, ready made.

śīlin a. = śīlavant.

śīvan a. lying, resting (--°).

śuka m. parrot, a man's name (abstr. -tā f., -tva n.); f. śukī female parrot or the myth. mother of parrots.

śukadeva m. E. of Kṛṣṇa.

śukababhru a. reddish as a parrot.

śukarūpa a. having the colour or shape of a parrot.

śukasaptati f. the seventy stories of the parrot, T. of a work.

śukahari a. green as a parrot.

śukaharita a. green as a parrot.

śukta a. sour, acid; harsh, rough (words); n. sour drink or harsh speech.

śuktaka a. sourish; n. sour eructation.

śukti f. pearl-oyster or oyster-shell.

śuktikā f. pearl-oyster or oyster-shell.

śuktija n. pearl (oyster-born).

śukra a. clear, bright, pure, white. -- m. fire or the god of fire, the planet Venus, a cert. cup of Soma (±graha), N. of sev. men. n. brightness, purity; water, Soma, juice i.g., semen virile.

śukraja a. born of (one's own) seed (son).

śukrajyotis a. shining bright.

śukrapa a. drinking clear or purified (Soma).

śukrapūtapā a. drinking clear or purified (Soma).

śukravant a. containing clear juice.

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śukravarṇa a. bright-coloured, light.

śukravāsas a. clad in white.

śukriya a. = śukravant; n. brightness.

śukla a. = śukra; m. (±pakṣa) = śuklapakṣa, spawl, phlegm, snot; n. brightness, light; the white part of the eye.

śuklakṛṣṇa a. light and dark; n. du. a light and dark half.

śuklakeśa a. white-haired.

śukladant a. white-toothed.

śuklapakṣa m. the light half of a month.

śuklarūpa a. white-coloured.

śuklavatsā f. a cow having a white calf.

śuklavastra a. clad in white.

śuklavāsas a. clad in white.

śuklavṛtta a. of pure or moral conduct, virtuous, honest.

śuklācāra a. of pure or moral conduct, virtuous, honest.

śuklāpāṅga m. a peacock (having white eye-corners).

śuklāmbara a. wearing white garments.

śukliman m. whiteness, brightness.

śuklīkṛ & śuklībhū v make & be white.

śuṅga m. N. of a dynasty of kings; n. the sheath or calyx of a young bud (also śuṅgā f.); effect; f. śuṅgā & ī also N. of the mother of Garuḍa.

śuc śocati śocate (śucyati1 & śociti) v flame, light, shine, glow, burn; suffer burning pain; grieve at, mourn (acc. ±prati, loc., or instr.). C. śocayati inflame, burn (lit. & fig. = afflict); grieve at, mourn, regret (acc.). I. śocucan etc. flame brightly. --
     anu grieve for (acc.), mourn with (acc.); C. =
     samanu bewail, deplore.
     apa I. flame away, remove by flaming.
     abhi burn, torment (also C. & I.); grieve, mourn.
     ā flame hither, bring by flaming.
     ud flame up.
     ni be burning hot.
     nis flame forth.
     pari feel grief or sorrow, mourn (absol. or tr. w. acc.). C. torment, afflict, bewail, deplore.
     pra shine forth (also I.).
     anupra bewail, deplore.
     prati flame against (acc.).
     sam flame together; lament, regret (also C.).

śuc [2] a. flaming, lighting, beaming (--°); f. flame, heat, sorrow, grief, pain, distress.

śuca a. clear, pure; f. śucā grief, sorrow.

śucay only pp. śucayant flaming, beaming.

śuci a. flaming, beaming (lit. & fig.); light, bright, clear, pure; holy, virtuous, honest. m. purity, honesty, fire or a cert. fire, a cert. month in summer & summer i.g., the sun, a man's name.

śucicarita a. of pure or good conduct.

śucijanman a. light-born.

śucitā f. -tva n. clearness, purity, honesty.

śucidant a. bright-toothed.

śucipā a. drinking clear Soma.

śucipratīka a. clear-faced.

śucibhrājas a. shining bright.

śucivarṇa a. bright-coloured.

śucivrata a. intent on purity, pure, holy.

śuciṣad a. dwelling in light or virtue.

śuciṣmant a. shining, resplendent.

śucismita a. sweetly smiling.

śucīkṛ purify, -bhū P.

śucyakṣa f. ī clear-eyed.

śuj only śūśujāna strutting.

śuṇṭha a. white or small (bull or cow).

śuṇṭhākarṇa a. short-eared.

śuṇṭhi f. dry ginger.

śuṇṭhī f. dry ginger.

śuṇḍā f. the trunk of an elephant (also -daṇḍa m.).

śuṇḍāra m. the trunk of a young elephant.

śuṇḍika m. pl. N. of a people.

śuṇḍin m. distiller or seller of spirituous liquors.

śutudrī f. N. of a river.

śuddha a. pure, clean, stainless, faultless; true, fair, simple; mere, whole, complete; tried, examined. m. = śuddhapakṣa.

śuddhakarman a. acting honestly, virtuous.

śuddhacaitanya n. pure intelligence (ph.).

śuddhatā f. -tva n. purity, honesty.

śuddhadant a. clear-toothed.

śuddhadanta f. ī the same.*

śuddhadhī a. pure-hearted.

śuddhapakṣa m. = śulkapakṣa.

śuddhabuddhi a. pure-minded, innocent.

śuddhabhāva [1] a. = prec.

śuddhabhāva [2] m. a pure mind, innocence.

śuddhamati a. = śuddhabuddhi.

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śuddhavaṃśya a. of pure race.

śuddhavadha m. the simple or mere pain of death.

śuddhavant a. containing the word śuddha, f. -vatī pl. N. of cert. verses.

śuddhavāla a. bright-tailed.

śuddhaveṣa a. dressed in clean garments.

śuddhaśīla a. of a pure character or nature.

śuddhasattva a. the same.

śuddhasvabhāva a. the same.

śuddhahasta a. pure-handed.

śuddhahṛdaya a. pure-hearted.

śuddhātman a. of a pure mind or nature.

śuddhānta m. harem, seraglio (lit. pure or sacred interior); pl. a king's wives and concubines.

śuddhāntacara m. servant of a harem.

śuddhāntacārin m. servant of a harem.

śuddhābha a. of pure light.

śuddhāśaya a. pure-minded.

śuddhi f. purification, purity (lit. & fig.), justification, acquittal, justness, genuineness, paying off, clearing (of debts), clearness, truth, certainty.

śuddhitama (superl.) the purest.

śuddhimant a. pure, guiltless.

śuddhodana m. N. of Buddha's father.

śudh śundh, pp. śuddha v (q.v.), śundhati, pp. śuddha (q.v.), śundhate purify, M. mostly intr. or refl.; śudhyati (te) become pure or clear, be justified or excused. C. śodhayati purify (also śundhayati); mend, correct; wash or clear off, remove (what is impure or noxious); pay back, restore; examine, try; acquit, justify; make clear, explain. --
     pari (śudhyati te) become pure or clean, clear or justify one's self. C. pay back, restore; examine, try, explain.
     vi (śudhyati te) become thoroughly clean or pure. C. clear, purify, purge, justify, mend, correct, improve.
     sam C. cleanse, purify; pay back, restore; mend, improve. -- Cf. pariśuddha viśuddha saṃśuddha.

śuna a. grown, thriven, prosperous, fortunate; n. success, luck, prosperity; as adv. luckily, successfully.

śunaḥpuccha m. N. of a man.

śunaka m. young dog, dog i.g., a man's name.

śunavant a. having a share (plough).

śunāvant a. having a share (plough).

śunakasadṛśa a. dog-like, impudent.*

śunaḥśepa m. N. of a man.

śunaḥśepha m. N. of a man.

śunāsīra m. du. N. of two Vedic gods presiding over agriculture (Share and Plough); sgl. E. of Indra.

śunī -> śvan.

śunolāṅgūla m. N. of a man.

śundh -> śudh.

śundhana a. (f. ī) & n. purifying.

śundhyu (f. ū) pure, clear, bright.

śundhyū (f. ū) pure, clear, bright.

śupti f. shoulder.

śubh [1] śumbh śumbhate v glide along, move onward. --
     pra = S.

śubh [2] f. gliding along, onward progress or course.

śubh [3] śumbh śobhate (ti); śumbhati śumbhate v (the nasalized forms more frequent in the Veda, the strong forms in l.l.) A. adorn, embellish, prepare, make ready; M. adorn one's self, or make one's self ready, look beautiful, make a show, shine, glitter (w. iva & yathā also look like, appear or seem to be). With na be unpleasant, look ugly. C. śobhayati (cf. also śubhay2) adorn, embellish, cause to shine. --
     ati look very beautiful, w. na displease.
     abhi M. lay round or put on for ornament, also =
     samabhi shine, make a show; C. = S.C.
     upa pari prati vi C. = S.C.
     sam M. be beautiful or as beautiful as (instr.). C. adorn, embellish.

śubh [4] f. beauty, ornament, splendour.

śubha a. fair, beautiful, pleasant, agreeable, fortunate, auspicious, good, right, true, pure. n. charm, beauty, grace, welfare, luck, bliss (also pl.); anything pleasant or good.

śubhaṃyā a. lightly gliding along.

śubhaṃyāvan a. lightly gliding along.

śubhaṃyu a. fond of ornaments; pretty, fair.

śubhakara a. causing welfare.

śubhaṃkara a. causing welfare.

śubhadatta m. N. of a man.

śubhadarśana a. looking beautiful.

śubhadina n. a lucky day.

śubhamaṅgala [1] n. welfare, bliss.

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śubhamaṅgala [2] a. blessed, fortunate.

śubhamaya f. ī splendid, beautiful.

śubhay only śubhayant1 lightly moving along.

śubhay śubhayati2 v adorn; M. refl.

śubhalakṣaṇa a. having lucky marks.

śubhalagna n. a lucky moment.

śubhavrata a. of good conduct or character, virtuous, honest.

śubhaśaṃsin a. foretelling good luck.

śubhasamanvita a. pleasant, charming.

śubhaspati m. du. the two lords of beauty or of speed.

śubhāṅga a. fair-limbed (Śiva); f. ī a woman's name.

śubhācāra a. of good conduct, virtuous.

śubhātmaka a. well-minded, benevolent.

śubhāy śubhāyate v shine, beam.

śubhārthin a. wishing welfare or bliss.

śubhāvaha a. causing welfare or bliss.

śubhāśis f. blessing, benediction.

śubhāśīrvacana n. -rvāda m. the utterance of a benediction.

śubhāśubha a. agreeable and (or) disagreeable, pleasant and (or) unpleasant, fortunate and (or) infortunate, good and (or) bad. n. weal and (or) woe, luck and (or) ill luck, something good and (or) bad etc.

śubhe dat. inf. to śubh.

śubhetara a. bad, wicked (different from good).

śubhodarka a. having or causing happy results, auspicious, fortunate; abstr. -tā f.

śubhra a. beautiful, shining, white, pure, clear (also of sounds).

śubhrakhādi a. having beautiful rings or bracelets.

śubhratā f. -tva n. white colour.

śubhradant f. ī white-toothed.

śubhrayāma a. having a shining chariot.

śubhrayāvan a. moving on with shining (steeds).

śubhraśastama a. very shining or bright.

śubhrāvant a. bright, clear, fine.

śubhri a. bright, clear, fine.

śubhvan a. speedy, fleet.

śumbala n. straw or chaff.

śumbh -> 1 & śubh3.

śumbha m. N. of an Asura.

śumbhana f. ī purifying.

śumbhaniśumbha m. du. Śumbha and Niśumbha.*

śurudh f. comfort, strength.

śulka m. price, toll, tax, duty; nuptial fee; contest-prize.

śulkada m. the giver of the nuptial fee.

śulba n. string, cord.

śuśukvana a. shining, radiant.

śuśukvani a. shining, radiant.

śuśulūka m. -lūkā f. cert. birds.

śuśrū f. mother.

śuśrūṣaka a. obeying, serving (gen. or --°).

śuśrūṣaṇa n. desire to hear; obedience, homage, respect, service, kindness to (gen., dat., loc., or --°).

śuśrūṣā f. = prec.

śuśrūṣita a. to be obeyed or waited on; n. impers.

śuśrūṣin a. obeying, serving (--°).

śuśrūṣu a. wishing to hear or learn; obedient, devoted to (gen. or --°).

śuśrūṣeṇya a. to be willingly heard or attended to.

śuśrūṣya a. = śuśūṣitavya.

śuṣ [1] śuṣyati (-te) v dry, wither, fade. C. śoṣayati (-te) make dry, dry up, parch, emaciate, afflict, destroy.
     anu dry by slow degrees or after another.
     ud samud upa pari vi sam dry or shrink in; C. make dry, dry up.

śuṣ śuṣati2 v blow, hiss (of a snake). --
     ā hiss, whistle, yell; gasp, exert one's self, endeavour to attain or accomplish.

śuṣka a. dry, hard (w. gir f. hard speech); useless, vain; n. = seq.

śuṣkakāṣṭha n. pl. dry wood.

śuṣkatā f. -tva n. dryness.

śuṣkatoya a. whose water is dried up (river).

śuṣkadṛti m. a dry (empty) bag.

śuṣkabhṛṅgāra m. N. of an ancient teacher.

śuṣkamukha a. whose mouth is dry.

śuṣkavant a. dry, parched.

śuṣkavaira n. groundless enmity; a. -rin.

śuṣkāgra a. having a dry point.

śuṣkānna n. dry food.

śuṣkāpa a. = śuṣkatoya; s. a dry pond.

śuṣkārdra a. dry and wet.

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śuṣkāsya a. = śuṣkamukha.

śuṣṇa m. N. of a demon slain by Indra.

śuṣṇahatya n. the slaying of Śuṣṇa (cf. prec.).

śuṣma a. whistling, splashing, sputtering (water, fire, etc.), fragrant; bold, impetuous. m. whistling etc., exhalation, fragrance; impetuosity, violence, fury; strength, power, vigour, vital energy.

śuṣmada a. giving strength etc. (cf. prec.).

śuṣman m. fire; n. strength, courage, vigour.

śuṣmaya a. boldening, strengthening.

śuṣmavant a. fiery, passionate.

śuṣmin a. = śuṣma a.

śū [1] (only pf. stem śūśu in śūśuvat etc.) prevail, be superior or victorious.

śū [2] -> śvā.

śūka m. n. awn or beard (of corn); m. a kind of corn; n. sting (lit. & fig.).

śūkara m. = sūkara.

śūkāra m. scaring (by making Śū).

śūkṛta n. = prec.; a. scared, urged on.

śūghana a. swift.

śūdra m. ā or ī f. a man and woman of the fourth caste.

śūdraka m. N. of sev. kings, esp. of the supposed author of the Mṛcchakaṭikā.

śūdrakṛta a. made by a Śūdra.

śūdragamana n. sexual relation to a Śūdra.

śūdraghna a. killing a Śūdra.

śūdrajana m. a Śūdra (-person).

śūdrajanman a. descending from a Śūdra; m. a Śūdra.

śūdratā f. -tva n. state or condition of a Śūdra.

śūdrayājaka a. sacrificing for a Śūdra.

śūdrayoni f. the womb of a Śūdra woman.

śūdrarājya n. the realm of a Śūdra.

śūdravṛtti f. the occupation of a Śūdra.

śūdraśiṣya m. the pupil of a Śūdra.

śūdrasevana m. serving Śūdras.

śūdrahatyā f. abstr. to seq.

śūdrahan a. killing a Śūdra.

śūdrānna n. food from a Śūdra.

śūdrāvedin a. marrying a Śūdra woman.

śūdrībhū become a Śūdra.

śūdrocchiṣṭa a. left by a Śūdra (water).

śūna [1] a. swollen; abstr. -tva n.

śūna [2] n. emptiness, absence, want.

śūnā -> sūnā.

śūnya a. empty, void, desert, unoccupied, vacant; wanted, missing, absent, wandering or absent in mind; lonely, solitary; deprived of, free from (instr. or --°); unreal, vain. n. void, desert, solitude, vacuum, blank, absence of (--°); nought, a cypher; as adv. without, except (--°). -- Loc. w. ru howl in a desert, cry in vain.

śūnyageha n. an empty house.

śūnyacitta a. empty-hearted, absent in mind, unsuspicious, harmless.

śūnyatā f. -tva n. emptiness, voidness, inanity; desert, loneliness; absence or wandering of mind; absence or want of (--°).

śūnyapāla m. a substitute.

śūnyamanas (abstr. -tva n.*) = śūnyacitta.

śūnyahṛdaya (abstr. -tva n.*) = śūnyacitta.

śūnyīkṛ make empty, leave; P. -bhū.

śūra a. bold, valiant, mighty; m. warrior, hero, a man's name.

śūraṇa a. impetuous, fiery (horse).

śūratā f. -tva n. boldness, heroism.

śūradeva m. N. of a prince.

śūrapatnī f. having a warlike lord or husband.

śūraputrā f. having a warlike son.

śūrapura n. N. of a city.

śūramānin a. thinking one's self a hero.

śūravarman m. a man's name.

śūravīra a. having warlike men.

śūrasāti f. (only loc.) fight, batte (lit. gain or reward of men).

śūrasena m. pl. N. of a people; sgl. the country or a prince (f. ī princess) of the C.

śūrpa n. a winnowing basket.

śūrpaṇakhā (or -khī) f. N. of Rāvaṇa's sister.

śūrpāraka m. pl. N. of a people & country.

śūla m. n. spit, esp. turn spit (for roasting); pike, spear, esp. that of Śiva; any sharp or acute pain; pain, woe i.g.; m. & f. ā a stake for impaling criminals.

śūladharā a. holding a spear (Śiva).

śūladhārin a. the same.

śūladhṛk a. the same.

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śūlapāṇi a. holding a spear in the hand; m. E. of Rudra-Śiva.

śūlabhṛt a. = śūladhara.

śūlahasta a. = śūlapāṇi.

śūlākṛ roast on the spit.

śūlāgra [1] n. the point of a stake.

śūlāgra [2] a. pointed like a stake.

śūlin a. having a spear; m. E. of Rudra-Śiva.

śūlya a. relating to a spit (cf. seq.).

śūlyamāṃsa n. meat roasted on a spit.

śūlyamāṃsabhūyiṣṭha a. consisting chiefly of meat roasted on a spit (food).*

śūṣa a. whistling, yelling, tinkling, snorting; fierce, bold. m. sound, song; breath, vital energy (also śūṣa).

śūṣya a. sounding, shouting.

śṛ śṛṇāti (śṛṇati) v pp. śīrṇa (q.v.) crush, break, tear, hurt, kill. P. śīryate (ti) be crushed or broken etc., go asunder, fall out or off, wither, moulder, decay, perish. --
     api break off.
     ava break down (tr.); P. be shattered, vanish.
     ni break off.
     nis break asunder.
     parā break, crush.
     pari P. fly into pieces, burst.
     pra break off or asunder.
     vi P. be broken or scattered, fall into pieces, perish.
     sam break, crush, destroy; P. break down, be scattered or dispersed. -- Cf. avaśīrṇa viśīrṇa.

śṛgāla -> sṛgāla.

śṛṅkhala s., ā f. chain, fetter.

śṛṅkhalay śṛṅkhalayati v to chain or fetter.

śṛṅkhalākalāpa m. chain or fetter (-band).*

śṛṅkhalādāman n. -pāśa m. the same.

śṛṅkhāṇikā f. snot.

śṛṅga n. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) horn (of every kind), tusk of an elephant, syringe, peak of a mountain, turret of a temple or palace; top, point i.g., also fig. the best of its kind.

śṛṅgaka (adj. --° f. śṛṅgikā) horn, syringe.

śṛṅgagiri m. N. of a mountain.

śṛṅgapura n. N. of a town.

śṛṅgavant a. horned, peaked (mountain).

śṛṅgavṛṣ m. N. of a man.

śṛṅgavera m. N. of a serpent-demon; n. ginger (fresh or dry).

śṛṅgāṭa s. triangle, a triangular place or a place where three roads meet.

śṛṅgāṭaka s. triangle, a triangular place or a place where three roads meet.

śṛṅgāntara n. front (of an animal).

śṛṅgāy śṛṅgāyate v butt with the horns.

śṛṅgāra a. fair, beautiful; m. ornament, fine dress, love, sexual passion, a man's name.

śṛṅgāratilaka n. T. of sev. works.

śṛṅgāravant a. erotic; f. -vatī a woman's name.

śṛṅgārita a. adorned, embellished.

śṛṅgārin a. the same; enamoured or erotic.

śṛṅgārīy śṛṅgārīyati v wish for love.

śṛṅgin a. = śṛṅgavant; m. horned beast or mountain.

śṛṅgeripura n. N. of a town.

śṛṅghāṇikā f. = śṛṅkhāṇikā.

śṛta a. boiled, roasted; n. anything boiled, esp. boiled milk; abstr. śṛtatva the being cooked.

śṛtakāma a. liking boiled milk.

śṛtapā a. drinking what is boiled.

śṛdhyā f. boldness, daring.

śekhara m. peak, point, summit, head, crest, garland, crown, diadem; the chief or best of (--°).

śepa m. penis or tail.

śepas n. penis.

śepha m. = prec., scrotum; du. the testicles.

śephas n. penis.

śephālikā f. a kind of plant.

śephālī f. a kind of plant.

śemuṣī f. intelligence, intention, purpose.

śelu m. N. of a plant.

śeva a. kind, dear.

śevadhi m. jewel, treasure or treasury.

śevala a. slimy.

śevāra m. treasury.

śevṛdha a. kind, dear; m. a cert. snake.

śevṛdhaka m. = prec. m.

śevya a. = prec. adj.

śeṣa a. remaining, left from (--°, esp. after a pp.), pl. all the other(s). m. n. rest, surplus or remainder of (loc., gen., or --°); end, supplement, anything secondary or accidental (adj. --° having only a rest of -- left, or of which only -- is left); loc. śeṣe for the rest i.e. in other cases, else. -- m. N. of a serpent-demon, a Prajāpati, etc.; f. ā pl. flowers left from an offering, sgl. such a garland.

śeṣatas adv. otherwise, else.

śeṣatā f. abstr. to any comp. adj. ending in śeṣa.

śeṣatva n. śeṣabhāva m. the being rest or left.

śeṣabhuj a. eating leavings.

śeṣabhūta [1] a. being left, remaining.

śeṣabhūta [2] a. (for śeṣābhūta) being (as it were) a garland of flowers.

śeṣabhojin a. = śeṣabhuj.

śeṣavant a. being left or spared, alive.

śeṣas n. offspring, posterity.

śeṣin a. having something secondary, s. the essential matter.

śeṣībhū be left, remain.

śeṣya a. to be left aside.

śaikya a. damasked; m. a cert. weapon.

śaikyāyasa a. made of damasked steel.

śaikyāyasamaya a. made of damasked steel.

śaikṣa m. beginning student, beginner.

śaikha m. the offspring of an outcast Brahman.

śaikhina a. coming from a peacock.

śaighra n. swiftness, speed.

śaighrya n. swiftness, speed.

śaitya n. coldness, cold.

śaithilya n. looseness, laxity, slackness, remissness, decrease, diminution.

śaineya m. patron. from śini.

śaibala -> śaivala & śaivāla.

śaibāla -> śaivala & śaivāla.

śaibya a. relating to the Śibis; m. a descendant of Śibi or a king of the Cibis.

śaila f. ī stony, stone-like; m. (adj. --° f. ā) rock, mountain, abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

śailakanyā f. the mountain-daughter i.e. Pārvatī.

śailakampin a. shaking mountains.

śailakūṭa s. peak of a mountain.

śailaguru a. heavy as a mountain; m. the father of mountains, Himālaya.

śailaja a. born or produced in mountains; rocky, stony.

śailatanayā f. = śailakanyā.

śailaduhitṛ f. the same.

śailaputrī f. the same.

śailapura n. N. of a city.

śailapratimā f. stony image of a god.*

śailaprastha s. table-land.

śailamaya f. ī stony, of stone.

śailamṛga m. wild goat (mountain-deer).

śailarāj m. the king of mountains i.e. Himālaya.

śailarāja m. the king of mountains i.e. Himālaya.

śailaśikhara n. -śekhara m., & -ṣṛunga n. mountaintop.

śailasāra a. hard as stone.

śailasutā f. = śailakanyā.

śailāgra n. mountain-top.

śailādhirāja m. = śailarāj.

śailāli m. names of teachers.

śailina m. names of teachers.

śailini m. names of teachers.

śailī f. usage, custom.

śailūṣa m. actor, dancer (f. -ṣī).

śailendra m. = śailarāj.

śaileya m. n. benzoin or storax.

śaiva f. ī relating to Śiva, Śiva's; m. a worshipper of Ś.

śaivala s. a cert. water-plant; m. pl. N. of a people.

śaivalavant poss. to prec. s.

śaivalin poss. to prec. s.

śaivalya poss. to prec. s.

śaivāla n. = śaivala.

śaivya -> śaibya.

śaiśava a. childish; n. childhood or childishness.

śaiśira f. ī relating to the cool season.

śoka [1] a. glowing.

śoka [2] m. heat, flame; pain, distress, sorrow, grief at (gen. or --°).

śokaja a. grief-born (water = tears).

śokatara a. overcoming sorrow.

śokaparāyaṇa a. wholly given up to grief.

śokapātrātman a. = prec. (lit. whose soul is a receptacle for sorrow).*

śokamaya a. full of sorrow.

śokavant a. sorrowful, sad.

śokavartavya a. obnoxious to (lit. to be veiled or darkened by) sorrow.*

śokavināśana a. destroying sorrow.

śokas s. heat, flame.

śokātiga a. overcoming sorrow.

śokātura a. sick with grief.

śokāntara a. sorrowless.

śokārta a. visited by sorrow.

śokārti f. affliction (cf. prec.).

śokāveśa m. a fit or paroxysm of grief.

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śocanīya a. to be lamented (n. impers.); abstr. -tā f.

śoci f. flame, heat.

śocitavya a. = śocanīya.

śociṣkeśa a. flame-haired.

śociṣṭha (superl.) most or bright flaming.

śociṣmant a. glowing, flaming.

śocis n. flame, beam, heat, glow.

śocya a. = śocanīya.

śoṇa a. red, deep-red; m. redness, N. of a river.

śoṇakarṇa a. red-eared (horse).

śoṇatā f. redness.

śoṇahaya a. having red horses (Droṇa).

śoṇāśva a. having red horses (Droṇa).

śoṇādhara a. red-lipped.

śoṇita n. blood; abstr. -tva n.

śoṇitotpādaka m. spiller of blood.

śoṇiman m. redness.

śotha m. swelling, tumefaction.

śodhaka a. cleaning, purifying.

śodhana a. & n. = prec.; n. also means of purification; justification, inquiry, examination.

śodhanaka m. officer in a law-court (lit. purifier).

śodhanīya a. to be cleansed or purified, to be paid off.

śodhin a. purifying.

śodhya a. to be cleansed or purified, corrected or improved.

śopha m. tumor, sore; p. -phin.

śobha m. N. of a man; f. śobhā beauty, splendour, colour, semblance.

śobhaka f. -bhikā splendid, beautiful.

śobhatha m. splendour.

śobhana f. ā (& ī) beautiful, splendid, fair, good; eminent, distinguished by (instr. or --°); auspicious, fortunate. f. ā a fair woman; n. ornament, luck, welfare, (moral) good.

śobhanīya a. splendid, beautiful.

śobhase dat. infin. to śubh3.

śobhita a. splendid, adorned or shining with (--°).

śobhin a. splendid, adorned or shining with (--°).

śobhiṣṭha (superl) most beautiful or swift.

śoṣa [1] a. drying up, parching, removing, destroying; m. exsiccation, drought, consumption.

śoṣa [2] m. breath, vital energy.

śoṣaṇa f. ī = śoṣa1 a.; n. exsiccation, drought.

śoṣin a. drying (tr. & intr.), consumptive.

śauklya n. whiteness, clearness.

śauṅgeya m. metron. of Garuḍa; hawk or falcon.

śauca n. cleanness, purification by (--°), purity, honesty.

śaucakalpa m. mode of purification.

śaucapara a. fond of purity.

śaucaprepsu a. seeking purity.

śaucavant a. clean, pure.

śauṭīra a. manly, proud, haughty; n., -rya n. & -tā f. as abstr.

śauṇḍa a. fond of spirituous liquor, addicted to drinking; i.g. given or devoted to, fond of, versed in, familiar with (--°).

śauṇḍika m. distiller or vender of spirituous liquors.

śauṇḍikāgāra s. tavern (cf. prec.).*

śauṇḍikāpaṇa s. tavern (cf. prec.).*

śauṇḍīra a. = śauṭīra a.; n., -rya n., & -tā f. as abstr.

śaudra a. relating to a Śūdra, born of a Ś. woman.

śauna f. ī belonging to a dog.

śaunaka m. patron. of a celebrated grammarian; pl. his descendants or followers, f. ī his work.

śaunaḥśepa n. the story of Śunaḥśepa.

śaurasena a. relating to the Cūrasenas, f. ī their language.

śauri m. patron. of Kṛṣṇa etc.

śaurya n. heroism, courage, valour.

śauryakarman n. an heroic deed.

śauryavant a. heroic, bold.

śaula m. a cert. part of a plough.

śaulkika m. custom-officer.

śauva a. relating to dogs, doggish.

śauvastika a. to-morrow's; abstr. -tva n.

ścand only I. caniṣṛcadat shine, glance.

ścandra (only --°) shining.

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ścut later ścyut ścotati1 & ścyotati drip (tr. & intr.); C. ścotayati only trans. --
     abhi C. cause to drip or trickle; besprinkle.
     ava & vyava drip, drop or fall down.
     ni M. ooze, trickle down.
     pra drip forth (tr. & intr.); C. cause to drip or flow.
     vi drip out. -- Cf. āścutita.

ścut [2] & ścyut (--°) dripping (trans.).

śnath (śnathiti) v pp. śnathita pierce, perforate; C. = S. --
     apa push back, repel.
     ni & parini strike down.

śnathana a. piercing.

śnathitṛ m. piercer.

śnaptra n. mouth-corner.

śnuṣṭi f. a small heap or weight (of rice etc.).

śmaśā f. ditch, channel.

śmaśāna n. cemetery (for burning or burying the dead), place of execution; funeral rite.

śmaśānagocara a. employed in burial-grounds.

śmaśānanilaya a. dwelling on burial-grounds (Śiva).

śmaśānapāla m. guardian of a cemetery.

śmaśānavāṭa m. enclosure of a cemetery.

śmaśānavāsin a. = śmaśānanilaya.

śmaśānavīthī f. a row of trees or green walk on a cemetery.*

śmaśānasumanas n. flower from a burial-ground.

śmaśru n. beard, esp. moustaches.

śmaśrukara m. barber.

śmaśrukarman n. shaving of the beard.

śmaśruṇa a. bearded.

śmaśrudhara a. wearing a beard.

śmaśrudhārin a. wearing a beard.

śmaśrula a. bearded.

śmaśruvant a. bearded.

śmaśruvardhaka m. shaver of beards.

śyā śyāyati v pp. śīta śīna & śyāna (q.v.) freeze, coagulate (tr.); P. śīyata intr. --
     ā M. dry (intr.). -- Cf. āśyāna.

śyāna a. dried, dry.

śyāparṇa m. N. of man, pl. his family.

śyāma a. black, dark-coloured. m. a black bull, a man's name; f. ā a young woman with particular marks, a cert. bird, N. of sev. plants, a woman's name.

śyāmaka a. dark-coloured; m. a man's name; f. -mikā blackness, impurity.

śyāmatā f. -tva n. blackness, darkness.

śyāmamukha a. dark-faced (cloud).

śyāmala a. dark-coloured.

śyāmalaka a. dark-coloured.

śyāmalita a. the same.

śyāmaliman m. darkness, blackness.

śyāmalīkṛ to colour dark.

śyāmavarṇa a. dark-coloured, abstr. -tva n.

śyāmaśabala m. du. the dark and the brindled (Yama's dogs).

śyāmāka m. a kind of millet, a. śyāmaka prepared of it.

śyāmāy śyāmāyate v pp. śyāmāyita become dark.

śyāmāvadāta a. blackish-white.

śyāmita a. dark-coloured.

śyāmīkṛ & śyāmībhū v colour & become dark.

śyāla -> syāla.

śyāva [1] a. dark-brown, brown; m. a brown horse, f. ā & śyāvī a brown mare.

śyāva [2] m. N. of a man.

śyāvadant a. brown- or black-toothed.

śyāvadanta a. = prec., abstr. -dantatā f.

śyāvadantaka a. = prec., abstr. -dantatā f.

śyāvākṣa a. dark-eyed.

śyāvāśva a. having brown horses; m. a man's name.

śyāvyā f. darkness.

śyeta f. śyenī reddish-white.

śyetākṣa f. ī having reddish-white eyes.

śyena m. eagle, falcon, hawk; a form of military array, N. of a man; f. śyenī the mythol. mother of eagles etc.

śyenajīvin m. falconer.

śyenajūta a. swift as an eagle.

śyenapattra n. an eagle's feather.

śyenapattvan a. flying with (i.e. by the help of) eagles.

śyenabhṛta a. brought by the eagle.

śyenahṛta a. the same.

śyenābhṛta a. the same.

śyenī -> śyeta.

śraṇ C. śrāṇayati w.
     vi grant, give, pay off.

śrath śrathnāti śrathnīte v & (--°) śrṛnthati become loose, give way; make loose or weak, M. untie. C. śrathayati slacken, release, give room; M. become loose, give way. --
     anu dissolve, M. scatter about. C. let go or in peace.
     vi M. & C. loosen, untie, release, remove, destroy.

śrathary śratharyati v become loose or slack.

śrathāy (only imper. śrathāya or śrathaya), w.
     ava & ud loosen, untie (from below or above; w.
     vi = prec.

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śrad indecl. w. kṛ assure, warrant; w. dhā have faith or trust in (dat., in l.l. also gen. of pers. or th. & loc. of th.); believe a thing (acc.), think--to be (2 acc.); expect a thing (acc.) from (abl.); agree with, approve of (acc.); absol. be trustful or confident; receive willingly, welcome, like; wish, desire (acc. or inf.). With na distrust or disapprove.

śraddadhānatā f. faith, belief, devotion.

śraddadhānavant a. faithful, devout.

śraddhā a. trusting, faithful (dat.). -- f. ā trust, faith, belief in (loc. or --°); fidelity, sincerity (also personif.); wish, desire, longing for (loc., acc. w. prati, infin., or --°); curiosity, whim, appetite.

śraddhādeva a. trusting in (a) god.

śraddhāna n. faith.

śraddhāmanas a. faithful, believing.

śraddhāmanasyā (f. instr. adv.) faithfully.

śraddhāmaya a. consisting or full of faith.

śraddhālu a. faithful, believing.

śraddhāvant a. faithful, believing.

śraddhin a. faithful, believing.

śraddhiva a. credible.

śraddheya a. the same; abstr. -tva n.

śrapaṇa n. cooking-fire; cooking.

śrapay -> śrā.

śrapayitṛ m. cook.

śraṃbh -> śrambh.

śram śrāmyati śramati śrāmyati śramate v pp. śrānta (q.v.) be weary, take pains, exert or castigate one's self. C. śramayati or śrāmayati weary, tire, bring down, subdue. --
     abhi weary, tire.
     upa rest, repose.
     pari take great pains, torment one's self.
     vi rest, recreate one's self; pause, cease; rely upon, trust in (loc.). C. cause to rest or repose; bring to rest i.e. appease, quench, finish. -- Cf. pariviśānta pariśānta viśānta saṃśānta.

śrama m. weariness, exhaustion, exertion, labour, toil, effort at (loc. or --°).

śramakara a. causing fatigue.

śramaghna a. removing fatigue.

śramacchid a. removing fatigue.

śramajala n. sweat (toil-water).

śramaṇa m. ā & ī f. ascetic, mendicant; n. toil, exertion.

śramaṇaka m. -ṇikā f. = prec. m. & f.

śramaṇāy śramaṇāyate v become a religious mendicant.

śramanud a. = śramaghna.

śramayu a. exerting one's self.

śramavāri n. = śramajala.

śramāmbu n. = śramajala.

śramārta a. oppressed by fatigue.

śrambh śrambhate v w.
     vi trust, confide, place confidence in (loc.). C. loose, untie; comfort, encourage. -- Cf. viśabdha.

śrayaṇa n. leaning on, clinging to; refuge, shelter.

śrava a. sounding; m. hearing, ear.

śravaeṣa m. desire to praise.

śravaṇa [1] n. hearing, learning; fame, (good) reputation; ear (also m.).

śravaṇa [2] a. lame; m. (& f. ā) N. of a lunar mansion.

śravaṇakātaratā f. shyness to hear.

śravaṇagocara m. range of hearing.

śravaṇapatha m. the same; ear.

śravaṇaparuṣa a. harsh to the ear.

śravaṇamūla n. root of the ear.

śravaṇaviṣaya m. = śravaṇagocara.

śravaṇasukha a. pleasant to hear.

śravaṇasubhaga a. pleasant to hear.

śravaṇahārin a. charming the ear.

śravaṇīya a. to be heard, worth hearing.

śravas n. sound, call; loud praise, fame, glory, worth, eminence; zeal, eagerness, ambition; contest and its prize.

śravasy śravasyati v be eager to praise or move on quickly.

śravasya a. eager, quick; active, ambitious; n. glorious deed, glory. f. -syā ambition, zeal, haste; as instr. adv. quickly, fast.

śravasyu a. desirous of glory, ambitious, eager, active, rash.

śravāyya a. glorious, praiseworthy.

śraviṣṭhā f. N. of a lunar mansion.

śravya a. = śravaṇīya.

śrā pp. śrāta & śṛta (q.v.), C. śrapayati (te) roast, boil, cook i.g. -- Cf. āśṛta praśta (add.).

śrāta a. cooked, roasted.

śrāddha [1] n. oblation to the Manes, funeral meal.

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śrāddha f. ī2 faithful, pious; relating to a Śrāddha (cf. prec.).

śrāddhakarman n. -kalpa m. (celebration of) a Śrāddha or funeral meal.

śrāddhakāla m. the time for a funeral meal.

śrāddhadina n. the day for a funeral meal.

śrāddhadeva m. the god of the funeral oblation (Manu or Yama Vaivasvata, also Vivasvant etc.).

śrāddhabhuj m. partaker of a funeral meal.

śrāddhabhojana n. abstr. to prec.

śrāddhamitra a. seeking to win friends by funeral meals.

śrāddhāha n. = śrāddhadina.

śrāddhāhnika a. performing Śrāddhas every day.

śrāddhika a. relating to a funeral meal.

śrāddhin a. giving or partaking of funeral meals.

śrānta a. tired, worn out, exhausted; n. weariness, exhaustion, self-castigation, ascetism.

śrānti f. weariness, fatigue.

śrāpin a. cooking (--°).

śrāya a. endowed with (loc.).

śrāva m. N. of a man.

śrāvaka a. listening to (--°); audible far and wide. m. hearer, pupil, follower, esp. of Buddha.

śrāvaṇa [1] a. perceived by the ear, audible; n. causing to be heard, communicating, announcing.

śrāvaṇa f. ī2 relating to the lunar mansion Śravaṇa; m. a cert. month in the rainy season.

śrāvaṇīya a. to be announced or heard.

śrāvayatpati a. making the mighty famous.

śrāvayatsakhi a. making the friend famous.

śrāvayitavya a. to be communicated or informed of (acc.).

śrāvasta m. N. of a king, f. ī N. of a city.

śrāvitṛ m. hearer.

śrāvin a. hearing or audible (--°).

śrāvya a. audible, also = śrāvayitavya.

śri śrayati śrayate v pp. śrita (q.v.) A. trans. lean, lay against or on, turn or transfer to, spread (esp. light) over (loc.); M.P.(A.) intr. lean or rest upon, lie or be situated in or on, join one's self with (acc. or loc.); M.(A.) resort to, strive after (acc.); get entrance, befall (acc. or loc.); incur, undergo, get into a state or condition. --
     adhi A. spread over (acc. or loc.); put on (loc., esp. on the fire ±agnau); lie or sit down upon (acc.).
     pratyadhi A. place near (the fire).
     samadhi A. (±agnau) place over the fire.
     apa M. lean, rest.
     abhi bring near; resort to (acc.).
     ā A. fix on (loc.); touch, befall (acc.). A.M. cling to, lean or rest upon (acc.); resort or have recourse to, seek protection from, come to, arrive at; undergo, incur, get; partake of, choose, take to (acc.).
     apā A. (trans.) lean against, hang on (loc.); A.M. (intr.) lean or rest upon, have recourse to, take to, choose, seize, occupy.
     vyapā approach for protection; take to, use, employ.
     upā & samupā lean against, resort to, rest or depend on (acc.).
     samā the same + take to, indulge in (acc.); seize, occupy.
     ud A. lift, raise; M. arise, stand upright. C. ucchrāpayati lift, raise, increase, enhance.
     abhyud M. rise, get up.
     pratyud rise against (acc.).
     samud lift, raise.
     upa A. (trans.) lean against (loc.); M. lean or rest upon (acc.); A.M. join, meet (acc.).
     pari lay about; enclose, fence, surround.
     pra lean forward or against; join with, add to (loc.).
     vi A. put asunder, open, expand; M. refl.
     sam A. put together, mix, mingle, join (M. refl.); M.(A.) betake one's self to, seek protection from, depend on, take to, partake of.
     abhisam seek help from or in; take to, partake of, use, employ (acc.).
     upasam go to meet, join, attend, depend on (acc.). -- Cf. adhiśita abhyucchrita āśita ucchrita praśita procchrita (add.), sāśata samāśita samucchrita.

śrit (--°) come to, being in.

śrita a. clinging to, resting, seated, or placed, upon, being or contained in (loc., r. acc. or --°), fled or resorted to, got into a state or condition (acc. or --°); pass. approached, applied to, occupied, chosen.

śriti f. way, path.

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śriyase dat. inf. to make a show.

śriyā f. welfare, bliss.

śriyāvāsa m. abode of welfare or bliss.

śriyāvāsin a. dwelling with Śrī (Śiva).

śriṣ śreṣati v join, connect (cf. śrliṣ).

śrī śrīṇāti śrīṇīte v pp. śrīta1 mix, mingle with (instr.). --
     abhi & sam = S.

śrī [2] f. mixture.

śrī [3] (nom. śrīs) f. beauty, splendour, ornament; comfort, satisfaction, welfare, bliss; wealth, treasure; high rank, glory, majesty, royalty & its insignia. Often personif. as the goddess of beauty, welfare, & royal splendour. Used also as honorific prefix to proper names = the famous, glorious, or mighty. -- Du. śriyau beauty and welfare; dat. śriye or śriyau as infin. or adv. pleasantly, prettily, gloriously.

śrīka (adj. --°) beauty, highness.

śrīkaṇṭha m. a kind of bird; E. of Śiva & of Bhavabūti, N. of sev. men.

śrīkara a. causing welfare or splendour.

śrīkaraṇa a. causing welfare or splendour.

śrīkāma a. desirous of splendour.

śrīkṛcchra m. a kind of penance.

śrīkhaṇḍa s. sandal-wood or the sandal-tree.

śrīkhaṇḍacarcā f. anointing with sandal.

śrīkhaṇḍadāsa m. N. of a man.*

śrīgiri m. N. of a mountain.

śrīda m. causing welfare; m. E. of Kubera.

śrīdatta m. a man's name.

śrīdarśana m. N. of a man.

śrīdhara m. E. of Viṣṇu (bearer of fortune.)

śrīnagara n. N. of a town.

śrīnātha m. E. of Viṣṇu (husband of Śrī).

śrīnidhi m. the same (receptacle or abode of Śrī).

śrīnivāsa m. the same (receptacle or abode of Śrī).

śrīpati m. = śrīnātha.

śrīpadma m. E. of Kṛṣṇa.

śrīparṇa n. N. of a plant; also lotus-flower.*

śrīparvata m. N. of sev. mountains.

śrīphala m. N. of a plant, n. its fruit.

śrīphalakṛcchra m. a kind of penance.

śrībhakṣa m. auspicious food (Madhuparka).

śrībhartṛ m. = śrīnātha.

śrīmattā f. beauty, splendour.

śrīmanas a. well-minded or disposed.

śrīmant a. beautiful, splendid, rich, fortunate.

śrīmaya a. quite full of Śrī (Viṣṇu).

śrīyaśasa n. pl. distinction and glory.

śrīvatsa m. a curl of hair of a cert. form on the breast of Viṣṇu.

śrīvaha a. causing welfare; m. N. of a serpent-demon.

śrīvāsa m. a kind of resin.

śrīvṛkṣa m. the holy fig-tree.

śrīveṣṭa m. a kind of resin.

śrīśa m. = śrīnātha.

śrīśaila m. N. of sev. mountains.

śrīsaṃjña n. cloves.

śrīharṣa m. N. of a royal author.

śrīharṣadeva m. N. of a royal author.

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śru śrṛṇoti śrṛṇute v pp. śruta (q.v.) hear, learn (acc.) from (gen., abl., instr., & mukhāt or śrakāśāt); hear -- to be (2 acc.); listen or give ear to (acc. of th. or gen. of pers.); hear a teacher i.e. learn, study. M.P. be heard of, be known as or to be (2 nom.); be studied, taught, or read. C. śravayati & śāvayati (te) cause a person to hear, i.e. address, inform of, communicate to, tell (acc. of thing & acc., gen., or dat. of pers.); let hear i.e. proclaim, announce, recite. D. śruśūṣate (ti) wish or like to hear i.e. attend to, obey, wait on, serve (acc.). --
     ati M. be heard of i.e. be celebrated above (all).
     anu hear or learn (again); C. relate, tell (2 acc.); D.M. obey.
     abhi hear, learn -- to be (2 acc.). C. cause to hear, speak to, address (acc.).
     ā listen to (acc. of th., gen. or dat. of pers.); hear, learn; promise. C. proclaim, make known; address, invoke, summon.
     abhyā C. address.
     upa listen to (acc. or gen.), hear, learn from (mukhāt or sakāśāt), hear that -- is (2 acc.).
     samupa hear, listen to (acc. or gen.), learn from (abl.).
     pari hear, learn, understand that--is (2 acc.).
     pra M. be heard; become known or famous.
     prati listen or give ear; say yes, promise. C. answer.
     vi hear, learn; P. be heard of, become known or famous. C. let hear, announce, proclaim, tell; make known or famous, make resound.
     sam hear (mukhāt), listen to (acc.); accede to the request of, make a promise to (loc. or dat.). C. let hear, announce, proclaim; make resound.
     abhisam hear, learn.
     pratisam make a promise to (gen.). -- Cf. abhiviśuta abhiśuta āśuta pariśuta viśuta.

śrut (--°) hearing.

śruta a. heard, learnt, mentioned, stated, named, known as, famous, celebrated; n. hearing, learning, lore, tradition, (sacred) knowledge.

śrutakarman m. N. of a hero (lit. of celebrated deeds).

śrutakāma a. desirous of learning.

śrutakīrti m. N. of a hero (of celebrated fame).

śrutatas adv. by hearsay.

śrutadhara a. having a god memory (lit. keeping what is heard).

śrutapūrva a. heard (of) before, known by hearsay.

śrutabodha m. T. of a treatise on metres.

śrutavant a. having heard; learned, scientific.

śrutavṛtta n. du. learning and virtue.

śrutavṛttāḍhya a. endowed with learning and virtue.

śrutavṛttopapanna a. endowed with learning and virtue.

śrutaśīla n. du. learning and character; poss. -vant.

śrutaśīlasaṃpanna a. endowed with learning and character.

śrutaśravas m. a man's name.

śrutasena [1] a. having a famous army.

śrutasena [2] m. N. of a serpent-demon etc.

śrutāmagha a. having famous treasures.

śrutāyu m. N. of sev. men.

śrutāyus m. N. of sev. men.

śruti f. hearing, ear, sound, noise, report, hearsay, news, tidings, (sacred) utterance or prescription, revelation, sacred text, holy writ, the Veda; appellation, title.

śrutikaṭu a. sounding harsh.

śrutigocara a. being within hearing.

śrutitas adv. in the way of reveiation; with regard or according to (sacred) prescription.

śrutidvaidha n. conflict or contradiction of two sacred texts.

śrutipatha m. range of hearing; -pathaṃ gam prāp, etc. come within hearing.

śrutimant a. having ears or possessing knowledge.

śrutimahant a. great in knowledge.

śrutimārga m. = śrutipatha.

śrutiśiras n. a chief passage of the holy scriptures.

śrutiśīlavant -> śrutaśīlavant.

śrutkarṇa a. having ears to hear.

śrutya a. worth hearing.

śrutyukta a. said or taught in the sacred scriptures.

śruṣ (śroṣati śroṣate) ±ā v hear. -- Cf. śroṣamāṇa.

śruṣṭi a. obedient, ready; f. obedience, readiness, instr. śruṣṭī readily, quickly. śruṣṭi kṛ obey, follow.

śruṣṭimant (f. -varī) obedient, officious, zealous.

śruṣṭīvan (f. -varī) obedient, officious, zealous.

śrūyamāṇatva n. the being heard.

śreṇi f. line, row, range, troop, multitude, swarm (of bees); company, guild (of artisans etc.).

śreṇī f. line, row, range, troop, multitude, swarm (of bees); company, guild (of artisans etc.).

śreṇimant a. having many followers.

śreṇiśas adv. in rows or lines.

śreṇīdharma m. law of a guild.

śreṇībandha m. forming a row or line.

śreman m. distinction, superiority.

śreyaṃs (compar.) fairer, more beautiful or excellent, better than (na, esp. śreyas--na better or rather-than); distinguished, excellent; dear, beloved; auspicious, fortunate. n. the better or good, i.e. (greater) welfare or prosperity.

śreyaskara f. ī making better or causing happiness.

śreyaskāma a. desiring felicity.

śreyastva n. superiority, preeminence.

śreyomaya a. excellent.

śreyorthin a. = śreyaskāma.

śreṣṭha (superl.) the fairest, most excellent or best of (gen., loc., or --°), best in or with regard to (loc. or --°); better than (abl. or gen.); most auspicious or fortunate. n. the best.

śreṣṭhatama (superl. & compar.) fairest or best, fairer or better (than all).

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śreṣṭhatara (superl. & compar.) fairest or best, fairer or better (than all).

śreṣṭhatā f. -tva n. supremacy, eminence.

śreṣṭhavarcas a. most powerful or glorious.

śreṣṭhānvaya a. of excellent family.

śreṣṭhin m. a man of high rank or the chief of a corporation.

śraiṣṭhya n. supremacy, precedence, first rank or place among (gen. or --°).

śroṇa a. lame.

śroṇi f. (adj. --° f. ī) buttock, hip (poss. śroṇimant).

śroṇī f. (adj. --° f. ī) buttock, hip (poss. śroṇimant).

śrotavya a. to be heard (n. impers.) or worth hearing.

śrotṛ m. hearing (also as fut. auditurus).

śrotra n. ear, hearing.

śrotratas adv. on the ear.

śrotrapadavī f. range (path) of the ears.

śrotraparaṃparā f. hearsay.

śrotrapāli f. -puṭa m. ear-lap.

śrotrapeya a. worth hearing (lit. to be drunk with the ear).

śrotramaya a. whose nature is hearing.

śrotramārga m. = śrotrapadavī.

śrotramūla n. the root of the ear.

śrotravant a. having ears or the sense of hearing.

śrotrasaṃvāda m. agreement (remembrance) of the ear.

śrotrahīna a. deaf.

śrotrāpeta a. deaf.

śrotriya a. learned (in sacred tradition); m. a Brahman versed in sacred lore.

śrotriyasva n. property of a Śrotriya (cf. prec.).

śroṣamāṇa a. obedient, trustful.

śrauta f. ī (ā) relating to the ears, based upon sound or words (w. upamā f. an explicit comparison); relating to sacred tradition, Vedic.

śrautasūtra n. a Sūtra work based upon sacred tradition.

śrautra f. ī relating to the ear.

śrauṣaṭ a. sacrificial exclamation.

śrauṣṭi a. obedient.

ślakṣṇa a. slippery, smooth, even, soft, tender.

ślath (only pp. ślathant) become loose or unfastened; C. ślāthayati loose, relax. --
     ā & vi (ślathate) = S.

ślatha a. loose, slack, remiss, weak.

ślathaśila a. covered with a loose stone (well).

ślathasaṃdhi a. having weak joints; abstr. -tā f.

ślathāṅga a. slack-limbed, abstr. -tā f.

ślathāy ślathāyate v become loose or relaxed.

ślāgh ślāghate (-ti) v trust, have confidence in (dat.), speak confidently, brag, boast of (instr. or loc.); praise, extol. C. ślāghayati comfort, console, praise, extol. --
     sam brag, boast of (instr.).

ślāghana a. & n. (or f. ā) bragging, boasting, praising.

ślāghanīya a. to be praised, praiseworthy, honourable.

ślāghā f. brag, boast, praise, glory.

ślāghin a. boasting or proud of (--°), haughty, arrogant; famous, celebrated; praising, extolling.

ślāghya a. = ślāghanīya; abstr. -tā f.

ślāghyapada n. honourable position.

ślāghyayauvanā f. a woman in the (splendid) blossom of youth.

ślāghyānvaya a. of a honourable family.

śliṣ śliṣyati śliṣyate v p. śliṣṭa (q.v.) adhere, cling or stick to (loc., r. acc.); clasp, embrace; melt or join together (tr. & intr.). C. śleṣayati join, close. --
     ā stick or cling to (loc. or acc.); approach, touch, clasp, embrace. C. fasten on (loc.), embrace, encircle.
     upā clasp, grasp.
     samā cling to (acc.), embrace. C. join, unite.
     upa cling to (acc.), step near (±samīpam). C. bring or draw near, join with (saha).
     vi get loose or unfastened; fall asunder or aside, miss the aim; also = C. disjoin, separate from, deprive of (abl.).
     sam cleave or stick to (acc.), step near, approach, clasp, embrace; bring into immediate contact with (instr.). C. join, connect, put together, bring into contact with (instr. or loc.), transfer to (loc.).
     abhisam cling together (anyo'nyam); C. join tight or closely.
     upasam connect, unite. -- Cf. āśliṣṭa upaśliṣṭa (sic!), viśliṣṭa saṃśliṣṭa.

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śliṣṭa a. hanging on, cleaving or sticking to (loc. or --°); joined, closed, limited or confined (to itself); (holding) clasped or embraced.

śliṣṭarūpaka n. a kind of metaphor.

ślīpada n. elephantiasis, p. -din.

śleṣa m. clinging or sticking to (loc.); union, junction; embrace, sexual intercourse (also ā f.); sev. figures of rhetoric.

śleṣopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

śleṣmaṇa a. slimy, slippery.

śleṣman m. adhesive substance, slime, phlegm; n. band, string.

śleṣmātaka m. ī f. N. of a tree.

śloka m. sound, noise, report, fame; strophe, stanza, esp. the epic Śloka.

ślokabaddha a. composed in Ślokas.

ślokin a. noisy; renowned, famous.

ślokya a. noisy; renowned, famous.

śloṇa a. lame, abstr. ślāṇya n.

śvaḥkāla m. the day of to-morrow.

śvakrīḍin a. breeding or keeping (lit. sporting with) dogs.

śvagardabha n. sgl. dogs and asses.

śvaghnin m. a gambler by profession.

śvajāghanī f. a dog's tail.

śvañc śvañcate v open (intr.) for (dat.), receive with open arms. C. śvañcayati cause to open or burst. --
     ud = S.

śvadṛti m. a dog's skin.

śvan m. śunī f. dog, bitch.

śvanin a. keeping dogs.

śvanī m. leader of dogs.

śvapaca m. a degraded class of men (lit. cooking dogs).

śvapāka m. a degraded class of men (lit. cooking dogs).

śvapati m. lord or owner of dogs.

śvapada m. a beast of prey.

śvapada n. a dog's foot (as a brand-mark).

śvapuccha n. a dog's tail.

śvabhakṣa a. eating dog's flesh.

śvabhakṣya a. eating dog's flesh.

śvabhra m. n. fissure of the earth, pit, hole; m. hell, a man's name.

śvabhrīy śvabhrīyati v regard as a hole.

śvamāṃsa n. dog's flesh; -bhojin a. eating it.

śvayatha m. swelling.

śvayathu m. swelling.

śvayātu m. a kind of demons or evil spirits.

śvavant a. having or keeping dogs.

śvavarta m. a cert. worm.

śvavāla m. dog's hair.

śvaviṣṭhā f. dog's dung.

śvavṛtti [1] f. a dog's life (service).

śvavṛtti [2] a. living by dogs.

śvavṛttin a. = prec.

śvaśura m. father-in-law; du. father and mother-in-law.

śvaśurya m. husband's or wife's brother, brother-in-law.

śvaśrū f. mother-in-law.

śvaśrūsnuṣā f. du. the mother-in-law and the other wives of the father-in-law.

śvaḥśva n. procrastination (lit. to-morrow to-morrow).

śvas śvasiti śvasati śvasiti śvasate v pp. śvasta1 & śvasita (q.v.) blow, bluster, hiss, whistle, snort, breathe, sigh. I. only śāśvasat snorting.--
     abhi blow hither, hiss, whistle, groan.
     ā paryā pratyā & samā get breath, recover, become quiet. C. quiet, comfort.
     ud hiss, pant, gasp, groan, sigh; breathe upwards or out; stop or pause from (abl.), recover; heave (intr.), get loose, open, expand. C. cause to take breath, refresh, lift up; tear, rend asunder, interrupt, disturb. proda pant, breathe heavily.
     samud take breath, recover; rise, spring up. C. lift swell (tr.).
     ni & vini hiss, pant, sigh.
     nis hiss, pant, breathe out or in, sigh.
     vinis hiss, pant, snort; heave a sigh.
     pra blow forth or in, exhale or inhale. C. cause to breathe; quiet, comfort.
     abhipra blow forth upon (acc.).
     vi have confidence, be fearless, trust in (loc., gen., or acc.). C. inspire confidence (acc.).
     ativi have (too) great confidence in (loc. or acc.).
     abhivi C. inspire confidence.
     parivi C. quiet, comfort. -- Cf. ucchvasita niśvasita pariviśvasta (add.), viśvasta samucchvasita.

śvas [2] adv. to-morrow, next day; śvaḥ śvas from day to day, daily.

śvasatha m. blowing, hissing, snorting.

śvasana a. blowing, hissing, snorting, breathing deep. m. wind or the god of wind; n. hissing (of a serpent), breathing, esp. deep breath, sigh.

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śvasita a. having got breath or life; n. breath.

śvastana a. of to-morrow; n. & f. ī the tomorrow or next day.

śvaḥsutyā f. the day before the Sutyā ceremony.

śvahata a. killed by a dog.

śvā śvayati v pp. śūna (q.v.) swell. P. śūyate the same. --
     ud pra vi & sam = S. -- Cf. ucchūna saṃśūna.

śvāgra n. a dog's tail.

śvājina n. a dog's hide.

śvātra a. savoury, well-tasted; n. such food or drink.

śvātrya a. = prec. adj.

śvāna m. ī f. dog, bitch.

śvānta a. peaceful, quiet, confident.

śvāpad m. beast of prey.

śvāpada m. beast of prey.

śvāvidh f. porcupine.

śvāśura f. ī belonging to the father-in-law.

śvāsa m. hissing, snorting; breath, esp. breathing in; aspiration (g.); sighing, sigh.

śvāsin a. hissing, panting.

śvikna m. pl. N. of a people.

śvit (śvetate) v be bright, shine. --
     ava shine down.
     vi = S.

śvitīci a. whitish.

śvitna a. whitish.

śvitnya a. whitish.

śvityañc f. śvitīcī the same.

śvitra a. whitish, white, leprous. m. a cert. (domestic) white animal; n. white leprosy.

śvitrin a. having white leprosy.

śveta a. white, bright. m. white horse, N. of a serpent-demon etc.

śvetakāka m. a white crow (fig.); -kākīya a. quite uncommon, extraordinary.

śvetaketu m. a man's name.

śvetacchattra n. a white umbrella, p. -ttrin.

śvetadvīpa m. n. N. of a sacred place & a myth. island.

śvetanā f. dawning, dawn.

śvetapakṣa a. white-winged.

śvetapuṣpa [1] n. a white flower.

śvetapuṣpa f. ī2 having white flower.

śvetabhānu a. having white rays; m. the moon.

śvetavatsā f. having a white calf.

śvetavāha a. guiding white horses; m. E. of Arjuna etc.

śvetavāhana a. guiding white horses; m. E. of Arjuna etc.

śvetāṃśu m. = śvetabhānu.

śvetāmbara a. clad in white; m. a Jaina sect.

śvetāy śvetāyate v become white.

śvetārcis m. = śvetabhānu.

śvetāśva [1] m. white horse.

śvetāśva [2] a. drawn by white horses (chariot); m. E. of Arjuna (guider of white horses).

śvetāśvatara m. N. of a teacher, pl. his school.

śvetāśvataropaniṣad f. T. of an Upanishad.

śvetiman m. whiteness, white colour.

śvetya a. white, light.

śvaikna m. a prince of the Śviknas.

śvaitarī f. whitish or having much milk.

śvaitya n. whiteness.

śvaitrya n. white leprosy.

śvobhāva m. abstr. to seq.

śvobhāvin a. being to-morrow.

śvobhūta a. being to-morrow.

śvovasīya n. future welfare.

śvovasīyasa f. ī granting future welfare.

śvovasyasa a. = prec.

śvovijayin a. who shall vanquish to-morrow.

ṣa (--°) = ṣaṣ.

ṣaṭka a. consisting of six; n. hectade.

ṣaṭkarṇa a. heard by six ears (secret).

ṣaṭkarman [1] n. the six (allowed) occupations (of a Brahman) or the six magical arts.

ṣaṭkarman [2] a. following the six (allowed) occupations; m. a Brahman.

ṣaṭkarmavant m. = prec. m.

ṣaṭkṛtvas adv. six times.

ṣaṭcaraṇa a. six-footed; m. a bee.

ṣaṭtaya a. consisting of six, sixfold.

ṣaṭtriṃśa f. ī the thirty-sixth.

ṣaṭtriṃśat f. thirty-six.

ṣaṭtriṃśābdika a. thirty-six years old.

ṣaṭtva n. the number six.

ṣaṭpañcāśat f. fifty-six.

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ṣaṭpattra a. six-leaved.

ṣaṭpad f. ṣaṭpadī having six feet or containing six verses.

ṣaṭpād f. ṣaṭpadī having six feet or containing six verses.

ṣaṭpada a. = prec. adj.; also having (taken) six steps; m. insect, bee.

ṣaṭpāda a. six-footed; m. bee.

ṣaṭśata n. one hundred and six; f. -tī 600.

ṣaṭśas adv. sixfoldly.

ṣaṭsapta pl. six or seven.

ṣaṭsahasra a. numbering six thousand.

ṣaḍaṃśa m. one sixth; adj. sixfold.

ṣaḍaṃhri m. = ṣaḍaṅghri.

ṣaḍakṣa a. six-eyed.

ṣaḍakṣara f. ī containing six syllables.

ṣaḍaṅga [1] n. the six limbs or appendages of the Veda, i.e. the six Vedān1gas.

ṣaḍaṅga [2] a. having six limbs or six Vedān1gas.

ṣaḍaṅgavid a. knowing the six Vedān1gas.

ṣaḍaṅghri m. bee (lit. six-footed).

ṣaḍara (ṣaLra) a. having six spokes.

ṣaḍarca n. the number of six verses.

ṣaḍaśva a. drawn by six horses.

ṣaḍaha m. a period of six days.

ṣaḍahorātra s. six days and nights.

ṣaḍānana [1] s. six mouths (only °--).

ṣaḍānana [2] a. having six mouths (Skanda).

ṣaḍuttara a. greater by six.

ṣaḍūna a. less by six.

ṣaḍṛca m. n. = ṣaḍarca.

ṣaḍgava m. n. six bulls or cows.

ṣaḍguṇa [1] m. the six qualities (ph.).

ṣaḍguṇa [2] a. sixfold.

ṣaḍguruśiṣya m. N. of an author.

ṣaḍḍhā adv. in six ways or parts.

ṣaḍdarśana [1] n. the six philosophical systems.

ṣaḍdarśana [2] a. familiar with the six philosophical systems.

ṣaḍdhā adv. = ṣaḍḍhā.

ṣaḍbhāga m. a sixth part (esp. of the produce of the soil, due to the king).

ṣaḍbhāgabhāj a. obtaining a sixth part.

ṣaḍbhuja a. six-armed.

ṣaḍrātra m. a period or a festival of six days.

ṣaḍvaktra a. = ṣaḍānana2.

ṣaḍvarga m. six-group, aggregate of six things.

ṣaḍviṃśa f. ī the twenty-sixth.

ṣaḍviṃśat f. twenty-six.

ṣaḍviṃśati f. twenty-six.

ṣaḍviṃśabrāhmaṇa n. T. of a Brāhmaṇa.

ṣaḍvidha a. sixfold, of six kinds.

ṣaḍvidhāna a. forming an arrangement of six.

ṣaṇḍa m. group of trees (only --°); heap, multitude i.g.

ṣaṇḍika m. a man's name.

ṣaṇḍha f. ī impotent; m. eunuch or hermaphrodite.

ṣaṇḍhay ṣaṇḍhayati v emasculate.

ṣaṇṇavati f. ninety-six.

ṣaṇmāsa s., -sī f. six-months.

ṣaṇmāsanicaya m. a quantity (of food) sufficient for six months.

ṣaṇmāsika a. happening every six months, half-yearly.

ṣaṇmāsya a. = prec.; n. six months.

ṣaṇmukha a. six-faced or six-mouthed (Śiva & Skanda).

ṣatva n. the transition of sa into ṣa (g.).

ṣaṣ pl. (nom. ṣaṭ) six; ṣaṭ also as adv. six times.

ṣaṣṭi f. sixty.

ṣaṣṭika n. the number sixty, sixty.

ṣaṣṭidhā adv. in sixty ways or parts.

ṣaṣṭivarṣin a. sixty years old.

ṣaṣṭihāyana a. the same.

ṣaṣṭha f. ī the sixth; ±kāla m. the sixth hour of the day & the sixth meal-time. f. ṣaṣṭhī the sixth day of a half-month; the sixth case (g.).

ṣaṣṭhabhakta [1] n. the sixth repast.

ṣaṣṭhabhakta [2] a. eating only the sixth repast.

ṣaṣṭhama f. ī the sixth.

ṣaṣṭhāṃśa m. = ṣaḍbhāga.

ṣaṣṭhāṃśavṛtti a. living on the sixth part (king; cf. ṣaḍbhāga).

ṣaṣṭhānnakāla a. = ṣaṣṭhabhakta2; abstr. -tā f.

ṣaṣṭhya m. a sixth-part.

ṣāḍava m. comfits with fruits.

ṣāḍguṇya n. the six measures of royal policy.

ṣāṇmāsika f. ī six-monthly.

ṣāṇmāsya a. the same.

ṣiḍga m. libertine, gallant.

ṣoḍaśa f. ī the sixteenth; n. a sixteenth part.

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ṣoḍaśadhā adv. in sixteen parts or ways.

ṣoḍaśan a. pl. sixteen.

ṣoḍaśama a. the sixteenth.

ṣoḍaśāṃśa m. a sixteenth part.

ṣoḍaśin a. consisting of sixteen, sixteenfold.

ṣoḍhā adv. sixfoldly.

ṣṭhiv ṣṭhīv ṣṭhīvati, pp. ṣṭhayūta v spew, spit. --
     abhi bespit.
     ni spit out.
     abhini & avani spit out upon (acc.).
     vini nis pra spit out.
     prati bespit.

ṣṭhīva a. spitting (--°).

ṣṭhīvana a. & n. spewing, spitting; n. also spittle, saliva.

ṣṭhīvi a. spitting.

ṣṭhīvin a. spitting.

sa [1] pron.-stem of 3d pers. (only nom. sgl. m. & f. sa sā & loc. sasmin, supplying the forms of ta, q.v.).

sa [2] (°-- in adj. & adv., opp. a priv.) accompanied by, furnished with, having.

sa [3] (°--) one, the same.

saṛṇa a. having debts, indebted.

saṛṣika a. with the Rishis.

saṃyat a. coherent, continual, uninterrupted. f. contract, agreement; fight, battle.

saṃyata a. held together, held in, restrained, checked, controlled, arranged, kept in order, limited, restricted; bound together, tied up (hair); fettered, confined, captive, prisoner.

saṃyatāhāra a. moderate in diet.

saṃyatendriya a. whose senses are restrained, self-controlled; abstr. -tā f.

saṃyatta a. met (as foes); concentrated, careful. prepared, ready.

saṃyantṛ m. restrainer, subduer.

saṃyama m. restraint, check, control, esp. selfcontrol; suppression, destruction, tying up or together, fettering; closing (of the eyes).

saṃyamadhana a. possessing much self-control.

saṃyamana a. (f. ī) & n. restraining, checking, controlling, subduing; n. also tying up, fettering, drawing in (reins); band, fetter.

saṃyamita n. suppression (of the voice).

saṃyamin a. exercising self-control; tied up (hair).

saṃyājya n. participation in a sacrifice; f. -jyā N. of cert. sacrif. texts.

saṃyāna n. the going, driving, riding etc. (together); setting out, journey; vehicle, waggon.

saṃyāsa m. ardour, eagerness, zeal.

saṃyukta a. joined, united, married with (instr.); endowed or furnished with (instr. or --°). belonging or relating to (--°).

saṃyuga n. union, junction; fight, war.

saṃyuj a. connected, related, kin.

saṃyuta a. bound, attached, joined or connected with (instr. ±saha or --°), consisting of (instr.), relating to (--°).

saṃyoga m. conjunction, connection, coherence; contact (ph.); relation, friendship, alliance; matrimony sexual intercourse with (saha); a conjunct consonant (g.).

saṃyogin a. being in contact or immediate connection with (instr. or --°); conjunct (g.).

saṃyojana n. joining or uniting with (instr. or loc.).

saṃrakta a. reddened, feeling love; charming, ravishing.

saṃrakṣa m. guardian or guard.

saṃrakṣaka guardian.

saṃrakṣikā f. guardian.

saṃrakṣaṇa n. guarding, protecting from (gen. or --°).

saṃrakṣaṇīya a. to be guarded (against).

saṃrakṣya a. to be guarded (against).

saṃrabdha a. hand in hand, close joined or connected with (instr.); excited, enraged, angry; increased, augmented, swelling, swollen.

saṃrambha m. taking hold of; rashness, eagerness, zeal, impetuosity, agitation, fury, wrath, violence, high degree.

saṃrambhin a. eager for (--°), rash, angry.

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saṃrāga m. redness, passion.

saṃrādhana f. ī satisfying, propitiating.

saṃrādhya a. to be acquired or won.

saṃrāva m. -ṇa n. shout, cry, yell.

saṃruddha a. stopped, detained, checked, restrained; obstructed, impeded; surrounded by, covered or filled with (instr. or --°).

saṃruṣita a. enraged, wrathful.

saṃrūḍha a. grown, grown together i.e. cicatrized, healed; come forth, arisen, appeared; deeply rooted, firm.

saṃrodana n. weeping, howling.

saṃrodha m. obstruction, hindrance, suppression; confinement, siege.

saṃrodhana n. keeping back, hindering, suppressing, imprisoning.

saṃrodhya a. to be imprisoned or confined.

saṃropaṇa a. & n. causing to grow (together); healing or planting.

saṃroha m. growing over or together, healing (intr.); growing up, appearing.

saṃrohaṇa a. & n. = saṃropaṇa.

saṃrohin a. growing in (--°).

saṃlakṣya a. perceivable, visible.

saṃlagna a. stuck in or attached to, closely connected with (loc. or --°).

saṃlapana n. chattering, talking.

saṃlaya m. saṃlayana n. cowering, lying or sitting down.

saṃlāpa m. talk, chat, conversation with (instr. ±saha or gen.) about (--°).

saṃlīna a. stuck or clung to, hidden or cowering in (loc. or --°).

saṃlulita a. mixed or mingled with (--°); disordered, disarranged.

saṃvat [1] f. side, stretch, streak.

saṃvat [2] abbrev. for saṃvatsare in the year (of Vikrama's era, 56 B.C.).

saṃvatsam adv. for a year.

saṃvatsara m. (n.) year.

saṃvatsaratama f. ī coming next year.

saṃvatsaranirodha m. imprisonment for a year; abl. -tas.

saṃvatsarabhṛta a. borne or maintained for a year (fire).

saṃvatsaravāsin a. staying for a year (with the teacher).

saṃvatsarasahasra n. a thousand years.

saṃvatsarāyuṣa a. one year old.

saṃvatsarīṇa a. yearly, annual.

saṃvatsarīya a. yearly, annual.

saṃvadana n. talk, conversation.

saṃvanana f. ī a propitiating, conciliating, winning over; n. means of propitiating or charming, gain, acquisition (of a treasure).

saṃvara a. keeping off; m. weir, dam.

saṃvaraṇa f. ī1 enclosing, containing. n. enclosed place (for sacrifice etc.), cover, envelope; closing, hiding, concealing; feint, pretence.

saṃvaraṇa [2] n. choosing (for husband).

saṃvarga a. & m. grasping, clutching.

saṃvargam ger. by grasping or clutching.

saṃvarṇana n. description, tale.

saṃvarta m. rolling up; anything rolled or kneaded, lump, clod, ball, heap, mass, thick cloud; a cert. period of time, the destruction of the world.

saṃvartaka a. rolling up, destroying; m. such a fire, destruction of the world.

saṃvardhana a. & n. increasing, augmenting; n. also growing, breeding (of a child); thriving, prospering.

saṃvala s. provender for a journey (cf. śambala).

saṃvalana n. -nā f. meeting (as friends or foes).

saṃvalita a. met, come together; mixed or joined with (instr. or --°).

saṃvasana n. meeting- or dwelling-place.

saṃvasu m. house-mate.

saṃvāc f. colloquy.

saṃvāda m. speaking together, conversation with (instr. ±saha, loc., or --°); agreement, correspondence, sameness.

saṃvādin a. talking, conversing; agreeing with, corresponding to (gen. or --°).

saṃvārya a. to be covered or concealed; n. a secret.

saṃvāsa m. dwelling together, living with (instr. ±saha or --°); cohabitation (also sex.); (common) dwelling-place.

saṃvāsin [1] a. clothed in (--°).

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saṃvāsin [2] a. dwelling together, house-mate; inhabiting (--°).

saṃvāha m. driving-park; market-place; stroking with the hand (cf. seq.).

saṃvāhaka f. -hikā stroking or rubbing with the hand; m. a shampooer.

saṃvāhana n. driving, driving out, moving along (clouds etc.); bearing, carrying (also -nā f.); stroking or rubbing with the hand, shampooing.

saṃvigna a. agitated, flurried, terrified.

saṃvijñāna n. perceiving, understanding, knowing.

saṃvitti f. perception, knowledge, understanding.

saṃvid [1] f. consciousness, feeling, perception; consent, agreement with (instr. ±saha or gen.) about (--°); appointment, rendezvous; plan, design; conversation, talk about (--°); news, tidings; custom, usage; name.

saṃvid [2] f. acquisition, possession.

saṃvidāna a. joined, united.

saṃvidita a. known, learnt, agreed.

saṃvidya n. possession.

saṃvidh f. arrangement, contrivance.

saṃvidhā f. arrangement, contrivance.

saṃvidhāna (& -ka*) n., -dhi m. the same.

saṃvibhāga m. sharing with others; letting partake of, presenting with, distributing (--°); portion, share.

saṃvīta a. covered, wrapped, enveloped, veiled, clothed, armed; n. clothing.

saṃvṛj a. snatching.

saṃvṛt [1] f. covering.

saṃvṛt [2] f. bestriding; approach, assault.

saṃvṛta a. covered, veiled in, protected, surrounded, or accompanied by, filled with (instr. or --°); concealed, kept secret; checked, restrained, suppressed; careful, cautious.

saṃvṛtasaṃvārya a. concealing secrets.

saṃvṛti f. covering up, concealment, secrecy.

saṃvṛtta a. approached, arrived, met, happened, past, fulfilled; become (nom. or dat.).

saṃvṛtti f. common occupation with (--°).

saṃvṛddha a. grown up, increased, thriven, flourishing, blooming.

saṃvṛddhi f. growth, power, might.

saṃvega m. agitation, flurry; intensity, high degree.

saṃveda n. perception, sensation.

saṃvedana n. perception, consciousness; telling, announcing.

saṃveśa m. entering, lying down, sleeping; room, chamber.

saṃveśana f. ī causing to lie down; n. lying, sleeping, sexual intercourse.

saṃvyavahāra m. intercourse; occupation or dealing with (instr. or --°).

saṃvyādha m. fight, contest.

saṃvyāna n. cloth, cover, mantle.

saṃvraścam (ger.) by cutting in pieces or dismembering.

saṃśapta a. cursed.

saṃśaptaka m. pl. conspirators.

saṃśabdana n. mentioning, naming.

saṃśama m. tranquillizing, satisfying.

saṃśamana a. (f. ī) & n. appeasing, calming.

saṃśaya m. doubt, hesitation, uncertainty about (loc., acc. w. prati, or --°); danger for (gen., loc., or --°).

saṃśayakara f. ī causing danger, compromising (--°).

saṃśayātman a. of doubtful or irresolute mind.

saṃśayālu a. doubtful, sceptic.

saṃśayāvaha a. causing danger.

saṃśayita a. doubtful, uncertain (pers. & th.); n. as abstr.

saṃśayopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

saṃśara m. breaking down, tearing asunder.

saṃśānta a. thoroughly appeased or extinguished; ceased, gone, dead.

saṃśānti f. extinction.

saṃśāsana n. direction, instruction.

saṃśita a. whetted, sharp, pointed (lit. & fig.); ready, resolute; fixed, settled.

saṃśitavāc a. speaking pointedly.

saṃśitavrata a. strictly keeping a vow.

saṃśiti f. sharpening.

saṃśiṣṭa a. left, remained.

saṃśis f. invitation, summons.

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saṃśīlana n. practising, exercising; frequent intercourse with (instr.).

saṃśuddha a. cleaned, purified; paid, restored; tried, approved.

saṃśuddhi f. cleanness, purity.

saṃśuṣka a. dry, emaciated.

saṃśūna a. swollen.

saṃśodhana a. (f. ī) & n. purifying.

saṃśoṣa m. drying up (intr.).

saṃśoṣaṇa a. & n. drying up (tr. & intr.).

saṃśoṣin a. drying, draining.

saṃśraya m. connection, relation, attachment, union, alliance, league; refuge, shelter, abode, dwelling-place; the resorting or having recourse to (loc. or --°); abl. in consequence or by means of (--°). Adj. --° connected with, living or being in (also -yin), relating to, intent upon.

saṃśrayin a. resorted or fled to; dwelling or being in (--°); m. servant, subject.

saṃśrava m. -ṇa n. hearing, loc. within hearing.

saṃśrānta a. wearied, exhausted.

saṃśrita a. joined or connected with (instr. or --°); (being) leaned on or resorted to; belonging or relating to (loc. or --°); being, dwelling, living in or on (acc., loc., & --°); contained in (--°).

saṃśruta a. heard, learnt, read in (loc.); agreed, promised.

saṃśliṣ a. (nom. -śliṭ) entwined, coherent.

saṃśliṣṭa a. sticking close to, firmly united with (acc., instr. ±saha, or --°); blended together; indistinct, neutral.

saṃśleṣa m. junction, connection, union, immediate contact with (instr.); embrace.

saṃśleṣaṇa a. (f. ī) & n. cementing, uniting firmly or closely; n. also cleaving or sticking to, cement, tie, band.

saṃśleṣin a. uniting, connecting.

saṃsakta a. hanging, sticking to, fixed or bent on, devoted to, occupied with (loc. or --°); met, engaged in battle; joined, connected, or furnished with (--°); contiguous, close, dense; lasting, continual, uninterrupted.

saṃsakti f. immediate touch or contact.

saṃsaṅga m. connection, adj. -ṅgin.

saṃsad f. assembly, community, company, multitude; law-court, court of a prince.

saṃsamaka a. put together.

saṃsaraṇa n. walking about, wandering, esp. from one existence into another.

saṃsarga a. mixing, running together. m. mixture, union, connection, contact with (gen., instr., or --°); attachment, esp. to external objects, sensuality; dealing or intercourse (also sexual) with (gen., instr. ±saha, loc., or --°); participation (adj. --° having partaken of); living together, association, community of goods.

saṃsargin a. being in connection or contact with, partaking of (--°).

saṃsarjana n. meeting, joining with (instr.).

saṃsarpa a. sneaking, gliding.

saṃsarpaṇa n. ascending (of a mountain); gliding, sneaking, stealing upon (an enemy).

saṃsarpamāṇaka a. creeping.

saṃsarpin a. moving on slowly; reaching or stretching to (--°).

saṃsahasra a. accompanied by a thousand.

saṃsāda m. company.

saṃsādhana n. preparing, arranging, contriving.

saṃsādhya a. to be brought about, won, acquired, subdued.

saṃsāra m. wandering, esp. from one existence into another, metempsychosis, transmigration, the cycle of existence; life i.g.

saṃsāragamana n. the course of transmigration.

saṃsāramārga m. the path of life.

saṃsārānta m. the end of life.

saṃsārārṇava m. the ocean of mundane existence.

saṃsārin a. stretching far, comprising (intelligence); attached to mundane existence.

saṃsic a. shedding or pouring together.

saṃsiddha a. accomplished, attained, arranged, prepared; perfect, happy, emancipated.

saṃsiddhi f. accomplishment, perfection, success, result.

saṃsud f. tasting, enjoying; dat. as infin.

saṃsupta a. sleeping, asleep.

saṃsūcana n. showing, betraying, uttering.

saṃsūda s. the palate.

saṃsṛj f. meeting.

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saṃsṛp f. pl. E. of ten deitis (Agni etc.).

saṃsṛṣṭa a. collected, united, associated (as partners etc.), mixed or mingled with (instr. or --°); n. connection with, relation to (loc.).

saṃsṛṣṭi f. union, conjunction.

saṃsevana n. using, employing, serving, worshipping (--°).

saṃsevā f. frequenting, worshipping; use, employment; inclination to, fondness of (--°).

saṃsevya a. to be frequented, served, honoured, worshipped, used, employed.

saṃskaraṇa n. arranging, preparing, cremating (a dead body).

saṃskartṛ m. arranger, preparer, consecrator, performer of a ceremony.

saṃskāra m. preparing, arranging; cultivation, education; purification, sacrament, consecration, any rite or ceremony, esp. funeral obsequies; impression (ph.).

saṃskārya a. to be connected or initiated.

saṃskṛta a. put together, composed, prepared, arranged; consecrated, initiated, married; adorned, polished, cultivated, Sanskritic; n. arrangement, preparation; the Sanskrit language.

saṃskṛtātman a. having received the sacraments (lit. whose mind is prepared).

saṃskṛti f. = seq. + consecration, initiation.

saṃskriyā f. arranging, preparing, forming.

saṃstabdha a. stiff, immovable.

saṃstambha m. pertinacy, resistance.

saṃstambhana n. abstr. to seq.

saṃstambhayitṛ a. stopping, restraining.

saṃstambhin a. stopping, restraining.

saṃstara m. a bed or couch of leaves or straw; cover, veil; scattering or scattered mass; spreading, sacrificial act (±yajña).

saṃstaraṇa n. straw; strewing, scattering.

saṃstava m. -na n. (common) praise or song.

saṃstāra m. bed or couch of straw.

saṃstīrṇa a. strewed, scattered.

saṃstṛta a. strewed, scattered.

saṃstuta a. praised or sung (together); equal to, passing for (instr. or --°); acquainted, familiar; n. plan, intention.

saṃstuti f. praise, eulogy.

saṃstubh f. saṃstobha m. shouting.

saṃstyāna a. stiffened, coagulated; n. stiffening, coagulation.

saṃstyāya m. heap, assemblage; house, habitation.

saṃstha a. standing, abiding, being or contained in (loc. or --°); belonging to, resting or dependent on, partaking or possessed of (--°); lasting, continuing. -- m. saṃstha (only loc.) amidst or in presence of (gen.). f. saṃsthā staying, remaining with (--°); shape, form, esp. the ground-form of a sacrifice; manifestation, appearance, likeness (often adj. --°); fixed order, rule, nature, character; conclusion, end, death.

saṃsthāna n. standing, staying or abiding in (loc.); standing firm, duration, continuance; existence, being, life; dwelling-place, abode; public place in a city; shape, form, appearance; nature, character; conclusion, end.

saṃsthānaka m. N. of a prince.

saṃsthāpana n. fixing, establishing, settling; f. ā supporting, comforting.

saṃsthita a. standing or having stood (in battle); being in or on (loc., upari, or --°); abiding, staying, lasting; resting or depending on, familiar with (loc.); perfect, finished; dead, deceased.

saṃsthiti f. being together, union with or staying among (loc.), standing, sitting, etc. on (loc. or --°); position, situation; duration, continuance, perseverance; existence, possibility; shape, form, fixed order, rule; nature, character; conclusion, end, death.

saṃspardhā f. contest, rivalry, jealousy, envy.

saṃspardhin a. vying with (--°); jealous, envious.

saṃsparśa m. touch, contact.

saṃsparśaja a. produced by contact.

saṃsparśana a. touching (--°); n. as subst.

saṃsparśin a. = prec. a. (--°).

saṃspṛś a. = prec. a. (--°).

saṃspṛṣṭa a. touched, brought in close contact with (instr. or --°), adjoining, contiguous; touched or visited by (instr.).

saṃsphīta a. perfect, complete.

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saṃsphoṭa m. striking or clashing together.

saṃsmaraṇa n. remembrance, recollection of (gen.).

saṃsmaraṇīya a. to be remembered, memorable.

saṃsmartavya a. to be remembered, memorable.

saṃsmṛta a. remembered, thought of, prescribed, named, called.

saṃsmṛti f. = saṃsmaraṇa.

saṃsmera a. smiling.

saṃsyandin a. flowing together.

saṃsrava m. flowing together, conflux, flood; dregs, remains.

saṃsrāva m. = prec.

saṃsrāvaṇa a. flowing together.

saṃsrāvya a. run together, mingled.

saṃsvāra m. sounding together.

saṃsveda m. sweat, perspiration.

saṃhat f. layer, stratum.

saṃhata a. struck together, closely joined, well knit, hard, solid, compact, strong, intense; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

saṃhati f. striking or clasping together, closing tight (intr.); union or conjunction with (instr.); seam, suture; compactness, firmness, solidity, esp. of the body; bulk, heap, mass, plenty, abundance.

saṃhanana a. compact, firm, solid; n. striking together, compactness, firmness (lit. & fig.), solidity, a firm or solid stature, body i.g.

saṃhanu a. beating the jaws together.

saṃharaṇa n. grasping, seizing, gathering, binding up (the hair), arranging; fetching back (of a shot arrow by magic); destroying.

saṃhartavya a to be brought together; to be arranged or repaired; to be removed or destroyed.

saṃhartṛ m. destroyer.

saṃharṣa m. bristling of the hair of the body, thrill of delight, rapture, joy; also = seq n.

saṃharṣaṇa f. ī causing the erection of the hair of the body, gladdening; n. ardour, emulation, jealousy.

saṃharṣin a. gladdening (--°).

saṃhāta m. succinctness, conciseness.

saṃhāra m. drawing together, contraction, abridgment, compendium, collection; gathering etc. = saṃharaṇa; conclusion, end (d.).

saṃhārin a. destroying (--°).

saṃhārya a. to be gathered or collected, to be avoided or removed; transportable, corruptible.

saṃhita a. put together, connected or endowed with, pertaining to (--°); allied with i.e. friendly to (instr. ±saha). f. ā connection, junction, esp. the euphonic junction of letters and words; any methodical collection of texts or verses.

saṃhitāpāṭha m. the continuous text of the Veda (cf. prec.).

saṃhṛti f. destruction of the world; conclusion, end i.g.

saṃhṛṣṭa a. stiff, erected, bristling; thrilled, rejoiced, merry, gay.

saṃhotra n. community of sacrifice.

saṃhrāda m. loud sound, call, or cry; m. crier, N. of an Asura etc.

saṃhrādana a. sounding loud.

saṃhrādi m. N. of a Rākṣasa.

saṃhrādin a. sounding loud; m. N. of a Rākṣasa.

saṃhlādin a. refreshing, comforting.

saṃhvayana n. calling or shouting together.

saka demin. to sa1.

sakaṇṭaka a. thorny or having bristled hair.

sakampa a. trembling, tremulous; n. adv.

sakaruṇa a. querulous, whining, pitiful, compassionate; n. adv.

sakarṇa a. having ears, hearing.

sakarṇaka a. having ears, hearing.

sakarmaka a. having results or consequences; having an object, transitive (g.).

sakala a. having parts, divisible, material; all, whole, entire; n. everything.

sakalakaluṣa m. N. of a region in a wood.*

sakalajana m. every person, everybody.

sakalarūpaka n. a complete metaphor (rh.).

sakaluṣa a. stained, obscured.*

sakalaloka m. = sakalajana.

sakalavidyāmaya a. containing all knowledge.

sakalika a. furnished with blossoms.

sakalendu m. the full moon.

sakalpa a. along with the Kalpa (part of the Veda).

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sakaṣāya a. passionate.

sakaṣṭam adv. unfortunately.

sakākola a. along with the hell Kākola.

sakātara a. depressed, sad.

sakāma a. satisfying wishes or having a wish satisfied; content, willing; enamoured.

sakāra m. the sound sa.

sakāśa m. presence; acc. towards, to; loc. before, near, at; abl. & -tas from; lit. to, in, & from the presence of (gen. or --°).

sakiṃkara a. accompanied by servants.

sakulaja a. born of the same family with (gen.).

sakulya m. kinsman, relative.

sakūti a. desirous, enamoured.

sakṛt adv. at once, suddenly; once (semel or olim); ever (w. neg. never); once for all, evermore.

sakṛtsū a. bringing forth at once.

sakṛtsnāyin a. bathing once.

sakṛdvibhāta a. appeared at once.

sakṛnmadvat adv. once.

sakṛpaṇam adv. querulously, whiningly.

sakṛpam a. compassionately.

saketa a. having one intention.

sakeśa a. together with the hair or containing hair (food).

sakopa a. wrathful, angry; n. adv.

sakautuka a. curious of, expectant (--°).

sakautūhalam adv. expectantly.

sakta a. hanging on, sticking in or to, connected with (loc. or --°); committed or entrusted to (--°); intent upon, attached or devoted to, occupied with (loc., acc. w. prati, or --°); n., -tā f., -tva n. = seq.

sakti f. clinging together, attachment to (loc. or --°), esp. to wordly things.

saktu m. coarsely ground parched grains, grits, esp. of barley.

saktuhoma m. an oblation of grits.

saktuśrī a. mixed with grits.

saktha (adj. --°, f. ī) = seq.

sakthan n. sakthī f. the thigh.

sakthi n. sakthī f. the thigh.

sakman n. intercourse.

sakmya n. peculiarity, nature.

sakratu a. unanimous, harmonious with (instr.).

sakrudh (n. adv.), & sakrodhana a. angry.

sakrodha (n. adv.), & sakrodhana a. angry.

sakṣa & sakṣaṇa a. overwhelming.

sakṣaṇi [1] a. the same (acc.).

sakṣaṇi [2] a. belonging to (gen.), joined with (instr.); m. companion, owner.

sakṣit a. dwelling or lying together.

sakṣīra a. milky, lactescent (plant).

sakha (a. --°) = sakhi; also united with accompanied by (f. ā).

sakhaḍga a. (armed) with a sword.

sakhi m. friend, comrade, attendant.

sakhitā f. sakhitva & sakhitvana n. friendship, fellowship, intimacy.

sakhipūrva n. -bhāva m. = prec.

sakhivant a. having followers.

sakhivid a. winning friends.

sakhī f. female friend or companion.

sakhīgaṇa m. (number of female) friends.

sakhījana a. female friend, confidante (also coll.).

sakhīsneha m. love for a (female) friend.*

sakhīy only -yant desirous of friendship.

sakhedam adv. sorrowfully.

sakhya n. friendship, fellowship, relationship.

sagaṇa a. having troops or followers, surrounded by (instr.); m. E. of Śiva.

sagadgada a. spoken in a faltering voice; n. adv.

sagadgadagir a. stammering words.

sagandha a. having a smell, smelling like or of (instr. or --°); related, kindred. m. kinsman, friend.

sagandhin a. smelling like (--°).

sagara m. the atmosphere; N. of a myth. king,

sagarbha a. with child, pregnant.

sagarva a. arrogant, proud of (loc. or --°); n. adv.

sagu a. with cows.

saguḍā f. a kind of perfume.*

saguṇa a. furnished with a rope or string, having attributes, qualities, or virtues.

sagṛha a. with the house i.e. with kith and kin.

sagotra a. of the same family with (gen. or --°); related, of kin.

sagauravam adv. with dignity.

sagdhi f. a common meal.

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sagraha a. containing crocodiles (river); having (i.e. seized by) the demon Graha, eclipsed (moon); along with a ladleful or cupful (r.).

sagh saghnoti v be equal to or a match for; undergo, incur.

saghan m. vulture.

saghana a. thick, dense; cloudy.

saghṛṇa a. pitiful, compassionate.

saghṛta a. mixed with ghee.

saghoṣa a. pl. shouting together.

saṃkaṭa a. narrow, strait; thick, dense; difficult, hard. n. narrow path, difficult passage, difficulty, danger, distress, pain.

saṃkathana n. -kathā f. talk, discourse, conversation with (instr. ±saha or --°).

saṃkara m. mixture, confusion; esp. mixture of two figures of speech, or m. of caste by intermarriage.

saṃkarāpātrakṛtyā f. pl. deeds which make unworthy or degrade to a mixed caste.

saṃkarin a. having illicit intercourse with (--°).

saṃkarīkaraṇa n. degradation to a mixed caste.

saṃkartam ger. by cutting in pieces.

saṃkarṣa m. drawing together, vicinity.

saṃkarṣaṇa m. the Plougher (Halāyudha).

saṃkalana n. putting or keeping together.

saṃkaluṣa s. defilement, pollution.

saṃkalpa m. decision of the mind, persuasion; intention, purpose; wish, desire.

saṃkalpaka a. deciding (right); wishing.

saṃkalpaja a. sprung from a certain idea; also = seq. a. & m.

saṃkalpajanman a. sprung from desire; m. love or the god of love.

saṃkalpana n. -nā f. wishing, desiring.

saṃkalpanīya a. to be wished for or desired.

saṃkalpabhava a. & m. = saṃkalpajanman.

saṃkalpayoni a. & m. = saṃkalpajanman.

saṃkalpavant a. who has to decide.

saṃkasuka [1] a. splitting, crumbling (trans.).

saṃkasuka [2] a. crumbling off, decaying; irresolute.

saṅkā f. combat, fight.

saṃkāra m. sweepings, dust.

saṃkālana n. the carrying out and burning of a dead body.

saṃkāśa m. appearance; adj. --° appearing like, similar to.

saṃkīrṇa a. mixed, confounded, covered or filled with (--°); n. & -tā f. confusion.

saṃkīrṇacārin a. moving about confusedly.

saṃkīrṇayoni a. of mixed origin.

saṃkīrtana n. mentioning, praising.

saṃkucita a. contracted, wrinkled, shut, bent.

saṃkula a. full of, swarming with, accompanied by, rich in (instr. or --°); thick, dense, intensive; confused, distressed. n. throng, pressure, pain, distress.

saṃkulita (a. --°) = prec. a.

saṃkulīkṛ assemble, gather; confound, disarrange.

saṃkṛti a. arranging, restoring. m. a man's name; f. a kind of metre.

saṃkḷpta a. arranged, prepared, ready.

saṃkḷpti f. will, wish.

saṃketa m. agreement, consent, appointment, rendezvous, token, signal.

saṃketaka m. agreement, consent, appointment, rendezvous, token, signal.

saṃketaketana n. place appointed for meeting (a lover).

saṃketakagṛhaka s. the same.*

saṃketastha a. coming to a rendezvous.

saṃketasthāna n. = saṃketaketana.

saṃketodyāna n. a garden for a rendezvous.

saṃkoca m. shrinking, contraction, decrease.

saṃkocana [1] n. the same.

saṃkocana f. ī2 contracting, astringent.

saṃkranda m. roaring, wailing, lamenting, (shout of) war.

saṃkrandana a. crying, roaring; n. fight, war.

saṃkrama m. going or coming together, meeting; way, course; bridge, path, stairs; (the falling or shooting of stars*).

saṃkramaṇa n. occurrence, taking place; passage or entrance into (loc. or --°), esp. into another world, death.

saṃkrānta a. come together, met; transferred, passed over from (abl.), to (--°).

saṃkrānti f. passage or entrance into; transfer, transition.

saṃkrāma m. passing, elapsing.

saṃkrāmaṇa n. carrying over.

saṃkrīḍa m. play, sport.

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saṃkrośa m. clamour, shout, esp. of indignation.

saṃkleda m. making or becoming wet; wetness by (--°).

saṃkleśa m. pain, woe.

saṃkṣaya m. perishing, disappearance, destruction.

saṃkṣara m. flowing together.

saṃkṣāra m. flowing together.

saṃkṣālana n. water for washing or rinsing.

saṃkṣipta a. thrown together, compressed, narrow, small, short; abridged, concise.

saṃkṣepa m. throwing together, either destroying or abridging, compressing, esp. succinct or concise exposition, recapitulation.

saṃkṣepaka m. destroyer (cf. prec.).

saṃkṣeptṛ m. destroyer (cf. prec.).

saṃkṣepatas a. succinctly, briefly.

saṃkṣobha m. shock, jerk, wrench; disturbance, agitation.

saṃkhya n. fight, war.

saṃkhyā f. reckoning up, numbering; number (also g.), numeral; appellation, name.

saṃkhyātā f. a kind of riddle.

saṃkhyātiga a. innumerable.

saṃkhyāna n. appearing, springing up; reckoning up, numbering, calculation.

saṃkhyānāman n. -śabda m. numeral.

saṃkhyāpada n. -śabda m. numeral.

saṃkhyeya a. to be reckoned up, numerable.

saṅga [1] m. (adj. --° f. ā & ī) sticking to, hanging upon, contact with (loc. or --°); meeting, encounter; near relation to, intercourse (also sexual) with (gen., instr. ±saha, loc., or --°); attachment or devotion to, propensity for, desire of (loc. or --°).

saṃga [2] m. hostile encounter.

saṃgaṇanā f. summing up, enumeration.

saṃgata a. come together, met, united; fit, proper, suitable to (--°). --n. meeting, union, alliance, intercourse, connection, stipulation.

saṃgatārtha a. having a suitable meaning, intelligible.

saṃgati f. meeting, encountering (gen. or --°), betaking one's self to (loc.); association, alliance, intercourse (also sexual) with (instr. ±saha or samam, loc., gen., or --°); happening, taking place; chance, accident; fitness, propriety; connection or coherence with, relation to (instr. or --°).

saṃgatha m. meeting, central point.

saṃgama m. coming together, meeting (as friends or foes), union (also sexual), association, intercourse with (instr. ±saha, gen., or --°); contact, relation, connection.

saṃgamana f. ī assembling, gathering (trans.); n. meeting, contact or union with (instr. or --°).

saṃgamanīya a. effecting union; w. maṇi m. = seq.

saṃgamamaṇi m. the jewel of union (myth.).

saṃgamin a. having intercourse with (--°).

saṃgara m. agreement, promise; fight, contest with (instr.), about (gen.).

saṃgaraṇa n. transacting, agreeing.

saṃgava m. the time when cows come together to be milked; morning or forenoon.

saṅgavant a. attached to (loc.).

saṅgavarjita a. free from wordly ties, unworldly.

saṃgavinī f. place for driving together and milking cows.

saṅgin a. sticking to or in, hanging on, coming into contact with (--°); devoted to, intent upon, occupied with (loc., gen., or --°).

saṃgir f. agreement, promise.

saṃgira a. devouring.

saṃgīta n. song of many voices, concert, symphony.

saṃgītaka n. song of many voices, concert, symphony.

saṃgītakagṛha n. concert-hall.

saṃgītakapada n. place or situation at a theatre or concert.*

saṃgītaratnākara m. T. of a musical work.

saṃgītavidyā f. the art (science) of singing.

saṃgītaveśman n. -śālā f. concert-hall.

saṃgītasahāyinī f. a female that accompanies another in singing.*

saṃgītasārasaṃgraha m. T. of a musical work.

saṃgīti f. N. of a metre.

saṃgupta a. kept, guarded; concealed, hidden.

saṃgupti f. keeping, concealing.

saṃgṛbhītṛ m. restrainer, ruler (acc.).

saṃgṛhītṛ m. tamer of horses, charioteer; ruler i.g.

saṃgopana a. & n. concealing.

saṃgrathita a. strung or tied together.

saṃgranthana n. connecting, contriving.

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saṃgrasana n. devouring.

saṃgraha m. seizing, grasping, laying hold on, keeping, winning, acquiring, taking (also to wife), enjoying, fetching back (of a shot arrow by magic), gathering, assembling, collection; enumeration, sum, totalily; restraining, directing, government, concr. ruler, governor, arranger; short exposition, compendium of (--°); attracting, winning over, kindness.

saṃgrahaṇa a. seizing, grasping. n. seizing, getting, acquiring, collecting, enumerating; checking, restraining; attracting, conciliating, seducing, committing adultery (±strī).

saṃgrahin m. collector, procurer.

saṃgrahītṛ m. tamer of horses, charioteer; who wins over (acc.).

saṃgrāma m. popular assembly, host, troop; hostile encounter, fight, war, contest with (instr. ±samam saha, or sārdham, & --°).

saṃgrāmajit a. victorious in battle.

saṃgrāmatūrya n. battle-drum.

saṃgrāmabhūmi f. field of battle.

saṃgrāmamūrdhan m. front of battle.

saṃgrāmaśiras n. = saṃgrāmamūrdhan.

saṃgrāmāgra n. = saṃgrāmamūrdhan.

saṃgrāmin a. engaged in battle.

saṃgrāhaka f. ī contracting, comprehending, short.

saṃgrāhin a. collecting, gathering; attracting, winning (--°).

saṃgrāhya a. to be embraced, attracted, or won.

saṃgha m. band, company, crowd.

saṃghacārin a. walking by troops.

saṃghaṭana n. ā f. combination, union.

saṃghaṭṭa m. -na n. collision, friction, encounter; union, conjunction.

saṃgharṣa m. friction (also -ṇa n.); emulation, contest, jealousy at (acc. w. prati or --°).

saṃgharṣin a. jealous, envious, emulous of (--°).

saṃghavṛtti f. union, alliance.

saṃghaśas adv. by troops, in numbers.

saṃghāta m. (n.) stroke, blow, hurt; shutting (of a door); collision, contest, fight; close union, aggregate, complex, collection, heap, mass; composition of words or formation of compounds (g.).

sac sacate v (sacati), siṣakti saścaci (saścacite) be united, have intercourse with, deal with, be possessed of or obnoxious to (instr.); belong, be attached or devoted to, attend on, accompany, follow, pursue, visit (acc.); help to (dat.); stay or be in (loc.). --
     anu go after, follow, pursue; stick to (acc.).
     apa withdraw, escape.
     abhi seek, turn towards (acc.).
     ā & upa seek, look for (acc.).
     ni be closely connected with (instr.)
     pra pursue.
     prati pursue with vengeance.
     sam be united or connected with (instr.).

sacakitam adv. tremblingly, timidly.

sacakra a. furnished with wheels.

sacakrin m. carrier, charioteer.

sacakṣuṣa a. having eyes, seeing.

sacakṣus a. having eyes, seeing.

sacatha m. companionship, attendance.

sacathya a. helpful, ready; n. = prec.

sacadhyai dat. inf. to sac.

sacana a. = sacathya adj.

sacanas a. unanimous, harmonious with (instr.).

sacanasy sacanasyate v show tenderness or care.

sacarācara a. together with movable and immovable things, n. adv.

sacasy sacasyate v receive care.

sacā adv. near, at hand; along, together; along with, in presence of, near, at, in (loc.).

sacābhū a. accompanied by; m. companion, friend.

saci adv. together, at once.

sacit a. thinking or = seq.

sacitta a. having one (the same) thought.

sacitra a. having (or together with) pictures.

sacinta a. thoughtful, n. adv.

sacintākulam adv. = prec. adv.

saciva m. attendant, assistant, esp. counsellor or minister of a king; adj. --° supported by, furnished with.

sacivatā f. -tva n. the office of a minister.

sacivid a. intimate, familiar.

sacetana a. conscious, sensible.

sacetas a. having the same mind, unanimous; also = prec.

sacela a. having clothes, clothed.

sacaila a. having clothes, clothed.

saccandrikā f. beautiful moon-shine.

saccarita [1] n. good or virtuous conduct.

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saccarita [2] a. well-conducted, virtuous.

saccaritra n. saccaryā f. = prec. 1.

saccittiśaṃsin a. indicating a good heart or suggesting good thoughts.*

saccidānanda [1] n. pl. existence, thought, and joy (ph.).

saccidānanda [2] a. consisting of existence, thought, and joy (ph.).

saccidānandamaya a. the same.

saccinmaya a. consisting of existence and thought.

sacchadis a. covered.

sacchanda a. consisting of equal metres.

sacchandas a. the same.

sacchandasya a. the same.

sacchala a. deceitful.

sacchāya a. affording shade; coloured, of the same colour with (--°).

sacchāstra n. good doctrine, p. -vant.

sacchīla n. a good character.

saccheda a. interrupted.

saj -> sañj.

sajana a. visited or inhabited by men; loc. among or with men.

sajanya a. belonging to a friend or relation.

sajala a. containing water, wet.

sajalapṛṣata a. sprinkling water (wind).

sajāgara a. awake, not sleeping.

sajāta a. kindred; m. a kinsman or countryman, p. -vant.

sajāti a. belonging to the caste etc., homogeneous, similar.

sajātīya a. belonging to the caste etc., homogeneous, similar.

sajātya a. kindred; n. common origin, relationship.

sajāya a. having a wife, married.

sajāra a. along with the lover.

sajāla a. maned.

sajitvan f. -tvarī victorious, superior.

sajīva a. animated, alive.

sajuṣ (sajūs & sajūr) adv. together, moreover; along with (instr.).

sajoṣa a. unanimous, harmonious, equally disposed, being or acting along with (instr.).

sajoṣaṇa n. common amusement.

sajoṣas a. = sajoṣa; n. adv. together.

sajja a. having the string on, i.e. strung or put on the string (bow and arrow); i.g. ready, prepared (pers. & th.); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sajjakarman n. stringing a bow (cf. prec.).

sajjana [1] a. hanging down from (--°).

sajjana [2] m. a good man.

sajjay sajjayati v pp. sajjita furnish with the string (a bow); prepare, make ready i.g.

sajjīkṛ  = prec.; bhū get ready for (dat.).

sajya a. furnished with a string, strung (bow); put on the string (arrow).

sajyakarman & sajyokṛ v = sajjakarman & sajjī kṛ.

sajyotis adv. according to the light (as long as the sun or stars give light).

sajvara a. having fever.

sañca s. book for writing.

sañcaka s. stamp or casting mould.

saṃcakāna a. satisfied with (instr.).

saṃcaya m. heaping up, gathering, heap, store, wealth, collection, multitude.

saṃcayana n. collecting.

saṃcayavant a. wealthy, rich.

saṃcayin a. = prec. or abundant, copious.

saṃcara a. wandering together, happening at the same time, belonging to or partaking of (--°); m. way, road, passage.

saṃcaraṇa f. ī trodden, frequented (way). n. passing through, crossing (the sea); moving from (abl.), in (loc. or --°), by (--°).

saṃcariṣṇu a. moving, wandering.

saṃcarvaṇa n. chewing.

saṃcala a. -na n. trembling, quaking.

saṃcāra m. wandering, roaming, riding, driving moving i.g.; going through, passage (also concr.); way, path.

saṃcāraka m. guide.

saṃcāraṇa n. leading to or in.

saṃcāraṇīya a. to be gone through, to be transferred to (loc.).

saṃcārapatha m. walk (concr.).

saṃcārin a. wandering, walking about, moving; movable, transmitted, hereditary (disease); being in, occupied with (--°); accessory, incidental. m. fellow (-traveller), companion (f. -ṇī).

saṃcita a. heaped up, accumulated, dense (forest), filled or endowed with (--°).

saṃciti f. piling, gathering.

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saṃcintana n. pondering, reflecting.

saṃcintya a. to be thought of or considered.

saṃcūrṇana n. grinding down.

saṃcṛt f. fastening together, joining.

saṃceya a. to be piled up or gathered.

saṃcodana n. impelling, urging on.

saṃchanna a. covered, veiled, hidden, unknown.

saṃchettavya a. to be removed (cf. seq.).

saṃchettṛ m. cleaver i.e. remover (of a doubt).

sañj saj sajati sajate, pp. sakta v (q.v.) A. trans, hang on or together; M. intr. hang on (acc.), cleave or stick to (loc.); P. sajyate hang on (loc.), sajjate (ti) be hung on or attached to (loc.); cleave, stick; lag, tarry; be intent upon or devoted to (loc.). C. sañjayati attach, connect with (loc.); sajjayati fix on, attach to (loc.); copulate i.e. prostitute. --
     vyati mix or join mutually.
     anu hang or stick with (instr.), add; P. anuṣajjate hang on, adhere or cling to (acc. or loc.), devote one's self to or occupy one's self with (loc.).
     abhi utter a curse; lay a claim upon (loc.).
     ava A. hang or fasten upon, commit or transfer to (loc.). P. avasajyate be hung or fastened; avasajjate cling or attach one's self to.
     ā hang or suspend on (loc.); impose upon, transfer to (loc.); lean on, cling to (acc.), follow close to a person's (acc.) heels (also āsajjate). C. suspend, cause a pers. (intr.) to hang or put on (loc.); appoint to (loc).
     vyā get engaged in a quarrel or fight.
     samā hang on or round; lay (a change) on, commit or transfer to (loc.).
     ni M. hang round (one's self) on down.
     pra A. attach (one's self) to (loc.); hang, stick, or furnish with (instr.); approach as an enemy, engage in a quarrel with (loc.); (cause to) happen, occur, or result. P. (in both forms) cling or stick to, be occupied with (loc.).
     saṃpra (sajyate ti), be attached to (loc.).
     vi A. hang on, suspend; P. (ṣajjate) be devoted or attached to (loc.), esp. to the world or to a beloved person; be followed close by (instr.).
     sam (sajjate ti) stick, adhere, cling to (loc.); get into a quarrel or fight with (instr.), attack, assail (acc.); stop, falter (voice); flow together, join; be engaged, commence (fight). -- Cf. atiṣakta anuṣakta āṣakta niṣakta prasakta viṣakta vyatiṣakta vyāsakta (add.), saṃsakta.

sañjana n. attaching, fastening, putting together.

saṃjanana a. (f. ī) & n. producing, causing, effecting; n. also springing forth, growth.

saṃjaya a. victorious; m. victory, a kind of military array, a man's name.

saṃjalpa m. -lpita n. talking together, conversation.

saṃjāta a. born, produced, arisen, -lajja a. ashamed, embarrassed.

saṃjit m. winner, conqueror.

saṃjiti f. gain, complete victory.

saṃjijīvayiṣu a. wishing to animate.

saṃjijīviṣu a. wishing to live.

saṃjihīrṣu a. wishing to destroy.

saṃjīva a. & m. reviving (tr. & intr.).

saṃjīvaka f. -vikā animating; m. N. of a bull.

saṃjīvana f. ī animating; m. a cert. hell; n. living or coming to life again.

saṃjīvin a. animating, rendering alive.

saṃjuṣṭa a. visited or inhabited by, filled with (instr. or --°).

saṃjña f. -ikā (adj. --°) named, termed.

saṃjñakā f. -ikā (adj. --°) named, termed.

saṃjñatā f. abstr. to saṃjñā consciousness.

saṃjñapana n. making unanimous or = seq.

saṃjñapti f. suffocation of the sacrif. animal.

saṃjñā f. mutual understanding, agreement, harmony; signal, gesticulation with the hand etc. (--°); consciousness, perception, idea; designation, name, technic term (cf. saṃjña etc.); N. of Tvaṣṭṛ's daughter.

saṃjñātarūpa a. of known appearance.

saṃjñāti f. unanimity, agreement.

saṃjñāna a. causing unanimity or concord, f. such a ceremony. n. unanimity, harmony, agreement with (loc. or instr.), mutual or right understanding.

saṃjñārtham adv. to give an idea.

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saṃjñita a. made known, produced, called, termed (--°).

saṃjñin a. conscious; having the name (--°).

saṃjvara m. heat, fever, agitation.

saṃjvalana n. fire-wood, fuel.

saṭā f. braid of hair, mane, the bristles of a boar; multitude, abundance; light, splendour.

saṭāla a. maned.

saṭālu s. = śalāṭu q.v.

saḍiṇḍimam adv. by the sound of a drum.

sat -> sant.

sata m. n. a cert. vessel or dish.

satata (adj. °--) continual; n. & °-- adv. continually, incessantly, always, ever; w. naṃ never.

satatagata m. the wind (lit. = -yāyin)

satatagati m. the wind (lit. = -yāyin)

satatadhṛti a. showing a constant will.

satatayāyin a. ever-moving.

satatayukta a. constantly devoted.

satati a. coherent, uninterrupted.

satattva n. the real or ture nature; -tas adv. in truth, really.

satanu a. embodied, along with the body.

satas adv. equally.

satīna [1] (--°) truly, really.

satīna [2] m. a kind of pease.

satīrtha m. fellow-student (lit. having the same teacher).

satīrthya m. fellow-student (lit. having the same teacher).

satūrya a. accompanied by music; n. adv.

satṛṇa a. grassy; °-- & n. adv. along with grass.

satṛṇābhyavahārin a. eating all, even grass, i.e. making no difference, uncritical, insipid (poet).

satṛṣṇam adv. with desire, impatiently.

satejas a. along with fire, splendour, or power.

satoka a. along with the offspring.

satobṛhant a. equally high or great; f. -hatī N. of a metre.

satomaghavan a. equally liberal.

satomahant a. equally great.

satovīra a. equally heroic or valiant.

satkathā f. a fine story.

satkaraṇa n. the cremation of a dead body (lit. good action).

satkartavya a. to be treated well.

satkartṛ m. benefactor.

satkarman [1] n. a good action.

satkarman [2] a. doing good actions.

satkavi m. a good or true poet; abstr. -tva n.

satkāra m. good treatment or service, esp. good reception of a guest, hospitality; burning of a dead body.

satkārya a. to be honoured (by a kind reception or funeral obsequies).

satkīrti [1] f. a good renown.

satkīrti [2] a. having a good renown.

satkula [1] n. a good or noble race.

satkula [2] a. sprung from a noble race.

satkulīna a. = prec. 2.

satkṛ make good, put in order, arrange, prepare, adorn, receive kindly (esp. a guest), treat well, honour (esp. the dead by burning). --
     abhi = S.
     prati honour in return.

satkṛti f. = satkāra.

satkriyā f. putting in order, preparing; also = satkāra, i.g. ceremony, festival of (--°).

satkṣetra n. a good field.

satta a. sitting, seated.

sattama (superl.) the best, first among or chief (gen. or --°).

sattṛ m. sitter, esp. at a sacrifice.

sattā f. existence, being.

satti f. setting in, beginning.

sattra n. sacrificial session or any meritorious action of equal worth; alms-house, hospital.

sattrarāj m. king of the Sattra (cf. prec.).

sattrasad m. Sattra-fellow.

sattrasadya n. Sattra-fellowship.

sattrāyaṇa n. a sacrificial session lasting several years.

sattrin m. the performer or partaker of a sacrificial session or of an action of equal merit.

sattriya a. belonging to a Sattra.

sattrīya a. belonging to a Sattra.

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sattva n. being, existence, reality, nature, character; firmness, resolution, energy, courage; goodness (ph.); spiritual or intellectual being, spirit or vital. breath; real being, thing, object; (also m.) living or sentient being, esp. animal, beast; phantom, spectre, imp, goblin.

sattvakartṛ m. creator of beings.

sattvadhāman n. the splendour of goodness (ph.); -dhara m. the bearer of it, i.e. Viṣṇu.

sattvamaya a. consisting of goodness (ph.).

sattvarāśi m. a paragon (lit. heap) of firmness or courage.

sattvalakṣaṇā f. pregnant, with child, lit. marked by a (new) being.

sattvavant a. having a (strong) character; energetic, resolute, courageous.

sattvaśālin a. having a (strong) character; energetic, resolute, courageous.

sattvaśabda m. a concrete, lit. word for a being (g.).

sattvastha a. having character or courage; adhering to goodness (ph.).

sattvotkarṣa m. extraordinary generosity.

satpati m. strong chief or hero; good lord or husband.

satputra [1] m. a good son.

satputra [2] a. having a good son.

satpuruṣa m. a good or excellent man.

satpratigraha m. acceptance of a gift from good men.

satya a. real, true, genuine; serious, valid, effective, sincere, faithful, honest, good. m. E. of Kṛṣṇa, N. of a genius etc. f. ā E. of Durgā, N. of a daughter of Dharma etc. n. the real or true, reality, truth; true character, sincerity, faithfulness; vow, promise, oath; also adv. really, truly, indeed, yes, very well; of course, it is true (also yatsatyam)--yet (tu kiṃ tu or tathāpi). Instr. satyena according to truth; tena satyena (±yathā) as truly as this, by this truth, on this account or for this reason.

satyakarman [1] n. truthfulness.

satyakarman [2] a. practising truth.

satyakāma a. loving truth; m. a man's name.

satyagir a. whose word is true.

satyaṃkāra m. promise, contract; earnest-money.

satyajit a. truly conquering.

satyajiti f. a true victory.

satyajña a. knowing truth.

satyatas adv. in truth.

satyatā f. reality, truth.

satyatāt f. satyatva n. = prec.

satyatāti f. satyatva n. = prec.

satyadarśin a. seeing right.

satyadṛś a. seeing right.

satyadharma [1] m. the law of truth.

satyadharma [2] a. following the law of truth.

satyadharman a. = prec. 2.

satyadhṛti a. adhering to truth.

satyanāman f. -mnī having the true or right name; abstr. -matā f.

satyaparākrama a. of true valour or power.

satyapuṣṭi f. real prosperity.

satyapratijña a. faithful to a promise, keeping one's word.

satyaprasava a. whose impulse is true or right.

satyaprasavas a. whose impulse is true or right.

satyabhāmā f. N. of a wife of Kṛṣṇa.

satyabhāṣaṇa n. truth-speaking.

satyabhūya n. the being true, truth.

satyamantra a. whose word is true.

satyamanman a. whose thoughts are true or right.

satyamaya f. ī a. consisting in truth.

satyamugra a. truly powerful.

satyamūla a. based upon truth.

satyayaj a. worshipping truly or successfully.

satyayajña m. N. of a man.

satyayoni a. having a firm abode.

satyarājan m. true or eternal king.

satyarādhas a. having or bestowing real blessings.

satyaloka m. the world of truth.

satyavacana n. & a. truth-speaking.

satyavatīputra m. Satyavatī's son, i.e. Vyāsa.

satyavadana n. -śīla a. = satyavacana n. & a.

satyavant a. true, veracious; m. & f. -vatī a man's & woman's name.

satyavāka m. = satyavadana.

satyavākya n. & adj. = satyavacana.

satyavāc f. & adj. the same.

satyavācaka a. = prec. adj.

satyavāda m. truth-speaking, promise, vow.

satyavādin a. truth-speaking, truthful; abstr. -vāditā f. & -tva n.

satyavikrama a. of real valour or strength.

satyavrata [1] n. a vow of truthfulness.

satyavrata [2] a. having i.e. keeping a vow of truthfulness.

satyaśavas a. really strong or fierce.

satyaśīla a. practising truth or veracity.

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satyaśīlin a. practising truth or veracity.

satyaśuṣma a. truly courageous or fierce.

satyaśravas n. true glory; m. a man's name.

satyaśrut a. hearing truth.

satyasaṃkalpa a. of firm resolution.

satyasaṃgara a. true to a promise or agreement.

satyasatvan m. a true champion; adj. having good champions.

satyasaṃdha a. = satyasaṃgara.

satyasava a. = satyaprasava.

satyasavas a. = satyaprasava.

satyātmaka a. whose nature is truth.

satyātman a. whose nature is truth.

satyānṛta n. du. truth and falsehood (fig. = commerce).

satyālāpin a. truth-speaking, veracious.*

satyokti f. true speech.

satyaujas a. truly powerful.

satrā adv. at once, together; along with (instr.); at all, by all means; thoroughly, much too.

satrājit a. thoroughly victorious.

satrāñc (f. satrācī) a. united, common.

satrāsah (satrāsāh) a. all-conquering, irresistible.

satrāha a. all-destroying.

satrāhan a. all-destroying.

satvakka a. having skin or bark.

satvac a. the same.

satvacas a. the same.

satvan m. hero, warrior.

satvana m. hero, warrior.

satvara a. hastening, quick; n. adv.

satsaṃga m. intercourse with good people.

satsaṃgati f. -saṃvidhāna n. the same.

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sad sīdati1 v (te), pp. satta & sanna (q.v.) sit, seat one's self (esp. for a sacrifice) on, at, or in (acc. or loc.); lie down, around or in wait for (acc.); sink beneath a burden, feel ill, become feeble, tired or languid, be overcome, fall into trouble, distress, or despair; decay, vanish. C. sādayati cause to sit down; set or place in, at, or on (loc.); afflict, distress, bring down, ruin, destroy. --
     ati die.
     anu sit down after another.
     ava stand opposite, threaten, menace (acc.).
     ava descend upon (acc.); sink down, fall away, grow lean or feeble, get into trouble or distress, despair, perish. C. sink (trans.), depress, bring down, afflict, pain, overcome, destroy.
     ā sit upon or near (acc. or loc.) preside over (acc.); waylay, watch; get to, arrive at, approach (as friend cr foe), meet with, find, hit, gain, obtain. C. cause to sit down upon, set or place in (loc. or acc.), appoint to (infin.); cause, produce; approach, come near (acc.), encounter, meet with; overtake, attack, assail; get or fall into (acc.); gain, obtain; visit, befall; use, apply.
     adhyā sit down upon (acc.).
     abhyā the same; reach, attain.
     upā sit down upon (acc.). C. approach, obtain, receive.
     nyā sit down near, in, or upon (loc. or acc.).
     pratyā be near or imminent.
     samā get to, reach, attain; come near, approach (loc. or acc.); meet, encounter; attack, assail. C. = S.
     ud withdraw from (acc.), escape (gen.); disappear, perish. C. put aside, remove, extinguish, destroy; smear, anoint.
     upod & pratyud betake one's self to (acc.).
     samud C. destroy, ruin.
     upa sit upon (acc.) or near; approach (as foe, pupil, or supplicant). C. put down or beside; get, obtain.
     abhyupa C. get to, attain.
     pratyupa sit down near (acc.).
     samupa betake one's self to, reach, attain (acc.).
     ni (ṣīdati) sit or lie down, take one's seat (r.), be seated upon (loc.), perform by sitting i.e. celebrate (a Sattra); sink, perish. C. cause to sit or kneel down; constitute, appoint (2 acc.).
     adhini settle down in (loc.).
     abhini settle down about or near (acc.).
     upani approach, set about (acc.).
     parini sit or stay around.
     vini sit down separately.
     saṃni sit down (together).
     pari (ṣīdati) sit down about, surround, invest, besiege.
     pra decay, decline, fall into the power of (acc.); become clear (lit. & fig.), cheer up; be soothed or appeased; pardon, forgive, be gracious or favourable, deign to (infin.), succeed or speed well. C. clear, brighten up, gladden, soothe, appease, make favourable, beg pardon, ask for or to (infin., dat., or loc., arthe or artham).
     abhipra settle down. C. propitiate, gladden, ask.
     saṃpra cheer up, be gracious or favourable. C. propitiate, make favourable.
     vi (ṣīdati be perplexed or dejected, despair, despond. C. vex, grieve, bring into despair.
     sam sit together with (instr.) upon (acc.); M. settle down, shrink, perish, be dejected or distressed. C. set down (together); meet, join (acc.); depress, make sad. -- Cf. avasanna āsanna āsādya utsanna upasanna niṣaṇa niṣatta pratyāsanna (add.), prasatta prasanna viṣaṇa saṃsanna samāsanna samāsādya.

sad [2] a. sitting or dwelling in (--°); m. leaping upon, covering (a female).

sada a. = prec. adj.; m. fruit; n. a cert. part of the sacrif, animal.

sadakṣa a. endowed with reason.

sadakṣiṇa a. along with presents.

sadadi adv. commonly, usually.

sadadhan a. (mixed) with sour milk.*

sadana f. ī causing settlement or stay. n. seat, place, abode, home, house (adj. --° living in); settling down, coming to rest.

sadanāsad a. sitting down on the seat.

sadaṃdi a. lasting, continual; lit. binding for ever (illness).

sadam adv. always, ever.

sadaya a. merciful, soft, tender, gentle; °-- & n. adv.

sadarpa a. haughty, defying; n. adv.

sadaśva [1] m. a good horse.

sadaśva [2] a. having or drawn by good horses; m. a man's name.

sadas n. seat, place, dwelling, abode; meeting, assembly.

sadasatphala (°--) good and evil results.

sadasadātmaka f. -tmikā whose-nature is at once to be and not to be.

sadasadbhāva m. reality and unreality, truth and falsehood.

sadasant a. being and not being, true and false, good and bad; n. subst. what is being and not being etc.

sadasaspati m. lord of the seat i.e. of the assembly (met for a sacred purpose).

sadaspati m. lord of the seat i.e. of the assembly (met for a sacred purpose).

sadasya m. partaker of an assembly, esp. of a Sattra-sacrifice.

sadā adv. always, ever, w. neg. never.

sadāgati [1] f. constancy.

sadāgati [2] a. being in constant motion; m. wind or the god of wind.

sadācāra [1] m. good conduct or observance.

sadācāra [2] a. well-conducted, virtuous.

sadācāravant a. = prec. 2.

sadācārin a. = prec. 2.

sadāna [1] a. having gifts.

sadāna [2] a. ruttish (elephant).

sadānana a. fair-faced.

sadānanda [1] m. eternal joy.

sadānanda [2] a. feeling or granting eternal joy.

sadānīrā f. N. of a river.

sadānvā f. N. of cert. female demons.

sadāpṛṇa a. always munificent.

sadāphala a. always bearing fruit.

sadāma a. along with the band or string.

sadāmatta a. always wanton or ruttish.

sadāmada a. always wanton or ruttish.

sadāra a. having a wife, married; together with a wife.

sadāvṛdha a. always delighting.

sadāśiva a. always kind or friendly.

sadāsah a. everlasting.

sadāsā a. always winning or alwas abounding.

sadāsukha n. eternal bliss.

sadivas adv. instantly, at once.

sadīnam adv. miserably, lamentably.

saduḥkha a. sad, unhappy.

sadūrva a. covered with Dūrvā-grass.

sadṛśa (nom. sadṛṅ & sadṛk), & sadṛśa a. similar, like, same; abstr. sadṛśatva n.

sadṛś (nom. sadṛṅ & sadṛk), & sadṛśa a. similar, like, same; abstr. sadṛśatva n.

sadṛśakṣama a. of equal patience.

sadṛśavinimaya m. confounding or exchanging equal things.

sadṛṣṭikṣepam adv. with an ogling (lit. eye-throw).

sadṛṣṭivikṣepam adv. with an ogling (lit. eye-throw).

sadeva a. accompanied or protected by the gods.

sadevamanuṣya a. along with gods and men.

sadogata a. gone to or being in an assembly; pl. assembled, met.

sadogṛha n. assembly-room; nṛpasya court of a prince.

sadodyama a. ever-zealous.

sadoṣa [1] a. along with the night.

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sadoṣa [2] a. faulty, vicious, wrong.

sadgati f. good condition or the path of the good.

sadguṇa [1] m. good quality, virtue.

sadguṇa [2] a. having good qualities, virtuous.

sadguru m. a good teacher.

saddharma m. the good law.

saddharmapuṇḍarīka n. the lotus of the good law, T. of a work.

sadbhāva m. actual existence, reality; truth, honesty; kindness, affection.

sadbhūta a. (being) true.

sadbhṛtya m. a good servant.

sadman [1] m. sitter, dweller.

sadman [2] n. seat, place (esp. for a sacrifice); dwelling-place, building, house, temple; du. heaven and earth.

sadyaūti a. helping quickly or daily.

sadyaḥkṛtta a. just cut.

sadyaḥkrī a. bought on the same day (Soma).

sadyaḥpātin a. quickly dropping, frail.

sadyaḥprasūtā f. having just brought forth (a child etc.).

sadyaḥphala a. quickly bearing fruits or consequences.

sadyaḥśauca n. present or immediate purification (r.).

sadyas adv. on the same day, in one day, daily; immediately, recently, directly, at once, suddenly, quickly.

sadyaḥsutyā f. Soma-pressing on the same day.

sadyoartha a. quickling reaching the goal.

sadyojāta a. newly born; f. ā having just brought forth.

sadyojū a. quickly impelled.

sadyobhava a. having just begun, quite fresh.

sadyomāṃsa n. fresh meat.

sadyomṛta a. just died.

sadratna n. a true jewel or pearl.

sadravya a. along with the money.

sadvaṃśa [1] m. a god stem or (and) family.

sadvaṃśa [2] a. sprung from a good family.

sadvacas n. a fine speech.

sadvatsala a. kind to the good.

sadvan a. sitting.

sadvārttā f. good news.

sadvigarhita a. blamed by the good or wise.

sadvidya a. having true knowledge.

sadvidyā f. true knowledge or learning.

sadvṛkṣa m. a good tree.

sadvṛtta [1] n. a fine roundness or good conduct.

sadvṛtta [2] a. well-conducted.

sadvṛtti f. & n. good conduct, virtue.

sadvaidya m. a good physician.

sadha (°--) = saha.

sadhana [1] n. common wealth.

sadhana [2] a. wealthy (abstr. -tā f.) or along with the wealth.

sadhamad (sadhamād) m. boon-companion, fellow, friend.

sadhamāda m. compotation, banquet, feast; fellowship.

sadhamādin m. = sadhamad.

sadhamādya a. festive, convivial; m. boon-companion, comrade; n. banquet, feast.

sadharma [1] m. equal nature, similarity.

sadharma [2] a. equal, similar; honest, virtuous.

sadharmacāriṇī f. wife, lit. performing the same duties (scil. as the husband).

sadharmatva n. similarity, likeness.

sadharman a. equal, similar, resembling (gen., instr., or --°).

sadharmin a. equal, similar, resembling (gen., instr., or --°).

sadhavīra a. united with men or heroes.

sadhastuti [1] f. united praise, as instr. adv. along with united praise.

sadhastuti [2] a. receiving united praise.

sadhastutya n. = prec. 1.

sadhastha a. being here, present; n. place (of union); seat, abode, home; space i.g.

sadhis n. aim or goal (of a motion), point or place (of rest).

sadhī a. furnished with intelligence.

sadhūma a. veiled in smoke.

sadhrī adv. towards one goal (central point).

sadhrīcīna a. directed towards one goal, joined, united; right, just (instr. adv.).

sadhryañc f. sadhrīcī a. having the same direction, converging; right, just; n. sadhryak jointly, together; in the right way or manner.

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san sanoti v (sanati), pp. sāta win, conquer, acquire; receive as a present, possess, enjoy; win for another, procure, grant, bestow. D. siṣāsati wish to acquire, strive after; wish to present or bestow. --
     ā win.
     pra M. win = be successful.
     sam gain, acquire. -- Cf. abhiṣāta.

sana [1] a. old, ancient; N. of a Rishi etc.

sana [2] m. gain, acquisition; offering, handing over.

sanaka a. ancient, old; abl. from of old.

sanaga m. N. of a teacher.

sanaj a. old, ancient.

sanaja a. the same.

sanajā a. the same.

sanatā adv. from of old, ever; w. neg. never.

sanatkumāra m. the eternal youth, N. of a Rishi.

sanatna f. ī = sanātana.

sanadrayi a. bestowing wealth.

sanadvāja a. winning or granting wealth.

sanana n. winning, acquiring.

sanaya a. old, ancient.

sanas & sanā adv. of old, always.

sanājur a. weak from age.

sanāt adv. from of old, always, for ever.

sanātana f. ī eternal, everlasting; m. N. of a Rishi etc.

sanātha a. having a master or protector; well protected by (instr. or --°); occupied by, connected or endowed with (instr. or --°).

sanāthatā f. protectorship.

sanāthīkṛ take into protection.

sanābhi a. connected by the same nave (spokes) or navel, nearly related, kindred; like, resembling.

sanābhya m. a near relative.

sanāma a. having one name with (gen.).

sanāman f. -mnī = prec. or similar, like.

sanāyu a. wishing for gain or reward.

sanāru m. N. of a teacher.

sanāla a. furnished with a stalk.

sani m. f. gain, reward, gift, alms; acc. w. i go begging.

sanikāra a. degrading (punishment).

sanigaḍacaraṇa a. having a chain on the foot, abstr. -tva n.*

saniti f. acquisition.

sanitur adv. beside, except, without (w. preceding acc.).

sanitṛ a. winning or granting.

sanitra n. gift, donation.

sanitva a. to be gained.

sanitvan m. gain or gift.

sanidra a. asleep.

saninda a. reproachful; n. adv.

sanimant a. rich in gifts.

sanimeṣa a. winking, closing (eye).

saniyama a. performing a cert. observance or duty.

sanirveda a. indifferent, indolent, despondent; n. adv.

saniśvāsam adv. with a sigh.

saniḥśvāsam adv. with a sigh.

saniṣṭha (superl.) winning most.

saniṣyu a. desirous to gain or make booty.

sanīḍa (sanīLa) a. having a common nest or origin; intimately united.

sanīyaṃs (compar.) existing from of old; lasting many years.

sanutar adv. aside, far off, away from (abl.). With yu & dhā keep off, remove.

sanutara a. clandestine, unperceived.

sanutya a. clandestine, unperceived.

sanutrī f. gaining, procuring.

sanūpura a. having anklets on the feet.*

sanemi [1] a. having fellies (wheel).

sanemi [2] adv. from of old, for ever.

sanojā a. existing from of old, eternal.

sant f. satī existing, being (often otiose), present, happening; belonging to (gen.); living, lasting; real, genuine, true, honest, good. m. pl. the living or the good, wise, noble etc. f. satī a virtuous wife, female i.g., also = bhavatī your honour, you; N. of Viśvāmitra's wife etc. -- n. sat the being or existent, existence, the real world, anything good or useful. As adv. well, fitly; satkṛ -> s. ->

saṃtata a. overspread, covered with (instr. or --°); held together, uninterrupted, continuous; °--& n. adv.

saṃtati f. continuation, propagation; offspring, posterity; causal connection, uninterrupted line or mass of (--°).

saṃtani a. propagating, continuing, forming an uninterrupted line; s. saṃtani sound, music, saṃtani a cert. oblation.

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saṃtapana a. warming; n. becoming warm.

saṃtapta a. hot, melted, vexed, distressed; n. pain, grief.*

saṃtamasa n. (general) darkness.

saṃtaraṇa a. leading over or through; n. crossing, passing over (lit. & fig.).

saṃtaram adv. closer together.

saṃtarām adv. closer together.

saṃtarutra a. carrying across, sufficient.

saṃtarjana a. & n. threatening, scolding.

saṃtarpaka a. -ṇa a. & n. refreshing, strengthening.

saṃtarpya a. to be refreshed or strengthened.

saṃtāḍana n. beating, crushing.

saṃtāna m. continuity, uninterrupted series; sinew or nerve (of an animal); ramification, connection; transition (in reciting etc.); propagation of one's race or family, offspring, p. vant.

saṃtāpa m. heat, pain, sorrow, distress, repentance, penance.

saṃtāpakārin a. causing sorrow.

saṃtāpana a. tormenting, afflicting.

saṃtāpahara (& -hāraka*) destroying heat or pain.

saṃtāpya a. to be kindled.

saṃtāra m. crossing, passing (gen. or --°).

saṃtuṣṭa a. well pleased, delighted with (instr. or --°).

saṃtuṣṭi f. contentment, satisfaction.

saṃtṛpti f. satiating, satisfying.

saṃtejana a. sharpening (fig.).

saṃtodin a. stinging, thrusting.

saṃtoṣa m. = saṃtuṣṭi (p. saṃtoṣavant & saṃtoṣin); acc. w. kṛ be satisfied.

saṃtoṣaṇa n. satisfying, gladdening.

saṃtoṣaṇīya a. to be satisfied.

santya a. granting gifts.

saṃtyakta a. destitute of, wanting (instr. or --°).

saṃtyajya (ger.) letting aside, with exception of (acc.).

saṃtyāga m. quitting, abandoning, a. -gin.

saṃtrāṇa n. protection, rescue.

saṃtrāsa m. terror, fear of (abl. or tas).

saṃtrāsana n. frightening.

saṃtvarā f. haste, speed.

saṃdaṃśa m. biting or pinching together (the (lips); junction, union i.g.; crotchet, tongs, or any instrument of that kind.

saṃdadi a. seizing.

saṃdarpa m. arrogance, boasting of (--°).

saṃdarbha m. stringing together, interweaving, wreathing (a garland); artificial arrangement or mixture; musical or literary composition.

saṃdarśa m. sight, appearance.

saṃdarśana n. seeing, perceiving, sight, view, appearance; coming together with, meeting (instr. ±saha); showing, exhibition.

saṃdaṣṭa a. bitten, pressed (together).

saṃdātṛ m. binder, fetterer.

saṃdāna n. band, fetter; the region beneath the knee (of an elephant).

saṃdānita a. bound, fettered, surrounded.

saṃdāya [1] m. bridle, leash.

saṃdāya [2] a. (only --°) = seq.

saṃdāyin a. granting.

saṃdigdha a. smeared or covered with (instr. or --°), confounded with (instr. or --°); indistinct, dubious, precarious; doubtful, uncertain, Abstr. tva n.

saṃdigdhabuddhi a. of uncertain mind, doubtful.

saṃdita a. bound (together), detained, immovable.

saṃdih f. heap, mound, wall.

saṃdīpaka a. inflaming.

saṃdīpana a. & n. kindling, inflaming (l. & f.).

saṃdīpta a. flaming, glowing, burning (l. & f.).

saṃduṣṭa a. wicked, bad, hostile to (gen.).

saṃdūṣaṇa a. (f. ī) & n. marring, defiling.

saṃdṛbdha a. strung together; arranged, composed.

saṃdṛś f. sight, view, appearance; dat. infin. to behold.

saṃdṛṣṭa a. seen, foreseen, anticipated; permitted, allowed.

saṃdṛṣṭi f. sight, appearance.

saṃdegha m. conglutination, mass, clod (fig. = the human body).

saṃdeśa m. direction, commission, message.

saṃdeśahara m. the bringer of a commission; messenger, envoy.

saṃdeśahārin m. the bringer of a commission; messenger, envoy.

saṃdeśārtha m. the contents of a message.

saṃdeśya a. to be directed or instructed.

saṃdeṣṭavya a. to be directed or instructed.

saṃdeha m. = sadegha; doubt, uncertainty about (gen., loc., or --°), danger.

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saṃdehapada a. subject to doubt, uncertain.

saṃdoha m. milking; abundance, plenty.

saṃdohana a. milking, yielding.

saṃdraṣṭavya a. to be seen.

saṃdraṣṭṛ a. who sees or beholds.

saṃdha n. junction, union.

saṃdhay saṃdhayati v pp. saṃdhita (q.v.) put together, join with (instr.); be reconciled, make peace. -- Cf. atisaṃdhita anusaṃdhita & abhisaṃdhita (add.).

saṃdhartṛ m. who holds together.

saṃdhā f. agreement, covenant, promise; limit, boundary, term.

saṃdhātavya a. to be joined or allied with.

saṃdhātṛ a. who puts together.

saṃdhāna a. & n. putting together; n. also joining, fixing (an arrow on the bow-string); mixing, compounding; joint, commissure, point of contact, meeting, assembling; propitiation, reconciliation, league, alliance, treaty, peace with (instr. ±saha); also = saṃdhi (g.).

saṃdhānīya a. = saṃdhātavya.

saṃdhāyin a. fixing an arrow, taking aim.

saṃdhāraṇa a. & n. holding together, supporting; n. also bearing (in the womb), restraining, keeping back; f. ā posture, attitude; thought, reflection.

saṃdhārya a. to be borne, kept, observed, restrained.

saṃdhi m. putting together, junction, connection; union or intercourse with (instr.); compact, agreement, alliance, peace between (gen.), with (instr. ±saha); joint, commissure, suture, fold; anything that joins or lies between, as dawn, dusk, twilight (between day and night), wall (between two rooms), also interval, pause, opening, hole, breach, gap; euphonic combination of words and sentences (g.).

saṃdhicchedana n. house-breaking.

saṃdhita a. put together, joined, fixed on the bow-string (arrow); allied.

saṃdhitsu a. wishing to make peace.

saṃdhidūṣaṇa n. breach of peace.

saṃdhin m. a minister for alliances; f. -nī a cow in heat.

saṃdhinīkṣīra n. the milk of a cow in heat.

saṃdhibandha m. cement, plaster (also = seq.*).

saṃdhibandhana n. join-band, i.e. tendon, nerve.*

saṃdhivigraha s. peace and war; -ka m. minister for p. & w.

saṃdhiviparyaya m. du. peace and its opposite (war).

saṃdhivelā f. time of twilight.

saṃdhukṣaṇa a. & n. kindling, inflaming (l. & f.).

saṃdhṛti f. holding together.

saṃdheya a. to be put together; to be propitiated or won over.

saṃdhya a. lying on the point of contact or transition, relating to the euphonic combination. -- f. saṃdhyā time of junction or transition, morning or evening twilight (also = saṃdhyākārya); the twilight at the beginning or end of a Yuga; N. of a river.

saṃdhyakṣara n. compound vowel, diphthong.

saṃdhyāṃśa m. the twilight of a Yuga.

saṃdhyāṃśaka m. the twilight of a Yuga.

saṃdhyākārya n. morning or evening devotion.

saṃdhyākāla m. twilight-time.

saṃdhyāpayoda m. rain-cloud in the evening.

saṃdhyābali m. a twilight-oblation.

saṃdhyāsamaya m. = saṃdhyākāla.

saṃdhyābhra n. = saṃdhyāpayoda.

saṃdhyāy saṃdhyāyate v be like the twilight.

saṃdhyāvandana n. morning or evening prayer.

saṃdhyāvidhi m. = saṃdhyākārya.

saṃdhyāśaṅkha m. a conch (or horn) blown in the hour of twilight.

saṃdhyāsamaya m. = saṃdhyākāla.

sanna a. set down; sitting, resting; sunk, low (sound), languished, exhausted, extinguished, perished, dead.

saṃnakha a. with joined or closed nails; w. muṣṭi m. a closed fistful.

saṃnata a. bent, curved; stooping, bowing to (gen.); depressed, deepened, straightened; du. yielding to or harmonizing with each other.

saṃnati f. depression (lit. & fig.), humility, modesty, kindness, favour, complaisance.

saṃnatimant a. humble, modest.

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saṃnaddha a. bound together or round, fastened, put on; girt, armed, prepared, ready; swollen, exuberant.

sannamusale (loc.) when the pestle is at rest.

saṃnaya a. bringing together; m. assembly.

saṃnahana n. binding together, girding; arming, preparing; band, string, armour, mail.

saṃnāda m. sound, din, cry.

saṃnādana a. making resound, filling with noise.

saṃnāha m. = saṃnahana.

sanni f. despair, despondency; p. -mant.

saṃnikarṣa m. drawing together or near, approach; contact with, relation to (--°); nearness, proximity.

saṃnikāśa m. appearance, likeness (only adj. --°).

saṃnikṛṣṭa a. brought together, near; n. proximity.

saṃnigraha m. punishment, chastisement.

saṃnicaya m. piling up, collecting; heap, mass, plenty, provision.

saṃnidhātṛ m. concealer or receiver of stolen goods; an officer who introduces people at court.

saṃnidhāna n. nearness, neighbourhood, presence, existence.

saṃnidhāyin a. approached, near, present.*

saṃnidhi m. juxtaposition, approximation, nearness etc. = prec. Loc. in presence of, coram; acc. towards, near (gen. or --°).

saṃnipāta m. encounter, meeting (of friends or foes); contact, union; heap, mass, aggregate; sexual intercourse.

saṃnipātana n. causing to fall together.

saṃnipātya a. to be hurled upon (loc.).

saṃnibha (--°) resembling, like.

saṃnimitta n. a good omen; adv. for a good sake.

saṃniyacchana n. taming, guiding (of horses).

saṃniyantṛ m. restrainer, chastiser.

saṃniyoga m. direction, commission, precept.

saṃniroddhavya a. to be confined.

saṃnivartana n. turning back.

saṃnivāpa m. collecting, piling up (fire).

saṃnivāraṇa n. keeping back.

saṃnivārya a. to be kept back.

saṃnivāsa m. dwelling together or common dwelling.

saṃniviṣṭa a. seated, encamped; stopping, resting; contained in, dependent on (loc. or --°).

saṃnivṛtta a. turned or come back; stopped, ceased.

saṃniveśa m. sitting down, settlement, foundation (of a city); abode, dwelling-place; arrangement, preparation; state, condition; shape, form, appearance.

saṃniveśana n. abode, dwelling-place; arrangement, construction.

saṃniveśya a. to be put or fixed in (loc.).

saṃniścaya m. settled opinion.

saṃnihita a. placed near or together, present, at hand, fixed or situated in (--°).

sannīkṛ appease, satisfy.

saṃnyasana n. abandonment of the world.

saṃnyāsa m. deposit, trust, stake (at a play); convention, agreement; relinquishment, resignation, abandonment of the world.

saṃnyāsin a. renouncing, resigning (--°); absol. who has abandoned the world.

sanmaṅgala n. a right or correct ceremony etc.

sanmaṇi m. a true jewel.

sanmantra m. a good word or verse.

sanmātra a. only (merely) being.

sanmārga m. the right path (fig.).

sanmitra n. a good friend.

sanyaṃs (compar.) older (cf. sanīyaṃs).

sap sapati sapate1 v follow after, be attached or devoted to, serve (acc.). C.M. &
     abhi M. = S.

sap [2] (sāp) following, serving (--°).

sapa m. penis.

sapakṣa [1] m. partisan, adherent, friend; partaker, companion. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sapakṣa [2] & -ka a. winged, feathered (arrow); befriended.

sapaṅkaja a. adorned with lotus-flowers.

sapattra m. arrow (feathered).

sapatna m. rival, foe; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sapatnakṣayaṇa (f. ī) & -kṣit destroying rivats.

sapatnajit a. = seq.

sapatnatur a. = seq.

sapatnasāha f. ī overwhelming rivals.

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sapatnahan f. -ghnī slaying foes.

sapatnī f. having the same lord or husband, fellow-wife or mistress; also = seq.

sapatnīka a. along with a wife (wives).

sapatnījana m. the fellow-wives.

sapadi adv. instantly, quickly.

sapadma a. furnished with lotus-flowers.

sapadmaka a. furnished with lotus-flowers.

saparikrama a. along with a train.

saparicchada a. along with a train or chattles.

saparijana a. along with attendants or followers.

saparitoṣam a. with satisfaction.

saparibādha a. obstructed, limited.*

saparibṛṃhaṇa a. along with the supplements (Veda).

saparivāha a. overflowing.

saparivyaya a. along with the condiments (food).

sapariṣatka a. along with a train.

saparihāram adv. with reserve or hesitation.*

sapary saparyati v serve, worship, pay homage or devotion to (acc.); like, accept gladly. --
     vi worship here and there.

saparyā f. worship, homage.

saparyāṇa a. saddled.

saparyu a. doing homage, serving.

saparyeṇya a. to be honoured.

sapalāśa a. having leaves (branch).

sapavitra a. together with (purifying) sacrificial grass.

sapaśu a. having cattle or along with the c.

sapātra a. along with the vessels.

sapāda a. increased by a quarter.

sapādavandanam adv. respectfully, differentially.*

sapāla a. attended by a herdsman.

sapiṇḍa related (in the sixth, orig. only in the third generation); lit. sharing the funeral cake.

sapiṇḍana n. investing a person with the rights of a Sapiṇḍa (v. prec.).

sapiṇḍīkaraṇa n. investing a person with the rights of a Sapiṇḍa (v. prec.).

sapitṛka a. along with the father(s.).

sapitva n. union, company.

sapīti [1] f. compotation.

sapīti [2] m. boon-companion (who drinks together).

saputra a. having a son or along with the son (also -ka).

sapuruṣa a. along with the men.

sapurohita a. along with the house-priest.

sapulaka a. having the hair of the body erect, enraptured.

sapuṣpa a. having flowers, blooming.

saptaka a. containing seven; m. a week; m. n. a collection of seven, heptade (adj. --° f. saptikā).

saptakṛtvas adv. seven times.

saptagaṇa a. consisting of seven troops (the Maruts).

saptagu a. having seven cows.

saptaguṇa a. sevenfold.

saptacakra a. having seven wheels.

saptacatvāriṃśat f. forty-seven.

saptacchada m. N. of a plant (lit. having seven leaves).

saptacchidra a. having seven holes (flute).

saptajihva a. seven-tongued; m. fire.

saptajihvānana a. having a seven-tongued face (fire).

saptatantu a. having seven threads.

saptatantra f. ī having seven strings (lute).

saptataya f. ī consisting of seven parts.

saptati f. seventy.

saptatha f. ī the seventh.

saptadaśa f. ī the seventeenth or containing seventeen.

saptadaśadhā adv. seventeenfold.

saptadaśan a. pl. seventeen.

saptadvārāvakīrṇa a. scattered at the seven gates (fig. = worldly, mundane).

saptadvīpa [1] (°--) the seven islands, i.e. the earth.

saptadvīpa f. ā2 consisting of seven islands (the earth).

saptadvīpavant a. = prec. a.; f. -vatī the earth.

saptadhā adv. in seven parts, seven times.

saptadhātu a. consisting of seven, sevenfold.

saptan a. pl. seven (used also to express an indefinite plurality).

saptapattra a. having seven leaves; m. = saptachada m.

saptapad (f. -padī & ā) making seven steps (to close an alliance, a marriage, etc.).

saptapada (f. -padī & ā) making seven steps (to close an alliance, a marriage, etc.).

saptaparṇa m. = saptacchada m.

saptaputra a. having seven sons.

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saptabudhna a. having seven bottoms.

saptabhūmi a. having seven storeys.

saptabhauma a. having seven storeys.

saptama f. ī the seventh, f. ī the seventh day in the half-month; the seventh case & his endings (g.).

saptaraśmi a. seven-stringed or -tongued.

saptarātra n. seven days (lit. nights), week.

saptarca a. containing seven verses; n. such a hymn.

saptarṣi m. pl. the seven sages or the seven stars of the Great Bear.

saptavadhri a. fettered with seven thongs (the soul); m. N. of a man.

saptavarga m. a group of seven.

saptavarṣa (f. ī) seven years old.

saptavārṣikā (f. ī) seven years old.

saptaviṃśa a. the twenty-seventh.

saptaviṃśat f. twenty-seven.

saptaviṃśati f. twenty-seven.

saptavidha a. sevenfold.

saptavṛṣa a. having seven bulls.

saptaśata (only --°) & f. ī seven hundred.

saptaśataka n. T. of a collection of erotic stanzas.

saptaśapha a. seven-hoofed.

saptaśiras a. seven-headed.

saptaśīrṣa (f. -śīrṣṇī) = prec.

saptaśīrṣan (f. -śīrṣṇī) = prec.

saptasapti a. having seven horses; m. the sun.

saptasvasṛ a. having seven sisters.

saptahan a. slaying seven.

saptahotṛ a. having seven priests (Agni).

saptākṣara f. ī seven-syllabled.

saptāṅga a. having seven members or parts.

saptārcis a. seven-rayed; m. fire or the god of fire.

saptāśva m. = saptasapti.

saptāsya a. seven-mouthed.

saptāha m. seven days.

sapti m. horse, esp. runner.

saptin a. containing seven.

saptīvant a. drawn by runners.

saptya n. running-place for horses.

sapraja a. having offspring.

saprajas a. having offspring.

saprajña a. endowed with reason.

sapraṇaya a. affectionate, tender, n. adv.

sapraṇava a. together with the sacred syllable Om.

sapraṇāmam adv. with a bow.

sapratibandha a. hindered, complicate.

sapratyabhijñam adv. with recognition.

sapratyaya a. sure, trustful or trustworthy.

sapratyādhāna a. along with the receptacle.

sapratyāśam adv. confidently, hopefully.

saprathas a. diffused, spreading wide.

saprabha a. of like splendour or appearance with (--°).

saprabhāva m. having might or strength.

sapramodanam adv. merrily.

sapramodam adv. merrily.

sapraśrayam adv. respectfully.

saprasava a. having descendants.

saprahāsam adv. with a laughter.

saprāṇa a. having breath, living.

sapsara a. timid, reverential.

sapha m. N. of sev. men.

saphala a. having fruits or testicles; having reward, profit, or success.

saphalay saphalayati v make profitable or lucrative, draw advantage from, enjoy.

saphalīkṛ the same, bhū P.

saphalodarka a. bearing fruits (for the future).

saphena a. foamy, frothy.

sabandhu a. being of the same family, related; having a relative or friend.

sabardugha f. ā yielding milk easily or quickly.

sabarduh (nom. rdhuk) & sabardhu f. the same.

sabala a. strong, mighty; along with the army.

sabalavāhana a. with army and train.

sabalātkāram adv. with force, forcibly.*

sabahumānam adv. with consideration, respectfully.

sabādh a. pressed, afflicted.

sabādha a. disadvantageous to (gen.).

sabādhas a. pressed, adv. urgently.

sabāṣpa a. shedding tears; adv. with tears.

sabāhyāntaḥkaraṇa a. with the external and internal organs; w. ātman m. the whole self.

sabrahmacārin m. -ṇī f. fellow-student.

sabhaktikam adv. respectfully.

sabhakṣa m. commensal.

sabhaya a. timid, afraid of (--°); n. adv.

sabharas a. harmonious, harmonizing with (instr.).

sabhasman a. mingled or smeared with ashes.

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sabhā f. house or hall for public meetings, esp. gambling-house, council-chamber, court of justice, court or palace of a prince; place of refuge, asylum; assembly, society, esp. good society.

sabhāgata a. appeared in court (j).

sabhājana n. service, honour, courtesy.

sabhājay sabhājayati sabhājayate v serve, honour, worship, praise.

sabhāpati m. president of an assembly.

sabhāpāla m. the same.

sabhāmaṇḍapa s. assembly-hall.

sabhārya a. having a wife, with one's wife.

sabhāvant a. fit for a council or assembly.

sabhāsad m. member of (lit. sitter in) a council or society; assessor, judge.

sabhāsāha a. ruling an assembly.

sabhika m. keeper of a gaming-house.

sabhṛtya a. along with the servant(s).

sabheya a. fit for a (good) society, decent, courteous, polite.

sabhya a. being in or relating to an assembly, also = prec. m. assessor, judge; a cert. fire (r.).

sabhyetara a. indecent (language).

sabhrūkṣepam adv. with a frown.

sabhrūbhaṅga n. knitting the brows; n. adv.

sabhrūbhedam adv. with a frown.

sabhrūvilāsam adv. with a play of the brows.

sam adv. along with, together (mostly °--).

sama [1] pron. any, every.

sama [2] a. even, smooth, parallel; like, equal to (instr., gen., or --°) or in (instr., tas, loc., or --°); (always) the same, unaltered; common, mediocre; indifferent, neutral; harmless, good, honest, fair, convenient, easy. n. & °-- adv. equally, like, along, together, precisely, exactly, fairly; n. as subst. plain, evenness, balance, compensation, right measure or proportion, indifference, equanimity.

sama [3] n. (--°) = samā year.

samaka a. like, equal.

samakakṣa a. of the same weight or importance; f. ā = -tā f., -tva n. as abstr.

samakāla (°--) & samakālam adv. at the same time, simultaneously.

samakṣa a. being before the eyes, visible; samakṣam samakṣāt samakṣatas & samakṣe visibly, publicly, before the eyes or in presence of (dat., gen., or --°).

samakṣadarśana n. autopsy, ocular evidence.

samagra f. samagrā whole, complete, full, entire, all; n. everything; °-- wholly.

samagravartin a. wholly turned on (--°).

samagradhana a. with the whole property.

samagrendu m. the full moon.

samaṅka [1] m. hook, cramp (fig. = pain).

samaṅka [2] a. bearing the same mark.

samaṅga a. having all limbs complete.

samaṅgin a. having all limbs complete.

samacitta a. equanimous, indifferent; abstr. -tva n.

samacetas a. = prec. adj.

samaja a. E. of Indra.

samajyā f. meeting-place, meeting.

samañcana n. bending in, contracting.

samañjana a. fitting together; n. rubbing in, anointing.

samañjasa a. all right, perfect.

samatā f. samatva n. abstr. to sama2.

samatikrama m. omission.

samatulā f. equal value.

samatsara a. envious, jealous, grudging.

samad f. fight, contest.

samada a. intoxicated, excited, ruttish.

samadana [1] n. = samad.

samadana [2] a. enamoured, in love.

samadarśana a. similar, like (--°); also = seq.

samadarśin a. looking (at all) equally i.e. impartially.

samaduḥkha a. sharing another's woe, compassionate.

samaduḥkhasukha a. sharing another's woe and joy.

samadṛṣṭi a. = samadarśin, f. as abstr.

samadeśa m. smooth or level ground.

samadyuti a. of equal splendour with (--°).

samadvan a. fighting, warlike.

samadhā adv. in like manner, equally as (instr.).

samadhika a. having a surplus, -- and more; excessive, abundant. °-- in adj. more -- than (abl.), comp. -taram adv. more, in a higher degree.

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samadhura a. carrying the same burden with (gen.)

samadhṛta a. weighed together, equalled in weight.

samana n. meeting, encounter, intercourse, assembly, embrace; contest, fight.

samanagā a. going to an assembly.

samanantara a. immediately adjoining, nearest to (abl. or gen.); n. (& °--) immediately behind or after (abl., gen., or --°).

samanas a. unanimous.

samanaska a. unanimous.

samanā adv. in one point, together; at once, simultaneously; equally, in like manner.

samanīka n. front of battle.

samanuvrata a. obedient, devoted to (acc.).

samanta a. adjoining, neighbouring, all, complete. f. ā pl. neighbourhood. n. samantam near, close to (instr.). samantena all around, w. neg. nowhere. °--, samantam samantāt & samantatas all around, everywhere; completely, thoroughly.

samantikam adv. in close contact.

samantra a. accompanied by mantras.

samantraka a. accompanied by mantras.

samanmatha a. enamoured, in love.

samanya a. fit for a festival, festive.

samanyu (samanyu) a. unanimous, harmonious; wrathful, angry, dejected, sad.

samanvaya m. close connection.

samabuddhi a. equanimous, indifferent.

samanvita a. accompanied by, joined or connected with, full or possessed of (instr. or --°).

samabhitas adv. towards (acc.).

samabhidhā f. appellation, name (only adj. --°).

samabhibhāṣaṇa n. conversation with (instr. or --°).

samabhivyāhāra m. intercourse with (gen.).

samabhihāra m. repetition.

samabhūmi f. = samadeśa.

samabhyarthayitṛ m. petitioner, suppliant.

samabhyāśa m. nearness, presence.

samabhyunnata a. ascended, risen.

samamati a. even-minded, equanimous.

samaya m. meeting or place of meeting, intercourse with (instr.), agreement, convention, contract, obligation, condition; trial, ordeal, (a fixed) point of time, i.g. time, season, occasion; case, occurrence, circumstance; rule, norm, doctrine; custom, usage.

samayakriyā f. -dharma m. stipulated obligation, contract, agreement.

samayapūrvam adv after a previous agreement.*

samayabhedin a. breaking an agreement.

samayavyabhicārin a. breaking an agreement.

samayavidyā f. astrology.

samayā (instr. adv.) in the middle of, betwixt (acc., r. instr.); near, close to (acc., instr., or *gen.); half (°--); throughout, w. bhū lie between.

samayācāra m. conventional conduct.

samayādhyuṣita a. half-risen (sun).

samayādhvam adv. mid-way.

samayāviṣita a. half risen or set (sun).

samayocita a. suitable to circumstances; n. adv.

samara m. samaraṇa n. encounter, fight.

samarakarman n. the same.

samarakṣiti f. field of battle.

samarakṣibhū f. field of battle.

samarakṣibhūmi f. field of battle.

samaramūrdhan m. -śiras n. = samarāgra.

samarasīman s. field of battle.

samarāgra n. the front or van of battle.

samarāṅgaṇa n. field of battle.

samarāṅgana n. field of battle.

samarekha a. straight-lined, straight.

samaropāya m. stratagem.

samargha a. cheap.

samarca a. having the same number of verses.

samarcana n. -nā f. honouring, worshipping.

samartha a. corresponding, suitable, fit for (gen. or --°); a match for (gen.); able to, capable of (infin., loc., dat., or --°); having the same sense or meaning (g.).

samarthatā f. -tva n. ability, capability.

samarthana n. consideration, deliberation (also f. ā), confirmation, corroboration, justification; f. ā persuasion, invitation, also = prec.

samarthay -> arthay.

samarthanīya a. to be (being) confirmed or justified.

samarthya a. to be (being) confirmed or justified.

samardhana f. ī causing to prosper.

samardhuka a. prospering, thriving.

samarpaṇa n. putting, placing, handing over, imparting, committing, entrusting.

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samarpaṇīya a. to be placed or bestowed.

samarpayitavya a. = prec.

samarpya a. = prec.

samarpitṛ m. bestower.

samary only sayaryant pugnacious, warlike.

samarya [1] n. conflux, multitude, mass, assembly, tumult, broil.

samarya [2] a. frequented by people or accompanied by followers.

samaryajit a. victorious in battle.

samaryāda a. limited, n. adv. exactly.

samala a. stained, soiled, troubled.

samaloṣṭakāñcana a. to whom a clod, (a stone), and a piece of gold are all the same.

samaloṣṭāśmakāñcana a. to whom a clod, (a stone), and a piece of gold are all the same.

samavatāra m. a sacred bathing-place.

samavatta n. a gathered piece.

samavattadhāna a. containing gathered pieces.

samavarṇa a. of the same colour or caste.

samavartin a. being at an equal distance or behaving in an equal manner.

samavasthā f. -na n. state, condition.

samavasthita a. standing, immovable, ready, prepared.

samavasrava m. flowing off, discharge.

samavahāra m. abundance, multitude.

samavahāsya a. ridiculous, abstr. -tā f.

samavāya m. meeting with, joining (gen. or --°); congress, assembly; union, connection, mixture, aggregate; intimate cohesion, inherence, adj. -yin (ph.).

samaviṣama n. even and uneven ground.*

samavṛtta n. an equal metre (containing four equal verses).

samavṛtti a. (always) acting in the same way.

samavekṣaṇa n. viewing, inspecting.

samaveta a. come to (acc.), joined, united, all.

samaveṣa m. an equal dress.

samaśas adv. together, simultaneously.

samaśīla a. of like nature.

samaśīlin a. of like nature.

samaśnuva f. ī reaching, grasping.

samaṣṭi f. reaching, attaining; aggregate, totality, abstr. -tā f.

samasaṃsthita a. = samastha.

samasarvaguṇa a. equally endowed with all virtues.

samasta a. joined, composed, whole, entire, all.

samastadhātṛ m. the bearer of the universe (Viṣṇu).

samastavyastarūpaka n. a kind of metaphor (rh.).

samastha a. being in lucky (lit. even) circumstances.

samasyā f. conjunction, union, staying together.

samaha adv. in any manner, somehow.

samā f. half-year, season, year.

samāṃśa [1] m. an equal portion or share.

samāṃśa [2] a. receiving an equal share.

samāṃśaka a. the same.

samāṃśin a. the same.

samāṃsa a. fleshy, animal-(food).

samākarṣaṇa n. drawing near, attracting.

samākula a. crowded, filled with, abundant in (instr. or --°); disturbed, perplexed, confused.

samākrandana n. calling, shouting.

samākramaṇa n. stepping into, entering.

samākhyā f. designation, name.

samākhyāna n. = prec., communication, report, tale.

samāgama m. coming together, meeting, union, intercourse (also sexual) with (gen., instr. ±saha, or --°); assembly, company.

samāgamana n. meeting, union, (sexual) intercourse.

samāghāta m. collision.

samācāra m. proceeding, conduct, behaviour, custom, usage, manner.

samāceṣṭita n. deportment, behaviour.

samāja m. assembly, company, meeting, heap, multitude.

samājñā f. designation, name.

samādāna n. receiving, accepting, undergoing.

samādeya a. to be received or accepted.

samādeśa m. direction, injunction.

samādhātavya a. to be settled or composed.

samādhāna n. placing, setting up (esp. the sacred fire), arranging, settling, composing, making up, propitiating, reconciling; attention, meditation, devotion.

samādhānarūpaka n. a kind of metaphor (rh.).

samādhi m. putting together, conjunction, union, a whole; performation, accomplishment, arrangement, reconcilement; attention, meditation, devotion.

samādhita a. conciliated.

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samādhimant a. full of attention or devotion.

samādhistha a. abiding in contemplation.

samādheya a. to be put in order; to be directed or instructed; to be conceded or admitted.

samāna f. ī1 & ā like, same, similiar, homogeneous, equal to (instr., gen., or --°), common, universal, all; °-- & n. adv. equally, like (instr. or --°).

samāna [2] m. one of the vital airs.

samānakāla a. of the same time or duration.

samānakālīna a. of the same time or duration.

samānaguṇa a. of the same (good) qualities.

samānagotra a. of the same family.

samānajana m. a person of the same quality or position.

samānajanman a. of the same origin or age.

samānajāti a. of the same kind, kindred.

samānajātīya a. of the same kind, kindred.

samānatas adv. equally or commonly.

samānatā f. likeness, sameness with (gen. or --°).

samānatra adv. on the same spot.

samānatva n. likeness to (instr.).

samānadevata a. consecrated to the same deity.

samānadevatya a. consecrated to the same deity.

samānadharman a. like, similar to (instr.).

samānapakṣa m. the same half-month.

samānapratipatti a. of the same insight or penetration, (equally) sensible.

samānaprabhṛti a. having the same beginning.

samānapreman a. equally loving.

samānabandhu a. of the same family.

samānabarhis a. having the same sacrificial bed.

samānayana n. bringing together or near.

samānayojana a. harnessed alike.

samānayoni a. having the same origin.

samānarāga a. seized by the same passion.

samānaruci a. having the same taste, abstr. -tā f.

samānarūpa a. of the same colour or form.

samānavarcas a. having the same strength or energy.

samānavarcasa a. having the same splendour.

samānavarṇa a. having the same colour.

samānavidya a. having the same science, abstr. -tā f.

samānaśabdā f. a kind of riddle.

samānasukhaduḥkha a. having the same joys and sorrows, abstr. -tā f.

samānākṣara n. monophthong (opp. saṃdhyakṣara).

samānādhikaraṇa [1] n. grammatical congruence (in case).

samānādhikaraṇa [2] a. coordinate, having the same government or subject with (instr. or --°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

samānārtha a. having the same purpose or meaning with (instr. or --°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

samānārṣeya a. descended from the same Rishi.

samānicaya a. having provisions for a year.

samānodaka a. distantly related (cf. sapiṇḍa); abstr. -bhāva m.

samānodarka a. having the same end.

samānodarya a. born from the same womb; m. such a brother.

samānopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

samānta [1] m. confiner, borderer.

samānta [2] m. the end of the year.

samānyā adv. commonly, equally.

samāpaka a. finishing, supplying.

samāpatti f. meeting, encountering; incident, chance; reaching, attaining, becoming (--°).

samāpana a. & n. accomplishing, performing; f. ā the highest degree.

samāpin a. finishing.

samāpta a. finished, complete, perfect.

samāpti f. attainment, acquisition, accomplishment, end, close.

samāptika a. who has finished his studies, also = samāpin.

samāpya a. to be got, obtained, accomplished, closed.

samāplava m. bathing, bath.

samāplāva m. bathing, bath.

samābhāṣaṇa n. talk, conversation with (--°).

samāma m. length, adj. -mya.

samāmnāta a. remembered, mentioned, enumerated; n. mention, enumeration.

samāmnāya m. enumeration, collection, literary composition, the sacred writings i.e. the Veda.

samāyatta a. based or dependent on (loc.).

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samāyukta a. arranged, pepared, entrusted; met, come into contact (as friends or foes); joined, connected, endowed, or furnished with (instr. or --°).

samāyuta a. put or brought together; consisting of or connected with (--°).

samāyoga m. junction, connection, contact with (instr. ±saha or --°); arrangement, preparation; instr. by means or in consequence of (--°).

samārambha m. enterprise, beginning.

samārambhaṇa n. grasping, seizing.

samārādhana n. propitiating, winning.

samārurukṣu a. wishing to ascend.

samārūḍha a. mounted, entered (act. & pass.); grown, increased; healed.

samāropa m. -ṇa n. placing in, transferring to (loc.); stringing (of a bow).

samārohaṇa n. mounting, rising, growing.

samārthaka a. having the same meaning.

samārṣa a. = samānārṣeya.

samālakṣya a. visible, perceivable.

samālabhana n. unguent, -hasta bearing unguent.

samālambha m. seizing, killing (a victim for sacrifice).

samālambhana  = samālabhana & -hasta.

samālambhanahasta  = samālabhana & -hasta.

samālambham ger. by seizing.

samālambhin a. killing (--°).

samālāpa m. talk, conversation.

samāliṅgana n. an embrace.

samāloka m. -na n. sight, view.

samāvacchas adv. equally.

samāvadvīrya a. equally strong.

samāvant a. equal, so great or so much (many); n. adv. so much.

samāvarta m. -na n. return (cf. samāvṛtta).

samāvaha a. bringing, causing (--°).

samāvāpa m. mixing up the fires (r.).

samāvāya m. = samavāya.

samāvigna a. terrified, astounded.

samāviṣṭa a. seized or overcome by, filled or endowed with (instr. or --°); instructed in (instr.) by (instr.).

samāvṛtta a. returned (esp. from the teacher's house), come back from (--°); finished.

samāveśa m. entering, meeting, coincidence, coexistence.

samāveśana n. entering, cohabitation.

samāśa m. common meal, repast.

samāśir a. mixed.

samāśraya m. connection, junction with or relation to (--°); refuge, shelter, dwelling-place; adj. --° living or situated in, relating or belonging to.

samāśrita a. leaning or resting on, resorted to, entered or being in (acc., loc., or --°), got to, arrived at (acc.); devoted to, intent upon (acc. or --°); relating or belonging to (--°); pass. resorted to, sought, chosen; visited or afflicted by (instr. or --°).

samāśleṣa m. -ṇa n. an embrace.

samāśvasta a. recovered, comforted, confident.

samāśvāsa m. breathing up, relief, comfort.

samāśvāsana n. comforting.

samāsa m. putting together, conjunction, composition, a compound word; condensation, abridgment. Instr. on the whole, also = abl., samāsa++tas & °-- summarily, succinctly.

samāsakta a. attached to, fixed on (loc.); relating to, occupied with (loc. or --°).

samāsanna a. near, proximate.

samāsādya ger. according to, by means or on account of (acc.).

samāsānta m. suffix added at the end of a compound (g.).

samāsokti f. a kind of succint or compendiary expression (rh.).

samāsthita a. standing or sitting upon (acc., loc., or --°); remaining in (loc.); having incurred or got to (--°).

samāsyā f. sitting together with (instr. or --°).

samāhartṛ m. collector.

samāhāra m. seizure, drawing back, abstraction; collection, aggregation.

samāhita a. put or fixed on, connected or linked with (instr. or --°); caused, produced, made, rendered; careful, concentrated, intent upon (loc. or --°); settled, proved, agreed; finished, concluded.

samāhitamati a. of collected mind, attentive.

samāhitikā f. a woman's name.

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samāhvaya m. provoking, challenging, betting (esp. at animal-fights).

samāhvātṛ m. summoner to (dat.).

samāhvāna n. calling near, also = samāhvaya.

samit f. encounter, combat.

samita [1] a. united, joined with (instr. or --°).

samita [2] a. equal in measure.

samiti f. meeting, assembly, union, league; encounter, battle.

samitiṃjaya a. winning battles, E. of Yama & Viṣṇu.

samitiśobhana a. shining or excelling in battle.

samitkāṣṭha n. pl. fagots, fuel.

samitpāṇi a. holding fuel in the hands.

samitpūla m. a bundle of fagots.

samitra a. together with friends.

samitha n. encounter, war, battle.

samidādhāna n. the placing of fuel (on the sacred fire).

samiddhahoma m. a libation poured out on burning wood).

samiddhāgni a. whose fire is kindled.

samiddhāra a. fetching fuel.

samiddhi f. burning, flaming.

samidvant a. having fuel or containing the word samidh.

samidh a. flaming. -- f. log of wood, fuel; kindling, flaming.

samindhana n. kindling; f. log of wood, fuel.

samiṣ f. missile, spear.

samiṣṭi f. a complete sacrifice.

samillatā f. a creeping plant serving for fuel.

samīka n. encounter, fight, war.

samīkaraṇa n. abstr. to seq. w. kṛ; also assimilation, digestion.

samīkṛ make even or equal to (instr.); -bhū pass. or refl.

samīkṣaṇa a. causing to see, showing; n. looking at, observing.

samīkṣā f. getting aware, sight, look, view, opinion.

samīkṣitavya a. to be found out.

samīkṣya a. to be found out.

samīcīna a. converging, turned to one centre, being or staying together, joined, complete, fit, right; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

samīpa a. near (in sp. & f.). -- n. nearness, neihbourhood, presence; acc. towards, to, loc. near, close to, in the presence of, before, towards, to, -tas from (also abl. in āt), near etc. = loc. (gen. or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

samīpaga a. going or being near (gen. or --°).

samīpaja a. produced or growing near.

samīpadeśa m. neighbouring place, neighbourhood.

samīpavartin a. = samīpaga.

samīpastha a. = samīpaga.

samīra m. wind, air (also in the body).

samīraṇa a. setting in motion, exciting; m. = prec., also the god of the wind.

samīṣita a. stretched.

samīhā f. endeavour, wish, desire.

samīhita a. wished; n. = prec.

samukṣaṇa n. sprinkling.

samucita a. used to (--°); fit, proper for (gen. or --°).

samuccaya m. heap, mass, multitude, a whole or aggregate; addition, copulative relation (g.).

samuccayana n. collecting, putting together.

samuccayopamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

samucchitti f. -ccheda m., -cchedana n. destruction.

samucchraya m. erection, elevation, eminence, height (lit. & fig.).

samucchrita a. lifted up, raised, high (lit. & fig.).

samucchvasita a. & n. fetching breath.

samujjvala a. shining, resplendent.

samuta a. seqn together.

samutka a. longing for (--°).

samutkarṣa m. prominence, superiority.

samuttrasta a. alarmed, terrified.

samuttha a. rising, risen, existing, appearing, produced or occasioned by (abl. or --°).

samutthāna n. rising, reviving, swelling, increasing; activity, undertaking, beginning, enterprise (w. saṃbhūya cooperation, partnership); healing, cure.

samutthānavyaya m. the expenses of a cure.

samutthita a. risen, raised, high; sprung or produced from (abl.), appeared, grown (wings); ready or prepared for (loc. or infin.).

samutpatti f. rising, origin.

samutpanna a. born, produced, begotten by (abl.) with (loc.); come, arrived.

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samutpatana n. flying up together.

samutpāda m. rising, origin.

samutpādya a. to be caused or produced.

samutphulla a. opened wide (eyes).

samutsarga m. ejection, discharge.

samutsāraṇa n. scaring, driving away or asunder.

samutsuka a. agitated, uneasy, anxious, longing for (infin. or --°); abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

samutsukay samutsukayati v cause to long for.

samutsedha m. height, elevation.

samud a. rejoiced, joyful.

samudanta a. reaching up to the brim.

samudaya m. (n.) coming together, meeting, gathering, combination, aggregate (w. kṛ collect, assemble); revenue, income, success, prosperity.

samudācāra m. presenting, offering (--°); good or correct behaviour (p. -vant); intercourse with (instr.).

samudāya m. union, combination, aggregate.

samudīraṇa n. getting in motion.

samudīrṇa a. roused, excited.

samudga m. tip, point (only --°); a small round box (also -ka m.).

samudgama m. rising, mounting.

samuddaṇḍa a. lifted up (arm).

samuddiśya ger. (lit. pointing to, aiming at) towards, against, concerning, for the sake or in honour of (acc.).

samuddeśa m. exposition, doctrine; place, standpoint.

samuddhata a. raised (dust), swollen (water), lifted up, high, intensive, haughty, arrogant.

samuddharaṇa n. drawing up or out, removing.

samuddhartṛ m. who lifts up or draws out; deliverer, redeemer.

samuddhāra m. = prec.; also salvation or destruction.

samudbandhana n. hanging.

samudbhava m. rising, origin, revival; adj. --° sprung from.

samudbhūta a. sprung up, produced, risen; being, existing.

samudbhūti f. rising, appearance.

samudbheda m. expansion, development.

samudyama m. lifting up, raising; effort, exertion, zeal for (loc., dat., or --°).

samudyoga m. use, employment; energy, zeal, readiness.

samudra [1] m. the gathering of the waters above and under the firmament, either the sky as the aerial ocean, or ocean, sea i.g. (there are 3,4, or 7 enumerated); fig. a large Soma-vat.

samudra [2] a. sealed.

samudraga a. going to the sea; f. ā river.

samudragṛha n. a kind of bathing room.*

samudragṛhaka n. a kind of bathing room.*

samudraja a. born or produced in the sea.

samudrajyeṣṭha a. having the Ocean as chief.

samudratas adv. from the sea.

samudratīra n. sea-shore.

samudradatta m. a man's name.

samudranemi a. encircled by the ocean.

samudrapatnī f. river (wife of the ocean).

samudramālin a. garlanded i.e. surrounded by the ocean.

samudrayātrā f. -yāna n. sea-voyage.

samudrayāyin m. sea-farer, sea-trader.

samudrayoṣit f. = samudrapatnī.

samudravallabhā f. = samudrapatnī.

samudraraśana a. sea-girt (the earth).

samudravasana a. sea-clad (the earth).

samudravāsin a. living on the sea-coast.

samudravelā f. ocean-tide, flow (opp. ebb).

samudravyavahārin a. sea-faring.

samudrānta [1] m. sea-shore.

samudrānta [2] a. reaching up to or falling into the sea (the earth or a river).

samudrāy samudrāyate v be like the sea.

samudrārtha a. tending towards the sea.

samudriya a. marine, oceanic.

samudrya a. marine, oceanic.

samudvāha m. marriage, wedding.

samunnati f. rising, elevation, height, rank, dignity.

samunnata a. lifted up, risen; prominent, projecting; high, sublime.

samunmūlana n. uprooting, destroying.

samupacita a. abundant, plentiful.

samupasthita a. come near, approached, come to (acc), sitting or lying on (loc.); risen, appeared, arrived, fallen to one's (acc. or gen.) share; imminent, future, ready for (acc. or gen.); fixed upon, undertaken.

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samupahava m. an invitation with others.

samupānayana n. bringing near.

samupārjana n. acquiring, attaining.

samupeta a. met, assembled, arrived; connected or provided with (instr.).

samupepsu a. striving after (acc.).

samullambita a. hanging, pendulous.

samūla a. having roots, living, verdant; along with the root, complete, entire, °-- & n. adv.

samūlakāṣam adv., w. kaṣ extirpate root and branch.

samūha m. heap, collection, multitude, aggregate, a whole or totality.

samūhana a. & n. sweeping together, collecting; f. ī broom.

samṛti f. encounter, collision, fight.

samṛddha a. achieved, perfect, complete; endowed with, possessed of (instr., abl. or --°); prosperous, wealthy, copious, abundant.

samṛddhi f. thriving, success, prosperity, perfection, happiness, wealth, abundance.

samṛddhin a. prosperous, blessed, rich in (--°).

samṛdh f. success, luck.

samṛdha a. perfect, complete.

sameta a. come to, got at (acc.); met, assembled; joined or connected with, possessed of (instr. or --°).

sameddhṛ m. kindler.

samedha a. vigorous, lively.

samedhana n. thriving, increase, growth.

samokas a. dwelling together, closely connected or furnished with.

samoha m. = samūha.

saṃpatti f. agreement, harmony; completion, fulfilment; becoming, transition into; happening, falling to one's share; success, prosperity, fortune; wealth, plenty, abundance.

saṃpad f. falling together, coinciding, agreeing; success, gain, acquisition; increase, growth; existence, abundance, high degree (adj. --° furnished with); right proportion, state, or condition; prosperity, happiness; wealth, beauty.

saṃpanna a. born, produced, being, existing (°--); become a (--°); fallen to one's share; turned out well, accomplished, perfect; dainty, sweet; possessed of, endowed with (instr. or --°).

saṃpannakṣīrā f. giving sweet milk (cow).

saṃpannadanta a. having (grown) teeth.

saṃparāya m. death; war, fight.

saṃparigraha m. acceptation; property.

saṃparka m. junction, union, contact or intercourse with (instr. ±saha, gen., or --°) or between (--°).

saṃpavana n. purification.

saṃpā f. compotation.

saṃpāta m. flying, flight, quick motion; encounter, collision, gathering, meeting; place of meeting or contact; happening, arising, occurrence; residue, leavings (esp. of a fluid or an offering).

saṃpāti m. N. of a fabulous bird.

saṃpātin a. falling down; flying together.

saṃpādaka a. causing, producing, accomplishing, procuring.

saṃpādana f. ī = prec.; n. as subst.

saṃpādayitṛ f. -trī manager, accomplisher, provider.

saṃpāditatva n. the being effected or accomplished.

saṃpādya a. to be effected or accomplished.

saṃpāraṇa a. reaching or leading to the end; n. accomplishing.

saṃpārin a. crossing (ship).

saṃpiba a. swallowing.

saṃpīḍa m. pression (also -na n.); f. ā pain, torment.

saṃpuṭa m. saṃpuṭikā f. a round box.

saṃpuṭaka m. saṃpuṭikā f. a round box.

saṃpuṣṭi f. thriving, prosperity.

saṃpūjana n. -pūjā f. honouring.

saṃpūjya a. to be honoured.

saṃpūrṇa a. full, replete, filled or richly furnished with (instr., gen., or --°); whole, entire, abundant; finished, accomplished.

saṃpūrṇapuccha a. spreading the tail (pea-hen).*

saṃpṛkta a. joined, united, combined, filled with (instr., r. loc.; or --°).

saṃpṛṇa a. filling.

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saṃpraṇetṛ m. leader, chief, manager.

saṃpratāpana n. heating, a cert. hell.

saṃprati adv. just opposite (acc.); even, exactly, now, this moment.

saṃpratipatti f. gain, acquisition; right conception or understanding; admission, assent.

saṃpratiṣṭhā f. support, maintenance; perseverance, duration; rank, dignity.

saṃpratiṣṭhita a. fixed, established, based upon (--°); being, existing.

saṃpratīkṣya a. to be expected.

saṃpratti f. & -karman n. delivering over.

saṃpratyaya m. agreement, appointment; conviction, belief, confidence in (--°); notion, idea.

saṃpradātṛ m. giver, offerer.

saṃpradāna n. giving, presenting, handing over, tradition, bestowal, gift, oblation; the recipient (g.).

saṃpradāya m. bestower; oral tradition.

saṃpradāyam ger. giving, bestowing.

saṃpradhāraṇa n. -ṇā f. deliberation.

saṃpramukti f. letting loose.

saṃpramoda m. great joy, exultation.

saṃpramoha m. perplexity (of mind).

saṃprayukta a. yoked, harnessed; impelled, urged on; joined, mixed, or endowed with (instr. or --°); brought into contact with (instr.); occupied with (--°); dependent on (loc.); quite intent upon an object.

saṃprayoga m. fastening, joining; union, connection, contact with (instr. ±saha or --°); marriage, sexual intercourse with (--°); usage, practice, employment, application.

saṃpralāpa m. talk, chatter.

saṃpravṛtta a. finished, past.

saṃpraveśa m. entering, entrance.

saṃpraśna m. question, inquiry after (--°).

saṃprasanna a. appeased, tranquil, propitiated, gracious, favourable.

saṃprasāda m. perfect calm or peace of mind; serenity, grace, favour.

saṃprasāraṇa n. the drawing asunder; the change of a semi vowel into the corresponding vowel (g.).

saṃpraharṣa m. great joy.

saṃprahāra m. war, battle, fight with (instr. ±saha or --°); stroke, blow.

saṃprahāsa m. laughter, joy, mockery.

saṃprāpta a. met, (having) reached or obtained; arrived, come, descended from (abl.); perceived, learnt.

saṃprāpti f. arrival at (--°); beginning, appearance; attainment, acquisition.

saṃpriya a. loving each other, agreeing well with (instr.); n. satisfaction.

saṃprīta a. delighted, pleased, glad.

saṃprīti f. joy, comfort, delight in, love of (loc. or --°); friendship with (instr. ±saha).

saṃprepsu a. striving after, longing for (acc.).

saṃpreraṇa n. inciting, bidding, command.

saṃpreṣaṇa n. sending away, dismission.

saṃpraiṣa m. summons, direction (r.).

saṃprokṣaṇa n. besprinkling, consecrating; f. ī consecrated water.

saṃplava m. flowing together, flood, submersion, swelling (of the sea); destruction, ruin, end.

saṃpluta a. flowed together; having bathed in (--°); flooded, filled, or covered with (instr. or --°).

saṃphulla a. full-blown, blossomed.

saṃpheṭa m. quarrel, altercation (rh.).

saṃbaddha a. joined, united, coherent; connected or mixed with, full of (instr. or --°); contained in (--°); being, existing (°--).

saṃbandha m. collection; connection, relationship or fellowship of any kind (instr. ±saha, loc., or --°); also concr. a relation, friend, comrade, ally, etc.

saṃbandhana n. connection, coherence.

saṃbandhitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

saṃbandhin a. joined or connected with, belonging or relating to (gen. or --°); partaking or possessed of (--°); related by blood or marriage; m. relative, kinsman.

saṃbandhibāndhava m. pl. kinsmen and relatives.

saṃbandhu m. relative, kinsman.

sambala -> śambala & saṃvala.

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saṃbādha m. throng, crowd; pressure, distress; a. narrow, crowded with (instr.).

saṃbuddha a. intelligent (lit. wide awake); clever, wise.

saṃbuddhi f. calling to; the vocative case & its endings (g.).

saṃbodha m. understanding, intelligence.

saṃbodhana a. awakening; n. perceiving, understanding, reminding, also = saṃbuddhi.

saṃbodhya a. to be enlightened or brought to reason, to be be taught or instructed.

saṃbhakta a. partaking of, endowed with (gen.).

saṃbhakṣa m. devourer.

saṃbhagna a. broken, crushed, routed (foe); frustrated, destroyed.

saṃbhara a. bringing together or near.

saṃbharaṇa n. bringing or putting together, bringing about, performing; multitude, collection.

saṃbhala m. match-maker (who brings together).

saṃbhava (saṃbhava) m. being together, union, cohabitation; finding room or being contained in (loc.); birth, origin, source; cause, motive; happening, rising, appearance; being, existence, possibility. Often adj. originating in, sprung from, caused by, appearing in or at (--°).

saṃbhavana n. becoming, existing.

saṃbhavin a. possible.

saṃbhāra m. bringing together or near; preparation, provision, materials, necessaries; possession, property; plenty, abundance, high degree.

saṃbhārya a. to be brought together, to be composed or prepared.

saṃbhāvanā f. (na n.) collecting, procuring; meeting with (gen.); honour, reverence, consideration, high opinion on (loc.); conjecture, supposition.

saṃbhāvanāguṇa m. a quite particular honour.

saṃbhāvanīya a. to be honoured, honourable; to be supposed, probable, likely.

saṃbhāvayitavya a. = prec.

saṃbhāvita n. conjecture, supposition.

saṃbhāvya a. to be honoured or well treated; to be regarded as (nom.); to be (being) supposed or expected; fit, proper.

saṃbhāṣa m. saṃbhāṣaṇa & sambhāṣita n. talk, conversation.

saṃbhāṣin a. talking, conversing.

saṃbhāṣya a. to be addressed or talked to.

saṃbhinna a. cleft, split, broken, destroyed; contracted, brought into contact, tight.

saṃbhīta a. afraid of (gen.).

saṃbhūta a. born or produced from (abl. or --°); made or composed of (instr. or --°); become, being, existing; °-- furnished with.

saṃbhūti f. rising, birth, origin, growth.

saṃbhūya ger. (by) joining together or making partnership.

saṃbhṛta a. put together, heaped up, collected; loaden, covered, or furnished with (instr. or --°); carried, borne (in the womb); augmented, increased, nourished; gained, acquired; caused, effected.

saṃbhṛti f. equipment, preparation.

saṃbhṛtya a. = saṃbhārya.

saṃbheda m. piercing, splitting, separating, alienating; kind, species; mixture, junction, contact with (--°).

saṃbhedana n. breaking through.

saṃbhedya a. to be pierced or joined.

saṃbhoga m. possession, enjoyment, esp. carnal enjoyment, sexual union.

saṃbhogavant a. poss. to prec.

saṃbhogin a. poss. to prec.

saṃbhogya a. to be (being) enjoyed or used; abstr. -tā f.

saṃbhoja m. food.

saṃbhojana n. ī f. eating together, common meal.

saṃbhojya a. to be enjoyed or eaten; with whom it is allowed to eat.

saṃbhrama m. confusion, agitation, haste, hurry; zeal, assiduity; error, mistake.

saṃbhrānta a. confused, perplexed, agitated.

saṃbhrānti f. confusion, bewilderment, hurry.

saṃmagna a. immersed, sunk into (--°).

saṃmata a. esteemed, honoured, approved; agreeing with, corresponding to (--°); considered as, taken for (nom.). -- n. opinion, agreement, honour, respect.

saṃmati f. opinion, assent, approval, respect, esteem.

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saṃmatta a. excited, intoxicated, ruttish.

saṃmada m. delight, joy at (--°).

saṃmadin a. gladdening.

saṃmanas a. unanimous, agreeing.

saṃmayana n. erecting (the sacrificial post).

saṃmarda m. pressing, pounding, crushing; meeting, encounter with (--°).

saṃmarśana n. smearing, anointing.

saṃmā f. equality in weight or number.

saṃmātṛ (samātṛ) a. having the same mother.

saṃmāna m. honour, respect.

saṃmānana n. -nā f. the same.

saṃmānanīya a. to be honoured.

saṃmānya a. to be honoured.

saṃmārga m. wiping, cleansing; broom, brush.

saṃmārjaka a. sweeping.

saṃmārjana n. wiping off, sweeping, cleansing; also = f. ī broom or brush.

saṃmita a. meted out, of the same measure, equal in length, breadth, etc.; corresponding, fit; looking like, passing for (instr. or --°); furnished with, consisting of (instr. or --°), destined for (--°).

saṃmiśra a. mixed, mingled, furnished or endowed with (instr. or --°).

saṃmiśla a. mixed or united with (instr. or --°).

saṃmīlana n. shutting, closing, esp. of the eyes.

saṃmīlita a. shut, closed (cf. prec.).

saṃmukha f. ī (ā) facing, fronting, directed towards, fig. inclined to, propitious, favourable (gen., loc., or --°). n. saṃmukham adv. towards, in front of, before (gen.); °-- & loc. opposite, in front, before the eyes.

saṃmukhīkṛ put in front or before one's eyes; bhū refl.

saṃmukhīna a. facing, confronting; abstr. -tva n. also presence.

saṃmugdha a. strayed, erring; perplexed, bewildered; confused (pers. & th).

saṃmūḍha a. perplexed, bewildered, mad, insane, foolish, stupid; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

saṃmūrchita a. stupefied; strengthened, increased; full of (--°).

saṃmṛṣṭa a. washed, swept, cleaned.

saṃmegha m. the cloudy season.

saṃmelana n. meeting, mixture.

saṃmoha m. loss of consciousness, stupefaction, bewilderment, perplexity.

saṃmohaka a. stupefying, perplexing, fascinating.

saṃmohana f. ī the same; n. as subst.

samyak -> samyañc.

samyaktā f. -ttka n. rightness, justness, correctness.

samyakpālana n. right protection.

samyaksaṃkalpa m. right purpose.

samyagdarśana [1] n. right insight or perception.

samyagdarśana [2] a. seeing right (cf. prec.).

samyagdarśin a. the same.

samyagdṛś a. the same.

samyagbodha m. right understanding.

samyagvānta a. having well spit or vomited (leech).

samyagvijayin a. thoroughly victorious.

samyagvṛtti a. of right conduct or practice.

samyagvyavasita a. well resolved.

samyañc f. samīcī or samīcī turned to one point or against each other, universus or adversus; whole, entire, all; correct, right, true. n. samyak adv. towards one point, together, truly, correctly, exactly, duly, thoroughly; w. neg. not at all.

samrāj m. lord of the universe, sovereign ruler (f. samrājñī); E. of Varuṇa, Indra, etc.

sayatna a. taking pains, trying to, engaged in (infin.).

sayatva n. fastening, conjunction.

sayana n. binding.

sayāvaka a. dyed with lac.

sayāvan f. -varī going along with (instr.).

saṃyukta n. the being joined.

sayugvan a. joined, united, associated; m. attendant, companion.

sayuj a. joined, united, associated; m. attendant, companion.

sayoni a. having the same (or along with the) source or origin; abstr. -tā f. or -tva n.

sayauvana a. youthful.

sara a. fluid, liquid; (f. ī) running, moving, going (--°). f. sarā brook, sarī waterfall.

saraka n. cup, pot.

saragh s., saraghā f. bee.

saraṭa m. lizard, chameleon.

saraṇa a. & n. running.

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saraṇi f. way, path.

saraṇyu a. speedy, quick; f. ū N. of a daughter of Tvaṣṭṛ.

saratha [1] a. along with the chariot.

saratham [2] adv. together (on one chariot) with (instr.).

sarāthin a. riding in the same chariot.

sarandhra a. having a hole (holes).

sarabhasa a. impetuous, passionate, rash; °-- & n. adv.

saramā f. the bitch of Indra or of the gods.

saramātmaja m. dog (son of Saramā).

saramāputra m. the same.

saramāsuta m. the same.

sarayu f. N. of a river.

sarayū f. N. of a river.

sarala a. straight, direct, candid, honest; m. & f. ā names of trees.

saraladrava m. the resin of the Sarala tree.

saraśmi a. shining, radiant.

saras n. trough, bucket; pool, pond, lake.

sarasa a. juicy, moist, humid, fresh, new, tasty, pleasant, charming, passionate, enamoured; n. adv. with rapture.

sarasija a. born in ponds; n. a lotus.

sarasijamukhī f. a lotus-faced (-eyed) woman.

sarasijākṣī f. a lotus-faced (-eyed) woman.

sarasiruha n. a lotus.

sarasī f. pool, lake.

sarasīja n. a lotus.

sarasīruha n. a lotus.

sarasīruhākṣa a. lotus-eyed.

sarasīruhekṣaṇa a. lotus-eyed.

sarasya a. belonging to pools or lakes.

sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa n. the necklace of Sarasvatī, T. of a rhet. work.

sarasvant a. rich in waters. -- m. N. of the ruler of the aerial waters or of a consort to Sarasvatī, also = ocean, sea. f. -tī a land rich in waters, N. & E. of sev. rivers, N. of the goddess of speech and learning; speech, voice, eloquence i.g.

sarahasya a. with the mysteries i.e. Upanishads.

sarāga a. coloured, reddened; pleasant, charming; passionate, enamoured; n. adv.

sarājaka a. along with the king.

sarājan a. along with the king.

sarāti a. equally liberal or gracious.

sarit f. stream, river.

saritpati m. the ocean (lord of streams).

sarin a. hastening (to help).

sarira n. the heaving flood.

sarīman a. current, draught (of the wind).

sarīsṛpa a. crawling, creeping; m. n. a creeping animal.

saru m. = śaru.

saruc a. of high splendour or dignity.

saruj a. suffering (the same) pain or sickness; ill, diseased.

saruja a. causing or suffering pain, unwell; abstr. -tva n.

saruṣ a. angry.

sarūpa a. of the same shape or form with (gen. or --°); like, similar; shaped, formed, embodied; beautiful, handsome.

saretas a. containing (its) seed.

saroga a. sick, diseased; abstr. -tā f.

saroja a. & n. = sarasija.

sarojadṛś f. a lotus-eyed woman.

sarojanayanā f. a lotus-eyed woman.

sarojanetra a. lotus-eyed.

sarojinī f. a multitude or a pond of lotuses.

saroruha n. = sarasiruha.

saroruhadṛś f. = sarojadṛś.

saroruhākṣī f. = sarojadṛś.

saroruhiṇī f. = sarojinī.

sarovara n. a beautiful lake.

saroṣa a. angry, n. adv.

saroṣasmitam adv. with an angry smile.

sarga m. shot (lit. & fig.), jet or gush (of water etc.); letting loose, pouring out; a herd let loose from the stall, i.g. swarm, host, multitude; creation, creature, begetting, offspring, child; origin, nature, character; purpose, resolution; chapter of an epic poem.

sargakartṛ m. creator.

sargakṛt m. creator.

sargatakta a. moving along as if shot off.

sargapratakta a. moving along as if shot off.

sargabandha m. a literary composition in Sargas i.e. an epic poem.

sarj sarjati v creak.

sarja m. turner, twister (cf. rajjusarja); N. of a tree & its resin.

sarjana n. cession, abandonment; creation.

sarjarasa m. a kind of resin.

sarṇīka n. E. of the water.

sartave dat. infin. to sṛ.

sartavai dat. infin. to sṛ.

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sartṛ m. courser, horse.

sarpa f. ī crawling, creeping. m. & f. sarpī snake, adder, a serpent-demon.

sarpaṇa n. crawling, sneaking, slow motion.

sarpatā f. -tva n. abstr. to sarpa.

sarpadaṣṭa n. the bite of a serpent.

sarpamudraka n. a seal showing a serpent.*

sarparāja m. serpent-king.

sarparājñī f. serpent queen.

sarparūpin a. shaped like a serpent.*

sarpavid a. familiar with serpents.

sarpavidyā f. -veda m. serpent-science.

sarpavināśa m. destruction of serpents.

sarpavivara m. n. a serpent's hole.

sarpaśattra n. serpent-sacrifice.

sarpāri m. a peacock or Garuḍa (enemy of serpents).

sarpi m. N. of a man.

sarpin a. creeping, gliding.

sarpiranna a. eating ghee.

sarpirāsuti a. sipping ghee.

sarpiṣmant a. having ghee or made of ghee.

sarpiṣvant a. having ghee or made of ghee.

sarpis n. clarified butter, ghee ( = ghṛta).

sarpī w. bhū become a serpent.

sarpeśvara m. lord of serpents.

sarma m. flowing.

sarva a. whole, entire, all; m. sgl. everyone, pl. all (w. api all together); n. sgl. everything. -- With a neg. not every, not every one or everything, no, nothing.

sarvaṃsaha a. bearing or enduring all; f. ā the earth.

sarvakarman [1] n. pl. work of all kind.

sarvakarman [2] a. containing all work.

sarvakāma [1] m. pl. all wishes.

sarvakāma [2] a. wishing everything, also = sarvakāmika.

sarvakāmadugha a. yielding (lit. milking) all wishes.

sarvakāmaduh a. yielding (lit. milking) all wishes.

sarvakāmika a. fulfilling all wishes or having all wishes fulfilled.

sarvakāmin a. fulfilling all wishes or having all wishes fulfilled.

sarvakāla (°--) & sarvakālam adv. at all times, always.

sarvaga a. going everywhere, all-pervading, omnipresent, universal.

sarvagata a. going everywhere, all-pervading, omnipresent, universal.

sarvagaṇa [1] m. the full number.

sarvagaṇa [2] sarvagaṇa a. having or forming a full number.

sarvagaṇa a. having or forming a full number.

sarvagandha [1] m. pl. all kinds of perfumes.

sarvagandha [2] a. containing all perfumes.

sarvagandhavaha a. conveying all perfumes.

sarvaṃkaṣa a. very harsh or cruel (lit. all-grazing or all-injuring).

sarvacaru m. N. of a man.

sarvajana m. everyone, anybody.

sarvajanman a. of all kinds.

sarvajit a. all-conquering, all-surpassing.

sarvajña a. all-knowing, all-wise; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sarvajñātṛ a. = prec.; abstr. -tva n.

sarvajñānamaya a. containing all knowledge.

sarvata a. all sided.

sarvatanu a. complete of body or person.

sarvatanū a. complete of body or person.

sarvatas adv. from or on all sides; everywhere, wholly, entirely; as prep. *around (acc.).

sarvatā f. wholeness, totality.

sarvatāti f. wholeness, completeness, integrity; loc. -tātā on the whole, at all.

sarvatejomaya f. ī containing all splendour or power.

sarvatodiśam adv. in or from every direction.

sarvatobhadra a. quite pleasant or charming.

sarvatomukha f. ī (having the face) turned everywhere; all-sided, complete, perfect.

sarvatovṛtta a. omnipresent, ubiquitous.

sarvatyāga m. complete resignation.

sarvatra adv. everywhere, always, by all means; w. neg. in no case, by no means.

sarvatraga a. = sarvaga.

sarvatragata a. = sarvaga.

sarvatva n. wholeness, completeness.

sarvathā adv. in all ways, by all means, at all; entirely, thoroughly.

sarvada m. all-giving.

sarvadamana a. all-subduing, m. E. of Bharata.

sarvadarśana a. all-seeing.

sarvadarśin a. all-seeing.

sarvadā adv. always, for ever.

sarvadevatāmaya f. ī a. containing all deities.

sarvadevatya a. belonging or consecrated to all gods.

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sarvadevamaya f. ī comprising or representing all gods.

sarvadraṣṭṛ m. all-seer.

sarvadharmamaya a. containing all laws.

sarvadharmavid a. knowing all duties.

sarvadhā a. all-refreshing, all-comforting.

sarvanara m. every man, anybody.

sarvanāman [1] n. pronoun.

sarvanāman [2] a. having all names.

sarvanāśa m. total destruction or ruin.

sarvaniyantṛ m. all-subduer, abstr. -tva n.

sarvapati m. lord of the universe.

sarvaprabhu m. lord of the universe.

sarvaprāyaścitta f. ī expiating or redressing all; n. general expiation or atonement.

sarvaprāyaścitti f. = prec. n.

sarvabhakṣa a. eating all kinds of food; omnivorous.

sarvabhakṣin a. eating all kinds of food; omnivorous.

sarvabhāva m. the whole heart or soul; °-- & instr. with all the heart.

sarvabhūta a. being everywhere, ubiquitous; n. pl. all beings.

sarvabhūtakṛt m. the maker of all things or beings.

sarvabhūtaguhāśaya a. dwelling in the heart of all beings.

sarvabhūtamaya f. ī containing all beings.

sarvabhūtasthita a. dwelling in all beings.

sarvabhūtātman m. the (inner) soul of all beings.

sarvabhūtāntarātman m. the (inner) soul of all beings.

sarvabhṛt a. all-sustaining.

sarvabhogya a. affording all enjoyments.

sarvamaṅgala a. all-auspicious; f. ā E. of Durgā and Lakṣmī.

sarvamanorama a. charming or delighting all.

sarvamaya f. ī all-containing, general.

sarvamāṃsāda m. the eater of every flesh.

sarvamedha m. all-sacrifice (r.).

sarvayatna m. all pains or cares; instr. adv.

sarvayoni f. the source of all.

sarvarasa [1] m. fluids or juices of every kind (pl. or --°); every taste or flavour; pl. dainty things of all kind.

sarvarasa [2] a. containing all fluids etc.

sarvarāj m. all-king.

sarvarājya n. universal sovereignty.

sarvarātra s. the whole night.

sarvarūpa a. of all colours or shapes.

sarvartuka a. fit for every season.

sarvaloka m. the universe; all people, every one (also pl. & --°).

sarvalokavid a. knowing all worlds.

sarvavarṇa a. of all colours.

sarvavikrayin a. selling all (sorts of things).

sarvavid a. all-knowing.

sarvavidya a. = prec.; f. ā all knowledge.

sarvavīra a. with all men or all-heroic.

sarvavedas a. having complete possession.

sarvavedasa a. who after a sacrifice gives all his property to the priests (also -sin), or (a sacrifice) whereat all is given away (also sarvavedasadakṣiṇa); m. (±kratu) such a sacrifice. n. the whole property.

sarvavyāpad f. complete disappointment or general calamity.

sarvavyāpin a. all-pervading, universal.

sarvavrata [1] n. all-vow.

sarvavrata [2] a. all-vowing.

sarvaśakti f. the whole strength; instr. with all strength.

sarvaśarīra n. the all-body (ph.).

sarvaśas adv. wholly, entirely, altogether; by all means, anyhow; always, everywhere.

sarvaśāsa a. ruling all.

sarvaśīghra a. swiftest of all.

sarvaśūnya a. completely empty; abstr. -tā f., -tva n. complete emptiness, nihilism (ph.).

sarvaśreṣṭha a. the best of all.

sarvaśveta a. all white.

sarvasaṃstha a. omnipresent or causing the death of all.

sarvasaṃhāra a. all-destroying.

sarvasaṃhārin a. all-destroying.

sarvasamatā f. sameness towards all, equanimity.

sarvasaha a. all-bearing, patient.

sarvasādhu adv. very well (exclamation).

sarvasiddhārtha a. having every object attained, quite happy.

sarvasena a. leading the whole host.

sarvastenakṛt m. stealer of all things.

sarvasva n. the whole property; the whole substance of anything, entireness, totality.

sarvahara a. seizing or taking all; m. E. of Yama.

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sarvaharaṇa n. -hāra m. abstr. to prec. adj.

sarvahut a. what is all (at once) sacrificed.

sarvahuta a. what is all (at once) sacrificed.

sarvahṛd n. the whole heart; instr. -hṛdā with all the heart.

sarvāṅga [1] n. (adj. --° f. ī) the whole body; pl. all limbs or members.

sarvāṅga f. ī2 having all limbs or members; perfect, complete; n. adv.

sarvāṅgika a. relating to or destined for the whole body (ornament).*

sarvāṅgīṇa a. covering or pervading the whole body.

sarvājīva a. yielding all subsistence.

sarvātman [1] m. the whole person or essence; the universal spirit (ph.), instr. with all the heart, thoroughly, perfectly.

sarvātman [2] sarvātman a. perfect of person or nature.

sarvātman a. perfect of person or nature.

sarvātmabhūti f. the welfare of all beings (personif. as a deity).

sarvānavadyāṅga f. ī having a faultless body, perfectly beautiful.

sarvānukrama m. a general index (esp. to the Veda).

sarvānukramaṇikā f. = prec.

sarvānuikramaṇī f. = prec.

sarvānubhū a. perceiving all.

sarvāpti f. the attainment of all.

sarvābhāva m. absence of all.

sarvābhisaṃdhaka a. deceiving all people.

sarvābhisāra m. general attack.

sarvāyu a. having or giving all life.

sarvāyuṣa n. the whole life.

sarvāyus n. the whole life.

sarvārtha [1] m. pl. all things or every kind of thing.

sarvārtha [2] a. fit or useful for all.

sarvārthasādhaka f. -dhikā effecting all things.

sarvārthasiddha a. = sarvasiddhārtha.

sarvāvant a. containing all, complete, entire.

sarvāvastham adv. in all positions, on all sides.

sarvāvāsa a. abiding everywhere.

sarvāvāsin a. abiding everywhere.

sarvāśin a. eating all things; abstr. -śya n.

sarvāścaryamaya f. ī containing all wonders.

sarvāhṇa m. the whole day.

sarveśa m. the lord of all.

sarveśvara m. the same, abstr. -tva n.

sarvocchitti f. -cchedana n. total destruction.

sarvoparama m. the ceasing or coming to rest of all; abstr. -tva n.

sarvauṣadha a. consisting of all herbs; n. = seq.

sarvauṣadhi f. sgl. pl. all (sorts of) herbs.

sarṣapa m. mustard or mustard-seed, also a small weight; -mātra a. having the measure or weight of a mustard-seed.

sarṣapataila n. -sneha m. mustard-oil.

salakṣaṇa a. having the same marks or characteristics, similar, like.

salakṣman a. having the same marks or characteristics, similar, like.

salajja a. ashamed, embarrassed; n. adv.

salajjita a. ashamed, embarrassed; n. adv.

salalitam adv. playfully.*

salavi -> apasalavi & prasalavi.

salāvṛkī f. she-wolf or some other beast of prey.

salila a. waving, flowing, inconstant; n. flood, stream, water.

salilakarman n. -kriyā f. libation of water.

salilagargarī f. water-jar.*

salilaja a. born or produced in water; s. such a being, m. shell.

salilada m. presenter of water (an office), or = seq.

saliladhara m. cloud (water-bearer).

salilanidhi m. the ocean (water-receptacle).

salilapati m. lord of the water, i.e. Varuṇa.

salilasaraka s. a mug with water.

salilārṇava m. the (water-) sea.

salilāśaya m. water-receptacle, pond, lake.

salilotthita a. risen from the ocean.

salīla a. sporting, playful; n. adv.

saloka a. being in the same world with (gen. or instr.).

salokya a. being in the same world with (gen. or instr.).

salokatā f. abstr. to prec.

saloptra a. with the theft or booty.*

salobha a. covetous, avaricious.

saloman a. running with the hair or grain, congruent (opp. viloman).

sallakī -> śallakī sub śallaka.

salloka m. pl. good people.

sava [1] m. pressing, esp. of Soma.

sava [2] m. bidder, impeller, impulse, command, enlivening, vivifying, N. of cert. sacrificial rites.

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savana [1] n. the pressing out or extracting of the Soma juice, (performed three times a day), the juice itself & its libation, festival or sacrifice i.g., pl. the three day-times i.e. morning, midday & evening (cf. above).

savana [2] n. bidding, impelling, setting in motion.

savana [3] a. along with the woods.

savanakarman n. libation.

savanīya a. belonging to a Soma-libation or to a sacrifice i.g.

savayas a. of like strength or age; m. & f. comrade, friend.

savayasa a. of the same age.

savayaska a. of the same age.

savarṇa a. of the same colour or caste; similar, like, homogeneous (gen. or --°). Abstr. (tā f.*), -tva n.

savāsas a. clothed, with the clothes.

savāsin a. dwelling together.

savikalpa a. admitting of difference or variety, differenced.

savikalpaka a. admitting of difference or variety, differenced.

savikāra a. along with (its) changes.

saviklavam adv. sadly, timidly.

savijñāna a. endowed or along with (detailed) knowledge.

savitṛ m. impeller, enlivener, N. of a god, often identif, with Sūrya.

savitarka a. thoughtful; n. adv.

savitta a. with the property or wealth.

savitrī f. mother, female producer.

savidyut a. accompanied by lightning (thunder).

savidyuta n. thunderstorm.

savidha a. of the same kind, near, proximate; n. proximity.

savidhīkṛ bring near; -bhū come near.

savinaya a. well-bred, modest, polite; n. adv.

savimarśa a. deliberating, thoughtful; n. adv.

savilakṣam adv. bashfully.

savilakṣasmitam adv. with a bashful smile.

saviśeṣa a. having distinguishing qualities, extraordinary, uncommon; having discrimination, discriminating; °-- & n. adv. distinctly, peculiarly.

saviśeṣakautūhalam adv. in a peculiarly festive or solemn manner.*

saviśeṣaṇa a. having peculiar characteristics or attributes; -rūpaka n. a kind of metaphor (ph.).

saviśrambha a. confidential (prec. & th.).

saviṣa a. venomous, poisoned.

saviṣāda a. amazed, perplexed; n. adv.

savistara a. diffuse, detailed; n. adv.

savismaya a. astonished, surprised; n. adv.

savīman n. impulse, direction (only loc.).

savīra a. with the followers.

savīrya a. having (like) strength.

savṛtti a. with a maintenance or salary.*

savṛdh a. increasing; rejoicing together.

savṛṣaṇa a. with (the) testicles.

savega a. (equally) impetuous or violent; n. adv.

savetāla a. containing a Vetāla (corpse).

savedas a. having common or like possession.

savepathu a. trembling, quaking.

saveṣṭana a. turbaned (head).*

savaiklavyam adv. with perplexity or depression.

savaira a. hostile, inimical.

savairāgyam adv. with indifference.

savailakṣya a. ashamed, abashed, embarrassed; n. adv.

savailakṣyasmitam adv. with a bashful smile.

savya a. left (not right); °--, savyam savyena savyā & savye adv. from or on the left. m. the left arm, hand, or foot; n. the sacred thread (worn over the left shoulder).

savyatas adv. from or on the left side.

savyatha a. sorrowful, sad.

savyapekṣa a. requiring, presupposing, based upon (--°).

savyaṣṭhṛ m. the charioteer standing on the left.

savyaṣṭhā m. the charioteer standing on the left.

savyasācin a. clever with the left hand (as well as with the right); m. E. of Arjuna.

savyāja a. deceitful, false; n. adv.

savyādhi a. ill, sick.

savyāpāra a. employed, based.

savyāvṛt a. turning & turned to the left.

savyāvṛtta a. turning & turned to the left.

savyāhṛtipraṇavaka a. with the (three sacred) utterances and the syllable Om.

savyetara a. right (opposite of left).

savyeṣṭha m. = savyaṣṭhā.

savraṇa a. wounded, sore.

savrata a. harmonious, fitting together.

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savrīḍa a. ashamed, bashful; n. adv.

saśaṅka a. afraid, timid; n. adv.

saśatru a. having enemies.

saśapatham adv. with an oath.*

saśabda a. having or making sound or noise; noisy, loud; n. adv.

saśayana f. ī lying together, neighbouring.

saśara a. furnished with an arrow (bow) or along with the arrow.

saśaracāpahasta a. holding a bow with an arrow in the hand.

saśalka a. furnished with bark or scales; m. a kind of fish.

saśalya a. wounded or tormented (by an arrowpoint).

saśādvala a. covered with grass.

saśiraḥkampam adv. shaking the head.

saśiras a. with the head.

saśiraska a. with the head.

saśiṣya a. with the pupils.

saśīrṣan a. having a head.

saśuc a. sorrowful, sad.

saśṛṅgāra a. decorated, dressed.

saśṛṅgārakam a. passionately, tenderly.*

saśeṣa a. having or leaving a rest, not quite emptied or finished.

saśoka a. afflicted, sad; n. adv.

saśc saścati v -> sac; pp. saścat pursuer, enemy.

saśraddha a. open-hearted.

saśrīka a. beautiful, splendid; abstr. -tā f., (tva n.*).

saślāgham adv. boastfully.

saśleṣa a. equivocal, ambiguous.

saśvāsa a. breathing.

saṣṭubh f. a cert. metre.

sas sasti sasasti sasasti slumber, be lazy or slothful.

sasa s. herb, grass.

sasaṃrambha a. wrathful, angry.

sasaṃśaya a. doubtful, uncertain (subj. & obj.).

sasakhīkā f. along with the (female) friends.

sasakhījanā f. along with the (female) friends.

sasaṃketa a. privy to a mystery.

sasaciva a. with the minister.

sasaṃjña a. conscious, sensible.

sasattva a. courageous, bold; containing living creatures; f. ā pregnant.

sasattrin m. companion at a festival.

sasaṃtāna a. with the offspring.

sasaṃdhya a. along with the morning twilight.

sasaṃdhyāśa a. along with the evening twilight.

sasabhya a. with the assessor or judges.

sasaṃbhrama a. excited, agitated; n. adv.

sasahāya a. along with companions or accomplices.

sasākṣika a. having or before witnesses; n. adv.

sasāgara a. with the seas (the earth).

sasādhvasa a. frightened, alarmed.

sasādhvīka a. along with Arundhātī (lit. the good wife).

sasāra a. solid, firm.

sasārathi a. with the charioteer.

sasārtha a. with a caravan.

sasitotpalamālin a. crowned with white lotus-flowers.

sasīta a. together with Sītā.

sasugandha a. perfumed, sweet-scented.

sasuta a. with the sons or children.

sasura [1] a. with the gods.

sasura [2] a. with liquor, intoxicated.

sasuvarṇa a. with gold, dressed in gold.

sasūta a. with the charioteer.

sasainya a. with an army.

sasoma a. with Soma; abstr. -tva n.

sasaurabha a. fragrant.

sastrīka a. along with the wife or having a wife, married.

sasthūṇa a. along with the pillar.

sasni a. procuring, granting, bestowing; winning, acquiring.

sasneha a. oily, greasy; affectionate, tender.

saspṛha a. desiring, longing for (loc. or infin.); n. adv.

sasmaya a. haughty, arrogant.

sasmita a. smiling, n. adv.

sasmeram adv. = prec. adv.

sasya n. standing crop, produce of the field, seed, grain, fruit; poss. -vant.

sasyakṣetra n. field of grain.

sasyapāla m. watcher of the standing crop.

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sasyapūrṇa a. rich in grain.

sasyaprada a. yielding crops, fertile.

sasyamālin a. = prec. (wreathed with grain).

sasyarakṣaka m. = sasyapāla.

sasyād a. eating grain.

sasyānte (loc.) when the grain is at an end.

sasyāvāpa m. sowing (seed).

sasra a. flowing.

sasri a. flowing.

sasrotas a. flowing.

sasvana a. sounding, loud.

sasvar adv. secretly; prep. without (abl.).

sasvara a. sounding like (instr. or --°); loud, n. adv.; accented.

sasvartā adv. = sasvar.

sasvāhākāra a. accompanied by the sound Svāhā.

sasveda a. sweating, perspiring.

sah [1] sahate (-ti) v pp. sāḍha & soḍha overpower, win (battles), be victorious; be capable of or able to (infin. or loc.); master, withstand, suppress; bear, suffer, endure. C. sāhayati (mostly --°) cause to endure, make supportable.* D. sīkṣate wish to overcome. --
     abhi overwhelm, subdue; violate (a woman); bear, suffer, pardon.
     ud hold out, endure; be able to or capable of (infin.
     prati, loc., or dat.). C. urge on, impel to (loc.).
     abhyud be a match for (acc.), be able to (infin.), incline to (dat.). prod C. encourage, excite, impel.
     samud be able to (infin.); C. = prec. C.
     nis overpower.
     pra vanquish, master, check, restrain; bear, endure; be able to (infin.).
     saṃpra master, restrain, control, bear, suffer.
     prati resist, overcome.
     vi (ṣahate) overcome, sustain, withstand, resist, bear, suffer; be able to (infin.).
     sam be a match for, withstand, overcome. -- Cf. prasahya.

sah [2] overpowering, bearing, enduring (--°).

sāh overpowering, bearing, enduring (--°).

saha [1] adv. together, in common, along with (mostly °-- or as prep. w. instr.).

saha [2] a. powerful; overcoming, vanquishing (--°); bearing, withstanding, enduring, a match for (gen. or --°); capable of, able to (infin. or --°).

sahakartṛ m. assistant.

sahakāra m. assistance, cooperation; a kind of Mango, n. its blossom or juice.

sahakāritā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

sahakārin a. working together, assisting; m. coadjutor, assistant.

sahakhaṭvāsana n. sitting together on a bed.

sahagu a. with cows.

sahagopa a. with the herd.

sahacara a. going or belonging together, similar, like. m. companion, comrade; f. ī wife, mistress.

sahacāra m. going together, harmony, agreement.

sahacāritva n. abstr. to seq.

sahacārin f. -ṇī = sahacara ī.

sahaja a. born at the same time or together with (gen.); innate, inherent, natural.

sahajanya m. ā f. N. of a Yakṣa & an Apsaras.

sahajā a. born or produced at the same time.

sahajāta a. = prec., innate, inherent.

sahajāni a. with the wife.

sahajīvin a. living together.

sahajendra m. N. of a man.

sahatā f. bearing, endurance, equality (--°).

sahatva [1] n. communion.

sahatva [2] n. endurance, allowance (--°).

sahadaṇḍa a. with the army.

sahadānu a. with the Dānu(s).

sahadāra a. with the wife.

sahadeva a. with the gods; m. N. of a Pāṇḍava etc.

sahadevata a. with the deities.

sahadharma m. community of duty.

sahadharmacara f. ī fulfilling the same duties or laws; f. (such) a wife.

sahadharmacaraṇa n. abstr. to prec.

sahadharmacārin f. -ṇī = sahadharmacara.

sahana a. overpowering, mighty, strong; n. patient endurance.

sahanirvāpa m. a common relation.

sahanivāsitā f. dwelling together.

sahanīya a. to be endured or pardoned.

sahantama (superl.) overpowering most, mightiest or strongest.

sahantya a. overpowering, mighty, strong.

sahapatni a. with the wife.

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sahapatnīka a. with the wife.

sahapatnī a. with the husband.

sahapāṃsukrīḍana n. playing together with sand.

sahapāna n. compotation.

sahapiṇḍakriyā f. the common offering of the funeral cake.

sahaputra a. with the son(s).

sahapuruṣa a. with the men.

sahapūruṣa a. with the men.

sahaprayāyin a. setting out together.

sahaprasthāyin a. setting out together.

sahabhakṣa a. enjoying together.

sahabhasman a. with the ashes.

sahabhāva m. communion, connection.

sahabhuj a. eating together with (--°).

sahabhū a. appearing together with (--°); inborn, natural.

sahabhojana n. eating together or in company; common enjoyment of (gen.).

sahabhojin m. commensal.

sahamūra a. along with the root.

sahamūla a. along with the root.

sahaya a. with horses.

sahayajña a. with the sacrifice.

sahayaśas a. glorious, splendid.

sahayāyin a. going along with, m. fellow-traveller.

sahayuj a. yoked or harnessed together.

saharṣa a. joyful, merry, n. adv.

saharṣabha a. with the bull.

saharṣasādhvasam adv. cheerfully and timidly.

saharṣākūtam adv. cheerfully and emphatically.

sahavatsa a. with the calf.

sahavasati f. dwelling together.

sahavah (vāh) a. drawing together (horses).

sahavāsa m. = sahavasati; a. -vāsin.

sahavāhana a. with the team, carriage etc.

sahavīra a. with men.

sahavrata a. having the same vows or duties; f. ā = sahadharmacarī.

sahaśayyā f. -śeyya n. lying together.

sahas a. powerful, victorious. n. power, might, victory; instr. sgl. & pl. strongly, violently, suddenly, at once.

sahasāna a. powerful, mighty.

sahasāvan & sahasin a. = prec. (only voc.).

sahaskṛt a. giving power or strength.

sahaskṛta a. strenghtened, excited.

sahasta a. having hands; -tālama adv. clapping the hands.

sahastha a. standing by, present; m. companion.

sahasthita a. standing by, present; m. companion.

sahasya a. strong, mighty.

sahasra n. (m.) a thousand (used also for any very large number).

sahasraka [1] n. = prec.; adj. (--° f. -srikā) being or amounting to a thousand.

sahasraka [2] a. thousand-headed.

sahasrakara m. the sun (thousand-rayed).

sahasrakiraṇa m. = prec.

sahasrakṛtvas adv. a thousand times.

sahasragu a. possessing a thousand cows; also = sahasrakara.

sahasraguṇa a. thousandfold.

sahasraguṇita a. thousandfold.

sahasracakṣas a. thousand-eyed.

sahasracakṣu & -cakṣus a. = prec.

sahasracaraṇa a. thousand-footed (Viṣṇu).

sahasrajit a. vanquishing or conquering a thousand.

sahasraṇī m. chief of a thousand (or thousands).

sahasraṇīti a. having a thousand ways.

sahasraṇītha a. knowing a thousand songs or = prec.

sahasratama f. ī the thousandth.

sahasrada a. giving a thousand (cows).

sahasradakṣiṇa a. (a sacrificer) giving or (a sacrifice) whereat are given a thousand (cows) as a fee.

sahasradā a. = sahasrada.

sahasradāna a. giving a thousand (gifts).

sahasradāvan a. giving a thousand (gifts).

sahasradīdhiti m. = sahasrakara.

sahasradṛś a. thousand-eyed (Indra).

sahasradvār a. thousand-gated.

sahasradvāra a. thousand-gated.

sahasradhā adv. in a thousand ways or parts.

sahasradhāman a. having thousandfold might or splendour; m. the sun.

sahasradhāyas a. nourishing or supporting thousands.

sahasradhāra a. flowing in a thousand streams.

sahasranayana a. thousand-eyed; m. E. of Indra.

sahasranāman f. -nāmnī thousand-named.

sahasranirṇij a. having a thousand ornaments.

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sahasranetra a. = sahasranayana.

sahasrapati m. the chief of a thousand (villages).

sahasrapad a. thousand-footed; m. N. of a Rishi.

sahasrapād a. thousand-footed; m. N. of a Rishi.

sahasraparṇa f. ī having a thousand leaves or feathers.

sahasrapṛṣṭha a. thousand-backed.

sahasrapoṣa [1] m. -poṣā f., -poṣya n. thousandfold prosperity.

sahasrapoṣa [2] & -ṣin poss. to prec.

sahasrabāhu a. having a thousand arms.

sahasrabhara a. conquering a thousand.

sahasrabharṇas a. thousandfold.

sahasrabhṛṣṭi a. thousand-edged.

sahasramuṣka a. having a thousand testicles.

sahasramūti a. helping in a thousand ways.

sahasramūrdhan a. thousand-headed.

sahasraṃbhara a. bringing a thousand.

sahasrayajña m. a sacrifice of a thousand (animals).

sahasraraśmi m. = sahasrakara.

sahasraretas a. containing thousandfold seed.

sahasralocana a. = sahasranayana.

sahasravaktra a. thousand-mouthed.

sahasravant a. thousandfold.

sahasravarcas a. of infinite splendour.

sahasravaliśa a. thousand-branched.

sahasravalśa a. thousand-branched.

sahasravāja a. having a thousand forces.

sahasravīra a. sufficient for a thousand men.

sahasravīrya a. having a thousand forces.

sahasraśatadakṣiṇa a. whereat a hundred thousand (cows) are given as a fee (sacrifice).

sahasraśas adv. by thousands.

sahasraśiras a. thousand-headed.

sahasraśirasa a. thousand-headed.

sahasraśīrṣa a. = prec.

sahasraśīrṣan a. = prec.

sahasraśṛṅga a. thousand-horned.

sahasraśokas a. sparkling with a thousand flames.

sahasrasaṃkhya a. amounting to a thousand.

sahasrasani a. winning or bestowing a thousand.

sahasrasā a. winning or bestowing a thousand.

sahasrasāva m. a thousandfold pressing (of Soma).

sahasraha a. slaying a thousand.

sahasrahasta a. thousand-handed.

sahasrāṃśu m. = sahasrakara.

sahasrākṣa a. & m. = sahasranayana.

sahasrādhipati m. the chief of a thousand (men or villages).

sahasrāmagha a. having a thousand treasures or gifts.

sahasrāyu a. living a thousand years.

sahasrāyus m. = prec.; m. N. of a man.

sahasrārgha a. worth a thousand.

sahasrārcis m. = sahasrakara.

sahasrārha a. = sahasrārgha.

sahasrāha s. a thousand days.

sahasrāhnya n. a thousand journeys.

sahasrin a. thousandfold; winning, bestowing, containing etc. a thousand.

sahasriya a. (giving) thousandfold.

sahasrīya a. (giving) thousandfold.

sahasroti a. = sahasramūti.

sahasvant a. powerful, mighty; n. adv.

sahādhyayana n. fellowship in study.

sahādhyāyin m. fellow-student.

sahāya m. companion, comrade, attendant; adj. --° accompanied or supported by.

sahāyatā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec.

sahāyana n. going along with, company.

sahāyavant a. having a companion or attendant; accompanied or attended by, furnished with (--°).

sahāyārtham a. to be companion(s).

sahāyin m. = sahāya; f. -nī female companion or friend.

sahāvan a. overpowering, strong.

sahāvant a. the same.

sahāsa a. laughing or smiling; n. adv.

sahāsana n. sahāsyā f. sitting together.

sahita a. united, joined (pl. ±sarve all); accompanied by, endowed or furnished with (instr. or --°); n. adv. together.

sahitavya a. to be borne or endured.

sahiraṇya a. (furnished) with gold.

sahiṣṭha (superl.) mightiest.

sahiṣṇu a. bearing, enduring (acc., gen., or --°); patient, forbearing.

sahīyaṃs (compar.) mightier, superior; most mighty or strong.

sahuri a. powerful, superior, victorious.

sahūti f. common invocation.

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sahṛdaya a. with the heart; hearty, affectionate.

sahetu a. having a cause, reason, or motive.

sahetuka a. having a cause, reason, or motive.

sahendra a. along with Indra.

sahela a. playful, careless; n. adv.

sahokti f. talking together or at the same time; a kind of comparison (rh.).

sahojā a. produced by power, strong.

sahojit a. victorious by power.

sahoḍha [1] a. having stolen goods.

sahoḍha [2] a. married at the same time; born of a woman pregnant at marriage.

sahotthāyin a. rising together, fellow-insurgent.

sahodara f. ā & ī born from the same womb; a brother or sister of whole blood.

sahodā a. bestowing strength.

sahobhari a. nourishing strength.

sahovan a. powerful, mighty.

sahovṛdh a. enjoying power.

sahoṣita a. who has lived with another.

sahaujas a. endowed with power or strength.

sahya a. to be borne or endured, tolerable, resistibls (abstr. -tā f.); N. of a mountain.

sahyavāsin a. inhabiting the mountain Sahya; f. -nī E. of Durgā.*

sahyaṃs  = sahīyaṃs.

sahyakarman n. assistance, help.

sahyu a. powerful, mighty.

sahvan a. powerful, mighty.

[1] -> san.

[2] si syati syate v (only --°), sināti (sinoti), pp. sita (q.v.) bind. C. sāyayati (only --°). --
     abhi fetter, destroy.
     ava unbind or unharness (the horses), turn in, stop, stay; go home or to rest; cease, finish, end; fix or insist upon (acc.); decide, ascertain.
     adhyava cease, stop, finish; fix upon (acc.), choose; resolve, venture, undertake (acc., loc., or infin.); suppose, conjecture; regard as, take for (2 acc.). C. settle, determine.
     anvava stick or resort to, strive after, long for (acc.).
     udava set out (esp. from the place of sacrifice), conclude, finish; move off to (loc.).
     upāva settle down near (acc.).
     nirava C. furnish or satisfy with (instr.).
     paryava result, amount to or end in (loc. or acc. w. prati).
     vyava dwell separately; be at variance, differ; be persuaded or convinced of (acc.), regard as, take for (2 acc.); decide, determine; settle, ascertain, resolve upon, undertake to (acc., dat., or infin.).
     samava decide for, fix upon (acc.).
     ud fetter, catch.
     vi make loose, untie, unyoke, open, set free. -- Cf. atiṣita (add.), adhyavasita avasita utsita paryavasita prasita vyavasita.

sāṃyuga f. ī relating to war or battle; w. ku f. field of battle.

sāṃyugīna a. warlike, valiant.

sāṃrāviṇa n. general shout or cry.

sāṃvatsara (f. ī) & -rika a year old, lasting a year, yearly, annual; m. astrologer.

sāṃvidya n. agreement.

sāṃśaṃsika a. being recited together.

sāṃśayika f. ī doubtful, uncertain.

sāṃsārika a. worldly, mundane.

sāṃsparśaka n. contact.

sāṃhatya n. union, connection.

sākaṃyuj a. joined together, united.

sākaṃvṛt a. rolling together (wheels).

sākaṃvṛdh a. growing together.

sākaṃja a. born together.

sākam adv. with each other, at once, together, along with (instr.).

sākamukṣ a. sprinkling or splashing together.

sākalya n. wholeness, totality.

sākāṅkṣa a. haviNg a wish or desire; iYcomplete, correlative (g.).

sākūta a. intentional, significant; n. adv.

sāketa n. E. of the city Ayodhyā; m. pl. its inhabitants.

sākṣata a. filled with unhusked grain.

sākṣara a. having i.e. marked with letters (ring); eloquent, abstr. -tā f.

sākṣāt adv. with or before the eyes, i.e. plainly, actually, exactly, immediately, directly, in person. With bhū appear in person; w. kṛ take a view of, put before the eyes, witness, notice, call to mind.

sākṣātkāra m. abstr. to prec. w. kṛ.

sākṣātkṛti f. the same.

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sākṣātkriyā f. the same.

sākṣika (adj. --°) = sākṣin; n. before, coram (--°).

sākṣitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

sākṣin m. on-looker, observer, eye-witness, witness i.g.

sākṣipraśna m. examination of witnesses (j.).

sākṣimant a. having a witness.

sākṣīkṛ call to witness.

sākṣepa a. containing an objection or limitation, reproachful, ironical, n. adv.

sākṣya a. visible for (--°); n. the being witness, testimony, evidence.

sākhya n. association, party; friendship, affection.

sāgara [1] m. the ocean (said to have been dug by Sagara's sons); pl. Sagara's sons.

sāgara f. ī2 relating to the sea, maritime.

sāgaraka m. pl. N. of a people; f. -rikā a woman's name.

sāgaraga a. flowing to the sea; f. ā such a river (also -gamā f.).

sāgaragāmin a. = prec. a.

sāgaradatta m. a man's name.

sāgaraparyanta a. bounded by the sea (earth).

sāgaramekhala a. sea-girt (the earth).

sāgaravāsin a. dwelling on the sea-shore.

sāgaraśukti f. sea-shell.

sāgarānta [1] m. sea-coast.

sāgarānta [2] a. reaching to the sea (earth).

sāgarāmbara a. ocean-clothed; f. ā the earth.

sāgarikāmaya a. consisting or full of Sāgarikās.*

sāgas a. guilty of a crime.

sāgni a. with the fire.

sāgnika a. having Agni with them, accompanied by Agni (gods).

sāgra a. with the point.

sāṃkāśya m. N. of a man, f. ā & n. of a town.

sāṃkṛtya m. a patron. name.

sāṃkhya a. relating to the number (g.); n. N. of a philosophical system, m. an adherent of it.

sāṃkhyakārikā f. -pravacana n. titles of works.

sāṃkhyācārya m. E. of Viṣṇu.

sāṃkhyayoga m. an adherent of the Sāmkhya and Yoga systems; n. the S. and Y.

sāṃkhyāyana m. N. of a teacher, pl. his pupils.

sāṅga a. haviNg limbs or a body; with all parts or supplements (Veda); complete, finished.

sāṃgatika m. an old acquaintance (concr.).

sāṅguṣṭha a. with the thumb.

sāṃgrāmajitya n. victory in war.

sāṃgrāmika f. ī relating to war, martial; n. booty.

sāci [1] a. crooked, oblique; °-- adv.

sāci [2] a. following, accompanying.

sācivya n. companionship, attendance; the office of a counsellor or minister.

sācīkṛ bend or turn aside.

sācya a. to be assisted or befriended.

sājātya n. community of class or tribe with (gen.); equality, likeness.

sāñjali a. suppliant, humble (cf. añjali).

sāṃjīvīputra m. N. of a teacher.

sāṭopa a. thundering, growling (cloud); selfconceited, arrogant, n. adv.

sāḍhṛ m. conqueror.

sāṇḍa a. having testicles, potent.

sāta a. gained, acquired; m. N. of a Yaksha.

sātatya n. continuity, uninterruptedness.

sātavāha m. N. of a king.

sātavāhana m. N. of a king.

sāti f. gain, acquisition, wealth, property; winning the prize, making booty.

sātireka a. excessive, intensive.

sātiśaya a. excellent, best, better.

sātu m. receptacle.

sāttvika f. ī relating to or endowed with the quality of goodness (ph.); courageous, energetic, virtuous, brave.

sātmatā f. unity of essence with (gen., instr., or --°).

sātmatva n. abstr. to seq.

sātman a. having a soul or with the soul.

sātmya n. = sātmatā.

sātya a. whose nature is truth.

sātyaki m. patron. of Yuyudhāna.

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sātvata [1] m. a prince of the Satvant, E. of Kṛṣṇa etc., N. of a mixed tribe.

sātvata f. ī2 relating to the Satvant or Sātvata (Kṛṣṇa); m. a follower of Kṛṣṇa.

sāda m. sitting on horseback, riding; sinking down, exhaustion, despondency, despair; loss, disappearance.

sādana a. causing to sink, wearying, exhausting; n. placing down, sinking; seat, place, home; dish.

sādanya a. domestic.

sādayitavya a. to be destroyed.

sādara a. having or paying respect, considerate, careful; devoted to or intent upon (--°); n. adv.

sādi m. rider (lit. sitter).

sādin m. rider (lit. sitter).

sādṛśya n. likeness, similarity.

sādbhuta a. surprised, wondering.

sādya a. fit for riding; m. riding-horse.

sādh sādhati sādhate1 v come or lead straight (to the aim); succeed, be accomplished, give way, obey; direct, put in order, effect, accomplish, finish. C. sādhayati te = S. tr.; also get, procure, acquire, recover (a debt), win, subdue; pay (taxes); make, render (2 acc.); set out, go away. --
     upa C. subdue, conquer; prepare (food).
     pari = prec.; obtain, recover (money).
     pra C. put in order, arrange, adorn, perform, accomplish, make one's own, acquire, win; find out, prove, demonstrate.
     sam subdue, conquer, make one's own, win, acquire, get, obtain, procure, perform, accomplish, prepare (food); recover (money), dismiss (a guest).

sādh [2] -> yajñasādh.

sādha m. performance, accomplishment.

sādhaka f. -dhikā accomplishing, effecting (gen. or --°); helping, useful; m. assistant, worshipper, sorcerer.

sādhadiṣṭi a. whose sacrifice or prayer has effect.

sādhana f. ī & ā leading to the aim, effecting, producing, procuring (gen. or --°); effective, capable. -- n. subduing, mastering, accomplishing, effecting; getting, acquiring, recovering (debts); proving, evincing, argument, evidence; means, expedient, requisite; military force; result, consequence. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sādhanakṣama a. provable, demonstrable.

sādhanādhyakṣa m. inspector of the military force.

sādhanīya a. to be accomplished, acquired, or proved; abstr. -tva n.

sādharmya n. similarity, likeness.

sādhāna a. with the receptacle.

sādhāraṇa f. ī & ā common to or with (gen., dat., instr. ±saha, or --°); general, universal; equal, like, similar (instr. or --°). n. community, common cause. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sādhāraṇya n. universality, community (instr. ṇyā adv. commonly, together); similarity, analogy.

sādhika a. with a surplus, -- and more.

sādhidaivata a. having a tutelary deity in (instr.).

sādhin a. accomplishing, performing (--°).

sādhiṣṭha superl. & compar. to seq.

sādhīyaṃs superl. & compar. to seq.

sādhu f. sādhvī straight, right, good, excellent, virtuous. -- m. a good or honest man; f. sādhvī a. faithful or excellent wife; n. the good or right, as adv. well, right; bravo!

sādhukarman a. acting well or properly.

sādhukārin a. = prec., skilful, clever.

sādhukṛt a. = prec., skilful, clever.

sādhukṛtya n. compensation, advantage; f. ā good or proper way of acting.

sādhujana m. a good man (or woman*).

sādhutas adv. from good people.

sādhutā f. -tva n., -bhāva m. abstr. to sādhu.

sādhuyā adv. straight, directly, regularly, well.

sādhuvāda m. right expression, good renown, also = sādhuśabda.

sādhuvādin a. speaking right or applauding.

sādhuvāhin a. well drawing (a waggon).

sādhuvṛtta a. beautifully round (arm) or well-conducted; n. good conduct.

sādhuśabda m. cry of good or bravo.

sādhuśīla a. having a good character; abstr. -tva n.

sādhusaṃskṛta a. well arranged or prepared.

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sādhya a. to be subdued, mastered, or won; to be (being) contrived or managed; to be accomplished or fulfilled, proved or demonstrated; conquerable, practicable. feasible, curable, attainable. m. pl. a class of deities. -- Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sādhyavant a. containing what is to be proved.

sādhyavasānā f. a kind of elliptical expression (rh.).

sādhyavasānikā f. a kind of elliptical expression (rh.).

sādhyā adv. = sādhuyā.

sādhvarya a. faithfully devoted.

sādhvasa n. perplexity, perturbation, fear, terror, timidity, shyness.

sādhvasādhu a. good and (or) bad.

sādhvasārādhana n. a timid beginning.

sādhvācāra m. the conduct of the good or good conduct.

sādhvācāra a. well-conducted, virtuous.

sādhvīka (adj. --°) = sādhvī, -> sādhu.

sānaga m. N. of a Rishi.

sānanda a. glad, happy, delighted with (--°); °-- & n. adv.

sānasi a. lucrative or victorious.

sānāthya n. assistance, help.

sānu m. n. top, surface, ridge, back.

sānuka a. greedy for booty.

sānukampa a. compassionate; n. adv.

sānukūlya n. favour, help, aid.

sānukrośa a. compassionate; n. adv.

sānuga (f. ī) with attendants or followers.

sānucara (f. ī) with attendants or followers.

sānutāpa a. full of repentance.

sānunaya a. courteous, kind.

sānuprāsa a. containing alliteration.

sānubandha a. having consequences; continual, uninterrupted.

sānumant a. poss. to sānu; m. mountain, f. -matī N. of an Apsaras.

sānuyātra a. with a retinue.

sānurāga a. passionate, enamoured.

sānuśaya a. regretful; n. adv.

sānuśayavighaṭita a. regretful and dispirited.

sāṃtapana a. warming, warm; m. n. (±kṛccha) a kind of penance.

sāntarāla a. with the mixed castes.

sāntardīpa a. having a light in the interior.

sāntarhāsa a. with an inward laugh; n. adv.

sāṃtānika f. ī desirous of offspring.

sāntva n. sgl. & pl. kind or comforting words.

sāntvana n. -nā f. appeasing by kind words.

sāntvapūrva a. appeasing, propitiating (speech); n. adv.

sāntvay sāntvayati & sāntvayate v appease, pacify, comfort, conciliate. --
     abhi upa & pari = S.

sāndra a. thick, dense, violent, intense, soft, bland; crowded with, full of (instr. or --°).

sāndrasparśa a. soft to the touch.

sāṃdhya a. relating to conjunction or combination; relating to the evening twilight, vespertine.

sāṃnāyya n. an oblation consisting of sweet and sour milk.

sāṃnāhika a. calling to arms (drum) or = seq.

sāṃnāhuka a. able to bear arms.

sāṃnidhya n. proximity, presence.

sānvaya a. with family or descendants; belonging to the same family, related or of kin.

sāpatna a. coming from a rival or = sāpatnya.

sāpatnaka n. rivalry, esp. among the wives of the same man; enmity, hatred i.g.

sāpatnya a. sprung from rivalry; born from a rival wife.

sāparādha a. guilty or faulty.

sāpavāda a. reproachful; n. adv.

sāpiṇḍya n. connection by (offering) the funeral cake, consanguinity.

sāpekṣa a. having regard or respect for (loc. or acc. w. prati); requiring, presupposing, dependent on (--°).

sāpta n. the number seven.

sāptapada a. belonging to the seven steps (cf. saptapad); true, sincere.

sāptapadīna a. = prec.; n. friendship.

sāptapuruṣa (f. ī) extending over seven generations.

sāptapauruṣa (f. ī) extending over seven generations.

sāphalya n. fruitfulness, profit, success.

sābādha a. distressed, unwell, sick.

sābhikāma a. loving, affectionate.

sābhijñāna a. with a token of recognition; n. adv.

sābhiprāya a. having or showing a certain intention; determined, resolute.

sābhimāna a. full of pride or arrogance.

sābhilāṣa a. full of desire; eager, greedy for (loc., acc. w. prati, or --°).

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sābhra a. cloudy.

sāma n. equality.

sāmaka n. the original debt.

sāmaga m. chanter of the Sāmaveda.

sāmagā m. chanter of the Sāmaveda.

sāmagāna m. = prec., n. chant of the S.

sāmagāya m. -gīta n. = prec. n.

sāmagrī f. -grya n. totality, completeness.

sāmatas adv. concerning the Sāmans.

sāmadaṇḍa m. du. conciliation and force.

sāmadhvani m. the sound of the chanting (of the Sāmaveda).

sāman [1] n. acquisition, property, wealth.

sāman [2] n. song, esp. sacred song, a Vedic stanza arranged for chanting; pl. the Sāmaveda.

sāman [3] n. consolation, conciliation, mild speech, kindness.

sāmanta a. being all around, surrounding, neighbouring. m. neighbour, vassal; n. neighbourhood.

sāmantavāsin a. dwelling near, neighbouring.

sāmamaya a. consisting of Sāmans.

sāmayācārika a. relating to conventional or right practice or conduct.

sāmayika a. conventional.

sāmarthya n. adequacy, fitness, sufficient cause for or just claim on (loc. or --°); strength, power, efficacy, ability (infin., dat., loc., or --°); the meaning or function of a word. Abl. -yogāt according to circumstances, by reason or on account of (--°).

sāmarthyavant a. able, capable.

sāmarthyahīna a. powerless, weak.

sāmarṣa a. impatient, angry; n. adv.

sāmavāda m. pl. kind words.

sāmavid a. knowing the Sāmaveda.

sāmavipra a. skilled in sacred songs.

sāmaveda m. the Sāmaveda (cf. sāman2).

sāmaśravas m. N. of a man.

sāmājika m. assistant at an assembly, spectator.

sāmātya a. along with the relatives or ministers.

sāmānādhikariṇya n. grammatical congruency, coordination.

sāmānya a. like, similar, common to or with (instr. ±saha or --°); ordinary, vulgar; general, universal. n. equality, congruence, right proportion, normal condition, totality, universality. °--, instr., & abl. in general, generally, sāmānyam adv. in common, together; in the manner of, like (--°).

sāmāsika f. ī relating to a compound word; concise, succinct, brief. m. n. a compound word.

sāmi adv. incompletely, prematurely, partly, half.

sāmidhena a. relating to fuel and kindling; f. ī such a verse (r.).

sāmiṣa a. with flesh.

sāmīpya a. neighbouring, m. neighbour, n. neighbourhood, nearness (in sp. & t.).

sāmudra a. oceanic, marine; m. mariner, sailor, pl. N. of a people; n. sea-salt.

sāmudraka (a. = prec. a.*); f. -drikā a kind of leech; n. sea-salt.

sāmudrika a. sea-faring; m. sea-farer.

sāmṛddhya n. thriving, success.

sāṃparāya m. transmigration from this world into another; pain, distress; war, fight.

sāṃparāyika f. ī & ā relating to the other world, future; useful in the time of need; relating to war, martial.

sāṃprata a. seasonable, fit; existing, present; n. adv. now, presently.

sāṃpradāyika a. based on tradition, traditional.

sāmba m. N. of a son of Kṛṣṇa.

sāṃbandhika n. relation by marriage.

sāṃmanasya n. sameness of opinion, agreement.

sāṃmukhya n. being in front or turned towards; inclination or affection for (--°).

sāṃmeghya n. the cloudy season.

sāmya n. equality, resemblance or likeness to (instr. ±saha, gen., loc., or --°); right or normal condition; equanimity, impartiality, justice.

sāmyatā f. likeness, equality.

sāmrājya [1] n. universal sovereignty.

sāmrājya [2] m. universal sovereign.

sāya n. turning in, going to rest; evening, sāyam adv. in the evening.

sāyaka a. suitable for hurling; m. n. missile, arrow.

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sāyaṃkāla m. evening, eventide.

sāyaṃkālika a. belonging to evening, vespertine.

sāyaṃkālīna a. belonging to evening, vespertine.

sāyaṇa m. N. of a celebrated scholar.

sāyaṇamādhava m. the same.

sāyaṇācārya m. the same.

sāyantana f. ī vespertine.

sāyaṃdugdha a. milked in the evening.

sāyaṃdoha m. the milking in the evening.

sāyamaśana n. sāyamāśa m. evening-meal, supper.

sāyamāhuti f. evening-oblation.

sāyaṃprātar adv. in the evening and in the morning.

sāyaṃprātarhoma m. du. morning and evening oblation.

sāyāsa a. painful, troublesome.

sāyāhan n. (only -hani) & sāyāhva m. evening.

sāyujya n. community, intimate union with or absorption into (gen., loc., instr., or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sāyudha a. having weapons, armed.

sāra [1] a. driving away, removing; m. course, way (only --°).

sāra [2] m. n. the interior firm parts of a body; firmness, solidity, strength; property, wealth; substance or essence of anything; nectar; water.

sāragha a. coming from a bee; m. bee; n. honey.

sāraṅga dappled; relating to the dappled antelope. m. a kind of antelope, sev. birds, a bee.

sāraṅga, f. dappled; relating to the dappled antelope. m. a kind of antelope, sev. birds, a bee.

sāraṅgī dappled; relating to the dappled antelope. m. a kind of antelope, sev. birds, a bee.

sāraṅgalocanā f. deer-eyed.

sāraṅgākṣī f. the same.

sāraṇa n. causing to go, dismissing.

sāraṇi f. small river, channel.

sāraṇika m. traveller, merchant.

sāratas adv. according to the value.

sāratā f. -tva n. firmness, solidity; value, worth; highest degree.

sārathi m. charioteer; abstr. -tva n.

sārathidvitīya a. accompanied by the charioteer.

sārathya n. the office of a charioteer.

sāraphalgu a. strong or weak, good or bad; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sārabhāṇḍa n. jewel, treasure.

sārabhāṇḍagṛhaka s. treasury.

sārabhūta a. & n. (being) the best or the chief matter.

sārameya m. dog (son of Saramā); f. ī bitch.

sāralya n. straightness, rectitude, honesty.

sāravattā f. firmness, hardness, solidity.

sāravant a. firm, strong; valuable, precious.

sārasa f. ī relating to a pond or lake. m. a cert. aquatic bird (f. ī), a man's name.

sārasana n. girdle.

sārasvata f. ī coming from or relating to Sarasvatī; n. eloquence.

sārāsāra n. strongness or weakness, worth and worthlessness.

sārika m. ā f. a kind of crow.

sārin a. hastening; following (--°).

sārisṛkka m. names of men.

sārisṛkta m. names of men.

sārisṛkva m. names of men.

sārūpya n. likeness, resemblance.

sārci a. flaming, burning.

sārcis a. flaming, burning.

sārtha a. having a commission or business, having a meaning or signification; successful, important, rich. --m. company of traders, caravan; troop, band, host, multitude i.g.

sārthaka a. useful, advantageous; having a sense or meaning, abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sārthaja a. born or reared in a caravan, tame (elephant).

sārthapati m. chief or leader of a caravan.

sārthapāla m. the same.

sārthavāha m. the same.

sārthika a. travelling (with a caravan), accompanying (gen.); merchant, trader.

sārdra a. wet, moist, damp.

sārdha a. with a half; n. sārdham adv. together, along with (instr. or --°).

sārpa a. relating to serpents; n. E. of a lunar mansion.

sārva a. useful to all.

sārvakāmika f. ī granting all wishes.

sārvakāla a. of all times.

sārvakālika a. of all times.

sārvadhātuka a. applicable to the whole or complete form of the base (g.).

sārvabhautika a. including all beings.

sārvabhauma a. spread or ruling over the whole earth.

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sārvalaukika a. spread all over the world.

sārvavarṇika a. relating to every caste or tribe.

sārvavedasa -> sarvavedasa.

sārṣṭa a. of equal rank or value.

sārṣṭi a. = prec., abstr. -tā f.

sāla m. = śāla1 (& f. ā).

sālaka a. having curled hair.

sālakānana n. Sāla-wood & a face with curled hair.

sālaktaka a. dyed with lac.

sālasa a. languid, lazy.

sālāvṛka m. a wolf or some other beast of prey.

sālokya n. the being in the same world with (gen., instr. w. saha, & --°); abstr. -tā f.

sāva m. libation of Soma.

sāvacāraṇa a. with the application.

sāvajña a. disdainful, contemptuous; n. adv.

sāvadya a. faulty, defective.

sāvadhāna a. attentive, careful, n. adv.; abstr. -tā f.

sāvadhi a. limited.

sāvamāna a. contemptible.

sāvayava a. composed of parts, abstr. -tva n.

sāvaraṇa a. locked up, concealed, secret.

sāvalepa a. haughty, arrogant.

sāvaśeṣa a. having a remainder, unfinished, left, remaining; n. remainder, rest.

sāvaṣṭambha a. full of self-confidence, resolute; n. adv.

sāvika a. relating to the pressing of Soma.

sāvitra f. ī descended from, belonging or consecrated to Savitṛ; f. -trī (±ṛc) a cert. verse to Savitṛ.

sāvitrīpatita a. = patitasāvitrīka (q.v.).

sāvitrīparibhraṣṭa a. = patitasāvitrīka (q.v.).

sāvin a. preparing Soma (--°).

sāvegam adv. with haste or agitation.

sāveśya n. neighbourhood.

sāśaṃsam adv. with the expression of desire or hope.

sāśaṅka a. afraid, suspicious.

sāścarya a. astonished, wondering, n. adv.; wonderful, marvellous.

sāśru a. tearful, weeping; n. adv.

sāśrulocana a. with weeping eyes.

sāṣṭāṅga a. made with eight members (bow); reverential. n. & -pātam adv. (lit. by falling down with eight members) reverentially, humbly.

sāsahi a. victorious, conquering (acc.); able to bear (--°).

sāsu a. living, alive.

sāsūya a. impatient, angry; n. adv.

sāsnā f. dewlap.

sāsra a. = sāśu.

sāha a. powerful; overwhelming, resisting (--°).

sāhaṃkāra a. full of egoism, selfish.

sāhacarya n. being or standing together, being joined or united with (instr. or --°).

sāhantya a. = sahantya.

sāhasa a. rash, inconsiderate. m. n. punishment, fine; n. violence, rashness, temerity.

sāhasakaraṇa n. a violent act.

sāhasakarmatā f. committing rash or violent acts; rashness, temerity.*

sāhasakārin a. acting violently or inconsiderately.

sāhasika f. ī bold, rash, violent.

sāhasopanyāsin a. suggesting violent deeds.*

sāhasra f. ī & ā amounting to or consisting of a thousand; n. a thousand.

sāhasraka f. -srikā containing a thousand; n. a thousand.

sāhasravant a. = prec. adj.

sāhasraśas adv. in a thousand ways.

sāhasrika a. consisting of a thousand, the thousandth.

sāhāyaka n. assistance, help.

sāhāyya n. the same.

sāhāyyaka n. the same.

sāhitya n. conjunction, association; literary composition, poetry.

sāhityadarpaṇa m. mirror of composition, T. of a work.

sāhna a. of a day's length or duration.

sāhya n. assistance, help.

sāhlāda a. cheerful, merry; n. adv.

sāhva (--°) called.

si [1] -> 2.

si [2] hurl, only pp. prasita (q.v.).

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siṃha m. lion (f. ī); best or bravest among (--°); king, ruler (°-- or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

siṃhagrīva a. lion-necked.

siṃhacarman n. a lion's hide.

siṃhatuṇḍa m. a kind of fish.

siṃhadaṃṣṭra a. lion-tusked; m. a kind of arrows.

siṃhadatta m. N. of an Asura & a poet.

siṃhadeva m. N. of a prince.

siṃhadvār f. -dvāra n. palace-gate.

siṃhadhvani m. a lion's roar, war-cry.

siṃhanāda m. a lion's roar, war-cry.

siṃhaparākrama m. N. of a man.

siṃhapura n. N. of a town.

siṃhapraṇāda m. = siṃhadhvani.

siṃharava m. = siṃhadhvani.

siṃhapratīka a. lion-faced.

siṃharṣabha m. a noble lion.

siṃhala m. pl. the people of Ceylon; sgl. the island itself.

siṃhavarman m. a man's name.

siṃhaśāva m. a lion's whelp.

siṃhaśiśu m. a lion's whelp.

siṃhasaṃhanana a. lion-shaped, strong.

siṃhaskandha a. lion-shouldered.

siṃhāy siṃhāyate v be or act like a lion.

siṃhāsana n. lion-seat i.e. throne.

siṃhikā f. N. of a daughter of Dakṣa & a Rāksasī.

siṃhīkṛ change into a lion; -bhū P.

sikatā f. sand, gravel, p. -vant.

sikatila a. sandy.

sikatya a. sandy.

sikti f. sprinkling, effusion.

siktha m. n. boiled rice; n. wax.

sic siñcati siñcate v pp. sikta1 pour out, sprinkle, scatter (also semen); pour in or upon (loc.), besprinkle with (instr.); cast (molten metal), form into (2 acc.). C. secayati sprinkle, water. --
     anu pour in or on (loc.).
     abhi pour upon, sprinkle, bathe, consecrate (M. refl.); C. the same.
     samabhi sprinkle, wet, consecrate.
     ava pour upon, sprinkle, water; C. also bleed (tr.).
     ā pour or fill into, discharge one's self (river), pour off or out. C. pour into or to.
     avā & abhiparyā pour into (loc.).
     samā & abhisamā pour or shed together.
     ud pour upon, fill up, overfill. P. overflow, be puffed up, be haughty or arrogant.
     upa pour upon, sprinkle.
     ni pour down or in; infuse, instil; water, irrigate. C. sprinkle, wet.
     nis & parā pour or shake off, remove.
     pari pour around or upon; pour out or into another vessel. C. sprinkle, wet.
     pra pour out or upon; fill (a vessel); wet, moisten. P. be wetted or refreshed; flow forth. C. pour in.
     vi spill, shed.
     sam pour together, mingle; sprinkle, water. -- Cf. utsikta.

sic [2] f. hem of a garment.

sicaya m. garment, cloth.

siñj -> śiñj etc.

siñjā -> śiñj etc.

siñjita -> śiñj etc.

sita [1] -> sā & si.

sita [2] a. white, bright, clear, pure.

sitakamala n. a white lotus flower.

sitakara m. the moon (white-rayed).

sitatejas a. shining white.

sitadīdhiti m. = sitakara.

sitapakṣa m. the light half of a month.

sitapīta a. white and yellow.

sitamaṇi m. crystal (white stone).

sitamaṇimaya a. of crystal.

sitamanas a. pure-hearted.

sitarakta a. white and red.

sitaśmaśru a. white-bearded.

sitāṃśu m. = sitakara.

sitātapatra n. a white umbrella (emblem of royal dignity).

sitātapavāraṇa n. the same.

sitāpāṅga m. a peacock (lit. haviNg white eye-corners).*

sitābhra m. a white cloud; camphor.

sitāmbara a. clothed in white.

sitāsita a. white and black.

sitiman m. whiteness.

sitetara a. black, dark, blue (lit. opposite of white).

sitotpala n. a white lotus flower.

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siddha a. hit (aim), attained; brought about, accomplished, prepared, ready; settled, established, known, valid; resulting, following; fallen to one's share, one's own; peculiar, particular; pertected or sanctified; thoroughly skilled in magical arts or endowed with supernatural powers. m. seer, fortune-teller, a great saint or one of the blessed (a class of semi-divine beings). n. supernatural power, magic art.

siddhakṣetra n. the field of the blessed, N. of a place.

siddhapura n. the city of the blessed.

siddhabhūmi f. the region of the blessed.

siddhamantra m. magic word, spell.

siddhayoga m. magic agency, charm.

siddhalakṣa a. hitting the mark.

siddhāṅganā f. a female Siddha.

siddhāñjana n. magic unguent.

siddhasaṃgha m. a company of saints.

siddhādeśa [1] m. the prophecy of a fortuneteller.

siddhādeśa [2] m. fortune-teller, prophet.

siddhānta m. established end or truth, dogma, axiom (often °-- & --° in titles of books).

siddhāntakaumudī f. -siromaṇi m. titles of books.

siddhābhīṣṭa a. having attained the desired object; successful, satisfied.

siddhārtha a. = prec. or leading to the goal, effective, powerful; m. E. of Buddha.

siddhārthamānin a. thinking one's self successful.

siddhāśrama m. the hermitage of the blessed.

siddhi f. hitting or reaching the aim, attainment of an object, performance, accomplishment, conclusion, result; success, prosperity, welfare; perfection, supernatural power.

siddhikara (f. ī) & -kāraka a. causing success or felicity.

siddhikārin a. accomplishing (gen.).

siddhikṣetra n. the seat of fortune or bliss, N. of a place.

siddhida a. giving success.

siddhidarśin a. foreseeing success, prophet of good tidings.

siddhimant a. having success or possessing magical power.

siddhimantra m. = siddhamantra & -yoga.

siddhiyoga m. = siddhamantra & -yoga.

siddhīkṛ accomplish.*

siddhīśvara m. the lord of magic arts, E. of Śiva.

siddheśa m. the lord of the blessed.

siddheśvara m. the lord of the blessed.

siddhauṣadha n. magic herb, panacea.

sidh sedhati sedhate1 v drive off, scare away. --
     apa & ava = S.
     ā C. āsedhayati cause to be arrested.
     vyā keep off, prevent.
     ud drive aside.
     ni drive away, keep off, hinder, prevent, forbid. C. ward off, keep back, interdict, deny.
     nis drive away.
     pra A.M. drive on.
     prati drive away, ward off, seek to divert from (abl.); omit, suppress; prevent, forbid, refuse, deny. C. ward off, keep back, refuse, forbid, deny.
     saṃprati keep back. -- Cf. pratiṣiddha vipratiṣiddha.

sidh sidhyati (sidhyate)2 v pp. siddha (q.v.) reach an aim, hit the mark; succeed, be fulfilled or accomplished; result, follow, be valid, boot, avail; submit to, obey (gen.); reach the highest aim, become perfect or blessed. --
     abhi succeed, be accomplished or perfected; acquire, obtain.
     pra succeed; result, follow.
     sam succeed, be accomplished; become perfect or blessed. -- Cf. prasiddha saṃsiddha.

sidhma [1] a. going straight (to the goal).

sidhma [2] a. white-spotted or leprous.

sidhman m. n. a kind of leprosy.

sidhmala a. leprous.

sidhra a. = sidhma1.

sina n. supply, provision, p. -vant.

sinīvālī f. N. of a goddess presiding over conception and childbirth.

sinduvāra m. N. of a plant, n. its berry.

sindūra n. red lead, minium.

sindhu m. f. stream, esp. the Indus, pl. m. the land on the Indus & its inhabitants; m. also flood, sea, ocean, water i.g., N. of a Gandharva etc.

sindhuja a. born on the Indus.

sindhutas adv. from the Indus-country.

sindhunātha m. the ocean (lit. = seq.).

sindhupati m. lord of the rivers.

sindhumātṛ [1] f. the mother of rivers.

sindhumātṛ [2] a. having the sea as mother.

sindhurāja m. = sindhunātha.

sindhuvāra m. = sinduvāra.

siprā f. N. of a river.

sima a. all, every; simā adv. everywhere.

simba m. N. of a man.

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simisimāy simisimāyate v prickle, bubble, quiver.

sirā f. stream, channel; vein, artery.

sirāla a. having many or strong veins.

sirī f. shuttle or female weaver.

silācī f. names of plants.

silāñjālā f. names of plants.

silha m. olibanum.

siv sīvyati sīvyate v pp. syūta (q.v.) seq. --
     vyati & ā sew together.
     ud sew in.
     pari sew around, wrap in.
     pra sew up.
     prati sew on.
     vi sew on in different places.
     sam sew together.

siṣāsatu a. desiring to obtain.

siṣāsani a. desiring to obtain.

siṣāsu a. = prec. or = seq.

siṣṇu a. desiring to give.

sisṛkṣā f. desire of creating.

sisṛkṣu a. desiring to create.

sīkara -> śīkara & -rin.

sīkarin -> śīkara & -rin.

sītā f. furrow; N. of the daughter of Janaka and wife of Rāma (said to have sprung from a furrow).

sītādravya n. implement of husbandry.

sītāyajña [1] m. a sacrifice offered to the furrow.

sītāyajña [2] a. sacrificing to the furrow.

sīdhu m. rum or any similar spirit; fig. = nectar.

sīdhupāna n. drinking rum (cf. prec.).

sīm (encl.) lays stress upon a prec. pronoun or preposition.

sīman m. parting of the hair on the head, boundary-line, frontier, (also sīmanta m., p. -vant); vertex, zenith; the scrotum.

sīmantaka f. -ntikā wearing the hair parted.

sīmantay sīmantayati v mark by a line, part (hair).

sīmantin a. = sīmantavant; f. -nī a woman.

sīmantonnayana n. arranging the parting of the hair (of pregnant women).

sīmaliṅga n. boundary-mark.

sīmā f. boundary, limit.

sīmājñāna n. ignorance of boundaries.

sīmādhipa m. boundary-guard, marcher.

sīmānta m. boundary, landmark.

sīmāpāla m. = sīmādhipa.

sīmāliṅga n. = sīmaliṅga.

sīmāvāda m. dispute about boundaries.

sīmāvivāda m. dispute about boundaries.

sīmāvṛkṣa m. tree serving as boundary-mark.

sīmāsaṃdhi f. the meeting of two boundaries.

sīra n. m. plough; m. plough-ox.

sīravāha a. drawing the plough.

sīrā f. stream.

sīrin a. ploughing; m. plougher, E. of Balarāma.

sīvana n. sewing.

sīsa n. lead.

sīsaka n. lead.

su sunoti sunute v pp. suta1 (q.v.) press out, extract, esp. the Soma. --
     adhi = S.
     abhi press out, prepare or win by extracting.
     ā & vi = S.
     sam & abhisam press out together. -- Cf. prasuta.

su [2] (sū) adv. well, indeed (strengthening and assevering); often °-- in adj., adv., & subst. = Gr. 'eu (opp. dus).

suūti f. good help or protection.

suka m. = śuka.

sukaṇṭha f. ī sweet-voiced (lit. -throated).

sukathā f. a beautiful tale.

sukanyā f. N. of a woman (beautiful girl).

sukara a. practicable, easy to be done.

sukarman [1] n. a good work.

sukarman [2] a. able, capable; m. artist, architect.

sukalatra n. a good wife.

sukalpa a. easy to be done.

sukavi m. a good poet.

sukavitā f. good poetry.

sukānta a. very handsome, charming.

sukāla m. pl. a cert. class of Manes.

sukālin m. pl. a cert. class of Manes.

sukīrti [1] f. good praise, celebration.

sukīrti [2] a. praiseworthy, glorious.

sukucā f. handsome-breasted.

sukumāra f. ī delicate; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sukula [1] n. a good family.

sukula [2] a. of good family, well-born.

sukṛt a. well-doing, righteous, pious; also = sukarman2.

sukṛta [1] n. a good deed, virtue, (moral) merit; kindness, favour, service.

sukṛta [2] a. well made or done, good, right, fair.

sukṛtakarman [1] n. a good or meritorious work.

sukṛtakarman [2] a. doing good works, virtuous.

sukṛtakṛt a. = prec. 2.

sukṛti f. & a. = 1 & sukṛtakarman2.

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sukṛtin a. acting well, virtuous, clever, wise, fortunate.

sukṛtya [1] n. a good work, well-doing.

sukṛtya [2] a. doing one's duty.

sukṛtyā f. cleverness or well-doing, virtue.

sukṛtvan a. doing well or right.

suketa a. well-meaning.

suketu a. very bright.

sukeśa (f. ī) & sukeśānta a. fair-locked.

sukomala a. very soft or tender.

sukratu a. able, clever, wise.

sukraddha a. very angry.

sukratūy sukratūyate v show one's self wise.

sukratūyā f. wisdom, judgment.

sukṣatra a. ruling well or granting power.

sukṣiti f. a good dwelling; shelter, refuge, security.

sukṣetra [1] n. a good field.

sukṣetra [2] a. having or granting good fields (dwellings).

sukṣema n. good security, time of peace.

sukha a. easy, pleasant, comfortable, happy; n. ease, comfort, pleasure, joy, bliss, as adv. = instr. (abl.), & °-- easily, with pleasure, willingly, happily.

sukhagrāhya a. easy to be seized or understood.

sukhaghātya a. easy to be killed.

sukhada a. causing happiness or joy.

sukhaduḥkha n. pl. weal or woe.

sukhaduḥkhasuhṛd m. friend in weal and woe.

sukhapratibandhitā f. prevention or interruption of happiness.

sukhapratyarthitā f. = prec.

sukhaprasava [1] m. abstr. to seq.

sukhaprasava [2] f. bringing forth happily.*

sukhamārjana n. auspicious ablution.*

sukhay sukhayati v pp. sukhita (q.v.) make happy, gladden, delight.

sukhayitṛ (& -tṛka*) a. gladdening, delighting.

sukhavāsa m. a pleasant abode.

sukhaśayita a. resting pleasantly.

sukhaśayita n. a pleasant rest; -pracchaka, f. pracchikā inquiring after it.*

sukhaśayyā f. a comfortable couch or rest.

sukhaśrava a. pleasant to hear.

sukhaśravya a. pleasant to hear.

sukhasaṃyoga m. gain of (eternal) bliss.

sukhasaṃstha a. feeling at ease; happy, comfortable.

sukhasaṃsthita a. feeling at ease; happy, comfortable.

sukhasaṃga m. attachment to pleasure.

sukhasādhya a. easily subdued or attained.

sukhasupta a. sleeping sweetly.

sukhasupti f. a sweet sleep.

sukhasuptikā f. = prec.; -praśna m. the question how (sweetly) a person has slept.*

sukhastha a. = sukhasaṃstha.

sukhasparśa a. agreeable to the touch (abstr. -tā f.*).

sukhādi a. wearing beautiful bracelets.

sukhābhyudayika a. bringing happiness.

sukhāy sukhāyate v be at ease or comfortable; be pleasant, do good.

sukhārtha m. pleasant thing, pleasure, comfort.

sukhārthin a. seeking for happiness.

sukhāloka a. pleasant-looking.

sukhāvaha a. bringing pleasure, delighting.

sukhāsīna a. comfortable seated.

sukhāsukha n. sgl. pleasure and pain.

sukhita a. joyful, happy.

sukhitā f. -tva n. abstr. to seq.

sukhin a. comfortable, easy, prosperous, happy.

sukhocita a. accustomed to ease.

sukhodaya a. having happiness or joy as result; promising happiness.

sukhodarka a. = prec.

sukhodya a. easily pronounceable.

sukhopagamya a. easily accessible.

sukhopaviṣṭa a. = sukhāsīna.

sukhoṣita a. having passed the night (±rajanīm) well; having had a pleasant abode.

suga a. easily passed; easy to approach or attain n. good access or progress.

sugata a. going or running well; who has well fared or has had a good time. m. a Buddha or a Buddhistic teacher.

sugati f. welfare, happiness.

sugandha [1] m. odour, perfume.

sugandha [2] a. sweet-smelling, odoriferous.

sugandhi a. = prec.

sugandhika a. the same.

sugandhin a. the same.

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sugandhitejana m. n. a kind of fragrant grass.

sugabhasti a. clever with the arm.

sugama a. easy of access or approach; accessible, plain, intelligible.

sugambhīra a. very deep.

sugamya a. easily accessible.

sugava [1] m. a fine bull.

sugava [2] a. having fine bulls (or cows).

sugavya n. possession of good cattle.

sugātu m. good progress or condition.

sugātuyā f. (instr.) desire of welfare.

sugātra f. ī a. handsome (-limbed).

sugādha a. easily fordable.

sugārhaspatya m. a good householder (Agni).

sugīta n. a fine song.

sugīti f. N. of a metre.

sugu a. having fine cows (or bulls).

suguṇa a. virtuous, excellent.

suguṇin a. virtuous, excellent.

sugupta n. well hidden or concealed; n. adv.

sugupti f. secret procedure; acc. w. ā-dhā proceed secretly.

suguptīkṛ hide well.

suguru a. very heavy (guilt).

sugūḍha a. well concealed; n. secretly.

sugṛha a. having a good house.

sugṛhapati m. a good householder.

sugṛhīta a. held fast, conceived or learnt well; applied properly or auspiciously.

sugṛhītanāmadheya a. having an auspicious name.*

sugehinī f. a dear or good housewife.

sugopā [1] m. a good protector.

sugopā [2] a. well protected.

sugmya a. progressing well (lit. & fig.).

sugraha a. grasped or handled; easy to be obtained.

sugrīva m. ī f. a man's or woman's name (mythol.).

sugrīṣma m. a fine summer.

sughana a. very dense (forest).

sughora a. very fearful or terrible.

sughoṣa a. sounding loud or well; m. the conch-shell of Nakula.

sughna m. easy killing.

sucakra a. having beautiful wheels; n. a fine waggon.

sucakṣas a. seeing well, clear-sighted.

sucakṣus a. = prec. or fair-eyed.

sucandana m. a fine sandal tree.

sucarita [1] a. well done; n. good conduct or work, virtue.

sucarita [2] a. well-conducted, virtuous.

sucaritacarita a. = prec. 2.

sucāru a. very pleasant or beautiful; abstr. -tā f.

sucitta a. well-minded.

sucitra a. manifold, various; distinguished.

sucira a. very long (time); °-- & n. adv.

sucetana a. remarkable, distinguished.

sucetas a. sensible or well-minded.

sucetu only instr. -tunā adv. graciously, benevolently.

sucela a. well-clothed.

sucelaka m. a fine cloth.

succhada a. having fine leaves.

succhardis a. giving good shelter.

succhāya a. affording good shade; well-shining, splendid, beautiful.

sujana m. a good man.

sujanatā f. -tva n. kindness, goodness.

sujanman a. = prec. or of noble birth.

sujambha a. strong-jawed (Agni).

sujaya [1] m. a great victory, triumph.

sujaya [2] a. easily vanquished.

sujala a. having good water.

sujāta a. well born or made, beautiful, good, noble; abstr. -tatā f.

sujāmi a. having many brothers and sisters or relatives.

sujita n. an easy victory.

sujihva a. having a beautiful voice (lit. tongue).

sujīrṇa a. quite decayed or well digested.

sujīva n. impers. (it is) easy to live.

sujīvita [1] n. a happy life.

sujīvita [2] a. living happily, enjoying life.

sujuṣṭa a. beloved, welcome.

sujūrṇi a. burning, hot.

sujjaka m. N. of men.

sujji m. N. of men.

sujña a. well knowing.

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sujñāna [1] n. easy understanding or good knowledge.

sujñāna [2] a. having good knowledge or easily understood.

sujyotis a. shining bright, resplendent.

sut pressing out, extracting (--°).

suta [1] expressed or extracted; m. the expressed Soma juice, a Soma libation.

suta [2] m. ā f. son, daughter.

sutanu [1] a. very thin or slender.

sutanu [2] a. handsome-limbed; f. (voc. -nu) a fair woman.

sutantri a. melodious.

sutapas a. heating, warming; practising great penance.

sutapā a. drinking Soma.

sutapeya n. drinking or a draught of Soma.

sutapta a. very hot, much burnt or tormented.

sutara a. easily passed or attained.

sutaraṇa a. easily crossed (river).

sutarām adv. in a higher or in the highest degree; more, very much.

sutarman a. well carrying across (ship).

sutala n. a cert. hell.

sutaṣṭa a. well made.

sutasoma a. who has expressed the Soma (sacrifice) or whereat the S. is expressed (sacrifice).

sutādāna n. the gift of a daughter.

sutāra a. very clear or loud.

sutārthin a. desirous of a son.

sutāvant a. who has (extracted) Soma juice.

sutin a. having a son (sons).

sutīkṣṇa a. very sharp (lit. & fig.); n. in a high degree, very much.

sutīy sutīyati v treat as a son.

sutīrtha [1] n. a good road; a very holy bathing-place or any object of high veneration.

sutīrtha [2] a. easily fordable or accessible.

sutuka a. hasty, fleet.

sutumula a. very noisy.

sutekara a. busy with the Soma.

sutejas a. very sharp or bright.

sutejita a. well sharpened.

suteraṇa a. delighting in Soma.

sutoṣa a. easily satisfied.

sutoṣaṇa a. easily satisfied.

sutya (±ahan) n. Soma-day.
sutyāhan n. Soma-day.
sutrāta a. well protected.

sutrātra a. = prec. or well protecting.

sutrāman a. well protecting; m. E. of Indra.

sutrāvan a. = prec. a.

sutvan a. pressing Soma; m. N. of a man.

sudaṃsas a. performing wonderful deeds.

sudakṣa a. very capable or clever.

sudakṣiṇa a. = prec. or friendly, kind; f. ā N. of a woman.

sudatra a. granting good gifts.

sudant [1] m. a good tooth.

sudant f. sudatī2 having good teeth.

sudanta a. = prec. 2.

sudarśa a. easily seen or of beautiful aspect, pleasant.

sudarśana a. = prec.; m. & f. ā a man's & woman's name; m. n. Viṣṇu's disc.

sudā a. giving well or much; very munificent.

sudāna n. a rich gift.

sudānu a. flowing or giving richly.

sudāman a. giving liberally; m. (*cloud), a man's name.

sudāru n. good wood.

sudāruṇa a. very violent or terrible.

sudāvan a. = sudāman a.

sudās a. devoutly worshipping; m. N. of a king.

sudāsa m. pl. N. of a people.

sudina a. clear, bright; n. a clear or auspicious day; abstr. sudinatā f., -tva n.

sudiv a. shining well, very bright.

sudiva n. a fine day.

sudivasa n. = prec.

sudih a. well polished, sharp (tooth).

sudīti [1] f. abstr. to seq.

sudīti [2] a. shining, resplendent.

sudīdīti a. = prec. a.

sudīpta a. = prec. a.

sudīrgha a. very long (t. & sp.).

suduḥkha a. very painful or difficult; n. adv., as subst. great pain.

suduḥkhita a. much grieved, unhappy.

sudugha a. yielding much (milk); f. ā a good milk-cow.

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sudurācāra a. very ill-conducted.

sudurādharṣa a. quite intolerable or inaccessible.

sudurgama a. very difficult to be approached or passed.

sudurgamya a. very difficult to be approached or passed.

sudurjaya a. very difficult to be conquered.

sudurjñeya a. very difficult to be known or understood.

sudurdarśa a. difficult to be beheld or observed.

sudurdṛśa a. difficult to be beheld or observed.

sudurdhaṣa a. = sudurādharṣa.

sudurbala a. very feeble.

sudurbuddhi a. very foolish or stupid.

sudurmanas a. much afflicted.

sudurlabha a. very difficult to be obtained.

sudurvida a. very difficult to be understood.

sudurveda a. very difficult to be understood.

suduścara a. very difficult to be attained or performed.

suduṣkara a. very difficult to be done.

suduṣṭa a. very bad or wicked.

suduṣpāra a. very difficult to be penetrated or investigated.

suduṣprāpa a. very difficult to be approached or attained.

sudustara a. very difficult to be passed or overcome.

sudustāra a. very difficult to be passed or overcome.

suduḥsaha a. quite intolerable or invincible.

sudūra a. very distant; °-- & n. adv.

sudṛḍha a. very firm or strong; n. adv.

sudṛpta a. very arrogant.

sudṛś f. sudṛśī a. clear-sighted or fair-eyed.

sudṛśīka a. looking beautiful.

sudṛśya a. easily visible; also = prec.

sudṛṣṭa a. well, easily, or kindly seen.

sudeva [1] m. a true or good god.

sudeva [2] a. having true or right gods; m. a man's name.

sudevya n. the host of the good gods.

sudeśa m. a good place.

sudeha m. a fine body.

sudogha  = sudugha adj.

sudoha a. easy to be milked.

sudohana a. easy to be milked.

sudyut a. shining beautifully.

sudyumna a. = prec.

sudyotman a. = prec.

sudraviṇas a. having great riches or treasures.

sudru m. good wood, a strong beam.

sudvija a. well-toothed; -vadana a. having a mouth with good teeth.

sudhana a. very rich.

sudhanvan a. wielding a god bow; m. a man's name, pl. a cert. mixed tribe.

sudharma m. justice, righteousness.

sudharman a. practising justice, honest, virtuous.

sudhā [1] f. welfare, comfort.

sudhā [2] f. nectar or milk (lit. good drink); chalk, rough-cast.

sudhāṃśu m. the moon (nectar-rayed).

sudhākara m. = prec.

sudhākāra m. white-washer.

sudhāta a. well cleansed or purified.

sudhātu a. well founded or conditioned.

sudhādrava m. lime-wash.

sudhādhavala a. white-washed.

sudhāvalita a. white-washed.

sudhādhauta a. white-washed.

sudhādhārā f. -pūra m. a stream of nectar.

sudhāmaya f. ī consisting of nectar.

sudhāmṛta n. nectar.

sudhāra [1] a. flowing largely.

sudhāra [2] a. sharp-edged or pointed (arrow).

sudhāraśmi m. moon-beam.

sudhārasa [1] m. juice of nectar, milk.

sudhārasa [2] a. tasting like nectar.

sudhāvarṣa n. rain of nectar, adj. -rṣin.

sudhāsita a. white-washed.

sudhita a. = sudhātu, also well arranged or prepared, settled, established, ready; welldisposed, comfortable, propitious, kind.

sudhī [1] f. good understanding, intelligence.

sudhī [2] a. wise, clever, sensible, devout, pious.

sudhīra a. very firm or constant.

sudhur a. carrying the yoke or a burden well (horse).

sudhura a. carrying the yoke or a burden well (horse).

sudhṛta a. very constant.

sudhṛti m. N. of a king.

sudhṛṣṭama (superl.) very courageous.

sudhauta a. well cleaned or polished.

sunakṣatra n. a good or auspicious star.

sunanda m. ā f. man's & woman's name.

sunaya m. proper conduct, wisdom.

sunayana a. handsome-eyed.

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sunasa a. handsome-nosed.

sunātha a. having a good protector.

sunābha a. having a beautiful nave or centre.

sunābhi a. having a beautiful nave or centre.

sunāman a. well named; m. a man's name.

sunāsa a. = sunasa.

sunāsika a. = sunasa.

sunikṣipta a. well deposed with (loc.).*

sunidra a. sleeping sound.

sunibhṛtam adv. very secretly.

suniyata a. well restrained or having much self-control.

sunirmala a. very clean.

sunirvṛta a. very courageous, well-humoured.

suniścaya [1] m. a firm resolution.

suniścaya [2] a. quite sure or certain; n. adv.

suniścala a. quite immovable.

suniścita a. well determined or quite certain (pers. & th.).

suniṣka a. having beautiful chains or rings.

suniḥṣṭhita a. well arranged or accomplished, ready.

sunīta a. well conducted; n. good conduct, prudence.

sunīti [1] sunīti a. well conducting.

sunīti a. well conducting.

sunīti [2] sunīti f. = sunīta n.

sunīti f. = sunīta n.

sunītha a. well conducting or conducted; m. a man's name.

sunīhāra a. very misty.

sunṛpa m. a good king.

sunau [1] f. a good ship.

sunau [2] a. having a good ship.

sunda m. N. of an Asura.

sundara f. ī beautiful, fair; m. a man's name; f. ī a (fair) woman.

sundaraṃmanya a. thinking one's self beautiful.

sunvant m. the offerer of a Soma libation, a man's name.

supakva a. well cooked or matured.

supakṣa a. having beautiful wings.

supaṅka s. good loam or clay.

supati m. a good husband.

supattra a. well winged or = seq.

supattrita a. well feathered (arrow).

supattrin a. well feathered (arrow).

supatnī f. a having a good husband or lord.

supatha m. good path (lit. & fig.).

supatha n. (m.) & supathya n. = prec.

supad f. supadī a. swift-footed.

supada n. a good word.

supariśrānta a. quite exhausted.

suparīkṣita a. well examined or investigated.

suparṇa f. ī a. well-winged. m. a cert. large bird (eagle, vulture etc., fig. of the sun); a cert. myth. bird (often identif. with Garuḍa).

suparyāpta a. very spacious or comprehensive.

suparvan a. well-knotted (arrow).

supalāśa a. having many leaves, leafy.

supāṇi a. beautiful-handed; skilful, dexterous.

supāra a. easy to be crossed or subdued; easily carrying across, helping, furthering.

supārakṣatra a. having helpful power.

supidhāna a. well shut up.

supiś a. beautifully decorated.

supīta a. quite yellow.

supu a. well purifying.

supū a. well purifying.

suputra [1] m. an excellent son.

suputra [2] a. having excellent sons.

supuṣpa a. having beautiful flowers.

supuṣpita a. having beautiful flowers.

supūjita a. much honoured.

supūta a. well purified.

supūra a. easy to be filled.

supūrṇa a. quite full; well filled or decorated with (instr.).

supūrvāhṇe loc. early in the morning.

supṛkṣ a. rich in food or refreshments.

supeśas a. beautifully ornamented, handsome.

supta a. asleep, insensible, inactive; n. sleep.

suptaka n. -ikā f. = prec. n.

suptapūrva a. having slept before.

suptaprabuddha a. awake from sleep.

suptāsupta a. asleep and awake.

supti f. sleep.

suptotthita a. arisen from sleep.

suprakāśa a. very bright or clear.

supraketa [1] a. very visible or conspicuous; also = seq.

supraketa [2] a. very attentive or considerate.

suprakṣālita a. well washed.

supracetas a. very wise.

supracchanna a. well hidden.

supraja a. having many or good children.

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suprajas a. having many or good children.

suprajastva n. abstr. to prec.

suprajāstva n. abstr. to prec.

suprajña a. very wise.

supraṇīti [1] f. a wise guidance.

supraṇīti [2] a. wisely guiding.

supratigṛhīta a. well grasped or seized.

supratipūjita a. well honoured or worshipped.

supratiṣṭha a. standing firmly or having handsome feet; f. ā firm ground or position.

supratiṣṭhita  = prec. a.; well grounded or situated.

supratīka a. good-looking, beautiful.

supratur a. (nom. -tūs) advancing victoriously.

supratūrti a. = prec.

suprapāṇa [1] n. a good drinking place.

suprapāṇa [2] a. easy for drinking.

suprabha a. good-looking, handsome, beautiful.

suprabhāta n. a beautiful day-break or morning.

suprayas a. receiving good refreshments.

supravācana a. worthy of much praise.

suprasanna a. very clear or bright; also = seq.

suprasāda a. very gracious or kind.

suprasū a. easily bringing forth.

suprāñc a. easily turned in front.

suprāpa a. easy to be obtained.

suprāpya a. easy to be obtained.

suprāyaṇa a. easily accessible.

suprāvī a. very zealous or helpful.

supriya a. very dear.

suprīta a. well pleased, content with (loc.).

supraitu a. easily accessible.

suplan m. N. of a man.

suphala a. bearing good fruit.

subandhu a. closely connected, related; m. a good friend, N. of a poet etc.

subala m. N. of a myth. bird etc.

subahu a. very much (many); -śas adv. very often.

subāla a. very foolish.

subāhu a. handsome-armed; m. N. of a serpent-demon etc.

subīja n. good seed; a. having good seed.

subuddhi [1] f. good under standing, wisdom.

subuddhi [2] a. wise, clever.

subodha (f. ī) a. easy to be understood.

subodhana (f. ī) a. easy to be understood.

subrahmaṇya a. very kind to Brahmans. m. a cert. priest, f. ā a cert. recitation performed by this priest, also the priest himself.

subrahman [1] m. a good Brahman.

subrahman [2] a. having good prayers or a good Brahman.

subhaga a. lucky, well, comfortable; lovely, charming, beautiful; f. ā a beloved wife. Abstr. subhagatā f., -tva n.

subhagaṃmanya a. thinking one's self happy.

subhaṭa m. a (good) soldier.

subhaṇita a. well spoken.*

subhadra a. excellent, beautiful, auspicious, fortunate; m. & f. ā a man's & woman's name; n. good fortune.

subhara a. massy, compact, solid, large, abundant; easy to be borne or managed.

subhāga a. wealthy, rich.

subhāṣita a. spoken or speaking well, eloquent; n. a fine speech or a good word.

subhikṣa a. having or offering food enough; n. abundance of food, good time.

subhuja a. handsome-armed.

subhū a. of good birth or nature, strong, solid, powerful.

subhūta a. succeeded, turned out well; n. = seq.

subhūti f. welfare, happiness.

subhṛta a. well borne or maintained; heavily loaden.

subhṛśa a. very vehement; n. adv. very much.

subhru [1] subhrū f. lovely eyebrows.

subhrū f. lovely eyebrows.

subhru [2] subhrū f. a. lovely-browed.

subhrū f. a. lovely-browed.

sumakha a. jocund, merry; n. joy, festival.

sumaṅgala f. -ṅgalī or sumaṅgalā bringing good luck.

sumajjana n. a good bath.*

sumat adv. together, withal; along with (instr.).

sumati [1] f. benevolence, favour; devotion, prayer.

sumati [2] a. wise, intelligent; m. & f. (also -tī) a man's & woman's name.

sumadhura a. very sweet or charming; n. adv.

sumadhya a. having a beautiful middle or waist, slender.

sumadhyama a. having a beautiful middle or waist, slender.

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sumanas a. well-disposed, kind; cheerful. glad; f. (only pl.) & n. flower.

sumanasy only -syamāna = prec. a.

sumanodāman n. a garland of flowers.*

sumantu a. easily knowable or well known.

sumantra a. well advised; m. a man's name.

sumantrita a. = prec. adj.; n. impers.

sumanman [1] n. pl. good wishes.

sumanman [2] a. full of devotion or good wishes.

sumahant a. very large or great.

sumahas a. excellent.

sumahākakṣa a. containing very large courts or halls.

sumahātapas a. very ascetic or devout.

sumahātejas a. rich in splendour or dignity.

sumahātman a. very magnanimous.

sumahātmanas a. very magnanimous.

sumahābala a. very strong or powerful.

sumahāmuni m. an excellent sage.

sumātṛ a. having a beautiful mother.

sumāya a. abounding in arts or stratagems.

sumāruta n. the beautiful host of the Maruts.

sumita [1] a. well measured.

sumita [2] a. well fixed or founded.

sumitra a. good friend; m. & f. ā a man's & woman's name.

sumitrya  = prec. a.

sumukha [1] n. a beautiful mouth.

sumukha f. ī2 (ā) a. handsome-faced, cheerful, friendly, kind; disposed or willing to (--°); N. of a serpent-demon, an Asura, a king, etc.

sumṛḍīka a. merciful, gracious; n. mercy, favour.

sumṛLīka a. merciful, gracious; n. mercy, favour.

sumṛta a. stone-dead.*

sumeka a. firmly established.

sumedha a. pithy, strong.

sumedhas a. intelligent, wise.

sumeru m. N. of a mountain.

sumna a. benevolent, gracious; n. grace, favour; devotion, prayer, hymn.

sumnay only -yant a. gracious, favourable.

sumnāy only -yant a. gracious, favourable.

sumnayu a. = prec. a. or devout, pious.

sumnāyu a. = prec. a. or devout, pious.

sumnāvarī a. causing favour or satisfaction.

sumnin a. gracious, favourable.

sumnya a. deserving favour.

sumbha m. pl. N. of a people.

suyaj a. sacrificing well; f. = seq.

suyajña [1] m. a good sacrifice.

suyajña [2] a. performing or receiving a good sacrifice; m. N. of sev. men.

suyata a. well restrained.

suyantu a. easily guided.

suyantrita a. well bound or restrained; possessing perfect self-control.

suyama a. = prec.

suyavasa a. having good pasturage; n. good pasturage.

suyaśas a. very famous.

suyāma a. well guiding.

suyuj a. well yoked (waggon or horses).

suyuddha n. a good or honest fight.

suyodhana m. older N. of Duryodhana.

sura m. ī f. god, goddess.

surakārmuka n. the gods' bow, i.e. the rainbow.

surakula n. house of the gods; temple.

surakṣita a. well guarded or protected.

surakṣin m. a good protector.

suragaja m. elephant of the gods.

suragaṇa m. sgl. & pl. the host of gods.

suragṛha n. = surakula.

suraṅga m. the orange tree; f. ā = suruṅgā.

suracāpa m. = surakārmuka.

suraṇa a. gay, merry; n. joy, pleasure.

surata n. great delight, esp. amorous pleasure, sexual intercourse.

suratna a. rich in treasures.

suratha [1] m. a fine chariot.

suratha [2] a. having a fine chariot; m. charioteer, a man's name.

suradvipa m. = suragaja.

suradviṣ m. god-hater, demon.

suradhanus n. = surakārmuka.

surapati m. lord of the gods (Indra or Śiva).

surapaticāpa m. -dhanus n. Indra's bow, the rainbow.

surabhay surabhayati v pp. surabhita render fragrant, perfume.

surabhi (f. i or ī) sweet-smelling, fragrant, lovely, charming, m. the spring; f. -bhi or -bhī N. of a myth. cow, cow i.g.; n. any sweet-smelling substance, perfume.

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surabhikandara m. N. of a mountain.

surabhigandha m. fragrance.

surabhigandhi a. sweet-smelling, fragrant.

surabhigandhin a. sweet-smelling, fragrant.

surabhita a. = prec.

surabhin (comp. -bhintara) & surabhimant a. the same.

surabhiṣṭama (superl.) most fragrant or lovely.

surabhimāsa m. the season of spring.

surabhisamaya m. the season of spring.

surabhīkṛ  = surabhy.

suramaṇīya a. very charming.

suramya a. very charming.

surayuvati f. a celestial woman, nymph, Apsaras.

surayoṣit f. a celestial woman, nymph, Apsaras.

surarāj m. = surapati.

surarājan m. = surapati.

surarṣi m. a divine sage.

suraloka m. the world of the gods, heaven.

suravadhū f. = sarayuvati.

suravanitā f. = sarayuvati.

suraśmi a. having beautiful rays.

suraśreṣṭha m. the best of the gods (Indra, Viṣṇu, Civa etc.).

surasa a. well-flavoured, juicy, savoury, sweet, lovely; f. ā N. of a daughter of Dakṣa etc.

surasakhaṃ m. friend of the gods.

surasaṃgha m. a company of gods.

surasarit f. the river of the gods (Gan1gā).

surasuta m. the son of a god.

surasundarī f. = surayuvati.

surastrī f. = surayuvati.

surā f. spirituous, liquor, wine.

surāṅganā f. = surayuvati.

surājīvin m. tavern-keeper, distiller (lit. living by spirituous liquor).

surāti a. granting good gifts.

surādhas a. bestowing or receiving good gifts; liberal or wealthy.

surādhipa m. sovereign of the gods (Indra).

surādhvaja m. sign of a distiller (liquor-sign).

surāpa m. ā f. & ī f. spirit-drinker.

surāpāṇa [1] (or na) a. = prec. m.

surāpāṇa [2] (or na) n. the drinking of spirit.

surābhājana n. a vessel for spirituous liquor.

surāmatta a. drunk in liquor.

surāmūlya n. drink-money, gratification.

surāri m. = suradviṣ.

surālaya m. abode of the gods, heaven or temple.

surāvant a. having liquor.

surāṣṭra a. having a good government; m. N. of a country, pl. N. of a people.

surāsava m. n. an intoxicating decoction.

surāsura m. pl. the gods and the Asuras.

surukma a. shining beautifully.

suruṅgā f. a subterraneous passage, mine, breach.

suruc [1] f. splendour, brightness.

suruc [2] a. radiant, bright.

surucira a. = prec., splendid, beautiful.

surūpa a. handsome-figured, beautiful. Abstr. -tā f.

surūpakṛtnu a. working beautiful works.

surekha a. handsome, pretty; f. ā a beautiful line, N. of a woman.

suretas a. rich in seed, potent.

surendra m. lord of gods (Indra).

sureśa m. = prec. (also E. of other gods).

sureśvara m. = prec. (also E. of other gods).

surottama a. the most excellent of the gods (Indra).

suropama a. god-like.

suroman m. N. of a serpent-demon (fine-haired).

suroṣa a. very angry.

sulakṣaṇa [1] n. a good mark or characteristic.

sulakṣaṇa [2] a. having lucky marks.

sulakṣita a. well examined or remarked.

sulabha a. easy to be obtained, frequent, common. Abstr. -tva n.

sulabhakopa a. easily irascible.*

sulabhāvakāśa a. easily gaining entrance into (--°).

sulabhetara a. opp. to sulabha.

sulalita a. graceful, pretty; n. adv.

sulocana a. fair-eyed.

suvajra a. having a strong thunderbolt.

suvadana a. handsome-faced; f. ā a beautiful woman, N. of a metre.

suvarcas a. full of splendour or vigour, fiery, glorious, strong, a man's name.

suvarcasa a. = prec. adj.

suvarcasin a. = prec. adj.

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suvarṇa a. of a beautiful colour or appearance, glittering golden; belonging to a good caste. n. gold, riches; m. (n.) a cert. weight of gold.

suvarṇakaṭaka n. a golden bracelet.*

suvarṇakartṛ m. gold-worker, goldsmith.

suvarṇakāra m. gold-worker, goldsmith.

suvarṇakārānna n. the foot of a goldsmith.

suvarṇacaura m. a stealer of gold.

suvarṇacaurikā f. gold-stealing.*

suvarṇapiñjara a. as yellow as gold.

suvarṇabindu m. N. of a sanctuary.

suvarṇabhāṇḍa (& -ka*) n. jewel-box.

suvarṇabhāṇḍāgāra s. treasury.*

suvarṇamaya f. ī made of gold, golden.

suvarṇayūthikā f. a kind of jasmine.*

suvarṇarajata a. of gold and silver.

suvarṇaśakaṭikā f. a toy-cart made of gold.*

suvarman [1] n. good armour.

suvarman [2] a. having good armour.

suvarṣa [1] m. a good rain.

suvarṣa [2] a. raining abundantly.

suvasana [1] n. a good dwelling.

suvasana [2] a. well clothed or clothing.

suvasanta m. a fine spring.

suvastra a. well clothed.

suvāc a. speaking well.

suvācas a. speaking well.

suvānta a. having well vomited (leech).

suvāsas a. well dressed or decorated.

suvāsinī f. a woman married or single who lives in her father's house.

suvāstu f. N. of a river.

suvigraha a. having a beautiful body.

suvijñāna a. very wise or = seq.

suvijñeya a. easily discernible.

suvita a. accessible, passable; proceeding well. n. good progress, welfare, happiness.

suvitta [1] n. good wealth.

suvitta [2] a. wealthy.

suvidagdha a. very knowing or cunning.*

suvidatra a. kindly noticing, benevolent, gracious; n. grace, favour, kindness.

suvidatriya a. = prec. a.

suvidita a. well known.

suvidyā f. good knowledge.

suvidvaṃs a. knowing, wise.

suvidha a. of a good kind.

suvidhi m. a good manner or way.

suvipula a. very large or great.

suvibhakta a. well divided or proportioned, regular.

suvirūḍha a. well grown or fixed (root).

suviśrabdha a. confident, cheerful, n. adv.

suvistara [1] m. great extent, prolixity.

suvistara [2] a. very extensive or diffuse, very strong or mighty; n. adv.

suvihita a. well done or arranged; well provided with (instr.).

suvihitaprayoga m. well arranged performance (of a play); abstr. -tā f.*

suvīra a. manly or having many men (heroes).

suvīrya n. manliness, heroism; abundance of men or heroes.

suvṛkti [1] f. excellent praise or hymn.

suvṛkti [2] a. well praising or praised.

suvṛkṣa m. a beautiful tree.

suvṛt a. well rolling (waggon).

suvṛtta a. well rounded or well behaved; n. impers. well done (w. instr.).

suvṛtti f. good conduct.

suvṛdh a. jocund, merry.

suvṛṣṭa n. suvṛṣṭi f. a good rain.

suveda [1] a. having good knowledge.

suveda [2] a. easy to be gained.

suvedana a. = prec.

suvena f. ī desirous, longing.

suvema a. sitting at a good loom.

suvela m. N. of a mountain.

suveṣa [1] m. a beautiful dress.

suveṣa [2] a. beautifully dressed.

suveṣanilaya a. = prec. (lit. dwelling in fine clothes).*

suvyakta a. very clear or manifest; n. adv.

suvrata a. ruling well; religious, pious, virtuous; m. & f. ā a man's & woman's name.

suśaṃsa a. well-wishing, blessing.

suśaṃsin a. well-wishing, blessing.

suśabda a. well sounding (flute).*

suśami adv. accurately, carefully.

suśamī adv. accurately, carefully.

suśaraṇa a. affording a good refuge.

suśarman a. = prec.; n. good refuge.

suśasti a. worthy of praise; f. good praise or recitation.

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suśānta a. quite extinguished or appeased, very quiet or placid.

suśikṣita a. well learned or taught.

suśipra a. having beautiful cheeks or jaws.

suśiśvi a. well growing (in the womb).

suśiṣṭi f. good aid.

suśiṣya m. a good scholar.*

suśīta a. very cold.

suśītala a. = prec.; n. as subst.

suśīla n. a good character; a. of good character.

suśīlavant  = prec. a.

suśīlin  = prec. a.

suśukvan a. shining brightly.

suśukvani a. shining brightly.

suśeva a. very gracious or kind.

suśevas a. very gracious or kind.

suścandra a. beautifully shining.

suśravas a. well hearing or much heard of, famous, celebrated.

suśrī a. splendid, beautiful.

suśrīka a. splendid, beautiful.

suśrut a. hearing well or = seq. a.

suśruta a. well heard or much heard of i.e. very famous or celebrated; m. N. of an ancient medical author.

suśruti f. a good hearing (ear).

suśroṇi f. ī having beautiful hips.

suśrotu a. willingly hearing.

suślakṣṇa a. very smooth.

suśliṣṭa a. close, tight; exactly fitting, well tallying.

suśloka a. well sounding or of good renown, celebrated.

suślokya n. a well sounding speech.

suṣakhi a. good friend.

suṣaṇa a. easy to be obtained.

suṣaṇana a. easy to be obtained.

suṣada a. easy, comfortable (to sit in or ride on).

suṣama [1] a. beautiful, splendid; f. ā beauty.

suṣama [2] n. a good year.

suṣaha a. easy to be mastered or won.

suṣā a. easily obtaining or procuring.

suṣārathi m. a good charioteer.

suṣira a. hollow; n. hole, cavity.

suṣiratā f. -tva n. abstr. to prec. adj.

suṣuta a. well extracted or prepared (Soma).

suṣuti f. good birth or procreation.

suṣupta a. fast asleep; n. = seq. f.

suṣupti f. deep sleep, -vat adv. as in deep sleep.

suṣupsā f. desire to sleep, sleepiness.

suṣupsu a. wishing to sleep, sleepy.

suṣumṇa (mna) a. very gracious or favourable; f. ā a cert. artery on the neck.

suṣū [1] a. very exciting or well extracted.

suṣū [2] f. easily bringing forth (children).

suṣūmā f. = prec.

suṣeṇa a. having a good missile; m. N. of a Gandharva etc., f. ā N. of a princess.

suṣoma m. ā f. a cert. Soma-vessel; f. also N. of a river.

suṣṭu a. highly praised.

suṣṭuta a. highly praised.

suṣṭuti f. right or high praise.

suṣṭubh a. shrilling, shouting.

suṣṭhu adv. well, all right, very much, indeed.

suṣvay saṣvayati saṣvayate v run, flow.

suṣvi a. pressing or offering Soma.

susaṃyata a. well restrained or governed; having self-control.

susaṃrabdha a. holding fast; much excited or enraged.

susaṃvigna a. much agitated.

susaṃvīta a. well dressed or armed; richly furnished with (--°).

susaṃvṛta a. well covered or dressed; well hidden or secret; well surrounded by or furnished with (instr.).

susaṃśita a. well sharpened, very sharp (lit. & fig.).

susaṃskṛta a. well arranged or prepared; well perfected or completed.

susaṃhata a. well joined or knit, compact, solid, firm.

susaṃgatā f. a woman's name.

susaṃgṛhīta a. well kept or restrained.

susatkṛta a. well made or prepared, hospitably received, highly honoured.

susattva a. resolute, courageous.

susadṛśa f. ī very like or similar.

susaṃdṛś a. pleasant to look at.

susamāhita a. well loaden (waggon); well arranged or decorated; very fit or suitable, very intent, entirely concentrated upon one thing.

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susamiddha a. well kindled or lighted.

susamīhita a. very much wished for, welcome.*

susamṛddha a. thoroughly perfect; very copious or abundant; very rich or wealthy.

susaṃpanna a. well thriven, richly furnished, (high grown*).

susaṃpiṣṭa a. wholly crushed.

susaṃbhrānta a. wholly confounded.

susartu f. N. of a river.

susarva a. entirely complete.

susahāya a. having good assistants.

susahāyavant a. having good assistants.

susāya n. a good evening.

susita a. entirely white, snow-white.

susiddhārtha a. thoroughly successful or satisfied.

susīma a. having the hair well parted or divided, fair-haired (woman).

susukha a. very pleasant or comfortable; n. adv.

susukhin a. very happy or comfortable.

sustrī f. a good or faithful wife.

sustha a. being well or comfortable.

susthakalpa a. quite well or comfortable.*

susthita a. well-established; also = sustha.

susthiti f. a beautiful place.

susthira a. well-established, firm, constant.

susnigdha a. very lovely or tender.

susvara a. sounding well or loud; n. adv.

susvāgata n. a hearty welcome.

susvādu a. well-tasted, sweet; -toya a. containing sweet water.

suhana a. easy to be beaten or killed.

suhava a. well invoked or invoking; n. good invocation.

suhavya a. fit for a good invocation.

suhasta a. having beautiful or skilful hands.

suhastya a. clever with the hands.

suhita a. very fit, agreeable, or useful, wholly satisfied or satiated.

suhuta a. rightly sacrificed or adored; n. right sacrifice.

suhṛjjana m. a friend or friends.

suhṛttā f. -ttva n. friendship.

suhṛd m. f. friendly, friend; m. also ally.

suhṛdaya a. good-hearted; superl. -tama.

suhṛdvadha m. slaying a friend.

suhotṛ m. a good sacrificer.

suhotra m. a man's name.

suhma m. pl. N. of a people.

sūte sauti suvati suvate (sūyate sūyati) v pp. sūta1 & suta (q.v.) generate, beget, bring forth, enliven, impel, set in motion. --
     apa sent or drive away.
     abhi consecrate for (acc.), endow with (instr.).
     ā hurt upon (dat.), send, bestow, procure.
     nis & parā drive away, remove.
     pra bring forth, produce, impel, set in motion, cause, bid.
     saṃpra & sam beget, bring forth, produce. -- Cf. prasūta.

[2] m. f. begetter, father or mother; a. --° begetting, producing.

sūkara m. hog, pig (Sū-maker); f. -rī sow.

sūkta a. well spoken or recited; n. good recitation (also sūkta), Vedic hymn.

sūktavāka m. the recitation of a verse or hymn.

sūktavāc a. reciting a verse or hymn.

sūkti f. a good speech or word.

sūkṣma a. fine, small, minute, subtile, intangible, inconceivable, atomic; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sūkṣmadarśitā f. abstr. to seq.

sūkṣmadarśin a. sharp-sighted, sagacious.

sūkṣmadṛṣṭi f. sharp sight, penetration.

sūkṣmapāda a. having little feet; abstr. -tva n.

sūkṣmabhūta n. subtile element (ph.).

sūkṣmamati a. sagacious.

sūkṣmamant a. sagacious.

sūkṣmaviṣaya m. subtile object (ph.).

sūkṣmaśarīra n. the subtile body (ph.).

sūcaka f. sūcikā indicating, betraying (gen. or --°); m. informer, denouncer, N. of a man.

sūcana (f. ī) n. (& f. ā) indicating, announcing, manifesting.

sūcanīya a. to be indicated.

sūcay sūcayati v pp. sūcita indicate, show, manifest, betray. --
     abhi ā upa pra & sam = S.

sūcayitavya a. to be found out.

sūci f. needle, sting, any pointed object i.g., pointer i.e. index (in books); a kind of military array.

sūcī f. needle, sting, any pointed object i.g., pointer i.e. index (in books); a kind of military array.

sūcibhedya a. very thick or dense (lit. to be pierced with a needle).

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sūcībhedya a. very thick or dense (lit. to be pierced with a needle).

sūcin m. informer, denouncer.

sūcīka m. a stinging insect.

sūcīmukha [1] n. point of a needle.

sūcīmukha f. ī2 needle-mouthed, pointed; m. a kind of insect or bird.

sūccais adv. very loud.

sūcya a. to be indicated.

sūcyagra n. point of a needle.

sūta m. charioteer, a kind of herald or bard; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sūtaka n. bird, production; impurity from birth etc. -- m. n. quicksilver; f. sūtika a woman recently delivered.

sūtakānna n. food from any impure person (cf. prec.).

sūtakānnādya n. food from any impure person (cf. prec.).

sūtaja m. the son of a charioteer, E. of Karṇa.

sūtatanaya m. the son of a charioteer, E. of Karṇa.

sūtaputra m. the son of a charioteer, E. of Karṇa.

sūti [1] f. pressing out the Soma or the place for it.

sūti [2] f. birth, production, origin, offspring, progeny.

sūtikānna n. food from a woman recently delivered.

sūtu f. gestation, pregnancy.

sūtra n. thread, cord, esp. the sacred cord worn by the first three classes; string, wire; line, brief rule or a book of such rules.

sūtrakartṛ m. the author of a Sūtra work.

sūtrakāra m. the same.

sūtrakṛt m. the same.

sūtradhāra m. thread-holder, carpenter or stagemanager, director (f. -rī).

sūtrabhṛt m. = prec. (d.).

sūtray sūtrayati v pp. sūtrita put together, arrange, make into a Sūtra. --
     ā & samā bring about, perform, compose.
     vi drive away, remove.

sūtrātman m. the thread-soul (ph.).

sūtrin a. furnished with strings; m. stagemanager, director.

sūtrī f. genitals (of the cow).

sūd sūdayati sūdayate v lead straight on, keep agoing; put in order, arrange, bring about; finish, kill, destroy. --
     abhi ni vini & saṃni finish, kill, destroy.

sūda m. receptacle of water, well; mud of a dried pool; a kind of soup; cook, abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sūdakarman n. the art of cooking.

sūdana f. ā & ī leading well, putting in order; finishing, destroying (n. as subst.).

sūdayitnu a. streaming, flowing over.

sūdin a. streaming, flowing over.

sūdaśālā f. kitchen.

sūdya a. belonging to a pool.

sūna n. flower; f. ā a kind of plaited basket or dish; slaughter-bench or house, butchery; the killing of a living creature.

sūnara f. ī beautiful, pleasant, charming, joyous.

sūnācakradhvajavant m. pl. butchers, oilmanufacturers, and distillers (or venders) of spirituous liquors.

sūnādoṣa m. the guilt of killing animals.

sūnāparicara a. flying round a butchery (vulture).*

sūnāstha a. kept in slaughter-house (meat).

sūnika m. butcher, flesh-seller.

sūnin m. butcher, flesh-seller.

sūnu m. son, offspring; p. sūnumant.

sūnṛta a. joyous, friendly, kind; hearty i.e. true (speech). -- f. ā joy, mirth, jubilation; friendliness, heartiness, truth (opp. anṛta).

sūnṛtāvan f. sūnṛtāvarī joyous.

sūnṛtāvant a. = prec.

sūpa m. soup, broth.

sūpakartṛ m. a cook (soup-maker).

sūpakāra m. the same.

sūpakṛt m. the same.

sūpacara a. easily accessible.

sūpacaraṇa a. easily accessible.

sūpacāra a. easily accessible.

sūparasa m. the taste of soup.

sūpavañcana a. easily tottered to.

sūpāya m. a good means or expedient.

sūpāyana a. easily accessible.

sūbharva a. well fed.

sūyavasa a. & n. = sūyavasa.

sūyavasin a. having & wishing for good pasturage.

sūyavasyu a. having & wishing for good pasturage.

sūra m. the sun.

sūracakṣas a. radiant as the sun.

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sūrasuta m. the planet Saturn (son of the sun).*

sūri m. impeller, inciter; sacrifice-master ( = yajamāna q.v.); chief, lord i.g.; a great scholar or sage.

sūrkṣ sūrkṣati v heed, care for (acc. or gen.).

sūrkṣya a. to be heeded or cared for.

sūrta a. trodden.

sūrmi f. channel (for water); a tubular vessel serving as a candle-stick.

sūrmī f. channel (for water); a tubular vessel serving as a candle-stick.

sūrmya a. being in tubes or channels.

sūrya m. the sun or its deity; f. sūryā the Sun personified as a female, a cert. hymn of the Rigveda.

sūryakara m. a sun-beam.

sūryakānta m. the sun-stone (lit. -beloved, a fabulous gem, cf. candrakānta).

sūryaja m. the planet Saturn (son of the sun).

sūryatanaya m. the planet Saturn (son of the sun).

sūryajyotis a. = seq. 2.

sūryatejas [1] n. the heat of the sun.

sūryatejas [2] a. radiant or hot as the sun.

sūryatvac a. whose skin or external appearance is as bright as the sun.

sūryatvacas a. whose skin or external appearance is as bright as the sun.

sūryapāda m. sun-beam.

sūryaputra m. E. of the Acvins, Yama, & the planet Saturn (cf. sūryaja); f. ī E. of the Yamunā.

sūryaprabha a. bright as the sun.

sūryabimba n. the orb of the sun.

sūryamaṇḍala n. the orb of the sun.

sūryaraśmi [1] m. a ray of the sun.

sūryaraśmi [2] a. sun-rayed.

sūryavaṃśa m. the solar race (of kings); -śya a. belonging to it.

sūryavant a. sunny, solar.

sūryavarcas a. radiant or glorious as the sun.

sūryavarṇa a. sun-coloured.

sūryavāra m. Sunday.

sūryasama a. sun-like.

sūryasiddhānta m. T. of an astronomical work.

sūryācandramas m. du. sun and moon.

sūryātapa m. the heat of the sun.

sūryāmās m. du. sun and moon.

sūryāsta m. sunset.

sūryoḍha a. brought by the (setting) sun; m. (±atithi) an evening guest.

sūryodaya m. -na n. sunrise.

sūvarī f. a bringing forth (children).

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sṛ sisarti sarati sisarti sarate v pp. sūta (--° act. & pass.), & sūrta (q.v.) run, glide, flow, hasten, speed (w. vājam & ājim run a race); go to, pass over (acc.). C. sārayati cause to run or flow, (liquify, melt*), set in motion; M. sārayate begin to flow. D. sisīrṣati wish to run. I. sarīsarti run hither and thither. --
     anu flow or run towards, go along or after, follow, conform one's self to (acc.). C. bid follow, pursue.
     apa glide down from (abl.); roll back (paścāt, waggon); go off, cease, pass away. C. remove, take off or out.
     vyapa go asunder, withdraw.
     api flow upon (acc.).
     abhi run or flow near, approach (as friend or foe); visit (esp. of lovers). C. lead to, bring together with (acc.); M. (follow, persecute*), give an appointment or make a love-visit.
     samava descend; withdraw from (abl.); (C. put to flight*).
     ā run near, come; attack (acc.).
     ud run away. C. drive away or asunder, cast off, remove, dismiss, give up. prod go off; C. drive away.
     samud send away, dismiss.
     upa come near, approach, visit (cf.
     abhi); resort to (acc.).
     nis flow out, come forth, appear. C. turn out, expel, remove.
     abhinis & vinis = prec.
     parā run away.
     pari flow or run around, circumambulate (acc.), spread everywhere.
     pra go forth, spread, appear, begin (also P.), set out, go towards (acc.), pass away. C. stretch forth or out, expose, divulge.
     vipra extend farther.
     saṃpra C. stretch out, draw asunder.
     prati rush against (acc.); go back, return. C. bring back, remove, replace.
     vi run asunder, spread (M. w. tanvṛm open or unveil itself); part with (instr.); come from (abl. or tas), rush against (acc.). C. send forth.
     pravi rush forth; run away, escape.
     sam flow together, go about, roam, wander (esp. from one existence to another). C. cause to wander or to be return bring together, introduce, fix in (loc.); put off, defer.
     abhisam stream together. -- Cf. anusṛta anusṛtya abhisṛta pravisṛta (add.), prasṛta visṛta.

sṛka m. missile, lance.

sṛkavant poss. to prec.

sṛkāyin poss. to prec.

sṛkāvin poss. to prec.

sṛkāhasta a. holding a lance in the hand.

sṛkva m. n. the corner of the mouth.

sṛkvan m. n. the corner of the mouth.

sṛkvi n. sṛkviṇī f. the same.

sṛgavant a. = sṛkavant etc.

sṛgāyin a. = sṛkavant etc.

sṛgāvant a. = sṛkavant etc.

sṛgāla m. sṛgālī & sṛgālikā f. jackal.

sṛṅkā f. way, path.

sṛj sṛjati sṛjate sarjati v pp. sṛṣṭa1 (q.v.) let loose, hurl, throw, pour out, emit, send forth; create, produce, beget, make; procure, bestow; use, employ. C. sarjayati te. D. sisṛkṣati te wish to let loose, M. (A.) wish to create. --
     ati hurl off, let loose, give up, dismiss, give leave (acc.); deliver, free from (2 acc.); yield, grant, bestow; M. create beyond or as something higher.
     anu let loose, dismiss, pour out; deliver, grant, bestow; create after (acc.).
     api add to, mingle with (loc.).
     abhi hurl upon (acc.), let loose, give free, deliver, abandon, promise, grant, bestow.
     ava shoot off, pour out, let flow, give up (prāṇān), deliver over, grant, bestow; send away, dismiss (M. abdicate); remit, pardon; place in, fix on (loc.).
     abhyava dismiss, send forth to (acc.), let loose, let go (the reins).
     upāva shoot off, admit (esp. the calf to the cow), give over to (acc.).
     vyava hurl upon (gen.), set down, send away, dismiss; hang or fix on (loc.).
     samava hurl upon (loc.), let loose, let go, abandon, omit.
     ā shoot hither, pour in or out, admit (esp. to copulation).
     samā hang, fasten to (loc.), entrust to (loc.).
     ud cast, hurl, pour out, shed, take off, lay down, depose, place in (loc.); stretch out, expand, open, set free, send forth, dismiss, give up; relinquish, abandon, despise, repudiate, renounce, resign; omit, pass over; entrust, commit; produce, create.
     samud hurl, send forth, utter, throw down, cast away, take off; dismiss, set free, let go, relinquish, abandon, expose; deliver up, hand over.
     upa hurl, cast, let flow, pour upon; send or bring to (acc. or dat.); admit, add, augment; affect or visit with (instr.), vex, plague.
     nis pour out, let flow, set free, dismiss, deliver from (abl.), separate, remove.
     pra let run or flow, open, set free, indulge, give up, resign, quit, abandon.
     prati hurl against (lit. & fig.), send back.
     vi throw, shoot, hurl (lit. & fig.), pour out, send forth, dismiss, emit, utter; let loose, set free, deliver from (abl.); cast away, relinquish, abandon; despise, repudiate, renounce, resign, M. cease from (abl.); yield, grant, bestow; create, produce. C. hurl, send forth, emit, utter, set free, leave alone, spare avoid, shun; abandon, expose; yield, grant, bestow, hand over (loc.); create, produce.
     anuvi abhivi & prativi shoot at (acc.).
     sam shoot or throw with (instr.); bring together, mix, unite (M. P. refl.); endow or furnish with (instr.); create. -- Cf. upasṛṣṭa nisṛṣṭa saṃsṛṣṭa.

sṛj [2] (--°) letting loose, emitting, hurling, casting; creating, producing.

sṛjaya m. a kind of bird.

sṛñjaya m. a man's name.

sṛṇi m. an elephant-driver's hook; f. sṛṇī or sṛṇī sickle, poss. sṛṇya.

sṛt running, hastening (--°).

sṛta a. & n. running.

sṛti f. road, path, way, course, wandering (esp. of the soul).

sṛtya n. running, flowing.

sṛtvan f. sṛtvarī running, hastening.

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sṛp sarpati sarpate v pp. sṛpta (q.v.) creep, crawl, glide. C. sarpayati & D. sisṛpsati only --°; I. sarīsṛpyate creep to and fro. --
     ati glide along or over (acc.).
     adhi & samadhi glide over (acc.).
     anu glide after or along, approach (acc.).
     samanu approach.
     apa & vyapa move off, recede.
     abhi steal upon (acc.).
     ava glide down (of the setting sun); steal upon, cover gradually (acc.).
     anvava glide after.
     upāva paryāva & pratyava approach gently.
     vyava creep into (acc.).
     ā creep near.
     upodā creep forth.
     ud creep out or up, rise (lit. & fig.); move gently on. D. wish to rise.
     upod & vyud creep forth.
     samud arise, appear, begin.
     upa go gently to, steal upon, creep or fall into (acc.); move on, come near, approach (also sexually).
     samupa approach.
     nis & vinis creep out.
     pari go round, roam through.
     pra creep near or into, steal upon (acc.), move on, break forth, spread, proceed.
     prati creep back or into.
     vi move about or along (acc.); move asunder, dispense, spread, expand.
     sam creep along or into (acc.); move onward, approach.
     anusam creep after.
     upasam creep near, steal upon (acc.).

sṛpta a. crept out of (abl.) or into (loc.); *n. the spot where some one has crept.

sṛpra a. slippery, fatty, smooth.

sṛbinda m. N. of a demon.

sṛma m. N. of an Asura.

sṛmara m. a kind of animal.

sṛṣṭa a. let loose, hurled, cast, created, produced; joined or connected with (--°); covered with, full of (instr.), resolute on (loc. or dat.).

sṛṣṭi f. letting loose, emission, creation (abstr. & concr.), production; nature, character; spending, liberality.

sṛṣṭikṛt m. creator.

seka m. sprinkling, watering, out-pouring, effusion, gush.

sektṛ m. who sprinkles or impregnates.

secana a. & n. pouring out, sprinkling.

secanaghaṭa m. watering pot.

setu a. binding, fettering; m. band, fetter; dam, weir, bridge, boundary, barrier, limit.

setubandha m. the building of a dam or bridge, T. of a poem in Prākrit.

setṛ m. who binds or fetters.

sedi f. weariness, dejectedness.

sedha a. driving, scaring.

sedhā f. hedge-hog, porcupine.

senajit a. defeating armies; m. N. of a son of Kṛṣṇa etc.

senā [1] f. missile, weapon.

senā [2] f. line of battle, army.

senāgra n. the front of an army.

senāṅga n. a component part of an army.

senācara senājīva senājīvin m. soldier.

senājū a. swift as an arrow.

senānī m. leader or chief of an army.

senāpati m. chief of an army, general.

senāpatya -> = saināpatya.

senāmukha n. the front of an army.

senāvāha m. leader of an army.

sendra a. along with Indra.

sendracāpa a. with a rainbow.

sendriya a. having (with) the organs of sense.

senya a. caused by a weapon (death); m. spearman, warrior.

serṣya a. jealous, envious.

selaga m. robber, waylayer.

sev sevate v (sevati), pp. sevita stay by (acc. or loc.), inhabit, frequent, visit; serve, revere, worship; attend upon, devote one's self to (acc.); practise, use, employ, enjoy (also sexually). C. sevayati serve, worship. --
     anu stay or dwell in; wait on, reverence.
     ā = S.
     samā devote one's self to (acc.), practise, use, employ.
     upa = S.
     abhyupa worship, revere.
     ni (ṣevate) stay in, have intercourse with (loc.); inhabit, visit, frequent, etc. = S.
     pari (ṣevate & sevate) visit, follow, obey, revere; practise, like.
     sam be together, stay at or with, dwell in, frequent, visit etc. = S. -- Cf. niṣevita.

sevaka (--°) inhabiting, serving, revering, practising; m. inhabitant etc.

sevana [1] n. sewing; seam, suture.

sevana [2] n. following, serving, revering, practising, frequenting, using, employing (mostly --°).

sevanīya a. to be followed etc. (v. prec.).

sevā f. visit, service, attendance, worship, devotion to, use, practice, employment; sexual intercourse with (gen. or --°).

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sevādakṣa a. clever in service.

sevādharma m. the duty or rule of service.

sevitavya [1] a. to be sewn.

sevitavya [2] a. to be inhabited, practised, honoured, served, taken care of.

sevitṛ a. & m. serving, worshipping, practising; servant etc.

sevin a. serving, following, revering, inhabiting, enjoying carnally, practising, using, employing.

sevya a. to be served etc. (v. prec.).

sehu m. a cert. dry substance & a cert. organ in the belly.

saiṃha f. ī relating to a lion, leonine.

saikata f. ī sandy, consisting or made of sand. n. (a. --° f. ā) sandy soil, sandbank, poss. -tin.

saikāvali f. ī furnished with an ornament consisting of a single string of pearls.

sainānya n. commandership.

saināpatya n. commandership.

sainika a. belonging to an army; m. soldier, warrior.

saindūrīkṛ dye with minium.

saindhava f. ī belonging to the sea or to the Indus; m. pl. the inhabitants of the country near the Indus, m. n. a kind of rock-salt (found in this country).

saindhavakhilya m. a lump of salt.

saindhavaghana m. a lump of salt.

sainya a. relating to an army; m. soldier, n. army (also m.), camp.

sairandhra m. ī f. a kind of domestic servant, a mixed tribe or caste.

sairāvant a. furnished with provender.

sairibha m. a buffalo.

sairya m. a cert. plant & a cert insect.

saisa a. leaden.

saisaka a. leaden.

socchvāsa a. taking breath; adv.

soḍhavya a. to be borne.

soḍhṛ m. who bears or endures.

sotu m. pressing or pouring out the Soma.

sotṛ m. who presses out the Soma.

sotka a. longing, regretful.

sotkaṇṭha a. = prec., n. adv.

sotva a. to be pressed out.

sotprāsa a. ironical, sarcastic; n. adv.

sotsava a. festive, joyous, w. dina n. a festival day.

sotsāha a. energetic, resolute; n. adv.

sotsuka a. full of desire or longing for (loc., acc. w. prati, or --°).

sotseka a. haughty, arrogant.

sotsedha a. high, elevated.

sodaka a. with water, containing water.

sodara f. ī born from the same womb; m. (±bhrātṛ) & f. ī such a brother and sister.

sodarasneha m. brotherly love.

sodarya f. ā = sodara, f. ī.

sodaryasneha m. = sodarasneha.

sodyoga a. zealous, energetic.

sodvega a. agitated, restless; n. adv.

sonmāda a. mad, insane.

sopakaraṇa a. with the implement.

sopakāra a. beneficial.

sopacāra a. polite, deferential; n. adv.

sopasveda a. moistened, wet.

sopahāsa a. laughing, sarcastic.

sopāka m. a cert. mixed caste.

sopāna n. stairs, a ladder; abstr. -tva n.

sopānatka a. having sandals or shoes.

sopānah a. (nom. -nat) the same.

sobhari m. N. of an ancient poet.

sobharīyu a. longing for Sobhari (v. prec.).

soma m. the Soma (plant or juice, often personified as a god); the moon or the god of the moon.

somaka m. N. of a Rishi etc.; pl. N. of a people. f. somikā N. of a crow.

somakāma a. desirous of Soma.

somatīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage.

somadatta m. a man's name.

somadeva m. the god of the moon; N. of an author etc.

somadhāna a. holding or containing Soma.

soman m. who presses or offers the Soma.

somapa a. Soma-drinking.

somapati m. lord of the Soma or of the moon.

somaparṇa n. Soma-leaf.

somaparvan n. Soma-time.

somapā a. = somapa; superl. -tama.

somapātra n. Soma-vessel.

somapāna [1] n. abstr. to seq.

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somapāna [2] a. Soma-drinking.

somapāyin a. = prec.

somapāvan a. = prec.

somapāla m. Soma-keeper.

somapīti f. a drinking of Soma (only dat.).

somapītha m. -peya n. = prec.

somapīthin a. partaking of a draught of Soma.

somapṛṣṭha a. bearing Soma on the back.

somaprabha a. radiant as the moon; m. & f. ā a man's & woman's name.

somabhṛt a. bringing Soma.

somamad (mād) a. drunk with Soma.

somamada m. abstr. to prec.

somayajña m. a Soma-sacrifice.

somayāga m. a Soma-sacrifice.

somayājin a. offering Soma.

somarakṣa m. keeper of the Soma.

somarājan f. -jñī having Soma as king.

somarāta m. N. of a man.

somarūpa [1] n. a form of Soma.

somarūpa [2] a. Soma-formed.

somalipta a. smeared with Soma.

somavaṃśa m. the lunar race of kings.

somavaṃśīya a. belonging to the lunar race.

somavaṃśya a. belonging to the lunar race.

somavant a. having or containing Soma.

somavarcas a. glorious as Soma.

somavāmin a. vomiting Soma.

somavikrayin m. seller of Soma.

somavṛddha a. gladdened by Soma.

somaśita a. excited by Soma.

somaśravas m. a man's name.

somaśreṣṭha a. having Soma as chief.

somasakhi a. having Soma as friend.

somasalila a. Soma-water.

somasava m. Soma-pressing.

somasavana a. wherefrom Soma is pressed.

somasut a. pressing Soma.

somasuti f. pressing of Soma.

somasutyā f. pressing of Soma.

somasutvan a. = somasut.

somahāra a. robbing Soma.

somahārin a. robbing Soma.

somāṃśu m. Soma-stem or moon-beam.

somād a. eating Soma.

somāpūṣan m. du. Soma and Pūṣan.

somābhiṣikta a. sprinkled with Soma.

somārudra m. du. Soma and Rudra.

somārthin a. desiring Soma.

somāvatī f. containing Soma.

somāhuti f. Soma-sacrifice.

somin a. having or offering Soma.

somejyā f. Soma-sacrifice.

somya a. having to do with Soma, consisting of Soma etc.; m. Soma-offerer.

soṣa a. mixed with alkaline earth.

soṣṇīṣa a. turbaned.

soṣmatā f. heat, warmth.

soṣman a. hot, warm.

saukara f. ī relating to a hog.

saukarya n. easiness of performance, facility.

saukumāra n. tenderness, delicacy.

saukumārya n. tenderness, delicacy.

saukṛtya n. well-doing.

saukṣmya n. minuteness, subtility.

saukhya n. welfare, comfort, joy, bliss.

saugata f. ī Buddhistic; m. a Buddhist.

saugandhika a. sweet-scented, fragrant; n. a white (or blue) water-lily.

saugandhya n. odour, perfume.

saujanya n. goodness, benevolence.

sauti m. E. of Lomaharṣaṇa (patron. from sūta).

sautya [1] a. relating to Soma-pressing.

sautya [2] a. relating to a charioteer, n. his office.

sautra a. consisting of threads or belonging to a Sūtra.

sautrāmaṇa f. ī belonging to Indra; f. ī a cert. ceremony.

saudarya a. brotherly; n. brotherly relation.

saudāmanī (±vidyut) f. lightning; N. of sev. women.

saudāminī (±vidyut) f. lightning; N. of sev. women.

saudāsa m. a patron. name.

saudha n. a plastered or whitewashed mansion; any great house or palace.

saudhanvana m. son of Sudhanvan, pl. E. of the Ribhus.

saudharmya n. honesty.

sauna m. butcher; n. (±māṃsa) butcher's meat.

saunika m. butcher or hunter.

saundarya n. beauty, splendour, nobility.

sauparṇa (sauparṇa), f. ī relating to the falcon etc.

sauptika a. relating to sleep, nocturnal; n. = seq.

sauptikavadha m. nocturnal attack on (--°).

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sauprajāstva n. possession of good offspring.

saubala m. ī f. son & daughter of Subala (Śakuni & Gāndhārī).

saubaleya m. ī f. = prec.

saubha n. N. of a mythical city.

saubhaga n. happiness, loveliness, beauty.

saubhagatva n. condition of happiness.

saubhadra m. metron. of Abhimanyu.

saubhāgya n. = saubhaga.

saubhāgyadevatā f. an auspicious or tutelary deity.

saubhrātra n. good brotherhood, fraternity.

sauma a. relating to Soma.

saumadatti m. patron. from Somadatta.

saumanasa f. ī relating to flowers, flowery; n. pleasure, satisfaction, cheerfulness (also m.), benevolence, kindness, favour.

saumanasya a. causing pleasure or satisfaction; n. cheerfulness, mirth.

saumika f. ī relating to, Soma.

saumitra m. metron. of Lakṣmaṇa; n. friendship.

saumitri m. = prec.; du. L. & Śatrughna.

saumila m. N. of a poet.

saumilla m. N. of a poet.

saumī (cf. saumya) f. moonshine.

saumukhya n. mirth, joy.

saumya (f. saumī & saumyā) relating or consecrated to Soma, consisting of S., i.g. Soma-; Soma- or moon-like, auspicious, gentle, dear (esp. voc. saumya my dear); m. pl. a class of Manes.

saumyatā f. -tva n. gentleness, mildness.

saumyadarśana a. of gentle aspect.

saumyanāman f. -mnī having a lovely name.

saumyarūpa a. friendly, mild towards (gen.).

saumyavapus a. of a pleasant form.

saumyākṛti a. of a pleasant form.

sauyavasi m. a patron. name.

saura [1] a. consisting of spirituous liquor.

saura f. ī2 relating to the sun, solar; m. a worshipper of the sun.

saurabha a. sweet-smelling; f. ī a cow (daughter of Surabhi); n. odour, fragrance.

saurabheya m. ī f. bull, cow.

saurabhya n. odour, fragrance.

saurājya n. good government, p. -vant.

saurāṣṭra a. coming from Surāṣṭra; m. pl. the inhabitants of Surāṣṭra.

saurāṣṭraka a. coming from Surāṣṭra; m. pl. the inhabitants of Surāṣṭra.

saurika a. relating to spirituous liquor.

saurya (f. saurī & sauyā) a. belonging to the sun.

sauva a. celestial.

sauvara a. relating to sound.

sauvarṇa f. ī & ā golden.

sauvaśvya n. horse-race or = svaśvya.

sauvida m. guardian of a harem.

sauvidalla m. guardian of a harem.

sauviṣṭakṛta f. ī relating or consecrated to (Agni) Sviṣṭakṛt.

sauvīra m. pl. N. of a people.

sauvīraka m. pl. N. of a people.

sauvratya n. faith, devotion.

sauśabdya n. the correct formation of grammatical forms.

sauśāmya n. peace, conciliation.

sauśīlya n. goodness of nature or character.

sauśravasa a. having a good renown; n. loud praise, glory, contest.

sauṣumṇa n. a cert. sun-beam.

sauṣṭhava n. good condition, excellence.

sauhārda n. affection, friendship.

sauhārdya n. affection, friendship.

sauhitya n. satiety, satisfaction; kindness, friendliness.

sauhṛda a. coming from a friend, a friend's; m. a friend; n. = seq.

sauhṛdya n. friendship, affection.

skand skandati -te v pp. skanna leap, spring, spurt; drop, be spilled, fall; leap upon i.e. cover, impregnate. C. skandayati pour out, spill; omit, neglect. I. kaniṣkan leaping (of frogs). --
     ati (ska & ṣka) leap upon or over, fall down.
     abhi (ska & ṣka) leap upon (for copulation).
     ava spring or spurt down; spring towards or upon, attack, overpower.
     abhyava spring down, in, or out; meet with, encounter.
     samava S. & C. assail.
     ā leap, resort to, depend on (acc.); also =
     samā attack, assail.
     pari (ska & ṣka) leap about (also I. caniṣkadat); spill, scatter.
     pra spring forth, down, upon (acc.); spurt, drop, fall; attack, assail.
     sam drop or spring off. -- Cf. pariskanna.

skanda m. hopper, jumper; aggressor, assailant; N. of the god of war.

skandana m. the being spilt.

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skandaputra m. son of Skanda i.e. thief.

skandapurāṇa n. T. of a Purāṇa.

skandita n. leaping upon, impregnation.

skandha m. shoulder, stem or trunk of a tree; section, chapter of a book, mass, multitude, a whole or aggregate.

skandhadeśa m. the region of the shoulder.

skandhavant a. having a stem (stems).

skandhaśiras n. shoulder-blade.

skandhas n. ramification, branches or top of a tree.

skandhāvāra m. head-quarters (lit. the stem's i.e. the king's guard).

skandhin a. having a (strong) stem.

skandhya a. relating to the shoulders.

skabhāy skabhāyati v -> skambh.

skabhīyaṃs (compar.) supporting well.

skambh skabh skabhnāti v or skabhnoti, pp. skabhita prop, support, fix; stop, restrain, obstruct. C. skabhāyati = S. --
     ā fix in or at (loc.).
     upa hold up by supports.
     prati hold stand against; lean upon (acc.).
     vi (ṣka) fix, establish; C. the same. -- Cf. pratiṣkabhe (add.).

skambha m. prop, support, pillar.

skambhadeṣṇa a. whose gifts are firm (like pillars).

skambhana n. skambhani & skambhanī (nom. skambhanīs) = skambha.

sku skauti skunoti skunāti v stir (tr.), rake up (fire), pick (teeth). I. coṣkūyate rake together, accumulate.

skṛdhoyu -> askṛdhoyu.

skhal skhalati skhalate v pp. skhalita (q.v.) stumble, totter, waver, stammer, folter, eor, fail. C. skhalayati cause to falter (voice).
     pari pra & vi = S.

skhala m. stumbling, tottering.

skhalana n. the same; blunder, fault, error, loss.

skhalita n. the same; blunder, fault, error, loss.

stan stanati v mostly stanayati, pp. stanita (q.v.) thunder, roar, sound. --
     abhi nis & pra = S.

stana m. the breast of a woman.

stanakoṭi f. nipple (breast-point).

stanagraha m. (a child's) taking of the breast.

stanataṭa m. n. bosom (slope of the breasts).

stanatha m. roaring of the lion.

stanathu m. roaring of the lion.

stanaṃdhaya f. ī breast-sucking, a suckling.

stanapa a. = prec.

stanapāyin a. = prec.

stanapāna n. the sucking of the breast.

stanabhara m. a thick (lit. weight of a) breast.

stanamadhya n. the room between the breasts.

stanayadama a. rushing along with thunder.

stanayitnu m. thunder.

stanāṃśuka n. covering of the bosom.

stanāntara n. = stanamadhya.

stanābhoga m. a full (lit. fulness of a) breast.

stanāvaraṇa n. covering of the bosom.

stanita a. thundering; n. thunder.

stanottarīya n. covering of the bosom.

stanya n. (m.) the milk in a woman's breast.

stanyatyāga m. leaving off the mother's milk, weaning.

stabaka m. bunch, esp. of flowers.

stabdha a. stiff, rigid, immovable, n. adv. Abstr. -tā f., -tva f.

stabdhakarṇa m. N. of a lion (stiff-eared).

stabdhalocana a. having immovable i.e. unwinking eyes.

stabdhīkṛ make rigid or stiff.

stabdhībhāva m. rigidity, immobility.

stamba m. bunch, esp. grass-bunch.

stambaka m. bunch, esp. grass-bunch.

stambaja a. bushy, tufty.

stambaśas adv. by bunches.

stambamitra m. N. of a man.

stambin a. bushy.

stamberama m. elephant (delighting in grassbunches).

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stambh stabh stabhnāti stabhnoti stambhate v (ti), pp. stabhita & stabdha (q.v.) prop, support, uphold, make firm or steady; M. become firm or rigid. C. stambhāyati & stambhayati stabhnāti stabhnoti stambhate (-ti), pp. stabhita & stabdha (q.v.) prop, support, uphold, make firm or steady; M. become firm or rigid. C. stambhāyati & stambhayate = S., the latter also = make stiff or lame, paralyze, stun, obstruct, suppress. --
     ava (ṣṭa) fix, fasten, prop, support, intr. lean upon (acc.); seize, take prisoner, obstruct, shut up.
     paryava (ṣṭa) surround.
     samava (ṣṭa) raise up (fig.); lean upon (acc.).
     ud (tta) prop up, fix, establish. C. lift up, raise (lit. & fig.); excite, impel.
     upa erect, uphold, support.
     prati (ṣṭa) hold against, M. intr.
     vi (ṣṭa) fix, establish, raise (lit. & fig.), make firm, stiff, or immovable, stop, obstruct; lean upon (acc.). C. stop, hold back.
     sam confirm, strengthen, make stiff or rigid, stop, suppress. C. the same.
     abhisam parisam & pratisam confirm, strengthen. -- Cf. avaṣṭabdha uttabdha & uttabhita prastabdha viṣṭabdha & viṣṭabhita saṃstabdha.

stambha m. post, column, prop, support (lit. & fig.); fixedness, stiffness, immobility; obstruction, hindrance, suppression; arrogance, haughtiness.

stambhaka a. stopping, restraining.

stambhana (f. ī) & n. laming, paralyzing, fixing, stopping, restraining.

stambhabhañjaka m. N. of an elephant (pillarbreaker).*

stambhin a. having posts or columns; fixing, stopping; haughty, arrogant.

stambhībhū become (as immovable as) a post.

stara m. stratum, layer.

staraṇa n. strewing, scattering.

starī f. (nom. -rīs) barren, not bearing, esp. a cow or heifer.

starīman m. strewing, scattering (only loc.).

starya a. to be thrown down.

stava m. praise, hymn, song.

stavatha m. praise, hymn, song.

stavana n. praising, celebrating.

stavān (nom. sgl.) thundering or mighty.

stavitṛ m. praiser.

stavya a. to be praised.

stāyu m. thief.

stāva m. praise; -ka a. & m. praising, praiser.

sti m. pl. servants, dependants.

stigh stighnoti stighnute v proceed, stride. --
     ati mount, ascend.
     pra rise.

stipā a. house-protecting.

stim only pp. stimita stiff, motionless, inactive; n. adv. or as abstr. (also -tā f., -tva n.).

stiyā f. standing or stagnant water.

stīma a. lazy, slow.

stīrṇa a. spread, scattered, strewed.

stīrṇabarhis a. whose sacrificial straw is strewed.

stu stauti stute stavate v (stavīti stuvate stuvati), pp. stuta (q.v.) praise, extol, celebrate, sing, chant. C. stavayati praise, stāvayate cause to praise. D. tuṣṭūṣati wish to praise. --
     anu (ṣṭauti),
     abhi (ṣṭauti),
     upa & pari (ṣṭauti) = S.
     pra praise; put forward, commence, begin; also = prastāvayati mention.
     vi sing praises.
     sam sing or praise (together).
     abhisam & parisam praise, extol. -- Cf. prastuta viṣṭuta saṃstuta. (stuka m. &) stukā f. lock or tuft of wool or stuka1stuka (stuka m. &) stukā f. lock or tuft of wool or hair; poss. stukāvin.

stut f. praise, eulogy.

stuti f. praise, eulogy.

stuta a. praised; n. praise or = seq.

stutigītaka n. song of praise.

stutya a. to be praised, praiseworthy.

stupa m. tuft of hair, top-knot.

stubh stobhati1 v (te) utter a sound, shout, exult, warble, etc. --
     anu follow in shouting.
     abhi add by shouting.
     vyava separate by sounds.
     pari shout around.
     pra incite by shouting.
     prati shout in return, re-echo.

stubh [2] f. shout, exultation.

stubhvan a. shouting, exulting.

stūpa m. top, esp. of the head, tuft of hair; heap or pile of earth, a Buddhist tomb.

stṛ stṛṇāti stṛṇīte stṛṇoti stṛṇute1 v (starati), pp. stīrṇa & stṛta (q.v.) strew (esp. the sacrificial straw), spread out; strew over, cover; throw down, overthrow. D. tustūrṣate wish to throw down. --
     abhi ava & samava strew, cover.
     ā strew, spread, expand; cover, smear.
     samā strew over.
     upa lay or pour over, (±ājyam) form a coating with the sacrificial butter, cover or wrap with (instr.), strew, expand; (±ājyam) pour the sacrificial butter over,
     ni throw down.
     pari strew around, cover, spread, expand.
     pra strew, scatter, spread out.
     vi spread or stretch out, expand, diffuse; also = C. vistārayati amplify on (acc.).
     sam spread or expand (together), strew, cover. -- Cf. āstīrṇa & āstṛta upastīrṇa prastīrṇa vistīrṇa & vistṛta saṃstīrṇa & saṃstṛta.

stṛ [2] (instr. pl. stṛbhis) star.

stṛti f. spreading, covering.

stṛtya a. to be thrown down.

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stṛh stṛhati v crush.

stena m. thief, robber; f. ā.

stenay stenayati v steal, rob.

steya n. theft, robbery.

steyakṛt a. stealing, stealer of (--°).

steyin m. thief, robber.

stainya n. theft, robbery.

staimitya n. lameness, fixedness, immobility.

stoka m. drop; adj. small, insignificant, °-- & n. a little; *stokena & stokāt in comp. w. a pp. hardly, just. Abstr. stokatā f., stokatva n.

stokaka m. E. of the bird Cātaka (who lives on rain-drops).

stokaśas adv. drop by drop, sparingly.

stokīya a. relating to drops (of ghee).

stokya a. relating to drops (of ghee).

stotavya a. to be praised.

stotṛ m. praiser, worshipper.

stotra n. praise, hymn; a cert. kind of recitations (r.).

stotriya a. relating to a Stotra.

stotrīya a. relating to a Stotra.

stobha m. shout, trill; p. -vant.

stoma m. praise, song of praise.

stomamaya a. consisting of Stomas.

stomavardhana a. increasing (or delighting in) praise.

stomavāhas a. offering or receiving praise.

stomya a. worthy of or relating to a song of praise.

stauna a. heavy, tardly, dull.

styā styāyate v pp. styāna (q.v.) coagulate, stiffen, thicken, strengthen (intr.). -- Cf. saṃstyāna.

styāna a. coagulate, stiff, rigid.

strī f. woman, wife, female (also of animals); a feminine or the feminine gender (g.).

strīka (--°) woman, wife.

strīkaṭi f. a woman's hip.

strīkaṭī f. a woman's hip.

strīkāma a. desirous of women or of female children.

strīkārya n. the service of women.

strīkṣīra n. mother's milk.

strīgamana n. intercourse with women.

strīghātaka a. murdering a (his) wife.

strīghna a. murdering a (his) wife.

strījana m. womankind.

strījananī f. bringing forth (only) females.

strījita a. ruled by a (his) wife.

strītva n. womanhood or the fem. gender (g.).

strīdviṣ a. hating woman, misogynist.

strīdveṣin a. hating woman, misogynist.

strīdhana n. a wife's (peculiar) property.

strīdharma m. the duty of or laws for woman; coition.

strīpuṃdharma m. the laws for man and wife.

strīpumaṃs m. du. man and wife.

strīpūrva a. having formerly been a woman.

strīpūrvaka a. having formerly been a woman.

strīpratyaya m. suffix forming feminines.

strīprasū f. = strījananī.

strībālaghātin m. a slayer of women and children.

strībhava m. the state or condition of a woman, womanhood.

strībhāva m. the state or condition of a woman, womanhood.

strīmaya f. ī womanly, womanish.

strīy strīyati v desire a woman.

strīratna n. a jewel of a woman, E. of Lakṣmī.

strīliṅga [1] n. the female organ or the feminine gender (g.).

strīliṅga [2] a. having the characteristics of a female; feminine (g.), abstr. -tva n.

strīvaśa a. ruled by a woman.

strīvaśya a. ruled by a woman.

strīvivāha m. marriage (with a woman).

strīviṣaya m. cohabitation.

strīṣakha m. a friend of women.

strīṣū f. = strījananī.

strīsaṅga m. intercourse with women.

strīsaṃgrahaṇa n. seduction or violation of a woman.

strīsaṃbandha m. matrimonial connection with a woman.

strīsaṃbhoga m. the (carnal) enjoyment of a woman.

strīhatyā f. the murder of a woman.

strīhantṛ m. the murderer of a woman.

strīhuta n. sacrifice offered by a woman.

straiṇa f. ī female, feminine, fond of women; n. womanhood, womankind, a multitude of women.

straiṇagarbha m. embryo.

straiṣūya n. birth of a female.

stryājīva m. subsisting on (the earnings or the prostitution of) a woman.

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stha (ṣṭha) standing, living, being in, occupied with, devoted to (--°).

sthag sthagayati v pp. sthagita cover, hide, conceal.

sthagana n. covering, hiding.

sthagu m. hunch.

sthaḍu m. hunch.

sthaṇḍila a. levelled piece of ground prepared for a sacrifice, place, spot, ground i.g.

sthaṇḍilaśayyā f. abstr. to seq.

sthaṇḍilaśāyikā f. abstr. to seq.

sthaṇḍilaśāyin a. lying on the bare ground.

sthapati m. chief or governor of a district; architect.

sthapuṭa a. rugged, uneven, hump-backed; n. a hump.

sthapuṭagata a. belonging to a hump (flesh).

sthala n. raised or dry ground, land (opp. water), earth, ground, place, spot; sthalī f. mound, eminence (also sthalā), ground, spot.

sthalakamala n. -linī f. the flowering shrub.

sthalaga a. land-going, living on dry land.

sthalacara a. land-going, living on dry land.

sthalaja a. land-born, terrestrial.

sthalastha a. standing (being) on dry ground.

sthalārūḍha a. alighted on the ground.

sthalī -> sthala.

sthalīdevatā f. a local divinity.

sthalīy sthalīyati v take for dry land.

sthalīśāyin a. lying on the bare ground.

sthaviman m. the thick end, the broad side.

sthavira f. ā & ī thick, broad, firm, massy, sturdy; full-grown, old, venerable.

sthaviṣṭha (superl.) thickest, grossest.

sthavīyaṃs (compar.) thicker, grosser, sturdier.

sthaśas adv. according to the place.

sthā tiṣṭhati tiṣṭhate v pp. sthita1 (q.v.) stand, stay, stop, remain, wait; stand by (loc.), declare for (dat.); hold out or bear up against (gen. ±puras); continue in a condition or action (nom., esp. of a pp.; ger., instr. or loc.), exist, be present; belong to (dat. or gen.); serve for (dat.); be turned to, rest on, abide in (loc.); enter, mount, ascend (acc.), spring or arise from (gen. or abl.); cease, desist from (abl.); remain unmentioned, be left aside (esp. imper.). C. sthāpayati te cause to stand, stop, arrest, restrain; put, place, set in (loc. r. acc., w. vaśe subdue), appoint to (loc. or artham, r. acc.); commit, entrust to (loc. or haste); found, erect, build, establish; fix, settle, determine; make, render (2 acc.). D. tiṣṭhāsati wish to remain in (instr.). --
     ati rise over; rule, master (acc.).
     adhi stand upon, mount, ascend; stay, abide, be fixed or situated in (loc. or acc.); be founded or based upon (loc.); use, employ, show, betray; also = prec.
     samadhi direct, guide, rule, manage, carry on.
     anu stand still after or together with (loc. or acc.); stay, abide, sit down upon (acc.); follow, obey, conform one's self to, imitate, help, assist; carry on, practise, commit, perform, do.
     antar bar the way, obstruct, arrest.
     apa stand aloof, forsake (abl.).
     api stand in the way of (acc.).
     abhi set the foot upon, rise over, step towards or against (acc.), withstand, overcome.
     ava M. (A.) stand off, withdraw; be deprived of, miss (abl.); go down, descend; enter, come to (acc. or loc.); fall to one's (dat.) share; stop, stand still; abide or remain in (loc.); continue doing or being (ger., nom., or instr.); exist, be present; begin, undertake, determine. C. cause to stand, stop, restrain; let stand, leave behind; put, place, lay etc. in or on (loc.); establish, fix, settle; strengthen, comfort.
     paryava M. become strong or firm; penetrate, pervade. C. excite, comfort.
     pratyava M. come back, return (w. punar); resist, oppose. C. w. ātmānam compose one's self.
     vyava M. be separated, part from (abl.); stop, stay, remain; prepare for (dat.); be valid, pass for, appear as (nom.).
     samava C. stop, arrest; fasten, strengthen.
     ā stand on (loc.); mount, ascend; step into, enter; take one's place at, resort to (acc.); get to, partake of, enjoy (acc.); undergo, incur; take, choose, use, employ. M. accede to, acknowledge; stand by, set a value upon (loc.). C. cause to ascend or enter, introduce; cause to stay, keep back; put, place, lay; bring near, procure; fix in. fasten to (loc.).
     anvā enter, ascend, attain (after one another).
     upā go to, have intercourse with (acc.); attend to, observe.
     samupā step near; attend to, practise.
     samā ascend, resort to, enter, stop, stay; prepare for, set about, take to, choose, use, employ, practise, execute.
     ud stand up, rise (esp. from a sacrificial acts, i.e. finish, close), awake, appear, sprout, grow. M. raise one's self to, prepare for (dat. or loc.). C. cause to stand up, raise, scare up, awaken (from sleep or death); lift up, erect, establish; pull or draw out; send off, expel, incite, instigate, urge on, encourage. D. wish to rise. anūd rise after, follow.
     abhyud rise towards, go to meet (acc.); begin, undertake.
     upod rise before or to meet, approach, go to (acc.). prod spring up, rise, appear.
     pratyud rise up to meet (acc.).
     vyud rise up in different directions; turn from, give up (abl.); forget one's duty (M.). C. call in question, disagree about (acc.); alienate, remove, depose.
     samud rise (together), come out of, spring from (abl.); appear, become visible; go about to work, prepare for (loc. or infin.). C. cause or bid to rise, lift up, rouse, awaken.
     upa stand by, near, opposite, or round (acc.); come near, approach, resort to, attend on, serve, worship; present with (instr.); be present or at hand, be to one's disposal or fall to one's (acc. or gen.) share. C. cause to stand near or opposite (acc.); fetch, bring near. anūpa step near (after one another), approach (acc.).
     abhyupa worship. C. bring near.
     paryupa stand around (acc.); attend with (instr.).
     pratyupa M. stand opposite, attend on (acc.).
     samupa stand near, approach, fall to one's lot (acc.).
     ni C. fix in (loc.).
     parini C. teach thoroughly (gen. of pers.).
     nis grow forth, rise from (abl.); bring to an end, accomplish, prepare, make ready. C. drive out; prepare, make ready.
     pari stand around or in the way; obstruct, hinder; be left, remain.
     pra A. (M.) rise, stand upright, stand before (acc.); M. be up or awake, (A.) set out to go, depart from (abl.), betake one's self to (acc. ±prati or loc.). C. send out, dismiss, banish, put away.
     atipra rise above (acc.), be prominent.
     anupra set out after (acc.), follow; C. send after.
     abhipra go out in pursuit of, have in view (acc. ±prati), prevail over (acc.). C. drive out (cattle).
     vipra M. (A.) rise or set out (in various directions); go asunder, spread, expand.
     saṃpra M. stand or step together (before the altar); set out to go, betake one's self to (acc. or loc.).
     prati stand, stay, remain; stand still or firm, be established or founded upon (loc.); get a place or foothold, thrive, prosper; withstand, resist; spread over (acc.). C. set up, erect, fix, support; place in or upon, appoint to (loc.); present, offer, entrust or commit to (loc.).
     anuprati get on, thrive or prosper after (acc.).
     saṃprati apply to (loc.).
     vi M. (A.) stand apart, go asunder, be spread in or over (acc.); part with or be separated from (abl.); stand firm, not budge. C. spread, extend.
     anuvi & abhivi M. spread over, pervade (acc.).
     sam M.(A.) stand by, remain with (loc., w. vākye obey); stand still, stop, stay; meet (as foes); come to an end or to perfection; succeed, prosper; perish, die. C. lift up, raise, strengthen, comfort (w.
     ātmānam compose one's self); fix, erect, build, establish, settle; bring on or in (loc.); check, restrain; get through, finish, kill.
     anusam go along, pursue. M. be finished later.
     abhisam stand still or end with (acc.). C. cause to stand still or to end with. -- Cf. adhiṣṭhita anuṣṭhita anusaṃsthita abhiṣṭhita abhyutthita abhyupasthita avasthita āsthita utthita upasthita upāsthita niṣṭhita niḥṣṭhita (sic!), pariniṣṭita pariṣṭhita paristhita paryavasthita (add.), paryupasthita pratiṣṭhita pratyupasthita prasthita protthita viṣṭhita vyavasthita vyutthita sasthita samavasthita samāsthita samutthita samupasthita saṃpratiṣṭhita.

sthā [2] (nom. m. n. sthās) standing (often --°), immovable (opp. jagat).

sthāṇavīya a. belonging to Śiva (cf. seq.).

sthāṇu a. standing, firm, immovable; m. trunk or stem of a tree, post, pillar, E. of Śiva.

sthāṇubhūta a. (being) immovable as the trunk of a tree.

sthāṇūccheda a. who roots out the trunks of trees.

sthātavya n. imp. (it is) to be stood or remained.

sthātṛ [1] a. standing, stationary.

sthātṛ [2] m. guide (of horses).

sthātra n. station, place.

sthāna n. standing, remaining, abiding, not budging; continuation, duration; state. condition, position, rank, dignity; shape, form, appearance; sphere, domain, province; abode, place, seat, home, stead (loc. w. gen. or --° instead of); proper place or time, occasion or object for (gen. or --°); place of articulation, organ (g.); the (4) stamina of a kingdom (treasury etc.).

sthānaka m. N. of a man. n. position, attitude; rank, dignity; place, spot.

sthānapati m. protector of a place or region.

sthānapāla m. protector of a place or region.

sthānabhaṅga m. ruin of a place.

sthānabhraṃśa m. loss of a place.

sthānabhraṣṭa a. removed from one's place.

sthānayoga m. pl. the various places or modes for keeping goods.

sthānavid a. knowing a place (places).

sthānastha a. standing (being) at one's place.

sthānasthita a. standing (being) at one's place.

sthānāntara n. another place.

sthānāsana n. du. standing and sitting down.

sthānāsedha m. confinement to a certain place, imprisonment.

sthānin a. having the first or the right place; m. the primitive element (g.).

sthānīya a. being in or instead of (--°).

sthāneśvara m. = sthānapati.

sthāpaka m. erector (of an image), establisher, founder; a cert. person of the stage-business.

sthāpatya n. the office of a sthapati.

sthāpana a. establishing, fixing, settling, founding; n. & f. ā the act of establishing etc.

sthāpanīya a. to be fixed or kept.

sthāpya a. to be established, fixed, placed in (loc. or acc.), kept, confined, restrained.

sthāman [1] n. standing-place, stand; stability, strength, power.

sthāman [2] n. neighing of a horse.

sthāyitā f. -tva n. duration.

sthāyin a. standing, abiding, being in, at, or on (--°), present; steady, constant, faithful, true.

sthāyuka a. standing, staying in (--°); constant, durable.

sthāraśman a. having firm reins.

sthāla n. plate, dish, vessel, tooth-hole; f. sthālī (earthen) pot, kettle.

sthālīpāka m. a kind of cooked offering.

sthāvara a. standing, immovable, firm, lasting, constant; vegetable, belonging to the vegetable world. m. mountain; m. n. sgl. & pl. the vegetable kingdom; n. immovable property.

sthāvaraka m. N. of a servant.

sthāvarajaṅgama n. the immovable and movable.

sthāvaratā f. condition of being a plant.

sthāvaratva n. immobility.

sthāvira n. old age.

sthāvirya n. old age.

sthāsaka s. perfume or unguent.

sthāsnu a. stationary, immovable, firm, constant.

sthita a. standing, abiding, remaining; continuing, keeping on (nom., loc., instr., ger., or adv.); turned to, intent upon, occupied with (loc. or --°); fixed, settled, determined, firm, valid; present, existing; left, ceased, stopped. n. the act or manner of standing.

sthitadhī a. steady-minded.

sthitaprajña a. firm in judgment.

sthitavant a. standing, having one's place.

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sthiti f. standing, stopping, staying, remaining in or with (loc. or --°); abode, place; situation, rank, dignity; devotion to or occupation with (loc.); stability, duration; firmness, constancy, existence, occurrence; state, condition; conduct, procedure; axiom, maxime, rule, custom, usage, boundary, limit; rectitude, virtue.

sthitimant a. firm, stable, steady, constant, virtuous.

sthira a. hard, solid, firm, strong, lasting, durable, steadfast, constant, resolute, faithful, sure.

sthiracitta a. firm-minded, constant.

sthiratā f. -tva n. hardness, firmness, stability, constancy.

sthiradhanvan a. armed with a strong bow.

sthirapīta a. enjoying strong protection.

sthirapratibandha a. firm in resistance.

sthirabuddhi a. steady-minded, resolute.

sthiramati a. = prec.; f. firmness, resoluteness.

sthirayauvana a. ever youthful; n. eternal youth.

sthirasaṃskāratā f. perfect accomplishment.

sthirasauhṛda a. constant in friendship.

sthirārambha a. firm in undertaking, persevering.

sthirīkṛ confirm, strengthen; -bhū P.

sthirīkaraṇa n. confirmation, corroboration.

sthūṇa m. a man's name; f. sthūṇā post, pillar.

sthūra a. thick, broad, massy, big, large; m. the lower part of the thigh (also -ka); du. the ankles or buttocks.

sthūri a. drawn by one horse; n. such a waggon.

sthūla a. = sthūra, also coarse, gross, material (opp. sūkṣma); stupid, dull; n. = sthūlaśarīra.

sthūlakeśa m. N. of a Rishi.

sthūlatā f. -tva n. abstr. to sthūla.

sthūlaprapañca m. the material world (ph.).

sthūlabhūta n. a grosser element (ph.).

sthūlabhoga n. the enjoyment of grosser things (ph.).

sthūlamadhya a. thick in the middle.

sthūlalakṣa a. munificent, liberal.

sthūlalakṣya a. munificent, liberal.

sthūlaviṣaya m. material object.

sthūlaśarīra n. the material body (ph.).

sthūlaśiras a. large-headed; m. N. of a Rishi etc.

sthūlaśāṭa m. *sthūlaśāṭī f. coarse cloth.

sthūlaśāṭaka m. *sthūlaśāṭī f. coarse cloth.

sthūlasūkṣma a. gross and subtle.

sthūlasūkṣmaprapañca m. the gross and the subtle world.

sthūlasūkṣmaśarīra n. the gross and the subtle body.

sthūlahasta m. an elephant's trunk.

sthūlāntra n. the langer intestine, the rectum.

stheman m. firmness, stability, duration.

stheya n. imp. (it is) to be stood or remained, to be acted or behaved; m. judge, umpire.

stheyaṃs (compar.) very firm or constant.

sthairya n. firmness, solidity, steadiness, constancy, calmness; p. -vant.

sthaulalakṣya n. munificence, liberality.

sthaulya n. thickness, coarseness, bulk, size.

snapana f. ī used for bathing (water etc.); n. bathing, ablution.

snā snāti v (snāyate), pp. snāta (q.v.) bathe, perform ablution (esp. at the end of religious studentship or of a vow), smear or anoint one's self with (instr.). C. snapayati or snapayati cause to bathe, wet, dip in (loc.). --
     ud step out of the water.
     ni be steeped or absorbed in (loc.).
     pra go into the water; C. bathe in (acc.).
     sam C. bathe (tr.), wash. -- Cf. niṣṇāta.

snāta a. bathed, washed, purified by ablution; steeped i.e. versed in, familiar with (loc. or --°).

snātaka m. a Brahman who has finished his religious studentship (lit. one who has performed his ablution).

snātalipta a. bathed and anointed.

snātānulipta a. the same.

snāna n. bathing, ablution (cf. prec.).

snānagṛha n. bathing-room.

snātva a. fit for bathing.

snānavastra n. bathing-dress.

snānaveśman n. -śālā f. bathing-room.

snānaśāṭī f. bathing-drawers.

snānaśīla a. used to or fond of bathing.

snānāmbu n. water for bathing or washing.

snānin a. bathing, being in a bath.

snānīya a. fit or suitable for bathing.

snānīyavastra n. = snānavastra.

snānottīrṇa a. risen from a bath.

snānodaka n. = snānāmbu.

snānopakaraṇa n. implements for bathing.

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snāpaka m. (a servant) who bathes (his master).

snāpana n. bathing, washing.

snāyin a. bathing, performing ablution.

snāyu f. n. sinew, also = seq.

snāyubandha m. sinew-band, i.e. bowstring.

snāyumaya f. ī made of tendons.

snāyuyuta a. held together by tendons.

snāvan n. band, sinew, bowstring.

snigdha a. supple, oily, greasy, sticky, smooth; bland, soft, kind, affectionate, faithful, loyal; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

snigdhabhinnāñjana n. = snigdhāñjana.

snigdhamudga m. a kind of bean.

snigdhaśītarūkṣa a. slippery, cool, or rough; abstr. -tva n.

snigdhāñjana n. collyrium mixed with oil.

snih snihyati snihyate v pp. snigdha1 (q.v.) be supple, greasy, or moist; stick to, be fixed upon (loc.), have affection for, be fond of (loc. or gen.). C. snehayati make greasy, supple, or submissive.
     upa (also snihyate) become supple or moist. C. conciliate, win over. -- Cf. prasnigdha.

snih [2] f. (nom. snik) wetness, moisture.

snihiti f. the same.

snīhiti f. the same.

snīhan m. or snīhā f. wetness of the nose.

snu snauti v pp. snuta1 distil, drop, flow (esp. of the mother's breast or milk). --
     pra = S.

snu [2] (--°) -> ghṛtasnu.

snu [3] n. surface, top ( = sānu).

snuṣā f. daughter-in-law.

snuṣāga a. having sexual intercourse with the daughter-in-law.

snuhī f. the milk-hedge plant.

snūhan m. wetness of the nose.

sneya n. imp. (it is) to be bathed.

sneha m. stickiness; oil, grease, a fluid of the body; attachment, love, friendship for (loc., gen., or --°).

snehakumbha m. a pot with oil.

snehaghaṭa m. a pot with oil.

snehaguru a. heavy (-hearted) from love for (gen.).*

snehana a. (f. ī) & n. lubricating, anointing; feeling affection.

snehabhūmi m. object of love.

snehamaya f. ī consisting or full of affection.

snehala a. affectionate, tender.

snehavant a. oily, greasy; also = prec.

snehasaṃyukta a. mixed with oil or grease.

snehasaṃjvaravant a. full of ardent love.

snehākūta n. feeling of love.

snehāṅkana n. a mark of affection.

snehin a. liking, fond of (--°).

spand spandate spandati v pp. spandita (q.v.) quiver, throb, quake, kick (of animals), budge. C. spandayati (te) make quiver. --
     ā pari pra vi sam quiver, shake.

spanda m. quivering, throbbing, motion i.g.

spandana a. kicking (cow); m. a kind of tree; n. = prec.

spandita a. & n. quivering, moving.

spandin a. quivering.

spandyā f. thread, string.

sparaṇa f. ī rescuing, delivering.

spardhā f. contest, emulation with (instr. ±saha, gen., or --°) about (instr.).

spardhāvant a. rivalling, emulous.

spardhin a. rivalling, emulous.

spardhya a. desirable, precious.

sparśa a. touching, penetrating (--°); m. touch, contact; perception of touch, feeling, sensation. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

sparśakṣama a. tangible.

sparśaguṇa a. having the quality of touch.

sparśana n. touching, feeling, sensation.

sparśanīya a. to be (being) touched or felt.

sparśayitavya a. to be (being) touched or felt.

sparśavant a. having tangibility, palpable.

sparśānukūla a. grateful to the touch.

sparśin a. touching, entering, penetrating (--°).

spaś [1] (paś), pp. spaṣṭa (q.v.) see, behold, look at. C. spāśayati mark, notice, show. -- Cf. anuspaṣṭa vispaṣṭa.

spaś [2] m. (nom. spaṭ) spy, guardian.

spaśa m. the same.

spaṣṭa a. visible, discernible, distinct, manifest, clear; n. adv.

spaṣṭārtha a. clear in meaning, intelligible; n. adv.

spaṣṭīkṛ a. make distinct or clear.

spārha a. desirable, enviable.

spārhavīra a. consisting in enviable heroes.

spūrdh  = spṛdh1.

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spṛ spṛṇoti spṛṇute v (spṛṇāti), pp. spṛta loosen, free from (abl.), rescue, save, attract, win. C. spārayati the same. --
     apa free from (abl.), alienate.
     ava deliver.
     ā attract, win.
     nis free from (abl.).
     vi tear asunder, separate.

spṛdh spardhate1 v (ti) contend, emulate, strive (instr. ±saha or acc. of pers. & loc. of th.). --
     adhi pra prati vi & sam = S.

spṛdh [2] f. contest; rival, foe.

spṛdhya -> mitha(ḥ)spṛdhya.

spṛś spṛśati1 v (spṛśati1 (-te), pp. spṛṣṭa (q.v.) touch (acc. or loc.) esp. apas udakam etc. touch water, also adbhis wash or sprinkle with water (r.); feel, perceive (by touching); reach up to (loc. or acc.); attain, obtain, incur, suffer. C. sparśayate), pp. spṛṣṭa (q.v.) touch (acc. or loc.) esp. apas udakam etc. touch water, also adbhis wash or sprinkle with water (r.); feel, perceive (by touching); reach up to (loc. or acc.); attain, obtain, incur, suffer. C. sparśayati (-te) cause or make to touch (2 acc.), bring into immediate contact with (loc. or instr.); present to, bestow on (dat.). --
     adhi touch (superficially).
     anu touch, fill with (instr.).
     abhi touch, visit, afflict.
     ā touch slightly.
     ud reach up to (acc.).
     upa touch, stroke, caress; w. apas etc. = S. (also ± instr. of the water & ± acc. of the touched parts of the body).
     samupa touch (esp. water or with water; cf. S.), bathe in (loc.).
     pari touch, stroke.
     sam touch, bring in contact with (instr.); reach to, attain, visit, befall; ±apas etc. wash, bathe (r.). -- Cf. upaspṛṣṭa saṃspṛṣṭa.

spṛś [2] (nom. spṛk) & spṛśa a. touching, reaching (--°).

spṛśya a. to be touched or felt.

spṛṣṭa a. touched, felt, visited by or afflicted with (instr. or --°).

spṛṣṭamaithuna a. defiled by sexual intercourse.

spṛṣṭi f. touch, contact.

spṛṣṭikā f. touch, contact.

spṛṣṭin a. who has touched.

spṛh spṛhayati spṛhayate v be eager; strive after or long for (dat., gen., or acc.), envy (dat., gen. or loc.). --
     sam desire ardently (acc.)

spṛhaṇa n. desire, longing for (--°).

spṛhaṇīya a. desirable, enviable, attractive, charming; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

spṛhayāyya a. worthy to be striven after or contested.

spṛhayālu a. longing for, delighting in (dat. or loc.), wishing to (infin.); jealous, envious.

spṛhā f. desire, longing for, delight in (gen., loc., or --°); envy.

spṛhāvant a. longing for, delighting in (loc.).

sphaṭika m. rock-crystal.

sphaṭikamaṇi m. (& -śilā f.*) the same.

sphaṭikamaya f. ī made of crystal, crystalline.

sphar C. sphārayati, pp. sphārita (q.v.) open widely, spread, expand, divulge, w. dhanus etc. bend the bow, shoot off. --
     vi = S. -- Cf. visphārita.

sphal C. sphālayati, w.
     ā strike or hurl against (acc. or loc.), w.
     sam crush.

sphāṭika f. ā & ī crystalline; n. crystal.

sphāti f. fattening, breeding (of cattle).

sphātimant a. fat.

sphāy sphāyate v pp. sphīta (q.v.) grow, fat, swell, increase. C. sphāvayati fatten, enlarge, augment. --
     ā grow, increase.
     vi swell. -- Cf. saṃsphīta.

sphāra a. extensive, wide, big, large, violent, abundant.

sphāraphulla a. full blown.

sphārībhū open, expand, swell, increase.

sphāvayitṛ m. fattener.

sphigī (nom. sphik) f. buttock, hip.

sphij (nom. sphik) f. buttock, hip.

sphira a. fat.

sphīta a. fat, swollen, large, thick; thriving, prosperous; numerous, abundant; richly endowed with, full of (instr. or --°).

sphuṭ sphuṭati & sphoṭati v burst, split, expand, open, blossom. C. sphoṭayati burst or rend asunder, shake, toss. --
     ā C. cleave, crush, shake, toss.
     pra fly open, burst; C. cleave.
     vi burst, split, fly open.

sphuṭa a. open, blossomed, blown; clear, distinct, plain. Abstr. -tā f. -tva n.

sphuṭana n. splitting, bursting.

sphuṭay sphuṭayati v make clear or manifest.

sphuṭākṣara a. clear or distinct (-syllabled).

sphuṭārtha [1] m. a clear meaning.

sphuṭārtha [2] a. clear in meaning.

sphuṭīkṛ & sphuṭībhū v make (become) dear or manifest.

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sphur sphurati sphurate v pp. sphurita jerk, dart, kick (tr. & intr.); quiver, tremble, glitter, sparkle, start into view, appear, arise. --
     apa snap away, withdraw quickly.
     ava & nis hurl away.
     pari quiver, throb; glitter, shine; rise, appear.
     pra kick or hurl away, shake, tremble, quiver etc. = prec.
     vi fly asunder; tremble, quiver = prec.

sphura a. & n. trembling, vibrating.

sphuraṇa a. glittering, sparkling; n. the action of quivering, trembling, glittering, shining forth, appearing.

sphurita a. throbbing, trembling, palpitating, glittering, sparkling; risen, appeared; n. = prec. n.

sphul pp. sphulita sprung forth, appeared.

sphuliṅga m. spark of fire; p. -ṅgavant.

sphuliṅgaka m. spark of fire; p. -ṅgavant.

sphūrj sphūrjati v pp. sphūrjita rumble, roar, thunder; burst forth, appear. C. sphṛrjayati crackle, rustle. --
     abhi & ava roar, thunder.
     vi rumble, snort; break forth, appear. -- Cf. visphūrjita.

sphūrja m. a cert. plant.

sphūrjaka m. a cert. plant.

sphūrjathu m. thunder.

sphūrjita n. thundering, roaring.

sphūrti f. appearance, manifestation.

sphoṭa m. bursting, splitting, opening, cracking, roaring; also = seq.

sphoṭaka m. -ṭikā f. swelling, boil, tumor.

sphoṭana a. & n. splitting, breaking.

sphoṭāyana m. N. of a grammarian.

sphya m. wooden splinter (r.).

sma enclitic and slightly asseverative, often pleonastic, is added to other particles, esp. ha & hi, to na & mā, to rel, & dem. pronouns, & to verbs, esp. to the present tense, which it gives the value of a past.

smat adv. together, at once, simultaneously; prep. along with (°-- & instr.).

smadabhīśu a. having reins.

smadibha m. N. of a man.

smadiṣṭa a. charged with a commission.

smadūdhnī f. having a full udder.

smaddiṣṭi a. disciplined, trained, expert.

smaya m. astonishment, wonder; arrogance, pride in (--°).

smayana n. smiling, a smile.

smayin a. smiling, laughing (--°).

smara m. remembrance, love or the god of love.

smarakathā f. love-discourse.

smarakāra f. ī awakening love.

smaraṇa n. remembrance, memory, tradition.

smaraṇīya a. to be remembered.

smaradāyin a. rousing love.

smaradīpana a. rousing love.

smaraśāsana m. Smara's chastiser, i.e. Śiva.

smarasakha m. Smara's friend, i.e. Spring.

smarāri m. Smara's foe i.e. Śiva.

smarātura a. love-sick.

smartavya a. = syaraṇīya.

smāra m. remembrance, longing.

smāraṇa n. reminding, calling to mind.

smāram (ger., always repeated) remembering, in rembrance of (acc.).

smārin a. remembering, recollecting (--°).

smārta a. relating to memory, based on tradition.

smi smayate smayati v pp. smita (q.v.) smile, blush, be proud or arrogant. --
     ava blush down (of the dawn).
     ud smile up (with pride).
     abhyud & upa smile upon (acc.).
     pra break out into a laugh.
     vi be astounded or surprised by (instr., loc., or abl.); be proud, boast of (intr.). -- Cf. vismita.

smita a. smiling, expanded, blown; n. a smile.

smitapūrva a. preceded by a smile.

smitojjvala a. shining with a smile (eye).

smṛ smarati smarate v pp. smṛta (q.v.) remember (gen. or acc.); recollect, call to mind; hand down, record, declare, teach (esp. P. smaryate be recorded or declared as a law or custom, pass for (nom. or loc.). Caus. smārayati & smarayati cause to remember, remind (2 acc. or gen. of pers. & acc. of th.). --
     anu remember, collect; confess. C. remind.
     apa lose conscience, forget.
     upa remember, call to mind (acc.).
     pra remember or forget.
     prati remember; C. remind.
     vi forget; C. cause to forget (2 acc.).
     sam remember (acc.); C. remind of (2 acc.). -- Cf. anusmṛta vismṛta saṃsmṛta.

smṛta a. remembered, handed down by memory or tradition, taught, enjoined; passing for, named, called (nom. ±iti).

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smṛti f. remembrance, memory, tradition (opp.
śruti revelation); a class of works based on authoritative tradition.

smṛtikārin a. reviving a recollection.

smṛtipāṭhaka m. a lawyer.

smṛtibhū m. the god of love.

smṛtibhraṃśa m. loss or failure of memory.

smṛtimant a. having (a good) memory or (full) conscience; versed in law.

smṛtimaya f. ī based on tradition.

smṛtivibhrama m. confusion of memory.

smṛtiśāstra n. law-book.

smera a. smiling, friendly; expanded, blown; full of (--°).

sya pron. st. of 3d pers. (only nom. sgl., cf. tya).

syad syand syandate syandati v pp. syanna1 flow, run, drive (in a carriage), hasten. C. syandayati = S. --
     accha flow or run to (acc.).
     anu run towards or along.
     abhi the same, overflow.
     ava flow down.
     ā & upa run or flow towards (acc.).
     ni flow down.
     pra flow, run; drive away (in a carriage).
     pari flow around.
     vi flow forth or over, flow abundantly.
     sam flow or run together. -- Cf. viṣyaṇa.

syad [2] -> raghuṣyad.

syada m. rapid course.

syanttṛ a. hastening on.

syanda m. flowing.

syandana a. & n. flowing, running; m. carriage, chariot.

syandin a. flowing; letting flow.

syandyā -> spandyā.

syandra a. rushing, quick.

syāla m. the wife's brother, brother-in-law.

syū f. thread or needle.

syūta a. sewn, sewn on.

syūman n. band, thong, rein; suture (on the scull).

syedu m. phlegm.

syona a. soft, mild, tender; n. a soft couch or seat, comfort i.g.

syonakṛt a. preparing a soft couch.

syonaśī a. resting on a soft couch.

sraṃs sraṃsate v (sraṃsati), pp. srasta (q.v.) fall, drop or hang down, decay, perish. C. sraṃsayati cause to fall, loosen. --
     ava fall down.
     vyava fall asunder.
     vi fall asunder, break down, drop; C. cause to drop, loosen. -- C. āsrasta utsrasta visrasta.

sraṃsa a. breaking, loosening.

sraṃsin a. getting loose, falling down, depending.

srakti f. corner.

sraktya m. a cert. plant.

srakva s. corner of the mouth; mouth, jaws.

sragdāman n. a garland of flowers.

sragdhara a. wearing a garland; f. ā N. of a metre.

sragvin a. = prec. adj.

sraj f. wreath, garland (--° also sraja & srajas).

srava m. stream or gush of, adj. flowing with, out-pouring (--°).

sravaṇa n. sravatha m. flowing, streaming.

sravat f. stream, river.

sravantī f. stream, river.

sravas n. (--°) = srava m.

sravitave dat. infin. to sru.

sravitavai dat. infin. to sru.

sravatha m. flowing, running.

sraṣṭṛ m. maker, creator.

srasta a. fallen, loosened.

srastamukta a. hanging loose down.

srastara m. straw, couch.

srāma [1] a. lame.

srāma [2] m. disease, sickness.

srāva m. flow, oozing.

srāvaṇa a. & n. making flow.

srāvin a. flowing; making flow (--°).

sridh sredhati1 v do or go amiss, fail.

sridh [2] f. foe or sinner.

srīv srīvyati v fail.

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sru sravati v (sravate), pp. sruta flow, stream; flow with (instr. or acc.); drip, leak (vessel); flow or waste away, perish, be lost. C. srāvayati & sravayati cause to flow, spill, shed. --
     ati flow over.
     adhi flow off (abl.).
     abhi flow hither.
     ava flow down; C. = anvava C. cause to flow down.
     ā & upa flow towards (acc.).
     ni flow down.
     nis flow asunder or out, flow forth, rise from (abl).
     pari flow around or abundantly; run away, pass (time).
     pra flow forth, stream from (abl.); let flow, discharge.
     abhipra & saṃpra stream forth.
     vi stream forth, flow from (abl.); let flow, discharge; melt away, perish.
     sam flow or run together.

srukka (a. --°) = sruc.

srugdaṇḍa m. the handle of the Sruc.

srughna m. N. of a town.

sruc f. (nom. sruk) a large sacrificial ladle.

srucya a. performed with the Sruc.

srut (--°) flowing with, discharging.

srutajala a. dry (lit. having the water flowed off).

sruti f. flow, stream, gush; way, road.

srutya a. relating to a road.

sruva m. a small sacrificial ladle.

sreman -> asreman.

srota (adj. --°) current, channel.

srotas n. current, stream, river, channel; aperture of the body (as eyes, ears, etc.); organ of sense.

srotasya a. flowing in streams.

srotovah f. river.

srotovahā f. river.

srotyā f. flood, wave, stream.

srauca a. performed with the Sruc.

srautovaha a. relating to a stream.

sva (poss. refl.) one's own (often °--). m. n. one's self (in the obl. cases also used as a pronoun, cf. ātman); m. & f. ā a kinsman or relation, a man or woman of one's own caste; n. property, wealth, riches.

svaka (poss. refl.) = prec.; m. relative, friend; n. wealth, property.

svakarman n. one's own work, business, or duty.

svakarmastha a. doing one's duty.

svakāmin a. self-willing.

svakāla m. one's own time, loc. in time.

svakīya (poss. refl.) one's own; m. pl. relatives or friends.

svakula [1] n. one's own family or race.

svakula [2] a. belonging to one's own family.

svakuśalamaya f. ī relating to one's own welfare.

svakṛta a. self-done; n. such an action.

svakṣa [1] a. having a beautiful axle; m. such a a waggon.

svakṣa f. ī2 fair-eyed.

svakṣatra a. having self-rule, free.

svagata a. relating or belonging to one's self; n. adv. apart, aside.

svagā (indecl.) a sacrificial formula; w. kṛ utter this exclamation.

svaguṇa [1] m. one's own virtue or merit; abl. -tas.

svaguṇa [2] a. having virtues and merits of one's own.

svagūrta a. delectable by its own nature.

svagṛha n. one's own house.

svagni a. having a good Agni (fire).

svaṅga a. fair-limbed.

svaṅguri a. having handsome or clever fingers.

svacakṣus n. one's own eye.

svacetas n. one's own idea.

svaccha a. very clear, transparent, bright, pure; abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

svacchanda [1] m. one's own will or choice, independence; °-- & -tas at will, spontaneously, freely.

svacchanda [2] a. independent, spontaneous, free, n. adv.

svacchandacāra a. moving at will, independent.

svacchandacārin a. moving at will, independent.

svacchandavanajāta a. grown wild (lit. spontaneously) in the wood.

svaj svajate svajati v pp. svakta embrace, encircle. --
     abhi pari abhipari saṃpari & vi (ṣva),
     sam abhisam = S.

svaja a. born from or belonging to one's self, one's own; m. a viper.

svajana m. one's own man, (coll.) people or kindred.

svajanman a. produced or begotten by one's self.

svajāta a. produced or begotten by one's self.

svajā a. self-born.

svajāti f. one's own caste or race; a. belonging to it.

svajātīya a. = prec. adj.

svajātya a. = prec. adj.

svajita a. conquered by one's self.

svajenya a. = svajanman.

svajñāti m. one's own kindred or kin.

svañc a. moving lightly, quick.

svañcas a. moving lightly, quick.

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svatantra [1] n. self-dependence, i.e. independence, freedom; also -tā f.

svatantra [2] a. self-dependent, free.

svatantray svatantrayati v bring into dependance, call to obedience.

svatavas a. (nom. -vān) self-strong, conscious of one's own strength.

svatas adv. = abl. of sva a. & m.

svatā f. -tva n. relation to one's self.

svatejas n. one's own splendour.

svad svadati svadate v (svādate), pp. svātta (q.v.) A. sweeten, make savoury or agreeable; A. (P.) be sweet or savoury, please; relish, taste, eat, enjoy; delight in (loc.). C. svadayati make savoury, season, cook; make soft i.e. calm, propitiate; svādayati relish, taste, eat. --
     ā & samā (svādayati) relish, eat, enjoy.

svadita a. well eaten.

svadeśa m. one's own place or land, home.

svadhana n. one's own wealth or property.

svadharma m. one's own right or duty.

svadharman a. keeping to one's custom.

svadhā [1] f. (one's own or peculiar) nature or condition (lit. self-position, spontaneity), habit, custom, rule; accustomed place, home; welfare, comfort, pleasure. Instr. sgl. & pl., svadhāmanu anu svadhām & svadhā anu willingly, freely, in wonted wise, merrily, wantonly.

svadhā [2] f. sweet drink, esp. a libation to the Manes; the exclamation Svadhā (used on presenting or instead of this libation).

svadhākara a. offering a libation to the Manes or pronouncing the exclamation Svadhā.

svadhākāra m. the exclamation Svadhā.

svadhāvan f. -varī = seq.

svadhāvant [1] a. keeping to one's habit or custom, constant, faithful, comfortable, blessed.

svadhāvant [2] a. containing sweet drink or refreshment.

svadhāvin a. = prec.

svadhita a. healthy, strong.

svadhiti [1] m. f. axe, hatchet.

svadhiti [2] f. a kind of large tree with hard wood.

svadhitīvant a. consisting of Svadhā-wood (cf. prec.).

svadhīta a. well taught or instructed; n. good study.

svadhīti a. studying well.

svadhvara a. sacrificing well; m. n. a good sacrifice.

svan svanati svanate v pp. svanita (q.v.) sound, roar, cry, hum. C. svanayati = S. --
     ava cry or roar down.
     ā sound.
     pari (saniṣvat1) clang.
     pra roar.
     prati sound back, re-echo.
     vi roar, howl, sound.

svana [1] m. sound, roar, thunder, in l. l. any kind of sound or noise.

svana [2] m. roaring water.

svanavant a. sounding, loud.

svanas & svani (--°) = svana1.

svanita a. sounding; n. sound.

svanīka a. fair-faced.

svanugupta a. well hidden.

svanuṣṭhita a. well performed.

svanta a. ending well.

svap svapiti & svapati svapate v pp. supta (q.v.) sleep, fall asleep, lie down, repose, be dead. C. svāpayati (svapayati) make sleep, bring to rest, kill. D. suṣupsati wish to sleep. --
     ni go to sleep, die; C. put to sleep, kill.
     pra fall asleep, go to rest, sleep. C. put to sleep, lull to rest. -- Cf. avasupta prasupta viṣupta saṃsupta saṃprasupta (add.).

svapakṣa m. one's own side or party, opinion or statement.

svapatya [1] n. good offspring or a good work.

svapatya [2] a. having good offspring or doing a good work.

svapada n. one's own abode, place, position, rank or dignity.

svapana a. sleepy; n. sleeping, sleep.

svaparāhṇe (loc.) late in the afternoon.

svapas a. working or worked well, skilful or skilfully made; m. artist.

svapasy svapasyate v work well, be active or busy.

svapasya a. active, industrious.

svapasyā f. (instr.) activity, cleverness.

svapāka a. working well, skilful.

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svapivāta a. well meaning or much desired.

svapū f. bosom.

svaptavya n. impers. to be slept.

svapna m. sleep, dream.

svapnaj a. sleepy.

svapnaja a. dreamt (sleep-born).

svapnadhīgamya a. perceptible by the intellect in sleep.

svapnabhāj a. enjoying sleep.

svapnayā adv. in dreaming.

svapnalabdha a. attained in sleep.

svapnavṛtta a. happened in a dream, dreamt.

svapnas a. wealthy, rich.

svapnasaṃdarśana n. sight or illusion of a dream.

svapnānta m. condition of sleeping or dreaming.

svapnāy svapnāyate v be sleepy; be like a dream.

svapnya n. vision of a dream; svapnyayā adv. in dreaming.

svapradhāna a. self-dependent; abstr. -tā f.

svabandhu m. (one's own) relation or friend.

svabhānu a. self-luminous.

svabhāva m. birth-place; (one's own) inherent disposition or nature; °--, abl., & instr. by nature, naturally, spontaneously.

svabhāvaja a. innate, natural.

svabhāvokta a. uttered spontaneously.

svabhiṣṭi a. granting or receiving good assistance.

svabhīśu a. having beautiful reins.

svabhū a. self-existing; m. Brahman; f. one's own country or home.

svabhūti [1] f. one's own welfare.

svabhūti [2] a. self-existing.

svabhūmi f. = svabhū f.

svabhyakta a. well anointed.

svamahiman m. one's own greatness.

svamāṃsa n. one's own flesh.

svamātṛtas adv. from (one's own) mother's side.

svayaṃvara a. self-choosing; kanyā (±bhartṛ)svayaṃvarā f. a maiden who thus chooses her husband. m. self-choice (esp. of a husband by a girl of the warrior caste).

svayaṃvaravadhū f. a self-chosen wife.*

svayaṃvṛta a. self-chosen (husband).

svayaṃśīrṇa a. self-fallen.

svayaṃśreṣṭha a. best etc. by nature.

svayaṃsras a. falling & fallen spontaneously.

svayaṃsrasta a. falling & fallen spontaneously.

svayaṃkṛta a. self-made; done by or for one's self; made one's own, adopted.

svayaṃkhāta a. self-dug.

svayaṃgraha m. -grahaṇa n. the (violent) taking for one's self.

svayaṃgrāha [1] m. = prec.

svayaṃgrāha [2] a. taking freely or violently; °-- & n. adv. voluntarily, spontaneously.

svayaṃja a. self-born.

svayaṃjāta a. self-born.

svayaṃjyotis a. self-shining.

svayata a. self-guided.

svayaṃtyakta a. self-abandoned.

svayaṃdatta a. self-given (son).

svayaṃdhārita a. self-worn (ornament).*

svayaṃnirdiṣṭa a. self-marked.

svayam (indecl.) self (applied to the gramm. or log. subject); often °-- self-, spontaneously, voluntarily, naturally.

svayamanuṣṭhāna n. self-performance or practice of (loc.).

svayamarjita a. self-acquired.

svayamāgata a. come of one's own accord.

svayamāhṛta a. self-fetched.

svayamudyata a. offered spontaneously.

svayaṃprakāśa a. self-manifest.

svayaṃprakāśamāna a. self-luminous; abstr. -tva n.

svayaṃprabha a. self-shining.

svayaṃpraśīrṇa a. self-fallen.

svayaṃprastuta a. self-praised.

svayaṃbhagna a. broken or fallen off spontaneously.

svayaṃbhu m. E. of Brahman & Śiva (cf. svayaṃbhū).

svayaṃbhuva a. = seq. adj.

svayaṃbhū a. self-existent; m. E. of Brahman.

svayaṃmṛta a. died of one's self.

svayaśas a. self-glorious or majestic.

svayu a. self-dependent.

svayukta a. self-yoked.

svayukti f. one's own team; one's own arrangement or disposition, instr. & -tas naturally, of course.

svayugvan m. an ally.

svayuj m. an ally.

svayoni [1] f. one's own womb, home, or place.

svayoni [2] (f. also ī) related by blood.

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svar svarati1 v sound, make resound; sing, praise; shine, be bright. C. svarayati (P. svaryate) pronounce with the Svarita accent. --
     ati let a sound die away.
     abhi chime in.
     ava resound.
     sam & abhisam salute, invoke.

svar [2] n. the sun, sunlight, light i.g., the light space i.e. the sky or heaven.

svara m. sound, voice, accent, musical tone or note.

svaraṃkṛta a. well prepared (sacrifice).

svaraṇa a. sounding loud, clear-voiced.

svaraparivarta m. change of the voice.

svarabhakti f. vowel-fracture (g.).

svarabheda m. loss or change of the voice.

svarayoga m. sound-combination, voice.

svaravant a. sounding, loud, accented.

svarasaṃyoga m. = svarayoga; also song or playing on the lute.*

svarasaṃkrama m. transition of sounds or notes.

svarasaṃpad f. harmony (of the voice).

svarasaṃpanna a. harmonious (voice).

svarāj a. self-ruling, independent; m. = seq.

svarājan m. -rājñī f. sovereign.

svarājya n. independent dominion, also = seq.

svarāṣṭra n. one's own kingdom.

svari a. loud, noisy.

svarita a. sounded, accented, having the Sv. accent; m. n. the Svarita accent; abstr. -tva n.

svaritra a. having good oars.

svaru m. the sacrificial post or a slip of wood from it.

svaruci [1] f. one's own wish or pleasure; instr. at will.

svaruci [2] a. self-willed, wilful.

svarūpa n. (one's own) form or shape, true nature, p. svarūpavant & svarūpin; (±śabda° or śabdasya) the word in its peculiar form, the word itself (g.); °-- & -tas by nature, of one's self, really.

svarocis [1] n. one's own splendour.

svarocis [2] a. self-resplendent.

svarka a. singing well.

svarga a. going or leading to light or heaven, heavenly; m. (±loka) the heavenly world, heaven, paradise.

svargakāma a. desirous of heaven.

svargagati f. going to heaven.

svargagamana n. the same, dying.

svargagāmin a. going to heaven.

svargacyuta a. descended from heaven.

svargajit a. conquering heaven.

svargajīvin a. dwelling in heaven.

svargata a. gone to heaven, died.

svargataraṃgiṇī f. the heavenly river, Gan1gā.

svargataru m. a tree growing in heaven.

svargati f. svargamana n. going to heaven, death.

svargadvāra n. the gate of heaven.

svargapurī f. the heavenly city, Amarāvatī.

svargapati m. lord of heaven, Indra.

svargabhartṛ m. lord of heaven, Indra.

svargamārga m. the road to heaven.

svargayāṇa f. ī going or leading to heaven.

svargarājya n. the kingdom of heaven.

svargaloka [1] m. the heavenly world.

svargaloka [2] a. dwelling in heaven.

svargavant a. partaking of heaven.

svargasad m. a dweller in heaven.

svargasukha n. the joy of heaven.

svargastrī f. heavenly woman, Apsaras.

svargastha a. being in heaven, dead.

svargasthita a. the same.

svargāmin a. gone to or being in heaven, dying or dead.

svargāy svargāyate v be like heaven.*

svargin a. partaking of heaven, dead; m. a god.

svargīya a. relating to heaven, heavenly.

svargaukas m. a dweller in heaven, a god.

svargya a. helping to or partaking of heaven, heavenly, celestial.

svarcakṣas a. radiant as the sun.

svarcanas a. pleasing (like) heaven.

svarci a. shining beautifully.

svarjit a. conquering light or heaven; m. a kind of sacrifice.

svarṇa ( = suvarṇa) n. gold (also -ka n.) or a cert. weight of gold (also m.).

svarṇakāra m. goldsmith.

svarṇakṛt m. goldsmith.

svarṇadī f. the heavenly river (Gan1gā).

svarṇara m. the lord or the space of light.

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svarṇṛ m. the lord or the space of light.

svarṇarekhā f. a streak of gold (on the touch-stone); N. of a woman.

svartha a. pursuing the right aim.

svarda a. granting heaven or light.

svardā a. granting heaven or light.

svardṛś a. (nom. -dṛk) looking to or like heaven.

svardhin m. a good partisan.

svarnagarī f. = svargapurī.

svarpati m. lord of light, E. of Indra.

svarbhānava m. a kind of stone; f. ī N. of a daughter of Svarbhānu.

svarbhānu m. N. of a demon obscuring the sun and the moon, in l. l. = Rāhu.

svarbhānuśatru m. the sun (foe or destroyer of Rāhu).

svarbhānusūdana m. the sun (foe or destroyer of Rāhu).

svarmīḷha n. or svarmI|as adj. w. āji m. the contest for light; contest, fight i.g.

svarmaṇi m. the heavenly jewel, the sun.

svarya (f. Ved. svarī) sounding, roaring, noisy.

svaryāta a. gone to heaven, dead.

svaryu a. desirous of light.

svarloka [1] m. the heavenly world, E. of mount Meru.

svarloka [2] a. partaking of heaven, m. a god.

svarvadhū f. heavenly woman, Apsaras.

svarvant a. light, celestial.

svarvid a. winning or possessing the heavenly light.

svarṣā a. = prec.

svarṣāti f. abstr. to prec., contest, fight.

svalaṃkṛta a. well adorned.

svalajjā f. (one's own) shame.

svalpa a. very small or minute, insignificant; instr. for a very short time. Compar. -tara & svalpīyaṃs.

svalpaka f. svalpikā very small or short.

svalpatas adv. by (small) degrees, slowly.

svalpavayas a. young (short-lived).

svalpasmṛti a. of short memory.

svalpībhū be small, fall short.

svavat adv. as one's own.

svavaśa a. subject to one's own will, independent, free; abstr. -tā f.

svavān (nom.) having or affording good protection.

svavidyut a. self-shining.

svaviṣaya m. one's own sphere, province, or country.

svavṛtti f. one's own way of life or means of subsistence, self-dependence, independence.

svaśakti f. one's own might or power.

svaśocis a. self-shining.

svaścandra a. self-shining.

svaśva a. having good horses.

svaśvya n. possession of good horses, horsemanship.

svasara n. fold, stable, wont place, nest, house, home.

svasita a. quite black.

svasṛ f. sister, svasṛtva n. sisterhood.

svasṛt a. going one's own way, free.

svastara m. self-prepared straw (for sitting or lying on).

svasti f. welfare, blessing, happiness; the same form as adv. with luck, happily (also svastibhis), as subst. n. = f., svastyastu te hail to thee!

svastika m. a kind of bard (calling hail!); N. of a serpent-demon etc.; any lucky or auspicious figure, esp. the figure of a cross, a dish of a cert. form, the crossing of the arms; a building shaped like a cross (also n.).

svastikāra m. bard, herald (cf. prec.); the exclamation svasti.

svastigā a. leading to welfare.

svastitā f. condition of welfare.

svastida a. bestowing welfare.

svastidā a. bestowing welfare.

svastimant a. prosperous, happy, auspicious.

svastivāc f. -vācaka m. blessing, benediction.

svastivācana n. the invitation of a Brahman to pronounce a benediction and the offering of flowers, fruits, & sweetmeats connected with it.

svastivācanaka a. offering flowers etc. (cf. prec.).*

svastivācanika a. offering flowers etc. (cf. prec.).*

svastivācya a. to be called upon to pronounce a benediction; n. = svastivācana.

svastyayana n. good progress, success, welfare, blessing, benediction; a. (f. ī) producing happiness.

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svastyātreya m. N. of an ancient sage.

svastha a. being in one's natural condition, healthy, well, comfortable; abstr. -tā f.

svasthamānasa a. in good spirits, cheerful.

svasthāna [1] n. one's own place, home.

svasthāna [2] a. being at one's own place.

svasrīya m. ā f. a sister's son and daughter.

svasvabhāva m. one's own nature.

svasvarūpa n. one's own character.

svaḥsundarī f. heavenly maid, Apsaras.

svaḥstrī f. heavenly maid, Apsaras.

svaharaṇa n. seizure of one's property.

svahasta m. one's own hand.

svahastikā f. hoe, hatchet.

svahita a. good for or kind to one's self; n. one's own welfare.

svāṃśatas adv. (created) from a part of one's own.

svākṛti a. well shaped, handsome.

svāgata a. welcome (also lit. well come i.e. well acquired); n. welcome, salutation, -tī kṛ make into a welcome.

svāṅka m. one's own lap.

svāṅga n. one's own body.

svācaraṇa a. well-conducted.

svācānta a. who has well rinsed his mouth.

svācāra [1] m. good conduct.

svācāra [2] a. well-conducted (also -vant).

svācchandya n. independence, liberty; instr. willingly, of one's own accord.

svājīva a. yielding a good subsistence.

svājīvya a. yielding a good subsistence.

svātantrya n. self-dependence, free will; instr. spontaneously, freely.

svāti f. N. of a constellation.

svātī f. N. of a constellation.

svātta a. made savoury, seasoned; tasted, eaten.

svātman m. one's own self or nature.

svātmavadha m. suicide.

svāda m. taste, flavour, charm.

svādana a. making savoury, sweetening, seasoning; n. tasting, relishing.

svādanīya a. tasty, savoury.

svādas -> prasvādas.

svādāna [1] n. taking one's due.

svādāna [2] a. easy to be taken.

svādiman m. sweetness.

svādu f. -dvī tasting good, savoury, sweet, sweeter than (abl.); n. = seq.

svādutā f. sweetness, charm.

svāduman m. svātnan n. the same.

svādman m. svātnan n. the same.

svāduyukta a. connected with sweetness, sweet.

svādya a. being tasted, tasty.

svādhī a. meditative, attentive, careful, longing.

svādhīna a. self-dependent, free; under one's own control, subject to one's own will. Abstr. -tā f.

svādhīnakuśala a. having prosperity in one's own power.

svādhīnopāya a. having an expedient in one's own power.

svādhyāya m. reading or repeating (to one's self), esp. study of the Veda.

svādhyāyavant a. practising the study of the Veda.

svādhyāyin a. practising the study of the Veda.

svādhyāyārthin a. intent upon the study of the Veda.

svāna m. sound, noise.

svānin a. sounding, noisy.

svānta m. one's own end or death, kingdom or country; n. the heart (as the dominion of the self).

svāpa m. sleep, dream.

svāpateya n. one's own wealth or property.

svāpana a. causing sleep.

svāpi m. a good relation or friend.

svābhāvika f. ī belonging to one's own nature, natural, peculiar, inherent.

svābhāvya n. abstr. to prec.

svābhū a. abundant, ready, at hand.

svāmika (adj. --°) = svāmin.

svāmitā f. -tva n. ownership, dominion over (gen. or --°).

svāmin m. owner, proprietor, master, lord; f. -nī.

svāmipāla m. du. master and herdsman.

svāmibhaṭṭāraka m. a noble lord.*

svāmisevā f. service of a master.

svāmya n. ownership, dominion.

svāyatta a. subject to one's self, standing under one's own control; abstr. -tva n.

svāyaṃbhuva [1] a. relating to Svayambhū (Brahman) or Svāyambhuva (v. seq.).

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svāyaṃbhuva [2] m. patr. of the first Manu.

svāyudha a. well armed.

svāra m. sound, accent, esp. the Svarita.

svārakṣya a. easily protected or defended.

svārājya n. self-sovereignty, unlimited dominion.

svāruh a. grown form its own root, firmly rooted.

svārociṣa m. patron. of the second Manu.

svārjita a. self-acquired.

svārtha [1] m. one's own affair or cause, own or original meaning.

svārtha [2] a. relating to one's own person, self-interested, egoistic; abstr. -tā f.

svārthasādhana n. attainment of one's own ends; -tatpara a. intent upon it.

svālakṣaṇya n. true disposition, peculiarity.

svāveśa a. easily accessible.

svāśu a. very swift.

svās a. sharp-mouthed (Agni) or sharpedged (axe).

svāsana n. a fine seat.

svāsastha a. having or offering a good or comfortable seat.

svāsīna a. comfortably seated.

svāstīrṇa a. well spread, wide.

svāsthya n. comfort, ease.

svāhā an exclam, used in making oblations = hail to (dat.), or at the end of an invocation = Amen; as f. a personification of the daughter of Dakṣa and wife of Agni.

svāhākāra m. the utterance of the word Svāhā, also = -kṛti.

svāhākṛ utter the word Svāhā, pp. -kṛta consecrated with Svāhā.

svāhākṛti f. consecration with the word Svāhā.

svāhuta a. well invoked or worshipped.

svita n. = suvita welfare, happiness.

svid svedate svidyati svedate svidyate v pp. svinna1 sweat, perspire. C. svedayati cause to sweat, make warm, foment. --
     pra begin to sweat, become moist.
     sam C. = S.C.

svid [2] (indecl.) lays stress upon an interr. pron. or makes it indefinite (kaḥ svid who then or whosoever, kva svid anywhere), often expletive. Follows api uta (which it also precedes), & āho. Often in disjunctive questions in both clauses, alone or with a pronoun or another particle.

svinna a. perspired, sweated; seethed, boiled.

sviṣu a. having good arrows.

sviṣṭa [1] a. well beloved.

sviṣṭa [2] a. well or properly sacrificed; n. a good sacrifice.

sviṣṭakṛt a. offering good sacrifices, E. of Agni.

sviṣṭi [1] f. a good or successful sacrifice.

sviṣṭi [2] a. sacrificing well.

svīkaraṇa n. making one's own, appropriating, taking to wife, admitting, assenting.

svīkāra m. appropriation, reception, admission, assent.

svīkṛ M. (A.) make one's own, appropriate, win, take (also to wife ±bhāryārthe), admit, assent.

svīya a. one's own.

sveccham adv. at will or pleasure.

svecchā f. one's own wish or will; °-- & instr. = prec.

svecchācārin a. acting according to one's own will, humorous, wayward.

svecchābhojana n. eating one's fill.

sveda m. sweat; pl. drops of sweat.

svedaja a. produced by sweat or hot moisture.

svedajala n. sweat; -kaṇa m. & -kaṇikā f. drop of sweat.

svedana a. & n. sweating or causing sweat.

svedabindu m. drop of sweat.

svedayu a. sweating, perspiring.

svedaleśa m. drop of sweat.

svedavāri n. sweat-water.

svedāmbu n. sweat-water.

svedodgama m. outbreak of perspiration.

sveṣṭa a. dear to one's self, nearest to one's heart.

svaira a. moving on gently or cautiously; n. adv. of one's own accord, spontaneously, freely, easily, carelessly (also °-- & instr.); gently, slowly, cautiously; as subst. in pendence, free choice.

svairakam adv. straight out, directly.

svairagati a. moving freely.

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svairacārin a. = prec. & seq.

svairavartin a. acting freely.

svairavṛtta a. acting freely.

svairin a. free, independent; wanton, unchaste (woman).

svaiṣa m. own or free choice.

svojas a. very strong or powerful.

ha [1] (encl.) to be sure, indeed ( = older gha), often expletive, esp. at the end of a verse.

ha [2] (--°) killing, slaying.

haṃsa f. ī goose, also applied to the swan, flamingo and like water-fowl; fig. the sun, the soul, du. the individual and universal soul.

haṃsaka m. little or miserable goose, goose i.g. (f. haṃsikā); s. anklet.

haṃsagati f. moving (gracefully) like a swan.

haṃsagāminī f. moving (gracefully) like a swan.

haṃsacandrāṃśu m. pl. sun- and moon-beams.

haṃsatūla n. the down of a geese.

haṃsapada n. goose-foot (as a mark), a cert. weight; m. pl. N. of a people.

haṃsapadikā f. N. of a woman.

haṃsamālā f. a flight of wild geese.

haṃsamukha f. ī shaped like the beak of a goose.

haṃsayāna [1] n. a team of geese.

haṃsayāna f. ī2 riding on a goose.

haṃsarāja m. a big gander (lit. a king of geese).

haṃsavant a. containing the word haṃsa; f. -vatī a woman's name.

haṃsasāci m. a kind of bird.

haṃsāvalī f. = haṃsamālā.

haṃho a. vocative particle.

hañjikā f. maid-servant.

hañje ind. (used in addressing a maid-servant).*

haṭṭa m. market.

haṭha m. violence, force, obstinacy; °--, abl., & instr. adv. violently, forcibly, necessarily, absolutely, by all means.

haṭhakarman n. violent act, violence.

haṭhakāmuka m. a violent suitor.

haṭhikā f. tumult, dreadful noise.

haṇḍikā f. pot.

hata a. smitten, beaten, struck, raised (dust); hit, pierced; wounded, hurt (lit. & fig.); visited or afflicted by (instr. or --°); cheated, deceived; killed, slain; ruined, lost; cursed, wretched, miserable. Often °-- having lost, deprived or destitute of; the wretched or cursed --.

hataka a. smitten, slain; cursed, wretched, miserable.

hatacchāya a. robbed of beauty or grace.

hatajīvana n. the cursed life.

hatajīvita n. the cursed life.

hatatviṣ a. robbed of light or splendour.

hatavidhi m. the cursed fate.

hatahṛdaya n. the cursed heart.

hatastrīka a. having killed a woman.

hatāśa a. desperate or good for nothing (lit. having lost or killed hope).

hati f. striking, stroke, blow.

hatnu a. deadly, pernicious.

hatya n. (--°) & hatyā f. killing, slaughter.

hatha m. stroke, blow.

had hadati v cacare.

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han hanti hate jighnate jighnati1 v (hanati), pp. hata (q.v.) smite, beat, strike, strike down, hew off, hit, pierce, hurt, injure, throw (a spear or an arrow) upon (gen. or dat.), slay, kill, destroy (ātmānamātmanā one's self), suppress, give up, abandon. C. ghātayati (q.v.). D. jighāṃsati (-te) wish to strike down or kill. I. jaṅghanti (jaṅghanyate) tread upon (loc. or acc.) strike, slay, destroy; vex, afflict. --
     apa beat off or out, repel, destroy, unhusk (corn).
     abhi strike at, beat (drum), smite, afflict, visit, touch. D. wish to strike down.
     ava throw down, strike, hit; scare away, repel, keep off.
     ā strike at (loc. or dat., M. strike a part of one's own body); hit, beat, attack, assault.
     abhyā hit, strike, wound, impede.
     pratyā ward off, repel.
     vyā strike, hit, impede, hinder, keep off.
     samā beat (together), strike at, hew down, kill.
     ud force up, raise; root up or out; dig or throw up; M. hang one's self.
     upa beat, strike, touch; stick on, fix, fasten; hit, hurt, afflict, damage, destroy.
     ni strike in or down, hurl upon (loc.); hit at, touch; attack, assail; slay, destroy, bring to nought.
     abhini spit, put on; strike at (acc.).
     praṇi bring to nought, destroy (acc. or gen.).
     pratini strike against (acc.).
     vini beat, strike down, kill, destroy.
     saṃni strike at, attack, kill.
     nis dash out or off, drive away, slay, destroy.
     parā strike off or down, overthrow; hit, touch.
     pari strike around, encompass; extinguish (fire).
     pra beat, strike at (acc.), hew down, kill.
     abhipra, (*nipra w. gen.), & vipra overwhelm.
     prati strike against (gen.), strike at, attack (acc.); strike down, break; pierce, broach; beat back, repel, hinder; frustrate, destroy.
     vi strike apart, break down, destroy; spread, extend; tear or beat off, repel, resist, frustrate.
     sam strike together, join or unite closely, conglomerate; strike or break down. P. thicken (intr.), become firm or solid. -- Cf. abhihata āhata uddhata vihata saṃhata samuddhata.

han f. ghnī2 (--°) killing, slayer.

hanana a. (f. ī) & n. striking down, killing, destroying.

hanīyaṃs (compar.) slaying more or most.

hanu f. the jaw.

hanumant a. having strong jaws; m. N. of a monkey-chief, the son of the god of wind and the ally of Rāma.

hanumannāṭaka n. T. of a drama.

hanūmant m. = hanumant m.

hanta interj. come! go to! well! often repeated or w. .

hantavya a. to be killed.

hantu m. killing (hantum hantave hantavai & hantos infin. to han).

hantukāma a. wishing to kill.

hantṛ (gen.) & hantṛ (acc.) slaying, slayer.

hantva a. to be slain.

hanman s. stroke, blow.

hambhā f. bellowing of a cow or calves.

hambhāy hambhāyate v bellow.

haya m. horse; f. hayā & hayī mare.

hayakarman n. horsemanship.

hayagrīva a. horse-necked; m. a form of Viṣṇu.

hayajña a. skilled in horses; -tā f. = seq.

hayattattva n. horsemanship (cf. hayavidyā).

hayamukha [1] n. the face of a horse.

hayamukha [2] a. horse-faced; f. ī N. of a Rākṣasī.

hayamedha m. horse-sacrifice.

hayavidyā f. -śāstra n. the science of (training and managing) horses.

hayaśiras [1] n. a horse's head; N. of a cert. myth. weapon.

hayaśiras [2] a. having a horse's head; m. a form of Viṣṇu.

hayaśīrṣa a. & m. = prec.

hayaśīrṣan a. & m. = prec.

hayahartṛ m. stealer of a horse.

hayāroha m. rider on horseback.

hayin m. horseman.

haye a. vocat. particle.

hara (only --°, f. ā, r. ī) carrying, bringing; taking, receiving, seizing, robbing; ravishing, charming; removing, destroying. m. seizer or destroyer, E. of Civa, a man's name.

haraṇa a. (f. ā & ī) & n. carrying, conveying, taking, receiving, seizing, holding, robbing, removing, destroying; n. also offering (of a sacrifice), nuptial fee.

haradatta m. a man's name.

haranetra n. Śiva's eye.

harayāṇa m. N. of a man.

haravṛṣabha m. Śiva's bull.

haras [1] n. grip; draught (in drinking, also = drink, beverage); vigour, energy, strength, power; poss. -harasvant & harasvin.

haras [2] n. anger, wrath.

harasakha m. Śiva's friend i.e. Kubera.

harasūnu m. Śiva's son i.e. Skanda.

hari a. fallow, yellowish, greenish. m. horse, esp. the steeds of Indra (2, but also 20-200), lion, ape, the sun, fire, wind, E. of Viṣṇu, Indra etc.

harikeśa a. yellow-haired; N. of a Yakṣa etc.

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harigiri m. N. of a mountain.

harigopaka m. the cochineal insect.

haricandana m. n. a sort of yellow sandal tree or wood; one of the 5 trees of paradise.

hariṇa a. fallow, pale, yellowish, green; m. a kind of antelope (f. -ṇī), ichneumon, N. of a serpent-demon etc.

hariṇākṣa f. ī deer-eyed.

hariṇī -> hariṇa & harita.

hariṇīdṛś f. deer-eyed.

hariṇīnayanā f. deer-eyed.

hariṇekṣaṇa a. = prec.

harit a. fallow, yellowish, greenish. m. a fallow horse, esp. of the Sun-god, emerald; f. a fallow mare; region, quarter of the sky.

harita (f. ā, older hariṇī fallow, pale, yellow, green. m. N. of sev. men etc.; f. haritā Dūrvā grass; n. gold, greens, any yellowish or greenish substance.

haritakapiśa a. yellowish brown.

haritagomaya m. pl. fresh cow-dung.

haritacchada a. green-leaved.

haritasraj a. having (forming) yellow or green garlands (tree); wound with a golden chain (horse).

haritāla n. auripigment; -maya, f. ī made of it.

haritadhānya n. green or unripe grain.

haritayava m. pl. green (unripe) barley.

haritāśva a. having fallow horses (Sun).

haritvac a. yellow-skinned.

haritvant a. gold-coloured.

haridatta m. N. of a Dānava & sev. men.

haridaśva a. = haritāśva, m. the sun.

haridra m. the yellow sandal tree; f. ā turmeric, N. of a river.

harinetra a. yellow-eyed (Śiva).

haripiṅga a. yellowish-brown.

haripiṅgala a. yellowish-brown.

hariprabodha m. T. of a work.

haripriya m. friend of the fallow steeds, i.e. Indra.

hariman m. yellowness, a kind of disease.

harimant a. = harivant.

hariyoga a. yoked with the fallow steeds (Indra's chariot).

hariyojana n. harnessing the fallow steeds.

harivaṃśa m. Hari's i.e. Viṣṇu's (Kṛṣṇa's) race, T. of a poem.

harivant a. having fallow steeds (Indra).

harivarpas a. green-coloured.

harivāhana a. guiding the fallow steeds; m. E. of Indra.

hariśarman m. names of sev. men.

hariśikha m. names of sev. men.

hariścandra a. having a golden-coloured splendour; m. N. of sev. kings.

hariśmaśāru a. golden-bearded.

hariśmaśru a. golden-bearded.

hariśrī a. shining or beautiful as gold.

hariṣṭhā a. guiding (lit. standing over) fallow steeds.

harisiṃha m. N. of a king.

harihaya [1] m. a horse of Indra.

harihaya [2] a. having fallow horses (Indra).

harihara m. a deity consisting of Viṣṇu and Śiva conjoined; du. Viṣṇu and Śiva.

hariheti f. Viṣṇu's or Indra's weapon (discus or rainbow).

harihetimant a. adorned with a rainbow.

harītaka m. ī f. N. of a tree.

harīśa m. a monkey-prince.

hareṇu m. a kind of pease.

hartavya a. to be seized, robbed, or taken.

hartṛ m. bringer, taker, receiver, seizer, remover, destroyer.

harmya n. stronghold, castle, mansion, palace, house, home.

harmyatala n. platform, balcony.

harmyapṛṣṭha n. platform, balcony.

harmyavalabhī f. -sthala & harmyāgra n. the same.

harmyeṣṭhā a. being in a house.

hary haryati haryate v be gratified or comfortable, delight in (loc.), be fond of, desire, like (acc.). --
     abhi love, long for.
     ā M. love, cherish.
     prati be fond of, long for, also =
     vi dislike, reject.

haryakṣa a. green-eyed; m. cat or ape.

haryata a. desirable, pleasant, dear.

haryaśva [1] m. & haryaśva2 a. = 1 & harihaya2.

haryaśvacāpa m. Indra's bow i.e. the rainbow.

harṣa m. joy, delight, rapture, glee; N. of a king etc.

harṣaka a. delighting (--°).

harṣagarbha a. joyful, merry.

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harṣacarita n. T. of a work.

harṣaṇa a. & n. gladdening, exciting.

harṣadeva m. king Harsha.

harṣadohala s. amorous desire.*

harṣanāda m. shout of joy.

harṣanisvana m. shout of joy.

harṣaniḥsvana m. shout of joy.

harṣamaya a. whose essence is joy (ph.).

harṣavant a. joyful; f. -vatī N. of a princess & a city.

harṣavardhana m. N. of a king, pl. of a people.

harṣavarman m. N. of a prince.

harṣaśoka m. du. joy and sorrow.

harṣāśru n. tear of joy.

harṣin a. rejoicing, delighting in (--°).

harṣumant a. excited.

harṣula a. cheerful, merry.

harṣotphullalocana a. opening the eyes wide in rapture.*

harṣyā (instr. adv.) in impatient agitation.

hala m. n. plough (also as a weapon).

haladhara m. plough-holder, plougher (E. of Balarāma).

halabhṛt m. plough-holder, plougher (E. of Balarāma).

halamārga m. furrow.

halamukha n. plough-share.

halahalā exclam. of applause.

halā a. vocat. particle used in addressing a female friend.*

halāyudha a. armed with a plough; m. E. of Baladeva, N. of sev. men.

halāhala m. n. a cert. deadly poison.

halikṣṇa m. a kind of lion (cf. halīkṣṇa).

halin m. plougher, husbandman; (±rāma) E. of Balarāma.

halīkṣṇa m. a cert. animal.

hava [1] m. sacrifice.

hava [2] a. calling; m. n. call, invocation.

havana [1] n. sacrifice or = f. ī sacrif. ladle.

havana [2] n. invocation.

havanaśrut a. listening to an invocation.

havanasyad a. hastening to an invocation.

havas n. invocation.

havin a. calling (for help).

havirad a. eating oblations.

havirada a. eating oblations.

haviradya n. abstr. to prec.

havirāhuti f. a sacrificial offering.

havirucchiṣṭa n. the leavings of a sacrifice.

havirucchiṣṭabhuj a. eating the leavings of a sacrifice.

havirucchiṣṭāśa a. = prec.

havirucchiṣṭāśana a. = prec.

havirgrahaṇī f. the sacrificial shovel or ladle.

havirdā a. giving oblations.

havirdāna n. gift of oblations.

havirdhāna n. a waggon on which Soma-plants and other offerings are put or a shed for such waggons, i.g. place of offering; p. -rdhānin.

havirbhuj a. eating oblations; m. fire or the god of fire, also Civa or a good i.g.

havirmathi a. spoiling a sacrifice.

haviryajña m. a sacrificial offering.

havirvah (havirvāh, nom. vāṭ) carrying the sacrifice.

haviḥśeṣa m. the leavings of a sacrifice; -bhakṣa a. eating them.

haviṣkaraṇa n. the preparation of a sacrifice.

haviṣkṛt a. preparing an oblation; m. the formula haviṣkṛdehi (r.).

haviṣkṛta a. prepared as a sacrifice.

haviṣkṛti f. = haviṣkaraṇa.

haviṣpaṅkti f. five (lit. a pentad of) sacrificial objects, grains, milk etc.

haviṣpati m. lord of a sacrifice.

haviṣpā a. drinking an oblation.

haviṣpātra n. a vessel for oblations.

haviṣmant a. having prepared the oblations or offering them; accompanied by oblations or containing them.

haviṣya a. fit for an oblation; m. n. sacrificial food.

haviṣyabhuj a. subsisting on sacrificial food.

haviṣyāśin a. the same.

haviṣyānna n. sacrificial food.

havis n. oblation or gift for the gods, esp. grain (parched, boiled, as porridge or as cake), Soma, milk, clarified butter, etc.

havīman s. invocation.

havai exclamation.

havya [1] n. oblation.

havya [2] (havya) a. to be invoked.

havyakavya n. sgl. or du. an oblation to the gods and the Manes.

havyajuṣṭi f. delight at offerings.

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havyadāti a. & f. giving offerings.

havyavah (havyavāh, nom. -vāṭ) bearing the oblations (to the gods); m. fire or the god of fire.

havyavāha a. & m. = prec.

havyavāhana a. & m. = prec.

havyasūd a. affording oblations.

havyasūda a. affording oblations.

havyasūdana a. affording oblations.

havyād a. eating oblations.

havyāda a. eating oblations.

havyāhuti f. a sacrificial offering.

has [1] interj. of laughter or mirth.

has hasati2 v (te), pp. hasita (q.v.) laugh, smile; laugh at (instr. or acc.), mock, ridicule, cut out. C. hāsayati make laugh; mock, ridicule. --
     apa C. mock, deride.
     ava the same.
     upa smile; (also C.) laugh at, ridicule.
     pari sport or jest with (acc.); scoff, deride.
     pra laugh out (±hāsam); laugh with (acc.); laugh at, ridicule. C. make laugh.
     saṃpra laugh out; c. sport, jest.
     vi laugh out; mock, deride (acc., r. gen.).
     saṃvi laugh out, laugh.

hasa m. laughter, mirth.

hasana a. & n. laughing, joking; f. ā a laugh or smile.

hasanīya a. laughable, ridiculous.

hasāmuda a. laughing merrily.

hasita a. laughing out, laughing; n. impers. it was laughed by (instr.) at (prati); mocked, derided, outvied, surpassed. n. laughing, laughter.

haskartṛ m. exciter or gratifier.

haskāra m. the laughing of the sky i.e. lightning (without thunder).

haskṛti f. loud mirth, laughter.

hasta m. hand (also as a measure of length), trunk (of an elephant), paw (of a tiger) etc., N. of sev. men & a lunar mansion; a. --° holding in the hand (cf. pāṇi); f. hastā hand.

hastaka m. hand, adj. --° (f. ikā) = prec.

hastakamala n. a lotus carried in the hand.

hastakārya a. to be done with the hand.

hastakṛta a. done with the hand.

hastaga a. being in the hand or in the hands of (--°).

hastagata a. being in the hand or in the hands of (--°).

hastagāmin a. being in the hand or in the hands of (--°).

hastagṛhya ger. taking by the hand.

hastagraha m. taking the hand (of a girl), marriage.

hastagrābha m. who marries or has married (cf. prec.).

hastagrāha m. who takes one's hand i.e. who is quite near, also = prec.; m. husband.

hastaghna m. hand-protector (cf. aṅgulitra).

hastatra s. the same.

hastadīpa m. hand-lantern.

hastadhāraṇa n. = hastagraha; also help, assistance.

hastapāda n. sgl. hands and feet.

hastaprada a. offering a hand, helpful.

hastaprāpta a. = hastaga.

hastaprāpya a. to be reached with the hand.

hastabhraṃśin* & hastabhraṣṭa a. slipped from the hand.*

hastabhraṣṭa a. slipped from the hand.*

hastavant a. having hands; handy, clever.

hastasaṃjñā f. a sign with the hand.

hastastha a. being in the hand, held.

hastāgra n. the extremity of the hand (i.e. finger) or of an elephant's trunk.

hastāṅguli f. finger (of the hand).

hastāṅgulī f. finger (of the hand).

hastāñjali s. hollowed hands (cf. añjali).

hastādāna a. & n. seizing with the hand.

hastābharaṇa n. ornament for the hand.

hastālamba m. -na n. support for the hand, adj. --° leaning upon; (fig.) refuge, hope.

hastāvalamba m. -na n. the same.

hastāvāpa m. hand-protector (cf. hastaghna).

hastāhasti adv. in close fight (lit. hand to hand).

hastigavāśva n. sgl. elephants, cows and horses.

hastigośvoṣṭradamaka m. a trainer of elephants, oxen, horses, or camels.

hastin a. = hastavant; m. (±mṛga) elephant (f. -nī), N. of an ancient king.

hasticārin m. elephant-driver.

hastijīvin m. elephant-driver.

hastināpura n. N. of a city.

hastipa m. elephant-driver.

hastipaka m. the same.

hastipāla m. the same.

hastipālaka m. the same.

hastirāja m. elephant-king, a strong elephant or the leader of a herd of elephants.

hastivarcasa n. the strength of an elephant.

hastiśālā f. elephant-stable.

hastiśikṣā f. the art of (training and keeping) elephants.

hastisnāna n. the washing of an elephant.

hastīkṛ hand over, deliver.*

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hastegṛhya ger. taking by the hand.

hastya a. being on or in the hand, done with the hand.

hastyaśva n. sgl. elephants and horses.

hastyājīva m. elephant-driver.

hastyāroha m. elephant-rider or -driver.

hasra a. laughing, smiling.

jihīte v pp. hāna1 (only --°) start up, go forth, move on; run away from, yield (dat.); rush upon (acc.), fly (arrow). --
     ati leap or pass over.
     anu run after, follow, overtake, catch.
     apa run away.
     abhi catch, take.
     ud start up, rise, run away, escape.
     abhyud ascend with (acc.). prod rise, ascend.
     pratyud rise towards (acc.).
     samud rise, appear.
     ni descend, stoop.
     pra start up or off.
     vi burst open, gape. C. (hāpayati) open (tr.).
     sam arise, stand up.

jahāti2 v (jahati), pp. hīna & jahita (q.v.) leave, forsake, abandon; emit, discharge, take off, cast aside, remove; give up, avoid, shun, lose. P.M. hīyate (hīyate ti) be left etc., remain behind, come short or be deprived of (abl. or instr.); come to harm, be a loser, fail (in a lawsuit etc.); decrease, wane, perish, be lost. C. hāpayati te neglect, omit, give up, miss, lose. D. jihāsati wish to leave etc. --
     apa leave, abandon; P.M. fall short, decrease.
     ava leave, relinquish, give up. P.M. remain behind, fall short or be deficient.
     ni P.M. fall short, fail, be deprived of (instr.).
     pari leave, desert, forsake, omit, neglect, overlook. P.M. be left etc., be deficient or wanting, decrease, wane, cease, vanish; fall short, fail; desist from, be deprived of (abl.).
     pra leave, abandon, give up, resign. P.M. be left or omitted, cease, vanish, succumb, lose.
     vipra leave, quit, resign.
     prati disregard; P.M. fail, lose.
     vi leave, desert, forsake, give up, lose, resign; cease, desist. P.M. stay behind, yield to (abl.); be diminished or lost.
     pravi & prativi give up, abandon.
     sam leave (together); give up, resign. -- Cf. apahāya nihīna (add.), parihīṇa prahīṇa vihāya vihīna hitvā.

[3] excl. of pain, astonishment, or joy, mostly w. vocative; w. acc. woe to! Often repeated or connected w. dhik hanta etc.

hākāra m. the exclamation .

hāṭaka m. sgl. & pl. N. of a country & its inhabitants, n. gold; as adj. (f. ī) golden.

hāṭakamaya (f. ī) & -kīya a. golden.

hāṭakeśa m. a cert. form of Śiva.

hāṭakeśāna m. a cert. form of Śiva.

hāṭakeśvara m. a cert. form of Śiva.

hātavya a. to be left or given up.

hāna n. leaving, giving up, wanting, ceasing.

hāni f. abandonment, relinquishment, want, privation, decrease, detriment, damage, loss, ruin.

hānikara a. causing loss or damage.

hānikṛt a. causing loss or damage.

hāyana [1] m. n. year (also f. ī); m. a kind of red rice.

hāyana f. ī2 yearly, annual.

hār hārati v resemble a string of pearls.

hāra f. ī carrying, bringing, taking, seizing, ravishing, charming (--°). m. a string or garland of pearls (adj. --° f. ā); taking away, removing, deprivation, loss.

hāraka f. -rikā = prec. (adj. --°); m. thief, robber, also = seq.

hārayaṣṭi f. (adj. --° f. i or ī) a string of pearls.

hāralatā f. the same.

hārāvalī f. the same; T. of a dictionary.

hāriṇa a. belonging or relating to deer.

hāridra a. dyed with turmeric, yellow.

hāridrava m. a cert. yellow bird.

hārin [1] a. conveying, bearing, bringing; carrying away, seizing, robbing, stealing, removing, destroying; ravishing, charming (--°).

hārin [2] a. having a string of pearls.

hārīta m. a kind of pigeon; m. N. of sev. men, esp. of a law-giver, pl. H.'s family or N. of a people.

hāruka a. seizing, consuming.

hārda a. being in the heart; n. affection, love, p. -vant.

hārdi m. n. heart; content, comfort.

hārdikya m. a patron. name; n. friendship.

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hārdin a. feeling affection for (--°).

hārdivan a. hearty or = seq.

hārdvan a. heart-comforting.

hārya a. to be taken away or stolen; ravishing, charming.

hāla m. N. of a king and poet.

hālā f. spirituous liquor, wine.

hālāhala m. a cert. deadly poison.

hālika m. ploughman.

hāva m. calling, a call.

hās hāsate v go emulously; C. hāsayati.

hāsa m. laughing, laughter, mirth, joy, derision.

hāsaka m. buffoon (who causes laughter).

hāsana a. causing laughter, comical.

hāsin a. laughing at or (shining) with (--°).

hāstika a. consisting of elephants; n. a herd or multitude of elephants.

hāstina a. belonging or relating to an elephant, so big or high.

hāstinapura n. = hastināpura.

hāsya a. ridiculous; n. laughing, laughter, joke, hāsyārtham adv. for sport.

hāsyakara hāsyakāra -kṛt a. causing laughter or mirth.

hāsyatā f. -tva n., -bhāva m. ridiculousness.

hāsyārṇava m. sea of mirth, T. of a comedy.

hāsyāspada n. an object of laughter; abstr. -tva n.

hāhākāra m. the exclamation hāhā.

hāhākṛta a. crying or sounding hāhā.

hāhābhūta a. crying or sounding hāhā.

hi hinoti hinute hinvati1 v (hayati), pp. hita impel, urge on, set in motion, hurl, send forth (M. intr. hasten, speed); further, help to (dat.); get, procure.
     ā M. bring near.
     pra (hiṇoti) urge on, impel, hurl, cast, turn upon (dat. or loc.); call upon, summon; send out, dismiss, dispatch to (dat., gen. ±antikam or pārśvam, acc. ±prati), in order to (dat. or infin.); bring near, get, procure, furnish.
     anupra send after.
     abhipra send hither.
     upapra send to (acc.).
     pratipra send or drive back.
     sam send out; bring together, join, combine, compose.

hi [2] (indecl.) for, because, namely; surely, verily, indeed; well, pray (with an imper., conj., or optat.).

hiṃs hinasti hiṃste hiṃsati v pp. hiṃsita (q.v.) injure, hurt, harm, kill, destroy. C. hiṃsayati the same. D. jihiṃsiṣati wish to injure etc. --
     upa & vi = S.

hiṃsa a. harming, f. hiṃsā abstr.

hiṃsaka a. = prec. adj.

hiṃsana n. = hiṃsā.

hiṃsita n. = hiṃsā.

hiṃsanīya a. to be hurt or killed.

hiṃsya a. to be hurt or killed.

hiṃsātmaka a. of an injurious nature.

hiṃsāprāya a. generally injurious.

hiṃsārata a. delighting in mischief.

hiṃsra a. harming, malicious; m. a savage or cruel man, also = seq.

hiṃsrajantu m. a beast of prey.

hiṃsrapaśu m. a beast of prey.

hiṃsrāhiṃsra n. du. noxiousness or harmlessness.

hikk hikkati v pp. hikkita (v. seq.) sob.

hikkā f. hikkita n. sobbing.

hikkikā f. hikkita n. sobbing.

hiṅkṛ utter the sound hin (as a cow to her calf, also r.).

hiṅkartṛ m. who utters the sound hin1.

hiṅkāra m. the sound hin1.

hiṅgu m. the plant Asa Fetida, n. its resin or juice.

hiṅgula n. vermilion.

hiṅgulaka n. vermilion.

hiṅgūjjvalā f. a kind of perfume.*

hiḍimba m. ā f. N. of a Rākṣasa & his sister.

hiṇḍ hiṇḍate v w. ā roam.*

hita a. put, placed, laid; being in (loc.); arranged, constituted, regulated; fit, suitable, advantageous, salutary; useful, conducive to, good for (dat., gen., loc., or --°); kind, gracious, favourable. m. a good friend. f. ā -> sub voce. n. welfare, advantage, prize, good advice.

hitakara a. doing well.

hitakāma a. well-wishing.

hitakāmyā f. abstr. to prec.

hitakāraka a. = hitakara.

hitakārin a. = hitakara.

hitakṛt a. = hitakara.

hitaprayas a. who has prepared the sacrificial food or for whom it has been prepared.

hitaprepsu a. desiring the good of (gen.).

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hitabuddhi a. well-minded; f. as abstr.

hitamitra a. having good friends.

hitavacana n. a good word or advice.

hitavant a. useful, conducive.

hitā f. E. of cert. veins or arteries; weir, dyke.

hitānveṣin a. seeking the good of (gen.).

hitābhaṅga m. destruction of a dyke.

hitārtham adv. for the sake of (gen.).

hitārthāya adv. for the sake of (gen.).

hitārthin a. seeking (one's own or another's) welfare.

hitāhita a. good and evil, n. advantage and disadvantage.

hiti f. direction, arrangement (--°).

hitecchā f. desire for (one's own or another's) welfare.

hitepsā f. desire for (one's own or another's) welfare.

hitaiṣin a. well-wishing; abstr. -ṣitā f.

hitopadeśa m. salutary instruction, T. of a collection of fables.

hitvan a. rapid, quick.

hitvā ger. leaving alone, neglecting; without, except.

hintāla m. N. of a tree.

hindu m. a Hindu; -sthāna n. Hindustan.

hindola m. a swing; den. -lay yati.

hinva m. exciter, impeller.

hima [1] m. the cold season, winter (also himā f.); n. snow, ice.

hima [2] a. cold, cool.

himakara m. the moon (cool-rayed).

himakiraṇa m. the moon (cool-rayed).

himagarbha a. having frost or snow (in the interior), cold.

himagiri m. the snow-mountain, Himālaya.

himatviṣ m. = himakara.

himadīdhiti m. = himakara.

himadyuti m. = himakara.

himapāta m. snow-fall.

himamayūkha m. = himakara.

himaraśmi m. = himakara.

himaruci m. = himakara.

himavant a. having frost or snow; m. snowmountain, esp. Himālaya.

himavāri n. cold water.

himavālukā f. camphor.

himaśaila m. = himagiri.

himasaras n. a cool lake.

himasruti f. snow-fall.

himā f. -> hima1.

himāṃśu m. = himakara.

himāgama m. approach of cold, winter.

himācala m. = himagiri.

himātyaya m. = himānta.

himādri m. = himagiri.

himānī f. much or deep snow.

himānta m. the end of winter.

himāmbhas n. cold water.

himālaya m. the Himālaya mountain (abode of snow).

himāhati f. snow-fall.

himīkṛ change into ice.

hira m. band, stripe.

hiraṇa n. gold, p. -ṇin.

hiraṇmaya f. ī golden, gold-coloured.

hiraṇya n. gold, a gold coin or ornament; any precious metal, money.

hiraṇyakaṇṭha f. ī golden-necked.

hiraṇyakartṛ m. worker in gold, goldsmith.

hiraṇyakaśipu [1] m. a golden mat or pillow.

hiraṇyakaśipu [2] a. poss. to prec.; m. N. of a Daitya.

hiraṇyakāra m. = hiraṇyakartṛ.

hiraṇyakeśa f. ī golden-haired or -maned.

hiraṇyakeśya a. the same.

hiraṇyagarbha m. golden womb or fetus, E. of Brahman.

hiraṇyacakra a. having golden chariots.

hiraṇyajit a. winning gold.

hiraṇyajihva a. golden-tongued.

hiraṇyajyotis [1] n. splendour of gold.

hiraṇyajyotis [2] a. shining as gold.

hiraṇyada a. granting gold.

hiraṇyadā a. granting gold.

hiraṇyadanta a. golden-toothed.

hiraṇyanirṇij a. adorned with gold.

hiraṇyanidhi m. a golden treasure.

hiraṇyanemi a. having golden rims.

hiraṇyaparṇa a. golden-winged or -leaved.

hiraṇyapāṇi a. golden-handed.

hiraṇyapātra n. a golden vessel.

hiraṇyapiṇḍa m. a lump of gold.

hiraṇyabāhu a. golden-armed.

hiraṇyamaya f. ī golden.

hiraṇyaya f. ī golden.

hiraṇyamūrdhan a. golden-headed.

hiraṇyayu a. fond of gold.

hiraṇyaratha [1] m. a golden chariot or a chariot full of gold.

hiraṇyaratha [2] a. riding in a golden chariot.

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hiraṇyarūpa a. golden-shaped, gold-like.

hiraṇyaretas m. fire (lit. whose seed is gold).

hiraṇyavakṣas a. golden-breasted (the earth).

hiraṇyavant a. abounding in or consisting of gold; n. abundance of gold.

hiraṇyavandhura a. having a golden seat or framework (chariot).

hiraṇyavarṇa a. golden-coloured, gold-like.

hiraṇyavartani a. having a golden path.

hiraṇyavāśī f. a golden knife or hatchet.

hiraṇyavāśīmant (superl. -mattama) poss. to prec.

hiraṇyavimita n. a golden palace.

hiraṇyaśipra a. having a golden helmet or visor.

hiraṇyaśṛṅga a. golden-horned.

hiraṇyaśmaśru a. golden-bearded.

hiraṇyasaṃdṛś a. resembling gold.

hiraṇyasraj [1] f. a golden wreath, chain, etc.

hiraṇyasraj [2] a. poss. to prec.

hiraṇyahasta a. golden-handed.

hiraṇyākṣa a. golden-eyed; m. N. of a Daitya.

hiraṇyābhīśu a. having golden reins or traces (carriage).

hiri (°--) = hari.

hiriśipra a. golden-cheeked or having a golden helmet.

hiriśmaśru a. golden-bearded.

hirīmant a. having bay horses.

hiruk adv. away, off, apart from (abl.), separately.

excl. of surprise or joy (often w. māṇahe to express fear or depression*).

hīḍ (heḍati heLate helate), pp. hīḍita A. vex, afflict; M. be angry or hostile. C. pluck out.

hīḍa (hīLa) m. plucker, puller, i.e. monisher.

hīna a. left, forsaken; excluded or shut out from, fallen short of (abl.); devoid or bereft of, free from, without (instr., abl., loc., °-- or --°); inferior, less (opp. adhika); low, base, mean; incomplete, deficient, wanting. Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

hīnakarman a. given to low occupations or omitting the customary rites.

hīnakratu a. neglecting to sacrifice.

hīnakriya a. = hīnakarman.

hīnaja a. low-born.

hīnajāti a. low-born.

hīnapakṣa a. having no friends or adherents.

hīnabala a. deficient in strength, weak.

hīnavīrya a. deficient in strength or courage.

hīnavṛtta a. of bad conduct.

hīnasevā f. attendance on base people.

hīnāṃśu a. rayless, obscure.

hīnāṅga f. ā & ī deficient in limbs or parts.

hīra s. diamond.

hīraka s. diamond.

hu juhoti juhute v pp. huta (q.v.) pour into the fire, cast into the fire, offer, sacrifice. C. hāvayati cause to sacrifice or be sacrificed. D. juhvaṣati wish to sacrifice. I. johavīti sacrifice repeatedly. --
     adhi sacrifice upon or over (loc.).
     abhi pour out the libation upon, make an oblation to (acc.).
     ava pour out upon (loc.).
     ā offer in (loc.), offer an oblation to (dat.), worship with oblations (acc.).
     upa offer in addition.
     pra offer continually or successively.
     prati offer in return.
     sam sacrifice (together).

huṃkāra m. the sound hum (v. hum).

huḍa m. ram; a cert. implement of war.

huḍu m. ram.

huṇḍa m. the same; pl. N. of a people.

hut (--°) offering, sacrificing.

huta a. sacrificed or worshipped with a sacrifice; n. sacrifice, oblation.

hutabhāga a. partaking of a sacrifice.

hutabhuj m. fire or the fire-god (lit. oblation-eater).

hutabhoktṛ m. fire or the fire-god (lit. oblation-eater).

hutabhojana a. having oblations as food, m. = prec.

hutavaha m. fire or Agni (oblation-bearer).

hutavahāy only -yamāna resembling fire.*

hutaśeṣa m. the remainder of a sacrifice.

hutahoma a. having offered oblations.

hutāgni a. having offered oblations in the fire.

hutād a. eating oblations.

hutāśa m. = hutabhuj.

hutāśana m. = hutabhuj.

hutāśanavant a. furnished with fire.

hutāśin a. eating (only) oblations.

huti f. oblation, sacrifice (only --°).

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hutocchiṣṭa a. left from a sacrifice.

hum interj. w. kṛ growl, grumble, speak roughly to (acc.).

huraścit a. plotting in the dark.

huras adv. secretly, in the dark.

huruk adv. = hiruk.

hula  = huḍa.

hulahulī f. howling.*

huluhulī f. howling.*

huvadhyai dat. inf. to .

huvanya huvanyati v call, cry.

huviṣka m. names of kings.

huṣka m. names of kings.

huhu m. N. of a Gandharva.

huhū m. N. of a Gandharva.

(hvā), hvayati hvayate havate huvate huvati etc., pp. hūta call (avase or ūtaye for help), call upon, invoke, summon, invite, challenge (yuddhe to fight). C. hvāyayati & D. juhūṣati (only --°). I. johavīti etc. call, invoke. --
     ati call over.
     anu call again or back.
     abhi call near.
     ava call down or hither.
     ā call to or hither, invite, summon (r. & j.); utter, recite; M. challenge. C. cause to invite or challenge. I. call near, invoke.
     upā M. invite, summon, challenge.
     pratyā answer a call.
     samā convoke, assemble, invite, challenge.
     ud call forth, elicit.
     upa M. (A.) call upon, summon or invite to (acc., dat., or loc.); call encouragingly to, approve, praise.
     paryupa & pratyupa call near.
     samupa convoke, assemble, invite; provoke, challenge.
     ni M. call down, in, or near.
     nis call off.
     pra invoke.
     pratipra call to (acc.).
     prati invoke.
     vi M. call hither and thither or emoulously, quarrel about (acc.); call off.
     sam M. convoke.

hūṃkṛ m. = huṃkṛ & huṃkāra.

hūṃkāra m. = huṃkṛ & huṃkāra.

hūṃkṛti f. humming or snorting.

hūṇa m. pl. N. of a people.

hūti f. calling, invoking; appellation, name.

hūna m. = hūṇa.

hūm  = hum.

hūrch hūrchati v fall away; C. hūrchayati cause to fall away. --
     anu fall after (acc.).
     vi waddle, stagger, slip, fail.

hūhū m. = huhu.

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hṛ harati harate v (harti jiharti), pp. hṛta (q.v.) A. hold, carry, bring; offer, present (esp. balim); hand over to (gen.); seize, steal, carry away, remove, turn off (face); M. (A.) take, receive (taxes), come into possession of (as heir); take to wife, marry; get hold or become master of; overpower, outdo, surpass; win over, captivate, charm; seize upon, take away, withdraw, retain, destroy, frustrate. C. hārayati cause to hold or carry (2 acc.), cause to be held, taken etc. by (instr.); get hold of, seize upon; permit to be carried of, lose (esp. in game). D. jihīrṣati wish to take away, desire, covet. --
     ati carry beyond (acc.).
     vyati transpose mutually.
     adhi carry over (acc.).
     anu imitate, resemble (acc. or gen.).
     apa carry away, take off, remove, separate from (abl.); seize, rob, steal; overpower, frustrate, destroy.
     abhi hand over, offer, present; C. place before, serve (food), put on (mail).
     ava draw in, move down, put off.
     abhyava throw down into (acc.), bring near, take, eat, enjoy. C. cause to throw or be thrown; attack, assail; eat, feed.
     vyava move hither and thither; transpose, exchange; communicate or have intercourse with (instr. or loc.); meet, encounter (as foes), fight with (instr. ±sārdham); proceed, act, deal with (loc.); trade or traffic (loc., instr., or gen.); be active, work; be intent upon (acc.); *bet, play (w. gen. of stake); *manage, use, employ (acc.). P. be called or named.
     ā bring near, attract, fetch, get, procure, offer, present, give; receive, accept; take to wife, marry; eat, enjoy; take away, sever, remove, destroy, turn off, withdraw from (abl.); utter show, betray; name, call. C. cause to bring near etc., cause to pay (taxes etc., 2 acc.); procure, acquire; eat, enjoy; utter, manifest. D. be willing to procure or acquire.
     anvā repair, complete, supply.
     abhyā offer, present.
     udā bring near, fetch, bring out, say, tell, quote (esp. as an example), recite, enumerate, praise, commend; P. be called, mentioned, or quoted.
     abhyudā bring hither.
     prabhyudā answer; quote (as a counter example).
     samudā say, tell, mention.
     upā fetch, get, procure, offer, present, take hold of, win, acquire, undertake, accomplish.
     samupā fetch, procure, offer, present, undertake, commence.
     upanyā offer, present.
     paryā hand over; turn, invert.
     pratyā draw back, withdraw, get back, recover; take up again, carry on, prosecute; utter, tell, report.
     vyā bring out, utter, speak to or with (acc. or saha), sing (of birds).
     anuvyā utter successively or in its turn, (answer by singing*); abuse, revile, curse.
     abhivyā utter, pronounce, recite; bespeak, charm with words, conjure, curse. C. (cause to) utter or pronounce.
     pravyā utter, speak.
     samā bring together, gather, collect, assemble, combine, comprehend; draw back, withdraw, bring back, restore; captivate, charm.
     anusamā arrange or put in order (again).
     ud take out or from (abl.), stretch out (pāṇim); offer, present; lift up, raise, further, strengthen; set aside, select; choose, prefer; extricate, rescue, save; take away, cut off, sever (head), remove, destroy; except. C. (cause to) draw out or rescue. D. wish to save or relieve.
     abhyud take or draw out (in addition), lay aside; rescue, save, recover; start, further, promote.
     samabhyud prod & pratyud draw out, lift up, rescue, relieve, promote, further.
     samud draw or take out, rescue, deliver from (abl.); deduct; remove, destroy; lift up etc. = prec.
     upa bring, fetch, proffer, present; M. accept, receive, gather, collect. C. proffer, serve (food).
     nis take or carry out, extract, export (goods); M. remove, exclude or deliver from (abl.); get rid of (acc.); change or mix with (instr.).
     vinis draw out, extract, take (vṛddhim interest); remove, destroy.
     pari carry or move about; surround, gird (M. refl.); protect from (abl.); keep off, shun, avoid, beware, escape; save, spare, except.
     vipari transpose, interchange.
     pra stretch forth; fix in, hurl upon (loc.); offer, present; strike, hurt; attack, assail (acc., loc., dat., or gen.); M. fight, make war.
     anupra throw into the fire.
     saṃpra hurl, cast; attack, assail (acc. or loc.); M. (A.) engage in battle, fight hand to hand.
     prati throw, hold, or bring back; offer, present. M. take, eat.
     vi take apart, divide, separate; take or carry away; shed (tears); transpose, interchange; roam about, pass one's time (±acc.) pleasantly, enjoy one's self.
     sam bring or draw together, contract, collect, gather; take away, rob; suppress, absorb, destroy.
     upasam draw together or in, gather, contract, absorb, suppress.
     pratisam draw together or back, take off, avert, absorb, suppress, destroy, annihilate. -- Cf. abhivyāhṛta (sic!), uddhṛta vihṛta vyāhṛta.

hṛcchaya a. lying in the heart; m. love or the god of love.

hṛcchayapīḍita a. tormented by love.

hṛcchayavardhana a. augmenting love.

hṛcchayāviṣṭa a. penetrated by love; -cetana a. enamoured, love-sick.

hṛcchoka m. heart-grief.

hṛṇāy hṛṇāyati v be angry, pp. -yant.

hṛṇīy hṛṇīyate v = prec.; pp. hṛṇīyamāna.

hṛt (--°) bringing, taking, removing, destroying.

hṛta a. held, carried, seized, taken etc.; often °-- robbed or bereft of, without.

hṛtadāra a. robbed of one's wife.

hṛtadravya a. robbed of one's property.

hṛtarājya a. stripped of a kingdom.

hṛtasarvasva a. bereft of everything, entirely ruined.

hṛti f. taking away, robbing.

hṛttas adv. from or with the heart, willingly.

hṛttāpa m. heart-grief.

hṛtpaṅkaja n. the heart conceived as a lotus-flower.

hṛtpadma n. the heart conceived as a lotus-flower.

hṛtstha a. being in the heart.

hṛd n. the heart, esp. as seat of the emotions and mental activity i.g.

hṛdambhoja n. = hṛtpaṅkaja.

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hṛdaya n. the heart, as an organ of the body or as seat of the feelings, also the interior of the body i.g., the centre or essence of anything etc.

hṛdayakampana a. heart-stirring, agitating; n. adv.

hṛdayagata a. dwelling in one's heart.

hṛdayagrāhin a. captivating the heart.

hṛdayaṃgama a. going to the heart.

hṛdayacchid a. heart-piercing (lit. & fig.).

hṛdayajña a. knowing the heart or the essence of (--°).

hṛdayadaurbalya n. weakness of heart.

hṛdayapramāthin a. heart-disturbing.

hṛdayaprastara a. having a stone instead of the heart, cruel-hearted.*

hṛdayapriya a. heart-dear, dearly beloved.

hṛdayavallabha m. the beloved of the heart.

hṛdayavṛtti f. disposition or inclination of the heart.

hṛdayaśalya m. a wound (lit. sting) in the heart.

hṛdayaśūla m. a spit for (roasting) the heart (of the sacrificial victim); also the action of roasting.

hṛdayasaṃnihita m. ā f. the inhabitant of a heart i.e. the beloved object.

hṛdayastha a. resting in the heart (wish).

hṛdayahārin a. ravishing or captivating the heart, charming, delightful.

hṛdayāmaya m. sickness of heart.

hṛdayāvidh a. heart-piercing.

hṛdayeśa m. lord of the heart, husband.

hṛdayeśaya a. resting in the heart.

hṛdayeśvara m. = hṛdayeśa.

hṛdayya a. = seq. (grief); beloved, dear.

hṛdistha a. being in the heart.

hṛdispṛś a. heart-touching, affecting.

hṛdispṛśa a. heart-touching, affecting.

hṛdga a. reaching to the heart (water).

hṛdgata a. = prec. or = hṛdistha.

hṛdya a. being in the heart, hearty, inner; dear to the heart, pleasant, agreeable.

hṛdroga m. heart-disease or -grief.

hṛṣ hṛṣyati hṛṣyate v (harṣate hṛṣyati hṛṣyate (harṣati), pp. hṛṣṭa & hṛṣita (q.v.) be excited (with pleasure or fear), be delighted or amazed; bristle, stand on end (the hair). C. harṣayati harṣayate cause (the hair) to bristle or stand erect; excite, make impatient, rejoice (tr. & intr.). I. (jarhṛṣanta & jarhṛṣāṇa) be very impatient or much excited. --
     anu be excited or rejoice with (acc.).
     abhi & samabhi C. gladden.
     ud be excited, impatient, or glad. C. excite, gladden.
     pari & saṃpari C. delight greatly, enrapture.
     pra be merry, rejoice.
     saṃpra the same; C. gladden.
     prati be glad in return.
     sam be excited, rejoice, exult. C. gladden, delight. -- Cf. parihṛṣṭa prahṛṣṭa proddhṛṣita (add.), saṃhṛṣṭa.

hṛṣita a. standing on end, erect, stiff (hair); unwithered, fresh (flowers); enraptured, delighted.

hṛṣitasragrajohīna a. having unwithered garlands and free from dust.

hṛṣīka n. organ of sense.

hṛṣīkeśa m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

hṛṣīkeśvara m. E. of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa.

hṛṣīvant a. enraptured, delighted, pleased.

hṛṣṭa a. standing on end, erect (hair); stiff, rigid; glad, merry.

hṛṣṭaroman a. having the hair bristling, thrilling (with delight or rapture).

hṛṣṭi f. joy, rapture.

he a voc. particle.

heḍ -> hīḍ.

heḍa (heLa) m. vexation, anger.

heḍana (heLana) & heḍas (heLas) n. the same.

heti f. (m.) weapon, missile, fire-flame (as Agni's weapon); stroke, wound.

hetimant a. poss. to prec.

hetu m. impulse, motive, cause, reason (gen., dat., loc., or --°), argument, proof; means (instr. --° by means of); condition; mode, manner, way; also concr. mover, impeller, esp. the agent of the causative (g.); adj. --° caused by. Abl. gen., instr., dat., & loc. by reason, on account, or for the sake of (gen. or --°). Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

hetuka (a. --° f. ī) causing or caused by.

hetumant a. caused, causative (g.).

heturūpaka n. a kind of metaphor (rh.).

hetuvāda m. statement of reasons, disputation.

hetuvādika m. sceptic.

hetuvādin m. sceptic.

hetuvidyā f. & hetuśāstra n. logic, dialectics.

hetūpamā f. a kind of comparison (rh.).

hetṛ m. inciter.

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hetṛ m. inciter.

hetvābhāsa m. a mere appearance of a reason or argument.

hemaka n. gold.

hemakartṛ m. goldsmith.

hemakānti a. shining as gold.

hemakāra m. = hemakartṛ.

hemakūṭa m. N. of a mountain (golden-peaked) and of a monkey.

hemagiri m. E. of mount Meru (the golden mountain).

hemacandra m. N. of a king & a celebrated scholar.

heman [1] n. impulse.

heman [2] n. gold.

heman [3] (loc.) in winter (cf. seq.).

hemanta m. winter.

hemapiṅgala a. as yellow as gold.

hemamaya f. ī golden.

hemamālin a. having a golden garland, golden-crowned.

hemaratnamaya f. ī consisting of gold and gems.

hemaratnavant a. the same.

hemavant a. golden or adorned with gold.

hemavarṇa a. gold-coloured.

hemaśṛṅga [1] n. a golden horn.

hemaśṛṅga [2] m. N. of a mountain.

hemasūtra n. a golden thread (ornament).

hemāṅga a. golden-limbed, golden.

hemādri m. = hemagiri; N. of an author.

hemābha a. gold-like.

hemālaṃkāra m. a golden ornament.

heya a. to be left or abandoned.

heramba m. buffalo, E. of Ganeśa.

hel helate v (cf. hīḍ) be careless or fickle; C. helayati mock, deride, vex.

helana n. derision, contempt.

helā f. wantonness, fickleness, levity, sport; °-- & instr. easily, quickly, at once.

helāvant a. careless, easy.

heṣ heṣati heṣate v pp. heṣita (q.v.) neigh. --
     abhi & prati neigh to.

heṣas n. haste, speed, zeal, energy, strength, heat, splendour.

heṣasvant a. powerful, strong.

heṣā f. heṣita n. neighing.

heṣāy heṣāyate v neigh.

hai a. vocative particle.

haiḍimba a. relating to or descended from Hiḍimba; m. patr. of Ghaṭotkaca.

haituka f. ī caused by, dependent on (--°); argumentative, rationalistic; m. rationalist, sceptic.

haima [1] a. of snow or ice.

haima f. ī2 golden.

haimana (f. ī) & haimanta a. winterly, cold.

haimantika a. the same.

haimavata f. ī coming from or belonging to the Himālaya mountains; m. pl. N. of a people, f. ī patr. of Gan1gā & Umā.

haimībhū be golden, be turned into gold.

hairaṇya a. golden; containing or yielding gold.

hairaṇyaka m. goldsmith.

hairaṇyagarbha m. patr. of Manu & Vasiṣṭha.

haihaya m. pl. N. of a people.

ho a. vocative particle.

hotṛ m. offerer, priest, esp. chief priest, often applied to Agni.

hotavya a. to be offered (n. impers.) or worshipped with offerings.

hotṛka m. = hotraka.

hotṛtva n. the office of the Hotṛ.

hotṛpravara m. the choice of a Hotṛ.

hotṛmant a. having a Hotṛ.

hotṛvarya n. the choice of a Hotṛ.

hotṛvūrya n. the choice of a Hotṛ.

hotṛṣadana n. the seat of the Hotṛ.

hotra n. sacrifice, oblation; the office of the Hotṛ.

hotraka m. the assistant of the Hotṛ, also chief priest i.g.

hotravah (hotravāh) a. carrying oblations.

hotrā [1] f. the office of a priest, esp. of the Hotraka.

hotrā [2] f. invocation.

hotrāvid a. skilled in invocation.

hotrāśaṃsin m. pl. the assistants of the Hotṛ.

hotriya n. the office of the Hotṛ.

hotrīya a. belonging to the Hotṛ or Hotraka.

hotva a. to be sacrificed, fit for an oblation.

homa m. pouring or casting into the fire; oblation, sacrifice.

homakarman n. sacrificial act.

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homakāla m. the time for sacrifice.

homaturaṃga m. a horse for sacrifice.

homadhenu f. a cow (that yields the milk) for sacrifice.

homan [1] n. oblation, sacrifice.

homan [2] n. calling, invocation.

homabhāṇḍa n. a sacrificial vessel.

homay homayati v make oblations, sacrifice.

homavant a. making oblations.

homavelā f. the time for offerings.

homāgni m. the sacrificial fire.

homānala m. the sacrificial fire.

homin a. sacrificing (--°).

homīya a. sacrificial.

homya a. sacrificial.

horā f. hour, horoscope, or = seq.

horāśāstra n. horoscopy.

hautra a. relating to the Hotṛ; n. his office.

haumya a. = homīya.

hnu hnute v (hvauti hvate hvati)* hide from (dat.). --
     apa M. conceal from (abl.), refuse, deny; satisfy (dat.), apologize.
     ni M. make amends for (acc.) to (dat.), expiate; refuse, deny; hide, conceal (w. ātmānam refl.*).
     apani & vini hide, conceal, deny. -- Cf. nihvuta.

hyas adv. yesterday.

hyastana f. ī yesterday's, hesternal.

hrada [1] m. noise, sound.

hrada [2] m. pool, lake.

hradayya a. being in a pool.

hradin a. abounding in water; f. -nī river.

hradya a. being in a pool or lake.

hras hrasati hrasate v (±nis) become less or short; C. diminish.

hrasiṣṭha superl. & comp. to seq.

hrasīyaṃs superl. & comp. to seq.

hrasva a. less, little, small, short.

hrasvaka a. very little.

hrasvakarṇa m. Short-Ear, N. of a Rākṣasa.

hrasvatā f. -tva n. littleness, shortness.

hrasvabāhu a. short-armed; m. Short-Arm (an assumed name of Nala).

hrād hrādate v sound, make a noise; C. hrādayati make resound. --
     ni & nis C. = S.C., beat (a drum).
     sam knock together (intr.). C. the same (tr.); sound loudly.

hrāda m. noise, sound.

hrādin [1] a. sounding, loud.

hrādin [2] a. = hradin.

hrāduni f. hail-stones, hail.

hrādunī f. hail-stones, hail.

hrādunīvṛt a. clad in hail.

hrāsa m. -na n. shortening, decrease, diminution.

hrī jihreti v pp. hrīta1 (& hrīṇa) be ashamed or abashed. C. hrepayati put to shame, confound. I. jehrīyate be greatly ashamed.

hrī [2] f. shame, bashfulness.

hrīka (adj. --°) & hrīti f. the same.

hrītamukha a. shame-faced.

hrītamukhin a. shame-faced.

hrīmant a. ashamed, bashful, modest; abstr. -ttva n.

hru hruṇāti v pp. hruta (q.v.) with
     vi cause to go wrong. -- Cf. vihruta.

hrut f. cause of going wrong, stumbling-block.

hruta a. crooked, bent.

hrepaṇa n. shame, embarrassment.

hreṣ hreṣati hreṣate v pp. hreṣita (v. seq.) neigh. C. hreṣayati cause to neigh.

hreṣā f. -ṣita n. neighing, whinnying.

hreṣin a. neighing.

hreṣuka m. a kind of shovel.

hlād hlādate v cool off, refresh one's self; C. hlādayati refresh, comfort. --
     ā C. = S.C.
     pra refresh one's self. C. refresh.

hlāda m. refreshment, comfort.

hlādaka a. cooling, refreshing.

hlādana a. & n. the same.

hlādikāvatī f. rich in cooling.

hlādin [1] a. = hlādana a.

hlādin [2] a. very loud.

hlāduka a. cool, fresh.

hlīka a. ashamed.

hvaras n. crookedness, deceit; pl. the curves (a cert. part of the Soma-strainer).

hval hvalati v (hvalate) go wrong, stagger, fail. C. hvalayati shake. --
     vi stagger, tremble. -- Cf. vihvalita (add.).

hvala a. staggering, trembling, f. ā as subst.

hvalana a. = prec. adj.

hvā -> .

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hvātavya a. to be called.

hvāna n. calling, call.

hvāra m. serpent (the crooked).

hvārya a. serpent-like; m. = prec.

hvāla m. failure.

hvṛ hvarate v (only --°), pp. hvṛta go crookedly, bend over, fall. C. hvārayati cause to go crookedly (fig.), lead astray; M. deviate, go astray. --
     ā lead astray or into trouble.
     upa go crookedly.
     vi stagger, fall; C. overturn.