Borooah: English-Sanskrit Dictionary Based on Borooah, Anundoram: English-Sanskrit Dictionary. Guwahati, Assam : 1971 (= Calcutta : 1877) Input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL) [GRETIL-Version vom 09.02.2018] LICENSE This file is based on bor.txt, available at (C) Copyright 2014 The Sanskrit Library and Thomas Malten under the following license: All rights reserved other than those granted under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license available in full at, and summarized at . Permission is granted to build upon this work non-commercially, as long as credit is explicitly acknowledged exactly as described herein and derivative work is distributed under the same license. ( MARKUP ## %% @@ ___________________________________________________________________ THIS TEXT FILE IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY! COPYRIGHT AND TERMS OF USAGE AS FOR SOURCE FILE. Text converted to Classical Sanskrit Extended (CSX) encoding: description character =ASCII long a à 224 long A â 226 long i ã 227 long I ä 228 long u å 229 long U æ 230 vocalic r ç 231 vocalic R è 232 long vocalic r é 233 vocalic l ë 235 long vocalic l í 237 velar n ï 239 velar N ð 240 palatal n ¤ 164 palatal N ¥ 165 retroflex t ñ 241 retroflex T ò 242 retroflex d ó 243 retroflex D ô 244 retroflex n õ 245 retroflex N ö 246 palatal s ÷ 247 palatal S ø 248 retroflex s ù 249 retroflex S ú 250 anusvara ü 252 capital anusvara ý 253 visarga þ 254 long e ¹ 185 long o º 186 l underbar × 215 r underbar Ÿ 159 n underbar ­ 173 k underbar É 201 t underbar  194 Other characters of the CSX encoding table are not included. Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order to facilitate word search. For a comprehensive list of CSX and other GRETIL encodings and formats see: and For further information see: ___________________________________________________________________ @<[Page 1]>@ ## or (before vowels) AN: I This article has no equiv. in Sanskrit and is expressed by the singular number alone: there is a large silk-cotton tree on the banks of the Godavari %% H. i.; there was a king named Cintamani %% Va. II But %% (%%) should be added when special attention is directed to the object: a (certain) Yaksha %%, Me. I 1.; A (certain) saint named Marichi %%, D. iii. III When it means a species of, %%, etc. should be added: Asoka is a tree %%. IV When used distributively, (a) expr. by avy. comp. with %%, or, by the repetition of the word in proper agreement with the verb: give (me) 500 sovereign a day %%, H. iii; (b) the simple gen. may be used in connection with num. adverbs: dinner twice a day %%, V. In O. E. sometimes=on, in, for: q. v.: the world runs awheel %<*cakrairjagaddhàvati>%. ##: %% (with gen.): abaft the mast %<*guõavçkùasya pa÷càdbhàge>%. ##: 1 %%, (%%, c. l.); 2 %%, (%%, c. 3.); 3 %%, (%%, c. 6.); 4 %%, (%%, c. 6.). ##: I Lit. %% (%%): v. To abandon. II Fig.: extremely wicked: q. v. 1 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%); 2 %% (%%) (=of a character). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; Ph: a. of wordly connexions: %%. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.); 2 %% (c. of %%): v. To humble, to lower. ##: %%: v. Humiliation. ##: 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (c. of %%). ## (v. t.): I To lessen, diminish: q. v. %% (nomi.). II Leg. t. t., To put down: q. v. ## (v. i.): 1 %% (Pass. of %%); 2 %%. (Pass. of %%); 3 %% (Pass. of %%): v. To decrease. ##: I Decrease, diminution: q. v.: %%. II Diminution of price: Ph. I will make an a. of five per cent %<*pa¤cakaü ÷ataü laghayàmi>%. III Leg. t. t.: v. Failure. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %% (%% c. 6.): v. To contract, shorten. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (v. i.): %<*ràjyaü svàdhikàraü và tyajati parityajati>%. ## (v. t.): %%, (%%, c. i.): V. To resign. ##: 1 %% (when the sense is clear); 2 %% (=a. of a throne); 3 %%; (of an office). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Belly. ##: %%, (%%, c. 1.), Si. i. 51. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. Ph. a. of mind %%, Sa. vi.: a. of light %<*tejobhràntiþ>%. ##: %% (c. of %%): v. To aid, instigate, encourage. @<[Page 2]>@ ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %%: v. To hate. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; N. B. Const. with loc. ##: v. Repugnant, discordant, inconsistent. ## (v. i.): I To dwell: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 1.). II To stay: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 1.). ## (v. t.): 1 To wait for: q. v.: %% (%<ãkù>%, c. 1.). II To endure; q. v. %% (%% c. 1.). ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.) (with loc.), B. iii. 53; 2 %% (%%, c. l.)(with loc.), B. iii. 14. ## (part. adj.): 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (mfn.). ##: v. Constantly, permanently. ##: I Power: q. v. 1 %<÷aktiþ>%; 2 %%; Ph.: to the best or utmost of one's a.: 1 %%; 2 %%. II Mental capacity 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%); 2 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%): v. Base, vile. ##: %%: v. Meanness, servility. ##: %<*÷apathapurvakatyàgaþ tyàgaþ>% (when the sense is clear). ## (v. t.): %<*÷apathapurvakam>% or %%, (%%, c. 1.). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (adj.): I Competent, having sufficient power: 1 %% (%%); 2 %<÷aktaþ>% (%%); 3 %% (%%). II Possessing mental capacity: 1 %% (mfn.); 2 %% (%<õà õaü>%); v. Clever, skilful. ##: 1 %<÷aknoti>% (%<÷ak>%, c. 5.); 2 %% (%%, c. 10.); 3 %% (%%, c. 1.); 4 %<ãùñe>% (%<ã÷>%, c. 2.); 5 %% (%%, c. 1.): v. Can. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%<ïgà ïgaü>%): v. Robust, strong. ##: 1 %<àcamanam>% (of the mouth); 2 %% (of the body); 3 %%: v. Washing. ##: i. e. with ability: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %%: v. Denial, renunciation. ##: Ph. to get a. %%, RAJ. ##: I Continuance in a place: %%: v. Residence, stay. II Dwelling place: 1 %%; 2 %<àlayaþ>%; 3 %%: v. House. ## (v. t.): %%, (%%, c. 6.) (?). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% (?). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ## (v. t.): 1 %%, (%%; c. 2.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1.): v. To detest, execrate. ##: I Hatred: q. v. %%. II That which excites hatred: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %<àdimavàsinaþ>% (m. pl.) (?). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. To cause a.: 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (%%, c. 8.) One who causes a.: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (f. %<õã>%): Causing a.: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: I Producing abortion: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (f. %<õã>%); 3 %% (f. %%). II Born prematurely: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). III Fruitless, unsuccessful: q. v.: %%; (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. In vain. ## (v. i.): No equiv: expr. by the corresp. adj s.: among those trees a. ing in good fruits %%, R. xiii. 46; the country of Kimpurusha a. s in curiosities %%, K.: v. Abundant, full of. @<[Page 3]>@ ## (Prep.): I Around: q. v.: %% (with acc.). Sometimes sim. by the loc.: a. one's neck %% or %% (not %%). Ph.: a. these places %%. II In attendance on: %% (with ins.): v. With. III Respecting, concerning: %% (with acc.) (rare in this sense): you have spoken one thing good a. Siva %%, Ku. v. 81. N. B. Note the following exx.: is there any mistake a. it %%, Vi. iii.; whether mere knowledge a. God leads to emancipation %%, Ds.; conversing now a. his father, now a. his mother, now a. Sukanasa %%; K.; I also want to ask something a. your friend %%, Sa. i.; we had some conversation a. the news of the country %%; D. v.; a. the Lord of the Heavens %%; a. the friend of the god of Wind %%; a. the Lord of the (south) quarter %%; a. many Nalas %%; N. xiii. 2. 9. 15. 26. IV Near (in time): v. About (adv.) (III) Ph. remained for a. a moment %%, K.; a. the same time %%, D. i. ## (adv.): I Around: q. v.: %%. II Here and there %%. To go, walk, wander a. %% (%%, c. 1.). III Nearly. 1 by an altern. com.: we will reach (Patna) in a. a week (lit. in five or six days) %%, Mu. v.; 2 by bah. comp. with %% etc: a. ten %%: (m. pl.); a. four %%; a. twenty %<àsannaviü÷àþ>%; a. thirty %%; 3 by %% (%%) or %% (%%) affixed: a. as high as the knee %% (%%); 4 of age, by %% (%%), affixed: a. 18 years of age %% (%%), D. vi. ##: %% (%%): v. Point of, on the; ready. Ph.: What is the king a. now %%, U. ii. ## (adv.): I Overhead: 1 %%; 2 %<årddhvam>%; 3 %%. From a.: 1 %%; 2 %<årddhvataþ>%, Ku. xiv. 37. II Before: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (adj.): %% (%%), in the a. aphorism %%, S. ## (Prep.): I In a higher place: %% (with gen.) Just a.: %% (with acc.), Just a. the village %%. II In greater number: 1 by tat. comp. with %% (%%): in a. half a moment %%, RAM.; 2 by bah. comp. with %%, a. forty %% (m. pl.); 3 by comp. with %%, a. hundred (=hundreds) %% (%%); Ki. xiii. 26. III Beyond; v. Beyond (prep.) (III). ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.) Vi. iv.; 2 %% or %% (with acc.) (rare): Krishna is a. the gods %%. ##: v. To rub, scrape. ##: %% (indec.) ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 6.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1.); 3 %% (%%, c. 4.); v. To lessen, shorten. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ## (adv.): I In a foreign country: 1 %%; 2 %%. II To a foreign country: 1 %%; 2 %%. III Not at home %%. IV Widely: q. v.: spreading his rays far a. %%, K. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.); 2 %% etc. One who is, or, is living a. %% (%%). ##: v. To repeal, etc. ## (adj.): I Steep, rugged: q. v.: %% (%%). II Hasty, sudden: q. v.: 1 %<àkasmikaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%<õóà õóaü>%). III Of style: no equiv.: %<*bhagnaþ>% (%%). ##: %%: v. Suddenly, hastily. ##: I Steepness: q. v. Haste, Suddenness: q. v. @<[Page 4]>@ ##: perh. %%. ##: 1 %<àtmànaü nigåhati>% (%%, c. 1.): v. To hide; 2 %%: v. To escape. ##: I A not being present: 1 %%; 2 By the corresp. adj s v. ABSENT: Ph. how shall I live in his a. %%, Vet. II A being abroad: 1 %%; 2 %%. III Non-existence: %%: first of all, the property goes to the brothers, in their a. to the mother, in mother's a. to the father, and in their a to the husband %%, Da. IV Fig.: pl. a. of mind: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: (adj.) I Not present: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). II Heedless: q. v.: %% (%%). ##: i. e. To be abroad: %% (%%, c. 1.). ##: %<÷ånyahçdayaþ>% (%%), Sa. IV ##: I One temporarily absent: %% (%%): v. Absent. II One being abroad: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (f. %%). ## (adj.): I Perfect: q. v.: 1 %% (%%) (=eternal, sometimes used with the same force): it is admitted by all assertors of final emancipation that it is a. %%, S. I. 4.; 2 %% (%%) (=excellent, q. v.). II Unconditional, uncontrolled: q. v.: Ph.: for fate has a. power %%, K. iii. Not relative: %% (%%) (?) the recent philosophy of a. the %<*àdhunikakaivalyadar÷anam>% or %<-vi¤jànam>%. ##: i. e. Entirely: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: I Acquittal: q. v. II Religious a.: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: I To acquit, exonerate: q. v.: %% (c. of %%). II In religious sense: 1 %% (c. of %%,); 2 %% (%%, c. i.). ## (v. t.): I To imbibe, suck up: 1 %% (%%, c. i.); 2 %<÷oùayati>% (c. of %<÷uù>%) (=dry up). II Fig.: To engross: 1 %%, (%%, c. 6.), old men are a. ed. in thoughts and none clings to the supreme spirit %%; 2 %% (%%, c. 6.) (with acc.) [not so forcible as (1)] became a. ed in thought %%, K. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %<÷oùaõam>%. ## (v. i.): 1 %% (%%, c. 1.), a. from this dirty work %%, D. IV.; 2 %% (c. of %%) (with acc.), a. yourself from this unlucky affair %%, Ku. v. 73.; 3 %% (%%, c. i.): %%, U. IV. ## from food: %% (%%, c. 1.): v. To fast. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (mfn); 4 %% (%%); 5 %% (f. %%); 6 %% (%%,). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: I In gen. sense, refraining from: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. II From food: 1 %%; 2 %%; v. Fasting. III From the gratification of animal propensities: 1 %%; 2 %% ##: I From food: 1 %% (%%): v. Abstemious. II In a winder sense: %% (f. %%): v. Continent. ## (v. t.): I To separate: q. v.: %% (c. of %%). II To filch away, steal: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 1.). III To abridge: q. v. ## (subs): v. Abridgment, epitome. @<[Page 5]>@ ## (adj.): I Separate: q. v. II As opposed to concrete: perh. %% (%%): v. Abstruse, refined. ##: Phil. t. t. %<*praõidhànam; padàrthànàmaparadharmànanàdçtyaikadharmaü prati praõidhànam>%. In gen. sense, v. Stealing, separation, etc. ##: %% (%<óhà óhaü>%): v. Recondite, obscure. ##: %%: v. Obscurity. ##: v. Ridiculous, preposterous, inconsistent, unreasonable. ##: I Want of sense or judgement: 1 %<ànarthakyam>%; 2 %%; 3 %% II An absurd thing: Ph. what a. %%. ##: Ph. do not talk a. %<*alamanarthakapralàpena>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%<ùñhà ùñhaü>%); 5 %% (%%); 6 %% (mfn); 7 %% (%%). ## (v. t.): I To revile: q. v.: %<àkùipati adhi->%, (%%, c. 6.); 2 %<à-kro÷ati>% (%%, c. 1.); 3 %% (%%, c. 1). II To make ill use of: Ph. a king who a. his rights goes to hell %%; he a. s his time %%, etc. III To violate: q. v. %%. ## (subs): I Ill-use: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% (of word); 4 %% (of time): II Contumely: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %<àkro÷aþ>%; 4 %<àkùàraþ>%. ##: Ph. a. language %<àkùepavacaþ>%; a. writer %<*paråùalekhakaþ>%. ##: v. To adjoin, border on. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %% (a. suma); %<÷irãùaþ>% (another species). ##: i. e. Belonging to an academy: expr. by tat. comp. ##: %<*vidvatsabhàdhiùñhàtç>% (f. %%). ## I A school: q. v. %%. II A society of learned men: 1 %% (?); 2 %% (?). The royal a. %<*laõóananagarasya citrakarasabhàþ>%. ##: %% (%<¤jà>%, c. 9): v. To agree, assent. ##: %% (c. of %%): v. To hasten, quicken. ##: %% (?) (Ku. ii. 63): v. Haste. ## (subs.): I In speaking: %%. The acute a. %%; the grave a. %%; the circumflex a. %%. II A peculiar tone in speaking %%; with distinct articulation and a. %% K. III. An accentual mark: %% (?). IV Language, expressions: q. v. ## (v. t.): %% (c. of %%) (?). ## (v. t.): Ph. a. these syllables %<*eùàmakùaràõàü svaràn cihnaya>% (%%, c. 10). ##: I In speaking: %%. II In writing: %% (?). ## (v. t.): 1 %%, (%%, c. 9): a. ing the benedictions: %<à÷iùaþ pratigçhvantau>%, R. i. 44; here we should a. the word %% in the sense of succession %%, S. I. i; 2 %%, N. xiv. 49; 3 %%, let the real Nala a. the garland %%, N. xiii. 53; 4 %% (%%, c. 4), Si. xv. 22; 5 %% (%%, c. 6); a. ing presents %%, K. ##: I Lit.: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). II Agreeable, pleasant: q. v.: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%<¤jà ¤jaü>%). ##: %% (%%, c. 1.) (with dat.): v. To please. ##: v. Agreeableness, pleasantness. ##: %%: v. Agreeably, satisfactorily. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. @<[Page 6]>@ ##: %%: v. Meaning. Ph. according to usual a. the word 'inheritance' conveys property over which ownership is created on the demise of the former owner %%: Da. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: I Admission, interview: q. v. Ph. the asceties want to gain a. to the king %%, Sa. v. II The means of a. 1 %<àgamadvàram>%; 2 %%, etc. III Sexual intercourse: q. v. %%. IV Addition: v. Accession: v. A fit of disease: %<àgamaþ>%: v. Accession. ##: I Of places: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). II Of persons: 1 %% (%%). Surely kings are a. only at convenient times %%, Sa. vi.; 2 %% (%%) (easily seen). Ph.: not a. to bribe or sexual gratification %%: K. b. ##: I The act of joining: 1 %%; 2 %%. II A coming to power. Ph. on his a. to the throne %% etc. or %%. III Increase: q. v. %%, Ph.: a. of wealth %%. IV Of disease: 1 %<àgamaþ>%; 2 %<àvirbhàvaþ>%; 3 %%. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%: v. Instigator. ##: %% (?): v. Rudiment. ##: I Chance, casualty: q. v. ph. seen by a. %%, D. v.: v. Accidentally. II An unlucky event: %% or sim. %% (when the sense is clear). III A nonessential property: 1 %%; 2 %% or %% (?) ##: I Casual, fortuitous: q. v. 1 %% (%%) if a. there is no punishment %%, M. viii. 409; 2 %% (%%) not approving of a. union %%, D. vi.; even a. union %%, Ki., II Non-essential 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %<àhàryaþ>% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%. ##: 1 %%; with various a s of the spectators %%, D. vi.; 2 %%, Si. xiv. 47. ##: Ph. many foreigners become a. d to India %<*bahavo vide÷inaþ kàlena bhàratavarùasya jalavàyvàdisahiùõavo bhavanti>%. ##: %%: v. Slope, incline. ## (v. t.): I To adapt, conform: Ph. a yourself to the whims of nature %% (?). II To reconcile, adjust: q. v. III To supply with conveniences: Ph.: a. me with lodgings %<*vàsadànena màmupakuru>%. ##: I Adaptation: q. v.: %%. II Reconciliation: q. v. III Conveniences: Ph.: we received every a. in the inn. %%. IV A loan of money: Ph. a. bill %<*upakaraõapatram>%. ##: Often expr. by any comp. with %%: as if a. by attendants %%, Ki. x. 14. N. B. Note the fol. exx. a. by Sachi %<÷acãsakhaþ>%, R. viii. 32; a. by Rati %% Ku. iii. 35; a. by his mistress %% R. ii. 24. ##: Ph. singing in a. with drums %%, Ra. i. ##: I To go with: 1 %%, etc.: a. d by some of the chief Kiratas %% Ki. xii. 52: v. To go after, follow; 2 %% (%%) %% (%%, c. i.) (with gen.); 3 %% etc. with %% and ins.: I will a. you %%. II To play in accompaniment: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1.) ##: %%: v. Accessory. ## (v. t.): I To complete: q. v. %% (c. of %%). II To perform, execute: 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (c. of %%); 3 %% (c. of %%); 4 %% (%%, c. 3); 5 %% (%%, c. 8); 6 %% (%%, c. 9); 7 %% (c. of. %%). III To furnish: q. v. ## (adj.): I Finished, performed: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%) II Clever, refined: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%<õà õaü>%); 3 %% (f. %%): let the a. enjoy it with pleasure %%, Vi. i. N. B. The last word generally used absol. But see Ki. xiv. 2. ##: I The act of accomplishing: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%; 6 %%. II Attainment, acquirement, culture: q. v. ## (subs.): I Agreement, concurrence: q. v.: Ph. let us all with one a. fly up with the net %%, H. i., of one's own a. %%. II Concord, harmony. q. v. ## (v.): I Trans: v. To grant. II Intrans: v. To harmonise, agree. ##: 1 Comp with %%; in a. with it %%; 2 Sometimes by the sim. abl. or ins: in a. with the king's command %%, in a. with my saying %%, Mr.: v. According to. ##: 1 By any. comp. with %%, a. to rite %%; punishing a. to (the nature of) the offence (committed) %%, R. i. 6.; 2 When indicating order or succession by %%, or by any comp. with %%, not a. to (the seniority of) the mother %%; K. b.; a. to regular order %%, M.: v. In accordance with. ## (adv.): %%: v. Agreeably, conformably. ## (conj.): Often understood or expr. by: circumlocution: Ph. 'the princess is come, come to see her', (saying this) she went and we a. followed her %%, D. vi.; he a. followed me %%: v. Consequently, therefore. ## (v. t.): %<à-mantrayati>% (%%, c. 10): v. To address. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Delivery. ##: 1 %%, R. iii. 12.; 2 %% (%%), Sr. ## (subs): I Of money: %%; a. book %%, Raj.; Balancing an a. %%, Raj.; render an a. for me %%. II Estimation: q. v. %%. III Importance, value, advantage: q. v. IV A narrative or description: q. v. 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Reason, consideration: q. v.: Ph. on this a. %%, on what a. %% or %%. or no a. %%; on all a. s %%. ##: 1 By the abl.: on a. of having no power %%, D.; 2 Sometimes by the ins especially if the word ends in %%, on a. of my childhood %%; 3 By %<-nimittaþ>% (%%), as we are reduced to this state on a. of the enemy %%, Ki. i. 41.: v. For the sake of. ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 10.): v. To consider, esteem. ##: I To assign the cause of: %%, (c. of %%) (with gen.): v. To explain. II To render an account: Ph. a. for the money received %<*yaddhanaü pràptaü tasya gaõanàü dehi>%. ##: Ph. I. apprehend you are a. for his death %<*tvaddoùàttasya maraõamà÷aïke>%; every one is a. to God for his conduct %<*sarvairã÷varàyàtmakàryàõàü nyàyànyàyau pradar÷ayitavyau>%. ##: perh. %%; chief a., a.-general %%, RAJ. ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 4.): v. To equip, arm. ## 1 %%; 2 %% v. Arms, equipment. ## (v.): I To trust: q. v.: %% (%<÷vas>%, c. 2). II To send with credentials: %% (%%, c. 5): To send. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (v. 1.): v. To result; also to augment. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%%, c. 5); 2 %% (%%, c. 3); 3 %% (%%, c. 9); 4 %% etc. (=to amass). ## (v. i.): 1 %% (pass); 2 %% (%%, c. i); 3 %% (%%) %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Correctness, nicety. ##: %% (%%): v. Correct, exact, careful. ##: %%: v. Correctly, exactly ##: 1 %<-hatakaþ>% (%%), the a. moon. %%, K.; 2 %% (%%), the a. saint %%, D. vii.: v. Detestable, execrable. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; made a false a. against her husband %%, Ver; 3 %% (=false a.). ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (n.). ## (adj.): i. e. Containing an accusation: %% (%%). ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%%, c. 7), that I go like an a. d man %%, Mr. ix.; 2 %% (%%, c. 1.); v. To calumniate. ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (f. %%) (rare.) ##: 1 %%, a. ed himself in shooting moveable objects %%, R. ix. 49; 2 %% (%%, c. 4) v. To practise. Ph.: he who is a. ed to good food %<*yaþ sarvadà bhojanavi÷eùairàhàraü karoti>%; a. ed to cheating %% (%%). ##: Of cards: %<*ñekvà>%. Ph.: within an a. of piercing: %<*alpena veddhuü na ÷a÷àka>%. ##: %% (lit. and fig.): v. Sourness. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% v. Head- a. etc. ## (v. i.): 1 %% (%%, c. 1); 2 %% (c. of %%). Ph. my head a. s %<÷irovedana màü bàdhate>%. Mu. iii. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (c. of %%) 2 %% (c. of %%): v. To accomplish. ##: I Exploit: q. v. 1 %% measured by your a. %%, Sa. vii. 2 %% (n); v. Deed. II In heraldry v. EscukSeon. ##: %<*avarõaþ>% (%%): a. telescope %<*avarõaü dåravãkùaõaü yena tejovi÷leùeõa raktapãtàdyàdimavaõe na dç÷yate>%. ##: I adj. %%: (%%). II Subs.: %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%, a. of stomach %%. ##: %<ãùadamlaþ>% (%%) (?) ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%%. c. 2) she a. defeat from me %%, D. ii.; 2 %% (%%, c. 1): I a. I am just so %%, Sa. v.; 3 %%, D. s.; 4 %%, if one would not a. the authority of inference %%, D. s.; 5 %% (%%, c. 4.), M. viii. 183. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: %%: the a. of joy %%, K. ##: A poison: %%. ##: i. e. The fruit of the oak: v. Oak. ##: 1 %<÷rautaþ>% (%%); 2 Comp. with %<÷rotra->%. ##: %<*÷abdavidyà>%. ## (v. t.): I To make familiar: %% (%%, c. 8) %<à-carati>% (%%, c. 1), making himself a. ed with all sciences %%, K. II. To inform: q. v. %%, (c. of %%), you should keep me a. ed with whatever happens there everyday %%, D. iii. @<[Page 9]>@ ##: I Familiar knowledge: 1 %%, out of respect for his a. with all practical arts %%, K.; 2 %% (rare): v. Knowledge, intimacy. II A person known; 1 %% (%%), like old a. s %%, D. iii.; 2 %% (%%) Ki. iii. 2. ##: %% (%<¤jà ¤jaü>%) (with gen.), I am not a. with such affairs %%; K.: Ph. we are not a. with love affairs %%, Sa. iii. ##: v. To assent, abide by, content with. ##: %%: v. Assent. ## (v. t.): 1 %%, (%%, c. 1) or commonly, %% (with gen.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1), to a. fame %%, Ki. iii. 40. v. To gain, obtain. ##: I The act of acquiring 1 %%, by the a. of knowledge %%, P. i. p.; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. II Of knowledge: v. Attainment. ##: I Acquirement: q. v. II The thing acquired %% v. Gain. ## (v. i.): 1 %% (%%, c. 6.); 2 %% (c. of. %%); 3 %% (c. of %%) (?) ##: %<à-carati>% (%%, c. 1.): v. To conduct. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: I Of debt: 1 %%; 2 %%. II A receipt: q. v. ##: %%. ## (adj.): %% (%<ñvã ñu>%): v. Pungent, sharp, acrimonious. ##: 1 %% (%<ñvã ñu>%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (adv.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (?) ## (prep.): Ph. I will go a. the river. %%; a bridge has been laid a. the Son %<*÷onasyopari seturbabandhe>%. ##: Nearest word %%, Kav. i. 8.; %<*àdyàkùarabandhaþ>%. ## (v. t.): I To do, perform: q. v. II On the stage: 1 %% (%%, c. 1), Sa. 1.; 2 %% (%%, c. 10), we should a. Malabikagnimitra in this spring festival %%, Mal.; 3 %% (%%, c. 10.), Ma. i.: Ph. Urbashi a. ing the part of Lakshmi. %%, V. iii. N. B. The sense of a. ing is often expressed by nomi. v. s.: a. the nymph %%. ## (v. i.): I To be in action: %% (%%, c. 8): this is not possible that one a. s and another enjoys %%, D. s. II To conduct oneself: 1 %<àcarati>% (%%, c. 1): the king has a. ed very ungentlemanly towards Sakuntala %%, Sa. iv. v. To behave; 2 by nominal verbs: to a. as. a step-mother %%; to a. as a tutor %%; to a. like yourself %%. III On the stage: %% (%%, c. 1) v. Act (v. t.) (II). ## (subs): I A deed: q. v.: 1 %% (n); 2 %%; 3 %%. II A division of a play: %% (mn.) III A law: %<*vidhiþ>% Ph.: the last act of life: (%%) %%. ##: I Agency: Often not expr: water boils by the a. of heat %<*vàri tapati tàpena>%. Ph. the a. of the senses %%, Ku. iii. 72; the a. of love %%, Sa. i. II Deed, conduct: q. v. 1 %%; 2 %%. III Gesticulation: q. v. %%, M. vii. 63. IV Law suit, cause: q. v. %%, Mr. xi. V. An engagement, battle: q. v.: %%. VI In plays etc.: %<*kàryam>%: there is much a. in the play %<*kàryabhulaü nàñakam.>%: ##: 1 %% (%%),; 2 %% (%%): a. subject %%, M. ## (adj.): I Agile, nimble: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (f. %%) (=zealous); (3, 4) %% (f. %<õã>%) (=one who does quick); 5 %% (mfn) (sharp worker); 6 %% (%%) (=not slow). II Busy, industrious; q. v.; 1 %% (%<ùñhà ùñhaü>%) 2 %% (f. %%) III In gram.; Ph. a. verb %%; a. voice %%. -- IV As opposed to passive: Ph. a. organs %% (n. pl.); entered into a. life %% (%%) (?) ## (subs.): I Agility,: 1 %%; 2 %% v. Zeal. II Industry and energy: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%. Ph. with great a. %%. ##: I A doer: q. v.: %% (m). II A stage player: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %<÷ailåùaþ>%; 6 %% (m); 7 %%; 8 %<÷ailàlin>% (m) (rare). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 Comp. with %%: v. Real, true. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Realty. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Really, truely. ##: %% (?) v. Clerk, Registrar. ##: %% (%%, c. 6): v. To move, impel, influence. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Sagacity. ## (adj.): I In intellect: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (mfn.), R. v. 4.: v. Subtle, shrewd, keen. II Of the senses %% (%%): v. Sharp, penetrating. III Sharp, pointed: q. v.: Ph. a. angle: v. Angle: a. accent %%; a. pain %%. ##: v. Sharply, kneely, subtly. ##: I Of intellect: v. Acumen. II Of the senses: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %% (when the sense is clear): v. Proverb, saying. ##: I An imaginary stone: %% (Lit. and Fig.). II Lode-stone q. v. %%. ##: v. To fit, suit. A. ed: v. Fit, suitable. ##: v. Fitness, suitability. ##: I To sum up: 1 %%, (%%, c. 10).; 2 %% (%%, c. 10). II To gain, unite: q. v.: %%. III To speak in addition %% (%%, c. 2), %% (%%, c. 3), etc. ##: %%. ##: 1 %<àtmànaü à-sajjayati>% (with loc.); 2 %<àsajjate>% (with loc.): v. To devote, give up. ##: 1 %<àsaktaþ prasaktaþ>%, or %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: I The process of adding 1 %%; 2 %%; a. of fractions %%, Li. II The act of adding 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %% III Anything added %%: v. Increase. ##: Ph. on receiving the a. powers %<*atiriktakùmatàü pràpya>%; there are additional reasons for his departure %<*tasya prasthànasyàparàõi kàraõàni santi>%. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%) (?); 2 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%) (?) v. Putrid. ##: v. Silly, foolish. #
# (subs.): I A speaking to; 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. II A massage of respect: perh. %%. III Manner of speaking to another: Ph. of pleasing a. %% (%%) or %% (f. %<õã>%) or %% (f. %%). IV Tact, dexterity: q. v. %%: V. In pl.: of courtship: Ph. his a. es were rejected %<*tasyàmantraõaü pratyàdiùñam>%. VI The superscription of a letter: %% (n.) get this letter written by Sakatadasa without putting any a.: %% Mu. i. VII The direction %% (n. du.). #
# (v. t.): I To discourse to: 1 %% (%%, c. 10) or %%; 2 %%, (%%, c. 1), he a. es me by my name %%; 3 %% (%%, c. 3), a. me as you have been accustomed to do %%, U. i.: v. To speak to. II To superscribe (as a letter): q. v.: Ph. he a. ed a letter to me %%. III To court, woo: q. v. ## (v. t.): 1 %%, (%%, c. 6), if a man does not a. witness saying that he has got them %%, K. b, M. viii. 56.; 2 %% (%%, c. 4) a. ing of witness %%, K. b. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%<õà õaü>%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (mfn.). ##: %% v. Sufficiency. N. B. Better expr. by the adj. ## (adj.): I Sufficient: q. v. %% (%%). II As applied to men: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). v. Competent. ##: Better expr. by the adj.: v. Sufficient, sufficiently. ## (v. i.): 1 %% (%%, c. 1), who a. s to my dress %%, Sa. iv.; 2 %%, (%%, c. 1) again a. d to the Sinsapa tree %<÷iü÷apàvçkùe punarlalàga>%, etc. v. To stick, cling to. ##: v. Adhesion. ## (subs.): %% (f. %%): v. Follower. Ph. Anantasira is an a. of Praharavarma %%, D. iii.: v. Partisan. ## (subs): I Lit.: Sticking to: 1 %%; 2 %% II Fig. Attachment: q. v.: %<àsaktiþ>%. ## (adj.): Perh. %<÷yànaþ>% (%%) v. Sticky. ## (interj.): %% with dat. ## (subs): 1 %<àmantraõam>%; 2 %<àpracchanam>%. To bid a. 1 %<àmantrayate>% (%%, c. 10). R. vii. 30.; 1 %<à-pçcchate>%, (%%, c. 6). R. viii. 49. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%); 3 %% (f. %%); 4 %% (%%); 5 %<àsannavartin>% (f. %%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (v. t.): 1 %%, (%%, c. 1); 2 %%, (%%, c. 6). ## (adj.): %% or %% (%%). ## (v. t.): Perh. %% (%%, c. 6): a. ed the case till monday %<*somavàraü yàvat kàryaü vyàcikùepa>%: v. To put off, postpone. ## (v. i.): Ph. the parliament a. ed for four days %<*caturdivasaü mahàsabhà tyaktakàryàsãt>%. ##: %% (?) v. Postponment. ## (v. t.): v. To award, to decree, to sentence. ##: %% (%%, c. 1): v. To decide, judge. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Decision. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: I The act adjuring: %<÷àpanam>%. II The form of oath: %<÷apathaþ>%. ##: v. To entreat, beg. ##: I To make extact, fit: q. v. II To Regulate: q. v. %% (%%, c. 3). III Of accounts: v. Account. ##: v. Regulation, settlement. ##: %<*sahacarapadam>%. ## (subs): I A military officer: %<*sahacaraþ>%. II The gigantic crane: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: v. Measurement, mensuration. ## (v. t.): I To manage, execute: q. v. %% (c. of %%): Ph. to a. justice %% (%%, c. 8.) M. viii. 21. II To give, afford: q. v. %% (%%, c. 3). III To tender an oath: %<÷àpayati>% (c. of %<÷apa>%). IV To manage an estate: %<*mçtakasampatteþ rakùaõàvekùaõaü karoti>%. ##: I Execution, management: q. v.: %%. Ph. a. of Government %<÷àsanam>%; a. of justice %%; internal a. %%, Ki. i. I. II. The executive part of Government: %% (m. pl.). III Legal. t. t.: Ph. letters of a. %<*nirvàhapatram>%. ##: Ph. his a. abilities are proverbial %<*tasya ÷àsanakàryadàkùyaü suprasiddham>%. ##: I A manager: q. v.: %%. II Of an intestate's property: %%. ## (adj.): 1 %<÷làdhyaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%) (=wonderful, q. v.); 4 %% (%%) (=incomparable, q. v.). ## (interj.): %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 In comp., by the words given under Admirable. ##: 1 %%, D. vi.; 2 %<*raõapotapatiþ>%. ##: The board of a.: %<*raõapotasacivamaõóalo; sàmudrikasacivasamàjaþ>%. ##: 1 %<÷làghà>%; 2 %%; 3 %% (acclamation, q. v.); 4 %% (=wonder, q. v.) Ki. xiii. 17. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%<÷aüs>%, c. 1), Indra a. d the speed ... %%, Si. i. 52.; 2 %<÷làghate>% (%<÷làgh>%, c. 1), a. d by the assembled gods %<÷làùito devasaïghaiþ>%, Ki. xviii. 48; 3 %% (%%, c. 2) (some) a. deep sense %%, Ki. xiv. 5.: v. To praise. ##: I Lit. %%. II A lover: q. v. ##: Of gazing: 1 %% (%%), D.; 2 %%, K. ## (adj.): %% (%%), M. viii. 78. ## (subs): I Acknowledgment: q. v.: %%. II Admittance, entrance: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (v. t.): I To allow to enter: 1 %%, a. them at once %%, Sa. ii.; 2 %<à-ve÷ayati>% (c. of %%), a. ing (me) to his hut %%, D. iii. II To acknowledge: q. v.: 1 %% (%%, c. 2); 2 %%, (%%, c. 1). III To be capable of: Ph. it a. s of no other construction %<*atrànyo'nvayo nalagati>% or %%; it a. s of no delay %% (?). ##: v. Admission. ##: v. Granting. ##: %% v. Mixture. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (c. of %%): v. To remind; 2 %% (%%, c. 6): v. To advise; 3 %% (%%, c. 1): v. To reprove. ##: 1 %% v. Adviser; 2 %% (?): v. Monitor. ##: 1 %% v. Advice; 2 %% v. Reproof; 3 %% (?): v. Warning. ## (adj.): %% (%%). ## (subs): v. Trouble, difficulty, bustle. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Youth. ## (adj.): %% (f. %% or %%): v. Young. ## (v. t.): 1 %%, (%%, c. 9) (Lit. and Fig.) he who a. s a son... %%, M. ix. 171.; 2 %% (=to make, applicable only to a. ing children), who should a. and what sort of children. %%, D. m.: Ph. to a. as a son %% (nomi). D. m. ##: %% (f. %%) (Lit. and Fig.), D. m. ##: 1 %% (Lit and Fig.) D. m.; 2 %% (=a. as a child), D. m. ##: I One who adopts: %% (f. %%): v. Adopter. II One who is a. ed: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (a son given); 3 %% (a son bought). See M. ix. 168. 169. 174. 177.: Ph. a. daughter %%, U. i. ##: 1 %<àràdhanãyaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: 1 %<àràdhanà>%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%<às>%, c. 2); 2 %% (%%, c. 1); 3 %<àràdhayati>% (%%, c. 10); 4 %% (%%, c. 10). ##: 1 %<àràdhakaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%%, c. 8); 2 %%, (%% c. 10); 3 %% (%%, c. 10); 4 %% (c. of %%). ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (f. %%). ##: I Adorning: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. II Ornament: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %% (%%). To set a.: Perh. %% (c. of %%). ## (adj.): 1 %% (%<õà õaü>%); 2 %% (f. %%): v. Clever, skilful, dexterous. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (?); 3 by false a. s %%, Si. ##: %%, v. Flatterer. ##: 1 %% (%%) (?); 2 %% (%%); 3 %<÷làghàsåcakaþ>% (%%). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (f. %%): v. Youthful. ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 10.) or sim. %% (when the sense is clear). Ph. a. d with water %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%), M. ##: 1 %%, M xi. 50; 2 %% (m), K. b. ##: %%, or sim. %% (when the sense is clear). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% (m). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %% (f. %<õã>%); 2 Comp. with %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%; 6 %%. N. B. Note that 2, 3, and 4 applicable to men only, and 5 and 6 to women only. Ph.: to commit a. with a man %% (%%, c. 1), with a woman %% (%%, c. 1). ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 8) (?). ##: i. e. the skekS: %% (?). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %<÷uùkaþ>% (%<ùkà ùkaü>%): v. Parched. ## (v. i.): I To move forward: 1 %%, the chariot a. d towards Krishna %%, Si. xx. 2.; 2 %% (%%, c. 1), I a. d three or four steps %%, D. ii.; 3 %% (%%, c, 2), %% (%%, c. 1), etc. (with acc.), at once a. d against the lords of the quarters %%, Ku. xvi. 50.; 4 %%, etc., should a. against the enemy %%, Ka. xviii. 2. Ph. the day has a. d %% Sa. iv. II To make progress: q. v.: Ph. with his age, he a. d in knowledge %%. Ph.: of a. d age: 1 %%, H.; 2 %%, R.; 3 %%, K. ## (v. t.): I To bring forward %% (c. of %%) or %% (%%, c. 1.) II To promote, forward: q. v.: %% (c. of %%) III To offer or propose (as an opinion): q. v. IV To pay before- hand: Ph. a. d 500 rupees for the bridge %<*setubandhanàrthaü pa¤ca÷ataråpyamudràþ pràgeva dattavàn>%. ## (subs): I Onward movement: 1 %%. v. Going; 2 %<àgamanam>%. v. Coming. II Progress, improvement: q. v.: %%. III Increase of price:. %%. IV A paying beforehand: %% (?). ##: %% (m. pl.) (after Vi.) and sim. comp. ##: 1 %%. 2 %%: v. Promotion. ## (subs) I Benefit: 1 %% (=good q. v.), for whose a. %%; 2 %% (=profit, q. v.), what a. will you derive %<*tava ko làbho bhaviùyati>%; 3 %% = merit, q. v.). they do not know the a. s of riding %<*a÷vàrohaõatuõànna jànanti>%. II Opportunity: q. v.: %%. III Superiority: Ph. the enemy had the a. of us in number %<÷atråõàü saükhyàsmadadhikàsãt>%. ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 8): v. To profit. ##: 1 %%: (%%): v. Beneficial; 2 %% (%%) v. Profitable; 3 %% (%%) (=enriching) To be a.: v. To advantage. ##: I Profitably: q. v. II Conveniently: q. v. ##: %<àgamanam>%: v. Arrival. ##: 1 %<àhàryaþ>% (%%); 2 %<àgantukaþ>% (%%); 3 %% (%%) (=external: q. v.). ##: I Risk, hazard: q. v. II A remarkable achievement: 1 %%, although a boy, Rama is celebrated for his a. s %%, Vi. iii.; 2 %%, (=the sum total of one's a. s) the a. s of the ten princes %%. III Accident: q. v. ##: v. To venture, dare. ##: %% (%%). A military a.: v. Freebooter. ##: %% (%%): v. Bold, rash. ##: %%. Ajal: %<*kriyàvi÷eùakaþ>% (%%). ##: 1 %% (m); 2 %% v. Opponent, enemy. ##: %<*virodhasåcakamavyayam yathà--'tu' 'tathàca'>%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%): v. Inimical, hostile. ##: 1 %% (f); 2 %<àpad>% (f): v. Calamity, misfortune. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.): if in course of conversation, people were to a. your name %%, Ki. i. 24; 2 %% (%%, c. 6): v. To notice, allude. ##: %%: v. Attention, notice. ## (v. t.): I To inform: q. v.: %<¤japayati>% (c. of %<¤jà>%). II To publish a notice of: 1 %<*vi-¤jàpayati>% (c. of %<¤jà>%); 2 %<*dhopayati>% (%%, c. 10): Ph. a. d a horse for sale in the Soma Prakasa %<*vikreyo ghoñaka iti somaprakà÷apatrikàyàü vi¤jàpayàmàsa>%. ##: I Information: q. v. A public notice: 1 %<*vij¤àpanam>%; 2 %%. ##: %<*ghoùakaþ>%. ##: I Counsel: 1 %%; 2 %<÷àsanam>%; 3 %%. To give a. may be expr. by %<÷àsti>% etc.: what sort of friend is he who does not give good a. to his master %%, Ki. i. 5: v. To advise. II Intelligence: q. v. %%. ##: %% (%%) B. xii. 15. v. Prudent, expedient. ##: %%: v. Expediency. ## (v. t.) I To give advise: 1 %% (%%, c. 6). there is nothing to a. you %%, K.; 2 %<÷àsti anu->%, (%<÷às>%, c. 2), a. me what is to be done with this wealth %%, Si. xiv. 11. N. B. These verbs may take two acc. s. II To inform: q. v.: %<¤jàpayati>% (c. of %<¤jà>%). ##: v. Designedly, purposely. Ph. a. cruel %%, R. viii. 65. ##: 1 %% (m); 2 %%; 3 %<÷àsakaþ>% (rare in this sense). ##: No equiv.: %<*abhibhàùaõam>%: v. Defence, vindication, recommendation. ## (v.): %<*abhibhàùate>% (%%, c. 1): v. To plead, defend, vindicate. ## (subs): I A pleader: %<*abhibhàùakaþ; ukilaþ>%: II. A. defender, vindicator: q. v. %<*abhibhàùakaþ>%. ##: %<*dharmavçttidaþ>% (%%). ##: %<*dharmavçttidànam>%. ##: 1 %% (m) or %% (f); 2 %%. ##: I Lit.: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%) (=produced in the air); 3 %% (=through the air). Ph. a. flight: 1 %%; 2 %%; a. spirit %% (%%). -- II Fig.: lofty: %% (mfn) and sim. comp. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Nest. ##: Perh. %%. ##: %<*vàyugatyà bhaviùya÷ubhà÷ubhakathanam>%. ##: %<*bhàramàpaþ; vàyvàdãnàü bhàramàpakayantravi÷eùaþ>%. ##: %% (f. %%); %% (%%). ##: %<*rucivi¤jànam>%. ##: %% (from a.) A. off %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (f. %<õã>%): v. Courteous. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Courteously. ##: %%, state a. s %% v. Business. ## (v. t.): I To act upon, infuence: Ph. I am a. ed with pain in the feet %%; as if a. ed with devil %%. II Of feeling Ph. a. ed with sorrow %<÷okàmibhåtaþ>% (%%); a. ed with joy %% (%%); a. ed with those lamentations %<àhatastaiþ paridevitàkùaraiþ>%; his speech did not a. the audience %<*tasyoktiþ ÷rotçvargahçdayànina jagràha>% or %<÷rotçvargahçdayeùvavakà÷aü na lebhe>% III To aspire to, aim at: q. v. IV To love: q. v. V. To concern: q. v. VI To make a mere show of. Ph. a. ing quarrel %%, Mu. iii.; a. ing anger %% Sa. i.: v. To feign. ##: I Assumed: 1 %% (%%), restraining his a. anger %%, Mu. iii.; 2 %% (%%), un-a. love %%, Ki. iii. 37.: v. False, feigned. II Moved 1 %% (%%), I am a. by your manners %%, N. v. 24; 2 %% (%%) (=melted): v. To affect (II) III Unnatural and offensive: Perh. %% (%%): v. Unnatural. ##: 1 By the adj: v. Affected; 2 %% (=boastfully) ## (adj.): %% (%<õà õaü>%) (=pathetic, q. v.): v. To affect (II). ##: %% spoke a. %%, K. x. 58: v. Pathetically. ##: I Love: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% (conjugal or friendly a.); 4 %% (n) v. Love; 5 %% (parental a.); 6 %% (rare). N. B. Note that these words agree with the loc.: I said I feel a. for this child as for my own %%, D. iii. II An attribute or property: Ph. a. s of the mind %%; a. s of bodies %<÷àrãradharmàþ>%. III Disease: q. v.: Ph. remover of all rheumatic a. s %%, Sr. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (f. %%), a. heart %% Me. i. 10; 3 %% (%%) (applied to parents); 4 %% (f. %%) (of dutiful affection towards parents and elder relatives); 5 %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %%: v. Affection 1 ## (subs): I Marriage contract: 1 %%; 2 %% (only of the female by her guardian). II Trust, confidence: q. v. %%. ## (v. t.): I To betroth: q. v. %% (%<÷ru>%, c. 5), a. d to me %%. II To trust, confide: q. v.: %% (%<÷vas>%, c. 2). ##: %<*÷apathapårvà vi¤japtiþ>%: Ph. he made an a. that he is a bachelor %<*akçtodvàho'smãti ÷apathapårvakaü vij¤àpayàmàsa>%. ##: I To adopt: q. v. II.: To ally; q. v. III To receive into a society: Ph. a. d to the Calcutta University %<*kalikàtàvi÷vavidyàlayasaü÷ilaùñaþ>% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%). ##: I Adoption: q. v. II Filiation: q. v. ##: %% (general and matrimonial): v. Relative, connection. ##: I To assert positively: %% (%%, c. 1): v. To assert. II To confirm, establish: q. v.: %% (nomi). @<[Page 16]>@ ##: %% (f. %%): v. Asserter. ##: I Assertion: q. v.: %%. II Confirmation, establishment: q. v.: Ph. on solemn a. %% (?). ## (adj.): I Declaratory of what exists %% (%%) II Expressing assent %% (%%) III Confirmative: v. To confirm, etc. ## (subs).: Ph. 'yes' is an a. %%; one maintains the a., the other the negative %%. ##: %%: a. to verbs %%; a. to nouns %%. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 10); 2 %% (%%, c. 9); 3 %% (%%, c. 1.). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: I Misforune, calamity: q. v. II Distress, grief; q. v. ##: %%: Opulence, riches. ##: %% (%%): v. Opulent, rich. ##: %% (?): v. Flow. ##: I To give, yield, supply: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 3) II To be able to sell or expend without imprudence: Ph. he can a. to keep four servants %<*sa caturo bhçtyàn rakùituü ÷aknoti>%; he can a. to spend 500 Rs. a day %<*sa pratyahamakle÷ena pa¤ca÷ataråpyamudrà vyayituü samarthaþ>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %<óimbaþ>%; 4 %<óamaraþ>% (rare). ## (v.): 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (c. of %%): v. To frighten. ## (subs).: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. fear, terror. ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 4): v. To insult. ## (subs).: 1 %%; 2 %% v. Insult. ## (v. t.): %%, (%%, c. 6): v. To pour. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %% (%%), or by the verb; I was a. for the day and the whole night %%, D. vi. Fig.: the rumour is a. %%, Sa. vi.: v. To get abroad. ## (adv.): I Lit.: %%, did she go a. on in a carriage %% Mr. ix. II FIG., in action: %% (%%), good men do not abandon what is set a. %%, P: v. To begin, undertake. ##: v. Foregoing. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %% v. Formerly. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %<÷aïkitaþ>% (%%): v. Fearful. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 3) (with abl.): I am a. to allow girls to live publicly %%, D. iv.: v. To fear; 2 %<÷aïkate>% (with acc.): v. To apprehend. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Again. ##: I subs: *(%%) %% II Adv.: v. Abaft. ## (prep.): I Behind: q. v.: %% (with acc.): to go a. %%; to run a. %%. II At a later time: 1 By abl.: seen a. a long time %%, U. ii. N. B. This const. is very rare; 2 %% (with abl. or crude base): a. his father %%, R. ix. 1.; a. 16 years %<ùoóa÷avarùànantaraü>%, D.; just a. his order %%, K.; 3 %% (with abl.): a. childhood %% Ku. i. 31.; 4 %<årddham>% (with abl.) a. childbirth %<årddhaü prasåteþ>%, R. xiv. 66; 5 %% (with abl.) (rare); 6 When time is specified, by loc. or loc. absolute of words signifying motion: a. the rainy season %%, B. vii. 18.; a. a few days %%, K.; %%, D. (N. B. note that %% (=from this time) and %% (=from that time) are sometimes prefixed in such cases for the sake of precision); 7 Sometimes by part. s: a. bathing with the water of the cascade %%, K. III. In an inferior degree to: %% (with acc.): a. the acquisition of friends %%, Ki. xiii. 53. IV In imitation of: 1 %% (with acc.), every thing yours is a. me, but you do not feel the pain of separation from your beloved (wife) %%, V. iv.; 2 %% (%%). ## (adj.): I Subsequent, succeeding, later: q. v. II More aft.: Ph. the a. sails %<*pa÷càdbhàgasthàni vàyuvasanàni>%. ## (adv.): of time: %%: soon a. %%, Me. i. 10.; long a. %%, Ra. iv.; how long a. %%, Sa. vi. For phrases like many years a. (=a. many years): v. After (prep.) (II). ##: %<àyatiþ>% (?) v. Posterity. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %<àparàhvikaþ>% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: %%. ##: %<*uparåpakam *anunàñakam>%. ##: 1 %%: 2 %% (?) ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (rare): v. After (adv.), then, thereupon. ## (adv.): I Once more; 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. a. and a.: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. II Moreover: q. v. %% Ph.: sleeping never to wake a. %% (f. %%), R. viii. 58. ##: I Abreast of, facing: 1 %%, a. the hostile army %%, R. vii. 55.; a. the wind %%, Ku. iii. 31.; 2 Comp. with %% (rare), a. the enemy %%, Ki. xvi. 5.; 3 %% (in comp. or with gen.) should advance a. the enemy %% Ka. xviii. 2. II In opposition to: Ph. (subjects) should not act a. their king %% Mu. i.; I have never acted a. yours wishes %%; Ku. ii. 7.; if she, a. her caste..... %%, D. ii. III In provision for: Ph. a. misfortune %<àpadarthe>%, H. IV. Upon: q. v.; v. also the verbs to which it is joined. ##: %% (%%): v. Gaping. ##: v. Mushroom, touchwood. ##: %<÷avalamaõivi÷eùaþ>% Perh. %%. ##: I Time of life: 1 %%, and what is his a. %%, K.; of the same a. %%, (mfn.), R. v. 65.; of advanced a. %% (mfn.) (poet.) R. iii. 70.; your majesty is still of a. %%, Sa. vi.; 2 %<àyus>% (=the whole term of one's life): when the king passed the 61st year of his a. %%, Raj. II An epoch: q. v. %% the golden a. 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 comp. with %%, etc.: thirteen years of a. %% (%%) D. iii.; one who has completed twenty years %% (%%,) M. ii. 212.; 2 comp. with %% (%%) etc.: twenty years of a. %% (%%), H. iv.; 3 comp. with %% (%%): v. Aged (II): Ph. about 18 years of a. %% (%%), D. vi.; below two years %<ånadvivàrùikaþ>% (%%), M. v. 68.: above 90 years of a. %% (mfn.), K. b.; who has not reached 25th. year of his a. %% Sr. ##: I OLD: q. v.: 1 %% (%%) (as animals); 2 %% (%<õà õaü>%); (as trees etc.). II Of a certain age: %% (%%), a. ten years %% (%%): v. Age, of. ##: I Action: q. v. II Instrumentality: %%, the a. of God is visible everywhere %<*sarvatre÷varasya kartçtvaü draùñavyam>%, Ph. through my a. %% (%%); the burning power of iron is through the a. of applied fire %%, S. p. b. III The business of an agent: %<÷àkhà>% (=branch): v. Agent. ##: I One who acts for another: 1 %%; 2 %%. II An actor: q. v. %%; III An active power: %<÷aktiþ>% (with gen.); fire is a powerful a. %<*agnerårjasvalà ÷aktiþ>%. ##: %% (%%, c. 8.): v. To collect. @<[Page 18]>@ ##: v. To glue, stick to. ##: 1 %%, (c. of %%); 2 %% (%%, c. 8.); 3 %% (c. of %%); 4 %<àpyàyayati>% (c. of %%); 5 %% (c. of %%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. v. Advancement, exaltation, enlargement. ## (v. t.): I To enhance: q. v. %%, (c. of %%) II To exaggerate: q. v. III To provoke or irritate: q. v. ##: I Enhancement: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%. II Exaggeration: q. v. III Provocation, irritation: q. v. ## (v. t.): %% (%% c. 9.): v. To bring together. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (adj.): Expr. by the subs.: also v. Total, whole. ##: I An aggregate: q. v. II The act of aggregating; 1 %%; 2 %%. v. Collection. ##: 1 %<àkramaõam>%, v. Attack; 2 %% (=first act of mischief). ##: 1 %%, B. ix. 102.; 2 %% (%%, c. 7.), %<àkràmati>%, etc. ##: %<àkramaõa÷ãlaþ>% (%%) (?): v. Mischievous. ##: 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (%%, c. 9.): v. To grieve, injure. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%) v. Nimble. ##: v. Nimbleness, briskness. ##: I Pasturing: %%. II The rate paid for it: %% (?). ##: I Lit.: 1 %%, (c. of %%); 2 %%, (c. of %%) v. To shake; 3 %% (c. of %%). II Fig. 1 %%; 2 %<àkulãkaroti>%. v. To disturb, excite. III Discuss, debate: q. v. ##: i. e. excited: 1 %<àkulaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 4.); 2 %<àkulãbhavati>% (%%, c. 1.); 3 %%, (%%, c. 1.). ##: I Commotion: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. II Mental a.: 1 %%; 2 %%. III Discussion: q. v.: %%. ##: Ph. political a. s. %<*ràjyavikùobhakàþ>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (mfn): v. Kinsman. ##: %%. ##: Ph. 1927 years a. %%, Tàrànàth; six months a. %%; long a. %%; not very long a. %% (?); how long a. %% (?); sometime a. %% (?). ##: %% (f. %%): v. Eager, longing. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (c. of %%). ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%): v. Excruciating. ##: 1 %% (physical); 2 %<àdhiþ>% (mental); 3 %% (gen. mental); 4 %% (gen. physical); 5 %% v. Pain. ##: 1 %% (%%) (?); 2 %% (%%) (?). ## (v. t.): v. To admit. ## (v. i.): I To concur: %% or %% (%%, c. 4). In some cases, by circumlo.: my views about jail discipline a. with yours %<*kàràgàra÷àsanaviùayamatànyàvayorabhinnàni>%; they a. as to the omniscience of God %<*ã÷varasya sarvaj¤atvaviùaye teùàmaikamatyam>%. II To yield, assent: 1 %% (%%) %%; 2 %%, (%%, c. 9) (with acc.): v. To accept. III To resemble: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 1); the characters a. with each other %%, Mu. v. IV To stipulate: q. v.: %%; we sent messengers to Kàmamanjari, a. ing that he, who would be sought for by her, would carry the ensign of victory %%, D. ii. Ph. at the hour a. d upon %%. V. Of food: Ph. One should eat what a. s with him %%, Sr. VI Gram. t. t.: Ph. a verb a. s with its nominative in number and person %<*vacanapuruùaviùaye kriyà kartàramanugacchati>%. ##: I Pleasing 1 %% (%<¤jà ¤jaü>%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%%); 5 %% (%%) II Suitable, confirmable, consistent: q. v. ##: I Pleasantness: q. v. %%. II Consistency, agreement: q. v. ##: I Pleasantly: q. v. II Consistently, in accordance with; q. v.: a. to his command %%. ##: I Compact; 1 %%, to violate an a. %% (%%, c. 7), %% (%%, c. 1), etc., M.; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. II Harmony of opinions or feelings: 1 %%; 2 %%; III Conformity, consistency: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %%, The science of a. %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: Ph. the boat is a. %<*bhåmiü spç÷ati nauþ>%. ##: I An intermittent fever: 1 %%; 2 %%: a quotidian a. %%, a tertian a. %%, a quartan a. %% Sr. II The ague-fit: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (inter): 1 %% (of grief etc.), v. Alas; 2 %% (of surprise etc.) v. Oh; 3 %<àþ>% (of contempt etc.), ah ! frowning at me %<àþ mayyeva bhrakuñãdharaþ saüvçttaþ>%, Vi. ## (inter): %% (in all the senses of the English word). ##: v. Forward. To go a.: v. Go on. To get a.: q. v. ## (subs): I Assistance, help: 1 %%; 2 %%. II An auxiliary, a helper: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (v. t.): %% (with gen.): v. To assist, help. ##: %<*sahacaraþ>%. ## (v. t.): Ph. what a. s thee %% ?: v. III, unwell. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%): v. III, unwell. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %<àtaïkaþ>%. ## (subs): I The object aimed at: 1 %%; 2 %<÷aravyam>%; 3 %%. II The direction of a missile weapon: %%. III A purpose, intention: q. v. %%. ## (v.): I To direct an arrow etc.: %%, etc. Ph.: a. ing at Siva %%, Ku. II To aspire, endeavour to attain: 1 %<àkàïkùati>% (%%, c. 1), a. ing at your post %%, Ku.; 2 %<ãpsati>% (desi. of %<àp>%). ## (subs): I The atmosphere: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% (m). II The space occupied by air: 1 %%; 2 %% (n.): v. Sky. III Air in motion: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%; 6 %%. Ph. for taking a. %%; the vital a. %% IV Manner, mien, look: q. v.: %<àkçtiþ>% V A tune or melody: q. v.: %%, Ph.: to take a.: i. e. to get abroad: q. v.: %%. ## (v. t.): I To admit the fresh air: %% (%%) %%. II To dry: q. v. %<àtape dadàti>% (%%, c. 3) (to expose to the sun). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %<*vàyukoùaþ>%. ##: %<*vàyuvandukaþ>%. ##: I A walk or ride in the air: %% or %%. II An exposure to air: v. To air. ##: %<*vàyuniùkàsanayantram>%. ##: (in mines): 1 %%; 2 %<àlokapathaþ>% (?). @<[Page 20]>@ ## (adj.): I Consisting of air. 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). II Relating to air: Ph. took an a. flight %%, N. or %%; the a. regions %%. III Open to air: %% (%%). IV Vain, trifling: 1 %<÷ånyaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%%). V. Gay, lively: q. v. ##: No equiv.: %% may be used. ##: I Related by blood: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (mfn.). II Allied by nature: 1 %% (%<÷à ÷aü>%); 2 %% (%%) affixed. ##: %<÷vetaprastaravi÷eùaþ>%. ## (inter.): %%: v. Alas. ##: 1 %% v. Zeal; 2 %%: v. Eagerness. ##: I Alarm-cry: no equiv.: why don't you rouse your master by raising an a. %%, H. II. Terror, fright, consternation: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (c. of %%), summon Vasantasenà's mother without a. ing her %%, Mr. ix.; 2 %<àkulayati>% (nomi.) (=to fill with anxiety); 3 %% (c. of %%): v. To terrify. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %<àkulaþ>% (%%): v. Anxious 3 %% (%%) (=terrified); 4 %% (%%) (rare). ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 6); 2 %% (%%, c. 4) v. To dread. ##: %<*vidhuraghaõñà ÷atroràgamanàdisåcanàya yà ghaõñà vàdyate>%. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%): v. Dreadful. ##: %<*prabodhaghaõñà>%. ##: 1 %%, a. ! the buds of the tree of Ràvana's impolicy are as if scattered around %%, Vi. vi.; 2 %%, a. my Queen, my heart is bursting, my joints loosening %%, U. iii.; 3 %%, a. what has befallen %%, K.; 4 %%, a. you will be the first enemy of the man who never had an enemy %%, Si. ii. 102.; 5 %% a. when you hear what has befallen me %%, N. i. 139. ##: %<*kçùñadharmapurohitaparihitaü ÷uklàprapadãnam>%. ##: %<*jàlapàdaþ samudrapakùivi÷eùaþ>%. ##: %%: v. Although. ##: %<÷vetakàyaþ>% (%%). ##: %<÷uklam; cakùårogavi÷eùaþ>%. ##: photographic a. %<*àlekhyapustakam>%; a. for inserting quotations %<*vacananive÷aþ>%. ##: Perh. %<÷vetam>% (of eggs); %% (in the scientific sense) (?) ##: 1 %% (?); 2 %% (?); 3 %% (?) ##: 1 %% (?); 2 %% (?); 3 %% (?). ##: %<*madyasàraþ; *suràvãjam>%. ##: %% (?): v. Recess. ##: %%: v. Kingfisher. ##: %%. ##: %<*laõóanàdi-nagarasya meyaranàmnaþ pradhànanàyakasya nimnastho'dhikàribhedaþ; pauravçddhaþ>%. ##: %%: v. Beer. a. brewer: v. Brewer. ##: %<÷auõóikàlayaþ>% Sa. v.; %<*yavasuràpaõaþ>%. ##: %<÷auõóikaþ>% (f. %%); %<*yavasuravikrayin>% (f. %<õã>%). ##: i. e. on or towards the lee: v. Lee. ##: %% (?); %%. ##: v. WakSful, vigilant; also nimble, brisk. ##: v. Briskness, wakSfulness, sprightliness. ## (subs): %%. ##: %%; A. ist. %% (%%). ##: 1 by tat. comp.; 2 %<*vãjagaõitaviùayakaþ>% (%%). ##: Ph. Rama a. Ràmanànda %<*ràmaþ yasya ràmànanda ityaparanàma>%. ##: Ph. the prisoner proved an a. %<*vandã sthànàntarasthitiü pratipàdayàmàsa>%. ## (subs): %% (f. %%): v. Foreigner ## (adj.): I Not native %% (%%) II Unconnected: q. v. %% (%%) III Adverse: q. v.: %% (%%). ##: %<*hastàntarãkaraõãyaþ>% (%%); %% (%%). ## (v. t.): I Of property: %% or %% (?) II Of affection: Perh. %% (c. of %%); %% (c. of %<÷ilaù>%) ##: I Of property: %% (?). II Of affection: 1 %% (?); 2 %% (?). III Of mind: %%. ##: I To get down; q. v.: %% (%%, c. 1). II To settle on (as bees): %%, (%%, c. 1), the swan a. ed on the ground %% N. iii. 1. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%<÷à ÷aü>%); 2 %% (%%): v. Like, similar. ## (adv.): %%: v. Equally, similarly. ##: %<àhàraþ>% v. Food, nourishment. ## (adj.): v. Nourishing. The a. canal %<*àhàravàhinã>%. ##: %%. K. b. ##: I Living: q. v.: %% (f. %%). II Active, lively: q. v. ##: %%, tell me, is my darling a. %%, Ma. ix. ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (?) ## (adj.) 1 %%: (%%); all of them, enjoying a. pleasures at a. times, reached the pinnacle of happiness %%, K.; 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%%), knowledge of a. characters, erudition in the languages of a. countries, attainments in a. the Shastras %%, D; 5 %% (%%); 6 %% (%%); 7 %% (%%); 8 %% affd., or the abode of a. essence of beauty %%, Ma. ii. Ph. the Supreme Spirit is a. joy %<ànandamayaþ paramàtmà>%, S. i. 13.: v. Full of; by a. means, one ought not to do anything without consideration %% H. i.; at a. events %%; a. along %%; a. around %%. ## (subs): %%; I want to hear a. about it %%. Ph.: a. I can %%; a. of a sudden %%; in a. %%; does not breathe at. a. %%; K.; you are not kind at a. %%; a. you have to say is this %<*idameva>% or %%. ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (%<ùà ùaü>%). ##: 1 %% or %% (%%); 2 %% (mfn.) ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (f. %%). ##: %% (%<¤jà ¤jaü>%); 2 %% (mfn.). ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (f. %<ùñrã>%). ##: 1 %% (%<¤jà ¤jaü>%); 2 %% (%%). ## (v. t.); %<÷amayati pra->%, (c. of %<÷am>%), a. s the heat %<÷amayati paritàpaü>% Sa. iv.: v. To appease, mitigate. ##: 1 %%; 2 %% v. Assertion, plea. ## (v. t.): I To affirm, to assert: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 9). II To cite, quote.: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 1). ##: %%, they took an oath of a. to Caesar %<*vayaü sijàrathaktà iti ÷apathaü cakruþ>%. ##: %% (%%) (?): v. Figurative. ##: Expr. by the adj. ##: I To turn into allegory: %<*råpakakrameõa varõayati>% (%%, c. 10) II To interpret allegorically: %<*råpakàrthaü saü-yojayati>% (c. of. %%). ## (v. t.): 1 %<÷amayati pra->%, (c. of %<÷am>%): 2 %% (nomi.): v. To mitigate. @<[Page 22]>@ ##: I Mitigation: q. v.: %% II Extenuation: q. v. ## (subs): A walk in a garden: 1 %%; 2 %% (n); 3 %% v. Avenue. II A narrow passage: %%. ##: A union between states: %%; offensive and defensive a. %%, H. iv.: v. Treaty, league. II Union arising from marriage: %% matrimonial a. %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %%. ##: v. Address. ##: Ph. a. land %% (?). a. land belonging to a Brahmin %% (?). ##: i. e. freehold estate: v. Freehold. ## (v. t.): I Distribute: q. v. %% (%%, c. 1) II To grant, assign: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 3). ##: I The act of allotting: 1 %%; 2 %%. II That which is allotted: %% v. Share. ## (v. t.): I To concede, permit: 1 %% (%%, c. 4), if you a. me space in (your) flower-bed %%, Sa. iii.; 2 %% (%%, c. 1), now none is a. ed egress or ingress without a pass %%, M. v.; 3 %% (%%, c. 9) v. To permit. II To grant, bestow: q. v. %% (%%, c. 3). III To acknowledge: q. v. %% (%%, c. 8). ##: v. Lawful, permissible. Not a.: v. Forbidden. ##: I Acknowledgment: q. v.: %%. II Permission: q. v.: %%. III That which is allowed: no equiv.: %%, of the Pandits enjoying my a. s. %%, P. ## make: %% (%%, c. 10), making a. for the temptations of youth %<*yauvanasya pralobhanàni vigaõayya>%: v. To consider. ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 10): v. To mix: Ph., a. ed with pain %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%), D. s.; being a. ed with pain %%, D. s. ## (subs.): I Any compound of two or more metals: %%. II Evil mixed with good: Ph. enjoyed pleasures without a. %<*avimi÷ritàni sukhànyanubabhçva>%. ##: 1 %% or %%, etc. (in speaking); 2 %% (=to point, refer); what ! this alludes to me %%, Sa. vii. Ph. this mythological story is here a. d to (?) --%%, M. n. ## (v. t.): 1 %<àkarùati>% (%%, c. 1.), men are a. d by these sweet (but) false words %<àbhistàvanmadhuràbhirançtavàgmiràkçùyante viùayiõaþ>%, Sa. v.; 2 %% (%%, c. 1.): even an old man like myself is, as a rule, a. d by pleasures %%, Ki. xi. 10.; 3 %%, (c. of %%) v. To tempt. ##: %%: v. Temptation, enticement. ## (adj.): 1 %% (f. %<õã>%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %<àkarùakaþ>% (%%) (rare). ##: Ph. his a. to my poverty %<*mama dàridrpaü lakùãkçtya sa yaduvàca>%; there is not the least a. of Krishna in the Rig Veda %<*çgvede kçùõasyàbhàso'pi na lakùyate>% v. To allude. ##: Ph. a. accretion %<*payovastabhåmiþ>%. ## (subs): %%, M. ## (v. t.) I To unite or connect: %% (%%, c. 9.) II To form an alliance with (between states).: %% or %% (%%, c. 3.). ##: %%; a. maker %% (?) ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (mfn.); 3 %% (%%). ##: %%. Bitter a. %%. A. tree %%. ##: %<*bhikùàvitaraõakàrã>%. ##: 1 %% (%%), it is a. morning now %%, Sa. iv; 2 %% (%%), a. well %%, D. ii.; a. undertaken %%. Ku. iii. 14; 3 %% (%<ùñhà ùñhaü>%), a. extinguished %%, Ku. iii. 52. N. B. Note that these words are placed after adjectives or part. adj. s and that, therefore, when in Englsh a. qualifies verbs, it should be expressed in Sanskrit by corresp. part. adj. s: when I had a. finished %<*avasitapràye mama vàkye>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. To beg a. %% (%%, c. 1). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %% (?); 2 %%. (?). ##: %%. a. wood. %%. ##: I On high: %<årdhvam>%. II In the air: 1 %%; 2 %<àkà÷apathena>%. ## (adj.) I Without anybody else: %% (f. %%), he could not remain a. even for a moment without him %%, K. v. Solitary. II One out of many: %% (%%) (with %% or %%), let Bhàguràyana a. accompany me %%, Mu. iv.; let my intellect a. remain with me %%, Mu. i. III By itself: %% (%%), policy a. is cowardice %% R. xvii. 47. Ph. let imperiality be a. %<àstà¤cakravartità>%, D. viii.: v. To let alone. ## (prep.): %%, (in comp. or with acc.), a. the bank %%; flows a. the city of Oudh %%, R. A. with: %% (with ins.): v. With. A. side %%. All a. %%. A. of: v. On account of. ## (adv.): v. Onward, forward. ##: 1 %% or %% (with a loud voice); 2 %% (with loosened throat); 3 %% (openly). To call a.: %<÷abdàyate>% (nomi.). ##: %%. a. ically: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. Sometimes by sim. %%: he is a. come %%; the sun is already up %%. ##: %%; Chandràpida a. entered into thoughts %%, K.; not only he who speaks ill of the great but a. he who hears %% Ku. v. 53. ## (subs.): 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%%, c. 8.) (when the sense is clear): he concluded that the merchant had a. ed the R into S. %%, Raj.; 2 By means of %% (%%), %% (%%) etc.: as if you are a. ed in appearance %%, Ki., iii. 46.; 3 %% (c. of %%). c. l.)v. To change. ## (v. i.): %% (%%, c. 1.) v. To change, vary. ## (adj.): %% (%%) v. Changeable. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. N. B. The last three words refer to change in form etc. v. Change. ## (v. i.): 1 %% (nomi); 2 %% (%%, c. 1.) v. To wrangle. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. v. Quarrel, wrangling. ## (adj.): Comp. with %%; with a. victory and defeat %%, Ki. xvii. 18.; a. angles %<*paryàyakoõau>% (m. dual); a. leaves %<*paryàyadalàni>% (n. pl.). ## (v. i.): Ph. the flood and ebb tides a. with each other %<*paryàyeõa velànàü vçddhikùayau bhavataþ>% or %%. ## (v. t.): Ph. to a. labour with repose %<*paryàyeõa ÷ramavi÷ràmau karoti>%. ##: %% (=in regular order). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. (=change: q. v.) ##: 1 %%; 2 %% Ph.: which a. shall I choose 'be a deserter of my wife' or 'be polluted with the touch of another's wife' %%, Sa. v. ##: 1 %%: we remember that Vidura and others a. born Sudras were possessed of superior knowledge %%, S. iii. 34. She will surely move a. she may be in a painting, will practise jugglery a. she may consist of a doll, will deceive a. she may be engraved %%, K.; 2 %%, a. we cannot extirpate pain, still we can put it down, %%, T. ##: %% v. Height. ##: I Wholly, completely,: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %% II Conjointly: q. v.: %%. ##: 1 %% (f.); 2 %%. ##: I Perpetually, constantly: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%. II Invariably: q. v.: %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %% (?) ##: %% (%%, c. 10.): v. To mix, combine. ##: %% v. Mixture, combination. ##: %%. ##: I The plant: %%. II The flower: %% etc. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (%%, c. 5.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1): v. To accumulate. ##: %% (%%) %<àtmavinodanàrthaü saïgãtàdikalàü sevate>%. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %<÷çïgàrarasapradhànaþ>% (%%) (such as a. verses); 3 %% (%%) (=producing love, such as a. potions); 4 %% (f. %%). v. Amorous. ## (v. t.): %% (c. of %%): v. To astonish. ## (adj.): %% (%%): v. Astonished. ## (adv.): 1 %%: 2 %%; 3 By the adj. ##: %%: v. Astonishment. ## (adj.): %% (%%): v. Astonishing. ##: expr. by the adj.: v. Amazing v. Also excessively. ##: %<*pahminã; raõapriyà>%. ##: 1 %%, 2 %%. Ph. the English a. at Berlin %<*vàrlinasya iülaõóãyaràjadåtaþ>% or %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%: v. Ambassador. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %% (?) ##: (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%): v. To encompass. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). Ph. it is a. here whether the word %% means 'captive' or 'adorable' %% Sah. ##: expr. by the adj.: Ph. you have spoken a. %<*sandigdhaü tava bhàùitam>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Circuit, compass. ##: 1 %%; 2 %<àkàïkùà>%; 3 %% (for fame); 4 %% (for royalty); 5 %% (for esteem); 6 and sim. com. s. ##: 1 %% (%%) (for fame); 2 %% (f. %<õã>%) (for high post) etc. v. Desirous of, eager. Ph. a. for your post %% Ku. iii. 4. ## (subs) 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (v.): 1 Perh. %% (%%, c. 1); 2 %%. ##: %% (%%) (?) ##: %%: v. Nectar. ##: %% (Mfn.): v. Movable. ##: I The place: %%. II The men: %%. to lie in a.: %% (%%, c. 1) ##: v. To improve, improvement. ##: %% or %<àbh>%. In non-ecclesiastical sense: %%. @<[Page 25]>@ ##: I Submissive, compliant: q. v.: %% (f. %%). II Accountable to: Ph. a. to our government %<*asmàkaü ÷àsanàyattàþ>%. ## (v. i.): %<÷udhyati>% (%<÷udh>% c. 4): v. To mend, improve. ## (v. t.): %<÷odhayati>% (c. of %<÷udh>%): v. To correct, improve. ##: I Correction, improvement: q. v.: %<÷odhanam>%. II A secondary resolution in a bill or motion: %<*÷odhanam>%. ##: v. Compensation, satisfaction. To make a.; v. To recompense, atone for ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Agreeableness. ##: %% (%%, c. 10) (with double acc.): v. To fine. ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (=fine, q. v.). ##: %<ànãlaþ maõivi÷eùaþ>%. ##: %%; 2 %%; 3 %%, (good behaviour); 4 %% (rare). ##: 1 %% (%%) (=of good behaviour); 2 %% (%%) (=deserving of affection); 3 %% (%%) (=pleasant, agreeable) ##: %%: v. lovingly, affectionately. ##: %% (%%): v. Friendly, kind. ##: 1 %% (with gen.), a. four fires %%, K. xiii. 41.; 2 by adj. s %% (%%), etc. Ku. v. 20. ## (adv.): expr. by the adj. s: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%) etc.: v. Wrong. ##: %%: v. Peace, friendship. ##: %%. ##: %%. ##: %%: (now=gunpowder, shot) q. v. ##: %% (=pardon, the meaning determined by the context). ##: I Amidst: q. v.: %% (with gen.). II Making part of a number of: 1 %% (with gen.), a. his very many sons %%, K.; 2 by loc., Rambhà a. women and Ràma a. kings %%. ##: I Prone to love: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). II In love: v. Enamoured. III Pertaining to love: %% (in comp.): v. Amatory. ##: 1 %%: v. Affectionately; 2 %%. ## (subs): v. Sum. ## (v. i.) Ph. a. ing to a lac %% (%%); these races together a. to fourteen %%, K.; ascertain what the balance a. s to %<*kiyadava÷iùñamiti parij¤àyatàm>%; your argument a. s to this %<*etadabhipràyakaste tarkaþ>%. ##: %% (=love), secret a. %% (?). ##: %% (%%) (?); %% (f. %%). Sr. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: I Specious: q. v.: %% (%%) II Abundant, copious: q. v. %% (%%). III Not brief: %% (%%). ##: I Spaciousness: q. v.: %%. II Abundance: q. v.: %%. ##: I Enlargement: q. v. II Of speech: %% or %%. ##: %% or %%, (%%, c. 1): v. To enlarge. ## Extent: q. v.: %%. II Greatness: q. v.: %%. ##: %%: v. Abundantly, sufficiently, fully. ##: %% (%%, c. 7): v. To cut off. ##: %% or sim. %% (when the meaning is clear). ##: 1 %%; Sa. vii.; 2 %% (mn.). ##: I To entertain the mind agreeably: 1 %% (c. of %%), how shall I a. myself %%, V. ii.; 2 %% (c. of %%), the prince was very much a. ed by his long description of his past valour, beauty and fortune %%, K. II. To delude: q. v.: %% (nomi.). ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (pass). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Diversion, entertainment. ## To afford a.: 1 %% 2 %% (c. of %%). ##: %% (m.): v. To amuse. ## (part. adj.): %% (f. %%): v. Pleasing. ##: v. A. ##: %<*yauvanamajjanavàditvam>%: v. Anabaptist. ##: %<*yauvanamajjanavàdin>% (m.) %%. ##: %% (?). ##: %<*akùaraviparyàsaþ; ÷abdasyàkùaràõàü bhinnasamàve÷enànya÷abdakalpanam>%. ##: Ph. a. argument %%. ##: %%. ##: 1 %% (%<÷à ÷aü>%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: %%: v. Resemblance, similarity. ##: I Philo. t. t.: no equiv.: %<*vi÷leùaþ>%. II Synopsis: q. v. ##: %<*vi÷leùakaþ>% (f. %<ùikà>%, n. %%). ## (v. t.): %<*vi-÷leùayati>% (c. of %<÷ilaù>%); %% (%<ãkù>%, c. 1). ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%) (without a king); 2 %% (%%) ( =turbulent); 3 %<*viplavakàrin>% (f. %<õã>%) (=anarchist). ##: %<*ràjyaviplavakàrin>% (f. %<õã>%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%, Vi. iii. ##: 1 %<÷àpaþ>% (?); 2 %% (?) v. Curse, excommunication. ##: %<÷apati abhi->%, (%<÷ap>%, c. 1): v. To curse, excommunicate. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 by tat. comp. ##: %<*vyavacchedavidyàvi÷àradaþ>% or. %<-ku÷alaþ>%. ##: %% (%%, c. 7): v. To dissect. ##: %<*vyavacchedavidyà>%. ##: %%, In. pl.: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%, I have excelled my c. s %%, Vi. v. ##: %% (%%) P. v. Paternal. ##: I Ancestors: q. v. II Birth, or honourable descent: 1 %%; 2 %%. Ph.: of good or noble a.: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (f. %%) Sa. iv. ## (subs): %%. Ph. the arms of an a., %<*laïgaradantàþ>% (m. pl.): the eye of an a. %<*laïgaracchidrama>%; to cast a. %<*laïgaraü prakùipati>%; to weigh a. %% (%%, c. 10.) ## (v.): %% (%%, c. 6.) (with gen.) a. ed off Benares %<*upavàràõasi laïgaraü pracikùepa>%, or %%. ##: I The place: %<*laïgarasthànam>%. II The duty: %<*laïgara÷ulkam>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (m). v. Hermit. ##: %<*heriüjàtãyaþ kùudramatsyavi÷eùaþ>%. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%<õà õaü>%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%%); 5 %% (%%); 6 %% (%%): 7 %% (%%): v. Old. ## (subs): I Flag: q. v.: %%. II An ensign: q. v.: %% (f. %%) ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. v. Formerly. ##: 1 %% (m. pl.), U. v.; 2 %% (m. pl.), S.: v. Antiquity. ##: v. Supplemental. ##: I In case of subs. and adj. s: (a) by dva. comp.: summer a. spring %%; father a. mother %%; or, sim. %% [so brother a. sister %%; son a. daughter %%; father-inlaw a. mother-in-law %<÷va÷urau>%]; with his superior birth, asceticism, erudition, valour a. deeds %%, Vi. ii.; exhausted, tremulous, and (therefore) pleasant %%, U. i.; 6 by %% (enclitic): fresh youth, incomparable beauty, a. superhuman prowess %%, K. II. In case of numerals: 1 By a comp. with %% (%%), or %% (%%): one hundred a. two %% or sim., %%: three thousand a. sixty-eight %%; 2 By a comp. with %%: after a reign of 18 years a. thirteen days %%, Raj.; 3 by %% (very rare), Vi. III In case of verbs, generally by participles: go a. speak this to the minister %%, Sa. vi.; then he alighted (from the horse) a. tied it up to a. branch of a tree, a. then approached a. saluted Siva a. then again gazed on the same lady %%, K. v. (iv). IV In connecting sentences: 1 By %% (never at the beginning): (these remembrances) burn my body a. rend my heart %%; Ma. x.; 2 Sometimes %% is omited: behave so that you will not be laughed at by men, will not be censured by the good, will not be reviled by the seniors %%, K. V. In Interrogation, generally by %% (enclitic): who is he, whose son, a. what is his name ? %% K.; O. fair lady, who are you, whose spouse, a. what is your object for coming to me ? %%, R. xiv. 8. ##: denoting immediate sequence: 1 %% in childhood a. then again in youth %<÷ai÷ave tadanu yauvane punaþ>% U. i.; 2 %%, a. then allowed his son to go %% B. i. 23.; 3 %% (very rare), Vi. ii. v. and (III). ##: %%: v. YET. ## (adj.): v. Hermaphrodite. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Story ##: Perh. %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Again. ##: I Lit.: %%. II Fig: as a term of endearment: 1 %%; 2 %% v. Love, darling. ## (adj.): I Belonging to angels: by tat. comp. II Resembling angels: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%<ùã saü>%). ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%, to give way to a. %%, V. iv.; restraining his a. %%, B. xii. 81.; 3 %%; 4 %%, void of a. %% (%%), Ki. i. 33.; 5 %% deeprooted a. possessed (him) %%, Si. xv. 2.; 6 %%; 7 %%, (f.); 8 %% (f.); 9 %%. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (with gen.) ## (subs): (I) %%; 2 %%. Right a. %%; obtuse a. %<*viùamakoõaþ>%; acute a. %%; alternate a. %%. ## (v).: 1 Perh. %% (nomi.); 2 %% (%%, c. 4.), or %% (%%, c. 9.). ##: I One who angles %% v. fisherman. II A species of fish: %%. ##: %<*iürejabhàùàrãtiþ>%. ## (v. t.): %<*iürejayati>% (nomi.). ## (subs).: %%, or %%. ##: Perh. %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%): v. Enraged. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 4.); 2 %% (%%, c. 4.); 3 %% (%%, c. 4.) N. B. These verbs are const. with dat. or with %% and acc.: a. with the king of Chedi %% Si. i. 75. ##: 1 %% (a. of mind); 2 %% ( =bodily pain): v. Agony. ##: 1 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%) (?); 2 %% (%%) (?). @<[Page 28]>@ ##: %%: v. Reproof, censure. ## (v. i.): v. To observe, remark, censure. ##: I Any living creature: 1 %% (m); 2 %%; 3 %%. (=a rational a.) ; 4 %% (usually applied to lower a. s only); 5 %% (m); 6 %% (m.) II. A beast: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%. ## (adj.): Expr. by gen. of above: Ph. a. food %<àmiùam>%: v. Or meat; a. pleasures %% or %% (pl.): a. passions %% (n. pl.) (lit. organs of sense), or, %%; the a. kingdom %<*jãvasçùñiþ nikhilapràõivargaþ>% ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: (v. t.): I To give life to: 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (c. of %%), P. II. FIG.: To encourage, incite q. v.: 1 %<à÷vàsayati>% (c. of %<÷vas>%); 2 %% (c. of %%). ## (adj.): I Alive: %% (%%): Ph. a. being 1 %%; 2 %%. II Lively, vigorous: q. v.: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: I Bestowal of life: 1 %%; 2 %%. II life: q. v.: %%. III liveliness, vivacity: q. v. 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %%, 2 %%. ##: 1 %% (mn.); 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %<àkhyànavid>%; Vi. (?); 2 %<àkhyànaracakaþ>% (?). ##: 1 %<àkhyànacayaþ>% (?); 2 %% (?); 3 %<*vàrùikavçttàni>%. ##: 1 %% (n. pl.) (?). ##: 1 %<*pratapati>% (%%, c. 1.) ##: I To subjoin: Ph. I. a. a list of articles for sale %<*lekhànte vikreyadravyàõi nirdiùñàni>%. II To unite: %% (c. of %%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Union. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 7.); 2 %% (%%, c. 10): 3 %% (c. of %%); 4 %% (c. of %%); 5 %% (c. of %%): v. To destroy. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %% (rare, except with reference to the a. of the world): v. Destruction. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). The a. of Krishna's birth %%; the a. of Ràma's birth %%. ##: 1 %<ñãkàü karoti likhati>% or %% (with gen.); 2 %% (%%, c. 2.): v. To explain. ##: 1 %<ñãkà>%; 2 %<ñippanã>%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 10.): v. To proclaim; 2 %% (c. of %%): v. To inform; 3 %%, (c. of %%) Ki. xiii. 35; 4 %% or %% (%%, c. 3), the drum a. ed the departure (of the nymphs) %%, Ki. vii. I v. To speak; 5 %<àkhyàti>% (%%, c. 2.), to a. this to the king of Nishàdha %<àkhyàtuü vçttametanniùadhanarapatau>%, N. iii. 132. v. To tell. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Proclamation, publication. ##: %<àkhyàpakaþ>%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.); 2 %% (%%, c. 5.); 3 %% (%%, c. 1.). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. v. Trouble, vexation. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ## (adj.) v. Troublesome, vexatious. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %<àbdikaþ>% (%%). ## (subs): I An a. plant: %%. II A book appearing a. ly %<*vàrùikam>% or %<*vàrùikapustakam>%. @<[Page 29]>@ ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; etc. ## %<*vàrùikavçttibhogin>% (f. %%) and sim. comp. s. ##: %<*vàrùikavçttiþ>% And sim. comp. s. ## %%, (%%, c. 6.) (?). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: %%, (?). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %<÷ålaghnaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%%) (?). ##: I To besmear; q. v.: 1 %% (%%, c. 6.), as if a. ing, as if filling my sense of smell, %%, K.; 2 %%, (%%, c. 7.), Sa. v.; 3 %% (%% c. 2.) a. ed with nectar as well as poison %%, Ma. 1.; 4 %% (%%, c. 1.), I will prepare auspicious ointments %%, Sa. iv. II To consecrate by unction: %% (%%, c. 6.), B. iii. 2. ##: %%: v. To anoint. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %% (=consecration). ##: 1 %% (%%) (?); 2 %% (%%) (?); 3 %% (mfn.) (?). ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (?); 3 %% (?). ##: I Quickly, soon: q. v.: %%. II Again: q. v. Ph. ever and a. %% v. Often, frequently. ##: 1 %<*anirdiùñalekhakàbhidhànaþ>% (%%) 2 %% (%%); etc. ##: 1 %<*anirdiùñalekhakàbhidhànam>%; 2 %<*adattapraõetçsaüj¤am>%. ##: 1 %% (%%), it is impossible that one acts and a. enjoys %%, D. s.: a. day %%; 2 %% (%%), a.'s wife %%, a.'s property %%; 3 %% (%%), a. dearer to you than myself %%, K.; 4 in some case by %% affixed, took her to a. king %%, R. vi. 26.: v. Different. N. B. Note that %% is gen. confined to comp. and %% is gen. used with a qualifying subs. Note also that %% and %% do not gen. mean a.'s in comp.: v. Another's. ## One (reciprocal): v. One another. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ## (v. t.): I To reply: 1 %% (%%, c. 10.), (first) a. my these four questions and then drink water %%, Mah.; 2 %% (%%, c. 2.), if you do not a. my questions, I will eat you %%, D. vi.; 3 %% (%%, c. 3.) (with gen.); 4 %% ( =to write back, q. v.). N. B. 1 and 2 are not applicable to writing. II To refute: q. v. III To correspond to, suit: q. v. IV To pay: q. v. Ph: this will a. my object %%. ## (v. i.): I To make a reply: %%. II To speak in reply: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1.); 3 %% (%%, c. 1.). III To render an account to: expressed by circumlo.: you will have to a. to your master for the sums received %<*tvayà yaddhanaü labdhaü tasya vi÷eùavçttàntaþ svàmine nivedayitavyaþ>%. IV To serve for.: q. v. ## (subs): 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. N. B. The last three words are applicable only to speaking in reply, while the first %% is applicable also to legal replies and solutions of problems. ##: I Refutable: %% (%%). II Responsible, accountable: q. v. III Correspondent, proportionate, suited: q. v. ##: 1 %% (the common small red a.); 2 %% (a large black a.). ##: %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. @<[Page 30]>@ ##: 1 %% (f. %%); 2 %% (f. %%); 3 %% (f. %%): v. Opponent. ##: %% (f. %%): v. Opposed. ##: %<*dakùiõakendrãyaþ>% (%%). A. pole %<*dakùiõakendram>%. ## (adj.): v. Prior, previous. ## (subs): Ph. whose a. s are not known %<*yasya pårvacaritamavij¤àtam>%. II In logic: %%. III In gram.: %<*pårvasaüj¤à>%. ##: Perh. %%. ##: Ph.: he a. d the letter %<*agrimadivasaü patre sannive÷ayàmàsa>%. ##: %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (the black spotted a.); 2 %<çùyaþ>% (the painted a.); 3 %% (f. %%) (the general term for a. s, deer etc.) ##: Of insects: Perh. %<÷uõóam>%. ##: I Preceding in time: v. Prior, previous. II Befor in place: %%: (%%), the a. part (as of a month): %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Hymn, song. ##: %<*paràgakoùaþ>%. ##: %% (Lit. and Fig.) ##: %%: v. Erysipelas.: ##: %% (%%). ##: The great adversary of Christ: %<*pratikçùñaþ>%. ## (v. t.): I To foresee: Ph. old men can a. what is coming %% Vi.; even a. ing his death %%. II To be before in doing: Ph. I a. d his designs by removing to London %<*tasyà÷ayaü niråpya laõóanamahaü jagàma>%; Scipio a. d Hannibal in crossing the Po. %<*henibàlasyàmipràyaü j¤àtvà sipiyaþ pràgeva ponadãmuttatàra>%. ##: Expr. by circumlo.: v. To anticipate. ##: I Any remedy: q. v.: %%. II For poison: %% etc. A dealer in a. s: 1 %%; 2 %%, 3 %%. III For fever: %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. These words properly mean sulphuret of a. ##: %%: Hatred, aversion. ##: Nearest word %%, Sah. vii.; %<*viparãtàrthatvam>%. ##: I The opposite part of the globe: %<*pratilomam; bhågolasyàdhobhàgam>%. II Those who inhabit it: %<*pratilobhà>%. Ph. the a. and those who live in other parts of the globe, live just as comfortably as we do here %%, S. s. ## (adj.): Ph. a. knowledge %%. ## (subs): %<*pràkkàlãnaviùayeùu paõóitaþ abhij¤aþ>%, etc. (?). ## (adj.): %% (%%): v. Obsolete, oldfashioned. ## (adj.): %% (%%): v. Ancient, old. ## (subs): 1 %% (?); 2 %% (?). ##: I The ancients: 1 %% (m. pl.); 2 %% (m. pl.); 3 %% (m. pl.); 4 %% or %% (m. pl.) etc. II The ancient time: 1 %%; 2 %%. III Ancientness: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. IV The remains of a.: 1 %% (=an old thing); 2 %% ( = antiquarian subject). ##: nearest word %%, Sah. x. ##: %<àdar÷aþ>%. ##: %% (or simp. %<÷çïgam>% when the meaning is clear). ##: %<÷çïgin>% (f. %<õã>%): v. Horned. ##: %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %<÷årmiþ>% (m.); 2 %% (f.). ##: %%; 2 %% (restless a.); 3 %%: v. Care; 4 %%: v. Agitation; 5 %%; 6 %% (rare). ##: I Beset with anxiety: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%%); II Solicitous, cager: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). III Causing anxiety: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: %% (nomi.), a. to see %%, D. ##: I With anxiety: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 by the adj. v. Anxious (I). II Eagerly: by the adj.: v. Anxious (II) ##: 1 %% (%%), have you got a. one named Vimardaka %%; D. ii.: is there a. doubt about it %% Vi.: I could not find a. thing in the house %%, Mr. iii.; 2 %%, (%%), a. one else %% etc.; 3 %% (%%) (rare). Ph. in the ab-sense of a. witness %%; without a. wisdom %%; what power has Dhananjaya or a. body else even to take the name of your son %%, Vi. ii. N. B. When a. means any one or anything whatever, it is expr.: (a) by %% etc. a. one could be a witness in a house or in a forest %%, M. viii. 69.; I want to give even the gold bracelet of my hand to a. one (I meet) %%; (b) by %% etc., they can attack a. number of horsemen %<*yàvàna÷vavàrànadhigacchanti tàvànevàmiyoktuü ÷akruvanti>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %% (=from this time); 2 %% ( =from that time). I will not think any more of other girls %%, D. iii. ##: 1 %%, a. else %%; 2 %%, N. kiii. 55. Ph. go a. you like %%, N. i. 143.; die a. you like %%, Vi. vi.; I do not allow you to go a. ele from here %%, Sa. iiii. ##: no equiv.: %% (=indefinite past). ##: %%. ##: %%: v. Quickly, rapidly. ##: I Separately: q. v.: %%. II At a distance: %%. III Privately: 1 %%; 2 %%. Ph.: a. from this, there is no other fault in the man. %%. ##: %%: v. Room. The inner a. s %%. The attendants on the inner a. s %% D. i. ## I Void of passion: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%%); 5 %% (f. %%). II Indifferent: q. v. ##: I Stoicism: 1 %%; 2 %%. II Indifference. ## (subs.): %%. ## (v. t.): v. To imitate, copy. ##: I Adj. %% (%%). II Subs.: %%: v. Purgative. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; v. Opening, fissure. ##: 1 %%; 2 %<÷ikharam>%: v. Tip, point. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Maxim. ##: Ph. the method of the book is a. %<*såtrairgrathito granthaþ>%. ##: %<*madhumakùikà÷àlà>%: v. Bee-hive. ##: %% (%%): v. Each. ##: v. Foolish, foppish. ##: %%: v. Revelation. ## %<*antyàkùaralopaþ; *antyàkùaralopàlaïkàraþ>%. ##: %%. ##: %%. ##: 1 %% or %%; 2 %% (%%, c. 10.), a. to the king for what we said amongst ourselves against etiquette %%. Sa. iii.; 3 %% (%%, c. 1.) ( =to propitiate). ##: %%: v. Fable. ##: I An excuse for a fault: Ph. to make an a. %%; to accept an a. %% (after ge.): v. Excuse. II An apologetic treatise; no equiv.: %<*prativàdaþ>%. ##: 1 %%: 2 %%: v. Saying, maxim. ##: I subs.: %% (f. %<õã>%). II Adj.: Expr. by tat. comp. ##: %%. ##: 1 %% (=abandonment of one's religion); 2 %% ( = a. of one's principles); 3 %% (taking another religion): v. Desertion. ##: 1 %<*svadharmatyàgin>% (f. %%); 2 %% (%%) %%, etc. ##: %% (%%, c. 1.), %% (%%, c. 1.). ##: 1 %<*ã÷varadåtaþ>%; 2 %%. A. -Ship %<*ã÷varadautyam>%. ##: I In Rhe.: %%. II In gram.: %<*aminidhànam>%. ##: 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %<àhvayati>% (%%, c. 1.).: v. To address. ##: 1 %<*auùadhakàraþ>%; 2 %% (m) ( =physician, q. v.). ##: v. Deification. ##: %%, (c. of %%): v. To terrify. ##: %%: v. Tools, instruments. ## (subs.): %%: v. Dress, attire. ## (v.): v. To dress, clothe, attire. ## (adj.): I Visible: q. v. %%. (%%). II Evident, clear: q. v.: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%<ñà ñaü>%); 3 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%). III Seeming (as opposed to real): 1 %% (%<÷à ÷aü>%); 2 %% (%<ñà ñaü>%); 3 %% (%%) ( =external, q. v.): v. Feigned, false. ##: I Plainly, clearly: q. v.: %%. II Ostensibly, seemingly: 1 %%; 2 %%, Si. xvi. 19.; 3 %% ( =externally, q. v.), a. sweet, but really unfriendly %%, Si. xvi. 17. ##: I Appearance: q. v.: II A ghost, phantom: q. v.: %%. ##: no equiv.: %%. ## (subs.): I Leg. t. t.: %<*punarvicàrapràrthanà>%. A court of a. %<*ye pràóvivàkàþ punarvicàrapràrthanàü ÷rotumarhanti>% or %<÷çõvanti>%. II Reference to some one as an authority or witness: Ph. to make an a. to %% (nomi.). III Resort, recourse: q. v. IV An address of entreaty: %%. ## (v. i.): I Leg. t. t.: %% (%%, c. 10.). II To refer to another as an authority: %%: Ph. I a. to gods about it %%. III To implore, entreat: q. v. IV To excite, affect: q. v. ## (v. i.): I To be visible: 1 %<àvirbhavati>% or %%, a herd of deer a. ed %%, R. ix. 55.; 2 %% (%%, c. 1.) R. xi. 63.; 3 %%, (pass. of %%) (=to be seen) not restricted to real life as 1 and (2).; a swan a. ed in their dream %%, D. i. II To show one's self: Ph. she does not a. before me %% (not %%, see R. xix. 7.). III To be out: %%, an article a. ed in the Induprakàsha about so and so %<*amukaviùayakaþ prabandha induprakà÷apatrikàyàü nirgataþ>%. IV Leg. t. t: to be present: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.); 2 Perh. %%. V. To seem: q. v. %% (%%, c. 2.). VI To be evident or clear: q. v. ##: I The act of becoming visible; 1 %<àvirbhàvaþ>% (=actual a. especially of invisible spirits). who wants to make his a. (in this world) %%, Mah.; 2 by the verb: v. To appear (I); 3 %% (rare), Kuv. II Act of being present: 1 %%; 2 %%, he who stands a security for one's a. %%. M. viii. 58. III personal a.: 1 %<àkàraþ>%; 2 %<àkçtiþ>%. of good a.: %% (%<÷yà ÷yaü>%). IV Semblance, mere show: Ph. outward a. %%; has an a. of justice %%, Ki. xiv. 7.: v. Apparently (II). V. A phenomenon: q. v.: VI Probability, likelihood: q. v. ##: %<÷amanãyaþ>% (%%): v. Placable. ##: 1 %<÷amayati pra- upa->%, (c. of %<÷am>%); 2 %%, (%%, c. 10): v. Calm, propitiate. ##: 1 %<÷àmyati>% (%<÷am>%, c. 4.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1.). ##: %<÷amayità; pra÷amayità>%. v. To appease. ## (subs.): 1 %<÷àntiþ>%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %<*punarvicàrapràrthin>% (f. %%); %% (f. %%). ##: Ph. a. jurisdication %<*punarvicàràdhikàraþ>%; a. court %%. ##: %%; v. Name. ##: i. e. common: 1 %% (%<õà õaü>%); 2 %% (%%). ##: %% (%%, c. 9.) (?). ##: Ph. a house with its a. s %<*sopakaraõaü gçhaü>%; virtue is an a. of belief in God %<*sadàcàra àstikyabuddhimanubadhnàtiþ>%, v. Concomitant. ##: %%. ##: v. To belong. A. ing to: v. belonging to. ##: v. Appetite, desire. ##: I Any mental desire: 1 %%; 2 %%; v. Desire, longing. II actual desire for food: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %% (%<÷aüs>%, c. 1.) v. To praise; 2 %% (%%, c. 1.) Ki. xvii. 47.; 3 %%, (%%, c. 1.), a. ed by the chiefs of the clans %%, Ki. ##: I Acclamation: q. v.: %% (f. pl.). II Praise: q. v. %%. N. B. Clapping the hands is not a sign of a. in Sanskrit, but the reverse, Si. xv. 39. ##: I A tree: %<*àtàvçkùaþ>%. II Its fruits: %<àtàphalam>%. III Of the eye: %%: v. Pupil. ##: I Application: q. v. II In pl., instruments: q. v.: %%. (n. pl.). ##: Expr. by circumlo.: v. Applicable, apply (v. i.) (1). ##: %% (f. %%), the fine-toothed (lady) hearing the whole speech equally a. to Indra and Nala %<àkarõya tulyamakhilàü sudatã lagantãmàkhaõóale'pi ca nale'pi ca vàcametàü>%, N. iii. 8. Ph. equally a. to Yama and Nala %<÷amananaiùadhayoþ samànaþ>% N. iii. 20.; to be a. %% (%%, c. 1) (with loc.). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%: v. Petitioner. ## (subs).: I The act of putting to: %%, by the a. of fire or heat %%, R. v. 54. II The thing applied: %%, should seize (them) by wet leather or by other a. s %<àrdra carmaõànyairvà prayogairgçhvãyàt>%, Sr. III Petition: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%. IV attention, assiduity: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%. V. Use, employment; %% Ki. VI Relation, reference: q. v. ## (v. i.): I Refer or relate to: 1 %% (%%, c. 1) (with loc.) N. xiii. 8.; 2 %% (%%, c. 1) (only in certain cases), here the word 'light' a. s to God %%, S. iii. 40. II To solicit, have recourse to: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 10.). ## (v. t.): I To lay or put on: 1 %% or %% or %% (%%, c. 10. and 7.), do not a. liniment at night %%, Sr.; 2 %% (c. %%), a. ing the shell to his lower lip %%, R. vii. 63. Ph.: a. ing the bit to your mouth %%, P. iv. 7.; he a. d his hand to my breast %%. II To use, refer: %% or %%, or %%, we a. the words like 'sun' to it %%, S. iii. 32. III To use for a particular purpose, to devote: %%. IV To fix closely, incline: %% (%%, c. 1), %% (%%, c. 3), %% (%%, c. 3), or %% (%%, c. 7). ## (v. t.): I To make or nominate: 1 %% or %%, (%%, c. 7), as a king a. s officers over villages etc. %%, Up.; 2 %% (%%, c. 8) v. To make; 3 %%, (%%, c. 3) Ki. i. 22. v. To place; 4 %% (%%, c. 6) Ku. iii. 13. v. To order. II To ordain, prescribe: q. v.: %%. ##: i. e. well equipped: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: I The act of appointing: 1 %%; 2 %%. II Station, position: %%. III Stipulation, agreement: q. v. %% (rare in this sense). IV. A. command, decree: q. v.: %%. v. Equipment: q. v. %%. ##: %%, (%% c. 1): v. To distribute, allot. ##: 1 %% (=distribution, q. v.); 2 %% (=assignment, q. v.). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%): v. Suitable, Fit, pertinent. ##: 1 Expr. by the adj.; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: Ph. your remark is characterized by a. %%: v. Apposite. ##: %% (?). ## (v. t.): %% (%%, c. 10), %% (%%, c. 10). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Valuation. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Valuer. ##: %% (%%) (=perceptible, q. v.). ##: 1 %% or %% (%%, c. 9), %% (%%, c. 1); 2 %% (%%, c. 4) (=to think much of). ##: 1 %% (?); 2 %% (?). ##: I To arrest: q. v.: 1 %% (%%, c. 1); 2 %% (%%, c. 9). II To comprehend, conceive: q. v.: 1 %% (%%, c. 1.); 2 %% (%%, c. 1.) III To believe, suppose: q. v.: %<÷aïkate>% (%<÷aïka>%, c. 1), I a. Bharata has come out to meet me %<÷aïake.......pratyudgato màü bharataþ>%, R. xiii. 64. IV To fear %<÷aïkate à- vi- pari->%, a. ing defeat from you %%, Ki. i. 7. ##: I The act of seizing: 1 %%; 2 %% (rare). II Arrest: q. v.: %<àsodhaþ>%. III Conception, comprehension, understanding: q. v.: Ph. a man of quick a. %%, a man of dull a. %%. IV Opinion, notion: q. v.: %%. V. Fear of future evil: 1 %<÷aïklà>%; 2 %<à÷aïkà>%. ##: 1 %<÷aïkitaþ>% (%%); 2 %<÷aïkànvitaþ>% (%%). to be a. %<÷aïkate>%. ## (subs): no equiv.: %% (f. %%) (=disciple) may be used. ## (v): Ph. he was a. d to me for five years %<*pa¤cavarùaparyantaü sa mama niyamabaddho'ntevàsyàsãt>%. ##: %%. (?); %%. ##: %% (c. of %<¤jà>%): v. To inform. ## (v.): I To come or go near: 1 %% (%%, c. 1); 2 %%, (%%, c. 1); 3 %%, (%%, c. 1); 4 %%, etc. %% (%%, c. 1), %% (%%, c. 2), etc.: v. Go near; 5 %%. N. B. Observe that %% etc. are cons. with the gen., all the other verbs take the acc. II To approximate, resemble: q. v. ## (subs): I The act of approaching: 1 %<àsannatà>% (=the act of being near); 2 %%; 3 %<àgamaþ>% (=arrival). II A means of a. ing: 1 %% (?); 2 %% (?). ##: %% (%%): v. Accessible. ## (part. adj.): 1 %<àsannaþ>% (%%), whose death was a. %<àsanna÷arãrapàtaþ>%, Ku. iii. 44; 2 %% (%%), a. separation, %%, K.; 3 %% (%<óhà óhaü>%), Ki. xvii. 54.; 4 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%). @<[Page 35]>@ ##: I Acclamation: 1 %%; 2 %%, you will receive a. throughout the world %%, Si. xiv. 87. II Assent, approval: q. v. ## (v. t.): I To set apart for a particular purpose: 1 %%, (%%, c. 10.); 2 %% (%%, c. 10.). II To take to one's self: 1 %<àtmasàt karoti>% (%%, c. 8.), what princes strive to a. even by misdeeds %%, R. viii. 2; 2 %% (%%) or %% (%%) (agreeing with the object) %%, M. n. (not very common). ## (adj.): I Apposite, suitable: q. v.: %% (%%), this epithet is very a. for the breeze %% V. ii. II Peculiar: q. v. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Fitly, suitably. ##: Fitness: suitableness. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% (?). ##: 1 %% (rare); 2 %% (=assent); 3 by the verb, you have received my a. %%: v. Also approbation. ##: I To be pleased with: 1 %% (%%, c. 1) (gen. with the acc. of the person whose measures etc. are a. d), none of his brothers could oppose or a. (his determination) %%. R. xiv. 43; without obtaining a. al of my mother %%; K.; 2 %%, (%%, c. 1) (with dat. of the person who a. s), if you ask me, I do not a. even of their quarrel %%, Mal. i.; 3 %% (%%, c. 4) (rare in this sense), D. iv.: II To prove: q. v. III To commend: q. v. ##: 1 %% (%%) (=tried); 2 %% (%%) (=accepted). ## leg.t. t.: %%. ## (adj.): %<àsannaþ>% (%%): v. Near, next. ## (v.): I To approach: q. v. II To resemble: q. v. ##: Ph. this is only an a. to truth %<*etanne diùñhameva satyasyaþ>% v. Near, next. ##: %%. ##: %%. ##: I An article of dress: %%. (?) II A covering for the legs: %<*carmamayaþ jaïghàpracchadaþ jaïdhàtràõam>%. III A piece of lead to cover the vent of a cannon: no equiv. %% (=covering) may be used. ##: %%: v. Opportunely, seasonably. ##: %% (%% =the lower a., %% =the higher a.) The line of apsides: %% (?). ##: I Fit, suitable: q. v.: %% (%%). II Inclined, prone: 1 by %<÷ãlaþ>% (%%) in comp., a. to forget %% (%%); 2 in some cases by a deriv: a. to break %% (%%); a. to fall %% (%%), not a. to perish %% (%%). III Ready, prompt: q. v. ##: I Tendency, propensity: expr. by %<÷ãlatà>% or by deriv.: a. to break %%: v. Apt (ii). II Fitness, Suitableness: q. v. %%. III Readiness in learning: of remarkable a. %%. (mfn.): v. Sharp. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Fitly, suitably. ##: v. Aptitude. ##: (nitric acid): %<*tãkùõarasaþ>%. ##: %%, or simply, %%. ##: I Pertaining to water: %% (in comp.): a. animal: 1 %%; 2 %% (n). II Pertaining to water: %% or %% (%%). III Born in water: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); etc. ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (?). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%): v. Watery. @<[Page 36]>@ ##: Ph. one who has a. nose %<÷ukanàsaþ>% (%%); %% (%<õà õaü>%). ##: %<*gçhabhittyàdàvutkãrõakusumàdyalaïkàravi÷eùaþ àravàlaïkàraþ>%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). A. land: %%. ##: I An arbitrator: q. v. %%. II A lord, master: %<ã÷aþ>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: I Depending on mere will: Ph. an a. decision %<*icchànuråpo nirõayaþ>%; a. conduct %% or %%; it was a. on your part to arrest me %<*tvaü svecchayà màü dhçtavàn>%. II Absolute, despotic: 1 %% (f. %<õã>%): 2 %%. (f. %<õã>%); 3 %% (%%) (without any control). ##: %% (%%, c. 1): v. To decide. ##: %% (=decision: q. v.). ##: %%: v. Umpire. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Bower. ##: %% (a. of a circle): v. Arch. ##: Perh. %%. ## (subs.) %% (mn) (properly=an arched gateway, but may, by analogy, be applied to other arches). ## (v): I To cover with an arch: %% (%%, c. 4) (after Mu.) or %% (%% c. 10). II To bend, curve: q. v. ## (adj.): %% (%%): v. Cunning, sly. ##: %<*puràõasàhityavid; pràkkàlãnasàhityàdiviùayeùu paõóitaþ>%. ##: %<*puràõasàhityam; pràkkàlãnasàhityàdiviùayakà vidyà>%. ##: %<*pràcãnaprayogaþ>%: A. s occurring in the Mahàbhàrata, Ràmàyana, Manu, etc. are called %<àrùaprayogaþ>%. ##: %<*ã÷varasya pradhànadåtaþ>%. ##: %<*kçùñãyasampradàyeùu sarvapradhànàcàryaþ>%. ##: %<*kçùñãyasampradàyeùu yaþ sarvapradhànàcàryaþ tasyàdhikàraþ>%. ##: %<*ãlaõóade÷e vi÷apasya nimnastho dharmopàsakaþ>%. ##: I The office of an archdeacon: %<*àrcaóikanapadam>%. II His residence: %<*àrcaóikanàvàsaþ>%. III His jurisdiction %<*àrcaóikanasyàdhikàraþ>%. ##: Ph. a. of Baden %%: v. Kingdom. ## (m.), Archduches (f.): %% (m), %% (f.). ##: I Covered with an arch: %% (%<õà õaü>%) (?), an a. gateway %%. II In the form of an arch, curved: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: I A bowman: q. v.: %%. II The constellation: %% (n.) ##: 1 %% (the art); 2 %<÷aràbhyàsaþ>% (the practice). ##: %<àdar÷aþ>%: v. Pattern, model. ##: i. e. belonging to an archbishop: expr. by tat. comp. ##: %%; etc. ##: I Lit.: 1 %% (m), K. b.; 2 %%, P. i. 1.; 3 %<÷ilpin>% (n.) (=artisan, but may be appropriately used when the sense is clear), R. II. Fig.: a maker: q. v.: %%. ##: expr. by comp., a. skill %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %% (?); 3 %<÷ilpam>% (when the sense is clear). Si. iii. 35. ##: no equiv.: %<*upastambhaþ>%. ##: I Records: %<*pràcãnapatrasa¤cayaþ>%. II The place where they are kept: %<*pràcãnapatràgàram>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %<*uttarakendrãyaþ>% (%%): the a. pole %%. ##: v. Ardour. ##: I Fiery, hot: q. v.: %% (%<õóà õóaü>%). II Eager: Ph. a. eyes (of a lover) %%. III Warm, affectionate: %% (%%) or %% (%%) (=excessive), a. love %%: Ph. a. vows (of a lover) %<÷apathàþ>% (m. pl.). ##: %% (as in gazing); 2 %% (=excessively). ##: I Heat: q. v. %%. II Warmth, eagerness: %%; with a. %%. Ph. the a. of his love %%. ##: I Lofty: q. v. II Difficult: q. v. %% (%%). ##: v. Difficulty. ## I Outer a.: %%: v. Yard. II Inner a. %%. III In geo. %%, a. of a circle %%; a. of a triangle %%, Li. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %% (rare). ##: v. Clayey. ##: Ph. a. expedition %<*kanakorõànveùaõàya jesanasya kalvisaü prati yàtrà>%. ##: %%: v. Merchantman. ## (v. i.): I To reason: %%, (%%, c. 10) or %% II To infer: q. v.: 1 %% (%<åh>%, c. 1). ## (v. t.): I To discuss: Ph. he a. d the cause very ably %<*sa yuktiü prada÷rya sunipuõaü tarkayàmàsa>%. II To prove or evince: q. v. ##: I A process of reasoning: 1 %%; 2 %%. II Any reason alleged: 1 %%, when all a. s fail %%; 2 %% Ki. ii. 23. III A debate, discussion: q. v.: %%. IV The subject of a discourse, etc.: Ph. I will give the a. (of the play) %%, Tàrànàth: v. Subect. v. An abstract summary: q. v. ##: %%: v. Reasoning. ##: %% (%%): Ph. it is a. of almighty power in the creator %%. ##: 1 %<÷uùkaþ>% (%<ùkà ùkaü>%); 2 %% (%<ùkà ùkaü>%): v. Dry, parched. ##: %<÷uùkatà.>%: v. Dryness. ##: a constellation: %%. ##: 1 %%, 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 2); 2 %% (%%, c. 1): v. To rise, produce (iv). N. B. These two verbs are used in all the senses the English verb: a. ing from the seat %<àsanàdudvan>%, Ki. ii. 57.; the moon arose %%, K.; does (not) your fear a., maiden %%, N. iii. 13. ## (as adj.): 1 %% (%%) or %% (%%) (in comp.), the infamy a. from the assassination of Parvate÷vara %%, Mu. iii.; 2 %% (%%) (in comp.), the darkness a. from youth is very impervious %%, K.; 3 %% (%%), bodily pains are those a. from diseases etc. %%, S.p. b. ##: I A form of Government: %<*kulãna÷àsanam>% or %%. II The persons of whom it is composed %<*kulãnasampradàyaþ>% or %%. ##: I A member of an aristocracy: %<*kulãnaþ>%. II One who supports aristocracy: %<*kulãna÷àsanasamarthakaþ>%. ##: Ph. a. government %<*kulãna÷àsanam>%; a. pride %%; of a. family %% (%%) or %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. The eight rules of a. %%. ##: 1 %% (%%) (relating to a.); 2 %% (according to the rules of a.). ##: %% (%%) and sim. comp. s. ##: I A vessel: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%. II. A. chest: 1 %%; 2 %<àdhàraþ>%. ## (subs.): I Of the human body: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; (m); 4 %%. A. The fore a. %%. The upper a. %%. II any object analogous to an arm: (a) of a tree %<÷àkhà>%. v. Bough. (b) of a chair: %<*bàhuþ>%. (c) of the sea or of a river: 1 %%; 2 %%. (d) of the polypi: v. Feelers. III A weapon: v. Arms. IV A branch of the military service: %%. v. Power: q. v. ## (v. i.): I To take arms: 1 %% (%%, c. 4) (=to accoutre), ordered the generals to a. %%, Ku. xv. 5.; 2 %% (%%, c. 9); 3 %% (%%) %%. II To prepare for war %%. ## (v. t.): 1 %% (c. of %%); 2 %% (%%) %%; 3 %% (=to equip). ##: %%. v. Fleet. ##: %%. ##: I A body of forces equipped for war: %%: v. Army, fleet. II The guns and ammunitions of a man-of-war: %% (n. pl.) (?). ## (adj.): 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%) 3 %% (%%) (=equipped). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%, Vi. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; and sim. comp. s. Ph. from filial affection, asked for two day's a. %%; Raj. v. Truce. ##: I Without an arm: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); etc. II Without weapons: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); etc. ##: %% v. Bracelet. ##: 1 %% (n).; 2 %% (mn.); 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%; 6 %%. Chain a. %% (rare). ##: %<÷astrakàraþ>%; Perh. %%. ##: 1 %<àyudhàgàram>%; 2 %<÷astragçham>%. ##: %%; v. Arm-hole. ##: I Weapons: 1 %<÷astram>%; 2 %%; 3 %<àyudhaþ>%; 4 %%; 5 %%. II War, hostility: q. v. III Armorial bearings: %<*kulacihràni>% (n. pl.). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%; 6 %% (an a. in battle array); 7 %% (an a. comprising the four complements, elephants, cars, horse and foot). N. B. %% and %% are also used in the plural in the 'singular' sense. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %<àmodaþ>%. ##: 1 %% (mfn.); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (mfn.): v. Fragrant. ## (prep.): %% (with acc.), a. the altar %%, B. i. 12. ## (adv.): 1 %%; 2 %%, looking a. %%, U.; 3 %%, K.; 4 %%, with sparks scattered all a. %%, Ki. xvi. 51. ##: I From sleep: %%: v. To awake. II From inaction 1 %% (%%, c. 10), will go to the island of Mahendra to a. Jàmadagnya %% Vi. ii.; 2 %% (c. of %%), and a. ing his natural enemies %% D. iv.; 3 %% (rare). ##: 1 %%; 2 %% or %%. ##: %% or %% (%%, c. 7 and 10): v. To accuse. ##: %%: v. Accusation. ##: I To put in order: 1 %%, (%%, c. 1), a. ing the division of the forest %%, Ki. xii. 44.; 2 %% (%%, c. 4), merely by a. ing sentences %%; 3 %% (c. of %%). II To adjust, settle, determine: q. v. ##: I Orderly disposition: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. II Settlement, adjustment, agreement: q. v. ##: %% (%%): v. Infamous, vile. ##: v. Tapestry. ## (subs.): I Battle-array: q. v. II Arrangement, order: q. v. III Dress, clothing: q. v.: %%. IV Of jurymen %<*nyàyapratibhågaõaþ>%. ## (v. t.): I To arrange, draw up: q. v. %%, (%%, c. 10). II To dress, deck: q. v. %%. III To select jurymen %<*nyàyapratibhuvo niråpayati>% (%%, c. 10). ##: %<*ava÷iùñadeyam>%, pay up your a. s %<*ava÷iùñadeyaü pari÷odhaya>%; I owe large a. s %<*mayà bahu pari÷odhanãyam>%; a. of rent %<*kara÷eùaþ>%. ## (v. t.): I To obstruct, stop: q. v.: %% (%%, c. 7). II To apprehend legally: 1 %<àsedhati>% (%%, c. 1); 2 %% or %% (%%, c. 1 and 10): 3 %% (%%, c. 9). III To fix, engage: Ph. (it) a. s my eyes %%; R.; it a. s my attention %%. ## (subs.): 1 %<àsedhaþ>%; 2 %% (?). Ph. a. of judgment %<*nirõayarodhaþ>%. ##: 1 %<àgamanam>%; 2 %<àgamaþ>%; 3 %% (rare), Ku. vii. 22. ## (v. i.): 1 %%, (%<àp>%, c. 5), a. d at the hermitage af the saint %%; R. i. 48.; 2 %<à-sãdati samà->%, (%%, c. 1), Kusha a. ing at the banks of the Sarayå %%, R. xvi. 35.; 3 %% (%%, c. 4), a. ed at the hermitage of Atri %%, B. iv. 19.; after childhood, she a. ed at youth %%, Ku. i. 31. N. B. Observe that all these verbs take an acc. Ph.: a. ed at no conclusion %%; the news a. ed of the assassination of his father %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: %<*anyàyataþ gçhõàti>% (%%, c. 9) or %% (%%, c. 8), %% (c. of %%) or %% (nomi.). ##: %<*nyàyyagrahaõam; anyàyyasvãkàraþ; anyàyena svasvatvakhyàpanam>%. ##: 1 %<÷araþ>%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %% or %<÷àyakaþ>%; 5 %%; 6 %<÷ilãmukhaþ>%; 7 %<à÷ugaþ>%; 8 %%; 9 %%; 10 %% A shower of a. s %<÷aravarùaþ>%. To discharge, shoot a. s %<÷araü nirasyati>% (%%, c. 4), %% (%%, c. 6), Ki. ##: 1 %%, 2 %<÷alyam>%; 3 %%. ##: %<*phalàkàraþ>% (%%), a. characters, %<*phalàkàràvarõàþ>%. ##: %%. ##: I Of arrows: %<÷ara->% (in comp.) a. shower %<÷aravarùaþ>%. II Crooked like an arrow: %% (%%): v. Crooked. ##: 1 %<àyudhàgàram>%; 2 %<÷astragçham>%. ##: %% (=red a.). ##: 1 %<àgàradàhaþ>%; 2 %%. ##: I As opposed to nature: %<÷ilpam>%. II As opposed to science: %%, in the a. s of dancing, singing, playing, and acting %%, D. ii. Ph. the industrial a. s %<÷ilpavidyà>%; the fine a. s %% (?) or %<*÷reùñhakalàþ>% (f. pl.). III Skill, dexterity: q. v.: %%. IV Cunning, artifice: q. v. %%. ## expr. by the gen. of words given under artery. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: %% (%%), Ku. iv. 20.: v. Cunning, crafty. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. v. Cunningly, ingeniously, craftily. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%: v. Cunning, ingenuity. ##: %<÷àkavi÷eùaþ>%. #
# (subs.): I A part of speech: %%. II A commodity or substance: q. v. %%. III A Clause in a contract etc.: %% (?). Ph. we enter into this a. to remove this doubt %%, S. iii. 34.; the a. about Harisha Chandra was very good, %<*harã÷acandraviùayakaþ prabandho'tyuttama àsãt>%; the a. s of war %<*sainikaniyamàvaliþ>%. IV A distinct part: 1 %% (=part); 2 %% (= subject). V. Moment: 1 %%; 2 %%. #
# (v. t.): %<*niyamapatreõa badhnàti>% (%%, c. 9.), an a. d clerk %<*niyamabaddhaþ lekhakaþ>%. ##: %% (%%), a. disease %%, Sr. ## (adj.): 1 %% (%<ùñà ùñaü>%); 2 %% (%<ñà ñaü>%): v. Distinct. ## (v. t.) I To utter distinctly: %% or %% (c. of %%), %% (%<ãr>%, c. 10.), etc. II To joint: %% (%%, c. 3.). ##: I Of words: Ph. distinct a. %% K. II Of bones: %%: v. Joint. ##: 1 %%: 2 %%; 3 %%, women are originators of all a. s %%, D. N. B. 2 and 3 always in the bad sense: v. Stratagem. ##: I An artisan: q. v. %<÷ilpã>%. II A maker, contriver: q. v.: %%. ##: I Made by art: %% (%%), herds of a. young elephants %%, K. Ph. sometimes over a. hills %%, K. a. lake %%, N.; a. clouds %%, K. II. Feigned, fictitious: q. v.: %% (%%). III Ingenious. skilul: q. v. ##: I Weapons in general: %% (n. pl.). II Cannon with all that appertains to them: %<*kàmànàni>% or (when the meaning is not clear) %% (n. pl.). III The troops who manage cannon etc.: %<*kàmànabalam>%. ##: 1 %<÷ilpin>% (m.); 2 %<÷ilpakàraþ>%; 3 %% or %%; 4 %%. The workshop of an a. %<÷ilpa÷àlà>% or %<÷ilpi÷àlà>%. The business of an a. %<÷ilpakarman>% (n.). ##: I An artisan: q. v. II A painter: q. v. %%. ##: %% (%%) (?): v. Ingenious. ##: I Simple, frank, guileless: q. v.; 1 %% (%%); 2 %<çju>% (mfn.). II Contrived without art: 1 %% (%%) (=devoid of taste); 2 %% (%%) (=unadorned). ##: i. e. Simply, frankly: q. v.: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %<àrjavena>%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %<àrjavam>%: v. Simplicity. ##: I As a particle of comparison: 1 %% affixed, (he who looks on) other's wives as mothers, on other's things as clods %%, H. i.; as before %%; 2 %% (either in comp. to expr. sim. comparison, or with %% or %% to expr. also to introduce illustrations): as ordered %%; as prescribed %%; as before %%, Sa. vi.; as eating is inferred from nourishment or country from its language, so is knowable inferred from knowledge, %%. D. s. (see also R. iii. 23 and notice the repetition of %% in such cases); as animals attempt to fly away when they see men with sticks, so.... %%. S. i. p.; as for instance, fire is inferred from smoke %%, N. d. As for instance: sometimes expr. by %% he, as a rule, enjoyed the pleasures of youth as for instance, sometimes roamed over artificial mountains, sometimes walked through summer houses %%, K. II. While: expr. by the pres. part: as he went, he thought %%, K. III. Since, in as much as: q. v.: 1 by the abl. and when the subs. ends in %% or %<à>% by the ins.: as the motion of the vessels (at sea) depends on wind %%, K. b.; as there was much political work %% Sa. vi.; 2 %%. Miscell: as long as one lives %%; as far as the ocean %<à samudràt>%; as high as the knee %% (%%); as yet %%. N. B. as, when it connects two subs. s in apposition is expr. by %% or %%: I will remain as your queen %%; sent me to you as his agent %%. ##: Expr. By the ins. of subs. s in %% or by the abl. in other cases: a. few %%; a. a child %%; a. weak %%; a. wonderful %%. ##: %% (always after the word it governs): passed the night as if in a moment %%, K.; as if painted, as if engraved, as if paralyzed %%, K.; as if from hell to heaven %%, D. ##: %% (at the end of the quotation, which is placed first in Sanskrit). see R. iii. 47., Ku. iv. 43. Ph.: began to speak as follows %%, K. xiii. 36.; Bachaspati spoke a. %%, Ku. ii. 30. ##: %% (%%) or %% (%%) in comp.: as for his valour, I will not say a word %%. ##: 1 by a comp. adj. with %% (%%), he who does not put down an enemy or a disease a. it appears %%, P. i. 8.; 2 %%. Ph.: a. I spoke %%, K. ##: %% anointed with nectar a. poison %%, Ma. i.; as a mother a. as a father %% D. v. ##: 1 %% (n.); 2 %%, A.; 3 %%, A. ##: A disease: %%. ## (v. i.): %<àrohati>% (with acc.): v. To mount, rise. ## (v. t.): %<à-rohati adhi->%, (%%, c. 1.): v. To mount. ##: %%: v. Superiority. To be in the a.: %% (%%, c. 1.) (=to flourish) (only when it conveys the idea of flourishing). ##: %%: v. Authority, influence. Ph: Chandrapàlita, by various amusements, gained complete a. over Bihàrabhadra %%, D. viii. ##: v. Ascent. A. -day: %<*kçùñasya svargàrohaõaparvan>% (n.). ##: I The act of ascending: 1 %<àrohaþ>%; 2 %<àrohaõam>%; 3 %%. II The way of ascending: 1 %<àrohamàrgaþ>%; 2 %<àrohaõapathaþ>%. III Inclination, slope: the road has an a. of one foot per hundred. %<*prati÷atapàdamekapàdonnato màrgaþ>%. ##: I To find out: 1 %%, (%%, c. 9), a. what is the time now %%, Mu. v.; 2 %% (%%, c. 10.), I will follow him and a. what it is %%, H. iii.; 3 %% (%%, c. 5.). a. ing that the remaining one was the king %%, N. xiv. 14.: 4 %% (%%, c. 1.), to a. this, we begin the second and the third part %%, S. ii. p.; 5 %% (c. of %%), when a thing is a. ed by letter %%, Si. ii. 70. II To make certain: %%: v. Certain. III To assure: q. v. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%). ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%; 3 %%; 4 %%; 5 %%; 6 %%. ##: 1 %%; 2 %%. ##: i. e. Dropsy of the peritoneum: %%. ##: 1 %<àropaõãyaþ>% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: I To refer to as an attribute: %<à-ropayati adhyà->%, (c. of %%), to whom divine nature has been falsely a. d %%, D. i.; II To refer to, as an effect: expr. by circumlo.: common people a. every thing to fate %%; the citizens a. ed his cure to the power of the charm %<*mantrabalenàsàvàrogyaü lebha iti paurairadhigatam>%. N. B. When the cause is a person, %<àropayati>% may be used: they a. ed to me the success of the day %%. ##: 1 %<àropaõam>%; 2 %%; 3 better by verb: v. To ascribe. ##: a tree: %%. ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%). ##: 1 %% (%%); 2 %% (%%); 3 %% (%%); 4 %% (%%); 5 %% (%<õà õaü>%). To make a. %% (c. of %%), v. To shame. @<[Page 42]>@ ##: 1 %% (%%, c. 6.); 2 %% (%%, c. 3.); 3 %% (%%, c. 2.). Si. xiv. 2.; 4 %% (%%, c. 1.) (rare); 5 %% (rare) B. iii. 38. ##: 1 %% (n.), reduced Madana to a. %%, Ku. iii. 72. To reduce to a. %%. To be reduced to a. %%; 2 %%, A. ##: I On to the shore: %%. II On the shore: %%. ##: %%. ##: %% (%%). #