Benfey: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Based on Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

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Sanskrit Passages

APOSTROPHE (') in headwords that signifies
that the word only occurs as part of a compound
has been elided for compatibility and searchability
since the transcription following the headword
preserves the same information by the placement of HYPHEN-MINUS (-).


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(This file is to be used with a UTF-8 font and your browser's VIEW configuration
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description:multibyte sequence:
long a ā
long A Ā
long i ī
long I Ī
long u ū
long U Ū
vocalic r
vocalic R
long vocalic r
vocalic l
vocalic L
long vocalic l
velar n
velar N
palatal n ñ
palatal N Ñ
retroflex t
retroflex T
retroflex d
retroflex D
retroflex n
retroflex N
palatal s ś
palatal S Ś
retroflex s
retroflex S
long e ē
long o ō
l underbar
r underbar
n underbar
k underbar
t underbar

Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order
to facilitate word search.

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FOR some years past there has been no Sanskrit Dictionary available for the English student. The second edition of that by Wilson, published in 1831, has been long exhausted, as also Yates' Abridgment, published in Calcutta in 1846. Dr. Goldstücker's excellent work has not yet reached the end of the first vowel, and the St. Petersburg Dictionary, by Messrs. Böhtlingk and Roth, besides being in German, has only just completed the letter ph.

The present work aims at supplying this long-felt want. It does not exceed the limits of one volume, but at the same time it is hoped that it contains all that the student is likely to require. It especially includes all the words occurring in the different Chrestomathies and Selections generally in use (as Lassen's Anthology, my own Chrestomathy, Bopp's Nala, Johnson's Mahābhārata Selections, &c.), and in the texts usually read by students, as the Hitopadeśa, Pañcatantra, Manu's Laws, Śakuntalā, Vikramorvaśī, Uttararāmacarita, Mālatīmādhava, and Meghadūta; but it is also believed to contain most of the words likely to occur in the general classical literature. It does not profess to contain the technical terms of the grammarians or philosophers, nor are purely Vaidik words included, except such as occur in the extracts given in the above-mentioned Chrestomathies.

References have been added to the greater part of the meanings, and sometimes explanations of passages also; but these latter are rarely introduced, for fear of swelling the volume beyond its proper size. For the same reason, compound words are generally printed in roman type, and arranged alphabctically under their last part. Thus the student must look for a-maṅgala, au-aṃśa, and megha-dūta respectively under maṅgala, aṃśa, and dūta. The difficulty arising from this source will soon disappear with practice. If a word. as for instance candraśekhara, is not found under c, its first component part candra will be found; and the student has only to turn to the letter ś to find the remaining part śekhara, and under it in its place the very word he is in search of.

For the same reason, feminies ending in ā, ī, ū, ikā, are inserted under the corresponding masculines (where there are such) in a, i, ṛ, n, nt, añc, as, u, aka; while participles, participles used as substantives, and absolutives are inserted under the verbs to which they belong.

The etymology of every word is given, where ascertainable; but here also, to save space, abbreviations have been used. The several parts of a compound word are separated by hyphens, except in the case of the grammatical element, which is always preceded by + : thus, in p. 2, a-karuṇa + tva denotes that this word is compounded of a and karuṇa, with the affix tva; and similarly, in p. 397, dāśarathi is analysed as daśaratha + i.

As Sanskrit is also of the greatest use in the study of Comparative Grammar, I have added at the end of the principal articles the kindred words in the Greek, Latin, and German (particularly the Gothic and Anglo-Saxon) languages.

I have availed myself of the valuable labours of my predecessors, especially the works, already mentioned, of Wilson, Goldstücker, Böhtlingk, and Roth (as far as published), besides the Śabdakalpadruma of Rāja Rādhākānta Deva, and the various glossaries which have been published for special books; but for the latter half some of there aids have failed me, and I have been chiefly left to my own resources. I must therefore crave the reader's indulgence for the deficiencies and shortcomings which he may discover.

I cannot close this Preface without expressing my sincere thanks to Mr. E. B. Cowell and Professor Max Müller, for the assistance which they have rendered to me while carrying this work through the press.

GÖTTINGEN: Jan. 1, 1866.


adhy. = adhyāya.

Amar. = Amaruśataka, ed. Calcutt.

Ānandal. = Ānandalaharī, in Häberlin's Sanskrit Anthology.

Arj. = Arjunasamāgama, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

A.S. = Anglo-Saxon.

Ātm. = Ātmanepada.

Aufr. Ujjvalad. = Ujjvaladatta, ed. Aufrecht.

Bhag. = Bhagavadgītā, ed. Schlegel.

Bhāg. P. = Bhāgavata-Purāṇa, ed. Burnouf.

Bhartṛ. = Bhartṛhari, ed. Bohlen.

Bhāṣāp. = Bhāṣāpariccheda, in Bibliotheca Indica and in my Sanskrit Chrestomathy.

Bhaṭṭ. = Bhaṭṭikāvya, ed. Calc.

Bhaviṣyap. = Bhaviṣya-Purāṇa.

Böhtl. Chr. = Böhtlingk, Sanskrit Chrestomathy.

Böhtl. Ind. Spr. = Böhtlingk. Indische Sprüche (Indian Sentences).

Br. = Brockhaus.

Brāhmaṇ. and Brāhmaṇav. = Brāhmaṇavilāpa, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

Brahmav. P. = Brahmavaivarta-Purāṇa, ed. Stenzler.

Śāk. = Śākuntala, ed. Böhtlingk.

Śāntiś. = Śāntiśataka, in Häberlin's Sanskrit Anthology.

Śārṅg. Paddh. = Śārṅgadhara-Paddhati (MSS. used by Böhtl.).

Śatr. = Śatruṃjayamāhātmya, ed. A. Weber.

Caus. = Causal.

Cāṇ. = Cāṇakya, published in Häberlin's Anthology, and by Weber in Berl. Monatsb. Hist. Phil. Cl., i. e. in 'Monthly Reports of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, Class of History and Philology,' 1864.

C. = Chezy.

Cāt. = Cātaka, in Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlands, i. e. 'Journal for the Knowledge of the Orient,' vol. iv.

Caur. and Caurap. = Caurapañcāśikā, in Bohlen's ed. of Bhartṛhari.

Chr. = my Sanskrit Chrestomathy.

Śiś. = Śiśupālavadha, 2. ed. Calc.; the ninth book in my Chr.

ŚKD. = Śabdakalpadruma.

Comp. = Compound.

Śṛṅgārat. = Śṛṅgāratilaks, ed. Gildemeister, in his edition of the Meghadūta.

Śrut. and Śrutab. = Śrutabodha, ed. Brockhaus.

Śukas. = Śukasaptati (MSS. of St. Petersburg).

Śvet. Up. = Śvetāśvataropaniṣad, in Bibliotheca Indica.

d. = distich.

Daśak. = Daśakumāracarita, ed. Wilson, partly in my Chr.

Daśar. = Daśa-Rūpa, ed. Fitz-Edward Hall.

denomin. = denominative.

desid. = desiderative.

Dev. = Devīmāhātmya, ed. Poley.

Draup. = Draupadīpramātha, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

frequent. = frequentative.

Ghaṭ. = Ghaṭakarpara, ed. Cale.

Gīt. = Gītagovinda. ed. Lassen.

Goth. = Gothic.

Gött. Gel. Anz. = Göttinger Gelebrte Anzeigen, i. e. 'Scientific Reports published in Göttingen.'

Govardh. Āryas. = Govardhana Āryasaptati, ed. Soma Nath Mookerjea.

Grammar. = Grammarians.

Häb. and Häberl. Chr. or Anth. = Kāvya Sangraha, 'A Sanskrit Anthology,' by John Häberlin.

Hariv. = Harivaṃśa, ed. Calc.

Hiḍ. = Hiḍimbavadha, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

Hit. = Hitopadeśa, ed. of Lassen, and when followed by M.M., that of Max Müller. When followed by two Arabian numerals, the first denotes the page, the second the line; when followed by a Roman and Arabian numeral, the first denotes the book, the second the distich.

Icel. = Icelandic.

Indr. = Indralokāgamana, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

Johns. Sel. = Johnson's Selections from the Mahābhārata.

Kām. and Kāmand. Nītis. = Kāmandakīya Nītisāra, in Bibliotheca Indica.

Kathās. = Kathāsaritsāgara, ed. Brockhaus.

Kāvya Prak. = Kāvya Prakaśa, 2. ed. Calcutta, 1865.

Kir. and Kirāt. = Kirātārjunīya, 2. ed. Calc., 1846, and the fifth book in my Chr.

Kull. = Kullūka Schol. ed. Man.

Kumāras. = Kumārasaṃbhava, ed. Stenzler.

Kusumāñj. = Kusumāñjali, ed. Cowell.

Lalit. = Lalitavistara, in Bibliotheca Indica.

Lass. = Lassen, Anthologia Sanskritica.

Lass. Pent. = Lassen, Commentatio de Pentapotamia Indica.

Lat. = Latin.

Mahāv. = Mahāvīracarita, ed. Trithen.

Mālat. = Mālatīmādhava, ed. Calc.

Mālav. = Mālavikāgnimitra, ed. Tullberg.

Man. = Mānavadharmaśāstra, ed. Haughton and Lois. (i. e. Loiseleur Deslongchamps). Where there is a numeral in brackets, it denotes the verse of Jones' translation.

Mārk. P. = Mārkaṇḍeya-Purāṇa, in Bibliotheca Indica.

Matsyop. = Matsyopākhyāna, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

MBh. = Mahābhārata, ed. Calc.

Megh. = Meghadūta, ed. Gildemeister.

Mit. = Mitākṣarā, ed. Calc., 1829.

Mṛcch. = Mṛcchakaṭikā, ed. Stenzler.

Mudrār. = Mudrārākṣasa, ed. Calc.

Naiṣ. = Naiṣadhacarita, ed. Calc.

Nal. = Nala, an episode of the MBh. ed. Bopp.; a numeral in brackets denotes Böhtlingk's ed. in his Chrestomathy.

Nalod. = Nalodya, ed. Benary.

N.H.G. = New High German.

N.N.L. = New Netherlandis or Dutch.

Nyāy. S. = Nyāya-Sūtrāṇi of Gotama, ed. Calc.

O.H.G. = Old High German.

O.N. = Old Norse.

Padmap. = Padma-Purāṇa, ed. Wollheim.

Pāṇ. = Pāṇini, ed. Böhtlingk.

Pañc. = Pañcatantra, ed. Kosegarten; the numerals are used on the same system as in Hit. When there is added 'ed. orn.,' it denotes the fragment of the recensio ornatior, published by Kosegarten.

Par. = Parasmaipada.

Part. = particle.

Pr. = prologue.

Prab. = Prabodhacandrodaya, ed. Brockhaus.

Prākṛ. = Prākṛt.

Ragh. = Raghuvaffiśa, ed. Stenzler.

Rāgh. = Rāghavānanda, Sch. ad Man.

Rājat. = Rājataraṅgiṇī, ed. Troyer, the fifth book in my Chrestomathy.

Rām. = Rāmāyaṇa, the two first books after the ed. of Schlegel; when that of Gorresio is meant, there is added Gorr.; the remaining books after Gorresio's.

Ratnāv. = Ratnāvalī, 2. ed. Calc.

Rigv. = Rigveda.

Ṛt. = Ṛtusaṃhāra, ed. Bohlen, the first chapter also in Lass., the sixth in my Chrestomathy.

Sāh. D. = Sāhitya Darpaṇa, in Bibliotheca Indica.

Sāṅkhya Aph. = Sāṅkhya Sūtras, in Hall's ed. of Saṅkhya Pravacana Bhāṣya in Bibl. Ind.

Sāv. = Sāvitryupākhyāna, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

Siddh. K. = Siddhāntakaumudi, ed. Calc., 4to.

Siddh. Mukt. = Siddhānta Muktāvali, ed. Roer in Bibl. Ind.

Skandap. Kāśikh. = Kāśikhaṇḍa, a part of the Skanda-Purāṇa (MSS.).

Somadev. Nal. = Somadeva's Nala, published by Brockhaus.

Ssk. and Sskr. = Sanskrit.

Suśr. = Suśruta, ed. Calc.; the first numeral denotes the vol., the second the page, the third the line.

Sund. = Sundopasundopākhyāna, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp.

Swed. = Swedish.

Upak. = Upakośa, an episode of the Kathās., ed. Brockhaus.

Utt. Rāmac. = Uttara Rāmacarita, 2. ed. Calc., 1862.

Varāh. Bṛh. = Varāhamihira's Bṛhajjātaka.

Varāh. Bṛh. S. = Varāhamihira's Bṛhatsaṃhitā.

Vārt. = Vārtika.

Vedāntas. = Vedāntasāra, in my Chrestomathy.

Vikr. = Vikramorvaśī, ed. Bollensen.

Vop. = Vopadeva, ed. Böhtlingk.

Web. Ind. St. = Weber, Indische Studien, i. e. 'Essaya concerning India.'

Yājñ. = Yājñavalkya, ed. Stenzler.

Yogas. = Yogasūtrāṇi, ed. Allahabed, 1852-53.

† denotes verbs or meanings for which there are no authoritative references.

' when before, denotes that the word occurs only as latter part of a compound; when after, as former. [elided for compatibility and searchability]

° denotes abbreviations, which may be easily supplied from the context.

- denotes, in the etymological analyais, elements which are to be found in the dictionary; in comp. that the word which is the subject of the article must be supplied, as e.g. 1, A, 8, after an- must be added aṃśa; 51, B, 10 bel., before -paṇa must be added ardha.

+ denotes grammatical elements of a word.

* denotes fictitious forms.

[Page 1a]

a a-, a negative prefix, corresponding to the á- privative in Greek; see an-,

aṃś aṃś, see ams.

aṃśa aṃśa, rarely aṃsa, m.
     1. A part, a share.
     2. Booty.
     3. Inheritance, Man. 9, 47.
     4. See aṃsa.
-- Comp. an-, adj. excluded from a share of the heritage, Man. 9, 201. eka-, m. 1. a single part, Man. 9, 150. 2. a part. caturtha-, 1. m. a fourth. 2. adj. entitled to a quarter, Man. 8, 210. tṛtīya-, adj. entitled to a third part, Man. 8, 210. tri-, (m.) sing. three shares, Man. 9, 151. dvi-, (m.) sing. two shares, Man. 9, 153.

aṃśu aṃśu (cf. śo), m. A ray of light, a sunbeam.
-- Comp. gharma-, m. the sun. tigma-, m. the sun. tīkṣṇa-,
I. adj. having hot beams.
II. m. 1. the sun. 2. fire. daśana-, m. the brightness of the teeth. divya-, m. the sun. dīpta-, m. the sun. prāleya-, m. the moon. sahasra-, m. the sun. sudhā-, m. 1. the moon. 2. camphor. haṃsa-, adj. white. hima-, m. 1. the moon. 2. camphor Cf. [greek]

[Page 1b]

aṃśuka aṃśu + ka, n.
     1. A leaf.
     2. Fine cloth; cloth; leaf and cloth, Ṛt. 6, 19.
-- Comp. cīna-, n. silk. tanu-, n. a thin cloth. patākā-, n. a flag. sita-, adj., f. , dressed in a white cloth. stana-, n. a cloth covering the bosom.

aṃśumant aṃśu + mant.
I. adj., f. matī. Radiant.
II. m. The sun.

aṃs aṃs, also aṃś aṃś, i. 10, Par. To divide.
-- With vi vi.
     1. To break asunder.
     2. To deceive, Pañc. 202, 25.

aṃsa aṃsa, also aṃśa aṃśa, probably from am (originally, To be strong), m. and n. The shoulder.
-- Cf. Goth. amsa;[greek] Lat. humerus and ansa.

aṃsala aṃsa + la, adj., f. . Strong.

aṃh aṃh, i. 1, Ātm. To go. Caus. To send. † i. 10, Par. To shine, or to speak.

aṃhas aṃhas (h instead of gh, cf. agha; from a lost vb. aṅgh = [greek]), n.
     1. Pain.
     2. Sin.
-- Cf. [greek] and [greek] corresponding to Ved. aṃhu; Goth. aggvus Lat. angustus, angere, anxius,

aṃhri aṃhri (h instead of gh, cf. aṅghri), m. The foot.

[Page 2a]

akak, i. 1, Par. To wind or move tortuously.

akaruṇatva a-karuṇa + tva (cf. karuṇā), n. Cruelty.

akarṇaka a-karṇa + ka, adj., f. ṇikā. Having no ears. Rām. 5, 17, 24.

akalkatā a-kalka + tā, f. Honesty.

akāmatā a-kāma + tā, f. Exemption from love, Man. 2, 2.

akiṃcitkara akiṃcitkara, i. e. a-kim-cid-kara, adj. Innocent, Pañc. 187, 24.

akutobhaya akutobhaya, i. e. a-kutas-bhaya, adj., f. . Free from any danger.

akulatā a-kula + tā, f. Low state, Man. 3, 63.

akuha akuha, adj. s. One who does not deceive, an honest man, Rām. 2, 109, 27.
-- Cf. a-kuhaka.

akṛta a-kṛta.
I. adj., f. .
     1. Not done.
     2. Undone, Man. 8, 117.
     3. Not cultivated, Man. 10, 114.
     4. Wavering, MBh. 14, 34.
II. f. . A daughter who is not by a formal declaration, but only mentally, appointed to supply an heir for her father, MBh. 9, 136.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj. 1. wrought and unwrought. 2. prepared and not prepared.

akṛtabuddhitva akṛta-buddhi + tva, n. Rudeness of mind, Bhag. 18, 16.

aktu aktu, m. Night, Chr. 289, 2 = Rigv. 1, 50, 2.

akṣ akṣ (probably an old desiderat. of 1. ), i. 1. and ii. 5, akṣṇu, Para To pervade, to fill, to accumulate.
-- With nis nis, To disperse.
-- With sam sam, To pervade.

[Page 2b]

akṣa 1. akṣa, probably from a lost vb. akṣ, corresponding to [greek] in [greek]
I. n.
     1. The eye; particularly as latter part of comp. adj., f. kṣī.
     2. An organ of sense, Pañc. ii, d. 164.
II. m.
     1. A die, Man. 4, 74.
     2. The name of a plant, Terminalia Bellerica, of which the nuts are used as dice, and the seed for making rosaries.
-- Comp. kamala-patra-, adj., f. kṣī, adj. having eyes like lotus-leaves. kūṭa-, m. a false die. jāla-, m. a lattice window. tāmra-, adj. red-eyed. tāraka-, 1. adj. having stars for eyes. 2. m. a proper name. tryakṣa, i. e. tri-,
I. adj. having three eyes.
II. m. a name of RudraŚiva, and of a demon. daśākṣa, i. e. daśan-, m. the name of a spell or charm padma-, adj. lotus-eyed. puṇḍarīka-, m. a name of Viṣṇu. puṣkara-, adj. lotus-eyed. manda-, n. modesty. lohita-, adj. red-eyed. sahasra-,
I. adj. thousand-eyed.
II. m. a name of Indra. su-, adj. 1. handsome-eyed. 2. acute.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. oculus; and see akṣi.

akṣa 2. akṣa, probably akin to aj, m.
     1. The axle of a wheel.
     2. A wheel.
     3. A car.
-- Comp. eka-, adj. having one axle.
-- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. ahsa; A.S. eax; Lat. axis.

akṣan akṣan, see akṣi.
-- Comp. tryakṣan, i. e. tri-, and hari-, adj. epithets of Rudra.

akṣayatva a-kṣaya + tva, n. Imperishableness.

akṣara a-kṣara.
I. adj., f. . Imperishable.
II. n.
     1. A word.
     2. A syllable.
     3. The holy syllable om.
     4. A letter.
     5. A vowel.
-- Comp. an-, adj. one who utters what ought not to be said. eka-, adj. monosyllabic, Man. 2, 83. ghuṇa-, n. a figure bored by a woodworm, and by accident resembling a letter, Rājat. 4, 167 (Pañc. 42, 12, read ghuṇākṣara). catur-, n. four syllables. tryakṣara, i. e. tri-, adj. triliteral, Man. 11, 265. ṣaḍakṣara, i. e. ṣaṣ-, adj. containing six syllables, Pañc. i. d. 184.

akṣavatī akṣavatī, i. e. akṣa + vant + ī, f. Gaming with dice.

akṣi akṣi (cf. 1. akṣa), n., in some cases akṣan is substituted. The eye.
-- Comp. agra-, n. the first look.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek] Goth. augo; A.S. aegh, eag.

akṣigata akṣi-gata (vb. gam) adj., f. .
     1. Present, Śiś. 5, 81.
     2. Hated.

akṣauhiṇī akṣauhiṇī, i. e. akṣa-ūh + in + ī, f. A complete army.

agag, i. 1, Par. To wind, or move tortuously.

aga a-ga, m.
     1. A mountain.
     2. A tree.

agatīka agatīka, i. e. a-gati + ka (i is lengthened on account of the metre), adj. Impervious, MBh. 12, 3078.

agamyāgamanīya agamyāgamanīya, i. e. a-gamya-āgamana + īya (cf. gam), adj. Caused by illicit intercourse, Man. 11, 169.

agasti agasti, and agastya agastya, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, or saint, the son of Mitra and Varuṇa

agātmajā agātmajā, i. e. aga-ātmajā, f. A name of Pārvatī, the daughter of the Himālaya, Kir. 5, 13.

agāra agāra (probably akin to agni, and originally a hearth), n. A house, Man. 9, 265.
-- Comp. agnyagāra, i. e. agni-, n. the place where the sacred fire is kept.

[Page 3b]

aguru a-guru.
I. adj. Short.
II. n. Aloe wood (Aquilaria Agallocum roxb.)
-- Comp. kāla-, n. a black sort of Agallocum.

agni agni (probably from añj in its original signification, To shine), m.
     1. Fire.
     2. The sacrificial fire.
     3. The deity of fire.
     4. The digestive power.
-- Comp. an-, adj. without fire, Man. 6, 25. ākita- (vb. dhā), adj. one who keeps up a consecrated fire, Man. 3, 282. an-āhita-, adj. one who neglects to keep up a consecrated fire, Man. 11, 14. kaṭa-, m. a fire of dry grass, Man. 8, 377. kopa-, and krodha-, m. the fire of wrath. jñāna-, m. the flame of knowledge, Man. 11, 246. tṛṇa-, m. a fire of dry grass, Man. 3, 168. dakṣiṇa-, m. one kind of sacred fire, that which is taken from the domestic fire and is placed to the south. da/āva-, m. the fire of a forest conflagration. pañcāgni, i. e. pañcan-, adj. one who keeps the five fires constantly burning, Man. 3, 185. rājāgni, i. e. rājan-, m. the fire of a king (in wrath), Man. 7, 9. viṣa-, m. the fire of poison. śoka-, m. the fire of grief. huta- (vb. hu), and homa-, m. the sacrificial fire.
-- Cf. Lat. ignis.

agnika -agni + ka. A substitute for -agni at the end of many comp. adj.: e. g. sa-, adj., with Agni.

agnicit agni-ci + t, adj. One who has arranged a sacrificial fire.

agnida agni-da, m. An incendiary, Man. 9, 278.

agnibhu agni-bhu (vb. bhū), n. Water, Man. 9, 321.

agnimant agni + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. One who maintains a sacrificial fire, Man. 3, 122.
     2. Having a good digestion.

[Page 4a]

agniṣṭut agniṣṭut, i. e. agni-stu + t, m. The name of a sacrifice, Man. 11, 74.

agniṣṭoma agniṣṭoma, i. e. agni-stoma, m. The name of a series of offerings to Agni, forming the first part of the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice, Man. 2, 143.

agniṣvātta agniṣvātta, also agnisvātta agni-svātta (vb. svād), m. A class of Pitṛs or Manes, viz. those of the Devas and Brāhmaṇas, Man. 3, 195, 199.

agnisāt agni-sāt (sāt is the original abl. of sa), adv. Completely reduced to fire; with kṛ, To burn, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 14.

agnihotrin agnihotrin, i. e. agni-hotra + in, m. One who keeps the holy fire, Man. 11, 41.

agnīṣoma agnīṣoma, i. e. agni-soma, m. du. Agni and Soma.

agnyādheya agnyādheya, i. e. agni-ādheya (vb. dhā), n. Preparing the holy fire, Man. 2, 143.

agnyāhita agnyāhita, i. e. agniāhita (vb. dhā), m. One who has arranged a sacred fire, Rām. 6, 93, 30.

agra agra.
I. adj. First, Megh. 4.
II. n.
     1. Point, Man. 2, 167.
     2. Summit, top.
     3. Forepart, front.
     4. Beginning, Man. 2, 161.
     5. The first, or best.
III. acc. sing. agram, adv. Before, diṣṭyāsi me Rāghava cakṣuṣo 'graṃ prāptaḥ, 'fortunately, O descendant of Raghu, are you come before my eyes.' Rām. 6, 36, 72.
IV. loc. sing. agre.
     1. Before.
     2. First; with abl. Sooner, Man. 3, 114.
     3. Forward, Pañc. 245. 13.
-- Comp. As former part of a comp. 1. the forepart, the tip: e. g. agranakha, the tip of the nail. 2. in front: e. g. agra-yāyin, adj. going in front, Śāk. d. 185. 3. best: e. g. agravājin, m. an excellent horse. As latter part: e. g. eka-, adj. 1. one whose mind is fixed on one object, Bhag. 6, 12. 2. intent. an-eka-, adj. inattentive. kuśa-, n. the point of a blade of kuśa grass. daṃṣṭrā-, n. the point of a tooth. dakṣiṇā-, adj. that of which the points are directed southward. druma-, m. the top of a tree, Rām. 5, 60, 16. nakha-, n. the tip of the nails, Man. 2, 167. naga-, n. the summit of a mountain. nāsikā-, n. the tip of the nose. maṇḍala-, m. a sword.

agraga agra-ga, adj.
     1. Going in presence of somebody, Rājat. 5, 196.
     2. Going in front, a leader.
-- Comp. senā-, m. the leader of an army.

agragaṇya agra-gaṇya (vb. gaṇ), adj. One who must be considered as the first, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 8.

agraja agra-ja.
I. adj., f. . Firstborn.
II. m.
     1. An elder brother, Man. 3, 171.
     2. A Brāhmaṇa, Man. 2, 20.
-- Comp. gada-, m. the elder brother of Gada, a name of Kṛṣṇa.

agraṇī agraṇī, i. e. agra-nī, m. A leader.

agratas agra + tas.
I. adv.
     1. Before.
     2. In front.
     3. Forward.
II. preposition with the gen.
     1. Before, Man. 3, 244.
     2. In presence of.
-- Comp. bhairava-, adv. in the presence of Bhairava.

agrasara agrasara, i. e. agra-sṛ + a, adj., f. . First.
-- Comp. pra-, adj. First, Śāk. d. 112.

agrasaratā agrasara + tā, f. Going in front, Ragh. 5. 71.

agrahāra agra-hāra, m. A grant of land or villages conferred upon Brāhmaṇas.

agrāhyaka a-grāhya + ka (vb. grah), adj. Incomprehensible, MBh. 12, 1024.

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agrāhyanāmakatā agrāhyanāmakatā, i. e. a-grāhya-nāman + ka + tā (vb. grah), f. Condition of having a name not fit to be assumed, Lass. 75, 1.

agredidhiṣū agredidhiṣū, i. e. agra + i-didhiṣū, f. A younger sister married before her elder, Man. 3, 160.

agresara agresara, i. e. agra + i-sṛ + a, adj., f. . Going in front, first.

agrya agrya, i. e. agra + ya, adj., f. .
     1. First.
     2. Best, Man. 12, 30.
-- Comp. dvija-, m. a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 3, 35.

aghagh, i, 10, aghaya, Par. To sin.

agha agha (from a vb. aṅgh, see aṃkas), n.
     1. Sin, Man. 3, 118.
     2. Impurity, Man. 5, 63.
-- Comp. an-, adj., f. ghā, 1. sinless, Man. 12, 1. 2. pure. 3. unblamable. Śāk. d. 43.

aghaśaṃsin aghaśaṃsin, i. e. agha-śaṃsa + in, adj. Wicked, Daśak. 2, 19.

aghāyu aghāyu, i. e. Ved. aghāya + u, adj. Mischievous.

aṅk aṅk, i, 10 (rather a denominat. derived from aṅka), Par. and i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To mark, Pañc. 46, 8.
     2. To adorn, Rājat. 5, 230.
     3. To brand, Man. 9, 240.
     4. To stigmatise, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.
     5. † To go.

aṅka aṅka, i. e. añc + a, m.
     1. A hook.
     2. A mark.
     3. A cipher.
     4. An act in a drama.
     5. The flank.
     6. The lap.
     7. The arm, Vikr. d. 147.
     8. Proximity, Bhartṛ. 2, 23.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj. branded, Man. 8, 281. jambāla-, adj. full of swamps. makara-, m. the god of love. mṛga-, m. the moon. valgā-, adj. holding a bridle, Rājat. 5, 342. svanāmāṅka, i. e. sva-nāman-, adj. called after his name, 243. Cf. [greek] Lat. uncus; O.H.G. ango, anga, angul; A.S. angel, etc.

aṅkabhāj aṅka-bhāj (vb. bhaj), adj. Approaching, Kir. 5, 52.

aṅkura aṅkura (from añc, cf. aṅka), m.
     1. A shoot, or sprout, Pañc. i. d. 251.
     2. Intumescence.
-- Comp. abhilāṣa-, m. the germ of desire, Rājat. 5, 376. kula-, m. offspring, a young child, Śāk. d. 178. daṃṣṭrā-, m. the point of a tooth, Bhartṛ. 2, 4. rada-, m. the point of a tooth. viṣa-, m. a spear, a dart. vīja-, m. a seedling, Pañc. i. d. 254. smara-, m. 1. a lover, a lecher. 2. a finger nail.

aṅkurita aṅkurita, i. e. aṅkura + ita, adj. Furnished with shoots, Vikr. d. 12.

aṅkuśa aṅkuśa, i. e. aṅku (in the Ved. aṅkūya from añc, cf. aṅka) + śa, m. and n.
     1. A hook.
     2. A goad for driving elephants with.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. unmanageable. an-, adj. unruly. niraṅkuśa, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. unchecked. 2. unruly. 3. independent, free.

aṅkoṭha aṅkoṭha, and aṅkola aṅkola, m. A plant, Alangium hexapetalum.

aṅkh aṅkh, i, 10.
     1. To take hold.
     2. To stop.
-- With the prepos. pari pari, To surround.

aṅg aṅg, i. 1, Par. and † i. 10, Par.
     1. To go, Nalod. 1, 23.
     2. † i. 10, To mark.
-- With the prepos. pali pali for pari pari, Caus. To stir up. Pass. To go round.
-- With vipali vi-pali, Caus. Ātm. To cover one's self.

aṅga 1. aṅga, n.
     1. A limb, Man. 3, 178.
     2. The penis, Man. 8, 374.
     3. A part, Man. 11, 11.
     4. A supplementary part.
     5. A division of Hindu learning, comprehending such sciences as are considered dependent upon the Vedas; cf. aṅgavidyā.
     6. An expedient.
     7. The body.
-- Comp. In comp. adj. the fem. ends generally in , sometimes also in gā. An-, m. Kāma, the god of love. an-a-vadya- (vb. vad), adj., f. , of faultless form. aṣṭāṅga, i. e. aṣṭan-, adj. consisting of eight parts. uttama-, n. the head, Man, 1, 93. eka-,
I. n. one part only.
II. m. pl. body-guards. kāla-, adj. having a dark-blue blade, MBh. 4, 231. kuṣṭha-, adj. leprous. kṛśa-, adj., f. , meagre. khaṭvā-, n. one of Śiva's weapons (a club with a skull at the top), also carried by devotees. catur-,
I. adj. consisting of four parts; with bala, a complete army, consisting of chariots, elephants, horse, and foot.
II. n. 1. a complete army. 2. chess. citra-, m. a proper name. tanu-, f. , a delicate woman. tanū-ja-, n. a wing. niraṅga, i. e. nis-, adj. deprived of expedients. pañcāṅga, i. e. pañcan-, adj. consisting of five parts. makā-, m. a camel. rakta-,
I. m. 1. a bug. 2. planet Mars.
II. n. 1. coral. 2. saffron. ratha-,
I. n. 1. any part of a carriage. 2. a wheel.
II. m. the ruddy goose, Anas casarca. vakra-, m. 1. the ruddy goose. 2. a goose. vara-,
I. m. an elephant.
II. n. 1. an elegant body. 2. the head. 3. pudendum, male or female. vi-citra-,
I. adj. 1. handsome. 2. having the body of various colours.
II. m. 1. a tiger. 2. a peacock. hīna- (vb. 2. ),
I. adj. maimed, Man. 4, 141.
II. f. , an ant. hema-,
I. adj. golden, Rām. 3, 55, 32.
II. m. 1. a lion. 2. Brahman. 3. Garuḍa, a fabulous bird.

aṅga 2. aṅga (an old instr. sing. of the last, signifying 'by my body'), particle:
     1. Of asseveration, Indeed, to be sure.
     2. Of solicitation, invocation, Rām. 2, 97, 16.
     3. Of interrogation, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 7.
     4. Again, further, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1106.

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aṅga 3. aṅga, m.
     1. The name of a country, Bengal proper. and its inhabitants.
     2. The name of a king.

aṅgaka aṅga + ka.
     1. = 1. aṅga, e. g. Body, Śiś. 4, 66.
     2. A substitute for 1. aṅga at the end of comp. adj., f. gikā, e. g. āliṅgita- (vb. liṅg), One whose body is embraced, Rājat. 5, 410.

aṅgaja aṅga-ja, adj. Produced from the body, bodily.

aṅgaṇa aṅgaṇa, for aṅgana (q. cf.), n. A court, a yard. Dev. 5, 50.
-- Comp. raṅga-, n. the area of an amphitheatre. harmya-, n. the court of a palace.

aṅgatas aṅga + tas, adv. From the body, Man. 4, 167.

aṅgatva aṅga + tva, n. Corporality.

aṅgada aṅga-da (vb. 3. ).
I. n. A bracelet.
II. m. A proper name.
-- Comp. citra-, 1. adj. adorned with splendid or variegated bracelets. 2. m. a proper name. 3. f. , a proper name.

aṅgana aṅg + ana, n.
     1. A passage.
     2. A court.
-- Comp. raṇa-, n. a field of battle.

aṅganā aṅganā (cf. aṅga), f.
     1. A beautiful woman.
     2. A woman in general.
     3. The female of any animal.
-- Comp. kula-, f. a chaste woman. vara-, f. a lovely woman.

aṅgaruha aṅga-ruh + a, n. Hair.

aṅgavidyā aṅga-vidyā, f.
     1. Such learning as is comprehended under the title aṅga, viz. pronunciation, grammar, prosody, explanation of obscure terms, description of religious rites, and astronomy, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 6.
     2. Palmistry, Man. 6, 40.

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aṅgahīnatva aṅga-hīna + tva (vb. 2. ), n. Defect of some limb; Man. 11, 50.

aṅgāra aṅgāra (vb. aṅj, cf. agni), m. and n. Charcoal, Man. 8, 250.
-- Comp. kula-, m. or n., an enemy to his own family, Pañc. 211, 14. mṛta-, m. a proper name.

aṅgāraka aṅgāra + ka, m.
     1. The planet Mars.
     2. The name of a king.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. attended by the planet Mars.

aṅgin aṅgin, i. e. aṅga + in, adj., f. .
     1. Having limbs.
     2. Having expedients.
     3. Chief.
-- Comp. catur-, (i. e. caturaṅga + in), adj., f. iṇī, consisting of four parts (Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 32, inī).

aṅgiras aṅgiras, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, or saint.
-- Comp. tṛṇa-soma-, m. one of the seven priests attending a sacrifice.

aṅgīkaraṇa aṅgīkaraṇa, i. e. 2. aṅga-kṛ + ana, n. Agreement, consent, Vedāntas. in Chr. 213, 19.

aṅgīkāra aṅgīkāra, i. e. 2. aṅga-kṛ + a, m. Agreement, Vedāntas. in Chr. 213, 22.

aṅgurīyaka aṅgurīyaka = aṅgulīyaka (q. cf.).

aṅgula aṅgula (from a lost base, aṅgu) m.
     1. A finger's breadth as a linear measure.
     2. A substitute for aṅguli at the end of many comp. words: e. g. daśāṅgula, i. e. daśan-, adj. Ten fingers long, Man. 8, 271.
-- Comp. pañcāṅgula, i. e. pañcan-, m. The castor-oil plant.

aṅgulaka -aṅgula + ka, a substitute for aṅgula at the end of comp. words: ṣoḍaśāṅgulaka, i. e. ṣoḍaśan-, adj. Of sixteen fingers' breadth.

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aṅguli and aṅgulī aṅguli/ī, f. A finger.
-- Comp. latā-, f. a branch serving instead of a finger, Śiś. 9, 4.

aṅgulitra aṅguli-tra (vb. trā), n. A piece of leather or thin iron, worn by archers to prevent the fingers being injured by the bowstring.

aṅgulitravant aṅgulitra + vant, adj. Protected by the aṅgulitra.

aṅgulīya aṅgulīya, i. e. aṅguli + īya, n. A finger-ring.
-- Cf. Lat. annulus.

aṅgulīyaka aṅgulīya + ka, n. A finger-ring.

aṅguṣṭha aṅguṣṭha, i. e. aṅgu-stha (cf. aṅgula), m.
     1. The thumb.
     2. The great toe.
     3. A thumb's breadth as a measure.

aṅghaṅgh, i, 1. Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To begin moving.
     3. To begin.
     4. To hasten.
     5. To blame.
     6. To despise.

aṅghri aṅghri (akin to jaṅghā from jaṅghan, the frequent. of han; the initial consonant is lost, as e. g. in inakṣ for ninaskṣ and others, and n is changed to r, as in pīvar + ī fem. of pīvan), m.
     1. A foot.
     2. The root of a tree.
-- Comp. śīrṇa- (vb. śṛ10), m. Yama.

acala a-cala.
I. adj., f. .
     1. Immovable.
     2. Steady, Pañc. 202, 19.
II. m. A mountain.
-- Comp. kula-, m. a principal mountain. tuhina-, m. Himālaya. mahā-, m. a great mountain.

accha accha (akin to 1. akṣa), adj., f. chā. Transparent, clear, Megh. 52.
-- Comp. su-, adj. 1. transparent, 2. pure. 3. white. 4. healthy.

aj aj, i, 1, Par., in the Vedas also Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To drive; to direct, Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. 1, 112, 16.
-- With the prepos. ud ud, To drive out, Chr. 297, 12 = Rigv. 1, 112, 12.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. ago, igitur (for agitur); ON. aka.

aja 1. a-ja, adj., f. . Unborn.

aja 2. aja.
     1. m. A he-goat.
     2. f. . A she-goat.
-- Comp. vana-, m. a wild goat.
-- Cf. [greek] of which the base is [greek]

ajagara ajagara, i. e. aja-gṛ10 + a, m. A large serpent, Boa constrictor.

ajanani a-jan + ani, f. Privation of birth, used as imprecation, Pañc. i. d. 355.

ajarya a-jarya (vb. jṛ10), n. Friendship, Ragh. 18, 6.

ajasra a-jas + ra, adj., f. . Continual. acc. ram, adv. Continually, always, Man. 1, 57.

ajāta a-jāta (vb. jan), adj., f. .
     1. Unborn.
     2. As former part of comp. adj., Not having, e. g. ajāta-vyañjana, adj. beardless. ajāta-śatru. 1. Having no enemies. 2. One with whom nobody can contend; epithet and name of Yudhiṣṭhira and others.

ajāvika ajāvika, i. e. aja-avi + ka, n. sing. Goats and sheep, Man. 8, 235.

ajina ajina (perhaps derived from 2 aja), n. The hide of any animal, particularly of the black antelope, used as a covering, Man. 2, 64, as purse, Daśak. 191, 16.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, n. the hide of the black antelope.

ajira aj + ira, n. A court, Pañc. 138, 1.
-- Comp. raṇa-, n. a field of battle.

ajihmaga a-jihma-ga.
I. adj. Advancing in a straight path, Man. 6, 31.
II. m. An arrow.

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ajīgarta ajīgarta, m. The name of a Ṛṣi or saint, Man. 10, 105.

ajīrṇin ajīrṇin, i. e. a-jīrṇa + in (vb. jṛ10), adj. Suffering from indigestion.

ajjukā ajjukā, f.
     1. A courtesan (Mṛcch. 27, 2, Prākṛ.; in the Ssk. translation ajjū).
     2. (in Prākṛ. ajjū, and in the Ssk. translation ajjukā, Śāk. p. 105, 3.) A mother.

ajñatā a-jña + tā, f. Ignorance.

ajman aj + man, n. Battle, Chr. 297, 17 = Rigv. 1, 112, 17.
-- Cf. Lat. agmen; [greek] in [greek] etc.

ajra aj + ra, m. A field.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. ager; Goth. akrs; A.S. acer.

añc añc (cf. aṅka), i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To ask.
     3. To speak indistiṅctly.
     4. To bend, to curve, Nal. 12, 45.
     5. To honour, Ragh. 9, 24.
     6. i. 10 (rather Caus.). To make clear, to manifest, Gīt. 10, 11.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To rise, Rājat. 5, 362.

añcana añc + ana, n. Bending, curving.

añcala añc + ala, m. The end or border of a cloth.

añj añj, ii. 7, anaj, añj, Par. (Ved. also Ātm.). To cause to shine by smearing with greasy substances.
     1. To anoint, to smear, Man. 5, 25.
     2. To adorn, Chr. 294, 1 = Rigv. 1, 92, 1.
     3. To make clear.
     4. To be beautiful.
     5. † To go. Caus. To anoint, Man. 4, 44. † i. 10. To shine.
-- With the prepos. abhi abhi. 1. To anoint, Man. 4, 44. 2. To pollute, Śāk. d. 108.
-- With vi vi. 1. Ātm. To dress one's self, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. 1, 64, 4. 2. To make clear, MBh. 2, 2122. vyakta. manifest, clear, Rām. 3, 73, 12. acc. sing. tam, adv. to be sure, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 11.
-- Comp. a-vyakta, adj. 1. invisible, Man. 1, 6. 2. imperceptible, Rām. 1, 70, 9. acc. sing. tam, adv. indistinctly, Brāhmaṇav. 3, 21. n. the primary Being, Ragh. 13, 60. Caus. 1. To make discernible, Man. 1, 6. 2. To betray, Man. 10, 58. 3. To show, Rājat. 5, 107. vyañjita, discerned, Man. 9, 36.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, 1. To discern clearly, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 23. 2. To reveal. abhivyakta + m, adv. evidently, Nal. 17, 8.
-- With sam sam, To adorn, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. 1, 64, 1.
-- Cf. Lat. unguere; O.H.G. anko, butter; and [greek] in [greek]

añjana añj + ana.
I. n.
     1. Anointing, Man. 4, 152.
     2. A collyrium or application to the eyelashes to darken and improve them, Man. 2, 178.
II. m.
     1. The elephant of the west or southwest quarter.
     2. The name of a mountain.
     3. A particular plant, Pañc. 10, 7.
III. f. . The name of a female monkey, the mother of Hanumant.
-- Comp. nirañjana, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , artless. rasa-, n. a particular sort of collyrium, Śiś. 9, 21.

añjali añjali, m.
     1. The cavity formed by putting the hands together and hollowing the palms, Man. 4, 63.
     2. This cavity as measure: two handfuls.
     3. Putting the hands together and raising them to the forehead, as humble salutation of inferiors to their superiors.
-- Comp. ud-, adj. with uplifted hands, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 1. karṇa-, m. the auditory passage. kṛta-, adj. with humble salutation, Man. 4, 154. jala-, m. 1. two handfuls of water in honour of a deceased relation. 2. farewell, resignation: jalāñjaliṃ dattvā duḥkāya ca sukhāya ca, 'having completely renounced sorrow and joy,' Rājat. 4, 284. brahmāñjali, i. e. brahman-, m. 1. joining both hands together whilst reading the Vedas, Man. 2, 71. 2. paying obeisance to the spiritual preceptor at the beginning or end of a lecture.

añjasā añjasā (instr. sing. of the Ved. añj + as, n. Smoothness, slip), adv.
     1. Straightforward, directly, Man. 2, 244.
     2. Instantly, Vikr. d. 48.
     3. Truly, Man. 8, 101.

añji añj + i, m.
     1. An ornament, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. 1, 64, 4.
     2. The penis: cf. Lat. inguen.

aṭ aṭ, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 1586), To roam, with the loc. and acc. MBh. 1, 1031; Daśak. in Chr. 179, 6.
-- With the preposition pari pari, To wander about, Pañc. 55, 1. puryaṭita, n. Wandering about, Pañc. 70, 12.

aṭana aṭ + ana, n. Rambling, Man. 9, 12.
-- Comp. bhikṣā-, n. wandering about for begging alms, Pañc. 116, 17.

aṭani and aṭanī aṭani/ī, f. The notched extremity of a bow.

aṭavī aṭavī (vb. aṭ.), f. A wood.

aṭṭaṭṭ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To transgress.
     2. To kill. i. 10, Par. To slight.

aṭṭa aṭṭa, m.
     1. A room on the top of a house, a sollar.
     2. A tower, Rām. 5, 56, 142.
     3. As former part of some comp. words, High, lofty, loud. (cf. the next.)

aṭṭapatibhāgākhya aṭṭapatibhāgākhya, i. e. aṭṭa-pati-bhāga-ākhya, adj. Called the part of the great king, name of a government office, Rājat. 5, 166.

aṭṭahāsa aṭṭa-hāsa, m. A horselaugh.
-- Comp. sa-aṭṭahāsa + m, adv. with a horse-laugh.

aṭṭāla aṭṭāla (derived from aṭṭa), m. A room on the top of a house.

aṭṭālaka aṭṭāla + ka, m. A tower.

aṭyā aṭ + yā, f. Wandering about.
-- Comp. vṛthā-, f. strolling about, Man. 7, 47.

aṭhaṭh, i. 1, Par. Ātm. To go.

aḍaḍ, i. 1, Par. To strive or endeavour.

aḍḍaḍḍ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To attack.
     2. To connect.
     3. To meditate.

aṇaṇ, i. 1, Par. To sound. i. 4, Ātm. To breathe (cf. an).

aṇiman aṇiman, i. e. aṇu + iman, m. Subtility; the superhuman power of making one's self infinitely small.

aṇu aṇu.
I. adj., f. ṇu and ṇvī.
     1. Small, minute; aṇv api, the least, Man. 3, 51.
     2. Subtile, Hariv. 1241. Comparat. aṇiyaṃs, very soft, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 22.
II. m. An atom, Bhāṣāp. 35.
-- Comp. parama-, m. an atom.

aṇutva aṇu + tva, n.
     1. Smallness.
     2. Condition of being an atom, Bhāṣāp. 84.

aṇumātrika aṇumātrika, i. e. aṇu-mātra + ika, adj. Composed of atoms, Man. 1, 56.

aṇṭhaṇṭh, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

aṇḍa aṇḍa, n.
     1. An egg.
     2. A testicle.
-- Comp. brahmāṇḍa, i. e. brahman-, n. the world. meṣa-, m. Indra; see pūtyaṇḍa.

aṇḍaka aṇḍa + ka, n.
     1. A bird's egg.
     2. An egg in general, Śiś. 9, 9.

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aṇḍaja aṇḍa-ja.
I. adj. Oviparous, Man. 1, 44.
II. m.
     1. A bird.
     2. A fish.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. the Indian cuckoo.

at at, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To move continually.

atadarha a-tad-arha, adj. Not deserving that, Rām. 2, 13, 1.

atandrita atandrita, i. e. a-tandrā + ita, adj., f. . Unwearied, not remiss. Man. 2, 186.

atapaska a-tapas + ka, adj. Impious

atas a + tas (cf. idam), adv.
     1. abl. of idam, From this, Man. 2, 213.
     2. From this place.
     3. From this time, then, now, Man. 5, 26.
     4. From this reason, therefore.

ati ati.
I. adv. Over, exceedingly in a high degree, much. Comparat. ati + tarām, very much, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217 10.
II. prepos. with the acc. Over beyond, more than.
III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their de rivatives.
IV. Former part of compound nouns and adverbs, implying
     1. Exceedingly, much, very: e. g. atguru, adj. very heavy; ati-kāya, ad having a very large body, giganting
     2. Too muc: e. g. ati-praṇaya, n. exorbitant love, Daśak. in Chr. 18, 10; atyaśnant, i. e. ati- (vb. 2. ), adj. eating too much.
     3. Surpassing the object denoted by the following part the comp. These comps. are genearall a) adj. e. g. atīndriya, i. e. ati-, sur passing the senses, transcendental. adv., e. g. ati-mātra + m. exceeding extraordinarily.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. at atavus, and et.

atikrama ati-kram + a, m. Transgression (of time), Pañc. 5.
     2. Violation, Man. 11, 120. Offence.
     4. Irreverence, Man. 3,
-- Comp. duratikrama, i. e. dus-, adj. 1. hard to be overcome, unconquerable, Man. 11, 238. 2. difficult of accomplishment.

atikramaṇa atikramaṇa, i. e. ati-kram + ana, n.
     1. Overstepping (of a boundary), Yājñ. 2, 155.
     2. Transgression (of time), Pañc. i. d. 170.

atikramin ati-kram + in, adj., f. iṇī. One who violates.

atiga -ati-ga, adj.
     1. Surpassing, (sarva-loka-,) Rām. 2, 19, 33.
     2. Piercing, (deha-,) Ragh. 12, 48.
-- Cf. vayotiga.

atithi atithi (vb. at), m.
     1. A guest.
     2. The name of a king.
-- Comp. deśa-, m. a foreigner.

atithigva atithigva, m. A name of Divodāsa, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14.

atithitva atithi + tva, n. Hospitality.

atithidharmin atithidharmin, i. e. atithi-dharma + in, adj. Having the character of a guest, as guest, Man. 3, 112.

atidarśin atidarśin, i. e. ati-dṛś + in, adj., f. . Seeing very far.

atideśa atideśa, i. e. ati-diś + a, m. Extension, as e. g. of the signification of a word by analogy, Bhāṣāp. 79.

atinirvasutva atinirvasutva, i. e. ati-nis-vasu + tva, n. Excessive poverty, Rājat. 6, 79.

atipatti ati-pat + ti, f.
     1. Lapse (of time).
     2. Unsuitableness, Yājñ. 2, 169 (deśa-kāla-atipattau, 'ṣould time or place not permit').

atipāta atipāta, i. e. ati-pat + a, m.
     1. Neglect, Cāk. 7, 10.
     2. Hurting.

atipātin atipātin, i. e. ati-pat + in, adj.
     1. Outrunning.
     2. Acute (as a disease).

atibhāva atibhāva, i. e. ati-bhū + a, m. Overcoming.

atimānitā atimānitā, i. e. ati-mānin + tā, f. Excessive self-conceit, Bhag. 16, 3.

atimukta ati-mukta (vb. muc), m. A large creeper, Gaertnera racemosa.

atimuktaka atimukta + ka, m. The name of several plants, as Dalbergia ougeinensis, Gaertnera racemosa, etc.

atiyaśa atiyaśa, see yaśas

atiriktatā ati-rikta + tā (vb. ric), f. Excess, MBh. 2, 2270.

atireka atireka, i. e. ati-ric + a, m. Excess, high degree.

atilubdhatā ati-lubdha + tā (vb. lubh), f. Excessive greediness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 109.

atilobhatā ati-lobha + tā, f. Excessive greediness.

ativartana ativartana, i. e. ati-vṛt + ana, n. Remission (of a fine), Man. 8, 290.

ativartin ativartin, i. e. ati-vṛt + in, adj., f. .
     1. Crossing, passing over.
     2. Not caring, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 8.
     3. Offending, Rām. 4, 16, 37.

ativāda ativāda, i. e. ati-vad + a, m. A reproachful speech, Man. 6, 47.

ativāhya ati-vāhya (vb. vah), n. Passing (as time), Böhtl. Chr. 217, 38.

ativṛtti ati-vṛt + ti, f. Trespass, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 3.

atiśaya atiśaya, i. e. ati-śī + a, m.
     1. Excellence.
     2. Excess, Śiś. 9, 77.
     3. Plenty, Vikr. d. 157.
     4. As former part of comp. words: 1. In a high degree, great, Pañc. 239, 14. 2. Violent.
-- Comp. niratiśaya, i. e. nis-, adj. not to be surpassed, greatest, Pañc. i. d. 36. sa-, adj. most excellent, Man. 9, 114.

atiśayin atiśayin, i. e. atiśaya + in, adj., f. . Most excellent, Vikr. d. 159.

atiśāyin atiśāyin, i. e. ati-śī + in, adj. Surpassing, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 1.

atisamīpatā ati-samīpa + tā, f. Too close proximity, Śiś. 9, 81.

atisarga atisarga, i. e. ati-sṛj + a, m. Granting (of a wish), Rām. 4, 52, 21.

atisāra and atīsāra ati/īsāra, i. e. ati-sṛ + a, m. Diarrhoea.

atīndriya atīndriya, i. e. ati-indriya.
I. adj. Surpassing the senses, transcendental, Bhāṣāp. 57.
II. n. Mind, Man. 1, 7.

atīva atīva, i. e. ati-iva, adv.
     1. Much, very.
     2. Indeed, Śāk. d. 137, v. r.

atṛptitā a-tṛpti + tā. f. Insatiableness, Śiś. 9, 64.

atortham atortham, i. e. atas-artha + m, adv. To that end, Rām. 3, 8, 15.

attā attā, f. A mother, Mṛcch. 27. 2. (Prākṛ.)

attṛ attṛ, i. e. ad + tṛ, m. One who eats, Man. 5, 30; (a king) who swallows up the possessions of his people, Man. 8, 309.

atya at + ya, m. A horse, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. 1, 64, 6.

atyanta atyanta, i. e. ati-anta, adj., f. .
     1. Excessive, very large.
     2. Endless, perpetual, Man. 5, 46; eternal. acc. sing. tam, adv. 1. very much. 2. for ever, Man. 9, 202.

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atyaya atyaya, i. e. ati-i + a, m.
     1. Passing away, lapse (of time), Man. 8, 145.
     2. Death.
     3. Danger, Man. 5, 27.
     4. Transgression, crime, fault, Man. 8, 243; dāpyo 'ṣṭaguṇam atyayam, 'he shall be fined eight times the amount of the defraudation,' Man. 8, 400.
-- Comp. an-, adj. imperishable. kāla-, m. lapse of time, Man. 8, 145. jala-, m. the end of the rainy season, i. e. autumn. tapa-, m. 1. the end of the hot season, i. e. the rainy season. 2. the end of the heat, i. e. sunset, Śāk. d. 60. duratyaya, i. e. dus-, adj., f. , 1. hard to be crossed (as a river), MBh. 4, 1970. 2. hard to be attained, 13, 4880. 3. unfathomable, Rām. 3, 71, 15. niratyaya, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , 1. free from danger. 2. infallible. mahā-, 1. m. great pain, Chr. 11, 15. 2. adj. very pernicious, Chr. 22, 22. su-mahā-, adj. very dangerous, Chr. 37, 3.

atyartham atyartham, i. e. ati-artha + m, adv. Exceedingly.

atra a + tra (cf. idam), adv.
     1. = the loc. of idam, In this, Śāk. d. 59.
     2. Here, therein, Man. 3, 235.

atratya atra + tya, adj. Of this place, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 18.

atri atri, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, or saint, Man. 1, 35.

atrin atrin (for attrin, vb. ad), adj. A demon, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. 1, 85, 10.

atha a + tha (probably for athā, Ved. cf. idam), adv.
     1. Then, Nal. 17, 35.
     2. Now, at the beginning of works and parts of works.
     3. But, Nal. 22, 13.
     4. In conditional sentences: If, atha tān nānu gacchāmi gamiṣyāmi yamakṣayam, 'if I do not follow them, I shall go to the house of death,' Rām. 2, 60, 3.
-- With following u, (atho): 1. afterwards, then, Chr. 56, 11. 2. and, Man. 2, 430. 3. even, Chr. 3, 1; and 23, 28.
-- With following api, nevertheless, Rām. 2, 29, 7.
-- With following : 1. or also, or, Man. 2, 219. Pañc. i, d. 399, vātha instead of vātha vā (cf. Pañc. iii, d. 36. atho vā, Man. 3, 202). 2. or even, Bhartṛ. 2, 10. 3. but no, Śāk. 60, 18. 4. it is particularly used to introduce sentences: for, Pañc. 26, 14.
-- With following kim: yes, well (in dialogue, cf. [greek]).
-- Cf. Lat. at.

atharvan atharvan (borrowed from the Zend. āthra-van, derived from ātar, 'fire'), m.
     1. A priest.
     2. The name of a Ṛṣi, or saint.
     3. The Atharvaveda.

atharvāṅgirasa atharvāṅgirasa, i. e. atharvan-aṅgiras + a.
     1. adj., f. . Revealed to Atharvan and Angiras, Man. 11, 33.
     2. sing and pl. The hymns of the Atharvaveda.

atharvī atharvī, f. (probably from atharvan), The wife of a priest(?), Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. 1, 112, 10.

atho atho, see atha.

ad ad, ii, 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm. Nal. 12, 35). To eat, Man. 2, 53; to devour, 4, 28. svadita, i. e. su-adita, n. Well eaten, a term used after presenting food ('muc good may it do you!'), Man. 3, 251; 254. adya, Eatable, Pañc. iv. d. 79 (perhaps it ought to be changed to ādya, the regular form).
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. edere; Goth. itan; A.S. etan.

ad -ad, latter part of comp. words. One who eats, cf. kravyād.

adana ad + ana, n. Eating, Man. 11, 64.
-- Comp. phala-, m. a parrot.

adambhitva adambhitva, i. e. a-dambhin + tva, n. Sincerity.

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adas adas, pronoun, nom. sing. m. and f. asau, nom. and acc. sing. n. adas; the bases of the remaining cases are amu, amū, and amī. That, you, Man. 10, 128. It is preceded by the relative pronoun, He-who, Man. 1, 7.

adāyika adāyika, i. e. a-dāya + ika, adj. For which there are no heirs.

aditi a-diti, f. The name of a female deity, Chr. 298, 25 = Rigv. 1, 112, 25; the mother of the gods, Rām. 3, 20, 15.

adṛśyatā a-dṛśya + tā (vb. dṛś), f. Invisibility, Bhartṛ. 1, 95.

adeśakāla a-deśa-kāla, s. A wrong place and wrong time, Bhag. 17, 22.

adbhuta adbhuta.
I. adj., f. . Surprising, wonderful; superl. adbhuta + tama, most surprising.
II. n. A strange phenomenon, Man. 4, 118; a prodigy
-- Comp. atyadbhuta, i. e. ati-, adj. very surprising. mahā- adj. very surprising.

adya adya, Ved. also adyā, i. e. a-div + ā (cf. idam), adv.
     1. To-day.
     2. Now.
-- Cf. Lat. ho-die, [greek]

adyatana adya + tana, adj., f. .
     1. Of to-day, Pañc. 5, 6. --
     2. Of this time, a contemporary, Rājat. 5, 100. 'The Hriṣīkeśa (i. e. an idol of Viṣṇu) of Suyya, reposing in meditation on the bank, may be adored by any contemporary who comes near the temple of Sundarī.'

adyatanīya adyatanīya, i. e. adyatana + īya, adj., f. . Of to-day, Pañc. 169, 13.

adyūti adyūti, i. e. a-div + ti, adj. Eager, Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. 1, 112, 24.

adri adri, m.
     1. A stone, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. 1, 88, 3.
     2. A mountain.
     3. A cloud, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. 1, 85, 5.
     4. A proper name.
-- Comp. asta-, m. the mountain called asta (q. cf.). kuta-, m. a principal mountain. tuṣāra-, tuhina-, and prāleya-, m. Himālaya.

adrisāramaya adri-sāra + maya, adj. f. . Made of iron.

advayatva a-dvaya + tva, n. Absence of duality. tva + tas, adv. In consequence of there being no duality, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 23 (i. e. because he knows that there is no duality, that all is one).

advāratas a-dvāra + tas, adv. By any other aperture than the door, MBh. 13, 4750.

adveṣarāgin adveṣarāgin, i. e. a-dveṣa-rāga + in, adj. Exempt from hatred and affection, Man. 2, 1.

adveṣṭṛtva a-dveṣṭṛ + tva, n. Inoffensiveness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 6.

adha a + dha (cf. adhas), a particle. There, then, Lass. Anth. 98, 14 = Rigv. 5, 9, 5.

adhama adhama (an old superlative, akin to adhas), adj., f. . Extremely low, Man. 6, 65. In Karmadhāraya compounds it is generally the latter part: e. g. dvija-, m. the meanest of twice-born men, Man. 3, 140; nara-, m. the lowest of mortals, Man. 10, 26; pāpa-, m. the lowest of the wicked; pārthiva-, m. the meanest of kings; puruṣa-, m. the vilest of men; śaśaka-, m. the vilest of hares.
-- Cf. Lat. infimus.

adhamarṇa adhamarṇa, i. e. adhama-ṛṇa, m. A debtor, Man. 8, 47.

adhamarṇika adhamarṇika, i. e. adhamarṇa + ika, m. A debtor, Man. 8, 48.

adhara adhara (an old comparative, akin to adhas).
I. adj., f. . Lower, inferior.
II. m.
     1. The lower lip Śāk. 102, 10.
     2. The lip in general, Śiś. 9, 46.
-- Comp. khaṇḍtta-, adj., f. , with bitten lips, Pañc. 46, 1.
-- Cf. Lat. inferus; Goth. undar; A.S. under; probably [greek]

adharoṣṭha adharoṣṭha, and adharauṣṭha adharauṣṭha, i. e. adhara-oṣṭha, m.
     1. The lower lip, Suśr. 1, 114, 19.
     2. The lower and the upper lips, the lips, Pañc. 45, 11.
-- Comp. aṅguli-sam-vṛta-, adj. the lips of which are covered with the finger, Śāk. d. 73. vimba-phala-, adj., f. ṣṭhī, having lips like the Bimba fruit, Rām. 5, 28, 17.

adhas a + dhas (cf. idam).
I. adv.
     1. Underneath.
     2. Low, Man. 11, 224.
     3. Down, Pañc. i. d. 214; to hell, Man. 7, 53.
II. prepos. Under, with the gen., Man. 2, 59, and abl. Pañc. 115, 25.
III. doubled: adhodhas, i. e. adhas-adhas, adv.
     1. Lower and lower, Man. 7, 53.
     2. One below the other.
-- Cf. [greek] and see adhara.

adhastāt adhas-tāt (the latter part is the original abl. of tad).
I. adv.
     1. Underneath, below.
     2. Down, downward, Man. 4, 54; to hell, 194.
II. prepos. Under, with the gen.
III. latter part of comp. adv. Under, Pañc. 141, 20.

adhi a + dhi (cf. idam).
I. adv. Above, on high, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. 1, 85, 2.
II. prepos. Over, on with the abl., Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. 1, 48, 7.
III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
IV. Former part of compounded nouns and adverbs, implying:
     1. Over, cf. adhijya
     2. Chief, cf. adhirāja.
     3. Before, cf. adhyakṣa.
     4. Relative to, cf. adhiyajña.
     5. On, cf. adhijānu.
-- Cf. Lat. ad.

adhika adhi + ka, adj.
     1. Exceeding, Man. 3, 49; greater, Rām. 4, 9, 9 stronger, Pañc. ii. d. 29; more than, with the abl., Man. 9, 154; higher than, with the abl., Bhag. 6, 46; dearer, Rām. 2, 45, 32, Gorr.
     2. Surpassing, Man. 11, 185; chief, Hit. pr. d. 48; highest, Bhartṛ. 2, 17.
     3. Having an addition, adhikaṃ māsam, 'a month and more,' Rām. 3, 15, 27.
     4. Too much, Rām. 6, 16, 78. -- acc. sing. kam, adv. 1. Much, exceedingly. 2. More; with the abl., Rājat. 5, 419. Comparat. adhika + tara, Better than, Śāk. 100, 17.
-- Comp. 1. exceeding, e. g. eka-, adj. exceeding one, i. e. two, Man. 9, 117. sarva-dāna-, adj. better than any gift, Yajñ. 1, 334. prāṇa-, adj. dearer than life. varṣa-śata-, adj. longer than a century. 2. exceeded by, particularly after numerals, e. g. varṣe... rājanyabandhor dvāviṃśe, vaiśyasya dvyadhike tatah, 'in the twenty-second year for a soldier, for a merchant two years later than that,' Man. 2, 65. navatiṃ navādhikām, ninety-nine, Ragh. 3, 69. vayodhika, i. e. vayas-adhika, adj. advanced in age, Man. 4, 141. 3. doubled: adhikādhika, adj. outbidding each other, Rājat. 5, 264.

adhikaraṇa adhikaraṇa, i. e. adhi-kṛ + ana, n.
     1. Substance, substratum, or site.
     2. Court of justice, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 20.
-- Comp. dharma-, n. 1. administration of justice, Pañc. 97, 1. 2. A court of justice, Pañc. 96, 25. rāma-, adj. relating to Rāma, Rām. 2, 15, 29. samāna-,
I. n. generic property.
II. adj. contained in the same subject or category.

adhikāra and adhīkāra adhi/īkāra, i. e. adhi-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Superintendence, Vikr. d. 42.
     2. Administration.
     3. Office, Pañc. 63, 23.
     4. Office of a king.
     5. Right, title, Man. 2, 16.
     6. Topic, main point.
-- Comp. tāmbūla-, m. the bearer of betel, an officer, Pañc. 63, 22. dharma-, m. administration of justice. pṛtanā-, adj. relating to battles, MBh. 1, 7166. samāna-, m. 1. equal duty. 2. generic character. hṛta-, adj. 1. deprived of office. 2. deprived of one's right.

adhikāritva adhikāritva, i. e. adhikārin + tva, n. The office of a superintendent, Rājat. 5, 470.

adhikārin adhikārin, i. e. adhi-kāra + in, adj.
     1. One who holds an office, Pañc. i. d. 180.
     2. A superintendent, Hit. 61, 7.
     3. One who is entitled to, or fit for, something, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 9.
-- Comp. dharma-, m. a judge, Pañc. 101, 2.

adhikṣepa adhikṣepa, i. e. adhi-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Detraction, Rājat. 5, 234.
     2. Censure, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 3.
     3. Sneer, 184, 16.

adhigama adhi-gam + a, m.
     1. Coming to, attaining, Megh. 50.
     2. Accession to, Rājat. 5, 45.
     3. Gaining, profit, Man. 8, 157.
     4. Reading, Man. 2, 2.
     5. Perception, Śiś. 9, 19.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. 1. hard to be attained, Mālav. 10, 8. 2. difficult to be learned, Kir. 5, 18.

adhigamana adhi-gam + ana, n.
     1. Obtaining, Rām. 4, 45, 19.
     2. Reading, Man. 11, 65.
-- Comp. dāra-, n. marriage, Man. 1, 112.

adhiguṇa adhi-guṇa, adj. Of superior qualities, Megh.

adhigoptṛ adhigoptṛ, i. e. adhi-gup + tṛ, in dhana-, m. A name of Kuvera, MBh. 5, 7521.

adhijanana adhi-jan + ana, n. Birth. Man. 2, 169.

adhijānu adhi-jānu, adv. On the knee, Śiś. 9, 54.

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adhijya adhi-jya (cf. jyā), adj. Strung (as a bow), Śāk. d. 6.

adhijyatā adhijya + tā, f. Condition of being strung, Ragh. 11, 14.

adhityakā adhi + tya + kā, f. Land on the upper part of a mountain, Hit. 101, 18.

adhipa adhi-pa (vb. 2. ), m.
     1. A lord, Chr. 3, 3.
     2. A king.
     3. A superintendent, Rājat. 5, 233.
     4. A commander.
-- Comp. amara-, m. a name of Indra, Rām. 2, 74, 19. sa-amara-, adj. with the lord of the gods, Rām. 3, 53, 28. jana-, m. a king. jala-, m. a name of Varuṇa. tārā-, m. the moon, Rām. 3, 58, 4. daṇḍa-, m. lord chief justice, Kathās. 25, 130. daṇḍa-dhara-, m. a king, Rājat. 4, 655. deva-, m. Indra. dvāra-, m. a porter, a chamberlain, Rājat. 5, 213. dharā-, m. a king. nagara-, m. chief of the police in a town, Kathās. 5, 49.

adhipati adhi-pati, m.
     1. A lord, an owner, Man. 8, 37.
     2. A king.
-- Comp. gaṇa-, m. Śiva, Śiś. 9, 27. tri-, m. epithet of Kṛṣṇa-Viṣṇu (lord over the three primary qualities), Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 24. daśādhipati, i. e. daśan-, m. a commander of ten men, MBh. 12, 3712. dhana-, m. a name of Kuvera, Kir. 5, 16. nagara-, m. chief of the police in a town, Kathās. 10, 70.

adhimantha and adhīmantha adhimantha, i. e. adhi-manth + a, m. Acute pain in the eyes.

adhimāṃsaka adhi-māṃsa + ka, m. Inflammation of the tonsils.

adhiyajña adhi-yajña.
I. m. The suprerse sacrifice, Bhag. 8, 4.
II. acc. sing. ñam, adv. Concerning sacrifice, Man. 6, 83.

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adhiyodha adhi-yodha, m. A champion(?), Rām. 6, 23, 28.

adhiratha adhi-ratha, m.
     1. A charioteer.
     2. A proper name.

adhirāja adhirāja, i. e. adhi-rājan, m. A supreme king.

adhirājya adhi-rājya, n. Supreme sway. Mahāv. 65, 9.

adhiropaṇa adhiropaṇa, i. e. adhi-ruh, Caus. + ana, n. Litting up. sā sehe...adhiropaṇam, She endured being lifted on...Böhtl. Chr. 240, 313.

adhirohaṇa adhirohaṇa, i. e. adhi-ruh + ana, n. Mounting, Rām. 5, 35, 29.

adhivāsa adhivāsa, m., i. e.
     1. adhi-vas + a. A house, an abode, Dev. 4, 10.
     2. adhi-vās + a, Perfuming the person, Bhartṛ. 1, 12.

adhivāsana adhi-vās + ana, n. Perfuming the person.

adhiveśma adhiveśma, i. e. adhi-veśman, adv. At home, Śiś. 9, 78.

adhiṣṭhātṛ adhiṣṭhātṛ, i. e. adhi-sthā + tṛ, m. f. trī, n.
     1. Ruling, a ruler.
     2. Protecting.

adhiṣṭhāna adhiṣṭhāna, i. e. adhi-sthā + ana, n.
     1. A resting-place.
     2. A seat, Man. 12, 4.
     3. An abode.
     4. A place, Pañc. 10, 3.
     5. A town, a capital, Rājat. 5, 266.
     6. Dignity, Nal. 26, 28.
     7. Power, Rām. 4, 14, 30.
-- Comp. tri-, adj. having three bases, Man. 12, 4. dharma-, n. a court of justice, Pañc. 237, 20. nis-, adj. being without a solid base, Rām. 5, 82, 12. sa-, adj. having a solid base, ib. su-, adj., having a solid base, Chr. 25, 52.

adhīkāra adhīkāra; see adhikāra.

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adhītin adhītin, i. e. adhi-ita + in (vb. i), adj., Conversant wiht, Dacak. 140, 3.

adhīna adhīna, i. e. adhas + īna, adj. Subject, dependent, Ragh. 1. 72. It is generally the latter part of compound words: e. g. adhi-, adj. Wholly dependent, Man. 8, 66. tvad-, adj. Subject to thee, Rām. 2, 72, 52. para-, adj. Depending on another, Rām. 3, 37, 6. sva-, adj.
     1. Independent.
     2. Lependent on ourselves, belonging to us, faithful, Pañc. i. d. 196.

adhīratā a-dhīra + tā (cf. dhīra), f.
     1. Unsteadiness.
     2. Pusillanimity.

adhīśa adhīśa, m. A lord, Śiś. 9, 38. A chief, Rājat. 5, 300.
-- Comp. tri-, m. epithet of Kriṣṇa-Viṣṇu (the lord over the three primary qualities), Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 21. dina-, m. the sun, Pañc. i. d. 231.

adhunā adhunā, adv. Now.

adhovekṣin adhovekṣin, i. e. adhas-ava-īkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, With downcast eyes, Pañc. i. 214.

adhyakṣa adhyakṣa, i. e. adhi-akṣa.
I. adj. Perceptible, Bhāṣāp. 48.
II. n. Perception, ib. 56; 149.
III. m. A superintendent, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 3.
-- Comp. an-, adj imperceptible, Bhāṣāp. 48. aśva-, m. a superintendent of the horses, Pañc. 156, 18. kośa-, m. a treasurer, Pañc. 156, 18. gaja-, m. a superintendent of the elephants, Pañc. 156, 18. dvāra-, m. a porter, a chamberlain, Rām. 1, 20, 5. sūda-, m. a superintendent of the kitchen.

adhyagni adhyagni, i. e. adhi-agni, adv. Before the nuptial fire, Man. 9, 194.

adhyayana adhyayana, i. e. adhi-i + ana, n. Reading, study, especially of the sacred books, Man. 1, 88.
-- Comp. an-, n. neglecting to read the sacred books, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260.

adhyardha adhyardha, i. e. adhi-ardha, adj. One and a half, Man. 9. 117.

adhyavasāya adhyavasāya, i. e. adhi-ava-so + a, m. Perseverance, Pañc. 60, 6. Constancy, ib. iii. d. 261.

adhyātma adhyātma, i. e. adhi-ātman, n. The supreme soul, Bhag. 8, 3.

adhyātmika adhyātmika, Man. 6, 83, read ādhy°, q. cf.

adhyāpaka adhyāpaka, i. e. adhi-i, Caus. + aka, m. A teacher, Man. 3, 156.

adhyāpakatā adhyāpaka + tā, f. Condition of a teacher, Rājat. 5, 469.

adhyāpana adhyāpana, i. e. adhi-i, Caus. + ana, n.
     1. Instructing.
     2. Teaching the sacred books, Man. 8, 340.

adhyāya adhyāya, i. e. adhi-i + a, m.
     1. Reading, recitation.
     2. The time when the sacred books ought to be read, Man. 4, 102.
     3. A section of a book, e. g. the subdivisions of the Rām., MBh. Comp. an-, m. the time when the sacred books ought not to be read, Man. 2, 106. sva-, m. 1. perusal or study of the Vedas, Man. 2, 105. 2. the Veda. 3. inaudible reading or muttering of prayers. niḥsva-, i. e. nis-sva-, adj. not muttering prayers, Hariv. 11187.

adhyāropa adhyāropa, i. e. adhi-ā-ruh, Caus. + a, m. Erroneous predication, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 7; 9; 210, 10; 211, 23.

adhyāvāhanika adhyāvāhanika, i. e. adhi-ā-vah + ana + ika, n. What was given to a wife on the bridal procession, Man. 9, 194.

adhyāsa adhyāsa, i. e. adhi- 2. as + a, m. Putting on; pādādhyāse, 'for putting the foot on a person,' Yājñ. 2, 217.

adhyāsin adhyāsin, i. e. adhi-ās + in, adj., f. . Sitting on, Pañc. iii. d. 270.

adhrigu adhrigu, i. e. probably a-dhṛ + i-gam + u, ved. adj. Of unrestrained course, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3.

adhvaga adhvaga, i. e. adhvan-ga.
I. adj. f. , Being on the road, travelling, Rājat. 5, 9.
II. m. A traveller, Man. 11, 1.

adhvan adhvan, m. A road, Man. 4, 60.
-- Comp. gata- (vb. gam), adj. versed, skilled, MBh. 12, 11876.

adhvanīna adhvan + īna and adhvanya adhvan + ya, m. A traveller, Yajñ. 1, 111.

adhvara adhvara, i. e. perhaps a-dhvṛ + a or adhvan + a (with r for n, cf. aṅghri), m. A sacrifice, Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11.

adhvaraga adhvara-ga, adj. Belonging to a sacrifice, Draup. 6, 21.

adhvaryu adhvaryu (i. e. adhvarya, a ved. denominat., derived from adhvara + u), m. A special priest versed in the Yajurveda, Man. 3, 145.

an an-, before consonants a a-, an inseparable prefix, implying
I. negation, e. g. a-brāhmaṇa, m. One who is not a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 7, 85. a-jñāna, n. Ignorance, Man. 11, 145. an-anta, adj. Endless, Man. 4, 149. In this use it produces very often the opposite signification, e. g. a-gada, m. Health, Man. 11, 237. a-krūra, adj. Soft, Man. 2, 34. a-sakrit, adv. Often, Man. 3, 233.
II. deterforation.
     1. Wrong, e. g. a-kāla, m. Unseasonable time, Man. 3, 105.
     2. Bad, a-ksketra, n. A bad field, Man. 10, 71.
-- Cf. Lat. in-, Goth. and A.S. un-, [greek] and [greek]

an an, ii. 1, Par. † i, 4, Ātm.
     1. To breathe.
     2. To blow (as wind).
     3. To live.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. animus, ānus (cf. Sskr. apāna); Goth. uz-ana; see prāna.

ana ana, cf. idam.

anaḍudda anaḍudda, i. e. anaḍuh da, m. The giver of a bull, Man. 4, 231.

anaḍuh anaḍuh, i. e. anas-vah, m. (nom. sing. anaḍvān, voc. van; the acc. sing., N.V.A. du. and N.V. pl. have as base vāh, the rest uh, the final of which becomes in the loc. pl. and before bh). A bull, or ox, Man. 11, 136.

anatiprakāśakatva an-ati-prakāśaka + tva, adj. Having the nature of a somewhat insufficient illustrator, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 5.

ananubhāvakatā ananubhāvakatā, i. e. an-anu-bhū + aka + tā, f. Unintelligibility, Bhāṣāp. 83.

anantakara anantakara, i. e. an-anta-kṛ + a, adj. Making endless or infinite, Rām. 5, 20, 26.

anantara an-antara,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Having nothing intermediate, Man. 2, 19.
     2. Immediately bordering, next, Nal. 22, 16.
     3. Immediately following, Bhāṣāp. 123.
     4. Of an immediately following caste, Man. 10, 14.
     5. Allowing no delay, necessary, Chr. 10, 6.
II. ram, acc.
     1. adv. Next in space, Rām. 2, 87, 5. Next in time, immediately afterwards, then, Rām. 1, 3, 7. Especially compounded with preceding tad-, after that, Pañc. 70, 17.
     2. prep. with abl. and gen. Immediately after, Bhag. 12, 12; Rām. 5, 73, 28. After, Pañc. 108, 13.
-- Comp. sam-anantara + m, adv. immediately after, Chr. 14, 20.

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anantaraja anantara-ja (vb. jan), m. A son, born by a wife belonging to a caste next to that of her husband, except the fourth, Man. 10, 41.

anapakarman an-apa-karman, n. Subtraction (of what has been given), Man. 8, 4.

anapakriyā an-apa kriyā, f. Nonpayment, Man. 8, 214.

anapasara an-apasara, m. One who has no claims (properly: no outlets), Man. 8, 198.

anapākarman anapākarman = anapakarman.

anapāyin anapāyin, i. e. an-apa-i + in, adj., f. .
     1. Not going away, Kathās. 12, 33.
     2. Lasting, Rājat. 5, 32.
     3. Immovable.
     4. Imperishable.

anabhisneha anabhisneha, i. e. an-abhi-snih + a, adj., Without attachment, Bhag. 2, 57.

I. a naya, m.
     1. Bad conduct, Pañc. 259, 16.
     2. Sin, Rām. 5, 24, 28.
     3. Wrong, Rām. 6, 40, 5 (na sa veda nayānayau. Such a man knows neither right nor wrong).
     4. Lewdness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260.
II. an-aya, m.
     1. Distress, Man. 10, 95.
     2. Ill-luck, Chr. 8, 33.

anarghyatva an-arghya + tva, n. Invaluableness, Hit. Pr. d. 4.

anartha an-artha.
I. m.
     1. Disadvantage, Man. 8, 24; bhavaty anarthāya, It becomes prejudicial, Man. 4, 193.
     2. Misfortune, Śāk. 81, 8.
II. adj., f. thā.
     1. Useless, Pañc. 248, 6.
     2. Prejudicial, Rām. 6, 21, 5.
     3. Poor, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 1.
     4. Unhappy, Rām. 3, 75, 40.

anarthaka anartha + ka, adj.
     1. Useless, Pañc. 183, 2.
     2. Vain, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 14.
     3. Unmeaning, nonsensical.

anarthatva an-artha + tva, n. Pañc. i. d. 158, read anarthitva; see arthitva.

anarhyatā an-arhya + tā (vb. arh), f. Disproportionateness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 12.

anala an + ala, m.
     1. Fire, Man. 3, 261.
     2. The deity of fire, Man. 5, 1.
     3. The digestive power.
     4. The proper name of a monkey, Rām. 6, 13, 8.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. the fire of all-destroying Time, Rām. 3, 69, 10. dāva-, m. the fire of a forest conflagration, Pañc. 142, 6. baḍavā-, m. submarine fire, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 419.

analada anala da, adj. Quenching fire, Kirāt. 5, 25.

anavagāhin an ava gāh + in, adj. f. . Not entering, Bhāṣāp. 135.

anavadyatā an-a-vadya + tā (cf. avadya), f. Blamelessness, Mālav. 20, 10.

anavekṣaka anavekṣaka, i. e. an-ava-īkṣ + aka, adj. One who does not take care, Rām. 4, 17, 12.

anas anas, n. A cart, Man. 8, 209.
-- Cf. Lat. onus.

anasūyitṛ anasūyitṛ, i. e. an-asūya + tṛ, m. Free from a spirit of detraction, MBh. 1, 5611.

anasūyu anasūyu, i. e. an-asūya + u, adj. Free from a spirit of detraction

anasthan an-asthan (cf. asthi), adj. Boneless, Man. 11, 140.

anāgata an-ā-gata, (vb. gam), adj., f. .
     1. Not arrived, Rājat. 5, 171.
     2. Future, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 89. anāgataṃ kṛ, To make dispositions for the future, ib. 88.
     3. Not mentioned, Rām. 3, 56, 18.

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anāgatavant anāgata + vant, adj., f. vatī. Full of schemes concerning the future, Pañc. v. d. 59.

anātmajña anātmajña, i. e. an-ātman-jña (vb. jñā), adj. Foolish, Śāk. 78, 15.

anāmikā anāmikā, i. e. a-nāman + ka, f. The ring-finger, Yājñ. 3, 278.

anāvṛṣṭi anāvṛṣṭi, i. e. an-ā-vṛṣ + ti, f. Drought, Lass. 62, 18.

anāśrava anāśrava, i. e. an-ā-śru + a, adj., f. . Not obeying, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 8.

anāhitāgnitā anāhitāgni + tā (cf. agni), f. Neglecting to keep up the consecrated fire, Man. 11, 65.

animeṣatā a-nimeṣa + tā (cf. nimeṣa), f. Not winking, Śiś. 9, 11.

anila an + ila, m.
     1. Wind.
     2. The deity of wind, Man. 5, 96.
     3. Wind as one of the humors of the body.
     4. A proper name.

anivartitva anivartitva, i. e. a-nivartin + tva, n. Not running away, courageous resistance, Man. 7, 88.

anivedaka anivedaka, i. e. a-ni-vid, Caus. + aka, adj. Not reporting, MBh. 13, 2385.

anīka an + īka, m. n.
     1. The face (ved.), front (ved.).
     2. An army, Rājat. 5, 452.
-- Comp. agra-, the van of an army, Man. 7, 193. yathā-anīka + m, adv. as far as the host extended, MBh. 3, 15715.

anīrasana anīrasana, i. e. a-nis-rasanā, adj. Girded, Kir. 5, 11.

anu anu.
I. adv. Afterwards, then, Rām. 2, 84, 4.
II. prep.
     1. with acc.
a. Along, Rām. 2, 83, 6.
b. After, Pañc. 165, 5.
c. According to, like, Vikr. d. 110.
     2. with abl. In consequence of, Rām. 6, 10, 23.
III. combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
IV. former part of compounded nouns and adverbs, implying. After, according to, along, again secondary, every.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. ana, N.H.G. an.

anukampaka anu-kamp + aka, adj. Having tender affection, Man. 6, 8.

anukampana anu-kamp + ana, n. Compassion, Rām. 2, 45, 31.

anukampā anu-kamp + ā, f. Compassion, Bhartṛ. 2, 60.
-- Comp. sa-anu-kampa,
I. adj. kind.
II. pam, adv. kindly, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 13.

anukampin anu-kamp + in, adj. Having tender affection, Rām. 6, 70, 38.

anukalpa anu-kalpa, m. A substituted rule, Man. 11, 30.

anukāṅkṣin anu-kāṅkṣ + in, adj. Striving for, eager.

anukāra anukāra, i. e. anu-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Imitation.
     2. Resemblance.

anukārin anukārin, i. e. anu-kṛ or anukāra + in, adj.
     1. Acting conformably.
     2. Imitating, Śāk. d. 49. Like, Śāk. 104, 8.
-- Comp. hita-, adj. kind.

anukārya anu-kārya, n. What must be done later, Rām. 6, 40, 5.

anukīrtana anukīrtana, i. e. anu-kṛ10t + ana, n. Proclaiming, Kathās. 4, 121.

anukūla anu-kūla, adj.
     1. Suitable, Rām. 1, 17, 26.
     2. Agreeable, Rām. 5, 31, 45.
     3. Favourable, Pañc. 120, 16.

anukūlatā anukūla + tā, f.
     1. Favour, Pañc. 263, 13.
     2. Proneness, Bhāṣāp. 156.

anukūlatva anukūla-tva, n. Favour, Ragh. 1, 42.

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anukṛti anu-kṛ + ti, f. Imitation, Megh. 70.

anukrama anu-kram + a, m.
     1. Regular order, Yājñ. 1, 19.
     2. Table (of contents), MBh. 1, 2294.
-- Comp. devatā-, m. table of the deities, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 25.

anukramaṇikā anukramaṇikā, i. e. anu-kram + ana + ī + ka, f. Table of contents, MBh. 1, 103.

anukrośa anukrośa, i. e. anu-kruś + a, m. Compassion, Chr. 21, 11.
-- Comp. nis-,
I. m. unmercifulness, Rām. 4, 19, 21.
II. adj. merciless. sa-, 1. adj. f. śā, compassionate. 2. śam, adv. compassionately, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 16.

anukṣaṇam anu-kṣaṇa + m, adv. Every moment, perpetually, Hit. 59, 17.

anukṣapam anu-kṣapa + m (cf. kṣapā), adv. Every night, Kirāt. 5, 17.

anuga -anu-ga (vb. gam),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Following, Pañc. i. d. 63.
     2. Corresponding, Man. 8, 239.
II. m. A follower, a servant, Rām. 1, 12, 26.
-- Comp. pada-, m. a follower. śrotra-pada-, adj. agreeable to the ear, Rām. 2, 100, 25, Gorr. vaśa-, adj. 1. obedient, submissive. 2. subject, Man. 2, 214. sa-, adj. with one's attendants, Rām. 3, 55, 24. sa-bala-, adj. with (his) army and followers, Chr. 54, 16.

anugati anugati, i. e. anu-gam + ti, f.
     1. Following, Rām. 5, 81, 23.
     2. Assent.

anugatika -anugati + ka, adj. Following, Pañc. i. d. 889.

anugama anu-gam + a, m.
     1. Following, pursuing.
     2. Penetrating.

anugamana anu-gam + ana, n. Following, Rām. 1, 28, 32.

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anugāmin anugāmin, i. e. anu-gam + in-.
I. adj., f. . Following, pursuing, Rām. 5, 5, 31.
II. m. A servant, Chr. 62, 47.

anuguṇa anu-guṇa, adj. f. ṇā. Corresponding, conformable, Mṛcch. 43, 16. Suitable, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 21.

anugraha anu-grah + a, m.
     1. Promoting, Rām. 6, 11, 22.
     2. Favour, Pañc. 34, 2.
     3. Help, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1643.

anugrahaṇa anugrahaṇa, i. e. anu-grah + ana n.
     1. Showing favour, Rām. 2, 1, 19.
     2. Favour.

anugrāhaka anugrāhaka, i. e. anu-grah + aka, m. A supporter, Rājat. 5, 259.

anucara anu-car-a,
I. adj. f. . Following, Ragh. 2, 4.
II. m.
     1. A servant, an attendant, Pañc. 68, 11.
     2. A supporter, Rājat. 5, 288.
III. f. (ved. also ), A female servant, Rām. 6, 38, 14.
-- Comp. lakṣmaṇa-, adj. accompanied by Lakṣmaṇa, Rām. 1, 24, 3.

anucintana anu-cint + ana, n.
     1. Thinking, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 22.
     2. Regretful remembrance.

anuja anu-ja (vb. jan),
I. adj., f. . Younger, Man. 9, 57.
II. m. A younger brother.
III. f. . A younger sister, Rām. 3, 4, 52.

anujīvin anu-jīv + in, m. A dependent, a servant, Pañc. i. d. 79.

anujñā anu-jñā, f.
     1. Permission.
     2. Dismission.
-- Comp. prāpta- (vb. āp), adj. having received the permission to withdraw.

anutāpa anutāpa, i. e. anu-tap + a, m. Repentance, Man. 11, 227.
-- Comp. paśca- (cf. paścāt), m. repentance.

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anutāpana anutāpana, i. e. anu-tap + ana, adj. Afflicting, Rām. 4, 2, 13.

anutsekin anutsekin, i. e. an-utseka + in, f. . Humble, Śāk. d. 93.

anudarśana anudarśana, i. e. anu-dṛś + ana, n. Consideration, Bhag. 13, 8.

anudarśin anudarśin, i. e. anu-dṛc + in, adj. Considering, Pañc. iii. d. 169.

anudinam anu-dina + m, adv. Every day, Kirāt. 5, 37.

anudivasam anu-divasa + m. adv. Every day, Śāk. 47, 2 (C.).

anudeham anu-deha + m, adv. From behind, Śiś. 9, 73.

anudhāvana anu-dhāv + ana, n. Cleansing.

anudhyāna anudhyāna, i. e. anu dhyai + ana, n. Meditation, Śāk. 57, 13 v. r.

anunaya anunaya, i. e. anu-nī + a, m.
     1. Reconcilement, Hit. ii. d. 117.
     2. Courtesy, Vikr. d. 20.
-- Comp. sa-,
I. adj. kind.
II. yam, adv. tenderly, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 4.

anunayam anu-naya + m, adv. According to propriety, Rām. 4, 26, 10.

anunāda anunāda, i. e. anu-nad + a m. Consequent sound; echo.
-- Comp. sa-veṇu-vīṇā-paṇava-anunāda + m, adv. re-echoing with flutes, lutes, and tabors.

anunādin anunādin, i. e. anu-nad + in, adj., f. . Echoing, Rām. 6, 69, 40.

anupadam anu-pada + m, adv.
     1. Immediately after, Pañc. 198, 11.
     2. In a moment, Śāk. 5, 11.
     3. At every step, Śiś. 9, 78.

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anupadin anu-pad + in, m. A searcher, Śiś. 9, 70.

anuparodhatas an-uparodha + tas, adv. Without inconvenience, Man. 4, 32.

anupasaṃhārin anupasaṃhārin, i. e. an-upa-sam-hṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī. Nonexclusive (a subdivision of one of the forms of fallacious middle term), Bhāṣāp. 71; 73.

anupātin anupātin, i. e. anu-pat + in, adj. f. . Following.

anupālana anupālana, i. e. anu-pā, Caus. + ana, n. Observance, Rām. 5, 24, 20.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. hard to be preserved, MBh. 13, 1929.

anupālin anupālin, i. e. anu-pā, Caus. + in, adj. Cherishing, Man. 9, 204.

anupūrva anu-pūrva, adj. f. .
     1. Following whoever or whatever precedes.
     2. Regular.

anupūrvaśas anupūrva + śas, adv. In regular order, Man. 1, 2; with gen. Man. 8, 142.

anupraveśa anu-praveśa, m.
     1. Entering after.
     2. Entering (in general).

anupraśna anu-praśna, m. A question, MBh. 12, 4924.

anubandha anu-bandh + a, m.
     1. Beginning, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 5.
     2. A motive, Man. 8, 126.
     3. An indispensable element, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 8.
     4. Uninterrupted succession, Rām. 5, 3, 13.
     5. Consequence.
     6. Posterity, Rām. 2. 7, 28.

anubandhana -anu-bandh + ana, n. Uninterrupted connection, Vikr. 55, 10.

anubandhin anubandhin, i. e. anubandha + in, adj., f. .
     1. Connected with, Bhag. 15, 2; Daśak, in Chr. 193, 6.
     2. Lasting.

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anubala anu-bala, n. The rear of an army, Rām. 1, 1, 46.

anububhūṣu anububhūṣu, i. e. anu-bubhūṣa, desider. of bhū + u, adj. Desiring to enjoy, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 14.

anubhartṛ anubhartṛ, i. e. anu-bhṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, n. One who imitates, Chr, 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 88, 6.

anubhava anubhava, i. e. anu-bhū + a, m.
     1. Apprehension, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 14.
     2. Understanding, Rām. 4, 42, 9 (Hanuman knows well how to finish the work).

anubhāva anubhāva, i. e. anu-bhū + a, m.
     1. Dignity, authority, Daśak. 196, 14.
     2. Power, Śāk. 31, 2.
     3. A sign, Kathās. 4, 117; Ragh. 2, 75.
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. pre-eminent, just, virtuous.

anubhāvin anubhāvin. i. e. anu-bhū + in.
I. adj. Seeing, Śāk. 89, 3 (Prākṛ.).
II. m. A witness, Man. 8, 89.

anubhūti anu-bhū + ti, f. Apprehension, perception, Bhāṣāp. 50.

anumati anumati, i. e. anu-man + ti, f.
     1. Assent, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 3.
     2. The goddess of the fifteenth day of the moon's age, Man. 3, 86.

anumantṛ anu-man + tṛ, m. One who assents, Man. 5, 51.

anumaraṇa anumaraṇa, i. e. anu-mṛ + ana, n. Following in death, Hit. iii. d. 28.

anumā anu-mā, f. Conclusion, Bhāṣāp. 65.

anumāna anumāna, i. e. anu-mā + ana, n.
     1. Inferring, Bhāṣāp. 139; 140.
     2. Argument, Man. 8, 144; Rām. 6, 23, 2.
     3. Analogy, Vikr. 63, 13.

anumānana anumānana, i. e. anu -man, Caus. + ana, n. Inducing to confess, Chr. 53, 2.

anumārdava anu-mārdava, n. Compassion, Rām. 5, 37, 31.

anumiti anumiti, i. e. anu-mā + ti, f. Conclusion, Bhāṣāp. 51; 65.

anuyātṛ anu-yā + tṛ, m. A companion, Rām. 2, 91, 59.

anuyātra anu-yā-tra, n. and fem. trā.
     1. Retinue.
     2. Attendance, Rām. 4, 36, 10.
-- Comp. datta-, adj. accompanied.

anuyātrika anuyātrika, i. e. anuyātra + ika, m. A follower, Śāk. 30, 9.

anuyāna anuyāna, i. e. anu-yā + ana, n. Following, Rām. 2, 105, 10.

anuyāyitā anuyāyitā, i. e. anuyāyin + tā, f. Following, Rām. 2, 90, 20.

anuyāyin anuyāyin, i. e. anu-yā + in, adj. f. , Following, a follower, Chr. 35, 10.

anuyugam anu-yuga + m, adv. In proportion to the (four) ages, Man. 1, 84.

anuyoga anuyoga, i. e. anu-yuj-a, m.
     1. Question, Śāk. 15, 17.
     2. Inquiry, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 2; 195, 20.

anurañjaka anu-rañj + aka, adj. Gratifying, Rām. 2, 1, 20, Gorr.

anurañjana anu-rañj + ana, n. Loving.

anurathyā anu-rathyā, f. A by-way running along the main street, Rām. 2, 6, 17.

anurāga anurāga, i. e. anu-rañj + a m.
     1. Redness, Śiś. 9, 1.
     2. Love, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 18.
     3. Good will, Man. 7, 154.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj. f. , loving, Rām. 2, 12, 98. sa-, adj. impassioned.

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anurāgavant anurāga + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Enamoured, Hit. 28, 9.
     2. Enamoured or red, Śiś. 9, 10.

anurāgitā anurāgitā, i. e. anurāgin + tā. f. Attachment.

anurāgin anurāgin, i. e. anurāga + in, adj.
     1. Attached, Sāh. D. 76, 21.
     2. Causing affection.

anurūpa anu-rūpa, adj., f. . Suitable, Sāv. 2, 10; instr. peṇa, In proportion, Man. 8, 206. pam, adv. According to Daśak. in Chr. 197, 13.
-- Comp. sva-, adj. Innate, natural.

anurūpatas anurūpa + tas, adv. In proportion, M. 7, 125.

anurodha anurodha, i. e. anu-rudh + a, m.
     1. Compliance, Hit. 106, 17.
     2. Obligation, Man. 2, 105.

anurodhana anurodhana, i. e. anu-rudh + ana, n. Compliance, Hit. ii. d. 99.

anurodhitā anurodhitā, i. e. anurodhin + tā, f. Compliance.

anurodhin anurodhin, i. e. anurodha + in, adj., f. .
     1. Compliant, Rām. 2, 75, 36.
     2. Acting in conformity with, Rām. 3, 2, 28.

anulepa anulepa, i. e. anu-lip + a, m. Unguent.

anulepana anulepana, i. e. anu-lip + ana, n. Ointment, Śiś. 9, 24.

anulomana anulomana, i. e. anulomaya + ana, I, adj.
     1. Putting in due order.
     2. (In medicine) Correcting the vitiated air of the body, or obviating excretory obstructions.

anulomaya anulomaya (a denominat. derived from anu-loma), Par.
     1. To go or touch with the grain.
     2. (In medicine) To direct into the proper channel.

anuvaṃśa anu-vaṃśa, m. A genealogical table, MBh. 1, 3762.

anuvaṃśya anuvaṃśya, i. e. anuvaṃśa + ya, adj., f. , Referring to genealogical lists, MBh. 3, 8330.

anuvacana anu-vac + ana, n.
     1. Studying, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 1.
     2. A section.

anuvartana anuvartana, i. e. anu-vṛt + ana, n. Attending, Hit. 75, 17.

anuvartitva anuvartitva, i. e. anuvartin + tva, n. Accommodating one's self to, Pañc. i. d. 79.

anuvartin anuvartin, i. e. anu-vṛt + in, adj., f. .
     1. Following, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 10.
     2. Obedient, Pañc. i. d. 331.
-- Comp. citta-, adj. compliant, Lass. 29, 16. vṛtta-, adj. conforming to rule.

anuvaśa anu-vaśa.
I. m. Obedience, Rām. 2, 8, 29.
II. adj. Obedient, Rām. 2, 89, 7.

anuvāka anuvāka, i. e. anu-vac + a, m. A section.

anuvāda anuvāda, i. e. anu-vad + a, m. Report, Lass. 67, 2.
-- Comp. vāda-, m. 1. attack and rejoinder. 2. plaint and reply.

anuvādin anuvādin, i. e. anuvāda + in, adj., f. .
     1. Assenting, Rām. 4, 62, 65.
     2. Harmonizing with, Rām. 5, 14, 10.
     3. Like, Pañc. 248, 11.

anuvidhāyin anuvidhāyin, i. e. anu-vi-dhā + in, adj., f. .
     1. Compliant, Vikr. 36, 1.
     2. Obedient, Hit. ii. d. 134.

anuvṛtta anu-vṛtta (vb. vṛt), adj., f. . Oval, Rām. 6, 23, 12.

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anuvṛtti anu-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Acting in conformity with.
     2. Compliance, Śiś. 9, 58.
     3. Attachment, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 1.
-- Comp. sneha-, f. affectionate intercourse.

anuvedha anuvedha, i. e. anu-vyadh + a, m. Boring.

anuvelam anu-vela + m (cf. velā), adv. Continually, Ragh. 3, 5.

anuveśa anuveśa, i. e. anu-viś + a, m. Entering, MBh. 1, 7772.

anuvyāharaṇa anuvyāharaṇa, i. e. anu-vi-ā-hṛ + ana, n. Repetition, Rām. 1, 2, 43.

anuvrajyā anu-vraj + yā, f. Attendance on a person departing, Man. 2, 241.

anuvrata anu-vrata, adj., f. .
     1. Devout, Rām. 1, 6, 16.
     2. Faithful, Rājat. 5, 251.
     3. Attached to (with acc.), Nal. 2, 26.

anuśaya anuśaya, i. e. anu-śī + a, m.
     1. Repentance, Man. 8, 228.
     2. Rescission (as of sale), Man. 8, 5.

anuśāsana anu-śās + ana, n.
     1. Instruction, Man. 2, 159.
     2. Precept, Man. 8, 139.
     3. Explanation, Man. 6, 50.

anuśāsitṛ anu-śās + itṛ, m. A teacher, Bhag. 8, 9.

anuśāsin anu-śās + in, adj., f. , Punishing, Vikr. 62, 14.

anuśikṣin anuśikṣin. i. e. anu-śikṣa, desider. of śak + in, adj. Practising.

anuṣaṅga anuṣaṅga, i. e. anu-sañj + a, m. Desire.

anuṣaṅgin anuṣaṅgin, i. e. anuṣaṅga + in, adj. Attached, prevailing, Man. 7, 52.

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anuṣṭhātṛ anuṣṭhātṛ, i. e. anu-sthā + tṛ, m. One who performs, Pañc. 253, 12.

anuṣṭhāna anuṣṭhāna, i. e. anu-sthā + ana, n.
     1. Performing, Pañc, 79, 22.
     2. Practice, Man. 7, 100.
     3. Study, Rājat, 5, 374.

anuṣṭhāpana anuṣṭhāpana, i. e. anu-sthā, Caus. + ana, n. Causing to perform, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 2; 21.

anuṣṭhāyin anuṣṭhāyin, i. e. anu-sthā + in, adj., f. , Performing, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 12.

anuṣṇaśīta an-uṣṇa-śīta, adj. Neither hot nor cold, Bhāṣāp. 103.

anusaṃdhāna anusaṃdhāna, i. e. anu-sam-dhā + ana, n. Inquiry, Hit. 90, 18; Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 2.

anusara anusara, i. e. anu-sṛ + a, m. A companion, Lass. 20, 6.

anusaraṇa anusaraṇa, i. e. anu-sṛ + ana, n.
     1. Following, Hit. 98, 21. Persecution, Megh. 82.
     2. Searching, Hit, 68, 13.
     3. Conformity, Hit. 9, 8.

anusāra anusāra, i. e. anu-sṛ + a, m.
     1. Following.
     2. Conformity.
     3. Rule, Man. 8, 152.

anusārin anusārin, i. e. anu-sṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Following, Pañc. 98, 23.
     2. Scrutinising, Man. 7, 102.
     3. Observant, Man. 7, 31.
-- Comp. kāla-, m, benzoin, Suśr. 2, 32, 1.

anusevin anu-sev + in, adj., f. , Addicted to (cruel actions), Rām. 2, 49, 5.

anusmaraṇa anusmaraṇa, i. e. anu-smṛ + ana, n. Recollection, Rām. 6, 82, 34.

anusyūtatva anu-syūta + tva (vb. siv), n. Condition of being sewn on or closely attached (as with a thread), Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 4.

anūcāna anūcāna (properly ptcple. of the pf. Ātm. of anu-vac), m. One versed in the Vedas, Man. 2, 154.
-- Comp. an-, m. One who is not versed in the Vedas, Man. 2, 242.

anūdaka anūdaka, i. e. an-udaka (the u is lengthened on account of the metre), n. Want of water, drought, Rām. 1, 20, 16.

anūdara anūdara, i. e. an-udara (u is lengthened on account of the metre), adj. Without belly, MBh. 14, 1305.

anūpa anūpa, i. e. anu-ap + a,
I. adj., f. , Watery, Man. 7, 192.
II. m. A shore, Rām. 5, 15, 55.

anūlā anūlā, f. The name of a river.

anṛc an-ṛc and anṛca an-ṛc + a, m. One not conversant in the Rigveda, Man. 3, 131; 2, 158.

anṛṇatā an-ṛṇa + tā, f. anṛṇatva an-ṛṇa + tva, n., and anṛṇyatā an-ṛṇyatā (Pañc. 255, 11), i. e. an-ṛṇa + ya + tā, f. Freedom from debt.

anṛtamaya an-ṛta + maya, adj., f. , False, Śāk. 68, 13.

anṛtin anṛtin, i. e. an-ṛta + in, adj. Lying, a liar, Man. 4, 214.

anṛśaṃsatva a-nṛśaṃsa + tva, n. Mildness, Rām. 2, 46, 8.

anekadhā an-eka + dhā, adv. In many ways, Bhāṣāp. 99.

anekaśas an-eka + śas, adv. Repeatedly, Chr. 33, 2.

anekaikatvabuddhi an-eka-eka + tva-buddhi, f. Comprehension of manifold unities, Bhāṣāp. 108.

anehas anehas, i. e. an-īh + as (anom.).
I. adj. Without a rival.
II. m. (nom. sing., ) Time, Rājat. 5, 405.

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anaikānta anaikānta, i. e. an-eka-anta + a, adj. Going astray (one of the five forms of fallacious middle term), Bhāṣāp. 70.

anokaha an-oka-ha (vb. 2. ), m. A tree.

anoṃkṛta anoṃkṛta, i. e. an-om-kṛta, adj. Not accompanied by the mystical syllable om, Man. 2, 74.

antant, i. 1, Par. To bind.

anta anta, m.
     1. End, Nal. 22, 4.
     2. Boundary, Rām. 3, 15, 16.
     3. Limit, Rām. 3, 1, 23.
     4. Border, Rām. 4, 6, 16.
     5. Proximity, Man. 4, 116.
     6. Death, Rām, 5, 87, 29.
-- Comp. an-,
I. adj. endless, Man. 3, 275.
II. m. 1. a name of Viṣṇu. 2. Śeṣa, the chief of the Nāgas, or serpents. apara-, m. 1. the western extremity. 2. pl. the name of a people. 3. completion. 4. death. udaka-, m. the bank of a river, Śāk. 54, 21. etad-, adj., f. , ending in this, Man. 1, 50. kalpa-, m. the end of a Kalpa-period, the destruction, the end of the world, Dev. 1, 49; Hit. i, d. 43. kṛta-,
I. adj., f. , deciding, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 13.
II. m. 1. fate, Rām. 1, 41, 1. 2. a name of the God of Death, Hit. 9, 6. 3. a proved doctrine, Bhag. 18, 13. keśa-, m. 1. the end of the hair, Rām. 6, 8, 2. 2. a tuft of hair, Pañc. 245, 12. 3. hair, Rām. 5, 35, 21. 4. the ceremony of cutting the hair, Man. 2, 65. gata-, adj. whose end is near, Rām. 2, 12, 31. gharma-, m. the end of the hot season, Megh. 104. jana m. an uninhabited country, Suśr. 204, 5. tad-, adj. finding its end thereby, Hit. i. d. 85. diś-,
I. m. the end of the world, Kir. 5, 1.
II. adj. dwelling at the end of the world, MBh. 10, 260. diṣṭa-, m. (vb. diś) death, Rām. 2, 111, 3 Gorr. dṛṣṭa-, m. (n. Rām. 2, 109, 37 Gorr.) 1. a prototype, Hariv. 5298. 2. an example, Hit. ii, d. 97. 3. comparison, Chr. 9, 45. yajña-, m. a supplementary sacrifice. yuga-, m. 1. the end of an age. 2. a destruction of the universe. svīkāra-, adj. 1. agreed to. 2. consequent upon a promise.
-- Cf. Goth. andi, A.S. ende; Lat. uls instead of ultis; see antara, antima.

antaḥpura antaḥpura, i. e. antar-pura, n.
     1. The palace of a king, Rām. 2, 14, 28.
     2. The female apartments, the gyneceum, Man. 7, 221.
     3. The wives of a king. Sing. Nal. 17, 31, and plur. Śāk. 30, 12.

antaḥstha antaḥstha, i. e. an ar-stha (vb. sthā), adj., f. thā, Being in the interior, Kathās. 16, 104.

antaka anta + ka.
I. adj., f. , Causing death, Rām. 3, 46, 9.
II. m. A name of the god of Death, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1520.
-- Comp. an-, adj. endless. kāla-, m. the god of Death, Rām. 6, 67, 2. jagadantaka, i. e. jagat-, m. the destroyer of the world, Bhāg. P. 4. 5, 6. viṣa-, m. Śiva.

antakara anta-kara, adj., f. , Causing death, Rām. 5, 94, 11.

antakṛt anta-kṛ + t.
I. adj. Causing the end.
II. m. Death.

antaga anta-ga (vb. gam), adj., f. .
     1. Going to the end.
     2. Thoroughly conversant in, Man. 3, 145.

antatas anta + tas, adv.
     1. With the end or extremity, Man. 2, 62.
     2. At the end, lastly, Man. 3, 86.

antar antar.
I. adv. Within, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 119; Vikr. d. 8.
II. prep. Within, with gen. Bhag. 13, 15.
III. Combined and compounded with some verbs and their derivatives.
IV. Former and latter part of compourd nouns implying the interiro; e. g. antaḥ-karaṇa, the internal sense (cf. karaṇa); ambhontar, i. e. ambhas-antar in the water, Yājñ. 1, 149. jantāntar, between the teeth, Man. 5, 141.
-- Cf. Lat. inter.

antara antara.
I. adj., f. , Other, Rām. 5, 56, 57.
II. n.
     1. The interior, Pañc. ii. d. 42; the main substance, Pañc. 167, 6.
     2. Interval, Man. 2, 17. etasminn antare, In the mean while, Rām. 1, 24, 24. ekāntara, adj. With one class between, Man. 10, 13. dvi-eka-, adj. With one or two classes between, Man. 10, 7. kāla-, n. Lapse of time, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1264. -- Loc. antare, Between, Rājat. 5, 152.
     3. A hole, Rām. 3, 35, 84.
     4. Distance, Rām. 2, 49, 1.
     5. Difference, Rām. 3, 53, 56.
     6. Opportunity, Rām. 1, 46, 23.
     7. A weak side, Rām. 6, 18, 46.
     8. A surety, Pañc. 213, 24; see antareṇa.
     9. When latter part of compound words it may be translated very often by adjectives, e. g. 'other,' diś- and deśa-, n. A foreign country, Rājat, 6, 16; Man. 5, 78. sthāna-, n. Another place, Hit. 25, 9. 'Special,' kāraṇa-, A special reason, Nal. 13, 59; Rām. 4, 9, 28. 'Suitable,' e. g. kāla-, A suitable time, Pañc. iii. d. 236. 'Relative to,' mad-, Relative to myself, Rām. 2, 90, 16 (cf. 92, 21 Gorr.)
-- Comp. divasa-, adj. one day old, MBh. 11, 98. sa-, adj. with interstices. stana-, n. the heart.
-- Cf. Lat. interus, interior, alter, and ulterior, ultra (see anta and antima); Goth. anthar. A.S. other.

antaratas antara + tas, adv.
     1. From the interior, Śiś. 9, 19.
     2. Within (in his heart), Rām. 3, 62, 1.

antarā antarā (old instr. sing. of antara cf. antareṇa).
I. adv.
     1. Amidst, Śhr. 14, 17.
     2. Between, Rām. 5, 34, 5.
     3. In the interval, i. e. between morning and evening, Man. 2, 56.
     4. For some time, Rām. 3, 8, 13.
     5. Therein, Man. 10, 174.
     6. On the way, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 17.
     7. Near, Rām. 2, 57, 13.
II prep.
     1. Between, with loc., Rām. 2, 40, 44, and acc., Ram. 2, 92, 12.
     2. Without.
-- Cf. antareṇa, [greek]

antarātmanya antar-ātman + ya, adj. Internal, Man. 12, 13.

antarāya antarāya, i. e. antar-i + a, m. Obstacle, Śiś. 9, 87.

antarāla antarāla, i. e. antar-āli, n. Interval, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17; Śiś. 9, 2. loc. le, While, Pañc. 55, 17.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., separated, distinct from.

antarikṣa antarikṣa and antarīkṣa antarīkṣa, i. e. antar-īkṣ + a, n. The sky, Chr. 41, 21; 30, 8.

antarīkṣaga antarīkṣa-ga (vb. gam).
I. adj. Moving in the air, Rām. 5, 27, 11.
II. m. A bird.

antarīya antarīya, i. e. antara + īya, n. A lower garment, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 22.

antareṇa antareṇa (instr. of antara), prep. with acc.
     1. Between, Śiś. 3, 3.
     2. During, Mālav. 67, 21.
     3. Except, Rām. 3, 25, 1.
     4. Without, Rām. 3, 71, 13.
     5. Regarding, Śāk. 59, 14.

antardaśāha antardaśāha, i. e. antar-daśan-ahan, n. An interval of ten days, Man. 5, 79.

antardhāna antardhāna, i. e. antar-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Disappearance; with i or gam, to disappear, Rām. 6, 19, 39.
     2. Invisibility, Rām. 6, 19, 48.

antarbhāva antarbhāva, i. e. antar-bhū + a, m. Inclusion, being included, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 1.

antaryāmin antaryāmin i. e. antar-yam + in, m. The soul, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 19.

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antarvaṃśika antarvaṃśika, i. e. antar-vaṃśa + ika, m. A superintendent of a gyneceum, Pañc. 156, 17.

antarvant antar + vant, adj., f. vatnī (ved. vatī). A pregnant woman, Rājat. 5, 245.

antavant anta + vant, adj., f. vatī. Having an end, perishable, Bhag. 2, 18.

antika anti + ka (from the ved. anti = [greek] cf. [greek] Lat. ante, Goth. and, e. g. in and-hafjan, to answer; N.H.G. ant-, ent-, e. g. in ant-worten, ent-gegnen), n. Vicinity, Rājat, 5, 57. -- abl. kāt. Near, with acc. Rām. 3, 9, 11. From, with gen. Man. 9, 174. -- loc. ke. Close to, Nal. 1, 25. In presence of, Man. 2, 202.
-- Comp. keśa-, i. e. keśānta + ika, reaching to the hair, Man. 2, 46. grahaṇa-, i. e. grahaṇānta + ika, lasting till the comprehension, Man. 3, 1. janāntikam, i. e. jana-antika + m, adv. whispering, speaking aside, Śāk. 13, 12.

antima antima (ved. antama), adj., f. . Last, Hit. Pr. d. 12.
-- Cf. Lat. ultimus and intimus; see anta and antara.

antevāsin antevāsin, i. e. anta + i-vas + in, m. A pupil, Man. 4, 33.

antya antya, i. e. anta + ya.
I. adj., f. .
     1. Last, Man. 11, 213. With daśā, State of extremity, Pañc. 70, 5.
     2. Lowest, Pañc. iv. d. 76. Of a very low class, Man. 12, 59.
II. m.
     1. A Cāṇḍāla, Man. 2, 238.
     2. One of a barbarous nation, Man. 3, 9.

antyaja antya-ja (vb. jan).
I. adj., f. , Born in the lowest class, Man. 8, 385.
II. m. A man of the lowest tribe, Pañc. i. d. 452.
III. f. , A woman of the lowest class, Man. 11, 58.

antyajātitā antya-jāti + tā, f. The lowest of human conditions, Man. 12, 9.

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antyāvasāyin antyāvasāyin, i. e. antya-ava-so + in, m. A man of a degraded tribe; the son of a Niṣādī woman by a Cāṇḍāla, Man. 10, 39.

antra antra (for antara, cf. [greek] Lat. interiora), n. An intestine (mostly used in the plur.), Rām. 5, 25, 46.
-- Comp. kṣudra-, n. the entrails which are nearer to the heart. sthūla-, n. those which are near the anus, Yājñ. 3, 94; 95.

andand, i. 1, Par. To bind.

andolana andolana, i. e. andolaya + ana, n. Swinging, Rājat. 5, 356.

andolayaandolaya (a denomin. derived from *andola, based on *andul, an anomalous frequent. of dul for *dandul, cf. aṅghri). To swing.

andh andh, i. 10, Par. (rather denomin. of andha)
     1. † To be blind.
     2. To make blind, to obstruct the sight, Śiś. 9, 21.

andha andha, adj., f. dhā.
     1. Blind, Pañc. 291, 11.
     2. Obstructing the sight, Man. 8, 94.
-- Comp. divā-, m. An owl, Pañc. 158, 22.

andhaka andha + ka.
I. adj., f. dhikā, Blind.
II. m. A proper name.

andhakāra andha + kāra, m. and n. Darkness, Man. 4, 51.

andhakāramaya andhakāra + maya, adj., f. . Dark, Kathās. 4, 51.

andhatā andha + tā, f. and andhatva andha + tva, n. Blindness.

andhas andhas, n. The sacrificial food (ved.), Chr. 291, 6 = Rigv. i. 85, 6.

andhra andhra, m.
     1. The name of a people.
     2. A man of a low caste, son of a Vaidca by a Kārāvara woman, Man. 10, 36.

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anna anna, i. e. ad + na, n.
     1. Food, Man. 3, 182.
     2. Corn, Man. 3, 76.
     3. Boiled rice, Man. 3, 82.
-- Comp. kṛta-, n. dressed food, Man. 9, 213. deva-, n. food offered to gods, Man. 5, 7. dadhi-, n. rice with curdled milk, Yājñ. 1, 288. paryāya-, n. food prepared for another. miṣṭa-, n. a mixture of sugar and acids, etc., eaten with bread or rice. rājānna, i. e. rājan-, n. a sort of rice.
-- Cf. Lat. annona.

annada anna-da (vb. ), adj., f. . Giving food, Man. 4, 229.

annamaya anna + maya, adj., f. . Consisting of food in a metaphysical sense, i. e. of the essence of the elementary creation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 12.

annāda annāda, i. e. anna-ad + a, adj., f. . Eating food, Man. 8, 317 (one who eats food given to him by a killer of a Brāhmaṇa).

annādya annādya, i. e. anna-ādya.
     1. (the latter part being the ptcple. of the fut. pass. of ad), n. Proper food, Man. 3, 82.
     2. (the latter part being the adj. ādya), Dressed rice, etc., Man. 3, 244.

anya anya, adj., f. , n. yad.
     1. Other, Man. 8, 17.
     2. Different, Hit. i. d. 121.
     3. with abl. Other than, Rājat. 5, 178. (nānyaḥ Śaṅkaravarmaṇaḥ, no other than Śaṅkaravarman).
     4. One, Pañc. 80, 16.
     5. plur. The others, i. e. the rest, Böhtl. Chr. 219, 161.
     6. acc. sing., n. yad. Besides, else, Pañc. 55, 9. -- Comparat. anyatara, f. rā., n. rad, Either of two, Man. 2, 111. -- Superl. anyatama, f. , Any one of more than two, Man. 11, 25.
-- Comp. an-, adj., f. , fixed on one object, Bhag. 9, 32.
-- Cf. Lat. alius, [greek] Goth. alja-, alis, alja, probably also alls. A.S.

anyatas anya + tas, adv.
     1. From another, Man. 4, 33.
     2. On the contrary, Pañc. i. d. 109.
     3. To another place, Man. 2, 200.

anyatā anya + tā, f. Difference, Śiś. 4, 55.
-- Comp. an-, f. identity.

anyatra anya + tra, adv.
     1. Elsewhere
     2. On another occasion, Man. 5, 41.
     3. To another subject, Man. 2, 168.
     4. With abl., except, without, Bhag. 8, 9.
-- Cf. Goth. aljathro, Lat. aliter [greek]

anyathā anya + thā, adv.
     1. In another manner, differently. anyathā kṛ, To change, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 717.
     2. Otherwise, else, Man. 8, 144.
     3. Untruly, Rām. 4, 21, 15.
     4. Wrongly, illegally, Man. 9. 234.
     5. In an opposite way, Pañc. 206, 14; with kṛ, To deny.
-- Cf. Lat. aliuta.

anyadā anya + dā, adv.
     1. At another time.
     2. Once, Pañc. 234, 8.

anyadīya anyadīya, i. e. anya + d + īya, adj. f. .
     1. Belonging to another.
     2. Being in others, Daśak. 187, 23.

anyamātṛja anya-mātṛ-ja (vb. jan), m. A half-brother, born by another mother, Yājñ. 2, 139.

anyastrīga anya-strī-ga (vb. gam), m. An adulterer, Man. 8, 386.

anyādṛśa anyādṛśa, i. e. anya-dṛś + a, adj., f. śī, Looking different. Lass. 72, 8.

anyūnādhika anyūnādhika, i. e. a-nyūna-adhika, adj., f. . Neither too little nor too much, Ram. 6, 16, 78.

anyedyus anyedyus, i. e. anya + i-dyu + as, adv.
     1. On the following day, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 9.
     2. Once, Pañc. 68, 25.

anyodarya anyodarya, i. e. anya-udara + ya, m. A half-brother, having the same father but another mother, Yājñ. 2, 139.

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anyonya anyonya, i. e. anya + s-anya, adj.
     1. Each other, Man. 7, 89.
     2. Mutual, Man. 9, 101.

anvak anvak, i. e. anu-añc, acc. sing. n.
I. adv. Behind, Śiś. 9, 76.
II. prep. with acc. After, Ragh. 2, 16.

anvaya anvaya, i. e. anu-i + a, m
     1. Following.
     2. Connection.
     3. The affirmative connection between the major and middle terms, Bhāṣāp. 141.
     4. Male descendants, Yājñ. 2, 117.
     5. Lineage, Ragh. 1, 9. Race, Rājat. 5, 151. Family, Rājat. 5, 41.
     6. Succession, inheritance in anvayāgata, Inherited, Pañc. 16, 11.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. 1. hard to be pursued, Rām. 2, 92, 13 Gorr. 2. hard to be performed, MBh. 13, 5854. 3. not easy to be conceived, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 30. nis-, adj. 1. in absence (cf. anvayavant), Man. 8, 332. 2. without descendants, Rājat. 2, 81. 3. not related, Man. 8, 198. sa-, adj. 1. related, Man. 8, 331. 2. in connection with family. 3. with all the family, Pañc. 45, 6. 4. in order or regular succession.

anvayavant anvaya + vant, adj., f. vatī, In presence, Man. 8, 332.

anvayin anvayin, i. e. anvaya + in, adj., f. .
     1. Connected with, Bhāṣāp. 73.
     2. Belonging to a race, Rājat, 5, 246.

anvartha anvartha, i. e. anu-artha.
I. adj., f. thā, Clear.
II. adv. tham, Literally.

anvavāya anvavāya, i. e. anu-ava-i + a, m. Race, Sund. 1, 2.

anvavekṣā anvavekṣā, i. e. anu-ava-īkṣ + ā, f. Regard.

anvaṣṭakā anvaṣṭakā, i. e. anu-aṣṭakā
I. The ninth day of the latter half of the months Pauṣa, Māgha, and Phālguna (and according to another authority, also of the Agrahāyaṇa), Man. 4159.

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anvaham anvaham, i. e. anu-aha + m, adv. Every day, Man. 2, 167.

anvādheya anvādheya, i. e. anu-ā-dheya (vb. dhā), n. A woman's property, consisting in what she has received after her marriage from her husband's or her father's families, Man. 9, 195.

anvādheyaka anvādheya + ka, n. = anvādheya.

anvāhārya anvāhārya, i. e. anu-ā-hārya (vb. hṛ), n. The monthly Śrāddha or funeral repast in honour of the manes, held on the day of new noon, Man. 3, 123.

anvāhāryaka anvāhārya + ka, n. = anvāhārya, in piṇḍa- (properly, the oblation offered after the funeral cakes), Man. 3, 122.

anveṣa anveṣa, i. e. anu- 2. iṣ + a, m. Searching, Śāk. d. 22.

anveṣaka anveṣaka, i. e. anu- 2. iṣ + aka, adj., f. ikā, One who searches, Rām. 4, 61, 12. Who explores, Rājat. 5, 54.

anveṣaṇa anveṣaṇa, i. e. anu- 2. iṣ + ana, n. and f. ṇā, Searching, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 5.

anveṣin anveṣin, i. e. anu- 2. iṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Searching, Rājat. 5, 463.
-- Comp. hita-, adj. seeking another's welfare.

anveṣṭṛ anveṣṭṛ, i. e. anu- 2. iṣ + tṛ, m. A searcher, Nal. 16, 30.

ap ap, f., in the classical literature plur.: N.V. āpas,
I. adbhis, D.A. adbhyas. Water, Man. 1, 8. adbhir dā, To give and confirm the gift by pouring water, Man. 9, 168.
-- Cf. Lat. aqua amnis, Goth. ahva,

apa 1. apa.
I. adv. (ved.) Away.
II. prep. with abl. Away from, without (very seldom).
III. combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
IV. former part of compounded nouns and adverbs, implying: Loss, negation, privation, wrong, bad, unnatural.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. ab. Goth. and A.S. af.

apa 2. -ap + a, a substitute for ap, when latter part of a comp. word, e. g. śuṣka-, adj. Of which the water is dried up, Rām. 2, 72, 20.

apakartṛ apakartṛ, i. e. apa-kṛ + tṛ, m. An injurer, Hit. iii. d. 47.

apakarṣa apakarṣa, i. e. apa-kṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Deterioration.
     2. Sinking, Man. 10, 42.

apakarṣaka apakarṣaka, i. e. apa-kriṣ + aka, adj. Deteriorating.

apakarṣaṇa apakarṣaṇa, i. e. apa-kṛṣ-ana.
I. adj., f. ṇī, Removing, Rām. 1, 29, 18.
II. n. Removal, Yājñ. 1, 191.

apakāra apakāra, i. e. apa-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Injury.
     2. Malice, Daśak. in Chr. 191.

apakāratā apakāra + tā, f. An injurious action, Nal. 21, 13.

apakārin apakārin, i. e. apa-kṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Mischievous, Man. 11, 31; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 687.

apakṛtya apa-kṛtya, n. Injury, Pañc. 255, 11.

apakramaṇa apakramaṇa, i. e. apa-kram + ana, n. Going away, Rām. 2, 34, 40.

apakriyā apa-kriyā, f.
     1. A wrong (unseasonable) act, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 890.
     2. Wrong manner, Śiś. 9, 68.
-- Cf. anapakriyā.

apakrośa apakrośa, i. e. apa-kruś + a m. Reviling, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 21 (ib. 20, read pārthivaṃ mitho).

apakvatā a-pakva + tā, f. Immaturity.

apagama apa-gam + a, m.
     1. Going away, Megh. 71.
     2. Separation, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 643.
     3. Passing away (of time), Kathās. 21, 147.

apagarjita apa-garjita (vb. garj), adj. Without thundering, Kathās. 19, 94.

apacamāna a-pacamāna (vb. pac, ptcple. pres. Ātm.), adj. One who by his mode of life is prevented from dressing his food, as a student, a mendicant, and a heretic, Man. 4, 32 (Kull.).

apacaya apacaya, i. e. apa-ci + a m. Decrease, Hit. iii. d. 131.

apacāyin -apacāyin, i. e. apa-ci + in, adj.
     1. Decreasing in, MBh. 3, 11157.
     2. Honouring, MBh. 13, 6705.

apacāra apacāra, i. e. apa-car + a, m.
     1. Death, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 20.
     2. Trespass, fault, Śāk. 110, 23.

apacārin apacārin, i. e. apa-car + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Deviating from, Hariv. 1014 (corr. °cāriṇaḥ).
     2. Adulterous, Man. 8, 317.

apaciti apa-ci + ti, f.
     1. Honour, Rām. 2, 74, 26.
     2. Expiation.

apacchāya apacchāya, i. e. apa-chāya (cf. chāyā), adj. Shadowless, Pañc. ii. d. 108(?).

apajihīrṣu apajihīrṣu, i. e. apa-jihīrṣa, desid. of hṛ + u, adj. Desirous of taking away, Rājat. 5, 426.

apaṭī apaṭī, f. A screen of cloth; see kṣepa.

apaṇḍitatā a-paṇḍita + tā, f. Foolishness, Bhartṛ. 2, 88.

apatya apa + tya, n. Offspring, Man. 5, 161.
-- Comp. an-, adj., f. , childless, without offspring, Man. 9, 190. vipanna- (vb. pad), adj. f. , having lost a child by abortment, Rājat. 5, 246. sa-, adj. having progeny.

apatyatā -apatya + tā, f. State of having offspring, Man. 3, 16. an-, Having no offspring, childlessness, Śāk. 90, 20.

apatrapā apa-trap + ā, f. Bashfulness, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 22.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , impudent, Rām. 4, 30, 17.

apadeśa apadeśa, i. e. apa-diś + a, m.
     1. Stating, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 14.
     2. Denunciation, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 13.
     3. Pretext, Man. 4, 198. apadeśais, Artfully, Man. 8, 182.
-- Comp. sa-apadeśa + m, adv. under a pretext, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 16.

apadeśin -apadeś + in in rājaputra-, adj. Disguised as (Rājputs) Kathās. 24, 121.

apadoṣatā apa-doṣa + tā, f. Faultlessness, Śiś. 9, 12.

apadhyāna apadhyāna, i. e. apa-dhyai + ana, n.
     1. Disregard, MBh. 1, 8457.
     2. Hurting, Hariv. 9058(?).

apadhvaṃsaja apa-dhvaṃs + a-ja (vb. jan), m. The offspring of a father inferior in caste to the mother, Man. 10, 41.

apanayana apanayana, i. e. apa-nī + ana, n. Removing, Rām. 3, 64, 11; 1, 46, 11.

apanutti apanutti, i. e. apa-nud + ti, f.
     1. Removing.
     2. Expiation, Man. 11, 209.

apanuda apa-nud + a, adj., f. . Removing, Rām. 2, 1, 28.

apanunutsu apanunutsu, i. e. apa-nunutsa, desider. of nud + u, adj. Desirous of removing, Man. 11, 101.

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apanoda apanoda, i. e. apa-nud + a, m.
     1. Removal.
     2. Expiation, Man. 11, 75.

apanodana apanodana, i. e. apa-nud + ana.
I. adj., f. , Removing, Man. 11, 215.
II. n. Expiation, Man. 11, 252.

apapātra apa-pātra, adj. Deprived of vessels, Man. 10, 51.

apapādatra i. e. apa-pāda-tra (vb. trā), adj. Without shoes, Rājat. 5, 194.

apabhraṃśa apa-bhraṃś + a, m. Incorrect language, Rājat. 5, 205.

apamarda apamarda, i. e. apa-mṛd + a, m. Dirt, Rām. 3, 2, 3.
-- Cf. Lat. merda.

apamarśa apamarśa, i. e. apa-mṛś + a, m. Touch, Śāk. d. 116, v. r.

apamāna apamāna, i. e. apa-man + a, m., n.
     1. Disrespect, Rām. 1, 12, 14.
     2. Token of disrespect, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 1.

apamānin apamānin, i. e. apa-man + in, adj., f. , Disregarding, despising.

apamārga apamārga, i. e.
I. apa-mṛj + a, m. Cleansing, Śiś. 9, 36.
II. apa-mārga, m. A sideway, Pañc. 169, 15.

apayāna apayāna, i. e. apa-yā + ana, n.
     1. Going away, Śiś. 9, 84.
     2. Retreat, flight, Rām. 3, 40, 29.

I. apa + ra, adj., f. .
     1. Posterior, Man. 3, 278; with sandhyā, Evening-twilight, Man. 4, 93.
     2. Following, Rām. 2, 65, 1.
     3. Western, Śiś. 9, 1.
     4. Other, Pañc. 55, 13. -acc. ram, adv. Moreover, Pañc. 71, 1.
II. a-para, adj.
     1. Inferior, Bhag. 7, 5.
     2. Relative, Bhāṣāp. 7; 9.
     3. Modern, Man. 9, 99.
-- Comp. pūrva-,
I. adj. 1. being before and behind. 2. prior and subsequent.
II. n. sing. 1. east and west. 2. connexion, Man. 8, 56 (Proof, and thing to be proved, Ragh.).
-- Cf. Goth. afar, after, N.H.G. aber.

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aparatā apara + tā, f.
     1. Relative ness.
     2. Condition of being less extensive, Bhāṣāp. 8.
     3. Shortness of distance and time.

aparatra apara + tra, adv. In another place, Rām. 3, 15, 26; 27.

aparatva apara + tva, n. Shortness of distance and time, Bhāṣāp. 120.

aparatvaka aparatva + ka, n. = aparatā, Bhāṣāp. 3; 85, Shortness of distance and time.

aparathā apara-thā, adv. Otherwise, Śiś. 9, 67.

aparasparasaṃbhūta aparasparasaṃbhūta, i. e. a-paraspara-sam-bhūta (vb. bhū), adj. Not sprung up in a successive order, Bhag. 16, 8.

aparādha apa-rādh + a, m.
     1. Transgression, Ragh. 1, 6.
     2. Offence, Pañc. 40, 23.
     3. Crime, Rām. 2, 58, 22.
     4. Injury, Rām. 6, 33, 21.
     5. aparādha + tas, adv. By the fault, Man. 8, 408.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. innocent, Pañc. 198, 4. sa-, adj. guilty.

aparādhakṛt aparādha-kṛt, adj. One who has committed a crime, sinful, Śiś. 9, 58.

aparādhin apa-rādh + in, adj., f. , Offending, Rām. 5, 91, 8. An offender, Yājñ. 2. 266.

aparāntaka aparāntaka, i. e. apara-anta + ka.
I. m. The name of a people.
II. n. A song conducive to final liberation, Yājñ. 3, 113.

aparāvartin aparāvartin, i. e. a-parā-vṛt + in, adj. Not turning the back, not flying.

aparāhṇa aparāhṇa, i. e. apara-ahna, m., n.
     1. The afternoon, Man. 3, 255.
     2. Evening, Chr. 34, 16.

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aparihāravant a-parihāra + vant, adj., f. vatī, Unavoidable.

aparedyus aparedyus, i. e. apara + i-div + as, adv. The following day, Rām. 1, 9, 52; Nal. 13, 35.

apalatābhavana apa-latā-bhavana, adj., f. , Without arbours, Kir. 5, 10.

apavarga apavarga, i. e. apa-vṛj + a, m. Completion; the delivery of the soul from the body; final beatitude, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 10.

apavargada apavarga-da (vb. ), adj., f. , Giving final beatitude, Rājat. 5, 44.

apavartana apavartana, i. e. apa-vṛt + ana, n.
     1. Removing.
     2. Depriving one of, Man. 9, 79.

apavāda apavāda, i. e. apa-vad + a, m.
     1. Refutation of an erroncous imputation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 24.
     2. Insulting, Man. 4, 239.
     3. Blame, Pañc. 37, 4.

apavādin apavādin, i. e. apa-vad + in, adj., f. , Blaming, Śāk. 23, 12.

apavāritaka apa-vārita + ka (vb. vṛ), adj., instr. kena, Apart, Mṛcch. 23, 22.

apavāhana apavāhana, i. e. apa-vah + ana (vb. vah), n. Removal, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 1.

apavedha apavedha, i. e. apa-vyadh + a, m. Boring improperly, Man. 9, 286.

apaśaṅkam apa-śaṅka + m (see śaṅkā), adv. Fearless, Śiś. 4, 47.

apas apas, Ved. (akin to āp)
I. n. Work, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9.
II. adj. Active, diligent, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i. 92, 3.
-- Comp. su-, adj. making beautiful works, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. 1, 85, 9.
-- Cf. Lat. opus, Ved. apasya = Lat. operari, [greek] for [greek]

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apasada apa-sad-a, m.
     1. A degraded one, Man. 10, 10.
     2. A contemptible individual; in this signification, it is generally the latter part of a comp., e. g. gaja-, m. A contemptible elephant, Pañc. 80, 21; vānara-, m. A contemptible monkey, Rām. 6, 83, 14.

apasaraṇa apasaraṇa, i. e. apa-sṛ + ana, n. Retreating, Pañc. 152, 21.

apasarpa apasarpa, i. e. apa-sṛp + a, m. A spy, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 13.

apasarpaṇa apasarpaṇa, i. e. apa-sṛp + ana, n. Retreating, Rām. 6, 92, 9.

apasavyavant apa-savya + vant, adj. With the sacrificial cord over the right shoulder (cf. savya), Yājñ. 1, 250.

apasāra apasāra, i. e. apa-sṛ + a, m. An outlet, Pañc. 171, 16.

apaskara apaskara, i. e. apa-kṛ + a, m. Excrements, Lass. 4, 16.

apasnāna apasnāna, i. e. apa-snā + ana, n. Water which had been used for bathing, Man. 4, 132.

apasmāra apasmāra, i. e. apa-smṛ + a, m.
     1. Epilepsy.
     2. Madness, Bhartṛ. 1, 88.

apasmārin apasmārin i. e. apasmāra + in, adj., f. iṇī, Subject to epilepsy, Man. 3, 7.

apaha -apa-ha (vb. han), adj., f. ,
     1. Removing, Rām. 3, 79, 44; Kir. 5, 22.
     2. Destroying, Rājat. 5, 179.
     3. Curing, Suśr. 2, 408, 5.
-- Comp. vīṣa-, adj. antidotal.

apaharaṇa apaharaṇa, i. e. apa-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Taking away, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 21.
     2. Stealing, Man. 9, 293.

apahartṛ apahartṛ, i. e. apa-hṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, n.
     1. One who takes away, a thief, Man. 9, 275.
     2. One who withholds another's property, Man. 8, 190.
     3. Removing, expiating, Man. 11, 161.

apahāra apahāra, i. e. apa-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Taking away.
     2. Concealment, Śāk. 13, 22.

apahāraka apahāraka, i. e. apa-hṛ + aka.
I. adj., f. ikā, Taking away, stealing, Man. 9, 256.
II. m. A thief, Man. 4, 255.

apahārin apahārin, i. e. apa-hṛ + in.
I. adj., f. iṇī, Taking away; ravishing, Man. 2, 88.
II. m. A thief, Pañc. 33, 4.

apahnava apahnava, i. e. apa-hnu + a, m.
     1. Denying, Man. 8, 52.
     2. Concealment, Kathās. 10, 92.

apākariṣṇu apākariṣṇu, i. e. apa-ā-kṛ + iṣṇu, adj. Surpassing, Bhartṛ. 1, 5.

apāṅga apāṅga, i. e. apa-aṅga, m. The outer corner of the eye, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 15. -- In comp. adj. the fem. terminates in and , Rām. 5, 38, 7; 2, 30, 34.
-- Comp. śukla-, m. a peacock.

apātrakṛtyā a-pātra-kṛtyā, f. An action by which a person becomes unworthy of receiving a present, Man. 11, 125.

apātrīkaraṇa apātrīkaraṇa, i. e. a-pātra-kṛ + ana, n. Causing a person to become unworthy of receiving a present, Man. 11, 69.

apāna apāna, i. e. apa-an + a, m.
     1. One of the five vital airs, that which goes downwards, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 10.
     2. The anus (cf. an).

apāya apāya, i. e. apa-i + a, m.
     1. Going away.
     2. Disappearance.
     3. Diminution, Man. 1, 70.
     4. End, Rājat. 5, 98.
     5. Trespass, injury.
     6. Loss.
     7. Danger.
     8. Calamity.
-- Comp. eka-, adj. diminished by one, Man. 1, 70. nis-, adj. 1. imperishable, MBh. 12, 8003. 2. infallible, MBh. 3, 2178. sa-, adj. dangerous, Pañc. 192, 7.

apārthaka apārthaka, i. e. apa-artha + ka, adj. f. thikā, Useless, Man. 8, 78.

apāśraya apāśraya, i. e. apa-ā-śri + a, m.
     1. Refuge, support, Man. 9, 335.
     2. An awning spread over a court, Rām. 5, 11, 19.
     3. The head, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 20 (Sch. Wils. p. 90).

api api (properly, Thereto, on, by, cf. [greek] Lat. ob)
I. part.
     1. Moreover, also, Man. 8, 274; 1, 119.
     2. Even, Man. 2. 150.
     3. Still, Śāk. d. 29.
     4. Though, Śāk. d. 68.
     5. With preceding yadi, Although, Man. 9, 145.
     6. With tathā, Even thus, nevertheless, Śāk. 99, 8,
     7. With tad, Nevertheless, Bhartṛ. 1, 28.
     8. Only, Pañc. Pr. d. 9.
     9. All together, after numerals and words used in a similar signification, Man. 1, 107 (All four), Man. 2, 14 (after ubhau, both); Man. 3, 193 (all together); Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1047 (after ctāni, all these); Pañc. 108, 14 (after aparam, Every other subject).
     10. A part. of interrogation, Rām. 5, 33, 34.
     11. A part of desire, O that! Man. 3, 274.
     12. With following nāma (base nāman), Perhaps, Mṛcch. 174, 3. O that! Vikr.
     13. Following the interrogat. pron. kim or its derivatives:
a. It makes them indefinite, ko 'pi (i. e. kas api), Somebody, Bhartṛ. 3, 99 (cf. Lat. quispiam for quis-pi-jam).
b. Signifies: Even, Kathās. 4, 55.
c. Violently, Megh. 110.
     14. Preceding kiṃ cid becomes more indefinite, Man. 3, 14.
II. conjunct.
     1. And also, Man. 1, 115.
     2. And, Man. 4, 55.
     3. apiapi, 'as well as,' Hit. i. d. 159; from the one part -- from the other part, Pañc. 113, 8; 9; api-ca, Man. 5, 23.
     4. But, Man. 8, 267.
     5. But also, Pañc. 155, 25.
III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
IV. Former part of comp. nouns implying 'near to,' 'joined to.'

apidhāna apidhāna, i. e. api-dhā + ana, n. A cover.
-- Comp. śilā-, adj., f. , covered by stones, Rām. 3, 76, 35.

apūpa apūpa, m. A cake, Man. 5, 7.

apūrvatā a-pūrva + tā, f. and apūrvatva a-pūrva + tva, n. Condition of having no antecedent, i. e. acquiring an understanding of the only real being from no other authority than the Vedic texts, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 10 cf. 3.

apekṣā apekṣā, i. e. apa-īkṣ + a f.
     1. Consideration, Pañc. 40, 16.
     2. Regard.
     3. Care, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 6.
     4. Expectation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 9.
     5. Reference, relation, ib. 208, 5.
-- Comp. an-apekṣa, adj., f. kṣā. 1. Regardless. 2. Without desire, Bhag. 12, 16. nis-,
I. f. indifference, Rām. 2, 116, 5 Gorr.
II. adj. 1. Regardless, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 19. 2. Without desire, indifferent, Man. 6, 41.
III. kṣam, adv. 1. Without having any regard. Daśak. in Chr. 192, 22. 2. Accidentally, Pañc. 264, 7.

apekṣitatva apekṣitatva, i. e. apa-īkṣita + tva, (vb. īkṣ), n. Consideration, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 1.

apekṣin apekṣin, i. e. apa-īkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Regarding.
     2. Expecting, Rājat. 5, 296.
-- Comp. an-, disregarding, Rām. 4, 28, 5. dīrgha-, i. e. dīrghāpekṣā + in, adj. patient, enduring, MBh. 7, 5467. nis-, adj. indifferent, ib. 13, 6169.

apogaṇḍa apogaṇḍa, adj. Not under sixteen years of age, Man. 8, 148 (v. r.).

apoha apoha, i. e. apa-ūh + a, m. Disconnecting reasoning, MBh. 13. 6725.

apohana apohana, i. e. apa-vah + ana, n. Removal, Bhag. 15, 15 (of recollection and knowledge.)

apcara ap-cara, adj., f. , Living in water, Man. 7, 72.

apnasvant apnas + vant (apnas, ved.), adj. Efficacious, Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. i. 112, 24.

apyaya apyaya, i. e. api-i + a, m. Absorption.
-- Comp. loka-īśa-prabhava-, adj. owing both origin and end to the guardians of the world, Man. 5, 97.

aprajas aprajas, i. e. probably a-pra-jan + as, adj. Childless, Rām. 1, 14, 29.

apratiratha a-prati-ratha (cf. the next), m. A leader in combat, Śāk. d. 95; 192.

aprativīrya a-prati-vīrya (a-prati is a ved. word, Irresistible), adj. Of irresistible strength, Rām. 4, 35, 4.

aprājñatā a-prājña-tā, f. Ignorance, Man. 4, 167.

apsaras apsaras, i. e. ap-sṛ + as, f. The name of female divinities; in the classical poetry the courtesans of paradise.
-- Comp. pañcāpsaras, i. e. pañcan-, n. the name of a pond.

abādhaka a-bādha + ka (see bādhā) adj., f. , Unobstructed, Kathās. 26, 80.

abja abja, i. e. ap-ja (vb. jan),
I. adj., f. , Born or produced in or by water, Man. 5, 112.
II. n. A lotus,
-- Comp. nila-, n. a blue lotus.

abda abda, i. e. ap-da (vb. ) m.
     1. A cloud.
     2. A year, Rājat. 5, 291.
-- Comp. kṛcchra-, m. a year of penance, Man. 11, 162. tri-, n. Three years, Man. 8, 36.

abdhi abdhi, i. e. ap-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The occan, Kathās. 12, 113.
-- Comp. kṣīra-, m. the sea of milk, Kathās. 22, 186.

abhi abhi (Towards, to).
I. adv. On, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10.
II. prep. with acc. To, Ved. Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. i. 48, 7; over, Chr. 292, 5 = Rigv. i. 86, 5.
III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
IV. Former part of compounded nouns and adverbs implying Towards, in presence of, very, cf. e. g. abhitāmra; Quite, cf. abhinava.
-- Cf. Goth. bī. The original form of this indeclinable was probably ambhi = Gr. [greek] Lat. amb in amb-ire; O.H.G. umbi.

abhika abhi-ka (vb. kam) adj., f. , Libidinous, Ragh. 19, 4.

abhikāṅkṣā abhi-kāṅkṣ + ā, f. Desire, Rām. 3, 48, 15 (svargam abhikaṅkṣā, Desire of getting into heaven, with accus. like its verbal base).

abhikāṅkṣin abhi-kāṅkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Desiring, Chr. 7, 18.

abhikāma abhikāma, i. e. abhi-kam + a.
I. m. Love.
II. adj., f. , Loving, Rām. 1, 77, 29.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. loving, Nal. 24, 13.

abhikāla abhikāla, m. The name of a town, Rām. 2, 68, 17.

abhikrama abhi-kram + a, m. An undertaking, Bhag. 2, 40.

abhikhyā abhi-khyā, f. Beauty, Megh. 78.
-- Comp. adhika-ud-recita-abhikhya, adj. exceedingly beautiful, Rājat. 5, 365. haṃsa-, n. silver. himāṃśu-, i. e. hima-aṃśu-, n. silver.

abhigama abhi-gam + a, m.
     1. Approaching.
     2. A visit, Megh. 50.
     3. Sexual intercourse, Yājñ. 2, 291.

abhigamana abhi-gam + ana, n.
     1. Approaching.
     2. Mounting, Kathās. 20, 154.
     3. Sexual intercourse, Pañc. Pr. d. 8.

abhigāmin abhigāmin, i. e. abhi-gam + in adj., f. , Approaching (for sexual intercourse), Man. 3, 45.

abhighāta abhighāta, i. e. abhi-han. Caus. + a, m.
     1. Striking, Bhāṣāp. 117; Kir. 5, 42.
     2. Hurting, affliction. Man. 12, 77.
-- Comp. vapra-, m. butting at a bank or mound.

abhighātin abhighātin, i. e. abhi-han, Caus. + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Striking.
     2. Hostile, Hit. iv. d. 92.

abhicāra abhicāra, i. e. abhi-car + a, m. Incantation, making charms for mischievous purposes, Man. 11, 197.

abhijana abhi-jan + a, m.
     1. Race, Rām. 3, 48, 18.
     2. Family, Rām. 5, 87, 15.

abhijanana abhi-jan + ana, n. Production, Häberl. 524, 9.

abhijanavant abhijana + vant, adj., f. vatī, Noble, Śāk. d. 94.

abhijit abhi-ji + t,
I. m. The name of a sacrifice, Man. 11, 74.
II. n. The name of the eighth Indian hour (muhūrta, comprising 48 minutes) of the day, (i. e. 24 minutes before and 24 minutes after midday), Rām. 6, 112, 70.

abhijña abhi-jña (vb. jñā), adj., f. jñā, Knowing, conversant with, Rājat, 5, 383.
-- Comp. an-, adj. ignorant, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 18.

abhijñatā abhijña + tā, f. Knowledge, Ragh. 7, 61.

abhijñāna abhijñāna, i. e. abhi-jñā + ana, n.
     1. Remembrance, Rām. 5. 68, 1.
     2. Recognition, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 12.
     3. A token of remembrance, Rām. 2, 100, 6.
     4. A sign by which one proves himself to be a trustee, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 15.

abhitas abhi + tas, adv. and prep. with acc.
     1. On both sides, Bhartṛ. 1, 80; Rām. 2, 45, 4.
     2. From every side, round about, Rām. 2, 94, 20.
     3. Near, Kir. 5, 14; also with gen. Rām. 1, 33, 22.
     4. Completely, Kir. 5, 11.
     5. Towards, in presence of.

abhitāpa abhi-tāpa, m.
     1. Extreme heat, Śiś. 9, 1.
     2. Great pain, Sāv. 5, 69.

abhitāmra abhi-tāmra, adj., f. , Very red, Kathās, 14, 30.

abhitigmaraśmi abhi-tigma-raśmi, adv. Towards the sun, Śiś. 9, 11.

abhidarśana abhidarśana, i. e. abhi dṛś + ana, n. Sight, Man. 9, 274.

abhidūti abhidūti, i. e. abhi-dūtī (cf. dūta), adv. To a female messenger, Śiś. 9, 56.

abhidroha abhidroha, i. e. abhi-druh + a, m.
     1. Injury, Rām. 1, 26, 20.
     2. Contumely, Man. 8, 271.
-- Comp. an-, m. tenderness, Kathās. 13, 34.

abhidhā abhi-dhā, f.
     1. A name, Rājat. 5, 379.
     2. The primary sense of a word.
-- Comp. śūravarmābhidha, i. e. śūravarman-, adj. called Śūravarman, Rājat. 5, 22.

abhidhāna abhidhāna, i. e. abhi-dhā + ana, n.
     1. A name, Kathās. 7, 112.
     2. A word.
-- Comp. suyyā-, adj., f. , called Suyyā, Rajāt. 5, 74.

abhidhāyin abhidhāyin, i. e. abhi-dhā + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Speaking, Rām. 5, 14, 41.
     2. Teaching.

abhidhāvaka abhi-dhāv + aka, adj. Running towards, hastening, Yājñ. 2, 234.

abhidhyāna abhidhyāna, i. e. abhi -dhyai + ana, n. Desire, covetousness, Man. 12, 5.

abhinanda abhi-nand + a, m., or f. , Wish, desire.

abhinandin abhi-nand + in, adj., f. .
     1. Praising, Rām. 5, 59, 11.
     2. Delighting, Rām. 3, 79, 12.

abhinamra abhi-namra, adj., f. , Bent, Ragh. 13, 32.

abhinaya abhinaya, i. e. abhi-nī + a, m. Dramatic performance, Vikr. d. 36.

abhinava abhi-nava, adj., f. , Quite new, Rājat. 5, 1.
     2. Fresh, Bhartṛ. 2, 14.

abhināsikāvivaram abhi-nāsikā-vivara + m, adv. To the nostril, Śiś. 9, 52.

abhiniveśa abhiniveśa, i. e. abhi-ni-viś + a, m.
     1. Inclination, Vikr. 35, 13.
     2. Adhering, Man. 12, 5.
     3. Tenacity.
     4. Determined resolution. samupajātābhiniveśam, i. e. sam-upa-jāta-abhiniveśa + m, adv. After having taken a determined resolution, Prab. 67, 14.

abhiniveśavant abhiniveśa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Adhering, Yājñ. 3, 155.

abhiniveśin abhiniveśin, i. e. abhiniveśa + in, adj., f. .
     1. Adhering.
     2. Persevering, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 22.

abhipītatva abhi-pīta + tva (vb. 1. ), n. Condition of being saturated, MBh. 12, 12844.

abhipuṣpa abhi-puṣpa, adj. Covered with flowers, Rām. 6, 93, 18.

abhiprāya abhiprāya, i. e. abhi-pra-i + a, m.
     1. Intention, Pañc. i. d. 366; wish, Rām. 3, 28, 31.
     2. Opinion, Pañc. 150, 25.
     3. Consideration, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 13 sqq. samaṣṭi-abhiprāyeṇa, when taken collectively.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. resolute, Pañc. 122, 13.

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abhiprepsu abhiprepsu, i. e. abhi-pra-īpsa, desider. of āp + u, adj. Ardently desiring, Man. 8, 344.

abhibhartṛ abhi-bhartṛ, adv. In the presence of the husband, Śiś. 9, 77; on the husband, ib. 35.

abhibhava abhibhava, i. e. abhi-bhū + a, m.
     1. The being overpowered, Śāk. d. 40. 2. Defeat.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., not surpassable, Bhartṛ. 2, 54.

abhibhavana abhibhavana, i. e. abhi-bhū + ana, n. The being overpowered, Man. 6, 62.

abhibhāvin abhibhāvin, i. e. abhi-bhū + in, adj. Overpowering, Ragh. 1, 14.

abhibhāṣaṇa abhibhāṣaṇa, i. e. abhi-bhāṣ + ana, n. Allocution.

abhibhāṣin abhi-bhāṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Addressing, Rām. 3, 49, 5.

abhibhūti abhi-bhū + ti, f. Defeat.

abhimanas -abhi-manas, adj. Wishing for, Rām. 5, 38, 24.

abhimantṛ abhi-man + tṛ, m. One who refers existing objects to one's own self, Man. 1, 14.

abhimantraṇa abhimantraṇa, i. e. abhi-mantr + ana, n. Consecration, Yājñ, 1, 237.

abhimarda abhimarda, i. e. abhi-mṛd + a, m. Oppression, invasion, Draup. 6, 8.

abhimardana abhimardana, i. e. abhi-mṛd + ana.
I. adj., f. , Oppressing.
II. n. Oppression, Rām. 6, 95, 8; invasion, 6, 100, 7.

abhimardin abhimardin, i. e. abhi-mṛd + in, adj., f. , Oppressing.

abhimarśa abhimarśa, i. e. abhi-mṛś + a, m. Teuching improperly, Śāk. d. 116. Sometimes it is written incorrectly with instead of ś, Man. 8, 352.

abhimarśaka abhimarśaka, i. e. abhi-mriś + aka, adj. Touching improperly.
-- With instead of ś (see the last), Rām. 1, 7, 14.

abhimarśana abhimarśana, i. e. abhi-mṛś-ana, n. Touching improperly, Yājñ, 2, 284. Also incorrectly (see the last) with ṣaṇa instead of śana, Rām. 6, 66, 26.

abhimarśin abhimarśin, i. e. abhi mṛś-in, adj., f. , Courting, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 4.

abhimarṣa -marṣaka -marṣaṇa See abhimarśa -marśaka -marśana.

abhimātin abhimātin, i. e. abhi-man + ti + in, m. An enemy, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3.

abhimāna abhimāna, i. e. abhi-man + a, m.
     1. Referring existing objects to one's own self, egotism, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 2.
     2. Self-conceit, pride, Bhartṛ. 3, 4.
     3. Love, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 23.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. exempt from pride, Bhāg. P. 5, 15, 6. sa-, adj. proud, Rājat. 5, 233.

abhimānavant abhimāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Proud.

abhimānitva abhimānitva, i. e. abhimānin + tva, n. State of one who refers existing objects to his own self, egotism, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 11.

abhimānin abhimānin, i. e. abhimāna + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Proud, Rām. 3, 37, 16.
     2. Fancying, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 12 (narendrābhimānin, having the fancy of being a physician).

abhimukha abhi-mukha, adj., f. khā or khī.
     1. Facing, fronting, Rām. 1, 71, 18: with acc. Directed towards. Rām. 2, 1, 34; towards, Bhag. 11, 28; opposite, Rām. 5, 71, 9.
     2. Near, Vikr. d. 28.
     3. Ready for, Ragh, 5, 29.
     4. Favourable, Rām. 2, 109, 23. Acc. kham, adv. Opposite to, Man. 2, 193; towards, Pañc. 40, 17; to, Rām. 1, 45, 48; near, Megh. 69. Loc. khe, adv. Opposite, Rām. 6, 19, 25.
-- Comp. kānana-, adv. to the wood, Pañc. 63, 3. dakṣiṇā-, adj. turned to the south, Man. 4, 50.

abhiyācanā abhi-yāc + anā, f. A request, at the end of the comp. adj. satya-abhiyācana, Fulfilling the requests (which are directed to him), Rām. 2, 55, 6.

abhiyātṛ abhi-yā + tṛ, m. An aggressor, Rām. 2, 1, 21.

abhiyāna abhiyāna, i. e. abhi-yā + ana, n.
     1. Approaching.
     2. Aggression, Chr. 53, 5.

abhiyāyin abhiyāyin, i. e. abhi-yā + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Approaching, Rām. 6, 16, 56.
     2. Assaulting, Ragh. 12, 24.

abhiyoktṛ abhiyoktṛ, i. e. abhi-yuj + tṛ, m.
     1. An enemy.
     2. A plaintiff. Man. 8, 52.

abhiyoga abhiyoga, i. e. abhi-yuj + a, m.
     1. Exertion, Rām. 5, 51, 16.
     2. Attack.
     3. A charge, Yājñ. 2, 9.

abhiyogin abhiyogin, i. e. abhi-yuj + in, adj. Accusing, a plaintiff, Yājñ, 2, 11.

abhirakṣitṛ abhi-rakṣ + itṛ, m. A protector, Man. 7, 35.

abhirati abhirati, i. e. abhi-ram + ti, f. Delight, Hit. i. d. 129.

abhirāma abhirāma, i. e. abhi-ram + a, adj., f. , Charming, delighting Rām. 3, 49, 23.

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abhiruci abhi-ruc + i, f. Delight, desire, Bhartṛ. 2, 53.

abhirucira abhi-rucira, adj., f. , Very beautiful.

abhirūpa abhi-rūpa, adj., f. .
     1. Suitable.
     2. Beautiful, Man. 9, 88.
     3. Learned, Man. 3, 144.
-- Comp. an-, adj. ugly, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 8.

abhilakṣyam abhi-lakṣya + m, adv. Towards the mark, Ram. 2, 63, 22.

abhilaṅghana abhi-laṅgh + ana, n. Jumping over, Rām. 5, 53, 9.

abhilāṣa abhilāṣa, i. e. abhi-laṣ + a, m. Desire, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 8.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. indifferent, Śāk. d. 104. sa-, adj., f. ṣā, eager, Dev. 1, 39. sābhilāṣa + m, adv. passionately, Śāk. 33, 13.

abhilāṣaka abhilāṣaka, i. e. abhi-laṣ + aka, adj. Desiring.

abhilāṣin abhilāṣin, i. e. abhi-laṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Desirous, Śāk. d. 21.

abhilāṣuka abhilāṣuka, i. e. abhi-laṣ + uka, adj., f. , Desiring (with acc.), Kir. 11, 18.

abhivadana abhi-vad + ana, n. Address, allocution.

abhivandana abhi-vand + ana, n. Respectful salutation.
-- Comp. kṛta-pāda-, adj., f. , literally, having performed a respectful salutation of the feet, i. e. having made a respectful salutation, Kathās. 22, 131.

abhivartin abhivartin, i. e. abhi-vṛt + in, adj., f. , Approaching, Rām. 6, 88, 35.

abhivarṣaṇa abhivarṣaṇa, i. e. abhi-vṛṣ + ana, n. Raining upon.

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abhivarṣin abhivarṣin, i. e. abhi-vṛṣ-in, adj., f. iṇī, Throwing upon, Rām. 1, 28, 22.

abhivāda abhivāda, i. e. abhi-vad + a, m. Salutation, Man. 2, 122.

abhivādaka abhivādaka, i. e. abhi-vad + aka, adj., f. dikā, Greeting, Nal. 21, 24 (bhavantam abhivādakah, in order to salute you).

abhivādana abhivādana, i. e. abhi-vad + ana, n. Respectful salutation, Man. 2, 124.

abhivāhya abhivāhya, i. e. abhi-vah + ya, n. Offering, Man. 1, 94.

abhivṛddhi abhivṛddhi, i. e. abhi-vṛdh + ti, f. Growth, exaltation, Man. 7, 109.

abhivyakti abhivyakti, i. e. abhi-vi-añj + ti, f. Manifestation.

abhivyañjaka abhivyañjaka, i. e. abhi-vi-añj + aka, adj. Manifesting.

abhiśaṃsana abhi-śaṃs + ana, n. Slandering Man. 8, 268.

abhiśaṃsin abhi-śaṃs + in, adj., f. , Slandering, Yājñ. 3, 285.

abhiśaṅkā abhi-śaṅk + ā, f.
     1. Suspecting, Rām. 6, 66, 26.
     2. Fear.

abhiśastaka abhi-śasta + ka (vb. śaṃs), adj.
     1. Accused, Yājñ. 1, 223.
     2. Inflicted, imprecated.

abhiśasti abhiśasti, i. e. abhi-śaṃs + ti, f. Defamation, calumny.

abhiśāntva abhi-śāntv + a, m. Conciliating manner, Rām. 5, 56, 44 (written with s instead of ś).

abhiśāpa abhiśāpa, i. e. abhi-śap + a, m.
     1. A curse, Rām. 3, 8, 12.
     2. A heavy charge.
     3. Calumny.

abhiṣaṅga abhiṣaṅga, i. e. abhi-sañj + a, m.
     1. Attachment.
     2. An eath, Chr. 53, 23.
     3. A curse.
     4. Defeat, Ragh. 2, 30.

abhiṣeka abhiṣeka, i. e. abhi-sic + a, m.
     1. Sprinkling with water, inauguration of a king, Pañc. iii. d. 267.
     2. The water used for an inauguration.
     3. Ablution, Śāk. 50, 16.

abhiṣecana abhiṣecana, i. e. abhi-sic + ana, n. Inauguration of a king, Rām. 3, 53, 5.

abhiṣṭava abhiṣṭava, i. e. abhi-stu + a, m. Praise.

abhiṣyanda abhiṣyanda, i. e. abhi-syand + a, m. Great increase, Ragh. 15, 29.

abhiṣvaṅga abhiṣvaṅga, i. e. abhi-svañj + a, m. Attachment.
-- Comp. an-, adj. without attachment, Bhag. 13, 9.

abhisaṃśraya abhisaṃśraya, i. e. abhi-sam-śri + a, m. Refuge, Rām. 4, 54, 16.

abhisaṃdeha abhisaṃdeha, i. e. abhi-sam-dih + a, m. The organ of generation, Chr. 58, 8.

abhisaṃdhaka abhisaṃdhaka, i. e. abhi-sam-dha + ka (vb. dhā), m. A calumniator, Man. 4, 195.

abhisaṃdhā abhi-saṃ-dhā, f. Promise.
-- Comp. satyābhisaṃdha, i. e. satya-, adj. one who keeps his promises true, Rām. 1, 6, 5.

abhisaṃdhāna abhi-saṃ-dhā + na, n.
     1. Promise.
     2. Deceiving. Ragh. 17, 76.
-- Comp. satya-, adj., f. , keeping one's promises true, Rām. 5, 31, 21.

abhisaṃdhi abhisaṃdhi, i. e. abhi-samdhā (cf. nidhi), m. Intention, Pañc. 200. 11.

abhisaṃdhita abhisaṃdhita, see dhā with abhi-sam.

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abhisaṃbandha abhisaṃbandha, i. e. abhi-sam-bandh + a, m. Union, Man. 5, 63.

abhisara abhisara, i. e. abhi-sṛ + a, m. Companion, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 1; 201, 6.

abhisaraṇa abhisaraṇa, i. e. abhi-sṛ + ana, n. An amorous visit, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 12.

abhisarga abhisarga, i. e. abhi-sṛj + a, m. Creation.

abhisāntva abhisāntva, see abhiśāntva.

abhisāra abhisāra, i. e. abhi-sṛ + a, m.
     1. A lover's appointment, a rendezvous.
     2. An attack, Rām. 6, 9, 19.
     3. plur. The name of a people.
-- Comp. loha-, m. lustration of arms.

abhisārikā abhisārikā, i. e. abhi-sṛ-aka, f. A woman who goes to a rendezvous.

abhisevana abhi-sev + ana, n. Indulgence, habitual practice.

abhiharaṇa abhiharaṇa, i. e. abhi-hṛ + ana, n. Conveying, Ragh. 11, 43.

abhihāra abhihāra, i. e. abhi-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Seizing.
     2. Robbing.
     3. Attack.
     4. Arming.
-- Comp. loka-, m. lustration of arms.

abhīkṣṇam abhīkṣṇam, i. e. probably abhi-īkṣaṇa + m (cf. kṣaṇa), adv.
     1. Every moment, continually.
     2. Repeatedly.
-- Comp. an-, adv. seldom, Rām. 2, 71, 8.

abhīkṣṇaśas abhīkṣṇa + śas, adv. Continually, Rām. 2, 46, 6.

abhītavat a-bhīta + vat, adv. Like a fearless one, Ram. 6, 28, 6.

abhīpsu abhīpsu, i. e. abhi-īpsa, desider. of āp + u, adj. Desiring, Nal. 5, 2.

abhīmāna abhīmāna = abhimāna.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , 1. devoid of egotism, MBh. 7, 2019. 2. devoid of pride, MBh. 4, 14668.

abhīśāpa abhīśāpa, abhiśāpa, Yājñ. 2, 110.

abhīśu abhīśu, i. e. abhi-īś + u, m. A bridle, Śāk. 5, 15.

abhogghan abhogghan, i. e. a-bhuj-han, adj. Slaying those who do not feed (the gods), i. e. who do not sacrifice, impious, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. 1. 64, 3.

abhyaṅga abhyaṅga, i. e. abi-añj + a, m. Unction, Man. 2, 178.

abhyañjana abhyañjana, i. e. abhi-añj + ana, n. Anointing, Man. 10, 91.

abhyadhika abhyadhika, i. e. abhi-adhika, adj., Exceeding, preeminent, Rām. 5, 82, 13. Superior, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 2. Acc. kam, adv. Exceedingly, Rām. 5, 73, 59.

abhyanujñā abhyanujñā, i. e. abhi-anu-jñā, f. Permission.
-- Comp. an-, f. want of permission, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 7 (without the permission of the father). kṛta-, adj., f. jñā, having received the permission to withdraw, dismissed, Rām. 5, 76, 24.

abhyanujñāna abhyanujñāna, i. e. abhi-anu-jñā + ana, n. Assent, Rām. 1, 3, 14.

abhyantara abhyantara, i. e. abhi-antara.
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Interior, Kathās. 4, 51. Being within, Rām. 6, 112, 43 (in the town). Belonging to, Man. 3, 154.
     2. Conversant in, Rām. 6, 5, 19.
     3. Intimate, Pañc. i. d. 290 (perhaps to be read ābhy°).
     4. Secret, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 9.
II. n.
     1. The interior, the space within. Bhag. 5, 27.
     2. An interval, Pañc. 5, 6.

abhyantarīkaraṇa abhyantarīkaraṇa, i. e. abhyantara-kṛ + ana, n. Initiation. Daśak. in Chr. 180, 9.

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abhyarcana abhyarcana, i. e. abhi-arc + ana, n. Worship, Man. 2, 176.

abhyarṇṇa abhyarṇṇa, i. e. abhi-arnṇa (vb. ard).
I. adj., f. ṇā, Near.
II. n. Proximity, Rājat. 5, 145.

abhyarthanā abhyarthanā, i. e. abhi-arth + ana, f. Request, Sāv. 4, 27.

abhyarthin abhyarthin, i. e. abhi-arth + in, adj., f. , Requesting.

abhyarhaṇīyatā abhyarhaṇīyatā, i. e. abhi-arhaṇīya + tā (vb. arh), f. Great venerableness, Man. 9, 23.

abhyavahāra abhyavahāra, i. e. abhi-ava-hṛ + a, m. Eating, Man. 6, 59.

abhyavahārya abhyavahārya, i. e. abhyavahāra + ya, adj. Fit to be taken as food, eatable.

abhyasana abhyasana, i. e. abhi- 2. as + ana, n. Study, Bhag. 17, 15.
-- Comp. an-, n. laziness, Rām. 5, 19, 22.

abhyasūyaka abhyasūyaka, i. e. abhi-asūya + aka, adj. Detracting, a detractor, Bhag. 16, 18.

abhyasūyā abhyasūyā, i. e. abhi-asūya + a, f.
     1. Detraction, envy.
     2. Wrath, Megh. 40.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. envious, malicious.

abhyāgama abhyāgama, i. e. abhi-ā-gam + a, m. A visit, Ragh. 16, 8.

abhyāgamana abhyāgamana, i. e. abhi ā-gam + ana, n. Arrival.

abhyāghāta abhyāghāta, i. e. abhi-ā-han, Caus. + a, m. Assault (by robbers), Man. 9, 272.

abhyāśa abhyāśa, i. e. abhi- 1. aś + a, often written abhyāsa (q. cf.) but incorrectly.
I. adj., f. śā, Near, Kumāras. 6, 2.
II. n. Proximity, Rām. 4, 59, 12.

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abhyāsa abhyāsa, i. e. abhi- 2. as + a (cf. abhyāśa), m.
     1. Repetition, Man. 12, 74. Repetition of words, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 8; 9.
     2. Repeated practice, Rājat. 5, 164; 439. Use, Yājñ, 3, 68.
     3. Reading, Man. 4, 148. Study, Pañc. 220, 4.

abhyukṣaṇa abhyukṣaṇa, i. e. abhi-ukṣ + ana, n. Sprinkling, Ragh. 16, 57.

abhyutthāna abhyutthāna, i. e. abhi-ud-sthā + ana, n.
     1. Rising, Rām. 6, 72, 65.
     2. Rising from one's seat as mark of respect, Pañc. ii. d. 65.
     3. Origin, Bhag, 4, 7.
     4. Elevation, dignity, Ragh. 4, 3.

abhyutpatana abhyutpatana, i. e. abhi-ud-pat + ana, n. Assault.

abhyudaya abhyudaya, i. e. abhi-ud-i + a, m.
     1. Prosperity, Bhartṛ. 2, 53. Wealth, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 19.
     2. A festival, Man. 9, 84.

abhyudayin abhyudayin, i. e. abhi-ud-i + in, adj., f. , Arising, impending, Rājat. 5, 36.

abhyudgama abhyudgama, i. e. abhi-ud-gam + a, m. Rising from one's seat as mark of respect, Kathās. 24, 122.

abhyupagama abhyupagama, i. e. abhi-upa-gam + a, m.
     1. Arrival.
     2. Assenting, agreement, Man. 9, 53.
     3. Admitting to be true, Mālav. 15, 19.

abhyupapatti abhyupapatti, i. e. abhi-upa-pad + ti, f.
     1. Defence, Man. 8, 112.
     2. Protection, Daśak. in Chr. 179 19.
     3. Assent.

abhyupāya abhyupāya, i. e. abhi-upa-i + a, m. An expedient, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 3; 191, 12.

abhr abhr, i. 1, Par. To roam (probably for babhr, a mutilated redupl. of bhram cf. andolaya).

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abhra abhra (akin to ambhas), n.
     1. A cloud, especially a rain-cloud, Man. 4, 104.
     2. Atmosphere, Pañc. i. d. 209. Heaven, Śiś. 9, 3.
-- Cf. ambhas, [greek] Lat. imber, and probably umbra.

abhraṃliha abhraṃliha, i. e. abhra + m-lih + a.
I. adj., f. , Touching the clouds, very lofty, Megh. 65.
II. m. Wind.

abhrāvakāśaka abhrāvakāśaka, i. e. abhra-avakāśa + ka, adj. Uncovered (see the next), Rām. 1, 63, 24.

abhrāvakāśika abhrāvakāśika, i. e. abhra-avakāśa + ika, adj. Having the clouds for shelter, uncovered, Man. 6, 23 (read ābhrā° ābhrā°).

abhrāvakāśin abhrāvakāśin, i. e. abhra-avakāśa + in, Uncovered (see the last), Rām. 3, 10, 4.

abhri abhri, f. A sharp pointed stick, Man. 11, 133.

abhrita abhrita, i. e. abhra + ita, adj., f. , Clouded, Ragh. 3, 12.

am am, i. 1, Par., with prep. also Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To sound. --
I. 10, Par. To be ill (ved.). The original notion was 'to be hard, strong, powerful.'
-- Cf. aṃsa, āma, and many ved. significations and derivatives; Lat. emo, properly 'to take,' demo; [greek]

amantraka a-mantra + ka, adj., f. rikā, Not accompamed by a mantra or vedic verse, Man. 2, 66.

amama a-mama (the latter part is the gen. sing. of the pronoun of the first person, in the sense of a possessive pronoun), adj., f. , Devoid of selfish affection, Man. 6, 26.

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amara amara, i. e. a-mṛ + a.
I. adj., f. and , Immortal, Man. 2, 148; Rām. 1, 34, 16.
II. m.
     1. A god, Man. 7, 72.
     2. The name of a Marut and of a mountain.
-- Comp. dharā-, m. a Brāhmaṇa, Mārk. P. 26, 36. sa-, adj. with the gods, Rām. 3, 53, 28.

amaratva amara + tva, n. Immortality, Arj. 3, 47.

amaralokatā amara-loka + tā, f. The happiness of the world of gods, Man. 2, 5.

amarāvatī amarāvatī, i. e. amara + vant + ī. The capital of Indra, Rām. 3, 53, 37.

amartyatva a-martya + tva, n. Immortality.

amarṣin amarṣin, i. e. a-mṛṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Unable to endure, impatient, Draup. 7, 1.

amalaya amalaya, a denom. derived from a-mala, Par. To make white, Kir. 5, 44.

amātya amā + tya (the basis signifies in the Vedas 'in the house').
I. adj. Being in the house.
II. m. (A companion of the king) A minister, Rājat. 5, 3.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. a minister. sa-, adj. with the ministers, Chr. 18, 33. sa-janāmātya, i. e. -jana-amātya, adj. together with people and ministers, Chr. 53, 25.

amānana amānana, i. e. a-man + ana, n. Disrespect.

amānitva amānitva, i. e. a-mānin + tva, n. Humility, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 6.

amāvāsī amāvāsī, and amāvāsyā amāvāsyā, i. e. amā (cf. amātya) -vāsa + ya, f. The day of the conjunction of the sun and moon, the day of the new moon, Man. 4, 113.

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amitratā a-mitra + tā, f. Enmity, Pañc. ii. d. 106.

amitrāya amitrāya, a denom. derived from a-mitra by ya, Ātm. To behave like an enemy, Bhartṛ. 3, 74.

amīva am + īva, n. Pain, Rām. 3, 59, 23.

amuka amu + ka (cf. adas), adj., f. , Instead of a proper name, Mr. so and so, Yājñ. 2, 86 sqq.

amutas amu + tas (cf. adas), adv.
     1. = abl. of adas, From that, from him, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 8.
     2. From thence, from the other world.

amutra amu + tra (cf. adas), adv.
     1. There, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 14.
     2. In the other world, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 6.

amṛta a-mṛta.
I. adj., f. , Immortal, Bhag. 14, 27.
II. m.
     1. A god.
     2. The soul.
III. n.
     1. The beverage of the gods, nectar.
     2. A medicine preventing old age, prolonging life, and awakening the dead, Lass. 33, 20.
     3. A medicament; nectar and medicament, Śiś. 9, 36.
     4. The residue of sacrificial food, Man. 3, 285.
     5. Unsolicited alms, Man. 4, 4.
-- Comp. gava-, n. amṛta, consisting of rays, MBh. 3, 17351.
-- Cf. [greek]

amṛtatva amṛta + tva, n. Immortality, Man. 6, 60.

amṛtamaya amṛta + maya, adj., f. , Like nectar, Pañc. 206, 7.

amṛtalatikā amṛtalatikā, i. e. amṛta-latā + ka, f. A small creeper as beautiful as nectar (denoting a beautiful woman), Śrut. (Br.) 35.

amṛtasrut amṛta-sru + t, adj. Shedding nectar, Śiś. 5, 68.

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amṛtāya amṛtāya denom. derived from amṛta by ya, Ātm. To be like nectar, Ragh. 2, 61.

ambamb, i. 1, Par. To go; Ātm. To sound.

ambara ambara (akin to ambhas, cf. stambh and stamba).
I. n.
     1. Sky, Rām. 3, 55, 9.
     2. Cloth, Rām, 3, 55, 5. Sky and garment, Śiś. 9, 7.
II. m. plur. The name of a people.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , naked, MBh. 12, 7775. mada-, m. an elephant in rut.

ambaṣṭha ambaṣṭha, m.
     1. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1189.
     2. The offspring of a Brāhmaṇa father and a Vaiśyā mother, Man. 10, 8.

ambā ambā (voc. sing. amba; in the Veda also ambe).
     1. f. A mother, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 855.
     2. A proper name, Chr. 4, 10.
-- Cf. O.H.G. amma and ama.

ambālikā ambālikā, and ambikā ambikā (akin to ambā), f. Proper names, Chr. 4, 10.

ambu ambu (akin to ambhas, cf. ambara), n. Water, Pañc. iii. d. 33.
-- Comp. gharma-, n. sweat, Suśr. 2, 343, 10. tila-, n. water with seasame, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 44. nis-, adj. abstaining from water, Bhāg. P. 7, 3, 19.

ambuja ambu-ja (vb. jan).
I. adj., f. , Born in water, Rām. 4, 25, 24.
II. n. A lotus, Rām. 5, 13, 24.

ambujastha ambuja-stha (vb. sthā), adj., f. thā, Sitting on a lotus, Ṛt. 6, 14.

ambuda ambu-da (vb. ), m. A cloud, Ṛt. 6, 6.

ambudhara ambu-dhara, m. A cloud, Rām. 5, 16, 29.

ambudhi ambudhi, i. e. ambu-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The occan, Rājat. 5, 8.
-- Comp. kṣāra-, m. the salt ocean, Bhartṛ. 2, 6 (Häb.). kṣīra-, m. he sea of milk, Kathās. 17, 8.

ambumuc ambu-muc, m. A cloud, Kir. 5, 12.

amburuha ambu-ruh + a, n. A lotus, Kir. 5, 10.
-- Comp. hema-, n. a golden lotus, Ṛt. 5, 7.

ambhambh, i. 1, Ātm. To sound.

ambhas ambhas, n. Water, Bhartṛ. 2, 91; Śiś. 9, 31.
-- Comp. ud-, adj abounding in water, Ragh. 4, 31. gharma-, n. sweat, Śāk. d. 29. lavaṇa-, n. the sea of salt water, Matspp. 40.

ambhoja ambhoja, i. e. ambhas-ja (vb. jan), n. A lotus flower, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1447.
-- Comp. hema-, n. a golden lotus flower, Megh. 63.

ambhojinī ambhojinī, i. e. ambhoja + in + ī, f. An assemblage of lotus flowers, Bhartṛ. 2, 15.

ambhoda ambhoda, i. e. ambhas-da (vb. ), m. A cloud, Rām. 5, 40, 7.

ambhodhara ambhodhara, i. e. ambhas-dhara, m. A cloud, Daśak in Chr. 199, 7.

ambhodhi ambhodhi, i. e. ambhas-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The ocean, Kathās. 19, 105.

ambhoruh ambhoruh, and ambhoruha ambhoruha, i. e. ambhas-ruh and ruh + a, n. A lotus.

ammaya ammaya, i. e. ap + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of water, watery.

amla amla, m. Sourness, Rām. 5, 14, 45; Man. 5, 114 (acids). Perhaps from vb. am.
-- Cf. Lat. am + ārus.

ay ay, see i.

aya aya, i. e. i + a. m.
     1. Going.
     2. Good luck. Ragh. 4, 26.

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ayana ayana, i. e. i + ana, n.
     1. A place of motion, Man. 1, 10.
     2. A road.
     3. A line, Bhag. 1, 11.
     4. The half year, i. e. the sun's road north and south of the equator, Man. 4, 26.
-- Comp. uttarā-, Man. 6, 10; and udagayana, i. e. udañc-, Man. 1, 67, n. the half of the year in which the sun is to the north of the equator. dakṣiṇā-,
I. n. the half of the year when the sun moves to the south of the equator, Man. 1, 67.
II. adj. lying on the course of the sun to the south of the equator, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 5. gīta-, n. a procession accompanied by hymns, Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 5. guṇa-, adj. walking the path of virtue, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 43. vārttā-, m. a spy.

ayavant aya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Happy, Kir. 5, 20.

ayas ayas (probably a-yam + as), n. Iron.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, n. iron, MBh. 13, 6225
-- Cf. Lat. aes; Goth. eis + arn; A.S. isern.

ayaskānta ayas-kānta (vb. kam), m. A loadstone, Ragh. 17, 63.

ayasmaya ayas + maya, adj., f. , Of iron, Arj. 10, 31.

ayā ayā, Ved. (old instr. sing of idam) Thus, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4; but in this passage rather for ayās.

ayās ayās, i. e. a-yas, adj. Indefatigable(?), Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.

ayi ayi,
     1. A vocative particle, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 16.
     2. An interrogative particle, Pañc. 38, 6.

ayuj a-yuj, adj. Odd, Man. 3, 277.

ayutaśas a-yuta + śas, adv. Ten thousand-fold, Indr. 2, 8.

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aye aye, interj. Oh! Ah!
     1. Of surprise, Vikr. 11, 3.
     2. Of calling, Bhartṛ. 3, 87.

ayogava ayogava, m. An āyogavī woman (? cf. āyogava), Man. 10, 32.

ayonija a-yoni-ja (vb. jan), adj. Not born in the natural way, Ragh. 11, 47.

ayonijatva ayonija + tva, n. A supernatural birth, Rājat. 5, 73.

ayomaya ayomaya, i. e. ayas + maya, adj., f. , Iron, Man. 11, 103 (read talpe, instead of tapte).

ara ara, i. e. ṛ + a, m. The spoke of a wheel, Śāk. d. 166.

araghaṭṭa ara-ghaṭṭ + a, m. A wheel or a machine for raising water from a well, Pañc. 209, 24.

araṇi and -ṇī araṇi/ī, f. Wood used for kindling a fire by attrition, Pañc. i. d. 247; Rām. 2, 104, 24.

araṇya araṇya, n. A forest.
-- Comp. dharma-, n. 1. a grove where ascetics live, Śāk. 14, 1. 2. The name of a forest, MBh. 13, 7655. maha-, a large forest, Rām. 3, 52, 46.

araṇyaka araṇya + ka, n. A forest, Yājñ, 3, 192.

araṇyānī araṇyānī, i. e. araṇya + ī, f. A large forest, Hit. 17, 4.

arati arati (vb. ṛ?), m.
     1. A disposer, Lass. 101, 4 = Rigv. 7, 16, 1.
     2. a-rati, f. Pain, Kir. 5, 31.
-- Cf. [greek]

aratni aratni (vb. ; the aff. contains the verb tan), m.
     1. The elbow, Draup. 9, 5.
     2. A cubit of the middle length from the elbow to the tip of the little finger, Rām. 4, 40, 43.
-- Cf. Goth. arms; Lat. armus, arma; [greek] Lat. ulna; O.H.G. elina.

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aratnika aratni + ka, m. The elbow, Yājñ. 3, 86.

aravinda aravinda, n. A lotus, Ragh. 1, 43.

arājaka arājaka, i. e. a-rājan + ka, adj. Without a king, Man. 7, 3.

arājanyaprasūtitas a-rājanya-prasūti + tas, adv. From one who is not born in the military caste, Man. 4, 84.

arāla arāla, adj., f. , Crooked, Rām. 5, 28. 13.

ari ari, m.
     1. probably a-rā (+ i?) An enemy, Pañc. i. d. 267.
     2. ṛ + i, A wheel, Pañc. i. d. 324.
-- Comp. dānava-, m. an enemy of the Dānavas.

arikthīya arikthīya, i. e. a-riktha + īya, adj., f. , Incapable of inheriting, Man. 9, 147.

aritra aritra, i. e. ṛ + tra, n. A rudder.-Cf. O.H.G. ruodar; [greek] = Ved. aritṛ.

ariṃdama ariṃdama, i. e. ari + m-dam + a, adj. Victorious, Chr. 21, 14; 31, 13.

ariṣṭa a-riṣṭa (vb. riṣ).
I. adj., f. ṭā, Unhurt, Chr. 298, 25 = Rigv. i. 112, 25; Draup. 7, 20.
II. m.
     1. The soap berry plant, Sapindus saponaria, Yājñ. 1, 186.
     2. The nimb tree, Melia azadaracta, Rām. 2, 94, 9.
     3. A woman's apartment, the lying in chamber, Ragh. 3, 15; the female apartments, the gyneceum, Rām. 2, 42, 22.

ariṣṭaka ariṣṭa + ka, m. The soap berry plant, Sapindus saponaria, Man. 5, 120 (its pounded fruits).

ariṣṭanemin ariṣṭanemin (= a-riṣṭa-nemi), m. A proper name, Rām. 5, 2, 10.

aruṇa aruṇa (akin to arus, cf. aruṣa).
I. adj., f. ṇā and ṇī, Tawny, dark red, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88, 2; Rām. 3, 5, 7.
II. m.
     1. The dawn, Man. 10, 33.
     2. The sun, Śāk. d. 31 (pariṇata-, The setting sun).
     3. A proper name, Dev. 11, 49.

aruṇatā aruṇa + tā, f. Tawny (the colour), Śiś. 9, 14.

aruṇapsu aruṇa-psu (the latter part perhaps bhās + u), adj. Tawny, Chr. 288, 1 = Rigv. i. 49, 1.

aruṇita aruṇita, i. e. aruṇa + ita, adj., f. , Made red, Ṛt. 6, 5; Śiś. 6, 15.

aruṃtuda aruṃtuda, i. e. aru + m-tud + a (cf. arus), adj.
     1. Wounding, Prab. 31, 16.
     2. Causing pain, Prab. 93, 2.

arundhatī a-rundhatī (vb. rudh), f.
     1. The wife of Vaśiṣṭha, Rām. 1, 10, 37.
     2. An asterism, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1165.

aruṣa aruṣa, i. e. arus + a.
I. adj., f. ṣī, Tawny, Chr. 294, 1 = Rigv. i. 92, 1.
II. m. A dark red cloud, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.

arus arus, n. A wound.

are are, interj. of calling to inferiors, sirrah! Prab. 24, 8.

arepas arepas, i. e. a-rip(= lip) + as, adj. Spotless, pure from sin, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2.

arogitā arogitā, i. e. a-rogin + tā, f. Health, Hit. Pr. d. 18.

arogyatā arogyatā, i. e. a-roga + ya + tā, f. Health, Rām. 2, 70, 7.

arkark, i. 10, Par. (rather a denom. derived from arka).
     1. To praise.
     2. To heat.

arka arka, i. e. arc + a, m.
     1. A ray of light, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2.
     2. The sun, Chr. 36, 22.
     3. Swallowwort, Asclepias gigantea, Śāk. d. 41.
-- Comp. jala-, the reflexion of the sun in water, Bhāg. P. 3, 27, 1. bāla-, m. the rising sun. sa-, adj. with the sun, sunny. su-, adj. flashing beautifully, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 50, 1.

argala argala, m., f. , and n. A wooden bolt, or pin for fastening a door, Kathās. 4, 56; Pañc. 105, 5.
-- Comp. an-, adj. unrestrained, Ragh. 3, 39. nis-, 1. adj. unrestrained, MBh. 3, 16601. 2. acc. lam, adv. without constraint, Rājat. 3, 194.

argalita argalita. i. e. argala + ita, adj. Shut by a pin.

argh argh, i. 1, Par. To be worth, Pañc. i. d. 88.
-- Cf. arh, [greek]

argha argh + a (vb. argh or arh), m. and n.
     1. Price, cost, Man. 8, 398.
     2. A mode of worship, or reverence, consisting in an oblation of rice, etc., with water or, of water only, Sāv. 3, 6.
-- Comp. an-,
I. m. n. wrong price, Yājñ. 2, 250.
II. adj. priceless, inestimable, Kathās. 24, 148. mahā-, adj. of great value, Kathās. 21, 86.

arghatas argha + tas, adv. Under the real value, Bhartṛ. 2, 12 (this is the true reading).

arghya arghya, i. e. argha + ya.
I. adj., f. .
     1. Deserving worship, Yājñ. 1, 357.
     2. Deserving to be entertained, ib. 1, 110.
II. n. A respectful oblation to gods or venerable men, consisting of rice, durva grass, flowers, etc., with water, or of water only, Yājñ. 1, 289.
-- Comp. an-, adj. invaluable, Kathās. 3, 42.

arc arc, i. 1 and 10, Par. and Ātm.
     1. To beam, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2; to shine, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i. 92, 3.
     2. To worship, to honour, Man. 3, 93. To offer respectfully, Man. 4, 235. an-arcita, Given without due honour, Man. 4, 213.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To worship, Man. 8, 391. abhyarcita, with gen. Rājat. 5, 101.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To worship, Yājñ, 1, 179.
-- With prati prati, Causal. To return a respectful salutation, with acc. Rām. 2, 71, 31.
-- With sama sam, To honour, Rām. 2, 3, 48.

arcaka arc + aka. adj. Worshipping, Man. 11, 224.

arcana arc + ana, n. Worship, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 19.

arcā arc + ā, f. Worship, Chr. 56, 11.

arci arc + i, m. Flame, Chr. 288, 13 = Rigv. i. 48, 13; Ragh. 12, 11.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. flaming, Rām. 4, 10, 20.

arcitṛ arc-itṛ, m. A worshipper, Rām. 5, 32, 7.

arciṣmant arciṣmant, i. e. arcis + mant, adj., f. matī, Beaming, flaming, Vikr. d. 43.

arcis arc + is, f. and n.
     1. A ray of light, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 92, 5.
     2. Flame, Rām. 5, 75, 6; 6, 36, 117.
-- Comp. aruṇa-, m. the sun, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 5. ud-, adj. radiant, Ragh, 7, 21. śānta- (vb. śam), adj. extinguished. saptārcis, i. e. saptan-, m. 1. fire. 2. the planet Saturn.

arch arch, see .

arj 1. arj, i. 1, and 10, Par. To carn, to acquire, MBh. 11, 193; Indr. 3, 7 (Ātm). sva-arjita and svayam-arjita, adj. Acquired by one's own efforts, Rām. 1, 43, 11; Man. 9, 209.
-- With the prep. upa upa, To acquire, Man. 9, 208.

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arj 2. arj, i. 10, Par. To work, to prepare.
-- With the prepositions samupa sam-upa, To prepare, Chr. 14, 21 (read tat tu).

arjana arj + ana, n. Earning, acquisition, Böhtl. Indr. Spr. 219.

arjuna arj-una (from a lost vb. akin to rāj).
I. adj., f. , White, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3.
II. m.
     1. A tree, Terminalia Arjuna, Rām. 3, 19, 13.
     2. The name of the third son of Pāṇḍu, Indr. 1, 10.
III. f. , The dawn, Rām, 2, 114, 14.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. argentum; the base of these forms is arj + vant: cf. also [greek] see rañj, rajata.

arṇava arṇava (from arṇa, ved. by aff. va for vant), m. The ocean, Rām. 4, 9, 38.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. the ocean. lavaṇa-, m. the sea of salt water, Rām. 1, 1, 70. sa-parvata-vana-, adj., f. (viz. pṛthivī, earth), with its mountains, forests, and seas, Rām. 1, 16, 32.

artti artti, i. e. ard + ti, f. Pain, Kathās. 13, 152.

arth arth, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from artha) Ātm. To ask, to request; with two acc. Daśak. in Chr. 199, 15. tvām tam imam artham arthayate, He asks this from thee, Pass. Kathās. 22, 52. tair evārthyamānas, Being requested by them.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To ask, to request, Prab. 109, 18, with two acc; Par., with acc. and loc. Kathās. 26, 148. tvām bhartṛtve 'bhy arthayiṣyati, She will ask thee to become her husband. abhyarthita, Asked, Man. 2, 189. n. Desire, Yājñ. 2, 88.
-- With kad kad.
     1. To treat ill, Böhtl. Ind Spr. 591.
     2. To reproach, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 15.
     3. To torment, Kathās. 18, 243.
-- With pra pra, To request, Pañc. 255, 22; prārthayāna instead of prārthayamāna, Rām. 2, 25, 31; with inf. kim idaṃ prārthitaṃ kartum, What is this which you intend to do? Nal. 19, 15; Par. Rām. 3, 40, 6; Pañc. 96, 5. tatprārthita, i. e. tad-, adj. Requested by him, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 8. -- Pass. prārthya, To be desired, ib. 184, 17.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To wish, Rām. 2, 11, 3.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To request, MBh. 5, 18.
-- With prati prati, To challenge, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 25.
-- With sam sam (rather a denom. derived from samartha),
     1. To prepare, Rām. 4, 26, 25 (Par.); Chr. 55, 7.
     2. To consider, Rām. 6, 101, 17.
     3. To expect, Vikr. 20, 9.
     4. To interpret, Śāk. d. 67.
     5. To judge, Pañc. 185, 2.
     6. To approve, Pañc. 71, 25 (Par.).
     7. To determine, Rām. 2, 20, 26 Gorr.

artha artha, i. e. ṛ + tha, m.
     1. Desire; vivāha-, a marriage suit.
     2. Aim; siddha-, one who has obtained his aim, Chr. 62, 60.
     3. Advantage, Bhartṛ. 2, 40.
     4. Business, Man. 2, 67.
     5. Wealth, Pañc. i. d. 197; worldly prosperity, Man. 12, 38 (one of the three aims of men; the two others are kāma, pleasure, and dharma, virtue); money, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 19.
     6. Cause, Man. 2, 213.
     7. Thing, Man. 8, 170.
     8. Meaning, Man. 3, 186; true sense, Man. 1, 3; thought, word, Cāk. d. 164.
     9. In law: A suit, an action.
     10. The acc. artham is used as an adverb, but almost always at the end of a compound word, implying, 'for,' 'on account of,' e. g. yajña-siddhiartham, For the performance of sacrifices, Man. 1, 23. The dat. arthāya, and loc. arthe, may be also used at the end of a compound word, or may govern the genitive. Abl. arthāt, 'to wit,' 'namely,' Sch. Śāk. d. 41.
-- Comp. iti-artha + m, adv. to this end, Brāhmaṇav, 3, 4. indriya-, m. an object of sense, Man. 4, 16. etad-artha + m, therefore, Pañc. i. d. 330; in order, Rām. 2, 52, 24 kim-, adj. with what aim, Chr. 57, 24. kim-artha + m. adv. why, to what end, Nal. 22, 7. kṛta-, adj. having attained one's end, satisfied, Rām. 4, 34, 22. gṛha-, m. the business of the house, Man. 2, 67. tad-artha + m, adv. therefore, Rām. 1, 73, 4. nirartha, i. e. nis-,
I. m. nonsense.
II. adj. 1. purposeless. 2. poor. 3. unmeaning. niścitārtha, i. e. nis-cita-, (vb. ci), adj. completely resolved, Rām. 4, 42, 9. para-, m. 1. great importance. 2. the interests of another. 3. sexual intercourse. parama-, m. 1. the most sublime truth. 2. the whole truth. 3. reality. 4. earnest, Śāk. d. 51. puruṣa-, m. 1. the object or aim of man. 2. human exertion. bhūta-, m. an element of life. mahā-,
I. m. a principal object.
II. adj. 1. significant. 2. dignified. yajña-, adj. serving for a sacrifice, Bhag. 3, 9. yathā-, adj. 1. according to the sense. 2. proper, right, tham, adv. suitably, properly. a-yathā-, adj. not true, Śāk. d. 54. yad-artha + m, adv. for what reason, Chr. 3, 3. yāvadartha, i. e. yāvant-,
I. adj. as much as may be useful, Man. 2, 182.
II. adv. tham, as much as may be useful, ib. 2, 51. sva-,
I. adj. 1. having one's own object. 2. having a literal meaning. 3. pleonastic.
II. m. 1. property. 2. own object. 3. own interest, Bhartṛ. 2, 59.

arthakara artha-kara, adj., f. , Useful, Hit. Pr. d. 18.

arthakṛt artha-kṛ + t, adj. Useful, Indr. 5, 56.

arthaghna artha-ghna, adj., f. , Prodigal, Man. 9, 80.

arthajāta artha-jāta (vb. jan), n.
     1. Money's worth, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 16.
     2. Financial affairs, Śāk. 90, 13 (Prākṛ.)

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arthatas artha-tas, adv. Truly, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 5.

arthada artha-da (vb. ), adj.
     1. Useful, Kathās. 17, 122.
     2. Liberal, Man. 2, 109.

arthanā arth + anā, f. A request, Naiṣ. 5, 112.

arthavat artha + vat, adv. According to the object, Man. 5, 134.

arthavant artha + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Wealthy, Hit. i. d. 175. 2. Significant, full of meaning, Rām. 1, 14, 35.
     3. True, Pañc. i. d. 152.
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. very dignified.

arthitā arthitā, i. e. arthin + tā, f.
     1. Desire, Man. 9, 203.
     2. Begging, Hit. i. d. 130.

arthitva arthitva, i. e. arthin + tva, n.
     1. Condition of one who implores, Megh. 6.
     2. Request, Mālav. 40, 4.
-- Comp. an-, n. Absence of desire, disdain, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 87 (Pañc. i. d. 158).

arthin arthin, i. e. artha + in, adj., f. .
     1. Full of desire, Rām. 1, 48, 18; with instr. bhāryayā cārthī, Longing after a wife, Rām. 3, 24, 4. vadhena mamārthī, Desiring my death, Böhtl. Chr. 114, 27.
     2. A beggar, Bhartṛ. 2, 36; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 20.
     3. A plaintiff, Man. 8, 62.
-- Comp. chāyā-, adj. desiring shadow. dhana-, adj. greedy for money, Man. 5, 34. putra-, adj. wishing for a son, Man. 3, 48. bala-, adj. desiring power, Man. 2, 37. bhāryā-, adj. desiring a wife, Chr. 6, 5. yuddha-, adj. seeking war. śaraṇa-, adj. depending on others for protection, unfortunate. hita-, adj. seeking another's welfare, Rām. 3, 48, 15.

arthisāt arthisāt, i. e. arthin + sāt, adv. (Given) to mendicants, Rājat. 5, 18.

arthīya -arthīya, i. e. -artha + īya, adj., f. .
     1. Fit for, susceptible of, e. g. yātanā-, susceptible of torment, Man. 12, 16.
     2. Referring to, e. g. dharma-, referring to duty, MBh. 1, 600.

arthepsutā arthepsutā, i. e. artha-īpsa, īpsa, desid. of āp + u + tā, f. Desire of wealth, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 18.

arthya arthya, i. e. artha + ya, adj., f. .
     1. Proper, Rām. 6, 92, 77.
     2. Wealthy.
-- Comp. hema-, adj. abounding in gold, Pañc. i. d. 377.

ard ard, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To go.
     2. To beg, Ragh. 5, 17. i. 1 and 10, Par. and Ātm.
     1. To kill, Rām. 1, 16, 30.
     2. To hurt; to wound, Pañc. 221, 13.
     3. To afflict; to vex, Rām. 3, 14, 11; 53, 27.
-- With the prep. ati ati. To press violently, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 115.
-- With abhi abhi. To press; to afflict, Rām. 2, 21, 55; cf. abhyarṇṇa.
-- With prati prati. To press in return, Rām. 6, 92, 52.
-- With vi vi. To press. a-vyarṇṇa. Not pressed, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 19.
-- With sam sam. To wound, MBh. 3, 761.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] in [greek]

ardana -ard + ana, adj Killing, Rām. 1, 54, 17. kaiṭabha- and jana-, m. Names of Viṣṇu, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 18; Bhartṛ. 3, 84.

ardha ardha, i. e. ṛdh + a.
I. adj., f. dhā. Half, halved, Lass. 22, 2. -- Often former part of comp. words: -paṇa, Half a paṇa, Man. 8, 404. -akta, Half spoken, Pañc. 77, 2. -dagadha, Half burnt, Pañc. 98, 1. -- When before cardinal numerals it denotes:
     1. A half more, e. g. -trayodaśan, thirteen and a half, Yājñ. 2, 265.
     2. A half of the following number more, e. g. -śata, hundred and fifty, Man. 8, 331.
     3. Division of the following number, -pañcāśat, twenty-five, Man. 8, 268. -When an ordinal follows a half is added, e. g. -tṛtīya, three and a half, Rām. 2, 92, 10. -- When it follows a cardinal numeral, this numeral is divided, e. g. daśārdha, i. e. daśan-, Five, Man. 1, 24.
II. n. A half, Man. 8, 296.
III. m. A part, e. g. jaghana-, the rear of an army, MBh. 5, 5162. paśca-, The hind-part, Śāk. d. 7. pūrva-, The former part, Bhartṛ. 2, 5.
-- Comp. candra-, m. The half-moon, Rām. 1, 28, 25.

ardhacandra ardha-candra, m.
     1. A half-moon, Rām. 3, 49, 35.
-- Cf. ardha-bhāṣara.
     2. An arrow with a head like a half-moon, Rām. 3, 34, 30; cf. 6, 36, 77.
     3. The hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw, as for the purpose of seizing or clutching any thing. ardhacandraṃ dā. To seize one by the neck, Pañc. 63, 24.

ardhabhāj ardhabhāj, i. e. ardha-bhaj, adj. Getting a half of, Man. 8, 39.

ardhabhāskara ardha bhāskara, m. Noon, Rām. 3, 55, 33 (ardhacandra-, loc. At noon on the day of the halfmoon, i. e. on the eighth day of the month).

ardharātrārdhadivasa ardharātrārdhadivasa, i. e. ardha-rātra-ardha-divasa, m. The equinox, Rām. 3, 55, 35.

ardhika ardhika, i. e. ardha + ika, adj., f. , Amounting to the half, Yājñ. 2, 296.
-- Comp. tad-, adj. half that (time), Man. 3, 1.

ardhin ardhin, i. e. ardha + in, adj., f. , Entitled to a half, Man. 8, 210.

ardhoruka ardhoruka, i. e. ardha-ūru + ka, n. A petticoat, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 9.

arpaṇa arpaṇa, i. e. , Caus. + ana, n.
     1. Offering, Rām. 4, 28, 22.
     2. Returning, Hit. 72, 19.
     3. Putting on, Ragh. 2, 35.
-- Comp. deva-, adj. receiving sacrifices(?), MBh. 13, 4202.

arbarb, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To kill.

arbuda arbuda.
I. m., n.
     1. The shape of the foetus in the second month after the conception, Yājñ. 3, 75.
     2. A hundred millions, Rām. 5, 29, 3.
II. m. The name of a mountain, Rām. 6, 2, 27.

arbha arbha, adj. Small.
-- Cf. arbhaka; [greek] Lat. orbus; Goth. arbja; A.S. orf.

arbhaka arbha + ka, m.
     1. A child, Ragh. 3, 21.
     2. The young of any animal, Śāk. d. 14, v. r.

arya arya, m., f. and , A man or woman of the third caste, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 17.

aryaman aryaman, m.
     1. The name of a deity, Rām. 2, 25, 8.
     2. The chief of the Pitṛs, or Manes, Bhag. 10, 29.

arvarv, i. 1, Par. To kill, or hurt.

arvan arvan and arvant arvant, m. vatī, f. A horse, Lass. 102, 3 = Rigv. 7, 102, 2.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. armentum.

arvākkālikatā arvākkālikatā, i. e. arvāñc-kāla + ika + tā, f. Modern date, Man. 12, 96.

arvāñc arvāñc, i. e. arva-añc (the former part is still questionable), adj., f. vācī; n. arvāk, adv.
     1. Towards, Chr. 295, 16 = Rigv. i. 92, 16.
     2. Before, till, with abl., Man. 5, 59. Within, Yājñ. 2, 173. arvāk saṃvatsarāt, Until one year has elapsed, Man. 8, 30.
     3. Near, Śāk. d. 40 v. r.

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arśas arśas, probably ṛṣ + as (with ś instead of ), n. Haemorrhoids.

arśasa arśas + a, adj., f. . Subject to haemorrhoids, Man. 3, 7.

arh arh (h for gh, cf. argh), i, 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Hiḍ. 1, 36).
     1. To deserve, with the acc., Man. 2, 208 (mānam, honour); Man. 8, 323 (vadham, death); 8, 194 (daṇḍam, a fine); 8, 267 (śatam...daṇḍam, a fine of hundred paṇas); 8, 139 (pañcakaṃ śatam, with ellipsis of daṇḍa, he must pay five in the hundred).
     2. To be entitled to, with the inf., Man. 8, 147.
     3. To be obliged to, with the acc., Śāk. d. 66; with the inf., Man. 8, 155; Naiṣ. 5, 112 (kartum arhati, must be done).
     4. To undergo, Man. 8, 145; Rām. 6, 103, 20.
     5. To be worthy, to be equal to, with the acc., Man. 3, 131.
     6. To be able, with the inf., Bhag. 2, 17.
     7. i. 1, and i. 10, Par. To worship or to honour.
     8. The second persons of i. 1, joined with an inf. represent a respectful form of the imperative, vaktum arhasi, Say (literally, Be pleased to say, cf. the Lat. dignor, with the inf.), Man. 1, 3.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, abhyarhita. Fit, suitable.

arha arh + a, adj., f. .
     1. Deserving, with the acc., Rām. 1, 53, 12; subject to, Man. 8, 240.
-- With the inf., Bhag. 1, 37 (nārhā vayaṃ kantum, we ought not to be killed).
     2. Entitled to, with the acc., Man. 9, 144; with the inf., Rām. 4, 36, 17.
     3. Worth; mahā-, of great value, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 16.
     4. Fit, suitable, Pañc. 152, 8.
-- Comp. an-, adj. 1. not deserving, Draup. 9, 7. 2. unworthy, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 16. pūjā-, adj. worthy of reverence, Man. 9, 26. priya-, adj. deserving love, amiable, Kir. 5, 51. māna-, adj. entitled to respect, Man. 2, 137. rājārha, i. e. rājan-, adj. royal, suitable to, or fit for a king, Rām. 3, 49, 42. satkāra-, adj. deserving hospitality, Nal. 9, 10. sukha-, adj. deserving pleasure, Rām. 3, 52, 41.

arhaṇa arhaṇa, i. e. arh + ana.
I. n. A token of respect, Man. 3, 54.
II. f. ṇā, Worship, adoration, Pañc. 236, 24.

arhatva arha + tva, n. Worthiness, Kathās. 2, 74.

arhant arhant (ptcple. of the pres. of arh), f. hatī, Venerable, Śāk. d. 112. -- Superlat. arkattama, Most venerable, Man. 3, 128.

alal, i. 1, Par.
     1. To adorn.
     2. To be able.
     3. To prevent.

alaka alaka.
I. m. and n. A curl, Ṛt. 6, 6.
II. f. , The capital of Kuvera, Megh. 7.
-- Comp. latā-, m. an elephant.

alakanandā alakanandā, f. The name of a river, and surname of the Ganges.

alakta alakta (cf. laktaka), m. Lac, the red animal dye so called.

alaktaka alakta + ka, m. Lac (see the last).

alakṣyajanmatā alakṣyajanmatā, i. e. a-lakṣya-janman + tā. f. Insignificant birth, Kumāras. 5, 72.

alaṃkaraṇa alaṃkaraṇa, i. e. alam-kṛ + ana, n. Ornament, Bhartṛ. 2, 88.

alaṃkāra alaṃkāra, i. e. alam-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Trimming, Rām. 2, 40, 13.
     2. Ornament, trinkets, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 13.

alaṃkāraka alaṃkāra + ka, m. Ornament, Man. 7, 220.

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alaṃkṛti alaṃkṛti, i. e. alam-kṛ + ti, f. Ornament, Amar. 13.

alajjākara a-lajjā-kara, adj. Not disgracing, Pañc. v. d. 10.

alam alam (i. e. ṛ + a + m, cf. Ved. aram, [greek]), adv.
     1. Fit, able, with loc., Rām. 3, 47, 6; with inf., Rām. 2, 39, 28.
     2. Adequate, Megh. 54; with inf., Kir. 5, 17; Daśak. in Chr. 194, 3.
     3. Enough, with dat. Man. 11, 76; with inf., Śiś. 9, 87.
     4. No more, implying prohibition, no, not; with instr., Daśak. 187, 14 (śucālam, cease to lament); with inf., Mṛcch. 45, 6 (alaṃ suptajanaṃ prabodhayitum, do not awake the sleeping man); with absolutive, Rām. 2, 28, 5 (alaṃ vanaṃ gatvā, do not go to the forest).
     5. Abundant, powerfully, Rām. 5, 3, 21; Rājat. 5, 377.
     6. See kṛ.

alarka alarka, m.
     1. A fabulous animal, MBh. 12, 87.
     2. The proper name of a prince, Rām. 2, 12, 40.

alasa a-las + a, adj., f. .
     1. Weary.
     2. Slack, Ṛt. 6, 12.
     3. Sleepy, Rājat. 5, 408.
     4. Lazy, Pañc. iii. d. 25.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. languid, Ṛt. 6, 30.

alāta alāta, n. A firebrand, Rām. 3, 24, 18.

alābu alābu, f. A long gourd, a gourd-bottle, Man. 6, 54.

alābumaya alābu + maya, adj., f. , Made of a gourd, Yājñ. 3, 60.

ali ali, m. A bee.

aliñjara aliñjara, m. An earthen water jar, Matsyop. 10.

alin alin, see the next.

alinī alinī, f. A swarm of bees (?), Bhartṛ. 1, 5: perhaps ought to be read alinām or alino, from alin alin, m. A large black bee.

alinda alinda, m.
     1. A terrace, Śāk. 62, 14.
     2. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 371.

alīka alīka.
I. adj., f. , False, Amar. 23.
II. n.
     1. Any thing displeasing, Rām. 2, 52, 25.
     2. Falsehood, Pañc. 259, 4.
     3. Smallness, Pañc. i. d. 205 (smallness and falsehood).

alepaka a-lepa + ka, adj., f. pakā and pikā, Spotless, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 6.

alokya alokya, i. e. a-loka + ya, adj., f. .
     1. Extraordinary.
     2. Obstructing the progress to heaven, Man. 2, 161.

alomaka a-loma + ka, adj., f. mikā (ved. also makā). Having no hair, Man. 3, 8.

alolutva alolutva (probably for a-lolupa + tva), n. Absence of covetousness, Bhag. 16, 2.

alpa alpa, adj. f. .
     1. Little, small, Rām. 5, 35, 31; Man. 3, 55; alpena, For a small price, Daśak in Chr. 180, 18.
     2. Insignificant, Ragh. 2, 47.
     3. Of no great value, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 6 (cf. naya).
     4. Short, Pañc. Pr. d. 10.
     5. Feeble, Kathās. 24, 136. Comparative, alpīyaṃs, Man. 8, 36, and alpatara.
-- Comp. an-, adj., 1. great, Daśak in Chr. 182, 8. 2. numerous, 187, 5. 3. much, Kathās. 18, 285. alpa-alpa, adj. very little, Man. 7, 129. su-, adj. 1. very small, Bhartṛ. 2, 23; svalpena, for a very short time, Man. 2, 134. 2. very few.

alpaka alpa-ka, adj., f. ikā, Small, Man. 3, 219.

alpatā alpa + tā, f. and alpatva alpa + tva, n. Minuteness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1143.

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alpaduḥkhatā alpa-duḥkha + tā, f. Having little pain, Arj. 10, 8.

alpaśas alpa-śas, adv. In a small degree, Man. 12, 20.

alpita alpita, i. e. alpa + ita, adj., f. , Diminished, Naiṣ. 1, 15.

av av, i. 1, Par.
     1. To please, to satisfy, Ragh. 11, 75.
     2. To be pleased, ved.
     3. To desire, Ragh. 1, 65.
     4. To take care, ved.
     5. To protect, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13; Śāk. d. 1.
     6. † To move.
     7. † To excite affection, or be lovely.
     8. † To know, or apprehend.
     9. † To own (v. r. to be able).
     10. † To obey.
     11. † To act.
     12. † To shine.
     13. † To obtain.
     14. † To embrace.
     15. † To kill or hurt.
     16. † To take (v. r. to burn).
     17. † To be (v. r. to divide).
     18. † To grow. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ūta.
-- With the prep. pra pra, To help. Chr. 288, 2 = Rigv. i. 49, 2; Chr. 296, 5 = Rigv. i, 112, 5.
-- With sam sam, To satisfy, Chr. 297, 18 = Rigv. i. 112, 18.
-- Cf.[greek] Lat. avere and uti (an old denominat.).

ava ava, a prefix. Away, off, down.
I. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
II. Former part of compounded nouns.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek] Lat. autem, aut. -- This prefix is based on a pronoun ava, which is preserved in the Zend language, and in the former part of the compounded pronoun [greek]

avakara avakara, i. e. ava-kṛ10 + a, m. Sweepings, Bhartṛ. suppl. 21.

avakarta avakarta, i. e. ava-kṛt + a, m. A chip, Nal. 10, 22.

avakartana avakartana, i.e. ava-kṛt + ana, n. Cutting off, Nal. 10, 16.

avakāśa ava-kāś + a, m.
     1. Space, room, Man. 3, 207.
     2. Interval.
     3. Opportunity, Rām. 5, 9, 28; Pañc. iii. d. 263 (264), cf. viṣaya.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. having no room for moving freely, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 28. sulabha-, adj. f. śā, getting easily the opportunity (of appearing), Śāk. d. 191.

avakāśada -avakāśa-da (vb. ), m. One who gives shelter, Man. 9, 271; 278.

avakīrṇin avakīrṇin, i. e. ava-kīrṇa + in (vb. kṛ10) adj., f. , A violator of a vow to be chaste, Man. 2, 187; 3, 155.

avakraya avakraya, i. e. ava-krī + a m. Letting out, Yājñ. 2, 238.

avakṣepaṇa avakṣepaṇa, i. e. ava-kṣip + ana, n. Throwing down. Bhāṣāp. 5.

avagati avagati, i. e. ava-gam + ti, f. Knowledge.

avagama ava-gam + a, m. Knowledge, Bhag. 9, 2.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. hard to be comprehended, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 29. svatva-, n. ascertainment of ownership.

avagāha ava-gāh + a, m. Bathing, Ragh. 5, 47.

avagāhana ava-gāh + ana, n. Immersion, Pañc. 31, 2.

avaguṇṭhana ava-guṇṭh + ana, n. A veil.

avaguṇṭhanavant avaguṇṭhana + vant, adj., f. vatī, Veiled, Śāk. d. 110.

avagūhana avagūhana, i. e. ava-guh, Caus. + ana, n. Embracing. Prab. 57, 11 (v. r.).

avagraha ava-grah + a, m.
     1. Obstacle.
     2. Drought, Ragh. 11, 29.
     3. Contempt, Rām. 5, 44, 18.
     4. Nature, original temperament, Mālav. 70, d. 89. (affection).
-- Comp. dus-, adj. 1. hard to be stopped, Kām. Nītis. 8, 66. 2. disagreeable, Bhāg. P. 4, 19, 35. nis-, adj. 1. without any obstacle, MBh. 4, 436. 2. irresistible, Rājat. 5, 52.

avaghaṭṭana ava-ghaṭṭ + ana, n. Rubbing off, Suśr. 1, 362, 6.

avagharṣaṇa avagharṣaṇa, i. e. ava-ghṛṣ + ana, n. Rubbing off, Yājñ. 3, 60.

avaghāta avaghāta, i. e. ara-han, Caus. + a, m. A violent blow.

avacaya avacaya, i. e. ava-ci + a, m. Gathering, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 20.

avacūrṇana ava-cūrṇ + ana, n. Sprinkling powders on sores.

avacchada avacchada, i. e. ava-chad + a, m. A cover, Rām. 3, 56, 48.

avaccheda avaccheda, i. e. ava-chid + a, m. Distinction.

avajaya avajaya, i. e. ava-ji + a, m. Conquering, Ragh. 6, 62.

avajñā ava-jñā, f. Disrespect, Rām. 3, 33, 17; Contempt, Rām. 3, 49, 52; Daśak. in Chr. 189, 7.
-- Comp. sa-avajña, adj. disdainful; sāvajñam, adv. with contempt, Rām. 3, 29, 2.

avajñāna avajñāna, i. e. ava-jñā + ana, n. Contempt, Hit. 103, 4.

avaṭa avaṭa, m. A pit, Rām. 3, 8, 19.

avata avata, m. A well, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10.

avataṃsa ava-taṃs + a, m. and n.
     1. A crest.
     2. An ear-ring, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 3.
     3. Ornament, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 14.
-- Comp. puṇḍarīka-, adj., f. adorned with white lotus flowers, Rām. 5, 12, 18.

avataṃsaka avataṃsa + ka, m. and n. An ear-ring, Vikr. d. 141.
-- Comp. koṣṭha-āgāra-, adj., f. , adorned, i. e. furnished with treasuries, Rām. 5, 10, 1.

avatamasa ava-tamas + a, n. Slight darkness, Śiś. 11, 57.

avataraṇa avataraṇa, i. e. ava-tṛ10 + ana, n.
     1. Descending, Śāk. 111, 3.
     2. Descent especially of a deity from heaven, MBh. 12, 12965.

avatarpaṇa avatarpaṇa, i. e. ava-tṛp + ana, n. A soothing remedy.

avatas ava + tas, adv. Below, in the lower regions, Kir. 5, 27.

avatāna avatāna, i. e. ava-tan + a, m. A cover, Rām. 5, 16, 28.

avatāra avatāra, i. e. ava-tṛ10 + a, m.
     1. Descent.
     2. Entering into, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 6.
     2. Descent of a deity from heaven, Ragh. 10, 85.

avatāraṇa avatāraṇa,, i. e. ava-tṛ10 Caus. + ana, n. Causing to descend, Rām. 4, 56, 29.

avadāna avadāna, i. e. ava-dai + ana, n. A heroic deed, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 24.
-- Comp. virya-, n. effecting any thing by prowess.

avadāraṇa avadāraṇa, i. e. ava-dṛ10 + ana, n. Bursting, Ram. 2, 77, 16.

avadya a-vad + ya, n. Blame, Kathās. 24, 235.
-- Comp. an-, adj., f. , blameless, Bhartṛ. 2, 18. nis-,
I. adj. blameless, Rām. 6, 99, 51.
II. f. blamelessness(?), Indr. 5, 11 (v. r.).

avadhāna avadhāna, i. e. ava-dha + ana, n.
     1. Attention. Vikr. d. 2.
     2. Staring at, Śiś. 9, 11.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. careful, attentive, Yājñ. 3, 112.

avadhāraṇa avadhāraṇa, i. e. ava dhṛ + ana, n.
     1. Restriction, Prab. 75, 10.
     2. Ascertaining, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 3.

avadhi avadhi, i. e. ava-dhā (cf. nidhi), m.
     1. Limit.
     2. End.
-- Comp. pratyāgamāvadhi, i. e. pratyāgama-, adv. till (my) return, Kathās. 4, 100. sa-, adj. with the end, Kathās. 9, 52.

avadhīr avadhīr, i. 10 (rather a denom. of a lost noun, avadhīra, from the vb. dhṛ, cf. dhīra), Par. To disdain, to contemn, Śiś. 9, 59.

avadhīraṇa avadhīraṇa, i. e. avadhīr + ana, n. and f. ṇā. Refusal, Ragh. 8, 47.

avadhīrin avadhīr + in, adj., f. iṇī, Surpassing, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 5.

avadhūnana avadhūnana, i. e. ava-dhū, Caus. + ana, n. Shaking, Man. 3, 230.

avadhyatā a-vadhya + tā, f., and avadhyatva a-vadhya + tva, n. Inviolability, Rām. 5, 44, 10; 6, 36, 30.

avanati avanati, i. e. ava-nam + ti, f. Setting (of the sun), Śiś, 9, 8.

avanamra ava-nam + ra, adj., f. , Bent, Ṛt. 6, 15.

avani and -nī avani/ī, f. The earth, Bhartṛ. 2, 10; Śiś. 9, 20.

avanejana avanejana, i. e. ava-nij + ana, n. Washing, Man. 2, 209.

avanti avanti, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 350.

avantin avantin, m. A surname of Avantivarman, Rājat. 5, 17.

avantī avantī, f. The name of a city, the modern Oujein, Megh. 31 v. r.

avapāta avapāta, i. e. ava-pat + a, m.
     1. Falling down.
     2. Descent.
     3. A pit for catcing game in, Ragh. 16, 78.
     4. (From the causal of pat) Striking, wounding, Yājñ, 2, 277.

avapātana avapātana, i. e. ava-pat, Caus. + ana, n. Cutting down, Man. 11, 64.

avapīḍana ava-pīḍ + ana, n. Hurting, Man. 8, 287.

avabodha avabodha, i. e. ava-budh + a, m.
     1. Being awake, Bhag. 6, 17.
     2. Full knowledge, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 8.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. hard to be understood, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 33.

avabodhana avabodhana, i. e. ava-budh, Caus. + ana, n. Instruction, Pañc. 5, 13.

avabhāsa ava-bhās + a, m. Appearance.
-- Comp. an-, m. non-appearance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 11; 12.

avabhāsaka ava-bhās + aka, m. An illuminator, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 11; cf. 215, 23.

avabhāsakatva avabhāsaka + tva, n. Illuminating, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 19.

avabhāsanā ava-bhās + anā, f. Illiminating, shining, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 11.

avabhṛtha ava-bhṛ + tha, m. The name of certain ceremonies at the close of a sacrifice, e. g. bathing, Man. 11, 82.

avama ava + ma, adj., f., , Low.
-- Comp. an-, adj. high, illustrious, Draup. 5, 11.

avamantṛ ava-man + tṛ, m. A scorner, Man. 2, 163.

avamarda avamarda, i. e. ava-mṛd + a, m. Devastation, Rām. 5, 43, 7.

avamardana avamardana, i. e. ava-mṛd + ana.
I. adj. Destroying, Rām. 3, 35, 114.
II. n. Destruction.

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avamardin avamardin, i. e. ava-mṛd + in, adj., f. , Destroying, Kathās. 23, 58.

avamāna avamāna, m., and avamānana avamānana, n., i. e. ava-man + a or ana, Disrespect, Man. 2, 162.

avamānin avamānin, i. e. ava-man + in, adj., f. .
     1. One who despises, Rām. 5, 81, 6.
     2. One who undervalues, Śāk, 91, 16.

avayava avayava, i. e. ava-yu + a, m.
     1. A limb, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 16.
     2. A part, Man. 1, 16.

avayavaśas avayava + śas, adv. Limb by limb, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 28.

avayavin avayavin, i. e. avayava + in, adj., f. , Consisting of parts, Bhāṣāp. 155.

avara ava + ra.
I. adj., f. .
     1. Posterior, Man. 3, 23.
     2. Inferior, Rām. 2, 106, 22.
     3. Low, Rājat. 5, 203.
II. m. A Śūdra, or one of the fourth caste, Man. 2, 238.
-- Comp. avara-avara, adj. lowest, Rām. 5, 53, 24. -- Preceded by a numeral it implies 'at least,' e. g. tri-, three at least, Man. 8, 60; at least three times, Man. 11, 80; also, after kārṣāpaṇa-, a kārṣāpaṇa at least, Man. 8, 274.

avaraja avara-ja (vb. jan).
I. adj., f. , Younger, Rām. 3, 75, 10.
II. m.
     1. A younger brother, Rājat. 5, 26.
     2. A Śūdra, or one of the fourth caste, Man. 2, 223.

avarodha avarodha, i. e. ava-rudh + a, m.
     1. Hindrance.
     2. Blocking up.
     3. The seraglio of a palace, Rājat. 5, 357.

avarodhaka avarodhaka, i. e. ava-rudh + aka, adj. Being about to block up, Rām, 1, 71, 6.

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avarodhana avarodhana, i. e. ava-rudh + ana, n. Blocking up, Rām. 1, 3, 33.

avaroha avaroha, i. e. ava-ruh + a, m. A pendant branch, one that strikes fresh roots into the earth, as those of the Indian fig-tree, Rām. 2, 52, 96.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. whither it is difficult to descend, Rājat. 6, 49.

avarohaṇa avarohaṇa, i. e. ava-ruh + ana, n. Descending, Kathās. 20, 179.

avalakṣa ava-lakṣa, adj. White.

avalamba ava-lamb + a, m.
     1. Depending, hanging on or from.
     2. A prop.
-- Comp. jāla-, adj. supported, i. e. borne by a net, Megh. 71. nis-, adj. 1. unsupported. 2. not granting any support. sa-, adj. supported, Ragh. 19, 50. sevā-, adj. depending on the service of..., Bhartṛ. 1, 66. hasta-, adj. supported by the hand of..., Vikr. 11, 1.

avalambana ava-lamb + ana, n.
     1. Supporting one's self, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 24.
     2. A prop or support, Śāk. d. 100.
-- Comp. an-, n. not supporting one's self, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 23. kara-, n. taking hold with the hand, Śiś. 9, 82; Hit. 41, 16.

avalambin ava-lamb + in, adj., f. .
     1. Hanging down.
     2. Hanging, Mṛcch. 46, 7.
     3. Supporting one's self, Śak. 62, 15.
-- Comp. rajju-, adj. hanging by a string.

avaliptatā ava-lipta + tā, f., and avaliptatva ava-lipta + tva, n. Pride, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.

avaluñcana ava-luñc + ana, n. Pulling out, Rām. 6, 98, 25.

avaluṇṭhana ava-luṇṭh + ana, n. Robbing, Kathās. 22, 71.

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avalumpana avalumpana, i. e. ava-lup + ana, n. Leaping away, Lass. 48, 4.

avalepa avalepa, i. e. ava-lip + a, m.
     1. Anointing.
     2. Pride, Vikr. 5, 8.
-- Comp. an-, adj. without anointing and without pride, Śiś. 9, 51. sa-, adj. Proud, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 19.

avalepana avalepana, i. e. ava-lip + ana, n. Haughtiness, Rām. 1, 44, 9.

avaloka ava-lok + a, m.
     1. Sight, Śiś. 9, 71.
     2. Observation, Vikr. 38, 5.

avalokaka ava-lok + aka, m. A spy, Rām. 6, 101, 13.

avalokana ava-lok + ana, n.
     1. Sight.
     2. Observation.
     3. A glance, Ragh. 10, 14.

avalokayitṛ avalokayitṛ, i. e. ava-lok, Caus. + tṛ, m. An observer, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 1.

avaśeṣa avaśeṣa, i. e. ava-śiṣ + a, m. Residue.
-- Comp. ardha-, adj. of which a half is left, Rām. 5, 14, 49. alpa-, adj. of which few are left, Rām. 3, 32, 2. nis-, adj. without a residue, whole, Rām. 3, 16, 28. sa-, adj. 1. leaving a residue. 2. imperfect. 3. remaining, sāvaśeṣa-bandhana, adj. still bound, Pañc. 109, 17. 4. till, mṛd-bhāṇḍa-, adj. exclusive of the earthen pots, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 14.

avaśyam avaśyam, i. e. a-vaśa + ya + m, adv.
     1. Certainly.
     2. Inevitably, Man. 12, 68; necessarily. When compounded with a participle of fut. pass. the final m is dropped, e. g. avaśya-karaṇīya, to be done necessarily, Brāhmaṇav. 3, 16.

avaśyāya avaśyāya, i. e. ava-śyai + a, m.
     1. Hoar-frost, Rām. 3, 22, 21.
     2. Dew, MBh. 12, 5334.

avaṣṭambha avaṣṭambha, i. e. ava-stambh + a, m.
     1. Relying on, Pañc. 20, 20.
     2. Self-confidence, Pañc, 246, 19.
     3. Gold.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. full of self-confidence, Pañc. i. d. 215; acc. sāvaṣṭambham, adv. courageously, Kathās. 25, 97.

avaṣṭambhana avaṣṭambhana, i. e. ava-stambh + ana, n. Supporting one's self on, being supported by, Pañc. 233, 16.

avaṣṭambhamaya avaṣṭambha + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Ragh. 3, 53.

avas av + as, n. Protection, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14.

avasakthikā ava-sakthi + kā, f. A cloth drawn round the knees and loins of a person sitting on his hams, Man. 4, 112.

avasara avasara, i. e. ava-sṛ + a, m.
     1. Opportunity, Śiś. 9, 41; Rājat. 5, 36.
     2. The right time, Kir. 5, 16; with inf., Śāk. 12, 11.
     3. Turn, Pañc. 55, 4 (śaśakasyāvasaraḥ samāyātaḥ, The turn of the hare came).
     4. Use, Kathās. 6, 62.
-- Comp. an-,
I. m. wrong time, Mṛcch. 102, 8.
II. adj. unseasonable, Hit. 53, 11. sarvāvasara + m, i. e. sarva-, adv. on every occasion, Lass. 2, 2.

avasāda avasāda, i. e. ava-sad-a, m.
     1. Sitting down.
     2. Exhaustion,
     3. Lassitude, want of energy.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. cheerful, Gīt. 11, 1.

avasādaka avasādaka, i. e. ava-sad, Caus. + aka, adj. Bringing down, impairing, Rām. 4, 26, 19.

avasāna avasāna, i. e. ava-so + ana, n.
     1. Termination, end, Śiś. 9, 19; Daśak. in Chr. 201, 4.
     2. Death, Pañc. ii. d. 123.

avasānika avasānika, i. e. avasāna + ika, adj., f. ikā, Concluding, Rām. 2, 56, 25 (perhaps the masc. must be read -sānaka).

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avaseka avaseka, i. e. ava-sieh + a, m. Sprinkling, Mṛcch. 47, 1.

avasecana avasecana, i. e. ava-sic + ana, n. Water used for washing, Man. 4, 151.

avaskanda ava-skand + a, m. Assault, Pañc. iii d. 37.

avaskandin ava-skand + in, adj., f. , Assailing, Mahāv. 72, 7.

avaskara avaskara, i. e. ava-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Ordure, Rājat. 5, 406.
     2. The privy, Rājat. 5, 412.

avastratā a-vastra + tā, f. Nakedness, Nal. 10, 16.

avasthā ava-sthā, f.
     1. State, Pañc. 44, 1.
     2. Condition, Rām. 3, 44, 13.
-- Comp. tad-, adj., f. thā, being in this state. antya-, adj. being in the lowest condition, Pañc. iv. d. 76. kṛta-, adj. brought into court, Man. 8, 60.

avasthāna avasthāna, i. e. ava-sthā + ana, n.
     1. Standing-place, Rām. 5, 15, 8.
     2. Position, Pañc. 9, 14.
     3. State, Pañc. 107, 8.
     4. Abiding, Pañc. 19, 5; duration, Rājat. 5, 278.
     5. Perseverance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 3.
-- Comp. an-,
I. n. unsteadiness, mobility.
II. adj. unsteady.
III. m. wind.

avasthāpana avasthāpana, i. e. ava-sthā, Caus. + ana, n. Setting out for sale, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 15.

avasthiti avasthiti, i. e. ava-sthā + ti, f. A bode, Kathās, 9, 67.
-- Comp. an-, f. unsteadiness.

avahāra avahāra, i. e. ava-hṛ + a, m. Suspension of fighting, Chr. 37, 31.

avahāsa avahāsa, i. e. ava-has + a, m. Jest, Bhag. 11, 42.

avahela avahela, i. e. ava-heḍ + a, n. and f. , Contempt.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. despising.

avāñc avāñc, i. e. ava-añc, adj., f. vācī, Downward, headlong, Man. 3, 249; acc. ntr. avāk, adv. Downwards, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 10; headlong, Man. 8, 75.
-- Cf. [greek]

avāntara avāntara, i. e. ava-antara, adj. Included, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 3.

avāpti avāpti, i. e. ava-āp + ti, f. Acquisition, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 3.

avi avi, m. A sheep; f. an ewe, Man. 3, 6.
-- Cf. Lat. ovis, [greek] O.H.G. awi; A.S. eaw; Goth. avistr.

avivekatā a-viveka + tā, f. Want of discrimination or judgment.

aviṣayīkaraṇa aviṣayīkaraṇa, i. e. a-viṣaya-kṛ + ana, n. The non-acquiring of an understanding, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 9; 10.

avekṣaṇa avekṣaṇa, i. e. ava-īkṣ + ana, n. Attention, care, Ragh. 14, 85.
-- Comp. an-, n. want of attention, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260.

avekṣā avekṣā, i. e. ava-īkṣ + ā, f. Careful attention, Man. 7, 101.
-- Comp. an-, f. Want of attention, Man. 7, 111 (instr. rashly). su-, adj. well taken care of, Rām. 5, 75, 1.

avekṣin avekṣin, i. e. ava-īkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Looking, Pañc. i. d. 214.

avyathi a-vyath + i, adj. Fearless, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. 1, 112, 6.

avratika avratika, i. e. a-vrata + ika, adj. One who neglects his religious duties, Indr. 2, 5.

1. , ii. 5, aśnu. Ātm.
     1. To pervade, to occupy, Yājñ. 1, 260.
     2. To attain, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 2; ved. ii. 2, Par. Chr. 294, 8 = Rigv. i. 92, 8.
     3. † To heap or crowd.
-- With the prep. upa upa, To attain, Man. 6, 82.
-- With vi vi, To pervade, Ragh. 4, 15.
-- With sam sam, To attain, Man, 2, 233.

2. , ii. 9, aśnā, nī, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm. MBh. 3, 14686)
     1. To eat, Man. 1, 95. an-aśnāna, Not eating, Chr. 57, 23.
     2. To enjoy, Bhag. 9, 20. Caus. To cause to eat, Man. 3, 83. an-āśita, Not satiated, Rām. 5, 17, 34.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To eat before another, MBh. 3, 14686.
-- With upa upa.
     1. To eat up, to consume, Dev. 5, 61.
     2. To enjoy, Rām. 1, 62, 6. upāśnīyāt, instead of °śnīy°, on account of the metre, MBh. 12, 3266.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To enjoy, MBh. 3, 12631.
-- With pari pari, To eat, MBh. 3, 13354.
-- With pra pra.
     1. To begin eating, Rām. 3, 63, 28.
     2. To take in the mouth only, Man. 2, 62.
     3. To eat, Man. 5, 103.
     4. To drink, Chr. 47, 39 (Ātm.).
     5. To enjoy one's self, MBh. 3, 8083 (Ātm.). Caus. To cause to eat or devour, Kathās. 9, 10; Man. 3, 260. prāśita, n. An oblation to the Pitṛs, or Manes, Man. 3, 73; 74.
-- With sam sam, To eat, Pañc. iv. d. 84.

aśaṃkusuka aśaṃkusuka, Firm, Man. 6, 43; see saṃkasuka.

aśana 2. aś + ana, n.
     1. Eating, Pañc. 236, 22.
     2. Food, Man. 3, 59.
-- Comp. ati-, n. excess of eating, Man. 2, 56. adhi-, n. Eating too often. an-,
I. adj. consisting in abstinence, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 20.
II. n. 1. hunger, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 9. 2. fasting, Rājat. 5, 428 (plur.). nis-, adj. abstaining from food, Hariv. 2539. mūla-phala-, n. feeding on roots and fruits, Man. 6, 75. piśita-, n. eating flesh, Śāk. d. 75. sa-, adj. consisting of nourishment, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 30. havis-, m. fire. huta- (vb. ku), m. 1. fire. 2. the deity of fire. 3. Śiva.

aśani 1. aś + ani, f. (seldom m. Rām. 3, 4, 45) and aśanī 1. aś + anī, f. (Chr. 40, 12) Indra's thunderbolt, Ragh. 3, 56.

aśiraska a-śiras + ka, adj. Headless, Draup. 8, 30.

aśiśiratā a-śiśira + tā, f. Heat, Megh. 82.

aśīta aśīta, i. e. aśīti + a, ord. num. Eightieth. eka-, Eighty-first, MBh. i; adhy. 81. tri-, Eighty-third, adhy. 83. dvi-, Eighty-second, adhy. 82.

aśīti aśīti (cf. aṣṭan), card. num., f. Eighty, with genitive of the numbered objects, Man. 11, 220; in the same case, Rām. 2, 32, 19.
-- Comp. eka-, eighty-one. pañcāśiti, i. e. pañcan-, eighty-five.

aśītika aśīti + ka, adj. Measuring eighty, Rām. 5, 6, 21.

aśītitama aśīti + tama, ord. num. f. . Eightieth. eka-, Eighty-first. tri-, Eighty-third. nava(n)-, Eightyninth. pañca(n)-, Eighty-fifth.

aśeṣatas a-śeṣa + tas, adv. Entirely, Man. 1, 59.

aśeṣaya aśeṣaya (a denom. derived from. a-śeṣa). To complete, Kumāras. 7, 29.

aśoka a-śoka.
I. adj. Free from sorrow, Nal. 12, 107.
II. m. A shrub, Jonesia Asoka, Ṛt. 6, 16.
III. n. An asoka-flower, Ṛt. 6, 6.
-- Comp. nīla-, m. an asoka with blue flowers, Rām. 3, 17, 10.

aśman aś + man (see vb. śo), m. A stone.
-- Comp. a-sita-, m. an emerald, Kir. 5, 48. mahā-, m. a ruby, Kir. 5, 8. sūrya-, m. the sun-stone. harita-, n. 1. blue vitriol. 2. a turquoise; an emerald.
-- Cf. the next and [greek] also ved. aśna, stone, and Goth. auhns.

aśmantaka aś + mant + aka (see the last), n. A stove, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 19.

aśmamaya aśmamaya, i. e. aśman + maya, adj., f. , Made of stone, Man. 5, 111.

aśmasāramaya aśmasāramaya, i. e. aśman-sāra + maya, adj., f. , Made of iron, Rām. 4, 22, 15.

aśmāntaka aśmāntaka, The name of a plant, Man. 2, 43 (probably = aśmantaka, m. A species of Oxalis)

aśra aś + ra (see vb. śo).
I. A substitute for aśri, when latter part of comp. adj., implying An angle, e. g. catur-, adj. Quadrangular, regular, Kumāras. 1, 32 (written with s instead of ś).
II. n. A tear, Kathās. 13, 126; Man. 3, 229 (with s instead of ś).
-- Comp. sa-, adj. weeping, Megh. 100.
-- Cf. the next, and [greek] Lat. acer.

aśri aś + ri (see vb. śo), I.
     1. Edge, Kumāras. 2, 20.
     2. A corner, an angle, Rām. 1, 13, 28.
-- Cf. [greek]

aśru aś + ru (see vb. śo), n. A tear, Rām. 2, 48, 2.
-- Comp. ud-, adj. shedding tears, Ragh. 12, 14.

aśrutavat a-śru + ta + vat, adv. As if not heard, Rājat. 5, 53.

aślīka aślīka, i. e. a-śrī + ka (l for r), adj. Bringing misfortune, Man. 4, 206.

aśva aś + va (see vb. śo).
I. m. A horse, Man. 7, 96.
II. f. , A mare, Rājat. 5, 415.
-- Comp. an-, m. one who is not a horse, Pañc. iv. d. 49. indriya-, m., plur. the horse-like organs of sense, Kir. 5, 50. gava-, n. bulls and horses, MBh. 1, 3654. vija-, m. a stallion, Rājat. 5, 280. vṛhadaśva, i. e. vṛ- kant-, m. a proper name. sa-, adj with horses. saptāśva, i. e. saptan-, m. the sun. hata- (vb. han), adj. having the horses killed.
-- Cf. Lat. equus; [greek] Goth. aihvs.

aśvakranda aśva-krand + a, m. The name of a bird, MBh. 1, 1488.

aśvatara aśva + tara.
I. m.
     1. A mule, Rām. 2, 91, 53.
     2. One of the chiefs of the Nāgas or serpent race, MBh. 1, 1555.
II. f. tarī.
     1. A female mule.
     2. Probably the name of a kind of serpent, which, according to a popular opinion, used to die when pregnant with or bringing forth young, Rām. 3, 49, 49.

aśvattha aśvattha, m. The holy figtree, Ficus religiosa, Bhag. 15, 1.

aśvatthāman aśvatthāman, i. e. aśva-sthā + man, m. A proper name, Bhag. 1, 8.

aśvamedhika aśvamedhika, i. e. aśva-medha + ika, adj. Referring to the sacrifice of a horse, MBh. 1, 354.

aśvayuj aśva-yuj, adj. On which horses are put, Rām. 5, 27, 14.

aśvavāra aśvavāra, i. e. aśva-vṛ + a, m. A horseman, Rām. 5, 73, 11.

aśvastanika aśvastanika, i. e. a-śvas + tana + ika, adj. Not having for tomorrow, Man. 4, 7.

aśvāvant aśvāvant, i. e. aśva + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in horses, Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2.

aśvin aśvin, i. e. aśva + in, m., du. Two deities, Rām. 1, 24, 8.
-- Cf. the Dioscuri.

aśvya aśvya, i. e. aśva + ya, m. A patronymic: a son of Aśva, Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. i. 112, 10.

aṣaṣ, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To take.
     3. To shine (v. r. as, cf. 3. as).

aṣṭaka aṣṭaka, i. e. aṣṭan + ka.
I. adj. Eight-fold, Man. 7, 48.
II. f. .
     1. The eighth day after the full moon, Man. 4, 113; especially those on which the Pitṛs or Manes are worshipped.
     2. Worship of the Pitṛs, Rām. 2, 108, 14.
III. n. An octad, a collection of eight things.
-- Comp. tri-, n. a kind of vessel, Suśr. 1, 171, 19. aṣṭāṣṭaka, i. e. aṣṭan-, n. sixty-four (arts), Rām. 3, 53, 41.

aṣṭataya aṣṭataya, i. e. aṣṭan + taya, n. A complex of eight, Lass. 89, 1.

aṣṭadhā aṣṭadhā, i. e. aṣṭan + dhā, adv. Eight-fold, Bhag. 7, 4.

aṣṭan aṣṭan, i. e. aś + tan (cf. aśīti; the vb. is doubtful), card. num., adj. Eight, Hiḍ. 2, 9.
-- Comp. tri-, Twentyfour, Man. 9, 94.
-- Cf. [greek] = aṣṭau; Lat. octo; Goth. ahtau: A.S. ehta.

aṣṭama aṣṭama, i. e. aṣṭan + ma.
I. ord. num., f. , Eighth, Man. 2, 36.
II. m. An eighth, Man. 10, 120.
III. f. , The eigth day of a lunar half month, Rājat. 5, 327; 412.
-- Cf. Lat. octavus; [greek]

aṣṭamaka aṣṭama + ka, adj. Eighth, Yājñ. 2, 244.

aṣṭā aṣṭā, a substitute of aṣṭan in the former part of many comp. words, especially before numerals, e. g. aṣṭā-daśan, Eighteen.

aṣṭādaśa aṣṭā-daśa, ord. num., f. śī, Eighteenth, Chr. 51.

aṣṭādaśan aṣṭā-daśan, card. num. adj. Eighteen, Man. 8, 3.
-- Cf. Lat. octodecim.

aṣṭāpada aṣṭā-pada.
I. n. A board for draughts, dice, etc., Hariv. 6752.
II. m. and n. Gold, Kumāras, 7, 10.

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aṣṭāpādya aṣṭāpādya, i. e. aṣṭā-pāda + ya, adj. Eight-fold, Man. 8, 337.

aṣṭrā aṣṭrā, i. e. aś + tra (vb. śo, cf. Lat. incitare), f. A goad.

aṣṭhīlā aṣṭhīlā (probably from asthi), f.
     1. A kernel, MBh. 3, 10629.
     2. A ball, MBh. 1, 4494.

as 1. as, ii. 2, Par. (Ātm. when combined with vi-ati and as anxiliary vb.; e. g. sṛṣṭāḥ smake, MBh. 13, 13).
     1. To exist, Bhag. 2, 12.
     2. To be, Man. 1, 5; with an adv., MBh. 3, 4041; with participles, Man. 8, 94. asti, So it is, Śāk. 14, 16. asti, Once, Pañc. 132, 22. With na, Not, it implies very often 'to be lost,' e. g. MBh. 3, 10284.
     3. With a gen. To belong. kasyāsi, Whose are you, Nal. 12, 118. santi me, I have, Man. 8, 87. tavāsmi, I am thy captive, Man. 7, 91.
     4. With a dat. To suffice, Man. 11, 85.
     5. With a loc. or with prati, To be affected against, Śāk. 17, 13; 14. sant, participle of the present (cf. Lat. prae-sens), 1. Being, Hit. i. d. 75. 2. Being in the true sense of the word, Right, Bhāṣāp. 138. 3. Virtuous, Chr. 8, 22. 4. Steady, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 10. 5. Venerable, Rājat. 5, 79. 6. Excellent, Kir. 5, 9. fem. satī, A virtuous wife, Lass. 41, 11. Comp. mahā-satī, a very virtuous wife, Pañc. 38, 12. n. sat, Entity, Man. 1, 11. superl. sat + tama, adj., f. , Most excellent. In comp. words of the Kharmadhār. class it forms the latter part, e. g. dvija-sattama, 1. A Brāhmaṇa, Man. 1, 33. 2. A most excellent Brāhmaṇa, Chr. 15, 30. brāhmaṇa-, m. Chr. 22, 15; bharata-, 25, 55; bhārata-, 40, 17; bhṛgu-, 45, 11; mṛga-, Ram. 3, 49, 25; ratha-, Chr. 63, 64; rājasattama, i. e. rājan-, 53, 5.
-- Comp. a-sant, adj. wicked, Pañc. i. d. 182; heretic, Man. 11, 65. f. a-satī, an unchaste woman, Pañc. 185, 15. a-sat, n. non-entity, Man. 1, 11.
-- With the prepositions vyati vi-ati, Ātm. To outweigh, Bhaṭṭa. 2, 35.
-- With āvis āvis, To be visible, to appear, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 17 (corr. āvir āsīt).
-- With upa upa, To be near, Chr. 12, 2.
-- With prādus prādus,
     1. To be conspicuous, Man. 1, 6.
     2. To appear, Chr. 13, 6.
     3. To spring up, Chr. 31, 10.
-- Cf. [greek] e. g. [greek] = asti; Lat. sum, est; Goth. im, ist; A.S. eom, is. [greek]

as 2. as, i. 4, Par.
     1. To throw, Rām. 2, 67, 18.
     2. To leave, Kathās. 6, 141. Aor. āstham, Ragh. 12, 23. Part. of the perf. pass. asta (asita, Rām. 4, 13, 54).
-- With the prep. ati ati, To surpass, Rām. 2, 23, 37.
-- With vyati vi-ati, To cross, Man. 2, 72.
-- With apa apa.
     1. To drive away, Amar. 2.
     2. To put off, Nalod. 3, 8.
     3. To lay aside, Rām. 2, 32, 30.
     4. To leave, Pañc. Pr. d. 10. Abeolutive apāsya, Except, Hit. iii. d. 139.
-- With abhi abhi, also Ātm. Man. 4, 149; sometimes i. 1, Par. Man. 11, 106.
     1. To discharge (an arrow), MBh. 1, 5497.
     2. To do repeatedly; to repeat, Man. 2, 79.
     3. To practise, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 1.
     4. To study, Pañc. 244, 1.
-- With ud ud.
     1. To east upward, MBh. 3, 430.
     2. To lift up, Śāk. 34, 1; to raise, Śiś. 9, 74.
-- With parvud pari-ud, To heap round about, MBh. 2, 1805.
-- With vyud vi-ud, To cast off, Bhag. 18, 51.
-- With ni ni, also i. 1 Par. Man. 6, 46.
     1. To cast down, Rām. 3, 58, 2; to put down, Chr. 27. 12.
     2. To resign, Rām. 2, 46, 20.
     3. To put on, Rām. 2, 28, 27; Daśak. in Chr. 189. 6.
     4. To support, Śāk. d. 161.
     5. To put in, Bhartṛ. 2, 77; to settle, Yājñ. 2, 186; to appoint, MBh. 12, 4336.
     6. To intrust, Rām. 3, 51, 18.
-- Comp. partic. citra-nyasta, adj. painted, MBh. 9, 43. su-nyasta, gracefully reposing, Rām. 5, 14, 23. Caus., to cause to put down, Chr. 43, 31.
-- With upani upa-ni.
     1. To put near, Rām. 4, 4, 17.
     2. To intrust, MBh. 3, 11551.
     3. To prove, Hit. 120, 5.
     4. To hint, Śāk. 65, 15. Comp. partic. an-upanyasta, unproved, Yājñ. 2, 19.
-- With samupani sam-upa-ni, To prove, Hit. 103, 3.
-- With parini pari-ni, To stretch, Kathās. 6, 121.
-- With pratini prati-ni, To put down for every one, Rām. 2, 40, 16.
-- With vini vini,
     1. To put off and down, Pañc. 230, 18.
     2. To put down, Nal. 24, 45.
     3. To divide, Rām. 1, 13, 28.
     4. To direct, Rām. 2, 60, 7.
     5. To put in, Pañc. 236, 9.
-- Comp. partic. su-vi-nyasta, well arranged, Rām. 5, 13, 37.
-- With saṃni sam-ni,
     1. To put down, MBh. 3, 16708.
     2. To abandon, Man. 6, 95; to abandon all worldly concerns, i. e. to become an anchorite, Man. 6, 94.
     3. To put together, Rām. 3, 35, 63.
     4. To put on, MBh. 3, 740.
     5. To intrust, Rām. 4, 28, 5.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To throw out, to expel, Śiś. 9, 62; Ṛt. 6, 23; Rām. 3, 75, 24.
     2. To drive back, Rām. 3, 42, 42; to send back, Śiś, 9, 33.
     3. To destroy, Hit. i. d. 63.
-- With parā parā, To leave, Kir. 5, 27.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To spread, Kir. 5, 34.
     2. To put around, MBh. 2, 1898.
     3. To turn round, Kumāras. 3, 68.
     4. To surround, Kumāras. 1, 45; to enchase, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 23.
     5. To turn over, Man. 11, 183.
     6. To turn away. Bhartṛ. 3, 29. -Caus. to cause to drop, Ragh. 13, 28.
-- With vipari vi-pari, To invert, Mṛcch. 115, 4.
-- With pra pra, To throw, Man. 11, 73.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To separate, Man. 7, 159; Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 3; to divide, MBh. 1, 4263; pf. vivyāsa, MBh. 1, 2212, instead of vyāsa, as if the combined vyas was a simple vb. vyasta, different, Prab. 97, 19; MBh. 3, 17052.
-- With sam sam, To unite, Man. 7, 57; Vedāntas. 205, 3. samasta. 1. United, Man. 3, 85. 2. All, Rājat. 5, 62. 3. Whole, Pañc. 69, 15.
-- Comp. yāvatsamasta, i. e. yāvant-, large as it is, Pañc. 31, 17.

as † 3. as, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To take.
     3. To shine (v. r. aṣ.)

asan asan, see asṛj.

asana 2. as + ana.
I. n. Discharging (as arrows), Chr. 297, 21 = Rigv. i. 112, 21.
II. m. The name of a tree, Terminalia alata tomentosa, Rām. 2, 94, 8.
-- Comp. iṣu-, n. a bow, Ragh. 11, 37. śara-, n. a bow.

asamañja asamañja and asamañjas asamañjas, m. A proper name, Rām. 1, 39, 16; 1, 40, 16 Gorr.

asamavāyitva asamavāyitva, i. e. a-samavāyin + tva, n. Condition of not being in an intimate relation, Bhāṣāp. 96.

asamāvṛttika asamāvṛttika, i. e. a-sam-āvṛtta + ika (? see vṛt), m. A student before he has completed his studies, Man. 11, 157.

asi asi, m. A sword, Rām. 3, 50, 2.
-- Cf. Lat. ensis, [greek] cf. akṣan = akṣi, and [greek] = pīvan.

asu asu, i. e. 1. as + u, m. plur.
     1. The five vital breaths, or airs of the body (cf. Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 9).
     2. Life, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 6.
-- Comp. gata- (vb. gam), adj. lifeless, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 266. a-gata-, adj. living, ib.

asura asura, i. e. 1. as + ura,
I. adj. Eternal, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2.
II. m. An Asura, or demon, Kir. 5, 30.
III. f. , A female Asura, or demon, MBh. 3, 12203.
-- Comp. deva-,
I. m. pl. the gods and the demons, Rām. 1, 45, 27.
II. adj. 1. referring to the gods and the demons, Rām. 1, 34, 8 Gorr. 2. n. elliptically (supply yuddha), the war between the gods and the demons, Rām. 3, 53, 8.

asū a-sū, adj. Sterile, Chr. 296, 3 = Rigv. i. 112, 3.

asūya asūya (an old denom. based on 2. as), Par. Ātm.
     1. To detract, scron, MBh. 4, 99.
     2. To reprove, Rājat. 5, 196.
     3. To be angry, Mālav. 51, 18.
-- Comp. an-asūyant, free from a spirit of detraction, Bhag. 3, 31. Caus. asūyaya, To chastise, Nal. 14, 17.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To blame, Sāv. 5, 90. asūyām, instead of asūyeyam, MBh. 1, 4377.

asūyaka asūyaka, i. e. asūya + aka, adj., f. yikā, A scorner, Man. 2, 114.
-- Comp. an- (i. e. anasūya + ka, see asūyā), adj. free from a spirit of detraction, Nal. 12, 46.

asūyā asūyā, i. e. asūya + a, f.
     1. Detraction, Man. 7, 48.
     2. Ill-will, Rām. 4, 14, 20.
-- Comp. an-asūya,
I. adj. free from a spirit of detraction, Man. 4, 158.
II. f. , a proper name, Śāk. 9, 7. sa-, adv. angrily, Vikr. 30, 14.

asṛj asṛj, i. e. asar-, for 1. as + an, which is the base of several cases, -j (vb. jan), n. Blood, Pañc. 21, 12.
-- With asan, cf. Lat. san + ies; with asar, Lat. assir, [greek] with *asan-j, Lat. sanguis.

asta 1. as + ta,
I. n. Home.
II. m.
     1. Sun-set, Pañc. iii. d. 187; Śiś. 9, 5. The acc. sing. astam, combined like a prefix, with i, gam, yā, implies, To set, Daśak. 184, 1.
     2. The western mountain, behind which the sun is supposed to set, Rām. 4, 37, 4.
IV. n. Death, Kathās. 13, 74; Rājat. 5, 126.
-- Comp. sūrya-, n. sunset.

astamana astamana (a syncope of astam-ayana), n. Sun-set, Pañc. ii. d. 7.

astamaya astamaya, i. e. astam-i + a, m. Sun-set, Kir. 5, 35.

astṛ 2. as + tṛ, m. A shooter, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10.

astra 2. as + tra, n.
     1. A missile weapon, Śāk. 94, 10; an arrow, Vikr. d. 18.
     2. A bow, Arj. 8, 2.
-- Comp. iṣu-, n. the art of discharging arrows, Chr. 22, 16; 51. 2. kusuma-, m. the god of Love, Ragl., 7, 58. kṛta-, adj. conversant with the use of missile weapons, MBh. 3, 228. daṇḍa-, n. the name of a fabulous weapon, Rām. 1, 56, 9. mahā-, n. a great missile weapon, Chr. 44, 4.

asthan asthan, see asthi.

asthi asthi; several cases have asthan as their base, n.
     1. A bone, Bhartṛ. 2, 9.
     2. A kernel, seed, Man. 4, 78.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. os, gen. ossis, for ostis.

asthika asthi + ka,
     1. n. A small bone, Bhartṛ. 2, 23.
     2. A substitute for asthi, when latter part of comp. adj., e. g. an-, Boneless, Yājñ. 3, 275. dṛḍha-gulpha-śirā-, adj. Having strong ancles, nerves, and bones, Rām. 5, 32, 11.

asthidantamaya asthi-danta + maya, adj., f. , Made of bones and ivory, Man. 5, 121.

asthimant asthi + mant, adj., f. matī, Having bones, Man. 11, 140.

asthimaya asthi-maya, adj., f. , Full of bones, Rājat. 5, 272.

[Page 66b]

asmad asmad, First person. pronoun,
I; nom. sing. aham, plur. vayam; the bases of the other cases are, ma, āva, na, asma.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. ego, me, nos; Goth. ik, mis, veis, unsis; A.S. ic, me, vit, unc.

asmadīya asmad + īya, adj., f. , Our, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 1.

asmayu asmayu, i. e. *asmaya (a denominat. of asmad by ya) + u, adj. Favourable to us, Lass. p. 100, 8 = Rigv. vii. 15, 8.

asyavāmīya asya vām + īya, n. The Vedic hymn beginning with the words asya vām (Rigv. i. 164), Man. 11, 250.

asra asra, see aśra.

ah 1. ah (h for gh; cf. Lat. adag + ium, ajo for agjo, nego; Goth. aikan), forms only 2. sing. and du., and 3. sing. du., and plur. of the redupl. pf.
     1. To say, speak, Man. 9, 47.
     2. To specify, Man. 8, 122.
     3. To call, MBh. 3, 16065.
     4. To pronounce, Man. 9, 44.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To pronounce, Man. 9, 45.
     2. To say, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 8.
-- With prati prati, To answer. Hit. 10, 2.
-- Cf. [greek] = āha.

ah † 2. ah, ii. 5, ahnu, Par. To pervade, or occupy (v. r. aḍ).

aha 1. aha, a particle; Certainly, Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4.

aha 2. -aha, a substitute for ahan, when part of compound words. Day, e. g. agha-, n. A day of impurity, Man. 5, 84. anirdaśāha, i. e. a-nis-daśan-, adj. f. , Not out of the ten days (of impurity which follow birth or death), Man. 8, 242. ekādaśāha, i. e. ekādaśan-aha, adj. Lasting eleven days, MBh. 13, 4938. ekāha, i. e. eka-aha, m. One day, Man. 5, 59. katipayāha, i. e. ka- tipaya-, Some day, Chr. 52, 19 (sing); Pañc. 9, 6 (plur). kṣapāha, i. e. kṣapā-, A day and night, Man. 1, 68. tri-,
I. n. Three days, Man. 4, 110.
II. adj. Lasting three days, Rām. 1, 13, 43. daśāha, i. e. daśan-, n. An interval of ten days, Man. 5, 59. pañcāha, i. e. pañcan-, n. A period of five days, Kathās. 41, 26. puṇya-, n. A holy day, Chr. 25, 20. saptāha, i. e. saptan-, n. Seven days, a week.

ahaṃkāra ahaṃkāra, i. e. aham-kāra, m.
     1. Conceiving objects with the notion that they refer to one's own self, egotism, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 3.
     2. Pride, Rām. 4, 6, 22.
     3. Self-conceit, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 4; arrogance, Rājat. 5, 234.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. free from selfishness, MBh. 15, 882.

ahaṃkṛta ahaṃkṛta, i. e. aham-kṛta, adj.
     1. Selfish, Bhag. 18, 17.
     2. Proud, Yājñ. 3, 151.
     3. Arrogant, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 11.
-- Comp. an-, adj. not arrogant, Man. 9, 335. nis-, adj. 1. Impersonal, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 8. 2. Not selfish, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 6.

ahaṃkṛti ahaṃkṛti, i. e. aham-kṛ + ti, f.
     1. Selfishness, Bhartṛ. 3, 95.
     2. Pride, Rājat. 5, 481.

ahan ahan; several cases have as their base ahas, which is used also as former part of compound words, n. A day, Śiś. 9, 23. Ved. ahā for ahāni, Chr. 289, 7 = Rigv. i. 50, 7.

aham aham (see asmad). Former part of many compound words, implying the first person, e. g. ahaṃkāra, see above; aham-pūrva, see pūrva.

aharpati aharpati, i. e. ahan-pati, m. The sun, Ragh. 10, 55.

ahalyā ahalyā, f. The wife of Gautama, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 10.

ahaha ahaha, interj.
     1. of surprise, Bhartṛ. 2, 28;
     2. of pain, Bhartṛ. 2, 29;
     3. of pleasure, Vikr. 65, 11;
     4. of calling, Hit. 12, 3.

ahāryatva a-hārya + tva (vb. hṛ), n. Condition of not being easily taken away, Hit. Pr. d. 4.

ahi ahi, i. e. probably *aṃh + i (cf. aṃhas), A snake, Kir. 5, 47.
-- Comp. andha-, m. a kind of snake.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. anguis; probably also [greek]

ahirbradhna ahirbradhna, i. e. ahi + s-bradhna, m. The name of a Rudra or deity, MBh. 5, 3899.

ahīna ahīna, m. The name of a sacrifice, Man. 11, 197.

aho aho, interj.
     1. of calling, Pañc. 45, 12;
     2. of grief, Pañc. 21, 3;
     3. of regret, Śāk. d. 35;
     4. of contempt, Pañc. Pr. d. 8;
     5. of surprise, Pañc. 76, 24;
     6. of praise, Hit. 17, 5.

ahorātra ahorātra, i. e. ahan-rātra, m. and n. A day of twenty-four hours or thirty muhūrtas, Man. 1, 64.

ahna -ahna, i. e. ahan + a, A substitute for ahan in the latter part of some compound words, e. g. parāhna and parāhan, i. e. para-, m. The afternoon. pūrva-, and pra-, m. The forenoon, Man. 2, 256. madhya-, m. Noon, Lass. 73, 18. sāya-, m. Evening.

ahnāya ahnāya, (properly dat. sing. of the preceding), adv. Soon, Ragh. 5, 71.


ā 1. ā, interj. of reminiscence. Ah! Prab. 46. 4.

ā 2. ā.
I. prep.
     1. With abl., implying:
a. Limit inceptive: From, Chr. 295, 17 = Rigv. i. 92, 17; Daśak. in Chr. 195, 17.
b. Limit conclusive: Until, with abl., Bhartṛ. 2, 97.
     2. With loc., On, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4; In, Chr. 297, 17 = Rigv. 1, 112, 17.
II. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
III. Former part of compounded nouns and adverbs: signifying
     1. From, e. g. ā-kumāra + m, adv. From (my) youth, MBh. 3, 1403.
     2. Up to, till, e. g. ā-gopāla, adj. Reaching up to the herdsmen, MBh, 2, 531. ā-maraṇa + m, adv. Till death, Pañc. i. d. 44. Compounded adverbs of this kind, when they are former part of a compound word, drop the final m, e. g. ā-yojana-su-gandhi, adj. Spreading fragrance as far as a yojana, MBh. 1, 6965.
     3. A little, as former part of adj. or participles, e. g. ā-pīta, adj. Yellowish, Rām. 2, 76, 4.

ākatthana ā-katth + ana, adj. Boasting, Rām. 6, 3, 28.

ākampa ā-kamp + a, m. Shaking, Rām. 3, 62, 31.
-- Comp. an-, adj. unshakeable, Vikr. d. 160.

ākara ākara, i. e. ā-kṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A multitude, Rām. 5, 17, 18.
     2. A mine, Man. 7, 62.
-- Comp. kusuma-, m. spring (literally, Having plenty of flowers), Bhag. 10, 35. padma-, m. a pond abounding in lotus flowers. ratna-, m. 1. the ocean. 2. a proper name.

ākarin akarin, i. e. ākara + in, adj., f. iṇī, Born in mines, Kir. 5, 7.

ākarṇana ākarṇana, i. e. ākarṇaya + ana, n. Hearing, Kathās. 16, 67.

ākarṇaya ākarṇaya, a denominative derived from ā-karṇa, Par. To hear, Pañc. 19, 10.
-- With the prepos. sam sam, To perceive, Pañc. 19, 14.

ākarṣa ākarṣa, i. e. ā-kṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Attraction, Prab. 61, 16.
     2. Playing with dice, MBh. 2, 2110.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 2, 1270.

ākarṣaṇa ākarṣaṇa, i. e. ā-kṛṣ + ana, n. Attracting, drawing near, drawing on, MBh. 1, 7109.
-- Comp. khalīna-, pulling of a bridle, Pañc. 258, 22.

ākalpa ākalpa, i. e. ā-kḷp + a, m. Ornament, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 5.

ākasmika ākasmika, i. e. a-kasmāt, abl. of kim + ika, adj., f. , Sudden, Rājat. 5, 54.

ākāṅkṣā ā-kāṅkṣ + ā, f.
     1. Wish, Amar. 41.
     2. A necessary supply, Bhāṣāp. 83.

ākāṅkṣin -ā-kāṅkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Desiring, Rām. 1, 20, 5.
-- Comp. nirākāṅkṣin, i. e. nis-, adj. devoid of desire, MBh. 14, 537.

ākāra ākāra, i. e. ā-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Form, Śāk. 103, 18.
     2. Countenance, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 24.
-- Comp. guñjā-phala-sama-ākāra, adj. like the fruit of the guñjā, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 119. dvidhā-, adj., of two kinds, Pañc. iii. d. 35. nis-, adj. 1. deprived of one's natural form, Rām. 2, 124, 24 Gorr. 2. disguised, MBh. 1, 5787. 3. unassuming, ib. 5, 1395. vṛthā-, m. a vain, or useless appearance, Pañc. i. d. 62.

ākāraṇa ākāraṇa, i. e. ā-kṛ, Caus. + ana, n. Calling up, Pañc. 227, 23.

ākāravant ākāra + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Embodied, Kathās. 17, 50.
     2. Well-shaped, Nal. 5, 5.

ākālika ākālika, adj., f. , i. e.
I. a-kāla + ika, Unseasonable, Kumāras. 3, 34.
II. ā-kāla + ika, What must be deferred till the same time next day, Man. 4, 103.

ākāśa ā-kāś + a, m.
     1. The fifth element, aether, Man. 1, 75.
     2. Sky. Pañc. 47, 14.
     3. The open air, Man. 3, 90; Nal. 14, 10.
     4. The loc. sing. śe denotes in dramatic language that which is spoken off the stage, Mṛcch. 32, 18.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. filled, Rām. 5, 64, 24.

ākāśaga ākāśa-ga (vb. gam).
I. adj., f. , Moving in or through the sky, Rām. 2, 33, 8; 1, 38, 7.
II. m. A bird, Chr. 41, 21.

ākiṃcanya ākiṃcanya, i. e. a-kim-cana + ya, n. Poverty.

ākuñcana ā-kuñc + ana, n. Bending together, Bhāṣāp. 5.

ākula ākula, i. e. probably ā-kṛ10 + a, adj., f. .
     1. Crowded.
     2. Fully occupied.
     3. Confounded.
     4. Distressed.
     5. Perplexed.
-- Comp. an-, adj., composed. pari-, adj. 1. full of. 2. confused. 3. agitated. sam-, adj. 1. agitated, bewildered, confused. 2. crowded, thronged.

ākulatā ākula + tā, f. Disturbance, MBh. 3, 401.

ākulatva ākula + tva, n.
     1. Crowd, MBh. 3, 13711.
     2. Disturbance, Bhartṛ. 1, 17.
     3. Commotion, Śiś. 9, 42.

ākulaya ākulaya (a denomin. derived from ākula), Par. To disturb, Pañc. 129, 18. ākulita, Distressed, Rām. 2, 98, 11.

ākūta ā-kū + ta (vb. , has no correspondent signification, but cf. [greek] in [greek] and [greek]), n. Intention, Amar. 4.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. 1. intentional, Lass. 83, 2. 2. significant. 3. wanton. Acc. tam, adv. intentionally, Kathās. 6, 141.

ākūti ā-kū + ti (see the last), f. Intention, MBh. 3, 15539.

ākṛti ā-kṛ + ti, f. Form, Śāk. d. 19; figure, Hiḍ. 2, 2; appearance, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 28.
-- Comp. nis-,
I. adj. 1. shapeless, Hariv. 12090. 2. ugly, Mārk. P. 8, 83. 3. one who disregards his religious duties, Man. 3, 154. 4. annihilating, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 4.
II. m. a proper name. vāmana-, adj. dwarfshaped.

ākṛtimant ākṛti + mant, adj., f. matī, Embodied, Kathās. 10, 88.

ākṛṣṭi ākṛṣṭi, i. e. ā-kṛṣ + ti, f.
     1. Drawing, Amar. 1.
     2. Attraction, Hit. i. d. 90.

ākranda ā-krand + a, m.
     1. Calling loud, Man. 8, 292.
     2. Cry of lamentation, Kathās. 10, 94.
     3. A king, whose kingdom lies next but one, Man. 7, 207; cf. Kām. Nītis. viii. 17; 43; 46; sqq.
-- Comp. an-, adj., f. , not crying, MBh. 1, 6568. durākrandam, i. e. dus-ākranda + m, adv. miserably, Pañc. iv. d. 31 (thus to be read).

ākrandana ā-krand + ana, n. Crying, lamenting, Pañc. 145, 25.

ākrandin ā-krand + in, adj., f. , Calling lamentably.

ākrama ā-kram + a, m. Beginning, Kathās. 25, 64.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. 1. difficult to be attained, MBh. 7, 8861. 2. difficult to be attacked, Rām. 1, 23, 16.

ākramaṇa ākramaṇa, i. e. ā-kram + ana, n.
     1. Ascending, Rām. 2, 31, 5.
     2. Increase.
     3. Entering.

ākrānti ākrānti, i. e. ā-kram + ti, f. Ascending, Kathās. 22, 7.

ākrīḍa ā-krīḍ + a.
I. m. and n. A royal garden, Rām. 5, 9, 10; MBh. 3, 10823.
II. m. Sport.
-- Comp. deva-, m. a play-ground of the gods, Hariv. 6980.

ākrośa ākrośa. i. e. ā-kruś + a, m.
     1. Abuse, Yājñ 2, 302.
     2. A curse.
-- Comp. durākrośam, i. e. dus-ākrośa + m, adv. with terrible curses, Rām. 4, 9, 19.

ākroṣṭṛ ākroṣṭṛ, i. e. ā-kruś + tṛ, m. An abuser, MBh. 1, 3557.

ākṣepa ākṣepa, i. e. ā-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Convulsion, Kumāras. 7, 95.
     2. Putting on, Kumāran, 17.
     3. Throwing away.
     4. Reproach, Bhartṛ. 2, 59; blame, Bhartṛ. 3, 29.
-- Comp. śara-, m. a flight of arrows. sa-ākṣepa + m, adv. revilingly, Pañc. 24, 12.

ākhaṇḍala ā-khaṇḍ + ala, m. A name of Indra, Śāk. d. 187.

ākhu ākhu, i. e. ā-khan + u, m. A rat, a mouse.
-- Comp. vana-, m. A hare.

ākheṭa ākheṭa, m. Hunting, Kathās. 15, 120.

ākheṭaka ākheṭa + ka, m.
     1. A hunter, Pañc. i. d. 432.
     2. Hunting, Kathās. 9, 74.

ākhyā ā-khyā, f. A name, Śāk. 105, 7.
-- Comp. udaya-ākhya, adj. called Udaya, Böhtl. Chr. 228, 166. kim-, adj. how called, Śāk. 104, 13. daśābda-, i. e. daśan-abda-, adj. declared to be of ten years, Man. 2, 134 (i. e. a citizen may be considered as equal to another citizen who is ten years older or younger than himself).

ākhyāti ā-khyā + ti, f.
     1. A tale, a report.
     2. Appellation, Kathās. 18, 5.

ākhyāna ākhyāna, i. e. ā-khyā + ana, n.
     1. A tale.
     2. A legend, Nal. 6, 9.

ākhyānaka ākhyāna + ka, n. A little tale, Pañc. 72, 16.

ākhyāpana ākhyāpana, i. e. ā-khyā, Caus. + ana, n. Invitation to give a report.

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ākhyāyikā ākhyāyikā, i. e. ā-khyā + aka, f. A tale, MBh. 2, 453, with short final on account of the metre.

ākhyāyin ākhyāyin, i. e. ā-khyā + in, adj., f. , Reporting, Śāk. d. 22.

āgati āgati, i. e. ā-gam + ti, f.
     1. Arrival, Śiś. 9, 43.
     2. Concern, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 9 (that you have something to do with the theft).
-- Comp. gata-, f. literally, coming and going, i. e. origin and disappearance, Rām. 2, 110, 1.

āgatva ā-ga + tva (vb. gam), n. Concern, Dacak. in Chr. 193, 4 (tadāgatvena cāham apadeśyah, And you will denounce that I have to do with that; cā° must be read instead of nā°).

āgantu āgantu, i. e. ā-gam + tu, adj.
     1. One who arrives, Hit. 18, 2.
     2. Incidental, adventitious.

āgantuka āgantu + ka.
I. adj.
     1. Arriving.
     2. Incidental.
II. m.
     1. A stranger, Hit. 70, 12.
     2. An estray (Jur.), Yājñ. 2, 163.
     3. A vagabond, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 4.

āgama ā-gam + a, m.
     1. Arrival, Rām. 2, 25, 19.
     2. Occurrence, Yājñ. 2, 92.
     3. Stream, Man. 8, 252.
     4. Afflux of wealth, Bhartṛ. 2, 39.
     5. Report, Yājñ. 2, 212.
     6. Knowledge, Rām. 6, 4, 30.
     7. Art, Mālav. 15, d. 16.
     8. Sacred science, Kir. 5, 22.
     9. A work on sacred science, Kir. 5, 18.
     10. A precept, MBh. 3, 1163.
     11. A legal title, Man. 8, 202.
-- Comp. an-, m. not returning, MBh. 3, 8868. artha-, m. revenue, Hit. Pr. d. 18. jalada-, m. the approach of the rainy season, Nal. 21, 4. dina-, m. daybreak, Hariv. 4287. dus-, m. illegal afflux of wealth, MBh. 5, 1513. dhana-, m. afflux of wealth, Man. 8, 347. dharma-, m. a code of law, Mārk. P. 23, 36. puṣpa-, m. spring, Ṛt. 6, 34. hima-, m. winter.

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āgamana ā-gam + ana, n.
     1. Coming, arrival, Nal. 3, 21.
     2. Origin, Rām. 4, 2, 29.
     3. Sexual intercourse, Rājat. 5, 399.
-- Comp. an-, m. non-returning, Pañc. 89, 8.

āgamanatas āgamana + tas. adv. In consequence of the arrival, Indr. 5, 23 (thus to be read).

āgamavant āgama + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having sexual intercourse. MBh. 1, 3025.

āgamāpāyin āgamāpāyin, i. e. āgama-apāya + in, adj. Coming and going, Bhag. 2, 14.

āgas āgas, n. Crime, Man, 9, 241; fault, Śiś. 9, 60; sin, Ragh. 2, 32.
-- Comp. an-, adj. faultless. Brāhmaṇav. 2, 14. kṛta-, adj. guilty, Amar. 43. a-kṛta-, adj. innocent, Rām. 1, 7, 13. nis-, adj. innocent, Rājat. 5, 172.

āgastya āgastya, i. e. agasti + ya or agastya + a, adj. Reterring to Agasti, or Agastya, MBh. 1. 442.

āgāmin āgāmin, i. e. ā-gam + in, adj., f. .
     1. Arriving.
     2. Future, next, Pañc. 169, 8.

āgāra āgāra (perhaps agāra + a), n. A house, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 1.
-- Comp. agni-, m. a building for keeping the sacred fire, Man. 4, 58. antar-, m. a private chamber, Yājñ. 2, 31. āyudha-, n. an arsenal, Man. 9, 280. kūṭa-, n. an apartment on the top of a house, Rām. 5, 12, 45. kośa-, or koṣa-, m. and n. a treasury, Rām. 6, 111, 52. koṣṭha-, m. and n. a treasury, Man. 9, 280. kautuka-, m., n. a nuptial apartment, Kumāras. 7, 94. garbha-, the sanctuary of a temple, Kathās. 7, 71. deva-, and devatā-, m. a temple, Rām. 2, 71, 36; Man. 9, 280. prekṣā-, a temporary structure consisting of stalls for spectators. bandhara-, a jail, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17. bhāṇḍa-,
I. m. a store-room.
II. n. a treasury, Rājat. 5, 10. muktā-, n. the pearl oyster.

āgurava āgurava, i. e. aguru + a, adj., f. , Produced by agallocum, Śiś. 4, 52.

āgnīdhra āgnīdhra, i. e. agni-indh + ra + a, m. A priest (who kindles the sacrificial fire?).

āgneya āgneya, i. e. agni + eya.
I. adj., f. , Belonging or relating to fire or the deity of fire, Man. 9, 310.
II. m. pl. The name of a people.

āgrayaṇa āgrayaṇa (from agra).
I. n. Offering of new grain, MBh. 3, 14188, and in the vedic literature; in the classic books it is spelled āgrāyaṇa, e. g. Rām. 3, 22, 6; Yājñ. 1, 25; Man. 6, 10, Lois.
II. m. A name of Agni.

āgraha ā-grah + a, m.
     1. Favour, Kumāras. 5, 7.
     2. Pertinacity, Śukasapt. 6; 8; Kathās. 25, 9.
-- Comp. dus-, m. blameable pertinacity, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 43.

āgrahikā ā-grah + ikā, f. (of aka) Help, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 19.

āgrāyaṇa āgrāyaṇa, see āgrayaṇa.

āghāta āghāta, i. e. ā-han, Caus. + a, m.
     1. Beating, Rājat. 5, 417.
     2. A stroke, Bhartṛ. 2, 83.
     3. A cast, Rājat. 5, 463.
     4. A gust, Rājat. 5, 330.
     5. Killing, Bhartṛ. 2, 60 (read prāṇā°).
     6. A slaughter-house, Mṛcch. 161, 11.
     7. An execution-place, Hit. iv. d. 64.
-- Comp. taṭa-, m. butting at a bank or mound, Kumāras. 2, 50. pakṣa-, m. Hemiplegy. śara-, m. shooting with a bow.

āghṛṇi āghṛṇi, i. e. ā-ghṛ + ni, adj. Radiant, Lass. 99, 5 (read pūṣann-āghṛṇe) = Rigv. iii, 62, 7.

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āghoṣaṇā āghoṣaṇā, i. e. ā-ghuṣ + ana, f. A proclamation, Pañc. 261, 9.

āghrāṇatas āghrāṇatas, i. e. ā-ghrā + ana + tas, adv. By smelling, Kathās. 13, 64.

āṅga āṅga, i. e. 3. aṅga + a adj., f. , An inhabitant of Anga, MBh. 1, 3772.

āṅgāraka āṅgāraka, i. e. aṅgāra + ka, n. A multitude of firebrands, Pañc. iii. d. 166.

āṅgirasa āṅgirasa, i. e. aṅgiras + a, patronym., f. , A descendant of Angiras.

ācamana ā-cam + ana, n. Rinsing the mouth, Yājñ. 1, 242.

ācaraṇa ācaraṇa, i. e. ā-car + ana, n.
     1. Arrival, Chr. 287, 3 = Rigv. i. 48, 3.
     2. Conduct, MBh. 15, 312.

ācāma ācāma, i. e. ā-cam + a, m. The water or scum of boiled rice.

ācāra ācāra, i. e. ā-car + a, m.
     1. Rule of conduct, Man. 2, 69.
     2. Good custom, good conduct, Sāv. 6, 16.
     3. Conduct, Rām. 6, 10, 24.
     4. Sacred usage, Ragh. 2, 10.
     5. Use, Śāk. d. 100.
     6. Rule. MBh. 3, 166.
-- Comp. dakṣiṇa-, adj. conducting one's self honestly, MBh. 4, 167. duḥkha-, adj., f. , one who is difficult to dead with, MBh. 4, 274. dus-,
I. m. bad conduct, ib. 12, 4539.
II. adj., f. , following bad customs, Man. 4, 157. kāma-, adj. following one's own will, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 8. sadācāra i. e. sant- (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), m. 1. approved usage, Man. 2, 18. 2. virtuous conduct.

ācāratas ācāra + tas, adv. From immemorial custom. Man. 1. 110.

ācāravant ācāra + vant, adj., f. vatī, Virtuous, Rām. 5, 21, 9.
-- Comp. sadācāra + vant, i. e. sant- (see ācāra), adj. one who observes the approved usages, Man. 4, 158.

ācārya ācārya, i. e. ācāra + ya, m. A spiritual guide or teacher; he who invests the student with the sacrificial thread and instructs him in the Vedas, etc., Man. 2, 40.
-- Comp. kula-, m. a family priest, Bhāg. P. 9, 1, 9. nāṭya-, m. a dancing master, Mṛcch. 49, 2.

ācāryaka ācārya + ka, n. in nāṭya-, Teaching the scenic art, i. e. dancing and acting, Pañc. iii. d. 268.

ācāryatā ācārya + tā, f., and ācāryatva ācārya + tva, n. The condition of a teacher, Chr. 28, 32; Śiś. 9, 87.

ācāryavant ācārya + vant, adj. Having a teacher, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 12.

ācchāda ācchāda, i. e. ā-chad + a, m. Cloth, Man. 7, 126.

ācchādakatva ācchādaka + tva, i. e. ā-chad + aka + tva, n. Covering, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 22.

ācchādana ācchādana, i. e. ā-chad + ana, n.
     1. Covering, Pañc, 22, 17.
     2. Cloth, Man. 3, 59.

ācchādin ācchādin, i. e. ā-chad + in, adj., f. , Covering, Śāk. d. 18.

āja āja, i. e. 2. aja + a, adj.
     1. Coming from goats.
     2. Made of goat's flesh, Rām. 2, 91, 66.

ājanana ā-jan + ana, n., and ājāti ājāti, i. e. ā-jan + ti, f., New birth, transmigration, MBh. 1, 4561; Man. 4, 166.

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ājāneya ājāneya, i. e. ā-jan + i + eya,
I. adj. f. , Of good race, MBh. 2, 1733.
II. m. A horse of good breed, draup. 7, 10.

āji āji, i. e. aj + i, f. and m.
     1. Battle, Arj. 10, 74.
     2. Level ground, field of battle, Chr. 36, 12.

ājihīrṣu ājihīrṣu, i. e. ā-jihīrṣa, desider. of hṛ + u, adj. Desiring to fetch, with acc., MBh. 3, 11078.

ājīva ā-jīv + a, m.
     1. Livelihood, MBh. 14, 956.
     2. Profession, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 8.
-- Comp. raṅga-, m. 1. a painter. 2. an actor. strī-, m. one who subsists by (the harlotry of) a wife, Man. 11, 63.

ājīvana ā-jīv + ana, n. Livelihood, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1264.

ājīvya ājīvya, i. e. ājīva + ya,
I. adj. Granting livelihood, MBh. 14, 1330.
II. n. Provisions, MBh. 3, 8452.
-- Comp. su-, adj. yielding an easy subsistence, Man. 7, 69.

ājñatva -ājñatva in a-khaṇḍita-, i. e. a-khaṇḍita-ājña, from ājñā, + tva, n. The whole authority, Rājat. 6, 229.

ājñā ā-jñā, f.
     1. An order, Rājat. 5, 3.
     2. Authority, Bhartṛ. 2, 40.
-- Comp. an-, f. want of assent, Man. 9, 199.

ājñākara ājñā-kara, m., f. , A servant, Śāk. 110, 14.

ājñākaratva ājñākara + tva, n. The office of a servant, Vikr. d. 60.

ājya ājya, i. e. ā-añj + ya, n. Butter in a liquid state, which is poured on a sacrificial fire.
-- Comp. vara-, n. choicest liquid butter.

ājyapa ājya-pa (vb. 1. ), m. The Pitṛs or Manes of the Vaiśyas, Man. 3, 197.

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ājyabhuj ājya-bhuj, m. A name of Agni, Rām. 3, 20, 38.

āñch āñch, i. 1, Par. To stretch.

āñjana āñjana, i. e. ā-añj + ana, n. and f. , Ointment.

āṭavika āṭavika, i. e. aṭavi + ika, m.
     1. One who lives in forests, MBh. 3, 15255.
     2. A forest keeper.

āṭopa āṭopa, m.
     1. Inflation.
     2. Pride, Pañc. i. d. 229; 46, 4.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. 1. swollen, big, Pañc. 93, 8. 2. Proud. Acc. pam, adv. arrogantly, proudly, Hit. 58, 15.

āḍambara āḍambara, m. A drum, Rām. 5, 13, 51 (where erroneously is read āḍampara).

āḍhaka āḍhaka (a transformation of ardha + ka), m. n. A measure of grain, equal to 7 lb. 11 oz. avoirdupois, Hit. Pr. d. 19.

āḍhya āḍhya, i. e. probably a transformation of ṛdh + a + ya. adj., f. .
     1. Wealthy, Chr. 61, 38.
     2. A bounding in.
-- Comp. ratna-, adj. abounding in jewels.

āḍhyatā āḍhya + tā, f. Wealth, Rājat. 5, 272.

āt āt (the regular abl. sing. n. of the pronoun idam) adv. Then, Chr. 293, 5 = Rigv. i. 87, 5.

ātaṅka ātaṅka, i. e. ā-tañc + a, m.
     1. Sickness, Yājñ. 3, 245.
     2. Affiction, Vikr. 41, 20.
     3. Agitation, fear.
-- Comp. naṣṭa-ātaṅka + m, adv. fearless, Śāk. d. 14 n. nis-, adj. 1. without ailment, Dev. 12, 30. 2. not causing ailment, MBh. 2, 285.

ātatāyin ātatāyin, i. e. ā-tata (vb. tan) + vin (y instead of v as in kiyant for kim + vant),
I. adj. Assailing, Chr. 3, 1.
II. m. A felon, a murderer, a thief, Man. 8, 350.

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ātapa ā-tap + a, m.
     1. Sunshine, Pañc. ii. d. 136.
     2. Heat of the sun, Śāk. 31, 8.
-- Comp. an-, adj. shadowy, Bhartṛ. 2, 86. bāla-, m. the rays of the rising sun, Man. 4, 69. sūrya-, m. sunshine, Pañc. 121, 13; heat of the sun, Ṛt. 1, 10.

ātapatra ātapa-tra (vb. trā), n. A parasol, Kir. 5, 39.
-- Comp. ucchilīndhra-, i. e. ud-śilīndhra-, adj., f. , having raised mushrooms instead of parasols, Megh. 11.

ātapavant ātapa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Irradiated by the sun.

ātitheya ātitheya, i. e. atithi + eya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Proper for a guest, Śāk. 7, 11.
     2. Hospitable, Ragh. 12, 25.
II. n. Hospitality, Man. 3, 18.

ātithya ātithya, i. e. atithi + ya, n. Hospitable salutation, Chr. 13, 8

ātiraikya ātiraikya, i. e. atireka + ya, n. Having some redundant member, Man. 11, 50.

ātura ātura, adj., f. .
     1. Discased, Rām. 3, 55, 36.
     2. Wounded, Rām. 3, 50, 19,
     3. Agitated by a morbid desire; pradharṣayitum āturaḥ, Desirous to violate her, Nal. 11, 36.
-- Comp. an-, adj. 1. free from illness, Man. 2, 187. 2. indefatigable, Ragh. 1, 21.

āttagandha ātta-gandha, i. e. ā-datta- (vb. ), adj. Strangled, Śāk. 93, 2.

ātma -ātma, A substitute for ātman when latter part of compound words, e. g. pratyaya-, adj. Trustworthy, Rām. 2, 109, 19.

ātmaka -ātmaka, i. e. ātman + ka, adj., f. mikā, A substitute for ātman, when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. aṣṭādaśātmaka, i. e. aṣṭā-daśan-ātmaka, adj. Eighteenfold, Rām. 1, 13, 30. ubhaya-, adj. Having the nature of both, Man. 2, 92. karuṇa-, adj. Compassionate, Rām. 1, 10, 6. kāla-, adj. Governed by fate, MBh. 13, 52 sqq. dāha-, adj. Easily flashing up, Śāk. d. 40. viṣaya-, adj. Sensual, Man. 2, 29. sadasad-, i. e. sant-a-sant- (cf. vb. 1. as), adj. Having the nature of entity and non-entity, Man. 1, 11.

ātmakāma ātmakāma, i. e. ātman-kam + a, adj., f. , Selfish, Rām. 2, 70, 10.

ātmakīya ātmakīya, i. e. ātman + ka + īya, adj. Own, MBh. 1, 4712.

ātmaja ātmaja, i. e. ātman-ja (vb. jan),
I. m. A son, Man. 7, 14.
II. f. , A daughter, Rām. 1, 1, 69.
-- Comp. dharma-, m. epithet of Yudhiṣṭhira, Lass. 15, 11. nanda-,
I. m. a name of Kṛṣṇa, Gīt. 8, 11.
II. f. , a name of Durgā, MBh. 4, 179. varuṇa-, f. , spirituous liquor.

ātmajña ātmajña, i. e. ātman-jña (vb. jñā), adj., f. ñā, Knowing the Supreme Being, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 5.
-- Comp. an-, adj. foolish, Śak. 78, 15.

ātman ātman, i. e. probably *avā (= vā) + tman (cf. [greek]), m.
     1. Breath.
     2. The soul. Bhāṣāp. 97.
     3. One's own self, Man. 4, 254.
     4. Self, own; used, but only in the sing., as reflective pronoun of all the three persons, e. g. darśayātmānam, Show thyself, Nal. 11, 8. gopāyanti kulastriyaḥ ātmānam ātmanā, Virtuous wives protect themselves by means of themselves, Nal. 18, 8.
     5. The instr. sing. compounded with following ordinal numbers denotes one's self as making up the number, e. g. ātmanā-saptama, Himself as the seventh, i. e. he with six.
     6. The body.
     7. Intellect, understanding.
     8. The soul of the universe, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 4.
     9. The initial ā when preceded by e or o is sometimes in vedic and epic writings irregularly dropped, e. g. Draup. 5, 9.
-- Comp.
I. When latter part it denotes often, 1. nature, mind, e. g. kṛta-, adj. whose mind is improved, Pañc. ii. d. 15. a-kṛta-, adj. whose mind is not improved, Man. 6, 73. jita-, adj. one who has subdued his mind, who restrains himself, Pañc. 131, 19. a-jita-, adj. one who has not subdued his mind, Man. 7, 34. prāta-, adj. with an affectionate mind, Man. 1, 60. śānta- (vb. śam), adj. with a tranquil mind, Man. 1, 52. 2. natural disposition, e. g. karmātman, i. e. karman-, adj. having a natural disposition for action, Man. 2, 53. kāma-, adj. voluptuous, Man. 7, 27. cala-, adj. unsteady, Rām. 4, 55, 7. dharma-, adj. just, Rām. 1, 1, 29. pāpa-, adj. wicked, Pañc. 37, 19. mahā-, adj. magnanimous, Pañc. ii. d. 153. sūtra-, m. having the nature of a thread, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 3. 3. antar-, m. the soul, Rājat. 5, 194. kevata-, m. being the absolute unity, Kumāras. 2, 4. catur-, adj. having four faces, Rājat. 5, 25. chāyā-, m. an image, Megh. 41. jagat-, m. the soul of the world, Rām. 6, 82, 153. jīva-, m. the individual soul, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 2. datta-, (vb. ), adj. one who has given himself (as a son to another), Yājñ. 2, 131. dvādaśātman-, i. e. dvādaśan-, adj. appearing in twelve forms, MBh. 3, 156. parama-, m. the universal soul. bhāvita- (vb. bhū), adj. 1. intent upon. 2. having obtained (the union with) the universal soul, Pañc. iii. d. 63. bhūta-, m. 1. the elementary or vital principle. 2. the body. 3. Brahman. 4. Śiva. 5. war. manda-, adj. dull, foolish. viśva-, m. the soul of the universe, a name of Viṣṇu.
-- Cf. O.H.G. atum, A.S. acdhm, and see above.

ātmanīna ātman + īna, adj.
     1. Appropriate.
     2. Suitable (as diet).

ātmabhū ātmabhū, i. e. ātman-bhū, adj. Self-existing, epithet of Brahman, Śāk. d. 186; of Viṣṇu, Śiva and Kāma.

ātmabhūta ātmabhūta, i. e. ātman-bhūta (vb. bhū), adj. Attached to one's person.

ātmaṃbhari ātmaṃbhari, i. e. ātman-bhṛ + i, adj. Selfishly voracious, Pañc. ed. orn. i. d. 215.

ātmaṃbharitva ātmaṃbhari + tva, n. Selfishness, Kathās. 26, 228.

ātmavattā ātmavattā, i. e. ātmavant + tā, f. Self-control, Man. 11, 86.

ātmavant ātmavant, i. e. ātman + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. One who has subdued his senses; endowed with selfcontrol, Rām. 3, 51, 44.
     2. Sensible, Man. 5, 43.
-- Comp. an-, adj. one who has no self-control, Nal. 20, 31.

ātmasāt ātmasāt, i. e. ātman-sāt (cf. agnisāt), adv.
     1. In one's mind, Man. 6, 25.
     2. On one's self, Yājñ. 3, 54.
     3. Under one's self, MBh. 3, 493.

ātmībhāva ātmībhāva, i. e. ātman-bhū + a, m. Becoming the universal soul, Bhartṛ. 3, 64.

ātmīya ātmīya, i. e. ātman + īya,
I. adj., f. , Own, poss. pron. of the refl. of all the three persons, Hit. 52, 16; Pañc. 63, 23.
II. m. A friend, Bhartṛ. 2, 47.
-- Comp. an-, adj. not belonging to one's self, Pañc. 132, 18.

ātyantika ātyantika, i. e. atyanta + ika, adj., f. , Continual, Man. 2, 242.

ātyayika ātyayika, i. e. atyaya + ika, adj. What must be done instantly, Man. 7, 165.

ātreya ātreya, i. e. atri + eya.
I. patronym., f. , A descendant of Atri, MBh. 3, 971.
II. f. , A woman who has bathed after temporary uncleanness, Man. 11. 87.

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ātharvaṇa ātharvaṇa, i. e. atharvan + a, adj., f. ṇī, Belonging to the Atharvaveda, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 11.

āda -āda, i. e.
I. ad + a, adj., f. , Eating, e. g. puruṣāda, i. e. puruṣa-, Eating men. pṛṣṭha-māṃsa-, m. A backbiter, a slanderer. mānuṣa-māṃsa-, Eating men's flesh, Hiḍ. 2, 2.
II. ā-da (vb. ), adj. Taking.

ādaka -ādaka, i. e. ad + aka, adj. Eating, e. g. puruṣa-, Eating men, Hid. 2. 30.

ādara ādara, i. e. ā-dri + a, m.
     1. Regard, Kumāras. 6, 13.
     2. Concern, Pañc. iii. d. 262.
     3. Care, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 10.
     4. Love, Pañc. iv. d. 7 (ādarāt, passionately).
     5. Interest, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 8.
     6. Respect, Kir. 5, 16.
-- Comp. ati-, m. excessive regard, Pañc. i. d. 463. an-, m. carelessness, Pañc. 202, 5, Bhartṛ. 2, 28 (rāi, easily). sa-, adj., f. . 1. impassioned, Ṛt. 6, 14. 2. respectful, Kathās. 2, 67. Acc. sing. ram, adv. considerately, Pañc. 33, 16; respectfully, Pañc, 71, 6.

ādarśa ādarśa, i. e. ā-dṛś + a, and ādarśaka ādarśa + ka, m. A mirror, Bhag. 3, 38.

ādātṛ ā-dā + tṛ, m. A receiver, Man. 4, 193.
-- Comp. an-, m. a nonreceiver, Man. 6, 8.

ādāna ādāna, i. e. ā-dā + ana, n.
     1. Seizing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 20. Seizure, Kumāras. 5, 11; Man. 7, 204.
     2. Taking, receiving, Man. 11, 15. Receipt, Rājat. 5, 265.
-- Comp. adhyayana-, n. learning the Veda, Man. 11, 62. nis-, adj. not taking, MBh. 3, 8501. rasa-, n. drying up. su-, n. taking with justice, Man. 8, 172.

ādānavant ādāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Taking away, MBh. 3, 8501.

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ādāyin ādāyin, i. e. ā-dā + in, adj., f. .
     1. Taking, MBh. 12, 5969 (a-sam-mata-, taking without assent, a thief).
     2. Robbing, Man. 7, 123.
     3. Bringing, Rājat. 5, 272.

ādi ādi, i. e. ādya, with i for ya,
     1. m. Beginning, Man. 1, 8; 4, 25.
     2. indecl. First, MBh. 2, 2008.
-- Comp. When latter part of a comp. adj. 1. having first, beginning with, e. g. Man. 3, 205, daiva-ādi-anta, beginning and ending with an offering to the gods. 2. other, et-cetera, e. g. Man. 1, 58, marīci-ādīn munīn, Marīci and the other Munis (properly, as before 'The Munis beginning with Marīci'); Man. 3, 104, anna-ādi-dāyin, giving food, etc. 3. the like, Man. 9, 260, evam-ādīn ...kaṇṭakān, these and the like thorny weeds. 4. more, e. g. Man. 8, 407, garbhiṇī dvimāsādih. a woman who is pregnant two months or more. These adj. when without subst. are neuters: e. g. Nal. 13, 43, evam-ādīni...vilapya, lamenting thus and similarly; Hit. 12, 16, ato 'haṃ bravīmi kaṅkaṇasya tu lobhenety-ādi, therefore I say, kaṅkaṇasya et -cetera, i. e. the verse beginning with kaṅkaṇasya tu lobhena. Man. 8, 31, the masc. is used.

ādika -ādi + ka, adj., f. , a substitute for ādi as latter part of a compound adj., e. g. Man. 2, 143, agniṣṭoma-ādikān makhān, the agniṣṭoma and the other sacrifices.

āditas ādi + tas, adv.
     1. From the beginning, Chr. 11, 22.
     2. First, Man. 1, 34.
-- Comp. rāma-darśana-āditas, after having seen Rāma, Rām. 1, 51, 7.

āditya āditya, i. e. aditi + ya, m.
     1. The name of a class of deities, sons of Aditi, Man. 3, 284.
     2. The sun, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 24.
     3. A deity in general, MBh. 18, 215.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. surpassing the sun, Megh. 44. su-gandha-, m. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 268.

āditsu āditsu, i. e. ā-ditsa, desid. of dā + u, adj. Desirous to take, Hit. ii. d. 106.

ādin -ādin, i. e. ad + in, adj., f. , Eating, e. g. ekānna-, i. e. eka-anna-, adj. Eating the food of one person only, Man. 2, 188.

ādima ādi + ma, adj., f. , First, Bhāṣāp. 20; 115.

ādimant ādi + mant, adj., f. matī, Having a beginning, Yājñ. 3, 183.
-- Comp. an-, adj. without any beginning, Bhag. 13, 12.

ādiś ā-diś, f. Advise.

ādiṣṭin ādiṣṭin, i. e. ā-diṣṭa + in (vb. diś), m. A student, Man. 5, 88.

ādīpaka ā-dīp + aka, m. An incendiary, MBh. 12, 3215.

ādeśa ādeśa, i. e. ā-diś + a, m.
     1. Report, tidings, Yājñ. 2, 304.
     2. Instruction, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 15.
     3. Order, Rām. 3, 53, 29.
     4. Prediction, Man. 9, 250.

ādeśaka ādeśaka, i. e. ā-diś + aka, adj. Announcing.
-- Comp. śiva-, m. a fortuneteller, Mālav. 69, 13.

ādeśatas ādeśa + tas, adv. According to a command, Pañc. ii. d. 199 (with the gen.).

ādeśana ādeśana, i. e. ā-diś + ana, n. Performance, Man. 2, 173.

ādeśin ādeśin, i. e. ā-diś + in, adj., f. , Commanding, Ragh. 4, 68 (kapola-pāṭala-, Commanding paleness to the cheeks of..., i. e. frightening).

ādya ādya, i. e. āt + ya for īya (cf. tarya = turīya, vasyaṃs = vasiyaṃs, etc.), adj., f. .
     1. First, Man. 7, 92.
     2. Preeminent, MBh. 1, 8130.
-- Comp. ādya-ādya, each preceding, Man. 1, 20. Like ādi (q. cf.), other, et-ceters, e. g. anna-, adj. food, etc., Pañc. i. d. 188.

ādyantavant ādyantavant, i. e. ādi-anta + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having beginning and end, Bhag. 5, 22.

ādrisāra ādrisāra, i. e. adri-sāra (see sāra) + a, adj. Of iron, Rām. 6, 18, 31.

ādhamana ādhamana, i. e. ā-dhmā + ana, n. A pledge, Man. 8, 165.
-- Comp. yoga-, n. a fraudulent pledge.

ādhāna ādhāna, i. e. ā-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Adding, Man. 2, 176. 2. Preparing the holy fire, MBh. 3, 8194.
     3. Lighting the nuptial fire, Man. 5, 186.
     4. Conception, Megh. 3.
     5. Pledging, Yājñ. 2, 238.
     6. Using, Ragh. 1, 24.
-- Comp. garbha-, n. a ceremony performed previous to conception. purīṣa-, n. the strait-gut.

ādhāyaka ādhāyaka, i. e. ā-dhā + aka, adj. Bestowing.

ādhāra ādhāra, i. e. ā-dhṛ + a, m.
     1. A prop, support, Rām. 5, 3, 77; Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 4.
     2. A canal, Yājñ. 3, 144.
     3. A basin round the foot of a tree, Śāk. d. 14.
     4. A dike, Ragh, 5, 6.
-- Comp. jala-, or toya-, m. a reservoir of water, Yājñ. 3, 144; Śāk. d. 14.

ādhi ādhi, n., i. e.
I. ā-dhā (cf. nidhi), A pledge, Man. 8, 143.
II. ā-dhyai, Mental agony, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 7.

ādhikya ādhikya, i. e. adhika + ya, n.
     1. Excess, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 19.
     2. Preeminence, Rām. 5, 90, 24.
     3. Superiority, Man. 7, 169.

ādhidaivika ādhidaivika, i. e. adhi-deva + ika, adj. Treating of the deities, Man. 6, 83.

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ādhipatya ādhipatya i. e. adhipati + ya, n. Sovereign dominion, Man. 12, 100.

ādhivedanika ādhivedanika, i. e. adhi-vedana + ika, n. Property given to a first wife upon marrying a second.

ādhoraṇa ādhoraṇa, i. e. ā-dhor + ana, m. The driver of an elephant, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 17.

ādhyātmika ādhyātmika, i. e. adhi-ātman + ika, adj., f. and , Referring to or treating of the universal soul; sacred, Man. 2, 117.

ādhvanika ādhvanika, i. e. adhvan + ika, adj. Travelling, MBh. 1, 3031.

ānaka ānaka. m. A drum, Bhag. i, 13.
-- Comp. śata-, m. a cemetery.

ānaḍuha ānaḍuha, i. e. anaḍuh + a, adj. Coming from a bull (as its flesh or hide).

ānati ānati, i. e. ā-nam + ti, f.
     1. Bowing, Amar. 22. Salutation, Kathās. 23, 17.
     2. Homage, Rājat. 5, 215.

ānana ānana, i. e. an + ana, n.
     1. The mouth; the face, Ṛt. 6, 30.
     2. A point, Rām. 6, 79, 69.
-- Comp. catur-, adj. having four faces, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 30. daśānana, i. e. daśan-, adj. epithet of Rāvaṇa, Rām. 3, 39, 8. nāga-, m. a peacock, Pañc. i. d. 175 (perhaps to be changed to nāgāśana, i. e. nāga-aśana). pañcānana, i. e. pañcan-, 1. Śiva. 2. used at the end of names of scholars, Chr. 234, 6. 3. f. , perhaps a name of Durgā. mahā-, adj. having a great mouth, Hiḍ. 3, 2. su-hasa-, adj. having a cheerfully smiling face.

ānantarya ānantarya, i. e. an-antara + ya, n. Absence of an interval, Man. 10, 28. Instr. yeṇa, Instantly, Rām. 4, 23, 6.

ānantya ānantya, i. e. ananta + ya, n. Eternity, Man. 3, 266.

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ānanda ā-nand + a, m.
     1. Joy, Rām. 1, 1, 17.
     2. Sensual pleasure, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 20.
     3. Happiness, bliss, ib. 202, 3; 5.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , joyless, Rām. 2, 47, 10. parama-, m. 1. the highest bliss. 2. the universal soul.

ānandaka ā-nand + aka, adj. Delighting, Hit. i. d. 204 v. r.

ānandana ā-nand + ana, n. Delight, Hit. i. d. 204.

ānandamaya ānanda + maya, adj., f. , Full of joy or happiness, Kathās. 23, 85; Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 22.

ānandayitṛ ānandayitṛ, i. e. ā-nand, Caus. + tṛ, m., f. trī, n. Giving pleasure, Ragh. 14, 26.

ānandin ānandin, i. e. ānanda + in, adj., f. , Joyful, Rām. 6, 11, 45.

ānayana ānayana, i. e. ā-nī + ana, n.
     1. Bringing near, Rām. 1, 12, 27.
     2. Escorting, Śāk. 48, 21.

ānarta ānarta, m., pl. The name of a people and their country (also sing.), Rām. 4, 43, 13.

ānāthya ānāthya, i. e. a-nātha + ya, n. Want of protection, Kathās. 3, 8.

ānāya ānāya, i. e. ā-nī + a, m. A net.

ānāyin ānāyin, i. e. ānāya + in, m. A fisher, Ragh. 16, 55.

ānāha ānāha, i. e. ā-nah + a, m.
     1. Obstruction.
     2. Length.

ānīti ā-nī + ti, f. Bringing near, Rām. 1, 8, 29.

ānukūlya ānukūlya, i. e. anukūla + ya, n.
     1. Suitability, Yājñ. 1, 74.
     2. Compliance with (gen.), Rājat. 5, 132.
     3. Favour, Kathās. 19, 1.

ānupūrva ānupūrva, i. e. anupūrva + a,
I. n. Regular succession, order, Man. 2, 41.
II. f. rvī, see the next.

ānupūrvya ānupūrvya, i. e. anupūrva + ya, n. and fem. , Regular succession, order, Man. 9, 149; Rām. 3, 70, 20.

ānulomya ānulomya, i. e. anu-loma + ya, n. Direct or natural order, Man. 10, 5.

ānuveśya ānuveśya, i. e. anu-veśa + ya, m. A neighbour who lives next but one, Man. 8, 392.

ānuṣak ānuṣak, i. e. anu-saṅj, adv. Continually, Lass. 98, 7 = Rigv. v. 9, 1.

ānuṣaṅgika ānuṣaṅgika, i. e. anuṣaṅga + ika, adj. Connected, adherent, accustomed to live (there), Pañc. 10, 5.

ānūpa ānūpa, i. e. anūpa + a.
I. adj. Watery, marshy.
II. m. Any animal frequenting marshy places.

ānṛṇya ānṛṇya, i. e. an-ṛṇa + ya, n. Freedom from debt; acc. with gam, to pay, Man. 4, 257.

ānṛṇyatā ānṛṇya + tā, f. Freedom from debt, Rām. 2, 24, 32.

ānṛśaṃsya ānṛśaṃsya, i. e. a-nṛśaṃsa + ya, n. Mildness, Man. 8, 411.

āntara āntara, i. e. antara + a, m. A subject, MBh. 12, 3346; 3913.

āntarikṣa āntarikṣa and āntarīkṣa āntarīkṣa, i. e. antari/īkṣa + a, adj. Proceeding from the air or sky; airy, MBh. 2, 1636; Rām. 2, 25, 20.

āndolana āndolana = andolana, n. A swinging motion, Caurap. 12.

āndhya āndhya, i. e. andha + ya, n. Blindness, Vedantās. in Chr. 218, 16.

ānvāhika ānvāhika, i. e. anvaham + ika, adj., f. , Daily, Man. 3, 67.

āp āp, i. 1 and 10; ii. 5, āpnu, Par. (in ved. and epic writings also Ātm., MBh. 14, 597. Originally also ap; cf. the ved. desiderative ap + sa; Lat. apiscor, ops, opto, coepi, copia; [greek] i. e. originally [greek]).
     1. To attain, Ragh. 8, 24.
     2. To incur, Man. 8, 188.
     3. To obtain, Man. 1, 63. āpta (cf. Lat. aptus).
     1. Fit, Ragh. 3, 12.
     2. Trusted, Man. 7, 80; just, 8, 63.
     3. Near, Man. 5, 101; a friend, ib. 8, 64.
     4. Large, Man. 7, 79. Comp. an-āpta, unapt, Man. 8, 294. -- Desid. īpsa, To desire to obtain, MBh. 1, 1090. īpsita.
     1. Desired, Nal. 3, 2.
     2. Loved, Nal. 1, 4.
     3. Ordained, Man. 2, 48. n. A wish, Kathās. 22, 170. Comp. yathā-īpsita, adj. as desired, Sund. 4, 5; acc. tam, adv. 1. According to one's wish. 2. Willingly. 3. Independently.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, desid. To desire, Man. 136; with infin., Chr. 11, 14.
-- With ava ava.
     1. To attain, Kathās. 1, 27.
     2. To meet, Kathās. 3, 46.
     3. To obtain, Vikr. d. 105. an-avāpta, adj. Not obtained, Man. 9, 209.
-- With pratyava prati-ava, To recover, Śiś, 5, 40.
-- With samava sam-ava.
     1. To meet, Rām, 4, 44, 71.
     2. To incur, Chr. 23, 20.
     3. To obtain, Rām. 3, 55, 40.
-- With pari pari, To cease, MBh. 15, 1073. paryāpta.
     1. Adequate, Bhag. 1, 10.
     2. Sufficient, Man. 11, 7.
     3. Enough (no more), Chr. 42, 13.
     4. Full, Kumāras. 7, 26.
     5. Many, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 10.
     6. Large, Man, 3, 40. Comp. a-paryāpta, adj. inadequate; with infin., Rām. 3, 51, 7. ati-, adj. excessive, Ragh. 15, 18. su-, adj. well finished, Man. 7, 76. a-paryāptavant, adj. unable, Ragh. 16, 28. -- Desid.
     1. To demand, Man. 8, 161.
     2. To desire, MBh. 1, 5515; Ātm., MBh. 2, 563.
     3. To take care, MBh. 3, 17327.
     4. To defend, MBh. 4, 480.
-- With pra pra.
     1. To reach, Rām. 3, 22, 37. To attain, Rājat. 5, 57.
     2. To meet, Pañc. i. d. 328.
     3. To incur, Man. 8, 355.
     4. To obtain, Man. 3, 277.
     5. To get in, Man. 11, 263.
     6. To find, Yājñ. 3, 142; Rājat. 5, 406. prāpta.
     1. Proper, right, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 4.
     2. Having obtained, Man. 7, 2. astaṃ prāpta, Dead, Kathās. 13, 74.
     3. Having arrived, Nal. 23, 18.
-- Comp. a-prāpta, adj. 1. not finished, pending, Yājñ. 2, 243. 2. not of age, Man. 9, 88. 3. not obtained, Bhāṣāp. 114. krama-, adj. obtained by succession, Nal. 12, 49. Comp. ptcple of the fut. pass., duṣprāpya, i. e. dus-prāpya, adj. difficult to be attained, Rām. 4, 17, 44. -- Caus. prāpaya.
     1. To bring, Rām. 4, 62, 19.
     2. To cause to obtain, MBh. 2, 171.
     3. To appoint, Rājat. 5, 424.
     4. To give, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 15.
-- With anupra anu-pra.
     1. To recover, Rām. 1, 1, 80.
     2. To find, Chr. 70, 54.
     3. To incur, Chr. 54, 11.
     4. To imitate, Ragh. 4, 22.
     5. To arrive, Rām. 3, 75, 2. anuprāpta, Having attained, MBh. 1, 5874; come, Rām. 3, 27, 9.
-- With samanupra sam-anu-pra.
     1. To attain, Rām. 2, 52, 76.
     2. To obtain, MBh. 2, 1616. samanuprāpta, Having attained, Rām. 3, 30, 1.
-- With upapra upa-pra, To come near, Rām. 3, 75, 17 (the ptcple. of the pf. pass. in active signification).
-- With saṃpra sam-pra.
     1. To attain, Rām. 6, 109, 1.
     2. To obtain, Man. 12, 74. saṃprāpta, Having arrived, Man. 3, 99. a-saṃprāpya, Without touching, Chr. 40, 17.
-- With anusaṃpra anu-sam-pra, To attain, Rām. 3, 68, 7. anusaṃprāpta, Having arrived, Rām. 2, 65, 11.
-- With abhisaṃpra abhi-sam-pra.
     1. To attain, Rām. 2, 55, 21.
     2. To obtain, Rām. 4. 3, 27. abhisaṃprāpta, Having arrived, MBh. 3, 11366.
-- With upasaṃpra upa-sam-pra, To attain, MBh. 3, 2337. upasaṃprāpta.
     1. Having incurred, MBh. 1, 5188.
     2. Come, MBh. 3, 14378.
-- With vi vi.
     1. To pervade, MBh. 12, 124.
     2. To occupy, Bhag. 10, 16.
     3. To fill, Chr. 33, 5. vyāpta, That which has inherent properties, e. g. smoke, as invariably accompanied by fire, Bhāṣāp. 67. vyāpya, n. That which is invariably accompanied by something else, as smoke by fire; the sign or middle term in an inference. Absol. a-vyāpya, Not having pervaded, Bhāṣāp. 26.
-- With sam sam, To obtain, Rām. 3, 2, 28. samāpta, Finished, Rām. 3, 49, 27. Caus. To finish, Man. 8, 420. Desid. To desire, Rām. 3, 5, 22.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To bring to a full conclusion, Bhag. 4, 33. parisamāpta, Sufficient, Śāk. d. 105.
-- Cf. O.H.G. uobjan, and see above.

āpa āpa, m. One of the eight deities, called Vasus, MBh. 3, 14208.

āpagā āpagā, i. e. ap + a-ga (vb. gam), f.
     1. A river, Rājat. 5, 140.
     2. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 6038.
-- Comp. sura-, f. the Ganges, Kir. 5, 40.

āpageya āpageya, i. e. āpagā + eya, patronym. m. The son of a river, a surname of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 2, 1340, and Bhīṣma, Chr. 15, 3.

āpaṇa ā-paṇ + a, m. A market, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 10.
-- Comp. antar-, m., the interior part of a market, Rām. 1, 5, 8 Gorr.

āpatana ā-pat + ana, n.
     1. Happening.
     2. Appearing.

āpatti āpatti, i. e. ā-pad + ti, f.
     1. Undergoing, obtaining.
     2. Misfortune, Lass. 30, 9.
-- Comp. artha-, f. presumption (the fifth pramāṇa of the Pūrva and Uttara mīmānsā), Bhāṣāp. 142.

āpathī āpathī (probably ā-patha + ī). An impediment on a road(?), Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.

āpad ā-pad, f.
     1. Calamity, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 14.
     2. Necessity, Man. 9, 82.
-- Comp. an-, f. abseace of misfortune, Man. 4, 2. nis-,
I. f. absence of misfortune, MBh. 12, 9671.
II. adj. free from calamity, Ragh. 1, 64.

āpāta āpāta, i. e. ā-pat + a, m.
     1. Attack, Arj. 7, 10.
     2. Running on, Man. 11, 9; running in, Yājñ. 3. 154.
     3. Throwing down, Megh. 49.

āpātatas āpāta + tas, adv. Instantly, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 10.

āpātin āpātin, i. e. ā-pat-in, adj. f. , Happening, Kathās. 18, 49.

āpāna āpāna, i. e. ā-pā + ana, n.
     1. A banquet, MBh. 1, 620.
     2. A place for drinking, Rām. 1, 3, 28.

āpīḍa ā-pīḍ + a, m.
     1. Squeezing.
     2. A chaplet tied on the crown of the head, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 22.
-- Comp. gala-, m. strangling. bhuja-, m. clasping or enfolding in the arms.

āpīḍita āpīḍita, i. e. āpīḍa + ita, adj. Adorned with chaplets, Nal. 12, 102.

āpūraṇa āpūraṇa, i. e. ā-pūr + ana, n. Filling, Pañc. 96, 20.

āpomaya āpomaya, i. e. āpas (plur. of ap) + maya, adj. Consisting of water, MBh. 1, 6859.

āpośāna āpośāna, i. e. apo 'śāna + a, n. The name of a prayer beginning with the words apo 'śāna, Yājñ. 1, 106.

āpti āp + ti, f. Acquisition, Pañc. ii. d. 49.
-- Comp. an-, f. non-effecting of a purpose, Man. 9, 290.

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āpyāyana ā-pyāy + ana.
I. adj.
     1. Causing corpulency.
     2. Causing wellbeing.
II. n.
     1. Satisfying, Man. 3, 211.
     2. Advancement, Man. 3, 213.

āplavana āplavana, i. e. ā-plu + ana, n. Bathing, MBh. 1, 1814; v. r. Man. 5, 115.

ābandha ā-bandh + a, m. A tie or bond.

ābandhana ā-bandh + ana, n. Girding round, Rām. 2, 23, 31.

ābādha ā-bādh + a, m. Injury, Man. 4, 51.
-- Comp. an-, adj. unobstructed, Rām. 3, 44, 30. dus-, adj. irresistible, MBh. 13, 724. nis-, adj. 1. unmolested, Hiḍ. 4, 12. 2. not injuring, Hariv. 11811.

ābdika ābdika, i. e. abda + ika, adj. Yearly, Man. 7, 3.
-- Comp. ṣaṣ-triṃśat-, adj. lasting thirty-six years, Man. 3, 1.

ābharaṇa ābharaṇa, i. e. ā-bhṛ + ana, n. Ornaments, as jewels, etc., Rām. 3, 55, 6.
-- Comp. tapta-, n. an ornament made of refined gold, Rām. 3, 58, 19.

ābhā ā-bhā, f.
     1. Splendour, light, Pañc. iv. d. 58.
     2. When latter part of a compound adj., often Like; e. g. Rām. 3, 55, 28, giri-śṛṅga-ābha, Like the peak of a mountain.
-- Comp. vajra-,
I. adj. like a diamond.
II. m. a precious opal.

ābhāṣa ā-bhāṣ + a, m., and ābhāṣaṇa ābhāṣaṇa, i. e. ā-bhāṣ + ana n. Addressing, speaking to, Rām. 3, 26, 12; Rājat. 5, 462.

ābhās ā-bhās, f. Light, MBh. 3, 10980.

ābhāsa ā-bhās + a, m.
     1. Splendour, Rām. 6, 77, 17.
     2. Light, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 11.
     3. Appearance, Kathās. 12, 16.
     4. Semblance, Bhāṣāp. 70.
-- Comp. rasa-, m. the semblance of sentiment, as e. g., a sentiment attributed to an irrational animal. hetu-, m. fallacious reason or middle term.

ābhijātya ābhijātya, i. e. abhi-jāta (vb. jan) + ya, n. Nobility, Rām. 2, 35, 15.

ābhimukhya ābhimukhya, i. e. abhimukha + ya, n. Front, direction towards, Pañc. i. d. 370 (with , to attack).

ābhiṣecanika ābhiṣecanika, i. e. abhiṣecana + ika, adj., f. , Referring or serving to the inauguration of a king, Rām. 6, 112, 69.

ābhīra ābhīra, m.
     1. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1192.
     2. The offspring of a Brāhmaṇa by an Ambaṣṭha woman, Man. 10, 15.

ābhīla ā-bhī + la, adj. Terrible, MBh. 3, 388.

ābhū ā-bhū, adj. Helping, Chr. 290, 1; 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 1; 6.

ābhoga ābhoga, i. e. ā-bhuj + a, m.
     1. Crookedness, MBh. 3, 9957; vault, Rām. 2, 65, 3; roundness, Megh. 89.
     2. Fullness, plenty, Śāk. 8, 1.
     3. The expanded hood of the Cobra capella, MBh. 16, 118.
-- Comp. stana-, m. a man with a breast like a woman's.

ābhyantara ābhyantara, i. e. abhyantara + a, adj. Interior, MBh. 2, 202.
-- Comp. gaṇa-, m. the member of a corporation, MBh. 3, 154.

ābhyāsika ābhyāsika (with s for ś), i. e. abhyāśa + ika, adj. Standing near together, MBh. 1, 7577.

ābhyudayika -ābhyudayika, i. e. abhyudaya + ika, adj. Causing prosperity, increse, Man. 12, 88.
-- Comp. an-, Not causing prosperity, Mṛcch. 111, 5.

ām ām, A particle of reminiscence: Ah! Vikr. 38, 17.

āma āma, i. e. am + a, adj., f. .
     1. Raw, undressed, Man. 4, 223.
     2. Unbaked (as a pot), Pañc. iii. d. 13.
-- Cf. [greek].

āmantraṇa āmantraṇa, i. e. ā-mantr + ana, n.
     1. Calling, addressing.
     2. Invitation, Pañc. 34, 17.

āmaya āmaya, i. e. am, Caus. + a (anomal.), m. Sickness, Rājat. 5, 209.
-- Comp. an-,
I. adj. 1. healthy, Draup. 4, 10. 2. being in a good condition, Rām. 2, 72, 52. 3. unharmed, Rām. 1, 44, 58.
II. n. health, Śāk. 64, 23; wellbeing, Rām. 2, 89, 6. nis-,
I. adj. 1. healthy, Indr. 3, 8. 2. full, Hariv. 3639. 3. pure, Rām. 1, 62, 18.
II. n. health, Rām. 1, 41, 21. sa-, adj. sick.

āmayāvitva āmayāvitva, i. e. āmayāvin + tva, n. Dyspepsia, Man. 11, 51.

āmayāvin āmayāvin, i. e. āmaya + vin, adj., f. , Subject to dyspepsia, Man. 3, 7.

āmaraṇānta āmaraṇānta, i. e. ā-maraṇa-anta, adj. Lasting till death, Hit. i. d. 180.

āmaraṇāntika āmaraṇāntika, i. e. āmaraṇānta + ika, adj. Lasting till death, Man. 9, 101.

āmarda āmarda, i. e. ā-mṛd + a, m. Pulling (as of hair), Śāk. d. 173.

āmardin āmardin, i. e. ā-mṛd + in, adj., f. , Destroying, Rām. 4, 14, 16.

āmarṣa āmarṣa = a-marṣa in nis-āmarṣa, = nis-amarṣa, Devoid of energy, Rām. 2, 10, 14 Gorr.

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āmalaka āmalaka, m., f. , and n. Emblic myrobalan.

āmiṣa āmiṣa, m. and n. Flesh, Pañc. i. d. 449.
-- Comp. khaḍga-, n. the flesh of a rhinoceros, Man. 3, 272. nis-, adj. 1. fleshless, Bhartṛ. 2, 9. 2. free of covetousness, Man. 6, 49.

āmiṣatā āmiṣa + tā, f. and āmiṣatva āmiṣa + tva, n. Being an object of covetousness, Ragh. 12, 11; Daśak. 194, 6 Wils.

āmukha ā-mukha, n. Prelude.

āmuṣmika āmuṣmika, i. e. amuṣmin, loc. sing. of adas, + ika, adj., f. , Belonging to the next life, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 19.

āmokṣaṇa āmokṣaṇa, i. e. ā-mokṣ + ana (v. r.), n. Binding on, Rām. 2, 23, 39, Schl.

āmocana āmocana, i. e. ā-muc + ana, n. Binding on, Rām. 2, 20, 43 Gorr.

āmoda āmoda, i. e. ā-mud + a, m.
     1. Pleasure, Kir. 5, 26.
     2. A fragrancy, strong smell, Ṛt. 6, 34.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. fragrant.

āmodin -āmodin, i. e. ā-mud + in, adj. Smelling, Rājat. 5, 357.

āmnāya āmnāya, i. e. ā-mnā + a, m.
     1. Holy tradition, Man. 7, 80.
     2. A Veda, Daśak. 140, 3.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. hard to be transmitted, MBh. 14, 1441.

āmbhasa āmbhasa, i. e. ambhas + a, adj. Full of water, Matsyop. 43.

āmra āmra, m. The mango tree, Mangifera indica, Nal. 12, 4.
-- Comp. rājāmra, i. e. rājan-, m. a superior sort of mango.

āmrāta āmrāta (derived from the last), and āmrātaka āmrāta + ka, m. The hog-plum, Spondias mangifera, Rām. 3, 17, 7.

āya āya, i. e. ā-i + a, m.
     1. Gain, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 219.
     2. Revenue, Man. 8, 419.

āyatana āyatana, i. e. ā-yat + ana n.
     1. A place, Cāṇ. 32.
     2. A seat, Man. 6, 77; Pañc. 32, 23.
     3. An outhouse, Yājñ. 2, 154.
     4. An altar, Pañc. 199, 12.
-- Comp. deva- and devatā-, n. a temple, Man. 4, 46; 8, 248.

āyati āyati, i. e. ā-yam + ti, and, on account of the metre, , Rām. 3, 44, 11, f.
     1. Dignity, Kathās. 24, 119; Rājat. 5, 189.
     2. Future time, Man. 4, 70.

āyattatā ā-yatta + tā (vb. yat) f., Dependence, Dev. 1, 29.

āyasa āyasa, i. e. ayas + a,
I. adj., f. , Of iron, Man. 8, 315;
II. n. Iron, Yājñ. 1, 305.

āyāga āyāga, i. e. ā-yaj + a, m. A sacrificial gift, Rām. 1, 33, 13.

āyāna āyāna, i. e. ā-yā + ana, n. Coming near, MBh. 3, 11029 (p. 570).

āyāma āyāma, i. e. ā-yam + a, m.
     1. Stopping, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 14.
     2. Oppression, Rājat. 5, 165 (perhaps is to be read āyāsa, q. cf.).
     3. Length, Rām. 1, 40, 18.

āyāmavant āyāma + vant, adj., f. vatī, and āyāmin āyāmin, i. e. āyāma + in, adj., f. , Long, Vikr. d. 4; Daśak. in Chr. 200, 11.

āyāsa āyāsa, i. e. ā-yas + a, m.
     1. Effort, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 997.
     2. Fatigue, Rām. 3, 55, 17.
     3. Trouble, Śāk. d. 37.
     4. Oppression, Rājat. 5, 174 (Chr. 261, 191, read āyāso).
     5. Weariness, Rām. 6, 7, 1.
-- Comp. an-, adj. easy, Śāk. 22. 17.

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āyāsaka āyāsaka, i. e. ā-yas Caus. + aka, adj., f. ikā, Causing fatigue, Bhartṛ. 3, 64.

āyāsin āyāsin, i. e. āyāsa + in, adj., f. , Endeavouring, Śāk. d. 34.

āyuḥśeṣatā āyuḥśeṣatā, i. e. āyus-śeṣa + tā, f. Condition of having saved only the life, Pañc. 127, 3 (I came off scarcely alive).

āyudha ā-yudh + a, n., A weapon, Man. 7, 93.
-- Comp. indra- n. the rainbow, Man. 4, 59. sa-indra-, adj. with a rainbow. ud-, adj. with raised weapons, Chr. 4, 17. kusuma-, m. the god of love, Ṛt. 6, 33. cakra-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, Rām. 6, 102, 12. tridaśa-, n. the rainbow, Ragh. 9, 54. nis-, adj., f. dhā, disarmed, Man. 7, 92. sa-, adj. armed, Pañc. 44, 23. hala-, m. Baladeva.

āyudhika āyudhika, i. e. āyudha + ika, and āyudhin āyudhin, i. e. āyudha + in, m. A warrior, MBh. 16, 212; Rām. 2, 53, 30.

āyudhīya āyudhīya, i. e. āyudha + īya, adj. Military, Man. 7, 222.

āyurvedamaya āyurvedamaya, i. e. ayus-veda + maya, adj. Containing the Ayurveda (see veda), Rām. 1, 45, 32.

āyuṣa -āyuṣa, i. e. āyus + a, A substitute for āyus when latter part of compound words: e. g. cira-, adj. Long living, Pañc. 245, 35; puruṣa-, n. The duration of a man's life.

āyuṣkāma āyuṣkāma, i. e. āyus-kam + a, adj. Desirous of long life, Man. 9, 41.

āyuṣmant āyuṣmant, i. e. āyus + mant, adj., f. matī, Long-lived, Man. 2, 152. Used in dramas as an honorific address.

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āyuṣya āyuṣya, i. e. āyus + ya,
I. adj., f. , Procuring long life, Man. 1, 106.
II. n. Long life, Man. 2, 52.
-- Comp. an-, adj. prejudicial to long life, Man. 2, 57.

āyus āyus, n. Life, Man. 1, 84.
-- Comp. alpa-, adj. short-lived, Man. 4, 157. kṣīṇa- (vb. kṣi), adj. lifeless, Sāv. 2, 23. gata-, adj. 1. lifeless, Pañc. 101, 23. 2. whose life is forfeited, Rām. 6, 1, 10. dīrgha-, adj. 1. long. lived, Rām. 1, 6, 18. 2. wished to be long-lived, Rām. 3, 1, 11. pari-mita- (vb. ), adj. short-lived, Rām. 3, 55, 20. śata-, m. a man a hundred years old, Lass. 32, 18; an old man. Cf. [greek] Lat. aevum, Goth. aivs.

āyoga āyoga, i. e. ā-yuj + a, m. Presenting with flowers, perfumes, Rām. 5, 17, 15 (bhramara-, A present of flowers made to the bees).

āyogava āyogava, m., f. , Offspring of a Śūdra by a Vaiśya woman, Man. 10, 12; 16.

āyodhana āyodhana, i. e. ā-yudh + ana, n.
     1. Battle, Ragh. 5, 71.
     2. A field of battle, Draup. 8, 30.

ārakṣa ā-rakṣ + a, m. Guard, protection, Man. 3, 204; Rām. 5, 75, 2.

ārakṣaka ā-rakṣ + aka, and ārakṣika ārakṣika, i. e. ā-rakṣa + ika(?), m. A policeman, Pañc. 129, 5; Daśak. in Chr. 195, 11.

āraṭṭa āraṭṭa (a dialectical change of a/ā-rāṣṭra), m. pl. The name of a people and country, MBh. 8, 2056.

āraṭṭaja āraṭṭa-ja (vb. jan), adj. Born in Āraṭṭa, Rām. 5, 12, 36.

āraṇa āraṇa, An abyss, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6.

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āraṇya āraṇya, i. e. araṇya + a, adj., f. .
     1. Living in forests, MBh. 1, 3637.
     2. Growing in forests, MBh. 1, 6658; wild, Man. 10, 89.

āraṇyaka āraṇya + ka,
I. adj. Referring to forests, MBh. 15, 532; produced in forests, Rām. 2, 36, 6.
II. m. An anchorite, Śāk. d. 46.
III. n. The name of a book, Man. 4, 123.

ārabdhi ārabdhi, i. e. ā-rabh + ti, f. An enterprise, Rājat. 5, 190.

ārambha ārambha, i. e. ā-rabh + a, m.
     1. A beginning, Megh. 37.
     2. Exertion, effort, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 22.
     3. An enterprise, Rām. 4, 30, 14.
-- Comp. citra-, adj. painted, Vikr. d. 4. citrārpita-, i. e. citra-arpita- (vb. ), adj. painted, Ragh. 2, 81. nis-, adj. devoid of exertion, inactive, MBh. 5, 1027.

ārambhaṇa ārambhaṇa, i. e. ā-rabh + ana, n. Commencement (support, according to the Sch. of the Chānd. -up. 385), Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 18.

ārambhatā ārambha + tā, f. Commencement, Kathās. 16, 79.

ārambhin ārambhin, i. e. ārambha + in, adj. One who begins many things.

ārava ārava, i. e. ā-ru + a, m. Sound, Rām. 4, 50, 23.

ārā ārā, f. An awl.
-- Cf. O.H.G. āla; A.S. āl, ael.

ārāt (abl. sing. of ved. āra) adv.
     1. From afar, MBh. 1, 6447.
     2. Instantly.

ārādhana ā-rādh + ana.
I. adj. Who or what conciliates, wins.
II. n.
     1. Acquirement, Bhartṛ. 3, 5.
     2. Accomplishment (representation), Śāk. 12, 1.
     3. Gratification.
     4. Adoration, Kathās. 17, 26.

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ārādhayitṛ ārādhayitṛ, i. e. ā-rādh, Caus. + tṛ, m. An adorer, Śāk. 39, 13.

ārādhayiṣṇu ārādhayiṣṇu, i. e. ā-rādh, Caus. + iṣṇu, adj. Gratifying, adoring, Rām. 3, 17, 30.

ārāma ārāma, i. e. ā-ram + a, m.
     1. Pleasure, Bhag. 3, 16.
     2. A garden, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17.
-- Comp. antar-, adj. one who finds his pleasure in his soul, Bhag. 5, 24

ārāva ārāva, i. e. ā-ru + a, m.
     1. Sound, Nal. 13, 16.
     2. Scream, MBh. 1, 6846.

ārirādhayiṣu ārirādhayiṣu, i. e. ā-rirādhayiṣa (desider. of the Caus. of rādh) + u, adj. Desirous of conciliating or winning, MBh. 1, 4784.

āruṇi āruṇi, i. e. aruṇa + i, patronym. m. A descendant of Aruṇa, surname of Uddalaka, MBh. 1, 684, and of Vainateya, MBh. 1, 2548.

āruṇī āruṇī, i. e. aruṇa + a + ī, f. Tawny, viz. an antelope, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7.

ārurukṣu ārurukṣu, i. e. ā-rurukṣa (desider. of ruh) + u, adj. Desiring to ascend, MBh. 3, 11108; to acquire, Bhag. 6, 3.

āruha -ā-ruh + a. Latter part of comp. words: e. g. gaja-, m. The rider of an elephant, Rām. 5, 12, 31 (in para-, adj. Having excellent riders, etc). dus-, adj. Hard to be ascended, Rām. 2, 117, 13 Gorr.

ārogya ārogya, i. e. a-roga + ya, n. Health, Rām. 1, 15, 13.
-- Comp. an-, adj. prejudicial to health, Man. 2, 57. saha-, adj. convalescent, well.

āroḍhṛ āroḍhṛ, i. e. ā-ruh + tṛ, m. One who mounts, Yājñ. 2, 303.

āropa āropa, i. e. ā-ruh, Caus. + a, m. Attributing to, predication, Śāk. d. 35 Sch.

āropaka āropaka, i. e. ā-ruh, Caus. + aka, m. A planter, Man. 3, 163.

āropaṇa āropaṇa, i. e. ā-ruh, Caus. + ana n.
     1. Causing to ascend, Kathās. 17, 84 (viz. to heaven, i. e. to die); Rām. 5, 15, 46.
     2. Putting on, Ragh. 7, 25.
     3. Stringing (a bow), Rām. 1, 66, 27.
-- Comp. vṛkṣa-, n. planting trees.

āroha āroha, i. e. ā-ruh + a, m.
     1. A rider, Hariv. 13464.
     2. Mounting, Kathās. 25, 142; Rājat. 5, 310.
     3. A heap, Rām. 1, 5, 14.
     4. The buttocks, Rām. 3, 52, 27.
-- Comp. aśva-, m. a horseman, Kathās. 10, 124. gaja-, and hasty-āroha, i. e. hastin-, m. a rider on an elephant, Rām. 3, 57, 23; Draup. 8, 22. dus-, adj., f. , hard to be ascended, Rām. 2, 105, 6. vara-,
I. m. 1. a rider on an elephant or horse. 2. an elephantdriver.
II. f. , 1. an elegant woman. 2. the hip or flank. sa-, adj., f. , rising, Rām. 5, 73, 6. syandana-, m. a warrior who fights in a car.

ārohaka ārohaka, i. e. a-ruh + aka, m. A rider, Pañc. 129, 18.

ārohaṇa ārohaṇa, i. e. ā-ruh + ana,
     1. Ascending, MBh. 1, 372.
     2. A stage, MBh. 14, 282.
     3. A ladder, Rām. 5, 14, 14.
-- Comp. durga-, adj. of difficult ascent, Rām. 3, 76, 28. pavitra-, n. the name of a festival, Pañc. 34, 18. sukha-, adj. of easy ascent, MBh. 2, 1281.

ārohaṇika ārohaṇika, i. e. ārohaṇa + ika, adj. Referring to the ascension (viz. to heaven), MBh. 1, 353.

ārohin ārohin, i. e. ā-ruh + in, adj. f. iṇī, Ascending, Pañc. iii. d. 264.

ārjava ārjava, i. e. ṛju + a, n. Candour, Man. 11, 222; Bhartṛ. 2, 19.
-- Comp. an-, n. dishonesty, Man. 9, 17.

ārjuneya ārjuneya, i. e. arjuna + eya, patronym. m. A descendant of Arjuna (?), Chr. 298, 23 = Rigv. i. 112, 23.

ārtava ārtava, i. e. ṛtu + a.
I. adj., f. , Seasonable, Rām. 2, 30, 16.
II. n.
     1. The menstrual discharge, Man. 4, 40; Rājat. 5, 391.
     2. The approved time for cohabitation, Man. 3, 48, cf. 46.
-- Comp. an-, adj. unseasonable.

ārtta ārtta, written ārta arta, (an anomalous ptcple. of the pf. pass. of ā-ard) adj., f. .
     1. Injured Man. 4, 236; hurt, Yājñ. 3, 248.
     2. Distressed, Man. 6, 16.
     3. Afflicted, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 19.
-- Comp. bhaya-, adj., distressed with fear.

ārttatā ārtta + tā (written ārtatā) f. Painfulness.

ārtti (ārti) ārtti, i. e. ā-ard + ti (cf. ārtta), f. Pain, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17.
-- Comp. kṛtrima-, adj. feigning sorrow, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 3.

ārdra ārdra, adj., f. .
     1. Wet, Megh. 87.
     2. Fresh, Amar. 2.
     3. Mild, Pañc. 8, 19.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. Wet. Cf. probably [greek] (although beginning with [greek]), [greek]

ārdraya ārdraya, a denomin. derived from the last, Par. To moisten, Bhartṛ. Suppl. 7.

ārdhika ārdhika, (i. e. probably ardha + ika), m. A labourer in tillage, Man. 4, 253.

ārya ārya.
I. m., f. ,
     1. Originally the name of the immigrated Indian people in opposition to the old inhabitants. In later times, the name of the three upper castes in opposition to the fourth, Yājñ. 2, 294; or to barbarians, MBh. 14, 2137.
II. fem. , The name of a metre. Rājat. 5. 35.
III. adj., f. .
     1. Respectable, venerable, Man. 8, 75; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 17.
     2. Apposite, Rām 2, 115, 6.
-- Comp. an-, adj. and subst. 1. A barbarian, Man. 9, 260.
     2. Unworthy, Rām. 3, 51, 25.
     3. Inhabited by barbarians, Śāk. C. 139, 7.

āryaka ārya + ka, m.
     1. A grandfather, Rām. 5, 61, 15.
     2. A proper name, Mṛcch. 35, 22; MBh. 1, 1552.

āryatā ārya + tā, f. and āryatva ārya + tva, n. Venerableness, Man. 7, 211; Rājat. 1, 110.
-- Comp. an-, f. Want of virtuous dignity, Man. 10, 58. Dishonourableness, Hit. iv. d. 23.

ārṣa ārṣa, i. e. ṛṣi + a,
I. adj. f. ṣī.
     1. Referring to the Ṛṣis.
     2. Ordained by or practised by the Ṛṣis, Man. 3, 21; 12, 106.
II. m. A form of marriage, Man. 3, 53.
III. n. Holy lineage.

ārṣabha ārṣabha i. e. ṛṣabha + a, adj. Proceeding from a bull, Man. 9, 50 (n. its strength).

ālakṣaṇya ālakṣaṇya, i. e. a-lakṣaṇa + ya, n. Inclination to sin, Man. 9, 19 (Kull.).

ālaṅghana ā-laṅgh + ana, n. Covering, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 11.

ālamba ā-lamb + a,
I. adj. Hanging down, Rām. 3, 22, 17.
II. m. Support, Rājat. 5, 310 (in Chr. p. 271, corr. -bahe-).
-- Comp. an-, adj. unsupported, Rām. 2, 48, 22. dus-, adj., f. , difficult to get a footing in, Rām. 5, 73, 6. nis-, adj. having no support, Rām. 1, 44, 2. matta- (vb. mad), m. a fence round the walls of a palace. sa-, adj. supported, Kathās. 12, 175.

ālambana ā-lamb + ana, n.,
     1. Supporting, Megh. 4.
     2. Support, Pañc. i. d. 34.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. having no support, Rām. 5, 3, 64.

ālambin ā-lamb + in, adj., f. .
     1. Hanging down, Ṛt. 6, 24.
     2. Dependent, MBh. 3, 9924.
     3. Depending on, Hit. pr. d. 19.

ālambha ālambha, i. e. ā-labh + a, m.
     1. Touching, Man. 2, 79.
     2. Cutting, Man. 11, 144.
     3. Killing, Megh. 46.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. f. bhā, difficult to be seized, MBh. 13, 4707.

ālambhin ālambhin, i. e. ā-labh + in, adj., f. , Touching, Rājat. 5, 88.

ālaya ālaya, i. e. ā-lī + a, m. and n. (Rām. 5, 23, 31),
     1. A house.
     2. A seat.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj. 1. having settled. 2. Inhabiting, Rām. 3, 1, 18. tridaśa-, m. 1. the heaven. 2. a deity. deva-, m. a temple. padma-, adj., f. , dwelling in a lotus flower. mānasa-, m. a wild swan, or goose. hima-, m. the Himālaya range of mountains.

ālavāla ālavāla, n. A basin for water round the root of a tree, Vikr. d. 41.

ālasya ālasya, i. e. alasa + ya, n. Idleness, Bhartṛ. 2, 74.

ālāna ālāna, n.,
     1. A post to which an elephant is tied, Mālav. 62, d. 76.
     2. The rope that ties him, Ragh. 4, 69.

ālānika ālānika, i. e. ālāna + ika, adj. Serving for a post, etc. (see the preceding), Ragh, 14, 38.

ālāpa ālāpa, i. e. ā-lap + a, m.
     1. Speaking.
     2. Conversation, Pañc. 46, 12.
-- Comp. kathā-, m. conversation, Hit. 26, 22.

ālāpavant ālāpa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Addressing, Amar. 42.

ālāpin ālāpin, i. e. ā-lap + in, adj., f. , Speaking.

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āli āli, i. e. ā-lī,
I. m. A bee, Pañc. i. d. 203.
II. Also ālī, f.
     1. A woman's female friend, Kumāras. 5, 83.
     2. A line, Amar. 89; Pañc. 203, 6.
-- Comp. sūtra-ālī, f. a necklace.

āliṅga ā-liṅg + a, m. Embracing, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 14.

āliṅgana ā-liṅg + ana, n. An embrace, Megh. 71.

ālu ālu, n. A vessel, Hit. iii. d. 52.

āluñcana ā-luñc + ana, n. Darting on, Mṛcch. 50, 15.

ālepa ālepa, i. e. ā-lip + a, m., and ālepana ālepana, i. e. ā-lip + ana, n.
     1. Smearing, anointing.
     2. Ointment.

āloka āloka, i. e. ā-lok + a, m.
     1. Sight, Megh. 38; Śāk. d. 9 (first look).
     2. Light, Rām. 4, 50, 52.
     3. Appearance, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 15.
     4. Flattery, panegyric, Ragh. 2, 9.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be perceived, Gīt. 2, 20. nis-, adj., f. , 1. without moving the eyes, Rām. 2, 111, 14. 2. invisible, MBh. 1, 1475. sukha-, adj., f. , charming, Vikr. d. 109. sūrya-, m. sunshine.

ālokana ā-lok + ana, n. Looking, Vikr. d. 150.

ālokanīyatā ā-lokanīya + tā (vb. lok), f. Visibility, Kumāras. 2, 24.

ālokin -ālokin, i. e. āloka + in. Bhartṛ. 1, 69, at the end of the comp. word vikasita-kumuda-indīvara-āloka + in, adj., f. , Looking like a lotus whose flowers are expanded; literally, having the appearance of a lotus, etc.

ālocaka ā-loc + aka, adj. Causing sight.

ālocana ā-loc + ana, n. and f. , Consideration.

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āloḍana āloḍana, i. e. ā-luḍ + ana, n. Mixing.

āvantya āvantya, i. e. avanti + ya, m.
     1. An inhabitant of Avanti, MBh. 3, 15253.
     2. The son of a Vrātya or outcast Brāhmaṇa, Man. 10, 21.

āvapana ā-vap + ana, n.
     1. Sowing seed.
     2. Any vessel.

āvaraṇa āvaraṇa, i. e. ā-vṛ + ana, n.
     1. Covering, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 23.
     2. A cover, Śāk. d. 77.
     3. Protection, Rām. 6, 99, 33.
     4. A shield, Śiś. 5, 66.
     5. Obstruction, Man. 3, 163.
     6. A lock, Ragh. 16, 7.
-- Comp. gātra-, n. a shield, MBh. 7, 79. deha-, n. an armour, MBh. 7, 4423.

āvarta āvarta, i. e. ā-vṛt + a, m.
     1. Turning, a turn.
     2. A whirlpool, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 392.
     3. A curl, Nal. 19, 14.
-- Comp. ārya-, m. the holy land, extending from the eastern to the western sea, and bounded on the north and south by the Himālaya and Vindhya mountains, Man. 2, 22. dakṣiṇā-, adj. 1. turned to the et Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 5. 2. turned the south, MBh. 6, 5671. nandi-, m. a certain diagram, MBh. 7, 2930. brahmāvarta, i. e. brahman-, m. the country between the rivers Sarasvatī and Dṛṣadvatī, Man. 2, 17. rājāvarta, i. e. rājan-, m. an inferior kind of diamond. ṣoḍaśāvarta, i. e. ṣoḍaśan-, m. a conch shell. su-dus-, adj. very difficult to be dissuaded, MBh. 12, 579. sūrya-, m. 1. a plant, Cleome viscosa. 2. a sun-flower. hṛd-, m. a lock of hair on a horse's neck or breast.

āvartin āvartin, i. e. ā-vṛt + in, adj., f. , Returning, Hit. i. d. 201.

āvali and āvali/ī, f. A row, Hit. i. d. 90.

āvaśyaka āvaśyaka, i. e. avaśya + m + ka,
I. adj. Necessary, inevitable, Bhāṣāp. 21.
II. n. Necessity, that which must be done, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 1.

āvaśyakatā āvaśyaka + tā, f. Inevitability, Hit. 116, 10.

āvasati ā-vas + ati (for original °tī, fem. of the pres. partic.), f. Night, Arj. 1, 13.

āvasatha ā-vas + atha, m.
     1. A resting-place, Man. 3, 107.
     2. A house.
     3. The mansion of the holy fire, Man. 4, 151.
-- Comp. deva-, m. a temple, Rājat. 4, 325.

āvasathya āvasathya, i. e. āvasatha + ya, m. The holy fire, MBh. 3, 14181.

āvaha -ā-vah + a, adj., f. .
     1. Bringing, Rām. 1, 23, 13.
     2. Causing, Ragh. 14, 5.
-- Comp. dus-, adj., f. , difficult to be lead, MBh. 12, 12459. mala-, adj. 1. soiling. 2. defiling.

āvāpa āvāpa, i. e. ā-vap + a, m.
     1. An arm-guard, Rām. 6, 92, 15.
     2. Watching the enemies, Śiś. 2, 88.
-- Comp. śara-, m. a bow, MBh. 1, 7073.

āvāsa āvāsa, i. e. ā-vas + a, m. A house.
-- Comp. bhoga-, m. the harem.

āvāhana āvāhana, i. e. ā-vah + ana, n. Invitation.

āvika āvika, i. e. avi + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Coming from a sheep, e. g. kṣīra, 'the milk of an ewe,' Man. 5, 8.
     2. Woollen, Man. 2, 41.
II. n. A woollen cloth, Man. 5, 120.
-- Comp. pañcāvika, i. e. pañcan-, n. the five productions from a sheep.

āvikasautrika āvika-sautrika, i. e. āvika-sūtra + ika (v. r. -sūtrika, perhaps better), adj. Consisting of woollen threads, Man. 2, 44.

āvila āvila, adj., f. .
     1. Turbid, Nal. 13, 7(6).
     2. Without splendour, Rām. 5, 18, 3.
     3. Stained, Chr. 40, 11; Foul, Śāutiś. 3, 2.
-- Comp. an-, adj. 1. pure, Rām. 3, 76, 11. 2. healthy, Man. 7, 69. pari-, adj. very turbid, Ragh. 7, 37.

āvilaya āvilaya, a denomin. derived from āvila, Par. To sully, Śāk. d. 117.

āvis āvis, adv. and prepos., combined or compounded with as, kṛ, bhū, and their derivatives, Manitest.

āvītin āvītin, i. e. ā-vīta + in (vb. vye), adj. in prācīna-āvītin, m. A Brāhmaṇa wearing his cord over his right shoulder, Man. 2, 63.

āvṛt ā-vṛt, f.
     1. Order, arrangement, Man. 3, 214 (see Lois.).
     2. Manner, Man. 3, 248.
     3. A ceremony, Man. 2, 66.

āvṛtti ā-vṛt + ti, f. Returning, Kathās. 14, 64.

āvega āvega, i. e. ā-vij + a, m. Trouble, hurry.
-- Comp. ati-, m. excessive trouble, Prab. 92, 8.

āvedaka āvedaka, i. e. ā-vid + aka, adj. One who makes known.

āvedin -āvedin, i. e. ā-vid + in, adj., f. , Announcing.

āveśa āveśa, i. e. ā-viś + a, m. Entering.

āveśana āveśana, i. e. ā-viś + ana n.
     1. A workshop, Man. 9, 265.
     2. Possession by demons.

āveṣṭa ā-veṣṭ + a, m. Wrapping round, Yājñ. 2, 217.

āśa -āśa, i. e. 2. aś + a, m. Eating, e. g. prātar-, m. Breakfast, Lass. 76, 19; havya- (vb. hu) and huta- (vb. hu), m. Agni, or fire.

āśaṃsā ā-śaṃs + ā, f. Wish, Ragh. 12, 44.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. full of desire, Kir. 5, 23. -śam, adv. uttering a benediction, Vikr. 11, 4.

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āśaṃsin ā-śaṃs + in, adj., f. , Announcing, Rām. 6, 90, 32.

āśaṅkā ā-śaṅk + ā, f.
     1. Fear, Bhartṛ. 3, 4.
     2. Suspicion, Kathās. 14, 56.
-- Comp. gata- and naṣṭa-, adj., f. , fearless. sa-, adj. disheartened, Pañc. 47, 15.

āśaṅkin -ā-śaṅk + in, adj., f. , Apprehending, Rām. 2, 71, 32.

āśaya āśaya, i. e. ā-śī + a, m.
     1. A seat, Kathās. 20, 128.
     2. A den, MBh. 3, 1387.
     3. An asylum, Pañc, 141, 1.
     4. The stomach, Daśak. 189, 11 (Wils.).
     5. The heart, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 1; Mind, Bhag. 10, 20.
     6. Intention, Kathās. 12, 73.
-- Comp. ama-, m. the part of the belly about the navel. krūra-, adj., f. , containing cruel animals and wicked intentions, Bhartṛ. 1, 80. garbha-, m. the womb, MBh. 14, 501. toya-, m. a pond, a river. dus-,
I. m. a bad abode, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 36.
II. adj. having wicked intentions, Kathās. 20, 3. duṣṭa- (vb. duṣ), adj. having wicked intentions, Pañc. 51, 25. pakva-, m. the abdomen, MBh. 3, 13973. mahā-,
I. adj. 1. magnanimous; 2. liberal.
II. m. a gentleman. mūtra-, m. the lower belly. vi-rata- (vb. ram), adj. resigning worldly intentions, Pañc. ii. d. 189. sukha-, adj. hoping for pleasure, Pañc. ii. d. 160.

āśā āśā, f.
I. i. e. 1. aś + a, A quarter, a region, Rām. 3, 22, 8.
II. i. e. ā-śaṃs,
     1. Desire, Hit. d. 105.
     2. Hope, Daśak. 191, 5.
-- Comp. dus-, f. want of hope, Rājat. 3, 213. dhana-, f. desire of wealth, Hit. i. d. 105. nis-, adj., f. śā, hopeless, Rām. 4, 19, 4. bhagna- (vb. bhañj), adj. disappointed. hata- (vb. han), adj. hopeless, desperate, Mālav. 36, 20.

āśāvant āśā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Full of hope, Hit. i. d. 72.

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āśitva -āśitva, i. e. āśin + tva, n. Eating, e. g. an-ācitva, Hunger, MBh. 3, 13477.

āśin -āśin, i. e. 2. aś + in, adj., f. , Eating, Man. 2, 118.
-- Comp. nirāmisha-, i. e. nis-, adj. not feeding on meat. Hit. 19, 1. pavana-, m. a snake. pūrva-, adj., eating before (others), MBh. 5, 1291.

āśis āśis, i. e. ā-śās, f. Benediction, Rām. 2, 32, 11.
-- Comp. jaya-, f. cheering, congratulation, Rām. 3, 35, 105.

āśīviṣa āśī-viṣa (āśī, according to the grammarians, a serpent's fang), m. A snake, MBh. 3, 544.

āśu āśu, i. e. probably (see śo) + u, adv. Quickly. Cf. [greek] Lat. ocius, accipiter = ved. āśupatvan, aquila.

āśuga āśu-ga (vb. gam),
I. adj., f. , Moving quickly, Man. 4, 68.
II. m. An arrow.

āśutva āśu + tva, n. Quickness, Arj. 6, 18.

āśauca āśauca, i. e. a-śuci + a, n. Impurity, Man. 5, 59.
-- Comp. sūtyāśauca, i. e. sūti-, n. impurity from child-birth.

āścarya āścarya, i. e. ā-car + ya
I. adj., f. , Astonishing, wonderful, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 11.
II. n. A surprising phenomenon, Rām. 5, 49, 27.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. wonderful, Bhartṛ. 2, 59. -yam, adv. with surprise.

āścaryamaya āścarya + maya, adj., f. , Wonderful, Kathās. 26, 64.

āścyotana āścyotana, i. e. ā-ścyut + ana, Sprinkling.

āśrama ā-śram + a, m. and n.
     1. An hermitage.
     2. A religious order of which there are four (or only three, Man. 2, 230) kinds referable to the different periods of a Brāhmaṇa's life, Man. 3, 2.
-- Comp. kāma-, m. and n. the hermitage of the god of love. gṛha-, m. the second order, that of the householder, Man. 6, 1. jyeṣṭha-, adj. being in the most eminent order, Man. 3, 78.

āśramin āśramin, i. e. āśrama + in, adj. Belonging to one of the religious orders, Man. 6, 91.
-- Comp. gṛha-, m. a Brāhmaṇa fulfilling the duties of a householder, Mārk. P. 29, 30.

āśraya āśraya, i. e. ā-śri + a, m.
     1. A seat, Pañc. 51, 20; Ragh. 11, 26 (a quiver).
     2. An abode.
     3. A retreat, Man. 7, 27.
     4. An asylum, Pañc. 211, 4.
     5. Protection, Pañc. i. d. 43.
     6. Recourse, Man. 2, 11; refuge, Ragh. 12, 35.
     7. Dependence, Yājñ. 2, 48.
     8. Support, Pañc. 155, 8; help, Pañc. 95, 14.
     9. Base, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 3; the subject (in Logic), Bhāṣāp. 74.
     10. Reference, Yājñ. 3, 143; Daśak. in Chr. 185, 17.
-- Comp. garta-, adj. living in holes, Man. 7, 72. nis-, adj., f. , having no support, MBh. 8, 1905. para-, m. 1. dependence from another, Hariv. 5154. 2. the refuge of the enemies, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 12. vana-,
I. adj. who or what is in a forest.
II. m. a raven. vāṇa-, m. a bow.

āśrayaṇa -āśrayaṇa, i. e. ā-śri + ana, adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Taking refuge.
     2. Referring to, Vikr. d. 51.

āśrayāśavat āśrayāśavat, i. e. āśraya-āśa + vat, adv. Like fire, Hit. ii. d. 165.

āśrayin āśrayin, i. e. āśraya + in, adj., f. ṇī,
     1. Seated, Ragh. 6, 4.
     2. Lodging, Śāk. 78, 19.

āśrava āśrava, i. e. ā-śru + a, adj., f. , Obedient.
-- Comp. an-, adj., f. , not obeying.

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āśritatva ā-śrita + tva (vb. śri), n. Dependence, Bhāṣāp. 23.

āśleṣa āśleṣa, i. e. ā-śliṣ + a, m. An embrace, Megh. 105.

āśvayuja āśvayuja, i. e. aśva-yuj + a, m. The month Āśvina (SeptemberOctober), Man. 6, 15.

āśvāsa āśvāsa, i. e. ā-śvas + a, m.
     1. Recreation.
     2. Rest, repose, Rājat. 5, 315.
     3. Appeasing, Kathās. 9, 64.

āśvāsana āśvāsana, i. e. ā-śvas + ana, n. Recreation, Pañc. 70, 21.

āśvina āśvina, i. e. aśvin + a, adj. Directed to the Aśvins, Chr. 296.

āṣāḍha āṣāḍha, i. e. a-sāḍha, old ptcple. of the pf. pass. of sah, + a, m.
     1. The name of a month (June-July), Rājat. 5, 126.
     2. A staff carried by an ascetic in that month.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2699.

ās 1. ās, an interj.
     1. Of anger: Ah! Pañc. 36, 21.
     2. Of fear, Prab. 31, 10.
     3. Of recollection, Prab. 72, 11.
     4. Of joy, Prab. 29, 9.

ās 2. ās, ii. 2, Ātm. (in epic poetry sometimes Par., MBh. 14, 2871).
     1. To sit, Rām. 1, 50, 10; with the acc., Vikr. 27, 16.
     2. To abide, MBh. 3, 12723.
     3. To stay, Rām. 3, 9, 32.
     4. To perform, Nal. 7, 3 (Böhtl.).
     5. To spend time in doing something, to do something a long time; the action being expressed,
a. By a participle, Pañc. 36, 20 (svākāraṃ nigūhann āste, He conceals the state of his mind).
b. By an absolutive, Man. 7, 195; Rām. 4, 57, 23 (prāyam [hardly acc. of prāya] āsmahe, we are starving).
     6. To exist, Rājat. 5. 99; to be, Pañc. 89, 10; Rājat. 5, 3 (corr. āsātām). With an adv. tūṣṇīm, silent, Pañc. 21, 10; evam, thus, Rām. 5, 57, 15. With an instrumental, Pañc. i. d. 106, 'with fearless mind.' With a dative, Hit. i. d. 207, āstām tuṣṭaye, it may be gratifying.
     7. To cease, Pañc. 106, 19; āstām, 'enough,' Hit. 122, 19. Ptcple. of the pres. āsīna, Man. 1, 1. Of the pf. pass. āsita, passed, Rām. 1, 3, 4 (what came to pass with Rāma, etc.); n. Seat, Rām. 2, 58, 10. Comp. dus-, n. Unsuitable manner of sitting, MBh. 3, 14669.
-- With the prepos. adhi adhi,
     1. To sit down, Rām. 5, 57, 6.
     2. To sit down on, with acc., Rām. 2, 81, 11.
     3. To take for his seat, Rām. 2, 99, 11; to occupy, Rām. 6, 2, 34.
     4. To inhabit, Rām. 3, 54, 5.
     5. To enter, MBh. 3, 13330.
     6. To live as wife of, MBh. 1, 7265. Part. of the pf. pass. adhyāsita, Being the subject, Lass. 92, 2.
-- With samadhi sam-adhi,
     1. To occupy, Ragh. 13, 52.
     2. To inhabit, Rām. 6, 4, 52.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To sit down after, Ragh. 2, 24.
     2. To attend, Śāk. 33, 3.
     3. To perform, Rām. 2, 50, 34.
-- With ud ud, To be indifferent, Śiś. 2, 42. Ptcple. of the pres. udāsīna, One who is indifferent, neither friend nor enemy, Man. 7, 155.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To sit near, Man. 4, 154.
     2. To attend, Bhag. 12, 2.
     3. To honour, MBh. 3, 12611.
     4. To partake, Man. 3, 104; MBh. 17, 2871.
     5. To attain, Yājñ. 3, 192.
     6. To sit, Man. 2, 103.
     7. To occupy, Man. 5, 93.
     8. To perform, Rām. 4, 24, 11; Daśak. in Chr. 184, 3.
     9. To undergo, MBh. 3, 15634.
     10. To stay, Rām. 1, 36, 1.
     11. To spend time, doing something (cf. the simplex), the action being expressed,
a. By a participle, Bhag. 12, 6;
b. By an absolutive, Rām. 1, 44, 1.
     12. To expect, MBh. 3, 1215.
-- With paryupa pari-upa,
     1. To surround, MB. 2, 280; Nal. 1, 11.
     2. To sit on, Man. 2, 75.
     3. To dwell round (with the acc.), MBh. 3, 10412.
     4. To partake, Arj. 8, 21.
     5. To attend respectfully, Man. 7, 37.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To sit, Rām. 2, 105, 1.
     2. To perform, Rām. 4, 10, 24.
     3. To honour, Mṛcch. 37, 4.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To sit together, MBh. 2, 304.
     2. To sit together with (with the acc.), MBh. 1, 2104; with the instr., Sāv. 6, 27.
     3. To sit, Man. 2, 101.
     4. To be a match, MBh. 3, 372.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To be able to resist (with the acc.), MBh. 3, 17314.
-- Cf. [greek] = āste; concerning the spir. asper cf. [greek] in [greek] = asmad.

āsaṅga āsaṅga, i. e. ā-sañj + a, m.
     1. Being attached, Śāk. d. 132.
     2. Attachment, Pañc. v. d. 93.
-- Comp. uttara-, m. an upper and outer garment, Pañc. 236, 8.

āsatti āsatti, i. e. ā-sad + ti, f. Juxtaposition (of words), Bhāṣāp. 81; 82. Connection, Bhāṣāp. 63.

āsana ās + ana, m. and n.
     1. Sitting, Man. 6, 22; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 22 (vigṛhya-, Sitting separately, not together).
     2. Sitting in some peculiar posture for pious purposes, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 14; 16.
     3. Sitting encamped, Man. 7, 160.
     4. Dwelling, Man. 2, 215.
     5. A seat, Man. 3, 208; Bhag. 6, 11.
-- Comp. ardha-, n. half a seat, Śāk. 97, 10. kamala- and jalaja-, m. a name of Brahman. dharma-, n. the seat of a judge, Man. 8, 23. nṛpa-, n. a throne. padma-,
I. n. 1. a seat consisting of a lotusflower. 2. a kind of posture when absorbed in meditation.
II. adj. dwelling in a lotus-flower. bhadra-, n. 1. a throne. 2. a peculiar posture, in which abstract meditation is performed by a devotee. vīra-, n. 1. a field of battle. 2. a bivouac. 3. a kind of posture, Man. 11, 110. śakra-, n. a throne, Pañc. iii. d. 270. saha-, n. sitting on the same seat. siṃha-, n. a throne.

āsava āsava, i. e. ā-su + a, m. A distilled spirit, MBh. 16, 30.
-- Comp. madhu-, m. a spirit distilled from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia. surā-, n. an inebriating liquor, Man. 11, 95. smara-, m. saliva.

āsādana āsādana, i. e. ā-sad + ana, n. Attacking, MBh. 2, 808.

āsāra āsāra, i. e. ā-sṛ + a, m.
     1. A hard shower, Pañc. 94, 3.
     2. A king whose dominions are separated by other intervening states, Kāmand. Nītis. 8, 17.
-- Comp. dhārā-, m. a hard shower, Vikr. d. 70. puṣpa-, m. a shower of flowers, Megh. 44. sa-, adj., f. , rainy.

āsidhāra āsidhāra, i. e. asi-dhārā + a, adj. As difficult as standing on the edge of a sword (cf. vrata), Ragh. 13, 67.

āsisādayiṣu āsisādayiṣu, i. e. ā-sisādayiṣa, desid. of sad, + u, adj. Desirous of attacking, Rām. 6, 76, 6.

āsura āsura, i. e. asura + a, adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to the Asuras or demons, Arj. 10, 30.
     2. Demon-like, Bhag. 9, 12; wicked, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 13: that form of marriage is so called in which the bridegroom gives to the bride, her father, and paternal kinsmen, as much as he can afford, Man. 3, 31.

āsedha āsedha, i. e. ā-sidh + a, m. Arrest.
-- Comp. sthāna-, m. confine ment to a place.

āsevā ā-sev + ā, f. Intercourse.
-- Comp. dus-, adj., f. , hard to have intercourse with, Rām. 3, 23, 15.

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āsevin -ā-sev + in, adj., f. , Addicted, Rājat. 5, 207.

āskanda ā-skand + a, m. Mounting, Kathās. 26, 36.

āskandin ā-skand + in,
I. adj., f. , Jumping on, Ragh. 17, 52.
II. m. A donor, Kathās. 24, 87.

āstara āstara, i. e. ā-stṛ + a, m. A layer, Kathās. 22, 196.

āstaraṇa āstaraṇa, i. e. ā-stṛ + ana, n.
     1. A layer, MBh. 3, 15142.
     2. Lying, Pañc. i. d. 190.
     3. A cover, Rām. 3, 49, 15.

āstaraṇavant āstaraṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Covered with blankets, or carpets, Rām. 4, 44, 99; MBh. 1, 7943.

āstaraṇika āstaraṇika, i. e. āstaraṇa + ika, adj. Spread sacrificial grass, Rām. 6, 96, 15 (Sch.).

āstika āstika, i. e. asti, third ps. of the pres. of 1. as, + ika, m. A believer, religious, pious, Rām. 2, 109, 37.

āstikya āstikya, i. e. āstika + ya, n. Devoutness, Bhag. 18, 72.

āsthā āsthā f.
     1. Stay, Bhartṛ. 1, 93.
     2. Trust, Bhartṛ. 2, 96.
     3. Regard, Bhartṛ. 3, 59.
-- Comp. an-, f. disregard, Kumāras. 6, 63; no matter, 6, 12. jāta-, adj., f. thā, full of hope, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 6.

āsthāna āsthāna, i. e. ā-stha + ana, n. and f. , An assembly, Rājat. 5, 35.

āspada āspada, i. e. perhaps āt-pada, n.
     1. A place, Rājat. 5, 44.
     2. palace, Rājat. 5, 235.
     3. A position, Man. 7, 184.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. oppidum.

āspadatā -āspada + tā, f. Condition of being the place of, Kathās. 7, 81 (confidence).

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āsphālana āsphālana, i. e. ā-sphal Caus. + ana, n. Flapping, striking against, Pañc. iii. d. 237, Kumāras. 3, 22.

āsphoṭa āsphoṭa, i. e. ā-sphuṭ + a, m.
     1. Clapping with the hands, MBh. 2, 900.
     2. Clapping, clap in general, MBh. 3, 11141.

āsphoṭana āsphoṭana, i. e. ā-sphuṭ + ana, n. Clapping of the hands, Rām. 5, 10, 13.

āsya āsya (vb. an, cf. ānana), n.
     1. The mouth, Man. 1, 94.
     2. The face, Śṛṅgārat. 1.
     3. An organ of speech, as the lips, the teeth, etc., Pañc. v. d. 44.
-- Comp. uraga-, n. A kind of spade, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 9. daśāsya, i. e. daśan-, adj. epithet of Rāvaṇa. dīrgha-, adj. having a long face. pañca(n)-,
I. adj. 1. having five faces. 2. having five edges, MBh. 7, 1710.
II. m. A lion. pāṇi-, adj. one whose hand is his mouth, Man. 4, 117. manda-, n. modesty. markaṭa-, n. copper. sthūla-, m. a snake.
-- Cf. os, ora, probably [greek]

āsyā ās-yā, f. Sitting.

āsvāda ā-svād + a, m. Taste, Kumāras. 3, 31; Yājñ. 3, 229; Pañc. 263, 22; i. d. 429.

āsvādaka ā-svād + aka, adj. Enjoying.

āsvādana ā-svād + ana, n. Tasting, enjoying, Pañc. 35, 6; Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 2.

āhaṃkārya āhaṃkārya, i. e. ahaṃkāra + ya, adj. Subject to selfishness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 21.

āhara -āhara, i. e. ā-hṛ + a, adj. Bringing, Ragh. 1, 49.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be accomplished, MBh. 2, 664.

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āharaṇa āharaṇa, i. e. ā-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Fetching, Śāk. 7, 9.
     2. Accomplishment, MBh. 14, 2072.

āhartṛ āhartṛ, i. e. ā-hṛ + tṛ, m.
     1. An acquirer, Rām. 5, 95, 34; with acc., Vikr. d. 139 (causing).
     2. One who accomplishes, Nal. 12, 45.

āhava āhava, i. e. ā-hve + a, m. War, battle.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. a great battle or fight.

āhāra āhāra, i. e. ā-hṛ + a, m. Food, Pañc. 55, 19.
-- Comp. an-,
I. m. non-eating, Hit. 24, 12.
II. adj. one who abstains from eating, Rām. 3, 75, 30. ekāhāra, i. e. eka-āhāra, adj. eating only once a day, MBh. 13, 5159. nis-, adj. without food, Rām. 1, 48, 31. pakṣa-, adj. taking food only twice a month, MBh. 3, 15409. phala-, adj., f. , in order to fetch fruits, Sāv. 4, 23. śāka-, adj. living upon potherbs, Bhartṛ. 2, 79. su-, adj. easily to be procured, Rām. 2, 31, 26. svecchā-, i. e. sva-icchā-, adj. omnivorous.

āhiṇḍika āhiṇḍika, m. The son of a Niṣāda by a Vaidehī woman, Man. 10, 37.

āhituṇḍika āhituṇḍika, i. e. ahi-tuṇḍa + ika, n. A snake catcher, a juggler, Pañc. iii. d. 67.

āhuti ā-hu + ti, f. An oblation to the deities, Man. 2, 106.

āho āho, part. Or, Śāk. d. 125.

āhnika āhnika, i. e. ahan + ika,
I. adj. Daily, MBh. 3, 10772.
II. n. A religious ceremony which must be performed every day, Rām. 1, 25, 2.
-- Comp. gava-, n. the daily food of a cow, MBh. 13, 6175.

āhlāda ā-hlād + a, m. Joy, Pañc. v. d. 46.

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āhlādana ā-hlād + ana, n. Delighting, delight, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 23.

āhva -āhva, see āhvā.

āhvaya āhvaya, i. e. ā-hve + a, m.
     1. Betting, Man. 8, 7.
     2. As latter part of a comp. adj., Called, e. g. rāmāyaṇa- called Rāmāyaṇa, Rām. 1, 4, 1. gajāhvaya, gajasāhvaya, nāgasāhvaya and vāraṇasāhvaya, i. e. -sa-āhvaya, Called by the name of an elephant, i. e. Hāstinapura from hastin, an elephant, and pura, a town, MBh. 3, 270 and 9, and 1, 1786. gaṇḍa-sāhvayā, f. The name of a river, probably = Gaṇḍakī, MBh. 3, 14230. cakra-sāhvaya, m. The ruddy goose, Anas casarca Gm., Rām. 4, 51, 38; cf. sāhvaya.
-- Comp. hima-, m. camphor.

āhvayana -āhvayana, i. e. ā-hve + ana, n. Latter part of comp. adj., ratha-anga-, called after a part of a cart, i. e. cakra-vāka, The name of a bird, from cakra, a wheel, Rām. 2, 95, 11.

āhvā āhvā, i. e. ā-hve + ā, f. A name.
-- Comp. cakra-, m. the ruddy goose, Anas casarca Gm., Kathās. 14, 62. sūrya-, n. 1. copper. 2. gigantic swallow-wort.

āhvāna āhvāna, i. e. ā-hve + ana, n.
     1. Calling, summons, Pañc. iii. d. 44.
     2. An invocation, Man. 9, 126.
     3. A challenge, Rām. 4, 13, 40.


i i, A. ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm. MBh. 5, 192).
     1. To go, Chr. 296, 8 = Rigv. i. 112, 8, etave ved. inf.
     2. To go to (with the acc.), Rām. 2, 67, 1; with punar, to return, MBh. 2, 58.
     3. To undergo, with abstracts, e. g. śudratām, Man. 4, 245, the condition of a Śūdra, i. e. to become a Śūdra; śoṣam, Cāt. 9, dryness, i. e. to become dry; prītim, Nal. 16, 23, joy, i. e. to rejoice; vaśam, Hit. 1, 32, power, i. e. to become subject.
     4. To go away, Rām. 3, 1, 28.
     5. To return, Rām. 1. 42, 9.
     6. To attain, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 2.

ay ay, B. according to the grammarians, i. 1, Par. and Ātm. To go.

ī ī, C. i. 4, Ātm. (properly the pass. voice of i), To go, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5. ii. 2, Par.,
     1. To go.
     2. To pervade.
     3. To conceive.
     4. To desire.
     5. To throw.
     6. To eat. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. durita, i. e. dus-, n. Sin, Hariv. 11059.
-- With the prep. ati ati, A. i,
     1. To pass over, Rām. 1, 21, 19; 3, 74, 7.
     2. To surpass, Man. 8, 151, also in the pass. voice or ī, i. 4, Ātm., MBh. 2, 1473.
     3. To conquer, Hit. i. d. 18.
     4. To pass into, to enter, Man. 4, 73.
     5. To avoid, Man. 12, 90.
     6. To trespass, Rām. 2, 112, 18. The partic. of the pf. pass. atīta,
     1. Passed, Man. 7, 178.
     2. Dead, Man. 5, 71.
     3. Having passed over, Megh. 30.
     4. Conquered, Vedāntas; in Chr. 202, 5.
     5. Having let pass away, Rām. 4, 28, 17.
     6. Sluggish, Rām. 4, 31, 8.
-- With abhyati abhi-ati,
     1. To pass over, Rām. 2, 70, 27.
     2. To pass away, MBh. 3, 12547. abhyatīta, Dead, Man. 4, 252.
-- With vyati vi-ati,
     1. To pass over, Rām. 2, 113, 4.
     2. To conquer, MBh. 1, 6257.
     3. To swerve (with the abl.), Rām. 4, 17, 32.
     4. To disregard, Naiṣ. 5, 113.
     5. To pass away, Rām. 2, 50, 37. vyatīta. 1. Passed, Chr. 16, 20. 2. Dead, MBh. 1, 4592.
-- With samati sam-ati,
     1. To pass. Rām. 2, 71, 17; MBh. 3, 10435.
     2. To surpass, Kir. 5, 20.
     3. To avoid, Bhag. 14, 26.
     4. To pass away, Rām. 2, 27, 19.
-- With adhi adhi, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.), To study, Man. 2, 107; MBh. 3, 13689 (Par.); to learn. MBh. 3, 10713 (Par.). Ptcple. of the pres. compounded with an-, anadhīyāna Unlearned, Man. 2, 157. adhīta, in pass. and act. sense, Learned, having learned, Sāv. 6, 11; Hit. Pr. d. 23. dus-, adj. Learned wrongly, Cāṇ. 98. -Caus. adhy-āpaya, To teach (with two acc.), Man. 2, 140.
-- With prādhi pra-adhi in prādhīta, Well-read, Man. 7, 85.
-- With pratyadhi prati-adhi, To study one by one, MBh. 3, 4182.
-- With samadhi sam-adhi, To peruse, MBh. 6, 93.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To follow, Rām. 6, 10, 4.
     2. To visit, Nal. 2, 9.
     3. To obey, MBh. 3, 1143. anvita,
     1. Following, Rām. 3, 40, 31.
     2. Possessed of, having, Pañc. iii. d. 238; Rām. 1, 7, 16; 3, 20, 3.
     3. Followed, rendered, Śāk. d. 141.
-- Comp. kula-, adj. descended from a high family, Pañc. i. d. 466.
-- With samanu sam-anu in samanvita, Possessed of, having, Rām. 1, 4, 26; 4, 8, 52.
-- With antar antar in antarita.
     1. Plunged Pañc. 117, 5.
     2. Hidden, Śāk. 9, 18.
     3. Obstructed, Pañc. 1. d. 140. B. ay, with antar, to get between, Mṛcch. 35, 11 (cf. Lat. interire).
-- A. i, with apa apa, To go away, Chr. 289, 2 = Rigv. i. 50, 2; Man. 8, 292. apeta,
     1. Come off, Pañc. 91, 6.
     2. Having swerved from, Ram. 2, 109, 32.
     3. When being the former part of a comp. adj., Without, e. g. apeta-bhī, Fearless, Man, 7, 197. Comp. an-apeta, not having swerved from, Rām. 5, 48, 7.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To come asunder, to separate. MBh. 12, 868.
     2. To leave, Man. 11, 97. vyapeta,
     1. Having swerved from, Yājñ. 2, 5.
     2. When being the former part of a comp. adj., Without, e. g. vyapeta-bhī, Fearless, Bhag. 11, 49.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To come near, to approach, Sāv. 6, 4; also with sakāśam, samīpam, Pañc. 46, 4; 200, 2.
     2. To enter, Man. 8, 75.
     3. To attain, Pañc. 2, 6.
     4. To undergo, Pañc. i. d. 132; Rām. 3, 49, 26, grahaṇam, to be caught.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi,
     1. To approach, Rām. 2, 97, 18.
     2. To follow, Śiś. 1, 72.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To understand, MBh. 3, 235.
     2. To know, Ragh. 2, 56.
     3. To consider, Śāk. d. 108.
     4. To believe, Vikr. 8, 18.
-- With samava sam-ava in samaveta,
     1. Having met, Man. 2, 139.
     2. United, Rām. 4, 28, 12; intimately united, Bhāṣāp. 17.
-- With astam astam, A. i,
     1. To set, Man. 4, 75.
     2. To die, Rām. 2, 102, 9. --
B. ay, To set, Prab. 112, 6.
-- With ā ā, A. i,
     1. To approach, Man. 2, 120.
     2. To come, Nal. 7, 4.
     3. To undergo, Rām. 2, 62, 20; Daśak. in Chr. 189, 4, mūlaharatvam, To become utterly ruined.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā,
     1. To approach, Nal. 18, 14 (13).
     2. To undergo, Rām. 1, 35, 14 (To go to rest).
-- With samabhyā sam-abhi-ā, To approach, Pañc. 40, 21.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To approach, Dev. 13, 3.
     2. To cling to, Bhartṛ. 3, 64.
     3. To undergo, MBh. 1, 1258 (to become tranquil).
-- With abhyupā abhi-upa-ā, To approach, Rām. 6, 9, 99.
-- With anuparyā anu-pari-ā, To walk round about, MBh. 14, 468.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To return, MBh. 3, 2744.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To go together, Pañc. 45, 15.
     2. To meet, MBh. 12, 868; Rām. 3, 43, 42.
     3. To unite, Rām. 1, 77, 29.
     4. To assemble, Man. 2, 152.
     5. To enter, Hit. iii. d. 173.
-- With ud ud, A. i,
     1. To proceed, Ragh. 7, 23; Prab. 107, 18.
     2. To rise, Rām. 4, 38, 12; Ragh. 17, 77; Man. 4, 37.
     3. To rise against (with acc.), MBh. 3, 1921. udita,
     1. Risen, Man. 2, 15.
     2. Sprung up, Kir. 5, 5.
     3. Commenced, Rājat. 5, 117. B. ay, To rise, Rām. 3, 12, 4; Mṛcch. 25, 24; Ātm., Prab. 91, 10. C. ī, To rise, Bhaṭṭ. 18, 20; 8, 35. udīta, Naiṣ. 6, 52.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, A. i,
     1. To rise, Rām. 1, 19, 8.
     2. To appear, Man. 4, 104.
     3. To spring up, Prab. 116. 19.
     4. To rise over (with acc.), Man. 2, 219.
     5. To rise against, MBh. 3, 210 (īyāt either for iyāt or from ī Par.). abhyudita, Surprised by the rising sun, Man. 2, 221. B. ay, To rise over. MBh. 4, 488 (fut. ii.).
-- With prod pra-ud, A. i, To rise, Bhartṛ. 1, 66.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, To rise and go to meet, MBh. 13, 147.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To rise together, Rām. 2, 1, 26.
     2. To rise, Rām. 2, 83, 9. samudita,
     1. Lofty, Kir. 5, 1.
     2. Endowed, Arj. 10, 10.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To approach, Pañc. ii. d. 18; with samīpam, Śāk. d. 139; to approach carnally, Man. 11, 172.
     2. To undergo, Ṛt. 6, 7; vistaratām, To spread; Rām. 2, 21, 7, bālyam, To become childish.
     3. To reach, to devolve upon, Hit. Pr. d. 30. upeta,
     1. Approached, MBh. 3, 3003.
     2. Living under, Rām. 3, 76, 13.
     3. Undergone, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 12.
     4. Accompanied, Chr. 56, 16.
     5. Possessed of, having, Rām. 3, 55, 6 Ptcple. of the fut. pass. upeya, To be expedited, Man. 7, 215. n. Aim, Mālav. 10. 3.
-- Comp. an-upeya, not to be approached carnally, Man. 11, 172. -- B. ay, To approach, MBh. 14, 781.
-- With abhyupa abhi-upa, A. i,
     1. To approach, Bhartṛ. 3, 83.
     2. To attain, Pañc. 40, 13.
     3. To undergo, Rām. 5, 90, 41, sakhitvaṃ naḥ, he may become our friend.
     4. To assent, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 22.
-- With samopa sam-ā-upa in samopeta, Possessed of, having, Pañc. i. d. 463.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To assemble, MBh. 1, 6937.
     2. To meet, Pañc. 35, 2.
     3. To approach, Rām. 1, 73, 1.
     4. To reach, to devolve upon, Rām. 4, 21, 29.
     5. To undergo, Śiś. 9, 68; viṣatām, to become poison. samupeta,
     1. Approached, MBh. 2, 1219.
     2. Endowed, Nal. 12, 46.
-- With nis nis, To go out (with abl.), Rām. 2, 42, 1.
-- With parā parā,
     1. To run away, Pañc. v. d. 74.
     2. To approach, MBh. 1, 7204.
     3. To attain, MBh. 3, 255. pareta, Dead. Yājñ. 2, 29.
-- Cf. Lat. perire.
-- With palā palā (for parā), B. ay, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 2, 613), To run away, to show one's heels.
-- With prapalā pra-palā, To run away. palāyita, Run away, Rājat. 5, 260.
-- With vipalā vi-palā, To fly away in different directions, Rām. 2, 78, 13; vi-a-palāyata as if palāy was a simplex.
-- With pari pari, A. i,
     1. To walk around, Rām. 4, 61, 47; Draup. 7, 8 (as a sign of honour).
     2. To turn over in one's mind, MBh. 3, 12508; Rām. 5, 81, 4. parīta, Surrounded, Rām. 1, 49, 16.
     2. Filled, Rām. 2, 76, 23.
     3. Seized, Nal. 14, 5; 15, 18 (17).
     4. Surrounding, MBh. 12, 2167.
     5. Expired, Rām. 3, 57, 18.
-- With anupari anu-pari, To roam about, Rām. 6, 3, 29.
-- With abhipari abhi-pari; abhiparīta,
     1. Seized, MBh. 3, 997.
     2. Filled, Rām. 4, 1, 2.
-- With vipari vi-pari; viparīta,
     1. Inverted, Mṛcch. 22, 6.
     2. Contrary, Man. 7, 34; Rām. 5, 81, 15.
     3. Perverse, MBh. 3, 110.
     4. Unfavourable, MBh. 16, 1. n. A kind of lovemaking, Rājat. 5, 372.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To proceed, to spring up, MBh. 3, 13116.
     2. To come to, MBh. 3, 13385.
     3. To die, Man. 2, 111. preta, Dead, Man. 2, 247. Absol. pretya, In the other world, Man. 2, 9.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra,
     1. To approach, Rām. 2, 3, 31.
     2. To consider, Rām. 2, 49, 16. abhipreta,
     1. Intended, Pañc. 191, 11.
     2. Desired, Rām. 2, 21, 35.
     3. Beloved, Śāk. 87, 16.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To withdraw, MBh. 1, 6392.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To go to, MBh. 3, 12359.
     2. To return, Ragh. 5, 35.
     3. To learn exactly, to be convinced of (with acc.), Prab. 25, 4.
     4. To believe, Rām. 5, 31, 62. pratīta,
     1. Agreed, Man. 3, 3.
     2. True, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 1.
     3. Known, Ragh. 13, 35.
     4. Convinced, Hit. 12, 2.
     5. Resolved, MBh. 14, 241.
     6. Cheerful, Rām. 5, 95, 44. Caus. praty-āyaya, To convince, Śāk. d. 127.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To believe, Rām. 5, 31, 61.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To traverse, Chr. 289, 7 = Rigv. i. 50, 7.
     2. To leave, MBh. 3, 8557. vīta, when the former part of a comp. adj., Devoid of, Man. 6, 32.
-- With apavi apa-vi, B. ay, To deny, Man. 8, 51; 60; 332.
-- With sam sam, A. i.,
     1. To assemble, Rām. 1, 44, 21.
     2. To meet with, Rām. 6, 18, 5.
     3. To become united, Nal. 14, 23. Pass., To be united, to be treated in the same manner with (instr.), Böthl. Ind. Spr. 280.
     4. To arrive, Pañc. 53, 23.
     5. To go, Pañc. 226, 12.
     6. To attain, Pañc. i. d. 221.
     7. To begin, MBh. 4, 348. samita,
     1. Assembled, MBh. 3, 10651.
     2. United with, MB. 14, 2630.
-- Cf. [greek] (= emi),

[Page 98b] [greek] = īyante, [greek] = ava-i; Lat. ire; Goth. i in iddja, etc.

ikṣu ikṣu (akin to iṣ), m. Sugar cane, Man. 9, 39.
-- Comp. kāṣṭha-, m. a kind of sugar cane, Suśr. 1, 186, 15.

ikṣvāku ikṣvāku, m.
     1. The name of the first king of Ayodhya, Rām. 1, 70, 20.
     2. A descendant of that king, Rām. 1, 70, 11.

ikhikh and iṅkh iṅkh, i. 1, Par. To go.

iṅg iṅg (probably a denomin. derived from iṅga), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Bhag. 14, 23), To move, MBh. 3, 8756. iṅgita, n. Gesture, Man. 7, 67.

iṅga iṅga, i. e. iñj (cf. Bṛh. Ar. Up. 6, 4, 23, akin to ej and vij) + a, adj., f. , Moveable, MBh. 3, 8756.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. immoveable, MBh. 12, 1558.

iṅguda iṅguda,
I. m. and f. The name of a plant, Terminalia catappa.
II. n. Its nut.

icchā icchā, i. e. icch, base of the pres. of 2. iṣ, + a, f. Wish, desire, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 19; Bhag. 5, 28. Will, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 10. icchayā ātmanaḥ, Voluntarily, Man. 11, 73.
-- Comp. an-, f. absence of intention; °chhayā, involuntarily, Man. 11, 124.
-- Comp. mahā-iccha, adj. 1. highminded. 2. liberal. yatheccham, i. e. yathā-iccha + m, adv. according to one's wish, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 21. sva-, f. wilfulness, following one's own inclination, Pañc. 87, 11.

icchu icch + u (see the last), adj. Wishing, Śiś. 9, 82.

ijyā ijyā, i. e. yaj + yā, f. Sacrifice, Man. 1, 89.
-- Comp. bhūta-ijya, adj. one who makes oblations to the Bhūtas, Bhag. 9, 25.

iṭ iṭ, i. 1, Par. To go.

iḍā iḍā (akin to īḍ), f.
     1. Refreshment, ved. Chr. 288, 16 = Rigv. i. 48, 16 (written iḷa).
     2. Oblations to the deities, MBh. 2, 1304.
     3. Speech, Hariv. 14036.
     4. Earth, MBh. 3, 14750.
     5. The wife of Budha, MBh. 1, 3141.

itara i-tara (from the pronominal base i, see idam), adj., f. , n. rad (ved. ram, cf. Lat. iterum),
     1. Other, Man. 1, 70; itara-itarair atha vā itaraiḥ, By these or those, MBh. 2, 2503.
     2. Contrary, e. g. vijayāya itarāya vā, To victory or defeat, MBh. 1, 4092.
-- Comp. itara-itara, adj., used generally only in the oblique cases of the sing., 1. mutual, with each another, Pañc. ii. d. 136. 2. several Man. 3, 35. -- When the latter part of a comp. word it signifies,
I. negation of the former part, e. g. dvija-, m. one who is not a Brāhmaṇa, Ragh. 9, 76. nara-, m. 1. a superhuman being, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 9. 2. an animal, 3, 13, 49.
II. the contrary, e. g. dakṣiṇa-, adj. left, Kumāras. 4, 19. paruṣa-, adj. mild, Ragh. 5, 68. sabhya-, adj. vulgar, Bhartṛ. 3, 57. savya-, adj. right, Ragh. 12, 90. sahaja-, adj. not innate, accidental. sita-, adj. black.

itaratas itara + tas, adv., Repeated; itarataś cetarataḥ, Hither and thither, Rām. 2, 105, 13.

itarathā itara + thā, adv. Else, Śiś. 9, 13.

itaretaratas itaretaratas, i. e. itara-itara + tas, adv. One from the other. MBh. 1, 7403.

itas i + tas (from the pronominal base i, see idam),
I. = the abl. of idam, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 2 (from this person, i. e. from myself); Hiḍ. 1. 5, than this, i. e. than
I. II. adv.
     1. From hence, from this place, Rām. 3, 54, 28; from this time, MBh. 3, 204; therefore, Rām. 5, 81, 45.
     2. Hither, Rām. 5, 13, 9; Ragh. 2, 34, against myself.
     3. itas-itas, Here -- there, Śāk. 29, 20; itaś cetaś ca, Here and there, Pañc. 20, 25.

iti iti (probably a case of an original i + tya, see idam), adv.
     1. Thus, Man. 2, 237.
     2. It is used in quoting words or thoughts of one's self or some other: Man. 2, 129, tāṃ brūyād bhavatīti, He may address her thus (i. e. by the word), bhavati; Chr. 4, 15, avocam...bhīṣmaḥ śāntanavaḥ kanyā karatīti, I spoke thus: 'Bhīṣma the son of Śāntanu robs the girls,' i. e.
I. rob, etc.; Nal. 16, 9, tarkayām āsa bhaimīti, he thought thus: 'ṣe is the daughter of Bhīma'; Nal. 20, 14, na hi jānāmi bhaved evaṃ na veti, I do not know (thus): may it be so or not, i. e. I do not know if it be thus or not. Generally words expressing 'to say,' or 'to think,' are wanting, e. g. Pañc. 68, 25, akuto pi bhayam iti, 'There is no danger from any quarter' thus (thinking); Nal. 14, 14, na tvāṃ vidyur janā iti, 'People will not know thee' thus (thinking). Sometimes is added kṛtvā or ha, e. g. MBh. 1, 1522, sakheti kṛtvā, Thinking you are my friend, Man. 9, 45.
     3. It often follows a question without expressing a distinct meaning, e. g. Hit. 53, 18.
     4. It is used to denote the conclusion of a book or chapter, Rām. 1, end.
     5. With preceding kim, Why, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 22.

itikartavyatā iti-kartavya + tā, itikāryatā iti-kārya + tā, and itikṛtyatā iti-kṛtya + tā (vb. kṛ), f. Business, Sāv. 3, 7; MBh. 3, 10031; 1, 7929

itihāsa itihāsa, i. e. iti-ha-āsa (the last part is the third sing. of the pf. of 1. as) m. Traditional account, a legend, Man. 3, 232.

ittham ittham, i. e. id + tham, adv. Thus, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 10.

itthā itthā, i. e. id + thā, adv. Thus, Chr. 295, 17 = Rigv, 1, 92, 17.
-- Cf. Lat. ita.

id i + d (properly the acc. n. of the pronominal base i = Lat. id, Goth. ita, O.H.G. iz), a ved. part. laying a stress upon the preceding word, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8.

idam i + d-am, pron. sbst. and adj. The bases of the declension are a m. and n., ā f., i n. ī f., i-ma m. and n. i-mā f., a-na m. and n. a-nā f., and e-na m. and n. e-nā f. This, Man. 2, 163; Nal. 7, 17 (16). Combined with other pronouns it may be translated Here, e. g. with the first psn., Chr. 24, 44, ayaṃ gacchāmi, Here I go; with tad, Rām. 5, 13, 31; with yad, Hiḍ. 3, 19; with kim, Hit. 18, 11.
-- Cf. Lat. is, ea, id; Goth. is ita.

idānīm idānīm, i. e. i + dā + na + ī + m (idā ved., and, properly then, cf. [greek]), adv.
     1. Now, Ṛt. 6. 29.
     2. Presently, Śāk. 94, 2.
-- Cf. Lat. idoneus.

idhma idhma, i. e. indh + ma, m. Fuel, Rām. 3, 21, 5.

indind, i. 1, Par. To have supreme power.

indīvara indīvara, n. and. m. The blue lotus, Nymphaea caerulea, Indr. 1, 8; Daśak. in Chr. 199, 4.

indu indu, m. The moon, Rām. 3, 50, 12.
-- Comp. a-bāla-, m. the full moon, Ragh. 6, 53. vadana-, m. a moon-like face, Śiś. 9, 30.

indra indra, m.
     1. The name of a deity, originally the supreme go of the Hindus. Rām. 1, 1, 83.
     2. First, a king, especially as latter part of comp. words, e. g. khaga-, m. The king of the birds, Pañc. i. d. 356; gaja-, m. A huge elephant, Nal. 12, 54 (40); jana-, m. A king (of the people), Rām. 2, 100, 14. tṛṇa-, m. The palmyra tree, MBh. 13, 6861. deva-, m. Indra, Arj. 4, 5. naga-, m. The Himālaya, Ragh. 2, 28. nara-, m.
     1. A king, Man. 9, 253.
     2. A physician, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 12. mahā-, m.
     1. Indra.
     2. A range of mountains, the northern part of the Ghats. mṛga-, m. A lion. yakṣa-, m. Kuvera, the god of wealth. rākṣasa-, m. Rāvaṇa, the king of the Rākṣasas, or demons, Rām. 3, 55, 35. rājendra, i. e. rājan-, m. An emperor, a powerful king, Chr. 41, 5. sura-, m. Indra, Bhartṛ. 2, 11. sa-, adj. With Indra, Rām. 3, 51, 6.

indrakoṣaka indra-koṣa + ka, m. A projection of the roof of a house forming a kind of balcony, Rām. 5, 9, 17.

indrāṇī indrāṇī, i. e. indra + ī, f. The wife of Indra, MBh. 1, 7351.

indriya indriya, i. e. indra + iya, n.
     1. Power, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 83, 2.
     2. Semen virile, Man. 4, 220.
     3. An organ of sense, Man. 1, 15.
-- Comp. antar-, n, the internal sense, i. e. the faculty of thinking. Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 19. karmendriya, i. e. karman-, n. an organ of action, e. g. the hand, foot, etc., Man. 2, 91. jita-, adj. one who has subdued his senses, Rām. 3, 49, 53. nis-, adj., f. , 1. having lost the use of a limb, Man. 9, 201. 2. powerless, Man. 9. 18 (? see Sch.). buddhi- (or jṅāna-), n. an organ of perception and intellect, as the mind, eye, ear, etc., Man. 2, 91. sa-, adj. with the organs of sense, Man. 1, 55.

indh indh, ii. 7, Ātm., pf. īdhe,
     1. To kindle; pass. idhya, MBh. 3, 10821; ptcple. pf. iddha, Man. 8, 215.
     2. To shine.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To kindle, MBh. 3, 10658. Cf. [greek] Lat. aestus; O.H.G. eit.

indhana indh + ana, n. Fuel, Man. 7, 118.
-- Comp. agni-, n. kindling a sacrificial fire, Man. 2, 108. ap-, adj. having water for fuel, Ragh. 13, 14.

indhanavant indhana + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessed of fuel, Rām. 5, 75, 6.

inv inv, i. 1, Par. (properly i, ii. 5 i + nu, which form is in the Vedas the base of the pres.),
     1. To pervade.
     2. To please.
     3. To satisfy. In the Veda especially: to further.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek] cf. [greek] under ju.

ibha ibha, m. An elephant, Rājat. 5, 315.
-- Comp. gandha-, m. a kind of elephant, Rājat. 1, 300. jala-gandha-, m. a kind of elephant, or a gandhebha (see the preceding) living in water, Rājat. 5, 107. digibha, i. e. diś-, m. an elephant of a quarter or point of the compass, one of eight attached to the north, north-east, etc., supporting the globe, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 39.

ibhya ibhya-, i. e. ibha + ya, adj., f. , Wealthy, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 19.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

iyattā iyattā, i. e. iyant + tā, f. Quantity, Ragh. 6, 77.

iyant iyant, i. e. i + vant, cf. ved. ī-vant, with y for v, adj., f. yatī.
     1. So much, Kathās. 4, 95.
     2. So large, Kathās. 12, 8.

irā irā, f.
     1. Water.
     2. The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 2, 393.

iriṇa iriṇa, i. e. irā + in + a, n. Barren soil, Man. 3, 142.

il il, i. 6, Par.
     1. To sleep.
     2. To go, Hariv. 620. †
     3. To throw; in this signification also i. 10, Par.

iva -iva, i. e. curtailed i + vat (see idam), indecl.
     1. Like, Man. 2, 79.
     2. In some way, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 14.
     3. Almost, Nal. 17, 12.
     4. Scarcely, Chr. 36, 15.
     5. With na, Not very, Nal. 25, 19.
     6. With kim, Indeed, Śāk. 97, 15.

iṣ 1. iṣ, i. 4, Par.
     1. To throw, ved.
     2. To go.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To search, Daśak. in Chr. 192 10, (cf. 2. iṣ).
-- With pra pra, Caus.
     1. To throw, Rām. 3, 35, 46.
     2. To direct, Śāk. d. 35.
     3. To send, Rām. 3, 64, 7.
     4. To make known, Rām. 1, 71, 17; preṣita, Banished, Rām. 2, 68, 8; m. A messenger, Śāk. 29, 12.
-- With anupra anu-pra, Caus. To send after, Rām. 4, 37, 10.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To throw, Chr. 30, 7. Caus.
     1. To send, MBh. 2, 1179.
     2. To send away, Rām. 4, 56, 17.
-- Cf. [greek].

iṣ 2. iṣ, i. 6, Par. (base of the pres. impf. imprt. and potent. iccha, but cf. anu-),
     1. To wish, Sāv. 5, 100; Yājñ. 1, 130.
     2. To cherish, Man. 2, 159.
     3. To chose, Man. 8, 384.
     4. To approve, Man. 8, 366. Pass., To be fixed or determined, Bhāṣāp. 12; Yājñ. 3, 18; Man. 8, 322. Comp. part. of the pres. an-icchant,
     1. Not desiring, Rām. 5, 24, 8.
     2. Unwilling, Pañc. 55, 4. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., iṣṭa, Desired, good. Nal. 1, 1. m. A lover, Śāk. d. 78.
-- Comp. an-iṣṭa, 1. disagreeable, Rām. 3, 14, 23. 2. disapproved. Man. 9, 319. 3. wicked, Hit. i. d. 5. n. evil occurrence, Kathās. 18, 86. yathā-iṣṭa + m, adv. 1. according to one's wish, Bhartṛ. 2, 81. 2. carelessly, Man. 2, 198. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass. eṣṭavya (anomal.), Desirable, MBh. 3, 8075; n. wish, MBh. 14, 1600.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To search, Man. 6, 84; with iṣa as base of the present, etc., MBh. 3, 15753.
     2. To try Man. 8. 190.
     3. To ask, Man. 4, 33. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., dus-, Difficult to be searched through, Rām. 4, 86, 6. -Caus.
     1. To search, Pañc. 214, 19.
     2. To expect, Pañc. 182, 24.
-- With paryanu pari-anu, To search, MBh. 1, 1668.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To search through, Rām. 3, 66, 1.
-- With abhi abhi, abhīṣṭa,
     1. Desired, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 4.
     2. Agreeable, Pañc. 77, 24.
-- With ā ā, eṣṭavya (anomal.), Desirable, MBh. 3, 8075; n. Wish, MBh. 14, 1600.
-- With paryā pari-ā, paryeṣṭavya (see the last), To be searched, MBh. 9, 229.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To receive, Sāv. 3, 12.
     2. To obey, Rām. 1, 34, 30.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To assent, Rām. 1, 52, 13. Cf. [greek] perhaps [greek]

iṣ 3. iṣ, ii. 9, iṣṇā, Par.
     1. † To repeat an act.
     2. ved. To further, Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. i. 112, 16.

iṣ 4. iṣ, f. A desirable object, comfort, Chr. 288, 15 = Rigv. i. 48, 15.

iṣīkā 1. iṣ + īkā, f. Reed, MBh. 1, 4332.
-- Comp. śara-, f. an arrow, Rām. 2, 104, 43, Gorr.

iṣu 1. iṣ + u, m. and f. An arrow.
-- Comp. kusuma-, m. the god of love. pañceṣu, i. e. pañcan-, m. the god of love. puṣpa-, m. the god of love Cf. [greek]

iṣudhi iṣudhi, i. e. iṣu-dhā (see nidhi), m. and f. A quiver.
-- Comp. mahā-, a great quiver.

iṣṭakā iṣṭakā, f. A brick, Rājat. 5, 463.

[Page 102b]

iṣṭatas iṣṭa + tas (vb. 2. iṣ), adv. According to one's wish, Rām. 1, 34, 35.

iṣṭākṛta iṣṭākṛta, i. e. iṣṭa-ā(?)-kṛta, n. The name of a sacrifice, MBh. 3, 10513.

iṣṭāpūrta iṣṭāpūrta, i. e. iṣṭa-ā-pūrta (vb. yaj and pṛ10), n. Sacrifices and pious works, Rām. 1, 23, 8.

iṣṭi iṣṭi, f.
I. 2. iṣ + ti, Wish.
II. yaj + ti,
     1. Sacrificing, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1.
     2. Sacrifice. Man. 4, 10.
-- Comp. jāta- (vb. jan), f. a sacrifice on the birth of a child, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 16.

iṣṭikā iṣṭikā = iṣṭakā, MBh. 14, 2633.

iṣmin 1. iṣ + min, adj. Hastening, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6.

iṣvāsa iṣvāsa, i. e. iṣu- 2. as + a, m.
     1. An archer, Rām. 1, 1, 12.
     2. A bow, Rām. 3, 49, 48.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. an archer.

iha iha, i. e. i + dha, which appears still in the Vedas, cf. idam, adv.
     1. In this case, Chr. 55.
     2. Here, Man. 9, 8; in this world, Man. 3, 181.
     3. Hither, Chr. 13, 13.

ihatya iha + tya, adj. Of this place, Kathās. 13, 10.

iLā iḷā, see idā.


ī ī, see i.

īkṣ īkṣ (like akṣ in 1. akṣa, a desider. of a lost vb., see akṣa), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 15. 826).
     1. To look, Kathās. 25, 148. To behold, Śiś. 9, 61. To perceive, Bhag. 6, 29.
     2. To mind, Kumāras. 5, 82; īkṣita, n. A look, Śāk. d. 44.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To suspect, Hit. iv. d. 101 (satye py apāyam adhīkṣate, Suspects injury even in truth).
-- With apa apa,
     1. To see, Rām. 5, 42, 6.
     2. To mind, Pañc. v. d. 61. To pay regard to, Kathās. 17, 12.
     3. To intend, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 13.
     4. To require, Bhāṣāp. 63.
     5. To expect, Bhartṛ. 3, 66. an-apekṣita, adj.
     1. Not minded, Man. 8, 309; unregarded, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 3.
     2. Regardless, Prab. 34, 15.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To look back, Rām. 2, 86, 22.
     2. To mind, Ragh. 19, 6.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To look at, MBh. 1, 5923; Rām. 3, 50, 11 (avekṣya-avekṣya, ever pursuing with his eyes).
     2. To perceive, Rām. 2, 45, 5.
     3. To consider, Man. 7, 10.
     4. To mind, MBh. 2, 2158; to regard, Rām. 6, 7, 48. dus-avekṣita, n. An unsuitable look, MBh. 3, 14669. su-avckṣita, adj. Well pondered, Rām. 4, 31, 5.
-- With anvava anu-ava,
     1. To look at, Rām. 1, 64, 9.
     2. To look round, Rām. 5, 16, 38.
     3. To perceive, Rām. 1, 3, 5.
     4. To reflect, Man. 6, 65.
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, To look at, MBh. 2, 2686.
-- With nyava ni-ava, To ponder, MBh. 12, 4975.
-- With nirava nis-ava, To perceive, Mṛcch. 86, 1.
-- With paryava pari-ava, To regard(?), MBh. 14, 636.
-- With pratyava prati-ava,
     1. To look at, Rām. 2, 39, 1.
     2. To inspect one after the other, Śāk. 80, 21.
     3. To mind, Rām. 2, 32, 34.
-- With samava sam-ava,
     1. To look at, Ṛt. 6, 17; to behold, MBh. 4, 218.
     2. To consider, Rām. 2, 78, 4.
     3. To reflect, Rām. 1, 50, 10.
     4. To pay regard to, Rām. 4. 19, 2.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To look up to, Rām. 5, 30, 12.
     2. To look at, Man. 4, 77.
     3. To see, Rām. 2, 22, 7.
     4. To wait, Man. 9, 90; to expect, Rām. 6, 109, 5.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, To look at, Rām. 6, 11, 2.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, To look at, Rām. 2, 9, 19.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To look, Rām. 3, 73, 3.
     2. To perceive, Rām. 5, 2, 1.
     3. To look up to one, Chr. 3, 7.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To look at, Nal. 22, 5.
     2. To pay regard to, Chr. 55, 5.
     3. To examine, Rām. 4, 29, 29.
     4. To descry, Rām. 5, 29, 4.
     5. To overlook, Pañc. 66. 11; Rām. 2, 23, 16; to disregard, Rājat. 5, 47; to neglect, Rām. 4, 17, 5.
     6. To let escape, Man. 8, 344.
-- With abhyupa abhi-upa, To forsake, MBh. 16, 160.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To neglect, MBh. 2, 1960.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To behold, MBh. 2, 2463.
     2. To look at, Man. 4, 38.
     3. To look about, Pañc. iv. d. 63, 64 (pass. on account of the metre).
     4. To perceive, Kathās. 2, 19.
     5. To consider, Rām. 5, 84, 5.
-- With saṃnis sam-nis, To perceive, Rām. 2, 21, 55.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To look round, Rām. 5, 17, 2.
     2. To examine, Man. 9, 14
     3. To perceive, Rājat. 5, 109. a-parīkṣita, adj. Inconsiderate, Lass. 15, 5; foolish, Lass. 14, 20. -- See ku-; su-, adj. Well considered, Pañc. v. d. 16. duṣparīkṣya, i. e. dus-parīkṣya, adj. Difficult to be examined, MBh. 3, 12481. Comp. absol. a-parīkṣya, Without due consideration, Pañc. v. d. 16. Caus. parīkṣaya, To cause to be examined, Man. 7, 194.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To look at, Rām. 2, 97, 13.
     2. To suffer patiently, MBh. 3, 526.
     3. To perceive, Pañc. 23, 11. prekṣita n. A look, Daśak in Chr. 190, 15. prekṣaṇīya, Worthy to be looked at, Indr. 5, 13.
-- Comp. duṣprekṣaṇīya and duṣprekṣya, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be looked at, MBh. 1, 2112; Rām. 3, 30, 35.
-- With anupra anu-pra, To see, Draup. 5, 23.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra,
     1. To look at, Draup. 8, 39.
     2. To perceive, MBh. 3, 888.
-- With utpra ud-pra,
     1. To look up to, Rām. 5, 85, 5 (utprekṣyāmas, ii. 2, Par.).
     2. To perceive, Amar. 38.
-- With upapra upa-pra, To overlook, MBh. 1, 3022.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To look in different directions, Rām. 3, 52, 3.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To behold, Bhag. 6, 13.
     2. To perceive, Chr. 22, 21.
     3. To consider, Man. 7, 127.
-- With abhisaṃpra abhi-sam-pra, To behold, MBh. 1, 3011.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To wait, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 15; To expect, MBh. 3, 1726.
     2. To endure, Man. 9, 77. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. a-pratīkṣamāṇa, adj. Not expecting, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 1.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To wait, MBh. 1, 2903; Rām. 3, 52, 37; literally: do not dwell here waiting, i. e. do not stay here a moment; to expect, Rām. 1, 73, 13.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To look, Man. 2, 192; pass. to appear, Vikr. d. 132.
     2. To consider, Man. 7, 140. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vīkṣita, n. A look, Ṛt. 6, 11, v. r.
-- With anuvi anu-vi,
     1. To look at, MBh. 4, 1235.
     2. To examine, Rām. 5, 19, 34.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi,
     1. To look at, Man. 7, 6.
     2. To perceive, Rām. 3, 53, 62.
     3. To consider, MBh. 15, 379 (read -vīkṣate).
-- With udvi ud-vi,
     1. To look up, Amar. 24.
     2. To look to, Śāk. d. 161.
     3. To consider, Pañc. i. d. 265.
-- With samudvi sam-ud-vi,
     1. To look at, Rām. 3, 4, 34.
     2. To perceive, MBh. 3, 12425.
-- With upavi upa-vi, To look at, Rām. 2, 58, 32.
-- With prativi prati-vi, To perceive, Rām. 1, 15, 26. duṣprativīkṣaṇīya and duṣprativīkṣya, i. e. dus-, adj. Difficult to be looked at, MBh. 6, 137; Rām. 2, 23, 3.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi, To perceive, Rām. 5, 46, 10.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To look to, Man. 6, 68.
     2. To behold, Rām. 3, 52, 11; to perceive, Hiḍ. 4, 26.
     3. To mind, Rām. 2, 61, 12.
     4. To consider, Man. 7, 26. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. a-samīkṣita, adj. Unperceived, Rām. 5, 81, 8; of the fut. pass. dus-samīkṣya, adj. Difficult to be looked at, MBh. 1928.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To perceive, Rām. 2, 100, 39.
-- With prasam pra-sam,
     1. To see, Man. 7, 214.
     2. To perceive, Rām. 3, 52, 52.
     3. To consider, Man. 5, 49.

īkṣaṇa īkṣaṇa, i. e. īkṣ + ana, n.
     1. Sight, Kathās. 18, 300.
     2. Care, Man. 7, 141; superintendence, Man. 9, 11.
     3. The eye, Hiḍ. 3, 20.
-- Comp. a-sita-, adj., f. ṇā, black-eyed, Rām. 3, 52, 40. madirā-, f. ṇā, a fascinating woman, Śāk. d. 67.

īkṣaṇika īkṣaṇika, i. e. īkṣaṇa + ika, m., f. , A fortune-teller, Man. 9, 258.

īkṣitṛ īkṣitṛ, i. e. īkṣ + tṛ, m. An inspector, Man. 8, 91.

īkhīkh, i. 1, Par. To go.

īṅkh īṅkh, i. 1, Par. To vacillate.
-- With pra pra, To tremble, Bhartṛ. 1, 66.

ījīj and īñj īñj, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To blame.

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īḍ īḍ (a change of iṣṭ, a denominative based on 2. iṣ), ii. 2, Ātm. and † i. 10, Par.
     1. To implore, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1.
     2. To praise, Rām. 3, 9, 8.

īti ī + ti, f. Calamity, MBh. 3, 11258.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. free from calamities, Ragh. 1, 63.

īdṛktā īdṛktā, i. e. īdṛś + tā, f. Quality, Ragh. 13, 5.

īdṛkṣa īdṛkṣa, i. e. id-dṛś + sa (see idam), adj. Such, Kathās. 25, 176.

īdṛś īdṛś, i. e. id-dṛś (see the last), adj. Such, Kathās. 25, 176.

īdṛśa īdṛśa, i. e. id-dṛś + a (see īdrikṣa), adj., f. śī, Such, Pañc. 206, 6.

īdṛśaka īdṛśa + ka, adj. Such, MBh. 2, 1644.

īpsā īpsā, i. e. īpsa, desider. of āp, + a, f. Desire, MBh. 14, 1025.
-- Comp. yathā-, fem., instr. sing., according to one's desire, MBh. 3, 116.

īpsu īpsu, i. e. īpsa, desider. of āp, + u, adj. Desiring, Man. 2, 61.
-- Comp. dharma-, adj. anxious to perform one's duty, Man. 10, 127.

īm īm (an old acc. of ī, f. of i, see idam), a ved. part. which lays a stress upon the preceding word, Chr. 292, 11 = Rigv. i. 85, 11 (cf. [greek] in [greek], also ved. ī = [greek] in [greek] etc.).

īr īr (akin to ), ii. 2, Atm. († i. 1 and 10, Par.)
     1. To go.
     2. To shake, to throw. -- Caus.
     1. To move, MBh. 13, 1839.
     2. To throw, MBh. 3, 709.
     3. To excite, Rām. 5, 11, 8.
     4. To utter (a sound), MBh. 1, 4565; to pronounce, MBh. 14, 941.
-- With the prep. ud ud, ptcple. of the pf. pass. udirṇa,
     1. Excited MBh. 3, 973.
     2. Lofty, MBh. 1, 5138. Caus.
     1. To lift up, Rām. 2, 57, 3.
     2. To throw, Rām. 1, 55, 22.
     3. To excite, Rām. 2, 93, 14.
     4. To cause, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 23.
     5. To utter Man. 2, 161.
     6. To speak, Lass. 73, 8.
     7. To show, Kumāras. 2, 6.
     8. udīrit a Quick, Prab. 14, 14.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, Caus. To utter, MBh. 1, 2170.
-- With samud sam-ud, samudīrṇa, Excited, Rām. 4, 43, 69. Caus.
     1. To raise, Chr. 29, 29.
     2. To throw, Rām. 1, 56, 15.
     3. To excite, MBh. 3, 5073.
     4. To utter, Kathās. 24, 41.
-- With pra pra, Caus.
     1. To move, Ragh, 15, 23.
     2. To turn, Śāk. d. 35, v. r.
     3. To push on, Rājat. 5, 329; 330.
     4. To send, Rām. 3, 50, 23.
     5. To excite, Megh. 71.
     6. To ask, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 1.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Caus. To push forward, Pañc. 222, 2.
-- With sam sam, Caus.
     1. To move, Rām. 5, 16, 45.
     2. To lift up, MBh. 3, 12185.
     3. To utter, Rām. 4, 6, 21.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, Caus. To move, MBh. 10, 579.

īriṇa īriṇa (cf. iriṇa), n. A desert, MBh. 13, 7257.

īrkṣyīrkṣy, i. 1, Par. To envy (cf. īrṣy)

īrṣā īrṣā, i. e. īrṣy + a, f. Envy, jealousy, Rām. 4, 24, 37.

īrṣita īrṣita, ptcple. of the pf. pass., and īrṣitavya īrṣitavya, ptcple of the fut. pass. of īrṣy, Hit. i. d. 107 v. r.; Prab. 49, 11.

īrṣu īrṣu, i. e. īrṣy + u, adj. Envious, Hit. i. d. 22.

īrṣy īrṣy (probably īrṣya, and originally an anomal. frequentat. of riṣ), i. 1, Par.
     1. To envy, Hit. i. d. 167, v. r.
     2. To be jealous, Prab. 49, 11.

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īrṣyā īrṣy + ā, f.
     1. Envy, Man. 7, 48.
     2. Jealousy, Bhartṛ. 1, 2.
-- Comp. sa-īrṣya + m, adv. full of jealousy, Pañc. 27, 10.

īrṣyālu īrṣyā + lu, adj. Jealous, Rājat. 5, 316.

īś īś, ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To possess, to be master (with gen.), MBh. 3, 955.
     2. To be able (with loc.), MBh. 13, 26; cf. īśāna.
-- With pari pari, To be able (with infin.), Skandan. Kāśīkh. 19, 51.
-- Cf. Goth. aigan, A.S. agan.

īśa īś + a, m., f. śā,
     1. A proprietor, Pañc. i. d. 16.
     2. A master, MBh. 1, 1532.
     3. A ruler, Man. 9, 245.
     4. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 588.
-- Comp. an-, m., f., not being master, Man. 9, 104. amara-, m. a name of Śiva, Rām. 6, 35, 3. avani-, m. a king, Caurap. 22. kṣiti-, m. a king, Ragh. 2, 67. gaurī-, m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 14, 210. caṇḍī-, m. a name of Śiva, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 17. jagadīśa, i. e. jagat-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, Gīt. 1, 5. jana-, m. a king, Hariv. 8403. jala-, m. 1. the ocean, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 26. 2. a name of Varuṇa, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 1. jīvita-, m. a name of Yama, Ragh. 11, 20. tiryagīśa, i. e. tiryañc-, m. a name of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 7, 6471. deva-, m. the lord of the gods, Rām. 1, 63, 3. nadi-, m. the ocean, Pañc. ii. d. 27. bhūta-, m. Śiva. rohiṇī-, m. the moon. viṃśati-, m. a lord of twenty towns, Man. 7, 115. vijaya-, m. a name of Śiva, Rājat. 5, 46. vitta-, m. a name of Kuvera, Man. 7, 4. svarga-loka-, m. 1. Indra. 2. the body.

īśā īś + ā (also īṣā īṣā), f. The pole of a car, Rām. 6, 69, 46.
-- Comp. ratha-, f. the pole of a car, Chr. 34, 14.

īśāna īś + āna (properly the ptcple. of the pres.),
I. adj Raling, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4.
II. m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 3, 8169.
III. f. , A surname of Durgā, Dev. 8, 21.
-- Comp. gaṇa-īśāna, Gaṇeśa, MBh. 1, 75.

īśānakṛt īśāna-kṛ + t, adj. Behaving as master, Chr. 290, 5 = Rigv. i. 64, 5.

īśitṛ īśitṛ, i. e. īś + tṛ, m. A ruler, Prab. 108, 15.

īśitva īśitva, i. e. īśin + tva, n. Supremacy, MBh. 14, 1053.

īśin īś + in, adj. m. A governor, Man. 7, 116.

īśvara īśvara, i. e. īś + van + a (with r for n),
I. m., f. ,
     1. A ruler, Man. 1, 99; f. , Rām. 3, 61, 29.
     2. An owner,
II. m.
     1. A lord.
     2. A husband, Nal. 4, 2.
     3. A king, Man. 4, 153.
     4. A wealthy man, Pañc. 110, 23; ii. d. 70.
     5. The supreme deity, Man. 7, 14.
     6. A name of Śiva, Kathās. 10, 33.
III. f. and , A surname of Durgā, Kir. 5, 33.
-- Comp. an-, adj. repugnant to the nature of the supreme deity, Man. 6, 72. amara-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, Rām. 1, 77, 29; of Indra, Ragh. 19, 15. alakā-, m. a name of Kuvera, Ragh. 19, 15. avanti-, m. the name of a sanctuary, Rājat. 5, 45. ātmeśvara, i. e. ātman-, m. one who has subdued his senses, Kumāras. 3, 40. kavi-, m. the chief of the wise men, Bhartṛ. 2, 21. kāvyadevī-, m. a sanctuary of Śiva, erected by the princess Kāvyadevī, Rājat. 5, 41. kṣiti-, m. a king, Ragh. 3, 3. gaṇa-, m. the chief of a troop, Rām. 4, 28, 22. cakra-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, Rājat. 4, 276. caṇḍā-, m. a name of Śiva, Megh. 34. jagadiśvara, i. e. jagat-, m. a name of Śiva, Rām. 3, 53, 60. jana-, m. a king, Rām. 1, 43, 17. jala-, m. a name of Varuṇa. MBh. 1, 8175. tuṅga-, m. a sanctuary of Śiva, Rājat. 2, 14. tri-diva-, m. a name of Indra, Rām. 1, 48, 17. tri-pura-, the name of a locality, Rājat. 6, 135; of a sanctuary, Rājat. 5, 46. dina- and divasa-, m. the sun, Bhartṛ. 2, 27; 86. deva-, m. the lord of gods, Rām. 1, 25, 13. deha-, m. the soul, Mārk. P. 26, 18. dvija-, m. the moon, Hariv. 2476. dhana-, m. a name of Kuvera, Draup. 2, 3. nandīśvara, i. e. nandi- or nandin-, m. 1. a name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10431. 2. a proper name, Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 20. prāṇa-, m. a husband. niśā-prāṇa-, m. the moon. bhūta-, m. Śiva. mahā-, m. Śiva. yogu-, m. 1. a teacher of sacred science, Pañc. 24, 23. 2. a magician. 3. a deity, the object of devout contemplation. 4. Kṛṣṇa. śūra-, m. a sanctuary built by Śūra, Rājat. 5, 38. sāmbā-, m. a sanctuary built by Sāmbavatī, ib. 295. sura-,
I. m. Śiva.
II. f. , a name of Durgā, Rājat. 5, 37; 40, 41.

īśvaratā īśvara + tā, f. and īśvaratva īśvara + tva, n. Supremacy, Prab. 108, 15; MBh. 2, 1695.

īṣ īṣ (akin to 1. iṣ), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go, to hasten, to fly. †
     2. To kill. †
     3. To see (or to give). † i. 1, Par. To glean.

īṣat īṣat (probably ntr. of the ptcple. of the present of īkṣ, with for kṣ), adv.
     1. A little, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 18.
     2. When the former part of a comp., especially when followed by a word denoting the partic. of the fut. pass.: Easily, e. g. īṣat-kārya (vb. kṛ), Easy to be made, Rām. 4, 54, 12 (vidāraṇe, easy to be cleft). īṣat-kara (vb. kṛ), Easy to be performed, Prab. 36, 6.

īṣā īṣā, see īśā.

īh īh, i. 1, Ātm. (sometimes Par.)
     1. To aim at, Man. 4, 15.
     2. To desire, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
     3. To desire to perform, Man. 3, 205. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. an-īhamāna, Not desiring, Yājñ. 2, 116. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., īhita, Desired, Prab. 104, 5. n.
     1. Exertion, Man. 9, 208.
     2. Desire, MBh. 1, 1370.
-- Comp. āyatī-, adj. referring to future time, Rām. 3, 44, 11.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To desire, Pañc, iii. d. 87; i. d. 105 (Par.). samīhita, n. Desire, Hit. 44, 7.

īhā īh + ā, f.
     1. Exertion, Rām. 3, 43, 38.
     2. Desire, MBh. 3, 95.
-- Comp. an-īha and nis-, adj. devoid of energy, MBh, 3, 1240; 14, 1302. nis-īhā, f. indifference, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 24.

īhātas īhā-tas, adv. By exertion, Man. 9, 205.


I. interj. of anger, of command, Kumāras. 1, 26.
II. a part. (cf. ud),
     1. Also.
     2. Now, Chr. 289, 1 = Rigv. i. 50, 1. Lengthened ū, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1.
-- Cf. atho under atha, kim, and the ved. combination sa u, with [greek] in [greek]

uu, i. 1, Ātm. To sound.

ukti ukti, i. e. vac + ii, f.
     1. Speaking, Man. 8, 104.
     2. Speech, Pañc. 44, 20.
-- Comp. dus-, f. offending speech, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 6. vakrokti, i. e. vakra-, f. 1. equivoque, pun. 2. sarcasm. 3. hint. hita-, f. 1. good advice. 2. tenderness, compassion.

uktha uktha, i. e. vac + tha, n. Praise, Chr. 292, 4 = Rigv. i. 86, 4.

ukthya ukthya, i. e. uktha + ya,
I. adj. Praiseworthy, Chr. 288, 12 = Rigv. i. 48, 12.
II. n. The name of the second day of the horse-sacrifice, Rām. 1, 13, 44.

ukṣ ukṣ. i. 1, Par. (ved. also Ātm.),
     1. To sprinkle, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. 1. 87, 2; Chr. 36, 15.
     2. To wet, MBh. 13, 1791.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To sprinkle on, Śāk. 41, 4.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To hallow (by sprinkling) for a sacrifice, Man. 5, 27.
     2. To sacrifice, Rām. 1, 13, 29; 31, Gorr.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To sprinkle on, Yājñ. 1, 24.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To wet, Rām. 3, 75, 8.
     2. To endow. Rām. 2. 91. 33.

ukṣaṇaja ukṣaṇaja, i. e. ukṣ + ana-ja (vb. jan), adj. Sprung up by consecration, Ragh. 5, 27.

ukṣan ukṣ + an, m. An ox or bull, Kir. 5, 42.
     2. A ved. epithet of the Maruts who, by bringing rain (i. e. by sprinkling), impregnate the earth like bulls, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2.
-- Cf. Goth. auhsa, base auhsan; A.S. oxa; the ved. fem. is vaśā, probably = Lat. vacca.

ukṣita ukṣita, ptcple. of the pf. pass. of ukṣ, and ved. also of vakṣ, q. cf.

ukhukh, and uṅkh uṅkh, i. 1 Par. To go, to move.

ugra ugra, probably vaj + ra,
I. adj. f. ,
     1. Very strong (ved.).
     2. Terrible, Rām. 4, 22, 35; Bhag. 11, 31.
     3. Cruel, Man. 4, 212.
     4. Rigorous, Man. 6, 75. Compar. ugratara, as rigorous as possible, Man. 6, 24.
II. m. and f. , The offspring of a Kṣatriya father and a Śūdrā mother, Man. 10, 9; 19.
III. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2738.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. excessively cruel, Pañc. iii. d. 76.

uc uc, i. 4, Par. To like, to be accustomed to. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ucita,
     1. Used, Rām. 4, 8, 57.
     2. Accustomed to (with the gen.), Nal. 23, 22.
     3. Suitable, proper, Pañc. 176, 1; Rājat. 5, 184; Rām. 1, 44, 56.
-- Comp. a-tathā-, adj. not thus used to, Nal. 15, 18. an-, adj. 1. inappropriate, Pañc. 61, 3. 2. unused to, Rām. 2, 58, 5. yathā-, adj. used, Hit. 42, 3. a-yathā-ucita, adj. inappropriate, Pañc. i. d. 193 (former part of a comp. word, in the sense of the adv. °ta + m).
-- With the prep. sam sam, in the ptcple. of the pf. pass. samucita, Used to, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 16.

ucitatva ucita + tva (see the last), n. Convenience, MBh. 1, 7465.

ucca ucca, i. e. ud-añc + a,
I. adj. f. ,
     1. High, Kir. 5, 5.
     2. Deep, Caurap. 44.
     3. Loud, Bhartṛ. 3, 85.
II. uccais (instr. pl.), adv.
     1. High, Kumāras. 6, 72.
     2. Loud, Nal. 11, 2.
     3. Much, excessively, Amar. 94.
     4. Powerfully, Pañc. iv. d. 22.
III. m. Culmination, Rām. 1, 19, 2.
-- Comp. an-, adj. low, Rājat. 5, 478.

uccakais uccakais, i. e. ucca + ka, instr. pl., adv. Very loud, Pañc. ii. d. 166.

uccatā ucca + tā, f. Superiority, MBh. 3, 10635.

uccaya uccaya, i. e. ud-ci + a, m.
     1. Gathering, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 20.
     2. Collection, Śāk. d. 42.
     3. Plenty, Rām. 5, 13, 61.
-- Comp. śilā-, m. a mountain, Kir. 5, 10. salila-, adj. having plenty of water, MBh. 3, 8334. sthūla-, m. 1. a hollow at the root of an elephant's tusk. 2. the middle pace of an elephant. 3. pimples on the face. 4. a hill at the foot of a mountain.

uccāṭana uccāṭana, i. e. ud-caṭ + ana, n.
     1. Ruin, Prab. 61, 16.
     2. The name of one of the arrows of Kāma, Lass. 7, 3.

uccāra uccāra, i. e. ud-car + a, m. Voiding excrements, Man. 4, 50.

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uccāraṇa uccāraṇa, i. e. ud-car Caus., + ana, n. Pronunciation, Śiś. 4, 18; recitation, MBh. 3, 14037.

uccāritra uccāritra, i. e. ud-cāritra in mātra-, n. Immoral conduct, Rājat. 6, 166.

uccāvaca uccāvaca, i. e. ucca-ava-añc + a, adj. High and low, various, Man. 12, 14.

uccaistara uccais + tara (see ucca), adj. Very tall, Pañc. 161, 14. ptarām, adj. Higher, Kumāras. 7, 68.

uccaistaratva uccaistara + tva, n. Being excessively high, Pañc. 33, 6.

ucch ucch, see 2. vas.

ucchitti ucchitti, i. e. ud-chid + ti, f. Extermination, Kathās. 15, 82.

ucchilīndhra ucchilīndhra, i. e. ud-śilīndhra,
I. n. A mushroom, Megh. 11.
II. adj. Covered with mushrooms, ib. v. r. (read ucchil°).

ucchiṣṭatā ucchiṣṭatā, i. e. ud-śiṣṭa + tā (vb. śiṣ), f. Impurity, Pañc. 89, 3.

ucchīrṣaka ucchīrṣaka, i. e. ud-śīrṣan + ka,
I. adj. Having the head erect.
II. n. A pillow, Man. 3, 89.

ucchuṣka ucchuṣka, i. e. ud-śuṣka, adj., f. , Dried up, Mṛcch. 2, 12.

ucchṛṅkhala ucchṛṅkhala, i. e. ud-śṛṅkhala, adj., f. ,
     1. Unrestrained, Hit. iii. d. 97.
     2. Wicked, Kathās. 18, 123.

ucchettṛ ucchettṛ, i. e. ud-chid + tṛ, m. A destroyer, Rām. 3, 36, 11.

uccheda uccheda, i. e. ud-chid + a, m.
     1. Chopping off, Kathās. 18, 29.
     2. Destruction, Pañc. ii. d. 196.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be destroyed, Prab. 76, 9.

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ucchedana ucchedana, i. e. ud-ckid + ana, n. Extermination, Pañc. 53, 25.

ucchedin ucchedin, i. e. ud-chid + in, adj., f. , Destroying, Hit. Pr. 9.

uccheṣa uccheṣa, i. e. ud-śiṣ + a m. Residue, MBh. 13, 1621.

uccheṣaṇa uccheṣaṇa, i. e. ud-śiṣ + ana, n. Residue, Man. 3, 246.

ucchoṣaṇa ucchoṣaṇa, i. e. ud-śuṣ + ana,
I. adj. Drying up.
II. n. Drying up, Rām. 5, 72, 2.

ucchraya ucchraya, i. e. ud-śri + a, m. Elevation, Rām. 1, 13, 24.
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. lofty, Rām. 3, 74, 14. su-kṛta-, adj. very lofty, MBh. 1, 6963.

ucchrāya ucchrāya, i. e. ud-śri + a, m.
     1. Rising, Kir. 5, 31; Kathās. 25, 45.
     2. Elevation, Rājat. 5, 261.
-- Comp. śṛṅga-, m. a lofty top, Megh. 59.

ucchrāyavant -ucchrāya + vant, in mahā-, adj. Very tall, Pañc. 104, 6. patākā-, adj. Having tall flags, MBh. 1, 4995.

ucchriti ucchriti, i. e. ud-śri + ti, f. Exaltation, an exalted birth, Man. 5, 40.

ucchvāsa ucchvāsa, i. e. ud-śvas + a m.
     1. Breathing, Rām. 1, 65, 7.
     2. Growing a little more conspicuoes (of a colour), Śāk. d. 142.
     3. Breath, Vikr. d. 105.
     4. Sighing, Megh. 100.
     5. A division of a book, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 4.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , without breathing, Rām. 5, 25, 48.

ucchvāsin ucchvāsin, i. e. ud-śvas + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Sighing, Megh. 100.
     2. Rising, Vikr. d. 7.
     3. Growing conspicuous (as colour), Kumāras. 7, 82.

uch uch, see 2. vas.

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ujjayinī ujjayinī, i. e. ud-ji + in + ī, 1. The city Oujein, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 12.

ujjvala ujjvala, i. e. ud-jval + a, adj., f. ,
     1. Splendid, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 24.
     2. Clear, Bhartṛ. 2, 16.
     3. Beautiful, Śiś. 9, 47.

ujjvalana ujjvalana, i. e. ud-jval + ana, n. Fire(?), Rām. 2, 40, 14.

ujjṛmbha ujjṛmbha, i. e. ud-jṛmbh + a, adj.
     1. Yawning.
     2. Open.
     3. Expanded, blown.

ujjh ujjh (a dialect, form of ud-kā), i. 6, Par.
     1. To abandon, Rājat. 5, 349.
     2. To let fall, Kir. 5, 6.
     3. To throw, Rājat. 5, 108. ujjhita,
     1. Devoid of, Rājat. 5, 4.
     2. Risked, Rājat. 5, 131.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To abandon, Pañc. v. d. 22.
     2. To avoid, Hit. i. d. 17 n.
-- With sam sam, To abandon, Pañc. i. d. 343. samujjhīta, Free from, Prab. 11. 9.

uñch uñch, i. 1 and 6, Par. To collect the gleanings of the harvest, Man. 3, 100
-- With the prep. pra pra, To wipe out, Mṛcch. 140, 23.

uñcha uñch + a, m. Gleaning grains, Man. 10, 112.
-- Comp. śila-, m. gleaning ears and grains, Man. 7, 33.

uṭaja uṭaja, i. e. perhaps vaṭa-ja (vb. jan), m. and n. A hut made of leaves, the residence of anchorites, Rām. 1, 48, 22.
-- Comp. saha-, m. A hut made of leaves, the residence of anchorites.

uṭhuṭh or ūṭh ūṭh, i. 1, Par. To strike.

uḍu uḍu, f. and n. A star, Mālav. 64, d. 82.

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uḍupa uḍupa, i. e.
I. uḍu (perhaps akin to udan, and a dialectical form of udra in samudra) -pa (vb. 2. ), m. and n. A raft, Mṛcch. 123, 20.
II. uḍu-pa (vb. 2. ), m. The moon.

uḍumbara uḍumbara, see udumbara.

uḍḍayana uḍḍayana, i. e. ud-ḍī + ana, n. Flying up, Pañc. 115, 5.

uta uta, part.
     1. And, Chr. 34. 7.
     2. Also, Chr. 3, 8.
     3. uta -- uta, As well as, MBh. 3, 10684.
     4. uta -- vā -- uta -- uta, As well as, as also, and, MBh. 5, 916; 917.
     5. uta vā, Or, Brāhmaṇav. 3, 5.
     6. part. of interrogation, What, how. In a disjunctive interrogation: Or, Bhartṛ. 3, 77; also with following , Pañc. 68, 14; also with following āho (utāho), Nal. 12, 120; also with following āho svid, Nal. 19, 27-29; also with following svid only, Pañc. 41, 1; seldom with preceding kim (kim uta), Mṛcch. 172, 3.
     7. preceded by kim (kim uta), Much less, Rām. 4, 35, 8.
     8. preceded by prati (praty uta), Even, Pañc. iii. d. 27.

utathya utathya, m. The name of a Muni, Man. 3, 16.

utka utka, i. e. ud-ka (vb. kam), adj., f. , Desirous, Megh. 11.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. desirous, Kathās. 26, 271.

utkaṭa utkaṭa, i. e. ud-kaṭa (kaṭa is probably a change of kaṣṭa), adj., f. ṭā.
     1. Excessive, Rām. 5, 13, 37.
     2. Abounding in, Rām. 2, 55, 30.
     3. Drunk, MBh. 2, 2160.
     4. Furious, Rām. 6, 73, 7.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. exceedingly great, Hit. i. d. 78. mada-,
I. adj. 1. arrogant. 2. furious.
II. m. an elephant in rut.

utkaṇṭh utkaṇṭh (properly a denomin. derived from utkaṇṭhā), Par.
     1. To long for, Rām. 2, 53, 2.
     2. To sorrow, Śāk. 60, 5. -- Caus. utkaṇṭhaya, To make desirous, Bhartṛ. 1, 42.

utkaṇṭha utkaṇṭha, i. e. ud-kaṇṭha,
I. adj. Having the neck erect.
II. f. ṭhā,
     1. Longing for, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 18.
     2. Regret, sorrow, Śāk. d. 81.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. ṭhā, 1. ardently longing, Rājat. 5, 93. 2. regretting, grieving. -ṭham, adv. sorrowfully, Kir. 5, 51.

utkampa utkampa, i. e. ud-kamp + a,
I. adj. Trembling.
II. m. Trembling, Megh. 68.
-- Comp. gati-, m. haste, Megh. 68. sa-, adj., f. , Trembling, Vikr. 28, 10.

utkampin utkampin, i. e. ud-kamp + in, adj., f. , Causing to tremble, Rām. 1, 74, 10.

utkara utkara, i. e. ud-kṛ10 + a, m. A heap, plenty, Rām. 6, 79, 38.
-- Comp. mūṣika-, m. a mole-hill, Mṛcch. 47, 6. prakīrṇa-kusuma-, adj., f. , strewed with plenty of flowers, Rām. 1, 77, 7.

utkarṣa utkarṣa, i. e. ud-kṛṣ + a,
I. adj. Boasting.
II. m.
     1. Excess, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 21.
     2. Distinction, Śāk. d. 38.
     3. Exaltation, Man. 10, 42; an exalted rank, Man. 4, 244.

utkarṣaṇa utkarṣaṇa, i. e. ud-kṛṣ + ana, n. Putting off (his clothes), MBh. 2, 1665 (cf. 1667).

utkalikā utkalikā, i. e. utka + la + ika, f. Longing for, Kathās. 22, 105.

utkaṣaṇa utkaṣaṇa, i. e. ud-kaṣ + ana, n. Tearing up, Megh. 16.

utkira -utkira, i. e. ud-kṛ10 + a, adj., f. , Heaping up, Kumāras. 5, 26.

utkuṭa utkuṭa, adj.
     1. Stretched out.
     2. Erect.
     3. (Sitting) with the legs under one's body, Fausböll, Dhammap. 306.

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utkūja utkūja, i. e. ud-kūj + a, m. Cry, Rām. 5, 17, 8.

utkūrdana utkūrdana, i. e. ud-kurd + ana, n. Leaping, jumping aloft, Pañc. 124, 17.

utkoca utkoca, i. e. ud-kuc + a, m. Bribe, Rājat. 5, 363.

utkocaka utkocaka, i. e. ud-kuc + aka,
I. adj., One who receives bribes, Man. 9, 258.
II. (n.) The name of a holy place, MBh. 1, 6914.

utkramaṇa utkramaṇa, i. e. ud-kram + ana, n. Departure, Man. 6, 63.

utkrośa utkrośa, i. e. ud-kruś + a, m. An osprey.

utkṣepa utkṣepa, i. e. ud-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Tossing up, Megh. 48.
     2. Stretching out, Śāk. d. 126.

utkṣepaka utkṣepaka, i. e. ud-kṣip + aka, m. A purloiner, Yājñ. 2, 274.

utkṣepaṇa utkṣepaṇa, i. e. ud-kṣip + ana, n.
     1. Tossing up, Bhāṣāp. 5.
     2. Lifting up, Śāk. d. 29.

uttaṃsa uttaṃsa, i. e. ud-taṃs + a, m.
     1. An ear-ring, Rājat. 5, 138.
     2. A crest.

uttaṃsita uttaṃsita, i. e. uttaṃsa + ita, adj. Adorned with, Bhartṛ. 3, 1.

uttama uttama, i. e. ud + tama,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Supreme, Chr. 289, 10 = Rigv. i. 50, 10.
     2. Chief, principal, Pañc. 16, 20; best, Man. 4, 229; greatest, Rām. 5, 33, 35; better, Pañc. 241, 24.
     3. Last, MBh. 1, 4674 (cf. [greek]).
II. acc. sing. n. mam, adv.
     1. Most, Rām. 2, 30, 2.
     2. Very loudly, Chr. 25, 60.
-- Comp. an-, adj. (literally, having no superior), 1. insurmountable, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 24; most lofty, Rām. 3, 52, 22. 2. most rigorous, Rām. 1, 62, 6.
     3. most excellent, Rām. 3, 53, 18. dvija-, m. a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 2, 49. puruṣa-, m. 1. an excellent man, an excellent servant. 2. a name of Viṣṇu. 3. a proper name. maṇḍala-, n. a principal kingdom, Rājat. 5, 262. mṛga-, m. a most excellent antelope, Rām. 3, 49, 54. raghu-, m. chief of the race of Raghu, Rām. 3, 50, 6. ratha-, m. an excellent cart, Bhag. 1, 24. śara-, m. a very good arrow, Rām. 3, 50, 16. sevaka-, m. an excellent servant, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1435.

uttamarṇa uttamarṇa, i. e. uttama + ṛṇa, m. A creditor, Man. 8, 47.

uttamarṇika uttamarṇika, i. e. uttamarṇa + ika, m. A creditor, Man. 8, 48.

uttara uttara, i. e. ud + tara,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Superior, Ragh. 1, 60; more powerful, Chr. 289, 10 = Rigv. i. 50, 10.
     2. Northern, Pañc. 241, 7. uttareṇa (instr. sing.), adv. and prep. (with the gen. abl. and acc.), To the north, Megh. 73.
     3. Left (not right), MBh. 1, 7212.
     4. Posterior, Man. 2, 136; subsequent, Hit. i. d. 143; becoming, fit, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 6.
     5. Future, Rām. 2, 33, 22.
     6. Answering, Rām. 3, 18, 48; Chr. 59, 24.
II. m. The name of a mountain, Kathās. 25, 23.
III. f. ,
     1. The north, Kathās. 18, 57.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 169.
IV. n.
     1. Superiority, MBh. 1, 4986; power, Rām. 5, 70, 18.
     2. Answer, Rām. 3, 70, 7; defence, Lass. 90, 4.
-- Comp. adhara-,
I. adj. 1. lower and higher, Yājñ. 1, 96. 2. confused, Man. 8, 53.
II. n. a state of confusion, topsy-turvy, Man. 7, 21; useless discussion, Śāk. 69, 17. uttarattara, i. e. uttara-,
I. adj. 1. always the subsequent, Yājñ. 2, 136. 2. always increasing, Pañc. 84, 25.
II. -ram, adv. higher and higher, MBh. 14, 1016; more and more, Hit. 20, 20.
III. n. useless discussion, Hit. 21, 3. asrottaram, i. e. asra-uttara + m, adv with tears in the eyes, Kumāras. 5, 61. klinna-pakṣa-, adj. of which the upper parts of the wings are wet, Daśak. 1, 16. guṇa-, m. superior virtue, Rām. 5, 2, 4; n. MBh. 3, 13922. dakṣiṇa-, turned to the south and to the north, Mārk. P. 16, 34. dadhi-, n. cream of curdled milk, Suśr. 1, 159, 11. duḥkha-, adj., f. , accompanied by pain, Śāk. 61, 18. dharma-, adj. attached to virtue, Ragh. 13, 7. nis-, adj., f. , unable to answer, Pañc. 112, 18. prāguttareṇa, i. e. prāñc-, adv. north-eastwards. viṣṭara-, adj. covered with Kuśa grass, MBh. 3, 1381. saptottara, i. e. saptan-, adj., f. , having a surplus of seven (with śata, hundred and seven), Yājñ. 3, 102.
-- Cf. [greek]

uttaraṇa uttaraṇa, i. e. ud-tṛ10 + ana, n. Crossing, passing over, Pañc. 33, 15.

uttaratas uttara + tas, adv. To the north, Rām. 4, 55, 20.

uttarā uttarā (an old instr. sing. of uttara), adv. To the north, e. g. in -mukha, adj. Looking to the north, MBh. 2, 1084.

uttarīya uttarīya, i. e. uttara + īya, and uttarīyaka uttarīya + ka, n. An upper and outer garment, Pañc. 236, 9.

uttaredyus uttaredyus, i. e. uttara + i-div + as, adv. The following day, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 5.

uttāna uttāna, i. e. ud-tan + a, adj., f. , Lying supinely, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 20 (referring to the hand lying with the palm turned upwards).

uttāra uttāra, i. e. ud-tṛ10 + a, m. Crossing, passing over, Prab. 83, 10.

uttāraṇa uttāraṇa, i. e. ud-tṛ10-ana,
I. adj. Causing to cross, MBh. 14, 194.
II. n. Deliverance, Rām. 4, 52, 18.

uttāla uttāla, i. e. ud-tāla, adj., f. , Formidable, Kathās. 25, 36.

uttitīrṣu uttitīrṣu, i. e. ud-titīrṣa, desider. of tṛ10, + u, adj. Desirous to step out, MBh. 11, 160.

uttuṅga uttuṅga, i. e. ud-tuṅga, adj., f. .
     1. Prominent, Bhartṛ. 1, 72.
     2. High, Pañc. iii. d. 260.

uttejana uttejana, i. e. ud-tij + ana, n. Instigation.

uttha uttha, i. e. ud-stha (vb. sthā), adj.
     1. Rising, Caurap. 18.
     2. Springing up, Pañc. 257, 4; proceeding, Pañc. i. d. 400; Bhāṣāp. 119; Rājat. 5, 167.

utthāna utthāna, i. e. ud-sthā + ana,
I. n.
     1. Rising, Bhartṛ. 3, 10; of the moon, Ragh, 6, 31.
     2. Resurrection, MBh. 3, 10811.
     3. Exertion, Man. 9, 215.
II. m. A causer, MBh. 13, 1242.
-- Comp. an-, n. want of exertion, Rājat. 5. 252. su-, adj. clever.

utthānavant utthāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Strenuous, MBh. 2, 1941.

utthāpana utthāpana, i. e. ud-sthā, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Raising, MBh. 1, 1885.
     2. Leading away. Lass. 24, 9.

utthāyin utthāyin, i. e. ud-sthā + in, adj., f. , Rising, MBh. 1, 3628.
     2. Appearing, MBh. 1, 2332.

utthitatā utthitatā, i. e. ud-sthita + tā (vb. sthā), f. Veneration, MBh. 3, 14687.

utpatana utpatana, i. e. ud-pat + ana, n. Jumping, Pañc. 118, 13.

utpatiṣṇu utpatiṣṇu, i. e. ud-pat + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. Rising, Ragh. 4, 47.
     2. Being about to jump, Pañc. iii. d. 40.

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utpatti utpatti, i. e. ud-pad + ti, f.
     1. Springing up, Śṛṅgārat. 20.
     2. Birth, Man. 3, 16; second birth, 2, 68.
     3. Produce, Rājat. 5, 69.
-- Comp. an-, f. absence of production, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 4.

utpattimant utpatti + mant, adj. Produced, born.

utpatha utpatha, i. e. ud-patha, m. Wrong way, Chr. 22, 25.

utpala utpala, i. e. probably ud-paṭ + a (with l for ),
I. n. A blue lotus, Nymphaea caerulea, Bhartṛ. 2, 56.
II. m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 127.
-- Comp. nīla-, m. a blue lotus, Nymphaea cyanea Roxb., Rām. 4, 44, 91.

utpalin utpalin, i. e. utpala + in,
I. adj., f. , Abounding with lotusflowers, Rām. 3, 78, 26.
II. f. , An assemblage of lotus-flowers, MBh. 3, 8564.

utpavana utpavana, i. e. ud-pū + ana, n. Purifying, Man. 5, 115 (Lois.).

utpāṭana utpāṭana, i. e. ud-pat + ana, n.
     1. Eradication, Rām. 6, 83, 34.
     2. Destruction, Rājat. 5, 292.

utpāṭin utpāṭin, i. e. ud-pat + in, adj., f. , Pulling out, Pañc. i. d. 26.

utpāta utpāta, i. e. ud-pat + a, m.
     1. A jump, Rām. 5, 53, 25.
     2. A portent, MBh. 1, 8287; an omen, Man. 6, 50.
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. terrible, Pañc, 114. 14.

utpāda utpāda, i. e. ud-pad + a, m. Producing, causing, Yājñ. 2, 225 (shedding).

utpādaka utpādaka, i. e. ud-pad + aka,
I. adj. A producer, a causer, Man. 4, 168 (a shedder).
II. m. A father, Man. 2, 146.

utpādana utpādana, i. e. ud-pad + ana,
I. adj., f. , Producing, MBh. 1, 7834.
II. n. Producing, Man. 9, 27.

utpādin utpādin, i. e.
I. utpāda + in, adj., f. , Produced, Hit. i. d. 202.
II. ud-pad + in, adj., f. , Producing, causing, Yājñ. 2, 224.

utpīḍa utpīḍa, i. e. ud-pīḍ + a, m.
     1. Drawing out, MBh. 3, 825 (of an arrow).
     2. Forcing, Megh. 88 (tears).
     3. Pressing, Prab. 71, 10.
     4. Foam, Rām. 5, 4, 5.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. covered with foam, Rām. 4, 15, 23.

utpīḍana utpīḍana, i. e. ud-pīḍ + ana, n. Pressing, Ṛt. 1, 20.

utprāsa utprāsa, i. e. ud-pra- 2. as + a, m. Excess.
-- Comp. sa-,
I. adj. violent.
II. m. a horse-laugh.
III. m. and n. irony.

utplavana utplavana, i. e. ud-plu + ana, n. Taking off (?) Man. 5, 115, v. r.

utphāla utphāla, i. e. ud-phal + a, m. Jumping up, Kathās. 26, 20.

utphulla utphulla, see phal.

utsa utsa (akin to und), m. A fountain, ved. a cloud, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6.

utsaṅga utsaṅga, i. e. ud-saṅj + a, m.
     1. The lap, Rām. 6, 71, 11; figuratively, Daśak. 199, 7; Rājat. 5, 6.
     2. The slope of a mountain, Ragh. 6, 3.
     3. A roof, Pañc. 128, 8.

utsaṅgin utsaṅgin, i. e. utsaṅga + in, adj., f. . Deep, Rām. 6, 23, 13.

utsadhi utsadhi, i. e. utsa-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. A reservoir of water, a cloud (ved.), Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 88, 4.

utsarga utsarga, i. e. ud-sṛj + a, m.
     1. Emission, Megh. 19.
     2. Evacuation, Pañc. 34, 22; Man. 12, 21.
     3. Abandoning, Nal. 10, 12; relinquishing, Man. 11, 193 (194); dismission, Chr. 9, 37.
     4. Donation, Sāv. 1, 8.
     5. The name of a ceremony, when suspending the reading of the Veda, Man. 4, 119.
     6. Setting at liberty.
     7. A general rule, Kumāras. 2, 27.
-- Comp. vṛṣa-, m. setting a bull at liberty on occasion of a sacrifice or obsequial oblation, Pañc. 9, 3.

utsarjana utsarjana, i. e. ud-sṛj + ana, n.
     1. Rejection, Chr. 9, 38.
     2. The name of the ceremony, utsarga (q. cf.), Man. 4, 96.

utsarpin utsarpin, i. e. ud-sṛp + in, adj., f. iṇī, Soaring upwards, Śāk. 101, 5.

utsava utsava, i. e. ud-su + a, m. A festival, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 5; figuratively, Amar. 23.
-- Comp. baddha- (vb. bandh), adj., f. , celebrating a festival, Kathās. 25, 269.

utsādana utsādana, i. e. ud-sad + ana, n.
     1. Destruction, Rām. 1, 74, 21.
     2. Cleaning with perfumes, Man. 2, 209.

utsāraṇa utsāraṇa, i. e. ud-sṛ + ana, n. Removal, Rām. 6, 33, 13.

utsāha utsāha, i. e. ud-sah + a, m.
     1. Effort, Draup. 8, 56.
     2. Energy, Pañc. i. d. 44.
     3. Ardour, Rām. 3, 33, 4.
     4. Perseverance, Pañc. 79, 1; will, Śāk. 23, 12.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj., f. , having made an effort, Sāv. 4, 21. dus-, adj. difficult to be resisted, MBh. 9, 1130. nis-,
I. m. want of energy, Hariv. 14493.
II. adj., f. , 1. devoid of energy, Pañc. 123, 23. 2. desponding, Rām. 1, 21, 6. mahā-,
I. adj. possessing great energy, persevering.
II. m. 1. exertion. 2. a king possessing all the powers of monarchy. yathā-utsāha + m, adv. according to one's power or ability, Man. 5, 86. sa-,
I. adj. 1. energetic. 2. persevering.
II. -ham, adv. carefully, Pañc. i. d. 15.

utsāhavant utsāha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Energetic.

utsāhin utsāhin, i. e. utsāha + in, adj., f. , Full of ardour, Pañc. ii. d. 89.

utsuka utsuka, i. e. ud-su-ka (vb. kam), adj., f. .
     1. Longing for.
     2. Languid.
     3. Uneasy, Rām. 1, 17, 28.
     4. Proud, Rām. 4, 9, 37.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. careless, Arj. 10, 14. pari-, adj. 1. longing for. 2. languid. 3. sad. sa-, adj. languid, Ṛt. 1, 6.

utsukatā utsuka + tā f.
     1. Longing for, love, Śiś. 9, 2.
     2. Care, zeal, Pañc. 40, 14.
-- Comp. an-, f. modesty, Vikr. 12, 6.

utseka utseka, i. e. ud-sic + a, m. Pride, Rām. 4, 9, 88; 5, 3, 10.
-- Comp. an-, m. meekness, Bhartṛ. 2, 54.

utsedha utsedha, i. e. ud-sidh + a, m. Height, Rām. 6, 83, 23; figuratively, 6. 82, 44.
-- Comp. navotsedha, i. e. navan-, adj., f. dhā, having an elevation of nine (viz. fathoms), MBh. 3, 10207.

utsvapnāya utsvapnāya, a denomin. derived from ud-svapna, Ātm. To speak sleeping, Mālav. 55, 22.

ud ud (properly acc. sing. n. of u, probably an obsolete pronominal base, akin to va in ava, eva, etc.), a prefix, up, out.
I. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives, q. cf.
II. Former part of comp. nouns, e. g. ud-ayudha, adj. With raised weapon (literally, having a weapon upward), Chr. 4, 17. utpakṣman, i. e. ud-, adj. The eye-lids of which are elevated, Śāk. d. 90. ud-dāma, adj. Unfettered (literally, having the fetter out), Rām. 2, 23, 21.
-- Cf. [greek] for

[Page 115b] [greek], Goth. and A.S. ut; O.H. G. ūz.

uda uda, a substitute for udaka in comp. words, e. g. uda-kumbha, m. A water-pot, Man. 2, 182. kṣāra-, m. The salt ocean, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 34. kṣīra-, m. The sea of milk, Rām. 4, 37, 28. gandha-, Fragrant water, Bhāg. P. 9, 11, 26. ghṛta-, m. The sea of clarified butter, Rām. 4, 40, 49. lohita-, adj., f. , With blood-red water, Rām. 4, 44, 65. śānti-, n. Lustral water.

udaka udaka, i. e. udan + ka, n.
     1. Water, Man. 2, 99.
     2. The ceremony of pouring water at obsequies, Man. 5, 88.
     3. Religious ablution, MBh. 1, 790.
-- Comp. kāma-, n. an optional oblation of water, Yājñ. 3, 4. kāla-, the name of a sea, Rām. 4, 40, 36. kuśa-, n. water (boiled) with kuśagrass, Man. 11, 212. kṛta-, adj. 1. one who has performed the ceremony of pouring water at obsequies, Rām. 1, 25, 3. 2. one who has performed his religious ablution, MBh. 3, 8141. tila-, n. water with sesame, Man. 3, 223. maṇḍa-, n. 1. variegated colour. 2. painting figures. samāna-, m. a kinsman connected by oblations of water only to the manes of common ancestors, i. e. when the sapiṇḍas are excluded, a relation from the seventh to the fourteenth degree.

udakyā udakyā, i. e. udaka + ya, f. A woman in her courses, Man. 4, 57.

udagra ud-agra, adj., f. .
     1. Pointing upwards, lofty, Rām. 5, 54, 19; figuratively, Ragh. 2, 53.
     2. Uppermost, Vikr. d. 156.
     3. Excited, Rām. 6, 14, 15.

udañc ud-añc, adj., f. udīcī.
     1. Upper, upwards.
     2. Northern, Megh. 58. udak (acc. sing. n.), adv. To the north, Man. 3, 217.

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udañcana ud-añc + ana, m. A pail, Daśak. 152, 4.

udadhi udadhi, i. e. uda-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The ocean, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 21.
-- Comp. kṣāra-, m. the salt ocean, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 2. kṣīra-, m. the sea of milk, MBh. 12, 12778. mahā-, m. the great ocean.

udan udan, i. e. und + an, n. Water, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.
-- Cf. [greek] with [greek] for n; cf. also Lat. udor; Goth. vato, base vatan, represents the organic form of the vb. und, viz. vad; O.H.G. wazar has r instead of n, like the Greek.

udanta ud-anta, m. Tidings, Kathās. 10, 55.

udanvant udan + vant, m. The ocean, Ragh. 4, 32.

udaya udaya, i. e. ud-i + a, m.
     1. Rising, Rām. 4, 34, 32 (of the ocean); Ragh. 12, 36 (of the moon); Man. 10, 33 (appearance of dawn); figuratively, Ragh. 9, 9; Rājat. 5, 311.
     2. The eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise, Rām. 4, 58, 5.
     3. Beginning, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 12.
     4. Appearance, Śāk. d. 67.
     5. Prosperity, Rājat. 5, 336.
     6. Consequence, Man. 4, 70.
     7. Gain, Rām. 3, 2, 22; revenue, Man. 7, 55.
     8. A gate(?), Rām. 2, 48. 29.
-- Comp. karuṇā-, adj. causing compassion, MBh. 1, 436. candra-, m. the rise of the moon, Suśr. 2, 485, 21. dus-, adj. appearing with difficulty, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 50. mahā-,
I. m. 1. prosperity. 2. final beatitude. 3. covereignty. 4. a lord. 5. the country of Kanoj. 6. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 28.
II. n. Kanoj. yathā-udaya + m, adv. in proportion to one's income, Yājñ. 2, 43. sa-, adj. 1. with profit. 2. with interest.

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udayana udayana, i. e. ud-i + ana,
I. n. Rising (of the sun), Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. i. 48, 7; Rām. 4, 40, 43.
II. m. A proper name, Kathās. 9, 599.

udayavant udaya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Risen, Śiś. 9, 43.

udara udara, i. e. ud-ṛ + a, n.
     1. The belly.
     2. The interior part, Bhartṛ. 2, 26.
-- Comp. kṛśa-, adj., f. , slender, Vikr. d. 154. jala-, n. dropsy, MBh. 3, 14664. dagdha-, (vb. dah), n. a hungry stomach, Hit. i. d. 62. nis-nata- (vb. nam), adj., f. , having a protuberant belly, Rām. 6, 74, 8. brahmāṇḍabhāṇḍa-, i. e. brahman-aṇḍa-bhāṇḍa-, n. the interior of the vessellike egg of Brahman, Bhartṛ. 2, 93. mahā-, adj., f, , having a large belly, Rām. 3, 23, 15. lamba-, m. 1. a glutton. 2. Gaṇeśa. sa-, m. a brother, Rājat. 5, 42. saha-, m. a brother of whole blood.

udaraṃbhari udaraṃbhari, i. e. udara + m-bhṛ + i, adj. Voracious, Mālav. 14, 4.

udarin udarin, i. e. udara + in, adj., f. iṇī, Paunch-bellied, Kathās. 20, 109.
-- Comp. udaka-, adj. hydropic.

udarka udarka, i. e. ud-ric-a (anomal.), m.
     1. Future time, Nal. 21, 26.
     2. Consequence, Rām. 6, 93, 14.
-- Comp. śubha-, adj., f. , causing happiness, Kathās. 9, 58. sa-, adj. with towers(?), MBh. 2, 1299. sukha-, adj. causing happiness, Man. 9, 25. a-sukha-, adj. causing pain, Man. 4, 176.

udātta udātta, see with the prep. ud-ā.

udāna udāna, i. e. ud-an + a, m. One of the five vital airs, that which has its place in the throat and passes upward and outward, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 11.

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udāra udāra, i. e. ud-ṛ + a, adj., f. and ,
     1. Distinguished, Nal. 1, 8.
     2. Excellent, Rām. 1, 35, 8.
     3. Great, MBh. 3, 13158.
     4. Gentle, Rām. 1, 33, 3.
     5. Munificent, Dacak. in Chr. 183, 4.

udāraka udāra + ka, adj. A poor munificent person, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 21; used as surname of one who has ruined himself by munificence, 187, 16.

udāratā udāra + tā, f. Generosity, Kathās. 21, 103.
-- Comp. ati-, f. Excessive munificence, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 20.

udāsīnatā ud-āsīna + tā (vb ās), f. Indifference, carelessness, Pañc. 86, 12.

udāharaṇa udāharaṇa, i. e. ud-ā-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Speaking, Kumāras. 6, 65.
     2. Declaration, Vikr. d. 32.
     3. An example.

udīcya udīcya, i. e. udañc + ya,
I. adj. Northern.
II. m. The country to the north and west of the river Śarāvatī, MBh. 3, 14774. pl. Its inhabitants, Rām. 2, 82, 7.

udīpa udīpa, i. e. ud-ap + a, m. Inundation, Rājat. 5, 269.

udīraṇa udīraṇa, i. e. ud-īr + ana, n.
     1. Throwing, MBh. 3, 16525.
     2. Pronunciation, Kumāras. 2, 12.

udumbara udumbara, also uḍumbara uḍumbara, m. The glomerous fig tree, Ficus glomerata, Nal. 12, 4.

udūkhala udūkhala, cf. ulūkhala, n. A mortar, Rām. 6, 96, 13.

udgati udgati, i. e. ud-gam + ti, f. Springing up (of flowers), Kathās. 17, 113.

udgama ud-gam + a, m.
     1. Springing up, Ragh. 4, 9.
     2. A shoot, Kir. 5. 38.
     3. Appearance, Bhartṛ. 2, 62.
     4. Departing, Kathās. 4, 128.

udgamana ud-gam + ana, n. Springing up, appearance.

udgamanīya ud-gamanīya (vb. gam), n. A pair of bleached clothes, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 18.

udgātṛ udgātṛ, i. e. ud-gai + tṛ, m. A reciter of the Sāma Veda, Man. 8, 209.

udgāra udgāra, i. e. ud-gṛ10 + a, m.
     1. Spitting, Rām. 4. 15, 23; figuratively, Ragh. 4, 57 (exhalation); Bhartṛ. 2, 29 (throwing out).
     2. Saliva, MBh. 3, 15549.
     3. Roar, MBh. 3, 11140.

udgārin udgārin, i. e. ud-gṛ10 + in, adj., f. iṇī, Spitting, Rām. 3, 33, 37; figuratively, Ragh. 13, 47 (uttering); Megh. 26 (exhaling).

udgiraṇa udgiraṇa, i. e. ud-gṛ10 + ana, n. Vomiting, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 15.

udgītha udgītha, i. e. ud-gai + tha, n. A portion of the Sāma Veda, Dev. 4, 9.

udghaṭṭana ud-ghaṭṭ + ana, n.
     1. Rubbing, exciting.
     2. Inflammation, Megh. 62.

udgharṣaṇa udgharṣaṇa, i. e. ud-ghṛṣ + ana, n. Thrashing, Mṛcch. 34, 3.

udghāṭaka udghāṭaka, i. e. ud-ghaṭ + aka, m. A key, Mṛcch. 48, 5.

udghāṭana udghāṭana, i. e. ud-ghaṭ + ana, n. A key, Hit. i. d. 146.

udghāta udghāta, i. e. ud-han, Caus., + a, m.
     1. A toss, Śāk. d. 192; pain, Kathās. 17, 3.
     2. Height, Rām. 5, 4, 12.
     3. A beginning, Ragh. 4, 20.
-- Comp. an-, adj. unhurt, Rām. 2, 72.

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udghātin udghātin, i. e. udghāta + in, adj., f. , Rugged, Śāk. 5, 12.

uddāna uddāna, i. e. ud-do + ana, n. Binding, MBh. 12, 4902.

uddīpana ud-dīp + ana, n. Inflaming, Ṛt. 6, 27.

uddeśa uddeśa, i. e. ud-diś + a, m.
     1. Pointing to, Kathās. 10, 110.
     2. Reference, Kathās. 20, 210; Pañc. 119, 3 (on account of).
     3. A sketch, Indr. 4, 16.
     4. Exposition, Rām. 4, 17, 12.
     5. A region, Rām. 5, 51, 5; a quarter, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 8; a part, Hiḍ. 1, 16; a seat, Rām. 6, 33, 47.
-- Comp. yathā-uddeśa + m, adv. according to the command, Rām. 2, 99, 1. raṇa-, m. a field of battle, Rām. 5, 56, 126. vana-, m. the part of a forest.

uddeśatas uddeśa + tas, adv. Shortly, Bhag. 10, 24.

uddyota uddyota, i. e. ud-dyut + a,
I. adj. Resplendent, Rām. 1, 15, 19.
II. m. Splendour, Lass. 2, 11

uddhara uddhara, i. e. ud-hṛ + a, adj. Pulling out, MBh. 3, 11188.

uddharaṇa uddharaṇa, i. e. ud-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Plucking out.
     2. Eradication, Lass. 31, 16.
     3. Deliverance, Rājat. 5, 114; Hit. i. d. 27.

uddhartṛ uddhartṛ, i. e. ud-hṛ + tṛ, m. A deliverer, Kathās. 5, 40.
-- Comp. caura-, m. the officer charged with the pursuit of thieves, Yājñ. 2, 271.

uddharṣa uddharṣa, i. e. ud-dhṛṣ + a, m. Daring, undergoing, Rām. 4, 9, 47.

uddharṣaṇa uddharṣaṇa, i. e.
     1. ud-hṛṣ + ana, adj. Comforting, Rām. 2, 2, 1.
II. ud-dhṛṣ + ana, n. Encouragement, MBh. 15, 476.

uddhāra uddhāra, i. e. ud-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Deliverance from.
     2. Taking out, separating what ought to be avoided, Man. 10, 85 (uddhṛtoddhāra, adj. What ought to be avoided being avoided).
     3. A selected part, Man. 7, 97.
     4. Debt, Daśak. 111, 12, Wils.
-- Comp. vaira-, m. revenge. śalya-, m. 1. extraction of foreign substances from the body. 2. cleansing and purifying a new house. śāpa-, m. deliverance from a curse.

uddhāraṇa uddhāraṇa, i. e. ud-dhṛ Caus., + ana, n. Payment, Pañc. 138, 14.

uddhura ud-dhur + a, adj. Brisk, Kathās. 22, 193.

uddhūlaya uddhūlaya, a denom. derived from ud-dhūli, Par. To strew over, Kathās. 18, 240.

uddhṛti uddhṛti, i. e. ud-hṛ + ti,
     1. Pulling out (as an arrow).
     2. Preservation, Rājat. 5, 477.

udbandha ud-bandh + a, m., and udbandhana ud-bandh + ana, n. Hanging, Kathās. 13, 100.

udbhava udbhava, i. e. ud-bhū + a, m.
     1. Birth.
     2. Origin, Man. 11, 244.
     3. When latter part of a comp. adj., Produced, Man. 6, 13; sprung from, Rājat. 5, 244.
-- Comp. kṣata-, blood. jala-,
I. adj. produced by water.
II. m. the name of a country, MBh. 2, 1078. tanu-, m. a son. padma-, 1. adj. sbst. born in a lotus-flower, a name of Brahman. 2. m. a proper name. saṃmūrchana-, m. a fish, or aquatic animal. soma-, f. , the Narmadā river.

udbhāvana udbhāvana, i. e. ud-bhū Caus., + ana, n. Neglect, MBh. 1, 5070.

udbhāvayitṛ udbhāvayitṛ, i. e. ud-bhū Caus., + tṛ, One who raises or exalts, Daśak. 180, 3.

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udbhāsin ud-bhās + in, adj., f. , Resplendent, Rājat. 5, 482.

udbhāsura ud-bhās + ura, adj. Shining, Amar. 76.

udbhijja udbhijja, i. e. udbhid-ja (vb. jan), adj., f. , Sprouting, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 5.

udbhid ud-bhid, and udbhida ud-bhid + a, adj. Sprouting, MBh. 1, 3587.

udbhūti ud-bhū + ti, f. Growth, prosperity, Vikr. d. 162.

udbheda udbheda, i. e. ud-bhid + a, m.
     1. Opening, Śāk. d. 80.
     2. Appearance, Bhartṛ. 1, 49.
     3. A spring or fountain, Rām. 2, 94, 13.
     4. Treason, Kathās. 3, 42.
-- Comp. gaṅgā-, m. (the source of the Ganges) a holy place, MBh. 3, 8043.

udbhrāntaka ud-bhrānta + ka (vb. bhram), f. Soaring up, Śāk. 92, 19.

udyama ud-yam + a, m. and n.
     1. Raising, Pañc. ii. d. 138.
     2. Effort, Pañc. 185, 2.
     3. Energy, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 470.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj., f. , having made an effort, Kumāras. 5, 3. daṇḍa-, m. and n. (?) severe punishment, Pañc. i. d. 421. nis-, adj., f. , lazy, Rām. 4, 9, 49. mahā-,
I. m. great effort.
II. adj. making a strenuous effort, Rājat. 5, 136 (with infin.); 188 (with dat.).

udyamin ud-yam + in, adj., f. , Exerting one's self, Bhartṛ. 3, 45.

udyāna udyāna, i. e. ud-yā + ana, m. and n. A grove, a garden, Pañc. ii. d. 178.
-- Comp. puṇya-, adj., f. , having pure gardens, Rām. 2, 71, 19.

udyānaka udyāna + ka, n. A grove, Rām. 3, 61, 18.

udyoga udyoga, i. e. ud-yuj + a, m. and n. Exertion, Rām. 3, 31, 34.
-- Comp. an-, m. and n. want of exertion, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1400. nis-, adj., f. , 1. Lazy, Sund. 4, 3. 2. disheartened, Rām. 6, 21, 16. sa-, adj. 1. active, persevering. 2. violent (as a disease), Rājat. 5, 123.

udyogin udyogin, i. e. ud-yuj + in, or udyoga + in, adj. Exerting one's self, Pañc. i. d. 220.

udreka udreka, i. e. ud-ric + a, m.
     1. Excess, MBh. 3, 13169.
     2. Excellence, MBh. 14, 1012.
-- Comp. sattva-, m. superabundance of wisdom, MBh. 3, 15818.

udvartana udvartana, i. e. ud-vṛt + ana, n.
     1. Jumping, Megh. 41.
     2. What has served for rubbing the body with, Man. 4, 132.

udvasa -udvasa, Rājat. 5, 378, Uninhabited (?).

udvaha ud-vah + a,
I. adj., f. , Supporting, continuing, Rām. 1, 13, 56.
II. m. A son, an offspring, Indr. 5, 28.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be borne, MBh. 5, 3147. raghu-, m. Rāma. rata-, m. the Indian cuckoo.

udvahana ud-vah + ana, n.
     1. Lifting up, Ragh. 13, 8.
     2. Bearing, Pañc, 68, 23; having, Rājat. 5, 384.
     3. Riding, Man. 8, 370.

udvāṣpatva ud-vāṣpa + tva, n. Shedding tears, Vikr. d. 29.

udvāsya udvāsya (based on ud- 1. vas), adj. Referring to the slaughter of sacrifices, Rām. 1, 13, 4.

udvāha udvāha, i. e. ud-vah + a, m. Marriage, Kathās. 17, 68.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj., f. , married.

udvāhika udvāhika, i. e. udvāka + ika, adj. Relating to nuptials, Man. 9, 65.

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udvīkṣaṇa udvīkṣaṇa, i. e. ud-vi-īkṣ + ana, n. Looking at, sight, Ragh. 3, 1.

udvega udvega, i. e. ud-vij + a, m.
     1. Going upwards, MBh. 1, 1214 (fluctuation).
     2. Violent motion, Daśak. 189, 6.
     3. Uneasiness, distress, Rām. 6, 99, 28.
-- Comp. an-, m. absence of uneasiness, Rām. 3, 14, 20. nis-, adj. fearless, MBh. 3, 7537. sa-,
I. adj. fearful, Pañc. 29, 15.
II. -gam, adv. eagerly, Pañc. 157, 4.

udvegin udvegin, i. e. udvega + in, adj., m. A coward, Pañc. iii. d. 241.

udvejana udvejana, i. e. ud-vij + ana, n. Terror, Man. 9, 248; aversion, 8, 352.

udhrasudhras (a combination of ud-dhras, q. cf.), ii. 9; i. 10, Par. To glean. i. 10, Par. To throw upward.

und und (cf. udan, and Lat. unda), ii. 7, Par. To wet, or moisten.
-- With the prep. vi vi, To moisten, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.

undaru undaru, undura undura, and unduru unduru, m. A rat.

unnatatva unnatatva, i. e. ud-nata + tva (vb. nam), n. Majesty, Ragh. 5, 37.

unnati unnati, i. e. ud-nam + ti, f.
     1. Rising, Pañc. i. d. 166.
     2. Increase, Pañc. iii. d. 58.
     3. Loftiness, Bhartṛ. 2, 20.

unnatimant unnati + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Prominent, Śiś. 9, 72.
     2. Lofty, Kathās. 24, 20.
-- Comp. naya-sāhasa-unnati + mant, endowed (i. e. performed) with wisdom, power, and majesty, Pañc. iii. d. 264.

unnamana unnamana, i. e. ud-nam + ana, n. Erecting.

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unnamratā unnamratā, i. e. ud-nam + ra + tā, f. Lifting up, Rājat. 5, 223.

unnayana unnayana, i. e. ud-nī + ana, n.
     1. Raising, lifting up.
     2. Inference.
-- Comp. sīmanta-, n. (arranging of the hair) a purificatory and sacrificial ceremony observed by women in the sixth or eighth month of their first pregnancy.

unnāda unnāda, i. e. ud-nad + a, m. Sound, MBh. 3, 11563.

unmattaka unmattaka, i. e. ud-matta + ka (vb. mad) n. A madman, Yājñ. 2, 140.

unmathana unmathana, i. e. ud-math + ana, n.
     1. Shaking, Suśr. 1, 25, 17.
     2. Throwing down by shots, Rām. 6, 91, 13.

unmada unmada, i. e. ud-mad + a.
I. m. Ecstasy, insanity.
II. adj., f. .
     1. Drunk, Prab. 3, 12.
     2. Thoughtless, Pañc. 176, 1.
     3. Furious, Dev. 4, 22
-- Comp. mahā-, m. 1. intoxication, literally and figuratively.
     2. A sort of fish.

unmanas unmanas, i. e. ud-manas, adj.
     1. Desirous.
     2. Agitated, Ragh. 11, 22.

unmanaska unmanas + ka, adj. Agitated, Mṛcch. 76, 4.

unmanāya unmanāya, a denomin. derived from unmanas by ya, Ātm. To be beside one's self, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 14 (ud-amanāyata).

unmātha unmātha, i. e. ud-math + a, m. Shaking, Prab. 8, 5.

unmāthin unmāthin, i. e. unmātha + in, adj., f. , Shaking, Prab. 41, 2.

unmāda unmāda, i. e. ud-mad + a, m. Madness, Rām. 5, 31, 40.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj., f. (MBh. 14, 2009), feigning madness, Kathās. 18, 242. sa-, adj. mad.

unmādana unmādana, i. e. ud-mad, Caus., + ana, m. Causing madness, the name of one of the five arrows of Kāma, Lass. 7, 3.

unmārga unmārga, i. e. ud-mārga, m.
     1. A wrong road.
     2. Improper conduct.

unmārjana unmārjana, i. e. ud-mṛj, Caus., + ana, n. Eclipsing, Prab. 81, 10.

unmiśra -unmiśra, i. e. ud-miśra, adj., f. , Mixed, Rām. 3, 34, 34.

unmīlana unmīlana, i. e. ud-mīl + ana, n.
     1. Opening of the eye, MBh. 1, 84.
     2. Springing up, appearance.

unmukhatā unmukhatā, i. e. ud-mukha + tā, f. Having the face uplifted, Kathās. 25, 248.

unmūlana unmūlana, i. e. ud-mūl + ana, n. Eradication, Ragh. 2, 34; figuratively, Prab. 67, 16.

unmeṣa unmeṣa, i. e. ud-miṣ + a, m.
     1. Opening of the eye-lids, Rām. 6, 102, 25.
     2. Flashing (of lightning), Megh. 79.
     3. Opening (of buds), Kumāras. 2, 33.
     4. Appearance, Prab. 118, 4.

unmeṣaṇa unmeṣaṇa, i. e. ud-miṣ + ana, n. Awaking, appearance.

upa upa, ind. Under, on, near.
I. adv. Near, further (ved.).
II. prep. Near to (with the acc.), MBh. 1, 4099.
III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives (q. cf.).
IV. Former part of comp. nouns and adv. implying Inferiority, Nearness, e. g. upa-vana (lit., an inferior, a small, forest), n. A grove. upa-kīcaka, m. A partisan of the Kīcakas (a people). upa-graha, m. A minor planet or any secondary heavenly body, as a comet, etc. upa-kanyā-pura + m. adv. Near the gyneceum.
-- Cf. Goth. uf, e. g. in ufdaupjan (to submerge), ufsneithan (to cut up), and ufhaban (to lift); Lat. sub is compounded with sa, corresponding to a Sskr. sa-upa; likewise [greek]

upakaṇṭha upa-kaṇṭha,
I. adj., f. ṭhā, Near, Bhartṛ. 3, 24.
II. m. n. Proximity, Pañc. 74, 21; 222, 1.

upakaraṇa upakaraṇa, i. e. upa-kṛ + ana, n. Benefitting, Pañc. 86, 3.
     2. Implements, Yājñ. 2, 276.
     3. Complement, Man. 2, 105 (of the Veda, viz. the Vedāngas).
-- Comp. karmopakaraṇa, i. e. karman-, adj. assisting by labour, Man. 10, 120. śastra-, n. military apparatus.

upakartṛ upakartṛ, i. e. upa-kṛ + tṛ, m. An assistant, MBh. 3, 1049.

upakāntam upa-kānta + m (vb. kam), adv. The lover being near at hand, Kir. 5, 19.

upakāra upakāra, i. e. upa-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Benefitting, Man. 8, 265 (in order to benefit them).
     2. Favour, MBh. 3, 15024.
     3. Assistance, Vikr. 11, 11.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. . 1. beneficial, Man. 8, 143 (which may be used for one's profit). 2. equipped, stocked. 3. assisted, befriended.

upakāraka upakāraka, i. e. upa-kṛ + aka, adj., f. rikā.
     1. Benefitting, Hit. 97, 21.
     2. Helping, Bhāṣāp. 102.
-- Comp. sa-, i. e. sa-upakāra + ka, one who has been benefitted, Pañc. 239, 4.

upakārin upakārin, i. e. upa-kṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Benefitting; a benefactor.
     2. Supporting.
-- Comp. para-, adj. supporting others.

upakāryā upakāryā (properly ptcple. of the fut. pass. of kṛ), f. A king's house, Rām. 1, 73, 37.

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upakūlam upa-kūla + m, adv. Near the bank (of a river), Ragh. 15, 28.

upakṛti upa-kṛ + ti, f. A benefit, a service, Bhartṛ. 2, 54.

upakṛtimant upakṛti + mant, adj., f. matī, Benefitting, Śiś. 9, 33.

upakrama upa-kram + a, m.
     1. A beginning, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 3, cf. 5.
     2. Deliberate commencement, a design, Pañc. 263, 2.
     3. First designed work, Rājat. 5, 98.
     4. Proceeding, Rām. 5, 65, 8.
     5. An expedient, Man. 7, 107.
     6. Practice of medicine, Suśr. 1, 5, 11.
     7. Use (medical), Kathās. 17, 37.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. without commencement, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 44.

upakriyā upakriyā, i. e. upa-kṛ + yā, f. Service, Rājat. 5, 177.

upakrīḍā upa-krīḍ + ā, f. A playground, Rām. 3, 78, 27.

upakrośa upakrośa, i. e. upa-kruś + a, m. Blame, Rām. 3, 62, 26.

upakrośana upakrośana, i. e. upa-kruś + ana, n. Censure, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 24.

upakṣepa upakṣepa, i. e. upa-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Dropping, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 14.
     2. Mentioning.

upaga -upa-ga (vb. gam), adj., f. .
     1. Joining, MBh. 13, 992.
     2. Getting, Man. 1, 46.

upagati upagati, i. e. upa-gam + ti, f. Approach, Śiś. 9, 75.

upagama upa-gam + a, m. Approach, Ragh. 6, 69.
-- Comp. viśvāsa-, m. getting confidence, Śāk. d. 14.

upagamana upa-gam + ana, n.
     1. Attainment, MBh. 1, 4149.
     2. Undergoing, Rām. 4, 53, 20.

upagāmin upagāmin, i. e. upa -gam + in, adj., f. .
     1. Approaching, Kathās. 18, 102.
     2. Undergoing, 22, 2.

upagiri upa-giri, m. A country, bordering on mountains, MBh. 2, 1012.

upagrahaṇa upagrahaṇa, i. e. upa-grah + ana, n. Holy study, Rām. 1, 4, 4.

upagrāha upagrāha, i. e. upa-grah + a, m. A present, MBh. 2, 1898.

upaghāta upaghāta, i. e. upa-han, Caus., + a, m. Damage, Yājñ. 2, 256.

upaghātaka upaghātaka, i. e. upa-han, Caus., + aka, adj. Injuring, Rām. 1, 2979.

upaghoṣaṇa upaghoṣaṇa, i. e. upa-ghuṣ + ana, n. Proclaiming, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 13.

upaghna upaghna, i. e. upa-han + a, m. Support.

upacakra upa-cakra, m. The name of a bird akin to the cakra or cakravāka, MBh. 3, 11613.

upacaya upacaya, i. e. upa-ci + a, m. Increase, Śiś. 9, 29.

upacāyitva -upacāyitva, i. e. upacāyin + tva, n. Veneration, MBh. 14, 2198.

upacāyin -upacāyin, i. e. upa-ci + in, adj.
     1. Increasing, MBh. 13, 6275.
     2. Honouring, MBh. 4, 595.

upacāra upacāra, i. e. upa-car + a, m.
     1. Homage, Śāk. d. 66.
     2. Service, Vikr. 56, 9.
     3. Courting, Man. 8, 357.
     4. Means of doing homage, garlands, etc., Ragh. 7, 4.
     5. Practice, Man. 1, 111; performance, Man. 9, 259.
     6. Ceremony, Kumāras. 7, 86.
     7. Physicking, Suśr. 1, 117, 7; medical use, Vikr. 19, 17.
     8. Behaviour, Rām. 5, 32, 8.
-- Comp. dus-, adj., f. , difficult to be treated, Pañc. 203, 5. sopa- cāram, i. e. sa-upacāra + m, adv. respectfully, Rām. 5, 90, 5.

upacārin upacārin, i. e. upa-car + in, adj., f. iṇī, Serving, Rām. 1, 6, 16.

upaciti upa-ci + ti, f. Collection, store.

upacchandana upacchandana, i. e. upa-chana + ana, n. Persuading, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 13.

upajalpin upa-jalp + in, adj., f. , Advising, giving advice, MBh. 1, 5396.

upajāpa upajāpa, i. e. upa-jap + a, m. Sowing disunion, Pañc. i. 337.

upajāpaka upajāpaka, i. e. upa-jap + aka, adj. Inciting, encouraging, Man. 9, 275.

upajigamiṣu upajigamiṣu, i. e. upa-jigamiṣa, desider. of gam, + u, adj. Desiring to approach, Megh. 43.

upajihvā upa-jihvā, f. The uvula, or soft palate, Yājñ. 3, 97.

upajīvaka upa-jīv + aka, adj.
     1. Maintaining one's self by, Rām. 1, 6, 11.
     2. Dependent, Kathās. 17, 46.

upajīvana upa-jīv + ana, n. Maintenance, Man. 9, 207.

upajīvin upa-jīv + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Maintaining one's self by, Man. 9, 257.
     2. Practising, MBh. 3, 12851.
     3. Dependent, Rām. 6, 5, 4.
-- Comp. ātmopajīvin, i. e. ātman-, adj. one who subsists by labour, Man. 7, 138; 8, 362 (by the intrigues of his wife, Kull.). gandha-, adj. trading with perfumes, Rām. 2, 83, 14. tāmra-, m. a coppersmith, Rām. 2, 90, 27 Gorr.

upajoṣam upa-joṣa + m, adv. Silently, Śāk. 66, 16 v. r.
-- Comp. yathā-, adv. Satisfactorily, Rām. 2, 89, 23.

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upataṭam upa-taṭa + m, adv. On a slope, Megh. 58.

upatāpa upatāpa, i. e. upa-tap + a, m.
     1. Heat.
     2. Pain, Śāk. 38, 7 v. r.
     3. Disease, MBh. 3, 13333.

upatāpin upatāpin, adj., f. , i. e.
I. upa-tap + in, Causing pain, MBh. 1, 3630.
II. upatāpa + in, Affected with illness, Man. 11, 1.

upatyakā upa + tya + kā, f. The land lying along the foot of a mountain, Draup. 5, 5.

upadā upa-dā, f. A present, Ragh. 4, 70.

upadigdhatā upa-digdha + tā (vb. dih), f. Being covered, Kām. Nītis. 7, 24.

upadiś upa-diś, f. An intermediate quarter or point of the compass, e. g. north-east, etc., Rām. 1, 76, 23.

upadeśa upadeśa, i. e. upa-diś + a, m.
     1. Instruction, Bhartṛ. 2, 12.
     2. Advice, Rām. 4, 40, 4.
     3. A pretext, Man. 9, 268.
-- Comp. dharma-, m. instruction concerning duty, Man. 8, 272. yathopadeśam, i. e. yathā-upadeśa + m, adv. according to the rule, MBh. 3, 8710. hita-, m. friendly or good advice.

upadeśatā upadeśa + tā, f. Condition of being the rule, Kumāras. 5, 36 (te śīlam -- upadeśatāṃ gatam, Thy virtue has become the rule).

upadeśanā upadeśanā, i. e. upa-diś, Caus., + ana, f. A sermon (concerning duty), Pañc. 165, 17.

upadeśin upadeśin, i. e. upa-diś + in, adj., f. , Teaching, a teacher, Hit. i. d. 9.

upadeṣṭṛ upadeṣṭṛ, i. e. upa-diś + tṛ, m. A teacher, Pañc. 156, 17.

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upadoha upadoha, i. e. upa-duh + a, m. A milk-pail, MBh. 3, 12527.

upadrava upadrava, i. e. upa-dru + a, m.
     1. Distress, Rām. 2, 108, 14; Pañc. i. d. 368.
     2. Mischief, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 11.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. . 1. unharmed, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1607; Rām. 5, 73, 56 (in an astrological sense). 2. free from danger, Pañc, 264, 25.

upadraṣṭṛ upadraṣṭṛ, i. e. upa-dṛś + tṛ, m. A spectator, Bhag. 13, 22.

upadharma upa-dharma, m. A subordinate duty, Man. 2, 237.

upadhā upa-dhā, f.
     1. A false pretence, Man. 8, 193.
     2. Deceit, Hit. iii. d. 16.

upadhāna upadhāna, i. e. upa-dhā + ana, n., and f. , A pillow, Rām. 2, 42, 15; MBh. 1, 7165.
-- Comp. gaṇḍa-upadhāna, n. a pillow, Suśr. 2, 41, 9.

upadhāyin upadhāyin, i. e. upa-dhā + in, adj., f. , Putting under, Kumāras. 5, 12.

upadhāraṇa upadhāraṇa, i. e. upa-dhṛ, Caus., + ana, n. Consideration, MBh. 1, 5561.

upadhi upadhi, i. e. upa-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. Fraud, Man. 8, 165.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. guileless, Lass. 88, 5. sa-, adj. guileful, Kir. 1, 45.

upadhika upadhi + ka, m. An extorter of money by threats, Man. 9, 258.

upanaya upanaya, i. e. upa-nī + a, m.
     1. Supplying, MBh. 3, 70.
     2. Applying, Rām. 5, 37, 30.

upanayana upanayana, i. e. upa-nī + ana, n. 1. Bringing, Vikr. 76.
     2. The initiation of the three first classes, Man. 2, 108.

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upanāyana upanāyana, i. e. upa-nī + ana, n. The initiation of the three first classes, Man. 2, 36.

upanikṣepa upanikṣepa, i. e. upa-ni-kṣip + a, m. A deposit, Yājñ. 2, 25.

upanidhi upanidhi, i. e. upa-ni-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. A deposit, Man. 8, 145.

upanipātin upanipātin, i. e. upa-ni-pat + in, adj., f. , Meeting, Śāk. 81, 8.

upaniṣad upaniṣad, i. e. upa-ni-sad, f. A portion of the religious writings of the Hindus, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 7.

upanetṛ upanetṛ, i. e. upa-nī + tṛ, m., f. trī, n. One who brings near, Kumāras. 1, 61.

upanyāsa upanyāsa, i. e. upa-ni- 2. as + a, m.
     1. Giving, Rājat, 5, 461.
     2. Declaration, Śāk. 36, 15 (Prākṛ.).
     3. Law, Man. 9, 31.
     4. Pretext, Amar. 23.

upapati upa-pati, m. An adulterer, Man. 3, 155.

upapatti upapatti, i. e. upa-pad + ti, f.
     1. Taking place, happening, Bhag. 13, 9; appearance, MBh. 14, 496; success, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 4, cf. 17.
     2. Suitableness, Rājat. 5, 374; 378.
-- Comp. an-,
I. f. 1. not taking place, Bhāṣāp. 81. 2. failure, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 11.
II. adj. not auitable, Rājat. 5, 378.

upapātaka upa-pātaka, n. A lesser crime, Yājñ, 2, 210.

upapātakin upapātakin, i. e. upapātaka + in, adj., f. , One who has committed a lesser crime, Man. 11, 107.

upapādana upapādana, i. e. upa-pad, Caus., + ana, n. Causing to spring up, MBh. 14, 506.

upapārśva upa-pārśva, m. and n. The shoulder (? perhaps the haunch), Nal. 19, 17.

upapīḍana upa-pīḍ + ana, n. Tormenting, Man. 6, 62.

upapaurika upa-paurika (the latter part is derived from pura, by the aff. ika), adj. Belonging to a suburb(?), Daśak. in Chr. 189, 6.

upapradāna upapradāna, i. e. upa-pra-dā + ana, n. Bribe, Rām. 5, 81, 37.

upapralobhana upapralobhana, i. e. upa-pra-lubh, Caus., + ana, n. Alluring, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 22; 198, 4.

upaprekṣaṇa upaprekṣaṇa, i. e. upa-pra-īkṣ + ana, n. Overlooking, MBh. 1, 7757.

upaplava upaplava, i. e. upa-plu + a, m.
     1. Assault, MBh. 1, 3534.
     2. A portent, or natural phenomenon so considered, Ragh. 5, 6.
     3. An eclipse, Rām. 2, 65, 2 Gorr.
     4. Misfortune, Kumāras. 2, 32.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. unharmed, Śāk. d. 31, v. r. vana-, m. the conflagration of a forest, Megh. 17. sa-, m. the sun or moon in eclipse. salila-, m. inundation, Rājat. 5, 70.

upaplavin upaplavin, i. e. upaplava + in, adj., f. , Assailed, Ragh. 13, 7.

upabandha upa-bandh + a, m. A kind of sitting (or of love-making?), Caurap. 48.

upabhāṣā upa-bhāṣā, f. A subordinate dialect, Lass. 67, 7.

upabhoga upabhoga, i. e. upa-bhuj + a, m.
     1. Eating, Kathās. 8, 23.
     2. Enjoyment, Man. 2, 94.
     3. Use, Man. 8, 285.

upabhogin upabhogin, i. e. upa-bhuj + in, adj., f. , Enjoying, MBh. 3, 13067.

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upamarda upamarda, i. e. upa-mṛd + a, m. Destruction, Kathās. 12, 143.

upamardaka upamardaka, i. e. upa-mṛd + aka, adj. Destroying, Kathās. 7, 12.

upamā upa-mā, f.
     1. Comparison, Bhāṣāp. 79.
     2. Likeness, MBh. 1, 6401; Bhag. 6, 19; ātmānam upamāṃ kṛtvā, comparing thyself (viz. with others), Rām. 5, 23, 5.
-- Comp. an-upama, adj., f. , incomparable, Rām. 4, 62, 17. alabdhopama, i. e. a-labdha- (vb. labh), adj., f. , incomparable, MBh. 3, 16517. nīs-, adj. not having his like, Bhartṛ. 2, 9. -- As latter part of a comp. adj. it denotes very often, Like; e. g. amaropama, i. e. amara-, adj., f. , God-like, Nal. 5, 46. amṛta-, adj., f. , Amṛta-like, Nal. 12, 58.

upamāna upamāna, i. e. upa-mā + ana, n.
     1. Comparison (the third pramāṇa), Bhāṣāp. 139.
     2. Likeness, Kumāras. 4, 5.
     3. An image, Vikr. d. 22.

upamiti upamiti, i. e. upa-mā + ti, f. Comparison.

upayantṛ upayantṛ, i. e. upa-yam + tṛ, m. A husband, Ragh. 7, 1.

upayama upa-yam + a, m. Marriage.

upayācana upa-yāc + ana, n. Solicitation.
-- Comp. satya-, adj. fulfilling, or granting what is requested. Rām. 2, 68, 16.

upayāna upayāna, i. e. upa-yā + ana, n. Approach, Rām. 3, 9, 22.

upayāyin upayāyin, i. e. upa-yā + in, adj., f. . Approaching, Rām. 2, 97, 3.

upayoga upayoga, i. e. upa-yuj + a, m. Employment, use, Kumāras. 1, 7.

upayogin upayogin, adj., f. , i. e.
     1. upa-yuj + in, Using, Daśak. 198, 16, Wils.
     2. upayoga + in, Serviceable, Kathās. 12, 42.

uparati uparati, i. e. upa-ram + ti, f.
     1. Ceasing, Dev. 11, 3.
     2. Resigning, indifference, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 13, cf. 16.

uparama upa-ram + a, m.
     1. End, Rām. 4, 19, 13.
     2. Death, MBh. 1, 4897.

uparamaṇa uparamaṇa, i. e. upa-ram + ana, n. Ceasing, resigning, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 16.

uparāga uparāga, i. e. upa-rañj + a, m.
     1. Painting, Śāk. d. 80, v. r.
     2. An eclipse, MBh. 3, 13476.
     3. Calamity, Ragh. 16, 7.
-- Comp. nirviṣayoparāga, i. e. nis-viṣaya-, adj., f. , unharmed by objects of the senses, Prab. 48, 13.

upari upari, indecl. Over, above, on.
I. adv. Above, MBh. 1, 571; upwards, Pañc. ii. d. 74; moreover, MBh. 1, 294.
II. prep.
     1. Over, with the loc., Rām. 6, 85, 3; with the acc., 6, 3, 26; with the gen. MBh. 1, 507.
     2. On, with the gen., Yājñ. 2, 253 (adding to).
     3. Concerning, with the gen., Pañc. 94, 12; on account of, 214, 6.
III. Former part of comp. nouns and former and latter part of comp. adv., e. g. upari-puruṣa, adj. Mounted by a man Daśak. in Chr. 188, 16. karparopari, i. e. karpara-, adv. Over earthen pots, Pañc. 218, 12. taruvaropari, i. e. taru-vara-, adv. On an excellent tree, Rām. 3, 35, 92. kathitavelopari, i. e. kathita-velā-, adv. After the appointed time, Lass. 44, 16. -- Doubled uparyupari, i. e. upari-upari.
     1. adv. Always higher, Hit. ii. d. 2 (those who look always above themselves, i. e. to their superiors); one above another, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 2.
     2. prep. Over, with acc., MBh. 1, 4648; with gen., Nal. 1, 2.
-- Cf. upa and ved. upara, of which it is probably the loc. sing. slightly changed; Goth. ufar-; concerning Lat. super and Gr. [greek] (properly [greek] in aeol. [greek], ep. [greek].) cf. upa.

upariṣṭāt upariṣṭāt, i. e. upara + bhis (instr. pl.) + tāt.
I. adv.
     1. Above, Rām. 4, 28, 26.
     2. Afterwards, Yājñ. 1, 106.
II. prep.
     1. Over, on, with the gen., MBh. 3, 13654.
     2. Concerning, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 19.

uparodha uparodha, i. e. upa-rudh + a, m.
     1. Obstacle, MBh. 3, 13670.
     2. Disturbance, Vikr. 44, 12; Śāk. 8, 9.
     3. Injury, Man. 11, 10.

uparodhana uparodhana, i. e. upa + rudh + ana, n. Obstacle, Rām. 5, 81, 17.

uparodhin uparodhin, adj., f. , i. e.
I. upa-rudh + in, Disturbing, Ragh. 18, 17.
II. uparodha + in, Interrupted, Śāk. d. 81, v. r.

upala upala, m.
     1. A stone, Man. 11, 167.
     2. A rock, Kir. 5, 15.
-- Comp. tapana-, m. A fabulous gem = sūrya-kānta, Rājat. 3, 296. rasa-, n. A pearl.

upalakṣaṇa upalakṣaṇa, i. e. upa-lakṣ + ana, n.
     1. Seeing after, Śāk. 46, 6.
     2. A mark, Vikr. 69, 10.
     3. Including.

upalabdhi upalabdhi, i. e. upa-labh + ti, f.
     1. Acquisition, Vikr. 65, 11.
     2. Perception, MBh. 14, 683.
     3. Knowledge, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 5.
-- Comp. an-, f. Non-perception (the sixth pramāṇa of the Pūrva and Uttara mimāṃsā).

upalambha upalambha, i. e. upa-labh + a, m.
     1. Acquisition, Rām. 5, 34, 23.
     2. Observation, Śāk. 13, 23.
     3. Perception, Chr. 59, 22 (tad-upalambhasaṃyukta, according with what he had heard): feeling, Ragh. 14, 2.

upalambhaka upalambhaka, i. e. upa -labh, Caus., + aka, adj. Causing perception, Bhāṣāp. 99.

upalipsu upalipsu, i. e. upa-lipsa, desid. of labh, + u, adj. Desirous to learn, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 11.

upalepana upalepana, i. e. upa-lip + ana, n. Smearing, especially with cowdung, Pañc. 116, 21.

upavana upa-vana, n. A grove, Rām. 3, 52, 38.

upavarṇana upa-varṇ + ana, n. Description, Hit. 35, 19.

upavāsa upavāsa, i. e. upa-vas + a, m. and n. Fasting, Man. 2, 188.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. keeping a fast.

upavāsaka upavāsa + ka, n. Fasting, MBh, 3, 13649.

upavāsin upavāsin, i. e. upa-vas + in, adj., f. , Fasting, Rājat. 5, 401.
-- Comp. māsa-, f. ironically, a lascivious woman, Lass. 41, 12.

upavāhin upavāhin, i. e. upa-vah + in, adj., f. , Flowing to, MBh. 1, 2367.

upavīṇaya upavīṇaya, a denom. derived from upa-vīṇā, Par. To entertain somebody (acc.) by playing on the vīṇā or Indian lyre, Ragh. 8, 33.

upavītin upavītin, i. e. upa-vīta (vb. vye) + in, adj. Wearing the sacrificial cord on the left shoulder, Man. 2, 63.
-- Comp. yajña-, i. e. yajñopavīta + in, adj., invested with the sacred thread.

upavṛtti upa-vṛt + ti, f. Collecting, holding, Prab. 40, 3.

upaveda upa-veda, m. A subordinate Veda, a class of writings, MBh. 2, 450.

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upaveśa upaveśa, i. e. upa-viś + a, m.
     1. Encampment, Rām. 5, 92, contents.
     2. Undergoing, Rām. 5, 22, 25.

upaveśana upaveśana, i. e. upa-viś + ana, n. Undergoing, Pañc. 50, 15.

upaveśin upaveśin, i. e. upa-viś + in, adj., f. , Undergoing, Rājat. 5, 467.

upaśama upa-śam + a, m.
     1. Ceasing, MBh. 1, 758.
     2. Calmness, Bhartṛ. 2, 80.

upaśamana upa-śam + ana, n. Appeasing, Pañc. 118, 22.

upaśalya upa-śalya, m. A space near a village, Ragh. 15, 60.

upaśānti upaśānti, i. e. upa-śam + ti, f. Ceasing, Hit. ii. d. 155.

upaśāyin upaśāyin, i. e. upa-śī + in, adj., f. .
     1. Sleeping, Rām. 5, 14, 21.
     2. Going to rest, MBh. 1, 3626.

upaśobhana upaśobhana, i. e. upa-śubh, Caus., + ana, n. Trimming, Rām. 6, 112, 21.

upaśoṣaṇa upaśoṣaṇa, i. e. upa-śuṣ, Caus., + ana, adj. Drying up, Prab. 29, 6.

upaśruti upa-śru + ti, f. A voice heard in the night, considered as a deity, MBh. 5, 436 sqq.

upaśleṣa upaśleṣa, i. e. upa-śliṣ + a, m. An embrace, Prab. 15, 7.

upasaṃhāra upasaṃhāra, i. e. upa-sam-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Drawing back, Arj. 5, 6.
     2. Comprehension, compendium, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 3; 5.

upasaṃkṣepa upasaṃkṣepa, i. e. upa-sam-kṣip + a, m. Summary, Rām. 1, 3, comtents.

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upasaṃgraha upasaṃgraha, i. e. upa-sam-grah + a, m.
     1. Touching (one's feet), Pañc. 206, 21 (as a token of respect.
     2. Collecting, Rām. 1, 3, 24.

upasaṃgrahaṇa upasaṃgrahaṇa, i. e. upa-sam-grah + ana, n. Respectful salutation (by touching one's feet, see the last), Man. 2, 72.

upasadana upa-sad + ana, n.
     1. Approaching for receiving instruction, MBh. 3, 17169.
     2. Presence, Rām. 1, 50, 14 (yajña-, i. e. at the sacrifice).

upasaṃdhyam upasaṃdhyam, adv. (from upa-saṃdhyā), Near the twilight, Śiś, 9, 5.

upasaṃnyāsa upasaṃnyāsa, i. e. upa-sam-ni- 2. as + a, m. Abandoning, resigning, MBh. 3, 125.

upasarga upasarga, i. e. upa-sṛj + a, m.
     1. A portent, supposed to announce future evil, Dev. 12, 7.
     2. A preposition.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. , portentous, Rām. 3, 44, 11; possessed by an evil spirit, Rām. 5, 18, 13.

upasarjana upasarjana, i. e. upa-sṛj + ana, n.
     1. Obecuration, Man. 4, 105.
     2. A representative, Man. 9, 121.

upasarpaṇa upasarpaṇa, i. e. upa-sṛp + ana, n. Approach, Vikr. 64, 8.

upasarpin upasarpin, i. e. upa-sṛp + in, adj., f. iṇī, Approaching, MBh. 1, 1200.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. approaching carelessly, Man. 7, 9.

upasevaka upa-sev + aka, adj. Courting as a gallant, Yājñ. 3, 136.

upasevana upa-sev + ana, n.
     1. Veneration, MBh. 3, 14677.
     2. Service, devotion to, Man. 4, 134; MBh. 3, 28.

upasevā upa-sev + ā, f.
     1. Attendance. Man. 3, 64.
     2. Devotion to, pursuing, MBh. 2, 2577.
     3. Indulgence, Man. 12, 32.

upasevin -upa-sev + in, adj., f. .
     1. Respecting, Man. 2, 121.
     2. Serving, 11, 43.
     3. Practising, Pañc. iii. d. 206 (ye hitaṃ vākyam utsṛjya viparītopasevinaḥ, they who neglecting good advice, follow the contrary).

upaskara upaskara, i. e. upa-kṛ + a, m. (and n. Chr. 36, 18).
     1. Implements, MBh. 2, 2063; household implements, Man. 12, 66.
     2. A broom (? vb. kṛ10), Man. 3, 63.
-- Comp. su-, adj. well furnished with the necessary implements, Chr. 25, 52. susaṃskṛta-, i. e. su-sam-kṛ + ta-, f. , one who takes great care of the household furniture, Man. 5, 150.

upastambha upa-stambh + a, m. A support, Hit. 29, 19.

upastuta upa + stuta (vb. stu), m. A proper name, Chr. 295, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.

upastha upa-stha (vb. sthā), m. and n.
     1. The lap (ved.).
     2. The male or female organs of generation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 8.
-- Comp. ratha-, m. and n. the carioteer's seat for driving.
-- Cf. [greek].

upasthāna upasthāna, i. e. upa-sthā + ana, n.
     1. Waiting on, Rām. 4, 44, 111; Vikr. 5, 5.
     2. Being at one's command, Yājñ. 3, 160.
     3. Assembly, MBh. 2, 1757.
-- Comp. an-, n. want of compliance, Rām. 6, 72, 49.

upasneha upasneha, i. e. upa-snik + a, m. Humectation, Rām. 5, 75, 11.

upasparśana upasparśana, i. e. upa-spṛś + ana, n. Bathing, MBh. 3, 8053.

upasveda upasveda, i. e. upa-svid + a, m. Moisture; in the comp. word sa-, adj. Moistened, MBh. 1, 1033.

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upahartṛ upahartṛ, i. e. upa-hṛ + tṛ, m. One who serves (meat), Man. 5, 51.

upahastikā -upahastikā, i. e. upa-hasta + ka, f. A box, Daśak. 135.

upahāra upahāra, i. e. upa-hṛ + a, m.
     1. A complimentary present to a superior, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 6.
     2. Exultation (which comprehends laughter, dance, song, bowing, recital of prayer, etc.), Daśak. in Chr. 181, 20 (?).

upahāsa upahāsa, i. e. upa-has + a, m. Sneering, Ragh. 12, 37.
-- Comp. sopahāsam, i. e. sa-upahāsa + m, adv. Sneeringly, Pañc. 227, 4.

upahāsyatā upa-hāsya + tā (vb. has), f. Derision, Ragh. 1, 3.

upahvara upahvara, i. e. upa-hvṛ + a
I. m.
     1. A slope, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 87, 2.
II. loc. sing. re,
     1. Near, Arj. 1, 5.
     2. Privately, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 1; 192, 7; 193, 1.

upāṃśu upāṃśu, i. e. upa-aṃśu,
I. m. A low muttered prayer, Man. 2, 8.
II. adv. Secretly, MBh. 3, 17309.

upākarman upākarman, i. e. upa-ā-kṛ + man, n. The beginning of holy study, Man. 4, 119.

upākhyāna upākhyāna, i. e. upa-ā-khyā + ana, n. An episode, MBh. 1, 101.

upākhyānaka upākhyāna + ka, n. A tale, Pañc. 222, 23.

upāṅga upāṅga, n. A supplement, Nal. 12, 17.

upāñjana upāñjana, i. e. upa-añj + ana, n. Smearing with cow-dung, Man. 5, 105.

upādāna upādāna, i. e. upa-ā-dā + ana, n.
     1. Seizure, Man. 8, 417.
     2. Learning, Hit. 4, 13, v. r.
     3. Material cause, Bhāṣāp. 149.

upādhi upādhi, i. e. upa-ā-dhā (cf. nidhi), m.
     1. Deception, Rām. 2, 111, 29.
     2. Modifying circumstance, Bhāṣāp. 46.
     3. A condition supplied to limit a too general middle term, Bhāṣāp. 13.
-- Comp. an-, m. natural disposition, Prab. 101, 11 (this country is beautiful naturally and not through any accidental circumstance).

upādhitā -upādhi + tā, f. in the comp. words utkṛṣṭa-, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 17; nikṛṣṭa-, 205, 3; aspaṣṭa-, 205, 5. The affix does not belong to upādhi alone, but to its combination with the preceding part, e. g. utkṛṣṭopādhi, etc., and these compounds are of the Bahuvrīhi class. utkṛṣṭopādhi (vb. kṛṣ with the prep. ud) as Bhvr. and adj. would denote 'Having an excellent disguise;' with the aff. , Condition of having an excellent disguise. ni° (vb. kṛṣ with the prep. ni), Condition of having, vile disguise; aspaṣṭa- (a-sp°), Condition of having an indistinct disguise.

upādhyāya upādhyāya, i. e. upa-adhi-i + a, m. A spiritual preceptor who gives instruction in a part only of the Veda, Man. 2, 141; a spiritual preceptor in general, Śāk. 61, 11; Rām. 1, 11, 13 (19 Gorr.).
-- Comp. paṭṭa-, m. a dispatcher of documents (master of the rolls?), Rājat. 5, 396. mahā-, m. a reverend master, Chr. 175, 1. 17. mahā-mahā-, m. a very reverend master, Chr. 235, 6.

upādhyāyānī upādhyāyānī, i. e. upādhyāya + ī, f. The wife of a teacher, MBh. 1, 750.

upānah upānah, i. e. upa-nah, f. (nom. sing. upānat, inst. du. upānadbhyām, loc. pl. upānatsu). A shoe, Man. 2, 178.

upānta upānta i. e. upa-anta, n. Proximity, Rājat. 5, 450.

upāntika upāntika, i. e. upānta + ika, n. Vicinity, Pañc. 167, 15.

upāya upāya, i. e. upa-i + a, m.
     1. Approach, Bhartṛ. 3, 10.
     2. Means of success, Man. 7, 177.
     3. An expedient in general, Man. 9, 110.
     4. Craft, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 498.

upāyana upāyana, i. e. upa-i + ana, n. A present, Rām. 2, 70, 23.

upārjana upārjana, i. e. upa-arj + ana, n. Acquisition, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 215.

upālambha upālambha, i. e. upa-ā-labh + a, m. Blame, Chr. 10, 2.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. censuring, Rām. 6, 99, 27.

upālambhana upālambhana, i. e. upa-ā-labh + ana, n. Blame, Śāk. 59, 14.

upāvartana upāvartana, i. e. upa-ā-vṛt + ana, n. Return.

upāśraya upāśraya, i.e. upa-āśraya, m. A retreat, refuge, MBh. 15, 152; 3, 17262.

upāsaka upāsaka, i. e. upa-ās + aka, m.
     1. A servant, Kathās. 19, 78.
     2. A worshipper, Mṛcch. 113, 11.

upāsaṅga upāsaṅga, i. e. upa-ā-sañj + a, m. A quiver, MBh. 2, 1916.

upāsana upāsana, i. e. upa-ās + ana.
I. n.
     1. Attendance, Man. 3, 107.
     2. Practice, Mṛcch. 2, 11.
     3. Religious contemplation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 12, cf. 18, 3.
     4. The sacred fire, Yājñ. 3, 45.
II. f. , Service, Cāt. 10.

upāsitṛ upāsitṛ, i. e. upa-ās + tṛ, m. A worshipper, Rām. 5, 32, 6.

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upāsti upāsti, i. e. upa-ās + ti, f. Service, Lass. 56, 20.

upekṣaka upekṣaka, i. e. upa-īkṣ + aka, adj. Indifferent, Man. 6, 43.

upekṣaṇa upekṣaṇa, i. e. upa-īkṣ + ana, n. Indulgence, tolerance, Hit. ii. d. 119.

upekṣā upekṣā, i. e. upa-īkṣ + a, f.
     1. Indifference, MBh. 14, 1049.
     2. Neglect, Rām. 4, 12, 35.
     3. Want of attention, Bhāṣāp. 159.

upetṛ upetṛ, i. e. upa-i + tṛ, m. One who must use expedients, Man. 7, 215.

upendra upendra, i. e. upa-indra, m. A name of Viṣṇu, Rām. 1, 1, 6; Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 19.

upodghāta upodghāta, i. e. upa-ud-han, Caus., + a, m. An introduction, Kathās. 3, 65.

upti upti, i. e. vap + ti, f. Sowing, Man. 9, 330.

ubj ubj, i. 6, Par. (originally a denom. derived from ubja, i. e. ubh = [greek] in [greek] and ja from jan). To incurvate, to restrain.
-- With the prep. nis nis, To let loose, to set free, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9.

ubh ubh, and umbh umbh, i. 6, Par. To fill (ved.), ii. 9, Par. To compress (properly 'to incurvate' = [greek], see the last, an old form of *kubh, kumbh).

ubha ubha (for original ambha = [greek], Lat. ambo, Goth. bai), numeral, m. f. n. dual. Both, Man. 2, 14.

ubhaya ubha + ya, numeral, m. f. n. without dual. Both, Man. 2, 55.

ubhayatas ubhaya + tas, adv.
     1. On both sides, Man. 8, 315.
     2. In the one and the other case, Man. 1, 47.

ubhayatra ubhaya + tra, adv. In both instances, Man. 3, 125.

ubhayathā ubhaya + thā, adv. In both cases, Prab. 77, 3; Vikr. 43, 17 (on both reasons).

umā umā, f. Pārvatī, or Durgā, the wife of Śiva, Rām. 1, 36, 15.

umbh umbh, see ubh.

uraga uraga, i. e. uras-ga (vb. gam).
I. m. A snake, Kir. 3, 33.
II. f. , A female snake, Prab. 77, 7.
III. f. , The name of a city.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, m. a black kind of snake, Draup. 5, 8. mahā-, m. a sort of demi-god of the serpent genus, inhabiting Pātāla. hṛta-, adj. robbed of (its) snakes.

uraṇa uraṇa, i. e. vṛ + ana (cf. ūrṇa), m. A lamb, MBh. 12, 6535.

urabhra urabhra, i. e. vṛ + a (akin to ūrṇā) -bhṛ + a, m. A ram.

uraśchada uraśchada, i. e. uras-chad + a, m. Mail.
-- Comp. kāñcana-, adj. having a mail of gold, Rām. 3, 67, 16.

uras uras, probably for varas, i. e. vṛ + as, and akin to uru, n. The breast, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 8.

uraska -uras + ka, a substitute for uras, when latter part of comp. adj., e. g. mahā- and vipula-, adj. Having a broad chest, Rām. 3, 36, 6.

urasija uras + i-ja (vb. jan), m. The female breast, Rām. 1, 9, 38.

urī urī-, see kṛ.

uru uru, i. e. vṛ + u, adj.,
I. f. urvī, Large, MBh. 1, 1222. Comparat. varīyaṃs, superl. variṣṭha, MBh. 14, 879.
II. f. urvī, the earth, Rām. 4, 44, 130.
-- Cf. [greek]

uroja uroja, i. e. uras-ja (see urasija), m. The female breast, Śiś. 9, 44; 86.

urdurd, or ūrd ūrd, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To measure.
     2. To play.

urvurv, i. 1, Par. To kill or hurt.

urvaśī urvaśī, f. The name of an Apsaras, Vikr. d. 110, etc.

urviyā urviyā, adv. (probably for ūrvyā, instr. sing. fem. of uru), Far and wide, Chr. 294, 9 = Rigv. i. 92, 9.

urvībhṛt urvī-bhṛ + t (see uru), m. A mountain, Amar. 93.

ulaṇḍ ulaṇḍ, see laṇḍ.

ulūka ulūka, m.
     1. An owl, Bhartṛ. 2, 89.
     2. A name of Indra, Chr. 46, 26.
     3. The name of a country, its people (plur.), and its king, MBh. 1, 335, etc. Comp. kumbha-, m. A kind of owl, MBh. 13, 5499.
-- Cf. Lat. ulula, A.S. and O.H.G. ūla.

ulūkhala ulūkhala (cf. udūkhala), n. A mortar, Pañc. 249, 8.

ulūkhalika -ulūkhalika, i. e. ulūkhala + ika, adj. A substitute for the last, when latter part of comp. adj., e. g. danta-, adj. One who uses his teeth as a mortar or pestle, Man. 6, 17.

ulūkhalin -ulūkhalin, i. e. ulūkhala + in, in danta-, adj. Using his teeth as a mortar or pestle, Rām. 1, 52, 26 Gorr.

ulkā ulkā, i. e. probably jval + ka, f.
     1. A firebrand, Rām. 3, 75, 51.
     2. Fire falling from heaven, a meteor, Man. 1, 38.
-- Comp. tṛṇa-, f. a burning bunch of grass, Hit. i. d. 81. makā-, f. a great fireball, Man. 4, 103.
-- Cf. Lat. Vulcanus.

ulmuka ulmuka, i. e. perhaps jval + man + ka, cf. ulkā,
I. n. A firebrand, Pañc. 38, 20.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 2, 1275.

ullaṅghana ullaṅghana, i. e. ud-laṅgh + ana, n. Transgress, Kathās. 22, 57.

ullāpa ullāpa, i. e. ud-lap + a, m. Violent cry, Bhartṛ. 3, 6 (perhaps, with the former part khala-, a comp. of the Bahuvr. class, denoting a tyrant, cf. Galanos' translation).

ullāpika ullāpika, i. e. ullāpa + ika (?), adj. Betraying(?), Chr. 57, 22.

ullāpin ullāpin, i. e. ud-lap + in, adj., f. , Calling out, Amar. 36.

ullāsa ullāsa, i. e. ud-las + a, m.
     1. Skipping, Amar. 48.
     2. Joy, Sāh. D. 83.
-- Comp. cidullāsa, i. e. cit-, adj. rejoicing the mind, Bhāg. P. 9, 11, 33.

ullāsana ullāsana, i. e. ud-las + ana, n. Delighting, making happy, Rājat. 5, 243 (hastāgraveṣṭanollāsanaspṛśaḥ khaḍgasya, Of the sword which seemed to rejoice at being grasped by his hand).

ulluñcana ulluñcana, i. e. ud-luñc + ana, n. Pulling, Yājñ. 2, 217.

ullekha ullekha, i. e. ud-likh + a, m. Description, Kathās. 25, 225.

ullekhana ullekhana, i. e. ud-likh + ana, n. Scraping, Man. 5, 124.

ulva ulva, n.
     1. Amnium, the caul, Ait. Br. 1, 3.
     2. The womb, Bhag. 3, 38.
-- Cf. Lat. vulva.

ulvaṇa ulvaṇa (probably akin to uru, of which the original form has been urvan, cf. [greek] for [greek]), adj., f. ṇā.
     1. Abundant, MBh. 3, 340.
     2. Evident, Rājat. 5, 148 (incarnate).
-- Comp. ati-, adj. very violent, Rām. 3, 30, 29.

uśanas uśanas, m., nom. sing. uśanā, The name of a Ṛṣi or saint, Rām. 6, 31, 14; identified with Śukra, regent of the planet Venus, MBh. 1, 3204.

uśīnara uśīnara, m. The name of a country, its people (pl.), and its king, MBh. 1, 227.

uśīra uśīra, m. and n. The root of a fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatum, Rām. 2, 55, 14.

uṣ uṣ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To burn; to burn up, Man. 4, 189.
     2. To chastise, Man. 9, 273.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. uro prurire; O.H.G. usilvar, yellow, probably Lat. aurum.
-- Cf. 2. vas.

uṣatī uṣatī (ptcple. of an aor. of uṣ?), f. Inauspicious, MBh. 1, 3558.

uṣarbudh uṣarbudh, i. e. uṣas-budh, adj. Early awake, Chr. 295, 18 = Rigv. i. 92, 18.

uṣas uṣas, i. e. 2. vas + as, f. The dawn, morning, Kir. 5, 40; ved. nom. pl. uṣāsas, Chr. 294. 2 = Rigv. i. 92, 2. The deity of the dawn, Chr. 287, sqq.
-- Cf. aeol. [greek] (= the original nom. sing. vasās), [greek] Lat. aurora.

uṣṭra uṣṭra,
I. m. A camel, Man. 3, 162.
II. f. uṣṭrī, A she-camel, Pañc. 87, 6.
-- Comp. khara-, n. an ass and a camel, Yājñ. 2, 160.

uṣṭrikā uṣṭrikā, i. e. uṣṭrī + ka, f. A she-camel, Pañc. 228, 16.

uṣṇa uṣṇa, i. e. uṣ + na,
I. adj., f. ṇā, Hot, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 17.
II. m. and n. The hot season, Man. 11, 113.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. exceedingly hot, Man. 3, 236. an-, adj. not hot, Man. 2, 61; chilly, Śiś. 9, 3.

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uṣṇaga uṣṇa-ga (vb. gam), m. The hot season, Rām. 5, 31, 16.

uṣṇatā uṣṇa + tā, f., and uṣṇatva uṣṇa + tva, n. Heat, MBh. 3, 15101.

uṣṇālu uṣṇālu, i. e. uṣṇa + ālu, adj. Hot, Vikr. d. 41.

uṣṇiman uṣṇiman, i. e. uṣṇa + iman, m. Heat, Śiś. 9, 65

uṣṇīṣa uṣṇīṣa, m. and n. A diadem, a turban, Chr. 25, 56; Rājat. 5, 206.

uṣṇīṣin uṣṇīṣin, i. e. uṣṇīṣa + in, m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1158.
-- Comp. kañcukoṣṇīṣin, i. e. kañcuka-uṣṇīṣa + in, the affix belonging to both parts of the compound, wearing jackets and turbans, Rām. 6, 99, 23.

uṣman uṣ + man, m.
     1. Heat, MBh. 9, 13969.
     2. Ardour, Pañc. ii. d. 67; Śiś. 9, 85.
     3. Hot moisture, Man. 1, 45.
-- Comp. dhana-, m. ardent longing for wealth, Man. 9, 231. nidhāna-, m. ardour, courage, caused by the possession of a treasure, Pañc. 118, 15. nis-, adj. cold, MBh. 14, 476.

usar usar, i. e. 2. vas + ar (r for n, and originally for vasant, identic with uṣas for vasant), f. Dawn, morning; acc. pl. usras, Lass. 100, 15 = Rigv. vii. 15, 8.
-- Cf. [greek] = loc. vasri, [greek], breakfast, [greek].

usra usra, i. e. 2. vas + ra,
I. m. A ray of light, Kir. 5, 31.
II. f. , A cow, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. 1. 87. 1; Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4.

usriyā usriyā, i. e. usra + iya, f. A cow, Chr. 297, 12 = Rigv. i. 112, 12.

uhuh, i. 1, Par. To hurt or to kill.

[Page 133b]

ū ū, see u.

ūṭhūṭh, see uṭh.

ūḍhi ūḍhi, i. e. vah + ti, f. Bringing, Rājat. 5, 173.

ūti ūti, f. i. e.
I. av + ti,
     1. Assistance, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14; help, Lass. 98, 16 = Rigv. v. 9, 6; ūtī, ved. instr. sing, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13.
     2. Quickness, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 44.
II. ve + ti, Web, tissue, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 1; 4.

ūdhan ūdhan, and, with r for n, ūdhar ūdhar, and ūdhas ūdhas, based on original *vad-dhant (cf. udan, vb. dhā, and payodhas), n. An udder.
-- Cf. [greek], uber; O.H.G. ūtar; A.S. uder.

ūdhasya ūdhas + ya, n. Milk.

ūdhasvant ūdhas + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having exuberant udders.

ūn ūn, i. 10, Par. (properly a denom. of the following), To detract.

ūna ūna (probably for van + na from van = Goth. van, vans: cf. O.H.G. wênag, few, perhaps [greek] etc.), adj., f. .
     1. Lessened, Yājñ. 2, 295.
     2. Inferior, Man. 9, 123.
     3. Wanting, usually as former or latter part of a comp., e. g. alpa-, adj. Wanting, a little, Man. 8, 217. kiṃcid-, adj. A little less, Sāv. 4, 26. tri-bhāga-, adj. Reduced by a third, Rājat. 5, 170. daśona, i. e. daśan-, adj. Wanting ten, Rām. 1, 46, 12. If one only is wanting, eka may be added, e. g. ekonacatvāriṃśa, i. e. eka-ūna-, ord. The thirty-ninth, MBh. 1, adhy. 39, but usually it is dropped, e. g. ūna -viṃśa, ord. The nineteenth, MBh. 3, adhy. 19. As former part, e. g. ūna-dvi-vārṣika (i. e. -dvi-varṣa + ika), adj. A child under two years, Man. 5, 68; ūna-ṣoḍaśavarṣa (i. e. -ṣaṣ-daśan-varṣa), adj. Under sixteen years, Rām. 1, 22, 2.
-- Cf. probably Lat. un-, or unde-, e. g. in unde-viginti = ūna-viṃśati.

ūyūy, i. 1, Ātm. (properly ve, i. 4, Ātm.). To sew, to weave.

ūrī ūrī, see kṛ.

ūru ūru, perhaps akin to uru, m. The thigh, Rām. 3, 52, 32. When the latter part of a comp. adj., the fem. ends in ru, or , e. g. vāmoru, i. e. vāma-, f. , Having beautiful thighs, MBh. 1, 1903; but ru (against the grammatical rule), MBh. 1, 2988. karabhopamoru, i. e. karabha-upama-ūru, f. , and karabhoru, i. e. karabha- f. , Having thighs like the proboscis of an elephant, Ragh. 6, 83; Śāk. d. 69. rambha-, f. , Having bambu-like thighs, Mālav. d. 45. vara-, f. ru, Having beautiful thighs, Rām. 3, 52, 53.
-- Comp. an-,
I. adj. thighless.
II. m. Aruṇa, the charioteer of the sun, Skandap., Kāśīkh. 2, 13.

ūruja ūru-ja, adj. Born from the thigh, MBh. 1, 6820.

ūrj ūrj, i. 10, Par. (properly a denomin. derived from the next).
     1. To nourish, to strengthen.
     2. † To live. urjita,
     1. Swollen, Rājat. 5, 214.
     2. Strong, Hariv. 9920.
     3. Distinguished, Ragh. 9, 38.
     4. Violent, Rām. 2, 85, 2.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps Lat. urgere.

ūrj ūrj, f. Strength, food, Chr. 295, 17 = Rigv. i. 92, 17; Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 38.

ūrja ūrj + a, m. Strength, Man. 2, 55.

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ūrjaskara ūrjaskara, i. e. ūrj + as-kṛ + a, adj. Causing strength, MBh. 3, 14181.

ūrjasvala ūrjas + vala, adj., and ūrjasvin ūrjas + vin, adj., f. , Strong, Ragh. 2, 50.

ūrjāvant ūrj + ā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abundant with food, MBh. 13, 1842.

ūrṇa ūrṇa, i. e. vṛ + na, n., and f. ṇā, Wool, MBh. 2, 1847.
-- Comp. karṇorṇa, i. e. karṇa-, adj. having wool near the ears, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 21. patrorṇa, i. e. patra-, n. 1. Wove silk. 2. A garment of wove silk.
-- Cf. Goth. vulla; A.S. wull; Lat. vellus, [greek].

ūrṇamaya ūrṇa + maya, adj., f. , Woollen.

ūrṇu ūrṇu, ii. 2, Par., Ātm. (properly vb. vṛ, ii. 5). To cover; Ātm. To hide one's self, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 27.
-- With the prep. apa apa, To discover, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4.
-- With vi vi, To discover, Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.

ūrd ūrd, see urd.

ūrdhva ūrdhva, i. e. ṛdh + va, adj., f. .
     1. Erect, Hiḍ. 3, 2.
     2. Raised (as dust), Man. 11, 110.
     3. Upper, MBh. 1, 1034.
     4. The name of a kind of flying, Pañc. ii. d. 57. vam, adv.
     1. Upwards, Rām. 4, 8, 5.
     2. Above, Man. 1, 92.
     3. After, Rām. 3, 53, 4; after death, Man. 9, 104.
-- Cf. [greek]; Lat. arduus.

ūrdhvaga ūrdhva-ga (vb. gam), adj., f. .
     1. Going upwards, MBh. 3, 850.
     2. Being in the air.

ūrdhvapuṇḍraka ūrdhva-puṇḍra + ka, m. A perpendicular line on the forehead made with sandal, etc.; a sectarial mark, Lass. 70, 11.

ūrmi ūrmi, probably kvṛ + mi, m. and f. A wave, Bhartṛ. 2, 4.
-- Comp. kṣīra-, a wave of the sea of milk, Ragh. 4, 27.

ūrmin ūrmin, i. e. ūrmi + in, adj., f. ṇī, Wavy (ved.).
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. having great waves, MBh. 3, 793.

ūrmimant ūrmi + mant, adj., f. matī, adj. Surgy, Rām. 4, 9, 38.

ūrva ūrva, m. The name of a saint from whose thighs (ūru) proceeded the submarine fire, Hariv. 2527 sqq.

ūṣūṣ, ii. 1, Par. To be diseased.

ūṣa ūṣa,
I. m. Saline earth, Man. 5, 120.
II. f. ṣī, Salt ground, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 21.

ūṣaṇa ūṣaṇa, i. e. ūṣ (= uṣ) + ana, n. Pepper.

ūṣara ūṣa + ra, adj., f. , Impregnated with saline particles, MBh. 13, 3341.
     2. Salt ground, barren land, Man. 2, 112.

ūṣman ūṣman (= uṣman).
     1. Heat, MBh. 14, 468.
     2. A name comprising the sibilants and h, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 47.

ūṣmapa ūṣmapa, i. e. ūṣman-pa (vb. 1. ).
I. adj. Drinking the steam of food only, MBh. 13, 646.
II. m. pl. The name of a class of Pitṛs or Manes, MBh. 2, 341.

ūh 1. ūh, i. 1, Ātm., with prepositions also Par. To apprehend, MBh. 1, 5228. -- Caus. To observe, MBh. 2, 1240.
-- With the prep. api api, To understand, Hit. iii. d. 33.
-- With abhi abhi, To infer, Kathās. 7, 11

ūh 2. ūh (derived from vah, and appearing only after prep.), i. 1, Par. and Ātm. ūhyamānā, Rājat. 5, 33, is to be corrected to uhy°, pass. of vah, Being carried.
-- With the prep. apa apa.
     1. To remove, Man. 8, 414; 11, 102 (Ātm.); apohita, Prab. 116, 7. --
     2. To press, to follow immediately, Ragh. 19, 5.
     3. To avoid, Man. 10, 86 (Ātm.).
-- With the prep. vyapa vi-apa.
     1. To remove, Man. 2, 102.
     2. To expiate, Man. 11, 81.
     3. To keep off, Rām. 6, 75, 57 (Ātm.).
-- With ud ud. To raise, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 15.
-- With upa upa, To bring near, Rām. 2, 52, 6. -Pass. To begin, MBh. 2, 2051. upoḍha, Produced, Śāk. d. 169.
-- With samupa sam-upa in samupoḍha,
     1. Near, Man. 6, 41.
     2. Commenced, Rām. 2, 75, 29.
-- With prati prati, pratyūḍha.
     1. Denied, Rām. 5, 31, 14.
     2. Exceeded, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 38.
     3. Interrupted, Man. 5, 84.
-- With vi vi, To arrange an army, Man. 7, 191. vyūḍha, Large, Rām. 6, 36, 45.
-- With nirvi nis-vi, nirvyūḍha
     1. Brought out, MBh. 1, 6257.
     2. Achieved, Kathās. 17, 159.
-- With prativi prati-vi, To arrange an army against, MBh. 3, 16370, pratyavyūhat, instead of prativy-auhat; prativyūḍha, Large, Rām. 6, 35, 18.

ūha ūh + a, m. Connected reasoning, MBh. 13, 6725.
-- Comp. an-ūha, adj. without (long) reflection, quick, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 48; 18, 12. durūha, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be inferred, Man. 11, 238. v. r.

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, i. 1, ṛccha (in epic poetry also arccha = [greek]), ii. 3; 5; 9 Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To go to.
     3. To undergo. With abstracts (cf. i): Man. 1, 53, glānim ṛcchati, To become inert; MBh. 3, 2166, mṛtyum, To die; arch, Nal. 7, 4; MBh. 3, 84; Nalod. 2, 10, yuddharaṅgatām āra, To become the field of battle.
     4. To rise, ṛ-ṇu.
     5. To meet, Man. 8, 351; to attain, Nalod. 1, 32; to fall on, Man. 8, 18, ṛccha.
     6. To gain, to acquire.
     7. To move, to raise, ved. ii. 3, iyarmi.
     8. To open, ii. 5.
     9. To attack, MBh, 4, 1059, ṛccha.
     10. To hurt; ṛta, and ṛte, see separately. -- Caus. arpaya,
     1. To cast; arpita, thrown, Ragh, 8, 87; turned, Bhag. 8, 7.
     2. To fasten, Śāk. d. 133.
     3. To pierce.
     4. To put, Ragh. 9, 74.
     5. To deliver, Yājñ. 2, 65; Daśak. in Chr. 183, 24; 201, 11.
     6. To restore, Man. 8, 191. -- arpita.
     1. Cut in, Śāk. d. 74.
     2. Written, Ragh. 17, 79.
-- Comp. citra-, adj. painted, Śāk. d. 143.
-- With the prepos. abhi abhi, To attack, MBh. 3, 11726, ṛccha, 11875 arccha.
-- With ā ā.
     1. To meet, MBh. 3, 17226.
     2. To adapt (ved.).
-- With pra pra, To rise, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3.
-- With prati prati, Caus.
     1. To fasten, Ragh. 6, 28.
     2. To deliver, Ragh. 15, 41.
     3. To restore, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 15; 189, 15; 192, 16.
-- With vi vi, To open, Chr. 288, 15 = Rigv. i. 48, 15.
-- With sam sam, Caus.
     1. To cast, MBh. 1, 6978.
     2. To deliver, Pañc. 36, 13.
     3. To restore, Hit. 72, 20. -- samarpita.
     1. Fastened, Kumāras. 6, 63.
     2. Put together, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 2.
     3. Resting, Rām. 1, 77, 25.
     4. Painted, Ragh. 3, 15.
-- Cf. [greek]

[Page 136b] [greek] (Lat. abolere), [greek] Lat. orior, adorior, adolesco, adultus; Goth. alds; A. S. ald; O.H.G. arnên.

ṛkvan ṛkvan, i. e. ṛc + van.
I. adj. Praising.
II. m. A praiser, Chr. 293, 5 = Rigv. i. 87, 5.

ṛkṣṛkṣ (?), ii. 5, Par. To kill or hurt.

ṛkṣa ṛkṣa,
I. m. A bear, Rām. 3, 52, 45.
II. f. kṣī, A she-bear, Rām. 1, 16, 21.
III. m. and n.
     1. A star, Rām. 5, 73, 57; MBh. 13, 625.
     2. Bears and stars, Śiś. 9, 31.
IV. m. and f. kṣā, Proper names, MBh. 1, 3722; 3790.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. ursus.

ṛkṣavant ṛkṣa + vant, m. The name of a mountain, Rām. 6, 3, 10.

ṛc ṛc, i. 1, Par.
     1. To shine, ved.
     2. i. 1, and † i. 6, Par. To praise, ved.
     3. To honour, Man. 3, 93; anomal. absol. arcya, Man. 1, 4. -- Caus. arcaya, To honour, Man. 2, 181. arcita, Respectfully bestowed, Man. 4, 235.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To honour, Man. 8, 391.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To honour, Yājñ. i. 226; to adore, 2, 112.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To salute in turn, Rām. 2, 71, 31.
     2. To salute one by one, MBh. 1, 7211.
-- With sam sam, To adore, Rām. 2, 3, 48; to honour, MBh. 3, 11090 (properly 10190).

ṛc ṛc, f.
     1. A verse or text of the Vedas, Man. 11, 142.
     2. The Ṛgveda, Man. 1, 23.
-- Comp. an-, adj. unlearned in holy texts, Man. 3, 131. tryṛc, i. e. tri-, f. pl. three holy verses, Man. 2, 77.

ṛca -ṛc + a. A substitute for ṛc when being the latter part of a comp., e. g. an-, adj. Unlearned in holy texts, Man. 2, 158. tryṛca, i. e. tri-, n. A strophe consisting of three verses, Man. 11, 254.

ṛcīka ṛcīka, m.
     1. The name of a saint, Rām. 1, 35, 7.
     2. The name of a country, Daśak. 193, 11.

ṛch ṛch (properly the base of the pres. etc. of , q. cf.), i. 6, Par.; ep. also Ātm. (MBh. 4, 1056),
     1. To go.
     2. To attack, MBh. 3, 16375, ānarcha, pf.
     3. † To fail in faculties.
     4. † To become stiff.

ṛj ṛj (for primitive raj), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. † To go.
     2. † To stand or to be firm.
     3. † To gain.
     4. † To be strong.
     5. To live. -- Ved. i. 4, Par., and Ātm.
     1. To stretch.
     2. To desire, to strive for.
-- Cf. raj under ṛju, [greek], Lat. regere, rectus; Goth. rakian; A.S. reccan; Goth. raints, etc.

ṛjīṣa ṛjīṣa (vb. ṛñj), n. The name of a hell, Man. 4, 90.

ṛjīṣin ṛjīṣin (vb. ṛj), adj. Quick, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.

ṛju ṛj-u, adj.
     1. Straight, Man. 2, 47.
     2. Right, Rām. 4, 34, 31. -Comparat. ṛjīyaṃs, and ved. also rajīyaṃs; superl. ṛjiṣṭha, and ved. also rajiṣṭha.
-- Comp. an-, adj. crooked, Man. 4, 177.
-- Cf. [greek], f. of [greek] properly the measure of a tall upright man, i. e. six feet in general.

ṛjutā ṛju + tā, f.
     1. Straightness, Kumāras. 4, 23.
     2. Plainness, Amar. 67.

ṛñjṛñj, i. 1, Ātm. To fry.

ṛṇṛṇ, ii. 8, Par., Ātm. (properly the base of the pres. etc. of , ii. 5), To go.

ṛṇa ṛ10ṇa, n. Obligation, Man 6, 35; a debt, Man. 9, 218.
-- Comp. an-, adj. free from obligation or debt, Man. 9, 106.

ṛṇayāvan ṛṇa-yā + van, m. A pursuer of debts, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4.

ṛṇavant ṛṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Indebted, Hit. Pr. d. 20, v. r.

ṛṇin ṛṇin, i. e. ṛṇa + in, adj., f. .
     1. Obligated, MBh. 1, 8341.
     2. m. A debtor, Yājñ. 2, 86.

ṛt ṛt, the base of the pres., impf., imptve., and potent., and optionally of all the other forms, is ṛtīya ṛtīya, Ātm. (properly a denomin. derived from ṛti).
     1. † To blame.
     2. To pity, Mālav. 55, 23.
     3. † To rival.
     4. To domineer.
     5. † To go.

ṛta ṛ + ta,
I. adj., f. , True, Man. 8, 82.
II. n.
     1. Truth, Rām. 5, 31, 19.
     2. Gleaning, Man. 4, 5.
-- Comp. an-,
I. adj. untrue, Rām. 3, 53, 18; unjust, Man. 4, 170.
II. n. 1. untruth, Rām. 3, 53, 16; a lie, Chr. 48, 12. 2. agriculture, Man. 4, 5. apānṛta, i. e. apa-an-ṛta, adj. true, Rām. 2, 34, 38. satya-an,
I. adj. true and false at the same time, Pañc. 98, 17.
II. n. commerce, traffic.
-- Cf. Lat. ratus, irritus; [greek]

ṛtaṃbhara ṛtaṃbhara, i. e. ṛta + m-bhṛ + a,
I. m. A name of Brahman, Bhāg. P. 6, 13, 17.
II. f. , Understanding, Prab. 68, 3.

ṛtavant ṛta + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessing truth, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 19.

ṛtastubh ṛta-stubh, adj. Praising truth, Chr. 297, 20 = Rigv. i. 112, 20.

ṛti ṛ + ti, f.
     1. Way, Lass, 2, 8.
     2. Attack (ved.).

ṛtīṣah ṛtīṣah, i. e. ṛti-sah, adj. Braving an attack, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15.

ṛtu ṛ + tu, m.
     1. Order (ved.).
     2. Right time, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3.
     3. A season (of the year), Man. 3, 217.
     4. The menstrual discharge, MBh. 14, 2739.
     5. The season approved for sexual intercourse, Man. 3, 46, sqq.
-- Comp. an-, m. wrong season, Man. 4, 104; for sexual intercourse, 5, 153. The aff. tu is a form of tvan and of ar; the older form would be * artvan = Lat. ordo, base ordon.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek].

ṛtumatī ṛtumatī, i. e. ṛtu + mant + ī, f.
     1. A woman in her courses, Suśr. 1, 317, 4.
     2. A marriageable girl, Man. 9, 89.
     3. A woman in the period approved for sexual intercourse, MBh. 1, 750.

ṛte ṛte (loc. sing. ntr. of the ptcple. pf. pass. of , To go; properly, In deficiency), prep. with abl. and acc.
     1. Wanting, Yājñ. 2, 117.
     2. Except, MBh. 3, 16144; 3090.
     3. Without, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 4; 191, 1.

ṛtvij ṛtvij, i. e. ṛtu-yaj, m. A priest, who receives a stipend for preparing the holy fire and conducting sacrifices, Man. 2, 143.

ṛddhi ṛddhi, i. e. ṛdh + ti, f.
     1. Plenty, Indr. 5, 26.
     2. Wealth, Kumāras. 2, 58.
     3. Prosperity, Rām. 2, 105, 33.
     4. Perfection, Bhāg. P. 9, 21, 12.
     5. The deity of wealth, MBh. 13. 6750.

ṛddhimant ṛddhi + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Wealthy, Rām. 5, 9, 63.
     2. Prosperous, MBh. 3, 244.
     3. Resplendent, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 3; beautiful, MBh. 3, 11077 (p. 572).

ṛdh ṛdh, i. 4, Par., ii. 5, Par. and ved. also i. 6 and ii. 7.
     1. To prosper, Man. 9, 322 (ii. 5); MBh. 2, 1693 (i. 4); pass. To prosper, MBh. 3, 8488.
     2. To augment (ved.).
     3. † To please; ṛuana, Prosperous, Ragh, 2, 50.
-- With sam sam, To prosper, Man. 9, 315 (ii. 5), MBh. 2, 1960 (i. 4); samṛddha.
     1. Completed, Rām. 1, 44, 60.
     2. Abundant, Rām. 2, 104, 26.
     3. Abounding in (with instr. or abl.), Daśak. in Chr. 184, 14; Man. 3, 6.
     4. Wealthy, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 15.
-- Cf. [greek] also [greek] etc., and [greek] but ṛdh being compounded, viz. ṛ-dhā, and the Vedas having a vb. ṛd, which may be considered also as derived from , the base [greek] or [greek] may be another derivation from ; cf. also Lat. ordior.

ṛphṛph, and ṛmph ṛmph, i. 6, Par. To injure, to kill.
-- Cf. ṛph.

ṛbhu ṛbhu, i. e. rabh + u, m. The name of certain deities, MBh. 3, 15459.

ṛmph ṛmph, see ṛph.

ṛṣ ṛṣ, i. 6, Par., ved. also i. 1; Par.
     1. † To go.
     2. To flow, to rain, to drip (ved. i. 1).
     3. To pierce (ved. i. 6).
-- Cf. Lat. rigare, rivus; Goth. rign; A.S. regen.

ṛṣabha ṛṣabha, i. e. ṛṣ + an-bha (vb. bhā), m.
     1. A bull, Bhāg. P. 1, 14, 19.
     2. Chief, Bhāg. P. 2, 4, 22; especially as latter part of compound words, 'best, excellent,' e. g. pārthivarṣabha, i. e. pārthiva-, m. An excellent king, Chr. 55, 4. puruṣa-, m. An excellent man, Rām. 3, 49, 11. bharata-, m. A noble descendant of Bharata, Chr. 24, 48. siṃha-, m. A fierce lion.

ṛṣi ṛṣ + i (for original ṛṣan, cf. akṣi for akṣan, asthi for asthan, etc., = [greek]), m.
     1. A bard or author of sacred hymns, Chr. 287, 1. 3; Man. 11, 243.
     2. An old saint, MBh. 12, 12724; Hariv. 417, seq.
     3. A pious person, especially an anchorite, Man. 4, 94.
-- Comp. devarṣi, i. e. deva-ṛṣi, m. a sage of the class of demi-gods, as Nārada, VP. 284; Rām. 1, 1, 83. brahmarṣi, i. e. brahman- and viprarṣi, i. e. vipra-, m. a sage of the class of Brāhmaṇas, as Vaśiṣṭha, VP. 284; Chr. 22, 20; 14, 17. rājarṣi, i. e. rājan-, m. a prince who has adopted a life of devotion, as Viśvāmitra, VP. 284; Chr. 11, 16; Pañc. 76, 9. saptarṣi, see separately.

ṛṣitva ṛṣi-tva, n. State of a ṛṣi, MBh. 13, 2896.

ṛṣṭi ṛṣṭi, i. e. ṛṣ + ti, f.
     1. A spear, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4.
     2. A sword, Arj. 10, 20.

ṛṣṭimant ṛṣṭi + mant, adj., f. matī, Bearing spears, Chr. 293. 1 = Rigv. i. 88, 1.

ṛṣya ṛṣya, m. The painted or white-footed antelope, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 36; in ṛṣyarūpin, i. e. -rūpa + in, adj. Having the shape of an antelope. In the Veda it is written ṛśya; cf. O.H.G. elah, [greek].

ṛṣyaka ṛṣya + ka, adj. Of the colour of the painted antelope, Rām. 5, 12, 35.

ṛṣyamūka ṛṣya-mūka, m. The name of a mountain, Rām. 1, 3, 22.

ṛṣva ṛṣva, adj. Lofty, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2.

ṛ10, ii. 5, To go (cf. and īr).


eka e-ka (e, old loc. sing. of the pronom. base a, cf. idam and etat; ka cf. kim), num., m., f. , and n.
I. sing.
     1. One (cf. enad), Man. 2, 43; ekasmāt, At once, Rājat. 5, 407.
     2. Alone, Man. 1, 3; Only, Hit. i. d. 81; puṇyaikakarman, i. e. puṇya-eka-karman, adj. Practising only virtue.
     3. Same, Man. 8, 204; Pañc. iv. d. 10.
     4. Preeminent, chief, Megh. 31.
     5. When immediately repeated, 'one by one.' Rām. 2, 91, 51.
     6. A, an, Pañc. 242, 6, puruṣam ekam, 'a man.'
     7. Somebody, Kathās. 18, 330.
II. plur. Some, Man. 9, 61.
III. Former and latter part of compounds, e. g. eka-chara, adj. living alone, Man. 5, 17. an-, adj. many, Man. 5, 159; several, Yājñ. 2, 120; manifold, Yājñ. 3, 144. karapādaikahīnaka, i. e. kara-pāda-eka-hīna + ka, adj. one who has had a hand and foot cut off, Yājñ. 2, 274. tad-eka, one of these, Hit. 25, 10.
-- Cf. Lat. aequus.

ekaka eka + ka, adj.
     1. Solitary, Pañc. iii. d. 51.
     2. Same, Man. 9, 38.

ekacittatā eka-chitta + tā, f.
     1. Fixing one's mind only on one object, Pañc. 244, 23.
     2. Unanimity.

ekaja eka-ja (vb. jan), adj. Solitary, Hiḍ. 1, 39.

ekata eka + ta, m. The name of a deity, MBh. 12, 12772.

ekatama eka + tama adj., f. n. mad,
     1. One of many, Pañc. 169, 15.
     2. One of two, Pañc. 92, 5.
     3. A, an, Rām. 5, 14, 2.

ekatara eka + tara, adj., f. , n. ram, One of two, Rām. 6, 6, 12.

ekatas eka + tas, adv.
     1. = abl. of eka, Rājat. 5, 90.
     2. On one side, Kir. 5, 2; ekatas-ekatas, on one side, on the other, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 523.

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ekatā eka + tā, f.
     1. Unity, Prab. 18, 9.
     2. Harmony, Rām. 4, 33, 26.
     3. Conjunction, MBh. 3, 14272.

ekatīrthin ekatīrthin, i. e. eka-tīrtha + in, adj. Dwelling in the same religious retreat, Yājñ. 2, 137.

ekatra eka + tra, adv.
     1. = loc. of eka, Man. 5, 136.
     2. At the same place, MBh. 3, 1446.
     3. Together, Pañc. 25, 10.

ekatva eka + tva, n. Unity, MBh. 14, 952.

ekadā eka + dā, adv.
     1. Once, Rājat. 5, 249.
     2. Sometimes, Pañc. iii. d. 60.

ekadhā eka + dhā, adv. Once, MBh. 14, 1166.

ekapatnitā ekapatnitā, i. e. eka-patnī + tā, f. Having one wife in common, MBh. 1, 7274.

ekapatnītva eka-patnī + tva, n. Faitnfulness to a husband, Rām. 5, 49, 21.

ekapadī eka-pad + ī, f. A path, Rām. 4, 31, 13.

ekamaya eka + maya, adj., f. , Only consisting of, in cāraṇa- (of mimes), Kathās. 23, 85.

ekarātrika ekarātrika, i. e. eka-rātra + ika, adj. Sufficing for one night (or day), Man. 4, 223.

ekarūpatā eka-rūpa + tā, f. Equality, Pañc. ii. d. 7.

ekala eka + la, adj., f. , Solitary, alone, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 10.

ekavarṇika ekavarṇika, i. e. eka-varṇa + ika, adj. Incumbent on one caste only, MBh. 3, 11298.

ekavastratā eka-vastra + tā, f. Having one garment only, Nal. 10, 16.

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ekaśas eka + śas, adv. One by one, Rām. 4. 8, 12.

ekaśrutadharatva ekaśrutadharatva, i. e. eka-śru + ta-dhṛ + a + tva, n. Retaining what one has heard once, Kathās. 2, 40.

ekastha eka-stha (vb. sthā), adj. United, Rām. 3, 30, 26.

ekasthatā ekastha + tā, f. Union, MBh. 1, 5328.

ekāṃśatā ekāṃśatā, i. e. eka-aṃśa + tā, f. Being a part, Ragh. 3, 66.

ekākin ekākin, i. e. probably eka-eka + in (anom.), adj., f. , Solitary, alone, Man. 4, 258.

ekāgratas ekāgratas, i. e. eka-agra + tas, adv. Attentively, Lass. 21, 2.

ekātmya ekātmya, i. e. eka-ātman + ya, adj.
     1. Alone, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 29.
     2. Homogeneous, Bhāg. P. 4, 13, 8.

ekādaśa ekādaśa, i. e. ekādaśan + a.
I. ord. numb., f. śi.
     1. The eleventh, Man. 3, 47.
     2. Lasting eleven (months), MBh. 13, 4247.
II. f. śī, The eleventh day of the half month, MBh. 13, 4234.
-- Comp. vṛṣabhaikadaśa, i. e. vṛṣabha-, adj., f. śā, having a bull as the eleventh, i. e. ten (cows) with a bull, Man. 11, 116 (117).

ekādaśaka ekādaśaka, i. e. ekādaśan + ka, adj. Consisting of eleven, MBh. 13, 4914.

ekādaśan ekādaśan, i. e. eka-daśan, card. numb. pl. Eleven, Man. 2, 89.

ekādaśama ekādaśama, i. e. ekādaśan + ma, ord. numb. Eleventh, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 25.

ekādaśin ekādaśin, i. e. ekādaśan + in,
I. adj. Consisting of eleven, MBh. 13, 10668.
II. f. , Eleven (hymns), Yājñ. 3, 309.

ekānta ekānta, i. e. eka-anta,
I. adj., f. , Alone, Rām. 4, 28, 1; only, Bhartṛ. 2, 7; Pañc. 154, 20 (the only one, i. e. indispensable).
II. m. and n.
     1. A solitary place, Pañc. iii. d. 6.
     2. An extreme, Rām. 4, 21, 36.
     3. One only, MBh. 12, 13618.
III. The acc. tam, instr. tena, and loc. te, are used as adv.
     1. Exclusively, Bhag. 6, 16; Pañc. 247, 8.
     2. Privately, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 10.
     3. Necessarily, MBh. 3, 1240.
IV. As former part of comp. words,
     1. Perfect, Rām. 6, 93, 24.
     2. Altogether, Sund. 1, 15.
     3. Necessary, Ragh. 2, 57.
V. As latter part, Only, Pañc, 2, 21. an-, adj., f. , Relative, Bhartṛ. 2, 37.

ekāntatas ekānta + tas, adv. Thoroughly, Bhartṛ. 3, 14.

ekāntara ekāntara, i. e. eka-antara, adj., f. , Separated by one caste, Man. 10, 9 (the father belonging, e. g. to the Kṣatriyas, the mother to the Śūdras, the Vaiśyas being between them). dvjekāntara, i. e. dvi-eka-, adj. Being separated by one or two castes.

ekāntatva ekānta + tva, n. Exclusive adoration, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 35.

ekāntitva ekāntitva, i. e. ekāntin + tva, n. Identity, Bhāg. P. 9, 2, 11.

ekāntin ekāntin, i. e. ekānta + in, adj., f. , Adoring one being only, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38.

ekāyana ekāyana, i. e. eka-ayana,
I. adj.
     1. Passable by one only, MBh. 3, 11136.
     2. Adoring one only, MBh. 12, 7872.
II. n.
     1. A solitary place, MBh. 3, 11695.
     2. Adoration of one only, MBh. 14, 532.

ekārtha ekārtha, i. e. eka-artha, m. The same intention, Nal. 3, 7.

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ekārthatā ekārtha + tā, f. Having the same intention, MBh. 1, 3413.

ekībhāva ekībhāva, i. e. eka-bhū + a, m. Union. Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 10.

ekaika ekaika, i. e. eka-eka,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Every one, Draup. 8, 17.
     2. One successively, Kathās. 18, 265.
II. kam, adv. One by one, Rām. 1, 13, 27.
III. comparat. ekaikatara, adj. Always one of many, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 41.

ekaikaśas ekaika + śas, adv.
     1. One by one, Nal. 1, 25.
     2. One after another, Rām. 4, 45, 16.

ekaikaśya ekaikaśya, i. e. ekaikaśas + ya, n. Singleness, MBh. 3, 14903 (fighting one by one).

ekodaka ekodaka, i. e. eka-udaka, m. A kinsman who is connected by oblations of water only to the manes of common ancestors, Man. 5, 71.

ej ej, i. 1, Par.
     1. To stir, MBh. 1, 800. Ptcple. of the pres. Living, Bhāg. P. 7, 3, 22.
     2. To tremble, to quake, cf. ejatka.
     3. † i. 1, Ātm. To shine. -- Caus. To move, to turn, Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 14.
-- Cf. [greek]; Lat. aeger.

ejatka ejatka, i. e. ejant + ka (vb. ej), adj. Trembling, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 42.

eṭheṭh, i. 1, Ātm. To annoy, to resist.

eḍaka eḍaka, m. A ram, MBh. 3, 10935.

eḍūka eḍūka, m. A building enclosing bones (a Buddhistic stūpa), MBh. 3, 10374.

eṇa eṇa, m., f. ṇī, A kind of antelope, Man. 3, 269.

etad e-tad (cf. eka and enad), demonst. pron. This here, Nal. 20, 17; this, Man. 3, 147; with the first person, Hiḍ. 4, 15; with the second, Nal. 11, 9; with tad, Kathās. 3, 48; with idam, Pañc. Pr. 3; with kim, Śāk. 101, 19; with yad, Man. 1, 71.

etadātmya etadātmya, i. e. etad-ātman + ya, adj. Having the nature of this, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 6.

etarhi etarhi, i. e. etad + rhi, adv. Now, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 43.

etādṛś etādṛś, i. e. etad-dṛś, adj. Such, Bhāg. P. 9, 11, 17.

etādṛśa etādṛśa, i. e. etad-dṛś + a, adj., f. śī, Such, MBh. 3, 579.

etāvattva etāvattva, i. e. etāvant + tva, n.
     1. Greatness, Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 10.
     2. Sufficiency, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 28 (etāvattvam -- bhāvyam, it must be sufficient).

etāvant etāvant, i. e. etad + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī.
     1. So much, Man. 9, 45.
     2. Such a one, Brāhmaṇ. 1, 8; such, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 4; etāvati, In this distance, Śāk. 8, 10.
     3. With kim, Of this kind, Kathās. 20, 58.
II. vat (acc. sing. n.), adv.
     1. So far, Rām. 4, 40, 68.
     2. Thus, Hit. 27, 19.

edh edh (a form of ardh, the original form of ṛdh), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 15031).
     1. To prosper, MBh. 2, 510.
     2. To increase, Rām. 2, 52, 34; to grow up, Śāk. d. 51. -- Caus. edhaya.
     1. To cause to prosper, Bhāg. P. 7, 1, 11.
     2. To glorify, Kumāras. 6, 90.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To increase, Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 17.
-- With sam sam, To increase, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 25. samedhita,
     1. Strengthened, MBh. 3, 10443.
     2. United, Rām. 2, 64, 35. Caus. To cause to prosper, MBh. 13, 7510.

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edha edha, i. e. indh (or rather idh) + a, m. Wood for fuel, Man. 4, 247.

edhas edhas,
I. n. indh + as (see the last), Wood for fuel, Man. 11, 70.
II. edh + as, Prospering; in sukham-edhas, adj. Well prospering, MBh. 13, 5191.

enad enad, i. e. e-na (cf. etad and eva; na is an old pron. base), pron. which forms only the acc. sing., du. pl., instr. sing., and gen. loc. du., which are substituted for the corresponding cases of idam and etat, This, when used substantively, He, She, It, and without any stress, Man. 2, 50.
-- Cf. Goth. ainaha, ains; A. S. ān; Lat. oinos, unus; [greek]

enas enas, n.
     1. Sin, Man. 5, 34.
     2. Fault, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 17.
-- Comp. an-,
I. adj. guiltless, Man. 8, 19.
II. m. a proper name, Hariv. 669.

enasvin enas + vin, adj., f. , m. A sinner, Man. 11, 189.

eraka eraka,
I. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2154.
II. f. , The name of a grass, MBh. 1, 620; bent-grass, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 18.

eraṇḍa eraṇḍa, m. The castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, Pañc. i. d. 108.

ervāru ervāru, m. and f. A kind of cucumber, Cucumis utilissimus, Roxb., Yājñ. 3, 142.

elā elā, f. Small cardamoms, Ragh. 6, 64.

eva e-va (cf. enad, va is an old pronominal base), a particle (properly an old instr. sing.).
     1. Only, Man. 1, 91; 2, 87; 190; Śāk. 69, 15.
     2. Still, Man. 2, 168.
     3. Just, Man. 5, 61; Pañc. 223, 9.
     4. Also, Man. 1, 48.
     5. Very (especially after tad), Man. 3, 23.
-- Cf. [greek].

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evam e-va + m (see the preceding), a particle (originally acc. sing. n.), Thus, Pañc. 24, 4. Very often former part of comp. words, e. g. evaṃrūpa, adj., f. , Having such a form, Rām. 3, 52, 36. evaṃvidha (cf. vidhā), adj. Of such a kind, Śāk. d. 104. evaṃgata (vb. gam), adj. Being in this state, Rām. 2, 39, 31; loc. sing. te, Under these circumstances, Chr. 23, 33. evaṃguṇa,
I. m. Such a quality, Rām. 1, 1, 20.
II. adj. Having such qualities, Nal. 6, 12. evam-ādi, adj. Beginning thus, i. e. This and the like, Man. 9, 260. evam-bhū + ta, adj. Being thus, such a one, Hit. 7, 13.

eṣ eṣ (cf. 1, 2. iṣ), i. 1, Ātm. (after anu and pari in epic poetry also Par.).
     1. To go.
     2. To strive to attain, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 44.
     3. To search, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 52.
-- With the prep anu anu, To search, MBh. 1, 5253; to investigate. Rām. 1, 3, 2.
-- With pari pari, To search, MBh. 13, 4033 (Par.)

eṣaṇa eṣaṇa, i. e. iṣ + ana,
I. n.
     1. Wish, desire, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 39.
     2. Searching MBh. 1, 8399.
II. f. ṇā, Desire, Rājat. 5, 281.

eṣin eṣin, i. e. iṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Wishing, MBh. 3, 12513.
-- Comp. dhana-, adj. one who asks payment of a debt, Man. 8, 60. sarva-bhūta-hita-, adj. wishing the well-being of all creatures, Chr. 26, 64.


aikadhyam aikadhyam, i. e. ekadhā + ya + m, adv. At once.

aikapatya aikapatya, i. e. eka-pati + ya, n. Supreme power, Bhāg. P. 7, 3, 37.

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aikamatya aikamatya, i. e. eka-mati + ya,
I. n. Unanimity, Hit. 19, 22.
II. adj. Unanimous, Rām. 5, 77, 15.

aikaśapha aikaśapha, i. e. eka + śapha + a, adj. Belonging to a quadruped with a hoof not cloven, Man. 5, 8.

aikāgārika aikāgārika, i. e. eka-āgāra + ika, m., f. , A thief, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 18.

aikāgrya aikāgrya, i. e. eka-agra + ya, n. Attention fixed on one subject, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 20.

aikāṅga aikāṅga, i. e. eka-aṅga + a, m. One of the bodyguards, Rājat. 5, 249.

aikātmya aikātmya, i. e. eka-ātman + ya, n. Unity with the universal soul.

aikādhikaraṇya aikādhikaraṇya, i. e. eka-adhikaraṇa + ya, n. Residing in the same subjects, Bhāṣāp. 68.

aikāntika aikāntika, i. e. ekānta + ika, adj.
     1. Perfect, Bhag. 14, 27.
     2. Exclusive, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 2.
-- Comp. an-, adj. 1. indeterminate, Pañc. 58, 22. 2. going astray, (a fallacious middle term,) Bhāṣāp. 71.

aikya aikya, i. e. eka + ya, n. Unity, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 23.

aikṣava aikṣava, i. e. ikṣu + a,
I. adj., f. , Made of sugar.
II. n. Sugar.

aikṣvāka aikṣvāka, i. e. ikṣvāku + a, patron., f. , Descended from Ikṣvāku, Rām. 2, 36, 1; MBh. 1, 3719.

aiṅguda aiṅguda, i. e. iṅguda + a, adj. Produced from the inguda plant, Rām. 2, 103, 29.

aiṇa aiṇa, i. e. eṇa + a, adj. Belonging to the black antelope (as flesh), Yājñ. 1, 258.

aiṇeya aiṇeya, i. e. eṇa + eya,
I. adj. Belonging to a she-antelope, Rām. 2, 56, 18.
II. m. = eṇa, Draup. 4, 15.

aitihāsika aitihāsika, i. e. itihāsa + ika, adj. Occurring in old legends, Prab. 91, 7.

aitihya aitihya, i. e. iti-ha + ya, n. Oral tradition, Rām. 5, 87, 23.

aindava aindava, i. e. indu + a, adj., f. , Referring to the moon, lunar, Man. 11, 125.

aindra aindra, i. e. indra + a, adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to Indra, Arj. 4, 32.
     2. Like that which belongs to Indra, Man. 5, 93.
     3. Indra-like, Man. 8, 344.
     4. Devoted to Indra, MBh. 3, 1494.

aindrajālika aindrajālika, i. e. indra-jāla + ika,
I. adj., f. , Referring to witchcraft, Prab. 101, 4.
II. m. A wizard, Prab. 55, 1.

aindradyumna aindradyumna, i. e. indra-dyumna + a,
     1. adj. Relating to Indradyumna (a proper name), MBh. 1, 325.
     2. The name of a locality, MBh. 3, 10624.

aindraśira aindra-śira, m. A kind of elephant, Rām. 2, 70, 22.

aindrāgnya aindrāgnya, i. e. indra-agni + ya, adj. Sacred to Indra and Agni, MBh. 12, 2307.

aindri aindri, i. e. indra + i, patron. Offspring of Indra, MBh. 1, 2751.

aindriya aindriya, i. e. indriya + a, adj. Referring to the senses, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 15; sensual, 3, 25, 26.

aindriyaka aindriya + ka, adj. Perceptible by the senses, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 48.

aindriyedhī aindriyedhī, i. e. aindriya + i-dhī, adj. Attached to sensuality, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 22.

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aindhana aindhana, i. e. indhana + a, adj. Consisting of fuel, epithet of the sun, MBh. 3, 149.

airāvaṇa airāvaṇa, i. e. irāvan + a (the base is curtailed irāvant, ved., and cf. irāvatī), m. Indra's elephant, MBh. 1, 1151.

airāvata airāvata, i. e. irāvant + a (see the last),
I. m.
     1. Indra's elephant, considered as the elephant of the east quarter, MBh. 1, 2627.
     2. A kind of elephant, Rām. 2, 70, 22.
     3. A patronymic name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 829.
     4. The name of the northern path of the moon, MBh. 3, 11836.
II. m. and n. A particular shape of the rainbow, Ragh, 1, 36.
III. m., f. , and n. Lightning, MBh. 13, 7391.
IV. m. The orange-tree; n. its fruit, Suśr. 1, 211, 11.
V. f. , The name of a river, MBh. 8, 2055.

aila aila, i. e. iḷā (= iḍā) + a. A metronymic name of Purūravas, MBh. 1, 3149.

aiśa aiśa, i. e. īśa + a, adj. Belonging to Śiva, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 6.

aiśānī aiśānī, fem. of aiśāna, i. e. īśāna + a, The north-east quarter, Vikr. 6, 4.

aiśvara aiśvara, i. e. īśvara + a, adj., f. .
     1. Befitting a lord, majestic, MBh. 1, 3315; 14, 411; powerful, Rām. 3, 10, 21.
     2. Belonging to Śiva, Ragh. 11, 76.

aiśvarya aiśvarya, i. e. īśvara + ya, n.
     1. Control, Man. 6, 95.
     2. Dominion, Rām. 5, 22, 31.
     3. Supreme dominion, Man. 4, 235.
     4. Superhuman power, Bhāg. P. 3, 25, 37.
-- Comp. dhana-, n. the dominion over wealth, Man. 7, 42.

aiśvaryavant aiśvarya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Endowed with superhuman power, MBh. 15, 389.

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aiṣīka aiṣīka, i. e. iṣīkā + a, adj. Made of reeds, Rām. 1, 29, 7.

aiṣṭikapaurtika aiṣṭikapaurtika, i. e. iṣṭi + ika-pūrti + ika, adj. Referring to sacrifices and pious works (cf. iṣṭāpūrta), Man. 4, 227.

aihalaukika aihalaukika, i. e. iha-loka + ika, adj. Belonging to this world, MBh. 3, 12616.

aihika aihika, i. e.
I. iha + ika, adj. Terrestrial, temporal, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 19.
II. īhā + ika, n. Business; in tryahaihika, i. e. tri-aha-aihika, adj. m. A shopkeeper who gathers as much corn only as may suffice for three days, Man, 4, 7.


oka oka, i. e. uc + a, m. A house; in an-oka-śāyin, adj. Not sleeping in a house, MBh. 1, 3631.

okas okas, i. e. uc + as, n. A dwelling-place, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 15; a house, MBh. 2, 805.
-- Comp. ambara-, m. a god, Kumāras. 5, 79. araṇya-, m. an anchorite, Śāk. d. 81. kānana-, m. a monkey, Rām. 5, 65, 7. jala-,
I. adj. living in water, MBh. 13, 2650.
II. f. a leech, Suśr. 1, 28, 10. tri-diva- and diva-, m. a god, Man. 1, 95; 11, 242. mānasa-, m. the wild swan or goose. vana-,
I. adj. living in woods, Chr. 25, 61.
II. m. 1. an anchorite, Chr. 11, 18. 2. a wild beast, Rām. 3, 49, 39. 3. a monkey, 6, 26, 5. vāri-, m. a leech, Man. 7, 129. vāsa-, n. the private apartments; a sleeping-room. vila-, m. any animal living in holes, Man, 10, 49. svarga-, m. a deity.

okhokh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be dry (cf. uṣ, ṣ is often changed to kh).
     2. To be able.

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ogha ogha, i. e. probably vah + a, m.
     1. A stream, Man. 9, 54.
     2. A multitude, MBh. 1, 4448.
     3. Density, Śiś. 9, 27.
-- Comp. śara-, m. a multitude of arrows, Chr. 34, 15. sarva-, m. l. assembling a complete army. 2. great speed.

oghavant ogha + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Rapid, MBh. 3, 10538.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 13, 121.
III. f. vatī, A proper name, ib.

oṃkāra oṃkāra, i. e. om-kṛ + a, n.
     1. The holy syllable om, Man. 2, 75.
     2. Thanksgiving, Rājat. 5, 134.
     3. Grumbling, Pañc. 158, 7.

ojoj, i. 1, and i. 10, Par.
     1. To be strong.
     2. To live.

ojas ojas, i. e. vaj + as,
I. n.
     1. Strength, Matsyop. 2.
     2. Light, splendour, Man. 12, 18.
II. ojasā (instr.), adv. Powerfully, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4; courageously, Rām. 3, 53, 22.
-- Comp. amitaujas, i. e. a-mita- (vb. ), adj. all-mighty, Man. 1, 4. mahaujas, i. e. mahā-, adj. eminent in power, Man. 1, 61.
-- Cf. Lat. augus in augus + tus, and [greek] in [greek]

ojasvin ojas + vin, adj., f. , Strong, MBh. 14, 100.

oḍra oḍra, m. pl. The name of a people and their country, now Orissa, Man. 10, 44.

oṇoṇ, i. 1, Par. To take away (probably a form of arṇ for arṇu, i. e. ii. 5, cf. [greek]).

odatī odatī (fem. of a ptcple. of ud = und), f. The dawn, Chr. 287. 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6.

odana odana, i. e. ud (= und) + ana, m. and n.
     1. A pap, see comp.
     2. Boiled rice, Man. 8, 329.
-- Comp. kṣī- raudana, i. e. kṣīra-, m. rice boiled with milk, MBh. 13, 947. guḍodana (sic instead of °ḍau°), i. e. guḍa-, boiled rice with sugar, MBh. 13, 6162. tila-, n. a dish of rice, milk, and sesamum, Rām. 2, 69, 10 (tilodana instead of °lau°). dadhi-, m. a mess prepared of curds, Yājñ. 1, 303. māṃsa-bhūtodana (instead of °tau°), i. e. -bhūta-, a dish of rice and meat(?), Rām. 2, 52, 83. śāli-, boiled rice, Bhartṛ. 2, 79.

om om, ind. A mystic word prefacing all prayers, Pañc. 33, 11; used at the commencement and end of holy recitations, Man. 2, 74; 73; and writings, Man.; used to commence respectful salutations, and on other occasions, e. g. Man. 2, 75; and the subject of many mystical speculations, Man. 2, 79; 84.

omyāvant omyāvant, i. e. av + man + ya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Agreeable, Chr. 296, 7 = Rigv. i. 112, 7; kind, Chr. 297, 20 = Rigv. i. 112, 20.

olaṇḍ olaṇḍ, see laṇḍ.

oṣadhi and dhī oṣadhi/ī, i. e. uṣ + a-dhā (cf. nidhi), f.
     1. A plant, Man. 1, 46.
     2. A medicinal herb, Caurap. 47.
-- Comp. mahauṣadhi, i. e. mahā-, f. a kind of sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica.

oṣadhija oṣadhi-ja (vb. jan), adj. Produced from plants, Kir. 5, 14 (i. e. a phosphorescent light).

oṣṭha oṣṭha, i. e. probably ava-stha (vb. sthā), m.
     1. The lip, Man. 8, 282.
     2. The upper lip, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 46. In comp. words a preceding a may be dropped, and the fem. of a comp. adj. may end in ṭhā or ṭhī, e. g. rucira-dantauṣṭhī, Having beautiful teeth and lips, Rām. 3, 52, 16. bimboṣṭha, adj. Having bimba-like lips, Kathās. 4, 8. saṃdaṣṭauṣṭha, i. e. sam-daṣṭa -oṣṭha (vb. daṃś), adj. Biting the lips, MBh. 3, 427. sphuradoṣṭha, i. e. sphurant-oṣṭha, adj., f. ṭhī, With trembling lips, Indr. 5, 51.


aukthya aukthya, i. e. uktha + ya, n. A complex of hymns(?), MBh. 3, 10686.

augrya augrya, i. e. ugra + ya, n. Formidableness.

autkaṇṭhya autkaṇṭhya, i. e. utkaṇṭhā + ya, n. Desire, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 17.

autkaṇṭhyavant autkaṇṭhya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Desirous, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 33.

auttami auttami, i. e. uttama + i, patron. m. The name of a Manu, Man. 1, 62.

auttara auttara (? if correct it would be uttara + a), adj. Inhabiting the north, MBh. 3, 10546 (probably it must be corrected yatrott°).

auttānapāda auttānapāda, and -pādi -pādi, i. e. uttāna-pāda (a proper name) + a or i, patron. m. Dhruva or the polar star, MBh. 13, 195; Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 82.

autpattika autpattika, i. e. utpatti + ika, adj. Innate, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 45.

autpātika autpātika, i. e. utpāta + ika, adj., f. , Prodigious, Rām. 5, 52, 1.

autsukya autsukya, i. e. utsuka + ya,
I. n.
     1. Perturbation, Rām. 3, 1, 4.
     2. Desire, MBh. 3, 114.
II. instr. yena, adverbially, Quickly, Pañc. 35, 9; 95, 25.
-- Comp. manda-, adj. having no great desire, Śāk. 18, 22. sa-, adj., f. , full of desire, Pañc. 185, 20.

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audaka audaka, i. e. udaka + a, adj.
     1. Referring to water, Man. 3, 215.
     2. Aquatic, Man. 1, 44; 6, 13.

audañcana audañcana, i. e. udañcana + a, adj. Contained in a tub, Bhāg. P. 8, 24, 19.

audarika audarika, i. e. udara + ika, adj., f. , Gluttonous, Vikr. 39, 14.

audarya audarya, i. e. udara + ya, adj. Being in the womb, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 4.

audārya audārya, i. e. udāra + ya, n.
     1. Excellence, Nal. 16, 17.
     2. Dignity, Rām. 3, 18, 25.
     3. Generosity, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 24.

audāsīnya audāsīnya, i. e. ud-āsīna + ya (vb. ās), and audāsya audāsya, i. e. ud-ās + a + ya, n. Indifference, apathy, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 17; Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 2.

audumbara audumbara, i. e. udumbara + a,
I. adj., f. , Made of Udumbara wood, Man. 2, 45.
II. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1869.
III. f. , A branch of the Udumbara tree, Rām. 1, 4, 21.

auddhārika auddhārika, i. e. uddhāra + ika, adj. Deducted, Man. 9, 150.

audvāhika audvāhika, i. e. udvāha + ika, adj. Received on account of marriage, Man. 9, 206.

aupadharmya aupadharmya, i. e. upa-dharma + ya, n. A false doctrine, heresy, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 37.

aupanāyanika aupanāyanika, i. e. upa-nāyana + ika, adj. Relating to the initiation, Man. 2, 68.

aupaniṣada aupaniṣada, i. e. upaniṣad + a, adj., f. , Contained in an Upaniṣad, Man. 6, 29.

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aupapattika aupapattika, i. e. upapatti + ika, adj. Suitable, MBh. 13, 2742.

aupamya aupamya, i. e. upamā + ya, n. Resemblance. Only at the end of comp. words, an-, adj. Incomparable, Rām. 6, 87, 10; ātmaupamya, i. e. ātman-, n. Taking one's self as measure, Hit. i. d. 10 (ātmaupamyena, as they wish for themselves); svapna-, n. Resemblance to a dream, Bhāg. P. 9, 19, 28; vātya-, adj. Resemblance to a storm, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 9.

aupayika aupayika, i. e. upāya + ika, the ā of the base shortened (aupāyika with ā, MBh. 5, 7019, and Chr. 18, 37, see n.), adj., f. , Suitable, Rām. 2, 54, 38.

aupala aupala, i. e. upala + a, adj., f. , Made of stone, Man. 4, 194.

aupavāsya aupavāsya, i. e. upavāsa + ya, n. Fasting, Rām. 2, 87, 18.

aupavāhya aupavāhya, i. e. upa-vah + a + ya, adj. Serving for riding on, Rām. 2, 39, 10.

aupasthya aupasthya, i. e. upastha + ya, n. Sexual intercourse, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 13.

aupahārika aupahārika, i. e. upahāra + ika, n. Oblation, MBh. 13, 6039.

aupādhika aupādhika, i. e. upādhi + ika, adj. Reflectional, conditional (as the crystal's red colour from a china rose near it).

aupāsana aupāsana, i. e. upāsana + a, m. The sacred fire, Yājñ. 3, 17.

aurabhra aurabhra, i. e. urabhra + a, adj. Belonging to a ram, MBh. 3, 268.

aurabhrika aurabhrika, i. e. urabhra + ika, m. A shepherd, Man. 3, 166.

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auraśa auraśa, i. e. uraśā + a, m. An inhabitant of Uraśā, Rājat. 5, 216.

aurasa aurasa, i. e. uras + a,
I. adj., f. , Dwelling in one's breast, innate, Man. 3, 1314.
II. m. A legitimate son, Man. 9, 166; Yājñ. 2, 128.

aurṇa aurṇa, i. e. ūrṇa + a, adj., f. ṇī, Woollen, MBh. 2, 1823.

aurdhvadeha aurdhvadeha, i. e. ūrdhva-deha + a, n. Obsequies of a deceased person, Rām. 2, 83, 24.

aurdhvadehika aurdhvadehika, i. e. ūrdhva-deha + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Serving for the acquisition of merit, Man. 11, 10.
     2. Belonging to the obsequies of a deceased person, Pañc. 9, 3.
II. n. Obsequies, Rām. 4, 24, 24.

aurva aurva, i. e. ūrva + a,
I. m. The patronymic name of a Ṛṣi or saint, MBh. 1, 2610.
II. adj., f. .
     1. Produced by Ūrva, MBh. 1, 1242.
     2. adj. or m. (supple agni), Submarine fire, Rājat. 3, 170.

auśanasa auśanasa, i. e. uśanas + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to Uśanas.
     2. Descended from Uśanas, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 48; 9, 18, 20.
II. n.
     1. A lawbook ascribed to Uśanas, Pañc. 253, 12.
     2. The name of a holy place, MBh. 3, 7005.

auśija auśija, i. e. uśij (i. e. probably vaś + i-j, vb. jan), + a, adj. Covetous (?), Chr. 297, 11 = Rigv. i. 112, 11.

auśīnara auśīnara, i. e. uśīnara + a,
I. m. The king of the Uśīnaras, MBh. 1, 3669.
II. f. , A proper name, Vikr. 30, 18.

auśīra auśīra, i. e. uśīra + a, n.
     1. The handle of a fan, MBh. 12, 2299.
     2. A bed, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 8.
     3. An ointment made of Uśīra, Śāk. d. 57, v. r.

auṣadha auṣadha, i. e. oṣadhi + a, m. and n. A medicine, Man. 8, 324.
-- Comp. mahā-,
I. n. 1. garlic. 2. long pepper.
II. n. and f. dhī, dry ginger.

auṣadhi and auṣadhī auṣadhi/ī = oṣadhi, Kir. 5, 24; MBh. 13, 454.

auṣṭra auṣṭra, i. e. uṣṭra + a, adj. Produced from a camel, Man. 5, 8.

auṣṇya auṣṇya, i. e. uṣṇa + ya, n. Heat, Yājñ. 3, 77.

auṣmya auṣmya, i. e. uṣman + ya, n. Heat, Ragh. 17, 33.


ka ka,
I. see kim.
II. m. (properly nom. sing. of kim), A name of the highest deities, viz. Prajāpati, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 2; Brahman, MBh. 1, 32; Viṣṇu, 13, 7027.
III. n. Water, Yājñ. 2, 108.

kaṃskaṃs (or kaś kaś, or kas kas), ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To command (v. r. to destroy).

kaṃsa kaṃsa,
I. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 357.
II. f. , A proper name, Hariv. 2029.
III. m. n. Bell metal.

kaṃsavatī kaṃsavatī, i. e. kaṃsa + vant + i, f. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 24.

kakkak, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To be proud.
     2. To be unsteady.
     3. To be thirsty.

kakutstha kakutstha, i. e. kakud-stha (vb. sthā), m. A proper name, Rām. 1, 70, 38.

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kakud kakud (a reduplicated form of a lost base, kud, probably akin to [greek] etc., cf. kakudmant), f.
     1. A summit, Bhāg. P. 5, 25, 7.
     2. The hump of the Indian bull, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 15.
-- Comp. tri-, m. a name of Kṛṣna, or Viṣṇu, MBh. 12, 1508.

kakuda kakud + a, m. and n.
     1. Chief, Rām. 6, 37, 12.
     2. The hump of the Indian bull, MBh. 13, 835.
     3. An ensign or symbol of royalty, Ragh. 3, 70.
-- Comp. tri-, adj. having three horns, MBh. 12, 13252.

kakudmant kakud + mant,
I. adj., f. matī, Having a hump, Ragh. 4, 29.
II. m.
     1. A mountain, Ragh. 13, 47.
     2. A bull having a hump, Kumāras. 1, 27.
-- Cf. Lat. cacumen.

kakudmin kakud + min,
I. adj., f. , Having a hump, MBh. 13, 4935.
II. m.
     1. A bull having a hump, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 4.
     2. A proper name, Hariv. 644.

kakudruma kakudruma, i. e. kakud-druma, n. A proper name, Pañc. i. d. 290.

kakudvant kakud + vant, m. A bull having a hump, Rām. 5, 7, 11.

kakundara kakundara, and kukundara kukundara, n. The cavities of the loins, Yājñ. 3, 96.

kakubh kakubh (a reduplicated form of a lost base, kubh; cf. [greek] Lat. cubare, and kumbh), f.
     1. A summit (ved.)
     2. A quarter or point of the compass, Kathās. 21, 13.
     3. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 4.

kakubha kakubh + a, m.
     1. A tree, Terminalia Arjuna, Rām. 1, 26, 15.
     2. A certain musical mode, Vikr. 61, 1.
     3. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 16.

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kakkkakk, see kakh.

kakkola kakkola, m. (?) A plant bearing a berry, the inner part of which is an aromatic substance, Rām. 3, 39, 22.

kakkhkakkh, see kakh.

kakṣa kakṣa,
I. m.
     1. A spreading creeper, MBh. 3, 12548; weed, Man. 7, 110.
     2. A dry wood, Rām. 5, 5, 24.
     3. A forest, MBh. 15, 1082.
     4. The side or flank, Rām. 6, 36, 108 (of an army).
     5. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 356.
II. m. and f. kṣā.
     1. The armpit, Rām. 4, 10, 19; Mṛcch. 34, 11.
     2. The end of the lower garment tucked into the waistband, MBh. 2, 902; Pañc. 32, 25 (used for keeping money).
III. f. kṣā.
     1. A girdle, MBh. 4, 1749.
     2. A wall, Rām. 2, 32, 32.
     3. An enclosure, a part of an edifice, Man. 7, 224.
-- Comp. hiraṇya-, adj., f. kṣā, wearing a golden girdle, MBh. 4, 2108. hema-, adj. having a golden wall, Rām. 3, 54, 15.

kakṣaghna kakṣaghna, i. e. kakṣa-han + a, adj. Destroying a dry wood, MBh. 1, 5756.

kakṣīvant kakṣīvant, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, Chr. 297, 11 = Rigv. i. 112, 11.

kakṣya kakṣya, i. e. kakṣa + ya,
I. f. ,
     1. A girdle, MBh. 2, 900.
     2. An upper garment, Kathās. 18, 5.
     3. An enclosed court, MBh. 2, 827; Rām. 2, 57, 22.
II. n.
     1. The cup of a balance, Mit. 145, 20.
     2. A certain part of a chariot, Rām. 6, 106, 23.
-- Comp. suvarṇa-, adj. having a golden girth, Rām. 2, 92, 32. saptakakṣya, i. e. saptan-, having seven courts, Rām. 4, 33, 24.

kakhkakh, or kakkh kakkh, or kakk kakk, or khakkh khakkh, i. 1. Par. To laugh.
-- Cf. Lat. cachinnus; [greek] O.H.G. hoh (sneer).

kagkag, i. 1, Par. To perform an action.

kaṅkkaṅk, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

kaṅka kaṅka,
I. m.
     1. A heron, Rām. 6, 90, 25.
     2. The name of a king, MBh. 1, 227.
     3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1850.
II. f. , A proper name, Hariv. 2029.

kaṅkaṭa kaṅkaṭa (for kaṅkatra, from the base kañc, cf. kañcuka), m. Mail, Rām. 5, 80, 32.

kaṅkaṇa kaṅkaṇa (a reduplicated from of kaṇ, and aff. a), m. and n.
     1. An ornament, MBh. 3, 15757.
     2. A bracelet, Bhartṛ. 2, 63.
     3. The name of a certain weapon, Rām. 1, 29, 13; 56, 12 (Gorr. has kiṅkiṇī, q. cf.).

kaṅkaṇin kaṅkaṇin, i. e. kaṅkaṇa + in, adj., f. , Wearing a bracelet, Kathās. 22, 91.

kaṅkata kaṅkata (perhaps for * kaṅkarta, i. e. an old redupl. form of kṛt and aff. a) m., f. , and n. A comb, Rām. 2, 91, 70.

kaṅkāla kaṅkāla, m. A skeleton, Sund. 2, 24.

kac kac, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To bind.
     2. † To shine. † i. 1, Par. To sound.
-- Cf. kañc and kāñc.

kaca kac + a, m.
     1. The hair, MBh. 1, 4982.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3193.
-- Comp. utkaca, i. e. ud-, adj. 1. blown, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 38. 2. opened, MBh. 1, 6079 (?) vi-, adj., f. . 1. bald, MBh. 1, 6078. 2. blown, Kir. 5, 13; Indr. 5, 8.

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kacākaci kacākaci, i. e. kaca-kaca + i, adv. Seizing one another by the hair, MBh. 8, 2377.

kaccid kaccid, see kad.

kaccha kaccha (a form of kakṣa, q. cf.), m. and n. A shore or bank, land contiguous to water, Pañc. 8, 17.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. 1. the ocean. 2. Varuṇa. 3. a mountain.

kacchapa kaccha-pa (vb. ), m.
     1. A tortoise, Pañc. 51, 13.
     2. A proper name:
a. of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 4828;
b. of a country, Kathās. 18, 253.

kacchū kacchū, f. Scab, Suśr. 1, 269, 12.

kajkaj (?), i. 1, Par. To be glad.

kajjala kajjala, i. e. kad-jala, n.
     1. A collyrium prepared from lamp-black.
     2. Shame, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 27.

kañckañc, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To bind.
     2. To shine.
-- Cf. kac, and kāñc.

kañcuka kañc + uka, m.
     1. A jacket, Rām. 6, 99, 23; Kathās. 18, 16.
     2. Dress, MBh. 12, 816.
     3. Mail, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 15.
     4. The skin of a snake, Pañc. i. d. 73 (and mail).
-- Comp. utkañcuka, i. e. ud-, adj. naked, Bhartṛ. 1, 49. mukta-, m. a snake that has cast his slough. su-bhāṣita-rasa-āsvāda-jāta-romāñca-kañcuka, adj. covered with a mail-like horripilation (a token of pleasure), produced by tasting the flavour of beautiful words, MBh. 12, 816.

kañcukita kañcukita, i. e. kañcuka + ita, adj., f. , Armed with a coat of mail, Bhartṛ. 3, 66.

kañcukin kañcukin, i. e. kañcuka + in, m. An attendant on the women's apartments, Pañc. 156, 20.

kañculikā kañculikā, i. e. kañc + ula + ka, f. A bodice, Amar. 23.

kaṃja kaṃja, i. e. ka + m-ja (vb. jan), n. A lotus, Rām. 4, 41, 59; Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 14.

kañjikā kañjikā, f. A plant, Siphonanthus indica, Pañc. 184, 18.

kaṭkaṭ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To rain.
     3. To encompass.
-- Cf. prakaṭaya.

kaṭa kaṭa (for *karta, i. e. kṛt + a), m.
     1. A twist of straw, a mat, Man. 2, 204.
     2. The hip, MBh. 13, 2796.
     3. The temples of an elephant, Ragh. 4, 57.
     4. A certain cast in a game of hazard, Mṛcch. 33, 10.
     5. The name of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 5, 12, 13.
-- Comp. baddha-, adj., f. ṭā, made of plaited grass, Rām. 2, 56, 17. śruti-, m. 1. penance. 2. a snake. sa-, adj. bad, vile. sam-,
I. adj. (properly 'having the hips thronged together'). 1. crowded. 2. impervious. 3. narrow, contracted.
II. n. 1. a defile. 2. difficulty, trouble.
III. m. a proper name. mahā-sam-, adj. full of great difficulties, Bhartṛ. 2, 98.

kaṭaka kaṭaka, m. and n.
     1. A bracelet, Kathās. 9, 73.
     2. The hill of a mountain.
     3. An army.

kaṭakaṭā kaṭakaṭā, Imitation of the sound of fisticuffs, MBh. 3, 11516.

kaṭakaṭāpaya kaṭakaṭāpaya, a denomin. derived from the last, To gnash, Rām. 2, 35, 1.

kaṭaṅkaṭa kaṭaṅkaṭa, m. A surname of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10372.

kaṭapūtana kaṭapūtana, m. A demon, alled Kaṭapūtana, Man. 12, 71.

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kaṭākṣa kaṭākṣa, i. e. kaṭa-akṣa, m. A side-look, MBh. 1, 3009; an amorous look, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 12.

kaṭāha kaṭāha,
I. m. and n. A frying vessel, MBh. 14, 1927.
II. m. The name of a dvīpa of the grand divisions of the terrestrial world, Kathās. 13, 74.

kaṭi and kaṭī kaṭi/ī (cf. kaṭa), f.
     1. The hip, MBh. 1, 6293.
     2. The buttocks, Man. 8, 281.

kaṭikā kaṭi + kā, f. The hip, MBh. 13, 5390.

kaṭu kaṭu (for kartu, i. e. kṛt + u), adj., f. ṭu or ṭvī, Sharp, pungent; of taste, Pañc. 61, 11; of smell, MBh. 14, 1408; of the wind, Rām. 3, 22, 11; of words, Pañc. i. d. 191.

kaṭuka kaṭu + ka,
I. adj., f. , Sharp, pungent; of taste, Kathās. 11, 23; of smell, Rām. 3, 16, 17; of words, MBh. 13, 6645.
II. n. Pungency.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. Harsh, MBh. 2, 1551.

kaṭutā kaṭu + tā, f. Wickedness, Hariv. 1022.

kaṭodaka kaṭodaka, i.e. kaṭa-udaka, n. Obsequies of a deceased person, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 17.

kaṭhkaṭh (a form of kaṣṭ in kaṣṭa), i. 1, Par. To live in distress.

kaṭha kaṭha, m. The name of a sage, MBh. 1, 962.

kaṭhina kaṭhina, perhaps for kaṣṭa + ina (cf. kaṭh),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Hard, solid, Pañc. 190, 16; Bhartṛ. 2, 77.
     2. Cruel, Kathās. 19, 89.
II. f. , Chalk, Pañc. Pr. 7.
III. n. A pat, MBh. 3, 8484.

kaṭhinatā kaṭhina + tā, f., and kaṭhinatva kaṭhina + tva, n. Hardness, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 36.

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kaṭhora kaṭhora, i. e. probably kaṣṭa + var (for van) + a (cf. kaṭhina), adj.
     1. Hard, solid, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 15.
     2. Full grown, Mṛcch. 115, 13.
     3. Sharp, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 3.
     4. Violent, Pañc. 93, 1.
     5. Loud, Pañc. 248, 17.
     6. Hard-hearted, Pañc. iv. d. 62.

kaḍkaḍ, i. 1 and 6, Par. To be glad. i. 6, Par. To eat. i. 10, Par. To remove the husk of grain.

kaḍḍkaḍḍ, i. 1, Par. To be rough (a dialectical form of kaṣṭ; cf. kaṭh).

kaṇkaṇ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To cry as in distress.
     3. To go. i. 10, Par. To wink, to cover the eye with the lids.

kaṇa kaṇa,
I. m.
     1. Grain, Hit. 9, 14; broken rice, Man. 11, 92; also the fine red powder which adheres to the rice berry beneath the husk.
     2. A drop, Bhartṛ. 3, 15; spray, Śāk. d. 55.
     3. A spark, Pañc. 93, 3.
     4. A little bit, Prab. 29, 13.
II. f. ṇā, Long pepper, Suśr. 2, 418, 16.
-- Comp. tuṣāra-, tuhina-, m. a flake of snow, Kathās. 19, 50; Amar. 54.

kaṇapa kaṇapa, m. A kind of spear, MBh. 1, 8257; with n instead of , MBh. 3, 810.

kaṇabha kaṇabha, m. A kind of fly (an autumn fly ?), Suśr. 2, 258, 1.

kaṇaśas kaṇa + śas, adv. In small pieces, Kumāras. 4, 27.

kaṇāda kaṇāda, m. The name of a sage, the founder of the Vaiśeṣika or atomic school of philosophy.

kaṇānnatā kaṇānnatā, i. e. kaṇa-anna + tā, f. Eating broken rice, Man. 11, 167.

kaṇika kaṇika, i. e. kaṇa + ika,
I. m.
     1. Seed, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 33.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 5544.
II. f. , A drop, Megh. 96.

kaṇṭkaṇṭ, i. 1, Par. To go.

kaṇṭaka kaṇṭaka (the base kaṇṭ is a dialect. form of kṛnt (originally karnt), the base of the present, etc. of kṛt), m.
     1. A thorn, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 183.
     2. A sharp bone, Man. 8, 95.
     3. An enemy, Pañc. 176, 8; a wicked person, Man. 9, 252; 253.
     4. Stinging pain, Suśr. 1, 93, 4.
     5. Obstacle, Hit. iii. d. 76.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. ikā, free from thorns, i. e. obstacles, Rām. 2, 46, 29; from danger, 2, 81, 6; from harm, 3, 53, 15. amara-, n. the name of the eastern table-land of the Vindhya mountain, Rām. 2, 73, 3 Gorr. niṣkaṇṭaka, i. e. nis-, adj. = akaṇṭaka, MBh. 4, 206. bhūrja-, m. the son of an outcast Brāhmaṇa, Man. 10, 21. sa-, adj. thorny.

kaṇṭakita kaṇṭakita, i. e. kaṇṭaka + ita, adj., f. .
     1. Thorny, Draup. 1, 14.
     2. With bristling hair (a sign of pleasure or love, according to the Hindus), Rājat. 5, 2; Śāk. d. 63.

kaṇṭakin kaṇṭakin, i. e. kaṇṭaka + in, adj., f. . Thorny, MBh. 1, 2851.

kaṇṭhkaṇṭh, i. 1, Par., Ātm., i. 10, Par.
     1. To grieve.
     2. To desire, to long for.
-- Cf. utkaṇṭh.

kaṇṭha kaṇṭha (probably a dial. form of *kandhara, for kandhara), m.
     1. The neck, Rām. 2, 66, 32 Gorr.
     2. The throat, Mṛcch. 128, 20; Man. 11, 205.
     3. Voice, MBh. 3, 829.
     4. Proximity, Pañc. 247, 14.
     5. The proper name of a Ṛṣi, Rām. 4, 18, 11. -- When latter part of a comp. adj., f. ṭhī and ṭhā, e. g. aśru- adj. With tears in the throat, i. e. the voice interrupted by tears, Rām. 2, 74, 28; f. ṭhī, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 3. niṣka-,
I. adj., f. ṭhī, Wearing a golden ornament on the neck, MBh. 3, 14694.
II. m. A golden ornament of the neck, 13, 4928. nīla-,
I. adj. With a blue throat, MBh. 10, 454.
II. m.
     1. A peacock, Megh. 77.
     2. A name of Śiva, Rām. 5, 89, 41.
III. f. ṭhī, A peahen, 5, 11, 23. mukta-kaṇṭha + m (vb. muc), adv. Aloud, as shouting or crying. śiti-, m.
     1. A peacock.
     2. A gallinule.
     3. Śiva. śrī-, m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. A proper name. sanna- (vb. sad), adj. Choked, scarcely able to articulate. sūtra-, m.
     1. A Brāhmaṇa.
     2. A wagtail.
     3. A dove.

kaṇṭhīrava kaṇṭhīrava, i. e. kaṇṭhī- (f. of kaṇṭha with the same signification) ru + a, m. A lion, Pañc. iii. d. 28.

kaṇṭhya kaṇṭhya, i. e. kaṇṭha + ya, adj.
     1. Being at the throat.
     2. Salutary to the throat.
     3. Guttural.

kaṇḍkaṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To be glad. i. 1 and i. 10, Par. To remove the husk of grain. i. 10, Par. To preserve.
-- Cf. kad.

kaṇḍana kaṇḍ + ana,
I. n. The chaff, Suśr. 1, 38, 4.
II. f. , A mortar, Man. 3, 68.

I. kaṇḍu, and, usually, kaṇḍū kaṇḍū, f. The itch, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 13.
II. kaṇḍu, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, Rām. 2, 21, 31.

kaṇḍūti kaṇḍūti, i. e. kaṇḍūya + ti, f. Wantonness, Rājat. 5, 281.

kaṇḍūya kaṇḍūya, a denominative derived from kaṇḍu, Par. (Ātm. MBh. 13, 5023).
     1. To scratch, MBh. 1, 5932.
     2. To rub, Śāk. d. 144.
     3. To stroke, Man. 4, 82. khara-kaṇḍūyita, n. (proverbially) Scratching with a thorn for 'doing an absurd action,' MBh. 3, 1329.

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kaṇḍūyana kaṇḍūyana, i. e. kaṇdūya + ana, n.
     1. Itching, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 10.
     2. Scratching, 3, 31, 26.
     3. Stroking, Vikr. d. 151.

kaṇḍūyanaka kaṇḍūyana + ka, adj. Titillating, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1106.

kaṇḍūyitṛ kaṇḍūyitṛ, i. e. kaṇḍūya + tṛ, m., f. tṛ10, n. Who or what rubs, Ragh. 13, 43.

kaṇva kaṇva, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 1, 2874. Superl. kaṇva + tama, The first of the Kaṇva tribe, Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4.

kataka kataka, m. The nut plant, Strychnos potatorum, which clears water, Man. 6, 67.

katama ka + tama, superl. of kim, pron. n. °mad. Who, what, which of many, MBh. 1, 4312; of two, 13, 3044
-- With na and api, Not the least, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 59.

katara ka + tara, compar. of kim, pron. n. °rad, Who, what, which of two, MBh. 1, 3645; of many, Vikr. 5, 14.
-- Cf. Lat. uter for cuter (ubi: alicubi), utrum; [greek] Goth. hvathar; A. S. hvädher.

kati kati, i. e. ka, base of kim + ti, pron.
     1. How many, Rām. 5, 73, 2.
     2. Some, Pañc. 171, 2; usually with following cid, Pañc. 87, 22; with api, Amar. 25.
     3. A proper name, Hariv. 1461.
-- Cf. Lat. quot.

katidhā kati + dhā, adv. In how many ways, Bhäg. P. 3, 6, 11.

katipaya katipaya (from kati), adj., f. and , Some, Pañc. 9, 6.

katth katth, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To boast, Chr. 24, 39.
     2. To praise, Rām. 3, 55, 8.
     3. To blame, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 33.
-- With the prep. vi vi,
     1. To boast, Rām. 6, 36, 42.
     2. To disparage, MBh. 4, 1299. Caus. To humble, Draup. 9, 10.

katthana katth + ana,
I. adj. Boasting, a boaster, Rām. 1, 6, 10.
II. n. Boasting, Rām. 3, 35, 23.

katrkatr, see kartr.

kath kath, i. 10, Par., in epic poetry also Ātm. (probably a denomin. of katham).
     1. To tell, MBh. 1, 2206; Ātm. ib. 3, 13180; to tell of, with the acc., Śāk. 7, 18.
     2. To announce, MBh. 14, 144.
     3. To declare, Man. 7, 157.
     4. To command, Pañc. 57, 22; Vikr. d. 7.
     5. To converse, Rām. 2, 57, 1; Brāhmaṇ. 1, 11. -- Pass. To be called, Hit. Pr. d. 32. -- Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. kathayāna, MBh. 2, 1906. kathita, n. Talk, Śāk. 33, 3.
-- With the prep. pra pra, To announce, Rām. 5, 1, 93.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To tell, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 13.
     2. To explain, MBh. 3, 14000.

kathaka kath + aka, adj. Telling, Śāntiś. 2, 27. m. A narrator, MBh. 1, 7778.

kathana kath + ana, n. Relating, Bhartṛ. 2, 54.

katham ka + tha + m (cf. kim), adv.
     1. In what manner, Nal. 3, 10.
     2. How, Śāk. 14, 13; Man. 5, 2.
     3. What, Śāk. 94, 1 (kathaṃ mām evoddiśati, What! dares he defy me?).
     4. Whence, Śāk. 98, 23.
-- With following api,
     1. By some means, by accident, Pañc. 127, 25; 261, 13.
     2. A little, Śāk. d. 73.
     3. Slowly, with difficulty, Pañc. 236, 7.
     4. kathaṃkatham api, Not without great pain, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 11.
-- With following nu,
     1. How now? Nal. 17, 20 (19).
     2. How much more? Śāk. d. 81; with na, How much less? Rām. 1, 33, 9.
-- With following cana,
     1. In any manner, Man. 5, 143; with na, In no manner, never, Man. 4, 11.
     2. Not without difficulty, Rām. 1, 67, 4.
     3. kathaṃkatham cana, A little, Vikr. 29, 15.
-- With following cid,
     1. A little, Śāk. 65, 1.
     2. Scarcely, Rām. 3, 24, 20.
     3. With difficulty, Pañc. 9, 5; MBh. 13, 2797. kathaṃ cid api, Even a little, Man. 3, 190; Scarcely, Rām. 6, 99, 50. kathaṃ cid -- na, In no way, Rām. 5, 75, 7. na kathaṃ cid api, Never, Chr. 19, 4. na kathaṃ cid -- na, By all means, Arj. 10, 17.
-- Comp. yathā-katha + m, adv. with following cid, by all means, Man. 11, 220 (221).

kathā kath + ā, f.
     1. A tale, Ram. 1, 2, 38.
     2. A speech, discourse, Man. 3, 231; Śāk. d. 76.
     3. Mention, Nal. 21, 33.
     4. With preceding (fem. of kim), and a following loc., or prati with acc., No question, out of the question, Ragh. 10, 29 (you are out of the question); in a prodosis, Śāk. d. 52, kā kathā vāṇasaṃdhāne, There is no need to fix the arrow to the bow; in an apodosis, Kathās. 4, 123, how much less?
-- Comp. dharma-, f. a conversation concerning law or duty, Pañc. 117, 13. purā-, f. a tale of past ages. sam-, f. conversation.

kathānaka kath + āna + ka, n. A little tale, Lass. 15, 13.

kathāmaya kathā + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of tales, Kathās. 8, 1.

kathāvaśeṣatā kathāvaśeṣatā, i. e. kathā-avaśeṣa + tā, f. Condition of one of whom nothing but the mention is left, i. e. death, Prab. 83, 1.

kad ka + d (the old nom. acc. sing. n. of kim; cf. Lat. quod; O.H.G. huaz; A. S. hvät).
     1. With following cid

kaccid kac cid, particle of interrogation, Perhaps, Nal. 4, 24.
     2. As former part of compound nouns, Bad, e. g. kad-anna, n. Bad food, Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 9. kad-apatya, adj. Having a bad offspring, 4, 13, 43. kad-indriya, n. pl. The paltry organs of sense, 8, 3, 28.
     3. Combined with vb. , To blame, 7, 5, 28; with arth, q.v.

kad kad, or † kand kand, or † krand krand, or † kland kland, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. † To be confused.
     2. † To confound.
     3. To kill; cakāda, Rām. 6, 65, 23.

kadana kad + ana, n. Killing, Rām. 6, 65, 23.

kadamba kadamba,
I. m. A tree, Nauclea cadamba (its flower, when fullblown, is covered with projecting anthers), Rām. 5, 74, 4; Kir. 5, 9.
II. n. Plenty, Śāk. 87, 15 (Prākṛ.).

kadambaka kadamba + ka, n. Plenty, Śāk. d. 39.

kadarth kadarth, see arth.

kadartha kadartha, see kadarthī under kṛ.

kadarthana kadarthana. i. e. kad-arth + ana, n. and f. , Tormenting, Daśak. 169, 7.

kadarya kad-arya, adj., f. , Avaricious, Man. 4, 210.

kadala kadala,
I. m. and f. , The plaintain tree, Musa sapientum, Megh. 75.
II. f. , A kind of deer, MBh. 2, 1743.

kadalikā kadalikā, i. e. kadalī + ka, f. The plaintain tree, Prab. 65, 13.

kadā ka + dā (see kim), adv. At what time, Nal. 22, 7. With following cana,
     1. Once, some time; preceded by na, Never, Man. 2, 58.
     2. Perhaps, Pañc. 22, 10. With following cid, Once, Brāhmaṇ. 1, 2; preceded by na, Never, Man. 4, 74.
     3. Followed by api, and preceded by na, Never, Hit. 58, 12.
-- Cf. Lat. quando, quandoque = kāda cid.

kadrū kadrū, f. The wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the serpent race, MBh. 1, 1074.

kan kan, i. 1, Par. (perhaps proceeded from kam, q. cf., by kam + nā, ii. 9, cf. raṇ).
     1. To love, to be satisfied, etc. (ved.).
     2. † To shine.
     3. † To go.

kanaka kan + aka, n. Gold, Ṛt. 6, 28; 30.

kanakamaya kanaka + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Pañc. 235, 13.

kanapa kanapa, see kaṇapa.

kaniṣṭha kaniṣṭha, superl. of alpa and yuvan, f. ṣṭhā.
     1. Smallest, very small, Rām. 3, 51, 7.
     2. Youngest, Man. 9, 113.
     3. with and without aṅguli, f. The little finger, Yājñ. 1, 19.

kaniṣṭhikā kaniṣṭhikā, i. e. kaṇiṣṭha + ka, f. The little finger, MBh. 13, 5059.

kanīyaṃs kanīyaṃs,
I. comparative of alpa and yuvan, f. yasī, Very small, Pañc. 16, 7.
II. m. A younger brother, Rām. 1, 26, 5.

kanīyasa kanīyasa, i. e. kanīyaṃs + a, adj.
     1. Smaller, MBh. 13, 2560.
     2. Younger, MBh. 1, 3518.

kanthā kanthā, f. A patched cloth, Bhartṛ. 3, 16.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. cento(?).

kandkand, i. 1, Par.
     1. To call.
     2. To cry or shed tears.
-- Cf. kad.

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kanda kanda, m. A bulbous root, Pañc. ii. d. 161.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. 1. garlic. 2. a sort of yam. 3. a plant, Hingtsha repens. rakta-, m. 1. coral. 2. a sort of onion.

kandaṭa kandaṭa, n. The white esculent water lily.

kandada kanda-da (vb. ), adj. One who makes roots (?), MBh. 12, 10403.

kandara kandara (probably ka + m, old nom. and acc. n. of kim, -dṛ10 + a), m., f. ṛ10, and n. A cave, Pañc. 93, 8.

kandaravant kandara + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abundant in caves, Rām. 3, 21, 13.

kandarpa kandarpa (probably kam, see kandara, -dṛp + a), m.
     1. A name of the god of love, Rām. 1, 25, 10.
     2. Love, MBh. 1, 7920.

kandala kandala (perhaps kam, see the last, and dala), n.
     1. The flower of the kandalī (q. cf.), Bhartṛ. 1, 43.
     2. A new shoot.
-- Comp. rakta-, ratna-, and hema-, m. coral.

kandalī kandalī, see the last, f. The plaintain tree, Musa sapientum, Vikr. d. 78.

kandalin kandalin, i. e. kandala + in, adj., f. , Abundant in new shoots, Bhartṛ. 1, 42.

kandu kandu, m. f. An iron pan, Mālav. 24, 21 (Prākṛ.).

kanduka kanduka,
I. m. A ball for playing with, Bhartṛ. 2, 83.
II. n. A pillow, Bhartṛ. 3, 42.

kandhara kandhara [i. e. kam (see kandara), according to the grammarians, Head, -dhṛ + a], m., and f. , The neck, Yājñ. 2, 220.
-- Comp. utkandhara, i. e. ud-, adj., f. (cf. Kathās. 20, 8), with raised neck, Pañc. 249, 5. daśakandhara, i. e. daśan-, adj. having ten necks, epithet of Rāvaṇa, MBh. 3, 16516.

kanyakā kanyakā, i. e. kanyā + ka, f. A girl, Pañc. 44, 18.

kanyakubja kanyakubja, i. e. kanyā-kubja (with shortened ā), f. The name of a town, Rām. 1, 34, 37.

kanyasa kanyasa, i. e. kanyaṃs (for kanīyaṃs) + a, adj., f. , Younger, Rām. 5, 33, 10.

kanyā kanyā (akin to kanīyaṃs), f.
     1. A girl, Nal. 1, 8.
     2. A virgin, Man. 8, 367.
     3. A daughter, Man. 9, 71.
-- Comp. kāśi-, f. a daughter of the king of the Kāśis, Chr. 20, 18. jahnu-, f. a name of the Gangā, Bhartṛ. 3, 79. sama-, f. a girl fit to be married.

kanyātva kanyā + tva, n. Virginity, MBh. 1, 2406.

kanyāmaya kanyā + maya, adj., f. yi, Consisting of a girl, Ragh. 16, 86.

kap kap, see krap.

kapa kapa, m. The name of a kind of demons, MBh. 13, 7329 sqq.

kapaṭa kapaṭa, m. and n. Fraud, Pañc. 217, 15.

kaparda kaparda, m.
     1. A small shell used as a coin, a cowrie.
     2. The braided hair of Śiva.

kapardaka kaparda + ka, m. and kapardikā kapardikā, f. A small shell used as a coin, Hit. 115, 2.

kapardin kapardin, i. e. kaparda + in, m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 3, 1624.

kapāṭa kapāṭa, m., f. ṭī, and n.
     1. A half of a folding-door, Rām. 5, 15, 10.
     2. A door, Mṛcch. 16, 17.

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kapāṭaka -kapāṭa + ka, a substitute for the last when latter part of a comp. adj. sphāṭika-uru-, adj. Having large folding-doors of crystal, MBh. 2, 1673. f. ṭikā, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 29.

kapāla kapāla (probably for *karpāla; cf. karpara),
I. m., f. , An earthen water-pot, especially of the religious mendicants, Man. 6, 44; Bhartṛ. 3, 24; of beggars in general, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 1.
II. m. and n.
     1. Either half of a water-jar, Bhāṣāp. 10.
     2. The skull, MBh. 14, 273.
III. m.
     1. A potsherd.
     2. Either half of an egg, Kathās. 2, 15.
     3. The glene, Suśr. 1, 265, 8.
     4. A kind of leprosy, Suśr. 1, 268, 1.

kapālika kapālika,
I. = kāpālika II. (q. cf.), Pañc. i. d. 239 (with shortened a on account of the metre?).
II. f. , i. e. kapāla + ka, f. A potsherd, Man. 4, 78.

kapālin kapālin, i. e. kapāla + in,
I. adj., f. , Wearing skulls (as a necklace), Kumāras. 5, 78; covered with skulls, Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 16.
II. m. and f. A follower of a certain sect, Prab. 56, 13.
III. m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 2, 1641; of one of the Rudras, 1, 2567.
IV. f. , A name of Durgā.

kapi kapi, i. e. kamp + i, m.
     1. A monkey, Man. 11, 154. A name of Viṣṇu, MBh. 13, 7045.

kapiñjala kapiñjala, m.
     1. A bird, the francoline partridge, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 5.
     2. A proper name, Pañc. 163, 20.

kapittha kapittha (probably kapi-stha, vb. sthā),
I. m. A tree, Feronia elephantum, Corr., MBh. 1, 2830.
II. n. Its fruit, Suśr. 1, 148, 16.

kapitthaka kapittha + ka, m. A tree, Feronia elephantum, Corr., Rām. 5, 16, 2.

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kapitva kapi + tva, n. Condition of a monkey, Rām. 5, 2, 15.

kapila kapi + la,
I. adj., f. , Reddish, Man. 3, 8 (with reddish hair), Rām. 6, 3, 2.
II. m. The name of a sage, MBh. 3, 1896; of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 27.
III. f. .
     1. A reddish or brown cow, MBh. 3, 8067.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2520.
     3. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 14233.

kapiśa kapi + śa, adj. Reddish, Śāk. d. 75; brown, Vikr. d. 26; Megh. 21.

kapīndra kapīndra, i. e. kapi-indra, m. A name of Viṣṇu, MBh. 13, 7002.

kapīvant kapīvant, i. e. kapi + vant,
I. m. The name of a sage, Hariv. 426.
II. f. vatī, The name of a river, Rām. 2, 71, 15.

kapota ka-pota (see kim),
I. m. A dove or pigeon, Pañc. iii. d. 139.
II. f. , A she-pigeon, Pañc. iii. d. 179.

kapotaka kapota + ka, m., f. tikā, A little pigeon, Pañc. ii. 9; iii. 144.

kapola kapola, m. A cheek, Pañc. d. 225.
-- Comp. su-, adj., f. , having beautiful cheeks, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 22.

kapolakāṣa kapolakāṣa, i. e. kapola-kaṣ + a, m. That which rubs the cheeks (viz. of the elephants), as a branch, etc., Kir. 5, 26.

kapha kapha, m. Phlegm, one of the three humours of the body, Suśr. 1, 4, 8.

kaphala kapha + la, adj. Phlegmatic, causing or exciting phlegm, Suśr. 1, 224, 7.

kabkab, or kav kav, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To colour.
     2. To praise.

kabandha kabandha, and kavandha ka- vandha, m. and n.
     1. A headless trunk, especially one retaining the power of action, Böhtl. Ind. Sp. 166.
     2. A belly, MBh. 3, 806.
     3. A cloud, or vapour, MBh. 3, 13087.
     4. The name of a demon, Rām. 3, 75, 24, sqq.
-- Cf. [greek]

kam ka + m (old acc. s. n. of kim), a particle, Indeed, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88. 2.
-- Cf. [greek]

kam kam, i. 10, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Hiḍ. 4, 4; Rām. 3, 51, 28), in the pres., impf., imptive., and potent., and optionally in all the other forms, kāmaya.
     1. To love, MBh. 1, 2400; Rām. 1, 34, 16.
     2. To desire, Sāv. 5, 52; to wish, with infin., MBh. 1, 6582; to intend, with infin., MBh. 3, 2249. -- Anom. ptcple. of the pres. kāmayāna, e. g. MBh. 13, 1891; kāmamana (probably to be corrected to kāmayāna), Rām. 5, 24, 37; 38. -- Pf. pass. kānta.
     1. Loved, Hiḍ. 4, 35.
     2. Amiable, graceful.
-- Comp. candra-, m. the moon-stone. ramā-, m. Viṣṇu. ravi-, m. the sun-stone. rādhā-, m. Viṣṇu. sūrya-, m. 1. the sunstone, Śāk. d. 40; a gem. 2. Hibiscus phoeniceus. -- Compar. kānta + tara, Most beautiful, Rām. 3, 17, 6. kāmita, n. Wish, MBh. 1, 2187. -Ptcple. of the fut. pass. kamanīya.
     1. To be loved, Kumāras. 1, 37.
     2. Beautiful, Bhartṛ. 1, 45. kāmya, see separately. -- Caus. To cause to desire, Rām. 3, 38, 20 (Par.); Ṛt. 6, 30 (Ātm.).
-- With the prep. ati ati, in ati-kānta, adj. Excessively loved, Bhartṛ. 2, 30.
-- With abhi abhi, To desire, MBh. 1, 3347.
-- With ni ni, To desire, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 21.
-- Cf. Lat carus = kam-ra, Beautiful, charming (Grammarians), amo (cf. katara), amoenus, etc.; [greek] (aff. [greek] = tvas) [greek], etc.; probably O.H.G. gaman, A.S. gamene.

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kamaṭha kamaṭha, m.
     1. A tortoise, Pañc. ii. d. 199.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 2, 117.

kamaṇḍalu kamaṇḍalu, m. (and n). A water-pot used by ascetics and religious students, Man. 2, 64; Rām. 3, 52, 9.

kamana kam + ana, adj. Desirable, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 33.

kamala kam + ala,
I. n.
     1. A lotus, Nelumbium, Megh. 32.
     2. Water, Kir. 5, 25.
II. f. .
     1. A name of Lakṣmī, Bhāg. P. i. p. xcv.
     2. A proper name, Rājat. 4, 424.
-- Comp. kara-kamala, n. a lotus-like hand, Ṛt. 3, 23. vikasita-vadana-kamala, adj., f. , opening her lotus-like mouth, Pañc, 129, 10. vikasita-nayana-vadana-kamala, opening his lotus-like eyes and mouth, 192, 11. sa-, adj. abounding in lotus-flowers, Kir. 5, 25.

kamalāhās kamalāhās, a denomin. derived from kamala-ā-hāsa, Par. To smile like a lotus, Lass. 67, 15.

kamalinī kamalinī, i. e. kamala + in + ī, f. A group of lotus flowers, Megh. 90.

kamp kamp, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 4, 1290).
     1. To move to and fro, Rām. 1, 14, 18.
     2. To tremble, Rām. 3, 53, 61. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. ā-kampita, n. Trembling a little, Ragh. 2, 13. Caus. To cause to tremble, Rām. 1, 74, 13; 3, 33, 38 (Ātm.). Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. a-kampita, Without being stirred, by themselves, MBh. 4, 1290. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-kampya, immoveable, Rām. 3, 53, 43.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To pity, with loc. and acc., MBh. 14, 29; Rām. 3, 37, 15. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. anu- kampita, n. Compassion, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 22. Caus. To pity, Kumāras. 4, 39.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To pity, Ragh. 9, 14.
-- With abhi abhi, To tremble, MBh. 3, 15721 (? v. r.).
-- With ā ā, Caus. To cause to tremble, MBh. 1, 1165. ākampita, Excited, Ṛt. 6, 32.
-- With ud ud, To tremble, Kathās. 15, 2.
-- With pra pra, To tremble, Rām. 1, 65, 13. Caus. To cause to tremble, Rām. 3, 25, 26. Comp. ptcple of the fut. pass. duṣprakampya, i. e. dus-.
     1. Difficult to be made to tremble, Hariv. 12824.
     2. Difficult to be made to reel, MBh. 5, 718.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Caus. To cause to tremble, Rām. 5, 6, 16.
-- With prati prati, Caus.
     1. To cause to tremble, MBh. 4, 298.
-- With vi vi.
     1. To tremble, Bhag. 2, 31. --
     2. To retreat (with abl., from), MBh. 4, 109.
     3. To change, Rām. 2, 60, 17. vikampita, Trembling, Ṛt. 1, 3. Caus. To cause to tremble, Ragh. 11, 19.
-- With sam sam, To tremble, MBh. 4, 574. Caus. To cause to tremble, MBh. 1, 1167.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek].

kampa kamp + a, m. Trembling, Bhartṛ. 1, 50.
-- Comp. niṣkampa, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , unmoved, unmovable. kṣiti-, bhū- and bhūmi-, m. an earthquake, MBh. 7, 7867; Rām. 1, 41, 15.

kampana kamp + ana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Causing to tremble, MBh. 13, 662.
II. m.
     1. A certain weapon, Rām. 6, 7, 24.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 2, 117.
     3. The name of a country, Rājat. 5, 446.
III. f. , The name of a river, MBh. 3, 8094.
IV. n. Trembling, MBh. 3, 13539.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. , accompanied by carthquakes, Chr. 36, 23. sva-, m. wind. hṛdaya-, adj. agitating the heart, causing it to throb (with indignation), Draup. 4, 22.

kambkamb, see karb.

kambala kambala,
I. m. and n.
     1. A woollen blanket, MBh. 3, 181,
     2. A woollen garment, Rājat. 5, 460.
II. m. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 1555.
-- Comp. pāṇḍu-, m. 1. a white woollen blanket. 2. a kind of stone.

kambu kambu, m. and n.
     1. A shell, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 20.
     2. A bracelet (made of shells, MBh. 2, 2067), MBh. 4, 54.

kamboja kamboja, m. pl. The name of a country and its inhabitants.

kara kara, i. e. A kṛ + a,
I. latter part of comp. adj. and subst., f. , Making, causing, producing; e. g. vaira-, Causing enmity, Man. 9, 227. a-yaśas-, Causing disgrace, Hiḍ. 3, 18. deha-, m. A father, MBh. 5, 3657.
II. m.
     1. The hand, Man. 5, 136.
     2. An elephant's trunk, Nal. 13, 12.
B. kṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A ray of light, Rām. 6, 11, 44.
     2. Hail.
     3. Royal revenue, Man. 7, 128; toll, Man. 7, 127.
-- Comp. agra-, m. 1. the tip of the extended hand. 2. the extremity of the hand and of a ray, Śiś. 9, 34. a-tuṣāra-kara, m. the sun, Śiś. 9, 7. kula-kara, m. ancestor, MBh. 1, 6562. citra-, m. a painter, Kathās. 5, 30. dina-, divasa-, and divā-, m. the sun, Bhartṛ. 2, 65. duṣkara, i. e. dus-, adj., f. , difficult Man. 7. 55; duṣkaraṃ yadi, scarcely, Rām. 2, 73, 7. padma-,
I. m. a lotuslike hand, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 26.
II. adj., f. , holding a lotus, Prab. 86, 3.
III. f. , a name of Śrī, Bhāg. P. 4, 20, 27. bhoga-, adj., f. , procuring food, Bhartṛ. 2, 17. śūlodyatakara, i. e. śūla-udyata- (vb. yam), adj. with a spear in his uplifted hand. sa-, adj. 1. bearing toll. 2. with rays. su-,
I. adj., f. . 1. casy, Man. 7, 55. 2. doing well
II. f. , a tractable cow.
III. n. charity, benevolence. a-su-, adj. to be shunned, Bhartṛ. 2, 61.

karaka karaka, m., i. e.
A. kṛ + aka, The waterpot of the student or ascetic, Man. 4, 66.
B. kṛ10 + aka, Hail, Megh. 55.

karakāsār karakāsār, a denominative derived from karaka-āsāra, Par. To rain like a shower of hail, Lass. 67, 16.

karaṅka karaṅka, m. The skull, Mālat. 79, 18.

karaja kara-ja (vb. jan), m. A finger nail, Man. 4, 70.

karañja karañja, m. The name of a plant, Pongamia glabra, Vent., MBh. 3, 14488 sqq.

karañjaka karañja + ka, m. = the last, Rām. 3, 79, 37.

karaṭa karaṭa, m.
     1. An elephant's temples, MBh. 3, 16039; Bhartṛ. 3, 73. karaṭā-mukha, with lengthened a, MBh. 3, 441, etc., perhaps on account of the metre.
     2. A crow, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 29.
     3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 370.
-- Comp. pra-bhinna-, m. an elephant in rut, or from whose temples the juice is exuding, Sund, 2, 20.

karaṭaka karaṭa + ka, m.
     1. A crow, Mṛcch. 104, 13 (Prākṛ.).
     2. A proper name, Pañc. 9, 19.

karaṇa karaṇa, i. e. kṛ + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇī, Making, causing, e. g. vaidhavya-, Causing widowhood, Rām. 6, 95, 27. saṃjīva-, Causing health, Rām. 6, 26, 5.
II. n.
     1. Making, MBh. 3, 15297; performing, Pañc. 40, 15.
     2. Action, Rām. 1, 11, 17.
     3. Instrument, Bhāṣāp. 57.
     4. An organ of sense, Ragh. 8, 38.
     5. The body, Kumāras. 4, 5.
     6. A document, Man. 8, 51.
     7. Musical time, Kumāras. 6, 40.
III. m. The son of a Vrātya Kṣatriya, Man. 10, 22.
-- Comp. a-, n. non-doing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 15. anta-, adj. causing destruction, Man. 9, 221. antaḥkaraṇa, i. e. antar-, n. the internal sense, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 24; the heart, Śāk. d. 21. a-hita-, n. a wicked action, Bhartṛ. 1, 87. trivṛt-, n. triplication, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 20. prahāra-, n. beating, Pañc. 245, 12. virūpa-, n. disfiguring, Rām. 1, 3, 19. śeṣa-, n. doing what is still to be done, Rām. 4, 17, 56.

karaṇḍa karaṇḍa, m. and n. (Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 392), A basket or covered box of wicker work, Bhartṛ. 2, 82.

karaṇḍaka karaṇḍa + ka, m. A box Śāk. 89, 15 (Prākṛ.).
-- Comp. puṣpa-, n. the name of a garden, Mṛcch. 148, 19. bhramara-, m. (?) a dark lantern, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 11. rakṣā-, n. an amulet, Śāk. 105, 15 (Prākṛ.).

karatoyā karatoyā, i. e. kara-toya, f. The name of a river, MBh. 2, 374.

karatoyinī karatoyinī, i. e. kara-toya + in + ī, f. The name of a river, MBh. 12, 4887.

karada kara-da (vb. ), adj.
     1. Paying taxes, MBh. 1, 7170.
     2. Tributary, 3, 15288.

karaṃdhama karaṃdhama, i. e. kara + m-dhmā + a, m. A proner name, MBh. 14, 78.

karapāla kara-pāla, karabāla karabāla, and karavāla karavāla (with b, v for p), m. A sword, MBh. 1, 1432.

karaprada kara-pra-da (vb. ), adj. Tributary, MBh. 3, 14774.

karabāla karabāla, see karapāla.

karabha kara-bha (vb. bhā), m.
     1. The metacarpus, the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers, MBh. 3, 16138.
     2. An elephant's trunk, Ragh. 6, 83.
     3. A young elephant, Bhāg. P. 8, 2, 22.
     4. A young camel, Pañc. 229, 5.
     5. A camel, MBh. 2, 1200.

karabhaka karabha + ka, m. A proper name, Śāk. 29, 15.

karamarda karamarda, i. e. kara-mṛd + a,
I. m. A small acanthaceous tree, Carissa carandas, Lin., MBh. 1, 11571.
II. n. Its fruit, Suśr. 1, 210, 18.

karamba karamba, m. = karambha, q. cf.

karambita karambita, i. e. karamba + ita, adj. Mingled, Gīt. i. 27.

karambha karambha,
I. m.
     1. A cake of flour or meal mixed with curds, Man. 12, 76.
     2. Mixture, Bhāg. P. 3, 26. 45 (a mixed smell).
     3. A proper name, Rām. 4, 39, 35.
II. f. bhā, A proper name, MBh. 1, 3775.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

karambhaka karambha + ka, m. A cake, Rājat. 5, 16.

kararuha kara-ruh + a, m. A finger nail, Megh. 94.

karavīra kara-vīra, m.
     1. A fragrant plant, Oleander or Nerium odorum, Rām. 3, 17, 10.
     2. The name of a magical weapon, Rām. 1, 30, 7.
     3. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 1557.
     4. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 28.
     5. The name of a city, MBh. 13, 1730.

karasthālin karasthālin, i. e. kara-sthāla + in, m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1243.

karāyikā karāyikā, f. A small kind of crane, Pañc. 157, 3.

karāla karāla, adj., f. ,
     1. Gaping, Mṛcch. 47, 2.
     2. Formidable, Hiḍ. 2, 5; MBh. 2, 296.
II. m.
     1. A certain beast, Suśr. 1, 200, 8.
     2. The name of a locality, Rājat. 1, 97.
III. f. , A name of Durgā, Mālat. 75, 6.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Mild, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 28. daṃṣṭrā-, adj. Gaping with projecting teeth, Hiḍ. 2, 3. vi-, adj. Formidable.

karālatā karāla + tā, f. Formidableness, Pañc. 217, 23, °tāṃ gataḥ, It became formidable.

karin karin, i. e. kara + in,
I. m. An elephant, Kir. 5, 7.
II. f. iṇī, A female elephant, Bhartṛ. 3, 82.
-- Comp. dikkarin, i. e. diś-, m. an elephant of a quarter or point of the compass, one of the eight supporting the globe, Bhāg. P. 8, 10, 24. vana-, m. a wild elephant. sura-, m. an elephant of the gods, Kir. 5, 26.

karīra karīra,
I. m. and n. The shoot of a bamboo, Suśr. 1, 28, 6.
II. m. A leafless plant, Capparis aphylla, Roxb., Bhartṛ. 2, 89.

karīṣa karīṣa, i. e. kṛ10 + īṣa, m. and n.
     1. Dry dung, Rām. 2, 100, 7; 3, 3, 2.
     2. Dry cow-dung, Man. 8, 250.

karuṇa karuṇa,
I. adj., f. ṇā,
     1. Doleful, Vikr. 4, 1; Rām. 2, 63, 32.
     2. Lamentable, Rām. 3, 51, 25.
II. ṇam (acc. sing. n.), adverbially, Miserably, Rām. 1, 2, 14; Śiś. 9, 67.
III. m. Moving compassion, one of the rasas, or sentiments of a poetical production, Rām. 1, 4, 7.
IV. f. ṇā, Compassion, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 3.
-- Comp. a-karuṇa, adj., f. ṇā, cruel, Śiś. 9, 67; Bhāg. P. 9, 14, 37. niṣkaruṇa, i. e. nis-, adj. cruel, Pañc. iv. d. 16. sa-, adj. compassionate, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 12.

karuṇaveditā karuṇaveditā, i. e. karuṇa-vedin + tā, f. Benignity of heart, Man. 7, 211.

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karuṇāya karuṇāya, a denom. derived from karuṇa by ya, Ātm., but in epic poetry also Par. To be in distress, MBh. 3, 336 (Par.).

karuṇāvant karuṇā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Distressed, Rām. 5, 33, 14.

karūṣa karūṣa, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 124; Rām. 1, 26, 20.
-- Comp. niṣkarūṣa, i. e. nis- (kṛ10 + ūṣa), adj. free from dirt, Rām. 1, 27, 20 Gorr.

karūṣaka karūṣa + ka,
I. m. A proper name.
II. n. A certain fruit, MBh. 3, 10039.

kareṇu kareṇu (base kara),
I. m. f. A male or female elephant, MBh. 13, 4899; 1, 4477.
II. m. The name of a plant, Suśr. 2, 171, 16.

kareṇuka kareṇu + ka,
I. n. The fruit of the plant kareṇu.
II. f. , A female elephant, Pañc. 43, 5.

karoṭa karoṭa,
I. m. A basin; probably also cymbals in ṭakkarāghātasaṭāṃkārakaroṭikāḥ Rājat, 5, 417.
II. m., and f. ṭā and ṭī, The skull, Rājat. 6, 157.

karka karka, m. A white horse, MBh. 13, 4921.

karkaṭa karkaṭa, a form of * karkarta, i. e. an old reduplicated form of kṛt + a,
I. m.
     1. A crab, Pañc. iv. d. 10.
     2. The sign of the zodiac, Cancer, Rām. 1, 19, 2.
     3. The name of a plant, Suśr. 2, 253, 12.
II. f. ṭī, A female crab, MBh. 4, 272.
III. m., f. ṭī, The curved end of the beam of a balance, Pañc. ii. d. 74.
-- Cf. Lat. cancer; [greek].

karkaṭaka karkaṭa + ka,
I. m.
     1. A crab, Pañc. 1, 237.
     2. The name of a plant, Suśr. 2, 527, 4.
     3. The name of a Nāga, Rām. 5, 78, 9.
II. f. , A female crab, Draup. 5, 9.
III. n. A poisonous bulbous plant, Suśr. 2, 252, 7.

karkaṭikā karkaṭikā, i. e. karkaṭa + ka, f. The name of a plant, probably a sort of cucumber, Pañc. 248, 2.

karkandhu karkandhu,
I. m., and f. dhū, The jujube, Zizyphus jujuba.
II. n. Its fruit, Yājñ. 1, 240; also the fem. dhū, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 32.
III. m. A proper name, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6.

karkara karkara,
I. adj., f. , Hard, Mālat. 79, 18.
II. m. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 1561.
III. f. , A small water-jar, Bhartṛ. 1, 47.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. calculus, calx [greek].

karkaśa karkaśa, adj., f. śā.
     1. Hard, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 740.
     2. Firm, Bhartṛ. 2, 56.
     3. Cruel, Rām. 3, 36, 23.

karkaśatva karkaśa + tva, n.
     1. Hardness, Kumāras. 1, 36,
     2. Harshness, MBh. 13, 542.

karkoṭaka karkoṭaka,
I. m.
     1. The name of a Nāga or snake, Nal. 14, 4.
     2. A plant, Momordica mixta, Suśr. 1, 137, 15.
II. n. Its fruit, 2, 343, 1.

karjkarj, i. 1, Par. To pain or make uneasy.

karṇkarṇ, i. 10, Par. To pierce or bore.
-- Cf. ākarṇaya.

karṇa karṇa, m.
     1. The ear, Man. 8, 125; with , To listen, Śāk. 8, 21.
     2. A rudder, Rām. 6, 23, 30.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2427.
-- Comp. When the latter part of a comp. adj. the f. ends in ṇā and ṇī. Aśva-, m. a timber tree, Vatica robusta, Rām. 1, 26, 15. utkarṇa, i. e. ud-, adj. with the ears erect, Ragh. (Calc. ed. 15, 11. kumbha-, m. 1. a name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10350. 2. the name of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 1, 3, 34. go-, m. 1. a kind of deer, Antelope picta, Rām. 2, 103, 41. 2. a kind of arrow, MBh. 8, 4668. 3. a span from the tip of the thumb to that of the little finger, MBh. 2, 2324. 4. the name of a holy place, Rām. 1, 42, 13. 5. a name of Śiva, Kathās. 22, 218. catuṣkarṇa, i. e. catur-, adj. heard only by four ears, Pañc, i. d. 112. tri-, adj., f. ṇī, having three ears, Rām. 5, 18, 24. dadhi-, m. a proper name, Pañc. 165, 9. lamba-, m. 1. a goat. 2. an elephant. 3. a Rākṣasa. vi-, adj. earless. śaṅku-,
I. adj., f. ṇā, having ears like a javelin, MBh. 1, 6662; ṇī, Rām. 5, 18, 24.
II. m. 1. an ass. 2. a proper name, Pañc. 87, 12. ṣaṭkarṇa, i. e. ṣaṣ-, adj. heard by six ears, Lass. 3, 10. stabdha- (vb. stambh), adj. having the ears erect. hastikarṇa, i. e. hastin-, m. 1. the castor oil tree. 2. the Butea frondosa. 3. a demigod. 4. the name of a district, Rājat. 5, 32.

karṇakubja karṇa-kubja, n. The name of a city, Lass. 8, 9.

karṇagrāhavant karṇagrāhavant, i. e. karṇa-grah + a + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having a helmsman, Rām. 2, 52, 5.

karṇadhāra karṇadhāra, i. e. karṇa-dhṛ + a, m. A helmsman, Rām. 2, 52, 75.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , without a pilot, Hit. iii. d. 2.

karṇavant karṇa + vant, adj. f. vatī, Having ears, Rām. 2, 45, 15.

karṇaśrava karṇaśrava, i. e. karṇa-śru + a, adj. Heard by the ear, Man. 4, 102.

karṇākarṇi karṇākarṇi, i. e. karṇa-karṇa + i, adv. From ear to ear, Rām. 6, 21, 39.

karṇāṭa karṇāṭa,
I. m. pl. The name of a country and its inhabitants, MBh. 3, 16352.
II. f. ṭī, A proper name, Rājat. 4, 152.

karṇāṭaka karṇāṭa + ka = karṇāṭa, m. Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 8.

karṇikā karṇikā, i. e. karṇa + ka or ika, f.
     1. An ornament of the ear, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 1.
     2. The pericarp of the lotus, Rām. 3, 22, 25.
     3. The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 1, 428.
-- Comp. padma-karṇika (perhaps to be corrected to °ṇikā), the pericarp of a lotus, i. e. a manner of arraying an army, MBh. 7, 2674.

karṇikāra karṇikāra,
I. m. The name of a plant, Pterospermum acerifolium, Rām. 3, 21, 15.
II. n. Its flower, Ṛt. 6, 6.

karṇin karṇin, i. e. karṇa + in, adj.
     1. Mischievously barbed, Man. 7, 90.
     2. In -ardhakuṇḍalakarṇin, MBh. 13, 886, where the aff. in belongs to -ardha-kuṇḍala-karṇa, not to karṇa alone: Wearing in his ear half an ear-ring.

karṇīratha karṇīratha (cf. ratha), m. A litter, Rājat. 5, 218.

karṇīsuta karṇīsuta (cf. su), m. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 16.

karṇopakarṇikā karṇopakarṇikā, i. e. karṇa-upa-karṇa + ka, f. Gossip, Pañc. 36, 19.

kartkart, see kartr.

kartana kartana, i. e. kṛt + ana, n. Cutting, Yājñ. 2, 229.

kartavyatā kartavya + tā (vb. kṛ), f. Business, Man. 7, 61.

kartukāma kartukāma, i. e. kartum-kāma (vb. kṛ), adj. Desiring to do, Rām. 3, 49, 51.

kartumanas kartumanas, i. e. kartum -manas (vb. kṛ), adj. Intending to do, Pañc. 12, 19.

kartṛ kartṛ, i. e. kṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. An agent, a maker, Rām. 4, 24, 5; Man. 4, 172; 3, 160; 5, 105 (n.); Kathās. 25, 153 (f.).
     2. A founder, MBh. 13, 1662.
     3. Creator, Rām. 3, 69, 7.
     4. An author, Pañc. ii. d. 34.
-- Comp. ādi-, m. the first creator, Rām. 6, 102, 18. dina-, m. the sun, Hariv. 9367. miṣṭa-, m. a confectioner. rājya-, m. an officer of the government, Rām. 2, 67, 1. śarīra-, m. a father, Chr. 15, 28. su-varṇa-, m. a goldsmith. hema-, m. a kind of bird (?), Man. 12, 61.

kartṛka -kartṛ + ka, a substitute for kartṛ, when the latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. sa-, adj., f. , Accompanied by an agent, Bhāṣāp. 46.

kartṛtva kartṛ + tva, n. Being agent, MBh. 3, 1232.

karttari and karttari/ī (for karttrī, i. e. kṛt + tṛ + ī), f. Scissors, Suśr. 2, 13, 16.

kartrkartr, or kart kart, or katr katr, i. 10, Par. To loosen (akin to kṛt, a denominative).

karttrikā karttrikā, i. e. 1. kṛt + tṛ + ī + ka, f. A hunter's knife, Hit. 43, 19 v. r.
-- With karttṛ, cf. Lat. culter.

kardkard, i. 1, Par. To grumble, as the bowels.

kardama kardama,
I. m.
     1. Mud, Yājñ. 1, 197; Rām. 3, 78, 31 (rudhirakardama, Gore, Pañc. iii. d. 107).
     2. Dregs, MBh. 14, 2683.
     3. A certain plant, Suśr. 2, 100, 20.
     4. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 1561; of a Prajāpati, 12, 2211.
II. adj. Soiled, Suśr. 2, 309, 5.
-- Comp. kṣāra-, m. the name of a hell, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 7. yakṣa-, m. a sort of perfumed paste.

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karpaṭa karpaṭa (this and some of the following words seem to be derived from a base karp = Lat. carpo), m. and n. Rags, Pañc. 236, 25.

karpaṇa karpaṇa (see the last), A spear, Daśak. 56, 17.

karpara karpara (see karpaṭa), n.
     1. A pot, Pañc. 218, 11.
     2. A potsherd, Pañc. 217, 22.
-- Comp. ghaṭa-, m. a broken jar, Ghaṭak. 22.

karpāsa karpāsa (see karpaṭa), m. and n. Cotton, Suśr. 2, 481, 13.

karpūr karpūr, a denominative derived from the next, Par. To smell like camphor, Lass. 67, 15.

karpūra karpūra, m. and n. Camphor, Pañc. 47, 7.

karbkarb, and kamb kamb, i. 1, Par. To go.

karbu karbu, adj. Of a spotted or variegated colour, Yājñ. 3, 166.

karbura karbu + ra, or karvura karvara (with b for v), adj., f. .
     1. Of a variegated colour, Suśr. 1, 40, 12.
     2. Grey, Kumāras. 4, 27.
-- Cf. probably [greek].

karmaka -karmaka, i. e. karman + ka, A substitute for karman when the latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. adbhuta-, adj. One who has done surprising works, MBh. 3, 8102.

karmakara karmakara, i. e. karman-kṛ + a, adj., f. , A hired labourer, a servant, Pañc. 10, 4; Kathās. 13, 94.
-- Comp. gṛha-, m. a domestic sorvant, Pañc. 30, 2.

karmakāra karmakāra, i. e. karman-kṛ + a, adj. A hired labourer, Pañc. 116, 20.

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karmakṛt karmakṛt, i. e. karman-kṛ + t, m. A workman, Rājat. 5, 90.
-- Comp. krūra-, i. e. krūrakarman-, adj. doing cruel works, Man. 12, 58. sva-, m. an independent workman.

karmaja karmaja, i. e. karman-ja (vb. jan), adj. Proceeding from actions, Man. 12, 3.

karmaṭha karmaṭha (base karman, probably a dialect. form of karmastha), adj. Eager, Rājat. 5, 24.

karmatas karmatas, i. e. karman + tas, adv.
     1. Out of one's works (or with, etc. ?), Man. 12, 98.
     2. Concerning one's business, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 8.

karman karman, i. e. kṛ + maṇ, n.
     1. Action, Bhāṣāp. 5; Sāv. 2, 28.
     2. Work, Śāk. 22, 17.
     3. Business, Bhag. 18, 42 sqq.; Pañc. 7, 9.
     4. Religious action as sacrifice, etc., Chr. 296, 2 = Rigv. i. 112, 2.
     5. The actions of a former life as the cause of men's subsequent births and fate, Pañc. v. d. 77; cf. karmatas, and Pañc. 134, 9.
-- Comp. adbhuta-, adj. one who performs surprising deeds, Rām. 1, 21, 18. an-ārya-, adj. one who acts like one who is not an Ārya (like a Śūdra), Man. 10, 73. antya-, n. funeral rites, Man. 11, 197. indra-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, Rām. 6, 102, 16. kāla-, m. (?) death. Rām. 6, 72, 11. See ku-; Kṛta-, adj. one who has done his duty, Rām. 1, 66, 1. keśa-, n. dressing of the hair, MBh. 4, 78. krūra-,
I. n. 1. a cruel deed, Suśr. 1, 106, 1. 2. a hard work, Śāk. d. 37 v. r.
II. adj. 1. practising cruel deeds, Pañc. i. d. 74. 2. f. aṇī, cruel, Rām. 2, 75, 6. gṛha-, n. domestic business, Pañc. 121, 14. grāmya-, n. sensual pleasure, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 31. citra-, n. a picture, Katḥās. 6, 50. cūḍā-, n. the ceremony of tonsure, Man. 2, 35. caura-, n. roguery, Pañc. 96, 22. jāta-, n. the ceremony on the birth of a child, Man. 27. jāla-, n. fishery, MBh. 13, 2653. toya-, n. a religious ceremony performed with water, MBh. 1, 589. tri-, adj. one who performs the three duties of a Brāhmaṇa, MBh. 13, 6455. dāra-, n. marriage, Man. 4, 5. durga-, n. defences, Rām. 5, 49, 14. duṣkarman, i. e. dus-,
I. n. a bad action, MBh. 5, 415.
II. adj. wicked, MBh. 5, 4478. duṣkṛta-, i. e. dus-kṛta-, m. a sinner, Man. 4, 248. nāma(n)-, n. the ceremony of giving a name to a child, Rām. 1, 19, 14. nau-, n. labour in boats, Man. 10, 34. puṇya-, adj. having done meritorious actions, Indr. 1, 22. putra-, n. a ceremony or sacrifice on the birth of a son, Chr. 55, 4. mūla-, n. a machination with (poisonous) roots, Man. 9, 290 yathā-, acc. adv. according to the work (allotted to them), Man. 1, 41. viśva-, m. 1. the sun. 2. a son of Brahman, the artist of the gods. 3. a saint. ṣaṭk°, i. e. ṣaṣ-, m. a Brāhmaṇa who performs the six acts proper for him. sa-, adj. 1. performing any act. 2. following the same business. sajja-, n. preparation. su-,
I. adj. 1. one who performs beautiful works, Rājat. 5, 115. 2. virtuous. 11. m. the artist of the gods. hīna-, adj. neglecting religious acts.

karmanāśā karmanāśā, i. e. karman-naś + a, f. The name of a river, the water of which destroys religious merit, Bhāṣāp. 161.

karmamaya karmamaya, i. e. karman + maya, adj., f. .
     1. Produced by action, MBh. 3, 129.
     2. Having the nature of action, MBh. 14, 1456.
     3. Active, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 21.

karmaraṅga karmaraṅga, m. A plant, Averrhoa carambola, Lin., Rām. 3, 17, 8.

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karmavant karmavant, i. e. karman + vant, adj., f. vatī, Working, MBh. 3, 1263.

karmānta karmānta, i. e. karman-anta, m.
     1. Business, Rām. 5, 12, 39; Man. 8, 419 (public affairs).
     2. Cultivated land, Man. 7, 62.

karmāntara karmāntara, i. e. karman-antara, n. A pause in the performance of sacred actions, Rām. 1, 13, 21.

karmāntika karmāntika, i. e. karmānta + ika, m. A workman, Rām. 1, 12, 7.

karmāra karmāra (base karman), m. A blacksmith, Man. 4, 215.

karmin karmin, i. e. karman + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Attached to worldly action, Bhag. 6, 46.
     2. When latter part of a compound word, the aff. in generally belongs to the whole compound, not to karman alone, e. g. an-ārya-karmin is anāryakarman + in, adj. Doing the work of an Anārya, Man. 10, 73. pāpa-karmin is pāpakarman + in, m. A sinner, MBh. 18, 51. puṇyavāgbuddhikarmin, is puṇya-vāc-buddhi-karman + in, adj. Pure in word, mind, and action, MBh. 17, 96.

karvkarv, i. 1, Par. To be proud.
-- Cf. garv.

karvaṭa karvaṭa,
I. m. and n. A market town, Yājñ. 2, 167.
II. m. pl. The name of a country or people, MBh. 2, 1098.

karśana karśana, i. e. kṛś + ana,
I. adj. Causing to grow lean, Suśr. 1, 189, 1.
II. m. Fire, MBh. 13, 6307.

karṣa karṣa, i. e. kṛṣ + a,
I. m. Dragging, Yājñ. 2, 217.
II. m. and n. A certain weight, equal to 16 māṣas, about 280 troy grains, Suśr. 2, 175, 15.

karṣaka karṣaka, i. e. kṛṣ + aka, m. A cultivator, one who lives by tillage, Yājñ. 2, 265.

karṣaṇa karṣaṇa, i. e. kṛṣ + ana, n.
     1. Bringing, Śāk. 69, 15, v. r.
     2. Tormenting, Man. 7, 112.
     3. Bending (a bow), Ragh. 11, 46.
     4. Tillage, Man. 4, 5.
     5. Cultivated land, MBh. 3, 10082.
     6. At the end of a compound adj. Overpowering, e. g. śatru-, Overpowering his enemies, Rām. 4, 38, 51.

karṣin karṣin, i. e. kṛṣ + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Dragging, Mṛcch. 96, 6.
     2. Attracting, Ragh. 19, 11.
II. m. A cultivator, Kathās. 18, 41.

karṣū karṣū, i. e. kṛṣ + u, f. A furrow, an incision, Suśr. 2, 33, 17.

karhi ka + rhi (see kim), adv. At what time; with following cid, At any time, Nal. 24, 22; with a negation, Never, e. g. na karhi cid, Man. 2, 4. With following api, Sometimes, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 24.

kal † 1. kal, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To sound.
     2. To count.

kal 2. kal (akin to kṛ), 1. 10, in three forms, kalaya, kalāpaya, and kālaya, Par. (kālaya Ātm. Rām. 4, 18, 28): kalaya,
     1. To impel, Kathās. 18, 90; kālaya, to drive, MBh. 4, 1007, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 1. kalita, Incited by, Śiś. 9, 59; greedy of, Rām. 5, 83, 10. Comp. dhairya-, adj. steady, calm. -
     2. kālaya, To drive onwards, MBh. 1, 6690; to pursue, Rām. 4, 18, 28.
     3. kālaya, To provoke, Rām. 3, 41, 26.
     4. etc. kalaya, To bear, Gīt. 1, 16.
     5. To perform, Bhartṛ. 3, 20.
     6. To put in, to fasten, Gīt. 12, 26.
     7. To utter, Gīt. 11, 9.
     8. To endow, Śiś. 9, 59.
     9. To reckon, Bhartṛ. 2, 37.
     10. To perceive, Śiś. 9, 83.
     11. To consider, Śiś. 9, 58.
     12. † To go: cf. ud.
-- With the prep. ā ā: kalaya,
     1. To shake, MBh. 1. 2853.
     2. To catch, Śiś. 9, 72.
     3. To fasten, Kathās. 20, 52; Śiś. 9, 45.
     4. To surrender, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 2.
     5. To regard, Prab. 5, 5.
     6. To perceive, Hit. 38, 10.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, kalaya, To enumerate one by one, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 10.
-- With ud ud,
I. kalaya, To loosen, to deliver, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 26; utkalita,
     1. Opened, Pañc. 184, 18 (where kāl° must be changed to kal°).
     2. Joyful, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 34.
II. kalāpaya, To beg for dismission, Pañc. 244, 25.
-- With pari pari,
I. kālaya, To pursue, MBh. 15, 1060.
II. kalaya, To reckon, Śiś. 8, 9. To perceive, Naiṣ. 2, 54.
-- With pra pra, kālaya,
     1. To drive onwards, MBh. 1, 7178.
     2. To pursue, 3, 10778.
-- With sam sam, kālaya,
     1. To drive, Hariv. 1191.
     2. To put to flight, MBh. 4, 1981.
-- Cf. Lat. celer, cello, procella; [greek] [greek] O.H.G. halon, holon, holên.

kala kala,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Dumb (ved.).
     2. Low, Brāhmaṇ. 3, 21; soft, Śāk. d. 85; Ṛt. 6, 29. kalam, adv. Softly, Rām. 1, 19, 10.
     3. Indistinct, confused, Megh. 31.
     4. Uttering a low sound, Vikr. d. 119.
II. m. A kind of Pitṛs or Manes, MBh. 2, 463.
III. Often in compound words after aśru and vāṣpa, adj. Indistinct on account of tears, Rām. 2, 106, 33; 2, 34, 53. vāṣpa-kala + m, adv. MBh. 3, 10839. vāṣpa-kalā, f. A torrent of tears, Bhāg. P. 3, 22, 55.
-- Comp. mada-, 1. adj. speaking like a drunken person. 2. m. an elephant in rut; see kalā.

kalakala kala-kala, m.
     1. A confused noise, Rām. 3, 34, 34.
     2. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10378.

kalaṅka kalaṅka (probably an anomalous compound, kala-aṅka), m.
     1. A spot, Rām. 6, 86, 42.
     2. The rust of iron, Ragh. 13, 15.
     3. Defamation, Pañc. 4, 6, 3.
-- Comp. hariṇa-, m. the moon.
-- Cf. kāla; [greek] Lat. cāligo.

kalaṅkaya kalaṅkaya, a denom. derived from the last, Par. To disgrace, Daśak. 124, 1. kalaṅkita,
     1. Painted, Bhartṛ. 1, 9.
     2. Disgraced, Kathās. 12, 24.

kalatra kalatra, n. A wife, Bhartṛ. 2, 58.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with his wife, Pañc. 46, 14.

kalatravant kalatra + vant, adj.
     1. Having a wife, Mṛcch. 67, 3.
     2. With his wives, Rājat. 5, 427.

kalatrin kalatrin, i. e. kalatra + in, adj. Having a wife. vasumatyā nṛpāḥ kalatriṇaḥ, Kings are wedded to the earth, i. e. the earth is the wife of kings, Ragh. 8, 82.

kaladhauta kala-dhauta,
I. n.
     1. Gold, Gīt. 8, 4.
     2. Silver, Śiś. 4, 41.
II. adj. Golden, Rām. 3, 60, 12.

kalana kalana (cf. kalaṅka),
I. n. A spot, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 2.
II. f. , Subjection, Ānandal. 29.
III. As latter part of a comp., Bhartṛ. 3, 72, causing, perhaps to be corrected to karaṇa.

kalabha kalabha (cf. karabha), m.
     1. A young elephant, Pañc. 159, 16.
     2. A young camel, Pañc. 229, 3.

kalama kalama, m. A kind of rice Rām. 5, 74, 11.
-- Cf. [greek]; Lat. calamus; O.H.G. halm; A. S. haelme.

kalaviṅka kalaviṅka, m. A sparrow, Man. 5, 12.

kalaśa kalaśa, or kalasa kalasa,
I. m. (and f. śī, and n.), A water-pot, a cup, Pañc. 252, 10; i. d. 225; designation of the ocean when churned, MBh. 1, 1149.
II. f. śī,
     1. A plant, Hemionitis cordifolia, Roxb., Suśr. 1, 139, 15.
     2. The name of a holy place, MBh. 3, 650.

kalaha kalaha, m. and n. Quarrel, MBh. 2, 1780.
-- Comp. vākkalaha, i. e. vāc-, m. a contest about words, Prab. 55, 12. śuṣka-, m. a quarrel about trifles, Pañc. 171, 25. sa-, adj. quarreling, Kir. 5, 13.

kalahaṃsa kala-haṃsa, m., f. , A kind of duck or goose, Rām. 2, 82, 9; Kir. 5, 13; Ragh. 8, 58.

kalahāya kalahāya, a denom. derived from kalaha by ya, To quarrel, Pañc. 207, 22 (Par.).

kalā kalā, i. e. kṛ10 + a, f.
     1. A small part, Man. 8, 36.
     2. A part, Man. 2, 86.
     3. The sixteenth part of the moon's disc, Hit. pr. d. 1.
     4. Interest on capital, Śiś. 9, 32 (at the same time, a sixteenth part of the moon's disc).
     5. A division of time, Man. 1, 64.
     6. One of the seven elements of the human body, as blood, etc., Suśr. 1, 326, 13.
     7. One of the sixty-four mechanical or elegant arts, Rām. 1, 9, 8; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 7; 9.
-- Comp. niṣkala, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , 1. undivided, MBh. 13, 1044. 2. maimed, infirm, MBh. 3, 13851. sa-kala, adj. f. , 1. whole, Vikr. d. 95. 2. all, Pañc. 53, 21; 55, 12.

kalāpa kalā-pa (vb. 2. ), m.
     1. A bundle, MBh. 3, 10772.
     2. A string, Kumāras. 1, 43 (of pearls).
     3. A band (of belts, laces, etc., worn by women round the waist). Ṛt. 3, 20; Bhartṛ. 1, 56.
     4. Totality, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 21; perfection, Pañc. v. d. 23.
     5. A quiver, MBh. 3, 11454.
     6. A peacock's tail, Pañc. ii. d. 85.

kalāpaka kalāpa + ka, m.
     1. A string, MBh. 3, 10055.
     2. A band, Śiś. 9, 45.

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kalāpavant kalāpa + vant, adj., f. vatī, MBh. 1, 1957 in tatāyudha-, i. e. tata-āyudha- (vb. tan), the aff. vant belongs to the whole comp., Wearing a strung bow and a quiver.

kalāpaśas kalāpa + śas, adv. (Made) into bundles, MBh. 13, 4509.

kalāpin kalāpin, i. e. kalāpa + in,
I. adj.
     1. Wearing a quiver, MBh. 4, 141 (the aff. in belongs to the whole comp.).
     2. With its tail spread out, MBh. 3, 11585 (a peacock).
II. m.
     1. A peacock, Pañc. ii. d. 85.
     2. A proper name.

kalābhṛt kalā-bhṛ + t, m. An artist, Man. 2, 134.

kalāya kalāya, m.
     1. Peas, MBh. 13, 5469.
     2. An unknown plant, Śiś. 13, 21.

kalāvant kalā + vant,
I. m. The moon, Kumāras. 5, 71.
II. f. vatī, A proper name, Kathās. 9, 38.

kali kali, i. e. kṛ10 + i, m.
     1. A die (ved.).
     2. The game at dice personified, Nal. 6, 14.
     3. The fourth age of the world, Man. 9, 302.
     4. Quarrel, MBh. 3, 12282; Hit. iii. d. 47.
     5. A very wicked king, MBh. 12, 361; 363.
     6. The name of an inferior deity, MBh. 1, 2552.
     7. A proper name, Chr. 297, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.

kalikā kalikā, i. e. kalā + ka, f.
     1. The sixteenth part of the moon's disc, Bhartṛ. 3, 1.
     2. A bud, Ṛt. 6, 17.

kaliṅga kaliṅga, m. pl. The name of a people and their country, Rām. 2, 71, 16.

kalinda kalinda,
I. m. The name of a mountain, on which the Yamunā rises, Gīt. 3, 2; Rām. 2, 71, 6.
II. f. kalindī, Rām. 2, 55, 4; 12; 13; it must be corrected to kāl°.

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kalila kalila (vb. kṛ10)
I. adj., f. , Filled, MBh. 1, 3717.
II. n. Confusion, Bhag. 2, 52.

kaluṣa kaluṣa (cf. kalaṅka and kalmaṣa),
I. adj., f. ṣā.
     1. Turbid, Vikr. d. 8.
     2. Impure, Man. 10, 57.
     3. Choked, Śāk. d. 81.
     4. Unable, Ragh. 5, 64.
II. n.
     1. Dirt, Ṛt. 3, 22.
     2. Impurity, Rām. 2, 97, 27.

kaluṣāya kaluṣāya, a denom. derived from the last by ya, Ātm. To become turbid.

kalevara kalevara, n. The body, Bhag. 8, 5.
-- Comp. duṣka°, i. e. dus-, n. the vile body, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 13.

kalka kalka, m. (and n.)
     1. Sediment, Yājñ. 1, 276.
     2. Paste, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 13.
     3. Foulness, MBh. 1, 268.
-- Comp. tila-, m. a paste of ground sesame, Mārk. P. 35, 10.

kalkaka -kalka + ka, a substitute for the last, when the latter part of comp. adj., a- adj. Candid, MBh. 3, 4053.

kalkana kalkana (akin to kalka), n. Fraud, Bhāg. P. 1, 14, 4.

kalki kalki (MBh. 3, 13111), and kalkin kalkin (MBh. 3, 13101), m. A name of Viṣṇu in his tenth or future avatāra.

kalpa kalpa, i. e. kḷp + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Able, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 7; with infin., 4, 13, 42.
     2. Being a match for, able to protect (with gen.), Bhāg. P. 8, 23, 22.
II. m.
     1. A sacred precept, Man. 5, 74.
     2. A rule, Man. 3, 147.
     3. Performance, MBh. 13, 4728; usage, Daśak in Chr. 189, 17; an act, Śāk. 99, 15.
     4. Manner, Man. 1, 112.
     5. The rules concerning rites, one of the six Vedāngas, Man. 2, 140.
     6. A designation of Viṣṇu as containing all the sacred precepts, MBh. 13, 953; of Śiva, 12, 10368.
     7. A day of Brahman, a period of 1000 yugas, the duration of the world, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 23.
     8. Toxicology, Suśr. 1, 8, 5.
III. Comp. when the latter part of a comp. adj., f. , almost like, Rām. 1, 5, 21; 3, 52, 46. a-, adj. unable, with loc., Bhāg. P. 7, 12, 23; with infin., 4, 3, 21. purā-, m. 1. a former creation, Man. 9, 227. 2. a tale of past ages. pūrva-, m. time of old, MBh. 9, 2732. prathama-, m. a principal rule, Man. 11, 30. prasanna- (vb. sad), adj. almost quiet, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 6. yathā-kalpa + m, adv. according to rule, Rām. 1, 11, 14.

kalpaka kalpa + ka, m. Rite, MBh. 14, 1571.

kalpana kalpana, i. e. kḷp + ana,
I. n.
     1. Determination, Prab. 111, 8.
     2. Caparisoning or decorating an elephant, Daśak. 53, 13.
     3. Ornament, MBh. 13, 2784.
II. f. .
     1. A rule, Man. 9, 116.
     2. Performance, Mṛcch. 47, 17.
     3. Making, Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 42; 4, 18, 32.
     4. Imagination.
-- Comp. a-satkalpanā, i. e. a-sant- (vb. as), f. deceit, Śāk. 66, 3.

kalpalatikā kalpalatikā, i. e. kalpa-latā + ka, f. A creeper yielding all wishes, Bhartṛ. 1, 89.

kalmaṣa kalmaṣa (cf. kaluṣa), m. and n.
     1. Dirt, sediment, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 43.
     2. A spot, Rām. 2, 36, 27; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 9.
     3. Guilt, Man. 12, 104; sin, 12, 22.
-- Comp. a-, adj. sinless, Lass. 52, 7. niṣkalmaṣa, i. e. nis-, adj., f. ṣā, spotless, sinless, Pañc. iii. d. 212. vi-, adj., f. ṣā, sinless, Rām. 2, 29, 16. vi-gata-, adj. 1. Unsoiled. 2. Pure. vīta-, i. e. vi-ita, adj. free from sin or soil.

kalmāṣa kalmāṣa (cf. the last),
I. adj., f. ṣī, Of a mixed or variegated colour, spotted, MBh. 2, 1043; Rām. 1, 52, 20.
II. m. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 1552.
III. f. ṣī,
     1. A cow of variegated colour, Rām. 5, 13, 16.
     2. The name of a river, MBh. 2, 2575.

kalmāṣapāda kalmāṣa-pāda, m. A proper name, Rām. 1, 70, 39.

kalya kalya (i. e. kṛ + ya, cf. kalyāṇa, of which the lingual proves that the original form was karyāṇa, cf. also [greek])
I. adj., f. .
     1. Healthy, MBh. 2, 1974.
     2. Ready, MBh. 1, 865.
II. n. Dawn, MBh. 1, 6304.
III. kalya + m, adv. At break of day, MBh. 1, 6304. kalyam-kalyam, Every morning, Rām. 4, 44, 112.
-- Comp. ati-kalyam, adv. too early in the morning, Man. 4, 140.

kalyapāla kalyapāla, see kalpa-pāla.

kalyavarta kalyavarta, m.
     1. kalya-vṛt + a, Breakfast.
     2. A trifle, Mṛcch. 34, 10.

kalyāṇa kalyāṇa (cf. kalya),
I. adj., f. (, and) ṇī.
     1. Prosperous, Nal. 12, 92.
     2. Blessed, Man. 8, 91; Nal. 8, 10.
II. n.
     1. Prosperity, welfare, Man. 3, 60.
     2. A virtuous action, Rām. 2, 54, 29.
     3. An entertainment, Man. 8, 392.

kalyāṇaka kalyāṇa + ka, adj., f. ṇikā.
     1. Prosperous, Rām. 6, 23, 7.
     2. Useful, excellent, Suśr. 2, 285, 3.

kalyāṇin kalyāṇin, i. e. kalyāṇa + in, adj. f. , Blessed, Kathās. 20.

kallkall, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To sound indistinctly.
     2. To be mute.

kallola kallola, i. e. kad-lola, m. A billow, Bhartṛ. 3, 37.

kallolinī kallolinī, i. e. kallola + in + ī, f. A river, Prab. 73, 1.

kalhaṇa kalhaṇa, m. The name of the author of the Rājatarangiṇ.

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kavkav, see kab.

kava kava-, i. e. ka-va (cf. kim and kva). Former part of comp. words, denoting inferiority, cf. kavoṣṇa.

kavaka kavaka, n. A mushroom, Man. 5, 3.

kavaca kavaca, m. and n. Mail, Rām. 3, 50, 3.
-- Comp. nārī-, adj. having wives as a coat of mail, protected by wives, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 40. nivāta-, (wearing an impenetrable coat of mail), m. a class of demons, Arj. 5, 10. sa-, adj. clad in armour, mailed.

kavacin kavacin, i. e. kavaca + in,
I. adj. Mailed, Rām. 3, 56, 30.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2738.

kavandha kavandha, see kabandha.

kavara kavara, m., f. , and n. A braid of hair, Amar. 59.

kavarībhṛt kavarī-bhṛ + t, in nava-candrikā-kusuma-tamaḥ-hav°, adj. Wearing darkness (i. e. black) like a braid of hair, adorned with the young moon as with fresh flowers, Śiś. 9, 28.

kavala kavala (cf. kavi, iii.), m.
     1. A mouthful, Bhartṛ. 2, 22; a morsel, Rām. 2, 41, 9.
     2. Water for rinsing the mouth, Suśr. 1, 39, 3.

kavalita kavalita, i. e. kavala + ita, adj. Devoured, Pañc. 213, 6.

kavāṭa kavāṭa, ṭī = kapāṭa, tī, q. cf., Rām. 2, 71, 34 (and at the end of a comp. adj. kavāṭaka, Kathās. 19, 24).

kavi kavi, i. e. kū + i,
I. adj. Wise (ved.).
II. m.
     1. A wise man, Man. 7, 49.
     2. A poet, Rājat. 5, 203.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4123.
III. f. The bit of a bridle, Rām. 1, 53, 18 (cf. kavala).
-- Comp. su-, m. an excellent poet, Rājat. 5, 204.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek], i. e. [greek], and .

kavitā kavi + tā, f. Poetry, Rām. Pr. 1.
-- Comp. su-, f. excellent poetical talent, Bhartṛ. 2, 18.

kavitva kavi + tva, n. Poetic art, Lass. 5, 18; pl. Daśak. 196, 5.

kavoṣṇa kavoṣṇa, i. e. kava-uṣṇa, adj. Slightly warm, Ragh. 1, 67.

kavya kavya, i. e. kavi + ya, n. An oblation to deceased ancestors (the wise men of old), Man. 1, 95.

kaśkaś, i. 1, Par. To sound.
-- Cf. kaṃs, kas, chaṣ and śaś.

kaśa kaśa, m., and f. ā, A whip, MBh. 3, 13268; 13272; also kaṣā kaṣa, Rām. 3, 30, 23.

kaśipu kaśipu, m. and n. A cushion, Bhāg. P. 2, 2, 4.
-- Comp. hiraṇya-, m. a Daitya, or demon, slain by Viṣṇu.

kaśeru kaśeru; also kaseru kaseru, m. and f. () and n. A kind of grass, Suśr. 1, 377, 18; 2, 223, 11.

kaśeruka kaśeru + ka; also kaseruka kaseruka, m., and f. () and n. A kind of grass, Suśr. 1, 156, 21.

kaśojū kaśojū, i. e. kaśas-jū, adj. Hastening to the water (passing a river?), Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14.

kaśmala kaśmala,
I. m. and n.
     1. Fainting, Chr. 31, 15; 35, 4.
     2. Pusillanimity, MBh. 1, 2060.
     3. Weakness, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 15.
II. adj., f. , Dirty, Lass. 75, 11.

kaśmīra kaśmīra, m. The name of a country, Cashmere, Rājat. 1, 27.

kaśyapa kaśyapa, m. The name of a Muni, or sage, Man. 9, 129.
-- Comp. bhū-, m. a name of Vasudeva.

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kaṣ kaṣ (probably a dialectieal form of karṣ, vb. kṛṣ).
     1. i. 1, Par., Ātm. To scratch, to itch, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 13 (kaṣāṇa, anomalous, or ii. 2).
     2. i. 1, Par. To injure, to destroy, Prab. 90, 3.
-- Cf. chaṣ, vrūs, and śaś.

kaṣa kaṣ + a, m. The touch-stone, Mṛcch. 48, 12.

kaṣaṇa kaṣaṇa, i. e. kaṣ + ana, n. Rubbing, Kir. 5, 47.

kaṣā kaṣā, see kaśa.

kaṣāya kaṣāya (probably vb. kṛṣ),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Being of an astringent taste, MBh. 14, 1411.
     2. Fragrant, Megh. 32.
     3. Red, subst. m. and n., red colour, Yājñ. 1, 272; MBh. 14, 1263; of a colour composed of red and yellow, Mṛcch. 113, 3.
II. m. and n.
     1. An astringent juice, Man. 11, 153.
     2. A decoction, Suśr. 2, 175, 9.
     3. Ointment, MBh. 13, 5970.
     4. Dirt, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 45; impurity, 4, 22, 20.
     5. Stupor, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 1.
-- Comp. a-niṣkaṣāya, i. e. a-nis-, adj. full of impure passions, MBh. 12, 568.

kaṣāyita kaṣāyita, i. e. kaṣāya + ita, adj. Coloured. Prab. 102, 9.

kaṣṭa kaṣṭa, i. e. kaṣ + ta,
I. adj.
     1. Bad, Rām. 3, 51, 23; comparat. worse, Man. 7, 53.
     2. Miserable, Bhartṛ. 2, 22.
     3. Heavy, Yājñ. 3, 29.
     4. Severe, Man. 12, 78.
     5. Dangerous, Man. 7, 186; 210.
     6. Pernicious, Man. 7, 50.
II. n.
     1. A blameable action, Rām. 1, 2, 32.
     2. Misfortune, Hit. 72, 15.
     3. Misery, Pañc. 123, 22. Acc. kaṣṭam, adv. Woe! Rām. 3, 79, 46.
-- Comp. adhi-, n. excessive misery, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 12.

kas kas (or kaś kaś), i. 1, Par. To go, Nal. 2, 2.
-- With the prep. nis nis, Caus. To turn out, Pañc. 127, 16 (with ś instead of s); 224, 5.
-- Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. danta-niṣkāśita, Hit. 91, 16, showing his teeth (perhaps from kāś, q. cf.).
-- With pra pra, Caus. To cause to open, Ghaṭ. 19.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To burst, Suśr. 1, 247, 12.
     2. To open as a flower, Mālat. 15, 3.
     3. To rejoice, Bhartṛ. 2, 71. Caus. To cause to blow, Bhartṛ. 2, 65 (ś for s).
-- With anuvi anu-vi, To blossom, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 17.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To blow, Śiś. 11, 63.
-- Cf. kaṃs.

kaseru kaseru, and kaseruka kaseruka, see kaśeru and kaśeruka.

kastūrikā kastūrikā, and kastūrī kastūrī, f. Musk, Pañc. 47, 8; Śṛṅgārat. 7.

kasmāt kasmāt (abl. sing. n. of kim), adv. Why, on what account, Rām. 1, 9, 26.
-- Comp. a-, adv. 1. without a cause, Hit. i. d. 102. 2. instantly, Hit. 18, 2. 3. Suddenly, Sāv. 6, 53.

kahlāra kahlāra, n. The white esculent water-lily, Ṛt. 3, 15.

kā- (see kim), former part of comp. words, Bad.
-- Cf. e. g. kāpatha, kāpuruṣa, koṣṇa.

kāṃskāṃs = kāś, i. 1, Ātm.

kāṃsya kāṃsya, i. e. kaṃsa + ya,
I. adj. Made of brass, Man. 4, 65.
II. n.
     1. Brass, Man. 5, 114.
     2. A drinking vessel, MBh. 2, 1751.

kāka kāka (onomatop.),
I. m., A crow, Man. 7, 21.
II. f. .
     1. A female crow, Pañc. 52, 23.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 3, 14396.
-- Comp. bhū-, m. a small kind of heron.

kākatālīya kākatālīya, i. e. kāka-tāla + īya, adj. literally, Resembling the crow and the palmyra tree, an unknown fable, and denoting,
     1. Inconsiderate, Rām. 3, 45, 17. °yam, adv. By accident, MBh. 12, 6596.

kākatālīyavat kākatālīya + vat, adv. By accident, Hit. Pr. 34.

kākaruka kākaruka (perhaps kāka-ru + ka), and kākarūka kākarūka, adj., f. , Timid, Pañc. 9, 15.

kākali and kākalī kākali/ī (cf. kala), f.
     1. A soft sound, Ṛt. 1, 8; Bhartṛ. 1, 35.
     2. kākalī, A dog-whistle, used for trying whether one be asleep or awake, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 10.

kākāṇḍaka kākāṇḍaka, i. e. kāka-aṇḍa + ka, The name of an unknown plant, MBh. 3, 12880.

kākiṇī kākiṇī, and kākinī kākinī (perhaps kāka + in + ī), f. A small coin, a quarter of a Paṇa, Pañc. ii. d. 70.

kāku kāku, f. Change of voice in fear, grief, etc.; Vikr. d. 42, asmākam ...pratidinam iyam...sevākākupariṇatir abhūt, My lot is to be obliged by my office to use every day another voice.

kākutstha kākutstha, i. e. kakutstha + a, patron. A descendant of Kakutstha, Rām. 1, 23, 3.

kākola kākola (cf. kāka),
I. m. A raven, Man. 5, 14.
II. n. A division of the infernal regions, or hell, Yājñ. 3, 223.

kākolūkīya kākolūkīya, i. e. kāka-ulūka + īya, n. The war of the crows and owls, Pañc. 148, 1.

kākṣīvata kākṣīvata, i. e. kakṣīvant + a, patron., f. , A descendant of Kakṣīvant, MBh. 1, 4695.

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kākṣīvant kākṣīvant = kakṣīvant, MBh. 1, 224.

kāṅkṣ kāṅkṣ (an old desider. of kam, *kaṅkaṃs, by intermediate kaṅkas), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 13, 769).
     1. To wish, Bhag. 12, 17.
     2. To desire, Rām. 4, 17, 18.
     3. To wait for, MBh. 3, 414.
     4. To attend to (with the dat.), Rām. 2, 25, 43. kāṅkṣita, n. Desire, Rām. 5, 29, 9.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To desire, MBh. 2, 2135 (Ātm.).
-- With abhi abhi, To desire, Rām. 2, 49, 15. Caus. To desire, MBh. 3, 12457.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To desire, MBh. 1, 4286.
     2. To strive for, Yājñ. 1, 153.
     3. To seek (with the gen.), Man. 2, 162.
     4. To turn towards, Man. 3, 258.
     5. To want, Man. 10, 121.
     6. To expect, Rām. 2, 5. 19.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To expect, MBh. 12, 4870 (Ātm.); to wait for, 4, 734 (Ātm.).
-- With samā sam-ā, To desire, MBh. 4, 1664.
-- With pra pra, To desire, Suśr. 1, 52, 6.
-- With prati prati, To long for, Rām. 2, 112, 12 (Ātm.).
-- With vi vi, To intend, Hariv. 13136.
-- Cf. perhaps Goth. huhru; A. S. hungor.

kāṅkṣā kāṅkṣ + ā, f. Desire, Nal. 16, 1.

kāṅkṣitā kāṅkṣitā, i. e. kāṅkṣin + tā, f. Desire, Rām. 2, 34, 28.

kāṅkṣin kāṅkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Desiring (with acc.), Rām. 2, 110, 20.
     2. Expecting, Rām. 5, 33, 27.

kāca kāca, m.
     1. Glass, Pañc. i. d. 87.
     2. A disease of the eyes, Suśr. 2, 305, 4 sqq.

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kāñckāñc, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To shine.
     2. To bind.
-- Cf. kack, kañc.

kāñcana kāñcana,
I. n.
     1. Gold. Man. 2, 239.
     2. Wealth, Bhartṛ. 2, 33.
II. adj., f. , Golden, Man. 5, 112; Rām. 3, 52, 21.
III. m. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 15, 3.

kāñcanamaya kāñcana + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Pañc. 236, 5.

kāñcanavarman kāñcana-varman, m. A substitute for the proper name Hiranyavarman, Chr. 53, 21.

kāñcanīya kāñcanīya, i. e. kāñcana + īya, adj., f. , Golden, MBh. 13, 5039.

kāñci kāñci, m. pl.
     1. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 6684.
     2. see kāñcī.

kāñcī kāñcī, f. A woman's zone or girdle, usually adorned by small bells, Rām. 5, 10, 12.
-- Comp. sva-kara-avalambana-vi-mukta-galat-kala-kāñci, adv. so that her girdle fell down with a sound when loosened by his taking hold of it with his hand, Śiś. 9, 82.

kāñjika kāñjika, n. Sour gruel, Suśr. 1, 34, 4.

kāṭhinya kāṭhinya, i. e. kaṭhina + ya, n.
     1. Hardness, Śāk. d. 58.
     2. Firmness, Rājat. 5, 440.

kāṇa kāṇa (probably a syncope of eka-akshan + a by intermediate kākṣṇa; cf. Lat. cocles, i. e. *coclo + vit, see śaṣpa), adj., f. ṇā.
     1. One-eyed, monoculous, Man. 3, 155.
     2. Perforated, Pañc. ii. d. 74.
     3. Blind, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 20; Hit. Pr. d. 11; Bhartṛ. 3, 5 (used of a worn-out coin).

kāṇelīmātṛ kāṇelī-mātṛ, m. An abusive word; according to glosses: A son of an unmarried woman, Mṛcch. 14, 5.

kāṇḍa kāṇḍa, m. and n.
     1. The part of a plant from one joint to another (ved.).
     2. A slip, Man. 1, 46.
     3. A stalk, Rām. 2, 91, 15.
     4. A switch, Rām. 2, 89, 19 (97, 24 Gorr.).
     5. An arrow, Hit. 85, 5.
     6. The section of a book, Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 9; Rām. (title of the first, of the second book, etc.); e. g. āraṇyaka-, The section comprising the sojourn in the forest (title of the third book).
     7. A bone, Suśr. 2, 31, 5.
     8. A multitude, Mālav. d. 43; Rām. 1, 30, 15 (corr. kāṇḍa for kaṇḍa).
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. ḍā. 1. unjust, Rājat. 4, 655. 2. sudden, Hit. iv. d. 82; loc. ḍe, suddenly, Śāk. d. 45. jaṅghā-, a stalk-like leg, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 19. danta-, a stemlike tusk, 188, 18.

kātara kātara, i. e. katara + a (properly, irresolute), adj., f. , Timid, Rām. 4, 9, 103; disheartened, Śāk. 56, 13.
-- Comp. a-, adj. resolute, courageous, Rām. 3, 19, 27. sa-, adj. cowardly, Nal. 13, 18.

kātaratā kātara + tā, f., and kātaratva kātara + tva, n. Fear, Śāk. d. 59; Pañc. 216, 11.

kātarya kātarya, i. e. kātara + ya, n. Fear, Rām. 4, 9, 100; apprehension (care), Ragh. 17, 47.

kātyāyana kātyāyana, i. e. kati, or kātya + āyana,
I. patron., f. , A descendant of kati or kātya, used as proper name, Rām. 2, 67, 2.
II. f. , A name of Durgā, Dev. 8, 28.

kādamba kādamba,
I. m. A kind of goose, Rām. 3, 78, 27.
II. i. e. kadamba + a, n. The flower of the Nauclea cadamba, Roxb., Ragh. 13, 27.
-- Cf. perhaps, Lat. columba; [greek] O.H.G. tūba; A.S. dūna.

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kādambarī kādambarī (for kādamba-vāri), f.
     1. The rain-water which collects in the hollow of the tree Nauclea cadamba when the flowers are in perfection, and which is supposed to be impregnated with their honey, Hariv. 5417.
     2. A spirituous liquor, Śāk. 76, 6 (Prākṛ.).
     3. A proper name, Sāh. D. 79, 18.

kādraveya kādraveya, i. e. kadrū + eya, metron. m. A serpent, MBh. 1, 2549.

kānaka kānaka, i. e. kanaka + a, adj. Golden, Suśr. 1, 99, 5.

kānana kānana, n.
     1. A forest, Hiḍ. 1, 42.
     2. A grove, Rām. 3, 68, 12.
-- Comp. krīḍā-, n. a grove, Bhartṛ. 3, 15. maṇi-, n. 1. a wood abounding in jewels. 2. the throat.

kānīna kānīna, i. e. kanīna (ved. young) + a (cf. kanyā), adj., f. .
     1. A son, a daughter, of an unmarried woman, Man. 9, 172.
     2. Serviceable for the pupil of the eye, Suśr. 2, 353, 13.

kāntaka kānta + ka (see kam), m. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 13.

kāntatva kānta + tva (vb. kam), n. Charm, grace, MBh. 3, 14437.

kāntāya kāntāya, a denominative derived from kānta (vb. kam) by ya, Ātm. To play the lover, Bhartṛ. 1, 50.

kāntāra kāntāra, m. and n.
     1. A large forest, Rām. 2, 28, 6.
     2. Wilderness, Rām. 4, 44, 27.
     3. A difficult road, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 10.

kāntāraka kāntāra + ka, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1117.

kānti kānti, i. e. kam + ti, f. Beauty, Indr. 5, 7.
-- Comp. sūrya-, f. 1. sunshine. 2. the flower of the sesamum.

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kāntimattā kāntimattā, i. e. kāntimant + tā, f. Beauty, Kumāras. 4, 5.

kāntimant kānti + mant, adj., f. matī, Beautiful, Rām. 4, 44, 103.

kāṃdiś kāṃdiś, i. e. kām (acc. sing. f. of kim) -diś (based on an acc. kāṃ diśam, literally 'to what quarter'), adj. Fugitive, MBh. 12, 6320.

kāṃdiśīka kāṃdiś + īka, adj. Fugitive, Śukas. 62.

kānyakubja kānyakubja, i. e. kanyakubja + a, n. The name of a city, the modern Canouj, Pañc. 244, 22.

kāpatha kā-patha, m. A bad road, Rām. 2, 108, 7.

kāpāla kāpāla, i. e. kapāla + a, adj. Made of skulls, Rām. 1, 56, 12.

kāpālika kāpālika, i. e. kapāla + ika,
     1. m. A follower of a certain Śaiva sect, Bhartṛ. 1, 64.
II. adj. Practised by a Kāpalika, Prab. 57, 12.
-- Cf. kapālika 1.

kāpālin kāpālin, m.
     1. = kapālin III. MBh. 13, 1217 (perhaps with lengthened a on account of the metre).
     2. A proper name, Hariv. 9196.

kāpila kāpila, i. e. kapila + a, adj. Referring or peculiar to Kapila, Rām. 1, 41, 3; MBh. 12, 12218.

kāpileya kāpileya, i. e. kapila + eya, m. A descendant of Kapila, MBh. 12, 7886.

kāpiśāyana kāpiśāyana, n. A spirituous liquor, Śiś. 10, 4.

kāpuruṣa kā-puruṣa,
I. m.
     1. A contemptible man, Pañc. i. d. 21.
     2. A coward Rām. 6, 89, 5.
II. adj. Cowardly, Rām. 6, 88, 13.

kāpeya kāpeya, i. e. kapi + eya, adj., f. , Peculiar to monkeys, Rām. 6, 111, 19.

kāpota kāpota, i. e. kapota + a,
I. adj., f. , peculiar to pigeons, MBh. 3, 15408.
II. f. , The name of a plant, Suśr. 2, 173, 12.

kāma kāma, i. e. kam + a,
I. m.
     1. Wish, Rām. 2, 90, 23.
     2. Desire, Indr. 5, 61.
     3. Love, Man. 2, 94; 214.
     4. Intention, Man. 9, 248.
     5. A desired object, Man. 9, 304.
     6. The god of love, Indr. 5, 49.
II. acc. kāmam, adv.
     1. At one's pleasure, Man. 2, 189.
     2. Willingly, MBh. 3, 298; Ragh. 12, 75.
     3. With following na, Rather than, Hit. i. d. 125; Man. 9, 89.
     4. Indeed, Śak. 26, 16.
     5. Only, Rām. 5, 94; 21.
III. When the latter part of a comp. adj., f. .
     1. Deairing, Man. 2, 37.
     2. Loving, Rām. 3, 55, 29.
     3. An infin. ending in tum drops its final before it; cf. kartukāma.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , exempt from desire, Man. 2, 4.
     2. unwilling, without one's consent, Man. 8, 364. artha-,
I. m. du. wealth and pleasure, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 24.
II. adj. desiring wealth, Nal. 17, 47. niṣkāma, i. e. nis-, adj. disinterested, Man. 12, 89. puṃs-, adj., f. , wishing for a lover or husband, Hiḍ. 3, 15. priya-, adj. benevolent, Brāhman. 2, 23. bandhu-, adj. one who loves his kinsmen, Prāhmaṇ. 1, 23. yathā-kāma + m, adv. at pleasure. vīta-, i. e. vi-ita-, adj. free from desire. sa-,
I. adj. 1. one who has attained his desire, Rām. 3, 52, 52. 2. being in love, Ṛt. 6, 2.
II. -mam, adv. 1. with pleasure, Pañc. 44, 9. 2. indeed, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 4 (for aught I care). svapna-, adj. wishing to sleep. hita-, adj., wishing well to, friendly to, Pañc. i. d. 360.

kāmakāra kāma-kāra, m. Free will, Rām. 3, 66, 6.

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kāmakāratas kāmakāra + tas, adv. Voluntarily, Man. 11, 41.

kāmaga kāma-ga (vb. gam),
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Coming by one's own free will, Nal. 18, 23.
     2. Going as one lists, Rām. 3, 48, 5.
II. f. , A lascivious woman, Yājñ. 3, 6.

kāmagama kāma-gam + a, adj., f. , Going as one lists, Rām. 5, 13, 5.
-- Comp. sarva-, yielding every desired object, MBh. 13, 357.

kāmacara kāma-car + a, adj. One who comes by his own free will. MBh. 4, 222.

kāmacaratva kāmacara + tva, n. Roving at will, Kathās. 18, 206.

kāmacāra kāmacāra, i. e. kāma-car + a,
I. adj. Going as one lists, MBh. 13, 4175.
II. m. Free will, intention, Yājñ. 2, 162.

kāmacāratas kāmacāra + tas, adv. Through sensual indulgence, Man. 2, 220.

kāmaja kāma-ja (vb. jan), adj. Produced from love of pleasure, Man. 7, 46; 9, 107.

kāmaṭha kāmaṭha, i. e. kamaṭha + a, adj. Belonging or proper to the tortoise, Rām. 1, 45, 30.

kāmatas kāma + tas, adv.
     1. By inclination, Man. 3, 12.
     2. At one's pleasure, 5, 90.
     3. Intentionally, 4, 207.
-- Comp. a-, adv. 1. unwillingly, Man. 2, 181. 2. unintentionally, 9, 242.

kāmatva kāma-tva, n. Love of pleasure, Lass. 40, 5.

kāmadugha kāmadugha, i. e. kāma-duh + a, adj., f. ghā, Yielding every wish, MBh. 13, 3165.

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kāmaduh kāma-duh, adj., nom. sing. -dhuk, Yielding every wish, MBh. 13, 2700.

kāmaduha kāma-duh + a, adj., f. , Yielding every wish, MBh. 3, 12725.

kāmandaki kāmandaki, patron. (kamandaka + i). A proper name, Pañc. 122, 1.

kāmamaya kāma + maya, adj., f. , Meeting all wishes, Rām. 4, 33, 6.

kāmayā kāma + yā, adv. (either the ved. instr. sing. of kāma, or that of a lost noun kāmā), For my sake, MBh. 2, 728.

kāmarasika kāmarasika, i. e. kāma-rasa + ika, adj. Libidinous, Bhartṛ. 3, 51.

kāmarūpadhara kāmarūpadhara, i. e. kāma-rūpa-dhṛ + a, adj., f. , Changing one's shape as one lists, Rām. 1, 9, 27.

kāmarūpin kāmarūpin, i. e. kāma rūpa + in, adj., f. iṇī, Changing one's shape as one lists, MBh. 3, 367.

kāmala kāmala,
I. (m. and) f. , A disease of the bile, Suśr. 1, 193, 15.
II. f. , A proper name, Hariv. 1453.

kāmalin kāmalin, i. e. kāmala + in, adj., f. , Jaundiced, Suśr. 2, 469, 3.

kāmavant kāma + vant, adj., f. vatī, Loving, MBh. 1, 3869.

kāmasū kāma-ū, adj. Granting desires, Ragh. 5, 33.

kāmātmatā kāmātmatā, i. e. kāmātman + tā, f. Sensuality, Man. 2, 2.

kāmātman kāmātman, i. e. kāma-ātman, adj. Voluptuous, Man. 7, 27.

kāmika kāmika, i. e. kāma + ika,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Wished, wish, MBh. 13, 6025.
     2. Wishing, 1969.
     3. In sarvakāmika the aff. ika belongs to the comp. sarva-kāma, Attaining all one's desires, MBh. 3, 13860.

kāmitā kāmitā, i. e. kāmin + tā, f. Love, Hit. i. d. 104.

kāmin kāmin, i. e. kama + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Desiring, MBh. 13, 7060.
     2. Having sexual intercourse, MBh. 1, 4185.
II. m. A lover, MBh. 4, 978.
III. f. , A beloved one, Man. 8, 112.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who is not in love, Pañc. i. d. 180. kāma-, adj. fostering wishes, Bhag. 2, 70. sarva-, i. e. sarvakāma + in, adj. abounding in all pleasures, Sund. 1, 31 (v. r.).

kāmuka kāmuka, i. e. kam + uka,
I. adj., f. and , Desirous, Rām. 2, 74, 7.
II. m. A lover, Rām. 5, 16, 42.
-- Comp. vañcitāneka-, i. e. vañcita-an-eka-, adj., f. , one who has deceived many lovers, Kathās. 12, 190.

kāmukatva kāmuka + tva, n. Lasciviousness, Megh. 25.

kāmpilya kāmpilya, i. e. kāmpila (the name of a country) + ya,
I. adj., f. , Belonging to Kāmpila, Kathās. 25, 53; with pura or purī, or without a subst., ntr. Its capital, MBh. 1, 5512; Rām. 1, 34, 46; Chr. 52, 14.
II. m. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 21, 32.

kāmboja kāmboja, i. e. kamboja + a,
I. adj. Originating from Kamboja, Rām. 5, 12, 36.
II. m. The king of Kamboja, MBh. 1, 6995.
III. m. pl. The name of the people and of the country of Kamboja, MBh. 1, 2668.

kāmya kāmya, i. e.
I. the ptcple. of the fut. pass. of kam.
     1. Amiable, Ragh. 6, 30.
     2. Agreeable, Rām. 5, 43, 13.
     3. Precious, Rām. 2, 25, 9.
II. kāma + ya, adj. Connected with a wish, interested, Man. 12, 89.
III. f. , The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 1, 4820.
IV. f. , Desire, Man. 5, 27.
-- Comp. itaretarakāmyā, i. e. itara-itara-, f.; instr. sing. according to their several fancies, Man. 3, 35. tvaddhitakāmyā, i. e. tvad-hita-, f. desire of benefitting thee, Chr. 15, 2. badha-kāmyā, f. intention to hurt, Man. 4, 165. sarva-kāmya, adj. deserving to be wished for by every one, Sund. 4, 7. hita-, f. , concern for another's welfare.

kāmyaka kāmya + ka, n. The name of a forest, MBh. 3, 218.

kāmyatā kāmya + tā f. Beauty, MBh. 13, 1032.

kāya kāya,
I. (base ka, a name of the god Prajāpati).
     1. m. A nuptial form called Prājāpatya, Man. 3, 38.
     2. n. The root of the little finger, Man. 2, 59.
II. i. e. ci + a, m. The body, Bhag. 5, 11.
-- Comp. ati-,
I. adj. gigantic, Rām. 5, 56, 124.
II. m. the name of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 6, 51, 3 sqq. pūrva-, m. the fore-part of the body, Śāk. d. 7. yaśaḥ-kāya, m. a body consisting of glory, i. e. glory, Bhartṛ. 2, 21. svarṇa-, m. Garuḍa.

kāyastha kāya-stha (vb. sthā), m. A mixed tribe or caste, the writer caste; a writer, Rājat. 5, 174; 264; 438.

kāyika kāyika, i. e. kāya + ika, adj., f. (Man. 8, 153) and .
     1. Corporeal, bodily Man. 12, 8; Suśr. 1, 12, 2.
     2. (viz. vṛddhi, Immoderate profits) from a pledge to be used by way of interest, Man. 8, 153.

kāra 1. kāra, i. e. kṛ + a,
I. adj., f. . Latter part of a comp. adj. Making, a maker of, e. g. andha-kāra, māla-kāra, ratha-kāra. danta-, m. An artist in ivory, Rām. 2, 83, 14. dyūta- (vb. div.) m. A gamester, Pañc. i. d. 431. parva(n)-, adj. Working at festivals. bhasma(n)-, m. A washerman. su-varṇa-, svarṇa-, and hema-, m. A goldsmith.
II. m. Latter part of comp. substantives, Making. action. Cf. e. g. kāma-kāra, puruṣa-kāra; especially used after letters to form their name, e. g. a-kāra, the letter a; u-kāra, the letter u; ma-kāra, the letter ma(m), Man. 2, 76.

kāra 2. kāra, i. e. kara + a, adj. Produced by hail, Suśr. 1, 170, 1.

kāraka kāraka, i. e. kṛ + aka,
I. adj., f. rikā, Making. Latter part of nominal comps., e. g. kṣema-, adj. Causing security, Pañc. v. d. 89. gṛka-, m. A carpenter, Yājñ. 3, 146. priya-, adj. Causing love, Man. 7, 204; guru-vacana-, adj. Performing the order of one's teacher; maṅgala-, adj. Giving joy, MBh. 2, 1925; śilpa-, adj. Versed in an art, Mālav. 65, 15.
II. m. An agent; doing, Yājñ. 2, 233; causing, 3, 150; an author, MBh. 13, 247. siṃha-, m. A maker of lions, Pañc. v. d. 31.
III. f. rikā, A metrical explanation, a memorial verse, MBh. 2, 453.

kāraṇa kāraṇa, i. e. kṛ, Caus., + ana.
I. m.
     1. Motive, Pañc. iii. d. 99.
     2. Cause, Suśr. 1, 310, 4; Kathās. 3, 31 (with the loc.).
     3. Primary cause, Man. 5, 152; Bhartṛ. 2, 82.
     4. An element, Yājñ. 3, 148.
     5. Basis, Man. 11, 84.
     6. Argument, Nal. 16, 27; proof, Man. 8, 200.
     7. An instrument, a means, Rām. 1, 65, 10 (cf. Gorr. 1, 67, 4, who reads upāyaiḥ).
     8. An organ of sense, Ragh. 16, 22.
     9. Abl. kāraṇāt, and loc. ṇe, On account of, Rām. 5, 56, 136; 5, 28, 9. Instr. ṇena, By some reason, Cāṇ. 23. yena kāraṇena, Because, Pañc. 175, 10. kiṃ punaḥ kāraṇam, From what motive, MBh. 1, 3600.
II. f. ṇā, Torture, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 16.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. unreasonable, Pañc. 246, 6. 2. a-kāraṇam and a-kāraṇena, without cause, Vikr. d. 54; Yājñ. 2, 234. anna-kāraṇam, on account of (supplying) food, Man. 5, 94. kārya-, n. aim and motive, Pañc. i. d. 462. niṣkāraṇa, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. not proceeding from any cause, Bhāg. P. 8, 3, 15. 2. disinterested, Pañc. ed. oru. 41, 19. 3. Acc. ṇam, and abl. ṇāt, adv. without a special motive, MBh. 12, 4993; Rām. 6, 10, 23. yatkāraṇam, and ṇāt, i. e. yad-, adv. because, Pañc. 30, 21; 135, 16.

kāraṇatas kāraṇa + tas, adv. By some reason, Ragh. 10, 19. kārya-, adv. From the relation of cause and effect, Hit. i. d. 33.

kāraṇatā kāraṇa + tā, f., and kāraṇatva kāraṇa + tva, n. Causality, Kumāras. 2, 6; Bhāṣāp. 14. Being the cause, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 26.

kāraṇika kāraṇika, i. e. karaṇa + ika, m. A judge, Pañc. 237, 20.

kāraṇḍava kāraṇḍava, m. A sort of duck, Rām. 2, 27, 18.

kāraṃdhama kāraṃdhama, i. e. karaṃdhama + a, patron.
I. m. MBh. 14, 63.
II. n. The name of a holy place, MBh. 1, 7843.

kārayitṛ kārayitṛ, i. e. kṛ, Caus., + tṛ, m. Giving the power of acting, MBh. 3, 7000; Man. 12, 12.

kārā kārā, f. A gaol, Daśak. in Chr, 198, 9.

kārāvara kārāvara, m. The name of a mixed caste, viz. of the offspring of a Niṣāda by a Vaidehī woman, Man. 10, 36.

kārin kārin, i. e. kri + in, adj., f. iṇī, An agent, Rām. 2, 78, 8; MBh. 13, 4804; acting, Man. 7, 26. -- It is generally the latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. a-kārya-, adj.
     1. One who does a wrong action, Man. 11, 239.
     2. One who does not what ought to be done, i. e. who neglects his duty, Man, 5, 107. a-kliṣṭa-, adj. Indefatigable, Rām. 3, 31, 1. āpta-, adj. Acting properly, Man. 9, 12 (in a trustworthy manner). keśa-, m. f. iṇī, A hair-dresser, MBh. 4, 412. kṣipra-, adj. Clever, Rām. 3, 36, 10. gṛha-, m. A kind of wasp. Man. 12, 66. tatkarmakārin, i. e. tad-karman-, adj. Doing the same, Man. 9, 261. dṛḍha-, adj. Persevering in good actions, Man. 4, 246. vighna-, adj.
     1. Obstructing.
     2. Fearful.

kārīṣa kārīṣa, i. e. karīṣa + a,
I. adj. Sprung up from dung, Suśr. 1, 224, 11.
II. n. A great quantity of dung, Hariv. 4355.

kāru kāru, i. e. kṛ + u, adj. and s., f. , Working, an artisan, Man. 8, 360.

kāruka kāru + ka, m., and f. , An artisan, Man. 4, 219.

kāruṇika kāruṇika, i. e. karuṇa + ika, adj. Compassionate, MBh. 4, 1500.

kāruṇikatā kāruṇika + tā, f. Compassion, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 24.

kāruṇya kāruṇya, i. e. karuṇa + ya, n. Compassion, Pañc. ii. d. 25.

kāruṣa kāruṣa, m. The offspring of a Vrātya, or an outcast of the Vaiśya tribe, Man. 10, 23.

kārūṣa kārūṣa, m.
     1. The name of a country, MBh. 2, 1864.
     2. pl. Its people, Bhāg. P. 9, 2, 16.
     3. Its king, Hariv. 4954.

kārūṣaka kārūṣa-ka, adj. Belonging to the Kārūṣas, MBh. 1, 2700.

kārkaśya kārkaśya, i. e. karkaśa + ya, n.
     1. Hardness, Pañc. i. d. 205.
     2. Harshness, Amar. 24.
     3. Rough labour, MBh. 13, 5551.

kārtayuga kārtayuga-, i. e. kṛta-yuga + a, adj. Belonging to the age called Kṛta, MBh. 1, 3600.

kārtavīrya kārtavīrya, i. e. kṛta-vīrya + a, patron. m. A name of the Arjuna killed by Paraśurāma, MBh. 3, 141.

kārtasvara kārtasvara, i. e. kṛta-svara + a, n. Gold, MBh. 13, 4196.

kārtāntika kārtāntika, i. e. kṛta-anta + ika, m. An astrologer, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 13; 197, 12.

kārttika kārttika, i. e. kṛttikā + a,
I. m. The name of a month (OctoberNovember), MBh. 2, 918.
II. f. , The day of this month on which the moon is full, MBh. 3, 4073.

kārttikeya kārttikeya, i. e. kṛttikā + eya, m. The god of war, Rām. 1, 37, 20.

kārtsna kārtsna, i. e. kṛtsna + a, n. Totality, Suśr. 1, 94, 11.

kārtsnya kārtsnya, i. e. kṛtsna + ya, n. Totality; instr. yena, Comprehensively, Man. 3, 183.

kārdama kārdama, i. e. kardama + a, adj.
     1. Muddy, Rām. 5, 27, 16.
     2. Belonging to the Prajāpati Kardama, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 6.

kārpaṭika kārpaṭika, i. e. karpaṭa + ika, m. A pilgrim, Skandap. Kācīk 12, 14; 30, 66.

kārpaṇya kārpaṇya, i. e. kṛpaṇa + ya, n.
     1. Misery, Bhag. 2, 7; Rām. 5, 19, 17.
     2. Compassion, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 10.

kārpāsa kārpāsa, i. e. karpāsa + a,
I. adj., f. , Made of cotton, Man. 2, 44.
II. m. and n.
     1. Cotton, Man. 8, 326.
     2. Cotton cloth, Suśr. 1, 25, 3.

kārpāsika kārpāsika, i. e. karpāsa + ika, adj. Made of cotton, Rām. 5, 49, 5.

kārmika kārmika, i. e. karman + ika, n. A figured web, Yājñ. 2, 180.

kārmuka kārmuka, i. e. kṛmuka (the name of a tree, ved.) + a, n. A bow, Man. 11, 138.
-- Comp. bhīma-, adj., f. , having formidable bows, MBh. 4, 1241.

kārmukāya karmukāya, a denomin. derived from the last by ya, Ātm. To become a bow, Śṛṅgārat. 13.

kārmukin kārmukin, i. e. kārmuka + in, adj. Wearing a bow, Rām. 3, 55, 12.

kārya kārya,
I. ptcple. of the fut. pass. of 1. kṛ, cf. kṛ.
     1. What ought to be made, to be done, etc., Man. 3, 248; superl. kāryatama, That which must be done first, Rām. 5, 77, 16.
     2. With an instr. To be used; use, Pañc. i. d. 81 (tṛṇena kāryaṃ bhavatīśvarāṇām, kings use a blade of grass); with na, No use, Rām. 1, 30, 5 (we do not care for possessing the earth); 2, 21, 60 (I am indifferent to life and joy).
II. n.
     1. Intention, Rām. 1, 18, 15.
     2. Duty, Man. 3, 80.
     3. Service, Man. 10, 47.
     4. Business, Man. 9, 299; affairs, 7, 59.
     5. A law-suit, 8, 43.
     6. Effect, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 22.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. not to be done.
II. n. a wrong action. agni-, n. the management of the sacrificial fire, Man. 2, 69. udaka-, n. 1. ablution, MBh. 1, 791. 2. obsequies, Rām. 3, 72, 38. eka-,
I. n. the same work, MBh. 2, 791.
II. adj. having the same intention, Pañc. 182, 5. kṛta-, adj. 1. having accomplished a business, Yājñ. 2, 189. 2. satisfied. Rām. 6, 97, 21; 2, 99, 11. 3. not wanting (with instr.), MBh. 13, 3862. gṛka-, n. the affairs of the house, Man. 5, 150. carmakārya, i. e. carman-, n. leather work, Man. 10, 49. deva-, n. an oblation to the deities, Man. 3, 203. dharma-, n. a sacred duty, Man. 9, 76. pitṛ-, n. an oblation to the Pitṛs or Manes, Man. 3, 203. putra-, n. a ceremony or sacrifice on the birth of a son, Chr. 50, 16. mitra-, n. duty, service, of a friend, Rām. 6, 107, 12. samūha-, n. the affairs of a community, Yājñ. 2, 189.

kāryatva kārya + tva, n. Condition of being an effect, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 26.

kāryavattā kāryavattā, i. e. kāryavant + tā, f. Business, Rām. 5, 46, 17.

kāryavant kārya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Occupied, Man. 9, 74.

kāryārtha kāryārtha, i. e. kārya-artha, m. An important matter, Man. 7, 167. Acc. °tham, adv.
     1. For a special end, Man. 7, 164.
     2. On account of judicial proof, 8, 110.
     3. For the purpose of work, 10, 55.

kāryārthin kāryārthin, i. e. kārya-arthin, adj. Demanding justice, Mṛcch. 138, 9.

kāryika kāryika, i. e. kārya + ika, adj. Demanding justice, Man. 7, 124.

kāryin kāryin, i. e. kārya + in, adj. Demanding justice, Man. 8, 2.

kārśya kārśya, i. e. kṛśa + ya, n.
     1. Meagerness, Megh. 30.
     2. Smallness, Ragh. 5, 21.

kārṣaka kārṣaka, i. e. kṛṣi + aka, m. A husbandman, Rājat. 5, 169.

kārṣāpaṇa kārṣāpaṇa, i. e. karṣa-āpana + a, m. and n. A coin, Man. 8, 136.

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kārṣika kārṣika, i. e. karṣa + ika, adj. Being of the weight of a karṣa, Man. 8, 136.

kārṣṇa kārṣṇa, i. e. kṛṣṇa + a, adj. f. ṇī.
     1. Made of the hide of the black antelope, Man. 2, 41.
     2. Composed by Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 1, 261.

kārṣṇāyasa kārṣṇāyasa, i. e. kṛṣṇāyas, or °yasa + a,
I. adj., f. , Of iron, Man. 11, 133.
II. n. Iron, Man. 10, 52.

kārṣṇi kārṣṇi, i. e. kṛṣṇa + i, patron., m. Offspring of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 1, 4812.

kārṣṇya kārṣṇya, i. e. kriṣṇa + ya, n.
     1. Blackness, MBh. 1, 4236.
     2. Darkness, Rājat. 5, 94 (in a comp. adj. vyakta-, vb. añj with vi, Dark).

kālkāl, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from the next), Par. To count time.

kāla 1. kāla, m.
     1. Due season, Man. 2, 80; instr. kālena, In due season, Man. 9, 246.
     2. Time, Man, 1, 24; 7, 183; instr. kālena, and abl. kālāt, In the long run, Pañc. 32, 24; Man. 8, 251; gen. dīrghasya kālasya, After a long time, Nal. 18, 1; kasya cit kālasya, After some time, Śāk. 110, 15.
     3. Mealtime; there are two meal-times a day, therefore, ṣaṣṭha kāla, The sixth meal-time = the evening of the third day, MBh. 13, 5175; Rām. 3, 31, 47.
     4. A period, Rājat. 5, 73.
     5. Death, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 2.
     6. Time personified, fate, MBh. 13, 56; Rām. 6, 70, 35; endowed with the attributes of Yama, the regent of the dead, Rām. 1, 21, 13; 3, 35, 43, etc.
-- Comp. a-, m. unseasonableness, Sund. 2, 31; loc. le, unseasonably, Man. 3, 105. ādi-, m. beginning of time, Rām. 3, 20, 6. ṛtu-, m. 1. seasonable time, MBh. 3, 14763. 2. time approved for sexual intercourse, Man. 3, 45. eka-kāla + m, adv. once, Man. 6, 55. kārya-, m. time of action, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1809. kṛta-,
I. m. appointed time, Yājñ. 2, 184.
II. adj. having waited a certain time, MBh. 2, 1875. caturtha-kāla + m, adv. at the fourth meal-time, i. e. on the evening of every second day, Man. 11, 109. tad-kāla + m, adv. instantly, Pañc. 192, 6. tāvatkāla + m, i. e. tāvant-, adv. such a long time, MBh. 3, 16889. tri-, n. 1. past, future, and present time, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 8. 2. morning, noon, and evening, MBh. 13, 6607. duṣkāla, i. e. dus-, m. the formidable, all-destroying, time, Rām. 2, 33, 21; a name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10418. nitya-kāla + m, adv. continually, Man. 2, 58. purva(n)-, m. the periodic change of the moon. prāpta-kāla + m (vb. āp with pra), adv. in due season, Pañc. 16, 6. a-prāpta-kāla + m, adv. Out of due season, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 173. yathā-kāla + m, adv. At the proper time, Man. 2, 39. sa-kāla + m, adv. Betimes, early in the morning. sūrya-, m. day.

kāla 2. kāla (cf. kalaṅka),
I. adj., f. , Dark blue, black, Rām. 6, 67, 2; MBh. 16, 57.
II. m.
     1. A black and poisonous snake, Coluber naga, Lass. 16, 13.
     2. The black in the eye, Suśr. 2, 336, 20.
     3. A name of Rudra, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 12.
     4. A proper name, Hariv. 189.
     5. The name of a mountain, Rām. 4, 44, 21.
III. f. .
     1. The name of several plants, Suśr. 1, 131, 19, etc.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2520.
     3. The name of a female demon, Hariv. 11552.
IV. f. .
     1. A name of Durgā, MBh. 4, 195.
     2. A surname of Satyāvatī, Chr. 6, 1.
-- Comp. bhadra-kālī, f. 1. a name of Durgā. 2. a fragrant grass, Cyperus. mahā-,
I. m. a name of Śiva.
II. f. , Durgā.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., under kalaṅka.

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kālaka kāla + ka,
I. m.
     1. The black in the eye, Suśr. 2, 304, 2.
     2. A sort of grain, Suśr. 1, 73, 5.
     3. The name of a Rākṣasa, or demon, Rām. 3, 29, 30; of an Asura, Hariv. 2286.
II. f. , The name of a female demon, MBh. 3, 12203.
-- Comp. tila-, m. a mole, a dark spot on the body, Suśr. 1, 31, 18.

kālakañja kālakañja, m. The name of a Dānava tribe, MBh. 3, 12198.

kālakūṭa kāla-kūṭa,
I. m. and n. A kind of poison, MBh. 3, 540.
II. m. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 4637.

kālajña kāla-jña (vb. jñā), adj. Knowing the proper season, Man. 7, 217.

kālañjara kālañjara, m. The name of a range of mountains, MBh. 3, 8198.

kālatas kāla + tas, adv. In the long run, Kathās. 6, 101.

kālatā kāla + tā, f. Seasonableness, Ghaṭ. 19.

kālapāśika kālapāśika, i. e. kāla-pāśa + ika, m. A hangman, Mudrār. 21, 1.

kālamāla kālamāla, i. e. kāla-mālā, m. A vegetable, Ocimum sanctum, Suśr. 1, 138, 16.

kālayāpa kālayāpa, i. e. kāla-yā, Caus., + a, m. Procrastination, Hit. iii. d. 90.

kālavant kāla + vant, adj., f. vatī, Long, Rām. 6, 22, 17.

kālānusārivā kālānusārivā, i. e. kāla-anusārin + vā (fem. of va, i. e. mutilated vant), f. Benzoin, Suśr. 2, 94, 21.

kālānusārya kālānusārya, i. e. kāla-anusāra + ya, n. m. and f. , Benzoin, Suśr. 2, 275, 16.

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kālāpa kālāpa, i. e.
     1. kalāpa + a, m. Hair, Śāntiś. 1, 27.
     2. kalāpin + a, m. A proper name, MBh. 2, 113.

kālāpaka kālāpa + ka, n. The name of a grammar, Kathās. 7, 13.

kālāyasa kālāyasa, i. e. kāla-ayas + a, n. Iron, Rām. 5, 37, 38.

kālāyasamaya kālāyasa + maya, adj., f. , Of iron Rām. 5, 49, 32.

kālika 1. kālika, i. e. 1. kāla + ika, adj.
     1. f. , Referring to time, Bhāṣāp. 120.
     2. Seasonable, MBh. 3, 868.
     3. f. , Long, Rām. 2, 41, 12.
-- Comp. a-kālika + m, adv. without delay, MBh. 4, 908. aṣṭama-, adj. one who eats only on the evening of every fourth day, Man. 6, 19 (cf. 1. kāla,
     3.). eka-kālika + m, adv. eating once a day, Man. 11, 123. caturtha-, adj. one who eats only on the evening of every second day, Man. 6, 19 (cf. 1. kāla,
     3.). niṣkālika, i. e. nis-kāla + ika, adj. one whose lifetime is elapsed (or °kam, adv., without delay), MBh. 8, 3628. māsa- adj., monthly, MBh. 2, 2080.

kālikā 2. kālikā, i. e. 2. kāla + ka, f.
     1. A multitude of clouds, Ragh. 11, 15.
     2. The liver, Mit. 1, 31.
     3. A blood-vessel in the ear, Suśr. 1, 55, 1.
     4. The name of several plants, Suśr. 2, 499, 2.
     5. A name of Durgā, MBh. 2, 457.
     6. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 8134.

kāliṅga kāliṅga, i. e. kaliṅga + a,
I. m.
     1. A prince of the Kaliṅgas, Ragh. 4, 40.
     2. pl. = Kaliṅga, a people, MBh. 8, 2066.
II. f. , A princess of the Kaliṅgas, MBh. 1, 3775.

kāliṅgaka kāliṅga + ka, m. A prince of the Kaliṅgas, MBh. 2, 1270.

kāliñjara kāliñjara, m. The name of a mountain, Kathās. 22, 161 (cf. kālañjara).

kālidāsa kālidāsa, i. e. kali-dāsa (with i shortened), m. A proper name, Śāk. 3, 12.

kālinda kālinda, i. e. kalinda + a,
I. n. A water melon, Suśr. 1, 156, 21.
II. f. .
     1. A proper name, Rām. 1, 70, 33.
     2. The Yamunā, Pañc. 25, 3.
-- Comp. yama-kālindī, f. The wife of the sun.

kāliman kāliman, i. e. 2. kāla + iman, m. Blackness, Śiś. 4, 57.

kāliya kāliya, i. e. 2. kāla + iya, m. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 1551.

kālīna -kālīna, i. e. 1. kāla + īna, latter part of compound words derived from nouns ending in kāla, adj. Referring to the time of, e. g. utpattikālīna, i. e. utpatti-kāla + īna, adj. At the time of production, Bhāṣāp. 77. samāna-, adj. Occurring or produced at the same period.

kālīya kālīya, i. e. 2. kāla + īya, n. A dark kind of sandal, Suśr. 2, 120, 15.

kālīyaka kālīya + ka,
I. n. A dark kind of sandal, Rām. 6, 96, 3.
II. m. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 1555.

kāluṣya kāluṣya, i. e. kaluṣa + ya, n.
     1. Foulness, Kathās. 19, 95.
     2. Unfairness, Rājat. 5, 63.

kāleya kāleya, i. e. 2. kāla + eya,
I. n. A dark kind of sandal, Kumāras. 7, 9.
II. m. The name of a tribe of Daityas, MBh. 3, 8719; 8769.

kāleyaka kāleya + ka,
I. n. A yellow fragrant wood, Suśr. 1, 146, 3.
II. m.
     1. One of the interior parts of the body not yet identified, Suśr. 1, 208, 3.
     2. A kind of jaundice, Suśr. 2, 469. 4.

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kālya kālya, i. e. kalya + a, n. Dawn, Rām. 2, 34, 34.

kāverī kāverī, f. The name of a river, MBh. 2, 372.

kāvya kāvya, i. e. kavi + ya,
I. adj., f. , Coming from old sages, MBh. 2, 2097.
II. m.
     1. A class of Pitṛs or Manes, Man. 3, 199.
     2. patron. Surname of Uśanas, MBh. 1, 3188.
III. m. A bard, MBh. 2, 453.
IV. n. A poem, Rām. 1, 2, 38.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. a classical poem, Chr. 170.

kāś kāś, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.), † i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To be visible, Rām. 3, 29, 8.
     2. To shine MBh. 1, 7008. kāśita, Resplendent, Rām. 6, 26, 48.
-- With the prepos. ud ud, To shine, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 2.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, Caus. To reveal, MBh. 14, 1283.
-- With nis nis, cf. kas.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To be visible, MBh. 3, 9990.
     2. To appear, Rām. 6, 20, 10.
     3. To shine, MBh. 3, 13750. Caus.
     1. To show, Śāk. 12, 11; Rām. 4, 42, 14.
     2. To illumine, MBh. 4, 232.
     3. To make known, Lass. 3, 9.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To shine, Rām. 5, 73, 6.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To appear, MBh. 3, 13982.
     2. To shine, Rām. 5, 5, 23. Caus. To discover, MBh. 1, 87.
-- With vi vi, To appear, Rām. 5, 40, 10. Caus. To illumine, MBh. 1, 7856.
-- With sam sam, To appear, Rām. 2, 65, 14.

kāśa kāś + a, m. and n. A species of grass, Saccharum spontaneum, Rām. 2, 28, 22. When the latter part of a comp. adj., f. śā, e. g. kusumita-nava-, adj., f. śā, Covered with fresh blossoming Kāśa, Ṛt. 3, 28. Cf. kāsa.

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kāśamaya kāśa + maya, adj., f. , Made of Kāśa-grass, Bhāg. P. 3, 22, 31.

kāśi kāśi,
I. m.
     1. A proper name, Hariv. 1734.
     2. The king of Kāśi, Chr. 19, 6.
     3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 13, 1949.
II. f. śi and śī.
     1. The name of Benares, Rām. 1, 12, 22.
     2. śī, A proper name, Hariv. 9204.

kāśin -kāś + in, adj., f. , latter part of comp. adj. Shining like, e. g. matta-, Like one delighted, charming, Rām. 5, 18, 37.
     2. Shining on account of, e. g. jaya- and jita-, On account of victory, victorious, proud on account of triumphs, Bhāg. P. 4, 10, 15; Chr. 16, 12.
-- Cf. kāsin.

kāśiṣṇu kāś + iṣṇu, adj. Resplendent, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 6.

kāśeya kāśeya, i. e. kāśi + eya,
I. m. A son of Kāśi, Hariv. 1734.
II. f. , A daughter of Kāśi, MBh. 1, 3785.

kāśmarī kāśmarī, i. e. kāś + man + ī, f. A plant, Gmelina arborea, Rām. 2, 94, 9.

kāśmarya kāśmarya, i. e. kāś + man + ya, m. A plant, Gmelina arborea, MBh. 13, 2773.

kāśmīra kāśmīra, i. e. kaśmīra + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Trained in Cashmere, MBh. 4, 254 (a horse).
     2. An inhabitant of Cashmere, MBh. 3, 5032.
II. m.
     1. A king of Cashmere, Mudrār. 18, 17.
     2. Cashmere, Rām. 4, 43, 32.
III. n. Saffron, Bhartṛ. 1, 48.

kāśmīraka kāśmīra + ka, adj. Belonging to Cashmere, MBh. 2, 1025 (the inhabitants); 2, 1271 (the king).

kāśmīrika kāśmīrika, i. e. ka/āśmira + ika, adj. Referring to Cashmere, Chr. 245, l. 2.

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kāśya kāśya, i. e. kāśi + ya, adj., and f. .
     1. Belonging to the Kāśis; a king of the Kāśis, MBh. 1, 4128.
     2. f. A daughter of the king of the Kāśis, MBh. 1, 3829.

kāśyapa kāśyapa, i. e. kaśyapa + a, f. .
I. adj. Belonging to Kaśyapa, MBh. 13, 7237.
II. patron. m. A descendant of Kaśyapa, Rām. 1, 9, 28.

kāśyapeya kāśyapeya, i. e. kaśyapa + eya, patron. m. A name of the Ādityas, MBh. 13, 7094; of the sun, 1, 1247.

kāṣāya kāṣāya, i. e. kaṣāya + a, adj., f. .
     1. Red, Sāv. 3, 18.
     2. s. A red cloth, Rām. 3, 52, 9.

kāṣṭha kāṣṭha,
I. n. A piece of wood, Man. 8, 372.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 2, 415. kāṣṭhā, q. v.
-- Comp. daṇḍa-, n. a wooden staff, Śāk. 21, 1. danta-, n. a small piece of wood for cleaning the teeth, MBh. 13, 4998.

kāṣṭhakūṭa kāṣṭhakūṭa, m. A kind of bird, probably = kāṣṭha-kuṭṭa, Pañc. 80, 12.

kāṣṭhabhārika kāṣṭhabhārika, i. e. kāṣṭha-bhāra + ika, m. One who carries wood, Kathās. 6, 42.

kāṣṭhamaya kāṣṭha + maya, adj., f. . Made of wood, Man. 2, 157.

kāṣṭhaloṣṭamaya kāṣṭha-loṣṭa-maya, adj., f. , Made of wood or clay, Man. 8, 289.

kāṣṭhā kāṣṭhā, f.
     1. Aim, MBh. 3, 10424; limit, boundary, Kumāras. 5, 28.
     2. Place, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 12.
     3. A quarter or point of the compass, Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 1.
     4. A lunar station, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 31.
     5. A measure of time, MBh. 1, 1292.
     6. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 25.

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kāṣṭhika kāṣṭhika, i. e. kāṣṭha + ika,
I. m. One who carries wood, Kathās. 6, 43.
II. f. , A small piece of wood, Pañc. 194, 12.

kās kās, i. 1, Ātm. To cough, Suśr. 1, 38, 10.
-- Cf. O.H.G. huosta; A. S. hvosta.

kāsa kās + a, m. Cough, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 17; with ś instead of s, Śāntiś. 2, 27.

kāsamarda kāsamarda, i. e. kāsa-mṛd + a, and kāsamardaka kāsamarda + ka, m. A plant, Cassia sophora, Suśr. 1, 138, 17.

kāsavant kāsa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Subject to cough, Suśr. 2, 506, 4.

kāsāra kāsāra, m. A pond, Bhartṛ. 1, 39.

kāsin kāsin, i. e. kāsa + in, adj., f. , Subject to cough, Suśr. 1, 116, 9; with ś instead of s, Pañc. v. d. 41.

kāsīsa kāsīsa, n. Green vitriol, Suśr. 1, 132, 17.

kāhala kāhala, m. A large drum, Pañc. 20, 8. f. A musical instrument, probably a large drum, Rājat. 5, 464.

kāhali kāhali, i. e. kāhala + i, m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1179.

ki ki, ii. 3, Par. To know, ved., cf. ci; the original form was ski, Lat. scio.

kiṃvadantī kiṃvadantī, i. e. kim-vadantī (participle pres. f. of vad), f. Report, Hit. 39, 7.

kiṃśuka kiṃśuka, i. e. kim-śuka,
I. m. A tree bearing beautiful red blossoms, Butea frondosa, Man. 8, 246.
II. n. Its blossom, Suśr. 1, 224, 1.

kiṃkara kiṃkara, i. e. kim-kṛ + a,
I. m. and f. , A servant, Rām. 1, 18, 13; MBh. 4, 634.
II. m.
     1. A tribe of demons, Rām. 1, 3, 30.
     2. The name of a people, Rām. 4, 44, 13.

kiṃkaratva kiṃkara + tva, n. The condition of a slave, Pañc. iv. d. 8.

kiṃkartavyatā kiṃkartavyatā, i. e. kim-kartavya + tā, and kiṃkāryatā kiṃkāryatā, i. e. kim-kārya + tā (vb. kṛ), f. Condition of one who does not know what to do, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 9; Kathās. 10, 101.

kiṅkiṇī kiṅkiṇī (onomatop.) f., and kiṅkiṇīka kiṅkiṇī + ka, m. and n. A small bell, Rām. 3, 28, 32.

kiṅkiṇīkin kiṅkiṇīkin, i. e. kiṅkiṇīka + in, adj., f. , Adorned with small bells, Indr. 5, 12.

kiñjalka kiñjalka, m. A filament, especially of the lotus, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 43; 2, 2, 9; MBh. 3, 12880.

kiñjalkin kiñjalkin, i. e. kiñjalka + in, adj., f. , Consisting of filaments, Dev. 5, 51.

kiṭkiṭ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go
     2. To fear.
     3. To alarm.

kiṭakiṭāya kiṭakiṭāya (onomatop.), Ātm. To mash, Suśr. 2, 195, 3.
-- Cf. katakatāpa.

kiṭṭa kiṭṭa, n. Excretion, dirt, Suśr. 1, 328, 14; with lauham, Rust of iron, Suśr. 2, 469, 10.

kiṇa kiṇa, m. A sear or callosity, Śāk. d. 13.

kiṇavant kiṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Callous, MBh. 4, 633.

kiṇva kiṇva, n. Ferment, a material used to produce fermentation in the manufacture of spirits from sugar, etc., Man. 8, 326.

kit kit (akin to ki), ii. 3, Par. To perceive, to know (ved.). Frequent. cekit, To see, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 48. Desider. cikitsa.
     1. To cure, Bhartṛ. 1, 83; to administer remedies, Pañc. 183, 22 (read cikitsyamāno). cikitsita, n. Physic, Man. 10, 47. cikitsya, Curable, MBh. 12, 418. Comp. a-, adj. incurable, Yājñ. 2, 140. -
     2. † To chastise.
     3. † To remove.
     4. † To destroy.
     5. † To coerce. -- Caus. of the desider. cikitsaya, To cure, Mālav. 47, 11. -- Caus. or i. 10, Par. ketaya.
     1. To invite, MBh. 13, 1596; Man. 3, 190.
     2. † To dwell.
     3. † To desire.
-- With the prepos. vi vi, desider. To doubt, MBh. 5, 2701. vicikitsita, Uncertain, Bhāg. P. 2, 4, 10.
-- Cf. saṃket.

kitava kitava (akin to kit), m.
     1. A gamester, Man. 3, 151.
     2. A cheat, Bhāg. P. 8, 20, 3; a rogue, Megh. 110.
     3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1832.
-- Comp. dhūrta-, m. a professed gambler, Yājñ. 2, 199.

kiṃnara kiṃnara, i. e. kim-nara, m. and f. , A class of demigods attached to the service of Kuvera, Man. 1, 39.
     2. A proper name, Rājat. 1, 197.

kim kim, except for the nom. and acc. sing. ntr., the base of the msc. and n. and most derivatives is ka, of the fem. ,
I. interrog. pron., sbst., and adj. Who, what, which, Man. 8, 414; 9, 170; 8, 161.
-- With gen. Who, what in proportion to, Kumāras. 3, 10: ke mama dhanvino nye, What may the other archers be able to do against me?
-- With instr. Away with, e. g. kiṃ vilambena, Do not tarry, Rām. 3, 35, 35. kiṃ bahunā, In short, Pañc. 5, 3. kim anena, No question, Śāk. 91, 7.
-- With instr. and gen. kiṃ te jñātair mahādhanurdharaiḥ, What have you to do with knowing the great arcers? Draup. 7, 4. -- Instead of the instr. may be used also the absolutive, kiṃ te sūryam nipātya, What matters it to you to bring down the sun? MBh. 13, 4628. -- Joined with the demonstr. pron. idam, e. g. ko yam, Who there? Hit. 18, 11. -- Doubled, e. g. kiṃkiṃ na karoti, What, what does he not? Pañc. i. d. 338. -- It joins two questions in one sentence, e. g. kā vām kaṃ varam icchati, Who of you chooses the one and who the other boon? Rām. 1, 39, 12.
II. Indefin. pron.
     1. Some, Bhag. 2, 21; generally followed by, a., ca, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 11; preceded by the relat. pron. yad, Whoever, whatever, Man. 12, 95.
b. ca na, Anybody, Nal. 17, 44 (40); anything, Man. 8, 76; some, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 4; doubled, kāṃścana-kāṃścana, Several, Rām. 2, 96, 34; preceded by the relat. pron. yad, Whatever, Nal. 4, 2.
c. cid, Anybody, Man. 8, 212; any, 8, 232; whoever, Sāh. D. 7, 12 somebody, Nal. 14, 2. kaṃ cit kālam, Some time, Rām. 3, 21, 31. kaś cid -kaś cid, Some one -- another, Rām. 1, 4, 18; preceded by the relat. pron. yad, a. Whatever, Man. 2, 7. [greek] Some trifle, Man. 9, 115.
d. api, see api.
     2. Any, Yajñ. 3, 133.
     3. Joined with na, Nobody, Bhartṛ. 3, 99.
-- With ca na or na -- ca na, Nothing, nobody, Nal. 15, 16; Man. 4, 134. mā kiṃ ca na, Not at all, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 39. na hi kiṃ ca na, Never, MBh. 1, 6132.
-- With na -- cid, Nobody, nothing, Nal. 3, 24; not any, Man. 1, 81.
-- With na -- api, Nobody, Bhartṛ. 3, 99; not the least, Pañc. 157, 6.
III. kim (acc. sing. ntr.) adv.
     1. Why, Nal. 11, 3.
     2. A particle of interrog., e. g. sāmyam icchasi kim, Are you really desirous of readmission to equality? Man. 11, 195.
-- With following u, kim u, How much more? Man. 7, 55.
-- With following ca, Further, Kathās. 2, 1; Pañc. 226, 11; Hit. 4, 18; go on, Śāk. 89, 17.
-- With following tu, But, MBh. 1, 1916.
-- With following nu,
     1. It lays a stress on the interrogation, Draup. 5, 13.
     2. How much less? Bhag. 1, 35.
-- With following punar, How much less? Ram. 1, 22, 21. -- A following increases the doubt, Śāk. 105, 7; Pañc. 44, 21. -- In disjunctive questions we find, kim -kiṃ vā, Śṛṅgārat. 7. kim -- kiṃ vā -kiṃ vā, Pañc. 34, 15 (tat kim... śastreṇa mārayāmi, kiṃ vā viṣam pra yacchāmi, kiṃ vā paśudharmeṇa vyāpādayāmi, Shall I kill him with a knife, or shall I give him poison, or shall I kill him like a beast?). kim -kim -- vā -- atha, Mṛcch. 171, 14. kim -- uta, Mṛcch. 147, 22. kim -- uta vā, Pañc. 68, 14. kim -- uta -- uta, Bhartṛ. 3, 77. kim -- uta -- atha vā, Kathās. 17, 112. kim -- uta -- āho svid, Śāk. 106. kim -- atha vā -- uta, Rām. 5, 51, 7. kim is sometimes the former part of a compound word, e. g. kiṃrūpa, adj. How ṣaped? Pañc. 258, 13. kiṃcid is also the latter part of compound words, e. g. kiṃcijjña, adj. Knowing a little, Bhartr. 2, 8. a-kiṃcid, Nothing at all, MBh. 13, 2334.
IV. kena, instr. How so? Rām. 6, 12, 4.
-- Cf. kasmāt separately.
-- Cf. [greek] e. g. [greek] etc.; Lat. quis, qui, etc.; Goth. hvas; A.S. [greek]

kimicchaka kimicchaka, i. e. kim-icchā + ka, adj. Desirable, MBh. 13, 2111.

kimīya kim + īya, adj. To whom belonging, Daśak. 195, 10.

kiyant kiyant, i. e. kim + vant (y for original v), adj., f. yatī, acc. sing. n. yat, also adv.
     1. How great, MBh. 14, 766.
     2. How long, Rām. 2, 92, 8.
     3. How much, Kathās. 2, 17.
     4. Of what value, Kathās. 3, 49; Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 22.
     5. How little, Pañc. i. d. 46.
     6. Some, Pañc. 246, 13.
     7. A little, Pañc. 229, 20; with following api, However small, Pañc. 221, 21.

kira kira, i. e. kṛ10 + a, m. A hog.
-- Comp. mṛtkirā, i. e. mṛd-, f. , an earth worm.

kiraṇa kiraṇa, i. e. kṛ10 + ana, m. A ray of light, Pañc. 223, 3; Daśak. in Chr. 199, 1.
-- Comp. tuṣāra-, m. the moon, Śiś. 9, 27.

kirāta kirāta, m., f. , The name of a people, MBh, 2, 584; Ragh. 16, 57.

kirātārjunīya kirātārjunīya, i. e. kirāta-arjuna + īya, n. The title of a poem describing the combat of Arjuna with Śiva in the shape of a Kirāta, Chr. 170.

kirīṭa kirīṭa, m. and n. A diadem. Arj. 5, 13.

kirīṭin kirīṭin, i. e. kirīṭa + in, adj., f. , Adorned by a diadem (a name of Arjuna), Bhag. 11, 17.

kilkil, i. 6, Par.
     1. To be white.
     2. To play. i. 10, Par. kelaya, To throw (v.r.).

kila kila, adv. Indeed, Chr. 14, 18; Pañc. 167, 1.

kilakila kilakila, (cf.
     2.) m.
     1. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10365.
     2. , onomatop. A cry expressing joy, Rām. 6, 26, 47.

kilāṭa kilāṭa, m. and f. ṭī, A kind of coagulated milk, Suśr. 1, 179, 17.

kilviṣa kilviṣa, n.
     1. Fault, Man. 8, 235.
     2. Crime, 8, 296.
     3. Sin, Bhag. 3, 13.
     4. Injury, MBh. 1, 882.
-- Comp. caura-, n. an offence equal to larceny, Man. 8, 198. rāma-, n. an offence against Rāma, Rām. 3, 46, 19.

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kilviṣin kilviṣin, i. e. kilviṣa + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Guilty, Man. 8, 13.
     2. A sinner, 8, 141.

kiśalaya kiśalaya, see kisalaya.

kiśora kiśora, m. and f. .
     1. A solt, Rām. 2, 40, 39; 5, 26, 21.
     2. A youth Bhāg. P. 4, 12, 20; 24, 11.
     3. m. The name of a Dānava, Hariv. 2439.

kiṣkkiṣk, i. 10, Ātm. To kill, to injure.

kiṣkindha kiṣkindha, m. The name of a mountain, Rām. 4, 8, 37; MBh. 2, 1122.

kiṣkindhyā kiṣkindhyā, f., = kiṣkindha, Rām. 6, 82, 88.

kiṣku kiṣku, m. and f.
     1. The forearm, Rām. 5, 32, 11.
     2. A span, as measure, MBh. 3, 10454.

kisalaya kisalaya, also kiśalaya, n. A young shoot, Rām. 4, 50, 28; Megh. 11 (with ś).
-- Comp. kara-, n. a finger, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 17 (with ś).

kisalayita kisalayita, i. e. kisalaya + tta, adj. Having young shoots, Bhartṛ. 1, 6.

kīkaṭa kīkaṭa, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 24.
     2. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 5, 4, 10.

kīkasa kīkasa, n. A bone, Lass. 95, 13.

kīcaka kīcaka, m.
     1. A kind of bamboo, Arundo karka, Roxb., Rām. 4, 44, 76.
     2. A hollow bamboo, Ragh. 2, 12.
     3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 6085.

kīṭkīṭ, i. 10, Par. To tinge (or bind).

kīṭa kīṭa, m. (and f. ṭī and n.) A worm, Man. 1, 40. An insect, Man. 2, 201.
-- Comp. keśa-, m. a louse, Man. 4, 207. pakṣikīṭa, i. e. pakṣin-, m. an insect-like bird, a paltry bird, Pañc. 75, 19. yama-, m. an earthworm. śūra-, m. an inferior warrior, Mahāvīrac. 109, 10.

kīṭaja kīṭa-ja (vb. jan), n. Silk, Man. 11, 168.

kīdṛś kīdṛś, i. e. kim-dṛś, adj. Who or what like, of what kind? Pañc. 63, 10.
-- Cf. Lat. qualis, and the next.

kīdṛśa kīdṛśa, i. e. kim-dṛś + a, adj., f. śī, Who or what like, of what kind? Pañc. 130, 10.
-- Cf. [greek]

kīnāśa kīnāśa,
I. m.
     1. The chief servant in husbandry, Man. 9, 150.
     2. A poor labourer, or in general a poor man, MBh. 13, 3743.
II. adj., f. śā, Covetous, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 11.

kīra kīra, m.
     1. A parrot, Lass. 19, 14.
-- Comp. vākkīra, i. e. vāc-, m. a wife's brother.

kīrtana kīrtana, i. e. kṛt + ana, n., and f. , Mention, report, Pañc. 163, 21; Dev. 12, 21.

kīrtanya kīrtanya, a contraction of kirtanīya, ptcple. of the fut. pass. of kṛ10t, adj. Memorable, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 18.

kīrti kīrti, i. e. kṛ10 + ti, f.
     1. Renown, Man. 2, 9. Personified, MBh. 1, 2578.
-- Comp. divā-, m. a man of a low or impure caste, a Caṇḍāla, Man. 5, 85. duṣkīrti, i. e. dus-, adj. infamous, Bhāg. P. 8, 19, 43.

kīrtimant kīrti + mant,
I. adj., f. matī, Renowned, Rām. 1, 2, 45.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4356.

kīrtimaya kīrti + maya, adj., f. , Made (wreathed) of glory, Bhāg. P. 4, 15, 15.

kīlkīl, i. 10, Par. To bind.

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kīla kīla, m.
     1. A stake, MBh. 3, 650.
     2. A pin, Pañc. 44, 14.
     3. A wedge, Pañc. i. d. 26.
     4. A pillar Rājat. 5, 107.
-- Comp. indra-, m. the name of a mountain, Rām. 2, 80, 18. guda-, m. hemorrhoids, Suśr. 1, 198, 13. rata- (vb. ram), m. a dog.

kīlaka kīla + ka, m. A wedge, Pañc. 10, 7.

kīlāla kīlāla, i. e. kim-lal + a, m.
     1. A sweet drink (ved.).
     2. Blood, Prab. 54, 3.

kīlālaja kīlāla-ja (vb. jan.), n. Flesh, MBh. 3, 15341.

kīlālapa kīlāla-pa (vb. 1. ), adj. Drinking blood, MBh. 3, 13241.

kīlita kīlita, i. e. kīla + ita, adj., f. , Bolted, Gīt. 12, 13.

kīśa kīśa, m. A monkey, Pañc. 94, 15.

ku 1. ku-, a contraction of ka + va, from kim. Former part of compound words, implying,
I. Inferiority, wickedness, e. g. ku-karman,
     1. n. A wicked action, Pañc. v. d. 64.
     2. adj. Doing wicked actions, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 22. ku-kṛtya, n. A shameful action, Pañc. 237, 21. ku-go, m. An infirm bull, Rām. 6, 112, 6. ku-jananī, f. A bad mother, Rām. 6, 82, 118. ku-janman, adj. Having a bad origin, Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 22. ku-tanaya, m. A son who has not turned out well, Pañc. i. d. 85. ku-tapasvin, m. A bad ascetic, Pañc. 126, 1. ku-tarka, m. A false doctrine, Rājat. 5, 378. ku-dṛṣṭa, adj. Imperfectly seen, Pañc. v. d. 1. ku-dṛṣṭi, f. A false system, Man. 12. 95. ku-dhī, adj. sbst. A fool, Pañc. i. d. 38. ku-nadikā, f. An insignificant rivulet, Pañc, i. d. 31. ku-patha, m.
     1. An erroneous way, Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 14.
     2. A proper name, Hariv. 203. ku-parīkṣaka, m. A bad estimator, Bhartṛ. 2, 12. ku-parīkṣita, adj. Imperfectly examined, Pañc. v. d. 1. ku-putra, m. A contemptible son, Man. 9, 161. ku-puruṣa, m.
     1. A contemptible man, MBh. 13, 108.
     2. A coward, 5, 5493. ku-plava, m. A frail boat, Man. 9, 161. ku-buddhi, adj.
     1. Foolish, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 17.
     2. Mischievous, Pañc. i. d. 444. ku-bhṛtya, m. A bad servant, Pañc. 83, 43. ku-mati,
A. f.
     1. Perversity, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 7.
     2. Error, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 36.
B. adj. Foolish, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 17. ku-mantra, m. An evil advice, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 13. ku-mantrin, m. A bad counsellor, Rājat. 5, 455. ku-mārga, m. An erroneous way, Pañc. 122, 24. ku-mitra, n. A false friend, Pañc. iii. d. 61. ku-medhas, adj. Mischievous, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 33. ku-rājan, m. A contemptible king, Pañc. v. d. 64. ku-rūpa, adj. Ugly, Pañc. v. d. 17. ku-varṣa, m. A heavy shower, Rām. 6, 89, 15. ku-vākya, n. Injurious speech, Pañc. v. d. 64. ku-vivāha, m. A culpable marriage, Man. 3, 63. ku-saciva, m. A bad counsellor, Rājat. 5, 439. ku-sṛti, adj. Walking in error; a sinner, Bhāg. P. 8, 23, 7.
II. Surprise: How, cf. e. g. kumāra; how muc? cf. e. g. kumuda.

ku 2. ku, see .

ku 3. ku, f. The earth, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 42.

kuṃśkuṃś, or kuṃs kuṃs, i. 1 and 10, Par. To shine or speak.

kukkuk, i. 1, Ātm. To take.

kukundara kukundara, see kakundara.

kukura kukura,
     1. see kurkura.
     2. m. The name of a prince, MBh. 13, 7679.
     3. pl. The name of a people, Rām. 4, 41, 14.

kukkuṭa kukkuṭa, onomatop. (cf. Lat. cucurire),
I. m. A cock, Man. 3, 239 (a dog, Cāṇ. 98, in Monatsber. der Berliner Ak. Hist. Phil. 1864, p. 413, read kukkura).
II. f. ṭī, The silk cotton tree, Bombax heptaphyllon, Suśr. 2, 387, 1.
-- Comp. grāma-, m. a town-cock, Man. 5, 12. jala-, m. a kind of waterbird, Rām. 4, 13, 8. vana-, m. wild fowl.

kukkuṭaka kukkuṭa + ka, m. A man of a mixed caste, one sprung from a Śūdra by a Niṣādī woman, Man. 10, 18.

kukkuṭāṇḍaka kukkuṭāṇḍaka, i. e. kukkuṭa-aṇḍa + ka, A kind of rice, Suśr. 1, 196, 2.

kukkubha kukkubha, i. e. kukku (onomatop.) -bha (vb. bhā), m. A wild cock, Phasianus gallus, MBh. 13, 2835.

kukkura kukkura.
     1. see kurkura.
     2. m. The name of a muni, or sage, MBh. 2, 113.
     3. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1872.

kukṣi kukṣi (vb. kuc), m.
     1. The belly, Rām. 1, 70, 34.
     2. Cavity, Pañc. i. d. 281.
     3. A cavern, Ragh. 2, 38.
     4. A bay, MBh. 3, 793.
     5. A proper name, Rām. 1, 70, 21.

kuṅkuma kuṅkuma, n. Saffron, Crocus sativus, Bhartṛ. 1, 9.

kuc kuc, see kuñc.

kuca kuca, i. e. kuc + a, m. The emale breast, Rām. 2, 29, 22.

kujkuj, i. 1, Par.
     1. To steal or rob.
     2. To be crooked (cf. kuñc).

kuja kuja, i. e. 3. ku-ja (vb. jan), m. The planet Mars, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 34.

kuñc I. kuñc, i. 1, and kuc kuc, i. 6, Par.
     1. To straiten, to make narrow, Ṛt. 4, 16.
     2. To bend, Rām. 5, 55, 27; Pañc. 50, 10.
     3. To crisp, MBh. 1, 2170.

kuc II. † kuc, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound high.
     2. To go.
     3. To polish.
     4. To be crooked.
     5. To draw furrows.
     6. To resist.
-- With the prepos. ā ā, ākuñcita,
     1. Compressed, Rām. 3, 31, 21.
     2. Contracted, Bhartṛ. 1, 3.
     3. Crisped, MBh. 13, 882.
-- With vi vi, vikuñcita,
     1. Frowning, MBh. 1, 4112.
     2. Crisped, Ṛt. 3, 19. Caus. kuñcaya, To turn backwards (?), Rām. 5, 5, 18.
-- With sam sam, kuc.
     1. To contract one's self, Pañc. 3, 40.
     2. To close, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 3.
     1. Contracted, Bhartṛ. 3, 74.
     2. Shut, Rām. 4, 30, 20. Comp. a-saṃkucita, adj. not wrinkled, Suśr. 1, 66, 6.
-- Caus. kocaya,
     1. To contract, MBh. 1, 2843.
     2. To diminish, Bhartṛ. 2, 37.
-- Cf. Lat. quic in conquinisco, conquexi, cūlus for cuc + lus; [greek]; Goth. hauh; N.H.G. hucke in huckeback, etc.

kuñcana kuñc + ana, n. Shrinking, Suśr. 1, 251, 16.

kuñcikā kuñcikā, i. e. kuñc + aka, f. A key, Bhartṛ. 1, 62.

kuñjkuñj, i. 1, Par. To make any inarticulate sound.
-- Cf. kūj.

kuñja kuñja, m.
     1. A place overgrown with creeping plants, a bower, Megh. 19.
     2. A cavern, Rām. 4, 26, 6; Ragh. 9, 64.

kuñjara kuñjara (probably akin to the preceding), m.
     1. An elephant, Pañc. i. d. 177.
     2. Preeminent, Rām. 5, 2, 13; in this meaning it is generally the latter part of a compound, e. g. kapi-, m. A most excellent monkey (literally, an elephant among monkeys), Rām. 5, 3, 17.
     3. The name of a Nāga, or serpent, MBh. 1, 1560.
     4. The name of a prince, 3, 15597.
     5. The name of a mountain, Rām. 4, 41, 50.

kuṭ 1. kuṭ, i. 6, Par. To bend.

kuṭ 2. kuṭ (akin to kṛt, based on kart), i. 4, Par. To burst, Lass. 95, 15. † i. 10, koṭaya, To cut.
-- With the prepos. ava ava, To diminish, Suśr. 2, 175, 20.
-- With pra pra, To divide, MBh. 1, 2842.

kuṭaja kuṭa-ja (vb. jan), m. A medicinal plant, Wrightia antidysenterica, Megh. 4.

kuṭika kuṭ + ika,
I. adj. Crooked, MBh. 3, 13454.
II. f. , The name of a river, Rām. 2, 71, 15 (Gorr. 2, 73, 13, reads kuṭilā).

kuṭikoṣṭikā kuṭikoṣṭikā, f. The name of a river Rām. 2, 71, 10.

kuṭila kuṭ + ila,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Crooked, Rām. 1, 44, 25.
     2. Crisped, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 14.
     3. Frowning, Rām. 5, 89, 2.
     4. Deceitful, Pañc. i. d. 73; cf. a-kuṭila, adj. Candid, Pañc. i. d. 142.
II. f. , The name of a river, Rām. 2, 73, 13, Gorr. (cf. kuṭika); 4, 40, 20.

kuṭilaka kuṭila + ka,
I. adj. Crisped, Pañc. i. d. 225.
II. f. kuṭilikā, A kind of motion on the stage, Vikr. 62, 17.

kuṭī kuṭ + ī, f.
     1. A hut, Man. 11, 72.
     2. A vessel serving for fumigation, Suśr. 2, 33, 18.
-- Comp. aśva-, f. a stable, Pañc. 254, 22. parṇa-, f. a hut made of leaves, Rām. 2, 92, 12. bhramatkuṭī, i. e. bhramant-, f. a sort of umbrella.

kuṭīcaka kuṭī-cak + a, m. A class of religious mendicants, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 43.

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kuṭīra kuṭī + ra, n.
     1. A hut, Gīt. 1, 27.
     2. Sexual intercourse, Bhartṛ. 3, 66.

kuṭīraka kuṭīra + ka, n. A hut, Amar. 48.
-- Comp. tṛṇa-, a hut made of grass, Pañc. 34, 9.

kuṭumbkuṭumb, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from the next), Ātm. To support a family.

kuṭumba kuṭumba, n.
     1. Household, Śāk. d. 95.
     2. Family, Man. 11, 22.
     3. Family goods, Man. 9, 199.
-- Comp. vijaya-ratha-kuṭumba, adj. taking care of Vijaya's chariot as a father would a household, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 39.

kuṭumbaka kuṭumba + ka, n. Family, Hit. i. d. 64.

kuṭumbika kuṭumbika, i. e. kuṭumba + ika, adj. Taking care of one's family, MBh. 13, 4401.

kuṭumbin kuṭumbin, i. e. kuṭumba + in, m.
     1. A householder, Man. 3, 80; f. inī, The wife of a householder, MBh. 3, 13660.
     2. A kinsman, Pañc. 96, 4.
     3. A cultivator of the soil, Rājat. 5, 468.
-- Comp. ratha-, m. a charioteer, Rām. 6, 89, 19.

kuṭṭ kuṭṭ (a form of kṛt, based on kart),
I. i. 10, Par.
     1. † To cut.
     2. To cut in a defective manner, Suśr. 1, 361, 19.
     3. † To censure.
     4. To multiply.
II. † i. 10, Ātm., v. r. of kūṭ.
-- With the prepos. vi vi, Par. To cut off, MBh. 13, 3305.

kuṭṭa kuṭṭ + a, adj., f. ṭī,
     1. Latter part of compound words, e. g. aśmakuṭṭa, i. e. aśman-, adj. Breaking with a stone, Man. 6, 17.
     2. A multiplier.
-- Comp. kāṣṭha-, m. the woodpecker, Picus Bengalensis, Pañc. 157, 4. tāmra-, m. a coppersmith, Rām. 2, 90, 25 Gorr. (thus to be read instead of -kuṭa).

kuṭṭaka kuṭṭa + ka,
     1. adj. = kuṭṭa 1. Yājñ. 3, 49.
     2. = kuṭṭa 2.

kuṭṭanī kuṭṭanī, and kuṭṭinī kuṭṭinī, f. A procuress or bawd, Hit. i. d. 9; Prab. 14, 4.

kuṭṭima kuṭṭima (cf. kuṭṭ),
I. adj., f. , Plastered with small stones, Rām. 2, 80, 13.
II. m. and n. A floor or ground smoothed and plastered, MBh. 14, 2522; 1, 6964; Mālav. 21, d. 27.
-- Comp. vastra-, n. 1. an umbrella. 2. a tent.

kuṭmala kuṭ + mala, m. and n.
     1. An opening bud, Mṛcch. 10, 10.
     2. Opening, Rām. 4, 38, 40.

kuṭhāra kuṭhāra, m. (and f. ),
I. An axe, Rām. 2, 35, 41.
II. m. The name of a Nāga or serpent, MBh. 1, 2156.

kuṭhārika kuṭhārika, i. e. kuṭhāra + ika,
I. m. A wood-cutter, Rājat. 5, 310.
II. f. , A small axe, Bhartṛ. 3, 23. A lancet, Suśr. 1, 26, 13.

kuḍkuḍ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To act as a child.
     2. To eat.
     3. To heap.
     4. To dive(?).

kuḍava kuḍava, m. A measure of grain, etc., described as a vessel four fingers wide and as many deep, containing twelve handfuls; the fourth part of a Prastha, MBh. 14, 2722.

kuḍmala kuḍmala (cf. kuṭmala),
I. m. An opening bud, Ṛt. 2, 25.
II. adj. Opening, MBh. 4, 393.
III. n. A kind of hell, Man. 4, 89.

kuḍmalita kuḍmalita, i. e. kuḍmala + ita, adj. Covered with opening buds, Amar. 70.

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kuḍya kuḍya, n. A wall, Yājñ. 2, 223.

kuṇkuṇ, i, 6, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To cherish; to support (or to pain). i. 10, Par. kuṇaya,
     1. To address.
     2. To converse with.
     3. To invite.
-- Cf. kvaṇ.

kuṇapa kuṇapa,
I. m. and n.
     1. A dead body, carrion, Man. 12, 71.
II. m.
     2. A spear, MBh. 14, 142.

kuṇi kuṇi (probably a form of kuṣ + ni, cf. kūṇ), m.
     1. A cripple with a crooked or withered arm, MBh. 3, 1270.
     2. The name of a prince, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 13.

kuṇṭkuṇṭ, i. 1, Par. To maim (? v. r.).

kuṇṭh kuṇṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To be maimed.
     2. † To be lazy. † i. 10, Par. To cover (? v. r.). kuṇṭhita,
     1. Blunt, Kumāras. 2, 20.
     2. Powerless, Rājat. 5, 138.
-- Comp. a-, adj. sharp, Ragh. 1, 19.
-- With the prep. vi vi, vikuṇṭhita, Blunted, Ragh. 5, 44.

kuṇṭha kuṇṭh + a, adj. Blunt, Rām. 3, 32, 16.
-- Comp. a-, adj. sharp, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 31.

kuṇṭhaka kuṇṭha + ka, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 370.

kuṇḍkuṇḍ, i. 1, Par. To maim (?). i. 1, Ātm. To heat. i. 10, Par. To preserve.

kuṇḍa kuṇḍa,
I. m., f. ḍī, and n. A pitcher, a jar, a water pot, MBh. 3, 14311.
II. m. and n. A basin of water, MBh. 13, 4816; Rām. 4, 26, 4.
III. n.
     1. A hole in the ground for receiving and preserving consecrated fire, MBh. 3, 8216.
     2. A vessel for holding coals, Rām. 5, 10, 16.
IV. m.
     1. A son of anadulteress born before the death of the husband, Man. 3, 156; 174.
     2. The name of a Nāga or serpent, MBh. 1, 4828.
     3. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10358.
-- Comp. amṛta-, n. the vessel containing the amṛta, or beverage of immortality. homa-, n. a hole in the ground for receiving the fire for an oblation.

kuṇḍaka kuṇḍa + ka,
     1. A jar, Kathās. 4, 47.
     2. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 6983.

kuṇḍala kuṇḍala.
I. m. and n.
     1. A ring, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 3.
     2. An ear-ring, Bhartṛ. 2, 63.
II. m. The name of a Nāga, MBh. 1, 2154.
III. f. , A proper name, Mārk. P. 21, 34. -- When the latter part of a comp. adj., the f. is , e. g. śaila-, adj., f. , Surrounded by mountains, MBh. 3, 10943. sa-, adj. With earrings.

kuṇḍalin kuṇḍalin, i. e. kuṇḍala + in, adj., f. , Having earrings, MBh. 1, 7005.

kuṇḍāśin kuṇḍāśin, i. e. kuṇḍa-āśin,
I. adj. One who eats food offered by the son of an adulteress, Man. 3, 158.
II. m.
     1. The name of a Nāga or serpent.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 4553.

kuṇḍin kuṇḍin, i. e. kuṇḍa + in,
I. adj., f. , Carrying a water pot, MBh. 3, 16016.
II. m. A horse, MBh. 2, 2061(?).

kuṇḍina kuṇḍina,
I. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3747.
II. n. The name of a city, Nal. 21, 2.

kutapa ku-tap + a, m. and n.
     1. A blanket made of the hair of the mountain goat, Man. 3, 234.
     2. The eighth portion of the day, about noon, MBh. 13, 6040.

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kutas kutas, i. e. ka + va + tas (cf. kim and ku), adv.
     1. = Abl. of kim, Lass. 13, 14.
     2. From what place, Hiḍ. 2, 24.
     3. Whence, Rām. 1, 14, 36.
     4. Whither, Bhāg. P. 8, 19, 34.
     5. Why, Rām. 3, 1, 12.
     6. How, Brāhmaṇ. 1, 28.
     7. How much less? Indr. 1, 17.
     8. With following api, From some, Pañc. 229, 1; from somewhere.
     9. With na and following cana, From no quarter whatever, Man. 6, 40.
     10. With following cid, From any, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 7; from anywhere, Pañc. 239, 5.
-- Comp. a-, adv. from no quarter, Pañc. 68, 25.

kutuka kutuka, n. Desire, Gīt. i. 42.

kutūhala kutūhala, n.
     1. Eagerness, Nal. 1, 16; abl. Eagerly.
     2. Curiosity, Nal. 13, 48.
     3. Desire, Lass. 67, 12.
     4. A surprising object, Pañc. 124, 9.

kutūhalavant kutūhala + vant, adj., f. vatī, Anxious, eager, Mālav. 51, 7.

kutūhalin kutūhalin, i. e. kutūhala + in, adj., f. .
     1. Eager, Ragh. 15, 65.
     2. Inquisitive, Man. 4, 63.

kutra kutra, i. e. ka + va + tra (cf. kim and ku), adv.
     1. Where, Rām. 5, 34, 21.
     2. Whither, Lass. 25, 5.
     3. kutra -- kva are used to denote a great difference, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 25.
     4. With following api, Somewhere, Mārk. P. 8, 120.
     5. With following cid,
a. In some, Pañc. 256, 6.
b. Somewhere, Rām. 5, 1, 5. With preceding na, Nowhere, MBh. 3, 10359; Pañc. 36, 22.
c. kutra cid -- kutra cid, In some cases -- in others, Man. 9, 34.
     6. With preceding yatra and following ca, In whomsoever even, Bhāg. P. 8, 8, 22.
-- Cf. Goth. hvathro and hvar; Engl. whither; Lat. cur.

kutratya kutra + tya, adj. Where dwelling, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 17.

kuts kuts, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from kutas), in epic poetry also i. 1, MBh. 2, 2298, Par.
     1. To blame, MBh. 2, 2121.
     2. To contemn, Man. 2, 54. kutsita, Contemptible, MBh. 13, 2222. kutsya, Blameable, Bhartṛ. 2, 12 (thus to be read).
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To blame. Rām. 2, 75, 2.

kutsa kutsa, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, Chr. 296.

kutsana kuts + ana, n. Contempt, Man. 4, 163.

kutsā kuts + ā, f. Blaming, MBh. 13, 6589; Blame, 2, 2235.

kuth kuth, i. 4, Par. To stink. kuthita, Fetid, Suśr. 2, 115, 3. -- Causal, kothaya, To cause to putrefy, Suśr. 1, 344, 4.
-- With the prep. pra pra, To begin stinking, to turn putrid, prakuthita, Suśr. 1, 344, 5.

kutha kutha,
I. m., and f. thā, and n. A painted woollen blanket, MBh. 2, 1894.
II. m. A kind of grass, Poa cynosuroides, Rām. 2, 30, 14 (but Gorr. reads kuśa, 2, 30, 16).

kudkud, i. 10, Par. To speak falsely, to lie (v.r.).

kuddāla kuddāla, m. and n. A kind of spade or hoe, MBh. 3, 8871.

kunakha ku-nakha, m. A disorder of the finger nails (cf. the next), Suśr. 1, 292. 9.

kunakhin kunakhin, i. e. kunakha + in, adj., f. , One who has whitlows on his nails, Man. 3, 153.

kunta kunta, m. A lance, Rām. 3, 28, 24.

kuntala kuntala, m.
     1. Hair, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 30.
     2. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 347.

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kunti kunti, m.
I. m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 590.
     2. The king of the Kuntis, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 30.
     3. A proper name, Mārk. P. 2, 2.
II. f. , One of Pānḍu's wives, MBh. 1, 3811.

kunthkunth, i. 1, Par.
     1. To hurt.
     2. To afflict. ii. 9, kuthnā, nī,
     1. To embrace.
     2. To afflict.

kunda kunda,
I. m. and n. A kind of jasmine, Jasminum multiflorum, or pubescens, Megh. 48.
II. m.
     1. A name of Viṣṇu, MBh. 13, 7036.
     2. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 10.

kundrkundr, i. 10, Par. To speak falsely, to lie.
-- Cf. kud.

kup 1. kup, i. 4, Par. Ātm.
     1. To become excited, Suśr. 2, 184, 11.
     2. To be angry, Man. 3, 229. With dat. gen. and acc., Of the person with whom one is angry, Pañc. 23, 22; Rām. 4, 19, 24; 1, 49, 7. kupita, Enraged, Man. 9, 313. With upari and gen. (enraged against us), Pañc. 73, 15. a-kupya, adj. Not liable to become angry, MBh. 15, 821. Caus. kopaya,
     1. To excite, Suśr. 2, 204, 3.
     2. To provoke, MBh. 2, 2140. Ātm. To provoke against one's own self, MBh. 2, 2187. Anomalous kopayīta for kopayeta, kopiṣṭhās for cūkupathās, kopayāna for kopayamāna, MBh. 1, 5790; 2, 2188; 3, 1956.
     3. To be angry, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 11.
-- With the prep. pari pari,
     1. To be much excited, MBh. 1, 1186.
     2. To be very angry, MBh. 13, 2101. -Caus.
     1. To excite violently, MBh. 14, 469.
     2. To provoke violently, MBh. 13, 7403.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To become agitated, Suśr. 2, 396, 4; MBh. 13, 14508. prakupita, Very angry, Pañc. 163, 5. nātiprakupita, Rather indifferent, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 11. Anomalous prakupta, Vikr. d. 130. -- Caus.
     1. To excite, MBh. 14, 465.
     2. To provoke, Man. 9, 313.
-- With sam sam, To become angry, MBh. 3, 1093. -- Caus. To provoke, MBh. 4, 1845.
-- Cf. Lat. cupio = kupyāmi.

kup † 2. kup, i. 10, Par. To speak or shine.

kupya kup + ya,
I. n. (and kupyaka -kupya + ka as latter part of a comp.), Any metal except gold and silver, Man. 7, 96.
II. m. A proper name, Rājat. 6, 264.

kubja kubja, i. e. kubh-ja (vb. jan, cf. kumbha), adj., f. .
     1. Hump-backed, Pañc. 261, 12.
     2. Crooked, Pañc. ii. d. 74.

kubjaka kubja + ka,
I. adj. Humpbacked, Pañc. v. d. 77.
II. m. An aquatic plant, Trapa bispinosa, Man. 8, 247.

kumārkumār, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from the next), Par. To play as a child.

kumāra kumāra, i. e. ku-mṛ + a (vb. mṛ in its original signification, To be weak),
I. m.
     1. A child (ved.).
     2. A boy, Man. 7, 152.
     3. A youth, Ragh. 3, 40.
     4. When compounded, often: Young, as latter part, Śāk. 27, 15; Ragh. 3, 40; as former part, Man. 3, 159, From early youth.
     5. A young prince, Ragh. 12, 41.
     6. A name of Skanda, the god of war, Suśr. 2, 394, 10.
     7. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1870.
II. f. .
     1. A girl, Man. 3, 54.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3796.
     3. The name of a river, MBh. 6, 343.
-- Comp. rājakumāra, i. e. rājan-, m. a prince, Lass. 7, 2. sanatk°, i. e. sanad-, m. one of the four sons of Brahman, and eldest of the progenitors of mankind. su-,
I. adj. 1. soft, smooth. 2. youthful. 3. delicate.
II. m., and f. , names of several plants.

kumāraka kumāra + ka,
I. m.
     1. A boy, Śāk. 50, 1.
     2. A youth, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 24.
     3. The name of a Nāga or serpent, MBh. 1, 2154.
II. f. rikā, A girl, Pañc. 184, 4.

kumāratva kumāra + tva, n. Youth, Ragh. 17, 30.

kumārasū kumāra-sū, m. A name of Agni, MBh. 2, 1148.

kumālkumāl = kumār (v. r.).

kumud ku-mud, n. The esculent white water-lily, Nymphaea esculenta, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 38.

kumuda ku-mud + a,
I. m. and n. The white esculent water-lily, Nymphaea esculenta, Pañc. 50, 10.
II. m. The name of a Nāga or serpent, MBh. 1, 1560; of a celestial being, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 39; of a monkey, Rām. 4, 39, 37; of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 12; of a man, Rājat. 5, 422.

kumudinī kumudinī, i. e. kumuda + in + ī, f. A group of lotus flowers, Pañc. i. d. 152.

kumudvant kumud + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Abounding in lotusses, Ragh. 4, 19.
II. f. vatī,
     1. A group of lotus flowers, Śāk. d. 65.
     2. A plant, Menyanthes indica, Suśr. 2, 251, 18.
     3. A proper name, Ragh. 16, 85.

kumpkump, i. 10, Par., v. r. of kumb, i. 10.

kumbkumb, i. 1, and i. 10 (cf. the last and the next), To cover.

kumbhkumbh, i. 10, Par., v. r. of kumb.
-- Cf. the last and the next.

kumbha kumbh + a (the vb. kumbh, kubh, from which this noun is derived, is lost in the corresponding signification, but cf. kubja [greek]; Engl. hump; O.H.G. hofar; Lat. cubitus, the elbow, lying, etc., cubare, concumbere, etc.; and at the end of this article. From these and other instances, we may infer that the original signification of the vb. kubh was 'to be crooked'),
I. m., and f. bhī.
     1. A pot, Man. 11, 186; MBh. 18, 84.
     2. A measure of grain, equal to twenty droṇas, Man. 8, 320; 4, 7.
II. m.
     1. dual, The two frontal globes of an elephant, which swell in the rutting season, Pañc. i. d. 351.
     2. The paramour of a harlot, Śṛṅgārat. 9.
     3. The name of a Dānava, MBh. 1, 2527; of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 5, 79, 15.
-- Comp. agni-, m. a fire pot, MBh. 13, 5490 (he will get [in hell] a fire pot, in order to be burnt therein; cf. kumbhī-pāka). āma-, m. an unburnt earthen pot, Pañc. iii. d. 13. udakumbha, i. e. udan-, m. a water pot, Man. 2, 182. kuca-, m. a bosom like the frontal globes of an elephant, Śṛṅgārat. 9 (v. r.). tapta-, m. the name of a hell, Mārk. P. 12, 34. bhadra-, m. a golden jar filled with water from a holy place. vāta-, m. the part of an elephant's forehead below the frontal globes. śata-,
I. m. the name of a mountain.
II. n. gold. -- When latter part of a comp. adj. the fem. is bhā, e. g. vāri-pūrita-kumbha, adj., f. bhā, Bearing jars filled with water, Kathās. 18, 339.
-- Cf. [greek] a vessel, [greek] etc.; Goth. hups; O.H.G. huf; A.S. hipe; O.H.G. hufila, 'a cheek,' hūfo and hauf, a multitude, heap; cf. supra.

kumbhaka kumbha + ka,
I. m. A religious exercise, closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 18.
II. f. bhikā, A small pot, Kathās. 6, 41.

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kumbhakāra kumbha-kāra, m. A potter, Pañc. 217, 20.

kumbhakārikā kumbhakārikā, i. e. kumbha-kāraka, f. The wife of a potter, Kathās. 21, 134.

kumbhila kumbhila (akin to kumbha), m. A thief, Śāk. 13, 2 (Prākṛ.).

kumbhīra kumbhīra (akin to kumbha), m. A crocodile, MBh. 13, 5457.

kurkur, i. 6, Par. To sound.

kuraṅga kuraṅga,
I. m. An antelope, Pañc. 114, 18.
II. f. , A female antelope, Gīt. 9, 11.
III. m. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 27.

kuraṅgāya kuraṅgāya, a denominative derived from the last by ya, Ātm. To turn an antelope.

kurara kurara (onomatop.),
I. m. An osprey, Rām. 3, 15, 6.
II. f. , A female osprey, MBh. 1, 908.
III. m. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 27.

kurava kurava, m. The name of a plant; see the next.

kuravaka kurava + ka,
I. m.
     1. A crimson species of amaranth.
     2. A purple sort of Barleria, Ṛt. 6, 18.
II. n. The flower of these plants, Ṛt. 6, 31.

kuru kuru, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, Man. 8, 92.
     2. The progenitor of the Kurus, MBh. 1, 4346.

kuruvaka kuruvaka = kuravaka, Rām. 3, 79, 36.

kuruvinda kuruvinda, m.
     1. The name of several plants, a kind of barley, Suśr. 1, 197, 1.
     2. A ruby, Śiś. 9, 8.

kurkuṭa kurkuṭa, m. Rubbish (?), Pañc. iii. d. 118.

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kurkura kurkura (onomatop.), also kukkura kukkura and kukura kukura, m. A dog, Pañc. ii. d. 97; Hit. 50, 3. kukura, also, The proper name of a prince, MBh. 13, 7679; and a people, Rām. 4, 41, 14.

kurd kurd, i. 1, kūrda, Par. and Ātm.
     1. To hop, Hariv. 8398.
     2. † To play. -- Caus. of the frequent. cokūrdaya, To invite to hop, Hariv. 8403 (cukūrdayadbhiḥ, read cokūrd°).
-- With the prep. ati ati, To hop briskly, Hariv. 8404.
-- With ud ud, To jump aloft, Pañc. 124, 7.
-- With pra pra, To jump on, Pañc. 118, 15.

kurpāsaka kurpāsa + ka, m. A bodice, Ṛt. 4, 16.

kulkul, i. 1, Par.
     1. To accumulate.
     2. To be of kin.

kula kula, n.
     1. A herd, Rām. 4, 40, 24; a flock, Ṛt. 1, 23; Pañc. 82, 20.
     2. A multitude, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 33.
     3. A caste. Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 43.
     4. Family, Man. 2, 34.
     5. A house, Man. 7, 82.
     6. A grange, holding as much land as can be tilled by two ploughs, each drawn by six bulls, Man. 7, 119.
     7. Noble lineage, Man. 7, 54.
     8. An inspector of causes, Man. 8, 169 (? Kall.).
-- Comp. anurūpa-, adj., f. , being of a suitable family, Rām. 3, 35, 67. uccaiḥkula, i. e. uccais-, n. high rank, Śāk. d. 92. utkula-, i. e. ud-, adj., f. , degenerate, Śāk. d. 123. go-, n. 1. a herd of kine, Rām. 1, 9, 60. 2. the name of a temple, Rājat. 5, 23. daṇḍa-deva-, n. a temple of the god of punishment, perhaps Yama, or a court of justice, Pañc. 128, 25. duṣkula, i. e. dus-,
I. n. a base family, Man. 2, 238.
II. adj. sprung from a base family, Bhartṛ. 1, 89. deva-, n. a temple, Mṛcch. 30, 15. niṣkula, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , having no kindred, Man. 8, 28; with kṛ, to exterminate one's family, Rām. 4, 26, 14. nīcka-, n. a low family, Mṛcch. 83, 8. rājakula, i. e. rājan-,
I. n. 1. the court of a king, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 18. 2. a court of justice, Pañc. 96, 20. 3. a royal race.
II. m. a prince. vāgdevī-, i. e. vāc-devī-, n. science, Rājat. 5, 158. sa-, adj. 1. having a family. 2. belonging to a family.

kulaka kula + ka, n. A multitude, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 11.

kulaja kula-ja (vb. jan), adj. m. A person of high birth, Man. 8, 179.
-- Comp. a-, adj. a person of base birth, Pañc. i. d. 466.

kulaṭā kulaṭā, f. An unchaste woman, Pañc. 37, 11.

kulatas kula + tas, adv. According to one's rank, Chr. 52, 10.

kulattha kulattha, probably kula-stha (vb. sthā), m.
     1. A kind of vetc, Dolichos uniflorus, MBh. 13, 5468.
     2. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 373.

kulaṃdhara kulaṃdhara, i. e. kula + m-dhṛ + a, adj. Preserving a family, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 15.

kulapālikā kulapālikā, i. e. kula-pāla + ka, f. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 24.

kulaṃpuna kulaṃpuna, i. e. kula + m-pū + na (or rather mutilated -punant, ptcple. pres. of ),
I. m. The name of a Tīrtha, MBh. 3, 6074.
II. f. , The name of a river, 13, 7646.

kulaṃbhara kulaṃbhara, i. e. kula + m-bhṛ + a, adj. Nourishing a family. MBh. 13, 4427.

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kulavant kula + vant, adj., f. vatī, Belonging to a high family, Kathās. 21, 103.

kulāya kulāya, n. and m. A nest, Pañc. 94, 16.

kulāla kulāla, m. A potter, Pañc. 218, 11.

kulika kulika, i. e. kula + ika, m.
     1. A kinsman, Yājñ. 2, 233.
     2. The name of a king of the Nāgas or serpents, MBh. 1, 2549.

kuliṅga kuliṅga,
I. m.
     1. A kind of mouse, Suśr. 2, 278, 3.
     2. The forktailed shrike, Suśr. 1, 201, 18.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2239.
II. f. , The name of a city, Rām. 2, 68, 16.

kulinda kulinda, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 590.
     2. Its prince, MBh. 3, 12350.

kuliśa ku-liś + a (perhaps rather kliś + a), m. and n.
     1. An axe, MBh. 3, 810.
     2. The thunderbolt of Indra, Bhartṛ. 2, 29.
-- Comp. nakha-, thunderbolt-like nails, Pañc. 16, 4.

kulīna kulīna, i. e. kula + īna, adj., f. .
     1. Being of a good family, Man. 7, 210.
     2. Of noble breed, Rām. 5, 12, 31.
     3. Latter part of a comp. adj. Belonging to a race or family of; the aff. īna belongs to the whole comp., e. g. tad-, adj. Belonging to the same (i. e. his) race, Chr. 25, 53. mahārāja-, adj., f. , Belonging to a race of great kings, Rām. 2, 88, 3. a-, adj. Sprung from a low family, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 404. duṣkulīna, i. e. dus-kula + īna, adj. Sprung from a low family, Rām. 3, 23, 15. satkulīna, i. e. sant-kula + īna (vb. as), adj. Well born, nobly descended.

kulīnatva kulīna + tva, n. Noble birth, Bhartṛ. 1, 61.

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kulīra kulīra, probably borrowed from [greek], m. (and n.), A crab, Pañc. 265, 9; the sign of the zodiac, Cancer, Rām. 1, 19, 8.

kulīraka kulīra + ka, m. A little crab, Pañc. 50, 11.

kuleya -kuleya, i. e. kula + eya, in tatkuleya, i. e. tad-kula + eya, adj. Belonging to his family, MBh. 1, 6804.

kulmāṣa kulmāṣa,
I. m. Sour gruel, Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 12.
II. f. ṣī, The name of a river.

kulya kulya, i. e. kula + ya, adj., f. , Referring or belonging to a family, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 12; Bhartṛ. 3, 24.
-- Comp. sa-, m. 1. A distant kinsman, Man. 9, 187. 2. A kinsman in general.

kulyā kulyā, f.
     1. A rivulet, a canal, MBh. 3, 10408.
     2. The name of a river, MBh. 13, 1742.
-- Comp. ṛṣi-, f. 1. a holy river, MBh. 2, 1041. 2. the name of a river, MBh. 3, 8026. 3. a proper name, Bhāg. P. 5, 15, 5. deva-, f. a proper name, Bhāg. P. 5, 15, 5.

kulyāya kulyāya, a denomin. derived from the last by ya, Ātm. To become a rivulet, Bhartṛ. 2, 78.

kuvala kuvala, n. A water lily; see kuvaleśaya.

kuvalaya kuvalaya,
I. n. A water lily, Megh. 34.
II. m. and n. The terrestrial globe (i. e. 3. ku-valaya), Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 5; 7.

kuvalayita kuvalayita, i. e. kuvalaya + ita, adj. Adorned with water lilies, Ragh. 11, 93.

kuvalayeśatā kuvalayeśatā, i. e. kuvalaya-īśa + tā, f. Dominion over the terrestrial globe, Rājat. 4, 372.

kuvaleśaya kuvaleśaya, i. e. kuvala + i-śī + a, m. A name of Viṣṇu, MBh. 13, 7012.

kuvinda kuvinda, m. A weaver.

kuvera kuvera, probably for kuvārya, i. e. ku-vṛ + ya, m. The god of wealth, Man. 7, 42.

kuśkuś, v. r.; see kus.

kuśa kuśa,
I. m. and n. The sacrificial grass, Poa cynosuroides, Man. 2, 43.
II. m.
     1. A proper name, Rām. 1, 34, 1.
     2. One of the great dvīpas or divisions of the universe, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 32.

kuśala kuśala (perhaps for ku-śara, and akin to śaraṇa),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Happy, Bhag. 18, 10.
     2. Healthy, Rām. 2, 70, 12.
     3. Expert, Pañc. v. d. 33; skilful, Nal. 19, 19; 20; with loc., Man. 7, 190; gen., Yājñ. 2, 181; infin., MBh. 1, 53.
II. lam, adv. Well, Bhāg. P. 1, 14, 29; mildly, Man. 6, 48.
III. m. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 359.
IV. n.
     1. Well-being, Rām. 1, 52, 5.
     2. Happiness, Pañc. 192, 23; prosperity (of devotion), Man. 2, 127.
     3. Salutation, Rām. 1, 73, 8. -- Instr. lena, adverbially, Cheerfully, Rām. 2, 34, 22.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unlucky, Bhag. 18, 21; Rām. 2, 64, 44. vaitāna-, adj. Knowing the sacred ordinances, Man. 11, 37. śastra-, adj. expert in arms. samudra-yāna-, adj. well acquainted with sea-voyages and journeys by land, Man. 8, 157. sarvārtha-, i. e. sarva-artha-, adj. expert in all affairs, Nal. 8, 4. svādhīna-, i. e. sva-adhīna-, adj. having prosperity in one's own power, Śāk. 64, 23.

kuśalatā kuśala + tā, f. Cleverness, Man. 12, 73.

kuśalin kuśalin, i. e. kuśala + in, adj., f. .
     1. Prosperous, Nal. 2, 16.
     2. Safe and sound, Rām. 3, 69, 14.

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kuśavant kuśa + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Abounding in Kuśa grass, MBh. 3, 10533.
II. f. vatī, The name of a city, MBh. 3, 11792.

kuśāmba kuśāmba, m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2363.

kuśika kuśika, m. A proper name, Rām. 1, 23, 11. pl. His descendants, MBh. 1, 3723.

kuśin kuśin, i. e. kuśa + in, adj., f. , Holding Kuśa grass, MBh. 13, 973.

kuśīda kuśīda; see kusīda.

kuśīlava ku-śīla + va (va is mutilated vant),
     1. m. An actor, Man. 3, 155.
     2. du. kuśa and lava, the sons of Rāma, Rām. 1, 4, 2.

kuśūla kuśūla, m. A granary, Hit. 66, 19; Man. 4, 7.

kuśeśaya kuśeśaya, i. e. kuśa + i-śī + a,
I. adj. Dwelling in Kuśa grass (viz. fire), MBh. 13, 1698.
II. n. A water lily, Ragh. 18, 3.

kuṣ kuṣ (akin to kṛṣ, and based on karṣ), ii. 9, kuṣṇā, ṇī, Par. (also i. 6, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 10),
     1. To tear, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 10.
     2. † To draw out.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To pull, Suśr. 2, 145, 2.
-- With nis nis, To tear out (i. 6), Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 19; niṣkuṣita, Torn out, Ragh. 7, 47.

kuṣṭha kuṣṭha, m. and n.
     1. A plant, Costus speciosus, Rām. 2, 94, 23.
     2. i. e. kuṣ + tha, Leprosy, Bhartṛ. 1, 89.

kuṣṭhita kuṣṭhita, i. e. kuṣṭha + ita, adj., f. , and kuṣṭhin kuṣthin, i. e. kuṣṭha + in, adj., f. , Subject to leprosy, Suśr. 1, 270, 21; Man. 3, 7.

kuskus, also kuś kuś, i. 4, Par. To embrace.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek], ep. fut. [greek], etc. -- O.H.G. cus, kussian; A.S. coss, cyssan, belong rather to juṣ.

kusīda kusīda, probably ku-sad + a (from the base of the pres. sīda), n. Usury, Pañc. i. d. 12; with ś for s: kuśīda, Man. 8, 410.

kusuma ku-suma, probably, ku-smi + a, n. A flower, Man. 11, 70.
-- Comp. a-, adj. flowerless, Kir. 5, 10.

kusumamaya kusuma + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of flowers, Prab. 7, 14.

kusumaśaratva kusuma-śara + tva, n. Having flowers instead of arrows, Śāk. d. 54.

kusumita kusumita, i. e. kusuma + ita, adj., f. , Blossoming, Rām. 2, 96, 15.

kusumbha kusumbha, probably s for ś and ku-śumbh + a,
I. m. and n. Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius, Śiś. 9, 14.
II. m.
     1. A student's water-pot.
     2. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 27.

kusumbhavant kusumbha + vant, adj. Bearing a water-pot, Man. 6, 52.

kusmkusm, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from ku-smaya), Ātm.
     1. To smile.
     2. To see mentally, to imagine.

kuh kuh, i. 10, Ātm. To surprise, to deceive (cf. the next).

kuhaka kuh + aka (kuh probably = [greek]),
I. adj., f. , and sbst. Deceiving, a cheat, MBh. 3, 14718; a juggler, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 21.
II. m.
     1. A kind of frog, Suśr. 2, 290, 6.
     2. The name of a king of the Nāgas or serpents, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 29.
III. n. and f. , Juggling, Hit. iv. d. 101; MBh. 5, 5461.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who is no deceiver. Suśr. 2, 290, 6.

kuhara kuh + ara (cf. the last).
I. n.
     1. A cavern, Bhartṛ. 3, 29.
     2. A cavity, Prab. 3, 15.
     3. The interior, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 33.
     4. Coition, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 22.
II. m. The name of a serpent, MBh. 1, 2701.

kuhu kuhu, The cry of the cuckoo, MBh. 15, 724.

kuhukuhāya kuhukuhāya (onomatop.?), Ātm. To show surprise, MBh. 3, 14129.

kuhū kuhū,
     1. kuh + ū (cf. kuhaka), f. The new moon; probably that part of the day of the new moon when the moon is completely waned, MBh. 3, 14129.
     2. The name of a river, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 10.
     3. The cry of the cuckoo, Gīt. 1, 47.

, and ku ku, ii. 2, Par., i. 1 and 6, Ātm., and as v. r. of knū, ii. 9, Par. Ātm. To cry. Frequent. kokūya, cf. [greek]; cf. ākūta.

kūj kūj (onomatop., from the cry of the cuckoo, cf. [greek] O.H.G. gauc; A.S. gaec), i. 1, Par. (Ātm. see ni), To make any inarticulate sound:
     1. To cry, as a bird, MBh. 3, 9926. To coo, Rām. 2, 52, 2.
     2. To buzz, Ṛt. 6, 34, v. r.
     3. To rustle, Ragh. 2, 12.
     4. To moan, Rām. 3, 32, 33.
     5. To fill with one of these sounds, Rām. 3, 78, 27. kūjita, n.
     1. Inarticulate sound, Ragh. 9, 26.
     2. Chirping, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 12.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To rival in chirping, Rām. 3, 79, 24; in singing, 2, 96, 13; in moaning, MBh. 3, 14144.
-- With abhi abhi, To buzz, Rām. 3, 79, 6.
-- With ā ā, To sing, as a bird, Suśr. 2, 503, 13.
-- With ud ud, To utter a monotonous sound, Kathās. 10, 130.
-- With upa upa, To fill with a sound, MBh. 3, 5212.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To chirp, Rām. 3, 7, 4.
     2. To fill with chirping, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 20.
-- With nis nis, To utter inarticulate sounds, Rām. 2, 95, 11.
-- With pari pari, To buzz round about, Sāh. D. 55, 20.
-- With prati prati, To answer by an inarticulate sound, Rām. 2, 56, 9.
-- With vi vi, To cry, Rām. 3, 76, 7.

kūja kūj + a, m. Croaking of the bowels, Suśr. 2, 514, 1.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not murmuring, MBh. 1, 4116. niṣkūja, i. e. nis-, adj. silent, Rām. 2, 59, 10.

kūjana kūj + ana, n. Croaking of the bowels, Suśr. 2, 402, 12.

kūjin kūjin, i. e. kūja + in, adj., f. , Subject to croaking of the bowels, Suśr. 2, 428, 13.

kūṭkūṭ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To burn.
     2. To sorrow.
     3. To advise. -- i. 10, Ātm.
     1. To be foul.
     2. To avoid giving.
     3. To despond.

kūṭa kūṭa,
I. m. and n.
     1. The head, MBh. 16, 110.
     2. Top, Rām. 6, 95, 24.
     3. The peak or summit of a mountain, MBh. 1, 1172.
     4. Chief, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 19.
     5. A multitude, a heap, Rām. 1, 13, 15
     6. A hammer, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 6.
     7. A trap, Rām. 4, 17, 6.
     8. An enigma; vācaḥ kūṭa, enigmatic speech, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 29.
II. adj.
     1. Untrue, false, Yājñ. 1, 80; 2, 241 (viz. coin).
     2. Insidious, Man. 7, 90 (concealed in wood, Kull.; cf. kūṭa-khaḍga).
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. open, honest, Yājñ. 1, 323. 2. genuine (viz. coin), 2, 241. akṣa-, n. a trap by means of dice, MBh. 3, 1266. akṣi-, n. the prominence over the eye, Yājñ. 3, 96. āmra-, m., gṛdhra-, Citra-, m. names of mountains, Megh. 17; Hit. 18, 6; Rām. 1, 1, 30. tri-,
I. adj. having three elevations, MBh. 12, 6170.
II. m. the name of several mountains, MBh. 2, 1484. niṣkūṭa, i. e. nis-, adj. devoid of fraud, free from danger, Rām. 2, 84, 16 brahmakūṭa, i. e. brahman-, adj. pretending falsely to be a Brāhmaṇa, MBh. 13, 4526. ratna-, m. a mountain in the Dekhan. vamrī-, n. an ant-hill. haṃsa-, m. the hump on the Indian ox. hima-, m. winter, hemakūṭa, i. e. heman, m. a range of mountains.

kūṭaka kūṭa + ka,
I. adj. False, Yājñ. 2, 241.
II. m. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 16.

kūṭakāraka kūṭa-kāraka, m. A false witness, Man. 3, 158.

kūṭakṛt kūṭa-kṛ + t, m. A forger. Yājñ. 2, 70.

kūṭaja kūṭa-ja = kuṭaja, Rām. 4, 29, 10.

kūṭaśas kūṭa + śas, adv. By heaps, Arj. 9, 5.

kūṭastha kūṭa-stha (vb. sthā), adj.
     1. Having attained the summit Bhag. 6, 8; chief, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 49.
     2. Universally, and perpetually the same, Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 17.
-- Comp. strī-ratna-kūṭa-stha, adj. surrounded by a multitude of most beautiful women, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 36.

kūḍkūḍ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To eat.
     2. To become firm
-- Cf. 2. kūl.

kūṇ kūṇ (derived from kuṣṇā, the base of the present of kuṣ), i. 10, Par., Ātm. To contract; kūṇita, Suśr. 1, 362. 1.

kūpkūp, i. 10, Par. To be weak.

kūpa kūpa, m.
     1. A pit, MBh. 1, 716.
     2. A well, Man. 4, 202.
-- Comp. ludba-, m. a pit-fall, a pit the opening of which is overgrown, Kathās. 4, 120. romakūpa, i. e. roman-, m. a pore of the skin.

kūpakāra kūpa-kāra, m. A welldigger, Rām. 2, 80, 3.

kūrca kūrca, m. and n.
     1. A bunch of grass, Hariv. 7816; cf. Kathās. 24, 96.
     2. Designation of some puffed up parts of the human body, e. g. the palms and balls of the foot, Suśr. 1, 338, 13.

kūrcaka kūrca + ka, m. A brush, Suśr. 1, 101, 17.

kūrcakin kūrcakin, i. e. kūrcaka + in, adj., f. , Puffy, Suśr. 1, 260, 9.

kūrdana kūrdana, i. e. kurd + ana, n. Leaping, Pañc. 122, 5.

kūrpara kūrpara, m. The elbow, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 2.

kūrpāsaka kūrpāsa + ka, m. A bodice, Ṛt. 5, 8, v. l.
-- Cf. kurpāsaka.

kūrma kūrma, m.
     1. A tortoise, Rām. 4, 16, 32.
     2. One of the five vital airs of the body, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 15.
     3. The name of a king of the Nāgas or serpents, MBh. 1, 2549.

kūl † 1. kūl, i. 1, Par. To hinder.

kūl 2. kūl (kūḍ), i. 10, Par. To singe, Suśr. 2, 435, 20.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To singe, Suśr. 2, 350, 18.

kūla kūla, n.
     1. A slope (ved.).
     2. A bank, Man. 6, 78.
-- Comp. dakṣiṇa-, adj., f. , the bank of which is turned toward the south, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 17. prākkūla, i. e. prāñc-, adj., f. , turned toward the east, Man. 2, 75.

kūlaṃkaṣa kūlaṃkaṣa, i. e. kūla + m kaṣ + a, adj. Rapid, Śāk. d. 117.

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kūlamudruja kūla + m-ud-ruj + a, adj. Hollowing out a bank, Ragh. 4, 22.

kūlinī kūlinī, i. e. kūla + in + ī, f. A river, Rājat. 5, 68.

kūvara kūvara, m. and n. The pole of a carriage, MBh. 3, 14601.

kūṣmāṇḍa kūṣmāṇḍa,
I. m. A kind of imp, Yājñ. 1, 284.
II. m., and f. ḍī, The name of certain holy texts, Man. 8, 106; Yājñ. 3, 304.

kṛ 1. kṛ (originally skṛ; cf. ava-, upa-, pari-, sam-, abhi-sam-, upa-sam-, prati-sam-, and kośaskṛt), ii. 8, Par., Ātm., karomi (in epic poetry also kurmi, MBh. 3, 10943); ved. ii. 5, kṛṇomi; ii. 2, e. g. karṣi; i. 1, karasi.
     1. To make, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3 (kṛṇavante, ved. conjunct.); Pañc. i. d. 436; Man. 2, 154; Rām. 1, 1, 59.
     2. To do, Rām. 1, 9, 10.
     3. To perform, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 88, 4 (kṛṇvantaḥ); Man. 1, 55 (one's natural functions); Rām. 3, 53, 11 (an order); 1, 2, 2 (to show respect); Pañc. 82, 14 (to show pride).
     4. To tell, Rām. 1, 2, 34.
     5. To compose, Rām. 1, 3, 38.
     6. To appoint, Man. 7, 78; 9, 127.
     7. To sacrifice, Man. 3, 210.
     8. To act for or against a person; with the gen. of the person, MBh. 3, 2160; with the loc., Rām. 2, 64, 61.
     9. To assume, Man. 7, 10.
     10. To prepare, MBh. 13, 2794; to cook, Man. 9, 219.
     11. To cultivate, Yājñ. 2, 158; to till, Man. 10, 114.
     12. With nouns designing sounds, speech, To utter, MBh. 3, 11718.
     13. With nouns designing time, To pass, MBh. 15, 6; to wait, 1. 2294; with ciram, To delay, Hiḍ. 4, 13.
     14. With nouns denoting mind, To give one's heart to, Man. 12, 118; to resolve, Chr. 11, 11; Rām. 1, 9, 55.
     15. With astrāṇi, To practise, MBh. 3, 11824; with udakam or salilam, To make the oblation of water to a deceased one, Man. 5. 188; Rām. 1, 44, 49; with kanyām, To contaminate, Man. 8, 367; with kāryam, To put up with, Pañc. iv. 28; with daṇḍam, To inflict a punishment, Lass. 14, 14; with dārān, To give a wife in marriage, Rām. 1, 77, 26; with nāma, To give a name, Man. 5, 70; with paścāt, To surpass, Ragh. 17, 18; with punar, To undo, Man. 8, 154; with bhaṅgam, To break, Pañc. 8, 17; with bhiyam, To fear, Rām. 1, 22, 14 Gorr.; with vasuṃdharām, To wander over, Rām. 4, 46, 14; with vahis, To exclude, Man. 2, 103; to expel; with vinā, To deprive, Nal. 13, 25; with śramam, To apply diligence, Man. 2, 168; with sneham, To think of the love, Rām. 1, 21, 14.
     16. With the instr., To do with, kiṃ kariṣyati saṃsargaiḥ, Of what use will be conjunction, Cāṇ. 106, in Monatsb. d. Berl. Ak. d. Wiss., 1864, 413; To use, Man. 10, 91; with manasā, To mind, MBh. 1, 7051; with hṛdayena, To love, Mṛcch. 73, 7.
     17. To be of use, with gen., Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2436.
     18. With the loc., To put on, MBh. 1, 1883; with manasi; To mind, Rām. 2, 64, 8; with hṛdaye, To mind, Cāṇ. 92, in Monatsber. d. Berl. Ak. d. Wiss. 1864, 413; with hṛdi, To remember, Rājat. 5, 313; with vaśe, To subdue, Man. 2, 100.
     19. With the infin., To begin, Rām. 2, 6, 10. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass. kṛta,
I. very often as former part of comp. words, and as n.
     1. Well done, MBh. 1, 1615.
     2. Well, Rām. 3, 3, 16.
     3. Away with, with instr., or saha and instr., Mṛcch. 108, 5.
II. n.
     1. Doing, Man. 7, 197.
     2. A benefit, Pañc. i. d. 427.
     3. The name of one of the dice, MBh. 4, 1578.
     4. The name of the first age of the world, Man. 1, 69.
III. m. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4356.
IV. Instr. kṛtena, and loc. kṛte, On account of, Rām. 1, 76, 6; 1, 45, 45.
-- Comp. akṛta see separately. duṣkṛta, i. e. dus-,
I. adj. 1. wicked. Man. 11, 229. 2. unreasonable, MBh. 2, 1400.
II. n. sin, Man. 3, 191. brahmāñjalikṛta, i. e. brahman-añjali-kṛta, adj., an anomalous comp., having made scriptural homage, Man. 2, 70. viśva-, adj. made by Viśvakarman (?), Chr. 38, 12. saha-, adj. assisted, Bhāṣāp. 65. su-,
I. adj. 1. done well. 2. treated with kindness. 3. virtuous, pious. 4. fortunate. II. n. 1. a virtuous act, Man. 3, 37. 2. kindness. 3. virtue. 4. fortune. svayam-, adj. 1. self-formed. 2. Done by, to, or for one's self. hāhā-, adj. filled with the uproar of a battle, Chr. 32, 25. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass., kartavya, n. A work, Rām. 1, 34, 32. Comp. tad-, n. suitable action, Rājat. 6, 269. kārya and kṛtya see separately. -- Causal, kāraya,
     1. To cause to be performed, Man. 2, 30; to cause to be cultivated, Yājñ. 2, 158; to cause to be put, Man. 8, 251; to cause to be treated, Rām. 2, 58, 16.
     2. To order to make, Man. 7, 16; to order to prepare, Pañc. 129, 9; to order to practise, Man. 8, 410.
     3. To make, Hit. d. 71. kārita, Caused, Man. 4, 118. kāritā vṛddhiḥ, An exacted interest, caused by risk, Man. 8, 153. kārayitavya,
     1. To be caused to perform, Rām. 2, 14, 16.
     2. To be procured, Pañc. 24, 21. -- Desiderative, cikīrṣa (in epic poetry Ātm., Nal. 3, 14),
     1. To desire to do, Rām. 2, 35, 11; to desire to perform, Man. 11, 192.
     2. To desire to establish, Rājat. 5, 461. cikīrṣita,
     1. Desired to be performed, Man. 4, 254.
     2. n. Intention, Man. 7, 202. -- kṛ, combined and compounded: With the adv. agnisāt agni + sāt, To burn, Rājat. 5, 226.
-- With aṅga, which becomes aṅgī aṅgī,
     1. To put up with, Pañc. i. d. 192; to submit, Rājat. 5, 177.
     2. To subdue, Amar. 52.
     3. To take to heart, Pañc. 236, 4.
     4. To promise, Bhartṛ. 2, 69.
-- With the prepos. ati ati, ati- kṛta, Excessive, MBh. 3, 10064; n. Excess, Rām. 5, 25, 21.
-- With the noun adhara, which becomes adharī adharī, To overcome, Śāk. d. 16, v. r.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi,
     1. To put at the head, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 37.
     2. To appoint, Yājñ. 2, 30.
     3. Pass. To get entitled, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 16.
     4. With loc., To be at the head, to inspect, MBh. 4, 241. adhikṛta, Best, Pañc. iii. d. 67. Comp. dharma-, m. a judge, Pañc. 41, 16. -- Absolutive, adhikṛtya, Referring to, Śāk. 4, 5.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To do afterward, Amar. 50.
     2. To back, Pañc. iii. d. 270.
     3. To imitate, Man. 2, 199.
     4. To repay, with the acc., Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 20.
     5. To bring in harmony, Bhāg. P. 7, 7, 36. Caus. To cause to imitate, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 17.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To remove, MBh. 3, 10492.
     2. To injure, Rām. 4, 16, 19; with the gen. of the person, Rām. 2, 38, 5; with the acc., MBh. 3, 14835. apakṛta, n. Injury, Pañc. i. d. 317.
-- With abhi abhi, To make (nivāsam, to settle), Sund. 2, 26. Desider. raṇam, To desire to fight, MBh. 4, 1660.
-- With the noun abhyantara, which becomes abhyantarī abhyantarī,
     1. To initiate, Rām. 6, 40, 14.
     2. To make intimate, Pañc. i. d. 290.
-- With alam alam, To adorn, Rām. 1, 73, 19.
-- With abhyalam abhi-alam, To adorn, Rām. 3, 53, 36.
-- With upālam upa-alam, To adorn, Pañc. 159, 19.
-- With samalam sam-alam,
     1. To adorn, MBh, 1, 4941.
     2. To violate, with gen., Man. 8, 16.
-- With svalam su-alam, To adorn beautifully, Chr. 60, 35.
-- With the prep. ava ava, the initial is kept in niravaskṛta, i. e. nis-, Pure, MBh. 12, 13201.
-- With the prep. ā ā, Caus.
     1. To ask, Rām. 2, 13, 2.
     2. To call, Pañc. 24, 13; ākāraṇīya, To be called.
     3. To produce, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 6. Desider. To desire to perform, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 24.
-- With the prepositions apā apa-ā, To remove, MBh. 1, 5680. ṛṇam, To pay, Man. 6, 35.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To bring near, MBh. 3, 3098.
     2. To deliver, Nal. 25, 16.
     3. To grant, MBh. 3, 15965.
     4. To gain, MBh. 3, 10278.
     5. To describe, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 35.
     6. To perform a preparation for a sacred work, Man. 4, 95. an-upākṛta, adj. Not hallowed by holy texts, Man. 5, 7.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, To satisfy(?), MBh. 1, 7765.
-- With nirā nis-ā,
     1. To remove, Rām. 5, 13, 31.
     2. To disown, Chr. 8, 27; MBh. 13, 4753.
     3. To disapprove, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 17.
     4. To undo, MBh. 1, 7666.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To explain, Rām. 5, 56, 5. a-vyākṛta, adj. Undivided, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 37.
-- With the noun ākula, which becomes ākulī ākulī, To trouble, Pañc. v. d. 25; Rām. 4, 41, 29.
-- With the adv. ātmasāt ātmasāt, i. e. ātman + sāt,
     1. To put in one's self, Yājñ. 3, 54; cf. Man. 6, 25.
     2. To subdue, Bhartṛ. 3, 34.
-- With the adv. āvis āvis, To make manifest, Sāh. D. 15, 20; to show, 60, 17. āviṣkṛta, Publicly known, Man. 11, 226. an-āviṣkṛta, adj. Not public, ib.
-- With the noun āharaṇa, which becomes āharaṇī āharaṇī, To make a present, Ragh. 7, 29.
-- With the noun unmanas, which becomes unmanī unmanī, To agitate, Prab. 62, 3.
-- With the prep. upa upa,
     1. To confer, Man. 2, 149.
     2. To offer, Man. 2, 245.
     3. To serve, Pañc. i. d. 95; with the gen. of the person, Pañc. i. d. 398.
     4. To confer a benefit, Man. 8, 394; with the gen. of the person, Rām. 4, 38, 47.
     5. To honour, Rājat. 5, 311.
     6. To set out on, with the dat., Rām. 1, 37, 5 Schl. (Gorr. v. r.). The initial is kept in upaskṛta,
     1. Possessed of, having, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 28.
     2. Prepared, MBh. 1, 778.
     3. Adorned, Bhartṛ. 2, 12.
     4. Benefitted, MBh. 13, 5893. Comp. an-upaskṛta, adj. 1. uncultivated, MBh. 13, 3335. 2. not ornamented, Man. 5, 112. 3. untainted, Man. 3, 257. 4. blameless, Man. 7, 98. nirupaskṛta, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. unaccomplished, MBh. 12, 9768. 2. plain, 12, 9079.
-- With the prepositions pratyupa prati-upa, To repay, Pañc. i. d. 95 v. r.
-- With the noun upahāra, which becomes upahārī upahārī, To offer, with gen., Kathās. 10, 141.
-- With the noun uras, which becomes urī urī, To promise, to offer, Ragh. 15, 70.
-- With the noun uṣna, which becomes uṣṇī uṣṇī, To warm, Mṛcch. 50, 1.
-- With ūrī ūrī, To grant, Hit. iii. d. 96.
-- With the numeral eka, which becomes ekī ekī, To join, Rām. 5, 13, 58.
-- With the noun auṣadha, which becomes auṣadhī auṣadhī, To change into a medicine, Mṛcch. 121, 13.
-- With the noun kad-arth + a, which becomes kadarthī kadarthī, To contemn, MBh. 3, 11381.
-- With the noun kapila, which becomes kapilī kapilī, To make tawny, MBh. 3, 16351.
-- With the noun karada, which becomes karadī karadī, To make tributary, MBh. 1, 4462.
-- With the noun kara, which becomes karī karī, To offer as tribute, Kathās. 19, 114.
-- With the noun kaluṣa, which becomes kaluṣī kaluṣī, To trouble, Rām. 3, 22, 14; 5, 57, 5.
-- With the noun kaṣāya, which becomes kaṣāyī kaṣāyī, To redden, Rām. 6, 33, 17.
-- With kāt kāt, an old abl. sing. of kim, To contemn, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 11.
-- With the noun kuṇḍala, which becomes kuṇḍalī kuṇḍalī in kuṇḍalīkṛta, adj.
     1. Ring-streaked, Nal. 14, 3.
     2. Moving circularly, Suśr. 2, 523, 16.
-- With the comp. kṛta-artha, which becomes kṛtārthī kṛtārthī, To satisfy, Lass. 83, 13.
-- With the noun kṛśa, becoming kṛśī kṛśī, To make poor, Mṛcch. 19, 13.
-- With the noun koṣṭhaka, which becomes koṣṭhakī koṣṭhakī, To surround, MBh. 14, 2230.
-- With the noun khaṇḍa, which becomes khaṇḍī khaṇḍī, To cut to pieces, Pañc. 262, 16.
-- With the noun khala, which becomes khalī khalī, To abuse, Mṛcch. 33, 24.
-- With the noun khila, becoming khilī khilī,
     1. To lay waste, Ragh. 11, 14.
     2. To deprive of any strength, Mārk. P. 9, 8.
-- With gaṇḍūṣa, becoming gaṇḍūṣī gaṇḍūṣī, to use as water for rinsing the mouth, Bhāg. P. 9, 15, 3.
-- With goṣpada, becoming goṣpadī goṣpadī, To change into a pool, Rām. 5, 31, 62.
-- With grāsa, becoming grāsī grāsī, To devour, Kathās. 9, 57.
-- With cakra, becoming cakrī cakrī, To make circular, Kumāras. 3, 70.
-- With caṇḍa, becoming caṇḍī caṇḍī, To provoke, Mālav. 44, 5.
-- With camat camat, Caus. To cause to be surprised, Kathās. 25, 225.
-- With citta, becoming cittī cittī, To make something the object of thinking, Bhāg. P. 4, 1, 28.
-- With citra, becoming citrī citrī, To change into a picture, Śāk. d. 148.
-- With cihna, becoming cihnī cihnī, To mark, MBh. 13, 826.
-- With cūrṇa, becoming cūrṇī cūrṇī, To crush, Rām. 5, 54, 7.
-- With jaṭila, becoming jaṭilī jaṭilī, To interweave, Pañc. 223, 2.
-- With jaṭhara, becoming jaṭharī jaṭharī, To shut in one's self, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 20.
-- With jaḍa, becoming jaḍī jaḍī,
     1. To stiffen, Rām. 6, 6, 1.
     2. To benumb, Rām. 5, 33, 5.
     3. To make stupid, Bhāg. P. 6, 3, 25.
-- With jarjara, becoming jarjarī jarjarī, To beat to pieces, Rām. 6, 83, 54.
-- With tanu, becoming tanū tanū, To diminish, to abandon, Ragh. 6, 80.
-- With tāmra, becoming tāmrī tāmrī, To redden, MBh. 7, 8458.
-- With the adv. tiras tiras,
     1. To remove, Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 18.
     2. To cover, Man. 4, 49.
     3. To surpass, Pañc. 118, 13.
     4. To conquer, Hit. iii. d. 8.
     5. To contemn, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 48. a-tiraskrita, adj. Greatest, Pañc. 7, 10.
-- With the noun tīrtha, which becomes tīrthī tīrthī, To hallow, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 9.
-- With tuccha, becoming tucchī tucchī, To despise, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 25.
-- With tṛṇa, becoming tṛṇī tṛṇī, To value like a grass-blade, MBh. 1, 7062.
-- With the pron. tvam tvam (see yuṣmad), To thou somebody, as an insult, Yājñ. 3, 292.
-- With the noun dakṣiṇa, which becomes dakṣiṇī dakṣiṇī, To walk around somebody keeping the right side towards him, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 41.
-- With dāsa, becoming dāsī dāsī, To enslave somebody, Kathās. 22, 84. To subdue, Chr. 94, 30.
-- With divasa, becoming divasī divasī, To turn into day, Mṛcch. 59, 5.
-- With dīrgha, becoming dīrghī dīrghī.
     1. To extend, Kumāras. 3, 26.
     2. To carry far, Megh. 32.
-- With duḥka, becoming duḥkhā duḥkhā, To afflict, Śiś. 2, 11.
-- With dūra, becoming dūrī dūrī,
     1. To remove, Prab.
     2. To surpass, Śāk. d. 16.
-- With dṛḍha, becoming dṛḍhī driḍhī, To fasten, Prab. 43, 14.
-- With dvi-guṇa, becoming dviguṇī dviguṇī, To double, Śiś. 1, 63.
-- With the adv. dvijātisāt dvi-jāti + sāt, To offer to Brāhmaṇas, Rājat. 5, 120.
-- With the interj. dhik dhik,
     1. To reproach, MBh. 12, 1422.
     2. To show contempt, Rām. 4, 9, 8.
-- With the noun dhvaja, becoming dhvajī dhvajī, To use as a means of protection, Hit. ii. d. 95.
-- With nagna, becoming nagnī nagnī, To make somebody a naked mendicant, Bhartṛ. 1, 64.
-- With namas namas, namas-kṛ,
     1. To salute, Man. 11, 110.
     2. To adore, MBh. 3, 2160; with dat. and acc.
-- With nava, becoming navī navī, To renew, Ragh. 16, 38.
     2. To refresh, Śāk. 62, 12.
-- With the prep. ni ni, nikṛta,
     1. Humbled, Rām. 1, 56, 22.
     2. Dejected, Nal. 14, 15.
     3. Base, Rām. 5, 23, 6; n. Mortification, Bhartṛ. 2, 30, v. r. nikartavya in tair asmākam nikartavyam, We must be treated ill by them, MBh. 3, 1406.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To injure, MBh. 3, 14036.
     2. To defraud, Man. 9, 213.
-- With the noun nimitta, becoming nimittī nimittī,
     1. To point out as cause, Rājat. 3, 89.
     2. To use as means, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 14.
-- With nis-dhana, becoming nirdhanī nirdhanī, To make poor, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 7.
-- With the prep. nis nis,
     1. To remove, Dev. 1, 31.
     2. To prepare, Chr. 294, 1 = Rigv. i. 92, 1. niṣkrita, n. Expiation, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 2. a-niṣkṛta, adj. Not expiated, Man. 11, 53.
-- With the noun nis-pattra, which becomes niṣpattrā niṣpattrā, To wound, e. g. a deer, with an arrow in such a manner that its feathered part juts out on the other side, Daśak. 196, 1.
-- With nis-spand + a, becoming niṣpandī niṣpandī, To render motionless, Mṛcch. 85, 1.
-- With nyak nyak, acc. sing. n. of nyañc, To insult, Rājat. 5, 436.
-- With nyāsa, becoming nyāsī To deliver in trust, Rājat. 5, 182.
-- With pañcan-śikhā, becoming pañcaśikhī pañcaśikhī, To make somebody an ascetic, Bhartṛ. 1, 64.
-- With pañcan, becoming pañcī pañcī, To make fivefold, so as to contain the five elements, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 19.
-- With the adv. parasāt para + sāt, To give in marriage, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 931.
-- With parāñc-mukha, becoming parāṅmukhī parāṅmukhī, To put to flight, MBh. 6, 5500.
-- With the prep. pari pari, To surround, MBh. 13, 5044. The initial s changed to is preserved in pariṣkṛta.
     1. Adorned, Rām. 3, 11, 4.
     2. Prepared; su-par°, Well prepared, 4, 437; kāla-par°, Seasonable, Rām. 5, 25, 35.
-- With the noun parunha, becoming paruṣī paruṣī,
     1. To soil.
     2. To use roughly.
-- With the compound noun para-upakaraṇa, becoming paropakaraṇī paropakaraṇī, To make somebody the instrument of another, Hit. ii. d. 23.
-- With parvata, becoming parvatī parvatī, To exalt, Bhartṛ. 2, 71.
-- With pavitra, becoming pavitrī pavitrī, To purify.
-- With paśu, becoming paśū paśū,
     1. To change into a beast.
     2. To destine for immolation.
-- With pātra, becoming pātrī pātrī,
     1. To make something an object worthy of (e. g. interest), Megh. 48.
     2. To honour, Śāk. d. 116.
-- With the adv. puras puras, puras-kṛ,
     1. To place in front, Rājat. 5, 327.
     2. To lead, Chr. 20, 24.
     3. To appoint, MBh. 4, 242.
     4. To show, Rājat. 5, 328.
     5. To regard, Rām. 5, 90, 30.
     6. To prefer, Kathās. 29, 105.
     7. To honour, Śāk. 18, 18.
     8. To use as pretext, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 2. puraskṛta,
     1. Attended by.
     2. Provided with.
-- With the noun pulaka, becoming pulakī pulakī, pulakī-kṛ10ta, Having the hairs of the body erect, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 25.
-- With the imitative sound pūt pūt, To blow, Pañc. 93, 4.
-- With peśī peśī, and peṣī peṣī, To cut to pieces, Rām. 2, 105, 33 Gorr.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To make, Man. 8, 239.
     2. To cause, Pañc. i. d. 276; with infin., Chr. 296, 8 = Rigv. i. 112, 8.
     3. To do, Pañc. 4, 37.
     4. To perform. MBh. 3, 12142.
     5. To appoint, Man. 7, 60.
     6. With kanyām, To pollute, Man. 8, 370; with dārān, To marry, MBh. 1, 1844; with buddhim, To resolve, Nal. 3, 25; with manas, To apply one's heart to, Man. 7, 12. prakṛta,
     1. Accomplished, Kathās. 4, 1.
     2. Mentioned, Yājñ. 1, 243.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To injure, Rām. 3, 1, 20.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To make, Rām. 6, 82, 182; to perform, MBh. 1, 2387.
-- With the noun prakaṭa, which becomes prakaṭī prakaṭī, To make manifest, Bhartṛ. 2, 64.
-- With praguna which becomes pranuṇī praguṇī, To put up, Pañc. 157, 23; to array, 218, 7; to lay (as traps), 114, 6.
-- With the prep. prati prati,
     1. To repay, Rām. 3, 38, 22; with the person in the gen., Rām. 3, 65, 14; in the dat., MBh. 1, 840; loc., MBh. 13, 4764.
     2. To resist, with the acc. of an object, MBh. 1, 5656; gen. of a person, Rām. 6, 33, 34.
     3. To cure, MBh. 1, 4027.
     4. To repair, Man. 9, 285. pratikṛta, n.
     1. Requital, Rām. 6, 91, 10.
     2. Resistance, Ragh. 12, 94. Comp. kṛta-pratikṛta, n. 1. assault and resistance, MBh. 4, 351. 2. requital for an assault, Rām. 6, 91, 10. Desider. To desire to repay, MBh. 3, 1282.
-- With the noun prativacana, which becomes prativacanī prativacanī, To answer, Śāk. d. 85.
-- With pradakṣiṇa, which becomes pradakṣiṇī pradakṣiṇī, To walk round some one, keeping the right side towards him, Śāk. p. 51, 17.
-- With pramāṇa, becoming pramāṇī pramāṇī,
     1. To mete out to, Bhartṛ. 2, 90.
     2. To obey, Śāk. 78, 19.
     3. To prove.
-- With the adv. prādus prādus, To make visible, to show, Chr. 34, 12. agnim, To kindle, Man. 4, 104.
-- With the imitative sound phut phut, or phūt phūt, To boil, to show indignation, to foam, Pañc. 237, 14.
-- With the noun bhasman, becoming bhasmī bhasmī, To reduce to ashes.
-- With manda, becoming mandī mandī, To diminish, Śāk. 5, 13.
-- With malina, becoming malinī malinī, To soil. malinī-karaṇīya, n. An action which causes defilement, Mān. 11, 125.
-- With mekhalā, which becomes mekhalī mekhalī, To put on the sacrificial string, MBh. 13, 973.
-- With rakta-paṭa (vb. rañj), becoming raktapaṭī raktapaṭī, To change into one who wears a red cloth, i. e. into an ascetic, Pañc. iv. d. 36.
-- With rikta, ptcple. pf. pass. of ric, becoming riktī riktī, To steal, Pañc. 89, 2.
-- With lakṣa, becoming lakṣī lakṣī, To aim at, Śāk. 104, 21.
-- With vandī, becoming vandī vandī, To take prisoner, Vikr. d. 3.
-- With vaśa, becoming vaśī vaśī, To subdue, Pañc, 13, 3.
-- With vaśe vaśe, loc. of vaśa, To subdue, Rām. 3, 55, 7.
-- With vaṣaṭ vaṣaṭ, To accompany with the exclamation raṣaṭ, Man. 2, 106.
-- With the prep. vi vi,
     1. To change, MBh. 13, 1513; Man. 1, 76.
     2. To disfigure, Man. 9, 288.
     3. To blind, MBh. 3, 8881.
     4. To develop, Man. 1, 75.
     5. To create, MBh. 14, 1487.
     6. To adorn, MBh. 1, 1429.
     7. To move to and fro, Rām. 3, 74, 18.
     8. To destroy, MBh. 3, 1150.
     9. To become alienated, Man. 9, 15.
     10. To infest each other, MBh. 1, 7670. Caus. To cause to change, Hit. 75, 11.
-- With the noun vikaca, becoming vikacī vikacī, To open, Bhartṛ. 2, 65.
-- With vi-nigaḍa, becoming vinigaḍī vinigaḍī, To unfetter, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 8.
-- With vi-manas, becoming vimanī vi- manī in vimanī-kṛta,
     1. Sad.
     2. Offended.
     3. Altered in mind.
-- With vi-varṇa-maṇi, becoming vivarṇamaṇī vivarṇamaṇī, To make jewels discoloured, Śāk. d. 61.
-- With vi-rajas, becoming virajī virajī in virajī-kṛta,
     1. Freed from dust.
     2. Freed from passion.
-- With viṣaya, becoming viṣayī viṣayī, To make something the object of thought, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 23.
-- With vyākula, becoming vyākulī vyākulī, To trouble, Pañc. 63, 8.
-- With śithila, becoming śithilī śithilī. To make languid, Ṛt. 6, 24.
-- With śīrṣan-avaśeṣa, becoming śīrṣāvaśeṣī śīrṣāvaśeṣī, To leave only the head undestroyed, Bhartṛ. 2, 27.
-- With śūnya, becoming śūnyī śūnyī, To make empty, to leave, Pañc. 23, 18.
-- With saṃkrama, becoming saṃkramī saṃkramī, To use as means, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 17 (by means of her).
-- With sajja, becoming sajjī sajjī, To prepare, Pañc. 62, 25.
-- With sat sat, acc. n. s. of sant, ptcple. pres. of as,
     1. To adorn. Man. 3, 96.
     2. To welcome, to receive hospitably, Rām. 3, 53, 25.
     3. To honour, Pañc. 26, 21. satkṛta,
     1. Done rightly.
     2. Worshipped.
     3. Respected.
     4. Welcomed. n.
     1. Virtue.
     2. Hospitality.
     3. Food, Man. 3, 264.
-- Comp. a-satkṛta, adj. wicked, Nal. 24, 31. su-, n. Excellent hospitality, Chr. 59, 18.
-- With sa-nātha, becoming sanāthī sanāthī, To make possessed of a protector, Śāk. 28, 14.
-- With sa-patra, which becomes sapatrā sapatrā, To wound, e. g. a deer, with an arrow in such a manner that the feathered part enters in its body, Daśak. 196, 1.
-- With the prep. sam sam, becoming saṃkṛ, and, by keeping the initial s, saṃskṛ,
     1. To unite, Mṛcch. 137, 20.
     2. To prepare, Rām. 3, 53, 5.
     3. To hallow; a-saṃskṛta, Not hallowed, Man. 5, 56.
     4. To hallow by the investment of the sacrificial cord, to invest, Ragh. 15, 31; Man. 8, 412; a-saṃskṛta, Not invested, Man. 2, 39; to hallow by giving in marriage, Man. 9, 173; a-saṃskṛta, Unmarried, Pañc. iii. d. 218; to hallow by solemn obsequies, MBh. 13, 7777.
     5. To adorn, Śiś. 9, 25. -- Causal,
     1. To cause to perform, MBh. 1, 4379.
     2. To cause to be invested, MBh. 2, 1594.
     3. To cause to be solemnly buried, MBh. 1, 4936
     4. To make, MBh. 4, 2281.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃskṛ, To hallow, MBh. 3, 8224.
-- With upasam upa-sam, upasaṃskṛ,
     1. To prepare, MBh. 1, 7203.
     2. To adorn, Suśr. 2, 76, 9.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, pratisaṃskṛ,
     1. To repair, Man. 9, 279.
     2. To unite, Suśr. 2, 77, 2.
-- With the noun sam-ṛddha (vb. ṛdh), becoming samṛddhī samṛddhī, To make wealthy, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 2.
-- With sāci, becoming sācī sācī, To turn aside, Mālav. d. 73.
-- With sāra, becoming sārī sārī, To make hard, Śāk. d. 54.
-- With su-gupta, becoming sunuptī suguptī, To guard well, Pañc. 208, 21.
-- With sthira, becoming sthirī sthirī, To strengthen, Śāk. 53, 23.
-- With sphīta, becoming sphītī sphītī, To augment, Rām. 2, 65, 26.
-- With sva, becoming svī svī,
     1. To appropriate, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 4.
     2. To win, 180, 19.
     3. To assent to, Rājat. 5, 436. svīkṛta,
     1. Agreed.
     2. Promised.
-- Cf. Lat. creare with the causal kārayāmi, whose first a originally was also short, as may be inferred from the comparison of the kindred languages.

kṛ 2. kṛ; see 2. kṛ10.

kṛkara kṛ-kara (kṛ is an imitative sound), m.
     1. A kind of partridge, Rām. 4, 50, 12.
     2. One of the five vital airs, that which assists in digestion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 16.

kṛkalāsa kṛkalāsa, m. A lizard, a chameleon, MBh. 13, 3455.

kṛkalāsaka kṛkalāsa + ka, m. A lizard, a chameleon, MBh. 13, 736 (?).

kṛkavāku kṛkavāku, i. e. kṛka (an imitative sound) -vac + u, m.
     1. A cock, Bhartṛ. suppl. 21.
     2. A peacock, Rām. 2, 28, 10.

kṛkāṭikā kṛkāṭikā, f. The joint of the neck, Suśr. 1, 345, 11.

kṛkālikā kṛkālikā, f. A certain bird, Pañc. 167, 25.

kṛcchra kṛcchra (probably from an old pres. base kṛccha of the vb. kṛṣ; cf. e. g. iṣ, pr. base iccha),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Painful, Rām. 3, 74, 29.
     2. Difficult, Rām. 3, 46, 16.
     3. Dangerous, Suśr. 1, 131, 4.
     4. Wicked, Man. 6, 78.
     5. Miserable, MBh. 3, 15388.
II. n. and m.
     1. Pain, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 35.
     2. Difficulty, Rām. 3, 68, 53.
     3. Distress, Bhartṛ. 2, 23.
     4. Penance, Man. 4, 222.
III. acc. ram, adverbially, Miserably, Rām. 4, 22, 7. Instr. reṇa, adv. With difficulty, Pañc. 137, 25; with much ado, Pañc. 40, 10. Abl. rāt, adv. With difficulty, Rām. 3, 73, 11.
-- Comp. ati-, m. 1. a very severe penance, described Man. 11, 213. 2. na atikṛcchrāt, easily, MBh. 1, 1442. kṛcchrātikṛcchra, i. e. kṛcchra -ati-, m. 1. du. a common and a very severe penance, Man. 11, 208. 2. a particular penance, Yājñ. 3, 321. artha-kṛcchra, n. a difficult question, Nal. 15, 3. tapta-, m. and n. a kind of penance, Man. 11, 214. dharma-, a moral difficulty, a situation in which it is difficult to act rightly, Nal. 24, 18. parṇa-, m. a kind of penance. prāṇa-, danger of life. saumya-, n. a kind of penance.

kṛcchratā kṛcchra + tā, f. Dangerousness, Suśr. 2, 138, 20.

kṛḍkṛḍ, v. r. of kūḍ.

kṛṇvkṛṇv, ii. 5 (base of the pres. kṛṇu), Par.
     1. To do (see 1. kṛ ii. 5, ved.).
     2. To injure (see 2. kṛ10).

kṛt 1. kṛt, i. 6, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 17212; and i. 1, MBh. 3, 11383), base of the pres., etc., kṛnta.
     1. To cut, MBh. 1, 3641.
     2. To cut off, Rām. 3, 75, 4.
     3. To cut down, Pañc. 250, 6.
     4. To cut out, Man. 4, 172; to extract, Man. 8, 12.
     5. To kill, MBh. 1, 5593. -- Caus. To cut, Pañc. 143, 13.
-- With the prepositions samadhi sam-adhi, To cut in addition, MBh. 3, 13294.
-- With anu anu, To cut one by one, MBh. 13, 2906.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To cut off, Suśr. 2, 237, 15.
     2. To destroy, MBh. 1, 6810. -- Caus. To order a gash to be made on, Man. 8, 281.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To cut out, 11, 104 (105).
     2. To pull out, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 2.
     3. To cut to pieces, Ragh. 12, 49.
-- With ni ni, To cut down, Rām. 3, 33, 36.
-- With vini vi-ni, To cut off, Rām. 3, 31, 48.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To cut out, to separate, MBh. 3, 8846.
     2. To cut down, 1, 2835.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To cut wholly, Rām. 6, 39, 21.
     2. To exclude, Man. 4, 219.
-- With pra pra, To cut to pieces, MBh. 3, 11383 (i. 1).
-- With vi vi,
     1. To rend, Rām. 3, 56, 39.
     2. To divide, Nal. 10, 17 (i. 1). Caus. To rend, Pañc. 91, 5.
-- With sam To cut in pieces, Rām. 3, 25, 6.
-- Cf. Lat. curtus; Goth. giltha, grinda-, dis-skreitan; [greek] in [greek] and kartrikā.

kṛt 2. kṛt, ii. 7.
     1. To spin, (ved.).
     2. † To surround.

kṛt 3. -kṛt, i. e. 1. kṛ + t, latter part of comp. adj.
     1. Making, e. g. kṣetrakarmakṛt, i. e. kṣetra-karman-, m. A husbandman, Kathās. 20, 11; citra-, m. A painter, Kathās. 5, 28; janmakṛt, i. e. janman-, m. A father, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 7; dina- and divasa-, m. The sun, MBh. 3, 192; 7, 2935; su-kṛta-, Performing virtuous acts, Man. 3, 37.
     2. Causing, sarva-bhūta-, Causing, or the cause of, all beings, Man. 1, 18; anta-, 1. adj. causing death, Rām. 3, 67, 19; 2. death, 5, 23, 17.
     3. Agent of all actions signified by the vb. 1. kṛ, e. g. bahu-patnī-, Marrying many wives, Brāhmaṇ. 2, 34.

kṛtaka 1. kṛ + ta + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Adopted, MBh. 13, 2630.
     2. Feigned, Pañc. 188, 5.
     3. False, MBh. 13, 2607.
II. m. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 47.
III. kam, acc. sing. n., adv. Feignedly, Śiś. 9, 83.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. unwrought, MBh. 1, 7364. 2. plain, Ragh. 18, 51. putra-, adj. an adopted child, Śāk. d. 89.

kṛtakṛtyatā kṛta-kṛtya + tā, f. Happiness, Man. 4, 17.

kṛtaghna kṛta + ghna, adj., f. , Who returns evil for good, Man. 4, 214.

kṛtaghnatā kṛtaghna + tā, f., and kṛtaghnatva kṛtaghna + tva, n. Returning evil for good, ingratitude, Pañc. 214, 5; Mārk. P. 15, 39.

kṛtajña kṛta-jña, adj., f. ñā, Grateful, Man. 7, 209.

kṛtajñatā kṛtajña + tā, f. Gratitude, Rām. 5, 35, 16.

kṛtahastatā kṛta-hasta + tā, f. Skilfulness in archery, MBh. 4, 1976.

kṛtārthatā kṛtārthatā, i. e. kṛta-artha + tā, f. Satisfaction, Ragh. 8, 3.

kṛtāstratā kṛtāstratā, i. e. kṛta-astra + tā, f. Skilfulness in the use of missile weapons, MBh. 1, 5156.

kṛti kṛ + ti,
I. f.
     1. Making, Pañc. 91, 3.
     2. Action, Bhāṣāp. 145.
     3. A literary work, Mālav. 3, 13.
     4. Hurt, Dev. 5, 11 (?).
II. m. and f. Proper names, MBh. 2, 320; Bhāg. P. 6, 18, 13.
-- Comp. cala-, adj. fickle, Pañc. 109, 12. duṣkṛti, i. e. dus-, m. a sinner, Man. 3, 230. su-, f. 1. kindness. 2. virtue. 3. the practice of religious austerities.

kṛtin kṛtin, i. e. kṛta + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Wise, Bhartṛ. 2, 16.
     2. Clever, MBh. 3, 8278.
     3. Satisfied, Ragh. 3, 51.
II. m. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 5.
-- Comp. duṣkṛtin, i. e. dus-kṛta + in, m. a sinner, Man. 12, 16. su-, adj. 1. benevolent, 2. virtuous, pious. 3. fortunate. 4. wise, learned.

kṛtimant kṛti + mant, adj., f. matī in nānā-deśa-, Administering, governing different countries, MBh. 14, 1776.

kṛtisādhyatva kṛti-sādhya + tva, n. Being accomplishable by action, Bhāṣāp. 145.

kṛtti kṛt + ti, f. A hide.
-- Cf. vāsas.

kṛttikā kṛttikā, f., generally pl. The third of the lunar mansions, MBh. 1, 2588.

kṛtnu kṛ-tnu, adj. Clever, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10.

kṛtya kṛ + tya,
I. ptcple. of the fut. pass. of kṛ.
     1. To be done or performed, Rām. 3, 60, 27.
     2. Seducible, bribable, Rājat. 5, 247.
II. n.
     1. Right, Pañc. i. d. 309.
     2. Need, with instr., e. g. na me jīvitena kṛtyam, I do not want (or wish) to live, Mṛcch. 154, 3.
     3. Duty, Man. 2, 237.
     4. Service, Śāk. d. 193. guṇa-kṛtye niyojitā, is used to serve as a string, Kumāras. 4, 15.
     5. Business, Rām. 3, 47, 15.
     6. motive, Rām. 6, 33, 18.
III. f. .
     1. Causing, Man. 11, 67.
     2. Act, Man. 11, 125.
     3. Charm, witchery, Man. 9, 290.
-- Comp. a-, n. wrong, Pañc. i. d. 309; 128, 12. abhyupetārtha-, i. e. abhi-upa-ita-artha-, adj. one who has undertaken to perform a business, Megh. 39. artha-, n. a useful act, Rām. 4, 38, 43. asat-, i. e. a-sant- (vb. 1. as), adj. one who has acted wickedly, Rājat. 5, 300. See ku-. Kṛta-,
I. n. 1. what has been done and what must be done. 2. fulfilled intention, MBh. 4, 882.
II. adj., f. , satisfied, Rām. 1, 1, 84. gṛha-, n. domestic affairs, Rājat. 5, 166. bhūti-, n. any ceremony of a festive character, as marriage, Man. 8, 393. śīghra-, adj., f. ya, what must be done quickly, Pañc. iii. d. 232.

kṛtyakā kṛtya + kā, f. A witch, Nal. 13, 29.

kṛtyavant kṛtya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Occupied.

kṛtrima kṛ + trima,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Factitious, the reverse of what is natural, Pañc. 110, 16.
     2. Feigned, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 5 (cf. ārti).
     3. Adopted, Man. 9, 169.
     4. False, Yājñ. 2, 247.
II. m. An adopted son, Man. 9, 159.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Candid, Hit. i. d. 199.

kṛtvas -kṛ + tvas, adv. forming multiplicative numerals from numerals and other words, e. g. sahasra-, adv. A thousand times, Man. 2, 79. tāvatkṛtvas, i. e. tāvant-, adv. So many times, Man 5, 38.

kṛtsna kṛtsna, adj.
     1. Whole, Man. 1, 105.
     2. All, Rām. 4, 43, 64.

kṛtsnaśas kṛtsna + śas, adv. Completely, Man. 7, 215.

kṛntana kṛntana, i. e. kṛt + ana, n. Cutting, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 46.

kṛp kṛp, i. 10, Par. kṛpaya,
     1. To pity, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 40.
     2. † To be weak.
-- Cf. krap.

kṛpa kṛpa, m., and f. , Proper names, MBh. 1, 2436.

kṛpaṇa kṛpaṇa, i. e. kṛp + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇā.
     1. Miserable, Rām. 4, 21, 19.
     2. Lamenting, Megh. 5.
     3. Avaricious, Hit. i. d. 152.
II. n. Misery, MBh. 2, 2348.
III. ṇam, acc. sing. n., adv. Miserably, Pañc. iii. d. 183.
-- Comp. sa-kṛpaṇa, adj. miserable, Śāntiś. 4, 4.

kṛpaṇatva kṛpaṇa + tva, n. Wretchedness, MBh. 2, 1361.

kṛpā kṛp + ā, f. Compassion, MBh. 2, 2294. kṛpāṃ kṛ, To have compassion, Draup. 9, 22.
-- Comp. sa-kṛpa + m, adv. compassionately, Śāntiś. 4, 19.

kṛpāṇa kṛpāṇa, i. e. kṛp (cf. Lat. carpo, discerpo) + āna, m. A sword, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 4.

kṛpāya kṛpāya, a denomin. derived from kṛpā by ya, Ātm. To pity, MBh. 13, 2330; kṛpāyīta, anomal. for °yeta, 1, 5597. kṛpāyita, n. Lamentation, MBh, 3, 337.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To pity, MBh. 3, 329.

kṛpālu kṛpā + lu, adj. Compassionate, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 17; 187, 9.

kṛpāvant kṛpā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Compassionate, Kumāras. 5, 26.

kṛmi kṛmi, also krimi krimi, i. e. hvṛ + mi,
I. m. A worm, an insect in general, Man. 1, 40; Suśr. 2, 509, 11 sqq.
II. m. and f. Proper names, Hariv. 2002; 1675.
-- Cf. Lat. vermis; Goth. vaurms; [greek]

kṛmika kṛmi + ka, m. A small worm, MBh. 1, 1800.

kṛmija kṛmi-ja (vb. jan), adj. Produced by a worm, Pañc. i. d. 107.

kṛmila kṛmi + la, adj., f. , Wormy, Suśr. 1, 191, 7.

kṛś kṛś, i. 4, Par.
     1. To become thin (ved.).
     2. To make thin. -Caus. karśaya, To cause to become thin, Suśr. 2, 196, 6. karśita, Emaciated, Rām. 1, 54, 2.
-- With the prep. vi vi, Caus. To cause to become thin, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 25.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek] Lat. gracilis.

kṛśa kṛś + a, adj., f. śā.
     1. Thin, emaciated, Suśr. 1, 53, 17.
     2. Weak, Hit. i. d. 196; Man. 7, 208.
     3. Poor, Man. 4, 184.
-- Comp. a-, adj. great, Kir. 5, 52. ati-, adj. very thin, Rām. 5, 10, 17.

kṛśatā kṛśa + tā, f., and kṛśatva kṛśa + tva, n. Meagerness, MBh. 2, 1933; Pañc. i. d. 301.

kṛśānu kṛś + ānu, m.
     1. A name of fire, Bhartṛ. 2, 67.
     2. A proper name, Chr. 297, 21 = Rigv. i. 112, 21.

kṛśāśva kṛśāśva, i. e. kṛśa-aśva, m. A proper name, Rām. 1, 23, 12.

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kṛṣ kṛṣ, i. 1, Par. (in epie poetry also Ātm., e. g. MBh. 1, 6289),
     1. To draw, MBh. 1, 6468; Ragh. 9, 27 (an arrow to the ear).
     2. To draw (a bow), Ragh. 5, 20.
     3. To drag along, MBh. 1, 6001.
     4. To lead, Chr. 54, 14 (Ātm.).
     5. To bear, MBh. 13, 4580.
     6. To tear, MBh. 1, 5992.
     7. To allure, Lass. 85, 2.
     8. To subdue, Man. 2, 215.
     9. To attain, MBh. 3, 66.
     10. i. 1, Par., and i. 6, Par., Ātm., To draw furrows, to plough, Rām. 3, 4, 12 (i. 1); Yājñ. 2, 150 (i. 6, kṛṣāṇa, anom. instead of kṛṣamāṇa).
     11. To walk, MBh. 3, 16021. kṛṣṭa,
     1. Drawn, Śāk. d. 131.
     2. Ploughed, Pañc. i. d. 53.
-- Comp. indra-, adj. growing without culture, MBh. 2, 1831. phāla-, n. 1. tilled ground, Man. 4, 46. 2. produced by cultivation, 6, 16. -Absol. kṛṣya, instead of kṛṣṭvā, Chr. 40, 10. -- Caus. karṣaya,
     1. To drag, Mṛcch. 16, 25.
     2. To pluck out, MBh. 3, 2307.
     3. To distress, Man. 2, 24.
     4. To oppress, Man. 7, 111. -- All the following are inflected after i. 1: With the prep. anu anu, To drag after one's self Rām. 1, 54, 1 (Ātm.). -- Caus. anukarṣita, Occupied, MBh. 13, 7281.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To draw away, MBh. 3, 10615; Rām. 6, 72, 68 (Ātm.).
     2. To remove, Rām. 5, 71, 5.
     3. To deduct, Suśr. 2, 40, 8.
     4. To put aside, Nal. 17, 33.
     5. To draw (a bow), MBh. 4, 1909.
     6. To humble, MBh. 13, 2186. apakṛṣṭa,
     1. Lost, Nal. 9, 33.
     2. Inferior, Man. 5, 163. -Causal, To remove, MBh. 1, 6205.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To drag away, Rām. 6, 88, 2.
     2. To cast off, MBh. 1 5104.
     3. To remove, Nal. 24, 41.
     4. To atone, Man. 11, 210.
-- With abhi abhi, To subdue, MBh. 3, 15064.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To draw away, Śāk. d. 173.
     2. To cast off, MBh. 13, 5007 (reflective pass.).
     3. To remove, MBh. 2, 207.
     4. To draw down, Suśr. 2, 291, 1. avakṛṣta, Inferior, Man. 8, 177.
-- With vyava vi-ava, To alienate, MBh. 13, 1642.
-- With ā ā.
     1. To draw near. Hit. i. d. 102.
     2. To draw (a sword), Mṛcch. 132, 5; (a bow) Śāk. d. 54.
     3. To draw on, Śāk. 5, 5.
     4. To drag along, Śāk. d. 32.
     5. To allure, Hit. 41, 14.
     6. To cast off, MBh. 2, 2291.
     7. To draw out, Lass. 22, 7.
     8. To take from, Hit. pr. d. 8; to withdraw, Rājat. 5, 69. -- Caus. To draw near, Ṛt. 5, 11; to fetch, Pañc. 32, 17.
-- With apā apa-ā, To remove, Rām. 2, 17, 9.
-- With vyapā vi-apa-ā, To remove, MBh. 2, 2290.
-- With paryā pari-ā, To drag about, MBh. 18, 9.
-- With vyā
     1. To cast off, Rām. 5, 54, 15.
     2. To remove, Prab. 37, 7.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To drag near, MBh. 3, 10494; to fetch, Amar. 76.
     2. To take out (with abl.), Pañc. 40, 16. -- Caus. To carry along, Pañc. 74, 23.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To raise, Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 10 (pass. to rise).
     2. To take out, MBh. 1, 7869.
     3. To cast off, MBh. 2, 1810.
     4. To draw (a bow), MBh. 4, 1635. utkṛṣṭa,
     1. Excessive, Rām. 3, 41, 5.
     2. Superior, Man. 5, 163.
     3. Distinguished, Man. 3, 132.
-- With samud sam-ud, To raise, MBh. 1, 3613.
-- With upa upa, To draw near, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 22.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To draw near, Rām. 2, 89, 10.
-- With ni ni, To sink into (a river), MBh. 1, 3616. nikṛṣṭa, Low, base, MBh. 1, 3067. n. Vicinity, Suśr. 1, 94, 4.
-- With saṃni sam-ni; saṃnikṛṣṭa, Near, Rām. 3, 21, 5. n. Vicinity, Śāk. 23, 23. °ṭam, adv. Near, Kumāras. 3, 2.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To draw out, MBh. 3, 16763.
     2. To tear, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 21; to dissolve, Rājat 6, 272. -- Caus. To destroy, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 19.
-- With parā parā,
     1. To draw away, MBh. 2, 2227.
     2. To blame, MBh. 13, 2102.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To drag about, Rām. 2, 97, 30.
     2. To carry about with one, MBh. 17, 104.
     3. To lead, Rām. 6, 2, 28. -- Caus. To torment, Rām. 1, 8, 13.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To drag away, MBh. 3, 12787.
     2. To draw (a bow), MBh. 4, 1959.
     3. To agitate, Rām. 5, 70, 11.
     4. To lead, Rām. 6, 2, 44. prakṛṣṭa,
     1. Long, Nal. 12, 111.
     2. Well to do, Man. 7, 170.
     3. Excellent, Pañc, 191, 16.
     4. Violent, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 4.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To conquer, MBh. 1, 7197. viprakṛṣṭa, Distant, Pañc. 127, 17.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To draw (a bow), Rām. 3, 34, 3; (an arrow) Rām. 6, 70, 39.
     2. To drag about, Rām. 2, 78, 16.
     3. To draw out, Bhartṛ. 1, 84 (to catch).
     4. To withdraw, Rājat. 5, 90. vikṛṣṭa, Long, Rām. 2, 68, 21.
-- With sam sam, To drag along, Rām. 5, 63, 19.
-- Cf. Lat. ac-cerso.

kṛṣaka kṛṣ + aka, m. A husbandman, Cāṇ, 90.

kṛṣi kṛṣ + i (kṛṣī kṛṣī, MBh. 1, 7207), f.
     1. Ploughing, Lass. 76, 18.
     2. Agriculture, Man. 1, 90.

kṛṣīvala kṛṣī + vala, m. A husbandman, Man. 9, 38.

kṛṣṭaja kṛṣṭa-ja, adj. Cultivated, Man. 11, 144 (145).

kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa, i. e. kṛṣ + na (the origin of the signification is dubious).
I. adj., f. ṇā.
     1. Black, or dark blue, Rām. 3, 55, 5.
     2. With or without pakṣa, m. The dark half of a month, from the full moon to that of the new moon, Man. 1, 66; 6, 20.
II. m.
     1. kṛṣṇa, The most celebrated incarnation of Viṣṇu, MBh. 14, 1589.
     2. The black antelope, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 20.
III. f. ṇā.
     1. A name of Durgā, MBh. 4, 184.
     2. The name of several plants, Suśr. 1, 162, 16.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. very black, Pañc. 104, 15.

kṛṣṇatā kṛṣṇa + tā, f., and kṛṣṇatva kṛṣṇa + tva, n. Blackness, Suśr. 1, 33, 20; MBh. 1, 4236.

kṛṣṇala kṛṣṇa + la, m. and n. The berry of the plant Guñja, used as a weight; a coin of this weight, Man. 8, 215.

kṛṣṇalaka -kṛṣṇala + ka, substitute for the last when latter part of a comp. adj., pañcakṛṣṇalaka, i. e. pañcan-, Comprising five kṛṣṇalas, Man. 8, 134.

kṛṣṇājinin kṛṣṇājinin, i. e. kṛṣṇa-ajina + in, adj., f. , Covered with the hide of the black antelope, MBh. 14, 2113.

kṛṣṇāya kṛṣṇāya, a denom. derived from kṛṣṇa by ya, Ātm. To blacken, Hit. i. d. 74.

kṛṣṇāyas kṛṣṇāyas, i. e. kṛṣṇa-ayas, and kṛṣṇāyasa kṛṣṇāyas + a, n. Iron.

kṛsara kṛsara, m. A dish consisting of sesamum and grain, Man. 5, 7.

kṛ 1. kṛ10, i. 6, kira, Par.
     1. To pour out, Amar. 11.
     2. To cast, MBh. 14, 1898.
     3. To cover, Rām. 5, 42, 10. kīrṇa,
     1. Scattered, Rām. 5, 16, 17.
     2. Dishevelled, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 15.
     3. Covered, Pañc. i. d. 239.
-- With the prepositions vyati vi-ati, To scatter, MBh. 4, 830.
-- With anu anu, To cover, MBh. 1, 4340.
-- With apa apa, which forms also apaskira, Ātm. To rake (as a bird for pleasure), Uttararāmac. p. 31, 1.
-- With abhi abhi, To cover, MBh. 13, 2655.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To diffuse, Man. 6, 48.
     2. To cast off, MBh. 2, 2289.
     3. To leave, MBh. 1, 3057.
     4. To cover, Rām. 2, 43, 13. Ātm. and reflect. pass.,
     1. To spread, MBh. 3, 12306.
     2. To vanish, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 19.
-- With anvava anu-ava, To scatter about, Yājñ. 1, 230. Caus. To cause to be scattered about, MBh. 13, 4291 (read kārayet).
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, To cover, Rām. 2, 33, 19.
-- With paryava pari-ava, To cover round about, MBh. 3, 13596.
-- With samava sam-ava, To cover, Bhāg. P. 8, 18, 10.
-- With ā ā, ākīrṇa,
     1. Crowded, Arj. 6, 7.
     2. Frequented, Man. 6, 51.
     3. Confused, Rājat. 5, 321.
-- With apā apa-ā, To repudiate, MBh. 1, 2851.
-- With avā ava-ā, To cover, Rām. 2, 42, 14 Gorr. (Schl. v.r.).
-- With vyā vi-ā, vyākīrṇa, Dishevelled, Pañc. i. d. 207.
-- With samā sam-ā, To cover, Rām. 1, 6, 24.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To throw up, Rām. 6, 90, 26.
     2. To dig up, MBh. 1, 5813.
     3. To engrave, Vikr. d. 43.
-- With samud sam-ud, To pierce, Ragh. 1, 4.
-- With upa upa, To cover, MBh. 3, 11886.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To cast down, Rām. 6, 8, 19.
     2. To leave, Kumāras. 4, 6.
     3. vinikīrṇa, Crowded, Rām. 4, 41, 33.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, saṃnikirṇa, Stretehed out, Megh. 87.
-- With parā parā, To leave, Rām. 4, 1369.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To surround, MBh. 4, 585.
     2. To deliver, Ragh. 18. 32.
-- With pra pra, To scatter, Rām. 2, 76, 15.
     2. To spring up, Rām. 1, 9, 19.
     3. Pass. (anom. kīryet, with the termination of the Par.), To vanish, MBh. 3, 14767. prakīrṇa,
     1. Dishevelled, MBh. 3, 11755.
     2. Squandered, Lass. 74, 17.
     3. Public, MBh. 13, 6735.
-- With vipra vi-pra, viprakīrṇa,
     1. Scattered, Rām. 5, 14, 53.
     2. Dishevelled, MBh. 3, 401.
     3. Extended, MBh. 3, 730.
-- With pratis pratis, instead of prati prati, To injure (cf. 2. kṛ10), Śiś. 1, 47.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To scatter, Hit. 9, 14.
     2. To cover, Man. 3, 234.
     3. To blame, Rām. 2, 12, 73. vikīrṇa,
     1. Dishevelled, Kumāras. 4, 4.
     2. Split, Rām. 3, 34, 25.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To scatter, MBh. 4, 298.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To mix, MBh. 13, 6232.
     2. To confound, MBh. 3, 13736. saṃkīrṇa,
     1. Crowded, MBh. 1, 7675.
     2. Mixed, Man. 1, 116.
     3. Impure, Yājñ. 3, 310.
-- Cf. kal, śakṛt; and Lat. cribrum, cerno, procerus; [greek]

kṛ † 2. kṛ10, also kṛ kṛ, ii. 5 and 9, Par., Ātm. To injure, to kill.
-- Cf. 1. kṛ10 with pratis.

kṛ † 3. kṛ10, i. 10, Ātm. To know (? v. r.).

kṛt kṛ10t, i. 10, kīrtaya (rather a denomin. derived from kīrti), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm. MBh. 1, 1549),
     1. To celebrate, Man. 3, 221.
     2. To propound, Man. 10, 131.
     3. To pronounce, Man. 2, 124.
     4. To say, Man. 2, 203.
     5. To call, Man. 10, 19. Anom. ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. kīrtayāna, MBh. 13, 7661.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To mention, Rām. 1, 14, 22.
     2. To repeat, Bhāg. P. 8, 4, 15.
     3. To proclaim, MBh. 3, 13259.
     4. To propound. MBh. 2, 994.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To tell, MBh. 14, 2066.
-- With ud ud, To glorify, Ragh. 10, 33.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To proclaim, Man. 11, 122.
     2. To propound, MBh. 13, 12802.
     3. To glorify, MBh. 13, 7160.
     4. To pronounce, Man. 1, 92.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, To particularise, Suśr. 2, 268, 21.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To propound, Man. 2, 95.
     2. To call, Man. 2, 21.
     3. To approve, Pañc. iv. d. 37.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To mention, MBh. 13, 4926.
     2. To pronounce, Bhag. 18, 4.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To celebrate, Man. 3, 221.
     2. To proclaim, Rām. 4, 59, 3.
     3. To mention, Chr. 13, 4.

kḷp kḷp, i. 1, kalpa, Ātm.
     1. To prosper, Man. 4, 15.
     2. To be fit, to be qualified for; with the loc. Rām. 2, 62, 26 Gorr.; 5, 37, 30; with the dat. Man. 3, 266; to become qualified, Man. 7, 22; Megh. 56 (prāptaye, to attain).
     3. To fall to one's lot, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 12.
     4. To serve (with the dat.), Man. 8, 353.
     5. To resolve upon, Pañc. 150, 24.
     6. To create, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 25. klipta,
     1. Well arranged, MBh. 3, 790.
     2. Fixed, Man. 3, 69.
     3. Made, Bhāg. P. 6, 10, 32.
-- Comp. kṣura-, adj, shaved, Kathās. 12, 168. -- Caus., kalpaya, Par., Ātm.
     1. To put in suitable order. kalpita, Fixed in proportion, Yājñ. 2, 244. prathama-kalpita, put at the head, Man. 9, 166.
     2. To make fit for something, MBh. 8, 9912.
     3. To approve, Rām. 2, 61, 17.
     4. To show, MBh. 1, 58.
     6. To design, Rām. 2, 52, 100; to determine, Man. 7, 125; Daśak. in Chr. 189, 1.
     7. To consider, Rām. 2, 23, 33.
     8. To form, Ragh. 8, 46; Bhāg. P. 8, 9, 26; to make, Rām. 2, 98, 29; MBh. 1, 700 (vṛttim, To live on, with the instr.).
     9. To create, Man. 5, 28; Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 42.
-- With the prep. anu anu, Caus., śraddhām, To give faith, Rām. 5, 56, 15. anukalpita, Accompanied, MBh. 13. 2150.
-- With samanu sam-anu, Caus., To assume, MBh. 3, 9964.
-- With abhi abhi, Caus., To arrange, Rām. 2, 54, 17.
-- With ava ava, To be fit (with the dat.), Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 18.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To be suitable, Bhāg. P. 6, 18, 42.
     2. To serve, Rām. 5, 25, 21. upakḷpta,
     1. Prepared for use, Man. 8, 333; prepared, MBh. 1, 4098.
     2. Produced, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 2. -- Caus.
     1. To prepare, Rām. 1, 12, 29.
     2. To fit out, MBh. 1, 4098.
     3. To design for (with the dat.), Yājñ. 1, 109.
     4. To place, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 5; 1, 9, 32.
     5. To communicate, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 9.
-- With samupa sam-upa, Caus. To prepare, Rām. 2, 50, 29.
-- With pari pari, parikḷpta, Existing, MBh. 13, 2831. Caus.
     1. To decide, Man. 12, 110.
     2. To determine, MBh. 13, 2689.
     3. To perform, Yājñ. 1, 346.
     4. To make, Kathās. 15, 173; Man. 9, 152 (daśadhā, To distribute into ten parts).
     5. To invite, MBh. 13, 1596.
-- With pra pra, prakḷpta, Prepared, Kathās. 18, 366. Caus.
     1. To prepare, 3, 264.
     2. To further, Rām. 2, 31, 24.
     3. To allot, Man. 7, 135.
     4. To establish, Man. 8, 46.
     5. To design, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 20.
     6. To make, Nal. 25, 5; Amar. 73 (aśru, To shed tears).
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Caus. To ordain, MBh. 3, 14110.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To change, MBh. 3, 697.
     2. To be doubtful, Pañc. i. d. 385; to doubt, Pañc. i. d. 87. Caus.
     1. To prepare in a different way, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 38.
     2. To devise, Śāk. d. 51.
     3. To doubt, Prab. 106, 7.
     4. To presume, Pañc. iv. d. 62.
-- With sam sam, To desire; a-saṃkḷpta, Not desired, MBh. 14, 1277. Caus.
     1. To desire, Man. 2, 5.
     2. To determine, MBh. 14, 4349.
     3. To fancy, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 1.
     4. To perform obsequies, Rām. 2, 72, 53.
-- With upasam upa-sam, upasaṃkḷpta, Put on, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 54. Caus. To place, MBh. 16. 199.
-- Cf. Lat. corpus.

kḷpti kḷp + ti, f. Causing, Rājat. 5, 463.
-- Comp. yathā-kḷpti, adv. in a suitable way, Rām. 2, 80, 15.

kekaya kekaya,
I. m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 356.
     2. Their prince, Rām. 2, 35, 21.
II. f. , One of the wives of Daśaratha, Rām. 2, 70, 20.

kekā kekā (an imitative sound), f. The cry of the peacock, MBh. 15, 724.

kekin kekin, i. e. kekā + in, m. A peacock, Bhartṛ. 1, 44.

ket ket, i. 10, Par., see kit.

keta keta, i. e. kit + a, m.
     1. Desire (ved.).
     2. An abode, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 12.
     3. An image, 1, 16, 34.

ketaka keta + ka, m. The name of a tree, Pandanus odoratissimus, Rām. 2, 94, 6.

ketana ketana, i. e. kit + ana, n.
     1. Invitation, Man. 4, 110.
     2. An abode, MBh. 3, 13396.
     3. A place, Kathās. 26, 44.
     4. A sign, MBh. 14, 2430.
-- Comp. kapi-, m. a name of Arjuna (having as sign a monkey), MBh. 14, 2457. jhaṣa-, makara-, and mīna- (having as sign a fish), m. the god of love, Bhartṛ. 1, 64.

ketu ketu, i. e. kit + u, m.
     1. A sign by which an object may be recognised, Chr. 289, 3 = Rigv. i. 50, 3; Chr. 294, 1 = Rigv. i. 92, 1; Rām. 2, 54, 5.
     2. A banner, MBh. 4, 2068.
     3. Chief, Rām. 4, 28, 18.
     4. A meteor, Man. 1, 38.
     5. The mythological name of the descending node, represented as a headless demon, Rām. 3, 35, 52.
-- Comp. agni-, m. the name of a Rākṣasa. tāla-, m. (having as banner the palmyra tree), epithet of Bhīṣma, MBh. 5, 5081. dhūma-, m. 1. fire, MBh. 1, 4162. 2. a meteor, MBh. 6, 80. dhṛṣṭa-, m. a proper name, MBh. 1, 231. makara-, m. the god of love.
-- Cf. Goth. haidus; A.S. had.

ketumant ketu + mant, m.
     1. The name of a Dānava, or demon, MBh. 1, 2532.
     2. The name of a palace, Hariv. 8989

kedāra kedāra, m. A cultivated field, Man. 9, 44; pariticularly a watered one, Rām. 3, 22, 18; Rājat. 5, 112.
-- Comp. eka-, adj. having the same fields, Man. 9, 38.

kepkep, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To tremble.
     2. To go.
-- Cf. kamp and gep.

keyūra keyūra, m. and n. A bracelet worn on the upper arm, Bhartṛ. 2, 16; Rājat. 5, 358.

keyūrin keyūrin, i. e. keyūra + in, adj., f. iṇī, Wearing a bracelet, Mārk. P. 23, 102.

kerala kerala, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, Rām. 2, 82, 7.
     2. Their king, MBh. 3, 15250.

kelkel, i. 1, Par.
     1. To shake.
     2. To go.

keli keli, m. and f.
     1. Amorous sport, Man. 8, 357.
     2. Sport, Gīt. 7, 11.
-- Comp. vāta-, m. 1. Whisper. 2. the marks of finger nails on the lover's person. hemak°, i. e. heman-, m. fire.

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kevkev, i. 1, Ātm. To serve.
-- Cf. khev, sev.

kevala kevala, i. e. eke (old loc. sing. of eka) + vala,
I. adj., f. (ved. ).
     1. Exclusively proper; vīkṣasva yad rūpaṃ mama kevalam, Look what shape is proper only to me, Rām. 5, 35, 52; Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 26.
     2. Mere, Man. 2, 199; nothing but, 3, 118.
     3. Alone, only, Pañc. v. d. 12.
     4. United, i. e. entire, MBh. 13, 2686; whole, 4, 1485; all, Man. 2, 95.
II. lam, adv.
     1. Only, Pañc. 31, 7.
     2. Entirely (?), Rām. 2, 87, 23; na kevalam -- api, Not only, but also, Rājat. 5, 443.
III. n. The knowledge of the unity of all the universe.
IV. m. The name of a prince. Bhāg. P. 9, 2, 30.
V. f. , The name of a locality, MBh. 3, 15245.

kevalin kevalin, i. e. kevala + in, m. One who possesses the knowledge of the universal unity, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 39.

keśa keśa, m.
     1. Hair, Hit. i. d. 102.
     2. A lion's mane, Sch. ad Śāk. 6. -Comp. adj. end in the fem. in śā or śī. Añjana-, adj., f. śī, having manes as smooth as ointment, MBh. 1, 8008. bhūta-, m., and f. śī, root of sweet flag. miśra-keśī, f. an Apsaras. mukta- (vb. muc), adj., f. śī, one whose hair is loose, Man. 7, 91; MBh. 1, 782. muñja-, m. Viṣṇu. vi-,
I. adj., f. śī, bald. II. f. śī, a small braid or dress of hair, tied up severally and then collected into the larger braid. vyomak°, i. e. vyoman-, m. Śiva. vi-kīrṇa- (vb. kṛ10), and vi-galita-, adj., fem. śā, with dishevelled hair, Kumāras. 5, 68. śukla-, adj. hoary-haired. su-, adj., f. śī, having beautiful hair, Rām. 3, 52, 35.

keśara keśa + ra, also kesara kesara,
I. n. A lion's or horse's mane, Pañc. i. d. 207.
II. m. and n. The filament of a lotus, or of any vegetable, Śiś. 9, 47. (with s).
III. m. The name of several plants, Mesua ferrea, Mimusops elengi, Bottleria tinctoria; their flower, n., Rām. 2, 96, 6.
-- Comp. karāla-, m. a proper name, Pañc. 214, 13. nāga-, m. a tree, Mesua Roxburghii, Wight. Rām. 6, 96, 7.

keśari keśari (i. e. mutilated keśarin, q. cf.), m. A proper name, Rām. 4, 33, 14.

keśarin keśarin, i. e. keśara + in, also kesarin kesarin,
I. adj., f. iṇi, Having a mane, MBh. 1, 8286.
II. m.
     1. A lion, Bhartṛ. 2, 22.
     2. A proper name, Rām. 4, 39, 26.
-- Comp. puruṣa-, m. a name of Viṣṇu in his fourth incarnation (half man, half lion).

keśava keśa + va (va for vant), m.
     1. A name of Viṣṇu, Rām. 1, 45, 31.
     2. A proper name, Pañc. iii. d. 270.
-- Comp. go-pāla-, m. the name of an idol of Kṛṣṇa set up by Gopālavarman, Rājat. 5, 243.

keśavatva keśava + tva, n. State of Viṣṇu, MBh. 13, 1361.

keśavant keśa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Long-haired, Mārk. P. 8, 121.

keśākeśi keśākeśi, i. e. keśa-keśa + i, adv. In mutual grasping of hair, Yājñ. 2, 283; in closest proximity, MBh. 4, 1056.

keśāntika keśāntika, i. e. keśa-anta + ika, adj. Reaching to one's hair, Man. 2, 46.

keśin keśin, i. e. keśa + in,
I. m. The name of an Asura or demon, etc., MBh. 1, 2531; Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 47.
II. f. inī, The name of an Apsaras, etc., MBh. 1, 2558; Rām. 1, 39, 3.
-- Comp. dhāmakeśin, i. e. dhāman-keśa + in, adj. having rays instead of hair, MBh. 3, 193. muñja-, m. Viṣṇu.

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kesara kesara, and kesarin kesarin; see keśara keśara, keśarin keśarin.

kai kai, i. 1, Par. To sound (ved.).

kaikaya kaikaya = kekaya, and kaikeya, q. cf., MBh. 1, 2647; 3, 2009; f. yī = kaikeyī, Rām. i. 1, 21.

kaikeya kaikeya, a syncope of kaikayeya, i. e. kekaya + eya, patron.
I. m.
     1. A descendant of Kekaya, a king of the Kekayas, MBh. 3, 462.
     2. pl. The people of the Kekayas, Rām. 4, 43, 11.
II. f. , One of the wives of Daśaratha, Rām. 1, 1, 24.

kaiṃkarya kaiṃkarya, i. e. kiṃkara + ya, n. Service, Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 22.

kaiṭabha kaiṭabha, m. The name of an Asura or demon, MBh. 3, 498.

kaitaka kaitaka, i. e. ketaka + a, adj. Produced from the tree Pandanus odoratissimus, Ragh. 4, 55.

kaitava kaitava, i. e. kitava + a,
I. n.
     1. A stake, MBh. 2, 2163.
     2. Gambling, Nal. 26, 10.
     3. Deceit, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.
II. m. Patron. designation of Ulūka, MBh. 1, 7002.

kaitavaka kaitava + ka, n. Game of hazard, MBh. 2, 2060.

kairava kairava, n. The white esculent water-lily, Bhartṛ. 2, 65.

kairāta kairāta, i. e. kirāta + a,
I. adj. Referring to the Kirātas, MBh. 1, 320.
II. m. A prince of the Kirātas, MBh. 2, 1869.

kairātaka kairāta + ka, adj., f. , Belonging to the Kirātas, MBh. 2, 1867.

kailāsa kailāsa, also kailāśa kailāśa (probably akin to kīla), m. The name of a mountain, the residence of Kuvera, MBh. 3, 503; Rām. 3, 54, 5.

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kaivarta kaivarta, m.
     1. A fisherman, Man. 8, 260.
     2. A mixed tribe; the son of a Niṣāda by an Āyogavī woman, Man. 10, 34.

kaivartaka kaivarta + ka, m. A fisherman, Rām. 2, 83, 15.

kaivalya kaivalya, i. e. kevala + ya, n.
     1. Complete absorption in the thought of the universal unity, absolute happiness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 13; MBh. 13, 1073.
     2. Totality, Bhāg. P. 3. 11, 2.

kaiśava kaiśava, i. e. keśava + a, adj. Belonging to Keśava, Ragh. 17, 29.

kaiśika kaiśika, m. The name of a tribe, MBh. 2, 585.

kaiśora kaiśora, i. e. kiśora + a, n. Youth, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 17.

koka koka, m.
     1. A wolf, Rām. 5, 26, 9.
     2. The cuckoo (ved.).
     3. The ruddy goose, Gīt. 5, 17.
-- Cf. Lat. cuculus.

kokanada kokanadaa,
I. n. The red lotus, Gīt. 10, 5.
II. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1026.

kokila kokila, i. e. koka + ila, m.
     1. The Indian cuckoo, Rām. 2, 52, 2. f. , The female cuckoo, Bhartṛ. 1, 34.
     2. A kind of mouse, Suśr. 2, 274, 4.
     3. A poisonous insect. Suśr. 2, 288, 7.
-- Comp. puṃs-, m. the male cuckoo, Ṛt. 6, 14.

koṅka koṅka, m. The name of a people, Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 8.

koṅkaṇa koṅkaṇa, m. The name of a people, Daśak. 193, 11.

koṃkāra koṃ-kāra, m. The sound kom, Pañc. 158, 7.

koca koca, i. e. kuc + a, m. Shrinking, Suśr. 1, 269. 1.

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koṭara koṭara (cf. vb. kuṭ), m. and n.
     1. The hollow of a tree, Pañc. 104, 7.
     2. A cavity, Rājat. 5, 439.

koṭarastha koṭara-stha (vb. sthā) adj. Being in the interior, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 547.

koṭi and ṭī koṭi/ī, i. e. kuṭ + i, f.
     1. A point, Pañc. 120, 23.
     2. Eminence, MBh. 3, 542 (pramāṇa-koṭī, extraordinary tallness).
     3. Ten millions, Man. 6, 63.

koṭika koṭika, m.
     1. A worm, Jaṭādh. in ŚKD.; f. kā, mānuṣa-koṭikā, A worm-like woman, Pañc. 44, 25.
     2. A kind of frog, Suśr. 2, 290, 7.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 3, 15586.

koṭikāśya koṭikāśya, and koṭikāsya koṭikāsya (better), i. e. koṭika-āsya, m. The name of a prince, Draup. 1, 12; MBh. 3, 15593.

koṭipāla koṭipāla, Lass. 13, 11; read koṭṭapāla.

koṭimant koṭi + mant, adj., f. matī, Pointed, Śāk. d. 185.

koṭiśas koṭi + śas, adv. By ten millions, Sund. 3, 14.

koṭṭa koṭṭa (a dialect. form of koṣṭha), n. A strong-hold, Pañc. 237, 15.

koṭṭavī koṭṭavī, f. A naked woman, Rājat. 5, 439.

koṭha koṭha (a dialect form of kuṣṭha), m. A species of leprosy, Suśr. 1, 156, 3.

koṇa koṇa (perhaps a dialect. form of karṇa), m.
     1. A corner, Pañc. 258, 8.
     2. An angle, MBh. 14, 2035.
     3. An instrument for sounding a lute, Rām. 2, 71, 26.
-- Comp. sūtra-, m. A kind of drum.

kotha kotha, i. e. kuth + a, m.
     1. Putrefaction, Suśr. 1, 41, 19.
     2. Gangrene, Suśr. 1, 92, 4.

kodaṇḍa ko-daṇḍa (ko = kas, nom. sing. of kim; cf. ku-), n. (and m.), A bow, Bhartṛ. 1, 97.

kodrava ko-drava (cf. the last), m. A species of grain eaten by the poorer people, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Lin., Bhartṛ. 2, 98.

kopa kopa, i. e. kup + a, m.
     1. Morbose excitement, Suśr. 1, 5, 8.
     2. Wrath, Pañc. i. d. 139. kopaṃ kṛ, To be angry, Pañc. 162, 25.
-- Comp. antaḥkopa, i. e. antar-, m. inward anger. krīḍā-, m. feigned anger, Amar. 12. mithyā-, m. feigned anger, Lass. 9, 11. mṛga-, m. rage at animals, Pañc. 56, 2. sa-kopa, adj., f. , enraged, Pañc. iii. d. 27. sa-kopa + m, adv. angrily, Pañc. 38, 11.

kopana kopana, i. e. kup + ana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Passionate, wrathful, Rām. 1, 34, 22.
     2. Irritating, Suśr. 1, 177, 15.
II. m. The name of an Asura or demon, Hariv. 2284.
III. n.
     1. Excitement, MBh. 14, 466.
     2. Provocation, MBh. 13, 2426.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not inclined to wrath, Lass. 40, 9.

kopayiṣṇu kopayiṣṇu, i. e. kup, Caus., + iṣṇu, adj. Provoking, MBh. 1, 6836.

kopin kopin, i. e. kopa + in, adj., f. .
     1. Wrathful, Rām. 3, 16, 29.
     2. When latter part of a comp. word, Irritating, Suśr. 1, 199, 15.

komala ko-mala (cf. kodrava, kumāra, and vb. mlai), adj., f. , oft, bland, Bhartṛ. 2, 56; 1, 97.

koyaṣṭi ko-yaṣṭi (see the last), and

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koyaṣṭika koyaṣṭi + ka, m. A kind of bird Man. 5, 13; MBh. 13, 2835.

kora kora, m.
     1. A flexible joint (as of the fingers).
     2. A bud.

koraka kora + ka, m. and n. A bud, Rām. 2, 59, 8; Bhāṣāp. 165.

koradūṣa kora-dūṣa, and koradūṣaka koradūṣa + ka, m. = kodrava, Suśr. 2, 64, 1, MBh. 3, 13027.

kola kola,
I. m.
     1. A hog, Yājñ. 3, 273.
     2. A kind of weapon, Dev. 1, 4; 5(?).
II. n. The fruit of the jujube, Zizyphus jujuba, Suśr. 1, 25, 6.

kolāhala kolāhala,
I. m. n.
     1. A great and confused noise, Rām. 6, 8, 45.
     2. Screaming, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 13.
     3. A shout, Rājat. 5, 361.
II. m. The name of a mountain, MBh. 1, 2367 sqq.

kovida ko-vid + a, cf. koyaṣṭi, adj., f. , Knowing, Man. 7, 26; MBh. 3, 1287 (with gen.); skilful, Rām. 2, 80, 5 (with loc.).

kovidāra kovidāra, i. e. ko-vidṛ10 + a (cf. the last), m. A species of ebony, Bauhinia variegata, Lin., Rām. 2, 84, 3.

kośa kośa, also koṣa koṣa, m. and n.
     1. A coop, denoting a cloud (ved.), Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 87, 2; Chr. 297, 11 = i. 112, 11.
     2. A sheath, Rām. 3, 18, 39 (with ).
     3. A bud, Ragh. 13, 29.
     4. A shell, Mārk. P. 11, 6.
     5. The womb, Suśr. 1, 120, 12.
     6. A testicle, Suśr. 1, 290, 4.
     7. An egg. Bhāg. P. 2, 8, 16.
     8. An abode, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 22; Bhāg. P. 1, 34.
     9. A store-room, Rām. 2, 63, 7; a treasury, Man. 8, 38; 1, 99.
     10. Treasure, Nal. 26, 19.
     11. A cocoon, Yājñ. 3, 147.
     12. As latter part of comp. words, A ball, e. g. netra-, The eyebal, Rām. 3, 79, 28.
     13. A sacred draught, employed in a judicial trial by ordeal, Yājñ. 2, 95.
     14. Oath, Rājat. 5, 325.
     15. A kind of bandage, Suśr. 1, 65, 17.
-- Comp. a-koṣa, adj. unsheathed, MBh. 4, 321. annamaya-, m. the gross body, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 12. jātī-, n. and m. nutmeg, Suśr. 1, 215, 5. dharma-, m. the treasury of duties, Man. 1, 99. madhu-, m. the honeycomb or hive. vi-, adj. unsheathed, Nal. 10, 18. viṣāṇa-koṣa, m. the hollow of a horn.

kośakāra kośa-kāra, also koṣa koṣa-, m.
     1. A maker of sheaths, etc., Rām. 4, 40, 26.
     2. The silk-worm, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 52.
     3. A kind of sugar cane, Suśr. 1, 187, 6.

kośakāraka kośa-kāraka, m. The silk-worm, Yājñ. 3, 147.

kośala kośala, see kosala.

kośavat kośa + vat, adv. Like a cocoon, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 21; cf. Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 52.

kośavant kośa + vant,
I. adj., f. vati, Wealthy, MBh. 1, 5808.
II. vatī, f. A certain plant, Suśr. 2, 107, 12.

kośaskṛt kośaskṛt, i. e. kośa- 1. kṛ + t, m. The silk-worm, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 13.

koṣa koṣa, see kośa.

koṣṭha koṣṭha,
I. m. The stomach, MBh. 14, 570.
II. m. and n.
     1. A granary.
     2. A store-room, MBh. 2, 201.
III. n. A wall, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 56.

koṣṇa koṣṇa, i. e. kā-uṣṇa, adj., f. ṇā, Moderately warm, tepid, Ragh. 1, 84.

kosala kosala, also kośala kośala,
I. m. The name of a country and its inhabitants, Rām. 1, 5, 5; MBh. 6, 347.
II. f. , A name of its capital, Ayodhyā, MBh. 3, 8152.

kaukṣeya kaukṣeya, i. e. kukṣi + eya, and kaukṣeyaka kaukṣeya + ka, m. A sword, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 10.

kauṅkaṇa kauṅkaṇa, i. e. koṅkaṇa + a, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 367.

kauñjara kauñjara, i. e. kuñjara + a, adj., f. , Belonging to an elephant, MBh. 13, 5580.

kauṭasākṣya kauṭasākṣya, i. e. kūṭa-sākṣin + ya, n. Fraudulent testimony, Man. 8, 117.

kauṭilya kauṭilya, i. e. kuṭila + ya, n.
     1. Crispness (as of hair), Pañc. i. d. 205.
     2. Deceitfulness, Pañc. 99, 9.

kauṭumba kauṭumba, i. e. kuṭumba + a, n. Affinity, Rājat. 5, 395, in Chr. p. 278, see n.

kauṭumbika kauṭumbika, i. e. kuṭumba + ika,
I. adj. Constituting a family, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 3.
II. m. The father of a family, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 12.

kauṇapa kauṇapa, i. e. kuṇapa + a.
     1. A Rākṣasa or demon (devouring corpses), MBh. 1, 6450.
     2. The name of a Nāga or serpent, MBh. 1, 2147.

kauṇḍinya kauṇḍinya, i. e. kuṇḍinī (a proper name), + ya, metron. MBh. 2, 111.

kauṇḍilya kauṇḍilya, Hit. 123, 15, read kauṇḍinya.

kautuka kautuka, i. e. kutuka + a, n.
     1. Eagerness, Rājat. 5, 359; desire, Pañc. 128, 18.
     2. Pleasure, Lass. 43, 11.
     3. Happiness, Pañc. iv. d. 35.
     4. An interesting spectacle, Kathās. 6, 65.
     5. A festival, Bhartṛ. 3, 15; Mālav. 64, 6.
     6. Marriage, Bhāg. P. 4, 3, 13.
     7. The marriage string. Daśak. in Chr. 201, 4.
-- Comp. krīḍā-, n. feigned curiosity, Kathās. 18, 135. vi-, adj. incurious, indifferent.

kautūhala kautūhala, i. e. kutūhala + a, n.
     1. Eagerness, Nal. 1, 16.
     2. Curiosity, Rām. 3, 15, 8; 1, 1, 7.
     3. Desire, Sāv. 4, 26

kautsa kautsa, i. e. kutsa + a,
     1. adj. Used by Kutsa, Man. 11, 249.
     2. patron. MBh. 13, 6270.

kaunakhya kaunakhya, i. e. kunakhin + ya, n. Having whitlows on one's nails, Man. 11, 49.

kaunteya kaunteya, i. e. kuntī + eya, metronym., m. A son of Kuntī, Nal. 1, 17.

kaunda kaunda, i. e. kunda + a, adj., f. , Belonging to, or made of, jasmine, Amar. 54; Vikr. d. 23.

kaupīna kaupīna, i. e. kūpa + īna, n.
     1. The pudenda, MBh. 1, 3638.
     2. A cloth worn over them, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 3.

kaupīnavant kaupīna + vant, adj. Wearing only a cloth over the pudenda, Häberl. Chr. 487.

kaumāra kaumāra, i. e. kumāra + a,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Referring to abstinence, MBh. 3, 8527.
     2. Married as virgin ([greek]), Rām. 2, 30, 8.
     3. Referring to the god of war, MBh. 3, 4086.
II. f. , The energy of the god of war, one of the seven mothers, Dev. 8, 16.
III. n.
     1. Childhood, Man. 9, 3.
     2. Chastity, MBh. 13, 5853.

kaumāraka kaumāra + ka, n. Childhood, Mārk. P. 11, 20.

kaumārarājya kaumārarājya, i. e. kumāra-rājan + ya, n. Condition of a prince royal, Rām. 2, 58, 20.

kaumārika kaumārika, i. e. kumārī + ika, m. The father of daughters, MBh. 1, 4054.

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kaumuda kaumuda, i. e. kumuda + a,
I. m. The month Kārttika, Oct.-Nov., MBh. 13, 3370.
II. f. ,
     1. Moonlight, Bhartṛ. 1, 38.
     2. The day of full moon in the month Kārttika, MBh. 13, 6132.

kaumodakī kaumodakī, i. e. ku-modaka + ī, f. The club of Viṣṇu, or Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 1, 8200.

kaurava kaurava, i. e. kuru + a, adj., f.
     1. Belonging to the Kurus, Megh. 49; consisting of Kurus, MBh. 1, 5457.
     2. patron. A descendant of Kuru, Nal. 14, 26; MBh. 1, 5457.
-- Comp. When latter part of an adj. the fem. ends in vā, Niṣkaurava, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , deprived of Kauravas, MBh. 1, 7961.

kauraveya kauraveya, i. e. kuru + eya, patron. A descendant of Kuru, MBh. 1, 5689.

kauravya kauravya, i. e. kuru + ya,
I. m.
     1. A descendant of Kuru, MBh. 14, 2521.
     2. The name of a Nāga or serpent, MBh. 1, 5558.
II. adj. Belonging to the Kurus, MBh. 14, 2484.

kaurma kaurma, i. e. kūrma + a, adj. Peculiar to a tortoise, Pañc. iii. d. 20.

kaula kaula, i. e. kula + a, adj., f. , Peculiar to a tribe, Rām. 4, 28, 9.

kaulika kaulika, i. e. probably kula + ika, m.
     1. A weaver, Pañc, 35, 15.
     2. A heretic, Pañc. iv. d. 12.

kaulīna kaulīna, i. e. kula + īna,
I. adj., f. , Peculiar to high birth, Rām. 5, 87, 12.
II. n. Gossip, Śāk. 79, 12; rumour, Megh. 111.

kaulīnya kaulīnya, i. e. kulīna + ya, n. Nobleness, Pañc. 71, 14.

kauvera kauvera, i. e. kuvera + a, adj., f. , Referring, or peculiar, or referable, to Kuvera, MBh. 2, 2578; with diś, The northern quarter or point of the compass, Rām. 4, 60, 15.

kauśa kauśa, i. e.
     1. kuśa + a, adj., f. śī, Made of Kuśa grass, MBh. 3, 10036.
     2. kośa + a, adj. Silken, Bhāg. P. 3, 4, 7.

kauśala kauśala, i. e. kuśala + a, n.
     1. Well-being, MBh. 4, 486.
     2. Prosperity, prosperous event, Rām. 6, 86, 43.
     3. Cleverness, Bhag. 2, 50.

kauśalya kauśalya, i. e. kuśala + ya, n. Well-being, Rām. 5, 31, 26.

kauśika 1. kauśika, i. e. kuśika + a,
I. adj. and patronym. Descending from Kuśika, MBh. 13, 2719; Rām. 1, 35, 20.
II. m. An owl, Pañc. 157, 21.
III. f. ,
     1. The name of a river, Rām. 4, 40, 19.
     2. A proper name, Mālav. 12, 4.

kauśika 2. kauśika, i. e. kośā + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Sheathed, MBh. 3, 11461.
     2. Silken, MBh. 3, 1002.
II. n. Silken cloth, MBh. 13, 5602.

kauśīlavya kauśīlavya, i. e. kuśīlava + ya, n. Profession of an actor, Man. 11, 65.

kauśeya kauśeya, i. e. kośa + eya, also kauṣeya kauṣeya,
I. adj. Silken, Rām. 2, 32, 16.
II. n. Silken stuff, Man. 5, 120.

kauśya kauśya, i. e. kuśa + ya, adj. Made of Kuśa grass, MBh. 15, 739.

kauṣeya kauṣeya; see kauśeya.

kauṣṭhya kauṣṭhya, i. e. koṣṭha + ya, adj. Being in the stomach, Yājñ. 3, 95.

kausalya kausalya, i. e. kosala + ya,
I. adj. Belonging to the Kosalas, Bhāg. P. 6, 15, 15.
II. , f. The mother of Rāma, Rām. 1, 1, 17.

kausīda kausīda, i. e. kusīda + a, adj., f. , Proceeding from a loan, Man. 8, 143.

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kausumāyudha kausumāyudha, i. e. kusuma-āyudha + a, adj. Referring to the god of love, Lass. 20, 19.

kaustubha kaustubha, i. e. ku-stubh + a, m. and n. A jewel worn by Viṣṇu, Rām. 1, 45, 39.
-- Comp. sa-kirīṭa-kaustubha, adj. with a diadem and the jewel of Viṣṇu, Pañc. 44, 15.

knaṃsknaṃs, i. 1, and 10, Par. To speak or to shine (? v. r.)

knathknath, i. 1, Par. To hurt, to kill.

knasknas, i. 4, Par.
     1. To be crooked.
     2. To shine.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

knūknū, or knu knu, ii. 9, Par. and Ātm. To sound.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

knūy knūy, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To be wet.
     2. † To sound.
     3. † To stink. -Caus. knopaya, To make wet, Śiś. 10, 49.

kmarkmar, i. 1, Par. To be crooked.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] etc.; Lat. camera.

krakaca krakaca (base krak, an imitative sound), m. and n. A saw, MBh. 3, 882.

krakara krakara (based on an imitative sound), m. A sort of partridge, Perdix sylvatica, Suśr. 1, 73, 1.

kratu kratu, i. e. kram + tu, m.
     1. Power (ved.), Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13.
     2. Sacrifice, Man. 7, 79.
     3. The name of one of the seven Ṛṣis, Man. 1, 35.
-- Comp. vara-, m. Indra. śata-,
I. adj. honoured by a hundred sacrifices ([greek]), Chr. 298, 23 = Rigv. i. 112, 23.
II. m. a name of Indra, Pañc. i. d.; 88.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.; Gradivus, Goth. hardu (a, not tn, on account of the aff. tu being based on tva).

krathkrath, i. 1 and 10, To kill, to hurt. i. 10, To amuse.

kratha kratha, m.
     1. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 585.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2697.
     3. The name of an Asura or demon, MBh. 1, 2665.

krathana krathana,
I. n. Slaughter, Prab. 5, 10.
II. m. The name of an Asura or demon, MBh. 1, 1488; a monkey, Rām. 4, 63, 4, etc.

krathanaka krathana + ka, m. A proper name, Pañc. 68, 12.

krad krad, see krand.

krand krand, i. 1, Par., Ātm., and † krad KRAD. i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To roar (ved.).
     2. To cry miserably, MBh. 1, 6201.
     3. To implore, Mārk. P. 15, 68. -- Caus. To cause to cry, Suśr. 2, 382, 13; cf. kad.
-- With the prep. ā ā,
     1. To implore, MBh. 3, 11461.
     2. To cry miserably, MBh. 3, 2388. ā-krandita, n. Crying, Vikr. 5, 5. Caus. To cause to cry, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 38.
-- With samā sam-ā, To cry miserably, MBh. 15, 1073.
-- With vi vi, vi-krandita, n. Lamenting, Rām. 2, 59, 30.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] (for [greek]), [greek]

krandana krand + ana, n. Lamenting, Pañc. 213, 2.

krap krap, or † kṛp kṛp, † kap kap, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To compassionate; ved. to desire, and base of the pres. kṛp.
     2. † To go.

kram kram, i. 1, krāma (in epic poetry also krama, e. g. Rām. 5, 3, 73) Par., Ātm. † i. 4, Par.
     1. To step, to walk, Rām. 5, 1, 45.
     2. To step through, MBh. 3, 485.
     3. To go to (with acc.), Rām. 4, 8, 4.
     4. To attain, Ragh. 14, 17.
     5. To undertake, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 23.
     6. To commit, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 2.
     7. Ātm. To succeed, Rām. 4, 44, 121.
     8. Ātm. To prevail, MBh. 13, 3918.
     9. To overtop, Ragh. 1, 14. krānta, n. A step, Man. 12, 121. Frequent. caṅkram and caṅkramya,
     1. To roam, MBh. 5, 707; to go astray, MBh. 1, 716; anomal. ptcple. of the pres. caṅkramamāṇa, MBh. 1, 7917.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To cross, Rām. 3, 60, 18; Man. 5, 76; absol. atikramya, Beyond, Rām. 4, 40, 34.
     2. To escape, Rām. 2, 9, 24.
     3. To let pass away, Rām. 6, 88, 20.
     4. To surpass, Man. 8, 151; MBh. 14, 86.
     5. To supersede, MBh. 14, 1810.
     6. To respass, Rām. 2, 9, 22.
     7. To neglect, Man. 9, 78.
     8. To withdraw, Rām. 1, 9, 11.
     9. To become deprived (with abl.), Man. 9, 93. atikrānta,
     1. Passed, Pañc. i. d. 378.
     2. Excessive, MBh. 3, 657. dan-atikrānta, adj. Not exceeded, Rājat. 5, 228. an-atikramaṇīya, adj. Unavoidable, Hit. iv. d. 72. Caus. ati-kramaya,
     1. To let pass away, Rām. 4, 26, 24.
     2. To disregard, Rām. 6, 16, 67.
-- With atyati ati-ati, To compress (in sexual intercourse), MBh. 1, 4883.
-- With abhyati abhi-ati,
     1. To pass, Rām. 2, 70, 26.
     2. To avoid, MBh. 14, 1551.
     3. To trespass, MBh. 1, 199.
-- With vyati vi-ati,
     1. To pass, Rām. 2, 14, 29.
     2. To stride through, MBh. 13, 4897.
     3. To trespass, Pañc. i. d. 65.
     4. To pass away, Rām. 1, 63, 9.
     5. To surpass, Rām. 5, 43, 5. vyatikrānta, n. Fault, Rām. 5, 84, 11.
-- With samati
     1. To pass, MBh. 3, 2851; Lass. 10, 1.
     2. To step out, Rām. 6, 31, 2.
     3. To let pass away, Rām. 5, 56, 79 (absol. samatikramya, After).
     4. To disregard, Rām. 2, 30, 33.
     5. To lose, MBh. 1, 7786.
-- With adhi adhi, To ascend to, MBh. 3, 1777.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To follow, MBh. 3, 356.
     2. To particularise, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 45.
     3. To make a table of contents, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 8. anukrānta,
     1. Followed, Rām. 5, 47, 6.
     2. Following, Rām. 2, 30, 41.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To pass completely, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 35.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To go away, MBh. 1, 177.
     2. To leave (with abl.), Rām. 4, 30, 21.
     3. To pass away, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 33.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, To withdraw, Rām. 2, 87, 21.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To approach, MBh. 3, 8613.
     2. To enter, Rām. 4, 47, 3.
     3. To set out, Rām. 1, 77, 18.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To approach, MBh. 3, 2389.
-- With ava ava, To withdraw, Mṛcch. (Calc. ed.) 210, 21.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To approach, Bhartṛ. 1, 69.
     2. To step on, Man. 4, 130.
     3. To step in, Rām. 5, 81, 22.
     4. To begin, Rām. 3, 4, 5.
     5. To seize, MBh. 1, 5936.
     6. To conquer, Mārk. P. 18, 26.
     7. To repose on, Rām. 1, 57, 28.
     8. Ātm., To rise, Ragh. 5, 71; to ascend, MBh. 1, 4076. ā-krānta,
     1. Burdened, Mṛcch. 115, 5.
     2. Full of, Bhartṛ. 3, 9; abounding with, Man. 4, 61. -- Causal, To cause to step in, Kumāras. 6, 52.
-- With adhyā adhi-ā,
     1. To assault, MBh. 3, 13827.
     2. To occupy, Śāk. d. 47.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To visit one by one, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 17.
-- With apā apa-ā, To withdraw, MBh. 13, 3717.
-- With upā upa-ā, To assail, MBh. 3, 11123.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, To attain, Rām. 1, 41, 21.
-- With nirā nis-ā, To step out, MBh. 1, 4292.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To step on, MBh. 1, 355.
     2. To assail, Pañc. iii. d. 18.
     3. To occupy, Ragh. 4, 4. samākrānta,
     1. Burdened, Rām. 4, 15, 25; filled, Rām. 5, 20, 2.
     2. Performed, Rām. 1, 44, 54.
     3. Captive, Kathās. 10, 193.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To step out, Rām. 3, 9, 35.
     2. To leave, MBh. 13, 1828.
     3. To omit, MBh. 14, 1812.
     4. To neglect, MBh. 3, 1180. utkrānta, Left, Kathās. 4, 2. utkramaṇīya, What ought to be removed, MBh. 3, 8226.
-- With atyud ati-ud, To excel, MBh. 13, 1628.
-- With vyud vi-ud,
     1. To leave, MBh. 14, 1319.
     2. To neglect, MBh. 13, 4768.
-- With samud sam-ud, To neglect, MBh. 1, 4835.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To approach, MBh. 1, 6787.
     2. To assail, MBh. 13, 6716.
     3. To walk, Rām. 5, 1, 46.
     4. To treat, MBh. 2, 678. upāyopakrānta, adj. Treated with (the suitable) means, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 11; cf. 198, 1 (tortured).
     5. To physic, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 13; to cure, Suśr. 1, 31, 1.
     6. To seize, MBh. 3, 14984.
     7. To perform, Yājñ. 3, 200.
     8. To dispose, MBh. 1, 4131.
     9. To begin Rām. 2, 103, 6.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To approach, Rām. 2, 78, 14.
     2. To begin, MBh. 13, 4222.
-- With nis nis, To go forth, to leave, MBh. 1, 4445; in dramatic language, Exit, exeunt, Śāk. 4, 20. -- Caus.
     1. To cause to step out or to leave, Rām. 4, 9, 24.
     2. To deliver, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 7.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis,
     1. To step out and near, Rām. 4, 25, 21.
     2. To leave (with abl.), Man. 6, 41.
-- With upanis upa-nis, To leave (with abl.), MBh. 2, 1070.
-- With vinis vi-nis, To step out, MBh. 3, 10273.
-- With parā parā,
     1. To turn, MBh. 3, 15772.
     2. To put forth one's strength, Man. 7, 106; with parasparam, To rival each other, Chr. 25, 59.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To walk about, MBh. 3, 13878.
     2. To walk round (with acc.), Rām. 1, 73, 36.
     3. To walk through, Bhāg. P. 6, 13, 30.
     4. To overtake, Rām. 5, 3, 42. parikrānta, n. Trace, Rām. 3, 68, 46.
-- Comp. tri-, m. epitheton of a true Brāhmaṇa, MBh. 13, 6455 (perhaps: Who has been thrice victorious, viz. in tapas, dama, and niyama; cf. MBh. 12, 13566 and 13567). Frequent. pari-caṅkram, To turn round continually, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 3.
-- With anupari anu-pari,
     1. To visit one after another, MBh. 3, 10414.
     2. To visit in due order, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 30.
     3. To survey one after another, Man. 7, 123.
-- With vipari vi-pari in viparikrānta, Powerful, Rām. 4, 22, 16.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, To walk round (with acc.), Pañc. iii. d. 172; to visit, MBh. 1, 12.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To walk on, Suśr. 1, 256, 14.
     2. To pass, Rām. 5, 3, 73.
     3. Ātm., To act, MBh. 13, 5573.
     4. Ātm., To begin, Rām. 5, 1, 34; in epic poetry also Par., Dev. 2, 48. prakrānta, n. The outset of a journey, Yājñ. 2, 198.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Ātm., To begin, Rām. 6, 91, 10.
-- With prati prati, To return, MBh. 3, 15689.
-- With vi vi,
     1. Ātm., To walk along, Rām. 4, 58, 24; also Par., Rām. 2, 25, 33.
     2. Ātm., To walk through, Rām. 5, 2, 40.
     3. Ātm., To enter, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 20.
     4. Ātm., To proceed, MBh. 2, 196.
     5. To assail, Rām. 6, 100, 8.
     6. To overcome, MBh. 3, 1611 (akramat); Ātm., Pañc. 79, 2. vikrānta,
     1. Courageous, Rām. 3, 4, 31.
     2. Preeminent, MBh. 14, 69. m.
     1. A hero
     2. A lion. n.
     1. Gait, Rām. 3, 25, 13.
     2. Valour.
-- Comp. bhīma-, m. a lion. su-,
I. m. a hero.
II. n. heroism.
-- With nirvi nis-vi, To come forth, MBh. 1, 3244.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To walk along, MBh. 3, 1755 (saṃkraman).
     2. To walk through, Rām. 3, 76, 5.
     3. To turn to, Rām. 2, 96, 25. Caus. sam-kramaya and sam-krāmaya,
     1. To lead, Ragh. 13, 3.
     2. To transfer, MBh. 1, 3462.
     3. To ascribe (with loc.), Mṛcch. 131, 2.
     4. To conquer, Rām. 6, 1, 41.
     5. To agree, Chr. 58, 8, Ātm.
-- With upasam upa-sam, To approach, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 19.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To cease, Ātm., Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 9. Caus. krāmaya, To cause to return, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 50.
-- Cf. kratu, [greek] for [greek] denomin., [greek] etc., [greek]- [greek] (cf. ved. krāvan, i. e. kram + van), [greek] for [greek] denomin., [greek] for [greek] etc.; [greek] for [greek] denom. from [greek] for [greek] + tvan, [greek] etc., [greek] etc.; Lat. gradus, based on gram + tva, gradior, etc.; Goth. hramjan, hlamma, haldan, grids; O.H.G. scrītan; A. S. scrīdhan.

krama kram + a, m.
     1. A step, MBh. 3, 11178.
     2. A foot, MBh. 3, 14316.
     3. A posture for assailing, Pañc. 197, 24; a bound, 229, 20.
     4. Strength, see comp.
     5. Regular order, Man. 8, 24; succession, Pañc. i. d. 83.
     6. Course, Pañc. iii. d. 240
     7. Method, Hit. 68, 21.
     8. Way, Rām. 2, 26, 20.
     9. A sacred precept, Mārk. P. 23, 112.
     10. Intention, Kathās. 18, 380; Hit. 39, 5.
     11. instr. krameṇa, a. By degrees, Pañc. 209, 24; b. In order, Man. 2, 173; c. Afterwards, Pañc. 221, 9.
     12. abl. kramāt, In order, Man. 10, 28.
     13. The name of a country = Kramavattu, Rājat. 5, 87.
-- Comp. a-, m. an unsuitable method, Bhartṛ. 1, 28. kāla-, m. destiny, Pañc. iii. d. 240. madhu-, m. 1. tippling. 2. the honeycomb. yathā-krama + m, adv. in due order, Man. 3, 2. śaikṣya-guṇa-krama, adj. possessing practice, talent, and strength, MBh. 1, 7023. samākṣarapadakrama, i. e. sama-akṣara-pada-krama, adj. containing a succession of (metrical) feet of the same number of syllables, Rām. 1, 3, 58 Gorr.

kramaṇa kramaṇa, i. e. kram + ana, n.
     1. Walking, Mṛcch. 50, 15.
     2. Passing, MBh. 3, 16254.

kramatas krama + tas, adv. By degrees, Śiś. 9, 29.

kramavattu kramavattu (a dialect. form of krama-varta, Rājat. 3, 227), m. The name of a country, Rājat. 4, 39.

kramaśas krama + śas, adv.
     1. By degrees, Pañc. ii. d. 37.
     2. In order, Man. 1, 68.

kramika kramika, i. e. krama + ika, adj. Proceeding conformably to the sacred precepts, MBh. 2, 166.

kramela kramela, m. A camel, Pañc. 89, 6.

kraya kraya, i. e. krī + a, m.
     1. Purchase, Man. 8, 201.
     2. Purchased obiects, 8, 209.

krayavikrayin krayavikrayin, i. e. kraya-vikraya + in, adj. He who buys and he who sells, Man. 5, 51. He who buys and sells, Yajñ. 2, 262.

krayāṇaka krayāṇaka, i. e. krī + āna + ka, adj. Marketable, Lass. 23, 13.

krayika krayika, i. e. krī + in + ka, adj. Buying, MBh. 13, 5633.

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kravya kravya, n. Raw flesh, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 24.
-- Cf. [greek] base [greek] Lat. caro, base caron; Goth. hraiv.
-- Cf. also krūra.

kravyād kravyād, i. e. kravya-ad, adj. Devouring raw flesh, Rām. 6, 16, 5.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not carnivorous, Yājñ. 3, 272.

kravyāda kravyāda, i. e. kravya-āda, adj., f. , Devouring raw flesh, MBh. 1, 932.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not carnivorous, Man. 11, 137.

kraśaya kraśaya, a denomin. derived from kṛśa, To make meager, Śiś. 9, 61.

krākacika krākacika, i. e. krakaca + ika, m. A sawyer, Rām. 2, 38, 14.

kriyā kriyā, i. e. kṛ + yā, 1.
     1. Performance, Man. 9, 298.
     2. Action, Pañc. 63, 9; an act, Yājñ. 2, 23.
     3. Use, Pañc. i. d. 430.
     4. Business, Man. 8, 154.
     5. A literary work, Vikr. d. 2.
     6. Physical treatment, Suśr. 1, 5, 10.
     7. An act of piety, Man. 2, 80.
     8. A religious ceremony, Man. 5, 84.
     9. Obsequies, Rām. 6, 96, 10.
     10. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2578.
-- Comp. agni-, f. a religious act performed by means of fire, as burning of a corpse. atithi-, f. hospitality, Rām. 1, 25, 19. udaka-, f. pouring water in honour of a deceased one, Man. 5, 69. kṛta-kriya, adj. one who has performed a religious ceremony, e. g. the funeral rites, Man. 5, 99. kautuka-kriyā, f. the nuptial ceremonies, Ragh. 11, 53. citra-, f. painting, MBh. 4, 1360. jala- = udaka-, Rām. 1, 42, 15. dāra-, f. marriage, Chr. 3, 8. dharma-, f. observance of duties, Man. 12, 31. niṣkriya, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. inactive, Bhāṣāp. 85. 2. one who does not perform his religious duties, Man. 11, 18. nirahaṃkriyā, i. e. nis-aham-,
I. f. want of selfishness, Bhāg. P. 3, 29, 18.
II. -kriya, adj. impersonal, 3, 27, 14. laghu-, f. a trifle, bahvārambhe laghukriyā, Much ado about nothing, Cāṇ. 91, in Montasber. Berl. Ak. Hist. Phil. 1864, 413. vaśa-, f. 1. subduing by drugs, charms, etc. 2. The drugs, etc., so used. vikarmakriyā, i. e. vikarman-, f. 1. vicious conduct, Man. 9, 226. 2. illegal act. sa-kriya, adj. one who observes his religious duties, Lass. 42, 2. hīna- (vb. ), adj. one who neglects his religious duties, Man. 3, 7.

kriyāvant kriyā + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. One who performs actions, Hit. i. d. 162.
     2. One who performs his religious duties, Rām. 2, 106, 10.
-- Comp. turaga-kriyā + vant, adj. skilful in managing horses, Lass. 70, 9.

krī krī, ii. 9, Par., Ātm.; krīṇā, ṇī, base of the pres. etc. To buy, Man. 9, 74. kretavya and kreya, Purchasable, MBh. 13, 2450; Rājat. 5, 270.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To buy, Daśak. 80, 4.
-- With upa upa, To buy, Hit. 115, 3.
-- With pari pari, To hire, MBh. 1, 4672.
-- With vi vi, To sell, Man. 10, 90. vikrīta, n. Sale, Man. 8, 165. -Desider. vi-cikrīṣa, Atm. To desire to sell, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 6.
-- With sam sam, To buy, MBh. 1, 6219.

krīḍ krīḍ, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.), To play, Rām. 4, 24, 39; with acc. dyūtaṃ krīḍ, To play (with dice), Mṛcch. 30, 18; with instr. Man. 4, 74; Pañc. i. d. 201; Ātm. Rām. 3, 67, 6. krīḍita, n. Play, Rām. 5, 13, 23. krīdanīya, n. A plaything, MBh. 13, 4206. -- Caus. krīḍaya, To cause to play, MBh. 1, 6440.
-- With the prepositions samā sam-ā, To play, MBh. 13, 659.
-- With upa upa, To surround playing (with acc.), MBh. 13, 3832.
-- With pra pra, Ātm. To play, MBh. 3, 14882.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To play, MBh. 3, 11099.
     2. To act as if jesting, Rām. 3, 569.
     3. To treat like a plaything, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 37.
-- With sam sam, Ātm. To play. Rām. 1, 9. 14; Par., MBh. 1, 7651.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To jest, to indulge in amusements, Rām. 4, 30, 16.

krīḍana krīḍ + ana, n. Play, Rām. 1, 9, 14.
-- Comp. udaka-, n. playing in the water, MBh. 1, 4996.

krīḍanaka krīḍana + ka, m. (and n.) A plaything, Śāk. 105, 10; Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 30.

krīḍanakatā krīḍanaka + tā, f. The character of a plaything, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 32 (tayā, instr. Like a plaything).

krīḍanīyaka krīḍanīya + ka, n. A doll, Kathās. 12, 74.

krīḍā krīḍ + ā, f.
     1. Play, Rām. 3, 39, 17; jest, Gīt. 9, 10.
     2. Amusement, Rājat. 5, 338.
-- Comp. jala-, f. playing in the water, Pañc. 53, 1. toya-, f. playing in the water, Megh. 34. vapra f. butting at a bank or hillock as or an elephant or bull.

krīḍāmaya krīḍā + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of dalliance, MBh. 14, 1486.

krīḍitṛ krīḍitṛ, i. e. krīḍ + tṛ, m. A gambler, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 40.

krītaka krīta + ka (vb. krī), adj. Acquired by purchase, Man. 9, 174.

krīLi krīḷ, i. e. krīḍ + i (ved.), adj. Playing, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 87, 3.

kruñckruñc, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be crooked
     2. To curve.
     3. To move crookedly.
     4. To become small.
     5. To make small.
-- Cf. perhaps O.H.G. kriuchan.

kruḍkruḍ, i. 6, Par. To sink.

krudh krudh, i. 4, Par. To be wrathful, Man. 6, 48. kruddha, Enraged, Pañc. iii. d. 75. ati-kruddha, adj. Much enraged, Rām. 3, 53, 55. parama-, adj. Very much enraged, Rām. 1, 51, 19. su-, adj. Much enraged, Rām. 3, 51, 19. krodhanīya, What may provoke to anger, Rām. 2, 41, 3. -- Caus., krodhaya, To make angry, Rām. 2, 9, 21.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To be enraged at (with acc.), Vikr. 36, 2.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To be angry, MBh. 3, 8738.
-- With prati prati, To be angry in turn against (with acc.), Man. 6, 48.
-- With sam sam, To be angry, MBh. 3, 14828. saṃkruddha, Wrathful, Rām. 1, 55, 6.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To be enraged at (with acc.), MBh. 4, 1572.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To be enraged against, MBh. 1. 5983.
-- Cf. Lat. crudus, crudelis; see also krūra.

krudh krudh, f. Wrath, Kathās. 18, 282.

krunthkrunth, v. r. of kunth, ii. 9.

kruś kruś, i. 1. Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 1, 60, 19), To cry, Rām. 1, 54, 7; 2, 56, 9. kruṣṭa, One who reviles(?), MBh. 13, 2135.
-- With anu anu, Caus. krośaya, To pity, MBh. 13, 285.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To cry at, MBh. 4, 359.
     2. To bewail, Rām. 4, 24, 22.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To cry, Bhartṛ. 3, 87.
     2. To revile, Man. 6, 48. ākruṣṭa, n. Scream, Suśr. 1, 108, 17.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To revile in turn, MBh. 3, 1091.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To lament, Rām. 3, 68, 22.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To cry out, Rām. 6, 36, 60.
     2. To cry to (with acc.), MBh. 1, 7748.
-- With samud sam-ud, To cry out, Rām. 6, 111, 29.
-- With pari pari, To lament, Rām. 2, 65, 22.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To cry out, MBh. 2, 2695.
     2. To call, MBh. 3, 2363.
-- With vi vi, To call aloud, MBh. 1, 7633.
     2. To call, MBh. 2, 2229.
     3. To resound, Rām. 6, 92, 69. vikruṣṭa, Offensive, Man. 4, 176; n.
     1. Scream, Rām. 3, 30, 29.
     2. A cry for help, Yājñ. 2, 234.
-- With sam sam, To cry all together, MBh. 2, 1553.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To call to, Rām. 2, 100, 36. -- Akin to kruś, but not its true reflex, are [greek] etc., Goth. hrukjan; Lat. lugeo.

krūra krūra, adj.
     1. Sore (ved.).
     2. Cruel, Hiḍ. 4, 31.
     3. Harsh, Rām. 3, 64, 2.
     4. Formidable, Pañc. iii. d. 75.
     5. Hard, Śāk. d. 37.
-- Comp. a-, adj. soft, Man. 2, 33. danta-krūra + m, adv. (he seized) in a terrible way with the teeth, MBh. 7, 2431.
-- Cf. probably Lat. crusta; [greek] etc., [greek] see krudh.

krūrakarmakṛt krūrakarmakṛt, i. e. krūra-karman-kṛ + t, adj. m. A cruel beast, Man. 12, 58.

krūratā krūra + tā, f. Cruelty, Man. 10, 58.

kretṛ kretṛ, i. e. krī + tṛ, m. A purchaser, Yājñ. 2, 253.

kroḍa kroḍa,
I. m. and f. ḍā.
     1. The breast, Rām. 6, 82, 10; Mṛcch. 34, 14 (the bosom used to keep money in).
     2. The interior, Hit. 80, 14.
II. m. A hog, Pañc. 120, 9.

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krodha krodha, i. e. krudh + a,
I. m.
     1. Anger, Man. 1, 25.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2543.
II. f. dhā, A proper name, MBh. 1, 2520.
-- Comp. a-, m. freedom from wrath, Man. 3, 235. sa-, adj., f. dhā, wrathful, Chr. 57, 28.

krodhana krodhana, i. e. krudh + ana,
I. adj., f. , Passionate, Rām. 2, 70, 10; Yājñ. 1, 333.
II. n. Anger.
-- Comp. a-, adj. free from wrath, Man. 3, 192. sa-, adj. enraged, Rām. 5, 85, 3.

krodhālu krodhālu, i. e. krodha + ālu, adj. Passionate, Suśr. 2, 533, 8.

krośa krośa, i. e. kruś + a, m.
     1. Cry (ved.).
     2. A measure of distance, containing 4,000 cubits, Rām. 2, 90, 1.

kroṣṭu kroṣṭu, i. e. kruś + tu, the base of most cases is kroṣṭṛ kroṣṭṛ, i. e. kruś + tṛ, m., f. trī, A jackal, Draup. 1, 17.

kroṣṭuka kroṣṭu + ka, m., f. , A jackal, MBh. 13, 6342; Rām. 3, 20, 22.

krauñca krauñca,
I. m., f. , A kind of heron, or curlew, Man. 11, 134; Rām. 2, 76, 21.
II. m.
     1. The name of a mountain, Rām. 4, 44, 32.
     2. One of the Dvīpas, or principal divisions of the world, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 32.
     3. The name of a demon.

kraurya kraurya, i. e. krūra + ya, n. Cruelty, Man. 12, 33 (Jones: Detraction).

klath klath, i. 1, Par. To kill or hurt.

kladklad, see kland.

klandkland, i. 1, Par.
     1. To call.
     2. To weep. i. 1, Ātm. (v. r. klad),
     1. To be confused.
     2. To confound.
-- Cf. krand.

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klapklap, i. 10, Par. To speak (? v. r.).
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. crepare; O.H.G. hrofan; A.S. hreopan; Goth. hropjan (= klāpaya).

klam klam, i. 1 and 4, klāma and klāmya, Par. To be fatigued, exhausted. klānta,
     1. Fatigued. Rām. 2, 42, 19.
     2. Exhausted, Ragh. 2. 13.
     3. Withered, Śāk. d. 66.
     4. Thin, Śāk. d. 58.
-- With the prep. pari pari, pari-klānta, Much exhausted, MBh. 1, 5893.
-- With vi Ātm. To despond, Śiś. 15, 127.

klama klam + a, m.
     1. Fatigue, Arj. 4, 47.
     2. Languor, Rām. 5, 49, 10.
-- Comp. gata-, adj. f. , recreated, Nal. 11, 1.

klav klav, i. 1, Ātm. To fear.
-- With prep. vi vi, To fear.

klānti klānti, i. e. klam + ti, f. Languor, Bhartṛ. 1, 36.

klid klid, i. 4, klidya, Par. To become wet, Suśr. 2, 23, 12. klinna,
     1. Wet, Rām. 1, 42, 20.
     2. Filled with tears.
     3. Compassionate, Bhāg. P. 4, 3, 10. Caus. kledaya, To make wet, Bhag. 2, 23.
-- With the prep. samā sam-ā, samāklinna, Wet with tears, MBh. 3, 13472.
-- With pari pari, pariklinna, Completely wet, Rām. 4, 6, 16.
-- With pra pra, Ātm. To become wet, Suśr. 1, 297, 17. praklinna, Wet, Rām. 3, 22, 21. Caus. To moisten, Suśr. 1, 68, 4.
-- With vi vi, viklinna, Thoroughly wet, MBh. 1, 5412.
-- With sam sam, saṃklinna, Wet, Mṛcch. 92, 7.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] Goth. hlūtrs, etc.

klindklind, i. 1, Par., Ātm. To bewail.
-- Cf. krand.

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kliś kliś, ii. 9, kliśnā, kliśnī, Par., and i. 4, kliśya, Ātm. (also Par. Man. 8, 169),
     1. To torment. MBh. 2, 2351; Ragh. 13, 73.
     2. i. 4. To suffer distress, MBh. 2, 2255, Man. 8, 169. kliṣṭa,
     1. Afflicted, Śāk. d. 58, Rām. 3, 58, 15.
     2. Hurt, Rām. 3, 58, 12.
     3. Wasted, Suśr. 2, 157.
     4. Painful, Pañc. i. d. 12. ṭam, adv. Miserably, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 12.
-- Comp. a-, adj.
     1. without pain, MBh. 3, 1706. 2. unhurt, Rām. 6, 103, 4. 3. firm, Rām. 1, 34, 1. 4. reliable, Rām. 1, 38, 6. -Caus. kleśaya, To torment, Rām. 5, 27, 33.
-- With ud ud, To become uneasy, Suśr. 1, 331, 21. Caus. To stir, Suśr. 2, 184, 18.
-- With samud sam-ud, To become uneasy, Suśr. 2, 348, 18.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To torment, Rām. 5, 58, 21.
     2. i. 4, To suffer distress, Rām. 5, 25. 32; Par. MBh. 3, 578. parikliṣṭa, Much pained, Rām. 3, 52, 41. ṭam, adv. With pain, Bhag. 17, 21. a-, adv. With cheerfulness, MBh. 3, 108.
-- With vi vi, vikliṣṭa, Violated, Ram. 4, 17, 15.
-- With sam sam, To torment, Rām. 2, 22, 14. saṃkliṣṭa, Bruised, Suśr. 2, 16, 17.
-- Cf. kṛś and liś.

klībklīb and klīv klīv, i. 1. Ātm.
     1. To behave like an eunuch; to be timorous.

klība klība, or klīva klīva, adj.
     1. Deprived of virility; m. An eunuch, Man. 3, 150.
     2. Timorous; m. A coward, MBh. 1, 5142.
     3. Neuter.
-- Comp. a-, adj. manly, Rām. 1, 28, 1.

klībatā klība + tā, f. and klībatva klība-tva, n.
     1. Want of virility, Suśr. 1, 366, 8.
-- Comp. a-, f. manly behaviour, Ragh. 8, 83.

kluklu, i. 1, Ātm. To move(?).

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kleda kleda, i. e. klid + a, m. Humidity, Rām. 5, 12, 42.

kledana kledana, i. e. klid + ana,
I. adj. Moistening, Suśr. 1, 76, 19.
II. n. Moistening, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 43.

kleśkleś, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To speak.
     2. To impede.
     3. To hurt.

kleśa kleśa, i. e. kliś + a, m. Pain, Man. 2, 227.
-- Comp. a-, m. want of bodily pain, Man. 4, 3; abl. śāt, without any effort, Pañc. ii. d. 9. garbha-, m. pains in labour, Mārk. P. 22, 45.

kleśin -kleśin, i. e. kliś + in, adj., f. , Hurting, Megh. 88.

kleṣṭṛ kleṣṭṛ, i. e. kliś + tṛ, m. Causing pain, MBh. 3, 1076.

klaibya klaibya, or klaivya klaivya, i. e. klība, or klīva, + ya, n.
     1. Want of virility, Hit. i. d. 129.
     2. Timidity, Rām. 3, 19, 5.
     3. Weakness, Ragh. 12, 86.

kloman kloman, m. and n. The right lobe of the lungs, Suśr. 2, 446, 19. If identical with [greek] Lat. pulmon, Sanskrit k stands for p; cf. kṣiv.

kva kva, i. e. ka + va (cf. i + va), from kim, adv.
     1. = loc. sing. of kim. In whom, Man. 10, 66.
     2. Where, Rām. 5, 34, 21.
     3. Whither, Pañc. 36, 21.
     4. kva -- kva denotes the greatest difference: kva vayaṃ kva parokṣamanmatho mṛgaśāvaiḥ samam edhito janaḥ, What communion could there be between me and a girl grown up among young fawns and disinclined to love? Śāk. d. 51.
     5. How much less, Rām. 1, 67, 10.
     6. With following api, Somewhere, Hit. pr. d. 17; Pañc. 96, 5; with na, Nowhere, Nal. 16, 6.
     7. With na -- ca, Not anywhere, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 64.
     8. With na -- ca na, Nowhere, MBh. 14, 650.
     9. With following cid,
a. In some, Pañc. 118, 14.
b. Somewhere, Lass. 6, 17; Kathās. 4, 131;
c. With na, or another negative particle, Nowhere, Man. 2, 56; Rām. 3, 60, 5.
d. kva cid -kva cid, Here and there, Rām. 2, 100, 6; kva cid -- kva cid, Here -- there, Kathās. 6, 26; 27; now -- now, Rām. 3, 50, 7; with na, Never, Man. 2, 180. e. Some time, Nal. 14, 6.
     10. With preceding yatra,
a. and following api, or ca, or , Wherever, Bhartṛ. 3, 91; Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 34; 1, 17, 36;
b. and following ca na, Wherever, Brāhmaṇ. 3, 12; whenever, Bhag. P. 5, 21, 9.

kvaṇ kvaṇ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound, Ṛt. 3, 26.
     2. To buzz, Vikr. d. 103. kvaṇita, n. Sound, Ragh. 7, 83. -- Caus. To cause to sound, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 21.

kvath kvath, i. 1, Par. To boil, Man. 6, 20. -- Caus. kvāthaya, The same, Mārk. P. 12, 26.
-- With ud ud, To boil out, Suśr. 2, 418, 10. Caus. The same, 2, 432, 15.
-- With nis nis, Caus. To boil down, Suśr. 2, 80, 16.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] etc.

kvathana kvath + ana, n. Boiling, Suśr. 1, 171, 5.

kvātha kvātha, i. e. kvath + a, m. A decoction, Suśr. 2, 85, 10.

kvelkvel, i. 1, Par. To shake (? v. r.; see kṣvel).

kṣajkṣaj, or kṣañj kṣañj, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To give. i. 10, Par. To live in distress.

kṣaṇ kṣaṇ, ii. 8, kṣaṇu (probably for original kṣe-ṇu, cf. kṣi); Par., Ātm. To wound, Kumāras. 5, 24. Pteple. of the pf. pass. kṣata,
     1. Wounded, Ragh. 3, 53.
     2. Destroyed, Ṛt. 1, 2.
     3. Violated, Yājñ. 1, 67. n. A wound, Suśr. 2, 19, 1. Comp. a-, f. A virgin, Yājñ. 2, 130. m. pl. or n. sing. Fried grain, Pañc. 158, 4.
-- With the prep. pari pari, parikṣata,
     1. Wounded, Man. 4, 122.
     2. Hurt, Śāk. d. 72. ati-pari-kṣata, Grievously wounded, Man. 7, 98.
-- With vi vi, vikṣata, Hurt, MBh. 2, 1816. vikṣata in apa-vikṣata, adj. Unhurt, Śāk. 63, 3 C.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, abhivikṣata, Hurt, Rām. 5, 16, 21.
-- With parivi pari-vi, parivikṣata, Wounded, MBh. 1, 6906.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek] etc.; [greek] etc.; [greek] i. e. krav + tvan, [greek] etc.; [greek] etc; perhaps Goth. skath, skathjan, skanda.

kṣaṇa kṣaṇa (probably for īkṣaṇa, i. e. īkṣ + ana), m. and n.
     1. A moment, Nal. 5, 1
     2. A measure of time = 4 minutes, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 7.
     3. Leisure, Mālav. 8, 9.
     4. Opportunity, MBh. 4, 666.
     5. A festival, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 21.
     6. Loc. ṇe and abl. ṇāt,
a. In an instant, Rām. 2, 42, 44; Man. 11, 246;
b. After a moment, Nal. 2, 3; Rām. 3, 50, 5.
     7. kṣaṇekṣaṇe, Every moment, Rājat. 5, 165.
-- Comp. kim-, adj. one who disregards a moment, Hit. ii. d. 87. kṛta-, adj., f. ṇā, expecting impatiently, MBh. 1, 778. tatkṣaṇam, i. e. tad-kṣaṇa + m, and °ṇāt, adv. instantly, Pañc. 69, 20; Rām. 1, 55, 4. vastu-kṣaṇāt (abl.), when there is given an opportunity, Rājat. 5, 378. sa-, adj. being at leisure, Bhāg. P. 1, 1, 21. svayaṃvara-kṛta-, adj. having fixed the moment for the choosing a husband.

kṣaṇadā kṣaṇadā, i. e. kṣaṇa-da (vb. ), f. Night, Rām. 2, 50, 7.

kṣaṇadākara kṣaṇadā-kara, m. The moon, Śiś. 9, 70.

kṣaṇadācara kṣaṇadā-cara, m. A Rākṣasa, or demon, Rām. 3, 35, 4.

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kṣaṇana kṣaṇ + ana, n. Hurting, Suśr. 1, 31, 4.

kṣaṇika kṣaṇika, i. e. kṣaṇa + ika, adj. Momentary, Hit. i. d. 60.

kṣaṇin kṣaṇin, i. e. kṣaṇa + in, adj. Being at leisure, MBh. 2, 558.

kṣataja kṣata-ja (vb. kṣaṇ and jan),
I. adj. Caused by wounding, Suśr. 2, 503, 5.
II. n. Blood, Rām. 2, 94, 5.

kṣati kṣati, i. e. kṣaṇ + ti, f.
     1. Hurting, MBh. 3, 12180.
     2. Destroying, Śāk. d. 39.
     3. Harm, MBh. 4, 101.

kṣattṛ kṣattṛ, m.
     1. i. e. kṣad + tṛ, A carver (ved.).
     2. A door-keeper, MBh. 4, 2215.
     3. A charioteer.
     4. The son of a Śūdra man and a Kṣatriyā woman, Man. 10, 12.

kṣatra kṣatra, i. e. kṣi + atra,
I. n.
     1. Dominion (ved.).
     2. The second, or military caste, Man. 9, 322; its dignity, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 31.
II. m. A man of the military caste, Man. 3, 23.
-- Comp. a- and nis-, adj. without the military caste, Man. 9, 322; Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 22.

kṣatrabandhuvat kṣatra-bandhu + vat, adv. Like a man of the military caste, Chr. 23, 28.

kṣatriya kṣatriya, i. e. kṣatra + iya,
I. m. A man of the military caste, Man. 10, 4.
II. f. , A woman of the military caste, Man. 3, 44.
-- Comp. niḥkṣatriya, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , devoid of Kṣatriyas, MBh. 1, 2459.

kṣatriyatva kṣatriya + tva, n. The dignity of a Kṣatriya, MBh. 3, 13975.

kṣatriyabruva kṣatriyabruva, i. kṣatriya-brā + a, m. A wicked Kṣatriya, MBh. 13, 3565.

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kṣad kṣad, i. 1, Ātm. To carve, to slaughter.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] skhad, and khaḍga.

kṣantṛ kṣantṛ, i. e. kṣam + tṛ, m. One who endures, patient, MBh. 13, 4873.

kṣap 1. kṣap (originally Caus. of 3. kṣi), i. 1, Par., Ātm. To fast, MBh. 3, 13405.
-- With the prep. sam sam, The same, MBh. 13, 5149.

kṣap 2. kṣap, i. 10, Par. To throw, Pañc. 56, 2.
-- Cf. kṣip.

kṣap 3. see kṣapā, f. Night, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8.

kṣapaṇa kṣapaṇa, i. e. kṣap and 3. kṣi, Caus., + ana,
I. n.
     1. Fasting, Man. 4, 222.
     2. Destroying, MBh. 2. 523.
II. A Buddhistic mendicant; see bhū.
III. adj. Destroying, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 32.

kṣapaṇaka kṣapaṇa + ka, m. A religious, especially a Buddhistic, mendicant, MBh. 1, 789; Daśak. in Chr. 184, 6.

kṣapā kṣapā, i. e. 3. kṣi, Caus., + a, f. Night, Rām, 2, 25, 9.
-- Cf. probably Lat. crepusculum.

kṣapācara kṣapā-cara, m. A Rākṣasa, or demon, Chr. 62, 53.

kṣam kṣam, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.) and i. 4, † kṣāmya, Par. (kṣamya, Ātm., Bhāg. P. 6, 3, 30),
     1. To endure, Rām. 4, 21, 23.
     2. To have patience, Rām. 4, 26, 25.
     3. To pardon, Rām. 2, 23, 11.
     4. To permit, Rām. 2, 64, 37.
     5. To be able, Śiś. 9, 65. kṣānta, Patient, Man. 5, 158; n. Patience, Rām. 1, 34, 32. Caus. kṣamaya,
     1. To beg one's pardon for something (with two acc., literally, To cause somebody to endure something), MBh. 3, 3017.
     2. To endure patiently, Rām. 5, 49, 11.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To indulge MBh. 2, 1389.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.

kṣama kṣam + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Enduring, Draup. 6, 4.
     2. Endurable, Śāk. d. 123.
     3. Able, Pañc. v. d. 30.
     4. Favourable, Rām. 2, 35, 31.
     5. Useful, Man. 7, 208.
     6. Suitable, MBh. 14, 703.
II. f. ,
     1. Patience, forbearance, Rām. 1, 1, 19.
     2. The earth, Rājat. 5, 334.
-- Comp. āyati-, adj. useful in future time, Man. 7, 208. upabhoga-, adj. abounding in enjoyment, Śāk. 4, 4. kālāntara-, i. e. kāla-antara-, adj. suffering delay, Mālav. 28, 8. dṛṣṭi-, adj. worth to be looked on, Vikr. d. 84. deśa-kāla-, adj. in accordance with place and time, Rām. 5, 49, 1. vana-vāsa-, adj. suitable to a sojourn in a forest, Rām. 2, 30, 42.
-- Cf. [greek] + [greek] etc., and ved. kṣam = [greek]

kṣamavant kṣama + vant, adj. Knowing what is suitable (?), Rām. 5, 89, 68.

kṣamāpaya kṣamāpaya, a denomin. derived from kṣamā, Par., Ātm. To beg one's pardon, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 71.
-- Cf. kṣam, Causal.

kṣamāvant kṣamā + vant, adj. Patient, forbearing, Rām. 1, 34, 32.

kṣamin kṣamin, i. e. kṣama + in, adj. Patient, forbearing, Yājñ. 2, 200.

kṣampkṣamp, i. 1, and 10, Par. To endure.
-- Cf. kṣam.

kṣaya kṣaya, i. e. 1. and 3. kṣi + a, m.
     1. An abode, MBh. 1, 2510.
     2. Decrease, Man. 3, 122.
     3. Diminution of price, Yājñ. 2, 258.
     4. Loss, Brāhmaṇ. 2, 20.
     5. End, Rām. 6, 105, 14.
     6. Destruction, Hiḍ. 4, 84.
     7. Consumption, phthisis, Suśr. 2, 445, 6.
-- Comp. dina-, m. evening, Kām. Nītis. 7, 57. dhana-, m. loss of wealth, Pañc. 234, 7. sarva-duḥkha-, m. final emancipation. sva-kula-, m. a fish.

kṣayaṃkara kṣayaṃkara, i. e. kṣaya + m-kara, adj., f. , Causing destruction, MBh. 4, 180.

kṣayarogitva kṣayarogitva, i. e. kṣayarogin + tva, n. Consumption, phthisis, Man. 11, 49.

kṣayarogin kṣayarogin, i. e. kṣaya-roga + in, adj., f. iṇī, Phthisical Yājñ. 3, 209.

kṣayin kṣayin, i. e. 3. kṣi and kṣaya + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Decreasing, Bhartṛ. 2, 50.
     2. Phthisical, Man. 3, 7.

kṣayiṣṇu kṣayiṣṇu, i. e. 3. kṣi + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. Destroying, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 41.
     2. Perishable, 7, 7, 40.

kṣayya kṣayya, i. e. kṣaya + ya, adj.
     1. Subject to phthisis, Man. 3, 7.
     2. Perishable.
-- Comp. a-, adj. imperishable, Man. 4, 156.

kṣar kṣar, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.).
     1. To stream, Rām. 5, 42, 8.
     2. To pass away, Man. 2, 84.
     3. To lose (with abl.), MBh. 13, 4716.
     4. To let escape, to yield, Chr. 297, 11 = Rigv. i. 112, 11; MBh. 13, 3720.
-- With the prep. vi vi, To dissolve, MBh. 14, 2184.
-- Cf. Lat. scortum (cf. mih); Goth. hors.

kṣara kṣar + a, adj., f. , Perishable, MBh. 2, 433; see akṣara.

kṣaraka kṣar + aka, adj., f. rikā, Effusing, Dev. 11, 12.

kṣal † 1. kṣal, i. 1, Par. To shake; to move.

kṣal 2. kṣal, i. 10, kṣālaya, Par. (properly Causal of kṣar),
     1. To make clean, Kathās. 25, 52; to purify, Prab. 94, 7.
     2. To remove, Rājat. 5, 59.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To wash, Pañc. 245, 7.
     2. To remove, MBh. 1, 7510.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To cleanse, Vikr. 78, 6.
-- With vi vi, To wash away, Ragh. 5, 44.

kṣavathu kṣavathu, i. e. kṣu + athu, m. Sneezing, catarrh, Suśr. 1, 39, 1.

kṣātra kṣātra, i. e. kṣatra + a,
I. adj., f. rt, Peculiar to the military caste, Rām. 1, 54, 14.
II. n.
     1. The military caste, MBh. 3, 5097.
     2. Royal dignity, Rām. 5, 84, 10.

kṣānti kṣānti, i. e. kṣam + ti, f. Patience, forbearance, Man. 5, 107.

kṣāntimant kṣānti + mant, adj., f. matī, Forbearing, Rājat. 5, 4.

kṣāma kṣāma, see kṣai.

kṣāra kṣāra, i. e. kṣar + a,
I. adj., f. , Salty, Pañc. 61, 11.
II. m.
     1. A burning corrosive substance, either soda or potash, Rām. 2, 73, 3.
     2. Treacle, Bhāg. P. 7, 4, 17.
-- Comp. yava-, m. saltpetre.

kṣāraya kṣāraya, a denomin. derived from the last, Par.
     1. To torment by corrosive substances, Mārk. P. 8, 142.
     2. To defame, MBh. 2, 238.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To defame, Man. 8, 275.

kṣālana kṣālana, i. e. kṣal + ana, n. Washing, Pañc. ii. d. 61.

kṣi 1. kṣi, i. 6, kṣiya (ved. ii. 2), Par.
     1. To dwell (ved.). 2. † To go.
-- With the prep. ā ā, ii. 2, To acquire, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13. Cf. [greek] in [greek] perhaps Lat. civis, etc., so-cius, cf. sakhi.

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kṣi 2. kṣi, i. 1, kṣaya, Par. To possess; to rule (with gen.), Chr. 296, 3 = Rigv. i. 112, 3.
-- Cf. [greek]

kṣi 3. kṣi, ii. 9, kṣiṇā, kṣiṇī, ii. 5, kṣiṇu, i. 1, kṣaya, Par.
     1. To destroy, Ragh. 2, 40.
     2. To hurt, MBh. 3, 1355.
     3. To oppress, Man. 9, 315. -- Pass. kṣīya,
     1. To decrease Bhāg. P. 5, 22, 9.
     2. To become exhausted, Pañc. i. d. 181.
     3. To disappear, Bhartṛ. 2, 16. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass.,
I. kṣīṇa,
     1. Decreased, Śāk. d. 133; Bhartṛ. 2, 88.
     2. Thin, Śāk. d. 58, v. r.
     3. Exhausted, Hit. 1, 66; Pañc. i. d. 244; iv. d. 16 (of hunger). Feeble, Cāṇ. 99, in Montasb. d. Berl. Ak. Hist. Phil. 1864, 413.
     4. Finished, Kathās. 5, 128.
     5. Perished, MBh. 2, 972.
II. kṣita. Comp. a-kṣita, adj., not decayed, inexhaustible, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6. -- Causal,
I. kṣapaya,
     1. To destroy, MBh. 3, 15163.
     2. To emaciate, Man. 5, 157.
     3. To pass away, MBh. 14, 2720.
II. kṣayaya in kṣayita,
     1. Destroyed, Megh. 54.
     2. Atoned, Bhag. 4, 30 (v. r. kṣapita). -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass., kṣayayitavya. To be destroyed, Rām. 6, 17, 4.
-- With the prep. anu anu, pass., To disappear by degrees, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 21.
-- With apa apa in apakṣita, Exhausted, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 32.
-- With upa upa in upakṣīṇa, Disappeared, Sāh. D. 17, 2.
-- With pari pari, To destroy, Bhāg. P. 3, 8, 20. Pass., To become poor, Hit. ii. d. 91, v. r. parikṣīṇa,
     1. Diminished, Kathās. 25, 140.
     2. Weakened, Man. 7, 172.
     3. Indigent, Man. 8, 170.
-- With pra pra, pass., To perish, MBh. 2, 1468. prakṣīṇa,
     1. Destroyed, Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 23.
     2. Atoned, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 21.
-- With vi vi, in vikṣita, Miserable, Rām. 3, 79, 46.
-- With sam sam, pass., To become exhausted, Bhartṛ. 3, 44. -- Caus.
     1. kṣapaya, To cause to fall off, Suśr. 2, 134, 3.
     2. Ptcple. pf. pass., kṣayita, Vanished, Rām. 2, 48, 29. Cf. [greek] (probably for [greek] and original [greek] cf. kṣeṣṇu, Vop. 26, 44), [greek] Lat. sitis, properly, exhaustion by thirst.

kṣiṇkṣiṇ, ii. 8, kṣiṇu (cf. 3. kṣi), Par., Ātm., To hurt, to kill.

kṣit -2. kṣi + t, Ruling, e. g. pṛthivī-, m. A king, Nal. 5, 4. mahī-, m. The same, Chr. 5, 25.

kṣiti 1. kṣi + ti, f.
     1. An abode, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 5.
     2. The earth, Bhartṛ. 3, 5.
     3. Land, Rājat. 5, 109.

kṣitija kṣiti-ja (vb. jan)
I. adj. Sprung from the earth, Suśr. 1, 224, 9.
II. m. A tree, Rām. 6, 76, 2.

kṣitidhara kṣiti-dhara, m. A mountain, Bhartṛ. 2, 10.

kṣitibhṛt kṣiti-bhṛ + t, m.
     1. A mountain, Ṛt. 6, 25.
     2. A king, Bhartṛ. 3, 59, v. r.

kṣitiruh kṣiti-ruh, m. A tree, Bhartṛ. 3, 28.

kṣitivṛttimant kṣiti-vṛtti + mant, adj. Patient, like the earth, Bhāg. P. 4, 16, 7.

kṣip kṣip, i. 6, Par., Ātm. (i. 4, Ātm. only in a grammatical poem).
     1. To throw, Pañc. 210, 17; MBh. 1, 1126 (kṣipyatas, pass., instead of kṣipyamāṇasya); (of arrows), MBh. 3, 1018.
     2. To move quickly, Mṛcch. 9, 19.
     3. To impel, Rām. 3, 58, 21.
     4. To pour, Yājñ. 1, 230.
     5. To disdain, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 17.
     6. To slander, Man. 8, 312.
     7. To destroy, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 14. -- Comp. partcple. of the pf. pass., tiryakkṣipta, i. e. tiryañc-, adj. (One part of the bones of a joint) being turned outward, Suśr. 1, 300, 8. Caus. To cause to be thrown, Kathās. 13, 160.
-- With the prep. ati ati, ati-kṣipta, Dislocated, Suśr. 1, 300, 8.
-- With adhi adhi,
     1. To offend, Man. 4, 185.
     2. To humble, to surpass, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 30.
     3. To prevent (a disease), Suśr. 2, 337, 8.
-- With apa apa, To remove, Rām. 3, 1, 24.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To cast down, MBh. 1, 1126.
     2. To cast off, Rām. 2, 37, 7.
     3. To slander, MBh. 2, 1337.
     4. To tender, to grant, MBh. 13, 3030.
-- With samava sam-ava, To repel, MBh. 3, 15662.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To cast on, Pañc. 263, 20.
     2. To hit, Rām. 6, 78, 5.
     3. To pull, MBh. 4, 750.
     4. To rob, Vikr. d. 143.
     5. To throw down, Bhāg. P. 6, 12, 28.
     6. To expel, MBh. 3, 539.
     7. To set up, Kathās. 18, 121.
     8. To put in, MBh. 3, 3094.
     9. To neglect, MBh. 3, 16117.
     10. To insult, Man. 4, 141. Caus. To cause to be overthrown, MBh. 3, 15733.
-- With paryā pari-ā, To twine, Kumāras. 7, 14.
-- With vyā vi-ā,
     1. To put on, MBh. 3, 566.
     2. To discharge, to shoot off.
     3. To hit, MBh. 1, 1402. vyākṣipta, Agitated, Rām. 6, 91, 3.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To accumulate, MBh. 1, 156.
     2. To repel, MBh. 3, 15662.
     3. To move violently, MBh. 3, 117.
     4. To expel, MBh. 2, 1019.
     5. To pull down, Rām. 3, 56, 50.
     6. To destroy, MBh. 1, 1253.
     7. To insult, MBh. 1, 1677.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To throw up, Man. 3, 90.
     2. To raise, MBh. 3, 11187; Pañc. 187, 21.
     3. To cast off, Bhāg. P. 4, 23, 17.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To throw up, MBh. 3, 436.
     2. To lift up, MBh. 3, 11519.
     3. To expel, MBh. 3, 13972.
     4. To loosen, Rām. 5, 56, 140.
     5. To destroy, Rām. 5, 3, 69.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To cast on, Sāh. D. 66, 5.
     2. To set, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 34.
     3. To insult, Rām. 5, 11, 11.
     4. To hint, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 6.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To throw down, Rām. 3, 33, 20.
     2. To put down, Yājñ. 1, 103.
     3. To encamp, Rām. 2, 91, 5.
     4. To put, Yājñ. 1, 327.
     5. To pour, Pañc. 174, 14.
     6. To dispense, Man. 7, 101.
     7. To intrust, Man. 7, 59.
     8. To establish, Rām. 2, 51, 17.
     9. To cast off, MBh. 3, 14115.
     10. To repel, Hit. 91, 11. Caus. To cause to be drawn up, Ragh. 7, 62.
-- With upani upa-ni, To put down, Man. 3, 224.
-- With pratini prati-ni, To put down again, MBh. 3, 15184.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To throw down, Rām. 5, 11, 12.
     2. To put down, Yājñ. 1, 231.
     3. To intrust, MBh. 1, 3545.
     4. To appoint, MBh. 3, 10403.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To put down, Rām. 1, 38, 21.
     2. To put in, MBh. 3, 14314.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To inlay with, MBh. 13, 1444.
     2. To direct, MBh. 3, 14293.
-- With parā parā, parākṣipta,
     1. Robbed, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 18.
     2. Enraptured, Bhāg. 5, 2, 18.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To overlay, Rām. 2, 32, 35.
     2. To surround, Rām. 3, 61, 31.
     3. To embrace, Rām. 2, 30, 2.
     4. To fetter, Rām. 2, 72, 38.
     5. To put in, MBh. 1, 4205. sūryātapa-parikṣipta, Darted upon by the rays of the sun.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To cast, MBh. 3, 707.
     2. To put, Mṛcch. 50, 1. Caus. To order to be put, MBh. 1, 5008.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To cast, MBh. 13, 4609.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To cast in, MBh. 1, 7068.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To cast in different directions, Chr. 34, 10.
     2. To disperse, MBh. 1, 7022.
     3. To extend, MBh. 14, 1161.
     4. To let go (the string of a bow, MBh. 3, 15690; or the bow, Rām. 3, 70, 2, i. e. to shoot).
-- With sam sam,
     1. To heap, Ragh. 1, 52.
     2. To destroy, Rām. 3, 43, 42.
     3. To constrain, Rām. 2, 40, 39.
     4. To diminish, Man. 7, 34.
     5. To abridge, MBh. 1, 51.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To contract, MBh. 5, 283; abhisaṃkṣipta, Thrown at, MBh. 1, 5368.
-- With parisam To surround, Rām. 5, 29, 20.

kṣiptacittatā kṣipta-citta + tā, r. Absence of mind, MBh. 2, 241.

kṣipra kṣip + ra,
I. adj., f. , Quick, Man, 7, 179. Comparat. kṣepīyaṃs, superl. kṣepiṣṭha.
II. ram, adv. Quickly, Rām. 1, 52, 21.
III. rāt, adv. Directly, Kathās. 18, 280.

kṣillikā kṣillikā, f. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 289.

kṣivkṣiv, i. 1 and 4, kṣīvya, Par. To spit. -- If identical with Goth. speiwan, AS. spiwan, Lat. spuo, [greek] Sskr. k stands for p, see kloman.
-- Cf. ṣṭhiv.

kṣīkṣī = 3. kṣi, v. r.

kṣīj kṣīj, i. 1, Par. To sound inarticulately, to groan.

kṣīṇa kṣīṇa, see 3. kṣi.

kṣīṇatā kṣīṇa + tā, f. Being damaged, Mṛcch. 47, 3.

kṣīb kṣīb, and kṣība kṣība, = kṣīv, kṣīva, q. cf.

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kṣīra kṣīra, Milk, Man. 5, 8.

kṣīrapa kṣīra-pa (vb. 1. ), m.
     1. Drinking milk, MBh. 13, 646.
     2. A nurse-child, Suśr. 1, 129, 1.

kṣīramaya kṣīra + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of milk, represented by milk, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 9.

kṣīraya kṣīraya, a denomin. derived from kṣīra, Par. To become like milk, Lass. 12, 19.

kṣīrin kṣīrin, i. e. kṣīra + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī, Abounding in milk, Yājñ. 1, 204; Man. 8, 246.
II. m. A certain tree, Suśr. 1, 133, 16.
III. f. iṇī, A name of several plants, Suśr. 2, 67, 17.

kṣīv kṣīv, i. 1, Par. To spit; cf. kṣiv and ṣṭhiv.
-- With pra pra, prakṣīvita, Intoxicated.

kṣīva kṣīv + a, adj., f. , Intoxicated, Rām. 5, 60, 12.

kṣīvatā kṣīva + tā, f. Intoxication, Kathās. 13, 10.

kṣu kṣu, ii. 2, Par. To sneeze, Man. 5, 145; Śiś. 9, 83. kṣuta,
     1. One who has sneezed, MBh. 13, 7584.
     2. On which a person has sneezed, MBh. 13, 1577. n. Sneezing, Yājñ. 1, 196.
-- With the prep. ava ava, avakṣuta, On which a person has sneezed, Man. 4, 213. -- Akin to kṣiv, q. cf.

kṣuṇṇa kṣuṇṇa, see kṣud.

kṣutpipāsita kṣutpipāsita, i. e. kṣudh-pipāsā + ita, adj. Tormented with hunger and thirst, Man. 8, 93.

kṣud kṣud, ii. 7, kṣuṇad, kṣund, Par., Ātm. To pound. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass., kṣuṇṇa,
     1. Pounded, Pañc. 160, 3.
     2. Scattered, MBh. 3, 678.
     3. Exercised, Suśr. 2, 139, 12.
-- Comp. a-kṣuṇṇa, adj. unbroken, Rām. 1, 8, 9. -- Caus. To grind, Suśr. 2, 66, 13.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To grind, Suśr. 1, 163, 13.
-- With pra pra, prakṣuṇṇa, metaph., urged on, Pañc. ii. d. 150.
-- With vi vi, vikṣuṇṇa, Pounded, Dev. 3, 25.
-- With sam sam, To stamp, Rām. 2, 80, 10.
-- Cf. khud, probably Lat. cudere, incus.

kṣudra kṣud + ra, adj., f. .
     1. Small, Rām. 3, 33, 21.
     2. Mean, Pañc. iii. d. 89. Comparat. kṣodīyaṃs, superl. kṣodiṣṭha.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Lofty, Pañc. iii. d. 69; MBh. 2, 152.

kṣudraka kṣudra + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Very little (young), Man. 8, 297.
     2. Short (of breath), Suśr. 2, 497, 7.
II. m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1871.
     2. The name of a prince, Bhāg. P. 9, 12, 14.

kṣudraṃcara kṣudraṃcara, i. e. kṣudra + m-cara, adj. Pursuing small things, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 53.

kṣudh kṣudh, i. 4, kṣudhya, Par. To be hungry; kṣudhita, Hungry, Rām. 3, 16, 24.

kṣudh kṣudh, f. Hunger, Man. 7, 134.

kṣudhā kṣudh + ā, f. Hunger, Pañc 88, 4.

kṣudhālu kṣudhā + lu, adj. Hungry, Pañc. 88, 21.

kṣupa kṣupa, m.
     1. A shrub, Yājñ. 2, 229.
     2. The name of a king, MBh. 14, 66.
     3. The name of a mountain, Hariv. 8950.
-- Cf. O.H.G. scubo, scubil.

kṣubdhatā kṣubdha + tā (vb. kṣubh), f. Commotion, Bhartṛ. 3, 94.

kṣubh kṣubh, i. 1, Ātm.; i. 4, kṣubhya, Par. (also Ātm.); ii. 9, kṣubhnā, kṣubhnī, Par. To become agitated, Rām. 2, 34, 45. kṣubdha and kṣubhita,
     1. Agitated, Suśr. 2, 147, 19; Rām. 1, 65, 12.
     2. Shaken, Vikr. d. 115.
     3. Trembling, Rām. 5, 36, 77. a-kṣobhya, comp. participle of the fut. pass.
     1. Unshakeable, Rām. 2, 18, 6.
     2. Undisturbable, Rām. 2, 12, 86. -- Caus.
     1. To agitate, Rām. 1, 1, 77.
     2. To shake, Rām. 5, 54, 12.
     3. To impel, MBh. 13, 7256.
     4. To throw in confusion, Man. 8, 418.
     5. To trouble, Mārk. P. 1, 40 (Ātm.).
-- With the prep. pra pra, To become agitated, Rām. 6, 87, 15; confused, Man. 9, 254. -- Caus. To excite, Suśr. 2, 247, 10.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To become confused, Rām. 6, 78, 24.
-- With vi vi, To become agitated, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 32. -- Caus.
     1. To agitate, MBh. 1, 1216; 7283 (Ātm.).
     2. To put in disorder, MBh. 1, 5484.
-- With sam sam, To become agitated, Pañc. 163, 1.
-- Cf. A. S. be-scufan, contrudere; O.H.G. sciuban, A.S. sceofan; but their labial is not the regular substitute for Sskr. bh.

kṣumā kṣumā, f. A sort of flax.

kṣurkṣur, i. e. Par.
     1. To cut.
     2. To scratch.
     3. To make furrows.

kṣura kṣur + a, m. A razor, Man. 9, 292.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.

kṣurapra kṣura-pra (cf. khura), m. A kind of arrow, one with a horse-shoe head, MBh. 4, 1732; Pañc. 38, 2 (a knife?)

kṣurikā kṣurikā, i. e. kṣura + ka, f. A dagger, Rājat. 5, 437.

kṣulla kṣulla (a form of kṣudra, with l for r and assimilation), adj. Small, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 10.

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kṣullaka kṣulla + ka, adj., f. , Small, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 29.

kṣetra kṣetra, i. e. 1. 2. kṣi + tra, n.
     1. Landed property, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 37.
     2. A field, Man. 10, 114.
     3. Place, Lass. 17. 2.
     4. Extent, Yājñ. 2, 156.
     5. A wife, Man. 9, 33; MBh. 1, 4661.
     6. The body, Bhag. 13, 1.
-- Comp. a-, n. a barren field, Man. 10, 71. karmakṣetra, i. e. karman-, n. the seat of sacred works, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 11. kuru-,
I. n. the name of a country, Man. 2, 19;
II. m. pl. the name of its inhabitants, Man. 7, 193. dharma-, n. a plain in the north-west of India, Bhag. 1, 1. raṇa-, n. a field of battle, Chr. 25, 57. sura-īśvarī-, n. the name of a district, Rājat. 5, 37.

kṣetraja kṣetra-ja (vb. jan), and kṣetrajāta kṣetra-jāta, m. A wife's son by a kinsman or a person duly appointed to beget issue to the husband, Man. 9, 159; Yājñ. 2, 128.

kṣetrajña kṣetra-jña (vb. jñā),
I. adj. f. jñā, Conversant with (with gen.), MBh. 1, 3653.
II. m. The soul, Man. 8, 96.

kṣetratā kṣetra + tā, f. Residence, Kathās. 3, 3.

kṣetravittapatā kṣetravittapatā, i. e. kṣetra-vid-tapa + tā, f. Illuminating the soul, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 37.

kṣetrika kṣetrika, i. e. kṣetra + ika,
     1. m. The owner of a field, Man. 8, 241.
     2. A husband, Man. 9, 145.

kṣetrin kṣetrin, i. e. kṣetra + in, m.
     1. The owner of a field, Man. 9, 51.
     2. A husband, Man. 9, 132.
-- Comp. a-, 1. one who has no property in a field, Man. 9, 41. 2. one who has no marital property in a woman, Man. 9, 51.

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kṣepa kṣepa, i. e. kṣip + a, m.
     1. Throwing, moving, Rām. 4, 62, 12.
     2. Abuse, Yājñ. 2, 204.
     3. A nosegay, Megh. 48.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. delay, Pañc. 43, 22. a-kālakṣepa + m, adv. directly, Śāk. C. 91, 8. paṭākṣepa, i. e. paṭa-a-kṣepa, m. not drawing away the curtain(?). apaṭī-kṣepa, m. tossing up the curtain; the instr. eṇa denotes (in theatrical language) abrupt entrance on the stage, Mṛcch. 29, 17. bhrū-, m. 1. a graceful motion of the eyebrows, Indr. 5, 7; 2. a frown. sa-dṛṣṭi-kṣepa + m, adv. glancing to somebodv, Śāk. 12, 7.

kṣepaṇa kṣepaṇa, i. e. kṣip + ana,
I. n.
     1. Striking (?), MBh. 4, 352.
     2. Letting go (the string of a bow).
     3. Expelling, MBh. 3, 13272.
     4. Suspension, MBh 4, 419.
     5. A sling, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 18.
II. fem. ṇī, A sling, of other missile weapon, Rām. 6, 7, 24.

kṣepiṣṭha kṣepiṣṭha, and kṣepīyaṃs kṣepīyaṃs, see kṣipra.

kṣeptṛ kṣeptṛ, i. e. kṣip + tṛ, m. A linger, Rām. 4, 9, 84.

kṣema kṣema, i. e. 1. or 2. kṣi + ma, 1. adj., f. ,
     1. Safe, dangerless, MBh. 3, 488.
     2. Prosperous, MBh. 3, 15976.
II. m. and n.
     1. Safety, Man. 2, 127.
     2. Well-being, Rām. 3, 44, 15.
     3. Happiness, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 18.
     4. Fortune, wealth, MBh. 13, 3081.
     5. instr. meṇa, adverbially, Peacefully, Mṛcch. 110, 8; happily, Pañc. i. d. 162; also kṣemais, MBh. 13, 1519.
III. m.
     1. kṣema, safety, happiness, personified, Bhāg. P. 4, 1, 51.
     2. The name of a prince, MBh. 1, 2701.
IV. f. , The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 1, 4818.
V. n. The name of one of the divisions of the continent, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 3.
-- Comp. yoga-, n.
     1. Security, Man. 8, 230.
     2. Expenses for securing goods (properly, for securing a business), Man. 7, 127.
     3. What serves for giving security of business (family priests and spiritual counsellors), Man. 9, 219.
-- Cf. Goth. haims; A. S. ham.

kṣemaṃkara kṣemaṃkara, i. e. kṣema + m-kara, m. The name of a king, Draup. 2, 7.

kṣemin kṣemin, i. e. kṣema + in, adj., f. iṇī, Safe, Nal. 12, 121.

kṣemya kṣemya, i. e. kṣema + ya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Salubrious, Man. 7, 212.
     2. Secure, MBh. 14, 1691.
II. m. The name of several princes, Hariv. 1592, etc.

kṣevkṣev, i. 1, Par. = kṣiv, v. r.

kṣai kṣai, i. 1, kṣāya, Par. = 3. kṣi; ptcple. of the pf. pass. kṣāma,
     1. Dried up, Pañc. 20, 25.
     2. Emaciated, Ṛt. 6, 28.
     3. Slender, Megh. 80.
     4. Weak, Rājat. 5, 219.
     5. Little, Megh. 78, v. r.

kṣaiṇya kṣaiṇya, i. e. kṣīṇa + ya, n. Ruin, Rājat. 5, 262.

kṣaitrapatya kṣaitrapatya, i. e. kṣetra-pati + ya, n. Estate, Chr. 297, 13 = Rigv. i. 112, 13.

kṣoṭkṣoṭ, i. 10, Par. To cast.

kṣoṇi and kṣoṇī kṣoṇi/ī, f. The earth, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 35; Rām. 1, 42, 23 Gorr.

kṣoṇīmaya kṣoṇī + maya, adj. Containing the earth, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 12.

kṣoda kṣoda, i. e. kṣud + a, m. Pulverised substance, flour, Rām. 2, 104, 12.

kṣodas kṣodas, i. e. kṣud + as, n. Stream, Chr. 259, 12 = Rigv. i. 92, 12; Chr. 297, 12 = Rigv. i. 112, 12.

kṣodiṣṭha kṣodiṣṭha, and kṣodīyaṃs kṣodīyaṃs, see kṣudra.

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kṣobha kṣobha, i. e. kṣubh + a, m. Agitation, MBh. 1, 1214; Śāk. d. 158.

kṣobhaṇa kṣobhaṇa, i. e. kṣubh + ana, adj. Shaking, Rām. 3, 36, 10.

kṣauṇī kṣauṇī = kṣoṇi, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 3.

kṣaudra kṣaudra, i. e. kṣudra + a,
I. m.
     1. The name of a tree, Michelia campaka, MBh. 3, 11569.
     2. The name of a mixed caste, the offspring of a Vaideha man and a Māgadhī woman, MBh. 13, 2584.
II. n. Honey, Man. 10, 88.

kṣauma kṣauma, i. e. kṣumā + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Made of flax, Man. 2, 41.
     2. Made of linseed-oil, Suśr. 1, 182, 20.
II. (m. and n.) A linen garment, Rām. 5, 45, 4.
III. n. Linseed, Suśr. 2, 364, 8.

kṣaura kṣaura, i. e. kṣura + a, n. Shaving, Hit. 101, 6.

kṣaurapavya kṣaurapavya, i. e. kṣura-pavi + ya, adj. made of razors and thunderbolts, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 8.

kṣṇu kṣṇu (a syncope of 3. kṣi + ṇu) ii. 2, Par. To sharpen.
-- Cf. Goth. hnuto.

kṣmā kṣmā, a syncope of kṣam + ā, f. The earth, Bhartṛ. 2, 69.

kṣmāpa kṣmā-pa (vb. 2. ), m. A king, Rājat. 5, 314.

kṣmābhuj kṣmā-bhuj, m. A king, Rājat. 5, 50.

kṣmābhṛt kṣmā-bhṛ + t, m. A mountain, Pañc. i. d. 171.

kṣmāy kṣmāy., i. 1, Ātm. To tremble.

kṣmīlkṣmīl (cf. śmīl, smīl, mīl and mish), i. 1, Par. To twinkle, to close the eyelids.

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kṣraum kṣraum, A mystical exclamation, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 3.

kṣviḍ 1. kṣviḍ, i. 1, Par. To sound inarticulately:
     1. To hum (?), Rām. 4, 45, 8.
     2. To gnash the teeth, Man. 4, 64. -- Caus. kṣveḍaya, to make a noise, MBh. 3, 12379. kṣveḍita, n. Noise, MBh. 1, 2820.
-- With the prep. ā ā, ākṣvedita, Groaning(?), Rām. 6, 35. 2.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To whiz, MBh. 4, 1686.
     2. To groan, Rām. 6, 17, 32.
-- Cf. kṣvel.

kṣviḍ † 2. kṣviḍ (cf. kṣvid), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To be unctuous.
     2. To exude.

kṣvid kṣvid, i. 1, Par. = 1. kṣviḍ. † i. 1, Ātm., and i. 4, Par. = 2. kṣviḍ.
-- Cf. svid.

kṣveḍa kṣveḍa,
I. m. Poison, Sāyaṇa and Rigv. i. 117, 16.
II. f. ḍā, A bamboo rod.
-- Comp. sthūla-kṣveḍa, m. an arrow.

kṣveḍana kṣveḍana, i. e. 1. kṣviḍ + ana, n. An inarticulate sound (of sighing), MBh. 3, 12388.

kṣvel kṣvel (originally = 1. kṣviḍ), i. 1, Par. (To be noisy), To jump, to play, Rām. 5, 10, 13. kṣvelita, m. and n., and kṣvelya, n. Play, Bhāg. P. 8, 9, 11; 5, 1, 29.

kṣvelikā kṣvelikā, i. e. kṣvel + aka, f. Play, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 18.


kha kha (vb. khan), n.
     1. A cavity of the human body, as mouth, nose, etc., Man. 12, 120.
     2. A wound, Man. 9, 45.
     3. The subtile aether, Man. 12, 120.
     4. Sky, Rām. 1, 19, 10.

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khakkhkhakkh, see kakh.

khaga kha-ga,
I. adj. Moving, existing, in the sky, MBh. 3, 12257.
II. m.
     1. A bird, Rām. 3, 20, 36.
     2. Wind, MBh. 3, 14616.

khac khac (probably for kṣac; cf. khañj and Lat. scatere), i. 1 (and † ii. 9), Par.
     1. To spring up, Kathās. 23, 88.
     2. To appear, Lass. 73, 13.
     3. † To bind. khacita,
     1. Crowded, Śāk. d. 170, v. r.
     2. Inlaid, Megh. 36.
-- With the prep. ud ud, utkhacita, Mixed, Ragh. 13, 54.

khacara kha-cara,
I. adj. Moving, existing, in the sky, MBh. 3, 12205.
II. m. A bird, Rām. 4, 68, 15.

khajkhaj, i. 1, Par. To churn (properly, to move to and fro; cf. khañj).

khaja khaj + a, m. and. f. , A churning stick, Suśr. 2, 88, 3; MBh. 4, 231.

khañj khañj (probably for kṣañj; cf. khac, [greek] and A.S. scanca), i. 1, Par. To limp, Suśr. 1, 256, 14.
-- Cf. O.H.G. hinkan.

khañja khañj + a, adj., f. , Lame, Man. 3, 242.

khañjana khañj + ana, m. A wag-tail, Śriṅgārat. 4.

khañjarīṭa khañjarīṭa, and khañjarīṭaka khañjarīṭa + ka, m. A wag-tail, Yājñ. 1, 174; Man. 5, 14.

khaṭkhaṭ, i. 1, Par. To desire.

khaṭa khaṭa, Lass. 58, 9, read ṣaṭka.

khaṭakāmukha khaṭakāmukha, A certain posture of the hand, Amar. 1.

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khaṭakhaṭāya khaṭakhaṭāya, a denominative derived from khaṭakhaṭā (a reduplicated imitative sound) by ya, Ātm. To hiss, Mṛcch. 2, 11.

khaṭikā khaṭikā, f. Chalk, Prab. 63, 8.

khaṭṭkhaṭṭ, i. 10, Par. To cover.

khaṭvā khaṭvā, f. A bedstead, Pañc. 187, 5.

khaṭvāṅgin khaṭvāṅgin, i. e. khaṭvā-aṅga + in, adj., Bearing a part of a bed, or a so-called weapon of Śiva (?), Man. 11, 105.

khaḍkhaḍ, i. 10, Par. To divide, to break.

khaḍga khaḍga (probably from kṣad, q. v.; cf. khañj and [greek]) m.
     1. A sword, Rām. 1, 1, 41.
     2. A rhinoceros, Man. 3, 272.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, m. a sword-cane, Rām. 6, 80, 4. sa-, adj., f. , with a sword, Rājat. 5, 385.

khaḍgavant khaḍga + vant, adj., f. vatī, Armed with a sword, MBh. 3, 10963.

khaḍgin khaḍgin, i. e. khaḍga + in,
I. adj., f. inī, Armed with a sword, Rām. 5, 10, 22.
II. m. A rhinoceros, Rām. 1, 26, 14.

khaṇakhaṇāya khaṇakhaṇāya, a denomin. derived from khaṇakhaṇā (a reduplicated imitative sound) by ya, Ātm. To rustle, Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 5.

khaṇḍ khaṇḍ,
I. † i. 1, Ātm.
II. i. 10, Par. (rather a denomin. derived from the next),
     1. To cut to pieces, Pañc. 47, 5.
     2. To break, Vikr. d. 19.
     3. To bite, Pañc. 46, 1.
     4. To destroy, Hit. ii. d. 107.
     5. To cause to cease, to satisfy, Rājat. 5, 281.
     6. To trouble, Rām. 3, 14, 14. khaṇḍita, Afflicted, Megh. 40.
-- With the prep. vi vi,
     1. To dismember, Pañc. iv. d. 60.
     2. To trouble, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 30.

khaṇḍa khaṇḍa, m. and n.
     1. Breaking up, Rām. 2, 105, 3. (The sense is: You alone are able to avert this breaking up of the kingdom, [which is] like a bridge broken by a great torrent of water, etc.).
     2. A piece.
     3. A part.
     4. The section of a work.
     5. A group, Sāv. 5, 108.
     6. A multitude.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. ḍā, entire, Śāk. d. 43. karpūra-, m. a group of camphor trees, Bhartṛ. 2, 98. padminī-, n. a multitude of lotusses. śata-, n. gold. śrī-, m. and n. sandal wood.

khaṇḍaka khaṇḍa + ka, A piece, Kathās. 24, 121.

khaṇḍana khaṇḍ + ana,
I. adj., Destroying, Gīt. 10, 8.
II. n.
     1. Hurting, Pañc. 45, 11.
     2. Violation, Pañc. 46, 3.
     3. Deceiving, baffling, Hit. ii. d. 58.

khaṇḍaśas khaṇḍa + śas, adv. In pieces, Rām. 3, 31, 39.

khad khad, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be firm.
     2. † To kill.

khadira khad + ira, m. A tree, Acacia catechu, the resin of which is used in medicine, Rām. 3, 21, 22; Suśr. 2, 76, 12.

khadiramaya khadira-maya, adj., f. , Made of Khadira-wood, Pañc. 237, 3.

khadyota kha-dyota,
I. m. A fire-fly, Rām. 6, 19, 28.
II. f. , The same, denoting an eye, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 47.

khan khan, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To dig, Man. 2, 218.
     2. To dig up, MBh. 14, 1716.
     3. To pierce, Bhartṛ. 2, 76; Pañc. ii. d. 96.
     4. To inter, MBh. 13, 3089. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass., khāta, n.
     1. A ditch, Hit. iii. d. 57;
     2. A pit, Pañc. v. d. 26.
-- Comp. deva-, n. a natural pond (not artificial) Man. 4, 203. -- Caus. khānaya, To cause to be dug, Rām. 2, 110, 25.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To dig up, Rām. 1, 41, 24. With ud ud,
     1. To dig out, Kathās. 20, 143.
     2. To dig up, Megh. 53.
     3. To pull out, Rājat. 5, 221.
     4. To eradicate, Pañc. 187, 18; to destroy, Rājat. 5, 149. utkhāta, n. A pit, Śāk. d. 192, v. r.
-- With prod pra-ud,
     1. To dig up, Rām. 1, 40, 14.
     2. To eradicate, Mṛcch. 178, 1.
-- With samud sam-ud, To eradicate, Prab. 5, 12.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To bury, MBh. 1, 3616.
     2. To dig in, Ragh. 6, 38.
     3. To infix, Rām. 3, 8, 7.
     4. To dig up, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 29. -- Caus. nikhānita, Infixed, Suśr. 2, 456, 19.
-- With pari pari, parikhāta, m. Track, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 2
-- Cf. Lat. canalis.

khanaka khan + aka, m. A digger, Rām. 2, 80, 1.

khanana khan + ana, n. Digging, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 21.

khani khan + i, f. A mine, Ragh. 17, 66.

khanitṛ khan + itṛ, m. A digger, Hit. ii. d. 45.

khanitra khan + itra, n. A spade, Man. 2, 218.

khanitraka khanitra + ka, n. A small spade, Pañc. 122, 9.

khamūrtimant kha-mūrti + mant, adj., f. matī, Having an aetherial form, Man. 2, 82.

khambkhamb, i. 1, Par. To go (? v. r.)

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khara khara,
I. adj.
     1. Solid, Suśr. 2, 176, 12.
     2. Pointed (?), Rām. 6, 87, 3.
     3. Sharp, Suśr. 1, 76, 14.
     4. Hoarse, Rām. 3, 28, 42.
     5. Hot, Cāt. 7.
II. ram, adv. Hoarsely, Rām. 3, 29, 9.
III. m.
     1. An ass, Man. 2, 201.
     2. A proper name, Rām. 1, 1, 45.
-- Comp. ati-, adj., very loud, Rām, 3, 30, 3.
-- Cf. the reduplicated [greek]

kharkhodavedin kharkhodavedin, i. e. kharkhoda-veda + in, adj. Versed in the art of Kharkhoda, i. e. in sorcery, Rājat. 5, 238.

kharj kharj, i. 1, Par.
     1. To creak (ved.).
     2. † To worship.
     3. † To pain.
     4. † To cleanse.
-- Cf. O.H.G. kracjan, kracon.

kharjūra kharjūra, m. and f. , A tree, Phoenix sylvestris.
-- Comp. piṇḍa-, m. and f. , A sort of date tree.

khardkhard, i. 1, Par. To bite.

kharbkharb, i. 1, Par. To go.

kharba kharba, see kharva.

kharvkharv, i. 1, Par. To be haughty.
-- Cf. garv.

kharva kharva and kharba kharba, n. A very great number, 10,000,000,000, or 1 with 37 zeros, a quadrillion, Rām. 6, 4, 59.

kharvaṭa kharvaṭa, m. and n. A market or country town, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 11.

khalkhal, i. 1, Par.
     1. To totter.
     2. To gather.
-- Cf. skhal.

khala khala,
I. m. and n. A threshing-floor, Man. 11, 17.
II. m. An oilcake, Pañc. ii. d. 53.
III. m. and f. ,
     1. Mischievous, Pañc, i. d. 443.
     2. Vile, Hit. ii. 43.

khalakhalāya khalakhalāya, Ātm. To fluctuate(?), Cāṇ. 72 in Mohatsb. Berl. Ak. Hist. Phil. 1864, 411.

khalati khalati, adj. Baldheaded, Suśr. 1, 316, 8.

khali khali, m. An oil-cake; in tila-khali, Bhartṛ. 2, 98 (cf. Chr. p. 309), The deposit of oil prepared from sesamum.
-- Cf. khala.

khalina khalina, i. e. khala + ina, adj. Covered with oil-cakes(?), MBh. 13, 7288.

khalīkāra khalīkāra, i. e. khala, or khali-kṛ + a, m., and khalīkṛti khalīkṛti, i. e. khala or khali-kṛ + ti. f. Abuse, Kathās. 12, 175; 13, 157.

khalīna khalīna, m. and n. The bit of a bridle, MBh. 1, 7343; (borrowed from the Greek [greek]).

khalu khalu, a particle.
     1. Indeed, Rām. 3, 35, 32; Yājñ. 2, 64.
     2. Only, Rām. 2, 63, 37.
     3. With preceding na, Not at all, Rām. 1, 74, 21.
     4. It lays a stress on an interrogation, Śāk. 32, 11.
     5. khalu kṛtvā, Enough of this, do it no more, Pāṇ. 3, 4, 18.

khall khall, i. 1, Ātm. To totter, to be loose, Suśr. 1, 301, 8.
-- Cf. skhal.

khalla khalla, m. A bag, Suśr. 2, 364, 4.

khalvāṭa khalvāṭa, adj. Baldheaded, Bhartṛ. 2, 86.
-- Cf. khalati, and Lat. calvus.

khavkhav, ii. 9, khaunā (others, khunā), Par., v. r. of khac.

khaśa khaśa,
I. m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, Man. 10, 47.
     2. The son of an outcast Kṣatriya, Man. 10, 22 (written with s instead of ś).
II. f. śā (and ), A proper name, Hariv. 169; 11521.

khaśarīrin khaśarīrin, i. e. kha-śa- rīra + in, adj., f. iṇī, Having an aetherial form, Man. 4, 243.

khaṣkhaṣ, i. 1, Par. To hurt.

khasa khasa, khasā khasā, see khaśa.

khāṇḍava khāṇḍava, i. e. khaṇḍ + u + a, m.
     1. Sweetmeats, Rām. 1, 53, 4.
     2. The name of a forest, MBh. 1, 316.

khāṇḍavāyana khāṇḍavāyana, i. e. khaṇḍu, or khāṇḍava + āyana, m. pl. A tribe of Brāhmaṇas, MBh. 3, 10208.

khāṇḍavika khāṇḍavika, i. e. khāṇḍava + ika, m. A confectioner, MBh. 15, 19.

khātaka khāta + ka (vb. khan), n. A pit, Bhāg. P. 6, 12, 22.

khād khād, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 5580),
     1. To eat, Man. 5, 53; pṛṣṭha-māṃsam, To be a backbiter, Hit. i. d. 76.
     2. To gnaw, Suśr. 1, 63, 16. khādya, Eatable, Pañc. 61, 13. -- Caus.
     1. To let devour, Man. 8, 371.
     2. To devour, MBh. 3, 2435.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To devour, Mṛcch. 176, 1.

khādaka khād + aka, m. One who eats, Man. 5, 51.

khādana khād + ana, n. Food, Rām. 2, 50, 31.

khādi khādi, m. A ring (ved.).
-- Comp. su-, adj. beautifully adorned, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6.

khādin -khād + in, adj. Biting, Man. 4, 71.

khādira khādira, i. e. khadira + a, adj., f. , Made of Khadira-wood, Man. 2, 45.

khādhūyā khādhūyā, f. The name of an Agrahāra, Rājat. 5, 23.

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khārī khārī, f. A measure of grain, containing 16 droṇas, or about three bushels, Pañc. iv. d. 27.

khārkāra khār-kāra (an imitative sound) -kāra, m. Bray, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 11.

khālitya khālitya (probably for khālatya, ved., i. e. khalati + ya), n. Baldness, Suśr. 1, 129, 8.

khiṭkhiṭ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be terrified.
     2. To terrify.

khid khid, i. 6, khinda, Par.; i. 4, and ii. 7, khinad, khind, Ātm. (i. 4, also Par. Bhāg. P. 3, 4, 16).
     1. To be afflicted, Rām. 2, 39, 7.
     2. To be subdued, Hit. ii. d. 134.
     3. To despair, Rām. 3, 49, 57. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. khinna,
     1. Tired, Man. 7, 141.
     2. Exhausted, Bhartṛ. 1, 47.
     3. Desponding, Rām. 3, 69, 5. Caus. To distress, Mṛcch. 143, 14. khedita, Relaxed, Rām. 5, 13, 47.
-- With the prep. pari pari, To be afflicted, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 28 (i. 4, Par.). parikhinna, Tired, Rām. 4, 51, 3. Caus. To afflict, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 7.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

khila khila (perhaps for 3. kṣi + la; cf. khaḍga), m. and n.
     1. Waste or unploughed land (ved.).
     2. A powerless subject, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 49.
     3. Remainder, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 15.
     4. A supplement, MBh. 1, 357.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. . 1. entire, Man. 1, 59. 2. all, Man. 1, 144. °lena, instr. entirely, Man. 1, 107.

khukhu, i, 1, Ātm. To sound.

khujkhuj, i. 1, Par. To steal.

khuḍkhuḍ, i. 10, Par. To break in pieces (v. r. of khuṇḍ, and of thuḍ).

khuṇḍkhuṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm. and i. 10, Par. To break in pieces.

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khud khud, i. 6, Par. To push, ved. (probably for kṣud, q. v.; cf. khila).

khurkhur (= kṣur, cf. khud), i. 6, Par.
     1. To cut.
     2. To break.

khura khura (for kṣura, cf. kṣurapra), m. A hoof, Śāk. d. 31.
-- Comp. aśva-, a horse's hoof, Pañc. 252, 23.

khuraka khura + ka, m. A kind of dancing, Vikr. 59, 4.

khurdkhurd, i. 1, khūrda, Ātm. To play.
-- Cf. kurd.

khecara khecara, i. e. kha + i-cara,
I. adj., f. , Moving in the sky, Rām. 6, 107, 25.
II. m.
     1. A bird, Nal. 20, 1.
     2. A Gandharva, MBh. 3, 14887.
III. f. A name of Durgā, MBh. 4, 186.

khecaratva khecara + tva, n. The faculty of flying, Kathās. 3, 49.

kheṭkheṭ, i. 10, Ātm. To eat.

kheṭa kheṭa, m. A village, MBh. 3, 13220.

kheṭaka kheṭaka, m. A shield, MBh. 4, 181.

kheḍkheḍ, i. 10, Ātm. To eat (v. r. of kheṭ).

kheda kheda, i. e. khid + a, m.
     1. Fatigue, Rām. 4, 49, 14.
     2. Faintness, Megh. 90.
     3. Affliction, Pañc. i. d. 225.

khel khel, i. 1, Par.
     1. To move to and fro, Rām. 5, 55, 26 (to dance?). -- Caus. To put in motion, to turn, Pañc. 221, 12.

khela khel + a,
I. adj. Moving from one side to the other, swinging, moving gently, MBh. 1, 7043; Vikr. d. 95.
II. °lam, adv. Moving gently, Rām. 2, 60, 19.
-- Comp. sa-khela + m, adv. moving gently, MBh. 2, 2536.

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khelana khel + ana, n. Moving to and fro, Gīt. 1, 40.

kheli khel + i, f. Play, Gīt. 11, 30.

khevkhev, i. 1, Ātm. To serve.
-- Cf. kev, sev.

khai khai, i. 1, khaya, Par. †
     1. To be firm. †
     2. To hurt.
     3. To dig.
-- Cf. khan.

khoṭkhoṭ, i. 1, Par. To be lame; cf. khoḍ, khor, khol. i. 10, Par. v. r. of kṣoṭ.

khoḍkhoḍ, i. 1, Par. To be lame. i. 10, Par. v. r. of kṣoṭ.

khorkhor, i. 1, Par. To be lame.
-- Cf. khoṭ.

kholkhol, i. 1, Par. To be lame. -- Perhaps cf. [greek] etc.

khyā khyā, ii. 2, Par. -- Pass. To be known, MBh. 3, 8384. khyāta, Knowṇ, Rām. 3, 22, 32. -- Caus. khyāpaya,
     1. To proclaim, MBh. 5, 7403.
     2. To report, MBh. 3, 15697.
     3. To praise, Rām. 3, 27, 19.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, abhikhyāta, Known, MBh. 13, 4644. -- Caus. To proclaim, Man. 9, 262.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To report, MBh. 1, 26.
     2. To announce, Rām. 2, 34, 1.
     3. To name, Man. 4, 6. -- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., an-ā-khyeya,
     1. Not to be reported, Pañc. 19, 16.
     2. unutterable, Bhartṛ. 1, 51. -- Caus. To proclaim, MBh. 1, 7485.
-- With upā upa-ā, To report, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 45.
-- With pratyā prati-ā,
     1. To repudiate, Rām. 3, 54, 21.
     2. To recant, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 13.
     3. To surpass, Mālav. d. 40.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To explain, MBh. 1, 53.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To reckon up, Arj. 5, 11.
     2. To add, Man. 7, 156.
     3. To report, MBh. 3, 11915.
-- With pari pari, parikhyāta,
     1. Known, MBh. 1, 874.
     2. Famed, Rām. 3, 62, 2.
     3. Named, Rām. 5, 2, 4.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To report, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 40. Pass. To shine, Rām. 5, 18, 4. prakhyāta,
     1. Acknowledged, Man. 8, 399.
     2. Renowned, Rām. 3, 23, 39. -- Caus. To make generally known, Kathās. 1, 61.
-- With vi vi, vikhyāta,
     1. Generally known, Yājñ. 3, 301.
     2. Renowned, Rām. 3, 55, 16.
     3. Named, Rām. 1, 57, 10. -- Caus. To proclaim, Man. 11, 83.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, abhivikhyāta,
     1. Renowned, Rām. 4, 1, 22.
     2. Named, MBh. 1, 2644.
-- With pravi pra-vi, pravikhyāta,
     1. Renowned, MBh. 1, 2543.
     2. Named, Mārk. P. 1, 26.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To sum up, MBh. 3, 2822.
     2. To calculate, Rām. 2, 40, 15. saṃkhyāta, n. Number, Bhāg. P. 6, 14, 3.
-- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., a-saṃkhyeya, adj. uncountable, Rām. 1, 1, 91.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To reckon up, Rām. 4, 47, 4; 6, 1, 5.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To add together, Man. 1, 71.
-- With prasam pra-sam,
     1. To number, MBh. 1, 2547.
-- Cf. Goth. gods (= khyāta; the original signification of the vb. is probably 'to ṣine'); A. S. god; [greek] where [greek] = Sscrt. sa.

khyāti khyā + ti, f.
     1. Fame, celebrity, Man. 12, 36; personified, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 22.
     2. Name, MBh. 1, 3180.
     3. Knowledge, Yogas. 2, 26.
-- Comp. su-, f. fame.

khyātimant khyāti + mant, adj. f. matī, Renowned, Kathās. 17, 34.

khyāpaka -khyāpaka, i. e. khyā, Caus., + aka, adj. Foreboding, Suśr. 1, 127, 12.

khyāpana khyāpana, i. e. khyā, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Report, Chr. 55, 2.
     2. Confession, Man. 11, 227.
     3. Making renowned, Rājat. 5, 160.


ga 1. -ga (vb. gam), latter part of comp. words.
     1. Moving, going, e. g. śīghra-, adj. Going quickly, Rām. 3, 31, 3.
     2. Being, e. g. kūpa-ga, adj. Being in a pit, Kathās. 4, 128.
     3. Referring to, e. g. rāghavānuja-, adj. Referring to the younger brother of Rāma, Rām. 6, 70, 59.

ga 2. -ga (vb. gai), latter part of comp. words. Singing.
-- Cf. chandoga.

gagaṇa gagaṇa, and gagana gagana, n. The sky.

gagaṇecara gagaṇecara, and gaganecara gaganecara, i. e. gagaṇa or gagana + i-cara,
I. adj. Moving in the sky, Bhāg. P. 6, 17, 1; Rām. 3, 39, 6.
II. m. A bird, MBh. 1, 1317 (with n.).

gaganacara gagana-cara, m. A bird, MBh. 1, 1339.

gagghgaggh, i. 1, Par. = kakh, q. cf. (v. r.).

gaṅgadatta gaṅgadatta, i. e. gaṅgā-datta (the ā of the first part is shortened; cf. the vb. ), m. A proper name, Pañc. iv. d. 16.

gaṅgā gaṅgā (from *gaṅgam for jaṅgam, frequentat. of gam), f. The river Ganges, supposed to exist also in the sky and in the lower regions, Ram. 1, 44, 14.
-- Comp. vyomagaṅgā, i. e. vyoman-, f. the supposed Ganges of the sky. pātāla-, f. that of the lower regions.

gaj gaj, † i. 1, Par. To be drunk. i. 1 and i. 10, Par. To roar.

gaja gaja, for original garj + a,
I. m. An elephant, Man. 8, 296.
II. f. , A female elephant, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 26.
-- Comp. araṇya-, m. a wild elephant, 219, 15. āśā-, m. an elephant, supposed to support a quarter of the world, Rām. 1, 43, 7 Gorr. diggaja, i. e. diś-, and diśā-, m. the same, Rām. 5, 3, 13; 1, 41, 13. mahā-, m. a great elephant, Pañc. 69, 1. vana-, m. a wild elephant, Pañc. 80, 6. sura-, m. Indra's elephant = Airāvata, q. cf. Kir. 5, 47. When latter part of a comp. adj. the fem. ends in , e. g. sa-gaja, adj., f. , With elephants, Rām. 2, 57, 7.

gajadantamaya gaja-danta + maya, adj., f. , Made of ivory, Rām. 5, 27, 11.

gajapuṣpamaya gaja-puṣpa + maya (cf. the next) + maya, adj., f. , Wreathen of flowers called gajapuṣpī, Rām. 4, 12, 45.

gajapuṣpī gajapuṣpī, i. e. gaja-puṣpa + ī, f. The name of a flower, Rām. 4, 12, 46.

gajavant gaja + vant, adj., f. vatī, Provided with elephants, Ragh. 9, 10.

gañjgañj, i. 1, Par. To sound.

gañja gañja, m. and n. A treasury, Rājat. 4, 588.

gañjana gañjana, adj. Surpassing, Gīt. 10, 7.

gañjavara gañjavara, m. A treasurer, Rājat. 5, 176.

gañjākinī gañjākinī (? perhaps gṛñ°), f. A preparation of hemp (?), Lass. 95, 8.

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gaḍgaḍ, i. 1, Par. To drop (cf. gal); i. 10, gaḍaya, Par. To cover.

gaṇ gaṇ, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), gaṇaya, Par. (also Ātm., Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 29).
     1. To number, MBh. 3, 2618.
     2. To value, MBh. 2, 1552.
     3. To impute, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.
     4. To regard, Pañc. 258, 21. gaṇita, Reckoned, MBh. 13, 4439; calculated, Lass, 37, 8. n. Arithmetic, MBh. 1, 293.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To praise, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 21.
-- With ava ava, To disregard, to neglect, Pañc. 239, 2.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To count over, Suśr. 1, 334, 8 (parigaṇya, instead of the regular parigaṇayya).
     2. To consider, Megh. 5. a-parigaṇita, adj. Innumerable, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 35.
-- With pra pra, To calculate, MBh. 1, 6808.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To number, Rām. 3, 53, 11.
     2. To consider, Rām. 3, 44, 31.
     3. To disregard, Pañc. iii. d. 40.

gaṇa gaṇa, m.
     1. A multitude, Rām. 5, 91, 1.
     2. A class, Man. 1, 22.
     3. Troops of inferior deities, considered as Śiva's attendants, and under the especial superintendence of Gaṇeśa, Rām. 5, 89, 7.
     4. A community, Yājñ. 2, 187.
     5. A contemptible association, Man. 4, 209.
     6. A body of troops consisting of 3 gulmas: i. e. 27 chariots, 27 elephants, 81 horses, and 135 foot, MBh. 1, 291.
     7. A foot of a verse, Śrut. 5, Br.
-- Comp. tārā-, m. a multitude of stars, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2743. trastarakṣogaṇa, i. e. trasta-rakṣas-, adj., f. ṇā, with terrified troops of Rākṣasas, Rām. 5, 51, 1. sendragaṇa, i. e. sa-indra-, adj. with the attendants of Indra, Chr. 25, 61. hari-, m.
     1. a troop of horse, Rājat. 5, 142.
     2. a proper name, ib.

gaṇaka gaṇ + aka, m.
     1. A calculator, MBh, 15, 417.
     2. An astrologer, Rām. 1, 12, 7.

gaṇatva gaṇa + tva, n. The condition of an attendant of Śiva, Kathās. 7, 110.

gaṇadīkṣin gaṇadīkṣin, i. e. gaṇa-dīkṣā + in, adj. m. A priest who officiates for a communty, Yājñ. 1, 161.

gaṇana gaṇ + ana, n. and f. .
     1. Counting, Pañc. pr. d. 7.
     2. Calculation, settlement, Rājat. 5, 237.
     3. Annumerating, Ragh. 8, 94.
     4. Consideration, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 9.
     5. Regard, Rājat. 5, 308.

gaṇaśas gaṇa + śas, adv. By troops, Daśak. in. Chr. 183, 14.

gaṇaśrī gaṇaśrī, i. e. gaṇa-śri, adj. United in troops, Chr. 290, 9 = Rigv. i. 64, 9.

gaṇikā gaṇikā, i. e. gaṇa + ka, f. A harlot, Man. 4, 209.

gaṇin gaṇin, i. e. gaṇa + in, adj. Having troops.
-- Comp. śvagaṇin, i. e. śvan-gaṇa + in, adj. having packs of hounds, Ragh. 9, 53.

gaṇeya gaṇ + eya, an anomal. participle of the fut. pass. of gaṇ (f. ), Numerable; in a-, adj. Innumerable, MBh. 8, 2554.

gaṇeśa gaṇeśa, i. e. gaṇa-īśa, m.
     1. A name of Śiva, MBh. 3, 1629.
     2. Ganeśa, the son of Śiva and Pārvatī, god of wisdom, MBh. 1, 74.

gaṇḍgaṇḍ, i. 1, Par. To be a cheek; cf. the next, and MBh. 13, 4499.

gaṇḍa gaṇḍa,
I. m.
     1. A cheek, Megh. 27.
     2. A boil, Suśr. 1, 283, 8.
     3. A bronchocele, Suśr. 1, 288, 15.
II. f. ḍā, A proper name, MBh. 13, 4417.
-- Comp. gala-, m. 1. throat and cheek, MBh. 2, 902. 2. bronchocele, Lass. 94, 8.

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gaṇḍaka gaṇḍaka,
I. m. A name of the inhabitants of Videha, derived from the river Gaṇḍakī, MBh. 2, 1062.
II. f. , The name of a river, MBh. 2, 794.
-- Comp. sūtra-gaṇḍikā, f. a stick used in spinning thread.

gaṇḍu gaṇḍu (akin to gaṇḍa), m. and f. A pillow, Pañc. 126, 2.

gaṇḍūṣa gaṇḍūṣa (akin to gaṇḍa), m. and f. ṣā.
     1. A mouthful, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 5 (of honey); MBh. 8, 2051 (of onions).
     2. A mouthful of water for rinsing the mouth with, Bhāg. P. 9, 15, 3.
     3. The tip of an elephant's trunk, Kumāras. 3, 37.

gatāgata gatāgata, i. e. gata-ā-gata (vb. gam), n.
     1. Going and coming, Kathās. 3, 69.
     2. The flight of a bird backward and forward, MBh. 8, 1902.

gati gati, i. e. gam + ti, f.
     1. Going, Yājñ. 3, 170.
     2. Motion, Yājñ. 1, 250; Rām. 2, 60, 12.
     3. Course, Rām. 1, 3, 2.
     4. Flight, Rām. 5, 76, 7.
     5. The transmigration of the souls, Man. 6, 61.
     6. Gait, Man. 2, 199.
     7. Attainment, Bhag. 2, 43.
     8. Way, Brāhmaṇ, 1, 35; with parā, The last way, i. e. death, Brāhmaṇ. 2, 22.
     9. A means of success, Kathās. 18, 89.
     10. A stratagem, Rām. 6, 92, 6.
     11. Refuge, Man. 8, 84 (kā gatis, in dramas, 'how can it be helped ?')
     12. Condition, Bhag. 4, 17.
     13. Happiness, MBh. 3, 17389.
     14. Basis, Man. 1, 110.
-- Comp. a-, f. want of success, Vikr. 26, 3. adhogati, i. e. adhas-,
I. f. 1. going downwards, Pañc. i. d. 166. 2. going to hell, Man. 3, 17.
II. adj. 1. going downwards, Rām. 6, 20, 26. 2. going to hell, Man. 8, 309. a-vi-hata- (vb. han), adj. whose course is irresistible, Megh. 10. ākāśa-, adj. rising to the sky, Pañc. 48, 7. ātmagati, i. e. ātman-, f. one's own way; instr. tyā, by one's own power, Śāk. 104, 14. ūrdhva-,
I. f. going onwards, Suśr. 1, 151, 12.
II. adj. rising, Rām. 1, 2, 40. kāma-, adj. going as one lists, Ragh. 13, 76. kṛṣṇa-, m. fire, MBh. 13, 4071. gagaṇa-, adj. moving in the sky, Megh. 47. dus-, f. 1. distress, Prab. 49, 9. 2. hell, MBh. 12, 5593. daiva-, f. the run of fate, Rām. 6, 94, 26. sadā-, m. 1. the sun. 2. wind. 3. the Supreme Spirit.
-- Cf. [greek]

gatimant gati-mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Having the power of motion, Hariv. 11794.
     2. Fistulous, Suśr. 2, 7, 2.

gad 1. gad, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 13, 1138),
     1. To recite, MBh. 3, 2642.
     2. To speak, Rām. 4, 5, 31; to speak to, with acc. of the person and of the object, Rām. 2, 36, 1. gadita, Reckoned up, MBh. 3, 13425. n. Speech, Śāk. d. 81, v. r.
-- Comp. a-, adj. uncommanded, Śiś. 9, 57. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass., gadya, n. A prosaic composition, MBh. 3, 966. Desid. jigadiṣa, To desire to speak, MBh. 12, 1604.
-- With the prep. ni ni,
     1. To declare, MBh. 1, 4223.
     2. To speak, Rām. 2, 40, 10. Pass. To be named, MBh. 1, 5308. nigadita, n. Speech, Bhāg. P. 8, 21, 5.
-- With prati prati, To answer, MBh. 13, 5887.
-- With vi vi, vigadita, Spread, Rām. 2, 35, 15.
-- Cf. Goth. quithan; Engl. quoth; perhaps also [greek] (cf. gadgada).

gad † 2. gad, i. 10, Par. To thunder.

gada gada,
I. m. i. e. 1. gad + a,
     1. Speech, a spell, MBh 1, 1787.
     2. Disease, Śṛṅgārat 14.
     3. The younger brother of Kṛṣṇa MBh. 1, 7992.
II. f. , A club, Rām. 5, 80, 4.
-- Comp. a-gada,
I. adj. healthy Man. 8, 107.
II. m. 1. a medicament. Man. 7, 218. 2. health, 11, 237.

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gadin gadin, i. e. gadā + in, adj. Having a club, Bhag. 11, 17.

gadgada gadgada, i. e. duplicated 1. gad + a, adj., f. , Ealtering, Suśr. 2, 254, 10; Rām. 3, 3, 13.
-- Comp. sa-gadgada + m, adv. in a faltering voice, Pañc. 43, 16. haṃsa-, f. , a woman speaking pleasantly.
-- Cf. [greek] and [greek] frequent. of [greek] = 1. gad.

gantṛ gantṛ, i. e. gam + tṛ, m., f. trī, n.
     1. One who goes, MBh. 13, 7173.
     2. Able to go, Nal. 24, 38.
     3. Undergoing, Yājñ. 3, 10.
-- Cf. Lat. in-ventor.

gandhgandh, i. 10, Ātm.
     1. To injure.
     2. To move.
     3. To ask.

gandha gandha, m.
     1. Smell, odour, Hiḍ. 2, 12.
     2. A perfume, Man. 2, 177.
     3. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10378.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. stinking, Hariv. 2947. nis-, adj. wanting fragrance, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2637. pūti-,
I. adj., having an offensive smell.
II. m. a stench, Man. 4, 107.
III. n. sulphur. matsya-, adj., f. dhā, smelling of fishes, MBh. 1, 2398. yojana-, f. dhā, 1. musk. 2. a name of Sītā and Satyavatī. sa-,
I. adj. fragrant.
II. m. a kinsman. su-,
I. adj. sweet-smelling.
II. m. 1. fragrance. 2. sulphur.
III. f. dhā, 1. the name of several plants. 2. a proper name.
IV. n. the name of several plants.

gandhakālikā gandhakālikā, i. e. gandha-kālī + ka, f. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3801.

gandhapa gandha-pa, m. A class of Pitṛs or Manes, MBh. 13, 1372.

gandhamādana gandhamādana, i. e. gandha-mad, Caus., + ana, m.
     1. The name of a mountain, Rām. 2, 54, 28.
     2. A name of Rāvaṇa, MBh. 2, 410.
     3. The name of a monkey, Rām. 1, 16, 13.

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gandharva gandharva, and rba rba,
I. m. A Gandharva: in epic poetry the Gandharvas are demigods inhabiting Indra's heaven, and serving as celestial musicians, MBh. 1, 4806.
II. f. .
     1. A female Gandharva, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 21.
     2. A mythological person, Rām. 3, 20, 28; 29.
-- Comp. sa-, f. , with the Gandharba, Vikr. 13, 19. deva-, m. a celestial Gandharva, Rām. 1, 75, 28 Gorr.

gandhavant gandha + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Fragrant, Rām. 6, 112, 84.
II. f. vatī,
     1. A name of Vyāsa's mother, MBh. i, 2411.
     2. The name of a river, Megh. 34.

gandhavaha gandha-vaha,
I. adj., f. , Conveying fragrance, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 20.
II. m. The wind, Śāk. d. 101.

gandhāra gandhāra, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 2440.

gandhi -gandhi, A substitute for gandha, when the latter part of a comp. e. g. utpala-, adj. Smelling like lotus flowers, Rām. 5, 5, 12. ud-, adj. Fragrant, Ragh. 16, 47. tri-su-, n. The three perfumes, Suśr. 2, 483, 9. dus-, adj. Having no agreeable smell, Man. 6, 76. puṇya-, adj. Having a fragrant smell, Chr. 34, 6. pūti-, adj. Stinking, MBh. 2, 2138. vi-, adj. Having a disagreeable smell, Bhartṛ. 2, 9. su-,
I. adj.
     1. Fragrant.
     2. Virtuous.
II. m.
     1. A perfume.
     2. A fragrant sort of mango.
III. n. The name of several plants.

gandhika -gandhi + ka, latter part of a comp.
     1. Smelling,
     2. Having only the smell of, e. g. bhrātṛ-, adj. Being a brother only nominally, not really, MBh. 3, 16111.
-- Comp. tri-su-, n. the three perfumes, Suśr. 2, 493, 21.

gandhin gandhin, i. e. gandha + in, adj., f. , Fragrant, MBh. 14, 1398.
-- Comp. su-, adj. smelling agreeably, Arj. 4, 51.

gabhasti gabhasti, m. and f.
     1. An arm, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10.
     2. A ray of light, Rām. 4, 27, 3.

gabhastimant gabhasti + mant,
I. adj., f. matī, Radiant, MBh. 2, 443.
II. m. The sun, Ragh. 3, 37.

gabhīra gabhīra (from a lost vb. gabh, A.S. geapan) and gambhīra gambhīra,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Deep, Rām. 1, 5, 10; dwelling in the depth, Pañc. v. d. 10.
     2. Thick, impervious, Rām. 3, 53, 22.
     3. Deep-toned, Rām. 3, 30, 27.
     4. Unfathomable, Bhāg. P. 9, 14, 14.
II. m. gabhīra, A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 17, 10.
III. f. gambhīrā, The name of a river, Megh. 41.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek] and gahana.

gam gam, i. 1, gaccha, Par. (in poetry also Ātm., Rām. 5, 1, 41).
     1. To go, Man. 4, 47.
     2. To move, Hit. i. d. 84; Rām. 3, 52, 12.
     3. To go to (with acc.), MBh. 1, 5746; vanena vanaṃ gatvā, Going from one forest to another, Rām. 1, 1, 30; avanīṃ jānubhyām, To fall upon one's knees, MBh. 13, 935; dharanīṃ mūrdhnā, To bow one's head to the ground, Rām. 3, 11, 6; eno gacchati kartāram, An evil deed recoils on him who committed it, Man. 8, 19; with the loc., Pañc. 129, 4; with the dat., MBh. 3, 453; with prati, Nal. 26, 1.
     4. To turn to (with acc.), Nal. 5, 33.
     5. To pass, Rām. 2, 75, 54; kāle gacchati, In the long run, Kathās. 18, 129.
     6. To know carnally (with the acc.), Man. 8, 376 (Atm.); Yājñ. 2, 289.
     7. To undergo (cf. i.) śūdratvam, To become a Śūdra, Man. 2, 168; ānṛṇyam, To become quit of a debt, Man. 9, 229; nāśam, To become extinct, Man. 8, 17; saṃkhyānam, To be unmbered, Man. 3, 66.
     8. To perceive, MBh. 3, 2108.
     9. With doṣeṇa, and the acc. of a person, To accuse somebody, Rām. 4, 21, 3. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass. gata (cf. [greek])
     1. Gone, Nal. 21, 29, (26).
     2. Trodden, Rām. 2, 52, 53.
     3. Spread, Draup. 7, 10.
     4. Dead, MBh. 5, 472.
     5. Passed, Rām. 1, 63, 12.
     6. As former part of a comp. adj., often: Disappeared, deprived of, e. g. gata-asu, adj. Dead, Bhag. 2, 11; gata-cetana, adj. Senseless, Nal. 9, 20.
     7. Sprung up (with abl.), Kathās. 2, 11; come, Rām. 6, 8, 15.
     8. Come to (with acc.), dṛkpatham, i. e. dṛś-patha, Come in sight, Vikr. d. 95; with the loc., Bhag. 15, 4.
     9. Turned, Rām. 1, 2, 30; with prati, Rām. 3, 49, 12.
     10. Being, Rām. 2, 100, 20. āpad-, adj. Being in distress, Bhartṛ. 2, 64. kaṇṭha-, adj. Being at the throat, Rām, 4, 26, 3; being in the throat, Suśr. 1, 306, 14; Pañc. i. d. 329. antar-gala-, adj. Remaining in the throat, Pañc. 265, 10. tathā-, adj. Being in this state, MBh. 3, 3014.
     11. Belonging, Rām. 5, 91, 24.
     12. Undergone (with acc.), e. g. anayam, Fallen into distress, Man. 10, 95.
     13. Referring to, Śāk. 71, 18. ātmagatam, i. e. ātman-gata + m, adv. Speaking aside, in dramatic language, Śāk. 13, 8.
     14. n. Going, MBh. 4, 297.
-- Comp. tad-, adj. 1. turned on him, her, it, that, Rām. 1, 2, 30. 2. only turned, Lass. 32, 12. tiryaggata, i. e. tiryañc-, adj. a quadruped, Rām. 2, 35, 17. dus-, adj. distressed, Bhartṛ. 2, 46. dhūrgata, i. e. dhur-, adj. being at the head, MBh. 1, 2826. payas-, n. ceasing of water, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1610. manas-, desired, Chr. 20, 18. yathā-gata + m, adv., (returning in the same manner) as one came. vayas-,
I. adj. old.
II. n. the end of youth, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1610. sarva-, adj. omnipresent. su- m. a Buddha. -Ptcple. of the fut. pass. gamya,
     1. Accessible, Pañc. iii. d. 46.
     2. Lascivious, Daśak. 62, 1.
     3. Conceivable, Man. 12, 122.
     4. Suitable (?) Yājñ. 1, 64.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , unaccessible, unapproachable, unattainable. gamanīya, accessible, Man. 7, 174. -- Caus. gamaya,
     1. To cause to go, MBh. 18, 95.
     2. To send, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 13.
     3. To cause to undergo, MBh. 5, 12; kṣayam, To ruin, MBh. 13, 12.
     3. To pass, Pañc. ii. d. 161.
     4. To grant, MBh. 14, 179.
     5. To explain, MBh. 3, 11290.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To pass away, Rām. 2, 77, 1.
-- With upāti upa-ati, To cross, Rām. 2, 68, 15.
-- With vyati vi-ati, To pass, MBh. 3, 11937.
-- With adhi adhi,
     1. To go, Rām. 6, 107, 16.
     2. To enter, Man. 3, 250.
     3. To attain, Rām. 4, 51, 36.
     4. To surround, Gīt. 11, 7.
     5. To accomplish, Mālav. d. 9.
     6. To feel, Rām. 3, 53, 33.
     7. To acquire, Man. 9, 204.
     8. To choose, Man. 9, 91.
     9. To espouse, Man. 9, 70.
     10. To study, Man. 12, 109.
     11. To read, MBh. 13, 5027. adhigata, also in the sense of the active,
     1. Having attained, Śāk. 59, 14, v. r.
     2. Having perused, Pañc. 223, 4.
-- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., an-adhigamanīya, adj. Unattainable, Pañc. 203, 10.
-- With samadhi sam-adhi,
     1. To approach, Rām. 2, 84, 5.
     2. To acquire, Man. 8, 416.
     3. To study, Man. 4, 20.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To follow, Rām. 3, 15, 1.
     2. To approach (with acc.), MBh. 13, 1487.
     3. To visit, Rām. 2, 48, 10.
     4. To cover from behind, Kir. 5, 2.
     5. To imitate, Ragh. 16, 13. anugata,
     1. Accompanied, Rām. 1, 1, 17.
     2. Conformable, Pañc. 218, 8; also in the sense of the active, Following, Man. 9, 267.
-- With samanu sam-anu,
     1. To follow, Rām. 3, 66, 17.
     2. To pursue, to penetrate, MBh. 11, 125.
-- With antar antar in antargata,
     1. Gone into, Rām. 6, 93, 2.
     2. Being in, Rām. 6, 100, 1.
     3. Interior, Man. 8, 25.
     4. Concealed, Śāk. d. 161.
     5. Destroyed, Bhag. 7, 28.
-- With apa apa, To go off, MBh. 7, 2087; to leave (with abl.) MBh. 13, 4284.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, To go away, MBh. 13, 7421.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To advance, Man. 2, 196.
     2. To approach, Man. 1, 1.
     3. To approach carnally, Yājñ. 2, 205.
     4. To visit, Man. 4, 153.
     5. To meet, MBh. 3, 2978.
     6. To undergo; nidrām, To fall asleep, Rām. 5, 68, 3. abhigamya, Accessible, Ragh. 1, 16. Caus. To explain, MBh. 1, 1295.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To approach. Rām. 3, 9, 16.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To enter into, MBh. 5, 740.
     2. To inquire, Śāk. 8, 22, v. r.
     3. To perceive, Hit. i. d. 92.
     4. To understand, Śāk. 21, 17.
     5. To guess, Śāk. 15, 4.
     6. To take for, Rām. 6, 101, 7.
     7. with doṣeṇa, To accuse, Rām. 2, 92, 29. Caus.
     1. To cause to experience, Mālav. 14, 2.
     2. To let know, Daśak. 113, 3.
-- With pratyava prati-ava, To know one by one, MBh. 11, 90.
-- With samava sam-ava, To know completely. Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 25.
-- With astam asta + m (cf. asta), To set (as the sun), Hit. 17, 20.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To approach, Rām. 1, 2, 26.
     2. With saha, To meet with, Nal. 16, 34.
     3. To return, Lass. 30, 7.
     4. To undergo. viśvāsam, To take confidence, Pañc. 34, 15. ānṛṇyam, To become quit of a debt, Rām. 3, 27, 13. dāsatvam, To become enslaved, Nal. 26, 21. pañcatvam, To die, Kathās. 2, 32. āgata,
     1. Come, Nal. 3, 3.
     2. Having attained, Daśak. 2, 58.
     3. Devolved, Pañc. 16, 11.
     4. Gained, Man. 4, 226.
     5. Happened, MBh. 3, 2555.
     6. As former part of comp. words often; Possessed of; āgata-manyu, adj. Moved with resentment, Man. 2, 152.
-- Comp. tiryakpratimukha-, i. e. tiryañc-pratimukha-, adj. overturned or running against anything, Man. 8, 291. su-, n. welcome, salutation. -- Caus.
     1. To cause to approach, Gīt. 12, 3.
     2. To teach, Śiś. 9, 79.
     3. To learn, MBh. 5, 132.
-- With adhyā adhi-ā, To find, MBh. 1, 3984.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To follow, MBh. 1, 1917. anvāgata, also in the sense of an active, Following, MBh. 6, 2809.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā,
     1. To approach, MBh. 3, 10979.
     2. To undergo; cintām, To become thoughtful, Rām. 3, 4, 20. abhyāgata, Come, Sāv. 7, 8; a guest, Hit. i. d. 54.
-- With samabhyā sam-abhi-ā, samabhyāgata, Approached, Pañc. 205, 9.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To approach, Nal. 7, 12.
     2. To appear, Rām. 4, 51, 40.
     3. To come to one's share, Hit. 268, 1
     4. To return, Kathās. 18, 400.
     5. To undergo; doṣam, Yājñ. 2, 256; pañcatvam, To die, Pañc. 120, 13.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā,
     1. To approach, MBh. 3, 2192.
     2. To befall, Yājñ. 2, 53.
     3. To undergo; cintām, To become thoughtful, Rām. 2, 29, 22.
-- With paryā pari-ā,
     1. To approach all together, MBh. 4, 1146.
     2. To finish, Rām. 3, 35, 9.
     3. To subdue, MBh. 1, 4567. paryāgata punar, Recovered, MBh. 13, 3496.
-- With pratyā prati-ā,
     1. To return, Rām. 4, 33, 22.
     2. To recover, Vikr. 8, 1, v. r.
-- With saṃpratyā sam-prati-ā, To return, MBh. 13, 2193.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To meet, to assemble, Rām. 4, 28, 31; Man. 7 148. samāgamya, collectively, Man. 8, 408.
     2. To unite, Rām. 4, 44, 78; carnally, MBh. 3, 17097.
     3. To approach, Rām. 1, 32, 7. -- Caus. To unite, Vikr. d. 34.
-- With abhisamā abhi-sam-ā,
     1. To approach, MBh. 11, 445.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To rise, Ṛt. 1, 10, v. r.; Pañc. 47, 18.
     2. To open, Vikr. d. 107.
     3. To go out, Ragh. 7, 16 (uttered); Rām. 2, 48, 1 (vanished).
     4. To spread, Ragh. 18, 19. udgamanīya, see separately.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, To advance toward, MBh. 1, 3572. abhyudgata,
     1. Elevated.
     2. Risen.
     3. Approached.
-- With prod pra-ud, To project, Kathās. 26, 9.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, To advance toward, Man. 2, 196.
-- With samud sam-ud, To come out, Ṛt. 1, 7.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To approach, Rām. 3, 4, 32; with adharmeṇa, To treat ill, MBh. 8, 2082.
     2. To undergo; pratikūlatām, To become hostile, Śiś. 9, 6. upagata,
     1. Enchased, MBh. 12, 1545.
     2. Granted, Man. 2, 160.
     3. n. A receipt, Yājñ. 2, 93. -- Caus. To cause to approach, Daśak. 137, 18. -- Desid. upa-jigamiṣa, To desire to walk, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 26.
-- With abhyupa abhi-upa,
     1. To approach, Pañc. 189, 24.
     2. To go to, Śiś. 9, 13.
     3. To attain, Rām. 5, 67, 10.
     4. To resign one's self (to somebody), Daśak. in Chr. 191, 12.
     5. To assent, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 8.
     6. To admit, to grant, Śāk. 69, 22. -- Caus. To persuade to assent, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 12.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To approach, MBh. 1, 7718.
     2. To undergo; pañcatvaṃ samupāgamat (perhaps sam-upa-ā-agamat), To die, Kathās. 5, 122.
-- With ni ni, To undergo; śāntim, To become pacified, Bhag. 9, 31.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To go out, to come out, to depart from (with abl.), Mārk. P. 22, 47; Suśr. 1, 298, 1; Śāk. d. 131; Man. 9, 83.
     2. To undergo, MBh. 3, 15399 (preṣyatām, To become a servant). nirgata, Disappeared; nirgata-viśaṅka, adj. Fearless, Pañc. 124, 12.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, To depart from, Rām. 1, 9, 13.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To go out, to leave (with abl. and gen.), Rām. 5, 84, 10; 4, 22, 39.
     2. To depart, Pañc. 48, 13.
     3. To be beside one's self, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 30. vinirgata,
     1. Stretched forth, Ṛt. 1, 21.
     2. Free from, Man. 8, 65.
-- With saṃnis sam-nis, To depart, Rām. 5, 42, 5.
-- With parā parā, parāgata, Covered, Śiś. 6, 2.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To walk round, Rām. 2, 55, 24.
     2. To wander over, Sāv. 6, 3.
     3. To surround, Rām. 6, 15, 5.
     4. To spread everywhere, Śāk. d. 194.
     5. To die, Bhartṛ. 3, 49.
     6. To undergo, e. g. śāntim, To become pacified, MBh. 2, 1761. parigata,
     1. Possessed of, Pañc. i. d. 55.
     2. Known, Śāk. 95, 20. Caus. To pass, Ragh. 8, 91.
-- With pra pra, To advance, Rām. 1, 9, 30.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To separate, MBh. 1, 7372.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To advance towards, MBh. 3, 10908.
     2. To return, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 17; Chr. 66, 12, read prati gatām.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To pass, MBh. 14, 1912.
     2. To disappear, Man. 3, 259. vigata,
     1. As former part of comp. adj., Disappeared. -asu, adj. Lifeless, MBh. 7, 1420.
     2. Deceased, Man. 5, 75.
     3. Sunk down, base, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 36.
-- With sam sam, generally Ātm.
     1. To assemble, Rām. 3, 35, 97.
     2. To meet, Nal. 12, 29; Rājat. 5, 97; MBh. 1, 5989.
     3. To unite, Arj. 3, 1; carnally, MBh. 3, 17085.
     4. To shrivel, MBh. 1, 3471.
     5. To accord, Vedāntas. in Chr. 213, 17.
     6. To undergo, viśrambham, To take confidence, Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 2. saṃgata, Seasonable, Rām. 2, 95, 14. n.
     1. Meeting, MBh. 3, 14044.
     2. Union, Śāk. d. 120; Vikr. d. 162; connection, Man. 3, 140.
     3. Friendship, Rām. 5, 94, 21. a-saṃgata, adj. Unfit, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 404. Anom. absol., saṃgatvā, MBh. 13, 456. -- Caus.
     1. To unite, Vikr. d. 143.
     2. To lead to (with two acc.), Hit. pr. 55.
     3. To transfer on (with loc.), Ragh. 12, 104.
     4. To offer, MBh. 5, 4841.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam,
     1. To approach, Rām. 4, 1, 9.
     2. To unite, Rām. 2, 36, 8.
     3. To advance towards, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 5.
-- With upasam upa-sam,
     1. To unite, MBh. 1, 6897.
     2. To approach, Bhag. 1, 2.
     3. To undergo, MBh. 13, 5697 (samatām, To become alike).
-- With saha saha, To accompany, Rām. 4, 8, 26.
-- Cf. Lat. venio for vemio (= gam, i. 4); [greek] for [greek] = gaccha; Goth. gaggan, an old frequent., cf. the Sekr. frequent. jaṅgam; also Goth. gatvo, qviman; A.S. cuman; see also gati, gantṛ, and .

gama gam + a,
I. latter part of comp. words, f. , Going, e. g. kha-,
     1. adj. Moving in the sky, MBh. 3, 820.
     2. m. A bird, Nal. 1, 24.
     3. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 995.
II. m.
     1. Way, Chanrap. 44.
     2. Carnal approaching, Man. 11, 54.
-- Comp. a-, 1. adj. inaccessible, MBh. 3, 8247. 2. m. a tree. durgama, i. e. dus-, adj., f. , 1. difficult to be passed (as a way), Rām. 5, 74, 31. 2. difficult to be crossed, MBh. 1, 2924.
     3. difficult to be attained, Rām. 6, 67, 10. 4. difficult in general, MBh. 13, 7535. pakṣa-, adj. flying, Rām. 3, 56, 45. su-, adj. 1. accessible. 2. easy, MBh. 13, 7535. 3. plain, intelligible.

gamana gam + ana, n.
     1. Gait, Śṛṅgārat. 7.
     2. Going, Rām. 1, 9, 40.
     3. Going to, Rām. 1, 3, 16.
     4. Coming, Hiḍ. 4, 27 (? read āgamanam).
     5. Carnal approach, Rām. 3, 13, 6.
     6. Undergoing, e. g. pañcatva-, Death, Rām. 5, 15, 78.
     7. Way, Rām. 3, 68, 50.
-- Comp. adhogamana, i. e. adhas-, n. descending, Rājat. 5, 310. anta-, n. 1. accomplishing, Pañc. iii. d. 130. 2. dying. antarā-, n. passing between, Man. 4, 126. asta-, n. setting (of the sun), MBh. 1, 6058. saha-, n. 1. accompanying. 2. a woman's burning herself with her deceased husband.

gamanīya gamanīya, i. e. gamana + tya, adj. Relating to carnal approach, Man. 11, 102.

gambgamb, i. 1, Par. To go.

gambhīra gambhīra, see gabhīra.

gaya gaya,
I. m.
     1. The name of a Ṛṣi, Rām. 2, 107, 11.
     2. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1827.
     3. The name of a mountain, MBh. 3, 8304.
II. f. .
     1. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 8075.
     2. The name of a river, MBh. 1, 7818.

gara gara, i. e. 2. gṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A fluid (ved.).
     2. m. and n. Poison, Rām. 2, 110, 24.
-- Comp. bhū-, n. Poison.

garada gara + da (vb. ), m. A giver of poison, Man. 3, 158.

garala garala (cf. gara), m. Poison, Pañc. 63, 7.

gariman gariman, i. e. guru + iman (cf. guru), m. Heaviness, Śiś. 9, 49
     2. The magical faculty of making one's self as heavy as one lists, Lass. 3, 18.
     3. Dignity, Pañc. i. d. 36.
     4. A most venerable person, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 21.

gariṣṭha gariṣṭha, superl., and garīyaṃs garīyaṃs, comparat. of guru, q. cf.

garīyastva garīyastva, i. e. garīyaṃs + tva, n. Great importance, MBh. 1, 5080.

garuḍa garuḍa, for *garutra, i. e. probably, gal + tṛ + a = Lat. volucer, m.
     1. The sovereign of the feathered race and vehicle of Viṣṇu, MBh. 1, 1092.
     2. The name of a battle-array, Man. 7, 187.

garut garut (vb. gal), m. A wing.
-- Comp. śveta-, m. A goose.

garutmant garut + mant, m. A name of Garuḍa, MBh. 1, 1510.

garga garga,
I. m. The name of an old Ṛṣi, MBh. 9, 2132, and other persons.
II. f. , A proper name, Rājat. 5, 250.

gargara gar-gar + a (vb. 2. gṛ10, reduplicated, + a), m.
     1. A whirlpool (ved.).
     2. A churn, MBh. 12, 2783.
-- Cf. Lat. gurges.

garj garj, i. 1, Par. To roar, Pañc. 9, 8. garjita, n.
     1. Roaring, MBh. 3, 12137.
     2. Thunder, Megh. 35.
-- With anu anu, To roar after, MBh. 7, 1714. anugarjita, n. The echo of a roar, Kumāras. 6, 40.
-- With abhi abhi, To roar at, MBh. 7, 5484. abhigarjita, n. A wild challenging roar, Rām. 4, 14, 1.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To roar at, MBh. 5, 5635.
-- With pari pari, To roar, Rām. 1, 28, 17 (garjatīm, anom. instead of garjantīm, on account of the metre).
-- With pra pra, To begin to roar, MBh. 1, 1419.
-- With prati prati, To roar at, MBh. 5, 2048.
-- With vi vi, To roar, MBh. 6, 610.
-- With sam sam, To roar at, MBh. 7, 5908.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

garjana garj + ana, n. Roaring, Hit. 34, 21.

garta garta (probably 2. gṛ10), m., f. , and n.
     1. A hole, MBh. 1, 1034; Pañc. 81, 22; MBh. 7, 4953.
     2. A ditch, Man. 4, 47; 203.

gardgard, i. 1, and 10, Par. To sound.

gardabha gardabha
I. m. An ass, Man. 8, 298.
II. f. bhī.
     1. A she ass, MBh. 13, 1827.
     2. An insect, a kind of beetle living in cow-dung. Suśr. 2. 288, 3.

gardh gardh, i. 10, Par. To desire.
-- Cf. gṛdh.

gardhin -gardhin, i. e. gṛdh + in, adj., f. , Latter part of comp. words, Desiring, greedy, Man. 4, 28.

garbgarb, i. 1, Par. To go.
-- Cf. garv.

garbha garbha, i. e. grabh (ved. = grah) + a, m.
     1. The womb, Pañc. Pr. 8.
     2. The interior, MBh. 9, 2741.
     3. A foetus or embryo, Bhag. 3, 38.
     4. A sprout, Rām. 5, 28, 6.
     5. Conception, Man. 2, 36.
     5. As former part of comp. words it has often the second signification; cf. garbha-gṛha. As latter part of comp. adj. Holding in one's interior, containing; e. g. śuka-, adj. Containing parrots, Śāk. d. 14. sneha-, adj. Containing oil, MBh. 12, 13414.
-- Comp. gṛhīta- (vb. grah), adj., f. bhā, pregnant, Suśr. 1, 321, 16. jāra-, adj., f. bhā, Pregnant by an adulterer, not. ad Hit. Pr. d. 38; 39. deva-, m. The child of a god, MBh. 3, 17161. mati-, adj. full of understanding, Śiś. 9, 62. ratna-, I. m. Kuvera. II. f. bhā, the earth. śamī-, m. 1. a Brāhmaṇa. 2. fire. sa-, m. a brother by the same father and mother. sura-, m. the child of a god, Hiḍ. 4, 27. soma-, m. Viṣṇu. sravadgarbhā, i. e. sravant-garbha (vb. sru), f. a woman or cow miscarrying by accident. sva-, m. one's own foetus, Rām. 3, 49, 49. hima-, adj. laden with cold, Śāk. d. 54. hiraṇya-, m. Brahman.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. kalbo; A. S. calf.

garbhavatī garbhavatī, i. e. garbha + vant + ī, f. A pregnant female, MBh. 3, 10667.

garbhastha garbha-stha (vb. sthā), adj.
     1. Being in the womb, Pañc. ii. d. 82.
     2. Being in the interior, MBh. 7, 3110.

garbhāsrāva garbhāsrāva, i. e. garbha-ā-sru + a, m. Abortion, Suśr. 1, 175, 7.
-- Cf. garbha-srāva.

garbhin garbhin, i. e. garbha + in, adj., f. iṇī, Pregnant, Man. 9, 173.

garbheśvaratā garbheśvaratā, i. e. garbha-iś4vara + tā, f. Hereditary deminion, Rājat. 5, 198.

garvgarv, or garb garb, i. 1, Par. and i. 10, Ātm. To be proud.

garva gar + va (cf. guru), m. Pride, Pañc. 26, 2.
-- Comp. dhana-, m. a proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 23. sa-, adj. proud; °vam, adv. haughtily, Rām. 3, 32, 2.

garvāya garvāya, a denomin. derived from garva by ya, Ātm. To behave haughtily, Prab. 24, 7.

garvita garvita, i. e. garva + ita, adj., f. , Proud, Rām. 1, 7, 6.
-- Comp. pari-, adj. very proud, Cāṇ. 94 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 413.

garh garh (probably akin to grah), i. 1, Ātm. and Par.; i. 10, Par. Ātm.
     1. To blame, Rām. 2, 75, 19; MBh. 5 648; 1, 5731; 3, 526.
     2. To loathe, Man. 11, 229. garhita,
     1. Contemned, Man. 10, 39.
     2. Blameable, Rām. 3, 51, 23.
     3. Prejudicial, Lass. 16, 15.
     4. with abl., Worse, MBh. 3, 1040.
-- Comp. a-, adj. f. , 1. unblamed, respected, Man. 9, 109. 2. unblameable, Man. 4, 3. -- garhya, contemptible, Man. 5, 149.
-- With the prep. ava ava, avagarhita, Contemned, Rām. 2, 21, 19.
-- With ni ni, To despise, MBh. 13, 5892.
-- With pari pari, To blame much, Rām. 2, 106, 10.
-- With prati prati, pratigarhita, Blamed, Rām. 6, 103, 15 (perhaps prati must be separated, and signifies Concerning).
-- With vi vi, To blame, Rām. 6, 8, 3. vigarhita,
     1. Blemished, Man. 9, 72.
     2. Contemptible, Man. 3, 167.

garhaṇa garhaṇa, i. e. garh + ana, n. and f. ṇā, Blame, MBh. 12, 9153; Man. 2, 80.

garhā garh + ā, f. Blame, Pañc. i. d. 192.

garhin -garh + in, adj. Blaming, Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 18.

gal 1. gal, (akin to gur, cf. ud-gur), i. 1, Par.
     1. To drop, to distil, Kathās. 11, 57.
     2. To fall, Śiś. 9, 75.
     3. To disappear, Bhartṛ. 1, 69. -- Caus. gālaya,
     1. To percolate, Daśak. 156, 2.
     2. To sift, Suśr. 1, 165, 18.
     3. To dilute, Suśr. 1, 166, 6.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To fall off, Śiś. 8, 34.
-- With ā ā, To fall, Rām. 5, 13, 34.
-- With samā sam-ā, To tumble down, MBh. 1, 1409.
-- With ud ud, To burst forth, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 14.
-- With nis nis, nirgalita, Distilling, Ragh. 5, 17.
-- With pari pari, parigalita,
     1. Tumbled down, MBh. 1, 1183.
     2. Sunk in, Pañc. 8, 17.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To distil, Prab. 79, 16.
     2. To fall off, Amar. 36.
     3. To disappear, Kathās. 7, 75. vigalita,
     1. Drained by distilling, MBh. 1, 1182.
     2. Liquefied, dissolved, Kathās 18, 78; Gīt. 1, 31.
     3. Tumbled down, MBh. 4, 826.
     4. Unwieldy, Bhartṛ. 3, 74.
-- Cf. garuḍa, and Lat. volare (concerning the signification, cf. pat), [greek] (Causal).

gal † 2. gal, i. 10, Atm. To distil; see 1. gal.

gal † 3. gal, i. 1, Par. To eat.
-- Cf. 2. gṛ10.

gala gala, i. e. 2. gṛ10 + a, m. The throat, Pañc. 249, 1.
-- Cf. Lat. gula; O.H.G. kela; A.S. ceolr, [greek]

galitaka galita + ka (vb. 1. gal), m. A kind of dance, Vikr. 68, 14.

galbh galbh (akin to grabh, see grah), i. 1, Ātm. To be bold.
-- With the prep. pra pra, To behave resolutely, Śiś. 10, 18.

galla galla (probably a dialectical form of gaṇḍa), m. The cheek, Pañc. 125, 9.

galvarka galvarka m. Crystal(?), Rām. 3, 48, 1.

galhgalh, i. 1, Atm. = garh.

gava gava, i. e. go + a, a substitute for go in comp. words, e. g. gavārha, i. e. gava-arha, adj. Worth a bull, MBh. 2, 828. gavārthe, i. e. gava-arthe, adv. For preserving a cow, Man. 10, 69. aṣṭagava, i. e. aṣṭan-, adj. Drawn by eight oxen, MBh. 8, 799. strī-gavī, f. a milch cow.

gavaya gavaya (akin to go), m.
     1. A species of ox, Bos gavaeus, Pañc. 53, 10.
     2. The name of a monkey, Rām. 4, 25, 33.

gavākṣa gavākṣa, i. e. gava-akṣa, m.
     1. An air-hole, a round window, a bull's eye, Rām. 3, 61, 13.
     2. (m. ?) The name of a sea, Rājat. 5, 423.
     3. The name of a monkey, Rām. 4, 25, 33.

gavākṣaka gavākṣa + ka, m. = gavākṣa

gaviṣṭha gaviṣṭha, m.
     1. The sun, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 36.
     2. The name of a Dānava, MBh. 1, 2538.

gaveṣ gaveṣ, i. e. gava-iṣ, i. 1, Ātm.; i. 10, Par. To search, Ṛt. 1, 21; Kathās. 24, 230.

gaveṣaṇa gaveṣaṇa, i. e. gaveṣ + ana, n. Search, Kathās. 21, 85.

gaveṣin gaveṣ + in, adj. Searching, MBh. 3, 10890.

gavya gavya, i. e. go + ya,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Produced by a cow.
     2. Consisting of milk.
II. n. Milk.
-- Comp. pañcagavya, i. e. pañcan-, n. the five pure things produced by the cow, Man. 11, 165.

gavyūti gavyūti, i. e. go-yu + ti, f.
     1. Pasture-ground (ved.).
     2. A measure = 4000 daṇḍa = 2 krośas, Rām. 6, 33, 13.

gahgah, i. 10, gahaya, Par. To strive, to penetrate.

gahana gahana, i. e. gabh (cf. gabhīra, and gāh) + ana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Deep, Bhartṛ. 3, 11.
     2. Impervious, Rām. 2, 85, 4.
     3. Impenetrable, Pañc. i. d. 317.
II. n.
     1. A thicket, Rām. 4, 48, 2.
     2. Impenetrability, obscurity, MBh. 11, 125.
     3. Multitude, Rām. 1, 35, 16.

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gahanatva gahana + tva, n. Impenetrability, MBh. 2, 2355.

gahanavant gahana + vant, adj., f. vatī, Full of thickets, Rām. 4, 48, 6.

gahvara gah + vara (cf. gahana),
I. adj., f. and , Impenetrable, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 4.
II. n.
     1. A thicket, MBh. 4, 727.
     2. An enigma, MBh. 13, 1388.

gahvarita gahvarita, i. e. gahvara + ita, adj. Lying in one's hiding-place, MBh. 2, 2294.

, † i. 1. Ātm.; ved. ii. 2 and 3, jigā (in classic writings only the Aor. Par. Ātm.).
     1. To go, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 1.
     2. To come, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 27.
     3. To undergo (cf. gam); harṣam, To become glad, Rām. 5, 91, 25. Desider. jigīṣa, To desire to go, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 25.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To cross, Rām. 2, 52, 75.
     2. To pass, Arj. 4, 62.
     3. To die, Rām. 2, 72, 29.
     4. To escape, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 56.
     5. To subdue, Bhāg. P. 9, 20, 27.
     6. To neglect, MBh. 5, 4212.
-- With vyati vi-ati, To pass, Ragh. 6, 52.
-- With adhi adhi,
     1. To undergo; śramam, To become tired, Bhāg. P. 4, 26, 10.
     2. To think of, Nal. 10, 16.
     3. usually Ātm., To study, to learn, to read, MBh. 1, 5106; 13, 121; Man. 1, 59; Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 23.
-- With anu anu, To follow, MBh. 3, 2303.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To follow, MBh. 5, 432.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To go to, Rām. 1, 63, 3.
     2. To approach, Rām. 1, 20, 2.
     3. To undergo, to attain, MBh. 3, 16625.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To approach, MBh. 1, 3573.
     2. To befall, MBh. 3, 1355.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā
     1. To approach, Bhāg. P. 9, 21, 10.
     2. To befall, MBh. 3, 1120.
     3. To resolve (with infin.), Man. 10, 108.
-- With samabhyā sam-abhi-ā, To approach, MBh. 1, 5328.
     2. To befall, MBh. 2, 2597.
-- With upā upa-ā, To approach, Kathās. 5, 68.
-- With paryā To expire, MBh. 12, 8157.
-- With ni ni, To nestle, MBh. 6, 1886.
-- With nis nis, To go out, Kathās. 18, 83.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To move round, Rām. 2, 96, 45.
     2. To befall, MBh. 1, 3647.
     3. To mistake, to know not, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 35.
-- With anupari anu-pari, To walk over, MBh. 12, 8081.
-- With pra pra, To proceed, MBh. 6, 2212.
-- With prati prati, To return, Bhāg. P. 4, 20, 37.
-- With sam sam, To go to, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 66.
-- Cf. [greek] (= agām), perhaps Lat. navi-gare.

gāṅga gāṅga, i. e. gaṅgā + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to the Gaṅga, MBh. 7, 2215.
II. n. The name of a kind of rain-water (ascribed to the celestial Gaṅgā), Suśr. 1, 170, 2.

gāṅgeya gāṅgeya, i. e. gaṅgā + eya,
I. adj.
     1. Belonging to the Gaṅgā, MBh. 3, 165.
     2. Being near the Gaṅgā, Rām. 6, 4, 2.
II. m. metronym. A son of the Gaṅgā, MBh. 1, 94.

gāḍha gāḍha, see gāh.

gāḍhatva gāḍha + tva, n.
     1. Depth.
     2. Intensity, Daśak. 102, 3.

gāṇapatya gāṇapatya, i. e. gaṇa-pati + ya, n. Dominion over the inferior deities, or the condition of Gaṇeśa, MBh. 3, 4093.

gāṇḍiva gāṇḍiva, or gāṇḍīva gāṇḍ- īva (cf. the next), m. and n. The bow of Arjuna, MBh. 3, 228; 1, 8177.

gāṇḍīmaya gāṇḍī + maya, adj. Made of gāṇḍī (a plant?), MBh. 5, 3540.

gāṇḍīva gāṇḍīva, see gāṇḍiva.

gāṇḍīvin gāṇḍīvin, i. e. gāṇḍīva + in, m. A name of Arjuna, MBh. 13, 6898.

gātu gā + tu (ved.), m. Motion, course (of life), Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. i. 112, 16.

gātrgātr, i. 10, Par. To loosen.

gātra gā + tra, n.
     1. A limb, Man. 2, 209.
     2. The body, Man. 4, 122.
-- Comp. romāñcita-, adj., f. , with horripilation of the body, Pañc. 128. 21. vara-, adj., f. , having a beautiful body, Mṛcch. 10, 21.
-- Cf. [greek] although of different signification.

gātraka gātra + ka, n. The body, Vikr. d. 79.

gātraruha gātra-ruha, n. The hair of the body, Bhāg. P. 2, 3, 24.

gāthā gāthā, i. e. gai + tha, f. A song, a verse, Indr. 2, 28; Man. 9, 42.

gāthikā gāthikā, i. e. gāthā + ka, f. A song, Yājñ. 1, 45.

gāthin gāthin, i. e. gāthā + in, m.
     1. A singer, MBh. 2, 1450.
     2. The father of Viśvāmitra (ved.).

gādh gādh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To stand.
     2. † To desire.
     3. † To heap together.

gādha gādha, i. e. gādh (probably = gāh) + a,
I. adj., f. dhā, Shallow (properly, Wherein one may get a footing), Rām. 5, 94, 6.
II. n. and m. Bottom, MBh. 7, 91; Rām. 5, 94, 12.
-- Comp. a-, adj., 1. bottomless, Rām. 5, 74, 17. 2. unfathomable, MBh. 5, 897. dus- adj., unfathomable, Suśr. 2, 302, 15.
-- Cf. Lat. vadum, vādere.

gādhi gādhi (for gādhin, q. cf.) m. The father of Viśvāmitra, Rām. 1, 35, 3.

gādhija gādhi-ja (vb. jan) m. A name of Viśvāmitra, Man. 7, 42.

gādhin gādhin (for ved. gāthin) m. The father of Viśvāmitra, Rām. 1, 20, 5.

gādheya gādheya, i. e. gādhi + eya, patron., f. , Offspring of Gādhi, Rām. 1, 52, 19; MBh. 13, 242.

gāna gāna, i. e. gai + na, n. A song, Śiś. 9, 54.

gāndharva gāndharva, i. e. gandharva + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Referable or belonging to the Gandharvas, MBh. 7, 6348; Rām. 1, 29, 15.
     2. m. viz. vivāha, A form of marriage, that which requires only mutual agreement, Man. 3, 21.
     3. Musical, MBh. 3, 8421.
     4. Possessed by the Gandharvas, Suśr. 1, 332, 21.
II. n. Music and dance, MBh. 13, 1427.
-- Comp. yuddha- (vb. yudh), n. a battle like the dance of the Gandharvas, Rām. 6, 28, 26.

gāndhāra gāndhāra, i. e.
I. gāndhāri + a,
     1. m. A prince of the Gāndhāris.
     2. f. , A princess of the Gāndhāris, MBh. 1, 3790.
II. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 361.
III. m. The third note of the scale, MBh. 4, 515.

gāndhāri gāndhāri,
     1. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 8, 2135.
     2. i. e. gāndhārī + i, metronym. The sor of Gāndhārī, MBh. 2, 1791.

gāndhika gāndhika, i. e. gandha + ika,
I. m. A vendor of perfumes, Sāh. D. 35, 11.
II. n. Perfumes, Pañc. 7, 17.

gāmika -gāmika, i. e. gāmin + ka, adj. Leading to, Rām. 6, 106, 7.

gāmin -gāmin, i. e. gam + in, adj., f. .
     1. Going, moving, Hit. Pr. 40; haṃsa-vāraṇa-, Walking like a phenicopteros, or like a young elephant, Man. 3, 10.
     2. Approaching carnally, Yājñ. 2, 234.
     3. Attaining, Rām. 5, 21, 19.
     4. Devolving on, Yājñ. 2, 145.
     5. Turning, directed to, Bhag. 8, 8.
     6. Referring to, MBh. 2, 26.
-- Comp. agra-, adj. going at the head, Rām. 5, 41, 2. anta-, adj. going to death. ṛtu-, adj. approaching one's wife at the due time, Bhāg. P. 7, 12, 11. kubja-, adj. going astray, Pañc. ii. d. 5.

gāmbhīrya gāmbhīrya, i. e. gambhīra + ya, n.
     1. Depth, Rām. 1, 1, 18.
     2. Dignity, Ragh. 3, 32.

gāya gāya, i. e. gai + a, n. A song, Yājñ. 3, 112. In uttama-, adj. Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 21, and uru-, adj. 2, 3, 20, perhaps gā + a, Walking, or praise.

gāyaka gāyaka, i. e. gai + aka, m. A singer, Rām. 2, 65, 2.

gāyatra gāyatra, i. e. gai + atra,
I. m. and n. A song (ved.).
II. f. trī.
     1. A certain metre, MBh. 6, 172.
     2. A sacred verse from the Vedas: this is usually personified and cousidered as a goddess, MBh. 3, 13432.

gāyatrin gāyatrin, i. e. gāyatra + in, m. A singer, MBh. 12, 10352.

gāyana gāyana, i. e. gai + ana,
I. m. A public singer, Man. 4, 210.
II. n. A song, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 43.

gāruḍa gāruḍa i. e. garuḍa + a,
I. adj.
     1. Referable to Garuḍa, Rām. 6, 86, 3.
     2. Having the form of Garuḍa, Rām. 6, 6, 11.
II. n. An emerald, Ragh. 13, 53.

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gārutmata gārutmata, i. e. garutmant + a, adj. Referable to Garuḍa, Ragh. 16, 77.

gārgya gārgya, i. e. garga + ya,
     1. patronym., f. , Offspring of Garga, Rām. 2, 32, 28; Hariv. 10243 (a surname of Durgā).
     2. The name of a tribe, MBh. 7, 396.

gārtsamada gārtsamada, i. e. gṛtsamada + a, adj. Referring to Gṛtsamada, MBh. 13, 2006.

gārdabha gārdabha, i. e. gardabha + a, adj. Referring, or belonging to, or proceeding from, an ass, MBh. 8, 2051.

gārddhapatra gārddhapatra, see the next.

gārdhapatra gārdhapatra (read gārdhrapatra gārdhrapatra, i. e. gṛdhra-patra + a), m. An arrow, MBh. 4, 1331.

gārdharājita gārdharājita (read gārdhravājita gārdhravājita, i. e. gṛdhra-vāja + ita, cf. gṛdhravājita), m. An arrow, MBh. 3, 12230.

gārdhavāsas gārdhavāsas (read gārdhravāsas gārdhravāsas, i. e. gṛdhra + a-vāsas), m. An arrow, MBh. 3, 1350.

gārbha gārbha, i. e. garbha + a, adj.
     1. Born of a womb, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 27.
     2. Referring to pregnancy, Man. 2, 27.

gārbhika gārbhika, i. e. garbha + ika, adj. Referable to the womb, Man. 2, 27.

gārhapatya gārhapatya, i. e. gṛha-pati + ya,
I. adj. and m. (viz. agni), A sacred fire perpetually maintained by a householder, Man. 2, 132.
II. m. pl. The name of a class of Pitṛs or Manes, MBh. 2, 462.

gārhamedha gārhamedha, i. e. gṛha-medha + a, adj. Befitting a householder, Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 2.

gārhasthya gārhasthya, i. e. gṛha-stha + ya,
I. adj. Befitting the householder, MBh. 9, 2854.
II. n.
     1. Condition of a householder, Rām. 2, 106, 21.
     2. Household, MBh. 14, 162.
     3. Abode, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 15.

gālava gālava, m. The name of a saint, MBh. 1, 331.

gālavi gālavi, i. e. gālava + i, patronym., m. A son of Gālava, MBh. 9, 2995.

gāli gāli, i. e. gal + i, 1. An execration, Bhartṛ. 3, 99.

gālimant gāli + mant, adj. Using execrations, Bhartṛ. 3, 99.

gāloḍaya gāloḍaya, a denomin. (akin to the Caus. of gal), Ātm. To examine.

gāh gāh (akin to gabh in gabhīra and gādh in gādha), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 13, 3795). With acc. and loc.
     1. To dive into, Rām. 3, 76, 33.
     2. To enter, Rām. 2, 52, 95. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. gāhita, with the sense of the act., MBh. 3, 8772.
II. gāḍha,
     1. Used for bathing in, Ragh. 9, 72.
     2. Accessible, open, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 40.
     3. Fast, tight, Rām. 4, 15, 20.
     4. Vehement, Amar. 36; Megh. 81. ḍham, adv.
     1. Strongly, fast, Mārk. P. 16, 25; Rām. 2, 31, 2.
     2. Vehemently, Rām. 1, 9, 47.
     3. Heavily, Chr. 35, 7.
     4. Much, Rām. 2, 57, 3.
-- Comp. dus-gāḍha, unfathomable, Hariv. 17484.
-- With the prep. ava ava (sometimes va without its initial),
     1. To dive into, Rām. 1, 2, 8.
     2. To bathe, MBh. 3, 8649.
     3. To betake one's self, Vikr. 62, 15. avagāhita and avagāḍha, Used for bathing in, MBh. 3, 8230; 8236. avagāḍha,
     1. Immersed, Rām. 2, 59, 28.
     2. Deeply impressed, Śāk. d. 56.
     3. Vanished, MBh. 4, 2238.
     4. Stagnating, Suśr. 1, 353, 3. -- Caus.
     1. To let bathe, Suśr. 2, 192, 11.
     2. To bathe, Suśr. 2, 550, 11.
-- With vyava vi-ava,
     1. To dive, MBh. 1, 7285.
     2. To break in, MBh. 4, 1984.
     3. To sink down, to begin (as nightfall), MBh. 3, 16820.
-- With ud ud in udgāḍha, Excessive, Prab. 67, 9.
-- With upa upa, To break in, Rām. 6, 31, 29.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To dive into, MBh. 14, 1392.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To dive into, Rām. 2, 48, 8.
     2. To enter, Ragh. 14, 30.
     3. To betake one's self to, MBh. 3, 11343.
     4. To fall (as night; see vi-ava), MBh. 5, 7246. vigāḍha,
     1. Bathed, Rām. 5, 7, 39.
     2. Used for bathing, Rām. 5, 74, 31.
     3. Having penetrated, MBh. 4, 2072.
     4. Fallen (as night; see vi-ava), MBh. 3, 1821.
     5. Having taken place, MBh. 5, 2776.
     6. Much, exceeding. -- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., durvigāhya, i. e. dus-, adj.
     1. Difficult to be sounded, MBh. 13, 1840.
     2. Difficult to be passed, Hariv. 13670.
     3. Difficult to be accomplished, Rām. 5, 51, 23.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To enter, Ram. 6, 16, 2.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek]

gāhana gāh + ana, n. Bathing, Daśak. 145, 14.

gir gir (vb. 1. gṛ10), f.
     1. Voice, Yājñ. 1, 71.
     2. Speech, Nal. 1, 26 (25).
     3. A word, Nal. 11, 6.

gira -gira, A substitute for giri, when latter part of a comp. adv., e. g. anu-gira + m, Along the mountain, Ragh. 13, 49.

giraya giraya, a denomin. derived from gir, or perhaps an anomalous Caus. of 1. gṛ10, Par.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To utter, Pañc. 221, 13.

giri giri (for original gara; cf. Slav. gora, [greek] probably from gur for gar), m.
     1. A mountain, Rām. 1, 2, 29.
     2. A name of the numeral eight, Śrutab. 38.
-- Comp. antar-, m. land lying in the midst of mountains, MBh. 2, 1012. asta-, m. the mountain behind which the sun is supposed to set, Śiś. 9, 1. kāñcana-, m. a name of Meru, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 28. kula-, m. a principal mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 7. tuṣāra-, m. the Himālaya, MBh. 13, 836. deva-, dhūmra-, rāma-, m. names of mountains. vahirgiri, i. e. vahis-, m. land lying beyond a mountain, MBh. 2, 1012. svar- and svargi(n)-, m. the mountain Sumeru.

giricara giri-cara, adj. Living in mountains, wild, Śāk. d. 37.

girija giri-ja (vb. jan),
I. adj. Produced in mountains.
II. f. , A name of Śiva's wife Umā, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 12.

giritra giri-tra (vb. trā), m. A name of Śiva, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 35. [greek]

girivraja girivraja, m. The name of the capital of Magadha, Rām. 1, 34, 7.

giriśa giri-śa (vb. śī), m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 3, 1622.

girisāramaya giri-sāra + maya, adj. f. , Of iron, Rām. 6, 78, 10.

gītaka gīta + ka (vb. gai), n. A song, Yājñ. 3, 113.

gīti gīti, i. e. gai + ti, f. Song, singing, Śāk. 59, 11.

gītikā gīti + kā, f. A little song, MBh. 3, 8173.

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gīrvāṇa gīrvāṇa (probably from ved. gīrvan for gīrvant, i. e. gir + vant), m. Deity, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 32.

gu 1. gu, i. 1, Ātm. To sound.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. gaunon.

gu † 2. gu (v. r. GŪ), i. 6, Par. To void excrement.

gu 3. gu (vb. gam), Going.
-- Cf. adhrigu.

gu 4. -gu, a substitute for go when latter part of comp. adj., e. g. śata-, adj. Possessing a hundred cows, Man. 11, 14.

guggulu guggulu, m. and n. A fragrant gum resin, Bdellium, MBh. 13, 3736.

guccha guccha, m.
     1. A shrub, Man. 1, 48.
     2. A cluster of blossoms, Gīt. 11, 11.
-- Comp. romaguccha, i. e. roman-, n. a sort of whisk.

gucchaka guccha + ka, m. A cluster of blossoms, Mālav. 38, 2.

gujguj, i. 6, Par. To buzz.
-- Cf. the next.

guñj guñj, i. 1, Par. To buzz, Ṛt. 6, 14. guñjita, n. Buzzing.
-- Cf. [greek] (Frequentat.).

guñjā guñjā, f. A small shrub, Abrus precatorius, Lin., bearing a berry which forms the smallest of the jeweller's weights, Pañc. 93, 3.

guṭikā guṭikā, f.
     1. A ball, Mṛcch. 79, 2.
     2. A pearl, Ragh. 5, 70.

guḍguḍ, i. 6, Par. To defend.

guḍa guḍa, m.
     1. A ball, MBh. 7, 9212.
     2. Molasses, Man. 8, 326.
-- Comp. ayoguḍa, i. e. ayas-, m. an iron ball, Man. 3, 133
-- Cf. gola.

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guḍaka guḍa + ka, m. A ball, MBh. 3, 643.

guḍākeśa guḍākeśa, i. e. guḍa-keśa, with lengthened final of the first part, m. A surname of Arjuna, MBh. 3, 1905.

guṇ guṇ, i. 10, guṇaya (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par.
     1. To multiply. guṇita, Multiplied, MBh. 3, 7030; Megh. 109. Comp. dvi-, adj. double, Kir. 5, 46.
     2. † To invite.

guṇa guṇa (for guṣ + na, from guṣ in ved. guṣ-p; cf. puṣ and puṣ-p), m.
     1. A string, Ragh. 2, 83.
     2. A bow-string, Rām. 3, 33, 16.
     3. A lutestring, Śiś. 4, 57.
     4. Time; daśa guṇās, Ten times, Man. 2, 85; in this signification it is almost always the latter part of a comp. adj. and preceded by numerals, e. g. aṣṭaguṇa, i. e. aṣṭan-, Eight-fold, Man. 8, 400. dvi-,
a. Twofold, double, Cāṇ. 78.
b. Twice as many, MBh. 3, 14316.
c. Folded, Yājñ. 1, 232. With an abl., As many times more as are denoted by the numeral, e. g. mūlyāt pañcaguṇa, i. e. pañcan-, Five times the value, Man. 8, 289; tvattaḥ śataguṇo bale, A hundred times stronger than thou, Rām. 6, 95, 11; also comparat., e. g. dviguṇatara, Doubled, Pañc. 57, 15.
     5. Species, MBh. 12, 6847.
     6. A subordinate element.
     7. An accompanying dish, Man. 3, 226.
     8. Quality of a subject, Man. 3, 36; 1, 76-78.
     9. The three fundamental qualities: sattva, rajas, and tamas, Man. 12, 24.
     10. A good quality, virtue, Man. 9, 141; excellence, Ragh. 3, 30; gain, Pañc. ii d. 21.
     11. Excess, MBh. 3, 14746.
     12. One of the six expedients in government, Man. 7, 160.
-- Comp. a-, m. a bad property, Man. 3, 22. ati-, adj. extraordinary, Rām. 4, 41, 79.; dhanus-, a bow-string, Ṛt. 6, 1 (read -mālam and -guṇam). tathā-, adj. having such qualities, Rām. 2, 22, 19. tri-,
I. m. pl. the three principal qualities, Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 28.
II. adj. 1. consisting of three strings, Kumāras. 5, 10. 2. three times as many, Man. 5, 137., nis-, adj., f. ṇā, 1. without a string, Mṛcch. 131 17. 2. without qualities, MBh. 1, 2432. 3. devoid of virtue, Rām. 2, 33, 11. muktā-, m. a string of pearls, Megh. 47. vi-, adj. 1. void of all qualities. 2. void of distinguishing qualities, Śiś. 9, 12. 3. worthless, bad. 4. imperfect, Man. 10, 97 (imperfectly performed). viveka-vi-, adj. contrary to reason, unreasonable, Rājat. 5, 352. viśeṣa-, m. a special quality, Bhāṣāp. 26, 89; 90. śruti-viṣaya-, adj. having as its special property that which is the object of hearing, i. e. sound, epithet of the ether, Śāk. d. 1. sa-, adj. endowed with qualities, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 18.

guṇajña guṇa-jña (vb. jñā), m. A friend of virtue, Bhartṛ. 2, 33.

guṇatas guṇa-tas, adv.
     1. Concerning good qualities, Man. 11, 185.
     2. Conformably to the three fundamental qualities (see guṇa
9), Bhag. 18, 29.

guṇatā guṇa + tā, f.
     1. Being subordinate, Bhag. P. 3, 26, 39 (see guṇa
     2. Excellence, MBh. 3, 11236.

guṇatva guṇa + tva, n.
     1. The state of being a string, Hit. i. d. 30.
     2. Excellence, Suśr. 1, 184, 10.

guṇana guṇ + ana, n. Exalting, Gīt. 7, 29.

guṇamaya guṇa + maya, adj., f. .
     1. Consisting of virtues, MBh. 1, 6546.
     2. Referable to the three fundamental qualities, MBh. 14, 1327.

guṇavattā guṇavattā, i. e. guṇavant + tā, f. Possession of virtues, MBh. 14, 86.

guṇavant guṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Possessing good qualities, Rām. 3, 11, 16.
     2. Excellent, Nal. 1, 30. Compar. vattara, More excellent, Man. 5, 113. Superl. Most distinguished, Yājñ. 2, 78.
-- Comp. a-, adj. bad, Bhartṛ. 2, 97.

guṇitā guṇitā, i. e. guṇin + tā, f. Possession of virtues, Hit. Pr. 36.

guṇin guṇin, i. e. guṇa + in, adj., f. .
     1. Possessing qualities or attributes, i. e. being a subject, Bhāg. P. 2, 8, 14.
     2. Possessing good qualities, virtuous, Man. 8, 73.
     3. Knowing the qualities, Mārk. P. 27, 9.
-- Comp. su-, adj. virtuous, Bhartṛ. 2, 54.

guṇṭh guṇṭh, i. 10, Par.
     1. To cover, MBh. 7, 2734.
     2. To ensnare, 6, 819.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To cover, Man. 4, 49.

guṇṭhana guṇṭh + ana, n. Covering, Prab. 30, 17 (v. r.)

guṇḍguṇḍ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To cover.
     2. To pound.
     3. To preserve.

guṇḍana guṇḍ + ana, n. = guṇṭhana, Prab. 30, 17.

gudgud, i. 1. Ātm. To play.

guda guda, m. and n. The anus, Man. 8, 283.

gudhgudh, i. 4, Par. To cover. ii. 9, Par. To be angry. i. 1, Ātm. To play (v. r.)

gundrgundr, i. 10, Par. To lie, to speak falsely.

gup 1. gup, Par. Base of the present, etc., gopāya (gopa, Gīt. 6, 12), Par.; and gopaya, Par. Ātm. (old Causals of guh; cf. ruh).
     1. To guard, to protect, gopāyati, MBh. 6, 472; gopayasva, 5, 350; jugopa, 6, 3897.
     2. To keep in memory, Gīt. 6, 12 (gopatas, ptcple. of the pres.).
     3. To conceal, Rājat. 5, 222; Pañc. ii. d. 106.
     4. † gopaya, To speak. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass., gopita and gupta, Guarded, MBh. 1, 5090; Man. 7, 76. gupta + m. adv. Privately, Kathās. 5, 40.
-- Comp. deva-, m. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 436. nābhi-, the name of a division of the world, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 15. parva(n)- and viṣṇu-, m. proper names. su-gupta, adj. well concealed, Lass. 15, 3. °tam, adv. privily, Pañc. 231, 17. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
     1. goptavya and gopya, To be guarded, MBh. 12, 3449; 12, 1481.
     2. gopya, To be concealed, Pañc. i. d. 113.
     3. gopanīya, To be prevented, MBh. 12, 5399. -- Caus. gopāyaya, To guard, MBh. 3, 10835. -- Desider. jugupsa, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par. Rām. 2, 69, 20).
     1. To disdain, Man. 6, 58.
     2. To be offended, MBh. 1, 6375. -Ptcple. of the pf. pass., jugupsita,
     1. Abominated, MBh. 3, 1288.
     2. Contemned, Man. 4, 209. n. 1. An abominable act, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 15. 2. Abominableness, 1, 7, 42.
-- Comp. a-jugupsita, being reverenced, Man. 3, 209.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anugupta, Guarded, MBh. 3. 8436. tam, adv. Privately, MBh. 3, 251.
-- With abhi abhi, abhigupta, Protected. MBh. 1, 7989.
-- With upa upa, upagupta, Concealed, Bhāg. P. 4, 16. 10.
-- With pari pari, gopāya To guard. Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 1. -- Desider. To be on one's guard (with abl.), MBh. 12, 3136.
-- With pra pra, gopaya. To guard Pañc. i. d. 348.
-- With sam sam, saṃgupta,
     1. Protected, MBh. 13, 248.
     2. Concealed, MBh. 13, 514 Comp. su-, adj. well guarded, MBh. 5, 900.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃgupta, Guarded, MBh. 3, 274.

gup 2. gup, i. 4, Par. To be confused or disturbed.

gup -gup, adj. Guarding, MBh. 13, 7000.

gupti gup + ti, f.
     1. Guarding, protecting, Rām. 2, 51, 3.
     2. Defences, Rām. 6, 12, 16.
     3. Concealing.
-- Comp. ratha-, f. an apparatus encompassing a war-chariot, to secure it from being injured by weapons or collision. su-, f. secrecy, Hit. iv. d. 51 (closeness).

guph guph and gumph gumph (from ved. guṣp; cf. guṇa), i. 6, Par. To string together. guphita, Tied, clinging, Lass. 66, 9.

gur gur, i. 6, Ātm. (also Par. Man. 4, 169), and i. 10, goraya, Ātm.; also gūr gūr, i. 10, Ātm. To make an effort.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To assault, Man. 4, 169.
-- With ud ud, ptcple. of the pf. pass., udgūrṇa, Raised, Yājñ. 2, 215.

guru gur + u (for original, gar-u; cf. compar. gar + īyaṃs, [greek]),
I. adj., f. gurvi,
     1. Heavy, MBh. 3, 885.
     2. Great, Bhartṛ. 2, 50; large, Pañc. 51, 8.
     3. Violent, Vikr. d. 6.
     4. Weighty, Brāhmaṇ. 2, 6; important, Man. 9, 52.
     5. Dear, MBh. i, 2749.
     6. Venerable, Man. 2, 133.
II. m. and f. A father or mother, a husband, or any venerable male or female relation, Rām. 1, 22, 20; Sāv. 4, 22; Sund. 4, 15.
III. m.
     1. A spiritual teacher, Man. 2, 142.
     2. An object of veneration Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 868. Compar.
     1. gurutara. Heavier, MBh. 3, 13292; fem. tarā, MBh. 1, 3267 (tarī, Indr. 5, 41, is to be changed to tarā, according to the Calc. ed. 3, 1857).
     2. garīyaṃs, Very heavy, Rām. 6, 82, 43.
     3. Preferable, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 910. Superl. gurutama, gariṣṭha.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. exceedingly heavy, Ṛt. 6, 31. Compar. atigarīyaṃs, too dear, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 2. indra-, m. Indra's teacher, Śāk. 101, 11. gaurī-, m. a name of the Himālaya, Śāk. d. 144. jagat-, m. a name of Brahman, Viṣṇu, Śiva, Rāma, Rām. 3, 6, 18. sura-, m. Bṛhaspati, the teacher of the gods.
-- Cf. [greek] etc. [greek] Lat. gravis; Goth. kaurs, kauritha; A. S. caru, Engl. care.

guruka guru + ka, adj. A little heavy, MBh. 3, 11477.

gurutalpaga guru-talpa-ga, m. A violator of the bed of his guru, i. e. his father or teacher, Man. 9, 63.

gurutalpin gurutalpin, i. e. guru-talpa + in, m. A violator of the bed of his guru, i. e. his father or teacher, Man. 11, 103.

gurutā guru + tā, f.
     1. Heaviness, Śāk. d. 35.
     2. Molestation, Rām. 2, 27, 22.
     3. Importance, Śiś. 9, 22.
     4. The condition of a teacher, Kathās. 19, 75.

gurutva guru + tva, n.
     1. Heaviness, Pañc. 247, 13.
     2. Dignity, Ragh. 10. 65.
     3. The condition of a teacher, Chr. 22, 21.

gurutvaka gurutva + ka, n. Heaviness, Bhāṣāp. 4.

gurulaghutā guru-laghu + tā, f. The condition of being wealthy or poor, Bhartṛ. 2, 37.

guruvat guru + vat, adv. Like a preceptor, Man. 2, 208.

gurjara gurjara, m. The name of a country, Guzarat, Pañc. 229, 2.

gurdgurd, or gūrd gūrd, i. 1, gūrda, Ātm. To play.

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gurvgurv, i. 1, gūrva, Par. To endeavour.
-- Cf. gur.

gurviṇī gurviṇī (a dialect. fem. of guru), f. A pregnant woman. MBh. 14, 1843.

gulpha gulpha, m. The ancle, Rām. 6, 23, 12.
-- Comp. ucca-, adj., f. phā, having high ancles, MBh. 4, 253.

gulma gulma, m. and n.
     1. A shrub, MBh. 13, 2992.
     2. A body of troops, consisting of 9 elephants, 9 chariots, 27 horses, and 45 foot, Man. 9, 266.
     3. A morbose swelling in the belly, Kathās. 15, 14.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , free from bushes, MBh. 1, 5320. vāta-, m. 1. a gale. 2. acute gout. vāyu-, m. a whirlpool.

guh guh, i. 1, gūha, Par. and Ātm.
     1. To conceal, Man. 7, 105; ptcple. of the pf. pass., gūḍha,
     1. Secret, Man. 7, 186.
     2. Disguised, Man. 9, 261. ḍham, adv. Privately, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 13. ḍhe, loc. adv. Secretly, Man. 9, 170.
-- Comp. mantra-, m. a spy. sa-gūḍha + m, adv. secretly, privily, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 6. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass., guhya,
     1. To be concealed, Man. 11, 265.
     2. Hidden, MBh. 3, 173.
     3. Mysterious, Bhag. 18, 63. yam, adv. Solitarily, MBh. 12, 902. n.
     1. A secret, MBh. 13, 5876; a mystery, Man. 12, 117.
     2. Pudendum, Suśr. 1, 116, 7.
-- Comp. deva-guhya, n. a mystery known only to the gods, Rām. 5, 27, 33.
-- With the prep. apa apa,
     1. To cover, MBh. 5, 7246.
     2. To embrace, Pañc. iii. d. 191.
-- With upa upa, To embrace; upagāḍha, n. An embrace, Megh. 95.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To embrace, Caurap. 6.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To cover, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 24.
     2. To conceal, Pañc. 36, 20. nigūḍha + tara, Wellconcealed, Pañc. 46, 7. nigūḍha + m, adv. Privately, Kathās. 5, 65.
-- With vini vi-ni, To conceal, Rām. 5, 20, 6.
-- With vi vi, vigūḍha,
     1. Concealed, Man 9, 260.
     2. Scarcely perceivable, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 31.
     3. Blamed.
-- Cf. kuhaka.

guha guh + a, m.
     1. A name of Skanda, the god of war, MBh. 13, 4093.
     2. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1263.
     3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 12, 7559.

guhā guh + ā, f.
     1. A cave, Rām. 1, 6, 20.
     2. The heart, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 24; cf. Śvet. Up. 3, 20.

guhyaka guhya + ka (vb. guh), m. A class of demigods attendant upon Kuvera, Man. 12, 47.

guhyamaya guhya + maya, adj. in sarva-, Comprehending all mysteries, MBh. 1, 5431.

, see 2. gu.

gūḍhatva gūḍha + tva (vb. guh), n. Secretness, MBh. 1, 82.

gūrgūr, i. 4, Ātm. To injure.
-- Cf. gur.

gūrd gūrd, see gurd.

gūhana gūhana, i. e. guh + ana, n. Concealment, MBh. 11, 820.

gṛ gṛ, i. 1, Par. To sprinkle.

gṛjgṛj, and gṛñj gṛñj i. 1, Par. To roar.
-- Cf. garj.

gṛñjana gṛñj + ana, and gṛñjanaka gṛñjana + ka, m. Garlic, Man. 5, 5.

gṛtsamada gṛtsa-mada (the first part is a vedic word), m. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 13, 1314.

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gṛddhin gṛddhin, i. e. gṛddha + in (vb. gṛdh), adj.
     1. Greedy, MBh. 1, 2948.
     2. Loving, MBh. 13, 1876.

gṛdh gṛdh, i. 4, gṛdhya, Par. To be greedy, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 4; with loc., MBh. 3, 225; with acc., MBh. 4, 276. gṛddha, Greedy, MBh. 5, 811.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To be greedy for (with loc.), MBh. 12, 372.
-- With prati prati, To be greedy for, (with acc.), MBh. 14, 847.
-- Cf. [greek] probably Goth. gredon, to hunger; gredus, gredags; [greek] see gṛdhra.

gṛdhna gṛdh + na, MBh. 13, 5640, Greedy, is probably to be changed to gṛdhnu.

gṛdhninī gṛdhninī, Rām. 2, 79, 12, is to be changed to gṛddhinī.

gṛdhnu gṛdh + nu, adj. Greedy, Megh. 9.
-- Comp. a-, adj. liberal, Ragh. 1, 21.

gṛdhyā gṛdh + yā, f. Greediness, MBh. 13, 5590.

gṛdhra gṛdh + ra,
I. adj. Greedy, Pañc. i. d. 203.
II. m. A vulture, Rām. 3, 20, 19.
III. f. , A female vulture, Yājñ. 3, 256.
-- Cf. Lat. vultur.

gṛdhravājita gṛdhravājita, i. e. gṛdhravāja + ita, m. An arrow, MBh. 14, 2454.

gṛdhrāṇa gṛdhrāṇa (akin to gṛdhra), adj. Full of desires, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 13.

gṛṣṭi gṛṣṭi, f. A cow that has had one calf, MBh. 13, 4919.

gṛṣṭyā gṛṣṭyā (cf. the last), adj. f. (A cow) that has had but one calf, MBh. 13, 4427.

gṛh gṛh, see grah.

gṛh -gṛh (vb. grah), adj. Seizing, Śiś. 9, 55.

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gṛha gṛha, i. e. grah + a,
     1. m. (sing. and pl. and) n. A house, Man. 9, 89; 4, 250; 4, 202.
     2. m. pl. Family, Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 7.
     3. (m. pl. and) n. A wife, Pañc. iii. d. 152.
-- Comp. When latter part of a comp. adj., the fem. ends in or , e. g. a-vi-chinna-antara-griha, adj., f. , of which the houses are not separated by an intermediate space, Rām. 1, 5, 9. su-gṛha, adj., f. , having a beautiful abode, Pañc. i. d. 435. antar-, n. the inner apartments of a house, Rām. 2, 4, 3. kārā-, n. a prison, Bhartṛ. 3, 21. kula-, n. a respectable house, Ṛt. 6, 21. kośa-, n. a treasury, Rām. 2, 39, 16. krīḍā-, n. a house for amusement, Rām. 3, 39, 16. garbha-, n. 1. the inner apartments of a house, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 14. 2. the sanctuary of a temple, Kathās. 7, 8. citra-, m. a picture-gallery (?), Rām. 5, 14, 65. chatra-, n. an apartment for guarding the royal parasol, MBh. 5, 3544. jatu-, n. a house painted and filled with lac and other combustible substances, MBh. 1, 313. deva-, n. a temple, Rām. 5, 49, 16. devī-, n. 1. a temple of Durgā. 2. the apartment of a queen, Kām. Nītis. 7, 50. devī-garbha-, n. a temple of Durgā, Kathās. 3, 39. dhārā- and yantra-dhārā-, n. a bathing room with flowing water, Bhartṛ. 1, 38; Megh. 62. niśā-, n. a sleeping room, Rām. 5, 14, 65. bhoga-, n. the inner apartment, the harem. yantra-, n. 1. an oil-mill. 2. a manufactory. latā-, n. an arbour, Kir. 5, 5. vastra-, n. a tent. vāsa-, n. a sleeping room. śānti-, n. a private apartment near the place of a sacrifice. śiras-, n. a room on the top of a house.

gṛhaka gṛha + ka in sāra-bhāṇḍa-, n. A store-house, Mālav. 44, 1.

gṛhagodhikā gṛhagodhikā, i. e. gṛ- ha-godhā + ka, f. A small lizard, Suśr. 2, 252, 12.

gṛhagolaka gṛhagolaka, m. A small lizard, Mārk. P. 15, 24.
-- Cf. the last.

gṛhaja gṛha-ja, adj. Born in the house, Man. 8, 415.

gṛhapālāya gṛhapālāya, a denomin. derived from gṛha-pāla by ya, Ātm. To resemble a house-dog, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 18.

gṛhabalibhuj gṛha-bali-bhuj, m. A sparrow; according to others, The Ardea nivea, and A crow.

gṛhamedhin gṛhamedhin, i. e. gṛha-medha + in,
I. m. A householder, or a Brāhmaṇa who, after having finished his studies, performs the duties of the father of a family, Man. 3, 69.
II. f. , The wife of such a householder, Bhāg. P. 4, 26, 13.

gṛhavant gṛha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessing a house, Pañc. ii. d. 15.

gṛhasaṃveśaka gṛhasaṃveśaka, i. e. gṛha-sam-viś + aka, m. One who builds houses for gain, Man. 3, 163.

gṛhastha gṛha-stha,
I. adj. Being in a house, Arj. 2, 16.
II. m. A householder, or a Brāhmaṇa, who performs the duties of the father of a family, Man. 3, 68.
III. f. sthā, The wife of such a householder, Lass. 17, 19.

gṛhin gṛhin, i. e. gṛha + in.
I. m. A householder (see the last), Man. 2, 232.
II. f. iṇī, The wife of a householder, Pañc. iii. d. 152.

gṛhejñānin gṛhejñānin, i. e. gṛha + i-jñāna + in, adj. Foolish, MBh. 13, 4576.

gṛheruha gṛheruha, i. e. gṛha + i-raha, adj. Growing in the house, MBh. 13, 6070.

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gṛhya gṛhya, i. e. gṛha + ya,
I. adj., f. , Domestic, Man. 3, 84.
II. m. A dependent, a servant, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 20.

gṝ 1. gṛ10, ii. 9, gṛṇā, gṛṇī, Par. (also Ātm.); i. 6, Ātm. see under sam-.
     1. To call, MBh. 7, 1754.
     2. To expose, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 9.
     3. To praise, Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4; Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12 (gṛṇīmasi, ved. for °mas).
-- With the prep. anu anu, To repeat, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 18.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To praise, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 12.
     2. To approve, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14.
-- With pra pra, To praise, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 10.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To praise, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 45.
     2. i. 6, gira, Ātm. (Daśak. in Chr. 190, 24, Par., sam agirat is probably to be changed to agirata), To agree with (with instr.), Chr. 191, 9; 190, 24 (āśayena, She has taken a resolution).
-- Cf. Lat. garrire and gannire, both for garnire = Sskr. gṛṇā, for original garṇā; [greek] O. H. G. queran, to moan, and kerran, garrire, callon; O.N. kalla.

gṝ 2. gṛ10, i. 6, gira and gila, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 5, 1760).
     1. To devour, MBh. 5, 1760; 2, 2193.
     2. To eject, MBh. 12, 12872. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. gīrṇa gilita, Devoured, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 13 (Vetālapañcav. MS.).
-- With the prep. ud ud, To vomit, to eject, Rām. 4, 48, 22; MBh. 1, 712. udgīrṇa, Caused, Gīt. 1, 36.
-- With upa upa, To gulp down, Suśr. 2, 237, 8.
-- With ni ni, To swallow up, MBh. 1, 8238.
-- With nis nis, To vomit, Rām. 3, 35, 62.
-- Cf. [greek] derived from a frequent. [greek] etc.; Lat. gurgulio, vorare (cf. gargara and gala); O.H.G. giri, adj. and f., geron; Goth. gairns, O.H.G. gern, A.S. georn, O.H.G. girida, giridi.

gṝ † 3. gṛ10, i. 10, gāraya, Ātm. To know; to make known.

gepgep, i. 1, Ātm. To tremble, to move.
-- Cf. kep.

gevgev, i. 1, Ātm. To serve.
-- Cf. kev.

geṣgeṣ, i. 1, Ātm. To search.
-- Cf. gaveṣ.

geha geha (probably a dialect. form of garha, the original form of gṛha), n.
     1. A house, Man. 2, 184.
     2. An edifice, Rājat. 5, 37 (a temple).
-- Comp. jatu-, n. a house painted and filled with lac and other combustible substances, MBh. 5, 1987.

gehin gehin, i. e. geha + in,
I. m. A householder (cf. gṛhin).
II. f. inī, The wife of a householder, Megh. 75.

gai gai, i. 1, gāya (in epic poetry gānti, instead of gāyanti, from the original form of the vb. ), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 1, 62, 20).
     1. To sing, Man. 4, 64.
     2. To teach, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 40 (3 pl. Aor. agus). -Ptcple. of the pf. pass. gīta, Sung, Śāk. 4, 11. n. A song, Arj. 4, 10.
-- Comp. upāṅga-gīta, n. a kind of song (perhaps of lascivious purport), Rājat. 5, 381. bhagavadgītā, i. e. bhagavant-, f. the name of an episode of the Mahābhārata. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass. geya, n. A song, Indr. 5, 27. -- Caus. gāpaya,
     1. To cause to sing, Kathās. 12, 31.
     2. To cause to praise, Bhāg. P. 6, 17, 3. Frequent. jegīya, To sing aloud, MBh. 12, 12200.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To sing in harmony with (with acc.), Gīt. 1, 39.
     2. To accompany with singing, MBh. 1, 7913.
     3. To sing, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 60. Pass. anu-gīya, To be spoken of in songs, MBh. 12, 4211.
-- With abhi abhi, To sing, Rām. 1, 4, 24. abhigīta, Filled with song, Rām. 6, 15, 11.
-- With ava ava, in avagīta, Detested, Kir. 2, 7.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To sing, Bhāg. P. 7, 4, 39.
     2. To celebrate by song, Ragh. 2, 12. udgīta, Filled with song, MBh. 3, 1533. n. song, MBh. 1, 6569.
-- With prod pra-ud, To begin to sing, Prab. 80, 3.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To sing before somebody (with the acc. of the peon.), MBh. 1, 4809; upagīyant, anomalous ptcple. of the pres. pass. MBh. 15, 883.
     2. To fill with song, MBh. 3, 11606.
     3. To celebrate by song, Rām. 4, 44, 57.
     4. To sing, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 41. upagīta Singing in the vicinity, Śiś. 4, 57.
-- With ni ni, nigīta, Canted, Man. 9, 19.
-- With pari pari, To sing round a person, MBh. 6, 75.
     2. To celebrate by song, MBh. 13, 4095.
-- With pra pra, To sing, Rām. 1, 4, 31. pragīta,
     1. Filled with song, Rām. 1, 9, 17.
     2. Singing, Kathās. 16, 85.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To sing, MBh. 8, 1836.
-- With vi vi, vigīta,
     1. Inconsistent, contradictory, Man. 8, 53.
     2. Abused.
     3. Illsung (i. e. gīta, with vi).
-- With sam sam, To celebrate by song, Bhāg. P. 3, 22, 23. saṃgīta, n.
     1. A concert, Megh. 57.
     2. Science of music and dancing, Lass. 67, 5.

gairika gairika, i. e. giri + ika, n. Red chalk, Rām. 5, 83, 12.
-- Comp. kāñcana-, n. a sort of ochre, Suśr. 2, 275, 19. svarṇa-, n. golden ochre.

go go,
I. m.
     1. A bull; f. A cow, Man. 3, 141; pl. Bulls and cows, cattle, Man. 4, 72.
     2. m. pl. Rays of light, Rājat. 5, 1.
II. f. The earth, Rām. 1, 41, 18.
III. m. and f. Water, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 36.
IV. f. Speech, Ragh. 5, 12.
V. The deity of speech, MBh. 5, 4149.
VI. m. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 2, 381.
VII. f. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 21, 25.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. bos, ceva; OHG. ko; AS. cū; probably also [greek] Goth. gavi, gauja.

goagra go-agra, adj. Preceded by cows, Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7.

goarṇas go-arṇas, n. A drove of cows, Chr. 297, 18 = Rigv. i. 112, 18 (the clouds).

goghna go-ghna, m. One who has killed a cow, Man. 11, 108.

gocara go-cara, m.
     1. Pasture ground; in adbhuta-, adj. Having excellent pasture ground, Rām. 4, 44, 80.
     2. Stay, abode; used only as latter part of comp. adj., e. g. vana-, Inhabiting woods, Man. 8, 259; ākāśa-, Moving in the air, Rām. 5, 3, 35. śarīrāntara-, Being in the body, Rām. 6, 101, 30; yauvana-, Being in one's youth, MBh. 1, 3168.
     3. Reach, province; hartur yāti na gocaram, Comes not within the reach of a robber, i. e. cannot be robbed, Bhartṛ. 2, 49; vāṇa-, m. The reach of an arrow-shot, MBh. 1, 2833; a-vāṅ-manasa-, adj. Within the reach neither of speech nor thought, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 3.
     4. The range of the eyes, MBh. 7, 5616.
     5. An object of sense, as sound, shape, etc., Bhag. 13, 5.
     6. An object of devotion, MBh. 13, 4349.
-- Comp. locana-,
I. m. the range of the eyes, horizon, Pañc. v. d. 82.
II. adj. accessible to the eyes, Bhartṛ. 1, 74. a-locana-, adj. 1. inaccessible, Pañc. 106, 13. 2. unknown, Lass. 94. 7.

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gojāvidhanadhānyatas gojāvidhanadhānyatas, i. e. go-aja-avi-dhana-dhānya + tas, adv. By wealth consisting in kine, goats, sheep, money, and grain, Man. 3, 6.

goṇī goṇī, f. A sack, Daśak. 30, 20 (read goṇīś ca).

gotama gotama, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 13, 4490.

gotra go-tra (vb. trā),
I. n.
     1. A cow-house (ved.).
     2. Family, race, Pañc. 130, 21; Man. 9, 149.
     3. The family name, MBh. 13, 548.
     4. Name, Śāk. d. 132.
II. m. A mountain, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 9.
-- Comp. sa-,
I. adj. being of the same family, Man. 9, 190.
II. m. a distant kinsman.
III. n. a family, a race.

gotraka gotra + ka, n. Family, Yājñ. 2, 85.

gotraja gotra-ja, adj. Belonging to the same family, Yājñ. 2, 135.

gotrabhid gotra + bhid, m. A name of Indra, Śiś. 9, 80 (at the same time: Destroyer of names).

gotravant gotra-vant, adj., f. vatī, Belonging to a distinguished family, Rām. 2, 98, 24.

gotva go-tva, n. The condition of a cow, Mārk. P. 15, 34.

godāvarī godāvarī, i. e. go-dāvan + ī, f. The name of a river, Rām. 3, 19, 19.

godhā godhā, f.
     1. A leathern guard worn by archers on the left arm to prevent its being injured by the bowstring, Rām. 2, 100, 22.
     2. A kind of lizard, Man. 5, 18.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, f. a certain poisonous insect, Suśr. 2, 288, 9.

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godhūma go-dhūma, m., usually pl., Wheat, Man. 5, 25.

godhūmaka godhūma + ka, m. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 17.

gopa go-pa (vb. 2. ),
I. m.
     1. A cowherd, Man. 8, 231.
     2. A preserver, MBh. 13, 1375.
     3. A name of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 12, 1438.
II. f. , A cowherd's wife, Hit. 64, 7; a milk-maid, Gīt. 2, 21.
-- Comp. When latter part of a comp. adj. the fem. ends in , e. g. a-gopa, adj., f. , without a cowherd, MBh. 1, 3213.

gopana gopana, i. e. gup + ana, n. and f. , Protection, MBh. 6, 2230; 12, 11907.

gopaya gopaya, and gopāya gopāya, see gup.

gopāyana gopāyana, i. e. gopāya + ana,
I. adj. Protecting, MBh. 6, 3131.
II. n. Protection, Hariv. 2142.

gopāyitṛ gopāyitṛ, i. e. gopāya + tṛ, m. A protector, MBh. 12, 2726.

goptṛ goptṛ, i. e. gup + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. A protector, Man. 7, 14; MBh. 13, 1842; Bhāg. P. 7, 10, 28.
     2. One who conceals, Yājñ. 1, 310.
-- Comp. cakra-, m. du. Two men who take care of the wheels of a chariot, MBh. 7, 1627.

gomgom, i. 10, gomaya (rather for gomayaya, and a denomin. derived from gomaya), Par. To smear with cowdung.

gomant go + mant,
I. adj., f. matī,
     1. Possessing cows, Chr. 295, 14 = Rigv. i. 92, 14; Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2 (gomatīs, ved. for gomatyas).
     2. Abounding in cows, Chr. 292, 3 = Rigv. i. 86, 3.
II. f. matī,
     1. The name of a river, the modern Goomti, MBh. 3, 8051.
     2. The name of a vedic hymn, MBh. 13, 3844.

gomaya go + maya, m. and n. Cowdung, Man. 3, 206.

gomayāya gomayāya, a denomin. derived from gomaya, by the aff. ya, Ātm. To taste like cowdung, Hit. iii. d. 56.

gomāyu gomāyu, i. e. go- 2. mā + u, m. A jackal, Man. 4, 115.

gomin go + min, m. The owner of cattle, Yājñ. 2, 161.

gorakṣa go-rakṣa, and gorakṣya gorakṣya, i. e. gorakṣa + ya, n. Attendance on cattle, keeping cattle, Man. 10, 8; 116.

gola gola (cf. guḍa) m. A ball, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 30; of the Kadamba's flower, Mālat. p. 116.
-- Cf. guḍa.
-- Comp. bhū-, m. the terrestrial globe.

golaka gola + ka, m.
     1. A ball, as the Kadamba's round flower, Bhāṣāp. p. 165 (v. r.); ū-, m. The earth, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 4.
     2. A widow's bastard, Man. 3, 156; 174.

golomatas golomatas, i. e. go-loman + tas, adv. From cow's hair, Pañc. i. d. 107.

govinda govinda, i. e. go-vid + a, m.
     1. A name of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 5, 2572.
     2. The name of a mountain, MBh. 6, 460.
-- Comp. gīta-, m. title of an idyllic drama.

goviṣāṇika goviṣāṇika, i. e. go-viṣāṇa + ika, m. A kind of trumpet, MBh. 9, 2676.

goṣuyudh goṣuyudh, i. e. go + su-yudh, adj. Contending for cattle, Chr. 297, 22 = Rigv. i. 112, 22.

goṣṭgoṣṭ, i. 1, Ātm. To assemble (probably better goṣṭh; cf. the next.)

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goṣṭha goṣṭha, i. e. go-stha,
I. m. and n.
     1. A pasture ground, a cow-pen, Man. 11, 108; MBh. 1, 7338.
     2. A stable, Man. 4, 58.
     3. Stay, abode, MBh. 3, 12341; siṃha-, a lion's den, Draup. 4, 9.
     4. Family, Man. 3, 254.
     5. A name of Śiva, MBh. 14, 198.
II. f. ṣṭhī,
     1. An assembly, MBh. 4, 891.
     2. Fellowship, MBh. 6, 3321.
     3. Conversation, Bhartṛ. 1, 35; Pañc. 31, 4.
     4. A kind of drama, Sāh. D. 541.
-- Comp. pañcavīra-, i. e. pañcan-vīra, m. or n., perhaps an assembly-room named The five heroes, i. e. The five sons of Pāṇḍu, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 8.

goṣṭhi goṣṭhi, probably for goṣṭhī (see goṣṭha), MBh. 5, 1536.

goṣṭhika goṣṭhika, i. e. goṣṭhī + ika, adj. Referring to a company, Pañc. i. d. 14.

goṣṭheśaya goṣṭheśaya, i. e. goṣṭha + i-śī + a, adj. Sleeping in a cow-pen, Yājñ. 3, 263.

goṣpada goṣpada, i. e. go + as-pada, n.
     1. The impression of a cow's foot, MBh. i. 1444.
     2. A puddle not larger than a cow's foot, Rām. 6, 69. 16.
-- Comp. saṃyuga-, n. a most insignificant struggle, MBh. 7, 4724.

gosaṃkhyātṛ gosaṃkhyātṛ, i. e. go-sam-khyā + tṛ, m. A cow herd, MBh. 4, 67.

gauḍa gauḍa, i. e. guḍa + a,
I. adj. Distilled from molasses, MBh. 8, 2050.
II. f. ḍī, Rum, or spirit distilled from molasses, Man. 11, 94.
III. n. pl. Sweetmeats, Rām. 1, 53, 4.
IV. m. and n. The name of a country, modern Gaur; m. pl. Its inhabitants, Prab. 22, 13.

gauṇa gauṇa, i. e. guṇa + a, adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Named from a quality, MBh. 13, 4501.
     2. Subordinate, MBh. 12, 6798.

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gauṇika gauṇika, i. e. guṇa-ika, adj., f. , Depending on the three fundamental qualities, Man. 12, 41.

gautama gautama, i. e. gotama + a, patron., f. , A descendant of Gotama, and proper name, MBh. 9, 273; Śāk. 27, 23; MBh. 13, 17.

gaura gaura,
I. adj., f. , White, yellow, pale red, Megh. 53; Rām. 5, 14, 30.
II. m.
     1. A kind of buffalo, Bos gaurus, Bhāg. P. 3, 10. 21.
     2. White mustard, as a measure, Yājñ. 1, 362.
III. f. ,
     1. Turmeric, Suśr. 1, 59, 11.
     2. A young girl prior to menstruation, Pañc. iii. d. 213.
     3. The wife of Śiva, Megh. 51.
     4. The wife of Varuṇa, MBh. 5, 3968.
     5. The name of a river, MBh. 6, 333.
IV. n. Saffron, Caur. 10.

gaurava gaurava, i. e. guru + a,
I. adj. Relating to the spiritual teacher, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 46.
II. n.
     1. Heaviness, Rām. 3, 4, 26.
     2. Importance, Rām. 4, 16, 47.
     3. Dignity, Man. 2, 145.
     4. Respect, Pañc. 265. 4.
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , devoid of respect, Rājat. 1, 73. °vam, adv. condescendingly, 5, 17.

gaurika gaurika, i. e. gaura + ika, m. White mustard (?), Suśr. 2, 119, 6.

gaulmika gaulmika, i. e. gulma + ika, adj. Belonging to a gulma (q. cf.), or a certain division of an army, MBh. 10, 359.

grath 1. grath, and granth granth, ii. 9, grathnā, nī, Par. † i. 1 and 10, grantha, granthaya, grāthaya (?), grathaya (see ud), Par. † i. 1 (?), gratha, Par. Ātm.
     1. To connect, MBh. 4, 262 (granth).
     2. To compose, Prab. 101, 8. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass., grathita,
     1. Tied, MBh. 3, 10052.
     2. Tied together, joined, Śāk. d. 167. Tied in order, Śāk. 3, 12.
     3. Strung, Rām. 6, 84, 25.
     4. Studded, Ragh. 16, 13.
     5. Tied together strongly, MBh. 12, 2901.
     6. Obdurate, Suśr. 1, 303, 8.
     7. Stopped, Suśr. 2, 501, 10. n. A tubercular abscess, Suśr. 1, 298, 7.
-- With the prep. ud ud,
     1. granth, To tie up, MBh. 4, 1419.
     2. grathaya, To untie, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 39. udgrathita,
     1. Tied up, Ragh. 2, 8.
     2. Wreathed, MBh. 3, 10066.
-- With samud sam-ud, grath, or granth, To tie up, MBh. 4, 244.
-- With vi vi, vigrathita,
     1. Bound up, Suśr. 1, 18, 3.
     2. Tubercular, Suśr. 1, 286, 18.
     3. Clotted, Suśr. 1, 176, 20.
     4. Hindered, Suśr. 2, 190, 6.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

grath † 2. grath, and granth granth, i. 1, Ātm. To be crooked, to be wicked.

grantha granth + a, m.
     1. A literary composition, a book, Rām. 2, 108, 16; MBh. 12, 11340.
     2. Wealth, Pañc. i. d. 12.
-- Comp. tarka-, m. a compendium of logic, Suśr. 2, 360, 13. nis-, adj. free from every worldly tie or interest, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 10.

granthi granth + i, m.
     1. A tie, a knot, Man. 2, 43.
     2. A joint, Megh. 95.
     3. Swelling, MBh. 12, 9121.
-- Comp. suvarṇa-, m. a knot made for keeping gold, Pañc. 134, 12. māna-, m. 1. pride, 2. fault, vastra-, m. the string by which the lower garments are fastened above the hips.

granthika granthika, i. e. grantha + ika,
I. m.
     1. An astrologer, MBh. 14, 2039.
     2. A name of Nakula, the fourth son of Pāṇḍu, MBh. 4, 63.
     3. A disease of the ear, Suśr. 1, 59, 4.
II. n. The root of long pepper, Suśr. 2, 208, 21.

granthin granthin, i. e. grantha + in, m. One who has read many books, Man. 12, 103.

[Page 275b]

granthimant granthi + mant, adj., f. matī, Intwined, Kumāras. 3, 46.

gras gras (akin to 2. gṛ10), i. 1, and † 10, Par. and Ātm.
     1. To seize with the mouth, MBh. 3, 2383.
     2. To seize, Yājñ. 3, 245; to devour, MBh. 3, 13829. -- Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass., vāta-grasta, m.
     1. Epileptic.
     2. Rheumatic. vāyu-grasta, Frantic, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 9. Ptcple. of the fut. pass., grasya, Eatable, MBh. 5, 1107.
-- With the prep. upa upa, To swallow, MBh. 2, 2693.
-- With pra pra, To swallow, MBh. 1, 1153.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] from a frequent., [greek]

grasana gras + ana, n.
     1. Swallowing, Suśr. 2, 267, 13.
     2. The jaws, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 35.

grasiṣṇu gras + iṣṇu, adj. Wont to swallow, Bhag. 13, 16.

grasti gras + ti, f. Swallowing, Prab. 103, 12.

grastṛ gras + tṛ, m. A devourer, Hariv. 12465.

grah grah (for original grabh, preserved in the Vedas), ii. 9, gṛhṇā, ṇī,
     1. To take, to seize, Man. 11, 100; 8, 283; pāṇim, To marry, Pañc. 130, 6.
     2. To marry. Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 38.
     3. To hold, Katḥās. 4, 32.
     4. To bear, Pañc. 226, 20.
     5. To catch, MBh. 3, 2090.
     6. To captivate, Rām. 2, 39, 23.
     7. To gain, Cāṇ. 22.
     8. To rob, Rām. 4, 53, 25.
     9. To receive, Man. 3, 51.
     10. With garbham, To become pregnant, MBh. 1, 4490.
     11. To assume, to adopt, Rājat. 5, 228.
     12. To buy, Rām. 1, 61, 21.
     13. To obtain by entreaties, Rām. 1, 39, 13.
     14. To gather, Śāk. 48, 20.
     15. To put on, Man. 8, 256.
     16. To undergo, MBh. 13, 6024.
     17. To pronounce, Man. 5, 157.
     18. To perceive, Man. 8, 26.
     19. To trace out, Śāk. 23, 11.
     20. To learn, Rām. 1, 24, 12; to understand, Pañc. i. d. 49; with anyathā, To mistake, Mālav. d. 19; paramārthena, To take in earnest, Śāk. d. 51.
     21. To approve, Mṛcch. 145, 24.
     22. To follow, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 23. -- Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass., su-gṛhīta,
     1. Held fast or firmly,
     2. Taken auspiciously. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. grahaṇīya, Worth being taken to heart, MBh. 5, 2575.
II. grāhya,
     1. Perceivable, Rām. 3, 22, 20; Man. 1, 7.
     2. To be regarded, Hit. i. d. 20.
     3. Agreeable, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 12.
III. gṛhītavya, sometimes instead of grahītavya, e. g. MBh. 4, 1481. -- Absol. gṛhītva, Holding, i. e. with; dārakaṃ gṛhītva, With the child, Mṛcch. 94, 14; in epic poetry often gṛhya, instead of gṛhītva, Rām. 1, 31, 24. Causal grāhaya,
     1. To cause to take, Ragh. 17, 3.
     2. To hand over to, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 4.
     3. To cause to be apprehended, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 15.
     4. To let choose, Rājat. 5, 102.
     5. To teach, Man. 1, 58; with ātmānam, To investigate, MBh. 3, 16267.
     6. grāhita, Occupied, Rām. 1, 7, 14 Gorr. -- Desider. jighṛkṣa,
     1. To be about to seize, MBh. 1, 5482.
     2. To be about to rob, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 25.
     3. To desire to perceive, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 4.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To rob afterwards, MBh. 4, 996.
     2. To support, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 3.
     3. To receive friendly, to favour, MBh. 1, 3158; 3, 1666; with instr. MBh. 2, 205.
     4. To show the favor of commanding, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 22. anugrahita, Rām. 1, 7, 15, is very questionable (Gorr. v. r.); if correct, it would be anugraha + ita I propose anugṛhīta, Favoured.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To dress, MBh. 8, 295.
-- With apa apa, To tear off, MBh. 14, 250.
-- With abhi abhi, To seize, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 3.
     2. To accept, MBh. 3, 1705; to receive, MBh. 3, 16430.
     3. To put forth (as flowers), Bhāg. P. 3, 29, 41.
     4. To put together, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 12. Caus. abhigrāhita, Caught, Daśak. 115, 4.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To divide, Suśr. 1, 101, 13.
     2. To resist. -- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., dus-ava-grāhya, Hard to be attained, Bhāg. P. 7, 1, 19. -Absolut. avagṛhya, By violence, Śiś. 5, 49.
-- With pratyava prati-ava, To rescind, Rām. 2, 20, 15 Gorr.
-- With ā ā, To pull, Śāk. 6, 15, v. r.
-- With upā upa-ā, To embrace, Rām. 2, 95, 9 Gorr.
-- With ud ud, To raise, Megh. 8. Caus.
     1. To cause to be paid, Yājñ. 2, 200.
     2. To explain, Śiś. 2, 75.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To put under, Rām. 5, 13, 52.
     2. To support, Sāv. 5, 62.
     3. To seize, Rām. 5, 36, 77.
     4. To provide, Man. 7, 184.
     5. To undergo, Pañc. i. d. 415.
     6. To cherish, MBh. 12, 2506.
     7. To approve, MBh. 12, 6977. upagṛhītum, Hit. ii. d. 3, is to be changed to upagūhitum.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To close (the eyes), Mṛcch. 35, 19.
     2. To stop, MBh. 3, 10769.
     3. To seize, Rām. 3, 30, 34.
     4. To hold, Ragh. 2, 33.
     5. To apprehend, Man. 8, 184.
     6. To restrain, Man. 8, 310.
     7. To chastise, Hit. 67, 13.
     8. To subdue, Śāk. 16, 12. Caus. To cause to be apprehended, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 17.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To seize, MBh. 1, 4980.
     2. To stop, MBh. 3, 12170.
     3. With saṃni sam-ni,
     1. To subdue, MBh. 3, 14357.
     2. To seize, MBh. 2, 2528.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To embrace, MBh. 1, 4983.
     2. To wrap, MBh. 4, 215.
     3. To put on, MBh. 13, 2594.
     4. To put round, Rām. 3, 57, 27.
     5. To surround, MBh. 3, 14919; absol. parigṛhya sarasvatīm, Along the river Sarasvatī, Chr. 20, 24.
     6. To turn, MBh. 7, 1169; to overturn, 1170.
     7. To catch, MBh. 3, 11725.
     8. To seize, Ragh. 7, 18; absol. parigṛhya, with, Rām. 3, 62, 35.
     9. To accept, Śāk. 28, 10; to receive, Man. 9, 171; to treat kindly, MBh. 1, 6269.
     10. To undergo, Mālav. d. 71.
     11. To marry, Śāk. d. 115.
     12. To support, Mālav. d. 12.
     13. To follow, Man. 8, 73.
     14. To surpass, Man. 2, 151.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari,
     1. To accept, Rām. 2, 112, 29; to receive, MBh. 4, 2143.
     2. To embrace, MBh. 12, 2663.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To stretch forth, Rām. 3, 24, 25.
     2. To seize, Rām. 3, 21, 9; to take, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 16; to touch, Rām. 2, 99, 7; absol. pragṛhya, with, MBh. 13, 173.
     3. To stop, Śāk. 6, 15.
     4. To favour, MBh. 4, 122. MBh. 13, 4435, pragrāhītum, To receive, has the same signification as pragrahītum, and is probably to be changed to it, else it is an anomalous infin. of the causal for °grāhayitum.
-- With pratipra prati-pra, To receive again, MBh. 12, 6978.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To seize, Rām. 6, 76, 9.
     2. To accept kindly, MBh. 12, 4643.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To seize, Mālav. 47, 15.
     2. To receive, Man. 6, 28; to receive kindly, MBh. 3, 1774; to accept, Man. 4, 247.
     3. To approve, Rām. 3, 72, 1.
     4. To collect, MBh. 4, 2211.
     5. To occupy, Rām. 4, 26, 4.
     6. To assail, MBh. 3, 12225 (agṛhṇam, instead of agṛhṇām, cf. vi).
     7. To eclipse, Rām. 3, 29, 4.
     8. To marry, Man. 9, 72.
-- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., a-pratigrāhya, Not permitted to be accepted, Man. 11, 253. Caus. To offer, Śāk. d. 116.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To receive kindly, MBh. 13, 3863.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To quarrel, MBh. 12, 2705.
     2. To wage war, Man. 7, 183; against (with acc.), MBh. 15, 220.
     3. To assault, MBh. 3, 1226 (agṛhṇam, cf. prati).
     4. To seize, MBh. 4, 2086.
     5. To receive kindly, MBh. 3, 12274.
     6. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 24. vigṛhīta,
     1. Opposed, prevented.
     2. Encountered (as in fight). Caus. To cause to wage war against, Daśak. 193, 1.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To collect, Rām. 1, 17, 15.
     2. To seize, Rām. 3, 48, 9.
     3. To catch, Rām. 7, 5235.
     4. To govern, Man. 7, 113.
     5. To unstring (a bow), MBh. 3, 16065.
     6. To constrain, Man. 8, 48.
     7. To accept, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 12.
     8. To receive kindly, Hit. 91, 11.
     9. To marry, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 36.
     10. To pronounce, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 13. Caus. To impart, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 18. Desider.
     1. To strive to collect, MBh. 3, 1356.
     2. To desire to marry, Daśak. 172, 8.
-- With anusam anu-sam,
     1. To salute humbly, touching one's feet, MBh. 12, 3850.
     2. To favour, Rām. 6, 104, 31.
-- With upasam upa-sam,
     1. To seize, Man. 3, 224; to touch, MBh. 1, 5529.
     2. To salute, Man. 2, 132.
     3. To undergo, MBh. 12, 8791.
     4. To receive, MBh. 1, 8192; to receive kindly, Pañc. 187, 25.
     5. To gain, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 15.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To receive, Rām. 1, 76, 4.
-- With saha saha, To take along with, Kathās. 15, 88.
-- Cf. with the original grabh, O.H.G. kraft A.S. craft; Goth. greipan, A.S. gripan, cf. garbha and labh. With grah, cf.

[Page 278a] [greek] in [greek] etc.; [greek] etc.; perhaps also [greek]- [greek] Lat. grex, congrego, brachium, etc. The h is dropped in gremium, gerere (for gerhere), and probably in gratus.

graha grah + a,
I. Latter part of comp. adj.
     1. Seizing, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 35.
     2. Gathering, Bhāg. P. 8, 6, 23.
II. m.
     1. A seizure of the sun or moon by Rāhu, i. e. an eclipse, Bhartṛ. 2, 87.
     2. A planet, Man. 1, 24, 7.
     3. The five planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, combined with Rāhu, Ketu, sun and moon, making nine; it denotes the numeral Nine, Śrutab. 35.
     4. An imp, Suśr. 2, 382, 4.
     5. A crocodile, or shark, Rām. 4, 44, 47.
     6. Booty, MBh. 3, 11461.
     7. A draught, Bhāg. P. 4, 13, 30.
     8. A vessel, Man. 5, 116.
     9. The place where a bow is held when strung, MBh. 4, 1351.
     10. Gripe, Pañc. i. d. 237.
     11. Theft, Man. 9, 277.
     12. Receipt, Man. 8, 180.
     13. Mention, Man. 8, 271; Rājat. 5, 361.
     14. Perception, Bhāṣāp. 58; understanding, Bhāg. P. 7, 14, 11.
     15. An organ of perception, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 31.
     16. Tenacity, perseverance, Kathās. 24, 156; Pañc. i. d. 291 (where grāhas must be changed to grahas).
-- Comp. a-, m. refusal, Rājat. 5, 441. aṅkuśa-, m. a mohout, or elephant's driver, MBh. 3, 978. kuñjara-, m. a hunter of elephants, Rām. 2, 91, 55. keśa-, m. laying hold of one's hair, Man. 4, 83. dus-,
I. m. a wicked imp, Kathās. 17, 130.
II. adj. 1. Difficult to be conquered, Ragh. 17, 52. 2. Difficult to be performed, MBh. 12, 775. deva-, m. suffering from a certain kind of frenzy, MBh. 3, 14501. dhanus-, m. 1. an archer, Rām. 2, 44, 18. 2. Archery, MBh. 12, 7662. nava-, adj. lately caught, Rām. 2, 58, 2. nāmajāti-, i. e. nāman-jāti- m. mentioning name and classes, Man. 8, 271. pāṇi-, m. marriage. śabda-, m. 1. The ear. 2. Catching sound. sūtra-, adj. holding a thread. sūrya-, m. 1. the sun. 2. an eclipse of the sun. 3. Ketu and Rāhu. 4. the bottom of a water jar. hrada-, m. a crocodile.

grahaṇa grahaṇa, i. e. grah + ana,
I. adj. Seizing, Hariv. 2734.
II. n.
     1. Taking, seizure, Mṛcch. 147, 1.
     2. Captivity, Rām. 1, 1, 73.
     3. An eclipse (cf. graha,
II. 1), Śṛṅgārat. 6.
     4. Receiving, Rām. 1, 24, 18.
     5. Buying, Pañc. 229, 2.
     6. Putting on, MBh. 2, 840.
     7. Undergoing, Pañc. 34, 9.
     8. Protection, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 44.
     9. Pronouncing, Man. 6, 67.
     10. Perception, MBh. 14, 1197.
     11. Study, Man. 2, 173.
-- Comp. keśa-, n. laying hold of one's hair, Megh. 51; with ā, even to laying hold, etc., i. e. to the utmost, Rām. 3, 46, 2. cakṣus-, n. weakness of the eyes, Suśr. 2, 267, 21. dāra-, n. marrying, MBh. 1, 1044. dūra-, n. the faculty of seizing distant objects, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 35. pāṇi-, n. marriage.

grahaṇī grahaṇī, i. e. grahaṇa + ī, f. An organ of the belly, Suśr. 2, 443, 12.

grahatva graha + tva, n. The condition of a planet, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 1.

grahamaya graha + maya, adj., f. , Resembling a planet, Bhartṛ. 1, 16.

grahila grahila, i. e. graha + ila, adj.
     1. Assuming, Sāh. D. 24, 13.
     2. Frantic, Śukas. 15 (14).

grahītṛ grahītṛ, i. e. grah + tṛ,
I. m. f. trī, and n. Apprehending, Man. 1, 15.
II. m.
     1. A purchaser, Pañc. i. d. 15.
     2. A debtor, Man. 8, 166.
-- Comp. pāṇi-, m, a husband, MBh. 13, 2423.

grāmgrām, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To invite, see śrām.

grāma grāma, i. e. grah + ma, m.
     1. A village, Man. 4, 107 (n. Rām. 2, 57, 4).
     2. A villager, Man. 8, 258 (? perhaps is to be read grāmasām°).
     3. As latter part of a comp. word. A multitude, Nal. 4. 10.
     4. A scale in music, Mārk. P. 23, 52.
-- Comp. indriya-, m. all the senses, Man. 2, 100. guṇa-, m. a multitude of good qualities, Bhartṛ. 3, 23. tri-grāmī, f. the name of a locality, Rājat. 5, 97. daśagrāmī, i. e. daśan-, f. a district of ten villages, MBh. 12, 3263. sāla-, m. a stone, a species of ammonite worshipped by the Vaiṣṇavas.

grāmaka grāma + ka, m.
     1. A village, MBh. 5, 1466.
     2. A fictitious name, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 52.

grāmaṇī grāmaṇī, i. e. grāma-nī, m.
     1. The chief of a community, MBh. 1, 4798 (grāmaṇi, on account of the meti, MBh. 7, 1123; 4099).
     2. A chief, MBh. 12, 4798.
     3. A proper name, Rām. 4, 41, 61.

grāmaṇītva grāmaṇī + tva, n. The dignity of a chief, MBh. 12, 4861.

grāmavant grāma + vant, adj., f. vatī, Crowded with villages, MBh. 8, 4570.

grāmāntīya grāmāntīya, i. e. grāma-anta + īya, adj. Near a village, Man. 8, 240.

grāmika grāmika, i. e. grāma + ika, m. The chief of a village, Man. 7, 116.

grāmin grāmin, i. e. grāma + in, m. A peasant, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 14.

grāmī -grāmī, see grāma.

grāmīṇa grāmīṇa, i. e. grāma + īna, adj., f. ṇā, Inhabiting a village, a peasant, Bhartṛ. 1, 89.
-- Comp. eka-, i. e. ekagrāma + īna, adj. living in the same village, Man. 3, 103.

grāmīyaka grāmīyaka, i. e. grāma + īya + ka, adj. Belonging to a community, Man. 8, 254.

grāmeya grāmeya, i. e. grāma + eya, m. A villager, MBh. 12, 3264.

grāmya grāmya, i. e. grāma + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Referring to villages, Man. 7, 120.
     2. Prepared in villages, MBh. 1, 3637.
     3. Inhabiting a village, Yājñ. 2, 166.
     4. Coarse, sensual, Rām. 3, 37, 3.
     5. Living in towns, Man. 11, 199; tame, Pañc. 68, 14.
     6. Cultivated, MBh. 1, 6658.
II. n. Sensuality, MBh. 2, 2270.
-- Comp. a-, adj. town-made.

grāvan grāvan, m. A stone, a rock, Bhartṛ. 3, 29.
-- Comp. nikaṣa-, m. a touchstone, Hit. i. d. 204.
-- Cf. probably [greek] Lat. lapis (cf. ovis, opilio).

grāsa grāsa, i. e. gras + a, m.
     1. A mouthful, Man. 3, 133; a morsel, Pañc. 221, 21.
     2. Food, Man. 8, 339.
     3. Swallowing, Bhartṛ. 2, 22.

grāha grāha, i. e. grah + a,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Taking, Yājñ. 2, 51.
     2. Robbing, Rām. 4, 41, 38.
II. m.
     1. A shark, Pañc. i. d. 420. f. , A female shark, Rām. 6, 82, 73.
     2. Seizing, seizure; e. g. pāṇi-, Taking the hand at marriage.
     3. A fit, a disease, MBh. 6, 5680 (read ūru-).
     4. Enterprise, Bhag. 17, 19.
-- Comp. jīva-grāha + m (absol. of grah), combined with grah, to take somebody prisoner alive, MBh. 3, 14918. dhanus-, m. an archer, MBh. 3, 1430. pāṇi-, m. a husband. pārṣṇi-, m. a supporting prince (perhaps, rather, a dangerous prince), Man. 7, 207. vandi-, m. a housebreaker. sūtra-, adj. taking a thread.

[Page 280a]

grāhaka grāhaka, i. e. grah + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Apprehending, MBh. 3, 13932.
     2. Convincing, Rām. 4, 38, 18. m.
     1. A purchaser, Pañc. 7, 16.
     2. A policeman, Yājñ. 2, 266.

grāhavant grāha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Containing sharks, Rām. 5, 72, 12.
-- Comp. bhīma-, i. e. bhīmagrāha + vant, adj. containing fearful sharks, Chr. 47, 37. rāga-grāha + vant, containing love instead of sharks, Bhartṛ. 3, 11.

grāhin grāhin, i. e. grah + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Seizing, robbing, Rām. 5, 8, 6.
     2. Gaining, Rām. 3, 72, 1.
     3. Catching, Kathās. 25, 49.
     4. Gathering, Sāh. D. 11, 12.
     5. Choosing, Mārk. P. 27, 28.
     6. Spying, Śāk. 24, 7.
     7. Holding, Bhartṛ. 3, 67.
     8. Containing, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 11.
     9. Charming, Rām. 5, 44, 8.
     10. Obstructing, Suśr. 1, 178, 10.
-- Comp. guṇa-, m. acknowledging another's virtues, Lass. 34, 7. pallava-, adj. shooting forth too luxuriantly (or twigpicking, superficial), Hit. i. d. 131. vacana-, adj. compliant. vinaya-, adj. compliant, governable.

grīvā grīvā, f. The neck, Man. 8, 283.
-- Comp. aśva-grīva, m. the name of a demon. ud-grīva, adj., f. , with raised neck, Rājat. 5, 359. kambu-,
I. adj., f. , having a neck marked with three lines like a shell, and considered to be indieative of exalted fortune, Rām. 1, 1, 11.
II. m. a proper name, Pañc. 76, 7. citra-grīva, m. a proper name, Pañc. 105, 6. daśagrīva, i. e. daśan-, adj. 1. an epithet of Rāvaṇa, Rām. 1, 16, 18. 2. the name of a demon, MBh. 2, 367. niṣka-grīva, adj. wearing a golden ornament on the neck, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 31. nīla-grīva, adj. with a blue neck (epithet of Śiva), MBh. 3, 1625. mahāgrīva, m. a camel. vakra-, m. a camel. su-,
I. adj. handsome-necked.
II. m. 1. a goose. 2. a hero. 3. a sort of weapon. 4. one of Kṛṣṇa's horses. 5. a proper name. 6. Indra. 7. Śiva. 8. a serpent of the lower regions. 9. the name of a mountain. haya-, m. a demon.

grīṣma grīṣma, m. The hot season, comprehending about June and July, Man. 3, 261.

grucgruc, i. 1, Par. To steal.

graiva graiva, i. e. grīvā + a, n. A neckornament, Ragh. 4, 48.

graiveya graiveya, i. e. grīvā + eya, n. A chain for the neck, Rām. 1, 53, 17.

graiveyaka graiveya + ka, m. and n. A chain for the neck, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 16; a neck-ornament, Dev. 2, 26.

graiṣma graiṣma, i. e. grīṣma + a, adj., f. , Referring to the hot season, Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 5.

glapana glapana, i. e. glai, Caus., + ana, n. Relaxation, Suśr. 1, 151, 15.

glasglas = gras.

glah glah, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To play with dice, MBh. 8, 4404.
     2. To win, 7, 6538.
     3. † = grah (v. r.).

glaha glah + a, m.
     1. A gambler, MBh. 2, 2037.
     2. A stake, MBh. 2, 2499; Daśak. in Chr. 188, 22.
     3. A die, MBh. 8, 3756.
     4. A dice-box, MBh. 2, 1986.
     5. Playing with dice, MBh. 5, 1898.
     6. Aim, MBh. 8, 4402.

glāni glāni, i. e. glai + ni, f.
     1. Lassitude, MBh. 1, 8142.
     2. Inertness, Man. 1, 53.

gluc gluc, i. 1, Par. To steal.

gluñcgluñc, i. 1, Par. To go.

glepglep (akin to glai), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To be poor.
     2. To tremble.
     3. To move.

glevglev, i. 1, Ātm. To serve.

gleṣgleṣ (? v. r.), i. 1, Ātm. To search.

glai glai (akin to gal), i. 1, glāya (in epic poetry glāti instead of glāyati, e. g. MBh. 3, 13730; cf. gai), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 16713).
     1. To become exhausted, MBh. 5, 7178.
     2. To decrease, MBh. 12, 7513.
     3. To repine, Man. 3, 98. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. glāna,
     1. Sad, MBh. 15, 132.
     2. Wearied, MBh. 3, 14109, n. Exhaustion, MBh. 13, 3519. Caus. glāpaya and glapaya,
     1. To macerate, Vikr. d. 54.
     2. To injure, Rājat. 1, 334.
     3. To pain, distress, MBh. 5, 1100 (glapet, instead of glapayet, cf. gup); 13, 4694 (Ātm.)
-- With the prep. pari pari, pariglāna, Exhausted, MBh. 7, 8898.
-- With abhipari abhi-pari, abhipariglāna, The same, MBh. 1, 4489.
-- With vi vi, Caus. glāpaya, To afflict, Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 22.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. kleini, akin to glāna.


gha gha, usually ghā (old instr. of a pronomin. base = Lat. ho, in ho-c, etc.), part., ved. Indeed, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5; Chr. 297, 19 = Rigv. i. 112, 19.
-- Cf. [greek] ha.

ghaṃṣghaṃṣ, and ghaṃs ghaṃs, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To render handsome.
     2. To sprinkle, v. r.

ghagghghaggh, and ghagh GHAGH, i. 1, Par. To laugh.
-- Cf. gagh.

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ghaṭ ghaṭ (akin partly to han, partly to ghaṭṭ). i. 1, Atm. (also Par., MBh. 3, 14703),
     1. To endeavour, MBh. 3, 1581.
     2. To work, MBh. 5, 256.
     3. To take place, Śiś. 9, 44.
     4. To be possible, Bhāg. P. 7, 10, 3.
     5. To fall into, Lass. 18, 8 (one's hand).
     6. To be joined, Mālat. p. 38, 9. -- Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. a-ghaṭita, adj. impossible, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 44. su-, adj.
     1. well joined.
     2. well-contrived or managed. -- Caus.
I. ghaṭaya,
     1. To join, Pañc. 40, 12.
     2. To put on, Gīt. 12, 26.
     3. To fetch, Bhartṛ. 3, 18.
     4. To make, Pañc. 44, 16; to perform, Rājat. 4, 364.
     5. To endeavour, MBh. 3, 14702.
     6. To touch, MBh. 4, 637.
II., also i. 10, Par. ghāṭaya,
     1. (cf. ud, pari), To injure.
     2. † To shine or speak.
-- With the prep. vyā vi-ā, vyāghaṭita, Returned (?), Lass. 22, 9.
-- With ud ud, Caus. ghāṭaya,
     1. To open, Mṛcch. 80, 7.
     2. To discover (as a secret), Pañc. 184, 16.
     3. To begin, Hit. iv. d. 2.
     4. To tickle, Suśr. 2, 370, 2. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
     1. udghāṭita, Rājat. 2, 100.
     2. udghaṭita, Kūmar. 7, 53.
-- With pari pari, Caus. ghāṭaya, To strike, to sound, Mṛcch. 11, 4 (v. r.).
-- With vi vi,
     1. To burst, to crumble down, Prab. 8, 11.
     2. To become interrupted, Hit. iv. d. 2. Caus. ghaṭaya,
     1. To tear, Prab. 116, 3.
     2. To ruin, Hit. ii. d. 157.
-- With sam sam, To assemble, Rājat. 6, 242. Caus. ghaṭaya,
     1. To strike, to sound, Rām, 2, 71, 26.
     2. To collect, Rājat. 5, 326.

ghaṭa ghaṭ + a, m.
I. adj. Active, Pañc. ii. d. 74.
II. m.
     1. A jar, Man. 11, 183 (184).
     2. The Aquarius of the zodiac, Mārk. P. 12, 22 (change ghaṭī to ghaṭaḥ).
III. f. ṭā,
     1. A multitude, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 6.
     2. A troop of elephants assembled for martial purposes, Rājat. 1, 369.
IV. f. ṭī, A jar, Prab. 22, 18.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult, Rājat. 4, 364.

ghaṭaka ghaṭ + aka, adj. Striving, Bhartṛ. 2, 66.

ghaṭana ghaṭ + ana, n. and f. ,
     1. Striving, Pañc. i. d. 175.
     2. Exertion, Śāntiś. 2, 20.
     3. Junction, Vikr. 34, v. r.; Kathās. 24, 231.
     4. Composition, Lass. 68, 12.

ghaṭikā ghaṭikā, i. e. ghaṭī + ka, f.
     1. A jar, Pañc. i. d. 206; a bucket, Mṛcch. 178, 7.
     2. A muhūrta, or thirtieth part of a day and night, Bhāg. P. 5, 21, 4.

ghaṭṭ ghaṭṭ (probably a denominative derived from a dialectical form of ghṛṣṭa, vb. ghṛṣ, based on the original gharṣṭa), i. 1, Ātm. and i. 10 Par., ghaṭṭaya,
     1. To slip over, to touch, Suśr. 2, 28, 4.
     2. To stir, MBh. 7, 7742.
     3. To shake, MBh. 7, 9401.
     4. To churn, Suśr. 2, 88, 19.
-- With ava ava, ghaṭṭaya,
     1. To push away, Rām. 5, 15, 10.
     2. To touch, MBh, 11, 462.
     3. To besmear, Suśr. 1, 42, 17.
     4. To churn, Suśr. 1, 33, 4. avaghaṭṭita, n. Butting at each other, Hariv. 4720.
-- With pari pari, ghaṭṭaya, To rub, Śiś. 9, 64.
-- With vi vi, ghaṭṭaya, To open, MBh. 2, 1674. vighaṭṭita,
     1. Dispersed, Bhartṛ. 3, 36.
     2. Churned, Suśr. 1, 32, 19.
     3. Shaken, Kumāras. 1, 9.
     4. Hurt, Suśr. 1, 71, 18.
     5. Severed, Ṛt. 3, 8.
     6. Disclosed, MBh. 4, 1494.
-- With sam sam, ghaṭṭ, To grind, Rām. 6, 68, 30. ghaṭṭaya,
     1. To rub, Ragh. 6, 73.
     2. To stir, MBh. 7, 8584.
     3. To collect, MBh. 7, 3512.

ghaṭṭana ghaṭṭ + ana, n.
     1. Scratching, Rām. 6, 98, 25.
     2. Touching, Hariv. 14581.
     3. Churning, Mārk. P. 12, 38.

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ghaṭṭitṛ ghaṭṭ-itṛ, m. One who strives, MBh. 3, 5890.

ghaṇghaṇ, ii. 8, Par., Ātm. To shine (v. r.)

ghaṇṭghaṇṭ, i. 1, and 10, Par. To shine, or speak.

ghaṇṭa ghaṇṭa (akin to han),
I. adj., f. ṭī, Sounding (?), MBh. 12, 10377; 4, 188.
II. f. ṭā, A bell, Man. 10, 33.

ghaṇṭāvant ghaṇṭā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having a bell or bells, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 30.

ghaṇṭin ghaṇṭin, i. e. ghaṇṭā + in, adj. Having bells (?), MBh. 12, 10377.

ghana ghana, i. e. han + a,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Firm, hard, Bhartṛ. 1, 17.
     2. Without interstices, Suśr. 1, 29, 8.
     3. Uninterrupted, Pañc. iii. d. 237.
     4. Dense, Pañc. iii. d. 188; 129, 8.
     5. As latter part of a compound adj., sometimes Full, Ragh. 8, 90.
     6. Dusk, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 3.
     7. Deep (as a sound), MBh. 1, 6680; Rājat. 5, 377.
     8. Whole, Upak. 24.
II. m.
     1. A solid mass, substance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 9.
     2. A heap, Rām. 5, 16, 55.
     3. A cloud, Megh. 20.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. dense, Pañc. 141, 16. stamba-, m. 1. a small hoe for weeding. 2. A sickle. 3. A basket for the heads of wild rice.

ghanatā ghana + tā, f. Solidity, Śiś. 9, 64 (°tāṃ nayati śravaṇam, She makes her ear solid, i. e. she fills up its opening so that no empty space remains).

ghanāghana ghanāghana (from ghanāghan, an old frequent. of han, by the aff. a),
I. adj., f. , Warlike, MBh. 8, 697.
II. m. A rainy cloud, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 7.

ghambghamb i. 1, Ātm. To move.

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gharghara gharghara (based on an imitative sound), m. An inarticulate sound, rattling, Rājat. 2, 99; gurgling, Kathās. 25, 66 (perhaps adj.).

ghargharita ghargharita, i. e. gharghara + ita, n. Grunting, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 25.

gharbgharb, i. 1, Par. To move.

gharma gharma, i. e. ghṛ + ma, m.
     1. Heat, Pañc. 80, 7.
     2. The hot season, Rām. 1, 63, 24.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. formus (Fest.). feumentum; O.H.G. waram; A. S. wearm; and ghri.

gharṣa gharṣa, i. e. ghṛṣ + a, m. Dashing together, Rām. 2, 54, 6.

gharṣaṇa gharṣaṇa, i. e. ghṛṣ + ana, n. Grinding, rubbing into, Suśr. 2, 329, 6.

ghas ghas, ii. 2, Par. and † i. 1, Par. To devour. -- Desider. jighatsa, To desire to devour, MBh. 2, 1485.
-- Cf. Lat. gānea, ganeo; perhaps Goth. gasts; A. S. gest.

ghasa ghas + a, m. The name of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 5, 12, 12.

ghasmara ghasmara, i. e. ghas + man + a, adj. Voracious, MBh. 8, 1856.

ghāṭikā ghāṭikā, Pañc. 209, 24; 211, 24; 212, 4 = ghaṭikā, which is probably to be read.

ghāṇṭika ghāṇṭika, i. e. ghaṇṭā + ika, m. A bard who sings in honour of the gods, and rings a bell before their images, MBh. 13, 6028.

ghāta ghāt + a, i. e. han, Caus., + a,
I. Latter part of comp. adj., Killing.
II. m.
     1. A stroke, Rām. 6, 98, 23.
     2. A shot, Chr. 35, 4.
     3. Killing, Pañc. i. d. 321.
     4. Sacking, Man. 9, 274.
     5. Spoiling, Yājñ. 2, 159.
-- Comp. danta-, m. 1. bite, Sāh. D. 25, 12. 2. a proper name, Lass. 8, 10. viśvāsa-, m. perfidy, treachery, Pañc. 101, 25. sa-mūla-, m. utter destruction or eradication.

ghātaka ghātaka, i. e. han, Caus., + aka, adj. and s., f. .
     1. A murderer, Man. 5, 51; Lass. 12, 12.
     2. Destroying, MBh. 3, 1277.
-- Comp. viśvāsa-, m. a traitor, Pañc. 52, 15.

ghātana ghātana, i. e. han, Caus., + ana,
I. n. Killing, MBh. 2, 1558.
II. f. , A club, Rām. 6, 37, 54.

ghātin ghātin, i. e. han, Caus., + in, adj. and s., f. .
     1. Killing, MBh. 3, 17198; a murderer, Man. 8, 89.
     2. Destroying, MBh. 3, 63.
-- Comp. atmaghātin, i. e. ātman-, m. a felo-de-se, Yājñ. 3, 21. kāla-, adj. killing slowly, Suśr. 2, 252, 19. grāma-, adj. sacking a village, MBh. 12, 1213. pitṛ-, m. a parricide, Rājat. 5, 448. viśvāsa-, adj. perfidious, MBh. 3, 625.

ghārtika ghārtika, i. e. ghṛta + ika, m. A cake fried with clarified butter, Pañc. 194, 6.

ghāsa ghāsa, i. e. ghas + a, m. Food, Pañc. 215, 1.
-- Comp. aśva-, m. 1. food for horses, Rājat. 3, 489. 2. Pastureground for horses, Kathās. 15, 124.

ghiṇṇghiṇṇ (a dialectical form of gṛhṇ from gṛhṇā, vb. grah; cf. ghṛṇṇ), i. 1, Ātm. To take.

ghughu, i. 1, Ātm. To sound.

ghuṃṣghuṃṣ, i. 1, Ātm. To render beautiful.
-- Cf. ghaṃṣ.

ghuṭ ghuṭ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To resist.
     2. To protect (v. r.). i. 1, Ātm. To return.
-- With the prep. ava ava, avaghoṭita, Covered, MBh. 3, 13155.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To turn, Pañc. 36, 17

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ghuḍghuḍ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To hinder.
     2. To protect, v. r.

ghuṇghuṇ (a dialectical form of ghūrṇ), i. 1, Ātm., i. 6, Par. To whirl.

ghuṇa ghuṇa, m. A wood-worm, Suśr. 1, 29, 5.

ghuṇṇghuṇṇ (like ghiṇṇ, a dialectical form of gṛhṇ, vb. grah), i. 1, Ātm. To take.

ghurghur. i. 6, Par.
     1. To be frightful.
     2. To sound.

ghuraghurāya ghuraghurāya (a denomin. based on an imitative sound), Ātm. To rattle in the throat, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 17.

ghurghurāya ghurghurāya (a denomin. based on an imitative sound), Ātm. To whistle, Suśr. 1, 104, 1.

ghuṣ ghuṣ, i. 1, Par. (Ātm. Rām. 5, 56, 139), To proclaim, Rām. 1. 1. 4, 10, 12. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., ghuṣṭa,
     1. Loud, MBh. 13, 4557.
     2. Resounding, Hariv. 1125.
     3. Offered, Man. 4, 209. Caus. ghoṣaya, To proclaim, Rām. 5, 49, 13.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To proclaim, Hariv. 3522. avaghuṣṭa,
     1. Summoned, Rām. 3, 47, 9.
     2. Resounding, MBh. 13, 522.
     3. Offered, MBh. 13, 1576.
-- With ā ā, To proclaim, MBh. 3, 647.
-- With vyā vi-ā, vyāghuṣṭa, Loud sounding, MBh. 12, 3637. Caus. To proclaim loud, Hariv. 10542.
-- With ud ud, To cry, MBh. 12, 5349. udghuṣṭa, Resounding, Rām. 3, 79, 45. Caus.
     1. To cause to be sounded loud, Rājat. 3, 5.
     2. To proclaim, Mṛcch. 169, 8.
-- With prod pra-ud, prodghuṣṭa, Resounding, MBh. 3, 2512. Caus. To proclaim, Rājat. 1, 285.
-- With upa upa, upaghuṣṭa, Resounding, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 28.
-- With pra pra, Caus. To proclaim, MBh. 12, 2645.
-- With vi vi, To proclaim, Man. 8, 233. vighuṣṭa, Resounding, Rām. 3, 12, 14.
-- With udvi ud-vi, Caus. To proclaim, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 66.
-- With sama sam, saṃghuṣṭa,
     1. Sounding, Hariv. 3715.
     2. Resounding, Rām. 2, 31, 4.
     3. Offered, Yājñ. 1, 168.
-- With parisam pari-sam, parisaṃghuṣṭa, Resounding, MBh. 3, 2406.

ghūrghūr, i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To kill.
     2. To become old.

ghūrṇ ghūrṇ, (a dialectical form of hvṛṇ in hvṛṇā, ii. 9, of hvṛ, based on the original hvarṇā), i. 6, Par; i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To reel, MBh. 10, 802.
     2. To move to and fro, MBh. 1, 2133.
     3. To roll (as the eye), Prab. 6, 5.
     4. To be uncertain, MBh. 1, 2061. Caus. ghūrṇaya,
     1. To roll, Bhartṛ. 1, 88.
-- With ava ava, To roll, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 12. avaghūrṇita, Cast down, MBh. 9, 3239.
-- With ā ā, To wave, Mṛcch. 85, 16. āghūrṇita,
     1. Shaken, Dev. 12, 26.
     2. Rolling, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 59.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To flutter, MBh. 7, 7301. vyāghūrṇita,
     1. Shaken, MBh. 5, 7191.
     2. Tottering, MBh. 2, 1673.
-- With pari pari, To be agitated, MBh. 1, 2089.
-- With vi vi, To stagger, MBh. 11, 522; to shake, 3, 11141. vighūrṇita, Revolved, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 3.

ghūrṇa ghūrṇ + a, adj., f. ṇā, Vacillating, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 2.
     2. Shaken, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 17.
-- Comp. timira- (corr. perhaps timire-), adj. staggering in dimness, Cāṇ. 70, Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 411. mahā-, f. ṇā, Spirituous liquor.

ghūrṇana ghūrṇ + ana, n. and f. ṇā, Trembling oscillation, Gīt. 9, 11.

ghṛ 1. ghṛ, i. 1, ii. 3, jighṛ, and i. 10, Par. To sprinkle.
-- Cf. ghṛta separately.

ghṛ † 2. ghṛ, ii. 3, jighṛ, Par. To shine.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.; [greek] Lat. fervor, fornax, and gharma.

ghṛ † 3. ghṛ, i. 10, Par. To cover.

ghṛṇghṛṇ, ii. 8, ghṛnu, and gharṇu, Par. To shine.
-- Cf. 2. ghṛ.

ghṛṇā ghṛṇā, i. e. probably 2. ghṛ + ṇa, f.
     1. Compassion, Rām. 1, 27, 16.
     2. Contempt, Naiṣ. 1, 20.
-- Comp. nirghṛṇa, i. e. nis-, adj., f. ṇā, cruel, Rām. 1, 32, 20. sa-nis-, adj. The same, 1, 61, 20, Gorr.

ghṛṇālu ghṛṇā + lu, adj. Compassionate, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 43.

ghṛṇi ghṛṇi (akin to ghṛṇā), adj. Disagreeable, Hariv. 3588.

ghṛṇitva ghṛṇitva, i. e. ghṛṇin + tva, n. Compassion, MBh. 3, 1119.

ghṛṇin ghṛṇin, i. e. ghṛṇā + in, adj., f. , Compassionate, Pañc. i. d. 472.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Not despising, MBh. 1, 6374.

ghṛṇṇghṛṇṇ (a dialectical form of gṛhṇ, vb. grah, cf. ghiṇṇ), i. 1, Ātm. To take.

ghṛta ghṛ + ta (properly ptcple. of the pf. pass. of 1. ghṛ), n.
     1. Clarified butter, or butter which has been bolled gently and allowed to cool, Man. 11, 134.
     2. (ved.) Rain, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3.

ghṛtavant ghṛta + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abundant in butter, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6.

ghṛtācī ghṛtācī, i. e. ghṛta-añc + i, f. The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 1, 4821.

ghṛtin ghṛtin, i. e. ghṛta + in, adj., f. , Containing ghṛta, MBh. 13, 1840.

ghṛṣ ghṛṣ, i. 1, Par. To grind, Pañc. i. d. 160. ghṛṣṭa,
     1. Pounded, Pañc. iii. d. 240.
     2. Scratched, Hariv. 12175.
     3. Rubbed into, Suśr. 2, 278, 7. Caus. gharṣita, Crumbled, Rām. 3, 79, 31.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To rub off, Pañc. i. d. 337. Caus.
     1. The same, Suśr. 1, 344, 6.
     2. To rub into, 1, 46, 12.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To rub out, Ragh. 17, 28.
     2. To strike, Rājat. 2, 99.
-- With ni ni, To grind, MBh. 8, 1797. nighṛṣṭa, Subdued, MBh. 12, 7318.
-- With nis nis, To rub, Rām. 2, 96, 18.
-- With pari pari, To grind, Hariv. 5362.
-- With pra pra, To rub into, Suśr. 2, 193, 3.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, The same, Suśr. 2, 67, 2.
-- With vi vi, vighṛṣṭa,
     1. Ground.
     2. Sore, 2, 129, 6.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To rub, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 30; MBh. 1, 1133 (ghṛṣya, pass. with the terminations of the Par.).
     2. To rival, Ragh. 19, 36.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] Lat. frio, frico; O.H.G. and A.S., hrinan, to touch.

ghṛṣu ghṛṣu, i. e. ved. ghṛṣ = kṛṣ + u, adj. Brisk, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.

ghṛṣvi ghṛṣvi, i. e. ved. ghṛṣ = hṛṣ + vi, adj. Brisk, Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv i. 85, 1.

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ghoṭaka ghoṭaka, m. A horse, Pañc. 254, 23.

ghoṇā ghoṇā (a dialectical form of ghrāṇā), f.
     1. The nose. Mṛcch. 35, 10.
     2. The nostrils of a horse, MBh. 6, 3390.
     3. A beak, MBh. 10, 38.

ghoṇṭā ghoṇṭā, f. The betel-nut tree, Suśr. 2, 103, 16.

ghora ghora,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Horrible, dreadful, Rām. 3, 8, 12.
     2. Violent, Suśr. 1, 35, 7.
II. m.
     1. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10375.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4148.
III. n. A horrible act, Rām. 1, 58, 8.
-- Comp. su-, adj. terrific, hideous.
-- Cf. probably Goth. gaurs, sad.

ghoratva ghora + tva, n. Horribleness, MBh. 3, 13781.

ghoṣa ghoṣa, i. e. ghuṣ + a, m.
     1. Sound, Man. 7, 225; roar, Rām. 2, 66, 10; language, Rām. 3, 52, 20.
     2. A station of herdsmen, MBh. 2, 215.
     3. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10386.
-- Comp. dama-, m. a proper name, MBh. 1, 7029. nandi-, m. shout, MBh. 13, 5288. mahā-, n. a market. siṃha-, m. a proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 20. sukhapuṇyāha-, i. e. sukha-puṇya-aha-, m. the proclamation of a happy holiday. strī-, m. day-break.

ghoṣaka ghoṣaka, i. e. ghuṣ + aka, m. A bell-man, Kathās. 24, 60.

ghoṣaṇa ghoṣaṇa, i. e. ghuṣ + ana,
I. adj. Causing to sound, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 6.
II. n., and f. ṇā, Proclaiming, Rām. 5, 58, 18; Daśak. in Chr. 183, 5.

ghoṣavant ghoṣa + vant,
I. adj. vatī, Sounding, MBh. 2, 65; roaring, MBh. 6, 578.
II. f. vatī, A kind of lute (?), Kathās. 12, 32.

ghoṣin ghoṣin, i. e. ghoṣa + in, adj., f. iṇī, Sounding, MBh. 5, 3348.

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ghna -ghna, i. e. han + a, Latter part of comp. adj. and 8., f. (, MBh. 13, 2397),
     1. Striking, Man. 8, 386.
     2. Killing, a murderer, Man. 9, 232.
     3. Destroying, Man. 8, 127; Rām. 2, 35, 6.
     4. Removing, Man. 7, 218.

ghrā ghrā, i. 1, jighra (ep. ii. 2, ghrāti, MBh. 14, 668), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 7982).
     1. To smell, Man. 2, 98.
     2. To sniff at, Rām. 2, 26, 35.
     3. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 36.
     4. To kiss (or, rather, To smell as a token of affection; see Wilson, Hindu Dr. vol. i. p. 45 n.), MBh. 9, 2940. Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. jighrāṇa, MBh. 1, 5781. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ghrāta, also in the sense of an act, Having scented. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
     1. ghrātavya, n. Smell, Bhartṛ. 1, 7.
     2. ghreya, n. Smell, MBh. 2, 200. Comp. a-, adj. unfit to be smelt, Man, 11, 67. Anomalous absolut. jighṛtvā, Hariv. 7059.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To smell, Man. 3, 218.
     2. To kiss, Rām. 2, 20, 21.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To smell, Man. 11, 149.
     2. To kiss, Rām. 2, 70, 16. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass. āghrāta, in active sense, Hariv. 4478.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To smell, MBh. 3, 14504.
     2. To kiss, Rām. 1, 4, 9.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, To kiss, Rām. 2, 72, 4.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To smell, Rām. 5, 23, 32.
     2. To kiss, Rām. 2, 72, 4.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To smell, MBh. 5, 4059; to smell at, Man. 4, 209.
     2. To kiss, Rām. 2, 72, 30.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To kiss, Rām. 4, 22, 1.
-- With pari pari, To kiss all over, MBh. 11, 616.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To trace, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 28.
     2. To smell, Bhāg. P. 3. 2, 18.
-- Cf. [greek] and dhrāna; perhaps also Lat. frāgro.

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ghrāṇa ghrāṇa, i. e. ghrā + na,
I. m.
     1. Smelling, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 29.
II. n. and f. ṇā, The nose, MBh. 1, 6074.
-- Cf. [greek]

ghrāṇaja ghrāṇa-ja, adj. Produced by the nose, Bhāṣāp. 51.

ghrāti ghrā + ti, f. Smelling, Man. 11, 67 (68).

ghrātṛ ghrā-tṛ, m. One who smells, MBh. 14, 619.


ṅu † ṄU, i. 1, Ātm. To sound.


ca ca,
I. A copulative particle, And. Where two things are to be joined, it is,
     1. Repeated, ca -- ca (like [greek] Lat. que -- que), As well -- As, and, saṃjīvayati cājasraṃ pramāpayati cāvyayaḥ, That immutable power revivifies as well as destroys in eternal succession, Man. 1, 57; daśa cāṣṭau ca, Ten and eight, Man. 1, 64.
     2. Dropped in the first place; this is the general use, Hit. i. d. 33.
     3. Dropped, but not often, in the second place, e. g. pretya ceha, In the next world and in this, Man. 3, 20. Where more than two things are to be joined, some have the conjunction, while others are without it, e. g. karṇau carma ca bālāṃś ca vastiṃ snāyuṃ ca rocanām, (let him carry) their ears, their hides, their tails, the skin below their navels, their tendons, and the liquor exuding from their foreheads, Man. 8, 234.
II. When followed by , Either, Man. 12, 89; when preceded by , Or, Nal. 14, 8.
III. Even, Śāk. 6, 5; and even, Hiḍ. i. 26.
IV. Just, Ragh. 12, 45.
V. But, Hit. Pr. d. 12.
VI. If, Bhartṛ. 2, 45.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. que; Goth. -h, e. g. in sa-h, 'and he.'

cak CAK, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. † To be satisfied.
     2. † To resist.
     3. To shine. cakita,
     1. Frightened, Bhartṛ. 3, 10.
     2. Timid, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 18. n. Being frightened, Mṛcch. 86, 20.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To see, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 48.
-- With pra pra, pracakita, Frightened, Pañc. i. d. 420.

cakās cakās (cf. kāś), ii. 2, Par. To shine, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 9 (with ś instead of s, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 14).

cakora cakora, m. The Greek partridge. Perdix rufa, MBh. 3, 936.

cakkcakk, i. 10, Par. To give pain.

caknasa caknasa, Lass. 4, 17, is to be changed to cakra-saṃ (kulam)

cakra cakra,
I. n.
     1. A wheel, Man. 8, 291.
     2. A potter's wheel, Yājñ. 3, 146.
     3. A discus, or sharp circular missile weapon, especially of Viṣṇu, Rām. 1, 29, 6.
     4. An oil-press, Man. 4, 84.
     5. A circle, Rājat. 5, 230.
     6. A form of military array, a circular position.
     7. An astrological or mystical figure, Rājat. 5, 55 (mātṛ-).
     8. A multitude, Rām. 6, 75, 39.
     9. An army, MBh. 5, 1939.
     10. Dominion, Bhāg. P. 9, 20, 32.
II. m.
     1. The ruddy goose, Anas casarca, MBh. 9, 443.
     2. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 352.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2147.
     4. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 15.
-- Comp. eka-,
I. adj., f. , protected by one sovereign, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 20.
II. m. a proper name, MBh. 1, 2533.
III. f. , the name of a town, MBh. 1, 382. kāla-,
I. n. the wheel of ever-revolving time, MBh. 4, 1607.
II. m. the sun, MBh. 3, 151. dikcakra, i. e. diś-, n. the real horizon, Lass. 74, 1. dharma-, n. the law, MBh 2, 456. para-, n. the host of the enemy, MBh. 1, 6209. mātṛ- (see
     7.). rāśi-, n. the zodiac. hiraṇya-, adj. having golden wheels, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 88, 5.

cakraka cakra + ka, m.
     1. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 17.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 13, 253.

cakradhara cakra-dhara,
I. adj.
     1. Bearing a wheel, Pañc. 242, 15.
     2. Bearing a discus.
II. m.
     1. A name of Viṣṇu (wielding the discus) Mṛcch. 76, 13.
     2. A sovereign, MBh. 3, 8221.
     3. A snake, Rājat. 1, 261.

cakrabāla cakra-bāla, and cakravāla cakra-vāla (cf. vālaka, A fingerring).
I. (m. or n.) A ring, MBh. 1, 7021.
II. m. A range of mountains supposed to encircle the earth, and to be the limit of light and darkness.
III. n.
     1. A circle, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 14.
     2. A group, Bhartṛ. 2, 65.
-- Comp. daṇḍa-, m. 1. the name of a fabulous weapon, Rām. 1, 29, 5. 2. A division of an army, Mālav. 9, 10. diś-, n. the horizon, Lass. 74, 1. 2. A compasscard, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 86, 99. sa-mātṛ-, adj. surrounded by the divine mothers, Rājat. 5, 55.

cakravartitā cakravartitā, and cakravartitva cakravartitva, i. e. cakra-rartin + tā, f., or + tva, n. Sovereign dominion, Daśak. 185, ult.; Hariv. 8815.

cakravāka cakravāka, i. e. cakra (based on an imitative sound) -vac + a,
I. m. The ruddy goose, Anas casarca Gm., Rām. 3, 20, 20.
II. f. , Its female, Megh. 81.

cakravākin cakravākin, i. e. cak- ravāka + in, adj., f. , Crowded with ruddy geese, Ragh. 15, 30.

cakravāla cakravāla, see cakrabāla.

cakrāṅkitā cakrāṅkitā, i. e. cakra-aṅkitā (vb. aṅk), f. The name of a plant (?), Pañc. 157, 23.

cakrāṅga cakrāṅga, i. e. cakra-aṅga, m. A goose, MBh. 8, 1895; Man. 5, 12.

cakrikā cakrikā, i. e. cakra + ka, f.
     1. A troop, Rājat. 4, 376.
     2. Artifice, Rājat. 5, 279.

cakrin cakrin, i. e. cakra + in,
I. adj. Driving in a carriage, Man. 2, 138.
II. m.
     1. A name of Viṣṇu, Bhag. 11, 17.
     2. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 745.
     3. An oil-grinder, Yājñ. 1, 141.

cakṣ CAKṢ (akin to akṣi), ii 2, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 601),
     1. To see, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 13.
     2. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 25.
     3. To say, MBh. 8, 3384 (Par.).
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To look at, Chr. 294, 9 = Rigv. i. 92, 9 (abhicakṣyā, absol. with lengthened final); Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 18.
     2. To address, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 5.
     3. To name, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 51.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To declare, Man. 4, 81.
     2. To address, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 2.
     3. To name, Bhāg. P. 5, 22, 6.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā,
     1. To look at, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 11.
     2. To speak, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 14.
-- With pratyā prati-ā,
     1. To decline, MBh. 12, 6676.
     2. To repulse, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 6.
     3. To answer (with acc. of the person), Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 11.
-- With samā sam-ā, To report, Bhāg. P. 1. 4, 13.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To overlook, Bhāg. P. 4, 14, 33.
     2. To report, MBh. 1, 1025.
     3. To mention, admit, MBh. 12, 294.
     4. To call, Man. 2, 171.
     5. To answer (with acc.), Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 21.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To report, MBh. 1, 8331.
     2. To declare, Man. 4, 102.
     3. To call, Man. 2, 59.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To explain, Suśr. 1, 37, 13.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 32.
     2. To expect, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 41.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To see clearly, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 17.
     2. To explain, MBh. 1, 2199. With pravi pra-vi, To call, MBh. 12, 11466.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To look at, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 8.
     2. To consider, Rām. 2, 1, 27.
     3. To report, MBh. 6, 253.
-- Cf. [greek] (properly a denominative of a lost noun, [greek] = ved. cakṣan), also [greek] probably Goth. saihvan, A.S. sean; Goth. siuns (for organ. sihvni + s); O.H.G. sagên, A.S. saegan, etc.

cakṣas cakṣ + as, n. The eye, Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.
     2. Guidance, Chr. 293, 5 = Rigv. i. 87, 5. Comp. viśva-, adj. all-seeing, Chr. 289, 2 = Rigv. i. 50, 2.

cakṣuṣa -cakṣuṣa, i. e. cakṣus + a, A substitute for cakṣus, when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. sa-, adj. Seeing, MBh. 1, 6818.

cakṣuṣmattā cakṣuṣmattā, i. e. cakṣuṣmant + tā, f. The faculty of seeing, Ragh. 4, 13.

cakṣuṣmant cakṣuṣmant, i. e. cakṣus + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Seeing, MBh. 1, 737.
     2. Having eyes, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 19.

cakṣuṣya cakṣuṣya, i. e. cakṣus + ya, adj., f. .
     1. Fit for the eyes, MBh. 13, 3423.
     2. Agreeable to the eyes, Rājat. 3, 493.

cakṣus cakṣ + us, n. The eye, Indr. 4, 1.
-- Comp. a-, adj. blind, Pañc. i. d. 393. ghrāṇa-, adj. using his nose instead of his eye, blind, MBh. 8, 3443. cāra-, adj. seeing by means of spies, Man. 9, 256. jana-, n. the eye of all creatures, i. e. the sun, Hariv. 8050. jñāna-, n. intellect, Man. 2, 8. divya-,
I. n. a divine, i. e. a prophetic eye, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 7.
II. adj. having a divine eye, Ragh. 3, 45. dharma-, adj. loving justice, Rām. 2, 111, 22. naya-, n. the eye of prudence, Rām. 1, 7, 11. nis-, adj. blind, MBh. 12, 10523. mukta- (vb. muc),
I. adj. with one's eyes opened.
II. m. a lion. sa-, adj. seeing.

cagh † CAGH, ii. 5, Par. To kill.

caṅkramaṇa caṅkramaṇa, i. e. caṅkram (frequent. of kram) + ana, n. Going, walking, Pañc. 209, 1.

cañc cañc (akin to cal, cf. cañcala), i. 1, Par.
     1. To hop, to dance, Gīt. 4, 8.
     2. To move, Bhartṛ. 3, 1.

cañcala cañcal + a (frequent. of cal), adj., f. .
     1. Moving to and fro, unsteady, MBh. 8, 3920.; Pañc. 204, 1.
     2. Fickle, Kathās. 7, 57.

cañcalatva cañcala + tva, n. Unsteadiness, Bhag. 6, 33.

cañcu cañcu, f. The beak, Pañc. i. d. 28.
-- Comp. vāda-, m. a jester, Bhartṛ. 3, 57 (read rāda- instead of vādi, and probably cuñcavaḥ instead of cañcavaḥ, cf. Pāṇ. 5, 2, 26; cf. Schol.).

cañcutā cañcu + tā, f. Cleverness, Rājat. 5, 304.

cañcurī cañcur + ī (frequent. of car), adj. Continually doing, MBh. 13, 1220.

caṭ caṭ (a dialectical form of cart. vb. cṛt), i. 1, Par.
     1. † To rain.
     2. To cover.
     3. To separate, Pañc. 121, 1. i. 10 (rather Causal), cāṭaya,
     1. To separate.
     2. † To kill.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To disappear, Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 18. Caus. To drive out, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 28.

caṭaka caṭaka, m. A sparrow, Pañc. 80, 5. f. , A hen-sparrow, Pañc. 80, 10.
-- Comp. mṛga-indra-, m. A hawk.

caṭacaṭā caṭacaṭā-, (an imitative sound), Clashing, MBh. 1, 7110; roaring, 3, 10980.

caṭacaṭāya CAṬACAṬĀYA (a denomin. derived from the preceding by ya), Ātm. To crackle, Suśr. 2, 245, 20.

caṭula caṭula, adj.
     1. Unsteady, Ragh. 9, 58.
     2. Inconstant, Amar. 71.
     3. Beautiful, Gīt. 10, 9.

caṇcaṇ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To give (or to go, to kill).
     2. To sound, v. r.

caṇa caṇa, and caṇaka caṇa + ka, m. Chick-pea, MBh. 13, 5468; Pañc. i. d. 148.

caṇḍcaṇḍ, i. 1 and 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Ātm. To be angry.

caṇḍa caṇḍa (a dialectical form of cand + ra),
I. adj., f. ḍī.
     1. Flaming, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 20; hot, e. g. in caṇḍāṃśu, i. e. caṇḍa-aṃśu, m. The sun (properly, Having hot rays), Rājat. 4, 401.
     2. Violent, MBh. 1, 1493; Bhartṛ. 2, 47.
     3. Passionate, Ragh. 2, 49.
     4. Wrathful, Rām. 2, 70, 10 (ḍī).
     5. Cruel, MBh. 1, 6752.
II. °ḍam, adv. Passionately, Mālav. d. 56.
III. m.
     1. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10358.
     2. A name of Skanda, MBh. 3, 14631.
     3. A proper name, Hariv. 12937.
IV. f. ḍā.
     1. A name of Durgā, MBh. 6, 797.
     2. A name of several plants, Suśr. 1, 139, 9.
V. f. ḍī, A name of Durgā, MBh. 6, 797.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. verv passionate, Rājat. 5, 380.

caṇḍatva caṇḍa + tva, n. Passionateness, Sāh. D. 176.

caṇḍāla caṇḍāla (akin to caṇḍa), m. A man of the lowest of the mixed tribes, Man. 5, 131; 10, 12; f. , A woman of that tribe, Man. 11, 175.

caṇḍālatā caṇḍāla + tā, f., and caṇḍālatva caṇḍāla + tva, n. The condition of a Caṇḍāla, Rām. 1, 58, 9; 8.

caṇḍikā caṇḍikā, i. e. caṇḍī + ka, f. A name of Durgā, Kathās. 25, 86.

caṇḍiman caṇḍiman, i. e. caṇḍa + iman, m. Cruelty and heat, Rājat. 6, 298.

cat CAT, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To abscond (ved.).
     2. † To ask.

catasṛ catasṛ, see catur.

catuḥsana catuḥsana, i. e. catur-sana, adj. Containing the four sons of Brahman, of whom the names begin with sana, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 5, viz. sanaka, Sananda, Sanātana, Sanatkumāra.

catur catur (for catvar), f. catasṛ, numeral, Four, Chr. 28, 21; msc. instead of the fem. Rām. 4, 39, 33.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek] Lat. quatuor; Goth. fidvör; A. S. feower.

catura catura,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Dexterous, Pañc. 161, 2.
     2. Ingenious, Pañc. 158, 9.
     3. Charming, Ragh. 8, 94.
     4. Quick, Rājat. 3, 176; °ram, adv. 188.
II. n. Cleverness, Amar. 20.

caturaka catura + ka, m.
     1. A proper name, Pañc. 87, 4.
     2. f. rikā, A proper name, Kathās. 6, 53.

caturatā catura + tā, f. Shrewdness, Bhartṛ. 1, 71.

caturanta catur-anta,
I. adj. Epithet of the earth, denoting: Whole (verbally, with its four ends, i. e. north, east, etc.), MBh. 1, 2801.
II. f. , The earth, Ragh. 10, 86.

caturasraka catur-asra + ka, m. and comp. ardha-, dvi-, m. The names of different postures, Vikr. 64.

caturtha catur + tha,
I. ordin. number, f. thī, Fourth, Chr. 12.
II. n. A fourth part, MBh. 1, 1822
-- Cf. [greek]- [greek] Lat. quartus; O.H.G. fiordo; A.S. feordh.

caturthaka caturtha + ka, adj. Returning every fourth day (as fever), Hariv. 10555.

caturdaśa caturdaśa, i. e. caturdaśan + a,
I. ord. number, f. śī, Fourteenth, Rām. 2, 112, 25.
II. f. śī, The fourteenth day of the half of a lunar month, Man. 4, 113.

caturdaśadhā caturdaśadhā, i. e. caturdaśan + dhā, adv. Fourteen-fold, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 38.

caturdaśan catur-daśan, numeral, Fourteen, Rājat. 5, 442.

caturdaśama caturdaśama, i. e. caturdaśan + ma, ordin. numb., f. , Fourteenth, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 34.

caturdiśam catur-diś + a + m, adv. To the four quarters or points of the compass, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 5.

caturdhā catur + dhā, adv.
     1. In four parts, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 19.
     2. Four-fold, MBh. 9, 2487.

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caturyuj catur-yuj, adj. Drawn by four horses, Rām. 1, 53, 18.

caturvarṇamaya catur-varṇa + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of the four castes, Ragh. 10, 23.

caturviṃśatika catur-viṃśati + ka, adj. Consisting of twenty-four, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 11.

catuṣka catuṣka, i. e. catur + ka,
I. adj. with śatam, Four in the hundred, Man. 8, 142.
II. n.
     1. A collection of four things, Man. 7, 50.
     2. A hall supported by four columns, Kumāras. 5, 68.

catuṣkarṇatā catuṣkarṇatā, i. e. catur-karṇa + tā, f. Confidence, Pañc. 66, 3.

catuṣkikā catuṣkikā, i. e. catuṣka + ka, f. A collection of four things, Rājat. 5, 369.

catuṣkin -catuṣkin, i. e. catuṣka + in, adj. Having four, MBh. 12, 13340.

catuṣṭaya catuṣṭaya, i. e. catur + taya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Of four different sorts, MBh. 12, 11965.
     2. Being four, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 28.
II. n. A collection of four things, Man. 8, 180.

catuṣṭoma catuṣṭoma, i. e. catur-stoma, n. A stoma, or sacrifice, consisting of four parts, Rām. 1, 13, 43.

catuṣpatha catuṣpatha, i. e. catur-patha, m. and n. A place where four roads meet, Man. 4, 131.

catuṣpad catuṣpad, see catuṣpād.

catuṣpada catuṣpada, i. e. catur-pada,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Having four legs, MBh. 3, 10661.
     2. Consisting of four pādas, or verses, Mālav. 19, 11.
II. m. A quadruped, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 9.
III. n. A stanza of four pādas (see
I. 2), Mālav. 16, 18.

catuṣpād catuṣpād, i. e. catur-pād. The base of the weakest cases is -pad,
I. adj., f. -padī, but n. -pād and pad,
     1. Having four legs, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3; Man. 1, 81.
     2. Having four steps, MBh. 12, 8838.
     3. Consisting of four parts, MBh. 5, 5352.
II. m. A quadruped, MBh. 12, 5697.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. quadrupes; A.S. feower-fed.

catuṣpāda catuṣpāda, i. e. catur-pāda,
I. adj., f.
     1. Having four legs, Rām. 5, 17, 30.
     2. Having four parts, MBh. 3, 1459.
II. m. A quadruped, Yājñ. 2, 298.

catus catus, i. e. catur + s, adv. Four times, Cāṇ. 71.
-- Cf. Lat. quater.

catvara catvar + a (cf. catur), n. and m.
     1. A place where many (literally, four) roads meet; in the name of one of the mothers, catvara-vāsinī, MBh. 9, 2630 (dwelling on cross-roads, cf. catuṣpatha-niketā, MBh. 9, 2643; catuṣpatha-ratā, 2645, names of other mothers bearing the same signification; cf. Hecate trivia); a square, MBh. 3, 655.
     2. A courtyard, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 57.

catvāriṃśa catvāriṃśa, ordin. numb. (from catvāriṃśat), f. śī, Fortieth, e. g. eka-, Forty-first, MBh. adhy. aṣṭacatvāriṃśa, i. e. aṣṭan-, Forty-eighth, Rām. 3, 48. tri-, Forty-third, MBh. 4, chap. 43. catuścatvāriṃśa, i. e. catur-, Forty-fourth, MBh. adhy. dvā-, and dvi-, Forty-second, ib. 1, adhy. 42; 2, adhy. 42. navan-, Fortyninth, Rām. 6, 49.

catvāriṃśat catvāriṃśat, i. e. catvāri-daścanti (originally pl. n., cf. [greek] Lat. quadraginta, but in Sanskrit it has become fem.), f. Forty, Rām. 5, 6, 19.
-- Comp. dvā-, fortytwo, MBh. 12, adhy. 142.

catvāriṃśati catvāriṃśati (cf. the last), f. Forty, Rājat. 3, 475.

cadcad, i. 1, Par., Ātm. To beg.

cana ca-na, A particle used after derivatives of the interrogative pronoun kim, in order to make them indefinite; see katham, kadā, kim, kutas, kva.
-- Cf. Goth. -hun, e. g. hvar-hun, whenever.

cand CAND (for original ścand; cf. the ved. frequent. caniścand, ved. ścandra, Rigv. 3, 31, 15; and some comp. words, e. g. puru-ścandra), i. 1, Par. To shine.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. candere, accendo, scintilla, etc.

candana cand + ana,
I. m. and n.
     1. Sandal, the tree, Rām. 3, 76, 3; the wood, Pañc. i. d. 47; the unctuous preparations of the wood, Pañc. v. d. 18.
II. m. A proper name, Rām. 4, 41, 3.
III. f. , The name of a river, Rām. 4, 40, 20.
-- Comp. ku-, n. redsanders, Pterocarpus santalinus. hari-,
I. m. and n. 1. A yellow and fragrant sort of sandal-wood. 2. a tree of paradise.
II. n. 1. saffron. 2. moonlight. 3. the farina of the lotus. 4. the person of a beloved one.

candanin candanin, i. e. candana + in, adj. Smeared over with the unctuous preparation of sandal, MBh. 13, 1249.

candra cand + ra, m.
     1. The moon, MBh. 11, 220.
     2. A moon-like spot, Bhāg. P. 4, 15, 7.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2667.
     4. The name of a mountain, Rām. 6, 26, 6.
-- Comp. ardha-, see separately. pūrṇa-, m. the full of the moon, Rām. 3, 53, 44. rāma-, m. the second of the three renowned Rāmas, the son of Daśaratha, and hero of the Rāmāyaṇa. śaraccandra, i. e. śarad-, m. the autumnal moon.

candraka candra + ka, f. rikā.
I. A substitute for candra when latter part of comp. adj. Mālav. d. 82; Rām. 5, 42, 3.
II. m.
     1. The eye in a peacock's tail, Rājat. 1, 260.
     2. A proper name, Rājat. 2, 16.
III. f. rikā.
     1. Moonlight, Śiś. 9, 28.
     2. A proper name, Mālav. 50, 6.

candrakānta candra + kānta, (vb. kam),
I. adj. Graceful, like the moon, Śrut. 23.
II. m. A fabulous gem, supposed to be formed of the congealed rays of the moon, Pañc. i. d. 88.

candramas candramas, i. e. candra-māsa, m. The moon, Nal. 17, 6.

candravant candra + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Moonlit, Ghaṭ. 2.
II. f. vatī, A proper name, Pañc. 127, 22.

candrikā candrikā, see candraka.

capcap, i. 1. Par. To soothe. i. 10, Par.
     1. To grind.
     2. To deceive.

capala capala (i. e. kamp + ala adj., f. .
     1. Trembling, unsteady, Ragh. 11, 8; Hit. i. d. 46.
     2. Giddy, inconsiderate, Matsyop. 72; MBh. 3, 13848.
     3. Swift, Hariv. 4104; °lam, adv. Quickly, Daśak. in Chr. 260, 2.
     4. Wanton, Rām. 3, 51, 33.

capalaka capala + ka, adj. Inconsiderate, Hariv. 4546.

capalatā capala + tā, f. Fickleness, Hit. 49, 15.

cam CAM, i. 1; ii. 5, Par. To sip.
-- With the prep. ā ā, base of the pres. etc., cāma,
     1. To sip water, Rām. 2, 52, 73.
     2. To rinse one's mouth, i. e. to make one's ablution, Man. 2, 61.
     3. To swallow figuratively, MBh. 5, 2978 (the horses swallowed the way, i. e. finished it very quickly). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ā-cānta, in active sense, One who has rinsed his mouth, Man. 3, 251. Ptcple. of the fut. pass., ā-camanīya, n. Water for rinsing the mouth with, MBh. 3, 13662. Causal, cāmaya, To cause to sip, Man. 5, 241.
-- With paryā pari-ā, paryācānta (viz. anna, food), One who has rinsed his mouth too early (without waiting the end of a meal), Man. 4, 212.
-- With samā sam-ā, To make one's ablution, MBh. 13, 5063.

camatkāra camat-kāra (the latter part is kāra, the former questionable), n. Surprise, Prab. 76, 15.

camara camara,
I. m. Bos grunniens, Rām. 3, 49, 24.
II. m. and n. The tail of the Bos grunniens, used to whisk off insects, flies, etc.; one of the insignia of royalty, MBh. 2, 1861; Vikr. d. 76.

camasa cam + asa, m. and n. A drinking vessel, Man. 5, 116.

camū camū, f. An army, Rām. 1, 74, 16, consisting of 729 elephants, 729 chariots, 2187 horses, and 3645 foot, MBh. 1, 292.

campcamp, i. 10, Par. To go, v. r.

campaka campaka,
I. m. A tree, Micelia champaca, Lin., Rām. 1, 17, 35.
II. f. . The name of a town, Hit. 27, 10.
-- Comp. śita-, m.
     1. a lamp. 2. a mirror.

campakavatī campakavatī, i. e. campaka + vant + ī, f.
     1. The name of a forest, Hit. 17, 13.
     2. The name of a town, 27, 10, v. r.

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campā campā, f. The name of a town, Rām. 1, 17, 35.

camb † CAMB, i. 1, Par. To go.

cay † CAY, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

caya caya, i. e. ci + a, m.
     1. A heap, Mārk. P. 21, 86.
     2. A mass, MBh. 3, 16426.
     3. A multitude, Caurap. 34.
     4. Arranged fuel, Hariv. 2161.
     5. A mound of earth, a rampart, Rām. 5, 9, 15.
-- Comp. agni-, m. a funeral pile, Rām. 3, 9, 35.

cayana cayana, i. e. ci + ana, n. Arranged fuel, Draup. 2, 7.

car car (for original ścar, cf. āścarya), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 12655),
     1. To move, Rām. 4, 51, 8.
     2. To go, MBh. 1, 3071.
     3. To graze, Man. 2, 23; with acc., Hit. 81, 15.
     4. To go through, over, along (with acc.), Man. 2, 185; 9, 238; Hariv. 3632.
     5. To behave, to live, Man. 5, 90.
     6. To act, MBh. 14, 534; viṣamam, To deal unjustly, Man. 9, 287.
     7. To make, to perform, Man. 3, 30; 11, 53; vivādam, To contest, Man. 8, 8; indravratam, To act like Indra, Man. 9, 304; tejovrittam, To emulate the power and acts, Man. 9, 303.
     8. To treat, tapasā ...indriyagrāmam, To mortify one's flesh, MBh. 14, 544.
     9. To spy, Rām. 6, 6, 16. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. carita, n.
     1. Going, Suśr. 1, 21, 17.
     2. Doing, acting, Hit. i. d. 76; adventures in daśakumāra-, i. e. daśan-, The adventures of the ten princes, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 2. Comp. dus-, n. sin, Man. 11, 48. su-, 1. adj. 1. well-conducted. 2. well-managed. 11. n. 1. good action, Bhartṛ. 2, 58. 2. good-conduct.
II. cīrṇa, Performed, MBh. 15, 91. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. caritavya;
II. cartavya, MBh. 13, 5134.
III. carya, see separately. -- Absol.,
I. caritvā;
II. cartvā, MBh. 5, 3790;
III. cīrtvā, MBh. 13, 495. -- Infin.
I. caritum;
II. cartum, Rām. 3, 14, 15. -- Caus. cāraya,
     1. To cause to graze, Hariv. 3548.
     2. To cause to wander, MBh. 3, 1498.
     3. To send out, MBh. 12, 2705.
     4. To expel, MBh. 12, 12944.
     5. To cause to perform, Man. 11, 176.
     6. To permit to hold a culpable intercourse, Man. 8, 362.
     7. To cause to be spied, MBh. 3, 10030. -- Frequent. cañcūrya,
     1. To rove, MBh. 1, 7910.
     2. To wander over (with acc.), Hariv. 3726. Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. cañcūryant, Hariv. 3602.
-- With ati ati,
     1. To over-step, Hariv. 12790.
     2. To trespass, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 8.
     3. To offend (one's husband by committing adultery, one's parents by disobedience), MBh. 12, 8387.
-- With vyati vi-ati, To offend somebody, Rām. 6, 101, 11.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To ramble through, Rām. 1, 59, 19.
     2. To follow, MBh. 4, 652.
     3. To act, MBh. 3, 1303. anucarita, n. Doing, history, Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 10. Caus. To cause to be marched through, Man. 9, 266.
-- With antar antar, To move in the midst, MBh. 3, 2989.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To trespass, MBh. 12, 9566.
     2. To offend, Mārk. P. 13, 13. apacarita, n. Sin, Śāk. d. 106.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To offend, Man. 9, 102.
     2. To use witchcraft, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 13.
     3. To occupy, to possess, Rām. 1, 34, 10.
-- With vyabhi vi-abhi,
     1. To offend, MBh. 1, 3234.
     2. To fail, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 5.
     3. To surpass, Kir. 5, 34.
-- With ava ava, Caus. To apply, Suśr. 2, 8, 12.
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, Caus. To send out, MBh. 12, 3779.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To frequent, Rām. 3, 57, 11.
     2. To live, Man. 11, 180.
     3. To act, Man. 2, 110.
     4. To treat, Man. 8, 102.
     5. To perform, Man. 5, 156; to make, MBh. 4, 117.
     6. To act according to custom, Śāk. 108, 22. ācarita, n.
     1. Behaviour, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 26.
     2. Acting desperately, in order to excite compassion (as killing wife and cattle, and sitting before some-one's door till he complies with what is wished for), Man. 8, 49. ācīrṇa, Eaten.
-- With adhyā adhi-ā, To occupy, Man. 2, 119 (śayyāsane 'dhyācarite śreyasā, A couch or chair being occupied by a superior).
-- With anvā anu-ā, To imitate, Bhāg. P. 5, 4, 6.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā, To practise, MBh. 12, 9719.
-- With samudā sam-ud-ā,
     1. To treat, MBh. 12, 1203 (read samud° instead of sadud°).
     2. To perform, MBh. 13, 3968.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To serve, MBh. 2, 408.
     2. To treat, MBh. 18, 95.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā,
     1. To treat, Suśr. 1, 47, 4.
     2. To practise, MBh. 3, 10572.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To walk, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 9.
     2. To act, Pañc. i. d. 78.
     3. To perform, Man. 11, 231.
     4. With dūrād, To remove far from, Man. 4, 151. samācīrṇa, Committed, MBh. 8, 1281.
-- With anusamā anu-sam-ā, To perform, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 53.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To rise, MBh. 3, 10088.
     2. To fly back (as a bow), Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 25.
     3. To void one's excrements, Man. 4, 49.
     4. To utter, to pronounce, MBh. 5, 917.
     5. To leave, Naiṣ. 5, 48 (Ātm.).
     6. To offend, MBh. 16, 43. uccarita, n. Excrements, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 32. Caus. To utter, to pronounce, MBh. 1, 966.
-- With prod pra ud, To pronounce, Hariv. 14694. Caus. To cause to sound, Pañc. 21, 3.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, Caus. To excite, MBh. 8, 3553.
-- With vyud vi-ud,
     1. To offend (Ātm.).
     2. To have culpable intercourse (with instr.), MBh. 3, 12868.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To approach, Rām. 5, 64, 5.
     2. To serve, Man. 4, 254; to attend, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 21; to honour, Man. 3, 193.
     3. To treat, Pañc. 43, 10.
     4. pass. To be used metaphorically (with loc.), Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 37. upacīrṇa, Attended, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 38.
-- With dus dus, To treat ill, to deceive, Rām. 3, 2, 25.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To come out, MBh. 1, 8235.
     2. To appear, MBh. 6, 4543.
     3. To proceed, MBh. 5, 4929.
-- With vinis vi-nis, To proceed, MBh. 4, 1322.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To go round, Rām. 5, 52, 5.
     2. To serve, Man. 2, 243; to attend, Rām. 1, 46, 11.
     3. To honour.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To proceed, to appear, MBh. 6, 2189; Rām. 1, 35, 18.
     2. To succeed, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 2.
     3. To visit, Rām. 2, 55, 5.
     4. To walk, Prab. 33, 10.
     5. To circulate, Rām. 1, 2, 40.
     6. To act, Man. 9, 284.
     7. To perform, Man. 10, 100. Caus. To cause to graze, Hariv. 785.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To advance, Rām. 6, 16, 105.
-- With prati prati, Caus. To diffuse, MBh. 12, 12742.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To go in different directions, Hiḍ. 2, 31; to rove, MBh. 3, 2486.
     2. To wander through, MBh. 1, 3931 (Ātm.).
     3. To live lasciviously, Man. 9, 20.
     4. To fail, Bhāg. P. 9, 1, 15.
     5. To act, Pañc. 26, 3.
     6. To live, Man. 4, 18; 9, 302 (to live virtuously); with instr., To converse with, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 52.
     7. To make, to perform, Hariv. 10148. vicarita, n. Roving, Nal. 24, 49. vicīrṇa,
     1. Wandered through, Rām. 3, 73, 25.
     2. Performed, Pañc. i. d. 307. Caus.
     1. To cause to run, Arj. 6, 17.
     2. To cause to go round, Rām. 4, 13, 44; buddhim, To reflect, Rām. 1, 41, 9.
     3. To seduce, Rām. 1, 49, 6.
     4. To consider, Man. 7, 178.
     5. To doubt, Rām. 1, 23, 19.
     6. To hesitate, Rām. 5, 35, 25; to decide, MBh. 4, 235. vicārita, n.
     1. Consideration, Sāv. 3, 13.
     2. Scruple, Mṛcch. 9, 5.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Requiring no hesitation, Man. 8, 295. -- Comp. absol. a-vicārya, without having considered, Rām. 3, 51, 21.
-- With anuvi anu-vi, To walk through, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 13.
-- With pravi pra-vi,
     1. To advance, MBh. 7, 1451.
     2. To wander through, MBh. 10, 732. Caus. To consider duly, Pañc. iii. d. 116.
-- With anusaṃvi anu-sam-vi, To wander through one by one, MBh. 3, 10288.
-- With sam sam (Ātm. when joined with an instrumental),
     1. To come together, to join, Gīt. 2, 2; to collect, Hariv. 10758; to converse with, Pañc. i. d. 335.
     2. To wander, MBh. 12, 6669.
     2. To descend, Kumāras. 1, 6.
     3. To wander through, Rām. 6, 83, 20.
     4. To move, to live, Bhartṛ. 1, 89.
     5. To pass over to somebody, Pañc. 186, 24.
     6. To practise, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 33. Caus.
     1. To put in motion, Hit. 65, 13.
     2. To let go, Rājat. 5, 195.
     3. To cause to wander over, Bhāg. P. 8, 14, 5.
     4. To lead, Śāk. d. 102.
     5. To transfer, MBh. 1, 3169.
-- With anusam anu-sam,
     1. To wander through, MBh. 3, 1366.
     2. To rove, MBh. 1, 3606.
     3. To visit one by one, MBh. 12, 7002. Caus. To cause to change to, MBh. 12, 11208 (anusaṃcārya tān, Having been changed to those).
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To meet, MBh. 12, 11022.
-- Cf. cal, [greek] in [greek] (= duścara, i. e. dus-cara), [greek] (based on [greek]); Lat. colere, in-quilinus.

cara car + a,
     1. adj., f. .
     1. Moveable, Man. 7, 15.
     2. Latter part of comp. adj.
a. Moving, Rām. 3, 9, 10.
b. Practising, Man. 4, 196.
II. m. A spy, Man. 7, 122.
-- Comp. a-, adj., 1. immoveable, Man. 5, 29. 2. not to be trodden, Hariv. 12302. anta-, adj. going to the end (of the earth), Rām. 4, 40, 3. antaḥpura-, i. e. antar-pura-, m. an attendant in a gynaeceum, Pañc. i. d. 61. araṇya-, 1. adj. living in a forest, Pañc. 135, 23. 2. m. a wild beast, Pañc. 215, 6. eka-, adj., f. , solitary, Man. 5, 17. ku-, m. a fixed star, MBh. 14, 1070. kūla-, adj. living near the banks of rivers, Suśr. 1, 264, 9. toya-, m. an aquatic animal, MBh. 3, 17135. divā-, adj. walking by day, Man. 3, 90. duścara, i. e. dus-, adj., f. . 1. difficult to be passed, Rām. 3, 26, 7; MBh. 14, 2369. 2. difficult to be performed, MBh. 12, 656. su-duścara, very difficult, Man. 1, 34 (cf. [greek]). dhārāntara-, i. e. dhārā-antara-, adj. moving among clouds, Rām. 2, 105, 38 Gorr. niśā-, 1. adj. wandering at night, Rām. 1, 36, 18. 2. m. a demon, a Rākṣasa, Rām. 3, 54, 27. 3. f. , a female demon, 5, 25, 34. vyomacara, i. e. vyoman-, adj. passing through the air. saha-,
I. adj., f. . 1. going with. 2. united, Pañc. 43, 4.
II. m. 1. a companion, 2. a surety.
III. m. and f. , yellow Barleria.
IV. f. . 1. female acquaintance. 2. a wife.

caraṇa caraṇa, i. e. car + ana,
I. m. A foot soldier, Hariv. 5957.
II. m. and n.
     1. A foot, Man. 9, 277.
     2. A verse, Śrut. 22.
     3. A school, MBh. 12, 6369.
III. n.
     1. Fixed observances, good conduct, MBh. 13, 3044.
     2. Practice, Rām. 1, 31, 2.
-- Comp. tapas-, n. mortification, Arj. 4, 22.

carama carama (cf. cara and cira), adj., f. , Last, Bhāg. P. 3, 4, 12. °mam, adv. At last, Man. 2, 194.

caramaśairṣika caramaśairṣika, i. e. carama-śīrṣan + ika, adj., f. , Of which the head-board is turned to the west, MBh. 13, 462.

carācara carācara, i. e. caraacara, adj. Moveable and immoveable, Rām. 4, 15, 8.

caritārtha caritārtha, i. e. carita-artha, adj.
     1. Having obtained one's object, Śāk. 111, 12.
     2. Effected.

caritārthatā caritārtha + tā, f. Attainment of one's object, Śāk. 61, 18.

caritārthatva caritārtha + tva, n. Cendition of being effected, Bhāṣāp. 113 (separatedness is not to be explained by mere mutual negation).

caritārthaya CARITĀRTHAYA (a denomin. derived from caritārtha by aya), Par. To let somebody attain his object, Naiṣ. 9, 49.

caritra car + itra, n.
     1. Ancient usages, Man. 9, 7.
     2. Conduct, Rām. 5, 51, 17.
-- Comp. vi-citra-, adj., f. trā, behaving in a surprising way, Pañc. iv. d. 57.

cariṣṇu car-iṣṇu, adj. Moveable, belonging to the animal world, Man. 1, 56.

caru caru, m.
     1. A caldron, Man. 5, 117.
     2. An oblation to the gods, chiefly of milk and butter, Man. 6, 11.

carc CARC, i. 1 and 6, Par.
     1. † To abuse.
     2. † To menace.
     3. † To injure. i. 10, Par., Ātm.
     1. To repeat.
     2. † To study.

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carcarikā carcarikā, i. e. carcarī + ka, f. A kind of gesture, Vikr. 55, 20.

carcarī carcarī (carcar is probably an old frequent. of car), f. A kind of song, Vikr. 55, 15.

carcā carcā, f.
     1. Cleaning the person with fragrant unguents, Gīt. 9, 10.
     2. Smearing, anointing.
     3. Applying, practice, Rājat. 5, 303.

carcita carcita, i. e. carcā + ita, adj.
     1. Anointed, MBh. 2, 2371.
     2. Smeared, Pañc. 123, 14.
-- Comp. vi-, adj., anointed, smeared, Ṛt. 6, 12.

carb † CARB, i. 1, Par. To go.

carmakāra carmakāra, i. e. carman-kāra, m. A shoemaker, Man. 2, 36.

carman carman, n.
     1. Skin, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 16.
     2. Hide, Man. 2, 41.
     3. A shield, Rām. 5, 73, 17.
-- Comp. gala-, n. the throat, Suśr. 2, 215, 15. go-, n. the hide of a cow, MBh. 13, 1228. dus-, adj. suffering from a cutaneous disease, Yājñ. 3, 209.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

carmamaya carmamaya, i. e. carman + maya, adj., f. , Made of leather, Man. 2, 157.
-- Comp. vyāghracarmamaya, i. e. vyāghra-carman + maya, covered by a sheath made of the hide of a tiger, MBh. 6, 1787.

carmavant carmavant, i. e. carman + vant, adj., f. vatī, Covered by a hide, MBh. 3, 643.

carmāvakartin carmāvakartin, i. e. carman-ava-kṛt + in, m. A leathercutter, Man. 4, 218.

carmāvakarttṛ carmāvakarttṛ, i. e. carman-ava-kṛt + tṛ, m. A leathercutter, MBh. 12, 1321.

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carmin carmin, i. e. carman + in, m. A shield-bearer, MBh. 3, 756.

carya carya,
I. ptcple. of the fut. pass. of car, To be practised, Man. 3, 1.
II. f. .
     1. Roaming, MBh. 8, 2099.
     2. Visiting, Bhāg. P. 9, 16, 1.
     3. Going, Rām. 1, 19, 19.
     4. Observance, Man. 1, 111.
     5. Practising, occupation, Rām. 1, 40, 6.
     6. Conduct, Man. 6, 32.
III. n.
     1. Going, MBh. 8, 4215.
     2. Practising.
-- Comp. ku-caryā, f. bad conduct, Man. 9, 17. tapaścaryā, i. e. tapas-, f. mortification, MBh. 7, 1280. deva-caryā, f. worship of the gods, MBh. 3, 11045. dharma-, f. observance of the law, Kumāras. 7, 83. paśu-, f. acting like beasts, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 23. brahmacarya, i. e. brahman-,
I. n. 1. studentship, the order of a religious student. 2. pious austerity, Man. 5, 160. 3. chastity, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 15.
II. brahmacarya, m. a religious student. sa-brahmacarya, n. studying together. ratha-caryā, f. a chariot-exercise. vrata-,
I. f. observance of religious vows, Chr. 42, 11.
II. vrata-carya, m. a student in theology, Man. 1, 111.

carv CARV (akin to car), i. 1, and 10, Par.
     1. To chew, to bite, Pañc. 259. 8.
     2. To bite to pieces, Dev. 7, 10.
     3. To taste, Sāh. D. 27, 11.
-- Cf. cūrṇ, cūrṇa, [greek] Lat. terere, triticum, etc.

carvaṇa carvaṇa, i. e. carv + ana, n.
     1. Chewing.
     2. Tasting, Sāh. D. 30, 17; also fem. ṇā, 30, 2.
     3. Food, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 35.
-- Comp. punaḥpunaścarvita-, i. e. punar-punar-carvita-, adj. chewing repeatedly what has been chewed already, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 30.

carṣaṇi carṣaṇi (vb. car), pl. Men. Chr. 292, 5. -- Rigv. i. 86. 5.
-- Comp. viśva-, adj. active, strenuous in everything, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.

cal 1. cal (akin to car), i. 1, Par. (sometimes also Ātm.),
     1. To tremble, MBh. 2, 1589.
     2. To move, Hariv. 5591; to go, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 23.
     3. To go away, MBh. 1, 6546.
     4. To become troubled, Pañc. i. d. 448.
     5. To swerve (with the abl.), Man. 7, 15 (svadharmān na calanti, They do not swerve from their duty). calita,
     1. Shaking, Rām. 3, 57, 23; trembling, MBh. 3, 10065.
     2. Gone away, Arj. 4, 39.
     3. Troubled, Rām. 5, 30, 13.
     4. Damaged, Pañc. iv. d. 30. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass. calitavya, Rām. 3, 49, 14, na calitavyaṃ te, You must not leave this place. -- Caus.
I. calaya,
     1. To put in motion, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 37; to stir, Śāk. d. 158.
     2. To trouble, to excite, Ṛt. 3, 10.
     3. To turn off, Mṛcch. 147, 9.
II. cālaya,
     1. To shake, Rām. 3, 7, 10; to move, MBh. 3, 11185.
     2. To cause to waver, Rām. 6, 73, 20.
     3. To drive onwards, MBh. 1, 5743.
     4. To drive away, Hariv. 2697.
     5. To put to flight, MBh. 7, 222.
     6. To trouble, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 7. Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. cālayāna, MBh. 3, 11095. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. Not to be turned off, Bhāg. P. 2, 17, 17.
-- Comp. a-, adj., immoveable, MBh. 13, 2161.
-- With the prep. ā ā, Caus. cālaya,
     1. To cause to tremble, Hariv. 3036.
     2. To push away, MBh. 12, 5814.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To depart, Śāk. d. 28.
     2. To rise, Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 8.
     3. To unbind, Hariv. 2886.
     4. To set out, Daśak. in Chr., 184, 6.
-- With samud sam-ud, To set out together, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 15.
-- With pari pari, To move, Sāh. D. 67, 12. Caus. cālaya, To turn round, MBh. 12, 6870.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To tremble, Rām. 3, 29, 13.
     2. To advance, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 23.
     3. To move, Pañc. 87, 17.
     4. To set out, Pañc. 104, 14.
     5. To become troubled, MBh. 12, 2736.
     6. To swerve, MBh. 3, 11249. Caus. calaya, To move, Amar. 58. cālaya,
     1. To cause to tremble, Rām. 5, 38, 34.
     2. To stir up, Pañc. 262. 20.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To waver, Rām. 3, 57, 23.
     2. To depart, Hariv. 4113.
     3. To move, MBh. 3, 2614.
     4. To fall down, Gīt. 5, 10.
     5. To become troubled, Hariv. 9948.
     6. To swerve, Man. 7, 28. Caus. cālaya,
     1. To cause to tremble, Rām. 1, 16, 23.
     2. To make unsteady, Man. 7, 13; to rescind, 8, 167.
     3. To trouble, Rām. 5, 32, 37.
     4. To turn off, Bhāg. P. 9, 8, 15.
-- With pravi pra-vi,
     1. To tremble, MBh. 1, 1184.
     2. To become unsteady, Hariv. 1, 11126.
     3. To deviate, Bhartṛ. 2, 81. Caus. cālaya, To cause to tremble, Hariv. 6226.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To tremble, Rām. 6, 75, 34.
     2. To move, Rām. 2, 90, 4 (āsanāt, To start up from one's seat). Caus. cālaya,
     1. To cause to tremble, Hariv. 13211.
     2. To put in motion, Śāk. d. 69.
     3. To drive away, MBh. 10, 627.

cal † 2. cal, i. 6, Par. To sport.

cal † 3. cal, i. 10, Par. To foster, v. r.

cala cal + a, adj., f. .
     1. Trembling, Ragh. 3, 68.
     2. Loose, Suśr. 1, 303, 18.
     3. Troubled, Suśr. 1, 146, 16.
     4. Fickle, Nal. 19, 6.
-- Comp. see acala. Nis-, adj. 1. immoveable, Bhartṛ. 2, 69. 2. steady, Bhag. 2, 58. vi-nis-, adj. immoveable, firm. vi-, adj. 1. moving to and fro, unsteady. 2. conceited. a-vi-, adj. immoveable.

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calacittatā cala-citta + tā, f. Fickleness, Hit. i. d. 91.

calatva cala + tva, n. Trembling, Megh. 94.

calana cal + ana, n.
     1. Trembling, Pañc. ii. d. 174.
     2. Moving, MBh. 12, 3708.
     3. Swerving, MBh. 3, 1319.
-- Comp. bhūmi-, n. an earthquake, Man. 4, 105.

calācala calācal + a (derived from an old frequent. of cal), adj.
     1. Moving to and fro, Rām. 5, 42, 11.
     2. Unsteady, MBh. 5, 2758.

caṣ † CAṢ, i. 1, Par. To kill. i. 1, Par., Ātm. To eat.

caṣaka caṣaka, m. and n. A drink. ing vessel, Ragh. 7, 46.

caṣāla caṣāla, m. and n. A ring on the top of a sacrificial post, MBh. 7, 2266.

cah † CAH, i. 1 and 10 (v. r.), Par. To deceive.

cākra cākra, i. e. cakra + a, adj. Performed with a discus, Hariv. 5648.

cākrika cākrika, i. e. cakra + ika, m.
     1. An oil grinder, Rājat. 6, 272 (at the same time, A partisan).
     2. A bellman, Hariv. 9047.
     3. A partisan, Rājat. 5, 267.

cākṣuṣa cākṣuṣa, i. e. cakṣus + a,
I. adj., f. ṣī.
     1. Peculiar to the eye, e. g. ṣī vidyā, The magic faculty of seeing every object, MBh. 1, 6478.
     2. Perceptible by the eye, Suśr. 1, 153, 5.
     3. Referring to Manu Cākṣuṣa, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 49.
II. m. The name of the sixth Manu, Man. 1, 62.

cāṭa cāṭa, m. A rogue, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 907.

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cāṭu cāṭu, m. and n. Pleasing, flatiering discourse, Ṛt. 6, 14.

cāṭukāra cāṭu-kāra, m. A flatterer, Rājat. 5, 351.

cāṇakya cāṇakya,
I. m. A proper name, Pañc. 253, 12.
II. adj. Composed by Cāṇakya, Cāṇ. 1.

cāṇḍāla cāṇḍāla, i. e. caṇḍāla + a, m., f. lī; = caṇḍāla, An outcast, Man. 3, 239; 8, 373.
-- Comp. brāhmaṇa-, m. The son of a Śūdra man and Brāhmaṇī woman, Man. 9, 87.

cātaka cātaka, m. A kind of cuckoo, Cuculus melanoleucus, supposed to drink only drops of rain, Bhartṛ. 2, 89.

cātuḥsāgarika cātuḥsāgarika, i. e. catur-sāgara + ika, adj., f. , Directed to the four seas, Rām. 4, 16, 43.

cāturāśramika cāturāśramika, i. e. catur-āśrama + ika, and cāturāśramin cāturāśramin, i. e. catur-āśrama + a + in, adj. Being in one of the four orders of brahmanical life, MBh. 14, 972; 7, 2757.

cāturāśramya cāturāśramya, i. e. catur-āśrama + ya, n. The four orders of brahmanical life, MBh. 3, 11244.

cāturmāsya cāturmāsya, i. e. catur māsa + ya, n. The name of sacrifices which ought to be offered every four months, Man. 6, 10.

cāturya cāturya, i. e. catura + ya, n. Charm, beauty, Rām. 1, 6, 13.

cāturvarṇya cāturvarṇya, i. e. catur-varṇa + ya, n. The four castes, Man. 10, 30.

cāturvidya cāturvidya, i. e. catur vidyā + a,
I. adj. Conversant in the four Vedas, Rājat. 5, 158.
II. n. The four Vedas, MBh. 12, 1574.

cāturvaidya cāturvaidya, i. e. catur-vidyā + a, adj. Conversant in the four Vedas, MBh. 5, 4741.

cāturhotra cāturhotra, i. e. catur hotṛ + a,
I. adj. Performed by the four principal priests, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 19.
II. n.
     1. A sacrifice performed by the four principal priests, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 5.
     2. The functions of the four principal priests, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 24.
     3. The four principal priests, Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 37.

cāndramasa cāndramasa, i. e. candramas + a, adj., f. , Lunar, belonging to the moon, Bhag. 8, 25.

cāndravratika cāndravratika, i. e. candra-vrata + ika, adj. Having the character of the moon, Man. 9, 309.

cāndrāyaṇa cāndrāyaṇa, i. e. candra-ayana + a, n. A religious or expiatory observance regulated by the moon's age; diminishing the daily consumption of food by one mouthful every day for the dark half of the month, and increasing it in like manner during the light half, Man. 11, 216; Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 17.
-- Comp. yati-, n. a species of this penance, Man. 11, 218. śiśu-, n. another species of this penance, Man. 11, 219.

cāpa cāpa (probably from the Caus. of ci), m. and n. A bow, Man. 7, 192.
-- Comp. indra-, m. the rainbow, Megh. 65. mahendra-, i. e. mahā-indra-, m. the same, Rājat. 5, 381. kusuma-, puṣpa-, m. a name of the god of love, Ragh. 9, 33; Kathās. 14, 29. sa-sura-cāpa + m, adv. with Indra's bow, Kir. 5, 12. skandha-, m. a sort of yoke for carrying burthens.

cāpala cāpala, i. e. capala + a, n.
     1. Quickness, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 20.
     2. Unsteadiness, Rājat. 5, 377.

cāpalya cāpalya, i. e. capala + ya, n. Unsteadiness, Pañc. iv. d. 81.
-- Comp. ati-, n. great quickness, Pañc. 62, 12. pāṇi-, n. fidgeting with the hands.

cāpin cāpin, i. e. cāpa + in, m. An archer, MBh. 12, 10406.

cāmara cāmara, i. e. camara + a, n. The tail of the Bos grunniens, used to whisk off flies, and one of the insignia of royalty, Rājat. 5, 449: Megh. 36. Used also as an ornament on the heads of horses, Śāk. d. 8.

cāmīkara cāmīkara, n. Gold, Rām. 3, 26, 6.

cāmuṇḍā cāmuṇḍā, f. A name of Durgā, Mālat. 81, 6.

cāy cāy, i. 1, Par., Ātm. To worship.
-- With the prep. ni ni, To worship, Daśak, 174, 5.
-- Cf. ci.

cāra cāra, i. e. car + a, m.
     1. A spy, Rājat. 5, 81.
     2. Going, motion, Vikr. d. 140.
     3. Course, Rām. 2, 66, 23.
     4. Occupation with, MBh. 5, 1410.
-- Comp. pāda-, m. 1. going on foot. 2. walking, Megh. 61. saha-, m. the concomitance of the major and middle term, Bhāṣāp. 136.

cāraka cāraka, i. e. car + aka,
I. adj. Acting, Rām. 3, 66, 18.
II. m.
     1. A spy, MBh. 2, 172.
     2. A prison, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 11.
III. f. rikā, A servant-girl, Kathās. 14, 65. pracchanna- (vb. cad), adj. Acting fraudulently, Rām. 3, 66, 18.

cāraṇa cāraṇa, i. e. caraṇa + a, m.
     1. A strolling player, Man. 12, 44.
     2. A panegyrist of the gods, Chr. 24, 46.
     3. A spy, Bhāg. P. 4, 16, 12.

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cāraṇatva cāraṇa + tva, n. Scenic art, Rājat. 5, 418.

cāraṇaikamaya cāraṇaikamaya, i. e. cāraṇa-eka + maya, adj., f. , Full of panegyrists only, Kathās. 23, 85.

cāritra cāritra, i. e. caritra + a, n.
     1. Peculiar observance, praiseworthv observance, Rām. 6, 88, 11.
     2. Conduct, Rām. 3, 59, 15.
     3. Good conduct, Rām. 1, 1, 3.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. wicked-lived, MBh. 12, 2359. duṣṭa- adj., f. , ill-behaving, Pañc. iv. d. 55.

cāritrya cāritrya, i. e. caritra + ya, n.
     1. Conduct, MBh. 12, 12357.
     2. Good conduct, virtue, Mṛcch. 147, 9.

cārin cārin, i. e. car + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Moveable, MBh. 7, 372.
     2. As latter part of comp. words: a. Going, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 9. b. Moving, Hiḍ. 4, 4. c. Roaming, Pañc. 69, 1. d. Living, Rām. 3, 15, 6. e. Acting, pracchanna- (vb. cad), Acting fraudulently, Rām. 3, 51, 26. f. Observing, Rām. 3, 53, 21. g. Feeding on, Suśr. 1, 208, 12.
II. m. A foot-soldier, MBh. 6, 3545.
-- Comp. eka-, adj. solitary, MBh. 1, 6928; f. riṇī, a faithful wife, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 20; Rājat. 5, 8. kāma-, adj. 1. moving where one lists, Chr. 58, 4. 2. self-willed, independent, Rām. 3, 52, 38. 3. Desirous, MBh. 13, 2265. kha-, adj. moving in the sky, MBh. 3, 14635. gūḍha- (vb. guh), adj. going disguised, Yājñ. 2, 268. citta-, adj., f. iṇī, compliant, MBh. 3, 14668. jala-, m. an aquatic animal, MBh. 3, 11577. dus-, adj. wicked-lived, Kathās. 23, 8. duṣṭa-, m. a sinner, MBh. 4, 97. dharma-, adj. virtuous, Rām. 3, 2, 19. pāda-,
I. adj. going on foot, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 9.
II. m. a footsoldier. brah macārin i. e. brahman-, m. 1. a religious student. 2. chaste, Man. 4, 128. saṃgha-, m. a fish. saha-, m., f. iṇī, and n., a companion, an attendant. svacchanda-, i. e. sva-chanda-, adj., f. iṇī, a harlot, Śāk. 69, 9 (Prākṛ.).

cāru cāru (akin to car in carv, cf. cūrṇa, properly: Delicate, cf. [greek]), adj., f. rvī.
     1. Agreeable, Pañc. 256, 14.
     2. Beautiful, Rām. 1, 63, 6.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. very beautiful.
-- Cf. [greek]

cārutā cāru + tā, f. Beauty, Kumarās. 3, 7.

cārmika cārmika i. e. carman + ika, adj. Leathern, Man. 8, 289.

cārya cārya, m. The son of a Vrātya, or outcaste Vaiśya, Man. 10, 23.

cārvāka cārvāka i. e. cāru-vac + a, m. The name of a philosopher holding materialistic and heterodox principles, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 16.

cālana cālana, i. e. cal, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Motion, Bhāg. P. 3. 26. 37.
     2. Shaking. MBh. 16, 267.

cāṣa cāṣa, m. The blue jay, Coracias indica, Man. 11, 131.

ci 1. ci, ii. 5, cinu, Par. Ātm.
     1. To arrange, MBh. 12, 10745.
     2. To heap, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 15.
     3. To collect, to gather, MBh. 1, 7719.
     4. To cover, Arj. 9, 9. cita, Full, Rām. 3, 68, 12. citā, see separately. -- Caus. cāyaya and cāpaya. † 1, 10, cayaya and capaya, To heap, to collect.
-- With the prep. apa apa,
     1. To gather, Rām. 2, 100, 5.
     2. To diminish, Mārk. P. 29, 8; apacita, fallen off, Śāk. d. 37.
     3. To deprive, MBh. 3, 1319.
-- With ava ava, To gather, Pañc. 93. 4.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To heap on, Bhā[greek] P. 4, 29, 78.
     2. To cover, Rām. 6, 20, 23.
-- With avā ava-ā, To heap on, MBh. 12, 5952.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To heap, Hariv. 14815.
     2. To cover, MBh. 7, 7242.
-- With ud ud, To gather, Kathās. 22, 109.
-- With samud sam-ud, To arrange, MBh. 2, 2087 (anomalous absolut. samuccīya).
-- With upa upa,
     1. To collect, to augment, MBh. 5, 473.
     2. To cover, MBh. 3, 11962. cīya, pass. To increase, Bhartṛ. 2, 84; to profit, Man. 8, 169. upacita,
     1. Well-fed, MBh. 13, 4460.
     2. Prosperous, Ragh. 17, 54.
     3. Loaded, Man. 6, 41.
     4. Endowed, Ram. 3, 41, 19.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To pile up, MBh. 12, 2099.
     2. To erect, MBh. 14, 2635.
     3. To cover, Rām. 6, 32, 24.
     4. To fill, MBh. 3, 650.
     5. To stagnate, Suśr. 1, 92, 19.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To stagnate, Suśr. 2, 430, 15.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To collect, Rājat. 4, 354.
     2. To augment, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 11.
     3. To fill, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 13.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To gather, Hariv. 5237.
     2. To cut, MBh. 5, 1865.
     3. pass. To increase, MBh. 14, 509.
     4. To cover, MBh. 12, 1702.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To cease gathering, MBh. 12, 5952.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To select, MBh. 5 1111.
     2. To pick out, Dev. 2, 67 (anomalous vicinvati, instead of noti).
-- With saṃvi sam-vi, To segregate, Rām. 5, 85, 18.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To heap up, Rām. 1, 13, 30.
     2. To collect, Man. 6, 15. saṃcita,
     1. Dense, Rām. 5, 59, 13.
     2. Provided, MBh. 6, 3327.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To collect, Sāh. D. 73, 12.
-- Cf. Lat. capio = Caus. capayāmi, capulus, capistrum; perhaps also [greek] and Goth. hafjan, hafan, hafts; A.S. hebban, thu hefest; Engl. to heave.

ci 2. ci, ii. 5, cinu, Par., Ātm.
     1. To search, Kathās. 26, 136.
     2. To search through, MBh. 3, 2659.
-- With the prep. apa apa, apacita,
     1. Honoured, MBh. 3, 10835.
     2. Invited, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 9. n. Honour, MBh. 9, 3620,
-- With ava ava, To honour, MBh. 3, 10676.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To know thoroughly, Rājat. 5, 124.
     2. To decide, Rām. 2, 1, 26. niścita, n. Resolution, Rām. 5, 15, 57. niścita + m, adv. Certainly, Pañc. 223, 7.
-- Comp. a-niścita, wavering, Pañc. iii. d. 261. su-, adj. 1. ascertained. 2. approved.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, To decide, MBh. 3, 1086; 12, 10635.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To consider, Man. 7, 59.
     2. To decide, Bhag. 13, 4.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To search, Rām. 4, 47, 1.
     2. To familiarise one's self with something, Ragh. 8, 18. paricita, Familiar, Śāk. d. 107; acquainted, Hariv. 8615. -- Caus. cāyaya, To search, Häberl. Anth. 432, 13.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To discern, Pañc. i. d. 42.
     2. To make discernible, Rām. 5, 11, 1.
     3. To search, Rām. 3, 68, 9.
     4. To examine, MBh. 5, 6088.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To search, Rām. 4, 48, 23. pravicita, Tested, MBh. 7, 4440.
-- With sam sam, To think, Rājat. 6, 32 (? probably it is to be read saṃcintya).
-- Cf. ki, cāy, and ved. ci, i. 1, Ātm. To punish; [greek] Lat. timeo.

cikitsaka cikitsaka, i. e. cikitsa desiderat. of kit, + aka, m. A physician, Man. 9, 284.

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cikitsana cikitsana, i. e. cikitsa (see the last), + ana, n. Remedying, MBh. 4, 63.

cikitsā cikitsā, i. e. cikitsa (see cikitsaka), + ā, f. The practice of medicine, curing, Rām. 6, 71, 26.
-- Comp. dus-cikitsa, adj. difficult to be cured, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 38.

cikīrṣā cikīrṣā, i. e. cikīrṣa, desiderat. of kṛ, + ā, f. The desire to perform, Rām. 5, 36, 7.

cikīrṣu cikīrṣu, i. e. cikīrṣa (see the last), + u, adj.
     1. Desiring to make, to perform, MBh 7, 881.
     2. Desiring to practise, MBh. 8, 1965.

cikura cikura, m.
     1. Hair, Gīt. 7, 23.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 5, 3640.

cikkcikk, i. 10, Par. To give pain, v. r.
-- Cf. cakk.

cikkaṇa cikkaṇa, adj. Smooth, slippery, MBh. 12, 6854; 14, 1416 (thus to be read instead of cikvaṇa); Suśr. 2, 176, 14.

cikrīḍiṣā cikrīḍiṣā, i. e. cikrīḍiṣa, desiderat. of krīḍ, + a, f. The desire to play, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 3.

cikhādiṣu cikhādiṣu, i. e. cikhādiṣa, desider. of khād, + u, adj. Desiring to devour, MBh. 10, 483.

cicchitsu cicchitsu, i. e. cicchitsa, desider. of cid, + u, adj. Desiring to cop off, MBh. 7, 6001.

ciṭciṭ, i. 1, Par. To send off.

cit 1. cit (akin to 2. ci), i. 1. Par. To perceive. Chr. 295, 12 = Rigv. i. 92, 12. -- Caus. and i. 10, Atm. cetaya,
     1. To perceive, MBh. 12, 9890 (Ātm.).
     2. To get consciousness, MBh. 1, 3616 (Ātm.).
     3. To think, MBh. 18, 74 (Par.); Bhāg. P. 1, 8, 9 (Ātm.).
     4. To cause to think, Bhāg. P. 8, 1, 9 (Ātm.).
     5. To know, MBh. 3, 14877 (Par.). Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. cetayāna, Sensible, Rām. 2, 109, 7.

cit 2. cit, f. Soul (as distinguished from citta), Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 6; Sānkhya Aph. 1, 146.

cit 3. cit, see cid.

citā citā, i. e. cita, ptcple. of the pf. pass. of 1. ci, f. A funeral pilc, Rājat. 5, 226.

citi ci + ti, f.
     1. A heap, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 50.
     2. Wood raised for burning, Man. 4, 46.
     3. An altar, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 36.
     4. Intellect, Dev. 5, 36.

citikā citikā, i. e. citā + ka, f. A funeral pile, Pañc. iii. d. 135.

citkāra cit-kāra (the first part is an imitative sound), m. Scream; braying of an ass, Hit. ii. d. 30, v. r.

citkāravant citkāra + vant, adj., f. vati, Accompanied by shouts, Mālat. 1, 5, v. r.

citta 1. cit + ta, n.
     1. Thought, Bhag. 16, 16.
     2. Intellect, Vedāut. in Chr. 207, 2.
     3. Will, Śāk. C. 32, 3.
     4. The mind, Rām. 3, 55, 19.
     5. The heart, Pañc. 140, 17.
-- Comp. anya-, adj. thinking of some one or something else, Pañc. 225, 23. eka-,
I. n. 1. thought directed to one object only, Prab. 8, 5. 2. unanimity, Rām. 2, 40, 35.
II. adj. 1. thinking only of one object; in tad-, thinking of him only, Hit. 39, 2. 2. unanimous, Hit. 14, 3. cala-,
I. n. fickleness, Man. 9, 15.
II. adj. unsteady, Rām. 3, 1, 32. pramoha-, adj., f. , bewildered in mind.

citti 1. cit + ti, f. Thought, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 18.
-- Comp. pūrva-, f. l. first thought. 2. the name of an Apsaras.

citya 1. ci + tyā,
I. n. A tomb, Rām. 1, 58, 10.
II. f. A layer.
-- Comp. catuścitya, i. e. catur-, adj. supported on four layers, MBh. 14, 2643.

citr citr, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par.
     1. To colour with various colours, Hit. i. d. 171.
     2. To adorn, MBh. 12, 988.
     3. † To see a wonderful sight.
-- With the prep. vi vi, vicitrita (rather vi-citra + ita),
     1. Spotted, Rām. 3, 49, 35.
     2. Coloured with various colours, Chr. 34, 10.
     3. Wonderful.

citra 1. cit + ra,
I. adj.
     1. Visible (ved.).
     2. Clear, shining, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88, 2.
     3. Variegated, Chr. 2, 21.
     4. Spotted, Rām. 3, 48, 12.
     5. Various, Man. 9, 248.
     6. Fluctuating, Rām. 3, 52, 15.
     7. Wonderful, Rām. 3, 35, 4.
     8. Surprised, Rājat. 5, 2.
     9. Uncommon, rigorous, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 4; adv. in a rigorous manner, ib. 198, 3.
II. f. trā, The name of a lunar mansion, Spica virginis, Rām. 3, 23, 11.
III. n.
     1. A surprising appearance, Śāk. 110, 17; wonder, Rām. 3, 51, 26.
     2. A spot, MBh. 13, 2605.
     3. A picture, MBh. 13, 7692.
     4. Painting, Rām. 2, 90, 23 Gorr.
-- Comp. vi-,
I. adj. 1. variegated, spotted. 2. painted. 3. handsome. 4. surprising.
II. n. 1. variegated (the colour). 2. surprise. 3. speech implying apparently the reverse of the intended object. sa-, adj. 1. painted, Hariv. 4532. 2. containing pictures, Megh. 65.

citraka citra + ka,
I. m. The Cheeta, or small hunting leopard, Pañc. 72, 11.
II. n.
     1. A sectarial mark, made on the forehead, Hariv. 7074.
     2. A mode of fighting, Hariv. 15979.
     3. The name of a forest, Hariv. 8952.

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citrakāra citra-kāra, m. A painter, MBh. 5, 5025.

citraga citra-ga, and citragata citra-gata (vb. gam.), adj., f. gā, tā, Painted, Kathās. 5, 31; MBh. 6, 1662.

citragupta citra-gupta, m. Yama's registrar, who records the vices and virtues of mankind, MBh. 13, 5924.

citradhā citra-dhā, adv. Manifold, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 20.

citrabarhin citrabarhin, i. e. citra-barha + in, adj., f. iṇī, Having a variegated tail, MBh. 13, 4206.

citravant citra + vant, adj., f. vatī, Adorned with pictures, Ragh. 14, 25.

citrastha citra-stha, adj. Painted, Kathās. 6, 120.

citrāmagha citrāmagha, i. e. citra-magha, with lengthened final of the former part, adj., f. ghā, Having splendid treasures, Chr. 288, 10 = Rigv. i. 48, 10.

citrīya citrīya, a denomin. derived from citra by ya, Ātm.
     1. To be surprised, Kathās. 6, 50.
     2. To cause surprise, Daśack. 177, 13.

cid cid (properly acc. n. of a lost indefinite pronoun ci = [greek] Lat. qui + s), a particle giving to the preceding word an indefinite signification: Any, Chr. 292, 5 = Rigv. i. 86, 5; Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3. All, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3. In classic language it is only used after derivatives of the interrogative pronouns kim, and jatu, and gives them an indefinite signification; cf. katham, kadā, kim, kutas, kva, and jātu.
-- Cf. Lat. -que (= Oscan -pid) in quando-que = kadā cid, (qui)-cumque = kam cid.

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cidātman cidātman, i. e. cit-ātman, m. He whose essence is intelligence; the pure soul, Prab. 114, 19.

cint cint (akin to cit and ci), i. 10 and † i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., Rām. 5, 67, 10),
     1. To think, Lass. 36, 8. To think of, with the acc., Pañc. i. d. 100; with the dat., Hariv. 5976; with the loc., Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 14; with prati and acc., MBh. 3, 1714.
     2. To reflect, Rām. 1, 8, 2.
     3. To mind, MBh. 3, 2399.
     4. To regard, Rām. 5, 77, 11.
     5. To devise, Hit. 13, 19. Anomalous ptcple. of the pres., chintayāna, Pañc. 209, 6. cintita, n.
     1. Thought, Matsyop. 37.
     2. Design, Rām. 1, 70, 7.
     3. Care, Lass. 74, 17.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unexpected, Pañc. ii. d. 3. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
     1. Comp. a-cintanīya, Not to be thought of, Pañc. iii. d. 221.
     2. cintya, n. Necessity of minding something, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 49. Comp. a-, adj. incomprehensible, Man. 1, 3. dus-, adj. difficult to be penetrated, MBh. 7, 433.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To think, to think of, Hariv. 9216.
     2. To reflect, Rām. 1, 15, 23.
     3. To remember, MBh. 3, 2642.
     4. To consider, Rām. 6, 21, 35.
-- With samanu sam-anu,
     1. To remember, MBh. 3, 9952.
     2. To consider, MBh. 12, 12393.
-- With abhi abhi, To ponder, MBh. 13, 4341.
-- With nis nis, a-niścintya, adj. Unfathomable, Rām. 5, 81, 6.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To reflect, MBh. 4, 1534.
     2. To remember, Rām. 5, 34, 23.
     3. To consider, MBh. 14, 568.
     4. To devise, Rām. 1, 9, 2.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, To devise, Rām. 6, 22, 10.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To reflect, Rām. 4, 8, 8.
     2. To consider, MBh. 3, 12231.
     3. To devise, MBh. 3, 8820.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To remember, MBh. 8, 4230.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To remember, Rām. 5, 28, 11.
     2. To consider again, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2977.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To reflect, Pañc. 23, 10.
     2. To consider, MBh. 1, 5190.
     3. To care, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 38.
     4. To devise, Pañc. 92, 6.
     5. To find out, MBh. 3, 1445. -- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. durvicintya, i. e. dus-, adj. Difficult to be penetrated, MBh. 12, 4628.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To think of (with acc.), Rām. 5, 66, 33.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To reflect, Rām. 5, 1, 86.
     2. To consider, Pañc. 255, 3.
     3. To design, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 1. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. dus-saṃcintya, adj. Hardly to be imagined, Rājat, 6, 61.
-- With anusan anu-sam, To reflect, MBh. 14, 59.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To remember, MBh. 7, 5551.

cintaka -cint + aka, latter part of comp. words, Thinking of, caring, e. g. MBh. 1, 7777.
-- Comp. kārya-, m. a superintendent of all affairs. Yājñ. 2, 191. daiva-, m. an astrologer, MBh. 12, 4454. sarvārtha-, i. e. sarva-artha-, m. a superintendent of all affairs, Man. 7, 121. sthāna-, m. a quartermaster, Pañc. 156, 22.

cintana cint + ana, n.
     1. Thinking, Man. 12, 5.
     2. Way of thinking, Rājat. 5, 200.

cintā cint + ā, f.
     1. Thinking, Bhāṣāp. 65.
     2. Thought, Rājat. 5, 11.
     3. Care, Pañc. i. d. 226.
-- Comp. an-anya-cinta, adj. having one's thoughts fixed on one only object, Rām. 5, 57, 8. niścinta, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. free from thought, MBh. 14, 1307. 2. Careless, Hariv. 10302.

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cintāmaya cintā + maya, adj., f. .
     1. Appearing as thought, Bhāg. P. 2, 2, 12.
     2. Produced by thinking, Rām. 2, 85, 16.

cinmātra cinmātra, i. e. cit-mātra, n. Pure-intelligence, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 26.

cira cira (i. e. probably car + a, cf. carama),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Long, Hariv. 9942.
     2. Olden, Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 21.
II. n. Delay, Rām. 4, 5, 27.
III. The acc. ram, instr. reṇa, dat. rāya, abl. rāt, gen. rasya, and loc. re, are used adverbially: ram, A long time. Man. 4, 60. reṇa, After a long time, Sāv. 5, 84; from a long time back, Prab. 29, 14. rāya, A long time, Ragh. 14, 59; after a long time, at last, Pañc. 231, 21; too late, MBh. 5, 780; for a long time, MBh. 13, 392. rāt, After a long time, Pañc. ii. d. 63; at last, Rām. 4, 27, 17; from a long time back, Hit. 17, 14. rasya, After a long time, at last, Rām. 2, 54, 20. -- When former part of a comp. word these adverbs drop their terminations, and appear in the form of the base cira, e. g. Rām. 1, 42, 1. Comp. a-, adj. short, Rām. 5, 37, 21; the acc. ram, instr. reṇa, and abl. rāt, are used adverbially: In a short time, Draup. 5, 20; Man. 7, 134; Rām. 1, 70, 34. As former part of comp. words it signifies often, Just, Man. 3, 280. na-, adj. not long, MBh. 1, 3860; °ram, adv. a short time, Rām. 2, 94, 14 Gorr. °reṇa, rāya, and rāt, adv. soon, MBh. 1, 7487; 833; Rām. 5, 89, 28. mācira, see separately. su-cira + m, adv. a very long time, Rājat, 5, 9.

cirakāra cira-kāra, cirakāri cirakāri, i. e. cira-kṛ + i, cirakārika cirakārika, i. e. cirakāra + ika, and cirakārin cira-kārin, adj. Slow, tardy, MBh. 12, 9482; 9539; 9483; 9485.

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cirakāritā cirakāritā, and cirakāritva cirakāritva, i. e. cira-kārin + tā, f., or tva, n. Slowness, MBh. 12, 9524; 9489.

cirakālatva cira-kāla + tva, n. A long interval, Pañc. 115, 18.

ciraṃtana ciraṃtana, i. e. cira + m + tana, adj.
     1. Old, Pañc. 228, 11.
     2. Hereditary, Pañc. 16, 1.

ciraya ciraya (a denominative derived from cira by aya), Par. To tarry, Pañc. 52, 12.

cirāya cirāya (a denomin. derived from cira by ya), Par., Ātm. To tarry, Pañc. 257, 1.

ciriciri, ii. 5, ciriṇu, Par. To hurt.

cirbhaṭikā cirbhaṭikā, i. e. cirbhaṭī + ka, and cirbhaṭī cirbhaṭī, f. A kind of cucumber, Cucumis utilissimus utilissimus, Pañc. 30, 7; 248, 12.

cilcil, i. 6, Par. To put on clothes.

cillcill, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be loose.
     2. To indicate one's meaning(?).

cillaka cillaka, m. or f. , A certain animal, MBh. 7, 1320.

cillikā cillikā, i. e. cillī + ka, m. and cillī cillī, f. A kind of vegetable, Daśak. 169, 19; Suśr. 1, 220, 21.

civuka civuka, n. The chin, Yājñ. 3, 98.

cihna cihna (probably for cikhna, from a reduplicated form of khan by the aff. a), n.
     1. A mark of any kind, Rām. 4, 12, 44.
     2. Insignia, Ragh. 2, 7.
     3. An attribute, Bhāg. P. 4, 15, 9.
     4. A sign, Pañc. i. d. 193.
     5. Caracter, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 35.

cihnaya cihnaya (a denomin. derived from the last by aya), Par. To mark, Man. 8, 352.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To mark, Rām. 4, 42, 12.
-- With upari upari, uparicihnita, Signed above, Yājñ. 1, 318.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To mark, MBh. 3, 12445.
     2. To sign, Yājñ. 2, 93.

cīkcīk, i. 1 and 10, Par. To suffer.

cīcīkucī and cīcīkūcī cīcīkūcī, a word imitative of the chirping of birds, Rām. 6, 11, 42; MBh. 16, 38.

cītkāra cīt-kāra, m. Noise, MBh. 7, 6666.
-- Cf. citkāra.

cītkāravant cītkāravant, adj., f. vatī, Accompanied by noise, Mālat. 1, 8.
-- Cf. citkāravant.

cīna cīna, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, Man. 10, 44.
     2. A sort of cloth, Suśr. 1, 65, 14.
-- Comp. apara-, m. pl. the western Cīnas, Rām. 4, 44, 14.

cīnaka cīna + ka, m. The name of a people = Cīna, MBh. 8, 236.

cībcīb, see cīv.

cībhcībh, v. r. of bībh, q. cf.

cīycīy, v. r. of cīv.

cīra cīra (perhaps a syncope of cīvara), n.
     1. Bark, Rām. 5, 31, 22; a vesture of bark, Man. 6, 6.
     2. A rag, Kathās. 4, 48; also fem. , Rājat. 4, 573.
     3. A cloth, Rām. 2, 37, 10 (kuśa-, A cloth of Kuśa grass).

cīrin cīrin, i. e. cīra + in, adj. Covered with bark or rags, MBh. 3, 1002.

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cīrī cīrī (based on an imitative sound; cf. the next), f. A cricket, Yājñ. 3, 215.

cīrīvāka cīrīvāka, i. e. cīrī-vac + a, m. A cricket, Man. 12, 63.

cīrṇa cīrṇa, ptcptle. of the pf. pass. of car, q. cf.

cīvcīv, or cīb, or cīy, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To take.
     2. To cover. cīv, i. 10, Par. To shine (or speak).

cīvara cīvara (perhaps from 1. ci by the affixes van + a), n. The tattered dress of a Buddhist mendicant, MBh. 1, 3638; or of any mendicant, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 15.

cukopayiṣu cukopayiṣu, i. e. cukopayiṣa, desiderative of the Causal of kup, + u, adj. Desiring to make wrathful, MBh. 8, 1793.

cukkcukk, i. 10, Par. To give pain.
-- Cf. cakk.

cukra cukra, m. A kind of vinegar, made of fruits, Suśr. 2, 365, 17.

cukṣobhayiṣu cukṣobhayiṣu, i. e. cukṣobhayiṣa, desider. of the Causal of kṣubh, + u, adj. Desiring to cause to waver, Man. 7, 1142.

cuccū cuccū, f. A sort of vegetable, Suśr. 1, 219, 19.

cucy cucy, v. r. of śucy.

cuñcu cuñcu,
I. m. The name of a mixed class, Man. 10, 48.
II. as latter part of comp. words, Renowned, known; see cañcu.

cuṭcuṭ, i. 6 and 10, Par. To cut. i. 1 and 10, Par. To become small (cf. cuṭṭ, of which it is a v. r.).

cuṭṭcuṭṭ, i. 10, Par. To become small (probably a dialetical form of a denomin. derived from kṣudra).

cuḍcuḍ, or buḍ buḍ, i. 6, Par. To cover.

cuḍḍcuḍḍ, i. 1, Par. To dally, to wanton (or to guess, to act).

cuṇcuṇ, i. 6, Par. To cut, v. r.

cuṇṭcuṇṭ, i. 1 and 10, Par. To cut. i. 1, Par. To become small.
-- Cf. cuṭ.

cuṇṭā cuṇṭā and ṭī, f. A well, Suśr. 1, 169, 12.

cuṇṭhcuṇṭh, i. 10, Par. To hurt, v. r.

cuṇḍcuṇḍ, i. 1, Par. To become small (cf. cuṭ). i. 10, Par. To cut.

cutcut, v. r. of cyut.

cud cud (for primitive ścud, cf. cyu), in the Vedas, i. 1, Par., Ātm. To speed. In classical language, i. 10, Par. (also Ātm. MBh. 13, 578), or rather Caus.
     1. To push on, Arj. 4, 37.
     2. To impel, MBh. 1, 5986.
     3. To order, Draup. 8, 1.
     4. To ask, MBh. 13, 578.
     5. To ordain, Man. 2, 165.
     6. To mention, Man. 3, 26.
     7. To lay a stress upon, Śiś. 9, 16 (na codyam adas, It is not to be wondered at). Ptcple. of the fut. pass. codya, n. A question, MBh. 5, 1653.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Caus.
     1. To impel, Chr. 4, 17.
     2. To order, Rājat. 3, 67.
     3. To announce, MBh. 3, 11396.
     4. To inquire, MBh. 1, 2913.
-- With pari pari, Caus.
     1. To wield, Hariv. 15892.
     2. To impel, MBh. 14, 2387.
-- With pra pra. Caus.
     1. To push on, MBh. 3, 12095.
     2. To impel, Rām. 3, 28, 42.
     3. To command, Man. 2, 291.
     4. To ask, Man. 4, 248.
     5. To proclaim, Man. 3, 228.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, Caus. To impel, MBh. 1, 575.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Caus.
     1. To wield, MBh. 7, 559.
     2. To push on, to impel, MBh. 3, 12109; 1, 4875.
     3. To invite, Rām. 1, 4, 32.
-- With prati prati, Caus. To push on, to impel, Rām. 3, 28, 40. praticodita, One who has turned himself against (with the acc.), Rām. 4, 61, 48.
-- With sam sam, Caus.
     1. To wield, MBh. 3, 12238.
     2. To push on, to impel, MBh. 3, 756; Rām. 2, 40, 40.
     3. To further, Rām. 6, 95, 59.
-- Cf. Goth. skiutan; A.S. sceótan; O.H.G. sciozan; probably [greek] Lat. studere; perhaps Goth. giutan: A.S. geotan.
-- Cf. cyu.

cund cund, see bund.

cup 1. cup, i. 1, Par. To move, MBh. 3, 10648.

cup 2. cup, see chup.

cumb 1. cumb, i. 1, and 10, Par. (i. 1, Ātm., Pañc. iv. d. 7), To kiss Ṛt. 6, 14. Caus. To cause to be kissed, Daśak. 49, 9.
-- With pari pari, to kiss warmly, Amar. 77. paricumbita, Closesurrounded, Caurap. 14.

cumb † 2. cumb, i. 10, Par. To hurt.

cumbaka 1. cumb + aka, m. A loadstone, Prab. 108, 13.

cumbana cumb + ana, n.
     1. Kissing, Pañc. 263, 5.
     2. Kiss, Rājat. 5, 383.

cumbin cumb + in, adj. Kissing, Caurap. 17.

cur cur. i. 10, coraya, † i. 1, Par.
     1. To steal, Man. 8, 333.
     2. To steal from, Hariv. 11146.
-- Cf. cora.

culcul, i. 10, Par.
     1. To rise.
     2. To let down, v. r.

culumpculump, i. 1, Par.
     1. To rock.
     2. To break(?).

cullcull, i. 1, Par. To dally, to wanton (or, to guess, to act), v. r.
-- Cf. cuḍḍ.

cullī cullī, f. A fire-place, Man. 3, 63.

cūcuka cūcuka (cf. cūṣ), n.
     1. A nipple, Suśr. 1, 349, 17.
     2. The breast, Rām. 6, 23, 13.

cūḍa cūḍa,
I. m. or n. The ceremony of cutting the hair.
II. f. ḍā.
     1. A single lock of hair left on the crown of the head at the ceremony of tonsure.
     2. The hair.
     3. The ceremony of cutting the hair.
-- Comp. kṛta-cūḍa, adj. one whose head has been shorn, Man. 5, 58. candra-, m. a name of Śiva, tāmra-,
I. adj. having a red cock's comb.
II. m. 1. a cock. 2. a proper name. pañcacūḍa, i. e. pañcan-,
I. adj. having five tufts of hair.
II. f. ḍā, the name of an Apsaras. puṣkara-, m. the name of one of the four elephants who are supposed to support the world, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 39. svarṇa-, m. 1. a cock. 2. the blue jay.

cūḍaka -cūḍaka, A substitute for -cūdā, when the latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. nirvṛtta-, i. e. nis- (vb. vṛt), adj. One whose head has been shorn, Man. 5, 67.

cūḍāla cūḍā + la, adj., f. , Having a tuft of hair on the crown of the head, MBh. 10, 288.

cūṇcūṇ, i. 10, Par. To contract.

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cūta cūta, m. The mango, Mangifera indica, Rām. 3, 79, 17.

cūrcūr, i. 4, Ātm. To burn.

cūrṇ cūrṇ, i, 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par.
     1. To grind, Suśr. 2, 56, 3.
     2. To crush, MBh. 3, 12133.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To powder, to cover with a ground substance, Suśr. 1, 46, 14; MBh. 8, 456.
     2. To cover, MBh. 2, 813.
-- With vini vi-ni, To crush, MBh. 8, 4665.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To grind, MBh. 1, 4773.
     2. To crush, Rām. 6, 87, 23.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To grind, Suśr. 1, 162, 19.
     2. To crush, MBh. 7, 1394; Rājat. 5, 411.

cūrṇa cūrṇa (an old ptcple. pf. pass. akin to carv), m. and n. Any pulverulent or minute division of substance.
     1. Flour, Pañc. 121, 11.
     2. Dust, MBh. 3, 10972.
     3. Powder, MBh. 6, 5764.
     4. Aromatic powder, Megh. 69.
-- Comp. yoga-, m. or n. magical powder, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 10. rāga-, m. 1. a name of Kāma. 2. red lead. 3. the red powder thrown over one another by the Hindus, at the festival called Holi.

cūrṇaka cūrṇa + ka, n. Aromatic powder, Suśr. 2, 392, 11.

cūrṇatā cūrṇa + tā, f. State of powder, Rājat. 5, 16.

cūrṇaśas cūrṇa + śas, adv. Into powder, MBh. 1, 3225

cūrṇikā cūrṇikā, i. e. cūrṇa + ka, f. A sort of pastry, Lass. 11, 20.

cūlin cūlin, i. e. cūḍā + in,
     1. adj. Having a crest, Hariv. 2495; 4440.
     2. m. A proper name, Rām. 1, 34, 38.

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cūṣ cūṣ, i. 1. Par.
     1. To suck.
     2. pass. To fester (of wounds), Suśr. 1, 103, 17. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. cūṣya, To be sucked, Pañc. 61, 13. Caus. To suck up, Suśr. 2, 33, 16.
-- With the prep sam sam, pass. To boil up, Suśr. 2, 486, 10.
-- Cf. probably Lat. sūgere, succus; A.S. sucan; O.H.G. sūgan (cf. cakṣ).

cṛt cṛt, i. 6, Par.
     1. To connect together.
     2. To kill.
-- Cf. chṛd.

cṛpcṛp, i. 1, and 10, Par. To light, v. r.

ceṭa ceṭa, m. f. ṭī, A slave, a servant, Kāthas. 6, 127; Rām. 2, 91, 62.

ceṭaka ceṭa + ka, m., f. ṭikā, A slave, a servant, Bhartṛ. 1, 91; Kathās. 4, 51.

cetana cetana, i. e. 1. cit + ana,
I. m. A sentient being, Megh. 5.
II. f. .
     1. Consciousness, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 34.
     2. Recollection, Pañc. 35, 11. (°nāṃ labdhvā, After having recovered his senses).
     3. Intellect, Man. 9, 67. Comp. a-, adj., f. . 1. insensible, Bhartṛ. 2, 30. 2. unconscious of one's self, Nal. 13, 35. nis-, adj. 1. unreasonable, Rām. 2, 41, 6. 2. unconscious of one's self, Pañc. 146, 12. vi-, adj. unconscious, senseless, lifeless. sa-, adj. recovering one's senses, Pañc. 43, 10.

cetanāvant cetanā + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Sentient, MBh. 14, 529.
     2. Discreet, MBh. 12, 2449.

cetayitṛ cetayitṛ, i. e. 1. cit, Caus., + tṛ, m. A perceiver, MBh. 12, 7693.

cetas cetas, i. e. 1. cit + as, n.
     1. Intellect, Nal. 11, 24.
     2. Consciousness, MBh. 7, 6935.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unconscious of one's self, Chr. 31, 16. duṣṭa-, adj. malevolent, Man. 3, 225. nis, adj. senseless, Rām. 2, 77, 12. manda-, adj. fainting, Chr. 29, 35. vi-, adj. 1. stupid. 2. perplexed, unhappy. vyākula-, adj. bewildered. sa-, adj. intelligent, Bhāṣāp. 144.

cetiṣṭha cetiṣṭha, superl. of 1. cit + tṛ, adj. Wisest, Lass. 101, 3 = Rigv. vii. 16, 1.

cetomant cetomant, i. e. cetas + mant, adj. Living, MBh. 3, 8676.

ced ced, i. e. ca-id, a particle.
     1. Even, MBh. 1, 2403.
     2. If, Man. 7, 25.
     3. With preceding no it forms usually a short sentence, which must be completed by the preceding words, e. g. bhavatā maunavratena sthātavyam no cet tava kāṣṭhāt pāto bhaviṣyati, You must be silent, if not you will fall from the stick, Pañc. 76, 20.
     4. With preceding na sometimes, That not, Rām. 5, 80, 24.
     5. With preceding iti and following na, viz. iti cen na, a common form of concluding an opponent's objection, and proceeding to answer it.
-- Cf. probably vaí.

cedi cedi, m. pl. The name of a people, Nal. 6, 7.

celcel, i. 1, Par. To move.
-- Cf. cal.

cela cela, n. Cloth, Man. 11, 166; raiment, Man. 4, 216.
-- Comp. ku-, n. coarse vesture, Man. 6, 44. sa-, adj. clothed.

cell cell, v. r. of cel.

ceṣṭ ceṣṭ, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To struggle, to move in convulsions, MBh. 3, 2542.
     2. To stir, Matsyop. 22.
     3. To strive, MBh. 6, 3642.
     4. To perform, MBh. 13, 4676.
     5. To act, Bhag. 3, 13.
     6. To frequent, Ragh. 9, 51. Ptcple of the pf. pass. ceṣṭita, n.
     1. Motion, gesture, Man. 8, 25.
     2. Action, Man. 2, 4. Comp. dus-, n. acting perversely, Bhartṛ. 1, 72. Caus. Par. and Ātm.
     1. To cause to move, MBh. 3, 13981.
     2. To impel, Rām. 6, 94, 24.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To strive too much, Hit. i. d. 170.
-- With ā ā, To perform, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 1.
-- With pari pari, To welter, Rām. 4, 19, 32.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To stretch, MBh. 7, 3168.
     2. To struggle against, Draup. 9, 3.
     3. To move in convulsions, Rām. 2, 77, 20.
     4. To surround, Hariv. 10200.
     5. To move, Rām. 3, 54, 10.
     6. To struggle, Rām. 2, 66, 21.
     7. To act, Man. 8, 334. viceṣṭita, n.
     1. Action, Pañc. 95, 16.
     2. Evil or malicious act (i. e. ceṣṭita, with vi).
-- With sam sam,
     1. To shrink up, MBh. 7, 3168.
     2. To crowd together (from fear), MBh. 5, 1855.
     3. To strive, MBh. 3, 2923.

ceṣṭa ceṣṭ + a,
I. n. and f. ṭā.
     1. Motion, Kathās. 23, 84.
     2. Gesture, Man. 7, 63; 8, 26.
     3. Action, Hariv. 5939; Man. 4, 63.
II. f. ṭā, Acting, activity, Man. 1, 65. Comp. karmaceṣṭā, i. e. karman-, f. 1. acting, business, Man. 1, 66. 2. action, Nal. 23, 18 (16, read karmaceṣṭābhi°). 3. exertion, Rām. 2, 64, 11. niśceṣṭa, i. e. nis-, adj. deprived of motion, Rām. 2, 45, 31. sa-,
I. adj. making effort, active.
II. m. the mango, Mangifera indica.

ceṣṭana ceṣṭ + ana, n. Motion, Man. 12, 120.

ceṣṭayitṛ ceṣṭayitṛ, i. e. ceṣṭ, Caus., + tri, m. The being who causes motion, MBh. 12, 1181.

ceṣṭāvant ceṣṭā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Moveable, Suśr. 1. 340, 3.

caitanya caitanya, i. e. cetana + ya, n.
     1. Intellcet. Yājñ. 3, 81.
     2. Consciousness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 18.
     3. Soul, spirit, MBh. 14, 529.

caitta caitta, i. e. citta + a, adj. Belonging to the dominion of thought, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 22.

caitya caitya,
I. probably citi + ya, m. The individual soul, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 61.
II. citā + ya, m. and n.
     1. A tomb, MBh. 12, 914.
     2. An altar, Rām. 1, 13, 30.
     3. A religious building, Rām. 5, 17, 20.
     4. A sacred tree; a religious fig-tree growing in a village, or near it, and held in veneration by the villagers, Hiḍ. 1, 40.
-- Comp. grāma-, m. a sacred tree growing in a village, Megh. 24.

caitra caitra, i. e. citra and citrā + a,
I. adj.
     1. Made of a tree called citra, MBh. 7, 76.
II. m. The name of a month, March -- April, Man. 7, 182.
III. f. trī, The day of the full-moon in this month, MBh. 12, 3691.

caitraratha caitraratha, i. e. citra-ratha + a,
I. adj. Treating of the Gandharva Citraratha, MBh. 1, 313.
II. patron. m. and f. thī, A descendant of Citraratha, MBh. 1, 3740; Hariv. 712.
III. n. The name of a forest, Rām. 1, 28, 37.

caila caila, cf. cela, n.
     1. Cloth, Man. 5, 119.
     2. Raiment, Man. 5, 103.

cailadhāva caila-dhāv + a, m. A washer, Yājñ. 1, 164.

cailāśaka cailāśaka, i. e. caila-āśaka (vb. aś + aka), m. The name of a demon, Man. 12, 72.

cokṣa cokṣa (cf. caukṣa), adj. Clean, pure, Man. 3, 207; MBh. 12, 2708.

codaka codaka, i. e. cud + aka, adj. Impelling, calling, MBh. 13, 71.

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codana codana, i. e. cud + ana, n. and f. .
     1. Inciting, invitation, MBh. 13, 41; Bhag. 18, 18.
     2. Command, Man. 2, 35.

codayitṛ codayitṛ, i. e. cud, Caus., + tṛ, m., f. trī, n. Inciting, an inciter, Kumāras. 3, 21.

cora cora, i. e. cur + a, m. A thief, Chr. 53, 1.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. fur.

coritaka corita + ka (vb. cur), n. A stolen object, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 15.

cola cola, and colaka cola + ka, m. pl. The name of a people, Rām. 4, 41, 18; Kathās. 19, 95.

coṣa coṣa (cf. cūṣ), m. Burning (of diseases), Suśr. 1, 37, 2.

coṣya coṣya (cf. cūṣ, of which it is an anomalous ptcle. fut. pass.), adj. What is to be sucked, Rām. 1, 52, 4.

caukṣa caukṣa, i. e. cukṣā (Washing? Grammar.) + a, adj. Clean, MBh. 12, 4315.

caukṣya caukṣya = the last, MBh. 12, 7049.

cauḍa cauḍa, i. e. cūḍā + a, n. The ceremony of cutting the hair, Man. 2, 27.

caura caura, i. e. curā, Theft (Grammar.) + a, m.
     1. A thief, Man. 4, 118.
     2. The robber of a heart; in the title, caura-pañcāśikā, The fifty strophes of a robber of a heart.
-- Comp. bhitti- and vandi-, m. a housebreaker. strī-, m. a libertine.

caurikā caurikā, i. e. caura + ka, f.
     1. Theft, Pañc. v. d. 41.
     2. Fraud, Pañc. 199, 9.

caurya caurya, i. e. caura + ya, n.
     1. Theft, Man. 9. 276.
     2. Fraud, Hariv. 15163.
     3. Stealth, Pañc. i. d. 190 (caurya-rata, literally, enjoyment of love by stealth, i. e. adultery).

cauryaka caurya + ka, n. Theft, MBh. 12, 8501.

caula caula, i. e. cūḍā + a, n. The ceremony of cutting the hair, Ragh. 3, 28.

cyavana cyavana, i. e. cyu + ana,
I. m. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 1, 870.
II. n.
     1. Motion, Suśr. 1, 48, 12.
     2. Loss, Bhāg. P. 8, 20, 5.

cyāvana cyāvana, i. e. cyu, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Felling, MBh. 8, 1506.
II. n. Expelling, Hariv. 1512.

cyu 1. cyu (for original ścyu, cf. ścyut), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.),
     1. To move (ved.).
     2. To depart, Rām. 2, 72, 5.
     3. To fly, Rām. 3, 33, 16.
     4. (with abl.), To swerve, MBh. 2, 2357; Man. 7, 98 (asmād dharmān na cyaveta kṣatriyaḥ, From this law a king must never depart).
     5. To become deprived, to lose (with the abl.), Man. 3, 140.
     6. To fall, Rām. 5, 13, 31.
     7. To perish, Man. 12, 96. -Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. a-cyuta,
I. adj.
     1. Unshakeable, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4; firm, MBh. 1, 7770.
     2. Imperishable, Chr. 51, 18.
II. m. A name of Viṣṇu, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 20. -- Caus. cyāvaya,
     1. To expel, MBh. 3, 15920.
     2. To cause to fall, MBh. 13, 324.
     3. To deprive (with two acc.), Rām. 2, 53, 7.
-- With the prep. pari pari,
     1. To fly, MBh. 7, 5220.
     2. To swerve, Rām. 4, 16, 20.
     3. To become deprived, to lose, Rām. 4, 16, 8.
     4. To escape, Mārk. P. 15, 38.
     5. To come down, MBh. 3, 11614.
     6. To surround, MBh. 7, 6449.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To depart, Man. 9, 273.
     2. To proceed, Rām. 4, 44, 47.
     3. To fall, Rām. 2, 91, 21.
     4. To become deprived, Rām. 3, 53, 22. a-pracyuta, adj. Not swerving, Man. 12, 116. Caus.
     1. To shake, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 3.
     2. To expel, Pañc. 86, 13.
     3. To cause to fall, MBh. 7, 1717.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To fall asunder, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 21; to split, Rām. 3, 35, 53.
     2. To depart, Man. 9, 273. a-vicyuta, Unperishable, Yājñ. 1, 212. °tam, adv. Faultless, Yājñ. 3, 112.
-- With sam sam, Caus. To remove, MBh. 7, 7515.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., Goth. skevjan, skura, vinthi-skauro; A.S. scur, Engl. shower; O.H.G. spuon; A.S. speovan; O.H.G. spua + t, spuaton; A.S. spaedan; see cud; [greek] Lat. jacere (Causal = cyāvaya.)

cyu † 2. cyu, i. 10, Par. To laugh.

cyut cyut (cf. cyu and ścyut), i. 1, Par. To drop.

cyuti cyu + ti, f.
     1. Departing, MBh. 1, 4169.
     2. Not doing one's duty, Bhartṛ. suppl. 10.
     3. Perishing, Kumāras. 3, 10.
     4. Flowing out, Pañc. i. d. 371.
     5. Fall, Bhartṛ. 3, 32.
-- Comp. garbha-, f. abortion, Hit. Pr. 36.

cyuscyus, i. 10, Par.
     1. To laugh.
     2. To leave.


chagala chagala, m. A goat, Suśr. 1, 203, 19. f , A she-goat.

chaṭā chaṭā, f.
     1. A lump, a mass, Kathās. 25, 274.
     2. An assemblage, a multitude, Śiś. 1, 47.
     3. Light, splendour, Prab. 65, 10.

chattra chattra, i. e. chad + tra, usually written chatra chatra,
I. n. A parasol, Man. 2, 178; one of the insignia of a king, Rājat. 5, 18.
II. f. , The name of a plant, Suśr. 2, 170, 2.
-- Comp. ahicchattra, i. e. ahi-, m. the name of a people.
-- Cf. Lat. castrum.

chattradhāratva chattra-dhāra + tva, n. The office of bearing the royal parasol, Pañc. 63, 23.

chattravant chattra + vant,
     1. adj., f. vatī, Having a parasol, Suśr. 1, 30, 2.
     2. f. vatī, The name of a town or country, MBh. 1, 6348.

chattrāka chattrāka, i. e. chatra + āka, n. A mushroom, Man. 5, 19.

chattrin chattrin, i. e. chattra + in, adj., f. iṇī, Having a parasol, Rām. 1, 31, 16.

chad 1. chad, i. 10, chādaya, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm. Rām. 4, 58, 7); † i. 1, Par.
     1. To cover, MBh. 1, 8245.
     2. To conceal, Rām. 5, 90, 16.
     3. To eclipse, Pañc. i. d. 319. Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. chādayāna, MBh. 6, 2430. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
     1. chādita, Kathās. 17, 44.
     2. channa, Rām. 1, 74, 16; °nam, adv. Secretly, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 10; tacitly, Man. 9, 98; n. A hiding-place, Hariv. 8686.
-- With the prep. samabhi sam-abhi, To cover, MBh. 12, 255.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To cover, MBh. 1, 5421.
     2. To leave unlighted, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 30. avacchanna, Filled, MBh. 12, 5835.
-- With samava sam-ava,
     1. To cover, Hariv. 6444.
     2. To obscure, MBh. 6, 94.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To cover, Rām. 1, 13, 29.
     2. To obscure, MBh. 4, 1853.
     3. To clothe, Man. 3, 27.
     4. To put on, MBh. 2, 789.
     5. To conceal, Hit. 22, 1.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To cover, MBh. 3, 12179.
     2. To veil, MBh. 3, 15670.
-- With ud ud, To unclothe, Rām. 2, 91, 51.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To cover, MBh. 1, 5005.
     2. To conceal, Man. 8, 249.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To cover, Pañc. 144, 23.
     2. To disguise, Rām. 1, 9, 9.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To cover, MBh. 2, 2626.
     2. To obscure, MBh. 1, 4416.
     3. To conceal, Chr. 51, 5.
     4. To disguise, Man. 4, 198. pracchanna, Secret, Man. 5, 107. °nam, adv.
     1. Privately, Man. 9, 228. Comp. su-, adj. well-concealed, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 3.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To cover, Pañc. 224, 4.
     2. To endow, MBh. 3, 1268.
     3. To obscure, MBh. 7, 6129.
     4. To disguise, Rām. 3, 51, 27.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To cover, Rām. 2, 93, 3.
     2. To obscure, MBh. 1, 8235.
     3. To conceal, MBh. 13, 2606.
-- Cf. Goth. skadus, shadow; [greek] (for [greek]), [greek] which show that the primitive form of chad was skad; cf. also Lat. castrum, and chāyā.

chad † 2. chad, i. 1, Par. To make strong.

chad -chad, Latter part of comp. adj. Covering.

chada chad + a, m. A cover, Mṛcch. 15, 19.
     2. A leaf, Pañc. ii. d. 2.
-- Comp. uttara-, 1. a cover, MBh. 13, 746. 2. a coverlet, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 6. ghana-, adj. covered by clouds, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 27. tanu-, 1. adj. covering the body, Rām. 4, 63, 2. 2. m. a coat of mail, MBh. 12, 4424. danta- and daśana-, m. a lip, Ṛt. 4, 12; Rām. 5, 45, 5. dus-, adj. ill-covering, Rām. 2, 32, 31. rada- and radana-, m. a lip. sita-, m. a goose.

chadana chad + ana, n.
     1. Covering, a cover, Rām. 2, 56, 32.
     2. A wing, MBh. 3, 11595.
     3. A leaf, Suśr. 1, 305, 16.

chadi chad + i, The cover of a carriage, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 18.

chadis chad + is, n. A roof, Kathās. 2, 49.

chadman chad + man, n.
     1. Disguise, Rām. 3, 53, 28.
     2. Hypocrisy, Rām. 4, 16, 16.
     3. Fraud, Man. 4, 199.
     4. Pretext, Megh. 76.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, m. a rogue, Pañc. i. d. 390.

chadmin -chadmin, i. e. chadman + in, adj. Latter part of comp. adj. Disguised as, MBh. 3, 16957.

chanacchan chanacchan, i. e. repeated chanat before iti, A word imitative of the sound of falling drops, Amar. 89.

chand chand, i. 1 and 10, Par. (ved. also chadaya, Par., Ātm.). -- i. 1.
     1. To appear (ved.).
     2. To please. -- i. 10, or rather Caus.
     1. To wait on, Rām. 2, 97, 1; Chr. 48, 8.
     2. To present (especially with vareṇa), Rām. 6, 4, 43.
-- With the prep. ava ava, i. 1, To desire, MBh. 12, 7378.
-- With upa upa, Caus.
     1. To wait on, Ragh. 5, 58.
     2. To seduce, Prab. 101, 10.
-- With sam sam, To wait on, to present, MBh. 3, 13507.
-- Cf. Lat. spons, spontis for spond + ti, spondeo, [greek]

chanda chand + a,
I. adj. Flattering, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 92, 6.
II. m.
     1. Appearance, Hariv. 8359.
     2. Wish, Rām. 2, 9, 7.
     3. Will, Yājñ. 2, 195.
     4. Self-help, Man. 8, 176.
     5. Power, MBh. 12, 1820.
-- Comp. a-, m. unwillingness, hariv. 8557 (against the will). para-, m. dependence, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 25. sva-,
I. m. 1. one's own will, Hit. i. d. 62. 2. independence, Ram. 1, 34, 28.
II. adj. 1. independent, Rām. 1, 36, 17. 2. following one's own will, Hit. ii. d. 135. 3. spontaneous. 4. uncultivated.
III. °dam, adv. by one's own will, Yājñ. 2, 234.

chandatas chanda + tas, adv. By one's own will, Yājñ. 3, 203.

chandas chand + as, n.
     1. Pleasure, MBh. 12, 7376.
     2. A holy hymn, MBh. 5, 1224.
     3. The Vedas, MBh. 12, 12933.
     4. Poetical metre, Bhag. 10, 35.
     5. Metrics, Pañc. ii. d. 34.
-- Comp. niśchandas, i. e. nis-, adj. where the Vedas are not studied, Man. 3, 7.

chandaskṛta chandas-kṛta (vb. kṛ), n. The metrical part of the Vedas, Man. 4, 100.

chandoga chandoga, i. e. chandas-ga (vb. gai), m. A chanter of the Sāma-Veda, Man. 3, 145.

chandomaya chandomaya, i. e. chandas + maya, adj., f. , Having the Vedas as one's substance, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 11.

chamcham, i. 1, Par. To eat.

chamacchamita chamacchamita, n. i. e. repeated chamat, an imitative sound, + ita, n. Crackling, Mārk. P. 8, 112.

champchamp, i. 10, Par. To go.

chard chard, i. 10, Par. To vomit, see chṛd.

chardi chardi, i. e. chṛd + i, f. Nausea, vomiting, Suśr. 1, 108, 18.

chardis chardis, n. A secure habitation, Chr. 288, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15.

chala chala (cf. vb. skhal),
     1. Fraud, Rām. 4, 57, 10.
     2. Artful management, Man. 8, 49.
     3. Pretext, Śiś. 9, 48.
     4. Intention, Mārk. P. 25, 10.

chalaka chalaka (cf. vb. skhal), adj. sbst. Deceiving, a deceriver, Hariv. 11476.

chalana chalana (cf. vb. skhal), n. Deceiving, MBh. 6, 28.

chalaya chalaya (a denominative derived from chala), Par. To deceive, MBh. 3, 15560. Anomalous infinitive, chalitum, Rām. 6, 86, 13.

chalika chalika, n. A kind of song, Mālav. 16, 18.

chavi chavi (cf. vb. sku), f.
     1. Hide, skin, Hariv. 15709.
     2. Colour, Ṛt. 6, 20.
     3. Beauty, Ragh. 9, 34.
     4. Splendour, Śiś. 9, 3.
-- Cf. Goth. skauns, gutha-skaunei; A.S. sceone.

chaṣchaṣ (v. r. kaś and kaṣ), i. 1, Par., Ātm. To kill, to hurt.

chāga chāga (cf. chagala),
I. m. A goat, Man. 3, 269.
II. adj. Produced from a goat, or a she-goat.
-- Comp. vana-, m. 1. a wild goat. 2. a hog, Yājn. 1, 257.

chāgamaya chāga + maya, adj., f. , Resembling a goat, MBh. 3, 14399.

chāgala chāgala, i. e. chagala + a,
I. adj. Produced from a goat, or a shegoat, Suśr. 2, 12, 18.
II. m. A goat, Rām. 6, 19, 42.

chāttra chāttra, i. e. chattra + a,
I. m. A pupil, Pañc. 34, 25.
II. n. A kind of honey, Suśr. 1, 185, 1.

chāttratā chāttra + tā, f. Apprenticeship. °tāṃ vraj, To become a pupil, Pañc. 33, 7.

chādana chādana, i. e. chad + ana. n.
     1. Covering, raiment, MBh. 1, 3685.
     2. A means of concealing, Bhartṛ. 2, 7.

chādmika chādmika, i. e. chadman + ika, adj. Fraudulent, Man. 4, 195.

chāndasa chāndasa, i. e. chandas + a, adj.
     1. Referring, or referable, to the Vedas (vedic), Hariv. 12284.
     2. Conversant with the Vedas, Kathās. 18, 108.

chāndogya chāndogya i. e. chandoga + ya, n. The name of a Brāhmaṇa and Upaniṣad, belonging to the vedic literature, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 5.

chāya chāya,
I. m. Shadowing, MBh. 12, 10374.
II. f. .
     1. Shade, Rām. 2, 45, 23; Man. 4, 51.
     2. Reflected image, Man. 5, 133.
     3. Reflected light, splendour, Megh. 36.
     4. Colour, Vikr. d. 146.
     5. When latter part of a comp. subst. noun, it becomes very often neuter, e. g. Ragh. 12, 50; Man. 3, 274 (prākchāye [i. e. prāñc-] kuñjarasya, When the shadow of an elephant falls to the east).
-- Comp. eka-, adj. quite dark, MBh. 4, 1878. vi-,
I. adj. ṣadowless.
II. n. the shadow of a flock of birds. vṛkṣa-, I. f. , the shadow of a single tree.
II. n. the shade of many trees.
-- Cf. [greek]

chāyāvant chāyā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Shadowy, Rām. 2, 94, 10.

chālikya chālikya, i. e. chalika + ya, n. A kind of song, Hariv. 8449.

chid chid, ii. 7, Par., Ātm.
     1. To cut, Man. 4, 69.
     2. To lop off, Man. 9, 276.
     3. To wound, Man. 3, 33.
     4. To break, Man. 9, 276.
     5. To interrupt, Hariv. 16258.
     6. To destroy, Rām. 3, 70, 20.
     7. To remove, MBh. 1, 6890. With ṛṇam, To discharge, Rājat. 6, 16. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. duśchinna, i. e. dus-, adj. Cut out, or extracted wrongly. MBh. 12,5307 (a thorn). Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-cchedya, adj. Not to be cut down, MBh. 1, 93. Caus. and i. 10. chedaya,
     1. To lop off, MBh. 7, 5954.
     2. To order to be lopped off, Man. 8, 283.
-- With the prep. ava ava, avacchinna, Confined, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 13; an-avacchinna, adj. Unbounded, Bhartṛ. 2, 1.
-- With vyava vi-ava,
     1. To cut off, MBh. 7, 1166.
     2. To separate, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 45.
     3. To resolve, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 7. a-vyavacchinna, adj. Uninterrupted, Hariv. 3580.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To pull off, MBh. 12, 9377.
     2. To cut, MBh. 1, 5936.
     3. To break, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 18.
     4. To remove, MBh. 3, 11710.
     5. To tear away, Pañc. 222, 4.
     6. To rob, MBh. 4, 2147.
     7. To draw, Daśak. 117, 4.
     8. To disregard, Rām. 2, 24, 33.
-- With avā ava-ā, To deliver, Vikr. d. 15.
-- With upā upa-ā, To snatch away, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 24.
-- With samā sam-ā, To snatch away, Rām. 6, 8, 17.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To root out, MBh. 7, 139; to exterminate, MBh. 1, 6811.
     2. To cut off, Mālat. 151, 6.
     3. To stop, MBh. 1, 4891.
     4. pass. To be deficient, Man. 3, 101. -- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. durucchedya, i. e. dus-, adj. Difficult to be exterminated, Prab. 93, 12. sukhocchedya, i. e. sukha-, adj. To be exterminated easily, Pañc. iii. d. 25. Caus. or i. 10, To exterminate, Pañc. 55, 12.
-- With vyud vi-ud, pass., with the terminanations of the Par. (i. e. i. 4),
     1. To become extinct, MBh. 12, 3923.
     2. To cease, MBh. 1, 6188. a-vyucchinna, adj. Uninterrupted, Vikr. d. 110.
-- With samud sam-ud, To exterminate, Pañc. iii. d. 57.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To cut off, MBh. 3, 2593.
     2. To wound, Rām. 3, 32, 26.
     3. To limit, Ragh. 6, 77.
     4. To weigh duly, Pañc. 161, 24.
     5. To be assured, Ragh. 15, 51. paricchinna, Limited, small, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 1. a-paricchedya, adj. Boundless, Ragh. 10, 29.
-- With vipari vi-pari, To destroy completely, MBh. 5, 4513.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To cut, Rām. 2, 87, 9 Gorr.
     2. To cut to pieces, Hariv. 13580.
     3. To withdraw, MBh. 12, 9770. Caus. To order to be lopped off, MBh. 12, 686.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To cut to pieces, Hariv. 13613.
-- With prati prati, To retort by cutting to pieces, MBh. 7, 4848.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To tear asunder, Hariv. 8530.
     2. To interrupt, Bhartṛ. 1, 95; Daśak. in Chr. 179, 16 (a-vicchinna-pātam, Without rising again).
     3. To separate, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 20.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To cut, MBh. 1, 2242.
     2. To cut to pieces, MBh. 5, 2909.
     3. To cut off, MBh. 7, 7918.
     4. To pierce, MBh. 4, 2004.
     4. To destroy, to remove, Bhag. 4, 11.
     5. To decide (a question), Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 52.
-- Cf. [greek] (for [greek] etc.; Lat. scindo, caedo (Causal); Goth. skaidan; A.S. steádan; O.H.G. sceit, etc.

chid -chid, latter part of comp. adj.
     1. Cutting, piercing, e. g. MBh. 7, 4656; Rām. 5, 37, 10.
     2. Destroying, MBh. 5, 1809.
     3. Removing, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 23.
-- Comp. duścid, i. e. dus-, difficult to be destroyed, Kām. Nītis. 14, 68.

chidura chid + ura, adj., f. , What may be torn easily, Ragh. 16, 62.

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chidrchidr, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To perforate.

chidra chid + ra,
I. adj., f. , Perforated, Rām. 1, 73, 20.
II. n.
     1. A gap, Man. 8, 239.
     2. A defect, Pañc. 40, 12.
     3. An opening, Suśr. 1, 54, 16; an entry, Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 4.
     4. A weak point, Pañc. i. d. 366; a vulnerable part, Man. 7, 105.
-- Comp. a-cchidra,
I. n. uninterruptedness, Rām. 4, 43, 25.
II. adj. 1. unhurt, Rām. 6, 23, 16. 2. uninterrupted, Rām. 1, 40, 10. niśchidra, i. e. nis-, adj. without holes, and without weak points, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 122.

chidratā chidra + tā, f. The quality of giving space, MBh. 12, 9137.

chidradātṛtva chidra-dātṛ + tva, n. The quality of giving space, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 34.

chidrātman chidrātman, i. e. chidra-ātman, m. One who shows his weak points, MBh. 12, 11345.

chidrin chidrin, i. e. chidra + in, adj. Hollow, Suśr. 1, 304, 21.

chucchundara chucchundara, and °ri ri, m. The musk rat, Suśr. 2, 279, 4; Man. 12, 65.

chuṭchuṭ, i. 6 and 10, Par. To cut, v. r.

chuḍchuḍ, i. 6, Par. To cover, v. r.

chupchup, or cup cup, i. 6, Par. To touch.

chur chur (a form of kṣur), To cut. Caus. choraya and churaya, To inlay with, Kathās. 24, 1.
-- With the prep. ā ā, Caus. To scratch, Kathās. 17, 33.
-- With vi vi, Caus.
     1. To inlay with, Kumāras. 1, 56.
     2. To paint, Vikr. d. 136.
     3. To cover, Caurap. 12.

churikā churikā (a form of kṣurikā), f. A knife, Kathās. 12, 21.

chūrikā chūrikā, f. The nostril, Man. 8, 325.

chṛd chṛd, ii. 7, Par., Ātm.
     1. † To shine.
     2. To vomit.
     3. † To play. chṛd, or chṛt chṛt, or chṛp chṛp, i. 1 and 10, † To kindle. -- Caus. To vomit, MBh. 5, 3493 (3492).
-- With the prep. pra pra, Caus. To vomit, Suśr. 1, 276, 14.
-- Cf. [greek] and [greek] perhaps also [greek] and [greek] etc.; Goth. spai-skuldrs; Lat. screare.

chṛpchṛp, see the last.

chettṛ chettṛ, i. e. chid + tṛ, m.
     1. A wood-cutter, Hit. i. d. 52.
     2. One who removes, Hit. i. d. 23.

cheda cheda, i. e. chid + a,
I. adj. One who cuts away, Man. 9, 44.
II. m.
     1. A slice, a piece, Ragh. 12, 100; Megh. 11.
     2. Cutting, Pañc. 108, 11.
     3. Cutting off, Man. 8, 368.
     4. Destruction, MBh. 13, 1637.
     5. Dissipation, Śāk. d. 38.
     6. Ceasing, Vikr. d. 76.
     7. Want, Śāk. 91, 12.
     8. Limit, Yājñ. 1, 319.
-- Comp. bhakti-, m. certain streaks on the forehead, nose, cheeks, breast, and arms, which denote a follower of Viṣṇu. sa-, adj. interrupted, Lass. 21, 1. sthāṇu-, m. one who cuts away the trunks of trees, Man. 9, 44.

chedana chedana, i. e. chid + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Cutting, destroying, MBh. 1, 1498.
II. m.
     1. Cutting, Man. 12, 75.
     2. Lopping off, Man. 8, 280.
     3. Removing, MBh. 3, 12700.

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chedin chedin, i. e. chid + in, adj.
     1. One who splits, Man. 4, 71.
     2. Removing, Śāk. 35, 15.

cho cho, i. 4, chya, Par. To cut.
-- With the prep. pra pra, Caus. To scarify, pracchita, Suśr. 2, 247, 19; cf. 1, 33, 18 (pra-cchayitvā, sic!)

chyuchyu, i. 1, Par. To go.


ja -ja (vb. jan), latter part of comp. words, m., f. , and n.
     1. Born, son, daughter, e. g. gūḍha- (vb. guh), Born secretly. m. A son of concealed birth, Yājñ. 2, 129. dhṛtarāṣṭra-jā, f. A daughter of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, MBh. 14, 2285. ātmaja, i. e. ātman-, A son, Hit. 41, 21. jaghanya-, adj. Youngest, MBh. 1, 804. deha-, m. A son, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 3. pūrva-, m. pl. Ancestors, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 7.
     2. Produced, Man. 1, 87; Bhāṣāp. 62.
     3. Caused, Nal. 4, 13.
-- Cf. also dharma-,
I. adj. Begotten from a sense of duty, Man. 9, 107.
II. m. Son of Dharma, a name of Arjuna, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 16.

jaṃsjaṃs, i. 10 (and 1?) Par. To protect, to deliver.

jakṣ 1. jakṣ (i. e. jaghas, vb. ghas reduplicated), ii. 2, Par.
     1. To eat, Bhāg. P. 4, 17, 23.
     2. To be hungry, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 17. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. jagdha, Man. 5, 125.
-- With the prep. vi vi, To devour, MBh. 11, 479.

jakṣ 2. jakṣ (i. e. jahas, vb. has reduplicated), ii. 2, Par. To laugh.

jagat jagat (i. e. an old ptcple. of the pres. of vb. gam, ii. 3),
I. adj. Moveable, MBh. 12, 12465.
II. n.
     1. Race of men, Man. 7, 22.
     2. The world, Man. 1, 52; dual, jagatī, Heaven and earth, Kir. 5, 20.
III. f. ,
     1. The earth, Man. 1, 100.
     2. The world, Rām. 2, 69, 11.
     3. The name of a metre, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 45.
-- Comp. a-jagat, adj. immoveable, MBh. 12, 12465. tri-jagat, n. the three worlds, heaven, earth, and the lower regions, Lass. 5, 1.

jagadāyu jagadāyu, and jagadāyus jagadāyus, i. e. jagat-, m. Containing the life of the world, MBh. 3, 11193; 12, 13569.

jaganmaya jaganmaya, i. e. jagat + maya, adj. Containing the universe, Hariv. 3762.

jagala jagala, probably a reduplicated form of 2. gṛ10, + a, m. An intoxicating beverage, Suśr. 1, 189, 13.

jagdhi jagdhi, i. e. jakṣ + ti, f.
     1. Eating, Man. 5, 31.
     2. Food, Man. 3, 115.

jagmi jagmi, i. e. reduplicated gam, + i, adj. Hastening, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 85, 8.

jaghana jaghana, i. e. reduplicated han + a, n. and m.
     1. The pudenda, Hariv. 8625.
     2. The buttocks, Rām. 5, 18, 11.
     3. The rear-guard of an army, MBh. 3, 16284.
-- Cf. [greek]

jaghanin jaghanin, i. e. jaghana + in, adj., f. , Having large buttocks, Hariv. 9547.

jaghanya jaghanya, i. e. jaghana + ya, adj., f. .
     1. Last, MBh. 3, 1366.
     2. Late, MBh. 12, 4794.
     3. Shortest, Suśr. 1, 125, 5.
     4. Indifferent, Suśr. 1, 95, 14.
     5. Lowest, Man. 8, 270; Pañc. iii. d. 218.
     6. Comparat. jaghanyatara, Lower, MBh. 14, 1137.
     7. °yam, adv. At last, MBh. 3, 905.
     8. loc. ye, adverbially, At last, MBh. 3, 1303; Behind, Hariv. 3087.

jaghanyatas jaghanya + tas, adv. At last, Rām. 5, 40, 5.

jaṅkṣjaṅkṣ, v. r. of kṣañj.

jaṅgama jaṅgam + a (frequentat. of gam), adj., f. .
     1. Moveable, Man. 1, 41; patrolling, Man. 9, 266.
     2. Living, MBh. 1, 5019.

jaṅgamatva jaṅgama + tva, n. Mobility, MBh. 14, 654.

jaṅgala jaṅgal + a (frequentat. of gal? cf. glai), adj. Dry, desert.

jaṅghā jaṅghā, i. e. reduplicated han + a, fem. The leg, Suśr. 1, 348, 15.
-- Comp. tāla-, 1. adj. long-legged, Rām. 5, 12, 35.
     2. m. The name of a people, Rām. 1, 70, 28. su-, adj., f. ghā, having a beautiful leg, Śrut. 21.

jaṅghāla jaṅghā + la, m. A rapid walker, Suśr. 1, 200, 6.

jajjaj, i. 1, Par. To fight.

jañj jañj, i. 1, Par. To fight(?).

jaṭjaṭ, i. 1, Par. To be entangled.

jaṭa jaṭa,
I. m. = f. (see
II.), Hariv. 9551.
II. f. ṭā,
     1. The hair matted, as worn by the god Śiva and by ascetics; the long hair occasionally clotted together and brought over the head, so as to project like a horn from the forehead, or allowed to fall carelessly over the back and shoulders, Man. 6, 6.
     2. A braid, MBh 3, 16137.
-- Comp. tri-jaṭa,
I. adj. wearing three braids, MBh. 3, 16137.
II. m. 1. a name of Śiva, 12, 10357. 2. a proper name, Rām. 2, 32, 28.
III. f. ṭā, a proper name, Rām. 3, 41, 34. śikhā-, adj. one who wears a lock of hair in a knot on the top of the head, Man. 2, 219.

jaṭājinin jaṭājinin, i. e. jaṭā-ajina + in, adj. Wearing matted hair and the hide of an antelope, MBh. 1, 4917.

jaṭāyu jaṭāyu and jaṭāyus jaṭāyus, m. A fabulous vulture, Rām. 1, 1, 51.

jaṭāla jaṭā + la, and jaṭālaka jaṭāla + ka, adj., f. lā, ikā, Wearing matted hair, Hariv. 10594; Mārk. P. 8, 176.

jaṭin jaṭin, i. e. jaṭā + in, adj. Wearing matted hair, Man. 11, 92.

jaṭila jaṭila, i. e. jaṭā + ila,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Having matted or entangled hair, Man. 2, 219; MBh. 3, 16257.
     2. Entangled, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 14.
II. f. .
     1. A proper name, MBh. 1, 7265.
     2. The name of several plants, e. g. Suśr. 1, 71, 16.

jaṭilībhāva jaṭilībhāva, i. e. jaṭilabhū + a, m. Clotting, Suśr. 1, 272, 2.

jaṭhara jaṭhara,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Hard, Śāntiś. 4, 13.
     2. Old, Śiś. 4, 29(?).
II. m.
     1. The belly, Pañc. i. d. 27.
     2. The womb, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 4.
     3. The interior, Rām. 3, 41, 26.
-- Cf. probably Lat. venter, [greek] Goth. qvithra and in-kiltho.

jaḍa jaḍa (probably for original jala, to which the Grammar. give the same signification; Lat. gelu gelidus: Goth. kald; A.S. ceald; cf. jata), adj.
     1. Cold, Pañc. i. d. 353.
     2. Rigid, immoveable, Rām. 6, 6, 1.
     3. Material, irrational, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 22.
     4. Dimmed, Śāk. d. 81.
     5. Unfeeling, apathetic, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 10.
     6. Stupid, Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 8.
     7. Dumb, Man. 2, 110.
-- Comp. a-jaḍa, m. not an idiot, Man. 8, 148.

jaḍatā jaḍa + tā, f.
     1. Apathy, Sāh. D. 175.
     2. Stupidity, Mārk. P. 10, 33.

jaḍatva jaḍa + tva, n. Stupidity, Rājat. 6, 26.

jaḍiman jaḍiman, i. e. jaḍa + iman, m. Stupidity, Rājat. 4, 110.

jatu jatu, m. Lac, the red animal dye, MBh. 1, 5725.
-- Comp. śilā-, n. 1. bitumen. 2. red chalk.

jatru jatru, m. and n. The collarbone, MBh. 3, 713.

jan jan, ii. 3, Par.; i. 4, jāya, Ātm. (ved. also i. 1, Par.),
I. Transitive,
     1. To bring forth, MBh. 1, 2770.
     2. To produce, Bhāg. 5, 7, 12.
II. Intransitive, i. 4, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 12, 7751).
     1. To be born, Man. 3, 39.
     2. To be produced, Man. 3, 76.
     3. To be caused, MBh. 3, 16748.
     4. To grow, Man. 9, 38.
     5. To be born again (by transmigration of the soul), Hit. Pr. 13.
     6. To fall to one's share, Pañc. ii. d. 3.
     7. To become, MBh. 3, 4083.
     8. To be, Śrut. 19, 25.
     9. To take place, Lass. 11, 5. -- Ptcple. of the pf. act. jajñivaṃs and jātavant, Born, Bhāg. P. 4, 23, 2; Chr. 24, 40; of the pass. jāta,
     1. Born, Rām. 1, 1, 26.
     2. Old, MBh. 8, 3389.
     3. Grown, Man. 9, 40.
     4. Sprung up, Rām. 1, 9, 27.
     5. Happened, Hit. 9, 7.
     6. Become, Śāk. d. 60.
     7. As former part of a comp. adj. very often, Having, e. g. jāta-danta, adj. Having teeth, Man. 5, 70. The same signification it has also sometimes as latter part, e. g. danta-jāta, adj. Having teeth, Man. 5, 58.
     8. m. A son, Pañc. i. d. 32.
     9. n.
a. Class, MBh. 15, 215;
b. Kind, MBh. 13, 7241;
c. A multitude of objects of the same genus, MBh. 4, 143; 12, 1500.
-- Comp. a-jāta, see separately. eka-, adj. 1. having the same father, Man. 9, 148. 2. having the same parents, Man. 9, 182. kula-, adj. descending from a noble family, Rām. 1, 71, 2. cira-, adj. old, MBh. 3, 13334. dus-, 1. miserable, MBh. 12, 8120. 2. wicked, Rājat. 1, 356. yathā-, adj. foolish, a fool. su-, adj. of high birth, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3. janya, see separately. -- Caus. janaya (also Ātm., MBh. 1, 3104; Hit. i. d. 133),
     1. To beget, Man. 3, 17.
     2. To bring forth, Man. 9, 172.
     3. To produce, Man. 12, 119.
     4. To cause, Pañc. v. d. 47.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atijāta, Superior by birth (to the parents), Pañc. i. d. 442.
-- With adhi adhi, To be born, Ragh. 18, 23.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To be born afterwards, Man. 9, 134.
     2. To be born similar to (with the acc.), Ragh. 6, 78. anujāta,
     1. Similar by birth (to his parents), Pañc. i. d. 442.
     2. After teething(?) Man. 5, 53.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To be born similar to (with the acc.), Rām. 2, 35, 26.
-- With apa apa, apajāta, Inferior (to his parents), Pañc. i. d. 442.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To be born (predestinated) to, Bhag. 16, 3; with mahīm, To be born to rule the earth, MBh. 5, 4342.
     2. To be born, Man. 2, 147.
     3. To be produced, Bhag. 2, 62.
     4. To be born again (by transmigration of the soul), Bhag. 6, 41.
     5. To spring up again, MBh. 1, 3514.
     6. To become, Rām. 4, 44, 77. abhijāta,
     1. Inherited, MBh. 5, 1357.
     2. Of noble family, Rām, 5, 11, 21.
     3. Well-bred, Bhartṛ. 2, 48.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To spring up, Rām. 1, 39, 24.
-- With ava ava, Caus. To bring forth, Hit. Pr. n. d. 12, 13.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To be born again, Man. 2, 249.
     2. To be produced, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 17.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To be added, MBh. 4, 1608.
     2. To be born, Man. 1, 45.
     3. To spring up, Man. 12, 73.
     4. To appear, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 15.
     5. To be born again, Bhag. 14, 2.
     6. To be, Hit. i. d. 115. upajāta, as former part of comp. adj., Having, Hit. 42, 6. Caus. To cause, Prab. 29, 15.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To spring up, Rām. 2, 75, 41.
     2. To be born again, MBh. 13, 6722; cf. abhiniveśa. Caus. To produce, Ṛt. 2, 28.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To bring forth, Chr. 50, 14.
     2. To be born, Man. 10, 9.
     3. To be produced, Hit. i. d. 24.
     4. To be born again, MBh. 13, 5509.
     5. To propagate, Man. 10, 64. prajātā, f. A woman who has borne a child, MBh. 1, 3046.
-- With apapra apa-pra, To abort, Suśr. 2, 398, 21. apaprajātā, f. A woman who has miscarried, Suśr. 2, 398, 21.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To spring up, Pañc. i. d. 69.
     2. To appear, Rām. 6, 90, 32.
     3. To exist, Pañc. i. d. 452.
     4. To be born again, MBh. 13, 5459.
-- With prati prati, To spring up anew, MBh. 6, 2651.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To bring forth, Rām. 1, 70, 35.
     2. To be born, Rām. 1, 16, 20.
     3. To spring up, Rām. 1, 68, 8.
     4. To be changed to, to become, MBh. 5, 7368. vijāta, Base born, of mixed origin (rather jāta with vi); f. , The mother of children, a matron.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To bring forth, Rām. 3, 20, 27.
     2. To be born, Rām. 1, 70, 27.
     3. To grow, Nal. 24, 52.
     4. To be produced, MBh. 3, 17684.
     5. To rise, Man. 8, 172.
     6. To happen, Rājat. 5, 180.
     7. To become, Pañc. 32, 9.
     8. To pass, Pañc. 242, 14. saṃjāta, as former part of comp. adj. often, Having, Kathās. 4, 26. Caus.
     1. To beget, MBh. 1, 3135.
     2. To bring forth, Rām. 3, 20, 13.
     3. To build, MBh. 1, 4995.
     4. To produce, Pañc. 188, 10.
     5. To cause, Rām. 2, 95, 5.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To be produced, Hariv. 13778.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To be produced, Rām. 2, 22, 7.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] etc.; Lat. gigno, genus, germen (cf. janman); Goth. keinan, us-kijan, niu-klahs, kuni, qvino; A.S. cyn; O.H.G. kind, A.S. cild; see janaka.

jana jan-a, m.
     1. Creature, MBh. 3, 1204.
     2. Man collectively, men, Rām. 1, 6, 7; Man. 4, 108; with āyudhīya, Armed men, 7, 222; crowd, Rām. 6, 101, 33.
     3. Man, individually, a person, Draup. 3, 5; Man. 11, 241.
     4. This person, Nal. 10, 10.
     5. With the msc. of the pronoun idam,
I, Śāk. 85, 16.
     6. The name of a division of the world, the residence of deified mortals, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 31.
     7. It is often used as latter part of comp. words, especially in signification
2 and
3; e. g. preṣya-, m. The whole set of menial servants, Man. 7, 125; śiśu-, m. sing. pl. Children, Pañc. 95, 17; dāsa-, m. A slave, Vikr. d. 54.
-- Comp. a-, adj. deserted, Rām. 2, 92, 10. antaḥpura-, i. e. antar-pura-, m. the women of a gyneceum, Rām. 1, 10, 33. a-sajjana, i. e. -sant-jana, m. a wicked person, Rām. 2, 39, 28. kula-, m. a person of a noble family, Mṛcch. 120, 4. guru-, m. a venerable person, as one's parents or spiritual teacher, Bhartṛ. 2, 19. grāma-bāla-, m. young peasants, Lass. 11, 7. capalā-, m. an unsteady woman, and the goddess of fortune, Śiś. 9, 16. tiryagjana, i. e. tiryañc-, m. an animal, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 46. dāsa-, m. the household servants, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 3. dus-, m. a mischief-making person, Man. 9, 13. pañcajana, i. e. pañcan-,
I. m. 1. the five higher classes of beings (gods, men, Gandharvas with the Apsaras, serpents, and manes). 2. mankind. 3. the name of a demon, and of others.
II. f. , a proper name. puṇya-, m. pl. a kind of good demon. pṛthagjana, i. e. pṛthak-, m. 1. low people, Man. 7, 137. 2. an ignorant man. 3. a sinner, a wicked man. 4. pl. children of one father by different mothers. paura-, m. a citizen. mahā-, m. 1. a preeminent man, a virtuous man. 2. a merchant. vi-, adj. lonely, private; loc. °ne, privately, Pañc. 58, 8. viśva-, m. all men, mankind. su-, m. 1. a virtuous man. 2. a benevolent one. 3. the charioteer of Indra. sva-, m. 1. a kinsman. 2. family, Bhartṛ. 2, 19; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 24.

janaka jan + aka,
I. adj. Causing, MBh. 4, 1456.
II. m.
     1. A father, Pañc. v. d. 19.
     2. A producer, Bhāṣāp. 44.
     3. A proper name, Rām. 1, 1, 26.
-- Comp. yamunā-, m. the sun.
-- Cf. O.H.G. kuning; A.S. cyning, king; [greek]

janakatā janaka + tā, f.
     1. Causing, Sāh. D. 2, 5.
     2. Paternity, Kathās. 17, 57.

janatā jana + tā, f.
     1. Mankind, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 8.
     2. Household servants, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 24.
     3. Subjects, Kathās. 18, 23.
-- Comp. su-, f. 1. goodness. 2. benevolence.
     3. a number of respectable persons.

janana jan + ana,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Bringing forth, Man. 9, 81.
     2. Causing, MBh. 1, 1183.
II. f. , A mother, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 20.
III. n.
     1. Child-birth, Man. 5, 61.
     2. Producing, production, Rām. 1, 23, 17.
     3. Existence, Śāk. d. 99.
-- Comp. see ku-. Strī-jananī, a woman who brings forth only daughters, Man. 9, 81.

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janayitṛ janayitṛ, i. e. jan, Caus., + tṛ,
I. m.
     1. A progenitor, Rām. 2, 111, 11.
     2. A father, Man. 9, 142.
II. f. trī, A mother, Rājat. 3, 108.

janayiṣṇu janayiṣṇu, i. e. jan, Caus., + iṣṇu, m. A progenitor, MBh. 9, 2222.

janas jan + as, n. indecl. One of the seven worlds beyond the maharloka, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 1.

jani jan + i, f.
     1. A woman, Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 1.
     2. Birth-place, Hariv. 11979.

janitṛ janitṛ, i. e. jan + tṛ,
I. m. A father, Pañc. i. d. 9.
II. f. trī, A mother, MBh. 3, 10498.
-- Cf. Lat. genitor, genitrix; [greek]

janitra janitra, i. e. janitṛ + a, n. Birth-place, MBh. 5, 2580.
-- Cf. [greek]

janiṣya janiṣya (mutilated janiṣyant, ptcple. of the fut. Par.), adj. Future, Rām. 3, 66, 14.

jantu jan + tu, m.
     1. A creature, Man. 3, 77.
     2. A man, Man. 4, 240.
     3. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 1.
-- Comp. karkaṭī-, m. the offspring of a crab, Cāṇ. 56 in Berl. Monatsb. jala-, m. an aquatic animal, Hit. i. d. 187.

jantumant jantu + mant, adj. Full of reptiles, Mārk. P. 32, 19.

janman jan + man, n.
     1. Birth, Man. 1, 42.
     2. Production, Rām. 3, 20, 31.
     3. Sowing, planting, Kumāras. 5, 60.
     4. Appearance, Yājñ. 3, 23.
     5. Existence, Man. 5, 38.
     6. A father, Śāk. d. 177.
     7. Creature, Chr. 289, 7 = Rigv. i. 50, 7.
     8. Manner, Chr. 293, 5 = Rigv. i. 87, 5.
-- Comp. agra-, m. a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 2, 20. antya-, adj. of the lowest tribe, Man. 10, 110. ambhoja-, m. a name of Brahman, Lass. 66, 3. ātmajanman, i. e. ātman-,
I. n. the birth of a son, Kumāras. 6, 28.
II. m. a son, Ragh. 1, 33. ūru, m. = aurva, Mālav. 71, d. 92. See ku-. Kumbha-, m. a name of Agastya, Ragh. 12, 31. citta-, m. the god of love, Daśak. 106, 13. dvi-, m. a man of either of the three first classes, especially a Brāhmaṇa (cf. dvija), Man. 2, 26; Rājat. 4, 105. punar-, n. Palingenesia (by transmigration of the soul), Bhag. 8, 15. pūrva-,
I. n. a former existence.
II. m. an elder brother. brahmajanman, i. e. brahman-, n. 1. second or spiritual birth, Man. 2, 146. 2. investiture. vi-,
I. adj. born by a paramour (ŚKD).
II. m. the son of an outcaste Vaiśya, Man. 10, 23. śara-, m. Kārtikeya, the god of war. saṃkalpa-, m. Kāma. saroj°, i. e. saras-, n. a lotus.
-- Cf. Lat. germen; O.H.G. cīmo.

janmāntara janmāntara, i. e. janman-antara, n.
     1. A preceding existence, MBh. 3, 2564.
     2. A future existence, Pañc. ii. d. 185.

janmāntarīya janmāntarīya, i. e. janmāntara + īya, adj. Performed in a preceding existence, Rājat. 6, 85.

janmin janmin, i. e. janman + in, m. A creature, Pañc. i. d. 119.

janya janya,
A. ptcple. of the fut. pass. of jan,
     1. To be born, Bhāṣāp. 44.
     2. Produced, Bhāṣāp. 110.
     3. n. The body, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 31.
B. i. e. jana + ya,
I. m. The friend of a bridegroom, MBh. 1, 7203.
II. f. , A bridesmaid, Ragh. 6, 30.
III. n. War, combat, MBh. 5, 3195.

jap jap (a form of jalp), i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., MBh. 13, 750).
     1. To speak low, to murmur (prayers), Man. 2, 78.
     2. To pray to in a low voice, MBh. 13, 750.
     3. To invoke murmuring, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 29. -- Ptcple. of the future pass. japya and jāpya, n. A low prayer, Man. 2, 87; Bhāg. P. 8, 3, 1.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To pray low afterwards, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 29.
-- With abhi abhi, To charm, Rām. 2, 25, 36.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To whisper to, Rām. 1, 9, 38.
     2. To bring over to one's party, Man. 7, 197.
-- With pra pra, To recite in a low tone, MBh. 3, 13432.
-- With sam sam, To report, MBh. 4, 111.

japa jap + a, m.
     1. Muttering prayers, Man. 3, 74.
     2. A prayer, Rām. 1, 25, 3.

japana jap + ana, n. Muttering prayers, MBh. 12, 7157.

japā japā, f. The China rose, Kir. 5, 8; Śiś. 9, 8.

japin jap + in, adj. Muttering prayers, Yājñ. 3, 286.

jabā jabā, Megh. 37 = javā, q. cf.

jabh jabh, and jambh jambh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To gape, to yawn.
     2. To destroy, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 26. -- Caus. and i. 10, jambhaya, Par. To destroy; cf. yabh.
-- Cf. A.S. geapan, to gape; and see gabhīra.

jam jam, i. 1, Par. To eat. Frequent. To chew, anomal. jājam, MBh. 13, 4495.

jamadagni jamadagni, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 1, 2611.

jambāla jambāla, m. Mud, Rājat. 5, 94.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. Muddy.

jambu jambu, and jambū jambū, f.
     1. A fruit tree, the rose apple, Eugenia jambu, MBh. 1, 7587; Pañc. 205, 5.
     2. The name of a division of the world, comprising India (cf. dvīpa), Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 32.
     3. The name of a fabulous river, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 2.
-- Comp. bhū-jambū, f. 1. wheat. 2. the fruit of the Flacourtia sapida.

jambuka jambuka, m. A jackal, Pañc. 35, 2. f. , A female jackal, Pañc. iv. d. 64.

jambūla jambūla, m. A fragrant plant, Pandanus odoratissimus, Hariv. 5371.

jambh jambh, see jabh and yabh.

jambha jambha, i. e. jabh + a,
I. m., f. bhā, and n.
     1. The jaws, the teeth, a tooth (ved.).
     2. Cracking, explaining, MBh. 5, 2474.
II. m. A proper name.
-- Cf. [greek] A.S. geaflas.

jambhaka jambh + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Bruising, Rām. 1, 30, 9.
     2. Cracking, explaining, MBh. 5, 2470.
II. m.
     1. The name of certain demons, Rām. 1, 31, 4 Gorr.
     2. The name of a spell, Rām. 1, 31, 9.

jambhana jambh + ana, adj., f. , Bruising, MBh. 6, 807.

jaya jaya, i. e. ji + a,
I. latter part of comp. adj. Conquering.
II. m.
     1. Victory, Man. 7, 183.
     2. Conquest, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 22.
     3. Resigning, resignation, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 5.
     4. A name of the sun, MBh. 3, 154.
     5. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 22.
III. f. , A name of Durgā, MBh. 4, 194.
-- Comp. a-, m. defeat, Bhag. 2, 38. kakubjaya, i. e. kakubh-, m. the conquest of the world, Rājat. 5, 139. dus-,
I. adj., f. , difficult to be conquered. Rām. 6, 75, 51.
II. m. 1. the name of a race of demons, Śāk. 95, 4. 2. a proper name, Rām. 3, 29, 30. su-dus-, adj. very difficult to be overcome. rakka-, f. , the name of an idol, Rājat. 5, 425.

jayanta jayanta, i. e. jayant, ptcple. pres. of ji, + a,
I. m. A proper name, Śāk. d. 161.
II. f. .
     1. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 5089.
     2. The name of a country, Rājat. 8, 655.

jayavant jaya + vant, adj. Victorious, MBh. 6, 154.

jayitṛ jayitṛ, i. e. ji + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Victorious, MBh. 12, 3753.

jayin jayin, i. e. ji + in, adj. and sbst.
     1. Conquering, a conqueror, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 38.
     2. Victorious, MBh. 9, 1676.
     3. The winning party in a law-suit, Yājñ. 2, 79.

jayiṣṇu jayiṣṇu i. e. ji + iṣṇu, adj. Victorious, MBh. 7, 1480.

jaraṭha jaraṭha (vb. jṛ10), adj. Old, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 25.

jaraṇa jaraṇa, i. e. jṛ10 + ana, adj.
     1. Old (ved.).
     2. Digestive, Suśr. 1, 155, 16.

jaratikā jaratikā, i. e. jaratī (fem. of the ptcple. pres. of jṛ10) + ka, f. A contemptible old woman, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 20.

jaradgava jaradgava, i. e. jarant-gava (vb. jṛ10), m.
     1. An old ox, Pañc. ii. d. 169.
     2. A proper name, Hit. i. d. 49.

jaras jaras, i. e. jṛ10 + as, and jarā jarā, i. e. jṛ10 + ā; jaras is optionally the base of the cases of which the terminations begin with a vowel, f.
     1. Old age, Man. 6, 62; Daśak. in Chr. 189, 13; Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 3.
     2. Digestion, Rām. 3, 53, 59.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 2, 715.
-- Comp. a-jara, adj. ever young, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3. a-jaras, adj. not to be worn out by use, MBh. 13, 5862.

jarasa -jaras + a, a substitute for jaras, when the latter part of a comp. adv., also of the adj. vītajanmajarasa, i. e. vi-ita-janman-jarasa, Not subject to birth or old age, Kir. 5, 22.

jarāyu jarāyu, i. e. jarā + yu, n. m. f. The after-birth, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 4.

jarāyuja jarāyu-ja, adj., f. , Born from the womb, as man and other animals, Man. 1, 43.

jarāvant jarā-vant, adj., f. vatī, Old, Hariv. 1621.

jarcjarc, also jarch jarch, v. r., i. 1 and 6, Par.
     1. To speak.
     2. To abuse.

jarj jarj, † i. 1 and 6, Par.
     1. To speak.
     2. To abuse, v. r. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass. jarjita, Mangled, Pañc. 160, 4; cf. jarjarita, which is perhaps to be read.

jarjara jarjara, i. e. reduplicated jṛ10 + a, adj.
     1. Decayed, Lass. 7, 9.
     2. Ragged, Mṛcch. 49, 11.
     3. Broken, Pañc. 117, 6.
     4. Crushed, MBh. 3, 16049.
     5. Torn asunder, disunited, Rājat. 2, 152.

jarjaratva jarjara + tva, n. Decay, Mṛcch. 65, 17.

jarjarita jarjarita, i. e. jarjara + ita, adj.
     1. Mangled, Hariv. 4676.
     2. Weakened, MBh. 3, 10353.

jarjhjarjh, v. r. of jarc.

jartsjarts, i. 1, Par.
     1. To speak.
     2. To abuse.
     3. To protect.

jal † 1. jal, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be wealthy, or to cover; or to be blunt, or sharp. i. 10, jālaya, To cover.

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jal 2. jal (a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To turn into water, Śatr. 14, 81.

jala jala (cf. jaḍa),
I. n.
     1. Water, Man. 4, 46.
     2. A fragrant plant, Suśr. 2, 275, 19.
II. f. , The name of a river, MBh. 3, 10556.
-- Comp. ati-, adj., f. , abounding in water, Rām. 4, 44, 64. gandha-, f. , fragrant water, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 15. netra-, n. tears, Rām. 5, 25, 55. rajanī-, n. frost, hoarfrost, dew. sa-, adj. humid, Megh. 23.

jalacara jala-cara, n. An aquatic animal, Pañc. 50, 7.

jalaja jala-ja,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Water-born, Hariv. 3621.
     2. Existing in water, MBh. 2, 94.
II. m.
     1. An aquatic animal, Rām. 5, 5, 30.
     2. A fish, Rām. 2, 61, 22.
     3. A shell, Hariv. 10936.
III. n. A lotus, MBh. 2, 1813.

jalajakusumayoni jalaja-kusuma-yoni, m. A name of Brahman, MBh. 8, 4647.

jalada jala-da, m.
     1. A cloud, Kir. 5, 48.
     2. The name of a varṣa, or division of the known continent, MBh. 6, 425.

jaladhara jala-dhara, m. A cloud, Bhāṣāp. 1.

jaladhi jaladhi, i. e. jala-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The ocean, Śiś. 9, 31.

jalamaya jala + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of water, Kathās. 2, 10.

jalamuc jala-muc, m. A cloud, Megh. 70.

jalavant jala + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in water, MBh. 12, 3694.

jalasthāya jalasthāya, jala-sthā + a, m. A pond, MBh. 12, 4893.

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jalāya jalāya (a denomin. derived from jala), Ātm. To turn into water, Bhartṛ. 2, 78.

jalāśaya jalāśaya,
I. i. e. jala-ā-śī + a, adj. Reposing in water, MBh. 3, 11123.
II. for jaḍa-āśaya (which is perhaps to be read), adj. Stupid, Kathās. 6, 58.
III. i. e. jala-āśaya, m.
     1. A reservoir of water, Hariv. 3820.
     2. A pond, Man. 4, 129.
     3. A sea, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 15.

jalāśraya jalāśraya, i. e. jala-āśraya, m. A pond, Pañc. 76, 6.

jalūkā jalūkā, i. e. anomal. for jala-oka, f. A leech.
-- Comp. tṛṇa-, f. a caterpillar, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 76.

jalecara jalecara, i. e. jala + i-cara,
I. adj., f. , Living in water, Rām. 4, 50, 18.
II. m. An aquatic animal, Rām. 4, 51, 39.
III. f. , The female of an aquatic animal, MBh. 1, 7852.

jaleśaya jaleśaya, i. e. jala + i-śī + a,
I. adj. Living in water, MBh. 1, 1365.
II. m. Epithet of Viṣṇu, Hariv. 14348.

jalauka jalauka, i. e. jala-oka, m. and f. , A leech, Suśr. 1, 112, 6; 1, 39, 14.

jalaukas jalaukas, i. e. jala-okas,
     1. adj. and sbst. Living in water, an aquatic animal, MBh. 13, 2650.
     2. f. A leech, Suśr. 1, 28, 10.

jalp jalp, (akin to or rather old Causal of, 1. gṛ10), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Hariv. 1173),
     1. To speak, Pañc. 35, 10.
     2. To speak with or of (with the acc.), Lass. 41, 18; MBh. 4, 864. jalpita, n. Talk, Pañc. 133, 5.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To speak afterwards, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 58.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To address, Rām. 4, 2, 16.
     2. To accompany by words, MBh. 12, 3189.
     3. To advise, MBh. 7, 3033.
     4. To determine, MBh. 4, 711.
-- With upa upa, upajalpita, n. Talk, Rām. 2, 60, 14.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To prate, MBh. 5, 1125.
     2. To speak of (with the acc.), Hariv. 11301.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To speak, Pañc. i. d. 300.
     2. To chatter, Pañc. i. d. 437.
     3. To proclaim, MBh. 13, 3686. prajalpita, Having begun to speak, Kumāras. 1, 46; n. Words, Hiḍ. 1, 22.
-- With prati prati, To answer, Rām. 3, 75, 2.
-- With vi vi, To utter, Śāk. d. 51.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To converse, Rām. 1, 74, 20.
     2. To speak, Rām. 5, 89, 21. saṃjalpita, n. Words, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 18.

jalpa jalp + a, m. and n.
     1. Words, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 17.
     2. Prate. MBh. 1, 566.

jalpaka jalp + aka, adj. sbst. Chattering, a chatterer, Bhartṛ. 2, 48.

jalpana jalp + ana, n. Speaking, Pañc. i. d. 193.

jalpitṛ jalp + itṛ, m., f. trī, n. Speaking, Rām. 5, 36, 63.

jalpin jalp + in, adj., f. , Speaking, MBh. 5, 2038.

java java, i. e. jū + a,
I. m. Quickness, Chr. 297, 21 = Rigv. i. 112, 21; MBh. 3, 10891.
II. f. javā = japā, The China rose, Rām. 5, 3, 48.
-- Comp. ati-, m. excessive quickness, Pañc. ii. d. 86. manojava, i. e. manas-,
I. adj. 1. swift as thought. 2. quick in thought, 3. fatherly, parental.
II. m. Viṣṇu. mahā-, adj. very fleet.

javana javana, i. e. jū + ana,
I. adj. f. , Quick, Kir. 5, 7.
II. n. Quickness, MBh. 4, 1414.

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javas javas, i. e. jū + as, n. Speed, velocity.
-- Comp. su-, adj. quick.

javanikā javanikā (= yavanikā), f. A curtain, Hariv. 4648.

javin javin, i. e. jū + in, adj. Swift, Yājñ. 2, 109.

jaṣjaṣ, i. 1, Par. To kill; to wound, v. r.

jas jas, i. 1, Ātm. (ved); i. 4, Par.
     1. To be exhausted, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6,
     2. i. 4, Par. † To liberate.
     3. i. 1(?) and 10, or Caus., jāsaya, To kill, to strike, † to slight.
-- With the prep. ud ud, Caus. or i. 10, To root out (with gen.), Ciś. 1, 37.
-- Cf. Goth. qvistjan.

jahnu jahnu, m. The name of a king who adopted the river Gaṅgā as his daughter, Rām. 1, 44, 35.

jāgara jāgara, i. e. jāgṛ + a, m.
     1. Waking, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 3.
     2. A vision, Yājñ. 3, 172.

jāgaraṇa jāgaraṇa, i. e. jāgṛ + ana, n. Waking, Pañc. 27, 9.

jāgariṣṇu jāgariṣṇu, i. e. jāgṛ + iṣṇu, adj. Wakeful, Suśr. 1, 121, 16.

jāgarūka jāgarūka, i. e. jāgṛ + ūka, adj. Watchful, Ragh. 14, 85.

jāgṛ jāgṛ, ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also i. 1, jāgara, MBh. 12, 7823; anomalous jāgṛmi, 12, 6518),
     1. To wake, Rām. 2, 63, 4.
     2. To watch over (with the loc.), Ragh. 8, 23; with the acc., Caurap. 35.
     3. To be roused, Hit. 50, 14. Ptcple. of the pres. jāgrat, n. Waking, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 13. Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. Ātm., jāgramāṇa, MBh. 13, 1274. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., jāgarita, One who has waked, Suśr. 1, 357, 18. n. Waking, Suśr. 1, 330, 8; Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 22. jāgaritavant, One who has waked, Suśr. 1, 330, 8. Ptcple. of the fut. pass., jāgartavya, n. Necessity of waking, MBh. 1, 5925; anomalous jāgṛtavya, MBh. 13, 2746. -- Caus. jāgaraya, To rouse, Hit. 50, 4; ved. Aor. sing. 3, ajīgar, Chr. 294, [greek] = Rigv. i. 92, 6.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To wake near to somebody, Rām. 2, 50, 36.
-- With pra pra, To lie in wait (with the gen.), MBh. 9, 1463.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps also Lat. vigil, vigilare; and Goth. vakan; A.S. wácian; O.H.G. wachar, A.S. waccor.

jāghanī jāghanī, i. e. jaghana + a + ī, f. The tail, MBh. 12, 5375; Man. 10, 108.

jāṅgala jāṅgala, i. e. jaṅgala + a,
I. adj.
     1. Dry, even and productive (country), Man. 7, 69.
     2. Existing in such a country, Suśr. 1, 184, 12.
     3. Belonging to game which lives in such a country, Suśr. 1, 72, 2.
II. n. Game, Suśr. 2, 342, 21.
III. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 5, 2127.
-- Comp. kuru-, 1. n. the name of a country, Rām. 2, 68, 13. 2. m. pl. the name of its inhabitants, MBh. 3, 356.

jāṭāsuri jāṭāsuri, i. e. jaṭāsura (the name of a demon), + i, patronym., MBh. 7, 7856.

jāṭhara jāṭhara, i. e. jaṭhara + a,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Of the belly, Mārk. P. 2, 37.
     2. With agni, a. The digestive power, Suśr. 1, 128, 18. b. Hunger, Pañc. ii. d. 193.
II. m. A child, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 38.

jāḍya jāḍya, i. e. jaḍa + ya, n.
     1. Want of sensation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 17.
     2. Stupidity, Bhartṛ. 2, 20.

jātaka jāta + ka, (vb. jan)
I. m. A son, Man. 9, 143 (in jāra-, Begotten by an adulterer).
II. n.
     1. A ceremony on the birth of a child, MBh. 1, 949.
     2. Astrological calculation of a nativity, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 13.

jātarūpamaya jāta-rūpa + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Rām. 3, 48, 13.

jātavedas jāta-vedas, and jātaveda jātaveda (Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 13), m.
     1. The producer of wealth(?), Chr. 289, 1 = Rigv. i. 50, 1.
     2. Fire, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 5.

jātavedasī jātavedasī, i. e. jātavedas + a + ī, f. A name of Durgā, MBh. 6, 802.

jāti jāti, i. e. jan + ti, f.
     1. Birth, Man. 2, 148.
     2. Existence, life, Man. 4, 148.
     3. State, Man. 3, 15.
     4. Tribe, Man. 1, 118.
     5. Kind, genus, MBh. 4, 45; Pañc. 203, 3.
     6. Species, Man. 1, 48.
     7. Also jātī jātī, Great flowered jasmine, Hariv. 7891. jātī jātī, also The nutmeg-tree, Suśr. 1, 132, 20; nutmeg.
-- Comp. a-jāti, f. another sort, Yājñ. 2, 246. eka-, 1. adj. having only one birth, Man. 10, 4. 2. belonging to the same kind, Suśr. 2, 289, 12.
II. m. a Śūdra, Man. 8, 270. dus-, 1. f. misfortune, Mālav. d. 86. 2. adj. wicked, MBh. 5, 1944. dvi-, m. a man of either of the three first classes, especially a Brāhmaṇa (cf. dvija), Man. 10, 4; Bhāg. P. 6, 11, 15. pūrva-, f. a former existence, Kathās. 27, 82. mṛga-, f. pl. the deer species, Draup. 4, 16. sa-, adj. being of the same class, Man. 9, 87. hīna- (vb. ), adj. being of the lowest class, Man. 3, 15; degraded, outcaste.
-- Cf. Lat. gens; A.S. cynd; Engl. kind.

jātimant jāti + mant, adj., f. matī, High-born, Rām. 2, 75, 21 Gorr.

jātismaratā jāti-smara + tā, f., and

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jātismaratva jāti-smara + tva, n. Remembrance of a former existence, MBh. 3, 160; 8107.

jātī jātī, see jāti

jātīya -jātīya, i. e. jāti + īya, adj. Belonging to a caste, Man. 11, 162; or kind, Pañc. 190. 21; or genus, Pañc. 76, 8.
-- Comp. dus-, wicked, Hariv. 4239. vi-, adj. 1. of mixed origin. 2. of a different cast. 3. of a different kind, dissimilar. sa-, adj. 1. of the same tribe. 2. of the same species. 3. like. samāna-, adj. of the same caste or species. sva-, adj. of one's own tribe, caste, species, &c.

jātu jātu, i. e. jan + tu, adv.
     1. Ever, MBh. 5, 7071.
     2. Perhaps, MBh. 12, 6739.
     3. Once, Kathās. 6, 89.
     4. With preceding na, Never, Man. 2, 94.
     5. With preceding na, and following cid, Nevermore, never, MBh. 1, 1936.

jātuṣa jātuṣa, i. e. jatus (= jatu) + a, adj., f. ṣī, Made of lac, Pañc. i. d. 120; painted with lac, MBh. 1, 151.

jātya jātya, i. e. jāti + ya, adj.
     1. Belonging to a tribe, Rām. 2, 50, 18.
     2. Belonging to a family, Man. 10, 5.
     3. Of a noble race, Rām. 2, 45, 14.
     4. True, Rām. 2, 9, 40. sva-, adj. Belonging to one's own species, Pañc. 71, 11.

jānakī jānakī, i. e. janaka + a + ī, patron. The daughter of Janaka, i. e. Sitā, Rām. 3, 51, 6.

jānapada jānapada, i. e. jana-pada + a,
I. m. An inhabitant of a country, a subject, Yājñ. 2, 36.
II. adj.
     1. Living in the country, Rām. 2, 50, 4.
     2. Referring to districts, Man. 8, 41.
-- Comp. paura-, m. The inhabitants of the town and of the country, MBh. 1, 2828.

jānapadika jānapadika, i. e. jan- pada + ika, adj. Concerning a realm, MBh. 11, 71.

jānārdana jānārdana, i. e. janārdana + a, patronym. A descendant of Janārdana, MBh. 3, 723.

jāni -jāni, i. e. jan + i, latter part of comp. adj. Wife, e. g. an-anya-, Having no other wife, Ragh. 15, 61. vitta-, adj. Having married (vb. vid), Chr. 297, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.
-- Cf. Goth. quens, A.S. cwen, Engl. queen.

jānu jānu (for original janvant), n. and m. The knee, Suśr. 1, 348, 16.
-- Comp. antar-, adj. and adv. Having (the hands) between the knees, Yājñ. 1, 18. indra-, m. A proper name, Rām. 4, 39, 33. jānu-vi-, n. Joining and disjoining the legs, a mode of fighting. saṃhata- (vb. han), adj. knock-kneed.
-- Cf. [greek] (for [greek]); Lat. genu; Goth. kniu; A.S. cneow.

jāpa jāpa, i. e. jap + a, m. A prayer, Rām. 1, 31, 31.
-- Comp. karṇa-, m. Tale-bearing, Pañc. i. d. 337.

jāpaka jāpaka, i. e. jap + aka, adj.
     1. Muttering prayers, MBh. 12, 7153.
     2. Produced by prayer, MBh. 12, 7249.

jāpin jāpin, i. e. jap + in, adj. Reciting in a low tone, Yājñ. 3, 304.

jāmadagneya jāmadagneya, i. e. jamadagni + eya, patron. A descendant of Jamadagni, Rām. 1, 74, 17.

jāmadagnya jāmadagnya, i. e. jamadagni + ya,
I. adj. Referring to Jamadagni, MBh. 1, 332.
II. patron. A descendant of Jamadagni, Rām. 1, 74, 23.

jāmā jāmā (from *jam = [greek] in [greek] an older form of yam, by the aff. a; cf. the next), f. A daughter-inlaw, MBh. 13, 2474.

jāmātṛ jāmātṛ (from *jam, cf. the last and yāmātṛ, by the aff. tṛ), m. A son-in-law, Rām. 1, 8, 26.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek] Lat. gener for gem + ros.

jāmātṛka jāmātṛ + ka, adj. Belonging to a son-in-law, Pañc. 46, 19.

jāmātṛtva jāmātṛ + tva, n. Condition of being a son-in-law, Pañc. 48, 23.

jāmi jāmi (from *jam, cf. jāmā, but in the signification which appears in Lat. gem-ini and Sskt. yama, Twin, a pair),
I. adj. and sbst. Brother and sister; related (ved.).
II. also jāmī jāmī, f.
     1. A female relation, Man. 3, 57.
     2. A sister, Yājñ. 1, 157.

jāmitra jāmitra, The seventh house in Astrology, Kumāras. 7, 1.

jāmbava jāmbava, i. e.
I. jambu + a,
     1. adj. Coming from the Jambu-tree, Suśr. 1, 190, 5.
     2. n. The fruit of the Jambu-tree, 1, 73, 17.
II. = jāmbavant, A proper name, Rām. 5, 1, 57.

jāmbavant jāmbavant, m. A proper name, Rām. 4, 25, 33. f. vatī, A proper name, MBh. 3, 670.

jāmbuka jāmbuka, i. e. jambuka + a, adj. Proceeding from a jackal, MBh. 12, 5779.

jāmbunada and jāmbūnada jāmbu/ūnada, i. e. jambu/ū-nadī + a,
I. adj. Coming from the river Jambu, epithet of a peculiar kind of gold, MBh. 6, 279.
II. n. Gold, Rām. 3, 49, 9.
III. adj., f. , Golden, Rām. 5, 7, 19.
IV. m.
     1. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3745.
     2. The name of a mountain, MBh. 3, 10835.
V. f. , The name of a river, MBh. 6, 338.
VI. n.
     1. A golden ornament, Śiś. 4, 66.
     2. The name of a sea, MBh. 5, 3843.

jāmbunadamaya and jāmbūnadamaya jāmbu/ūnada + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Pañc. 175, 8.

jāyanteya jāyanteya, i. e. jayantī + eya, metronym. A son of Jayantī, Bhāg. P. 5, 4, 12.

jāyā jāyā, i. e. jan + yā, f. A spouse, Man. 9, 8.
-- Cf. Lat. gaja.

jāyātva jāyā + tva, n. The condition of a jāyā, the name jāyā, Man. 9, 8.

jāyin -jāyin, i. e. ji + in, adj. Conquering, MBh. 3, 1383.

jāra jāra, i. e. jṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A lover, Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.
     2. A paramour, an adulterer, Yājñ. 2, 301.

jāraja jāra-ja, m. A son begotten by an adulteress, Pañc. Pr. 6.

jāratā jāra + tā, f. Adultery, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 10.

jārāsaṃdhi jārāsaṃdhi, i. e. jarāsaṃdha, a proper name, + i, patronym. A descendant of Jarāsaṃdha, MBh. 2, 966.

jārūthī jārūthī, f. The name of a river, Rām. 6, 109, 50.

jārūthya jārūthya, m. A kind of sacrifice, Rām. 6, 113, 10.

jāryaka jāryaka, m. A certain animal, Rājat. 5, 321.

jāla jāla, n.
     1. A net, Pañc. 78, 14.
     2. A coat of mail, MBh. 6, 725.
     3. A lattice, Rām. 3, 61, 13.
     4. A window, Man. 8, 132.
     5. A dense multitude, Rām. 1, 28, 23.
     6. A webmembrance between the fingers, Śāk. d. 175.
     7. A disease of the eye, Suśr. 2, 311, 6.
     8. Magic, illusion, Kathās. 24, 199.
-- Comp. indra-, n. 1. magic, Kathās. 22, 12. 2. illusion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 20. 3. the name of a weapon, MBh. 3, 14995. dhvānta-, n. deep darkness, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 18. muktā-, n. a string of pearls, Megh. 64. vindu-, n. coloured marks on as elephant's face or trunk.

jālaka jāla + ka,
I. n.
     1. A net, Pañc. iii. d. 179.
     2. (m?) A window, Śiś. 9, 39.
     3. A bud, Megh. 96.
II. m. The name of a tree, Bhāg. P. 8, 2, 18.
III. f. likā.
     1. A net.
     2. A coat of mail, Rām. 3, 28, 26.

jālapāda jāla-pāda, m. A webfooted bird, Man. 5, 13.

jālapādabhuja jāla-pāda-bhuja, adj. Having a web-membrane on the feet and the hands, MBh. 12, 13339.

jālavant jāla + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Having a net, Suśr. 1, 87, 16.
     2. Covered with a coat of mail, MBh. 6, 747.

jālma jālma, m. and f. .
     1. Wicked, Vikr. 5, 14.
     2. Contemptible, MBh. 5, 4518.

jālmaka jālma + ka, adj. Wicked, MBh. 7, 9023.

jālya jālya, i. e. jāla + ya, adj. Exposed to nets, MBh. 12, 10417.

jāhnava jāhnava, i. e. jahnu + a, patron. A descendant of Jahnu, Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 9. f. , A name of the Gaṅgā, Kir. 5, 15.

jāhnavīya jāhnavīya, i. e. jāhnavī + īya, adj. Belonging to the Gaṅgā, MBh. 13, 1857.

ji ji (akin to jyā, q. cf.), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 15193). red. pf. jigāya; ptcple. jigīvān, etc.
     1. To overpower, to conquer, Pañc. i. d. 375; Man. 4, 181.
     2. To be victorious, Śāk. 23, 11.
     3. To win, MBh. 3, 2229.
     4. To win something from somebody (with two accs.), Daśak. in Chr. 186, 3.
     5. To restrain, Man. 7, 22.
     6. To excel, MBh. 2, 2577. Anomal. potent. jayyāt, MBh. 4, 1604. Anomal. pf. parā-jayām āsa, Hariv. 13946. Anomal. Aor. ajaiṣṭa, MBh. 1, 6378. Anomal. fut. jayiṣyasi, Rām. 1, 29, 3. Anomal. potent. of the pass. jīyeyam, MBh. 7, 2702. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. a-jita,
     1. adj. Unsubdued.
     2. m. Viṣṇu. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass.,
     1. a-jeya, and
     2. a-jayya, adj. Unconquerable, Chr. 44, 6; Rām. 2, 11, 7. Caus. jāpaya; anomal. Aor. ajījayat, MBh. 7, 2280; see vi. Desid. jigīṣa, Par. and Ātm. To desire to conquer, MBh. 2, 1140; Pañc. i. d. 409.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To subdue, MBh. 12, 3124. Desid. To desire to subdue, MBh. 5, 1274.
-- With abhi abhi, abhijita, m. The leading star of the twenty-second Nakṣatra, or lunar asterism. Desid.
     1. To desire to gain, MBh. 12, 8465.
     2. To assail, Suśr. 1, 122, 3.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To extort, MBh. 1, 7765. avajitya, Forcibly, Man. 11, 80.
     2. To conquer, MBh. 4, 1118.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To overcome in play, MBh. 3, 2589.
     2. To conquer, MBh. 1, 7658.
     3. To gain, nirjita, run up, Man. 8, 154.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, To overpower, MBh. 14, 2220.
-- With parinis pari-nis, To conquer, MBh. 4, 2251.
-- With pratinis prati-nis, To rescind, Rām. 2, 26, 22.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To overpower, Man. 11, 205.
     2. To conquer, MBh. 3, 1883.
-- With parā parā, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 2, 2141),
     1. To succumb, to be defeated, MBh. 4, 1604 (anomal. potent. jayyāt).
     2. To lose, MBh. 2, 2141.
     3. To overpower, Rām. 3, 36, 13; to defeat in a law suit, Yājñ. 2, 75; parājita, Condemned (by law), Man. 8, 58; to defeat in play, MBh. 2, 2171. a-parā-jita, m. A poisonous insect, Suśr. 2, 289, 14. f. , The northeastern quarter, Man. 6, 31.
-- With pari pari, To overpower, MBh. 5, 712.
-- With pra pra, To overpower, MBh. 7, 70.
-- With prati prati, To defeat (in game), MBh. 7, 1357. Desid. To desire to conquer, MBh. 7, 4376.
-- With vi vi, Ātm. (also Par., e. g. Man. 2, 232),
     1. To be victorious, Pañc. 184, 1.
     2. To conquer, MBh. 2, 992.
     3. To defeat (in play), Nal. 26, 22.
     4. To overcome; in vijitāsana, i. e. vijita-āsana, adj. Indifferent concerning one's seat, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 8. Caus. To conquer (anomal. Aor. ajījayat), MBh. 7, 2280. Desid. To desire to conquer, Hariv. 8828.
-- Cf. Goth. ga-geigan (Frequent.).

jigamiṣu jigamiṣu, i. e. jigamiṣa, desid. of gam, + u, adj. Being about to go, Rām. 2, 21, 63.

jigīṣā jigīṣā, i. e. jigīṣa, desid. of ji, + a, f.
     1. Wish to overcome, Chr. 31, 20.
     2. Wish to win, Kathās. 21, 81.
     3. Wish to attain, MBh. 3, 13360.
     4. Emulation, Chr. 28, 19.
-- Comp. guru-jigīṣa, adj. wishing to surpass, emulating the venerable, Kathās. 21, 81.

jigīṣu jigīṣu, i. e. jigīṣa (see the last), + u, adj.
     1. Desiring to conquer, MBh. 1, 6845.
     2. Desiring to excel, Rām. 1, 13, 21.
     3. Ambitious, Kathās. 4, 126.

jigīṣutā jigīṣu + tā, f. Emulation, Kathās. 18, 85.

jighāṃsā jighāṃsā, i. e. jighāṃsa, desider. of han, + a, f.
     1. Intention to kill, Man. 11, 206.
     2. Intention to destroy, Bhāg. P. 4, 19, 24.

jighāṃsin jighāṃsin, i. e. jighāmsa (see the last), + in, adj. Desiring to kill, Rām. 6, 77, 27.

jighāṃsu jighāṃsu, i. e. jighāṃsa (see the last), + u, adj.
     1. Desiring to kill, Bhāg. P. 7, 1, 41.
     2. Desiring to detroy, Suśr. 1, 71, 4.

jighṛkṣā jighṛkṣā, i. e. jighṛkṣa, desider. of grah, + a, f. Desire to seize, MBh. 7, 794.

jijīviṣā jijīviṣā, i. e. jijīviṣa, desider. of jīv, + a, f. Desire to live, MBh. 8, 1790.

jijīviṣu jijīviṣu, i. e. jijīviṣa (see the last), + u, adj. Wishing to live, Man. 4, 27.

jijñāsana jijñāsana, i. e. jijñāsa, desider of jñā, + ana, n. Wish to know, examination, Kathās. 5, 136.

jijñāsā jijñāsā, i. e. jijñāsa (see the last), + a, f.
     1. Wish to know, Rām. 1, 50, 23.
     2. Wish to test, Rām. 4, 8, 6.
     3. Examination, MBh. 2, 1158.

jit -ji + t, latter part of comp. words, Victorious, conquering, e. g. kaiṭabha-, m. A name of Viṣṇu (slayer of the demon Kaiṭabha), Śiś. 9, 30. yuddha-, adj. Victorious in battle, Draup. 9, 11. svar-, The name of a kind of sacrifice, Man. 11, 74.

jina ji + na, n. A name of Buddha. Pañc. 236, 8.

jinv jinv (originally ji + nu, ii. 5; cf. [greek] for [greek] akin to div, jīv, and ), i. 1, Par.
     1. To be brisk (ved.).
     2. To further (ved.).
     3. To help, Chr. 296, 1; 6; 9 = Rigv. i. 112, 1; 6; 9.
     4. To love, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 8. † i. 10, To speak (? v. r.)

jimjim, i. 1, Par. To eat, v. r.

jirijiri, ii. 5, jiriṇu, Par. To hurt.

jiṣjiṣ, i. 1, Par. To sprinkle.

jiṣṇu jiṣṇu, i. e. ji + snu,
I. adj.
     1. Overpowering, MBh. 6, 5352.
     2. Victorious, Rājat. 5, 136.
     3. Excelling, Bhartṛ. 1, 5.
II. m.
     1. A name of Viṣṇu, MBh. 5, 2571.
     2. Of Arjuna, MBh. 3, 425.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with Arjuna.

jihāsā jihāsā, i. e. jihāsa, desider. of hā, + a, f. Wish to resign, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 11.

jihāsu jihāsu, i. e. jihāsa (see the last), + u, adj. Wishing to resign, Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 6.

jihīrṣā jihīrṣā, i. e. jihīrṣa, desider. of hṛ, + a, f.
     1. Wish to take, to seize, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 25.
     3. Wish to remove, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 43.

jihīrṣu jihīrṣu, i. e. jihīrṣa (see the last), + u, adj.
     1. Wishing to fetch, to rob, Daś. 1, 36; MBh. 7, 8980.
     2. Wishing to remove, Rājat. 5, 401.

jihma jihma (probably akin to hvṛ, for primitive jihvṛ, i. e. redupl. hvṛ, + a), adj., f. .
     1. Oblique, Chr. 292, 11 = Rigv. i. 85, 11.
     2. Squinting, Suśr. 2, 349, 3.
     3. Crooked, fallacious, Rām. 5, 89, 69.
     4. °mam, adv. Astray, MBh. 5, 7361.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. candid, Yajñ. 1, 123.
II. m. a fish. vi-, adj. 1. crooked. 2. dishonest.

jihmaga jihma-ga, m. A snake, MBh. 1, 982.

jihmatā jihma + tā, f. Falsehood, Rām. 2, 43, 2.

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jihmita jihmita, i. e. jihma + ita, adj. Crooked, Mṛcch. 143, 22.

jihva jihva, i. e. jihve (a redupl. form of hve, for primitive dhve), + a,
I. m. and f. , The tongue, Hariv. 6326; Man. 2, 90. -- Comp. adhi-, m. a tumour on the tongue. dīrgha-, m. the name of a Dānava, MBh. 1, 2538. f. , the name of a female Rākṣasa, Rām. 1, 28, 18 Gorr. dvi-,
I. adj. 1. having two tongues, MBh. 1, 1543. 2. treacherous, Pañc. i. d. 74.
II. m. a snake, Rām. 2, 42, 2 Gorr. saptaj°, i. e. saptan-, m. Agni. sthira-, m. a fish.
-- Cf. Lat. lingua for dingua; Goth. tuggo (based on an older redupl. duhva; cf. vedic juhū); A.S. tunge.

jihvaka -jihva + ka, a substitute for jihvā when the latter part of comp. adj., e. g. a-, adj., f. , Without a tongue, MBh. 3, 16137.

jīna jīna,
I. ptcple. pf. pass. of jyā.
II. n. A leathern pouch, Man. 11, 138.

jīmūta jīmūta (probably akin to jihma, for jihma + vant + a), m. A cloud, Rām. 2, 92, 32.
     2. A name of the sun, MBh. 3, 152.

jīra jīra (akin to ji in jinv, and in jiv),
I. adj., f. , Driving, Chr. 287, 3 = Rigv. i. 48, 3.
II. m. Cumin seed.

jīraka jīra + ka, m. Cumin seed, Suśr. 1, 218, 1.

jīrṇatā jīrṇa + tā (cf. jṛ10), f. Frailty, Mṛcch. 48, 16.

jīv jīv, i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., MBh. 1, 5913).
     1. To live, Man. 2, 235.
     2. To return to life, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 51.
     3. To maintain one's self, Man. 10, 112; with the instr. 3, 152; with the loc. MBh. 5, 1059. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. a-jīvant, Unable to subsist, Man. 10, 81. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. jīvita,
     1. Living, Ragh. 12, 75.
     2. Revived, Pañc. 221, 8.
     3. Enlivened, Rām. 5, 66, 24. n.
     1. Life, Man. 6, 45.
     2. Livelihood, Hit. i. d. 85. Comp. a-, n. death. an-apekṣita- (vb. īkṣ), adj. regardless of life, Kathās. 18, 374. sa-, adj. still living, Rājat. 5, 58. hata- (vb. han),
I. adj. desponding.
II. n. despair. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. jīvya, n. Life, Hariv. 14376.
II. jīvitavya, n.
     1. Possibility of living, Pañc. 76, 13.
     2. Life, Pañc. 221, 6.
III. jīvanīya, n. Epithet of milk; perhaps, Just milked, still warm, Suśr. 1, 175, 14. -- Caus.
I. jīvaya (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 16230),
     1. To revive, MBh. 1, 1995.
     2. To let live, MBh. 3, 870.
     3. To bring up, MBh. 1, 6152.
II. jīvāpaya, To revive, Lass. 18, 8. -- Desid. jijīviṣa,
     1. To wish to live, MBh. 4, 615.
     2. To gain one's livelihood, Man. 10, 121.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To imitate the life of (with the acc.), Ragh. 19, 15.
     2. To live in conformance with, Rām. 6, 5, 7.
     3. To live for (with the acc.) MBh. 8, 3388.
     4. To maintain one's self by (with the acc.) Rām. 5, 2, 35. Caus. jīvaya, To revive, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 9.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To maintain one's self by (with the acc.), MBh. 5, 4536.
     2. To use, Yājñ. 2, 67.
-- With ud ud, To return to life, MBh. 12, 5675.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, To live as chief, MBh. 5, 4538.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, To return to life, Kathās. 10, 97. Caus. To revive, Pañc. 244, 2.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To maintain one's self by (with the acc.), Man. 9, 105.
     2. To apply to one's own use, Man. 3, 52.
     3. To gain, Man. 4, 200.
     4. To practise, Bhāg. P. 7, 13, 7. upajīvya, That by which one maintains one's self, Yājñ. 2, 227. n. Livelihood, Rām. 2, 37, 25.
-- With vi vi, To return to life, MBh. 1, 2002.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To live, MBh. 3, 3054.
     2. To return to life, Draup. 9, 4. Caus. jīvaya,
     1. To animate, Man. 1, 57.
     2. To revive, Rām. 4, 51, 20.
     3. To preserve, Rājat. 2, 28.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To return to life, Rām. 5, 28, 16.
-- Cf. [greek] (= jīvatha), [greek] etc.; Lat. vivc; Goth. quivs; A.S. cwic; Goth. ga-quivjan, etc.

jīva jīv + a,
I. adj.
     1. Living, MBh. 13, 31.
     2. Causing life, Bhāg. P. 9, 21, 13.
II. m. and n.
     1. Creature, MBh. 13, 13828.
     2. Life, Rām. 5, 3, 74.
III. m. The individual soul, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 6.
-- Comp. dus-,
I. adj. difficult to live, Rām. 2, 57, 20.
II. n. hard life, Rām. 2, 105, 5. nis-,
I. death, Kathās. 17, 15.
II. adj., f. , lifeless, dead, MBh. 7, 1954. su-, n. easy life, Rām. 2, 105, 5.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. vivus; Goth. qvivs.

jīvaka jīv + aka,
I. latter part of comp. adj. Maintaining one's self by, MBh. 13, 6455.
II. m. A medicinal plant, considered as one of the eight principal drugs, Suśr. 1, 59, 16.
III. f. vikā,
     1. Life, Man. 4, 11.
     2. A means of subsistence, Man. 10, 76; Bhāg. P. 7, 13, 7.
-- Comp. raṅga-, m.
     1. a painter.
     2. an actor.

jīvajīvaka jīvajīvaka, m. A kind of bird, Man. 12, 66.

jīvaṃjīva jīvaṃjīva, i. e. jīva + m-jīva, and jīvaṃjīvika jīvaṃjīvika, i. e. jīva + m-jīva + ika, m. A kind of pheasant, MBh. 3, 8702.

jīvatha jīv + atha, m. Life.
-- Cf. [greek]

jīvana jīv + ana,
I. adj., f. , Animating, enlivening, MBh. 1, 3241.
II. n. Life, Rām. 4, 19, 19.
     2. Subsistence, Man. 11, 76.
     3. A means of subsistence, MBh. 3, 13724.
     4. Revivification, Rām. 6, 105.
-- Comp. a-, n. death, Rām. 2, 38, 7. dāsa-, adj. living by slavish work, Man. 10, 32. dharma-, adj. subsisting by the performance of religious works, Man. 9, 273. mṛga-, m. a hunter, Nal. 11, 28.

jīvanatā jīvana + tā, f. Conduct, Lass. 88, 15.

jīvantī jīvantī, i. e. jīvant, ptcple. pres. of jīv, + a + ī, f. A vegetable and medicinal plant, MBh. 2, 98.

jīvamaya jīva + maya, adj., f. , Living, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 24.

jīvala jīvala, m. A proper name, Nal. 15, 7.

jīvavant jīva + vant, adj., f. vatī, Living, MBh. 8, 4930.

jīvātu jīv + ātu (m. and n.?), Life, Mṛcch. 172, 2.

jīvin jīv + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Living, Man. 9, 246.
     2. Subsisting on, Rām. 1, 9, 61; especially latter part of comp. words, e. g. kṛṣi-, adj. Supporting one's self by tillage, Man. 3, 165.
II. m. A living being, Pañc. 68, 15.
-- Comp. dīrgha-, adj. long-lived, Man. 9, 246. buddhi-, adj. intelligent. jala-, and matsya-, m. a fisher, MBh. 12, 7427; 1, 1339. śyena-, m. one who lives by training hawks, a falconer, Man. 3, 164. saṃgha-, m. a hired labourer. saṃcāra-, adj. living in distress. surā-, m. a distiller.

ju ju, see and chyu.

jugupiṣu jugupiṣu, i. e. jugupiṣa, desider. of gup, + u, adj. Desiring to protect, MBh. 8, 1737.

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jugupsā jugupsā, i. e. jugupsa, desider. of gup (q. cf.), + ā, f. Aversion, MBh. 14, 1733.
-- Comp. a-jugupsa, adj. having no aversion, MBh. 13, 3077.

juṅgjuṅg, i. 1, Par. To abandon.

juñcjuñc, i. 1 and 10, Par. To speak(?).

juṭ † I. juṭ, or juḍ juḍ, i, 6. Par. To bind.

juḍ † II. juḍ, or jun jun, i. 6, Par. To go.

juḍ † III. juḍ, i. 10, Par. To send.

jutjut (= jyut, q. cf.), i. 1, Ātm. To shine.

junjun, see juḍ

jurv jurv, i. 1, jurva, Par.
     1. To hurt.
     2. ved. To burn.

juljul (akin to jṛ10), i. 10, Par. To grind.

juṣ 1. juṣ, i. 6, Ātm. (also Par., Hariv. 7430).
     1. To be pleased, Mārk. P. 31, 49.
     2. To enjoy, MBh. 2, 1718.
     3. To like, MBh. 3, 12732.
     4. To undergo, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 20.
     5. To frequent, MBh. 3, 2464.
     6. To befall, MBh. 3, 11061. juṣṭa,
     1. Loved, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 87, 1.
     2. Endowed, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 20. Caus. joṣaya, To agree, MBh. 14, 1289.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To frequent, MBh. 5, 1040.
-- With ava ava, To visit, MBh. 13, 645.
-- With samā sam-ā, To resolve upon, Hariv. 7431 (precat. Par., or ii. 2, potent.).
-- With nis nis, nirjuṣṭa, Frequented, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 21.
-- With pra pra, prajaṣṭa, Strongly attached to, Man. 2, 96.
-- With sam sam, saṃjuṣṭa, Frequented, MBh. 13, 646.
-- Cf. Lat. gustus, gustare; [greek] Goth. kiusan, A.S. ceosan, also cyssan; Goth. kukjan, cf. with ved. juj; cf. kus.

juṣ 2. juṣ, adj.
     1. Loving, attached to, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 25; especially as latter part of comp. words, e. g. Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 36.
     2. Visiting, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 25.

juṣ 3. juṣ, i. 1 and 10, Par.
     1. † To reason or to hurt.
     2. To satisfy.
-- Cf. 1. juṣ.

juhoti juhoti, i. e. 3. sing. of the pres. of hu, A technical expression for those sacrifices which are denoted by the term juhoti, Man. 2, 84, juhoti-yajati-kriyā, sacrifices denoted by the terms juhoti and yajati.

, ii. 9, junā, nī, Par. (in the native collection of roots, ju, i. 1, Ātm.),
     1. To push on (ved.).
     2. To impel.
-- With the prep. pra pra, To push on, to impel. Ptcple. pf. pass. prajavita, Rām. 3, 33, 27; Hariv. 10848.
-- Cf. probably Lat. gavi in gaudeo, gavisus sum; [greek]

jūṭa jūṭa, m. The matted hair of Śiva (cf. jaṭā), Mālat. 1, 13.
-- Comp. jaṭā-jūṭa, the same, Kathās. 25, 231.

jūr jūr (akin to jṛ10), i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To grow old (appearing in the Veda in the form jur, i. 6, and i. 4, jūrya, Par.).
     2. † To hurt.
     3. To be angry.

jūṣjūṣ, i. 1, Par. To hurt.

jṛjṛ, i. 1, Par. To subdue(?).

jṛbhjṛbh, i. 1, Ātm. = jṛmbh(?)

jṛmbh jṛmbh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To yawn, Man. 4, 43.
     2. To open, Kathās. 25, 238.
     3. To snap backwards (of a bow), MBh. 5, 1909.
     4. To cause to snap backwards, Rām. 3, 30, 28.
     5. To spread, Hariv. 2556.
     6. To increase, Bhartṛ. 3, 4.
     7. To arise, Rājat. 5, 363.
     8. To revive, to take courage, Rājat. 6, 283; to feel at ease, Hariv. 12073. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. jṛmbhita, n.
     1. Yawning, Suśr. 1, 363, 15.
     2. Appearance, Kathās. 26, 89. Causal, jṛmbhaya, To cause to gape, Hariv. 10632.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To gape at, Rām. 6, 2, 18.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To open wide, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 16.
     2. To arise, Prab. 10, 2.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To spread, Mṛcch. 84, 24.
     2. To endeavour, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
-- With pra pra, To begin to yawn, MBh. 3, 11138.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To gape, Rām. 5, 3, 4.
     2. To open, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 25.
     3. To spread, Sāh. D. 71, 10; to increase, Vikr. 41, 15.
     4. To snap backwards, MBh. 8, 3984.
     5. To rise, Rām. 5, 2, 34.
     6. To appear, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 15. vijṛmbhita,
     1. Yawning, Hariv. 10635.
     2. Expanded, blossomed.
     3. Sported, wantoned. n.
     1. Wish.
     2. Pastime, sport.
-- With sam sam, To appear, Rājat. 6, 229.

jṛmbha jṛmbh + a,
I. m. and f. bhā, and n.
     1. Yawning, Suśr. 1, 98, 11.
     2. Opening, as a flower, Mālat. 148, 8.
II. m. A kind of animal, Rām. 2, 35, 18.

jṛmbhaka jṛmbh + aka,
I. m.
     1. The name of certain demons, MBh. 3, 14548.
     2. The name of a spell, producing drowsiness, Rām. 1, 30, 7.
II. f. bhikā, Yawning, MBh. 5, 282.
III. n. Swelling, Lass. 17, 4.

jṛmbhaṇa jṛmbhaṇa, i. e. jṛmbh + ana,
I. adj. Causing to gape, Rām. 1, 56, 7.
II. n.
     1. Yawning, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 16.
     2. Opening, as a flower, Bhartṛ. 1, 24.
     3. Stretching, Ṛt. 6, 9.

jṝ jṛ10, i. 1, Par., i. 4, Par. (also Ātm., MBh. 13, 367). † ii. 9, jṛṇā, ṇī, Par.
     1. To grow old, MBh. 3, 13860.
     2. To be digested, Suśr. 1, 70, 18. -- Ptcple. of the pres. jarant, f. ratī, Old, Rājat. 6, 172. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. jīrṇa,
     1. Old, decayed, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 22; Rām. 3, 11, 9.
     2. Tumbled down, Man. 4, 46.
     3. Rotten, MBh. 3, 678.
     4. Faded, Śāk. d. 170.
     5. Destroyed, MBh. 3, 1939. n. Old age, Rājat. 3, 316. Comp. a-, n. indigestion, Man. 4, 121. Caus. and i. 10,
I. jaraya, To cause to wax old, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5; Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. 1, 92, 10; MBh. 7, 5967 (Ātm.).
     2. To consume, Bhāg. P. 3, 25, 33.
     3. To overpower, MBh. 3, 1939.
     4. To digest, Rām. 5, 84, 12.
II. † jāraya.
-- With the prep. nis nis, To grind, Bhāg. P. 6, 12, 29.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To wear out, MBh. 4, 332.
     2. To fade, Suśr. 1, 224, 20.
     3. To wax old, MBh. 1, 5139.
     4. To be digested, Suśr. 2, 178, 14.
-- With pra pra, To be digested, Suśr. 1, 239, 1.
-- Cf. [greek] (= jarant) [greek] [greek] Lat. granum; Goth. kaurn, ga-kroton; O.H.G. korn, kern; Goth. qvairnu; A.S. cweorn, cwyrn.

jetukāma jetukāma, i. e. jetum, infin. of ji, -kāma, adj. Desiring victory, Rām. 1, 63, 15.

jetṛ jetṛ, i. e. ji + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Conquering, a conqueror, Rām. 3, 38, 13.
     2. A winner in a game, Yājñ. 2, 200.

jeṣjeṣ, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

jehjeh (an old frequentat. of ), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To gape (ved.).
     2. † To endeavour.

jaijai (akin to jyā), i. 1, Par. To wane.

jaitra jaitra, i. e. jetṛ + a, adj., f. , Victorious, MBh. 2, 490.

jaimini jaimini, m. The name of a philosopher, the founder of the Pūrva Mīmānsā school, Pañc. ii. d. 34.

jaimūta jaimūta, i. e. jīmūta, a proper name, + a, adj. Relating to Jīmūta, MBh. 5, 3845.

jaivātṛka jaivātṛka, i. e. jīv + ā + tṛ + ka, adj. Long-lived, one who may live long, Daśak. 95, 12.

jaihmya jaihmya, i. e. jihma + ya, n. Cheating, Man. 11, 67.

jaihvya jaihvya, i. e. jihva + ya, n. Delight of the tongue, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 13.

joṣa joṣa, i. e. juṣ + a, m. Satisfaction (ved.). °am, adv. Silently, MBh. 2, 2431.

joṣaṇa joṣaṇa, i. e. juṣ + ana, n. Pleasure, Bhāg. P. 3, 25, 25.

jña jña (vb. jñā), adj., f. ñā.
     1. Knowing, MBh. 12, 12028; particularly as latter part of comp. words, e. g. Man. 4, 102.
     2. Intelligent, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 11.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. ignorant, Bhartṛ. 2, 3. 2. unreasonable, Pañc. ii. d. 3. 3. foolish, Mṛcch. 24, 5. manojña, i. e. manas-, adj. beautiful, Lass. 53, 2. sarva-, adj. omniscient, Bhartṛ. 2, 8.
-- Cf. Lat. beni-gnus, mali-gnus.

jñatā jña + tā, f.
     1. Knowledge, Yājñ. 3, 142. When latter part of comp. words, is the aff. of the comp., e. g. haya-jña + tā, Knowledge of horses and their management, Nal. 19, 26.

jñapti jñapti, i. e. jñā, Caus., + ti, f. Comprehension, knowing, Kathās. 25, 57.

jñaṃmanya jñaṃmanya, i. e. jña + m, -man + ya, adj. Thinking one's self intelligent, Rājat. 3, 491.

jñā jñā, ii. 9, jānā, nī, Par. Ātm.
     1. To know, Man. 2, 123; MBh. 3, 2154 (with the gen.).
     2. To be intelligent, Man. 2, 110.
     3. To recognise, Megh. 64; Bhag. 5, 29.
     4. To search, Rām. 3, 51, 1; to investigate, MBh. 4, 962; to learn, Pañc. 4, 17.
     5. To consider, Man. 8, 71; 2, 23.
     6. To perceive, Rām. 1, 42, 1. Anomalous 3 sing. pres. jānate, MBh. 13, 5204; 1 pl. jānīma, 3, 15591; 2 pl. jānatha, 2, 842; 2 pl. imptve. jānata, 2, 2397; 2 sing. impf. Ātm. jānithās, 14, 1641; ptcple of the pres. Ātm. jānamāna, 3, 1413. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass. jñāta,
     1. Known, Mṛcch. 2, 8.
     2. Thought, Pañc. i. d. 123. Comp. a-, without knowing, unknowingly, Man. 4, 140; 11, 155. -Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
     1. jñātavya, Perceptible, Hariv. 11143.
     2. dus-jñeya, adj. Hard to be discerned, Man. 6, 73. Caus. jñāpaya and jñapaya,
     1. To declare, MBh. 2, 558.
     2. To teach, MBh. 14, 415.
     3. To report, MBh. 1, 5864.
     4. To address, MBh. 3, 8762. Ptcple of the pf. pass. jñāpita and jñapta. Desider. jijñāsa,
     1. To desire to know, Rām. 2, 35, 19.
     2. To search, to inquire, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 35.
     3. To get certainty, Kathās. 22, 84.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To grant, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 14.
     2. To promise, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 19.
     3. To permit, give leave, Mālav. 16, 11; Rām. 2, 52, 44.
     4. To pardon, MBh. 1, 7772.
     5. To repent, Rām. 2, 42, 8.
     6. To dismiss, Man. 3, 251.
     7. To take leave, Rām. 2, 37, 4 (with the acc.).
     8. To beg, Rām. 2, 21, 25.
     9. To favour, MBh. 3, 11631. Caus.
     1. To ask permission, Man. 4, 122.
     2. To take leave (with the acc.), Rām. 2, 71, 13.
-- With abhyanu abhi-anu,
     1. To approve, Man. 2, 1.
     2. To permit, Man. 3, 243.
     3. To dismiss, Rām. 1, 2, 3.
     4. To take leave, Rām. 3, 12, 7.
     5. To favour, Rām. 3, 36, 19. Caus. To take leave, MBh. 1, 6619.
-- With pratyabhyanu prati-abhi-anu, To dismiss, MBh. 12, 13928.
-- With pratyanu prati-anu, To spurn, Rām. 2, 87, 16.
-- With samanu sam-anu,
     1. To approve, MBh. 3, 14824.
     2. To pardon, Rām. 2, 39, 38.
     3. To empower, MBh. 3, 14815; to allow, MBh. 3, 1850.
     4. To dismiss, MBh. 5, 5974.
     5. To favour, MBh. 13, 3603. Caus.
     1. To beg, MBh. 1, 6340.
     2. To beg permission, Rām. 2, 40, 2.
     3. To take leave (with the acc.), Rām. 1, 74, 6.
     4. To salute, MBh. 1, 6423.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To recognise, MBh. 3, 2201.
     2. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 4, 19, 26.
     3. To know, Rām. 6, 94, 15; MBh. 3, 13339.
     4. To think, MBh. 1, 3337.
     5. To approve, MBh. 13, 5871.
     6. To acknowledge, MBh. 1, 3060.
-- With pratyabhi prati-abhi,
     1. To recognise, Prab. 24, 16.
     2. To recover, Kathās. 18, 175.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To recognise, MBh. 3, 2945.
-- With ava ava, To despise, Bhag. 9, 11. avajñāta, Accompanied with contempt, Bhag. 17, 22.
-- With ā ā, To perceive, MBh. 3, 448; to learn, Rām. 1, 9, 61. Caus.
     1. To command, MBh. 2, 2567 (Ātm.); with that which is commanded in the dat., e. g. svagṛhāya, To command to go home, Pañc. 242, 24.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To recognise, MBh. 4, 1736.
     2. To learn, Lass. 18, 13.
     3. To know, MBh. 3, 680. Caus. To command, Mṛcch. 66, 23.
-- With upa upa, desider. To spy, MBh. 13, 3016.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To perceive, to learn, MBh. 12, 5241.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To recognise, Rām. 6, 8, 3.
     2. To learn, MBh. 7, 467. To know, Pañc. 99, 8.
     4. To know exactly, Vikr. 5, 14. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. ku-pari-jñāta, adj. Imperfectly known, Pañc. v. d. 1.
-- Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-pari-jñeya, adj. Incomprehensible, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 36.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To discern, Bhag. 18, 31.
     2. To know, Bhag. 11, 31. prajñāta, Renowned, Man. 4, 39. a-prajñāta, adj. Imperceptible, Man. 1, 5.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To discern, MBh. 12, 1872.
     2. To know exactly, MBh. 12, 2319.
-- With prati prati (according to the Grammar. Ātm., except in the seventh signification),
     1. To admit, Man. 8, 139.
     2. To promise (with the acc. and dat. of the promised object), Rām. 2, 109, 24; MBh. 1, 7234; with the gen. of the person to which something is promised, Man. 9, 99; with the dat., MBh. 3, 2135; with the loc., Rām. 1, 75, 7.
     3. To confirm, Sāv. 1, 16.
     4. To affirm, MBh. 2, 842.
     5. To recognise, MBh. 1, 2089.
     6. To perceive, Hariv. 1036.
     7. To remember sorrowfully, MBh. 12, 8438 (Ātm. against the rule).
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To promise, MBh. 7, 2652.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To distinguish, Man. 2, 212.
     2. To know exactly, Man. 5, 121; to know, MBh. 9, 2666.
     3. To inquire, Pañc. 45, 24.
     4. To learn, Pañc. i. d. 430.
     5. To perceive, Rām. 3, 51, 1.
     6. To consider, Man. 9, 32.
     7. To explain, Bhāg. P. 3, 25, 30.
     8. To become learned, Man. 4, 20. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. adj. a-vijānant, Inconsiderate, Chr. 15, 5. Comp. ptcple of the pf. pass. a-vijñāta, adj.
     1. Unknown, Man. 4, 129.
     2. Unperceived, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 16. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. dus-vijñeya, adj. Difficult to be conceived, MBh. 13, 724. Comp. absol. a-vijñāya, Without knowing exactly, Pañc. 57, 3. Caus.
     1. To declare, Pañc. 152, 5.
     2. To speak, Rām. 5, 90, 17.
     3. To address, Pañc. 69, 12.
     4. To impart (with acc. of the person and of the object), Rājat. 3, 241. Desid. To with to learn, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 2.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi,
     1. To learn, MBh. 1, 1565.
     2. To perceive, Rām. 2, 101, 1.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To know exactly, Suśr. 1, 342, 3.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi, To advise, MBh. 12, 2451. Caus. To recite, Rājat. 3, 180.
-- With sam sam, Ātm.
     1. To allot, Bhāg. P. 9, 16, 34.
     2. To understand, Rām. 2, 35, 17. Caus.
     1. To satisfy, MBh. 12, 12567.
     2. To quiet an animal destinated to be sacrificed, MBh. 14, 2645.
     3. To speak in signs, Mṛcch. 30, 15.
     4. To command, Hariv. 7056 (saṃjñapan instead of -jñapayan).
-- Cf. [greek] etc.; Lat. nosco, cf. co-gnosco, gnarus, narro; Goth. kunuan, kunths, kunthi; O.H.G. knajan; A.S. cnáwan.

jñā jñā, for ājnā after e and o, MBh. 1, 3168; 3, 16308.

jñāti jñāti, i. e. jan + ā + tī, m. A paternal relation, Man. 2, 132.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who is not a paternal kinsman, Man. 5, 103. nis-, adj. being without kinsmen, MBh. 8, 280. sva-,
I. f. kindred.
II. m. a kinsman.
-- Cf. Goth. knods; Lat. co-gnatus, natio; [greek]

jñātitva jñāti + tva, n. Consanguinity, Man. 11, 172.

jñātṛ jñā + tṛ, m., f. trī, n.
     1. One who knows, MBh. 13, 7173.
     2. A witness, Man. 8, 57, v. r.
-- Cf. Lat. co-gnitor.

jñāna jñāna, i. e. jñā + ana, n.
     1. Knowledge, Man. 2, 13.
     2. Superior knowledge, Bhag. 3, 3.
     3. Consciousness, MBh. 1, 5827.
     4. Intention, Man. 11, 145.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. 1. ignorance, Pañc. ii. d. 34. 2. inadvertence, Man. 11, 145. Abl. °nāt, without one's knowledge, Man. 8, 243.
II. adj., f. , ignorant. ātmajnāna, i. e. ātman-, n. the knowledge of the universal soul, Man. 12, 85. dus-, adj. difficult to be known, MBh. 12, 4026.

jñānada jñāna-da, m. One who can impart knowledge, Man. 2, 109.

jñānamaya jñāna + maya, adj., f. , Containing knowledge, Man. 2, 7.

jñānavant jñāna + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Knowing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 20.
     2. Endowed with superior knowledge, Rām. 6, 102, 7.

jñānika -jñānika, i. e. jñāna + ika, = jñāna, as latter part of a comp. adj. in pra-naṣṭa- (vb. naś), adj. Without knowledge, Suśr. 1, 8, 14.

jñānitva jñānitva, i. e. jñānin + tva, n. Fortune-telling, Kathās. 19, 75.

jñānin jñānin, i. e. jñāna + in,
I. adj., f. , One who understands fully, Man. 12, 103; learned, Rām. 1, 8, 13.
II. m. An astrologer, a fortune-teller, Rām. 6, 23, 4.

jñāpaka jñāpaka, i. e. jnā, Caus., + aka,
I. m.
     1. A teacher, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 10.
     2. A master of requests, Pañc. 156, 18 (thus to be read instead of nāyaka).
II. n. A precept, Rājat, 1, 5; a rule, MBh. 1, 5846.

jñāpana jñāpana, i. e. jnā, Caus., + ana, n. Notifying, Rājat. 4, 180.

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jñu -jñu, a substitute for jānu in some comp. words, (cf. ved. jñu-bādh, ūrdhva-jñu), pra-jñu, adj. Having the knees far apart.
-- Cf. [greek]

jñeyatva jñeya + tva (vb. jñā), n. Capability of being known, Bhāṣāp. 12.

jyā jyā, ii. 9, jinā, nī, Par. i. 4, jīya, Ātm. ved.
     1. To overpower (ved.).
     2. To be overpowered (jīya, ved.).
     3. † To decay, to become old. jīna, see separately.
-- Cf. [greek] (= ved. jyā), [greek] etc., probably also [greek]

jyā jyā, f. A bow-string, MBh. 1, 8193.
-- Comp. sa-jya, adj. strung.
-- Cf.

jyāya jyāya, a denominat. derived from the last Ātm. To represent a bow-string, Daśak. 2, 15.

jyāyaṃs jyā + yaṃs, comparat. of praśasya and vṛddha, f. jyāyasī,
     1. More powerful (ved.).
     2. Stronger, MBh. 9, 3247.
     3. Superior, Man. 3, 137.
     4. m. A master, Man. 8, 167.
     5. Elder, Man. 2, 139.

jyāyiṣṭha jyāyiṣṭha, anomal. superl. of praśasya (cf. jyeṣṭha), Best, MBh. 7, 3701.

jyujyu, i. 1, Ātm. To go, v. r.

jyut jyut (= dyut, q. cf.), i. 1, Ātm. v. r., and † i. 1, Par. v. r., To shine, Indr. 1, 32, v. r. -- Caus. jyotaya, To illuminate, Indr. 1, 30, v. r.

jyutimant jyuti + mant (= dyuti, i. e. div + ti), adj., f. matī, Shining, Indr. 1, 33, v. r.

jyeṣṭha jyeṣṭha, i. e. jyā + iṣṭha,
I. superl. of praśasya and vṛddha (cf. jyāyaṃs), f. ṭhā,
     1. Most excellent, Man. 9, 123.
     2. Eldest, Man. 9, 126; Daśak. in Chr. 184, 12.
II. m.
     1. An elder brother, Man. 4, 184.
     2. = jyaiṣṭha, The name of a month, Rājat. 1, 220.
III. f. ṭhā.
     1. The name of a lunar station, Rām. 6, 86, 43.
     2. Misfortune, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 32.
-- Comp. a-, adj. forfeiting one's primogeniture, Man. 9, 213. yathā-jyeṣṭha + m, adv. according to (their) rank, Pañc. 198, 10.

jyeṣṭhatara jyeṣṭha + tara, comparat. One of the elder ones, Pañc. 243, 18.

jyeṣṭhatā jyeṣṭha + tā. f.
     1. Superiority, Hariv. 7164.
     2. Primogeniture, Man. 9, 134.

jyeṣṭhatva jyeṣṭha + tva, n. Primogeniture, MBh. 1, 8372.

jyaiṣṭha jyaiṣṭha, i. e. jyeṣṭhā + a, m. The name of a month, May -- June, Man. 8, 245.

jyaiṣṭhineya jyaiṣṭhineya, i. e. jyeṣṭha + in + ī + eya, adj. Borne by the eldest wife of a father, MBh. 2, 1934.

jyaiṣṭhya jyaiṣṭhya, i. e. jyeṣṭha + ya, n.
     1. Precedence, Man. 9, 85.
     2. Primogeniture, Man. 1, 93.

jyojyo, i. 1. Ātm.
     1. To restrain.
     2. To vow.
     3. To instruct(?).

jyotirīśa jyotirīśa, or jyotirīśvara jyotirīśvara, i. e. jyotis-īśa, or -īśvara, m. The name of the author of the Dhūrtasamāgama, Lass. 68, 15; 67, 11.

jyotirmaya jyotirmaya, i. e. jyotis + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of light, Ragh. 15, 59.

jyotiṣa jyotiṣa, i. e. jyotis + a,
I. m. A kind of spell, Rām. 1, 30, 6.
II. n. Astronomical science, MBh. 12, 13136.

jyotiṣka jyotiṣka, i. e. jyotis + ka, n.
     1. The name of a shining weapon of Arjuna's MBh. 7, 1325.
     2. The name of the summit of Meru. MBh. 12, 16212.

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jyotiṣṭoma jyotiṣṭoma, i. e. jyotis-stoma, m. One of the great sacrifices in which especially the juice of the Soma is offered, Rām. 1, 13, 45.

jyotis jyotis, i. e. jyut + is, n. Light, Chr. 289, 10 = Rigv. i. 50, 10; Man. 1, 77.
     2. pl. The stars. Man. 1, 38.
     3. Intelligence, Bhag. 13, 17.
-- Comp. antar-, adj. one whose light (i. e. thought) is fixed on his soul (not on external pleasures), Bhag. 5, 24. sa-, adj., n. the time during which the sun or the stars give light, Man. 5, 82 (viz., when a king dies at day-time the impurity lasts till sunset, when he dies at night till the disappearance of the stars).

jyotīratha jyotīratha, i. e. jyotis-ratha,
I. m. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 20.
II. f. thā, The name of a river, MBh. 6, 334.

jyotīrasa jyotīrasa, i. e. jyotis-rasa, m. A kind of jewel, Rām. 2, 94, 6.

jyotsnā jyotsnā, i. e. jyut + sna, f.
     1. Moonlight, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 34.
     2. Light, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 21 (pl.)
     3. The name of a body of Brahman, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 39.

jyotsnāvant jyotsnā + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Moonlight (night), Ragh. 6, 34.
     2. Shining, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 26.

jri 1. jri, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To conquer.
     2. To go (ved.).

jri † 2. jri, and jrī jrī, i. 1, ii. 9, jriṇā, ṇī, and i. 10, jrāyaya, Par. To grow old, v. r.
-- Cf. jṛ10.

jvar jvar (cf. jval), i. 1, Par. To be feverish, Suśr. 2, 84, 13 (pass.). Caus. jvaraya, To cause to be feverish.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To be afflicted, MBh. 3, 13743.
-- With anusam anu-sam,
     1. To afflict, MBh. 5, 1607.
     2. To envy, MBh. 5, 1605.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To envy, MBh. 5, 1615.

jvara jvar + a,
I. adj. Excited, MBh. 13, 3464,
II. m.
     1. Fever, MBh. 12, 10255.
     2. Sorrow, Rām. 1, 18, 11.
-- Comp. gata-, adj., f. , without sorrow, Rām. 6, 98, 7. jīrṇa- (vb. jṛ10), m. a lingering fever, Suśr. 1, 175, 5. jīrṇāmaya-, i. e. jīrṇa-āmaya-, m. the same, Kathās. 17, 36. dāha-, m. a burning fever, Kathās. 5, 122; Daśak. in Chr. 192, 4. maithuna-, m. wantonness, MBh. 13, 1516. ratha-, m. a crow.

jvarita jvarita, i. e. jvara + ita, adj., f. , Feverish, Suśr. 2, 409, 7.

jvarin jvarin, i. e. jvara + in, adj., f. iṇī, Feverish, Suśr. 1, 34, 20.

jval jval (= jvar), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Hariv. 7914),
     1. To blaze, MBh. 1, 3687 (Ātm.).
     2. To shine, Suśr. 1, 113, 16.
     3. To burn, Pañc. 98, 1.
     4. To be consumed by fire, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 23.
     5. To be red hot, Man. 8, 271. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. jvalita,
     1. Flaming, Pañc. i. d. 37; Indr. 1, 6.
     2. Shining, Rām. 3, 50, 18.
     3. Burnt. Chr. 24, 40 (ṭriṇeṣu jvalitaṃ tvayā, You have burnt up only grass, i. e. You have fought only with insignificant men). Caus. jvālaya and jvalaya, after prep. only the latter (also jvālaya, e. g. MBh. 3, 17078),
     1. To kindle, Rām. 2, 52, 99.
     2. To illuminate, Kir. 5, 14. agni-jvalita, Blazing with fire, Man. 7, 90. Frequent. jājval and jājvalya,
     1. To burn violently, MBh. 12. 11597.
     2. To flame violently, Rām. 4, 38, 15.
     3. To be very brilliant, Rām. 6, 19, 49.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To shine, MBh. 3, 10335. Frequent. To blaze powerfully, Kām. Nītis. 15, 8.
-- With ud ud, To flash up, Rām. 5, 93, 15. Caus. To kindle, Rājat. 3, 176.
-- With prod pra-ud, To shine brightly, Hariv. 15696.
-- With samud sam-ud, The same, MBh. 8, 1715.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To being to blaze, Rām. 3, 18, 32.
     2. To begin to burn, MBh. 1, 1770.
     3. To become wrathful, Rām. 2, 21, 53.
     4. To blaze brightly, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 15. prajvalita,
     1. Burning, Chr. 33, 5.
     2. Shining, Hariv. 9746.
     3. Flaming, Pañc. 55, 10. n. Blazing, Hariv. 3293. Caus. To kindle, Rām. 2, 47, 8.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To become inflamed, MBh. 6, 4188.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, The same, Rām. 6, 96, 17; Hariv. 6475. Caus. To kindle, MBh. 13, 7776.
-- With prati prati, To shine, MBh. 7, 7437.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, To shine towards, Bhag. 11, 28.
-- With mas sam, To blaze, MBh. 9, 222. Caus. To kindle, MBh. 3, 16882.
-- Cf. O.H.G. quelan, A.S. cwellan; Goth. vulan. A.S. wellian, Lat. bullire, O.H.G. quellan, cf. A.S. weall (a well); [greek] (cf. anu-sam-jvar, and abhi-sam-jvar), probably also [greek]

jvala jval + a, adj. f. , Flaming, Hiḍ. 2, 7.

jvalana jval + ana,
I. adj. Shining, MBh. 3, 12239.
II. m.
     1. Fire, Man. 10, 103.
     2. Caustic potash, Suśr. 2, 125, 17.
III. n. Shining (and fire), Śiś. 9, 13.

jvāla jvāla, i. e. jval + a, m. and f. , Flame, MBh. 3, 14132; Ragh. 15, 16.
-- Comp. saptaj°, i. e. saptan-, m. Agni. hemaj°, i. e. heman-, m. fire.

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jvālin jvālin, i. e. jvāla + in, adj. Flaming, MBh. 13, 1171.


jhaṃkāra jhaṃkāra, i. e. jham, an imitative sound, -kāra, m. Humming, Bhāg. P. 8, 8, 43.

jhaṃkārita jhaṃkārita, i. e. jham-kārita (ptcple. pf. pass. of the Caus. of kṛ; cf. the last), n. Humming, Bhartṛ. 1, 97.

jhañjhā jhañjhā, i. e. probably a reduplicated form of jham (cf. jhaṃkāra), f. A sharp clanging sound, Amar, 48.

jhaṭ jhaṭ, i. 1, Par. To be entangled; cf. jaṭ.
-- With the prep. ud ud, ujjhaṭita, Confused, Rājat. 1, 116.

jhaṭiti jhaṭiti, i. e. jhaṭat (?), probably based on an imitative sound, -iti, adv. Instantly, in a moment, Bhartṛ. i. 69; on a sudden, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 15.

jhaṇajhaṇa jhaṇajhaṇa, a reduplicated form of the imitative sound jhaṇat (cf. ihaṇatkāra), Tinkling, Kathās. 25, 222.

jhaṇatkāra jhaṇat-kāra (see the last), m. Tinkling, Prab, 40, 6, v. r.

jhanajjhanā jhanajjhanā, a reduplicated form of an imitative sound jhanat (cf. jhaṇatkāra ?). The sound caused by the flapping of an elephant's ear, Kām. Nītis. 1, 45.

jhamjham, i. 1, Par. To eat.
-- Cf. jam.

jhampa jhampa, m. Jumping, Hit. 63, 15.

jharī jharī (probably a form of a derivative from kṣar), f. A waterfall, Prab. 73, 1.

jharcjharc, jharch jharch, jharjh jharjh, i. 1, and 6, Par.
     1. To explain.
     2. To menace.
     3. To hurt.

jharjhara jharjhara, i. e. jharjhar, a reduplicated form of an imitative sound, + a, m. and f. , A kind of drum, MBh. 6, 4463; Rām. 6, 99, 23 (but Sch., A flute); Hariv. 13212.

jharjharin jharjharin, i. e. jharjhara + in, adj. Provided with a drum, MBh. 12, 10406.

jhalajjhalā jhalajjhalā, i. e. a reduplicated form of jhalat, an imitative sound, and aff. a, f. The sounding of falling drops, Amar. 9, v. r.

jhalla jhalla, m. A prize-fighter, considered as the son of an outcaste Kṣatriya, MBh. 2, 102; Man. 10, 22.

jhaṣjhaṣ, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To take.
     2. To cover. i. 1, Par. To hurt.

jhaṣa jhaṣa, m.
     1. A fish, MBh. 1, 8316.
     2. The sign Pisces.

jhilli jhilli, jhillikā jhilli + kā, and jhillī jhillī, f. A cricket, Hariv. 3497; Rām. 1, 26, 13; Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 5.

jhillīka jhillī + ka, m. A cricket, MBh. 1, 2849.

jhūṣjhūṣ, v. r. for jūṣ.

jhṝjhṛ10, i. 4, jhīrya; ii. 9, jhṛṇā, ṇī, m. To grow old, v. r.
-- Cf. jṛ10.

jhoḍa jhoḍa, m. The betel-nut tree.

jhaulika jhaulika, i. e. jhoḍa + ika, A little pouch containing betel, Dhūrtas. 95, 8.

jhyujhyu, i. 1, Par. To go, v. r.


ṭakkadeśa ṭakka-deśa, m. The land of the Ṭakkas, Rājat. 5, 150.

ṭakkara ṭakkara, A kind of musical sound(?), or a drum, Rājat. 5, 417.
-- Cf. karoṭika.

ṭaṅk ṭaṅk, i. 1(?), and 10, Par.
     1. † To bind.
     2. To cover (ved.).
-- With the prep. vi vi, vitaṅkita,
     1. Marked, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 36.
     2. Loaded, Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 5.

ṭaṅka ṭaṅka,
I. m. and n.
     1. A hatchet, Hariv. 5009.
     2. Slope, Bhaṭṭ. 1, 8 (Sch.).
II. m.
     1. A weight equal to 4 māṣas, Lass. 29, 4.
     2. (and n?) A coin, Hit. 98, 11.

ṭaṅkavant ṭaṅka + vant, adj., f. vatī, Sloping, Rām. 3, 55, 44.

ṭaṃkāra ṭaṃkāra, i. e. tam, an imitatative sound, -kāra, m. Howling, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 9; sound, Rājat. 5, 417(?).

ṭaṃkārita ṭaṃkārita, i. e. ṭam-kārita (ptcple. pf. pass. of the Caus. of kṛ; cf. the last), m. Humming, Bhartṛ. 1, 97, v. r.

ṭalṭal, i. 1, Par. To be confused, v. r.

ṭāṃkāra ṭāṃkāra, v. l. for taṃkāra, Rājat. 5, 417.

ṭāṃkṛta ṭāṃkṛta, i. e. ṭām-kṛta (vb. kṛ), Sound, Rājat. 2, 99.

ṭikṭik, i. 1, Par. To go.

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ṭiṭṭibha ṭiṭṭibha,
     1. m. A bird, Parra jacuna, or goensis, Pañc. 74, 17.
     2. f. bhī, Its female, Rām. 2, 8, 43 Gorr.

ṭipṭip, i. 10, Par. To cast, v. r.

ṭīk ṭīk, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

ṭīkā ṭīkā, f. A commentary.

ṭauk ṭauk (a form of trauk), i. 1, Ātm. To go, to approach, v. r.
-- Cf. ḍhauk, with upa.

ṭvalṭval, i. 1, Par. To be confused, v. r.
-- Cf. dval.


ṭhakkura ṭhakkura, m. A deity, a honorary title, Rājat. 7, 536.


ḍapḍap, i. 10, ḍāpaya, Ātm. To collect.

ḍam ḍam, i. 1 or 6. Par. To sound, Prab. 55, 6.

ḍamarin ḍamarin and ḍamaru ḍamaru, m. A kind of drum, Bhāg. P. 8, 10, 7; Prab. 55, 6.

ḍampḍamp, v. r. for ḍap.

ḍamb ḍamb, i. 10, Par. To cast.
-- With the prep. vi vi,
     1. To imitate, Ragh. 4, 17.
     2. To simulate, Hariv. 8406.
     3. To deride, to sneer, Hariv. 1.
     4. To deceive, Bhartṛ. 1, 21. viḍambita, Low, poor, distressed.

ḍambara ḍambara,
I. adj.
     1. Renowned, Mālat. 3, 8, Lass. vāc- m. Graceful and eloquent language.
II. m.
     1. A proper name, MBh. 9, 2541.
     2. A mass, assemblage (as of blossoms), Mālat. 48, last 1., 148, 8; (of clouds), Mahāvīr. 99, 17; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 37.

ḍambh ḍambh, v. r. of ḍap.

ḍākinī ḍākinī (probably a form of śākinī), f. A kind of female demon, Kathās. 18, 147.

ḍākinītva ḍākinī + tva, n. The character of a Ḍākinī, Daśak. 164, 17.

ḍāṃkṛti ḍāṃkṛti, i. e. ḍām, an imitative sound, -kṛti, f. Sound, Prab. 55, 6.
-- Cf. tāṃkṛta.

ḍāmara ḍāmara,
     1. m. An object causing surprise, Gīt. 12, 23.
     2. The name of a people, Rājat. 5, 51.

ḍiṇḍima ḍiṇḍima, m. A kind of drum, Rām. 5, 13, 49.

ḍipḍip, ḍimp ḍimp, i, 10, Ātm. To collect. ḍip ḍip, i. 4; 6 and 10, Par., and ḍimb ḍimb, i. 10, Ātm. To cast.

ḍimba ḍimba, m.
     1. An affray, conflict, MBh. 1, 1219; a battle without king, i. e. after the king has been slain (?), Man. 5, 95.
     2. An egg or ball, Mālat. 148, 8.

ḍimbhḍimbh, i, 10, Ātm. To collect.

ḍimbha ḍimbha, m. and f. bhā, A child, Śāk. p. 103, 11 (Prākṛ.).

ḍī ḍī (akin to 1. , q. cf.), i. 1 and 4, Ātm. To fly. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ḍina, n. Flying, the flight of a bird, MBh. 8, 1899.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atiḍīna, n. Flying over, MBh. 8, 1900.
-- With abhi abhi, abhiḍīna, n. Flying towards, MBh. 8, 1900.
-- With ava ava, avaḍīna, n. Flying down, MBh. 8, 1899.
-- With ud ud, To fly up, Pañc. 106, 1. uḍḍīna, Flown up, MBh. 7, 776. n.
     1. Flying up, MBh. 8, 1899.
     2. The flight of a bird, Pañc. 114, 25.
-- With prod pra-ud, To fly up and away, Mṛcch. 84, 22. proḍḍīna, Flown up and away, Rām. 4, 63, 24.
-- With ni ni, niḍīna, n. Flying down, MBh. 8, 1899.
-- With parā parā, parāḍīna, n. Flying away, MBh. 8, 1900.
-- With pari pari, pariḍīna, n. Flying round, MBh. 8, 1900.
-- With pra pra, praḍīna, Flown forth, Rām. 6, 83, 26; n. Flying forward, MBh. 8, 1899.
-- With vi vi, viḍīna, n. Flying apart, MBh. 8, 1900.
-- With sam sam, saṃḍīna, n. Flying together, MBh. 8, 1899.
-- With avasam ava-sam, avasaṃdīna, n. Flying down together, MBh. 8, 1901.

ḍīnaka ḍīna + ka (vb. ḍī) in ḍīna-ḍīnaka, A kind of flying, MBh. 8, 1900.

ḍuṇḍubha ḍuṇḍubha, m. A kind of lizard, Amphisbaena, MBh. 1, 984.
-- Cf. duṇḍubha.

ḍomba ḍomba, m. A man of a low caste, who gains his livelihood by singing and dancing, Rājat. 5, 353.

ḍauṇḍubha ḍauṇḍubha, i. e. ḍuṇḍubha + a, n. The body of a ḍuṇḍubha, MBh. 1, 1006.

ḍval ḍval, Caus. ḍvālaya, with the prep. ā ā, To mix (ved.).

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ḍhakka ḍhakka,
     1. m. A kind of sacred edifice(?), Rājat. 5, 305.
     2. f. , A large drum Rājat. 6, 133.

ḍhauk ḍhauk (a form of trauk), i. 1, Ātm. To approach, Śāk. 63, 14 C. Caus.
     1. To offer, Rājat. 445.
     2. To procure, Kathās. 26, 7.
-- With the prep. upa upa, Caus.
     1. To offer, Hit. 67, 20, v. r. upa ṭaukayāmaḥ.
     2. To perform, Pañc. 158, 4.

ḍhaukana ḍhauk + ana, n. Bestowing, Rājat. 6, 166.


taṃs taṃs, i. 1 and 10, Par. 1. To shake (ved.).
     2. † To adorn.

tak tak,
     1. ii. 2, Par. Ātm. ved. To start.
     2. † i. 1, Par. TO laugh, or to endure.

takra takra, i. e. tañc + ra n. Buttermilk mixed with water, Man. 8, 326.

takṣ takṣ, i. 1, Par. (also Ātm.), and ii. 5, takṣṇu, Par.
     1. To slice (wood), MBh. 5, 4161.
     2. To cut to pieces, to wound, MBh. 3, 1585.
     3. To prepare, to form (ved.).
     4. † To cover with a hide.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To sharpen, Chr. 292, 3 = Rigv. i. 86, 3.
-- With sam sam, To cut to pieces, to wound, MBh. 6, 3725.
-- Cf. Lat. tignum; O.H.G. dehsa (an axe), dīhsila, A.S. thixl, thisl; Lat. temo, and probably O.H.G. dahs (a badger); [greek] see takṣan.

takṣaka takṣ + aka m. A cutter, a wood-cutter, Rām. 2, 80, 2.

takṣaṇa takṣaṇa, i. e. takṣ + ana, n. Planing, Man. 5, 115.

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takṣan takṣ + an, m. A carpenter, Man. 4, 210 (read takṣṇo vā).
-- Cf. [greek]

takṣaśilā takṣaśilā, f. The name of a town, [greek] Rām. 4, 43, 23.

tagara tagara, n. An ornamental plant, Tabernaemontana coronaria, and an aromatic powder made of it, MBh. 13, 5042.

taṅktaṅk, i. 1, Par. To live in distress.

taṅgtaṅg, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To stumble.
     3. To shake.

tajjña tajjña, i. e. tad-jña, m.
     1. Knowing that, a connoisseur, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 20.
     2. Versed in, Hariv. 8427.

tañc tañc,
     1. ii. 7, tanac, tañc, Par. To contract.
-- With the prep. ā ā and abhyā abhi-ā, To curdle (ved.).
     2. † i. 1, Par. To go.

tañj tañj, v. r. of 1. tañc.

taṭ taṭ, i. 1 or 6, Par. To groan (ved.). † i. 1. To rise; i. 10, tāṭaya, Par. v. r. of 1. taḍ.

taṭa taṭa,
I. m.
     1. Slope, MBh. 1, 1567.
     2. Horizon, Kathās. 26, 26.
II. m. and f. ṭī, and n.
     1. A bank, MBh. 13, 1334.
     2. Often without a special signification as latter part of a comp. whose former part denotes a portion of the human body, e. g. adhara-, The lips, Gīt. 4, 23; kaṭi-, The hip, Indr. 2, 32; kaṇṭha-, The throat, Rājat. 5, 1; jaghana-, The buttocks, Bhartṛ. 1, 49; lalāṭa-, The forehead, Śiś. 9, 28; śravaṇa-, The ear, Ṛt. 5, 13; stana-, The bosom, Amar. 21.
-- Comp. a-, adj. steep, Śāk. d. 137. diś-, m. the end of the horizon, Rājat. 3, 253. vidruma-, adj. f. , having banks of coral, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 22.

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taṭastha taṭa-stha, adj. Indifferent, Mālat. 7, 10.

taṭāka taṭā + ka, cf. taṭa, m. and n. A pond, Rām. 2, 68, 19.

taṭinī taṭinī, i. e. taṭa + in + ī, f. A river, Rājat. 3, 339.
-- Comp. a-mara-, f. a name of the Gaṅgā, Bhartṛ. 3, 87.

taṭya taṭya, i. e. taṭa + ya, adj. Dwelling on slopes, MBh. 12, 10381.

taḍ 1. taḍ (a form of tṛd, based on the original form tard), i. 10, tāḍaya (anom. pf. tatāḍa, Bhāg. P. 6, 12, 1), Par.
     1. To strike, Man. 4, 169.
     2. To chastise, Man. 4, 164.
     3. To wound, MBh. 1, 5302.
     4. Pass. To beat, Suśr. 1, 265, 15.
     5. To play a musical instrument, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 45, 61.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To strike, MBh. 7, 531.
     2. To wound, Rām. 2, 36, 13.
-- With ā ā, To strike. Pañc. 235, 23.
-- With pari pari, To touch, Kathās. 6, 114.
-- With pra pra, To strike, MBh. 8, 4693.
-- With prati prati, To strike in one's turn, MBh. 13, 4562.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To cast, Pañc. 263, 8.
     2. To wound, MBh. 8, 1067.
-- With sam sam, To strike, MBh. 7, 3401.

taḍ † 2. taḍ, i. 10, tāḍaya, Par. To shine, or speak.

taḍāka taḍāka, m. and n. A pond.
-- Cf. taṭāka.

taḍākin taḍākin, i. e. taḍāka + in, adj., f. , Provided with ponds, MBh. 3, 16088.

taḍāga taḍāga, m. and n. A pond, Man. 4, 203.
-- Cf. taḍāka.

taḍāgavant taḍāga + vant, adj., f. vatī, Provided with ponds, MBh. 13, 2973.

taḍit taḍ + it, f. Lightning, Kir. 5, 46.
-- Comp. sendrāyudha-, i. e. sa-indra-āyudha, adj. with a rainbow and lightning.

taḍitvant taḍit + vant, adj.
     1. Containing lightnings, Kir. 5, 4.
     2. Flashing, Vikr. d. 14.

taḍinmaya taḍinmaya, i. e. taḍit + maya, adj. Resembling lightning, Kumāras. 5, 25.

taṇḍtaṇḍ (akin to taḍ), i. 1, Ātm. To strike.

taṇḍula taṇḍ + ula, m. Grain after threshing and winnowing, especially rice Pañc. 104, 20; Rām. 3, 76, 24.

tata tata, m. The father, Bhāg. P. 4, 1.

tatas ta + tas (cf. tad), adv.
     1. = the abl. of tad, Man. 4, 82; with preceding yatas, Indiscriminately (literally, From whomsoever), Man. 4, 15.
     2. From that place, Sāv. 5, 78. yatas-yatas -- tatas-tatas, Wherever -- from that place, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 13.
     3. Thither, Rām. 1, 44, 34. yatas-yatas -tatas-tatas, Wherever -- thither, Śāk. d. 23.
     4. tatas-tatas, Everywhere, Rām. 1, 35, 18.
     5. itas-tatas From here and there, Rām. 6, 96, 2; here and there, 3, 61, 16.
     6. yatas-tatas, From wherever, Pañc. i. d. 6.
     7. Afterwards, then, Man. 2, 60.
     8. Therefore, MBh. 12, 13626.

tatāmaha tatāmaha, i. e. tata-mahant, m. A grandfather, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 40.

tati tati, i. e. tan + ti, f. A troop, Śāk. d. 39.

tattva tattva (often tatva), i. e. tad + tva,
     1. The very essence, Man. 4, 92; Bhag. 18, 1.
     2. Truth, Śāk. d. 22.
     3. A principle (especially the 25 of the Sānkhya philosophy), Rām. 3, 53, 42. Instr. tvena,
     1. Truly, Rām. 1, 48, 13.
     2. Thoroughly, Man. 7, 68.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. not contained in the principles, MBh. 12, 11480. yathā-tattva + m. adv. truly, Chr. 17, 22. sa-,
I. adj. knowing the real essence, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 3.
II. n. natural property, nature.

tattvatas tattva + tas, adv.
     1. According to the principles, Man. 8, 229.
     2. Truly, Man. 8, 32.
     3. From the bottom, Man. 7, 10.

tattvavant tattva + vant, adj. Possessing the principles or reality, MBh. 12, 11480.

tatra ta + tra (cf. tad), adv.
I. = the loc. of tad,
     1. In that, Man. 3, 60.
     2. 'atra-tatra, On that continually, Nal. 5, 9.
     3. On account of that, Nal. 18, 10.
     4. yatra-tatra, For every trifle, MBh. 13, 514.
II. There, Man. 7, 146.
III. Thither, Nal. 7, 1.
IV. tatra-tatra, Here and there, Man. 7, 81.
V. yatra-tatra, Indiscriminately (literally, Wherever), MBh. 13, 3686.
VI. Thereby, Man. 8, 34.
VII. Then Man. 8, 238.

tatratya tatra + tya, adj. Being there, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 6.

tatva tatva, see tattva.

tathā ta + thā (see tad), adv.
     1. So, correl. to yathā, As, Man. 3, 258; correl. to iva, Man. 3, 181.
     2. Thus, in that manner, Man. 1, 4.
     3. yathā-tathā, By all means, Man. 4, 17.
     4. yathā-yathā -- tathā-tathā, As far -- so far, Man. 4, 20; in proportion, 8, 285; the more -- the more, Nal. 8, 14.
     5. Yes, Rām. 1, 2, 22.
     6. So, in an oath, correl. to yathā, e. g. yathā nānyaṃ varaṃ dhyāyāmi kaṃ cana tvām ṛte -- tathā mūrdhānam ā labhe, I touch my head, in token that I have not thought of any bridegroom beside thee, Chr. 7, 16.
     7. Also, and, Man. 1, 24.
-- Comp. yathā-tatha + m, adv. Properly, suitably. a-yathā-tatha + m, adv. without fruit, Man. 3, 240. vi-tatha, adj. false, Man. 8, 118; with kṛ, To annul, 9, 73. °tham, adv. Falsely, 8, 94. a-vitatha,
I. adj. true.
II. n. truth.

tathāvidheya tathāvidheya, i. e. tathā-vidha + eya (see vidhā), adj. Being thus, MBh. 4, 246.

tathya tathya, i. e. tathā + ya,
I. adj. True, MBh. 7, 2136.
II. n. Truth, Rām. 2, 34, 23.
III. instr. yena, Truly, MBh. 8, 274.

tathyatas tathya + tas, adv. Truly, Rājat. 1, 325.

tad tad, except the nom. sing. m. and f., the base of the m. and n. and most derivatives is ta, of the f. ; the nom. sing. m. is sas, f. .
I. third personal pronoun,
     1. He, she, it, that, Man. 2, 234; 8, 11.
     2. Combined with the pronouns of the first, second, and third persons, Here, MBh. 1, 6415; 5, 5957; Hiḍ. 1, 38.
     3. Combined with the relative pronoun, a. Without a special signification, MBh. 7, 427.
b. Every one, MBh. 13, 1674; whoever, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2429.
c. with , This or that, Man. 12, 68.
     4. Repeated, This and that, Man. 12, 74; with following eva, The same, Rām. 3, 50, 28.
     5. yad-yad -- tad-tad, Whatever, that, Man. 4, 159.
II. n. The universe, Rām. 6, 102, 25.
III. acc. sing. n. tad, adverbially,
     1. Then, Pañc. 48, 3.
     2. Therefore, Man. 9, 41.
IV. instr. tena,
     1. Thus, Man. 4, 178.
     2. Therefore, Man. 7, 36.
V. abl. tasmāt, Therefore, Man. 1, 108.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. te, ta, tud in iste, etc.; Goth. sa. so thata; A.S. se, seo, thaet.

tadā ta + dā, see tad, adv.
     1. Then, Nal. 1, 25; at that time, Man. 1, 52.
     2. From that time, MBh. 13, 2231.

tadātva tadā + tva, n. Present time, Man. 7, 163.

tadānīm tadānīm, i. e. tada + na + ī + m, adv. Then, at that time, Draup. 6, 10.

tadīya tad + īya, adj.
     1. Belonging, or referring, or proper, to him, her, it, that, Rām. 4, 21, 35; Pañc. i. d. 224. Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 8.
     2. Such, Kathās. 3, 47.

tadvat tad + vat, adv.
     1. Thus, Pañc. ii. d. 62.
     2. Thus also, Pañc. i. d 254.
     3. And, Kathās. 6, 48.

tadvattā tadvat + tā, f. Harmony, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 8.

tadvant tad + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessed of that (i. e. the previously mentioned udbhūta-rūpa), Bhāṣāp. 53.

tan 1. tan, ii. 8, tanu, Par., Ātm.
     1. To draw (a bow), MBh. 4, 141.
     2. To spread, Bhag. 2, 17.
     3. To cover, Śiś. 9, 23.
     4. To propagate, Hariv. 2386.
     5. To augment, Śāk. d. 19.
     6. To direct, Nalod. 1, 20.
     7. To arrange, Man. 4, 205.
     8. To cause (pleasure or pain), Ragh. 3, 25; Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 37.
     9. To speak, Daśak. 7 ult. Pass. tanya, and tāya; ptcple. tata.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atitata, Very haughty, Śiś. 19, 3.
-- With adhi adhi, To cover, Rām. 5, 12, 33.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To augment, MBh. 12, 4816.
     2. To maintain, MBh. 3, 12681.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To descend, avatata, Descending, Hariv. 3621.
     2. To cover, MBh. 6, 2666. -
-- With ā ā,
     1. with padam, To get a footing, Bhartṛ. 1, 32.
     2. To stretch, MBh. 5, 4164; to draw, Ragh. 1, 19.
     3. To effuse, Śāk. d. 193.
     4. To grant, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 22.
     5. To cause, Bhartṛ. 1, 50.
     6. To arrange, Bhartṛ. 1, 36.
-- With samā sam-ā, To procure, Rājat. 4, 247. samātata, Violent, MBh. 8, 4205.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To spread, Suśr. 1, 354, 5.
     2. To show, Śiś. 2, 30.
     3. To cover, Rām. 3, 76, 25.
     4. To begin (a sacrifice), MBh. 12, 9613.
     5. To cause, Rājat. 2, 78.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To spread out, MBh. 1, 1335.
     2. To stretch out, Mṛcch. 143, 21.
     3. To draw, MBh. 1, 5290.
     4. To cover, Rām. 3, 63, 13.
     5. To arrange (a sacrifice), Man. 3, 28.
     6. To show, Rām. 4, 9, 89. vitata,
     1. Large, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 7.
     2. Powerful, Rājat. 5, 22.
-- With āvi ā-vi, To illuminate, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 37.
-- With pravi pra-vi, pravitata,
     1. Large, Megh. 104.
     2. Begun, MBh. 5, 5317.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To cover, Rām. 6, 21, 1.
     2. To fill up, Bhāg. P. 8, 23, 14.
     3. To expand, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 37. saṃtata,
     1. Uninterrupted, Lass. 96, 9.
     2. Eternal.
     3. Extended.
     4. Much. °tam, adv. Eternally. Caus. tānaya, To cause to be performed, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 16.
-- With anusam anu-sam,
     1. To spread, Bhag. 15, 2.
     2. To cover, Rām. 5, 16, 8.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To cover, Hariv. 4986.
-- Cf. [greek] (= tata), [greek] (for [greek]), [greek] (for [greek]), [greek] (for [greek] + tvas); Lat. tenere, tendere, ostendere (for obs-). tenus, etc.; O.H.G. danjan; A.S. thenian; see also tanu.

tan 2. tan (akin to stan), i. 4, Par. To sound (ved.).
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. tonare; O.H.G. donar; A.S. thunor.

tan † 3. tan (or van van), i. 1 and 10, tānaya, Par.
     1. To believe.
     2. To assist (or to afflict, or to be afflicted).
     3. To sound (cf. 2. tan).
     4. With prepositions, To stretch (cf. 1. tan).

tanaya tanaya (vb. 1. tan, anomal. Caus. + a),
I. adj. Continuing a family, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.
II. m.
     1. A son.
     2. du. A son and a daughter.
III. f. , A daughter.
-- Comp. See ku-. Pavana-, m. Hanumant, the son of the wind. rādhā-, m. Karṇa. sūrya-,
I. m. 1. Karṇa. 2. Sugrīva.
II. f. , the Yamunā river.

tanu tan + u,
I. adj., f. nu and nvī,
     1. Thin, Rām. 2, 8, 42 Gorr.
     2. Delicate, Nal. 12, 106.
     3. Moderate (in quantity and size), Man. 3, 10.
     4. Small, MBh. 3, 1747. Comparat. tanīyaṃs, Rājat. 3, 223, and tanutara, Amar. 3. Superl. taniṣṭha and tanutama.
II. f. nu and ,
     1. The body, Man. 2, 28; Rām. 1, 16, 5.
     2. A person, Man. 4, 184.
     3. One's own self, Hariv. 2386.
III. f. nvī, A slender woman, Bhartṛ. 1, 71.
-- Comp. a-, adj. large, MBh. 3, 6028. ardha-, f. half a body. vāmana-, adj. dwarfbodied. su-,
I. adj. very delicate.
II. f. a woman.
-- Cf. Lat. tenuis; O.H.G. dunni, A.S. thyn; [greek] (= tanvī), [greek] for [greek] (cf. [greek]), i. e. [greek]

tanuka tanu + ka, adj. Small, Suśr. 1, 296, 12.

tanuja tanu-ja, m. A son, Pañc. v. d. 22.

tanutā tanu + tā, f.
     1. Smallness, meagerness, Rām. 5, 19, 22; Megh. 83.
     2. in kalabha-, Condition of having the body of a young elephant, Megh. 79.
-- Comp. su-, f. Great meagerness, Lass. 72, 10.

tanutra tanu-tra (vb. trā), n. A coat of mail, MBh. 4, 1009.

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tanutravant tanutra + vant, adj. Covered with a coat of mail, Rām. 6, 76. 21.

tanutva tanu + tva, n. Smallness, delicateness, MBh. 13, 541.

tanus tan + us, n. The body, Rām. 5, 93, 23.

tanūja tanū-ja (see tanu),
I. m. A son, Rām. 2, 43, 20.
II. f. , A daughter, Chr. 52, 10.

tanūnapāt tanū-napāt, m. Fire, or its deity, Hit. ii. d. 66 (read -pāto).

tantu tan + tu, m.
     1. A thread, MBh. 1, 806; epithet of the supreme deity, Being the thread, Bhāg. P. 8, 16, 31.
     2. A cobweb, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 13.
     3. A filament, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
     4. Series, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 36.
     5. Propagation of a family, race, MBh. 8, 3393; 3, 15363 (on whom depends the propagation).
     6. Issue, Man. 9, 203.
-- Comp. āśā-, m. A thread of hope, Mālat. 151, 6. tṛṣṇā-, m. the thread of desire, MBh. 12, 7877. nis-, adj. without offspring, MBh. 12, 6225. prajā-, m. race, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 15. saptat°, i. e. saptan-, m. a sacrifice. sūtra-, m. a thread.

tantuka tantu + ka,
     1. a substitute for tantu, as latter part of a comp. adj., A string, Bhartṛ. 1, 95.
     2. m. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 13.

tantuvāya tantuvāya, i. e. tantu-ve + a, m. A weaver, Man. 8, 397.

tantr tantr, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the following word), Par.
     1. To perform in a regular succession, MBh. 12, 7814.
     2. Ātm. To maintain a family, to govern, Śāk. d. 102, v. r.

tantra tan + tra,
I. n.
     1. A warp, MBh. 1, 806.
     2. A series, propagation, offspring, MBh. 13, 2567.
     3. A system, a totality, Bhāg. P. 3, 144; order, MBh. 1, 4171.
     4. The order of ceremonies, a ritual, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 25.
     5. Necessary or indispensable act, or provision, Rām. 3, 61, 28; 2, 7, 19 Gorr.
     6. Main point, MBh. 14, 612; essence, Bhāg. P. 3, 30. 10; principle, MBh. 12, 7663.
     7. Rule. Yājñ. 1, 228.
     8. Science, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 30.
     9. A religious or scientific work, a literary work in general, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 8; 9, 21, 6; Rām. 4, 17, 15.
     10. Part of a work, Suśr. 1, 3, 13; Pañc. pr. d. 3.
     11. A class of mystical and magical writings, treating particularly of spells, charms, etc.
     12. Spell, Pañc. i. d. 80.
     13. An army.
II. f. (nom. sing. tantrīs),
     1. A string, Man. 4, 38; of a bow, MBh. 12, 4375; of a musical instrument, Megh. 84.
     2. Music of a string-instrument, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 39.
-- Comp. a-tantrī, adj. n. tri, without strings, Rām. 2, 39, 29. ātmatantra, i. e. ātman-, adj. independent, MBh. 13, 4399. ku-tantrī, f. the tail, MBh. 12, 5355. pañcatantra, i. e. pañcan-, n. Five books, the title of a work. para-tantra, adj. dependent upon another, MBh. 13, 15. su-tantrī, adj., n. tri, Melodious. Rit. 1. 3. sva-tantra, adj. 1. independent, 2. of age. a-sna-tantra, adj. dependent, not of age, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 17.

tantraka tantra + ka, a substitute for tantra, as latter part of comp. words, e. g. pañcatantraka, i. e. pañcan-, n. The five books, title of a work.

tantravāya tantra + vāya, cf. tantuvāya, m. A weaver, Rām. 2, 90, 15 Gorr.

tantri tantri,
     1. for tantrī (see tantra), Rām. 6, 28, 26.
     2. for tandri, MBh. 13, 6538 (ought to be corrected; also

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tantrita tantrita, sometimes for tanḍrita, e. g. MBh. 12, 12713).

tantrin tantrin, i. e. tantra + in, m. A soldier, Rājat. 5, 248.

tantrī tantrī, see tantra.

tand tand, i. 1 (or 6), Ātm. To slacken (ved.).

tandrā tandrā, i. e. tand + ra, f.
     1. Lassitude, Suśr. 1, 13, 8.
     2. Want of energy, MBh. 14, 874; Hit. i. d. 29.

tandrālu tandrā + lu, adj. Weary, Suśr. 2, 403, 4.

tandri tand + ri,
I. m. or n. Fatigue, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 40.
II. f. , The same, Rām. 2, 80, 24 Gorr.
-- Comp. a-tandrī, and nis-tandri, adj. unwearied, indefatigable, MBh. 12, 12585, Rām. 2, 1, 18.

tandritā tandritā, i. e. tandrin + tā, Lassitude, MBh. 12, 10512.

tandrin tandrin, i. e. tandrā + in, adj., f. iṇī, Lazy, MBh. 12, 7740.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. without remissness, Man. 3, 279. 2. unwearied.

tanmaya tanmaya, i. e. tad + maya, adj. Having the essence of him, her, it, that, MBh. 3, 1143.

tanmayatā tanmaya + tā, f. and tanmayatva tanmaya + tva, n. Identity with him, her, it, that, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 2; MBh. 5, 1622.

tanmātra tanmātra, i. e. tad-mātra,
I. n.
     1. That only, Pañc. i. d. 284.
     2. An atom, or rudimentary element, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 19.
II. adj. Consisting of atoms, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 15.

tanmātratā tanmātra + tā, f. and tanmātratva tanmātra + tva, n. The condition of being an atom, or rudimentary principle, Mārk. P. 45, 46, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 33.

tap 1. tap, i. 1. Par. (also Ātm. MBh. 1, 8414), i. 4, Ātm. or pass. (also Par. MBh. 1, 3165).
I. i. 1,
     1. To warm, to heat, Rām. 1, 14, 17.
     2. To be warm, MBh. 2, 1333.
     3. To shine, Śāk. d. 111; to illuminate, Bhag. 11, 19.
     4. To burn up, to consume, Bhāg. P. 7, 3, 4.
     5. To give pain, MBh. 1, 3323.
II. i. 1, and i. 4, or pass.,
     1. To suffer pain, MBh. 8, 1794; MBh. 1, 6217; 1, 3165,
     2. To mortify one's flesh, Rām. 1, 58, 1, and 4 Gorr.; usually with tapas, To do penance, Man. 2, 167; 166.
III. i. 4, To become warm, Lass. 12, 19 (with the termination of the Par.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tapta,
     1. Hot, Man. 8, 272.
     2. Molten, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 6, 13.
     3. also tapita, Refined, MBh. 3, 1722; Hariv. 13035. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. tapanīya, n. Gold, Rām. 6, 70, 41. tapya, Doing religious penance, MBh. 12, 10381 (cf. 13, 750). Caus. and i. 10, Par. and Ātm., tāpaya, Par.
     1. To warm, to heat, MBh. 12, 5536; to burn, Rām. 6, 11, 44.
     2. To torment, Rām. 5, 32, 36; by mortification, Chr. 46, 23.
     3. To mortify one's flesh, MBh. 3, 8199. Anomal. ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. tāpayāna, MBh. 15, 855. Frequentat tātapya, To suffer violent pain, Rām. 1, 11, 8.
-- With the prep. ati ati, i. 1, To heat excessively, Rām. 3, 12, 8. atitapta, Very afflicted, Rām. 3, 66, 26. Caus. To heat excessively, MBh. 14, 506.
-- With anu anu, i. 4. or pass. To suffer pain, MBh. 3, 13720. i. 1, and 4,
     1. To repent, MBh. 5, 1822; Rām. 2, 42, 11.
     2. To grieve, to long for (with the acc.), MBh. 11, 182; 7, 2195. anutapta, Hot, Suśr. 2, 181, 14. Caus. To cause to grieve, Ragh. 8, 88.
-- With samanu sam-anu, i. 4, or pass. To repent, MBh. 13, 5335.
-- With abhi abhi, i. 4, or pass., To suffer pain, Rām. 2, 62, 5; Kathās. 21, 72; MBh. 7, 6555 (with the termination of the Par.). abhitapta,
     1. Heated, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 11.
     2. Illuminated, Ṛt. 4, 14.
     3. Tormented, MBh. 6, 5771. Caus. To torment, MBh. 7, 1417.
-- With ava ava, Caus. To illuminate, MBh. 5, 7162.
-- With ā ā, i. 4, or pass.
     1. To suffer pain, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 13.
     2. To mortify one's flesh, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 8. ātapta, Refined, Hariv. 15769.
-- With ud, i. 1, To torment, Śic. 9, 67; to afflict, Rājat. 3, 183; uttapta, Nealed, purged by fire, Rājat. 4, 368; uttapta tāmra, Pure copper. Caus. To warm, MBh. 12, 11884.
-- With upa upa, i. 4, or pass. To become hot, MBh. 3, 71; to suffer pain, Suśr. 1, 21, 16. upatapta, Hot, Rām. 2, 59, 9. Caus. To torment, to mortify, MBh. 3, 10708.
-- With samupa sam-upa, i. 4, or pass. To suffer pain, MBh. 2, 856.
-- With nis nis, of which the s becomes , i. 1, To purify, MBh. 7, 9458. niṣṭapta,
     1. Singed, MBh. 1, 8215.
     2. Warmed, MBh. 13, 1796.
     3. Roasted, Rām. 2, 97, 2.
     4. Refined, MBh. 6, 228.
-- With vinis vi-nis, viniṣṭapta, Well roasted, Rām. 3, 76, 10.
-- With pari pari, i. 1,
     1. To set on fire, Rām. 3, 35, 15.
     2. i. 1, and i. 4, or pass. To suffer pain, Rām. 2, 66, 7; MBh. 3, 9916; 14, 1070 (with the termination of the Par.).
     3. i. 4, or pass. To mortify one's flesh, MBh. 1, 4784. Caus. To torment, Rām. 5, 86, 9.
-- With vipari vi-pari, i. 4, or pass. To suffer much pain, Rām. 2, 19, 3, Gorr.
-- With paścāt paścāt, i. 4, or pass. To repent, MBh. 8, 1795.
-- With pra pra, i. 1, To heat, Bhag. 11, 30; to burn, MBh. 3, 881; to roast, Rām. 2, 91, 65.
     2. To shine, MBh. 13, 2125.
     3. To illuminate, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 30.
     4. To suffer pain, Rām. 2, 12, 1.
     5. To mortify one's flesh, Rām. 1, 67, 8.
     6. To torment, MBh. 6, 5567. i. 4, or pass. To suffer pain, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 21. Caus.
     1. To warm, Man. 4, 53; to heat, Mārk. P. 14, 60.
     2. To illuminate, Rām. 4, 60, 16.
     3. To set on fire.
     4. To torment, MBh. 4, 550; 6, 3103. Anomalous pratāpitā (fut. i) instead of pratāpayitā, MBh. 8, 1971.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, abhipratapta,
     1. Dried, Suśr. 1, 158, 12.
     2. Tormented, Rām. 2, 21, 54.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, saṃpratapta, Suffering, Suśr. 1, 70, 17.
-- With pravi pra-vi, pravitapta, Tormented, Kām. Nītis. 15, 9.
-- With sam sam, i. 1, To repent, MBh. 7, 4731. i. 4, or pass.
     1. To suffer pain, Bhartṛ. 2, 84.
     2. To mortify one's flesh, Rām. 1, 63, 26. saṃtapta,
     1. Heated, Rām. 4, 44, 26.
     2. Molten, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 32, 10.
     3. Dried, Rām. 2, 85, 17.
     4. Tormented, Ṛt. 1, 27.
     5. saṃtapta-vakṣas, Shortbreathed. Suśr. 2, 447, 7. Caus.
     1. To warm, Hit. i. d. 81.
     2. To burn, MBh. 1, 1270.
     3. To set on fire, MBh. 13, 3998.
     4. To torment by heat, Bhartṛ. 2, 86; to torment, Pañc. iii. d. 244.
-- With atisam ati-sam, atisaṃtapta, Much afflicted, Rām. 3, 68, 15.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃtapta, Tormented, Rām. 4, 57, 13.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To suffer pain, Rām. 4, 21, 11.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. tepeo; probably A. S. tháfian (to suffer, to allow), concerning the signification cf. Sekr. kṣam.

tap † 2. tap, i. 4, Ātm. To govern.

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tapa tap + a,
I. adj.
     1. Illuminating.
     2. Tormenting, e. g. paraṃtapa.
II. m.
     1. Heat, Pañc. 121, 13.
     2. The hot season, Śiś. 1, 66.
     3. Penance, Hariv. 15434.
-- Comp. su-, adj. having accomplished great religious austerity.

tapana tap + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Warming, shining, Rām. 6, 79, 57.
     2. Tormenting, MBh. 12, 10381.
II. m.
     1. The sun, Rām. 1, 16, 11.
     2. The name of a hell, Man. 4, 89.

tapanīyamaya tapanīya + maya (vb. tap), adj., f. , Golden, MBh. 7, 4389.

tapas tap + as, n.
     1. Fire, Man. 6, 23.
     2. Penance, mortification, religious austerity, devotion, Man. 1, 33.
     3. The name of a month, January -- February, Suśr. 1, 19, 8.
-- Comp. a-, adj. one who does not practise austerities, Man. 4, 190. dīrgha-, adj. practising longlasting austerities, Rām. 1, 59, 11 Gorr. pañcatapas, i. e. pañcan-, adj. sitting exposed to five fires, i. e. four blazing around him with the sun above, Man. 6, 23. mahā-, or su-tapas, adj. one who has practised great religious austerities, Chr. 39, 4. su-mahā-, adj. one who has practised very great religious austerities, Chr. 11, 23.

tapasya 1. tapasya, a denominat. derived from tapas by ya, Par. To mortify one's flesh, Bhag. 9, 27; Kir. 5, 49.

tapasya 2. tapas + ya,
I. m. The name of a month, February -- March, Suśr. 1, 19, 8.
II. n. Religious penance, MBh. 13, 445.

tapasvitā tapasvitā, i. e. tapasvin + tā, f. Religious penance, MBh. 13, 2896.

tapasvin tapas + vin,
I. adj.
     1. Distressed, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 48.
     2. Devout, Man. 4, 162.
II. m. An ascetic, one engaged in the practice of rigorous and devout penance, Bhag. 6, 46.
-- Comp. ati-, exceedingly devout, Chr. 25, 60. -- See ku-.

tapiṣṇu tap + iṣṇu, adj. Burning, MBh. 12, 11726.

tapīyaṃs tap + īyaṃs, comparat. of tapasvin, A most rigorous ascetic, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 8.

tapomaya tapomaya, i. e. tapas + maya, adj., f. .
     1. Consisting in religious penance, Bhāg. P. 2, 4, 19.
     2. Devout.

tapovant tapovant, i. e. anomalous, tapas + vant, adj. Practising religious austerities, devout, MBh. 12, 8548.

taptṛ tap + tṛ, m. One who heats, MBh. 1, 8414.

tam tam, i. 4, tāmya, Par. (also Ātm., Rām. 2, 63, 50),
     1. To become breathless, Suśr. 1, 120, 16.
     2. To breathe with difficulty, Rājat. 5, 344.
     3. To become exhausted, Rām. 2, 52, 25.
     4. To be distressed, Amar. 7.
     5. To become staring, immoveable, Amar. 3.
     6. To choke (ved.).
     7. † To desire. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tānta, Distressed, Kathās. 24, 65. Caus. tamaya.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To become breathless, Rām. 2, 63, 50.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To become breathless, Rām. 2, 65, 45 Gorr.
     2. To be distressed, Rājat. 6, 124.
-- With ni ni in nitānta, Excessive, much, Pañc. i. d. 139. °ta + m, adv. Much, excessively, Rājat. 4, 634; violently, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 15.
-- With pari pari, To gasp. Suśr. 2, 447, 7. -pra pra,
     1. To become breathless, Suśr. 1, 121, 1.
     2. To become exhausted, MBh. 12, 12241.
     3. To be beside one's self, Rām. 2, 12, 105.
-- With sam sam, To become exhausted, Gīt. 4, 21.
-- Cf. probably Lat. temere, con-tumax, temetum, abs-temius perhaps O.H.G. damf, damfjan, an old Causal (to choke).

tama tama = iṣṭatama in Kirāt. 2, 13.

tamaka tam + aka, m. A kind of asthma, Suśr. 1, 159, 12.

tamas tam + as, n.
     1. Darkness, Hit. pr. 16.
     2. The gloom of hell, Man. 4, 242.
     3. The name of a hell, Mārk. P. 12, 10.
     4. = Rāhu, or the personified ascending node, Rām. 2, 63, 2.
     5. One of the three guṇas, or qualities incident to creation, the property of darkness, whence proceed folly, ignorance, stupidity, worldly delusion, etc., Man. 12, 24. Comp. dīrgha-, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 2, 293.
-- Cf. O.H.G. demar; A. S. dim thystre; Lat. tenebrae.

tamasa tamas + a,
I. n. a substitute for tamas, when the latter part of a comp. word, e. g. sam-, n. Intense darkness, Śiś. 9, 22.
II. f. , The name of a river, Rām. 1, 2, 4.

tamaska -tamas + ka, a substitute for tamas, when latter part of a comp. adj., Bhāg. P. 7, 1, 11. nis-, adj. Free from darkness, Śāk. d. 165.

tamasvin tamas + vin,
I. adj. f. , Dark.
II. f. , Night, MBh. 4, 732.

tamāla tamāla, i. e. tam + a + āla, m. The name of a dark-coloured tree, Xanthochymus pictorius Roxb., Rām. 3, 21, 14.

tamālaka tamāla + ka, m. and n. = tamāla, Rām. 2, 91, 48.

tamisra tamisra, i. e. tamas + ra,
I. n. Darkness, a dark night, MBh. 4, 710.
II. f. , A night without moon or star, Ragh. 5, 13.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without darkness, Śiś. 9, 12.

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tamī tamī, i. e. tam + a + ī, f. Night, Śiś. 9, 23.

tamoghna tamoghna, i. e. tamas-ghna, m. The sun, MBh. 3, 193.

tamonud tamonud, i. e. tamas-nud,
I. adj. Removing darkness, MBh. 13, 7298.
II. m. Light, naṣṭa- (vb. naś), adj. Dark, Rām. 5, 32, 23.

tamonuda tamonuda, i. e. tamas-nud + a,
I. adj., f. , Removing darkness, Man. 1, 6.
II. m.
     1. The sun, MBh. 3, 11892.
     2. The moon, Ragh. 3, 33.

tamopaha tamopaha, i. e. tamas-apa-ha (vb. han), adj. Removing darkness, Kir. 5, 22.

tamobhūta tamobhūta, i. e. tamas-bhūta (vb. bhū), adj.
     1. Dark, involved in darkness, Man. 1, 5.
     2. Foolish, Man. 12, 115.

tamomaya tamomaya, i. e. tamas + maya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Consisting of darkness, Bhāg. P. 3, 22, 19.
     2. Involved in darkness, Rājat. 4, 583.
II. m. Wrath, Mārk. P. 47, 15.

tamovant tamovant, i. e. anomal. tamas + vant, adj., f. vatī, Dark, Rām. 4, 44, 115.

tambtamb, i. 1, Par. To go.

tay tay (originally an anomal. pass. of tan, cf. tāy), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. † To preserve.

tara tara, i. e. tṛ10 + a,
I. adj. Conquering, MBh. 12, 10380.
II. m.
     1. Passage, crossing, Man. 8, 407.
     2. Freight, Man. 8, 406.
     3. A certain spell for banishing demons, Rām. 1, 30, 4.
-- Comp. dus-, adj., f. . 1. hard to be crossed or traversed, Rām. 2, 28, 9; Man. 4, 242. 2. hard to be overcome, Rām. 3, 2, 46. 3. irresistible, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 32. a-su-, adj. hard to be surmounted, Kir. 5, 18.

tarakṣu tarakṣu, m. A hyena, Rām. 2, 94, 7.

taraṅg taraṅg, a denomin. derived from the next, Par. To move to and fro, Gīt. 2, 8.

taraṅga taraṅga, i. e. tara + m + ga, m.
     1. A wave, Pañc. 263, 20; signifying a section of a book, Kathās.
     2. The gallop of a horse, Gīt. 12, 20.
     3. Moving to and fro, Hariv. 4298.
-- Comp. ud-, adj. with high waves, Ragh. 7, 33.

taraṅgita taraṅgita, i. e. taraṅga + ita,
I. adj.
     1. Wavy, MBh. 6, 3851.
     2. Overflowing, Kathās. 18, 223.
II. n. Moving to and fro, Gīt. 3, 13. 3.

taraṅgin taraṅgin, i. e. taraṅga + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Wavy, Rām. 2, 71, 2.
     2. Unsteady, Gīt. 5, 19.
II. f. iṇī, A river, Bhartṛ. 3, 65.
-- Comp. rājataraṇgiṇī, i. e. rājan-, f. title of a historical poem.

taraṇa taraṇa, i. e. tṛ10 + ana, n.
     1. Passing over, crossing, Rām. 6, 11, 4.
     2. Overcoming, MBh. 1, 6054.
-- Comp. dus-, adj., f. ṇī, difficult to be crossed, MBh. 8, 3905. pratīpa-, n. crossing over (literally, crossing against the stream), Vikr. d. 24 (read uhyamānasya, instead of udyamānasya, which would be the ptcple. pres. pass. of und; cf. Lenz. App. cr.).

taraṇi taraṇi, i. e. tṛ10 + ani,
I. adj., f. ṇī, Overcoming, Hariv. 14078.
II. m.
     1. The sun, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 30.
     2. (? or f.), A boat, Prab. 83, 10.

taratsamandīya taratsamandīya, i. e. tarat sa mandī + iya, n. A hymn of the Rigveda (9, 58), beginning tarat sa mandī, Man. 11, 253.

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tarala tarala, i. e. tṛ10 + ala,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Trembling, tremulous, MBh. 1, 1234; 4, 269.
     2. Sparkling, Śāk. d. 25.
     3. Fickle, Rājat. 3, 515.
II. m. The central gem of a necklace, MBh. 8, 4913.
III. f. , Spirituous liquor, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 75, 12.

taralatā tarala + tā, f. Sprightliness, Pañc. i. d. 205.

taralaya taralaya, a denomin. derived from tarala, Par.
     1. To cause to tremble, Amar. 87.
     2. To move to and fro, Gīt. 12, 15.

taras taras, i. e. tṛ10 + as,
     1. Speed (ved.).
     2. Energy, Rām. 5, 77, 18.
     3. Strength, Ragh. 11, 77. Instr. °sā, adv. Speedily, Hiḍ. 4, 2.

tarasvin taras + vin, adj., f. .
     1. Swift, energetic, Bhāg. P. 8, 20, 31; MBh. 1, 2546.
     2. Bold, Śāk. 90, 19.

tarām + tarām, acc. sing. f. of the aff. tara, is joined to indeclinables, i. e. verbs and adverbs in the signification of a comparative, Pañc. i. d. 368.

tari and tarī tari/ī, i. e. tṛ10 + i/ī, f. A boat, MBh. 1, 4014; 4228.

tarika tarika, i. e. tara + ika, m. A ferry-man, Yājñ. 2, 263.

taritra taritra, i. e. tṛ10 + tra, n. A boat, MBh. 5, 2436.

taru taru, i. e. tṛ10 + u (for original tar + van), m. A tree, Rām. 6, 82, 115.
-- Comp. kalpa-, m. a fabulous tree fulfilling all wishes, Pañc. v. d. 8. chāyā-, m. a shady tree, Megh. 1. prati-, adv. at every tree. śikhā-, m. a lampstand.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. termes.

taruṇa taruṇa, i. e. tṛ10 + van + a (cf. the last),
I. adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Young, MBh. 4, 1108.
     2. Fresh, Suśr. 1, 191, 8.
     3. Vivid, Bhartṛ. 3, 86.
     4. Beginning, Suśr. 2, 52, 16.
II. m. A young man, Pañc. i. d. 11.
III. f. ṇī, A young woman, Rām. 3, 59, 1; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 22.
IV. n. Cartilage, Suśr. 1, 35, 1.
-- Cf. [greek]

taruṇāya taruṇāya, a denomin. derived from the last by ya, Ātm.
     1. To become young, Hariv. 4745.
     2. To remain young, Pañc. v. d. 15.

tarutā taru + tā, f. Condition of a tree, being a tree, Mārk. P. 31, 9.

tark tark, i. 10, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm, Hariv. 11402),
     1. To suppose, Rām. 5, 18, 22.
     2. To utter one's supposition, Śāk. 83, 5, v. r.
     3. To find out, Kathās. 26, 18; Nal. 11, 36.
     4. To reflect, MBh. 3, 1723.
     5. To bear in mind, MBh. 5, 1895.
     6. To intend, MBh. 3, 1894.
     7. † To shine or speak. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tarkita, n. Supposition, Hariv. 9467. a-, adj. Unexpected, Hariv. 4467. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. tarkaṇīya, To be suspected, MBh. 5, 1093. Comp. a-tarkya, and nis-, adj. incomprehensible, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 3; MBh. 12, 11299.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To suppose, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 32.
     2. To bear in mind, MBh. 3, 1722.
-- With pari pari, To reflect, Rām. 5, 30, 18. a-paritarkita, adj.
     1. Not examined, Rām. 2, 109, 16.
     2. Unexpected, Hariv. 4500.
-- With pra pra, To search, to investigate, MBh. 12, 6687. a-pratarkya, adj. Undiscoverable by reason, inconceivable, Man. 1, 5.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To think, Hariv. 13804.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To suppose, Pañc. 35, 5.
     2. To guess, MBh. 1, 3571.
     3. To take for, Suśr. 1, 298, 17.
     4. To reflect, Rām. 5, 35, 39.
     5. To infer, Kathās. 7, 67. a-vitarkita, adj. Not anticipated, Rām. 2, 69, 21. durvi- tarkya, i. e. dus-, adj. Hard to be imagined, Bhāg. P. 7, 10, 53.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi, To reflect, MBh. 4, 234.
-- With sam sam, To take for, MBh. 6540.
-- Cf. [greek] probably also [greek] (cf. tarku); Lat. torquere, torcular, torques, torvus; O.H.G. drajan, N.G. drehen.

tarka tark + a,
I. m.
     1. Supposition, Rām. 5, 71, 12.
     2. Consideration, Pañc. iii. d. 258.
     3. Logical reasoning, logic, Man. 12, 106; MBh. 2, 453.
     4. A philosophical system, Prab. 86, 14.
II. f. , Logical reasoning, MBh. 4, 892.
-- Comp. ku-, and dus-, m. wrong reasoning, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 22; 6, 9, 35.

tarkaka tarka + ka, adj. Poor(?), MBh. 12, 1537.

tarkin tarkin, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. i. e. tark + in, Supposing, Śāk. 103, 19.
     2. i. e. tarka + in, Skilled in speculation, Man. 12, 111.

tarku tark + u, m.(?), A spindle.

tarkuṭa tark + uṭa,
I. n. Spinning.
II. f. ṭī, A distaff, a spindle.
-- Comp. sūtra-, f. ṭī, A distaff, a spindle.

tarj tarj, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 7, 6131),
     1. To menace, Rām. 2, 96, 26.
     2. To blame, MBh. 8, 1543. Caus. and i. 10, Ātm.
     1. To menace, Ragh. 12, 41.
     2. To blame, Hariv. 11166.
     3. To terrify, Rām. 6, 98, 31.
     4. To ridicule, MBh. 5, 2485. tarjita, n. Menacing, Rām. 5, 66, 22.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To menace, Rām. 3, 55, 32.
     2. To blame, Ṛt. 5, 6, v. r.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, The same, MBh. 7, 7176.
-- With pari pari, To menace, Rām. 5, 42, 9.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To menace, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 30.
     2. To blame, Ṛt. 5, 6.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To menace, Rām. 3, 68, 43.
     2. To blame. Rām. 4, 61, 26.
-- Cf. A.S. threagan (to chide); O.H.G. drawjan, N.G. drohen.

tarjana tarj + ana,
I. n.
     1. Menacing, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 20.
     2. Blaming, Rām. 5, 66, 3.
     3. Terrifying, MBh. 3, 12569.
II. f. , Menacing, Sāh. D. 66, 11.
III. f. , The forefinger, Kathās. 17, 88.

tarṇaka tarṇaka, probably akin to taruṇa, m. A calf, Rājat. 5, 431.

tard tard, i. 1, Par. To kill; see tṛd.

tarpaṇa tarpaṇa, i. e. tṛp + ana, n.
     1. Satisfaction given or received, Kathās. 26, 236; MBh, 14, 673.
     2. An oblation to the deities or Manes, Yājñ. 1, 46; Man. 3, 70.
     3. Pleasing, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 27.
     4. A sweetmeat(?), MBh. 18, 269.
-- Comp. apa-, n. fasting (in sickness). ghrāṇa-tarpaṇa, 1. adj. smelling sweetly, Hariv. 3710. 2. n. perfume, Rām. 2, 94, 14. pitṛ-, n. oblation to the Manes, Man. 2, 176.

tarbtarb, i. 1, Par. To go.

tarṣa tarṣa, i. e. tṛṣ + a, m. Thirst, desire, MBh. 12, 4296.

tarṣaṇa tarṣaṇa, i. e. tṛṣ + ana, n. Desiring, Bhāg. P. 3, 25, 7.

tarṣula -tarṣula, i. e. tṛṣ + ula, in a-tarṣula + m, adv. Without desire, MBh. 12, 7762.

tarhi ta + rhi, see tad (probably for tatra-hi), adv.
     1. At that time, Bhāg. P. 1, 8, 12.
     2. Then, therefore, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 32.

taltal, i. 1 and 10. To fulfil a vow.

tala tala, m. and n.
     1. Surface, MBh. 3, 2412.
     2. Bottom, Rām. 5, 13, 11.
     3. Without a special signification, as latter part of many comp. words, e. g. nabhas-tala = nabhas, Heaven, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 27.
     4. The palm, Arj. 3, 40; often compounded with a word denoting hand, e. g. pāṇi-tala, MBh. 13, 5013.
     5. Sole of the foot, Rām. 5, 13, 47; usually compounded with a word signifying foot, e. g. pāda-tala, MBh. 13, 7444.
     6. That which is under or below anything, under, Hit. 43, 21; Mṛcch. 34, 11; Man. 2, 59 (aṅguṣṭhamūlasya tale, Under the root of the thumb).
     7. (also f. ), A leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm, MBh. 6, 621 (talabaddha = baddhatala, Having put on a leathern fence, etc., cf. talatra), Rām. 2, 87, 23.
-- Comp. a-, n. the name of a hell, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 2. adhas-, m. or n. that which is under anything, Pañc. 187, 5. kara-, m. or n. the palm, Rām. 2, 66, 17. talātala, i. e. tala-a-tala, n. the name of a hell, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 2. pāda-, n. the sole of the foot. bhū-, n. the earth, Pañc. 43, 7. mahā-, n. the name of a hell, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 2. mahī-, m. or n. the earth, Rām. 3, 52, 36. rasā-, n. 1. the lowest of the seven hells, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 2. 2. the lower regions, Bhartṛ. 2, 32. vaṭa-, under a fig-tree, Pañc. 9, 23. vi-, n. one of the seven hells. vṛkṣa-, n. the foot of a tree. śilā-, n. the surface of a stone. su-, m. one of the hells. hasta-, m. 1. the palm of the hand. 2. the hand. 3. the tip of an elephant's trunk.

talatas tala + tas, adv. From the bottom, Śiś. 9, 20.

talatra tala + tra (vb. trā), n. A leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm, MBh. 6, 1673.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with leathern fences, MBh. 8, 616.

talin talin, i. e. tala + in, adj., f. , Wearing the leathern fence of the archers (see tala,
7), MBh. 5, 5367.

talpa talpa, m. and n.
     1. A bed, Man. 3, 3.
     2. A turret, MBh. 1, 7577.
-- Comp. guru-, m. one who violates the bed of his guru, i. e. of his father or teacher, Man. 9, 237.

talpaka talpa + ka, m. One who makes beds, Kām. Nītis. 12, 45.

talpaja talpa-ja, adj. Brought forth in the marriage-bed, Man. 9, 167.

tavas tavas, i. e. tu + as, adj. Strong, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.
-- Comp. sva-, adj. possessed of own or innate strength, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7.

taviṣī taviṣī, i. e. tavas + a + ī, f. Strength, Chr. 290, 5 = Rigv. i. 64, 5.

tastas, i. 4, Par.
     1. To wane,
     2. To cast, v. r.
     3. To cast aloft.

taskara tas-kara (probably for atas-), m. A thief, Man. 4, 133.

taskaratā taskara + tā, f., and taskaratva taskara + tva, n. Theft, Ragh. 1, 27; Daśak. in Chr. 193, 15.

tasthu tasthu (from tasthus, the weak form of the ptcple. pf. Par. of sthā), adj. Immoveable, Bhāg. P. 7, 7, 23.

tāḍa tāḍa, i. e. taḍ + a, adj. Striking, Man. 10, 33.

tāḍana tāḍana, i. e. taḍ + ana,
I. adj., f. , Striking, Rām. 1, 30, 17 Gorr.
II. n. (The act of) striking, Yājñ. 1, 151.

tāḍayitṛ tāḍayitṛ, i. e. taḍ + tṛ, m. One who strikes, Yājñ. 2, 203.

tāḍāga tāḍāga, i. e. taḍāga + a, adj. Being in ponds, Suśr. 1, 170, 11.

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tāṇḍava tāṇḍava, m. and n. Frantic dancing, Caurap. 7; Rājan. 5, 380.

tāṇḍavita tāṇḍavita, i. e. tāṇḍava + ita, adj. Dancing, fluttering, Prab. 21, 10; frowning, 85, 15.

tāta tāta, m.
     1. voc. sing. Dear; a caressing word used by parents addressing their children, MBh. 1, 4728; by teachers addressing their pupils, Rām. 1, 2, 7; by children addressing their fathers, MBh. 1, 6796.
     2. A father, Rām. 2, 53, 10.
-- Cf. tata.

tātkarmya tātkarmya, i. e. tad-karman + ya, n. Homogeneousness of occupation, Sāh. D. 13, 15.

tātkālika tātkālika, i. e. tad-kāla + ika, adj.
     1. Lasting a time of equal length, MBh. 12, 12785.
     2. Instantly appearing.

tātparya tātparya, i. e. tad-para + ya, n.
     1. Purport, Bhāṣāp. 83.
     2. Aim, Bhartṛ. Suppl. 19.
     3. Object, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 24.

tādātmya tādātmya, i. e. tad-ātman + ya, n. Identity, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 27.

tādṛkṣa tādṛkṣa, i. e. tad-dṛś + sa, adj. Such one, Rājat. 4, 242.

tādṛś tādṛś, i. e. tad-dṛś, adj.
     1. Such one, Rājat. 5, 425.
     2. Equal, Pañc. 38, 15; 19.
-- Cf. Lat. talis, and see the next.

tādṛśa tādṛśa, i. e. tad-dṛś + a, adj., f. śī.
     1. Such like, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 13.
     2. Such one, Man. 5, 34.
     3. Equal, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 14.
     5. With preceding yādṛśa, Indiscriminate, Pañc. i. d. 435; compounded, MBh. 13, 5847.
-- Cf. [greek]

tāna tāna, i. e. tan + a, m.
     1. A thread, Suśr. 1, 93, 17.
     2. A musical tone, MBh. 2, 133.
-- Comp. eka-, 1. adj. turning one's attention wholly upon an object, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 8. 2. m. attention directed only to one object, Bhāg. P. 4, 20, 27.
-- Cf. [greek]

tānava tānava, i. e. tanu + a, n.
     1. Meagerness, Rājat. 4, 25.
     2. Smallness, Bhartṛ. 1, 36.

tāntava tāntava, i. e. tantu + a, n. Woven cloth, Man. 9, 329.
-- Comp. śaṇa-, adj., f. , woven of hemp, Man. 2, 42.

tāntra tāntra, i. e. tantrī + a, n. Instrumental music, Rām. 1, 3, 70 Gorr.

tāntrika tāntrika, i. e. tantra + ika,
I. m. One versed in a system, Bhāṣāp. 148.
II. adj. Taught in a work of the Tantra-class, Bhāg. P. 8, 6, 9.

tāpa tāpa, i. e. tap + a, m.
     1. Heat, Man. 12, 76.
     2. Pain, MBh. 1, 4405.
     3. Sorrow, Rām. 2, 22, 10.
-- Comp. paścāt-, m. repentance.

tāpatya tāpatya, i. e. tapatī, a proper name, + ya,
     1. adj. Relating to Tapatī, MBh. 1, 387.
     2. metronym. A descendant of Tapatī, MBh. 1, 6505.

tāpana tāpana, i. e. tap, Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f. , Tormenting, MBh. 1, 1178.
II. m. The sun, MBh. 5, 1739.
III. n.
     1. Heating, Suśr. 1, 151, 13.
     2. Mortifying, MBh. 13, 1098.
     3. The name of a hell, Yājñ. 3, 224.

tāpanīya tāpanīya, i. e. tapanīya (vb. tap) + a, adj. Golden, MBh. 1, 8188.

tāpasa tāpasa, i. e. tapas + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Performing penance, a practiser of religious austerities, an ascetic, Man. 6, 27; MBh. 1, 3006.
     2. Referring to religious penance, Rām. 2, 52, 5 Gorr.
II. m. A sort of sugar-cane, Suśr. 1, 186, 15.
-- Comp. kapaṭa-, m. a feigned ascetic, Kathās. 24, 208. ku-, m. and f., , a wicked ascetic, Kathās. 13, 141.

tāpasya tāpasya, i. e. tāpasa + ya, n. The condition of an ascetic, Man. 1, 114; Chr. 45, 10.

tāpiccha tāpiccha, m. A tree, Xanthochymus pictorius Roxb., Gīt. 11, 11.

tāmarasa tāmarasa,
I. n. A lotus, Rām. 3, 76, 14.
II. f. , A pond full of lotus flowers, MBh. 4, 220.

tāmasa tāmasa, i. e. tamas + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to the dark guṇa, or quality, MBh. 12, 33.
     2. Immersed in darkness, Man. 12, 40.
     3. Referring to the Manu Tāmasa (see
II.), Bhāg. P. 8, 1, 28.
II. m. The name of a Manu, Man. 1, 62.
III. f. , Night, Rājat. 1, 137.

tāmisra tāmisra, i. e. tamisra + a,
I. adj. With and without pakṣa, The dark half of the month, from full-moon to new-moon, MBh. 3, 11813.
II. m.
     1. Wrath, MBh. 14, 1019.
     2. The name of a hell, Man. 4, 88.
-- Comp. andha-, n. the name of a hell, Man. 4, 88.

tāmbūla tāmbūla, n. and f. , Betel, Piper betel, Lin. Suśr. 1, 223, 2; Bhartṛ. 1, 48.
-- Comp. vāsa-, n. betel mixed with fragrant substances, Daśak. 88, n. 2 Wils.

tāmbūlika tāmbūlika, i. e. tāmbūla + ika, m. A seller of betel, Rām. 2, 90, 23 Gorr.

tāmra tāmra (vb. tam, cf. tamas),
I. adj.
     1. f. , Of a coppery-red colour, Rām. 2, 34, 13.
     2. f. , Of copper, Rām. 3, 21, 17.
II. n.
     1. Copper, Man. 5, 114.
     2. A sort of sandal, Rām. 2, 83, 17.

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tāmraka tāmra + ka, n. Copper, Yājñ. 1, 296.

tāmrakuṭa tāmra + kuṭa, see kutta.

tāmratva tāmra + tva, n. Coppery-red (the colour), Rām. 5, 85, 2.

tāmramaya tāmra + maya, adj., f. , Coppery, Pañc. 241, 10.

tāmrika tāmrika, i. e. tāmra + ika, adj. Of copper, Man. 8, 136.

tāytāy, i. 1, Ātm. (properly pass. of tan),
     1. To spread.
     2. To protest.

tāra tāra,
A. i. e. tṛ10 + a,
I. adj.
     1. Saving, MBh. 13, 6986.
     2. Piercing, Mṛcch. 44, 10; °ra + m, adv. Sounding loud, 92, 13.
II. m. and n. A shrill loud sound, MBh. 7, 6737.
III. m.
     1. A pearl, Gīt. 11, 25.
     2. A proper name, Rām. 1, 3, 24.
B. (for original stāra, cf. 3. stṛ),
I. (m.), f. (and n.),
     1. A star, Rām. 1, 35, 16.
     2. The pupil of the eye, Ṛt. 6, 31.
II. f. ,
     1. A certain meteor, perhaps a shootingstar, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 32, 1.
C. f. .
     1. The knowledge which arises from reasoning in regard to the principles, the conditions of intellect, the elemental creation, Tattvas. 41 Ball.
     2. The name of deities, MBh. 5, 3972; of a monkey, Rām. 1, 1, 67.
D. n. Silver, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 27.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be crossed or overcome, MBh. 6, 2337; Bhāg. P. 6, 14, 26.

tāraka tāraka,
I. i. e. tṛ10 + aka, adj., f. rikā,
     1. Bringing over, Rām. 2, 97, 23 Gorr.
     2. Saving, Prab. 25, 17.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 6, 4249.
III. f. rakā, and n.
     1. A star (see tāra
B.), Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 11; MBh. 5, 5390.
     2. The pupil of the eye, Rām. 3, 52, 34.

tārakāmaya tārakā + maya (tārakā = tārā, proper name), adj., f. , On account of Tārā, MBh. 2, 939.

tārakita tārakita, i. e. tārakā + ita, adj. Starry, bestarred, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 14.

tāraṇa tāraṇa, i. e. tṛ10 + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇī, Saving, Hariv. 7022.
II. n.
     1. Crossing, passing over, Mṛcch. 146, 25.
     2. Overcoming, MBh. 4, 135.
     3. Saving, MBh. 1, 1050.
     4. An implement of sacrifice(?), MBh. 14, 2668.

tāraṇeya tāraṇeya, patronym. MBh. 1, 6363.

tāratamya tāratamya, i. e. tara-tama, the affixes of the comparative and superlative, + ya, n. More or less, proportion, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 2.
     2. State or condition, Mṛcch. 157, 20.

tārika tārika, i. e. tṛ10 + ika, n. Toll for passage, Man. 8, 407.

tārin tārin, i. e. tṛ10 + in, adj., f. iṇī, Saving, MBh. 6, 797.

tāruṇya tāruṇya, i. e. taruṇa + ya, n. Youth, Pañc. i. d. 196.

tārkika tārkika, i. e. tarka + ika, m. A dialectician, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 6.

tārkṣa tārkṣa, m.
     1. A kind of bird, Suśr. 1, 334, 11.
     2. A kind of plant, 2, 498, 19.
     3. A name of Kaśyapa, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 2.
     4. erroneously instead of tārkṣya, e. g. Hariv. 6966.

tārkṣya tārkṣya,
I. m.
     1. A fabulous being, sometimes fancied as a horse, sometimes as a bird, MBh. 1, 2548. identical with Garuḍa, Hariv. 7460.
     2. A bird(?), Suśr. 2, 162, 4.
     3. A kind of antidote, Suśr. 2, 275, 21.
II. n. A certain medicine, Suśr. 2, 69, 13.

tārṇa tārṇa, i. e. tṛṇa + a, adj. Made of grass, MBh. 1, 996.

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tārtīya tārtīya, i. e. tṛtīya + a, adj.
     1. Belonging to the third, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 29.
     2. Third, 8, 19, 34.

tāla tāla,
I. m.
     1. The palmyra tree, or fan palm, Borassus flabelliformis, Rām. 1, 1, 64; used as banner, MBh. 6, 1811.
     2. Slapping or clapping the hands together, Megh. 77; often compounded with a word denoting hand, MBh. 13, 1397.
     3. Slapping together in general, Ragh. 9, 71.
     4. Musical measure, Pañc. v. d. 43; MBh. 13, 995.
     5. A sort of cymbal, Pañc. 20, 8.
II. n. The fruit of the palmyra tree, Hariv. 3711.
III. f. li, The name of a tree. Corypha taliera Roxb., Rām. 4, 43, 6.
-- Comp. apara-, m. the name of a country, Rām. 2, 68, 12. eka-tāla, adj. endowed with one tree, Ragh. 15, 23. kāṃsya-, m. a cymbal, Rājat. 5, 464. tala-, m. slapping the hands together, MBh. 3, 12379. manas-, m. the lion of Durgā. su-rata- (see ram), f. , 1. a female messenger, a gobetween. 2. a chaplet.

tālāvacaraṇa tālāvacaraṇa, i. e. tīla-ava-car + ana, m. A dancer, Rājat. 3, 335.

tālika tālika, i. e. tāla + ika,
I. m. Slapping the hands together, Pañc. ii. d. 137.
II. f. , The palm, Hariv. 9920.

tālin tālin, i. e. tāla + in, adj. Provided with cymbals, MBh. 13, 1172.

tālīyaka tālīyaka, i. e. tāla + īya + ka, A cymbal, Rām. 5, 13, 54.

tālu tālu, n. and m. and tālūṣaka tālūṣaka, The palate, Ṛt. 1, 11; MBh. 14, 568; Yājñ. 3, 87.

tāvaka tāvaka, i. e. tava, gen. sing. of yuṣmad, + aka, possess. pron., f. ki, Thine, Rām. 3, 13, 15.

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tāvaddhā tāvaddhā, i. e. tāvant + dhā, adv. So many times, Ragh. 12, 45, Calc.

tāvant tāvant, i. e. tad + vant,
I. adj., correl. of yāvant, Man. 8, 155; of yathā, Nal. 20, 24.
     1. So much, Man. 9, 249.
     2. So long, Man. 1, 72.
     3. Just so many, Man. 1, 64.
     4. So manifold, Ragh. 12, 45 (v. r.).
     5. Compounded with numerals, As much, e. g. dvis-, Twice as much, MBh. 4, 289.
II. °vat, acc. ntr., adv.
A. combined with a correlative,
     1. So much, Rām. 1, 53, 21.
     2. So long, Man. 2, 235; combined with yāvat na, As long as not, Till, Hit. pr. 39; sometimes also without na, Man. 8, 27.
     3. In that time, then, Lass. 5, 11.
B. Without a correlative,
     1. Meanwhile, MBh. 13, 2727.
     2. For a while, Man. 4, 174.
     3. At first, Hit. 45, 1.
     4. Just, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 22.
     5. With , Not for heaven's sake, Śāk. 66, 22.
     6. With na, Not yet, MBh. 1, 1273; not at all, Rām. 6, 5, 4.
     7. Indeed, Rām. 5, 49, 2.
     8. Even, Rām. 5, 49, 27.
     9. Only Man. 3, 53.
-- Comp. dvis-, twice as much, Hariv. 6927.
-- Cf. [greek] = tāvat, also [greek] (= tāvat + ya); Lat. tantus (for tāvant + o).

tāskarya tāskarya, i. e. taskara + ya, n. Theft, Man. 9, 222.

tiktik, i. 1, Ātm. To go. ii. 5, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To assail.
     3. To seek to injure.
     4. To challenge.

tiktaka tikta + ka (vb. tij),
I. adj. Bitter, Suśr. 1, 215, 21.
II. m. or n. An object of bitter taste, Suśr. 2, 136, 2.
III. m. The name of several plants; Trichosanthes dioica Roxb., etc.
-- Comp. kaṭu-, m. the name of two plants, Gentiana cerayta Roxb., Cannabis sative, Lin.; (Rām. 2, 28, 21, Gorr., Pungent or disagreeable Trichosanthes).

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tigtig, ii. 5 = tik, ii. 5.

tigma tigma, i. e. tij + ma, adj., f. .
     1. Sharp, MBh. 6, 3187.
     2. Hot, Rām. 4, 44, 26.
     3. Passionate, MBh. 13, 1161.

tigmaga tigma + ga, adj. Flying swiftly, Rām. 3, 34, 16.

tightigh, ii. 5, Par. To kill,
-- Cf. stigh.

tiṅguda tiṅguda, Nal. 12, 3, read tinduka.

tij tij, i. 1, Par., Ātm. To be sharp (ved.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tikta, Bitter, Pañc. 61, 11. Caus. tejaya,
     1. To sharpen, MBh. 5, 7169.
     2. To stir up, Rām. 3, 31, 36. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. su-tejita, adj. Well-pointed, Chr. 30, 7. Desider. titikṣa, Ātm. (also Par., MBh. 1, 3560), To endure, to suffer, Man. 6, 47.
-- With the prep. ud ud, Caus. To stir up, Kathās. 18, 91.
-- With sam sam, Caus. To stir up, MBh. 5, 2742.
-- Cf. probably [greek] etc.; Lat. stimulus for stig + mulus, instigo, instinguere; Goth. stiggqvan; A.S. stician, to sting; tij has lost the initial s, as tāra
B., and others.

titau titaü (i. e. probably reduplicated tan + u, cf. [greek] for [greek]), m. A sieve, Cāṇ. 108 in Berl. Monatsb.

titikṣā titikṣā, i. e. titikṣa, desider. of tij, + ā, f.
     1. Suffering, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 17; Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 24.
     2. Patience, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 27.

titikṣu titikṣu, i. e. titikṣa, see the last, + u, adj. Patient, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 22.

titīrṣu titīrṣu, i. e. titīrṣa, desider. of tṛ10, + u, adj.
     1. Desiring to cross, Rām. 2, 52, 68.
     2. Desiring to attain, MBh. 1, 4647.

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tittira tittira, and tittiri tittiri (based on an imitative sound), m. The francoline partridge, MBh. 5, 267; Man. 11, 134.

tittirika tittiri + ka, m. The francoline partridge, MBh. 9, 2587.

tithi tithi, m. and f., also tithī, f. A lunar day, (1/30) of a whole lunation, Man. 2, 30; MBh. 13, 4238.
-- Comp. dus-, an inauspicious lunar day, MBh. 12, 6735.

tiniśa tiniśa, m. A tree, Dalbergia ougeinensis Roxb., Rām. 3, 17, 7.

tinduka tinduka, m. and f. , A tree, Diospyros embryopteris Pers., Rām. 2, 94, 8; Suśr. 2, 25, 2.

tiptip, i. 1, Par. To drop.

tim tim, i. 4, Par. To become wet, Hit. 79, 5 Seramp. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. timita, Unmoved, Rām. 5, 1, 26.
-- Cf. stim.

timi tim + i, m.
     1. A large fish, MBh. 1, 1222.
     2. A whale, Ragh. 13, 10.
     3. A fish in general, Kathās. 5, 24.

timiṃgila timiṃgila, i. e. timi + m -2 gṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A large fabulous fish, MBh. 1, 1208.
     2. The name of a people and their prince, MBh. 2, 1172.
-- Comp. timi-, m. a large fabulous fish, MBh. 3, 12081.

timira timira (akin to tamas, perhaps for original tam + ira),
I. adj., f. , Dark, Rām. 6, 16, 104.
II. m. and n.
     1. Darkness, Rām. 2, 28, 18.
     2. A class of diseases of the eye, Suśr. 1, 32, 4.
     3. A certain plant, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 54, 11.
III. n. The name of a town, Rām. 4, 40, 26.
-- Comp. nis-, and vi-, adj. clear, MBh. 12, 6817; Indr. 1, 3.

timiraya timiraya, a denomin. derived from the last, Par. To darken, Hit. 103, 10.

timiśa timiśa, probably to be corrected to tiniśa, Rām. 2, 94, 8.

timīra timīra, m. A certain tree, Rām. 3, 21, 19.

tiraya tiraya, a denomin. derived from tiras, Par.
     1. To stop, Mālat. 21, 6.
     2. To restrain, to conquer, Prab. 41, 3.

tiraśc tiraśc, see tiryañc.

tiraścīna tiraścīna, i. e. tiras-añc + īna, adj. Oblique, awry, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 15.
-- Comp. ā-, adv. a little athwart, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 23.

tiras tiras (for original taras), i. e. tṛ10 + as,
     1. adv. Awry, Mārk. P. 17, 3.
     2. prepos. Over, through, etc. (ved.); see kṛ, dhā, and bhū.
-- Cf. Lat. trans.

tiraskara tiras-kara, adj., f. , Surpassing, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 27.

tiraskarin tiraskarin, i. e. tiras-kṛ + in,
I. m. A curtain, Rām. 2, 15, 20.
II. f. iṇī.
     1. The same, Mālav. d. 22.
     2. A hiding veil, Vikr. 27, 8.

tiraskāra tiras-kāra, m. Abuse, Hit. 13, 14.

tiraskriyā tiras-kriyā, f. Disrespect, Pañc. i. d. 37.

tirīṭa tirīṭa (perhaps for original tirītra, i. e. tṛ10 + tra),
     1. n. A diadem.
     2. m. A tree, Symplocos racemosa Roxb.

tirīṭaka tirīṭa + ka, m. A kind of bird, Rām. 3, 78, 23.

tirodhāna tirodhāna, i. e. tiras-dhāna, n. Disappearance, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 44.

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tirobhavitṛ tirobhavitṛ, i. e. tiras-bhavitṛ, m. f. trī, n. Disappearing, Bhāg. P. 3, 27, 23.

tirohaya tirohaya, a denominative derived from a lost tirodha (see dhā with tiras), with h for dh, To conceal, Chr. 52, 19.

tirohitatā tirohitatā, i. e. tiras-hita (vb. dhā) + tā, f. Disappearance, Kathās. 21, 145.

tiryaktā tiryaktā, i. e. tiryañc + tā, f. and tiryaktva tiryaktva, i. e. tiryañc + tva, n. The nature of beasts, Rājat. 3, 448; Man. 12, 40.

tiryaga tiryaga, on account of the metre for tiryagga, i. e. tiryañc-ga, m. A quadruped, MBh. 13, 5755.

tiryagīkṣa tiryagīkṣa, i. e. tiryañc-īkṣ + a, adj. Looking at sideways, MBh. 12, 6575.

tiryagga tiryagga, i. e. tiryañc-ga, adj.
     1. Moving crookedly, Rām. 2, 12, 6 Gorr.
     2. Moving horizontally, Suśr. 1, 43, 7.

tiryagja tiryagja, i. e. tiryañc-ja, adj. Brought forth by animals, Man. 10, 72.

tiryagyona tiryagyona, i. e. tiryañc-yoni + a, m. An animal, Man. 7, 149, v. r.

tiryañc tiryañc, i. e. tiras-añc (the final s is dropped, as often, and a is changed to ī, as before as, kṛ, bhū, cf. viśvadryañc, samyañc).
I. adj., f. tiraścī, i. e. tiras-añc + ī, Horizontal (ved.).
II. acc. sing. n. °yak, adv.
     1. Over, Man. 8, 291 (cf. ā-gam).
     2. Horizontally, MBh. 2, 1396.
     3. Sideways, Rām. 2, 23, 5.
III. m. and n.
     1. An animal, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 34.
     2. An amphibious animal, Man. 5, 40.
-- Cf. Goth. thairh, thairko; A.S. thurh.

til 1. til, i. 6 and 10, Par. To be greasy.

til † 2. til, i. 1, Par. To go.

tila tila, m.
     1. Sesame, a plant, Sesamum indicum, Lin., Man. 3, 210.
     2. Its seed, which gives a good oil, Pañc. ii. d. 68.
     3. A very small piece, Rājat. 4, 328.

tilaka tila + ka, m. (and n.).
     1. The name of a tree, Rām. 2, 91, 48.
     2. A freckle, a mole, Kathās. 5, 32.
     3. A mark made on the forehead and between the eyebrows, either as an ornament or as a sectarial distinction, Rām. 3, 22, 8.
     4. Ornament, Rājat. 1, 47.

tilakita tilakita, i. e. tilaka + ita, adj. Adorned, Rājat. 2, 10.

tilaparṇika tilaparṇika, i. e. tilaparṇī + ka,
I. f. , Red sanders, Pterocarpus santalinus, Lin., Suśr. 1, 215, 5.
II. n. ka, Its wood, 2, 285, 10.

tilaparṇī tilaparṇī, i. e. tila-parṇa + ī, f. Red sanders (see the last), Suśr. 1, 146, 3.

tilapīḍa tila-pīḍ + a, m. An oilgrinder, MBh. 12, 6481.

tilaśas tila + śas, adv. (Broken) to pieces as small as seeds of sesame, Rām. 3, 35, 81.

tilottamā tilottamā, i. e. tila-uttama, f. The name of an Apsaras, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 8.

tilltill, i. 1, Par. To go, v. r. for til.

tilvaka tilvaka, m. A tree, Symplocos racemosa Roxb., Suśr. 1, 32, 15.

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tiṣya tiṣya,
I. m.
     1. The name of a Nakṣatra, or lunar mansion, containing three stars, of which one is [greek] Cancri, MBh. 3, 13099.
II. n. The Kali yuga, i. e. fourth or present age, MBh. 6, 387.

tisṛ tisṛ, see tri.

tīktīk, i. 1, Ātm. To go, see tik.

tīkṣṇa tīkṣṇa, i. e. tij + sna,
I. adj., f. ṇā,
     1. Sharp, Rām. 1, 44, 22.
     2. Hot, Ṛt. 1, 18; flashing, Rām. 5, 29, 14.
     3. Energetic, Chr. 49, 14.
     4. Of a pungent taste, Bhag. 17, 9.
     5. Harsh, Man. 7, 140.
     6. Subtle, Śiś. 2, 109.
II. n. Harsh speech, Rām. 2, 35, 23.
-- Comp. su-, adj. very sharp, Ṛt. 6, 27.

tīkṣṇatā tīkṣṇa + tā, f. Ṣarpness, Rām. 3, 19, 7.

tīmtīm, i. 4, Par. = tim.

tīr tīr, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To get through or over, to finish, to settle, Man. 9, 233.

tīra tīra (for original tāra), i. e. tṛ10 + ā, n. A shore, a bank, Man. 3, 207.

tīraja tīra-ja,
I. adj. Grown on a shore, MBh. 5, 2052.
II. m. A tree grown on a shore, Rām. 2, 91, 31.

tīrtha tīrtha, i. e. tṛ10 + tha, m. and n.
     1. Stairs of a landing-place, a descent, Bhāg. P. 9, 19, 4.
     2. A bathing-place, Rām. 1, 2, 6.
     3. A place of pilgrimage, Man. 8, 356; Rājat. 5, 304.
     4. A holy place, Man. 11, 196.
     5. The right or holy moment, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 44; 1, 12, 14.
     6. Opportunity, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 4.
     7. Instruction, Kir. 2, 3.
     8. A sacred preceptor, MBh. 5, 4212.
     9. Certain lines or parts of the hand, Man. 2, 58.
     10. A venerable object, Bhāg. P. 4, 20, 4.
     11. A venerable person, MBh. 13, 5356; Daśak. in Chr. 182, 20.
     12. Certain persons of a king's court, MBh. 2, 171; tīrthatama, see separately.
-- Comp. apsaras-, n. the name of a locality. dus-, adj., f. thā, difficult to be crossed, Chr. 47, 36. sa-, m. a fellow student, soma-, n. a place of pilgrimage in the west of India.

tīrthaka tīrtha + ka,
I. adj. Holy, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 32.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa.

tīrthakara tīrtha-kara,
I. adj. Saving, MBh. 13, 7023.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa.

tīrthatama tīrtha + tama, n.
     1. A holier place of pilgrimage, MBh. 3, 7018.
     2. A holiest object of veneration, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 19.

tīrthavant tīrtha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in holy bathing-places, Rām. 3, 68, 31.

tīrthīkaraṇa tīrthīkaraṇa, i. e. tīrtha-kṛ + ana, adj. Hallowing, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 7.

tīvtīv, i. 1, Par. To become fat.
-- Cf. tu.

tīvra tīvra, probably tij + van + a, (with r for n, cf. tigma and tīkṣṇa), adj., f. .
     1. Sharp, Bhartṛ. 2, 77.
     2. Hot, Bhartṛ. 3, 19; flashing, Rām. 3, 62, 11.
     3. Violent, MBh. 7, 6893; deep (of darkness), Arj. 8, 13.
     4. Bad, MBh. 1, 3097.

tīvratā tīvra + tā, f. Heat; in a-, moderate temperature, Rājat. 1, 41.

tu 1. tu, ii. 2, Par.
     1. To be powerful (ved.).
     2. † To increase.
     3. † To go.
     4. † To hurt.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. tumor, tumere, tumulus, tuber, tueri, totus; Goth. thiuda, thiuth, thiuthjan; A. S. theod, people.

tu 2. tu, a particle (akin to tva, a ved. pron., Some, one, another, etc.).
     1. But, Man. 1, 109.
     2. Preceded by api, But rather, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 17; by kim, Nevertheless, MBh. 1, 1916.
     3. Or, Man. 11, 201.
     4. And, Man. 2, 22.
     5. tu -- tu, Indeed -- but, Hit. i. d. 32.
     6. Often without a special signification, Man. 7, 95.
     7. Sometimes erroneously for nu, Brāhmaṇ. 3, 17 (where the Calc. ed. has nu).
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

tukhāra tukhāra, m. pl. The name of a people, Rām. 4, 44, 14; also written tuṣāra tuṣāra, Rām. 1, 56, 3 Gorr.

tugā tugā and tugākṣīrī tugā-kṣīrī, f. The manna of bambus, Suśr. 2, 504, 7; 1, 140, 9.

tuṅga tuṅga, i. e. tuñj + a.
I. adj., f. , Prominent, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 27; high, Bhartṛ. 2, 77.
II. m.
     1. a mountain, Rām. 4, 44, 20.
     2. Culmination, Varāh. Bṛh. 1, 13.
     3. Height, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 1.
     4. A tree, Bottleria tinctoria Roxb., Suśr. 2, 78, 19.
     5. A proper name, Rājat. 6, 318.

tuṅgaka tuṅga + ka, n. The name of a holy forest, MBh. 3, 8195.

tuṅgin tuṅgin, i. e. tuṅga + in, adj., f. , Lofty, Pañc. ii. d. 149.

tuccha tuccha, adj. Void, vain, Prab. 76, 12.

tucchaya tucchaya, a denomin. derived from the last by aya, Par. To make poor, Mṛcch. 178, 4.

tuj tuj, and tuñj tuñj, † i. 1, Par.; ved., i. 6 (and tuñj, once i. 1) Par., Ātm.
     1. To strike, to push.
     2. tuñj, † To protect, or to be strong. i. 10, tojaya and tuñjaya,
     1. † To be strong.
     2. To strike.
     3. To abide.
     4. To give, or to take.

tuñjīna tuñjīna, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 277.

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tuṭtuṭ, i. 6, Par. To quarrel.

tuḍtuḍ (a form of tṛd, based on tard), i. 1 and 6, Par. To split (v. r. to procure, to destroy).

tuḍḍtuḍḍ, i. 1, Par. To disregard.

tuṇ tuṇ, i. 6, Par. To curve, to bend.

tuṇḍ tuṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To split.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To jut out, Suśr. 1, 100, 12 (probably a denomin. derived from the following word).

tuṇḍa tuṇḍa, a form of tund + ra, n.
     1. Beak, MBh. 1, 1474.
     2. Snout, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 31.
     3. The name of a Rākṣasa or demon, MBh. 3, 16372.
-- Comp. kaṅka-, m. the name of a Rākṣasa or demon, Rām. 6, 84, 13. siṃha-, m. a kind of fish, Man. 5, 16.

tutthtutth, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To cover.

tuttha tuttha, n. Blue vitriol, Suśr. 2, 13, 2.

tud tud, i. 6, Par. Ātm.
     1. To strike, Rām. 2, 36, 14.
     2. To sting, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 27. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tunna.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To push on, Man. 4, 68. ātodya, n. A musical instrument, Kathās. 23, 83.
-- With nis nis, To sting, Suśr. 1, 61, 18.
-- With pari pari, To stamp to pieces, MBh. 5, 2747.
-- With pra pra, To strike, MBh. 8, 4187. Caus. todaya, To push on, MBh. 13, 2795.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To sting, Yājñ. 3, 53.
     2. To strike, MBh. 8, 2729.
     3. To scratch, Rām. 5, 68, 7.
-- With mas sam, To sting, MBh. 9, 3067.
-- Cf. tund, Lat. tundo, tussis; [greek] the initial s in Goth. stautan is original and dropped in Sskt., etc.; A. S. a-stintan, to blunt.

tund tund,
     1. = tud, ved.
     2. † i. 1, Par. To be active, v. r. of trand.

tunnavāya tunna-vāya, i. e. tunna (vb. tud), -ve + a, m. A tailor, Man. 4, 214.

tuptup. and † tuph tuph, tump tump, † tumph tumph, i. 1, and 6, Par. To hurt. tump, i. 10, v. r. of tumb.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. stupeo; see tud, and cf. stump, in the Gaṇa pāraskarādi.

tubh tubh, † i. 1, Ātm. and † i. 4, Par., ii. 9, Par. To kill. to hurt.
-- Cf. stubh.

tumula tumula, and sometimes tumala tumala (probably vb. tu),
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Noisy, Rām. 1, 26, 6; tumala, MBh. 7, 6670.
     2. Tumultuous, Hariv. 9609.
     3. Excited, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 23.
II. n.
     1. Tumultuous combat, melée, MBh. 2, 2688.
     2. Tumult, MBh. 6, 1642; tumala, 7, 6661.
-- Cf. Lat. tumultus.

tump tump, and † tumph tumph, see tup.

tumbtumb, i. 1, Par. To torment. i. 10, To be invisible, v. r.

tumba tumba, m. and f. , A long gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris, Rām. 1, 39, 7 Ser.; Suśr. 1, 183, 17.

tumburu tumburu,
I. m. The name of a Gandharva, Rām. 3, 8, 12.
II. n. The fruit of Diospyros embryopteris Pers., Suśr. 2, 43, 2.

tur tur, i. 6, Par., Atm.; ii. 3, Par. To hasten (ved.).
-- Cf. tūr, tṛ10, and tvar.

tur tur, adj. Hastening, a warrior Chr. 296, 4 = Rig. i. 112, 4.

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turaga tura + -ga,
     1. m. A horse, Pañc. i. d. 314.
     2. f. , A mare, Śatr. 14, 112.

turaṃga turaṃga, i. e. tur + a + m-ga, m. A horse, Pañc. i. d. 314.

turaṃgama turaṃgama, i. e. tur + a + m-gam + a,
     1. m. A horse, Rām. 2, 45, 14.
     2. f. , A mare, MBh. 4, 254.

turāyaṇa turāyaṇa, n. The name of a certain sacrifice or vow, MBh. 13, 4940.

turāsāh turāsāh, i. e. tura-sah, in the nomin. voc. sing., and dat. abl. du. and pl., and loc. pl., s becomes , e. g. nom. sing. turāṣāṭ turāṣāṭ, m. A name of Indra, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 26; of Viṣṇu, Hariv. 14114.

turīya turīya, i. e. catur + īya (the intermediate form was probably kturīya),
     1. ord. number, fem. , Fourth, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 3.
     2. adj. and n. Fourth part, a quarter, Man. 11, 126; 4, 202.
     3. n. The fourth state of the student of the Vedānta philosophy, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 19.

turīyaka turīya + ka, adj. Fourth part, Yājñ. 2, 124.

turuṣka turuṣka, m.
     1. The name of a people, Rājat. 5, 152.
     2. Olibanum, the resin of the Boswellia serrata Stackh.

turya turya, i. e. catur + ya (see turīya),
     1. ord. number, Fourth, Bhāg. P. 4, 3, 9.
     2. n. A quarter, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 8.

turv turv, i. 1, tūrva, Par.
     1. To overcome (ved.).
     2. † To hurt.

turvasu turvasu, m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3159.

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turvīti turvīti, m. A proper name, Chr. 298, 23 = Rigv. i. 112, 23.

tul tul (akin to tṛ10), i. 10, tolaya and tulaya, Par. (also Ātm. Rām. 4, 9, 100), † i. 1, Par.
     1. To lift, Rām. 3, 4, 44.
     2. To weigh, MBh. 3, 10588.
     3. To ponder, MBh. 12, 2394.
     4. To suspect, Mṛcch. 33, 5.
     5. To compare, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 23.
     6. To equal, Megh. 65,
     7. To attain, Ragh. 13, 75.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To lift, Rām. 1, 34, 10 Gorr.
-- With sam sam, To weigh, together, MBh. 13, 2607.
-- Cf. Lat. tollo, tuli, latum (for tlatum); [greek] (Frequent.), [greek] (for [greek] Frequent.), [greek] (office), [greek] Goth. thulan; A. S. tholian, thyldian, athylgian.

tulana tul + ana, n.
     1. Lifting, Mṛcch. 146, 25.
     2. Taxing, 50, 16.

tulasikā tulasikā, i. e. tulasī + ka, and tulasī tulasī, f. A small shrub, held in veneration by the Hindus, holy basil, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 19; 1, 19, 6.

tulā tul + ā, f.
     1. A balance, Man. 8, 403.
     2. Weight, MBh. 3, 10385.
     3. The beam of a balance, MBh. 12, 9350.
     4. Equality, Ragh. 19, 50; Megh. 93.
     5. The sign of the zodiac, Libra, Pañc. i. d. 375.
     6. A measure or weight of gold and silver = 100 palas, MBh. 14, 1929.
-- Comp. a-tula, adj., f. , incomparable, Rām. 5, 13, 19. kūṭa-, f. a wrong balance, Pañc. 7, 15.

tulya tulya, i. e. tulā + ya, adj., f. ,
     1. Equal, Brāhmaṇ. 1, 31; with the gen. Rām. 1, 7, 17; and the instr. Man. 4, 86.
     2. Indifferent, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 24.
     3. Being of the same class, Man. 8, 364.
     4. °yam, adv. Equally, Rām. 6, 90, 31.
-- Comp. māsa-, adj., f. , equal to the number of months, Man. 5, 66. śarīra-, adj. dear as one's person.

tulyatā tulya + tā, f. and tulyatva tulya + tva, n. Equality, Rām. 1, 4, 7 Gorr.; Prab. 27, 14.

tulyaśas tulya + śas, adv. In equal parts, Suśr. 2, 327, 13.

tuvara tuvara, i. e. tu-van + a, with r for n, adj. Astringent, Suśr. 1, 179, 5.

tuvidyumna tuvi-dyumna (tuvi is tu + i, ved. Much), adj. Wealthy, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3.

tuś tuś, i. 1, Ātm. To sprinkle (ved.).

tuṣ tuṣ, i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., or refl. pass., Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 8).
     1. To be calmed (properly, to be silent, cf. tūṣṇīm), MBh. 3, 1109.
     2. To be satisfied, Man. 2, 228.
     3. To be content, Hit. i. d. 134.
     4. To be pleased, Man. 3, 207; with the gen., MBh. 1, 8361; with the dat., Kathās. 24, 195; with the instr., MBh. 4, 291; with the loc., Pañc. iii. d. 155.
     5. To satisfy, MBh. 1, 4198. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tuṣṭa, Content, satisfied, pleased, MBh. 4, 291. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. tuṣya, Easily to be satisfied, Hariv. 14882. Caus.
     1. To appease, MBh. 5, 7391.
     2. To satisfy, Mārk. P. 26, 37.
     3. To gladden, Pañc. 38, 3. Anomalous absolutive, toṣya, MBh. 1, 160.
-- With the prep. pari pari,
     1. To be completely satisfied, Bhāg. P. 6, 18, 67; Rām. 2, 2, 33.
     2. To be much pleased, Bhartṛ. 2, 2. Caus.
     1. To satisfy completely, Rām. 6, 104, 28.
     2. To flatter, Pañc. 38, 22.
-- With pra pra, Caus. To satisfy, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 1.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To be content, MBh. 12, 6283.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To be calmed, Bhartṛ. 3, 4.
     2. To be satisfied, content, MBh. 13, 220. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. saṃtuṣṭa, Easy to be satisfied, Böhtl, Ind. Spr. 277. Comp. a-, adj. unsatiable, ib. dus-saṃtuṣṭa, adj. discontented, Hit. i. d. 22. su-, easily satisfied, Pañc. i. d. 31. Caus.
     1. To appease, Pañc. 101, 11.
     2. To please, to gladden, MBh. 3, 13685.
-- Cf. Lat. taceo; Goth. thahan.

tuṣa tuṣa, m. The husk of grain, especially rice, Man. 4, 78.

tuṣāra tuṣ + āra,
I. adj., f. , Cold, Naiṣ. 3, 93.
II. m.
     1. Mist, MBh. 9, 3632.
     2. Thin rain, Ragh. 2, 13.
     3. Dew, Śāk. d. 115.
     4. Hoar frost, Ṛt. 4, 1.
     5. Snow, Megh. 53.
     6. see tukhāra.

tuṣita tuṣita (originally ptcple. of the pf. pass. of tuṣ),
I. m.
     1. pl. A class of subordinate deities, MBh. 13, 1371.
     2. Epithet of Viṣṇu, MBh. 12, 12864.
II. f. , A proper name, Bhāg. P. 8, 1, 21.

tuṣṭi tuṣṭi, i. e. tuṣ + ti, f. Satisfaction, Man. 2, 6.

tustus, i. 1, Par. To sound.

tuhtuh, i. 1, Par. To hurt, to give pain.

tuhina tuhina (cf. tuṣāra), n.
     1. Mist, Prab. 13, 13.
     2. Dew, Ṛt. 4, 7.
     3. Snow, Rājat. 2, 18.

tūḍtūḍ, i. 1, Par. To split.
-- Cf. tuḍ.

tūṇtūṇ, i. 10, Par. To shrink. i. 10, Ātm. To fill.

tūṇa tūṇa, and tūṇi tūṇi,
I. m. and f. ṇī, A quiver, Hariv. 15940; Rām. 1, 48, 3; 2, 31, 30.
II. f. ṇī, A disease of the nerves, Suśr. 1, 232, 8.
-- Comp. pūrṇa-, adj. full quivered.

tūṇavant tūṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Provided with a quiver, MBh. 3, 8486.

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tūṇin tūṇin, i. e. tūṇa + in, adj. Provided with quivers, Rām. 6, 76, 21.

tūṇīra tūṇī + ra (see tūṇa), m. and n. A quiver, MBh. 7, 1271; MBh. 6, 2288.

tūṇīravant tūṇīra + vant, adj., f. vatī, Provided with a quiver, Hariv. 15154.

tūrtūr, i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To go quick.
     2. To hurt, see tur.

tūr tūr, f. Swiftness, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 37.

tūrya tūrya,
I. = turya, Rājat. 2, 91.
II. m. and n. Any musical instrument, Man. 7, 225.

tūryamaya tūrya + maya, adj., f. , Musical Kathās. 23, 84.

tūltūl, i. 1 and 10, To weigh (cf. tul). i. 10, Ātm. = tūṇ.

tūla tūla, m. and n. Cotton, MBh. 1, 6740.
-- Comp. haṃsa-, down, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 17.

tūlaka tūla + ka, n. Cotton, Bhāṣāp. 112.

tūlikā tūlikā, i. e. tūla + ka, f.
     1. A pencil, Kumāras. 1, 22.
     2. A mattress filled with cotton, Kathās. 26, 78.

tūvaraka tūvara + ka (tūvara = ved. tūpara, Without horns, beardless, an eunuch), adj. Unmanly, MBh. 5, 5470.

tūṣtūṣ, i. 1, Par. To be satisfied; see tuṣ.

tūṣṇīka tūṣṇīka, i. e. tūṣṇīm + ka, adj. Taciturn, Rām. 2, 117, 3 Gorr. °kam, adv. Silently, Rām. 5, 1, 97.

tūṣṇīm tūṣṇīm, i. e. tuṣ + na + ī + m, adv. Silently, MBh. 12, 3839; Man. 8. 147.

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tūṣṇīṃbhāva tūṣṇīṃbhāva, i. e. tūṣṇīm-bhāva, m. Silence, MBh. 12, 3840.

tṛṃhtṛṃh, i. 6, tṛha, Par. To hurt; see tṛh.

tṛkṣtṛkṣ, i. 1, Par. To go.

tṛca tṛca, i. e. tri-ṛc + a, m. and n. Three verses, Chr. 294, 1. 5.

tṛṇ tṛṇ, or tṛn tṛn, ii. 8, Par. To eat, Skandap. Kāśikh. 3, 49.

tṛṇa tṛṇa, i. e. tṛ10 + ṇa (cf. taru), n. (and m.).
     1. Grass, any gramineous plant, Man. 1, 48; Hit. i. d. 144; Rām. 2, 21, 26; Man. 4, 166.
     2. A grass blade, Pañc. i. d. 190.
-- Cf. perhaps O.H.G. dorn, A.S. thorn.

tṛṇaka tṛṇa + ka, n. A worthless grass-blade, MBh. 1, 3666.

tṛṇapīḍa tṛṇa-pīḍ + a, n. A mode of close-fighting, MBh. 2, 909.

tṛṇamaya tṛṇa + maya, adj., f. , Made of grass, MBh. 1, 5554.

tṛṇavant tṛṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in grass, MBh. 12, 3694.

tṛṇāṅku tṛṇāṅku, m. The name of a Ṛṣi, Rām. 4, 41, 62.

tṛtīya tṛtīya, i. e. tri + tīya, f.
     1. ordinal number, Third, Man. 2, 35.
     2. adj. A third part, Man. 6, 33.
     3. °yam, adv. Thirdly, Man. 8, 129.
-- Cf. Goth. thridja; A. S. thridda; Lat. tertius; [greek]

tṛtīyaka tṛtīya + ka, adj. Tertian, Suśr. 2, 405, 14.

tṛtīyin tṛtīyin, i. e. tṛtīya + in, adj., f. .
     1. Being of the third rank.
     2. Entitled to a third part.

tṛd tṛd, ii. 7, Par., Ātm.
     1. To cleave (ved.).
     2. To kill, to destroy, Hariv. 7621.
     3. † To disregard (or, to eat).

tṛn tṛn, see tṛṇ.

tṛp tṛp (i. 1, Par., MBh. 14, 1040), i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 1781), † i. 6, Par, ii. 5, tṛpnu (ved. tṛpṇu), Par., and tṛmp tṛmp, i. 6, Par.
     1. To become satiate, Kathās. 26, 237.
     2. To be satisfied, Man. 3, 267.
     3. To enjoy, Man. 4, 251. With gen. instr. and loc., MBh. 3, 336; Hit. ii. d. 164; MBh. 4, 2320.
     4. † To kindle. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tṛpta, Satisfied, Bhartṛ. 2, 82; MBh. 3, 2247. Caus. tarpaya, Par. (and Ātm., MBh. 12, 5542),
     1. To satisfy, Kathās. 26, 237; Chr. 292, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 11; Man. 3, 283.
     2. To gladden, to exhilarate, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 8.
     3. † To kindle. Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. tarpayāna (with n instead of ), MBh. 14, 291.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To become satisfied, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 13.
-- With anu anu, To be satisfied after (with abl.), MBh. 13, 1922.
-- With apa apa, Caus. To cause to hunger, Suśr. 2, 43, 1.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To be satisfied, MBh. 5, 3604.
     2. To enjoy, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 1. Caus. To satisfy, Rām. 1, 54, 5 Gorr.
-- With pari pari, Caus. To satisfy completely, MBh. 3, 8537.
-- With pra pra, Caus. To satisfy, Pañc. 217, 6.
-- With vi vi, To be satisfied, Bhāg. P. 1, 1, 19; Rām. 4, 35, 9.
-- With sam sam, Caus. To satisfy, MBh. 3, 946.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. torpor, torpere; Goth. tharf (primitively 'to satisfy,' then 'to be of use,' cf. O.H.G. bidarbi; and finally 'to be necessary'), thrafstjan; A. S. thearf; O.H.G. trostjan.

tṛpti tṛp + ti, f.
     1. Satiating, Bhag. 10, 18.
     2. Satisfaction, Man. 3, 271.
     3. Disgust, Suśr. 1, 90, 11.
-- Comp. ati-, f. over-satisfaction, Yājñ. 1, 114.

tṛphtṛph and tṛmph tṛmph, i. 6, Par. = tṛp.

tṛmp tṛmp and † tṛmph tṛmph, see tṛp, tṛph.

tṛṣ 1. tṛṣ, i. 4, Par. To thirst. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tṛṣita.
     1. Thirsty, MBh. 3, 101.
     2. Desirous, Rām. 2, 104, 1.
     3. Greedy, Ṛt. 1, 18.
-- Cf. O.H.G. durst, A.S. thurst; Goth. thaursjan, thairsan, thaursus; A. S. thyrr; [greek] Lat. torrere.

tṛṣ 2. tṛṣ, f. Thirst, MBh. 14, 1605.
-- Comp. mṛga-, f. mirage. sa-, adj. 1. thirsty. 2. greedy.

tṛṣā tṛṣ + ā, f.
     1. Thirst, Pañc. 81, 22.
     2. Desire, Hit. i. d. 133.
-- Comp. mṛga-, f. mirage.

tṛṣṇaj tṛṣṇaj, i. e. tṛṣ + na-ja, adj. Thirsty, Chr. 289, 11 = Rigv. i. 85, 11.

tṛṣṇā tṛṣṇā, i. e. tṛṣ + na, f.
     1. Thirst, Man. 8, 67.
     2. Desire, Bhartṛ. 2, 70.
-- Comp. ati-, f. excess of covetousness, Man. 7, 139. ati-tṛṣṇa, adj. very thirsty, Ragh. 2, 69. mṛga-, f. mirage. vi-, adj. free from desire. sa-tṛṣṇa + m, adv. with desire, Śāk. d. 59.

tṛṣṇālu tṛṣṇā + lu, adj. Very thirsty, Suśr. 2, 383, 19.

tṛh tṛh, ii. 7, triṇeh, tṛṃh, Par. To crush (ved.).

tṝ tṛ10, i. 1, Par. (sometimes also Ātm., MBh. 1, 6184).
     1. To pass over, Man. 4, 194; to cross, Man. 4, 77.
     2. To hasten, Śāk. d. 8, v. r.
     3. To accomplish, Rām. 6, 100, 14.
     4. To fulfil, Rām. 2, 25, 41.
     5. To overcome, MBh. 2, 669.
     6. To conquer, Rām. 2, 53, 26.
     7. To be saved, MBh. 14, 44.
     8. To save, MBh. 1, 8369. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. tīrṇa,
     1. Passed over, Prab. 92, 15.
     2. Having passed over, Rām. 2, 55, 22; 5, 15, 23. Comp. dus-, adj., f. ṇā, 1. difficult to be crossed, MBh. 5, 7368. 2. impenetrable, Rām. 5, 76, 10. Ptcple of the fut. pass. tartavya, MBh. 7, 4706. tārya, n. Toll at a ferry, Man. 8, 405. Infin. tarītum, Rām. 4, 44, 77; taritum, Rām. 5, 74, 18; tartum, MBh. 1, 6142. Caus. tāraya,
     1. To bring over, MBh. 1, 5853.
     2. To save, MBh. 5, 1470; to release, Man. 4, 228. Desider. titīrṣa, To desire to pass over, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 40.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To cross, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 21.
     2. To attain, Hit. iv. d. 85; Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 20.
     3. To overcome, MBh. 12, 4053. Desider. To desire to overcome, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 3.
-- With vyati vi-ati, To overcome, Bhag. 2, 52.
-- With anu anu, pass. tīrya, To lay down, MBh. 7, 8721.
-- With abhi abhi, To attain, MBh. 7, 280.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To descend, Rām. 2, 45, 17; used especially of deities who descend from heaven to be born as men, MBh. 1, 2509.
     2. To betake one's-self, MBh. 3, 10015.
     3. To overcome, Kathās. 24, 194. Caus.
     1. To cause to descend, MBh. 1, 4327; 3, 9917; to lead down, Rām. 2, 103, 23; to lead to, MBh. 5, 4395.
     2. To take off, Rām. 4, 19, 29.
     3. To introduce, Rājat. 5, 32.
     4. To perform, Rājat. 2, 58.
-- With samava sam-ava, Caus. To cause to descend, MBh. 1, 4326.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To get out, MBh. 3, 211; to get out of water, MBh. 1, 6750.
     2. To descend, Lass. 5, 7.
     3. To pass over, MBh. 2, 795.
     4. To overcome, Hariv. 14227.
     5. To abandon, MBh. 3, 2042. uttīrṇa, Learned, MBh. 4, 1408. Caus.
     1. To fetch out, Rām. 4, 52, 15.
     2. To vomit, Man. 11, 160.
     3. To save, to deliver, MBh. 3, 8306; Rām. 1, 43, 4 Gorr.
     4. To cause to descend, Pañc. 187, 13.
     5. To take off, Lass. 22, 3.
     6. To bring over, Pañc. 226, 15. Desider. To wish to cross, MBh. 15, 1878.
-- With prod pra-ud, To pass over, Rājat. 3, 71.
-- With pratyud prati-ud,
     1. To get again out (as from water), Rām. 2, 111, 37.
     2. To betake one's-self, Rām. 2, 103, 28.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To get out, Yājñ. 3, 7.
     2. To be saved, MBh. 13, 6676.
     3. To pass over, Rājat. 3, 344.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To be saved, MBh. 3, 15561.
     2. To pass over, Bhartṛ. 3, 5.
     3. To pass, MBh. 13, 5155.
     4. To accomplish, Lass. 4, 2.
     5. To overcome, MBh. 12, 1566.
     6. To expiate, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 30.
     7. To settle, Yājñ. 2, 9. Caus. To release, Man. 3, 98. Desider. To desire to pass over, Bhāg. P. 1, 1, 22.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To pass over, MBh. 4, 1546.
     2. To propagate, MBh. 3, 8149. Caus.
     1. To extend, MBh. 3, 8647.
     2. To persuade, Kathās. 26, 243.
     3. To deceive, Mṛcch. 82, 2.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To deceive, Śatr. 10, 121.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To cross, Ragh. 6, 77.
     2. To grant, MBh. 1, 4498; to favour with (with acc.), Pañc. 127, 21; to allow, MBh. 3, 1681.
     3. To give (as medicine), Suśr. 2, 337, 9.
     4. To give away, Bhartṛ. 3, 86.
     5. To perform, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 24; to fight (a battle), Rājat. 5, 135.
     6. To produce, Kir. 5, 31.
-- With sam sam, To cross, MBh. 1, 5887.
     2. To overcome, MBh. 12, 11161.
     3. To attain, Rām. 5, 35, 5.
     4. To be saved, Rājat. 4, 528.
     5. To save, MBh. 13, 4155. Caus.
     1. To bring over, Rām. 2, 89, 8.
     2. To save, Man. 9, 139.
     3. To persuade, MBh. 14, 2310.
     4. To deceive, Kām. Nītis. 14, 4.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] (end), [greek] (to rise), [greek] (Causal), [greek] (i. e. [greek] cf. ved. tarūtṛ and tul), etc.: Lat. terminus; cf. tul, trā.

tejtej, i. 1, Par. To protect.

tejana tejana, i. e. tij + ana, n.
     1. Kindling, Suśr. 2, 140, 10.
     2. A point, MBh. 6, 3187.
     3. A bambu.
-- Comp. agni-jvalita-, adj. the points of which are blazing with fire, Man. 7, 90.

tejas tejas, i. e. tij + as, n.
     1. Sharpness (ved.).
     2. Splendour, Bhag. 10, 30.
     3. Flame, Man. 11, 246.
     4. Light, MBh. 2, 1395; Śāk. d. 77 (the sun and the moon).
     5. Beauty, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 3.
     6. Strength, Man. 9, 321.
     7. Violence, MBh. 3, 1031.
     8. Dignity, Man. 9, 303; glory, Man. 7, 5.
     9. A venerable person or object, MBh. 13, 5017; a renowned person, Chr. 24, 40.
     10. Semen virile, Rām. 1, 37, 11.
-- Comp. a-mita- (vb. ), adj. of boundless splendour. tigma-, adj. 1. very sharp, Rām. 4, 7, 21. 2. very violent, MBh. 13, 184. nis-, adj. devoid of energy, MBh. 10, 124. mahā-,
I adj. 1. very bright. 2. very vigorous.
II. m. 1. fire. 2. a name of the god of war. 3. a demigod. brahmatejas, i. e. brahman-, n. Brahmanical virtue. māṃsa-, n. marrow or serum of the flesh. samāna-, adj. equal in glory. su-, adj. 1. sharp-edged. 2. very bright. 3. potent.

tejasa -tejas + a, a substitute for tejas when latter part of a compound word, e. g. MBh. 3, 8681.

tejaskāma tejas-kāma, adj. One who desires manly strength, Man. 4, 44.

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tejastva tejas + tva, n. The essence of light, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 39.

tejasvitā tejasvitā, i. e. tejasvin + tā, f. Energy, MBh. 3, 10755.

tejasvitva tejasvitva, i. e. tejasvin + tva, n. Splendour, Chr. 34, 7.

tejasvin tejas + vin, adj., f. ,
     1. Bright, Man. 9, 318.
     2. Strong, Sund. 1, 2.
     3. Awful, glorious, Man. 9, 310.

tejomaya tejomaya, i. e. tejas + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of light, Man. 6, 39.
-- Comp. sarva-, adj. containing every kind of power, Man. 7, 11. brahmatejomaya, i. e. brahman-tejas + maya, adj. having a holy splendour, Man. 7, 14.

teptep, i. 1, Ātm. To drop.
-- Cf. tip.

tevtev, i. 1, Ātm. To play; cf. div, dev.

taikṣṇya taikṣṇya, i. e. tīkṣṇa + ya, n.
     1. Ṣarpness, Śāk. 32, 5, v. r.
     2. Severity, Man. 4, 163.

taijasa taijasa, i. e. tejas + a, adj., f. .
     1. Produced by fire, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 42.
     2. Made of brilliant metals, Man. 5, 111.

taitila taitila, m. Deity, Daśak. 176, 15.

taittira taittira, i. e. tittiri + a, adj. Produced from partridges, Rām. 2, 100, 63 Gorr.

taittirika taittirika, i. e. tittiri + ika, m. One who keeps partridges, Rām. 2, 90, 13 Gorr.

tainduka tainduka, i. e. tinduka + a, adj., f. , Of the tree Tinduka, Suśr. 2, 431, 13.

taimira taimira, i. e. timira + a, adj. adj. Combined with roga, A disease of the eyes, Suśr. 2, 86, 2.

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taimirika taimirika, i. e. timira + ika, adj. Suffering from the timira- disease, Suśr. 2, 186, 5.

tairthika tairthika, i. e. tīrtha + ika, adj.
     1. Coming from holy places, MBh. 3, 8085.
     2. Frequenting holy places, an ascetic, Prab. 25, 19.
     3. Holy(?), MBh. 13, 6066.

tairyagyona tairyagyona, i. e. tiryañc-yoni + a, m. An animal, Man. 7, 150.

tairyagyonya tairyagyonya, i. e. tiryañc-yoni + ya,
I. m. An animal, MBh. 5, 3506.
II. adj. Referring to animals, Mārk. P. 47, 33.

taila taila, i. e. tila + a, n.
     1. Oil, Yājñ. 1, 283.
     2. Incense, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 76, 4.
-- Comp. gandha-, n. oil prepared with perfumes, Rām. 4, 24, 16. tila-, n. oil prepared from sesamum, Suśr. 1, 80, 6.

tailapaka tailapaka, i. e. taila-pa + ka (vb. 1. ), m. An oil-drinking beetle, a cockroach, Man. 12, 63.

tailaparṇika tailaparṇika, i. e. tila-parṇa + ika, m. A kind of sandal, Hariv. 12680.

tailapāyikā tailapāyikā, i. e. tailapāyin + ka, f. A kind of beetle (see tailapaka), MBh. 14, 5069.

tailapāyin tailapāyin, i. e. taila- 1. pā + in, m.
     1. A kind of bettle (cf. tailapaka), Yājñ, 3, 211.
     2. A sword (?), MBh. 7, 6713.

tailika tailika, i. e. taila + ika, m. An oil-grinder, Man. 3, 158.

tailvaka tailvaka, i. e. tilvaka + a, adj. Prepared from the Tilvaka tree, Suśr. 2, 324, 15.

toka toka,
I. n.
     1. Offspring, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.
     2. Child, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 27.
II. m. in varāhatoka, A young boar, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 18.
-- Cf. ved. tuc, Offspring; tvakṣ, [greek] (= A.S. thegn, thegen, O.H.G. degan, servus), [greek] probably Goth. thius, thivi; A. S. theowa-man.

tokma tokma (akin to toka), m. Green barley, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 2.

toḍtoḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To despise.

tottra tottra, written also totra totra, i. e. tud + tra, n.
     1. A goad for driving cattle, MBh. 6, 1674.
     2. A stick with a sharp iron head for guiding an elephant, Rām. 2, 40, 41.

toda toda, i. e. tud + a, m.
     1. Stinging, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 6.
     2. A sting, Suśr. 1, 34, 16.

todana todana, i. e. tud + ana,
I. n. Stinging, Suśr. 1, 5, 8.
II. m. The name of a tree, and (n.) its fruit, Suśr. 1, 211, 12; 20.

tomara tomara (perhaps tud + man + a, with r for n).
     1. m. and n. A javelin, Rām. 2, 74, 31.
     2. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 377.

tomarāṇa tomarāṇa, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 232.

toya toya, n. (perhaps from vb. tu), Water, Man. 8, 409; with kṛ, To pour water in honour of a deceased, MBh. 18, 32.
-- Comp. antastoya, i. e. antar-, adj. containing water, Megh. 65. nis-, adj. devoid of water, Rām. 4, 48, 8.

toyada toya-da, m. A cloud, Rām. 5, 40, 10.

toyadhi toyadhi, i. e. toya-dhā (cf. nidhi), in kṣīra-, m. The sea of milk, Rām. 6, 26, 6.

toyamaya toya + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of water, MBh. 7, 9608.

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toyamuc toya-muc, m. A cloud, Rām. 3, 79, 4.

toyavant toya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Surrounded by water, MBh. 12, 3696.

toraṇa toraṇa, n. (and m.),
     1. An arc, Pañc. 192, 16.
     2. A gate, Rām. 1, 6, 26.
-- Comp. ud-, adj., f. ṇā, adorned with erected arches, Ragh. 14, 10. kautuka-, n. an arc erected at festivals, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 14.

tolaka tolaka, i. e. tul + aka, m. and n. A weight = 2 śāṇas, Rājat. 4, 201.

tolana tolana, i. e. tul + ana, n. Weighing, Hit. 140, 1; balancing, Rām. 1, 67, 10.

toṣa toṣa, i. e. tuṣ + a, m. Satisfaction, pleasure, MBh. 13, 1285.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be satisfied, MBh. 12, 4166.

toṣaṇa toṣaṇa, i. e. tuṣ + ana, adj., f. aṇī.
     1. Satisfying, MBh. 2, 678.
     2. Appeasing, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 13.

toṣin -toṣin, i. e. tuṣ + in, latter part of comp. adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Content, MBh. 13, 3030.
     2. Liking, Hariv. 15267.
     3. Gladdening, Rām. 4, 37, 31.

tauryatrika taurya-trika, i. e. tūrya-trika + a, n. Singing, instrumental music and dancing, Man. 7, 47.

tauṣāra tauṣāra, i. e. tuṣāra + a, adj. Produced by snow, Suśr. 1, 170, 1.

tman tman, see ātman.

tyaktukāma tyaktukāma, i. e. tyaktum-kāma (vb. tyaj), adj. Wishing to leave, Nal. 9, 13.

tyaktṛ tyaktṛ, i. e. tyaj + tṛ, m, f. trī, n. One who resigns, or sacrifices, MBh. 7, 378.

tyaj tyaj, i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., Rām. 5, 80, 30).
     1. To leave, to abandon, MBh. 5, 5994; Nal. 24, 35. To throw away, Cāṇ. 108, in Berl. Monatsb.
     2. To disown, Śāk. d. 122.
     3. To expose, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 35.
     4. To give, MBh. 5, 2348.
     5. To resign, Man. 2, 95; with prāṇān, śvāsam, jīvitam, To sacrifice one's life, Rām. 3, 55, 24; to risk one's life, MBh. 5, 7204.
     6. To neglect, Hit. ii. d. 39. Caus. tyājaya,
     1. To cause to abandon, to rob, Megh. 94.
     2. To expel, Kathās. 20, 126.
     3. To cause to be disregarded, Ragh. 6, 56.
-- With the prep. samabhi sam-abhi,
     1. To resign, MBh. 12, 269.
     2. To risk, MBh. 6, 158.
-- With nis nis, To expel, Rām. 4, 46, 8.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To abandon, Hit. 25, 19.
     2. To disown, Man. 9, 175.
     3. To resign, Man. 4, 176; With deham, To die, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 49.
     4. To disregard, to leave out, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 19.
     5. pass. with instr. To lose, Hit. i. d. 128. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. parityakta,
     1. Deserted, Man. 12, 21.
     2. Robbed, Hit. i. d. 31.
     3. Left, wanting, Cāṇ. 101, in Berl. Monatsb. Caus. To rob (with two accus.), Rām. 4, 19, 35.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari,
     1. To abandon, Rām. 3, 54, 5.
     2. To risk, Rām. 6, 29, 15.
-- With sam sam, To abandon, Pañc. i. d. 168.
     2. To shun, Man. 4, 181; Bhartṛ. 1, 80.
     3. To resign, Bhāg. P. 6, 10, 7.
     4. To except, Rājat. 3, 343. saṃtyakta, Robbed, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 67, 70. Caus. To rob (with two accus.), MBh. 7, 8991.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To leave, MBh. 6, 2232.

tyaj -tyaj, latter part of comp. adj. Abandonding, resiguing, giving away, Bhāg. P. 8, 20, 9.
-- Comp. tanu-, adj. 1. dying, Ragh. 1, 8. 2. risking one's life, MBh. 4, 2354.

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tyad tyad, i. e. ta-yad, see tad; except the nom. sing. m. and f., the base of the m. and n. is tya, of the fem. tyā; the nom. sing. msc. is syas, f. syā; pronoun of the third person, That, Chr. 289, 1 = Rigv. i. 50, 1.
-- Cf. Goth. si; O.H.G siu.

tyāga tyāga, i. e. tyaj + a, m.
     1. Abandoning, Man. 10, 111; Pañc. 261, 6; forsaking, Man. 8, 389; resigning, Rām. 4, 7, 9.
     2. Giving away, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 499; liberality, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 16; prodigality, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260.
     3. Secretion, MBh. 14, 630.
-- Comp. ātmatyāya, i. e. ātman-, m. 1. loss of conscience, Suśr. 1, 192, 6. 2. suicide, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 9. tanu-, m. risking one's life, Rām. 2, 40, 6. deha-, m. dying, death, Man. 10, 62. sthāna-, m. leaving one's place, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3348.

tyāgamaya tyāga + maya, adj., f. , Consisting in donation, Kathās. 23, 84.

tyāgitā tyāgitā, i. e. tyāgin + tā, f. Liberality, Hit. i. d. 89.

tyāgin tyāgin, i. e. tyaj + in, adj., f. .
     1. Deserting, Man. 3, 245; disowning, Śāk. d. 125; resigning, Bhag. 18, 11; with ātmanas, killing one's self, Man. 5, 89.
     2. Liberal, Pañc. iii. d. 259.
-- Comp. ātmatyāgin, i. e. ātman-, m. a suicide, Yājñ. 3, 6.

tyājaka tyājaka, i. e. tyaj + aka, adj. Abandoning, Yājñ. 2, 198.

tra -tra (vb. trā), latter part of comp. words, Protecting, cf. e. g. tanutra.

traṃstraṃs, i. 1 and 10, Par. To speak or shine.

trakhtrakh, i. 1, Par. To go.

traṅktraṅk, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

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traṅkhtraṅkh, and traṅg traṅg (v. r.), i. 1. Par., To go.

trandtrand, i. 1, Par. To be active.

trap trap, i. 1, Atm. (also Par. Rām. 2, 57, 28), To be embarrassed, to be ashamed, Rājat. 3, 94. Caus. tra/āpaya, To make ashamed, Śāntiś. 14, 15.
-- With the prep. apa apa,
     1. To turn away on account of shame, MBh. 12, 3491.
     2. To be ashamed, MBh. 3, 110.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To turn away on account of shame, MBh. 2, 433.
     2. To be ashamed, Rām. 3, 59, 3.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. turpis, probably also trepidus (cf. ved. tṛpra, hastening), and perhaps Goth. dreiban; A. S. drifan (Caus.).

trapa trap + a, m., and f. , Shame, Pañc. 84, 8; MBh. 2, 2239.
-- Comp. a-trapa and nis-, adj., f. , Shameless, Pañc. i. d. 472; MBh. 5, 1458.

trapu trap + u, n. Tin, Man. 5, 114.

trapusa trapusa, n. Cucumber, the fruit of the trapusī, Suśr. 1, 29, 2.

trapusī trapusī, f. A sort of cucumber, Suśr. 2, 481, 12.

traya traya, i. e. tri + a,
I, adj., f. , Threefold, Man. 1, 23.
II. f. ,
     1. The three Vedas, Man. 4, 125.
     2. Triad, Rājat. 5, 143 (śata-, Three hundreds).
III. n. Triad, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17.
-- Comp. agni-, n. The three holy fires, Rām. 3, 12, 3.

trayas trayas-, nom. pl. m. of tri, Former part of compounded numerals, Three, e. g. trayastriṃśat, Thirtythree; trayaścatvāriṃśat, Fortythree; trayaḥpañcāśat, Fifty-three.

trayīmaya trayī + maya (see traya), adj., f. , Consisting of the three Vedas, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 40.

trayodaśa trayodaśa, i. e. trayodaśan + a,
     1. ordinal number, f. śī, Thirteenth, Rām. 2, 77, 22.
     2. f. śī, The thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight, Man. 3, 273.

trayodaśadhā trayodaśadhā, i. e. trayodaśan + dhā, adv. Thirteen-fold, Rājat. 5, 173.

trayodaśan trayodaśan, i. e. trayas-daśan, numeral, Thirteen, Man. 9, 129.
-- Comp. ardha-, Thirteen and a half, Yājñ. 2, 165.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek] Lat. tredecim for tres-decem.

trayodaśika trayodaśika, i. e. trayodaśī (see trayodaśa) + ika, adj. Performed on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight, Rām. 2, 86, 1 Gorr.

trayoviṃśatika trayoviṃśatika, i. e. trayas-viṃśati + ka, adj. Consisting of twenty-three, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 4.

tras 1. tras, i. 1 and 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 20), To tremble, to be afraid, MBh. 7, 1402; 6, 20. trasta, Trembling, MBh. 3, 1431; fearful, Rām. 1, 49, 1; MBh. 4, 841. Comp. a-trasta, adj. intrepid, Ragh. 1, 21. Caus. trāsaya, To frighten, Rām. 2, 43, 3; anomalous ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. trāsayāna, MBh. 6, 2141. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. trāsanīya, Terrible, Hariv. 2430.
-- With the prep. apa apa, To retire in fear, MBh. 12, 2526.
-- With ava ava, avatrasta, Frightened, Hariv. 2520.
-- With ud ud, uttrasta, Frightened, Rājat. 5, 148. Caus. To frighten, Hariv, 3377.
-- With pari pari, paritrasta, Trembling, Hariv. 10127; frightened, Rām. 3, 54, 7.
-- With vi vi, To tremble, to be afraid, MBh. 3, 8663. vi- trasta, Frightened, MBh. 1, 5964. Comp. a-vitrasta, adj. intrepid, MBh. 1, 5496. Caus. To frighten, to alarm, MBh. 3, 698; Man. 7, 196.
-- With sam sam, To be afraid, MBh. 7, 103. saṃtrasta, Frightened, MBh. 6, 2640. Comp. su-saṃtrasta, adj. very frightened, Rām. 3, 55, 29. Caus. To frighten, Pañc. i. d. 212.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃtrasta, Frightened, Rām. 2, 9, 6 Gorr.
-- Cf. tra/āsa, [greek] (for [greek]), [greek] (for [greek]), Goth. thlahsjan; Lat. terrere (for tersere, tresere); cf. tarala, tṛ10, tur, trap; [greek] Lat. tremo, probably tristis, [greek] and many other words.

tras † 2. tras, i. 10, Par. To hold, or to take, or to prevent.

trasa tras + a, n. (moving) Living creatures, Matsyop. 29.

trasadasyu trasadasyu (cf. tras and dasyu), m. A proper name, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14.

trasareṇu trasa-reṇu, m.
     1. A small mote visible in a sunbeam, Man. 8, 132.
     2. A compound atom in the Vaiśeṣika philosophy (said by some to be composed of three paramāṇus, by others of three dvyaṇukas), Brahmavaiv. P. 4, 96, 49.

trasnu tras + nu, adj. Timid, Rājat. 5, 415.
-- Comp. a-, adj. intrepid, Ragh. 14, 47. an-ati-, adj. confident, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 14.

trā trā, ii. 2, Par. Ātm., and trai trai, i. 1, trāya (i. e. properly trā, i. 4), Ātm. To protect, to preserve (with the abl.), MBh. 2, 2606.
-- With the prep. pari pari, To protect, MBh. 13, 3600; paritrāta, Rām. 6, 6, 10.
-- With sam sam, To protect, MBh. 1, 6819. -- Akin to tṛ10, and for original tar + ā.

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trāṇa trāṇa, i. e. trā + ana, n.
     1. Shelter, Man. 11, 113.
     2. Protection, MBh. 3, 13284.
-- Comp. aṅguli = aṅgulitra, q. cf. tanu-, n. a coat of mail, Rām. 2, 31, 25 Gorr. tala-, n. a leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm, MBh. 3, 1501. pāda-, n. a shoe.

trātṛ trātṛ, i. e. trā + tṛ, m. A preserver, a protector, MBh. 1, 8421.
-- Comp. makha-, m. Rāma, the son of Daśaratha, and second incarnation of Viṣṇu.

trāman trāman, i. e. trā + man, n. Protection.
-- Comp. su-, m. Indra (cf. sūtrāman).

trāsa trāsa, i. e. tras + a,
I. adj. Moveable, MBh. 7, 9476.
II. m.
     1. Fear, terror, Rām. 3, 50, 17.
     2. Frightening, Hit. 27, 15.
-- Comp. jala-, m. hydrophobia, Suśr. 2, 282, 3.

trāsana trāsana, i. e. tras, Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f. , Frightening, Rām. 3, 7, 8.
II. n.
     1. Frightening, MBh. 4, 1706.
     2. Fright, Bhāg. P. 4, 10, 28.

trāsin trāsin, i. e. trāsa + in, adj., f. , Afraid, MBh. 12, 5904.
-- Comp. jala-, adj. suffering from hydrophobia, Suśr. 2, 282, 4.

tri tri, numeral, f. tisṛ, Three, Man. 2, 229.

triṃśa triṃśa, i. e. curtailed tṛṃśat, ordin. number, f. śī, Thirtieth.
-- Comp. catustṛṃśa, i. e. catur-, Thirtyfourth, Rām. 1, 30; 34. dvā-, thirtysecond. pañcatriṃśa, i. e. pañcan-, thirty-fifth.

triṃśat triṃśat, i. e. tri-dacant, numeral, f. adj. and sbst., Thirty, MBh. 6, 5409; Rājat. 1, 286.
-- Comp. dvā-, thirty-two, Rām. 1, 43, 5. ṣaṭ- triṃśat, i. e. ṣaṣ-, thirty-six, Rājat. 5, 117.

triṃśatka triṃśat + ka, n. An assemblage of thirty, Kām. Nītis, 8, 37.

triṃśattama triṃśat + tama, ordin. number, f. , Thirtieth, MBh. 12, chapter 30.

trika tri + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Forming a triad, Suśr. 1, 158, 2.
     2. (suppl. śata), Three per cent. Man. 8, 142.
     3. (A place) where three roads meet, Hariv. 6501.
II. n.
     1. A triad, MBh. 12, 7954.
     2. The chine-bone, Ragh. 6, 16.
     3. The hip, Pañc. i. d. 205.

trigarta trigarta, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1026.

triṅkhtriṅkh, i. 1, Par. To go; see trakh.

tricatura tri-catur + a, pl. Three or four, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 3.

triṇāciketa triṇāciketa, i. e. tri-nāciketa, m. One who practises a certain vow prescribed in a part of the Yājurveda, Man. 3, 185.

trita trita, m. The name of a deity, MBh. 1, 2112.

tritaya tri + taya, n. A triad, MBh. 13, 5415.

tritva tri + tva, n. A triad, MBh. 14, 2617.

tridaśa tridaśa (i. e. tri-daśan),
I. adj. pl. Thirty, MBh. 1, 4445.
II. m. A name of the thirty-three gods, a deity, MBh. 3, 8162.
III. n. Heaven, MBh. 13, 3327.

tridaśatva tridaśa + tva, n. Divine nature, Ragh. 18, 30.

tridhā tri + dhā, adv. Threefold, MBh. 13, 6467; in three places, 1, 8013; in three parts, MBh. 5, 7206.
-- Cf. [greek]

tripureśādri tripureśādri, i. e. tri-pura-īśa-adri, m. The name of a locality, Rājat. 5, 123.

trirasaka tri-rasa + ka, n. A spirituous liquor, Śiś. 9, 10; in Sāh. D. 66, 1, v. r. of tri-saraka.

trivarṣīya trivarṣīya, i. e. tri-varṣa +īya adj. Designed for three years, MBh. 13, 4467.

trivṛt tri-vṛt,
I. adj. Triple, Man. 11, 263.
     2. A peculiar mode of reciting the eleventh hymn of the ninth maṇḍala of the Rigv., Man. 11, 74.
II. m. A triple string, Man. 2, 43.
III. f. Ipomoea turpethum R. Br., Suśr. 2, 35, 9.

trivṛtā trivṛtā, i. e. tri-vṛt + a, f. = trivṛt
III., Suśr. 1, 132, 17.

triśaṅku tri-śaṅku, m. The name of a king, Hariv. 730.

triṣavaṇa triṣavaṇa, i. e. tri-savana, n. The three daily ablutions, Man. 6, 24.

triṣṭubh triṣṭubh, i. e. tri-stubh, f. A kind of metre, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 45.

tris tri + s, adv.
     1. Thrice, Man. 2, 60.
     2. At three places, MBh. 1, 5885.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. ter.

trisuparṇa tri-su-parṇa, and trisuparṇaka trisuparṇa + ka, adj. One conversant with a part of the Vedas called trisuparṇa, Man. 3, 185; Yājñ. 1, 219.

trisuvarcaka tri-su-varca + ka (cf. varcas), adj. Having a threefold splendour(?), MBh. 3, 14156.

trisauparṇa trisauparṇa, i. e. tri-su-parṇa + a, adj. Epithet of a certain religious study, MBh. 12, 13567.

truṭ truṭ, i. 4 and 6, Par. To burst asunder, Bhartṛ. 1, 95; Hit. 15, 20. truṭita, Burst, Pañc. 121, 2. Caus. To tear asunder, to break, Pañc. 146, 24. † i. 10, Ātm. To cut.

truṭi truṭ + i, f.
     1. A moment as measure of time, MBh. 1, 1292.
     2. Small cardamoms, Suśr. 2, 505. 1.

truṭiśas truṭi + śas, adv. By moments called truṭi, MBh. 5, 3782.

truptrup. truph truph, trump trump, and trumpha trumph, i. 1, Par. To hurt.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] etc., and [greek]

tretā tretā (i. e. probably traya + tā), f.
     1. A triad, MBh. 14, 2759.
     2. The three sacred fires, MBh. 5, 1559.
     3. A die, or the side of a die, which has three points, Mṛcch. 33, 9.
     4. The name of the second yuga, or age, Man. 9, 201.
-- Comp. agni-, f. the three sacred fires, Man. 2, 231.

trai trai, see trā.

traikālika traikālika, i. e. tri-kāla + ika, adj. Referring to the three times, past, present, and future, MBh. 12, 13033.

traikālya traikālya, i. e. tri-kāla + ya, n.
     1. The three times, past, present, and future, MBh. 12, 1690.
     2. Morning, noon, and evening, Yājñ. 3, 308.
     3. A triad(?), Hariv. 7446.

traigarta traigarta, i. e. trigarta + a (and traigartaka traigarta + ka),
I. adj. Proper to the Trigartas, MBh. 4, 1117.
II. m.
     1. A prince of the Trigartas, MBh. 4, 1070.
     2. pl. = Trigarta.
III. f. , A princess of the Trigartas, MBh. 1, 3788.

traiguṇya traiguṇya, i. e. tri-guṇa + ya, n. The three original qualities, Bhag. 2, 45.

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traidaśika traidaśika, i. e. tridaśa + ika, adj. Referring to the tridaśas, Man. 2, 58.

traidha traidha, i. e. tridhā + a, adj. Triple; acc. sing. n. °dham, adv. In three different manners, MBh. 3, 1233.

traipura traipura, i. e. tri-pura/ā or rī + a, m.
     1. pl. The inhabitants of Tripura/ā and Tripurī, i. e. the Cedis, Hariv. 7443; MBh. 6, 3855.
     2. A prince of the Cedis.

traipuruṣa traipuruṣa, i. e. tri-puruṣa + a, adj. Comprising three generations, MBh. 13, 4322.

traiphala traiphala, i. e. tri-phalā + a, adj. Coming from the three myrobalans, Suśr. 2, 45, 7.

traimāsika traimāsika, tri-māsa + ika, adj. Three months old, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 27.

traiyambaka traiyambaka, i. e. tryambaka + a, adj. Referring or dedicated to Tryambaka, MBh. 7, 169.

trailiṅga trailiṅga, i. e. tri-liṅga + a, adj. Being of three genders, MBh. 12, 11353.

trailoka trailoka, i. e. tri-loka + a, m. A name of Indra, MBh. 12, 10106.

trailokya trailokya, i. e. tri-loka + ya, n. The three worlds, Man. 11, 236.

traivargika traivargika, i. e. tri-varga + ika, adj., f. , Referring, attached to the three classes of ends, viz. virtue, pleasure, and interest, Bhāg. P. 2, 4, 4; 3, 32, 18.

traivargya traivargya, i. e. tri-varga + ya, adj. Belonging to the three classes of ends, viz. virtue, pleasure. and interest, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 35.

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traivārṣika traivārṣika, i. e. tri-varṣa + ika, adj. Sufficient for three years, Man. 11, 7.

traivikrama traivikrama, i. e. tri-vikrama + a,
I. adj. Belonging to Viṣṇu, Ragh. 7, 32.
II. n. Going three steps, Hariv. 3168.

traividya traividya, i. e. tri-vidyā + a,
I. n.
     1. The three Vedas, Man. 2, 28.
     2. An assemblage of Brāhmaṇas skilled in the three Vedas, Yājñ. 1, 9.
II. adj. Skilled in the three Vedas, Man. 12, 111.

traividhya traividhya, i. e. tri-vidha + ya (cf. vidhā), n. Triplicity, Bhāṣāp. 12.

traiviṣṭapa traiviṣṭapa and traiviṣṭapeya traiviṣṭapeya, i. e. tri-viṣṭapa + a and eya, m. A god, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 8; 8, 8, 19.

traivṛta traivṛta, i. e. tri-vṛt + a, adj. Coming from the plant Ipomoea turpethum, Suśr. 2, 378, 11.

traivedika traivedika, i. e. tri-veda + ika, adj. Relating to the three Vedas, Man. 3, 1.

traiśaṅkava traiśaṅkava, i. e. tri-śaṅku + a, patronym. A descendant of Triśaṅku, Hariv. 755.

traiśīrṣa traiśīrṣa, i. e. tri-śīṣan + a, adj., f. ṣā, Referring to Triśīrṣan, MBh. 5, 335.

traisrotasa traisrotasa, i. e. tri-srotas + a, adj. Belonging to the Gaṅgā, Ragh. 16, 34.

troṭaka troṭaka, n. A kind of drama, Vikr. 3, 8.

trauktrauk, i. 1, Ātm. To go, to move.

tryambaka tryambaka, i. e. tri-ambaka, m. Epithet of Rudra-Śiva, MBh. 2, 403.

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tryahaihika tryahaihika, see aihika.

tvakṣ tvakṣ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To produce, to work (ved.).
     2. † To pare.
     3. † To cover.
-- Cf. takṣ, toka; [greek]

tvagdoṣin tvagdoṣin, i. e. tvac-doṣa + in, adj., f. iṇī, Suffering from a cutaneous disease, MBh. 5, 5056.

tvaṃkāra tvaṃkāra, i. e. tvam (nom. sing. of yuṣmad) -kāra, m. Saying thou, as an insult, Man. 11, 204.

tvaṅg tvaṅg, i. 1, Par. To gallop, Kathās. 18, 7.

tvac † 1. tvac, i. 6, Par. To cover.

tvac 2. tvac, f.
     1. Skin, Man. 2, 90.
     2. Hide, Rām. 3, 49, 9.
     3. Bark, Ragh. 2, 37.

tvaca tvac + a,
I. a substitute for tvac, when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. mṛdu-, Having a tender skin, Hariv. 10425.
II. n. Cinnamon, Rām. 3, 39, 22.

tvañctvañc, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To contract.
-- Cf. tañc.

tvad tvad, substitute for the sing. of the pronoun of the second person when former part of a comp. word, and in many derivatives (cf. yuṣmad), e. g. tvad-vidha (see vidhā), adj. Resembling thee, Rām. 2, 23, 7. tvad-kṛta, Made by thee, Rām. 1, 2, 40.

tvadīya tvad + īya, possess. pron. Thine, Rām. 1, 45, 24.

tvanmaya tvanmaya, i. e. tvad + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of thee, Hariv. 2585.

tvar tvar, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Rām. 2, 19, 16), To make haste, Rām. 3, 78, 20. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. tvarita,
     1. Hastening. Rām. 1, 67, 24.
     2. Swift, Pañc. iii. d. 102. °tam, adv. Swifty, Rām. 1, 42, 23.
II. tūrṇa, °ṇam, adv. Quickly, Pañc. 167, 16. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. tvaraṇīya, Where there needs haste, MBh. 7, 5842. Caus. traraya, To cause to hasten, MBh. 7, 1584.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To hasten very much, MBh. 12. 5003.
-- With abhi abhi, To make haste, Rām. 6, 33, 4.
-- With pra pra, To hasten, MBh. 6, 3776.
-- With sam sam, To make haste, Rām. 2, 30, 43. Caus. To cause to hasten, MBh. 7, 955.
-- Cf. tur; tṛ10, [greek] Lat. red-am-truare, probably [greek] Lat. turba, [greek] probably A. S. a-thwerian (to move, or to shake together).

tvarā tvar + ā, f. Haste, Rām. 2, 46, 27.
-- Comp. a-, f. absence of precipitate haste, Man. 3, 235. sa-tvara, adj. hastening, Chr. 28, 18; quick. °ram, adv. Quickly, Pañc. 46, 1.

tvarāvant tvarā + vant, adj., f. vati, Quick, MBh. 3, 16207.

tvaṣṭi tvaṣṭi, i. e. tvakṣ + ti, f. The profession of a carpenter, Man. 10, 48.

tvaṣṭṛ tvaṣṭṛ, i. e. tvakṣ + tṛ, m.
     1. A carpenter (ved.).
     2. The name of a deity, the artist of the gods, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9; MBh. 4, 1178.

tvādṛś tvādṛś, i. e. tvad-dṛś, adj. Resembling thee, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 12.

tvādṛśa tvādṛśa, i. e. tvad-dṛś + a, adj., f. śi, Resembling thee, Rām. 4, 16, 31.

tvāṣṭra tvāṣṭra, i. e. tvaṣṭṛ + a,
I. adj. Referring to or made by Tvaṣṭṛ, Rām. 1, 29, 19.
II. m. The name of an Asura or demon, MBh. 5, 504 = Vṛtra, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 17.
III. f. , The daughter of Tvaṣṭṛ, and wife of Sūrya, MBh. 1, 2599.
IV. n. The power of Tvaṣtṛ, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 35.

tviṣ 1. tviṣ, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To be excited (ved.).
     2. To shine.

tviṣ 2. tviṣ, f.
     1. Light, Daśak in Chr. 195, 23.
     2. Splendour, Arj. 10, 65.

tveṣasaṃdṛś tveṣasaṃdṛś, i. e. tveṣa (ved.) -sam-dṛś adj. Of a splendid aspect, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 85, 8.

tsar tsar, i. 1, Par. To sneak, to steal upon (ved.).

tsaru tsaru, m. The hilt of a sword, MBh. 10, 461.

tsāruka tsāruka, i. e. tsaru + ka, adj. Skilled in sword-fight, MBh. 1, 5271.


thakkiyaka thakkiyaka, m. A proper name, Rājat. 4, 493.

thuḍthuḍ, i. 6, Par. To cover.

thurvthurv, i. 1, thūrva, Par. To hurt.


da -da, latter part of compound words,
I. (vb. 1. ), Giving, e. g. aśva-, adj. Giving a horse, Man. 4, 231. go-
     1. adj. Giving cattle, Man. 4, 231.
     2. f. , The name of a river, Ragh. 13, 35 (anu-goda + m, compounded adverb, Along the Godā). janmada, i. e. janman-, m. A father, Śāk. d. 177, v. r. sahasra-, adj. Giving, or one who has given, a thousand (cows), Man. 3, 186.
II. (vb. 2. ),
     1. Destroying, cf. e. g. anala-, adj. Quenching fire. māna-, adj. Destroying arrogance (or from
I. pride-inspiring), Chr. 38, 15.
III. (vb. 3. ), Binding; cf. aṅgada.

daṃś 1. daṃś (in epic poetry also daś daś, MBh. 1, 1605), i. 1, daśa, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 1798), To bite, MBh. 1, 843. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. daṣṭa, Man. 11, 199.
     2. † To see (cf. daṃs, the Prākṛt form of dṛś). Caus. To cause to be bitten, MBh. 1, 2243. i. 10, Ātm.
     1. † To bite.
     2. † To see. Frequent. Caus. dandaśaya, To cause to be bitten violently, Daśak. 11, 14.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To bite, MBh. 11, 638.
-- With nis nis, To bite through, MBh. 6, 1798.
-- With pari pari, To bite violently, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 27.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To bite through, MBh. 1, 3362.
     2. To wedge in, Suśr. 1, 101, 5.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To bite, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 15.
     2. To press together, MBh. 1, 6274; to crush, Śāk. d. 66. saṃdaṣṭa,
     1. Bound, Śāk. d. 170.
     2. Tight, Ragh. 16, 65.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] Lat. lacruma, perhaps lacero; Goth. tagr, A. S. taeher; O.H.G. zanga, A. S. tang; O.H.G. zangar, mordacitas.

daṃś † 2. daṃś, i. 1 and 10. To speak or shine; cf. daṃs and the last.

daṃśa daṃś + a, m.
     1. Biting, Gīt. 10, 11.
     2. Bite, Mālav. 47, 4.
     3. A tooth, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 3.
     4. A gad-fly, Man. 12, 62.
     5. A coat of mail, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 9.
     6. A proper name, MBh. 12, 93.
-- Comp. vṛka-, m. a dog. vṛṣa-daṃś + a, m. a cat.

daṃśaka daṃś + aka,
I. adj. Biting.
II. m. A gadfly.
-- Comp. sa-,
I. adj. having teeth.
II. m. a crab.

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daṃśana daṃś + ana, n.
     1. Biting, MBh. 14, 754.
     2. Coat of mail, 8, 2848.

daṃśita daṃśita, i. e. daṃśa + ita, adj.
     1. Mailed, Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 33; armed, Bhāg. P. 9, 1, 24.
     2. Protected, MBh. 7, 4202.
     3. Close together, MBh. 4, 1329.
-- Comp. su-, adj. Very close, Chr. 32, 22.

daṃṣṭra daṃṣṭra, i. e. daṃś + tra, n. and f. , A tusk, a large tooth, Rām. 4, 39, 11; Pañc. 55, 15.
-- Comp. ayas-, adj. with iron teeth, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 88, 5. tīkṣṇa-, adj. having sharp teeth, Hiḍ. 2, 7. puṣpa-, m. the name of a demon. sthira-, m. 1. A snake. 2. Viṣṇu in the boar avatāra.

daṃṣṭrin daṃṣṭrin, i. e. daṃṣṭra + in, m. Any animal having teeth, Man. 5, 29.

daṃsdaṃs (cf. daṃś and the Prākṛt form of dṛś), and das das, i. 1, Par. and i. 10, Ātm.
     1. To bite.
     2. To see. daṃs daṃs, i. 1(?) and 10, Par. To speak or to shine.

daṃsas daṃsas, n. A work, an action (ved.).
-- Comp. su-, adj. performing splendid actions, Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 1.

daṃhdaṃh, i. 10. To shine, to burn.
-- Cf. dah.

dakodara dakodara, i. e. daka (for udaka), -udara, n. A dropsical belly, Suśr. 1, 92, 16.

dakṣ dakṣ, i. 1, Par. ved. To act in a satisfying manner. Ātm.
     1. To be strong, Lass. 101, 15 (read dakṣatc) = Rigv. vii. 16, 6, ved.
     2. † To increase.
     3. To act quickly.
     4. To go or move.
     5. † To hurt.

dakṣa dakṣ + a,
I. adj., f. ṣā.
     1. Clever, able, Man. 7, 61; 5, 150.
     2. Suitable, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 44.
II. m. One of the Prajāpatis, sons of Brahman, Man. 9, 128; MBh. 1, 2574.
-- Cf. dakṣiṇa; [greek] Lat. dexter; Goth. taihsvs. O.H.G. zeso.

dakṣatā dakṣa + tā, f. Cleverness, Sāh. D. 90.

dakṣiṇa dakṣiṇa, i. e. dakṣ + ina,
I. adj., f. ṇā.
     1. Clever, Śatr. 14, 56.
     2. Right (not left), Rām. 2, 52, 86; with pari-i, To walk round a person or thing, keeping the right hand towards them, Bhāg. P. 4, 12, 25; with kṛ, To show one's reverence in this manner, 1, 14, 13.
     3. South, southern, Man. 3, 258.
     4. Upright, honest, MBh. 4, 167.
II. m. and n.
     1. The right side, Rām. 2, 92, 13.
     2. South, Nal. 9, 23.
III. f. ṇā.
     1. A good milch cow (ved.).
     2. Legitimate possession(?), Man. 8, 349.
     3. A present to Brāhmaṇas, as a sacrificial fee, Man. 8, 207.
     4. Fee, MBh. 5, 3779.
     5. Gift, Man. 3, 141.
IV. dakṣiṇena, instr. adv.
     1. Southward, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 9.
     2. To the right hand, 5, 21, 8.
-- Comp. a-dakṣiṇa, adj. 1. left, Rām. 6, 29, 10. 2. foolish, 3, 24, 13. 3. devoid of presents, Pañc. ii. d. 101. a-bhaya-dakṣiṇā, f. promise of security, Man. 4, 247. pūrva-, adj. south-eastern, Mārk. P. 58, 19. prāṇa-dakṣiṇā, f. with , to give one his life, Pañc. 231, 20. bhūri-dakṣiṇa, adj. one who makes large presents to Brāhmaṇas upon solemn or sacrificial occasions, Nal. 12, 14. sa-dakṣiṇa, adj. accompanied by presents, Rājat. 5, 285.

dakṣiṇatas dakṣiṇa + tas, adv.
     1. To the right hand, MBh. 3, 14549.
     2. Southward, Man. 3, 91.

dakṣiṇā dakṣiṇā (old instr. sing. of dakṣiṇa), adv. To the right hand, southward.
-- Cf. dakṣiṇa.

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dakṣiṇāvant dakṣiṇā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in presents, MBh. 1, 128.

dakṣiṇīya dakṣiṇīya, i. e. dakṣiṇā + īya, adj. Worthy to be honored with presents, Hariv. 2780.

dagdhṛ dagdhṛ, i. e. dah + tṛ, m. f. dhrī, n. Consuming by fire, Mālav. d. 92.

dagh dagh, i. 4, Par. To attain (ved.). ii. 5, Par. To hurt; to protect.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. tekan (to take); Lat. tango.

daghna -dagh + na, latter part of comp. adj. Reaching to, e. g. stana-, to the breast, Hariv. 8324. aśva-, adj. Of a horse's height, Rām. 1, 13, 28 Gorr.

daṅghdaṅgh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To quit.
     2. To protect.

dacchada dacchada, i. e. dant-chada, m. The lip, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 26.

daṇḍ daṇḍ, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par.
     1. To chastise, to punish, Man. 8, 132.
     2. To amerce (with two accus.), 9, 234. Ptcple. of the fut. pass., daṇḍya, Guilty, Man. 7, 20.
-- Comp. a-daṇḍya, 1. not to be punished, Man. 8, 335. 2. innocent, 8, 128.

daṇḍa daṇḍa (a form of dantra, i. e. dam + tra), m. and n.
     1. A staff, Man. 8, 280.
     2. Often compounded with preceding words signifying arm, thigh, trunk, e. g. bāhu-, An arm as hard as a staff, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 11.
     3. A stem, MBh. 2, 2390.
     4. A handle, MBh. 2, 38.
     4. The staff of a banner, MBh. 2, 2079.
     5. m. A long measure, a pole of four cubits, Mārk. P. 49, 39.
     6. A staff as symbol of royal power, the sceptre of justice, etc., MBh. 12, 4482 sqq.
     7. Symbol of energetic power, Man. 7, 102 (nityam udyatadaṇḍa, Ever with raised staff, i. e. ever ready to use violence); military power, Man. 7, 101; force of arms, 7, 107.
     8. Violence, Man. 8, 72.
     9. An army, Man. 9, 294.
     10. Punishment of all kind, corporal and amercement, Man. 7, 22; 8, 274; personified, Mārk. P. 50, 26.
     11. The name of an attendant of the sun, MBh. 3, 198.
     12. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2681.
-- Comp. ud-, adj. with raised staff, Hit. ii. d. 28; stem, Ragh. 16, 46; arm, Prab. 81, 13. khara-, n. A lotus, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 29. tri-, n. 1. the three staves of a religious mendicant joined together, MBh. 12, 12007. 2. three kinds of self-command (in thought, word, and deed), Man. 12, 11. dhana-, m. an amereement, Man. 8, 129. dhik-, m. a harsh reproof, Man. 8, 129. manas-, m. control over the mind. mahā-, m. heavy punishment, Chr. 61, 40. rājanirdhūta-, i. e. rājan-nis- (vb. dhū), adj. punished by the king, Man. 8, 318. vāgdaṇḍa, i. e. vāc-, m. 1. reprimand, Man. 8, 129. 2. restraint, or control of speech. vāṇa-, m. a weaver's loom. vīṇā-, the neck of a lute.

daṇḍaka daṇḍa + ka, m. and n.
     1. The staff of a banner, MBh. 7, 1569.
     2. also f. , The name of a great forest in the Dekhan, Rām. 1, 1, 39; Mahāv. 65, 11.
     3. m. pl. The name of the inhabitants of this locality, and of the locality itself, MBh. 13, 7223; Rām. 2, 21, 63.
     4. m. A proper name, Hariv. 637.
-- Comp. tri-, n. the three staves of a religious mendicant, MBh. 12, 11870.

daṇḍana daṇḍ + ana, n. Chastising, Kām. Nītis. 13, 53.

daṇḍapāśaka daṇḍa-pāśa + ka, A policeman (? perhaps -pāśika), Pañc. 129, 1.

daṇḍavant daṇḍa + vant, adj., f. vatī, One who has a great army, Kām. Nītis. 13, 37.

daṇḍika daṇḍika, i. e. daṇḍa + ika, adj. One who chastises, MBh. 6, 439.

daṇḍin daṇḍin, i. e. daṇḍa + in,
I. adj. Bearing a staff, Man. 6, 52.
II. m.
     1. Epithet of Yama, Kām. Nītis. 2, 36.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2738.
-- Comp. tri-, i. e. tri-daṇḍa + in, m. 1. an ascetic, Yājñ. 3, 85. 2. one who has command over the three seats of action (mind, speech, and body), Man. 12, 10.

dattaka datta + ka (vb. ), adj., with putra, Given to be adopted as a son, Yājñ. 2, 130.

datti datti, i. e. dā + ti (from the reduplicated form dad), f. Offering, Ragh. 8, 85.

datrima datrima (rather dattrima, i. e. dad, see datti, + tra + ima), adj. Received by donation, Man. 9, 141.

dad dad (proceeded from , ii. 3; cf. ved. red. pf. dadad + āte, etc.), i. 1, Ātm. To give.

dadru dadru, i. e. a reduplicated form of dṛ10 + u, m. and f. , A kind of cutaneous eruption, Suśr. 1, 31, 17; 2, 66, 6.

dadh dadh (proceeded from dhā, ii. 3),
     1. To hold.
     2. To give.

dadhan dadhan, see dadhi.

dadhi dadhi, from a reduplicated form of dhe, n. (the base for many of the cases is dadhan), Curdled milk, Man. 2, 107.

dadhīca dadhīca, i. e. dadhyañc + a, also dadhīci dadhīci, and dadhyañc dadhi-añc, m. The name of a Muni or sage (originally of the sun), MBh. 3, 8695; 12, 10288; Bhāg. P. 6, 11, 20.

danu danu, m. and f. Proper names, Rām. 3, 75, 24; 2, 30, 12.

danuja danu-ja, m. A Dānava or demon, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 39.

dant dant (probably ptcple. of the pres. of ad; cf. [greek]),
     1. m., without nom. voc., acc. sing., and du., and nom. and voc. pl., A tooth, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 39.
     2. Often latter part of comp. words, e. g. ubhayatodant, i. e. ubhayatas-, adj. Having two rows of teeth, Man. 1, 39 (43, anomalous nom. pl.). ekatas-, adj. Having but one row of teeth, Man. 5, 18. kara-pāda-, m. A hand, a foot, or a tooth, Yājñ. 2, 219. su-, adj. f. datī, Having handsome teeth.
-- Cf. Lat. dens, and the next.

danta dant + a,
I. m. and n. A tooth, Man. 4, 69; Rām. 6, 82, 28.
II. f. , A medicinal plant, Croton polyandrum Roxb., Suśr. 1, 139, 18.
III. When latter part of comp. adj., the fem. ends in , Kathās. 21, 29, and , MBh. 9, 2649.
-- Comp. īśā-, or īṣā-, adj. having tusks like the pole of a carriage (i. e. an elephant), Rām. 5, 12, 31; MBh. 2, 1877. catur-, m. the name of an elephant, Pañc. 159, 13. nāga-,
I. m. 1. ivory, MBh. 12, 3630. 2. a pin projecting from a wall, and used to hang things upon, Pañc. 116, 19.
II. f. , the name of an Apsaras, Rām. 2, 91, 17.
III. f. , a plant, Tiaridium indicum Lehm., Suśr. 1, 138, 12. puṣpa-,
I. m. 1. the name of a Gandharva and other beings. 2. du. the sun and the moon, Śatr. 14, 225.
II. f. , the name of a female Rākṣasa.
III. n. the name of a temple. rājad°, i. e. rājan-, m. an upper and fore-tooth, applied to the two middle ones. hastid°, i. e. hastin-,
I. m. a pin projecting from a wall, and used to hang things upon.
II. n. ivory.
-- Cf. Goth. tunthus; A. S. todh.

dantaka -danta + ka, a substitute for danta when latter part of comp. words, e. g. kṛmi-, m. Caries of the teeth, Suśr. 1, 93, 4.
-- Comp. nāga-, m. 1. ivory, Varah. Bṛh. S. 52, 62. 2. a pin projecting from a wall, and used to hang things upon, Hit. 27, 12.

dantamaya danta + maya, adj., f. , Of ivory, Man. 5, 121.

dantaveṣṭaka danta-veṣṭa + ka, m. A tumour in the gum, Suśr. 1, 303, 9.

dantādanti dantādanti, i. e. danta-danta + i, adv. Biting one another, MBh. 8, 2377.

dantidantamaya dantidantamaya, i. e. dantin-danta + maya, adj., f. , Of ivory, MBh. 8, 1021.

dantin dantin, i.e. danta + in, m. An elephant, Hit. i. d. 30.

dantila dantila, m. A proper name, Pañc. 26, 11.

dantura dantura, i. e. danta + ura, adj., f. , Having large or projecting teeth, Kathās. 20, 108.

danturita danturita i. e. dantura + ita, adj. Having projecting teeth, Gīt. 1, 31.

dandaśūka dandaś + ūka (Frequent. of daṃś), + ūka,
I. adj.
     1. Mordacious, MBh. 1, 1199.
     2. Mischievous, MBh. 5, 1254.
II. m.
     1. A snake, Yājñ. 3, 197.
     2. A kind of snake, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 27.
     3. The name of a hell, 5, 26, 7.

danvdanv, i. 1, Par. To go.

dabh dabh, and dambh dambh, i. 1, dabha, ii. 5, dabhnu, Par.
     1. To hurt (ved.).
     2. To deceive. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-dābhya, Not to be checked, Bhāg. P. 4, 23, 4. † i. 10, dābhaya, and dambhaya, Par. To send, to impel. † dambhaya, Ātm. To gather.
-- Cf. probably [greek] O.H.G. tepjan or depjan.

dabhīti dabhīti, m. A proper name, Chr. 298, 23 = Rigv. i. 112, 23.

dabhra dabh + ra, adj. Little, insignificant, Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 11.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Great, Bhāg. P. 8, 3, 19. Excellent, 1, 15, 15.

dam dam, i. 4, dāmya, Par.
     1. To be tamed.
     2. To tame, MBh. 7, 2379. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dānta, Tamed, MBh. 3, 15704. m.
     1. A steer, a young bullock, Rājat. 5, 432.
     2. One who has subdued his passions, calm, Man. 4, 35. Comp. dus-, adj. unruly, MBh. 13, 1534. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. damya,
     1. To be tamed for labour, Man. 8, 146.
     2. m. A steer, a young bullock, MBh. 12, 6590. Caus. damaya,
     1. To subdue, MBh. 1, 2995.
     2. To break, Rājat. 4, 265.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To subdue, MBh. 12, 6596.
-- Cf. [greek] (= ved. damāyāmi, Lat. domare), [greek] Lat. damnare, damnum; Goth. ga-timan; O.H.G. zeman, zam; A. S. tam, tamian; Lat. densus, [greek] etc., cf. dampati.

dama dam + a, m.
     1. Self-command, Man. 4, 246.
     2. A fine, Man. 9, 230.
     3. Punishment, chastisement, Man. 9, 284; Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 20.
     4. The name of a Ṛṣi, MBh. 13, 1762.
-- Comp. dus-, 1. adj. difficult to be tamed, MBh. 12, 3310. 2. m. a proper name, Hariv. 1951. su-, adj. easy to be subdued.
-- Cf. dampati.

damaka dam + aka, adj. Taming, a tamer, Man. 3, 162.

damana dam + ana,
I. adj., f. , Subduing, Bhartṛ. 3, 47.
II. n.
     1. Subduing, Bhartṛ. 2, 52.
     2. Chastising, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 14.
III. m. A proper name, Nal. 1, 6.
-- Comp. sarva-,
I. adj. all-subduing.
II. m. Bharata, the son of Śakuntalā.

damanaka damana + ka, m. A proper name, Pañc. 9, 19.

damayantī damayantī, fem. of the pres. ptcple. of the Causal of dam, A proper name, Nal. 1, 9.

damayitṛ damayitṛ, i. e. dam, Caus., + tṛ, m. A chastiser, MBh. 13, 7041.

damin damin, i. e. dama + in, adj. One who has subdued his passions, MBh. 3, 5016.
-- Comp. kāma-damin + ī, f. a proper name, Pañc. 185, 10.

dampati dampati, probably daṃs (= [greek] and [greek]) -pati (= [greek]), m. The master of the house; dual , The master and the mistress; husband and wife, Man. 3, 116; a couple, Pañc. 225, 22. Cf. [greek] (= ved. dama), [greek] Lat. domus; Goth. timrjan; A. S. timber, timbrian.

dambh dambh, see dabh.

dambha dambh + a, m.
     1. Deceit, Pañc. i. d. 222.
     2. Feigning, Rājat. 6, 195.
     3. Arrogance, Mārk. P. 34, 46.
-- Comp. a-, 1. m. sincerity, Rām. 2, 86, 2. 2. adj. sincere, Hariv. 4137. vīta-, i. e. vi-ita-, adj. humble, not proud.

dambhaka dambh + aka, adj. Deluding, Man. 4, 195.

dambhana dambh + ana, n. Deceit, Man. 4, 198.

dambhin dambhin, i. e. dambha + in, m. A deceiver, Pañc. iv. d. 39.

day day, i. 1, Ātm. (also Par. Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 42).
     1. To allot (ved.).
     2. To have compassion, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 2; with the gen., 195, 10.
     3. To destroy (ved.).
     4. † To move.
     5. † To protect. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dayita, Dear, Rām. 1, 1, 26. m. A lover, a husband, Śāk. 58, 7, C. f. , A mistress, a woman, Śiś. 9, 70. Comp. samudra-, f. , a river. su-, adj. very dear, Chr. 38, 11.
-- Cf. [greek] 2. and de.

dayā day + ā, f. Compassion, Bhag. 16, 2.
-- Comp. a-daya + m, adv. passionately, Vikr. d. 147. nirdaya, i. e. nis-, adj., f. . 1. unmerciful, cruel, Pañc. 176, 10. 2. passionate, Rājat. 5, 281. 3. not treated with affection, Man. 9, 239. °yam, adv. passionately, Hit. i. d. 102. bhūta-, f. compassion for living creatures, MBh. 14, 2841. sa-, adj. 1. compassionate. 2. benevolent. °yam-, adv. softly, Śāk. d. 72.

dayālu dayā + lu, adj. Compassionate, Pañc. iii. d. 30.

dayālutva dayālu + tva, n. Compassion, Kām. Nītis. 3, 34.

dayāvant dayā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Compassionate, Bhāg. P. 8, 21, 12.

dara dara, i. e.
A. dṛ10 + a,
I. m., f. , and n. A cave, Rām. 2, 96, 4; MBh. 1, 4651.
II. m. and n.
     1. Cavity, Bhartṛ. 3, 24.
     2. A shell, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 1.
B. dṛ + a, m. and n. Fear, MBh. 5, 4622.
C. adj. and indecl., A little, Sāh.
D. 41, 18; Gīt. 1, 35.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. fearful, afraid.

darad darad and darada darada, m.
     1. The name of a people, Rājat. 5, 152; Man. 10, 44.
     2. darada, The king of the Daradas, Hariv. 4969.

daridra daridra, (derived from an old frequentat. of drā), adj., f. .
     1. Strolling (ved.).
     2. Poor, Man. 9, 230.

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daridratā daridra + tā, f. and daridratva daridra + tva, n. Poverty, Bhartṛ. 2, 87; Rājat. 2, 90.

daridrā daridrā, see drā.

darī darī, see dara.

darīvant darī + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in caves, Rām. 4, 49, 22.

dardara dardar + a (anomal. frequent. of dṛ10), m. The name of a mountain, Rām. 2, 91, 24, v. r.

dardura dardur + a (anomal. frequent. of dṛ10), m.
     1. A frog, Man. 12, 64.
     2. A flute, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 15.
     3. The name of a mountain, Rām, 5, 34, 7.
     4. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 34.
-- Comp. kūpa-, m. A frog living in a well, Pañc. i. d. 21.

darpa darpa, i. e. dṛp + a, m. Arrogance, Rām. 1, 56, 3; pride, Hit. 28, 2.
-- Comp. ati-, 1. m. excessive arrogance, Cāṇ. 50. 2. the name of a snake, Pañc. 170, 23. bhagna- (vb. bhañj), adj. humbled. sa-, adj. lofty. sam-iddha- (vb. indh), adj. inflamed with pride.

darpaṇa darpaṇa, i. e. dṛp + ana, m. A mirror, Megh. 59.

darpin darpin, i. e. darpa + in, adj. Insolent, Hariv. 15606.

darbha darbha, i. e. dṛbh + a, m.
     1. Kuśa, or sacrificial grass, Man. 3, 216.
     2. Another kind of grass, Suśr. 1, 137, 19.
-- Cf. O.H.G. zurft (zurba), A.S. turf.

darbhamaya darbha + maya, adj., f. , Made of Darbha grass, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 37.

darvi and darvī darvi/ī, i. e. dṛ10 + vi/ī,
     1. A spoon, MBh. 2, 1945.
     2. The expanded hood of a snake (see the next).
     3. The name of a country, MBh. 6, 362.

darvīkara darvī-kara, n. A kind of snake, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 8.

darśa darśa, i. e. dṛś + a, m.
     1. The new moon, Ragh. 18, 34.
     2. The day of the conjunction, Man. 3, 282.
-- Comp. ātmadarśa, i. e. ātman-, m. a mirror, Ragh. 7, 65. dus-, adj., f. śā, 1. difficult to be beheld, Bhag. 11, 52. 2. disgusting, MBh. 1, 3471. su-dus-, adj. very difficult to be beheld.

darśaka darśaka, i. e.
A. dṛś + aka, adj.
     1. Looking, seeing, a spectator, MBh. 13, 5907.
     2. Searching, MBh. 1, 5559.
B. dṛś, Causal, + aka, adj.
     1. Showing, causing to be seen, Mṛcch. 65, 4; Man. 8, 284.
     2. Explaining, Hit. Pr. d. 9, v. r.
C. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 361.
-- Comp. pāra-, adj. showing the opposite bank or shore, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 38.

darśata darśata, ved. ptcple. of the fut. pass. of dṛś, Visible, Chr. 289, 4 = Rigv. i. 50, 4; Chr. 290, 9 = 1, 64, 9.
-- Cf. [greek]

darśana darśana, i. e. dṛś + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Looking on, Ragh. 11, 93, v. r.
     2. Knowing, MBh. 13, 3254.
     3. Teaching, MBh. 1, 583.
II. n.
     1. Seeing, Suśr. 2, 158, 10. āditya-, Exposure to the sun, Mṛcch. 47, 5.
     2. Sight, MBh. 13, 961; Śāk. 18, 18; a vision, Rām. 5, 27, 8; a dream, Hariv. 1285.
     3. Adoration, Kathās. 3, 8.
     4. Appearance, Man. 2, 101; with the vbs. i and , To become visible, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 34; with , To show one's self, Gīt. 3, 9.
     5. Review, Yājñ. 1, 328; inspection, Man. 8, 9.
     6. Knowledge, Man. 6, 74.
     7. Opinion, Kām. Nītis. 2, 6.
     8. Precept, MBh. 14, 2700.
     9. Doctrine, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 8.
     10. A philosophical system, Lass. 29, 7.
     11. Intention, Rām. 1, 58, 18.
     12. An eye, Śāk. d. 81.
     13. A mirror, Megh. 59, v. r.
     14. Showing, Lass. 87, 3.
     15. Producing, Yājñ. 2, 170.
     16. abl. darśanāt, From, Ragh. 12, 60.
III. f. , Epithet of Durgā, Hariv. 10238.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. 1. not seeing, Rām. 5, 53, 6. 2. neglect, Man. 10, 43. 3. disappearance, Rām. 3, 50, 11; with gam, to disappear, Pañc. 137, 21; with , to cause to disappear, Rām. 5, 22, 2.
II. adj. invisible, Arj. 8, 28. acchidra-, i. e. a-chidra-, adj., f. , faultless, MBh. 6, 384. adbhuta-, adj. wonderfully handsome, Nal. 12, 6. an-ati-. n. not seeing too often, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 5. ātmadarśana, i. e. ātman-, n. seeing one's self, Yājñ. 3, 157. tulya-, adj. indifferent, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 24. dāra-, n. interview with a woman, Cāṇ. 22, in Berl. Monatsb. dus-, adj. 1. difficult to be seen, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 34. 2. disgusting, Suśr. 1, 260, 1. dūra-, adj. hardly to be seen, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 8. pāra-, adj. seeing the opposite bank or shore, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 58. puṇya-, adj. f. , of beautiful aspect, beautiful. bhāla-, n. red lead. su-,
I. adj. handsome.
II. m. 1. The discus of Viṣṇu. 2. a vulture. 3. Mount Meru.

darśayitukāma darśayitukāma, i. e. darśayitum, inf. of the Causal of driś, -kāma, adj. Wishing to show, Vikr. 29, 19.

darśayitṛ darśayitṛ, i. e. driś, Caus., + tṛ, m. One who shows, MBh. 6, 129.

darśin darśin, i. e. dṛś + in, adj., f. .
     1. Looking; sama-, Looking indifferently on every object, Bhag. 5, 18.
     2. Knowing, Man. 3, 212; divya-, Knowing celestial things, MBh. 15, 566.
     3. Having seen, Kathās. 25, 297.
     4. Showing, Rām. 2, 75, 12.
     5. Teaching, MBh. 1, 522.
-- Comp. chidra-, adj. perceiving weak points, Hariv. 1265. dīrgha-, adj. far-seeing, provident, Pañc. 194, 5. dūra-, far-seeing, wise, Rām. 5, 87, 20. deva-, adj. frequenting the gods, Rām. 5, 30, 2. dvāra-, m. a porter, Rām. 2, 41, 25 Gorr. vidhi-, m. a priest whose business at a sacrifice is to see that everything is done according to the rule. sama-, adj. impartial. sūkṣma-, adj. acute. intelligent.

darśivaṃs darśivaṃs (an anomalous ptcple. pf. act. of dṛś), only nom. sing. vān,
     1. Having seen, MBh. 8, 1756.
     2. Knowing, 1, 6157.
-- Comp. dīrgha-, provident, MBh. 5, 4380.

dal dal (akin to dṛ10), i. 1, Par. To burst, Lass. 66, 15. Caus. da/ālaya, To cause to burst, Suśr. 1, 262, 9, dalita,
     1. Burst, MBh. 8, 4633.
     2. Split, wounded, Prab. 87, 13.
     3. Destroyed, Prab. 116, 6.
     4. Visible, Prab. 40, 10.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To burst, Suśr. 2, 166, 6.
-- With ud ud, Caus. To divide, MBh. 12, 7349.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To burst, Naiṣ. 4, 88.
     2. To rend, Rām. 2, 87, 10 Gorr. vidalita, Crushed, Bhartṛ. 2, 77.
-- With sam sam, saṃdalita, Pierced, Lass. 73, 12.
-- Cf. dṛ10.

dala dal + a,
I. n. A part, Suśr. 2, 357, 4 (aṇḍa-, an egg-shell; veṇu-, a small shoot of a cane, Man. 8, 299).
     2. A half, Suśr. 1, 25, 2.
     3. A leaf, Rām. 2, 46, 14.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 3, 13178.
-- Comp. dvi-, adj. broken, Hariv. 15522.

dalana dal + ana,
I. adj., f. , Tearing, Bhāg. P. 7, 10, 59.
II. n. Breaking, crushing, Gīt. 5, 2; Rājat. 3, 284.

dalaśas dala + śas, adv. In pieces, Kathās. 19, 109.

dava dava, i. e. du + a, m. A forest conflagration, Bhāg. P. 8, 6, 13.

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daviṣṭha daviṣṭha, superl. davīyaṃs davīyaṃs, comparat. of dūra, q. v.

daśa daśa,
     1. instead of daśan, Ten, MBh. 3, 15649.
     2. = daśama when latter part of a comp. numeral; cf. aṣṭādaśa, dvādaśa, tridaśa. nava-daśa, i. e. navan-, f. śī, Nineteenth. pañcadaśa, i. e. pañcan-, f. śī,
     1. Fifteenth.
     2. f. śī, The fifteenth day of a half month.

daśaka daśaka, i. e. daśan + ka, adj. Containing ten, Man. 6, 92.
-- Comp. śata-, ten per cent., Yājñ. 2, 38.

daśat daśat, f. (cf. daśan), An aggregate of ten, a decade, Man. 8, 231.

daśati daśati (cf. daśan), f. A hundred, MBh. 1, 1081.

daśadhā daśadhā, i. e. daśan + dhā, adv. In ten parts, Man. 9, 152.

daśan daśan, cardinal number,
     1. Ten, MBh. 3, 10677.
     2. Ten bad qualities, Hariv. 744.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. taihun and -tigu in tvaim-tigum; A.S. tên, -tig; Lat. decem; cf. daśa.

daśana daśana, i. e. daṃś + ana, n. A tooth, Pañc. 52, 8; when latter part of a comp. adj., the fem. ends in , Man. 3, 10.
-- Comp. vajra-, m. a rat.

daśama daśama, i. e. daśan + ma,
I. ordinal number, f. , Tenth, Chr. 47. 38.
II. f. ,
     1. The tenth day of the half month, Man. 3, 276.
     2. The tenth decade of human life, Man. 2, 137.
III. n. A tenth part, Man. 8, 33.
-- Comp. trayo-, Thirteenth, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 17. dvā-, twelfth, MBh. 1, 6597.
-- Cf. Lat. decimus.

daśamāsya daśamāsya, i. e. daśan-māsa + ya, adj. Of ten months, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 11.

daśamīstha daśamī-stha (cf. daśama), adj. Above ninety years old, Man. 2, 138.

daśalakṣaṇaka daśalakṣaṇaka, i. e. daśan-lakṣaṇa + ka, adj. Ten-fold, Man. 6, 91.

daśā daśā, i. e. daṃś + a, f.
     1. The skirt, or the ends of a garment, Man. 3, 44; Mṛcch. 26, 17.
     2. The wick of a lamp, Bhartṛ. 3, 1.
     3. Condition, state of life, Rām. 3, 75, 59.
     4. State, Kathās. 7, 113.
     5. Period, age, Hit. 10, 19; Hariv. 4394.

daśārṇa daśārṇa, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 4449.
     2. Their king, Chr. 60, 33.

daśārṇaka daśārṇaka, read dāś°, Chr. 52, 10.

daśārha daśārha,
     1. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 3, 769.
     2. m. A proper name, Hariv. 1991.
     3. A name of Kriṣṇa, MBh. 13, 7003.

daśin daśin, i. e. daśan + in, m. A lord of ten towns, Man. 7, 119.

daśeraka daśeraka, i. e. daṃś + era + ka, m.
     1. A young camel, MBh. 8, 1852.
     2. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 7, 397.

daśeśa daśeśa, i. e. daśan-īśa, m. A lord of ten towns, Man. 7, 116.

das das, i. 4, Par. To become exhausted (ved.).

dasyu dasyu, m.
     1. A ruffian, a thief, Man. 7, 143.
     2. The name of one of the mixed classes, Man. 5, 131.

dasyusāt dasyu + sāt, adv. In the hand of ruffians, MBh. 12, 2554.

dasra dasra, adj.
     1. Helping(?), Chr. 295, 16 = Rigv. i. 92, 16.
     2. The name of one of the Aśvins, MBh. 1, 723.

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dah dah (originally dagh), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 5, 33, 38; also i. 4, MBh. 4, 799),
     1. To consume by fire, MBh. 8, 116.
     2. To destroy, Man. 7, 9.
     3. To give pain, Pañc. pr. d. 4; Pass. To suffer pain, MBh. 3, 2483.
     4. Pass. To burn, MBh. 1, 8330. Passive, with the terminations of the Par., MBh. 1, 2061; 8210. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dagdha,
     1. Consumed by fire, Man. 8, 189.
     2. Pained, Ṛt. 1, 10.
     3. Cunning, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 15.
     4. n. Cauterising, Suśr. 1, 33, 20. Comp. agni-, 1. adj. burned with fire. 2. m. a class of Pitṛs or Manes, Man. 3, 199. an-agni-, m. another class of Pitṛs, Man. 3, 199. Caus. dāhaya,
     1. To cause to be burned, Man. 5, 167.
     2. To cause to be roasted, Hariv. 15523. Desider. didhakṣa (also Ātm., Rām. 2, 12, 106), To wish to consume by fire, to be about to consume, MBh. 1, 1244; Rām. 1. 1. Frequent.
     1. dandah, dandahya, To destroy completely, Hariv. 8726; Śiś. 2, 11.
     2. dandahya, To be consumed completely by fire, Bhāg. P. 2, 2, 26; by grief, Pañc. 58, 2.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To burn excessively, Suśr. 2, 47, 19.
     2. To press hard, MBh. 6, 5238.
-- With anu anu, To consume completely by fire, Rām. 2, 63, 41.
-- With apa apa, To burn away, MBh. 12, 7705.
-- With ava ava, To burn away, Suśr. 2, 35, 10.
-- With upa upa, To set on fire, MBh. 3, 546.
-- With ni ni, To consume by fire, MBh. 1, 4454.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To consume by fire, Man. 11, 246.
     2. To destroy, Rām. 1, 54, 22. Caus. To order to set on fire, Rājat. 6, 171.
-- With vinis vi -nis,
     1. To consume by fire, MBh. 1, 5307.
     2. To destroy completely, MBh. 5, 5769.
-- With pari pari, To consume by fire, Suśr. 1, 155, 22. Pass. To burn, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 29.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, i. 4, To be consumed by fire, MBh. 3, 10067.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To consume by fire, MBh. 1, 2120.
     2. To destroy, Rām. 2, 24, 8. Pass. To be consumed by fire, MBh. 2, 2689.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To consume by fire, MBh. 1, 5796.
     2. To destroy, 9, 3526.
-- With prati prati, i. 4, To be consumed by fire, MBh. 8, 2750.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To cauterise, Suśr. 1, 100, 21.
     2. To consume by fire, MBh. 8, 464. Pass.
     1. To be consumed by fire, Rām. 4, 60, 20.
     2. To burn (as a wound), Suśr. 1, 103, 19.
     3. To be consumed by grief, MBh. 12, 52.
     4. To puff one's self up, Rām. 2, 6, 12 Gorr. vidagdha,
     1. Inflamed, Suśr. 2, 5, 21.
     2. Digested, Suśr. 2, 110, 14; 118, 15.
     3. Corrupt, Suśr. 2, 369, 18.
     4. Clever, MBh. 4, 745.
     5. Well-bred, Vikr. 3, 12.
     6. Intriguing, Bhartṛ. 1, 97. Comp. a-, adj. uncultivated, fooliṣ, Pañc. i. d. 180. dus-, adj. 1. puffed up, Bhartṛ. 2, 3. 2. stupid, Prab. 27, 8.
-- With sam sam, To destroy, Rām. 1, 77, 12 Gorr. Pass.
     1. To burn, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 8.
     2. To grieve, Ragh. 14, 56 Calc. Caus. To cause to be consumed by fire, MBh. 1, 4954. Cf. probably [greek] Lat. lignum; O.H.G. tāht or dāht; perhaps Goth. dags, A. S. daeg.

dahana dah + ana,
I. adj., f. , Consuming by fire, Hariv. 2522.
     2. Destroying, Bhartṛ. 1, 70.
II. m.
     1. Fire, Bhartṛ. 2, 29.
     2. The deity of fire, MBh. 1, 8360.
     3. One of the Rudras, MBh. 1, 2567.
III. n.
     1. Consuming by fire, Ragh. 8, 20.
     2. Burning, Bhāṣāp. 156.
-- Comp. dava-, n. The fire of a forest conflagration, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 22.

dahara dahara, and dahra dahra (forms of dabhra),
I. adj.
     1. Small, subtile.
II. The cavity of the heart, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 44.

1. , ii. 3, Par., Ātm.
     1. To give, Man. 3, 31.
     2. To grant, to bestow, Hariv. 5709; Hit. pr. d. 2.
     3. To marry, MBh. 1, 6526.
     4. To sell, with the instr. of the price, Rām. 1, 53, 8.
     5. To deliver, Man. 8, 234.
     6. To return, Man. 8, 222.
     7. To pay, Man. 8, 154.
     8. With talam, or talān, To shake hands, Hariv. 15741; MBh. 3, 14819.
     9. To offer, Man. 9, 136.
     10. To communicate, to teach, Man. 2, 114.
     11. With ātmānam, To sacrifice one's self, Kathās. 22, 227.
     12. With many words it has the signification of Doing, performing, Caurap. 35; with anuyātrām, To accompany, Kathās. 18, 197; with tālam, To beat the time, MBh. 1, 5939.
     13. To cause, Rām. 2, 53, 21.
     14. To allow, MBh. 1, 1528 (with infin.).
     15. To put, Mṛcch. 139, 8; cf. ardhacandra.
     16. With śāram, To draw, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 24.
     17. With argalam, To bolt, Kathās. 4, 60.
     18. To turn, Kathās. 16, 40; MBh. 12, 2526.
     19. To add, Pañc. ii. d. 148. -- Anomalous 1. sing. pr. par. dadmi, MBh. 12, 10466; 3. sing. dadati, 3, 13422; 3. pl. dadanti, 13, 3148; 3. sing. impf. adadat, 2, 1880; 2. sing. imptive. dada, 9, 2442; Ātm. dadasva, 1, 3482; cf. dad. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass. datta, m.
     1. A given son, Man. 9, 159.
     2. A proper name.
     3. n. Giving Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 22. Comp. svayam-, adj. self-given. m. a child who has given himself to adoptive parents, Man. 9, 177. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-deya, What ought not to be given, Chr. 57, 26. Comp. absol. a-dattvā, Without being given, Rājat. 5, 195. Caus. dāpaya,
     1. To cause to be given, Rām. 2, 32, 19.
     2. To oblige to pay, Man. 7, 127.
     3. To oblige to return, Yājñ. 2, 269.
     4. To procure, Pañc. 26, 1.
     5. To cause to be performed, Kathās. 5, 112.
     6. To cause to utter, Hariv. 15782.
     7. To cause to be put on, MBh. 1, 5724. Desider. ditsa, To wish to give, MBh. 1, 5119.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To leave(?), MBh. 7, 9499.
-- With abhi abhi, To give, MBh. 3, 13309.
-- With ā ā, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 2, 2637),
     1. To take, Man. 4, 223.
     2. To receive, Man. 2, 238; with garbham, To become pregnant, Draup. 5, 9 (and To rob).
     3. To take away, Man. 7, 124.
     4. To impair, Man. 4, 218.
     5. To carry with one's self, Man. 9, 92.
     6. To seize, MBh. 4, 1113.
     7. To perceive, MBh. 14, 675.
     8. To agree, Rām. 2, 90, 16.
     9. To undergo, Bhāg. P. 2, 3, 15. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. ātta,
     1. Seized, MBh. 6, 5592.
     2. Robbed, Rām. 2, 61, 18.
     3. Undertaken, Kathās. 21, 142.
II. ā-datta, Taken away, Hariv. 11811. ādeya,
     1. What ought to be received, Man. 8, 171.
     2. To be approved, Rājat. 5, 274. an-ādeya, What ought not to be taken, ib. Absol. ādāya, very often With, Rām. 3, 42, 30. Desider. To be about to seize, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 11.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā, Ātm. (Par., Hariv. 14602),
     1. To take away, MBh. 1, 3558.
     2. To put on, Hariv. 13086.
     3. To begin, MBh. 5, 3384.
-- With udā ud-ā, udātta, Prominent, Rām. 2, 100, 10; Prab. 97, 1. m. The acute accent. n. An ornament (in rhetoric), Sāh. D. 752. Comp. an-, m. The grave accent.
-- With upā upa-ā, Ātm.
     1. To receive, MBh. 3, 8537.
     2. To acquire, Mārk. P. 21, 93.
     3. To take away, MBh. 3, 8599.
     4. To take, MBh. 3, 1553.
     5. To gather, Rām. 3, 13, 18.
     6. To assume, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 10.
     7. To consider, MBh. 12, 427.
     8. To begin, Rām. 5, 81, 32. Absol. upādāya,
     1. With, MBh. 3, 3028.
     2. Inclusively, Rām. 2, 92, 6.
     3. By means of, MBh. 4, 1775. Desider. To wish to acquire, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 7 (Par.).
-- With abhyupā abhi-upa-ā, To gather, MBh. 12, 167.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā,
     1. To take, Rām. 2, 25, 25.
     2. To acquire, Mārk. P. 21, 95.
     3. To rob, MBh. 3, 11676.
     4. To collect, Rām. 2, 32, 35 Gorr.
     4. To put on, MBh. 1, 6974.
-- With paryā pari-ā, Ātm.
     1. To take off, Suśr. 2, 36, 2.
     2. To seize, MBh. 5, 1940.
     3. To learn, MBh. 12, 3256.
-- With prā pra-ā, To deliver, MBh. 1, 4899.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, Ātm.
     1. To get back, MBh. 12, 7415.
     2. To take back, to rescind, MBh. 1, 785.
-- With vyā vi-ā, Par.
     1. To open wide, Hariv. 16003.
     2. To gape, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 14. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vyātta, and anomalous vyādita, Wide-opened, MBh. 3, 2024; 2, 946.
-- With samā sam-ā,
I. Par.
     1. To give, Hariv. 16367.
     2. To return, Bhāg. P. 9, 17, 15.
II. Ātm. (also Par., Bhāg. P. 8, 10, 43),
     1. To take up, Man. 6, 4.
     2. To take away, Man. 3, 219.
     3. To seize, Rām. 3, 32, 5.
     4. To begin, MBh. 5, 26.
     5. To take to mind, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 24.
-- With ud ud, To snatch away, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 39.
-- With upa upa, To give, Rām. 1, 50, 9 Gorr.
-- With kad kad, To reproach, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 28.
-- With parā parā, To exclude, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 5.
-- With pari pari, Par., Ātm.
     1. To deliver, Man. 9, 327.
     2. To grant, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 50. Caus. To cause to be delivered, MBh. 15, 445.
-- With pra pra, Par. (Ātm., Naiṣ. 6, 95),
     1. To give, Man. 9, 118; to communicate, MBh. 1, 103.
     2. To grant, Rām. 1, 62, 26.
     3. To give in marriage, Man. 8, 204.
     4. To sell, Pañc. i. d. 17.
     5. To pay, Yājñ. 2, 90.
     6. To make good, Man. 8, 232.
     7. To put, Yājñ. 1, 236. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. pratta and pradatta, Given, etc., Pañc. 25, 4; 63, 22. Comp. a-pratta, adj. of which nothing is given away before (eating it), Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 18. Caus.
     1. To compel to return, Yājñ. 2, 270.
     2. To cause to put in, MBh. 1, 5723. Desider. To wish to give in marriage, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 6.
-- With pratipra prati-pra, To return, MBh. 5, 5525.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To deliver, Rām. 2, 32, 23.
     2. To grant, MBh. 1, 3346.
     3. To give in marriage, Hariv. 11006 (p. 790). Caus. To order to be given, Rām. 2, 32, 16.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To return, Chr. 58, 6.
     2. To give, MBh. 7, 6976. Caus. To cause to repay, Yājñ. 2, 61.
-- With vi vi, to divide, Rām. 1, 13, 39 Gorr.
-- With sam sam, To grant, MBh. 7, 2618.
-- Cf. [greek] (Caus.); Lat. dare.

2. , ii. 2 Par., and do do, i. 4, dya, Par. To cut. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dita, Cut off, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 23.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To cut off, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 31.
-- With vi vi, To cut, to destroy, Hariv. 8435 (anomal. absolut. vi-ditya).
-- Cf. day; [greek] (Caus.), [greek] Lat. daps.

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† 3. , i. 4, dya, To bind (ved.).
-- With the prep. sam sam, ptcple. of the pf. pass. saṃdita, Tied, Hariv. 3674.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps also [greek]

dākṣa dākṣa, i. e. dakṣa + a,
I. adj. Referring to Dakṣa, Hariv. 7444.
II. m. or n. South, Man. 6, 10 (with ayana, The sacrifice ordained for the winter solstice).

dākṣāyaṇa dākṣāyaṇa, i. e. dakṣa + āyana,
I. patronym., f. ṇī, A descendant of Dakṣa, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 2; Śāk. 101, 7.
II. n.
     1. The posterity of Dakṣa, Bhāg. P. 4, c. 1.
     2. Gold, or a gold ornament; see the next.

dākṣāyaṇin dākṣāyaṇin, i. e. dākṣāyaṇa + in, adj., f. , Wearing gold ornaments, Yājñ. 1, 133.

dākṣāyaṇya dākṣāyaṇya, i. e. dākṣāyaṇī + ya, m. The son of Dākṣāyaṇī, MBh. 13, 6831.

dākṣiṇātya dākṣiṇātya, i. e. dakṣiṇā + tya + a,
I. adj. Southern, MBh. 1, 4690; Pañc. 3, 9.
II. m.
     1. pl. The nations of the south, Rām. 2, 82, 7.
     2. The south, Hariv. 6200.

dākṣiṇya dākṣiṇya, i. e. dakṣiṇa + ya, n.
     1. Politeness, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 17.
     2. Kindness, Bhartṛ. 2, 19.

dākṣya dākṣya, i. e. dakṣa + ya, n. Ability, skill, Man. 10, 124.

dāḍima dāḍima, m. The pomegranate tree (n. the fruit), Rām. 3, 7, 10.

dāḍhikā dāḍhikā (a form of daṃṣtṛkā, i. e. daṃṣtrā + ka), f. The beard, Man. 8, 283.

dāṇḍika dāṇḍika, i. e. daṇḍa + ika, adj., f. , Punishing; m. A chastiser, MBh. 12, 2135.

dātukāma dātukāma, i. e. dātum, infin. of 1. dā, -kāma, adj. Wishing to make a present, Pañc. ii. d. 110.

dātṛ dā + tṛ, m., f. trī, n.
     1. A donor, a giver, Man. 11, 9; Rām. 4, 20, 4.
     2. Giving in marriage, Man. 3, 172.
     3. Communicating, Man. 2, 146.
     4. A creditor, Man. 8, 161.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. one who gives no present, Man. 11, 15. 2. one who is not obliged to pay, Man. 8, 161. kṣīra-dātrī, f. yielding milk, MBh. 13, 4919.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. dator.

dātṛtā dātṛ + tā, f., and dātṛtva dātṛ + tva, n. Liberality, Rājat. 3, 197; Hariv. 14414.

dātyūha dātyūha, m. A gallinule, Rām. 2, 56, 9.

dātra 2. dā + tra, n. A kind of sickle, Rām. 2, 87, 9 Gorr.

dāda dāda, i. e. dad + a, m. Oblation, MBh. 9, 2117.

dāndān, i. 1, Par., Ātm. i. 10, Par. To cut. Desider. dīdāṃsa, Par., Ātm.
     1. To be straight.
     2. To make straight.

dāna dāna, i. e. 1. dā + ana, n.
     1. Giving, Man. 1, 90.
     2. Gift, Man, 4, 233; 11, 2.
     3. Liberality, Man. 1, 86.
     4. Oblation, Man. 3, 211.
     5. Giving in marriage, Man. 3, 27.
     6. The fluid that flows from the temples of an elephant in rut, Pañc. i. d. 419.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. 1. non-payment, Man. 8, 5. 2. illiberality, Pañc. ii. d. 74.
II. adj. illiberal; and, without the fluid which flows from the temples of an elephant in rut, Pañc. ii. d. 73. ati-, n. excessive liberality, Cāṇ. 50. ātman-, n. sacrificing one's self, Kathās. 22, 219. udaka-, n. Pouring water in honour of a deceased one, Prab. 98, 3. yoga-, n. a fraudulent gift, Man. 8, 165. vṛthā-, unprofitable donation, gift to musicians, actresses, etc., Man. 8, 159. sa-, adj. pouring out the fluid which flows from the temples of an elephant in rut, Kir. 5, 9. sadā-,
I. n. liberality.
II. m. 1. Indra's elephant. 2. an elephant in rut. 3. Gaṇeśa.
-- Cf. Lat. donum.

dānatas dāna + tas, adv. By liberality, Sāv. 2, 17.

dānava dānava, i. e. dānu, ved. (a demon; cf. also danu, danuja), + a,
     1. m. A demon, Man. 3, 201.
     2. adj., f. , Peculiar to the Dānavas, Arj. 10, 24.

dānavant dāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Liberal, MBh. 13, 5555.

dānaveya dānaveya, i. e. dānu + eya (see dānava), m. = Dānava, a demon, MBh. 8, 3692.

dānika -dānika, i. e. -dāna + ika, adj. Referring to a gift, e. g. udaka-, Referring to an oblation to deceased ancestors, MBh. 1, 589. vara-, Caused by the grant of a favour, Rām. 2, 115, 7 Gorr.

dānin dānin, i. e. dāna + in, adj., f. , Liberal, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 10.

dānta dānta, i. e.
I. danta + a, adj. Of ivory, Rājat. 5, 12, 21.
II. Ptcple. pf. pass. of dam, q. v.

dāntika dāntika, i. e. danta + ika, adj. Of ivory, Rām. 3, 61, 13.

dāma -dāma, a substitute for dāman when being latter part of a comp. word, n. A string, MBh. 6, 2447. ud-dāma, adj., f. , Unrestrained, Rām. 2, 23, 21.

dāman 3. dā + man, n. A rope, MBh. 1, 6678.
     2. A string, Rām. 2, 78, 7.
     3. A garland, Megh. 89.
     4. A large bandage to support parts, Suśr. 1, 65, 17.
-- Comp. puṣpa-dāman, n. a garland, Criṅgārat. 10.
-- Cf. [greek]

dāmanī dāman + ī, f. A rope for tying cattle, Hariv. 3536.

dāmanīka -dāmanī + ka = dāmanī at the end of a comp. adj., Hariv. 4354.

dāmodara dāmodara, i. e. dāman-udara, m.
     1. A name of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 5, 2566.
     2. A proper name, Rājat. 1, 64.

dāmpatya dāmpatya, i. e. dampati + ya, n. Matrimonial bliss, Bhāg. P. 2, 3, 7.

dāmbhika dāmbhika, i. e. dambha + ika, adj.
     1. Deceitful, Man. 12, 44.
     2. A cheat, Man. 3, 159.
     3. A hypocrite, Man. 4, 211.

dāy dāy, i. 1, Ātm. (properly 1. , i. 4, Ātm.), To give.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To seize, MBh. 1, 7029.

dāya dāya, i. e. 1. dā + a, m.
     1. A gift, MBh. 1, 6938.
     2. Separate property of a wife, Man. 9, 77.
     3. Delivering, Man. 8, 180.
     4. Inheritance, Man. 9, 217
-- Comp. su-, m. A special gift, as a nuptial present, &c.

dāyaka dāyaka, i. e. 1. dā + aka, adj. Giving, Man. 9, 271; a giver, MBh. 3, 13245.
-- Comp. agni-, m. An incendiary, Rām. 2, 79, 19 Gorr. tāmbūla-, m. The betel-bearer of a prince, Kām. Nītis. 12, 46. viṣa-, m. a poisoner, Rām. 2, 75, 38.

dāyakatā -dāyaka + tā, f. Giving, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 21.

dāyāda dāyāda, i. e. dāya-ā-da, m.
     1. A heir, Man. 8, 160.
     2. A son, a kinsman, Rām. 2, 110, 35; 1, 60, 2.
-- Comp. a-, f. , not being a heir, Man. 9, 158; 8, 160.

dāyādavant dāyāda + vant, adj. Having a heir, MBh. 1, 3180.

dāyādya dāyādya, i. e. dāyāda + ya, n. Inheritance, Man. 11, 184.

dāyādyatā dāyādya + tā, f. Affinity, MBh. 1, 7509.

dāyin -dāyin, i. e. 1. dā + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Giving, Man. 3, 104.
     2. Causing, Hariv. 15379.
-- Comp. udaka-, m. a kinsman connected only by the oblations of water to the manes of common ancestors, Man. 5, 64. viṣa-, m. a poisoner, Kām. Nītis. 7, 26.

dāra dāra, i. e. dṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A ploughed field, Man. 9, 38.
     2. m. pl. and f. sing. (n., Pañc. i. d. 450, but see Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2173, where v. r.), A wife, Man. 2, 217; 247; Bhāg. P. 7, 14, 11.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unmarried, Rām. 4, 18, 15. kṛta-, adj. married, Man. 4, 1. dharma-, m. pl. a legitimate wife, Rām. 3, 57, 9. putra-, n. son and wife, Man. 4, 239. bhū-, m. a hog.

dāraka 1. dāraka, i. e. dṛ10 + aka,
I. adj., f. rikā, Splitting, MBh. 7, 6871.
II. f. rikā, A chap, Suśr. 1, 292, 10.
-- Comp. loha-, n. the name of a hell, Man. 4, 90.

dāraka 2. dāraka, m.
     1. A son, Pañc. 100, 24.
     2. A young animal, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 17.
     3. du. A boy and a girl, Brāhman. 2, 35.
-- Comp. bhartṛ-, 1. m. a young prince, designated as suścessor. 2. f. , a princess.

dāraṇa dāraṇa, i. e. dṛ10 + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Splitting, MBh. 6, 5594.
     2. f. ṇī, Epithet of Durgā, Hariv. 10246.
II. n.
     1. Bursting, Suśr. 1, 25, 17.
     2. A means for opening, Suśr. 1, 132, 9.

dārava dārava, i. e. dāru + a, adj., f. .
     1. Wooden, Man. 5, 115.
     2. Produced from wood, MBh. 13, 4718.

dāridra dāridra (perhaps to be corrected to dāridrya), i. e. daridra + a, n. Poverty, Pañc. 95, 13.

dāridrya dāridrya, i. e. daridra + ya, n. Poverty, indigence, Pañc. i. d. 12.

dārin dārin, i. e. dṛ10 + in, adj., f. iṇī. Splitting, MBh. 7, 3993.

dārī dārī, i. e. dṛ + a + ī, f. A chap, Suśr. 1, 294, 20.

dāru dāru, i. e. dṛ10 + vant = van = u, n.
     1. Wood, Pañc. i. d. 100.
     2. A species of pine, Pinus deodora Roxb., Suśr. 1, 161, 10.
-- Comp. deva-, n. A species of pine, Pinus deodora Roxb., Rām. 2, 76, 16.
-- Cf. [greek] for [greek] etc.

dāruṇa dāruṇa, i. e. dāru + na (or rather darvan + a),
I. adj., f. ṇā.
     1. Hard, Suśr. 1, 295, 10.
     2. Sharp, 1, 130, 14.
     3. Harsh, severe, Pañc. 58, 11.
     4. Violent, MBh. 14, 442.
     5. Painful, Man. 12, 78.
     6. Terrible, Rām. 1, 56, 8.
II. n. Severity, MBh. 13, 2144.
-- Comp. ati-, and su-, adj. very terrible, very hard, Chr. 33, 1; 47, 32.

dāruṇatā dāruṇa + tā, f. Severity, Hariv. 4248.

dāruṇāya dāruṇāya, a denomin. derived from dāruṇa by ya, Ātm. To prove unmerciful, Naiṣ. 1, 80.

dārumaya dāru + maya, adj., f. , Wooden, Pañc. 48, 10.

dārḍhya dārḍhya, i. e. dṛḍha + ya, m.
     1. Hardness, Suśr. 2, 136, 18.
     2. Strength, Suśr. 1, 201, 14.
     3. Stability. Rājat. 6, 173; Kām. Nītis. 1, 21.
     4. Confirmation. Kull. ad Man. 3, 281.

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dārdura dārdura, i. e. dardura + a, adj., f. , and dārdurika dārdurika, i. e. dardura + ika, f. , Referring to a frog, Hariv. 4162; Bhāg. P. 2, 3, 20.

dārva dārva, i. e. dāru + a (anomal.),
I. adj., f. , Wooden, Bhāg. P. 5, 12, 6.
II. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1026.
III. f. , The name of several plants, Curcuma zantorhiza, Suśr. 2, 23, 14, etc.

dārvāghāṭa dārvāghāṭa, i. e. dāru-āghāṭa = āghāta, m. The woodpecker, MBh. 10, 268.

dārśa dārśa, i. e. darśa + a, m. The sacrifice to be performed at the conjunction of the moon, Man. 6, 9.

dālana dālana, i. e. dal + ana, n. Crumbling off (of the teeth), Suśr. 2, 132, 12.

dālima dālima = dāḍima, Amar. 13.

dālbhya dālbhya, i. e. dalbha, the name of a Ṛṣi, + ya, patronym. A descendant of Dalbha, MBh. 2, 106.

dāva dāva, i. e. du + a, m.
     1. A forest conflagration, MBh. 3, 2608.
     2. A forest, MBh. 1, 8088.

dāvadahanajvālākalāpāya dāvadahanajvālākalāpāya, i. e. dāva-dahana-jvālā-kalāpa + ya, a denomin. Ātm. To resemble the stream of flames of a burning forest, Gīt. 4, 10.

dāś dāś, i. 1, Par.
     1. To worship, Chr. 292, 6 = Rigv. i. 86, 6.
     2. To make oblations.
     3. To bestow.
     4. † ii. 5, Par. To hurt. Ptcple. of the pf. act. dadāśivaṃs, Chr. 297, 20 = Rigv. i. 112, 20, and dāśvaṃs, 292, 12 = Rigv. i. 85, 12.
     1. Pious.
     2. Bestowing, Bhāg. P. 8, 22, 23.

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dāśa dāśa, written also dāsa dāsa,
I. m.
     1. A fisherman, MBh. 1, 4012.
     2. A boatman, MBh. 1, 5875; Man. 8, 408 (with s).
     3. The son of a Niṣāda by an Āgoyava-woman, Man. 10, 34 (with s).
II. f. śī, A fisher-maid.

dāśaratha dāśaratha, i. e.
I. daśaratha, a proper name, + a.
     1. patronym. A descendant of Daśaratha, Rām. 5, 80, 23.
     2. adj. Belonging to Daśaratha, Hariv. 4167.
II. daśan-ratha + a, adj. Ten carriages broad, MBh. 12, 242.

dāśarathi dāśarathi, i. e. daśaratha, see the last, + i, patronym. A descendant of Daśaratha, Rām. 1, 3, 11; 6, 19, 67.

dāśārṇaka dāśārṇaka, i. e. daśārna + a + ka, adj. ṇikā, Referring to the Daśārṇas, e. g., with nṛpa, The king of the Daśārṇas, Chr. 52, 11; with dhātrī, A female servant of this people, Chr. 52, 16.

dāśārha dāśārha, i. e. daśārha + a,
     1. adj., f. , Belonging to Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 2, 84.
     2. m. A name of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 2, 1223.
     3. m. pl. Daśārhas, the people, MBh. 1, 7513.

dāśārhaka dāśārha + ka, m. pl. = Daśārhas, the people, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 29.

dāśeya dāśeya, written also dāseya dāseya, i. e. dāśī + eya, m. and f. , The son, the daughter, of a fisherwoman, MBh. 1, 4015; Chr. 5, 1 (with s).

dāśvaṃs dāśvaṃs, see dāś.

dāsa dāsa, i. e. probably dam + sa,
I. m. A slave, a servant, Man. 4, 253; 8, 416.
II. f. , A female slave, a servant-maid, Man. 9, 48. Cf. dāśa.
-- Comp. a-, m. not being a slave, Man. 10, 32. daṇḍa-, m. one enslaved by punishment, Man. 8, 415. dāsī-, n. sing. and m. pl. male and female slaves, MBh. 13, 2950; 2, 2510. bhakta- (vb. bhaj), m. a slave maintained in consideration of service, Man. 8, 415. śiva-, m. a proper name.

dāsatva dāsa + tva, n. Condition of a slave, Rām. 4, 3, 12.

dāsapravarga dāsa-pra-varga, adj. Comprising a crowd of slaves, Chr. 294, 8 = Rigv. i. 92, 8.

dāsītva dāsī + tva (see dāsa), n. The condition of a female slave, MBh. 1, 1088.

dāseraka dāseraka (s probably erroaeously for ś, cf. daśeraka), i. e. daśeraka + a, m.
     1. A camel, Pañc. 87, 8.
     2. pl. The name of a people, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 14, 26.

dāsya dāsya, i. e. dāsa + ya, n.
     1. Servitude, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 11.
     2. Service, Man. 8, 410.

dāsvant dāsvant (vb. 1. , cf. bhā and bhās), adj., f. vatī, Liberal, Chr. 287, 1 = Rigv. i. 48, 1.

dāha dāha, i. e. dah + a, m.
     1. Burning, Man. 4, 115.
     2. Conflagration, Rām. 1, 3, 31.
     3. Cauterising, Suśr. 1, 47, 8.
     4. Feverish heat, Suśr. 1, 34, 16.
-- Comp. antar-, m. inward heat, Rām. 2, 85, 17.

dāhaka dāhaka, i. e. dah + aka, adj., f. hikā, Setting on fire, an incendiary, Yājñ. 2, 282.

dāhana dāhana, i. e. dah, Caus. + ana, n. Causing to be consumed by fire, MBh. 1, 403.

dāhin dāhin, i. e. dah + in, adj., f. .
     1. Setting on fire, Man. 3, 158.
     2. Burning, Suśr. 2, 213, 16.
     3. Paining, Bhartṛ. 2, 97.

digambara digambara, i. e. diś-ambara,
I. adj., f. , Naked, Pañc. v. d. 14.
II. m. An ascetic, Prab. 46, 5.

digambaratva digambara + tva, n. Nakedness, Kumāras. 5, 27.

diti diti, f. One of the wives of Kaśyapa and mother of the Daityas, MBh. 1, 2520.

ditija diti-ja, and ditinandana diti-nandana, m. A Daitya or demon, MBh. 13, 971; Bhāg. P. 8, 10, 3.

ditsā ditsā, i. e. ditsa, desider. of 1. dā, + a, f. Wish to give, Rājat. 3, 252.

ditsu ditsu, i. e. ditsa, desider. of 1. dā, + u, (and diditsu diditsu, MBh. 5, 187), adj. Willing, ready to give, MBh. 1, 1733.
-- Comp. a-, adj. one who will not give, Man. 9, 118.

didṛkṣā didṛkṣā, i. e. didṛkṣa, desider. of dṛś, + a, f. Wish to see, Kir. 5, 1.
-- Comp. jāta-gīta-didṛkṣa, adj., f. ṣā, desirous to see the singer, Rājat. 5, 357.

didṛkṣu didṛkṣu, i. e. didṛkṣa, desider. of dṛś, + u, adj.
     1. Desirous to see, Chr. 35, 11.
     2. Desirous of inspecting, Man. 8, 1.

didhakṣā didhakṣā, i. e. didhakṣa, desider. of dah, + a, f. The desire to consume by fire, MBh. 1, 8363.

didhakṣu didhakṣu, i. e. didhakṣa, desider. of dah, + u, adj. Desirous to consume by fire, MBh. 1, 8090; to destroy, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 35.

didhiṣu didhiṣu, i. e. didhiṣa, old desider. of dhā, + u,
I. m. A husband, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 34.
II. f. ṣū, A widow married to the brother of her deceased husband, Man. 3, 173.
-- Comp. agre-didhiṣū, f. a younger sister married before her elder one, Man. 3, 160.

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dina dina, i. e. div + an + a, m. and n. Day, Man. 11, 144.
-- Comp. adya-, the present day, Pañc. 186, 23. dus-,
I. n. 1. a cloudy day. Hariv. 7856. 2. rain, rainy weather, Rām. 3, 73, 13.
II. adj. clouded, Rām. 6, 90, 90. vāṣpa-dus-dina, adj. clouded by tears, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 16. hima-dus-, n. wintry weather, winter. su-, n. a fine day, fine weather.

dinvdinv, i. 1, Par. To please, to be pleased.
-- Cf. jinv.

dipdip, i. 1, Par. To drop, v. r. of tip.

dimpdimp, and dimbh dimbh, i. 10, Ātm. To accumulate. dimbh, i. 10, Par. To cast.

dilīpa dilīpa, m. The name of a king, and ancestor of Rāma, Rām. 1, 43, 2.

div 1. div, i. 4, dīvya, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm. MBh. 4, 533),
     1. To play at dice, MBh. 3, 2260.
     2. To play, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 2.
     3. With the instrumental and dat. of the stake, MBh. 2, 2061; 4, 533.
     4. To shine, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 22.
     5. † To praise.
     6. † To be glad.
     7. † To be mad.
     8. † To be sleepy.
     9. † To desire. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dyūta, n.
     1. Gaming with inanimate things, Man. 9, 221.
     2. Game at dice, Nal. 9, 2.
     3. Battle, MBh. 7, 1350.
     4. The prize of a combat, MBh. 7, 3996. Comp. dus-, n. a wicked game, MBh. 4, 532. muṣṭi-, n. a kind of game, odd or even. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. devitavya, To be played at dice, MBh. 2, 2493. n. Game at dice, 5, 894.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To lose at play, MBh. 2, 2041.
-- With pra pra, To play, MBh. 8, 4210.
-- With prati prati, To throw dice in one's turn, MBh. 5, 137.
-- With vi vi, To lose at play, MBh. 2, 2384.

div 2. div, i. 1 and 10, Par. † To pain. i. 10, Par. † To beg. i. 10, Ātm. To suffer pain.
-- With the prep. pari pari, i. 1, Par. and Ātm. (see dev), To lament, Hariv. 3687. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. paridyūna, Miserable, MBh. 5, 3175. Caus. and i. 10, Ātm. devaya, To lament, Rām. 2, 40, 37. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. paridevita, Miserable, MBh. 4, 807. n. Lamentation, MBh. 1, 6199.

div 3. div, the base of many cases is dyu, of the nom. and voc. sing. dyo (m. ved. and), f.
     1. Heaven, Man. 8, 86.
     2. Day, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 21, 8.
     3. Splendour, Bhāg. 3, 8, 23.
-- Cf. [greek] (= dyaus), [greek] (= divas), [greek] (cf. a-dya, Lat. hodie), [greek] cf. Lat. jam, dum, du-dum, etc.; Lat. dies, Ju-piter, Jovis, etc.; O.H.G. zies-tac; A.S. tiwes daeg.

diva 1. div + a, n.
     1. Heaven, MBh. 3, 11746.
-- Cf. tri-, n. Heaven (perhaps properly the third, the most holy heaven), Man. 9, 253.

divaṃgama divaṃgama, i. e. diva + m-gama, adj.
     1. Rising to heaven, MBh. 4, 1526.
     2. Leading to heaven, 3, 11135.

divasa divasa, i. e. 1. div + as + a, m. and n. Day, Sāv. 4, 2.
-- Comp. ardha-, m. noon, Rām. 1, 36, 6. dus-, m. a cloudy day, Pañc. i. d. 189.

divaspati div + as-pati, m. A name of Indra, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 32.

divā div + ā, originally instr. of div, adv.
     1. By day, Man. 4, 50.
-- Cf. Lat. diu, du-dum, and divātana.

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divātana divā + tana, adj., f. , Diurnal, Kumāras. 4, 46.
-- Cf. Lat. diutinus.

divāśayatā divāśaya + tā, i.e. divā-śī + a + tā, f. Sleeping by day, Rājat. 5, 252.

divigata div + i-gata (vb. yam), adj. Being in heaven, Hariv. 5150.

divicārin div + i-cārin, adj. Celestial, Rām. 5, 2, 14.

divija div + i-ja, m. A deity, Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 6.

diviṣad diviṣad, i. e. div + i-sad, m. A deity, Lass. 66, 3.

diviṣṭi diviṣṭi, i. e. div-iṣṭi, f. Sacrifice, Chr. 288, 9 = Rigv. i. 48, 9.

diviṣṭha diviṣṭha, i. e. div + i-stha, and divistha div + i-stha, adj., f. ṭhā, thā, Dwelling in heaven, MBh. 1, 2340; Bhāg. P. 4, 23, 22

divispṛś div + i-spṛś, adj. Touching heaven, Nal. 12, 37.

divispṛśant div + i-spṛśant (pres. ptcple. of spṛś), Touching heaven, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 22.

divodāsa divodāsa, i. e. div + as-dāsa, m. A proper name, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14.

divaukasa divaukasa, i. e. diva-okas + a, m. A deity, Hariv. 11884.

divya div + ya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Celestial, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3.
     2. Divine, Bhag. 11, 8 (prophetic).
     3. Magical, Bhartṛ. 2, 18.
     4. Brilliant, Rām. 1, 4, 26.
II. n.
     1. An ordeal, Yājñ. 2, 22.
     2. Oath, Hit. 133, 3.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. divus.

divyaka divya + ka, m. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 19.

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divyatā divya + tā, f. Divine nature, Kathās. 6, 82.

diś 1. diś, i. 6, Par., Ātm.
     1. To show, to produce, Man. 8, 57.
     2. To denote, Rām. 3, 30, 14.
     3. To give, Ṛt. 6, 34.
     4. To command, Kir. 5, 28. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. diṣṭa.
     1. Shown, Bhaṭṭik. 2, 32.
     2. Determined, MBh. 3, 8847; with gati, Death, Rām. 2, 30, 40. n.
     1. Command, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 1.
     2. Fate, MBh. 14, 1551. Comp. pūrva-, n. fate, Bhāg. P. 6, 17, 17. Caus. deśaya,
     1. To point out, Rām. 3, 78, 13.
     2. To order, MBh. 4, 670.
     3. To govern, Rām. 2, 61, 34 Gorr.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To assign to, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 19.
     2. To promise, 4, 9, 26.
-- With anu anu, To order, Rām. 6, 89, 21. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. ekānudiṣṭa, i. e. eka-, n. obsequies to a single ancestor, Man. 4, 111.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To state, Man. 8, 54.
     2. To denounce, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 4.
     3. To pretend, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 19.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To design, MBh. 3, 16189.
     2. To name, Bhāg. P. 5, 4, 9.
     3. To name falsely, Rām. 3, 54, 24.
     4. To pretend, MBh. 13, 1458.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To aim at, MBh. 7, 1234.
     2. To assign to, Rām. 4, 41, 7.
     3. To mark, Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 7.
     4. To show, Bhāg. P. 8, 32, 5.
     5. To teach, Man. 4, 80.
     6. To design, Bhāg. P. 8, 22, 4.
     7. To order, prescribe, Rām. 5, 38, 19; Man. 11, 192 (193).
     8. To banish, Kathās. 2, 19.
     9. To undertake, Rām. 2, 52, 65 (a vow).
     10. To try, MBh. 3, 11986. ādiṣṭa, n. Command, Lass. 67, 13. Caus.
     1. To point out, Mṛcch. 138, 4.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To assign to, MBh. 1, 7239.
     2. To declare, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 29.
     3. To order, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 7.
-- With nirā nis-ā, To pay, Man. 8, 162.
-- With pratyā prati-ā,
     1. To prescribe, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 22.
     2. To advise, Rām. 5, 81, 4.
     3. To report again, MBh. 3, 14717.
     4. To summon, Hit. 71, 16.
     5. To countermand, Vikr. 56, 1.
     6. To decline, Śāk. 73, 3.
     7. To overcome, MBh. 14, 2460.
-- With vyā vi-ā,
     1. To assign to, MBh. 14, 1921.
     2. To teach, Prab. 107, 5.
     3. To order, MBh. 1, 7689.
     4. To declare, Mālav. 69, 13 v. r.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To assign to, Man. 1, 91.
     2. To declare, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 1.
     3. To teach, Kām. Nītis. 15, 2.
     4. To determine, Rām. 1, 8, 14.
     5. To order, Arj. 3, 10. Caus. To order, Pañc. 171, 8.
-- With pratisamā prati-sam-ā,
     1. To answer, Daśak. 124, 3.
     2. To order, Rām. 5, 24, 35.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To point out, Rām. 2, 56, 4.
     2. To defy, Śāk. 94, 1.
     3. To predict, Śāk. 71, 11.
     4. To denote, Mārk. P. 26, 17.
     5. To teach, Bhartṛ. 2, 54. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. eka-uddiṣṭa, n. Obsequies to a single ancestor, Man. 4, 110. Absol. uddiśya,
     1. Against, on, Rām. 3, 50, 17.
     2. To, Rām. 1, 33, 17; 3, 2, 14.
     3. For, Rām. 1, 13, 31.
     4. In remembrance of, Rājat. 5, 120.
     5. On account of, Kathās. 2, 17.
     6. In the name of, Rām. 1, 80, 21 Gorr.
     7. Referring to, Bhartṛ. 1, 56. Repeated uddiśyoddiśya, To one (this) -- to another (that), MBh. 15, 414.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To mention, Man. 5, 17.
     2. To name, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 47, 52. Absol. samud a,
     1. Against, on, MBh. 1, 4573.
     2. For, MBh. 4, 742; Rām. 2, 15, 34 Gorr.
     3. In remembrance of, MBh. 15, 1094.
     4. With regard to, MBh. 1, 489.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To point out, Rām. 2, 55, 2 Gorr.
     2. To teach, Chr. 22, 16.
     3. To advise, Hit. 57, 1.
     4. To mention, Man. 3, 14.
     5. To name, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 9.
     6. To ordain, Man. 2, 190.
     7. To govern, Kumāras. 1, 2. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. kāla-atyayaupadiṣṭa, Produced too late, the designation of an argument which, however plausible, is precluded by higher evidence, Bhāṣāp. 70.
-- With pratyupa prati-upa, To teach in one's turn, Mālav. d. 5.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To point out, MBh. 3, 2328.
     2. To assign to, Rām. 3, 45, 18.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To point to, Śāk. 63, 10.
     2. To assigu to, Rām. 1, 15, 18 Gorr.
     3. To declare, Man. 3, 199.
     4. To denounce, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 23.
     5. To determine, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 22.
     6. To mention, Man. 7, 144; with parigaṇanayā, To number, Megh. 22.
     7. To order, Man. 11, 146.
     8. To advise, Hit. iii. d. 39. a-nirdiṣṭa, adj. Allowed (by the Veda), Man. 5, 11.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis,
     1. To point to, Rām. 3, 63, 15.
     2. To determine, MBh. 12, 6991.
     3. To call, Man. 10, 20.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To direct, Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 8.
     2. To determine, Bhāg. P. 7, 11, 35.
     3. To declare, Yājñ. 2, 111.
     4. To order, Rām. 5, 37, 32.
-- With pari pari, paridiṣṭa, Known, MBh. 3, 12497.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To show, MBh. 3, 2209.
     2. To declare, Bhag. 8, 28.
     3. To ordain, MBh. 12, 7050.
     4. To impel, Rām. 3, 66, 9.
     5. To assign to, Rām. 1, 14, 13.
     6. To grant, MBh. 1, 6472 (i. 4, Par.). Caus. To impel, MBh. 3, 2727.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, Caus. To impel, Rām. 2, 32, 6.
-- With prati prati, Caus. To teach, MBh. 12, 13943.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To assign to, Rām. 1, 22, 29.
     2. To promise, Yājñ. 2, 232.
     3. To declare, MBh. 5, 7534.
     4. To order, Rām. 2, 52, 59. Caus. To invite to speak, MBh. 14, 458.
-- With pratimam prati-sam,
     1. To give an order in one's turn, Rām. 6, 98, 37.
     2. To give an order, MBh. 1, 748.
-- Cf. [greek] (frequent. with inchoat. [greek] for + [greek]; Lat. in-dicare, ju-dex, dicere, perhaps dignus (but cf. yaśas); Goth. teihan, A. S. tihian, tihhan, O. H. G. zeigon; A. S. taecan; probably Goth. taikns, A. S. tácn, tácen, taecan'; O. H. G. zīt (for zig + ti); A. S. tiid. tíd; O. H. G. zeinjan.

diś 2. diś, f.
     1. A region, or quarter, or point of the compass, Pañc. ii. d. 64.
     2. pl. The parts of the earth, Sund. 2, 26.
     3. pl. Different directions, Rām. 1, 55, 22; 2, 106, 27; repeated tiśo-diśas (The one) hither -- (the other) thither, Pañc. 129, 20; also sing. (but with sarvatas), Nal. 16, 5.
     4. There are variously reckoned four, eight, or ten quarters of the world, Kathās. 15, 137; Man. 1, 13; MBh. 1, 729.
     5. The number ten, Śrut. 36.
     6. A foreign country, Yājñ. 2, 254.
     7. The name of a river, MBh. 6, 327.
-- Comp. vi-, f. an intermediate point of the compass.

diśa -diś + a, a substitute for diś when latter part of comp. adv.; see yathādiśam, yathābhīṣṭadiśam.

diśā diś + ā, f. A quarter or point of the compass, MBh. 4, 1716.

diśobhāga diśobhāga, i. e. diś + as-bhāga, adj. One who betakes himself to his heels, Pañc. 232, 16.

diṣṭi diṣṭi, i. e. diś + ti, f. used only in the instr. diṣṭyā, implying joy or auspiciousness, Thank heaven ! Sāv. 6, 23.
-- Cf. diś.

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dih dih, ii. 2, Par., Ātm. To smear. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. digdha,
     1. Smeared, Man. 3, 132.
     2. Anointed, Rām. 3, 42, 39. m. A poisoned arrow, Man. 7, 90; Rām. 2, 114, 33 Gorr.
-- With the prep. ā ā, ādigdha,
     1. Smeared, MBh. 6, 4384.
     2. Anointed, 7, 4386.
-- With upa upa, upadigdha, Overlaid, Suśr 2, 376, 11.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To smear, Bhag. 2, 5.
     2. To anoint, Suśr. 1, 42. 19.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To smear, MBh. 8, 3161.
     2. To cover, Vikr. d. 43. Pass. To be dubious, Rām. 5, 18, 17. saṃdigdha,
     1. Poisoned (?), Daśak. in Chr. 197, 2.
     2. Indistinct, MBh. 1, 6565.
     3. Dubious, uncertain, Pañc. i. d. 196.
     4. Desponding, Rām. 1, 66, 25. a-saṃdigdha + m, adv. Undoubtedly, Pañc. 241, 8. nis-saṃdigdha, adj. Certain, MBh. 13, 3528. °dham, adv. Undoubtedly, MBh. 12, 7809.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. tingere, [greek] Lat. fingo, figulus; O. H. G. ziagal; A. S. tigel, tigul; Goth. deigaṇ, ga-dikis, daigs; A. S. díc, deag.

1. (cf. ḍī), i. 4, Par. To soar, to fly (ved.).
-- Cf. probably [greek] perhaps [greek]

2. , anomal. ii. 3, dīdī, Par., Ātm. To shine (ved.).
-- Cf. [greek] probably also [greek]

3. , i. 4, Ātm. To waste, to go to ruin. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dīna,
     1. Scanty (ved.).
     2. Afflicted, wretched, Man. 9, 238. Comp. a-dina, joyful. paridīna, much afflicted. sa-dīna + m, adv. lamentably.

dīkṣ dīkṣ (originally a desider. of dakṣ), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To hallow one's self, to prepare one's self for a sacred act.
     2. † To be shaved.
     3. † To perform a sacrifice.
     4. † To initiate.
     5. † To restrain one's self.
     6. † To declare a vow. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dīkṣita,
     1. Prepared for a sacrifice, Man. 8, 360.
     2. Initiated, MBh. 13, 918.
     3. Ready, MBh. 2, 2514. Caus. dīkṣaya,
     1. To initiate, Par. and Ātm., MBh. 14, 2110; 2, 1247.
     2. To determine, MBh. 5, 5648.

dīkṣaṇa dīkṣaṇa, i. e. dīkṣ + ana, n. Consecration, MBh. 14, 2092.

dīkṣā dīkṣ + ā, f.
     1. Consecration, MBh. 1, 8135.
     2. Undergoing religious observances, engaging in a course of austerities, Rām. 1, 32, 4.
     3. Religious observances, Man. 6, 29.
     4. Devotion, Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 29.
-- Comp. yathā-dīkṣa + m, adv. according to the religious observances, MBh. 14, 1270.

dīdhiti dīdhiti, i. e. dīdhī + ti, f.
     1. A ray of light, a sun or moonbeam, MBh. 3, 188; Prab. 94, 6.
     2. Light, Pañc. i. d. 369; Mārk. P. 18, 19.
     3. Splendour (?), Bhartṛ. 2, 22.
-- Comp. sita- and hima-, m. the moon, Śiś. 9, 29.

dīdhī dīdhī (akin to ), ii. 2, Ātm. To shine (ved.).

dīnakam dīna + ka + m (see 3. ), adv. Miserably, Arj. 10, 64.

dīnāra dīnāra (borrowed from [greek]), m. A coin, Pañc. 174, 17.

dīp dīp (originally a Causal of ), i. 4, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 13984).
     1. To blaze, Rām. 5, 50, 5.
     2. To shine, MBh. 5, 7322. dīpta,
     1. Blazing, Bhag. 11, 17.
     2. Hot, Man. 3, 133.
     3. Radiant, MBh. 5, 7040.
     4. Illuminated by the sun, opposite to the sun, inauspicious, Draup. 6, 3; Hariv. 9702.
     5. Clear, MBh. 3, 16603. Caus. dīpaya,
     1. To kindle, Bhag. 4, 27.
     2. To excite, Śiś. 9, 42.
     3. To illuminate, Kir. 5, 2.
     4. To make illustrious, MBh. 5, 1069. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. adīpita, Not illuminated, Kir. 5, 48. Frequent. dedīpya (Par., MBh. 7, 8138),
     1. To be all in flame, MBh. 3, 15588.
     2. To be very radiant, MBh. 3, 2146.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atidīpta (rather dīpta with ati), Blazing violently, Rām. 5, 50, 8.
-- With abhi abhi, To shine towards, Hariv. 7501.
-- With ā ā, ādīpta,
     1. Blazing, Ṛt. 6, 19.
     2. Burning, MBh. 15, 1081. Caus. To kindle, Rām. 2, 89, 16.
-- With vyā vi-ā, Caus. To illuminate completely, MBh. 7, 7296.
-- With ud ud, Caus.
     1. To kindle, Hariv. 5521.
     2. To excite, Bhāg. P. 8, 7, 11.
     3. To illuminate, Mārk. P. 49, 11.
-- With samud sam-ud, Caus. To inflame, Rām. 4, 26, 14.
-- With upa upa, Caus. To kindle, set on fire, MBh. 3, 10230; 1, 5828.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To boil up, MBh. 12, 2036 (Par.).
     2. To be completely radiant, MBh. 7, 2237.
-- With pra pra, pradīpta,
     1. Blazing, Rām. 1, 54, 22.
     2. Kindled (as anger), MBh. 3, 2374.
     3. Shining, Ṛt. 1, 27.
     4. Illuminated, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 9. Caus.
     1. To set on fire, kindle, MBh. 1, 5600; 13, 4037. 2. To inflame, Rām. 3, 69, 21.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, saṃpradīpta, Blazing, Rām. 5, 52, 13. Caus. To kindle, MBh. 7, 7237.
-- With prati prati, pratidīpta, Flaming towards, Hariv. 13155.
-- With vi vi, To shine, MBh. 7, 7322; vidīpta, Shining, MBh. 12, 8332. Caus.
     1. To illuminate, MBh. 8, 1488.
     2. To inflame, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 46.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, Caus. To set on fire, MBh. 14, 2033.
-- With sam sam, To blaze, Hariv. 3539; saṃdīpta,
     1. Burnag, Bhartṛ. 3. 26.
     2. Flaming, MBh. 5, 7205. Caus.
     1. To kindle, set on fire, Pañc. 97, 25; MBh. 1, 8366.
     2. To excite, MBh. 5, 2801.

dīpa dīp + a, m. A lamp, Bhāg. 6, 19.
-- Comp. nirvāṇa-, m. an extinguished lamp, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1610. nṛpa-, m. a king like a lamp, Pañc. i. d. 251.

dīpaka dīp + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Inflaming, Pañc. iii. d. 27.
     2. Illuminating, Pañc. 190, 2.
II. m. A lamp, Bhartṛ. 1, 55.
III. f. pikā, A lamp, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 4.
-- Comp. śarvarī-, m. the lamp of the night (epithet of the moon), Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2968.

dīpana dīp + ana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Inflaming, MBh. 1, 8455.
     2. Exciting, Ṛt. 1, 3.
II. n.
     1. Setting on fire, Pañc. 194, 12.
     2. Burning, Daśak. in Śhr. 181, 21.
     3. Exciting, or promoting digestion, Suśr. 1, 152, 8. - Comp. anala-, adj. promoting digestion, Suśr. 1, 200, 14.

dīpanīya dīpanīya, i. e. dīpana + īya, adj. Promoting digestion, Suśr. 1, 177, 17.

dīpti dīp + ti, f. Splendour, Rām. 1, 7, 18.
-- Comp. gṛha-, f. being the splendour of the house, Man. 9, 26.

dīptimant dīpti + mant, adj., f. matī, Radiant, Indr. 1, 35.

dīpra dīp + ra, adj. Shining, Kathās. 135.

dīrgha dīrgha, i. e. dṛh (for original dargh), + a,
I. adj., f. ghā Long, applied either to space or time, Rām, 5, 17, 28; 3, 68, 36; °gham, adv. 2, 62, 3; comparat. dīrghatara, Pañc. 209, 1; and drāghīyaṃs; superl. dīrghatama, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 44, and drāghiṣṭha.
II. m. A long vessel, Man, 2, 33.
-- Comp. su-, adj. very long.
-- Cf. [greek]

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dīrghatā dīrgha + tā, f., and dīrghatva dīrgha + tva, n. Length, Suśr. 1, 117, 18; Bhāg. P. 7, 7, 16.

dīrghadarśitā dīrghadarśitā, i. e. dīrgha-darśin + tā, and dīrghadarśitva dīrghadarśitva, i. e. dīrgha-darśin + tva, n. Longsightedness, providence, Kām. Nītis. 8, 10; 4, 8.

dīrghasaṃdhyatva dīrgha-saṃdhya + tva (see saṃdhyā), n. The continued repetition of the twilight prayer, Man. 4, 94.

dīrghasūtratā dīrgha-sūtra + tā, f. *Irresolution, dilatoriness. MBh. 2, 241.
-- Comp. a-, f. Resoluteness, Kām. Nītis. 8, 8.

dīrghasūtrin dīrghasūtrin, i. e. dīrgha-sūtra + in, adj. Irresolute, dilatory, Bhag. 18, 28.

dīrghikā dīrghikā, i. e. dīrgha + ka, f. An oblong pond, MBh. 1, 5004. -Comp. sura-, f. the Gaṅgā of heaven.

du 1. du, ii. 5, Par. (also Ātm., MBh. 1, 3289), i. 4, dūya, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 4, 591).
     1. To burn morally or figuratively, to be in pain, MBh. 3, 10069; Gīt. 3, 9; MBh. 3, 1371.
     2. To burn, to afflict, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 9. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
     1. dūna, Suffering pain, Gīt. 8, 7.
     2. duta, Tormented, Śiś. 6, 59.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To grieve, MBh. 1, 3289 (ii. 5, Atm.).
-- With pari pari,
     1. To burn violently, MBh. 6, 5779.
     2. To suffer pain, Rām. 2, 35, 34.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To be consumed by fire, MBh. 13, 1800 (i. 4).
     2. To torment, Suśr. 1, 18, 5 (ii. 5).
-- With vi vi, To suffer pain, MBh. 1, 3289 (ii. 5, Ātm.); 2171 (i. 4, Par.).
-- Cf. dāva, [greek]

[Page 405a] [greek] etc., probably also [greek]

du † 2. du, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

duḥkhduḥkh, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To give pain.

duḥkha duḥkha (properly duṣkha duṣkha), i. e. dus-kha,
I. n. Pain, Man. 1, 26; Yājñ. 2, 218. Instr. °khena, With difficulty, Pañc. iii. d. 263.
II. adj., f. khā.
     1. Painful, unpleasant, Hariv. 12661; Rām. 2, 28, 7.
     2. Difficult, Bhag. 18, 8. °kham, adv. Scarcely, hardly, Rām. 2, 53, 6; Śāk. d. 172.
-- Comp. a-, adj. propitious, Rām. 4, 22, 2. antar-, adj. afflicted, Kathās. 18, 256. sama-, adj. sympathising. su-duṣkha, adj. abounding in pain, Chr. 10, 8.

duḥkhatā duḥkha + tā, f. Discomfort, Rām. 2, 27, 23.

duḥkhākara duḥkhākara, i. e. duḥkha-kara, adj. Afflicting, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 10.

duḥkhāya duḥkhāya a denomin. derived from duḥkha by ya, Par. To suffer pain, Mālav. d. 78.

duḥkhita duḥkhita, i. e. duḥkha + ita, adj.
     1. Pained, Man. 9, 288.
     2. Afflicted, Pañc. 43, 8.
-- Comp. ati-duṣkhita, adj. very afflicted, Rājat. 5, 246. su-, adj. The same, Chr. 12, 24.

duḥkhīya duḥkhīya, a denomin. derived from duḥkha by ya, Par. To suffer pain, Hit. ii. d. 55.

duḥp° duḥp°, see duṣp°.

duḥśodha duḥśodha, i. e. dus-śudh + a, adj. Difficult to be cleansed.

duḥsaṃpāda duḥsaṃpāda, i. e. dus-sam-pad + a, adj. Difficult to be attained, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 11.

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duḥsaha duḥsaha, i. e. dus-sah + a,
I. adj., f. , Insupportable, Man. 12, 76.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2447.
III. f. , A name of Śrī, MBh. 12, 8154.

duḥstha duḥstha, i. e. dus-stha, adj., f. thā.
     1. Insecure, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 35.
     2. Miserable, 4, 11, 21.

dukūla dukūla,
I. m. A certain plant, Hariv. 12680.
II. n.
     1. Very fine cloth, Hariv. 7041.
     2. A garment, Bhāṣāp. 1.

dugha -dugha, i. e. duh + a,
     1. adj., f. ghā, Milking, yielding, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 3.
II. f. ghā, A milking cow, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 44.
-- Comp. droṇa-, adj., f. ghā, a cow that yields a droṇa of milk, MBh. 12, 951.

duṇḍubha duṇḍubha, m. A kind of lizard, MBh. 7, 6905.
-- Cf. ḍuṇḍubha.

dudhukṣu dudhukṣu, i. e. dudhukṣa, desiderat. of duh, + u, adj. Wishing to milk, MBh. 7, 2409.

dudhrakṛt dudhrakṛt (the first part is akin to dhu, the last is kṛ + t), adj. Impetuous, Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.

dundubhi dundubhi, perhaps dundubh, a dialectical form of a frequentat. of tubh, + i,
I. m. and f. bhī, A kettle-drum, Rām. 2, 91, 25; MBh. 3, 786.
II. m. A name of Kriṣṇa, MBh. 12, 1511.

duradhiga duradhiga, i. e. dus-adhi-ga, adj. Hard to be attained, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 8.

duranta duranta, i. e. dus-anta, adj. Miserable, Śhāṇ. 97, in Berl. Monatsb. (in daranta-devaḥ kimu sarvam āstām, [Ganeśa] is an unhappy deity, how much more all [other creatures] ! Enough).

duravāpa duravāpa, i. e. dus-ava-āp + a, adj., f. , Hard to be attained, MBh. 7, 727.

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durācara durācara, i. e. dus-ā-car + a, adj., f. .
     1. Hard to be practised, MBh. 12, 656.
     2. Difficult to be cured, Suśr. 2, 361, 9.

durātmatā durātmatā, i. e. dus-ātman + tā, f. Wickedness, MBh. 1, 2010.

durātmavant durātmavant, i. e. dus-ātman + vant, adj., f. vatī, Wicked, MBh. 1, 2017.

durādhara durādhara, i. e. dus-ā-dhṛ + a, adj.
     1. Difficult to be attained, MBh. 1, 7302.
     2. Irresistible, MBh. 8, 1523.

durādharṣa durādharṣa, i. e. dus-ā-dhṛṣ + a, adj., f. ṣā.
     1. Difficult to be attacked, Rām. 1, 30, 2.
     2. Dangerous, MBh. 1, 3381.

durānama durānama, i. e. dus-ā-nam + a, adj. Hard to bend (as a bow), Rām. 1, 77, 15 Gorr.

durāpa durāpa, i. e. dus-āp + a, adj., f. .
     1. Hard to be attained, Man. 11, 238.
     2. Hard to be overcome, MBh. 4, 909.

durāpādana durāpādana, dus-ā-pad, Caus., + ana, adj. Hard to be brought about, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 42.

durāpūra durāpūra, i. e. dus-ā-pūr + a, adj. Hard to be satisfied, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 8.

durārihan durārihan, i. e. dus-ari-han (ā on account of the metre), adj. Slaying the wicked enemies, MBh. 13, 7032.

durāvāra durāvāra, i. e. dus-ā-vṛ + a, adj.
     1. Difficult to be filled up, Rām. 2, 105, 23.
     2. Difficult to be stopped, MBh. 7, 1480.

durāsada durāsada, i. e. dus-ā-sad + a,
     1. adj., f. .
     1. Difficult to be approached, Rām. 3, 69, 16.
     2. Difficult to be met with, Rām. 1, 18, 2.
II. m. A sword, MBh. 12, 6203.

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durāsaha durāsaha, i. e. dus-ā-sah + a, adj. Difficult to be accomplished, Arj. 10, 58.

durutsaha durutsaha, i. e. dus-ud-sah + a, adj.
     1. Difficult to be borne, MBh. 13, 4392.
     2. Difficult to be resisted, MBh. 5, 3305.

durupalakṣa durupalakṣa, i. e. dus-upa-lakṣ + a, adj. Difficult to be perceived, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 18.

durodara durodara,
I. m.
     1. A diceplayer, MBh. 2, 2000.
     2. A dice-box, MBh. 8, 3763.
II. n. Game at dice, MBh. 2, 1978.

durga durga, i. e. dus-ga,
I. adj., f. . Almost impassable or inaccessible, Man. 4, 77; 7, 70.
II. m. The name of an Asura, Hariv. 9426.
III. f. , The wife of Śiva, MBh. 4, 178.
IV. n. (also m., Rām. 4, 47, 3),
     1. A difficult passage, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 6.
     2. Distress, Man. 3, 98.
     3. A strong-hold, Man. 7, 29.
-- Comp. giri-, adj. Almost inaccessible on account of surrounding mountains, Man. 7, 70.

durgatatā durgatatā, i. e. dus-gata + tā (vb. gam), f. Misery, Pañc. i. d. 297.

durgatā durga + tā,
     1. Difficulty of being crossed, Rām. 4, 27, 16.

durgāhyatva durgāhyatva, i. e. dus-gāhya + tva (vb. gāh), n. Unfathomableness, Pañc. i. d. 317, v. r.

durgṛbhīya durgṛbhīya, a denomin. derived from ved. durgṛbhi, i. e. dus-grah + i, by ya, Ātm. To be difficult to catch, Lass. 98, 12 = Rigv. v. 9, 4.

durjanāya durjanāya, a denomin. derived from dus-jana by ya, Ātm To become wicked, Pañc. i. d. 5.

durjara durjara, i. e. dus-jṛ10 + a, adj.
     1. Difficult to be digested, Suśr. 1, 179, 15.
     2. Hard, Rājat. 5, 19.

durdarśatā durdarśatā, i. e. dus-darśa + tā, f. Loathesomeness; with , To become disgusting, MBh. 8, 861.

durdṛśa durdṛśa, i. e. dus-dṛś + a, adj.
     1. Difficult to be looked at, MBh. 7, 1470.
     2. Difficult to be met with, MBh. 10, 83 (read durdṛśau).
     3. Disgusting, MBh. 1, 568.

durdaivavant durdaivavant, i. e. dus-daiva + vant, adj., f. vatī, Unhappy, Hit. 123, 16.

durdharṣatā durdharṣatā, i. e. dus-dharṣa + tā, f. Difficulty of being touched, MBh. 12, 9135.

durdharṣatva durdharṣatva, i. e. dus dharṣa + tva, n. Difficulty of being conquered, Bhāg. P. 9, 15, 18.

durnirīkṣa durnirīkṣa, i. e. dus-nis-īkṣ + a, adj.
     1. Difficult to be looked at or seen, MBh. 2, 947; Hariv. 6616.

durbalatā durbalatā, i. e. dus-bala + tā, f. Weakness, Pañc. 224, 2.

durbhagatva durbhagatva, i. e. dus-bhaga + tva, n. Misfortune, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 6.

durbhida durbhida, i. e. dus-bhid + a, adj., f. .
     1. Difficult to be torn asunder, MBh. 7, 1514.
     2. Difficult to be destroyed, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 15.

durmara durmara, dus-mṛ + a,
I. adj. Not easily dying, MBh. 16, 153.
II. n. A hard death, MBh. 14, 2364.

durmaratva durmara + tva, n. A hard death, MBh. 8, 21.

durmarṣa durmarṣa, i. e. dus-mṛṣ + a,
I. adj., f. ṣā.
     1. Insupportable, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 18.
     2. Hostile, 6, 14, 43.
II. m. A name of the demon Bali, 8, 10, 32.

durmedhastva durmedhastva, i. e. dus -medhas + tva, n. Foolishness, Suśr. 1, 313, 1.

duryodhana duryodhana (see the next), m. The eldest of the Kuru princes, MBh. 1, 2728.

duryodhanatā duryodhana + tā, i. e. dus-yudh + ana + tā, f. Difficulty of being attacked, MBh. 4, 2103.

durlabha durlabha, i. e. dus-labh + a, adj., f. bhā.
     1. Hard to be attained, Man. 4, 137.
     2. Hard to be found, 7, 22.
     3. Difficult to be saved, Rām. 3, 25, 28.
     4. Difficult, MBh. 3, 1728.
-- Comp. su-, adj. very difficult to be attained, Rām. 3, 53, 46.

durlalitaka durlalitaka, i. e. duslalita + ka (vb. lal), adj. Wayward, Śāk. 103, 4, v. r.

durvdurv, i. 1, dūrva, Par. To hurt.

durvaca durvaca, i. e. dus-vac + a, adj.
     1. Abusing, Rām. 2, 22, 18.
     2. Difficult to be explained, MBh. 14, 570.

durvasa durvasa, i. e. dus-vas + a, adj.
     1. Difficult to dwell, MBh. 4, 93.
     2. Difficult to be passed (as time), MBh. 4, 7.

durvāra durvāra, and durvāraṇa durvāraṇa, i. e. dus-vṛ + a or ana, adj. Difficult to be stopped, irresistible, MBh. 7, 344; Hariv. 14004.

durvida durvida, i. e. dus-vid + a, adj. f. , Difficult to be known, MBh. 1, 5429.

durvibhāṣa durvibhāṣa, i. e. dus-vi-bhāṣ + a, n. Abuse, MBh. 2, 2187.

durvivaktṛ durvivaktṛ, i. e. dus-vi-vac + tṛ, m. One who answers a question wrongly.

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durviśa durviśa, i. e. dus-viś + a, adj., f. śā, Difficult to be trod upon, Rām. 6, 19, 16.

durviṣaha durviṣaha, i. e. dus-vi-sah + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Hard to be borne, insupportable, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 14.
     2. Difficult to be performed, 8, 5, 46.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 6981.

dul dul (a form of tul), i. 10, Par. To raise, to swing, Bhartṛ. 3, 43. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dolita, Made uncertain, Śatr. 14, 197.

duvasya duvasya, a denomin. derived from the ved. duvas by the aff. ya, Par. To honour, Chr. 297, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.

duścaratva duścaratva, i. e. dus-cara + tva, n. Difficulty of practising, Rām. 5, 86, 14.

duścyāva duścyāva, i. e. dus-cyu Caus., + a, adj. Difficult to be felled, MBh. 8, 1506.

duṣ duṣ, i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., perhaps to be read dūṣyate, pass. of the Caus. MBh. 1, 2405),
     1. To be depraved, MBh. 1, 2405.
     2. To be defiled, Man. 9, 318.
     3. To be ruined, Kām. Nītis. 11, 36.
     4. To sin, Man. 5, 32.
     5. To be faulty, Suśr. 2, 214, 15. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. duṣṭa,
     1. Corrapt, Yājñ. 2, 257.
     2. Painful, Pañc. 38, 11.
     3. Wicked, Pañc. 98, 22.
     4. Convicted, Man. 8, 373.
     5. Illaffected against somebody (with gen.), Rām. 2, 92, 16 Gorr.
     6. n. Sin, Hariv. 7760. Comp. a-, adj. innocent. su-, adj. guilty, Rām. 5, 91, 2. vāgd°, i. e. vāc-, m. a rude speaker, Man. 3, 156; a defamer, 8, 345. Caus. dūṣaya,
     1. To hurt, Man. 2, 47; with gen., Rām. 2, 74, 3.
     2. To lav waste, Man. 7, 195.
     3. To defile, Man. 5, 125; 6, 364.
     4. To demoralise, Rājat. 5, 6.
     5. To falsify, MBh. 13, 1683.
     6. To rescind, MBh. 12, 7256.
     7. To blame, MBh. 13, 1469.
     8. To abuse, MBh. 2, 2133.
     9. To accuse, Rām. 1, 59, 20. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dūṣita, Disgraced, Man. 10, 29; deprived of the marks of his order (?) Man. 6, 66 (Kull.). Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-dūṣya, Not to be defiled, MBh. 12, 6072.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To lose courage afterwards, MBh. 5, 4543.
-- With ani abhi, abhiduṣṭa, Defiled, MBh. 13, 1573. Caus. To hurt, Dev. 8 37.
-- With upa upa, To be depraved, Hariv. 11264.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To grow worse (as a disease), Suśr. 1, 83, 16.
     2. To be defiled, MBh. 12, 1237.
     3. To act amiss, Man. 9, 74. praduṣta,
     1. Wicked, MBh. 12, 4540.
     2. Blameable, 1, 3666. Caus.
     1. To defile, Ragh. 11, 25.
     2. To deprave, Rām. 3, 51, 5 (pradūṣita).
     3. To blame, Rām. 1, 61, 21 Gorr.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, Caus. To corrupt, Suśr. 1, 187, 17.
-- With vipra vi-pra, viśduṣṭa, Exceedingly wanton, Man. 11, 176.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To grow worse (as a disease), Suśr. 1, 443, 15.
     2. To become wicked, MBh. 2, 2397. saṃpraduṣṭa, Defiled, Varāh. Bṛh. s. 12, 14.
-- With prati prati, Caus., pratidūṣita in bhāva-, n. Disturbance of mind, Man. 4, 65.
-- With vi vi, Caus.
     1. To defile, Bhāg. P. 2, 2, 37.
     2. To offend, Mārk. P. 34, 47.
     3. To disgrace, Rām. 2, 78, 8 Gorr.
-- With sam sam, To be defiled, MBh. 12, 4009. saṃduṣṭa,
     1. Wicked, Rām. 3, 51, 27.
     2. Ill-affected against somebody, Rām. 2, 91, 11 Gorr. Caus.
     1. To corrupt, Suśr. 1, 286, 12.
     2. To defile, Rām. c, 103, 19.
     3. To expose to shame, Kām. Nītis. 6, 13. samdūṣita, Grown worse (as a disease), Suśr. 2, 413, 1.

duṣkara duṣkara, i. e. dus-kara, adj., f. .
     1. Difficult to be performed, Man. 7, 55.
     2. Difficult to be supported, Rām. 2, 32, 2.
     3. Difficult, MBh. 4, 52.
     4. With following yadi, Scarcely, Rām. 2, 73, 7.

duṣkṛt duṣkṛt, i. e. dus-kṛt, adj. subst. An offender, MBh. 12, 6548.

duṣkh° duṣkh°, see duḥkh°.

duṣṭatā duṣṭa + tā, f. and duṣṭatva duṣṭa + tva, n. Wickedness, Rām. 4, 1, 31; Pañc. 99, 9.

duṣṭara duṣṭara, i. e. dus-tṛ10 + a, adj. Unconquerable, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.

duṣṭi duṣṭi, i. e. duṣ + ti, f. Corruptness, Suśr. 1, 253, 6.

duṣprajñatva duṣprajñatva, i. e. dus prajña + tva, n. Stupidity, Prab. 108, 10.

duṣpratara duṣpratara, i. e. dus-pra-tṛ + a, adj., f. , Difficult to be crossed.

duṣpradharṣa duṣpradharṣa and duṣpradharṣaṇa duṣpradharṣaṇa, i. e. dus-pra-dhṛṣ + a or ana, adj., f. ṣā, ṇā, Difficult to be attacked, Rām. 6, 95, 12; 5, 72, 11.

duṣprasaha duṣprasaha, i. e. dus-pra-sah + a, adj., f. .
     1. Difficult to be supported, irresistible, Ragh. 3, 58.
     2. Terrible, MBh. 12, 3094.

duṣprasāha duṣprasāha, = the last, with ā on account of the metre, Arj. 3, 55.

duṣprāpa duṣprāpa, i. e. dus-pra-āp-a, adj., f. , Difficult to be attained, MBh. 4, 115

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duṣprekṣa duṣprekṣa, i. e. dus-pra-īkṣ + a, adj., f. ṣā, Difficult to be looked at, Rām. 3, 17, 22.

duṣmanta duṣmanta, or duṣyanta duṣyanta, or duṣvanta duṣvanta, m. The name of a prince, the husband of Śakuntalā, MBh. 1, 2801; Hariv. 1701; Rām. 2, 116, 29 Gorr.

dus dus (cf. duṣ), a prefix implying:
     1. Bad, wicked, contemptible, e. g. durvāc, A bad speech, abuse (see vāc); durjana, A wicked persen (see jana); durbuddhi, Having a contemptible intellect, i. e. stupid (see buddhi).
     2. Wrong, e. g. dustarka (see tarka).
     3. Inauspicious, e. g. dustithi (see tithi).
     4. Difficult, e. g. duṣprekṣa.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. tus in tuz-verjan; O.H.G. zur-.

dustyaja dus-tyaj + a, adj., f. , Difficult to be abandoned or resigned, BhāgP. 2, 10, 48; MBh. 1, 3513.
-- Comp. su-, to be risked very unwillingly, Chr. 33, 3.

duh 1. duh (originally dugh, cf. dugha), ii. 2, and i. 4.
I. Par.
     1. To milk, Man. 8, 231; Bhāg. P. 4, 17, 7; to milk out (with two accs.), 4, 18, 18.
     2. To enjoy, Ragh. 1, 26.
     3. To practise from interested motives, MBh. 3, 1165.
     4. To draw something out of anything (with two accs.), MBh. 12, 3305; with acc. and abl., Man, 1, 23.
II. Ātm.
     1. To yield milk or other desired objects, MBh. 1, 6658; 6657 (also i. 4, Par., Bhāg. P. i, 14, 19). Anomal3 pl. of the red. pf. dudūhus, on account of the metre, Bhāg. P. 5, 15, 9. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dugdha,
     1. Milked. Hariv. 79.
     2. Impoverished, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 16.
     3. Collected, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 12. n. Milk. Bhartṛ. 2, 15. Comp. vitta-, n. wealth like milk (as if it were milk), Pañc. i. d. 249. Caus. dohaya,
     1. To cause to yield milk or other desired objects, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 15.
     2. To produce, Man. 2, 77. Desider. dudhukṣa, To wish to milk or to enjoy, Bhartṛ. 2, 38.
-- With the prep. nis nis,
     1. To milk out, to produce, MBh. 2, 76.
     2. To withdraw, Kathās. 16, 83.
-- With sam sam, To milk, to enjoy, MBh. 12, 4384. (i. 4. Par.)
-- Cf. Goth. tiuhan, A. S. teon, teoge, O.H.G. ziuhan; Lat. duco, O.H.G. ziug (gaziug), zaugjan, [greek]

duh † 2. duh, i. 1, Par. To give pain.

duha -duh + a, adj. Yielding (cf. kāmaduha).
-- Comp. dus-, adj., f. , difficult to be milked, MBh. 5, 1128.

duhitṛ duhitṛ, i. e. duh + tṛ, f. A daughter, Man. 2, 215. Anomal. acc. pl. duhitaras, Rām. 3, 20, 28. -- Abstract. tva tva, n. Rām. 1, 44, 38.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. dauhtar; A. S. dohtor.

= 1. du.

dū-, for dus, before following r; cf. dūrakṣya under rakṣ.

dūta dūta,
I. m. A messenger, an envoy, Man. 3, 163.
-- Comp. megha-, The Cloud-messenger, a poem by Kālidāsa.
II. f. ti and ti.
     1. A female messenger, Nal. 21, 35.
     2. A procuress, Lass. 8, 17; Vikr. d. 88.
-- Comp. praśna-dūtī, f. a riddle.

dūtaka dūta + ka,
I. m. A messenger, MBh. 3, 15438.
II. f. tikā.
     1. A procuress, Lass. 24, 14.
     2. A betrayer, Rājat. 6, 362.
-- Comp. yama-, m. 1. a messenger of Yama. 2. a crow.

dūtatva dūta + tva, n. Condition of an envoy, Panc. 24, 5.

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dūtītva dūtī + tva, f. Condition of a procuress, Lass. 44, 4.

dūtya dūtya, i. e. dūta + ya, n., also f. , A message, Hariv. 6180; Kathās. 13, 132.

dūra dūra, adj., f. .
     1. Distant, remote, Kathās. 16, 47.
     2. Long, MBh. 9, 1738. Comparat. davīyaṃs, Bhartṛ. 1, 68; superl. daviṣṭha, Rājat. 4, 365. Acc. °ram, adv.
     1. Far, Rām. 1, 1, 28.
     2. High, Hit. 27, 19.
     3. Deep, Hariv. 14084.
     4. In a high degree, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 7. Instr. °reṇa, adv. Far, Bhartṛ. 1, 80. Abl. °rāt, adv.
     1. From afar, Man. 2, 186.
     2. Far from (with abl.), Man. 4, 151.
     3. In a remote degree, Man. 3, 130 (Kull.) Loc. °re.
     1. Far, Śāk. d. 9.
     2. Far away, MBh. 9, 1737. dūratare, Far from (with abl.), Man. 11, 128 (129). -Comp. a-, adj. near, Lass, 41, 7; abl °rāt, adv. near, Rām. 3, 50, 15; with gen., 2, 92, 17. ati-, °ram, adv. very far, Pañc. 105, 4; °reṇa and °re, adv. the same, Pañc. 51. 15; Rām. 3, 17, 16. kiyaddūra, i. e. kiyant-, adj., acc. °ram, not very far, some little way, Pañc. 229, 20; loc. s. re, how far, Pañc. 52, 4. vi-,
I. adj. very far.
II. m. the name of a mountain (vidūrādri i. e. vidūra-adri). a-vi, adj. not very far; °rāt, adv. near, Rām. 3, 48, 19. su-, adj. very distant; °ram, adv. in a very high degrec, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 3.

dūraga dūra-ga, adj. Being far, Rājat. 5, 320.

dūratas dūra + tas, adv.
     1. From afar, Rām 1, 48, 9.
     2. Aloof from, Man. 4, 73.
     3. Far, Rām. 3, 60, 31; Pañc. i. d. 9.
-- Comp. a-, adv. near, Rām. 3, 9, 24.

dūratva dūra + tva, n. Distance, Bhāṣap. 130.

dūrūḍhatva dūrūḍhatva, i. e. dus-rūḍha + tva (vb. ruh), n. Bad cicatrisation, Suśr. 2, 12, 7.

dūrecara dūre-cara, i.e. dūra + i-cara, adj. Distant, Kām. Nītis. 8, 54.

dūreyama dūre-yama, i.e. dūra + i-yama, adj. One from whom the god of death is far removed, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 25.

dūrvā dūrvā, f. A kind of milletgrass, Panicum dactylon, MBh. 3, 9984.

dūrvāvant dūrvā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Joined with dūrvā grass, Kathās. 7, 14.

dūṣa -dūṣa, i. e. duṣ, Caus., + a, latter part of comp. adj., Defiling; in pañkti- (a company), MBh. 13, 1274.

dūṣaka dūṣaka, i. e. duṣ, Caus., + aka,
I. adj., f. ṣikā.
     1. Defiling, MBh. 12, 1236 (sinful); one who defiles, Rām. 2, 75, 38.
     2. Disfiguring, Suśr. 1, 295, 19.
     3. Seducing, Man. 3, 164; 9, 232 (sowing dissensions, Kull.).
     4. Hurting, Hariv. 3206.
     5. Trespassing, Rām. 4, 37, 13.
II. f. ṣikā.
     1. Concretion on the eyes, Man. 5, 135.
     2. A kind of rice, Suśr. 1, 195, 8.

dūṣaṇa dūṣaṇa, i. e. duṣ, Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Defiling, disgracing, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 13.
     2. Hurting, Rām. 2, 109, 7.
II. m. The name of a Rākṣasa or demon, Rām. 1, 1, 45.
III. f. ṇā, The name of a deity, Bhāg. P. 5, 15, 13.
IV. n.
     1. Defiling, Man. 9, 286; 11, 61.
     2. Hurting, Man. 7, 48 (unjust seizure).
     3. Seducing, Man. 2, 213.
     4. Calumniating, Kathās. 24, 227.
     5. Fault, Man. 9, 13; Bhartṛ. 2, 89.

dūṣayitṛ dūṣayitṛ, i. e. duṣ, Caus., + tṛ, One who deflowers, Mārk. P. 31, 28.

dūṣin dūṣin, i. e. duṣ, Caus., + in, adj. f. iṇī, Polluting, MBh. 3, 11158.

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dṛ 1. dṛ, i. 6, driya, Atm. (in epie poetry also Par., MBh. 13, 7411).
-- With the prep. ā ā,
     1. To consider, Kām. Nītis. 5, 67.
     2. To respect, Man. 2, 234. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ādṛta,
     1. Respectful, Rām. 5, 25, 56.
     2. Careful, Pañc. iii. d. 243. Comp. an-, acc. adv. without any regard, Rām. 1, 59, 8.
-- With atyā ati-ā, To regard carefully, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 21. atyādṛta,
     1. Very respectful, Dev. 4, 15.
     2. Much cared for, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 19.
-- With samā sam-ā, samādṛta, Very respectful, Bhāg. P. 8, 21, 5.
-- Cf. probably A. S. dyre, deorling, perhaps also draed, dread.

dṛ † 2. dṛ, ii. 5, Par. To hurt.

dṛ † 3. dṛ, i. 1, and i. 10, Par. To fear.
-- Cf. dṛ10.

dṛṃh dṛṃh, i. 1, and i. 4, Par., Ātm. To fasten (ved.). To be fastened (ved.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dṛḍha,
     1. Hard, firm, Rām. 2, 56, 14; Hit. 21, 20; Hariv. 7329.
     2. Reliable, MBh. 2646.
     3. Violent, MBh. 13, 1972.
     4. Great, MBh. 1, 7636. Compar. draḍhīyaṃs, superl. draḍhiṣṭha. Acc. °ḍham, adv.
     1. Tightly, Prab. 12, 3.
     2. Much, Arj. 8, 1.
     3. Well, Mālav. 11, 8.
     4. Incessantly, MBh. 4, 314. Ved. frequent. dādṛh, To be excessively firm, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10.
-- Cf. [greek]

dṛḍha dṛḍha, see dṛṃh.

dṛḍhatā dṛḍha + tā, f. and dṛḍhatva dṛḍha + tva, n. Firmness, Prab. 13, 17; Pañc. i. d. 120.

dṛḍhīkaraṇa dṛḍhīkaraṇa, n. and

dṛḍhīkāra dṛḍhīkāra, i. e. dṛḍhī-kṛ + ana or a, m. Confirmation, Rām. 2, 90, 21; MBh. 12, 7307.

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dṛti dṛti, i. e. dṛ + tī, f. A leather bag for holding liquids, Man. 2, 99.
-- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. gi-zelt, pelles, zelt; A. S. teld, tentorium.

dṛp 1. dṛp, i. 4, Par. To be mad or extravagant, arrogant, Git. 9, 11. dṛpta,
     1. Wild, Rām. 1, 15, 7.
     2. Arrogant, MBh. 1, 162. Compar. dṛptatara, Excessively arrogant, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 12. Caus. darpaya,
     1. To make mad, Kathās. 20, 64.
     2. To make arrogant or proud, Pañc. iii. d. 244. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. darpita,
     1. Wild, Bhartṛ. 3, 73.
     2. Proud, Man. 8, 371.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atidṛpta (rather dṛpta with ati), Excessively arrogant, Kathās. 20, 65.
-- Cf. probably [greek] a banquet.

dṛp † 2. dṛp, dṛph dṛph, dṛmph dṛmph, i. 6, Par. To hurt.

dṛp † 3. dṛp, i. 1 and 10, Par. To kindle.

dṛph dṛph, see 2. dṛp.

dṛbh 1. dṛbh, i. 6, Par. and † i. 1 and 10, Par. To string, to bind.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To compose, Naiṣ. 9, 159.

dṛbh † 2. dṛbh, i. 1 and 10, Par. To fear.

dṛmpdṛmp, i. 10 Ātm. To collect.

dṛmph dṛmph, see 2. dṛp.

dṛś 1. dṛś, i. 1, paśya (for original spaś + ya, i. 4, forms the pres. impfet. imptive. and potent.), Par. (also Ātm., MBh. 1, 2896; 2830),
     1. To see, Rām. 2, 64, 59.
     2. To behold, look at, Man. 4, 44.
     3. To be a spectator, Man. 7, 92; to look on something (without being able to prevent it), Rām. 1, 54, 18.
     4. To wait on, Lass. 2, 14.
     5. To inspect, Man. 7, 120.
     6. To live to see, Rām. 1, 1, 88.
     7. To discover, Man. 8, 38.
     8. To search, MBh. 4, 1172.
     9. To learn, Rām. 1, 13, 7.
     10. To know, Rām. 1, 57, 20.
     11. To decide, Pañc. 165, 7. Passive also with the terminations of the Par., e. g. MBh. 2345. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. a-dṛśyant, adj.
     1. Invisible, Sund. 2, 19.
     2. fem. ntī A proper name, MBh. 1, 6757. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. driṣṭa,
     1. Seen, etc.
     2. Treated, Pañc. 85, 1.
     3. Experienced, Rām. 3, 47, 18.
     4. Devised, Nal. 4, 19.
     5. Determined, MBh. 13, 11784.
     6. Declared, Man. 9, 249.
     7. Acknowledged, Man. 8, 3. Comp. a-, I. adj. 1. not seen before, Rām. 5, 43, 10. 2. unperceived, Man. 5, 127. 3. not approved, Man. 8, 153.
II. n. fate, Bhāṣāp. 160; Pañc. v. d. 27. See ku-. Dus-, adj. unrighteously decided, Yājñ. 2, 305. su-, adj. looked at eagerly, Rām. 1, 17, 23. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. darśanīya,
     1. Visible, Rām. 1, 67, 6.
     2. Beautiful, Pañc. iv. d. 40. Comp. a-, n. invisibility, Pañc. 138, 40.
II. dṛśya,
     1. Visible, Rām. 4, 40, 64.
     2. To be looked at, Bhartṛ. 1, 86.
     3. Worth to be looked at, Ragh. 6, 31. Comp. a-, adj. 1. invisible, Rām. 1, 17, 33. 2. ugly, Arj. 10, 66.
III. draṣṭavya,
     1. To be seen, etc., MBh. 13, 1404.
     2. Visible, Bhartṛ. 1, 7. Caus. darśaya,
     1. To cause to see, to show (with two accus., or acc. and gen., and acc. and dat.), Rām. 3, 61. 5; Man. 4, 59; Rām. 2, 31, 33.
     2. To point out, Śāk. 12, 19.
     3. To confess, Rājat. 5, 124.
     4. To produce, Man. 8. 158.
     5. To pay, 8, 155.
     6. To prove, 8, 225.
     7. To show one's self, MBh. 1, 4709 (Ātm.); 1, 6561 (Par.). Anomal. pteple. of the pres. Ātm. darśayāna, MBh. 1, 17. Desider. didṛkṣa, To wish to see, Bhāg. P. 4, 3, 11. Ptcple. pf. pass. didṛkṣita, n. Wish to āg. P. 3, 15, 31.
-- With the prep.

anu anu,
     1. To look afterwards, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 60.
     2. To see, Man. 3, 176.
     3. To look on, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 23.
     4. To regard, to honour, MBh. 15, 679.
     5. To perceive, MBh. 6, 5456.
     6. To know, Bhag. 13, 30.
     7. To find, MBh. 9, 2986. Caus.
     1. To show, Rām. 2, 49, 12.
     2. To teach, Rām. 2, 100, 1.
-- With samanu sam-anu,
     1. To look after, Bhāg. P. 5, 21, 9.
     2. To consider, MBh. 1, 5037.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, pass. To be visible, MBh. 7, 8136.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To look at, MBh. 3, 9982.
     2. To regard, Rām. 2, 30, 2 Gorr.
     3. To perceive, MBh. 1, 5002. Caus.
     1. To show, MBh. 14, 2151.
     2. To show one's self, MBh. 1, 7740.
-- With ava ava, To infer, Bhāg. P. 3, 27, 12.
-- With ā ā, Caus. To show, Ragh. 4, 38.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To see listinctly, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 6.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To foresee, Megh. 23.
     2. To perceive, Megh. 102. Caus. To show one's self, Vikr. 11, 6.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To look on, MBh. 1, 8440.
     2. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 4, 10, 13. Caus.
     1. To show, Hit. 38, 15.
     2. To pretend, Kathās. 19, 75.
-- With ni. ni, Caus.
     1. To show, MBh. 12, 13222.
     2. To point out, Śāk. 100, 9, v. r.
     3. To enter, Rājat. 1, 18.
     4. To teach, MBh. 12, 2154.
     5. To appear to somebody (acc.), Hariv. 1559.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, Caus. To show, Rām. 4, 63, 15.
-- With pari pri,
     1. To look at, MBh. 12, 6576.
     2. To frequent, MBh. 15, 1014.
     3. To Rām. 2, 91, 2 Gorr.
     4. To consider Prab. 71, 6.
     5. To search, MBh. 222.
     6. To know, MBh. 3, 224.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To foresee, Bhag.
     2. To be intelligent, MBh. 7, 1057.
     3. To see before one's self, Rām. 1, 60, 27 Gorr.
     4. To see, Man. 8, 85; passTo appear, Brāhmaṇ. 2, 6.
     5. To behold, Bhag. 11, 49.
     6. To learn, MBh. 9, 1550.
     7. To know, Rām. 5, 3, 63.
     8. To judge, MBh. 3, 1082. Caus.
     1. To show, Rām. 4, 27, 21.
     2. To describe, Man. 10, 40.
     3. To explain, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 10.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To see, MBh. 3, 15050; pass. To appear, Rām. 2, 52, 80 Gorr.
     2. To perceive, Rām. 1, 3, 4.
     3. To consider, MBh. 5, 795.
     4. To know, Rām. 5, 70, 3.
     5. To judge, MBh. 12, 410. Caus.
     1. To show, MBh. 9, 3280.
     2. To declare, MBh. 6, 571.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To behold, MBh. 3, 12005; pass. To appear, MBh. 5, 4679.
     2. To know, MBh. 5, 2021.
     3. To experience, MBh. 12, 12548.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To discern, to recognise, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 48.
     2. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 9, 8, 22; pass. To appear, Rām. 1, 13, 14 Gorr. Caus.
     1. To show, MBh. 4, 1844.
     2. To teach, Rām. 2, 29, 7.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To behold, Rām. 2, 54, 3; pass. To appear, Arj. 1, 3.
     2. To recognise, Yājñ. 3, 64.
     3. To look on something (without preventing it), Man. 7, 143.
     4. To review (soldiers), Man. 7, 222.
     5. To regard, MBh. 2, 2623.
     6. To consider, Man. 8, 10. Caus.
     1. To show, MBh. 13, 3505.
     2. To represent, Rājat. 6, 244.
     3. To show one's self to somebody (acc.), MBh. 12, 12882.
-- With anusam anu-sam, To ponder one by one, MBh. 12, 12024.
-- Cf. spaśa and spaṣṭa; O. H. G spehon, to spy; Lat. species, con picio, specto; [greek] c., [greek]

[Page 414a] [greek] etc.; O. H. G. in auga-zorht (= dṛś + ta, ptcple. of the pf. pass.), A. S. torht; O.H.G. zorhtjan, manifestare; also, with f for h, zorft, zorftjan; Goth. ga-tarhjan.

dṛś 2. dṛś,
I. adj., latter part of comp. adj.
     1. Seeing, e. g. sarva- Seeing everything, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 9.
     2. Knowing, Bhāg. P. 8, 8, 34.
II. f. 1. Sight, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 18.
     2. Perception, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 5.
     3. The eye, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 26.
-- Comp. divya-,
I. adj. knowing the celestial phenomena, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 5, 13.
II. m. An astrologer, 54, 31. bhāla-, m. Śiva. mṛga-,
I. adj. having eyes like an antelope.
II. f. a woman, Rājat. 5, 481. mṛgī-, adj. having eyes like a female antelope. Rājat. 5, 375 (a woman). sama-, adj. equable, Lass. 6, 16. su-,
I. adj. having beautiful eyes.
II. f. a pretty woman.

dṛśi dṛś + i, f.
     1. Intuition, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 5.
     2. The eye, Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 11.

dṛśyatva dṛśya + tva (vb. dṛś), n. Visibility, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 31.

dṛśvan -dṛś + van, latter part of comp. adj. Conversant with, Kām. Nītis. 1, 7.

dṛṣad dṛṣad, f. A rock, a large stone, especially a mill-stone, Bhartṛ. 2, 77.

dṛṣadvatī dṛṣadvatī, i. e. dṛṣad + vant + ī, f.
     1. The name of a river, Man. 2, 17.
     2. A proper name, Hariv. 1473.

dṛṣṭanaṣṭatā dṛṣṭa-naṣṭa + tā (vb. dṛś and 2. naś), f. Disappearance after having been seareely seen, Rājat. 4, 111.

dṛṣṭāntatas dṛṣṭāntatas, i. e. dṛṣ- ṭa-anta + ta, As a precedent, MBh. 13, 2506; 2, 70.

dṛṣṭi dṛṣṭi, i. e. dṛś + a f.
     1. Looking at, Rām. 5, 14, 57.
     2. Sight, Pañc. iii. d. 195.
     3. Intelligence, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 5.
     4. The eye, Mṛcch. 48, 23.
     5. The pupil of the eye, Suśr. 1, 126, 8.
-- Comp. a-, f. a look of displeasure. adhas-, adj. with downcast eyes, Man. 4, 196. eka-, f. the. eye fixed on one point, Pañc. 252, 11.
-- Cf. ku-.

dṛṣṭipa dṛṣṭi-pa, adj. Enjoying one's self only by the eyes, MBh. 13, 1372.

dṛṣṭimant dṛṣṭi + mant, adj., f. matī, Wise, Kām. Nītis, 8, 38.

dṛhdṛh, i. 1, Par. To grow Cf. [greek] probably Goth. tagl. [greek]

dṝ dṛ10, ii. 9, dṛṇā, ṇī, † i. 1; i. 4, dīrya, Par.
     1. To burst, Hariv. 15177.
     2. To divide, to tear, MBh. 3, 16426; Bhāg, P. 2, 7, 1. Pass. (also with the termination of the Par., MBh. 6, 677),
     1. To burst, Rām. 2, 23, 35; MBh. 6, 677.
     2. To be scattered, Rām. 5, 58, 11.
     3. To fear, see anu. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ḍīrṇa,
     1. Torn, Rām. 2, 39, 23 Gorr.
     2. Frightened, MBh. 6, 144. Caus. dāraya,
     1. To tear asunder, MBh. 4, 1456.
     2. To divide, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 30.
     3. To open, Rām. 5, 80, 18.
     4. To frighten, Kām. Nītis, 8, 70. Anomal. ptcple. of the pres. dārayāṇa, MBh. 8, 907.
-- With the prep. anu anu, pass.
     1. To separate (according to one's wish), MBh. 12, 1035.
     2. To be frightened (following an example set by another), MBh. 6, 144.
-- With ava ava, pass. To burst, Rām. 2, 77, 16. avadīrṇa,
     1. Open, Rām. 4, 50, 11.
     2. Frightened, MBh. 8, 1331. Caus. To tear asunder. Rām. 6, 4, 22. With vyava vi-ava, vyavadīrṇa, Torn, afflicted Rām. 2, 72, 28.
-- With ā ā, To tear asunder, Rām. 5, 56, 60. -
-- With ud ud, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 2, read ud-īrṇa.
-- With nis nis, To tear, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 45. Caus.
     1. To tear, Hariv. 5691.
     2. To cause to be dug up, Rājat. 4, 272.
-- With pra pra, pass. To be scattered, MBh. 8, 4106. Caus. To scatter, MBh. 8, 4084.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, pass. To be scattered, MBh. 8, 3976.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To tear, Rām. 3, 57, 24. Pass.
     1. To burst asunder, MBh. 1, 5347
     2. To be tora, Rām. 2, 112, 15 Gorr.
     3. To be frightened, MBh. 7, 329. vidīrṇa,
     1. Torn, Kathās. 20, 109.
     2. Broken, Bhāg. P. 8, 16, 26.
     3. Pierced, Ragh. 12, 51.
     4. Opened, Ragh, 7, 37. Caus.
     1. To tear, Rām. 3, 57, 24.
     2. To cleave, Rām. 3, 4, 17.
     3. To break open, Lass. 2, 10.
     4. To open, Ṛt. 1, 14.
     5. To scatter, Rām. 6, 36, 6.
-- Cf. dal, Goth. tairan; A.S. téran, torn, tirian; O.H.G. zala, A.S. tale, zāla, dolus, O.H.G. zalon, diripere; A. S. tellan; Lat. dolus; [greek]

dede, i. 1, Ātm. To protect.
-- Cf. day.

dev dev, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To play.
     2. To shine.
-- Cf. 1. 2. div.

deva deva, i. e. div + a,
I. m.
     1. A deity, a god, Man. 3, 117.
     2. Indra, Rām. 1, 9, 56.
     3. A king, Kathās. 4, 73.
II. f. .
     1. A goddess, Nal. 12, 73.
     2. Sāvitrī, the wife of Brahman, MBh. 5, 3969.
     3. Durgā, the wife of Śiva, MBh. 1, 2315.
     4. A queen, Pañc. i. d. 58.
-- Comp. a-, m. a mortal, Man. 9, 315. ati-, m. a superior god, Hariv. 7583. devātideva, i. e. deva-ati-, m. a god surpassing all other gods, MBh. 15, 819. kāma-, m. the god of love, Hariv. 270. kāvya-devī, f. a proper name. kṣiti-, m. a king, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 12. gṛha-devī, f. the deity of a house, MBh. 2, 730. jana-, m. a king, MBh. 12, 7883. deva-, m. the god of the gods, MBh. 1, 1628; = Śiva, Chr. 50, 5. nara-, and nṛ-, m. a king, Man. 11, 82; Rām. 2, 1, 42 Gorr. pūrva-, m. a primeval divinity, MBh. 5, 1921. bala-, see s. v. bhūmi-, m. a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 11, 82. mahā-,
I. m. Śiva.
II. f. . 1. Durgā. 2. a queen, Chr. 50, 7. rāma-, m. a proper name. vasu-, m. the father of Kṛṣṇa. vāgdevī, i. e. vāc-, f. the goddess of speech, i. e. Sarasvatī. vāma-, m. Śiva. viśva-, m. a deity of a particular class, see viśva. Vīra-, m. a proper name. su-devī, f. a proper name, Chr. 297, 19 = Rigv. i, 112, 19.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. deus.

devaka deva + ka,
I. A substitute for deva when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. sa-, adj. With the gods, MBh. 2, 1396.
II. m.
     1. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2704.
     2. pl. The inhabitants of one of the varṣas, or divisions of the world, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 22.
III. f. vikā,
     1. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 5044.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3828.
IV. f. vakī, A proper name, MBh. 1, 2428.

devatā deva + tā, f. The state or nature of a deity, MBh. 13, 308.
     2. A deity, Man. 2, 176.
     3. A sacred image, Man. 4, 130.
-- Comp. adhi-, f. a supreme or tutelary deity, Ragh. 12, 17. abhīṣṭa-, i. e. abhi-iṣṭa (vb. iṣ), f. a tutelar deity, Pañc. 208, 14. kula-, f. a chief deity, Kumāras. 7, 27. kṣiti-, f. a Brāhmaṇa, MBh. 13, 6451. kṣetra-, f. the deity of a field, Pañc. 174, 12. gṛha-, f. a household deity, a Lar, Mṛcch. 8, 22. pati-, adj. f. , worshipping the husband like a deity. para-, f. the supreme deity. pārva-, f. a primeval divinity, Man. 3, 192. yama-, f. the lunar asterism, Bharaṇī. yoni-, f. the eleventh lunar asterism. vasu-, f. the lunar asterism, Dhaniṣṭhā. saubhāgya-, f. a guardian deity, Śāk. 44, 3 (Prākṛ.). sthali-, f. a deity of a certain locality, Megh. 105.

devatrā deva + trā, adv. Among the gods. Chr. 289, 10 = Rigv. i. 50, 10.

devatva deva + tva, n. The state of deities, Man. 12, 40.
-- Comp. nara-, i. e. nara-deva + tva, n. royalty, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 22.

devadatta deva-datta (vb. ),
I. adj. Given by the gods, Man. 9, 95.
II. m.
     1. The conch of Arjuna, Arj. 5, 24.
     2. One of the vital airs, that which is exhaled in yawning, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 16.
     3. A proper name used to denote a person in general, Pañc. 36, 2; Vedāntas. 213, 1.

devadārumaya deva-dāru + maya, adj., f. , Made of Devadāru wood, Rām. 1, 13, 23 Gorr.

devana devana, i. e. div + ana, n. Game at dice, MBh. 2, 2033.

devamaya deva + maya, adj., f. , Containing the gods, Hariv. 2798.

devara devara, m. i. e.
     1. devṛ + a, A husband's brother, but especially his younger brother, Man. 3, 55.
     2. div + ara, A lover, Bhāg. P. 4, 26, 26.

devalaka deva + la + ka, m. A Brāhmaṇa of inferior order, who subsists upon the offerings made to the images which he attends, Man. 3, 152.

devasāt deva + sāt, adv. To a god or gods (e. g. turned), MBh. 7, 8687.

devahū devahū, i. e. deva-hve, adj. Invoking the gods, a designation of the left ear, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 51.

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devāpi devāpi, m. The name of a Ṛṣi or sage, MBh. 1, 3750.

devitṛ devitṛ, i. e. div + tṛ, m.
     1. A dice-player, MBh. 2, 2005.
     2. A gamester, MBh. 4, 496.

devin devin, i. e. div + in, adj. A dice-player, a gamester, MBh. 3, 15204; 5, 895.

devīka devī + ka (see deva), A substitute for devī when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. sa-, With the queen, Kathās. 18, 23.

devītva devī + tva, n. The dignity,
     1. of a goddess, Kathās. 12, 163;
     2. of a queen, 17, 45.

devṛ devṛ, m. A husband's brother, but especially his younger brother.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. levir; O.H.G. zeihur; A.S. tacur, tacor.

deveśaya deveśaya, i. e. deva + i-śī + a, adj. Reposing in a god, MBh. 12, 12864.

deśa deśa, i. e. diś + a, m.
     1. A place, Man. 2, 222.
     2. A part, a side, Kathās. 18, 280.
     3. A country, Rām. 1, 61, 10.
     4. When latter part of comp. words, often without a special signification, e. g. kaṇṭha-deśa = kaṇṭha, Kathās. 17, 81; nitamba-, Ṛt. 1, 6; Rām. 1, 55, 3. Comp. a-, m.
     1. an improper place, Hit. iv. d. 45. 2. a place which ought not to be touched, Man. 8, 358. eka-, m. 1. one place, Pañc. 21, 13. 2. one part, Man. 2, 141. tanū-, m. a part of the body, Bhāg. P. 7, 13, 12. diś-, pl. a country in this or that direction, distant countries, Hit. 9, 4; cf. Rājat. 4, 417. para-, m. a foreign country. pūrva-, m. the eastern country, MBh. 2, 1856. madhya-, m. the middle region, a part of India, Man. 2, 21. vi-, m. 1. a foreign country, abroad. 2. any place away from home. sa-, adj. 1. near. 2. of the same country or place.

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deśaka deśaka, i. e. diś + aka, adj. Showing, teaching, Mārk. P. 19, 17.

deśaja deśa-ja, and deśajāta deśa-jāta (vb. jan), adj. Of genuine descent, born in the country whence comes the best kind (e. g. of horses, or elephants), Hariv. 6927; Rām. 1, 54, 21 Gorr.

deśanā deśanā, diś, Caus., + ana, f. Instruction, doctrine, Śatr. 14, 74.

deśāntarin deśāntarin, i. e. deśa-antara + in, adj. subst. m. Foreign, a foreigner, Śatr. 10, 135.

deśika deśika, i. e. deśa + ika, m.
     1. A guide, MBh. 7, 143.
     2. A teacher, 13, 6847.

deśinī deśinī, i. e. diś + in + ī, f. The index or forefinger, Yājñ. 1, 19.

deśīya deśīya, i. e. deśa + īya, adj.
     1. Belonging to a country or province.
     2. Latter part of comp. adj. Bordering, being about, e. g. pañca(n)-varṣa + ka-, About five years old, MBh. 12, 1119.

deśya deśya, i. e. deśa + ya,
     1. adj. subst. A witness, Man. 8, 52.
     2. adj. Belonging to a country, Rājat. 3, 9.
     3. adj. Of genuine descent, Rām. 2, 72, 23 Gorr. (cf. deśaja).
     4. adj. Being almost, e. g. śiśu-, Being almost still a child, Rājat. 5, 220.
-- Comp. a-, adj. one who has not been present at a place, Man. 8, 53. tad-, adj. being of the same country, MBh. 12, 6305. nānā-, adj. belonging to or coming from several countries, MBh. 1, 5221.

deṣṭṛ deṣṭṛ, i. e. diś + tṛ, m. One who shows, Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 14

deha deha, i. e. dih + a, m. and n. The body, Man. 6, 40.
-- Comp. ūrdhva-, n. obsequies, Rām. 2, 90, 37 Gorr. pūrva-, m. a former existence, Hariv. 9153.

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dehaṃbhara dehaṃbhara, i. e. deha + m-bhṛ + a, adj. Minding only one's own body, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 12.

dehalī dehalī, i. e. dih + ala + ī, f. The threshold of a door, or a raised terrace in front of it, Megh. 85.

dehavant deha + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī.
     1. Embodied, Rām. 6, 90, 44.
II. m. A living creature, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 44.

dehin dehin, i. e. deha + in,
I. adj. subst. Embodied, a creature having a body, Man. 1, 30.
II. m.
     1. A man, Bhartṛ. 2, 18.
     2. The soul, Bhag. 2, 22.

dai dai, i. 1, Par. To purify.
-- With the prep. ava ava, ptcple. of the pf. pass. avadāta,
     1. Pure, Lass. 67, 3.
     2. White or yellow, Sāv. 5, 8.
     3. Dazzling white, MBh. 5, 1794.
-- With vyava vi-ava, pass. To spread, shining with clear light, Daśak. 55, 3.

daiteya daiteya, i. e. diti + eya,
     1. m An Asura or demon, Rām. 1, 45, 38.
     2. adj., f. , Referring, belonging to the Asuras, MBh. 12, 7544.
-- Comp. a-, m. a god, Hariv. 11139.

daitya daitya, i. e. diti + ya, m. An Asura or demon, Man. 12, 48; Rām. 1, 30, 20 Gorr.

dainya dainya, i. e. dīna (see 3. ) + ya, n.
     1. Affliction, Rām. 6, 89, 17.
     2. Humbleness, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.
     3. Miserable state, Megh. 82.

dairghya dairghya, i. e. dīrgha + ya, n. Length, MBh. 6, 427.

daiva daiva, i. e. deva + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Divine, Man. 1, 67.
     2. (with and without vivāha), m. One of the forms of marriage, the gift of a daughter at a sacrifice to the officiating priest, Man. 3, 21; 9, 196.
     3. n. The part of the hand sacred to the gods (the tips of the fingers), Man. 2, 59.
     4. Royal, Rājat. 5, 205.
II. n.
     1. Deity, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 4.
     2. An oblation to the gods, Man. 3, 18.
     3. Divine power, destiny, fate, Man. 3, 166; Hit. pr. d. 32; Daśak. in Chr. 187, 15.
-- Comp. adhi-, n. 1. the supreme deity, Bhag. 8, 4. 2. a tutelary deity, Śāk. 7, 10, v. r. kula-, n. 1. the fortune of a family, Bhāg. P. 9, 5, 9. 2. the deity of a family, 9, 9, 43. dus-, n. misfortune, Lass. 74, 19.

daivaka daiva + ka, a substitute for daiva, when latter part of a comp. adj. sa-, Together with the divine ones, MBh. 8, 1985.

daivajña daiva-jña, m. An astrologer, Rām. 2, 3, 18 Gorr.

daivata daivata, i. e. devatā + a, n. A deity, Man. 5, 41.
-- Comp. adhi-, n. 1. the supreme deity, Bhag. 8, 4. 2. a tutelary deity, Śāk. 7, 10, v. r. ap-, adj. having water for its divinity, glorifying the deity of water, Man. 8, 106. pitṛ-, adj., f. , referring to the worship of the Manes.

daivatas daiva + tas, adv. By fate, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 39.

daivatya daivatya, i. e. devatā + ya, adj., f. , Having as deity, sacred to, Man. 2, 189.

daivayāneya daivayāneya, i. e. devayānī, a proper name, + eya, metronym. A son of Devayānī, MBh. 1, 3163.

daivarājya daivarājya, i. e. deva-rāja + ya, n. Dominion over the gods, MBh. 5, 522.

daivarāti daivarāti, i. e. deva-rāta, a proper name, + i, patronym. A descendant of Devarāta, MBh. 12, 11546.

daivahataka daiva-hata + ka (vb. han),
I. adj. Struck by fate, Amar. 46.
II. n. A shock of fortune, Prab. 89, 17.

daivika daivika, i. e. deva + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Divine, Man. 1, 65.
     2. Caused by the gods, Yājñ. 2, 113.
II. n. An inevitable accident, Man. 8, 109; Yājñ. 2, 66.

daivin daivin, Lass. 27, 2 (read devo, for daivī).

daiśika daiśika, i. e. deśa + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Referring to space, Bhāṣāp. 120.
     2. Belonging to a country, Rājat. 6, 303.
II. m.
     1. A guide, MBh. 1, 3599.
     2. A preceptor, MBh. 12, 12137.

daihika daihika, i. e. deha + ika, adj. Corporeal, Man. 5, 134.

daihya daihya, i. e. deha + ya,
I. adj. Being in a body, Bhāg P. 1, 4, 30.
II. m. The soul, 6, 1, 42.

do do, see 2. .

dogdhṛ dogdhṛ, i. e. duh + tṛ,
I. m.
     1. One who milks, Man. 4, 67.
     2. One who performs something from interested motives, Bhāg. P. 3, 29, 32.
II. f. dhrī.
     1. Yielding milk or other desirable objects, MBh. 1, 3934; 13, 3104.
     2. A milch cow, MBh. 7, 2410.

dolā dolā, i. e. dul + a, f.
     1. A swing, Nal. 10, 27.
     2. A swinging hammock, a sort of litter, Ragh. 19, 44.
     3. Fluctuation, incertitude, MBh. 9, 3525.

dolāya dolāya, a denomin. derived from the last by ya, Ātm. To fluctuate, to be unsteady, Hit. iv. d. 53.

doṣa doṣa, i. e. duṣ + a, m.
     1. Defect, blemish, Hariv. 2108; Man. 8, 205.
     2. Fault, vice, MBh. 5, 1048.
     3. Damage, Yājñ. 2, 256.
     4. Sin, Man. 5, 3.
     5. Crime, Man. 9, 262.
     6. Reproach, Rām. 2, 101, 32 Gorr.; doṣeṇa gam, To accuse, Chr. 16, 14.
     7. Detrimental operation, Kathās. 13, 35.
     8. Effect, Rām. 3, 79, 25.
     9. Disorder of the humours of the body, or defect in the functions of bile, phlegm, and wind, Suśr. 2, 562, 4.
     10. The humours of the body, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 4.
     11. Evening, darkness, Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 19.
-- Comp. anna-, m. an offence in diet, Man. 5, 4. karmadoṣa, i. e. karman-, m. a sinful act, Man. 6, 101. grahaṇī-, m. diarrhoea, Suśr. 1, 175, 6. dṛṣṭa-, adj. 1. an object of which the defects have been perceived, Hariv. 2108. 2. a heinous offender, Man. 8, 64. pāna-, m. the fault of intoxication, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 3. vāgd°, i. e. vāc-, m. 1. defamation. 2. ungrammatical speech.
     3. uttering a disagreeable sound. svapna-, m. Pollutio nocturna.
-- Cf. [greek]

doṣatas doṣa + tas, adv.
     1. Of a transgression (viz. to suspect), Nal. 23, 28.
     2. By the detrimental effect of something, Kathās. 13, 33.

doṣan doṣan, see dos.

doṣala doṣa + la, adj., f. , Corrupt, Suśr. 1, 173, 18.

doṣavant doṣa + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Blemished, Man. 8, 224.
     2. Deficient, MBh. 12, 8037.
     3. Guilty, MBh. 13, 57.
     4. Detrimental, Rām. 5, 90, 26.
-- Comp. a-, adj. innocent, Man. 8, 114 (pūrvaṃpūrvam adoṣavat, every preceding object [in a series of things, which are reckoned up] may be received [by a Brāhmaṇa] with less offence than the following).

doṣā doṣā, an old instr. of doṣa, adv. At night, Śiś. 4, 46.

doṣātana doṣā + tana, adj., f. , Nocturnal, at evening, Ragh. 13, 76.

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doṣin doṣin, i. e. doṣa + n, adj. Becoming defiled, Mārk. P. 5, 31, 21.

dos dos (the base of many cases is doṣan), n. The fore-arm, Rām, 3, 35, 78.

doha doha, i. e. duh + a, m.
     1. Milking, Kumāras. 1, 2; profiting, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 19.
     2. Milk, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 13.
     3. A milk pail, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 27.
-- Comp. kāṃsya-, adj., f. , yielding a brass pail of milk, MBh. 13, 3517.

dohada dohada (a form of daurhṛda; cf. dauhṛda), m. and n.
     1. The desired object of a pregnant woman, Yājñ. 3, 79.
     2. The longing of pregnant women, Kathās. 9, 46.
     3. Pregnancy, Ragh. 3, 6.
     4. Morbid desire, Pañc. 208, 19.
     5. Desire, Rām. 5, 25, 45.
     6. A kind of incense used as a manure, Pūrva Naiṣ. i. 82.

dohadin dohadin, i. e. dohada + in, adj., f. , Desirous, Kathās. 22, 9.

dohana dohana, i. e. duh + ana,
I. adj., f. , Yielding milk or other desirable objects, MBh. 12, 7295; Hariv. 5294.
II. n. A milk vessel, Bhāg. P. 4, 17, 3.
-- Comp. go-, n. the time necessary for milking a cow, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 39.

dohala dohala = dohada, Mālav. 33, 8.

dohin dohin, i. e. duh + in, adj., f. , Yielding desirable objects, Rām. 1, 54, 26 Gorr.

dauḥśīlya dauḥśīlya, i. e. dus-śīla + ya, n. Wickedness, Rājat. 5, 290.

dautya dautya, i. e. dūta + ya, n. The state of a messenger, Hariv. 9799.

daurātmya daurātmya, i. e. dus-ātman + ya, n. Wickedness. Pañc. iv. d. 61.

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daurgatya daurgatya, i. e. aus-gata + ya, n. Distress, Pañc. ii. d. 99.

daurgandhya daurgandhya, i. e. dus-gandha + ya, n. Disagreeable smell, MBh. 3, 15454.

daurjanya daurjanya, i. e. dus-jana + ya, n. Wickedness, Hit. 85, 9.

daurbala daurbala, i. e. dus-bala + a, and daurbalya daurbalya, i. e. dus-bala + ya, n. Weakness, Rām. 2, 43, 17; Pañc. 234, 17.

daurbhāgya daurbhāgya, i. e. dus-bhaga + ya, n. Misfortune, Hariv. 7120.

daurmanasya daurmanasya, i. e. dus-manas + ya, n. Dejection, Pañc. 9, 23.

daurmantrya daurmantrya, i. e. dus-mantra + ya, n. Evil advice, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260.

dauryodhana dauryodhana, i. e. dauyodhana + a, adj. Belonging to Duryodhana, MBh. 4, 1712.

dauryodhani dauryodhani, i. e. duryodhana + i, patronym. A descendant of Duryodhana, MBh. 6, 2367

daurhṛda daurhṛda, i. e. dus-hṛd + a, n.
     1. Enmity, MBh. 5, 751.
     2. The longing of pregnant women.

dauvārika dauvārika, i. e. drāra + ika, m. and f. , A warder, a porter, Pañc. 156, 16; Ragh. 6, 59.

dauścarmya dauścarmya, i. e. dus-carman + ya, n. A deformity in the generative organs, Man. 11, 49.

dauścarya dauścarya, i. e. dus-cara + ya, n. Acting wickedly, Rām. 6, 103, 20.

dauṣkula dauṣkula, i. e. dus-kula + a, and dauṣkuleya dauṣkuleya, i. e. dus-kula + eya, adj. Sprung from a contemptible family, MBh. 12, 1330; Rām. 4, 6, 3.

dauṣkulya dauṣkulya, i. e. dus-kula + ya,
I. adj. Sprung from a contemptible family, MBh. 3, 12629.
II. n. Low extraction, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 18.

dauṣmanta dauṣmanta, and dauṣmanti dauṣmanti, i. e. duṣmanta + a or i, patron. A son of Duṣmanta, MBh. 7, 2377; 12, 938.

dauṣyanta dauṣyanta, i. e. duṣyanta + a, adj. Referring to Duṣyanta, MBh. 1, 3805.

dauṣyanti dauṣyanti, i. e. duṣyanta + i, patronym. A son of Duṣyanta, Śāk. d. 95.

dauṣvanti dauṣvanti, i. e. duṣvanta + i, patron. A son of Duṣvanta, Rām. 2, 116, 30 Gorr.

dauhitra dauhitra, i. e. duhitṛ + a,
I. m. A daughter's son, Man. 3, 148.
II. f. trī, A daughter's daughter, Rām. 6, 95, 36.
III. m. A rhinoceros, Mārk. P. 32, 7.

dauhitraka dauhitra + ka, adj. Referring to a daughter's son, MBh. 13, 2476.

dauhitravant dauhitra + vant, adj. Having a daughter's son, MBh. 5, 3930.

dauhṛda dauhṛda (a dialectical form of daurhṛda, q. cf.), n.
     1. The longing of pregnant women, Suśr. 1, 89, 12.
     2. Pregnancy, Suśr. 1, 322, 15.

dauhṛdinī dauhṛdinī, i. e. dauhṛda + in + ī, adj. f. Pregnant, Suśr. 1, 322, 12.

dyāvāpṛthivī dyāvā-pṛthivī, ved. dual of div and pṛthivī, f., Heaven and earth, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1,

dyāvāpṛthivya dyāvāpṛthivya, i. e. dyāvāpṛthivī + ya, Referring to heaven and earth, Chr. 296, 1. 1.

dyāvābhūmī dyāvā-bhūmī, ved. dual of div and bhūmi, f. Heaven and earth, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 43.

dyu 1. dyu, ii. 2, Par. To attack.
-- Cf. div.

dyu 2. dyu, the base of many cases and derivatives of 3. div, and its substitute when former part of a comp. word, e. g. dyu-cara, m. An inhabitant of the heaven, Hariv. 7497. dyu-jaya, m. Attainment of heaven, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 22.

dyut 1. dyut (originally a denomin., probably of dyuti), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 12, 8129), To shine, MBh. 3, 1745. Caus.
     1. To illuminate, MBh. 4, 2031.
     2. To hint, Sāh. D. 20, 2.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Caus. To illuminate, Ragh. 6, 36.
-- With ud ud, To beam, Hariv. 15701. Caus.
     1. To illuminate, Prab. 86, 11.
     2. To make glorious, Ragh. 10, 81.
-- With samud sam-ud, To shine, Prab. 115, 2.
-- With pra pra, Caus. To illuminate, Prab. 116, 1.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To flash, MBh. 3, 180.
     2. To illuminate, MBh. 12, 8063. Caus. To illuminate, MBh. 1, 1240.

dyut 2. dyut, f. Splendour, MBh. 1, 6406.

dyuti dyuti, i. e. 1. div + ti, f.
     1. Splendour, Bhartṛ. 1, 66; Hit. pr. d. 41.
     2. Dignity, i. d. 167.
-- Comp. a-mita- (vb. ), adj. of boundless splendour. gharma-, m. the sun, Kir. 5, 41. tuhina-, m. the moon, Śiś. 9, 30. mahā-, adj. supremely glorious, Man. 1, 87. hima-, m. the moon, Śiś. 9, 12.

dyutimant dyuti + mant,
I. adj., f. matī.
     1. Brilliant, Kir. 5, 8.
     2. Dignified, Rām. 1, 1, 10.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3832.

dyumant 2. dyu + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Brilliant, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 29.
     2. Brisk, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.

dyumna dyumna, i. e. 2. dyu + man (for mant) + a, n.
     1. Splendour, Chr. 287, 1 = Rigv. i. 48, 1.
     2. Strength, Chr. 288, 16 = Rigv. i. 48, 16.
     3. Wealth, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 12.
-- Comp. indra- and dhṛṣṭa-, m. proper names, MBh. 3, 491; 1, 2437.

dyuṣad dyuṣad, i. e. 2. dyu-sad, m. A god, Rājat. 1. 109.

dyūtatā dyūta + tā (vb. 1. div), f. Gaming at dice, MBh. 12, 2519.

dyaidyai, i. 1, Par. To treat contemptuously or to disfigure.

dyo dyo (gunated form of 2. dyu),
     1. Base of some cases of 3. div (q. cf.).
     2. A substitute for div as former part of a comp., MBh. 8, 4658; 12, 1799.

dyota dyota, i. e. dyut + a, m. Light, lustre, Hariv. 2402; Rājat. 3, 46.
-- Comp. cintya- (vb. cint), m. a class of deities, MBh. 13, 1373.

dyotaka dyotaka, i. e. dyut + aka, adj. Showing, explaining, Rājat. 3, 158.

dyotana dyotana, i. e. dyut + ana, n. Illuminating, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 40.

dyotin dyotin, i. e. dyut + in, adj., f. , Shining, Megh. 18.

dyotis dyotis, i. e. djut + is, n. Light, a star, Ragh. 13, 68.

draṅga draṅga, m. A town, Śatr. 14, 181.
-- Comp. srava-, m. a fair, a market.

draḍhiman draḍhiman, i. e. dṛdha (see dṛṃh) + iman, m. Firmness, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 27.

draḍhiṣṭha draḍhiṣṭha, superl., draḍhīyaṃs draḍhīyaṃs, comparat. of dṛḍha, see dṛṃh.

drapsin drapsin, i. e. drapsa (ved.) + in, adj. Distilling, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2.
-- With drapsa, Drop; cf. perhaps [greek]

dram dram, i. 1, Par. To run.
-- Cf. [greek] see drā, dru.

drava drava, i. e. dru + a,
I. adj.
     1. Running (ved.).
     2. Liquid, Hariv. 12333.
     3. n. A liquid substance, Man. 5, 115.
II. m.
     1. Quick motion, Hariv. 11430.
     2. Flight, 12567.
     3. Fluidity, Bhāṣāp. 29.
-- Comp. amṛta-, adj., f. , flowing with Amṛta (and medicaments), Śiś. 9, 36.

dravatā drava + tā, f. Wetness, Śiś. 9, 65.

dravatva drava + tva, n.
     1. Fluidity, Bhāṣāp. 153 (°tva + ka in 30).
     2. Fusibility, Hit. i. d. 87.

draviḍa draviḍa, m.
     1. The name of a people, MBh. 14, 832.
     2. The son of a Vrātya or degraded Kṣatriya, Man. 10, 22.

draviṇa draviṇa (akin to dravya and probably to 3. dru),
I. n.
     1. Wealth, Man. 7, 136.
     2. Money, Rājat. 5, 167.
     3. Strength, Rām. 1, 16, 15.
II. m.
     1. pl. Wealth, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 12.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2585.
     3. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 15.
     4. The name of the inhabitants of a Varṣa or division of the world, 5, 20, 22.

draviṇavant draviṇa + vant, adj. Strong, MBh. 5, 3889.

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dravya dravya (probably akin to 3. dru), n.
     1. Object, thing, Man. 1, 113; 8, 34.
     2. Substance, Bhāṣāp. 1.
     3. Property, Man. 4, 114.
     4. A fit object.
-- Comp. a-, n. a worthless object, Hit. pr. d. 43; Mālav. 14, 23. apa-, n. any bad substance. nis-, adj. 1. immaterial, MBh. 12, 11350. 2. poor, Rām. 5, 33, 31. sītā-, n. pl. implements of husbandry, Man. 9, 293.

dravyatva dravya + tva, n. Substantiality, Bhāṣāp. 23.

dravyamaya dravya + maya, adj., f. , Substantial, Bhāg. P. 4, 14, 21.

dravyavant dravya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Wealthy, Rām. 2, 49, 26 Gorr.

draṣṭukāma draṣṭukāma, i. e. draṣṭum (infinitive of dṛś) -kāma, adj. Desirous of seeing, Sund. 3, 25.

draṣṭuśakya draṣṭuśakya, Indr. 2, 6, read draṣtuṃ śakya, MBh. 3, 1761.

draṣṭṛ draṣṭṛ, i. e. driś + tṛ, m.
     1. One who sees, MBh. 3, 12623.
     2. One who decides, Yājñ. 2, 202.
     3. A judge, Mṛcch. 137, 16.

draṣṭṛtva draṣṭṛ + tva, n. The faculty of seeing, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 46.

drā 1. drā, ii. 2. Par. To run. Caus. drāpaya. Anomal. frequent. daridrā, To be in distress, to be poor, Hit. ii. d. 2.
-- Cf. [greek] (from the Causal).

drā 2. drā, ii. 2, and drai drai, i. 1, drā + ya (properly drā, i. 4), Par. (also Ātm. Mṛcch. 116, 10), To sleep.
-- With the prep. ni ni, To fall asleep, MBh. 13, 7568; 7418. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. nidrāṇa, Sleeping, Rājat. 2, 165.
-- Cf. O.H.G. traum; O.S. drom. O.H.G. denomin. traumjan; O.S. drāmjan, to dream; Lat. dormire (a denomin based on dor + mo), [greek] and [greek] (also a denomin. based on [greek] + tvan).

drāk drāk, i. e. 1. drā-añc, acc. sing. ntr. adv. Soon, instantly, Pañc. 4, 22.

drākṣā drākṣā, f.
     1. A vine, Hariv. 6407.
     2. A grape, Gīt. 12, 29.

drākhdrākh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To become dry.
     2. To be sufficient; cf. dhrākh.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. trukan; A. S. drig, dryg, drí.

drāghdrāgh, i. 1, Ātm. (probably a denomin. derived from dīrgha, comparat. drāghīyaṃs, etc.),
     1. To lengthen.
     2. To exert one's self, to be tired.
     3. To be able.
     4. To torment.
     5. To stroll.

drāghaya drāghaya, a denomin. derived from dīrgha, comparat. drāghīyaṃs, Par.
     1. To extend, Rājat. 4, 513.
     2. To lengthen, Bhaṭṭ. 18, 33.
     3. To tarry, Rām. 2, 109, 14 Gorr.

drāghiṣṭha drāghiṣṭha, and drāghīyaṃs drāghīyaṃs, see dīrgha.

drāḍ drāḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To divide, to split.
-- With the prep. ud ud, Caus. To split, Śatr. 14, 44 (perhaps faulty).

drāvaṇa drāvaṇa, i. e. dru, Caus. + ana,
I. adj. Putting to flight, MBh. 8, 1523.
II. n. Putting to flight, Hariv. 7583.

drāviḍa drāviḍa, i. e. draviḍa + a,
I. adj., f. ḍī, Belonging to the Draviḍas, MBh. 8, 454.
II. m. pl. = Draviḍa, MBh. 1, 6683.
III. f. ḍī, Cardamom, Suśr. 1, 142, 4.

drāhdrāh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To wake.
     2. To cast down.

dru 1. dru (akin to dram, 1. drā), i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., MBh. 6, 4710),
     1. To run, MBh. 8, 3014.
     2. To attack, MBh. 1, 5478.
     3. To melt, Lass. 24, 7. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. druta,
     1. Swift, MBh. 13, 1839
     2. Flown, Ṛt. 1, 20.
     3. Running away, Bhāg. P. 4, 17, 14.
     4. Molten, Śiś. 9, 9. °tam, adv. Instantly, Man. 9, 272. Comparat. druta + tara + m, adv. As quickly as possible, Pañc. 25, 15. Caus. drāvaya, To put to flight, MBh. 4, 1082. Anomal. ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. drāvayāṇa, MBh. 6, 5199.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To pursue, Bhāg. P. 4, 19, 16. anudruta,
     1. Pursued, Ragh. 3, 38.
     2. Accompanied, Rām. 2, 65, 26.
     3. Pursuing, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 7.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To pursue, MBh. 10, 657; to follow, 14, 636.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To run on, MBh. 1, 6000.
     2. To attack, Arj. 7, 1.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi,
     1. To assail, MBh. 6, 1953.
     2. To infest, MBh. 18, 46. samabhidruta + m, adv. Quickly, 12, 6402.
-- With ā ā, To hasten on, MBh. 3, 248.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To pursue, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 17.
-- With paryā. pari-ā, To hasten on round about, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 13.
-- With prā pra-ā,
     1. To run away, MBh. 1, 2843.
     2. To escape, 1, 6127.
-- With saṃprā sam-pra-ā, To run away, MBh. 9, 1675 (perhaps only sam-pra).
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To assail, MBh. 7, 5292.
-- With samā sam-ā, To assail, MBh. 2, 815.
-- With upa upa, To assail, Pañc. 147, 1. upadruta,
     1. Assailed, Hariv. 1151.
     2. Distressed, Rām. 2, 48, 22.
-- With pratyupa prati-upa, To rush on, Pañc. 226, 23.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To run on, MBh. 3, 10993.
     2. To assail, Rām. 4, 48, 29.
-- With parā parā. To run away, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 18.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To press on, Arj. 6, 8.
     2. To run away, MBh. 3, 8749.
     3. To hasten to, Rām. 1, 20, 6.
     4. To attain, Brāhmaṇ. 1, 19. pradruta, Run away, Rām. 2, 97, 9. Caus. To put to flight, MBh. 8, 2424.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To assail, MBh. 9, 398.
-- With vipra vi-pra,
     1. To run in different directions, to disperse, Rām. 2, 102, 1 Gorr.
     2. To run away, MBh. 3, 861. vipradruta, Run away, MBh. 3, 675.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To run away, MBh. 3, 239.
-- With prati prati, To run to, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 17.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To run in different directions, MBh. 3, 2549.
     2. To run away, MBh. 4, 163.
     3. To burst, MBh. 13, 7472. vidruta,
     1. Run in different directions, Sund. 4, 20.
     2. Run away, Draup. 8, 35.
     3. Burst, Man. 7, 3.
     4. Dissolved, i. e. destroyed, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 49.
     5. Unsteady, Pañc. 203, 3. Caus. To put to flight, MBh. 1, 6680.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi,
     1. To assail, MBh. 6, 1776.
     2. To run away, MBh. 6, 4614.
-- With pravi pra-vi, pravidruta, Run away, MBh. 7, 4865.
-- Cf. Lat. gruere in in-gruere etc., and ruere; probably O.H.G. triufan, A.S. driopan (an old Causal); O.H.G. trofo; A.S. dropa; O.H.G. trauf, trauti.

dru 2. dru, ii. 5, Par.
     1. To hurt.
     2. † To repent, v. r.

dru 3. dru. i. e. dṛ + u,
I. m. and n. Wood, Man. 7, 131.
II. m. A tree.
-- Cf. [greek] Got trin; A. S. tre. a tree.

druḍdruḍ. i. 1 and 6. Par. To sink.

druṇdruṇ. i. e. Par.
     1. To make crooked.
     2. To go.
     3. To hurt; cf. 2. dru and drū.

drupada drupada, m. The name of a king, Man. 1, 2453.

druma 3. dru + ma, m.
     1. A tree, Man. 9, 255.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 227.
-- Comp. kalpa-, m. a fabulous tree fulfilling all wishes, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 5. grāma- and caitya-, m. a sacred tree growing in a village or near it, and held in veneration by the villagers, Hiḍ. 1, 39. chāyā-, m. very shady tree, Śāk. d. 86. sa-p vata-vana-, adj. with (its) mountains, forests, and trees, Chr. 40, 20.
-- Cf. [greek]

drumavant druma-vant, adj., f. vatī, Woody, MBh. 7, 782.

drumāya drumāya, a denomin. derived from druma by ya, Ātm. To pass for a tree, Hit. i. d. 63.

druh 1. druh, i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 75, 22),
     1. To hurt, Rām. 2, 25, 17.
     2. To seek to injure or to grieve, Man. 2, 144. With the dat., Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 15; with the gen., Rām. 2, 99, 23 Gorr.; with the loc., Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 21; and with the acc., MBh. 2, 2107. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. drugdha, Wished to be injured, Rājat. 5, 298. Comp. a-drudgha, adj. innoccnt, MBh. 5, 715.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To hurt, Bhāg. P. 4, 20, 3.
     2. To seek to hurt, Pañc. i. d. 270, with the dat. and acc. abhidrugdha, Seeking to injure, MBh. 5, 2160.
-- With vi vi, To insult, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 41.
-- Cf. Goth. driugan (d instead of t on account of the following r), dalgs; O.H.G. triugan (see droha).

druh 2. druh,
     1. m. An injurer, MBh. 7, 6512.
     2. Latter part of adj., Injuring, having injured, e. g. garbha-bhartṛ-, f. A woman who has caused an abortion or stricken her husband, Man. 5, 90. mitra-, n. An injurer of his friend, Man. 3, 160.

drū drū, ii. 9, Par. To go, to hurt.
-- Cf. 2. dru.

drek drek, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To sound.
     2. To increase (?).
     3. To show pride (?).
-- With the prep. pra pra, To begin to neigh, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 8.

drai drai, see 2. drā.

drogdhṛ drogdhṛ, i. e. druh + tṛ, m. An injurer, MBh. 5, 2124.

droṇa droṇa, probably dru + van (t) + a,
I. n. A wooden tub, MBh, 1, 5105.
II. m. and n.
     1. A measure of capacity, = āḍhaka, Man. 7, 126.
     2. A cloud abounding in water, Mṛcch. 163, 8.
III. m. A proper name, the military preceptor of the Pāṇḍus and Kurus, MBh. 1, 2434.
IV. f. ṇī.
     1. A wooden tub, Hariv. 3866.
     2. A valley, Bhāg. P. 4, 10, 5; Rājat. 5, 141.
-- Comp. saha-droṇa, adj. with Droṇa. snāna-droṇī, f. a bathing-tub, Rājat. 5, 46.

droṇamaya droṇa + maya, adj. Full of Droṇas (droṇa
III.), MBh. 7, 936.

droha droha, i. e. druh + a, m.
     1. Injury, Pañc. 45, 25.
     2. Insidious wounding, Man. 7, 48.
     3. Perfidy, Rājat. 4, 410.
-- Comp. a-, n. 1. absenec of injury, Man. 4, 2. 2. kindness, Sāv. 5, 34. nis-, adj. 1. not hostile, Rājat. 1, 362. 2. innoccnt, 5, 208. 3. Well disposed, 6, 26.

drohin drohin, i. e.
I. druh + in, latter part of comp. adj. Injuring, Rām. 3, 16, 34.
II. droha + in, adj. Perfidious, Rājat. 1, 162.

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drauṇāyani drauṇāyani, i. e. droṇa + āyani, and drāṇi drauṇi, i. e. droṇa + i, patron. A son of Droṇa, MBh. 1, 7019; 4, 1150.

drauṇika drauṇika, i. e. droṇa + ika,
I. adj., f. , Containing a Droṇa (see droṇa
II.), e. g. pañcadrauṇika, i. e. pañcan-droṇa + ika, Containing five Droṇas, MBh. 2, 2091.
II. (m. or n.), A field which may be sown with a Droṇa of grain, Kathās. 3, 33.

draupada draupada, i. e. drupada + a, patron., f. , The daughter of Drupada, the common wife of the five Pāṇḍu princes, MBh. 1, 2791.

draupadeya draupadeya, i. e. draupadi + eya, metronym. A son of Draupadī, MBh. 1, 429.

dvaṃdva dvaṃdva, i. e. dva + m-dva (+ m, old sing. ntr. of dvi, twice repeated), n. A pair, a couple, Megh. 46.
     2. A pair of opposite things, as heat and cold, Man. 1, 26.
     3. Quarrel, contest, MBh. 12, 7557.
     4. A duel, MBh. 5, 7083.
     5. Doubt, MBh. 1, 1867.
     6. A class of comp. words, Bhag. 10, 33. Acc. sing. °dvam, and instr. °dvena, adv. Two by two. Hariv. 3754; Bhāg. P. 8, 10. 34.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. 1. indifferent in regard to the opposite pairs, as pleasure and pain, etc. (cf. Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 17), Bhag. 2, 45. 2. independent, MBh. 12, 489. 3. free from jealousy, MBh. 3, 14734. 4. uncontested, MBh. 4, 889.

dvaṃdvacara dvaṃdva-cara, m. The ruddy goose, Anas casarca Gm., Ragh. 8, 55.

dvaṃdvaśas dvaṃdva + śas, adv. Two by two, Rām. 2, 103, 11 Gorr.

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dvaṃdvin dvaṃdvin, i. e. dvaṃdva + in, adj. Contradictory, Prab. 86, 14.

dvaya dvaya, i. e. dvi + a,
I. adj., f. , Of two different sorts, Bhartṛ. 2, 25.
II. n.
     1. A pair, Yājñ. 1, 59.
     2. Two things, Bhartṛ. 1, 53.
     3. Both, MBh. 12, 6552.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without a second, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 10.
-- Cf. [greek].

dvā dvā. (old nom. du. of dvi), former part in comp. numerals, Two, e. g. dvā-catvāriṃśat, Forty-two.

dvāḥstha dvāḥstha, i. e. dvār-stha,
I. adj. Standing at the door, Rām. 2, 71, 30.
II. m. A porter, Rām. 6, 8, 37.

dvādaśa dvā-daśa,
I. ordln. numb., f. śī, Twelfth, Man. 2, 36; 7, 130.
II. f. śī, The twelfth day of the half-month, Kathās. 26, 4.

dvādaśaka dvādaśa + ka, adj.
     1. Twelfth, MBh. 12, 11955.
     2. Amounting to twelve, Man. 8, 268.

dvādaśadhā dvādaśadhā, i. e. dvādaśan + dhā, adv. Twelve fold, Bhāg. P. 5, 22, 3.

dvādaśan dvā-daśan, numeral, Twelve, Man. 5, 134.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. duodecim.

dvādaśika dvādaśika, i. e. dvādaśan + ika, adj. Taking place on the twelfth day of the half-month, Rām. 2, 86, 1 Gorr.

dvāpara dvā-para, n.
     1. The die which is maried with two points, MBh. 4, 1578.
     2. The third of the four yugas or great periods, Man. 9, 391.

dvār dvār (vb. dvṛ), f.
     1. A door, a gate, Man. 3, 88.
     2. Opportunity, Mṛcch. 138, 1.
     3. A means; instr, dvārā, as latter part of comp. words, By, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 11.

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dvāra dvāra, i. e. dvṛ + a, n.
     1. A door, a gate, Man. 9, 289.
     2. A way, MBh. 7, 1526.
     3. A means, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 1; instr. dvāreṇa, as latter part of comp. words,
     1. By, Pañc. i. d. 52.
     2. By means of, Pañc. 166, 17.
-- Comp. a-, n. any other entrance than the door, Man. 4, 73; not a door, MBh. 13, 4749. gaṅgā-, n. the locality where the Gaṅgā, leaving the mountains, enters the plains. gala-, n. the mouth. giri-, n. a mountain-pass. pakṣa-, n. a side-door. śakṛddv°, i. e. śakṛt-, n. the anus. siṃha-, n. a gate, especially the chief gate of a palace.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. foras, foris, fores; Goth. daur, A.S. duru, dyr.

dvāraka dvāra + ka,
I. n. A gate, MBh. 12, 2639.
II. f. , The name of Kṛṣṇa's residence, MBh. 1, 7899.

dvāratā dvāra + tā, f. Access, Ragh. 11, 18.

dvāravatī dvāravatī, i. e. avara + vant + ī, f. The name of Kṛṣṇa's residence, Rām. 4, 43, 6.

dvārastha dvāra-stha,
I. adj., f. thā, Standing at the door, Pañc. 198, 11.
II. m. A perter, Pañc. 15, 25.

dvārika dvārika, i. e. dvāra + ika, and dvārin dvārin, i. e. dvara + in, m. A porter, Pañc. iii. d. 85; MBh. 1, 4906.

dvi dvi, the base of the deelension is dva, m. n; dvā, f.; du. nuieral,
     1. Two.
     2. Both, Rām. 6, 95, 44.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] Lat. duo, bi-farius, dubius, duellum, bellum, dis-; Goth. tvai; A. S. tvá, twi-, tweogan; Goth. tveifljan, tvi-standan, dis-dailjan.

dvika dvi + ka,
I. adj. Increased by two, Man. 8, 141 (two in the hundred).
II. (n.) A pair, Rājat. 1, 56.

dviguṇatva dvi-guṇa + tva, n. Duplication, Amar. 6, 8.

dvija dvi-ja,
I. adj. Twice born.
II. m.
     1. A man of either of the three first classes, as their initiation passes for a second birth, especially a Brāhamaṇa, Yājñ. 1, 39; Nal. 16, 1.
     2. A bird, Man. 5, 17.
     3. A tooth, Bhartṛ. 1, 12.
-- Comp. a-, adj. deprived of Brāhmaṇas, Man. 8, 22.

dvijatva dvija-tva, n. Condition or state of a Brāhmaṇa, Rājat. 4, 105.

dvijātisāt dvi-jāti + sāt, adv. (A present) to the Brāhmaṇas, Rājat. 5, 120.

dvita dvita, m. The name of a mythical person, MBh. 12, 13174.

dvitaya dvi + taya,
I. adj.
     1. Involved in duality, Bhāg. P. 6, 15, 28.
     2. Both, Ragh. 8, 89.
II. n. A pair, two, Bhāg. P. 5, 22, 14.

dvitīya dvi + tīya,
I. ordinal number, f. ,
     1. Second, Man. 2, 169. °yam, adv. A second time, again, Man. 11, 232.
II. m. A companion, MBh. 13, 4899.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. quite alone, Kathās. 24, 103. 2. incomparable, Rām. 4, 22, 2.

dvitīyavant dvitīya + vant, adj. Having a friend, MBh. 3, 17333.

dvitra dvitra, i. e. dvi-tri + a, m., f. trā, n. pl. Two or three, Bhartṛ. 2, 90.

dvitricaturam dvi-tri-catur + a + m, adv. Twice, or three or four times, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 8.

dvitva dvi + tva. n. The number Two, Bhāṣāp. 88.

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dvidhā dvi + dhā, adv.
     1. In two parts, Man. 1, 12.
     2. Divided, Sāv. 4, 33.
     3. Of two kinds, Sāh. D. 8.
-- Cf. [greek] .

dvipa dvi-pa (1. ), m. An elephant (drinking twice, the elephant imbibing fluids by his trunk and thence conveying them to his mouth), Man. 7, 192.
-- Comp. gandha-, m. a very strong kind of elephant, Vikr. d. 156. maru-, m. a camel. sura-, m. an elephant of the gods.

dvipadikā dvipadikā, i. e. dvi-pada + ka, f. A kind of song, Vikr. 51, 5.

dvipāyin dvipāyin, i. e. dvi- 1. pā + in, m. An elephant. (cf. dvipa), Rām. 3, 30, 26.

dvimātṛ dvi-mātṛ, adj. Having two mothers (Sch., the measurer of the two worlds), Chr. 296, 4 = Rigv. i. 112, 4.

dviśas dvi-śas, adv. Two by two, Suśr. 1, 152, 18.

dviṣ 1. dviṣ, ii. 2 (in epic poetry also i. 6, MBh. 2, 1934; 1943), Par. Ātm.
     1. To hate, MBh. 12, 8051.
     2. To show one's hatred, Man. 7, 12.
     3. To dislike, Bhag. 2, 57. Ptcple. of the pres. dviṣant, m. A foe, Man. 3, 144. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dviṣṭa,
     1. Odious, Yājñ. 2, 304.
     2. Hostile, Hariv. 4673. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. dveṣya,
     1. Disagreeable, MBh. 4. 120.
     2. Odious, Rām. 2, 21, 57. m. A foe, Man. 9, 307.
-- With anu anu, To wreak one's anger upon one, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 7.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To dislike, Bhag. 16, 18.
     2. To hate, MBh. 14, 789.
     3. To show one's hatred, MBh. 12, 8397.
-- With vi vi, To dislike, Hariv. 8395. vidviṣant, m. A foe, Bhartṛ. 3, 68. vidviṣṭa,
     1. Odious, Man. 2, 57.
     2. Being in contradiction to, Rām. 2, 116, 46 Gorr.
-- With sam sam, saṃdviṣṭa, Hated, MBh. 12. 53.
-- Cf. [greek] (frequent.) [greek] probably also [greek] (frequent.), [greek] etc.; Lat. in -vīsus, dirus.

dviṣ 2. dviṣ,
I. latter part of comp. adj. Hating, Man. 3, 41.
II. m. A foe, MBh. 4, 509.
-- Comp. pura-, m. a name of Śiva, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 8.

dvis dvi + s, adv. Twice, Man. 2, 60.
-- Cf. [greek]; Lat. bis.

dvīpa dvīpa, i. e. dvi-ap + a, m. and n.
     1. An island, Rām. 2, 25, 34.
     2. Shelter, MBh. 2, 2118.
     3. The name of the four, seven, or thirteen grand divisions of the terrestrial world, each of these being separated from the next by a different circumambient ocean, MBh. 6, 404.
-- Comp. kuśa-, m. one of the seven divisions of the terrestrial world, MBh. 13, 673. gaṇa-, m. the name of an island (?), Rām. 4, 40, 33. jambū-, m. the name of one of the seven divisions of the world, and implying the central division, or the known world; according to the Bauddhas, it is confined to India, MBh. 6, 207; Lalit. 27. jala-, m. the name of an island, Rām. 4, 40, 33. nāga-, m. the name of a division of the world, MBh. 6, 251.

dvīpavant dvīpa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in islands, MBh. 1, 2872.
-- Cf. trayodaśadvīpavant i. e. trayodaśan-, adj., f. vatī, Containing thirteen dvīpas, MBh. 3, 182. saptan-, adj. Containing seven dvīpas, Bhāg. P. 3, 21. 2.

dvīpin dvīpin, i. e. dvīpa + in, m. on ounce or panther, Pañc. 63, 22.

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dvṛdvṛ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To stop. 2. To cover.
     3. To disregard.
     4. To appropriate.

dvedhā dvedhā i. e. dvaya + dhā, adv. In two parts, MBh. 2, 930.

dveṣa dveṣa, i. e. dviṣ + a, m.
     1. Hatred, Man. 4, 163.
     2. Abhorrence, repentance, Śāk. 66, 2.
     4. Malignity, Man. 8, 225.

dveṣaṇa dveṣaṇa, i. e. dviṣ + ana,
I. m. An enemy, MBh. 12, 6278.
II. n. Hatred against (with gen.), 5, 3263.

dveṣas dveṣas i. e. dviṣ + as, n. Hatred, an enemy, Chr. 287, 8 = Rigv. 1, 48, 8.

dveṣin dveṣin, i. e. dviṣ + in,
I. adj. Disliking, Suśr. 1, 118, 14.
II. m. A foe, Hariv. 1507.

dveṣoyut dveṣoyut, i. e. dveṣas-yu + t, adj. Preventing hostility, Lass. 99, 1 = Rigv. v. 9, 6.

dveṣṭṛ dveṣṭṛ, i. e. dviṣ + tṛ, m.
     1. One who dislikes, Suśr. 1, 121, 5.
     2. A foe, MBh. 1, 1941.

dveṣyatā dveṣya + tā (vb. dviṣ), f. Odiousness, Pañc. i. d. 147.

dvaiguṇya dvaiguṇya i. e. dvi-guṇa + ya, n. Double the amount, Man. 8, 151.

dvaijāta dvaijāta, i. e. dvi-jāti + a, adj. Belonging to one of the three higher classes, Man. 8, 374.

dvaita dvaita, i. e. dvi + tā + a, n. Duality, Prab. 21, 8.
-- Comp. a-, n. being alone, Rām. 3, 3, 3.

dvaitavana dvaitavana, i. e. dvitavana + a + a, adj. Referring to Dhvasan Dvaitavana, i. e. son of Dvitavana, MBh. 3, 928.

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dvaidha dvaidha, i. e. dvidhā + a, n.
     1. Duality, Man. 2, 14 (two texts)
     2. Difference, Man. 9, 32.
     3. Contradiction, Man. 8, 73.
     4. A contest, a personal conflict, MBh. 5, 5828.
     5. Duplicity, Pañc. iii. d. 62.
     6. Division of an army, Man. 7, 167.

dvaidhībhāva dvaidhībhāva, i. e. dvaidha-bhū + a, m.
     1. Duality, MBh. 14, 809.
     2. Doubt, MBh. 7, 1211.
     3. Uncertainty, Śāk. 15, 11.
     4. Duplicity, Pañc. iii. d. 59.
     5. Division of an army, Man. 7, 160.

dvaidhya dvaidhya, i. e. dvidhā + ya, n. Duplicity.
-- Comp. a-, adj. sincere, Kām. Nītis. 4, 67.

dvaipakṣa dvaipakṣa, i. e. dvi-pakṣa + a, n. Two parties, MBh. 8, 4432.

dvaipāyana dvaipāyana, i. e.
     1. dvīpa + āyana, m. A name of Vyāsa, MBh. 1, 2416.
     2. dvaipāyana + a, adj. Referring to Vyāsa, MBh. 9, 1743.

dvaimātura dvaimātura, i. e. dvi-mātṛ + a, adj.
     1. Having different mothers, Rājat. 4, 355.
     2. Having another mother, 5, 22.

dvairatha dvairatha, i. e. dvi-ratha + a,
I. adj. combined with yuddha, and subst. n. without yuddha, A single fight in chariots, Rām. 6, 86, 27; MBh. 4, 1061.
II. m. An adversary, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 34.

dvairājya dvairājya, i. e. dvi-rājan + ya. n. A dominion divided between two princes, Mālav. 69, 17.

dvaividhya dvaividhya, i. e. dvi-vidha + ya (see vidhā), n.
     1. Duality, twofold character, Bhāṣāp. 141.
     2. Duplicity, MBh. 15, 236.

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dhakkdhakk, i. 10, Par. To destroy.

dhaṭa dhaṭa (probably a dialectical form of dhartṛ, based on the nom. sing. dhartā), m. The scale of a balance, Mit. 140, 1, below.

dhaṇdhaṇ, i. 1, Par. To sound.
-- Cf. dhvan.

dhan 1. dhan (cf. dhanv), f. †, Par.
     1. To put in motion (ved.).
     2. † To bear or produce grains, etc. Caus. dhanaya, To put in motion, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3.

dhan 2. dhan, i. 1, Par. To sound.
-- Cf. dhvan.

dhana dhana, n.
     1. Property of any description, chattels, Man. 8, 201.
     2. A gift, Man. 3, 138.
     3. Gold, money, Man. 3, 6; Rām. 1, 5, 5.
     4. Abundance in, Man. 2, 155.
     5. Cattle, Hariv. 3886.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. . 1. having no property, Man. 8, 416. 2. poor, Rām. 1, 15, 18. antar-, n. an inward treasure, Bhartṛ. 2, 13. alam-, adj. having a sufficient property, Man. 8, 162. alpa-, adj. possessing little wealth, Man. 3, 66. kanyā-, n. dowry, Rām. 1, 74, 3. go-, n. 1. property in cattle, MBh. 4, 1504. 2. a station of cowherds, Rām. 2, 32, 42 Gorr. tapodhana, i. e. tapas-, adj., f. . 1. devout; subst. m. an ascetic, Man. 11, 241. 2. Consisting in devotion, MBh. 13, 2727. nis-, adj. poor, Bhartṛ. 2, 12. mahā, I. adj. 1. rich. 2. valuable. II. n. 1. (ved.) battle, Chr. 297, 17 = Rigv. i. 112, 17. 2. gold. 3. incense. 4. costly raiment. 5. agriculture. vidyā-, n. property acquired by learning, Man. 9, 206. satya-, adj. sincere, virtuous. su-, m. a proper name. hṛta- (vb. hṛ), adj. spoiled of wealth.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

dhanaṃjaya dhanaṃjaya, dhana + m-ji + a,
I. adj. Conquering booty, MBh. 9, 2665.
II. m.
     1. One of the five vital airs, that which is supposed to fatten, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 16.
     2. A name of Arjuna, MBh. 1, 2444.
     3. One of the Nāgas or infernal serpents, MBh. 1, 1550.
     4. A proper name, MBh. 2, 1238.

dhanada dhana-da,
I. adj. Liberal, Kām. Nītis. 3, 23.
II. m. A name of Kuvera, Rām. 3, 39, 20.

dhanavant dhana + vant, adj., f. vatī, Wealthy, Man. 3, 40.
-- Cf. probably Lat. dives.

dhanasā dhanasā i. e. dhana-san, Conquering booty, Chr. 296, 7 = Rigv. i. 112, 7

dhanastha dhana-stha, adj. Wealthy, MBh. 12, 3331.

dhanaspṛt dhana-spṛ + t, adj. Conquering booty, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.

dhanāya dhanāya, a denomin. derived from dhana by ya, Par., Ātm. To be desirous of (with gen.), MBh. 5, 4510.

dhanika dhanika i. e. dhana + ika,
I. adj. Wealthy, Pañc. 229, 1.
II. m. A creditor, Man. 8, 47.

dhanin dhanin i. e. dhana + in,
I. adj., f. , Wealthy, Man. 8, 179.
II. m.
     1. A creditor, Man. 8, 61.
     2. An owner, Man. 8, 147.

dhaniṣṭhā dhaniṣṭhā, f. The name of a Nakṣatra or lunar mansion, MBh. 13, 4266.

dhanu dhanu (a curtailed form of dhanus), m.
     1. A bow, Hit. pr. d. 22.
     2. A measure of length, MBh. 8, 4224.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with a bow (in his hand).

dhanuṣka -dhanuṣka, i. e. dhanus + ka, a substitute for dhanus when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. sa-, adj. Having a bow or bows, MBh. 2, 2699.

dhanuṣmattā dhanuṣmattā i. e. dhanus + mant + tā, f. Archery, Bhartṛ. 1, 13 (thus to be read).

dhanuṣmant dhanuṣmant i. e. dhanus + mant,
I. adj. Bearing a bow, Draup. 2, 8.
II. m. An archer, Pañc. i. d. 219.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. a mighty archer.

dhanus dhanus i. e. probably han + vant (akin to dhanvan),
I. adj. Armed with a bow, MBh. 7, 9536.
II. n.
     1. A bow, Man. 3, 160.
     2. A measure of length, Man. 8, 237.
     3. The sign Sagittarius.
     4. A desert, Man. 7, 70 (cf. dhanvan).
-- Comp. indra- and sura-pati-, n. the rainbow, Man. 1, 38; Megh. 73. puṣpa-, m. a name of the god of love, Śiś. 9, 41. sa-, adj. armed with a bow.

dhanya dhanya i. e. dhana + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Bringing wealth, Man. 4, 19.
     2. Auspicious, MBh. 8, 3606.
     3. Fortunate, MBh. 13, 937.
II. m. A kind of pell, Rām. 1, 31, 8 Gorr.

dhanyatā dhanya + tā, f. Fortunate condition, MBh. 3, 3078.

dhanyaṃmanya dhanyaṃmanya i. e. dhanya + m-man + ya, adj. Thinking one's self fortunate, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 23.

dhanv dhanv (akin to dhan and to dha/āv), i. 1, Par. To run, to flow (ved.).

dhanva dhanva (a curtailed form of dhanvan), n. A bow.
-- Comp. priya-, adj. bow-loving, MBh. 7, 9596.

dhanvan dhanvan,
I. (a curtailed form of dhanvant, cf. dhanus), n. A bow; in the classic language almost always latter part of comp. adj. or sbst. derived from adjectives, e. g. udyata- (vb. yam), adj. With raised bow, Rām. 2, 91, 10 Gorr. kusuma-, puṣpa-, m. Kāma, the god of love (properly, adj. Having a bow made of flowers), Prab. 72, 11. gāṇḍīva-, m. A name of Arjuna, Megh. 49.
II. m. and n. A country scantily supplied with water, a desert, Man. 7, 70 (v. r.).
-- Comp. su-, m. 1. an archer. 2. the son of an outcast Vaiśya, Man. 10, 23. 3. Viśvakarman, the artist of the gods.

dhanvantari dhanvantari, m.
     1. A name of the sun, MBh. 3, 155.
     2. The physician of the gods, who was produced at the churning of the ocean, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 31.

dhanvāyana dhanvāyana, in bhīma-dhanvāyanī, f. Armed with frightful bows, MBh. 5, 7633; probably to be changed to -dhanvāyinī, i. e. bhīmadhanvan + vin + ī (with y for v, VS. 16, 22).

dhanvin dhanvin, i. e. dhanvan + in,
I. adj. Armed with a bow, MBh. 4, 1639.
II. m.
     1. An archer, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 21.
     2. The sign Sagittarius, Varāb. Bṛh. S. 5, 41.
     3. A name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10361.
     4. A proper name, Hariv. 429.

dham dham, see dhmā.

dhama -dham + a (vb. dhmā), latter part of comp. adj., Blowing, melting.

dhamani and dham + ani/ī (vb. dhamā), f. A vein, MBh. 1, 5936.

dhammilla dhammilla, m. Braided and ornamented hair tied round the head, Rājat. 5, 356.

dhara dhara, i. e. dhṛ + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Bearing, especially latter part of comp. adj., e. g. Arj. 6, 10.
     2. Preserving, MBh. 6, 3005.
     3. Possessed of, Rām. 1, 9, 27.
     4. Observing, Pañc. 187, 12.
II. m. The name of a vasu, MBh. 1, 2582.
III. f. , The earth, Man. 6, 26.
-- Comp. gadā-, m. a name of Kṛṣṇa, Bhāg. P. 1, 8, 39. garbha-, adj., f. , pregnant, MBh. 3, 12864. jagatī-, m. a mountain, Kir. 5, 45. jaṭā-, 1. adj. wearing matted hair (cf. jaṭā) Rām. 2, 86, 22; an ascetic, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 7. 2. epithet of Śiva, MBh. 3, 1625. toya-, adj. containing water, Rām. 2, 93, 9. daṇḍa-,
I. adj. 1. having a mast, Rām. 2, 97, 17. 2. holding a rod as symbol of justice, chastising, Man. 9, 245; MBh. 12, 694.
II. m. 1. a king, Ragh. 9, 3. 2. a judge, Daśak. 111, 12. 3. epithet of Yama, Rājat. 4, 655. daṇḍa-vrata-, adj. puniṣing, Bhāg. P. 4, 13, 22. dus-, adj., f. . 1. difficult to be borne, MBh. 5, 4403. 2. hard to be supported, Hariv. 8293. 3. hard to be managed, Man. 7, 28. 4. hard to be kept in remembrance, MBh. 13, 3618. dhanus, adj. sbst. armed with a bow, an archer, Man. 7, 74. dharaṇī-,
I. adj. holding the earth, MBh. 13, 6159.
II. m. 1. a mountain, Rām. 6, 16, 4. 2. a king, Rājat. 3, 63. dharā-,
I. adj. holding, supporting the earth, MBh. 13, 6860.
II. m. a mountain, Rām. 3, 35, 24; dhārā-, m. a cloud, MBh. 4, 2039. pakṣa-,
I. adj. Siding with, MBh. 1, 7507.
II. m. a bird, Hariv. 11852. pāśa-, m. (holding a noose), a name of Varuṇa, Hariv. 4808. māyā-, adj. fraudulent, Rām. 3, 49, 17. rājamantra-, i. e. rājan-mantra-, m. a king's counsellor, Hariv. 4137. hala-,
I. adj. holding a plough.
II. m. Balarāma.

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dharaṇa dharaṇa, i. e. dhṛ + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇī, Preserving, Hariv. 9643.
II. f. ṇī, and dharaṇi dharaṇi, The earth, Rām. 2, 42, 2; 1, 44, 17.
III. n.
     1. Supporting, Kumāras. 1, 17.
     2. Support, Hariv. 12823.
     3. A weight of ten Palas, Man. 8, 135; 136.

dharaṇi dharaṇi, see the last (

dharitrī dharitrī, i. e. dhṛ + tṛ + ī, f.
     1. A supporter, Hariv. 7419.
     2. The earth, Bhartṛ. 2, 37.

dhariman dhariman, i. e. dhṛ + iman, m. Weight, Man. 8, 321.

dhartṛ dhartṛ, i. e. dhṛ + tṛ, m. A preserver, Lass. 98, 11 = Rigv. v. 9, 3.

dharma dharma (a curtailed form of dharman, q. cf.), m. and n.
     1. Virtue, Hit. i. d. 59.
     2. Merit, Bhāṣāp. 160.
     3. Right, Man. 1, 26.
     4. Law, Man. 1, 114; 2, 12.
     5. Duty, Man. 6, 92.
     6. Justice, Man. 7, 18.
     7. Character, quality, MBh. 12, 7850.
     8. Resemblance, Rām. 2, 123, 14 Gorr. (dharmāt, Like).
     9. A sacrifice, MBh. 14, 2623.
     10. Personified justice, Rām. 1, 1, 19.
     11. = Yama, the judge of the dead, Hiḍ. 1, 34.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. wrong, Man. 1, 26. 2. unjust way, Man. 2, 111. 3. demerit, Bhāṣāp. 160. atithi-, m. 1. the duty of hospitality, Pañc. 35, 17. 2. the character of a guest, Man. 3, 111. araṇya-, m. the customs of beasts, Pañc. 31, 6. āpad-, m. the duties and dispensations in time of distress, Man. 1, 116. kāla-, m. death, Rām. 1, 43, 10. kula-, m. the customs of families, Man. 1, 118. kūṭa-, adj. where falsehood passes for right, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 10. go-, m. 1. law concerning cattle, MBh. 1, 4195. 2. public sexual intercourse. grāmya-, 1. m. the customs of tame animals (or of persons living in a village ?), Pañc. 31, 6. 2. public sexual intercourse. chadman-, m. hypocrisy, Rām. 4, 16, 21. jāti-, m. the customs of tribes, Man. 1, 118. dus-, adj. following bad customs, MBh. 8, 2066. paśu-, m. 1. manner of treating cattle, Pañc. 34, 16. 2. a custom fit only for beasts, Man. 9, 66. pāṇi-, m. the form of marriage, MBh. 1, 3379. yuddha-, m. the law of war. viśeṣa-, m. peculiar or different duty. satya-, m. a proper name. sākṣāt-, m. the living law, Man. 2, 12 (cf. 2, 237). su-, f. and , a council of the gods. strī-, m. 1. law concerning women, Man. 1, 114. 2. duty of women. 3. Menses. sva-, m. 1. that which is due to somebody, one's right, Chr. 21, 8. 2. one's duty, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 4. 3. peculiar duty or occupation. 4. peculiarity.

dharmatas dharma + tas, adv. By right, Man. 1, 93.
-- Comp. putra-, adv. by the ceremonies used on the birth of a son, Chr. 55, 20.

dharman dharman, i. e. dhṛ + man,
     1. n. in ved. language = dharma.
     2. in the later language hardly ever used except as a substitute for dharma, when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. vidita-, adj. Knowing one's duty, Śāk. 40, 4.
-- Comp. kāla-, n. death, Hariv. 4761. kṣatra-, adj. fulfilling the duty of a warrior, Chr. 30, 37. manuṣya-, m. Kuvera, the god of wealth. śabdādi-, i. e. śabda-ādi-, n. quality of sound, etc., Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 28. sa-, adj. 1. equal in respect of duty, Man. 10, 41. 2. of the same caste, performing like duties. 3. of the same properties. 4. Like.

dharmamaya dharma + maya, adj. Consisting of virtue, MBh. 1, 109.

dharmavant dharma + vant, adj., f. vatī, Virtuous, Rām. 5, 3, 58.

dharmastha dharma-stha, m. A judge, Man. 8, 57.

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dharmātmatā dharmātmatā, i. e. dharma-ātman + tā, f. Justice, Rām. 4, 55, 2.

dharmādhikaraṇika dharmādhikaraṇika, i. e. dharma-adhikaraṇa + ika, m. A judge, Pañc. 97, 18.

dharmitva dharmitva, i. e. dharmin + tva, n. Virtue, Kām. Nītis. 8, 11.

dharmin dharmin, i. e. dharma + in, adj., f. iṇī.
I. Virtuous, MBh. 7, 1663.
II. Having special qualities, Hariv. 10948.
III. Latter part of comp. adj.
     1. Following the law of (Bhagavant), Bhāg. P. 4, 23, 10.
     2. Bound by the law of (the twice born), Man. 10, 41.
     3. Following the habits of (beasts), MBh. 1, 3480.
     4. Having the nature of (perishableness), Ragh. 8, 10.
     5. Having duties (to each other), MBh. 14, 708.
-- Comp. sa-,
I. adj. Observing the same customs or laws.
II. f. iṇī, A wife wedded according to the ritual of the Vedas. strī-, i. e. strī-dharma + in, f. iṇī, A woman during menstruation.

dharmiṣṭha dharmiṣṭha, superl. of dharmavant, f. ṭhā.
     1. Performing all duties, Man. 3, 40.
     2. Very virtuous, Bhāg. P. 9, 16, 15.
     3. Completely harmonising with law, Rām. 2, 26, 1.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. unjust, Rām. 2, 23, 13. 2. very wicked, MBh. 1, 4579.

dharmiṣṭhatā dharmiṣṭha + tā, f. Supreme virtuousness, MBh. 1, 2987.

dharmya dharmya, i. e. dharma + ya, adj.
     1. Conformable to law, legal, Man. 3, 22; 9, 111.
     2. Loving justice, just, Rām. 2, 21, 49; 50.
     3. Legitimate (as a wife), Rām. 3, 4, 7.
     4. Latter part of comp. words, Having the quality of (that), Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 2.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. illegal, Man. 3, 25. 2. unjust, Rām. 1, 27, 18.

dharṣa dharṣa, i. e. dhṛṣ + a, m. Arrogance, MBh. 1, 7040.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. 1. difficult to be injured or attacked, Nal. 11, 36; Rām. 6, 16, 58. 2. dangerous, Hariv. 2327. 3. horrible, MBh. 14, 1849.

dharṣaka dharṣaka, i. e. dhṛṣ + aka, adj. Assailing, Hariv. 8844.

dharṣaṇa dharṣaṇa, i. e. dhṛṣ + ana, n. and f. ṇā, Disrespect, contumely, abuse, Rām. 6, 38, 21; MBh. 1, 6502; Pañc. 255, 9.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be attacked, Rām. 4, 9, 55.

dharṣin dharṣin, i. e. dhṛṣ + in, adj. Ill-treating, Hariv. 8213.

dhav dhav, i. 1, Ātm. To run, (ved.).
-- Cf. [greek]

dhava dhava, m.
     1. A man, Pañc. ii. d. 109.
     2. A husband, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 20.
     3. A lord, Hariv. 14952.
     4. A shrub, Grislea tomentosa Roxb., Rām. 1, 26, 15.
-- Comp. menā-, m. Himālaya, the personified mountain. vi-, see s. v. sa-dhavā, f. a wife whose husband is living.

dhavala dhav + ala (cf. 2. dhāv), adj., f. .
     1. Dazzling white, Kathās. 25, 15.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. very white, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 6.

dhavalita dhavalita, i. e. dhavala + ita, adj. Made dazzling white, Bhartṛ. 3, 85.
-- Comp. sudhā-, adj. whitewashed, plastered.

dhavaliman dhavaliman, i. e. dhavala + iman, m. White (the colour), Śiś. 4, 65.

dhā dhā, ii. 3, Par., Ātm.
     1. To put, MBh. 5, 1075; Hit. ii. d. 163; pass. To be contained, MBh. 12, 8933.
     2. With manas or matim, often To resolve, Rām. 1, 9, 40, 11, 1; to fix the mind on, Man. 12, 23.
     3. To grant, confer, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14 (ved. dhattana for dhatta), MBh. 7, 5267; Man. 1, 29.
     4. To generate, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 38.
     5. To undertake, Rājat. 1, 295.
     6. To put on, Ṛt. 6, 13.
     7. To carry, bear, Ragh. 3, 1; Ṛt. 6, 16.
     8. To nourish, Chr. 295, 13 = Rigv. i. 92, 13 (ved. dhāmake, conj. of the Aor.).
     9. To preserve, Ragh. 1, 26.
     10. Ātm. To get, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 23.
     11. Ātm. To undergo, Hariv. 531.
     12. Ātm. To show, Hit. pr. d. 41. Anomal. impf. adadhan, MBh. 3, 12706. Anomal. Aor. dhīmaki (ved.), Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 18. Anomal. (or rather false) ptcple. of the pf. Par. f. dadhyuṣī (for dadhuṣī), Rām. 2, 16, 20 (= 2, 13, 19 Gorr., where v. r.). Ptcple. of the pres. pass. dhīyamāna, One whose mind is directed to, Hariv. 1854 (adharme, to injustice). Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. dhita (ved. and) Hariv. 7799, Resolved.
II. hita,
     1. Fit, suitable, Chr. 10, 5.
     2. Salutary, Man. 4, 35; most beneficial, Man. 7, 57.
     3. Wothy, Pañc. i. d. 358.
     4. Friendly, agreeable, Man. 2, 108. m. A friend, MBh. 12, 5471. n.
     1. Well-being, Rām. 3, 53, 12; also pl, Bhartṛ. 2, 65.
     2. A good, a benefit, Rājat. 5, 62. Comp. a-hita, I. adj. 1. bad, Man. 3, 20. 2. prejudicial, Rām. 3, 30, 2. II. m. An enemy, Bhag. 2, 36. III. n. injury, Rām. 5, 91, 2. hita-a-hita, adj. 1. good and evil. 2. beneficial and disadvantageous. su-,
I. adj. 1. fit, right. 2. kind. 3. satiate. n., and f. , one of the tongues of Agni. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. dheya, To be produced, MBh. 12, 13108.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, Ātm. To conquer, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2.
-- With antar antar,
     1. To cover, MBh. 4, 1683.
     2. To cause to disappear, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 35.
     3. To cclipse, MBh. 1, 5519.
     4. especially pass. To disappear, Bhāg. P. 3. 2, 11; MBh. 4, 1042.
     5. To receive in one's self, contain, Ragh. 15, 81; MBh. 12, 12747. antarhita,
     1. Covered, Rām. 2, 9, 18.
     2. Hidden, Śāk. 9, 18, v. r.
     3. Disappeared, Chr. 39, 19.
-- With api api and pi pi,
     1. To cover, MBh. 1, 5863; 4, 1453.
     2. To shut, MBh. 3, 12089.
     3. To make invisible, Vikr. d. 72.
     4. pass. To disappear, MBh. 12, 8932.
     5. To hinder, Rām. 5, 29, 16. Caus. To cause to shut, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 29.
-- With anvapi anu-api, pass. To disappear after somebody (acc.), Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 28.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To invade, MBh. 2, 1090.
     2. Ātm. To take back, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 30.
     3. To name, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 10.
     4. To declare, Man. 1, 42.
     5. To speak, Rām. 2, 123, 15 Gorr. (with acc., Rām. 6, 12, 7). abhihita, Called, Man. 3, 141.
-- With pratyabhi prati-abhi,
     1. To take back, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 4.
     2. To answer, 4, 3, 15.
     3. To approve, MBh. 5, 7459.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To address, Kathās. 25, 93.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To put, MBh. 1, 4503.
     2. To fix one's attention on something, Śāntiś. 3, 11. avahita,
     1. Shut, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 32.
     2. Attentive, Prab. 33, 2.
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, abhyavahita, Allayed, Rām. 2, 40, 33.
-- With vyava vi-ava, To separate, Rām. 2, 114, 13 Gorr.; pass. To separate one's self, Śāntiś. 3, 11. vyavahita,
     1. Stopped, Śāk. 71, 18.
     2. Covered, Śiś. 9, 26.
     3. Hostile, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 36.
-- With saṃvyava sam-vi-ava, a-saṃvyavahita + m, adv. Immediately, Bhāg. P. 5, 6, 6.
-- With ā ā, usually Ātm.
     1. To put, Rām. 5, 31, 1.
     2. To generate, MBh. 3, 8639; 16637; to produce, Bhāg. P. 3. 5, 34; to perform, MBh. 3, 2600.
     3. To instil, MBh. 1, 6157.
     4. To direct, MBh. 5, 4172.
     5. With matim, manas, cittam, often To resolve, Rām. 1, 18, 7.
     6. To employ, Śāk, 3, 13.
     7. To put on, Śāk. d. 36.
     8. To hold, Man. 11, 104.
     9. To pawn, Nārada in Mit. 268, 2.
     10. To confer, MBh. 1, 7735.
     11. Ātm. To receive, Rām. 4, 21, 17.
     12. Ātm. To get, Hariv. 9283 (to fall into a passion). Desiderat. dhitsa, To wish to transfer, MBh. 12, 3170.
-- With atyā ati-ā, atyāhita, Very disagrecable, Prab. 25, 3. n. Misfortune, MBh. 4, 861.
-- With anvā anu-ā, anvāhita, Delivered for the purpose of being restored to the owner, Yājñ. 2, 67. anvādheya, see s. v.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā, To throw under, Man. 8, 372.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To put on, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 45.
     2. To render, Rām. 2, 35, 28. upāhita, Produced, Bhartṛ. 3, 80.
-- With pratyupā prati-upa-ā, Ātm. To recover, Bhāg. P. 8, 24, 61.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To arrange, Rām. 5, 17, 1; (fire), Rām. 3, 9, 33.
     2. To put on, Pañc. i. d. 371; Ātm., Hariv. 10725.
     3. To impose, MBh. 7, 4180.
     4. To put to, Hariv. 10482.
     5. Ātm. To conceive, MBh. 1, 4264.
     6. To intrust, MBh. 7, 4253.
     7. To establish, Ragh. 17, 8.
     8. To direct, Rām. 2, 93, 25.
     9. With manas, To resolve, Bhag. 17, 11.
     10. With manas, dhiyam, ātmānam, To collect one's thoughts, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 62.
     11. Ātm. To devote one's self completely to (with acc.), Rām. 1, 38, 11.
     12. To hold together, MBh. 6, 146.
     13. To redress, MBh. 15, 194.
     14. To cause, Hariv. 8671.
     15. To make, 11075.
     16. Ātm. To appropriate, Rājat. 5, 167.
     17. Ātm. To undergo, Hariv. 3919 (To fall into a passion). samāhita,
     1. One who has fixed his mind only on one object, Man. 6, 43; 2, 53.
     2. Joined, Rām. 6, 7, 47.
     3. All, Hariv. 12209.
     4. Passed, MBh. 1, 6614.
     5. Like, Rām. 1, 1, 26. Desider. To wish that somebody may collect his thoughts, MBh. 12, 9586.
-- With anusamā anu-sam-ā, anusamāhita, Collected, Rām. 2, 22, 14 (cf. sam-ā, 10).
-- With abhisamā abhi-sam-ā, abhisamāhita, Joined, Rām. 5, 90, 31.
-- With upasamā upa-sam-ā, To arrange, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 9.
-- With pratisamā prati-sam-ā,
     1. To put on, MBh. 13, 266.
     2. To affix again, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 20.
     3. To redress, 182. 7.
-- With āvis āvis, āvirhita, Manifested, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 36.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To place under, Man. 4, 54.
     2. To place in, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 31.
     3. To enchase, MBh. 5, 3382.
     4. To affix, Śāk. d. 18.
     5. To transfer, Ragh. 7, 68.
     6. To employ, Ragh. 3, 29.
     7. To cover, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 6.
     8. To provide, MBh. 1, 2891. upahita,
     1. Ready, MBh. 13, 2286.
     2. Suborned, excited, MBh. 12, 4159.
     3. Joined, Suśr. 1, 88, 3.
     4. Suitable, Rām. 5, 69, 15. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. upadhānīya, n. A pillow, Pañc. 125, 9.
-- With tiras tiras,
     1. To hide, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 40.
     2. Ātm. To disappear, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 12. tirohita,
     1. Concealed, Man. 8, 203.
     2. Surpassed, Dev. 9, 20 (made unperceivable by a louder sound).
-- With ni ni,
     1. To lay down, Man. 5, 143.
     2. To bury, Man. 5, 68; to conceal, Man. 8, 38.
     3. To leave, Rām. 2, 136, 1 Gorr.
     4. To intrust, Rām. 1, 77, 24 Gorr.
     5. To transfer, Chr. 289, 12 = Rigv. i. 50, 12.
     6. To put, Ram. 2, 50, 21.
     7. To direct, Megh. 96, v. r.
     8. With manas, To resolve, Hariv. 534.
     9. With manasi, To think, Hit. 87, 13.
     10. To make, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 18.
     11. To restrain, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 50. Caus.
     1. To cause to be detained, Man. 8, 30.
     2. To establish, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 25.
-- With antarni antar-ni, To put in, Kathās. 12, 112.
-- With upani upa-ni,
     1. To bring on, Gīt. 5, 2.
     2. To conceal, Man. 8, 37.
     3. To intrust, Man. 8, 196.
-- With uparini upari-ni, uparinihita, Put on, Ṛt. 6, 30.
-- With praṇi pra-ni,
     1. To put at the head, MBh. 7, 1527.
     2. To lay down. MBh. 4, 1437.
     3. To put on, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 16.
     4. To put in, MBh. 12, 6617.
     5. To enchase, Hit. ii. d. 71.
     6. To stretch out, Megh. 105.
     7. To direct, Bhartṛ. 1, 51.
     8. With manas, ātmānam, sometimes To resolve, to think, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 142.
     9. To consider with intention, Rām. 4, 27, 21.
     10. To send out (spies), MBh. 7, 2651.
     11. To spy, Rām. 5, 90, 15. praṇihita,
     1. Intent, Rām. 2, 47, 21 Gorr.
     2. Cautious (?), Man. 9, 269.
     3. Before admitted, Man. 8, 54. praṇidheya, n.
     1. Employing.
     2. Sending out (of emissaries), MBh. 12, 2155.
-- With saṃpraṇi sam-pra-ni,
     1. To leave, MBh. 4, 1247.
     2. To disregard, 3, 13194.
-- With pratini prati-ni, To order, MBh. 1, 4505.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To lay down, MBh. 1, 2984.
     2. To put on, Bhartṛ. 3, 61.
     3. To direct, Mṛcch. 143, 20.
     4. To put in, Gīt. 11, 31.
-- With saṃni sam-ni,
     1. To put together, to collect, MBh. 14, 290.
     2. To put in, Pañc. 265, 5.
     3. To direct, Ragh. 13, 44.
     4. pass. To be near, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 14. saṃnihita,
     1. Near at hand, Man. 2, 205; MBh. 13, 454.
     2. Ready, Śāk. 17, 20. Caus.
     1. To bring near, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 1.
     2. pass. To show one's self, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 8.
-- With pari pari,
     1. Ātm. To put on, Rām. 2, 37, 7 Gorr.
     2. To put on a garment, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 5.
     3. To surround, Rām. 4, 48, 18.
     4. To let wander (as one's eye), Hariv. 3743. parihita,
     1. Surrounding, Rām. 6, 37, 31.
     2. Clothed, Daśak. in. Chr. 186, 9. Caus. To cause to put on, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 7. Desid. To be about to put on, MBh. 5, 853.
-- With vipari vi-pari, To change, Yājñ. 1, 196.
-- With pi pi, see api.
-- With puras puras,
     1. To put at the head, MBh. 3, 1973.
     2. To weigh, to ponder.
     3. To esteem, Ragh. 12, 43. purohita, m. The family priest of a prince who conducts all the ceremonies and sacrifices of the family, Chr. 21, 3.
-- With prati prati, To employ, Śatr. 14, 245.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To grant, Rām. 1, 8, 27.
     2. To procure, MBh. 13, 3209.
     3. To fix, ordain, Man. 2, 29.
     4. pass. To pass for, Man. 3, 118.
     5. To create, Ragh. 1, 29.
     6. To make, build, MBh. 5, 7130; Rājat. 5, 155; 25.
     7. To perform, Man. 8, 282.
     8. To cause, Rām. 3, 54, 27.
     9. To treat, Rām. 2, 38, 17.
     10. To put on, Pañc. 236, 8; Kathās. 21, 3.
     11. To show, Bhartṛ. 1, 59.
     12. To appoint, Cāṇ. 102.
     13. To put in, MBh. 3, 8850.
     14. To direct, Bhartṛ. 3, 36.
     15. To put aside, MBh. 4, 155.
     16. To despatch to different directions, Man. 7, 184. su-vihita, Well provided, Rām. 1, 13, 16. strī-vidheya, adj. Uxorious. Caus. To cause to be laid, Rām. 6, 96, 13. Desid.
     1. To wish to give, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 22.
     2. To wish to perform, Hariv. 1311.
     3. To wish to render, Bhāg. P. 7, 3, 1.
     4. To wish to devise, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 7.
     5. To pursue one'saim, MBh. 3, 13952. Desider. vidhitsita, n. Design, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 16.
-- With anuvi anu-vi,
     1. To assign to, MBh. 5, 1372.
     2. To cause after wards, Śāntiś, 1, 17.
     3. pass. To conform one's self to, MBh. 1, 4721.
     4. To perform in conformity with a command, Rām. 5, 95, 4.
-- With pravi pra-vi,
     1. To divide, Suśr. 2, 347, 7.
     2. To mind, Rām. 4, 14. 29.
     3. To join, Rājat. 5, 421.
     4. To dispose before, Lass. 44, 14.
-- With prativi prati-vi,
     1. To dispose, Rām. 2, 36, 2.
     2. To despatch, Rām. 5, 90, 14.
     3. To do against, Śāk. 29, 21.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi,
     1. To dispose, MBh. 3, 8806.
     2. To order, Hariv. 8663.
     3. To mind, MBh. 12, 4730.
     4. To act, Pañc. 12, 21.
     5. To render, Bhartṛ. 1. 66.
     5. To put on, MBh. 2, 1510.
-- With śrat śrat, To believe, Chr. 7, 20 (aśraddadhat, anomalous impf. instead of śrad-adadhāt)
-- With sam sam,
     1. To put together, to combine, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 8; to unite, Man. 7, 66.
     2. To make an agreement, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 1; Kām. Nītis. 9, 41.
     3. To contract, close, Suśr. 1, 47, 7.
     4. To comprehend, MBh. 14, 1148.
     5. To compose, Kām. Nītis. 9, 68.
     6. To collect, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 42.
     7. To put on, MBh. 5, 2340.
     8. To put an arrow on a bow, Rām. 3, 4, 27.
     9. To direct, Ragh. 11, 69.
     10. To redress, Kām. Nītis, 13, 60.
     11. To inflict, Kir. 5, 51.
     12. To grant, Pañc. ii. d. 13.
     13. To assist, MBh. 5, 3406; Ātm. with instr. To employ, MBh. 4, 964 (dadhāmahe anomalous, or ved. instead of dadhmahe).
     14. Ātm. To be a match for, Pañc. i. d. 260.
     15. To approach, MBh. 3, 15726. saṃhita,
I. as latter part of comp. words,
     1. Endowed with, MBh. 12, 207.
     2. Abounding in, Man. 9, 103.
     3. Accompanied by, Rām. 1, 32, 19.
     4. Referring to, Rām. 2, 103, 1.
     5. Conformable to, MBh. 4, 472.
     6. Caused by, MBh. 14, 527.
II. f. , The arrangement of a text, a collection, especially that of the Vedas, Chr. 135, 2; Man. 11, 77; 262. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. dus-saṃdheya, adj. Difficult to be united, MBh. 5, 5827.
-- With atisam ati-sam,
     1. To deceive, Śāk. 69, 23, v.r.
     2. To settle completely, Mahāv. 109, 1. atisaṃdhita, Deceived, Ram. 2, 7, 23.
-- With anusam anu-sam,
     1. To search, Man. 12, 106.
     2. To collect, Hit. 125, 20. anusaṃhita, as latter part of a comp., Conformable to, MBh. 13, 5593.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam,
     1. To combine, Rām. 5, 36, 42; to unite, Kām. Nītis. 9, 64.
     2. To aim at, MBh. 6, 5563.
     3. To have in view, to think of, MBh. 12 5471.
     4. To make an agreement, Man. 9, 52.
     5. To deceive, MBh. 12, 5116.
     6. To make subservient, Man. 7, 159.
     7. To gain over, Rām. 4, 54, 5. abhisaṃdhita, Deceived, MBh. 12, 5113. abhisaṃhita, as latter part of a comp.,
     1. Endowed with, MBh. 12, 3087 (conversant with).
     2. Referring to, 12, 4793.
-- With samabhisam sam-abhi-sam,
     1. To put in, MBh. 3, 10452.
     2. To resolve, MBh. 9, 818.
-- With upasam upa-sam,
     1. To impart, Kām. Nītis. 1, 13.
     2. To have in view, MBh. 4, 1483. upasaṃhita,
     1. Endowed, MBh. 12, 10732.
     2. Surrounded, MBh. 13, 5895.
     3. Conformable to, MBh. 1, 602.
-- With prasam pra-sam, To put on, MBh. 6, 3910.
-- With pratisam prati-sam,
     1. To collect, Prab. 99, 14, v.r.
     2. To put on, MBh. 6, 3313.
     3. To direct to (acc.), MBh. 3, 1926.
     4. To return, Hariv. 9240; to restore, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 42.
     5. To understand, Prab. 34, 19. -
-- Cf. [greek] (for [greek]), etc.; Lat. -dere in con-dere and others, credo=śraddadhāmi; Goth. -deds (deed); O.H.G. ton; A.S. dón (to do), dema (a judge), dóm (judgment).

dhātu dhā + tu, m.
     1. A primary or elementary substance, MBh. 12, 6821.
     2. Any constituent part of the body (usually said to be three), MBh. 1, 3633.
     3. An organ of sense, MBh. 12, 6842.
     4. m. and n. A metal, Man. 6, 71.
     5. A grammatical root, MBh. 3, 17110.
-- Comp. giri-, m. the constituent parts of a mountain, as minerals, etc., Rām. 2, 63, 18. gairika-, m. =gairika, q. v. Rām. 5, 5, 26. tri-, adj. threefold, Chr. 292, 12 = Rigv. i. 85, 12. mahā-, m. gold. rakta-, m. 1. red chalk. 2. copper. śilā-, m. 1. chalk. 2. red chalk. saumya-, m. phlegm.

dhātumattā dhātumattā, i. e. dhātumant + tā, f. Abundance in metals, Kumāras. 1, 4.

dhātumant dhātu + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Having clements, Bhāg. P. 2, 8, 7.
     2. Abounding in metals, Rām. 2, 94, 4.
-- Comp. gairika-dhātu + mant, adj. abounding in red chalk, MBh. 3, 826.

dhātṛ dhā + tṛ, m.
     1. The creator, Ragh. 13, 6.
     2. A bearer, Hariv. 11851.
     3. A preserver, MBh. 1, 1722.
     4. One of the Ādityas, MBh. 1, 2523.
     5. A name of Brahman, Man. 5, 30.
     6. A son of Brahman, MBh. 1, 2614.
     7. An adulterer, Daśak. 191, 11.
-- Comp. jagat-, I. m. a name of Brahman. II. f. dhātrī, a name of Sarasvatī, Mārk. P. 23, 30.
-- Cf. Lat. con-ditor.

dhātrī dhātrī, i. e. dhe + tṛ + ī, f.
     1. A mother, Yājñ. 3, 82.
     2. A nurse, Rām. 1, 40, 18 Gorr.
     3. A waitingwoman, Chr. 52, 15.
     4. The earth, MBh. 11, 215.
     5. Emblica officinalis Gaertn., Myrobalane, Suśr. 1, 162, 10.

dhātreyikā dhātreyikā, i. e. dhātrī + eya + ka, f. A foster-sister, Draup. 6, 9.

dhāna dhāna, i.e.dhā + ana, f. , latter part of comp. words implying especially the place of the preceding notion, e. g. jīva-dhānī, f. The seat of living creatures, epithet of the earth, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 30. matsya-dhānī, f. A fish-basket. yama-dhānī, f. The residence of the god of death, Bhartṛ. 3, 51. yātu-dhāna, m. A Rākṣasa or demon. rājadhāna, n. and -dhānī, f. i. e. rājan-, A capital.

dhānā dhānā, i. e. probably dhā + anā, f. pl. Grain, Bhāg. P. 6, 15, 4.

dhānuṣka dhānuṣka, i. e. dhanus + ka + a, m. An archer, MBh. 6, 756.

dhānya dhānya, i. e. dhānā + ya, n. Corn, Man. 2, 55.
-- Comp. ku-, n. a kind of corn, Suśr. 1, 196, 21 sqq. dhana-, n. a kind of spell, Rām. 1, 30, 7.

dhānyaka dhānya + ka,
     1. A substitute for dhānya in the latter part of a comp. word. kumbhī-, adj. Having vessels full of corn, Man. 4, 7 (sufficing for one year, Kull.). kuśūla-, adj. Having granaries full of corn (sufficing for three years, Kull.), ib. bahu-, adj. Abounding in corn, MBh. 2, 1187.

dhānyavant dhānya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having much corn, MBh. 12, 3526.

dhānvana dhānvana, i. e. dhanvan + a, adj. Situated in a desert, Kām. Nītis. 4, 59.

dhānvantara dhānvantara and dhānvantarya dhānvantarya, i. e. dhanvantari + a or ya, adj.
     1. Referring to Dhanvantari (the incarnation of Viṣṇu as Dhanvantari), Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 17.
     2. Sacred to the sun, MBh. 13, 4660.

dhāma dhāma (akin to dhāman), m. pl. The name of a class of superhuman beings, MBh. 13, 15446.

dhāman dhā + man, n.
     1. An abode, MBh. 1, 3602.
     2. State, Prab. 17, 15.
     3. A host, Chr. 292, 11, and 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 85, 11; 87, 6.
     4. Dignity, Ragh. 11, 85.
     5. Light, splendour, Prab. 26, 8.
-- Comp. a-gharma-, m. the moon, Śiś. 9, 40. tri-,
I. adj. referring to the three worlds, MBh. 13, 7376. II. m. a name of Viṣṇu, MBh. 12, 1508. ruci-, adj. the abode of whom is light, epithet of the sun, Śiś. 9, 13. śveta-, m. 1. the moon. 2. camphor. 3. cuttle-fish bone. hariṇa-, m. the moon, Rājat. 5, 482
-- Cf. [greek] A.S.-dóm, as affix of abstracts, properly 'state.'

dhāra dhāra, i. e.
I. dhṛ + a, latter part of comp. words, Holding, bearing, e. g. chattra-, m. The bearer of the royal parasol, Pañc. 156, 22; daṇḍa-, adj. Holding the staff, as symbol of judicature, Rājat. 4, 108.
II. dhārā + a.
     1. adj. Coming down in a shower, Suśr. 1, 170, 1.
     2. m. A shower, Haviv. 6333.
-- Cf. dhārā.

dhāraka dhāraka, i. e. dhṛ + aka,
I. latter part of comp. adj., Bearing, MBh. 1691. nāmadhāraka, i. e. nāman-, adj. Being something only nominally, not really, Pañc. ii. d. 91.
II. m. A trunk or box (for keeping clothes), Suśr. 2, 55, 11.

dhāraṇa dhāraṇa, i. e. dhṛ + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Preserving, MBh. 12, 12751.
     2. Keeping in remembrance, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 46.
     3. Having the shape, MBh. 13, 739.
II. f. ṇā.
     1. Bearing, MBh. 7, 1912.
     2. Supporting, Rām. 2, 109, 25 Gorr.
     3. Suppression, Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 26.
     4. Mental retention, MBh. 1, 1010.
     5. Keeping the mind collected, the breath suspended, and all natural wants restrained; steady immoveable abstraction, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 19.
     6. A settled rule, Man. 4, 38.
III. n.
     1. Holding, bearing, Kumāras. 7, 68; MBh. 3, 9946.
     2. Maintaining, Yājñ. 3, 174.
     3. Observance, Man. 10, 3.
     4. Mental retention, MBh. 15, 756.
     5. Possession, Man. 1, 93.
     6. Fixing one's mind on one object, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 19.
     7. Restraining, or rather stopping, the senses, MBh. 3, 13939.
     8. Enduring, Rām. 1, 38, 16.
-- Comp. garbha-, n. pregnaney, MBh. 3, 10449. chattra-, n. carrying an umbrella, Man. 2, 178. tulā-, n. weighing, Yājñ. 2, 100. daṇḍa-, n. punishment, Rām. 4, 17, 34. deha-, n. 1. bearing a body, MBh. 5, 3693. 2. life, MBh. 5, 7258. hasta-, n. warding off a blow, resisting.

dhāraṇaka dhāraṇa + ka,
I. latter part of comp. adj., Containing, MBh. 12, 6889.
II. m. A debtor, Yājñ. 2, 36.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unsupportable.

dhāraṇāmaya dhāraṇā + maya, adj., f. , depending on abstraction, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 20.

dhārayitṛ dhārayitṛ, i. e. dhṛ, Caus., + tṛ, m.
     1. One who bears, Rām. 1, 44, 23 Gorr.
     2. One who restrains, MBh. 5, 3391.

dhārā dhārā (akin to dha/āv,), f.
     1. A torrent, MBh. 6, 5785.
     2. A river, Hariv. 8325.
     3. A shower, Mṛcch. 76, 15.
     4. A drop, Mṛcch. 91, 4; Bhartṛ. 2, 89.
     5. A multitude, Rām. 6, 88, 3.
     6. pl. A horse's pace, as the trot, canter, etc., Śiś. 5, 60.
     7. The sharp edge of a sword or any cutting instrument, Rām. 2, 23, 35.
     8. The circumference of a wheel, Ragh. 13, 15.
-- Comp. kṣura-dhāra, 1. adj. as sharp as a razor, MBh. 4, 168. 2. (m. or n.) a sharp instrument, MBh. 4, 2063. kṛta-dhāra, adj. sharpened, MBh. 7, 3090. khara-dhāra, adj. having a rough or jagged edge, Suśr. 1, 27, 15. tiryagdhāra, i. e. tiryañc-, adj. having sharpsides, MBh. 7, 1875. tikṣṇa-dhāra, 1. adj. having a sharp edge, MBh. 1, 786. 2. m. a sword, MBh. 12, 6203.

dhārāvant dhārā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Edged, Kām. Nītis. 11, 48.

dhārin dhārin, i. e. dhṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Bearing, MBh. 13, 4350.
     2. Having, Ragh. 12, 41.
     3. Knowing, Kāthas. 13, 20.
     4. Maintaining, MBh. 1, 2596.
     5. Keeping. nyāsa-, A depositary, Man. 8, 196.
     6. Retaining (what one has read), Man. 12, 103.
     7. Observing, Rām. 3, 1, 35.
-- Comp. kanthā-, adj. wearing a patched cloth, Bhartṛ. 2, 79. jaṭā-, adj. wearing matted hair (see jaṭā), Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 29. daṇḍa-, adj. chastising, Bhāg. P. 6, 3, 5. mantra-, adj. sbst. a counsellor, MBh. 5, 926. viśva-, I. adj., f. iṇī, all-sustaining. II. m. a deity. III. f. iṇī, the earth.

dhārtarāṣṭra dhārtarāṣṭra, i. e. dhṛtarāṣṭra + a,
I. adj. f. .
I. Referring, belonging to Dhṛtarāṣṭra, MBh. 8, 176.
II. patronym. A son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, MBh. 1, 2726.
III. m. A sort of goose with black legs and bill, Hariv. 8585.

dhārma dhārma, i. e. dharma + a, adj., f. , Belonging to the god of justice, MBh. 1, 2426.

dhārmika dhārmika, i. e. dharma + ika, adj., f. , Just, performing all duties, virtuous, Man. 2, 109.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. unobservant of one's duties, Man. 4, 61. 2. where the duties are neglected, Man. 4. 60.

dhārmikatā dhārmika + tā, f. Justice, Kām. Nītis. 4. 8.

dhārṣṭa dhārṣṭa i. e. dhṛṣṭa + a, patronym. Descending from Dhṛṣṭa, Bhāg. P. 9, 2, 17.

dhāv 1. dhāv (cf. dhav, dhanv), i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To flow, Hariv. 14516.
     2. To run, Man. 8, 314.
     3. To run to (acc.), MBh. 3, 2543.
     4. To move, Rājat. 4, 425. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhāvita, Beginning to run, Kathās. 3, 52. Caus. dhāvaya,
     1. To cause to run, to push on, Pañc. 223, 12.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To stream through, Suśr. 1, 43, 8.
     2. To spread over, Rām. 2, 109, 13 Gorr.
     3. To run after, Rām. 2, 25, 8 Gorr.
     4. To pursue, Bhāg. P. 4, 11, 20.
     5. To come to one's assistance (acc.), MBh. 3, 2384.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To pursue, MBh. 8, 4086.
-- With antar antar, To run among, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 37.
-- With apa apa, To deviate, to vary, Man. 8, 54.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To run to (acc.), Rām. 4, 41, 24.
     2. To come to assistance, Man. 9, 274.
-- With pratyabhi prat-abhi, To run to (acc.), Rām. 2, 82, 13 Gorr.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To run to, MBh. 6, 3119.
     2. To fly against Rām. 6, 34, 23.
-- With vyava vi-āva,
     1. To run away, MBh. 12, 10599.
     2. To separate, Rām. 2, 105, 25.
-- With ā ā, To run near, to rush upon, Bhāg. P. 8, 10, 39.
-- With upā upa-ā, To run to (acc.), Bhāg. P. 7, 13, 28.
-- With samā sam-ā, To run near, Hariv. 14566.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To run near, Rām 1, 28, 16.
     2. To run to, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 6.
     3. To fly for refuge to (acc.), Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 38.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To run near, MBh. 3, 2097.
-- With nis nis, To run out, Hariv. 11020.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To flow about, Chr. 47, 40.
     2. To stream through, Suśr. 1, 91, 5.
     3. To run about, Pañc. 62, 23.
     4. To drive about, MBh. 4, 302.
     5. With mṛgayām, To hunt, Rām. 5, 30, 8.
     6. To run round, Bhāg. P. 5, 22, 2.
     7. To run through, Rām. 6, 11, 38.
     8. To pursue, Pañc. 106, 7. Caus. To surround, MBh. 14, 828.
-- With vipari vi-pari,
     1. To run to and fro, Rām. 5, 36, 38.
     2. To run through, Hariv. 4105.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To flow away, Suśr. 1, 81, 9.
     2. To run away, MBh. 3, 2548.
     3. To run, Man. 4, 38.
     4. To run to, MBh. 4, 428.
     5. To spread, MBh. 1, 6400. pradhāvita, Run away, Rām. 6, 79, 37.
-- With anupra anu-pra, To pursue, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 16.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To run asunder, MBh. 8, 3036.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To run away, MBh. 5, 5148.
     2. To run to, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 15.
-- With prati prati, To assail, Rām. 6, 13, 26.
-- With vi vi, To run through, Rām. 5, 16, 14.
-- With parivi pari-vi, To run through, Rām. 5, 29, 22.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To run together, MBh. 3, 8879.
     2. To assail, Hariv. 5617.
     3. To run to, MBh. 12, 10670.
-- Cf. dhar.

dhāv 2. dhāv, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To cleanse, to wash, Śiś. 17, 8.
     2. To rub into one's person, Suśr. 2, 344, 14. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhauta,
     1. Cleansed, washed, MBh. 1, 3641; Daśak. in Chr. 188, 22.
     2. Polished, MBh. 9, 1079.
     3. Resplendent, Kathā. 11, 31.
     4. Pure, Śāk. d. 132.
     5. Washed away, Śṛṅgārat. 7.
     6. n. Washing, Cāṇ. 76, in Berl. Monatsb. Caus. To wash, Man. 4, 65.
-- With the prep. nis nis,
     1. nirdhauta, Washed away, Śiś. 8, 51.
     2. Cleansed, Ragh. 5, 70.
-- With pra pra, Caus. To wash, MBh. 3, 14024.
-- With vi vi, To wash away, Śiś. 8, 50. vidhauta. Cleansed, Śiś. 8, 70.
-- Cf. O.H.G. tau; A.S. deaw.

dhāvaka dhāv + aka, adj.
     1. Running, Rām. 2, 32, 22 Gorr.
     2. Washing, Rām. 2, 38, 13, v. r.

dhāvana dhāv + ana, n.
     1. An attack, Rājat. 1, 114.
     2. Rubbing, Man. 4, 152.
     3. Washing, Rām. 1, 9, 57 Gorr.
-- Comp. danta-, n. 1. cleansing the teeth, Pañc. 47, 23. 2. a small piece of wood for cleansing the teeth, Rām. 2, 91, 68. manaḥśilā-candana-, n. a preparation made of red arsenic and sandal, Rām. 6, 96, 3 Gorr.

dhāvitṛ dhāvitṛ, i. e. 1. dhāv + tri, m. A runner, MBh. 11, 760.

dhāvin 1. dhāv + in, adj. Running, Kathās. 22, 105.

dhidhi, i. 6, Par. To hold (akin to dhā).

dhi -dhi (vb. dhā, form of an old ptcple, dhant, cf. ūdhan, payodhas and payodhi), latter part of comp. nouns, The receptacle for keeping that which the preceding part denotes; cf. e. g. ambu-dhi.

dhik dhik, an interjection:
     1. of dissati-faction, Pie, Brāhmaṇ. 1, 35.
     2. of reproach, Shame, Pañc. 38, 12. With nom., voc., acc. (Draup. 9, 21). gen. (Rām. 6, 95, 40).

dhikkāra dhik-kāra, m. Contempt, Bhāg. P. 4, 14, 12.

dhikṣdhikṣ (properly a desiderat. of dah), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To kindle.
     2. To be weary.
     3. To live.

dhigvaṇa dhigvaṇa (probably a dialectical form of dhik-varṇa), m. The son of a Brāhmaṇa and an Āyogavawoman, MBh. 10, 15.

dhinv dhinv (properly dhi. i. 5), ii. 5, dhinu, Par.
     1. To satisfy (ved.).
     2. To please, Prab. 55, 7.

dhiyāvasu dhiyāvasu, i. e. dhī + ā-vasu, adj. Granting wealth on account of devotion, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15.

dhiṣdhiṣ, ii. 3, Par. To emit sound.

dhiṣaṇa dhiṣaṇa,
I. n. An abode, a seat, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 33.
II. f. ṇā,
     1. Intellect, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 47.
     2. The name of one of the wives of the gods, MBh. 9, 2516.
     3. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 20.

dhiṣṭhya dhiṣṭhya, n. A seat, an abode, Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 6 (probably to be changed to dhiṣṇya).

dhiṣṭhyapa dhiṣṭhya-pa, m. A cerisher of the world, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 27.

dhiṣṇya dhiṣṇya (i. e. probably dhā + sna + ya),
I. m. A fireplace, Bhāg. P. 8, 15, 9.
II. n.
     1. An abode, a seat, Bhāg. P. 8, 3, 27; MBh. 3, 17090. A meteor, MBh. 5, 7272.

dhīdhī, i. 4, Ātm. (properly pass. of dhā), To hold, to disregard, or to accomplish.

dhī dhī, (vb. dhyai), f.
     1. Knowledge, Bhāṣāp. 45; Man. 6, 92.
     2. Intellect, mind, Man. 12, 122.
     3. Devotion, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 88, 4.
-- Comp. udāra-, adj. high-minded, Chr. 44, 6. Cf. ku-, Para-droha-karman-, adj. injuring another in deed or in thought, Man. 2, 161. sādhu-,
I. adj. well-disposed. II. f. a wife's or husband's mother. su-, m. 1. an intelligent, wise man. 2. a teacher. sthita-, adj. calm.

dhīmant dhī + mant, adj., f. matī, Sensible, wise, Man. 1, 102.

dhīra dhīra, i. e.
I. dhṛ + a, adj.
     1. Lasting, Cāṭ. 7.
     2. Firm, resolute, Hariv. 3755; Bhartṛ. 2, 72; Hit. i. d. 167; courageous, Kāthas. 18, 297.
     3. Solemn, grave, Bhartṛ. 2, 26.
     4. Deep (as a sound), Ragh. 16, 13.
II. dhī + ra, adj. Sensible, wise, MBh. 5, 1076; Rām. 3, 19 13; Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. i. 64, 1.

dhīratā dhīra + tā, f. (and dhīratva dhīra + tva, n.),
     1. Firmness, Ragh. 8, 43.
     2. Courage, Pañc. 129, 22.
-- Comp. a-, f. pusillanimity, Prab. 15, 8.

dhīvara dhīvara,
     1. m. A fisherman, MBh. 2, 784.
     2. f. , A fiṣerman's wife, Kathās. 26, 149.

dhu dhu, see dhū.

dhukṣ dhukṣ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To kindle.
     2. To be weary.
     3. To live.
-- With the prep. sam sam,
     1. To animate, MBh. 13, 3677.
     2. To inflame, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 10. Caus. To kindle, to animate, MBh. 1, 5628.

dhuni dhuni, i. e. dhvan + i,
I. adj.
     1. Roaring, Chr. 290, 5 = Rigv. i. 64, 5.
     2. f. also dhunī dhunī, A river, Bhāg. P. 8, 21, 4.
-- Comp. dyu-dhuni, f. a name of the Gaṅgā, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 39.

dhundhu dhundhu, m. The name of an Asura or demon, Hariv. 672.

dhur dhur (vb. dhṛ), f. (m., MBh. 13, 2876).
     1. A yoke, Mṛcch. 63, 10.
     2. A burthen, a load, MBh. 1, 741; 5, 2799.
     3. The fore-part of the pole where the yoke is fixed, MBh. 3, 13310.
     4. Place of honour, the head, Ragh. 14, 74.

dhura dhura, i. e. dhṛ + a,
I. m. A yoke, MBh. 7, 3675.
II. m. and f. dhurā dhurā, A burthen, MBh. 13, 4879; Pañc. 26, 3.
-- Comp. agrya-dhurā, f. the fore-part of the pole, Pañc. 8, 16.

dhuraṃdhara dhuraṃdhara, i. e. dhur + am-dhara,
     1. adj.
     1. Able to bear a burthen, MBh. 3, 12724.
     2. Bearing patiently a burthen, MBh. 5, 1077.
     3. Helping, Hit. i. d. 181.
II. m.
     1. A beast of burthen, Pañc. ed. orn. i. d. 17.
     2. A chief, MBh. 13, 6275.
     3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 349.
     4. The name of a Rākṣasa or demon, Rām. 6, 32, 15.

dhurīṇa dhurīṇa, i. e. dhur + īna, m. A chief, Pañc. 187, 13.

dhurya dhur + ya (sometimes written dhūrya dhūrya),
I. adj.
     1. Able to bear a burthen, MBh. 13, 3518.
     2. Being at the head, MBh. 4, 1074.
     3. Best, MBh. 3, 13309.
II. m. A beast of burthen, Man. 4, 67.
III. n. The fore-part of the pole, Rām. 6, 92, 7.
-- Comp. kula-dhurya,
I. adj. able to bear the burthen of a family, Ragh. 7, 68.
II. m. the chief of a family, MBh. 3, 11826.

dhurv dhurv (akin to dhvṛ), i. 1, dhārva, Par.
     1. To bend (ved.).
     2. To hurt

dhū dhū and dhu dhu, ii, 5, dhu/ūnu, ii. 9, dhunā, nī, Par. Ātm., and i. 6, dhuva, Par.
     1. To shake, Megh. 63.
     2. To shake out, to remove, Bhāg. P. 2, 8, 5.
     3. To blow (as wind), MBh. 3, 2733.
     4. To shake off, MBh. 5, 1588.
     5. To struggle, to resist, Pañc. i. d. 42. Anomal. potent. dhunet, MBh. 13, 5006. Pass. with the terminations of the Par., Sāv. 4, 29. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhūta and dhuta,
     1. Shaken, Rām. 3, 58, 37; 5, 16, 17.
     2. Removed, Rām. 1, 31, 13; 1, 29, 11 Gorr. Frequent. dodhū and dodhūya,
     1. To shake violently, MBh. 12, 8564.
     2. To move violently to and fro, MBh. 12, 8563.
     3. To be shaken violently, Bhāg. P. 8, 24, 36. Caus. dhūnaya, To shake, MBh. 3, 444.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To shake off, to remove, MBh. 3, 2033.
     2. To refuse, Vikr. d. 130. avadhūta,
     1. Cast off, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 19.
     2. Removed, dispersed, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 32.
     3. Disregarded, Vikr. d. 46.
     4. Sent back, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 21.
     5. One who has shaken off every terrestrial bond, an ascctic, Rājat. 1, 112.
     6. Shaken, Man. 5, 125.
     7. Struck, Rām. 6, 82, 62.
     8. n. Thrusting off, MBh. 4, 352. Comp. virya-, adj. surpassed in prowess. Caus To shake, Man. 3, 229.
-- With vyava vy-ava,
     1. To shake off, to remove, Hariv. 11076.
     2. To abuse, MBh. 2, 2231. vyavadhūta, Indifferent in regard of life, MBh. 6, 150.
-- With ā ā, To shake, Ragh. 16, 36. ādhūta,
     1. Shaken, Rām. 2, 104, 9 Gorr.
     2. Troubhed, Rām. 1, 65, 3
-- With vyā vi-ā, To move to and fro, Śāk. d. 22.
-- With samā sam-ā, To shake, Rām. 1, 33, 13 Gorr.
-- With ua,
     1. To rouse, Rām. 1, 28, 14.
     2. To shake, Rām. 2, 95, 8.
     3. To blow, Ragh. 7, 45.
     4. To raise, Rām. 6, 92, 60.
     5. To shake off, Bhāg. P. 8, 19, 38.
     6. To dash out, Hariv. 4315. uddhūta and uddhuta, Loud, Hariv. 4718; 9608. Comp. pāda-uddhīta, n. Kicking with the foot, MBh. 4, 353.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To rouse, MBh. 1, 1336.
     2. To shake, MBh. 1, 3846.
-- With ni ni, To move to and fro, Hariv. 14650. (probably to be changed into vi-).
-- With nis nis, To shake off, Rām. 2, 95, 10.
     2. To remove, Bhag. 5, 17.
     3. To disown, Yājñ. 2, 71.
     4. To shake, Hariv. 6238.
     5. To torment, Rām. 5, 2, 26. nirdhūta, Deprived, Hariv. 3531.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To shake off. Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 4.
     2. To expel, Rām. 6, 16, 89.
     3. To move to and fro, Rām. 2, 20, 4 Gorr.
-- With pravinis pra-vi-nis, To fling to, MBh. 12, 13417.
-- With pari pari, To shake to and fro, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 33.
-- With pra pra, To blow away = to destroy, MBh. 13, 1800.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To move to and fro, to shake, Rām. 2, 23, 4; MBh. 1, 7035.
     2. To blow, MBh. 2, 1132.
     3. To excite, Sāv. 4, 29 (anomal. ptcple. of the pres. pass. vidhūyant).
     4. To remove, Rām. 3, 30, 18.
     5. To disperse, Rām. 1, 54, 6.
     6. To drive away, Kathās. 4, 108.
     7. To shake off, Man. 6, 85. Caus. To press hard, MBh. 12, 4361.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To drive away, Hariv. 10492.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] Lat. suffire, fimus; Iceland. dyja; perhaps Goth. dauns.

dhūti dhū + ti, m. One who shakes, Chr. 290, 5 = Rigv. i. 64, 5.

dhūnana dhūnana, i. e. dhū, Caus., + ana, n. Shaking, Rājat. 6, 12.

dhūp dhūp, i. 1, dhūpāya, and i. 10, dhūpaya, Par.
     1. To fumigate, Suśr. 1, 16, 9.
     2. To perfume, Rām. 1, 10, 30; Śiś. 4, 52.
     3. i. 10, Par. † To speak, or to shine.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To perfume, Rām. 2, 83, 16 Gorr.
-- With upa upa, To fumigate, Rām. 5, 14, 7.
     2. To fill with smoke, MBh, 1, 815.
-- With pra pra, To perfume, MBh. 12, 1389.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.

dhūpa dhūp + a, m.
     1. Incense, Rām. 1, 5, 15.
     2. The aromatic vapour that proceeds from the burning of incense, Vikr. d. 43.
-- Comp. vṛka-, and vṛkṣa-, m. 1. compounded perfume. 2. turpentine.

dhūpaka i. e.
I. dhūpa + ka, A substitute for dhūpa, as latter part of comp. adj., e. g. sa-dhūpaka, Filled with incense, Rām. 1, 73, 20.
II. dhūp + aka, m. A preparer of perfumes, Rām. 2, 83, 13.

dhūpana dhūp + ana, n.
     1. Fumigation, Suśr. 1, 133, 12.
     2. Perfuming, MBh. 13, 4749.
     3. Perfume, incense, Man. 7, 219.
-- Comp. sūpa-, n. assafoetida.

dhūpika dhūpika, i. e. dhūpa + ika, m. = dhūpaka
II., Rām. 2, 90, 14 Gorr.

dhūma dhūma (vb. dhū, or dhmā), m. Smoke, Man. 4, 69.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. smokeless; loc. °me, at the time when there is no smoke in the kitchen, Man. 6, 56.
-- Cf. Lat. fumus; [greek] (originally breath), cf. dhmā.

dhūmaka dhūma + ka,
I. a substitute for dhūma as latter part of comp. adj., e. g. sa-, adj. Covered with smoke, Suśr. 2, 318, 7.
II. f. mikā, Smoke, Kathās. 8, 28.

dhūmamaya dhūma + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of vapours, MBh. 5, 4059.

dhūmaya dhūmaya, a denomin. derived from dhūma by aya, To cover with vapours, to eclipse, Rām. 5, 21, 9.
-- With the prep. pra pra, pradhūmita, Covered with smoke, Ragh. 4, 2.

dhūmavattva dhūmavattva, i. e. dhūma- vant + tva, n. Condition of having smoke, Bhāṣāp. 75.

dhūmavant dhuma + vant, adj., f. vatī, Smoking, Tarkasaṃgr. 29.

dhūmāya dhūmāya, a denomin. derived from dhūma by ya, Par., Atm. To smoke, MBh. 3, 1319.
     2. To be covered with smoke, Chr. 41, 21. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhūmayita, n. Smoking, MBh. 5, 4508. Caus. dhūmāyaya, To cause to be covered with smoke, MBh. 3, 1545.

dhūmra dhūmra, i. e. dhūma + ra (or rather an old dhūman + a, with r for n),
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Of a smoky colour.
     2. Black red, MBh. 1, 2033.
     3. Gray, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 24.
     4. Obscured, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 48.
II. m. A proper name, Rām. 4, 33, 14.
III. f. , A proper name, MBh. 1, 2583.

dhūrdhūr, i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To hurt.
     2. To move.

dhūrjaṭi dhūrjaṭi (curtailed from dhūrjaṭin), and dhūrjaṭin dhūrjaṭin, i. e. dhur-jaṭā + in, m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 7, 9621.

dhūrta dhūrta (properly ptcple. pf. pass. of dhvṛ), adj., f. , Fraudulent, knavish, a rogue, Pañc, 33, 4.
     2. Gaming at dice, a gamester, Rām. 5, 13, 21.
-- Comp. akṣa-, m. A dice-player, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 17; 196, 5.

dhūrtaka dhūrta + ka, m.
     1. A cheat, MBh. 5, 1519.
     2. The name of a Nāga or infernal serpent, MBh. 1, 2154.
-- Comp. mṛga-, m. A jackal.

dhūrtatā dhūrta + tā, f. Shrewdness, Bhartṛ. 2, 19.

dhūli dhūli, i. e. dhū + li, or perhaps dhvaṃs + li, f. Dust, Pañc. 215, 2.

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dhūśdhūś (= dhūṣ, q. cf.), i. 10, Par. To make splendid.

dhūṣ dhūṣ (perhaps a dialectical form of dhṛṣ for hṛṣ), i. 10, Par. To make splendid.
-- With the prep. ud ud, uddhūṣita, Having the hairs (of the body) standing on end (out of joy), embellished, Pañc. 190, 21.
-- With prod pra-ud, proddhūṣita, Having the hairs standing on end (on account of chill), Pañc. 94, 4.

dhūṣaratva dhūṣaratva, read dhūsaratva, Lass. 72, 11.

dhūsdhūs (a dialectical form of dhūṣ, q. cf.), i. 10, Par. To make splendid.

dhūsara dhūsara, i. e. dhvaṃs + ara,
I. adj., f. , Gray (like dust), Ragh. 5, 42.
II. f. , A small shrub, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 76, 6.
-- Comp. krama-, adj. having become by degrees gray (like dust), Ragh. 16, 17.

dhūsaraka dhūsara + ka, m. A proper name, Pañc. 214, 13.

dhūsaratva dhūsara + tva, n. Paleness, Lass. 72, 11 (see dhūṣaratva).

dhṛ dhṛ, i. 1, Par., Ātm.; i. 6, dhriya, Ātm. (also Par., Hariv. 9693).
     1. To bear, to carry, Rām. 1, 38, 11 Gorr.; Man. 4, 66; with garbham, To be pregnant, MBh. 5, 7399; with daṇḍam and damam, To punish, Rām. 4, 17, 24; Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 41.
     2. To maintain, Rām. 2, 109, 46 Gorr.; with ātmānam, jīvitam, prāṇān, śarīram, gātram, deham, To endure, or to continue to live, Rām. 6, 82, 119.
     3. To support, Man. 9, 311 (Ātm.).
     4. i. 4, and pass. To exist, Bhag. 7, 5; to live, Man. 3, 220; with the termination of the Par., MBh. 3, 11293.
     5. With manas, matim, buddhim, To direct one's attention to, MBh. 2, 541; to resolve, Hariv. 8261.
     6. With and without tulayā, To weigh, MBh. 3, 10585; 1, 266.
     7. With samaye, To bring to an agreement, Pañc. 24, 25.
     8. With antare, To give as surety, to pledge, Pañc. 223, 24.
     9. To stop, MBh. 7, 619.
     10. To retain, Pañc. 55, 23.
     11. To resist, Pañc. ii. d. 150.
     12. To have, MBh. 2, 81.
     13. To keep, Hit. 68, 13. dhṛta,
     1. Carried, Śāk. d. 103.
     2. Worn, used, Man. 4, 66.
     3. Held, Lass. 7, 5.
     4. Weighed, Man. 8, 135 (sama-dhṛta, Of equal weight).
     5. Maintained, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 17.
     6. Observed, Rām. 2, 18, 47 Gorr.
     7. Firm, MBh. 5, 7337.
     8. Kept, Pañc. 229, 6.
     9. Ready, MBh. 5, 1446; resolved, 2108.
     10. dhṛtam, adv. Slowly, solemnly, Pañc. 158, 2.
     11. n. A mode of fighting, Hariv. 15979. dhṛtavant, Resolved, Kathās. 12, 49. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. śirodharaṇīya, i. e. śiras-, adj. To be borne on the head, i. e. to be venerated, Lass. 67, 14. Caus. and i. 10, dhāraya, Par. Ātm.
     1. To bear, MBh. 13, 5007.
     2. With daṇḍam, To punish, Man. 11, 21.
     3. To hold, Rām. 1, 123, 14 Gorr.
     4. With tulayā, To weigh, MBh. 3, 13293.
     5. To continue to live, Chr. 46, 21.
     6. To support, MBh. 14, 710.
     7. To keep, MBh. 3, 11980; to possess, Rām. 1, 26, 25; Man. 5, 96.
     8. To practise, Yājñ. 3, 201.
     9. With ātmānam, manas, To direct one's attention to, Yājñ. 3, 201.
     10. With and without manasā, To keep in remembrance, MBh. 13, 4455; Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 75.
     11. With śirasā, mūrdhni, To honour, Mṛcch. 19, 3.
     12. To hold in, Śāk. 8, 11.
     13. To endure, Rām. 3, 35, 39.
     14. To contain, Hariv. 6567.
     15. To recover, Rām. 1, 48, 33.
     16. To assign to, Hariv. 2091.
     17. To owe to, MBh. 12, 7286. Anomal. potent. dhārayita, MBh. 13, 5007; anomal. ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. dhārayāṇa, 6, 4600. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhā- rita,
     1. Borne, MBh. 3, 11169.
     2. Maintained, Vikr. d. 38. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-dhārya,
     1. Not to be borne, Rām. 4, 16, 31; Man. 3, 79.
     2. Not to be stemmed, MBh. 13, 2161. dus-,
     1. Difficult to be supported, MBh. 3, 9941.
     2. Difficult to be kept in remembrance, 13, 4483.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Caus. To endure, MBh. 6, 5063. With prānān, To continue to live, MBh. 3, 16221.
-- With ava ava, avadhṛta, Perceived, MBh. 13, 3544. Caus.
     1. To know exactly, Rājat. 3, 179.
     2. To consider, MBh. 14, 1977.
     3. To perceive, MBh. 3, 11210.
     4. (Caus. of the Caus.), To communicate, Kathās. 14, 7. avadhārya, What ought to be considered, Bhartṛ. 2, 97. an-avadhāraṇīya, Not to be known exactly, Ragh. 13, 5.
-- With ā ā, Caus. To keep, Rām. 4, 20, 16; to keep in remembrance, Kathās. 2, 37.
-- With ud ud, To draw out, Rām. 4, 22, 21.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To support, MBh. 4, 1765.
     2. To consider, MBh. 1, 7805.
     3. To perceive, Bhāg. P. 1, 8, 11.
-- With ni ni, Caus. To keep, Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 22.
-- With nis nis, To verify, Śiś. 9, 20.
-- With pari pari, Caus. To bear, MBh. 3, 10907.
-- With pra pra. To direct to; with manas. To resolve, MBh. 8, 4336. Caus.
     1. To inflict a punishmea, MBh. 12, 9569.
     2. To keep in remembrance, 5, 4120.
     3. To reflect, 1, 3581.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Caus.
     1. To deliver, MBh. 3, 11741.
     2. To direct; with buddhim, To resolve, 3, 8772.
     3. To consider, to reflect, Pañc. 8, 14.
-- With vi vi, To bear. Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 13. vidhṛta,
     1. Separated, MBh. 13, 7070.
     2. Spread, Caurap. 16.
     3. Par from, Hariv. 4253.
     4. Retained, stopped, Amar. 85.
     5. Borne, MBh. 14, 1654; with śirasā, Borne on the head, and Honoured, Pañc. i. d. 94.
     6. Maintained, Bhartṛ. 3, 58. Comp. a-vidhṛta, unrestrained, MBh. 1, 243. Caus.
     1. To dispose, MBh. 1, 5549.
     2. To act, 12, 3809.
     3. To withhold, Rām. 2, 13, 3.
     4. To stop, MBh. 3, 676.
     5. To have, 9, 2476.
     6. To direct, with manas, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 30.
     7. To protect, 7, 5, 7.
-- With sam sam, To observe, Rām. 4, 29, 34. Caus.
     1. To hold, Pañc. i. d. 93.
     2. To bear, Rām. 2, 62, 15 Gorr.
     3. To possess, MBh. 1, 6383.
     4. To observe, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 21.
     5. To direct, with manas, 2, 38.
     6. To keep in remembrance, Pañc. v. d. 78.
     7. To restrain, Rām. 2, 21, 47; MBh. 6, 3397.
     8. To endure, Rām. 2, 63, 38; to sustain, Man. 3, 79.
     9. To exist, Mārk. P. 8, 52.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. firmus, fre + tus (partly based on dhrā for dhṛ; cf. e. g. pṛ and prā); probably A.S. dragan, dreogan; O.H.G. tragan.

dhṛk -dhṛk, latter part of comp. words, and only in the nom. sing. (probably a form of dhṛ + t),
     1. Bearing, Rām. 1, 6, 9.
     2. Sustaining, MBh. 12, 10432.
     3. Old, 3, 12597.
-- Comp. daṇḍa-, adj. ruling, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 12. deha-, m. Air, wind, Suśr. 1, 250, 9.

dhṛjdhṛj, and dhṛñj dhṛñj, i. 1, Par. To go.
-- Cf. dhraj.

dhṛt -dhṛ + t, latter part of comp. words, Bearing, Hariv. 6766.

dhṛtarāṣṭra dhṛta-rāṣṭra, m.
     1. The father of Duryodhana and uncle of the Pāṇḍu princes, MBh. 1, 95.
     2. A frequent proper name.

dhṛti dhṛ + ti,
I. f.
     1. Holding, MBh. 7, 4540 (dhṛtiṃ kṛ, To keep ground).
     2. Steadiness, Nal. 6, 10.
     3. Content, Man. 10, 116.
     4. Satisfaction, Kir. 5, 35.
     5. personified, MBh. 1, 2794.
II. m.
     1. The name of a deity, MBh. 13, 4355.
     2. A proper name.
-- Comp. a-, f. 1. uneasiness. 2. discontent, Man. 12, 33. kṣmā-, m. a king and a mountain, Rājat. 5, 476. śata-, m. 1. Indra. 2. Brahman.

dhṛtimant dhṛti + mant,
I. adj., f. matī.
     1. Firm, Man. 7, 210.
     2. Content, MBh. 13, 3054.
II. m.
     1. A name of Agni, 3, 14188.
     2. A proper name.
III. f. matī, The name of a river, 6, 339.
IV. n. The name of a division of the world, 6, 454.

dhṛtimaya dhṛti + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of content, MBh. 3, 13372.

dhṛṣ dhṛṣ, i. 1; ii. 5, Par.
     1. To be courageous, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 81.
     2. To dare, MBh. 1, 3573.
     3. pass. To be subdued, Pañc. 265, 8. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhṛṣṭa.
     1. Bold, MBh. 5, 1831.
     2. Impudent, Bhartṛ. 2, 48; Daśak. in Chr. 198, 2.
     3. n. The name of a spell, Rām. 1, 30, 4.
     4. m. A proper name. Comp. a-dhṛṣṭa, timid, Pañc. iii. d. 163. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. dhṛṣya, To be attacked, MBh. 12, 8176. Comp. a-dhṛṣya, 1. unassailable, MBh. 1, 5054. 2. unconquerable, Rām. 5, 42, 4. Caus. and i. 10.
     1. To lay hands on, to offend, MBh. 1, 2346.
     2. To hurt, Hariv. 3153.
     3. To violate, MBh. 5, 373.
     4. To overcome, 3, 2149. †
     5. To rain, v. r. a-dharṣita, adj. Unassailable, Rām. 4, 15, 3. dharṣaṇīya, To be conquered easily, MBh. 5, 1472. a-, adj. Unconquerable, Hariv. 4368.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Caus. To overpower, MBh. 14, 47.
-- With ā ā, Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. an-ādhṛṣya, Unassailable, Chr. 27, 11. Caus.
     1. To aggrieve, Yājñ. 2, 5.
     2. To provoke, Hariv. 10295.
-- With ud ud, Caus. To animate, MBh. 5, 2357.
-- With pari pari, To pounce upon, MBh. 14, 1684.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To lay hands on, Rām. 3, 62, 18.
     2. To overcome, 5, 58, 15; to lay waste, 5, 63, 5. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-pradkṛṣya, adj. Unconquerable, Pañc. 161, 14. duṣpradhṛṣya, i. e. dus-, adj.
     1. Unapproachable, MBh. 6, 612.
     2. Difficult to be overpowered, Rām. 6, 36, 24. Caus.
     1. To assail, Rām. 3, 14, 12.
     2. To violate, MBh. 13, 2291.
     3. To overcome, 13, 2890.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Caus. To hurt, MBh. 12, 4998.
-- With vi vi, Caus.
     1. To violate, Hariv. 4616.
     2. To trouble, MBh. 12, 10541.
-- With sam sam, Caus. To violate, Hariv. 9937.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] Lat. fortis; Goth. ga-dars; O.H.G. gaturst; A.S. dear, thu dearst, thu dors + test, dyrstig, thrist, bold, etc.; to dare.

dhṛṣṭatva dhṛṣṭa + tva, n. Impudence, Pañc. 27. 6.

dhṛṣṇu dhṛṣṇu, i. e. dhṛṣ + nu,
I. adj. Courageous, bold, Chr. 294, 1 = Rigv. i. 92, 1; MBh. 14, 2098.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3140.

dhṛṣṇutva dhṛṣṇu + tva, n. Boldness, MBh. 1, 6406.

dhṝdhṛ10, ii. 9, dhṛṇā, Par. To grow old, v. r. (?).

dhe dhe, i. 1, Par.
     1. To suck, to drink, MBh. 7, 2276; Man. 4, 59.
     2. To suck in, to absorb, Prab. 40, 5.

dhenu dhe + nu, f.
     1. A milch cow, one that has lately calved, Man. 11, 137.
     2. The earth, MBh. 13, 3165.
     3. Gift, MBh. 3, 12727; in this signification the word is used especially as latter part of comp. words, e. g. tila, MBh. 13, 3286; ghṛta-, 3523, etc., which imply that sesame, ghee, etc., are given instead of a milch cow, a milch cow being the usual present given to a Brāhmaṇa.
-- Comp. asi-, f. a knife; Daśak. in Chr. 198, 12. kāma-, f. cow that yields every wish, Kathās. 17, 134. kṣiti-, f. the cow-like earth, Bhartṛ. 2, 38.

dhenuka dhenu + ka,
I. m. The name of a demon, MBh. 5, 4410.
II. f. .
     1. A milch cow, 3, 13035.
     2. A present (cf. dhenu
3), 3, 8065.

dhairya dhairya, i. e. dhīra + ya, n.
     1. Gravity, Hariv. 8408.
     2. Firmness, constancy, MBh. 3, 17381; Rām. 2, 63, 47.
     3. Courage, Pañc. 21, 8.
-- Comp. a-, n. perturbation of mind, Man. 12, 32.

dhairyavant dhairya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Endowed with constancy, Rām. 4, 2, 6.

dhordhor, i. 1, Par. To be quick, to have a good pace.

dhaundhumāra dhaundhumāra, i. e. dhundhu-māra + a, adj. Referring to Dhundhumāra, MBh. 1, 468.

dhmā dhmā, i. 1, dhama, Par.
     1. To blow (as breath, wind), MBh. 14, 1732; Suśr. 1, 332, 11.
     2. To produce sound by blowing, MBh. 2, 1925.
     3. To excite fire by blowing, 2, 2483.
     4. To melt, Man. 6, 71.
     5. To throw, MBh. 5, 7209. Anomal. fut. dhamiṣyanti, Rām. 3, 62, 7. Pass.
     1. dhmāya, in epic poetry also with the terminations of the Par., MBh. 2, 1756.
     2. In epic poetry also dhamya, 3, 16825; also with the terminations of the Par. 14, 1738. Caus. dhmāpaya. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhmāpita, Turned to ashes, Suśr. 1, 46, 16.
-- With the prep. apa apa, To blow away, Rām. 1, 42, 26 Gorr.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To blow a wind instrument, Hariv. 15853.
     2. To blow up; pass. To be filled with air, to swell, MBh. 12, 3555; Suśr. 1, 62, 1; also Par. 290, 10. Caus. To blow up, to cause to swell, Suśr. 1, 374. 5.
-- With atyā ati-ā, To gasp violently for breath, Suśr. 1, 38, 12.
-- With upā upa-ā, To blow a wind instrument, MBh. 7, 3096.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To blow a wind instrument, MBh. 2, 1925.
     2. To sound, Hariv. 15854.
-- With upa upa, To excite fire by blowing, Man. 4, 53.
-- With nis nis, To blow out of something, Suśr. 1, 100, 5.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To blow away, i. e. to destroy, MBh. 2, 1028.
     2. To blow into something, MBh. 14, 78.
     3. To blow a wind instrument, MBh. 3, 789. Caus. To blow a wind instrument, MBh. 3, 633.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To blow asunder, i. e. to disperse, MBh. 1, 5462; i. e. to destroy, Rām. 2, 80, 8.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps [greek] O.H.G. tunst, perhaps A. S. dust.

dhmāṅkṣdhmāṅkṣ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To crow.
     2. To desire.
-- Cf. dhrāṅkṣ.

dhyātṛ dhyātṛ, i. e. dhyai + tṛ, m. One who reflects, who meditates, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 22.

dhyāna dhyāna, i. e. dhyai + ana, n.
     1. Religious, pious meditation, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 13; Bhag. 12, 12; Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 15.
     2. Intuition, Rām. 1, 9, 64.

dhyānavant dhyāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Applying one's self to religious meditation, MBh. 12, 7170.

dhyānika dhyānika, i. e. dhyāna + ika, adj. Proceeding from pious meditation, Man. 6, 82.

dhyānin dhyānin, i. e. dhyāna + in, adj., f. nī = dhyānavant, MBh. 13, 1016.

dhyāma dhyāma, n. A fragrant grass, Suśr. 1, 103, 16.

dhyai dhyai (probably akin to adhi -YĀ, but cf. also dīdhī, dīdī), i. 1, dhyāya (in epic poetry also dhyā, ii. 2, e. g. dhyāhi, MBh. 3, 13210), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 13, 1994).
     1. To contemplate, MBh. 2, 2563.
     2. To think of, 5, 47; to meditate on, 3, 224. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhyāta, Thought of, Bhartṛ. 3, 46.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To meditate on, MBh. 1, 3464.
     2. To think of, 12, 9666 (with gen.).
     3. To reflect, Rām. 1, 2, 20 (anudhyātvā, instead of °dhyāya). anudhyāta,
     1. Thought of, MBh. 7, 2180.
     2. Absorbed in meditation, 12, 4678.
-- With samanu sam-anu-,
     1. To think of, MBh. 13, 968.
     2. To think, 12, 6644.
-- With apa apa, To disregard, MBh. 7, 2076.
     2. To hurt, 3, 13656.
-- With samapa sam-apa, To hurt, MBh. 3, 13655 (Ātm.).
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To desire, Yājñ. 3, 134.
     2. To think of, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 44.
     3. To meditate, to be absorbed in meditation, Man. 1, 8.
     4. To curse (?), MBh. 13, 2144 (abhidhyāsus, 4. Aor. without augment in the sense of an imperat., cf. 2143).
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To reflect, MBh. 5, 2217.
     2. To desire, Suśr. 1, 323, 15.
-- With ava ava, To disregard, Bhāg. P. 5, 4, 9.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To wish that something may happen to another (gen.), MBh. 13, 4900.
     2. To be absorbed in meditation, Bhāg. P. 9, 14, 43.
-- With samā sam-ā, To meditate on, Hariv. 14823.
-- With upa upa, To think of, MBh. 1, 3847; (Hariv. 7453, read apadhyāto).
-- With ni ni, To be absorbed in meditation, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 44.
-- With abhini ahhi-ni, To attend to (acc., Rām. 1, 28, 7.
-- With praṇi pra-ni, To direct one's attention to (acc.), Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 3.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To muse ver (acc.), Rājat. 1, 279.
     2. To reflect, Rām. 6, 31, 2.
-- With pari pari, To muse, Rām. 2, 37, 13 Gorr. (parī on account of the metre).
-- With pra pra,
     1. To reflect, MBh. 1, 7013.
     2. To think of (acc. and prati), Hariv. 10381.
     3. To devise, MBh. 5, 3882.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To reflect, MBh. 3, 1411.
-- With prati prati, To devise, MBh. 5, 3880.
-- With sam sam, To reflect, MBh. 2, 8.
-- Cf. [greek]

dhra -dhra for dhara, f. dhrī, latter part of comp. words, e. g. mahī-dhra, m. A mountain, Bhartṛ. 2, 10.

dhraj dhraj, and † dhrañj dhrañj, i. 1, Par. To glide (as wind, birds, etc.), ved.

dhraṇdhraṇ, i. 1, Par. To sound.
-- Cf. dhvan; Goth. drunjus; [greek] (Frequent.), [greek] A. S. dran, a drone.

dhrasdhras, ii. 9, and i. 10. Par.
     1. To glean.
     2. To cast upward.
-- Cf. udhras.

dhrākhdhrākh, i. 1, Par. = drākh.

dhrāghdhrāgh, i. 1, Ātm. = drāgh.

dhrāṅkṣdhrāṅkṣ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To crow.
     2. To desire.
-- Cf. dhmāṅkṣ, dhvāṅkṣ.

dhrāḍdhrāḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To divide, to split.
-- Cf. drāḍ.

dhrijdhrij, i. 1, Par. To move.
-- Cf. dhraj.

dhru dhru, i. 1 and 6, Par.
     1. To stand firm.
     2. To go.
     3. To know.

dhruvdhruv, i. 6, Par.
     1. To stand firm.
     2. To go.

dhruva dhruva (akin to dhṛ),
I. adj., f. .
I. Firm, stable, MBh. 1, 808; Rām. 1, 60, 17.
     2. Permanent, Nal. 6, 11.
     3. Fixed (as a day), MBh. 14, 1888.
     4. Certain, Man. 7, 169.
II. m. The polar star, MBh. 8, 2105; personified as son of Uttānapāda and grandson of Manu, 13, 195.
     2. A name of Viṣṇu, 2, 1510.
     3. The name of a Vasu, 1, 2528, and others.
III. n. Permanence, Hariv. 3959.
IV. adv. °vam, Certainly, Man. 12, 16.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. perishable, Rām. 3, 61, 34. 2. uncertain, 5, 37, 11. Cf. O.H.G. ga-triuwi; Goth. triggvs; A. S. treowe, for-truwian; perhaps Lat. durus.

dhruvacyut dhruva-cyu + t, adj. Felling what in firm, Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.

dhrekdhrek, i. 1, Ātm. = drek.

dhraidhrai, i. 1, Par. To be satisfied.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] (= Caus. dhrāpaya).

dhvaṃs dhvaṃs, base of the pass. and some other forms, dhvas, i. 1, Ātm. (also Par., MBh. 1, 3596).
     1. To fall to pieces, to perish, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 55.
     2. To go away, MBh. 3, 12525. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhvasta,
     1. Fallen, Rām. 3, 58, 38.
     2. Lost, 1, 58, 10.
     3. Hurt, 6, 20, 22.
     4. Disappeared 5, 21, 12.
     5. Covered, MBh. 10, 662. Caus. dhvaṃ- saya,
     1. To fell, Rām. 5, 63, 23.
     2. To destroy, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 18.
     3. To interrupt, Rām. 2, 60, 15.
-- With the prep. apa apa,
     1. To go away, Hariv. 720.
     2. To cause to go away, MBh. 1, 5596. apadhvasta, Reviled, miserable, Mṛcch. 124, 3 (crazed, Wils.).
-- With abhi abhi, To attack, MBh. 5, 3230.
-- With ud ud, Caus. To cover, MBh. 13, 4817.
-- With samud sam-ud, To cover, Rām. 2, 42, 10.
-- With upa upa, pass. To be attacked, Suśr. 1, 21, 14.
-- With vini vi-ni, vinidhvasta, Destroyed, Rām. 2, 125, 13 Gorr.
-- With pari pari, paridhvasta,
     1. Destroyed, Rām. 2, 33, 18.
     2. Covered, 2, 41, 11 Gorr.
-- With pra pra, pradhvasta, Perished, Bhartṛ. 3, 26. Caus.
     1. To cause to fall, MBh. 7, 1387.
     2. To destroy, 1529.
-- With prati prati, pratidhvasta,
     1. Afflicted, MBh. 12, 3606.
     2. Left (?), 3717.
-- With vi vi, To crumble down, MBh. 12, 7978.
     2. To disperse, 5, 5877. vidhvasta,
     1. Fallen, 3, 2668.
     2. Fallen to pieces, Rām. 2, 114, 6.
     3. Destroyed, MBh. 1, 7675.
     4. Whirled up, Rām. 6, 19, 12. Caus.
     1. To break to pieces, MBh. 1, 8282.
     2. To crush, 3, 16501.
     3. To destroy, Rām. 5, 26, 37.
     4. To hurt, 3, 53, 51.
-- With pravi pra-vi, pravidhvasta,
     1. Thrown away, Rām. 6, 22, 26.
     2. Struck, Hariv. 10627.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. vastus, vastare; O.H.G. wosti; A.S. weste; Goth. driusan; A. S. dreosan, dysi, dyselic, dysig, dysian.

dhvaṃsa dhvaṃs + a, m.
     1. Destruction, Prab. 82, 14.
     2. Loss, Pañc. i. d. 117.

dhvaṃsana dhvaṃs + ana,
I. adj. Destroying, MBh. 5, 5316.
II. n. Destruction, Rām. 6, 38, 21.

dhvaṃsin dhvaṃs + in, adj., f. .
     1. Perishing, Bhartṛ. 3, 35.
     2. Destroying, Hariv. 4627.

dhvajdhvaj, i. 1, Par. To go.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. vagus, vagari.

dhvaja dhvaja, m. and n.
     1. A flag or banner, Rām. 2, 67, 26.
     2. A mark, a symbol, MBh. 1, 1511.
     3. A distiller's fiag, Man 4, 85.
     4. The penis, Suśr. 2, 114, 9.
-- Comp. ud-patāka-dhvaja, adj. with raised flags and banners, Rājat. 5, 465. kapi-, m. a name of Arjuna, Bhag. 1, 20. kuśa-, m. a proper name, Rām. 1, 71, 13. garuḍa-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, MBh. 2, 30. go-vṛṣa-, m. a name of Śiva, Arj. 3, 44. jvālā-, m. fire, Rājat. 4, 41. tāla-, m. 1. a name of Balarāma, MBh. 9, 2139. 2. the name of a mountain, Śatr. 1, 50. timi-, epithet of the demon Śambara, Rām. 2, 8, 12 Gorr. dharma-, 1. adj. one who displays the flag of virtue, a hypocrite, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 39. 2. m. a proper name, 9, 13, 19. pāra-, m. pl. standards come from an opposite shore (i. e. from Ceylon), Rājat. 3, 78. makara-, m. the god of love. mahiṣa-, m. Yama. vṛṣabha-, m. a name of Śiva, Chr. 48, 11. sīra-, m. Janaka, Mahāv. 5, 9. surā-, n. a tavern flag. smara-,
I. m. 1. any musical instrument. 2. a fabulous fish, the makara. 3. the penis.
II. f. , bright moonlight.
III. n. the vulva.

dhvajavant dhvaja + vant,
I. adj.
     1. Adorned with flags, Rām. 1, 5, 17.
     2. Branded, Yājñ. 3, 243.
II. m.
     1. An ensign, MBh. 9, 3302.
     2. A distiller or seller of spirits, Rām. 4, 84.

dhvajika dhvajika, i. e. dhvajin + ka, adj. One who displays the flag of virtue, a hypocrite, Man. 13, 7594.

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dhvajin dhvajin, i. e. dhvaja + in,
I. adj., f. , Furnished with, or bearing, a flag, Rām. 3, 28, 32; Man. 11, 92.
II. m.
     1. An ensign, MBh. 1, 7765.
     2. A distiller or seller of spirits, Yājñ. 1, 141.
-- Comp. dharma-, i. e. dharma-dhvaja + in, m. one who displays the flag of virtue, a hypocrite, Man. 4, 195.

dhvañjdhvañj, i. 1, Par. = dhvaj.

dhvaṇdhvaṇ, i. 1, Par. To sound.

dhvan 1. dhvan, Par. To cover one's self. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. dhvānta, n. Darkness, Rām. 2, 21, 53.

dhvan 2. dhvan, i. 1, Par.
     1. To produce a sound, to roar, Ṛt. 1, 25.
     2. To buzz, Rājat. 5, 315. Pteple. of the pf. pass. dhvanita, n.
     1. Sound, Megh. 43.
     2. Thunder, Kir. 5, 12. Caus. and i. 10, dhva/ānaya, To cause to sound, to strike, Catr. 14, 223.
-- With abhi abhi, To sound, to hiss, Śiś. 20, 13.
-- With pra pra, To resound, 17, 31.
-- Cf. A. S. dynan, dyne.

dhvani dhvan + i, m.
     1. Sound, Man. 4, 123.
     2. Figurative style, Sāh. D. 5, 9.
-- Comp. siṃha-, m. 1. the roar of a lion. 2. war-cry.

dhvasanti dhvasanti, m. A proper name, Chr. 298, 23 = Rigv. i. 112, 23.

dhvasti dhvasti, i. e. dhvaṃs + ti, f. One of the four states of a Yogin, that in which all the consequences of actions cease, Mārk. P. 39, 22.

dhvāṅkṣdhvāṅkṣ, i. 1, Par. = dhrāṅkṣ.

dhvāṅkṣa dhvāṅkṣa, m. A crow, Brāhmaṇ. 2, 17.

dhvāna dhvāna, i. e. dhvan + a, m. Murmuring, sound, Prab. 73, 9.

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dhvānta dhvānta, see 1. dhvan.

dhvṛ dhvṛ, i. 1. Par. To bend, to fell; cf. hvṛ.
-- Cf. probably A.S. thwer; O.H.G. dweran, gadwor, twaron, dwerh; A.S. thweorh, thwir, thwur; Goth. dvals; A.S. dwelian, dol, dweorg, for-dwilman; [greek]

dhvraṇdhvraṇ, i. 1, Par. = dhraṇ, v. r.

na na, a particle,
     1. Not, MBh. 3, 362.
     2. When repeated in the same sentence it implies a very strong affirmation, Absolutely, Arj. 10, 17.
     3. Lest (with a potential), Rām. 2, 63, 41.
     4. Often in the beginning of comp. words, e. g. nātidūra, i. e. na-ati-dūra, adj. Not very distant, Hiḍ. 1, 51.
     5. ved. Like, just as, Chr. 294, 5; 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 5; 4.
-- Cf. Goth. ne, nei; A. S. ná; O.H.G. ni; Lat. ne in nonne; [greek]

naṃś naṃś, see naś.

nakiṃcana nakiṃcana, i. e. na-kim-ca-na, adj. Beggarly, MBh. 5, 4522.

nakis na-ki + s (the latter part is an old nom. sing. msc. of ki, cf. kim and Lat. quis), a particle, Not, never, Chr. 287, 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6.

nakula nakula, m.
     1. The Bengal mungoose, Viverra ichneumon, MBh. 12, 444.
     2. f. , Its female, 16, 41.
     3. The name of the fourth of the five Pāṇḍu princes, 1, 2445.

nakknakk, i. 10, Par. To kill, to annihilate.

nakta nakta,
I. n.
     1. Night, Bhāg. P. 5, 22, 5.
     2. Eating only by night, Yājñ. 3, 319.
II. °tam, adv. By night, Man. 6, 19.
-- Cf. Lat. nox, noctu; Goth. nahts; A. S. naht, niht; [greek]

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naktaṃcara naktaṃcara, i. e. nakta + m-cara, m., f. , A goblin, a demon, Rām. 5, 11, 9; Kathās. 25, 104.

naktaṃcaryā naktaṃcaryā, i. e. nakta + m-caryā, f. Wandering by night, MBh. 12, 10575.

naktaṃcārin naktaṃcārin, i. e. nakta + m-cārin, adj. Walking by night, Man. 3, 90.

naktaṃdina naktaṃdina, i. e. nakta + m-dina,
     1. n. sing. Day and night, Mālav. d. 88.
     2. °nam, adv. By day and by night, Pañc. 32, 25.

naktamāla naktamāla, m. A tree, Pongamia glabra Vent., Rām. 3, 79, 37.

nakra nakra, m. A crocodile, Man. 1, 44.
-- Comp. vakra-, m.
     1. A parrot.
     2. A depraved man.

nakṣ NAKṢ, (akin to 1. naś), i. 1, Par. (also Ātm.), To approach, to attain.

nakṣatra nakṣatra, n.
     1. A star, Man. 1, 24.
     2. An asterism in the moon's path or lunar mansion; they are regarded as wives of the moon and daughters of Dakṣa, Hariv. 104; MBh. 13, 3256.

nakṣatrin nakṣatrin, i. e. nakṣatra + in, adj. Epithet of Viṣṇu (containing the stars?), MBh. 13, 6996.

nakh † NAKH, i. 4 and i. 1, Par., and naṅkh NAṄKH, i. 1, Par. To go.

nakha nakha,
I. m. and n. A nail of a finger or of a toe, Man. 4, 35.
II. n. and f. khī, A certain perfume. -Comp. agra-, the point of a nail, Rām. 2, 9, 43. pañcanakha, i. e. pañcan-, m. a beast having five claws, Man. 5, 17. sūrpa-, f. khā, the sister of Rāvaṇa. hastinakha-, i. e. hastin-, n. a sort of covered way, covering the access to the gate of a fort or town.
-- Cf. O.H.G. nagal; A.S. naegel; [greek] Lat. ungula.

nakhara nakha + ra,
I. adj. Shaped like a claw, MBh. 6, 693.
II. (m. or n.),
     1. A knife, 7, 1318.
     2. A fingernail, a claw, Caurap. 15; Pañc. 91, 5.

nakhānakhi nakhānakhi, i. e. nakha-nakha + i, adv. Scratching one another, MBh. 8, 2377.

nakhāyudhatva nakhāyudha + tva, i. e. nakha-āyudha + tva, n. Being a beast using its nails or claws as its weapen, Pañc. 71, 11.

nakhin nakhin, i. e. nakha + in, m. A beast with nails or claws, Cāṇ. 27.

naga na-ga,
I. adj. Immoveable, MBh. 12, 5730 (?).
II. m.
     1. A mountain, Rām. 6, 83, 1.
     2. A tree, Man. 8, 330.

nagara naga + ra, n. and f. , A town, Man. 4, 107.
-- Comp. antar-nagara, n. a palace, Rām. 5, 11, 26. kāśi-nagara, n. the city of the Kāśis = Benares, Chr. 11, 11. gandharva-nagara, n. 1. the city of the Gandharvas, MBh. 2, 1043. 2. the fata morgana, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 5. vidarbha-nagarī, f. the city of the Vidarbhas, Nal. 1, 23. śākhā-, n. a suburb. sva-, n. own or native town.

nagarāya NAGARAYA, a denomin. derived from nagara by ya, Ātm. To look like a town, MBh. 9, 2162.

nagarīya nagarīya, i. e. nagara + īya, adj. Belonging to a town, Lass. 75, 19.

nagavant naga + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in trees, Rām. 5, 9, 6.

nagna nagna,
I. adj., f. , Naked, Man. 4, 45.
II. f. , A girl before menstruation, Pañc. iii. d. 217.
-- Cf. Goth. naqvadei; A.S. nacud, nacod. genacian; Lat. nudus.

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nagnaka nagna + ka,
I. m. A naked mendicant, Pañc. 236, 4.
II. f. nikā, A girl before menstruation, Pañc. iii. d. 213.

nagnajit nagna-ji + t,
I. m. The name of a prince, MBh. 1, 2439.

nagnatva nagna + tva, n. Nakedness, Hit. pr. d. 27.

naṅkh naṅkh, see nakh.

naj † NAJ, i. 6, Ātm. To be ashamed.

naṭ NAṬ (a form of nart, vb. nṛt), i. 1, Par.
     1. To dance, Gīt. 4, 9.
     2. To injure. Caus. and i. 10,
     1. To dance, to represent as an actor, to act, Śāk. 6, 11.
     2. † To fall.
     3. † To speak or shine. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. nāṭita, n. Representing, Śāk. 43, 4, v. r.

naṭa naṭa (a form of narta),
     1. m. A mime, MBh. 1, 6940.
     2. f. ṭī, An actress, Śāk. 3, 9.
     3. m. A tree, Caloranthes indica, Jonesia asoca, Rām. 5, 74, 4.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. Śiva.

naṭatā naṭa + tā, f. The state of an actor, Hariv. 8692.

naṭana naṭ + ana, n. Dancing, Pañc. iii. d. 237.

naḍ † NAḌ, i. 10, Par. To fall.
-- Cf. naṭ.

naḍa naḍa, probably a form of narta, m. (and n.), Reed.
-- Cf. nala.

naḍvala naḍvala, i. e. naḍa + vala, n. A reed-bed, MBh. 5, 707.

natamaṃhas natamaṃhas, i. e. na tam aṃhas, The beginning of a holy text, Man. 11, 251.

natāṅga natāṅga, i. e. nata-aṅga (vb. nam),
I. adj., f. , Bent.
II. f. , A woman.

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nati nati, i. e. nam + ti, f.
     1. A bow, a courtesy, Kathās. 9, 18.
     2. Modest behaviour, Navar. 3 in Haeb. Anth. 2.

nad nad (probably a form of nard), i. 1, Par. (also Ātm. MBh. 2, 1925), To sound, to roar, MBh. 3, 2855. Frequently with the acc. of a noun expressing sound, e. g. śabdam, To utter a sound, MBh. 3, 15655. Caus. nādaya, To cause to resound, to fill with noise, Rām. 1, 28, 5. Anomal. ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. nādayāna, MBh. 6, 2269. nādita, n. Sound, 1, 7650. Frequent.
     1. nānad, To roar, Chr. 290, 8= Rigv. i. 64, 8; MBh. 7, 882.
     2. nānadya, To make a great noise, 7, 887.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To sound against (with acc.), Rām. 2, 111, 53 Gorr. (to rise to). Caus. To cause to resound, to fill with noise, MBh. 5, 5169.
-- With vyanu vi-anu, Caus. To fill with noise, Bhag. 1, 19.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To sound against, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 2 (to answer).
     2. To roar, Hariv. 11042 (p. 791). Caus. To fill with noise, 13859. abhinādita, Re-echoed, 4582.
-- With ā ā, Caus. To fill with noise, MBh. 3, 789.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To roar, MBh. 7, 6814.
     2. To bray, Pañc. 248, 17.
-- With prod pra-ud, To roar, Hariv. 6754.
-- With samud sam-ud, To roar, Hariv. 13167.
-- With upa upa, Caus. To fill with noise, Rām. 2, 28, 10.
-- With ni ni.
     1. To resound, Pañc. 158, 5.
     2. To sing, Rām. 2, 65, 2.
     3. To cry, Ragh. 5, 75. Caus. To fill with noise, MBh. 1, 119. ninādita, n. Sound, Rām. 1, 73, 36.
-- With pari pari, To cry aloud, MBh. 6, 3256.
-- With pra pra, ṇad ṇad, To begin to sound, to roar, MBh. 2, 1925; 3, 2859. praṇadita, Buzzing, Śiś. 9, 71.
-- With vipra vi-pra, Caus. To fill with noise, Rām. 5, 12, 45.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To cry, Rām. 5, 1, 87. Caus. To fill with a cry, Rām. 4, 29, 15.
-- With prati prati, To answer with a cry, or with cries, Rām. 3, 24, 30; (with acc.) Rājat. 4, 285; MBh. 6, 4518. Caus.
     1. To fill with crics, Hariv. 4179.
     2. To cry aloud, MBh. 3, 14057.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To resound, Rām. 4, 9, 44.
     3. To cry, 3, 30, 6.
     3. To roar, MBh. 1, 6002.
     4. To cry round about somebody (acc.), 11, 599.
     5. To fill with cries, Hariv. 8097. Caus.
     1. To cause to sound, or to cry, Bhāg. P. 8, 8, 13; Ghaṭ. 10.
     2. To fill with noise, MBh. 1, 1187.
     3. To sound aloud, Rām. 6, 11, 23.
-- With anuvi anu-vi, Caus. To fill completely with noise, Rām. 2, 103, 48.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, To cry aloud, Rām. 6, 37, 37.
-- With sam sam, To roar, MBh. 7, 8127. Caus.
     1. To cause to resound, MBh. 1, 2896.
     2. To cry aloud, MBh. 7, 8386.

nada nad + a,
I. m. A river, MBh. 1, 8730. A male river, Man. 6, 90.
II. f. , A river, 3, 9; a female river, 6, 90.
-- Comp. giri-ṇadī, i. e. giri-nadi, f. a mountain stream. dera-nadī, f. A holy river, Man. 2, 19. dyu-nadī, f. a name of the Gaṅgā. naga-nadī, f. the name of a river. pañcanada, i. e. pañcan-, I. n. 1. the country which is now called Panjāb. 2. the name of a river.
II. m. 1. pl. the inhabitants of the Panjāb. 2. a proper name. mahā-nadī, f. a great river, Rājat. 5, 98; = Gaṅgā, Chr. 26, 70. svar-, f. the Gaṅgā of heaven.

nadikā nadikā, i. e. nadi + ka, f. See ka-nadikā, s. v. ku-.

nadīja nadī-ja,
I. Born near a river, epithet of horses, Rām. 1, 6, 24 Gorr.
II. m.
     1. Epithet of Bhīṣma, the son of the Gaṅgā, MBh. 4, 1294.
     2. Antimony, Suśr. 2, 340, 16.

nadīṣṇa nadīṣṇa, i. e. nadī-sna (vb. snā), adj. Versed in, Ragh. 16, 75.
-- Comp. ati-, Much versed in, Daśak. 180, 14.

nanu na-nu, a particle of interrogation.
     1. Not (Lat. nonne), MBh. 13, 313.
     2. with an imperat., Do, Śiś. 9, 61.
     3. Then, Mṛcch. 174, 12.

nand NAND (probably for nanad, a reduplicated form of nad), i, 1, Par. (also Ātm., Rām. 2, 84, 4), To be pleased, Rām. 1, 10, 28. Caus. nandaya, To gladden, Rām. 4, 22, 6.
-- With the prep. abhī,
     1. To be pleased, Bhag. 2. 57.
     2. To be pleased with (acc.), Man. 6, 45.
     3. To desire, MBh. 13, 6655.
     4. To salute, Pañc. 57, 18; with na, sometines To receive unkindly, MBh. 14, 134.
     5. To take leave from (acc.), MBh. 1, 5751.
     6. To appreve, Rām. 4, 10, 33; Śāk. d. 71.
     7. To acknowledge, Man. 8, 54.
     8. With na; sometimes To refuse. MBh. 5, 7505. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. abhinandaniya, abhinandya, To be rejoieed at. Śāk. 63, 18; 27, 6. Caus. To exhilarate, Rām. 2, 107, 10.
-- With pratyabhi prati-abhi, To return a salutation. MBh. 13, 7721.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To congratulate, Kathās. 21, 148.
-- With ā ā, To be pleased, Gīt. 11, 10. Caus. To gratify, Yājñ. 1, 355.
-- With pari pari, Caus. To gratify very mac, MBh. 15, 522.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To salute. MBh. 5. 1806.
     2. To salute in one's turn, Man. 7, 146.
     3. To show one's satisfaction, MBh. 13, 426.
     4. To favour, Kumāras. 7. 87.
     5. To receive joyfully, MBh. 1, 7253.
     6. With na, To refuse, 3673. a-pratinandita, Disowned, Bhāg. 4, 4, 8. Caus. To gratify, MBh. 3, 16444.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To welcome joyfully, 10, 475.
-- With vi vi, To be pleased, 3, 2607 (Ātm.).

nanda nand + a,
I. m. One of Yudhiṣṭhira's drums, MBh. 7, 1032.
     2. A name of Viṣṇu, 13, 7005.
     3. A proper name (especially of the foster father of Kṛṣṇa and Durgā), 4, 179; 1, 2731.
     4. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 21.
II. f. .
     1. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2597.
     2. The name of a river, 7818.
III. f. , A tree, Cedrela toona Roxb., Suśr. 1, 219, 19.
-- Comp. sa-, m. one of the four sons of Brahman. su-,
I. adj. delighting.
II. f. , 1. Umā. 2. a woman.
III. n. the club of Baladeva.

nandaka nand + aka,
I. adj. in devatā-stava-, Gladdening the deities by praises, MBh. 13, 7662.
II. m.
     1. The name of Kṛṣṇa's sword, MBh. 5, 4427.
     2. A proper name, 1, 6983.

nandakin nandakin, i. e. nandaka + in, m. A name of Viṣnu (possessed of the sword nandaka), MBh. 13, 7056.

nandana nand + ana,
I. adj., f. , Gladdening, MBh. 3, 11073.
II. m.
     1. A son, Yājñ. 1, 274.
     2. Epithet of Viṣṇu and Śiva, MBh. 13, 7005; 1189.
     3. A certain plant, Suśr. 2, 251, 19.
     4. A proper name, MBh. 9, 2540.
     5. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 21.
III. n. The pleasure-ground of the gods, especially of Indra, Indr. 2, 3.
-- Comp. arka-, m. the planet Saturn, Pañc. i. d. 240. kāśyapa-, m. pl. the children of Kāśyapa, a name of the gods, MBh. 13, 3330. kuru-, m. a descendant of Kuru, Chr. 22, 18. kula-, adj., f. , being an honour to a family, Pañc. 187, 4. nalinī-, n. a garden of Kuvera, Rām. 3, 36, 14. bhṛgu-, m. the son of Bhṛgu, i. e. Paraśurāma. raghu-, m. Rāma.

nandanaka nandana + ka, a substitute for nandana when latter part of a comp. word, MBh. 3, 10856.

nandi nand + i,
I. m.
I. Epithet of Viṣṇu and Śiva, MBh. 13, 7015; 1189.
     2. A proper name, 13, 872.
II. f. (and m. and n.) Joy, MBh. 5, 4600; personified, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 6.

nandin nand + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Liking, MBh. 6, 16.
     2. Gladdening, 13, 4708.
II. m.
     1. A son, Mṛcch. 47, 21.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 12, 10223.
III. f. ,
     1. A daughter, 14, 1841.
     2. The name of a fabulous cow, 1, 3923.
     3. A proper name, 9, 2623.

napāt na-pā + t, naptṛ naptṛ (i. e. na-pā + tṛ),
I. m.
     1. A grandson, Man. 4, 173.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4362.
II. f. naptī naptī (i. e. na-pāt + ī), A granddaughter, Chr. 289, 9 = Rigv. i. 50, 9, where the horses are denoted as granddaughters of the chariot.
-- Cf. Lat. nepos, neptis; O.H.G. nefo; A.S. nefa; O.H.G. nift; Goth. nithjis, nithjo; [greek]

napuṃsa na-puṃs + a, m. An eunuch, MBh. 13, 901.

napuṃsaka napuṃsa + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Neither man nor woman.
     2. Of neuter gender.
II. m.
     1. An eunuch, MBh. 4, 1190.
     2. A coward, Pañc. i. d. 364.

naptī naptī and naptṛ naptṛ, see napāt.

nabh NABH, i. 1, Ātm. † i. 4, ii. 9, Par.
     1. To burst.
     2. To injure.

nabha nabha, m. A proper name, Hariv. 823.

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nabhaga nabhaga, m. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 2.

nabhaḥśrit nabhaḥśrit, i. e. nabhas-śri + t, adj. Reaching to, or attaining heaven.

nabhaścara nabhaścara, i. e. nabhas-cara,
I. adj. Moving in the sky, Rām. 3, 49, 45.
II. m. A deity, Ragh. 18, 5.

nabhas nabhas, n.
     1. Sky, atmosphere, Man. 4, 37.
     2. du. Heaven and earth, MBh. 12, 13240.
     3. AEther as one of the five elements, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 12.
     4. (n. and m.) The name of a month of the rainy season (July -August), Ragh. 12, 29.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. nubes, nebula; O.H.G. nibul; A.S. ge-nip, a cloud.

nabhasya nabhas + ya, m. The name of a month of the rainy season, Hariv. 8781.

nabhasvant nabhas + vant,
     1. m. Wind, Ṛt. 2, 27.
     2. f. vatī, A proper name, Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 5.

nam nam, i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., MBh. 3, 1200, especially when intrausitive),
     1. To bow to (with dat., gen. and acc.), Chr. 287, 8 = Rigv. i. 48, 8 (nānāma, ved. pf. red.); Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 47; MBh. 10, 495; Hariv. 10235.
     2. To bow, Bhartṛ. 3, 61.
     3. To submit, Kām. Nītis. 8, 55.
     4. To sink, Mṛcch. 85, 11.
     5. To bend, Suśr. 1, 254, 7.
     6. † To sound. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. nata,
     1. Inclined to (with acc. and gen.), Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 40.
     2. Cast down, Pañc. 46, 5; Rājat. 5, 372 (read ckā natamukhī).
     3. Bent, curved, Rām. 2, 96, 15; crooked, Vikr. d. 95.
     4. Sunk in (not prominent), Kumāras. 1, 38. Comp. tri-nata, bent at three places (as a bow), Rām. 6, 20, 28. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. namanīya, To be bowed to, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 21. Caus. na/āmaya,
     1. To cause to bow, Ragh. 8, 9.
     2. To curve, bend, Pañc. i. d. 430; (as a bow), MBh. 3, 3039.
     3. To cause to sink in, Hariv. 3754. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-nāmya, adj. Not to be curved, or bent, Pañc. i. d. 430; MBh. 5, 1335.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To bow to, Indr. 2, 19.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To bow, Bhāg. P. 5, 25, 4.
     2. To stoop, MBh. 1, 5336 (anomal red. pf. nanāmire). avanata,
     1. Stooping, MBh. 3, 1776.
     2. Bent, crooked, Rām. 2, 56, 7; Kumāras. 5, 86.
     3. Sunk in (not prominent), Rām. 6, 23, 12. Caus.
     1. To cause to bow, Hariv. 3586.
     2. To bend (a bow), MBh. 8, 4606.
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, Caus. To bend downward, MBh. 3, 10062.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To bow, Rām. 2, 25, 38.
     2. To bow to (acc.), Bhāg. P. 8, 23, 3. ānata,
     1. Stooping, Hariv. 6344.
     2. Stooping to (with acc.), Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 2.
     3. Submissive, Man. 7, 69.
     4. Bent, MBh. 1, 1667. Caus.
     1. To bend downward, 5561.
     2. To subdue, 4, 967.
     3. To bend (a bow), 1, 7088.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To rise, Pañc. ii. d. 98.
     2. To erect, to raise, Pañc. i. d. 407. unnata,
     1. Erected, upright. Hit. 76, 6; raised, Draup. 5, 1.
     2. High, Kir. 5, 15.
     3. Sublime, Pañc. 24, 17.
     4. Prominent, Mṛcch. 144, 18.
     5. Vaulted, Bhartṛ. 1, 41. Caus. To raise Rām. 5, 30, 12.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, abhyunnata, Elevated, Śāk. d. 56.
-- With samabhyud sam-abhi-ud, samabhyunnata, Risen, Mṛcch. 76, 20.
-- With prod pra-ud, pronnata,
     1. Very elevated, Pañc. 118, 9.
     2. Superior, i. d. 387. Caus. To erect, Bhāg. P. 8, 21. 3.
-- With samud sam-ud, samunnata,
     1. Upright, Hit. 76, 6.
     2. High, Rājat. 5, 38.
     3. Sublime, Kām. Nītis. 1, 64.
     4. Prominent, Rām. 3, 52, 30.
     5. Vaulted, Amar. 51. Caus. To raise, Śāk. 40, 16.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To fall to one's share (with dat. and gen.), Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 14.
     2. To present one with (acc. of the person and instr. of the object), 6, 19, 16. upanata,
     1. One who has submitted to somebody, MBh. 1, 5623.
     2. Approached, Ragh. 10, 40.
     3. Near, Bhāg. P. 5. 26, 18.
     4. Due, 4, 27, 25.
-- With nis nis ṇam ṇam, ntrṇata, Prominent, MBh. 7, 7894.
-- With pari pari ṇam ṇam,
     1. To stoop (as an elephant about to strike with his tusks), Śiś. 18, 27.
     2. To turn aside, Bhartṛ. 1, 4.
     3. To change into (instr.), Kir. 13, 44.
     4. To be digested, Pañc. 232, 7.
     5. To grow old, Kir. 5, 37. pariṇata,
     1. Changed into (instr.), Megh. 46.
     2. Ripe, MBh. 5, 1109.
     3. Advanceed, Pañc. 197, 18. m. An elephant stooping to strike with his tusks, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 17. Caus.
     1. To ripen, Hariv. 2957.
     2. To pass, MBh. 6, 3847.
     3. To stoop, MBh. 8, 1143.
-- With pra pra ṇam ṇam,
     1. To bow, Man. 2, 197.
     2. To bow to, Man. 8, 23. praṇata,
     1. Bowing, Man. 11, 195.
     2. Bowing to (with gen. and acc.), MBh. 4, 202; Rām. 1, 52, 1. Caus.
     1. To order to bow to, Kumāras. 7. 27.
     2. To bend, Mālav. d. 47.
     3. To give. respectfully, Amar. 82.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra,
     1. To bow, Ram. 1, 18, 5 Gorr.
     2. To bow to, 2, 100, 37 Gorr. abhipraṇata, 1, 70, 5 Gorr.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To bow to, Rām. 2, 112, 23.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To bow, MBh. 3, 2929.
     2. To bend, Bhartṛ. 1, 66. vinata,
     1. Sunk down, drooping, Śāk. d. 58; cast down. Brāhmaṇ. 1, 13.
     2. Bent, Rām. 3, 50, 2.
     3. Stooping, Ghaṭ. 18. f. ,
     1. A sort of basket.
     2. The wife of Kaśyapa and mother of Araṇa and Garuḍa. Caus.
     1. To bend down, MBh. 3, 15588.
     2. To bend, 4, 394; (a bow), 1, 5436.
     3. To incline, Amar. 81.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To bow, Rām. 2, 72, 30.
     2. To bow to, MBh. 5, 1130.
     3. To submit to, Ragh. 18, 33. saṃnata,
     1. Bent, Rām. 3, 16, 5.
     2. Curved, Kumāras. 1, 34.
     3. Stooping, Indr. 1, 10.
     4. Bowed to, Bhāg. P. 7, 4, 32. Caus.
     1. To bend, MBh. 12, 10675.
     2. To cause to sink, Bhāg. P. 8, 18, 20.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. and A.S. niman (originally, to subdue); perhaps A. S. ge -nedhan (cf. nata).

namas nam + as, n. Bowing, adoration, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 41; Rām. 1, 52, 17.

namaskartṛ namas-kartṛ, m. One who adores (the gods), MBh. 13, 6706.

namaskāra namas-kāra, m. and namaskriyā namas-kriyā, f. Adoration, Nal. 5, 16; MBh. 15, 954.
-- Comp. nis-namaskāra, adj. 1. respecting nobody, Rām. 2, 24, 24. 2. respected by nobody, Man. 9, 239.

namasya NAMASYA, a denomin. derived from namas by ya, Par. (Ātm. MBh. 13, 5129). To adore, MBh. 2, 234.
-- With the prep. sam sam, The same, Hariv. 7769.

namasya namas + ya, adj., or ptcple. of the fut. pass. of namasya, What ought to be adored, MBh. 13, 2142.

namasvin namas + vin, adj. Respectful, Lass. 102, 7 = Rigv. vii. 14, 1.

namuci na-muc + i, m. The name of a demon subdued by Indra, MBh. 1, 2530.

namb † NAMB, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

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namra nam + ra, adj., f. .
     1. Bent, Bhartṛ. 2, 62.
     2. Bowed, Bhāg. P.6, 17, 16.
     3. Crooked, Ṛt. 6, 10.
     4. Addicted, Kathās. 17, 56.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. 1. bent, bowed. 2. humble.

namratā namra + tā, f.
     1. Bowing, Rājat. 5, 223.
     2. Respect, Bhartṛ. 2, 52.
     3. Humbleness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 15.

namratva namra + tva, n. Humility, Bhartṛ. 2, 59.

nay † NAY, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To protect.
-- Cf. .

naya naya, i. e. nī + a, m.
     1. Leading, Rām. 2, 1, 21.
     2. Conduct, Hariv. 7346; way of life, Kathās. 20, 191.
     3. Prudent conduct, Bhartṛ. 2, 19.
     4. Prudence, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 9; Daśak. in Chr. 198, 6 (read tvannaya evātra bhūyān, Thy prudence is here of greater weight).
     5. Policy, Man. 7, 159.
     6. Design, Pañc. i. d. 358.
     7. Philosophical system, Bhāṣāp. 16.
     8. Prudent conduct personified as son of Dharma by Kriyā, Mārk. P. 50, 26.
     9. A proper name, Hariv. 489.
-- Comp. cf. anaya. Apa-, m. bad policy, Rām. 4, 40, 16. dus- (written sometimes durṇaya durṇaya instead of durnaya durnaya), m. bad conduct, MBh. 1, 4379. rājanaya, i. e. rājan-, m. policy. su-, m. 1. good conduct. 2. policy.

nayana nayana, i. e. nī + ana, n.
     1. Leading, MBh. 12, 458.
     2. Ruling, 1, 2580.
     3. Leading to, Śāk. 71, 14.
     4. Bringing, Pañc. 174, 19.
     5. Theeye, Rām. 1, 59, 16.
-- Comp. tri-, triṇayana triṇayana and trinayana, adj. having three eyes, epithet of Śiva, Megh. 53; MBh. 14, 207. viṣama-, m. Śiva. sāśru-, i. e. sa-aśru-, adj., f. , the eyes filled with tears, Chr. 7, 21. su-,
I. m. a deer.
II. f. , a woman.

nayavant naya + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Versed in policy, Rām. 5, 81, 14.
     2. Prudent, Kir. 5, 20.

nara nara, i. e. nṛ + a, m.
     1. A man; pl. Men, Man. 1, 96.
     2. The Eternal, the divine imperishable spirit pervading the universe, Man. 1, 10.
     3. pl. Certain fabulous beings, MBh. 2, 396.
     4. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 8, 1, 27.
-- Cf. Lat. Nero, Neriene.

naraka naraka, m.
     1. Hell, the infernal regions, Man. 2, 116.
     2. The name of a demon, MBh. 1, 2537.
     3. The name of a country, MBh. 2, 578.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. the name of a hell, Man. 4. 83.

narakāya NARAKAYA, a denomin. derived from naraka by the att. ya, Ātm. To resemble hell, Mārk. P. 8, 117.

naratā nara + tā, f. Human condition, Bhāg. P. 7, 14, 5.

narta -narta, i. e. nṛt + a, adj. Dancing, MBh. 13, 1164.

nartaka nartaka, i. e. nṛt + aka,
I. m.
     1. A dancer, Rām. 1, 12, 7.
     2. A dancing-master, MBh. 4, 305.
II. f. , A female dancer, Ragh. 19, 14.
III. adj. Causing to dance, Sāh. D. 74, 17.
-- Comp. hariṇa-, m. a Kiṃnara.

nartana nartana, i. e. nṛt + ana.
I. m. A dancer, MBh. 4, 1217.
II. n. Dancing, Man. 2, 178.

nartayitṛ nartayitṛ, i. e. nṛt, Caus., + tṛ, m. A dancing-master, Mālav. d. 24.

nard NARD, i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., Hariv. 11936), To roar, MBh. 1, 4114. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. nardita,
     1. n. Roaring, Rām. 4, 8, 38.
     2. m. The name of one of the dice, Mṛcch. 33, 10. Frequent. nānard, To sound aloud, Hariv. 8064 (anomal. Ātm. nānardamāna).
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To roar at, MBh. 6, 2738.
-- With ā ā, ānardita, n. Roaring, Rām. 2, 42, 20.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To greet with roaring, crying, MBh. 8, 1806.
     2. To roar for, 12, 5777.
-- With vi vi, To roar, MBh. 8, 2468.
-- With anuvi anu-vi, To answer with roaring, Hariv. 14559.

narb † NARB, i. 1, Par. = namb.

narmada narmada, i. e. narman-da,
     1. adj. Causing pleasure, Somad. Nal. 128.
     2. f. , The name of a river, the modern Nerbudda, MBh. 2, 371; personified, 15, 550.

narman narman, probably nard + man, n. Jest, sport, MBh. 1, 1000

narmaya NARMAYA, a denomin. derived from narman by aya, Par. To exhilarate by jesting, Kām. Nītis. 7, 42.

narya narya, i. e. nara + ya,
     1. adj. Manly (ved.).
     2. A proper name (?), Chr. 296, 9 = Rigv. i. 112, 9.

nal † NAL, i. 1, Par. To smell; to bind (?). i. 10, Par. To speak, or to shine.

nala nala (for naḍa, q. cf.), m.
     1. A kind of reed, Amphidonax karka Lindl., MBh. 6, 4898.
     2. A proper name, Hariv. 823; the hero of the episode Nala and Damayantī.

nalada nalada,
     1. n. (and f. ), The Indian spikenard, Nardostacys jatamansi, Suśr. 1, 140, 20.
     2. n. The root of the Andropogon muricatus, Kir. 5, 25.

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nalina nalina, i. e. nala + ina,
I. n. A lotus flower, MBh. 7, 1299.
II. f. ,
     1. A lotus, Nelumbium speciosum, Bhartṛ. 2, 57.
     2. An assemblage of lotus flowers, Vikr. d. 5.
     3. A pond in which the lotus grows or may grow, Draup. 6, 2.
     4. A branch of the heavenly Ganges, Hariv. 3502.
     5. A mystical name of one of the nostrils, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 48.
     6. A proper name, 9, 21, 30.

nalinīka -nalinī + ka, A substitute for nalinī, as latter part of a comp. adj., Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 22.

nalva nalva, perhaps nata + va, cf. naḍvala, m. A furlong, a distance measured by four hundred (?) cubits, Rām. 6, 82, 71.

nava nava (akin to the particle nu, cf. nūtana),
I. adj., f. .
     1. New, Man. 11, 186.
     2. Fresh, Bhartṛ. 1, 7.
     3. Young, MBh. 4, 410.
     3. °vam, adv. Just, Mṛcch. 108, 7.
II. m. A proper name, Hariv. 1677.
-- Comp. punar-, m. a finger-nail.
-- Cf. Lat. novus; [greek] Goth. nivjis; A. S. niwe, neow, niwa.

navaka navaka, i. e.
I. nava + ka, adj. New, Vāsavad. 7, 3.
II. navan + ka,
     1. adj. Consisting of nine, MBh. 3, 14389.
     2. n. Nine, Rām. 4, 39, 24.

navakṛtvas navakṛtvas, i. e. navan-kṛtvas, adv. Nine times, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 9.

navaja nava-ja, adj. Just visible, MBh. 12, 8819.

navata navata, i. e. navati + a, ordinal number, Ninetieth, Rājat. 5, 260.
-- Comp. ekona-, i. e. eka-ūna-, eightyninth, 5, 258. eka-, ninety-first, MBh. 1, adhy. 91. dvā- and dvi-, ninetysecond, MBh. 8, adhy. 92. tri-, ninety-third, MBh. 1, 93. catur-, ninety-fourth, 1, 94. saptan°, i. e. saptan-, ninety-seventh. aṣṭānavata, i. e. aṣṭan-, ninety-eighth, Rājat. 5, 287.

navatā nava + tā, f. Freshness, Kumāras. 5, 86.

navati navati, i. e. navan + ti, cardinal number, f. Ninety, Man. 3, 177.
-- Comp. dvi-, ninety-two, MBh. 1, adhy. 192.

navatitama navati + tama, ordinal number, Ninetieth, MBh. 1, adhy. 90.
-- Comp. eka-, dvi-, tri-, catur-, pañcan-, ṣaṣ-, saptan-, aṣṭan-, ninetyfirst, second, third, fourth, etc., Rām. 2, adhy. 91 sqq. navan-, ninety-ninth, 6, adhy. 99.

navatva nava + tva, n. Newness, Rājat. 5, 19.

navadhā navadhā, i. e. navan + dhā, adv. Nine-fold, nine times, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 29.

navan navan, cardinal number, adj. Nine, Man. 3, 269.
-- Cf. Goth. and O.H.G. niun; A.S. nigan; [greek] Lat. novem.

navana navana, i. e. nu + ana, n. Praising, Nalod. 1, 4.

navanalinadalāya NAVANALINADALAYA, a denomin. derived from nava-nalina-dala by ya, Ātm. To resemble the leaf of a fresh lotus flewer, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 31.

navanīta nava-nīta, n. Fresh butter, Rām. 5, 12, 27.
-- Comp. samudra-, n. 1. the beverage of the immortals. 2. the moon.

navama navama, i. e. navan + ma,
I. ordinal number, f. , Ninth.
II. f. , The ninth day of a lunar half month, Lass. 16, 14.
-- Cf. Lat. nonus (for novimus).

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navamallikā navamallikā, or navamālikā navamālikā, f. Double jasmine, Jasminum sambac Ait., Śāk. d. 41; cf. v. r.

navīna navīna, i. e. nava + īna, adj. New, Śatr. 1, 277.

navībhāva navībhāva, i. e. nava-bhū + a, m. Renovation, Kathās. 14, 63.

navya navya, i. e. nava + ya, adj. New, Rājat. 5, 384.

navyavat navya + vat, adv. Like new, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 20 (ever new ?)

navyaṃs navyaṃs, ved. comparat. of nava, Very new, Lass. 99, 5 = Rigv. iii. 62, 7.

naś 1. NAŚ, i. 1, Par. To attain (ved.).
-- Cf. Lat. nanciscor, and 2 naś.

naś 2. NAŚ (the base of many forms is naṃś), i. 4, Par. (also Ātm., Rām. 5, 27, 24, and i. 1, Par. and Ātm., MBh. 13, 3083; 7, 685.),
     1. To be lost, Man. 8, 32.
     2. To disappear, Man. 8, 247.
     3. To escape, MBh. 5, 2736.
     4. To go away, Rām. 5, 27, 24.
     5. To perish, Man. 4, 52. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. naṣṭa,
     1. Lost, Śāk. d. 167.
     2. Invisible, Rām. 3, 50, 7; disappeared, MBh. 3, 2690.
     3. Destroyed, MBh. 1, 3147.
     4. Dead, Man. 8, 166. Caus. nāśaya,
     1. To cause to disappear, Rām. 1, 55, 20.
     2. To efface, Man. 11, 245.
     3. To destroy, Rām. 5, 63, 8; Man. 2, 55.
     4. To violate, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 10.
     5. To extinguish, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 20.
     6. To lose, Pañc. i. d. 23.
     7. To disappear, MBh. 5, 862.
-- With the prep. vyapa vi-apa, Caus. To remove, MBh. 5, 7090.
-- With ava ava, To disappear, 4, 1728.
-- With nis nis, nirnaṣṭa, Disappeared, Rājat. 1, 83.
-- With pra pra ṇaś ṇaś, except where ś is changed to , e. g. pranaṣṭa,
     1. To be lost, Man. 8, 149.
     2. To disappear, Bhag. 1, 40. pranaṣṭa (sometimes erroneously praṇaṣṭa),
     1. Perished, Rājat. 5, 211.
     2. Disappeared, Man. 8, 30.
     3. Escaped, Pañc. 89, 20. Caus.
     1. To cause to disappear, MBh, 7, 327.
     2. To cause to be lost, Hit. iv. d. 9 (to leave unrewarded).
-- With vipra vi-pra,
     1. To disappear, MBh. 3, 5027.
     2. To be lost, 13, 3212. vipranaṣṭa,
     1. Disappeared, MBh. 4, 877.
     2. Lost, 1, 4802.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To be lost, MBh. 3, 13781. sampranaṣṭa, Disappeared, 2847.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To disappear, Man. 11, 263.
     2. To perish, 2, 163. vinaṣṭa,
     1. Lost, Malav. 9, 3.
     2. Utterly ruined or spoiled, Man. 7, 41; 2, 64. Caus.
     1. To destroy, 7, 19.
     2. To kill, Pañc. 71, 24.
     3. To perish (Aor.), Rām. 2, 110, 30. Desid. of the Caus. vināśayiṣita, without reduplication; read rather nināś°, Sought to be destroyed, Daśak. 112, 3, below.
-- With anuvi anu-vi, To perish afterward, or together with, MBh. 12, 3400.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To perish, Rām. 1, 56, 27 Gorr.
-- With sam sam, saṃnaṣṭa, Perished, Rām. 5, 51, 13.
-- Cf. 1. naś, The original signification of 1. and 2. naś, has been probably, To hasten (cf. Lat. per-nix); then on the one side, To overtake, to attain (1. naś); on the other, To hasten out of view, to disappear, to vanish, to perish (2. naś).
-- Cf. [greek] etc.; Lat. per-nicies, necare, nocere, ve-nenum (for ve-nec + num); Goth. naus (for nahu + s = [greek]), navis.

naśvara 2. naś + vara, adj., f. , Perishable, Kathās. 19, 50.
-- Comp. a-, adj. imperishable, Bhartṛ. 3, 21.

naśvaratva naśvara + tva, n. Perishableness, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 15.

naṣṭi naṣṭi, i. e. naś + ti, f. Ruin, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 21.

nas NAS, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. † To be crooked.
     2. To go to, to join (ved.).
-- Cf. [greek] (? perhaps = ved. nu), [greek] (for [greek]), [greek]

nas nas see nāsā and asmad.

nasa -nas + a, a substitute for nāsā, when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. unnasa, i. e. ud-, adj. Having a prominent nose, Bhāg. P. 8, 8, 42. go-,
     1. m. A large kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 12.
     2. f. , The nose of a cow, 2, 171, 7.
     3. f. , A certain plant, 2, 170, 1. vi-, adj. Noseless. su-, adj. Handsomenosed.

nastaka nas + ta + ka, m. A hole bored through the bridge of the nose of cattle for draught, MBh. 12, 9377.

nastatas nas + ta + tas, adv. Out of the nose, MBh. 4, 2227.

nastas nas + tas, adv.
     1. Out of the nose, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 11.
     2. In the nose, Suśr. 2, 297, 6.

nasya nas + ya, n.
     1. A sternutatory, Suśr. 2, 235, 21. 2. f. , A nosebridle.
-- Comp. chinna-nasya, adj. with broken nose-bridle, Yājñ. 2, 299.

nasyota nasyota, i. e. nas + i-ā-uta (vb. ve), adj.
     1. Led by a string through the septum of the nose, MBh. 3, 1142.

nah NAH (for original nadh), i. 4, Par., Ātm. (also i. 1 or 6, MBh. 1, 1460),
     1. To bind, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 38.
     2. Ātm. To arm one's self, MBh. 4, 1016. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. naddha,
     1. Tied, Rām. 4, 12, 19.
     2. Bound, Rām. 5, 14, 15.
     3. Covered, Hariv. 8799.
     4. Joined, Rām. 4, 13, 13.
     5. Laid in, MBh. 2, 1915.
-- With the prep. apa apa, To untie, MBh. 3, 13309.
-- With api api, or pi pi,
     1. To fasten, MBh. 4, 301; 13, 2352.
     2. To squeeze, Śāk. d. 18.
     3. To cover, Rām. 5, 18, 4. pinaddha, Striped, MBh. 13, 976 (indrāyudhapinaddhāṅga, of which the body was adorned by a rainbow, viz. a cloud).
-- With ava ava, avanaddha, Covered, Man. 6, 76.
-- With ā ā, Ātm. To be obstructed, Suśr. 2, 369, 10. ānaddha,
     1. Bound, MBh. 6, 5525.
     2. Obstructed, Suśr. 2, 373, 21
     3. Covered, 1, 22, 3.
-- With vyā vi-ā, vyānaddha, Striped (cf. api), Hariv, 6884.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To press out, Suśr. 1, 301, 9.
     2. To come out, MBh. 3, 11016 (p. 570). unnaddha,
     1. Bound upward, Ragh. 18, 50.
     2. Raised, Bhāg. P. 4, 11, 4.
     3. Unfettered, 4, 27, 4.
     4. Proud, 4, 14, 4.
     5. Arrogant, 7, 10, 26.
-- With samud sam-ud, samunnaddha,
     1. Unfettered, Bhāg. P. 4, 17, 33.
     2. Pressed out, Suśr. 1, 280, 20.
     3. Excessive, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 3.
     4. Conceited, MBh. 5, 1000. Comp. a-, adj. modest, 5, 1010.
-- With upa upa, upanaddha, Laid in, Bhāg. P. 8, 15, 6. Caus. To cause to be dressed (as a wound), Suśr. 2, 109, 18.
-- With pari pari ṇah ṇah,
     1. To span, MBh. 1, 1406.
     2. To surround, Ṛt. 6, 25. pariṇaddha, Large, Ragh. 3, 34.
-- With pi pi, see api.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To fasten, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 21.
     2. To dress, MBh. 4, 1220.
     3. To put on, MBh. 218, 7; 3, 14958.
     4. To prepare for, Bhartṛ. 2, 6. saṃnaddha,
     1. Tied together, Rājat. 4, 543.
     2. Fastened, MBh. 15, 627.
     3. Bordering, Rām. 1, 38, 21.
     4. Armed, MBh. 2, 2463.
     5. Accoutred, Hariv. 6402.
     6. Ready, Rājat. 1, 77.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃnaddha, Armed, MBh. 3, 14883.
-- Cf. Lat. nexus, nectere, nere, [greek] O.H.G. nāhan, nāwan; Goth. nêthla; A.S. naedl; Goth. nehv, nehva, nehvis; A. S. neah. nearra, neahst.

nahi na-hi, adv.
     1. For not (non enim), Man. 3, 168.
     2. Not at all, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 23.
     3. na -- nahi, Certainly not, Pañc. translation by Benfey, T. i. p. 465, n. 3.

nahuṣa nahuṣa, m. The name of an ancient king, Man. 7, 41; of a Nāga, etc.

nāka nāka, n.
     1. Heaven, MBh. 13, 4882.
     2. The mystical name of a weapon, MBh. 5, 3490.
-- Comp. tri-, n. the three heavens, Bhāg. P. 6, 13, 16.

nākapṛṣṭhya nākapṛṣṭhya, i. e. nāka-pṛṣṭha + ya, adj. Being in the highest heaven, Rām. 3, 9, 26.

nākin nākin, i. e. nāka + in, m. A god, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 36.

nākula nākula, i. e. nakula + a,
I. adj. Ichneumon-like, Suśr. 2, 305, 21.
II. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 2084.
III. f. , The ichneumon plant, Suśr. 2, 297, 5.

nākuli nākuli, i. e. nakula + i. patronym. A descendant of Nakula, MBh. 1, 2451.

nāga nāga, i. e. naga + a, 1. m.
     1. A serpent, especially the name of fabulous serpents, having a human face and inhabiting Pātāla, or the infernal regions, Rām. 2, 25, 30; Man. 1, 37.
     2. An elephant, Rām. 1, 6, 22.
     3. A small tree, Mesua Roxburghii Wight., Suśr. 1, 171, 7.
     4. One of the five vital airs, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 15.
     5. A proper name, Hariv. 11537,
     6. The name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 27.
II. f. , A female elephant, Suśr. 1, 178, 1.
III. adj., f. .
     1. Consisting of serpents, MBh. 8, 2586.
     2. Produced from an elephant, Suśr. 1, 194, 1.
IV. f. , A proper name, Rājat. 7, 293.
-- Comp. diṅnāga, i. e. diś-, m. an elephant supposed to support a quarter of the world, Megh. 14. śiśu-, m. a kind of Rākṣasa or demon, Rām. 3, 76, 28.

nāgamaya nāga + maya, adj., f. , Consisting in elephants, Hariv. 9379.

nāgara nāgara, i.e. nagara + a,
I. adj.
     1. Belonging to a town, MBh. 1, 5682; m. A citizen, Rām. 1, 17, 34.
     2. Referring to a town, MBh. 2, 256.
     3. Polite, Śāk. 94, 10 C.
II. f. , A crafty woman, Haeb. Anth. 351, 16.
III. n. Dry ginger, Suśr. 1, 161, 2.
-- Comp. deva-nāgarī, f. the name of the character proper to Sanskrit.

nāgaraka nāgara + ka, m. The chief of a town, Śāk. 73, 1, v. r.

nāgarika nāgarika, i. e. nagara + ika,
I. adj. Inhabiting a town, Sch. ad. Śāk. d. 51.
II. m.
     1. A citizen, Vikr. 77, 12.
     2. Polite, Śāk. 60, 2.
     2. A superintendent of the police, Daśak. 195, 13.

nāgavant nāga + vant, adj., f. vatī, Consisting in elephants, MBh. 5, 5703.

nāgin nāgin, i. e. nāga + in, adj. Surrounded by serpents, Hariv. 14844.

nāgnajita nāgnajita, i. e. nagnajit + a, patronym. f. , A descendant of Nagnajit, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 4.

nāṭaka nāṭaka, i. e. naṭ + aka,
I. m. A mime, Rām. 1, 5, 18.
II. n. A drama, Rām. 2, 69, 4.

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nāṭitaka nāṭita + ka (vb. naṭ), n. A gesture, Śāk. 73, 4.

nāṭya nāṭya, i. e. naṭa + ya, n.
     1. The art of acting or dancing, scenic art, Bhāg. P. 4, 15, 19.
     2. Mimical representation, Mṛcch. 88, 4.
     3. The attire of an actor, Bhāg. P. 1, 8, 19.

nāḍikā nāḍikā, i. e. nāḍī + ka, f.
     1. A measure of time, (1/60) of a sideral day, an Indian hour, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 3.
     2. A measure of length, half a daṇḍa, Mārk. P. 49, 39.
     3. An Indian clock, Kām. Nītis. 5, 51.

nāḍī nāḍī, i. e. naḍa + a + ī, also

nāḍi nāḍi (Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 11), f.
     1. The stalk or culm of any plant.
     2. Any tubular organ of the body, as an artery, a vein, an intestine, etc., MBh. 3, 13974; Ragh. 10, 59 (the rays of the sun, supposed to be hollow).
     3. A fistulous sore, Suśr. 1, 284, 11.
     4. = nāḍikā 1, Sūryas. 1, 12.
-- Comp. garbha-nāḍī, f. the navel-string, Suśr. 1, 368, 13.

nāṇaka nāṇaka, n. A coin, Yājñ. 2, 240.

nāth NATH, and nādh NĀDH (akin to nam), i. 1, Ātm. (also Par., MBh. 3, 12630). To beg, MBh. 12, 1365 (with gen. of the object, MBh. 3, 12630).

nātha nāth + a, m.
     1. A protector, MBh. 2292.
     2. A master, a lord, Pañc. v. d. 90; Rām. 1, 76, 19.
     3. A husband, Ragh. 12, 75.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. thā, having no protector, helpless, Rām. 6, 23, 21. kāla-, m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10368. ku-, 1. m. a bad protector, Bhāg. P. 9, 14, 28. 2. adj. having a bad guide, 5, 14, 2. gaurī-, m. a name of Śiva, Bhartṛ. 3, 87. camū-, m. a commander of an army, Bhāg. P. 4, 26, 3. jagat-eka-, m. monarch of the world, Ragh. 5, 23. jagannātha, i. e. jagat-, m. a name of Viṣṇu or kṛṣṇa, MBh. 2, 729. jīvita-, m. a husband, Kumāras. 4, 3. dharma-, m. a legitimate lord, Rām. 5, 33, 39. nakṣatra-, m. the moon, Hariv. 16033. nara-, m. a king, Rām. 2, 68, 55 Gorr. nāki(n)-, m. a name of Indra, Śatr. 2, 7. prajā-, m. a king, Rājat. 5, 191. prāṇa-, m. a husband. bhūmi-, m. a king, Lass. 14, 20. yadu-, m. a name of Kṛṣṇa. raghu-, m. Rāma. rajanī-caya-, m. the moon, Hit. ii. d. 107. viśva-, m. 1. a name of Śiva. 2. a proper name, Chr. p. 234, 1. 6. sa-,
I. adj. endowed, Pañc. 76, 18.
II. f. thā, a woman whose husband is living.

nāthatva nātha + tva, n. The dignity of a protector, Rām. 2, 81, 2 Gorr.

nāthavant nātha + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Having a protector, Rām. 1, 62, 12.
     2. Having a husband, 5, 37, 20.

nāthāya NĀTHĀYA, a denomin. derived from nātha with ya, Par. To grant, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 25.

nāthin nāthin, i. e. nātha + in, adj., f. , Having a protector, Rām. 1, 78, 3 Gorr.

nāda nāda, i. e. nad + a, m.
     1. Roaring, Rām. 4, 29, 12.
     2. Sound, cry, MBh. 4, 1885; 14, 2694.
     3. A semicircle representing the nasal sound, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 53.
-- Comp. bhima-, m. a lion. mahā-, m. 1. a loud cry. 2. an elephant, 3. a lion. 4. a camel. 5. the ear. megha-, m. 1. Varuṇa. 2. a son of Varuṇa. siṃha-, m. war cry, Pañc. 5, 4 (signifying principal).

nādin nādin, i. e. nad or nāda + in,
I. adj., f. , Sounding, sounding aloud, Hariv. 8069; MBh. 2, 987.
II. m. a proper name, Hariv. 12941.

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nādeya nādeya, i. e. nadī + eya,
I. adj.
     1. Coming from a river, Suśr. 1, 170, 11.
     2. Aquatic, Rām. 4, 39, 12.
II. n. A sort of salt, Suśr. 2, 326, 9.

nādh NĀDH, see nātk.

nānā nānā, adv. Different, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 32. Often in the beginning of comp. words, Of different classes, Man. 9, 148; various, 257.

nānātva nānā + tva, n.
     1. Difference, MBh. 2, 137.
     2. Manifoldness, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 13.

nāndī nāndī, i. e. nand + a + ī, f.
     1. Joy, MBh. 4, 2189.
     2. A prayer at the opening of a drama, Mṛcch. 1, 8.

nāpita nāpita, based on the nom. sing. snāpitā, i. e. snāp, curtailed Causal of snā, + tṛ.
     1. m. A barber, Man. 4, 253.
     2. f. ti, The wife of a barber, Pañc. 37, 7.

nābha nābha,
I. a substitute for nābhi, when latter part of a comp. adj. or of a noun based on an adj., e. g. abja- and padma- (Having a lotus in his navel), m. A name of Viṣṇu. padma-nābha also,
     1. A proper name.
     2. A kind of spell. su-, adj.
     1. Having a handsome nave, MBh. 10, 625.
     2. Having a beautiful centre, Rām. 1, 33, 12. kāla-, m. The name of an Asura or demon and others. kuśa-, m. A proper name, Rām. 1, 34, 3. tri-, m. A name of Viṣṇu (holding the three worlds in his navel), Bhāg. P. 8, 17, 26. dṛdha-, m. The name of a spell, Rām. 1, 30, 5. puṣkara-, m. A name of Viṣṇu, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 48. vatsa-, m. a particular poisonous tree.
II. m. Epithet of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10364.
III. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 16.

nābhāga nābhāga (cf. nabhaga), m. A proper name. MBh. 1, 3140; Rām. 1, 70, 41.

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nābhāgi nābhāgi, i. e. nābhāga + i, patronym. A son of Nābhāga, MBh. 12, 993.

nābhi nābhi (nabh + i ?), f. (also

nābhī nābhī), and m.
     1. The navel, Man. 1, 92.
     2. The nave of a wheel, MBh. 1, 726.
     3. Centre, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 7.
     4. Chief, Ragh. 18, 19.
     5. Musk, Megh. 53.
     6. (m. ?) The musk animal, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 44.
     7. m. A proper name, 5, 2, 19.
-- Comp. ūrṇa-, m. a spider, 2, 5, 5. cakra-, f. the nave of a wheel, Suśr. 1, 354, 7. nis-, adj. not reaching to the navel, Kumāras. 7, 7. mṛga-, m. musk. visa-, m. a quantity of lotusses. vṛddha-, adj. corpulent. sa-,
I. adj. 1. uterine, Man. 9, 192. 2. like, resembling. 3. affectionate.
II. m. 1. an uterine brother. 2. a paternal kinsman, Man. 5, 72.
-- Cf. A. S. nafu, nafela; [greek] Lat. umbilicus.

nābhika nābhi + ka, a substitute for nābhi at the end of comp. adj., MBh. 12, 8946.

nābhya nābhya, i. e. nābhi + ya, adj.
     1. Proceeding from the navel, Bhāg. P. 3, 4, 13.
     3. Epithet of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10364.
-- Comp. sa-, m. a relation as far as the seventh degree, Man. 5, 84.

nāma nāma, see nāman.

nāmaka nāmaka, i. e. nāman + ka, a substitute for nāman at the end of comp. adj., f. mikā, e. g. candra-saras-, Called Candrasaras, Pañc. 159, 20. parvata-nāmikā, f. Having the name of a mountain, Man. 3, 9.

nāmatas nāmatas, i. e. nāman + tas, adv.
     1. = the abl. of nāman, Bhāg. P. 5, 12, 8.
     2. By name, together with the name, Man. 8, 255.
     3. With respect to the name, Śāk. 104, 22.

nāmadheya nāmadheya, i. e. nāman + dheya (vb. dhā), n.
     1. A name, Man. 2, 123.
     2. A title, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 56.
     3. The ceremony of giving a name to a child, Man. 2, 30.
-- Comp. puṃnāmadheya, i. e. puṃs-, m. one of the male sex, Rām. 5, 35, 43.

nāmadheyatas nāmadheya + tas, adv. By name, Rām. 4, 62, 10.

nāman nāman, i. e. jñā + man,
I. n.
     1. A name, Man. 2, 128.
     2. Only the name (opposed to the reality), 157.
II. acc. sing. nāma, adv.
     1. By name, Man. 3, 127.
     2. Indeed, of course, 8, 335.
     3. Perhaps, Rām. 2, 85, 18 Gorr.
     4. It is often preceded, a. by an interrogative pronoun, Then, Rām. 2, 15, 20 Gorr.;
b. by api, Perhaps, 2, 97, 6 Gorr. Of course, Śāk. 93, 5, v. r.; would that; c. by , Perhaps (I hope not), Mṛcch. 54, 24;
d. by nanu Cartainly, Rām. 4, 24, 37.
     5. With an imperative, No matter, Mṛcch. 75, 6.
-- Comp. when latter part of a comp. adj. the fem. ends -nāmnī, Man. 3, 9; or -nāman, Rām. 1, 6, 25; or -nāmā, 2, 109, 47 Gorr. a-, adj. not named, not declared, Man, 12, 108. uṣṭra-, adj. called camel, Pañc. 68, 15. gṛhīta- (vb. grah), adj. called, Nal. 12, 48. dus-, n. haemorrhoids, Saśr. 1, 177, 10. pitṛ-, adj. called after his father's name, Cāṇ. 79 in Berl. Monatsb. mātṛ-, adj. called after his mother's name, ib. śyāla-, adj. called after the name of his brother-in-law, ib. su-, adj., f. mnī, well-named, MBh. 1, 1053. strī-, adj. having a female name, Chr. 63, 67.
-- Cf. Lat. nomen, co-gnomen, nam, quis-nam (cf. quem-nam = kaṃ nāma), nem-pe (cf. nāma api); [greek] (for [greek]), (for [greek]); Goth. namo; A.S. nama, nemnan.

nāyaka nāyaka, i. e. nī + aka,
I. m.
     1. A guide, Rām. 2, 64, 33.
     2. A chief, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 22.
     3. A general, Rām. 3, 33, 14.
     4. A husband, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 20.
     5. A lover, Śāk. 15, 12.
     6. The central gem of a necklace, Vāsav. 17, 1.
     7. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 158.
II. f. yikā, A mistress, Lass. 24, 17.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , deprived of or wanting a guide, a commander, a ruler, Rām. 2, 14, 52; 79, 3. ku-nāyaka, adj. having a bad guide, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 2. kumudinī-, m. the moon, Hit. 9, 5. -gaṇa-, m. 1. the chief of the retinue of a god, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 3. 2. the god Gaṇeśa, MBh. 1, 77. cakra-, m. the chief of a division of an army, Rājat. 2, 106. daṇḍa-, m.
I. a judge, Hit. 66, 6. 2. the commander of a division of an army, Rājat. 7, 969. bhūta-nāyikā, f. Durgā.

nāyakatva nāyaka-tva, n. Chieftainship.

nāra nāra,
     1. i. e. nṛ or nara + a, adj. Belonging to a man, Man. 5, 87.
II. m. Water (cf. nīra, [greek]), Man. 1, 10.
III. f. nārī nārī, i. e. nṛ + ī,
     1. A woman, Man. 1, 32.
     2. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 22.
-- Comp. kula-nārī, f. a virtuous woman, Hit. i. d. 196. divya-nārī, f. an Apsaras, Rām. 2, 91, 19. prakāśa-nārī, f. a harlot, Mṛcch. 46, 2.

nāraka nāraka, i. e. naraka + a,
I. adj., f. , Infernal, hellish, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 30.
II. m.
     1. An inhabitant of the infernal regions, 2, 10, 41.
     2. Hell.

nārakin nārakin, i. e. nāraka + in, m. An inhabitant of hell, Prab. 46, 3.

nāraṅga nāraṅga, m. An orange tree, Suśr. 1, 209, 6.

nārada nārada, m. A Devarṣi, i. e. a celestial Ṛṣi; in epic poetry the messenger of the gods, MBh. 1, 2048.

nārasiṃha nārasiṃha, i. e. nara-siṃha + a, adj., f. , Referring, belonging, etc., to Viṣṇu in his incarnation as man-lion, MBh. 3, 15837.

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nārāca nārāca (perhaps nara-añc + a), m. A kind of arrow, MBh. 1, 5522.

nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa, probably nara + āyana,
I. m.
     1. The first living being, identified with Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 7, 9447; Man. 1, 10.
     2. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 24.
II. adj. Referring, belonging to Nārāyaṇa. MBh. 1, 337.
III. f. ṇī, patronym. name of Indrasenā, MBh. 4, 651.

nārāyaṇamaya nārāyaṇa + maya, adj. Consisting of Nārāyaṇa, Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 4.

nārāyaṇīya nārāyaṇīya, i. e. nārāyaṇa + īya, adj. Referring to Nārāyaṇa, MBh. 12, 13422.

nārikera nārikera, and nārikela nārikela, m. The cocoa-nut, Suśr. 2, 108, 9; Rām. 3, 39, 12.
-- Cf. nālikera.

nārī nārī, see nāra.

nārīka nārī + ka, a substitute for nārī at the end of comp. adj., Rām. 2, 109, 22 Gorr.

nārīmaya nārī + maya, adj., f. , Consisting in wives, Bhartṛ. 1, 98.

nāla nāla, i. e. nala + a,
I. adj. Consisting of reed, Bhāg. P. 6, 11, 8.
II. n.
     1. A hollow or tubular stalk, especially the stalk of the water-lily, MBh. 2, 88.
     2. A tubular vessel of the body, Prab. 55, 5.
     3. A handle, MBh. 9, 909.
III. f. , The name of a river, MBh. 6, 339.
-- Comp. nābhi-nālā, f. the navelstring, Ragh. 5, 7. yantra-nāla, n. a pipe (of a well), Mārk. P. 39, 43.

nālāya NĀLĀYA, a denomin. derived from nāla with ya, ptcple. of the pf. pass. nālāyita, Representing the handle of an axe, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 17.

nālikera nālikera, and nālikela nālikela, m. The cocoa-nut, Suśr. 2, 175, 2; 1, 213, 3.
-- Cf. nārikela.

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nālinī nālinī, i. e. nāla + in + ī, f. A mystical name of one of the nostrils, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 11.

nālīka nālīka, i. e. nāla + īka, m. A kind of arrow, Rām. 3, 31, 24.

nāvanīta nāvanīta, i. e. navanīta + a, adj. Mild, Chr. 43, 29.

nāvika nāvika, i. e. nau + ika, m. The helmsman of a vessel, a pilot, Rām. 2, 52, 74.

nāvya nāvya, i. e. nau + ya, adj.
     1. Navigable, Ragh. 4, 31.
     2. Accessible to a ship, MBh. 3, 10027.

nāśa nāśa, i. e. 2. naś + a, m.
     1. Loss, Bhartṛ. 2, 35.
     2. Disappearance, Rām. 2, 47, 13.
     3. Destruction, Yājñ. 1, 339.
     4. Death, 63.
-- Comp. artha-, m. ruin of wealth, Cāṇ. 80 in Berl. Monatsb. citta-, m. the vanishing of consciousness, Rām. 2, 64, 68. duḥsvapna-, i. e. dus-, adj. Removing the dreams, Hariv. 8459.

nāśaka nāśaka, i. e. 2. naś, Caus., + aka, adj. Destroying, MBh. 13, 1634.
-- Comp. kṛta- adj. ungrateful, Hit, iii. d. 126. vighna-, m. Gaṇcśa.

nāśana nāśana, i. e. 2. naś, Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f.
     1. Destroying, MBh. 13, 2194; Man. 8, 127.
     2. Removing, MBh. 2, 426.
II. n.
     1. Destruction, Mārk. P. 24, 36.
     2. Removal, MBh. 7, 5120.
-- Comp. kṛta-pūrva-, n. ungratefulness, Hit. 27, 16, n. bhūta-,
I. m. 1. marking nut plant, Semicarpus anacardium. 2. mustard. II. n. the Eleocarpus seed. matsya-, m. an osprey.

nāśin nāśin, i. e. 2. naś, or nāśa + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Perishable, Prab. 100, 11.
     2. Removing, Hariv. 10239.
     3. Destroying, Rām. 6, 80, 32.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. not being lost, Man. 8, 185. 2. not perishing, Bhag. 2, 18.

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nāṣṭika nāṣṭika, i. e. naṣṭa (vb. 2. naś) + ika, m. The former owner who has lost a chattel.

nās † NAS, i. 1, Ātm. To sound.

nāsatya nāsatya, i. e. na-a-satya,
I. m. du. A name of the Aśvins, MBh. 12, 7583.
II. adj. Referring to the Nāsatyas, 12, 13491.

nāsā nāsā, the base of some cases and derivatives is nas, f. The nose, Man. 8, 125.
-- Comp. karṇa-nāsā, f. the ears and the nose, Rām. 3, 24, 22. tiryagnāsa, i. e. tiryañc-, adj. having a wry nose, 5, 17, 32. nāga-nāsā, f. the trunk of an elephant, 5, 22, 2. sthūla-nāsa, m. a hog.
-- Cf. O.H.G. nasa; A. S. nase; Lat. nāsus, nāris.

nāsikā nāsikā, i. e. nāsā + ka, f.
     1. A nostril, Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 6.
     2. du. The nose, 2, 10, 20.
     3. sing. The nose, Man. 2, 90.
     4. The trunk of an elephant, MBh, 13, 4900.
-- Comp. agra-, f. the tip of the nose, Rām. 1, 28, 10. pūti-nāsika, adj. having a stinking pose, Yājñ. 3, 211. rakta-nāsika, m. an owl. sthūla-, m. a hog.

nāstika nāstika, i. e. na-asti (vb. 1. as) + ka, m. An unbeliever, Man. 2, 11.

nāstikatā nāstika + tā, f. Infidelity, MBh. 12, 4539.

nāstikya nāstikya, i. e. nāstika + ya,
     1. Disbelief, Man. 3, 65.
     2. Infidelity, 4, 163.

nāsya nāsya, i. e. nāsā + ya, n.
     1. A nose-cord, Man. 8, 291.
     2. A multitude of noses (?), Hariv. 15996.

nāha nāha, i. e. nah + a, m. Obstruction, Suśr. 2, 369, 5.

nāhuṣa nāhuṣa, i. e. nahuṣa + a, patronym. A son of Nahuṣa, Rām. 3, 23, 24.

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ni ni, preposition, Downward, into, backward.
     1. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives (q. cf.).
     2. Compounded with nouns, and implying sometimes negation, Deprived of, without; cf. niviḍa, niśabda (in this signification it is curtailed from nis). Probably for primitive ani.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. in; Goth. in, inn; A. S. in, nidhan, see nitarām.

niṃs NIṂS (probably an old desider. of nam, for ninaṃsa), i. 1, Ātm. To touch, to kiss.

niḥśeṣatā niḥśeṣatā, i. e. nis-śeṣa + tā, f. Complete destruction, Pañc. 195, 9.

niḥśeṣaya NIḤŚEṢAYA, a denomin. derived from nis-śeṣa with aya, Par.
     1. To destroy completely, Prab. 6, 11; Pañc. 201, 23 (see Benfey's translation, n. 1210).
     2. To consume completely, Rām. 1, 65, 6.

niḥśreṇi niḥśreṇi, and niḥśreṇī niḥśreṇī, i. e. nis-śri + ni/ī, f. A ladder, MBh. 12, 12058; 8838.

niḥśvāsa niḥśvāsa, i. e. nis-śvas + a, m.
     1. Breathing, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 22.
     2. Breath, Man. 3, 19.
     3. Sigh, Rām. 2, 24, 7.

niḥsatyatā niḥsatyatā, i. e. nis-satya + tā, f. Lying disposition, Hit. i. d. 91.

niḥsaraṇa niḥsaraṇa, i. e. nis-sṛ + ana, n.
     1. Going forth or out, MBh. 12, 10061; Pañc. i. d. 458.
     2. A means against, MBh. 12, 7799.

niḥsāra niḥsāra, i. e. nis-sṛ + a, m. Coming out, MBh. 12, 10686.
-- Cf. sāra.

niḥsāraṇa niḥsāraṇa, i. e. nis-sṛ Caus., + ana, n. Turning out, Rājat. 7, 582.

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niḥsrava niḥsrava, i. e. nis-sru + a, m. A surplus, Yājñ. 2, 251.

niḥsrāva niḥsrāva, i. e. nis-sru + a, m. Expense, Kām. Nītis. 4, 62.

niḥsvana niḥsvana, i. e. nis-svan + a, m. Noise, MBh. 1, 119; sound, Rām. 3, 34, 34.
-- Comp. sāgara-ud-bhūta-, adj. roaring like the occan.

nikaṭa ni-kaṭa (cf. kaṭa),
I. adj., f. ṭā, Near.
II. n. Proximity, Kathās. 3, 73.

nikara nikara, i. e. ni-kṛ10 + a, m. A flock or multitude, Gīt. 11, 4; MBh. 15, 722.

nikartana nikartana, i. e. ni-kṛt + ana, n. Cutting down, MBh. 5, 894; cutting off, Rām. 3, 74, 32.

nikaṣa ni-kaṣ + a (for karṣ, vb. kṛṣ), + a,
I. m.
     1. The touchstone, Ragh. 17, 46.
     2. The test appearing on the touchstone, MBh. 12, 7471.
II. f. ṣā, A proper name, Rām. 5, adhy. 76.

nikaṣaṇa nikaṣaṇa, i. e. ni-kaṣ (for (karṣ, vb. kṛṣ), + ana, n. A touchstone, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 3.

nikaṣā nikaṣā, an old instr. of ni-kaṣ (for karṣ, vb. kṛṣ), + a, prepos. with acc. Near, Hariv. 16038.

nikaṣāya NIKAṢĀYA, i. e. a denomin. derived from nikaṣa with ya, Ātm. To serve as touchstone, Daśak. 1, 7.

nikāma nikāma, i. e. ni-kam + a,
I. m. Desire.
II. °mam, acc. adv.
     1. Willingly, Bhāg. P. 8, 2, 24.
     2. At one's own discretion, Pañc. i. d. 417.

nikāmatas nikāma + tas, adv. Willingly, Mārk. P. 49, 57.
-- Comp. a-, adv. unwillingly, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 10.

nikāya nikāya, i. e. ni-ci + a, m.
     1. An assemblage, a class, Man. 1, 36.
     2. A multitude, Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 25.
     3. A house, a dwelling-place, Rām. 4, 44, 31.

nikāra nikāra, i. e. ni-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Humiliation, MBh. 1, 7081.
     2. Abuse, 14, 1788.

nikāśa ni + kāś + a.
     1. m. Sight, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 30.
     2. Latter part of comp. adj., Similar, Rām. 3, 30, 18.

nikuñja ni-kuñja, m. (and n.). A place overgrown with creepers, a thicket, MBh. 1, 3730.

nikumbha ni-kumbha, m.
     1. A plant, Croton polyandrum, Hariv. 3843.
     2. A proper name, 8002.

nikumbhila nikumbhila, m. or n. and f. , A place of offering, Rām. 5, 25, 51; 6, 19, 39.

nikurumba nikurumba, n. A multitude, Gīt. 11, 5.

nikulīnikā nikulīnikā, probably ni-kulīna + ka, f. An inherited art, MBh. 8, 1902.

nikūla ni-kūla, adj. Standing at the bank (?), Rām. 2, 68, 16, v. r.

nikṛti ni-kṛ + ti,
I. f.
     1. Dishonesty, MBh. 2, 2042.
     2. Abuse, Bhartṛ. 2, 30.
     3. A wicked person, MBh. 12, 6269.
II. m. The name of a deity, Hariv. 11540.

nikṛtin nikṛtin, i. e. ni-kṛta + in (vb. kṛ), adj. Wicked, MBh. 13, 5120; cf. the last.

nikṛtyā ni-kṛ + tyā, f. Dishonesty, MBh. 12, 9766.

nikṛntana nikṛntana, i. e. ni-kṛt + ana,
I. adj., f. , Destroying, Rām. 1, 30, 14 Gorr.
II. m. The name of a hell, Mārk. P. 12, 15.
III. n.
     1. Cutting, MBh. 2, 2193.
     2. Destruction, 3, 14438.

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nikṛṣṭāśayatā nikṛṣṭāśayatā, i. e. ni-kṛṣṭa + āśaya + tā, f. Base disposition of mind, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 7 (jealousy).

niketa niketa, i. e. ni-kit + a, m.
     1. A mansion, MBh. 3, 8358.
     2. A countersign, 12541.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without a house, Man. 6, 25. catuṣpathaniketā, i. e. catur-patha-, f. the name of a deity, MBh. 9, 2643.

niketana niketana, i. e. ni-kit + ana, n.
     1. A mansion, Man. 11, 128.
     2. A temple, Rājat. 5, 30.
-- Comp. vairocana-, n. (The abode of Bali, i. e.) Pātāla, the intermediate region between the earth and Naraka, over which part Bali presides. svapna-, n. A bed-chamber.

nikṣ NIKṢ, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To kiss.
     2. To pierce.

nikṣepa nikṣepa, i. e. ni-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Casting on, Sāh. D. 18, 14.
     2. A deposit, Man. 8, 4.

nikṣepaṇa nikṣepaṇa, i. e. ni-kṣip + ana, n. Putting down, Kumāras. 1, 33.
     2. A place for keeping something, Suśr. 1, 171, 18.

nikṣeptṛ nikṣeptṛ, i. e. ni-kṣip + tṛ, m. A depositor, Man. 8, 181.

nikharba ni-kharba, n. A very great number, 100,000,000,000, or a billion, Rām. 6, 3, 45.

nikhila nikhila, probably for niḥkhila, i. e. nis-khila, adj. Complete, entire, all, Man. 2, 8. Instr. °lena, adv. Completely, Rām. 4, 41, 74.

nigaḍa nigaḍa, probably ni-gal + a, m. and n.
     1. An iron chain for the feet, Mṛcch. 97, 25.
     2. A fetter, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 40.

nigaḍana nigaḍana, i. e. nigaḍaya + ana, n. Putting in irons, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 11.

nigaḍaya NIGAḌAYA, a denomin. derived from nigaḍa with aya, To put in irons, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 1.

nigada ni-gad + a, m. A prayer, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 16.

nigama ni-gam + a, m.
     1. Holy writ, the Vedas, Man. 9, 19.
     2. A passage (of the Vedas), Chr. 9, 45.
     3. A precept, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 39.
     4. A merehant, Rām. 2, 125, 10 Gorr.

nigamin nigamin, i. e. nigama + in, adj. Versed in the Vedas, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 47.

nigādin nigādin, i. e. ni-gad + in, adj. Reciting, Suśr. 2, 158, 12.

nigūhana nigūhana, i. e. ni-guh + ana, n. Hiding, MBh. 3, 1404.

nigṛhītṛ nigṛhītṛ, i. e. a false form for ni-grah + ītṛ, m.
     1. One who lays hold on somebody, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 13.
     2. One who prevents somebody, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 26.

nigraha ni-grah + a, m.
     1. Seizing, Mṛcch. 10, 21.
     2. Confinement, Bhāg. P. 8, 22, 21.
     3. Subduing, Man. 7, 175.
     4. Suppression, restraining, 6, 71; 302.
     5. Chastising, Kathās. 18, 36.
     6. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1179. -Comp. upastha-, m. continenee, Yājñ. 3, 314. dus-, adj. difficult to be subdued, Bhag. 6, 35. su-, adj. easily restrained.

nigrahaṇa nigrahaṇa, i. e. ni-grah + ana,
I. adj. Suppressing, Suśr. 1, 155, 16.
II. n.
     1. Suppression, Rām. 6, 99, 48.
     2. Punishment, MBh. 15, 230.

nigharṣa nigharṣa, i. e. ni-ghṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Friction, Kir. 2, 5.
     2. Crushing, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 341.

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nigharṣaṇa nigharṣaṇa, i. e. ni-ghṛṣ + ana, n. Rubbing, MBh. 12, 12375.

nighāta nighāta, i. e. ni-han, Caus., + a, m. Blow, stroke, Ragh. 11, 78.

nighātin nighātin, i. e. ni-han, Caus., + in, adj.
     1. Killing, Hariv. 7026.
     2. Destroying, Arj. 7, 26.

nighna nighna, i. e. ni-han + a,
I. adj. Dependent, Ragh. 14, 58.
II. m. A proper name, Hariv. 818.
-- Comp. vāyu-, adj. frantic, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 9.

nicaya nicaya, i. e. ni-ci + a, m.
     1. Heaping, Rām. 2, 77, 22.
     2. Collection, MBh. 15, 205.
     3. Heap, multitude, 4, 30.
     4. Provision. 11, 48.
     5. The parts (of a whole), 15, 5416.

nicula nicula, m. A tree, Barringtonia acutangula Gaertn., Rām. 3, 17, 7.

nicola nicola, m. A cover, a wrapper, Rājat. 3, 169.

nicchivi nicchivi, m. The name of a mixed class: the son of a Vrātya Kṣatriya, Man. 10, 22.

nij NIJ, ii. 3, Par. Ātm.
     1. To cleanse, MBh. 7, 8531.
     2. † To nourish.
-- With the prep. nis nis, nirṇikta,
     1. Sprinkled, Man. 5, 127.
     2. Polished, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 27.
     3. Purified, MBh. 12, 9735.
     4. Cleared up, explained, Hariv. 11220.
-- With parinis pari-nis, To wash, MBh, 5, 1399.
-- Cf. probably [greek].

nija ni-ja (vb. jan), adj. Own, Man. 2, 50.

niñj † NIÑJ, ii. 2, Ātm. = nij.

nitamba nitamba (akin to stamba), m.
     1. du. The buttocks, Śāk. d. 35.
     2. The slpe of a mountain, Rām. 4, 44, 34.
     3. A bank, MBh. 1, 4650.

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nitambin nitambin, i. e. nitamba + in, adj., f. .
     1. Latter part of comp. adj. Having buttocks, e. g. cāru-pīna-nitamba + in, Having beautiful big buttocks, Mārk. P. 17, 20.
     2. Having beautiful buttocks, Mālav. 24.
     3. Having beautiful slopes, Rājat. 2, 121.

nitarām ni + tarām, comparative of ni.
     1. Continually, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 11.
     2. Excessively, Rām. 3, 1, 2.
     3. At all events, Bhartṛ. 1, 95.
-- Cf. A. S. nidher; O.H.G. nidar.

nitya ni + tya, adj., f. .
     1. Constant, perpetual, Man. 2, 206; 58 (nityakālam, adv. At all times).
     2. Eternal, Man. 1, 11.
     3. Essential, regular, 11, 203; Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 11. 4.
     4. °yam, adv. Perpetually, constantly, Man. 1, 108.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. perishable, 6, 77. 2. occasional, 7, 199. 3. inconstant. Rām. 2, 4, 26; uncertain, 5, 29, 31. 4. °yam, adv. not perpetually, Man. 3, 102. ātmanitya, i. e. ātman-, adj. best-beloved, MBh. 1, 6080. taponitya, i. e. tapas-, adj. practising perpetually religious austerities, 14, 264.

nityatā nitya + tā, f.
     1. Perpetuity, Bhāṣāp. 101.
     2. Perseverance, in dharma-nitya + tā, MBh. 3, 12531.
     3. Necessity, Mārk. P. 30, 25.
-- Comp. a-, f. perishableness, Bhartṛ. 3, 80.

nityatva nitya + tva, n.
     1. Perpetuity, eternity, Bhāg. P. 3, 27, 17.
     2. Perseverance, in adhyātmajñāna-nitya + tva, Bhag. 13, 11.
-- Comp. a-, n. 1. transitoriness, Pānc. iii. d. 21. 2. fickleness, Rām. 4, 32, 7.

nityadā nitya + dā, adv. Perpetually, Indr. 1, 29.

nityamaya nitya + maya, adj., f. , Eternal, MBh. 12, 8948.

nityaśas nitya + śas, adv. Constantly, Man. 2, 96.

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nid 1. NID, i. 1, Par. Ātm. (only ved. and very seldom), and nind NIND (perhaps originally vb. nad, with the prep. ni), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 7, 2601), To blame, MBh. 2, 2275. nindita,
     1. Reprehended, Man. 3, 47.
     2. Reprehensible, 42.
     3. Despised, 3, 165.
     4. Forbidden, 11, 44.
     5. Inauspicious, 182. Comp. a-, adj. blameless, Man. 3, 42. nindya, 1. reprehensible, Man. 3, 42. 2. forbidden, 3, 50. 3. disgraceful, 11, 53. Comp. 1. a-nindya, adj. blameless, Man. 3, 42. 2. a-nedya, adj. blameless, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4.
-- With the prep. pari pari, To blame violently, MBh. 5, 40.
-- With prati prati, To blame, 3, 15656.
-- With vi vi, To blame, 3, 13700.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] etc.; Goth. ga-naitjan, naiteins; O.H.G. neizjan; A.S. naetan, naeting; probably also Goth. neith, A. S. nidh, ge-nidhle (hatred).

2. nid † NID, i. 1, Par. Ātm. To be near.

nidarśaka nidarśaka, i. e. ni-dṛś + aka, adj.
     1. Seeing, MBh. 12, 7472.
     2. Announcing, 3, 13086.

nidarśana nidarśana, i. e. ni-dṛś + ana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Showing, Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 1.
     2. Announcing, Hariv. 12815.
     3. Teaching, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 33.
II. n.
     1. Seeing, sight, MBh. 9, 62.
     2. Evidence, Man. 11, 45.
     3. Example, 9, 20; MBh. 8, 1882.
     4. Foreboding, Hariv. 9885.
     5. Prognostic, MBh, 5, 1235.
     6. Symptom, 12, 11718.

nidarśin nidarśin, i. e. ni-dṛś + in, adj., f. , Knowing, MBh. 14, 1406.

nidāgha nidāgha, i. e. ni-dah + a, m. The hot season, MBh. 3, 12539.

nidāna nidāna, i. e. ni-3. dā + ana, n.
     1. A first cause, Ragh. 3, 1.
     2. The causes of disease, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 8.

nidigdhikā nidigdhikā, i. e. nidigdha + ka, (vb. dih), f. A sort of prickly nightṣade, Solanum Jacquini Willd., Suśr. 1, 377, 21.

nididhyāsana nididhyāsana, i. e. nididhyāsa, desider. of dhyai, + ana, n. Profound meditation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 1.

nididhyāsu nididhyāsu, i. e. ni-didhyāsa, desider. of dhyai, + u, adj. Desiring to meditate on, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 30.

nideśa nideśa, m., i. e.
     1. ni-diś + a, Order, MBh. 12, 8929.
     2. ni-deśa, Neighbourhood, Man. 2, 197.

nidrā ni-2. drā, f.
     1. Sleep, Rām. 4, 26, 9.
     2. Sleepiness, Hiḍ. 1, 4.
-- Comp. a-,
I. f. sleeplessness.
II. adj. (a-nidra), sleepless, Rām. 2, 2, 4. ati-nidra, adj. one who sleeps excessively, 6, 37, 48. apa-, adj. 1. sleepless, Kir. 5, 26. 2. opened, Śiś. 9, 30. unnidra, i. e. ud-, and nirnidra, i. e. nis-, adj. sleepless, Megh. 86; Rājat. 2, 98. yoga-nidrā, f. 1. absorption in profound meditation, Pañc. 125, 25. 2. light sleep, 25, 25. yogi(n)-, f. light sleep, wakefulness. vi-, adj. 1. sleepless. 2. blown, budded.

nidrālu nidrā + lu, adj. Sleepy, Pañc. v. d. 41.

nidrālutva nidrālu + tva, n. Sleepiness, Suśr. 1, 313, 1.

nidrita nidrita, i. e. nidrā + ita, adj. Sleeping, Rājat. 3, 504.

nidhana nidhana, i. e. perhaps ni-han + a, n.
     1. Conclusion, end, MBh. 1, 4612; Suśr. 1, 18, 19.
     2. Annihilation, Bhartṛ. 2, 13.
     3. Death, Man. 5, 40.

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nidhanatā nidhanatā, i. e. ni-dhana + tā, f. Poverty, Hit. i. d. 128 (cf. nirdhanatā).

nidhāna nidhāna, i. e. ni-dhā + ana, n. (m., Rām. 5, 11, 4),
     1. Putting aside, MBh. 4, 158.
     2. A receptacle, a place or vessel in or on which anything is collected or deposited, Hariv. 2477.
     3. A treasure, Man. 8, 36.
-- Comp. daṇḍa-, n. clemency, MBh. 12, 6559.

nidhi nidhi, i. e. ni-dhā (cf. dhi and payodhi), m.
     1. A receptacle, MBh. 1, 1124.
     2. A treasure, Man. 7, 82.
-- Comp. ambu- and ambhas-, m. the ocean, Lass. 44, 11. kalā-, m. the moon, Lass. 91, 15. jala-, m. the ocean, Bhartṛ. 2, 78. tapas-, m. a pious person, Ragh. 1, 56. tejas-, m. a majestic person, Chr. 21, 2. payas-, m. the ocean. śila-jñāna-, m. a virtuous and learned person.

nidhipa nidhi-pa (vb. 2. ), m. The guardian of a treasure, Man. 2, 115.

nidhuvana nidhuvana, i. e. ni-dhū + ana, n. Sexual intercourse, Rājat. 5, 285.

ninada ni-nad + a, m.
     1. Sound, cry, MBh. 3, 820.
     2. Buzzing, 8702. -Comp. su-, adj. sounding agreeably, Kir. 5, 27.

ninayana ninayana, i. e. ni-nī + ana, n. Performance, Man. 2, 172.

nināda nināda, i. e. ni-nad + a, m. Sound, cry, MBh. 5, 3138; Rām. 2, 34, 19.

ninādin ninādin, i. e. nināda + in, and ni-nad + in, adj., f. .
     1. Sounding, Rām. 1, 20, 7.
     2. Playing, Hariv. 2458.
     3. Accompanied by the sound of, MBh. 5, 3139.

ninīṣā ninīṣā, i. e. ninīṣa, desider. of nī, + a, f. Desire to carry, MBh. 8, 3445.

ninīṣu ninīṣu, i. e. ninīṣa, desider. of nī, + u, adj. Wishing to bring, Man. 4, 244.

ninda NIND, see 1. nid.

nindaka nind + aka, adj. subst. Blaming, defaming, Man. 2, 201; a scorner, 2, 11.

nindana nind + ana, n. Blame, Bhāg. P. 7, 1, 22.

nindā nindā, i. e. nind + a, f.
     1. Blame, Man. 8, 19.
     2. Defamation, Man. 2, 200.
     3. Scorn, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 6.

nindyatā nindya + tā (vb. nind), f. Infamy, Man. 5, 164.

ninv † NINV, or sinv SINV, i. 1, Par. To wet, or to wait on.

nipatana ni-pat + ana, n.
     1. Falling, MBh. 8, 1788.
     2. Flying, 1895.

nipāta nipāta, i. e. ni-pat + a, m.
     1. Falling, Man. 11, 104.
     2. Casting, 3, 241.
     3. Death, 8, 185.
     4. The opposite extremity, Bhāg. P. 5, 21, 9.
-- Comp. dhārā-, m. A sudden shower of rain, Pañc. 93, 2.

nipātaka nipātaka, ni-pat, Caus., + aka (m. or n.), Sin, MBh. 5, 4053.

nipātana nipātana, i. e. ni-pat, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Destroying, MBh. 3, 1624.
II. n.
     1. Dropping, Rām. 6, 74, 24.
     2. Putting on, Suśr. 1, 95, 17.
     3. Touching, 290, 17.
     4. Beating, Man. 11, 208.
     5. Killing, 8, 298.
     6. Flying down, hurrying down, Pañc. ii. d. 57.
     7. Falling down, Yājñ. 1, 145.

nipātin nipātin, i. e. ni-pat + in, adj., f. .
     1. Falling down, Vikr. d. 153.
     2. Flying on, Ragh. 9, 40.
     3. Destroying, MBh. 7, 9462.

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nipāna nipāna, i. e. ni-1. pā + ana, n.
     1. Drinking, MBh. 13, 3439.
     2. A pool, Man. 4, 201.
-- Comp. a-, n. thirst, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 8.

nipānavant nipāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in pools, Ragh. 9, 53.

nipuṇa nipuṇa, i. e. probably ni-puṣ + na, adj., f. ṇā.
     1. Perfect, Man. 5, 61.
     2. Clever, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 490.
     3. Conversant, 57. °ṇam, adv.
     1. Completely, Rām. 2, 96, 1 Gorr.
     2. Carefully, 4, 44, 82.
     3. In a delicate manner, Śāk. 59, 15.

nipuṇatas nipuṇa + tas, adv. Completely, MBh. 12, 10217.

nipuṇatā nipuṇa + tā, f.
     1. Cleverness, Bhartṛ. Suppl. 10.
     2. Carefulness, Pañc. 181, 18.

nibandha ni-bandh + a, m.
     1. Fastening, binding, Rām. 5, 42, 4.
     2. Fetter, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 46.
     3. Root, MBh. 2, 2532.
     4. Fixed property, Yājñ. 2, 121.
     5. A literary work.

nibandhana ni-bandh + ana,
I. adj., f. , Binding, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 54.
II. f. , Fetter, MBh. 5, 771.
III. n.
     1. Binding, ligation, Man. 2, 27; making (a bridge), MBh. 3, 10725.
     2. Bond, fetter, 12, 9680.
     3. A receptacle, Rām. 2, 31, 28 Gorr.
     4. Cause, motive, MBh. 1, 5141; Man. 9, 27.
     5. Syntax, Kumāras. 7, 90.
-- Comp. artha-, adj. having (its) cause in wealth, MBh. 1, 5141. strī-, n. domestic duty.

nibandhin nibandhin, i. e. ni-bandh + in, and nibandha + in, adj., f. .
     1. Binding, MBh. 12, 6548.
     2. Joined, 11, 89.

nibarhaṇa nibarhaṇa, and nivarhaṇa nivarhaṇa, i. e. ni-barh, or varh + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Destroying, Ram. 1, 1, 11.
     2. Removing, Suśr. 1, 166, 11.
II. n. Destruction, Rām. 1, 3, 30 Gorr.

nibha -ni-bha (vb. bhā), latter part of comp. adj., f. bhā.
     1. Like, resembling, Rām. 3, 49, 34.
     2. Pleonastically in cāru-nibha-ānana, adj. Handsome-faced, Hariv. 11789.

nibhīma ni-bhī + ma, adj. Terrible, Hariv. 13599.

nimajjana ni-majj + ana,
I. adj., f. , Absorbing, MBh. 7, 897.
II. n. Diving, immersion, Rājat. 1, 127.

nimantraka ni-mantr + aka, m. An inviter, MBh. 13, 2350.

nimantraṇa nimantraṇa, i. e. ni-mantr + ana, n. Invitation, Yājñ. 2, 263.

nimaya nimaya, i. e. ni-me + a, m. Barter, exchange, MBh. 12, 2923.

nimi nimi, m. A proper name, Man. 7, 41.

nimitta ni-mitta (vb. ), n.
     1. Aim, mark, MBh. 5, 3480.
     2. Sign, omen, Man. 6, 50; Śāk. 8, 17.
     3. Cause, motive, Bhāg. P. 8, 20, 6.
     4. Instrumental cause, MBh. 3, 10743 (the cause on which the life of a prince was dependent, cf. 10744 and 10739).
     5. °tam acc., °tena instr., °tāya dat., adverbially, On account of, Rām. 2, 48, 28; 90, 12; 30, 1.
-- Comp. a-, adj. having no motive, Śāk. d. 176. acc. °tam, adv. without a cause, Śāk. d. 45. atonimitta + m, i. e. atas-, adv. therefore, Nal. 9, 34. kim-, adj. by what occasioned or caused, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 19. acc. °tam, adv. why, Chr. 80, 47. kutonimitta, i. e. kutas-, adj. by what caused, Rām. 2, 74, 17. dus-, n. a bad omen, MBh. 2, 818.

nimittatas nimitta + tas, adv. By a special cause, Suśr. 1, 91, 14.
-- Comp. a-, adv. without cause, Man. 4, 144.

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nimiṣ ni-miṣ, f. Twinkling of the eye.
-- Comp. a-, adj. sbst. a god (free from twinkling of the eyes), Bhāg. P. 5, 23, 8.

nimiṣa ni-miṣ + a, m.
     1. Twinkling of the eye, Rām. 6, 102, 25.
     2. A moment, 5, 56, 59.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 5, 3595.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. not twinkling, having the eyes fixed, Indr. 5, 28; Rām. 3, 6, 14.
II. m. a god (see the preceding).

nimīlana ni-mīl + ana, n. Shutting the eye-lids, Amar. 33.

nimīlikā nimīlikā, i. e. ni-mīl + aka, f. Twinkling of the eye; in gaja-, Connivance, Rājat. 6, 73.

nimīlin nimīlin, i. e. ni-mīl + ā + in, Having the eye-lids shut, Naiṣ. 5, 71 (cf. Sch.).

nimeṣa nimeṣa, i. e. ni-miṣ + a, m.
     1. Twinkling of the eye, Nal. 5, 26.
     2. A moment, Rām. 3, 36, 19.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 1489.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. absence of twinkling, Ragh. 3, 43.
II. adj. open, Rām. 3, 63, 22.
III. m. a god, Bhāg. P. 6, 10, 1 (see nimiṣ).

nimna ni + mna (i. e. ni + man + a),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Deep, Ṛt. 5, 12; with na, high, grand, Bhartṛ. 2, 36.
II. n. Low ground, MBh. 2, 784.

nimnagā nimnagā, i. e. nimna-ga (vb. gam), f. A river, Man. 9, 22.
-- Comp. giri-, f. A mountain-stream, Rām. 2, 97, 1.

nimba nimba, m. A tree, Azadiracta indica Juss., Rām. 2, 35, 14.

nimloca nimloca, i. e. ni-mluc + a, m. Setting (of the sun), Bhāg. P. 3, 2, 7.

niyati niyati, i. e. ni-yam + ti, f. Destiny, Rām. 4, 24, 4.

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niyantṛ niyantṛ, i. e. ni-yam + tṛ, m.
     1. A restrainer, Rām. 2, 1, 30 Gorr.
     2. A ruler, Ragh. 15, 51.
     3. A charioteer, 1, 17.

niyantṛtva niyantṛ + tva, n. The faculty of restraining, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 18.

niyantraṇa niyantraṇa, i. e. ni-yantr + ana, n. Restraining, Rājat. 3, 515.

niyama ni-yam + a, m.
     1. Restraining, preventing, Man. 8, 122.
     2. Restriction, MBh. 1, 6452.
     3. Certainty, Pañc. ii. d. 53.
     4. Any religious observance voluntarily practised, as fasting, pilgrimage, Man. 4, 204.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. being engaged in a religious observance, Kir. 5, 40.

niyamana ni-yam + ana,
I. adj. Subduing, Hariv. 10684.
II. n.
     1. Subduing, MBh. 3, 1075.
     2. Restriction, Rājat. 4, 137.

niyamavant niyama + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Practising religious observances, MBh. 1, 3839.
     2. Having the menses, Suśr. 1, 317, 9.

niyāmaka niyāmaka, i. e. ni-yam + aka, adj. Subduing, MBh. 3, 15812.

niyāmakatā niyāmaka + tā, f. Exact determination, explanation, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 6.

niyuta ni-yuta (vb. yu), n. A great number, one hundred thousand, or a million, and greater numbers, Bhāg. P. 5, 16, 5.

niyoktṛ niyoktṛ, i. e. ni-yuj+ tṛ, m. A ruler, Ragh. 2, 56.

niyoga niyoga, i. e. ni-yuj + a, m.
     1. Fastening, Hariv. 3537.
     2. Appointment, Mṛcch. 101, 19.
     3. An order, a commission, Man. 1, 41; 9, 61; 65.
     4. °ena, instr. Certainly, Ragh. 17, 49.
-- Comp. a-, m. a disagreeable commission, Rām. 2, 68, 17 Gorr.

niyogin niyogin, i. e. niyoga + in, m. A functionary, Hit. ii. d. 94.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not partaking of, Rājat. 5, 177.

niyojana niyojana, i. e. ni-yuj + ana, n. An order, MBh. 12, 13926.

niyodhaka niyodhaka, i. e. ni-yudh + aka, m. A pugilist, MBh. 1, 6940.

niranukrośatā niranukrośatā, i. e. nis-anukrośa + tā, f. Unmercifulness, Rām. 1, 61, 22 Gorr.

nirantara nirantara, i. e. nis-antara, adj., f. .
     1. Without any interstice, Śiś. 9, 66.
     2. Completely filled, Rām. 6, 112, 42.
     3. Continual, Rām. 5, 58, 8.
     4. Faithful, Pañc ii. d. 190. °ram, adv.
     1. Tightly, Ṛt. 2, 11.
     2. Constantly, Rām. 3, 2, 11.

niraparādhatā niraparādhatā, i. e. nis-aparādha + tā, f. Innocence, Lass. 26, 14.

niraparādhavant niraparādhavant, i. e. nis-aparādha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Innocent, Rām. 2, 112, 7 Gorr.

niraya niraya, i. e. nis-i + a, m. Hell, Man. 6, 61.
-- Comp. tiryaṅniraya, i. e. tiryañc-, m. the hell of beasts, MBh. 3, 12626.

nirarthaka nirarthaka, i. e. nis-artha + ka,
I. adj., f. thakā and thikā.
     1. Without attaining one's purpose, Rām. 5, 9, 26.
     2. Useless, MBh. 5, 1114.
     3. Unmeaning, MBh. 3, 12686.
II. °kam, adv. In vain, Rām. 3, 35, 21. -- Abstr. °tva nirarthaka + tva, n. Mṛcch. 90, 4.

nirarthatā nirarthatā, i. e. nis-artha + tā, f. Senselessness, Mārk. P. 26, 16.

niravadyatva niravadyatva, i. e. nis-avadya + tva, n. Blamelessness, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 1.

niravadyavant niravadyavant, i. e. nis-avadya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Blameless, MBh. 3, 1827.

niravaśeṣatas niravaśeṣatas, i. e. nis-avaśeṣa + tas, adv. Completely, Rām. 1, 72, 36 Gorr.

niravastāra niravastāra, i. e. nis-ava-stṛ10 + a, adj. Uncovered, pare, Bhāg. P. 4, 26, 17.

nirasana nirasana, i. e. nis-2. as + and,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Spitting out, Suśr. 1, 349, 3.
     2. Removing, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 12.
II. n.
     1. Expulsion, MBh. 14, 73.
     2. Removal, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 21.

niraham niraham, i. e. nis-aham (see asmad), adj. Devoid of selfishness, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 4.

nirākaraṇa nirākaraṇa, i. e. nis-ā-kṛ + ana, n. Repudiation, Śāk. 82, 10.

nirākariṣṇu nirākariṣṇu, i. e. nis-ā-kṛ + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. One who repudiates, Ragh. 14, 57.
     2. Seeking to remove from (abl.), Rājat. 5, 154.

nirākariṣṇutā nirākariṣṇu + tā, f. Malevolence, Suśr. 1, 336, 8.

nirākartṛ nirākartṛ, i. e. nis-ā-kṛ + tṛ. m. A contemner (of the gods, etc.), MBh. 12, 6101.

nirākṛtin nirākṛtin, i. e. nis-ā kṛta + in, adj. Obstructing, avoiding, MBh. 12, 8682 (who exerts no activity, whether to attain or to avoid).

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nirākriyā nirākriyā, i. e. nis-ā-kṛ + a, f. Expulsion, MBh. 7, 2956.

nirāśaka nirāśaka, i. e. nis-āśa (see āśā) + ka, adj. Desponding of (abl.), MBh. 8, 3761.

nirāśatva nirāśatva, i. e. nis-āśa (see āśā) + tva, and nirāśitva nirāśitva, i. e. nirāśin + tva, n. Hopelessness, Kām. Nītis. 14, 45; MBh. 3, 13994.

nirāśin nirāśin, i. e. nis-āśā + in, adj. Hopeless, MBh. 12, 12435.

nirīkṣaka nirīkṣaka, i. e. nis-īkṣ + aka, adj.
     1. Seeing, Bhāg, P. 6, 9, 44.
     2. Visiting, Rājat. 6, 94.

nirīkṣaṇa nirīkṣaṇa, i. e. nis-īkṣ + ana,
I. adj. Regarding, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 32.
II. n.
     1. Look, 1, 9, 40.
     2. Regarding, Rām. 5, 14, 56.

nirīkṣā nirīkṣā, i. e. nis-īkṣ + a, f. Regarding, Rām. 1, 75, 14.

nirīkṣin nirīkṣin, i. e. nis-īkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Looking, Rām. 5, 86, 12.

nirītika nirītika, i. e. nis-īti + ka, adj. Free from inauspiciousness, Rām. 1, 32, 24.

nirīhatā nirīhatā, i. e. nis-īha (see īhā) + tā, f. Indifference, MBh. 3, 95.

nirukti nirukti, i. e. nis-vac + tī, f.
     1. Interpretation, Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 3.
     2. Etymological explanation, MBh. 1, 1656.

nirutsāhatā nirutsāhatā, i. e. nis-utsāha + tā, f. Cowardice, Pañc. 219, 18.

nirupākhya nirupākhya, i. e. nis-upa-ā-khya (vb. khyā), adj. Invisible, MBh. 13, 1101.

nirupādhika nirupādhika, i. e. nis -upādhi + ka, adj. Having no attributes, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 8.

niruṣmatva niruṣmatva, i. e. nis-uṣman + tva, n. Coldness, MBh. 12, 11718.

nirūḍhi nirūḍhi, i. e. nis-vah + ti, f. Renown, Kir. 2, 6.

nirūpaṇa nirūpaṇa, i. e. ni-rūp + ana,
I. adj. Determining, Sāh. D. 8, 14.
II. n.
     1. Shape, MBh. 3, 2802.
     2. Determining, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 5.

nirṛti nirṛti, i. e. nis-ṛ + ti,
     1. m. Imprecation, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 4.
     2. f. A demigod, patroness of the southwest, Man. 11, 118.

nirodha nirodha, i. e. ni-rudh + a, m.
     1. Confinement, imprisonment, Man. 8, 375.
     2. Coercion, 6, 60.
     3. Obstruction, MBh. 3, 11554.
     4. Destruction, Hariv. 111.
     5. Disappointment, Daśarūp. 1, 31.

nirodhaka nirodhaka, i. e. ni-rudh + aka, adj. Obstructing, MBh. 4, 1166.

nirodhana nirodhana, i. e. ni-rudh + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Confining, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 7.
     2. Obstructing, Suśr. 2, 525, 1.
II. n.
     1. Imprisonment, Man. 8, 310.
     2. Cocrcion, MBh. 3, 125.
     3. Disappointment, Daśarūp. 1, 31.

nirgama nirgama, i. e. nis-gam + a, m.
     1. Going out, setting out, Rām. 4, 14, 8.
     2. Vanishing, MBh. 3, 11892.
     3. Issue, outlet, Rām. 1, 44, 11.
     4. Export, Man. 8, 401.
     5. A door, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 7.

nirgamana nirgamana, i. e. nis-gam + ana, n Going out, MBh. 3, 14308.

nirguṇatā nirguṇatā, i. e. nis-guṇa + tā, f. and nirguṇatva nirguṇatva, i. e. nis-guṇa + tva, n.
     1. Want of properties, Bhāg. P. 7, 11, 32; MBh. 12, 11350.
     2. Want of good qualities, wickedness, 7, 4490; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 109.

nirgranthika nirgranthika, i. e. nis-grantha + ika, m. An ascetic, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 18.

nirghaṇṭaka nirghaṇṭaka, probably a form of nirgranthaka, i. e. nis-granth + aka (properly, Singling out the words of a verse or sentence, and setting them up in their absolute form, by neglecting the rules of Sandhi, or euphonical connection), (m. or n.) A collection of words, MBh. 12, 13247.

nirgharṣaṇaka nirgharṣaṇaka, i. e. nis-ghṛṣ + ana + ka, adj. Fit for picking one's teeth with, Hit. ii. d. 65.

nirghāta nirghāta, i. e. nis-han, Caus., + a, m. A gust of wind, a whirlwind, Man. 1, 38.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. accompanied by whirlwinds, Chr. 36, 23.

nirghṛṇatā nirghṛṇatā, f. and nirghṛṇatva nirghṛṇatva, n., i. e. nis-ghriṇa + tā, or tva (cf. ghṛṇā), Unmercifulness, Bhartṛ. 2, 44; Mārk. P. 15, 40.

nirghoṣa nirghoṣa, i. e.
I. nis-ghuṣ + a, m. Sound, Rām. 1, 10, 32.
II. nis-ghoṣa, adj. Soundless, MBh. 14, 567.
-- Comp. mahā-megha-ogha-, adj. sounding like a multitude of large thunder-clouds.

nirjaya nirjaya, i. e. nis-ji + a, m. Conquest, Rājat. 3, 273; MBh. 7, 5317.

nirjetṛ nirjetṛ, i. e. nis-ji + tṛ, m. A vanquisher, Rām. 6, 95, 28.

nirjhara nirjhara, probably a form of nis-kṣar + a, m. (also n. Rām. 4, 13, 6), A cascade or torrent, Rām. 2, 28, 7; Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 41.

nirjhariṇī nirjhariṇī, i. e. nirjhara + in + ī, f. A torrent, Kathās. 17, 7.

nirṇaya nirṇaya, i. e. nis-nī + a, m.
     1. Removal, Man. 12, 112.
     2. Decision, MBh. 13, 7535.

nirṇeka nirṇeka, i. e. nis-nij + a, m. Expiation, Man. 11, 139.

nirṇejaka nirṇejaka, i. e. nis-nij + aka, m. A washer, Man. 4, 219.

nirṇejana nirṇejana, i. e. nis-nij + ana, n. Expiation, Man. 11, 189.

nirdayatva nirdayatva, i. e. nis-daya + tva (see dayā), n. Cruelty, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 109.

nirdara nirdara, i. e. nis-dṛ10 + a, m. A cave, Rām. 2, 28, 7.

nirdalana nirdalana, i. e. nis-dal + ana, n. Splitting, Rājat. 7, 1516.

nirdaśa nirdaśa, i. e. nis-daśan, adj.
     1. Older than ten days, Bhāg. P. 9, 7, 9.
     2. Having happened more than ten days ago, Man. 5, 77.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not out of, i. e. within, the ten days of impurity which follow a case of birth or death, Man. 5, 75; 4, 212 ([food] of a woman whose days are not elapsed).

nirdātṛ nirdātṛ, i. e. nis- 2. dā + tṛ, m. A husbandman, Man. 7, 110.

nirduḥkhatva nirduḥkhatva, i. e. nis-duḥkha + tva, n. Painlessness, Bhāṣāp. 144.

nirdeśa nirdeśa, i. e. nis-diś + a, m.
     1. Order, Man. 6, 45.
     2. Description, Bhag. 17, 23.
     3. Detail, Mālav. 8, 15.
-- Comp. a-, m. want of detail. Instr. anirdeśena, Without entering into the particulars, MBh. 12, 4022.

nirdhanatā nirdhanatā, f. and nirdhanatva nirdhanatva, n., i. e. nis-dhana + tā or tva, Poverty, Mṛcch. 15, 20; Pañc. ii. d. 107.

nirnāthatā nirnāthatā, i. e. nis-nātha + tā, f. Want of protection, MBh. 3, 2566.

nirnāśana nirnāśana, i. e. nis-naś, Caus. + ana, n. Removing, MBh. 12, 1039.

nirnidratā nirnidratā, i. e. nis-nidra + tā (cf. nidrā), f. Sleeplessness, Rājat. 3, 525.

nirbandha nirbandha, i. e. nis-bandh + a, m.
     1. Insisting upon (loc.), Hariv. 10966.
     2. Pertinacity, MBh. 13, 5034.
     3. Perseverance, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 42.
     4. Accusing, Man. 11, 55.

nirbandhin nirbandhin, i. e. nis-bandh + in, adj. Insisting upon (loc.), MBh. 5, 4901.

nirbhartsana nirbhartsana, i. e. nis-bharts + ana, n. and f. , Menace, reproach, MBh. 3, 17051; Rājat. 1, 256.

nirbheda nirbheda, i. e. nis-bhid + a, m.
     1. Bursting, Rām. 1, 41, 4.
     12. Dividing, Rām. 4, 11.
     3. A channel, Hariv. 12017.
-- Comp. a-, m. not betraying, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 7.

nirmatsyatā nirmatsyatā, i. e. nis-matsya + tā, f. Having no fishes, Pañc. 78, 15.

nirmathana nirmathana, i. e. nis-math + ana, n.
     1. Rubbing together, Rām. 3, 75, 50.
     2. Churning, Kām. Nītis. 13, 3.

nirmama nirmama, i. e. nis-mama (gen. sing. of asmad), adj., f. , Indifferent, MBh. 13, 5358; 6749.

nirmamatā nirmama + tā, f. and nirmamatva nirmama + tva, n. Indifference, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 411; Mārk. P. 39, 4.

nirmalatā nirmalatā, f. and nirmalatva nirmalatva, n. i. e. nis-mala + tā or tva, Purity, Hariv. 14775.

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nirmāṇa nirmāṇa, i. e. nis-mā + ana, n.
     1. Measure, Rām. 3, 42, 24 (in a-vyakta-, vb. añj, adj., Not fullgrown).
     2. A part, 4, 44, 44.
     3. Forming, creating, Lass. 91, 13.
     4. Work, Rām. 4, 40, 54.

nirmātṛ nirmātṛ, i. e. nis-mā + tṛ, m. f. trī.
     1. Creator, MBh. 5, 3493.
     2. A builder, Rājat. 4, 315.

nirmāthin nirmāthin, i. e. nis-math + in, adj. Stamping to pieces, Rājat. 3, 284.

nirmārjana nirmārjana, i. e. nis-mṛj + ana, n. Sweeping, cleaning, MBh. 12, 10781.

nirmālya nirmālya, i. e. nis-mālya (= mala + ya), n. The remains of an offering to a deity, MBh. 1, 3061.

nirmiti nirmiti, i. e. nis-mā + ti, f. Creation, Rājat. 4, 204.

nirmukti nirmukti, i. e. nis-muc + ti, f. Deliverance, Kathās. 5, 131.

nirmūlana nirmūlana, i. e. nirmūlaya + ana, n. Uprooting, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 541.

nirmūlaya NIRMŪLAYA, a denomin. derived from nis-mūla with aya, Par. To uproot, Śāntiś. 4, 7.

nirmoka nirmoka, i. e. nis-muc + a, m.
     1. A hide. MBh. 13, 6490.
     2. The slough of a snake, Rām. 2, 91, 12 Gorr.
     3. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 11.

nirmoktṛ nirmoktṛ, i. e. nis-muc + tṛ, m. One who solves, MBh. 2, 635.

nirmokṣa nirmokṣa, i. e. nis-mokṣ + a, m. Deliverance, removal of, MBh. 13, 60.

nirmocana nirmocana, i. e. nis-muc + ana, n. Deliverance, MBh. 5, 1890.

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niryaśaska niryaśaska, i. e. nis-yaśas + ka, adj. Inglorious, MBh. 3, 8499.

niryāṇa niryāṇa, i. e. nis-yā + ana, n.
     1. Setting out, MBh. 1, 333.
     2. Vanishing, Rājat. 3, 261.
     3. Death, MBh. 15, 1050.
     4. The outer corner of an elephant's eye, Śiś. 5, 41.
     5. A rope for binding a calf's feet, 12, 41.

niryātaka niryātaka, i. e. nis-yat, Caus., + aka, adj. Removing, Man. 3, 166.

niryātana niryātana, i. e. nis-yat, Caus., + ana, n. Returning, delivering, Rām. 1, 3, 27 Gorr.
-- Comp. vaira-, n. revenge, requital of an injury, Pañc. 89, 19.

niryāpaṇa niryāpaṇa, i. e. nis-yā, Caus., + ana, n. Expulsion, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 57.

niryāsa niryāsa, i. e. nis-yas + a, m. (and n.).
     1. Exudations of trees, gum, resin, etc., Man. 5, 6.
     2. Exudation, Hariv. 4747.

niryūha niryūha (probably for nirvyūha, by dropping v), m.
     1. A crest, Hariv. 5502.
     2. An ornament, Rām. 5, 9, 58 (pinnacles?); MBh. 5, 573 (the crest of a helmet ?) A door, Hariv. 5021.
     4. Extracter e, Rām. 2, 100, 64 Gorr.

nirvacana nirvacana, i. e.
I. nis-vac + ana, n.
     1. A proverb, MBh. 1, 4359.
     2. Etymological explanation, 5, 2561.
II. nis-vacana, adj.
     1. Silent.
     2. Blameless, MBh. 3, 13389. °nam, adv. Silently, Kumāras. 7, 19.

nirvapaṇa nirvapaṇa, i. e. nis-vap + ana, n.
     1. Offering, especially to the Manes, Man. 3, 248.
     2. Gift, Bhāg. P. 5, 12, 12.

nirvartaka nirvartaka, i. e. nis-vṛt, Caus. + aka, Producing, causing, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 18.

nirvartin nirvartin, i. e. nis-vṛt, Caus. + in, adj.
     1. Uncivil, Kathās. 26, 58.
     2. Performing, Śāk. 68, 13 (read nirvart°).

nirvāṇa nirvāṇa, i. e. nis-vā + ana; n.
     1. Becoming extinguished, MBh. 4, 716.
     2. Final emancipation, MBh. 14, 543.
     3. Union with God, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 39.
     4. Complete satisfaction, MBh. 3, 10438.
     5. Pleasure, Mārk. P. 20, 13.

nirvāda nirvāda, i. e. nis-vad + a, m. Blame, MBh. 5, 4618.

nirvāpa nirvāpa, i. e. nis-vap + a, m.
     1. Strewing, giving, Rām. 2, 91, 72.
     2. Offering, especially to the Manes, 2, 103, 28.
     3. Gift, Pañc. 239, 6.

nirvāpaṇa nirvāpaṇa, i. e.
I. nis-vap, Caus., + ana,
     1. Casting in, Suśr. 1, 171, 6.
     2. Sowing, Pañc. 85, 17.
II. nis-vā, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Extinguishing, Mṛcch. 49, 18.
     2. Cooling, Śāk. 31, 9.
     3. Amusing, 33, 2, v. r.

nirvāpayitṛ nirvāpayitṛ, i. e. nis-vā, Caus., + tṛ, m. One who allays, Śāk. d. 60.

nirvāsa nirvāsa, i. e. nis-vas + a, m. Leaving one's home, MBh. 1, 2238.

nirvāsana nirvāsana, i. e. nis-vas, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Expulsion, MBh. 5, 3168.
     2. Killing, Rājat. 6, 215.

nirvāha nirvāha, i. e. nis-vah + a, m. Accomplishing, completion, Bhartṛ. 2, 69.

nirvikalpaka nirvikalpaka, i. e. nis-vikalpa + ka, adj. Free from differencees, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 9.

nirvikāravant nirvikāravant, i. e. nis-vikāra + vant, adj. Unchanged, MBh. (2), 2332.

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nirvivaratā nirvivaratā, i. e. nis-vivara + tā, f. Want of interstice, and, Want of enmity, Śiś. 9, 44.

nirvivekatva nirvivekatva, i. e. nis-viveka + tva, n. Inconsiderateness, Kathās. 5, 25.

nirviśeṣatva nirviśeṣatva, i. e. nis-viśeṣa + tva, n. Want of distinction, MBh. 14, 999.

nirviśeṣavant nirviśeṣavant, i. e. nis-viśeṣa + vant, adj. Indistinguished, MBh. 12, 7516.

nirvṛti nirvṛti, i. e. nis-vṛ + ti, f.
     1. Tranquillity, MBh. 12, 4114.
     2. Happiness, Bhartṛ. 3, 71.
     3. Pleasure, Ragh. 12, 65.
-- Comp. pari-, f. complete liberation of the soul from the body and exemption from future transmigration.

nirvṛtti nirvṛtti, i. e. nis-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Completion, Man. 12, 1.
     2. Fruit, 4, 23.
     3. Impropriety, Hit. 110, 20, v. r.
     4. Sometimes crroneously for nirvṛti and nivṛtti.

nirveda nirveda, i. e. nis-vid + a, m.
     1. Disgust, MBh. 11, 144.
     2. Loathsomeness, Pañc. ed. orn. 63, 21.
     3. Self-disparagement, humility, Sāh. D. 64, 8.
     4. Indifference, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 25.
     5. Desperation, Rām. 1, 55, 10.
-- Comp. a-, m. self-confidence, courage, Rām. 5, 15, 5. sa-nirveda + m, adv. desperately, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 14.

nirvedavant nirveda + vant, adj. Full of disgust, (with worldly concerns). Pañc. iii. d. 183.

nirveśa nirveśa, i. e. nis + viś + a, m.
     1. Returning payment, Rām. 3, 33, 25.
     2. Expiation, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 18.

nirvyākulatā nirvyākutatā, i. e. nis -vyākula + tā, f. Freedom from trouble, Pañc. 195, 5.

nirvyājatā nirvyājatā, i. e. nis-vyāja + tā, f. Candour, Bhartṛ. 2, 80.

nirvyūha nirvyūha, i. e. nis-vi-ūh + a, m.
     1. Pinnacle (?), MBh. 3, 11700.
     2. Crest, 7, 3166.

nirharaṇa nirharaṇa, i. e. nis-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Rooting up, Bhāg. P. 7, 7, 28.
     2. Removal, 6, 3, 24.
     3. Carrying a corpse to the funeral pyre, Rām. 2, 80, 20.

nirhāda nirhāda, i. e. nis-had + a, m.
     1. Evacuation, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 85, 63.
     2. Excrements, MBh. 3, 17249.

nirhāra nirhāra, i. e. nis-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Carrying a corpse to the funeral pyre, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 35.
     2. A hoard, Man. 9, 199.
     3. Rooting up, destruction, Bhāg. P. 3, 29, 10.
     4. Evacuation of excrements, MBh. 13, 1796.

nirhāraka nirhāraka, i. e. nis-hṛ + aka, adj. Carrying (a corpse) to the fureral pyre, Man. 3, 166, ed. Calc.

nirhārin nirhārin, i. e. nis-hṛ + in, adj. Diffusively fragrant, MBh. 12, 6848.

nirhṛti nirhṛti, i. e. nis-hṛ + ti, f. Removal, Kām. Nītis. 13, 55.

nirhrāda nirhrāda, i. e. nis-hrad + a, m. Sound, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 8.

nirhrādin nirhrādin, i. e. nirhrāda + in, adj. Resounding, Megh. 57.

nil † NIL, i. 6, Par. To be impenetrable.

nilaya nilaya, i. e. ni-lī + a, m. A dwelling-place, a nest, a house, Rām. 2, 46, 3; 25, 45.

nilayana nilayana, i. e. ni-lī + ana. n.
     1. Settling, Suśr. 1, 118, 5.
     2. A dwelling-place, Rām. 2, 28, 20.

nivapana ni-vap + ana, n. An offering to the Manes, Śāk. d. 152.

nivartaka nivartaka, i. e. ni-vṛt, Caus., + aka, adj., f. tikā.
     1. Turning back, flying, Hariv. 5048.
     2. Causing to cease, removing, Bhāṣāp. 136.

nivartana nivartana, i. e. ni-vṛt + ana,
I. adj. Disappearing, MBh. 6, 2427.
II. n.
     1. Return, Rām. 6, 92, 4.
     2. Ceasing, MBh. 1, 8388.
     3. Abstaining from (abl.), 1, 373.
     4. Inactivity, Kām. Nītis. 1, 28.
     5. Bringing back, Amar. 84.
     6. Turning off from (abl.), Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 15.

nivartin nivartin, i. e. ni-vṛt + in, adj., f. .
     1. Turning back, Rām. 2, 105, 29.
     2. Flying, showing the heels, 1, 6, 20.
     3. Returning, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 788.
     4. Leaving, MBh. 13, 2653.
     5. Abstaining from, 12, 10386.
     6. Allowing to return, Hariv. 4836.

nivarhaṇa nivarhaṇa, see nibarhaṇa.

nivasana ni-vas + ana, n.
     1. Putting on, Rām. 2, 37, 13 Gorr.
     2. Cloth, Ragh. 19, 41.

nivaha ni-vah + a, m. A multitude, Pañc. v. d. 8.

nivāta ni-vāta,
I. adj., f. , Protected against the wind, not windy, Hariv. 3947.
II. n.
     1. A place inaccessible to the wind, MBh. 2, 1218.
     2. Calm, Kumāras. 3, 48.
III. m. An impenetrable coat of mail.

nivāpa nivāpa, i. e. ni-vap + a, m.
     1. Seed, corn, MBh. 13, 4350.
     2. Offering to the Manes, 12, 6996.

nivāpaka nivāpaka, i. e. ni-vap + ak m. A sower, Rām. 2, 90, 20 Gorr.

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nivāraka nivāraka, i. e. ni-vṛ + aka, adj. Able to keep off, MBh. 8, 1276.

nivāraṇa nivāraṇa, i. e. ni-vṛ + ana,
I. adj. Keeping off, MBh. 3, 12454.
II. n.
     1. Keeping off, Rām. 2, 23, 40.
     2. Preventing, MBh. 2, 2002.
     3. Prohibition, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 45.

nivās NIVĀS, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from nivāsa), Par. To put on.

nivāsa nivāsa, i. e. ni-vas + a, m.
     1. Dwelling, Rām. 3, 5, 22.
     2. Passing the night, Hariv. 9700.
     3. An abode, a house, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 27.
     4. Nightquarters, Rām. 2, 55, 33.
     5. Cloth, Hariv. 10679.
-- Comp. kva-, adj. where dwelling, MBh. 1, 7114.

nivāsana nivāsana, i. e. ni-vas + ana, n.
     1. Sojourn, Rām. 1, 3, 10 Gorr.
     2. Passing (as time), 1, 3, 18 Gorr.

nivāsin nivāsin, i. e. ni-vas + in,
I. adj.
     1. Dwelling, Rām. 1, 9, 36.
     2. nivāsa + in, Latter part of comp. adj. Clothed, covered, MBh. 7, 9532.
II. n. An inhabitant, Man. 5, 11.

niviḍa niviḍa, probably ni-vila,
I. adj., f. ḍā.
     1. Without interstices, Mālav. d. 24.
     2. Dense, Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 4.
     3. Firm, Kathās. 5, 140.
II. m. The name of a mountain, MBh. 6, 140.

nivītin nivītin, i. e. ni-vīta + in (vb. vye), adj. Wearing the sacred cord fastened on one's neck, Man. 2, 63.

nivṛtti ni-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Return, MBh. 5, 7469.
     2. Disappearance, 6, 5775.
     3. Cessation, Śāk. 112, 16.
     4. Abstinence, Man. 5, 56.
     5. Abstaining from acting, inactivity, Bhag. 16, 7; Bhāṣāp. 148.

nivedana nivedana, i. e. ni-vid, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Announcing, Hariv. 9289.
II. n.
     1. Making known, Sāv. 3, 5.
     2. Announcement, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 417.
     3. Offering, MBh. 2, 1361.

nivedayiṣu nivedayiṣu, i. e. ni-vedayiṣa (desider. of the Caus. of vid, without reduplication), + u, adj. Wishing to report (acc.), MBh. 3, 1543.

nivedin nivedin, i. e. ni-vid, Caus., + in, adj., f. , Reporting, announcing, Rām. 1, 70, 5 Gorr.; Varāh. Bṛh. S. 85, 58.

niveśa niveśa, i. e. ni-viś + a, m.
     1. Settling, Hariv. 3520.
     2. Encamping, 4999.
     3. A residence, MBh. 1, 7781.
     4. A camp, 5, 173.
     5. Marriage, 1, 1051.
     6. Foundation, Rām. 1, 34, 5.
     7. Impression, mark, Śāk. d. 142, v. r.

niveśana niveśana, i. e. ni-viś + ana,
I. adj. Entering, Hariv. 15005.
II. m. A proper name, 9195.
III. n.
     1. Sitting down, Rām. 6, 85.
     2. Encamping, MBh. 14, 1901.
     3. Marriage, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 31.
     4. A dwelling-place, a residence, Indr. 3, 2.
     5. A camp, MBh. 5, 680.
-- Comp. antar-, n. the interior of a palace, Man. 7, 62.

niveśavant niveśa + vant, adj. Lying on, Kumāras. 7, 7.

niveśin niveśin, i. e. niveśa + in, adj., f. .
     1. Lying near, Kathās. 25, 74.
     2. Being in, Vikr. d. 41.

niś † NIŚ, i. 1, Par. To meditate profoundly.

niś niś, probably curtailed niśā, f. Night, Man. 9, 60.
-- Comp. dyu-, f. day and night, Man. 4, 25. mahā-, f. the middle of the night, 4, 129.

niśa -niśa (cf. niśā), in a-niśa + m, adv. (Without rest) continually, Śiś. 9, 61. ahar-niśa, n. A whole day, comprising a day and a night, Man. 1, 74. divā-niśa + m, adv. Day and night, Man. 7, 44. niśā-niśa + m, adv. Constantly, MBh. 3, 12343.

niśaṭha ni-śaṭha,
I. adj. Candid, Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 15.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 7915.

niśabda ni-śabda, adj. Silent, Kir. 8, 35.

niśā niśā, probably from ni-śī, (cf. niśitha), f.
     1. Night, Man. 11, 223.
     2. A dream, MBh. 5, 7252.
     3. Turmeric, Curcuma, Suśr. 2. 208, 14.
-- Comp. mahā-, f. midnight.

niśākara niśā-kara, m. The moon, Pañc. ii. d. 20.

niśītha ni-śī + tha, m.
     1. Midnight, Ṛt. 1, 3.
     2. Night, Ragh. 3, 15.

niścaya niścaya, i. e. nis-ci + a, m.
     1. Ascertainment, Man. 10, 1.
     2. Firm conviction, Rām. 3, 29, 19.
     3. Certainty, Nal. 19, 8.
     4. instr. °yena, and abl. °yāt, Certainly, Lass. 10, 5; Hariv. 14125.
     5. Inquiry, Man. 8, 94.
     6. Decision, Rām. 1, 8, 22.
     7. Regard, MBh. 12, 2218.
     8. Resolution, design, Pañc. 77, 13; Bhag. 17, 6.
-- Comp. eka-,
I. m. a common resolation, Sund. 1, 7.
II. adj. having taken the same reso-tion, 1, 4.

niścayin niścayin in kṛta-niścaya + in, adj. Resolved, Pañc. ii. d. 149.

niśrama ni-śram + a, m. Practice, MBh. 2, 132.

niṣ † NIṢ, i. 1, Par. To sprinkle. niṣaṅga niṣaṅga, i. e. ni-sañj + a, m. A quiver, MBh. 4, 1693.

niṣaṅgin niṣaṅgin, i. e. niṣaṅga + in,
I. adj. Having a quiver, MBh. 4, 1639.
II. m. A proper name, 1, 2738.

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niṣadana niṣadana, i. e. ni-sad + ana n Seat, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 7.

niṣadha niṣadha, m.
     1. The name of a mountain, MBh. 3, 12917.
     2. pl. The name of a people and their country, Nal. 1, 3.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3745.

niṣāda niṣāda, i. e. ni-sad + a, m.
     1. A name used to designate aboriginal tribes of India, who are described as fishermen, hunters, and robbers, and are considered as degraded tribes, viz. as the effspring of a Brāhamaṇa by a Śūdra woman, Man. 10, 8.
     2. The first of the seven musical notes, MBh. 14, 1419.

niṣādin niṣādin, i. e. ni-sad + in,
I. adj.
     1. Sitting, Ragh. 4, 20.
     2. Lying, 1, 52.
II. m. An elephant driver, Śiś. 5, 41.

niṣiddhi niṣiddhi, i. e. ni-sidh + ti, f. Prohibition, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 5.

niṣūdana niṣūdana, see nisūdana.

niṣeka niṣeka, i. e. ni-sic + a, m
     1. Sprinkling, Ṛt. 1, 28.
     2. Distilling Ragh. 8, 38.
     3. Impregnation, Man. 2, 16.
     4. The ceremony performed on conception, 26.
     5. Water for washing, Man. 4, 151 (according to another, Seminal impurity).

niṣecana niṣecana, i. e. ni-sic + ana, n. Watering, Bhāg. P. 4, 31, 14.

niṣecitṛ niṣecitṛ, i. e. ni-sic + tṛ, m. Instiller, MBh. 3, 154.

niṣeddhṛ niṣeddhṛ, i. e. ni-sidh + tṛ, m. One who restrains or prevents, MBh. 7, 7826.

niṣedha niṣedha, i. e. ni-sidh + a, m. Keeping off, Rājat. 3, 1.
     2. Prohibition, Kathās. 1, 50.
     3. Negation, Śāk. 106, 10, v. r.

niṣedhaka niṣedhaka, i. e. ni-sidh + aka, adj. Forbidding, Mārk. P. 14, 47.

niṣedhin niṣedhin, i. e. niṣedha + in, adj. Surpassing, Ragh. 9, 42.

niṣeva niṣeva, i. e. ni-sev + a,
I. adj. Practising; in hrī-, adj. Modest, MBh. 1, 3682.
II. f. .
     1. Practice, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 24.
     2. Adoration, 7, 4, 24.

niṣevaka niṣevaka, i. e. ni-sev + aka, adj.
     1. Frequenting, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 56.
     2. Practising; in hri-, Modest, MBh. 4, 927.
     3. Enjoying, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 44.

niṣevaṇa niṣevaṇa, i. e. ni-sev + ana, n.
     1. Visiting, Bhāg. P. 1, 2, 16.
     2. Practice, MBh. 3, 13797.
     3. Using, Rājat. 1, 228.
     4. Living in, Suśr. 2, 304, 18.
     5. Familiarity with, Man. 11, 66.
     6. Aderation, Bhāg. P. 3, 4, 15.

niṣevitṛ niṣevitṛ, i. e. ni-sev + tṛ, m. One who enjoys, MBh. 12, 8920.

niṣevin niṣevin, i. e. ni-sev + in, adj.
     1. Practising, Hariv. 11682.
     2. Enjoying, Rām. 2, 37, 2. Gorr.
-- Comp. hrī-, adj. modest, 3, 22, 30.

niṣkniṣk, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from niṣka), Ātm. To weigh.

niṣka niṣka, m. and n.
     1. An ornament of the neek or breast, Hariv. 13892; Rām. 3, 9, 12.
     2. A weight of gold, applied, however, to different quantities, Man. 8, 137.
II. f. , A measure of length, Mārk. P. 49, 37.

niṣkarṣa niṣkarṣa, i. e. nis-kṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Drawing out, MBh. 12, 7318.
     2. The essence of anything, Man. 4, 125. Abl. °ṣāt, Principally, MBh. 13, 2241.

niṣkarṣaṇa niṣkarṣaṇa, i. e. nis-kṛṣ + ana, n.
     1. Drawing out, Ragh. 12, 97.
     2. Putting off, 7, 63.

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niṣkalatva niṣkalatva, i. e. nis-kala + tva (see kalā), n. Condition of being undivided, MBh. 13, 779.

niṣkāśa niṣkāśa (wrong spelling), and niṣkāsa niṣkāsa, i. e. nis-kas + a, m. Issue, Rām. 4, 52, 8.

niṣkiṃcana niṣkiṃcana, i. e. nis-kim-ca-na, adj., f. , Poor, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 6.

niṣkiṃcanatva niṣkiṃcana + tva, n. Poverty, MBh. 13, 5359.

niṣkuṭa niṣkuṭa,
I. m. and n. A grove, MBh. 3, 14676.
II. m. The name of a country (?), 2, 1037.

niṣkulatā niṣkulatā, i. e. nis-kula + ta, f. Loss of one's family, Pañc. 233, 1.

niṣkṛti niṣkṛti, i. e. nis-kṛ + ti,
I. f.
     1. Expiation, Man. 3, 19.
     2. Compensation, 8, 150.
     3. Personified, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 3.
II. m. A name of Agni, MBh. 3, 14143.

niṣkoṣaṇa niṣkoṣaṇa, i. e. nis-kuṣ + ana, n. Drawing out, Suśr. 1, 87, 4.

niṣkoṣaṇaka niṣkoṣaṇa + ka, adj. Fit for picking, Pañc. i. d. 81.

niṣkrama niṣkrama, i. e. nis-kram + a, m. Going out, Yājñ. 4, 12.

niṣkramaṇa niṣkramaṇa, i. e. nis-kram + ana, n. Going out, Man. 2, 54; leaving (with abl.), Pañc. 37, 23; 193, 9, where erroneously °krām°.

niṣkraya niṣkraya, i. e. nis-krī + a, m.
     1. Redecming, Yājñ. 2, 182.
     2. Price, Hariv. 7697.
     3. Reward, Rām. 1, 13, 51.

niṣkrayaṇa niṣkrayaṇa, i. e. nis-kri + ana, n. Redeeming, Mṛcch. 50, 11.

niṣkriyatā niṣkriyatā, i. e. nis-kriya + tā (see kriyā), f. Neglect, MBh. 3, 17379.

niṣkriyātmatā niṣkriyātmatā, i. e. nis-kriyā-ātman + tā, f. Habitual neglect of prescribed duties, Man. 10, 58.

niṣṭānaka niṣṭānaka, i. e. nis-stan + aka,
I. m.
     1. Roar, MBh. 2, 2693.
     2. Murmur, 6, 1932.
II. adj. Causing to cry, Rām. 6, 74, 41.

niṣṭha niṣṭha, i. e. ni-, and probably also nis, -stha (vb. sthā),
I. adj., f. ṭhā.
     1. Being on, Rājat. 5, 123.
     2. Grounded on, Man. 12, 95.
     3. Intent on, Man. 3, 134.
II. f. ṭhā,
     1. Basis, Bhag. 3, 3.
     2. Certain knowledge, MBh. 14, 626.
     3. Accomplishment, Man. 8, 227.
     4. End, catastrophe, Śāk. d. 78 n.
     5. Death, MBh. 13, 3151.

niṣṭhāna niṣṭhāna, probably ni- or nis, -sthā + ana, n. Sauce, condiment, Rām. 2, 91, 66.

niṣṭhānta niṣṭhānta, i. e. niṣṭhā-anta, m. End, MBh. 11, 305.

niṣṭhāvant niṣṭhā + vant, adj. Possessed of complete knowledge, Rām. 5, 11, 15.

niṣṭhīvana niṣṭhīvana, i. e. nis-ṣthīv + ana, n. Spitting out, MBh. 12, 2038.

niṣṭhura niṣṭhura, adj., f. , Harsh, contumelious, coarse, Hit. iii. d. 101.

niṣṭhuratā niṣṭhura + tā, f.
     1. Harshness, Man. 10, 58.
     2. Coarseness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 275.

niṣṇa niṣṇa, i. e. ni-sna (vb. snā), adj. Clever, Rām. 3, 17, 29.

niṣpatiṣṇu niṣpatiṣṇu, i. e. nis-pat + iṣṇu, adj. Hastening out, MBh. 12, 9040.

niṣpatti niṣpatti, i. e. nis-pad + ti, f. Condition of being brought about, Rām. 2, 42, 9 Gorr. (phala-, The ripening of fruits).

niṣpatraya NIṢPATRAYA, a denomin. derived from nis-patra with aya, Par. To make leafless, MBh. 1, 7076.

niṣpanda niṣpanda, i. e. nis-spanda, adj. Motionless, Rām. 1, 36, 15 Gorr.

niṣpāva niṣpāva, i. e. nis-pū + a, m. A sort of pulse, Dolichos sinensis Lin.; and pulse in general, MBh. 13, 5498.

niṣpeṣa niṣpeṣa, i. e. nis-piṣ + a, m.
     1. Striking, Rām. 2, 20, 39 Gorr.
     2. The sound produced by striking, clashing, Rām. 3, 31, 42.
-- Comp. vajra-, m. a clap of thunder.

niṣpeṣaṇa niṣpeṣaṇa, i. e. nis-piṣ + ana, n. Clashing, MBh. 7, 241.

niṣpratigrahatā niṣpratigrahatā, i. e. nis-pratigraha + tā, f. Not taking presents, Kām. Nītis. 2, 29.

niṣprabhāvatā niṣprabhāvatā, i. e. nis-prabhāva + tā, f. Powerlessness, Kathās. 22, 38.

niṣyanda niṣyanda, see nisyanda.

nis nis, adv. (ved.), and preposition, Outward, out, forth.
I. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
II. Compounded with nouns, and implying:
     1. Out of, e. g. nirvana, Being out of a forest, MBh. 5, 863.
     2. Negation, No, without, e. g. niranukrośa,
     1. m. No compassion = mercilessness, Rām. 4, 19, 21.
     2. adj. Without mercy = merciless, 2, 34, 11 Gorr. nirjīva,
     1. m. Death, Kathās. 17, 15.
     2. adj. Without life, MBh. 7, 1954.

nisarga nisarga, i. e. ni-sṛj + a, m.
     1. Evacuation of excrements, MBh. 12, 7951.
     2. Giving away, Man. 8, 143.
     3. Grant, Hariv. 10033.
     4. Creation, Hariv. 543.
     5. The natural state, peculiar character, Kathās. 20, 31.

nisargaja nisarga-ja, adj. Innate, Man. 8, 414.

nisūdaka ni-sūd + aka, m. A killer, Yājñ, 3, 251.
-- Comp. krauñca-, m. a name of the god of war, MBh. 3, 8138.

nisūdana ni-sūd + ana, and niṣūdana niṣūdana (against Gramm.), m. A destroyer, MBh. 3, 12013.

nisṛṣṭārtha nisṛṣṭārtha, i. e. ni sṛṣṭa-artha (vb. sṛj), m. An envoy.

nistāra nistāra, i. e. nis tṛ10 + a, m.
     1. Crossing, passing over a sea, Bhartṛ. 1, 68.
     2. Payment, Hit. 99, 18.

nistāraṇa nistāraṇa, nis-tṛ10, Caus., + ana, n. Overcoming, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 24.

nistoda nistoda, i. e. nis-tud + a. m. and nistodana nistodana, i. e. nis-tud + ana, n. Pricking, Suśr. 1, 252, 8; 251, 13.

nistriṃśa nistriṃśa, i. e. curtailed from nis-triṃśat,
I. m. A sword, MBh. 1, 5380.
II. adj. Merciless, Pañc. 264, 7.
-- Comp. baddha-, adj. girt with a falchion.

nispanda ni-spand + a, m. Motion, MBh. 12, 12704.

nisyanda nisyanda, and niṣyanda niṣyanda, i. e. ni-syand + a,
I. adj. Trickling, Ragh. 3, 41.
II. m.
     1. Trickling, drops, Rām. 2, 94, 13.
     2. Discharge, Suśr. 1, 121, 9.
     3. figuratively, Uttering, Hariv. 4092.

nisyandin ni-syand + in, adj. Streaming down, Śāk. 99, 16.

nisrava and nisrāva nisra/āva, i. e. ni -sru + a, m. A torrent, MBh. 11, 161; Hariv. 5364.

nisvana and nisvāna nisva/āna, i. e. ni-svan + a, m. Sound, Man. 4, 106; MBh. 7, 9569.

nihan ni-han, m. A destroyer, MBh. 3, 740.

nihantṛ ni-han + tṛ, m.
     1. A killer, Mah. 5, 51.
     2. One who removes, Vikr. d. 48.
     3. One who prevents, Suśr. 1, 308, 12.

nihnava nihnava, i. e. ni-hnu + a, m.
     1. Denial, Yājñ. 2, 11.
     2. Concealment, 267.
     3. Secrecy, MBh. 9376.
     4. Distrust, 5, 1362.
     5. Expiation, Man. 9, 21.

nihnuti ni-hnu + ti, f. Concealment, Amar. 8.

nihrāda ni-hrād + a, m. Sound, Ragh. 1, 41.

NĪ, i. 1, Par., Ātm.
     1. To conduct, to guide, Rām. 1, 9, 55.
     2. To leadaway, Rām. 1, 54, 8.
     3. To lead to (acc., dat.), Man. 6, 88; MBh. 2, 2480; Rām. 5, 58, 21.
     4. To put a person or an object into a certain state or condition (with acc. and loc.), e. g. vaśam, To subdue, Ragh. 8, 19; ādhānam, To give in pledge, Yājñ. 2, 247; paritoṣam, To gladden, Pañc. 34, 12; sākṣyam, To admit as a witness, Man. 8, 197; śūdratām, To degrade to the state of a Śādra, 3, 15. With an adv. bhasmasāt, To turn into ashes, Pañc. 38, 18.
     5. With daṇḍam, To inflict a punishment, Man. 7, 30.
     6. To carry, Rām. 2, 83, 22 Gorr.
     7. To carry away, 5, 35, 35; to take away, Caṇ. 5, in Berl. Monatsb.
     8. To bring to (acc.), Matsyop. 14.
     9. To pass (as time), Hit. 37, 20.
     10. To trace, Man. 8, 44.
     11. To ascertain, 245. Anomal. potent. nayīta; pf. nayāmāsa; fut. nayitā, nayiṣyati; pteple. of the fut. pass. nayitarya; and infin. nayitum, in epic poetry. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. durnīta, i. e. dus-, n. A foolish, a wicked action, Hariv. 7402; Pañc. ii. d. 21 (read durnītaṃ). su-,
I. adj.,
     1. Well-behaved.
     2. Politic.
II. n.
     1. Good conduct.
     2. Policy. Caus. nayaya, To cause to be carried, Man 5, 104. Desider. ninīṣa,
     1. To wish to carry, MBh. 7, 2617.
     2. To wish to trace, 11, 303. Frequent. nenīya, To rule, 12, 8989.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To communicate, 1, 6481.
     2. To beg, 3528.
     3. To reconcile, Vikr. d. 61.
-- With paryanu pari-anu, To entreat urgently, Rām. 6, 112, 10.
-- With pratyanu prati-anu,
     1. To induce somebody to yield, MBh. 12, 150.
     2. To deny, 1, 736.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To lead away, 1, 530.
     2. To remove, Man. 3, 242.
     3. To rob, Rām. 3, 54, 26.
     4. To put off, MBh. 7, 8192.
     5. To deny, Kull. ad. Man. 8, 53. apanīta,
     1. What has swerved from, Rām. 3, 55, 40.
     2. Performed wrongly, MBh. 5, 1499. n. Foolish or wicked behaviour, 6, 585; Rām. 3, 66, 24. Desider. To wish to remove, Prab. 108, 18.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To lead away, Rām. 2, 66, 13.
     2. To remove, 2, 10, 37,
     3. To put off, MBh. 5, 4687.
     4. To abandon, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 15. Caus. To cause to be removed, MBh. 7, 1290.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To bring on, conduct to, 5, 4759; 12, 3691.
     2. To mimic, Śāk. 31, 8.
     3. To represent, Prab. 2, 19. abhinīta,
     1. Fit, Rām. 4, 28, 13.
     2. Trained, MBh. 6, 1765.
     3. Prudent, Rām. 4, 28, 13.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To lead on, MBh. 3. 271.
     2. To bring, Man. 3, 210.
     3. To take upon, MBh. 3, 2946.
     4. To bring back, Rām. 1, 40, 9,
     5. To sacrifice, MBh. 1, 3773.
     6. To allot, Ragh. 15, 24.
     7. To put a person or an object into a certain state or condition, e. g. vaśam, To reduce to submission, Man. 7, 107; vidhvaṃsam, To destroy, Mārk. P. 14, 65. Caus. To cause to be carried, Rām. 1, 4, 25.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To carry to, MBh. 7, 6343.
-- With samabhyā sam-abhi-ā, To lead on, MBh. 3, 10656.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To bring or conduct near, Bhag. P. 4, 7, 19; with acc., Rām. 1, 45, 32 Gorr.
     2. To cause, Rām. 6, 82, 3.
     3. To carry off, Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 23.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, To assemble, Rām. 1, 11, 7 Gorr.
-- With paryā pari-ā,
     1. To lead about, MBh. 2, 2685.
     2. To conduct, to pat, 1, 5446.
-- With pratyā prati-ā,
     1. To bring back, Rām. 5, 75, 18.
     2. To regain, Hariv. 9855. Desider. To wish to settle, MBh. 5, 1499.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To assemble, Rām. 1, 12, 27 Gorr.
     2. To unite, Śāk. d. 112.
     3. To accumulate, MBh. 13, 5872.
     4. To bring on, 1, 7334.
     5. To bring home, 2, 1035.
     6. To offer (a sacrifice), 14, 362. Caus.
     1. To convoke, 17, 15.
     2. To cause to be brought together, Rām. 4, 24, 14.
     3. To cause to be brought near, MBh. 1, 4538.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To bring upwards, 3, 17330.
     2. To raise, Bhāg. P 4, 3, 10.
     3. To lead out (abl.), to (acc and loc.), 2, 2, 21; MBh. 12, 6105.
     4. To lead aside, MBh. 3, 1438.
     5. To conduct away, 12, 9561.
     6. To lead in different directions, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 21.
     7. To trace out, MBh. 3, 12444.
-- With prod pra-ud, To raise, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 2.
-- With samud sam-ud, To raise, 3, 13, 6.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To bring on, MBh. 13, 3668.
     2. To inform, Rām. 3, 60, 36.
     3. To offer, Man. 3, 225.
     4. To bring about, Gīt. 1, 46.
     5. To put a person or an object into a certain state or condition, Rām. 5, 87, 26.
     6. To bring, Śāk. 31, 6.
     7. To lead away, Rām. 5, 35, 3.
     8. To lead, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 31.
     9. To admit as pupil, to gird with the sacrificial cord, Man. 2, 69. upanīta, Girt with the characteristic string, 2, 49. Caus. To cause to be admitted as pupil, or to be girt with the sacrificial string, Man. 11, 191.
-- With samupa sam-apa,
     1. To bring on, MBh. 1, 4319.
     2. With mantram, To consult, Rām. 5, 86, 18.
     3. To cause, Hariv. 10532.
     4. To take along with one's self, MBh. 2, 1036.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To bring near, Yājñ. 3, 295.
     2. To bring to (acc.), Bhāg. P. 2, 2. 16.
     3. To incline, 1, 8, 31.
     4. To pour out, 1, 8, 2.
     5. To perform, 4, 6, 50.
-- With nis nis, nirṇī nir ṇī,
     1. To settle, Rām. 5, 85, 11,
     2. To devise, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 19.
     3. To trace out, to investigate, Rājat. 6, 27.
     4. To decide, MBh. 13, 7735.
-- With vinis vi-nis, To settle completely, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 20.
-- With pari pari ṇī ṇī,
     1. To lead (a bride) round (the fire), MBh. 1, 7340 (anomal. parīṇayām āsa).
     2. To marry, Pañc. 261, 8.
     3. To investigate, Man. 7, 122, su-pariṇīta, Well performed, MBh. 3, 13739. Caus. To spend (one's time), MBh. 10, 36.
-- With pra pra ṇī ṇī,
     1. To lead, Rām. 6, 7, 19.
     2. To direct, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 5.
     3. To show, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 11.
     4. To bring on, Pañc. iii. d. 1.
     5. To cast, MBh. 6, 3796.
     6. To remove, 3453.
     7. with daṇḍam, To inflict a punishment, Man. 7, 20.
     8. To put into a state or condition, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 8.
     9. To perform, 3, 21, 32.
     10. To apply, MBh. 12, 452.
     11. To establish, 13, 2542.
     12. To compose, 1, 591.
     13. To show one's love, to love, 2, 1288.
-- With vipra vi-pra,
     1. To direct, 12, 3891.
     2. To expire, 3560.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To collect, 2, 2126.
     2. with daṇḍam, To inflict a punishment, Man. 7, 16.
     3. To compose, MBh. 1, 561.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To lead back, Rām. 2, 99, 25 Gorr.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To remove, Rām. 3, 62, 79.
     2. To spread, 49, 29.
     3. To govern (as horses), MBh. 4, 599.
     4. To train, Man. 4, 68.
     5. To instruct, MBh. 3, 12585.
     6. To pass away, Gīt. 8, 1.
     7. To perform, MBh. 13, 2201. vinīta (Well bred),
     1. Demure, Man. 4, 196.
     2. Modest, Man. 7, 39. Comp. a-, adj. 1. untrained, Man. 4, 67. 2. naughty, Rām. 3, 45, 11; durvinīta i. e. dus-, adj. Naughty; subst. a miscreant, Pañc. v. d. 17.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, To instruct well, Rām. 6, 11, 10.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi, To remove, MBh. 12, 3176.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To bring together, Man. 3, 244.
     2. To arrange, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 48.
     3. To pay, Man. 9, 107.
     4. To direct, Bhāg. P. 6, 10, 11.
     5. To bring on, MBh. 1, 7412.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To conduct, MBh. 12, 6566.

nīkāśa nīkāśa, i. e. ni-kāś + a, Latter part of comp. adj., f. śā, Like, resembling, MBh. 3, 12552.

nīca nīca, i. e. ni-añc + a, adj., f. .
     1. Low, Man. 2, 198.
     2. Short, Yājñ. 1, 131.
     3. Deep, Pañc. i. d. 225.
     4. Base, mean, Rām. 3, 35, 35.
     5. °cais, instr. pl., adv.
     1. Below, Megh. 43.
     2. Low-bowing, MBh. 1, 3287.
     3. Little, Ragh. 3, 43.
     4. Humbly, Kām. Nītis. 7, 42.
     5. Softly, Amar. 67.
-- Comp. ucca-, adj. manifold, MBh. 14, 427. mahā-, m. a washerman

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nīcaka nī-ca + ka, adj., f. cikā, Soft, MBh. 3, 11018.

nīcatā nīca + tā, f. Inferiority, MBh. 3, 10635.

nīcīna nīcīna, i. e. ni-añc + īna, adj.
     1. Downward, cast down, Bhāg. P. 8, 22, 14.
     2. Flowing down, 5, 16, 25.

nīḍa nīḍa, i. e. probably ni-sad + a, m.
     1. A nest, Rām. 2, 96, 28.
     2. A den, 4, 43, 17.
     3. The seat, or the inner room of a chariot, 5, 40, 14.
-- Comp. eka-, adj. having only one seat, Bhāg. P. 4, 26, 2. sa-, adj. near.
-- Cf. A. S. nest; Lat. nidus.

nīḍaka nīḍa + ka, (m.) A nest, MBh. 12, 9297.

nīti nī + ti, f.
     1. Guidance.
     2. Moral behaviour, Sāh. D. 489.
     3. Prudent behaviour, MBh. 1, 7612.
     4. Prudence, Yājñ. 1, 316.
     5. A prudent counsel, Ragh. 12, 69.
     6. Policy, Man. 7, 177.
     7. Relation, support, MBh. 3, 1292.
-- Comp. a-, f. a foolish trick, Pañc. 143, 25. daṇḍa-, f. the science of criminal justice, Man. 7, 43. rājanīti, i. e. rājan-, f. regal polity, rules of conduct and government for a king. su-, f. 1. good behaviour, good manners. 2. good policy, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 1.

nītimant nīti + mant, adj. One who knows the rules of a moral and prudent behaviour, Rām. 1, 1, 11.

nītha nī + tha, m. Guiding.
-- Comp. su-, adj. righteous.

nīpa nīpa, i. e. ni-apa + a,
I. adj. Deep, Kathās. 27, 8.
II. m.
     1. The Cadamba tree (Nauclea Cadamba).
     2. A prcper name, MBh. 2, 333.

nīra nīra (cf. nāra, prebably suā + ra), n. Water, MBh. 3, 10078.
-- Comp. kṣīra-, n. water with milk, Lass. 12, 18.

I. nīra-ja, m. and n. A lotus in general, Kathās. 4, 6.
II. = nīrajas (q. cf.), Free from dust, MBh. 12, 3822.

nīrajas nīrajas, i. e. nis-rajas, and

nīrajaska nīrajas + ka, adj.
     1. Free from dust, Rām. 2, 87, 21 Gorr.; 4, 44, 86.
     2. Devoid of passions, 4, 44, 41; Prab. 117, 18 v. r.

nīrada nīra-da, m. A cloud, Rām. 6, 66, 28.

nīraruha nīra-ruha, m. A lotus, Chr. 241, 71 = Śiś. 9, 71.

nīrājana nīrājana, i. e. nis-rāj, Caus., + ana, n. and f. , Lustration of arms, a military and religious ceremony, Pañc. 158, 4.

nīrogyatā nīrogyatā, i. e. nis-roga + ya + tā (but perhaps an error for nīrogatā), f. Health, healing, Pañc. 217, 24.

nīl † NĪL, i. 1 (rather a denomin. derived from nīla), Par.
     1. To be blae.
     2. To make or dye blue.

nīla nīla, i. e. niś + la,
I. adj., f. and , Black or dark-blue, Man. 11, 136.
II. m.
     1. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2697.
     2. The name of a mountain, 6, 198.
III. f. ,
     1. The indigo plant, Man. 10, 89.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3722.
IV. n. Indigo, the dye, Yājñ. 3, 38.
-- Comp. ā-, adj. blackish, Kir. 5, 31. indra-, m. a sapphire, Megh. 47. kāṃsya-, m. the name of a monkey, Rām. 4, 39, 23. makā-, m. 1. the sapphire. 2. one of the Nāgas. rāja(n)-, n. the emerald.
-- Cf. Lat. niger for nigro = niś + ra.

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nīlajā nīlajā, i. e. nīla-ja, f. The river Vitastā, Rājat. 5, 91.

nīlatā nīla + tā, f. Dark-blue colour, Kām. Nītis. 7, 16.

nīliman nīliman, i. e. nīla + iman, m. Blackness, Gīt. 8, 3.

nīv † NĪV, i. 1, Par. To become corpulent.

nīvāra nīvāra,
I. m. Rice growing wild, Rām. 2, 28, 21 Gorr.
II. f. , The name of a river, MBh. 6, 328.

nīvi and nīvī nīvi/ī, f. A cloth worn round a woman's waist, Yājñ. 2, 284.
-- Comp. toya-nīvī, adj. surrounded by the ocean, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 38.

nīhāra nīhāra, m. Fog, Hiḍ. 4, 40.

nīhārakara nīhāra-kara, m. The moon, Daśak. 7, 3, below.

nu 1. nu, and , ved. (perhaps akin to nava, cf. nūtana), a particle,
     1. Now (ved.).
     2. A particle of interrogation in two or more interrogative sentences succeeding each other, Śāk. d. 137.
     3. Preceded by interrogatives, MBh. 5, 6003.
     4. nu -- nu, Either... or, Rām. 2, 72, 27; nu -- nu -- nu... or ...or, Kir. 5. 1.
     5. A part. of affirmation, Indeed, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13.
-- Cf. [greek]; Goth. nu; A.S. nu; [greek], Lat. nunc (i. e. num-ce = [greek]); Goth. nuh.

nu 2. NU, ii. 2, and nu, or NŪ, i. 6, nuva, Par., and ved. i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To shout (ved.).
     2. To praise, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 39.
-- With the prep. pari pari, ṇu ṇu, To praise, 1, 8, 44.
-- With pra pra, ṇu ṇu, To praise, 3, 21, 22.

nuḍ † NUḌ, i. 6, Par. To kill.

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nuti nu + ti, f. Praise, Bhartṛ. 2, 59 v. r.

nud NUD, i. 6, Par., Ātm. (ii. 2, Hariv. 7442).
     1. To push on, Megh. 9.
     2. To push away, to remove, MBh. 3, 12707; 4, 1819. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. nutta, nunna, nūta, and in epic poetry also nudita, MBh. 1, 6670. Caus. nodaya,
     1. To push on, MBh. 9, 1005.
     2. To incite, Rām. 5, 46, 12.
-- With the prep. apa apa,
     1. To drive away, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 35.
     2. To remove, MBh. 14, 1853.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, To remove, 11, 24.
-- With abhi abhi, To strike, 14, 1718. Caus. To order, 1478.
-- With ava ava, Caus.
     1. To induce to drive away (two acc.), 7, 3069.
-- With apā apa-ā, (probably apa with lengthened final),
     1. To drive away, 7, 8691.
     2. To remove, 3, 16973.
     3. To expiate, Man. 6, 95.
-- With vyapā vi-apa-ā (see apā), To remove, MBh. 4, 1319.
-- With upā upa-ā (?),
     1. To drive away, 7, 1771.
     2. To remove, 268.
     3. To bruise, 6, 5619.
-- With upa upa, To drive near, Śiś. 4, 68.
-- With nis nis, nirṇud nir ṇud,
     1. To reject, Man. 4, 250.
     2. To remove, MBh. 12, 7126.
-- With abhinis To remove, 12, 10728.
-- With parā parā, ṇud ṇud, To remove, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 7.
-- With pra pra, ṇud ṇud,
     1. To drive away, MBh. 4, 1660.
     2. To remove, Rām. 3, 78, 8.
     3. To push on, MBh. 3, 12096.
     4. To stir, Rām. 5, 3, 38. Caus. praṇodita, Agitated, Pañc. 165, 10.
-- With atipra ati-pra, To press hard, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 14.
-- With anupra anu-pra, To put to flight, Rām. 6, 7, 36.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To urge, MBh. 3, 377.
     2. To remove, 5, 745.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To strike, to wound, 6, 4846.
     2. To play (as a guitar), Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 38. Caus.
     1. To remove, Śiś. 4, 60.
     2. To spend (as a night), MBh. 3 46.
     3. To exhilarate, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 135.
-- With abhavi abhi-vi, Caus. To exhilarate, MBh. 12, 898.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To collect, 6, 777.
     2. To push on, Nal. 20, 42.
     3. To find, Rām. 5, 1, 92.
-- Cf. A. S. nydian (to compel), a-nydan (to repel); Goth. niutan, A. S. niótan (originally, to further), not, use, perhaps [greek]

nud -nud, latter part of a comp. adj., Removing, Kir. 5, 28.

nuda -nuda + a, Removing, Rām. 2, 91, 24.

, see nu,
     1. 2,

nūtana nū + tana (1. nu, cf. nava), adj., f. ,
     1. New, Rājat. 5, 7.
     2. Fresh, young, Kathās. 24, 228.
     3. Strange, Hit. 77, 7.

nūtanaya nūtanaya, a denomin. derived from nūtana with aya, Par. To renew, Bhāg. P. 3, 8, 1.

nūtna nūtna, i. e. nū + tana (q. cf.), adj., f. tnā,
     1. New, Bhāg. P. 8, 9, 10.
     2. Fresh, young, 6, 1, 35.

nūnabhāva nūnabhāva, i. e. nūnam-bhāva, abl. °vāt, adv. Indeed, MBh. 3, 59.

nūnam nūnam (1. nu and the pronoun na, acc.), adv. Surely, Rām. 3, 51, 27.

nūpura nūpura, m. and n. An ornament for the ancles or toes, Rām. 3, 58, 32.

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nūpuravant nūpura + vant, adj., f. vatī, Adorned with an ornament for the feet, Amar. 52.

nṛ nṛ, m. A man; pl. Men, man. kind, Man. 3, 81. Superlat. nṛtama, Most manly, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 87, 1.

nṛt nṛt, i. 4, Par. (in poetry also Ātm., MBh. 7, 2913),
     1. To dance, Man. 4, 64.
     2. To represent, (as actor), Hariv. 8496. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. nṛtta, n. Dancing, Kathās. 9, 40. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. nṛtya, n. Dancing, acting, Megh. 37. Caus. nartaya, To cause to dance. MBh. 4, 307. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. nartita, n. Dancing, 7, 177. Frequent. narīnṛt and narīnṛtya, To dance to and fro, Lass. 84, 9; 67, 7.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To dance after (acc.), Rām. 3, 79, 15.
     2. To dance before somebody (acc.), MBh. 9, 2468.
-- With ā ā, Caus. To cause to move softly, Amar. 32.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To dance before somebody (acc.), Rām. 6 92, 71.
     2. To mock somebody by dancing before him (acc.), MBh. 9, 3315. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. upanṛtya, used to be danced in, Rām. 3, 6, 3.
-- With pari pari, To dance round somebody (acc.), MBh. 2, 2532.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To dance forward, Rām. 1, 45, 26 Gorr.
     2. To begin to dance, MBh. 3, 6087 (read pranṛttavān).
     3. To dance, Ṛt. 2, 14.
     4. To mock somebody by dancing before him (acc.), MBh. 8, 4250. pranṛtta, Having begun to dance, dancing, MBh. 3, 1844.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To begin to dance, 3, 6093.
-- With prati prati, To mock somebody in one's turn by dancing, (acc.), 8, 4251.

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nṛtū nṛt + ū, m. A dancer, a mime, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4.

nṛttamaya nṛtta + maya (vb. nṛt), adj. Consisting of dancing, Kathās. 23, 84.

nṛpa nṛ-pa (vb. 2. ), A prince, a king, Man. 2, 139.
-- Comp. dus-, m. a wicked king, Rājat. 5, 416.

nṛpatva nṛpa + tva, n. Sovereignty, Hariv. 4891.

nṛvant nṛ + vant, adj. Manly, Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7.

nṛśaṃsa nṛ-śaṃs + a, adj.
     1. Malicious, mischievous, Man. 3, 41.
     2. Base, MBh. 13, 513.
-- Comp. a-, adj. mild, Rām. 2, 62, 7. su-, very mischievous.

nṛśaṃsatā nṛśaṃsa + tā, f. Mischievousness, baseness, Kathās. 26, 192.
-- Comp. a-, f. mildness, Rām. 3, 58, 42.

nṛśaṃsavant nṛśaṃsa + vant, adj. Mischievous, MBh. 4, 925.

nṛśaṃsya nṛśaṃsya, i. e. nṛśaṃsa + ya,
I. adj. Mischievous, MBh. 13, 3011.
II. n. Mischievousness, 3, 494.

nṛṣad nṛṣad, i. e. nri-sad, f. Understanding, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 13 (Sch.).

nṛṣāc nṛṣāc, i. e. nṛ-sac, adj. Benevolent to men, Chr. 290, 9 = Rigv. i. 64, 9.

nṛṣāhya nṛṣāhya, i. e. nṛ-sah+ya, n. Battle, Chr. 297, 22 = Rigv. i. 112, 22.

nṝ † NṚ10, ii. 9, nṛṇā, Par. To lead.

nejaka nejaka, i. e. nij + aka, m. A washerman, Man. 8, 396.

nejana nejana, i. e. nij + ana, n. Washing, MBh. 7, 8530.

netṛ netṛ, i. e. + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. One who guides or leads, Man. 7, 17.
     2. One who leads to, MBh. 3, 954.
     3. With daṇḍasya, One who inflicts punishment, Man. 7, 25.
     4. The hero of a drama, Sāh. D. 64.

netra netra, i. e. nī + tra,
I. A substitute for netṛ when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. bhavannetra, i. e. bhavant-, Having thee as commander, MBh. 7, 3702.
II. n.
     1. The eye, Man. 4, 44.
     2. The string of a churning rope, MBh. 1, 1124.
-- Comp. a-yugma-, and tri-, m. a name of Śiva, Kumāras. 3, 51; MBh. 12, 10357. sahasra-, adj. possessed of a thousand eyes. pari-,
I. m. an owl.
II. n. the white lotus.

ned ned, i. 1, Par.
     1. To blame (cf. nid).
     2. † To be near.

nediṣṭha nediṣṭha, superl. (from neda for naddha, ptcple. of the pf. pass. of nah; cf. Goth. nehva; A. S. neah), Very near, nearest.

nedīyaṃs nedīyaṃs, comparat. of the last (q. cf.), Nearer, as near as possible, Rājat. 4, 31.

nepathya nepathya n.
     1. Ornament, attire, Ragh. 6, 6.
     2. The attire of an actor, Śāk. 3, 6.
     3. The tiring room of a stage, the part behind the scenes, Śāk. 8, 20.

nemi nemi, i. e. nam (with e instead of being reduplicated), + i, f.
     1. The cireumference of a wheel, MBh. 3, 15489.
     2. Circumference, e. g. samudra-nem, adj. Surrounded by the ocean, MBh. 1, 1585.
     3. Edge, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 14.
-- Comp. a-riṣṭa-, m. a proper name, 3, 20, 9. kāla-, 1. f. the name of a weapon, Hariv. 2640.
     2. m. the name of a demon, Śāk. 95, 4.

neṣneṣ, i. 1. Ātm. To go.

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naiḥśreyasa naiḥśreyasa, i. e. nis-śreyas + a,
I. adj., f. , Leading to future beatitude, Man. 9, 334.
II. n. The name of a fabulous forest, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 16.

naiḥśreyasika naiḥśreyasika, i. e. naiḥśreyasa + ika, adj. Leading to future beatitude, Man. 12, 88.

naiḥsnehya naiḥsnehya, i. e. nis-sneha + ya, n. Want of affection, Man. 9, 15 (read naiḥsn° instead of naisn°).

naika naika, i. e. na-eka, adj., f. .
     1. Many a, Mārk. P. 28, 29.
     2. pl. Many, Nal. 12, 109.
     3. Manifold, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 15.
     4. Including several matters, Yājñ. 2, 20.

naikadhā naika + dhā (or rather na-ekadhā), adv.
     1. In many parts, Rām. 6, 77, 12.
     2. To many directions, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 18.

naikaśas naika + śas (or rather na-ekaśas), adv. Repeatedly, Rām. 3, 36, 21.

naikaśastramaya naika-śastra + maya, adj. Consisting of many missiles, Rām. 6, 91, 20.

naikṛtika naikṛtika, i. e. nikṛti + ka, adj. Fallaeious, Man. 4, 196 (read naikṛ°, instead of niṣkṛ°).

naigama naigama, i. e. nigama + a,
I. adj. Referring to the Vedas (vedic), Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 38.
II. m.
     1. A means, MBh. 12, 3685.
     2. A trader, Yājñ. 2, 192.

naityaka naityaka, and naityikaṃ naityika, i. e. nitya + ka or ika, adj. What must be done constantly or regularly (opposed to naimittika), Man. 2, 105; 8, 86.

naidāgha naidāgha, and naidāghika naidāghika, i. e. nidāgha + a, or ika, adj. Belonging to the hot season, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 48.

naideśika naideśika, i. e. nideśa + ika, m. A servant.

naidhana naidhana, i. e. nidhana + a, adj.
     1. Referring to death, Hariv. 4900.
     2. Perishable, 2124.

naipuṇa naipuṇa, i. e. nipuṇa + a, n.
     1. Dexterity, MBh. 13, 1378.
     2. Skill, experience, Rājat. 4, 354.
     3. Strictness, Man. 10, 85.
     4. Completion. Bhāg. P. 3, 25, 14.

naipuṇya naipuṇya, i. e. nipuṇa + ya, n.
     1. Cleverness, Sāv. 3, 21.
     2. Artfulness, Pañc. 121, 16.
     3. Exactness, Rām. 3, 75, 70.
     4. Completion, Man. 4. 107.

naimittika naimittika, i. e. nimitta + ika, adj.
     1. Occasional, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 21.
     2. Dependent on an external cause.

naimiṣa naimiṣa, n. The name of a forest.

naimiṣīya naimiṣīya, i. e. naimiṣa + īya, adj. Referring to the Naimiṣa forest, MBh. 9, 2161.

naimiṣeya naimiṣeya, i. e. naimiṣa + eya, adj. Living in the Naimiṣa forest.

naiyamika naiyamika, i. e. niyama + ika, adj. Conformable to a (religious) precept, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 1.

naiyāyika naiyāyika, i. e. nyāya + ika, m. A logician, a follower of the Nyāya philosophy.

nairantarya nairantarya, i. e. nis-antara + ya, Absence of interruption.

nairarthya nairarthya, i. e. nis-artha + ya, n. Senselessness.

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nairāśya nairāśya, i. e. nis-āśa + ya (cf. āśā), n. Hopelessness.

nairukta nairukta, i. e. nirukti + a,
I. adj. Explained etymologically MBh. 13, 4485.
II. m. One who is conversant with etymological interpretation, Man. 12, 111.

nairṛta nairṛta, i. e. nirṛti + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Southwestern, Man. 11, 104.
II. m.
     1. A son of Nirṛti, i. e. a Rākṣasa or demon, Ragh. 12, 43.
     2. pl. The name of a people.
III. adj. Belonging to the Rākṣasas or demons, MBh. 12, 6132.
IV. f. , A name of Durgā, Dev. 5, 9.

nairguṇya nairguṇya, i. e. nis-guṇa + ya,
I. n.
     1. Freedom from qualities, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 31.
     2. Want of good qualities, MBh. 2, 674.
II. adj. Not having any relation to qualities, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 32.

nairghṛṇya nairghṛṇya, i. e. nis-ghriṇa + ya (see ghṛnā), n. Cruelty, Mālav. 69, 10.

nairmalya nairmalya, i. e. nis-mala + ya, n. Purity, MBh. 7, 9264.

nairlajjya nairlajjya, i. e. nis-lajja + ya (see lajjā), n. Impudence.

nailya nailya, i. e. nīla + ya, n. Darkblue (the colour).

naiviḍya naiviḍya, i. e. niviḍa + ya, n. Denseness.

naiśa naiśa, i. e. niśā + a, adj., f. śī, Nocturnal, Man. 2, 102.

naiśākara naiśākara, i. e. niśākara + a, m. Caused by the moon.

naiśika naiśika, i. e. niśā + ika, adj., f. , Obtained in one night, Man. 5, 67.

naiścintya naiścintya, i. e. nis-cinta + ya (see cintā), n. Freedom from care, Bhartṛ. 3, 92.

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naiṣadha naiṣadha, i. e. niṣadha + a,
     1. m.
     1. A prince of the Niṣadhas, a designation of Nala.
     2. pl. = Niṣadhas (the people).
II. n. The name of a poem treating of Nala.

naiṣāda naiṣāda, i. e. niṣāda + a,
     1. adj. Belonging to the Niṣādas
     2. m. pl. Niṣādas (the people).

naiṣādi naiṣādi, i. e. niṣāda + i, m. A prince of the Niṣādas.

naiṣkarmya naiṣkarmya, i. e. nis-karman + ya, n. Abandoning action, inactivity.

naiṣkṛtika naiṣkṛtika, see naikṛtika.

naiṣṭhika naiṣṭhika, i. e. niṣṭhā + ika,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Final, MBh. 17, 21.
     2. Decided, Rām. 6, 21, 28.
     3. Accomplished, MBh. 13, 758.
II. m. A Brāhmana who remains always in the condition of a religious student, observing the vow of chastity.

naiṣṭhurya naiṣṭhurya, i. e. niṣṭhura + ya, n. Coarseness, Hit. i. d. 91.

naiṣphalya naiṣphalya, i. e. nis-phala + ya, n. Want of fruit or effect.

naisargika naisargika, i. e. nisarga + ika, adj., f. , Innate, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 660.

naisnehya naisnehya, see naiḥsnehya.

no no, i. e. na-u, a particle.
     1. Nor, Suśr. 2, 461, 18.
     2. Not, Pañc. i. d. 97.

nodana nodana, i. e. nud + ana, n. Removing, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 43.

nodin nodin, i. e. nud + in, adj., f. , Removing.

nodhas nodhas, m. The name of a Ṛṣi.

nodhā nodhā (= navadhā), adv. In nine parts, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 47.

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nau nau,
I. see asmad.
II. probably snā + va, f. A ship, a boat.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. navis; O.H.G. naco, A.S. naca.

nauka nau + ka,
I. a substitute for nau when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. bhinna- (vb. bhid), adj. Wrecked.
II. f. , A small vessel, a boat, Rām. 1, 9, 7.

nyakkāra nyakkāra, i. e. nyañc-kāra, m.
     1. Humiliation.
     2. Disregard.

nyagbhāvayitṛ nyagbhāvayitṛ, i. e. nyañc-bhū, Caus., + tṛ, m., f. trī, n. One who humbles, Daśak, 180, 13.

nyagrodha nyagrodha, i. e. nyañc-ruh + a, m.
     1. The Indian fig-tree, Ficus indica, Man. 8, 246.
     2. A proper name.

nyaṅku nyaṅku (probably ni-añc + u), n. A kind of antelope.

nyañc nyañc, i. e. ni-añc,
I. adj., f. nīcī, Downward.
II. nyak, acc. n. adv., Humbly, MBh. 5, 1426; see kṛ.

nyanta nyanta, i. e. ni-anta (m. or n.). Proximity, Rām. 2, 68, 12.

nyarbuda nyarbuda, i. e. ni-arbuda, n. A hundred millions.

nyāya nyāya, i. e. ni-i + a, m.
     1. Rule.
     2. Method, manner, Man. 8, 310; Daśak. in Chr. 193, 13.
     3. Suitable manner, propriety, Man. 5, 140.
     4. A lawful act, 189, 15.
     5. A lawsuit, Pañc. 97, 2.
     6. Judgment, iii. d. 89.
     7. A syllogism, Prab. 111, 8.
     8. The Nyāya doctrine, consisting principally in logic.
-- Comp. a-, m. an unlawful act, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 15; acc. n. °yam, adv. improperly, Rām. 3, 51, 34. yathā-nyāya + m, adv. suitably, duly, Man. 3, 190.

nyāyavant nyāya + vant, adj. Behaving properly, Rām. 5, 11, 15.

nyāyya nyāyya, i. e. nyāya + ya, adj.
     1. Fit.
     2. Right, Man. 2, 152.
     3. Just, 9, 202.
     4. An infinitive governed by nyāyya has sometimes the signification of a passive, Rām. 2, 21, 3 Gorr.

nyāsa nyāsa, i. e. ni- 2. as + a, m.
     1. Planting (as the foot), Rām. 5, 31, 60.
     2. Striking in, seizing with, Ragh. 12, 73.
     3. Seizing with one's claws, MBh. 12, 552.
     4. Putting on, Kathās. 8, 15.
     5. Writing down, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 170.
     6. Laying aside, Vikr. 87, 2; Bhag. 18, 2.
     7. A deposit, Yājñ. 2, 67.
-- Comp. caraṇa-, m. trace of a foot, Megh. 56.

nyāsin nyāsin, i. e. nyasa + in, adj. snbst. One who has abandoned all worldly concerns, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 36.

nyubja nyubja, i. e. ni-ubja, adj. One who lies on his face, MBh. 5, 7244.

nyūna nyūna, i. e. ni-ūna, adj., f. .
     1. Defective, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 21.
     2. Wanting, MBh. 3, 4057; artha-, Poor.
     3. Smaller, Yājñ. 2, 116; less, Man. 8, 203.
     4. Low, MBh. 13, 6616.
     5. Inferior, MBh. 1, 5592.

nyūnatā nyūna + tā, f. Inferiority, MBh. 8, 774.


pa -pa, latter part of a comp. adj. or subst. derived from adj.
I. (vb. 1. ), Drinking, cf. pāda-pa, properly, Drinking by means of the foot, i. e. a tree.
II. (vb. 2. ),
     1. Guarding, e. g. dvāra-pa, m. properly, Guarding a door, i. e. a doorkeeper.
     2. Ruling, e. g. kṣiti-pa, m. properly, Ruling the earth, = a king; daśapa, i. e. daśan-pa, m. A governor of ten villages.

paṃś † PAṂŚ, and paṃs PAṂS, i. 1 and 10, Par. To destroy.

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pakkaṇa pakkaṇa, m. The but of a Cāṇḍāla, or one of the outcast tribes, Kāśīkh. 12, 16.

pakti pakti, i. e. pac + ti, f.
     1. Cooking, Man. 9, 11.
     2. Digestion, 12, 120.
     3. Ripening, development, MBh. 12, 9745 (read pakti instead of paṅkti).
     4. Dignity, Suśr. 1, 51, 20.

paktṛ paktṛ, i. e. pac + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Cooking, a cook, MBh. 12, 10935.
     2. Promoting digestion, Suśr. 1, 189, 13.

pakva pakva, i. e. pac + va. It is used as ptcple. of the pf. pass. of pac, f. .
     1. Cooked, Man. 4, 223.
     2. Baked (as a brick, a pot), Yājñ. 1, 197.
     3. Mature, Hit. i. d. 144.
     4. Grey (as hair), Lass. Anth. 80, 17.
     5. Accomplished, perfect.
     6. On the eve of decay, Bhāg. P. 4, 28, 38.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. uncooked. 2. unbaked (as a pot). 3. indigested. 4. immature. 5. imperfect, MBh. 12, 8440. an-ati-pakva, adj. rather immature (figuratively), Daśak. in Chr. 195, 13. kāla-, adj. matured by time, Man. 6, 17.
-- Cf. [greek] (from which we may infer that pakva is curtailed pakvan), [greek] with [greek] for [greek] curtailed in [greek]

pakvaṇa pakvaṇa, = pakkaṇa, MBh. 12, 5330.

pakvāpakvā pakvāpakvā, a sound imitative of the ery of birds.

pakṣpakṣ, i. 1 and 10, Par. To seize; cf. paś.

pakṣa pakṣa, m.
     1. A wing; also n., Mārk. P. 9, 15.
     2. The feathers of an arrow.
     3. A flank, a side, Ragh. 5, 72.
     4. Half.
     5. The half of a lunar month, comprising fifteen days, Man. 1, 66.
     6. Party, Rām. 2, 18, 13 Gorr. (he who sides with Bharata).
     7. A partisan, Vikr. d. 16.
     8. A friend, Hariv. 3013.
     9. A class, a host, a troop, MBh. 13, 3315; Hariv. 7124.
     10. Place, condition, Rām. 6, 99, 32.
     11. Alternative, Ragh. 4, 10.
     12. Opinion, MBh. 2, 2266.
     13. The subject of an inference, Bhāṣāp. 67.
-- Comp. a-jāta- (vb. jan.), adj. having not yet wings, Rām. 5, 11, 23. kāka-, m. the side locks of the head of boys and youths, Rām. 1, 21, 9. kṛṣṇa-, m. the dark half of the month, the fifteen days during which the moon is in the wane, Man. 3, 276. keśa-, m. a tuft of hair, MBh. 4, 1114. tri- (m. or n.), three fortnights, Man. 8, 58. pūrva-, m. 1. the first half of a lunar month, Man. 3, 278. 2. the opponent's proposition, a primā facie assertion. 3. action at law, Yājñ. 2, 17. bhūmi-, m. a swift horse. mahā-, adj. having a great family, Man. 8, 179. vi-,
I. adj. opposed, inimical.
II. m. 1. an enemy, Pañc. 171, 10. 2. an opponent, a disputant. 3. a negative instance (sādhyābhāvavān), Bhāṣāp. 72; one in which the major term is not found. śatru-, m. an enemy, Hit. 53, 7, M. M. śukla-, m. the light half of the month, from new to full moon. sa-,
I. adj. 1. winged. 2. having a side or party.
II. m. a similar instance, one in which the major term is found (sādhyavān), Bhāṣāp. 72.
III. m. a partisan. sva-, m. a friend, Pañc. iii. d. 55.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] in [greek]

pakṣaka pakṣa + ka,
I. m. A side, Śiś. 11, 7.
II. A substitute for pakṣa when latter part of a comp. adj.

pakṣagama pakṣa-gama, and pakṣaṃgama pakṣaṃgama, i. e. pakṣa + m-gama, Moving by means of wings, flying, Rām. 5, 56, 45; 4, 43, 15.

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pakṣatā pakṣa + tā, f. Alliance, MBh. 2, 2665.

pakṣati pakṣa + ti, f. The root of a wing, Rājat. 1, 374.

pakṣavant pakṣa + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Winged, Rām. 4, 63, 5.
     2. Of a hoble extraction, MBh. 13, 2965.

pakṣaśas pakṣa + śas, adv. By, or for fortnights, MBh. 13, 5659.

pakṣi pakṣi, i. e. curtailed pakṣin, m. A bird, MBh. 12, 9306.

pakṣin pakṣin, i. e. pakṣa + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Winged (figuratively).
     2. Siding with; in kṛṣṇa-pakṣa + in, Hariv. 4559.
     3. fem. with rātri (a night), accompanied by the foregoing and following day, Man. 4, 97.
II. m.
     1. A bird, Man. 1, 44.
     2. A name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1183.
-- Comp. jala-, m. a water-fowl, Pañc. 159, 19.
-- Cf. Goth. fugl; A. S. fugul.

pakṣimṛgatā pakṣimṛgatā, i. e. pakṣin-mṛga + tā, f. The form of a bird or beast, Man. 12, 9.

pakṣīya pakṣīya, i.e. pakṣa + īya, in kṛṣṇa-pakṣa + īya, adj. Siding with Kṛṣṇa, Hariv. 3748.

pakṣman pakṣman (akin to pakṣa), n. An eye-lash, Suśr. 1, 115, 10.
-- Comp. ud-, adj. whose eye-lids are elevated, Śāk. d. 90.

pakṣmala pakṣmala, i. e. pakṣman + a, with l for n, adj.
     1. Having long eye-lashes, Kathās. 18, 14.
     2. Hairy, Śiś. 4, 61.

paṅka paṅka, m. Mud, mire, clay, Man. 4, 191.
     2. Ointment, Ṛt. 1, 6; Rām. 3, 53, 57 (mire and ointment).

paṅkaja paṅka-ja,
     1. m. A lotus flower, Śāk. d. 124.
     2. f. , A name of Durgā, MBh. 4, 188.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. , abounding in lotus flowers, Rām. 3, 68, 18.

paṅkavant paṅka + vant, adj., f. vatī, Muddy, Rām. 2, 28, 9 (15 Gorr.).

paṅkin paṅkin, i. e. paṅka + in, latter part of comp. adj. Muddy, MBh. 3, 2959. māṃsa-śoṇita-paṅka + in, Filled instead of mire with flesh and blood, MBh. 8, 2551.

paṅkila paṅkila, i. e. paṅka + ila, adj., f. , Muddy, MBh. 8, 4005.

paṅkeruha paṅkeruha, i. e. paṅka + i-ruh + a, m. A lotus flower, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 61.

paṅkti and paṅktī paṅkti/ī (akin to pañcan), f. The number five, [greek] samara-bāṇa-, The five arrows of the god of love, Rājat. 3, 525.
     2. A sort of metre, consisting of four times ten syllables.
     3. The number ten, Ragh. 12, 99.
     4. A line, a row, Pañc. 182, 16.
     5. A multitude, a flock, Mārk. P. 43, 9.
     6. A company, Man. 3, 183.
-- Comp. pada-, a line of footsteps, Śāk. d. 56.

paṅgu paṅgu, perhaps anomal. comp. apa-aṅga + u, adj., f. and gvī, Lame, Suśr. 1, 89, 11.

paṅguka paṅgu + ka, adj. Lame, MBh. 12, 2135.

paṅgutā paṅgu + tā, f. Lameness, Man. 11, 51.

paṅgula paṅgu + la,
     1. adj. Lame.
     2. Lameness, Suśr. 1, 360, 12.

pac 1. pac, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To cook, to bake, Man. 3, 118.
     2. To roast, 7, 20.
     3. pass. To be inflamed, 9, 231.
     4. To melt, Hariv. 5525.
     5. To digest, Suśr. 1, 78, 5.
     6. To ripen. Ragh. 11, 50 (figurat.).
     7. To conduct something to its end, Rām. 6, 8, 16. Comp. ptcple. of the present Ātm. a-pacamāna, adj. One who does not prepare food for himself, a religious mendicant, Man. 4, 32. Anomalous pacāna, MBh. 3, 13239. Pass. with the termination of the Par., 5, 3792. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. pakva (see s. v.). Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. kṛṣṭa-pacya, adj. Sown or ripening after ploughing, cultivated, Bhāg. P. 7, 12, 18. Caus. pācaya,
     1. To cause to be dressed, MBh. 3, 104.
     2. To cure, Suśr. 1, 155, 20. Frequent. pāpac and pāpacya,
     1. To roast, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 27.
     2. To burn violently (figur., to be much afflicted), 4, 3, 21.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To ripen softly, 8, 5, 35.
-- With abhi abhi, To boil up, Suśr. 1, 149, 11.
-- With ud ud, To heat, Suśr. 2, 67, 2.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To cook, Pañc. 199, 10.
     2. To roast, Hariv. 6079.
     3. To mature, Hariv. 4875.
     4. To conduct something to its end, MBh. 12, 8306. Caus. To mature by cooking, Suśr. 1, 230, 15.
-- With pra pra, To use to cook, Rām. 3, 76, 24.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To develope, Suśr. 1, 322, 6.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To dissolve by cooking, Suśr. 1, 32, 20.
     2. To roast, MBh. 13, 6122.
     3. To digest, MBh. 14, 570.
     4. To ripen, Ragh. 17, 53. Caus. To dissolve by cooking.
-- Cf. Lat. coquere (for poquere by assimilation), culina (for cuclina); [greek] probably also [greek] and [greek]

2. pacpac and pañc pañc, 1 Ātm. (Par.), To make evident. pañc, i. 10, Par.
     1. To state fully.
     2. To spread.

paca -pac + a, latter part of comp. adj. Cooking, baking, roasting.

pacana pac + ana, n.
     1. Cooking, Suśr. 1, 31, 13.
     2. Ripening, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 40.
     3. Becoming entirely cooked, MBh. 9, 2780.
     4. A frying-pan Suśr. 2, 158, 1.

pañc PAÑC, see 2. pac.

pañca -pañca (see pañcan); in catuḥpañca, i. e. catur-, adj. Four or five, Rājat. 6, 326.

pañcaka pañcaka, i. e. pañcan + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Consisting of five, Man. 2, 92.
     2. With śata, Five in the hundred, Man. 8, 139.
II. n.
     1. The number five, [greek] śata-, Five hundred, Pañc. 134, 16.
     2. A collection of five, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 15.
-- Comp. pañcap°, i. e. pañcan-, n. the twenty-five (principles of the Sāṅkhya philosophy), Rām. 3, 53, 42.

pañcakṛtvas pañcakṛtvas, i. e. pañcan-kṛtvas, adv. Five times, Suśr. 1, 365, 9.

pañcatā pañcatā, i. e. pañcan + tā, f.
     1. Quintuple amount, Man. 8, 151.
     2. Death (properly, Solution of the body into its five elements), Kathās. 10, 127.

pañcatva pañcatva, i. e. pañcan + tva, n.
     1. The five elements, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 41.
     2. Death (see pañcatā), Hariv. 1139.

pañcadaśadhā pañcadaśadhā, i. e. pañcadaśan + dhā, adv. In fifteen parts, Mārk. P. 78, 20.

pañcadaśan pañcadaśan, i. e. pañcan-daśan, numer. adj. Fifteen, Man. 10, 31.

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pañcadaśāhika pañcadaśāhika, i. e. pañcadaśan-aha + ika, adj. Lasting fifteen days, Yājñ. 3, 323.

pañcadhā pañcadhā, i. e. pañcan + dhā, adv. In five parts, five-fold, Yājñ. 3, 9.

pañcan pañcan, numer. adj. Five, Man. 2, 43.

pañcapuṣpamaya pañcapuṣpamaya, i. e. pañcan-puṣpa + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of five flowers, Kathās. 34. 232.

pañcama pañcama, i. e. pañcan + ma,
I. ordinal number, f. , Fifth, Man. 2, 37,
II. acc. n. mam, adv. Fifthly, Man. 8, 125.
III. with aṃśa, A fifth part, Man. 9, 164.
IV. m.
     1. One of the seven musical notes, originally the fifth, afterwards the seventh, MBh. 14, 1419.
     2. One of the modes of music, Gīt. 10, 13.
V. f. .
     1. The fifth day of the half month, Hariv. 10241.
     2. The name of a river, MBh. 6, 333.
-- Comp. ardha-, adj. four and a half, Man. 4, 95.

pañcamaka pañcama + ka, adj. Fifth, Śrut. 20.

pañcamaya pañcamaya, i. e. pañcan + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of five (clements), Mārk. P. 37, 39.

pañcavaṭa pañcavaṭa, i. e. pañcan-vaṭa, n. and f. ṭī, The name of a loeality near the Godāvarī, Rām. 1, 3, 18 (13 Gorr.).

pañcavarṣīya pañcavarṣīya, i. e. pañcan-varṣa + īya, adj. Five years old, Śatr. 11, 137.

pañcaviṃśaka pañcaviṃśaka, i. e. pañcan-viṃśa + ka, adj.
     1. Twenty-fifth, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 15.
     2. Twenty-five (years old), Rām. iii. p. 469.

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pañcaviṃśatikā pañcaviṃśatikā, i. e. pañcan-viṃśati + ka, fem.; in vetāla-, Twenty-five tales of a Vetāla; the title of a work.

pañcaśas pañcaśas, i. e. pañcan + śas, adv. Five by five, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 13.

pañcaṣa pañcaṣa, i. e. pañcan-ṣaṣ, adj. Five or six, Rājat. 5, 333.

pañcā pañc + ā, f. Spreading; in cañcatpañca, i. e. cañcant-, adj. Shaking in all its parts, Utt. Rāmac. 120, 3 (v. r.).

pañcāgnitva pañcāgnitva, i. e. pañcan-agni + tva, n. An aggregate of five fires (or passions), Kathās. 28, 32.

pañcāla pañcāla, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people and their country, Man. 2, 19.
     2. A prince of the Pañcālas, MBh. 12, 13262.

pañcālaka pañcāla + ka,
I. adj. Referring to the Pañcālas; with rājan, A prince of the Pañcālas, MBh. 5, 7504 (perhaps to be changed to pāñcālaka).
II. m.
     1. pl. = The Pañcālas, Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 3.
     2. A certain poisonous insect, Suśr. 2, 288, 3.

pañcāśa pañcāśa (cf. pañcāśat), ordinal number, fem. śī, Fiftieth, Chr. 73, 3.
-- Comp. eka-, fifty-first, Chr. 76, 21. dvā- and dvi-, fifty-second, Rām. 4, 52; Chr. 81, 9. tri-, fifty-third. catuḥpañcāśa, i. e. catur-, fifty-fourth. pañcapañcāśa, i. e. pañcan-, fiftyfifth.

pañcāśat pañcāśat, i. e. pañcā-daśanti (cf. catvāriṃśat), numeral, f. Fifty, Man. 8, 297.
-- Comp. dvā- and dvi-, fifty-two, Hariv. 13076; MBh. 2, 52. catuḥpañcāśat, i. e. catur-, fiftyfour.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. quinquāginta.

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pañcāśati pañcāśati, i. e. pañcā-daśanti (see the preceding), numeral, f. Fifty, Rājat. 5, 71 (ā is perhaps only a mistake; when shortened, we have pañcaśatī, Five hundred).

pañcāśatka pañcāśat + ka, adj. Fifty years old, Kām. Nītis. 7, 44.

pañcāśattama pañcāśat + tama, ordinal number, f. , Fiftieth, MBh. 9, 50.
-- Comp. eka-, fifty-first. tri-, fiftythird.

pañcāśaddhā pañcāśaddhā, i. e. pañcāśat + dhā adv. In fifty parts, Rām. 1, 48, 1 Gorr.

pañjara pañjara, n.
     1. A cage, MBh. 12, 3061.
     2. A skeleton, Prab. 71, 1. (Probably akin to paj in vedic pajra, pājas; cf. [greek] Lat. pango).

pañjaraka pañjara + ka, m. or n. A cage, Pañc. iii. d. 143.

paṭ paṭ, † i. 1, Par. To go, to move. i. 10, pāṭaya,
     1. † To speak, or to shine.
     2. To split, to divide, MBh. 3, 16747; 882.
     3. To break, to breach, Mṛcch. 47, 16.
     4. To tear, Kathās. 20, 21.
     5. To pluck out, 28, 21.
     6. To cause to be torn up, Yājñ. 2, 94. †
     7. i. 10, paṭaya, To string, to surround.
-- With the prep. ava ava, pāṭaya, To split, Suśr. 1, 32, 12.
-- With ā ā, pāṭaya, To split, Suśr. 2, 22, 19.
-- With ud ud, pāṭaya,
     1. To tear out, Man. 4, 69.
     2. To slit up, Rājat. 5, 432.
     3. To open, Pañc. 222, 5.
     4. To destroy, Rām. 6, 88, 19.
     5. To remove, 6, 37, 87.
     6. To dethrone, Rājat. 5, 298.
-- With samud sam-ud, pāṭaya,
     1. To tear out, Rām. 5, 39, 23.
     2. To draw out, Dev. 2, 20.
     3. To dethrone, Rājat. 5, 286.
-- With vini vi-ni, pāṭaya, To split, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 16.
-- With vi vi, pāṭaya,
     1. To split, MBh. 12, 591.
     2. To tear, Hariv. 4310.
     3. To uproot, Rājat. 5, 477.
     4. To open, 3, 482 (to bring on).

paṭa paṭa (probably for patra), m. and f. ṭī, and n.
     1. Woven cloth, MBh. 1, 806.
     2. Cloth, Rām. 5, 49, 5.
     3. A piece of cloth, MBh. 1, 4376.
     4. Garment, 5421.
     5. (cf. paṭṭa), A table, a plate (for painting and writing), Yājñ. 1, 297.
     6. f. ṭī, The curtain of a stage.
-- Comp. ūrṇa-, m. a spider, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 43. kāṇḍa-, m. a curtain, Daśak. 122, 6. ku-, I. m. and n. a plain garment, Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 11. II. m. the name of a Dānava or demon, MBh. 1, 2534. citra-, m. or n. a picture, Kathās. 5, 30. dhvaja-, m. a flag, a standard, Vikr. d. 4. pracchada-, and pracchādana-, m. a cover, a blanket, Pañc. 62, 10. mukha-, m. or n. a veil, Megh. 63. srastottara-, i. e. srasta-uttara- (vb. sraṃs), adj. with the upper garment loose.

paṭaccara paṭaccara, i. e. paṭat (from paṭ, an imitative sound, perhaps of sneaking) -cara,
I. m.
     1. A thief, MBh. 1, 6996.
     2. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 590.
II. n. Old cloth.

paṭabhākṣa paṭabhākṣa, m. or n. An implement for looking, or spying, Daśak. 71, 4.

paṭala paṭala,
I. n.
     1. A roof.
     2. A coverture, a veil, Prab. 116, 15.
     3. A film over the eyes, Suśr. 2, 277, 4.
     4. A heap, a multitude, MBh. 12, 4249.
II. m. and n. A section of a book.
-- Comp. akṣa-, n. a court of justice, Rājat. 6, 287. abhra-, n. the covering (of the sky) by clouds. nīla-, n. a dark film over the eyes, Pañc. 262, 22.

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paṭalaka paṭala + ka (m. or n.). A heap, Kathās. 43, 27.

paṭaha paṭa-ha (vb. han), m. (and n.). A drum, a kettle-drum, Pañc. 261, 13.
-- Comp. yaśas-, m. a drum.

paṭi paṭi (for paṭī, cf. paṭa), f. A kind of cloth, Pañc. 236, 25.

paṭu paṭ + u,
I. adj., f. ṭu and ṭvī, comparat. paṭīyaṃs, superl. paṭiṣṭha.
     1. Sharp, Śāntiś. 4, 16.
     2. Hot, Rām. 6, 11, 44.
     3. Clear (of sound), Hariv. 3554.
     4. Violent, Hariv. 3823.
     5. Clever, dexterous, skilful, Ragh. 9, 46.
II. m. pl. The name of a people, Mārk. P. 57, 54.

paṭutā paṭu + tā, f.; in vākpaṭutā, i. e. vāc-, Eloquence, Bhartṛ. 2, 53.

paṭutva paṭu + tva, n.
     1. Keenness, Bālab. 3.
     2. Cleverness, Śāk. d. 118.
-- Comp. a-, n. want of cleverness, awkwardness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 17.

paṭola paṭola, A kind of cucumber; Trichosanthes dioeca, Roxb. m. The plant. n. The fruit, Pañc. i. d. 423.

paṭṭa paṭṭa, probably for patra, m.
     1. A table, a plate, for painting, Hariv. 9988.
     2. A patent, a document, Yājñ. 1, 317.
     3. A seat, a chair, MBh. 2, 90.
     4. A bandage, a ligature, Suśr. 1, 15, 3.
     5. A stripe, MBh. 13, 3456.
     6. A frontlet, a diadem, a turban or cloth, etc., for that purpose, Kathās. 14, 33.
     7. (cf. paṭa) Cloth, Pañc. 251, 16.
     8. A proper name.
-- Comp. aṃśu-, n. a sort of cloth, Man. 5, 120. citra-, a picture, Hariv. 10069. cīna-, a sort of cloth, Kathās. 43, 89. tāmra-. m. a copper-plate, Yājñ. 1, 318. rājapaṭṭa, i. e. rājan-, m. 1. a kind of gem, Utt. Rāmac. 129, 1. 2. a tiara. lalāṭa-, the forehead, Pañc. 35, 2. vaktra-, m. a bag containing corn tied round a horse's head. vīra-, m. war accoutrement(?), Rājat. 5, 332. śilā-, m. 1. a rocky seat, Rām. 2, 105, 6 Gorr. 2. a flat stone for grinding condiments.

paṭṭaka paṭṭa + ka,
I. m.
     1. A document, Rājat. 5, 396.
     2. A bandage, Kathās. 28, 159.
     3. A frontlet, Kathās. 13, 190.
II. f. ṭikā,
     1. A ribbon, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 14.
     2. Cloth used for a turban, Rājat. 4, 575.
-- Comp. śilā-, m. a rocky seat, Mālav. 31, 21.

paṭṭaja paṭṭa-ja (vb. jan), n. A sort of cloth, MBh. 2, 1847.

paṭṭava paṭṭa + va(?). A sort of cloth, Rājat. 5, 161 (probably corr. paṭṭaja).

paṭṭiśa paṭṭiśa, m. A spear with a sharp edge, Rām. 1, 54, 22.

paṭṭiśin paṭṭiśin, i. e. paṭṭiśa + in, adj. Armed with a paṭṭiśa, Hariv. 15114.

paṭh paṭh (probably a denomin. derived from paṣṭa for spaṣṭa; cf. paśya for spaśya), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.)
     1. To speak distinctly, to recite, MBh. 2, 1154.
     2. To invoke, Hariv. 12561.
     3. To read, to study, Man. 4, 98.
     4. To mention, MBh. 3, 1483.
     5. To declare, Suśr. 2, 260, 16.
     6. To learn from (abl.), Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 37. Caus. pāṭhaya,
     1. To teach one to talk, Hit. Pr. d. 43.
     2. To teach one to read, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 2.
     3. To cause to read, Pañc. 5, 11.
     4. To teach, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 2. Frequent. pāpaṭhya, To recite repeatedly, Kathās. 37, 73.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To say after one, to repeat, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 3.
-- With abhi abhi, abhipaṭhita, Called, named, Suśr. 2, 310, 18.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To mention, MBh. 1, 2020.
     2. To declare, 3, 14192.
-- With pra pra, To recite loudly, Hariv. 9591.
-- With sam sam, To read, Man. 4, 98. Comp. pteple. of the fut. pass. of the Caus. a-saṃpāṭhya, One with whom nobody is allowed to read (or to pray), Man. 9, 238.

paṭhaka paṭh + aka, m. A reader, MBh. 3, 17395.

paṭhana paṭh + ana, n.
     1. Reciting, Mārk. P. 51, 26.
     2. Reading, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 664.

paṭharvan paṭharvan, m. A proper name, Chr. 297, 17 = Rigv. i. 112, 17.

paṇ 1. paṇ (for original par + ṇā, ii. 9 of par; cf. [greek] O.H.G. feil), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic-poetry also Par.),
     1. To buy, MBh. 13, 4564.
     2. To play, MBh. 3, 3047.
     3. To stake (at play), to bet, MBh. 2, 2144.
     4. To stake on, 9, 3258.
     5. To risk. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. paṇita, Betting, 1, 1225. n. A bet, 1226. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. paṇya, Saleable, Man. 8, 398. n. Ware, 5, 129. Comp. kara-, n. ware offered as tribute, MBh. 2, 1052. masi-, m. a scribe. yathāpaṇya + m, adv. according to the value, Man. 8, 398.
-- With the prep. vi vi,
     1. To sell, Pañc. i. d. 88.
     2. To bet, MBh. 1. 1191.

paṇ † 2. paṇ (akin to 1. paṇ), i. 1, Ātm., and paṇāya paṇ + āya, Par. To praise, to honour.

paṇa paṇ + a, m.
     1. Play, MBh. 3, 2261.
     2. Playing for, MBh. 3, 2299.
     3. A bet, a stake (at play), MBh. 5, 1203.
     4. A cast (at play), MBh. 3, 3035.
     5. Wages or hire, reward, Kathās. 18, 386; expense (of an expedition), Kām. Nītis. 9, 13 -- 15.
     6. A coin of a certain weight, Man. 7, 126.
-- Comp. ardha-, m. half a paṇa (see
6), Man. 8, 404. dāsa-, playing for slavery (the loser becoming the slave of the winner), MBh. 5, 5518.

paṇava paṇava (probably for praṇava), m. A kind of drum, Bhag. 1, 13.

paṇavin paṇavin, i. e. paṇava + in, adj. Having a drum, MBh. 13, 1172.

paṇika -paṇika, i. e. paṇa + ika; in pañcāśat-, adj. Consisting of fifty paṇas (see paṇa
6), Yājñ. 2, 233.

paṇitṛ paṇitṛ, i. e. paṇ + tṛ, m. A trader, Naiṣ. 2, 92.

paṇḍpaṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To go, to move. i. 10, Par. To heap together. i. 1 and 10, Par. To annihilate (v. r.).

paṇḍaka paṇḍaka (proceeded from paṇḍraka), m. A eunuch, Yājñ. 3, 273.

paṇḍita paṇḍita,
I. adj. Learned, wise, Bhartṛ. 2, 14; shrewd, Pañc. i. d. 334; skilled, Rājat. 5, 164.
II. m. A scholar, a wise man, MBh. 5, 990.

paṇḍitaka paṇḍita + ka, m.
     1. A learned man, MBh. 12, 6736.
     2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2736.

paṇḍitatā paṇḍita + tā, f. and paṇḍitatva paṇḍita + tva, n. Knowledge, wisdom, Bhartṛ. 2, 88 (a-, Foolishness), Mṛcch. 17, 12.

paṇḍraka paṇḍraka (perhaps spand + ra + ka), m. A eunuch, Mārk. P. 34, 82.

paṇyapatitva paṇya-pati + tva, n. State of a great merchant, Rām. 1, 1, 96.

pat 1. pat, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.),
     1. To fly, Bhāg. P. 8, 6, 39.
     2. To descend, to set, MBh. 6. 480.
     3. To fall down, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 35.
     4. To alight, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 349.
     5. To fall, Man. 5, 141; figuratively, Bhartṛ. Suppl. 14.
     6. To be deprived of one's caste or rank, Man. 3, 16.
     7. To fall on, MBh. 3, 2199.
     8. To devolve upon, Rām. 2, 22, 20.
     9. To happen, Pañc. 232, 25. Ptcple. of the pres. patant, m. A bird, Ragh. 13, 19. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. patita, Sprung from, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 240. n. Flying, MBh. 8, 1910. Comp. sāvitrī-, m. a man of the three first classes, not invested at the proper time with the sacrificial cord, Man. 2, 39. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass.,
     1. pataniya, n. A degrading crime, Yājñ. 3, 298.
     2. patitavya, n. Going to hell, MBh. 12, 3668. Caus. pātaya,
     1. To cause to descend, Hit. iv. d. 74.
     2. To cause to fall down, Rām. 1, 74, 13.
     3. To dash out, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 21.
     4. To throw, Rām. 6, 82, 93.
     5. To inflict, Man. 8, 126.
     6. To shed, MBh. 7, 4912.
     7. To cause to enter, Vikr. d. 56.
     8. To set (fire to), Pañc. iii. d. 166.
     9. To direct, Rām. 4, 7, 11.
     10. To ruin, 6, 94, 19.
     11. To cause to sin, Śāk. d. 117.
     12. To throw one's self, MBh. 1, 6752.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To neglect. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. an-atipātya, Not to be neglected, Śāk. 60, 17. Caus.
     1. To deprive something of its effect, Suśr. 1, 146, 12.
     2. To kill, 2, 266, 13.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To fly along or in, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 5.
     2. To follow, Śāk. d. 7. Caus. To cause somebody to fall down with one's self, Rām. 2, 75, 4 Gorr.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To fly near, to run near, especially with the intention of assailing, MBh. 3, 550.
     2. To fall down to (acc.), Arj. 10, 30.
     3. To be shed, MBh. 7, 6287.
     4. To overtake, MBh. 8, 1910. Caus.
     1. To cast on somebody (acc.), Hariv. 13902.
     2. To cast down, MBh. 6, 1684.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To assail, Rām. 5, 41, 34.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To fly down, Prab. 66, 14.
     2. To jump down, Hariv. 15949.
     3. To fall down, Rām. 2, 28, 12. keśa-kīṭa-avapatita, On which lice have fallen, MBh. 13, 1577. Caus. To throw down, Kathās. 25, 42.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To fly near, to run near, especially with the intention of assailing, MBh. 1, 5965.
     2. To fall down, Rājat. 3, 202.
     3. To appear unexpectedly, MBh. 3, 2564.
     4. To strike unexpectedly, Rām. 2, 62, 16.
     5. To befall, 6, 100, 5.
     6. To come to one's share, Kathās. 20, 213.
     7. To happen. Caus.
     1. To throw down, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 29.
     2. To kill, Hariv. 5598.
     3. To shed, Man. 3, 229.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā,
     1. To run near, MBh. 4, 807.
     2. To assail, 4, 1041.
-- With paryā pari-ā, To run away, MBh. 8, 4964.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To fly near, MBh. 5, 7213.
     2. To hasten near.
     3. To assail.
     4. To obtain, MBh. 1, 7213.
     5. To have sexual intercourse, MBh. 1, 2461.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To fly upwards, MBh. 1, 1335.
     2. To jump upwards, to start up, 1, 6019.
     3. To hasten out of (with abl.), MBh. 12, 5224.
     4. To come out, 6, 5785.
     5. To be set up (as a cry), MBh. 1, 6111.
-- With anūd anu-ud, To start up, to get up after somebody (acc.), Rām. 5 64, 24.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud,
     1. To fly upwards to (acc.), Kathās. 22, 144.
     2. To start up, Hariv. 4114.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To fly up together, MBh. 3, 2093.
     2. To start up together, 1, 7005.
     3. To assail, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 315.
     4. To ascend, Rām. 5, 74, 35.
     5. To rush out of, MBh. 7, 4656.
     6. To gush out of, Hariv. 7068. samutpatita,
     1. Springing upwards, Pañc. ed. orn. i. d. 108.
     2. Sprung up, MBh. 1, 3320.
     3. Disappeared, Pañc i. d. 212.
-- With upa upa, To hasten to, Bhāg. P. 7, 2, 31.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To fly down, MBh. 1, 2094.
     2. To descend, Hariv. 9611.
     3. To fall down, MBh. 13, 1501.
     4. To tumble down, Rām. 5, 18, 7.
     5. To assail, MBh. 4, 1572.
     6. To rush in, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1170.
     7. To empty one's self into, Ragh. 10, 27.
     8. To fall on, MBh. 1, 7708.
     9. To fall into, Bhartṛ. 2, 82.
     10. To take place, Man. 9, 47. Caus.
     1. To cause to fall down, to cause a stick to fall on somebody, i. e. to smite somebody, Man. 4, 146.
     2. To cast down, Bhāg. P. 3, 3, 1.
     3. To cast, Ragh. 5, 217.
     4. To drop, Kathās. 2, 10.
     5. To inlay with, MBh. 4, 1325.
     6. To spit out, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 438.
     7. To direct to, Mārk. P. 61, 41.
     8. To kill, MBh. 14, 98.
     9. To levy (as tribute) from (abl.), MBh. 12, 3313.
     10. To set up as anomalous (in grammar).
-- With abhini abhi-ni, Caus. To throw down, MBh. 8, 3040.
-- With praṇi pra-ni,
     1. To fall prostrate, Man. 11, 205.
     2. To bow respectfully to (acc. dat. and loc.), MBh. 4, 2131. Caus. To induce to fall prostrate, Mālav. 39, 16.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To fly down, Ṛt. 4, 18.
     2. To fall headlong, Hariv. 3650.
     3. To attack suddenly, Kathās. 22, 62.
     4. To fall in, Kathās. 3, 33. Caus.
     1. To cause to fall down, Mārk. P. 75, 55.
     2. To cop off, MBh. 1, 5279.
     3. To inflict, Rām. 2, 75, 14 Gorr.
     4. To kill, Man. 11, 127.
     5. To ruin, Rām. 6, 94, 23.
-- With saṃni sam-ni,
     1. To fly down, MBh. 5, 2462.
     2. To descend, Rām. 5, 62, 10.
     3. To perish, MBh. 7, 434.
     4. To assemble, to meet, MBh. 3, 14899.
     5. To appear, MBh. 12, 6676. Caus.
     1. To cause to fall down, MBh. 7, 7488.
     2. To shoot, Rām. 5, 42, 8.
     3. To cause to assemble, to convoke, MBh. 3, 2162.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To fly out of (abl.), Śāk. d. 166.
     2. To rush out, Arj. 10, 62.
     3. To come out, MBh. 14, 1836.
     4. To depart from, Man. 8, 55.
     5. To spring from, 12, 15.
     6. To fly away. Caus. To ruin, Rām. 2, 75, 15.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, To rush out, MBh. 6, 2434.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To fly out, MBh. 5, 269.
     2. To rush out, Rām. 4, 19, 4.
     3. To fall out, Rām. 3, 31, 19.
     4. To run away, Man. 7, 106.
-- With parā parā,
     1. To fly away, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 24.
     2. To fail, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 8.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To fly about, MBh. 1, 1391.
     2. To run about, 8, 707.
     3. To jump down, 7, 757.
     4. To assail, Arj. 8, 30.
     5. To fall, MBh. 3, 2791. Caus.
     1. To shoot down, MBh. 6, 2687.
     2. To shoot off, 6, 1852.
     3. To throw in, Mṛcch. 155, 8.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To fly away, MBh. 5, 1753.
     2. To fly, Hariv. 8266.
     3. To run away, MBh. 7, 676.
     4. To fall down, MBh. 3, 16038.
     5. To strike, MBh. 4, 1788.
     6. To fall into, MBh. 2, 2159.
     7. To be deprived (abl.), 14, 2737. Caus.
     1. To put to flight, MBh. 1, 7632.
     2. To pursue, 13, 2047.
-- With prati prati, To hasten to meet, 4, 2110.
-- With vi vi, Caus.
     1. To discharge (arrows), MBh. 4, 1862.
     2. To kill, MBh. 7, 6149.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To meet, Indr. 1, 36.
     2. To fly to (acc.), Hariv. 12684.
     3. To hasten to, Rām. 5, 36, 43.
     4. To obtain, MBh. 12, 6737.
     5. To fly, 4, 1776.
     6. To walk, Rām. 2, 125, 20 Gorr.
     7. To fly down, MBh. 6, 3789.
     8. To fall down, 1, 1387.
     9. To happen, Hariv. 11739. Caus.
     1. To throw, Rām. 6, 18, 50.
     2. To throw down, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 28.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam,
     1. To hasten to, Rām. 5, 60, 16.
     2. To assail, Hariv. 12545.
     3. To fly about, MBh. 7, 7295.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] Lat. Penna (i. e. pet + na); O.H.G. fedara; cf. patra; also [greek] (i. e. reduplicat. [greek]), [greek] Lat. petere, impetrare, etc.

pat 2. pat (probably a denomin. derived from pati), i. 4, Ātm. To be powerful, to possess.
-- Cf. Lat. potiri.

pataga 1. pat + a-ga (vb. gam), m.
     1. A winged animal, Man. 7, 23.
     2. A bird, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 16.

pataṃga pataṃga, i. e. 1. pat + a + m-ga (vb. gam),
I. m.
     1. A bird, Pañc. ed. orn. 57, 6.
     2. A small grasshopper which is attracted by a light, MBh. 9, 152.
     3. The sun, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 30.
     4. A playing-ball, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 36.
     5. A name of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 12, 1510.
     6. The name of a caste in Plakṣadvīpa, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 4.
     7. The name of a mountain, 5, 16, 20.
     8. The name of a village.
II. f. , A proper name, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 21.

pataṃgama pataṃgama, i. e. pat + a + m-gam + a, m. A small grasshopper, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 24.

pataṃgikā pataṃgikā, i. e. pataṃga + ika, f. A small bird, MBh. 1, 4332.

patatra pat + atra, n.
     1. A wing.
     2. A feather, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 34.

patatri patatri (i. e. curtailed patatrin), m.
     1. A bird, MBh. 1, 1455.
     2. m. A proper name, 8, 2263.

patatrin patatrin, i. e. patatra + in,
I. adj. Winged.
II. m.
     1. A bird, Man. 4, 208.
     2. A horse, Rām. 1, 13, 36.
     3. An arrow, MBh. 3, 16430.

patana 1. pat + ana,
I. m. The name of a Rākṣasa or demon, MBh. 3, 16365.
II. n.
     1. Falling, MBh. 5, 7187.
     2. Hanging down, becoming slack, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 422.
     3. Ruin, 704.
     4. Death, MBh. 2, 1636.
     5. Throwing one's self, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 902 (at one's feet).

patākā patākā, i. e. 1. pat + āka, f.
     1. A flag or banner, MBh. 3, 3014.
     2. A certain great number, MBh. 13, 5234.
     3. An episode in a drama, Daśar. 1, 13, 33.
-- Comp. sa-patāka, adj. with a banner.

patākin patākin, i. e. patākā + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Adorned with flags (as with flags, Vikr. d. 137).
     2. Bearing a flag, MBh. 3, 646.
II. m.
     1. A colourbearer.
     2. A flag, Hariv. 8991.
     3. A proper name.
III. f. , An army.

pati pati, i. e. 2. pā + ti (for original pā + tan, cf. patnī).
     1. A master, an owner.
     2. A governor, a lord, Man. 7, 115.
     3. A husband, MBh. 1, 4199.
     4. When latter part of a comp. adj. the fem. is left unchanged, e. g. jīvat-pati, i. e. jīvant- (vb. jīv), f. A woman whose husband is alive, Rām. 2, 24, 8 Gorr.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unmarried, Rām. 1, 34, 44. anna-, m. a name of Śiva, Rājat. 5, 72. ap-, m. a name of Varuṇa, the regent of the waters, Man. 3, 87. ambu-, m. the ocean, Pañc. i. d. 316. artha-, m. 1. a king, Pañc. i. d. 84. 2. a judge, iii. d. 89. 3. a proper name. avani- and avanī-, m. a king, ib. 28, 20; Kathās. 24, 12. aśva-, m. a proper name. uḍu-, m. the moon, Śiś. 9, 32. umā-, m. a name of Śiva, Chr. 48, 7. urvī- (see uru), m. a king, Rājat. 5, 380. oṣadhi-, m. 1. the moon, Śiś. 9, 36. 2. a physician, ib. oṣadhī-, m. the moon, MBh. 3, 137. kula-, m. the chief of a family, MBh. 1, 1. kratu-, m. the performer of a sacrifice, Bhāg. P. 4, 19, 29. kṣiti-, and kṣmā-, m. a king, Pañc. ii. d. 22; Rājat. 5, 59. gaṇa-, and gaṇanā-, m. a name of Gaṇeśa, Pañc. i. d. 175; Rājat. 5, 26. gṛha-, m. a householder, Pañc. i. d. 410. go-, m. 1. a bull, Rām. 3, 51, 4. 2. the sun, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 10. 3. a name of Kṛṣṇa (properly the cow-herd [greek]), MBh. 13, 7002. 4. a name of Varuṇa, Śiva, and others. gaurī-, m. a name of Śiva, Kathās. 22, 16. graha-, m. 1. the sun. 2. the moon. camū-, m. the commander of an army. jagat-, m. a name of Śiva and Viṣṇu. jagatī- (see jagat), m. a king, Rām. 1, 12, 36. tārā-, m. 1. the moon. 2. a proper name. tridaśa-, m. a name of Indra. dāna-, m. a liberal man, Sāv. 1, 3. dina-, m. the sun, Bhartṛ. 2, 69. deva- and daivata-, m. a name of Indra. dvāra-, m. a doorkeeper, a chamberlain, MBh. 3, 10623. nada-nadī-, m. a name of the Sindhu. nidhi-, m. 1. a name of Kuvera. 2. a proper name. nṛ-, m. a king. paśu-, m. a name of Śiva. pitṛ-, m. 1. a name of Yama (lord of the Manes). 2. pl. the Manes and the lords of the creatures, Bhāg. P. 7, 4, 6. prajā-, m. 1. lord of the creatures, Vikr. d. 9. 2. a name of the supreme deity, Brahman, Pañc. i. d. 188. 3. a king. 4. a father. prāṇa-, m. 1. a husband. 2. the heart, Draup. 6, 4. phaṇipati, i. e. phaṇin-, m. the king of the serpents, Bhartṛ. 2, 77. bhavānī-, m. a name of Śiva, Kir. 5, 21. bhāṇḍa-, m. a merchant, Pañc. 26, 25. aānā-bhāṇḍa-, m. a great merchant, 26, 11. bhū-, m. a king, Pañc. i. d. 262. bhūmī-, m. the same. bhṛgu- (also bhṛgūṇām), the chief of the descendants of Bhṛgu, a name of Paraśurāma, Megh. 68. bhoga-, m. 1. a viceroy, a governor. 2. a person having possession or usufruct. mahī-, m. a king, Chr. 47, 32. mṛga-, m. a lion. raghu-, m. Rāma. rati-, m. a name of the god of love, Śiś. 9, 66. śacī-, m. a name of Śiva, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 10. śālva-, m. the king of the Śālvas, Chr. 18, 34. śrī-, m. 1. Viṣṇu. 2. a king. sabhā-, m. 1. the president of an assembly. 2. the keeper of a gaming-house. sindhu-, m. the lord of Sindh, i. e. Jayadratha. senā-, m. 1. the general of an army, Śāk. 24, 6. 2. Kārttikeya. svarga-, m. Indra.
-- Cf. Lat. potis, [greek] Goth. faths; cf. patnī.

patiṃvarā patiṃvarā, i. e. pati + m-vṛ + a, adj. One who chooses her husband herself, Ragh. 6, 10.

patika -pati + ka, A substitute for pati when latter part of a comp. adj., Man. 9, 68 (pra-mīta-, f. a widow).

patitva pati + tva, m. Matrimony, marriage, MBh. 3, 2140.

patidharmatas pati-dharma + tas, adv. = abl. pati-dharma, m. The duty to a husband, Chr. 48, 2.

patidharmavatī patidharmavatī, i. e. pati-dharma + vant + i, adj., f. Fulfilling the duties of a wife, MBh. 4, 279.

patin patin = pati, MBh. 12, 8883.

pativatnī pativatnī, i. e. pati + vant + ī (by metathesis pativatnī, instead of the later pativatī), f. A married woman, Ragh. 15, 35.

pattaṅga pattaṅga (for patrāṅga, q. cf.), (n. and) m. Red sanders, Suśr. 1, 46, 13.

pattana pattana, i. e. pad + tana (cf. Lat. op-pidum), n. A town, Mālav. 13, 15.

patti patti, i. e. pad + ti (probably for tan, see pati), m.
     1. A pedestrian.
     2. A foot-soldier, MBh. 5, 5164.
     3. The name of a people.

pattra pattra, see patra.

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patni patni, see patnī.

patnī patnī, and sometimes patni patni, i. e. patan (see pati) + ī, f. A wife, Man. 2, 129.
-- Comp. eka-, f. 1. only one wife, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 53. 2. the wife of one man only, a chaste wife, Man. 5, 158. 3. pl. the several wives of one husband, Man. 9, 183. guru-, f. a mother-in-law, 9, 57. deva-, f. the wife of a god, Kathās. 16, 6. dharma-, f. a lawful wife, Man. 3, 262. sa-, f. a wife whose husband has other wives, Chr. 55, 2; Pañc. i. d. 318.
-- Cf. [greek].

patnīka -patnī + ka, a substitute for patnī when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. bahu-, Having many wives, Śāk. 90, 21.

patnītva patnī + tva, n. Matrimony, Mārk. P. 50, 14.

patra pat + ra, n. (perhaps pat + tra, but cf. O.H.G. fedara; A.S. feher; and [greek] for [greek]).
     1. The wing of a bird.
     2. The feather of an arrow, Rām. 3, 35, 87.
     3. A vehicle in general, as a horse, a camel, a car, Man. 9, 219.
     4. A leaf, Man. 4, 49.
     5. The leaf of the Laurus cassia(?).
     6. A leaf prepared for writing on, paper, Śāk. 81, 2.
     7. A letter. Śāk. 90, 8.
     8. A document, Pañc. i. d. 451.
     9. A thin piece of metal, Suśr. 2, 74, 21.
     10. Lines and signs painted in the faces by means of musk and other fragrant substances, Ragh. 13, 55.
-- Comp. arka-, m. Calotropis gigantea; n. its leaf. kaṅka-,
I. n. the feather of a heron, Rām. 4, 7, 22.
II. m. an arrow, Rām. 6, 28, 4. kara-, n. a saw, Hit. 49, 11. tvakpatra, i. e. trac-, n. woody cassia. danta-, n. a kind of ear-ring. niṣpatra, i. e. nis-, adj. leafless. bhūrja-, m. a kind of birch. yuga-, m. mountain ebony. śata-,
I. n. a lotus flower, Rām. 2, 60, 15 Gorr.
II. m. 1. a peacock. 2. a parrot. 3. a woodpecker. 4. the Indian crane.
III. f. , a woman. satp°, i. e. sant- (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), n. the new leaf of a waterlily. svaccha-, i. e. su-accha-, n. talc.
-- Cf. supra O.H.G. fedara; [greek] also [greek] and [greek] (cf. patrin
3; in the old poetical language clouds and rocks are identified, and the clouds considered as wings of the mountains).

patraka patra + ka,
     1. A substitute for patra when latter part of a comp. adj, f. trikā.
     2. f. trikā, A document, a letter, Śāk. 90, 16.
-- Comp. karṇa-patraka, m. the lobe of the car, Yājñ. 3, 96. yuga-, m. mountain ebony.

patrāṅga patrāṅga, i. e. patra-anga, n. Red sanders.

patrin patrin, i. e. patra + in,
I. adj., f. iṇi.
     1. Winged, Hariv. 5470.
     2. Feathered, MBh. 3, 709.
II. m.
     1. A bird, Śāk. 78, 19.
     2. An arrow, Kathās. 33, 203.
     3. A mountain.
-- Comp. kaṅka-, m. an arrow, MBh. 4, 1804. puṣpa-, adj. having flowers for arrows, Kumāras. 4, 29.

path 1. path, i. 1, Par. To go. † i. 10, pāthaya, To throw (v. r.).

path 2. path, see pathin.

patha patha,
     1. m. Way, reach, Rām. 3, 56, 3.
     2. Latter part of comp. words = pathin, A way, a road. a-, m. A wrong way. apatya-, m. The vulva. ardha-, m. The half of a way. ārya-, m. The road of the honourable ones. uttarā- and udakpatha, i. e. udañc-, m. The northern country. kusida-, m. An usurious way, Man. 8, 152. jala-, m. A sea voyage. tri-, n. Heaven, earth, and the infernal regions. dakṣiṇā-, m. The southern country. darśana-, m. Sight. dikpatha, i. e. diś-, m. The road of the country, Rājat. 5, 341. dṛkpatha, i. e. dṛś-, m. Sight, Vikr. d. 95. dharma-, m. The road of virtue. dhūma-, m. A sacrifice, Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 10. nakṣatra-, m. The starred heaven. nayana-, m. Sight, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 1. pāṣaṇḍa-, m. The way of the heretics, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 6. baṇikpatha, i. e. baṇij-, m. Trade, Man. 1, 90. romarāji-, i. e. roman-rāji- (m.), A line of hair extending to the navel; in tanuromarājipatha, The waist, Śiś. 9, 22. vi-, m. A bad road. śrī-, m. A highway. satp°, i. e. sant- (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), m.
     1. A good road.
     2. Correct conduct. su-,
I. adj. Having good roads, Lass. 97, 2 (thā, ved. for thāni).
II. m.
     1. A good road.
     2. Good conduct.
-- Cf. [greek] A.S. padh.

pathika pathika, i. e. patha + ika, m. A traveller, Pañc. 245, 4.

pathin pathin, for panthan (cf. paripanthin), which is the base of some cases, the bases of some others is path, the nom. and voc. sing. panthās, m.
     1. A road, a way, Megh. 28.
     2. The name of a hell, Man. 4, 90.
-- Comp. ardha-, m. the half of a way, Pañc. 134, 17. dharma-, m. the road of virtue. saha-, m. a fellow-traveller, Rām. 3, 53, 3.
-- Cf. Lat. pons, pontis, and perhaps ponto, pontonis.

pathya pathya, i. e. patha + ya,
I. adj., f. , Furthering, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 448. Fit, suitable, salutary, Pañc. 69, 17.
II. f. , Yellow myrobalan, Terminalia chebula.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unfit, unwholesome, Yājñ. 3, 65.

pad 1. pad, i. 4, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.),
     1. To fall (ved.).
     2. To go to (acc.), MBh. 1, 4288.
     3. To obtain, MBh. 9, 2847.
     4. To observe, 7, 16. Caus. pādaya; i. 10, † padaya, To go.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To follow, MBh. 1, 6710.
     2. To court, MBh. 1, 4180.
     3. To resort to, Rām. 2, 45, 4.
     4. To fall down, MBh. 7, 3361.
     5. To find out, Bhāg. P. 4, 17, 12.
     6. To be deprived of, to lose (with abl.), MBh. 12, 4653.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To obtain, Hariv. 11210.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To come near, to approach, MBh. 1, 8105.
     2. To come to (acc. and loc.), 13, 4375.
     3. To worship, Śiś. 9, 27.
     4. To come to one's assistance (acc.), MBh. 6, 4043; to assist, 1, 1981.
     5. To seize, to catch, Rām. 5, 41, 24.
     6. To assail, MBh. 8, 3047.
     7. To attain, Man. 1, 30.
     8. To accept, Rām. 2, 36, 12.
     9. To apply one's self to, Rām. 2, 63, 1.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi,
     1. To come to, to attain, MBh. 1, 5515.
     2. To come on, MBh. 3, 12539.
     3. To answer, 10441.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To fall down. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. keśa-kiṭa-avapanna, On which lice have fallen, Man. 4, 207.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To come near, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 25.
     2. To enter, Rām. 6, 16, 21.
     3. To fall into, Man. 10, 104.
     4. To undergo, Prab. 33, 8.
     5. To become unfortunate, Rām. 2, 53, 13.
     6. To be, Mālav. 14, 23. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. āpanna,
     1. Unfortunate.
     2. Having obtained, Bhag. 9, 16, 37.
     3. Obtained, Rām. 2, 43, 31 Gorr. Caus.
     1. To put somebody into a certain state or condition; mṛtyum āpādita, Killed, Rām. 2, 73, 5.
     2. To ruin somebody, Vikr. 33, 2.
     3. To procure, MBh. 1. 7873.
     4. To produce, to cause, Rām. 2, 74, 5.
     5. To make, to change into, Daśak. 183, 2.
-- With pratyā prati-a, To return. pratyāpanna, Returned, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 48.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To perish, MBh. 7, 3008 vyāpanna,
     1. Fallen into disorder.
     2. Spoiled.
     3. Failed, Suśr. 1, 21, 9.
     4. Dead. Comp. a-, alive, Megh. 10. Caus.
     1. To injure, Suśr. 1, 21, 11.
     2. To ruin, to destroy, MBh. 1, 1607.
     3. To kill, Pañc. 22, 15.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To assail, MBh. 5, 2002.
     2. To undergo, MBh. 13, 411; to begin, Rām. 6, 92, 4. samāpanna,
     1. Come.
     2. Endowed with, MBh. 2, 2588.
-- With abhisamā ahbi-sam-ā, To undergo, to begin, Rām. 2, 12, 1.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To spring up, to rise, Man. 1, 70.
     2. To be brought forth, 9, 170.
     3. To become, 4, 228. utpanna,
     1. Brought forth.
     2. Complete, Yājñ. 2, 157.
     3. Ready, MBh. 12, 4913. gūḍhotpanna, i. e. gūḍha- (vb. guh), Secretly born, i. e. one whose father is unknown, Man. 9, 159. Caus.
     1. To produce, Pañc. 132, 4; to bring forth, Man. 9, 175.
     2. To cause to be shed, Man. 4, 167.
     3. To procure, 2, 148.
-- With prod pra-ud, protpanna, Developed, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 4.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, pratyutpanna,
     1. Present, MBh. 12, 8278.
     2. Ready, Śāk. 67, 23.
-- With vyud vi-ud, To become clear in (its) etymological relation, Śiś. 10, 23. vyutpanna, Learned, versed, Bhartṛ. Suppl. 18. Caus.
     1. To produce, to cause, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 33.
     2. To explain etymologically.
-- With samud sam-ud, (samu sam-u, MBh. 12, 946, on account of the metre, see Caus.),
     1. To spring up, to arise, Pañc. iii. d. 214.
     2. To be brought forth, Man. 10, 66.
     3. To come Rām. 2, 29, 11. Caus.
     1. To produce Mārk. P. 17, 6.
     2. To cause, Rājat. 5, 6.
     3. To expect, MBh. 12, 4912 (samupādayet).
-- With upa upa,
     1. To come to, Pañc. 9, 5.
     2. To attain (acc. and dat.), Bhag. 13, 18.
     3. To undergo, Rām. 2, 72, 50.
     4. To take place, Man. 9, 121.
     5. To appear, Mārk. P. 49, 4.
     6. To be suitable, Śāk. 15, 6.
     7. To spring up, MBh. 14, 455. upapanna,
     1. Present.
     2. Suitable.
     3. Endowed, provided with. Comp. an-, unnatural, Śāk. 111, 1. Caus.
     1. To induce to get, Rām. 5, 57, 12.
     2. To give, Man. 9, 73.
     3. To accomplish, Rām. 2, 50, 10 Gorr.
     4. To make suitable, to prepare, Man. 9, 36.
     5. To provide with.
     6. To make, to declare, Prab. 111, 17.
     7. To select, Man. 3, 206.
     8. To argue, Rām. 5, 18, 22.
-- With abhyupa abhi-upa,
     1. To come to one's assistance, MBh. 10, 608.
     2. To come for receiving assistance, Rām. 3, 14, 7.
     3. To provide with, MBh. 2, 187. abhyupapanna,
     1. Sprung up; in -vatsala, adj. Affectionate, Mṛcch. 108, 5.
     2. Admitted.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To be accomplished, MBh. 2, 779. Caus. To prepare, Rām. 5, 14, 45.
-- With nis nis, niṣpad niṣpad,
     1. To spring up, to arise.
     2. To ripen, Man. 9, 247. niṣpanna,
     1. Sprung up, Rām. 5, 2, 32.
     2. Descended, Rām. 1, 6, 23.
     3. Accomplished, Rājat. 4, 234.
     4. Ready. Caus.
     1. To cause to ripen, Kathās. 20, 87.
     2. To accomplish, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 43.
     3. To prepare, Lass. Anth. 17, 17.
     4. To perform, Rājat. 5, 21.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To enter, Man. 4, 77.
     2. To begin, 4, 60.
     3. To attain, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 22.
     4. To come to, Ragh. 12, 68.
     5. To come for receiving assistance, Rām. 1, 57, 16.
     6. To embrace (the doctrine of Jina), Rājat. 1, 102.
     7. To fall down, MBh. 1, 1183.
     8. To undergo, Yājñ. 1, 132.
     9. To be going on, to succeed, MBh. 13, 3527.
     10. To admit, Yājñ. 2, 40.
     11. prapanna, Provided, Śāk. d. 1. Desider. pra-pitsa, To be a bout to begin, Daśak. 114, 10.
-- With anupra anu-pra,
     1. To enter one after another, MBh. 3, 6772.
     2. To enter, Suśr. 1, 258, 7.
     3. To appear, MBh. 13, 7363.
     4. To follow, Bhag. 9, 21.
     5. To comply with (acc.), Rām. 5, 28, 5.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra,
     1. To hasten to, MBh. 1, 1182.
     2. To begin, MBh. 3, 1209.
     3. abhiprapanna, Come for assistance, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 20.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To set out on, to begin, Hariv. 5289.
     2. To enter, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 2.
     3. To turn to somebody, especially for assistance, Hariv. 11685.
     4. To succeed, Pañc. ii. d. 137.
     5. saṃprapanna, Endowed, Caurap. 43.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To go to, to enter, Rām. 2, 33, 21.
     2. To come to, MBh. 1, 5918.
     3. To return, Man. 6, 74.
     4. To obtain, Man. 7, 40.
     5. To receive, Rām. 1, 39, 15 Gorr.
     6. To recover, Man. 2, 120.
     7. To perceive, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 57.
     8. To learn, MBh. 5, 6027.
     9. To consider.
     10. To comply with, Pañc. 129, 4.
     11. To avow, Śāk. d. 119.
     12. To promise, Kathās. 1, 45.
     13. To give, Rām. 2, 1, 8.
     14. To act, MBh. 1, 1936.
     15. To perform, MBh. 2, 1420.
     16. To make, MBh. 4, 703.
     17. To restore, Man. 8, 183.
     18. pratipanna, Offered, Mālav. d. 48; admitted; acting; conversant with, MBh. 2, 1949. Caus.
     1. To lead to, MBh. 3, 2852.
     2. To procure, MBh. 1, 3417.
     3. To bestow on, Man. 11, 4.
     4. To deliver, 9, 190.
     5. To install, Rām. 1, 1, 68.
     6. To cause, Rām. 4, 22, 20.
     7. To prepare.
     8. To teach, Man. 8, 391.
     9. To consider, Pañc, 169, 22.
-- With viprati vi-prati,
     1. To go in different directions.
     2. To waver, MBh. 5, 4276.
     3. vipratipanna, Opposite, Rām. 2, 109, 1.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati,
     1. To attain, Suśr. 1, 267, 13.
     2. To approach, MBh. 14, 946.
     3. To befull, Pañc. ed. orn. i. d. 164.
     4. To recover, Rām. 3, 73, 16.
     5. To receive, Hariv. 12201.
     6. To agree, MBh. 5, 2706.
     7. To consider, Kumāras. 5, 37.
     8. To perform, MBh. 13, 3629. Caus. To grant, MBh. 3, 12759.
-- With vi vi,
     1. Not to turn out well, Rām. 2, 23, 18.
     2. To perish, Rām. 2, 64, 68.
     3. To miscarry.
     4. vipanna, Weakened, unfortunate. Caus. To kill, Rājat. 2, 79.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To succeed, MBh. 14, 154.
     2. To amount to (acc.), Hariv. 15082.
     3. To become, MBh. 1, 2995.
     4. To be brought forth, MBh. 1, 3143.
     5. To get, to obtain (with instr., loc., and acc.), Mālav. d. 52; Bhag. 13, 30; Rām. 3, 54, 12. sampanna,
     1. Endowed with.
     2. Accomplished.
     3. Conversant with. n. Sweetmeats(?), Pañc. iv. d. 81. Caus.
     1. To convey, to procure, MBh. 13, 2867.
     2. To cause to succeed, to bring about, Bhartṛ. 2, 59.
     3. To perform, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 14.
     4. To prepare, Rām. 3, 28, 27.
     5. To complete, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 35.
     6. To turn into, Kathās. 37, 114.
     7. To endow with, MBh. 6, 2304.
     8. To attain, Rām. 5, 3, 40.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃpanna, Composed, Utt. Rāmac. 135, 6.
-- With upasam upa-sam, To attain, MBh. 11, 363. upasaṃpanna,
     1. Conversant with.
     2. Endowed with.
     3. Diseased, Man. 5, 81. Caus. To convey, to procure.
-- Cf. 3. pad; [greek] perhaps Goth. finthan; A. S. findan; the anomalous reflex of Sskr. d may have been caused by n.

pad † 2. pad, see bad.

pad 3. and pād pād, i. e. pad, m. A foot, Man. 4, 207; 6, 46.
-- Comp. a-pad, and -pād, adj., f. -pād and -padī, having no feet. eka-pad and -pād, 1. adj. having one foot only, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 21. 2. m. a name of Śiva, and of a Dānava or demon, MBh. 13, 7031; 1, 2533. 3. f. -padī, a footpath, 4, 246. catuṣpād, i. e. catur-, the base of many cases is -pad, 1. adj., f. -padī, four-footed. 2. m. a quadruped, MBh. 12, 5697. 3. adj. consisting of four parts, 5, 5352. tīrtha-pad, adj. one whose feet are holy and hallowing, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 17. 2. tri-pad and -pād, adj., f. pād and padī, having three feet. dvi-pad and -pād, f. pād and padī,
I. adj. having two feet.
II. m. a man, MBh. 1, 257.
III. n. mankind. sakasra-pād, adj. thousandfooted.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. pes, pedis, tripudiare, repudiare, impedire; see pada.

pada 1. pad + a,
I. n.
     1. A step, Man. 8, 227.
     2. A footstep, Śāk. d. 190.
     3. A trace, Rām. 5, 5, 1.
     4. A mark, a sign, MBh. 3, 12474.
     5. Place, Arj. 4, 39 (padāt padam, A step from the place).
     6. Abode, Kathās. 26, 241.
     7. Home.
     8. An office, Pañc. 103, 3; dignity, Man. 12, 125.
     9. Object, thing, Lass. Anth. 43, 9.
     10. Cause, Hit. iv. d. 97.
     11. Pretext.
     12. A square of a chess-board, Rām. 1, 5, 12.
     13. A foot; with kṛ,
a. To put one's foot on, Yājñ. 3, 13.
b. To possess one's self of, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 528.
c. To put one's confidence in, Śāk, 47, 6 (Prākṛ.)
     14. A verse, Mālav. d. 77.
     15. A word, Rām. 1, 9, 24.
     16. A kind of reading the Veda (every word separately, without applying the rules of Sandhi).
II. m. A ray of light.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. a wrong place, Kathās. 26, 23.
II. adj. wanting feet, Pañc. 211, 6. āśrama-, n. 1. a hermitage. 2. one of the three or four orders of the religious life of a Brāhmaṇa. eka-,
I. adj. 1. having one foot. 2. consisting of one word.
II. m. pl. The name of a people.
III. loc. de, adv. on a sudden, Kathās. 22, 203. kṣetra-, n. a district which is consecrated to a deity, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 20. citra-, adj. divided in several parts, 1, 5, 10. jana-, m. 1. country, Rām. 1, 5, 5. 2. pl. and sing. people, Yājñ. 1, 360. tri-, adj., f. , 1. having three feet. 2. having three verses. druta-, (vb. dru) °pada + m, adv. hastily. dvi-, m. a man, Bhāg. P. 4, 31, 22. pañcapada, i. e. pañcan-, 1. adj., f. , consisting of five verses 2. f. , five steps, Pañc. ii. d. 123. bhādra-, 1. m. the month Bhādra. 2. f. , a name common to the twentysixth and twenty-seventh lunar asterisms. bhū-, 1. m. a tree. 2. f. , Arabian jasmine. viṣṇu-,
I. n. 1. the sky. 2. the sea of milk. 3. a lotus.
II. f. , the Ganges.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. oppidum.

padaka pada + ka, n.
     1. A step, MBh. 13, 2789.
     2. An office, Rājat. 5, 29.

padavī padavī, i. e. pada + va + ī, f.
     1. A road, a way, Draup. 6, 9.
     2. An office, Pañc. 13, 4.
-- Comp. ghana-, f. the sky. viveka-, f. reflexion, Kathās. 33, 81. smarana-, f. death, Bhartṛ. 3, 49. hāsya-, f. with , To expose one's self to ridicule, Pañc. 252, 5.

padaśas pada-śas, adv. By degrees, Rām. 2, 87, 15 Gorr.

padastha pada-stha (vb. sthā),
     1. A pedestrian, Rām. 2, 101, 36 Gorr.
     2. Fitting an office.
     3. Taking the place of, Rām. 4, 18, 13.

padāta padāta, i. e. pada-at + a, m. A pedestrian, a foot-soldier, Hariv. 5914.

padāti padāti, i. e. pada-at + i, m.
     1. A pedestrian, a foot-soldier, Rām. 1, 55, 4.
     2. A proper name.

padātin padātin, i. e.
I. padāta + in, adj., f. , Consisting of footsoldiers, MBh. 5, 5703.
II. pada-at + in, m. A foot-soldier, Rām. 2, 40, 40.

padātīya padātīya, i. e. padāti + īya, m. A foot-soldier, MBh. 7, 7598.

padāntara padāntara, i. e. pada-antara, n. The interval of a step. padāntare, Having made a step, Śāk. 12, 6.
-- Comp. a-padāntara + m, adv. immediately after, MBh. 2, 1766.

padārtha padārtha, i. e. pada-artha, m.
     1. The meaning of a word, Nyāya S. 2, 131.
     2. Substance, thing, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 2.
     3. A category, Bhāṣāp. 1.

padī padī, see 3. pad and pada.

paddhati paddhati, i. e. pad-han + ti, f.
     1. A way, a path, Ragh. 11, 87.
     2. A guide, designation of a class of literary compositions.
-- Comp. pāda-, f. a line of footsteps, Pañc. 35, 18.

padma padma (curtailed pad + mant),
I. m. and n.
     1. A lotus flower, MBh. 1, 5412.
     2. Ornament, Rām. 6, 10, 19.
     3. Moles or marks on the body, 5, 32, 11.
     4. A spot, 3, 48, 12.
     5. Coloured marks on the face and trunk of an elephant.
     6. A lotus-like form of array, Man. 7, 188.
     7. A particular sitting posture when absorbed in meditation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 17.
     8. One of Kuvera's treasures, MBh. 2, 418.
     9. A large number, 1000 billions, 2, 2143.
     10. A certain fragrant plant.
II. m.
     1. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 8.
     2. The name of a Nāga.
     3. A proper name.
III. f. ,
     1. A name of Śrī, Man. 7, 11.
     2. The name of two plants, Clerodendrum siphonanthus, and Hibiscus mutabilis.
     3. A proper name.
-- Comp. abhi-, adj. 1. adorned with lotus-like spots. 2. beautiful in every part of the body, Johns. Sel. 46, 74. bhrātṛ-padma-vana, n. a group of lotus-like brothers. mahā-,
I. m. 1. one of the Nāgas. 2. one of Kuvera's treasures. 3. a Kiṃnara, or attendant on Kuvera. 4. a large number, one hundred thousand millions, MBh. 2, 2143. 5. the name of a lake, Rājat. 5, 68; 103.
II. n. the white lotus. sa-, adj. provided with lotus flowers, Rām. 3, 52, 39.

padmaka padma + ka, m.
     1. An army arrayed in the form of a lotus flower, MBh. 7, 2674.
     2. A certain tree and its wood; m. and n. Costus speciosus or arabicus.
     3. A proper name.

padmaja padma-ja (vb. jan), m. A name of Brahman, Bhāg. P. 8, 16, 24.

padmabhava padmabhava, i. e. padma-bhū + a,
     1. adj. Sprung up from a lotus flower.
     2. A name of Brahman, Bhāg. P. 8, 21, 3.

padmamaya padma + maya, adj., f. yi, Consisting of lotus flowers, Hariv. 9435.

padmarāgamaya padma-rāga + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of rubies, MBh. 5, 3577.

padmavant padma + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in lotus flowers, Hariv. 3838.

padmaśas padma + śas, adv. By hundred thousand millions, MBh. 1, 233.

padmāvatī padmāvatī, i. e. padma + vant + ī, f.
     1. A surname of Lakṣmī, Gīt. 1, 2.
     2. A proper name.

padmin padmin, i. e. padma + in,
I. adj., f. , Having coloured marks, etc. (see padma
5), MBh. 2, 2075.
II. m. An elephant.
III. f. ,
     1. A lotus, Nelumbium speciosum, MBh. 1, 7228.
     2. A multitude of lotusses, Rām. 2, 52, 98; a lake abounding in them, MBh. 13, 4471.
     3. A woman of the first of the four classes into which the sex is distinguished.
     4. A sort of witchcraft, Mārk. P. 64, 15.

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padmeśaya padmeśaya, i. e. padma + i-śī + a, adj. Sleeping in a lotus flower, Hariv. 14119.

padya padya, i. e. pada + ya, n. A verse, Häberl. Anth. 529, 1.

padvant pad + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Having feet.
     2. Running.
-- Cf. Lat. pedes, peditis.

pan pan (cf. paṇ), i. 1, Ātm.; base of the pres. panāya, Par. and Ātm. i. 10 panaya, To praise, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 87, 3.

panasa panasa, m.
     1. The bread fruit or Jaka tree, Artocarpus integrifolia Lin.
     2. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 12.
     3. A proper name.

panthpanth, i. 1 and 10, Par. To go.

panthan panthan, panthās panthās, see pathin.

pannaga pannaga, i. e. pad-na-ga, m.
     1. A snake, Nal. 14, 8.
     2. A snakeshaped demon.
-- Comp. sa-pannaga, adj. with the snake-shaped demons, Rām. 3, 54, 3.

pampā pampā, f. The name of a river.

pambpamb, i. 1, Par. To go.

payas payas (akin to 1. , cf. also ), n.
     1. Juice.
     2. Water, Bhartṛ. 2, 29.
     3. Milk, Man. 2, 107.
-- Comp. apa-, adj. without water, Kirāt. 5, 12. gharma-, n. sweat, Śiś. 9, 35.

payasvala payas + vala, adj., f. , Abounding in milk, Hariv. 3798.

payasvin payas + vin,
I. adj., f. , Abounding in milk, Man. 11, 137.
II. f. , A cow with abundance of milk, MBh. 13, 703.

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payoda payoda, i. e. payas-da,
I. m.
     1. A cloud, Śāk. d. 75.
     2. A proper name.
II. f. , A proper name.

payodhara payodhara, i. e. payas-dhara, m.
     1. A cloud, Rājat. 4, 365.
     2. A woman's breast, Ṛt. 1, 6.
     3. An udder, Ragh. 2, 3.

payodhas payodhas, i. e. payas-dhant (vb. dhā, cf. ūdhan and payodhi), m.
     1. The occan.
     2. A cloud.

payodhi payodhi, i. e. payas-dhi, m. The ocean, Kathās. 22, 205.

payomuc payomuc, i. e. payas-muc,
     1. adj. Yielding milk, MBh. 13, 3754.
     2. m. A cloud, 9, 1506.

payovṛdh payovṛdh, i. e. payas-vṛdh, adj. Superabounding with water, Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.

payoṣṇī payoṣṇī, i. e. an anomal. comp. payas-uṣṇa + ī, f. The name of a river.

para para, i. e. perhaps apa + ra, or 1. pṛ + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Distant.
     2. Opposite, ulterior, Rām. 1, 11, 19 Gorr.
     3. Being beyond, Man. 7, 158.
     4. Exceeding, MBh. 1, 7975; left or remaining, Kathās. 39, 16.
     5. Highest, longest, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 12.
     6. Ancient, Man. 9, 99.
     7. Pre-eminent, superior, higher, Man. 2, 83.
     8. Distinguished, greatest, Man. 1, 106.
     9. Intent, Rām. 5, 24, 13.
     10. Subsequent, following, Man. 3, 37.
     11. Different, Prab. 114, 8; other, Rām. 6, 9, 12.
     12. Inimical, enemy, Man. 7, 94.
II. param, adv.
     1. With abl.,
a. Beyond, Ragh. 1, 17.
b. After, Man. 2, 122.
     2. With preceding atas,
a. Further from hence, Nal. 9, 23.
b. After that, Man. 8, 129.
c. Next, 9, 56.
     3. Excessively, Rām. 6, 5, 14.
     4. Completely, Mālav. 4, 19.
     5. Rather, MBh. 13, 4857.
     6. Most willingly, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 406.
     7. At the most, 993.
     8. With preceding yadi, Perhaps, Kathās. 42, 19.
     9. Only, 40, 8.
     10. But, Pañc. 243, 14.
III. pareṇa,
     1. with acc. Beyond; pareṇāsmān paraihi, Pass by us, MBh. 1, 8414.
     2. Afterwards, Man. 8, 30.
     3. With abl. After, MBh. 12, 842.
IV. pare, adv. Afterwards, 12, 2880.
V. m. and n. The universal soul, Bhag. 3, 19.
VI. n. Culmen, highest degree, MBh. 1, 2025.
VII. m.
     1. A descendant, Pañc. iii. d. 216.
     2. A proper name.
     3. The name of the palace of Mitravindā, Hariv. 8986.
VIII. f. , The name of a river.
IX. When latter part of a comp. it implies often,
     1. Intent on, e. g. śauca-, adj. Intent on purity, Man. 3, 192.
     2. Absorbed in, e. g. cintā-, adj. Thoughtful.
     3. Affected with, e. g. karuṇā-, adj. Compassionate.
-- Comp. tatpara, i. e. tad-, 1. subsequent to that. 2. intent only on that. 3. completely devoted to. daiva-, m. a fatalist, Kām. Nītis, 9, 36. māna-, adj., f. , arrogant, proud, Śiś. 9, 57. vigraha-, adj. fighting, Pañc. 117, 9.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] etc.; Lat. perendie, i. e. pere-m + die; see also pṛ.

parakīya parakīya, i. e. para + ka + īya, adj.
     1. Belonging to another, Śāk. d. 97.
     2. Hostile, Kām. Nītis. 8, 70.

paraja para-ja, m. A stranger.

paratas para + tas, adv.
     1. = abl. of para, e. g. paratas-paras, Higher than the highest, Kumāras. 2, 14; svakāt parato vā gehāt, From his own house or that of another, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 25.
     2. Further, Rām. 2, 15, 5 Gorr.
     3. With abl.
a. After, Yājñ. 2, 173.
b. Over, Bhag. 3, 42.

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paratā para + tā, f.
     1. Absoluteness, Bhāṣāp. 7.
     2. Highest degree, Rājat. 5. 377.
-- Comp. tad-para + tā, f. intentness, Hit. iv. d. 96.

paratra para + tra, adv. In the other world, Man. 3, 275. paratrāya paratrāya, To the other world, MBh. 13, 7688.

paratva para + tva, n.
     1. Condition of being more extensive (as a genus), Bhāṣāp. 7; comprehensive.
     2. Length of distance and time, Bhāṣāp. 120.

paradārin paradārin, i. e. para-dāra + in, m. An adulterer, Rām. 3, 57, 20.

paraṃtapa paraṃtapa, i. e. para + m-tap + a, adj. subst. Vexing the foe, Bhag. 4, 2. A conqueror.

parapuṣṭa para-puṣṭa (vb. puṣ), m. The Cocila or Indian cuckoo, Rām. 3, 78, 29. f. ṭā, Its female.

parabhāgatā para-bhāga + tā, f. Excellence, supremacy, Ragh. 5, 70.

parabhṛta para-bhṛta (vb. bhṛ), m. The Cocila or Indian cuckoo, Śāk. d. 85.

parama para + ma,
I. superl. of para, f. .
     1. Most excellent, Man. 1, 108; best, 4, 14.
     2. Highest, Man. 9, 319.
     3. Extreme, 8, 302.
     4. Worst, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 15.
     5. With cetas, All (the heart), Rām. 2, 34, 36.
     6. With an abl. it has the signification of the comparat., More excellent, superior, worse; ko nyo sti paramaḥ śivāt, Who is higher than Śiva, MBh. 13, 793.
II. paramam, adv. Yes, MBh. 3, 17056. Very well, Johns. Sel. 37, 20.
III. When latter part of a comp adj. it implies sometimes,
     1. Amounting at the most to, MBh. 2, 2080.
     2. Consisting principally of, 5, 1143.
     3. Occupied only with, Man. 6, 96.

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paramaka parama + ka, adj., f. ikā,
     1. Most excellent, best, Rām. 4, 35, 13.
     2. Highest, MBh. 3, 13695.
     3. Extreme, Chr. 35, 12.

paramatas parama + tas, adv. Still worse, Bhartṛ. 3, 6.

paramāṇutā paramāṇutā, i. e. parama-aṇu + tā, f.
     1. The condition of an atom, Ragh. 15, 22.
     2. An infinitely short moment, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 4.

paramārthatas paramārthatas, i. e. parama-artha + tas, adv. In the true sense of the word, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 19; Pañc. i. d. 152.

parameṣṭhin parameṣṭhin, i. e. parama + i-sthin (vb. sthā),
     1. m. The supreme being, a name of Brahman, Śiva, etc.
     2. m. A proper name.

paraṃpara paraṃpara, i. e. para + m-para,
I. adj. Successive, one after another, Suśr. 1, 105, 3.
II. f. ,
     1. An uninterrupted succession, a chain, Pañc. 251, 9.
     2. A continuous lineage, MBh. 3, 13621.
-- Comp. karṇa-, f. rumour, Pañc. 130, 8.

paravat para + vat, adv. Like a stranger, Kathās. 27, 185.

paravattā paravattā, i. e. paravant + tā, f. Obedience, Vikr. d. 155.

paravant para + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Depending on another, Śāk. d. 53.
     2. Deprived of strength, Utt. Rāmac. 80, 11.
     3. Ready to obey, MBh. 13, 2731.
-- Comp. a-dharma-, i. e. a-dharma-para + vant, adj. become a prey to injustice, Rām. 5, 45, 17.

paravaśyatā para-vaśya + tā, f. Dependence on another, Rām. 5, 26, 18.

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paravācyatā para-vācya + tā (vb. vac), f. Condition of being an object of censure to others, MBh. 6, 4476.

paraśu paraśu, i. e. para-, compounded with a derivative of śo, m. An axe, a hatchet, Rām. 1, 74, 18.
-- Cf. [greek]

paraśvadha paraśvadha (cf. the last), m. An axe, a hatchet, Rām. 6, 27, 25.

paraśvadhin paraśvadhin, i. e. paraśvadha + in, adj. Provided with an axe, MBh. 5, 6099.

paras paras (akin to para), adv. and prep.
     1. Beyond.
     2. After.
     3. More than.
     4. Without.
-- Comp. parorajas, i. e. paras-rajas, adj. untouched by passion, Utt. Rāmac. 120, 10.

parasāt para + sāt, adv. Into the hands of another, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 931.

parastāt paras-tāt (old abl. of tad), adv. and prep. with the gen.
     1. Beyond, Bhag. 8, 9.
     2. Higher, Mālav. d. 1.
     3. Further on.
     4. Afterward, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 20.

paraspara para + s-para,
I. adj. (sing. and without nom. sing.),
     1. Each other, mutual, Bhag. 3, 11.
     2. One with another, MBh. 12, 2420 (nom. pl.).
II. ram, adv.
     1. Each other, mutually, Man. 9, 62.
     2. To one after another, Bhāg. P. 1, 8, 9.

parasparatas paraspara + tas, adv. One by another, mutually, Nal, 5, 34.

parā parā, old instr. sing. of para, inseparable preposition combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives (immediately with a noun in parāsu), Away, over, on, inverted, wrong, back, sideward.
-- Cf. [greek]

[Page 517a] [greek] Lat. per, e. g. in per-dere, perfidus (cf. pari); Goth. fair- and fra-; A.S. for.

parāka parāka, i. e. parāñc + a, m. A sort of penance, fasting for twelve days and nights, Man. 11, 215.

parākrama parā-kram + a, m.
     1. Prowess, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 498.
     2. Exertion, Rām. 6, 37, 49.
     3. Strength, valour, Man. 7, 11.
     4. Power, Rām. 1, 75, 17.

parākramavant parākrama + vant, adj., f. vatī, Endowed with courage, or power, Mārk. P. 21, 92.

parākramin parākramin, i. e. parā-kram + in, adj., f. iṇī, Exerting one's power, MBh. 6, 1915.

parākrāntṛ parākrāntṛ, i. e. parā-kram + tṛ, m. Exerting one's power, MBh. 6, 1945.

parāga parāga, i. e. probably upa or apa-rāga, m. The pollen or farina of a flower, Bhartṛ. 1, 39.

parāṅmukhatā parāṅmukhatā, i. e. parāñc-mukha + tā, f. Condition of having averted one's face, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 530.

parāṅmukhatva parāṅmukhatva, i. e. parāñc-mukha + tva, n. The same figuratively, Aversion, Ragh. 18, 13.

parācīna parācīna, i. e. parāñc + īna, adj.
     1. Turned away, Suśr. 1, 100, 12.
     2. Not minding, MBh. 12, 8159.
     3. Being beyond, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 30.

parājaya parājaya, i. e. parā-ji + a, m.
     1. Being deprived of, loss (with abl.), MBh. 3, 2565.
     2. Losing at play, 2, 2170; at a law-suit, Pañc. 167, 5.
     3. Defeat, Man. 7, 199.
     4. Conquering, victory, MBh. 1, 5514.

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parājiṣṇu parājiṣṇu, i. e. parā-ji + snu, adj. Victorious, MBh. 10, 632.

parāñc parāñc, i. e. parā-añc, adj., f. ācī.
     1. Turned away, Bhāg. P. 4, 11, 10.
     2. Distant, 5, 5, 31.

parādhīnatā parādhīnatā, i. e. para-adhīna + tā, f. Dependence, Mṛcch. 137, 11.

parāparatā parāparatā, i. e. para-apara + tā, f. and tva, n.
     1. The condition of being both a genus and a species, Bhāṣāp. 8.
     2. Priority and posteriority, 24.

parābhava parābhava, i. e. parā-bhū + a, m.
     1. Disappearance, Rām. 4, 29, 24.
     2. Defeat, Mārk. P. 18, 28.
     3. Mortification, humiliation, MBh. 4, 464; Pañc. pr. d. 11.
     4. Disregard, Lass. Anth. 43, 9.

parābhāva parābhāva, i. e. parā-bhū + a, m. Defeat, Arj. 10, 45.

parābhūti parā-bhū + ti, f.
     1. Defeat, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 9.
     2. Humiliation, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 146.

parāmarśa parāmarśa, i. e. parā-mṛś + a, m.
     1. Pulling, MBh. 7, 1399.
     2. Drawing (as a bow), Rām. 1, 76, 17.
     3. Injuring, 3, 7, 30.
     4. Assailing, MBh. 3, 15060.
     5. Consideration, reflexion, MBh. 7, 4188.
     6. Knowledge of the minor premiss in its connection with the major, Bhāṣāp. 67.

parāyaṇa parāyaṇa, i. e. para-ayana,
I. n.
     1. Chief, principal, MBh. 1, 1624.
     2. with kṛ, To do one's utmost, 6, 3929.
II. adj.
     1. Principal, 4, 2269.
     2. Adhering (with accus.), Rām. 1, 7, 9.
     3. Connected with (gen.), MBh. 7, 8252 (leading to victory).
III. When latter part of a comp. adj. it implies,
     1. Wholly occupied with, Man. 4, 10,
     2. Intent on, MBh. 3, 2482.
     3. Affected by, Nal. 23, 1.

parāyaṇavant parāyaṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Most elevated, MBh. 1, 8055.

parārdha parārdha i. e. para-ardha,
I. m.
     1. The ulterior part, MBh. 2, 1864.
     2. The other part, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 382.
II. m. and n.
     1. The number 100,000,000,000,000,000.
     2. Fifty years of Brahman (half his supposed aeon), Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 33.
III. (inexactly), instead of parārdhya, adj. Most excellent, most beautiful, MBh. 4, 2188.

parārdhya parārdhya, i. e. parārdha + ya,
I. adj., f. , Most excellent, most beautiful, best, MBh. 1, 6962; with abl. More excellent than, Ragh. 10, 65.
II. n.
     1. An infinite number.
     2. A maximum.
III. as latter part of comp. adj.
     1. Amounting to an infinite number.
     2. Amounting at the most to.

parāvara parāvara, i. e. para-avara,
I. adj.
     1. Far and near, MBh. 12, 8336.
     2. Ancestors and descendants, Man. 1, 105.
     3. All-comprising, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 15.
     4. Every succeeding one, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 36.
II. n. That which is far and near, i. e.
     1. The universe, MBh. 1, 23.
     2. Totality, Sāv. 6, 34.

parāvaratva parāvara + tva, n. Condition of being superior or inferior, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 27.

parāvartana parāvartana, i. e. parā-vṛt + ana, n. Turning, MBh. 9, 3193.

parāvṛj parāvṛj, adj. Humbled, miserable(?), Chr. 296, 8 = Rigv. i. 112, 8.

parāvṛtti parā-vṛt + ti, f. Turning, Hariv. 3138.

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parāśara parāśara, m. A proper name.

parāsu parāsu, i. e. parā-asu, adj.
     1. Dying, Suśr. 1, 114, 15.
     2. Dead, MBh. 1, 3835.

parāsutā parāsu + tā, f. and
tva parāsu + tva, n. Apathy, MBh. 5, 715.

pari pari, and often parī parī (akin to para),
I. adv. Round, all round.
II. prep.
     1. with acc. About, against, to, over.
     2. with abl. From, out, except, after, Man. 3, 119(?); on account, according.
III. combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives, Round, all round.
IV. compounded with nouns, Round about, full, quite, excessively.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. per, e. g. in per-idoneus (cf. parā).

parikampin pari-kamp + in, adj. Trembling violently, Utt. Rāmac. 80, 16.

parikara parikara, i. e. pari-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Retinue, dependents, MBh. 10, 274.
     2. Preparation, commencement, Kathās. 26, 200.
     3. Effort, Utt. Rāmac 125, 2.
     4. Judgment, Rājat. 5, 481.
     5. A girth, Hariv. 3652.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. With (one's) dependents, Pañc. 81, 22.

parikarman parikarman, i. e. pari-kṛ + man,
I. m. A servant.
II. n.
     1. Adoration, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 29.
     2. Personal decoration, dressing, painting, or perfuming the body, Kumāras. 4, 19.
     3. Preparation, Kathās. 22, 101.

parikarmaya parikarmaya, a denomin. derived from parikarman with aya, Par. To adorn, Gīt. 12, 21.

parikarmin parikarmin, i. e. parikarman + in. m. A servant, Suśr. 1, 15, 4.

parikarṣa parikarṣa, m. and parikarṣaṇa parikarṣaṇa, n. i. e. pari-kṛṣ + a or ana, Dragging about, MBh. 2, 2615.

parikarṣin parikarṣin, i. e. pari-kṛṣ, Caus., + in, adj. Carrying about (to every place), Rām. 5, 3, 42.

parikalpanā parikalpanā, i. e. pari-kḷp, Caus., + ana, f. Assuming (a form), Rām. 5, 41, 13.

parikīrtana parikīrtana, i. e. pari-kṛ10t + ana, n.
     1. Proclaiming.
     2. Stating, Chr. 14, 27.

parikopa pari-kopa, m. Violent anger, Pañc. i. d. 139.

parikrama pari-kram + a, m.
     1. Walking for pleasure.
     2. Walking round, MBh. 4, 1701.
     3. Succession, Man. 3, 214 (see Lois.).

parikraya parikraya, i. e. pari-krī + a, m. Peace purchased with money, Hit. iv. d. 120.

parikrānti parikrānti, i. e. pari-kram + ti, f. Circumrotation, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 21.

parikriyā parikriyā, i. e. pari-kṛ + yā, f. Attention to.
-- Comp. agni-, f. attention to the sacred fire, Man. 2, 67.

parikleda parikleda, i. e. pari-klid + a, m. Wetness, MBh. 12, 9192.

parikledin parikledin, i. e. pari-klid + in, adj. Moistening, Suśr. 2, 309, 7.

parikleśa parikleśa, i. e. pari-kliś + a, m. Hardship, fatigue, MBh. 1, 745; Kathās, 46, 102.

parikleṣṭṛ parikleṣṭṛ, i. e. pari-kliś + tṛ, m. A tormentor, MBh. 3, 15783.

parikṣaya parikṣaya, i. e. pari-kṣi + a, m.
     1. Vanishing, MBh. 1, 1884.
     2. Ceasing, Rām. 2, 17, 36 Gorr.
     3. Failure, Man. 9, 59.
     4. Ruin, Pañc. iii. d. 229.

parikṣit and parīkṣit pari/īkṣit, i. e. pari-kṣi + t, m. The name of a king.

parikṣepa parikṣepa, i. e. pari-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Moving to and fro, Hariv. 10384.
     2. Surrounding, Rām. 5, 50, 14.
     3. Being surrounded, Ragh. 12, 66.

parikhā parikhā, i. e. pari-kha (vb. khan), f. A moat, a ditch surrounding a fort or town, Man. 7, 196.
-- Comp. khāta-gambhira-parikha, adj., f. khā, possessed of deep-dug meats, Rām. 3, 53, 36.

parikheda parikheda, i. e. pari-khid + a, m.
     1. Fatigue, MBh. 13, 2662.
     2. Exhaustion, Ṛt. 1, 27.

parigaṇanā pari-gaṇ + anā, f. Enumeration, Megh. 22.

parigarhaṇa parigarhaṇa, i. e. pari-garh + ana, n. Censure, MBh. 12, 4543.

parigraha pari-grah + a, m.
     1. Embracing, Pañc. iv. d. 7.
     2. Putting on, Ragh. 18, 37.
     3. Number, Man. 10, 124.
     4. Seizing, Ragh. 9, 46; taking, Utt. Rāmac. 67, 1.
     5. Selecting, Mālav. 14, 23.
     6. Accepting, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 4.
     7. Possession, Rām. 5, 43, 6.
     8. Property, MBh. 3, 13995.
     9. Admission, Man. 11, 196.
     10. Marrying, marriage, Man. 9, 326.
     11. A wife, 9, 42.
     12. A husband, Rām. 1, 46, 26 Gorr.
     13. Undertaking, committing, Man. 12, 32.
     14. Honouring, Rām 2, 70, 20 Gorr.
     15. Grace, favour, 4, 23, 5.
     16. Dominion, Mārk. P. 53, 8.
     17. Claim, Hariv. 7264.
     18. Dependents, Yājñ. 3, 57; retinue; family, Pañc. i. d. 175.
     19. An abode, Hariv. 8909.
     20. Root, origin, MBh. 3, 1292.
-- Comp. duṣparigraha, i. e. dus-pari-grah + a, adj. difficult to be maintained, Pañc. i. d. 77. niṣp°, i. e. nis-, adj. having no property, MBh. 1, 4600.

parigrahatva parigraha + tva, n. in mad-, Condition of being one's wife, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 15.

parigrahaṇa parigrahaṇa, i. e. pari-grah + ana, n. Putting on, Prab. 3, 18.

parigrahamaya parigraha + maya, adj., f. yi, Consisting in a family, Prab. 77, 8.

parigrahavant parigraha + vant, adj. f. vatī, Having property, MBh. 12, 196.

parigrahin parigrahin, i. e. pari-graha + in, adj. Attached to (worldly) property, Mārk. P. 47, 30.

parigrahītṛ pari-grah + ītṛ, m. A husband, Śāk. d. 97.

parigha pari-gha (vb. han), m.
     1. An iron bar for shutting a gate, Suśr. 2, 92, 12.
     2. An iron club, or a bludgeon mounted with iron, MBh. 1, 1174.
     3. A line of clouds covering partially the rising or setting sun, 5, 4855.
     4. The gate of a palace, Rām. 2, 72, 1 Gorr.
     5. A proper name.

parighaṭṭana pari-ghaṭṭ + ana, n. A stirring up, MBh. 3, 17403.

parighātin parighātin, i. e. pari-han, Caus., + in, adj. Trespassing, Rām. 5, 62, 6.

paricaturdaśan pari-catur-daśan, and paricaturdaśa pari-catur-daśa, adj. Full fourteen, MBh. 2, 95; 3, 11.

paricaya paricaya, i. e. pari-ci + a, m.
     1. Knowledge, Suśr. 1, 28, 17.
     2. Trial, Śāk. 59, 4 (Prākṛ.).
     3. Acquaintance, familiarity, Kathās. 9, 9.
     4. Accumulation.

paricayavant paricaya + vant, adj. (Endowed with accumulation or collection, i. e.) All, finished, Mālav. d. 55.

paricara pari-car + a, m. An attendant, Suśr. 1, 124, 5.
-- Cf. [greek]

paricaraṇa paricaraṇa, i. e. pari-car + ana, n. Attention to, MBh. 12. 6991.

paricaryā pari-car + yā, f.
     1. Attendance, Bhag. 18, 44.
     2. Adoration, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 32.

paricaryāvant paricaryā + vant, adj. f. vatī, Respected, MBh. 12, 3711.

paricāra paricāra, i. e. pari-car + a, m.
     1. Attendance, homage, MBh. 4, 374.
     2. A walking-place, 4, 892.
     3. An attendant, 7, 1261.

paricāraka paricāraka, i. e. pari-car + aka,
I. adj. Attending, Rām. 2, 84, 9 Gorr.
II. m. An attendant, a servant, Man. 7, 217.
III. f. rikā, A female servant, Rām. 1, 46, 24 Gorr.

paricāraṇa paricāraṇa, i. e. pari-car + ana, m. Attendance, MBh. 13, 6464.

paricārika paricārika, i. e. paricārin + ka, m. A servant, MBh. 13, 6028.

paricārin paricārin, i. e. pari-car + in,
I. adj., f. iṇi.
     1. Moveable, MBh. 12, 8070.
     2. Attending on, Hariv. 403.
     3. Doing homage.
II. m. An attendant, MBh. 1, 6296.

pariciti pari-ci-ti, f. Acquaintance, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 698.

paricintaka pari-cint + aka, m. Meditating on, MBh. 11, 160.

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paricumbana pari-cumb + ana, n. Kissing passionately, Caurap. 47.

paricchad paricchad, i. e. pari-chad, in the comp. adj. senā-, Provided with an army, Ragh. 1, 19.

paricchada paricchada, i. e. pari-chad + a, m.
     1. A cover, a covering, MBh. 2, 798.
     2. Domestic implements, Man. 11, 76.
     3. Implements in general, 6, 3.
     4. Necessaries for travelling, 8, 405.
     5. Retinue, train, Sāv. 3, 16.
     6. When latter part of a comp. adj. it implies often, Provided with, Bhāg. P. 7, 7, 5.
-- Comp. agni-, m. the implements uses. in oblations to fire, Man. 6, 4. sa-, adj. with, or attended by, a retinue, Rām. 2, 36, 24.

pariccheda pariccheda, i. e. pari-chid + a, m.
     1. Separation.
     2. Exact discrimination, Kām. Nītis. 11, 33.
     3. Determination.
     4. Decision, Śāk. d. 106.
     5. A chapter (of a book).
-- Comp. bhāṣā-, m. title of a philosophical work; definition of (the categories of) speech.

parijana pari-jana, m.
     1. Surrounding company, court attendants, Rām. 2, 77, 14 Gorr.
     2. A servant, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 731.

parijñapti parijñapti, i. e. pari-jñā, Caus., + ti, f. Conversation, Kathās. 21, 128.

parijñātṛ pari-jñā + tṛ, m. One who knows, Bhag. 18, 18.

parijñāna parijñāna, i. e. pari-jñā + ana, n. Learning, Yājñ. 1, 317; knowledge, Rām. 4, 13, 14.

parijman parijman, i. e. pari-gam + an, adj. Walking round, Chr. 296, 4. = Rigv. i. 112, 4 (the sun; Sch. the wind.)

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parijri pari-jri, adj. Hastening about, Chr. 290, 5 = Rigv. i. 64, 5.

pariṇati pariṇati, i. e. pari-nam + ti, f.
     1. Transmutation, Pañc. 97, 13.
     2. Ripening, Megh. 24.
     3. Consequence, effect, Kathās. 22, 82.
     4. End, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 343.

pariṇamayitṛ pariṇamayitṛ, i. e. pari-nam, Caus., + tṛ, m. One who causes something to bow, Megh. 43.

pariṇaya pariṇaya, i. e. pari-nī + a, m. Marriage, (properly, conducting the bride round the sacred fire), Kathās. 33, 82.

pariṇāma pariṇāma, i. e. pari-nam + a, m.
     1. Transformation, change, Prab. 27, 12.
     2. Digestion, Suśr. 1, 245, 10.
     3. Consequence, Vikr. 65, 20.
     4. Termination, end, Śāk. d. 3.

pariṇāmaka pariṇāmaka, i. e. pari-nam, Caus., + aka, adj. Causing to change, Hariv. 3357.

pariṇāyaka pariṇāyaka, i. e. pari-nī + aka, m.
     1. A guide, Rām. 2, 64, 4.
     2. A husband, Śiś. 9, 73.

pariṇāha and parīṇāha pari/īṇāha, i. e. pari-nah + a, m.
     1. Circumference, MBh. 6, 276.
     2. Width, Śāk. d. 18.
     3. Breadth, Yājñ. 2, 167.

pariṇāhavant pariṇāha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Big, Vikr. d. 6.

pariṇāhin pariṇāhin, i. e. pariṇāha + in, adj.
     1. Big, large, Hariv. 12174.
     2. Having the circumference of, e. g. mattebhakumbha-, i. e. matta-ibha-kumbha-pariṇāha + in, Having the circumference of the globes of an elephant in rut, Pañc. i. d. 224.

pariṇinaṃsu pariṇinaṃsu, i. e. pari-ninaṃsa; desider. of nam, + u, adj. Being about to strike with his tusks (viz. an elephant), Śiś. 5, 34.

pariṇetṛ pariṇetṛ, i. e. pari-nī + tṛ10, m. A husband (cf. pariṇaya), Śāk. d. 114.

paritarkaṇa paritarkaṇa, i. e. pari-tark + ana, n. Consideration, MBh. 13, 7553.

paritarpaṇa paritarpaṇa, i. e. pari-tṛp + ana, adj. Satisfying, Bhāg. P. 9, 21, 10; delighting, Utt. Rāmac. 58, 3.

paritas pari + tas,
I. adv. All around, Ṛt. 2, 7; from every part, in every direction.
II. prep. with acc. and gen., Round, MBh. 4, 11.

paritāpa and parītāpa pari/ītāpa, i. e. pari-tap + a, m.
     1. Heat, warmth, Ṛt. 1, 22.
     2. Sorrow, pain, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 196.

paritāpin paritāpin, i. e. pari-tap + in, and paritāpa + in, adj., f. .
     1. Causing much pain or sorrow, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 263.
     2. Very hot, Kām. Nītis. 7, 34.

paritoṣa and parītoṣa pari/ītoṣa, i. e. pari-tuṣ + a, m. Satisfaction, Man. 4, 161; gratification, pleasure, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 856.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. ṣā, not satisfied. sa-paritoṣa + m, adv. very pleased.

paritoṣaṇa paritoṣaṇa, i. e. pari-tuṣ + ana,
I. adj. Satisfying, who or what satisfies, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 35.
II. n. Satisfying, 4, 30, 40.

paritoṣayitṛ paritoṣayitṛ, i. e. pari-tuṣ, Caus., + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Who or what satisfies, Śiś. 16, 28.

paritoṣavant paritoṣa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Satisfied, Kathās. 33, 179.

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paritoṣin i. e. paritoṣa + in, adj., f. iṇī, Satisfied, Kathās. 17, 161.

parityaktṛ parityaktṛ, i. e. pari-tyaj + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. A forsaker, Man. 3, 157.

parityaj pari-tyaj, adj. Forsaking, MBh. 7, 706.

parityāga parityāga, i. e. pari-tyaj + a, m.
     1. Abandoning, Nal. 10, 10.
     2. Repudiation, Chr. 7, 12.
     3. Neglect, Chr. 22, 25.
     4. Resigning, Mṛcch. 166, 11.
     5. Sacrifice, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 364.

parityāgin parityāgin, i. e. pari-tyaj + in, adj., f. .
     1. Abandoning, Rām. 1, 79, 32 Gorr.
     2. Resigning, Bhag. 12, 17.

paritrāṇa paritrāṇa, i. e. pari-trā + ana, n.
     1. Protection, Man. 8, 349.
     2. Defence, MBh. 1, 1012.
     3. Shelter, 7, 2526.
     4. Abstaining from, MBh. 13, 6227.

paritrātṛ pari-trā + tṛ, m. A protector, Rām. 2, 40, 5 Gorr.

paritrāsa paritrāsa, i. e. pari-tras + a, m. Fright, fear, Rām. 2, 67, 11 Gorr.

paridaṃśita pari-daṃśita, adj. Armed cap-a-pie, MBh. 1, 5407.

paridara paridara, i. e. pari-dṛ10 + a, m. A disease of the jaw, Suśr. 1, 303, 10.

paridāha and parīdāha pari/īdāha, i. e. pari-dah + a, m.
     1. Burning, Suśr. 1, 38, 14.
     2. Pain, sorrow, MBh. 12, 10511.

parideva parideva, m. and paridevana paridevana, n. and fem. , i. e. pari -2. div + a, or ana, Lamentation, MBh. 7, 3014; Katbās. 50, 134; Yājñ. 3, 9.

paridevin paridevin, i. e. pari- 2. div + in, adj., f. , Lamenting, Śāk. 70, 12.

paridraṣṭṛ paridraṣṭṛ, i. e. pari-dṛś + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. A perceiver, MBh. 12, 7107.

paridharṣaṇa paridharṣaṇa, i. e. pari-dhṛṣ + ana, n. Abuse, MBh. 14, 1028.

paridhāna and parīdhāna pari/īdhāna, i. e. pari-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Putting on, dressing, Pañc. 226, 16.
     2. A garment, Pañc. v. d. 21.
     3. A lower garment, Nal. 9, 314.

paridhāraṇa paridhāraṇa, i. e. pari-dhṛ + ana, n. Suffering, indulging, MBh. 12, 5750.

paridhi pari-dhi (vb. dhā), m.
     1. That by which something is bordered, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 3 (the ocean).
     2. An anthelia, a halo, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 8.
     3. The horizon, 8, 15, 10.
     4. Circumference.
     5. Pieces of fresh wood, surrounding the sacrificial fire, MBh. 5, 4795.
     6. A proper name.

paridhūsara pari-dhūsara, adj. Quite grey, Śāk. d. 180.

paridhvaṃsa pari-dhvaṃs + a, m.
     1. Distress, Nal. 10, 9.
     2. Failure, Hit. ii. d. 118.
     3. Loss of caste, Man. 10, 61.

paridhvaṃsin paridhvaṃsin, i. e. pari-dhvaṃs + in, adj. Destroying. Kām. Nītis. 2, 40.

pariniṣṭhā i. e. pari-niṣṭhā (see niṣṭha), f.
     1. Complete accomplishment, MBh. 3, 2815.
     2. Complete knowledge, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 6.

paripakva pari-pakva, adj.
     1. Fully baked.
     2. Quite ripe, MBh. 5, 4220.
     3. Decaying, Suśr. 1, 44, 20.

paripatana pari-pat + ana, m. Flying about, hovering, Śāk. 88, 11.

paripanthaka paripanthaka, i. e. pari-pathin + aka, m. An enemy, Rājat. 4, 27 (cf. paripanthin and paripanthika).

paripanthaya paripanthaya, a denomin. derived from paripanthin with aya, To resist (with acc.), Rājat. 4, 261.

paripanthika paripanthika, i. e. pari-panthin + ka, m. An enemy, MBh. 10, 753.

paripanthin paripanthin, i. e. pari-pathin + in, m. and f. , An opposer, an enemy, Man. 7, 107.

paripāka and parīpāka pari/īpāka, i. e. pari-pac + a, m.
     1. Becoming fully cooked.
     2. Digestion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 13.
     3. Ripening, Śiś. 4, 48.
     4. Consequence, effect, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1429.
     5. Experience, Naiṣ. 5, 20.

paripācana paripācana, i. e. pari-pac, Caus., + ana, adj. Maturing by cooking or ripening, Suśr. 2, 408, 13.

paripāṭala pari-pāṭala, adj. Palered, Śiś. 13, 42.

paripāṭha paripāṭha, i. e. pari-paṭh + a, m. Complete enumeration; ṭhena, instr. Completely, MBh. 12, 9259.

paripāṇḍu pari-pāṇḍu, adj. Very pale, Ṛt. 1, 17.

paripārśva pari-pārśva, adj. Being at one's side, at the side, near, MBh. 8, 1499.

paripārśvatas paripārśva + tas, adv. with gen. At the side of, at both sides of, MBh. 7, 7307.

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paripālaka paripālaka, i. e. pari- 2. Caus., + aka, adj. Guarding, protecting, maintaining.
-- Comp. pṛthivī-, m. a king, a prince, Mārk. P. 67, 5.

paripālana paripālana, i. e. pari- 2. , Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Nurture, Man. 9, 27.
     2. Protection, Rājat. 5, 481.
     3. Maintaining, keeping, Rām. 6, 85, 9.

paripīḍana pari-pīḍ + ana, n.
     1. Squeezing out, Suśr. 2, 35, 14.
     2. Prejudicing, Kām. Nītis. 14, 55.

paripīḍā pari-pīḍ + ā, f. Tormenting, Rām. 2, 19, 13 Gorr.

paripuṭana pari-puṭ + ana, n. Peeling off, Suśr. 1, 62, 4.

paripuṭanavant paripuṭana + vant, adj., f. vatī, Peeling off, Suśr. 1, 57, 11.

paripuṣṭatā pari-puṣṭa + tā (vb. puṣ), f. Being nourished, feeding on, Yājñ. 3, 241.

paripūraka pari-pūr + aka, adj. Fulfilling, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1255.

paripūraṇa paripūraṇa, i. e. pari-pūr + ana, n. Filling, Śiś. 4, 61.

paripoṭa paripoṭa, i. e. pari-puṭ + a, and paripoṭaka paripoṭa + ka, m. Peeling off, a disease of the ear, Suśr. 2, 149, 10.

paripoṭana paripoṭana, i. e. pari-puṭ + ana, n. Peeling off, Suśr. 1, 251, 13.

paripoṭavant paripoṭa + vant, adj. Peeling off, Suśr. 2, 149, 13.

paripoṣaka paripoṣaka, i. e. pari-puṣ, Caus., + aka, adj. Furthering, Rājat. 6, 296.

paripoṣaṇa paripoṣaṇa, i. e. pari -puṣ, Caus., + ana, n. Furthering, Bhāg. P. 7, 11, 23.

paripraśna paripraśna, i. e. pari-prach + na, n. Inquiring, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 63.

pariprāpti pariprāpti, i. e. pari-pra-āp + ti, f. Obtaining, Rām. 1, 67, 8 Gorr.

pariprepsu pariprepsu, i. e. pari-pra-īpsa, desider. of āp, + u, adj. Searching, desiring, Nal. 18, 11.

paripreṣya paripreṣya, i. e. pari-pra-iṣ, Caus., + ya, m. A servant, MBh. 4, 32.

pariplava pariplava, i. e. pari-plu + a,
I. adj. Running to and fro, Śiś. 14, 68.
II. m.
     1. A ship, a boat, Rām. 1, 45, 13 Gorr.
     2. A proper name.

pariplāvya pariplāvya, i. e. pari-plu + a + ya, adj. Running (water), MBh. 3, 5055.

paribarha pari-barh + a, and parivarha pari-varh + a, m.
     1. A suitable attire, trim, retinue, Draup. 1, 7.
     2. A suitable furniture, Rām. 2, 83, 26.

paribarhaṇa paribarhaṇa and parivarhaṇa parivarhaṇa, i. e. pari-bṛh, or vṛh + ana, and pari-barh, or varh + ana, n.
     1. Adoration, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 27.
     2. Trim, attire, MBh. 12, 7005.

paribarhavant paribarha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Provided with a suitable furniture, Ragh. 14, 15.

paribādhā pari-bādh + ā, f. Fatigue, Śāk. d. 70.

paribṛṃhaṇa paribṛṃhaṇa, and parivṛṃhaṇa parivṛṃhaṇa, i. e. pari-briṃh, or vṛṃh + aṇa, n.
     1. Prosperity, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 7.
     2. Supplement, Man. 12, 109.

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paribhakṣaṇa paribhakṣaṇa, i. e. pari-bhakṣ + ana, n. Devouring, MBh. 1, 2617.

paribhartsana pari-bharts + ana, n. Menace, Rām. 5, 37, 25.

paribhava paribhava, i. e. pari-bhū + a, m.
     1. Disrespect, humiliation, contumely, MBh. 3, 1520.
     2. Disregard, MBh. 13, 3864.

paribhavana paribhavana, i. e. pari-bhū + ana, n. Disrespect, Mālav. 14, 2.

paribhāva paribhāva, i. e. pari-bhū + a, m. Contumely, Pañc. 56, 8.

paribhāvana paribhāvana, i. e. pari-bhū + ana,
I. n. Union, MBh. 12, 7145 (a is lengthened on account of the metre).
II. f. , Thought, Utt. Rāmac. 95, 4.

paribhāvin paribhāvin, i. e. pari-bhū + in, adj., f. , One who or what slights, Śāk. 44, 12.

paribhāṣaṇa paribhāṣaṇa, i. e. pari-bhāṣ + ana,
I. adj. Speaking much, Rām. 5, 93, 6.
II. n. Reproof, Man. 9, 283.

paribhāṣā pari-bhāṣ + ā, f.
     1. Speech, MBh. 13, 7417.
     2. A general maxim.

paribhāṣin pari-bhāṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Speaking, Rām. 3, 35, 60.

paribhūti pari-bhū + ti, f. Disrespect, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1249.

paribhūṣaṇa paribhūṣaṇa, i. e. pari-bhūṣ + ana, m. A peace bought by the cession of all the revenues of a country, Kām. Nītis. 9, 18.

paribhoktṛ paribhoktṛ, i. e. pari-bhuj + tṛ, m.
     1. One who uses another's goods without his leave, Man. 2, 201.
     2. One who enjoys.

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paribhoga paribhoga, i. e. pari-bhuj + a, m. Enjoyment, especially sexual intercourse, Ragh. 4, 45.

paribhraṃśa pari-bhraṃś + a, m. Escaping, Hariv. 5285.

paribhraṃśana pari-bhraṃś + ana, n. Loss, Pañc. iii. d. 268 (with abl.).

paribhrama pari-bhram + a, m. Speaking what is nothing to the purpose, Mṛcch. 1, 9.

paribhramaṇa paribhramaṇa, i. e. pari-bhram + ana, n.
     1. Turning, revolving (as of wheels), Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 6.
     2. Circumference.

parimaṇḍala pari-maṇḍala,
I. n. Circumference, MBh. 12, 7696.
II. adj., f. , Round, circular, globular, MBh. 6, 188.
III. m. A poisonous kind of guat.

parimaṇḍalatā parimaṇḍala + tā, f. Circularity, Suśr. 1, 268, 18.

parimaṇḍalita parimaṇḍalita, i. e. parimaṇḍala + ita, adj. Made round, Kir. 5, 42.

parimanthara pari-manthara, adj. Very slow, Śiś. 9, 78.

parimanda pari-manda,
     1. adj. Very faint, Śiś. 9, 3.
     2. adv. Very little, 9, 27.

parimandatā parimanda + tā, f. Tiredness, Śiś. 9, 39.

parimarda parimarda, i. e. pari-mṛd + a, m.
     1. Wearing out. MBh. 12, 2185.
     2. Destruction, 2, 1030.

parimarśa parimarśa, i. e. pari-mṛś + a, m. Examination, MBh. 12, 4370.

parimala pari-mala, m.
     1. Fragrance, Bhartṛ. 1, 33.
     2. A fragrant substance, Panc. 47, 8.
     3. Sexual intercourse, Kir. 10, 1.

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parimāṇa and parīmāṇa pari/īmāṇa, i. e. pari-mā + ana, n.
     1. Circumference, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 461.
     2. Measure, Hariv. 1033.
     3. Weight, Pañc. ii. d. 84.
     4. Length of time, MBh. 3, 1407.
     5. Number, MBh. 11, 763.

parimāṇaka parimāṇa + ka, n. Quantity, Bhāṣāp. 94.

parimāṇatas parimāṇa + tas, adv. In weight, Man. 8, 133.

parimārgaṇa parimārgaṇa, i. e. pari-mārg + ana, n. Tracing, searching, Rām. 3, 78, 19.

parimārgin pari-mārg + in, adj. Pursuing, MBh. 13, 5355.

parimiti parimiti, i. e. pari-mā + ti, f. Quantity, Bhāṣāp. 3.

parimilana pari-mil + ana, n. Touch, Ratnāv. 40, 11.

parimugdhatā pari-mugdha + tā (vb. muh), f. Gracefulness and silliness, Śiś. 9, 32.

parimūḍhatā pari-mūḍha + tā (vb. muh), f. Trouble, Śiś. 9, 70.

parimokṣa pari-mokṣ + a, m.
     1. Setting free, Rām. 1, 45, 9 Gorr.
     2. Evacuation, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 8.
     3. Escaping, MBh. 9, 3192.

parimokṣaṇa parimokṣaṇa, i. e. pari-moksh + ana, n.
     1. Liberation, Mṛcch. 67, 19.
     2. Deliverance from (gen.), MBh. 12, 4846.

parimoṣa parimoṣa, i. e. pari-muṣ + a, m. Theft, robbing, Ragh. 9, 62.

parimoṣaka parimoṣaka, i. e. pari-muṣ + aka, adj. Stealing, MBh. 3, 12850.

parimohana parimohana, i. e. pari -muh + ana, n. Infatuation, Caurap. 38.

parirakṣaṇa parirakṣaṇa, i. e. pari-rakṣ + ana,
I. m. and f. ṇī, A protector, Hariv. 3272.
II. n.
     1. Guarding, Man. 7, 2.
     2. Maintaining, Rājat. 4, 283.
     3. Preservation, MBh. 2, 673.
-- Comp. a-, n. betraying, 2, 242.

parirakṣā pari-rakṣ + ā, f.
     1. Protection, Man. 5, 94.
     2. Preservation, 10, 106.

parirakṣitṛ pari-rakṣ + itṛ, m.
     1. A guardian, MBh. 12, 1138.
     2. A protector, 4, 2274.

parirakṣin pari-rakṣ + in, adj. Guarding, MBh. 1, 6969.

parirambha parirambha, i. e. pari-rabh + a, m. Embrace, Prab. 9, 1.

parirambhaṇa parirambhaṇa, i. e. pari-rabh + ana, n. Embracing, Gīt. 1, 33; Utt. Rāmac. 129, 3.

parirambhin -parirambhin, i. e. -parirambha + in, adj. Girt, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 24.

parirodha parirodha, i. e. pari-rudh + a, m. Resistance, Rājat. 2, 165.

parilaṅghana pari-laṅgh + ana, n. Jumping to and fro, Rām. 4, 52, 16.

parivatsara pari-vatsara, m. A full year, Man. 1, 12.
     2. A year, MBh. 1, 3202.

parivarjaka parivarjaka, i. e. pari-vṛj + aka, adj. Abstaining from, MBh. 13, 6648.

parivarjana parivarjana, i. e. pari-vṛj + ana, n.
     1. Careful abstaining from, Man. 5, 54.
     2. Avoiding, Rām. 6, 8, 14.

parivarta and parīvarta pari/īvarta, i. e. pari-vṛt + a, m.
     1. Turning, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 13.
     2. Revolution, Śāk. d. 139; the end of a period.
     3. Destruction of the world, Rām. 2, 76, 8.
     4. Palingenesia, transmigration, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 39.
     5. Exchange, barter, Hariv. 3331.
     6. An abode, Hariv. 3401.
     7. A proper name.

parivartaka parivartaka, i. e. pari-vṛt, Caus., + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Causing to revolve, MBh. 3, 13105.
     2. Causing to flow back, Kathās. 46, 143.
II. m. A proper name.

parivartana pari-vartana, i. e. pari-vṛt + ana,
I. adj., f. , Causing to turn, Kathās. 46, 118.
II. n.
     1. Turning.
     2. Moving to and fro, Pañc. 188, 10.
     3. Revolution, the end of a period, MBh. 1, 1254.
     4. Exchange, barter, Kathās. 12, 50.

parivartin parivartin, i. e. pari-vṛt + in, adj. f. ,
     1. Turning.
     2. Revolving, ever renewing one's self, Bhartṛ. 2, 24.
     3. Standing, abiding, being, Rām. 6, 97, 11.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Never showing the heels, Chr. 7, 13.

parivardhana parivardhana, i. e. pari-vṛdh + ana, n. Augmenting, Man, 9, 331.

parivarha parivarha, and parivarhaṇa parivarhaṇa, see paribarha, and paribarhaṇa.

parivāda and parīvāda pari/īvāda, i. e. pari-vad + a, m. Detraction, censure, Man. 2, 179; 201; 7, 47.

parivādin parivādin, i. e. pari vad + in,
I. adj., f. , Slandering, blaming, MBh. 7, 2592.
II. f. , A vīṇā or lute with seven strings, Ragh. 8, 35.

parivāra parivāra, i. e. pari-vṛ + a, m.
     1. A cover, MBh. 8, 1474.
     2. Retinue, Pañc. 12, 20 (figur.); Daśak, in Chr. 182, 20.

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parivāraṇa parivāraṇa, i. e. pari-vṛ + ana, n.
     1. A cover, MBh. 5, 2937.
     2. Retinue, 1435.
     3. Keeping off, 9, 3192.

parivāravant parivāra + vant, adj. Having a great retinue.

parivāsa parivāsa, i. e. pari-vās + a, m. Sojourn, Man. 5, 124.

parivāha and parīvāha pari/īvāha, i. e. pari-vah + a, m.
     1. Overflowing, Ragh. 8, 73.
     2. A water-course, or a drain to carry off excess of water, Rām. 2, 80, 11; Utt. Rāmac. 73, 5 ().
-- Comp. sa-, adj. brimfull, Śāk. 29, 5 (Prākṛ.).

parivāhin parivāhin, i. e. parivāha + in, adj., f. iṇī, Overflowing, swimming with, Śāk. 51, 10 (figuratively, Prākṛ.).

parivikrayin parivikrayin, i. e. pari-vi-krī + in, adj. Trading, MBh. 12, 1213.
-- Comp. māṃsa-, m. a fleshmonger.

parivikṣobha parivikṣobha, i. e. pari-vi-kṣubh + a, m. Destroying, MBh. 14, 1240.

parivitti parivitti, i. e. pari-vid + ti, m. An unmarried elder brother, the younger being married, Man. 3, 154.

parivittitā parivitti + tā, f. The marrying of a younger brother before his elder, Man. 11, 60.

parivihāra parivihāra, i. e. pari-vi-hṛ + a, m. Walking for pleasure.

parivṛṃhaṇa parivṛṃhaṇa, see paribṛṃhaṇa.

parivṛḍha parivṛḍha, i. e. ptcple. of the pf. pass. of pari-vṛh, m. A master, an owner.

parivṛtti pari-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Exchange, barter; instr. Alternately, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 14.
     2. Dwelling, MBh. 14, 525.

parivṛddhi parivṛddhi, i. e. pari-vṛdh + ti, f. Increase, Mṛcch. 43, 19.

parivettṛ parivettṛ, i. e. pari-vid + tṛ, m. A younger brother married before his elder, Man. 3, 171.

parivedaka parivedaka, i. e. pari-vid + aka, m. A younger brother married before his elder, Yājñ. 3, 238.

parivedana parivedana, n., i. e.
I. pari-vid + ana, The marrying of a younger brother before his elder, Man. 11, 60.
II. pari-vedana, Complete knowledge, MBh. 14, 418.

pariveśa pariveśa, °veśaka -veśaka, °veśana -veśana, °veśavant -veśavant, see pariveṣa, -ṣaka, -ṣaṇa, -ṣavant.

pariveṣa pariveṣa (and erroneously pariveśa pariveśa), i. e. pari-viṣ + a, m.
     1. Surrounding; kṛtāṅgarakṣā-, Surrounded by a body-guard, Pañc. 258, 6.
     2. A circle, Ragh. 5, 74.
     3. A halo, 11, 59.

pariveṣaka pariveṣaka (and erroneously pariveśaka pariveśaka) i. e. pari-viṣ + aka, m. A waiter; one who serves up dinner.

pariveṣaṇa pariveṣaṇa (and erroneously pariveśana pariveśana), i. e. pari-viṣ + ana, n.
     1. Serving up dinner.
     2. Circumference, MBh. 14, 1234.
     3. A halo.

pariveṣavant pariveṣa + vant (and erroneously pariveśavant pariveśavant), adj. Surrounded by a halo.

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pariveṣin pariveṣin, i. e. pariveṣa + in, adj. Surrounded by a halo.

pariveṣṭana pari-veṣṭ + ana, n.
     1. A cover, MBh. 4, 1319.
     2. A bandage.

pariveṣṭṛ pariveṣṭṛ, i. e. pari-viṣ + tṛ, m. A waiter, MBh. 13, 1668.

parivyaya pari-vyaya, m. Condiment.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with the condiments, Man. 7, 127.

parivrajyā pari-vraj + yā, f.
     1. Strolling, Man. 10, 152.
     2. Religious wandering.

parivrāj parivrāj, i. e. pari-vraj, m. A (wandering) ascetic, Rām. 3, 52, 4; cf. Kām. Nītis. 2, 29, 31.

parivrājaka parivrājaka, i. e. pari-vraj + aka, f. and jikā, A religious mendicant, Pañc. 32, 23.

pariśaṅkin pari-śaṅk + in, adj., f. .
     1. Fearing.
     2. Being fearful on account of, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 2.

pariśīlana pari-śīl + ana, n.
     1. Frequent touch, Gīt. 1, 27.
     2. Study.

pariśuddhi pariśuddhi, i. e. pari-śudh + ti, f.
     1. Becoming quite pure, Utt. Rāmac. 99, 10.
     2. Proving innocent, Kathās. 5, 98.

pariśeṣa pariśeṣa, i. e. pari-śiṣ + a, m. and n.
     1. Remains.
     2. Supplement, MBh. 12, 11739.

pariśeṣaṇa pariśeṣaṇa, i. e. pari-śiṣ + ana, n. Remains, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 5.

pariśodhana pariśodhana, i. e. pari-śudh + ana, Purification, Utt. Rāmac. 100, 1.

pariśoṣin pariśoṣin, i. e. pari-śuṣ + in, adj. Falling off, Rājat. 2, 69.

pariśrama and pariśrāma pariśra/āma, i. e. pari-śram + a, m.
     1. Fatigue, Sāv. 4, 21.
     2. Exertion, Ragh. 19, 15.

pariśrava pariśrava, see parisrava.

pariṣattva pariṣattva, i. e. pariṣad + tva, n. A legal assembly, Man. 12, 144.

pariṣad pariṣad, i. e. pari-sad, f. An assembly, an audience, a congregation, Man. 12, 110; Utt. Rāmac. 105, 5.

pariṣeka pariṣeka, i. e. pari-sic + a, m.
     1. Sprinkling, pouring over water.
     2. A bath.

pariṣecana pariṣecana, i. e. pari-sic + ana, n.
     1. Sprinkling, pouring over water.
     2. Water for watering trees, MBh. 12, 9116.

pariṣkara pariṣkara, i. e. pari-kṛ + a, m. Ornament, MBh. 8, 1477.

pariṣkāra pariṣkāra, i. e. pari-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Adorning, Lass. Anth. 94, 14.
     2. Ornament.

pariṣkriyā pariṣkriyā, i. e. pari-kṛ + yā, f.
     1. Adorning.
     2. Attention to, Man. 2, 67 (ed. Calc.).

pariṣvaṅga pariṣvaṅga, i. e. pari-svañj + a, m.
     1. Embrace, Pañc. ii. d. 61; Vikr. 71, 5.
     2. Touch.

paris paris, see kṛ with pari.

parisaṃkhyā parisaṃkhyā, i. e. pari-sam-khyā,
     1. Full number, totality, Man. 1, 72.
     2. Number.
     3. Full enumeration (leaving nothing unsaid).

parisaṃkhyāna parisaṃkhyāna, i. e. pari-sam-khyā + ana, n.
     1. = the preceding 1, 2, 3.
     2. Just examination, Yājñ. 3, 158.

parisamūhana pari-sam-ūh + ana, n. Sweeping.

parisara parisara, i. e. pari-sṛ + a,
I. adj. Encompassing, Megh. 68,
II. m.
     1. Border, Pañc. 25, 3.
     2. Proximity, Vikr. d. 119.
     3. Standing-place, Suśr. 2, 166, 21.
-- Comp. godāvarī-, adj. being near the Godāvarī, Utt. Rāmac. 56, 2.

parisarpaṇa parisarpaṇa, i. e. pari-sṛp + ana, n.
     1. Creeping, Mṛcch. 46, 13.
     2. Walking about.
     3. Running to and fro, Mṛcch. 15, 20.

parisarpin parisarpin, i. e. pari-sṛp + in, adj. Moving about.

parisāntvana pari-sāntv + ana, n. Consoling, Utt. Rāmac. 5, 9.

parisādhana pari-sādh + ana, n.
     1. Performing.
     2. Settling, Man. 8, 188.

pariskanda pari-skand + a, m. A servant.

paristara paristara, i. e. pari-stṛ + a, m.
     1. A layer.
     2. A cover(?), MBh. 5, 5246.

paristoma pari-stoma, m. (n. MBh. 6, 2287), A cover, a bolster.

parispanda pari-spand + a, m.
     1. Motion, Bhāṣāp. 122.
     2. Attention to, MBh. 13, 6438.

parispardhin pari-spardh + in, adj. Emulating.

parisyanda pari-syand + a, m. Flow, stream (figuratively), Bhartṛ. 1, 6.

parisrava parisrava, i. e. pari-sru + a, m.
     1. A river, a torrent, MBh. 7, 6437.
     2. Birth (of a child), Rām. 1, 38, 26 (erroneously pariśrava).

pariharṣaṇa pariharṣaṇa, i. e. pari-hṛṣ, Caus., + ana, adj., f. ṇī, Causing much pleasure, MBh. 9, 582.

parihāṭaka pari-hāṭaka, n. A ring worn on the arms or legs, MBh. 4, 453.

parihāṇi parihāṇi, i. e. pari-hā + ni, f. Decreasing.

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parihāra and parīhāra pari/īhāra, i. e. pari-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Avoiding, MBh. 12, 848.
     2. Escaping, Hariv. 577.
     3. Abandoning, Vikr. 32, 15.
     4. Removing.
     5. Reserve, MBh. 13, 5116.
     6. Concealment, Śāk. 39, 9 (ed. Will.).
     7. Leaving out.
     8. Largess, Man. 7, 201.
     9. A space round a town or village left for pasture, Man. 8, 237.

parihārin parihārin, i. e. pari-hṛ + in, adj. Avoiding.

parihāsa and parīhāsa pari/īhāsa, i. e. pari-has + a, m.
     1. Jest, Vikr. 13, 1; pleasantry, Nal. 11, 8.
     2. Deriding, mocking, Pañc. iii. d. 261.

parīkṣaka parīkṣaka, i. e. pari-īkṣ + aka, m. An examiner, one who knows well, Pañc. i. d. 88.

parīkṣaṇa parīkṣaṇa, i. e. pari-īkṣ + ana, n. and f. ṇā, Examination, Man. 1, 117.

parīkṣā parīkṣā, i. e. pari-īkṣ + a, f. Examination, test, Man. 9, 19.
-- Comp. niṣparīkṣa, i. e. nis-, adj. not examining.

parīkṣit parīkṣit, see parikṣit.

parīkṣin parīkṣin, i. e. pari-īkṣ + in, m. An examiner, Yājñ. 2, 241.

parīṇāha parīṇāha, parītāpa parītāpa, parītoṣa parītoṣa, parīdāha parīdāha, parīdhāna parīdhāna, parīpāka parīpāka, see pariṇa° pariṇāha, etc., with i.

parīpsā parīpsā, i. e. pari-īpsa, desider. of āp, + a, f. Wish to obtain, to maintain, to preserve, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 49.

parīpsu parīpsu, i. e. pari-īpsa, desider. of āp, + u, adj. Wishing to maintain, to preserve, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 18.

parīmāṇa parīmāṇa, parīvarta parīvarta, parīvāda parīvāda, parīvāha parīvāha, parīhāra parīhāra, parīhāsa parīhāsa, see parimā° parimā°, etc., with i.

parut parut, i. e. para-vat (a word occurring only in compounds, cf. saṃvat), adv., Last year.
-- Cf. [greek]

paruṣa paruṣa, i. e. parus + a, adj., f. ṣā.
     1. Knotty, huge, Vikr. d. 142.
     2. Variegated, spotted.
     3. Soiled, Rām. 2, 71, 34.
     4. Rough, rugged, Rājat. 4, 308.
     5. Harsh, MBh. 1, 7090.
     6. Severe, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1314.
     7. Coarse, Yājñ. 1, 309.

paruṣita paruṣita, i. e. paruṣa + ita, adj., Used roughly, Hit. i. d. 81.

parus parus, i. e. pṛ10 + vant (cf. parvan and parvata), n. The knot or joint of a plant.
-- Comp. tri-, m. a surname of Viṣṇu.

parokṣa parokṣa, i. e. paras-akṣa,
I. adj., f. ṣā.
     1. Being beyond sight, invisible, imperceptible, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 12.
     2. Unknown, strange, Śāk. 108, 17.
II. kṣam, acc. and loc. kṣe,
     1. In one's absence, Man. 2, 199.
     2. Imperceptibly, Pañc. 46, 7.
     3. Surreptitiously, 112, 22.
III. m. A proper name.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. not imperceptible, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 24 (although not [quite] imperceptible, [nevertheless] perceivable only by one's self).
II. kṣam, adv. in one's view. Hence the denominative aparokṣaya, to make visible, MBh. 1, 781.

parokṣatā parokṣa + tā, f. Obscurity, MBh. 3, 2820.

[Page 531a]

parokṣatva parokṣa + tva, n. Want of perceptibility, Vedāntas. in Chr. 213, 4.

paropakāritva paropakāritva, i. e. para-upakārin + tva, n. Supporting others, Bhartṛ. Suppl. 13.

parkaṭin parkaṭin, m., and parkaṭī parkaṭī, f. The waved-leaf fig tree, Ficus infectoria, Hit. 38, 10, M. M.

parjanya parjanya (and incorrectly paryanya paryanya), probably sphurj, for old sparj, + ana + ya, m.
     1. A rainthreatening cloud, Ragh. 17, 15.
     2. Rain, Bhag. 3, 14.
     3. The deity of rain.

parṇparṇ, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from parṇa), Par. To be green.

parṇa parṇa, perhaps pṛ10 + na,
I. n.
     1. A wing.
     2. A feather, MBh. 1, 1517.
     3. A leaf, Nal. 16, 12.
II. m. A tree, Butea frondosa Roxb.
III. f. ṇī, An aquatic plant, Pistia stratiotes Lin.
-- Comp. aśva-, adj. having horses serving for wings, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 88, 1. ṛtu-, m. a proper name, Nal. 8, 25. tāmra-parṇī, f. 1. the name of a river. 2. the name of a town in Ceylon. śrī-,
I. n. 1. a lotus. 2. a tree, Premna spinosa.
II. f. ṇī, the name of several plants. saptap°, i. e. saptan-,
I. adj. seven-leaved.
II. m. a tree, Alstonia scholaris, Lass. Anth. 25, 14.
III. n. a sort of sweetmeat. su-,
I. m. 1. Garuḍa. 2. a cock.
II. f. ṇā and ṇī, 1. a number of lotusses. 2. the mother of Garuḍa. tri-su-, adj. conversant with hymns called trisuparṇa, Man. 3, 185. sūpa-, f. ṇī, a sort of bean.
-- Cf. O.H.G. farn; A.S. fearn; perhaps [greek]

[Page 531b] [greek] perhaps Lat. penna (but cf. pat).

parṇavant parṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in leaves, Kathās. 30, 10.

parṇin parṇin, i. e. parṇa + in,
I. m. A tree, MBh. 12, 5858.
II. f. inī.
     1. A certain plant.
     2. The name of an Apsaras.

parṇoṭaja parṇoṭaja, i. e. parṇa-uṭaja, n. A hut of leaves, Utt. Rāmac. 46, 6.

pardpard, i. 1, Ātm. To fart.
-- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. ferzan.

parbparb, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

paryak paryak (acc. sing. n. of pari-añc), adv. Round about.
-- Cf. [greek]

paryagu paryagu, see pāramahaṃsyapari.

paryaṅka paryaṅka, i. e. pari-aṅka, m.
     1. A couch-bed, a bed, Pañc. i. d. 190.
     2. Sitting on one's legs in the oriental manner, Kumāras. 3, 45.

paryaṭa paryaṭa, and comp. apara-, m. Names of peoples.

paryaṭana paryaṭana, i. e. pari-aṭ + ana, n. Wandering about, strolling, Pañc. 163, 22.

paryanta paryanta, i. e. pari-anta,
I. m.
     1. A boundary, MBh. 13, 5225.
     2. A skirt, Rām. 3, 55, 11.
     3. A border, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 17.
     4. End, Pañc. i. d. 141.
II. adj., f. , Surrounded by (its) boundary, Hariv. 9151 (with its last limits, viz. the earth.)
-- Comp. a-, and niṣparyanta, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , unbounded, boundless.

paryanya paryanya, see parjanya.

[Page 532a]

paryaya paryaya, i. e. pari-i + a, m.
     1. Expiration (of a period), Man. 11, 27.
     2. Loss (of time), Rām. 1, 24, 11.
     3. Change, Man. 1, 30.
     4. Confounding, MBh. 12, 449.

paryayaṇa paryayaṇa, i. e. pari-i + ana, n. Walking round.

paryavasāna paryavasāna, i. e. pari-ava-so + ana, n. Conclusion, end, Hit. 116, 20.

paryavasānika paryavasānika, i. e. paryavasāna + ika, adj. Inclining towards (its) end, MBh. 12, 12953.

paryavasāyin paryavasāyin, i. e. pari-ava-so + in, adj., f. , Ending, Utt. Rāmac. 157, 7.

paryavaskanda paryavaskanda, i. e. pari-ava-skand + a, m. Jumping down, MBh. 6, 3319.

paryavasthātṛ paryavasthātṛ, i. e. pari-ava-sthā + tṛ, m. An adversary, MBh. 2, 880.

paryaśru paryaśru, i. e. pari-aśru, adj. Tearful, Chr. 5, 3.

paryākulatva paryākulatva, i. e. pari-ākula + tva, n. Confusion, Kumāras. 2, 25.

paryāṇa paryāṇa, i. e. pari-yā + ana, n. A saddle.

paryāpti paryāpti, i. e. pari-āp + ti, f.
     1. Sufficiency, enough, Kathās. 26, 199.
     2. Dexterity, Kathās. 26, 47.

paryāya paryāya, i. e. pari-i + a, m.
     1. Expiration (of time), Hariv. 4791.
     2. Change, MBh. 6, 3745.
     3. Regular order, return, 4, 612.
     4. Repetition, Hariv. 9647.
     5. Succession, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1424.
     6. Turn, MBh. 13, 4755.
     7. Manner.
     8. A synonyme, Pañc. ii. d. 107.
     9. yeṇa, instr. Alternately.

[Page 532b]

paryāyaśas paryāya + śas, adv.
     1. Periodically.
     2. Seriatim, MBh. 13, 4755.

paryāvarta paryāvarta, i. e. pari-ā-vṛt + a, m. Return, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38.

paryāsa paryāsa, i. e. pari- 2. as + a, m. Rotation, Mārk. P. 54, 2.

paryāsana paryāsana, i. e. pari- 2. as, Caus., + ana, n. Revolution, MBh. 8, 4478.

paryukṣaṇa paryukṣaṇa, i. e. pari-ukṣ + ana, n. Sprinkling.

paryupāsaka paryupāsaka, i. e. pari-upa-ās + aka, m. One who honours or respects, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 25.

paryupāsana paryupāsana, i. e. pari-upa-ās + ana, n. Honouring somebody.

paryupāsitṛ paryupāsitṛ, i. e. pari-upa-ās + tṛ, m. One who honours, MBh. 2, 2436.

paryeṣaṇa paryeṣaṇa, i. e. pari-iṣ + ana, n. Investigating, searching, MBh. 3, 16213.

parvparv, i. 1, Par. To fill.
-- Cf. pṛ10.

parva -parva, a substitute for parvan as latter part of a comp. adj., f. , e. g. karkaśa-, One whose (fingers') joints are hard. tri-, Having three knots.

parvaṇa parvaṇa, i. e. parvan + a,
I. m. The name of a demon.
II. f. ṇī.
     1. The periodical change of the moon, MBh. 13, 6061.
     2. A disease of the eye.
-- Comp. karma-parvaṇī, i. e. karman-, adj., f. holding the links of (the chain) of works, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 24.

parvata parvata, i. e. parvant (the original form of parvan) + a, m.
     1. A mountain, Megh. 23.
     2. A proper name.
-- Comp. agni-, m. a volcano. amara-, and indra-, m. names of mountains. uttara-, m. the northern ridge of mountains. jambu-, m. = jambu
     2. varṣa-, m. A mountainous range supposed to separate the Varṣas, or divisions of the globe, from each other.

parvatīya parvatīya, i. e. parvata + īya, adj. Referring to a mountain, growing on, ruling over, a mountain, Hariv. 2668.
-- Comp. a-, adj. situated in a plain, Rām. 4, 44, 106.

parvan parvan, i. e. pṛ10 + vant (cf. parus and parvata), n.
     1. A knot, a joint in a cane or plant in general, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 413.
     2. A joint of the body, Śāk. d. 80.
     3. A limb, Vikr. d. 112.
     4. A section, a division, especially of a book, MBh. i. ii. etc.
     5. The days of the four periodic changes of the moon, particularly the days of conjunction and opposition, Man. 3, 45.
     6. The sacrifice performed at these days.
     7. A festival.
-- Comp. a-, n. a day which is not parvan (see
5 and
7) su-, m. 1. a bamboo. 2. an arrow. 3. =
5 and
     7. 4. a deity. 5. smoke.

parviṇī parviṇī, i. e. parvan + in + ī, f. A festival, Rājat. 4, 242.

parṣparṣ, or varṣ varṣ, sparṣ sparṣ, i. 1, Ātm. To grow wet.

parṣad parṣad = pariṣad (q. cf.), f. An assembly, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 23.

palpal, i. 1, Par. To go, to move. i. 10, pālaya, see 2. .
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. pello (both Caus.); O.H.G. fallan; A.S. feallan.

pala pala, n.
     1. A weight = 4 karṣas, Man. 8, 135.
     2. Flesh, Yājñ. 3, 215.
-- Comp. daśa(n)-, n. ten palas.

palala palala, n. (and m.).
     1. Pounded sesamum, Hariv. 7362.
     2. Mire, mud, Rām. 5, 87, 26.

palāṇḍu palāṇḍu, m. and n. An onion, Man. 5, 5.

palāy palāy, see vb. i, with the prep. palā.

palāyana palāyana, i. e. palā (for parā) -i + ana, n. Flight, running away, Pañc. 63, 9.

palāyin palāyin, i. e. palā (for parā) -i + in, adj. Running away, showing the heels, MBh. 12, 3719.

palāla palāla,
I. m. and n.
     1. Straw, Man. 5, 122.
     2. The stalk of Sorghum.
II. f. , A proper name.

palāśa palāśa,
I. n.
     1. A leaf.
     2. Foliage, MBh. 3, 1400.
II. m. A tree bearing red blossoms, Butea frondosa.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. śā, together with a Butea frondosa.

palāśin palāśin, i. e. palāśa + in,
I. adj., f. , Leafy, MBh. 1, 1775.
II. m. The name of a town.
III. f. , The name of a river.

palika -palika, i. e. -pala + ika, latter part of comp. adj. preceded by numerals, Weighing (so many) palas, Yājñ. 2, 105.

palita palita,
I. adj., f. iknī (and ), Grey, MBh. 7, 5089.
II. n. Grey hair, Man. 6, 2.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. pullus, pallidus. pallere; O.H.G. falw; A.S. fealo, falu, fealwe, falewe.

palitin palitin, i. e. palita + in adj. Grey-haired.

palpūl palpūl (perhaps an old anomal. frequent. of pal; cf. car, cañcūrya, phal pamphul, tṛ10, ved. tartur, etc.), i. 10, Par., ved.
     1. To tan.
     2. To cleanse.

palyūlpalyūl, and † palyul palyul, † valyūl valyūl, † valyul valyul, i. 10, Par.
     1. To purify.
     2. To cut.

pallpall, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

pallala pallala, see palvala.

pallava pallava, probably for original parṇa + vant,
     1. m. and n. A sprout, a shoot, Śāk. d. 34.
     2. m. pl. The name of a people.
     3. The red dye of lac; cf. pallavita.
-- Comp. aṃśuka-, m. and. n. a scarf. kara- and pāṇi-, m. and n. the fingers. sa-, adj. together with shoots, Ṛt. 6, 16.

pallavaya pallavaya, a denomin. derived from pallava with aya, Par.
     1. To get new shoots, Häberl. Anth. 233, 6.
     2. To extend, Gīt. 1, 4.

pallavita pallavita, i. e. pallava + ita, and pallavin pallavin, i. e. pallava + in adj.
     1. Having young shoots, Kumāras. 3, 54.
     2. Possessing the red dye of lac, Vikr. d. 141 (prabhā-, having its own radiance instead of the red dye).

palvala palvala, sometimes incorrectly pallala pallala, akin to palita (cf. O.H.G. falw), n. (and m.), A small pond, Pañc. 142, 13.
-- Cf. Lat. palus, [greek] perhaps A.S. pol, pool.

pavpav, i. 1, Ātm. To go (v. r.).

pava pava, i. e. pū + a, n. Cowdung.

pavana pavana, i. e. pū + ana,
I. m.
     1. Wind, air, Śāk. d. 55.
     2. A potter's kiln, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 117.
     3. A proper name.
II. m. (or n.) The sacred fire.
-- Comp. danta-, n. A small piece of wood for cleaning the teeth with.

pavamāna pavamāna (properly ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. of , i. 1), m.
     1. Wind, Ragh. 8, 9.
     2. Agni, the deified fire.
     3. The moon.

pavi pavi, m.
     1. The iron band of a wheel (ved.).
     2. The thunderbolt of Indra, Śatr. 14, 219. Perhaps akin to Lat. pavire puvire; [greek]

pavitra pavitra, i. e. pū + tra,
I. n.
     1. A means of purifying, Man. 11, 85.
     2. Sacrificial grass, Man. 2, 75.
     3. Prayer, Man. 11, 225.
II. m. pl. The name of a class of deities.
III. f. trā, The name of a river.
IV. adj., f. trā.
     1. Purifying, Rām. 1, 1, 94.
     2. Pure, Man. 3, 235.
-- Comp. a-, adj. Impure, Pañc. 169, 17.

pavitraka pavitra + ka,
I. n. The vessel in which an Argha or oblation is presented(?), Yājñ. 1, 250.
II. As latter part of comp. adj., a substitute for pavitra.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. Containing sacrificial grass, Yājñ. 1, 230.

pavitratā pavitra + tā, f., and pavitratva pavitra + tva, n. Purity, Utt. Rāmac. 168, 14.

pavitraya pavitraya, a denomin. derived from pavitra with aya, Par. To purify.

pavitrin pavitrin, i. e. pavitra + in, adj.
     1. Purifying, MBh. 1, 1543.
     2. Pure.

paś paś, i. 10 pāśaya, Par. To bind. pāśita, Bound, Hariv. 3536.
-- With the prep. ava ava, ptcple. of the pf. pass. avapāśita, Bound, Rām. 3, 59, 18; cf. dṛś, and spaś.
-- Cf. probably Goth. fahan; A.S. fón with feng; O.H.G. fahan with fang, fogjan; A.S. fegan; Goth. fahjan; O.H.G. gafagjan; A.S. ge-fegan; Lat. pac in paciscor, dispesco for dis-pec + sco, compesco.

paśavya paśavya, i. e. paśv + ya, adj.
     1. Fit for cattle.
     2. Brutish, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 42, with kāma, sexual intercourse.

paśu paś + u, m.
     1. Cattle (viz. neatcattle, horses, goats, sheep, asses, and dogs), Man. 10, 48.
     2. A beast, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 304.
     3. An animal to be immolated, Rām. 1, 61, 8.
-- Comp. ghṛta-, m. the image of a beast formed with clarified butter, Man. 5, 37. deva-, m. cattle consecrated to a deity. nara-, and puruṣa-, m. a beast-like man. nṛ-, m. a man destinated to be immolated. piṣṭa- (vb. piṣ), m. the image of a beast formed with dough, Man. 5, 37.
-- Cf. Goth. faihu; A.S. feoh; Lat. pecus, pecoris and pecudis; probably also [greek]

paśutā paśu + tā, f.
     1. The condition of cattle, Man. 3, 104.
     2. The condition of an animal destined to be immolated.

paśutva paśu + tva, n.
     1. Bestiality, Prab. 59, 11.
     2. The condition of an animal destined to be immolated.

paśumant paśu + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Abounding in cattle, MBh. 2, 798.
     2. Possessing many flocks, 4, 1162.

paśumāraka paśu-māra + ka, adj. Accompanied by immolation of animals, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 11.

paśusamāmnāyika paśusamāmnāyika, i. e. paśu-samāmnāya + ika, adj. Read of in the books on animal sacrifices, Utt. Rāmac. 114, 3.

paścāt paścāt, abl. sing. of the ved. adj. paśca, i. e. apas (= apa)-añc + a (cf. tiraścīna),
I. adv.
     1. Behind, Man. 2, 196.
     2. From behind, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1235.
     3. After, afterwards, Man. 8, 164.
     4. Backwards, Yājñ. 2, 299.
     5. Westward, Megh. 16.
II. prep. with gen. and abl. After, Man. 3, 116.
-- Cf. probably Lat. postid-ea, post; akin is also pone for pos-ne, perhaps [greek]

paścāttāpin paścāttāpin, i. e. paścāt-tāpa + in, adj. Repenting, Yājñ. 3, 221.

paścārdha paścārdha, i. e. paśca (cf. paścāt) -ardha, m. Hind-part, Śāk. d. 7.

paścima paścima, i. e. paśca (cf. paścāt) + ima, adj., f. .
     1. Hinder, last; with saṃdhyā, The evening twilight, Man. 2, 101; with kriyā, Obsequies.
     2. Western, west, Man. 2, 22.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. last. 2. extreme. dakṣiṇa-, adj. south-western.

paścimatas paścima + tas, adv. From behind, MBh. 4, 2108.

paṣpaṣ, i. 1, Par. Ātm., v. r. of spaś, q. cf. i. 10, paṣaya, Par.
     1. To bind.
     2. To hinder.
     3. To touch.
     4. To go (v. r. paś). i. 10, pāṣaya, Par. To bind (v. r.).

paspas, i. 1, Par. Ātm. v. r. of spaś, q. cf. i. 10, Par. pāsaya, To bind (v. r.)

pahlava pahlava, n. The name of a people, the Persians.

1. , i. 1, base of the pres. piba, piva, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.),
     1. To drink, Man. 4, 63.
     2. with rajas, To quaff dust, Man. 11, 110.
     3. To enjoy, e. g. with cakṣuṣā, Megh. 16.
     4. (figuratively) To swallow up, Pañc. iii. d. 233. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., pīta,
     1. Drunk.
     2. Enjoyed.
     3. Swallowed up, squandered away, Rājat. 5, 421.
     4. Having drunk, Kathās. 39, 57.
     5. Filled. Ptcple. of the fut. pass., peya, Drinkable.
I. n. Drink, beverage, Pañc. 47, 8 (at the end of a comp. adj., nānā-prakāra-vastra-puṣpa-bhakṣya-peya, Accompanied by garments, flowers, food, and drink of different kinds).
II. f. , Rice gruel. pānīya, Drinkable. n.
     1. Beverage.
     2. Water, Man. 8, 326. Comp. a-, adj. not drinkable. Caus. pāyaya, To cause to drink, MBh. 1, 192. Desider. pipāsa, To desire to drink, MBh. 7, 705. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., pipāsita, Thirsty, 3, 17247. Frequentat. pepīya,
     1. To drink repeatedly or greedily.
     2. To be drunk greedily (pass., probably to be corrected to pepīyya). Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 1; Hariv. 8798.
-- With the prep. ati ati, Caus. To cause to drink plenty of (acc.).
-- With anu anu,
     1. To drink after or afterwards, Ragh. 8, 67.
     2. To drink of, Rām. 2, 104, 5 Gorr.
-- With abhi abhi, To drink of.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To drink up, Rām. 3, 55, 9.
     2. To drink.
     3. To imbibe (figuratively) with one's ears, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 49. Caus. To cause to imbibe, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 12.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To imbibe, Kām. Nīt. 12, 48.
     2. To press, to impoverish, MBh. 12, 3307.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To sip in, Rām. 2, 95, 18.
     2. To drink.
     3. To absorb, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 6. Caus. To cause to sip in, Bhāg. P. 8, 2, 25.
-- With nis nis, niṣpīta, Dried up, Rām. 2, 62, 17 Gorr.
-- With pari pari, To drink up, Ṛt. 3, 6. paripīta, Imbibed.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To begin to drink.
     2. To drink.
     3. To enjoy, Rām. 2, 45, 5.
-- With sam sam, Caus. To cause to drink, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 26.
-- Cf. Lat. bibo, potare, poculum, etc.; [greek] (cf. pinv), [greek]

2. , ii. 2, Par.
     1. To guard, MBh. 14, 514.
     2. To preserve, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 15.
     3. To beware of (with abl.), MBh. 1, 3417.
     4. To govern. Caus. and pal, pāl, i. 10, pālaya (properly, a denomin. derived from pāla),
     1. To protect, Rām. 1, 45, 29.
     2. To guard as guardian, Rājat. 5, 227.
     3. To cherish, Māl. 48, 19.
     4. To govern, Pañc. i. d. 253. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. nidhi-pālita, m. A proper name. vasu-, m. A proper name.
-- With the prep. anu anu, Caus.
     1. To cause to be guarded, Man. 8, 27.
     2. To observe, MBh. 2, 2509; to maintain, Hariv. 3762.
-- With samanu sam-anu, Caus.
     1. To observe, MBh. 12, 476.
     2. To keep, Rām. 2, 26, 27.
-- With abhi abhi, Caus. To assist, MBh. 3, 8472.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, Caus. To govern, Hariv. 5233.
-- With ni ni, To protect, Rām. 5, 81, 22. Caus. To govern, Rām. 1, 6, 29 Gorr.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To protect, MBh. 1, 8413.
     2. To maintain, Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 36. Caus.
     1. To protect, to guard, to govern.
     2. To maintain, to keep, Chr. 3, 5.
     3. To expect, to wait, Rām. 2, 70, 13.
-- With pra pra, To beware of (with abl.), Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 17. Caus. To protect.
-- With prati prati, Caus.
     1. To protect, MBh. 1, 4080.
     2. To maintain, to observe, 1, 3521.
     3. To expect, to wait, Śāk. 9, 4.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, Caus. To wait.
-- With sam sam,
     1. Caus. To protect, MBh. 12, 2667.
     2. To maintain, to keep, MBh. 3, 15249.
     3. To overcome, MBh. 4, 2321. 2. is akin to 1. ; the link between the signification To drink and To protect is formed by the signification To nourish.
-- Cf. [greek] akin is also [greek] Goth. fodjan; A.S. foda; Lat. pasco, pabulum; [greek]

pāṃśu pāṃśu and pāṃśula pāṃśula, see pāṃsu, pāṃsula.

pāṃsana pāṃsana, latter part of comp. adj., f. (and ), Disgracing, Hiḍ. 1, 39.

pāṃsava pāṃsava, i. e. pāṃsu + a, adj. Consisting of dust, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 18.

pāṃsu pāṃsu, and pāṃśu pāṃśu, m.
     1. Dust, Man. 4, 102.
     2. A particle of dust, Man. 4, 168.

pāṃsuka pāṃsu + ka, m., pl. Dust.

pāṃsula pāṃsu + la, and pāṃśula pāṃśula, adj.
     1. Dusty, covered with dust, Rām. 2, 43, 30 Gorr.
     2. Disgraced, Śāk. d. 125.
     3. Disgracing(?), Rām. 5, 88, 13.
-- Comp. vana-, m. a hunter.

pāka pāka, i. e. pac + a, m.
     1. Cooking, baking, MBh. 3, 15551.
     2. Food, Man. 3, 104.
     3. Burning (as pots, bricks), 5, 122.
     4. Digestion.
     5. Ripening, maturing, Vikr. d. 90.
     6. The appearance of the consequences, e. g. of an action, Pañc. 129, 13.
     7. Fulfilling, accomplishment.
     8. Inflammation.
     9. The name of a demon.
-- Comp. karma(n)-, m. the requital for actions done in a former existence, Pañc. i. d. 417. kiṃpāka, i. e. kim-, m. a kind of cucumber; n. its fruit. kumbhī-, m. sing. and pl. the name of a hell in which the wicked are baked like potters' vessels, Man. 12, 76. punaḥpāka, i. e. punar-, m. repeated burning. puras-, adj. of which the fulfilment is imminent on. havya- (vb. hu), m. 1. an oblation dressed for the gods. 2. the vessel it is prepared in.

pākaja pāka-ja, adj. Produced by maturing.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not produced by maturing.

pākajatva pākaja + tva. n. Capability of being affected by contact with fire, Bhāṣāp. 104.

pākaśāsana pāka-śāsana, m. A name of Indra, Vikr. 89, 1 (chastiser of pāka, see pāka

pākaśāsani pākaśāsani, i. e. pākaśāsana + i, patronym., m. A son of Indra, a surname of Arjuna, Johns. Sel. 17, 72.

pākin pākin, i. e. pac + in, latter part of comp. adj., f. ni, Maturing, being digested.

pākima pākima, i. e. pāka + ima, adj. Prepared by cooking, baking, or evaporation (as salt).

pākya pākya, i. e. pāka + ya, adj., n. A kind of salt.

pākṣika pākṣika, i. e. pakṣa + ika, adj., f. , Belonging to a fortnight, MBh. 14, 2513.

pāṅkteya pāṅkteya, and pāṅktya pāṅktya, i. e. paṅkti + eya or ya, adj. Worthy to belong to a respectable society, Man. 3, 176.
-- Comp. a-, adj. inadmissible into society, Man. 3, 170.

pācaka pācaka, i. e. pac + aka,
I. adj., f. cikā.
     1. Cooking, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1787.
     2. Effecting digestion.
II. m., f. cikā, A cook.

pācana pācana, i. e. pac + ana,
I. adj. Digestive.
II. n.
     1. A warm cataplasm.
     2. A digestive.

pāñcajana pāñcajana, i. e. pañcan -jana + a, patronym., m. and f. , A son or daughter of Pañcajana.

pāñcajanya pāñcajanya, i. e. pañcan-jana + ya, m.
     1. Kṛṣṇa's conch, Bhag. 1, 15.
     2. The name of a part of Jambu-dvīpa.

pāñcadaśya pāñcadaśya, i. e. pañcadaśī + ya (cf. daśa), adj. Used at the fifteenth day of a half month, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 27.

pāñcanakha pāñcanakha, i. e. pañcan-nakha + a, adj. Made of the skin of an animal with five claws, MBh. 4, 1338.

pāñcanada pāñcanada, i. e. pañcan-nada + a,
I. adj. Observed in Pañcanada, i. e. the Panjab.
II. m.
     1. A prince of Pañcanada.
     2. pl. The inhabitants of Pañcanada.

pāñcabhautika pāñcabhautika, i. e. pañcan-bhūta + ika, adj. Consisting of the five elements, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 29.

pāñcayajñika pāñcayajñika, i. e. pañcan-yajña + ika, adj. Belonging to the five sacrifices, Man. 3, 83.

pāñcāla pāñcāla, i. e. pañcāla + a,
I. adj., f. li, Belonging to, referring to, ruling over, etc., the Pañcālas.
II. m. pl. The Pañcālas.
III. f. , A surname of Draupadī.

pāñcālaka pāñcāla + ka, adj., f. likā, Belonging to the Pañcālas.

pāñcāleya pāñcāleya, i. e. pañcāla + eya, m. A prince of the Pañcālas.

pāñcālya pāñcālya, i. e. pañcāla + ya,
I. adj. Belonging to the Pañcālas.
II. m. A prince of the Pañcālas, Johns. Sel. 5, 26.

pāṭaka pāṭaka, i. e. paṭ + aka, m. One who divides, Hariv. 9767.

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pāṭaccara pāṭaccara, i. e. paṭaccara + a, m. A thief, a robber.

pāṭana pāṭana, i. e. paṭ + ana, n.
     1. Ripping up, slitting up, Mārk. P. 14, 88.
     2. Opening, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1405.

pāṭala pāṭala,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Of a pale red colour, Ragh. 7, 24.
     2. Pallid, Śāk. d. 182.
II. m.
     1. Pale red, rose colour, Ragh. 4, 68.
     2. A kind of rice ripening in the rains.
     3. A proper name.
     4. The tree of trumpet flower, Bignonia suaveolens.
III. f. , The tree and its flower.
IV. n. Its flower, Pañc. i. d. 152.
-- Comp. satā-pāṭala, m. the red mane of a lion, Rājat. 5, 332.

pāṭali pāṭali,
I. m. and f., and pāṭalī pāṭalī, f.
     1. Trumpet flower, Bignonia suaveolens.
II. pāṭalī, f.
     1. The name of a tree.
     2. A proper name.

pāṭaliman pāṭaliman, i. e. pāṭala + iman, m. Pale red, rose colour, Prab. 85, 2.

pāṭava pāṭava, i. e. paṭu + a, n.
     1. Ṣarpness, energy.
     2. Cleverness, dexterity, Hit. pr. d. 2.
     3. Quickness, precipitation, Kathās. 5, 89.

pāṭha pāṭha, i. e. paṭh + a, m.
     1. Reading, recital, Kathās. 2, 36.
     2. A text.
-- Comp. vandipāṭha, i. e. vandin-, m. a panegyric, an eulogium.

pāṭhaka pāṭhaka, i. e. paṭh + aka, m.
     1. A student, one who is conversant with a science, Pañc. 165, 2.
     2. A preceptor.
-- Comp. dharma-, m. one who has applied himself most assiduously to the Dharmaśāstra, Man. 12, 111. nakṣatra-, m. an astrologer, Cāṇ. 88 in Berl. Monatsb. madana-, m. the Indian cuckoo. stuti-, m. a panegyrist, a herald.

pāṭhavant pāṭha + vant, adj. Learned.

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pāṭhin pāṭhin, i. e. pāṭha + in, adj.
     1. Having studied, MBh. 5, 1668.
     2. Conversant with.

pāṭhīna pāṭhīna, m. A sort of fish, Silurus boalis Ham.

pāṇa pāṇa, i. e. paṇ + a, m. A stake (at a game), MBh. 2, 2037.

pāṇi pāṇi, perhaps akin to parṇa, m. The hand, Man. 2, 63.
-- Comp. a-rikta- (vb. ric), adj. not emptyhanded. cakra-, m. a name of Viṣṇu (holding a discus in one hand). daṇḍa-, m. 1. a name of Yama. 2. a proper name. dhanuṣpāṇi, i. e. dhanus-, adj. armed with a bow. rathāṅga, i. e. ratha-aṅga- (= cakra), m. a name of Viṣṇu. vajra-, m. Indra. śārṅga-, m. Viṣṇu, Megh. 109.

pāṇika pāṇi + ka,
I. m. A proper name.
II. f. , A kind of singing.

pāṇigrahaṇika pāṇigrahaṇika, i. e. pāṇi-grahaṇa + ika,
I. adj. Nuptial, Man. 8, 226.
II. n. A nuptial present, MBh. 1, 8015.

pāṇija pāṇi-ja, m. A finger-nail.

pāṇin pāṇin, latter part of comp. adj. = pāṇi, e. g. śastra-, adj. Holding a weapon in one's hand. śūla-, adj.
I. Wearing a lance, MBh. 3, 1622.
II. m. pl. The name of a tribe.

pāṇini pāṇini, m. The name of a great grammarian.

pāṇinīya pāṇinīya, i. e. pāṇini + īya, adj. Connected with, composed by, Pāṇini.

pāṇimant pāṇi + mant, adj., f. mati, Having hands, MBh. 12, 6701.

pāṇḍara pāṇḍara, akin to pāṇḍu,
I. adj., f. , Pale, yellowish, white, Rām. 3, 2. 17 Gorr.
II. m.
     1. The name of a mountain.
     2. The name of a Nāga or serpent.

pāṇḍava pāṇḍava, i. e. pāṇḍu + a,
I. patronym. A descendant of Pāṇḍu, viz. Yudhiṣṭhira and his four brothers.
II. m. A partisan of the five Pāṇḍavas.
III. adj., f. , Belonging to, connected with, the five Pāṇḍavas, MBh. 6, 3303.

pāṇḍavīya pāṇḍavīya, i. e. pāṇḍava + īya, adj. Relating to the five Pāṇḍavas, MBh. 5, 123.

pāṇḍaveya pāṇḍaveya, i. e. pāṇḍu + eya,
I. patronym. A descendant of Pāṇḍu.
II. m. A partisan of the Pāṇḍavas.
III. adj. Belonging to, connected with, the five Pāṇḍavas(?), MBh. 8, 1634.

pāṇḍitya pāṇḍitya, i. e. paṇḍita + ya, n.
     1. Scholarship, learning, MBh. 5, 917.
     2. Wisdom, prudence, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1735.

pāṇḍu pāṇḍu,
I. adj. Pale, white, yellowish white, Śāk. d. 80.
II. m. The name of a sovereign, father of Yudhiṣṭhira, and the other four Pāṇḍavas.
-- Comp. puṣpa-, m. a kind of snake. vi-, adj. pale, Śic. 9, 3.

pāṇḍuka pāṇḍu + ka, m. The jaundice.

pāṇḍukin pāṇḍukin, i. e. pāṇḍuka + in, adj. Jaundiced.

pāṇḍutā pāṇḍu + tā, f., and pāṇḍutva pāṇḍu + tva, n. Paleness, Megh. 66.

pāṇḍura pāṇḍu + ra,
I. adj., f. , Of a yellowish white colour, white, pale, Bhāg. P. 8, 8, 8.
II. m. a proper name.
-- Comp. ā-, adj. a little pale, Amar. 89. vi-, adj. pale.

pāṇḍuratā pāṇḍura + tā, f. White colour, Pañc. 253, 2.

pāṇḍya pāṇḍya, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people and its country.
     2. A prince of the Pāṇḍyas.
     3. The name of a mountain.

pāta pāta, i. e. pat + a, m.
     1. Flying, MBh. 8, 1898.
     2. Manner of flying, 3, 10646.
     3. Throwing one's self, Bhartṛ. 2, 77.
     4. Falling.
     5. A cast.
     6. A stroke. khaḍga-, A stroke with the sword, Kathās. 27, 50.
     7. Case, Lass. 43, 3.
-- Comp. asṛkpāta, i. e. asṛj-, m. drops of blood, Man. 8, 44. kūla-, m. falling from the bank (of a river), Rām. 2, 103, 4. garbha-, m. miscarriage. caraṇa-, m. 1. laying one's self at another's feet, Pañc. 113, 2. 2. a kick, Hariv. 13607. dūra-,
I. m. flying far.
II. adj. shooting from afar. dṛkpāta, i. e. dṛś-, and dṛṣṭi-, m. a glance. dhārā-, m. a shower. pakṣa-, m. 1. siding with somebody, MBh. 1, 5347. 2. partiality, Bhartṛ. 1, 54. vi-pakṣa-, m. indifference. mahā-, adj. falling with great force (as an arrow). vartma(n)-, m. aberration. vāṇa-, m. an arrow-shot, as a measure of distance, Chr. 27, 12. vilocana-, m. a glance.

pātaka pātaka, i. e. pat, Caus., + aka, m. and n. Sin, crime, Man. 8, 88.

pātakin pātakin, i. e. pātaka + in, adj., f. , Wicked, a criminal, Mṛcch. 154, 24.
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. offending, or an offender, in the highest degree, Man. 9, 235.

pātaṅga pātaṅga, i. e. pataṃga + a, adj., f. , Peculiar to a grasshopper Rājat. 8, 469.

pātana pātana, i. e. pat, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. , Cutting down, MBh. 1, 6560.
II. n. Causing to fall, Man. 5, 130; with daṇḍasya, Chastising, Man. 7, 51; with garbhasya, Causing a miscarriage.
-- Comp. daṇḍa-, n. chastising. dūra-, n. throwing missiles from afar.

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pātāla pātāla, i. e. perhaps pāta-ālaya, n.
     1. One of the seven hells, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 3.
     2. The regions under the earth, and the abode of the Nāgas or serpents.

pātin pātin, i. e. pat + in, and pāta + in, adj.
     1. Flying, MBh. 8, 1911.
     2. Falling, Kathās. 19, 29.
     3. Causing to fall.
-- Comp. eka-, adj. fallen on a sudden, MBh. 1, 3032. daṇḍa-, adj. inflicting punishment. dūra-, adj. 1. flying far. 2. making wide ways. 3. Throwing missiles over a great distance. dūra-iṣu-, adj. shooting arrows over large distances. pakṣa-, adj. siding with, partial, Mālav. 13, 17. pṛṣṭha-, adj. following, Rājat. 6, 70.

pātuka pātuka, i. e. pat + uka, adj. Disposed to fall, MBh. 12, 3444.

pātṛ pā + tṛ, m.
     1. One who drinks, MBh. 10, 287.
     2. A protector, Hariv. 14617.
-- Cf. Lat. potor, [greek]

pātya pātya, i. e. pati + ya, n. Dominion, MBh. 12, 9517.

pātra pā + tra,
I. n.
     1. A vessel in general, a plate, a cup, etc., Man. 5, 116.
     2. A receptacle, Kām. Nītis. 5, 90.
     3. The bed of a river, Rām. 2, 73, 2 Gorr.
     4. A person worthy of receiving gifts, Bhartṛ. 2, 80.
     5. A king's counsellor or minister, Rājat. 5, 304.
     6. The persons of a drama, Vikr. 3, 9.
II. f. trī.
     1. A vessel, a plate, MBh. 1, 7215.
     2. A name of Durgā.
-- Comp. a-, n. a person not worthy of receiving gifts, Bhag. 17, 22. uda(n)-, n. a pot of water. upakrośa-, n. an object of blame, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 22. tāmra-, n. a copper vessel. dāru-, n. a wooden bowl. dūra-, adj. having a wide bed (as a river). dhūpa-, n. a box for keeping incense. piṇḍa-, n. 1. the vessel in which cakes are offered to the Manes. 2. alms (properly, the pot for receiving food). pūrṇa-, m. and n. 1. a full cup. 2. a measure of 256 handfulls of rice. prasāda-, n. an object of favour. yāna-, n. a ship, a boat, Pañc. 262, 3. viśvāsa-, n. a confidential agent. su-, n. 1. an earthen vessel. 2. a very fit or respectable person.
-- Cf. Goth. fodr; perhaps Lat. patera.

pātratā pātra + tā, f., and pātratva pātra + tva, n.
     1. Condition of being a receptacle, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1249.
     2. Condition of being worthy, Yājñ. 1, 200; Hit. pr. d. 6, M.M.

pātraya pātraya, a denomin. derived from pātra with aya, Par. To use as drinking vessel, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1754.

pātrika pātrika, i. e. pātra + ika, n. and f. , A vessel, a cup, MBh. 12, 8327; Bhāg. P. 8, 18, 17.

pātrin pātrin, i. e. pātra + in, adj. Having a vessel, Man. 6, 52.

pāthas pā + thas, n. Water, Kathās. 27, 122.

pātheya pātheya, i. e. pathin + eya, n. Provisions for a journey, Vikr. d. 94.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without provisions for a journey.

pāthoja pāthoja, i. e. pāthas-ja, n. A lotus, Rājat. 4, 110.

pāthodhara pāthodhara, i. e. pāthas-dhara, m. A cloud, Rājat. 3, 202.

pāthodhi pāthodhi, i. e. pāthas-dhā (see payodhi), m. The ocean, Rājat. 3, 68.

pād pād, see 3. pad.

pāda pāda, i. e. 1. pad + a, m.
     1. A foot.
     2. The bottom (of a bag), Man. 2, 99.
     3. The foot of a mountain, Megh. 19.
     4. A hill at the foot of a mountain, Śāk. d. 145.
     5. The root of a tree.
     6. A ray, a beam, Pañc. i. d. 372.
     7. A quarter, Man. 8, 18.
     8. The fourth part of a śloka or strophe, Man. 2, 77.
     9. The quadrant of a circle.
-- Comp. adhaḥpāda, i. e. adhas-, m. the sole of the feet, Pañc. 165, 16. aṣṭa(n)-, adj. having eight feet. eka-,
I. adj., f. . 1. one-footed. 2. using only one foot.
II. m. the name of a fabulous people. guru-, m. the feet of a guru, i. e. of the parents or of the spiritual teacher, instead of guru, Bhartṛ. 2, 55. candra-, m. a moonbeam. jala- (rather jāla-), m. a proper name. jāla-, see s. v. deva-, m. pl. the feet of a king, instead of a king, Panc. 16, 6. dvi-, adj., f. , biped. rakta-, m. a parrot. śīrṇa-, m. Yama (having shrivelled feet in consequence of a curse of his mother; cf. probably the devil with his horse's foot). sthūla-, m. an elephant. haṃsa-,
I. m. vermilion.
II. f. , a particular shrub.
-- Cf. Goth. fotus; A.S. fót.

pādaka pāda + ka, a substitute for pāda when latter part of a comp. adj., f. dikā, e. g. tri-, Three-footed, Rām. 5, 17, 30.

pādatas pāda + tas, adv.
     1. Out of the feet, Man. 1, 31.
     2. At the foot (of one's bed), Man. 4, 54.
     3. = In the south-west, Man. 3, 89.
     4. By degrees (hīna, Each in succession is lower in rank than the preceding), Kām. Nītis. 12, 3.

pādapa pāda-pa (vb. 1. ), m. A tree, Man. 8, 246.

pādabhāj pādabhāj, i. e. pāda-bhaj, adj. Possessing a fourth part.

pādarakṣa pāda-rakṣ + a, m. A footguard, Draup. 8, 10.

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pādavant pāda + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessed of feet, Rām. 2, 107, 19 Gorr.

pādaśas pāda + śas, adv.
     1. Foot by foot, Man. 1, 82.
     2. By a fourth, Man. 1, 83.

pādāta pādāta, i. e. pāda-at + a,
I. m. A foot-soldier.
II. n. Foot, infantry, MBh. 12, 3672.
-- Comp. sa-ratha-, adj. with chariots and infantry.

pādānta pādānta, i. e. pāda-anta, m. End of the feet; loc. te, Near the feet, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 752.

pādāntara pādāntara, i. e. pāda-antara, n. The interval of a step; loc. re, After having made a step, Śāk. 16, 1, Chezy (cf. padāntara).

pādika pādika, i. e. pāda + ika, adj. Amounting to a quarter, Man. 3, 1.
-- Comp. ardha-, adj. Consisting in the loss of half of one foot, 8, 325.

pādin pādin, i. e. pāda + in, adj.
     1. Having feet.
     2. Entitled to a fourth part or share, Man. 8, 210.

pādukā pādukā, i. e. pad + u + ka, f. A shoe, Rām. 2, 115, 20.
-- Comp. sa-pāduka, adj. With sandals, Rām. 3, 52, 9.

pādukṛt and pādūkṛt pādu/ūkṛt, i. e. pad + u-kṛ + t, m. A shoemaker.

pādma pādma, i. e. padma + a, adj. Referring to, treating of, the lotus, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 47.

pādya pādya, i. e. pād or pāda + ya,
I. adj. Referring or belonging to the feet.
II. n. Water for cleaning the feet, Indr. 3, 2.

pāna pāna, i. e. 1. pā + ana, n.
     1. Drinking, Pañc. 184, 18.
     2. Enjoying, Lass. 25, 11.
     3. Beverage, Man. 3, 227.
-- Comp. vīra-pāna and -pāṇa, n. the drink of warriors, taken for refreshment or to elevate courage. saha-, n. drinking together.

pānaka pāna + ka, m. and n. Beverage, MBh. 15, 21.

pānika pānika, i.e. pāna + ika, m. A seller of liquors, Rām. 2, 90, 16 Gorr.

pāntha pāntha, i. e. panthan + a (see pathin), m. A traveller, Pañc. 117, 10.

pānnaga pānnaga, i. e. pannaga + a, adj. Consisting of snakes, Hariv. 9387.

pāpa pāpa,
I. adj., f. and , comparat. pāpatara, pāpīyaṃs, and pāpīyastara, MBh. 13, 2213; superl. pāpatama, pāpiṣṭha, pāpiṣṭhatara, MBh. 7, 8734, and pāpiṣṭhatama, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 9.
     1. Wicked, sinful, Chr. 61, 46; 9, 43.
     2. Inauspicious.
     3. pāpiṣṭhatama, with abl., Worse, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 9.
II. n.
     1. Wickedness, Rām. 3, 51, 36.
     2. Evil, 3, 54, 27.
     3. Crime, Pañc. i. d. 321.
     4. Sin, Chr. 30, 37.
-- Comp. a-, adj. innocent. upa-, n. a crime of the third degree, Yājñ. 3, 286. dhūta- (vb. dhū), adj. free from sin. niṣpāpa, i. e. nis-, adj. the same. mahā-, n. a sin of the highest degree. Yājñ. 3, 286.
-- Cf. probably, Lat. pejor (for pepjor), pessimus, peccare, perhaps [greek]

pāpaka pāpa + ka,
I. adj., f. and pikā, Wicked, Indr. 5, 61.
II. m. A rascal, MBh. 5, 1270.
III. n.
     1. Evil, 1, 3016.
     2. Sin.

pāpakṛt pāpa-kṛ + t, adj. sbst. Wicked, sinful, a villain, Rām. 3, 50, 22.

pāparddhi pāparddhi, i. e. pāpa-ṛddhi, f. Hunting. Pañc. 120, 8.

pāpalokya pāpalokya, i. e. pāpa-loka + ya, adj., f. , Belonging to hell, infernal, MBh. 1, 3558.

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pāpahan pāpa-han, adj. Destroying sin, Man. 7, 25.

pāpin pāpin, i. e. pāpa + in, adj. Wicked, sinful, a sinner, Rājat. 5, 402.

pāpiṣṭhatama pāpiṣṭha + tama, see pāpa.

pāpīya pāpīya = pāpīyaṃs, see pāpa, Worse, MBh. 2, 2123.

pāpīyastva pāpīyastva, i. e. pāpīyaṃs + tva (see pāpa), n. Sinfulness, Rājat. 5, 177.

pāpman pāpman, i. e. pāpa + man, m.
     1. Evil.
     2. Sin, wickedness. Man. 11, 93.

pāman pāman, n. and f. , Cutaneous eruption, herpes, scab.

pāmara pāmara, i. e. pāman + a, with r for n, adj. Base, wicked, Rājat. 5, 400.

pāyanā pāyanā, i. e. 1. , Caus. + ana, f. Causing to drink, moistening, Suśr. 1, 27, 19.

pāyasa pāyasa, i. e. payas + a,
I. adj. Made of milk.
II. m. and n. Food made of milk, Man. 3, 271.

pāyin pāyin, i. e. 1. pā + in, latter part of comp. adj. Drinking, Vikr. d. 121.

pāyu pāyu, m. The anus, Man. 2, 91.

pār pār, i. 10, see 1. pṛ, Caus.

pāra pāra, i. e. 1. pṛ + a,
I. m. and n. The further or opposite bank of a river or sea, Rām. 3, 54, 14; figuratively with gen. The totality of the object denoted by the gen., e. g. tamasas, The whole darkness, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 92, 6. kāraṇānām, All the tortures, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 16.
     2. End, Yājñ. 1, 51.
II. m. Quicksilver.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , boundless. duṣpāra, i. e. dus-pṛ10 + a, adj. 1. difficult to be sailed across. 2. difficult to be overcome. 3. difficult to be performed. dūra-,
I. adj. the opposite bank of which is very distant, broad. 2. difficult to be obtained.
II. m. a broad river, difficult to be crossed. niṣpāra, i. e. nis-, adj. boundless.

pārakya pārakya, i. e. para + ka + ya, adj.
     1. Belonging to another, Man. 10, 97.
     2. Hostile. m. An enemy, Hit. 109, 6.

pāraga pāra-ga, adj.
     1. Crossing MBh. 2, 2418.
     2. Intending to cross, 4, 451.
     3. Accomplishing, Rām. 3, 53, 8.
     4. Having studied, knowing, Pañc. 155, 4.
-- Comp. veda-, adj. sbst. skilled in the Vedas, Chr. 60, 25.

pāragrāmika pāragrāmika, i. e. para-grāma + ika, adj., f. , Hostile, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 24 (pāragrāmikaṃ vidhim ā cikīrṣa, To prepare for hostility).

pārajāyika pārajāyika, i. e. para-jāyā + ika, adj. sbst. An adulterer, MBh. 12, 2512.

pāraṇa pāraṇa, i. e. pṛ10 + ana,
I. adj. Saving, Hariv. 7941.
II. n.
     1. Fulfilling, MBh. 7, 2907.
     2. Reading, studying, MBh. 18, 212.
III. n. and f. ṇā,
     1. with and without vrata, Concluding a fast, eating or drinking after a fast, Kathās. 21, 146.
     2. Breakfast, Kathās. 23, 44.

pārata pārata (cf. pāra), m. Quicksilver, Kathās. 37, 232.

pāratantrya pāratantrya, i. e. para-antra + ya, n. Dependence, MBh. 5, 1725.

pāratrika pāratrika, i. e. paratra + ika, adj. Relating to the next world.

pāratrya pāratrya, i. e. paratra + ya, adj. Relating to the next world, Man. 2, 236.

pārada pārada, m.
     1. Quicksilver (cf. pārata).
     2. pl. The name of a people, the Parthians, Man. 10, 44.

pāradārika pāradārika, i. e. para-dāra + ika, adj. sbst. Having sexual intercourse with another's wife, an adulterer, Kathās. 19, 48.

pāradārya pāradārya, i. e. para-dāra + ya, n. Adultery, Man. 11, 59.

pāradeśya pāradeśya, i. e. para-deśa + ya, adj. Belonging to, or coming from, a foreign country, Yājñ. 2, 252.

pāramahaṃsya pāramahaṃsya, i. e. parama-haṃsa + ya,
I. adj. Relating to the paramahaṃsas, or religious men who have subdued all their senses by abstract meditation, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 4.
II. n. Most sublime asceticism or meditation (see the following).

pāramahaṃsyapari pāramahaṃsya-pari, adv. Relating to the most sublime meditation or speculation, Bhāg. P. 4, 21, 40.

pāramārthika pāramārthika, i. e. parama-artha + ika, adj.
     1. Real.
     2. Loving right, Pañc. i. d. 389.

pārameśvara pārameśvara, i. e. parama-īśvara + a, adj. Referring to, coming from, the supreme lord, Śiva, etc., Kathās. 6, 124

pārameṣṭhya pārameṣṭhya, i. e. parameṣṭhin + ya,
I adj.
     1. Referring to the supreme lord, Brahman, etc., MBh. 1, 7682.
     2. Referring to a king, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 38 (n. the royal insignia).
II. n. Highest position, 2, 2, 22.

pāramparya pāramparya, i. e. paraṃpara + ya, n. Hereditary succession, tradition, Man. 2, 18.

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pārayiṣṇu pārayiṣṇu, i. e. 1. pṛ, Caus, + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. Accomplishing.
     2. Victorious, MBh. 12, 3749.

pāralokya pāralokya, i. e. para-loka + ya, adj. Referring to the next world, MBh. 5, 778.

pāralaukika pāralaukika, i. e. para-loka + ika, adj. Referring to the next world, MBh. 3, 12616.

pāravargya pāravargya, i. e. para-varga + ya. Siding with the enemy, MBh. 2, 2131.

pāraśava pāraśava, i. e. paraśu + a,
I. m. and n. Iron.
II. adj., f. , Of iron, MBh. 4, 1011.
III. m.
     1. pl. The name of a people (v.r. pārasava).
     2. The son of a Śūdra woman by a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 9, 178.
     3. A bastard, f. (pārasava, and with s), MBh. 1, 4361.

pārasava pārasava. See the last.

pārahaṃsya pārahaṃsya, i. e. para-haṃsa + ya, adj. Relating to an ascetic who has subdued all his senses (cf. pāramahaṃsya), Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 10.

pārāpata pārāpata, and pārāvata pārāvata, m. A pigeon, Vikr. d. 43; Pañc. 157, 3 (with v).

pārāyaṇa pārāyaṇa, i. e. pāra-ayana, n.
     1. Study, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 10.
     2. Totality, MBh. 13, 2701; Utt. Rāmac. 98, 4.

pārāvata pārāvata, m.
     1. See pārāpata.
     2. A kind of snake.
     3. A tree, Diospyros embryopteris Pers. (n. its fruit).
     4. pl. A class of deities.

pārāvarya pārāvarya, i. e. para-avara + ya, n. Totality; instr. yeṇa, Completely, MBh. 11, 655.

pārāvāra pārāvāra, i. e. pāra-avāra (from ava, being on this side, Gramm. ved.)
     1. The opposite bank or shore, and that on this side, MBh. 5, 1017.
     2. m. The sea.

pārāśarya pārāśarya, i. e. parāśara + ya, patronym. A son of Parāśara, i. e. Vyāsa, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 12.

pārikṣita pārikṣita, i. e. parikṣit + a, patronym. A descendant of Parikṣit, i. e. Janamejaya.

pārijāta pārijāta, i. e. pari-jāta (vb. jan), + a, m.
     1. A tree of paradise, Hariv. 7168.
     2. The coral tree, Erythrina indica Lam.
     3. A proper name.

pārijātaka pārijāta + ka, m. The same.

pārijātamaya pārijāta + maya, adj., f. , Made of the flowers of the tree of paradise, Kathās. 15, 129.

pāriṇāhya pāriṇāhya, i. e. pariṇāha + ya, n. Household furniture and utensils, Man. 9, 11.

pāritoṣika pāritoṣika, i. e. paritoṣa + ika, n. A gratuity, a reward, Mṛcch. 82, 9.

pāripanthika pāripanthika, i. e. paripathin + ika, m. A robber (MBh. 12, 12100 has pārīpānthika).

pāripārśva pāripārśva, i. e. paripārśva + a, n. Retinue, Hariv. 8664.

pāripārśvaka pāripārśva + ka,
     1. m. An attendant, MBh. 12, 4339.
     2. f. vikā, A chambermaid, Mālav. 47, 8.

pāripārśvika pāripārśvika, i. e. pāripārśva + ika, m. An attendant, Mālav. 3, 7.

pāriplava pāriplava, i. e. pariplava + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Swimming, Ragh. 16, 61.
     2. Moving to and fro, unsteady, Ragh. 3, 11.
II. m.
     1. A ship, Rām. 1, 44, 20.
     2. A proper name.

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pāribarha pāribarha, and pārivarha pārivarha, i. e. paribarha + a, m.
     1. Suitable furniture, Hariv. 9039.
     2. A proper name.

pāribhadra pāribhadra, i. e. pari-bhadra + a, and pāribhadraka pāribhadra + ka, m. The coral and other trees.

pārimāṇḍalya pārimāṇḍalya, i. e. parimaṇḍala + ya, adj. Having the measure of an atom, Bhāṣāp. 14.

pārimāṇya pārimāṇya, i. e. parimāṇa + ya, n. Circumference, MBh. 12, 10055.

pārivittya pārivittya, i. e. pari-vitta (vb. vid), + ya, and pārivettrya pārivettrya, i. e. parivettṛ + ya, n. The condition of an elder brother who is unmarried while the younger is married, Yājñ. 3, 235.

pārivrājaka pārivrājaka, i. e. parivrājaka + a, adj. Destined for a religious mendicant.

pāriṣada pāriṣada, i. e. pariṣad + a,
I. adj. and sbst., Belonging, or one who belongs, to an assembly or council, Nal. 18, 4.
II. m.
     1. A king's companion, Pañc. 156, 18
     2. pl. The retinue of a god, Rām. 3, 35, 107.
III. n. Partaking of an assembly, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 17.

pāriṣadya pāriṣadya, i. e. pariṣad + ya, m. One who assists at an assembly, a spectator, Rājat. 5, 465.

pārihārya pārihārya, i. e. parihāra + ya, m. A bracelet, Rājat. 5, 358.

pārihāsya pārihāsya, i. e. parihāsa + ya, n. Jest, Bhāg. P. 6, 2, 14.

pārī pārī, i. e. pṛ10 + a + ī, f. A cup, Rājat. 5, 368.

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pārīkṣita pārīkṣita, i. e. parīkṣit + a.
     1. adj. Referring to Parīkṣit.
     2. Patronym., a descendant of Parīkṣit.

pārīndra pārīndra, m. A lion, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1772.

pāruṣya pāruṣya, i. e. paruṣa + ya, n.
     1. Roughness, Suśr. 1, 267, 17 (of the skin).
     2. Squalor, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1472.
     3. Violence, either in word (vākpāruṣya, Man. 8, 266), or deed (daṇḍa-, 278).
     4. Abuse, contumelious speech, Man. 12, 6.

pāresindhu pāresindhu, i. e. pāra + i-sindhu, adv. Beyond the Indus, MBh. 2, 1831.

pārokṣa pārokṣa, i. e. parokṣa + a, adj. Unintelligible, obscure, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 26.

pārokṣya pārokṣya, i. e. parokṣa + ya,
I. adj. Invisible, Bhāg. P. 8, 22, 5.
II. n. A mystery, 4, 28, 65.

pārjanya pārjanya, i. e. parjanya + a, adj. Belonging to Parjanya, MBh. 1, 5365.

pārtha pārtha, i. e. pṛthā, a proper name, + a, metronym.
     1. Offspring of Pṛthā, a surname of Yudhiṣṭhira, Bhīmasena, and Arjuna.
     2. m. A proper name.

pārthakya pārthakya, i. e. pṛthak + ya, n. Severalty, individuality.

pārthamaya pārtha + maya, adj. Consisting of descendants of Pṛthā, MBh. 8, 4847.

pārthava pārthava, i. e. pṛthu + a, adj., f. , Belonging to Pṛthu, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 14.

pārthiva pārthiva, i. e. pṛthivī + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Terrestrial, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3 ( for vāni).
     2. Ruling or possessing the earth, Chr. 14, 17.
     3. Royal, fit for kings or princes, MBh. 5, 2187.
II. m.
     1. An inhabitant of the earth, Rām. 2, 25, 20.
     2. A king, a prince.
III. f. , Sītā.

pārthivatā pārthiva + tā, f., and pārthivatva pārthiva + tva, n. Royal dignity, MBh. 2, 1007; 1051.

pārvaṇa pārvaṇa, i. e. parvan + a, adj.
     1. Relating to the parvan (q. cf.)
     2. Increasing (as the moon), Kathās. 35, 114.
     3. Full, Ragh. 11, 82.

pārvata pārvata, i. e. parvata + a.
I. adj., f. , Mountain, produced or consisting in mountains, etc., MBh. 1, 3654.
II. f. .
     1. A name of Durgā.
     2. The name of several plants.

pārvatīya pārvatīya, i. e. parvata + īya,
I. adj. Mountain, mountaineer, Draup. 8, 8.
II. m. A certain prince ruling in the mountains, MBh. 1, 2692.

pārvateya pārvateya, i. e. parvata + eya, m. A certain prince ruling in the mountains, MBh. 1, 2666.

pārvāyanāntīya pārvāyanāntīya, i. e. parvan-ayana-anta + iya, adj. Occurring at the end of a Parvan (i. e. a half of the lunar month), or a solstice, Man. 4, 10 (Lois. pārvāyaṇānt°).

pārśva pārśva, i. e. parśu (ved. a rib), + a, n. and m.
     1. The part of the body below the armpit.
     2. A side, MBh. 13, 2749.
     3. = pārṣṇi
3, q. cf.
     4. Proximity.
     5. ve, loc. Near, Śāk. d. 9.
     6. vam, acc. Near to, Rājat. 5, 467.

pārśvaka pārśva + ka, m. A rib, Yājñ. 3, 89.

pārśvaga pārśva-ga, adj. An attendant, Rājat. 5, 56.
-- Comp. yuga-, m. a young ox in training.

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pārśvatas pārśva + tas, adv. By or from the side of, Chr. 35, 11.

pārśvada pārśva-da, m. An attendant, MBh. 9, 2546.

pārśvastha pārśva-stha, adj. Staying near or at the side, Rām. 3, 40, 21.

pārṣata pārṣata, i. e. pṛṣata + a.
I. patronym. f. , A descendant of Pṛṣata, i. e. Drupada, Johns. Sel. 27, 20
II. adj. Of, or belonging to, the spotted deer, Man. 3, 269.

pārṣad pārṣad (cf. pārṣada), m. pl. The retinue of a god, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 29.

pārṣada pārṣada, i. e. parṣad + a, m.
     1. An attendant.
     2. Retinue, Hariv. 7252.

pārṣṇi pārṣṇi, m. and f., and pārṣṇī pārṣṇī (Pañc. 200, 3), f.
     1. The heel, MBh. 7, 3179.
     2. The rear of an army, the back, Ragh. 4, 26.
     3. The extremities of the axletree to which are fastened the two outer horses of a carriage drawn by four horses in one line, MBh. 4, 1415.
-- Cf. Goth. fairzna; O.H.G. fersna; A.S. fiersna; Lat. compernes, pernix; [greek]

pārṣṇigraha pārṣṇi-graha, adj. Seizing from behind, Bhag. 8, 2, 27.
-- Comp. duṣpār°, i. e. dus-, adj. having a dangerous enemy in the rear, Kām. Nītis. 13, 72.

pārṣṇigrāha pārṣṇi-grāha, m. An enemy in the rear, Man. 7, 207.
-- Comp. duṣpār°, i. e. dus-, adj. having a dangerous enemy in the rear, Kām. Nītis. 13, 89.

pāl pāl, see 2. , Caus.

pāla 2. pā + la, m. One who guards or protects, Rām. 1, 42, 15 Gorr.
-- Comp. aṅka-, f. , embrace. anta-, m. 1. a guard of the frontiers. 2. a guard of the rear of an army. avani-, m. a king, Bhag. 11, 26. udyāna-, m. the inspector of a garden, a gardener. kalpa-, m. 1. a protector of the holy precepts or institutes. 2. a distiller or seller of spirituous liquors, Rājat. 5, 205 (where kalya- is to be changed to kalpa-). koṭṭa-, m. the governor of a fort. kṣiti-, m. a king, Ragh. 2, 51. kṣetra-, m. 1. a field-guard, Pañc. 224, 5. 2. the tutelary deity of a field, 174, 15. kṣmā-, m. a king, Rājat. 5, 319. gṛha-, m. 1. a castle-ward. 2. a dog, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 21. go-,
I. m. 1. a cowherd, Man. 4, 251. 2. a king, Pañc. i. d. 249. 3. a proper name.
II. f. , a proper name. caitya-, m. the watchman of a sanctuary. jagatī-, m. a king, Hit. ii. d. 123. dikpāla, i. e. diś-, and diśā-, m. the guardian deity of a quarter of the world. dvāra-, m. a door-keeper, a porter. dharma-, m. 1. the guardian of law. 2. a proper name. paśu-, m. 1. a herdsman. 2. pl. the name of a people. prajā-, bhū-, bhūmi, and mahī-, m. a king. bhoga-, m. a groom. loka-, see s. v. vi-, adj. having no keeper, Man. 8, 240; unguarded. śiśu-, m. the name of a king.

pālaka pāla + ka, m.
     1. A guardian, Rājat. 5, 263.
     2. A protector, Mārk. P. 61, 66.
-- Comp. kula-pālikā, f. a proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 24. go-,
I. m. 1. a cowherd. 2. a proper name.
II. f. likā, the wife of a cowherd. daṇḍa-, m. the chief of the police, Mṛcch. 117, 19 v. 1.
-- Cf. probably Lat. bubulcus (with gopālaka).

pālana pāl + ana, i. e. , Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f. , Guarding, fostering, Mārk. P. 76, 23.
II. n.
     1. Preserving, guarding, Man. 7, 88; nourishing.
     2. Maintaining, keeping, MBh. 1, 327.

pālayitṛ pālayitṛ, i. e. 2. , Caus., + tṛ, m. A protector, MBh. 1, 2107.

pālāśa pālāśa, i. e. palāśa + a, adj., f. śī, Made of the wood of the Palāśatree, Man. 2, 45.

pāli pāli, and pālī pālī, f.
     1. The tip of the ear, Gīt. 3, 13.
     2. The edge of a sword or any other cutting instrument.
     3. A line or row, Gīt. 6, 10.
     4. A raised bank, a dike, Rājat. 5, 106 ().
     5. A boundary, a margin, Bhartṛ. 3, 24 ().
-- Comp. aṅka-pālī, f. embrace.

pālin pālin, i. e. 2. , Caus., + in, adj., f. , Protecting, Bhāg. P. 3, 21, 50.

pāvaka pāvaka, i. e. pū + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Belonging to Agni, Utt. Rāmac. 142, 12.
     2. Pure.
II. m.
     1. Fire, or its deified personification, Man. 2, 187.
     2. A kind of Ṛṣi.
     3. Name of several plants.

pāvaki pāvaki, i. e. pāvaka + i, patronym., m. A son of fire, i. e. Kārttikeya.

pāvana pāvana, i. e. pū + ana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Purifying, Man. 2, 26.
     2. Pure, Rām. 1, 27, 17.
II. m.
     1. Fire.
     2. A proper name.
III. f. , The name of a river.
IV. n.
     1. Purifying, Man. 11, 85.
     2. A means of purifying, 11, 177.
-- Comp. paṅkti-, adj. purifying a company.

pāvamānī pāvamānī, i. e. pavamāna (vb. ), + a + ī, f. The name of hymns referring to the preparation of the soma, Man. 5, 86.

pāvara pāvara, a corrupt form of dvāpara, The die which is marked with two points, Mṛcch. 33, 9.

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pāśa pāśa, i. e. paś + a, m.
     1. A tie, a string, a chain, a fetter, MBh. 1, 6749.
     2. A string for fastening tamed animals.
     3. A net or noose for catcing birds, Hit. 21, 10.
     4. A noose as principal attribute of Varuṇa, Rām. 3, 54, 9 (cf. the Vedas).
-- Comp. karṇa-, m. a handsome ear, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 24. kūṭa-, m. a net for catcing deer. keśa-, m. much or flowing hair, a tuft of hair, Vikr. d. 85. dharma-, m. the noose of the god of justice. nāga-, m. a special kind of noose. paśu-, m. the fetter which enchains the soul, i. e. the external world, Prab. 59, 7. vi-, adj. deprived of his noose, Rām. 3, 54, 97; unfettered.

pāśana pāśana, i. e. paś + ana (m. or n.), A noose, MBh. 7, 5923.

pāśabhṛt pāśa-bhṛ + t, m. (holding a noose), Varuṇa, Ragh. 2, 9.

pāśava pāśava, i. e. paśu + a, adj.
     1. Come from animals, animal, Nal. 23, 10.
     2. Used by animals, beastly, Lass. 11, 11.

pāśavant pāśa + vant, adj. Possessed of a noose, MBh. 7, 3136.

pāśin pāśin, i. e. pāśa + in,
I. adj. Having a noose, MBh. 8, 1998.
II. m.
     1. Varuṇa.
     2. A proper name.

pāśupata pāśupata, i. e. paśu-pati + a,
I. adj., f. , Belonging or referring to Śiva.
II. m. A follower or worshipper of Śiva in one of his forms as the supreme deity of the Hindu triad, Rājat. 5, 403.

pāśupālya pāśupālya, i. e. paśu-pāla + ya, n. The business of a grazier rearing and keeping cattle, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 20.

pāścāttya pāścāttya, i. e. paścāt + tya, adj.
     1. Last, posterior, Pañc. ed. orn. 49, 15.
     2. Western, Ragh. 4, 62.

pāṣaṇḍa pāṣaṇḍa,
I. m. n. Heresy, Man. 5, 90.
II. adj. Heretical, MBh. 12, 11284.
III. m. A heretic, Prab. 21, 1.

pāṣaṇḍin pāṣaṇḍin, i. e. pāṣaṇḍa + in, m. A heretic, Man. 4, 30.

pāṣāṇa pāṣāṇa, m. A stone, Yājñ. 2, 298.
-- Comp. kaṣa-, and nikaṣa-, m. a touchstone, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1940.

pi † 1. pi, i. 6, piya, Par. To go.

pi 2. pi, sometimes for api.

piṃspiṃs, i. 10 and 1, Par. To speak or to shine.

pika pika,
     1. m. The Indian cuckoo, Cuculus indicus, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 857.
     2. f. , The female. Probably for primitive spi + ka, cf. [greek]
-- Cf. Lat. pīcus, pīca; O.H.G. speh, speht; [greek] for [greek] or [greek] for [greek] (the [greek] is aspirated by the influence of the preceding [greek]), [greek]

piṅga piṅga, i. e. piñj + a, adj., f. .
     1. Of a tawny colour, Pañc. 182, 18.
     2. Yellow, Vikr. d. 157.
     3. Red, Hiḍ. 2, 2 (cf. piṅgākṣa).
-- Comp. eka-, m. a name of Kuvera. śveta-, m. a lion.

piṅgala piṅga + la,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Of a tawny colour, brown, Ragh. 12, 71; yellowish.
     2. Red-eyed, Man. 3, 8 (Kull.).
II. m. A proper name.
III. f. , A proper name.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, adj., f. , of a fuscous colour.

piṅgalikā piṅgalikā, i. e. pingala + ka, f. A kind of bee, Suśr. 2, 290, 17.

piṅgalita piṅgalita, i. e. piṅgala + ita, adj. Grown of a tawny colour, Kathās. 21, 122.

piṅgākṣa piṅgākṣa, i. e. piṅga-akṣa,
I. adj., f. kṣī, Red-eyed, Hiḍ. 2, 2.
II. m.
     1. A monkey, Ram. 5, 5, 23.
     2. A proper name.
III. f. kṣī, The name of a deity.

picu picu, m.
     1. Cotton, Suśr. 1, 60, 16.
     2. The name of an Asura.

picumarda picumarda, see -manda.

picula picu + la, m.
     1. Tamarix indica.
     2. Cotton.

piccpicc, i. 10, Par.
     1. To cut, to divide.
-- Cf. pich.

piccha piccha,
I. m. A tail.
II. n.
     1. A feather of the tail, Pañc. 175, 9; especially of a peacock.
     2. A crest.

picchikā picchikā, i. e. picchā + ka, f. A bunch of feathers of a peacock's tail, Kathās. 30, 3.

picchila picchila,
I. adj., f. , Slimy, lubricous, Mārk. P. 10, 9.
II. f. , The name of several plants.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. pix.

pichpich, i. 10, Par. To cut, to divide. i. 6, Par.
     1. To inflict pain.
     2. To obstruct, to hinder.
-- Cf. mich.

piñj † 1. piñj, ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To dye or colour (probably api-añj, cf. Lat. pingere).
     2. To join.
     3. To adore.
     4. To sound inarticulately. i. 10, Par.
     1. To kill or injure.
     2. To be strong.
     3. To give or take.
     4. To dwell.

piñj † 2. piñj, i. 10 and 1, Par.
     1. To speak or shine.
     2. To sound.

piñja piñja, adj. Disturbed.
-- Comp. utpiñja, i. e. ud-, Insurrection(?), Rājat. 3, 122.

piñjara piñj + ara,
I. adj., f. , Yellow or tawny, reddish-yellow, Mṛcch. 48, 11.
II. n. Gold.
-- Comp. ā-, adj., f. , reddish, Ragh. 16, 51. pari-, adj. brown-red, Kām. Nītis, 13, 14.

piñjala piñja + la adj. Disturbed.

piñjalaka piñjala + ka in utpiñjalaka, i. e. ud-, adj. Full of disturbance, MBh. 7, 1048.

piṭpiṭ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To heap together.

piṭa piṭa,
I. m. A basket.
II. n. A roof.

piṭaka piṭa + ka, m., f. , and n.
     1. A basket, Hariv. 14578.
     2. A boil.
     3. An ornament on Indra's banner, MBh. 1, 2354.

piṭhpiṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To hurt.
     2. To feel pain.

piṭhara piṭhara
I. m. and f. , and n. A pot, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1782; a pan.
II. m.
     1. A kind of fire, Hariv. 10467.
     2. The name of a Dānava.

piṭharaka piṭhara + ka, A pot, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 729.

piḍaka piḍaka, m. (n. ?). A small boil, a pimple.

piṇḍ piṇḍ, probably akin to piṣ, i. 1, Ātm., and i. 10, Par.
     1. To accumulate.
     2. To assemble. piṇḍita,
     1. Gathered, Kathās. 26, 283; collected, MBh. 10, 622; massy, solid, close.
     2. Multiplied, MBh. 7, 4746.
     3. Thick.
-- With sam sam, To heap together, MBh. 10, 8310. saṃpiṇḍita, Clenched, united.

piṇḍa piṇḍa, probably akin to piṣ,
I. m., f. ḍī, and n.
     1. A lump, Pañc. 136, 2; a heap, a cluster, a quantity, Kathās. 4, 81.
     2. A ball, a globe, a little button, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 19.
II. m. n.
     1. A mouthful, or roundish lump of food, Man. 11, 216.
     2. Food.
     3. Livelihood, means of living, MBh. 1, 4148.
     4. Alms, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 15.
     5. The body.
     6. An object, Bhāṣāp. 123.
     7. An oblation to deceased ancestors, as a ball or lump of meat, or rice mixed up with milk, curds, flowers, etc., and offered to the manes at the several Śrāddhas by the nearest surviving relations; the funeral cake, Man. 3, 215.
III. f. ḍī, A plant, Jonesia aśoka, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 10; cf. 184, 7.
-- Comp. pṛthak-, m. a relation who offers the oblations to the Manes separately, Man. 5, 78 (Kull.). saha- (Man. 3, 248), and sa-, m. a kinsman, especially one connected by the offering of the funeral cake to either or all of the manes of the father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and their wives respectively, as sprung from them in directly collateral lines; the relationship stops with every fourth person. The following are enumerated as sapiṇḍas: the son, son's son, and son's grandson; widow, daughter, and daughter's son; the father, the mother, the brother, brother's son, and brother's grandson; father's daughter's son; paternal grandfather; paternal grandmother; paternal grandfather's brother, brother's son, and grandson; and lastly, the great-grandfather's daughter's son. Other enumerations extend the connection of Sapiṇḍas to seven persons, both in an ascending or descending line; cf. Man. 2, 247; 3, 247. a-sapiṇḍa, adj., f. ḍā, Not descended from a relation within the sixth degree, Man. 3, 5.

piṇḍaka piṇḍa + ka,
I. m. and n.
     1. A lump, Utt. Rāmac. 114, 11.
     2. A lump of food, Hariv. 14740.
     3. The frontal globes of an elephant in rut, MBh. 1, 5471.
II. f. ḍikā, A fleshy part of the body, Yājñ. 3, 97; as the calf, MBh. 14, 2582.
-- Comp. bhinna-mastaka-piṇḍaka, and -piṇḍika (from the fem. piṇḍikā), adj. (an elephant) whose frontal globes are open, MBh. 1, 5471; 7, 4564.

piṇḍatas piṇḍa + tas, adv. Of a lump, Hit. Pr. d. 33.

piṇḍatva piṇḍa + tva, n. State of a mass, density; figuratively, Kathās. 11, 44.

piṇḍada piṇḍa-da, adj., f. .
     1. Who or what gives the funeral cake to deceased ancestors, Yājñ. 2, 132.
     2. Giving a mouthful of food, Bhartṛ. 2, 56.

piṇḍana piṇḍ + ana, n. Forming globes, taking a globular form (as water), Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 43.

piṇḍamaya piṇḍa + maya, adj. Consisting of a lump (of clay), Mṛcch. 47, 9.

piṇḍavat piṇḍa + vat, adv. Like a ball.
-- Comp. ayas-, Like a ball of iron, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 21.

piṇyāka piṇyāka (probably from piṣ, cf. puṇya), m.
     1. The sediments of seed, etc., ground for oil, oil-cake, Man. 11, 92.
     2. Assafoetida.

pitāputra pitāputra, i. e. pitṛ, nom. sing., + putra, m. du. Father and son.

pitāmaha pitāmaha, i. e. pitṛ, nom. sing., -maha (for mahant),
I. m.
     1. A paternal grandfather, Man. 3, 221.
     2. pl. Ancestors, Chr. 43, 21.
     3. A name of Brahman.
II. f. , A paternal grandmother, Kathās. 30, 25.
-- Comp. pūrva-, m. an ancestor, Kathās. 21, 20. loka-, m. the great forefather of mankind.

pitu pitu, i. e. 1. pā + tu, m. Drink.
-- Cf. Lat. potus.

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pitṛ pitṛ, i. e. 2. pā + tṛ, m. (acc. pl. pitaras, MBh. 3, 12924),
     1. A father, Man. 2, 145.
     2. du. Mother and father, parents, Śāk. 109, 9.
     3. pl.
a. Paternal ancestors, Man. 2, 159.
b. The Manes, or the deceased and deified progenitors of mankind, Man. 3, 194, etc.
-- Comp. an-eka-, adj., descended from different fathers (viz. grandsons), Yājñ. 2, 120. ku-, m. a wicked father. sva-, m. pl. one's ancestors.
-- Cf. Lat. pater, [greek] Goth. fadar; A. S. faeder.

pitṛka i. e. pitṛ + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Paternal.
     2. Ancestral.
II. A substitute for pitṛ, when latter part of comp. adj., Yājñ. 2, 120.

pitṛtva pitṛ + tva, n. Paternity, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 966.

pitṛpaitāmaha pitṛ-paitāmaha,
I. adj., f. , Inherited by the father from the grandfather, Sāv. 7, 7.
II. m. pl. Father and ancestors, Manes, Pañc. 89, 18.

pitṛpaitāmahika pitṛpaitāmahika, i. e. pitṛpaitāmaha + ika, adj. Inherited by the father from the grandfather, Pañc. 78, 7.

pitṛmant pitṛ + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Having a father, MBh. 1, 6578.
     2. Accompanied by the Manes, Mārk. P. 31, 47.

pitṛvya pitṛ + vya, m. A paternal uncle, Man. 2, 130.
-- Cf. Lat. patruus; [greek]

pitṛṣvasṛ pitṛṣvasṛ, i. e. pitṛ-svasṛ, f. A father's sister, Man. 2, 131.

pitṛṣvasrīya pitṛṣvasrīya, and pitṛsvasrīya pitṛsvasrīya, i. e. pitri-svasṛ + īya, m., f. , A paternal aunt's son or daughter, MBh. 1, 4382.

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pitṛhan pitṛ-han, m. A parricide, Rājat. 5, 447.

pitṛhū pitṛhū, i. e. pitṛ-hve, f. The right car, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 50.

pitta pitta, n. Bile, MBh. 6, 3736.
-- Comp. nāsā-rakta-, n. bleeding of the nose.

pitrya pitrya, i. e. pitṛ + ya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Paternal, Man. 9, 92.
     2. Referring, devoted, to the Manes, 2, 59.
II. n.
     1. Worship of the Manes.
     2. The lunar mansion Maghā.

pidhāna pidhāna, i. e. api-dhā + ana (m.), n.
     1. Covering, shutting, Mālav. d. 32.
     2. A lid, a covering, Mārk. P. 50, 89.

pidhānavant pidhāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Covered with a lid, Rājat. 5, 74.

pidhāyakatā pidhāyakatā, i. e. api-dhā + aka + tā, f. The act of covering, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 1.

pinaddhaka pinaddhaka, i. e. api-naddha (vb. nah) + ka, adj., f. dhikā, Dressed, clothed, Hariv. 11164.

pināka pināka, m. and n.
     1. A staff, MBh. 5, 5259.
     2. The bow of Śiva, 13, 849.
     3. The club of Śiva, 6, 2797.

pinākabhṛt pināka-bhṛ + t, m. A name of Śiva.

pināki pināki, i. e. curtailed pinākin, m. A name of Śiva, MBh. 2, 1642.

pinākin pinākin, i. e. pināka + in,
I. adj. Armed with a pināka (a bow?), MBh. 6. 684.
II. m. A name of Śiva.

pinv pinv, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To sprinkle, to wet.
     2. To cause to abound, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6.
     3. To cause to abound in milk, Chr. 296, 3 = Rigv. i. 112, 3.

pipatiṣu pipatiṣu, i. e. pipatiṣa, desider. of pat, + u, adj. Being about to fall, MBh. 3, 15471.

pipāsā pipāsā, i. e. pipāsa, desider. of 1. pā, + a, f. Thirst, Nal. 10, 4.

pipāsāvant pipāsā + vant, adj. Thirsty.

pipāsu pipāsu, i. e. pipāsa, desider. of 1. pā, + u, adj. Thirsty, Rām. 5, 19, 5.

pipīla pipīla (perhaps redupl. pīḍ + a), m. An ant, MBh. 5, 5668.

pipīlaka pipīla + ka, m., f. likā, An ant, MBh. 13, 5476.

pipīlika pipīlika, i. e. pipīla + ika,
I. m. An ant, MBh. 2, 1860.
II. n. Gold carried by ants, MBh. 2, 1860 (cf. Herod. iii. 102).

pippala pippala,
I. m. The holy fig-tree, Ficus religiosa.
II. f. , Long pepper.
III. n.
     1. The fruit of the Ficus religiosa.
     2. Sensual enjoyment, Bhāg. P. 3, 4, 8.

piprīṣu piprīṣu, i. e. piprīṣa, desider. of prī, + u, adj. Wishing to delight, MBh. 7, 6855.

piplu piplu, i. e. perhaps api-plu, m. A freckle, a mark, a mole, Nal. 17, 5.
-- Comp. mṛga-, m. The moon.

piyāla piyāla, for original priyāla (q. cf.), m. A tree, Buchanania latifolia Roxb. n. Its fruit.

pilpil, i. 10, Par. To throw, to cast.

pilu and pīlu pi/īlu, m. A certain tree; cf. pailava.

piv piv, see 1. pa

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piś piś, i. 6, piṃśa, Par.
     1. To adorn.
     2. To form.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. faihu; O.H.G. fêh; A.S. faeger, fah, fag, fagian.

piśa piś + a, m. A deer, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8.

piśaṅga piśaṅga (vb. piś), adj., f. and , Of a tawny, or brown, or reddish colour, Kathās. 1, 18.

piśāca piśāca (cf. piśuna), perhaps piśa-añc + a,
     1. m. A fiend, a malevolent being, Man. 1, 37.
     2. f. , A female demon.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. together with Piśācas, Rām. 3, 53, 3.

piśācaka piśāca + ka,
     1. m. A fiend.
     2. f. cikā, A female demon.
-- Comp. āśā-piśācikā, f. a demon like alluring and deceiving hope, Pañc. 252, 4.

piśita piś + ita (cf. piśaṅga), n. Flesh, MBh. 4, 770.

piśuna piś + una,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Malignant, mischievous, Pañc. i. d. 1.
     2. Betraying, Vikr. d. 32.
     3. Backbiting, Pañc. i. d. 339.
     4. Wicked, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 300.
     5. Unkind, Hit. 56, 16.
     6. One who excites hopes and disappoints them (ŚKD. sub rāgāru).
II. m.
     1. A backbiter, Man. 4, 213.
     2. A spy, an informer, 3, 161.
III. n. Sycophancy, MBh. 14, 1025.

piśunatā piśuna + tā, f. Backbiting, sycophancy, Bhartṛ. 2, 45.

piśunaya piśunaya, a denomin. derived from piśuna with aya, Par. To betray, Śāk. d. 166.

piṣ piṣ, ii. 7, pinaṣ, piṃṣ, Par.
     1. To grind, to pound, MBh. 4, 632.
     2. To bruise, to destroy (with gen.), Śiś. 1, 40. In epic poetry anomal. imperf. apiṃṣat, potent. piṣeyam. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. piṣṭa, n. The flour or meal of anything that is ground. na pinaṣṭi piṣṭam, He does not grind flour, i. e. he does no useless work, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 24. Caus. peṣaya, To grind, to pound, MBh. 1, 3223. † i. 10, Par.
     1. To injure.
     2. To be strong.
     3. To dwell.
     4. To give, or take.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To grind.
-- With ud ud, To bruise, MBh. 3, 457.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To grind, to bruise, to crush, MBh. 2, 2377.
     2. To rub together, MBh. 1, 5922 (the hands); 4, 465 (to gnash the teeth). Caus. To destroy, Prab. 36, 11, v. r.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To bruise, Hiḍ. 4, 35.
     2. To rub together, Rām. 3, 55, 1.
-- With pari pari, To strike, Rām. 3, 51, 30.
-- With pra pra, To crush, Pañc. ed. orn. i. d. 266.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To bruise, to destroy in one's turn, MBh. 12, 5206.
     2. To grind, to bruise, MBh. 4, 361.
     3. To rub together, 1, 2004.
-- With sam sam, To bruise, to destroy, Rām, 1, 45, 48.
-- Cf. Lat. pinso, pistor, pistillum, pistrinum, pistura, pīla, pīlum, pīlus; [greek]

piṣṭapa piṣṭapa, n. and m. A world, a division of the universe, Man. 4, 231.
-- Comp. tri-, n. the mansion of Indra.

piṣṭamaya piṣṭa + maya (vb. piṣ), adj., f. .
     1. Made of flour, MBh. 13, 5499.
     2. Mixed with flour, MBh. 13, 6228.

pis pis, i, 4, † i. 1, and pes pes, i. 1, Par. To go. † i. 10, Par. pesaya,
     1. To go.
     2. To injure or hurt.
     3. To be strong.
     4. To give or take.
     5. To dwell.
-- Cf. piṣ.

pispṛkṣu pispṛkṣu, i. e. pispṛkṣa, desider. of spṛś, + u, adj. Being about to touch (viz. water, i. e.) to make one's ablution, MBh. 12, 8338.

, i. 4, Ātm. (originally pass. of 1. ), To drink.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To drink, MBh. 3. 13611.

pīṭha pīṭha n. and m.
     1. A stool, a seat, a chair, MBh. 5, 1399; a bench.
     2. A base or pedestal, Rājat. 2, 126.
     3. The seat of a deity, an altar, Rājat. 5, 46; 473.
     4. A kind of ornament, Hariv. 8063.
-- Comp. pāda-, m. a footstool, Vikr. d. 60. pūga-, n. a spitting pot. bhadra-, a throne, Vikr. 87, 13. raṅga-, n. a place for dancing, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 10.

pīṭhaka pīṭha + ka,
I. m. and n.
     1. A chair, a bench.
     2. A saddle(?), MBh. 1, 3486.
II. f. ṭhikā.
     1. A bench.
     2. The section of a literary work, Dacak. 48, 7.

pīṭhaga pīṭha-ga, adj. Lame (moving by means of a small car), MBh. 3, 871.

pīṭhamarda pīṭhamarda, i. e. pīṭha-mṛd + a,
I. adj.
     1. Mounted on horses(?), MBh. 4, 674.
     2. Very impudent, Daśak, in Chr. 180, 13(?).
II. m.
     1. The companion of a hero.
     2. A dancing master of courtesans. [greek]

pīṭhasarpa pīṭha-sarpa, i.e. pīṭha-sṛp + a, adj. sbst. Lame, a cripple (cf. pīṭhaga), MBh. 3, 1397.

pīḍ pīḍ (perhaps akin to piṣ), Ātm. To be squeezed (ved.) Caus. or i. 10, Par.
     1. To squeeze, Bhartṛ. 2, 5.
     2. To give pain, to afflict, Man. 5, 50.
     3. To oppress, Chr. 30, 38.
     4. To cover, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 14.
     5. To hurt, MBh. 1, 7798.
     6. To remove, Man. 1, 51.
     7. To eclipse (in astrology).
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Caus. To press bard, Rām. 1, 68, 20 Gorr. abhi- pīḍita,
     1. Trodden, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 33
     2. Afflicted, MBh. 3, 2490.
     3. Oppressed, Chr. 40, 19.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, Caus. To crush, Hariv. 2936.
-- With ava ava, Caus.
     1. To press down, MBh. 1, 6292.
     2. To strike down, MBh. 14, 1944.
     3. To oppose, 4, 1455. avapīḍita, Pressed, Mārk. P. 37, 18.
-- With ā ā, Caus.
     1. To press hard, to give pain, MBh. 3, 12121.
     2. To oppress. āpīḍita, Adorned, MBh. 3, 2501 (rather āpīda + ita).
-- With ud ud, Caus.
     1. To press on, Kumāras. 1, 40.
     2. To tuck up, MBh. 3, 426.
     3. To squeeze out, Suśr. 2, 47, 5.
-- With upa upa, Caus.
     1. To afflict, Man. 8, 67.
     2. To lay waste, Man. 7, 195.
     3. To eclipse, Rām. 5, 73, 57.
-- With ni ni, Caus.
     1. To press, Rām. 2, 25, 42 Gorr.
     2. To impress, Rām. 1, 44, 1.
     3. To embrace, Ragh. 2, 23.
     4. To torment, MBh. 2, 6106.
     5. with daṇḍena, To punish, to correct, Man. 7, 23.
     6. with dantais and dantān, To gnash the teeth, Pañc. 249, 7; 259, 10.
-- With abhini abhi-ni, Caus.
     1. To squeeze, MBh. 3, 14759.
     2. To torment, 1, 7009.
-- With upani upa-ni, Caus. To oppress, Chr. 58, 1.
-- With nis nis, Caus.
     1. To squeeze out, Pañc. i. d. 161 (read niṣpī° instead of nipī°, also i. d. 209).
     2. To squeeze hard, MBh. 8, 1256; to compress, Rājat. 5, 88; to knock at (the door), Rām. 4, 9, 61.
-- With pari pari, Caus.
     1. To press, to compress, Suśr. 1, 16, 6.
     2. To embrace, Hit. 65, 12.
     3. To torment violently, Pañc. 88, 4.
-- With pra pra, Caus.
     1. To press, MBh. 6, 3907.
     2. To press hard, to oppress, MBh. 1, 5892.
     3. To torment violently, Lass. 54, 5.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To oppress, Rām. 2, 22, 23.
-- With prati prati, Caus.
     1. To press, Rām. 5, 62, 11.
     2. To press hard, MBh. 4, 980.
-- With sam sam, Caus.
     1. To compress, Caurap. 3.
     2. To press hard, to torment, Rām. 4, 21, 37.
     3. To restrain, MBh. 13, 5893.

pīḍana pīḍ + ana, n.
     1. Pressing, squeezing, Rām. 5, 15, 29.
     2. Inflicting pain, distressing, 2, 22, 16.
-- Comp. graha-, n. pain, distress caused by an eclipse, Bhartṛ. 2, 87.

pīḍā pīḍ + ā, f.
     1. Pain, anguish, suffering, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 753.
     2. Infraction, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 14.
-- Comp. graha-, f. pain, distress caused by an eclipse, Dev. 12, 15.

pīta pīta, adj., f. , Of a yellow colour, Rām. 2, 94, 5.
-- Comp. ā-, adj. yellowish, Rām. 2, 76, 4.

pītaka pīta + ka,
I. adj., f. tikā, Of a yellow colour, Rām. 6, 82, 60.
II. f. tikā, Saffron.

pītatā pīta + tā, f. Yellowness, yellow (the colour), Bhāṣāp. 127.

pīti pīti, i. e. 1. pā + ti, f. Drinking, a drink.
-- Comp. sa-, f. drinking together. soma-, f. drinking the Soma juice, Chr. 288, 12 = Rigv. i. 48, 12.

pītha pītha, i. e. 1. pā + tha,
I. m. A drink.
II. n. Water.
-- Comp. go-pītha, i. e. 2. pā + tha, m. protection, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 55.

pīthin i. e. pītha + in; in kośa-pithin, adj. Squandering away the treasury, Rājat. 5, 422; soma-, m. Drinking the Soma juice, Utt. Rāmac. 7, 6.

pīnatā pīna + tā (vb. pyai), f. Fatness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2735.

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pīnasa pīnasa, probably api-nas (= nāsā), + a, m.
     1. Cold affecting the nose.
     2. Catarrh, cough.

pīyūṣ pīyūṣ, a denomin. derived from pīyūṣa, Par. To turn into nectar, Śatr. 14, 81.

pīyūṣa pīyūṣa, probably pīvas (ved. grease, cf. pīvan), + a,
     1. n. The food or beverage of the gods, nectar, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 838.
     2. m. and n. The milk of a cow during the first seven days after calving.

pīyūṣavarṣāya pīyūṣavarṣāya, a denomin. derived from pīyūṣa-varṣa with ya, Ātm. To turn into a shower of nectar, Bhartṛ. 2, 78.

pīlpīl, i. 1, Par.
     1. To impede, to obstruct.
     2. To become stupid.

pīlu pīlu, perhaps piṣ + lu, m.
     1. An elephant.
     2. An arrow.
     3. A tree, Careya arborea Roxb. n. Its fruit.

pīvpīv, i. 1, Par. To be fat or corpulent.

pīvan pīvan, i. e. probably pyai (or pī, pā) + van, cf. the next,
I. adj., f. ved. varī.
     1. Fat, large.
     2. Strong.
II. f. varī, A proper name.
-- Cf. [greek] (= pīvarī), [greek] etc.; Lat. pinguis, pigere, piger.
-- Cf. pyai.

pīvant pīvant, original form of the last, Fat, MBh. 1, 700.

pīvara pīvara, i. e. pīvan + a, with r instead of n. adj., f. and .
     1. Fat, large, MBh. 5, 5437.
     2. Dense, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 14.

pīvaratva pīvara + tva, n. Largeness, heaviness, Lass. 72, 10 (of deep sighs).

puṃvat puṃvat, i. e. puṃs + vat, adv.
     1. As a man, Ragh. 6, 20.
     2. As on the birth of a male, Chr. 51, 19.

puṃścalī puṃścalī, i. e. puṃś-cal + a + ī, adj. and sbst., f. A harlot, an unchaste woman, Man. 4, 211.

puṃścalīya puṃścalīya, i. e. puṃścalī + īya, m. The son of a harlot, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1536.

puṃs 1. puṃs, i. 10, Par. To grind.

puṃs 2. puṃs, i. e. probably api-man + t, the base of some cases is pumāṃs, pum, the nom. sing. pumān, voc. sing. puman, m.
     1. A man or male, Man. 2, 29.
     2. A servant, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 38.
     3. The soul, 7, 1, 11.
-- Comp. a- and na-, m. an eunuch. su-puṃs + ī, f. (a woman) having a good husband. strī-, m. one who has been changed from a female into a male, Chr. 50, 5.

puṃsavana puṃsavana, i. e. puṃs-savana, adj.
     1. Causing the birth of a male child, Bhāg. P. 9, 6, 28.
     2. n. with or without vrata, A religious and domestic festival, held on the mother's perceiving the first signs of a living conception, Bhāg. P. 6, 19, 1.
II. n. Foetus, 5, 24, 15.

puṃstva puṃs + tva, n. Virility, manhood, Yājñ. 1, 55.
-- Comp. a-, n. being an eunuch, Indr. 5, 58.

pukkaśa pukkaśa, and pukkasa pukkasa, m. A mixed tribe; the offspring of a Niṣāda by a Śūdra female, Man. 10, 18. f. śī, sī, A female of this tribe, Man. 10, 38.

pukkasa pukkasa, see the last.

puṅkha puṅkha, m. The lower part of an arrow, containing the feathers and the shaft, Śāk. d. 10.

puṅkhita puṅkhita, i. e. puṅkha + ita, adj. Endowed with the puṅkha (see the last), Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 774.

puṅgava puṅgava, i. e. puṃs-gava,
     1. m. A bull Hariv. 3796.
     2. As latter part of comp. words, Excellent, e. g. gaja-, m. A pre-eminent elephant, Bhartṛ. 2, 26. nara-, m. An excellent warrior, Chr. 21, 12.

puccha puccha, m. and n.
     1. A tail, Draup. 5, 8.
     2. The hinder part, MBh. 7, 206.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. a certain animal. go-, 1. m. and n. a cow's tail. 2. m. a kind of monkey. dadhi-, m. a proper name. hasta-, n. the hand below the wrist.
-- Cf. probably [greek] perhaps [greek]

puchpuch, v. r. of yuch.

puñja puñja, m.
     1. A heap, a mass, MBh. 3, 9957.
     2. A quantity, Mark. P. 8, 82.

puñjaya puñjaya, a denomin. derived from the last with aya, To heap. puñjita, Heaped, Utt. Rāmac, 126, 2; put together, Rājat. 3, 19.

puñjaśas puñja + śas, adv. In heaps, MBh. 2, 1860.

puṭ puṭ, i. 6, Par. † To embrace. † i. 1, Par. To grind, to pound (v. r.). † i. 10, puṭaya, Par. To fasten, to bind together. † i. 10, poṭaya, Par.
     1. To speak or shine.
     2. To reduce to powder, to grind.
     3. To be small.
-- With the prep. pari pari, pass. To peel, to lose the skin, Suśr. 1, 302, 14.

puṭa puṭa, m., f. ṭī, and n.
     1. A concavity.
     2. A cup or concavity made of a leaf folded or doubled, MBh. 9, 2827.
     3. A shallow cup or receptacle, as the hollow of the hand, Pañc. 44, 24.
     4. A vessel, or basket made of leaves, Man. 6, 28.
     5. A cover, a covering, Utt. Rāmac. 50, 8.
     6. A cloth worn to cover the privities.
II. m. A horse's hoof.
-- Comp. adhara- and oṣṭha-, m. or n. the cup-like lips, Cṛṅgārat. 7; Śāk. d. 182 (in a comp. adj. having pale-red cup-like lips). kṛta-añjali-, adj. putting the hands together, Rām. 1, 9, 62. nayana-, an eyelid. nāsā-, m. the nostril. pakṣa-, m. a wing. bhāṇḍa-, m. a barber. mūtra-, n. the lower belly.

puṭaka puṭa + ka, n. and f. ṭikā (Pañc. 265, 5),
     1. A concavity.
     2. A bag or vessel or concavity made of a leaf doubled over in a funnel-like shape, Rājat. 1, 213.
-- Comp. ghrāṇa-, m. the nostril.

puṭṭpuṭṭ, i. 10, Par. To be small.

puḍpuḍ, also buḍ buḍ, and muḍ muḍ, i. 6, Par. To emit, to leave.
-- Cf. 2. muṭ.

puṇpuṇ, i. 6, Par. To be pure or virtuous, to do a pious or holy act.
-- Cf. pūl.

puṇṭpuṇṭ(?), i. 10, Par. To speak or shine.

puṇḍpuṇḍ, see 2. muṭ and muṇḍ.

puṇḍarīka puṇḍarīka,
I. n.
     1. The white lotus flower.
     2. A lotus in general, Rām. 2, 95, 3 Gorr.
II. m.
     1. A kind of sacrifice, MBh. 3, 1133.
     2. A kind of rice.
     3. A kind of leprosy.
     4. The elephant of the south-east quarter, Ragh. 18, 7.

puṇḍarīyaka puṇḍarīyaka, m. The name of a divine being, MBh. 13, 4359.

puṇḍra puṇḍra, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people and their country, the greater part of Bengal and part of Behar.
     2. A kind of sugar-cane.
     3. (and n.), A mark or line made on the forehead with sandal.
-- Comp. tri-, n. three horizontal marks made across the forehead, especially by the followers of Śiva.

puṇḍraka puṇḍra + ka, m.
     1. The name of a people = Puṇḍra, Man. 10, 44.
     2. A sort of sugar-cane.
-- Comp. kṛta-tri-, adj. provided with the three horizontal marks (see the last), Hariv. 15426.

puṇya puṇya, probably from puṣ,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Beautiful, Nal. 12, 37.
     2. Pure, Man. 9, 186; virtuous, Man. 2, 106.
     3. Fragrant, Chr. 37, 6.
     4. Producing bliss, propitious, Man. 2, 30.
     5. Holy; festival, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 5.
II. n.
     1. Virtue, Indr. 2, 4.
     2. A good or meritorious act, Rājat. 5, 72.
     3. Happiness.

puṇyaka puṇya + ka, n.
     1. A festival, MBh. 15, 407.
     2. A ceremony performed by a woman in order to keep the love of her husband and to get a son, 1, 817.
     3. The observance of this ceremony, 1, 760.
     4. The presents given to the woman on this occasion, Hariv. 7654 (m., corr. perhaps idaṃ for imaṃ).

puṇyakṛt puṇya-kṛ + t, adj. Virtuous, pious, Bhag. 6, 41.

puṇyatā puṇya + tā, f., and puṇyatva puṇya + tva, n. Purity, holiness, MBh. 1, 557.

puṇyaduh puṇya-duh, adj. Yielding bliss, MBh. 7, 2181.

puṇyabharita puṇyabharita, i. e. puṇya-bhara + ita, adj. Abounding in holiness or bliss, Śatr. 1, 297.

puṇyavant puṇya + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Virtuous, Mārk. P. 20, 23.
     2. Wellfated, Hit. 14, 21; with abl. Happier, Hit. i. d. 38, M.M.

puṇyāha puṇyāha, i. e. puṇya + aha. n. A good or happy day; with vācaya, To wish somebody a happy day, MBh. 2, 1240.

put put, A hell (to which the childless are condemned), Man. 9, 138.

puttikā puttikā, f.
     1. A termite, Man. 4, 238.
     2. A kind of bee.

putra putra, perhaps pū + tra,
I. m.
     1. A son, Man. 9, 138.
     2. du. Two sons.
     3. A son and a daughter, Nal. 23, 26.
     4. pl. Children, young ones, MBh. 12, 3306.
II. f. trī, A daughter, Pañc. 190, 1.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , sonless. ārya-, m. the son of an Ārya, used to denote: 1. a prince, Rām. 6, 8, 38. 2. the son of an elder brother, 2, 23, 26. 3. a husband (by his wife), 3, 49, 9. kula-, m. the son of a respectable family. gādhi-, m. the son of Gādhi, i. e. Viśvāmitra. taruṇa-, adj., f. , having young ones, Rām. 3, 53, 51. jīva-, adj. one of whom a son or children are alive. dāsyās- (gen. sing. of dāsī, see dāsa), m. the son of a female slave, a contemptible person. dharā-, m. the planet Mars. nanda-putrī, f. a name of Durgā. niśā-, m. pl. a class of demons. pāṭali-, n. the name of a town, the Palibothra of the ancients. marut-, m. Bhīmasena, the second of the Pāṇḍavas. rājaputra, i. e. rājan-,
I. m. 1. the son of a king. 2. a man of the military tribe. 3. a soldier. 4. the planet Mercury.
II. f. trī. 1. a princess. 2. a woman of the Kṣatriya tribe. 3. a kind of brass. 4. the musk shrew. lakṣmī-, m. 1. Kāma. 2. a horse. śilā-, m. a muller or roller for grinding condiments on a flat stone. sa-, adj. together with (his) son, Rājat. 5, 42. satp°, i. e. sant-, adj. having sons living, Man. 9, 154. surya-,
I. m. 1. Varuṇa. 2. Saturn, Pañc. i. d. 238. 3. Yama.
II. f. . 1. lightning. 2. the Yamunā river.

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putraka putra + ka,
I. m. A son, Man. 2, 151.
II. f. trikā and trakā.
     1. A daughter, Pañc. 190, 2.
     2. A daughter appointed to raise issue for her father, Man. 9, 127.
     3. A doll, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 635.
-- Comp. a-, adj. sonless. kṛtrima-, m. and f. trikā, a doll. pāṭali-, n. the name of a town, the Palibothra of the ancients. muni-, m. a wagtail. vastra-putrikā, f. a doll.

putratā putra + tā, f., and putratva putra + tva, n. The state of a son, Rām. 1, 20, 1 Gorr.

putravat putra + vat, adv. As on the birth of a son, Chr. 50, 16.

putravant putra + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having a son or sons, or children, Man. 9, 182.

putrin putrin, i. e. putra + in, adj., f. iṇī, The same, Man. 9, 182; Vikr. d. 152.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with one's sons, Hariv. 11842.

putriya putriya, i. e. putra + iya, adj., f. , Referring to a son, procuring a son, Rām. 1, 15, 2 Gorr.

putrīya putrīya, i. e. putra + iya, adj., f. , Relating to a son or child, procuring a son, Rām. 1, 14, 1 Gorr.

puth 1. puth, i. 4, Par. To hurt, to kill. -- Caus. pothaya.
     1. To kill, MBh. 4, 727.
     2. To bruise, 4, 643.
     3. To overpower (sound), Kathās. 34, 257. pothita, Annihilated, MBh. 4, 795.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Caus. To crush, Hariv. 3347.
-- With ava ava, Caus. The same, Hariv. 5611.
-- With ā ā, Caus. The same.
-- With ni ni, Caus. To strike down, Hariv. 4525.
-- With pra pra, Caus. To push on, Rām. 6, 25, 7.
-- With vi vi, Caus. To bruise, Dev. 2, 57.
-- With sam sam, The same, MBh. 7, 1935.

puth † 2. puth, i. 10, Par. To speak or shine.

pudgala pudgala,
I. adj., f. , Beautiful, Mārk. P. 99, 57.
II. m.
     1. The body, Hit. i. d. 41 (read pudgale).
     2. The soul.
     3. Śiva.

punar punar, adv.
     1. Back, Chr. 8, 27.
     2. Again, Man. 2, 120.
     3. In an opposite way, Pañc. 263, 15.
     4. But, Nal. 17, 15; on the contrary.
     5. Nevertheless, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1964.
     6. With preceding kim,
a. How much more, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 504.
b. How much less, Pañc. i. d. 452.
-- Comp. punaḥpunar, i. e. punar-, adv. 1. repeatedly, Man. 1, 28. 2. again and again, Utt. Rāmac. 82, 12; every day, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10.

punararthitā punararthitā, i. e. punar-arthin + tā, f. Renewed begging, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 27.

punarukti punar-ukti, f.
     1. Tautology.
     2. A useless word, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 462.

punarbhū punar-bhū,
I. adj., n. bhu, Reborn, regenerated.
II. f. A virgin widow remarried, Yājñ. 1, 67.

punthpunth, i. 1, Par.
     1. To hurt.
     2. To give pain.
     3. To suffer pain.

punnāga punnāga, m.
     1. i. e. puṃs-nāga, A pre-eminent man.
     2. A white elephant.
     3. A tree, from the flowers of which is prepared a yellowish dye, Rottleria tinctoria.
     4. A white lotus.
     5. Nutmeg.

punnāman punnāman, i. e.
     1. puṃs-nāman, adj. Having a male name.
     2. put-nāman, adj. called put (q. cf.), Man. 9, 318.

puppuṭa puppuṭa, m. The name of a disease, a swelling at the palate or the teeth.

pupphusa pupphusa, and phuppusa phupphusa, m. The lungs.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.

pum pum, and pumāṃs pumāṃs, see puṃs.

pur 1. pur (probably vb. pṛ10), f.
     1. A town, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 12.
     2. The body, 2, 10, 28.
-- Comp. tri-, f. pl. three forts.

pur † 2. pur, i. 6, Par. To go at the head.

pura pura, i. e. probably pṛ10 + a,
I. n.
     1. A fortified town, Man. 7, 70.
     2. A town, 8, 386.
     3. The town, [greek] i. e. Pāṭaliputra.
     4. An abode, Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 9.
     5. An upper story.
     6. The body, Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 5.
     7. A kind of Cyperus.
     8. Skin.
II. m.
     1. A sort of resin, Bdellium.
     2. The name of a demon.
III. f. , A perfume.
IV. f. (also ri).
     1. A town, Megh. 31.
     2. The body, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 28.
-- Comp. aṅga-purī, f. the capital of the Aṅgas. amara-pura, n. and -purī, f. the residence of the gods. avanti-, n. the name of a town. kanyā-pura, n. a gynaeceum. kāñcana-pura, n. the name of a town. kāśi-purī, f. the capital of the Kāśis, i. e. Benares. kumārī-pura, n. a gynaeceum. kusuma-pura, n. a surname of Pāṭaliputra. gaja-pura, n. a name of Hāstinapura. gandharva-pura, n. a mirage, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 3. go-, n. 1. a town-gate, Rām. 5, 27, 20. 2. a gate in general, Kir. 5, 5. pāṇḍara-dvāra-go-, adj. f. , having white doors and towngates, Rām. 5, 9, 58. tri-pura,
I. n. three forts.
II. m. the name of a demon.
III. f. . 1. the name of a town. 2. a form of Durgā.
IV. f. , the name of a town. daśa(n)-pura, n. the name of a country. deva-pura, n. the residence of Indra. nāga-pura, n. a name of Hāstinapura. pañca(n)-pura, n., parihāsa-pura, n., and phala-pura, n., names of towns. mahā-purī, f. a great town. rukma-, n. the name of a fabulous town, Pañc. 84, 7. śākhā-, n. a suburb. śūra-, n. the name of a town. hiraṇya-, n. the town of the Asuras, Arj. 10, 13.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps also [greek]

puraḥsara puraḥsara, i. e. puras-sṛ + a, adj., f. , and sbst.
     1. One who goes first or before, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 27; a leader, a preceder, MBh. 4, 630; Śāk. d. 77.
     2. When latter part of a comp. adj. the fem. ends in , Preceded by, attended with, with; e. g. priya-ākhyāna-, adj. Preceded by agreeable news, i. e. with agreeable news, Rām. 1, 10, 31 Gorr.
     3. ram, adv. Preceded by, with; e. g. praṇipāta-puraḥsaram, With a prostration, Mārk. P. 77, 30 (laying herself at his feet); after, Pañc. 16, 4.

puraga puraga, i. e. probably puras-ga, adj. Inclined to, Mārk. P. 64, 3.

purajit pura-ji + t, m.
     1. A name of Śiva.
     2. A proper name.

puraṃjana puraṃjana, i. e. pura + m-jan + a,
I. m. The soul, personified as a king, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 9 sqq.
II. f. , The intellect, personified as his queen.

puraṃjaya puraṃjaya, i. e. pura + m-ji + a, m. A proper name.
-- Comp. para-, adj. conquering the enemy's towns, Nal. 20, 1.

puraṭa puraṭa, n. Gold, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 29.

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puratas pura + tas (cf. purā), adv.
     1. Before, in front (with gen.), Rām. 2, 39, 6.
     2. Forward, Vikr. 65, 7.

puraṃdara puraṃdara, i. e. pura + m-dṛ10 + a, m. Destroyer of castles, a name of Indra.

puraṃdhi puraṃdhi,
I. f. Understanding, wisdom.
II. adj. Intelligent.

puraṃdhri and puraṃdhrī puraṃdhri/ī, i. e. pura + m-dhṛ + ī, and the final shortened, f. A respectable matron, Ragh. 7, 25.

puraścaraṇatā puraścaraṇatā, i. e. puras-caraṇa + tā, f. Preparation, MBh. 12, 13206.

puras pura + s (cf. purā),
I. adv.
     1. Forward.
     2. Before, in front, in presence, Śāk. 29, 1; Pañc. i. d. 135.
     3. First, Śāk. d. 33.
     4. Eastward, from the east, MBh. 7, 2349.
II. prep. with the gen., Before, Megh. 3.
-- Comp. dakṣiṇatas-puras, adv. south-eastward, MBh. 2, 1120.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., perhaps [greek] in [greek]

puraskāra puras-kāra, m.
     1. Preference, Mālav. 19, 6.
     2. Deference, Rām. 1, 80, 11 Gorr.
     3. As latter part of comp. adj. Preceded by, joined with; e. g. surā-sava-, adj. Together with spirituous liquors, MBh. 13, 4737.

puraskriyā puras-kriyā, f. Deference, Ragh. 4, 87.

purastāt puras-tāt (tāt, an old abl. of tad),
I. adv.
     1. Before, in front, Bhag. 11, 40.
     2. First, preceding, Rām. 2, 80, 5.
     3. Forward, Vikr. 31, 4.
     4. Formerly, MBh. 1, 735.
     5. Eastward, in the east, from the east, Megh. 15.
II. prep. with gen. and abl. Before, Hit. 8, 15.

purā purā (old instrum. sing. of a base pura, for para, cf. puras; u is changed to a by the influence of the preceding p);
I. adv.
     1. Formerly, Man. 1, 119.
     2. Of old, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1231.
     3. With na, Never, MBh. 9, 1806.
     4. First.
     5. Soon.
II. prep. with abl., Before, Arj. 4, 20.
-- Cf. [greek] (old loc.) in [greek] (old dat.), [greek] etc.; perhaps also [greek] with [greek] etc.; Goth. faura and faur; A.S. for, fora-, fore-; Lat. por-, e. g. in por-tendere, and probably also pro-.

purāṇa purāṇa, i. e. purā + na,
I. adj., f. (ṇā and) ṇī.
     1. Primeval, Man. 5, 23.
     2. Old, ancient. Mālav. 4, 2.
     3. Aged, Vikr. d. 9; worn out.
II. n. A tale of past ages; old history, legends; a sacred work treating for the most part of the creation, the destruction and renovation of worlds, the genealogy of gods, etc. There are eighteen acknowledged Purāṇas.
III. m. A coin of a certain weight, Man. 8, 136.
-- Comp. niṣpurāṇa, i. e. nis-, adj. New, unheard of.

purātana purā + tana,
I. adj., f. , Old, ancient, Man. 3, 213.
II. n. An old tale, Rām. 1, 45, 13.
-- Cf. Lat. (regarding the form) protenus.

purārāti purārāti, and purāri purāri, i. e. pura-arāti and -ari, m. Names of Śiva.

purāvid purā-vid, adj. Knowing the past.

puri puri, and purī purī, see pura.

purītat purītat, probably pur + i tan + t, n.
     1. An entrail near the heart.
     2. The entrails in general, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 17.

purīṣa purīṣa (akin to pṛ10),
I. n.
     1. Faeces, excrements, Man. 5, 138.
     2. The remains of food (in a pot), Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 12.
II. f. ṣī (perhaps f. of purīṣya), The name of a religious ceremony, 3, 12, 40.

purīṣaṇa purīṣaṇa, i. e. purīṣaya (a denomin. derived from purīṣa with the aff. aya) + ana, n.
     1. Evacuation of excrements.
     2. Faeces.

purīṣadhāna purīṣa-dhāna, n. The strait-gut, Yājñ. 3, 94.

purīṣama purīṣama (akin to purīṣa), m. The black kidney bean.

purīṣya purīṣya, adj. Epithet of fire.
-- Cf. purīṣa, f.

puru puru, in the Veda also pūru, i. e. pṛ10 + u
I. adj., f. purvī.
     1. Much, many.
     2. Exceeding. adv. Very, exceedingly.
II. also pūru, m. The name of an old prince, Śāk. 7, 4.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. filu; A.S. fela, feala; comparat. [greek] Lat. plus.

purukutsa puru-kutsa, m. A proper name.

purudaṃśaka puru-daṃś + aka, m. A goose.

purudaṃśas puru-daṃś + as, m., nom. sing. śā, A name of Indra.

purudhā puru + dhā, adv. Manifold.

puruṣa puruṣa, and sometimes pūruṣa,
I. m.
     1. A man generally or individually, a male, mankind, Man. 1, 32.
     2. Punishment personified, Man. 7, 17.
     3. An attendant, a functionary, 8, 43.
     4. The first man, Hariv. 51.
     5. The soul, Yājñ. 3, 194.
     6. The universal soul, the supreme Being, Mārk. P. 26, 21; Man. 1, 11.
     7. A principle, Man. 1, 19.
     8. A tree, Rottleria tinctoria.
     9. A proper name.
II. f. ṣī, A female, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 17.
III. n.(?). A name of the mountain Meru.
-- Comp. a-dṛṣṭa- (vb. dṛś), adj. (viz. saṃdhi), a kind of alliance where one party alone settles for the other, on the condition that the enemy has to disburse the expenses of the expedition, Hit. iv. d. 117. antara-pūruṣa, m. the soul, Man. 8, 85. ādi-puruṣa, m. the first man. upari-, m. a rider, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 16. eka-,
I. m. the one universal soul, Vikr. d. 1.
II. adj. consisting only of one person. kiṃpuruṣa, i. e. kim-, m. 1. a class of horse-faced beings belonging to the suite of Kuvera, Kumāras. 1, 11. 2. one of the portions into which the world is divided. kula-, m. a polite man. gūḍha- (vb. guh), m. a spy. tulā-, m. 1. a person weighed in a balance, i. e. a present of gold or other precious things of equal weight. 2. the name of a penance. dharmādhikāripuruṣa, i. e. dharma-adhi-kārin-, m. a judge. niṣpuruṣa, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. not having produced male children, Man. 3, 7. 2. devoid of men. prakṛti-, m. a minister, Megh. 5. pramāṇa-, m. an arbitrator, Hit. 116, 12. mūla-, m. the last male of a race. rakṣika-, m. a policeman, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 24. rāja(n)-, m. 1. a servant of the king. 2. A guard, a watchman. satpuruṣa, i. e. sant-, m. an honest man.

puruṣaka puruṣa + ka, n. Rearing as a horse, standing like a man on two feet, Śiś. 5, 56.

puruṣakāra puruṣa-kāra, m.
     1. Any act of man, care, Man. 8, 232.
     2. The exertion of man (opposite to fate), Yājñ. 1, 348.
     3. A proper name.

puruṣatā puruṣa + tā, f., and puruṣatva puruṣa + tva, n. Manhood, MBh. 13, 552.

puruṣanti puruṣanti, m. A proper name, Chr. 298, 23 = Rigv. 1, 112, 23.

puruṣaśīrṣaka puruṣa-śīrṣa + ka (m. n.?), The name of a thief's instrument, Daśak. 71, 1.

puruṣādatva puruṣādatva, i. e. puruṣa-āda + tva, n. State or condition of a man-eater, or demon, MBh. 13, 326.

puruṣāntara puruṣāntara, i. e. puruṣa-antara,
I. n. A following generation, Mārk. P. 118, 31.
II. m.
     1. Man (opposed to deities), Vikr. d. 35.
     2. A treaty by which is stipulated that the affairs of the one shall be settled by warriors selected from both parties, Kām. Nītis. 9, 13.

puruṣāya puruṣāya, a denomin. derived from puruṣa with ya, Ātm. To behave like a man, MBh. 12, 8102.

purūravas purūravas, m. The name of a king.

purūvasu purūvasu, i. e. puru-vasu, adj. Abounding in riches.

puroga puroga, and purogama purogama, i. e. puras-ga and -gama,
I. adj.
     1. Going before, preceding, Nal. 4, 20.
     2. Chief, Ragh. 6, 55.
II. m. A leader, MBh. 3, 2522.
-- Comp. agni-purogama, adj. led by Agni, Nal. 5, 34. prīti-puroga, adj. accompanied by love, friendly, MBh. 12, 10935. yudhiṣṭhira-purogama, adj. having Yudhiṣṭhira as leader, led on by Yudhiṣṭhira.

purojanmatā purojanmatā, i. e. puras-janman + tā, f. Priority of birth, Ragh. 16, 1.

puroḍāśa puroḍāśa, i. e. puras-dāś + a, m.
     1. A kind of cake made of rice meal, offered in oblations to the gods, Man. 6, 11.
     2. An oblation to deities, Man. 5, 23.

puroḍāśīya puroḍāśīya, i. e. puroḍāśa + īya, adj., f. , Relating to the sacrificial cakes.

purodha purodha = purodhas, MBh. 3, 10635.

purodhas purodhas, i. e. puras and vb. dhā, m. The family or domestic priest of a prince, Śāk. 71, 18.

purodhikā purodhikā (probably puras-dhā + ikā), f. A favourite wife, Hariv. 7817.

purohita purohita, see dhā with puras.

purv pūrvpu/ŪRV, and pūrb pūrb, i. 1, Par. To fill (cf. pṛ10). i. 10, Par. To dwell.

pulpul, i. 1, and 6, and 10, Par. To be great or large, to be lofty or high.

pula pula,
I. adj. Extensive.
II. m. Erection of the hairs of the body, considered as proof of exquisite delight.

pulaka pula + ka, m.
     1. Erection of the hairs of the body, considered as occasioned by pleasure, Vikr. d. 57.
     2. Flaw or defect in a gem.
     3. A ball of bread and sweetmeats with which elephants are fed.
     4. An insect of any class affecting animals whether externally or internally.
     5. A kind of esculent plant, MBh. 13, 4363.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. free from horripilation.

pulakaya pulakaya, a denomin. derived from pulaka with aya, Par. To have or feel one's hairs of the body erect by pleasure, Gīt. 11, 10. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. pulakita, rather pulaka + ita, adj. Having the hairs of the body erect, Hit. 16, 11.

pulastya pulastya, i. e. puras + tya, m. The name of one of the seven Ṛṣis and mental sons of Brahman, Rām. 3, 53, 31.

pulaha pulaha, m. The name of one of the seven Ṛṣis and mental sons of Brahman, Man. 1, 35.

pulāka pulāka, m. and n.
     1. Shrivelled, or blighted, or empty grain.
     2. Bad grain, Man. 10, 125.
     3. A lump of boiled rice.
     4. Abridgement.
     5. Celerity.

pulina pulina, m. and n.
     1. An alluvial formation, a small island, MBh. 4, 395.
     2. The bank of a river, Pañc. 226, 19.

pulinda pulinda, m.
     1. pl. The name of a barbarian tribe.
     2. One belonging to this tribe, Pañc. 120, 8.
     3. A prince of the Pulindas, MBh. 2, 119.

pulindaka pulinda + ka, m.
     1. The name of a people.
     2. A proper name.

puloma puloma,
I. m. = puloman, Rām. 4, 39, 7.
II. f. , The wife of Kaśyapa (Viṣṇu. P. 148).

pulomajā pulomajā, i. e. puloman-ja. f. Śacī, the wife of Indra.

puloman puloman, m. The name of an Asura (ŚKD.), or Dānava (VP. 147), father-in-law of Indra, by whom he was slain.

puṣ puṣ, ii. 9, Par.
     1. To nourish, MBh. 3, 13639.
     2. To cherish, Pañc. 238, 7.
     3. To manage, Bhartṛ. 2, 38.
     4. To augment, Rājat. 5, 159. i. 4, Par.
     1. To thrive, to prosper, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13.
     2. To enjoy, Ragh. 18, 32.
     3. To possess, Ragh. 16, 58.
     4. To exhibit, Man. 9, 37.
     5. To unfold, Śāk. d. 18.
     6. To support, to maintain, Rām. 4, 61, 24. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. puṣṭa,
     1. Nourished.
     2. Well-fed, strong, Chr. 4, 18.
     3. Eminent, Man. 4, 231.
     4. Loud, Hariv. 14063. Comp. a-puṣṭa, adj. deficient, Sāh. d. 7, 19. anya-, m. the Indian cuckoo. bali-, m. a crow. Caus. To cause to be nourished, Śāk. 107, 7. Caus. or i. 10, Par.
     1. To nourish, Lass. 99, 3 = Rigv. v. 9, 7. To cherish, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1890. Cf.
     2. vyuṣ.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atipuṣṭa, Very strong, Pañc. iii. d. 8. Comp. na-, adj. rather insignificant, paltry, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 14.
-- With pari pari, paripuṣṭa,
     1. Cherished.
     2. Abounding in. Caus.
     1. To cause to be cherished or managed, Bhartṛ. 2, 38.
     2. To cherish, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2602.
-- With pra pra, To nourish, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 10.
-- With vi vi, vipuṣṭa, Ill-fed, low, Pañc. i. d. 313 (rather puṣṭa, with vi).
-- With sam sam, ii. 9, To increase, Bhartṛ. 2, 13.

puṣa puṣ + a, in graha-, m. The sun (nourishing the planets by its light). f. ṣā, The name of a plant.

puṣkara puṣkara (probably puṣ-kṛ + a).
I. n.
     1. Water.
     2. The sky, heaven, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1770.
     3. The blue lotus flower, MBh. 1, 4704.
     4. The tip of an elephant's trunk, Pañc. 80, 8.
     5. The skin of a drum, Ragh. 17, 11.
     6. A drug, Costus speciosus.
     7. The name of a celebrated place of pilgrimage.
     8. The blade of a sword.
     9. The sheath of a sword.
     10. (also m.), One of the seven great Dvīpas, or divisions of the world.
     11. An arrow.
     12. The art or science of dancing.
     13. War, battle.
     14. Intoxication.
     15. A cage.
     16. A part.
II. m.
     1. A pond or lake.
     2. A drum, a kettle-drum, Megh. 67.
     3. One of the principal clouds, that which occasions dearth.
     4. The Indian crane.
     5. A sort of snake.
     6. A proper name.
-- Comp. tri-, pl. three holy ponds, Ragh. 18, 30.

puṣkarāya puṣkarāya, a denomin. derived from puṣkara with ya, Ātm. To represent a drum, Daśarūp. 1.

puṣkarāvatī puṣkarāvatī, i. e. puṣkara + vant + ī, f. The name of a town.

puṣkarāvartaka puṣkarāvartaka, i. e. puṣkara-āvarta + ka, m. A certain kind of cloud, Megh. 6.

puṣkarin puṣkarin, i. e. puṣkara + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī, Abounding in lotus flowers, Rām. 3, 76, 5.
II. m. An elephant.
III. f. iṇī, A pool where the lotus does or may grow, Arj. 4, 50.

puṣkala puṣkala (= puṣkara, with l for r),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Excellent, Man. 8, 81; best.
     2. Good, salutary.
     3. Much, Rām. 1, 71, 2 Gorr.; many, Bhag. 11, 21; with following na, More than, Man. 3, 129.
     4. Complete.
     5. Loud, MBh. 7, 578.
II. m. A kind of drum, MBh. 6, 1631.
III. n.
     1. A certain measure.
     2. Alms to the extent of four mouthfuls of food.
     3. The name of a holy place.
     4. A proper name.
-- Comp. su-, adj. Very copious, MBh. 9, 2146.

puṣkalaka puṣkala + ka, m.
     1. The musk deer.
     2. A pin, a bolt.
     3. A Bauddha mendicant.

puṣkalāvatī puṣkalāvatī, = puṣkarāvatī.

puṣṭi puṣṭi, i. e. puṣ + ti, f.
     1. Thriving, increase, Pañc. 215, 2.
     2. Vegetation, Man. 9, 37.
     3. Prosperity, Pañc. i. d. 246.
     4. Nourishment, Man. 2, 32.
     5. One of the divine mothers.

puṣṭikā puṣṭi + kā, f. An oyster.

puṣṭida puṣṭi + da,
I. adj. Yielding prosperity, Hariv. 833.
II. m. A class of Manes, Mārk. P. 96, 45.
III. f. , The name of a plant, Physalis flexuosa Lin.

puṣp puṣp (rather an anomal. denomin. derived from puṣpa), i. 4, Par. To flower, to blossom, Hariv. 12799 (also i. 1, Mālatīm. 153, 5; Hariv. 7874). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. puṣpita (rather puṣpa + ita), Flowered, in flower. f. , A woman during menstruation. Comp. su-, adj. blossoming beautifully, Rām. 3, 55, 45. suvarṇa-, adj. having gold instead of flowers, Pañc. i. d. 51 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3284).

puṣpa puṣ + pa,
I. n.
     1. A flower, Nal. 13, 3.
     2. The menses, Mārk. P. 51, 42.
     3. The vehicle or car of Kuvera.
     4. A disease of the eyes, albugo.
     5. A topaz, Rām. 2, 94, 6 (cf. puṣpa-rāga).
II. m. A proper name.
III. f. , The capital of Karṇa.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , without flowers. abhra-, n. 1. water. 2. a flower in the air, i. e. anything non-existent. 3. the ratan, Calamus rotang. kha-, n. a sky-flower, a nonentity. gandha-,
I. n. a fragrant flower.
II. m. the name of several plants. jīva-,
I. n. 1. the flower of life, denoting a certain plant and the head. 2. the name of two plants.
II. f. , the name of a plant. darbha-, m. 1. a kind of snake. 2. a certain insect. nāga-, m. the name of several plants. bhāṇḍa-, m. a sort of snake. lakṣmī-, m. a ruby. viṣa-, n. the blue lotus. vīja-, n. 1. common citron. 2. a thorny plant, Vangueria spinosa. śaṅkha-puṣpī, f. a sort of grass, Andropogon aciculatum, Man. 11, 147. sa-, adj. endowed with blossoms, Ṛt. 6, 2. su-, m., f. , and n. the name of several plants. sūtra-, m. the cotton plant.

puṣpaka puṣpa + ka,
I. m. A kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 20.
II. n.
     1. The chariot of Kuvera, Rām. 3, 36, 15.
     2. A bracelet of diamonds or jewels.
     3. A cup or vessel of iron.
     4. Green vitriol.

puṣpadha puṣpa-dha, m. The offspring of an outcaste Brāhmaṇa, Man. 10, 21.

puṣpaṃdhaya puṣpaṃdhaya, i. e. puṣpa + m-dhe + a, m. A bee.

puṣpamaya puṣpamaya, adj., f. , Consisting of flowers, Rām. 5, 5, 17.

puṣpalih puṣpa-lih, m. A bee.

puṣpavat puṣpa + vat, adv. Like a flower or flowers, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1876.

puṣpavant puṣpa + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Having flowers, MBh. 6, 529.
II. m.
     1. A proper name.
     2. du. The sun and the moon.
III. f. vatī.
     1. A woman during menstruation.
     2. A proper name.

puṣpākara puṣpākara, i. e. puṣpa-ākara, adj. Abounding in flowers, Vikr. d. 9 (with māsa, i. e. Spring).

puṣpin puṣpin, i. e. puṣpa + in, adj., f. iṇī, Bearing flowers, blossoming, Man. 1, 47.

puṣpeṣu puṣpeṣu, i. e. puṣpa-iṣu, m. Kāma, the god of love (properly, Having flowers for arrows.)

puṣya puṣ + ya, m.
     1. The eighth lunar asterism.
     2. The name of a month, Dec. -- Jan.
     3. The fourth age, Kaliyuga.

pus pus, see vyuṣ.

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pustpust, i. 10, Par.
I. To bind.
II. (also bust bust), i. 10, Par.
     1. To respect.
     2. To disregard.

pusta pusta,
I. m. and n. A book.
II. n. Working in clay, modelling, Kathās. 34, 172.

pustaka pusta + ka, m. and n. A book, a manuscript, Pañc. 127, 2.

pustamaya pusta + maya, adj., f. , Wrought in clay, modelled, Suśr. 1, 29, 9.

, ii. 9, punā, punī, Par. Ātm. i. 1, Ātm. (Par. Bhag. 10, 31); i. 4, Ātm., properly Passive. To purify, Man. 1, 105; to make pure, 8, 311. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. pūta,
     1. Purified, pure.
     2. Cleaned.
     3. Threshed, winnowed.
     4. Foul smelling, stinking (cf. pūti and pūy). n. Truth. Comp. a-, adj. impure. śastra-, adj. purified by arms, absolved from guilt by dying in the field of battle. Caus. pāvaya, To cause to be purified, to purify, Man. 3, 183. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. pāvita, Purified, 2, 75.
-- With the prep. nis nis, niṣ-pū, To purify, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 18.
-- With pari pari, paripūta,
     1. Purified completely, Mṛcch. 159, 2.
     2. Threshed (winnowed?), Man. 8, 331.
-- With vi vi, To purify, MBh. 2, 1150.
-- Cf. Lat. purus, putus, putare (cf. the vedic use of ), pius, ex-piare, piaculum, punio, poena; [greek] Goth. fon (fire, cf. pāvaka), probably for favan; with r for n, O.H.G. fiur; A.S. fyr, [greek]

pūga pūga,
I. m.
     1. A heap, Arj. 3, 32.
     2. A multitude, MBh. 5, 1085. pi. A number of persons, Man. 3, 152.
     3. The betel-nut tree (Areca faufel).
II. n. The fruit of the last.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. lapse of long time, MBh. 2, 1329.

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pūj pūj, i. 10, Par. (also Ātm., Hit. ii. d. 36, and in epic poetry, i. 1, MBh. 3, 1005).
     1. To honour, to reverence, MBh. 1, 6038; Pañc. i. d. 146 (Ātm.).
     2. To regard, Yājñ. 2, 14. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. Anomalous potential pūjayīta, MBh. 3, 1070). pūjita,
     1. Frequented, Arj. 4, 55.
     2. Recommended.
     3. Acknowledged, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3174.
     4. Endowed, Rām. 2, 26, 16. Comp. su-pūjita, adj. much honoured, Chr. 62, 52.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To honour one after the other, Rām. 2, 99, 9 Gorr.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To honour, Rām. 1, 1, 83.
     2. To value highly, MBh. 1, 17.
     3. To approve, Rām. 2, 76, 12. abhipūjita,
     1. Offered after humble reverences, Man. 6, 58(?).
     2. Agreeable, Rām. 1, 52, 23.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To honour, MBh. 4, 98.
-- With pari pari, To honour much, Śiś. 1, 14.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, The same, MBh. 13, 2110.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To honour especially, Pañc. i. d. 164; MBh. 6, 3790 (prapūjire without reduplication; probably it is to be changed to pupūjire); 13, 914.
     2. To approve, MBh. 8, 3244.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To show honour, Hariv. 16223.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To return a salutation, Rām. 1, 26, 4.
     2. To salute in one's turn, Man. 1, 1.
     3. To approve, Rām. 1, 11, 10.
     4. To honour, Man. 3, 58.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To honour, to salute with reverence, Rām. 2, 70, 6.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To honour, Man. 2, 210.
     2. To esteem highly, MBh. 3, 1110.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To honour, MBh. 1, 6376.

pūjaka pūj + aka, adj., f. jikā, Worshipping, MBh. 2, 454; honouring, a worshipper.

pūjana pūj + ana,
I. n. Honouring, worshipping, Man. 4, 152.
II. f. , The name of a female bird (in a legend).
-- Comp. atithi-pūjana, n. receiving guests with honour, Man. 3, 70.

pūjayitṛ pūjayitṛ, i. e. pūj, Caus., + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Worshipping, a worshipper, MBh. 13, 7517.

pūjā pūj + ā, f., Worshipping, honouring, respect, adoration, Kathās. 4, 43; Vikr. 45, 18.
-- Comp. agra-, f. first oblation. atithi-, f. receiving guests with honour. tyakta-pūja (vb. tyaj), adj. abandoning the worship, Rājat. 5, 53.

pūjyatā pūjya + tā (vb. pūj), f., and pūjyatva pūjya + tva, n. Venerableness, MBh. 2, 1386.

pūṇpūṇ, see pūl.

pūt pūt, a sound imitative of blowing, Pañc. 93, 4.

pūtanā pūtanā,
     1. Yellow mvrobalan, Terminalia Chebula.
     2. The name of a female demon causing a certain disease of children, and killed by Kṛṣṇa.

pūti pūti,
A. i. e. pū + ti, f.
     1. Purification.
B. i. e. pūy + ti,
I. adj. Putrid, stinking, MBh. 12. 3606.
II. n.
     1. Pus matter.
     2. Civet.
-- Cf. Lat. putidus; see pūy.

pūtika pūti + ka,
I. adj. Putrid, stinking, MBh. 4, 173.
II. m. Grey bonduc, Guilandina Bonduc Lin.
III. f. , A civet or pole-cat.

pūtitva pūti + tva, n. Stinking.

pūtivaktratā pūti-vaktra + tā, f. Condition of having stinking breath, Man. 11, 50.

pūtyaṇḍa pūtyaṇḍa, i. e. pūti-aṇḍa, m. A kind of insect, cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1808.

pūpa pūpa, m. A cake, Rām. 1, 54, 3 Gorr.

pūpālika pūpālika, i. e. pūpa + āla + ika, m., and f. , A cake, Suśr. 2, 511, 14; 155, 7.

pūy pūy, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To become putrid, to stink.
     2. To putrefy.
     3. To be dissolved. pūta, see .
-- Cf. Goth. fūls, and A.S. ful; [greek] etc., [greek] etc.; Lat. puter, putris, putrescere, pudere, repudium, repudiare, probably also foetor, etc.

pūya pūy + a, m. and n. Pus, matter, Man. 3, 180.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. pus.

pūyana pūy + ana, n. Pus, discharge from a wound.

pūyabhuj pūya-bhuj, adj. Eating purulent careasses, Man. 12, 72.

pūyoda pūyoda, i.e. pūya-uda (cf. udaka), m. The name of a hell, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 7.

pūr pūr, see pṛ10.

pūra pūr + a, m.
     1. Filling, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 7.
     2. A large quantity of water, Ragh. 3, 17.
     3. A cake, Rām. 2, 100, 64 Gorr.
     4. Drawing in breath through the nose, a religious practice, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 9.
     5. The healing or cleansing of ulcers.
-- Comp. a-pūra, adj. not to be satisfied, unquenchable, Bhāg. P. 7, 13, 23. ali-, m. large stream, Utt. Rāmac. 68, 12. karṇa-, m. 1. an ornament of the ear, Utt. Rāmac. 62, 13. 2. the name of several plants. kāma-, adj. Fulfilling wishes. ghṛta-, m. a sweetmeat composed of flour, butter, etc. jala-, m. a bed full of water. duṣpūra, adj., f. , difficult to be filled or satisfied. pāṇi-, adj. filling the hand, Yājñ. 3, 320. phala-, m. common citron. su-,
I. adj. easy to be filled, Pañc. i. d. 31.
II. m. a sort of lime or citron.

pūraka pūr + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Filling.
     2. Filling up, Man. 9, 289.
     3. Satisfying, MBh. 1, 75.
II. m.
     1. Closing the right nostril, and drawing up air through the left, a religious observance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 17.
     2. A citron (Citrus medica).
     3. The final obsequial cake.
-- Comp. phala-, m. a citron.

pūraṇa pūraṇa, i. e. pūr + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇi, Filling, Hariv. 7441.
II. n. Act of filling, Ragh. 9, 73; completing, satisfying, Mālav. d. 73.
     2. Drawing (a bow), MBh. 16, 271.
III. m.
     1. A dyke.
     2. The ocean.
-- Comp. gartā-, n. Filling up a hole, Pañc. 96, 20.

pūrayitṛ pūrayitṛ, i. e. pūr, i. 10, + tṛ, m., f. tri, n. One who fills up, who satisfies.

pūrika pūrika, i. e. pūra + ika, m., and f. , A sort of cake, MBh. 7, 2309.

pūrin -pūr + in, adj. Filling, MBh. 8, 4669.

pūru pūru, pūruṣa pūruṣa, see puru, puruṣa.

pūrṇaka pūrṇa + ka (vb. pṛ),
I. adj. Filled, full, MBh. 7, 2199.
II. m.
     1. A certain tree, Rām. 3, 79, 38.
     2. The blue jay.
III. f. nikā, A sort of bird.

pūrṇatā pūrṇa + tā (vb. pṛ10), f. Plenty, Megh. 20.

pūrṇatva pūrṇa + tva (vb. pṛ10). n. Being full of. Kathās. 16, 46.

pūrṇapātramaya pūrṇa-pātra + maya (cf. pātra), adj., f. .
     1. Consisting in a pūrṇa-pātra, MBh. 12. 2306.
     2. Concerning full cups. Kathās. 23. 84 (? Brockh., Consisting in a poem).

pūrṇamā pūrṇamā, and pūrṇimā pūrṇimā, i. e. pūrṇa and curtailed māsa, f. The night or day of full moon, Rājat. 5, 156; Pañc. 74, 22.

pūrb pūrb, see purv.

pūrba pūrba, see pūrva.

pūrbhidya pūrbhidya, i. e. pur-bhid + ya n. The destruction of castles, war, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14.

pūrv pūrv, see purv.

pūrva pūrva, i. e. pura + va (see purā), also pārba, adj., f. vā (bā).
     1. Fore, Śāk. d. 37.
     2. Former, prior, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 905.
     3. First, Man. 1, 10.
     4. Lowest, Man. 8, 120.
     5. Eastern, Man. 2, 22.
II. adv. vam.
     1. Before, Chr. 3, 2; first, Pañc. 51, 18.
     2. Formerly, Chr. 16, 20.
     3. Immemorially, Man. 9, 87.
III. pūrveṇa, instr. adv. To the east, Rām. 2, 70, 11.
IV. An ancestor, Pañc. iii. d. 216; Man. 3, 220.
V. f. , The cast.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. new, Pañc. ii. d. 16; unknown, 68, 13. 2. incomparable. a-dṛṣṭa- (vb. dṛś),
I. adj. not seen before, Rām. 5, 54, 3. adya-, adv. till to-day, Rām. 1, 32, 8. an-āmaya-praśna-, adv. after having inquired for a person's health. anya-, f. , a woman previously promised to one and married to another. a-bodha-, adv. without having perceived before, Śāk. d. 99. aham-, adj. desiring to be the first, Rām. 2, 12, 92. tri-abda-, adv. less than three years, Man. 2, 134. dakṣiṇa-, adj., f. , south-eastern. pava-, f. a woman formerly married, having belonged formerly to another man, Chr. 6. 8. pūrva-pūrva,
I. adj. every preceding one.
II. m. pl. ancestors, MBh. 3, 12408. bhūta-, adj. prior; °vam, adv. formerly. a-bhūta-, adj. not having existed before. mṛdu-, adj. mild, friendly. adv. mildly, gently at first, Rām. 2, 1, 8. yathā-pūrvam, adv. 1. as before, Pañc. 36, 18. 2. formerly. 3. in order or succession. sakhi-, adj. more excellent than a friend, MBh. 1, 5142. strī-, one who has been before a wife. smita-, adv. smiling first.
-- Cf. pūrvedyus.

pūrvaka pūrva + ka,
I. adj., f. vikā.
     1. Prior, before, preceding, MBh. 12, 13697.
     2. First, Rām. 1, 70, 21.
     3. As latter part of comp. adj. often, Accompanied by, Man. 2, 78.
II. kam, adv.
     1. With, Man. 2, 128.
     2. Conformable to, 2, 173.
III. m. An ancestor, Hariv. 5176.
-- Comp. an-anya-pūrvikā, f. a woman who had no other husband before, Yājñ. 1, 52. aham-pūrvikā, f. emulation for precedence, Kir. 14, 32. dārikā-dāna-, adj. preceded by the gift of a daughter, Hit. iv. d. 109. sāmānya-pratipatti-pūrvam, adv. after an elevation equal (with the other wives), Śāk. d. 92. stri-, adj. one who has been before a woman, MBh. 5, 5940.

pūrvaga pūrva-ga, adj. Preceding, Rājat. 1, 18.

pūrvaja pūrva-ja,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Born or produced before, formerly, Man. 9, 31.
     2. Eldest, Bhāg. P. 9, 2, 2.
II. m.
     1. An elder brother, Man. 2, 226.
     2. pl. Ancestors, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 7.

pūrvatana pūrva + tana, adj. Former, older.

pūrvatas pūrva + tas, adv.
     1. To the east, MBh. 9, 2361.
     2. First, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 32.

pūrvatra pūrva + tra = loc. of pūrva; with janmani, In a former existence, Kathās. 13, 131.

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pūrvadehika pūrvadehika, i. e. pūrva-deha + ika, adj. Done in a former existence, MBh. 12, 12151.

pūrvavat pūrva + vat, adv. As before, Man. 11, 213.

pūrvathā pūrva + thā, adv. As before, Chr. 294, 2 = Rigv. i. 92, 2.

pūrvavartitā pūrvavartitā, i. e. pūrva-vartin + tā, f. Priority, Bhāṣāp. 15.

pūrvavid pūrva-vid, adj. Knowing former times, Man. 9, 44.

pūrvāhṇa pūrvāhṇa, i. e. pūrva-ahan + a, m. The forenoon, Man. 4, 96.

pūrvāhṇika pūrvāhṇika, i. e. pūrvāhṇa + ika, f. , Belonging to the forenoon, in the forenoon, MBh. 13, 1573.

pūrvika in strī-, i. e. strī-pūrva + ika, adj. One who has been at first a female, Chr. 63, 67.

pūrvin pūrvin, adj., f. iṇī, Done by ancestors.
-- Comp. a-pūrvin, adj. doing what has not been done by the ancestors, MBh. 12, 10796; strīpūrvin, see s. v.

pūrvedyus pūrvedyus, i. e. pūrva + i-div + as, adv.
     1. A former day, yesterday, Man. 3, 187.
     2. The morning.
-- Cf. prātar and [greek]

pūrvotpannatva pūrvotpannatva, i. e. pūrva-ud-panna (vb. pad), + tva, n. Condition of anterior existence, Bhāṣāp. 122.

pūlpūl, i. 1, Par. To accumulate. i. 10 (or pūṇ pūṇ, or puṇ puṇ), Par. To accumulate.

pūṣpūṣ, i. 1, Par. To nourish.
-- Cf. puṣ.

pūṣan pūṣan, i. e. puṣ + an, m.
     1. The name of a vedic deity.
     2. One of the Ādityas, MBh. 1, 2523.
     3. The sun, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 461.

pṛ 1. pṛ, ii. 3, pipṛ (pīpṛ, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 41), Par. † ii. 9, pṛṇā, ṇī, Par.
     1. To bring over (ved.).
     2. To protect, Bhāg. P. 7, 9, 41. (
     3. To fill, see pṛ10). Caus. and pār, i. 10, pāraya,
     1. To accomplish, Rām. 2, 55, 19.
     2. To keep one's ground, MBh. 9, 1074.
     3. To live, Man. 9, 178.
     4. To be able, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 4.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To maintain, Bhāg. P. 3, 18, 12. Caus. To save from (abl.), 3, 25, 40.
-- Cf. para and [greek] [greek] Lat. par, peritus, ex-pertus, ex-perior, pārere, partus, parare, portus, porta, portare; Goth. farjan; O.H.G. and A.S. faran; O.H.G. furt; A.S. fyrd.

pṛ 2. pṛ, i. 6, priya, Ātm. To be busy or active.
-- With the prep. ā ā, ptcple. of the pf. pass. āpṛta, Occupied, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 10.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To be busy, occupied with. vyāpṛta, Occupied, Rām. 2, 39, 14; affected with, Lass. 94, 10. Caus. To occupy, Ragh. 6, 19.
-- Cf. [greek] (see paṇ), [greek] (cf. paṇya-strī), [greek] (old pass.); O.H.G. feil, feili.

pṛ 3. pṛ, ii. 5, pṛṇu, Par. To be pleased with.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To be attached to, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 4 (cf. prī).

pṛkti pṛkti, i. e. pṛc + ti, f. Contact.

pṛc pṛc, ii. 7, Par., and ii. 2, Ātm., and pṛñc pṛñc, ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To mix.
     2. To unite, Rājat. 4, 1.
     3. To fill, MBh. 1, 3659. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. pṛkta,
     1. Touched.
     2. Touching.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anupṛkta, Mixed.
-- With sam sam, saṃpṛkta,
     1. Mixed.
     2. United, Man. 9, 322; near to, Vikr. d. 142.
-- Cf. probably [greek] Lat. plicare, plecto; Goth. flahta; O.H.G. flehtan; also A.S. folgian.

pṛcchaka pṛcchaka, i. e. prach + aka, adj. Inquiring, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1819.

pṛcchā pṛcchā, i. e. prach + a, f. Asking a question, inquiring, Śāk. 104, 23 v. r.; question, Pañc. i. d. 438.

pṛjpṛj, and pṛñja pṛñj, ii. 2, Ātm. v. r. of pṛc, ii. 2, and pṛñc, and of piñj.

pṛñcpṛñc, see pṛc; pṛñj pṛnj, see pṛj.

pṛḍpṛḍ, i. 6, Par. To delight.

pṛṇ pṛṇ, i. 6, To fill.
-- Cf. pṛ10.

pṛt pṛt, see pṛtanā.

pṛtanā pṛtanā, f., the base of many cases is pṛt.
     1. Battle, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.
     2. An army, MBh. 1, 291.

pṛtanānī pṛtanā-nī, m. The commander of an army, MBh. 7, 1464.

pṛtanyā pṛtanyā, i. e. pṛtanā + ya, f. An army, Bhāg. P. 8, 15, 23.

pṛthpṛth, or prath prath, i. 10, Par. To throw or cast, to extend (cf. prath).

pṛthak pṛthak,
I. adv. Separately, severally, Draup. 6, 1.
II. prep. (with acc., instr., abl.), Without, except.
-- Comp. pṛthak-pṛthak, separately, Man. 3, 26.
-- Cf. Lat. pars, partis, privus, privare; perhaps [greek]

pṛthaktva pṛthak + tva, n.
     1. Individuality, Bhag. 9, 15.
     2. Separation, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 28; separateness. pṛthaktvena, Singly, one by one, MBh. 14, 1058.
     3. Severality, Bhāṣāp. 88.

pṛthā pṛthā, f. Kunti, one of the wives of Paṇḍu.

pṛthi pṛthi, m. A proper name, Chr. 297, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.

pṛthivī pṛthivī, i. e. pṛthvī, f. of pṛthu.
     1. The earth personified, Man. 2, 225.
     2. Earth as an element, Prab. 27, 19.

pṛthivīṃjaya pṛthivīṃjaya, i. e. pṛthivī + m-ji + a, m. A prince, MBh. 2, 364.

pṛthivībhuj pṛthivī-bhuj, m. A king, Vikr. d. 110.

pṛthivīmaya pṛthivī + maya, adj., f. , Earthen, MBh. 12, 1452.

pṛthivīruha pṛthivī-ruh + a, m. A plant, a tree, Hariv. 11445.

pṛthu pṛthu, i. e. prath + u,
I. adj., f. thu and thvī, comparat. pṛthutara and prathīyas, superl. pṛthutama and prathiṣṭha, Large, great, Megh. 47.
II. m. The name of a king and of others.
III. f. thvī, The earth, Pañc. i. d. 51.
IV. f. thu and thvī, A pungent seed, Nigella Indica.
-- Cf. Goth. braids; A.S. brád; [greek] Lat. lātus.

pṛthuka pṛthuka, perhaps prath + uka,
I. m.
     1. Rice or grain flattened.
     2. A child, a boy, Śiś. 3, 30.
     3. The young of any animal.
II. f. , A girl.
-- Cf. probably [greek] perhaps [greek]

pṛthutā pṛthu + tā, f., and pṛthutva pṛthu + tva, n. Largeness, greatness.

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pṛthula pṛthu + la, adj., f. , Large, great, Śiś. 10, 65.

pṛthvīdaṇḍapālatā pṛthvī-daṇḍa-pāla + tā, f. The office of a chief of the police, Mṛcch. 177, 19.

pṛdāku pṛdāku (vb. pard?) m., f. .
     1. A snake, MBh. 3, 12190.
     2. A scorpion.
     3. A tiger.
     4. A leopard.
     5. An elephant.
     6. A tree.

pṛśni pṛśni,
I. adj.
     1. Of variegated colour.
     2. Delicate, feeble.
     3. Thin, small, short.
II. m.
     1. A proper name.
     2. A tribe of Ṛṣis.
III. f.
     1. A ray of light.
     2. The mother of the Maruts.
     3. A kind of fruit. pṛśnī, Pistia stratistes Lin.

pṛśnigu pṛśnigu, i. e. pṛśni-go, m. A proper name, Chr. 296, 7 = Rigv. i. 112, 7.

pṛśnimātṛ pṛśni-mātṛ, adj. Brought forth by Pṛśni, epithet of the Maruts, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2.

pṛṣpṛṣ, (akin to pruṣ), i. 1, Par.
     1. To sprinkle.
     2. To hurt.
     3. To vex.
     4. To give.

pṛṣata pṛṣata i. e. pṛṣant + a,
I. adj. Speckled.
II. m.
     1. A drop, Rām. 3, 32, 4.
     2. A spot.
     3. The porcine deer, 2, 93, 2.
     3. The father of Drupada, Chr. 51, 7.

pṛṣatka pṛṣatka, i. e. pṛṣant + ka, m. An arrow, Rām. 3, 18, 47.

pṛṣadaśva pṛṣadaśva, i. e. pṛṣant + aśva,
I. adj. Riding on antelopes, epithet of the Maruts, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4.
II. m.
     1. The God of air, or wind divinely personified.
     2. A proper name.

pṛṣadājya pṛṣadājya, i. e. pṛṣant-ājya, n. Clarified butter mixed with curds, forming an oblation, Rām. 6, 96, 12

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pṛṣadvala pṛṣadvala, i. e. pṛṣant + vala, m. The vehicle of the god of wind (cf. pṛṣadaśva).

pṛṣant pṛṣant (properly, ptcple. pres. of pṛṣ),
I. adj., f. atī, Speckled (ved.).
II. n. A drop of water, Hariv. 3586.
III. m. The porcine deer, Rām. 3, 76, 12.
IV. f. ṣatī, Its female, MBh. 7, 27.

pṛṣanti pṛṣant + i, m. A drop of water.

pṛṣākarā pṛṣākarā, i. e. probably pṛṣa, for pṛṣant, -ākara, f. A small stone, used as weight.

pṛṣodara pṛṣodara, i. e. probably pṛṣa, for pṛṣant, -udara, adj. Having the belly speckled.

pṛṣodyāna pṛṣodyāna, i. e. probably pṛṣa, for pṛṣant, -udyāna, n. A small garden.

pṛṣṭha pṛṣṭha, perhaps pra-stha, n.
     1. The back, Man. 4, 72; with , To incline deeply, Rājat. 4, 135.
     2. The rear, the hinder-part of anything. ṣṭhe and ṣṭhena, from behind, Mārk. P. 23, 5; Vikr. 47, 12.
     3. The surface or superficies, Man. 7, 147; terrace, Vikr. 38, 11.
-- Comp. kāṇḍa-, 1. m. a soldier, MBh. 13, 1593. 2. the husband of a Vaiśya female. 3. the bow of Karṇa. giri-, n. the top of a mountain. tri-, n. the highest heaven, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 23. loha-, m. a heron. harmya-, n. the upper room of a palace, Vikr. 38, 11.

pṛṣṭhaka pṛṣṭha + ka, n. The back. pṛṣṭhake hṛ, To postpone, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 138 v. r.

pṛṣṭhatas pṛṣṭha + tas, adv. and prep. (with the gen.).
     1. Behind, at the back of, Rām. 2, 30, 11; with gam, To follow, Panc. 9. 1; to pursue, 172, 17.
     2. On the back, Man. 8, 300.
     3. Backward, Rām. 5, 49, 33.
     4. Secretly, MBh. 13, 5046.
     5. With kṛ, To postpone, to renounce, MBh. 1, 6694.

pṛṣṭhamāṃsādana pṛṣṭhamāṃsādana, i. e. pṛṣṭha-māmsa-ad + ana, n. Backbiting.

pṛṣṭhānuga pṛ10ṣṭhānuga, i. e. pṛṣṭha-anuga, adj. Following, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2493.

pṛṣṭhya pṛṣṭhya, i. e. pṛṣṭha + ya, m., f. A pack-horse or riding-horse, MBh. 1, 8011.

pṛ pṛ10, ii. 9, pṛṇā, pṛṇī, Par. (whence a new verb pṛṇ pṛṇ, i. 6, Par. Ātm.); hither also pṛ pṛ, ii. 3, and pūr pūr, i. 4, Ātm. (properly passive; in epic poetry also Par. and ii. 2).
     1. To fill.
     2. To collect, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 1.
     3. To satisfy.
     4. pūr, i. 4, Ātm., To be filled, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 945. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. pūrṇa,
     1. Filled, full, Nal. 23, 11.
     2. Complete, entire, Rām. 1, 54, 12.
     3. Satisfied, Rām. 1, 10, 34.
     4. Strong, able.
     5. Selfish. Comp. ā-karṇa-, adj. drawn to the ear (as the string of a bow), MBh. 4, 1096. kalā-, 1. adj. equal to the sixteenth part of, MBh. 4, 1299. 2. m. the moon. vīja-, m. common citron, or a large kind of lime.
II. pūrta,
     1. Filled, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 32; full.
     2. Complete; with dharma-, An act of pious liberality (see n.).
     3. Covered. n. An act of pious liberality, as digging a well, etc., Man. 4, 226. Caus. and pṛ pṛ10, i. 10, pāraya, Par. and pūr pūr, i. 10, pūraya, Par. Ātm.
     1. To fill, Hariv. 6456.
     2. To intensify (a sound), MBh. 10, 412.
     3. To blow (a wind instrument), Rām. 6, 37, 39.
     4. To draw (a bow), 1, 34, 10 Gorr.
     5. To draw (an arrow to the ear), 6, 79, 16.
     6. To fulfil, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 587.
     7. To cover, 6, 86, 36. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-pūrya, adj. Not to be satisfied, insatiable, MBh. 12, 514.
-- With the prep. ati ati, i. 4, To swell, to rise, MBh. 6, 4783 (Par.).
-- With anu anu, pūraya, To accomplish, Gīt. 1, 25.
-- With abhi abhi, i. 4, To be filled, MBh. 12, 6502. abhipūrṇa, Full, full of. pūraya,
     1. To fill, Rām. 5, 56, 111.
     2. To load, Kathās. 44, 47.
     3. To cover, MBh. 6, 1721.
     4. To present with, Hariv. 6556.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, pūraya, To fill, MBh. 3, 10723.
-- With ava ava, avapūrṇa. Full of, Hariv. 11993.
-- With ā ā, i. 4,
     1. To be filled, MBh. 1, 1302.
     2. To increase, Kathās. 27, 8.
     3. To abound, Hit. ii. d. 72. āpūrṇa, Satisfied, MBh. 14, 627. pūraya,
     1. To fill, Bhag. 11, 30.
     2. To blow (a wind instrument), Rām. 6, 75, 11.
     3. To cover, Rām. 3, 32, 15.
-- With samā sam-ā, i. 4, To be filled, MBh. 1, 2472. samāpūrṇa, Complete, entire. pūraya, To draw (a bow), Rām. 1, 34, 9 Gorr.
-- With nis nis, niṣpūrta, Poured out, MBh. 7, 2239.
-- With pari pari, i. 4, To be filled, Rājat. 4, 109. paripūrṇa,
     1. Full, filled.
     2. Covered.
     3. Satisfied.
     4. Wealthy, Pañc. v. d. 10.
     5. Being at the summit of (his) power, i. d. 370.
     6. Very intelligent, Rām. 3, 52, 52. pūraya,
     1. To fill, MBh. 5, 7523.
     2. To complete, to enjoy entirely, Gīt. 2, 16.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, samparipūrṇa,
     1. Filled.
     2. Accomplished, MBh. 3, 15641.
-- With pi pi, instead of api, ii. 3, To fulfil, Bhāg. P. 4, 19, 38.
-- With pra pra, i. 4, To be filled, Hit i. d. 62. pūraya,
     1. To fill.
     2. To cause to grow wealthy, Mṛcch. 178, 4.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, i. 4, To be filled, MBh. 15, 678.
-- With prati prati, pratipūrṇa, Full, full of, Hariv. 5654. pūraya,
     1. To fill, MBh. 14, 2122.
     2. To satisfy, MBh. 13, 4442.
-- With sam sam, saṃpūrṇa,
     1. Full, full of, Rām. 6, 96, 12.
     2. Plentiful, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 779.
     3. Fulfilled, Śāk. 106, 3; complete, Man. 1, 109. pūraya,
     1. To fill, Kathās. 2, 83.
     2. To satisfy, 22, 12.
-- Cf. [greek] and prā; Goth. and A.S. full = pūrṇa; Goth. fulljan; A.S. fyllan; Lat. multus = pūrta + s; Lat. populus.

pecaka pecaka,
I. m.
     1. An owl, Rām. 6, 27, 31.
     2. The root of an elephant's tail.
     3. A bed.
     4. A louse.
     5. A cloud.
II. f. cikā, A kind of owl, Rām. 1. 1.

peṭa peṭa, m., and f. ṭā and ṭī. A basket, bag, Pañc. 126, 2; 127, 1.

peṭaka peṭa + ka
I. m. and n.(?), A basket for holding clothes, books, etc., Vikr. 78, 7.
II. f. ṭikā, A box, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 4.
III. n. Multitude, Kathās. 34, 209.

peḍā peḍā, f. A basket.

peṇ peṇ, see paiṇ.

petva petva, i. e. pī + tva, n.
     1. Nectar.
     2. Clarified butter.

peb peb, see pev.

peyūṣa peyūṣa (= pīyūṣa, q. cf.), m. and n.
     1. The milk of a cow which has calved within seven days, Man. 5, 6.
     2. Fresh butter.
     3. Nectar.

perā perā, f. A musical instrument.

peru peru, m.
     1. The ocean.
     2. The sun.
     3. Fire.

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pelpel, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

pelava pelava, adj., f. .
     1. Delicate, Śāk. d. 70 (too delicate).
     2. Thin, slender.
     3. Soft, tender, Kathās. 21, 97.
-- Comp. pari-,
I. adj. 1. very small. 2. very delicate.
II. n. a fragrant grass, Cyperus rotundus.

pevpev, and plev plev, and pev peb, i. 1, Ātm. To serve, to attend on.

peśala peśala, i. e. piś + ala,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Beautiful, Megh. 75.
     2. Soft, tender, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 650.
     3. Dexterous, 889.
     4. Crafty.
II. n. Beauty, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 30.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. very crafty, Hit. ii. d. 109.
-- Cf. [greek]

peśas peśas, i. e. piś + as, n. An ornament, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4.
-- Comp. viśva-, adj. containing all that is beautiful, Chr. 288, 16 = Rigv. i. 48, 16. su-, adj. very splendid, Chr. 288, 13 = Rigv. i. 48, 13.

peśaskṛt peśas-kṛ + t, m.
I. The hand, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 54.
II. A kind of insect, 7, 1, 27.

peśikā peśikā, i. e. peśī + ka, f. The peel of a fruit.

peśī peśī (cf. piśita), f.
     1. A ball or piece of flesh or meat, MBh. 1, 4494.
     2. The foetus directly after conception, 12, 11968.
     3. A muscle, Yājñ. 3, 100.
     4. The peel of a fruit.
     5. A kind of drum, MBh. 6, 1535.
     6. An egg.

peṣpeṣ, or yeṣ yeṣ, i. 1, Ātm. To exert one's self.

peṣa peṣa, i. e. piṣ + a, m. Grinding, Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 14.

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peṣaka peṣaka, i. e. piṣ + aka, adj., f. ṣikā, One who grinds, Hariv. 8394.

peṣaṇa peṣaṇa, i. e. piṣ + ana, n.
     1. Grinding, Mārk. P. 14, 87 (with , To be ground).
     2. A threshing floor.

peṣaṇi and ṇī peṣaṇi/ī, i. e. peṣaṇa + ī, and the final shortened., f. A grindstone, Man. 3, 68.
-- Comp. yantra-peṣaṇī, f. A hand-mill.

peṣāka peṣāka, i. e. piṣ + āka, m. A grindstone.

pespes, see pis.

paipai, i. 1., Par. To dry or wither.

paiṅgalya paiṅgalya, i. e. piṅgala + ya, n. Tawny, the colour, Suśr. 1, 335, 5.

paicchilya paicchilya, i. e. picchila + ya, n. Sliminess, Suśr. 1, 154, 15.

paijavana paijavana, i. e. pijavana + a, patronym., m. A son of Pijavana, Man. 7, 41 (thus to be read).

paiñjūṣa paiñjūṣa, m. The ear.

paiṭhara paiṭhara, i. e. piṭhara + a, adj. Boiled in a pot, Rām. 2, 100. 63 Gorr.

paiṇpaiṇ, peṇ peṇ, laiṇ laiṇ, praiṇ praiṇ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To embrace.
     3. To send, or to pound.

paiṇḍinya paiṇḍinya, i. e. piṇḍa + in + ya, n. Living upon alms.

paitāmaha paitāmaha, i. e. pitāmaha + a,
I. adj.
     1. Belonging or relating to the grandfather, inherited from him, Rājat. 1, 76.
     2. Belonging or relating to Brahman, Rām. 5, 44, 16.
II. m.
     1. pl. Ancestors, Pañc. 89, 18.
     2. The son of Brahman, MBh. 1, 2581.

paitṛka paitṛka, i. e. pitṛ + ka, adj., f. ,
     1. Paternal, Man. 9, 104.
     2. Ancestral.
     3. Relating to the Manes, Rājat. 6, 87.

paitṛyajñiya paitṛyajñiya, i. e. pitṛ-yajña + iya, adj. Referring to the sacrifice offered to the Manes, Man. 3, 282.

paitṛṣvaseya paitṛṣvaseya and paitṛṣvasrīya paitṛṣvasrīya, i. e. pitṛ-svasṛ + eya and īya,
I. adj., f. , Descended from a paternal aunt, Man. 11, 171.
II. m. A paternal aunt's son, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 35.
III. f. eyī, and īyā, The daughter of a paternal aunt.

paitta paitta, and paittika paittika, i. e. pitta + a, and ika, adj., f. tī, kī, Bilious, biliary, Suśr. 1, 10, 21.

paitra paitra, i. e. pitṛ + a,
I. adj. Relating to the Manes, MBh. 7, 9466.
II. n. The part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger.

paitrika paitrika, i. e. pitṛ + ika, adj., f. , Paternal, ancestral, Man. 8, 415.

paitrya paitrya, i. e. pitṛ + ya, adj., f. , Relating to the Manes, Suśr. 1, 106, 5.

paināka paināka, i. e. pinākin + a, adj. Belonging to, or proceeding from, Śiva, Rām. 1, 30, 11 Gorr.

paippala paippala, i. e. pippala + a, adj. Made of the wood of the holy figtree, Utt. Rāmac. 106, 2.

paiyavana paiyavana, incorrectly instead of paijavana.

paila paila, i. e. pīlā + a, metronym., m. A proper name.

pailagarga paila-garga, m. A proper name, Chr. 46, 28.

pailava pailava, i. e. pi/īlu + a, adj. Made of the tree pi/īlu (Jones = veṇu, A bamboo), Man. 2, 45.

paiśalya paiśalya, i. e. peśala + ya, n. Mildness, MBh. 1, 5155.

paiśāca paiśāca, i. e. piśāca + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Relating to a Piśāca, or kind of demon, Rām. 1, 29, 17; demonlike.
     2. (with vivāha), A mode of marriage, the ravishment of a girl by her lover, Man. 3, 21.
II. A Piśāca, or kind of demon, MBh. 13, 1397.

paiśuna paiśuna, i. e. piśuna + a, n. Tale-bearing, backbiting, Man. 11, 55.

paiśunya paiśunya, i. e. piśuna + ya, n.
     1. Espionage, backbiting, Man. 12, 6; Pañc. i. d. 115.
     2. Wickedness.

paiṣṭa paiṣṭa, i. e. piṣṭa + a (vb. piṣ),
I. adj., f. ṭī.
     1. Made of meal.
II. f. ṭī, Spirituous liquor extracted from bruised rice, Man. 11, 94.

paiṣṭika paiṣṭika, i. e. piṣṭa + ika, adj. Made of meal, Suśr. 1, 235, 2.

pogaṇḍa pogaṇḍa, adj.
     1. Not full grown, young, a boy.
     2. Having a defective member.

poṭa poṭa,
I. m.
     1. The foundation of a house.
     2. Uniting, mixing.
II. f. ṭā.
     1. A hermaphrodite.
     2. A female servant.

pota pota,
I. m.
     1. The young of any animal, Hariv. 3705; used also of plants, e. g. druma-pota, m. A young tree, Hariv. 3478.
     2. An elephant of ten years old.
     3. A vessel, a ship, Hariv. 3530.
     4. The site of a house.
     5. Cloth.

potaka pota + ka,
I. m.
     1. The young of any animal, used also of plants, Rām. 3, 67, 6; e. g. cūta-, A young mango, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 9.
     2. The foundation of a house.
II. f. tikā and takī, A potherb, Basella lucida.
III. f. takī, A bird, Turdus macrourus.

potṛ potṛ, i. e. pū + tṛ, m. One of the officiating priests at a sacrifice.

potra potra, n.
     1. The snout of a hog, Ṛt. 1, 17.
     2. The share of a plough.

potrin potrin, i. e. potra + in, m. A hog.

poṣa poṣa, i. e. puṣ + a, m.
     1. Thriving, prosperity.
     2. Nourishing, cherishing, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 33.
-- Comp. paratas-, adj. nourished by another, 3, 33, 28.

poṣaka poṣaka, i. e. puṣ + aka, m.
     1. One who nourishes, MBh. 2, 2123.
     2. A breeder, a keeper, Man. 3, 162.
-- Comp. vṛtti-, m. subsisting on, Mārk. P. 50, 77.

poṣaṇa poṣaṇa, i. e. puṣ + ana, n. Nourishing, cherishing, breeding, MBh. 8, 11300.

poṣayitnu poṣayitnu, i. e. puṣ, Caus., + itnu, adj. Nourishing.

poṣin poṣin, i. e. puṣ + in, adj., f. ṣiṇī, Nourishing, cherishing, Kathās. 14, 51.

poṣṭṛ poṣṭṛ, i. e. puṣ + tṛ, m. A nourisher, one who brings up, Mārk. P. 99, 47.

pauṃścalīya pauṃścalīya, i. e. puṃścalī + īya, adj. Relating to harlots, Rājat. 4, 662.

pauṃścalya pauṃścalya, i. e. puṃścalī + ya, n. Female incontinence, Man. 9, 15.

pauṃsna pauṃsna, i. e. puṃs + na,
I. adj., f. , Human, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 45.
II. n. Manhood, 4, 26, 26.

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paugaṇḍa paugaṇḍa, i. e. pogaṇḍa + a,
I. adj. Proper to boys, boyish, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 28.
II. n. Boyhood.

paugaṇḍaka paugaṇḍa + ka, n. Boyhood, Bhāg. P. 10, 12, 37.

pauṇḍarīka pauṇḍarīka, i. e. puṇḍarīka + a, m. A certain Soma sacrifice, lasting eleven days, MBh. 13, 4934.

pauṇḍra pauṇḍra, i. e. puṇḍra + a, m.
     1. pl. The name of a people.
     2. Their prince.
     3. A sort of sugar-cane (cf. puṇḍra).
     4. Bhīṣma's conch, Bhag. 1, 15.

pauṇḍraka pauṇḍra + ka, m. pl.
     1. The name of a people, Man. 10, 44.
     2. Their king.
     3. A sort of sugar-cane, Suśr. 1, 186, 14 (cf. puṇḍra).

pautināsikya pautināsikya, i. e. pūti-nāsikā + ya, n. Foetor of the nostrils, Man. 11, 50.

pauttika pauttika, i. e. puttikā + a, n. The honey of the puttikā, Suśr. 1, 185, 1.

pautra pautra, i. e. putra + a,
I. adj. Relating to sons or children, Rām. 1, 35, 1.
II. m. A grandson, Man. 9, 133.
III. f. trī, A granddaughter Kathās. 10, 39.
-- Comp. putra-, n. sons and grandsons, Man. 3, 200.

pautrin pautrin, i. e. pautra + in, adj. Having a grandson, Man. 9, 136.
-- Comp. putra-, adj. having sons and grandsons, Sāv. 5, 57.

paunaḥpunya paunaḥpunya, i. e. punar-punar + ya, n. Repetition, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 8.

paunaruktya paunaruktya, i. e. punar-ukta (vb. vac) + ya, n.
     1. Repetition, Ragh. 12, 40.
     2. Tautology.

paunarbhava paunarbhava, i. e. punarbhū + a,
I. adj. Connected with a twice married woman, Man. 9, 176.
II. m. The son of a twice married woman, Man. 3, 155.

paura paura, i. e. pura + a, adj., f. , sbst. Relating to or produced in a town, citizen, Śāk. 18, 9; Utt. Rāmac. 74, 6.

pauraṃjana pauraṃjana, i. e. puraṃjana + a, patronym. Descended from Puraṃjana, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 9.

pauraṃdara pauraṃdara, i. e. puraṃdara + a, adj. Belonging or relating to Purandara, i. e. Indra, MBh. 1, 4477.

paurava paurava, i. e. puru + a, patronym., f. .
     1. Descended from Puru, MBh. 1, 3180.
     2. m. pl. The race of Puru, Śāk. d. 49.
     3. m. pl. The name of a people.
-- Comp. a-, adj. deprived of descendants of Puru, Hariv. 11081.

paurastya paurastya, i. e. puras + tya, adj.
     1. Prior, first.
     2. Eastern, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 46.

paurāṇa paurāṇa, i. e. purāṇa + a, adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Relating to past ages, ancient, MBh. 1, 543.
     2. Deep-rooted, Chr. 24, 38.

paurāṇika paurāṇika, i. e. purāṇa + ika, adj., f. .
     1. Relating to past ages, old, Prab. 13, 5.
     2. Conversant with the events of former times, MBh. 1, 851.

paurika paurika, i. e. pura + ika, m.
     1. Citizen, Mārk. P. 120, 18.
     2. pl. The name of a people.
     3. The name of a prince.

pauruṣa pauruṣa, i. e. puruṣa + a,
I. adj., f. ṣī.
     1. Manly, MBh. 12, 718.
     2. Human, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 26.
     3. Sacred to Puruṣa; epithet of a holy text, Man. 11, 251.
     4. Having the measure of a man with both arms elevated and the fingers extended.
II. m. The load which a man may bear, Man. 8, 404 (Kull.? perhaps a full grown man).
III. n.
     1. Manhood, manliness, MBh. 13, 542.
     2. Action of men, Bhartṛ. 2, 85; man's work, Rām. 1, 58, 22.
     3. Strength, vigour, Man. 7, 102.
     4. Membrum virile.
-- Comp. daiva-antar-ita-, adj. whose energy is checked by fate, Pañc. ii. d. 140. nis-, adj. devoid of manliness.

pauruṣāda pauruṣāda, i. e. puruṣa-āda + a, adj. Proper to man-eaters, Hariv. 3815.

pauruṣika pauruṣika, i. e. puruṣa + ika, m. A worshipper of Puruṣa.

pauruṣeya pauruṣeya, i. e. puruṣa + eya, adj., f. , Made by, derivea from, relating to men, MBh. 5, 2645.

pauruṣya pauruṣya, i. e. puruṣa + ya, n. Manhood, manliness, Mārk. P. 125, 10.

pauruhūta pauruhūta, i. e. puru-kūta (vb. hve) + a, adj. Belonging to Indra, Śāk. d. 48.

paurūravasa paurūravasa, i. e. purūravas + a, adj. Relating, proper to Purūravas, MBh. 8, 1866.

paurogava paurogava, i. e. puras-go + a, m. Overseer or superintendent of a princely kitchen, MBh. 4, 28.

pauroḍāśa pauroḍāśa, i. e. puroḍāśa + a, m. A prayer recited on making an oblation of clarified butter.

paurodhasa paurodhasa, i. e. purodhas + a, n. The office of a family priest, Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 36.

paurobhāgya paurobhāgya, i. e. puras-bhāgin + ya, n. Envy, Śāk. 89, 5.

paurohita paurohita, i. e. puras-hita (vb. dhā, with puras), adj., f. , Conformable to, proceeding from a family priest, Mārk. P. 126, 18.

paurohitya paurohitya, i. e. puras-hita (vb. dhā, with puras), + ya, n. The office of a family priest, MBh. 1, 675.

paurṇamāsa paurṇamāsa, i. e. pūrṇa (vb. pṛ10), -māsa + a,
I. adj., f. , In which the moon is full (a night), Nal. 16, 14.
II. m. and n. A ceremony performed at the full of the moon, Man. 4, 25.
III. n. Day of full moon, MBh. 13, 7386.
IV. f. , Day or night of full moon, Man. 4, 113.
V. m patronym. A proper name.

paurṇamāsya paurṇamāsya, i. e. paurṇamāsī + ya, n. The sacrifice performed at the full of the moon, MBh. 3, 14135.

paurta paurta, i. e. pūrta (vb. pṛ10), + a, n. A meritorious work, MBh. 14, 1031.

paurtika paurtika, i. e. pūrta (vb. pṛ10), + ika, adj. Relating to or connected with meritorious works, Man. 3, 178; 4, 227.

paurvadehika paurvadehika, i. e. pūrva-deha + ika, adj.
     1. Belonging or relating to a former existence, Yājñ. 1, 348.
     2. Done in a former existence, MBh. 12, 6758.

paurvāhṇika paurvāhṇika, i. e. pūrvāhṇa + ika, adj., f. , Belonging or relating to, or produced in the forepart of the day, Sāv. 7, 1.

paurvika paurvika, i. e. pūrva + ika, adj., f. , Former, Man. 4, 148; previous, old; f. , A female ancestor, MBh. 1, 6632.

paulastya paulastya, i. e. pulastya + a, patronym., f. , Descended from Pulastya; epithet of Kuvera, Rāvaṇa, etc., Utt. Rāmac. 83, 2.

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pauloma pauloma, i. e. puloman, and pulomā + a,
     1. adj. Relating to, treating of, Pulomā, MBh. 1, 312.
     2. patronym., f. , Descended from Puloman; f. The wife of Indra, Vikr. d. 152.
     3. m. pl. A class of demons, MBh. 1, 460.

pauṣa pauṣa, i. e. puṣya + a,
I. adj., f. ṣī, Relating to the time when the moon is in the asterism Puṣya, Ragh. 18, 31.
II. m. The name of a month, Dec. -- Jan.
III. f. ṣī, Day or night of full moon in the month Pauṣa.

pauṣkara pauṣkara, i. e. puṣkara + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Relating to the blue lotus.
     2. Consisting of its flowers, Hariv. 9437.
     3. Relating to the Costus speciousus.
II. n. The fruit of the Costus speciosus.

pauṣkaraka pauṣkara + ka, adj. Consisting in a lotus flower, Hariv. 11557.

pauṣkala pauṣkala, i. e. puṣkala + a, m. A kind of grain, Mārk. P. 32, 9.

pauṣkalya pauṣkalya, i. e. puṣkala + ya, n. Full-growth, complete developement, Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 72.

pauṣṭika pauṣṭika, i. e. puṣṭi + ika, adj., f. .
     1. Relating to or furthering increase, Kām. Nītis. 4, 32.
     2. Furthering, MBh. 13, 7134.

pauṣpa pauṣpa, i. e. puṣpa + a, adj., f. , Coming from flowers, made of flowers, Vikr. d. 38; Rām. 4, 41, 26.

pauṣya pauṣya, i. e. puṣya + ya,
I. adj. Relating to the asterism Puṣya, MBh. 1, 7333.
II. m. The name of a prince.
III. adj. Relating to the prince Pauṣya, MBh. 1, 312.

pyāy pyāy, see pyai.

pyuṣpyuṣ, and pyus pyus, see 1. 2. and 3. vyuṣ.

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pyai pyai, and pyāy pyay (developed out of vedic ), i. 1, Ātm. To be exuberant, to increase. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. pyāna.
II. pīna, Fat, bulky, corpulent, Rām. 1, 1, 13.
III. pyāyita.
-- With the prep. ā ā,
     1. To increase, MBh. 14, 989.
     2. To cause to prosper, 5, 508. āpīna, Full, abounding in milk, MBh. 1, 3934. n. An udder, Ragh. 2, 18. Caus. pyāyaya,
     1. To augment, MBh. 3, 13542.
     2. To nourish, Lass. 59. 14.
     3. To refresh, Megh. 45.
     5. To encourage, MBh. 12, 10148. āpyāyita, Fattened, strengthened, Pañc. 9, 4.
-- With samā sam-ā, To increase. Caus. To refresh, to animate, MBh. 3, 8725. -- Akin are probably A.S. faett, O.H.G feizt.

pra pra, prep.
     1. Before.
     2. Forward.
     3. Away.
     4. Pre-eminent.
     5. Excessive.
     6. Beginning.
I. Combined and compounded with verbs and derivatives.
II. Compounded with nouns.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. pro, e. g. in pronepos; Goth. frums; A. S. form; see pranaptṛ and purā.

prakaṭ prakaṭ, a denomin. derived from prakaṭa, Par. To appear, Hariv. 15789.

prakaṭa pra-kaṭa (probably a form of kṛta, based on *karta),
I. adj., f. ṭā, Displayed, unfolded, manifest, Mārk. P. 105, 7; discovering one's self, Kathās. 12, 190.
II. m. A proper name.

prakaṭana prakaṭana, i. e. prakaṭaya + ana, n. Making visible.

prakaṭaya prakaṭaya, a denomin. derived from prakaṭa with aya, Par.
     1. To make visible, Śiś. 9, 40.
     2. To show, Bhartṛ. 1, 50. prakaṭita,
     1. Manifested.
     2. Apparent; prakaṭita-hata-a-śeṣa-tamas, adj. Having evidently destroyed all darkness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1723.
     3. Opened.

prakampa pra-kamp + a, m.
     1. Shaking, trembling, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2216.
     2. Violent motion, Chr. 33, 33.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unshaken, Rājat. 5, 57. duṣprakampa, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be shaken. niṣpra°, i. e. nis-, 1. adj. motionless. 2. one of the seven Ṛṣis of the thirteenth period.

prakampana pra-kamp + ana.
I. adj. Causing to tremble.
II. m.
     1. Wind,
     2. A hell.
III. n. Violent motion, great trembling, shaking, MBh. 12, 3840.

prakampin pra-kamp + in, adj. Trembling, Utt. Rāmac. 80, 16; moving to and fro, Mārk. P. 109, 42.

prakara prakara, i. e. pra-kṛ/ṝ + a,
I. m.
     1. A heap, a quantity, plenty, Śāk. d. 136.
     2. Aid.
     3. Custom, use.
II. n. Aloe-wood.
III. f. .
     1. A kind of song, Yājñ. 3, 113.
     2. A short interlude in a drama.

prakaraṇa prakaraṇa, i. e. pra-kṛ + ana,
I. n.
     1. Treating, expounding.
     2. A chapter.
     3. Subject, Kathās. 6, 111.
     4. Opportunity, occasion, MBh. 12, 768.
     5. Relation, Hariv. 3982.
     6. A kind of dramatic poem, Śāk. p. 4, 12.
     7. Trearing with respect.
     8. Doing much or well.
II. f. ṇī, A kind of drama.

prakartṛ prakartṛ, i. e. pra-kṛ + tṛ, m. One who causes, MBh, 9, 3054.

prakarṣa prakarṣa, i. e. pra-kṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Excellence, Rājat. 5, 381.
     2. Superiority, MBh. 1, 6076.
     3. Intensity, Kathās. 17, 170.
     4. Length, MBh. 13, 2933.

prakarṣaṇa prakarṣaṇa, i. e. pra-kṛṣ + ana,
I. m. One who troubles, MBh. 8, 1971.
II. n.
     1. Drawing off, MBh. 1, 7309.
     2. Length, Suśr. 1, 270, 4.
     3. Realising by the use of a pledge more than the interest of a loan.
     4. Bridle (?), MBh. 7, 6446.

prakarṣin prakarṣin, adj., i. e.
I. pra-kṛṣ + in, Drawing forth, MBh. 6, 2524.
II. praharṣa + in. Pre-eminent, Hariv. 6404.

prakalpanā prakalpanā, i. e. pra-klip, Caus., + ana, f. Allotting, allotment, Man. 8, 211.

prakāṇḍa pra-kāṇḍa, m. and n.
     1. The stem of a tree.
     2. As latter part of comp. word, Excellent, e. g. mantriprakāṇḍa, i. e. mantrin-, m. An excellent minister, Rājat. 6, 260; cf. Utt. Rāmac. 145, 3.

prakāma pra-kāma.
I. m. Pleasure, Rām. 3, 2, 8.
II. acc. mam, adv.
     1. Willingly, Pañc. 191, 16.
     2. According to one's wish, MBh. 4, 401.
     3. Sufficiently, 7, 2767.
     4. Indeed, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3098.

prakāmatas prakāma + tas, adv. With great delight, Hiḍ. 2, 14.

prakāra prakāra, i. e. pra-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Kind, MBh. 1, 7412; species, Ṛt. 1, 2.
     2. Speciality, Bhāṣāp. 134.
     3. Way, manner, Pañc. 199, 20.

prakāratā prakāra + tā, f. Speciality, Bhāṣāp. 135.

prakālana prakālana, i. e. pra-kal, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Driving on, MBh. 1, 2585.
II. m. The name of a Nāga or serpent.

prakāśa pra-kāś + a,
I. adj., f. śā.
     1. Clear, bright, MBh. 3, 12158.
     2. Open, manifest, visible, Rām. 6, 75, 14.
     3. Generally known, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 2.
     4. As latter part of comp. adj. Resembling, like, MBh. 3, 914.
II. śam, adv.
     1. Openly, publicly, Man. 8, 193.
     2. (in dramatic language), Aloud, Śāk. 13, 15.
III. m.
     1. Lustre, splendour, light, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2132.
     2. Manifestation.
     3. Publicity.
     4. Renown, Hariv. 5224.
     5. The open air, Śāk. 46, 7.
     6. Loc. śe, In presence, MBh. 12, 8579.
IV. n. White, or bell metal.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. 1. obscure, dark, Rām. 2, 125, 2 Gorr. 2. concealed, Man. 8, 251.
II. śam, adv. secretly. ati-, adj. generally known. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, adj. dark. niṣpr°, i. e. nis-, adj. lightless. su-, adj. 1. very visible, Man. 8, 245. 2. manifest. 3. public.

prakāśaka pra-kāś + aka,
I. adj., f. śikā.
     1. Clear, bright, Bhag. 14, 6.
     2. Renowned, Rājat. 4, 79.
     3. What makes open or apparent, illuminating, MBh. 14, 1066.
II. m. The illuminator, the sun, Kathās. 18, 18.

prakāśatā prakāśa + tā, f.
     1. Brightness, shining, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1941.
     2. Renown, Nal. 26, 38.

prakāśatva prakāśa + tva, n.
     1. Brightness.
     2. Appearance.
     3. Renown, MBh. 13, 4730.

prakāśana pra-kāś + ana,
I. m. f. n. One who or what illuminates, epithet of Viṣṇu, MBh. 13, 6978.
II. n.
     1. Illuminating.
     2. Making manifest, making known, Pañc. 238, 23.
     3. Showing publicly, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 11.

prakāśātmakatva prakāśātmakatva, i. e. prakāśa-ātmaka + tva, n. Condition of having the nature of light, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 4.

prakāśitā prakāśitā, f., and prakāśitva prakāśitva, n., i. e. prakāśin + tā, or tva, Clearness, light, MBh. 12, 6228; 1, 3576.

prakāśin prakāśin, i. e. pra-kāś, and prakāśa, + in, adj.
     1. Clear, bright, MBh. 1, 1434.
     2. Making visible, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3120.

prakāśīkaraṇa prakāśīkaraṇa, i. e. prakāśa-kṛ + ana, n. Illuminating, Rām. 2, 15, 18 Gorr.

prakāśya prakāśya,
I. ptcple. fut. pass. of the Caus. of pra-kāś, To be illuminated, to be manifested.
II. incorrectly, instead of prākāśya (q. cf.), e. g. MBh. 8, 1960.

prakāśyatā prakāśya + tā, f. Publicity, Rājat. 3, 317.

prakiraṇa prakiraṇa, i. e. pra-kṛ10 + ana, n. Strewing, scattering, Mārk. P. 31, 8.

prakīrṇaka pra-kīrṇa + ka (vb. kṛ10), n. The tail of the Bos grunniens, used as a fan and as an ornament of horses (m.), MBh. 7, 1575.

prakīrtana prakīrtana, i. e. pra-kṛ10t + ana, n. Reciting, praising, Mārk. P. 19, 13.

prakīrtti prakīrtti, pra-kṛ10t + ti, f. Praise, Bhag. 11, 36.

prakuñca pra-kuñc + a, m. A measure of quantity, about a handful.

prakṛti pra-kṛ + ti, f.
     1. The original or natural state of anything, Pañc. ii. d. 95 (by birth); Vikr. 8, 2; Hit. ii. d. 131; Ragh. 5, 54.
     2. Nature, Bhag. 3, 33; prakṛtyā, properly, Pañc. 218, 11.
     3. With tṛtīyā, 'the third nature,' i. e. an eunuc's nature.
     4. A radical form or predicament of being, as illusion, intelligence, etc.
     5. The eight elements, from which all is produced, Bhag. 7, 4.
     6. Cause, the original source, Śāk. d. 1.
     7. The requisites of royal administration, Man. 9, 294.
     8. The chief objects of royal consideration, Man. 7, 156.
     9. Business, affairs, Man. 8, 161.
     10. The minister of a king, 9, 232.
     11. Subjects, people, Man. 7, 175.
-- Comp. duṣprakṛti, i. e. dus-, adj. wicked, base.

prakṛtija prakṛti-ja, adj. Innate, Bhag. 3, 5.

prakṛtimant prakṛti + mant, adj., f. matī, Original, natural, MBh. 3, 16003.

prakṛtistha prakṛti-stha, adj.
     1. Natural, genuine.
     2. Bare, stripped of everything, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 10.
     3. Recovered, 195, 21.

prakṛṣṭatva pra-kṛṣṭa + tva, (vb. kṛṣ), m. Eminence, superiority, Hit. iv. d. 111.

prakotha prakotha, i. e. pra-kuth + a, m. Putridity.

prakopa prakopa, i. e. pra-kup + a, m. Effervescence, emotion, wrath, Man. 7, 24.

prakopaṇa prakopaṇa, and prakopana prakopana, i. e. pra-kup, Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇī or , Irritating, who or what irritates.
II. n.
     1. Irritating.
     2. Provoking, MBh. 1, 2440.

prakopitṛ prakopitṛ, i. e. pra-kup, Caus., + tṛ (anomal.), m. One who irritates, MBh. 12, 4855.

prakoṣṭha pra-koṣṭha, m.
     1. The fore-arm, Śāk. d. 133.
     2. and °ṭa + ka, The room near the gate of a palace, Kumāras. 15, 6.

prakrama pra-kram + a, m.
     1. Proceeding.
     2. Beginning, Kathās. 18, 63 (prācī-, Beginning from the east).
     3. Opportunity.
     4. Proportion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 18.

prakramaṇa prakramaṇa, i. e. pra-kram + ana, n. Proceeding, Ragh. 7, 21.

prakriyā pra-kriyā, f.
     1. Manner, way, MBh. 14, 2304.
     2. Rite, observance, Hariv. 2306.
     3. Elevation, MBh. 12, 4170.
     4. Dignity.
     5. Insignia (of rank), Gīt. 12, 27.

prakleda prakleda, i. e. pra-klid + a, m. Being wet, MBh. 12, 9093.

prakledana prakledana, i. e. pra-klid + ana, adj. Making wet, Suśr. 1, 247, 6.

prakledavant prakleda + vant, prakledin prakledin, i. e. pra-kleda + in, adj., f. vatī, inī, Making wet, Suśr. 2, 291, 7.

prakvaṇa and prakvāṇa pra-kva/āṇ + a, m. The sound of the vīṇā or lute.

prakṣaya prakṣaya, i. e. pra-kṣi + a, m. Destruction, ruin, Arj. 7, 16.

prakṣālaka prakṣālaka, i. e. pra-kṣal + aka, adj. Who or what washes, Rām. 2, 32, 21 Gorr.
-- Comp. sadyas-, m. one who cleans (corn) immediately (for use), i. e. who does not store corn, Man. 6, 18.

prakṣālana prakṣālana, i. e. pra-kṣal + ana,
I. adj. One who performs frequent ablutions, Rām. 1, 52, 26 Gorr.
II. n.
     1. Cleaning, bathing, washing away, Pañc. ii. d. 167.
     2. A means of cleaning, water for washing with, Yājñ. 1, 229.

prakṣepa prakṣepa, i. e. pra-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Throwing.
     2. Throwing on, Man. 5, 125.
     3. The box for a carriage (?), Bhāg. P. 4, 29, 19.

prakṣepaṇa prakṣepaṇa, i. e. pra-kṣip + ana, n. Throwing on, pouring on.
-- Comp. argha-, n. fixing the prices, Yājñ. 2, 201.

prakṣobhaṇa prakṣobhaṇa, i. e. pra-kṣubh + ana, n. Agitating, Prab. 61, 16.

prakṣveḍā prakṣveḍā, i. e. pra-kṣviḍ + a, f. An inarticulate sound, grumbling, MBh. 9, 1038.

prakhala pra-khala, m. A very wicked person, Mṛcch. 168, 14.

prakhya pra-khya (vb. khyā),
I. adj. Clear, MBh. 12, 7447.
II. Latter part of comp. adj.
     1. Looking, MBh. 13, 547.
     4. Like, resembling, MBh. 1, 1236.

prakhyāti pra-khyā + ti, f. Perceptibility.
-- Comp. a-, f. aprakhyātim, with i or , To disappear, MBh. 3. 860.

prakhyāna prakhyāna i. e. pra-khyā + ana, m. Making known, report, Rām. i. 71, title.

prakhyāpana prakhyāpana, i. e. pra-khyā, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Publishing, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 12.
     2. Report.

pragaṇḍa pragaṇḍa,
I. m. The upper arm.
II. f. ḍī, A wall or rampart, MBh. 12, 2638.

pragarjana pra-garj + ana, n. Roaring, roar.
-- Comp. siṃha-, adj. roaring like a lion, MBh. 5, 5119.

pragalbha pra-galbh + a, adj., f. bhā,
     1. Bold, confident, MBh. 12, 2592.
     2. Prompt, courageous, Ragh. 2, 41.
     3. Brave, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1921; eminent.
     4. Impudent, MBh. 12, 4210.
-- Comp. a-, adj. irresolute, disheartened, Bhartṛ. 2, 48.

pragalbhatā pragalbha + tā, f. Boldness, Kumāras. 6, 32.

pragātṛ pragātṛ, i. e. pra-gai + tṛ, m. A singer, MBh. 3, 14856.

pragāmin pragāmin, i. e. pra-gam + in, adj. Being about to depart, Rām. 2, 31, 9.

pragāyin pragāyin, i. e. pra-gai + in, adj. Singing, Hariv. 12006.

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praguṇa pra-guṇa, adj.
     1. Straight; °ṇī kṛ, To put in order, to array, Pañc. 218, 7; to arrange, 114, 6.
     2. Honest, upright.

praguṇita praguṇita, i. e. praguṇa + ita, adj. Made straight or even, Pañc. 207, 23(?).

praguṇin praguṇin, i. e. pra-guṇa + in, adj. Honest, friendly(?), MBh. 12, 1052.

prage prage, i. e. pra-ga + i (vb. gam), adv. In the morning, at the break of day, Man. 6, 6.
-- Comp. ati-, adv. too early, Man. 4, 62.

pragetana prage + tana, adj., f. .
     1. Relating to the morning.
     2. To be performed in the morning, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 22.

prageniśa prage-niśa (cf. niśā), and prageśaya prage-śī + a, m. Sleeping in the morning, MBh. 12, 8369; 8396.

pragraha pra-grah + a, m.
     1. Stretching out, MBh. 13, 6374.
     2. Taking, seizing, Hariv. 15103.
     3. An arm.
     4. A ray of light.
     5. Favour, kindness, MBh. 13, 6709.
     6. Confinement, captivity.
     7. A prisoner, a captive.
     8. Restraining.
     9. A rein, a rope, MBh. 7, 9567; 13, 3456.
     10. The string suspending a balance.

pragrahaṇa pragrahaṇa, i. e. pra-grah + ana, n.
     1. Seizing, MBh. 5, 1229.
     2. Restraining, MBh. 12, 1991.

pragrahavant pragraha + vant, adj.
     1. Holding, MBh. 12, 1780.
     2. Kind, Rām. 2, 1, 11.

praghaṇa praghaṇa, i. e. pra-han + a, m.
     1. (also praghana and praghāna pragha/āna, and praghāṇa praghāṇa), A terrace before a house.
     2. A copper pot.
     3. An iron club.

pracaṇḍa pra-caṇḍa,
I. adj., f. ḍā.
     1. Excessively violent, Mṛcch. 2, 12.
     2. Passionate, wrathful, Rām. 6, 36, 83.
     3. Terrible, MBh. 3, 15701.
II. m. The name of a Dānava or demon.

pracaṇḍatā pracaṇḍa + tā, f. Boldness, Utt. Rāmac. 133, 16.

pracaya pracaya, i. e. pra-ci + a, m.
     1. Gathering, Bhāṣāp. 111.
     2. A heap, a quantity, Ṛt. 5, 1; Kir. 5, 48.

pracara pra-car + a, m.
     1. A road.
     2. pl. The name of a people, Rām. 4, 44 12 (v. r.).

pracala pra-cal + a, adj. Trembling, MBh. 1, 1379.

pracalana pra-cal + ana, n.
     1. Trembling.
     2. Moving to and fro, rocking (on the knees), Pañc. 252, 22.
     3. Fleeing, flight, Pañc. iii. d. 128.

pracalāka pra-cal + āka, m.
     1. Shooting with arrows.
     2. A snake.
     3. A peacock's tail.

pracalākin pracalākin, i. e. pracalāka + in, m.
     1. A snake.
     2. A peacock, Utt. Rāmac. 49, 11.

pracalāyita pracalāyita, i. e. a ptcple. pf. pass. of pracala + ya (denomin.), adj. and n. Nodding with the head when sleeping, Rājat. 1, 371.

pracāra pracāra, i. e. pra-car + a, m.
     1. Proceeding, Rām. 5, 32, 8.
     2. Going, Pañc. 31, 3.
     3. Pasture ground, Man. 9, 219.
     4. Conduct, Man. 7, 153.
     5. Appearance, Prab. 10, 8.
-- Comp. niṣpr°, i. e. nis-, adj. not moving, MBh. 13, 270. 2. fixed on one point, 12. 7810 (viz. manas).

pracārin pracārin, i. e. pra-car + in, adj.
     1. Proceeding, appearing, MBh. 12, 7480.
     2. Behaving, MBh. 12, 1783.

pracālana pracālana, i. e. pra-cal, Caus., + ana, n. Stirring, stir, Pañc. 248, 7.

pracikīrṣu pracikīrṣu, i. e. pra-cikīrṣa, desider. of kṛ, + u, adj. Wishing to requite, Bhāg. P. 4, 10, 10.

pracura pracura, adj., f. .
     1. Much, many, Pañc. 141, 18.
     2. Frequent, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 21.
     3. Abounding in, 1, 18, 43.

pracuratva pracura + tva, n.
     1. Plenty, Hariv. 11143.
     2. Abounding in, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 21.

pracetas pra-cetas,
I. adj. Wise, intelligent.
II. m.
     1. A name of Varuṇa.
     2. The name of a Ṛṣi.
     3. (also pracetas + a), m. pl. The ten sons of Pracīnavarhis.
     4. The name of a king.

pracetasa pracetas + a, see the last.

pracoda pracoda, i. e. pra-cud + a, m. Inciting.

pracodana pracodana, i. e. pra-cud + ana, n. Inciting, directing, order, MBh. 5, 73.

pracodin pracodin, i. e. pra-cud + in, f. , Driving.
-- Comp. guṇa-cakra-, adj. driving the wheel, i. e. possessed of all virtues, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1155.

pracchada pracchada, i. e. pra-chad + a, m. A cover, a blanket, Ragh. 19, 22.

pracchardana pracchardana, i. e. pra-chṛd + ana, n.
     1. Vomiting, emitting.
     2. An emetic.

pracchardikā pracchardikā, i. e. pra-chṛd + aka, f. Vomiting.

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pracchādaka pracchādaka, i. e. pra-chad + aka, adj. Covering.

pracchādana pracchādana, i. e. pra-chad + ana,
I. adj. Covering, Nal. 17, 10.
II. n.
     1. Concealment, Pañc. 188, 13.
     2. An upper or outer garment.

pracchāna pracchāna, i. e. pra-cho + ana, n. Cupping.

pracchāya pracchāya, i. e. pra and chāyā, n. Deṇse shadow, Śāk. d. 3.

pracyavana pracyavana, i. e. pra-cyu + ana, n.
     1. Departing, withdrawing.
     2. (with abl.), Loss, MBh. 4, 646.

pracyuti pra + cyu + ti, f. Loss.

prach prach, i. 6, pṛccha, Par. (in poetry also Ātm., Man. 2, 132).
     1. To ask, Man. 8, 88.
     2. To ask about (with two accus.), Daśak. in Chr. 179, 18. Anomal. condit. 2. sing. aprākṣyas, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 15.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To ask about, Rām. 2, 57, 29.
-- With abhyanu abhi-anu, The same, MBh. 13, 2169.
-- With samanu sam-anu, The same, MBh. 2, 2142.
-- With abhi abhi, The same, MBh. 3, 13339.
-- With ā ā, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.).
     1. To take leave of one (acc.), Rām. 2, 31, 28.
     2. To ask, Bhāg. P. 3, 7, 36 (ved.). Ptcple. of the fut. pass. āpṛchya, Praiseworthy, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13.
-- With upā upa-ā, To take leave of one, Rām. 3, 5, 18.
-- With samā sam-ā, The same, Rām. 2, 31, 27 Gorr.
-- With upa upa, To ask, MBh. 12, 12272.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To ask, Man. 11, 195.
     2. To ask about, MBh. 1, 6311.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, To ask, MBh. 14, 576.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To ask, Kathās. 26, 121.
     2. To ask about, Rām. 1, 8, 18.
-- With vi vi, To ask, Bhāg. P. 2, 4, 25.
-- With sam sam, Ātm.
     1. To ask, Lass. 41, 10.
     2. To ask about, MBh. 15, 6.
-- With upasam upa-sam, To ask, MBh. 5, 2658.
-- Cf. Lat. procus, procax, precor, prex, probably posco, postulare, perhaps suf-fragari, rogare, flagitare; Goth. fragan, fraihnan; A.S. fregnan.

prajana pra-jan + a,
I. m. and n.
     1. Impregnating, Man. 9, 61.
     2. Impregnation, MBh. 14, 1127.
     3. The season for a cow's taking the bull.
     4. Bringing forth. Man. 9, 96.
II. m. A progenitor, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 34.

prajanana pra-jan + ana, n.
     1. Generating, Bhāg. P. 4, 1, 28.
     2. Children, 9, 14, 45.

prajalpa pra-jalp + a, m. Prattle.

prajalpana pra-jalp + ana, n. Speaking, Pañc. 85, 21.

prajavana pra-javana, adj. Very quick, Utt. Rāmac. 119, 4.

prajavin prajavin, i. e. pra-jū + in, adj. Quick, Utt. Rāmac. 48, 2.

prajas prajas, i. e. pra and vb. jan, a substitute for prajā when latter part of comp. adj.; e. g. a-, Having no progeny, Yājñ. 2, 144. bahu-, Having a numerous progeny.

prajā prajā, i. e. pra and vb. jan, f.
     1. Progeny, offspring, Man. 3, 42.
     2. Creature, Man. 3, 76.
     3. Subjects, people, 1, 89.
-- Comp. a-praja,
I. adj., f. . 1. not bringing forth, MBh. 1, 4491. 2. childless, Pañc. ii. d. 101.
II. f. , a female who has not borne (a child), Man. 9, 161. sakṛt-praja, m. a crow.

prajāgara prajāgara, i. e. pra-jāgṛ + a,
I. m.
     1. One who wakes, MBh. 13, 7051.
     2. A guardian, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 15.
     3. The act of waking, watching, MBh. 1, 330.
     4. Taking care, Rājat. 5, 317.
     5. Awaking, being roused, Kām. Nītis. 7, 58.
II. f. , The name of an Apsaras.

prajāgaraṇa prajāgaraṇa, i. e. pra-jāgṛ + ana, n. Sleeplessness.

prajāti prajāti, i. e. pra-jan + ti, f. Generating, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 7.

prajāpālya prajāpālya, i. e. prajā-pāla + ya, n. The office of a king, Rām. 2, 23, 26.

prajāyinī prajāyinī, pra-jan + in + ī f.
     1. Being about to bring forth.
     2. Bringing forth, MBh. 13, 4229.
     3. A mother, Nal. 13, 67.

prajāvant prajā + vant,
I. adj., f. ratī, Having progeny, abounding in progeny, Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7.
II. f. vatī.
     1. Pregnant, Bhāg. P. 9, 8, 3.
     2. A mother, Mārk. P. 125, 7.
     3. A brother's wife, Ragh. 14, 45.

prajihīrṣu prajihīrṣu, i. e. pra-jihirṣa, desider. of hṛ, + u, adj. Being about to strike, Rājat. 3, 510.

prajīvana pra-jīv + ana, n. Livelihood, subsistence, Man. 9, 163.

prajña pra-jña,
I. adj.
     1. (vb. jñā), Intelligent.
     2. i. e. pra-jānu, Bandylegged, having the knees far apart.
II. f. jñā, Understanding, wisdom, Pañc. i. d. 475; knowledge, Man. 4, 41.
-- Comp. dīrgha-prajña, adj. having a far-seeing understanding. duṣprajña, i. e. dus-, adj. foolish. sthita-, adj. calm.

prajñapti prajñapti, i. e. pra-jñā, Caus., + tī, f.
     1. Teaching, Bhāg. P. 3, 25, 1.
     2. A certain magical art, Kathās. 30, 6.

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prajñāna pra-jñāna, i.e. pra-jñā + ana, n.
     1. Knowledge, wisdom, MBh. 3, 12693.
     2. A mark, 5, 992.
-- Comp. duṣprajñāna, i. e. dus-, n. foolishness.

prajñāmaya prajñā + maya, adj., f. , Made of, consisting in intelligence, MBh. 12, 8630.

prajñāvant prajñā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Wise, intelligent, Pañc. 132, 10.

prajñu prajñu, i. e. pra-jānu, adj. Bandy-legged.
-- Cf. [greek]

prajvāra prajvāra, i. e. pra-jvar + a, m. The heat of the fever, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 30.

praṇati praṇati, i. e. pra-nam + ti, f. Salutation, reverence, Rājat. 5, 145.

praṇaya praṇaya, i. e. pra-nī + a, m.
     1. Guidance, MBh. 12, 3934.
     2. Affection, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 364; friendly or fond regard, love, Vikr. d. 34.
     3. Confidence, familiarity, Bhag. 11, 41.
     4. Desire, MBh. 13, 224.
-- Comp. a-, m. want of affection. ati-, m. exceeding love. niṣpraṇaya, i. e. nis-, adj. cold, Utt. Rāmac. 70, 5. sa-,
I. adj. affectionate, friendly.
II. yam, adv. 1. affectionately, Chr. 44, 32. 2. confidently, Kathās. 46, 191.

praṇayana praṇayana, i. e. pra-nī + ana, n.
     1. Performing, practising, MBh. 1, 7593.
     2. Sentencing, Man. 8, 277.
     3. Adducing.

praṇayavant praṇaya + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Attached to, loving, Śāk. d. 143.
     2. Confident, MBh. 12, 13929.

praṇayitā praṇayitā, i. e. praṇayin + tā, f. Desire, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 396.
-- Comp. pāṇi-, f. condition of being taken as wife, Rājat. 3, 390 (cf. pāṇi-praṇayin + ī).

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praṇayin praṇayin, i. e. praṇaya + in,
I. adj., f. inī.
     1. Affectionate, attached to, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1762.
     2. Beloved, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 8.
II. m.
     1. A friend, Vikr. d. 94; a favourite, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1903.
     2. A husband or lover, Megh. 40.
III. f. inī, A wife or mistress, Prab. 100, 3.
-- Comp. pāṇi-praṇayinī, f. a wife, Rājat. 3, 307.

praṇava praṇava, i. e. pra-nu + a, m.
     1. The holy syllable om, Man. 2, 74.
     2. A small tabor.

praṇavaka praṇava + ka, a substitute for praṇava when latter part of a comp. adj. sa-vyāhṛti-praṇavaka, With the holy words and the syllable om, Man. 11, 248.

praṇāda praṇāda, i. e. pra-nad + a, m.
     1. A loud noise, MBh. 4, 1684; a shout.
     2. Neighing, MBh. 6, 137.
     3. Roar, Rām. 6, 79, 10.
     4. Tingling in the ear.

praṇāma praṇāma, i. e. pra-nam + a, m.
     1. Bowing, a bow, MBh. 1, 5384.
     2. Prostration, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 8.
     3. Respectful salutation, Pañc. 91, 3.
-- Comp. sa-praṇāma + m. adv. with a bow, Śāk. 7, 8.

praṇāmin praṇāmin, i. e. pra-nam + in, adj. Bowing, worshipping, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 558.

praṇāyaka praṇāyaka, i. e. pra-nī + aka, m. A commander, MBh. 10, 54.

praṇālī praṇālī, i. e. pra-nāḍī, f. A channel from a pond, a watercourse, Mṛcch. 158, 26.

praṇāśa praṇāśa, i. e. pra-naś + a, m.
     1. Disappearance, loss, Pañc. 5, 10.
     2. Death, 87, 19.

praṇāśana praṇāśana, i. e. pra-naś, Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f. , Destroying, removing, MBh. 1, 354.
II. n. Destroying, destruction, Ragh. 3, 60.

praṇāśin praṇāśin, i. e. pra-naś, Caus., + in, adj. Destroying, removing, MBh. 3, 6054.

praṇidhāna praṇidhāna, i. e. pra-ni-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Putting on, employing.
     2. Respectful behaviour, attendance to, MBh. 3, 17016.
     3. Profound meditation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 6.
     4. Prayer.

praṇidhi praṇidhi, i. e. pra-ni-dhā (cf. nidhi), m.
     1. Spying, MBh. 12, 2155.
     2. Sending out (of emissaries), Rām. 1, 4, 103 Gorr.
     3. Request.
     4. A spy, an emissary, Man. 7, 153.
     5. A follower.

praṇipatana praṇipatana, i. e. pra-ni-pat + ana, n. Prostration, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1720.

praṇipāta praṇipāta, i. e. pra-ni-pat + a, m.
     1. Prostration, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 442; Vikr. 34, 4.
     2. Submission, Ragh. 4, 64.

praṇipātin praṇipātin, i. e. pra-ni-pat + in, adj. Falling at another's feet, submitting one's self, MBh. 5, 2654.

praṇud praṇud, i. e. pra-nud, adj.
     1. Forcing away, MBh. 3, 720.
     2. Removing, MBh. 9, 390.

praṇuda praṇuda, i. e. pra-nud + a, Forcing away, Hariv. 7420.

praṇetṛ praṇetṛ, i. e. pra-nī + tṛ, m.
     1. A leader, MBh. 2, 264.
     2. A creator, MBh. 1, 7277.
     3. An author, 13, 7166.

pratati pratati, i. e. pra-tan + ti, f.
     1. Spreading.
     2. A creeper.

pratana pra + tana, adj., f. , Old.
-- Cf. probably [greek] cf. purātana.

pratanu pra-tanu, adj.
     1. Very thin, Megh. 104.
     2. Very delicate, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3322.
     3. Very small, Megh. 30; indifferent, Śāk. d. 138.

pratanuka pratanu + ka, adj. Very delicate.

pratapana pra-tap + ana, n. Warming, MBh. 1, 3576.

pratara pratara i. e. pra-tṛ10 + a, m. Crossing over.
-- Comp. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, adj., f. , difficult to be crossed over, Rām. 2, 71, 9.

prataraṇa prataraṇa, i. e. pra-tṛ + ana, n. Crossing over, MBh. 4, 199.

pratarka pra-tark + a, m. Supposition, MBh. 1, 7180.
-- Comp. su-, m. great understanding, 5, 3062.

pratarkaṇa pratarkaṇa, i. e. pra-tark + ana, n. Judging.

pratavas pra-tavas, adj. Very strong, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 87, 1.

pratāna pratāna, i. e. pra-tan + a, m.
     1. A tendril, Śāk. d. 170.
     2. A plant having tendrils, a climber, Man. 1, 48.
     3. Spreading, Kathās. 35, 153.

pratānavant pratāna + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Having tendrils, Suśr. 1, 4, 17.
     2. Spread, 1, 308, 16.

pratāpa pratāpa, i. e. pra-tap + a, m.
     1. Heat, Ragh. 4, 12.
     2. Splendour, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 131.
     3. Majesty, dignity, Kām. Nītis. 8, 12.
-- Comp. niṣpratāpa, i. e. nis-, adj. base, Pañc. ii. d. 97.

pratāpana pratāpana, i. e. pra-tap, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Distressing, inflicting pain, Rām. 3, 53, 29.
II. m. A hell.
III. n. Burning, MBh. 13, 3302.

pratāpavant pratāpa + vant,
I. adj. Majestic, Bhag. 1, 12.
II. m. A proper name, MBh. 9, 2567.

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pratāpin pratāpin, i. e. pra-tap, Caus., + in, and pratāpa + in, adj.
     1. Burning, MBh. 9, 1334; distressing, 3, 1685.
     2. shining, majestic, 13, 2149.

pratāmra pra-tāmra, adj. Very red, Śāk. d. 133.

pratāra pratāra, i. e. pra-tṛ10 + a, m. Crossing over, Rām. 1.

pratāraka pratāraka, i. e. pra-tṛ10 + ika, adj. Cheating, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3328.

pratāraṇa pratāraṇa, i. e. pra-tṛ10 + ana, n.
     1. Crossing over, Rām. 1, 3, 28 Gorr.
     2. and f. ṇā, Cheating, fraud.

prati pra + ti,
I. preposition with acc. and abl.
     1. Towards, to, against, Man. 4, 52.
     2. In proportion to, compared with, Kathās. 45, 400; Utt. Rāmac. 116, 14.
     3. Near, Rām. 2, 83, 19.
     4. On, MBh. 3, 15745.
     5. About; phālgunaṃ vātha caitraṃ vā māsau prati, 'About the month of Phālguna or Caitra,' Man. 7, 182.
     6. For, as compensation (with abl.); asmāt kapotāt prati, 'For this pigeon,' MBh. 3, 13287.
     7. Concerning; sīmāṃ prati samutpanne vivāde, 'If a contest arises concerning a boundary,' Man. 8, 245; with respect to, in regard of.
     8. According; dharmaṃ prati, 'By law,' Man. 8. 55; māṃ prati, 'According to my opinion,' Mālav. d. 50.
     9. In every, each by each; yajñaṃ prati, 'In every sacrifice,' Yājñ. 1, 110.
II. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives, in the same significations as in
I., and besides in the signification Back, returning. again.
III. Compounded with nouns, in the significations of
I., and 'equally.' In comp. adv. we find in with a distributive signification, 'Eac by each,' 'every,' e. g. prati-gṛha + m, adv. In every house.
IV. With following uta, On the contrary.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. red, e. g. in red-dere, red-ire, and re, e. g. in referre.

pratikara pratikara, i. e. prati-kṛ + a,
I. adj., f. , Counteracting, Suśr. 2, 270, 6.
II. m. Compensation, Rājat. 5, 169 (read rājāpratikareṇa, i. e. rājā apratikareṇa, 'Without compensation').

pratikarkaśa prati-karkaśa, adj., f. śā, Equally hard, of the same hardness as, Mṛcch. 91, 6.

pratikartṛ pratikartṛ, i. e. prati-kṛ + tṛ, m.
     1. One who requites, Hariv. 11170.
     2. One who opposes.

pratikarma pratikarma, i. e. prati-karman, adv. In every work, MBh. 12, 2963.

pratikarman prati-karman, n.
     1. Dress, personal embellishment, Śiś. 5, 27.
     2. Requital, MBh. 4, 1841.
     3. Redress, opposing.
-- Comp. a-, adj. obedient, Rām. 1, 75, 22.

pratikāṅkṣin prati-kāṅkṣ + in, adj. Desiring, Hariv. 5557.

pratikāminī prati-kāmin + ī, f. A female rival, Śiś. 9, 35.

pratikāya prati-kāya, m.
     1. An efligy.
     2. A target for archers to practice at.

pratikāra and pratīkāra prati/īkāra, i. e. prati-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Obviating, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 370.
     2. Remedying, help, Hit. 85. 6, M.M.; help against, alleviation, Vikr. 20, 9.
     3. A remedy, Man. 10, 185.
     4. Requital, Rām 4. 27, 20.
     5. A kind of peace or alliance, concluded in the hope that the one part will requite services received from the other, Hit. iv. d. 113, 114.
-- Comp. a-pratikāra, adj. 1. irremediable. 2. niṣpratīkāra + m, i. e. nis-, adv. without any trouble, MBh. 1, 8250.

pratikārin pratikārin, i. e. prati-kṛ + in, adj. Counteracting, obviating.

pratikāśa and pratīkāśa prati/īkāśa, i. e. prati-kāś + a, adj. Like, resembling, Utt. Rāmac. 50, 8 ().

pratikitava prati-kitava, m. An adversary at play, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 24.

pratikuñjara prati-kuñjara, m. A hostile elephant, MBh. 9, 3217.

pratikūla prati-kūla,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Contrary, Hariv. 11261; disagreeable, Pañc. iii. d. 104.
     2. Contradictory, Rām. 3, 30, 14.
     3. Hostile, Man. 9, 80; pratikūleṣu sthita, Refractory, 9, 275.
     4. Disastrous, Śāk. 7, 16.
     5. Perverse, MBh. 13, 3403.
II. pratikūlam, adv.
     1. Contrary, Rām. 6, 90, 26.
     2. Inversely, Man. 10, 31.

pratikūlakṛt pratikūla-kṛ + t, adj. Opposing, making opposition, in a-, Rām. 2, 52, 10 Gorr.; not opposing.

pratikūlatas pratikūla + tas, adv. In contradiction, MBh. 12, 8805.

pratikūlatā pratikūla + tā, f.
     1. Opposition, Kathās. 31, 85.
     2. Hostility, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1841.

pratikūladaivatā pratikūla-daiva + tā, f. Hostility of fate, Pañc. 192, 21.

pratikūlaya pratikūlaya, a denomin. derived from pratikūla with aya, Par. To oppose, Rām. 2, 52, 70.

pratikūlavant pratikūla + vant, adj. Refractory, MBh. 10, 124.

pratikṛti prati-kṛ + ti, f.
     1. An image, Śāk. 90, 2.
     2. Resistance, Hariv. 4211.

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pratikopa pratikopa, i. e. prati-kup + a, m. Wrath, anger, MBh. 4, 1929.

pratikriyā prati-kriyā, f.
     1. Counteracting, keeping off, Rām. 6, 1, 5.
     2. A fence, Rājat. 5, 92.
     3. Remedying, help, Kathās. 31, 75; Utt. Rāmac. 73, 5.
     4. Care, MBh. 12, 2187.
     5. Requital, Kathās. 4, 124.
-- Comp. an-anya-pratikriya, adj. having no other help, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1949. niṣpratikriya, i. e. nis-, adj. irremediable.

pratikrūra prati-krūra, adj. Returning cruelty, in a-, MBh. 12, 9974; not returning cruelty.

pratikṣaṇam prati-kṣaṇa + m, adv. Every moment, continually, Hit. 59, 17; 97, 15.

pratikṣepa pratikṣepa, m., and pratikṣepaṇa pratikṣepaṇa, n., i. e. prati-kṣip + a or ana, Contest, contesting. MBh. 7, 3958; Prab. 87, 1.

pratigaja prati-gaja, m. A hostile elephant, MBh. 1, 7092.

pratigamana prati-gam + ana, n. Returning, Ram. 1, 17, title.

pratigarjanā prati-garj + anā, f. Answering roar, MBh. 5, 5526.

pratigṛhītṛ pratigṛhītṛ, sometimes incorrectly instead of pratigrahitṛ, q. cf.

pratigraha prati-grah + a, m.
     1. Acceptance, Man. 1, 88.
     2. A present, Śāk. 17, 5.
     3. Friendly reception, MBh. 1, 7556.
     4. Favour, Rām. 1, 62, 29 Gorr.
     5. Hearing, MBh. 3, 8373.
     6. A receiver, Rām. 1, 69, 14.
     7. A spitting pot.
     8. The reserve of an army.

pratigrahaṇa prati-grahaṇa, i. e. prati-grah + ana, n. Receiving, reception, Rām. 1, 45, 35.

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pratigrahin prati-grah + in, m. A receiver, MBh. 12, 1333.

pratigrahītṛ prati-grah + ītṛ, m. A receiver, Man. 3, 143.

pratigrāha pratigrāha, i. e. prati-grah + a, m. A spitting pot.

pratigrāhaka pratigrāhaka, i. e. prati-grah + aka, adj. Receiving presents. Mṛcch. 49, 21.

pratigrāhin pratigrāhin, i. e. prati grah + in, adj. Receiving presents, in a-, MBh. 4, 544; not receiving presents.

pratigha pratigha, i. e. prati and vb. han, m.
     1. Opposing, resistance.
     2. Rage.
     3. Fainting.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. what cannot be warded off, Man. 12, 28. 2. irresistible, MBh. 2, 143. niṣpratigha, i. e. nis-, adj. not hindered, Ragh. 8, 77.

pratighāta and pratīghāta prati/īghāta, i. e. prati-han, Caus., + a, m.
     1. Repulse, MBh. 5, 2650.
     2. Warding off a blow, 4, 2118.
     3. Preventing, 1, 1592.
     4. Resistance, 7, 1373.

pratighātaka pratighātaka, i. e. prati-han, Caus., + aka, adj., f. ikā, Troubling, MBh. 3, 9972.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without an opposer, MBh. 5, 1274.

pratighātana pratighātana, i. e. prati-han, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Repulsing, Arj. 4, 26.
     2. Killing.

pratighātin pratighātin, i. e. prati-han, Caus., + in, adj., f. .
     1. Repelling, repalsing, Daśak, 62, 5.
     2. Injuring, Kām. Nītis. 14, 5.

pratighna pratighna, i. e. prati-han + a, n. The body.

praticakra prati-cakra, n. An equal discus. a-praticakra, adj. Having an unrivalled discus, Hariv. 10709.

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praticakṣaṇa praticakṣaṇa, i. e. prati-cakṣ + ana, n. Making visible, Bhāg. P. 4, 1, 55.

praticandra prati-candra, m. A mock moon, Rām. 5, 74, 29.

praticikīrṣā praticikīrṣā, i. e. prati-cikīrṣa, desider. of kṛ, + a, f. Wish to requite, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 20.

praticikīrṣu praticikīrṣu, i. e. prati-cikīrṣa, desider. of kṛ, + u, adj. Wishing to requite.

praticchanda praticchanda, i. e. prati-chanda, m. An image, Rājat. 3, 77.

praticchāyā praticchāyā, i. e. prati-chāyā, f. An image, Hariv. 8758.

pratijāgara pratijāgara, i. e. prati-jāgṛ + a, m. Watchfulness, attention.

pratijāgaraṇa pratijāgaraṇa, i. e. prati-jāgṛ + ana, n. Watching, Mārk. P. 99, 14.

pratijihvā prati-jihvā, f. The uvula or soft palate.

pratijīvana prati-jīv + ana, n. Resuscitation, Rām. 1, 4, 131 Gorr.

pratijñā prati-jñā, f.
     1. Promise, Rām. 4, 13, 31.
     2. Assent, Rām. 1, 4, 40 Gorr.
     3. Agreement, MBh. 4, 177.
     4. Assertion, Śāk. 23, 12 v. r.

pratitara pratitara, i. e. prati-tṛ10 + a, m. A sailor, Suśr. 1, 123, 13.

pratitryaham pratitryaham, i. e. prati-tri-aha + m, adv. Ever for three days successively, Man. 11, 214.

pratidarśana pratidarśana, i. e. prati-dṛś + ana, n.
     1. Seeing, perceiving, Rām. 5, 14, 65.
     2. Sight, MBh. 7, 3214.

pratidāna pratidāna, i. e. prati-dā + ana, n.
     1. The return (of a deposit).
     2. Barter.
     3. Giving in return for, a present made in return, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 3.

pratidāraṇa pratidāraṇa, i. e. prati-dṛ10 + ana, n. Battle.

pratidinam prati-dina + m, adv. Day by day, Śāk. d. 104.

pratidivasam prati-divasa + m, adv. Day by day, Pañc. 183, 25.

pratidiśam prati-diś + a + m, adv. From every quarter, all around, Megh. 59.

pratidṛśam prati-dṛś + a + m, adv. In every eye, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 42.

pratideśam prati-deśa + m, adv. In every country, Rājat. 4, 533.

pratidruh prati-druh, adj. Seeking to injure in one's turn, Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 21.

pratidvaṃdva prati-dvaṃdva, m. An adversary, a rival.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. without an adversary, unopposed, Rām. 2, 107, 8. 2. unconquerable, 5, 22, 19. niṣpratidvandva, i. e. nis-, adj. having no adversary, MBh. 7, 9265.

pratidvaṃdvin prati-dvaṃdvin, m.
     1. An adversary, Ragh. 7, 34.
     2. One who rivals, Śāk. d. 80.
-- Comp. a-, adj. having no adversary, no rival, MBh. 5, 1897.

pratidvāram prati-dvāra + m, adv. At every door, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 55.

pratidvirada prati-dvi-rada (see rada), m. An opposite, a hostile elephant, MBh. 5, 4823.

pratidhāvana prati-dhāv + ana, n. Assailing, MBh. 8, 3398.

pratidhvani pratidhvani, and pratidhvāna pratidhvāna (Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2754), i. e. prati-dhvan + i or a, m. Echo.

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pratinaptṛ prati-naptṛ, m. A greatgrandson.

pratinava prati-nava, adj. New, young, fresh, recent, Megh. 37.

pratināga prati-nāga, m. A hostile elephant, MBh. 8, 498.

pratināda pratināda, i. e. prati-nad + a, m. Echo.

pratinidhi pratinidhi, i. e. prati-ni-dhā (see nidhi), m.
     1. A substitute, Man. 9, 180.
     2. An image, likeness, Ragh. 5, 63.

pratinipāta pratinipāta, i. e. prati-ni-pat + a, m. Falling down, MBh. 7, 8591.

pratinivartana pratinivartana, i. e. prati-ni-vṛt, + ana n. Turning back, return, Rām. 5, 1, 81.

pratinivāraṇa pratinivāraṇa, i. e. prati-ni-vṛ + ana, n. Keeping off, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 34.

pratiniśam prati-niśa + m (niśā), adv. Every night, Kathās. 3, 69.

pratipakṣa prati-pakṣa, m.
     1. Opposite part, MBh. 8, 4409.
     2. Opposition.
     3. An opponent, an adversary, Pañc. ed. orn. 56, 10.
-- Comp. satpratipakṣa, i. e. sant- (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), m. a contradictory premiss.

pratipakṣatā pratipakṣa + tā, f. Opposition, obstacle, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 24.

pratipakṣavāditva pratipakṣavāditva, i. e. pratipakṣa-vādin + tva, n. Doubledealing, deceitful talk, Mālav. 57, 19.

pratipakṣita pratipakṣa + ita, adj., f. , Nullified by a contradictory premiss (one of the five kinds of fallacious middle-term), Bhāṣāp. 70.

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pratipatti pratipatti, i. e. prati-pad + ti, f.
     1. Obtaining, acquirement, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2801.
     2. Perception, 1747.
     3. Knowledge, Ragh. 8, 4.
     4. Acknowledgment, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2159.
     5. Admitting, Yājñ. 2, 283.
     6. Proceeding, acting, MBh. 13, 2461.
     7. A means, Mālav. 48, 6.
     8. Respectful behaviour, honouring, worshipping, Pañc. 117, 12; MBh. 7, 7467.
     9. Giving, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2659.
     10. Causing, Kām. Nītis. 1, 40.
     11. Confidence.

pratipattimant pratipatti + mant, adj., f. matī, Intelligent, Rām. 2, 1, 13 Gorr.

pratipatham prati-patha + m, adv. Along the way, straight-way(?), Rājat. 5, 88.

pratipad prati-pad, f.
     1. The first day of a lunar fortnight, the first of the moon's increase or wane, especially that of its increase, Rām. 2, 122, 28 Gorr.
     2. Understanding.

pratipadam prati-pada + m, adv.
     1. At every step, Kathās. 19, 84.
     2. Everywhere, 23, 79.
     3. Place for place, at their several places, Prab. 44, 9 (Sch.).

pratipāṇa pratipāṇa, i. e. prati-paṇ + a, m.
     1. A counter-pledge, the thing staked against another, Nal. 9, 2.
     2. Revenge at play, Nal. 26, 7.

pratipātram prati-pātra-m, adv. Every actor, Śāk. 3, 13.

pratipādaka pratipādaka, i. e. prati-pad, Caus., + aha, adj. Illustrating, explanatory, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 1.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not forwarding, MBh. 12, 1212.

pratipādana pratipādana, i. e. prati-pad, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Causing to attain, Rām. 6, 69, 33.
     2. Bringing back, 3, 76, 1.
     3. Giving back, returning, MBh. 3, 13349.
     4. Producing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 16.
     5. Repetition, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 8.
     6. Giving, gift, donation, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 20.
     7. Teaching.
     8. Beginning, MBh. 12, 5332.

pratipādapam prati-pādapa + m, adv. Tree for tree, in every tree, Vikr. 21, 3.

pratipraṇāma pratipraṇāma, i. e. prati-pra-nam + a, m. Saluting in one's turn, Rājat. 5, 223.

pratiprayāṇa pratiprayāṇa, i. e. prati-pra-yā + ana, n. Return.

pratiprasava prati-prasava, m. Precept for an act which under other circumstances is forbidden.

pratiphala prati-phal + a, and pratiphalana prati-phal + ana, n.
     1. A reflection, a reflected image, Ānandal. 62.
     2. A requital.

pratibandha prati-bandh + a, m.
     1. Obstacle, Mālav. 10, d. 9; Śāk. 23, 13.
     2. Blocking up, Hariv. 5512.
     3. Connection.

pratibandhaka prati-bandh + aka,
I. adj. Impeding, obstructing, Bhāṣāp. 146.
II. m. A branch.
III. At the end of comp. adj. = pratibandha.

pratibandhavant pratibandha + vant, adj. Beset with obstacles, difficult to be obtained, Mālav. 28, 8.

pratibandhitā pratibandhitā, i. e. prati-bandh + in + tā, f. State of checking, impeding, Vikr. 84, 14.

pratibala prati-bala, adj.
     1. Able, adequate, Rām. 4, 9, 52.
     2. Of equal strength, Hiḍ. 3, 8.
-- Comp. a-, adj. of incomparable strength, Rām. 6, 70, 55.

pratibimba pratibimba, or prativimba prativimba, n. A reflection, Śiś. 9, 18; a reflected image, Hit. 68, 9; an image.

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pratibimbita pratibimbita, i. e. prati-bimba + ita, adj. Reflected, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 10.

pratibodha pratibodha, i. e. prati-budh + a, m.
     1. Waking, awaking.
     2. Instructing, admonishing, Lass. 38, 13.
     3. Knowledge, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 47.

pratibodhana pratibodhana, i. e. pratibudh + ana,
I. adj. Awakening, Bhāg. P. 3, 8, 14.
II. n.
     1. Awaking, MBh. 12, 901.
     2. Awakening, Rām. 6, 37, 38.
     3. Instructing, Bhāg. P. 8, 24, 53.

pratibodhavant pratibodha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessed of understanding, Śāk. d. 118.

pratibhaya prati-bhaya, adj. Terrible, Pañc. ii. d. 178.

pratibhā prati-bhā, f.
     1. Light.
     2. Understanding, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 15; Matsyop. 52 (corr. pratibhāsya).
-- Comp. utpanna-, i. e. ud-panna- (vb. pad), adj., f. bhā, alert in mind, Pañc. 199, 11. niṣpr°, i. e. nis-, adj., f. bhā, deprived of splendour, Hariv. 4422.

pratibhāga prati-bhāga, m. A small daily present, Man. 8, 307.

pratibhāna pratibhāna, i. e. prati-bhā + ana, n. Understanding, Hariv. 1219.

pratibhānavant pratibhāna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Endowed with presence of mind, Hit. iii. d. 19, M. M.; Indr. 4, 8.

pratibhāvant pratibhā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Endowed with presence of mind, Kathās. 4, 31.

pratibhāsa prati-bhāsa, m. Reflection, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 14.

pratibhū prati-bhū, m. A surety, a sponsor, Pañc. 88, 11; Man. 7, 17.

pratimā prati-mā, f., and pratimāna pratimāna, i. e. prati-mā + ana, n.
     1. A resemblance, a figure, Hit. ii. d. 149.
     2. An idol, Man. 9, 285.
     3. The part of an elephant's head between the tusks.
-- Comp. a-pratima, adj., f. , incomparable, Pañc. iii. d. 240. devatā-pratimā, f. Image of a deity. puṣpita-palāśa-, adj. Resembling a Butea frondosa full of flowers, Pañc. 91, 7.

pratimukha prati-mukha,
I. adj. Being in front, Rām. 6, 90, 11.
II. °kham, adv.
     1. In front, Megh. 18, n.
     2. Against, Man. 8, 291.

pratiyātana pratiyātana, i. e. prati-yat + ana.
I. n. Requital, MBh. 8, 4635.
II. f. , An image, Ragh. 16, 17.

pratiyoga prati-yoga, m.
     1. Opposition.
     2. Existing as the counterpart of anything, Kathās. 19, 84 (an antidote).

pratiyogin pratiyogin, i. e. prati-yuj + in, and pratiyoga + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Who or what impedes.
     2. Connected.
II. m.
     1. An opponent.
     2. A counterpart.
     3. Any thing or object depending upon another and not existing without it.
     4. The counter-entity of a negation, i. e. that thing of which there is a negation. (Cf. a-, adj., Bhāṣāp. 68; the meaning is, that in a true vyāpti the middle term is always found with the major, and this latter cannot be incapable of being found where the middle term is, i. e. in the minor term.)

pratiyoddhṛ pratiyoddhṛ, i. e. prati-yudh + tṛ, m. Able to oppose, Sund. 4, 3.

pratirava prati-rava, i. e. prati-ru + a, m.
     1. Echo, Pañc. 193, 23.
     2. Answering aloud, quarrel, 183, 6.

pratirātram prati-rātra + m, adv. Every night, Hit. 90, 10, M.M.

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pratirūpa prati-rūpa,
I. adj. Suitable, Utt. Rāmac. 130, 14.
II. n. A picture.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. . 1. incomparable, Rām. 3, 52, 6. 2. unsuitable, 3, 51, 32.

pratirūpaka -pratirūpa + ka, latter part of comp. adj., f. pikā, Resembling, counterfeiting, Man. 11, 9; Śāk. 16, 12.

pratiroddhṛ pratiroddhṛ, i. e. prati-rudh + tṛ, m., f. dhrī, and n.
     1. Who or what hinders, opposes, an opposer, Man. 3, 153.
     2. One who recovers, Man. 11, 80.

pratirodha pratirodha, i. e. prati-rudh + a, m.
     1. Impediment, opposition.
     2. Siege, blockade.

pratirodhaka pratirodhaka, i. e. prati-rudh + aka, m.
     1. An opponent.
     2. A thief, Mālav. d. 85.

pratirodhana pratirodhana, i. e. prati-rudh + ana, n. Hindering, obstructing, Man. 9, 93.

pratirodhin pratirodhin, i. e. prati-rudh + in,
I. adj., f. , Impeding.
II. m.
     1. An opponent.
     2. A thief.

pratilambha pratilambha, i. e. prati-labh + a, m. Obtaining, Lass. 89, 2.

pratiloma pratiloma, i. e. prati-loman, adj., f. .
     1. Inverted. contrary to the natural order (regarding the intermixture of castes, where the mother is of a higher caste than the father), Man. 10, 25.
     2. Left.
     3. Low, vile.

pratilomaja pratiloma-ja, adj. Born in the inverse order of the castes (cf. pratiloma), Man. 10, 25.

pratilomatas pratiloma + tas, adv. Against the grain, invertedly, Pañc. iii. d. 230; because the order of the castes was inverted, Man. 10, 68.

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prativacana and prativacas prati-vac + ana or as, n. An answer, Vikr. 58, 16; Pañc. 117, 15.

prativasatha prati-vas + atha, m. A village.

prativākya prati-vākya, n. An answer, Nal. 22. 4.

prativāta prati-vāta, m. The wind that blows in front. te, loc. To the leeward, Man. 3, 203. tam, adv. Against the wind, Pañc. iii. d. 22.

prativāraṇa prativāraṇa, i. e. prati-vṛ + ana,
I. adj. Keeping off, MBh. 12, 6165.
II. n. Keeping off, Chr. 32, 31.
-- Comp. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be kept off, Rām. 3, 31, 49.

prativāsin prativāsin, i. e. prati-vas + in, adj., f. , Neighbouring, a neighbour.

pratividhāna pratividhāna i. e. prati-vi-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Arrangement against something, prevention, Pañc 148, 20; help, 260, 24.
     2. Arrangement.
     3. Subsidiary ceremony.

prativimba prativimba, see pratibimba.

prativeśa prativeśa, m., and prativeśman prativeśman, n. i. e. prati-viś + a or man. A neighbouring house or neighbourhood, Pañc. ap. Weber. Ind. St. iii. 372, 2 (man).

prativeśin prativeśin, i. e. prativeśa + in, adj., f. , Neighbouring, a neighbour, Lass. 76, 6.

prativyūha prati-vyūha, m.
     1. Arraying an army against an enemy. MBh. 6. 2073.
     2. A multitude, Hariv. 3605.

pratiśabda prati-śabda, m. Echo, Pañc. 57, 15.

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pratiśama prati-śam + a, m. Cessation, deliverance, Chr. 57, 30.

pratiśyā pratiśyā, f., and patiśyāya pratiśyāya, m., i. e. prati-śyai, without aff., and with aff. a, Catarrh.

pratiśraya pratiśraya, i. e. prati-śri + a, m.
     1. Assistance. MBh. 3, 8828.
     2. An asylum, Pañc. i. d. 282.
     3. Habitation, Nal. 24, 6; Man. 10, 36 (vahis-grāma-, adj. Living without the town).
     4. A house.

pratiśrava pratiśrava, i. e. prati-śru + a, m.
     1. A promise, Rājat. 5, 132.
     2. An assent.

pratiśravaṇa pratiśravaṇa, i. e. prati-śru + ana, n.
     1. Promising.
     2. Listening to, Man. 2, 195.

pratiśrut prati-śru + t, f.
     1. Echo, Ragh. 13, 40.
     2. Promise.

pratiṣeddhṛ pratiṣeddhṛ, i. e. prati-sidh + tṛ, m., f. dhrī, n. Who or what keeps off, opposes, prevents, Rām. 1, 22, 9 Gorr.

pratiṣedha pratiṣedha, i. e. prati-sidh + a, m.
     1. Keeping off, Man. 9, 266.
     2. Avoiding. Utt. Rāmac. 125, 4.
     3. Prohibition, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 16.

pratiṣedhana pratiṣedhana, i. e. prati-sidh + ana, n.
     1. Keeping off. preventing, Chr. 56, 13.
     2. Prohibition, Man. 10, 126.

pratiṣka pratiṣka, probably curtailed pratiṣkaśa, m. An emissary.

pratiṣkaśa pratiṣkaśa (prati and akin to kāś), m.
     1. A spy, an emissary.
     2. A companion.
     3. A leader.
     4. A leather thong, a whip (cf. kaśa).

pratiṣṭambha pratiṣṭambha, i. e. prati-stambh + a, m. Obstacle, impediment.

pratiṣṭhā pratiṣṭhā, i. e. prati-sthā, f.
     1. Place, Bhag. 14, 27.
     2. A firm standing, staying, Bhag. 2, 70.
     3. Quiet, Vikr. d. 42.
     4. The earth.
     5. Accomplishment, completion.
     6. Fame, celebrity, Rājat. 5, 28; Utt. Rāmac. 131, 7.
     7. Pre-eminence, MBh. 12, 6690.
     8. Erecting the image of a deity, Rājat. 1, 124.
-- Comp. a-pratiṣṭha, adj. 1. without stability, Bhag. 16, 8. 2. perishable. janmapratiṣṭhā, i. e. janman-, f. a mother, Śāk. 83, 8. su-,
I. f. 1. erection (as of a temple), consecration. 2. fame.
II. adj., f. ṭhā, famous, Nal. 12, 66.

pratiṣṭhāna pratiṣṭhāna, i. e. prati-sthā + ana, n.
     1. A firm standing, Johns. Sel. 93, 50.
     2. Base, Rām. 1, 5, 12 Gorr.
     3. The same of a town.

pratisaṃhāra pratisaṃhāra, i. e. prati-sam-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Taking back, MBh. 10, 698.
     2. Resigning, 12, 7161.

pratisaṃdhāna pratisaṃdhāna, i. e. prati-sam-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Joining again, a remedy, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 10.
     2. Suppressing of feeling for a time.
     3. Praise.

pratisamādhāna pratisamādhāna, i. e. prati-sam-ā-dhā + ana, n. A remedy.

pratisara pratisara, i. e. prati-sṛ + a,
I. m. f. n. A servant, dependent.
II. m.
     1. The rear of an army.
     2. A garland.
     3. A bracelet, Kir. 5, 33.
     4. A string worn round the hand at nuptials, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 5.
     5. Ornament.

pratisarga prati-sarga, m.
     1. Secondary creation, or the creation of the world by Brahman and other divine beings.
     2. The portion of a Purāṇa which treats of the destruction and renovation of the world.

pratisāndhānika pratisāndhānika, i. e. pratisaṃdhāna + ika, m. A bard.

pratisāraṇa pratisāraṇa, i. e. prati -sri, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Repelling.
     2. Applying remedies to a wound.

pratisūrya prati-sūrya, and pratisūryaka prati-sūrya + ka, m.
     1. A mock sun, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 3, 37; 36, 1.
     2. A lizard, Utt. Rāmac. 43, 7 (ka).

pratiskandha prati-skandha, Hit. iv. d. 122, read skandha-skandha, q. cf.

pratispandana prati-spand + ana, n. Throbbing, vibration.

pratispardhā prati-spardhā, f. Emulation.

pratihati pratihati, i. e. prati-han + ti, f.
     1. Repulse, rebound, Śīś. 9, 49.
     2. Disappointment.

pratiharaṇa pratiharaṇa, i. e. prati-hṛ + ana, n. Avoiding.

pratihasta prati-hasta, and pratihastaka prati-hasta + ha, m. A substitute, Hit. ii. d. 32.

pratihastin pratihastin, m. The keeper of a neighbouring brothel (? perhaps, a rival), Daśak. in Chr. 180. 22.

pratihāra and pratīhāra prati/īhāra, i. e. prati-hṛ + a,
I. m.
     1. A door.
     2. A door-keeper, Hit. 89, 2 (ī); a chamberlain, Kathās. 18, 194 (ī).
     3. A juggler.
II. f. , A female doorkeeper, Utt. Rāmac. 25, 1.

pratīka pratīka, i. e. pratyañc + a, m.
I. adj.
     1. Contrary.
     2. Inverted.
II. m.
     1. A limb.
     2. A part.
-- Comp. su-,
I. adj., f. . 1. handsome-faced, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 92, 6. 2. handsome.
II. m. 1. Śiva. 2. Kāma. 3. the elephant of the south-east(?) quarter.

pratīkāra pratīkāra, and pratīkāśa pratīkāśa, see pratik°.

pratīkṣā pratīkṣā, i. e. prati-īkṣ + a, f.
     1. Looking to.
     2. Regard.
     3. Expectation.

pratīkṣin pratīkṣin, i. e. prati-īkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Waiting for, Rājat. 5, 405; expecting, Nal. 17, 28.

pratīghāta pratīghāta, see pratigh°.

pratīcīna pratīcīna, and pratīcya pratīcya, i. e. pratyañc + īna, or ya, adj. Western, Rām. 2, 82, 7 (cya).

pratīcchaka pratīcchaka, i. e. prati-iṣ (cf. the base of the pres. iccha), + aka, m. A receiver, Man. 4, 194.

pratīti pratīti, i. e. prati-i + ti, f.
     1. Knowledge, Bhāṣāp. 113.
     2. Conviction, Śāk. d. 190.
     3. Notoriety.
-- Comp. a-, f. the not being understood, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 8.

pratīnāha pratīnāha, i. e. prati-nah + a, m. Obstruction; in nāsā-, m. Obstruction of the nose, Suśr. 2, 370, 8.

pratīpa pratīpa, i. e. prati-āp + a, adj., f. .
     1. Backward.
     2. Retrograde, Pañc. iii. d. 7.
     3. Contradictory, opposite, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 396.
     4. Refractory, Hit. ii. d. 173; disobedient.
     5. Adverse, Man. 4, 206; against the stream, Vikr. d. 24.
-- Comp. niṣpr°, i. e. nis-, adj. going straight forward, unconcerned, MBh. 4, 933.

pratīmāna pratīmāna, i. e. prati-mā + ana, n. A measure for gold, etc. (goldweights, etc.), Man. 8, 403.

pratīhāra pratīhāra, see pratih°.

pratīhāratā pratīhāra + tā, f., and pratīhāratva pratīhāra + tva, n. The office of a door-keeper or chamberlain, Pañc. 63, 23; Rājat. 5, 151.

pratuda pra-tud + a, m. A bird of game, one that kills with his beak, Man. 5, 13.

pratuṣṭida pratuṣṭida, i. e. pra-tuṣṭi-da (vb. ), adj. Giving pleasure, Pañc. i. d. 285.

pratoda pratoda, i. e. pra-tud + a, m. A goad, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 16; Man. 3, 44.

pratolī pratolī, f. A high street, Rām. 2, 87, 22 Gorr.

pratta pratta, i. e. pra-datta, vb. .

pratna pra + tna, adj., f. , Old.

pratyakṣa pratyakṣa, i. e. prati-akṣa,
I. adj., f. kṣā.
     1. Being before one's eyes, visible, Utt. Rāmac. 43, 9; Hit. iii. d. 24.
     2. Present.
     3. Perceptible, evident, Hit. 85, 21 (°kṣī-kṛta, made evident).
II. kṣam, adv. In the presence, Pañc. 216, 3; publicly, iii. d. 93.
III. instr. kṣeṇa, At sight, Hit. i. d. 98, M.M.; evidently, Hit. 106, 12.
IV. n.
     1. Perception, Bhāṣāp. 51.
     2. Superintendence, Man. 9, 27.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. not seen by one's own eyes Man. 8, 95. 2. unknown, Rām. 4, 9, 102.

pratyakṣatā pratyakṣa + tā, f. Visibility, Pañc. 256, 10 (°tayā, visibly).

pratyakṣaya pratyakṣaya, a denomin. derived from pratyakṣa with aya, To make visible, Mālav. 20, 3.

pratyagra pratyagra, i. e. prati-agra, adj. New, fresh, Vikr. d. 51.

pratyaṅga pratyaṅga, i. e. prati-aṅga,
I. n. A minor member of the body, as the chin, nose, etc.
II. gam, adv.
     1. Limb by limb, Pañc. 183, 21.
     2. Each part, Man. 8, 208.

pratyañc pratyañc, i. e. prati-añc,
I. adj., f. tīcī.
     1. Proceeding to, Chr. 289, 5 = Rigv. i. 50, 5.
     2. Behind, following in time or place.
     3. West, western.
     4. Inward, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 24; 17; 211, 22; 210, 12.
II. yak, adv. with abl.
     1. Behind, following in time or place.
     2. To the west, Man. 2, 21.
III. f. tīcī, The west quarter, Draup. 3, 7.

pratyanantara pratyanantara, i. e. prati-an-antara, adj. Next, Man. 10, 81. m. The next heir, Man. 8, 185.

pratyanīka pratyanīka, i. e. prati-anīka,
I. adj. sbst. Hostile, an enemy, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 30.
II. n.
     1. A hostile army, MBh. 7, 1986.
     2. Enmity, 6, 571.

pratyantara pratyantara, i. e. prati-antara, adj. Near, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 5 (is it to be changed to pratyanantarī? cf. pratyanantara).

pratyabhijñā pratyabhijñā, f., and pratyabhijñāna pratyabhijñāna, n., i. e. prati-abhi-jñā, without aff. and with ana, Recognition Bhāṣāp. 159 (jñā).

pratyabhivāda pratyabhivāda, i. e. prati + abhi-vad + a, m.
     1. Returning a salute.
     2. The benediction of a teacher.

pratyaya pratyaya, i. e. prati-i + a, m.
     1. Knowledge, Utt. Rāmac. 162, 6.
     2. Ascertainment, certainty, proof, Pañc. iii. d. 91; 64, 12.
     3. Decisive sentence, Pañc. 165, 4.
     4. Usage, practice.
     5. Truth, belief, Utt. Rāmac. 116, 1; confidence, Kathās. 49, 122; dependence on (loc.), Pañc. i. d. 373.
     6. Oath, ordeal, Man. 8, 178.
     7. Instrument, means of agency.
     8. A helpmate.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. mistrust, Pañc. i. d. 204.
II. adj. not confiding, Śāk. d. 2.

pratyayita pratyayita, i. e. pratyaya + ita, adj. Trusted, trusting, Pañc. 216, 23.

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pratyayin pratyayin, i. e. pratyaya + in, adj. Trustworthy, Rām. 6, 5, 18.

pratyarthin pratyarthin, i. e. pratiarthin, m. A defendant, Man. 8, 71.

pratyavabhāsa -pratyavabhāsa, i. e. prati-ava-bhās + a, in ākasmika-, adj., f. , Appearing on a sudden, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 5.

pratyavamarśa pratyavamarśa, i. e. prati-ava-mṛś + a, m. Meditation on, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 39.

pratyavamarṣa pratyavamarṣa, i. e. prati-ava-mṛṣ + a, m. Return and continuation, Hariv. 1203.

pratyavara pratyavara, i. e. prati-avara, adj. Lower, less valued, Man. 10, 109.

pratyavasāna pratyavasāna, i. e. prati-ava-so + ana, n. Eating, Pāṇ. 1, 4, 52.

pratyavāya pratyavāya, i. e. prati-ava-i + a, m.
     1. Decrease, Bhag. 2, 40.
     2. Disappearance.
     3. Disappointment, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 10.
     4. Reverse, contrary course, Man. 4, 245.
     5. Disadvantage, Prab. 12, 13.
     6. Sin, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 15.

pratyavekṣā pratyavekṣā, i. e. prati-ava-īkṣ + a, f.
     1. Attention, Rājat. 5, 168 ('having directed his mind to stealing,' read muṣe instead of mukhe).
     2. Management, 180.

pratyaham pratyaham, i. e. prati-aha + m, adv. Day by day, Pañc. 191, 14.

pratyākhyāna pratyākhyāna, i. e. prati-ā-khyā + ana, n.
     1. Rejection.
     2. Refusing, Hit. i. d. 12, M.M.; denial.
     3. Reproach.

pratyādarśa pratyādarśa, i. e. prati-ā-dṛś + a, m. An image, Pañc. iii. d. 176.

pratyādeśa pratyādeśa, i. e. prati-ā -diś + a, m.
     1. Rejection, repudiation, Śāk. d. 183.
     2. Refusal, abstemiousness, Megh. 93.
     3. Eclipsing, Daśak. 138, 3.
     4. Prevention, Man. 8, 344.
     5. Informing.

pratyānayana pratyānayana, i. e. prati-ā-nī + ana, n. Bringing back, Vikr. 5, 11.

pratyāśā pratyāśā, i. e. prati-āśā, f.
     1. Desire (ŚKD.), Daśak. 195, 18.
     2. Hope, expectation, Vikr. 40, 17 (sa-pratyāśa + m, Full of expectation).

pratyāsara and pratyāsāra pratyāsa/āra, i. e. prati-ā-sṛ + a, m. The rear of an army.

pratyāharaṇa pratyāharaṇa, n., and pratyāhāra pratyāhāra, m., i. e. prati-ā-hṛ + ana or a.
     1. Taking back.
     2. Recovering, Vikr. 11, 15.
     3. Restraining the organs of sense, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 18; Man. 6, 72.
     4. Withholding.

pratyutkrama pratyutkrama, m., and pratyutkrānti pratyutkrānti, f., i. e. prati-ud-kram + a or ti.
     1. Beginning.
     2. Effort.
     3. Setting out to assail an enemy.
     4. Declaration of war.

pratyuttara pratyuttara, i. e. prati-uttara, n.
     1. A reply to an answer.
     2. An answer, Hit. 64, 14.

pratyutthāna pratyutthāna, i. e. prati-ud-sthā + ana, n. Rising from a seat as a mark of respect, Pañc. 117, 11.

pratyudgama pratyudgama, m., and pratyudgamana pratyudgamana, n., i. e. prati-ud-gam + a or ana.
     1. Rising from a seat as a mark of respect.
     2. Going to meet.

pratyuddharaṇa pratyuddharaṇa, i. e. prati-ud-hṛ + ana, n. Recovering, reobtaining.

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pratyupakāra pratyupakāra, i. e. prati-upa-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Service in return, Pañc. 207, 17.
     2. Requital, Rājat. 5, 190.
-- Comp. punaḥpr°, i. e. punar-, m. requital, Pañc. i. d. 384.

pratyupamāna pratyupamāna, i. e. prati-upamāna, n. A counter-comparison, Vikr. d. 22 (upamānasyāpi, of every comparison, i. e. incomparable).

pratyuṣa and pratyūṣa pratyu/ūṣa, i. e. prati-uṣas, m. Morning, dawn, Pañc 40, 13 (u); 27, 5 (ū).

pratyūṣas pratyūṣas, i. e. prati-uṣas, n. Morning, dawn, Lass. 57, 9.

pratyūha pratyūha, prati-ūh + a, m. Obstacle, Hit. ii. d. 13.

pratyekam pratyekam, i. e. prati-eka + m, adv. One by one, Prab. 44, 9.

pratvakṣas pra-tvakṣas (ved.), adj. Possessed of great energy, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 87, 1.

prath prath, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To be extended, to spread, Chr. 295, 12 = Rigv. i. 92, 12 (ved. ptcple. of the pres. prathāna).
     2. To be unfolded, Rājat. 5, 366.
     3. To be famous, Rām. 2, 61, 2. Caus. prathaya,
     1. To extend, Bhartṛ. 2, 37.
     2. To show, Kir. 5, 3.
     3. (and i. 10 prāthaya?) To praise, Rām. 1, 4, 1; cf. pṛth. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. prathita, Renowned, Rām. 3, 53, 12.
-- With the prep. vi vi, viprathita, Spread, MBh. 2, 2667. Caus. To praise, MBh. 3, 10277.
-- Cf. probably Lat. interpretari, perhaps Goth. frathjan.

prathama pra + tha + ma,
I. ordinal number, f. .
     1. First, Hit. 77, 1, M.M.; prior, Vikr. 14, 6.
     2. Chief, excellent, Śāk. 99, 23.
II. mam, adv.
     1. First, Vikr. d. 132.
     2. Previously, Vikr. d. 58.

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prathamatas prathama + tas, adv. First, Bhāṣāp. 78.

prathā prath + ā, f. Fame, celebrity, Rājat. 5, 179.

prathiti prathiti, i. e. prath + ti, f. Celebrity, renown.

prathiman prathiman, i. e. pṛthu + iman, m. Greatness, Ragh. 18, 48.

prathiṣṭha prathiṣṭha, prathīyaṃs prathīyaṃs, see pṛthu.

prathuka prathuka (cf. pṛthuka), m. The young of any animal.

prada pra-da (vb. ),
I. adj. sbst. Giving, Vikr. d. 9; a giver, Rājat. 5, 162.
II. f. , A gift.
-- Comp. puṇya-, adj. meritorious, Hariv. 351.

pradakṣiṇa pra-dakṣiṇa,
I. adj., f. ṇā, Being at the right hand, Man. 4, 39.
II. m., f. ṇā, and n. Reverential salutation by circumambulating a person or object, keeping the right side towards them, Pañc. 236, 8.
III. ṇam, adv.
     1. From left to right, Man. 2, 48.
     2. Proceeding from the east in a southern direction, 3, 87.
-- Comp. abhi-pradakṣi-ṇam, adv. From left to right, Rām. 1, 15, 16.

pradakṣiṇasavya pra-dakṣiṇa-savya, adj. Having the right hand next to the left of the adversary (watching for an opportunity of striking a blow at the unguarded side).

pradara pradara, i. e. pra-dṛ10 + a, m.
     1. Scattering, MBh. 12, 3715 (an army).
     2. A cleft, Utt. Rāmac. 43, 6.
     3. Fracture.
     4. An arrow.

pradarśaka pradarśaka, i. e. pra-dṛś + aka, m. A teacher, MBh. 2, 1452.

pradala pradala (= pradara), m. An arrow.

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pradātṛ pra-dā + tṛ, m. A giver, Rājat. 5, 182.

pradāna pradāna, i. e. pra-dā + ana, n.
     1. Giving, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 17.
     2. Gift, Pañc. 184, 2; delivery 101, 11.
     3. Giving in marriage, marriage, Śāk. d. 26.
-- Comp. avaskanda-, n. Giving the opportunity of being surprised, Pañc. iii. d. 37.

pradāyin pradāyin, i. e. pra-dā + in, adj. sbst. Giving, a giver, Man. 3, 175.

pradiś pra-diś, f. Intermediate point of the compass, or half-quarter, as north-east, Matsyop. 43.

pradīpa pra-dīp + a, m.
     1. A lamp, Hit. i. d. 167, M.M.
     2. Splendour, Śāk. 7, 4.

pradīpana pra-dīp + ana,
I. adj. Inflaming, Suśr. 1, 177, 10.
II. m. A kind of poison.
III. n. Kindling, Rām. 5, 49.

pradīpti pra-dīp + ti, f. Light, lustre, splendour.

pradīptimant pradīpti + mant, adj., f. mati, Radiant, luminous, Johns, Sel. 94, 54.

pradeśa pradeśa, i. e. pra-diś + a, m.
     1. A place, Pañc. 118, 14; part, 134, 20 (pṛṣṭha-pradeśe, from behind).
     2. A country, Pañc. 159, 21.
     3. A foreign country.
     4. A short span, measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger.

pradeśana pradeśana, i. e. pra-diś + ana,
I. n.
     1. A present.
     2. A bribe.
II. f. , The forefinger.

pradeśastha pradeśa-stha, adj. Situated in a district, Rājat. 5, 39.

pradeśinī pradeśinī, i. e. pra-diś + in + ī, f. The forefinger, Rājat. 5, 206.

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pradeha pradeha, i. e. pra-dih + a, m. Unguent, unction, Suśr. 1, 42, 19.

pradoṣa pra-doṣa, m.
     1. Offence.
     2. Evening, the first part of the night, Pañc. 186, 3.
-- Comp. grahaṇī-, m. Diarrhoea, Suśr. 2, 186, 2.

pradyumna pra-dyumna, m. The god of love.

pradyota pra-dyota, m.
     1. A ray of light.
     2. Light.

pradhana pra-dhana (see nidhana), n.
     1. Tearing, destroying, Megh. 49; destruction, Utt. Rāmac. 119, 7.
     2. War, battle.

pradhāna pradhāna, i. e. pra-dhā + ana,
I. n.
     1. Nature, MBh. 13, 1009.
     2. The Supreme God.
     3. Intellect.
     4. Chief, Hit. 49, 18; principal (only sing.), excellent, Pañc. 156, 15.
     5. The first companion of a king, his minister, his confidant, etc.
II. adj. Chief, principal, Pañc. i. d. 324; Hit. 60, 22; Bhartṛ. 2, 99.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not principal, not minister, subordinate, inferior, Hit. 51, 22. tad-, adj. having her (viz. his wife) as chief, i. e. performed principally with her assistance, Man. 3, 18. dharma-, adj. loving justice, Man. 4, 243. niṣpr°, i. e. nis-, adj. deprived of one's chief, Rām. 2, 111, 16 Gorr. yathā-pradhāna + m, adv. according to their chiefs, represented by their chiefs, Johns. Sel. 46, 73. viśuddha-sattva-, adj., f. , having the nature of pure goodness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 17.

pradhānatas pradhāna + tas, adv. According to superiority, Man. 9, 150.

pradhānatā pradhāna + tā, f.
     1. Condition of a thing's nature, latter part of comp. words; e. g. sva-pradhāna + tā The character of one's own nature, Vedāntas in Chr. 206, 12.
     2. Supremacy. excellence, Rām. 3, 49, 12.
     3. Ministership, Hit. 52, 1.
-- Comp. a-pradhāna + tā, f. the condition of not being minister, ib.

pradhi pradhi, i. e. pra-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The periphery of a wheel.

pradhyāna pradhyāna, i. e. pra-dhyai + ana, n.
     1. Thinking.
     2. Thought, Johns. Sel. 92, 43.

pranaptṛ pra-naptṛ, m. A great grandson.
-- Cf. Lat. pronepos.

pranighātana pranighātana, i. e. pra-ni-han, Caus., + ana, n. Killing, slaughter.

prapañca prapañca, m.
     1. Extent.
     2. Development, analysis, Bhāṣāp. 126.
     3. Prelixity.
     4. Heap.
     5. Error.
     6. Delusion, deceit, Pañc. 256, 1.

prapada pra-pada, n. The point of the foot, the tip of the toes, Draup. 5, 7.

prapalāyana pra-palāyana, n. Flight, Pañc. i. d. 362.

prapā pra-pā, f. A cistern, Man. 8, 319.

prapāṭhaka prapāṭhaka, i. e. pra-paṭh + a + ka, m. A chapter, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 5.

prapāṇi pra-pāṇi, m. The palm of the hand.

prapāta pra-pāta, m.
     1. A precipice, Śāk. d. 137.
     2. A bank, Ragh. 2, 26.
     3. A cascade.
     4. Flying forward, Pañc. ii. d. 57.
     5. Hastening away, Kathās. 43, 264.
     6. Throwing one's self, Pañc. iii. d. 238.
-- Comp. giri-, m. a precipice. jala-, m. A cascade, Rām. 2, 94, 13.

prapāvana prapā-vana, n. A grove.

prapitāmaha pra-pitāmaha,
I. m.
     1. A paternal great-grandfather, Bhag. 11, 39.
     2. pl. Ancestors, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 5.
     3. A name of Brahman.
II. f. , A paternal great-grandmother.
-- Comp. vṛddha-,
I. m. a paternal great-greatgrandfather.
II. f. , a paternal great-great-grandmother.

prapitsu prapitsu, i. e. pra-pitsa, desider. of pat, + u, adj. Being about to descend, to alight, Śiś. 9, 1.

prapūraṇa prapūraṇa, i. e. pra-pūr + ana (see pṛ), n. The drawing of a bowstring, Rām. 1, 60, 10 Gorr.

prapautra pra-pautra,
     1. and °traka tra + ka, m. A great-grandson, Kathās. 9, 7, Yājñ. 1, 78.
     2. f. trī, A greatgranddaughter.

prabandha pra-bandh + a, m.
     1. Uninterrupted connexion.
     2. Continuous application, Hit. 47, 3, M.M.; action.
     3. A connected narrative, composition, Utt. Rāmac. 112, 5.
     4. A literary production, Mālav. 3, 2 bel.
-- Comp. ati-, m. Uninterruptedness, Ragh. 3, 58. kapaṭa-, m. A fraudulent design, Hit. 21, 13. dṛṣṭa-rasa-, adj. one who has seen dramas, Vikr. 3, 7.

prabala pra-bala,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Prevailing, Hiḍ. 4, 46; strong, Ṛt. 1, 24; powerful.
     2. Violent, Vikr. d. 81.
     3. Much, Rājat, 5, 68.
II. m. A sprout.

prabāla pra-bāla, m. and n.
     1. Coral, Rām. 3, 49, 4.
     2. A sprout, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 18.
     3. A new leaf.
     4. The bridge of a lute, through which the strings are drawn.

prabodha prabodha, i. e. pra-budh + a, m.
     1. Waking, Hit. iii. d. 142; vigilance.
     2. Awaking either from sleep or ignorance, Pañc, 37, 20.
     3. Knowledge, intellect.
     4. Awakening, Rām. 6, 37, 38.

prabodhana prabodhana, i. e. pra-budh, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Awakening, Pañc. 4, 13; recalling to life, Utt. Rāmac. 460, 10.
     2. Instructing, Pañc. 4, 15.

prabhañjana pra-bhañj + ana,
I. adj. Breaking down.
II. m. Air or wind, Hit. ii. d. 84.

prabhava prabhava, i. e. pra-bhū + a, m.
     1. Generative cause, the root of existence, origin, Draup. 2, 5; Bhag. 7, 6.
     2. The father.
     3. The mother.
     4. The place of receiving existence, birth-place.
     5. Birth.
     6. Strength, superiority.
-- Comp. antara-, m. a mixed class produced by the intermixture of different castes, Man. 1, 2. prāñc-puṇya-, adj. caused by the merits of a former existence, Pañc. iii. d. 187. vidveṣipr°, i. e. vidveṣin-, adj. proceeding from an enemy, Pañc. i. d. 425. sparśa-maṇi-, n. gold.

prabhavitṛ prabhavitṛ, i. e. pra-bhū + tṛ, m. A mighty one, Bhartṛ. 2, 80.

prabhaviṣṇu prabhaviṣṇu, i. e. pra-bhū + iṣṇu,
I. adj. Mighty, pre-eminent, Bhag. 13, 16.
II. m. A master, a lord, Śāk. 24, 6.

prabhā pra-bhā, f.
     1. Light, Rām. 3, 53, 47.
     2. Radiance, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1155; splendour, Vikr. d. 125.
-- Comp. a-cira-prabhā, f. lightning, Vikr. d. 137. ātmaprabha, i. e. ātman-, adj. enlightened by themselves, Indr. 1, 37. niṣprabha, i. e. nis-, adj., f. bhā, deprived of light or radiance, MBh. 1, 29. mahātgama prabhā, i. e. mahā-tama- (for tamas), f. the lowermost hell. samaprabha, adj., f. bhā, of equal splendour, Lass. 51, 8. su-, adj. splendid.

prabhākara prabhā-kara, m.
     1. The sun.
     2. The moon.
     3. Fire.
     4. A proper name = Kumārilasvāmin.

prabhāva prabhāva, i. e. pra-bhū + a. m.
     1. Power, Vikr. 73, 4; Pañc, 29, 20.
     2. Celestial power, Vikr. d. 30.
     3. Dignity.
     4. Majesty.
     5. Magnanimity, high spirit, Pañc. 29, 15, (gata-, adj. humbled).
-- Comp. kiṃprabhāva, i. e. kim-, adj. possessed of how large a power, Pañc. 258, 13. tathā-, adj. possessed of such a power.

prabhāvatva -prabhāva + tva, in alpa-, n. Small ability, Hit. iv. d. 35.

prabhāvant prabhā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Luminous, splendid, Pañc. i. d. 82.

prabhu pra-bhu (vb. bhū),
I. adj., f. bhvī and bhu.
     1. Strong.
     2. Able; with gen., Man. 11, 30; with inf., Mālav. d. 9.
     3. Eternal, Sund. 1, 19.
II. m.
     1. A master, a lord, Vikr. 12, 8; Bhartṛ. 2, 12; a husband, Śṛṅgārat. 2.
     2. A name of Viṣṇu, cf. Johns. Sel. 51, 111.
     3. Sound.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unable. kim-, m. A bad master, Hit. ii. d. 31 (read kiṃprabhu). campaka-, m. a proper name. jagat-, m. the lord of the world.

prabhutā prabhu + tā, f. Power, Śāk. d. 122; supremacy, sovereignty, tyranny, Vikr. d. 89; sva-prabhutayā, arbitrarily, Pañc. 26, 3.

prabhutva prabhu + tva, n. Sovereignty, Pañc. 63, 17; power, Hit. Pr. d. 11, M. M.
-- Comp. a-, n. weakness, Pañc. 69, 4.

prabhūtatā pra-bhūta + tā, f., and prabhūtatva pra-bhūta + tva, n. Plenty, Pañc. 171, 2.

prabhūṣṇu prabhūṣṇu, i. e. pra-bhū + snu, adj. Strong.

prabhṛti pra-bhṛ + ti (originally, Beginning), ind. with abl. Beginning and continuing irom, since, Pañc. 264, 5; Man. 9, 68. It is usually the latter part of comp. nouns implying, And those of the same kind (as the former part), the remainder, others, etc.; e. g. bṛhaspati-, m. The planet Jupiter and the other planets, Bhartṛ. 2, 27, cf. Pañc. 157, 4.
-- Comp. adya-, adv. from to-day, Chr. 61, 48. tatas-, adv. from that time, Hit. 57, 7, M. M.

prabheda prabheda, i. e. pra-bhid + a, m.
     1. Division, cutting through, Bhartṛ. 3, 23.
     2. Difference, Bhāṣāp. 51.
     3. Kind, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 22.

prabhraṣṭaka pra-bhraṣṭa + ka (vb. bhraṃś), n. A chaplet of flowers suspended from the middle lock of hair.

pramatha pra-math + a,
I. m.
     1. A horse.
     2. An attendant on Śiva, MBh. 13, 983.
II. f. thā, Terminalia chebula.

pramathana pra-math + ana,
I. adj., f. , Paining, MBh. 1, 2793.
II. n.
     1. Killing.
     2. Paining.

pramada pra-mad + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Mad, intoxicated.
     2. Impassioned.
II. m. Joy.
III. f. A handsome woman, a woman, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 20; Pañc. iii. d. 271.

pramaya pramaya, i. e. pra-mī + a, m. Death, Rājat. 4, 708.

pramā pra-mā, f. True perception, true knowledge, Bhāṣāp. 125.
-- Comp. a-, f. wrong knowledge, Bhāṣāp. 125, 126.

pramāṇa pramāṇa, i. e. pra-ma + ana, n.
     1. Measure, Pañc, i. d. 371; a scale, Hit. i. d. 12, M. M.; analogy, Hit. 110, 12; quantity, power, Pañc. 75, 22.
     2. Authority.
     3. Decision, a decider, Śāk. 61, 8; Pañc. 30, 18; 34, 10.
     4. A work of sacred authority.
     5. Proof, Pañc. iii. d. 93; evidence.
     6. Cause.
     7. Principal.
     8. A title of Viṣṇu.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. of exceeding largeness, Rām. 5, 54, 17. anu-, adj. suitable, Suśr. 2, 7, 14.

pramāṇatas pramāṇa + tas, adv.
     1. With respect to measure, Man. 2, 46.
     2. Agreeably to measure.
     3. According to authority.

pramāṇaya pramāṇaya, a denomin. derived from pramāṇa with aya, Par.
     1. To receive as authority, Hit. i. d. 9, M. M.
     2. To prove, Rājat. 5, 205.

pramātāmaha pra-mātāmaha,
     1. m. A maternal great-grandfather.
     2. f. , A maternal great-grandmother.
-- Comp. vṛddha-,
I. m. a maternal great-greatgrandfather.
II. f. , a maternal greatgreat-grandmother.

pramātṛ pra-mā + tṛ, m. One who knows well, an authority, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 13.

pramātva pramā + tva, n. The state of true knowledge, Bhāṣāp. 135.

pramātha pramātha, i. e. pra-math + a, m.
     1. Paining, torturing.
     2. Violence.
     3. Carrying off forcibly (ŚKD.), Draup.; title.
     4. Killing, Utt. Rāmac. 120, 8.

pramāthin pramāthin, i. e. pra-math + in, adj., f. .
     1. Agitating, MBh. 12, 9040.
     2. Afflicting, torturing, ib. 3, 16435.
     3. Killing, destroying, a destroyer, Chr. 34, 12.

pramāda pramāda, i. e. pra-mad + a, m.
     1. Intoxication.
     2. Insanity, distraction, Utt. Rāmac. 51, 5.
     3. Inadvertence, carelessness, Pañc. iii. d. 243.
     4. Distress, Utt. Rāmac. 61, 3.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. carefulness, Rām. 2, 85, 14.
II. adj. careful, 3, 49, 13.

pramādikā pramādikā, i. e. pramādin + ka, f. A deflowered girl.

pramādin pramādin, i. e. pramāda + in, adj., f. .
     1. Intoxicated.
     2. Insane.
     3. Careless, Pañc. i. d. 20; imprudent, Vikr. 30, 14; Hit. ii. d. 173.
-- Comp. a-, adj. careful, vigilant, Man. 2, 115.

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pramāpaṇa pramāpaṇa, i. e.
A. pra-mī, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Killing, Yājñ, 2, 279.
II. n.
     1. Killing.
     2. Slaughter, Man. 11, 140.
B. pra-me. Caus., + ana, n. Change, MBh. 12, 13252.

pramiti pramiti, i. e. pra-mā + ti, f.
     1. Measure.
     2. True knowledge.

pramīlā pra-mīl + ā, f. Lassitude.

pramukha pra-mukha, adj., f. khā.
I. adj.
     1. First, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 6.
     2. Chief, Hit. iii. d. 83.
     3. Best.
II. n. Mouth, Johns. Sel. 15, 55 (cf. p. 39, n.).
III. khe, loc., adverbially.
     1. In presence, Śāk. d. 181.
     2. In front, Chr. 30, 5.
IV. khatas, adv. At the head, Johns. Sel. 9, 13.

pramokṣa pra-mokṣa, m. The liberation of the soul from the body and exemption from transmigration, eternal happiness, Brāhmaṇ. 2, 26.

pramocana pramocana, i. e. pra-muc + ana,
I. adj., f. , Liberating, MBh. 3, 8031.
II. n. Liberating.

pramoda pramoda, i. e. pra-mud + a, m.
     1. Hilarity, Man. 3, 61; joy, Vikr. d. 153.
     2. Fragrance, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 2.

pramodana pramodana, i. e. pra-mud + ana, n. Hilarity, Lass. 87, 8 (sa-pra-modana + m, adv. Cheerfully).

pramoha pramoha, i. e. pra-muh + a, m.
     1. Fascination.
     2. Fainting, insensibility, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 6.
     3. Confusion, Draup. 6, 20 (-citta, adj. bewildered in mind).

pramlocā pramlocā, i. e. pra-mluc + a, f. One of the Asparas, Lass. 50, 18.

prayajyu pra-yaj + yu, adj. To be worshipped especially, Chr. 292, 7 = Rigv. i. 86, 7.

prayatna pra-yatna, m.
     1. Persevering exertion, effort, Vikr. d. 143.
     2. Great care, Man. 3, 79.
     3. Difficulty, Śāk. 5, 11 (scarcely).
     4. Articulation of sound, Pāṇ. 1, 1, 9.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not solicitous, Man. 6, 26. niṣprayatna, i. e. nis-, adj. abstaining from any exertion, Hariv. 2514.

prayatnatas prayatna + tas, adv. With great care, Man. 3, 123.

prayatnavant prayatna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Taking great care, Pañc. iii. d. 44.

prayas prayas, i. e. prī + as, n. Sacrifice, Chr. 292, 7 = Rigv. i. 86, 7.

prayāga prayāga, i. e. pra-yaj + a, m.
     1. Sacrifice.
     2. A celebrated place of pilgrimage, the confluence of the Gangā and Yamunā, Chr. 46, 27.

prayāṇa prayāṇa, i. e. pra-yā + ana, n.
     1. Going forth, march, Pañc. 8, 19.
     2. Going, Hit. iv. d. 80.
     3. Attack, Pañc. 232, 16; invasion.

prayāsa prayāsa, i. e. pra-yas + a, m.
     1. Labour, fatigue, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 11.
     2. Effort, Pañc. 82, 9.

prayukti prayukti, i. e. pra-yuj + ti, f. Object, Utt. Rāmac. 124, 1.

prayuta pra-yuta (vb. yu), n. A million, Chr. 33, 35.

prayoktṛ prayoktṛ, i. e. pra-yuj + tṛ, m.
     1. Creator, Utt. Rāmac. 89, 2.
     2. A mime, Ragh. 19, 36.

prayoga prayoga, i. e. pra-yuj + a, m.
     1. Throwing missiles, Arj. 5, 6.
     2. Application, employment, Pañc. i. d. 205; use, Śiś. 9, 79.
     3. Example, comparison.
     4. Lending money at interest, Man. 10, 115.
     5. Appointing.
     6. Ceremonial form, course of proceeding.
     7. Device, contrivance,
     8. Act, action, practice, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 10.
     9. Dramatic performance, Vikr. d. 36.
     10. Affair, matter.
     11. Cause, motive, occasion, object.
     12. Consequence, result.
     13. Magic, magical rites.
-- Comp. artha-, m. lending money, Cāṇ. 22 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408. vidhi-, m. acting in conformity to a rule. su-, m. 1. approximation. 2. dexterity, expertness.

prayogatas prayoga + tas, adv.
     1. By employing, Hit. iii. d. 60.
     2. According to.
     3. Actually.

prayojaka prayojaka, i. e. pra-yuj + aka,
I. adj. Who or what causes.
II. m.
     1. An author, Yājñ. 1, 5.
     2. A creditor, 2, 62.

prayojana prayojana, i. e. pra-yuj + ana, n.
     1. Cause, Vikr. 80, 11; motive, Pañc. 107, 10.
     2. Purpose, design, Pañc. 58, 2; 240, 15.
     3. Use, Pañc. 5, 5; need, Hit. 54, 20; profit, Pañc. 88, 10; interest, 114, 22.
     4. Means of attaining, Man. 7, 100.
-- Comp. a-, and nis-, adj. 1. not induced by motives, MBh. 13, 2025 (niṣp°). 2. useless, Hit. 105, 19 (niṣp°). Samāna-artha-, adj. depending on equal interests, Hit. iv. d. 110 (read °naḥ, cf. Kām. Nītis. 4, 7).

prarakṣaṇa prarakṣaṇa, i. e. pra-rakṣ + ana, n. Guarding, Pañc. iii. d. 35.

praroha praroha, i. e. pra-ruh + a, m. A shoot, Vikr. d. 157; a branch, Pañc. 259, 1.

prarohin prarohin, i. e. pra-ruh + in, adj., f. iṇī, Sprouting, Man. 1, 46.

pralapana pra-lap + ana, n. Prattling, peaking, Pañc. 163, 14.

pralamba pra-lamb + a,
I. adj.
     1. Hanging down, pendulous, Lass. 4, 19.
     2. Prominent, Johns. Sel. 55, 142.
     3. Dilatory, slow.
II. n.
     1. Hanging on or from.
     2. The new shoot or bud of a crceping plant.
     3. A branch.
     4. A garland of flowers worn round the neck.
     5. The name of a demon kolled by Balarāma.

pralambha pralambha, i. e. pra-labh + a, m.
     1. Obtaining, Rām. 5, 68, 43.
     2. Fraud.
-- Comp. su-, adj. easy of attainment.

pralaya pralaya, i. e. pra-lī + a, m.
     1. Dissolution,
     2. Destruction, Utt. Rāmac. 83, 10; Hit. ii. d. 175.
     3. End, Pañc. 265, 11.
     4. Death.
     5. The destruction of the world, Hit. 47, 18.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. 1. a destruction of the world occurring after every period of 4, 320,000,000 years. 2. a total destruction of the universe.

pralāpa pralāpa, i. e. pra-lap + a, m.
     1. Prattlement, useless speech, Utt. Rāmac. 84, 1.
     2. Lamentation, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 6; Pañc. 213, 2.
-- Comp. su-, m. eloquence.

pralāpin pralāpin, i. e. pra-lap + in, adj. Prattling, Nal. 26, 16.

pralīnatā pra-līna + tā (vb. ), f.
     1. Destruction.
     2. The end of the universe.

praloṭhana praloṭhana, i. e. pra-luṭh + ana, n.
     1. Rolling on the ground.
     2. Tossing (as of the ocean).

pralobha pralobha, i. e. pra-lubh + a, m.
     1. Allurement, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 37.
     2. Greediness, Pañc. i. d. 462.

pralobhana pralobhana, i. e. pra-lubh, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Allurement, Sund. 3, 20.
     2. Seducing.

pravaktṛ pravaktṛ, i. e. pra-vac + tṛ, m. A teacher, a propounder, Man. 3, 180; 4, 162.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who does not instruct, Pañc. iii. d. 71.

pravacana pra-vac + ana, n.
     1. Eloquence, Hit. ii. d. 26.
     2. Teaching.
     3. A holy treatise, Man. 3, 184.

pravaṇa pravaṇa (akin to prakva),
     1. adj.
     1. Declining.
     2. Bent.
     3. Curved.
     4. Inclined to, Kathās. 3, 54; Lass. 77, 3; endowed with.
     5. Swift, Ṛt. 1, 24 v.r.
     6. Ready (with infin.), MBh. 1, 2187.
II. m. A place where four roads meet.
-- Comp. dakṣiṇā-, adj. with a declivity towards the south, Man. 3, 206.

pravapaṇa pravapaṇa, i. e. pra-vap + ana, n. Sowing.

pravayaṇa pravayaṇa, i. e. pra-vī + ana, n. A goad.

pravayas pra-vayas,
I. adj. Aged, Utt. Rāmac. 106, 6.
II. m. An old man, Ragh. 8, 18.

pravara pravara, i. e. pra-vara,
I. adj., f. , Best, Indr. 5. 20; exalted, Pañc. 3, 10; Man. 3, 167; chief, Man. 9, 67.
II. m.
     1. A Muni who contributes to the credit of a particular family (gotra).
     2. One of the forty-nine gotras, as opposed to the eight principal, Āśval. S. ap. M. Müller, Anc. Sskr. Lit. 380. n. 1.; cf. Weber, Berl. Handschriften, p. 59, 60; Kusumāñj. 3, 19.
III. n. A family.
-- Comp. śaṅkha-, m. or n. an excellent conch, Chr. 25, 60.

pravarga pra-varga, m. Sacrificial fire.

pravargya pravargya, i. e. pravarga + ya, m. A very holy sacrifice, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 2; MBh. 3, 13027.

pravartaka pravartaka, i. e. pra-vṛt + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Inciting, stimulating.
     2. One who causes.
II. m.
     1. An instigator, Man. 12, 4.
     2. An author, a founder, Bhāg. P. 9, 17, 4; Hariv. 4135.
III. n. The entrance of the first person of the drama at the close of the introdaction.

pravartana pravartana, i. e. pra-vṛt + ana, n.
     1. Going forward, Rām. 6, 92, 4.
     2. Engaging in, Man. 11, 63.
     3. Beginning.
     4. Activity.
     5. Stimulating, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 6.
     6. Directing.
     7. Informing.
     8. Revolving.
-- Comp. a-, n. abstaining from (with loc.), Hit. i. d. 20.

pravartin pravartin, i. e. pra-vṛt + in, adj., f. , Acting, moving, in pratikūla-, adj. Acting and moving in a contrary or perverse way, Chr. 94, 10.

pravarṣa pravarṣa, i. e. pra-vṛṣ + a, adj. Raining fast, Pañc. 93, 2.

pravarṣaṇa pravarṣaṇa, i. e. pra-vṛṣ + ana, adj. Raining, MBh. 3, 10012.

pravarha pravarha, i. e. pra-vṛh + a, adj. Chief, principal.

pravalākin pravalākin, m.
     1. A snake.
     2. A peacock.

pravasana pra-vas + ana, n. Sojourn abroad, Hit. i. d. 113, M.M.

pravaha pra-vah + a, m. Wind.

pravahaṇa pravahaṇa, i. e. pra-vah + ana, n. A covered car, a litter or carriage for women, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 4.

pravahli pravahli, and pravahlikā pravahli + kā, f. A riddle.

pravāṇī pravāṇī, i. e. pra-ve + na + i, f. A weaver's shuttle.
-- Comp. niṣpravāṇi, i. e. nis-, adj. Quite new, Daśak. 62, 1 bel.

pravāta pra-vāta, m.
     1. A breeze, Śāk. 32, 16; Kathās. 20, 223.

pravāda pravāda, i. e. pra-vad + a, m.
     1. Rumour, report, Hit. 19, 4, M. M.
     2. A proverb, Pañc. 174, 1.
     3. Speaking, discourse.
-- Comp. loka-, m. common report or saying, Lass. 12, 13.

pravāpin pravāpin, i. e. pra-vap + in, m. A sower, one who sows seed, Man. 9, 49.

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pravāsa pravāsa, i. e. pra-vas + a, m.
     1. Living away from home, a temporary foreign residence, Vikr. 61, 17 (cf. manasa); far away, d. 135.
     2. A journey, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 11.

pravāsana pravāsana, i. e. pra-vas, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Banishment, Man. 7, 125.
     2. Killing.

pravāsin pravāsin, i. e. pra-vas + in.
     1. adj. sbst. Living away from home, Hit. i. d. 138, M. M. (cira-, long exiled).
     2. A traveller, Ṛt. 6, 28.

pravāha pravāha, i. e. pra-vah + a, m.
     1. Stream, Vikr. d. 49.
     2. A torrent, Pañc. 38, 20.
     3. A pond.
     4. A swift horse.
     5. Occupation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 24.
-- Comp. vāri-, m. a cascade.

pravāhaka pravāhaka, i. e. pra-vah + aka,
I. adj. Who or what carries well.
II. m. A demon.
III. f. hikā, Diarrhoea.

pravikhyāti pra-vi-khyā + ti, f. Celebrity.

pravidāraṇa pravidāraṇa, i. e. pra-vi-dṛ10 + ana, n.
I. Tearing.
     2. Bursting.
     3. War, battle.
     4. Tumult.

pravibhāga pravibhāga, i. e. pra-vi-bhaj + a, m.
     1. Division, Man. 1, 66.
     2. A part, Utt. Rāmac. 110, 18.

pravivāda pra-vivāda, m. Quarrel, Lass. 18, 18.

praviśleṣa praviśleṣa, i. e. pra-vi-śliṣ + a, m. Separation.

pravīṇa pra-vīṇa (cf. vīṇā), adj. Skilful, clever, Lass. 39, 3.

pravīṇatā pravīṇa + tā, f. Cleverness, Hit. Pr. d. 41, M. M.

pravīra pra-vīra,
I. adj. Excellent, bravest, Hit. iii. d. 70.
II. m.
     1. A hero, Utt. Rāmac. 122, 4.
     2. A chief, Rām. 3, 49, 57.

pravṛtti pra-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Action, Hit. 17, 5 (engaging); occupation, doing, Man. 5, 31; Daśak. 186, 13; activity, Bhāṣāp. 148.
     2. Perseverance.
     3. Practice, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 10.
     4. Tidings, Vikr. 57, 18; report, d. 102; utterance, Śāk. d. 21; Ragh. 12, 60.
     5. Continuous flow, Vikr. d, 110.
     6. The juice that exudes from an elephant's temples when in rut.
-- Comp. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, f. ill-tidings, Ragh. 12, 51. sneha-, f. love, Śāk. d. 92, 58, 4.

pravṛddhi pravṛddhi, i. e. pra-vṛdh + ti, f.
     1. Growing, Ragh. 13, 71.
     2. Elevation, prosperity, Rājat. 5, 388.

praveka praveka, i. e. pra-vic + a, adj. Chief, principal.
-- Comp. maṇi-, most excellent jewels, Rām. 3, 52, 24.

praveṇī praveṇī, see veṇi.

pravedin pravedin, i. e. pra-vid + in, adj. Well-knowing, Man. 9, 267.

pravepana pra-vep + ana, n. Shaking, trembling.

praverita praverita, i. e. pra-va (for ava), -īrita (vb. īr), ptcple. pf. pass. Thrown, Lass. ed. 2, p. 115.

praveśa praveśa, i. e. pra-viś + a, m.
     1. Entering, Pañc. 33, 6.
     2. Entrance, Vikr. 20, 8.
     3. Intentness on an object.
-- Comp. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, adj., f. śā, difficult to be entered, Rām. 3, 6, 2.

praveśaka praveśaka, i. e. pra-viś + aka,
I. adj. Who or what enters.
II. m. An interlude, Śāk. 76, 10.

praveśana praveśana, i. e. pra-viś + ana, n.
     1. Entering, entrance.
     2. The principal door of a house.
-- Comp. agni-, n. ascending a funeral pile, Kathās. 18, 270.

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praveṣṭa praveṣṭa, m.
     1. An arm.
     2. The fleshy part on the back of an elephant.

praveṣṭṛtva praveṣṭṛtva, i. e. pra-viś + tṛ + tva, n. Condition of one who enters, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 14.

pravrajyā pra-vraj + yā, f.
     1. Emigrating, Rām. 6, 8, 27.
     2. Wandering about as a religious mendicant, Chr. 10 8; Man. 5, 89 (in a dress not authorised by the Vedas, cf. Kull.).

pravrājana pravrājana, i. e. pra-vraj, Caus., + ana, n. Banishment, Rām. 3, 53, 6.

praśaṃsana pra-śaṃs + ana, n. Praising, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 14.

praśaṃsā pra-śaṃs + ā, f. Praise, applause, Man. 10, 127; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 5.

praśattvan praśattvan, i. e. pra-śad + tvan,
I. m. The ocean.
II. f. varī, A river.

praśama pra-śam + a, m.
     1. Quiet, end, Pañc. iii. d. 3, 21.
     2. Tranquillising, removing, Śiś. 9, 87.

praśamana pra-śam + ana, n.
     1. Tranquillising, pacifying, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 4.
     2. Securing, Man. 7, 56.
     3. Killing.

praśasti praśasti, i. e. pra-śaṃs + ti, f. Praise, Lass. 98, 16 = Rigv. v. 9, 6; Utt. Rāmac. 156, 12.

praśākhā pra-śākhā, and praśāsvikā praśākhikā, i. e. praśākhā + ka, f. A small branch or twig, Rām. 5, 29, 21; Nal. 20, 11.

praśānti praśānti, i. e. pra-śam + ti, f.
     1. Calm, tranquillity, moral or physical, Pañc. 123, 21.
     2. Removal, iii. d. 120.

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praśāsana pra-śās + ana, n.
     1. Governing.
     2. Dominion, Chr. 296, 3 = Rigv. i. 112, 3.

praśāsitṛ pra-śās + itṛ, m. A governor, master, Pañc. v. d. 52.

praśāstṛ pra-śās + tṛ, m.
     1. A king, Nal. 12, 51.
     2. A governor.
     3. A kind of priest, Pañc. 156, 17.

praścotana pra-ścot + ana, n. Sprinkling, Utt. Rāmac. 58, 1.

praśna praśna, i. e. prach + na, m. A question, Pañc. 149, 4.
-- Comp. kuśala-, m. Inquiring after another's welfare, Utt. Rāmac. 70, 6; Lass. 10, 20.

praśraya praśraya, i. e. pra-śri + a, m.
     1. Affection, love, Pañc. ii. d. 2.
     2. Affectionate behaviour.
     3. Civility, modesty, Indr. 2, 21.
     4. Respect, Utt. Rāmac. 152. 4.
-- Comp. sa-praśraya + m, adv. affectionately, Pañc. 25. 25; 33, 12.

praślatha pra-ślath + a, adj. Flaccid.

praṣṭha praṣṭha, i. e. pra-stha,
I. adj. One who goes first.
II. m. A leader.

praspras, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To extend.
     2. To bring forth (?).

prasakti prasakti, i. e. pra-sañj + ti, f.
     1. Connexion.
     2. Attachment.
     3. Perseverance, activity, Kir. 5, 50.
     4. Energy.
     5. Practicableness, Rājat. 6, 154.
-- Comp. a-, f. absence of attachment, Man. 1, 89. ati-, f. excessive attachment, Man. 4, 16.

prasaṃkhyāna prasaṃkhyāna, i. e. pra-sam-khyā + ana, n. Meditation, Kumāras. 3, 40.

prasaṅga prasaṅga, i. e. pra-sañj + a, m.
     1. Association, union, Pañc. i. d. 218.
     2. Attachment, Man. 2, 93; 4, 186; illicit gratification, Man. 9, 5; 4, 15 (an art which pleases the senses).
     3. Connected reasoning.
     4. Conjuncture, occasion, Pañc. 117, 10; time, Rājat. 5, 276.
     5. Insertion, introduction.
-- Comp. ati-, m. 1. excessive attachment, Pañc. i. d. 201. 2. asserting too much, Utt. Rāmac. 135, 11. kathā-, m. conversation, Hit. 61, 7, M. M. dharma-doṣa-, m. a sinful attachment to duty, Rām. 2, 23, 6. vidhi-, m. application of, or acting upon, a rule.

prasaṅgavant prasaṅga + vant, adj., f. vatī, Occasional, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 11.

prasaṅgin prasaṅgin, i. e. prasaṅga + in, adj.
     1. Attached to, Ṛt. 6, 1.
     2. Occasional.
     3. Subordinate, MBh. 5, 1442.

prasabham pra-sabha + m (probably vb. sah), adv.
     1. Forcibly, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1917; Vikr. d. 19; violently, Śāk. d. 5.
     2. Exceedingly, importunately, Johns. Sel. 5, 28.

prasara prasara, i. e. pra-sṛ + a,
I. adj. Who or what proceeds.
II. m.
     1. Going forward, Śāk. d. 28.
     2. Spreading.
     3. A multitude.
     4. Battle.
     5. An iron arrow.
     6. Space, room, Hit. i. d. 185, M. M.; Megh. 93.
     7. Occasion.
     8. Affectionate solicitation.

prasaraṇa prasaraṇa, i. e. pra-sṛ + ana, n., and f. ṇī and ṇi.
     1. Going forth.
     2. Spreading over the country to forage.

prasava prasava, i. e. pra-sū + a, m.
     1. Bringing forth, Pañc. 75, 23; being in labour, 228, 14.
     2. Offspring, Man. 3, 22; 9, 55.
     3. Blossom.
     4. Fruit, Utt. Rāmac. 44, 11.

prasavitṛ prasavitṛ, i. e. pra-su/ū + tṛ.
I. m.
     1. A father.
     2. Forefather, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 1.
II. f. tri, A mother.

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prasaha pra-sah + a, m. A beast or bird of prey.

prasahana pra-sah + ana,
I. m. A beast or bird of prey.
II. n.
     1. Enduring.
     2. Overcoming.
     3. Embrace.

prasāda prasāda, i. e. pra-sad + a, m.
     1. Clearness, Vikr. d. 8.
     2. Perspicuity.
     3. Calmness (of mind), Vikr. d. 147.
     4. Favour, Vikr. d. 54.
     5. Kind be haviour, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1372.
-- Comp. duṣprasāda, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be pacified, MBh. 1, 1679. dṛṣṭi-, m. favour of looking at, Hit. 88, 6, M. M. sa-, adj. propitious, Pañc. 85, 4. su-,
I. adj. kind.
II. m. Śiva.

prasādaka prasādaka, i. e. pra-sad, Caus., + aka, adj.
     1. Making clear, purifying, Man. 6, 67.
     2. Exhilarating Rām. 3, 55, 36.

prasādana prasādana, i. e. pra-sad, Caus., + ana,
I. n.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Exhilarating, Indr. 2, 31.
II. f. , Worship.
-- Comp. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be pacified, Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 34.

prasādhana pra-sādh + ana,
I. n.
     1. Dressing, Man. 10, 32; 2, 211 (decking the hair).
     2. Dress, embellishment, accomplishment, Vikr. d. 22.
     3. Accomplishing, adorning, Mālav. 62, 23; anointing the body, Man. 7, 220; 4, 152.
II. m., f. , and n. A comb.
-- Comp. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be dealt with, MBh. 11, 222.

prasāra prasāra, i. e. pra-sṛ + a, m.
     1. Going about, spreading.
     2. Going to forage.

prasāraṇa prasāraṇa, i. e. pra-sṛ, Caus., + ana,
I. n. Extending, Bhāṣāp. 5.
II. f. ṇī.
     1. Surrounding an enemy.
     2. The dispersion of an army for collecting forage.

prasārin prasārin, i. e. pra-sṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Breaking forth, Śāk. d. 61.
     2. Going along.
     3. Spreading.

prasiddhi prasiddhi, i. e. pra-sidh + ti, f.
     1. Accomplishment, Man. 4, 3.
     2. Ornament.
     3. Fame.
     4. Notoriety.
     5. Name. Hit. 83, 8.

prasū pra-sū, f.
     1. A mother, Śiś. 9, 14.
     2. A mare.
     3. A spreading creeper.
     4. The plantain.
-- Comp. masi-, f. an inkstand.

prasūti pra-sū + ti, f.
     1. Bringing forth (as young).
     2. Birth, Man. 4, 84 (a-rājanya-prasūti + tas, from one who is not born in the Kṣatriya caste); springing up, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 4.
     3. Offspring, Man. 9. 6; Vikr. 78, 21; Pañc. 74, 25.

prasūtikā prasūtikā, i. e. pra-sūta + ka. f. A woman who has had a child, or who has been recently delivered.

prasṛti pra-sṛ + ti, f.
     1. The palm of the hand hollowed.
     2. A handful, Bhartṛ. 2, 57.

praseka praseka, i. e. pra-sic + a, m.
     1. Sprinkling.
     2. Oozing, dropping, Ṛt. 3, 6.

praskaṇva praskaṇva, m. The name of a Vedic poet, Chr. 287, 1. 3.

prastara prastara, i. e. pra-stṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A handful or bundle of Kuśa grass used at sacrifices.
     2. A plain, level, Rām. 3, 79, 5; Man. 2, 204.
     3. A stone or rock, Utt. Rāmac. 71, 2.

prastāra prastāra, i. e. pra-stṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A bed.
     2. A thicket or wood, overgrown with grass.

prastāva prastāva, i. e. pra-stu + a, m.
     1. An introductory eulogium, introduction, Hit. 13, 4, M. M.
     2. Beginning, Śāk. 101, 9.
     3. Opportunity, Hit. 52, 16; Pañc. 158, 19 (loc. opportunely).
     4. Turn, Pañc. 55, 16.
     5. Treating a subject, Pañc. ii. d. 176.
     6. A chapter.
     7. Report. Hit. 120, 11.

prastāvanā prastāvanā, i. e. pra-stu, Caus., + ana, f.
     1. Causing to be praised, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 14.
     2. A dramatic prelude, prologue, Vikr. 4, 8.
     3. Commencement.

prastha pra-stha (vb. sthā),
I. adj.
     1. Who goes on a journey.
     2. Expanding.
     3. Solid.
II. m. and n.
     1. Tableland on the top of a mountain, Sund. 4, 6.
     2. A measure of quantity.
-- Comp. indra-, n. (m.), the name of a town. udaya-, the table-land on the top of the mountain, behind which the sun rises, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 4. khāṇḍava-, m. the name of a town. hima-, m. the Himālaya mountains.

prasthāna prasthāna, i. e. pra-sthā + ana, n.
     1. Departing, Megh. 42.
     2. March of an assailant.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. Death, Hariv. 11070.

prasthānika prasthānika, Sund. 2, 2; read prāsth°, q. cf.

prasthāyin prasthāyin, i. e. pra-sthā + in, adj. Preparing to go, or to depart.

prasnava prasnava, i. e. pra-snu + a, m. Dropping, stream, Vikr. d. 150 (v.r., cf. prasnuta-stana); Utt. Rāmac. 153, 3.

prasphoṭana prasphoṭana, i. e. pra-sphuṭ + ana, n.
     1. Expanding, opening.
     2. Striking.
     3. Winnowing corn.
     4. A winnowing basket.

prasrava prasrava, i. e. pra-sru + a, m.
     1. Oozing, dropping, Johns. Sel. 14, 47; Vikr. d. 150 (v.r. prasnava, q. cf.).
     2. The flowing of milk, Man. 5, 130.
     3. Urine, MBh. 1, 6683.

prasravaṇa prasravaṇa, i. e. pra-sru + ana,
I. n.
     1. Washing away of rocks.
     2. Oozing, Nal. 13, 7.
     3. A cascade Man. 4, 203 (Kull.); spring, Indr. 1, 25; 27.
     4. A pool of water, formed by dripping of springs.
     5. A pure stream, Johns. Sel. 9, 9.
     6. Sweat, perspiration.
II. m. The name of a range of mountains, Rām. 3, 55, 44.

prasrāva prasrāva, i. e. pra-sru + a, m.
     1. Flowing, dropping.
     2. Urine.

prasvāpa prasvāpa, i. e. pra-svap + a,
I. adj. Epithet of a weapon (causing to sleep), Chr. 38, 12.
II. m. Falling asleep, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 56.

prasveda prasveda, i. e. pra-svid + a, m. Excessive perspiration, Lass. 28, 12.

prahara prahara, i. e. pra-hṛ + a, m., and praharaka prahara + ka, A watch, or a division comprising about three hours, Lass. 29, 9; Pañc. 237, 3.

praharaṇa praharaṇa, i. e. pra-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Striking, pecking, Pañc. 146, 14; biting, 147, 2.
     2. A weapon, Hariv. 13745.

prahartṛ prahartṛ, i. e. pra-hṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. One who strikes, a combatant, a shooter, Vikr. 78, 13.
     2. One who attacks, Pañc. 149, 14.

praharṣa praharṣa, i. e. pra-hṛṣ + a, m. Joy, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 11; merriness, Sund. 1, 29; Vikr. 58, 17.

prahasana pra-has + ana, n.
     1. Hearty laughter, laughter, Utt. Rāmac. 91, 7.
     2. Mirth.
     3. Scoffing, sarcasm, Hit. i. d. 107.
     4. A comedy, Lass. 67, 12.

prahāṇi prahāṇi, i. e. pra-hā + ni, f. Disappearance, Mārk. P. 58, 68.

prahāra prahāra, i. e. pra-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Striking, Pañc. 245, 12; pecking, Hit. 107, 19; killing.
     2. A stroke, Man. 4, 83; a shot (of an arrow), Pañc. 141, 10; a kick, 215, 21.
-- Comp. tala-, m. a stroke with the palm of the hand or claw, Pañc. 215, 21. pāda-, m. a kick, Rām. 4, 9, 22.

prahārin prahārin, i. e. pra-hṛ + in, adj. sbst. Striking, a warrior, a hero, Mālav. 69, 5.

prahāsa prahāsa, i. e. pra-has + a, m.
     1. Loud laughter.
     2. An actor.
     3. Śiva.

prahi prahi, m. A well.

prahelā pra-hel + ā, f. Wantonness, carelessness, Pañc. ii. d. 48 (°layā, with a jump(?), cf. helā).

praheli pra-hel + i, f. An enigma, a riddle.

prahlāda pra-hlād + a, m.
     1. Joy, pleasure.
     2. The name of a Daitya, Arj. 8, 20.

prahlādana pra-hlād + ana, adj., f. , Rejoicing, refreshing, MBh. 14, 2045.

prahva prahva, probably curtailed prahvara, i. e. pra-hvṛ + a, adj.
     1. Bowed. stooping, Arj. 1, 5.
     2. Intent upon.
     3. Propitious, Kathās. 46, 127.

prā prā (akin to pṛ10 for par + ā), ii. 2, Par. To fill. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. prāṇa, Full.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] etc.; Lat plenus (= prāṇa), implere, etc., plebes.

prāṃśu prāṃśu, adj.
     1. Tall, Johns. Sel. 15, 53; lofty, Ragh. 15, 19.
     2. Long, Śāk. d. 49.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. very tall, Prab. 21, 10.

prāk prāk, see prāñc.

prākaṣika prākaṣika, i. e. pra-ā-kaṣ + ika, m. A dancer, one who gets his livelihood from the wives of others.

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prākāmya prākāmya, i. e. prakāma + ya, n. The faculty to perform what one lists, a magical power, Lass. 3, 19.

prākāra prākāra, i. e. pra-kṛ + a + a, m. An inclosure, a surrounding wall, Pañc. iii. d. 48; Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17; Man. 9, 289.

prākāśya prākāśya, i. e. prakāśa + ya, n.
     1. Clearness, brightness.
     2. Celebrity, Pañc. i. d. 107.

prākṛta prākṛta, i. e. prakṛti + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Natural.
     2. Material.
     3. Low, Man. 8, 336.
     4. Common, Pañc. 25, 2.
II. n. A peculiar dialect, or rather some peculiar dialects akin to the Sanskrit language used particularly in dramatic compositions.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. supernatural, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 13.

prāktana prāktana, i. e. prāñc + tana, adj., f. .
     1. Old.
     2. Prior, former, Pañc. iii. d. 160.

prāgabhāva prāgabhāva, i. e. prāk-a-bhāva, m. The non-existence (of any effect) previous to production, Bhāṣāp. 11.

prāgalbhya prāgalbhya, i. e. pragalbha + ya, n.
     1. Confidence, boldness.
     2. Arrogance.
     3. Pride, Lass. 67, 17.
     4. Rank, proficiency, Pañc. 31, 5; 112, 19.

prāghuṇa (a dialectical form of prāghūrṇa, see the next), m. A guest, Pañc. iii. d. 122.

prāghūrṇaka prāghūrṇaka (Pañc. 117, 10), and prāghūrṇika prāghūrṇika (ŚKD.), i. e. pra-ghūrṇ + a + ka or ika (cf. prāghuṇa), m. A guest.

prāṅgaṇa prāṅgaṇa, n.
     1. A sort of drum.
     2. and prāṅgana prāṅgana, (i. e. pra-aṅgana), A court, Hit. 50, 3.

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prāṅganatas prāṅgana-tas, (see the last), adv. Near the court, Rājat. 5, 40.

prācīna prācīna, i. e. prāñc + īna, adj.
     1. Former, old.
     2. Eastern, east.
     3. Left, not right, Man. 2, 63 (Kull.).

prācurya prācurya, i. e. pracura + ya, n. Plenty, Pañc. 253, 22.

prācetasa prācetasa, i. e. pracetas + a, patronym. A descendaut of Pracetas, i. e.
     1. Vālmīki, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 10.
     2. The ten sons of Prācīnavarhis

prācya prācya, i. e. prāñc + ya, adj. Eastern, Mārk. P. 57, 42.

prāch prāch (vb. prach), m. An inquirer, see prāḍvivāka.

prājaka prājaka, i. e. pra-aj + aka, m. A driver, Man. 8, 293; 294.

prājāpatya prājāpatya, i. e. prajāpati + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Coming from, belonging to, Prajāpati, Chr. 38, 12; Pañc. i. d. 239.
     2. Belonging to the Prajāpatis, Man. 4, 182.
     3. With and without vidhi, a form of marriage, Man. 3, 30.
     4. With or without kṛcchra, A sort of penance, Man. 11, 105; 211.

prājña prājña, i. e. prajñā + a,
I. adj. Wise, Pañc. i. d. 129.
II. m. A learned man, Man. 2, 123.
III. f. jñā, Knowledge.
IV. f. jñī and jñā, A clever woman.

prājya prājya (vb. aj). adj.
     1. Much, Śāk. d. 193.
     2. Lofty, Rājat. 5, 347.

prāñc prāñc, i. e. pra-añc,
I. adj., f. ācī.
     1. Former, Pañc. 49, 1; prior.
     2. Before, in front.
     3. Eastern, east.
II. prāk (acc. sing. n.), adv.
     1. First.
     2. Before, Rājat. 5, 45; 338; formerly, Pañc. 217, 3.
     3. In front, Utt. Rāmac. 56, 11 (so that she cannot see); Hit. i. d. 80, M.M.
     4. Past.
     5. Eastern.
     6. At dawn.
III. f. ācī, The east, Draup. 3, 7.

prāñjala prāñjala, adj.
     1. Straight.
     2. Honest, upright.

prāñjalatā prāñjala + tā, f. Straightness, Pañc. 263, 10.

prāñjali prāñjali, i. e. pra-añjali, adj. Putting the hands together to the forehead, as a mark of respect, Vikr. 45, 18.

prāḍvivāka prāḍvivāka, i. e. prāch-vi-vac + a, m. A judge, Man. 8, 79; 181; 9, 234.

prāṇa prāṇa, i. e. pra-an + a, m.
     1. Breath, Vikr. d. 1.
     2. Air, wind.
     3. A vital organ, Man. 4, 143.
     4. One of the five vital airs, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 9.
     5. The Supreme Spirit, ib. 208, 3.
     6. A name of Brahman.
     7. pl. Life, Hit. i. d. 11, M. M.
-- Comp. ati-prāṇa + m, adv. more than life, Pañc. 220, 24. kṛcchra-, adj. supporting life with difficulty, Rām. 4, 9, 30. gata-, adj. dead. niṣpr°, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. dead. 2. exhausted. pati-, adj., f. ṇā, living in, or for, one's husband, Pañc. iii. d. 151. mahā-, m. a raven. yaṣṭi-, adj. out of breath, Johns. Sel. 21, 105.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

prāṇatha prāṇatha, i. e. pra-an + atha, adj. Strong, powerful.

prāṇana prāṇana, i. e. pra-an + ana,
I. n. Breathing, Chr. 288, 10 = Rigv. i. 48, 10.
II. m. The throat.

prāṇanta prāṇant + a (vb. an),
I. m. Wind.
II. f. , Hiccough.

prāṇamaya prāṇa + maya, adj., f. , Consisting in breath or life.

prāṇavant prāṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Endowed with life, Śāk. d. 1.

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prāṇin prāṇin, i. e. prāṇa + in, adj. sbst., f. , Living, a living being, Man. 4, 117, Pañc. iii. d. 140.
-- Comp. a-, adj. inanimate, Man. 4, 117.

prāṇītya prāṇītya, i. e. pra-nīta + ya, n. Debt (or prāmītya).

prātar prātar, i. e. a curtailed case of prā (probably akin to purā = pra) + tara, adv. In the morning, at dawn, Kathās. 22, 100; early, Hit. 15, 2, M.M. Doubled, prātaḥprātar, adv. Every morning, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 17.
-- With prā cf. O.H.G. fro, fruo; [greek] see pūrvedyus.

prātibhāvya prātibhāvya, i. e. pratibhū + ya, n. Surety, Man. 8, 159.
-- Comp. darśana-, n. Surety for appearing, 8, 160.

prātilomya prātilomya, i. e. pratiloma + ya, n. Inverted order, Man. 10, 13.

prātiveśya prātiveśya, i. e. prativeśa + ya, and prātiveśyaka prātiveśya + ka, m. A next-door neighbour, a neighbour, Man. 8, 392; Pañc. 164. 14.

prātisvika prātisvika, i. e. prati-sva + ika, adj. Own, peculiar.

prāthamakalpika prāthamakalpika, i. e. prathama-kalpa + ika, m.
     1. One who has begun the perusal of the Veda.
     2. A student.

prāthamika prāthamika, i. e. prathama + ika, adj. First, initial, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 18.

prādurbhāva prādurbhāva, i. e. prādus-bhū + a, m. Appearance, manifestation.

prāduṣya prāduṣya, i. e. prādus + ya, n. Manifestation, appearance.

prādus prādus, adv. and prep, combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
     1. Arising, coming to light.
     2. Visible, manifestly.
     3. Existent.

prādeśa prādeśa, i. e. pradeśa + a, m.
     1. The span of the thumb and forefinger.
     2. Place.

prādeśana prādeśana, i. e. pra-ā-diś + ana, n. Offering.

prādeśika prādeśika, i. e. pradeśa + ika, adj. Limited, Bhāṣāp. 98.

prādhanika prādhanika, i. e. pradhana + ika (n. ?), A weapon, Bhāg. P. 3, 8, 31.

prādhānya prādhānya, i. e. pradhāna + ya, n. Prevalence, supremacy, Hit. ii. d. 75 (tad-, abl. When these rule).

prādhva adj.
     1. prādhva, i. e. pra-advan, Being on a journey.
     2. Bent.
     3. Inclined, friendly (ŚKD.).

prānta prānta, i. e. pra-anta, m.
     1. Edge.
     2. Border, cheek, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 4.
     3. End, Vikr. d. 4; Pañc. 197, 21.

prāntara prāntara, i. e. pra-antara, n.
     1. A long unshaded lonesome road, Hit. 121, 2.
     2. A forest, Hit. 85, 3.
     3. A hollow tree.

prāp -prāp, i. e. pra-āp, adj. Obtaining, Megh. 45 (kuvalaya-dala-, Else adorned with lotus leaves).

prāpaṇa prāpaṇa, i. e. pra-āp + ana, n. Attainment, Man. 2, 95.
-- Comp. duṣpr°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be attained, Bhāg. P. 8, 3, 18.

prāpaṇika prāpaṇika, i. e. pra-ā-paṇ + ika, m. A trader, a merchant.

prāptavyamartha prāptavya + m-artha, m. A surname, proceeded from its owner saying ever prāptavyam artham, etc., Pañc. 130, 15; cf. 127, 21.

prāpti prāpti, i. e. pra-āp + ti, f.
     1. Coming, taking place, Pañc. 119, 5 (kutas te brāhmaṇa-bhojana-, Whence can you afford to entertain a Brāhmaṇa?).
     2. Taking possession, obtaining, Kathās. 4, 105; Bhāṣāp. 114.
     3. The power of obtaining every thing, one of the eight superhuman faculties, Lass. 3, 19.
     4. Obtaining by actions done in a former existence, Pañc. ii. d. 132.
     5. Gain, Hit. 101, 10.
     6. Fortune, MBh. 14, 1337.
     7. Successful termination of a plot.
-- Comp. a-, f. 1. non-attainment. 2. not taking place. 3. not being justified. akarmaprāpti, i. e. a-karman-, f. acquisition without being deserved by actions done in a former existence, Pañc. 132, 17. yathā-, adj. as justified, suitable, Hit. 100, 5 (cf. prāpta, i. e. pra-āpta, proper, right; perhaps with Schlegel, corr. yathāprāpti, adv.).

prābalya prābalya, i. e. prabala + ya, n.
     1. Predominance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 20.
     2. Power.

prābodhaka prābodhaka, or prāvodhika prābodhika (vv. rr.), i. e. prabodha + ka or ika, m. Dawn.

prābhavatya prābhavatya, i. e. pra-bhavant (vb. bhū), + ya, n. Authority, Man. 8, 412.

prābhākara prābhākara, i. e. prabhākara + a, m. pl. The followers of Prabhākara, one of the sects of the Pūrva Mīmānsā school, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 6.

prābhātika prābhātika, i. e. pra-bhāta (vb. bhā), + ika, adj. Matutinal, Pañc. i. d. 353.

prābhṛta prābhṛta, i. e. pra-bhṛta + a, n. A present, an offering, Kathās. 22, 97.

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prāmāṇika prāmāṇika, i. e. pramāṇa + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Proceeding from some evidence.
     2. Being of authority.
II. m.
     1. A chief.
     2. A learned man.

prāmāṇya prāmāṇya, i. e. pramāṇa + ya, n.
     1. Proof, Bhāṣāp. 139.
     2. Authority.
-- Comp. a-, n. want of authority, irrelevancy, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 20.

prāmāṇyatas prāmāṇya + tas, adv. According to (the) authority, Man. 2, 8.

prāmodika prāmodika, i. e. pramoda + ika, adj. Affording pleasure, Utt. Rāmac. 152, 8.

prāya 1. prāya, i. e. prā + a or ya (cf. prāyas), or pra-i + a,
I. adj. Exceeding, much, abundant, Pañc. 163, 23 (or a Bahuvr.)
II. m.
     1. Quantity, plenty, Man. 7, 69.
     2. A banquet, a feast, Man. 3, 264(?).
     3. yeṇa, instr.
a. Generally, Bhartṛ. 2, 57.
b. How much more, Ṛt. 6, 23.
c. Likely, Hit. 16, 6, M. M.
     4. As latter part of comp. adj.
a. Almost; e. g. gata-, adj. Almost past, MBh. 4, 376. sam-ā-gata-, Almost approached, very near, Hit. 97, 14.
b. Like, resembling; e. g. amṛta-, Like nectar, Pañc. 206, 6; 194, 21.
-- Comp. pra-siddhakṣatriya-, adj. consisting for the most part of renowned Kṣatriyas, Hit. iii. d. 87. priya-, adj. very kind. suptajana-, adj. almost everybody being asleep, Johns. Sel. 60, 188. hiṃsā-, adj., f. , abundant in injury (to living beings), Man. 10, 83.

prāya 2. prāya, i. e. pra-i + a,
I. m.
     1. Death.
     2. Fasting to death, Pañc. 50, 15.
     3. Age.
II. n. Sin.

prāyaṇa prāyaṇa, i. e. pra-i + ana, n. Death, Man. 9, 323.

prāyaśas 1. prāya + śas, adv. Usually, for the most part. Hit. i. d. 201, M. M.; Man. 12, 20.

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prāyaścitta prāyaścitta, i. e. prāyas-citta, n.
     1. Penance, Man. 2, 221; Pañc. i. d. 307.
     2. Expiation, Man. 9, 236; Pañc. 207, 17.
     3. Punishment, Hit. ii. d. 172.

prāyaścittīya prāyaścittīya, a denomin. derived from prāyaścitta with ya, Ātm. To be obliged to perform an expiatory penance, Man. 11, 44.

prāyaścittīyatā prāyaścittīyatā, i. e. prayascitta + īya + tā, f. Condition of one who is obliged to perform a penance, Man. 11, 47.

prāyas prāyas (probably acc. sing. n. of an old comparat. of puru = [greek] Lat. plus), adv.
     1. Frequently, Pañc. iv. d. 7; commonly, v. d. 19.
     2. Probably, MBh. 12, 4989.

prārabdhi prārabdhi, i. e. pra-ā-rabh + ti, f.
     1. Beginning.
     2. A rope for binding an elephant.

prārambha prārambha, i. e. pra-ā-rabh + a, m. Beginning, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 19.

prārthaka prārthaka, i. e. pra-arth + aka, adj. One who sues for, woos, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1448.

prārthana prārthana, i. e. pra-arth + ana, n., and f. .
     1. Asking, Pañc. 169, 7; demand, Pañc. 5, 5.
     2. Desire, wish, Vikr. 50, 5; wishing for, Śāk. 15, 11.
-- Comp. ā-lambita-, adj. one whose desire is supported, Vikr. d. 38 (añjasā abhibhavitum, to be attained quickly, i. e. one who may hope to attain his desire quickly). sa-phala-, adj. one who has attained his desire, Vikr. d. 27.

prārthayitṛ prārthayitṛ, i. e. pra-arth, i. 10, + tṛ, m.
     1. One who solicits, Hit. i. d. 115, M. M.
     2. A wooer, Śāk. 21, 6.

prālamba prālamba, i. e. pra-ā-lamb + a, n. A garland hanging down from the neck to the breast, Ragh. 6, 14.

prāleya prāleya, i. e. pralaya + a (anomal.), n. Snow, hail, Pañc. i. d. 353 (cf. leśa).

prāleya prāleya, a denomin. derived from prāleya, Par. To play the part of hail, Lass. 67, 16.

prāvaraṇa prāvaraṇa, i. e. pra-ā-vṛ + ana, n.
     1. An upper garment, Pañc. 97, 18 (dhauta-, adj. Dressed in a white garment); Rājat. 4, 669.
     2. Any covering.
-- Comp. karṇa-, 1. adj., f. ṇā, using the ears as a cloak, Rām. 5, 17, 34. 2. m. pl. the name of a fabulous people, MBh. 2, 1170.

prāvāra prāvāra, i. e. pra-ā-vṛ + a, m.
     1. An upper garment, a garment, MBh. 2, 1733.
     2. A cover, MBh. 3, 181.

prāvitṛ prāvitṛ, i. e. pra-av + tṛ, m. A protector, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4.

prāvīṇya prāvīṇya, i. e. pravīṇa + ya, n. Skilfulness, accurate knowledge, Utt. Rāmac. 110, 14.

prāvṛti prā-vṛti, i.e. pra-ā-vṛ + ti, f. An inclosure, a fence.

prāvṛṣ prāvṛṣ, i. e. pra-vṛṣ, and prāvṛṣā prāvṛṣā, i. e. pra-vṛṣ + a, f. The rainy season, the months Śrāvaṇa and Bhādra, about July and August, Hiḍ. 2, 1; Pañc. 118, 22 (); Megh. 113 (ṣā).

prāvṛṣeṇya prāvṛṣeṇya, i. e. prāvṛṣ + enya,
I. adj.
     1. Referring to the rainy season, Vikr. 56, 9; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1915 (a cloud).
     2. Produced in the rains.
     3. Much.
II. m. The Kadamba tree.

prāveṇya prāveṇya, i. e. pra-veṇi/ī + ya, n. A texture made of hairs, Rām. 3, 49, 44.

prāveśika prāveśika, i. e. praveśa + ika, adj., f. , Referring to the entrance, Vikr. 51, 3 (cf. Sch. aded. Calc. p. 76).

prāvrajya prāvrajya, i. e. pravrajyā + a, n. Wandering as a religious menticant, Chr. 9, 42.

prāś -prāś (vb. prach, cf. prāch), adj. Asking; in śabda-prāś, adj. Inquiring after (the meaning of a word.

prāśa prāśa, i. e. pra- 2. aś + a, m. Eating, Man. 11, 143.
-- Comp. dhūma-, adj. feeding only on smoke, MBh. 13, 646.

prāśana prāśana, i. e. pra- 2. aś + ana, n.
     1. Causing to eat, Man. 2, 29.
     2. Eating, Man. 5, 144.
-- Comp. anna-, n. the first feeding of a child with rice, a religious ceremony taking place in the sixth month after his birth, Man. 2, 34.

prāśitra prāśitra, pra- 2. aś + tra, n. The part of a sacrifice to be eaten by a Brāhmaṇa (Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 35, the vessel containing the part of the Brāhmaṇa, Burnouf).

prāśnika prāśnika, i. e. praśna + ika, m.
     1. An inquirer.
     2. An examiner, Mālav. 11, 23.

prāsa prāsa, i. e. pra- 2. as + a, m. A bearded dart, MBh. 7, 559.

prāsaka prāsaka, i. e. pra- 2. as + a, m. A die, dice.

prāsaṅga prāsaṅga, i. e. pra-ā-sañj + a, m. A yoke for cattle, MBh. 13, 3270.

prāsaṅgika prāsaṅgika, i. e. prasaṅga + ika, adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to any connexion, connected, Utt. Rāmac. 37, 17.
     2. Inherent.
     3. Incidental, episodical, Rājat. 5, 67.

prāsaṅgya prāsaṅgya, i. e. prāsaṅga + ya, adj. Yoked.

prāsāda prāsāda, i. e. pra- (ā-?) sad + a, m.
     1. A palace, Pañc. 256, 3.
     2. A temple, Pañc. 10, 8; Rām. 5, 38, 27.

prāsika prāsika, i. e. prāsa + ika, adj. Armed with a spear.

prāsthānika prāsthānika, i. e. prasthāna + ika, adj. Referring to a journey, Rām. 2, 25, 16 Gorr.

prāhuṇa prāhuṇa, (a form of prāghuṇa), m. A guest, Kathās. 45, 269; 311.

prāhuṇaka prāhuṇa + ka, f. ṇikā, A guest, Kathās. 45, 267; 272.

prāhṇetana prāhṇetana, i. e. pra-ahna + i + tana, adj., f. , Belonging to the forenoon, matutinal.

priya priya, i. e. prī + a,
I. adj., f. , comparat. priyatara and preyaṃs, superl. priyatama and preṣṭha, Beloved, dear, Pañc. i. d. 205; agreeable, Śāk. 112, 15. preyaṃs, Much beloved, Kathās. 26, 283; Lass. 68, 4.
II. m.
     1. A husband, Bhāg. P. 4, 3, 6.
     2. A lover, Pañc. i. d. 205.
     3. A sort of deer.
     4. A sort of drug.
III. f. A wife or mistress.
IV. n.
     1. Love, Rājat. 5, 47; sake, Chr. 22, 18.
     2. A service, Vikr. 11, 18.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. unkind, offensive, Man. 5, 156.
II. m. an enemy, Man. 6, 62. putra-, m. a kind of bird, MBh. 3, 9927. prāṇa-, adj. as dear as life, Lass. 8, 11. ati-prāṇa-, adj. dearer than life, Pañc. 220, 24. priyāpriya, i. e. priya-a-, adj. agreeable and disagreeable, Hit. i. d. 11. maru-, m. a camel. yavana-, m. black pepper. raṇa-, 1. adj. warlike. 2. m. a hawk. ramā-, n. the lotus. ravi-, n. 1. the red lotus. 2. copper. vana-, m. the Indian cuckoo. vi-,
I. adj. disagreeable, Rājat. 5, 210.
II. n. offence, transgression, Rām. 3, 55, 17; hostility, Pañc. i. d. 409. sarva-, adj. 1. generally beloved. 2. generally friendly, loving all. su-, adj. agreeable. sura-, m. Indra. vṛhaspati-su-rata- (vb. ram), f. , a proper name. sneha-, m. a lamp. haya-, m. barley. hari-,
I. m. 1. Śiva. 2. a foot. 3. armour.
II. f. , Lakṣmī.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. filius.

priyaṃvada priyaṃvada, i. e. priya + m-vad + a,
I. adj.
     1. Speaking what is agreeable, Hit. iii. d. 103.
     2. Sweet speaking, Indr. 4. 11.
II. m. A proper name, Ragh. 3, 53.
III. f. , A proper name, Śāk. 10, 15.

priyaka priya + ka, m.
     1. The name of several plants.
     2. A kind of deer.
     3. A bee.
     4. A certain bird, MBh. 3, 11576.

priyakāra priya-kāra, and priyaṃkara priyaṃkara, i. e. priya + m-kara, adj.
     1. Acting kindly, Sund. 1, 5.
     2. Amiable.

priyakṛt priya-kṛ + t, adj. sbst. Doing a kindness, a friend, Johns. Sel. 18, 80.

priyaṃkara priyaṃkara, see priyakāra.

priyaṃgu priyaṃgu, m.
     1. A medicinal plant and perfume.
     2. Panick seed, Panicum italicum.
     3. Black mustard seed.
     4. Long pepper.

priyatā priya + tā, f.
     1. Being beloved, Man. 5. 50.
     2. Love, Rājat. 5, 351.

priyāla priyāla (akin to priya), m. A tree, commonly Piyal.

prī prī, ii. 9, prīṇā, prīṇī. and i. 1: † i. 10, Par. Ātm.
     1. To please to delight, Bhartṛ. 2, 71; Rājat. 5, 280.
     2. † To love. Pass. and i. 4, Ātm. (properly pass.),
     1. To be pleased, MBh. 1, 1070; with the termination of the Par., MBh. 3, 15025 (and loc.).
     2. To be satisfied, to assent, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 19.
     3. To love, Rām. 6, 10, 23. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. prīta.
     1. Beloved, Rām. 3, 49, 11.
     2. Pleased, delighted, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 21.
     3. Satisfied, Chr. 28, 17.
     4. Kind.
II. prīṇa, Comp. su-prīta, adj., well pleased, very happy, Johns. Sel. 5, 24. Caus. prīṇaya (properly a denomin. derived from prīṇa), To delight, MBh. 1, 6414. prīṇita, Pleased, Pañc. 198, 21.
-- With the prep. sam sam, i. 4, Ātm. To be pleased, Rām. 2, 45, 22 Gorr. (= Schl. 2, 48, 18, where erroneously priyeta with short i).
-- Cf. [greek] priya and prīti; Goth. frijon, frijonds, friathva, freis; A.S. fréfrian, freónd, freo, frio, frige, fridh.

prīti prī + ti, f.
     1. Joy, Pañc. ii. d. 71; gratification, Hit. i. d. 96, M. M.
     2. Love, Pañc. i. d. 317; Kathās. 99, 100.
     3. Peaceable way, Pañc. i. d. 421.
     4. The wife of Kāma, or Cupid.
-- Comp. nirupama-rasa, i. e. nis-upama-rasa-, f. unparalieled delight, Bhartṛ. 2, 9 (thus to be read).
-- Cf. A. S. fridh, fredho; O.H.G. fridu.

prītimant prīti + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Affectionate, Lass. 66, 1.
     2. Joyful, Chr. 60, 30.
     3. Content, voluntary, Chr. 6, 7.

pru pru, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

pruṣ pruṣ, i. 1, Par. (i. e. probably pra-uṣ), To burn, to consume by fire. ii. 9 (i. e. probably pra-ukṣ), pruṣṇā, pruṣṇi, Par.
     1. To sprinkle.
     2. † To be wet.
     3. † To fill.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

[Page 618b]

pruṣva pruṣ + va,
I. m.
     1. The rainy season.
     2. The sun.
II. f. , A drop of water.

pruṣvāya pruṣvāya, a denomin. derived from pruṣvā with ya, Ātm. To dribble.

prekṣaka prekṣaka, i. e. pra-īkṣ + aka, adj., f. ikā, and sbst. Looking at, a spectator, Chr. 26, 63; Utt. Rāmac. 162, 2.

prekṣaṇa prekṣaṇa, i. e. pra-īkṣ + ana,
I. n., and f. ṇā, Seeing, looking at, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1212; looking wantonly, Man. 2, 179.
     2. Seeing, visiting, Śāk. 18, 16 (Prākṛ.).
II. n.
     1. The eye.
     2. A public spectacle, Man. 9, 264.
-- Comp. tiryak- (see tiryañc), adj. looking sideways, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 36.

prekṣā prekṣā, i. e. pra-īkṣ + a, f.
     1. Seeing, Johns. Sel. 9, 11.
     2. Seeing a play or entertainment of dancing, etc., Man. 9, 48.
     3. Any public spectacle.
     4. Consideration, Hariv. 6462; intellect.

prekṣāvant prekṣā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Intelligent.

prekṣin prekṣin, i. e. pra-īkṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī, Seeing, Rām. 3, 52, 13.
-- Comp. tiryak- (see tiryañc), adj. looking sideways, MBh. 2, 2164.

preṅkhā preṅkhā, i. e. pra-īṅkh + a, f.
     1. A swing, a hammock.
     2. Dancing.
     3. A horse's pace.

preṅkhol preṅkhol, i. 10 (properly a denomin. akin to pra-īṅkh), To swing, Pañc. rec. orn. preṅkholita, Swung.

preṅkholana preṅkhol + ana, n. A swing, a hammock.

preṇi preṇi, i. e. prī + ni, m. One who delights by praises, Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. i. 112, 10.

[Page 619a]

prepsu prepsu, i. e. pra-īpsa, desider. of āp, + u, adj. Desirous of obtaining, desiring, Man. 5, 46.

preman preman, i. e.
I. prī + man (and priya + iman), n., Lass. 56, 16, and m. Love, Megh. 45; kindness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 187; 3337.
II. m.
     1. A name of Indra.
     2. Wind.
-- Comp. sthita-, m. a faithful friend. prakṛṣṭa-, f. , exceedingly loving, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 4.

preyaṃs preyaṃs, see priya.

preraṇa preraṇa, i. e. pra-īr + ana,
I. n.
     1. Sending, directing.
     2. Ordering.
     3. Passion.
II. f. ṇā, Instigation, Hit. 88, 4; Rājat. 5, 478.

prertvan prertvan, i. e. pra-īr + tvan,
I. m. The ocean.
II. f. varī, A river.

preṣpreṣ (? or hreṣ hreṣ), i. 1, Ātm. To go.

preṣaṇa preṣaṇa, i. e. pra- 1. iṣ + ana, n. Sending, despatching, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 7; errand, Lass. 30, 8.

preṣṭha preṣṭha, see priya.

preṣya preṣya, i. e. pra- 1. iṣ, Caus., + ya, m. A servant, Chr. 52, 17; a slave, Man. 3, 9.
-- Comp. grāma-, m. the public servant of a town, MBh. 12, 2359; cf. Man. 3, 153.

preṣyatā i. e. preṣya + tā, f. Slavery, service, Man. 12, 70; Pañc. iii. d. 239.

praiṇ praiṇ, see paiṇ.

praiṣa praiṣa, i. e. pra- 1. 2. iṣ + a.
     1. Order.
     2. Sorrow.
     3. Frenzy.

praiṣya praiṣya, i. e. preṣya + a,
I. m., f. , A servant.
II. n. Condition of a servant, Man. 2, 32.

prokṣaṇa prokṣaṇa, i. e. pra-ukṣ + ana, n.
     1. Sprinkling with water, Man. 5, 115.
     2. Immolation of victims.

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proccaṇḍa proccaṇḍa, i. e. pra-ud-caṇḍa, adj. Horrible, Utt. Rāmac. 43, 4.

proccais proccais, i. e. pra-uccais (cf. ucca), adv. Very loud, Pañc. 78, 6.

projjhana projjhana, i. e. pra-ujjh + ana, n. Leaving.

protkaṭa protkaṭa, i. e. pra-utkaṭa, adj. Favourite(?), Pañc. 156, 19.

protkarṣa protkarṣa, i. e. pra-utkarṣa, m. Pre-eminence, Utt. Rāmac. 134, 4.

protsāhana protsāhana, i. e. pra-ud-sah, Caus., + ana, n. Instigating, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 23.

proth proth, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To neigh, to snort.
     2. To be able (cf. protha).

protha protha, i. e.
I. proth + a (perhaps pra-ud-stha, vb. sthā; in this case the vb. proth would be an old denomin., but cf. N.H.G. prusten), m. and n. The nose of a horse, Nal. 13, 20; of a hog, Arj. 3, 19.
II. (for prottha, i. e. pra-ud-stha), adj.
     1. Travelling, a traveller.
     2. Notorious.
     3. Fixed.
III. m.
     1. The loins or hips.
     2. The womb.

proṣṭhapada proṣṭhapada, m. The month Bhādra, August -- September.

proṣṇa proṣṇa, i. e. pra-uṣṇa, adj. Very hot, Pañc. iii. d. 204.

proha proha, i. e. pra-ūh + a,
I. adj.
     1. Skilful.
     2. A reasoner.
II. m.
     1. An elephant's foot.
     2. A joint.

prauḍha prauḍha, see pra-vah.

prauḍhi prauḍhi, f., i. e.
I. pra-vah + ti.
     1. Increase, Kathās. 14, 63.
     2. Elevation, Kathās. 21, 103 (in speech).
     3. Enterprize, confident or andacious exertion.
II. pra-ūh + ti, Investigation, discussion.

prauṣṭhapada prauṣṭhapada, i. e. proṣthapada + a.
     1. m. The month Bhādra, August -- September.
     2. f. , Full moon in Bhādra, Man. 4, 95.

plakṣplakṣ, v. r. of bhakṣ.

plakṣa plakṣa, m.
     1. The holy figtree, Ficus religiosa, Nal. 12, 4.
     2. The waved-leaf fig-tree, Ficus infectoria.
     3. Another tree, Hibiscus populneoides.
     4. One of the seven Dvīpas or divisions of the world.
     5. A side door.

plabplab, and plab plav, i. 1, Ātm. To go; cf. plu.

plava plava, i. e. plu + a,
I. adj. Leaping, jumping.
II. m.
     1. Jumping.
     2. Swimming, Bhartṛ. i. 19 (cf. Böhtl. Roth. Skr. Wörterbuc. s. v. pulakay).
     3. A raft, a boat, Pañc. ii. d. 42.
     4. A frog.
     5. A monkey.
     6. A sort of duck, Man. 5, 12.
     7. A declivity or shelving ground.
     8. A sort of basket or snare for catcing fish.
-- Comp. aśma(n)-, m. a boat of stone, Man. 4, 190. See ku-. Marut-, m. a lion.
-- Cf.[greek]

plavaka plavaka, i. e. plu + aka, m. A tumbler, a man who walks on the edge of a aword, etc.

plavaga plava-ga (vb. gam), m.
     1. A monkey, Rām. 5, 58, 13.
     2. A frog.

plavaṃga plavaṃga, i. e. plava + m-ga (vb. gam), m.
     1. A monkey.
     2. A deer.

plavaṃgama plavaṃgama, i. e. plava + m-gam + a, m.
     1. A monkey, Man. 7, 72; Utt. Rāmac. 3, 4.
     2. A frog.

plavana plavana, i. e. plu + ana, n.
     1. Jumping.
     2. Swimming.
     3. Inclining, MBh. 12, 1454.
-- Comp. kuśa-, n. the name of a holy place, MBh. 3, 8179.

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plihplih, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

plihan and plīhan pli/īhan, m., and plīhā plīhā (ŚKD.), f.
     1. The spleen, Yājñ. 3, 94 (ī).
     2. Its disease.
-- Cf. [greek] probably [greek] Lat. lien.

plīplī, or lvī lvī, ii. 9, plinā, plinī, lvinā, lvinī, Par. To go.

plīhan plīhan and plīhā plīhā, see plihan.

plu plu, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To swim, Rām. 2, 69, 9.
     2. To navigate, MBh. 3, 12782.
     3. To fly, 3, 11767.
     4. To jump, Śāk. d. 7; Rām. 5, 2, 34 (plavant, pteple. of the pres. Par., perhaps A monkey).
     5. To jump over (with acc.), Rām. 1, 1, 70.
     6. To blow, MBh. 3, 11070. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. pluta.
     1. Bathed, Chr. 46, 25; wet, Pañc. 206, 24.
     2. Jumped.
     3. Lengthened to three moras, Man. 2, 125. n.
     1. Leaping, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 12.
     2. Bounding, Lass. 27, 1; capering, one of a horse's paces. Frequent. poplūya, To swim swiftly, Rām. 2, 95, 10. Caus. plāvaya,
     1. To inundate, Rājat. 5, 269.
     2. To sprinkle, Pañc. 208, 12.
     3. Ātm. To bathe, Rām. 1, 44, 56.
     4. To cause to stagger. plāvita, Moistened, Pañc. 122, 24; covered (with blood), 237, 17.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, abhipluta,
     1. Overflowed.
     2. Attacked, Hit. iv. d. 87 (v.r. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 936).
     3. Labouring, Man. 4, 41.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To cover, MBh. 3, 2016. samabhipluta, Overwhelmed, labouring, Man. 4, 42.
-- With ava ava, To spring down, MBh. 4, 1260.
     2. To deviate, 2, 1452.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To bathe, Man. 5, 77.
     2. To wash, MBh. 3, 8514.
     3. To swim near, 8. 12098.
     4. To leap on, Johns. Sel. 31, 50. āpluta,
     1. Bathed, Johns. Sel. 41, 49.
     2. Wetted, Pañc. 238, 23; 160, 4 (covered, viz. with blood).
     3. Covered, MBh, 3, 10693. m. An initiated householder. n. Bathing. Caus.
     1. To cause to bathe, MBh. 1, 7334.
     2. Ātm. To bathe (gātrāṇi, one's own limbs), Chr. 46, 29.
     3. To sprinkle, Man. 3, 244.
     4. To inundate, Man. 11, 97.
     5. To cause to move, to excite, Rām. 1, 16, 24.
-- With samā sam-ā, samāpluta,
     1. Drenced, drowned.
     2. Filled, MBh. 3, 2172.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To leap up, Pañc. 117, 1.
     2. To spring on, Man. 8, 236. utpluta, Jumped upon, approached suddenly.
-- With upa upa, upapluta,
     1. Wet.
     2. Covered, Rām. 2, 7, 16.
     3. Assailed, Man. 4, 118.
     4. Distressed, MBh. 3, 2025.
     5. Eclipsed.
     6. Marked by prodigies.
-- With pari pari, To fluctuate, throb, Utt. Rāmac. 171, 5. paripluta,
     1. Circumfused, Chr. 30, 37.
     2. Bathed.
     3. Immersed.
-- With abhipari abhi-pari, abhiparipluta,
     1. Overflowed.
     2. Filled, Rām. 1, 73, 27.
     3. Agitated, Chr. 17, 29.
-- With vi vi, To fluctuate, Hit. iii. d. 2. vipluta,
     1. Immersed, Rājat. 5, 20.
     2. Mixed.
     3. Having had sexual intercourse, Man. 8, 377.
     4. Interrupted, Chr. 7, 21; troubled, Chr. 35, 7.
     5. Depraved, false, Utt. Rāmac. 104, 7.
     6. Devastated, destroyed, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 40. Comp. a-, adj. uninterrupted, without intermission, Man. 2, 249. bhaya-, adj. panic-struck. Caus. to divulge, to profane, Man 11, 198.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To flow together, Utt. Rāmac. 97, 14.
     2. To fluctuate, Utt. Rāmac. 155, 9. saṃpluta, Overspread, Johns. Sel. 60, 188. Caus. To inundate, Rām. 1, 44, 35.
-- Cf. [greek]

[Page 621b] [greek] probably [greek] Lat. pluere, plorare, fluere, probably lavare; O.H.G. flawjan, fluz; A.S. fleot; O.H.G. fliuzan; A.S. fleowan, aet-flowan, fleotan; O.H.G. flot; A.S. flód, also fleógan, fliógan, and fleón, flión.

plukṣi plukṣi (cf. 1. pluṣ), m. Fire.

pluṣ 1. pluṣ, i. 1 and 4, Par. To burn (cf. pruṣ). pluṣṭa, Rām. 2, 79, 20; Utt. Rāmac. 15, 5.
-- With ud ud, To consume with fire; utpluṣṭa, Ṛt. 1, 22.

pluṣ 2. pluṣ, ii. 9, Par.
     1. † To be wet.
     2. † To sprinkle.
     3. † To fill.
     4. To burn (cf. pruṣ).

plusplus, i. 4, Par.
     1. To burn.
     2. To share.

plevplev, see pev.

ploṣa ploṣa, i. e. pluṣ + a, m. Burning, Rājat. 4, 316.

psā psā (sprung from bhas + ā by dropping a), ii. 2, Par. To eat. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. psāta, Eaten.
-- Cf. [greek]

psāna psāna, i. e. psā + ana, n. Eating.


phakk phakk, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To creep, to move slowly.
     2. † To act wrongly.

phakkikā phakkikā, f.
     1. An assertion to be proved.
     2. A sophism.
     3. Fraud.

phaṭ phaṭ, A mystical syllable, Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 8.

phaṭa phaṭa (probably sphaṭ + a),
I. m., and f. ṭā, The expanded hood or neck of the cobra di capello, or snake, Pañc. iii. d. 83; i. d. 229.
II. f. ṭā.
     1. A tooth.
     2. A cheat.

phaṇ phaṇ, i. 1, Par. To go. Caus. phaṇaya,
     1. To cause to go.
     2. To produce easily (cf. phāṇṭa).

phaṇa phaṇa, m., and f. ṇā, The expanded hood or neck of the cobra di capello, or snake in general, Pañc. i. d. 107; Śāk. d. 158; Bhartṛ. 2, 28 (ṇā).
-- Comp. avākph°, i. e. avāñc-, adj. with downcast neck, Ṛt. 1, 13 v. r. go-phaṇā, f. a concave bandage for the chin, nose, etc., Suśr. 1, 65, 18.

phaṇabhṛt phaṇa-bhṛ + t, phaṇavant phaṇa + vant, and phaṇin phaṇin, i. e. phaṇa + in, m. A snake, Kir. 5, 11 (°bhṛt); 27 (vant); Pañc. i. d. 175 (°ṇin).

phaṇḍa phaṇḍa, m. The belly.

pharpharīka pharpharīka,
I. m. The palm of the hand with the fingers extended.
II. n.
     1. Sweetness.
     2. A shoot.

phal phal (sprung from original spar, cf. sphar, sphur), i. 1, Par.
     1. To burst, MBh. 3, 1654.
     2. To disappear (as if by bursting), MBh. 13, 7472.
     3. To produce, Hit. ii. d. 132.
     4. To bear fruit, figuratively, Man. 1, 84; to fall to one's share, Hit. 54, 18; to befall, Hit. iii. d. 21 (sādhuṣu, the good ones).
     5. To be fruitful, Bhartṛ. 2, 38.
     6. To be useful, 2, 98.
     7. Impersonal pass. phalitam (supply asti), Fruit is borne, produced, Hit. 21, 13.
     8. † To go. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. phalita (or phala + ita),
     1. Fruitful, bearing fruit, Hit. 47, 3, M.M.
     2. Successful, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 1.
II. phulla (instead of phal + na),
     1. Blown, expanded as a flower, Ṛt. 6, 6; Pañc. i. d. 152.
     2. Opened (as the eyes, with pleasure), smiling.
-- With the prep. ud ud, utphulla,
     1. Blown, as a flower, Kir. 5, 39.
     2. Expanded (as the eyes, with fear), Rām. 3, 50, 15; (with surprise, with joy), Hit. 51, 10, M. M.; Indr. 2, 26. Caus. phālaya, To open, MBh. 1, 5977.
-- With prod pra-ud, protphulla, Blown, as a flower, Ṛt. 6, 34.
-- With pra pra, praphulla,
     1. Blown, as a flower, Ṛt. 6, 1.
     2. Smiling.
     3. Shining.
     4. Glad.
-- With prati prati, To bound against, to be reflected, Śiś. 9, 37. pratiphalita,
     1. Reflected.
     2. Requited.
-- Cf. probably [greek] Lat. flos; A.S. blowan; Goth. bloma; A. S. bloma, blostma.

phala phal + a, n.
     1. Fruit, Utt. Rāmac. 33, 8.
     2. Revenue, Hit. iv. d. 121.
     3. Consequence, Chr. 9, 43.
     4. Result, Hit. iv. d. 98 (saṃkhyā-mātram, consisting only in the number, i. e. by reckoning four you have nothing but the number, really there is only one).
     5. Fulfilment of an omen, Śāk. d. 15.
     6. Gain, Bhartṛ. 2, 18.
     7. Reward.
     8. A shield.
     9. The blade of a sword or knife, the head of an arrow, Daśak. 197, 2(?).
     10. A ploughshare.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. . 1. Without fruit, Rām. 4, 59, 12. 2. unproductive, Man. 2, 158; figurat. 234. 3. unprofitable, prejudicial, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 8. karma(n)-, n. retribution for actions, Man. 11, 231. kṛṣṭa-, n. the value of the crop, Yājñ. 2, 158. kṣīṇa-, (vb. kṣi), adj. fruitless, Pañc. ii. d. 102. tri-,
I. adj., f. , endowed with three fruits, Kām. Nītis. 8, 42.
II. f. , the three myrobalans. niṣph°, i. e. nis-, adj., f. . 1. without fruit, Rām. 4, 48, 6. 2. fruitless, useless, Man. 3, 144. 3. unproductive, Pañc. 174, 19. 4. irrelevant. puṇya-, n. reward of virtue or meritorious works Man. 3, 95. puraḥph°, i. e. puras-, adj. of which the fruit is coming on. marut-, n. hail. mahā-,
I. n. a great fruit, Bhartṛ. 2, 86.
II. m. a fruit-tree, Aegle marmelos.
III. f. , a bitter gourd. manda-, adj., f. , bearing scanty fruit, Lass. 35, 20. muktā-, n. 1. a pearl, Pañc. pr. d. 9. 2. camphor. yathā-phala + m, when bearing fruit, Pañc. i. d. 246. vi-, adj. vain, fruitless useless Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1395. śāri-, n. a chequered cloth or fable for playing draughts. śrī-, 1. m. a fruit-tree, Aegle marmelos. 2. (n.) the fruit of the Vilva, Man. 5, 120. sa-, adj. 1. bearing fruit, Hit. i. d. 10, M. M.; rewarded, Vikr. 10, 9; fulfilled, Vikr. d. 27. 2. yielding a profit. 3. blessed, Rājat. 5, 373. su-,
I. adj. bearing good fruit.
II. m., and f. , the name of several plants.

phalaka phala + ka,
I. (m. and) n.
     1. A board, Man. 8, 396.
     2. A bench, Man. 2, 204 (Kull.).
     3. A layer, a base, Megh. 77 (at the end of a comp. adj., f. , Having a base of crystal).
     4. Surface, Bhartṛ. 2, 28.
     5. A shield.
     6. A leaf for writing on, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 13 (? a small table).
     7. The bone of the forehead.
II. n.
     1. The buttocks.
     2. The receptacle of the seed = core; in gaṇḍa-, a core-like, or core-representing cheek, Śiś. 9, 47 (at the end of a comp. adj. Having cheeks instead of cores).
-- Comp. citra-, n. a table with a likeness, a picture, Śāk. 85, 17. śilā-, n. a layer or table of stone.

phalapākānta phalapākānta, i. e. phala-pāka + anta,
I. adj., f. , Perishing when the fruit is mature, Man. 1, 46.
II. f. , An annual plant.

phalamudgarikā phalamudgarikā, i. e. phala-mudgara + ka, f. A sort of date.

phalavant phala + vant, adj. vati, Bearing fruit, Man. 1, 47; fruitful, Hit. pr. 43, M. M.

phalasa phala-sa, m. The jack or bread-fruit-tree

phalin phalin, i. e. phala + in,
I. adj., f. , Having fruits, Cāṇ. 21 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408; bearing fruit, Man. 1, 47.
II. m. A tree, MBh. 14, 498.
III. f. .
     1. = Priyaṅgu.
     2. A potherb, Echites dichotoma.
     3. A flower, Celosia cristata.

phalina phalin + a, adj. Bearing fruit.

phalka phalka, adj., explained by viśodhitāṅka, which may be viśodhita-aṅka, or śodhita-aṅka with vi.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

phalgu phalgu, i. e. sphurj + a,
I. adj.
     1. Pithless, sapless.
     2. Vain, worthless, Pañc. pr. d. 10.
     3. Weak, Hit. iii. d. 79.
II. f.
     1. The opposite-leaved fig-tree.
     2. The spring season.
     3. Falsehood.

phalgutā phalgu + tā, f., and phalgutva phalgu + tva, n. Vainness, Bhartṛ. 2, 9.
-- Cf. sāraphalgutva.

phalguna phalgu + na,
I. m.
     1. The month Phālguna.
     2. A name of Arjuna.
II. f. , du. or pl. The eleventh and twelfth lunar asterisms, distinguished as former, pūrva, and latter, uttara; see phālguna.

phalgunaka phalguna + ka, m.
     1. Name of a people, Mārk. P. 58, 36.
     2. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 472.

phalya phalya, i. e. phala + ya, n. A flower.

phāṇṭa phāṇṭa, i. e. phaṇ, Caus., + ta,
I. ptcple. of the pf. pass. of the causal of phaṇ, Readily or easily prepared.
II. m. Diluted decoction
III. n. The first particle of butter that are prepared by churning.

phāṇḍa phāṇḍa (cf. phaṇḍa), n. The belly.

phāla phāla, i. e. phal + a,
I. m. n. The share of a plough, Man. 4, 46; 6, 16.
II. m. A name of Śiva and Balarāma.

phālguna phālguna, i. e. phalguna + a,
I. m.
     1. A month, February -- March, Rājat. 5, 221.
     2. A name of Arjuna, Johns. Sel. 13, 43.
     3. A sort of tree, Pentaptera arjuna.
II. f. .
     1. The day of full moon in the month Phālguna.
     2. The name of the eleventh and twelfth lunar asterisms, distinguished by the epithet former, pūrva, and latter, uttara.

phuṭa phuṭa, probably sphuṭ + a, m., f. ṭā, and n. The expanded hood or neck of a snake, Pañc. 174, 11 (ta).

phut phut, indecl.
     1. The expression of disregard.
     2. Imitative sound, implying the boiling of water, etc. (see kṛ, and cf. phūt).

phutkāra phut-kāra,
I. adj. Disdainful, arrogant.
II. m. The sound of bubbling (see phūtkāra).

phupphusa phupphusa, see pupphusa.

phullphull (cf. phal), i. 1, Par. To blossom.

phūt phūt = phut,
     1. Imitative sound of blowing, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1184.
     2. Crying aloud, expression of indignation, anger, Pañc. 35, 11; 82, 18; 193, 11; Vetālap. xviii. MS. (see kṛ).

phūtkartumanas phūtkartumanas, i. e. phūt-kartum-manas, adj. Intending to cry aloud, to rage, Pañc. 40, 19.

phūtkāra phūt-kāra, m.
     1. Blowing, hissing, Kathās. 22, 183.
     2. Crying aloud, 13, 59.

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phena phena, probably akin to sphāy, m.
     1. Froth, foam, Vikr. d. 115.
     2. Moisture, Man. 3, 19.
     3. Vapour.
     4. Cuttle-fish bone.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not frothy, Man. 2, 61.
-- Cf. A. S. fam, foeman; Lat. spuma.

phenala phena + la, phenavant phena + vant, adj., f. vatī, Frothy, foamy, Arj. 6, 2 (vant).

phenāya phenāya, a denomin. derived from phena with ya (Par.), Ātm. To froth, to foam, MBh. 6, 101.

phenin phenin, i. e. phena + in, phenila phenila, i. e. phena + ila, adj. Frothy, foamy, Hiḍ. 2, 11 (nin); Ragh. 13, 2 (nila).

phera phera, and pheru pheru, m. A jackal.

pherava pherava, i. e. pheru + a,
I. adj.
     1. Fraudulent.
     2. Malicious.
II. m.
     1. A jackal, Mālat. 79, 17.
     2. A Rākṣasa, Kathās. 47, 53.

pheru pheru, see phera.

phelphel, i. 1, Par. To go.

phela phela, n., phelā phelā, f., pheli and phelī pheli/ī, phelikā pheli + kā, f. Orts, leavings of a meal, or droppings from the mouth.


baṃhbaṃh, or vaṃh vaṃh (cf. bṛh), i. 1, Ātm. To grow or increase.

baṃhiṣṭha baṃhiṣṭha, baṃhīyaṃs baṃhīyaṃs, see bahula.

bakula bakula, see vakula.

baṭ baṭ, see vaṭ; baṭh bath, see vaṭh.

baḍavā baḍavā and vaḍavā, f.
     1. A mare, Pañc. 252, 16; Utt. Rāmac. 123, 1.
     2. The nymph Aśvinī, or the personified asterism which is designated by a horse's head, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 11.
     3. A female slave, Rājat. 5, 280 (cf. -anala).

baṇ baṇ, see t.

baṇigvaha baṇigvaha, i. e. baṇij-vah + a, n. A camel.

baṇij baṇij, and vaṇij vaṇij, i. e. paṇi (ved. A merchant), -ja (vb. jan), m. A merchant, Hit. 62, 9, M. M.
-- Comp. pota-, m. a seafaring merchant, Hit. 63, 11.

baṇijya baṇij + ya, n., and f. , Trade, traffic (probably erroneously for bāṇijya, q. cf.).

badbad, pad pad, band band, i. 1, Par. To be steady or firm.

badara badara,
I. m., and f. (and vadari), The jujube, Zizyphus jujuba or scandens, Nal. 12, 5 (v).
II. m. The seed of the cotton pod.
III. f. and , Cotton.
IV. f. .
     1. A plant, Mimosa octandra.
     2. A medicinal drug.
V. n.
     1. The fruit of the jujube.
     2. The pod of the cotton.
-- Cf. vadarī.

badarikā badarikā(?), i. e. badarī + ka (see the last), f. The jujube, Hit. i. d. 93, M. M.

badh badh,
     1. See han.
     2. See bandh.
     3. See bībhatsa.

badha badha, badhaka badhaka, see vadha, vadhaka.

badhatra 1. badh + atra, n. A weapon.

badhira badhira, probably bandh + ira, adj. Deaf, Pañc. v. d. 84.

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badhiratā badhira + tā f. Deafness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 831.

badhūyu badhūyu, see vadhūyu.

badhya badhya. see han.

badhyatā badhya + tā, see vadhyatā.

badhra badhra,
I. n. Lead.
II. (i. e. bandh + ra), f. , A thong, MBh. 1, 1406.

ban ban, see van.

bandh bandh, ii. 9, badhnā, badhnī, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Chr. 27, 2).
     1. To bind, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 14; with añjalim, to put one's hands together, etc. (see añjali,
3), Vikr. 58, 12; setunā Gaṅgām, To bridge over the Ganges, MBh. 3, 10727; to overpower, Pañc. i. d. 128; to preclude, Pañc. i. d. 350.
     2. To fasten, Matsyop. 47.
     3. To bind on, MBh. 3, 12066.
     4. To put on, Rām. 2, 37, 12; Ātm., Chr. 27, 2.
     5. To fix on (as the inclination), Man. 5, 47.
     6. To catch, Hit. i. d. 46.
     7. To gain, get, Vikr. d. 27 (dhṛtim, satisfaction).
     8. To bear (as fruit), Ragh. 12, 69.
     9. To punish, Hit. ii. d. 63. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. baddha,
     1. Bound.
     2. Fixed, Vikr. 54, 4; firmly rooted, Rājat. 5, 377.
     3. Directed, Pañc. i. d. 350.
     4. Got, Vikr. d. 26.
     5. Inlaid, Megh. 77.
     6. Checked, suppressed, Utt. Rāmac. 125, 1; Daśak. in. Chr. 187, 10.
     7. Withheld. Comp. a-, adj. inept. Nal. 26, 16. Comp. ptcple. fut. pass. a-badhya, adj. what may not be checked, Pañc. i. d. 413. Caus. bandhaya,
     1. To cause to be bound, endowed, Ragh. 12, 7.
     2. To cause to be embanked, Rājat. 5, 90. i. 10, and † badh badh, i. 10, To bind, Rām. 2, 84, 4.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To unite, Rām. 1, 72, 8.
     2. To hold together, Hit. i. d. 94, M.M.
     3. To set on, Utt. Rāmac. 82, 12 (Premacandra Tark°, to confound).
     4. To continue, MBh. 3, 2562.
     5. To follow, Śāk. 101, 20. anubaddha,
     1. Bound to.
     2. Connected, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 1 (-artha, adj. Wealthy).
     3. Pressed, Mālav. 44, 14.
-- With api api, apibaddha, Connected, fastened.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To fasten, Rām. 2, 96, 31.
     2. To put on, Rām. 3, 50, 3. ābaddha,
     1. Bound on, Kir. 5, 33 (-vepathu, adj. Trembling).
     2. Joined, Rājat. 5, 92; Daśak. in Chr. 199, 14.
     3. Put on, Megh. 9.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To fasten, Pañc. 135, 5; MBh. 3, 10030; to fix, Vikr. d. 118.
     2. To fetter, Man. 6, 74.
     3. To impose, Vikr. d. 36.
     4. To catch, Pañc. 105, 9; and, To gain, i. d. 18.
     5. To gain, i. d. 18.
     6. To record, Man. 8, 255.
     7. To destroy, MBh. 4, 982. nibaddha,
     1. Bound, Utt. Rāmac. 143, 2 (covered).
     2. Connected, Man. 4, 155; made, Pañc. 211, 5.
     3. Fixed upon.
     4. Checked.
     5. Restricted. Comp. a-, adj. not called upon as witness, Man. 8, 76 (Kull.).
-- With upani upa-ni, upanibaddha, Composed, Utt. Rāmac. 162, 13.
-- With nis nis, nirbaddha, Pressed hard, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 3. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. nirbandhanīya, n. Quarrel(?), Hariv. 7267.
-- With pari pari, paribaddha, Obstructed, Rām. 2, 58, 11.
-- With pra pra, To bind, Pañc. iii. d. 269. prabaddha, Bound, fastened, Pañc. 89, 10.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To disclaim, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 6.
     2. To obstruct, Ragh. 1, 80 (79).
     3. To enchase, Pañc. i. d. 85. pratibaddha,
     1. Obstructed.
     2. Opposed.
     3. Set, inlaid, bestudded, Śiś. 9, 8.
     4. Bound, connected with, Hit. iii. d. 128.
-- With sam sam, saṃbaddha,
     1. Connected with.
     2. Endowed with.
     3. Bound. Comp. a-, adj. 1. one who has received no mandate, being without authority, Man. 8, 163. 2. unconnected. 3. incoherent. 4. inept, Śāk. d. 16.
-- With anusam anu-sam, anusaṃbaddha, Accompanied, Johns. Sel. 23, 123.
-- Cf. Goth. and A. S. bindan; A.S. bonda, baend, baest; Goth. fastan; O.H.G. fasti; A. S. faest; Lat. patibulum (cf. rudhira), pendere pendêre, pondus, etc., probably filum, funis (for fid + lum, fud-nis mani-festus; [greek] (for [greek]

bandha bandh + a, m.
     1. Binding. Pañc. 248, 12; laying (snares), Pañc. 114, 11.
     2. Holding in fetters, Man. 8, 310.
     3. The body.
     4. Building, Rājat. 5, 114.
     5. Forming, 344.
     6. Agreement, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 19; union, Pañc. 60, 19.
     7. A tie, Vikr. d. 85; fetter, knot, Hit. i. d. 49, M. M.
     8. A pledge, a deposit.
-- Comp. aṅka-, m. branding with a dishonouring mark, Yājñ. 2, 294. artha-, m. a text, Śāk. d. 164. lalita-artha-, adj. composed in verses treating of love, Vikr. d. 32. aśva-bandh + a, m. a groom, Rām. 2, 91, 55. āśā-, m. 1. confidence, Megh. 10. 2. a spider's web, ib. āsana-, m. sitting down, Ragh. 2, 6. keśa-, m. a hair fillet, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 28. daśabandha, i. e. daśan-, m. a fine amounting to the tenth part, Man. 8, 107. paśu-, m. immolation of an animal, MBh. 3, 184. pāṇi-, m. union of the hands (as in marriage), MBh. 12, 9516. pāda-, m. a chain for the feet, MBh. 8, 2586. pāśa-, m. a net or noose, Hit. i. d. 44. maṇi-, m. the wrist. rāga-, m. true connection of the rāgas, Mālav. d. 29. vatsa-, adj., f. dhā, anxious for (her) calf, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 12. su-,
I. adj. well-secured.
II. m. Sesamum. setu-, m. 1. a dike, Rājat. 5, 92. 2. the ridge of rocks between the Coromandel coast and Ceylon.

bandhaka bandh + aka,
I. n.
     1. Binding.
     2. Barter.
II. m. A pledge.
III. f. .
     1. An unchaste woman, Pañc. i. d. 197.
     2. A barren woman.
     3. A she elephant.
-- Comp. nāga-, m. an elephant-hunter. pāśa-, m. a birdcatcher, Pañc. iii. d. 224.

bandhana bandh + ana,
I. n.
     1. Binding, Pañc. ii. d. 20; Hit. iii. d. 21 (of the ocean, by a bridge), fastening, Hit. i. d. 29, M. M.; catcing, Pañc. 114, 6.
     2. Confining, Hit. 34, 3, M. M. (jāla-, by a net).
     3. A prison, Man. 9, 288.
     4. A rope for tying cattle.
II. m., f. or , and n. The instrument of tying, holding together, Utt. Rāmac, 40, 12; tic, Pañc. v. d. 19; string, Hit. 77, 1, M. M. (snāyu-, made of a sinew); a rope, a thread, Pañc. iv. d. 78; a chain, snare, Pañc. ii. d. 19; stem, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 15.
-- Comp. nau-, n. the name of the highest top of the Himālaya, Matsyop. 49. pāśa-,
I. n. a snare, Bhāg. P. 9, 16, 31.
II. adj. caught in a snare, Kathās. 13, 105. maṇi-, n. the wrist, Śāk. d. 61. lalita-pada-, n. a composition in verses treating of love, Śāk. 36, 16 (Prākṛ.). sa-avaśeṣa-, adj. still bound, Pañc. 109, 17. sāmarthya-, adj. cemented by power, Johns. Sel. 5, 30.

bandhamaya bandhamaya, see ślokabandhamaya.

bandhin -bandhin, i. e. bandh, and bandha + in, adj., f. , Fettered, Vikr. d. 147. matsya-, m. A fisher, Pañc. 247, 8.

bandhu bandh + u, m.
     1. A kinsman, Pañc. iii. d. 182.
     2. Kindred, Man. 2, 136; 3, 148 (maternal cousin, Kull.).
     3. A friend, Hit. i. d. 30, M. M.
-- Comp. a-, adj. having no friends, Pañc. i. d. 393. kṣatra-, m. 1. a Kṣatriya, Man. 2, 38. 2. a mere, a base Kṣatriya, Bhāg. P. 1, 16, 23. brahmabandhu, i. e. brahman-, m. 1. a Brāhmaṇa. 2. a base Brāhmaṇa, a term of abuse, Mālav. 39, 13; 58, 2. rājanya-, m. a Kṣatriya, Man. 2, 65. vasanta-, m. the god of love, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 11.

bandhura bandhura (partly vb. bandh),
I. adj.
     1. Uneven, undulating, Ragh. 13, 47.
     2. Bent, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 23.
     3. Pleasing, handsome, Śāk. d. 140.
     4. Deaf.
     5. Injurious.
II. m.
     1. A goose.
     2. A crane.
III. f. , A prostitute.
IV. n.
     1. A diadem.
     2. The dregs of oil.
-- Comp. a-, adj. straight, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 8.
-- Cf. vandhura and A.S. bendan.

bandhūra bandhūra, adj.
     1. Bent.
     2. Handsome (cf. the last).

bandhya bandhya, i. e. bandh + ya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Barren, Hit. pr. d. 15, M. M.
     2. Confined.
II. f. .
     1. A childless woman.
     2. A barren cow.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. fruitful, Megh. 11, s. v.; having a result, not vain, Vikr. d. 21. 2. happy, Vikr. d. 10.

babhr babhr (sprung from babhram, i. e. reduplicated bhram), or vabhr vabhr, i. 1, Par. To go, to go astray, Hit. 82, 13.

babhru babhru,
I. adj.
     1. Large.
     2. Tawny.
     3. Bald-headed through disease.
II. m.
     1. Viṣṇu, Śiva, fire.
     2. A large ichneumon.
III. n.
     1. A tawny or brown colour.
     2. Any object of that colour; e. g. a tawny (red-) haired man, Man. 4, 130.
-- Cf. O.H.G. brūn.

babhruśa babhru + śa, adj. Tawny.

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bamb bamb, see barb.

barjaha barjaha, m. or n. An udder, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4.

barbbarb, bamb bamb, marb marb, and mamb mamb, i. 1, Par. To go.

barbara barbara (borrowed from the Greek [greek] cf. varvara), m. A block head, Hit. 50, 8.

barh barh, or varh varh, i. 1, Ātm. †
     1. To be pre-eminent. †
     2. To speak.
     3. To kill. †
     4. To give, or to cover. i. 10, †
     1. To speak.
     2. To kill, to hurt.
-- With the prep. ni ni, i. 10, To destroy, to remove, Śiś. 1, 29.
-- Cf. varh, valh.

barha barha. and varha varha, m. and n.
     1. A peacock's tail, Megh. 15, 45.
     2. A leaf.
     3. Retinue.
-- Comp. citra-, 1. m. a peacock, MBh. 2, 2103. 2. a proper name, 5, 3597.

barhiṇa barhiṇa, and varhiṇa varhiṇa, i. e. barhin + a, m. A peacock, Vikr. d. 43.

barhin barhin, and varhin varhin, i. e. barha + in, m. A peacock, Draup. 8, 11.
-- Comp. citra-, adj. having a variegated peacock's tail, MBh. 13, 4206.

barhiṣad barhiṣad, i. e. barhis-sad, m. The name of a class of Pitṛs, Man. 3, 196.

barhis barhis, or varhis varhis,
I. n. A layer, a seat of sacred grass, Chr. 291, 6 = Rigv. i. 85, 6.
II. m. and n.
     1. Sacrificial grass.
     2. Sacrifice, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 5.
III. m.
     1. Fire.
     2. Lustre.

balbal. i. 1, Par.
     1. To live.
     2. To hoard grain. i. 10, Par.
I. bālaya (Caus.), To nourish.
II. balaya, To live.
-- Cf. bhal.

bala bala,
I. m.
     1. Baladeva.
     2. A crow, Chr. 24, 45.
     3. A demon.
II. n.
     1. Strength, Hit. i. d. 191, M.M.; power, Pañc. 44, 14.
     2. An army, Hit. iv. d. 32.
     3. Bulkiness.
     4. The body.
     5. Rigour, violence; abl. balāt, Forcibly, Vikr. 33, 2 (as if it was your intention); without, or against one's will, Chr. 77, 11; Pañc. 27, 10.
III. f. , A plant, Sida cordifolia.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. weakness, Rām. 1, 7, 12.
II. adj., f. , weak, Pañc. i. d. 387.
III. m. a proper name.
IV. f. , a woman, Megh. 2. balābala, i. e. bala-a-bala, n. strength and weakness, Hit. iii. d. 8. ati-,
I. adj., excessively strong, Rām. 3, 20, 37.
II. m. a proper name.
III. f. , 1. the name of a spell, Rām. 1, 24, 12. 2. a plant, Sida cordifolia. 3. a proper name. a-mogha-, adj. of unfailing power. kim-, adj. possessed of what a power, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 7. tuṅga-, m. a proper name. durbala, i. e. dus-, adj., f. . 1. weak, feeble, Pañc. i. d. 128. 2. without a prepuce, Man. 3, 151(?). nāga-, 1. m. a name of Bhīmasena. 2. f. , a shrub, Uraria lagopodioides. pari-dus-, adj. very weak, Rām. 3, 63, 5. mahā-,
I. adj. very strong, powerful, Hit. 89, 22.
II. m. air, wind.
III. n. lead.
IV. f. , a sort of Sida with yellow flowers, S. rhombifolia. yatha-bala + m, adv. to the utmost of one's power, Johns. Sel. 48, 84. vṛhadb°, i. e. vṛhant-, m. a proper name. sa-, adj. 1. powerful, strong, Pañc. i. d. 267. 2. with (his) army, Chr. 54, 16. su-mahā-, adj. very strong, Chr. 54, 14.

baladeva baladeva, m.
     1. Air, wind.
     2. The elder brother of Kṛṣṇa.

balabhid bala-bhid, m. Indra (the slayer of bala), Bhartṛ. 2, 85.

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balaya balaya, see valaya.

balavant bala + vant, adj., f. vatī, comparat. balīyaṃs, superl. baliṣṭha, strong, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 5; powerful, Chr. 35, 7; heavy, Vikr. 50, 8. balīyaṃs, Stronger, Pañc. iii. d. 7; balīyas + tara, much stronger, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 191. balavat, acc. sing. n., adv.
     1. Much, Vikr. 7, 9.
     2. Well, Śāk. d. 2.

balāka balāka, see valāka.

balākin balākin, i. e. balāka + in,
I. adj. Having cranes, Ragh. 11, 15.
II. m. A proper name, Johns. Sel. 42, 58.

balātkāra balātkāra, i. e. bala + at (abl. of bala), -kāra, m. Violence, Śāk. d. 173; Lass. 24, 19.

balāhaka balāhaka, also valā° valā°, m.
     1. A cloud, MBh. 1, 1289; Śiś. 4, 54.
     2. A mountain.
     3. A Nāga.
     4. A demon, Draup. 2, 13.

bali bali (also vali),
I. m.
     1. A religious offering, Pañc. 199, 13.
     2. Presentation of food to all created beings; it consists in throwing a small parcel of the offering into the open air, Hit. ii. d. 41.
     3. Fragments of food left at an oblation, or a meal, Pañc. 114, 5.
     4. The sacrifice of an animal, sacrifice in general, Lass. 31, 7.
     5. An animal, or one which is fit for an oblation.
     6. Tax, royal revenue, Man. 7, 80; 9, 254; Pañc. 130, 17.
     7. The handle of a fly-flapper, Megh. 36.
     8. A king of the Daityas, also mahābali, Johns. Sel. 95, 65; Pañc. iii. d. 268.
II. f., also balī, and vali.
     1. A wrinkle.
     2. The fold of skin upon the upper part of the belly, especially in females, Man. 6, 2; MBh. 1, 3467 (ī).
     3. The ridge of a thatch.
-- Comp. gṛha-bali, m. a domestic sacrifice, Man. 3, 265. tri-balī, or -valī, f. three folds of skin on the abdomen, Bhartṛ. 1, 80. sa-bali,
I. adj. endowed with (royal) revenues, Pañc. 130, 17.
II. m. evening twilight. sa-puṣpa-, adj. filled with offerings, surrounded by flowers, Vikr. d. 43.

balin balin, i. e. bala + in,
I. adj., f. , Strong, Pañc. i. d. 128.
II. m.
     1. A bull.
     2. A camel.
     3. A hog.
     4. A name of Balarāma.
     5. A sort of pulse, Phaseolus radiatus.
     6. A sort of jasmine.
III. f. , Sida cordifolia.

balina bali + na, and balibha bali + bha, adj. Wrinkled, shrivelled.

baliṣṭha baliṣṭha, and balīyaṃs balīyaṃs, see balavant.

balīyastva balīyastva, i. e. balīyaṃs + tva, n.
     1. State of being very powerful, Hit. iv. d. 42.
     2. Excessive strength, Hit. iv. d. 125.

balīvarda balīvarda, m. An ox (cf. balin), Pañc. i. d. 311.

balīvardha balīvardha, Hit. 57, 17 (corr. balīvarda).

balhbalh, or valh valh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To speak.
     2. To hurt.
     3. To give, or to cover. i. 10, Par. To speak, to shine.
-- Cf. barh and valh.

baṣ baṣ, see vaṣ.

bas bas, see 3. vas.

bahis bahis, see vahis.

bahu bahu, adj., f. hu and hvī, comparat. bahu + tara, Utt. Rāmac. 13, 13, and bhūyaṃs, i. e. bahu + īyams, superl. bhūyiṣṭha, i. e. bhūyaṃs + tha.
     1. Much, Hit. 82, 5, M.M.; many, Hit. ii. d. 35.
     2. Large, great.
     3. bahunā, with kim, In short, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 10. Comparat.
I. bhūyaṃs.
     1. More, largest, Utt. Rāmac. 89, 4.
     2. Greater part, Śāk. d. 7.
     3. Stronger, Vikr. 65, 12.
     4. More important, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 6. yas, acc. sing. n., adv.
     1. Repeatedly.
     2. Again, Pañc. i. d. 184; Vikr. d. 94.
     3. With following api, Again, Pañc. 24, 12; anew, Rājat. 5, 296.
     4. Doubled, bhūyobhūyas, Repeatedly, Pañc. 37, 25. bhūyasā, instr. sing. n. Generally, Utt. Rāmac. 128, 1.
II. bahutara + m, adv. with following stokam, More than, Śāk. d. 7. Superl. bhūyiṣṭha,
     1. Very rich, Śāk. 3, 11.
     2. Very many.
     3. Almost all, Vikr. d. 8. adv. °ṭham, For the greatest part, Utt. Rāmac. 114, 2.
-- Comp. a-bhūyiṣṭha, adj. scanty, Hit. iii. d. 108. samāpta-bhūyiṣṭha, adj. having the greater part finished. su-bahu, adj. very much, Chr. 28, 19.

bahuka bahuka, m.
     1. A crab.
     2. The digger of a tank.

bahukusumita bahukusumita, i. e. bahu-kusuma + ita, adj. Full of blossoms, Vikr. d. 27.

bahutas bahu + tas, adv. From or by much, or many.

bahutitha bahu + titha, adj., f. thī.
     1. Manifold, manieth.
     2. Very long, Nal. 13, 2.
     3. °tham, adv. A very long time, Chr. 57, 23.

bahutra bahu + tra, adv. In many ways.

bahutva bahu + tva, n.
     1. Multitude, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 997.
     2. Majority, Man. 8, 73.

bahudhanatva bahu-dhana + tva, n. Wealth, Śāk. 90, 20.

bahudhā bahu + dhā, adv.
     1. In many ways, Ṛt. 6, 10.
     2. Manifoldly, Chr. 33, 4; Pañc. iii. d. 74.

bahupatnīkṛt bahu-patnī-kṛ + t, adj. One who marries many wives, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 34.

bahula bahu + la,
I. adj., f. , comparat. baṃhīyaṃs, superl. baṃhiṣṭha.
     1. Manifold.
     2. Much, Bhartṛ. 2, 29; numerous, Pañc. ii. d. 8; abundant, Utt. Rāmac. 24, 13; exceeding, ib. 69, 2 (thus to be read).
     3. Abounding in, Man. 4, 60; Hit. i. d. 183, M.M.; Chr. 47, 41.
     4. Variously applicable (a rule).
     5. Black, Ragh. 11, 15.
II. m.
     1. Agni.
     2. The dark half of a month.
III. f. , pl. The Pleiades.
IV. n. The sky.

bahuśas bahu + śas, adv.
     1. Abundantly, Pañc. iii. d. 183.
     2. Repeatedly, Śāk. d. 22; Vikr. d. 115.

bāḍbāḍ, or vāḍ vāḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To bathe, to dive and emerge.

bāḍava bāḍava (also vāḍava), i. e. baḍavā + a,
I. m.
     1. A Brāhmaṇa.
     2. Submarine fire, Pañc. iv. d. 26.
II. n. A stud.

bāṇa bāṇa, see vāṇa.

bāṇijika bāṇijika, i. e. baṇij + ika, m. A trader, Man. 3, 181.

bāṇijya bāṇijya, i. e. baṇij + ya, n. Trade, Hit. 46, 14 (°yena, for traffic).

bādara bādara, i. e. badarā + a,
I. adj. Made of cotton.
II. m. The cotton plant.

bādh bādh, or vādh vādh (akin to badh, see han), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To repel, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 92, 5.
     2. To oppose.
     3. To remove, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 7.
     4. To annoy, Hit. 57, 5; to grieve, Man. 10, 129; Pañc. 31, 10; pass. To suffer, ii. d. 95.
     5. To torment, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2220 (= Hit. ii. d. 102, but cf. 1. 1.).
     6. To damage, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 7. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bādhita,
     1. Obstructed.
     2. Pained.
     3. Self-refuted, contradictory, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 7. Caus. To annoy, Rām. 1, 14, 15.
-- With adhi adhi, To annoy, MBh. 1, 5693.
-- With anu anu, To pain, Rājat. 5, 442.
-- With apa apa, To repel, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3.
-- With ā ā, To restrain, Śāk. Chezy. 58, 10.
-- With pari pari, To annoy, MBh. 3, 8743; to importune, Śāk. d. 184.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To repel, MBh. 2, 1648.
     2. To throw down, Pañc. i. d. 183.
     3. To destroy, i. d. 455.
     4. To annoy, Rām. 2, 53, 15.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To repel, Rām. 2, 52, 46.
     2. To restrain, MBh. 3, 1081.

bādha bādh + a, or vādha vādha,
I. m.
     1. Opposing.
     2. Being precluded by superior evidence (one of the five forms of fallacious middle term), Bhāṣāp. 77.
     3. Annoyance.
     4. Damage, Yājñ. 2, 156.
     5. Danger, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3136.
II. f. dhā.
     1. Refutation.
     2. Annoyance, affliction, pain, Gīt. 1, 26.
-- Comp. a-bādha, adj. 1. Not harassed, Nal. 12, 104 (by fear). 2. and abādha + ka, free, Kathās. 26, 80. para-loka-, f. loss of paradise, Pañc. 167, 8 (cf. my transl.). prāṇa-bādha, m. extreme peril. madana-, f. pain of love, Vikr. 41, 15. sa-, adj. 1. painful. 2. oppressive.

bādhana bādh + ana, n.
     1. Opposing.
     2. Refutation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 11.
     3. Pain.

bādhitatva bādhita + tva, n. Condition of being contradicted, refuted, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 21.

bāndhakineya bāndhakineya, i. e. bandhakī + in + eya, m. A bastard.

bāndhava bāndhava, i. e. bandhu + a, m.
     1. A relation, a kinsman, Pañc. iii. d. 141; Hit. i. d. 71, M. M.; Man. 4, 179 (a maternal relation, Kull.).
     2. A friend, Hit. i. d. 72, M. M.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without kinsmen or friends, Rājat. 5, 23; 220. hata- (vb. han), adj. without relations, Cāṇ. 6 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, p. 407.

bāla bāla,
I. adj.
     1. Young, Vikr. d. 26.
     2. Ignorant, Pañc. 169, 16.
II. m., and f. .
     1. A child (till sixteen years of age), Pañc. iv. d. 41; 219, 3; a foolish boy, Pañc. iv. d. 62.
     2. A colt.
     3. A five years' old elephant.
     4. A tail, Man. 8, 234.
     5. An elephant's or horse's tail, Rājat. 5, 386.
     6. Hair.
III. m. and n. A perfume, Andropogon schoenanthus.
IV. f. .
     1. A woman, Lass. 59, 10.
     2. Small cardamoms.
V. f. , A sort of earring.
-- Comp. dus-, Man. 3, 151 v. r. The signification is questionable; Medātithi gives, bald-pated, or red-haired, or without a prepuce.

bālaka bāla + ka,
I. m.
     1. A boy, a child, Pañc. 238, 20; a young one, 49, 18; young, Pañc. i. d. 372 (just risen, viz. the sun).
     2. A foot.
     3. The tail of a horse or elephant.
     4. A finger ring.
     5. A perfume.
II. f. likā.
     1. A female infant.
     2. A woman, Pañc. iv. d. 62.
     3. Sand (perhaps erroneously for bāluka).

bālakhilya bāla-khilya (ved.), m. A divine personage of the size of the thumb, sixty thousand of whom were produced from the hair of Brahman's body, MBh. 13, 442; Sund. 3, 5.

bāladhi bāladhi, i. e. bāla-dhā (see nidhi), m. A hairy tail, Man. 4, 67.
-- Comp. vakra-, m. a dog.

bāli bāli, and bālin bālin, i. e. bāla + in, m. A monkey, the son of Indra.

bāliśa bāliśa, derived from bāla,
I. adj.
     1. Young.
     2. Ignorant, foolish, Man. 3, 176; Pañc. i. d. 338.
     3. Careless.
II. n. A pillow.
-- Comp. a-, adj. wise, Hit. iv. d. 18.

bāliśatā bāliśa + tā, f. Childishness, foolishness, Utt. Rāmac. 147, 14.

bāliśya bāliśya, i. e. bāliśa + ya, n.
     1. Youth.
     2. Folly, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 8.
     3. Thoughtlessness.

bāluka bāluka, cf. bāla,
I. m. A drug and perfume.
II. f. .
     1. Sand, Man. 8, 250; 12, 76; Pañc. 105, 8.
     2. Powder, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 13.
     3. Camphor.
     4. and °kī , also bāluṅkī bāluṅkī, bāluṅgikā bāluṅgikā, bāluṅgī bāluṅgī, A sort of cucumber.
-- Comp. tapta-bāluka, adj. covered with hot sand, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 23. rakta-bāluka, n. red lead.

bāleya bāleya, i. e. bāla + eya,
I. adj.
     1. Fit for a child.
     2. Soft.
II. m.
     1. An ass.
     2. A demon.

bālya bālya, i. e. bāla + ya, n.
     1. Childhood, Pañc. 219, 14.
     2. Youth, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 1.
     3. Foolishness, Draup. 5, 6.

bāṣpa bāṣpa, see vāṣpa.

bāh bāh, see vāh.

bāha bāha,
I. m., and f. , The arm.
II. m. A horse (vb. vah).

bāhu bāhu, m. The arm, Vikr. d. 50.
-- Comp. ud-, and ūrdhva-, adj. having the arms lifted up, Ragh. 1, 3; Pañc. 165, 16. catur-, 1. adj. having four arms, Pañc. 251, 24. 2. m. Viṣṇu, Bhāg. P. 8, 17, 4; Śiva. dīrgha-, 1. adj. long-armed, Rām. 3, 74, 20. 2. m. a proper name. pṛthu-, adj. lustyarmed. maha-, and su-mahā-, adj. having long arms. su-,
I. adj. powerful, Chr. 3, 2; very powerful, 39, 7; epithet of Rāvaṇa, Utt. Rāmac. 103, 2.
II. m. a proper name, Johns. Sel. 27, 9.
-- Cf. [greek]

bāhuka bāhu + ka,
I. adj. Servile, a servant.
II. m.
     1. A monkey.
     2. also vāhuka vāhuka, The name of Nala after his change of form, Nal. 15, 2.

bāhuguṇya bāhuguṇya, i. e. bahu-guṇa + ya, n. Excess, Man. 7, 71 (instr. yena, Exceedingly)

bāhumaya bāhu + maya, adj., f. , Made with the arms.

bāhula bāhula,
I. i. e. bahula + a, m.
     1. Fire.
     2. The month Kārttika.
II. i. e. bāhu + la, n. Mail worn on the arms.

bāhulya bāhulya, i. e. bahula + ya, n. Plenty, Hit. 47, 5, M. M.

bāhya bāhya, see vāhya.

biṭbiṭ, viṭ viṭ, viḍ viḍ, and hiṭ hiṭ, i. 1, Par. To curse, to swear.

bindbind, or bhind bhind, i. 1, Par. To divide; cf. bhid.

bimba bimba, or vimba,
I. m. and n.
     1. The disk of the sun or moon, Pañc. 162, 23.
     2. A reflected form, an image, Megh. 48.
     3. Reflection, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 18.
     4. The gourd of the Momordica monadelpha.
II. n., and f. or , A cucurbitaceous plant with red fruit, Momordica monadelpha, Pañc. i. d. 225.
-- Comp. abhi-arka-bimba + m, adv. towards the orb of the sun, Śāk. d. 170. indu-, n. or m. the disk of the moon, Vikr. d. 34. nitamba-, n. the rounding of the buttocks, Ṛt. 6, 5. ratha-aṅga-croni-vimba, adj., f. , having buttocks like the part (half) of a wheel, i. e. semicircular, Vikr. d. 100. hasta-, n. perfuming the person.

bimbita bimbita, i. e. bimba + ita, also vimbita, adj.
     1. Reflected, Rājat. 5, 343.
     2. Pictured.
-- Comp. prati-, adj. reflected, Utt. Rāmac. 109, 5; Lass. 73, 14.

bimboṣṭha bimboṣṭha, and bimbhauṣṭha bimbauṣṭha, or vimb°, i. e. bimba-oṣṭha,
I. m. A bimba-like lip, i. e. red as the Bimba fruit, Kathās. 4, 8 (corr. p. 146 A, 2 bel.).
II. adj., f. ṭhā and ṭhī, Having lips like the Bimba fruit, redlipped.

bilbil, i. 6, Par., and i. 10, Par., also bhil bhil, To break, to divide; cf. bhid.

bila bila, see vila.

biśbiś, and beś beś, i. 6, Par. To go(?).

bisbis, i. 4, Par. To throw or cast.

bīja bīja, see vīja.

bībhbībh, or cībh cibh, i. 1, Ātm. To boast.

bībhatsa 1. bībhatsa, an anomal. desider. probably of bādh, Ātm. To be angry, to detest, Utt. Rāmac. 6, 6 (with abl.).

bībhatsa 2. bībhatsa, i. e. bībhatsa + a,
I. m. Disgust, abhorrence.
II. adj.
     1. Loathing, detesting.
     2. Loathful, Utt. Rāmac. 99, 9; Pañc. iii. d. 112.
     3. Mischievous, cruel.
     4. Envious.
-- Comp. ati-,
I. m. grudge, envy, Rām. 3, 1, 21
II. adj. exceedingly loathful, cruel, Utt. Rāmac. 29, 2.

bībhatsu bībhatsu, i. e. bībhatsa + u, adj. Envious, emulous, Arj. 3, 1 (read bibh°).

bukk bukk, i. 1 and † 10, Par.
     1. To sound, to bark, Pañc. rec. orn.
     2. † i. 10, To give pain.

bukka bukka,
I. m. A goat.
II. m., f. and , and n. The heart.

buṅg buṅg, see vuṅg.

buṭbuṭ, i. 10 and 1, Par. To kill.

buḍ buḍ, see cuḍ and puḍ.

bud bud, see bund.

buddhi buddhi, i. e. budh + ti, f.
     1. Understanding, Bhā-hāp. 50; Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 24; Pañc. 81, 5.
     2. Reflexion, Rām. 3, 48, 14.
     3. Intellect, Pañc. i. d. 219.
     4. Mind, Pañc. i. d. 87; Chr. 5, 8.
     5. Thought, Rām. 3, 48, 14; intention, Pañc. v. d. 83.
     6. Knowledge, Bhāṣāp. 165.
     7. Opinion, Hit. 81, 14 (vyāghra-, mistaking him for a tiger).
     8. Presence of mind, Pañc. ii. d. 6.
-- Comp. a-,
I. f. foolishness, Rām. 4, 1, 23.
II. adj. foolish, Man. 3, 104. ati-manuṣya-, adj. having a more than human intellect, Johns. Sel. 54, 139. apekṣā-, f. that operation of the mind by which we count things one by one, which produces dvitva, etc., Bhāṣāp. 106. See ku. Kṛta-, adj. 1. one who knows his duty, Man. 1, 97. 2. resolved, Vikr. 86, 19. kṣudra-, m. a proper name. durb° i. e. dus-,
I. f. foolishness, MBh. 5. 4890.
II. adj. perverse, foolish MBh. 4, 416; Hiḍ. 1, 45. duṣṭa- (vb. duṣ), adj. ill-minded, Pañc. 22, 11. droha-,
I. adj. treacherous, Pañc. 58, 8.
II. f. treachery, 58, 21. dharma-,
I. adj. virtuous.
II. m. a proper name. nirb°, i. e. nis-, adj. deprived of reason, Hit. i. d. 133, M. M. pāpa-, 1. adj. evil-minded. 2. m. a proper name. bheda-, f. distinction, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 10. manda-, adj. stupid. su-manda-, adj. very disheartened, Chr. 41, 8. mahā-, adj. endowed with much intellect, Pañc. 4, 22; very sensible (ironically, Chr. 6, 7). vikṛta-, adj. ill-minded, Hit. 73, 18. vita-viruddha-, i. e. vi-ita-vi-ruddha- (vb. rudh), adj. peaceable. su-, adj. intelligent, wise.
-- Cf. [greek]

buddhitas buddhi + tas, adv.
     1. = abl. of buddhi, Bhāṣāp. 121.
     2. By the mind, Rām. 6, 95, 54.

buddhimant buddhi + mant, adj., f. matī, Endowed with understanding, Man. 1, 96; intelligent, Pañc. iii. d. 40; wise, Pañc. i. d. 219.

budbuda budbuda, m. A bubble, Utt. Rāmac, 88, 3; Pañc. 203, 6.

budh budh, i. 1, Par. Ātm., i. 4, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 1, 5053); originally, To fathom, to penetrate (cf. ved. budh + na, Depth, ground; A. S. bytne, botm; [greek] Lat. fundus).
     1. To understand, Hit. i. d. 92 (pass.).
     2. To know, MBh. 1, 5148 (i. 4).
     3. To think, Hit. i. d. 3.
     4. To perceive, MBh. 3, 2893 (i. 4); Lass. 55, 12 (Ātm.); 14 (Par.).
     5. To admonish, Pañc. i. d. 176, (boddhavya, in the sense of bodhayitavya).
     6. i. 4, To recover one's senses, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 57.
     7. i. 4, To awake, Rām. 1, 46, 19; pass., Pañc. 183, 2; Śiś. 9, 24. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. buddha,
     1. Known, understood.
     2. Knowing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 5. m.
     1. A sage.
     2. The founder of the Bauddha religion. Comp. a-, adj. foolish. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. aśva-budhya, adj. cognoscible, distinguished by horses, Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7. Caus. bodhaya,
     1. To cause to know (with two acc.), to inform, MBh. 2, 2506.
     2. To advise, 3, 12774.
     3. To admonish, 1, 5785.
     4. To awaken, Pañc. i. d. 351; MBh. 1, 5959.
     5. To expand (as a flower), Śāk. d. 124. bodhita, Brought to consciousness, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 14.
-- With the prep. anu anu, i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To learn, MBh. 3, 14779.
     2. To know, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17.
     3. To remember, MBh. 1, 4874.
     4. To awake, 1, 5024. Caus. To cause to remember, Śāk. 4, 16. anubodhita, Informed or convinced by reflection.
-- With ava ava, i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To know, MBh. 2, 1371.
     2. To perceive, Man. 8, 53.
     3. To awake, Rām. 2. 72, 50, ed. Ser. Caus. To inform, MBh. 1, 5811.
-- With samava sam-ava, i. 4, Ātm. To know, to perceive, Rām. 2, 9, 31.
-- With ni ni, i. 1,
     1. To learn, Man. 1, 119.
     2. To hear, MBh. 3, 311.
     3. To know, 3, 2443.
-- With pra pra,
     1. i. 1, To awaken, MBh. 3, 10635.
     2. i. 4, To awake, Hit. iii. d. 142; Kathās. 3, 65. prabuddha,
     1. Wise, Pañc. 4, 22.
     2. Wakened, awakened, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 12; awake, Hit. 14, 7, M. M.
     3. Expanded. Caus.
     1. To cause to know, to inform, to admonish, Pañc. 121, 10; Ragh. 3, 68; to instruct, Hit. i. d. 53, M. M.
     2. To awaken, Rām. 2, 56, 1. prabodhita,
     1. Instructed.
     2. Aroused.
-- With vipra vi-pra, viprabuddha, Awakened, aroused, Megh. 110.
-- With prati prati, i. 4, To awake, Man. 1, 74. pratibuddha,
     1. Known.
     2. Wakened, awake.
     3. Exalted. Caus.
     1. To inform, Ragh. 1, 75.
     2. To admonish, to instruct, Pañc. 87, 24.
     3. To charge one with, Rām. 2, 52, 35.
     4. To awaken, Śāk. d. 143. pratibodhita,
     1. Instructed.
     2. Awakened.
-- With vi vi, i. 4, To awake, MBh. 2, 162. vibuddha,
     1. Awake.
     2. Opened (as a flower), Mālav. d. 60. Caus.
     1. To awaken.
     2. To instruct, Daśak. 181. 17.
-- With sam sam, i. 4,
     1. To know, MBh. 1, 2498.
     2. To be wise, 2, 2187 (Par.). Caus.
     1. To cause to agree, Pañc. 101, 11.
     2. To exhort, Pañc. 84, 1; to admonish, Pañc. 103, 2.
     3. With parasparam, To come to an explanation with each other, Pañc. 101, 11.
     4. To ask, MBh. 1, 3521.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, pratisaṃbuddha, Recovered, MBh. 3, 12519.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. puteus (cf. rudhira and bandh), putare; Goth. biudan; A.S. beodan, boda, bodian, bodare, and look to the beginning of this article.

budha budh + a,
I. adj. Wise, Pañc. i. d. 427.
II. m.
     1. Budha, the son of the moon and regent of the planet Mercury.
     2. A proper name, Vikr. d, 159.
-- Comp. a-, adj. foolish, Hit. ii. d. 23; Rājat. 5, 380. durb°, i. e. dus-, adj. foolish, MBh. 11, 166.

budhāna budhāna (properly a ptcple. pres. of budh, following ii. 2), m. A spiritual guide or teacher.

budhna budh + na, m.
     1. The root of a tree.
     2. Śiva; see budh.
-- Cf. probably A. S. bytne, the bottom of a ship.

bund bund, or † cund cund, also † bud bud, bundh bundh, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To perceive. †
     2. To reflect.

bundhbundh, i. 10, Par. To bind; cf. bund.

bubhukṣā bubhukṣā, i. e. bubhukṣa, desider. of bhuj, + a, f. Desire of eating, Hit. 77, 1, M. M.; Hunger, Pañc. 114, 4.

bubhukṣita bubhukṣita, i. e. bubhuhṣā + ita, adj. Hungry, starving, Pañc. 114, 5.

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bubhukṣu bubhukṣu, i. e. bubhukṣa, desider. of bhuj, + u, adj. Wishing to eat.

bubhutsā bubhutsā, i. e. bubhutsa, desider. of budh, + a, f. Wishing to know.

bubhutsu bubhutsu, i. e. bubhutsa, desider. of budh, + u, adj. Desirous of knowing, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 8.

bulbul, i. 10, Par. To sink, to dive.

buli buli, f. The vulva.

bus bus, i. 4, Par.
     1. To effund. †
     2. To distribute (cf. 2. vyuṣ).

bust bust, see pust.

bṛṃh bṛṃh, and bṛh bṛh, see vṛṃh, vṛh.

bṛhant bṛhant, and vṛhant vṛhant (originally ptcple. pres. of bṛh),
I. adj., f. hatī.
     1. Large, great, Pañc. 175, 9.
     2. Much.
II. f. atī.
     1. A wrapper, a mantle.
     2. A reservoir, a place containing water.
     3. A large lute.
     4. The name of two plants.
-- Cf. probably Goth. abirgahei; A.S. beorh. beorg.

bṛhaspati bṛh + as-pati, and bṛhaspati vṛhaspati, m.
     1. A deity, originally The lord of prayer, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 12.
     2. The regent of the planet Jupiter and preceptor of the gods, Bhartṛ. 2, 27.
     3. The name of a saint and lawgiver, Pañc. i. d. 111.

bṝ bṛ10, see vṛ10; beś beś, see biś; and beh beh, see veh.

bodha bodha, i. e. budh + a, m.
     1. Knowledge, Bhāṣāp. 140.
     2. Intellect, wisdom.
     3. Arousing.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. stupidity, Bhartṛ. 3, 2.
II. adj. ignorant, Cāṇ. 35 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 409. ātmabodha, i. e. ātman-,
I. m. knowledge of the universal soul, Häberl. Anth. 489.
II. adj. endowed with the knowledge of the universal soul, Bhartṛ. 1, 62. durb°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be understood, or penetrated, Rām. 4, 17, 6; Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 58. su-,
I. adj. 1. easily taught. 2. of easy apprehension.
II. m. 1. waking. 2. knowledge.

bodhaka bodhaka, i. e. budh, Caus., + aka,
I. adj. Causing to know, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 1.
II. m.
     1. A teacher.
     2. A spy.

bodhana bodhana, i. e. budh + ana,
I. n., and f. .
     1. Knowledge, Ragh. 9, 49.
     2. Teaching.
     3. Arousing, Śiś. 9, 24.
II. n. Burning incense.
III. m. The planet Mercury.

bodhi bodhi, i. e. budh + i,
I. adj. Wise, learned.
II. m.
     1. Intellect.
     2. The holy fig-tree.

bauddha bauddha, i. e. buddha + a, m. A follower of the Bauddha religion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 4.

baudha baudha, i. e. budha + a, patronym. A son of Budha = Purūravas.

byus byus, see 2. vyuṣ.

braṇ braṇ, see vraṇ.

bradhna bradhna, perhaps vṛdh + na, m.
     1. The root of a tree.
     2. A son.
     3. The body.
     4. The sun, Man. 4, 231.
     5. Śiva, Brahman.

brahmaka -brahmaka, i. e. brahman + ka, at the end of a comp. adj. instead of brahman, in sa-, adj. With Brahman, Utt. Rāmac. 174, 3.

brahmaghātaka brahmaghātaka, i. e. brahman-ghātaka, and brahmaghna brah- maghna, i. e. brahman-ghna, m. The slayer of a Brāhmaṇa, Pañc. ii. d. 115. iv. d. 11.

brahmaghoṣa brahmaghoṣa, i. e. brahman-ghoṣa, m. The word of Brahman, the Vedas, Utt. Rāmac. 145, 6.

brahmaṇya brahmaṇya, i. e. brahman = ya, adj.
     1. Relating or connected with Brahman or a Brāhmaṇa; fit for a Brāhmaṇa.
     2. Pious, Nal. 1, 3.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. 1. not fit for a Brāhmaṇa. 2. hostile to the Brāhmaṇas.
II. n. 1. wickedness, a wicked act, Pañc. 101, 1. 2. an exclamation of distress, alas! woe! Pañc. 82, 18; murder, Kathās. 4, 111.

brahmatva brahmatva, i. e. brahman + tva, n.
     1. Identification with, or state of, Brahman, MBh. 13, 1361.
     2. Godhead.
     3. The rank of a Brāhmaṇa, Johns. Sel. 23, 118.

brahmada brahmada, and brahmadātṛ i. e. brahman-da (vb. ), or -dātṛ, m. A spiritual teacher, Man. 2, 146.

brahmadāyahara brahmadāyahara, i. e. brahman-dāya-hṛ + a, adj. One who receives the gift of holy science, Man. 3, 2.

brahman brahman, probably bṛh + man,
I. n. Prayer, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 88, 4.
     2. The practice of austere devotion.
     3. Chastity, Śāk. 14, 12.
     4. The Vedas or scripture, Man. 1, 23.
     5. The Brāhmaṇas, or theological part of the Veda, Man. 4, 100.
     6. Holy knowledge.
     7. The brahmanical caste, Man. 9, 320.
     8. The divine cause and essence of the world, the unknown God.
II. m.
     1. A Brāhmaṇa, a priest (originally possessed of, or performing, powerful prayer), Chr. 15, 5.
     2. Brahman, the first deity of the Hindu triad, and the operative creator of the world, Man. 1, -9; 50; Utt. Rāmac. 36, 12 (vāgātman, i. e. vāc-, adj. whose soul is speech).
-- Comp. a-, adj. without Brāhmaṇas, Man. 9, 322. mahā-, m. a great, mighty Brāhmaṇa, Chr. 20, 18. śabda-, n. holy writ, Veda, Utt. Rāmac. 37, 3; cf. 36, 11. su-, adj. endowed with beautiful prayers, Lass. 101, 6 = Rigv. vii. 16, 2.

brahmayonistha brahmayonistha, i. e. brahman-yoni-stha, adj. Intent on the means of attaining holy knowledge, Man. 10, 74.

brahmavarcasa brahmavarcasa, i. e. brahman-varcas + a, n.
     1. Holiness, Man. 2, 37; 4, 94.
     2. The superhuman power of a Brāhmaṇa, Śāk. 81, 16 (ironically).

brahmavittva brahmavittva, i. e. brahmavid + tva, n. The state of one who knows the nature of the Supreme Spirit, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 5.

brahmavid brahmavid, i. e. brahman-vid, m. One who knows the Supreme Spirit; a wise one.

brahmāñjalikṛta brahmāñjalikṛta, i. e. brahman-añjali-kṛta, adj. Having joined together the hands, as token of homage, Man. 2, 70; cf. 71.

brahmādhigamika brahmādhigamika, i. e. brahman-adhigama + ika, adj. Proceeding from the study of the scripture, Man. 2, 164.

brahmojjhatā brahmojjhatā, i. e. brahman-ujjh + a + tā, f. Neglecting or forgetting the Veda, Man. 11, 56.

brahmodya brahmodya, i. e. brahman-vad + ya, adj., f. , Speaking or treating of holy knowledge, Man. 3, 261.

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brāhma brāhma, i. e. brahman + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Relating to the Brāhmaṇas, brahmanical, Johns. Sel. 33, 67; deposited with the sacerdotal class, Man. 7, 82.
     2. Relating to holy knowledge.
     3. Relating to study, scriptural, Man. 3, 157.
     4. Prescribed by the Veda, 7, 2.
     5. Relating to Brahman, 1, 68.
     6. Fit for a divine state, 2, 28.
     7. Epithet of a weapon, Chr. 40, 15.
     8. also sbst. m. The name of the first nuptial form, Man. 3, 27, and 21.
     9. Relating, sacred to Brāhmī, the goddess of speech, 4, 92.
II. m. Nārada, the son of Brahman.
III. f. .
     1. A wife espoused according to the Brāhma form, Man. 3, 37.
     2. The goddess of speech, the wife of Brahman.
     3. The moon plant (Asclepias acida).
IV. n. The part of the hand under the root of the thumb.

brāhmaṇa brāhmaṇa, i. e. brahman + a,
I. adj., f. ṇī, Relating to, becoming a Brāhmaṇa, brahmanical, Johns. Sel. 38, 27.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa, a man of the first caste, Pañc. 220, 24.
III. f. ṇī.
     1. A woman of the brahmanical tribe.
     2. The wife of a Brāhmaṇa, Pañc. 118, 25.
IV. n.
     1. An assemblage of Brāhmaṇas.
     2. The theological portion of the Vedas, Pāṇ. 2, 3, 60, Sch.
-- Comp. a-, 1. m. one who is not a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 2, 241. 2. adj. without Brāhmaṇas. go-, a cow and a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 5, 95.

brāhmaṇabruva brāhmaṇabruva, i. e. brāhmaṇa-brū + a, m. A wicked Brāhmaṇa, Man. 7, 85; Chr. 24, 38 (read -bruva instead of -bruvam).

brāhmaṇya brāhmaṇya, i. e. brāhmaṇa (cr brahman), + ya,
I. m. The planet Saturn.
II. n. Brahmanhood, priestly character, Man. 11, 97; the dignity of a Brāhmaṇa, Pañc. i. d. 76
-- Comp. sva-brāhmaṇyā, f. a sort of text, Man. 9, 126.

brāhmya brāhmya, i. e. brahman or brāhma, + ya,
I. adj. with and without huta, n. One of the five sacraments, the worship or veneration of Brāhmaṇas, Man. 3, 73, 74.
II. n. Astonishment.

brū brū, ii. 2, Par. Ātm., used only in the pres., imperf., imperat., and potent. All other forms are supplied by vac, and the redupl. pf., partly also by 1. ah.
     1. To speak, Man. 1, 1.
     2. To speak to, with dat. and acc., 1, 60.
     3. To answer, 8, 94.
     4. With anyathā, To decide wrongly, to give a wrong sentence (in a law suit), Pañc. iii. d. 108. In epic poetry, anomal. 1. sing. present, brūmi, Rām. 2, 19, 4; imperf. abruvam, even in Daśak. in Chr. 185, 11.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To abuse, MBh. 3, 15640.
-- With anu anu, To pronounce, MBh. 1, 176.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To declare, MBh. 1, 838.
     2. To recite, Man. 10, 1.
     3. To tell, MBh. 3, 16678.
     4. To speak, 3, 10487.
-- With prati prati, To answer, MBh. 3, 2737.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To explain, MBh. 1, 4245.
     2. To speak at variance, Man. 8, 194.
     3. To say what is false, 8, 13; to declare falsely, 8, 75.
     4. To decide unjustly, 8, 390.
     5. To speak, MBh. 3, 2990.

blī blī (ved.), vlī vlī, ii. 9, blinā, vlinā, nī, ved. blīnā, vlīnā, nī, Par.
     1. To select.
     2. † To hold.
     3. † To maintain.
     4. † To go.


bha bha (vb. bhā),
I. n.
     1. A star, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 14.
     2. A lunar asterism.
     3. A planet.
II. m. A name of the planet Venus.
III. f. bhā, see s. v.

bhakta bhakta, i. e. ptcple. pf. pass. of bhaj (in the signification To cook, cf. also bhakṣ), n.
     1. Food, Man. 9, 271.
     2. Boiled rice.
     3. A meal, Man. 11, 16.
-- Comp. eka-, n. eating only once a day, MBh. 13, 5146. caturtha-, n. eating only the fourth meal (leaving out three), i. e. eating only every second day, MBh. 13, 5145; cf. bhaj.

bhaktakara bhakta-kara, m. Factitious incense.

bhakti bhakti, i. e. bhaj and bhañj + ti,
     1. Worship, Vikr. d. 1; service.
     2. Devotion, Hit. iii. d. 65.
     3. Attachment, Pañc. i. d. 326.
     4. Faith, Pañc. 71, 4; belief, Śāṇḍilyas. ed. Ballantyne, 76 sqq.
     5. Fracture, breaking, Megh. 61.
     6. In bhakti-cheda, Megh. 19, see cheda.
-- Comp. kṣetra-, f. partition of a field, Pāṇ. 5, 1, 46, Sch. dṛgbhakti, i. e. dṛś-, f. a side look, an amorous look, Lass. 66, 11.

bhaktibhāj bhaktibhāj, i. e. bhakti-bhaj, adj. Devout, Pañc. 236, 20.

bhaktimant bhakti + mant, adj., f. , Devoted, faithful, Pañc. pr. d. 5.

bhakṣ bhakṣ, akin to bhaj and bhañj, i. 1, Par. Ātm., and i. 10, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.),
     1. To devour, Man. 5, 50.
     2. To eat, MBh. 3, 1741.
     3. To enjoy, Pañc. 137, 20.
     4. To bite, Pañc. 62, 23; Kathās. 4, 69. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. bhakṣya, Eatable, allowed to be eaten, Man. 1, 113. n.
     1. Food, Pañc. 199, 13.
     2. Dainty food, Man. 9, 268; 3, 227. Comp. a-, adj. unfit, or not allowed, to be eaten, Man. 1, 113. sarva-, adj. 1. eating anything (a child). 2. omnivorous. Desider. of i. 10, bibhakṣayiṣa, To desire to devour, MBh. 1, 5951.
-- With sam sam, To devour, MBh. 3, 422.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps [greek] Lat. fames, perhaps bacca.

bhakṣa bhakṣ + a,
I. m., f. ṣā, and n. (Pañc. rec. orn.), Eating food, Pañc. 53, 23.
II. latter part of comp. adj. Devouring, Man. 9, 314 v. r.
-- Comp. vāyu-,
I. adj., f. ṣā. 1. feeding on air, Johns. Sel. 51, 1. 2. fasting, Chr. 46, 20.
II. m. 1. an ascetic. 2. a snake. sarva-,
I. adj. omnivorous, eating all things, Hit. ii. d. 173.
II. f. ṣā, a female goat.

bhakṣaka bhakṣ + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Voracious.
     2. Eating, feeding on, Hit. 75, 8.
     3. A feeder, Hit. i. d. 54, M. M.
II. f. ṣikā, A meal.

bhakṣaṇa bhakṣaṇa, i. e. bhakṣ + ana, n.
     1. Eating, Pañc. 114, 10; being eaten, 88, 25.
     2. Enjoying, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 4.
-- Comp. vāyu-, n. fasting.

bhakṣin -bhakṣ + in, adj. Eating; in sarva-, adj. Eating all kinds of food, Pañc. i. d. 472.

bhaga bhaga, i. e. bhaj and bhañj + a,
I. m.
     1. The sun.
     2. Śiva.
II. n.
     1. Divine power.
     2. Fortune.
     3. Virtue.
     4. Beauty.
     5. Pudendum muliebre, Rājat. 5, 282.
-- Comp. durbh°, i. e. dus-, adj., f. . 1. difficult to be obtained, Rājat. 4, 113. 2. unfortunate, Hit. i. d. 17, M. M. su-,
I. adj., f. . 1. fortunate, Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. i. 48, 7. 2. beautiful, Vikr. d. 123; lovely, Śāk. d. 3; charming, d. 57. 3. beloved, amiable, Man. 2, 129.
II. m. 1. the Aśoka tree. 2. the Champaca, Micelia campaka.
III. f. . 1. a favourite woman. 2. a respectable mother. 3. the name of several plants.
IV. n. fortune, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 19.
-- Cf. Goth. ga-bigs.

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bhagadatta bhaga-datta (vb. ), m. A proper name.

bhaganetra bhaga-netra, m. The name of a demon, Johns. Sel. 97, 80.

bhagavant bhaga + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Adorable, Man. 1, 6; Vikr. 31, 18; 85, 21; respectable, worshipful (used in address), Chr. 17, 27; Pañc. 80, 13.
II. f. vatī, A name of Gaurī.

bhagāla bhagāla, n. The human skull.

bhagālin bhagālin, i. e. bhagāla + in, m. A name of Śiva.

bhaginī bhaginī, i. e. bhaga + in + ī, f.
     1. A sister, Pañc. 214, 25; 222, 9.
     2. A woman in general.
-- Comp. dharma-, f. 1. a woman on whom the rank of a sister is bestowed, Kathās. 4, 96; cf. Pañc. 222, 9. 2. a Bauddha nun, Mṛcch. 134, 22.

bhagīratha bhagīratha, m. A king whose austerities brought Gaṅgā, the river, from heaven; called her father, Rām. 1, 44, 8 sqq. Gorr.; Utt. Rāmac. 167, 10; Chr. 24, 47.

bhagos bhagos, an old voc. sing. of bhagavant, indecl. A particle used as respectful address.

bhaṅktṛ bhaṅktṛ, i. e. bhañj + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Breaking, one who breaks down, Man. 9, 289.

bhaṅga bhaṅga, i. e. bhañj + a,
I. m.
     1. Breaking, Pañc. iii. d. 16.
     2. A fissure, a broken piece, Vikr. d. 107 (a branch).
     3. Interruption, Pañc. 8, 19; obstacle, Vikr. 12, 17.
     4. Repudiation.
     5. Defeat, discomfiture, destruction, Hit. 100, 3; ruin, Lass. 76, 18.
     6. Disappointment, neglect, Hit. ii. d. 52.
     7. Fear, Pañc. 219, 18; iv. d. 43.
     8. Curving, Śāk. d. 7; knitting (the brow), Utt. Rāmac. 138, 3.
     9. Fraud.
     10. A wave.
     11. A water-course.
     12. Disease.
II. f. Hemp.
-- Comp. asu-, m. danger of life, Bhartṛ. 2, 61. utsāha-, m. destroying, breaking one's courage, Hit. 94, 13. gṛha-, m. loss of a wife, Pañc. 225, 17 (cf. iii. d. 152). daṇḍa-, m. hinderance of punishment, Bhāg. P. 6, 3, 2. danta-, m. splitting, breaking of teeth, Pañc. i. d. 418. durbh°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be loosened, Hariv. 1138. patra-, m., and f. gi/ī, strokes and lines drawn on the face with fragrant pigments of sandal, musk, etc., Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 622 (ga). Puṣapa-, m. treading on flowers, Nal. 25, 7 (Sch.). pṛṣṭha-, m. a sort of fighting, MBh. 2, 908. pota-, m. shipwreck, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1072. praṇaya-, m. faithlessness, Vikr. d. 118. bhrū-, m. a frown, Vikr. d. 115; Rājat. 5, 398. sa-bhrū-bhaṅga + m, adv. knitting the brows, Śāk. 16, 17. sāra-,
I. adj. void of pith, substance, strength.
II. m. destroying vigour. hitā-, m. breaking of a dike, Man. 9, 274.

bhaṅgi and bhaṅgī bhaṅgī, i. e. bhañj + a + i, f.
     1. Fracture.
     2. Separation, interval, Lass. 83, 1; step, degree, Ragh. 13, 69.
     3. Incurvation, Lass. 87, 16.
     4. Current, Rājat. 2, 131.
     5. figurat. Modesty, Kathās. 21, 103.
     6. Fraud, pretext, Kathās. 3, 53.
     7. A wave, Ragh. 16, 36.
-- Comp. patra-, see s. v. bhaṅga.

bhaṅgin bhaṅgin, i. e. bhaṅga + in, adj., f. , Frail, perishable, Lass. 42, 18; Bhartṛ. 2, 88 (kṣaṇa-, in a moment; v., and better r.).

bhaṅgura bhaṅgura, i. e. bhañj + ura,
I. adj.
     1. Crooked, Bhartṛ. 3, 36.
     2. Frail, perishable, Pañc. 165, 17; vanishing, Hit. i. d. 186, M. M.
     3. Fraudulent, Lass. 84, 9.
II. m. The bend of a river.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. unbroken. 2. undisturbed, Rājat. 5, 4.

bhaṅgya bhaṅgya, i. e. bhaṅgā + ya, n. A field of hemp.

bhaj bhaj, i. I, Par. Ātm.
     1. To divide, Man. 9, 104.
     2. To obtain as one's share, to obtain, Man. 10, 59 (Ātm.); to get, Śāk. d. 167; Pañc. 69, 4 (Par.).
     3. To take, MBh. 4, 237 (Ātm.); to embrace, Śāk. d. 107 (Ātm.); to love, Lass. 44, 7.
     4. To go to, Rām. 1, 16, 28; with diśas, To run away, MBh. 3, 11113.
     5. To take possession of, Man. 1, 28.
     6. To possess, to have, Man. 5, 148.
     7. To enjoy carnally, to love, Man. 9, 70.
     8. To make advances, Man. 8, 365.
     9. To serve, to worship, MBh. 3, 16004.
     10. Ātm. To favour, Pañc. i. d. 41.
     11. To practise, Man. 4, 204. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhakta,
     1. Attached, devoted, Hit. ii. d. 74; believing; tad-, believing in him, Rāmatap. Up. 1, 94.
     2. Served.
     3. Dressed, cooked. m. A follower, a votary; cf. also s. v. bhakta. Comp. eka-, adj. kept by one master, Man. 8, 363. sūrya-,
I. adj. worshipping the sun.
II. m. a flower, Pentapetes phoenicea. Caus., with diśas, To put one to flight, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 80. † i. 10, Par.
     1. To give.
     2. To dress, or cook.
-- With the prep. nis nis, To exclude, Man. 9, 207.
-- With prati prati, To return to (acc.), Daśak. in Chr. 193, 5 (anomal. bhajiṣyati).
-- With vi vi,
     1. To distribute, to divide, Man. 9, 164.
     2. To put up severally, Vikr. d. 43.
     3. To distinguish, Rām. 2, 67, 31. vibhakta, Attached, Śāk. d. 107; Vikr. d. 160.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To divide, MBh. 3, 16147. pravibhakta,
     1. Formerly distributed, Śāk. d. 165.
     2. Divided, Man. 8, 166.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi,
     1. To make one partake of something, Rājat. 5, 109.
     2. To divide, Pañc. 217, 12. saṃvibhakta, Divided, parted. Caus. To cause to be divided, MBh. 3, 12683.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. famulus, familia; Goth. anda-bahti, and bahtjan; also [greek] and A. S. bacan; O.H.G. bachan (but see pac).

bhajana bhaj + ana, n.
     1. Sharing.
     2. Possession.
     3. Service, adoration.

bhañj bhañj, ii. 7, bhanaj, bhañj, Par.
     1. To split, Rām. 1, 67, 17.
     2. To break, Pañc. i. d. 148; to destroy, MBh. 3, 10990. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhagna.
     1. Broken, Pañc. 36, 12; torn.
     2. Defeated, Bhartṛ. 2, 85; Rājat. 5, 340.
     3. Disheartened, Chr. 5, 23; Pañc. iv. d. 43.
     4. Disappointed, Bhartṛ. 2, 82.
     5. Extinct, Man. 8, 148.
     6. Disregarded, humbled; † i. 10, Par. To speak, to shine.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To break down, MBh. 1, 7081.
-- With ni ni, To break, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 117.
-- With vinis vi-nis, vinirbhagna, Broken down, MBh. 3, 12477.
-- With pra pra, To break down, MBh. 3, 11121. The original form has been probably bhrañj.
-- Cf. Lat. frango; Goth. brikan; A. S. bracan, brecan; [greek]

bhañjana bhañj + ana, n.
     1. Breaking, destroying.
     2. Afflicting.

bhaṭbhaṭ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To hive.
     2. To nourish.
     3. To speak. Caus. of 1. 2. bhāṭaya, of 3. bhaṭaya.

bhaṭa bhaṭa (a form of bhṛta, based on bharta), m.
     1. A soldier.
     2. An outcaste of a particular tribe.
     3. A goblin.
-- Comp. cāra-, m. a soldier, Bhartṛ. 1, 91. bhū-, m. a proper name. mahā-, m. a great warrior, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 27. vār-, m. an alligator. su-, m. a warrior (cf. bhaṭṭa), Pañc. iii. d. 48. sva-, m. 1. one's own soldier, Hit. 104, 17. 2. a life-guardian(?), Hit. iii. d. 72.

bhaṭṭa bhaṭṭa (a dialectical form based on bhartā, nom. sing. of bhartṛ), m.
     1. A philosopher, a learned man, Rājat. 5, 66.
     2. An enemy.
     3. Authority.
     4. Best.
-- Comp. su-, m.a very learned man, or perhaps rather a distinguished warrior, Lass. 29, 1 (in the latter case read subhaṭa, see bhaṭa).

bhaṭṭāra bhaṭṭāra (probably a dialectical form sprung from bhartṛ, and based on bhartāram, etc.), adj. Venerable.

bhaṭṭāraka bhaṭṭāra + ka,
I. adj., f. rikā, Venerable, Lass. 13, 18.
II. m.
     1. Sir, Mālav. 28, 4.
     2. The sun(?), Hit. 48, 3, M. M.
III. f. rikā, Lady, tutelar deity, Lass. 31, 6.

bhaḍila bhaḍila, m.
     1. An attendant.
     2. A hero.

bhaṇ bhaṇ (a dialectical form based on bhāṣ + ṇā, i. e. bhāṣ ii. 9), i. 1, Par. To speak, Lass. 21, 3. bhaṇita, Spoken, Pañc. 128, 5; sounded.
-- With prati prati, To answer, Bhaṭṭ. 4, 38. pratibhaṇita, Answered.

bhaṇṭbhaṇṭ, i. 10, Par. To deceive.

bhaṇḍbhaṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To upbraid; to reprove.
     2. To jest.
     3. To deride.
     4. To speak. i. 10 or 1, Par. To be, and to make fortunate; to do an auspicious act.

bhaṇḍana bhaṇḍana, n.
     1. Armour.
     2. Battle.
     3. Evil.

bhaṇḍi and bhaṇḍī bhaṇḍi/ī, f.
     1. A wave.
     2. A plant, Rubia manjith Roxb.
-- Comp. tri-bhaṇḍi/ī, f. a plant, Convolvulus turpethum, Suśr. 1, 161, 21; 2, 70, 1.

bhaṇḍila bhaṇḍila (probably a dialectical form, akin to bhadra),
I. adj.
     1. Fortunate.
     2. A messenger.
II. m. A tree, Mimosa siriṣa.

bhadanta bhadanta, m. A Bauddha mendicant.

bhadāka bhadāka (cf. bhand), adj. Auspicious.

bhadra bhad + ra (cf. bhand),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Excellent, best, Vikr. 27, 10; Pañc. 146, 17.
     2. Worthy, dear, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 11.
     3. Pious.
     4. Happy, Vikr. d. 163; propitious, Hit. 22, 5, M. M.
     5. Comparat. bhadratara, Better, Hit. 80, 5.
II. bhadra + m, adv. Well, happy.
III. n.
     1. Prosperity, Pañc. iii. d. 191; hail. Hit. 83, 10, M. M.
     2. Happiness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1212.
     3. (with the dat. of the second person), A polite address, especially accompanying an advice, an objection, or expression of a different opinion; if you please, Rām. 3, 53, 2; Chr. 12, 3; 10, 5; with all respect for you, Chr. 11, 13; I beg your pardon, Rām. 3, 52, 37.
     4. Gold.
     5. Iron or steel.
     6. A fragrant grass, Cyperus, Ṛt. 1, 17 v. r.
IV. m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. A wagtail.
     3. A bull.
     4. A heap.
     5. A fortune-teller, an impostor, Man. 9, 258.
V. f. .
     1. The Ganges of heaven.
     2. A name of the second, seventh, and twelfth days of the lunar fortnight.
-- Comp. a-, adj. distressed, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 28. catur-, n. sing. four good things, Hit. i. d. 158, M. M. tuṅga-, 1. m. an elephant in rut. 2. f. , a river in Mysore, Bhāg. P. 5, 19, 18. bala-,
I. m. 1. Baladeva. 2. Ananta, the great serpent. 3. a strong man.
II. f. , a young girl. maṇi-, m. a name of Kuvera, Nal. 12, 130. sarvatobh°, i. e. sarvatas-,
I. adj. everywhere auspicious.
II. m. and n. a temple or palace of a square form, with an entrance opposite to each point of the compass.
III. m. 1. the carriage of Viṣṇu. 2. a form of military array. 3. a bambu. 4. the Nimb tree.
IV. f. drā. 1. an actress. 2. the name of two plants. rāma-, m. (auspicious Rāma), a surname of Rāma, Utt. Rāmac. 38, 9. su-,
I. adj. pro pitious, fortunate, Ṛt. 1, 17 v. r.
II. m. Viṣṇu.
III. f. , The sister of jagannātha.
-- Cf. Goth. bats, bat + izo, bat + ista; A. S. bet; O.H.G. baz; Goth. ga-bat + non, bot + a, bot + jan; A. S. bót; Lat. fastus (for fad-tus), fastigium, fastidium, festivus (but festus belongs rather to bhāṣ).

bhadraka bhadra + ka, adj., f. rikā.
     1. Beautiful, agreeable.
     2. Respectable, worthy, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 1.
     3. Good, Man. 9, 226.

bhadraṃkara bhadraṃkara, i. e. bhadra + m-kara, adj., f. , Propitious.

bhandbhand, 1. 1, Ātm.
     1. To be fortunate.
     2. To make fortunate.
     3. To worship.
     4. To be excellent.
     5. To be glad.
     6. To exhilarate.
     7. To shine. i. 10, Par. To make fortunate; cf. bhadra.

bhaya bhaya, i. e. bhī + a, n.
     1. Fear, Pañc. v. d. 67.
     2. Fright, Pañc. 242, 21.
     3. Danger, Pañc. ii. d. 14.
-- Comp. a-, I. n. 1. safety, Hit. i. d. 104, M. M. 2. protection from danger, Man. 4, 247. 3. the name of a Dvīpa, or division of the world. 4. a fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatum.
II. adj., f. , fearless, Bhartṛ. 3, 32.
III. m. 1. epithet of Śiva. 2. a proper name.
IV. f. , a plant, Terminalia citrina, Suśr. 1, 139, 14. akutobhaya, i. e. a-kutas-, adj. having nothing to fear from any part, Pañc. 107, 2 a-jātu-, adj. fearless, Pañc. i. d. 352. apa-, adj. fearless, Ragh. 3, 51. nirbh°, i. e. nis-,
I. adj., f. . 1. fearless, Pañc. 111, 25. 2. free from danger, Man. 9, 255.
II. m. a proper name. bhaṅga-, Pañc. i. d. 357 (bhaṅgabhayād divaḥ, from fear that (else) heaven would break down). vīta-, i. e. vi-ita-, adj. fearless. sa-, adj. fearful, Pañc. 45, 8. °yam, adv. with fear, Hit. 85, 3, M. M.

bhayaṃkara bhayaṃkara, i. e. bhaya + m-kara, adj., f. , Terrific, Hit. i. d. 88, M. M.; formidable, Pañc. iii. d. 83.

bhayada bhaya-da (vb. ), adj. Terrific, Pañc. i. d. 350.

bhayānaka bhayānaka, properly an old anomal. ptcple. pres. Ātm. of bhī, viz. bhayāna + ka,
I. adj. Frightful, formidable, Bhag. 11, 27; Utt. Rāmac. 43, 12.
II. m.
     1. The sentiment of terror, as excited by poetical composition.
     2. A tiger.
     3. Rāhu.

bhara bhara, i. e. bhṛ + a,
I. m.
     1. A load, Lass. 88, 2; Vikr. d. 42; 52; with bhuvas, [greek] i. e. a dead mass.
     2. With kṛ, To make a load, to support one's self, Hit. 47, 3.
     3. Plenty, Śiś. 9, 47.
     4. Much, excessive, Bhartṛ. 2, 68.
     5. A measure of value of two thousand Palas.
II. adj. Who or what supports.
-- Comp. ati-, m. excessive heaviness, Śiś. 9, 73. apa-hṛta-, adj., unburthened, Vikr. d. 42. durbh°, i. e. dus-, adj., f. , 1. difficult to be borne, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 8. 2. difficult to be maintained, Pañc. iii. d. 168. nirbh°, i. e. nis-,
I. adj., f. . 1. excessive, violent, ardent, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 396. 2. deep (as sleep), Hit. 85, 8. 3. latter part of comp. adj. full of, Pañc. 259, 3; Kathās. 6, 126.
II. °ram, adv. much, excessively, Hit. 86, 8; 10; Hit. 50, 2 (deeply). su-, adj. 1. heavily burthened. 2. heavy, Chr. 296, 2 = Rigv. i. 112, 2. 3. f. , perhaps a proper name, Chr. 297, 20 = Rigv. i. 112, 20 (Sch. nourishing, viz. food).
-- Cf. Lat. -fer; A. S. -bora.

bharaṭa bharaṭa, m. A potter.

bharaṇa bharaṇa, i. e. bhṛ + ana,
I. n.
     1. Bearing, Pañc. 257, 23; supporting, Śāk. d. 192.
     2. Nourishing, Hit. ii. d. 42.
     3. Wages, hire.
II. f. ṇī.
     1. The name of the second lunar asterism.
     2. A creeper, commonly Ghoṣā.

bharaṇḍa bharaṇḍa (vb. bhri). m. A master, a lord.

bharaṇya bharaṇya (for bharaṇīya, ptcple. of the fut. pass. of bhṛ), n. Wages, hire.

bharata bharata, i. e. bharant, ptcple. pres. of bhṛ, + a (cf. Śāk. d. 192), m.
     1. The name of several princes, and of a sage, the inventor of dramatic composition, Vikr. d. 36; Utt. Rāmac. 111, 4.
     2. pl. The descendants of Bharata, Chr. 3, 1.
     3. An actor, a mime.

bharatha bharatha, m. A deity presiding over one of the regions.

bharadvāja bharadvāja, i. e. bharant, ptcple. pres. of bhṛ, -vāja, m. The name of a Muni, Johns. Sel. 1, 1.

bharita bharita, i. e. bhara + ita, adj. Filled, MBh. 2, 2061.

bhariman or bharīman bhari/īman (vb. bhṛ, or bhara, + iman), m. A household, a family.

bharu bharu, i. e. bhṛ + u, m.
     1. Gold.
     2. A lord.
     3. Śiva.
     4. Viṣṇu.

bharuja bharu-ja, m. A small sort of jackal.

bharuṭaka bharuṭaka (vb. bhṛ), n. Fried meat.

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bharga bharga, i. e. bhrāj, or bhṛj, + a, m. Śiva.

bhargas bhargas, i. e. bhrāj, or bhṛj, + as, n.
     1. Light, Lass. 99, 11 = Rigv. iii. 62, 10.
     2. A name of Brahman.
-- Cf. A. S. baelch, superbia.

bhartṛ bhartṛ, i. e. bhṛ + tṛ,
I. m., f. trī, and n.
     1. One who contains, Śiś. 9, 17.
     2. A cherisher, Bhag. 9, 18.
     3. A protector.
II. m.
     1. A lord, Vikr. d. 36; master, d. 155.
     2. A commander, Man. 7, 94.
     3. A husband, Hit. i. d. 196, M. M.
-- Comp. kanyā-, m. epithet of the god of war, MBh. 3, 14633. gaṇa-, m. epithet of Śiva, Kir. 5, 42. jagatī-, bhū-, mahī-, m. a king, Rām. 2, 103, 17; Rājat. 5, 69, 23. paśu-, m. epithet of Śiva, MBh. 13, 620. ruci-, m. bearer of light and cherisher of love, Śiś. 9, 17. svarga-, m. Indra.

bhartṛka -bhartṛ + ka, latter part of comp. words, which are, or were originally adj.; e. g. proṣita- (ptcple. of the pf. pass. of pra-vas), f. , A woman whose husband is absent, Ṛt. 6, 9. sa-, f. , A woman whose husband is alive.

bhartṛghnatva bhartṛ-ghna + tva, n. Injuring one's master, MBh. 2, 2123.

bhartṛtva bhartṛ + tva, n. Husbandship, Kathās. 26, 148.

bhartṛmant bhartṛ + mant, adj., f. matī, Married, Śāk. d. 114.

bhartṛhari bhartṛ-hari, m. The name of a prince and poet.

bharts bharts, i. 10, Ātm. (also Par.).
     1. To menace, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 14.
     2. To blame, to abuse, MBh. 4, 357. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhartsita, Blamed, Pañc. i. d. 170. n. Menace, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 21.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To menace, Rām. 1, 28, 13. abhibhartsita, Terrified, MBh. 3, 10921.
-- With ava ava, To deter, Chr. 26, 66 (read °bharts-ayat).
-- With ni ni, To menace, Pañc. 220, 2 (probably corr. nirbh°).
-- With nis nis,
     1. To menace, Pañc. 84, 18; MBh. 1, 4190.
     2. To blame, Utt. Rāmac. 174, 6; Chr. 60, 32.
     3. To abuse, Hit. 64, 22.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, To blame, Rām. 2, 78, 19.
-- With pari pari, To menance, MBh. 3, 16008.
-- With sam sam, To reproach, to blame, Rām. 2, 75, 16.

bhartsana bharts + ana, n.
     1. Threat.
     2. Reproach, curse.

bharb bharb, bharbh bharbh, see bharv.

bharman bharman, i. e. bhṛ + man, n.
     1. Wages, hire.
     2. Gold.
     3. A coin, a piece of money.
     4. The navel.
-- Comp. garbha-, n. cherishing of a child, Ragh. 3, 12.

bharv bharv, and † bharbh bharbh, or † bharb bharb, i. 1, Far.
     1. To injure (ved.).
     2. † To eat.
-- With the second signification and the form bharb cf. [greek] Lat. herba; with the first and bharv Goth. balvjan.

bhal bhal, and bal bal, † i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To describe.
     2. To kill, to hurt.
     3. To give. i. 10, Ātm.
     1. To describe, to see, to behold (ved.); with the prep. ni, Chand. Up. 452; and Prākṛ. with nis, Mālav. 5, 9.
     2. † to throw up.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To hear, Naiṣ. 6, 76.

bhallbhall, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To describe.
     2. To kill.
     3. To give.

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bhalla bhalla,
I. m. A bear.
II. m. and n. A kind of arrow, Chr. 29, 27.
III. f. li.
     1. An arrow with a crescentshaped head.
     2. The marking nut plant, Semicarpus Anacardiam.

bhallaka bhalla + ka, bhalluka and bhallūka bhallu/ūka, m. A bear, Utt. Rāmac. 45, 1 ().

bhallātaka bhallätaka (cf. bhalla), m., and f. , The marking nut plant, Lass. 52, 15.

bhava bhava, i. e. bhū + a, m.
     1. Being, existing, Sāv. 3, 10.
     2. Birth, Śāk. d. 186; Megh. 46 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     3. Origin, Ragh. 3, 14 (at the end of a comp. adj. Arising; tvad-viyoga-, Arising from absence from thee, Vikr. d. 133).
     4. The place or means of being.
     5. Welfare.
     6. Excellence, Pañc. v. d. 12.
     7. The world, Hit. iii. d. 140.
     8. A god.
     9. Śiva, Kir. 5, 29; Rudra, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 5.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. nonexistence, Sāv. 3, 10. 2. cessation of existence, Rām. 3, 69, 9. araṇya-, adj. growing in a forest, without culture, Pañc. ii. d. 93. ātmabhava, i. e. ātman-,
I. m. the existence of one's self, Nal. 5, 37.
II. adj. attracted by one's self, Rām. 2, 64, 69. ādi-, adj. who is the first being, Ragh. 13, 8. durvāgbh°, i. e. dus-vāc-, m. abusing, MBh. 13, 2258. punarbh°, i. e. punar-, m. regeneration, MBh. 1, 251; transmigration, Śāk. d. 194. maghā-, m. the planet Venus.

bhavadīya bhavadīya, i. e. bhavant + īya, adj. Thine, yours, Pañc. 135, 8.

bhavana bhavana, i. e. bhū + ana, n.
     1. Nature.
     2. A dwelling, house, Pañc. ii. d. 17; a palace, Pañc. iii. d. 236.
     3. A temple, Rājat. 5, 100.
-- Comp. garbha-, n. a sanctuary, Mālat. 13, 3 (below). deva-, n. a temple, Kathās. 6, 75. devī-, n. a temple of Durgā, Kathās. 18, 170.

bhavant bhavant, properly ptcple. pres. of bhū, m., and f. atī, Lord, lady, used as respectful term of address instead of the second personal pronoun, Thou, You, Vikr. 9, 6; Pañc. 107, 8; but taking the verb in the third person, Pañc. 109, 1; pl., Vikr. 3, 9; f., 9, 6; pl., 5, 6.
-- Comp. atra-, adj., f. ati, respectable, Kir. 11, 18. II. m., f. atī, used to denote in a respectful manner third persons who are present, Śāk. 16, 20. tatra-, m., f. atī, used to denote in a respectful manner persons who are absent, Śāk. 9, 12.
-- Cf. [greek]

bhavanta bhavant + a, m. Time.

bhavādṛś bhavādṛś, and bhavādṛśa bhavādṛśa, i. e. bharant-dṛś or dṛś + a, adj. Like you, your like, Pañc. ii. d. 185; Hit. iii. d. 15.

bhavānī bhavānī, i. e. bhava + ī, f. The wife of Śiva, Kir. 5, 29.

bhavitavyatā bhavitavya + tā (vb. bhū), f.
     1. Necessity of coming into existence, of taking place, Pañc. ii. d. 11; 133.
     2. Fate, Vikr. 36, 1.

bhavitṛ bhavitṛ, i. e. bhū + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Actually being.
     2. Being about to become.
     3. Wellbeing.

bhavila bhavila, i. e. bhū + ila, adj. Future.

bhaviṣya bhaviṣya, curtailed bhaviṣyant, ptcple. fut. of bhū, adj., f. , Future, Pañc. i. d. 103.
-- Comp. yad-, m. a proper name, Pañc. 77, 9.

bhaṣ bhaṣ, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 2, 1425).
     1. To bark, MBh. 1, 5249.
     2. To bark at, to reproach malevolently, to rail, 3, 15641; cf. bhāṣ.

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bhaṣa bhaṣ + a, m. A dog. f. ṣī, A bitch.

bhaṣaka bhaṣa + ka, m. A dog.

bhas bhas, ii. 3, Par.
     1. To eat.
     2. To shine. †
     3. To blame. bhasita, see s. v.; cf. psā and bhā.

bhasad bhasad, f.
     1. Pudendum muliebre.
     2. The sun.
     3. A month.

bhasanta bhasanta, m. Time.

bhasita bhasita, n. Ashes.

bhastrakā bhastrakā, see bhastrākā.

bhastrā bhastrā, f.
     1. A bellows, Pañc. iii. d. 97.
     2. A bag, Pañc. 265, 8.

bhastrākā bhastrākā, bhastrakā bhastrakā, bhastrikā bhastrikā, i. e. bhastrā + ka or ika, f.
     1. A bellows.
     2. bhastrikā, A bag, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 2 (carma-ratna-, a most wonderful leather bag).

bhasmaka bhasmaka, n.
     1. A disease of the eyes, indistinctness of vision.
     2. (i. e. bhas + man + ka), Morbid appetite with general decay.

bhasman bhasman (cf. bhasita), n. Ashes, Hit. ii. d. 163.

bhasmasāt bhasmasāt, i. e. bhasman + sāt, adv. Completely into ashes; with and kṛ, To reduce to ashes, Pañc. 38, 18; 186, 14; Utt. Rāmac. 74, 3.

bhasmī bhasmī, see kṛ and bhū.

bhā 1. bhā, ii. 2, Par.
     1. To shine, Kir. 5, 20.
     2. To appear, Rājat. 5, 94. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhāta, Bright. n. Morning.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To shine from every part, Ghaṭ. 10.
-- With ava ava, To shine, MBh. 3, 10094.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To shine forth, Chr. 288, 9 = Rigv. i. 48, 9.
     2. To illuminate, Chr. 289, 4 = Rigv. i. 50, 4.
     3. To shine, Rām. i. 15, 19.
     4. To appear, Vikr. d. 142; MBh. 3, 13701.
-- With ud ud, To shine forth, Man. 1, 7.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To shine forth, Man. 5, 44.
     2. To proceed, Man. 2, 10.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To begin to shine, Rām. 1, 45, 5.
     2. To shine forth, MBh. 3, 10054. prabhāta, Begun to become clear, Rām. 2, 6, 10. n. Daybreak, morning, Pañc. 246, 16; loc. te, tomorrow, 119, 1. Comp. tatpr°, i. e. tad-, loc. the following morning, Lass. 12, 1. su-, adj. enlightened.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To appear, MBh. 3, 10055.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To shine, Ghaṭ. 15.
     2. To appear, Vikr. d. 23; Chr. 41, 23.
     3. To please, Pañc. 78, 12; 151, 1; Vikr. 43, 17 (with acc.)
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To appear, MBh. 1, 8095.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To shine, Vikr. d. 44; Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 92, 6.
     2. To appear, Lass. 75, 2. vibhāta, Become manifest, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 5. n. Daybreak.
-- Cf. [greek] probably, [greek] (for [greek] from the Caus. bhāpaya), [greek] (for [greek] (for [greek]) [greek]- [greek] etc.; Lat. focus, februus (from the Causal).

bhā 2. bhā,
I. f.
     1. Light.
     2. Splendour.
II. m. The sun.

bhāga bhāga, i. e. bhaj + a, m.
     1. A portion, part, Pañc. i. d. 447; side, Vikr. d. 26; Utt. Rāmac. 42, 12.
     2. Fortune, fate, Utt. Rāmac. 38, 9.
     3. A division of time, the 30th part of a zodiacal sign.
     4. A degree, the 360th part of the circumference of a great circle.
-- Comp. a-, adj. deprived of one's share, Man. 9, 213. agra-, m. fore or top part, Śāk. 141, 10 Chezy. adhobh°, i. e. adhas-, m. 1. the lower part, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 18; Pañc. 76, 23 (under). 2. the lower part of the body, Suśr. 1, 208, 7. ardha-, m. 1. half, Kumāras. 5, 50. 2. a part, Ragh. 7, 42. aśīti-, m. an 80th part, Man. 8, 140. catur-, m. a 4th part, Man. 8, 176. tri-, m. a 3rd part, Hariv. 8887. dāya-, m. partition of heritage, Man. 9, 103. digbh°, i. e. diś-, m. region, quarter, Pañc. 106, 22. nimna-, m. a deep place, Rām. 2, 80, 9. para-, m. 1. supremacy, Pañc. i. d. 375. 2. hightest degree, Kathās. 1, 47 (cf. divya-mānuṣa.) pāda-, f. a fourth part, MBh. 2, 204. purobhāga, i. e. puras-,
I. m. 1. obtrusiveness, Hariv. 7338. 2. envy, Mālav. d. 19.
II. adj., f. , obtrusive, Śāk. 70, 14. mahā-, adj. 1. eminent. 2. virtuous in a high degree, Chr. 9, 41; 24, 47; Utt. Rāmac. 38, 8. yajña-, m. a deity, Śāk. d. 186. śeṣa-, m. the remaining or last part. ṣaḍbhāga, i. e. ṣaṣ-, m. a sixth part, Pañc. i. d. 391.

bhāgadheya bhāga-dheya (vb. dhā),
I. m.
     1. A heir.
     2. Royal revenue.
II. n.
     1. Portion, Man. 3, 245.
     2. Fate, fortune, happiness, Vikr. 55, 10.

bhāgaśas bhāga + śas, adv. Part for part, MBh. 2, 211; Man. 12, 22 (Jones: In the order of their natural distribution.)

bhāgin bhāgin, i. e. bhaj and bhāga + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Who or what shares.
     2. One who partakes, Man. 3, 143; Pañc. 16, 2.
     3. Undergoing, suffering, Pañc. 29, 9; 68, 23.
     4. An owner, Man. 9, 48.
     5. Consisting of parts.
II. m. A co-heir.
III. f. , Co-heiress.
-- Comp. duḥkha-, adj. suffering pain, Hit. i. d. 24, M. M. dharma-, adj., f. , virtuous, Hit. iii. d. 25. purobhāgin, i. e. puras- (cf. purobhāga under bhāga), adj., f. giṇī, 1. obtrusive, Śāk. 70, 14 v. r. 2. envious, censorious, Rājat. 6, 83. manda-, adj. unhappy, Utt. Rāmac. 79, 11.

bhāgineya bhāgineya, i. e. bhaginī + eya,
I. m. A sister's son, Pañc. 231, 20.
II. , A sister's daughter.

bhāgīrathī bhāgīrathī, i. e. bhagiratha + a + ī, f. The Ganges. Hit. 3, 3, M. M.

bhāgya bhāgya, i. e. bhāga + ya, n.
     1. Merit and demerit acquired in former existences, fate, fortune, Vikr. 63, 19.
     2. Merit, Bhartṛ. 2, 94.
     3. Happiness, Hit. pr. d. 5, M. M.
     4. instr. yena, Happily, Hit. 17, 4, M. M.
     5. Sensual pleasure, Rājat. 5, 385.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unfortunate, Pañc. 197, 23. para- n. another's property, Hit. i. d. 24, M. M. manda-, adj. unhappy, Vikr. 32, 8. mahā-, n. great luck, happiness, Sāv. 1, 1; Man. 11, 244 (Jones: Transcendent excellence).

bhāgyavant bhāgya + vant, adj.
     1. Abounding in merits.
     2. Happy, Pañc. 201, 7.

bhāṅgāsuri bhāṅgāsuri, m. A proper name, Nal. 19, 11.

bhāṅgīna bhāṅgīna, i. e. bhaṅgā + īna, n. A field of hemp.

bhāj † 1. bhāj, i. 10, Par. To divide; cf. bhaj.

bhāj 2. -bhāj, (vb. bhaj), latter part of comp. adj. One who possesses or obtains; e. g. ardha- adj. Obtaining or entitled to a half, Man. 8, 239. nṛpa-māna-, Obtaining royal honour, Man. 2, 139. vibhāga-, m. Entitled to a portion of a property already distributed, as a son born after the distribution of his father's property. viyoga-, adj. Suffering separation, cf. also Pañc. i. d. 196; 147, 12.

bhājana bhājana, bhaj + ana, n.
     1. Any vessel, as a pot or cup, Hit. pr. d. 8, M. M.; figuratively, Pañc. ii. d. 194 (a vessel of love and confidence, a person on whom one may depend).
     2. A fit person.
     3. Sharing.
-- Comp. dīpa- n. a lamp, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 11.

bhājanatva bhājana + tva, n. Condition of being a vessel, i. e. a fit object, Mālav. d. 83.

bhāṭaka bhāṭaka, i. e. probably bhaṭa + ka, m. Price, wages.

bhāṭṭa bhāṭṭa, i. e. bhaṭṭa + a, m. A follower of Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 9.

bhāṇḍa bhāṇḍa, n.
     1. Any vessel, a pot, a cup, Pañc. 96, 18; Hit. 85, 14.
     2. Any implement or utensil, Sāv. 3, 1.
     3. The capital, principal of a merchant.
     4. Goods, wares, Pañc. 7, 17 (deśa-antara-bhāṇḍa-ānayana, n. Exporting wares to foreign countries), i. d. 19.
     5. An ornament, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 2.
     6. Any musical instrument, Man. 10, 49.
     7. The bed of a river.
-- Comp. kṣura-, n. a razorcase, Hit. 64, 20. bhinna- (vb. bhid), n. 1. a potsherd. 2. a broken vessel. mahā-, n. a great vessel, Pañc. 62, 25. sāra-, n. 1. a natural vessel, as the bag or skin in which musk is sold. 2. a bale of goods, Pañc. 8, 14. 3. implements, Mālav. 44, 1 (Prākṛ.)

bhāṇḍāyana bhāṇḍāyana, n. A proper name, Utt. Rāmac. 91, 8.

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bhāṇḍika bhāṇḍika, i. e. bhāṇḍa + ika, m. A musician.

bhāṇḍila bhāṇḍila, i. e. bhāṇḍa + ila, m. A barber.

bhātu bhā + tu, m. The sun.

bhādra bhādra, i. e. bhadra + a, m. The name of a month, August -- September.

bhādramātura bhādramātura, i. e. bhadra-mātṛ + a, m. The son of a virtuous wife.

bhāna bhāna, i. e. bhā + ana, n.
     1. Appearance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 3.
     2. Perception, Bhāṣāp. 65.
-- Cf. [greek]

bhānatas bhāna + tas, adv. In consequence of the appearance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 5.

bhānavant bhāna + vant, adj. Endowed with the appearance, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 3.

bhānu bhā + nu,
I. m.
     1. A ray of light, Chr. 288, 9 = Rigv. i. 48, 9.
     2. Light.
     3. The sun, Pañc. 134, 17.
     4. A sovereign, a master.
II. f. A handsome woman.
-- Comp. citra-,
I. adj. resplendent, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7.
II. m. fire, MBh. 1, 2036. vṛhad-bhānu, i. e. vṛhant-, m. a name of Agni. svar-, m. Rāhu, the ascending node, Chr. 36, 23.

bhānumant bhānu + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Luminous, splendid.
     2. Beautiful, Draup. 7, 2.

bhām bhām (rather a denomin. derived from bhāma), i. 1, Ātm., and i. 10, Par. To be angry or wrathful.

bhāma bhā + ma,
I. m.
     1. Light.
     2. The sun.
     3. Passion, wrath.
     4. A sister's husband.
II. f. . A passionate woman.
-- Cf. probably A. S. beam, a sun-beam, beamian, to shine (cf. the last).

bhāmin bhāmin, i. e. bhāma + in,
I. adj., f. , Passionate, Ragh. 8, 28.
II. f. , A passionate woman, often used, as a term of endearment, in the same sense as māninī.

bhāra bhāra, i. e. bhṛ + a, m.
     1. Carrying burthens, Pañc. i. d. 312.
     2. Weight, a burthen, Pañc. 52, 4; figurat., Pañc. 31, 3 (of government); v. d. 4.
     3. A great weight, Pañc. 99, 25.
     4. A weight of gold equal to two thousand Palas.
     5. A yoke.
-- Comp. ati-, m. 1. a too great burthen, Pañc. i. d. 22. 2. a proper name. kāṣṭha-, m. a load of wood, Hariv. 4356. garbha-, m. the burthen of being with child, Kathās. 26, 216. arha-, m. 1. the circumference of a peacock's tail, Megh. 102. 2. the tuft of a peacock's feathers at the shaft of a lance or the handle of a club.

bhāraka bhāra + ka, m. A load, Man. 11, 133.

bhāraṇḍa bhāraṇḍa, bhāruṇḍa bhāruṇḍa, bheraṇḍa bheraṇḍa (m.), The name of a fabulous bird, see Pañc. 263, 19; cf. my translation, 535, n. 1437. f. , Its female, Pañc. 264, 4.

bhārata bhārata, i. e. bharata + a,
I. patronym. A descendant of Bharata, Hit. iv. d. 86.
II. m.
     1. An actor.
     2. A name of fire.
III. f. .
     1. Speech, Chr. 53, 1.
     2. Dramatic recitation.
     3. The goddess of speech, Pañc. ii. d. 16.
     4. A quail.
IV. n.
     1. India proper.
     2. A great epic poem, also mahābhārata mahā-, n.

bhāradvāja bhāradvāja, i. e. bharadvāja + a,
I. patronym., m.
     1. Epithet of Droṇa.
     2. One of the seven Ṛṣis.
     3. Agastya.
     4. The son of Vṛhaspati.
II. m. A skylark, Pañc. 157, Wild cotton.
IV. n. A bone.

bhārava bhārava, n. A bowstring.

bhāravi bhāravi, m. The name of a poet, Chr. 170, 1.

bhāri bhāri, m. A lion.

bhārika bhārika, i. e. bhāra + ika, m. A porter, Rājat. 5, 204 (treasurer; cf. 176 and my Chr. p. 315, n. ad 176.
I propose to read bhaurika).

bhārin bhārin, i. e. bhāra + in, m. A porter, Man. 2, 138; Kathās. 22, 96.

bhāruṇḍa bhāruṇḍa, see bhāraṇḍa.

bhārgava bhārgava, i. e. bhṛgu + a, patronym.
I. m.
     1. A descendant of Bhṛgu.
     2. Epithet of Paraśurāma, Johns. Sel. 4, 22; Utt. Rāmac. 13, 10.
     3. A name of Śukra, regent of Venus.
     4. An archer.
     5. An elephant.
     6. A proper name, Johns. Sel. 60, 189.
II. f. .
     1. Pārvatī.
     2. Lakṣmī.
     3. Bent grass, Panicum dactylon.

bhāryā bhāryā, properly ptcple. fut. pass. of bhṛ, f. A wife, Pañc. 137, 9.
-- Comp. ku-,
I. f. a wicked wife, Mārk. P. 21, 73.
II. ku-bhārya, adj. having a wicked wife, Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 15. sa-bhārya, adj. with (his) wife, Rām. 3, 55, 42.

bhāryāṭa bhāryāṭa, m. A man who lets out his wife for prostitution.

bhāryātva bhāryā + tva, f. State of a female, Man. 12, 69.

bhāla bhāla, m.
     1. The forehead, Bhartṛ. 2, 48.
     2. i. e. bhā + la, Lustre.

bhālu bhā + lu, m. The sun.

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bhālūka bhālūka, m. A bear (cf. bhallaka).

bhāva bhāva, i. e. bhū + a, m.
     1. State, Hit. pr. d. 28, M. M.; Vikr. d. 115 (nadī-bhāvena pariṇata, changed into a river).
     2. Property, Pañc. iv. d. 62; nature, Nal. 10, 15.
     3. Meaning, Man. 2, 124.
     4. Purpose, Man. 4, 234; intention, Vikr. d. 102 (Sch.).
     5. Mind, Pañc. i. d. 317; heart, Rām. 3, 24, 11; Chr. 18, 35.
     6. Emotion, passion, as an object of poetry, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 11; (of music? Pañc. v. d. 44); love, Vikr. d. 72; Lass. 58, 16 (read hurvantyā bhāva°).
     7. Gesture.
     8. Corporeal expression of amorous sentiments.
     9. A being.
     10. Substance, Bhāṣāp. 13; thing, object, Utt. Rāmac. 74, 9.
     11. The world.
     12. Superhuman power.
     13. The Supreme Being, Man. 4, 234.
     14. A learned man.
     15. Venerable, master, Vikr. 3, 11.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. absence, Man. 8, 259; Hit. i. d. 118, M. M. 2. nonexistence; abhāva + tas, adv. in consequence of the non-existence, Bhāṣāp. 113. 3. death, Kathās. 18, 270. 4. destruction, Rām. 5, 27, 6. a-badhya-, adj. state of being inviolable, Hit. iii. d. 63. ādhāra-ā-dheya- (vb. dhā), m. state or relation of the receptacle and the object received, Hit. iii. d. 12 (instr. because it [viz. the mirror] can receive [reflect] only in proportion to its greatness). ārya-, m. honest behaviour, Rām. 1, 1, 35. eka-,
I. m. 1. same state, Hit. ii. d. 151. 2. simplicity (opposite to duplicity), candour, Pañc. iii. d. 61.
II. adj. unchanged, MBh. 13, 3677. kanyā-, m. virginity, MBh. 1, 2405. kṛta-, adj. resolute, Rām. 6, 70, 12. tanu-, m. scantiness, Śāk. d. 167. dāsa-, m. slavery, Draup. 9, 16. durnīta-, i. e. dus-, m. foolish behaviour, Chr. 8, 32. dūra-, m. distance, Megh. 47. droha-, m. malignance, Man. 9, 17. dvandva-, m. discord, Ṛt. 1, 27. punar-, m. regeneration, Prab. 108, 1. pṛthagbhāva, i. e. pṛthak-, m. 1. separateness. 2. difference. prāpta-, i. e. pra-āpta,
I. adj. 1. of a good disposition. 2. wise. 3. handsome.
II. m. a bullock. bāla-, m. youth, Pañc. 182, 12, vṛddha-, m. old age, Pañc. 50, 8. sadbhāva, i. e. sant-, m. 1. the property of being, entity. 2. truth, Lass. 57, 7. 3. the property of goodness, kindness, Megh. 18, n. 4. honesty, Hit. iv. d. 103. 5. merit, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1880; a pure or holy disposition. 6. amiability. sarva-, m. one's whole being, Hit. ii. d. 33. sādhu-, m. goodness, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 4. sva-, m. 1. nature, natural disposition, Rām. 3, 51, 33; Hit. i. d. 19, M. M. 2. purpose, Johns. Sel. 46, 76, strī-sva-, m. 1. female nature. 2. an eunuch, attendant on women. sthāyigh°, i. e. sthāyin-, m. 1. fixed condition. 2. A passion or feeling, as object of poetical description, viz. desire, mirth, etc.

bhāvaja bhāva-ja, m. Love, Kāma.

bhāvatas bhāva + tas, in jñāti-, adv. By being a relation, Hit. ii. d. 92.

bhāvatka bhāvatka, i. e. bhavant + ka, adj., f. , Thine.

bhāvana bhāvana, i. e. bhū, Caus., + ana,
I. m.
     1. A creator, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 11.
     2. A founder.
II. n., and f. .
     1. Causing to be.
     2. Mental perception, Bhāṣāp. 31; Pañc. v. d. 91 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2119; the success of an advice, etc., depends on the manner in which it is mentally received, faithfully believed, etc.).
     3. Recollection, Utt. Rāmac. 25, 13.
     4. Imagination, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 6.
     5. Meditation, Bhag. 2, 66.
     6. Observing.
     7. Decorating with flowers, etc.
-- Comp. nyagbhāvana, i. e. nyañc-, n. 1. contempt. 2. humbling. viśeṣa-, f. reflecting on, or perceiving, differences.

bhāvitra bhāvitra (vb. bhū), n. The universe.

bhāvin bhāvin, adj, f. , i. e.
I. bhū + in, Future, Vikr. 87, 1; what will be, Daśak. in. Chr, 186, 24; what will fall at one's share, Pañc. iv. d. 73.
II. bhā + vin.
     1. Beautiful, Rām. 3, 53, 39.
     2. f. , A distinguished woman, a wanton woman.
-- Comp. avaśyabh°, i. e. avaśyam-, adj. what will be inevitably, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 2. tathā-, adj. destined to become really, Śāk. 111, 20. punar-, adj. possible to be undone, Chr. 22, 20.

bhāvuka bhāvuka, i. e. bhū + uka,
I. adj.
     1. Actually being.
     2. Happy.
     3. Latter part of comp. adj. Becoming.
II. m. A sister's husband.
III. n. Happiness. See śubhaṃbh°.

bhāṣ bhāṣ, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Chr. 27, 1).
     1. To speak, Man. 8, 216.
     2. To speak to (acc.), Rām. 2, 78, 19.
     3. To address, MBh. 3, 2747.
     4. To describe, Man. 4, 255. bhāṣita, n. Speech, Pañc. i. d. 356. Comp. su-,
I. adj. 1. well spoken. 2. and n. well discoursing. Pañc. 31, 4, ii. d. 177.
II. n. 1. eloquence. 2. a good advice(?), Man. 2, 239.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To speak distinctly, Man. 3, 30.
     2. To confess, Man. 11, 228.
-- With apa apa, To revile, Kumāras. 5, 83.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To address, Man. 2, 128.
     2. To speak to (with instr.), Man. 4, 57.
     3. To declare loudly, Man. 11, 103.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To converse, MBh. 3, 12697.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To address, MBh. 1, 74.
     2. To speak, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 396.
     3. To exclaim, Dev. 2, 36.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To address, MBh. 3, 15169. Comp. ptcple. duḥkha-vyābhāṣita, adj. Difficult to be pronounced, MBh. 13, 4485.
-- With samā sam-ā, To address, MBh. 1, 4198.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To declare, Utt. Rāmac. 130, 5.
     2. To persuade, MBh. 1, 4287.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To speak, Rām. 3, 51, 25.
     2. To address, MBh. 3, 2599. prabhāṣita, n. Speech, Nal. 8, 11.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To speak, MBh. 5, 41.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To answer, MBh. 3, 2524.
     2. To address, Rām. 1, 8, 29; Pañc. 193, 13.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To converse, Chr. 56, 18; to converse with (instr.), Man. 8. 55.
     2. To have sexual intercourse with, Hit. 64, 12 (with acc.).
     3. To greet, Hit. 14, 20.
     4. To speak. MBh. 1, 5190; to say, Hit. 57, 6 (read saṃbhāṣate. The sense is: It is true he is anxious, else he would not have said to me, etc.). bhāṣ is probably akin to bhā.
-- Cf. Lat. fastus, nefastus, nefarius, festus, feriae, hariolus, fas, nefas, fari; [greek] akin are [greek] (but cf. bhañj, i. 10); A. S. bannan, abannan.

bhāṣaṇa bhāṣaṇa, i. e. bhāṣ + ana, n. Speech, Lass. 8, 8.

bhāṣā bhāṣ + ā, f.
     1. Speech, Chr. 220, 1. 1.
     2. Language, Pañc. i. d. 445.
     3. Vernacular speech, Lass. 39, 11; MBh. 2, 2040.
     4. Speech exposing the plaint in a law-suit, Lass. 90, 3; Pañc. 167. 6(?).
-- Comp. deśa-bhāṣā, f. the language of a country, MBh. 9, 2605. vi-bhāṣā, indecl. alternatively, either of two ways, optionally.

bhāṣin bhāṣ + in, adj., f. ṣiṇī, Speaking, Pañc. 184, 4; Rājat. 5, 61. Comp. dus-, adj. abusing, MBh. 5, 751. pūrva-, adj. speaking first, making advances, Rām. 2, 1, 7 Gorr. mṛdu-, adj. speaking sweetly, Vikr. d. 88.

bhās 1. bhās (akin to bhā, probably a denomin.), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 1, 4852).
     1. To shine, MBh. 3, 12299.
     2. To appear, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 4. Caus.
     1. To illuminate, Bhagav. 15, 6.
     2. To make evident, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 22.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To shine, Rām. 1, 35, 16.
     2. To appear, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 12. Caus. To illuminate, Śiś. 9, 37.
-- With ā ā, To shine, MBh. 2, 1313.
-- With ud ud, Caus.
     1. To beautify, Ragh. 7, 16.
     2. To honour, Bhartṛ. 2, 49.
-- With ni ni, To seem likely.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To shine, MBh. 3, 17090.
     2. To seem likely. Caus. To illuminate, MBh. 1, 6532.
-- With prati prati, To reflect, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 15.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To shine agreeably, Rām. 2, 30, 10.
     2. To shine, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 88; 595.

bhās 2. bhās, f.
     1. Light, Ṛt. 6, 33.
     2. A ray of light, Rājat. 5, 343.
     3. Splendour, Pañc. i. d. 213.
     4. Image, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38.
     5. Wish.
-- Comp. a-cira-, f. lightning, Śāk. d. 166. śaśāṅka-, adj. shining like the moon, Ṛt. 6, 3.

bhāsa bhās + a,
I. m., and f. , Light.
II. m.
     1. A vulture, Man. 11, 135; Pañc. 157, 3(?).
     2. A cock.
     3. A sort of water-fowl.
     4. A station of cowherds.
-- Comp. padma-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, Hariv. 14119. pūṣabhāsā, i. e. pūṣan-, f. The capital of Indra.

bhāsaka bhās + aka, adj. Making evident, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 22.

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bhāsatā bhāsa + tā, f. Condition of a vulture, Man. 11, 25.

bhāsanta bhāsant + a (vb. bhās),
I. adj.
     1. Shining.
     2. Beautiful.
II. m.
     1. The sun.
     2. The moon.
     3. A kind of water-fowl.

bhāsin bhās + in, adj. Shining, Hariv. 985.

bhāsura bhāsura (= bhāsvara),
I. adj. Shining, Bhartṛ. 2, 27.
II. m.
     1. Crystal.
     2. A hero.

bhāsuraka bhāsura + ka, m. A proper name, Pañc. 53, 17.

bhāsuratva bhāsura + tva, n. Splendour, Mālav. d. 12.

bhāskara bhās-kara,
I. adj. Resplendent.
II. m.
     1. The sun, Pañc. 190, 4.
     2. Fire.
     3. A hero.
III. n. Gold.

bhāsyatva bhāsya + tva (vb. bhās), n. Condition of appearing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 19.

bhāsvant bhās + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Shining, Man. 1, 77; radiant, Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7.
II. m.
     1. Light.
     2. The sun, Pañc. iii. d. 77.
     3. A hero.
III. f. vatī, The city of the sun.

bhāsvara bhāsvara, i. e. bhāsvan (curtailed °vant), + a (with r for n),
I. adj. Shining, Bhāṣāp. 40; radiant.
II. m.
     1. The sun.
     2. A day.

bhikṣ bhikṣ (for bibhakṣ, desider. of bhaj), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 16986).
     1. To beg, Man. 2, 184.
     2. To solicit from, Man. 2, 50 (acc.); 11, 24 (abl.).
     3. † To obtain.
     4. † To fail of obtaining.
     5. † To be distressed.
     6. † To solicit anything through covetousness(?).

bhikṣā bhikṣ + ā, f.
     1. Begging, Pañc. 116, 17.
     2. Alms., Pañc. 116, 19.
     3. Begged food, Man. 2, 50.
     4. Hire.
     5. Service.
-- Comp. durbhikṣa, i. e. dus-, n.
     1. Famine, Pañc. 114, 4.
     2. Want of provisions, Hiḍ. iii. d. 106. subhikṣa, i. e. su-, n. abundance of food, Rājat. 5, 116; Pañc. iv. d. 82.

bhikṣāka bhikṣā + ka, m., and f. , A mendicant, Rājat. 6, 166.

bhikṣu bhikṣ + u, m.
     1. A mendicant; one who subsists only upon alms, Pañc. v. d. 55.
     2. A religious mendicant, Hit. iii. d. 104
-- Comp. śveta-, a sort of mendicant, Pañc. iii. d. 73.

bhikṣuka bhikṣu + ka, m., and f. , A beggar, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 14.
-- Comp. dharma-, m. a virtnous mendicant, Man. 11, 2. śākya-, f. , a Bauddha nun, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 15.

I. m. A shrub.
II. f. , A kind of shrub (ŚKD.), Pañc. i. d. 106.

bhitta bhitta, i. e. bhid + ta, n. A part.

bhitti bhitti, i. e. bhid + ti, f.
     1. Breaking.
     2. A thing broken or divided.
     3. A fissure, Bhartṛ. 2, 31.
     4. A fragment, Kir. 5, 8.
     5. A defect.
     6. Opportunity.
     7. An asylum.
     8. A wall of earth or masonry, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17; Mālav. 50, 6.
     9. A place, Śiś. 9, 75.
-- Comp. sudhā- f. a plastered wall, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 18.

bhittikā bhitti + kā, f.
     1. A wall.
     2. A small house-lizard.

bhid 1. bhid, ii. 7, bhinad, bhind, Par. Ātm.
     1. To break, Rām. 2, 80, 17; to destroy, Pañc. i. d. 112.
     2. To tear up, Pañc. 230, 16.
     3. To pierce, Rām. 3, 50, 18; pass. to be afflicted, Pañc. i. d. 436.
     4. To divide, Pañc. i. d. 115; to disjoin, Man. 7, 66.
     5. To betray, 7, 50.
     6. Pass. To differ, Ciś. 9, 46.
     7. Pass. To split, Cāṇ. 21 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 406. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhinna,
     1. Broken, split, cloven, Rājat. 5, 260.
     2. Divide, Rājat. 5, 176.
     3. Disunited, Hit. iv. d. 39 (dāna-, on account of gifts).
     4. Distinguished, other, different (dinasya pūrvārdhaparārdhabhinnachāyā, the shade of the day different in the morning and in the afternoon, Pañc. ii. d. 38).
     5. Separated, detached, without (also as former part of comp. adj.), Pañc. i. d. 212; Megh. 82; Bhāṣāp. 133.
     6. Blown, opened.
     7. Performed with great strides, Vikr. d. 80 (bhinna-gati, adj. Going quickly, cf. gati-bheda).
     8. Neglected, deviated from.
     9. Connected, joined, mixed, Megh. 60. m. A flaw in a jewel. n.
     1. A bit, a portion.
     2. (in arithmetic), A fraction. Comp. a-, adj. 1. unhurt, Ragh. 17, 12. 2. undivided. 3. not different, unchanged, Śāk. d. 14; equal, identical, Prab. 9, 8. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. bhedya. Comp. a-bhedya, adj. 1. impenetrable, Rām. 6, 79, 65. 2. indestractible. n. a diamond. durbh°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be broken or divided, Hit. i. d. 21, M. M. sucī-, 1. to be pierced by a needle. 2. palpable. 3. very dense (viz. darkness), Hit. 98, 22.
II. bhidya, m. a river. Caus. bhedaya,
     1. To divide, to cleave, Rām. 1, 16, 23.
     2. To perplex, Rām. 1, 64, 7.
     3. To disunite, MBh. 1, 7399.
     4. To remove, to overcome, MBh. 1, 5592.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atibhina in nātibhinna, Wholly like, Śāk. 27, 18.
-- With anu anu, To break afterward, MBh. 2, 2483.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To divide, to pierce through, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 7.
     2. Pass. To break forth, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 5. udbhinna,
     1. Opened, burst, Ragh. 13, 21.
     2. Budded.
     3. Destroyed, Lass. 64, 1.
-- With proda pra-ud, pradbhinna,
     1. Breaking forth, Śāk. 128, 18 Chezy.
     2. Standing erect, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 830.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To divide, to cleave, Rām. 3, 55, 10; to open, Vikr. d. 41.
     2. To break down, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 1.
     3. To put out (one's eyes), MBh. 3, 10328.
     4. To pierce, Vikr. d. 144; Rām. 2, 35, 4.
     5. To destroy, Hit. ii. d. 21.
     6. To betray, to divulge, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 8. nirbhina,
     1. Pierced, Vikr. d. 150.
     2. Undistinguished, equal (rather bhinna with nis). Ptcple. of the fut. pass. nirbhedya,
     1. Not disappointed, Rām. 6, 91, 26.
     2. Without fissures, Kām. Nītia. 11, 66 (rather bhedya with nis).
-- With vinis vi-nis, To cleave, MBh. 3, 8551.
-- With pra pra, prabhinna,
     1. Pierced, Sund. 2, 20.
     2. Well cut, detached, Johns. Sel. 54, 134; severed. m. A furious elephant (cf. Johns. 1. 1.).
-- With prati prati,
     1. To disown, Śiś. 9, 58.
     2. To pierce, Draup. 6, 15.
     3. To reproach, Ragh. 19, 22.
     4. To betray, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 22. pratibhinna,
     1. Pierced.
     2. Separated.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To cleave, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10.
     2. To pierce, MBh. 3, 709. vibhinna,
     1. Pierced, wounded.
     2. Broken.
     3. Scattered, moved to and fro, Vikr. d. 85.
     4. Mixed, Kir. 5, 34.
     5. Various.
     6. Disappointed.
     7. Bewildered. Caus. To alienate, Rām. 2, 7, 18.
-- With sam sam, saṃbhinna,
     1. Divided.
     2. Shaken.
     3. Combined, united.
-- Cf. Lat. findo, finis (for fid + nis); Goth. beitan; A. S. bitan (with batan, Caus. to cause to bite, to bait); Goth. baitar; A. S. biter; O.H.G. biz,. bizzo, fiza, etc.; [greek] (for [greek] and probably [greek] (for [greek]

bhid 2. bhid,
I. adj. Who or what breaks, divides, destroys; cf. balabhid.
II. f.
     1. Difference, kind.
     2. Breaking, dividing.
-- Comp. yamunā-, m. Baladeva.

bhidaka bhid + aka,
I. m. A sword.
II. n. Indra's thunderbolt.

bhidā bhid + ā, f.
     1. Tearing, cleaving, Kir. 5, 43.
     2. Coriander.

bhidi bhid + i, m., bhidira bhid + ira, n., bhidu bhid + u, m., and bhidra bhid + ra, n. Indra's thunderbolt.

bhidura bhid + ura,
I. adj. Brittle.
II. n. Thunderbolt; Pañc. i. d. 241 corr. piṭharu, see my translation.

bhind bhind, see bind.

bhinnaka bhinna + ka (vb. bhid), m.
     1. A Bauddha.
     2. A musical mode, Vikr. 56, 17.

bhinnadeśatva bhinna-deśa + tva, n. Condition of being widely distant, Śāk. d. 50.

bhinnavṛttitā bhinna-vṛtti + tā, f. Omission of prescribed acts, Man. 12, 33.

bhiyā bhiyā, i. e. bhī + a, f. Fear.

bhil bhil, see bil.

bhilla bhilla, m. A barbarian of a particular tribe.

bhiṣagjita bhiṣagjita, i. e. bhiṣaj + jita (vb. ji), n. A medicament.

bhiṣaj bhiṣaj, i. e. abhi-sañj, m. A physician, Pañc. 156, 21.

bhī 1. bhī, ii. 3; i. 1, ved. (and † i. 10?), Par. (ved., and in epic poetry also Ātm., Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 85, 8; MBh. 3, 16289).
     1. To fear, Rām. 1, 59, 2.
     2. To be afraid of, with abl., Man. 4, 191; with gen., Rām. 1, 1, 4; with acc., Lass. 51, 7. Anomal. aor. sing.
     2. bhais, Chr. 36, 16. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhīta, Frightened, Pañc. i. d. 364; fearful, Chr. 19, 14; timid, Chr. 54, 11; afraid of, Cāṇ. 96 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 413. n. Fear. Comp. a-, adj. fearless, Rām. 2, 60, 7. divā-, m. 1. an owl, Kumāras. 1, 12. 2. a thief. 3. any flower, the petals of which close in the daytime. mahā-, 1. adj. very timid. 2. f. , a sort of sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica. su-, adj. much afraid, Pañc. i. d. 20. Caus.
     1. bhāyaya.
     2. bhāpaya, Ātm.
     3. bhīṣaya, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 1, 185), To terrify, MBh. 8, 1791. bhiṣita, Terrified, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 15.
-- With the prep. nis nis, nirbhita, adj. fearless, Rām. 2, 27, 17 (rather bhīta, n. Fear, with nis).
-- With pra pra, To fear in a high degree, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 2. (vi vi, in vi-bhīta, adj. Fearless, is compounded rather with bhīta.)
-- Cf. [greek] ([greek] = bhāp in the Caus. bhāpaya), and probably [greek] O.H.G. bibên; A. S. bifian, beofian (old frequent.).

bhī 2. bhī, f. Fear, Pañc. i. d. 125.
-- Comp. a-, and apa-, adj. fearless, Rām. 5, 14, 12; Draup. 8, 19.

bhīti bhī + ti, f.
     1. Fear, Bhartṛ. 2, 72; Hit. ii. d. 54 (doṣa-, of committing faults).
     2. Trembling.
-- Comp. divā-, m. an owl.

bhīma bhī + ma,
I. adj.
     1. Fearful, horrid, Rām. 3, 50, 27; Bhartṛ. 2, 72. 3. Terrifying, Utt. Rāmac. 139, 18.
II. m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. One of the five Pāṇḍu princes.
III. f. .
     1. Durgā.
     2. A whip.
IV. n.
     1. Horror.
     2. Danger.
-- Comp. mahā-, 1. a name of Śāntanu. 2. one of Śiva's chamberlains.

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bhīmasena bhīmasena (cf. sena), m. The second of the five Pāṇḍu princes.

bhīru bhī + ru,
I. adj., f. ru or , Timid, Pañc. iii. d. 25.
II. m.
     1. A jackal.
     2. A tiger.
III. f. ru or .
     1. A timid woman, Vikr. d. 5.
     2. A plant, Asparagus racemosa.
     3. A sert of prickly nightṣade.
     4. A centipede.
     5. A goat.
-- Comp. a-, 1. adj. fearless, Man. 7, 190. 2. f. ru/ū, a plant, Asparagus racemosa, Suśr. 2, 223, 10. adhyavasāya-, adj. afraid of exertion, Hit. i. d. 167, M. M.

bhīruka bhīru + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Afraid, Śāk. 30, 6 (Prākṛ.).
     2. Timid, a coward, Hit. iv. d. 30.
     3. Formidable.
II. m. An owl.

bhīrutā bhīru + tā, f. Fear, timidity. Hit. i. d. 118, M. M.; Vikr. d. 102.

bhīrutva bhīru + tva, n.
     1. Fear, timidity, Pañc. i. d. 118; 205.
     2. The nature of a tiger, Pañc. i. d. 205 (at the same time in the first signification).

bhīrumaya bhīru + maya, adj., f. yi, Terrible, Hit. 116, 8.

bhīlu bhī + lu, and bhīluka bhīlu + ka, adj. Timid, Hit. iv. d. 30 (ka).

bhīṣaṇa bhīṣaṇa, i. e. bhi, Caus., + ana,
I. adj., f. ṇā.
     1. Horrible, Pañc. 174, 11.
     2. Awful, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 8.
II. m.
     1. The sentiment of horror, as the object of poetical composition.
     2. The olibanum tree, Boswellia thurifera.
     3. Śiva.
III. n.
     1. Horrer, the property that excites fear.
     2. An object of horror, Man. 3, 9.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. very terrific, Hit. ii. d. 158.

bhīṣā bhīṣā, i. e. bhī, Caus., + a, f. Terrifying, intimidation, Man. 8, 264.

bhīṣma bhīṣma, i. e. bhī, Caus., + ma,
I. adj. Frightful, terrific.
II. n. Horror.
III. m.
     1. The sentiment of horror, as the object of poetical composition.
     2. Śiva.
     3. An imp, a goblin.
     4. The grand-uncle of the Pāṇḍus, son of the Gaṅgā, Chr. 19, 5.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. a name of Śāntanu.

bhīṣmaka bhīṣma + ka, m. The comtemptible Bhīṣma, Chr. 6, 6.

bhukti bhukti, i. e. 2. bhuj + ti, f.
     1. Fating, Pañc. 133, 2.
     2. Food, Rājat. 5, 170.
     3. Fruition.
     4. Possession, Man. 8, 252; Pañc. iii. d. 93; iv. d. 76 (but cf. also Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 125).

bhuj 1. bhuj, i. 6, Par.
     1. To bend, to make crooked.
     2. Pass. To incline one's self, Hit. iv. d. 28. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhugna,
     1. Bent, crooked.
     2. Bending, stooping. Comp. ā-, adj. slightly inflexed, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 21.
-- With the prep. ava ava, avabhugna, Crooked, MBh. 1, 5801.
-- Cf. Goth. biugan; A. S. bigan, bugan; O.H.G. baug; A.S. boág, beagrian; O.H.G. bogo; A.S. bóga; O.H.G. elin -bogo; A. S. elnboga, elboga; O.H.G. buoc, būh; [greek] Lat. fugio, fuga; cf. A. S. bi-bugan, To flee away.

bhuj 2. (akin to the preceding; cf. bhaj and bhañj), ii. 7, bhunaj, bhuñj, Par. Ātm.
     1. To eat and drink, Man. 2, 53; Nal. 13, 68; Rām. 3, 53, 7.
     2. To enjoy (regularly, Ātm.), MBh. 3, 2167.
     3. To endure, Megh. 1.
     4. To govern, to possess (regularly, Par.), Man. 7, 148 (Ātm.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhukta,
     1. Eaten.
     2. Possessed, Pañc. iii. d. 93.
     3. Eating, having eaten, Pañc. iv. d. 75; n. Food. Comp. ku-, n. bad foed, Lass. 3, 9. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. bhogya, To be enjoyed, Pañc. i. d. 133. n.
     1. Enjoyment, Śāk. d. 47.
     2. Wealth.
     3. Grain. f. , A whore. Comp. a-,
I. adj. what cannot be enjoyed.
II. n. absence of enjoyment, Megh. 111. su-, adj. to be enjoyed easily, Pañc. iv. d. 84.
II. bhojya, To be eaten, edible. n.
     1. Food, meal, Hit. 76, 7, M. M.; milky messes, Man. 3, 227 (Kull.).
     2. Gratification, Man. 9, 268. Comp. a-, adj.
     1. prohibited as food, Pañc. 121, 16. 2. a person whose food must not be eaten, Man. 4, 221. ku-, n. bad food, Cāṇ. 30 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 409. Desider. bubhukṣa,
     1. To wish to eat, MBh. 1, 8087.
     2. To wish to govern, or to possess, 1, 5667. Caus.
I. bhojaya, To cause to eat, to invite, to give food, Man. 3, 106; 151; 8, 392; to treat, to entertain, Pañc. 26, 20.
II. bhuñjāpaya, To cause to eat, Lass. 12, 4.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To dispose of, Hit. 130, 4.
-- With anu anu, To receive the reward of, Man. 4, 240; Pañc. 259, 15.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To eat, to drink, Rām. 2, 30, 16; Ragh. 1, 68 (67).
     2. To enjoy, Hit. i. d. 112, M. M.
     3. To have a reward of, Man. 12, 8.
     4. To appropriate, 4, 202. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. upabhogya, To be enjoyed, what may be eaten, Pañc. 86, 23. n. An object of enjoyment, MBh. 1, 2346.
II. upabhojya, Edible, serving for food, MBh. 14, 2552.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To eat, Mṛcch. 297, 12 (Calc.).
     2. To enjoy, Kir. 5, 5.
-- With pra pra, To govern, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5.
-- With sam sam, To enjoy, Hit. ii. d. 167; Rājat. 5, 283. a-saṃbhojya, m. One with whom nobody is allowed to eat, Man. 9, 238. Caus. bhojaya, To cause to eat, to treat, MBh. 3, 12672.
-- Cf. Lat. fungi; Goth. bugjan; A. S. byegan, to buy (originally, to possess one's self of something); Goth. biuhts, biuhti. As bhrañj for bhañj, the original form was probably bhruñj, cf. Lat. frux, frugis, fruor, fructus, frustum, frustra, frutex; Goth. bruks, brūkjan; O.H.G. brūhan; A. S. brucan, bryce.

bhuj 3. 2. -bhuj, latter part of comp. nouns.
     1. Eating, e. g. śeṣa-, adj. Eating the rest, Man. 3, 117.
     2. Enjoying, governing; e. g. kṣiti-, m. A king, Bhartṛ. 3, 78. kṣiti-lava-, m. A small prince, Bhartṛ. 3, 100. kṣmā-, go-, jagatī-, m. A king, Rājat. 5, 50; 6; 2, 44. deha-, m. Epithet of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1067. dharā-, pṛthivī-, m. A king, Rājat. 2, 7. bali-, m. A crow. bhū-, bhūmi/ī-, mahī-, m. A king, Bhartṛ. 2, 47; Śriṅgārat. 5; Rājat. 5, 11.

bhuja 1. bhuj + a, m., and f. .
     1. The arm, Pañc. 215, 7.
     2. The hand, Hiḍ. 1, 2.
     3. The proboscis of an elephant, Draup. 8. 21.
     4. A bending.
-- Comp. ūrmi-, m. an arm-like wave, i. e. a wave instead of an arm, Śiś. 9, 38. catur-,
I. four arms, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 35.
II. adj., f. , having four arms, 4, 12, 20.
III. m. the name of a Dānava, Hariv. 12934. mahā-, adj. having great, powerful arms, Rām. 3, 55, 4; Indr. 5, 55.

bhujaga 1. bhuj + a-ga, m. A snake, Kir. 5, 4. f. , A female snake, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1156.

bhujaṃga bhujaṃga, 1. bhuj + a + m-ga,
I. m.
     1. A snake, Bhartṛ. 2, 4; Vikr. 25, 20.
     2. A catamite, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 10.
II. f. , A female snake.

bhujaṃgama bhujaṃgama, i. e. 1. bhuj + a + m-gam + a, m. A snake, Pañc. 174, 11; Bhartṛ. 2, 87.

bhujākaṇṭa bhujā-kaṇṭa (cf. kaṇṭaka), m. A finger-nail.

bhujāntara bhujāntara, i. e. bhuja-antara, n. The breast, Vikr. d. 112 (alpa-, adj., f. , Having a small chest).

bhuji 2. bhuj + i, m. Fire.

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bhujiṣya bhuj + iṣya,
I. m., and f. , A servant, Nal. 13, 55.
II. m.
     1. An independent man.
     2. A string worn round the wrist.
III. f. , A harlot.

bhujyu 2. bhuj + yu, m.
     1. Eating.
     2. A vessel(?).
     3. A proper name, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6.

bhuñjāpaya bhuñjāpaya, see 2. bhuj.

bhuṇḍbhuṇḍ, and huṇḍ huṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To support.
     2. To select.
     3. To take.

bhuraṇya bhuraṇya (a ved. denomin. from ved. bhuraṇa, based on bhur = Lat. fur-ere), Par. To be active, Chr. 289, 6 = Rigv. i. 50, 6.

bhurij bhurij, f. The earth.

bhuvana bhuvana, i. e. bnu + ana, n.
     1. A being, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3; creature, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 85, 8.
     2. The world, Hit. i. d. 32, M. M.
     3. Man, mankind.
     4. Heaven.
     5. Water.
-- Comp. tri-, n. the three worlds, heaven, sky, and earth; or heaven, earth, and the lower regions, Bhartṛ. 1, 98.

bhuvanyu bhuvanyu (akin to bhuvana), m.
     1. A master, a lord.
     2. The sun.

bhuvarloka bhuvarloka, i. e. bhuvas-loka, m. The space between the earth and the sun.

bhuvas bhuvas, i. e. bhu + as, indecl. The sky, the atmosphere, Man. 2, 76; Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 1.

bhuvis bhuvis (vb. bhū), m.(?) The ocean.

bhuśuṇḍī bhuśuṇḍī, f. A weapon, apparently a kind of fire-arms, MBh. 3, 643.

bhū 1. bhū, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To become, Man. 1, 9; with anyathā, To be changed, to fail, Pañc. 187, 1; na jātu anyathā, To be unalterable, Chr. 50, 6.
     2. To spring up, Bhag. 14, 17.
     3. To be MBh. 2, 150; auxiliary verb, Rām. 1, 41, 3; with agre, To precede, Pañc. 215, 13.
     4. To behave, Pañc. iii. d. 61.
     5. To take place, Pañc. 4, 15; to be possible, Pañc. 33, 6; to be asked, Man. 12, 108.
     6. With dat. To serve to, to cause; e. g. vināśāya, Causes destruction, MBh. 3, 12312; saṃgamāya, To unite, Vikr. d. 129.
     7. With gen. To belong to; e. g. dhanaṃ bhaviṣyati me, I shall have wealth; to fall to one's share, Hit. iii. d. 104; to befall, Hit. pr. d. 28, M. M.
     8. With loc. To be occupied with, MBh. 5, 205; Pañc. iii. d. 258 (bhaviṣyant, Who will be occupied, i. e. who begins).
     9. To live, to exist, MBh. 3, 2372.
     10. With na, To perish. Pañc. 164, 13; MBh. 1, 2781.
     11. With punar, To marry a second time, Man. 9, 175.
     12. To obtain (with acc.), MBh. 1, 5366.
     13. Impersonal pass. with instr., literally, It is existed by = exists; e. g. yair cva bhūmipālair bhaviṣyate, literally, 'by whom will be existed kings,' i. e. 'who were to be kings,' Rājat. 5, 418.
     14. bhavatu, imperat.
     3. sing. a May be, but, Śāk. 64, 8. b. Stop, Śāk. 12, 12. c. Well, Vikr. 4, 2. d. No matter, Śāk. 7, 17; 9, 18. ved. conjunctive of the aor. bhuvat, Lass. 99, 3 = Rigv. v. 9, 7. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhūta.
     1. Been, become, Arj. 3, 28; Pañc. ii. d. 2 (bhū-tāra-bhūto 'paraḥ, Become, or being, a second Saviour of the world).
     2. Being, Pañc. i. d. 324; consisting of, Hit. 114, 22 (śaktu- perhaps to be read śaktu-pūrṇaḥ).
     3. Gone, past, former, Pañc. iii. d. 136.
     4. Proper, right.
     5. True. m. and n.
     1. A malignant spirit, Chr. 37, 2.
     2. A living being, a creature, Man. 1, 50; 95; 2, 159; Pañc. iii. d. 136. m.
     1. A son, a child.
     2. A demigod of a particular kind.
     3. Śiva. n. An element, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 19; Bhāṣāp. 28; five bhūtas are enumerated: earth, fire, water, air, and aether. Comp. ātmabhūta, i. e. ātman-, adj. true to himself, Man. 7, 217. ittham-, adj. so natured, Pañc. 31, 17 (read as one word). evam-, adj. such, Hit. 10, 7, M. M.; 84, 14. tīrtha-, adj. hallowed, MBh. 13, 1725. divā-, adj. become as clear as the day, MBh. 14, 1757. mahā-, n. a primary element, as earth, etc., Man. 1, 6. vahirbhūta, i. e. vahis, adj. produced. sadbh°, i. e. sant- (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), adj. true. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. bhavitavya, What is or ought to be, Chr. 50, 8; 58, 2; used as impersonal pass., Śāk. 22, 17, bhavitavyaṃ tvayā sahāyena mama, You must become my helpmate; avahita is bhavadbhiḥ, You must be attentive, Vikr. 3, 9; asmābhis tathā bhavitavyam, We will fare thus, Hit. 16, 7, M. M.
II. bhavya.
     1. What is or ought to be, Sāv. 5, 47.
     2. Being.
     3. Good, pleasant, Pañc. 215, 6; Lass. 92, 8; profitable, Pañc. 228, 24; proper, Pañc. 138, 11.
     4. True. m. A tree, Averhoa Carambola, Lass. 52, 12. f. , A name of Umā. n.
     1. Fruit.
     2. Existence. Comp. a-, adj. 1. what is or ought not to be, Pañc. 91, 6. 2. unhappy. 3. deceitful.
     4. wicked, Rām. 3, 52, 14.
III. bhāvya,
     1. What must or ought to be, Rām. 3, 49, 13; Bhartṛ. 2, 91; Pañc. 88, 19.
     2. To be investigated (from the Caus.). Comp. a-, adj. what is not to be, or not predestined to be, Bhartṛ. 2, 91. durbh°, i. e. dus-, adj, difficult to be imagined, Mārk. P. 10, 7 (from the Caus.). Desider. bubhūṣa.
     1. To wish to be or to live, MBh. 4. 678.
     2. To wish to obtain, to choose, MBh. 1, 7068. Caus. bhāvaya.
     1. To cause to exist, to produce, MBh. 1, 8419.
     2. To support, MBh. 3, 8763.
     3. To make manifest, Man. 8, 60.
     4. (i. 10), To (imagine, to) reflect, to consider, Rām. 2, 67, 20; Pañc. iii. d. 63; Rājat. 5, 125 (bhāvita-ātman, adj. One who reflects about the universal soul).
     5. (i. 10), To obtain, Rām. 1, 44, 48.
     6. (i. 10), To purify.
     7. (i. 10), † To mix. bhāvita,
     1. Animated.
     2. Occupied with.
     3. Imagined.
     4. Acknowledged.
     5. Feigned, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 6.
     6. Obtained.
     7. Mixed.
     8. Infused.
     9. Perfumed.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To surpass, MBh. 3, 10731.
-- With the noun a-darśana, becoming adarśanī adarśanī, To become invisible, Pañc. 34, 24; 106, 20.
-- With adhara, becoming adharī adharī, adharībhūta, Putdown, i. e. admitted, Yājñ. 2, 17 (cf. Roer, transl. n.).
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, adhibhāta, n. The Supreme Being, Bhag. 8, 4.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To be present at (acc.), Nal. 5, 40.
     2. To feel, Man. 12, 17; Vikr. d. 110.
     3. To suffer, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 19.
     4. To enjoy, Pañc. 38, 5.
     5. To learn, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 23.
     6. To perceive, MBh. 3, 2112. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. an-anubhūta, adj. Not perceived, Hit. 47, 18.
-- With samanu sam-anu,
     1. To enjoy together, Lass. 6, 4.
     2. To perceive, Ragh. 9, 48.
-- With anu-guṇa, becoming anuguṇī anuguṇī, To increase in proportion (to the obstacle), Vikr. d. 49 (cf. śataguṇī bhū).
-- With antar antar, To be comprised in, Man. 12, 87.
-- With the noun andha, becoming andhī andhī, To become blind, Pañc. 200, 1.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To attain, Vikr. d. 38.
     2. To assail, Bhag. 1, 40.
     3. To overpower, Man. 7, 179.
     4. To surpass, Man. 7, 5.
     5. To spread over (acc.), MBh. 3, 10592. abhibhūta,
     1. Overpowered, Pañc. 169, 21; Vcdāntas. in Chr. 215, 11.
     2. Aggrieved, Pañc. 80, 10.
     3. Perplexed.
-- With ā ā, To exist, to live, MBh. 1, 3608.
-- With the noun ākula, becoming ākulī ākulī, To be perplexed, Śāk. 29, 23.
-- With the indeed. āvis āvis, To become visible. āvirbhūta, Appeared, Utt. Rāmac. 100, 14; become visible, Vikr. d. 8; 78, 20.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To spring up, to arise, Rājat. 5, 2, 6. udbhūta,
     1. Born, produced.
     2. Proceeded, Ṛt. 1, 24.
     3. Lofty.
     4. Vi-ii-le, present.
     5. Proportionate, Bhāṣāp. 53; 54. Caus.
     1. To cause to exist, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 8.
     2. To bring to consciousness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 9.
     3. To apply, Ragh. 2, 62. udbhāvita,
     1. Neglected.
     2. Said.
-- With prod pra-ud, prodbhūta,
     1. Breaking forth, Lass. 11, 12.
     2. Proceeding, come, Pañc. i. d. 18.
-- With samud sam-ud, To spring up, to arise, Pañc. 42, 1. samudbhūta, Born, produced, Pañc. i. d. 392; 42, 1.
-- With the numeral eka, becoming ekī ekī, To unite, MBh. 1, 919
-- With eka-chitta, becoming ekacittī ekacittī, and cka-mati, becoming ekamatī ekamatī, To become unanimous, Hit. 27, 3, M. M.; Pañc. 175, 19.
-- With kaṭhora, becoming kaṭhorī kaṭhorī, kaṭhoribhūta, Grown sharp, hot, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 9.
-- With kuṇḍala, becoming kuṇḍalī kuṇḍalī, To ringle, Bhāg. P. 5. 23, 5.
-- With kṣapaṇa, becoming kṣapaṇī kṣapaṇī, To become a Bauddha mendicant, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 16.
-- With kkila, becoming khilī khilī, khilībhūta,
     1. Wasted, impervious, Kumāras. 2, 45.
     2. Vanished, Śāk. d. 149.
-- With guṇa, becoming guṇī guṇī, guṇībhūta,
     1. Made secondary, MBh. 2, 670.
     2. Become an ornament, Kāvyapr. 48, 7.
     3. Invested with attributes.
     4. Varied.
     5. Having a certain force or application (as a word) [gunated].
-- With gocara, becoming gocarī gocarī, To become visible, Utt. Rāmac. 155, 1.
-- With ghana, becoming ghanī ghanī, ghanībhūta, Thickened, become thick, Rām. 3, 5, 8.
-- With cūrṇa, becoming cūrṇī cūrṇī, To turn into dust, to be pounded, Vikr. d. 4.
-- With caura, becoming caurī To become a thief, Bhāg. P. 4, 18, 7.
-- With jarjara, becoming jarjarī jarjarī, jarjarībhūta, Decayed, Lass. 7, 9.
-- With jhaṇajhaṇā, becoming jhaṇajhaṇī jhaṇajhaṇī, -bhūta, Rattling, MBh. 6, 738.
-- With taruṇī taruṇī, To become marriageable, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 22.
-- With the indecl. tiras tiras, To disappear, Bhāg. P. 9, 4, 53. Caus. To remove, Rām. 1, 44, 9.
-- With tīvra, becoming tīvrī tīvrī,-bhūta, Heavy, Rājat. 6, 99.
-- With tūṣṇīm tūṣṇīm, To become silent, Pañc. 193, 12. tūṣṇīṃbhūta, Silent, MBh. 1, 7951.
-- With the noun dūra, becoming dūrī dūrī, To retire, Pañc. 19, 14 (sarvair dūribhūtam, All retired).
-- With dṛḍha, becoming dṛḍhī dṛḍhī, To become strong, Pañc. iii. d. 258.
-- With drava, becoming dravī dravī, dravībhūta,
     1. Become liquid, Mārk. P. 12, 38.
     2. Melted, Utt. Rāmac. 60, 5.
-- With dvaṃdva, becoming dvaṃdvī dvaṃdvī, -bhūta, Engaged in close fight, MBh. 7, 3577.
-- With dvaidha, becoming dvadhī dvaidhī, To become divided, Śāk. d. 50.
-- With nava, becoming navī navī, To be renewed, Ragh. 12, 56.
-- With nikaṭa, becoming nikaṭī nikaṭī, -bhūta, Approached, Kathās. 19, 87.
-- With niḥsva, i. e. nis-sva, becoming niḥsvī niḥsvī, To become poor, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 5.
-- With nirāśa, i. e. nis- (cf. āśā), becoming nirāśī nirāśī, To become hopeless, Pañc. 21, 15.
-- With the prep. parā parā, To perish, MBh. 1, 4167. parābhūta,
     1. Defeated, Pañc. 151, 11.
     2. Humbled, treated with contempt, Pañc. 82, 7.
-- With the noun parāṅmukha, i. e. parāñc-mukha, becoming parāṅmukhī parāṅmukhī,
     1. To turn away, to turn the back, Lass. 24, 20.
     2. To be disinclined, Mālav. 68, 8. parāṅmukhībhūta, Being adverse, Pañc. 121, 16.
-- With the prep. pari pari, To despise, MBh. 3, 1025.
     2. To grieve, Pañc. 47, 2.
     3. To injure, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2375. Caus. To make known, Utt. Rāmac. 177, 6.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, To despise, MBh. 3, 13230.
-- With the noun paryutsuka, becoming paryutsukī paryutsukī, To become very sad, Śāk. d. 99.
-- With pātra, becoming pātrī pātrī, To become a worthy person, MBh. 4, 1513.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To spring up, Hit. i. d. 26, M. M.; to proceed, Hit. 13, 8; to rise, pr. 47, M. M.
     2. To be brought forth, MBh. 3, 17164.
     3. To appear, Megh. 15.
     4. To become prevalent, Hit. i. d. 86, M. M.; to be powerful, pra bhavati + tarām, It is most powerful, Vikr. d. 156; with na, to be powerless, Pañc. 52, 5.
     5. To prevail over, Man. 5, 2; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 814; to be master of (with gen.), Hit. i. d. 193, M. M.
     6. To be able, to serve (with inf. and dat.), Hit. i. d. 96, M. M.; Vikr. d. 9; 55; Ragh. 3, 44. prabhūta,
     1. Large, Pañc. 47, 25; much, Pañc. 69, 8; long, 4, 17.
     2. Abounding in, distinguished, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 15.
     3. Comparat. Very large, Pañc. 95, 24.
     4. Superl. Highest, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 15.
-- With prakaṭa, becoming prakaṭī prakaṭī, To become visible, Śiś. 9, 23; known, Pañc. 223, 19.
-- With pracura, becoming pracurī pracurī, To increase, Śiś. 9, 20.
-- With praṇayin, becoming praṇayī praṇayī, To become affectionate or attached to, Suśr. 1, 236, 17.
-- With praṇidhi, becoming praṇidhī praṇidhī, To become a spy, Pañc. 172, 6.
-- With pratyantara (see s. v.), becoming pratyantarī pratyantarī, To be near, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 5.
-- With preman-rāśi, becoming premarāśī premarāśī, To become a heap, (a great) store of love, Megh. 111.
-- With prādus prādus, To become manifest or visible, to appear, Pañc. 235, 22.
-- With bandhakī bandhakī, To become a harlot, Rājat. 5, 466.
-- With bahula, becoming bahulī bahulī, To be multiplied, Pañc. ii. d. 187; bahulībhūta, Generally known, Śāk. 79, 11.
-- With bhasman, becoming bhasmī bhasmī, To become mere ashes, Man. 4, 188; Pañc. iii. d. 155. bhasmībhūta, Mere ashes, i. e. wholly worthless, Man. 3, 97.
-- With bhṛtya, becoming bhṛtyī bhṛtyī, To become a servant, Rājat. 5, 51.
-- With manda, becoming mandī mandī, -bhūta, Become slack or dull, tired, Johns. Sel. 15, 58.
-- With malina, becoming malinī malinī, To become soiled, Śāk. d. 176.
-- With rahas, becoming rahī rahī, rahibhūta, Solitary, alone.
-- With rāśi, becoming rāśī rāśī, -bhūta, Heaped, Rājat. 5, 190.
-- With vaśa, becoming vaśī vaśī, -bhūta, Subject to another's will.
-- With the prep. vi vi, Caus.
     1. To trace out, Man. 8, 25.
     2. To observe, Śiś. 9, 81.
     3. To perceive, Vikr. 31, 6; Pañc. 198, 1, v. d. 7; to feel, Vikr. d. 132; to recognise, Vikr. 54, 12; pass. to appear, Pañc. 45, 13.
     4. To prove, Man. 8, 56.
     5. To decide, Pañc. 210, 10. vibhāvita,
     1. Seen, perceived, Vikr. d. 96 (vibhāvita-ekadeśa, That with whom is seen a part of a stolen object).
     2. Judged.
     3. Conceived.
     4. Established.
     5. Put right, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 14(?). Comp. a-, 1. unobserved, Man. 7, 147. 2. not perceived, Śiś. 9, 40. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-vibhāvya, not to be perceived, Śiś. 9, 12. durv°, i. e. dus-, difficult to be understood, Rām. 2, 24, 33.
-- With vi-phala, becoming viphalī viphalī, To become fruitless, Pañc. 174, 12.
-- With viṣama, i. e. vi-sama, becoming viṣamī viṣamī, To stumble, Śāk. d. 90.
-- With viṣaya, becoming viṣayī viṣayī, To become the province, property, Pañc. 25, 9.
-- With vaira, becoming verī vairī, To be changed into hate, Śāk. d. 120.
-- With vyakta (vb. vi-añj), becoming vyaktī vyaktī, To become visible, Rājat. 5, 240.
-- With vyākula, becoming vyākulī vyākulī, To become perplexed, Paṅc. 46, 1 (bhūtvā, against gramm.), anxious, Pañc. 142, 3.
-- With śata-guṇa, becoming śataguṇī śataguṇī, -bhūta, Become a hundred times as many, or stronger, Vikr. d. 49, v. r.
-- With śithila, becoming śithilī śithilī, To become loosened, to slacken, Hit. iv. d. 79.
-- With śiśira, becoming śiśirī śiśirī, To become cool, Utt. Rāmac. 158, 10.
-- With śucki, becoming śucī śucī, To become pure, to purify one's self, Pañc. 221, 7.
-- With śūdra, becoming śudrī śūdrī, To become a Śūdra, Man. 10, 92.
-- With śyāma, becoming śyāmī śyāmī, To become dark blue, Kir. 5, 37.
-- With śreṇi/ī, becoming śreṇī śreṇi, śreṇībhūta, Formed in lines, Megh. 22.
-- With sajja, becoming sajjī sajjī,
     1. To be accoutred, Hit. 59, 9 (sajjībhūya, in full decoration).
     2. To be ready, Hit. 76, 20.
-- With the prep. sam sam,
     1. To be together, MBh. 1, 5658; to unite, Hit. 107, 19.
     2. To be composed, Man. 1, 27.
     3. To accrue, Man. 8, 255; Pañc. 192, 3.
     4. To meet with (instr.), Daśak. in Chr. 201; 6.
     5. To have sexual intercourse with (instr.), MBh. 1, 4398.
     6. To become, Chr. 63, 64.
     7. To spring up, to arise, to proceed, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 17.
     8. To be engendered, Johns. Sel. 1, 2; to be born, Rām. 1, 43, 2.
     9. To take place, Chr. 39, 2; to happen, Hit. 17, 4, M. M.
     10. To be, Hit. 97, 17; to exist, Hit. 130, 12.
     11. To be adequate, Lass. 76, 16.
     12. To be able to exist, Matsyep. 12.
     13. To be able, Śiś. 1, 27.
     14. To be possible, Hit. 99, 6. sambhūta,
     1. Combined with.
     2. Adequate.
     3. Born. Caus.
     1. To cause to be with, to meet, MBh. 3, 1982.
     2. To cause to get, to deliver, Pañc. 84, 17; Ragh. 16, 40.
     3. To confide to, MBh. 1, 2088.
     4. To cause to exist, MBh. 1, 1425.
     5. To cause to recover, Utt. Rāmac. 78, 13.
     6. To nourish, Man. 2, 142.
     7. To preserve, MBh. 1, 1343.
     3. To appoint, Pañc. ii. d. 25.
     9. To make, MBh. 3, 13316.
     10. To manifest, to show, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 12.
     11. To prove, Mālav. 21, 17.
     12. To think, to represent, Śāk. 21, 6; to take for, Pañc. 78, 18.
     13. With anyathā, To misunderstand, Śāk. 17, 5.
     14. To consider, Pañc. iii. d. 208; Ragh. 6, 42.
     15. To believe, Pañc. 111, 10.
     16. To honour, Bhartṛ. 2, 27; Utt. Rāmac. 47, 14.
     17. To expect, Pañc. iv. d. 81. sambhāvita,
     1. Adequate, suited.
     2. Possible.
     3. Considered, reflected.
     4. Satisfied. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. sambhāvya, Suitable, Pañc. 117, 11. Comp. a-, adj. impossible, Pañc. 30, 8; v. d. 59.
-- With su-varṇa, becoming suvarṇī suvarṇī, To turn into gold, Pañc. 192, 2.
-- With stambha, becoming stambhī stambhī, To become a post, Hit. i. d. 29, M. M.
-- With sthira, becoming sthirī sthirī, To be calm, Lass. 43, 17.
-- With sphāra, becoming skārī spkarī, To become large, to spread, Häberl. Anth. 217, 8; Pañc. v. d. 22; Mṛcch. 49, 6 (to show a hidden property in a magical way, by becoming large, or by throbbing).
-- Cf. [greek] (cf. bhavant), probably [greek] perhaps [greek] Lat. fio, fui, facio (causal), fecundus, fetus, fetare, perhaps femur, femen; O.H.G. pim, pis, etc.; A.S. beón, beó, bist, etc.; Goth. ga-bauan; O.H.G. būwan, būan, pu, būr; A. S. buan, bur; O.H.G. būari.

bhū 2. bhū, f.
     1. The earth, Pañc. iii. 77.
     2. pl. Landed property, land, Hit. iv. d. 121.
     3. Ground, Megh. 65 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     4. Site, place, Kir. 5, 5.
     5. Sacrificial fire.
     6. Nom. sing. bhūs, indecl.
     1. Earth, Man. 2, 76.
     2. Hell.
-- Comp. pāna-, f, a drinking-room, Kathās. 21, 10. malla-, f. an arena for athletic contests. paricita-, adj. of which the places are known, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 11.

bhūka bhūka,
I. m. Darkness.
II. n.
     1. A hole.
     2. The head of a fountain.
     3. Time.

bhūkala bhūkala, m. A restive horse.

bhūkṣit bhū-kṣit, m. A hog.

bhūcara bhū-cara, adj. Moving on the ground, Pañc. 114, 21.

bhūtaghna bhūta-ghna,
I. m.
     1. A camel.
     2. Garlic.
II. f. ghnī, Holy basil.

bhūti bhū + ti, f.
     1. State of being.
     2. Production, birth.
     3. Prosperity, Pañc. iii. d. 131; personified, Rām. 3, 52, 27.
     4. Wealth, Man. 3, 59.
     5. Power, dignity.
     6. Superhuman power, as attainable by the practice of austere and magical rites.
     7. The rut of elephants.
     8. A decoration of elephants, consisting in many-coloured stripes, Megh. 19 (Sch.; read maṇḍanam and gajamaṇḍanam instead of maṇḍalam).
     9. Ashes.
     10. Fried meat.
-- Comp. raṅga- f. the day of full moon in the month Āśvina. viyadbh°, i. e. viyat-, f. darkness.
-- Cf. [greek]

bhūttama bhūttama, i. e. bhū-uttama, n. Gold.

bhūdhara bhū-dhara, m.
     1. A mountain, Pañc. 157, 25.
     2. A kind of chemical or medicinal apparatus; a sand-bath in which a covered crucible is placed, and the fire is lighted above as well as below it.

bhūdhra bhūdhra, i. e. bhū-dhṛ + a, m. A mountain.

bhūpa bhū-pa (vb. 3. ), m. A king, prince, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 22.

bhūbhuj bhū-bhuj, m. A king, Pañc. iii. d. 86.

bhūbhṛt bhū-bhṛ + t, m.
     1. A king. Rājat, 5, 46.
     2. A mountain, Pañc. i. d. 372.
-- Comp. kula-, m. a principal mountain, Ragh. 17, 78.

I. i. e. bhū + man, n. The earth, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85 5.
II. i. e. bahu + iman, m. Multitude, majority, Rājat. 5, 165.
-- Cf. Lat. humus, humilis.

bhūmaya bhū + maya,
I. adj., f. , Made or consisting of earth.
II. f. , A name of chāyā, or shadow personified, the wife of the sun.

bhūmi bhūmi (also bhūmī, i. e. bhū + ma + ī, cf.
I. bhūman), f.
     1. The earth, Pañc. 165, 16.
     2. Land, estate, Pañc. iii. d. 92; domain (where one governs or works), Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 9.
     3. Place, Pañc. 161, 13; site.
-- Comp. a-, f. 1. anything but earth. 2. an unsuitable place, Śāk. 101, 19. 3. no object for, Śāk. 97, 9 (exceeding). ati-, f. highest degree, Amar. 80; Utt. Rāmac. 82, 7. antar-, f. the interior of the earth, Arj. 10, 27; Sund. 2, 8.
Karma(n)-, f. the land of holy works, Āryāvarta, or the central part of India, Rām. 2, 109, 28. janma(n)-, f. home, Pañc. v. d. 25. pana-, f. a drinking-room, Rām. 5, 14, 39. malla-, f. an arena for athletic contests. badhya- (vb. vadh), f. place of execution, Hit. 63, 6. raṅga-, f. 1. a field of battle, Pañc. 35, 3. 2. an arena, Johns. Sel. 9, 11. 3. a stage, a place where dancing, etc., is exhibited. vāsa-, f. a dwelling-place, Hit. 38, 2, M. M. viśvāsa-, f. a person worthy of confidence, Hit. 18, 7, M. M. saṃketa-, f. place of assignation, Lass. 24, 15. sthāna-, f. dwelling-place, a palace(?), Lass. 28, 10. snca-, f. one worthy of love, Mālat. 83, 11. siddha-, f. the country in which the Siddhas live, Pañc. 242, 5.

bhūmikā bhūmi + kā, f.
     1. Change-of costume in order to represent a different character on the stage.
     2. Decorating images, temples, gateways, etc.
     3. A story; grihoparibhūmikāyām āruḍhaḥ, He mounted to the upper story of the house, Śukas. cod. Petersb. p. 31, b.
     4. A preface to a book.
-- Comp. catur-bhūmika, adj. having four stories, Pañc. 228, 11. sapta(n)-, adj. having seven stories, 44, 28.

bhūmija bhūmi-ja,
I. adj. Born on the earth.
II. m.
     1. The planet Mars.
     2. Hell.
III. f. , Sītā, the wife of Rāma.

bhūmiṣṭha bhūmiṣṭha, i. e. bhūmi-stha, adj. Standing or staying on the earth, Chr. 27, 1.

bhūmispṛś bhūmi-spṛś. m.
     1. A man, mankind.
     2. A vaiśya.
     3. A thief, one who creeps along the ground to carry off his plunder.
     4. A blind man.
     5. A cripple.

bhūya bhū + ya, n. State.
-- Comp. brahma(n)-, n. identification with Brahman, ultimate happiness, Man. 1, 98, 12, 102. rāja(n)-, n. royalty.

bhūyaṃs bhūyaṃs, see bahu.

bhūyastva bhūyastva, i. e. bhūyaṃs. + tva, n. State of being more or greater, Bhāṣāp. 131.

bhūyiṣṭha bhūyiṣṭha, see bahu.

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bhūri bhūri (probably bahu-rai, n., i. e. bahu-ri),
I. adj. Much, Pañc. i. d. 23; many, Rājat. 5, 215; Kathās. 22, 96.
II. adv.
     1. Much, exceeding, Pañc. i. d. 213; Bhartṛ. 2, 62.
     2. Frequently, repeatedly, Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2.
III. m.
     1. Brahman.
     2. Viṣṇu.
     3. Śiva.
     4. A day.
IV. n. Gold.

bhūrja bhūrja, m. A kind of birch; its leaf or bark used for writing on, Vikr. 30, 11.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. bircha; A. S. byre, birce.

bhūrṇi bhūrṇi, i. e. bhṛ + ni, f. The earth.

bhūrloka bhūr-loka, i.e. bhū + s-loka, m. The earth.

bhūṣ bhūṣ, i.
1 and 10, Par. To decorate, to adorn, Man. 3, 55.
-- With the prep. vi vi, The same, Chr. 296, 4 = Rigv. i. 112, 4; Bhartṛ. 2, 16; Pañc. 256, 3.

bhūṣaṇa bhūṣaṇa, i. e. bhūṣ + ana, n. Ornament, Hit. ii. d. 71; 171.
-- Comp. para-, adj., Hit. iv. d. 121; false reading for pari-, q. cf. maṅgala-mātra-, adj., f. ṇā, only adorned with turmeric, Vikr. d. 53.

bhūṣā bhūṣ + ā, f. Adorning, ornament, Rām. 3, 49, 27.

bhūṣṇu bhūṣṇu, i. e. bhū + snu, adj.
     1. Being.
     2. Being well.
     3. One who desires bliss, Man. 4, 135.

bhūstṛṇa bhū + s-tṛṇa(?), n. A fragrant grass, Andropogon schacnanthus, Man. 6, 14.

bhṛ bhṛ, i. 1, and ii. 3, bibhṛ, Par. Ātm.
     1. To bear, to hold, Vikr. d. 140; Chr. 16, 17.
     2. To wear, Man. 6, 6.
     3. Ātm. To gain, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13.
     4. To possess, MBh. 3, 2583; to have, 2, 57.
     5. To form, Rājat. 5, 332.
     6. To nourish, to maintain, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 5.
     7. i. 1, Ātm. To hire, Nal. 15, 4.
     8. To support, Man. 9, 95.
     9. To fill, Hit. 2, 34. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhṛta.
     1. Hired.
     2. Having, being possessed of.
     3. Filled. m. A servant. Comp. a-, adj. not paid, Man. 8, 231. kṣīra-, adj. paid with milk, ib. bhṛtya, see s. v.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atibhṛta (rather bhṛta with ati),
     1. Carefully protected.
     2. Filled, Kir. 5, 20.
-- With ā ā, To bring near, to bestow, Lass. 99, 2 = Rigv. v. 9, 7.
-- With ni ni, nibhṛta,
     1. Modest, humble; °tam, humbly, Pañc. 162, 24.
     2. Unmoved, Śāk. d. 8.
     3. Hidden, Pañc. 46, 13; 193, 7.
     4. °tam adv. Hidden, Pañc. 105, 4; secretly, Man. 9, 263.
     5. °tam, adv. with vi-dhā, To make hidden, to shut, Pañc. 186, 8.
     6. Lonely, solitary, Megh. 83; °tam with kṛ, To dismiss all but one, Hit. 56, 19. Comp. a-, adj. immodest, bold, Megh. 69. su-, adj. very lonely. °tam, adv. 1. secretly, Hit. 86, 6. 2. privately, Hit. 73, 16 (in a very low voice?).
-- With pra pra, To offer, Chr. 291, 1.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To bring together, Rām. 1, 11, 13.
     2. To accomplish, Vikr. 85, 17; d. 157.
     3. To nourish, Rām. 1, 52, 8. saṃbhṛta,
     1. Collected, all, Vikr. d. 38.
     2. Gained, got.
     3. Composed, Hit. iv. d. 68.
     4. Filled.
     5. Nourished, Hit. iii. d. 125 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3272).
     6. Brought, put, Megh. 44.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] Lat. fero, Goth. bairan; A. S. beran; Goth. barnis; A. S. bearm; Goth. barn; A. S. bearn; byrdhen; Goth. briggan; A. S. bringan.

bhṛṃśbhṛṃś, i. 1 and 10, Par. To speak, to shine.

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bhṛkuṃśa bhṛkuṃśa, and bhṛkuṃsa bhṛkuṃsa, bhrakuṃśa and °sa bhrakuṃśa and °sa, and bhrukuṃśa and °sa bhrukuṃśa, °sa, and bhrūkuṃśa °sa bhrūkuṃśa, °sa, m. A male actor in female apparel.

bhṛkuṭi bhṛkuṭi, see bhrūkuṭi.

bhṛkṣbhṛkṣ, v. r. of bhakṣ.

bhṛgu bhṛgu, m.
     1. The name of a Muni, Chr. 17, 29.
     2. Jamadagni.
     3. Śiva.
     4. Śukra.
     5. A cliff, a precipice.
     6. Table-land.
     7. pl. The descendants of Bhṛgu.

bhṛṅga bhṛṅga, probably bhram-ga,
I. m., and f. (Kathās. 22, 103).
     1. A large bee, Ragh. 8, 52.
     2. A wasp.
     3. The fork-tailed shrike, Lanius caerulescens, Ṛt. 6, 24 (cf. Lass. 52, 18).
     4. A golden vase.
     5. A libertine.
II. n.
     1. A plant, Woody cassia.
     2. Another, Verbesina prostrata Roxb.

bhṛṅgaka bhṛṅga + ka, m. A bird, a sort of shrike.

bhṛṅgāra bhṛṅgāra (cf. bhṛṅga),
I. m. A golden vase.
II. n. Gold.
III. f. , A cricket.

bhṛjbhṛj, i. 1, Ātm. To parch, to fry; cf. bhrajj.

bhṛjjana bhṛjjana, i. e. brajj + ana, n. A frying-pan.

bhṛḍbhṛḍ, i. 6, Par. To dive.

bhṛt -bhṛ + t, latter part of comp. nouns, Bearing, nourishing, protecting; e. g. a-pātra-, adj. Supporting unworthy ones, Hit. ii. d. 147. gadā-, m.
     1. A mace-bearer.
     2. A name of Kṛṣṇa, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 9. cakra-, m. Viṣṇu, Rājat. 1, 38. tanu-, m.
     1. A living creature.
     2. A man, mankind, Bhartṛ. 3, 36. tapobhṛt, i. e. tapas-, m. An ascetic, Hariv. 4849. deha-, m.
     1. A living creature.
     2. A man, mankind. Bhāg. P. 7, 7, 46.
     3. Epithet of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1067. dharaṇī-, m.
     1. A king.
     2. A mountain. dharā-, m. A mountain, Arj. 7, 27. dharma-,
     1. m. Supporter of right, an epithet of kings, MBh. 1, 4766.
     2. m. A proper name. nava-śaśi(n)-, Bearing the young moon, epithet of Śiva, Megh. 44. prāṇa-, adj. Living, a living creature, Hit. i. d. 111, M. M.; a man, mankind. bhū-, see s. v.

bhṛtaka bhṛta + ka (see bhṛ),
     1. m. A servant, Man. 6, 45.
     2. (n.) Wages, Man. 3, 156 (or 'Hired').
-- Comp. madhyama-, m. a husbandman.

bhṛti bhṛ + ti, f.
     1. Nourishment, Hit. ii. d. 32.
     2. Wages, hire, Man. 8, 231.
     3. Service, Nal, 8, 25.
     4. Capital, principal.
-- Comp. piṇḍa-, f. livelihood, Rām. 2, 26, 37 Gorr. sudhā-, m. 1. sacrifice. 2. the moon. hala-, f. agriculture.
-- Cf. Lat. fors; A. S. beordh.

bhṛtya bhṛtya,
I. ptcple. fut. pass. of bhṛ, To be nourished.
II. m. A servant, Pañc. 175, 16; i. d. 325.
III. f. , Hire.
-- Comp. ku- and kim-, m. a wicked servant, Pañc. 83, 18; Hit. ii. d. 31 (read kiṃbhṛtya). kumāra-bhṛtyā, f. the fostering of a child, Ragh. 3, 12. protkaṭa-, m. a favourite, Pañc. 156, 19. mūla-, m. an old servant, Hit. ii. d. 129.

bhṛtyatā bhṛtya + tā, f., and bhṛtyatva bhṛtya + tva, n. Servitude, service, dependence, Pañc. 24, 11; Hit. ii. d. 37.

bhṛmi bhṛmi, i. e. bhram + i m. A whirlwind.

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bhṛśbhṛś, i. 4, Par. To fall; cf. bhraṃś.

bhṛśa bhṛśa (perhaps akin to bhraṃś),
I. adj., comparat. bhraśīyaṃs, superl. bhraśiṣṭha, Much, exceeding.
II. °śam, adv.
     1. Much, Pañc. iii. d. 188.
     2. Exceedingly, violently, Pañc. iii. d. 183.
     3. Superiority, better.
     4. Repeatedly, often, Pañc. iii. d. 13.
     5. Beautifully.
     6. Quickly, Chr. 7, 13; 25, 15.
     7. In the beginning of comp. bhṛśa-, e. g. Chr. 31, 16.
-- Comp. su-, adj. much, exceeding. °śam, adv. much, excessively.

bhṛśatā bhṛśa + tā, f. Violence, Ragh. 11, 58.

bhṛṣṭi bhṛṣṭi, f., i. e. bhrajj + ti,
     1. Frying.
     2. A lonely garden.
-- Comp. sahasra-, adj. having a thousand points (vb. hṛṣ + ti), Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9.

bhṝbhṛ10, ii. 9, bhṛṇā, bhṛṇī, Par.
     1. To blame.
     2. To bear (cf. bhṛ).
     3. To fry.
     4. To bend, to be crooked.

bheka bheka (vb. bhī),
I. m.
     1. A frog, Pañc. 81, 13.
     2. A cloud.
II. f. , The female frog, or a small frog.

bheḍa bheḍa, m. A ram.

bhettṛ bhettṛ, i. e. bhid + tṛ,
I. m., f. trī, and n. Who or what divides, breaks, etc.
II. m.
     1. One who breaks down, Man. 9, 289.
     2. A separator, divider.
     3. One who wounds, Man. 8, 284.
     4. A traitor.

bheda bheda, i. e. bhid + a, m.
     1. Breaking, Vikr. d. 26.
     2. Dividir division, Pañc. 248, 19.
     3. Separatir Panc. 156, 19; separation, Hit. pr. 9, M. M.
     4. A chasm, a fissure, a cleVikr. 69, 8; a wound, Hit. ii. d. 1. (and betrayal).
     5. Creating divisions Man. 7, 198.
     6. Disunion; Pañc. iv. d. 74.
     7. Betrayal, Pañc. 65, 19.
     8. Difference, Pañc. 199, 20.
     9. Kind, Hit. iv. d. 124.
-- Comp. a-, m. undividedness, Hit. iii. d. 79. anyonya-, m. separation from each other, Hit. 76, 12. gati-, m. going with great strides, Śāk. 93, 12. granthi-, m. a cutpurse, Man. 9, 277. durbh°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be separated or divided, Pañc. ii. d. 36. svara-, m. difference of voice, Pañc. 37, 25; 199, 20 (different, changed voice).

bhedaka bhedaka, i. e. bhid + aka, m.
     1. One who breaks, Man. 8, 284 (asthi-).
     2. One who breaks open, 9, 280.
     3. One who seratces, 8, 284 (tvac-).
     4. One who diverts (watercourses), Man. 3, 163.
     5. A mischief-maker.
-- Comp. gaṇḍa-, m. a cutpurse, Śāk. 74, 14 (Prākṛ.).

bhedatas bheda + tas, adv. According to the difference, Bhag. 18, 19.

bhedana bhedana, i. e. bhid + ana, n.
     1. Dividing.
     2. Piercing, Man. 9, 286.
-- Comp. puṭa-, n. a town, MBh. 1, 3978.

bhedin bhedin, i. e. bhid + in, adj., f. .
     1. Dividing, breaking, Man. 8, 218.
     2. Wounding, Hit. iv. d. 82.
-- Comp. marma(n)-, adj. piercing the vitals, fatal, Chr. 29, 33. vṛ2kṣa-, m. 1. a carpenter's chisel. 2. a hatchet.

bheraṇḍa bheraṇḍa, see bhāraṇḍa.

bheri and bherī bheri/ī, f. A kettledrum, Pañc. 20, 7; Bhag. 1, 13.

bheruṇḍa bheruṇḍa,
I. (vb. bhi), adj. Formidable.
II. m. A form of Śiva.
III. f. ḍā, One of the Yakṣiṇīs or female attendants on Durgā.
IV. n. (vb. bhṛ), Conception.

bhela bhela, i. e. bhī + la,
I. adj.
     1. Timid.
     2. Ignorant.
     3. Tall.
II. m.
I. A raft.
     2. The name of a Muni.

bheṣbheṣ, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To fear (cf. bhī, Caus.).
     2. To go(?).

bheṣaja bheṣaja, i. e. bhiṣaj + a (anomal.), n.
     1. A medicine, a drug, a remedy, Pañc. ii. d. 59; Nal. 9, 30.
     2. Help (against, gen.), Pañc. 184, 19.
     3. A kind of fennel, Nigella indica.

bhaikṣa bhaikṣa, and bhaikṣya bhaikṣya, i. e. bhikṣā + a or ya, n.
     1. Begging, Man. 2, 48 (kṣa); Lass. 76, 4 (ya).
     2. Living by alms, Pañc. i. d. 312 (ya).
     3. What is collected by begging, alms, food, Man. 5, 129 (ya).

bhaimī bhaimī, i. e. bhīma (a proper name), + a + ī, patronym., f. Damayantī, daughter of Bhīma, Nal. 1, 12.

bhairava bhairava, i. e. bhīru + a,
I. adj.
     1. Formidable, horrid, Rām. 3, 50, 21.
     2. Miserable, Rājat. 5, 408.
II. m.
     1. Śiva, Rājat. 5, 55.
     2. The name of a river.
     3. A musical mode.
III. f. , Durgā.
IV. n. Horror.

bhaiṣaja bhaiṣaja, i. e. bhiṣaj + a,
I. n. A medicament.
II. m. (? ŚKD. n.), A sort of quail.

bhaiṣajya bhaiṣajya, i. e. bhiṣaj + ya,
I. n. A medicament, a drug, Hit. i. d. 110, M. M.; a remedy.
II. m. The descendant of a physician.

bho bho, curtailed bhos, A vocative particle (properly, Sir!), O! Pañc. 44, 14; Ho! there! Pañc. 161, 17; also repeated, bhobho, Ho! ho! Pañc. 35, 12; 161, 15.

bhoktukāma bhoktukāma, i. e. bhoktum (vb. 2. bhuj), -kāma, adj. Wishing to eat, Hiḍ. 3, 17.

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bhoktṛ bhoktṛ, i. e. 2. bhuj + tṛ,
I. m., f. trī, and n. One who eats, Hit. i. d. 53, M. M.; or enjoys, Śāk. d. 43; Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 5.
II. m.
     1. An adverse possessor, Man. 8, 148.
     2. A husband.

bhoktṛtva bhoktṛ + tva, n.
     1. Enjoyment, perception, Bhag. 13, 20.
     2. Possession.

bhoga bhoga, i. e. 1. and 2. bhuj + a, m.
     1. A snake's body, Utt. Rāmac. 43, 4.
     2. A snake.
     3. A snake's expanded hood, Pañc. ii. d. 131; feasting, Hit. army in column.
     5. Nourishing, cherishing, food, Bhag. 2, 5.
     6. Pleasure, Rām. 3, 53, 3.
     7. Enjoyment, Bhartṛ. 2, 35; Pañc. ii. d. 131; feasting, Hit. ii. d. 99.
     8. Adverse enjoyment (usufruct), Man. 8, 149.
     9. Possession.
     10. Wealth.
     11. Hire.
     12. The hire of dancing girls.
-- Comp. kāma-, m. sensual enjoyment, Rām. 3, 37, 2. nāga-, m. a kind of snake, Rām. 5, 74, 31. nirbh°, i. e. nis-, adj. not attached to pleasure, MBh. 12, 2332.

bhogakara bhoga-kara, adj., f. , Affording enjoyment, Bhartṛ. 2, 17.

bhogavant bhoga + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī.
     1. Having enjoyment.
     2. Delightful.
II. m.
     1. A snake.
     2. Dancing.
     3. Singing.
III. f. vatī,
     1. The capital of the snakes, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 15.
     2. The Gaṅgā of the lower regions.

bhogārha bhogārha, i. e. bhoga-arha, n. Wealth.

bhogika bhogika, i. e. bhoga + ika, n. A groom.

bhogin bhogin, i. e. bhoga + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Enjoying.
     2. Abounding in enjoyments, Bhag. 16, 14.
     3. Having enjoyments and an expanded hood, Pañc. i. d. 73.
II. m.
     1. A snake, Bhartṛ. 2, 82.
     2. A king, Hit. iii. d. 58.
     3. The head man of a village.
     4. A barber.
     5. A person who accumulates money for a particular expenditure.
III. f. .
     1. The capital of the serpents.
     2. A royal concubine.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, m. a sort of black snake, Gīt. 6, 12.

bhoja bhoja, i. e. bhuj + a, m.
     1. A cowherd.
     2. The name of a country.
     3. The name of a king, Johns. Sel. 19, 91.

bhojana bhojana, i. e. 2. bhuj + ana, n.
     1. Enjoying, Pañc. 61, 22.
     2. Eating, Pañc. 245, 22.
     3. Food, Pañc. 138, 2.
-- Comp. a-, n. abstaining from food, Man. 11, 166. ati-, n. excessive eating, Man. 2, 57. eka-, n. 1. eating once a day, MBh. 13, 5161. 2. eating in company, MBh. 13, 6238. kṛmi-,
I. adj. one who feeds upon worms, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 18.
II. m. the name of a hell, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 7. mleccha-,
I. m. wheat.
II. n. halfripe barley. saha-, n. eating with somebody, Lass. 18, 2.

bhojas bhojas, i. e. 2. bhuj + as in viśva-, adj. Yielding all the enjoyments, Lass. 101, 5 = Rigv. vii. 16, 2.

bhojin bhojin, i. e. 2. bhuj + in, adj. One who eats, Man. 4, 212.
-- Comp. gṛha-, m. a house-mate, Rājat. 5, 402. bhujaṃga-, m. the boa constrictor. śaṣpa-, adj. sbst. a beast feeding on grass, Pañc. 25, 6.

bhojyatā bhojya + tā (vb. 2. bhuj), f. Condition of being eaten, Pañc. 193, 21.

bholi bholi, m. A camel.

bhos bhos, an old voc. sing. of bhavant.
     1. A vocative particle, Man. 2, 124; Ho! there! repeated, bhobhos, O! Hit. 10, 6, MM.
     2. An interrogative particle, Vikr. 85, 20.
     3. Interj. of grief, Oh! Hit. 71, 3, M.M.

bhaujaṅga bhaujaṅga, i. e. bhujaṃga + a, adj., f. , Like a snake, Pañc. iii. d. 18.

bhauta bhauta, i. e. bhūta + a (vb. bhū),
I. adj.
     1. Relating to spirits, Man. 3, 70.
     2. Demoniac.
     3. Elemental.
     4. Relating to existing beings.
II. m.
     1. An attendant upon idols.
     2. A worshipper of sprites.

bhautika bhautika, i. e. bhūta + ika (vb. bhū),
I. adj.
     1. Relating or appeartaining to spirits, Man. 3, 174.
     2. Elemental.
     3. Existing.
II. m. Śiva.

bhauma bhauma, i. e. bhūmi + a,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the earth, rising from the ground, Man. 11, 155.
     2. Terrestrial.
     3. Relating to the planet Mars, Lass. 16, 16.
II. m.
     1. The planet Mars, Pañc. 50, 20.
     2. Hell.
III. f. , A name of Sītā.
-- Comp. antar-, adj. being or living in the interior of the earth, Rām. 1, 42, 3. bahu-, adj. having many stories. sapta(n)-, adj. having seven stories, Rām. 5, 10, 11 (? cf. my translation of the Pañc. n. 208, and bhūmikā).

bhaurika bhaurika, i. e. bhūri + ika, m. The superintendent of gold in a royal treasury (cf. bhārika).

bhyas bhyas, i. 1, Ātm. To fear, to tremble (cf. bhī).

bhraṃś bhraṃś, and (erroneously) bhraṃs bhraṃs, i. 4, bhraśya (cf. bhraś), bhrasya, Par. (also Ātm., e. g. Pañc. iv. d. 39), and † i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To fall, Sund. 1, 15; to fall down, Pañc. i. d. 146.
     2. To be lost, Rām. 3, 54, 20.
     3. To run away, to flee from (abl.), Bhaṭṭ. 14, 105.
     4. To be deprived (with abl.), Man. 7, 111; Pañc. iv. d. 39 (with s and Ātm.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhraṣṭa.
     1. Fallen, Hit. i. d. 168 (sthāna-, adj. Having lost their rank).
     2. Lost.
     3. Deprived of, Bhag. 6, 11.
     4. Deviated, Pañc. 228, 14.
     5. Fallen from virtue, wicked. Comp. bhaya-, adj. put to fight. Caus. bhraṃśaya.
     1. To expel, MBh. 3, 8759.
     2. To deprive, MBh. 3, 1571. bhraṃśita, Deprived, Chr. 48, 2.
-- With the prep. apa apa, apabhraṣṭa, Corrupted (as speech), Kathās. 17, 41.
-- With pari pari, To be deprived (with abl.), Hit. i. d. 128. paribhraṣṭa,
     1. Fallen, Pañc. 188, 15.
     2. Degraded.
     3. Deprived of (instr.), Pañc. iii. d. 55; Man. 10, 20.
     4. Lost, Nal. 18, 10.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To fall, Ragh. 14, 54 (Calc.).
     2. To be deprived, Mṛcch. 14, 12 (Calc.). prabhreṣṭa,
     1. Fallen, dropping, fallen off.
     2. Broken. Caus. To throw down from (abl.), Ragh. 13, 36 (Calc.). prabhraṃśita, Expelled, MBh. 3, 601.
-- With vi vi, vibhraṣṭa,
     1. Broken off, or from.
     2. Fallen.
     3. Separated.
     4. Deprived, MBh. 3, 3.
     5. Lost. Caus. To deprive, Chr. 21, 6.
-- Cf. A. S. hreósan and reosan, To fall; Goth. ur-risan; A. S. arisan, To rise; Goth. us-hrisjan and af-hrisjan (Caus.), To cast off.

bhraṃśa bhraṃś + a, m.
     1. Falling.
     2. Declining from a height, or from propriety, ruin, Bhag. 2, 63.
     3. Falling off, Megh. 2.
     4. Abandoning, dropping, Pañc. iii. d. 246; desertion, Pañc. 145, 10.
     5. Losing, Pañc. 68, 22; loss, Rājat. 5, 307; Hit. iii. d. 5 (sthānabhraṃśaṃ yayuḥ, They did lose their nest).
-- Comp. jāti-, m. Loss of caste, Man. 11, 67.

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bhraṃśin bhraṃś + in, bhraṃsin bhraṃs + in, adj., f. .
     1. Falling, Megh. 30; Śāk. 1. 7.
     2. Causing to fall (sva-artha-, injuring, or detrimental to, our interest), Pañc. 248, 18.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not falling, durable, Pañc. iii. d. 18.

bhraṃs bhraṃs, bhraṃsin bhraṃsin, see bhraṃś, bhraṃśin.

bhrakuṃśa and °sa bhrakuṃśa, °sa, see bhṛkuṃśa.

bhrakuṭi bhrakuṭi, see bhrūkuṭi.

bhrakṣbhrakṣ, v. r. of bhakṣ.

bhrajj bhrajj, i. 6, bhṛjja, Par. Ātm. To boil or fry, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 86; the base of many forms in bharj. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhṛṣṭa. Comp. tila-, n. fried grains of sesame, MBh. 13, 5025.
-- Cf. Lat. frigere, frictus, frixus (= bhṛkta, see bhṛj); [greek] O.H.G. briuwan; A. S. briwan; and O.N. brugga, To brew.

bhraṇbhraṇ, i. 1, Par. To sound (cf. bhram and raṇ).

bhrabhaṅga bhrabhaṅga, m. A frown (cf. bhrū-bhaṅga, s. v. bhaṅga, and bhrakuṃśa, bhrakuṭi).

bhram bhram, i. 1 and 4, bhrāmya, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 12228), originally, The flying about and humming of insects.
     1. To turn round, to move circularly, to whirl, Pañc. v. d. 20.
     2. † To be unsteady or unfixed.
     3. To stray, to roam, to wander, Pañc. 43, 4; i. d. 446; to go astray, Pañc. v. d. 68 (Ātm.).
     4. To wander over (acc.), MBh. 1, 5184.
     5. To surround, Rājat. 5, 146.
     6. To mistake.
     7. † To be ignorant. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. bhrānta.
     1. Being wandered over (with acc.). Bhartṛ. 3, 4.
     2. Running, Arj. 4, 38; rolling, Chr. 35, 2.
     3. Whirled.
     4. Confused, Rām. 3, 55, 36.
     5. Blundering. n. Roaming, Bhartṛ. 2, 11. Caus. bhramaya (in epic poetry also bhrāmaya, also Pañc. 263, 8, or i. 4, Ātm.).
     1. To turn round, Bhag. 18, 61; to whirl, MBh. 2, 762.
     2. To move to and fro (without getting a way of egress), Rām. 1, 44, 12.
     3. To agitate, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 8.
-- With the prep. ud ud,
     1. To jump out of (abl.), Draup. 8, 19.
     2. To be beside one's self, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 17 (read udbhramya). udbhrānta,
     1. Flying upward, Rām. 6, 83, 26.
     2. Whirled on, thrown up, Hit. iii. d. 140.
     3. Whirling on, Utt. Rāmac. 138, 4.
     4. Bewildered, Pañc. 141, 4.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To walk round about, Pañc. 230. 16.
     2. To roam about, Hit. 76, 6, M. M.; Pañc. 21, 1.
     3. To fly round about, Pañc. 148, 10.
-- With vi vi, To rove, Nalod. 3, 26.
     2. To wander over, MBh. 3, 2648.
     3. † To play, to wanton. vibhrānta,
     1. Agitated, Bhag. 16, 16.
     2. Hurried. Comp. a-, adj. not playing (?), unmoved, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 5.
-- With mas sam, saṃbhrānta, Agitated, confused, Utt. Rāmac. 50, 3; troubled, Śāk. 12, 17. Comp. a-, adj. fearless, Utt. Rāmac. 44, 7. su-saṃbhrānta, adj. greatly bewildered.
-- Cf. bhramara; Lat. fremere; O.H.G. breman; A. S. bremman; O.H.G. bremo, briosa; N.G. brausen; [greek] etc.

bhrama bhram + a, m.
     1. Whirling, going round, Rājat. 5, 363.
     2. Straying, roaming.
     3. Error, Bhāṣāp. 133.
     4. A whirlpool.
     5. A watercourse.
     6. A potter's wheel.

bhramaṇa bhramaṇa, i. e. bhram + ana,
I. n.
     1. Whirling, turning round, Bhāṣāp. 6.
     2. Giddiness, Lass. 17, 5.
     3. Wandering, Vikr. 23, 11.
II. f. ṇī,
A sort of game performed by women for the amusement of a lover or husband.

bhramara bhram + ara,
I. m.
     1. A (large black) bee, Vikr. 64, 1.
     2. A lover, a gallant.
II. n. Epilepsy.

bhrami bhram + i, f.
     1. Going round, turning about, Utt. Rāmac. 66, 4.
     2. A lathe, Kāśīkh. 17, 117.

bhraś bhraś, i. 4, Par. To fall, impersonal pass., Śiś. 9, 73 (it was fallen by the mirror = the mirror fell); cf. bhraṃś.

bhraṣṭādhikāratva bhraṣṭādhikāratva, i. e. bhraṣṭa-adhikārc + tva (vb. bhraṃś), n. Loss of office, Pañc. 22, 11.

bhrāj bhrāj (probably abhi-rāj), i. 1, Ātm. (in ved. and epic poetry also Par., MBh. 4, 219).
     1. To shine, to beam, Chr. 289, 3 = Rigv. i. 50, 3 (Par.). Caus. To illuminate, MBh. 3, 15579.
-- With the prep. vi vi, To shine brilliantly, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4; Rām. 3, 52, 25.
-- Cf. bhṛj; Lat. flagrare, flamma (for flagma), flamen, fulgur, fulgere, fulmen, fulvus, etc.; Goth. bairhts; A. S. bearht, beorht; O.H.G. beraht, blanch, blich, blichan; [greek] probably also A.S. blác, blaecan, blícan.

bhrājadṛṣṭi bhrājadṛṣṭi, i. e. bhrājant-ṛṣṭi, adj. Having shining swords (i. e. lightuings), Chr. 290. 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.

bhrājiṣṇu bhrāj + iṣṇu, adj. Splendid, elegant.

bhrātṛ bhrātṛ, i. e. bhṛ + ā + tṛ, m.
     1. A brother, Chr. 3, 5; du. tarau, Brother and sister.
     2. A friend, Megh. 10.
-- Comp. durbh°, i. e. dus-, m. A wicked brother, MBh. 3, 996. dharma-, m. an associate dwelling in the same religious retreat, Yājñ. 2, 137. sa- or saha-, adj. with a brother, or with brethren, Johns. Sel. 54, 139.
-- Cf. Lat. frater; [greek] and [greek] etc.; Goth. brother; A. S. bródhor.

bhrātṛvya bhrātṛ + vya, m.
A brother's son.
     2. An enemy.
-- Cf. Lat. fratrūelis.

bhrātrīya bhrātrīya, i. e. bhrātṛ + īya,
I. adj. Fraternal.
II. m. A brother's son.

bhrānti bhrānti, i. e. bhram + ti, f.
     1. Going round, whirling, rolling, Vikr. d. 4.
     2. Wandering.
     3. Error, Bṛhaspati ap. Cowell, Kuśumāñjali, transl. p. 65, n. †; Pañc. 50, 10 (kumuda-bhrāntiṃ janayati matsyānām, Causes the fishes to mistake him for a lotusflower). candana-, instr. Mistaking (it) for a sandal tree, Utt. Rāmac. 29, 8.

bhrāmaka bhrāmaka, i. e. bhram, Caus. + aka,
I. adj. Causing to whirl.
II. m.
     1. A cheat.
     2. A jackal.
     3. The sun-flower.
     4. A sort of loadstone.

bhrāmara bhrāmara, i. e. bhramara + a,
I. m. A sort of loadstone.
II. f. ,
     1. Pārvatī,
     2. A female attendant on Durgā.
III. n.
     1. Honey.
     2. Whirling round.
     3. Epilepsy.
     4. A kind of dancing.
     5. A village.

bhrāmarin bhrāmarin, i. e. bhrāmara + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Made of honey.
     2. Whirling.
     3. Epileptic, Man. 3, 161.

bhrāś bhrāś, and † mrās bhrās, † bhrāś bhlāś, and † bhrās bhlās, i. 1. and 4, Ātm. To shine; cf. bhrāj.

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bhrāṣṭra bhrāṣṭra, i. e. bhrāj + tra (cf. bhṛj),
I. m. (and n.), A frying-pan, Pañc. i. d. 148.
II. n. AEther.

bhrās bhrās, see bhraś.

bhrībhrī, ii. 9, Par.
     1. To fear.
     2. To bear, to nourish; cf. bhṛ and bhṛ10.

bhrukuṃśa and °sa bhrukuṃśa and °sa, see bhṛkuṃśa.

bhrukuṭi bhrukuṭi, see bhrūkuṭi.

bhruḍbhruḍ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To cover.
     2. To collect.

bhrubhaṅga bhrubhaṅga = bhrū-bhaṅga, see bhaṅga.

bhruva -bhruva, i. e. bhrū + a, a substitute for bhrū when latter part of comp. adj.; e. g. su-nāsā-akṣi-bhruva, Endowed with handsome noses, eyes, and eyebrows, Nal. 5, 6.

bhrū bhrū, f. An eyebrow, Rām. 3, 52, 23.
-- Comp. a-sita-, adj. having black eyebrows, Śiś. 9, 71. nata- (vb. nam), adj. having arched brows, Vikr. d. 95. sam-hata-, adj. knitting the brows. su-bhrū,
I. adj. having fine brows, Vikr. d. 13.
II. and su-bhru, f. a woman, Lass. 90, 15 (ū); Sund. 4, 12 (ū).
-- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. brāwa; A. S. bracw; Lat. frons, frontis.

bhrūkuṃśa and °sa bhrūkuṃśa and °sa, see bhṛkuṃśa.

bhrūkuṭi and ṭī bhrū-kuṭī, or bhrukuṭi ṭī bhrukuṭi/ī, or bhrakuṭi bhrakuṭi, and bhṛkuṭi ṭī bhṛkuṭi/ī, f. A frown, MBh. 1, 4601 (bhrū-); 7, 762 (bhru-); Pañc. 220, 1 (bhṛ°).

bhrūṇbhrūṇ, i. 10, Ātm.
     1. To hope.
     2. To wish.
     3. To fear.

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bhrūṇa bhrūṇa, m. The embryo (cf. bhrūṇahan).

bhrūṇaghna bhrūṇa-ghna, adj., f. ghnī, One who occasions or procures abortion.

bhrūṇahan bhrūṇa-han, adj., f. ghnī, One who occasions or produces abortion, Man. 4, 208; 8, 317 (Jones: At the first place as if he had read brahmaghnā, the killer of a priest; at the second, the killer of a priest or destroyer of an embryo).

bhrejbhrej, i. 1, Ātm. To shine; cf. bhrāj.

bhreṣbhreṣ, i. 1, Par. and Ātm.
     1. To go, to move.
     2. To fear.
     3. To be wrathful (cf. kreṣ).

bhreṣa bhreṣa, m.
     1. Deviation from rectitude (cf. bhraṃśa).
     2. Loss.
     3. Going.

bhlakṣbhlakṣ, v. r. of bhakṣ.

bhlāś bhlāś, and bhlās bhlās, see bhrāś.

bhleṣbhleṣ, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To fear.


maṃh maṃh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To increase.
     2. To give (ved.). i. to and 1, Par. † To speak, to shine. Frequent. ved. māmak, To grant, Chr. 298, 25 = Rigv. i. 112, 25.

maṃhanā maṃhanā, f. Liberality, Lass. 98, 2 (read maṃhanā) = Rigv. vi. 64, 5.

makara makara,
I. m.
     1. A marine monster confounded usually with the crocodile and shark, but properly a fabulous animal, Johns. Sel. 28, 27; Pañc. 51, 9; iv. d. 1.
     2. One of the signs of the zodiac.
     3. A form of marching an army, Man. 7, 187.
     4. One of Kuvera's treasures.
II. f. , The wife of the marine monster called makara, Pañc. 206, 14.

makaranda makaranda,
I. m.
     1. The nectar of a flower, Prab. 79, 16.
     2. A kind of jasmine.
II. m. The filament of a lotus.

makura makura, makula makula, see mukura, mukula.

makuṣṭha makuṣṭha,
I. adj. Going slowly.
II. m. A sort of rice.

makk makk, see mask.

makkola makkola, m. Chalk.

makṣmakṣ, see mrakṣ.

makṣa makṣa, m.
     1. Hypocrisy.
     2. Wrath.
     3. Multitude.

makṣikā and makṣīkā makṣi/īkā, f. A fly, Rām. 3, 53, 59.
-- Comp. nirmakṣika, i. e. nis-, adj. free from flies, untroubled, Śāk. 24, 18 (Prākṛ.). madhu-, f. a bee.
-- Cf. Lat. musca; O.H.G. mucca; A.S. micge; O.N. my; [greek]

makṣu and °kṣū makṣu/ū (properly loc. pl.), adv. Quickly, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15.
-- Cf. Lat. mox.

makhmakh, and maṅkh maṅkh, i. 1, Par. To go.

makha makha, m.
     1. A warrior, Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.
     2. Sacrifice, oblation, Draup. 2, 10.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. probably well fighting, a powerful warrior, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.
-- Cf. [greek] (from a frequent.), [greek] Lat. macellum, mactare, mucro, maceria; A. S. méce; O.N. moekir.

maṅkhmaṅkh, see makh.

magadha magadha,
I. m.
     1. The name of a country, Hit. 36, 10, M. M.
     2. An inhabitant of that country.
     3. A bard.
II. f. dhā, Long pepper.

magha magha (cf. mah),
I. n.
     1. Power, wealth (ved.).
     2. A kind of flower.
II. m.
     1. One of the Dvīpas or divisions of the universe.
     2. Pleasure.
III. f. ghā (usually pl.), The tenth lunar asterism, Man. 3, 273; Sund. 2, 2.
IV. f. ghā or ghī, A sort of grain.

maghavan maghavan, a curtailed form of the next.
I. adj., f. ghonī, Wealthy, Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2.
II. m. Indra, Vikr. 86, 19.

maghavant magha + vant,
I. adj. Wealthy. m. A sacrificer, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.
II. m. Indra, Vikr. 88, 21.

maṅk maṅk, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 10. †
     2. To adorn.

maṅkura maṅkura, m. A mirror; cf. mukura.

maṅktṛ maṅktṛ, i. e. majj + tri, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Bathing or drowning.
     2. Cleaning by immersion.

maṅkṣu maṅkṣu, ind. (= nakṣu),
     1. Quickly, instantly.
     2. Much, exceedingly.

maṅkṣuṇa maṅkṣuṇa, n. Armour for the thighs or legs.

maṅg † i. 1, Par. To go.

maṅga maṅga, m. The head of a boat.

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maṅgala maṅgala,
I. adj. Lucky, propitions, Man. 2, 34; brave, Pañc. 8, 15.
II. m. and n.
     1. Prosperity, welfare, Ṛt. 6, 34; bliss, Utt. Rāmac. 89, 4.
     2. Rejoicing, a festival, Pañc. 129, 17; solemnity, Vikr. d. 43 (sandhyā-, Evening service).
     3. Blessing, Dāśak. in Chr. 201, 10; Sund. 2, 4; prayer, ib. 188, 22.
III. m.
     1. The planet Mars.
     2. Burnt offering on various occasions of rejoicing.
IV. f. .
     1. Umā, the wife of Śiva.
     2. A sort of bent grass, Panicum dactylon.
V. n. Turmeric, Vikr. d. 53 (Sch.).
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. inauspicious, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 23.
II. n. ill luck, Kumāras. 5, 65; evil omen, Śāk. 63, 13.
III. m. the castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis. kautuka-, n. a solemn ceremony, Pañc. 129, 17. pāna-, n. a banquet, Kathās. 36, 67. sarva-, f. , Durgā, Hit. 99, 8. su-, adj. very fortunate or auspicious.

maṅgalya maṅgalya, i. e. maṅgala + ya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Auspicious, conferring happiness, Utt. Rāmac. 99, 1.
     2. Beautiful.
     3. Pious, pure, implying holiness, Man. 2, 31.
II. m.
     1. The holy fig-tree, Ficus religiosa.
     2. A sort of pulse or lentils.
III. n.
     1. Sour curds.
     2. Sandal.
     3. Red lead.
     4. Gold.
     5. Water brought from various holy places for the consecration of a king.
IV. f. . The name of several plants, Agallocum, etc.

maṅginī maṅginī, i. e. maṅga + in + ī, f. A boat.

maṅghmaṅgh, i. 1, Par. To adorn. i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To begin moving.
     3. To begin.
     4. To move swiftly.
     5. To blame.
     6. To cheat.

macmac, mañc mañc, muc muc, and muñc muñc,
     1. To cheat, to be wicked.
     2. To boast, to be vain.
     3. To pound.

macarcikā macarcikā, f. Excellence.

majj majj (probably mad-jan; cf. madgu and Lat. mergere; the Indian grammarians write masj), i. 6, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 2, 605). The base of many forms is mañj.
     1. To dive, Bhartṛ. 2, 91.
     2. To bathe, MBh. 1, 5299.
     3. To sink, Vikr. d. 133; to perish in water, Rām. 1, 1, 89.
     4. To sink into, MBh. 1, 3717 (loc.); Man. 4, 81 (acc.).
     5. To be plunged, Man. 10, 91.
     6. To become disheartened, MBh. 1, 5631. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. magna,
     1. Plunged, Hit. i. d. 4, M. M.; dived, immersed, Rām. 3, 52, 19.
     2. Sunk, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 6; drowned, Chr. 17, 27. Caus.
     1. To cause to plunge, MBh. 1, 3908.
     2. To overwhelm, Rām. 2, 77, 13.
-- With the prep. ud ud,
     1. To emerge, Śāk. d. 167.
     2. Pass. impers. To rise, Śiś. 9, 30. Caus. To force up, Man. 8, 115.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To bathe, Man. 5, 73.
     2. To submerge, to sink under, Man. 4, 194; Hit. ii. d. 145.
     3. To disappear, MBh. 2, 1504.
     4. To cause to sink (into hell), MBh. 1, 4156. nimagna,
     1. Plunged in, immersed, Rājat. 5, 85.
     2. Sunk in (not prominent), Vikr. d. 80; Rājat. 5, 74; slender, d. 129.
     3. Covered, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 6 Caus.
     1. To cause to dive under water, Man. 8, 114.
     2. To cause to be submerged, MBh. 3, 16612.
-- With pra pra, pramagna, Immersed, drowned.

majjakṛt majjakṛt, i. e. majjan-kṛ + t, n. A bone.

majjan majjan (perhaps for original marjan; cf. O.H.G. marag; A.S. mearh, mearg, merg), m.
     1. The marrow of the bones and flesh.
     2. The pith or sap of trees.

majjā majjā (cf. the last), f. The marrow of the bones and flesh. Pañc. i. d. 191, cf. my translation, n. 171.
-- Comp. nirmajja, i. e. nis-, adj. marrowless, Hariv. 14533.

majjana majj + ana, n.
     1. Immersion.
     2. Bathing.
     3. Drowning, Pañc. i. d. 34.

majjūṣā majjūṣā = mañjūṣā.

majman majman, n. Strength, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3.
-- Cf. Lat. magmentum.

mañc mañc, i. 1, Ātm. †
     1. To hold. †
     2. To grow high or tall. †
     3. To adore. †
     4. To shine. Cf. mac and mluñc.
-- With the prep. nis nis, To purify, Naiṣ. 7, 43. Cf. mṛj.

mañca mañca, m.
     1. A bedstead.
     2. A scaffold, Johns. Sel. 9, 12.
     3. A chair, Ragh. 6, 1.

mañj mañj, see mārj (Lass. 74, 4, read majjat).

mañjara mañjara, n., and f. ,
     1. A pearl.
     2. A creeper.

mañjari and mañjarī mañjari/ī, f.
     1. = mañjara, Rām. 6, 15, 7 (pearl).
     2. A shoot, sprout, Vikr. d. 26, 76 (mañjarī-cāmara, A fan-like sprout).
-- Comp. kāma-, Madana-, and rāga-mañjarī, f. proper names. lobha-mañjarī, f. used instead of kāmamañjarī, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 21 (the pearl of covetousness.)

mañjarīpiñjarita mañjarīpiñjarita, i. e. mañjarī-piñjara + ita, adj. Adorned with pearls and gold, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 1.

mañjā mañjā, f., mañji mañji, m., and mañjī mañjī, f. A creeper.

mañjikā mañji + kā, f. A harlot.

mañjiṣṭhā mañjiṣṭhā, properly superl. of mañju, f. Bengal madder, Rubia manjith Roxb.

mañjīra mañjīra,
I. m. and n. An ornament for the feet.
II. m. A post round which passes the string that works the stick of a churn.

mañju mañju (based on mañj, a form of mṛj), adj. Beautiful, Vikr. 60, 12.

mañjula mañju + la,
I. adj. Beautiful.
II. m. A gallinule.
III. n.
     1. A bower.
     2. A watercourse.

mañjūṣā mañjūṣā, f.
     1. A basket, Kathās. 4, 74.
     2. A receptacle, Rām. 1, 67, 4.

maṭhmaṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To inhabit.
     2. To grind.
     3. To go.

maṭha maṭha, m.
     1. A school.
     2. A building inhabited by ascetics, a cloister, a college, Pañc. 116, 18.
     3. A temple.
     4. A carriage.
-- Comp. gopāla-, Cakra-, Śūra-, m. colleges called 'that of gopāla' 'that of cakra (-varman),' 'of śūra,' Rājat. 5, 243; 403; 39.

maṭhara maṭhara,
I. adj. Intoxicated.
II. m. The name of a saint.

maḍava maḍava, or maḍavarājya maḍava-rājya, n. The name of a district in Kashmir, Rājat. 5, 84; 302: 446.

maḍḍu maḍḍu, m.
A sort of drum.

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maṇ maṇ, i. 1, Par. To sound, to murmur. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. maṇita, Nalod. 2, 60. n. A murmuring sound.

maṇi maṇi, m. and f., and maṇī maṇī, f.
     1. A precious stone, a jewel, Vikr. d. 40.
     2. A pearl, Vikr. d. 51.
     3. Fleshy processes hanging from the neck of a goat.
     4. A waterpot.
-- Comp. indu- and candra-, m. a fabulous stone, moon-stone, Śiś. 9, 35; Rājat. 6, 296; Utt. Rāmac. 23, 2. kāca-, m. crystal, Hit. pr. d. 44, M. M. cintā-, m. a fabulous gem, the possessor of which may get all he wishes for, Hariv. 8702. cūḍā-, m. a jewel worn in a crest or diadem, Hit. i. d. 211, M. M. (candra-ardha-, adj. having the crescent for his crestjewel). jatu-, m. a mole, Suśr. 1, 92, 3. masi-, m. an inkstand. latā-, m. coral. vi-mala-, m. crystal. śikhā-, m. a jewel worn on the head, Vikr. d. 129. śuci-, m. the same. sarpa-, m. the snake-stone, or carbuncle, a jewel said to be found in the head of a snake. sita-, m. crystal, Megh. 67. sūrya-, m. 1. the sun-stone. 2. a tree, Hibiscus phoeniceus. sparśa-, m. the philosopher's stone, converting everything it touches to gold.

maṇika maṇi + ka,
I. m. A precious stone, a jewel.
II. n. A small waterpot, Pārask. in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. xxi. n. 4.

maṇikāra maṇi-kāra, m. A jeweller.

maṇimaya maṇi-maya, adj., f. , Consisting of jewels, Megh. 65.
-- Comp. sita-maṇi + maya, adj. made of crystal, Megh. 67.

maṇīcaka maṇīcaka, m.
     1. The kingfisher.
     2. The moon-stone, a fabulous stone.

maṇīvaka maṇīvaka, n. A flower.

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maṇṭhmaṇṭh, i. 1, Ātm. To remember with regret.

maṇḍ maṇḍ (akin to mad, mand, probably a denomin. based on a lost signification of mandra), † i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To dress.
     2. To divide. † i. 1, Par. To adorn one's self. i. 10, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 7572),
     1. To adorn, Pañc. 255, 16.
     2. † To exhilarate. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. maṇḍita, Adorned, Chr. 29, 31; Pañc. 51, 15. Comp. a-, adj. not adorned, Nal. 16, 17.

maṇḍa maṇḍ + a,
I. m.
     1. Ornament.
     2. The castor-oil tree, Palma christi.
II. m. (and n.).
     1. Scum, Utt. Rāmac. 90, 7.
     2. Pith.
     3. The head, Lass. 4, 18.
III. f. ḍā.
     1. Spirituous liquor.
     2. Emblic myrobalan.
-- Comp. dadhi-, m. Whey, Bhāg. P. 5, 1, 34.

maṇḍaka maṇḍa + ka, m. A kind of pastry, Pañc. 245, 24 (see my translation, n. 1387).

maṇḍana maṇḍ + ana, n.
     1. Dressing, Pañc. 116, 21 (of the idols).
     2. Ornament, Vikr. d. 157.

maṇḍapa maṇḍa-pa (vb. ), m. (and n.).
     1. A shed or hall erected on festival occasions, as marriages, and adorned with flowers, Pañc. 129, 17.
     2. An open temple.
     3. A bower, Megh. 76.
-- Comp. adhikaraṇa-, a court of justice, Mṛcch. 138, 4. keli-, m. and n. a pleasure-house, Śāntiś. 1, 5. garbha-, m. the haram, Kathās. 26, 77. paṭa-, m. and n. a tent, Ragh. 5, 73. latā-, m. or n. an arbour, Śāk. 32, 19.

maṇḍapikā maṇḍapikā, i. e. maṇḍapa + ka, f. A small shop, Hit. 115, 1, 9.

maṇḍayanta maṇḍayant + a (vb. maṇḍ), m. An ornament.

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maṇḍala maṇḍala,
I. m.
     1. A sort of sacrifice.
     2. A kind of snake.
     3. A dog.
II. f. .
     1. A circle, Utt. Rāmac. 66, 4.
     2. Walking round, Sund. 3, 22; 24.
     3. Bent grass.
     4. A nest, Daśak. 151, 6.
III. n. (and m.).
     1. A circle, Vikr. d. 140; Pañc. 230, 18; a globe, a ball, Pañc. 157, 25.
     2. The disk of the sun or moon, Pañc. 160, 23.
     3. The halo round the sun.
     4. A wheel, Utt. Rāmac. 141, 3.
     5. A heap, a multitude, Pañc. iii. d. 224; Ṛt. 1, 10 (at the end of a comp. adj.); a troop, Rājat. 5, 379.
     6. A district, a province, Rājat. 5, 146; an empire, ib. 155, 262.
     7. Surrounding countries, Man. 7, 154.
     8. A form of array, an army drawn up in a circle, Pañc. 9, 14.
     9. Twelve great empires, into which the whole of India is said to have been divided in old times.
     10. A sort of leprosy with circular spots.
     11. A sort of mystical, diagram, Hit. 59, 22; Lass. 13, 18(?).
     12. A sort of perfume, Lass. 20, 20 (? corr. perhaps maṇḍana, cf. maṇḍana and gajamaṇḍana, s. v. bhūti).
-- Comp. ādarśa-, 1. the reflection of a mirror, Kir. 5, 41. 2. a kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 11. aśrama-, n. the dwelling-place of anchorites, Nal. 12, 64. kṣmā-tala-, m. or n. the terrestrial globe, earth, Lass. 68, 14. tri-maṇḍalā, f. a poisonous kind of spider, Suśr. 2, 269, 12. diṅmaṇḍala, i. e. diś-, n.
     1. all the quarters of the world, Bhartṛ. 3, 71. 2. the compass-card. prakṛti-, n. the whole empire, Ragh. 9, 2. raṅga-, n. the circuit of an assembled throng. sūrya-, m. or n. the disk of the sun, Sāv. 7, 1. stana-, n. the balls of the female bosom, Ṛt. 1, 8; Lass. 80, 15.

maṇḍalaya maṇḍalaya, a denomin. derived from the preceeding; with pari pari, in the ptcple. pf. pass. parimaṇḍalita, Turned round, Kir. 5. 42.

maṇḍalin maṇḍalin, i. e. maṇḍala + in, m.
     1. A snake.
     2. A cat.

maṇḍūka maṇḍūka,
I. m.
     1. A frog, Pañc. 197, 21.
     2. A flower, Bignonia indica.
II. f. , A female frog.
-- Comp. kūpa-, m. a frog in a well, applied to a person of no enterprise, one who never leaves his home, Hit. 82, 2.

maṇḍūra maṇḍūra, m. and n. Rust of iron.

mat mat, see 2. mad.

mataṃga mataṃga, i. e. mata (vb. man), + m-ga, m.
     1. A cloud.
     2. An elephant. Hiḍ. 1, 13.
     3. A proper name, Utt. Rāmac. 19, 14.

mataṃgaja mataṃga-ja, m. An elephant, Mālav. 32, 6; Kir. 5, 47.

matallikā matallikā, f. Excellence.

mati mati, i. e. man + ti, f.
     1. Mind, Pañc. iii. d. 76.
     2. Understanding, Pañc. 251, 6; intelligence, Hit. pr. d. 42.
     3. Thought, Pañc. iii. d. 258; resolution, Pañc. 216, 14.
     4. Hymn, Chr. 292, 2 = Rigv. i. 86, 2.
     5. Perception, Bhāṣāp. 126.
     6. Opinion, Chr. 13, 13.
     7. Advice.
     8. Wish.
     9. Recollection.
     10. Respect.
     11. A potherb.
-- Comp. a-, f. 1. not knowing (instr. unknowingly), Man. 4, 222. 2. glimmer, image, Chr. 290, 9 = Rigv. i. 64, 9. eka-,
I. f. direction of the mind on one object, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 21.
II. adj. unanimous, MBh. 12, 12723. See ku-. Kṛta-, adj. resolved, MBh. 13, 2211. durm°, i. e. dus-, adj. 1. foolish, Hit. ii. d. 48. 2. wicked, Man. 11, 30. nindita- (vb. nind), adj. base-minded, Hit. i. d. 152, M. M. nirahaṃmati, i. e. nis-aham-, adj. free from selfishness, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 52. pratyut- panna-, i. e. prati-ud-panna (vb. pad), adj. ready-minded, Śāk. 67, 23. bahu-, f. estimation. manda-, adj. foolish, Pañc. 229, 12. mahā-, adj. highmanded, Chr. 6, 4. yathā-mati, adv. according to one's understanding or intellect, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 4. vi-, f. 1. difference of opinion. 2. dislike, aversion. vidyamāna- (vb. vid), adj. having understanding, Pañc. i. d. 86. vipula-, adj. endowed with great understanding, Pañc. i. d. 410. vṛthā-, adj. foolish, MBh. 2, 865. su-,
I. f. kindness.
II. adj. very wise, Pañc. 25, 13.
-- Cf. Lat. mens, mentis, mentio, mentiri, mendax; Goth. ga -munds, mods; A.S. mod, ge-mynd; [greek] (ved. -māti), [greek] i. e. [greek] (= ved. mati, hymn).

matimant mati-mant, adj., f. matī, Sensible, intelligent, wise, Pañc. ii. d. 20; Hit. i. d. 127, M. M.

matka matka,
     1. i. e. 2. mad + ka, adj. Mine.
     2. m. A bug.

matkuṇa matkuṇa,
     1. A bug (cf. matka), Pañc. iii. d. 105.
     2. A flea.
     3. An elephant without tusks.
     4. A beardless man.
     5. A buffalo.
     6. Armour for the thighs or legs.
     6. A cocoa-nut.

matya matya, n. The handle of a sickle.

matsara matsara, probably 2. maa-sṛ + a,
I. adj.
     1. Envious, hostile, Utt. Rāmac. 133, 13.
     2. Niggardly.
     3. Wicked.
II. m.
     1. Envy, Śiś. 9, 63; Man. 3, 231.
     2. Jealousy, Mālav. 55, 8.
     3. Anger, passion.
III. f. , A gnat.
-- Comp. nirm°, i. e. nis- and vi-. adj. free from envy, passion, Lass. 85, 9 (nis-); 49, 10 (vi-). Vīta-, i. e. vi-ita- (vb. i), adj. free from envy, Indr. 4, 8. sa-, adj. envious.

matsarin matsarin, i. e. matsara + in, adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Envious, Man. 2, 201.
     2. Wicked.

matsya matsya, i. e. 1. mad + sya,
     1. m. A fish, Man. 1, 39.
     2. A particular fish, probably the sapharī.
     3. A name of Viṣṇu.
     4. The name of a country, Man. 2, 19; 7, 193.
-- Comp. pāka-, m. 1. a particular fish, Suśr. 1, 206, 17. 2. a poisonous kind of insect, ib. 2, 288, 3.

matsyaka matsya + ka, m. A fish, Matsyop. 35.

matsyaṇḍī matsyaṇḍī, and matsyaṇḍikā matsyaṇḍikā, i. e. matsyaṇḍī + ka, f. The juice of the sugar-cane, unrefined, Mālav. 30, 19.

matsyāda matsyāda, i. e. matsya-ad + a, adj. Feeding on fishes, Pañc. 50, 14.

math math, † i. 1, Par., manth manth, ii. 9, mathnā, mathnī, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 1120), and † i. 1, Par., and † mānth mānth, i. 1, Par.
     1. To churn, Kir. 5, 30.
     2. To produce by churning.
     3. To agitate (mentally), MBh, 1, 3330.
     4. To crush, Pañc. 162, 18; to hurt, to kill. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mathita.
     1. Churned.
     2. Stirred.
     3. Distressed, Megh. 81 (faded).
     4. Agitated, Pañc. i. d. 247.
     5. Destroyed, MBh. 1, 7669.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To agitate, Rām. 2, 26, 2.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To agitate, MBh. 3, 14227.
     2. To cut off, MBh. 3, 10267.
     3. To kill, Pañc. ii. d. 34.
-- With ni ni, To annoy, to hurt, Rām. 3, 54, 28.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To churn, to agitate, MBh. 1, 1120.
     2. To shake out, MBh. 1, 6547.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To trample down, to bruise, MBh. 3, 16435.
     2. To annoy, MBh. 1, 194.
     3. To rob (ved.).
     4. To cut off, MBh. 3, 10267. pramathita,
     1. Well churned.
     2. Trampled down.
     3. Pained. n. Butter-milk without water. Absfut. pramathya, Forcibly, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 17. Caus. māthaya, To annoy, MBh. 3, 8769. pramāthita, Ravished, violated, forcibly carried off.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To agitate, MBh. 1, 4876.
-- With vi vi, To destroy, MBh. 3, 12258.
-- Cf. [greek] and see mathin.

mathana math + ana, n. Churning, Pañc. v. d. 28.
-- Comp. pura-, m. the destroyer of Pura, a name of Śiva, Lass. 67, 6. maḍhu-, m. the destroyer of Madhu, a name of Viṣṇu, Lass. 71, 6; Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38 (Burnouf, 'qui produis le nectar').

mathin math + in, the bases of some cases are manthan and math, m.
     1. A charning-stick, MBh. 1, 1124.
     2. The penis.
-- Cf. Lat. mentula.

mathurā mathurā, f.
A district and city now called Muttra, Pañc. 8, 14.

mad 1. mad, ved. i. 1, Par.; i. 4, mādya, Par. (originally, to be wet).
     1. To get drunk (ved.).
     2. To be glad, to rejoice, Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 1; MBh. 1, 4688. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. matla.
     1. Drunk, a drunkard, Man. 9, 78.
     2. Intoxicated, Hit. iv. d. 55; with love, Ṛt. 6, 14; with pride, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 20.
     3. Mad, Rām. 3, 55, 36; furious, Hit. i. d. 34, M. M.; being in rut (as an elephant), Rām. 3, 52, 46.
     4. Pleased. m.
     1. An elephant in rut.
     2. A buffalo.
     3. The Indian cuckoo.
     4. The thorn apple. f. , Vinous liquor. Comp. mṛta-, m. a jackal. Caus.
I. mādaya.
     1. To intoxicate.
     2. To exhilarate, MBh. 3, 10678. i. 10, Ātm. To rejoice, Chr. 291, 6 = Rigv. i. 15. 6.
II. madaya,
     1. To exhilarate.
     2. To be satisfied, MBh. 1, 4736.
     3. † To doze, to be sluggish.
-- With anu anu in anumatta, Cured from insanity, again sane, Daśak. in Chr, 200, 14.
-- With ud ud, To be mad, MBh. 3, 14503. unmatta,
     1. Drunk.
     2. Insane, Rām. 3, 55, 8; furious, Hit. ii. d. 116; Utt. Rāmac. 42, 16; a lunatic, Man. 3, 161; Pañc. iii. d. 67. m. The thorn apple. Cous.
I. mādaya, unmādita, Caused to be mad, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 16.
II. madaya, unmadita, The same, ib. 191, 18 (read °mād°).
-- With pra pra,
     1. To stray from (with abl.).
     2. To be neghgent, careless, unguarded, Man. 2, 213. Comp. ptcple. pres. a-pramādyant, Being careful, MBh. 12, 3996. pramatta,
     1. Careless, Hit. ii. d. 104.
     2. Intoxicated.
     3. Insane, furious, Chr. 35, 6; being in rut, Pañc. 80, 6.
     4. Addicted to gaming, Man. 9, 78.
     5. Mad with desire, 4, 40. Comp. a-, adj. careful, watchful, Pañc. 88, 19.
-- With vi vi, vimatta, Ruttish, Kir. 5, 47.
-- With sam sam, saṃmatta, Intoxicated with love, Sund. 4, 17; cf. 12; see mand.
-- Cf. Lat. madidus, madere, manare (for mad + no, denomin.); [greek] probably Goth. mats; A. S. maete; Goth. matjan; [greek] Lat. mandere; A. S. maetan, To dream.

mad 2. mad (or mat, probably abl. sing. of amad), former part of compounds and base of many derivatives, implying the singular of the pronoun of the first person; cf. e. g. mad-vidha, madiya.

mada 1. mad + a,
I. m.
     1. Intoxication, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10; Pañc. 202, 25.
     2. Insanity, Pañc. iv. d. 68; rut of an elephant, 87, 16.
     3. Pride, Hit. i. d. 175, M. M.
     4. Joy, Ṛt. 6, 32; sensual enjoyment, Ṛt. 6, 12.
     5. Passion, Rājat. 5, 214; love, Vikr. 59, 2.
     6. Spirituous liquor.
     7. The juice that flows from an elephant's temples when in rut, Pañc. i. d. 139.
     8. Semen virile.
     9. Musk.
II. f. .
     1. A drinking vessel.
     2. An instrument for making furrows.
-- Comp. durm°, i. e. dus-,
I. m. insanity, Bhāg. P. 5, 12, 6.
II. adj. 1. frantic, ib. 8, 2, 25. 2. desiring violently, MBh. 1, 2796; Chr. 23, 38 (yuddha-, battle). dhana-, m. pride produced by wealth, Kathās. 18, 129. nirm°, i. e. nis-, adj. free from arrogance, MBh. 3, 8683. mahā-, m. an elephant in rut. mṛga-, m. musk, Kathās. 22, 96. rati-madā, f. an Apsaras. viśva-madā, f. one of the seven tongues of fire. sa-, adj. 1. intoxicated, Ṛt. 6, 27; delighted, Utt. Rāmac. 44, 10. 2. furious, Bhartṛ. 2, 29. sadā-, adj. ever furious, Pañc. i. d. 48 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1324). su-, adj. very drunk, mad, or impassioned.

madacyut mada-cyu + t, adj. Yielding intoxication or joy, Chr. 291, 7 = Rigv. i. 85, 7.

madana 1. mad + ana,
I. m.
     1. Love, Vikr. 22, 8; Kāmadeva, the god of love, Vikr. d. 9.
     2. The season of spring.
     3. Thorn apple, Datura metel.
     4. A bee.
     5. Beeswax.
II. f. na and , Spirituous liquor.
-- Comp. unmadana, i. e. ud-, adj., f. , inflamed with love, Kumāras. 5, 55.

madamuc mada-muc, adj. Distilling juice, being in rut (viz. an elephant; cf. mada), Utt. Rāmac. 62, 14.

madayitnu madayitnu, i. e. mad, Caus., + itnu, m.
     1. A drunken man.
     2. A distiller.
     3. A cloud.
     4. The god of love.
     5. Spirituous liquor.

madāra 1. mad + āra, m.
     1. An elephant.
     2. A rogue.
     3. A hog.

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madira 1. mad + ira,
I. m. A red species of Khayar, Mimosa catechu.
II. f. .
     1. Spirituous liquor, Man. 11, 148; wine, nectar, Megh. 76.
     2. The wagtail.

madirākṣī madirākṣī, i. e. madirā-akṣa + ī, f. A (fascinating) woman, Vikr. d. 105.

madirekṣaṇī madirekṣaṇī, i. e. madirā-īkṣaṇa + ī, f. A fascinating woman, Vikr. d. 32; Śāk. d. 67.

madiṣṭhā madiṣṭhā, f. of the superl. of mada + vant, Spirituous liquor.

madīya 2. mad + īya, adj. Mine, Pañc. 191, 10.

madgu madgu, i. e. majj + u (see majj), m.
     1. An aquatic bird, the diver, Lass. 50, 1.
     2. An outcaste, the son of a Brāhmaṇa by a woman of the bard class.
     3. A ship.
-- Comp. kāka-, m. a kind of fowl, MBh. 13, 5520.
-- Cf. Lat. mergus.

madgura madgura, i. e. majj + ura (see majj), m. A sort of fish.

madya mad + ya, n. Spirituous liquor, wine, Pañc. 35, 15.

madyapa madya-pa (vb. 1. ), m. A drinker of intoxicating spirits, Man. 3, 159; a drunkard, Pañc. iv. d. 10.

madra mad + ra,
I. m.
     1. Joy.
     2. The name of a country, Sāv. 1, 2.
     3. A sovereign of that country.
II. f. , The name of a river.

madvan mad + van, m. Śiva.

madhu madhu,
I. adj. Sweet, Chr. 291, 6 = Rigv. i. 85, 6; Megh, 67.
II. m.
     1. Liquorice.
     2. A tree, Bassia latifolia.
     3. The month Caitra, March -- April, Ṛt. 6, 24.
     4. The season of spring, Mālav. d. 26.
     5. The name of a Daitya slain by Viṣṇu; cf. madhubhid.
III. n.
     1. Honey, Hit. i. d. 81, M. M.
     2. The nectar of flowers.
     3. Milk.
     4. Sugar.
     5. Spirituous liquor from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia, or wine, Megh. 93; Ragh. 4, 60.
     6. Water.
-- Comp. tri-, adj. one who knows or recites the three verses of the Rigveda, beginning with madhu (Rigv. i. 90, 6 -- 8), Yājñ. 1, 219
-- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. medu, mito; A. S. medu, medo.

madhuka madhu + ka,
I. adj. Sweet.
II. m. A bard.
III. m. and n. Liquorice.
IV. n. Tin.

madhukara madhu-kara,
I. m.
     1. A bee, Vikr. d. 105.
     2. A lover.
II. f. , A bee, Pañc. ii. d. 158.

madhukarikā madhukarikā, i. e. madhukara + ka, f. A proper name, Śāk. 77, 16 (Prākṛ.).

madhukṛt madhu-kṛ + t, and madhudru madhu-dru, and madhupa madhu-pa (vb. 1. ), m. A bee, Pañc. i. d. 419 (pa).

madhucyut madhu-cyu + t, adj. Distilling honey, Utt. Rāmac. 69, 4.

madhuparka madhu-parka, i.e. madhu-pṛc + a, m. A dish of curds, honey, and clarified butter, Man. 3, 119; Chr. 16, 19.

madhubhid madhu-bhid, m. Viṣṇu (see madhu), Pañc. v. d. 28.

madhumant madhu + mant, adj., f. matī, Sweet, Chr. 296, 9 = Rigv. i. 112, 9.

madhumaya madhu + maya, adj., f. , Sweet, Hit. ii. d. 154; luscious.

madhura madhu + ra,
I. adj.
     1. Sweet (figuratively), Pañc. ii. d. 65.
     2. Agreeable, Pañc. 248, 11.
     3. Tender, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 13.
II. °ram. adv. Sweetly, in an agreeable manner, Chr. 17, 21.
III. m. Sweetness.
IV. f. .
     1. Marrow.
     2. The name of a town, Utt. Rāmac. 176, 8.
     3. The name of several plants.
V. n.
     1. Treacle.
     2. Poison.
     3. Tin.
-- Comp. vāṅmadhura, i. e. vāc-, adj. sweet in speech, Hit. 74, 20.

madhuratā madhura + tā, f. Sweetness, figurat., Pañc. v. d. 83; gracefulness, Pañc. v. d. 2.

madhula madhula (for madhura), n. Spirituous liquor.

madhulih madhu-lih, m. A bee, Vikr. d. 130.

madhūka madhūka, derived from madhu, m. A tree, Bassia latifolia, Kathās. 7, 14.

madhūpaghna madhūpaghna, i. e. madhu-upaghna, n. A name of the town Mathurā.

madhūlaka madhūlaka, derived from madhu,
I. adj. Sweet.
II. m.
     1. Sweetness.
     2. A sort of Bassia latifolia.

madhya ma + dhya (ma is an old pronoun),
I. adj.
     1. Middle, Rājat. 5, 313.
     2. Middle-sized, Man. 8, 134; of middle sort, Bhartṛ. 2, 73.
     3. Intermediate; amongst.
     4. Right, proper.
     5. Low.
II. m. and n.
     1. The middle, Vikr. d. 6; the centre, abl. amongst, Pañc. 253, 14; at the end of comp. In, Pañc. 10, 5 (nagara -madhya + m, in the town).
     2. The waist. Vikr d. 129.
III. m. Cessation, interval.
IV. f. .
     1. A young woman, a girl arrived at puberty.
     2. The middle finger.
V. n.
     1. A horse's flank.
     2. A very large number.
-- Comp. tanu-, adj., f. , having a slender waist, Nal. 3, 13. bhuja-, n. the breast, Ragh. 13, 73.
-- Cf. Lat. medius; Goth. midja; A.S. midd, ge-midlian; Goth. -misso, missa-; A. S. mis-; O.H.G. missa, missi, mis-; [greek]

madhyaga madhya-ga, adj.
     1. Who or what goes in the centre or amongst.
     2. Existing in, Pañc. iii. d. 205.
-- Comp. bahu-, adj. belonging to many, Man. 9, 199.

madhyatas madhya + tas, adv. From or in the middle, Hiḍ. 1, 21.

madhyandina madhyandina, i. e. madhya + m-dina, n. Noon, Pañc. 82, 1.
-- Comp. ati-, n. time too near the mid-day, Man. 4, 140.

madhyama madhya + ma,
I. adj.
     1. Middle, Vikr. d. 19.
     2. Of middle sort, Hit. ii. d. 69; of moderate strength.
     3. Middle born, neither the oldest nor youngest, Chr. 4, 11.
II. m. and n. The waist, Nal. 1, 10.
III. m.
     1. The fifth note of the Hindu gamut.
     2. One of the scales.
     3. The middle country (= madhya-deśa).
     4. A sort of deer.
IV. f. , A girl arrived at puberty.
     2. The middle finger.
     3. A central blossom.
-- Comp. yava-, a kind of penance, Man. 11, 217. su-, adj. having a fine waist, Rām. 3, 52, 49.
-- Cf. A. S. medeme.

madhyastha madhya-stha,
I. adj.
     1. Middle.
     2. Living in the midst (of persons), Pañc. 191, 10.
     3. Neutral, Man. 9, 272.
     4. Impartial, Mālav. 9, 2.
     5. Indifferent, Śāk. 63, 19.
II. m. A mediator, a judge, Lass. 92, 3.

madhyepṛṣṭham madhyepṛṣṭham, i. e. madhya + i-pṛṣṭha + m, adv. On the back, Bhartṛ. 2, 28.

madhvala madhvala, i. e. madhu + vala m. Tippling.

madhvāsavanika madhvāsavanika, i. e. madhu-ā-su + ana + ika, m. A distiller.

madhvijā madhvijā, probably madhu + i-ja (an anomal. loc.), f. Spirituous liquor.

man man, i. 4, and ii. 8, Ātm. (in epic poetry, and also elsewhere Par., e. g. Pañc. ii. d. 97).
     1. To think, Chr. 10, 3; 154, 16; Pañc. i. d. 126 (samaṃ viṣamam eva ca manyate, To consider even and odd, i. e. to make long reflections); with anyathā, To doubt, Utt. Rāmac. 104, 2.
     2. To wish, Vikr. 12, 9.
     3. To mind, MBh. 3, 2092; with na, To disregard, Johns. Sel. 53, 125.
     4. To believe, Rājat. 5, 255; Chr. 14, 27.
     5. To understand, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 15.
     6. To know, Lass. 98, 7 = Rigv. v. 9, 1; Daśak. in Chr. 183, 23.
     7. To mention, to declare, Chr. 296, 2 = Rigv. i. 112, 2 (mantave, ved. infin. 'So many that even a loquacious man cannot reckon them up').
     8. To take, to value, Pañc. ii. d. 97; i. d. 190; with bahu, To estimate highly, Rājat. 5, 276.
     9. manye is often inserted without syntactic connection.
a. To strengthen an assertion, Lass, 72, 13.
b. In order to give it a modest form, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 15.
c. Ironically, Rām. 3, 51, 25. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mata.
     1. Admitted, Bhāṣāp. 57.
     2. Believed, held, Man. 1, 76.
     3. Understood, known.
     4. Desired, with gen., Chr. 15, 2; Kir. 5, 27.
     5. Respected, regarded. n.
     1. Purpose.
     2. Opinion, Indr. 3, 1.
     3. Doctrine, Pañc. 253, 12.
     4. Knowledge.
     5. Wish. Comp. bahu-, adj. 1. thought much of, respected, Bhartṛ. 2, 59. 2. having many different opinions. sādhu-, adj. praised, Chr. 56, 12. su, adj. kindly disposed. Desider.
I. † mimaniṣa and † mimaṃsa.
II. Anomal. mīmāṃsa, Ātm.
     1. To consider, Man. 4, 224.
     2. To learn, MBh. 1, 3878. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-mīmāṃsya, adj. Not to be questioned, Man. 2, 10. Caus., and i. 10, mānaya,
     1. To estimate highly, to honour, MBh. 8, 2424; also Ātm., Chr. 43, 23.
     2. To love, Rām. 1, 38, 8.
     3. Ātm. †
     1. To be proud.
     2. † To be stupid. Anomal. ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. in the signification of the Par. mānayāna, MBh. 3, 13111. mānita, Honoured, Chr. 28, 23. mānya, mānanīya, To be honoured, Bhartṛ. 2, 70; Rājat. 5, 337.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To assent, Man. 9, 97.
     2. To approve, Rām. 2, 2, 13.
     3. With na, To disown, Ragh. 16, 85.
     4. To permit, Rām. 2, 21, 45.
     5. To pardon, Śāk. d. 116. anumata,
     1. Assented to, Man. 3, 4.
     2. Concurred with.
     3. Accepted, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 3.
     4. Agreeable.
     5. Beloved. n. Assent, Man. 5, 151; Vikr. d. 58. Caus.
     1. To cause to approve, Rām. 2, 2, 8.
     2. To honour, MBh. 3, 278.
     3. To cause to agree, to bring in analogy with, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 1.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To intend, Pañc. 15, 23.
     2. To desire, Man. 10, 95.
     3. To approve, MBh. 2, 1374.
     4. To believe, Bhaṭṭ. 5, 71.
     5. To consider, Pañc. iii. d. 154.
     6. To surpass, MBh. 3, 1388. abhimata,
     1. Wished.
     2. Assented to.
     3. Agreeable, Megh. 50.
     4. Beloved, Pañc. i. d. 80. n. Wish, Hit. 57, 5, M. M. Comp. an-abhimata-, adj. disagreeable, Hit. 15, 2, M. M. yathā-abhimata + m, adv. according to one's wish; how one lists, ad libitum, Pañc. 167, 24.
-- With ava ava, To despise, Man. 4, 135; Vikr. d. 30.
     2. To offend, Man. 8, 84. Caus. To despise, Man. 2, 50.
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, To disdain, Man. 4, 249.
-- With prati prati, Caus. To honour, Rām. 3, 53, 27.
-- With vi vi, vimata,
     1. Disliking.
     2. Disagreeing. m. An enemy (rather mata with vi). Caus. To disgrace, Śāk. d. 116. vimānita, Dishonoured, Pañc. i. d. 127.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To think, Rām. 3, 52, 2.
     2. To resolve, Rām. 3, 53, 4. saṃmata;
     1. Assented to, approved; aśvapṛṣṭhe saṃmata, A good horseman, Rām. 1, 19, 19.
     2. Conformable.
     3. Like, resembling, Chr. 32, 23.
     4. Attached to.
     5. Beloved, Man. 3, 39; Pañc. i. d. 65. n. Opinion, Hit. 48, 1. Comp. su-, adj. much approved, honoured, Chr. 49, 14. Caus. To honour, Rām. 2, 16, 15; Chr. 22, 26.
-- Cf. mnā, mali; [greek] (= mata), [greek] (not real, only imagined), [greek] Lat. monere, monstrum, monstrare, mentiri (cf. mati), mendax; Goth. munan, muns, munths (cf. mantra); A. S. manian, monian, ge-munan, mudh.

manana man + ana, n.
     1. Minding, considering, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 1; cf. 21.
     2. Understanding.

manas man + as, n.
     1. Mind, Chr. 3, 8; Man. 1, 104; considered as seat of perception (MBh. 14, 668), and passion, the heart, Vikr. d. 19; Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 9.
     2. The intellect, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 24; power of mind, Chr. 27, 7.
     3. Purpose, Chr. 12, 23; Rājat. 5, 251.
-- Comp. anya- (cf. anyad), adj. 1. one whose mind is directed to another, Rām. 5, 35, 2.
     2. fickleminded, Hit. i. d. 110, M. M. 3. absent. ud-, see s. v. unmanas, and adde, sorry, Vikr. 30, 10. eka-, adj. one whose mind is directed to one object, intent, Rām. 4, 4, 20. durm°, i. e. dus-, 1. n. perversity of mind, Rām. 2, 31, 20. 2. adj. dischartened, sad, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 19. dvexhimanas, i. e. dveṣin-, adj. hostile, Hit. ii. d. 150. pra-, adj. delighted happy. prīti-, adj. pleased in mind. mahā-, adj. high-minded, magnanimous, Rām. 3, 55, 52. vaktumanas, see s. v. vi-, adj. 1. sad, Utt. Rāmac. 5, 9; heart-broken, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 11. 2. perplexed. 3. changed in mind. 4. averse. 5. absent, thinking of something else. śaṅkita-, adj. timid, Pañc. 104, 16. sa-, adj. unanimous, Chr. 295, 16 = Rigv. i. 92, 16. su-,
I. adj. satisfied, Lass. 54, 20.
II. m. 1. a god. 2. a learned man. 3. a student of the Vedas. 4. wheat. 5. the name of two plants.
II. m. n. and f. (the last only pl.), a flower, Man. 2, 182.
III. f. , great flowered jasmine. su-sthita-, adj. content, Hit. ii. d. 5. sthira-, adj. having a faithful mind or heart, Pañc. 107. 11.
-- Cf. [greek] (= dus-), [greek] (= su-), and mnā.

manasa manas + a, A substitute of manas as latter part of compounds; e. g. pramatta-, adj. Furious, Chr. 35, 6. pravāsa-utsuka-, adj., f. , One whose mind is directed to his foreign residence, to the place to which he is about to depart, Vikr. 61, 17. rāṅmanasa, i. e. rāc-,
I. n. sing. or du. Word and mind, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 3.
II. f. , The goddess of the serpent race.

manasija manas + i-ja,
I. adj. Mental.
II. m. The god of love, Vikr. d. 12.

manasiśaya manasiśaya, i. e. manas + i śi + a, m. Love, Vikr. d. 49.

manasvitā manasvitā, i. e. manasvin + tā, f.
     1. Intelligence.
     2. Hope.

manasvin manas + vin,
I. adj.
     1. Intelligent, Pañc. ii. d. 128; prudent, Vikr. d. 46.
     2. Attentive.
II. f. , A virtuous woman, Rām. 3, 55, 34.

manāk manāk, probably *maka- (for mā + na, ptcple. pf. pass. of ; cf. [greek] and [greek] in [greek] in [greek] Lat. minu in minuo; Goth. mins, minz, minniza, minnists, which are also derived from ) -añc, adv. A little, Hit. ii. d. 138.
-- Comp. a-, adv. much.

manākā manākā, f. A female elephant.

manāyu manāyu, i. e. *manāya, a denomin. derived from manas with ya, + u, adj. Intelligent, Chr. 294, 9 = Rigv. i. 92, 9.

manīṣā man + īṣā, f.
     1. Intellect.
     2. Hymn, Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. i. 112, 24.
-- Comp. ku-maniṣa, adj. stupid, Bhāg. P. 1, 3, 37.

manīṣita manīṣita, i. e. manīṣā + ita, adj.
     1. Cherished in mind, Chr 18, 35.
     2. Aimed at, desired, 12, 4.

manīṣin manīṣin, i. e. manīṣā + in, adj., f. iṇī, Intelligent, wise, Man. 2, 14.
-- Comp. ka-, adj. stupid, Bhāg. P. 4, 31, 21.

manu manu, curtailed manus, q. cf.
I. m.
     1. A man.
     2. Manu, the progenitor of mankind, Man. 1, 1; 36 (Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. i. 112, 16).
II. f. manāvī and manāgi, The wife of Manu.

manuja manu-ja,
I. m. A man in general, Bhartṛ. 2, 98.
II. f. , A woman.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. deserted, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 16.

manuṣya manuṣya, i. e. manus + ya,
I. m. Man, a man, Pañc. 255, 17; mankind, Man. 1, 39.
II. f. ṣī, A woman.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. one who is not a man, Rām. 2, 93, 21.
II. adj. deserted. ati-, adj. superhuman. durm°, i. e. dus-, m. a wicked man, MBh. 8, 2117. nirm°, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. deserted, Rām. 2, 18, 12 Gorr. 2. without a man (upon its back, viz. an elephant), MBh. 6, 3893.
-- Cf. O.H.G. mannisco; Goth. mannisks; A. S. mennesc, mennisc.

manuṣyatva manuṣya + tva, n. Condition of man, manhood, Man. 12, 40.

manus manus, for original manvant (ptcple. pres. Par. of man, ii. 8), m. Man (ved.).
-- Cf. manu; German, mannus (Tacit. Germ. 2); Goth. man, manna; A. S. man, mann; Lat. mas, maris; [greek]

manogata manogata, i. e. manas-gata (vb. gam),
I. adj. Seated in the mind.
II. n.
     1. Thought.
     2. Wish, Chr. 20, 18.

manojū manojū, i. e. manas-jū, adj. Swift as thought, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4.

manojña manojña, i. e. manas-jña,
I. adj. Beautiful, Ṛt. 6, 25.
II. f.
     1. A princess.
     2. Red arsenic.

manobhava manobhava, and manobhū manobhū, i. e. manas-bhū + a, and manas-bhū, m. The god of love, Pañc. 128, 5 (bhava); Kathās. 3, 62 (bhū).

manorama manorama, i. e. manas-ram + a, adj. Beautiful, Pañc. 127, 24.

manohara manohara, i. e. manas-hṛ + a, adj. Beautiful, charming, Vikr. d. 9; 119.
-- Comp. su-, adj. very charming, Pañc. pr. d. 3.

manohvā manohvā, i. e. manas-hve + a, f. Red arsenic.

mantu man + tu,
I. m.
     1. A man.
     2. A king.
     3. Offence.
II. f. Intellect.
-- Comp. tri-, adj. knowing the three worlds, i. e. all-wise, Chr. 296, 4 = Rigv. i. 112, 4.
-- Cf. [greek]

mantūya mantūya, a denomin. derived from mantu with ya, Par. To be offended or jealous, Bhaṭṭ. 5, 73.

mantṛ man + tṛ, m.
     1. A wise man.
     2. An adviser.
-- Cf. [greek]

mantr mantr, i. 10 (properly a denomin. derived from mantra), Ātm. (but often also Par.). † i. 1, Par.
     1. To take secret council with (with instr. and acc.), Man. 7, 146; Pañc. rec. orn.
     2. To deliberate, Rām. 2, 16, 15.
     3. To resolve, Hit. 129, 13.
     4. To speak, Hit. 64, 6 (Par.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mantrita, Advised. Comp. See ku-. Durm°, i. e. dus-,
I. adj. imprudently advised, MBh. 5, 4262.
II. n. a bad advice, ib. 5, 2697. su-,
I. adj. 1. well deliberated, Hit. iii. d. 137. 2. well counselled.
II. n. wise counsel.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To accompany with spells or prayers, to consecrate by spells, to charm, Chr. 31, 12; Utt. Rāmac. 39, 10.
     2. To dismiss, MBh. 3, 39
-- With abhi abhi, To consecrate by blessings, Rām. 1, 24, 2; by spells, to charm, Draup. 8, 54.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To address, Rām. 1, 1, 8.
     2. To salute, MBh. 3, 2243.
     3. To invite, Man. 3, 191; Pañc. 26, 20.
     4. To call, Utt. Rāmac. 125, 9.
     5. To ask, MBh. 4, 64.
     6. To take leave (acc.), MBh. 3, 2295.
-- With samā sam-ā, To address, MBh. 2, 42.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To address, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 10.
     2. To invite, Rām. 1, 46, 12.
     3. To take leave (acc.), Chr. 45, 11.
-- With ni ni, To invite, Man. 3, 187; to present with (with instr.) Pañc. iii. d. 139.
-- With upani upa -ni,
     1. To invite, Rām. 3, 52, 51.
     2. To consecrate, MBh. 3, 15959.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To invite, MBh. 3, 2112.
-- With pari pari, To consecrate, to charm, Arj. 7, 18.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To take council with (instr.), Pañc. 25, 13; Chr. 53, 6.
     2. To deliberate, Man. 7, 216.
     3. To reflect, Pañc. 25, 14.
     4. To salute, MBh. 1, 5454.
-- Cf. probably Goth. mathljan; see mantra.

mantra man + tra, m.
     1. That part of the Veda which comprises the hymns, Madhusūdana in Weber, Ind. St. i. 14.
     2. A holy text, Vikr. 87, 10; Pañc. 189, 24.
     3. A mystical verse or incantation, charm, Pañc. i. d. 73.
     4. Prayer, Vikr. 32, 16.
     5. A formula sacred to any individual deity.
     6. Advice, Hit. 54, 14; secret consultation, Pañc. i. d. 61 (mantraṃ sam-ā-car, To intrigue).
     7. A design, Hit. i. d. 128, M. M.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. not accompanied by holy texts, Man. 3, 121. 2. excluded from the use of the Veda, 9, 18. ākṛṣṭi-. m. a charm having the power of attraction, Hit. i. d. 96, M. M. See ku-. Durm°, i. e. dus-, m. bad advice, Bhartṛ. 2, 34. nirm°, i. e. nis-, adj. unaccompanied by holy texts, MBh. 1, 2980. viṣa-, m. a snakecatcher.
-- Cf. probably Goth. mathl, mathleins.

mantrajña mantra-jña, m.
     1. A spy.
     2. A priest.
-- Comp. su-, adj. well versed in holy texts, Johns. Sel. 10, 20.

mantraṇa mantraṇa, i. e. mantr + ana, n., and f. ṇā, Advising.

mantratas mantra + tas, adv.
     1. = abl. of mantra, Man. 3, 65.
     2. Advisedly, deliberately.

mantravant mantra + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī.
     1. Accompanied with holy texts, Man. 2, 29.
     2. Entitled to use the Vedas.
     3. Initiated.
II. °vat, adv. With holy verses, hallowed by holy texts, Man. 2, 64.

mantravid mantra-vid,
I. adj.
     1. Conversant with the Vedas, Johns. Sel. 42, 51.
     2. Conversant with charms, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 9.
II. m.
     1. A spy.
     2. A counsellor, Chr. 55, 6.
     3. A priest.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unacquainted with holy texts, unlearned, Man. 3, 133.

mantrika mantrika, i. e. mantra + ika, m. One who is conversant with charms, Lass. 17, 8.

mantritā mantritā, f., and mantritva mantṛtva, n., i. e. mantrin + tā or tva, The state or office of a counsellor, ministership, Hit. 54, 14.
-- Comp. sa-mantritva, n. assent, Rājat. 5, 248.

mantrin mantrin, i. e. mantra + in, m. A counsellor, Pañc. i. d. 428 (a-sant-, adj. Having wicked counsellors).
-- Comp. durm°, i. e. dus-, m. a bad counsellor, Pañc. iii. d. 244. pradhāna-, m. the prime minister, Lass. 35, 6. mahā-, m. the prime minister, Hit. 97, 16.

mantrivat mantrivat, i. e. mantrin + vat, adv. Like a counsellor, Rājat. 5, 389.

manth manth, see math.

mantha mantha, curtailed manthan (see mathin), m.
     1. A churning-stick.
     2. The sun.
     3. Churning, Utt. Rāmac. 172, 12.
     4. Stirring, Ragh. 3, 10.
     5. Killing.
-- Comp. maṇi-, n. rock-salt.

manthaja mantha-ja, n. Butter.

manthana manth + ana,
I. n.
     1. Churning, MBh. 1, 1141. Agitating.
II. f. , A churn.
-- Comp. amṛta-, n. production of the Amṛta, the beverage of the gods, by churning, MBh. vol. i. p. 41, 1. 2.

manthara manth + ara,
I. adj.
     1. Slow, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 2.
     2. Torpid, Ragh. 19, 21.
     3. Large.
     4. Crooked.
     5. Stupid.
     6. Low.
II. m.
     1. A treasure.
     2. Fruit.
     3. An obstacle.
     4. A churning-stick.
     5. A proper name, Hit. 58, 7, M.M.
III. n. Safflower.

mantharu manth + aru, m. The wind from a whisk.

manthāna manthāna (vb. manth), m. A churning-stick, Rām. 1, 45, 19.

manthin manth + in,
I. adj.
     1. Churning.
     2. Afflicting.
II. f. , A churn.
-- Comp. ūrdhva-, adj. chaste (cf. mathin), Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 20.

mand mand (from mad), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. † To get drunk.
     2. To rejoice.
     3. To praise.
     4. To sleep. †
     5. To languish. †
     6. To move slowly. †
     7. To shine.
-- Cf. probably Lat. mundus; O.H.G. mandjan, to rejoice.

manda manda,
I. adj.
     1. Slow, Śṛṅgārat...
     2. Stupid, Chr. 8, 31.
     3. Unlucky.
     4. Little, Hit. 58, 13.
     5. Low (as a tone), Rām. 3, 55, 36 (adv.); Pañc. 173, 1.
     6. Doubled, mandaṃmandam, adv. Very slowly, Pañc. 90, 21.
II. m.
     1. A name of Saturn.
     2. A name of Yama.
-- Comp. picu-, m. a tree, Azadiracta indica A. Juss. (also, but erroneously, picumarda), Śiś. 5, 66.

mandagatitva manda-gati + tva, n. Property of moving slowly, Pañc. 142, 11.

mandatva manda + tva, n. Foolishness, Pañc. ii. d. 179.

mandana mand + ana, n. Praise.

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mandabhāgyatā manda-bhāgya + tā, f. Misfortune, Pañc. 227, 20.

mandara mandara (cf. manthara, and vb. mand),
I. adj.
     1. Slow.
     2. Large
II. m.
     1. The name of a fabulous mountain with which the ocean was churned, MBh. 1, 1112; Kir. 5, 30.
     2. The mandara tree, one of the trees of paradise.
     3. The paradise.
     4. A mirror.

mandasāna mandasāna (vb. mand), m.
     1. A name of Agni.
     2. Life.
     3. Sleep.

mandāka mandāka, n. A current, a stream.

mandākinī mandākinī, i. e. mandāka + in, f. The Ganges of heaven, Utt. Rāmac. 158, 3.

mandāya mandāya, a denomin. derived from manda with ya, Ātm. To go tardily, to delay, Vikr. d. 56; Megh. 39.

mandāra mandāra (vb. mand), m.
     1. One of the five trees in Indra's paradise, Vikr. d. 6, 127; Megh. 73.
     2. The coral tree, Erythrina fulgens, Megh. 68.
     3. Swallow-wort, Asclepias gigantea.
-- Comp. kṛta-, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 35.

mandāravatī mandāravatī, i. e. mandāra + vant + ī, f. A proper name, Lass. 16, 6.

mandāru mandāru, m. The coral tree, Erythrina fulgens (see mandāra).

mandira mandira,
I. m.
     1. The sea.
     2. The back of the knee.
II. f. , A stable.
III. f. , and n. A house, Hit. ii. d. 126 (n.); a palace, Vikr. 35. 2; Kathās. 26, 283 (f.).
IV. n.
     1. A town.
     2. A temple.
-- Comp. avaskara-, n. the privy, Rājat. 5, 406. keli-, n. A pleasure-house, Caurap. 23. jala -yantra-, n. a summer-house erected in the midst of water or on the bank of a river, Ṛt. 1, 2.

mandurā mandurā, f. A stable for horses, Weber, Ind. St. iii. 370, 14.

mandra mandra, m.
     1. A deep, hollow, or low tone, or sound, Megh. 97 (read mandra-); Vikr. 65, 11 (adj.?).
     2. A sort of drum.
-- Comp. ā-, adj. Grumbling, Megh. 35 (read āmandr°).

mandhātṛ mandhātṛ, m. A proper name, Chr. 297, 13 = Rigv. i. 112, 13.

manmatha manmatha (frequent. of manth + a), m.
     1. A name of the god of love, Pañc. 216, 17.
     2. Love, Ṛt. 1, 27.
     3. The elephant or wood-apple.

manmaya manmaya, i. e. 2. mad + maya, adj. Full of me, attached to me, Bhag. 4, 10.

manya -man + ya, latter part of comp. adj. Thinking one's self; e. g. jña + m-manya, adj. Thinking one's self a wise man, Rājat. 3, 491.

manyā manyā, f. The tendon forming the nape of the neck.

manyu man + yu, m.
     1. Anger, Utt. Rāmac. 83, 11; fury, Pañc. 59, 16.
     2. Sorrow, grief, Chr. 7, 21; Utt. Rāmac. 94, 14.
     3. Distress.
     4. A sacrifice.
-- Comp. abhi-, m. a proper name. aki-, adj. furious like snakes, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8. vita-, i. e. vi-ita- (vb. i), adj. exempt from sorrow or anger, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 6. sa-, 1. adj. 1. angry. 2. sorrowful.
II. m. Śiva.
-- Cf. [greek]

manyumant manyu + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Angry.
     2. Sorrowful.

manvantara manvantara, i. e. manu-antara,
     1. The period of a Manu, equal to seventy-one ages of the gods, Man. 1, 79; Utt. Rāmac. 19, 7; fourteen manvantaras constitute a kalpa.

mabhrmabhr, i. 1, Par. To go.

mamatā mamatā, i. e. mama, gen. sing. of asmad, + tā, f.
     1. Selfishness.
     2. Pride.

mamatva mama + tva (cf. the last), n. Arrogance, Lass. 85, 11.

mamb mamb, see barb.

maymay, i. 1, Ātm. To go.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. meare; see .

maya maya, m.
     1. A camel.
     2. A mule.

mayu mayu, m. The name of a class of attendants on Kuvera.

mayūkha mayūkha, m.
     1. A ray of light, Pañc. i. d. 92.
     2. Light, splendour, Ṛt. 6, 29.
     3. Beauty.
-- Comp. unm°, i. e. ud-, adj. radiant, Ragh. 16, 69. śīta-, m. 1. the moon. 2. camphor.

mayūra mayūra,
I. m.
     1. A peacock, Hit. i. d. 178, M. M.
     2. The name of a flower and of a plant.
II. f. , A peaben, Utt. Rāmac. 55, 8.

mayobhū mayobhū, i. e. mayas (ved. Enjoyment), -bhū, adj. Yielding enjoyment, Chr. 295, 18 = Rigv. i. 92, 18.

maraka maraka, i. e. mṛ + aka, m. Epidemic disease.

marakata marakata, and marakta marakta, n. An emerald, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 15 (°kata); Pañc. 9, 5 (°kata).

maraṇa maraṇa, i. e. mṛ + ana, n.
     1. Dying, Rām. 3, 48, 1.
     2. Death, Pañc. 128, 7.
-- Comp. ā-maraṇa + m, adv. till death, Hit. i. d. 187, M. M. (āmaraṇa-anta, adj. ending only at death). saha-, n. a widow's burning herself with her deceased husband.

maraṇaja maraṇa-ja, adj. Produced by death, Pañc. v. d. 24.

marata marata, i. e. mṛ + ata, m. Death.

marāla marāla,
I. adj. Soft.
II. m.
     1. A sort of goose.
     2. A duck.
     3. A cloud.
     4. A grove.
     5. Lamp-black used as collyrium.

marica and marīca mari/īca, n. Pepper.

marīci marīci (also °cī, f., Rām. 1, 56, 18).
I. m. and f. A ray of light, Vikr. d. 47.
II. m.
     1. One of the Prajāpatis, Man. 1, 58; first of the Pitṛs, 3, 194.
     2. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 7.

marīcikā marīci + kā, f. The mirage.

marīcipa marīci-pa (vb. 1. ), m. A kind of genius, Sund. 3, 5.

maru maru, i. e. mṛ + u, m.
     1. A desert, Hit. i. d. 10, M. M.; Bhāg. P. 6, 8, 36.
     2. A mountain.
     3. The name of a country.
-- Cf. probably A.S. mór.

marut marut (vb. mṛ ?),
I. m.
     1. pl. The deities of wind, Vikr. d. 36.
     2. Wind, Pañc. i. d. 353.
     3. Air, Bhāṣāp. 2.
II. n. A sort of perfume.

maruta marut + a, m. Wind.

marutta marutta, m. The name of a fabulous king, MBh. 14, 226; Viṣṇu P. 352.

marutvant marut + vant, m.
     1. Indra, Vikr. d. 15.
     2. The monkey Hanumant.
     3. A cloud.

marula marula. m. A sort of duck.

marūka marūka, m. A sort of deer.

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marola marola, m. A marine monster.

marka marka (vb. mṛ), m.
     1. A body,
     2. The vital breath which pervades the body.
     3. A monkey.
     4. An imp Stenzler, in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 531, 16.

markaṭa marka + ṭa, m.
     1. A monkey, Man. 12, 67; Pañc. 118, 12.
     2. A spider.
     3. A large crane, Ardea argala.
     4. A kind of venom.

markarā markarā, f.
     1. A chasm, a hole.
     2. A vessel.
     3. A barren woman.

marc marc, see mārj.

marjū marjū, i. e. mṛj + u,
I. m.
     1. A washerman.
     2. A catamite.
II. f. Cleansing, cleanliness.

marta marta (old ptcple. pf. pass. of mṛ), m. A mortal, a man, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. mortuus, mortalis.

martya martya, i. e. marta + ya,
I. m.
     1. A mortal, a man, Pañc. ii. d. 89.
     2. The earth.
II. f. , A woman.
III. n. The body, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 32.
-- Comp. a-, 1. adj. immortal, Ragh. 7, 50. 2. m. a deity.

marda marda, i. e. mṛd + a, m. Grinding, pounding, MBh. 1, 1121.

mardana mardana, i. e. mṛd + ana, n.
     1. Rubbing, Pañc. 238, 7.
     2. Touching, Śṛṅgārat. 14.
     3. Grinding, Hit. iii. d. 76.
-- Comp. ari-, m. 1. a destroyer of enemies, Draup. 6, 14. 2. a proper name, Hariv. 1917. sarva-kṣatriya-, m. the destroyer of all the military class, Johns. Sel. 3, 16.

mardala mardala, m. A sort of drum.

mardin mardin, i. e. mṛd + in, adj., f. , Grinding; in mahiṣa-mardini, f. Durgā. loṣṭa-, adj. Who or what breaks clods of earth, Man. 4, 71.

marb marb, see barb.

marmajña marmajña, i. e. marman-jña,
I. adj. One who knows another's weak points, Pañc. i. d. 278.
II. m. A learned and intelligent man, Hit. 92, 5.

marman marman, i. e. mṛ + man, n.
     1. A vital member or organ, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1586.
     2. A joint of a limb, Hit. iv. d. 32.
     3. A weak point, Hit. iii. d. 9.
     4. A secret, Pañc. iii. d. 200.
     5. Design, Hit. iii. d. 19.
     6. Truth.
-- Comp. antar-, n. the heart, Utt. Rāmac. 128, 5. śirom°, i. e. śiras-, m. a hog.
-- Cf. Lat. membrum.

marmamaya marmamaya, i. e. marman + maya, adj., f. , Containing (their) secrets, Pañc. 184, 22.

marmara marmara (a reduplicated form based on an imitative sound), m. The rustling sound of cloth, or dry leaves, Ragh. 6, 57 (at the end of a comp. adj.); of the wind, Rājat. 2, 165 (roaring).
-- Cf. Lat. murmurare; O.H.G. murmuron; [greek] etc.

marmarīka marmarīka, m. A low, a wicked man.

marmavid marmavid, and marmavedin marmavedin, i. e. marman-vid, or -vedin, m. A learned and intelligent man.

marmaspṛś marmaspṛś, i. e. marman-spṛś, adj. Giving pain.

marya marya, i. e. mṛ + ya,
I. m. (ved.), A man, a warrior, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 61, 2; a husband.
II. f. , A boundary.
-- With
I. cf. perhaps Lat. maritus.

maryādā maryādā, i. e. maryā-da (vb. ), f.
     1. A landmark, Mān. 9, 201.
     2. A boundary, limity, Pañc. i. d. 65.
     3. Continuance in the right way, rectitude.
-- Comp. a-maryāda, adj. not keeping within the right way, Pañc. i. d. 158; unrestrained, unruly. agni-sākṣika-, adj. one who is married in presence of the sacred fire, Hit. i. d. 191. an-apa-īkṣita-, adj. regardless of the limits (drawn by the holy scriptures), Man. 8, 309. durm°, i. e. dus-maryāda, adj. wicked, Utt. Rāmac. 113, 4. nirm°, i. e. nis-,
I adj. 1. boundless. 2. unruly. 3. sinful, impious, Pañc. 152, 7. 4. confused, Rām. 3, 69, 19.
II. n. confusion, MBh. 4, 1052; a sort of battle, Hariv. 15978. bhinna- (vb. bhid), adj. unbounded, unrestrained, Utt. Rāmac. 137, 3. sa-, adj. 1. bounded. 2. near. 3. correct in conduct.

maryādin maryādin, i. e. maryādā + in, adj. not trespassing one's boundary, Lass. 1, 12.

marvmarv, i. 1, Par. To fill; cf. mārj.

marṣa marṣa, i. e. mṛṣ + a, m. Endurance.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. impatience, inability to endure, Utt. Rāmac. 134, 1; indignation, Johns. Sel. 5, 27. 2. passion, wrath, Rām. 6, 100, 3. nis-a-, adj. devoid of energy, MBh. 5, 2896. sāmarṣa, i. e. sa-a-, adj. full of passion, wrathful, Rām. 6, 91, 6. °ṣam, adv. angrily, Mṛcch. 19, 17.

marṣaṇa marṣaṇa, i. e. mriṣ + ana, n. Enduring.
-- Comp. a-, adj. impatient, unable to endure, Nal. 12, 54; wrathful, Hiḍ. 4, 54 (ati-a-). Agha-, n. the name of a holy text, Man. 11, 260. durm°, i. e. dus-,
I. adj. difficult to be endured, or to be managed, Rām. 6, 3, 33.
II. m. a proper name.

malmal, mall mall, i. 1, Ātm., and bhala mal, 1. 10, malaya, or malāpaya, Par. To hold.

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mala mala,
I. adj.
     1. Dirty.
     2. Niggardly.
II. (m. and) n.
     1. Dirt, filth, Dāśak. in Chr. 184, 9.
     2. Sediment, dregs.
     3. Filthy refuse, Man. 11, 93.
     4. Excretion of the body, as faeces, etc., Man. 5, 132.
     5. Sin, Man. 2, 102.
     6. Defilement, Man. 11, 70.
     7. Rust.
     8. Camphor.
     9. Cuttle fishbone.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , pure, Pañc. ii. d. 182; white, Vikr. d. 157. kāṃsya-, n. verdigris, Suśr. 2, 237, 18. nirm°, i. e. nis-, adj., f. . 1. stainless, Hit. i. d. 47, M. M. 2. pure, Hit. ii. d. 134; clear, Pañc. 248, 5. 3. bright, Johns. Sel. 12, 33. bahu-, m. lead. vi-,
I. adj. 1. clean, spotess, Chr. 40, 12. 2. pure, Pañc. v. d. 36; Śiś. 9, 13. 3. clear, Pañc. iii. d. 147 = day, Chr. 37, 31. 4. transparent. 5. white. 6. beautiful.
II, n. silvergilt. śānta-, adj. exempt from soil, literally and figuratively. sa-,
I. adj. 1. dirty. 2. sinful.
II. n. faeces, ordure.
-- Cf. [greek] (cf. malina), [greek] A.S. smere, smerian, smerwian, smyrian.

malapaṅkin malapaṅkin, i. e. mala-paṅka + in, adj. Covered with mud and dirt, Chr. 46, 20.

malamallaka mala-malla + ka, n. A piece of cloth worn over the privities, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 24.

malaya malaya, m.
     1. A mountainous range in the Dekhan, Lass. 38, 17; Vikr. d. 25.
     2. The country lying along this range, Malabar.
     3. A garden.
     4. The garden of Indra.

malayaja malaya-ja, m. and n. Sandalwood. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3322; Vikr. d. 51.

malākā malākā, i. e. mala + āka, f.
     1. A lewd woman.
     2. A female messenger.
     3. A female elephant.

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malina malina, i. e. mala + in + a,
I. adj.
     1. Dirty, Pañc. iii. d. 178; soiled, Hit. ii. d. 39.
     2. Black, Śiś. 9, 18; obscure, ib. 23; obscured, Hit. i. d. 27, M. M.
     3. Sinful.
     4. Bad.
II. n.
     1. Fault.
     2. Buttermilk.
-- Comp. a-, adj. pure, Bhartṛ. 3, 100.

malinatva malina + tva, n. Blackness, Cāṇ. 76 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 412.

malimluca malimluc + a (from an anomal. frequent. of mluch), m.
     1. A thief.
     2. The intercalary lunar month.
     3. Fire.
     4. Wind.
     5. An imp.

malīmasa malīmasa (cf. mala), adj.
     1. Dirty, Hit. ii. d. 148; stained, Ragh. 2, 33.
     2. Wicked.

mall mall, see mal.

malla malla,
I. adj.
     1. Strong.
     2. Excellent.
II. m.
     1. A wrestler; the son of an outcaste Kṣatriya, Man. 10, 22; 12, 45.
     2. A cup.
     3. The hemicranium.
     4. The residue of an oblation.
III. f. .
     1. A woman.
     2. Arabian jasmine.
-- Comp. hastimalla, i. e. hastin-, m. 1. the elephant of Indra. 2. gaṇeśa. 3. a chief of the Nāgas, or serpents.

mallaka malla + ka,
I. m.
     1. A tooth.
     2. A leaf to wrap up something, or a cup, Mṛcch. 126, 9 v. r.; cf. Wilson, Hind. Th. i. 2 ed. 134, n., and Stenzler, n.
II. m., and f. likā, An oil vessel.

mallaghaṭī mallaghaṭī, f. A kind of dancing, Vikr. 62, 19.

malli and mallī malli/ī, f. Arabian jasmine, Jasminum zambac, Lass. 67, 7 ().
-- Comp. madhu-mallī, f. double jasmine. raṅga-mallī, f. a lute.

mallika mallika,
I. m.
A sort of goose with brown legs and bill, Utt. Rāmac. 20, 4 (rather mallikākhya)
     2. A shuttle.
     3. The month Māgha.
II. f. (i. e. malli + ka).
     1. Arabian jasmine, Ṛt. 6, 6.
     2. A goblet.
     3. A river.
     4. See mallaka.

mavmav, and mavy mavy, i. 1, Par. To bind, see .

maśmaś, miś miś, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To be angry.

maśaka maśaka (akin to makṣikā, q. cf.), m.
     1. A gnat, a musquito, Hit. i. d. 80, M. M.; Pañc. iii. d. 98.
     2. A kind of cutaneous eruption.
     3. A leather water-bag.
-- Comp. daṃśa-, m. a biting gnat, Man. 1, 40.

maśaharī maśaharī (maśa [= maśaka]-hṛ + a + ī), f. Curtains to keep off musquitoes.

maśuna maśuna (perhaps a form of mahā-śvan + a), m. A dog.

maṣmaṣ (and muṣ muṣ), i. 1, Par. To kill, to hurt.

mapi m., and maṣī f. maṣi/ī, and masi m., masī f. masi,
     1. Ink, Kathās. 4, 69 (ṣī); also in Pehlewi masi, Haug, in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, xix. 305; if it was originally the juice of the cuttle-fish, which the Romans also used for writing, it may be akin to Zend. maśyo = Skr. matsya.
     2. The stalk of the Nyctanthes tristis.

maṣk maṣk, see mask.

mas mas (cf. ), i. 4, Par. To mete, to measure. Ptcple. pf. pass. masta.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

masāra masāra, m. A sapphire, Rām. 3, 48, 12 (? cf. Böhtl. s. v. galvarka).

masi masī masi/ī, see maṣi.

masina masina, adj. Well ground.

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masura and masūra masu/ūra,
     1. m., and f. , A sort of lentil, Ervum hirsutum, Suśr. 1, 24, 9; 26, 1 (?).
     2. f. , A harlot.

masūrikā masūrikā, i. e. masūra + ka, f. A procuress.

masṛṇa masṛṇa,
I. adj.
     1. Soft, Utt. Rāmac. 24, 14.
     2. Unctuous, shining, ib. 107, 6.
II. f. ṇā, Linseed.

masṛṇita masṛṇita, i. e. masṛṇa + ita, adj. Polished. Utt. Rāmac. 129, 1.

maskmask, maṣk maṣk, and makk makk, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

maskara maskara, m. A bambu.

maskarin maskarin, i.e. maskara + in, m.
     1. A religious mendicant, Lass. 76, 15.
     2. The moon.

masta masta (perhaps vb. man), n. The head, Lass. 70, 2 (at the end of a comp. adj.); cf. mas.

mastaka masta + ka, m. n.
     1. The head, Pañc. 246, 14.
     2. The top, the summit, Man. 4, 47; Pañc. 262, 17.
-- Comp. madhu-, n. a sweetmeat made of flour, honey, oil, and butter (cf. mastu),

mastiṣka mastiṣka (akin to masta), n. The brain, Lass. 4, 17; Hariv. 4740.

mastu mastu, n. Whey.

mastuluṅga and mastuluṅgaka mastuluṅga and °ga + ka, m. The brain.

mah mah, i. 1, and i. 10, Par. To adore, to honour Pañc. ii. d. 72; Kir. 5, 24. The original form was magh and the original signification 'To be great, powerful.'
-- Cf. magha, mahant, and Goth. and A. S. magan; Goth. magu, mavi, mahts; A. S. mact, meaht, miht; Goth. mahteig; O.H.G. magan, great, heavy; A. S. maegn, meagn, strength; Goth. magus, a boy; A. S. mag, maeg, maegen, macian; Goth. magaths; A.S. maegdh; O.H.G. macon; A.S. macian; [greek] (for [greek] (cf. O.H.G. ga-mah; N.G. Gemach), [greek] Lat. magnus, mactus.

maha mah + a,
I. adj. f. , Great, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 88, 14.
II. m.
     1. Light.
     2. A festival.
     3. A sacrifice.
     4. A buffalo.
III. f. , A cow.
IV. f. .
     1. The earth, Utt. Rāmac. 172, 13 (as deity); Daśak. in Chr. 179, 6; landed property, Pañc. i. d. 322.
     2. A cow.
     3. Name of a river.
-- Comp. dhanurmaha, i. e. dhanus-, m. a festival at the consecration of a bow, Hariv. 4391.
-- Cf. maīa, maiác.

mahattva mahattva, i. e. mahant + tva, n. Greatness, Pañc. iii. d. 254; finite magnitude (as found in the trasareṇu), Bhāṣāp. 57.

mahant mahant (properly ptcple. pres. of mah); the bases of all cases, except the sing. voc. msc., are mahānt and mahat; ved. mahām instead of mahāntam, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14.
I. adj.
     1. Great, large, Vikr. 11, 18.
     2. Pre-eminent, Hit. pr. d. 28, M. M.
     3. Much, many.
     4. Excellent, Nal. 2, 25.
II. adv. hat, Exceedingly, much, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 2.
III. m. The intellectual principle, Sāṅkhyak. 3, 22; Man. 12, 14.
IV. n.
     1. Greatness, infinity, Bhāṣāp. 25.
     2. Kingdom.
V. f. atī, The lute of Nārada.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. exceedingly tall, Indr. 1, 33. su-, adj. 1. very great, Chr. 12, 26; very tall, Rām. 3, 55, 1. 2. very important, Nal. 8, 2. 3. abundant.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek]

[Page 693b] [greek] Lat. magis, major, majus, maximus, magister, Majus; Goth. mikils; A. S. meagol, micel, micyl, etc.; comparat. Goth. mais; A. S. ma, mae; superl. Goth. maist; A. S. maest, maegeste.

mahar mahar, and maharloka mahar-loka (mahar for mahan, akin to mahant, or anomal. for mahas), m. The abode of the saints who survive a destruction of the world; it is said to be situated above the polar star, Weber, Ind. St. ii. 178; cf. 213; Vedāntas. in Chr. 269, 1 (mahar).

maharddhi maharddhi, i. e. mahā-ṛddhi, adj. Very perfect, Rājat. 5, 33.

maharṣi maharṣi, i. e. mahā-ṛṣi, m. A sage of a pre-eminent class, Man. 1, 34.

mahas mah + as, n.
     1. Light, lustre, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 5; Lass. 97, 6 = Rigv. vi. 64, 2.
     2. A festival.
     3. A sacrifice.
-- Comp. pīyūṣa-, m. the moon. mitra-, adj. having a friendly light or lustre, Chr. 289, 11 = Rigv. i. 50, 11. vi-, adj. very resplendent, Chr. 292, 1 = Rigv. i. 86, 1.

mahasa mahasa, n. Knowledge.

mahā mahā-, a substitute for mahant, when former part of compounds of the Bahuvrīhi and Karmadhāraya classes; e. g. mahā-rāja, m. A great king, Chr. 3, 4. mahā-durga, adj. Very difficult to be crossed, Pañc. 123, 17. mahā-tapas, adj. Practising great austerities, Chr. 9, 39.

mahātyāgamaya mahā-tyāga + maya, adj., f. , Consisting in great liberality, Kathās. 23, 84.

mahānasa mahānasa, n. A kitchen, Pañc. 253, 14.

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mahāyaśaska mahā-yaśas + ka, adj. Illustrious.

mahārājika mahārājika, i. e. mahā-rāja + ika, m. A kind of demigod.

mahāvasa mahā-vasa (vb. vas), m. The Gangetic porpoise.

mahāsāhasikatā mahā-sāhasika + tā, f. Great boldness, Pañc. 129, 22.

mahi mah + i, ved. adj. Great.

mahikā mahikā, f. Frost.

mahitvana mahi + tvana, ved. n. Greatness, Chr. 291, 7 = Rigv. i. 85, 7.

mahiman mahiman, i. e. mahant + iman, m. Greatness, Hit. ii. d. 2; majesty, Vikr. d. 5; exaltation, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 2.
-- Comp. a-kṛta-tyāga-, adj. not having practised the greatness (i. e. great virtue) of liberality, Pañc. ii. d. 72. a-mogha-, adj. possessing a greatness which is not devoid of effect.

mahilā mahilā, f.
     1. A woman, Hit. iv. d. 54.
     2. A plant = priyaṅgu.

mahiṣa mah + iṣa (cf. maha),
I. m.
     1. A buffalo, Hit. i. d. 86, M.M.
     2. The emblem and vehicle of Yama.
II. f. ṣī.
     1. The female buffalo, Pañc. ii. d. 53; 252, 15.
     2. A queen, Utt. Rāmac. 159, 9; Pañc. 27, 6.
-- Comp. agra-, f. the first of a king's wives, Rām. 5, 22, 16.

mahī mahī, see maha.

mahīkṣit mahī-kṣi + t, m. A king, Chr. 3, 23.

mahīdhara mahīdhra mahī-dhara, and mahidra, i. e. mahi-dhṛ + a, m. A mountain, Bhartṛ. 2, 10 (dhra).
-- Comp. sa-mahī-dhara, adj. mountainous, Hit. iii. d. 73.

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mahīpa mahī-pa (vb. 2. ), m. A king, Pañc. i. d. 127.

mahībhuj mahī-bhuj, m. A king, Hit. iii. d. 99.

mahībhṛt mahī-bhṛ + t, m.
     1. A mountain; in meru-, The mountain called Meru, Kir. 5, 1.
     2. A king, Pañc. iii. d. 63.

mahīmaya mahī + maya, adj., f. , Made of earth, earthen.

mahīya mahīya, a denomin. derived from maha, Ātm. (Par., Rām. 6, 82, 44).
     1. To be honoured, Man. 4, 260; pass. mahīyya, The same, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 38.
     2. To be exalted, Śāk. d. 194.

mahīruh mahī-ruh, and mahīruha mahī-ruh + a, m. A tree, Kir. 5, 10 (-ruh); Bhāṣāp. 1 (saṃsāra-mahīruha, The tree-like world).

mahelā mahelā, f. A woman (cf. mahilā).

1. , ii. 2, Par., ii. 3, mimā, mimī, and † i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To mete, to measure, Chr. 289, 7 = Rigv. i. 50, 7.
     2. with na, To surmount, Śiś. 1, 23. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mita.
     1. Moderate, little, Pañc. i. d. 98 (in few words); iii. d. 156.
     2. Scattered.
     3. Known. Comp. a-, adj. immeasurable, measureless, Pañc. iii. d. 156. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. meya, Measurable. Comp. a-, adj. immeasurable, Chr. 37, 29. Caus. māpaya.
     1. To cause to be measured, to get measured, MBh. 1, 2024.
     2. To get prepared, 14, 2521.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To infer, to conclude, MBh, 3, 12470; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 610 (karmāmaneya, i. e. karman-, To be found out by one's actions, cf. Hit. iv. d. 100, where kāryān°, to be inferred from the effects); also pass. (mīya), in the signification of the active, MBh. 1, 7043 (regularly, Kir. 5, 47).
     2. To reconcile, MBh. 3, 286.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To admeasure, to give, Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7.
     2. To compare, Caurap. 43 (anomal. infin. -mitum). upamita, Like, Bhartṛ. 3, 17. upameya, Comparable, Megh. 53.
-- With ni ni; comp. ptcple. pf. pass. dus-nimita, adj. Put down badly, Ragh. 7, 10. nimeya, Measurable, MBh. 13, 2676.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To build, Rām. 1, 5, 6.
     2. To create, Man. 1, 13; Vikr. d. 9.
     3. To cause, Pañc. v. d. 67.
     4. To make, Hit. 48, 2, M. M.; MBh. 1, 2026.
     5. To form, Man. 1, 21; to compose, Hit. i. d. 46, M.M.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, To create, Kir. 5, 3.
-- With vinis vi-nis,
     1. To create, Nal. 17, 7.
     2. To prepare, Rām. 1, 13, 45.
-- With pari pari, parimita,
     1. Limited, Bhartṛ. 3, 50.
     2. Moderate, Rām. 3, 55, 20.
     3. Measured.
     4. Regulated.
     5. Joined. parimeya, Measurable, few, Rājat. 4, 414. Comp. a-, immeasurable, MBh. 1, 2455.
-- With pra pra, To understand, Hit. 74, 7. pramita,
     1. Measured.
     2. Known. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-prameya, adj. Unfathomable, Man. 1, 3.
-- With prati prati, To compare, Rājat. 5, 482.
-- With sam sam, saṃmita,
     1. Like, resembling.
     2. Of equal measure, conformable, Sāv. 5, 30.
     3. Reaching to, Man. 2, 46.
     4. Measured. Comp. mṛtyu-, adj. death-like, Chr. 35, 6. veda-, adj. made up of the Vedas, Johns. Sel. 94, 53.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] Lat. im-mānis, metior (a denomin. of an old ptcple. pres., cf. mensus), metare, manus, materia, maturus, imitari, mos, modus, meditari; O.H.G. mez; O.N. met; Goth. mitan; A. S. metan, maedhian.

2. , ii. 3, mimā, mimī, Ātm. (ved. Par.). To sound, to roar.

3. , indecl. A prohibitive particle.
     1. No, with imperat., also with imperf. and aor., which then drop their augment, Vikr. d. 110; in epic poetry it is sometimes retained, Chr. 6, 9; also Utt. Rāmac. 36, 7.
     2. With following sma, The same, Chr. 41, 4; 42, 10.
     3. Doubled, māmā, In no way, Chr. 26, 66; Vikr. 12, 1.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps Lat. ne.

māṃsa māṃsa, the base of many cases is optionally māṃs māṃs, n. Flesh, Pañc. iii. d. 139; meat.
-- Comp. adhi-, m. Fleshy excrescences on the eye, Suśr. 2, 310, 9. danta-, n. the gums, Suśr. 1, 125, 9. nirm°, i. e. nis-, adj. fleshless, Hit. ii. d. 39. pūti-, n. dead or decayed flesh. pṛṣṭha-, n. the flesh of the back; with khād, bhakṣ, to assail from behind, Hit. i. d. 80, M.M. mahā-, n. man's flesh, Kathās. 20, 191. vṛthā-, n. flesh which has not been sacrificed, Man. 4, 213; 5, 34 (read vṛthāmāṃsāni in one word).

māṃsaja māṃsa-ja, n. Marrow, or serum of the flesh.

māṃsatva māṃsa + tva, n. The true etymology of māṃsa, Man. 5, 55.

māṃsamaya māṃsa + maya, adj., f. , Of flesh, MBh. 1, 4495.

māṃsala māṃsa + la, adj. Strong, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 9

māṃsāda māṃsāda, i. e. māmsa-ad + a, and māṃsāśin māṃsāśin, i. e. māṃsa- 2. aś + in, adj. Feeding on flesh, Pañc. 59, 10; 60, 7.

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māṃsika māṃsika, i. e. māmsa + ika, 1. A vendor of flesh or meat.

mākanda mākanda The name of a town, Johns. Sel. 33, 65.

mākaranda mākaranda, i. e. makaranda + a, adj. Consisting of the nectar of flowers, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 6.

mākṣika mākṣika, i. e. makṣikā + a, n.
     1. Honey.
     2. A peculiar mineral substance.

mākṣikaja mākṣika-ja, n. Beeswax.

māgadha māgadha, i. e. magadha + a,
I. adj. Belonging to, or produced in, Magadha, Ragh. 1, 57.
II. m.
     1. pl. The inhabitants of Magadha.
     2. A bard, Johns. Sel. 37, 16.
     3. The son of a Vaiśya by a Kṣatriya woman, Man. 10. 11.
     4. Cumin-seed.
III. f. dhī.
     1. One of the Prakṛta dialects.
     2. A kind of jasmine, Jasminum auriculatum.
     3. Long pepper.
     4. A sort of cardamoms.
     5. Refined sugar.

māgha māgha, m.
     1. A month, January -- February, Pañc. 169, 6.
     2. The name of a poet.

māghavata māghavata, i. e. maghavant + a, adj. Belonging to Indra, Utt. Rāmac. 124, 11 (-cāpa, the rainbow).

māghavana māghavana, i. e. maghavan + a, adj., f. , Ruled by Indra, Śiś. 9, 25.

māṅkṣmānkṣ, i. 1, Par. To desire.

māṅgalika māṅgalika, i. e. maṅgala + ika,
I. adj. Propitious.
II. f. , A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 16.

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māṅgalya māṅgalya, i. e. maṅgala + ya,
I. adj. Portending good fortune, Śāk. d. 80.
II. n.
     1. Prosperity.
     2. Festivity, festival, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 9.

mācala mā-cal + a (probably a noun formed from mā cala, 'Do not stir'), m.
     1. A crocodile.
     2. A robber.
     3. Sickness.

mācira mā-cira, adj. Short, Cāṇ. 44 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 410; °ram, adv. Without delay, quickly, Chr. 19, 5; 57, 24.

māñjiṣṭha māñjiṣṭha, i. e. mañjiṣṭhā + a,
I. adj. Of a red colour, Rām. 2, 94. 5.
II. n. Red colour.

māñjiṣṭhika māñjiṣṭhika, i. e. mañjiṣṭhā + ika, adj. Dyed with Bengal madder, red, Utt. Rāmac. 106, 1.

māṭhara māṭhara, m.
     1. One of the sun's attendants.
     2. Vyāsa.
     3. A distiller.

māṭhavya māṭhavya, m. A proper name, Śāk. 23, 12.

māḍ māḍ, see māh.

māṇava māṇava (= mānava. q. cf.), m.
     1. A child.
     2. A man, in a contemptuous sense.
     3. A necklace of sixteen strings.

māṇavaka māṇava + ka, m. A proper name, Vikr. 44, 12.

māṇikā māṇikā (akin to maṇi), f. A weight of eight Palas.

māṇikya māṇikya, i. e. maṇi + ka + ya,
I. n. A ruby, Pañc. 207, 23.
II. f. , A house-lizard.

māṇimantha māṇimantha, i. e. maṇi-mantha + a, n. Sea-salt.

māṇḍalika māṇḍalika, i. e. maṇḍala + ika, m. The superintendent of a district or province.

māṇḍavya māṇḍavya, i. e. maṇḍu, A proper name, + ya, patronym., m. A proper name, Chr. 46, 28.

mātaṅga mātaṅga, i. e. mataṃga + a,
I. m.
     1. An outcaste, Rājat. 5, 6.
     2. A barbarian.
     3. An elephant, Hit. ii. d. 63.
     4. The sacred fig-tree, Ficus religiosa.
II. f. , Pārvatī.

mātariśvan mātariśvan, i. e. mātṛ + i-śvan (vb. śvi), m. Air, wind, Chr. 27, 4; Kir. 5, 36; Daśak. in Chr. 200, 12.

mātali mātali, m. The charioteer of Indra, Śāk. 94, 14.

mātāpitṛ mātā-pitṛ (mātā, nom. sing. of mātṛ), m. du. Mother and father, Man. 3, 157.

mātāmaha mātā-maha (mātā, nom. sing. of mātṛ),
     1. m. A maternal grandfather, Vikr. d. 101.
     2. f. hi, A maternal grandmother, Rājat. 5, 289.

mātula mātula, i. e. matṛ + a,
I. m. A maternal uncle, Rājat. 5, 292; Pañc. 215, 10.
II. f. lā, lī, and lāni, The wife of a maternal uncle.
III. f. lānī, Hemp, Cannabis sativa.

mātulaka mātula + ka, m. Dear uncle, Pañc. 52, 11.

mātṛ mā + tṛ, f.
     1. A mother, Pañc. ii. d. 190.
     2. A divine mother, the personified energy of a deity, Pañc. pr. d. 1; MBh. 9, 2619 sqq.
     3. The wife of a Brāhmaṇa.
     4. The earth.
     5. A cow.
     6. Space, aether.
-- Comp. go-, adj. having a cow as mother, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3. jaganmātṛ, i. e. jagat-, f. epithet of: 1. Durgā, Hariv. 10276; 2. Lakṣmī, Mārk. P. 18, 32. nāga-, f. the mother of the serpents, epithet of Surasā, Rām. 5, 6. 2. raṅga-, f. 1. a bawd. 2. lac, the animal dye. vi-, f. a stepmother. veda-, f. source of the Veda, epithet of the Gāyatrī, a vedic prayer. śāṇḍilī-, f. a matron descended from Śaṇḍila, Pañc. 122, 1.
-- Cf. Lat. mater; [greek] A. S. móder.

mātṛka mātṛ + ka,
I. adj. Maternal, Man. 9, 92.
II. f. .
     1. A mother.
     2. A nurse, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 3.
     3. A goddess.
     4. The alphabet.
-- Comp. deva-mātṛ + ka, adj. deprived of any water but rain. MBh. 2, 211. raṅga-, f. lac, the animal dye.

mātṛvat mātṛ + vat, adv. As a mother, as with a mother, Man. 2, 133; as on a mother, Hit. i. d. 13, M. M.

mātṛṣvasṛ mātṛṣvasṛ, i. e. mātṛ-srasṛ, f. A mother's sister.

mātṛṣvaseya mātṛṣvaseya, and mātṛṣvasrīya mātṛṣvasrīya, i. e. mātṛṣvasṛ + eya, or īya,
     1. m. A mother's sister's son.
     2. f. seyī, srīyā, A mother's sister's daughter.

mātra mā + tra,
I. f. trā.
     1. Measure, Hit. 121, 5 (distance).
     2. Quantity, Pañc. 32, 24; 226. 14 (dravya-, f. All things of value).
     3. Wealth, substance, Pañc. 34, 13.
     4. Requisite, Pañc. 265, 5 (luggage); material.
     5. A little, a trifle, Pañc. i. d. 46; an atom, Man. 1, 27; an element. Bhag. 2, 14 (also n., Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 9).
     6. A moment.
     7. A short vowel.
     8. Quantity in metre, Pañc. v. d. 43.
     9. An ear-ring.
II. n.
     1. The totality, the whole, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 17.
     2. As latter part of comp. words (Being limited), alone, only, Cāṇ. 70 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 411 (cf. comp.).
     3. As latter part of compounds, often almost without any signification; cf. e. g. artha-mātra.
-- Comp. akṣa-, n. a moment, Arj. 8, 4. aṅgula-, n. only the breadth of a thumb, Pañc. 124, 16. ati-, adj. excessive, much, overstepping the boundaries, Rām. 2, 12, 108. °ra + m, adv. exceedingly, Rām. 2, 93, 18. artha-, f. , and n. money, Pañc. 132, 25, and 33, 5. ātma(n)-, f. , the developments of themselves, Man, 1, 16 (Kull.). etāvanmātra, i. e. etāvant-, adj. so great, Pañc. 108, 14. kiyanmātra, i. e. kiyant-, adj. of little importance, Pañc. 47, 4. krośa-, adj. having the measure of a krośa, ib. i. d. 447. kṣaṇa-mātra + m, adv. a moment, Vikr. 7, 1. jāta-, adj., f. , just born, immediately after one's birth or beginning, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 18; Pañc. i. d. 264. jāti-, n. nothing but birth, Man. 8, 20. jīva-, n. germ alone, Pañc. 200, 12 (with na, not even a germ). tanmātra, see s. v. tāla-mātra + m, adv. only a moment, Rām. 3, 50, 19. tāvanmātra, i. e. tāvant-, adj., f. , so much, Bhāg. P. 4, 8, 29. darśana-, n. seeing only, Pañc. 128, 21. dhyāta (vb. dhyai)-, n. only thought of, immediately after having been thought of, Kathās. 5, 45. naga-, adj. large as mountains, Arj. 8, 1. nāma(n)-,
I. n. nothing but the name, only the name, Pañc. iii. d. 78.
II. adj. bearing only the name of something (not being it really), Pañc. i. d. 87; ii. d. 93. padāti-, m. a mere foot soldier, Rājat. 5, 424. pāpa-kṣaya- (n.), entire destruction (or expiation) of sins, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 17. prāṇa-dhāraṇa-, adj., f. , only sufficing for bare subsistence, Pañc. 236, 21. bali-, n. even the offering called bali, Pañc. 114, 5. mahā-,
I. m. 1. a king's minister. 2. an elephant driver, or breaker, Man. 9, 259. 3. superintendent of the elephants. 4. a man of wealth and consequence.
II. f. trī. 1. the wife of an officer of state. 2. the wife of a spiritual teacher. mūrta-, n. only corpreal, Bhāṣāp. 157. mūrti-, f. a minute substantial portion, Man. 1, 19. yuga- (n. ?), scarcely, Sāv. 4, 10. varṣa-, n. one year only, Pañc. 134, 15. vāṅmātra, i. e. vāc-, n. speech only, Pañc. ii. d. 13. rūpa-, n. only beauty, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 4. vārttā-, (n.), a superficial knowledge, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 8. vitta-, f. , wealth, Pañc. 32, 24. śabda-, n. mere sound, sound only, Pañc. 20, 20. śarīra-, n. the mere person, body only. samādhāna-, n. only religious contemplation, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 5. saṃkṣepa-, n. only an abridgement, Pañc. 4, 17. smṛta-, adj. only remembered, Pañc. 48, 8 (without being called, but only in consequence of being thought of). hastimātra, i. e. hastin-, adj. as great as an elephant, Pañc. i. d. 373.
-- Cf. [greek]

mātraka -mātra + ka, a substitute for mātra, when latter part of a comp. adj.; e. g. aṅguṣṭha-, adj. As long as a thumb, Nal. 14, 9. stanya-tyāga-, adj. In which (viz. age), one is just weaned, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 16.

mātsara mātsara, i. e. matsara + a, adj. Envious.

mātsarya mātsarya, i. e. matsara + ya, n.
     1. Envy, Hit. i. d. 194, M. M.
     2. Malice.
-- Comp. pus-, n. wicked envy, Bhartṛ. 3, 31.

mātsyaka mātsyaka, i. e. matsya + ka, adj. Relating to a fish, Matsyop. 58.

mātha mātha, i. e. math + a, m.
     1. Churning.
     2. A road.

māda māda, i. e. mad + a, m.
     1. Intoxication.
     2. Joy.
     3. Pride.

mādana mādana, i. e. mad, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Delighting.
     2. Cloves.

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mādṛś mādṛś, and mādṛśa mādṛśa, i. e. 2. mad-dṛś and dṛś + a, adj. Like me, Lass. 41, 17 (dṛś); Utt. Rāmac. 42, 15 (śa).

mādya mādya, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 3, but I prefer correcting māndya.

mādravatī mādravatī, i. e. madra + a + vant + ī, f. The wife of Paṇḍu, and mother of the two youngest Pāṇḍava princes, Draup. 8, 17.

mādrī mādrī, i. e. madra + a + ī, f. The wife of Paṇḍu, and mother of the two youngest Pāṇḍava princes.

mādreya mādreya, i. e. mādrī + eya, m. A son of Mādrī, i. e. Nakula or Sahadeva, Johns. Sel. 27, 25.

mādhava mādhava, i. e. madhu + a,
I. adj.
     1. Made of honey.
     2. Belonging to the spring, Vikr. d. 23 (cf. Sch.).
II. m.
     1. Viṣṇu, Pañc. i. d. 238.
     2. The month Vaiśākha.
     3. Spring.
III. f. .
     1. Sugar, clayed or candied.
     2. Spirituous liquor.
     3. Durgā.
     4. A large creeper, Gaertnera racemosa, Megh. 76.
     5. A bawd.
IV. n. Sweetness.
-- Comp. latā-mādhavī, f. Gaertnera racemosa, Śāk. d. 58.

mādhavasenārājan mādhava-senā-rājan, m. A proper name. Daśak. in Chr. 191, 2.

mādhuparkika mādhuparkika, i. e. madhuparka + ika, adj. Presented as a token of respect to a guest, Man. 9, 206.

mādhumata mādhumata, m. pl. The people of Kashmir.

mādhura mādhura, i. e. madhura + a,
I. n. Arabian jasmine.
II. f. , Spirituous liquor; see mādhurya.

mādhurya mādhurya, i. e. madhura + ya, n., and f. .
     1. Sweetness, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
     2. Gracefulness, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 14.
-- Comp. bhrūkṣepālāpa-, i. e. bhrū-kṣepa-ālāpa-, n. the gracefulness of the motion of one's brows and speech, Indr. 5, 7.

mādhūka mādhūka (from madhu and madhūka), adj.
     1. Sweet-voiced, Man. 10, 33.
     2. Made of the Bassia tree.

mādhya mādhya, i. e. madhya + a, adj., f. , and mādhyama mādhyama, i. e. madhyama + a, adj., f. , Middle.

mādhyastha mādhyastha, i. e. madhyastha + a, n.
     1. Middle state.
     2. Indifference to earthly objects, Man. 4, 257.

mādhyasthya mādhyasthya, i. e. madhyastha + ya, n.
     1. Mediation.
     2. Office of an arbiter, Lass 92, 4.

mādhvaka mādhvaka, i. e. madhu + a + ka (anomal.), n. Spirit distilled from the flowers of the Bassia.

mādhvī mādhvī, i. e. madhu + a + ī (anomal.), f.
     1. Spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the Bassia, Man. 11, 94.
     2. A sort of fish.

mādhvīka mādhvī + ka, n.
     1. Spirituous liquor made from the Bassia.
     2. Wine.

mān mān, i. 10 (properly Caus. of man, q. cf.), and † i. 1, Par. To honour.

māna māna,
I. m., i. e. mān + a.
     1. Self-confidence, Pañc. v. d. 3.
     2. Pride, Pañc. iii. d. 13.
     3. Arrogance, Pañc. iii. d. 108; female caprice, indignation, anger, Vikr. 37, 8.
     4. Honour, Pañc. 16, 4; i. d. 251.
     5. Taking.
     6. An agent.
     7. A blockhead.
     8. A barbarian.
II. i. e. mā + ana, n.
     1. Measuring, Bhāṣāp. 108.
     2. Measure in general, Pañc. 7, 16 (kūṭa-tulā-, With a wrong balance).
     3. A particular measure, the fourth part of a khārī.
     4. The computation of the duration of a year.
-- Comp. ati-, m. arrogance, Cāṇ. 50. a-bhagna-māna + m, adv. without injury to one's honour, Hit. ii. d. 41. nirm°, i. e. nis-, adj. free from pride, Bhartṛ. 3, 95. praṇaya-, m. lover's quarrels. bahu-, m. reverence, respect, Vikr. d. 2. māsa-, m. a year. sa-bahu-māna + m, adv. with great reverence, Pañc. 130, 16.

mānada māna-da (vb. ), adj.
     1. Inspiring pride; a respectful address, used only in the voc. sing. m., Chr. 38, 15; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 830.

mānadhānikā mānadhānikā, f. A cucumber.

mānayitṛ mānayitṛ, i. e. man, Caus., + tṛ, m. One who honours, Indr. 4, 9.

mānava mānava, i. e. manu + a,
I. adj.
     1. Human, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 1.
     2. Declared by Manu, Chr. 135, 1. 2.
II. m.
     1. A man, Pañc. iii. d. 61; mankind, Chr. 8, 33.
     2. A boy.
III. f. .
     1. A woman.
     2. A daughter of the first Manu.
-- Comp. kapaṭa-, m. under the disguise of a man, Bhāg. P. 1, 1, 20. daṇḍa-, m. a man bearing a staff, a Brāhmaṇa, Rām. 2, 32, 18.

mānavant māna + vant, adj., f. vatī.
     1. Proud.
     2. Angry, Śiś. 9, 84.

mānavya mānavya, i. e. mānava + ya, n. A multitude of boys (and of men).

mānasa mānasa, i. e. manas + a,
I. adj., f. , Mental, Man. 2, 85; Vikr. d. 30.
II. n.
     1. The mind, the seat of reasoning and feeling, Pañc. v. 12; Bhāṣāp. 33; Hit. i. d. 140, M. M.; Pañc. iii. d. 45 (bhaya-saṃtrasta-, adj. Having one's mind terrified by fear); iii. d. 180 (śoka-saṃtapta-, burned by grief).
     2. The name of a lake, Vikr. d. 93.
III. f. , A goddess of the Jainas.
-- Comp. anya-, adj., f. , being in love with another, Chr. 14, 22. an-anya-, adj. intent only on one object, Indr. 5, 4. pūrṇa- (see vb. pṛ10), adj. satisfied, Rām. 3, 75, 25. hṛṣṭa- (vb. hṛṣ). adj. glad, happy, Johns. Sel. 14, 48.

mānika -mānika, i. e. mānin + ka, in panḍita-, adj. Fancying one's self a learned man, MBh. 12, 6738.

mānin mānin, i. e. māna + in, and man + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Proud, Ragh. 13, 38.
     2. When latter part of a comp., Who thinks or fancies (cf. comp.).
II. f. .
     1. A woman, especially one indignant towards her lover, Vikr. d. 118.
     2. A plant, commonly priyaṅgu.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not proud. ati-, adj. very proud, Rām. 3, 34, 17. a-stena-, adj. pretending to have committed no theft, Man. 8, 197. dhṛṣṭa-, adj. arrogant, Rām. 2, 96, 43. paṇḍita-, adj. fancying one's self a learned man, MBh. 4, 113. puruṣa-, adj. fancying one's self a hero, MBh. 5, 6094. prājña-, adj. fancying one's self a learned man. śūra-, adj. one who thinks himself a hero, a boaster, Hit. iv. d. 2. su-bhaga-, adj. fancying one's self fortunate, Daśak. in Chr. 195. 12.

mānuṣa mānuṣa, i. e. manus (q. cf.), + a,
I. adj., f. ṣī.
     1. Human, Rām. 3, 53, 3; 54, 17.
     2. Relating to mankind, Man. 4, 124.
II. m. A man, Pañc. 61, 10.
III. f. ṣī, A woman, Nal. 13, 55.
IV. n. Human effort, Chr. 56, 16 (daivaṃ mānuṣopetam, Fate combined with human effort).
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj., f. ṣī. 1. not human. 2. inhuman.
II. m. not a man, any other than a man, Man. 9, 284. ati-, adj. superhuman, Chr. 46, 19. divya-, m. a demigod, Kathās. 1, 47 (ekāntasukhino devā manuṣyā nityaduḥkhinaḥ; di- vyamānuṣaceṣṭā tu parabhāgena hāriṇī. vidyādharāṇāṃ caritam atas te varṇayāmy aham; The gods are ever happy, men ever unhappy; [but] the doing of the demigods is charming in the highest degree. Therefore, I shall tell you the adventures of Vidyādharas).

mānuṣya mānuṣya, i. e. mānuṣa + ya,
I. adj. Human, Nal. 19, 28.
II. n. The state of a man.

mānuṣyaka mānuṣya + ka, n. A multitude of men.

māntrika māntrika, i. e. mantra + ika, m. A sorcerer, Rājat. 5, 102.

mānthmānth (?), i. 1, Par. To hurt (see math).

māndya māndya, i. e. manda + ya, n.
     1. Indisposition, sickness.
     2. Stupidity, torpor, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 17.
     3. Slowness, languishing (and stupidity), Pañc. i. d. 205.
-- Comp. a-, n. activity.

māndhātṛ māndhātṛ, m. A proper name, Pañc. iii. d. 270.

mānmatha mānmatha. i. e. manmatha + a, adj. Caused by love, Prab. 41, 4.

māpatya māpatya (probably from the Caus. of me), m. The god of love.

māpana māpana, i. e. , Caus., + ana, n. A balance.

māma māma, i. e. mama, gen. sing. of asmad, + a, adj. Mine, Pañc. 98, 13; dear, 50, 12; 16; 51, 13; 23; 52, 4, etc.

māmaka māmaka, i. e. mama, gen. sing. of asmad, + ka,
I. adj., f. and mikā, Mine, Bhag. 1, 1.
II. m.
     1. A mother's brother.
     2. A niggard.

māmakīna māmakīna, i. e. māmaka + īna, adj. Mine.

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māya māya, i. e. man + ya,
I. m.
     1. A juggler.
     2. An Asura.
II. f.
     1. Understanding.
     2. Fraud, deceit, Man. 7, 104; Hit. i. d. 194, M. M.
     3. Trick in negotiation, diplomacy, Pañc. i. d. 404 (yo māyāṃ kurute mūdhaḥ prāṇatyāge dhanādiṣu, The fool who uses tricks about wealth, etc., his life being in danger).
     4. Wickedness.
     5. Illusion, unreality, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 2.
     6. Magical power, Kathās. 25, 274.
     7. Compassion.
     8. The wife of a juggler.
-- Comp. a-, f. honesty, truth, Hit. ii. d. 33. deva-, f. a phantom created by a god, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 42. bahu-, adj. Very wicked, Pañc. i. d. 364. su-, adj. abounding in tricks (?), Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 88, 1.

māyāda māyā-da (vb. ), m. A crocodile.

māyādhara māyā-dhara, adj. Deceitful, disguised, Rām. 3, 49, 17.

māyāmaya māyā + maya, adj., f. ,
     1. Illusive, Rām. 3, 49, 31.
     2. Magical, Indr. 1, 7; Rām. 3, 55, 31.

māyāvant māyā + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Deceitful, illusory, unreal.
II. m. A name of Kansa.
III. f. vatī, The wife of Kāma.

māyāyin māyāyin, and māyāvin māyāvin, i. e. māyā + vin,
I. adj.
     1. Deceitful, using tricks, Rām. 3, 49, 47 (vin).
     2. Illusory, unreal.
II. m.
     1. A juggler.
     2. A cat.

māyika māyika, i. e. māyā + ika, m. A juggler.

māyin māyin, i. e. māyā + in,
I. adj.
     1. Wise, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7.
     2. Deceptive.
II. m.
     1. A juggler.
     2. A cheat.
     3. Agni, Viṣṇu, Brahman.
-- Comp. a-, adj. void of deceit. durm°, i. e. dus-, adj. using tricks, Bhāg. P. 8, 11, 6.

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māyu māyu,
I. m. Bile.
II. i. e. 2. mā + u, Sounding, crying, at the end of comp. words; ved. gomāyu see s. v.

māyūra māyūra, i. e. mayūra + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to, or coming from, peacocks, Rām. 2, 100, 63 Gorr.; agreeable to peacocks, Mālav. d. 20.
     2. Made of its feathers.
II. n. A flock of peacocks.

māra māra, i. e. mṛ + a,
I. m.
     1. Dying.
     2. Death.
     3. Killing, Hit. 18, 3, M. M.
     4. Obstruction.
     5. The god of love.
II. f. .
     1. Plague.
     2. A name of Caṇḍī or Durgā.
-- Comp. a-, m. not dying, Rājat. 5, 64. dhundhu-, m. a proper name and surname, Rām. 1, 72, 21 Gorr; MBh. 3, 13486. paśu-, m. the manner of killing a beast, MBh. 3, 370. mahā-mārī, f. a name of Durgā, Dev. 12, 7. śiśu-, m. 1. the Gangetic porpoise, Pañc. 51, 9. 2. the heavenly porpoise, or collection of the stars and planets; north-west, Johns. Sel. 40, 36. 3. a name of Viṣṇu.

māraka māraka, i. e. mṛ, Caus., + aka, m.
     1. A slayer.
     2. A hawk.
     3. Plague.
-- Comp. paśu-māra + ka, adj. accompanied by sacrificing beasts, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 11.

mārakata mārakata, i. e. marakata + a, adj., f. , Emerald-like, Hit. pr. d. 41, M. M.

māraṇa māraṇa, i. e. mṛ, Caus. + ana, n.
     1. Killing.
     2. Being killed, Man. 5, 38.

māri māri (vb. mṛ), f.
     1. Killing.
     2. Plague.

mārin -mārin, i. e. mṛ + in in pūrva-, adj., f. inī, Dying before, Man. 5, 167.

māriṣa māriṣa (for mārṣa, q. cf.),
I. m. A venerable person (in dramatic language), Vikr. 3, 6.
II. f. ṣā, The mother of Dakṣa, Lass. 59, 15.

mārīca mārīca, i. e. marīci + a, m. The name of a Muni, Śāk. 100, 8; of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 3, 48, 2.
-- Comp. saha-, adj. With Mārīca, Rām. 3, 48, 8.

māruta māruta, i. e. marut + a,
I. adj.
     1. Belonging to the Maruts, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6.
     2. Consisting of the Maruts, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.
II. m.
     1. A Marut.
     2. Wind Pañc. iii. d. 56.
     3. Vital air, Lass. 17, 6 (ūrdhva-, m. Pressing upwards).
III. n. Burnt offering on conception.
-- Comp. ati-, m. strong wind, Yājñ. 1, 149. paścānmāruta, i. e. paścāt-, m. wind blowing from behind, Ragh. 7, 51. puromāruta, i. e. puras-, m. wind blowing in front, ib.

māruti māruti, i. e. marut + i, patronym., m.
     1. Hanumant.
     2. Bhīmasena.

mārkaṇḍeya mārkaṇḍeya, m. The name of a Muni.

mārg mārg (properly a denomin. derived from mārga), i. 1 and 10, Par. (in epic poetry also i. 1, Ātm.).
     1. To trace out, to search, Johns. Sel. 93, 50; Pañc. ii. d. 130. i. 10, †
     2. To purify. †
     3. To adorn. †
     4. To go.
-- With the prep. pari pari,
     1. To search, MBh. 3, 10975.
     2. To beg for, 14948.

mārga mārga, i. e.
A. mṛj + a (originally, the tracing out of game by a sporting dog), m.
     1. Search.
     2. Musk.
     3. Trace, Vikr. 57, 12.
     4. A road, Pañc. 122, 6; Vikr. 19, 18; way, Pañc. 98, 22; figuratively, Pañc. 167, 22; use, Lass. 20, 18; title of law, Man. 8, 3; mode. Johns. Sel. 11, 28.
     5. The anus.
B. mṛga + a,
I. adj. Coming from deer, Rām. 2, 100, 63 Gorr.
II. m.
     1. The name of a month, November -- December.
     2. The constellation Mṛgaśīrṣa.
-- Comp. ambara-cara-, m. the road of the birds, Pañc. i. d. 350. ardha-, m. mid-way, Vikr. d. 3. āhāra-niḥsaraṇa-, m. the anus, Pañc. i. d. 458. unm°, i. e. ud-, m. wrong way, Hit. 4. 2, M. M. karma(n)-, m. an opening in walls, etc., serving as a way for thieves, Mṛcch. 64, 12. kula-, m. the road of honesty, Lass. 40, 6. kṛta-, adj. made accessible, Vikr. d. 21. tri-,
I. the three worlds, Rām. 1, 45, 40 Gorr.
II. f. , three roads. deva-, m. the penis and the anus, Rām. 5, 61, 4, 6; Pañc. ed. orn. 55, 9. nakṣatra-, m. the road of the stars, Indr. 2, 12. rāja(n)-, m. a royal or main road, Pañc. 129, 16.

mārgaṇa mārgaṇa, i. e. mārg + ana,
I. adj. Begging, a beggar.
II. m.
     1. A solicitor.
     2. An arrow, Chr. 34, 15.
III. n.
     1. Searching, Hit. iv. d. 71.
     2. Begging.

mārgaṇatā mārgaṇa + tā, f. The nature of an arrow, Vikr. d. 144.

mārgava mārga + va, m. The son of a Niṣāda by an Ayogava female, Man. 10, 34.

mārgaśira mārgaśira, and mārgaśīrṣa mārgaśīrṣa (cf. mārga, and śiras, and śīrṣa), m. The name of a month, November -- December, Bhag. 10, 35 (-śīrṣa).

mārgika mārgika, i. e. mṛga and mārga, + ika, m.
     1. A hunter.
     2. A traveller.

mārj mārj (cf. mṛj), † mañj mañj, † marc marc, † marv marv, i. 10, Par.
     1. † To cleanse.
     2. † To sound.

mārja mārja, i. e. mṛj + a, m.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. A washerman.
     3. Viṣṇu.

mārjana mārjana, i. e. mṛj + ana,
I. n., and f. .
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Rubbing, Man. 5, 116.
     3. Cleaning the person by wiping, bathing, or rubbing it with unguents.
II. f. , The sound of a drum, Mālav. d. 20.
III. f. , A brush, Pañc. ii. d. 108.

mārjāra mārjāra, i. e. mṛj + āra, m., and f. .
     1. The common cat, Pañc. 110, 23.
     2. The pole-cat.
-- Comp. araṇya-, m. a wild cat, Pañc 165, 14.

mārjāraka mārjāraka, i. e. mṛj + āra + ka, m. A peacock.

mārjārīya mārjārīya, i. e. mārjāra + īya, and mārjālīya mārjālīya (with l for r), m.
     1. A cat.
     2. A Śūdra.
     3. Cleaning the body.

mārtaṇḍa mārtaṇḍa, i. e. mṛtaṇḍa + a, m.
     1. The sun, Utt. Rāmac. 140, 9; Rājat. 5, 153.
     2. A hog.

mārttika mārttika, i. e. mṛttikā + a,
I. adj. Earthen.
II. m. A lid, a cover.

mārtya mārtya, i. e. mṛta + ya (adj. or sbst. n.), Mortal, the mortal part, Bhāg. P. 3, 33, 32.

mārdaṅga mārdaṅga, i. e. mṛdaṅga + a,
I. m. A drummer.
II. n. A town.

mārdava mārdava, i. e. mṛdu + a, n. Softness, Chr. 57, 24; Bhartṛ. 1, 5.
-- Comp. su-, n. beautiful softness, Pañc. iv. d. 62.

mārṣa mārṣa, i. e. marṣa + a, m. A venerable man (in dramatic language), Sch. ad Vikr. ed. Bollensen, p. 142.

mārṣṭi mārṣṭi, i. e. mṛj + ti, f.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Cleaning the person by bathing, etc.; cf. mārjana.

māla māla,
I. m.
     1. A name of a barbarous tribe, Lass. 38, 14.
     2. The name of a country, Megh. 16.
     3. Viṣṇu.
II. i. e. mala + a, f. .
     1. A line.
     2. A garland, a necklace, Hit. i. d. 174, M. M. (dhṛta-kanaka-māla, adj. Bearing a gold necklace).
     3. A chaplet of flowers.
     4. A rosary.
     5. A chain, Pañc. 255, 19.
III. n. A field.
-- Comp. akṣa-, f. , 1. a rosary, Dev. 2, 23. 2. a name of Arundhatī, the wife of Vaśiṣṭha, Man. 9, 23. ketu-,
I. m. 1. pl. the name of a people, Hariv. 8227. 2. the name of a varṣa or division of the earth, Bhāg. P. 5, 2, 19.
II. f. , the name of a holy place, MBh. 3, 8368. nakṣatra-, f. , 1. a group of stars, Rām. 1, 60, 21. 2. all the lunar mansions. 3. a string of twenty-seven pearls. nara-, f. , a chaplet of human skulls, Dev. 7, 6. vana-, f. , the chaplet worn by Kṛṣṇa. vandana-, f. , the ornamented arc of a gateway (cf. mālaka). varṇa-, f. , the alphabet. haṃsa-, f. , 1. a duck. 2. a flight of wild geese. hema-, f. , the wife of Yama.

mālaka -māla + ka, at the end of comp. adj., f. likā; e. g. akṣara-, Consisting of a line of letters, Pañc. ii. d. 183. baddha-vandana-, adj. Having fastened garlands of salutation, Pañc. 207, 24 (but cf. vandana-mālā, s. v. māla).

mālatī mālatī, f.
     1. A bud.
     2. A young woman.
     3. Moonlight.
     4. Night.
     5. A river.
     6. Great-flowered jasmine, Jasminum grandiflorum, Megh. 26; Ṛt. 2, 25.

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mālava mālava, m. The province of Malva, Hit. 113, 19.

mālākāra mālā kāra, m., f. , A flower-seller, a gardener, Pañc. i. d. 394; Lass. 24, 8.

mālika mālika, i. e. mālā + ika,
I. adj. Relating to a garland.
II. m.
     1. A flower-gatherer, Pañc. v. d. 55 (cf. Pañc. 156, 20).
     2. A painter.
     3. A sort of bird.
III. f. .
     1. A garland of flowers, Pañc. 236, 16.
     2. A multitude, Hit. iii. d. 89.
     3. A necklace.
     4. A daughter.
     5. A palace.
     6. A spirituous liquor.
     7. Double jasmine.
-- Comp. vandana-, f. , the ornamented arc of a gateway; cf. mālaka.

mālita mālita, i. e. mālā + ita, Surrounded, Lass. 4, 18.

mālin mālin, i. e. mālā + in,
I. m. A florist.
II. f. .
     1. A female vendor of flowers.
     2. A name of Durgā.
     3. The Ganges of heaven.
     4. A plant, Hedysarum alhagi.
     5. A shrub, Echites caryophyllata.
III. As latter part of compounds, very often adj., f. , Wearing a garland or chaplet of, cf. comp.
-- Comp. aṃśu-, m. the sun, Ṛt. 1, 28. akṣa- (cf. akṣa-mālā), m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10374. ūrmi-,
I. adj. adorned with a chaplet of waves, Rām. 2, 113, 21.
II. m. the sea, Ragh. 5, 61. kapāla-, adj. wearing a string of skulls, MBh. 14, 202. gaṇḍa-, adj. sbst. one who has the erysipelas, Man. 3, 161. jālaka-, adj., f. , adorned with a necklace in the form of a net, Bhāg. P. 8, 20, 17. nagara-, adj. garlanded with cities, Johns. Sel. 4, 19. padma-, m. the name of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 6, 7, 33. f. epithet of Śrī, MBh. 12, 8353 (adorned with a string of lotus flowers). pura-, f. , the name of a river, MBh. 6, 329. marīci-,
I. adj. surrounded by a circle of rays, Hit. 38, 1, M.M.
II. m. the sun. vana-, m. Kṛṣṇa. vīci-, m. the ocean. hema-, adj. adorned with a chaplet of gold, Rām. 3, 50, 20.

mālinya mālinya, i. e. malina + ya, n. Blackness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1915 (mālinyaṃ ko doṣaḥ, What an object of blame is the blackness! i. e. the blackness is no object of blame).

mālūra mālūra, m. A fruit-tree, Aegle marmelos, Lass. 86, 6 (Prākṛ.).

mālya mālya, i. e. mālā + ya,
I. adj. Fit for a garland.
II. n.
     1. A flower, Johns. Sel. 40, 38.
     2. A garland, Pañc. 199, 19.
     3. A chaplet, Man. 2, 177.
-- Comp. gandha-, n. an agreeably smelling wreath, Pañc. 182, 10.

mālyaguṇāya mālyaguṇāya, a denomin. derived from mālya-guṇa with ya, Ātm. To become a garland, Bhartṛ. 2, 78.

mālyavant mālya + vant,
I. m. The name of a mountainous range.
II. f. vatī, The name of a river.

māṣa māṣa, m.
     1. A sort of kidney bean, Phaseolus radiatus, Man. 3, 267.
     2. A goldsmith's weight, Man. 8, 134.
     3. A fool.
     4. A cutaneous disease.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. a sort of bean, Dolichos catjang.

māṣaka māṣa + ka, m. A weight of gold and of silver, Man. 8, 135.

māṣika -māṣika, i. e. māṣa + ika, latter part of comp. adj. Amounting to māṣas; e. g. pañca(n)-, Amounting to five māṣas, Man. 8, 298.

māṣīṇa māṣīṇa, and māṣya māṣya, i. e. māṣa + īna, or ya, n. A field of kidney beans.

mās mās (= māsa, q. cf.), m.
     1. The moon.
     2. A month.
-- Comp. puṣpa-, m. spring (the season), Rām. 3, 79, 16.

māsa māsa, (sprung from mānt, ptcple. pres. of ); the base of many cases is optionally mās, m. A month, Pañc. 169, 6.
-- Comp. ardha-, m. half a month, a fortnight, Man. 4, 25. garbha-, m. a month of pregnancy, Kathās. 26, 146. puṣpa-, m. spring (the season), Rām. 3, 79, 39. pūrṇa-, m. 1. the full of the moon. 2. a monthly sacrifice performed on the day of full moon.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. monsis; Goth. mêna; A.S. mona; Goth. mênoths; A.S. monadh.

māsajña māsa-jña, m. A gallinule.

māsara māsara, m. The scum of boiled rice.

māsaśas māsa + śas, adv. For months, MBh. 13, 5659.

māsānumāsika māsānumāsika, i. e. māsa-anu-māsa + ika, adj. Performed from month to month, Man. 3, 122.

māsāvadhika māsāvadhika, i. e. māsa-avadhi + ka, adj. Having as limit a month, taking place after a month, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 1.

māsika māsika,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Monthly, Man. 3, 123; 5, 140.
     2. Payable in a month.
     3. Hired by the month.
     4. Lasting for a month.
     5. Happening at the end of a month.
II. n. An obsequial sacrifice performed every day of the new moon.
-- Comp. aṣṭamāsika, i. e. aṣṭan-, f. , lasting eight months, Chr. 47, 36. skaṇmāsika, i. e. ṣaṣ-, adj. happening every sixth month, Pañc. 252, 14.

māsurī māsurī, f. A beard.

māsūra māsūra, i. e. masūra + a, adj., f. , Consisting, made of lentils or pulse.

māhmāh (māḍ māḍ) i. 1, Par. Ātm. To mete, to measure.

māhākula māhākula, i. e. mahā-kula + a, adj. Of a respectable family.

māhātmika māhātmika, i. e. mahā-ātman + ika, adj.
     1. Majestic, Man. 5, 94.
     2. Of great honour.
     3. Glorious.

māhātmya māhātmya, i. e. mahā-ātman + ya, n.
     1. Majesty, might, Utt. Rāmac. 96, 3; Pañc. 48, 18; ii. d. 52.
     2. The peculiar efficacy or virtue of a deity or sacred shrine.
     3. A work giving an account of the merits of any holy object, Dev. title.

māhitra māhitra, (n.), The name of a holy text, Man. 11, 249.

māhira māhira, m. Indra.

māhiṣa māhiṣa, i. e. mahiṣa + a, adj., f. ṣī, Belonging to, or coming from, a buffalo (flesh, milk, etc.), Śārṅg. 82, 219.

māhiṣika māhiṣika, i. e. mahiṣa + ika, m. A keeper of buffaloes, Man. 3, 166.

māhiṣya māhiṣya, i. e. mahiṣa + ya, m. The offspring of a Kṣatriya father and a Vaiśya mother.

māhendra māhendra, i. e. mahā-indra + a, adj. Relating to Indra.

māheyī māheyī, i. e. mahī + eya + ī, f. A cow.

mi mi, ii. 5, Par. Ātm. To throw.

michmich, pich pich, i. 6, Par.
     1. To inflict pain.
     2. To obstruct.

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miñjmiñj (?), i. 10, Par. To speak. To shine.

mitadru mita-drui (vb. ), m. The ocean.

mitaṃpaca mitaṃpaca, i. e. mita (vb. ), + m-pac + a, adj. Niggardly, a niggard, Hit. i. d. 154, M. M.

miti miti, i. e. mā + ti, f.
     1. Measuring.
     2. Determining.
     3. Knowledge.

mittra mittra, commonly written mitra mitra, i. e. mid + tra,
I. m.
     1. A vedic deity, Chr. 298, 25 = Rigv. i. 112, 25.
     2. The sun, Pañc. ii. d. 75.
II. n.
     1. A friend, Rām. 3, 51, 9.
     2. An ally.
-- Comp. a-, m., and f. , an enemy, Rām. 3, 51, 9. ku-, n. a treacherous friend, Pañc. iii. d. 61. nis-a-, 1. adj. free from enemies, Rām. 2, 18, 7 Gorr. 2. m. a proper name. dhana- and puru-, m. proper names. sa-, adj. with (his) friends, Chr. 54, 16. su-, f. trā, one of the wives of Daśaratha.

mittratā mittra + tā, f., and mittratva mittra + tva, n. Friendship, Pañc. ii. d. 32; iii. d. 1.

mittrayu mittra + yu,
I. adj. Acquiring friends.
II. m. A person acquainted with the ways and manners of mankind (?).

mittravant mittra + vant, adj., f. vatī. One who has friends, Pañc. ii. d. 26.

mith mith, midh midh (see medh), † mid mid, † med med, i. 1, Par. Ātm. †
     1. To understand.
     2. To hurt.
     3. To rival (ved.). Caus. medhaya, To further, MBh. 13, 7510.

mithas mith + as, adv.
     1. Mutually, reciprocally, with each other, Pañc. 125, 10; from each other, Pañc. 42, 22.
     2. Privately, Man. 8, 195 (Daśak. in Chr. 192, 20, read pārthivaṃ mitho).

mithilā mithilā, f. The name of a town.

mithuna mith + una (for + vana),
I. n.
     1. A couple, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 8.
     2. Copulation.
     3. Union.
II. m. The sign of the zodiac, Gemini.
-- Comp. go-, n. a bull and a cow, Man. 3, 29.

mithyā mithyā (vb. mith), adv. Falsely, Pañc. 7, 16; untruly, feigned, Lass. 9, 11; wrong, Pañc. 206, 11; what does not concern one, Pañc. 9, 24; in vain, Sāv. 6, 14.

mid mid, i. 1, Ātm., i. 4, medya, Par., and i. 10, Par., also † mind mind, i. 10, Par.
     1. To be unctuous.
     2. † To liquefy. †
     3. To love.
     4. To rejoice (ved.).
-- With pra pra, Caus. pramedita, Made unctuous; greasy. See mith.
-- Cf. [greek]

midhmidh, see mith.

mindmind, see mid.

minvminv, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sprinkle.
     2. To gratify by service.

mil mil (probably an old denomin. based on a noun derived from miśla (= miśra), changed to milla), i. 6, Par. Ātm.
     1. To associate, Pañc. 220, 13.
     2. To be connected, 229, 11 (pṛṣṭha āgatya militaḥ, Was the last).
     3. To meet, Hit. 83, 6, M. M.
     4. To assemble, Pañc. 53, 20; Rājat. 5, 465. Ptcple. pf. pass. milita, Mixed (covered), Pañc. 122, 11.
-- With pari pari, parimilita, Penetrated, filled, Śiś. 11, 23.
-- With sam sam, saṃmilita, Collected, Pañc. 229, 5.

miśmiś, see maś.

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miśr miśr, and † misr misr, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from miśra), Par. To mix, Śāk. d. 30. miśrita,
     1. Mixed, Pañc. 215, 2.
     2. Respected (i. e. miśra + ita, cf. miśra).
-- With the prep. vi vi, To put in disorder, MBh. 1, 3282.

miśra miśra, i. e. miś (perhaps for mikṣ, desider. of mih, without red., cf. mih with sam), + ra,
I. adj. Mixed, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 187; Pañc. 9, 4; Utt. Rāmac. 42, 11.
II. n. Mixing.
III. m.
     1. An elephant.
     2. A respectable person, Sir, Lass. 95, 9; in this sense it is a common affix to nouns, Vikr. 3, 12, and proper names, Lass. 89, 6.
-- Comp. ārya-, m. pl. a respectable person, Rām. 2, 82, 18; Prab. 25, 2.
-- Cf. Lat. miscere; O.H.G. miscjan; A.S. miscan; [greek]

miśraka miśra + ka,
I. m.
     1. A mixer.
     2. An adulterator of commodities, a mixer of bad wares with good ones, Man. 11, 50.
II. n. A grove of paradise.

miṣ 1. miṣ (probably for mikṣ, and akin to mih), i. 1, Par. To sprinkle. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. miṣṭa.
     1. Sprinkled.
     2. Sweet, Pañc. 119, 7. n. A fine dish, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1787; sweetmeat.

miṣ 2. miṣ, i. 6, Par. (properly To wink, to contract the eyelids, cf. mīl, kṣmīl, śmīl, smīl, and smi).
     1. To look at angrily, Chr. 4, 16 (harāmi miṣatāṃ vas, I shall take [her] while you are looking on angrily, i. e. in spite of you).
     2. † To contend, to resist.
-- With the prep. ud ud,
     1. To open one's eyes, Bhag. 5, 9; Kumāras. 5, 25.
     2. To flash, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 16.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, To break forth, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 4.
-- With ni ni, To shut one's eyes, to wink, MBh. 3, 10649.
-- Cf. Lat. miser; [greek] probably also [greek] cf. [greek] Lat. micare.

miṣa mish + a,
I. m. Emulation.
II. n. Fraud.

mismis, i. 4, Par. To go.

misr misr, see miśr.

mih mih (for original migh), i. 1, Par.
     1. To sprinkle.
     2. To urine, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6; Man. 4, 52. Ptcple. of the pf. Par. mīḍhvaṃs (ved.), also before vowels, mīḷh° for mīḍh°, One who effuses or gives, Lass. 100, 1 = Rigv. vii. 15, 1. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mīḍha. Comp. puru-, m. a proper name.
-- With the prep. pra pra, pramīḍha,
     1. Passed, as urine.
     2. Thick.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To sprinkle, to give, Chr. 288, 16 = Rigv. i. 48, 16. (mimikṣva, imperat., ii. 3, Ātm. or anomal. desider.). Desider. mimikṣa, To wish to mix, to unite one's self, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6 (mimikṣire, anomal. pf. red.).
-- Cf. Lat. mingere, mejere; A.S. mígan; Goth. maihstus; A.S. meox, miox, mist; [greek]

mihira mihira, m.
     1. i. e. mih + ira, A cloud.
     2. (borrowed from the Persian language), The sun.
     3. The moon.
     4. Wind.
     5. A proper name.

mihilāropya mihilāropya, n. The name of a town, Pañc. 3, 9.

1. , ii. 9, mīnā, mīnī, and ved. minā, minī, Par. To hurt. Comp. ptcple. pres. a-minant, Not hurting, Chr. 295, 12 = Rigv. i. 92, 12. i. 4, Ātm. To perish.
-- With the prep. ā ā, ii. 9, To hurt, to scrape off, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10.
-- With pra pra, ii. 9,
     1. To diminish, Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.
     2. To surmount, to surpass. i. 4, To perish. pramīta, Deceased, Man. 3, 245. Caus. māpaya, To cause to perish, Man. 1, 57; to kill, 8, 295.
-- Cf. Lat. pro-mīnere, e-minere, minere, pro-minare, e-minus, co-minus, minari.

2. † , i. 1 and 10, Par. To go, see me.
-- Cf. Lat. meare and movere (causal).

mīna mīna (probably vb. mih), m.
     1. A fish, Pañc. ii. d. 3.
     2. The sign of the zodiac, Pisces.

mīmmīm, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To sound (cf. 2. ).

mīmāṃsa mīmāṃsa, see man.

mīmāṃsaka mīmāṃsaka, i. e. mīmāṃsā + aka, m. A follower of the PūrvaMīmāṃsā philosophy.

mīmāṃsā mīmāṃsā, i. e. mīmāṃsa + a, f. Two of the philosophical systems of the Hindus, distinguished as pūrva and uttara.

mīmāṃsākṛt mīmāṃsā-kṛ + t, m. The author of the Pūrva-Mīmāṃsā philosophy, Jaimini, Pañc. ii. d. 34.

mīra mīra (vb. mih), m. The ocean.

mīl mīl (originally a denomin. based on a noun derived from mish by an affix, with initial l), i. 1, Par.
     1. To wink, to contract the eyelids, to close the eyes, Gīt. 10, 16.
     2. To be closed of itself (viz. the eyes), Bhaṭṭ. 14, 54.
     3. To be collected, Utt. Rāmac. 126, 5 (with v. r.). Comp. ptcple. pf. pass. īṣanmīlita, i. e. īṣat- adj. Closed a little, Lass. 13, 7. Caus. mīlaya, To close (viz. one's eyes), locane mīlayitvā, Like a moment, Megh. 109.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To close (viz. one's eyes), Rāj. t. 5, 348.
-- With ā ā, To close (viz. one's eyes), Daśak. in Chr. 199, 4.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To open one's eyes, MBh. 3, 11155.
     2. To be opened of itself (as one's eyes), Bhaṭṭ. 16, 8.
     3. To open, Gīt. 1, 36; (one's eyes), Vikr. d. 5.
     4. To show, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 23.
     5. To hang down (as curls), Utt. Rāmac. 14, 4. Caus. To open (viz. one's eyes), MBh. 2, 2630.
-- With prod pra-ud, To open one's eyes, Gīt. 4, 19.
-- With samud sam-ud, To open of itself, to spring up, Bhartṛ. 2, 78.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To close (viz. one's eyes), Śiś. 9, 11; Vikr. 7, 5; Pañc. 165, 15.
     2. To fall asleep, Man. 1, 52.
     3. To be covered, Rājat. 5, 481. Caus.
     1. To cause to shut the eyes, to kill, Pañc. iii. d. 269.
     2. To close, Ṛt. 6, 26.
-- With vini vi-ni, To close the eyes, Bhaṭṭ. 11, 9.
-- With pra pra, To close the eyes, Gīt. 4, 19.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To close (viz. the eyes), Ragh. 3, 26 (Calc.).
     2. To close (as flowers), Śāk. 45, 4 Chezy. Caus.
     1. To cause to shut the eyes, to make insensible, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 7.
     2. To close, Ragh. 13, 10 (Calc.).

mīvmīv, i. 1, Par. To grow corpulent.

mīvara mīvara (probably from vb. mih), adj., f. , Mischievous.

mīvā mīvā (perhaps from vb. mih), f. The worm of the intestines, ascarides, etc.

muku muku (vb. 2. muc), m. Liberation.

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mukuṭa mukuṭa,
I. n. A crest, a diadem, Pañc. 3, 10.
II. (vb. 2. muc, cf. mucuṭī), f. ṭī, Snapping the fingers.
-- Comp. pratāpa-, m. a proper name, Lass. 5, 20.

mukunda mukunda, m.
     1. A precious gem.
     2. Quicksilver.
     3. One of Kuvera's treasures.
     4. A name of Viṣṇu, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 36.
     5. Gum olibanum.

mukura mukura (also makura makura), m.
     1. A looking-glass, Śiś. 9, 73 (mu°).
     2. The stick of a potter's wheel.
     3. A bud.
     4. A tree, Mimusops elengi.
     5. Arabian jasmine.

mukula mukula (also makula makula), m. and n.
     1. An opening bud, Ragh. 9, 27 (mu°); Utt. Rāmac. 14, 5 (daśana-mu°, bud-like teeth).
     2. The body.
     3. The soul.

mukulita mukulita, i. e. mukula + ita, adj.
     1. Half closed (as a bud).
     2. Half shut (as the eye), Vikr. 47, 19.

muktaka mukta + ka (vb. muck), n. Any missile weapon.

muktā muktā (f. of the ptcple. pf. pass. of muc), f. A pearl, Vikr. d. 153.
-- Comp. śaṅkha-, f. Shells and pearls, Rām. 3, 49, 36.

muktākaṇa muktā-kaṇa, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 34.

muktākāratā muktākāratā, i. e. muktā-ākāra + tā, The form of a pearl, Bhartṛ. 2, 57.

mukti mukti, i. e. 2. muc + ti, f.
     1. Leaving off, Bhartṛ. 2, 52.
     2. Deliverance, release (muktiṃ prāpnumaḥ, We shall be released), Pañc. 106, 1; ii. d. 44.
     3. The delivery of the soul from the body, and exemption from further transmigration, final beatitude.

mukha mukha,
I. n.
     1. The mouth, Pañc. 258, 16.
     2. The face, Pañc. 238, 23.
     3. Front, Draup. 8, 8.
     4. Entrance, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 19; the entrance to a house.
     5. An aperture, Śiś. 9, 2.
     6. Commencement, Pañc. 29, 16; Chr. 8, 33.
     7. A means.
     8. Sound.
II. m. The beak of a bird.
-- Comp. aṅguli-, n. the tip of the finger, Śiś. 9, 64. aja-mukhī, f. the name of a female Rākṣasa, Rām. 5, 25, 49. adhom°, i. e. adhas-, adj., f. khī. 1. looking downwards, Pañc. 84, 7. 2. turned downwards, Rām. 5, 26, 20. abhi-, see s. v. ayom°, i. e. ayas-, adj. iron-pointed, Rām. 3, 53, 53. avāṅm°, i. e. avāñc-, adj. looking downwards, Rām. 4, 32, 1. aśru-, adj., f. khī, the face covered with tears, Rām. 2, 59, 14. aśva-, adj., f. khī, having a horse's head, a Kiṃnara, Rām. 4, 44, 38. udaṅmukha, i. e. udañc-, adj. facing the north, Man. 2, 52. unm°, i. e. ud-, adj., f. khī, 1. with the face turned upward, Vikr. 61, 17. 2. directed to, towards, Pañc. 141, 17. 3. desiring, Vikr. d. 26 (bheda-, desiring, or ready (cf. 5.), to break out of its bud). 4. intending, Rājat. 5, 259. 5. near to, Ragh. 3, 12. 6. expecting, Rām. 5, 55, 35. ūlkā-, m. 1. the name of a goblin, Man. 12, 71. 2. a proper name, Rām. 6, 3, 48. ūrdhva-, adj. of which the aperture is turned upward; turned upward, Kumāras. 1, 16. ṛtu-, n. the commencement, or first day of a season, Rām. 2, 105, 23. eka-, adj. having one as (head) chief, or superintendent, Yājñ. 2, 202. kaṅka-, adj. heron-mouthed, Rām. 6, 79, 69. kathā-, n. introduction to a tale, Pañc. 5, 16. kālā, m. 1. a kind of monkey, Rām. 6, 3, 35.
     2. the name of a fabulous people, MBh. 2, 1171. kālikā-, m. a Rākṣasa Rām. 8, 29, 30. kravya-, m. a prople name, Pañc. 87, 4. go-, m. 1. a proper name, MBh. 5, 3574. 2. a certain musical instrument, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 15. catur-, (n.)
I. four faces, Kumāras. 2, 17.
II. adj. 1. having four faces, epithet of Brahman, Rām. 1, 2, 26; Viṣṇu, Ragh. 10, 23; Śiva, Sund. 3, 28; and a Dānava, Hariv. 12934. 2. having four points, Hariv. 10630. jaya-sthala-, adj. looking like trophies, Rājat. 5, 121. jyotirmukha, i. e. jyotis-, m. a proper name, Rām. 6, 6, 26. jvālā-, f. khī, a place where subterraneous fires break forth. dakṣiṇā-, adj., f. khī, turned to the south, Man. 2, 52. dakṣiṇā-abhi-, adj. the same, Man. 4, 50. dadhi-, m. 1. a kind of snake, Suśr. 2, 265, 8. 2. a proper name, Rām. 5, 1, 39. darī-,
I. n.
     1. a mouth resembling a cave, MBh. 7, 6437, a.
     2. the aperture of a cave, ib. b.
     3. a cave representing a mouth, Ragh. 13, 47.
II. m. a proper name, Rām. 4, 39, 32. daśa(n)-,
I. n. pl. ten faces, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 23.
II. adj. having ten faces, epithet of Rāvaṇa, Megh. 59. diṅm°, i. e. diś-, n. any part of the heavens, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 12. durm°, i. e. dus-,
I. adj., f. khī. 1. hideous, Bhartṛ. 1, 89. 2. foul-mouthed, scurrilous, ib. 2, 59.
II. m. a proper name, MBh. 2, 116. dūta-, adj. speaking by means of ambassadors, Pañc. 161, 20. nandi-, m. 1. epithet of Śiva, MBh. 12, 10428. 2. a kind of water-fowl, Suśr. 1, 205, 13. 3. a kind of rice, ib. 1, 196, 2. nāndī-,
I. adj.
     1. with pitṛ, a class of Manes, Yājñ. 1, 249. 2. with or without śrāddha, n. an oblation to that class of Mancs, Mārk. P. 34, 105.
II. f. khī, a sort of corn, Suśr. 1, 197, 1. niśā-, n. the commencement of night, Hariv. 4122. payas-, adj. having milk on (its) surface, Hit. i. d. 76, M.M. parāṅmukha, i. e. parāṅc-,
I. adj., f. khī. 1. having the face averted, Pañc. 181, 15. 2. averse, Pañc. i. d. 405; disinclined, Vikr. d. 102 (pravṛtti-, to give a report). 3. regardless, Mārk. P. 22, 44.
II. m. a spell or charm spoken over weapons, Rām. 1. 31, 5 Gorr. pari- vṛtta-ardha-, adj., f. khī, having turned half her face, Vikr. d. 17. pūrvapaścānmukha, i. e. pūrva-paścāt-, adj., f. khī, running to the east and west, Rām. 2, 12, 6 Gorr. prāṅmukha, i. e. prāñc-, adj. facing the east, Sund. 3, 23. phaṇi(n)-, a kind of spade, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 10. baḍavā-, m. submarine fire. bali- and balī-, m. a monkey. bhṛkuṭi-, adj. knitting the brow, Sund. 4, 14. sa-bhṛkuṭi-, adj. with a frowning face. mahā-, m. a crocodile. mātṛ-, m. a fool. mlechcha-, n. copper. vi-, adj. 1. with averted face, Hit. i. d. 189, M. M. 2. averted, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 814. 3. averse, disinclined, Pañc. ii. d. 86; iv. d. 5. śāstra-vi-, adj. disinclined to learning, Pañc. 3, 13. vināśonmukha, i. e. vināśa-ud-, adj. mature (near) to decay. śaṅkha-, m. an alligator. śata-,
I. (n.), a hundred shapes, Bhartṛ. 2, 10.
II. adj. having a hundred issues, Pañc. ii. d. 14; having a hundred shapes, in a hundred ways, Bhartṛ. 2, 10 v. r. śilī-, m. 1. a bee, Śiś. 9, 41. 2. an arrow, ib.; MBh. 6, 3910. 3. a fool. 4. war. ṣaṇm°, i. e. ṣaṣ-, m. a proper name, Rājat. 6, 319 (Calc.). sa-kala-indu- (cf. kalā), adj., f. khī, having a face like the full moon, Vikr. d. 28. sam-, adj. 1. being in front, Pañc. iv. d. 12 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2753); facing, in front of, Pañc. 104, 15. 2. encountering, Pañc. 240, 13. 3. directed towards, Pañc. 104, 17. 4. propitious, Pañc. v. d. 77 (n. 1424 of my transl.). sarvatomukha, i. e. sarvatas-,
I. adj., f. khī. 1. facing every quarter, i. e. to every quarter (of the world), Sund. 2, 13. 2. complete, unrestrained, Śāk. d. 122.
II. m. 1. Brahman. 2. a Brāhmaṇa. 3. soul, spirit. 4. paradise.
III. n. 1. sky. 2. water. su-,
I. n. a beautiful mouth, Pañc. i. d. 202.
II. adj., f. khā and khī. 1. handsome-faced. 2. pleasing, propitious, Lass. 55, 20.
III. m. 1. a teacher. 2. a proper name, Man. 7, 41.
IV. n. the scratch of a finger-nail. sūcī-,
I. m. a bird.
II. f. khī, a female bird, Pañc. i. d. 437.
III. n. a diamond. senā-, n. 1. a division of an army. 2. a mound or covered way before a city gate. stana-, m. a nipple. svasti-, m. 1. a letter. 2. a Brāhmaṇa, a panegyrist.

mukhaja mukha-ja, m. A Brāhmaṇa.

mukhatas mukha + tas, adv. From the mouth, Nal. 11, 28.

mukhabāhūrupajja mukhabāhūrupajja, i. e. mukha-bāhu-ūru-pad-ja, adj. Born from the mouth, the arms, the thighs, and the feet, Man. 1, 87.

mukhara mukha + ra,
I. adj.
     1. Foulmouthed, speaking harshly or scurrilously, Bhartṛ. 2, 61.
     2. Rallying.
     3. Resounding, Lass. 69, 5; noisy, Utt. Rāmac. 16, 9; Megh. 38.
II. m.
     1. A leader, Hit. i. d. 28, M. M.
     2. A conch-shell.
-- Comp. unmukhara-, i. e. ud-, adj. sounding loudly, Prab. 78, 3.

mukharatā mukhara + tā, f.
     1. Talkativeness, Kir. 5, 16.
     2. Garrulity, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.

mukharita mukharita, i. e. mukhara + ita, adj. Sounding, ringing, Rājat. 5, 482.

mukhya mukhya, i. e. mukha + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Being in, or belonging to, the face.
     2. Fallen from the mouth, Man. 5, 141.
     3. Chief, principal, Pañc. 158, 2; Hit. 83, 18; Daśak. in Chr. 183, 14; 189, 14.
II. n. A principal rite or ordinance.
-- Comp. dvi-ja-, and dvi-jāti-, m. A Brāhmaṇa, MBh. 5, 7279; Man. 3, 286. vāra-mukhyā, f. the head of a set of harlots, Bhāg. P. 9, 10. 38; Daśak. in Chr. 183, 14.

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mukhyatā mukhya + tā, f. Pre-eminence.

mukhyaśas mukhya + śas, adv. Principally, Nal. 8, 21.

mugdhatā mugdha + tā, f., and mugdhatva mugdha + tva, n. (vb. muh).
     1. Loveliness, charm, Vikr. d. 26.
     2. Simplicity.
     3. Stupidity.

muc † 1. muc, see mac.

muc 2. muc, i. 6, muñca, Par. Ātm.
     1. To let loose, Pañc. 32, 25; ii. d. 123 (to go); to loosen, Vikr. 13, 10.
     2. To dismiss, Pañc. 128, 25.
     3. To release from (with abl. and instr.), MBh. 1, 5641; Man. 11, 228.
     4. To leave, to abandon, Vikr. 5, 11; Pañc. 57, 10; with deham, To die, Hit. iii. d. 31.
     5. To take away, MBh. 3, 2982.
     6. To lose, Rām. 1, 25, 14.
     7. To give up, Man. 8, 150; to sacrifice, Utt. Rāmac. 27, 10.
     8. To cast, Chr. 32, 29; Megh. 85.
     9. To effuse, Ṛt. 6, 28.
     10. To shed, Rām. 2, 37, 15; Chr. 34, 15.
     11. To spit out, Kir. 5, 38.
     12. To void, MBh. 3, 11115.
     13. To utter, Pañc. 57, 14; Kathās. 18, 154; Megh. 55.
     14. To put on, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 95. Pass. (has in epic poetry sometimes the terminations of the Par., e. g. MBh. 3, 1695).
     1. To deliver one's self, to escape, MBh. 1, 656 (with acc., perhaps i. 4).
     2. To deviate from, to abandon (abl.), Pañc. i. d. 302. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mukta.
     1. What has been let loose, shot, Pañc. i. d. 219; darted, Hit. i. d. 193, M. M.; spit out, Kir. 5, 38; Man. 3, 225; Pañc. 253, 1 (given).
     2. Liberated from corporeal existence, finally happy.
     3. Deprived, Hit. iii. d. 127.
     4. Open, Hit. iii. d. 121 (mukta-hasta, Liberal). n. The spirit released from corporeal existence. muktā, see s. v. Comp. a-, adj. not lost, Pañc. 174, 25. jīvanm° i. e. jīvant-, m. one who has obtained final beatitude during his life, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 10. Absol. muktvā, Except, Pañc. 44, 11; 73, 19. Desider, mumukṣa.
     1. To wish to cast, Ragh. 2, 42 (Calc.).
     2. To desire final beatitude, MBh. 3, 167 (cf. moksha). Caus.
     1. To cause, or to order, to be liberated, Pañc. 192, 16; Daśak. in Chr. 192, 18.
     2. To cause to shed (tears), Megh. 91. i. 10, Par.
     1. To let loose, to release, Pañc. in Weber, Ind. St. iii. 373, 6; Hit. 52, 2, M. M.
     2. To redeem from (abl.), Man. 3, 37.
     3. † To delight.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To unyoke, MBh. 3, 2870.
     2. To take off, MBh. 2, 2520.
-- With ā ā, To put on, MBh. 1, 4095; Mālav. 37, 19. āmukta,
     1. Dressed.
     2. Loosed.
     3. Cast, discharged.
-- With ud ud, To let loose, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 2; to liberate, Pañc. 38, 21. Caus., or i. 10, To set free, Pañc. 87, 20.
-- With nis nis, pass. refl., with acc., To abandon, Rājat. 5, 125. nirmukta,
     1. Let loose, Chr. 34, 12.
     2. Liberated, MBh. 1, 6197.
     3. Separated. m. A snake who has lately cast his skin.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, abhinirmukta, Darted (surprised) by the setting sun (cf. mluch), Man. 2, 221 (Weber reads abhinimrukta, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, xiv. 756).
-- With vinis vi-nis, vinirmukta,
     1. Left, Nal. 13, 21.
     2. Liberated.
     3. Exempt.
     4. Separated, MBh. 3, 2552.
-- With pari pari, parimukta, Liberated, MBh. 1, 4659.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To throw, Chr. 44, 4.
     2. To throw out, to vomit, MBh. 1, 7628.
     3. To utter, MBh. 3, 2542.
     4. To produce, Rām. 2, 91, 26.
     5. To remove, MBh. 3, 10819.
     6. To loosen. MBh. 2, 2825.
     7. To release, Man. 4. 181.
     8. To put on, Rām. 2, 9, 39.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To liberate, to release, MBh. 3, 11800. vipramukta, Liberated from (instr.), MBh. 1, 6771.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To bind, MBh. 2, 2323.
     2. To let loose again, to return, Pañc. iv. d. 1.
     3. To restore, to return, Ragh. 16, 59 (Calc.).
     4. Pass. To be freed from, Man. 10, 118. pratimukta,
     1. Clothed, armed.
     2. Thrown mutually, or at one another.
     3. Loosed, or liberated repeatedly. Caus., or i. 10, To save, MBh. 1, 5812.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To separate, Vikr. d. 129.
     2. To let loose, Śāk. 5, 15.
     3. With garbham, To lay eggs, Pañc. 75, 9.
     4. To set free, Pañc. 41, 22.
     5. Pass. To liberate one's self, to escape from (abl.), MBh. 2, 882.
     6. To take off, MBh. 1, 4095.
     7. To lose, MBh. 3, 315.
     8. Pass. To be released or deprived, Man. 2, 79; Hit. i. d. 65, M. M.
     9. To abandon, Hit. iv. d. 38; MBh. 3, 12381; to leave, Utt. Rāmac. 4, 31; 67, 5.
     10. Pass. To obtain final beatitude, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 15; 216, 13.
     11. To effuse, MBh. 1, 3317.
     12. To shed, Rām. 2, 59, 5.
     13. To throw, MBh. 4, 1866; Utt. Rāmac. 163, 10.
     14. To utter, Chr. 41, 8; Rājat. 5, 408.
     15. To assume, Man. 1, 56. vimukta,
     1. Loosed.
     2. Thrown, hurled.
     3. Quitted, lost, i. e. without, Rām. 3, 51, 33.
     4. Issued, let loose from. Caus., or i. 10,
     1. To liberate, MBh. 3, 2435.
     2. To relieve, Man. 11, 112.
     3. To avoid, Rām. 5, 42, 11.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To abandon, MBh. 3, 15602.
-- With sam sam, To shed, MBh. 3, 10236.
-- Cf. Lat. mucus, e-mungere; [greek]

muc -muc, adj. Letting loose; e. g. ambu-, jala-, q. cf.

mucira 2. muc + ira, adj. Liberal, a donor.

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mucuṭī 2. muc + uṭī, f.
     1. Snapping the fingers.
     2. The fist.

much much, v. r. of yuch.

mujmuj, muñj muñj (others, mṛj mṛj, mṛñj mṛñj), i. 1, Par. To sound. muj, muñj, i. 10, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To cleanse (cf. mṛj).

muñcmuñc, see mac and mruñc.

muñcaka muñcaka (vb. 2. muc), m. The testicle.

muñjmuñj, see muj.

muñja muñja, m.
     1. A sort of grass, Saccharum munja, from the fibres of which the string is prepared to form the thread worn by the Brāhmaṇas, Man. 2, 43.
     2. The brahmanical girdle.
     3. An arrow.

muṭ † 1. muṭ (cf. mṛd), i. 6, Par.
     1. To rub, to grind.
     2. To rebuke. i. 10, Par. To rub, to grind.

muṭ † 2. muṭ, muṇṭ muṇṭ, muḍ muḍ, muṇḍ muṇḍ (cf. mṛḍ and 1. muṇḍ), puḍ puḍ, puṇḍ puṇḍ, i. 1, Par. To rub, to grind.

muḍ muḍ, see puḍ and 2. muṭ.

muṇmuṇ, i. 6, Par. To promise.

muṇṭ muṇṭ, see 2. muṭ.

muṇṭhmuṇṭh, i. 1, Ātm. To run away (or to protect).

muṇḍ † 1. muṇḍ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To shave.
     2. To grind or pound; see 2. muṭ.

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muṇḍ † 2. muṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To be pure.
     2. To sink.

muṇḍa muṇḍa (probably a form of a noun derived from mṛd, based on the original form mard),
I. adj.
     1. Shaved, bald, having no hair on the head, Man. 2, 219.
     2. Low, mean.
II. m. and n.
     1. The head, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 6; Hit. iii. d. 89.
     2. The forehead.
III. m.
     1. A bald-pate.
     2. A barber.
     3. Rāhu.
     4. The name of a Daitya.
IV. f. ḍā, Bengal madder, Rubia manjith.
-- Comp. daṇḍimuṇḍa, i. e. daṇḍin-, m. a name of Śiva (bearing a staff and having his head shorn), MBh. 12, 10358.

muṇḍaya muṇḍaya, a denomin. derived from muṇḍa, Par. To shave, Pañc. 223, 8. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. muṇḍita, Shaven, bald, shorn, Pañc. iv. d. 36; 49.

muṇḍin muṇḍin, i. e. muṇḍaya + in, m. A barber.

mud 1. mud, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Rām. 1, 46, 17), To be delighted, to rejoice, Man. 2, 232. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mudita, Delighted, Pañc. i. d. 458; Chr. 14, 24. n. Pleasure. Caus. To exhilarate (also Ātm.), Bhaṭṭ. 7, 171.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To approve, to permit, MBh. 2, 1787.
     2. To rejoice, MBh. 3, 11535. Caus. To celebrate, Chr. 55, 3. anumodita, Agreed, Utt. Rāmac. 38, 18.
-- With abhyanu abhi-anu, To dismiss, MBh. 1, 4447.
-- With pra pra, To be delighted, Rām. 1, 1, 84. pramudita, Pleased, happy, Pañc. 238, 23. Caus. To exhilarate, Man. 3, 61. pramodita, Happy. m. A name of Kuvera.
-- With prati prati, To expect with delight, MBh. 1, 6781.

mud 2. mud, i. 10, Par. To mix.

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mud 3. 1. mud, f.
     1. Pleasure, joy, Pañc. 159, 20; Kir. 5, 25.
     2. Intoxication.
     3. A wife.
-- Comp. krīḍā-, f. the pleasure of love, Gīt. 9, 10.

mudā 1. mud + ā, f. Joy, pleasure, Chr. 13, 19; 35, 10.

mudira 1. mud + ira, m.
     1. A cloud.
     2. A lover.

mudga mudga, m.
     1. A sort of kidney bean, Phascolus mungo, Lass. 79, 15.
     2. A cover.

mudgara mudgara, m.
     1. A carpenter's hammer.
     2. A mace, Rām, 3, 54, 10; Sund. 2, 3.
     3. A staff armed with iron, used for breaking clods of earth.
     4. A sort of flower.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, m. a hidden mace, MBh. 13, 150.

mudrā mudrā, f.
     1. A seal, a signet, Pañc. iv. d. 36 (strī-, woman who is, as it were, the seal, i. e. the order, viz. of the god of love).
     2. A seal-ring.
     3. A stamp, figurat., a form, Utt. Rāmac. 155, 3.
     4. A mode of intertwining the fingers during religious worship, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 12.
-- Comp. aṅguli-, f. a seal-ring, Śāk. d. 135, v. r. tarka-, f. a particular intertwining of the fingers, Bhāg. P. 4, 6, 38. nāma(n)-, f. a seal-ring with the name of the possessor, Śāk. 17, 4. pāda-, f. 1. impression of a footstep, Rājat. 4, 669. 2. trace, ib. 4, 103. vi-mudra, adj. 1. unsealed. 2. blown, budded. sa-mudra, adj. sealed, Yājñ. 2, 247.

mudrikā mudrikā, i. e. mudrā + ka, f. = mudrā.
-- Comp. aṅguli-, f. a sealring.

mudrita mudrita, i. e. mudrā + ita, adj.
     1. Sealed.
     2. Stamped, marked, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 3; written, Hit. iv. d. 10.
     3. Sealed up, contracted,
     4. Unblown (as a flower).

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mudhā mudhā, probably from muh (cf. the ptcple. pf. pass. mūḍha), adv. In vain, Hit. iii. d. 139.

muni muni, i. e. man + i (u for a, by the influence of the preceding labial),
I. m.
     1. A holy sage, endowed with divine inspiration, Vikr. d. 3.
     2. An ascetic, Pañc. 34, 13.
     3. The saint Agastya, Vyāsa, Kir. 5, 49.
     4. The name of two plants.
II. f. ni/ī, A female saint.
-- Comp. mahā-,
I. m. 1. a great Muni, Chr. 15, 29; Rām. 3, 49, 50 (epithet of Agastya.) 2. the saint Agastya. 3. epithet of Paraśurāma, Chr. 19, 12, and of Vyāsa. 4. time.
II. n. Coriander.

mumukṣu mumukṣu, i. e. mumukṣa, desider. of muc, + u,
I. adj.
     1. Desiring to dart (viz. arrows), Ragh. 9, 58.
     2. Anxious for liberation from mundane existence or final beatitude, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 22; Vikr. d. 1.
II. m. A sage abstracted from all human passion.

mumukṣutva mumukṣu + tva, n. Condition of one who is anxious for final beatitude; wishing for final beatitude, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 7.

mumūrṣā mumūrṣā, i. e. mumūrṣa, desider. of mṛ, + a, f. Desire to die, MBh. 1, 1899.

mumūrṣu mumūrṣu, i. e. mumūrṣa, desider. of mṛ, + u, adj. Being about to die, Hit. 64, 8; Rājat. 5, 218; 411.

murmur, i. 6, To circle, to surround.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. mūrus.

mura mura, m. The name of a Daitya killed by Viṣṇu.

muraja muraja,
I. m. A small drum, Mālav. d. 21.
II. f. .
     1. A large drum, Kumāras. 6, 40.
     2. The wife of Kuvera.

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muralā muralā, f. The Narmadā river, Utt. Rāmac. 50, 2.

muralī muralī, f. A flute.

muralīdhara muralī-dhara, m. Kṛṣṇa.

murch murch (akin to mṛ and mlai), i. 1, mūrcha, Par.
     1. To be faint, to lose consciousness, Rām. 2, 34, 17.
     2. To increase, to grow vehement, Ragh. 12, 57 (Calc.).
     3. To be frequent, Śāk. 66, 4.
     4. To fill, 6, 9 (Calc.).
     5. To be a match for, 2, 34 (Calc.); to be powerful, Śāk. d. 191 (to appear in a looking-glass). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mūrchita.
     1. Fainted, Vikr. 54, 17; insensible, Rām. 2, 34, 17.
     2. Stupid.
     3. Intoxicated, MBh, 3, 1864.
     4. Infatuated, Chr. 37, 27; bewildered, Lass. 7, 10.
     5. Increased, grown.
     6. Tall. Comp. krodha-, adj. overpowered by wrath, Indr. 5, 48.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, abhimūrchita, Intoxicated, infatuated, MBh. 1, 7794.
-- With vi vi, vimūrchita, Wrapped (Stenzler), Yājñ. 3, 75.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To increase, Kir. 5, 41.
     2. To be powerful, Ragh. 16, 64 (Calc.). Caus. To cause to faint, Utt. Rāmac. 47, 2.
-- Cf. Goth. untila-malsks, foolish.

murmura murmura, m.
     1. A fire of chaff.
     2. The god of love.
     3. A horse of the sun.

murvmurv, i. 1, mūrva, Par. To bind, to tie.

mul mul, see 2. mūl.

muśala muśala, muṣala muṣ + ala (see mus), and musala mus + ala,
I. m. n. A pestle, a club, Arj. 10, 5 ().
II. f. li. A house-lizard.
-- Comp. kaṅkāla-mu- ṣala, m. or n. a kind of weapon, Rām. 1, 30, 13 Gorr.; 57, 12 Gorr. cakra-muṣala, adj. performed with the disk and club, Hariv. 5346. danta-muṣala, m. or n. a pestle-like tusk, Pañc. 69, 1. Cf. musala.

muṣ 1. muṣ, ii. 9, muṣṇā, muṣṇī, and i. 6 (MBh. 3, 13047; Lass. 35, 16), Par. To steal, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 22; to rob, to plunder, Rājat. 5, 268; to captivate, Nal. 5, 7. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. muṣita.
     1. Stolen.
     2. Robbed, plundered, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 1.
     3. Deprived of, free from, Hit. 42, 12.
-- With pari pari, To rob, to plunder, MBh. 3, 13030.
-- With pra pra, To rob, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 60. See maṣ, mus, and mūṣ.

muṣ 2. muṣ,
I. f. Stealing, Rājat. 5, 168 (read muṣe instead of mukhe, 'Having turned his mind on stealing.')
II. Latter part of comp. adj. Stealing, robbing; e. g. dhṛti-, adj. Stealing, destroying constancy, Hit. i. d. 193, M. M. netra-, adj. Captivating the eyes, MBh. 3, 1720. śrī-, Having stolen, i. e. possessed of the beauty, Megh. 48.

muṣala muṣala, see muśala and musala.

muṣalya muṣalya, see musalya.

muṣitaka muṣita + ka (vb. muṣ), n. Stolen objects, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 14.

muṣka muṣka, m.
     1. i. e. muṣ + ka, A thief.
     2. A testicle, the scrotum, Hit. 76, 1, M. M.; 49, 14.
     3. A heap, a multitude.
     4. The name of a plant.

muṣkara muṣka + ra, m. A man with large testicles.

muṣṭi muṣṭi, m. and f.
     1. The fist, Rām a, 15, 17; Pañc. i. d. 203.
     2. A handful, Pañc. 215, 1.
     3. The handle of a sword.
-- Cf. perhaps A.S. fyst.

muṣṭika muṣṭika, m. A goldsmith.

muṣṭitā muṣṭi + tā, in dṛḍha- (vb. dṛṃh), f. Firmness of grasp, Johns. Sel. 12, 30.

muṣṭiṃdhaya muṣṭiṃdhaya, i. e. muṣṭi + m-dhe + a, m. A child.

mus mus, or muṣ muṣ, i. 4, Par. To break to pieces.

musala mus + ala, also muṣala muṣ + ala (see mus), n.
     1. A pestle, Man. 3, 88 (s).
     2. A club. Cf. muśala.

musalin musalin, i. e. musala + in, m. A name of Baladeva.

musalya musalya, and muṣalya muṣalya, i. e. musala + ya, adj. Deserving death by pounding with a pestle.

mustmust, i. 10, Par. To accumulate.

musta musta, m., and f. , A fragrant grass, Cyperus rotundus, Śāk. d. 39 ().
-- Comp. sa-bhadra-musta, adj. full of Cyperus rotundus (cf. bhadra-mustaka), Ṛt. i, 17 (but v. r. su-bhadra-, containing very auspicious Cyperus rotundus).

mustaka musta + ka,
I. m. and n. A fragrant grass, Cyperus rotundus.
II. n. A sort of poison.
-- Comp. bhadra-, n. = musta, q. cf.

mustu mustu, m. The fist (cf. muṣṭi).

musra musra, n. A tear.

muh muh, i. 4, Par.
     1. To be faint, to lose consciousness, Chr. 32, 24.
     2. To be disturbed (in mind), to be perplexed, Bhag. 2, 13.
     3. To fail, Hit. iii. d. 54. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. mūdha.
     1. Perplexed, confused, Śiś. 9, 77.
     2. Foolish, stupid, Nal. 6, 12; 18, 10.
     3. Deceived.
     4. Ignorant, unlearned, Pañc. 243, 18. m.
     1. A fool, Vikr. 32, 15.
     2. A sluggard.
II. mugdha.
     1. Stupid, Pañc. 166, 25.
     2. Being in love, Śāk. d. 36.
     3. Innocent, d. 24.
     4. Simple.
     5. Beautiful, lovely, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 5. Comp. a-mūḍha, adj. 1. not perplexed, bold. 2. wise. diṅmūḍha, i. e. diś-, adj. one who has lost the points of the compass, and cannot tell the east from the west, Rām. 3, 60, 3. mahā-mūḍha, adj. very foolish, a great fool, Pañc. 38, 12. ati-mugdha, being much in love, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 2. Frequent. momuhya, To be much disturbed, MBh. 4, 801. Caus. mohaya,
     1. To perplex, MBh. 1, 5457.
     2. To infatuate, Hit. i. d. 179, M.M.; Rām. 3, 55, 22; mokita, Infatuated, Hit. i. d. 25, M.M.
     3. To stupefy, Man. 11, 96. mohita,
     1. Puzzled, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 8.
     2. Beguiled, Nal. 8, 16.
-- With the prep. vyā vi-ā, Caus. To disturb, to perplex, Pañc. 129, 8. vyāmohita, Infatuated, Pañc. 199, 1.
-- With ud ud, unmugdha, Disturbed, Siddh. K. 16, 6.
-- With pari pari, Caus., Ātm. To perplex, MBh. 1, 3571. parimūḍha, Bewildered, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 7.
-- With pra pra,
I. pramūḍha.
     1. Fainted, Utt. Rāmac. 160, 10.
     2. Disturbed, perplexed, Matsyop. 54.
     3. Foolish, stupid, a fool.
II. pramuadha. Fainted, Utt. Rāmac. 164, 17. Caus. To pérturb, Draup. 6, 21. pramohita, Insensible.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To be disturbed, Bhag. 2, 72. Caus. To perplex, MBh. 1, 5978.
-- With vi vi,
I. vimūḍha.
     1. Bewildered, Utt. Rāmac. 101, 1.
     2. Beguiled.
     3. Foolish. m. A kind of divine being (i. e. mūdha with vi, Wise), Sund. 3, 5.
II. vimugdha, Bewildered, Hit. 91, 9, M.M.; absorbed. Caus.
     1. To disturb, Bhag. 3, 40.
     2. To infatuate, Rājat. 5, 378. vimohita, Bewitched, Kathās. 25, 274.
-- With sam sam, To be disturbed, MBh. 3, 10978.
I. saṃmūḍha.
     1. Bewildered.
     2. Stupefied.
     3. Foolish, Hit. iv. d. 71.
     4. Produced rapidly.
     5. Heaped.
     6. Broken.
II. saṃmugdha.
     1. Fascinated.
     2. Stupefied, Utt. Rāmac. 171, 5.
     3. Beautiful. Caus.
     1. To perplex, MBh. 2, 1949.
     2. To infatuate, Pañc. i. d. 210.

muhira muh + ira,
I. adj. Foolish.
II. m. Love, the god of love.

muhur muhur, probably muh + u + trā, adv.
     1. A moment, Rām. 3, 50, 10 (cf. muhūrta and Rām. 3, 50, 6).
     2. Repeatedly, Vikr. d. 6. Doubled, muhur-muhur, adv. Repeatedly, Ṛt. 6, 9.

muhūrta muhūrta, i. e. muhur + ta,
I. m. and n.
     1. A moment, Rām. 3, 50, 6; some time, Vikr. 40, 4 (paraṃ muhūrtāt, After some time, not yet).
     2. The thirtieth part of a day and night, or forty-eight minutes.
II. m. An astrologer.
-- Comp. durmuhūrta, i. e. dus-, n. an inauspicious hour, MBh. 12, 6735.

muhera muh + era, m. A fool.

, i. 1, Ātm. To bind; see mav.

mūka mūka,
I. adj. Dumb, Pañc. i. d. 71.
II. m.
     1. A fish.
     2. A poor man.
     3. A Daitya.
-- Cf. Lat. mūtus.

mūḍhatā mūḍha + tā (vb. muh), f., and mūḍhatva mūḍha + tva, n. Foolishness, Pañc. 123, 13; 228, 3.

mūḍhavat mūḍha + vat (vb. muh), adv. Like a fool, Chr. 8, 30.

mūtr mūtr (properly a denomin. derived from mūtra), i. 10, Par. To urine.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To urine on somebody, Man. 8, 282.

mūtra mūtra (vb. mih and aff. tra), n. Urine, piss, Pañc. 121, 15.

mūtrita mūtrita, i. e. mūtra + ita, adj. Soiled with urine.

mūrkha mūrkha, i. e. murch + a, m. A fool, a blockhead, Vikr. 33, 2.

mūrkhatā mūrkha + tā, f., mūrkhatva mūrkha + tva, n., and mūrkhiman mūrkhiman, i. e. mūrkha + iman, m. Stupidity, Pañc. iii. d. 246; 127, 14.

mūrchatā mūrchatā, i. e. murch + a + tā, f. Denseness, Vikr. d. 48.

mūrchana mūrchana, i. e. murch + ana,
I. n. Modulation, Rām. 1, 4, 11.
II. f. .
     1. A melody, Megh. 84.
     2. A tone as placed in its scale, the seventh part of a scale, Lass. 39, 9; Pañc. iii. d. 43.

mūrchā mūrchā, i.e. mūrch + a, f. Fainting, loss of consciousness, Utt. Rāmac. 58, 7; Pañc. 35, 10 (instr. by fainting, i. e. fainted).

mūrchāla mūrchā + la, adj. Fainted.

mūrta mūrta (akin to mūrti), adj., f. .
     1. Solid, material, corporeal, Bhāṣāp. 86; 157; Utt. Rāmac. 60, 7.
     2. Embodied, incarnate, Śāk. d. 32; Kathās. 3, 62.
-- Comp. a-, adj. incorporeal, Bhāṣāp. 87; Kathās. 20, 70.

mūrtatva mūrta + tva, n. Corporality, Bhāṣāp. 24.

mūrti mūrti, probably better mūrtti, i. e. mṛd + ti, cf. Man. 12, 120.
     1. Matter, substance, Man. 1, 17; hard substances, Man. 12, 120 (Jones: the terrene parts of the human body).
     2. Figure, form, Bhartṛ. 2, 1; Pañc. ii. d. 169.
     3. Body, Rājat. 5, 364.
     4. Incarnation, Man. 1, 98.
     5. Image, Man. 2, 225.
     6. Beauty, Pañc. ii. d. 107.
-- Comp. aṣṭa(n)-, m. a name of Śiva, Śiś. 14, 18. tapas-,
I. f. incarnation of devotion, Rām. 1, 31, 11.
II. m. a proper name, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 29. tejas-, adj. consisting entirely of light, Man. 3, 93. tri-, adj. having three forms, Kumāras. 2, 4.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] and [greek]

mūrtitas mūrti + tas, adv. = abl. sing. of mūrti, Man. 1, 55.

mūrtimant mūrti + mant, adj., f. matī.
     1. Having shape or substance, embodied, Utt. Rāmac. 13, 4.
     2. Incarnate, Hit. 100, 2; Śāk. d. 112.
-- Comp. viśva-, adj. taking all forms, omnipresent, Viṣṇu, Johns. Sel. 90, 31.

mūrdhaja mūrdhaja, i. e. mūrdhan-ja, m. Hair, the hair of the head, Śāk. d. 29.

mūrdhan mūrdhan, m. The head, Pañc. 184. 10.
-- Comp. raṇa-, m. battle, Chr. 59, 21. tri-, m. instead of triśiras (see -śiras), the name of a Rākṣasa, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 14.

mūrdhanya mūrdhan + ya, adj. Cerebral (rather lingual).

mūrdhvan mūrdhvan, m. The head.

mūrvā mūrvā, f. A sort of creeper, Sanseviera zeylanica, from the fibres of which are made bowstrings and the girdle of the Kṣatriyas.

mūl † 1. mūl (cf. mūla), i. 1, Par. (and Ātm.), To stand, to be rooted, or firm.

mūl 2. mūl, also † mul mul. i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from mūla), To plant.
-- With the prep. ud ud,
     1. To uproot, Hit. ii. d. 84.
     2. To destroy, Vikr. d. 25.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To uproot, Hit. iii. d. 49.
     2. To exterminate, Rājat. 5, 214.
-- With nis nis, To destroy, Śāntiś. 4, 7.

mūla mūla (vb. mah),
I. n.
     1. The root of a tree, Vikr. 41; root (figuratively), Pañc. ii. d. 23.
     2. An eatable root, Utt. Rāmac. 33, 8.
     3. The lowest part, Megh. 77.
     4. Origin.
     5. Cause, Utt. Rāmac. 5, 1.
     6. The vendor, Man. 8, 202.
     7. Commencement; ā mūlāt, From its beginning, Kathās. 22, 98.
     8. Capital, principal.
     9. The original text of any work, as opposed to its comment.
     10. Own.
     11. One's own kingdom, Man. 7, 184.
     12. Near, proximate.
     13. The root of the Arum campanulatum.
II. m. and n. The nineteenth lunar asterism, Lass. 16, 18.
III. f. (cf. muśalī, s. v. muśala), A small house-lizard.
-- Comp. unmūla, i. e. ud-, adj., f. , uprooted, Rām. 4, 19, 11. jyeṣṭhā-, m. the month Jyaiṣṭha, MBh. 13, 4609. tapas-,
I. adj. having its cause in devotion, Man. 11, 234.
II. m. a proper name. danta-, n. the root of a tooth, Suśr. 1, 303, 9. dhana-, adj. rooted, founded, in wealth, Hit. i. d. 121, M.M. dharma-, n. the roots of law, Man. 2, 6. nirmūla, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , without any root, MBh. 5, 2747. pāda-, n. 1. the sole of the foot, Pañc. i. d. 161 (pādamūle ni pātyate, the dye is smeared on the sole of the foot, and the lover is caused to fall down before his mistress). 2. the root of the foot, tarsus, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 26; a polite designation of a person, Rām. 1, 54, 16. 3. the foot of a mountain, Kathās. 1, 27. baddha (vb. bandh)-, adj. firmly rooted, Pañc. 232, 18. vismaya-karṣa-, adj. caused by astonishment and joy, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 12. sa-mūla + m, adj. with the root, completely, Pañc. i. d. 339.

mūlaka mūla + ka,
I. m. A sort of poison.
II. n.
     1. An esculent root, Man. 8, 341.
     2. The radish, Raphanus sativus.
     3. A sort of yam.
-- Comp. mastaka-, n. the neck.

mūlakhānaka mūlakhānaka, i. e. mūla-khan + aka, m. A digger for roots, Man. 8, 260.

mūlaharatva mūlaharatva, i. e. mūla-hṛ + a + tva, n. Complete ruin, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 4.

mūlika mūlika, i. e. mūla + ika,
I. adj. Radical, primary.
II. m. A devotee.
III. f. , A multitude of roots (?), Pañc. 157, 24.

mūlya mūlya, i. e. mūla + ya,
I. n.
     1. The original price, Man. 8, 144.
     2. Price, Pañc. ii. d. 61.
     3. Wages.
     4. An article purchased.
II. adj.
     1. Purchasable.
     2. To be bought for a fair or just price.
-- Comp. bahu- and mahā-, adj. costly. bahu-svarṇa-lakṣa-, adj. worth many hundred. thousand gold coins, Kathās. 22, 97.

mūṣmūṣ, muṣ muṣ, i. 1, Par. To steal (cf. muṣ).

mūṣa mūṣa,
I. m. A rat, a mouse, Pañc. 190, 21.
II. f. ṣā and ṣī.
     1. A female mouse.
     2. A crucible.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. mus; O.H.G. and A.S. mūs.

mūṣika mūṣika, i. e. mūṣa + ika,
I. m., f. , A mouse, a rat, Pañc. 190, 19; 22.
II. m.
     1. A thief.
     2. A tree, Mimosa śirīṣa.
     3. The name of a country.

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mūṣikāñcana mūṣikāñcana, i. e. mūṣika-añc + ana, m. Gaṇeśa.

mṛ mṛ, i. 6, mriya, Ātm. (properly pass. refl.), in the pf. fut. and condit. Par. (in epic poetry and Cāṇ. 109 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 414, also in other forms, MBh. 1, 6189), To die, Rām. 3, 50, 21. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mṛta.
     1. Dead, Chr. 39, 17.
     2. Calcined, reduced (as metals). n.
     1. Death.
     2. Solicited alms, Man. 4, 4. jīvanmṛta, i. e. jīvant-, adj. Living and dead (at the same time), Bhāg. P. 5, 10, 8. Desider. mumūrṣa, To be about to die, Hariv. 4737; Rājat. 5, 13. Caus. māraya, To kill, MBh. 1, 7276 (also Ātm. 13, 1926); Pañc. 229, 22.
-- With anu anu, To die after, Rām. 2, 12, 84.
-- With pra pra, pramṛta,
     1. Dead.
     2. Concealed. n. Tillage, Man. 4, 4.
-- Cf. Lat. morior; A.S. uta-maeran; Goth, maurthr; A.S. mórdher, myrdhra, a-myrdran, mordh, and see marta, and amṛta, and mṛdh.

mṛkṣ mṛkṣ, see mrakṣ.

mṛg mṛg, † i. 4, Par. i. 10, mṛgaya (properly a denomin. derived from mṛga), Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 1, 5897), To hunt, to search, Vikr. 32, 16; MBh. 1, 3644; with antar, inwardly, i. e. in the mind, Vikr. d. 1. Anomal. ptcple. pres. mṛgayāṇa, MBh. 3, 2745.

mṛga mṛga, i. e. mṛj + a (cf. mārga),
I. m.
     1. Hunting, Draup. 6, 4.
     2. Investigation.
     3. Asking.
     4. A deer, Hit. pr. d. 36, M.M.; an antelope.
     5. Game, Bhartṛ. 2, 51.
     6. An animal in general, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7.
     7. A kind of elephant.
     8. The fifth lunar constellation.
     9. Musk.
II. f. , A female deer of antelope, a doe, Vikr. d. 121.
-- Comp. ikā-, m. a wolf, Rām. 8, 79, 70. kṛṣṇa-, m. the black antelope, Śāk. d. 144. krīḍā-, m. a deer for playing with, Rām. 5, 20, 12. gaura-, m. a kind of buffalo, Bos gaurus, Bhāg. P. 8, 10, 9. citra-, m. the spotted antelope, Rām. 5, 20, 11. tārā-, m. the fifth lunar constellation, Rām. 3, 49, 45. mahā-, m. an elephant. mahī-, m. a terrestrial deer, Rām. 3, 49, 45. māyā-, m. seeming a deer, not being one really, Rām. 3, 49, 21. śākhā-, m. 1. a monkey, Pañc. 94, 3. 2. a squirrel. śālā-, m. a jackal, Rām. 3, 52, 45. hemamṛga, i. e. hema-, or heman-, m. a golden deer, Hit. i. d. 27, M.M.

mṛgaṇā mṛgaṇā, i. e. mṛg + ana, f. Searching.

mṛgatṛṣṇikā mṛgatṛṣṇikā, i. e. mṛga-tṛṣṇā + ka, f. Mirage.

mṛgadhara mṛga-dhara, m. The moon, Śiś. 9, 34.

mṛganābhijā mṛganābhijā, i. e. mṛga-nābhi-ja (vb. jan), f. Musk.

mṛgayā mṛgayā, i. e. mṛg, i. 10, + a, f. Chase, hunting, Rām. 3, 49, 18.

mṛgayu mṛgayu, i. e. mṛg, i. 10, + u, m.
     1. A hunter, Man. 4, 212; Bhāg. P. 4, 17, 14.
     2. A jackal.
     3. Brahman.

mṛgaromaja mṛgaromaja, i. e. mṛga-roman-ja, adj. Woollen.

mṛgavya mṛga + vya, n. Chase, hunting.

mṛgādana mṛgādana, i. e. mṛga-ad + ana, m.
     1. A leopard.
     2. A hyaena.

mṛgāvidh mṛgāvidh, i. e. mṛga-āvyadh, m. A hunter.

mṛgāvatī mṛgāvatī, i. e. mṛga + vanī + ī, f. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 283.

mṛgendratā mṛgendratā, i. e. mṛga -indra + tā, f. Dominion over the beasts, Pañc. i. d. 25.

mṛj 1. mṛj (akin to mṛ), ii. 2, mārj, mṛj, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 4, 722).
     1. To wipe, MBh. 4, 722.
     2. To rub, to stroke, Rām. 1, 64, 7.
     3. To cleanse, MBh. 3, 2577.
     4. To sweep or to cast on somebody, Man. 8, 317. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mṛṣṭa.
     1. Rubbed, touched.
     2. Sprinkled.
     3. Cleansed.
     4. Pure, Nal. 12, 36. Comp. su-mṛṣṭa, adj. very fine, Pañc. 113, 8; very delicate, i. d. 303. Caus., and i. 10, mārjaya, Par. To wipe away, Bhartṛ. 2, 89. mārjita, Bright, Rājat. 5, 369.
-- With the prep. apa apa, To remove, Man 2, 27.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To sweep away, to destroy, MBh. 1, 5487.
     2. To (rub away, to) wash, to moisten, Utt. Rāmac. 153, 3.
-- With ā ā, To wipe, MBh. 2, 2224. āmṛṣṭa, Rubbed at, Śāk. d. 161.
-- With ni ni, To wipe, Man. 4, 216. Desider. mimṛkṣa, To flash down, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4 (ved. red. pf.).
-- With nis nis, To wipe, Lass. 59, 11.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To wipe, MBh. 3, 584.
     2. To touch, Śāk. 83. 7.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To wipe, Man. 2, 60.
     2. To rub, to stroke, MBh. 3, 1778.
     3. To remove, Ragh. 6, 41; 44.
     4. To destroy, Bhartṛ. 2, 75. pramṛṣṭa,
     1. Rubbed.
     2. Polished, bright, Mālav. d. 24; clear.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To wipe, Sāv. 5, 96.
     2. To rub, to stroke, MBh. 3, 16849.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To sweep together, Rājat. 5, 74.
     2. To cleanse, Chr. 61, 38.
     3. To purify, MBh. 2, 2186.
-- Cf. [greek] (for [greek] by assimilation), [greek]

[Page 721b] [greek] (for original [greek] ptcple. of the pf. pass.); Lat. mulgere, mulier, lac (for mlac), margo; Goth. miluks; A.S. meoluc, meolc, melcan; Goth. marka; A.S. mearc, mearcian, ge-mearc.

mṛj 2. mṛj, see muj.

mṛja mṛja,
I. m. A musical instrument.
II. (1. mṛj + a), f. Cleaning.

mṛñj mṛñj, see muj.

mṛḍ mṛḍ (for original mṛḍḍh, i. e. mṛṣ-dhā, cf. Zend. marezhdā and merezhdika), i. 6, and ii. 9, mṛḍṇā, mṛḍṇī, Par.
     1. To pardon (ved.).
     2. To exhilarate, to delight (ved.).

mṛḍa mṛḍ + a, m. Śiva. f. ḍā, ḍī, Durgā.

mṛḍaṅkaṇa mṛḍaṅkaṇa, m. A child.

mṛṇ mṛṇ (developed out of mṛ + nā, see mṛ10), i. 6, Par. To kill.
-- Cf. [greek]

mṛṇāla mṛṇāla,
I. m. and n. The stalk of a lotus, Vikr. d. 19.
II. m., and f. , A small fibre of a lotus, Vikr. d. 54 (°la); Utt. Rāmac. 15, 16 (°lī).

mṛṇālavant mṛṇāla + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessing fibres, Śāk. 31, 7.

mṛṇālin mṛṇālin, i. e. mṛṇāla + in,
I. m. A lotus.
II. f. , A place where lotus flowers grow.

mṛṇmaya mṛṇmaya, and better mṛnmaya mṛnmaya (Man. 5, 122), i. e. mṛd + maya, adj., f. , Made of earth or clay, earthen, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 18.

mṛtaka mṛta + ka, (vb. mṛ), n. A dead body, Lass. 4, 11.

mṛtaṇḍa mṛtaṇḍa, m. The father of the sun.

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mṛtavat mṛta + vat (vb. mṛ), adv. Like one dead, Hit. 91, 16.

mṛti mṛ + ti, f. Death.
-- Cf. Lat. mors, mortis.

mṛttikā mṛttikā (derived from mṛd), f.
     1. Earth, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 18; clay (?), Chr. 57, 22.
     2. A fragrant earth.
     3. Fresh earth, Man. 2, 182.
-- Comp. pāṇḍu-mṛttika, adj. having a white ground, Rām. 2, 71, 19; chalk-like, ib. 91, 41. pūti-mṛttika, m. the name of a hell, Man. 4, 89.

mṛtpiṇḍatas mṛtpiṇḍatas, i. e. mṛd-piṇḍa + tas, adv. Of a piece of clay, Hit. pr. d. 33.

mṛtyu mṛtyu (vb. mṛ),
     1. m. f. Death, Pañc. iii. d. 14.
     2. m. Yama.
-- Comp. apa-, m. sudden, or unnatural death, Pañc. 186, 24. pratyāsanna- (vb. sad), adj. to whom death was imminent, Pañc. 10, 9. mahā., m. Śiva. viṣa-, m. a kind of pheasant.

mṛtyuṃjaya mṛtyuṃjaya, i. e. mrityu + m-ji + a, m. Śiva.

mṛtyubhaṅguraka mṛtyu-bhaṅgura + ka, m. A drum beat on funeral occasions.

mṛtsā mṛtsā, and mṛtsnā mṛtsnā (derived from mṛd), f. Good soil.

mṛtsnābhāṇḍaka mṛtsnā-bhāṇḍa + ka, n. An earthen vessel.

mṛd 1. mṛd (akin to mṛ), ii. 9, mṛdnā, nī, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 2937, and i. 1, Par., ib. 1, 4979).
     1. To rub, MBh. 3, 2937.
     2. To stroke, MBh. 4, 767.
     3. To grind, to pound, to reduce to dust, MBh. 3, 1349.
     4. To crush, to dash to pieces, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2149.
     5. To batter, Johns. Sel. 25, 5.
     6. To trample on, to tread under foot, Nal. 13, 39. mṛdita, Languid, Bhartṛ. 2, 36. Caus. mardaya,
     1. To rub, Hit. ii. d. 131.
     2. To tread under foot, to kill, MBh. 3, 11106 (anomal. ptcple. pres. Ātm. mardayāna).
     3. To break to pieces, Rām. 1, 1, 72.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To trample on, MBh. 1, 7750.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To rub, MBh. 4, 468.
     2. To break to pieces, 3, 16346.
     3. To trample on, Rām. 2, 93, 8.
     4. To destroy, MBh. 3, 10203.
-- With ā ā, To grind to pieces, Rām. 2, 96, 20.
-- With upa upa, To kill, Naiṣ. 5, 110.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To wipe off, Rām. 2, 77, 26.
     2. To surpass (i. 1, Par.), MBh. 1, 4979. parimṛdita, Rubbed, ground, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 16 (trampled upon).
-- With pra pra, To destroy, MBh. 3, 11676.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To rub to pieces, Rām. 2, 88, 8.
     2. To break, Man. 4, 70.
     3. To destroy, MBh. 1, 5504. Caus. To grind, Rām. 2, 88, 2.
-- With sam sam, Caus. To rub, to clean, Pañc. 121, 13.
-- Cf. Lat. mordere; A.S. malt; O.H.G. malz; A.S. meltan, miltan; O.H.G. smelzan; A.S. smeortan; O.H.G. smerzan; A.S. smilt, smylt, smolt; [greek]

mṛd 2. mṛd, f.
     1. Earth, Pañc. ii. d. 109; clay, Pañc. ii. d. 36.
     2. A piece of earth, Man. 5, 136.
     3. A fragrant earth.

mṛdaṅga mṛdaṅga, probably mṛd + a + m-ga, m.
     1. A tabour, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 9; a small drum, Pañc. 20, 8.
     2. A sound.
     3. Bambu.

mṛdara mṛd + ara, m.
     1. A hole.
     2. Disease.

mṛdā mṛd + ā, f. Earth, clay.
-- Cf. Goth. mulda; A.S. molde; probably Lat. merda.

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mṛdākara mṛdā-kara, m. The thunderbolt.

mṛdinī mṛdinī, i. e. mṛd, or mṛdā, + in + ī, f. Good soil

mṛdu mṛd + u, adj., f. dvī (Rām. 4, 2, 2), comparat. mradīyaṃs, superl. mradiṣṭha.
     1. Soft, Pañc. i. d. 303; iii. d. 253; Johns. Sel. 56, 153 (-pūrvam, adv. At first mildly).
     2. Mild, Vikr. d. 85.
     3. Weak, Hit. 81, 22.
     4. Blunt.
     5. Slow, Sāv. 4, 33.
-- Cf. Goth. and A.S. mild; Lat. mollis; probably [greek] Lat. bardus; [greek] Lat. blandus.

mṛdutā mṛdu + tā, f. Softness.

mṛdula mṛdu + la,
I. adj. Soft.
II. n. Water.

mṛdulomaka mṛdulomaka, i. e. mṛdu-loman + ka, m. A hare.

mṛdvīkā mṛdvī + kā (mṛdu, f.), f. A grape.
-- Comp. pṛthu-, f. a broadgrape (?), MBh. 7, 2309.

mṛdh mṛdh (i. e. mṛ-dhā), i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To kill (ved.).
     2. † To be moist or wet.
-- Cf. probably (in spite of the anomal. correspondence), Goth. maurthr; A.S. mórdher, mórdhor; O.H.G. multjan; probably [greek]

mṛdha mṛdh + a, n. War, battle, Chr. 19, 20.

mṛnmaya mṛnmaya, see mṛṇmaya.

mṛnmaru mṛnmaru, i. e. mṛd-maru, m. A stone.

mṛś mṛś (often confounded with mṛṣ), i. 6, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 62, 18).
     1. To touch, to stroke.
     2. To think, to consider.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To consider, Rām. 2, 11, 9.
-- With ava ava, Caus. To trouble, Bhāg. P. 4, 7, 48.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To touch, Śiś. 9, 34.
     2. To destroy, Ragh. 9, 5 (Calc.). Comp. ptcple. pf. pass. an-āmṛṣṭa, Untouched, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 1.
-- With paryā pari-ā, To overpower, MBh. 4, 164 (with instead of ś).
-- With parā parā,
     1. To stroke, Utt. Rāmac. 25, 14.
     2. To touch, Ragh. 3, 68 (Calc.).
     3. To seize, MBh. 4, 46.
     4. To seduce, Chr. 6, 7.
     5. To violate, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 11.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To stroke, Rām. 2, 10, 25.
     2. To seize, Rām. 2, 23, 5 (with ).
     3. To consider, Rām. 1, 2, 20.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To stroke, Rām. 2, 20, 32.
     2. To inquire, MBh. 3, 2680 (with .)
     3. To examine, Mālav. 11, 23.
     4. To reflect, Hit. 71, 2, M.M.; Bhāg. P. 6, 5, 10; Hit. iv. d. 97 (vimṛśya-kārin, One who acts [only] after due reflection). a-vimṛśya, Without reflecting, Pañc. 238, 25.
     5. To perceive, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 7. Caus. To examine, Pañc. i. d. 122.
-- With anuvi anu-vi, To reflect, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 15.
-- Cf. Lat. mulcere, probably, mulcare.

mṛṣ 1. mṛṣ (often confounded with mṛś), i. 4, and i. 10, and † i. 1, Par. Atm.
     1. To bear, to endure patiently, Man. 4, 217; Pañc. iii. d. 19; v. d. 67.
     2. To suffer, Utt. Rāmac. 71, 8.
     3. To let, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 10.
     4. To pardon, Man. 8, 313. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. a-mṛṣyant, a-marṣayant (Johns. Sel. 54, 135), and a-mṛṣyamāṇa, Enraged. Caus. To suffer, Hit. iii. d. 48. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. a-marṣita, adj. Impatient, angry, Rām. 4, 9, 13. durmarṣita, i. e. dus-, adj. Incited, stirred up, MBh. 14, 2314.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To endure, Pañc. rec. orn.
-- With pratyava prati-ava. To endure reluctantly, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 5.
-- With vi vi, To neglect, MBh. 3, 15441.
-- Cf. Goth. marzjan (Caus.); O.H.G. marrjan; A.S. myrran.

mṛṣ 2. † mṛṣ, i. 1, Par. To sprinkle.

mṛṣā mṛṣā (an old instr. sing. of 1. mṛṣ + a, properly, 'With pardon,' 'I beg your pardon'), adv.
     1. Falsely, Man. 3, 53.
     2. Uselessly.
-- Comp. a-, adv. truly.

mṛṣārthaka mṛṣārthaka, i. e. mṛṣā-artha + ka, n. An absurdity, an impossibility.

mṛṣodya mṛṣodya, i. e. mṛṣā-vad + ya,
I. adj. and sbst. Lying, a liar.
II. n. Falsehood, Utt. Rāmac. 104, 2.

mṛṣṭi mṛṣṭi, i. e. mṛj, mṛś, and mṛṣ, + ti, f.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Preparing food, Man. 3, 255.
     3. Touching.
     4. Sprinkling.

mṝmṛ10, ii. 9, mṛṇā, ṇī, Par. To kill (see mṛṇ).

me me, i. 1, Ātm. To barter or to exchange. Caus. māpaya, To cross over, MBh. 1, 5842 (anomal. ptcple. pres. Ātm. māpayāna).
-- With the prep. ni ni, To barter, Man. 10, 94.
-- Cf. Goth. maithms; A.S. madhm; Goth. maidjan, ga-mains; A.S. maene, mán, gemaene; Lat. mūtuus, communis, munus; [greek] (Caus. for [greek]).

mekhalā mekhalā, f.
     1. A girdle, Ragh. 8, 63; Utt. Rāmac. 106, 1.
     2. The sacrificial string, see kṛ with mekhalā.
     3. A sword-belt.
     4. A swordknot.
     5. The slope of a mountain, Megh. 12.
     6. The Narmadā river.
-- Comp. maṇi-mekhala, adj. surrounded by jewels. Ṛt. 6, 3.

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mekhalin mekhalin, i. e. mekhalā + in, adj. f. , Wearing a girdle, Pañc. iii. d. 237.

megha megha, i. e. mih + a, m.
     1. A cloud, Pañc. 169, 6.
     2. A demon.
     3. A fragrant grass.
-- Comp. gṛha-, m. a multitude of houses, Rām. 5, 10, 5.

meghavat megha + vat, adv. Like a cloud, Chr. 35, 9.

mecaka mechaka,
I. adj. Black, Utt. Rāmac. 149, 15; dark blue, Pañc. ed. orn. i. d. 63; Megh. 60.
II. m.
     1. Black, or dark blue (the colour).
     2. The eye of a peacock's tail.
     3. A cloud.
     4. Smoke.
III. m. and n. Darkness.
IV. n. Antimony.

meṭ meṭ, see mleṭ.

meṭha meṭha, meṇṭha meṇṭha, and meṇḍa meṇḍa, m. An elephant-keeper.

meḍ meḍ, see mreḍ.

meḍhra meḍhra, i. e. mih + tra, n.
     1. The penis, Man. 8, 282.
     2. A ram.

meth meth, and medh medh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To hurt (ved.).
     2. To understand.
     3. To associate (ved.). Caus. medhaya, To cause to understand, to know, MBh. 13, 7510.

methi methi, and medhi medhi, m. The part of a threshing floor round which the cattle turn to tread out the corn.

med med, see mith.

meda meda, m.
     1. Adeps, fat.
     2. The son of a Vaideha by a Kārāvara female, Man. 10, 36.

medas medas, n.
     1. Marrow, Pañc. i. d. 123.
     2. The serous secretion that spreads amongst the muscular fibres.
     3. Morbid corpufency, Śāk. d. 38.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. medūlla.

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medinī medinī (probably = mṛdinī, and based on its original form mardinī, cf. geha, vetana; or perhaps meda + in + ī), f.
     1. The earth, Pañc. iii. d. 41; earth, Johns. Sel. 95, 67.
     2. A country, Cān. 45 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 410.

medura medura (cf. medas), adj.
     1. Unctuous.
     2. Smooth.
     3. Soft.
     4. Thick, Utt. Rāmac. 143, 2.

medurita medurita, i. e. medura + ita, adj. Unctuous, abounding in water, Utt. Rāmac. 16, 10.

medh medh, see meth.

medha medha (i. e. mah and perhaps dhā),
I. m. (and ved., also n., Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3), Sacrifice, 1. 1.
II. f. dhā, Understanding, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 4.
-- Comp. aśva-, Turaga-, Turaṅgama-, m. the sacrifice of a horse, Hit. iv. d. 129; Rām. 6, 104, 7; Ragh. 13, 61. gṛha-,
I. m. a domestic sacrifice.
II. adj. referring to the duties of a householder, Bhāg. P. 3, 22, 11. dus-, adj., f. dha, stupid, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 17. nara-, Nṛ-, Puruṣa-, m. the sacrifice of a man, Rām. 1, 63, 6 Gorr. (nara-); Kathās. 26, 238 (puruṣa-). pitṛ-, m. oblation to the Manes, Man. 5, 65.

medhas -medhas, a substitute for medhā, when latter part of a comp. adj.; e. g. alpa-, Having little understanding, Pañc. ii. d. 92. dus-, Stupid, Rām. 1, 25, 11. parama-dus-, adj. Most stupid, Pañc. 3, 12. su-,
I. adj. Intelligent.
II. m. Heart pea.

medhāvin medhā + vin, adj., f. , Intelligent, Man. 2, 110; wise, Hit. ii. d. 20.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. stupid, MBh. 12, 9486.

medhi medhi, see methi.

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medhira medhira, i. e. medhā + ira, adj. Intelligent.

medhya medhya, i. e. medha + ya, adj.
     1. Fit for, belonging to, a sacrifice, Utt. Rāmac. 39, 10.
     2. Pure, Man. 1, 92.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. impure, Man. 4, 53.
II. n. an impure substance, Man. 2, 239.

menakā menakā, i. e. menā + ka, f. One of the courtesans of heaven, and wife to Himālaya, Śiś. 9, 86; Śāk. 14, 23 (Prākṛ.).

menā menā, f. One of the courtesans of heaven, and wife to Himālaya, Rām. 1, 37, 15 Gorr.

menāda me-nāda (me, an imitative sound), m.
     1. A cat.
     2. A goat.
     3. A peacock.

mepmep, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To serve.

meb meb, see mev.

meru meru, m. A fabulous mountain, Bhartṛ. 2, 41.
-- Comp. su-,
I. m. = Meru.
II. adj. excellent.

mela mela, i. e. mil + a,
I. m., and f. , Assemblage, meeting, Pañc. 245, 4 ().
II. f. , Ink (borrowed from [greek]).

melaka mela + ka, m. Assemblage, Hit. 72, 17.

mevmev, meb meb, and mlev mlev, i. 1, Ātm. To serve.

meṣa meṣa (vb. mih, probably for mekṣa),
I. m.
     1. A ram. Pañc. iii. d. 40.
     2. The sign aries.
II. f. ṣī, An ewe.

meṣikā meṣikā, i. e. meṣī + ka, f. An ewe.

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meha meha, i. e. mih + a, m.
     1. Making water, Man. 4, 52.
     2. Urine.
     3. A ram.

mehatas meha + tas, adv. By making water, Man. 4, 52.

mehana mehana, i. e. mih + ana, n.
     1. Membrum virile.
     2. Urine.

maitra maitra, properly maittra, i. e. mittra + a (see mittra),
I. adj.
     1. Relating to a friend, friendly, Bhag. 12, 13.
     2. Given by a friend, Man. 9, 206.
     3. m. (viz. saṃdhi), Proceeding from friendship, the name of a kind of alliance, Hit. iv. d. 123.
II. m.
     1. A friend to all creatures, Man. 2, 87.
     2. A Brāhmaṇa.
     3. The son of an outcaste Vaiśya, Man. 10, 23.
     4. The anus.
     5. Discharging of excrement, Man. 4, 152.
III. n.
     1. Friendship, Pañc. ii. d. 47.
     2. The seventeenth lunar asterism. Cf. maitrya.
-- Comp. durmaitra, i. e. dus-, adj. hostile, Bhāg. P. 7, 5, 27.

maitraka maitra + ka, n. Friendship, Utt. Rāmac. 128, 2.

maitratā maitra + tā, f. Friendship, Cāṇ. 19 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408.

maitrākṣajyotika maitrākṣajyotika, i. e. maitra-akṣa-jyoti (instead of jyotis), + ka, m. The name of a demon, Man. 12, 72.

maitrāvaruṇa and maitrāvaruṇi maitrāvaruṇa, or °ṇi, i. e. mitrāvaruṇa (dvandva comp. of mitra and varuṇa), + a or i, patronym., m. A son of Mitra and Varuṇa; a name of Vaśiṣṭha, Utt. Rāmac. 9, 4, and of Agastya.

maitreya maitreya, i. e. mitra + eya (cf. mittra).
I. adj. Relating to a friend.
II. m.
     1. The son of a Vaideha by an Ayogava female.
     2. A proper name.

maitreyaka maitreya + ka, m.
     1. The son of a Vaideha by an Ayogava female, Man. 10, 33.
     2. A crier or chaunter of the hours (this being probably the office of a Maitreyaka)

maitrya maitrya, i. e. mitra + ya (cf. mittra), n., and f. trī, Friendship, Pañc. iv. d. 70 (n.); 243, 13, and 248, 2 (f.).

maithila maithila, i. e. mithilā + a,
I. adj., f. , Born in, referring to, Mithilā, Utt. Rāmac. 110, 13.
II. m. The king of Mithilā, Ram. 3, 53, 2.
III. f. , A name of Sītā, ib. 3, 49, 55.

maithuna maithuna, i. e. mithuna + a,
I. adj. Worn at a time of sexual intercourse, Man. 4, 116.
II. n.
     1. Sexual intercourse, Hit. pr. d. 25, M.M.
     2. Marriage, holy union, Man. 3, 5 (perhaps adj. Being in accordance with a legitimate marriage).
     3. Matrimony, Pañc. ii. d. 101.
     4. Union.

maithunin maithunin, i. e. maithuna + in, adj. sbst. One who has been connected with a woman, Man. 5, 144.
-- Comp. divā-, adj. having sexual intercourse by day, Mārk. P. 14, 74.

maithunya maithunya, i. e. maithuna + ya, adj. Contracted for the purpose of amorous embraces, Man. 3, 32.

maināka maināka, i. e. menā + ka + a, m. The name of a mountain, Rām. 5, 49, 27.

mainda mainda, m. The name of a demon.

maindahan mainda-han, m. Viṣṇu.

maireya maireya, n. A spirituous liquor, Rājat. 5, 368.

mo mo, i. e. mā-u, But not, Chr. 289, 13 = Rigv. i. 50, 13.

moktukāma moktukāma, i. e. moktum-kāma (infin. of muc), adj. Desiring to cast, Chr. 41, 22.

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mokṣ mokṣ, i, 10 (properly a denomin. derived from moksha), and † i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 5301).
     1. To release, to liberate, MBh. 1, 2084.
     2. † To cast. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. a-mokṣayant, adj. Neglecting to liberate, Yājñ. 2, 300.
-- With the prep. pari pari, To release, to liberate, Weber, Ind. St. iii. 371, 4, below.
-- With vi vi, To release, to protect, MBh. 1, 7880.

mokṣa moksh + a (moksh is an anomal. desider. of muc), m.
     1. Untying, Pañc. 109, 9; Megh. 97.
     2. Liberation, Pañc. 109, 11; Chr. 4, 16.
     3. Liberation of the soul from the body and from further transmigration, final beatitude, Man. 1, 114; Pañc. ii. d. 127.
     4. Death.
     5. Acquittance of an obligation.

mokṣaka moksh + aka, adj. and sbst., m.
     1. One who sets at liberty, Man. 8, 342.
     2. A deliverer.

mokṣaṇa mokṣaṇa, i. e. moksh + ana, n.
     1. Letting go (shedding of blood), Mālav. d. 62.
     2. Liberation, Pañc. 143, 6.
     3. Squandering.
-- Comp. prāṇa-, n. resigning life, suicide, Pañc. 110, 9.

mogha mogha, i. e. muh + a,
I. adj.
     1. Vain, useless, Sāv. 5, 49; Megh. 6; °gham, adv. In vain, Bhag. 3, 16.
     2. Left.
II. m. A fence.
III. f. ghā, Trumpet-flower, Bignonia suaveolens.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj., f. ghā, not vain, not going astray, unfailing, Vikr. d. 88; attaining one's aim, efficacious, Megh. 72.
II. f. ghā. 1. the name of a club, Rām. 1, 29, 12. 2. the name of several plants. 3. a proper name.

moca mocha (vb. muc + a),
I. m. A tree, Hyperanthera morunga.
II. f. .
     1. The silk cotton-tree.
     2. The plantain.
III. n. Its fruit.

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mocaka mochaka, i. e.
A. mocha + ka, m. = mocha,
I, II. B. muc + aka, m.
     1. A devotee, free from worldly passion and desire.
     2. A liberator.

mocana mochana, i. e. muc + ana, n. Liberating, liberation, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 10; Lass. 39, 20.

moṭana moṭana,
I. m. Wind.
II. n.
     1. Pressing, strangulating, Lass. 43, 1.
     2. Grinding, reducing to dust.

moṇa moṇa, m.
     1. Dried fruit.
     2. A crocodile.
     3. A fly.
     4. A basket for carrying snakes in.

moda moda, i. e. mud + a, m. Joy, Utt. Rāmac. 41, 15.

modaka modaka, i. e. mud + aka,
I. adj. Delighting.
II. m. and n. A sort of sweetmeat, Pañc. i. d. 303; sweetmeats in general, Vikr. 45, 13.

moṣa moṣa, i. e. muṣ + a, m.
     1. Robbing; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 16.
     2. Robbery, Man. 9, 274.

moṣaka moṣaka, i. e. muṣ + aka, m. A thief.

moṣaṇa moṣaṇa, i. e. muṣ + ana, n. Stealing.

moha moha, i. e. muh + a, m.
     1. Fainting, Vikr. 84, 10; loss of consciousness, Vikr. d. 8.
     2. Bewilderment, distraction, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 13; Ṛt. 6, 26.
     3. Weakness of intellect, Man. 3, 15.
     4. Ignorance, foolishness, infatuation, Pañc. i. d. 250; iii. d. 87.
     5. Error, Matsyop. 53.

mohana mohana, i. e. muh + ana,
I. adj., f. , Depriving of consciousness or understanding, infatuating, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 13; Kathās. 46, 110 (with vidyā, A magical knowledge).
II. m. One of the arrows of Kāma, Lass. 7, 3.
III. n. Temptation, the overpowering of reason by sensual allurements.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, m. epithet of Skanda, MBh. 3, 14632.

mohin mohin, i. e. muh + in,
I. adj., f. , Bewildering, infatuating, Bhag. 9, 12.
II. f. , A kind of jasmine.

maukuli maukuli, m. A crow, Utt. Rāmac. 48, 10.

mauktika mauktika, i. e. muktā + ika, n. A pearl, Pañc. iv. d. 78.
-- Comp. gaja-, n. pearls which are supposed to be in the frontal globes of the elephant, Kir. 12, 41.

maukya maukya, i. e. mūka + ya, n. Dumbness, Man. 10, 51.

maukharya maukharya, i. e. mukhara + ya, n., and f. .
     1. Defamation.
     2. Scurrility.

maukhya maukhya, i. e. mukha + ya, n. Pre-eminence.
-- Comp. grāma-, Hit. 66, 6, probably in erroneous reading for grāmamukhya, chief of a village.

maugdhya maugdhya, i. e. mugdha (vb. muh), + ya, n. Charm, beauty, Utt. Rāmac. 107, 6.

mauñja mauñja, i. e. muñja + a,
I. adj., f. ji, Made of muñja, Man. 2, 42.
II. f. ji (and mauñji mauñji, Man. 2, 169, by metrical exigence), The girdle of a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 2, 27; Kumāras. 5, 10.

mauḍhya mauḍhya, i. e. mūḍha (vb. muh), + ya, n. Ignorance, folly.

mauṇḍya mauṇḍya, i. e. muṇḍa + ya, n.
     1. Baldness.
     2. Shaving of the head, Man. 8, 370.

maudgali maudgali, m. A crow.

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mauna mauna, i. e. muni + a, n. Silence, taciturnity, Hit. i. d. 134, M.M.; Pañc. iv. d. 51.
-- Comp. cintā-, n. silent thinking, Vikr. d. 130.

maunin maunin, i. e. mauna + in,
I. adj., f. , Silent, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1677; Rājat. 5, 304.
II. m. An ascetic.

maurajika maurajika, i. e. muraja + ika, m. A drummer.

maurkhya maurkhya, i. e. mūrkha + ya, n. Stupidity, folly, Rājat. 5, 389.

maurya maurya, m. The name of an Indian dynasty.

mauryadatta maurya-datta (vb. ), m. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 17.

maurva maurva, i. e. mūrva + a,
I. adj., f. , Made of mūrva, Man. 2, 42.
II. f. , A bowstring, Śāk. d. 13.

maula maula, i. e. mūla + a, adj.
     1. Proceeding from a root.
     2. Of pure blood, Hit. iii. d. 17.
     3. Descended from those who had lived in a village when it was built, Man. 8, 259.
     4. Born in the same district (of the same root), Man. 8, 62.
     5. Hereditary, Man. 7, 54.

mauli mauli (akin to mūla), m. and f.
     1. A lock of hair on the crown of the head.
     2. Hair ornamented and braided round the head.
     3. A crown, diadem, Vikr. d. 60; Pañc. 230, 18.
     4. The head, Lass. 66, 2; Hit. 72, 19 (maulau nidhāya, Obeying).
-- Comp. ardha-indu-, adj. epithet of Śiva (wearing the crescent as diadem), Megh. 56. cakra-, m. the name of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 6, 69, 14. niśākara-kalā-, adj. (wearing the crescent as diadem), epithet of Śiva, Kathās. 4, 89.

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maulika mauli + ka (scarcely mūla + ika), adj. Chief, best, Utt. Rāmac. 61, 10.

maulin maulin, i. e. mauli + in, adj. Endowed with a diadem, Sund. 1, 30.

maulī maulī (akin to mūla), f. The earth.

maulya maulya, i. e. mūla + ya (cf. mūlya), n. Price, Lass. 3, 4.

mauṣala maushala, i. e. muṣala + a, adj. Performed with a club, Hariv. 5648.

mauṣṭā mauṣṭā, i. e. muṣṭi + a, f. Playing at fisticuffs.

mauhūrta mauhūrta, and mauhūrtika mauhūrtika, i. e. muhūrta + a, or ika, m. An astrologer, Hit. 94, 9 (tika).

mnā mnā (i. e. man + ā), i. 1, mana, Par.
     1. To fix in the memory by frequent repetition.
     2. To remember, to praise (ved.).
-- With the prep. ā ā, To repeat frequently, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 30. āmnātā, Recorded, Pañc. i. d. 408.
-- With samā sam-ā, To prescribe, Utt. Rāmac. 92, 6.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. meminisse. Cf. man.

mrakṣ † mrakṣ, mṛkṣ mṛkṣ (akin to mṛj), † makṣ makṣ, i. 1, Par. To accumulate. † mrakṣ, mṛkṣ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To smear.
     2. To speak incorrectly.
     3. To accumulate.
     4. To divide, to cut. -- mṛkṣ, with abhi abhi, i. 10, To anoint, MBh. 13, 7426.

mrakṣa mrakṣ + a, m. Concealment of one's vices.

mrakṣaṇa mrakṣaṇa, i. e. mrakṣ + ana, n. Oil.

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mradmrad (cf. mṛd), i. 1, Ātm. To grind, to reduce to powder.

mradiṣṭha mradiṣṭha, mradīyaṃs mradīyaṃs, see mṛdu.

mruc mruc, i. 1, Par. To go.
-- With ni ni, and abhini abhi-ni, To set (as the sun), ved., Weber, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, xiv. 756, sqq.
-- Cf. mluch.

mruñcmruñc, mluñc mluñc, mañc mañc, muñc muñc, i. 1, Par. To go.

mreṭ mreṭ, see mleṭ.

mreḍ mreḍ, † mleḍ mleḍ, † meḍ meḍ, i. 1, Par. To be mad.
-- With the prep. ā ā, Caus. To repeat, MBh. 3, 10388.

mlakṣmlakṣ (?), i. 10, Par. To cut, to divide.

mlānatā mlāna + tā (vb. mlai), Languor, Lass. 72, 11.

mlāni mlāni, i. e. mlai + ni, f.
     1. Fading, decay.
     2. Languor.
     3. Weariness.

mluc mluc, i. 1, Par. To go.
-- With the prep. ni ni,
     1. To set (as the sun), Bhāg. P. 5, 21, 9.
     2. With acc. To surprise setting, Man. 2, 220.
-- With abhini abhi-ni, with acc. To surprise setting, Man. 2, 219.
-- Cf. mruc.

mluñc mluñc, see mruñc.

mleccha mleccha, m.
     1. A barbarian, Hit. iii. d. 62.
     2. A sinner.

mlech mlech, i. 1 and 10, Par.
     1. To speak barbarously, MBh. 2, 2040. †
     2. To speak confusedly.

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mleṭmleṭ, mreṭ mreṭ, meṭ meṭ, i. 1, Par. To be mad.

mlevmlev, see mev.

mlai mlai, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry, ii. 2, e. g. mlānti, MBh. 3, 15683).
     1. To fade, MBh. 3, 15455.
     2. To grow weary, Ragh. 11, 9 (Calc.).
     3. To be faint or languid, MBh. 1, 3391. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. mlāna.
     1. Withered, faded, Pañc. i. d. 88; Utt. Rāmac. 23, 12.
     2. Languid, faint, Bhartṛ. 2, 82; Rājat. 5, 431.
     3. Foul, dirty. Comp. a-, adj. 1. not faded. 2. clear.
-- With pari pari, To fade away, to disappear, Pañc. cod. Berol. 144, a. parimlāna,
     1. Withered, Rām. 2, 59, 8.
     2. Faded, Ragh. 14, 50 (Calc.).
     3. Languid.
     4. Diminished.
     5. Soiled. n.
     1. Change of countenance by grief.
     2. Soil.
-- Cf. [greek] = Caus. mlāpayāmi, [greek]


yakṛt yakṛt, the base of many cases is optionally yakan yakan, n. The liver.
-- Cf. Lat. jecur; [greek] perhaps also A.S. lifer.

yakṣyakṣ, i, 10, Ātm. To worship, to honour (cf. yaj).

yakṣa yakṣa (vb. yaj),
I. m.
     1. A kind of demigod, attendant on Kuvera, Chr. 57, 21.
     2. Kuvera.
     3. The palace of Indra.
II. f. kṣī.
     1. A female yakṣa, Rām. 3, 52, 35.
     2. The wife of Kuvera.

yakṣadara yakṣa-dara, m. The name of a district, Rājat. 5, 87.

yakṣiṇī yakṣiṇī, i. e. yakṣa + in + ī, f. The wife of Kuvera.

yakṣma yakṣma, and yakṣman yakṣman, i. e. jakṣ + man, m. Pulmonary consumption.
-- Comp. rājayakṣman, i. e. rājan-, m. the same.

yakṣmin yakṣmin, i. e. yakṣman, or yakṣma, + in, adj., f. iṇī, and sbst. Phthisical, one who suffers from pulmonary consumption, Man. 3, 154.

yaccha yaccha, see yam.

yaj yaj, i. 1, Par. Ātm. (ved., also ii. 2, Lass. 101, 13 = Rigv. vii. 16, 5).
     1. To sacrifice, Man. 11, 87; with acc., Rām. 1, 31, 5; with instr., MBh. 1, 2473.
     2. To worship (the deities) by sacrifices, Man. 8, 105.
     3. To worship (the deities), Bhag. 9, 23.
     4. To inaugurate, Rām. 2, 56, 18.
     5. To give, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 49. yajati, see s.v. Ptcple. pres. Ātm. yajamāna, m. A person who institutes a sacrifice and pays the expense of it, Pañc. 169, 8; 182, 12. Pass. ijya, in epic poetry ptcple. pres. ijyant, MBh. 2, 1325. Pf. ptcple. iṣṭa. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. yājya, To be sacrificed. m. A sacrificer, Man. 8, 317. n. Presents for sacrificing. Comp. a-, m. one for whom it is not allowed to sacrifice, Man. 11, 59. Infin. yaṣṭam, in epic poetry anomal. ījitum, MBh. 2, 1230 (looks like an infin. of the redupl. pf.). Desider. yiyakṣa, To wish to sacrifice, MBh. 2, 59. Caus. yājaya, To perform a sacrifice for another, Man. 3, 151 (also Ātm., MBh. 1, 8123).
-- With the prep. sam sam, To worship, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 96. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. (Caus.?), saṃyājya, n. Sacrificing, Man. 11, 59. Comp. a-saṃyājya, adj. one with whom nobody is allowed to sacrifice, Man. 9, 238. Caus. To perform a sacrifice for another, MBh. 1, 6375.
-- Cf. [greek]

yajata yaj + ata, m. An officiating priest at a sacrifice.

yajati yajati, 3. sing. pres. of yaj.
     1. A technical term for those sacrifices which are denoted by the word yajati (cf. juhoti), Man. 2, 84.
     2. m. A sacrifice (ŚKD.).

yajatra yaj + atra,
I. adj. Adorable, Lass. 102, 9 = Rigv. vii. 14, 2.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa who keeps a sacrificial fire.
III. n. Maintenance of a sacrificial fire.

yajana yaj + ana, n.
     1. Sacrificing, Man. 1, 88.
     2. Worshipping.
-- Comp. deva-, n. a place of offering to the deities, MBh. 5, 7354; Utt. Rāmac. 10, 4.

yaji yaj + i,
     1. Sacrifice, Man. 10, 79.
     2. A sacrificer.

yajus yaj + us, n. The yajus, one of the four Vedas, Man. 1, 23.

yajña yajña, i. e. yaj + na, m. A sacrifice, Man. 1, 22; 23.
-- Comp. a-, m. time when the sacrifice is over, Man. 3, 120. ṛṣi-, m. inaudible muttering of prayers, Man. 4, 21; cf. 3, 81. graha-, m. a sacrifice offered to the planets, Yājñ. 1, 294. japa-, murmuring prayers, Man. 2, 85. nāma(n)-, m. a nominal sacrifice only (not real), Bhag. 16, 7. pañca(n)-, m. (pl.), the five great sacraments, Man. 3, 67. pāka-, m. a domestic sacrifice, Man. 2, 86; 11, 118. prastāva-, m. sacrificelike treating of a subject, i. e. treating a subject where those who partake of it must propound and prove their views, as at sacrifices every one must give presents, Pañc. ii. d. 176. mahā-, m. an essential ceremony, a sacrament, Man. 1, 112; 2, 28. vidhi-, m. a ceremonial act of worshipping, Man. 2, 85.

yajñavāhas yajñavāhas, i. e. yajña-rah + as, adj. sbst. Carrying away the sacrifices, Chr. 292, 2 = Rigv. i. 86, 2.

yajñasena yajña - sena (cf. senā), m. A name of Drupada, Chr. 55, 6.

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yajñiya yajñiya, i. e. yajña + iya,
I. adj. Suitable to a sacrifice, Man. 2, 23.
II. m. The dvāpara, or third yuga.

yajñopavītavant yajñopavītavant, i. e. yajña-upavīta + vant (vb. vye), adj. Invested with the sacred thread, Johns. Sel. 10, 18.

yajyu yajyu (vb. yaj), m. An assistant priest at a sacrifice.

yajvan yaj + van, m. A sacrificer, Pañc. i. d. 333.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who performs no sacrifices, irreligious, Man. 11, 14; 20.

yajvin yaj + vin, m. A sacrificer, Bhāg. P. 5, 14, 32.

yat yat (an old denomin. based on a noun derived from yam, by an aff. with initial t), i. 1, Ātm. (ved., and in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 2722).
     1. To exert one's self, Pañc. i. d. 284; Chr. 4, 16; to endeavour Man. 11, 6; with infin., MBh. 1, 6360; with dat., Bhag. 7, 3; Vikr. 5, 11 (yatiṣye sakhīpratyānayanāya, I shall endeavour to bring back your friend); Pañc. i. d. 99 (nāśāya, to remove); loc., MBh. 3, 2727; gen., 1, 8085.
     2. With acc. To make, to produce, Rām. 3, 49, 56. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. yatita, Endeavoured, tried, MBh. 1, 6015.
II. yatta.
     1. Exerting one's self, Chr. 18, 16.
     2. Watchful, Rām. 1, 32, 7.
     3. Resolved. Cf. yam. Caus. and i. 10, Par. yātaya.
     1. To prepare, to cause to be shown. Mālav. 74, 17.
     2. To distress, to torture, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 31; also Ātm. with ātmānam, 5, 26, 18.
     3. Ātm. To be used, Rām. 2, 62, 26 Gorr.
     4. Ātm. To return, to requite, MBh. 3, 1383.
     5. To reprehend, to despise.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To put on, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4.
-- With ā ā, āyatta.
     1. Depending on, Man. 7, 65.
     2. Docile, tractable, Hit. 54, 5. Comp. an-, adj. independent, Hit. ii. d. 21. para-, adj. 1. depending on another, Pañc. i. d. 295, v.r.
     2. ruled, Kathās. 18, 381.
-- With atyā ati-ā, To exert one's self excessively, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 6.
-- With samā sam-ā, samāyatta, Depending on, MBh. 3, 10484.
-- With nis nis, Caus., or i. 10,
     1. To give back, to restore, Man. 11, 164.
     2. To requite, MBh. 2, 2660.
     3. To pardon, 1, 3018.
-- With pratinis prati-nis, Caus., or i. 10, To give back, MBh. 3, 13183.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To endeavour, Man. 7, 198.
     2. To apply to, Rām. 1, 58, 21. prayatita, Determined, Johns. Sel. 32, 61.
-- With prati prati, Caus., or i. 10, To requite, MBh. 3, 14728.
-- With vi vi, Caus., or i. 10, To punish, MBh. 1, 3019.

yatama yatama, yatara yatara, see yad.

yatas ya + tas (yad), adv.
     1. Whence, Rām. 3, 53, 27; from any place, Man. 11, 17; Pañc. i. d. 6 (yatas tatas, from wherever, Chr. 19, 5).
     2. Since, Rām. 2, 7, 1.
     3. As, Hit. 127, 10.
     4. Because, Pañc. i. d. 402.
     5. That, Vikr. d. 118.
     6. For, Hit. 7, 2, M.M.; Daśak. in Chr. 194, 4.
     7. Where, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 20.
     8. Doubled, yatoyatas, Whencesoever.

yati 1. yati, i. e. yam + ti (or perhaps rather a curtailed form of yatin),
I. m.
     1. A sage of subdued passions, Hit. ii. d. 171.
     2. A religious mendicant, Rām. 3, 52, 26.
II. f.
     1. (i. e. yam + ti), A pause (in music), Pañc. v. d. 44.
     2. also yatī yatī, A widow.

yati 2. ya + ti (yad), adj. As many.

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yatin yatin, perhaps yata + in (vb. yam),
I. m. One who has subdued his passions.
II. f. , A widow.

yatkiṃcida yatkiṃcida, i. e. yad-kim-cid + a, The name of a holy text, Man. 11, 252.

yatna yat + na, m.
     1. Effort, Pañc. ii. d. 133; 99 (yatnāt, in spite of every effort), perseverance, energy, Man. 2, 88.
     2. Will, Bhāṣāp. 4.
     3. Diligence, Chr. 51, 1. yatnena, Carefully, Pañc. 192, 12.
     4. °nāt, Necessarily, Pañc. 176, 8.
-- Comp. a-, m. absence of hardship; instr. and abl. sing. without hardship, Man. 5, 47; easily, Pañc. 201, 16. sa-,
I. adj. endeavouring, Hit. 20, 8, M.M.
II. °nam, adv. vigorously.

yatnatas yatna + tas, adv.
     1. Vigorously, strenuously, Bhartṛ. 2, 5.
     2. Carefully, Hit. i. d. 128, M.M.; Bhartṛ. 2, 97.
-- Comp. a-, adv. without hardship, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219. 9.

yatra ya + tra (yad), adv.
     1. = loc. of yad, Bhag. 8, 23.
     2. Where, in what place.
     3. Doubled, yatrayatra, Wherever, Hit. iii. d. 69.
     4. Because, Nal. 12, 7.
     5. That, Nal. 8, 17.
     6. With following kutra, In whatever, Hit. iv. d. 84 (cf. v. r. in Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1225).
     7. With following tatra, Wherever, Chr. 8, 22.

yatratya yatra + tya, adj. Where being, whose, Mālat. 144, 17.

yathā ya + thā (yad), adv.
     1. In which manner, like, as, Hit. pr. 38, M.M.; Chr. 8, 25; with following tad eram, As -- just so, Vikr. 37, 7, 8.
     2. With following tathā, In every way, Hit. ii. d. 138.
     3. As truly as (a form of asseveration), Chr. 7, 16 (literally: 'As truly I love nobody but thee, so truly I touch my head,' i. e. 'As I touch my head, so I love nobody but thee').
     4. In order that, that, Chr. 12, 30.
     5. It is used often as introduction to a direct sentence, Śāk. 7, 1, bel. jñāyate yathāyam ābhogas tapovanasyeti, 'One perceives these are the environs of a forest of ascetics.'
     6. Doubled, yathāyathā, In what proportion, Man. 4, 20.
     7. Very often it is the former part of comp. adv., of which the latter part has the form of an acc. sing. n.; they may be resolved by supplying 'is,' and generally translated by 'according to that which is implied by the latter part,' e. g. yathā-kāma + m, literally, 'as is desire,' 'according to one's wish,' 'at pleasure, ad libitum,' Chr. 56, 17. yathā-yatha + m, adv. Properly, suitably (ŚKD.).
-- Comp. tad-, adv. namely, Pañc. 3, 10; 7, 15; for, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 17.

yathākramam yathā-krama + m, adv. In order, successively, Vikr. 66, 21.

yathādiśam yathā-diś + a + m, adv. In all directions, MBh. 5, 1753.

yathābhīṣṭadiśam yathābhīṣṭadiśam, i. e. yathā-abhi-iṣṭa-diś + a + m (vb. iṣ), adv. In whatever direction one lists, Pañc. 63, 2

yathārthākṣara yathārthākṣara, i. e. yathā-artha-akṣara, adj. Of which the letters imply the true sense. Vikr. d. 1.

yathāvakāśam yathāvakāśam, i. e. yathā-avakāśa + m, adv. When there is any opportunity, Hit. 102, 11.

yathārhatas yathārhatas, i. e. yathā-arha + tas, adv. Justly, Man. 7, 16.

yathāvat yathā + vat, adv.
     1. Exactly as it was, truly, Chr. 63, 63.
     2. According to law, Man. 2, 89.
     3. Accordingly, suitably, Nal. 6, 8.

yathecchakam yathecchakam, i. e. yathā-iccha + ka + m, and yatheccham yatheccham, i. e. yathā-iccha + m (cf. icchā), adv. As one lists, Pañc. 192, 13.

yatheṣṭatas yatheṣṭatas, i. e. yathā iṣṭa (vb. iṣ), + tas, adv. According to will or inclination, Hiḍ. 2, 13.

yad yad,
I. Relative pronoun; the base of the cases and of most derivatives is ya, Who, which, what, Chr. 5, 8.
II. Indefinite pronoun, Any, Chr. 23, 30.
III. Doubled.
     1. In proportion, as each of which, Man. 1, 20.
     2. Whoever, whatever, Hit. pr. d. 34, M.M.
IV. With following interr. pronoun (kim), Whoever, whatever. Pañc. i. d. 403.
V. Two and more relatives may be combined with one verb; e. g. yad yena yujyate, What is fitting for something, Hit. i. d. 53, M.M.; yo 'tti yasya yadā māṃsam, When one eats the flesh of some (creature), Hit. i. d. 65, M.M.
VI. yad, acc. sing. n., a particle.
     1. As, since, because, Hit. pr. d. 8, M.M.; wherefore.
     2. That, Hit. 41, 4, M.M.
     3. It is often used as introduction to a direct sentence, Pañc. 175, 13. vadanti yad asmākaṃ rājā kiṃ kariṣyati, 'They say: what will the king do to us?' 227, 7.
     3. With following , Or, Rājat. 5, 441.
     4. With following api, Although, Pañc. i. d. 7.
VII. yena, instr. sing. n., adv.
     1. In what manner, Man. 4, 178.
     2. Because, MBh. 3, 10631.
     3. As, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1212.
     4. That, Pañc. 84, 17.
VIII. yasmāt, abl. sing. n., adv. Because, Hit. iv. d. 88; Chr. 16, 11.
-- Cf. probably [greek] (= yena); Goth. ja in jabai.

yadā ya + dā (yad), adv.
     1. When, at what time, Hit. 98, 18.
     2. Doubled, Whenever, Bhag. 4, 7.
     3. With following kadā cid -- na, Nevermore, Hit. 58, 12.

yadi yadi (probably yad + ya, cf. ādi, ādya), adv. If, Pañc. 229, 13; with following api, Although, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2389; with following , Or, Pañc. iii. d. 108.

yadu yadu, m.
     1. The name of a king, Śiś. 9, 38.
     2. The name of a country.
     3. pl.
a. The name of a people.
b. The descendants of Yadu, Johns. Sel. 46, 73.

yadṛcchā yad-ṛcch + ā (see vb. ), f. Following one's own will or fancy; instr. °chayā, Pañc. iii. d. 2 (without being stopped); by itself, MBh. 12, 6676; as one lists, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 20; by chance, accidentally, Vikr. d. 10; also yadṛcca-, as former part of a comp., by itself, Bhag. 4, 22; Utt. Rāmac. 127, 11 (-saṃvada, accidental meeting).

yadvat yad + vat, adv. In what manner, as, Pañc. ii. d. 62.

yantṛ yantṛ, i. e. yam + tṛ,
I. m., f. trī, and n. A person or thing that restrains.
II. m. A charioteer, Man. 2, 88.
-- Comp. deha-, m. a charioteer, i. e. subduer, of (his) body, i. e. of his senses, Lass. 53, 11.

yantr yantr, † i. 10 (properly a denomin. derived from yantra), Par., and † i. 1, Par. To restrain. yantrita,
     1. Checked, restrained, Rām. 1, 40, 17.
     2. Bound, fettered, MBh. 3, 33. Comp. a-, adj. one who does not govern his passions, Man. 2, 118. su-, adj. 1. well governed. 2. one who governs his passions completely, Man. 2, 118.
-- With the prep. upa upa, upayantrita, Solicited, Man. 11, 177.
-- With ni ni, niyantrita,
     1. Fastened, Utt. Rāmac. 106, 1.
     2. Checked.
     3. Squeezed, Śāk. 9, 20 (Prākṛ.).
     4. Ruled, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 17.
     5. Fettered, Pañc. 142, 14.
     6. Embanked, Rājat. 5, 103.
-- With sam sam, saṃgantriṭa, Stopped, Śāk. 100, 21.

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yantra yantra, i. e. yam + tra, n.
     1. An engine or machine in general, any implement, or apparatus, Man. 7, 75; Johns. Sel. 39, 30; Rājat. 5, 104.
     2. A thong, Man. 8, 292.
     3. A sort of vessel, Hit. iii. d. 52.
     4. A mystical diagram, Rāmatap. Up. 1, 13.
     5. Restraining.
-- Comp. kodaṇḍa-, n. a bow, Rājat. 5, 104. kūṭa-, n. a trap for deer, birds, etc. gṛha-, n. an apparatus for raising flags on a house, Kumāras. 6, 41. ghaṭikā- (thus to be corrected, Pañc. 212, 4), and ghaṭī-, n. the rope and bucket of a well, Mārk. P. 12, 20. jala-, n. a machine for raising water, Hariv. 8425. tāla-, n. 1. a small pair of pincers, Suśr. 1, 23, 16. 2. a lock. taila-, n. an oil mill, Bhāg. P. 5, 21, 13. toya-, n. a clepsydra, Sūryas. 13, 21. dhārā-, n. a water-spout, Prab. 79, 11. dhraja-, n. an apparatus for planting the staff of a standard, Rām. 4, 13, 20. nāḍī-, n. any tubelike apparatus, Suśr. 1, 23, 17. mahā-, n. any great mechanical work, Man. 11, 63. su-, adj. with machines, Hit. iii. d. 52. sūtra-, n. 1. a loom. 2. a shuttle. strī-, n. a woman who works like an artificial machine, Pañc. i. d. 204. sva-māyā-, adj. formed by his art, Kathās. 29, 18.

     1. yantr + ana, m. An artisan, Rām. 2, 80, 1.
     2. yantra + ka, n. A lathe.
-- Comp. jala-, n. an engine, Hariv. 8432.

yantraṇa yantraṇa, i. e. yantr + ana,
I. n.
     1. Binding.
     2. Restraining.
     3. Confining.
II. f. ṇā.
     1. Torturing, pain (ŚKD.), Mālav. 46, 3.
     2. A means of fastening, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 5; Pañc. rec. orn. MS. Berol. 81, a., and Weber, Ind. St. iii. 372, 4, below (read yantraṇayā instead of yantrayā).
-- Comp. niryantraṇa, i. e. nis-, adj. unrestrained, unobstructed, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 408. °nam, adv., Ṛt. 1, 9. mukha-, n. the bit of a bridle.

yabhyabh, jabh jabh, jambh jambh, i. 1, Par. To lie with.

yam yam (akin to dam), i. 1, yaccha, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 5704).
     1. To tame, to restrain.
     2. To govern (as horses), MBh. 3, 751.
     3. To give, Man. 2, 55. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. yata, Restrained, governed, Hit. iii. d. 130; in epic poetry also yatta, MBh. 2, 2011 (maintained by the metre). Comp. vāgyata, i. e. vāc-, adj. silent, taciturn, Man. 3, 236. Caus., and i. 10, ya/āmaya.
     1. To restrain.
     2. † To give food. Ptcple. pf. pass. yamita, Restrained, Śāk. d. 29. Comp. a-, adj. not pared (as nails), Megh. 89.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To give, Chr. 292, 12 = Rigv. i. 85, 12.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To stop, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 119.
     2. To suppress, Man. 11, 149.
     3. To draw, to bend (as a bow), Rām. 3, 50, 9; Johns. Sel. 50, 101.
     4. Ātm. To extend, Śāk. 73, 4, C.
     5. Ātm. To possess, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 46. āyata, Long, Pañc. ii. 8. Comp. pūrṇa-āyata, adj. completely drawn (as a bow), Hariv. 13413. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. an-āyamya, Not to be drawn, unpliant, MBh. 1, 6953.
-- With nirā nis-ā, nirāyata, Contracted, Śāk. d. 8.
-- With vyā vi-ā,
     1. Ātm. To exert one's power, MBh. 3, 12740.
     2. To fight, Mṛcch. 202, 7; Ātm., Bhaṭṭ. 6, 119.
     3. To open wide one's eyes, Johns. Sel. 47. 76. vyāyata, Long.
     2. Excessive.
     3. Busy.
     4. Hard, firm. Caus. yāmaya, To use exercise, Man. 7, 216.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To rise, Hit. 81, 4 (with infin., in order to kill).
     2. To lift up, Man. 4, 64.
     3. To brandish, Man. 5, 58.
     4. To govern (as horses), Chr. 36, 19.
     5. To offer, MBh. 1, 1853.
     6. To endeavour, MBh. 2, 2357.
     7. To study. udyata,
     1. Raised, Chr. 3, 1.
     2. Ready, Hit. 41, 4, M.M.
     3. Intending, Rājat. 5, 237.
     4. Trained.
     5. Active. Comp. samara-, adj. ready for the combat.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud,
     1. To raise, Mṛcch. 171, 20.
     2. To offer, Man. 4, 247. abhyudyata,
     1. Lifted up, Mṛcch. 327, 5 (Calc.).
     2. Rising, proceeding to act, Man. 4, 302.
-- With prod pra-ud,
     1. To lift up. prodyata, lifted, Pañc. 105, 19.
     2. To cast, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 60.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To incite, to urge (as horses), MBh. 3, 756.
     2. To lift up, 1, 6278.
     3. To endeavour, Rām. 1, 14, 8. samudyata, Ready.
-- With upa upa,
     1. Ātm. To marry, Man. 3, 11 (Par., Man. 11, 172, v.r., see Lois.).
     2. To seize, Ātm., Bhaṭṭ. 1, 16; with bhayam, To fear, Bhaṭṭ. 7, 101.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To stop, to govern, MBh. 4, 1953.
     2. To direct, Chr. 295, 16 = Rigv. i. 92, 16.
     3. To curb, to restrain, Rām. 2, 122, 22, to hold in (the breath), Vikr. d. 1.
     4. To punish, Man. 9, 213.
     5. To bind, Rām. 2, 87, 23.
     6. To attain, Man. 2, 93.
     7. To assume, Man. 10, 93.
     8. To conceal, Man. 10, 59. niyata,
     1. Subdued, self-goyerned.
     2. Submissive, Sāv. 4, 11.
     3. Abstemious, Chr. 50, 9.
     4. Attentive.
     5. Fixed, Megh. 44.
     6. Certain, destined, Hit. i. d. 43, M.M.; right, i. d. 202, M.M.
     7. Constant, Man. 5, 44.
     8. Inevitable, Man. 8, 419; Utt. Rāmac. 52, 12. °tam, adv.
     1. Forcibly, Ṛt. 6, 20.
     2. Inevitably, Bhartṛ. 2, 41.
     3. Constantly, always.
     4. Surely, Pañc. ii. d. 199. n. Eiementary matter. Caus. To restrain, Śāk. 92, 19, Chezy. niyamita,
     1. Restrained.
     2. Confined, Bhartṛ. 2, 93.
     3. Prescribed.
     4. Governed.
-- With pratini prati-ni, pratiniyata, Determined proportionally (in proportion to the acts done in a preceding existence), Bhartṛ. 2, 92; Daśak. in Chr. 187, 22.
-- With vini vi-ni, To punish, Man. 9, 249.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To subdue, Man. 2, 93.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To offer, to deliver, Hit. 65, 15; to give, Man. 3, 223; Chr. 288, 15 = Rigv. i. 48, 15 (yacchatāt, imperat. 2. sing.).
     2. To give in marriage, Man. 9, 89.
     3. To restore, Man. 8, 181; Pañc. 88, 14.
     4. To pay, Man. 8, 158. prayata, Well restrained, keeping his organs controlled, Man. 2, 222.
     2. Submissive, Nal. 25, 2.
     3. Careful, Man. 2, 183; intent on his devotion, 11, 158; zealous, Vikr. d. 43.
     4. Pure, Man. 5, 145. Comp. a-, adj. impure, Man. 5, 142.
-- With pratipra prati-pra, To restore, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 14.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To give, Man. 11, 19.
     2. To give in marriage, MBh. 3, 16661 (= Sāv. 2, 4, v. r. erroneous).
-- With vi vi, To give, Chr. 292, 12 = Rigv. i. 85, 12 (yanta, 2. pl. imperat. aor. 1.).
-- With sam
     1. To constrain, Man. 8, 365.
     2. To bind, MBh. 3, 1694.
     3. To subdue, Man. 12, 11.
     4. To govern (as horses), MBh. 3, 12110. saṃyata, Restrained, subdued, Nal. 1, 4; fettered. Comp. su-saṃyata, adj. well composed, Man. 2, 193 (v.r.).
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. jejunus, and probably jentare, fraena; Goth. aiths; A.S. adh, adhum; O.H.G. eidum.

yama yam + a,
I. adj. sbst. Twin, one of a pair. du. The twins, Draup. 6, 29.
II. m.
     1. Restraining.
     2. Taming of passion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 14.
     3. Moral duty, Man. 4, 204.
     4. Penance.
     5. A festival.
     6. Yama, the judge of the deceased ones, ruler of the infernal regions, Rām. 2, 54, 28; god of death, Pañc. 247, 8.
     7. A crow.
     8. A name of the planet Saturn.
III. f. , The Yamunā.
IV. n. A pair.
-- Comp. kāla-anta + ka-, m. Yama, as all-destroying time, Rām. 3, 32, 5.

yamaka yama + ka,
I. m. A religious observance.
II. n. A poetical refinement, a species of alliteration.

yamaja yama + ja, m. Twin, Draup. 3, 17; Utt. Rāmac. 112, 3.

yamatva yama + tva, n. The name Yama, Sāv. 5, 33.

yamana yam + ana,
I. m. Yama.
II. n.
     1. Restraining, Rājat. 5, 114.
     2. Binding.
     3. Cessation.

yamala yama + la,
I. n. A pair.
II. f. , A sort of dress, a body and petticoat.

yamunā yam + unā (or rather yam + van + a), f. The name of a river, Chr. 46, 19.

yamerukā yam + erukā, f. A metal plate or drum used to strike the hours.

yayāti yayāti, m. The name of a king, Śāk. d. 82.

yayi yayi (vb. , red.), A cloud Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 87, 2.

yayin (vb. , red., + in), yayin, m. Śiva.

yayī yayī (cf. yayi), m. A horse.

yayu yayu (vb. , red., + u), m.
     1. A horse.
     2. A horse fit for sacrifice.

yarhi yarhi, probably yatra-hi, adv. When.

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yava yava, m.
     1. Barley, Hordeum hexastichon, Pañc. 224, 4.
     2. The measure of a barleycorn, equal to six mustard seeds.
     3. A natural line across the thumb, supposed to indicate good fortune.
     4. Velocity (vb. ).
-- Comp. kāka-, m. barren corn, Pañc. ii. d. 93. tri-, adj. weighing three barleycorns, Man. 8, 134.
-- Cf. [greek]

yavaka yava + ka, m. Barley.

yavakya yavakya, i. e. yavaka + ya, adj. Fit for producing barley.

yavaja yava-ja, m. Saltpetre.

yavana yavana,
I. adj. Swift (vb. ).
II. m.
     1. The name of a country.
     2. The name of a people (originally Greek, Ionian), Man. 10, 44.
     3. (vb. ), Velocity.
     4. A swift horse.
III. f. , A Yavana woman, Vikr. 77, 5.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. the name of a prince of the Yavanas, Hariv. 1961.

yavanikā yavanikā, i. e. yavana + ka, f. A curtain, Bhartṛ. 3, 51.

yavaneṣṭa yavaneṣṭa, i. e. yavana-iṣṭa (vb. iṣ), n. Lead.

yavamaya yava + maya, adj., f. , Made of or from barley.

yavasa yava + sa, m. Pasture grass, Pañc. 182, 13.

yavāgū yavāgū (from yava, and gu for go), f. Rice-gruel, Man. 11, 106; 6, 20.

yavāna yavāna (vb. ), adj. Swift.

yaviṣṭha yaviṣṭha, yavīyaṃs yavīyaṃs, see yuvan.

yavya yavya, i. e. yava + ya,
I. adj. Fit for producing barley.
II. m. A month.

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yaśas yaśas (for original daśas = Lat. decus, from a lost vb. daś, see below),
I. n.
     1. Glory, Vikr. 11, 17; fame, Pañc. iii. d. 116 (pl.).
     2. Splendour.
     3. Praise.
II. adj. Renowned, resplendent, Chr. 294, 8 = Rigv. i. 92, 8; superl. yaśastama, Lass. 101, 9 = Rigv. vii. 16, 4.
-- Comp. a-, n. disgrace, Pañc. ii. d. 116. ati-, adj. much renowned; archaic acc. (cf. srotas and ved. forms) -yaśām, for yaśasam, Nal. 8, 4 (Böhtl., Bopp. v.r.). apa-, n. disgrace, Bhartṛ. 2, 45. pṛthu-,
I. adj. widely renowned, MBh. 7, 2783.
II. a proper name. mahā-, adj. illustrious, Rām. 3, 55, 38. su-, adj. renowned.
-- Cf. Lat. decere, docere; [greek] probably A.S. ta, tah; O.H.G. zoha.

yaśaskara yaśas-kara,
I. adj., f. , Rendering famous, Hit. iii. d. 122.
II. m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 472.

yaśasya yaśas + ya, adj. Bringing reputation, Man. 3, 106.
-- Comp. a-, adj. bringing disgrace, Rām. 5, 91, 12.

yaśasvant yaśas + vant, adj., f. vāti, and yuaśasvin yaśas + vin, adj., f. vinī, Famous, Chr. 21, 6 (vin); Lass. 31, 13 (vin).

yaṣṭi yaṣṭi,
I. m. and f. (and yaṣṭī yaṣṭī, f.),
     1. A staff, a stick, Pañc. 105, 19; 261, 12; Śiś. 9, 39; a perch, Vikr. d. 43; a stem, d. 44; support, Sāv. 5, 89.
     2. A palisade, Man. 9, 285.
     3. A club, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 4.
     4. A string, Vikr. d. 51.
     5. A necklace.
     6. Any creeping plant, Utt. Rāmac. 81, 5.
     7. Liquorice.
     8. A shrub, Siponanthus indica.
II. m.
     1. A flagstaff.
     2. The arm and forearm.
-- Comp. ketu-, m. a flag-staff. Ragh. 12, 103. gātra-, m. a delicate body; when latter part of comp. adj., the fem. ends in t, Ṛt. 6, 24. tulā-, the beam of a balance, Pañc. i. d. 166. dhvaja-, f. a flag-staff, Rām. 5, 12, 38. bhāra-, f. a yoke or pole for carrying burthens. vāsa-, f. a column for a bird to perch on, Megh. 77. hāra-, f. a necklace, Ṛt. 1, 8.

yaṣṭika yaṣṭi + ka,
I. m. A bird, the lapwing.
II. f. .
     1. A staff, a club.
     2. A necklace.
     3. A pond.
     4. Liquorice.

yaṣṭukāma yaṣṭukāma, i. e. yaṣṭum (infin. of yaj), -kāma, adj. Desiring to sacrifice, Rām. 1, 57, 10.

yaṣṭṛ yaṣṭṛ, i. e. yaj + tṛ, m. A sacrificer.

yas yas (akin to yam, for yaṃs), i. 4, and † 1, Par. To make strenuous and persevering exertion, to endeavour.
-- With the prep. ā ā,
     1. To endeavour, Rām. 2, 14, 62.
     2. To be afflicted, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 69. āyasta,
     1. Pained, distressed, Rām. 2, 20, 8.
     2. Vexed, angry.
     3. Managed with difficulty.
     4. Hurt.
     5. Thrown.
     6. Sharpened.
     7. Strained, Pañc. v. d. 28. Caus. To torment, Mālav. 32, 7 (Prākṛ.). Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. an-āyāsita, Not practised, Pañc. i. d. 429 (rather an-āyāsa + ita).
-- With pra pra, To endeavour, Naiṣ. 1, 125. prayasta. Seasoned, dressed with condiments.

(akin to i), ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 1, 33. 6).
     1. To go, Rām. 2. 72, 27; imperat. yātu, Let it go, enough, Hit. 77, 9, M.M.; no matter, Hit. 128, 2.
     2. To go to (with acc.), MBh. 3, 2828; (with dat.), Hit. i. d. 153; (with two acc.), Rām. 3, 55, 48 (sarvāṇi śaranaṃ yāmi, All those
I approach, or
I implore, for help).
     3. To undergo, to obtain, to get, especially with abstract nouns; e. g. kṣayam, To perish, MBh. 3, 8840; reṇu-padavīm, To become dust, Vikr. d. 4; saṃparkam, To be united, Vikr. d. 13; prasādam, To become propitious, inclined to somebody, Pañc. 67, 8; dveṣyatām, To grow odious, Pañc. i. d. 317; vilayam, To be dissolved, Pañc. i. d. 425.
     4. To pass away, Pañc. iii. d. 97; Bhaṭṭ. 7, 89. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. yāta.
     1. Gone, Vikr. d. 72; went.
     2. Escaped, Hit. ii. d. 144.
     3. Obtained, got. n. Driving an elephant with a goad. Desider yiyāsa, To desire to go, MBh. 3, 47. Caus. yāpaya,
     1. To remove, Ragh. 9, 27.
     2. To pass away (time), Pañc. 183, 24.
     3. To induce, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 4 (with dat. in the sense of an infin. 'Induced to abandon').
-- With the prep. ati ati, To pass, Rām. 2, 49, a.
-- With samati sam-ati, To pass away, Rām. 1, 19, 1.
-- With adhi adhi, To escape, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 90.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To follow, Man. 8, 17.
     2. To cut in succession, MBh. 4, 1727. anuyāta,
     1. Followed, accompanied, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 15.
     2. Practised.
-- With samanu To follow, MBh. 2, 1608.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To go away, Hit. iv. d. 81; MBh. 3, 15214; Chr. 57, 31 (
I propose to read purān, i. e. purāt).
     2. To run away, Draup. 8, 35. apayāta, Fallen from, Chr. 35, 3.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To go away, MBh. 3, 789.
     2. To desist from (abl.), Chr. 42, 13.
     3. To pass away, Rām. 2, 49, 2.
-- With abhi abhi, To go near (acc.), Rām. 1, 25, 10. abhiyāta, Approaching, Indr. 2, 8.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To go near at the same time, MBh. 1, 1338.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To approach, Vikr. d. 121, Pañc. i. d. 213.
     2. To come, Pañc. iii. d. 97; Rājat. 5, 31.
     3. With and without punar, To return, Rām. 1, 1, 75; Chr. 5, 23.
     4. To attain, Lass. 21, 2.
     5. To undergo, to obtain, Rājat. 5, 376; with kṣayam, To be ruined, Pañc. v. d. 52; with saṃkocam, To be diminished, Pañc. i. d. 105; with hetutām, To become the cause, Hit. i. d. 29, M.M.; with toṣam, To be satisfied, Hit. ii. d. 149. āyāta, Come. n. Excess, Kir. 5, 23. Comp. krama-, adj. descended from a succession, i. e. a long line of princes, Pañc. i. d. 83.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā, To approach, MBh. 3, 246.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To approach, MBh. 3, 738.
     2. To undergo, to obtain, Rājat. 5, 126. upāyāta, n. Arrival, Draup. 4, 24.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, To approach, MBh. 4, 280.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To go towards, MBh. 4, 1698.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To meet with, Pañc. 46, 6; 245, 2 (dvau panthānau samāyātau, They came to two roads).
     2. To approach, Pañc. 23, 10; Chr. 34, 6.
     3. To obtain, Pañc. i. d. 104.
     4. To come, Hit. pr. 83, 2; to arrive, Hit. 29, 6, M.M.
-- With ud ud, To rise, Gīt. 4, 19.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, To go to meet (a guest), Rām. 1, 20, 8. pratyudyāta, Saluted, welcomed, Megh. 23.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To go to (acc.), Rām. 2, 50, 15.
     2. To approach, Pañc. i. d. 44; Ragh. 9, 24 (Calc.).
     3. To undergo, to obtain, Man. 12, 69; with prītim, To grow agreeable, Pañc. i. d. 317.
     4. To befall, Pañc. iii. d. 244.
-- With opa ā-upa, To come near to (acc.), Lass. 102, 11 = Rigv. vii. 14, 3.
-- With upopa upa-upa, To approach gradually, MBh. 3, 12358.
-- With pratyupa prati-upa, To return, MBh. 1, 8393.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To go, MBh. 3, 1912.
-- With praṇi pra-ni, To proceed, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 100.
-- With nis nis, To go out, or out of (abl.), Rām. 2, 76, 19.
-- With abhinis abhi-nis, To go out, to depart, Rājat. 5, 218.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To go round, to circumambulate (as a token of respect), MBh. 1, 7205.
     2. To proteet, Chr. 297, 13 (corr. yāthaḥ) = Rigv. i. 112, 13.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To go forth, Hit. 84, 7 (kaḥ pra yāṭa, Who shall go forth?); to proceed, MBh. 3, 2848.
     2. To proceed to (acc.), MBh. 3, 240.
     3. To rise to (acc.) Bhartṛ. 2, 91.
     4. To attain, Pañc. i. d. 186; to obtain, Pañc. iii. d. 262; with asādhyatām (i. e. a-sādh + ya + tā), To become unconquerable, Pañc. i. d. 245; with parābhavam, To be spoiled, Pañc. i. d. 424.
     5. To proceed from, Rājat. 5, 3745
     6. To depart, Hit. i. d. 189, M.M.; Daśak. iii. Chr. 187, 15.
     7. To pass away, Kathās. 4, 23. Comp. ptcple. pres. a-prayānt, adj. Not able to move away, Chr. 31, 16. prayāta,
     1. Gone away.
     2. Gone.
     3. Deceased. m.
     1. A lazy fellow.
     2. A name of Bhṛgu. Desider. To desire to proceed, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 25. Caus. prayāpita, Driven away.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To assail, MBh. 4, 1381.
-- With pratipra prati-pra, To return, MBh. 3, 10287.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To proceed together, MBh. 1, 4645.
     2. To depart to (acc.), MBh. 3, 15082.
-- With prati prati, To return, Rām. 1, 66, 6.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To pervade (the heavens), and come, Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. i. 48, 7.
     2. To pierce, to destroy, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 86, 10. viyāta, Ill-behaved, impudent.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To enter, MBh. 3, 6013.
     2. To come, Lass. 34, 4.
-- With anusam anu-sam,
     1. To visit in succession, or one by one, MBh. 3, 10094.
     2. To follow, Rām. 2, 79, 13.
-- Cf. perhaps some forms of i; e. g. [greek] Lat. Janus, janua.

yāga yāga, i. e. yaj + a, m. A sacrifice, Bhāṣāp. 160.

yāc yāc (akin to ), i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To ask, Vikr. d. 41; to solicit, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 1. With the acc. of the object and of the person, Man. 3, 258; also with the abl. of the person, MBh. 1, 6197.
     2. To offer, to tender. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. yācita.
     1. Importuned, Yājñ. 2, 238.
     2. Requisite, necessary, Pañc. 182, 13. Comp. a-, adj. unasked, Man. 4, 5. ati-, adj. asked too often, too much assailed with begging, Hit. ii. d. 164. Caus. yācaya, To cause to be asked, Pañc. 25, 15; to be invited, Vikr. 37, 8.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To ask, to beg; with two acc., MBh. 3, 10586.
-- With upa upa, upayācita,
     1. Requested.
     2. Offered to the deities to render them propitious. n. A vow, Pañc. ii. d. 50; a demand, Kathās. 13, 166.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To beg, to solicit, Chr. 26, 65; with two acc., MBh. 3, 9950.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, The same, 3, 8696.
-- With sam sam, The same, 3, 8837.
-- Cf. [greek] and perhaps [greek]

yācaka yāc + aka, adj. Asking, a beggar, Pañc. ii. d. 110.

yācanaka yāc + ana + ka, adj. Begging importunately, Man. 3, 165.

yācanā yāc + anā, Caus., f. Asking, soliciting, Ragh. 11, 78 (Calc. 77, where the Sch. takes it as n.).

yācitaka yācita + ka (vb. yāc), n. A borrowed thing.

yāciṣṇutā yāc + iṣṇu + tā, f. Habit of soliciting favours, Man. 12, 33.

yācñā yācñā, i. e. yāc + na, f. Begging, Hit. i. d. 97, M.M.

yāja yāja, i. e. yaj + a, m. Food.

yājaka yājaka, i. e. yaj + aka, m.
     1. A sacrificer, Man. 3, 164.
     2. A royal elephant.
     3. A furious elephant.
-- Comp. grāma-, m. one who sacrifices for a village, MBh. 3, 13355. nakṣatra-grāma-, adj. one who offers sacrifices to the asterims, MBh. 12, 2874.

yājana yājana, i. e. yaj, Caus., + ana, n. Conducting a sacrifice, sacrificing, Man. 3, 65.

yāji yāji, i. e. yaj + i, m. An institutor of sacrifices, Man. 4, 33; 3, 148; anomal. du. yājyau.

yājin yājin, i. e. yaj + in, adj.
     1. Sacrificing.
     2. Worshipping, Bhag. 9, 34.
-- Comp. ātma(n)-, adj. sacrificing one's self, Man. 12, 91. grāma-, m. a common sacrificer, Man. 4, 205. soma-, m. a sacrificer who drinks the Soma juice. havis-, m. a priest.

yājñavalkya yājñavalkya, m. The name of a saint, Utt. Rāmac. 98, 4.

yājñasenī yājñasenī, i. e. yajñāsena + a + ī. f. A name of Draupadī.

yājñika yājñika, i. e. yajña + ika, m.
     1. The institutor of a sacrifice.
     2. Kuśa grass.

yājñikya yājñikya, i. e. yājñika + ya, n. A sacrifice.

yātanā yātanā, i. e. yat, Caus., + ana, f.
     1. Pain, torment, Man. 6, 61; Bhāg. P. 7, 1, 41.
     2. Punishment.
     3. Requital, Pañc. 188, 3.

yātu yā + tu,
I. m.
     1. A traveller.
     2. Time.
II. n. A Rākṣasa, or demon.

yātṛ yātṛ,
I. i. e. yā + tṛ, m. A driver, Man. 8, 290.
II. Perhaps yam + tṛ, f. A husband's brother's wife.

yātrā yā + trā, f.
     1. Going, travelling.
     2. The march of an assailing force, an expedition, Man. 7, 160; 207; Pañc. iii. d. 35.
     3. Going on pilgrimage.
     4. The procession of idols, Hit. i. d. 113, M.M.
     5. A sort of dramatic entertainment.
     6. Passing away time.
     7. Practice, usage, conduct, Man. 9, 25; intercourse, Man. 11, 184.
     8. An expedient, support of life, Man. 4, 3.
-- Comp. tīrtha-, f. pilgrimage to holy places, Pañc. 117, 10. deva-, f. 1. the procession of idols, Mālav. 69, 13. 2. a sacred festival. deha-, f. 1. death. 2. support of life, Bhāg. P. 4, 23, 20. prāṇa-, f. support of life, Pañc. 52, 6. loka-, f. 1. the way of the world, Mālav. 68, 17. 2. worldly affairs, domestic affairs, Man. 9, 27. 3. traffic, intercourse, Hit. i. d. 104, M.M. 4. the life of the world, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 20.

yātrika yātrika, i. e. yātrā + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to a march or an enterprise, Man. 7, 184.
     2. Necessary for supporting life, Man. 6, 27.
     3. Usual.
II. m.
     1. A traveller.
     2. A pilgrim.
III. n. Provision for a march.
-- Comp. siddha-, m. a pilgrim who seeks for the territory of the Siddhas, Pañc. 240, 16; cf. 242, 5.

yāthātathya yāthātathya, i. e. yathā-tatham (see tathā), + ya, n. Truth, Hit. iv. d. 102 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2676).

yāthātmya yāthātmya, i. e. yathā-ātman + ya, n. Character, Ragh. 10, 25.

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yādava yādava, i. e. yadu + a,
I. m.
     1. A Yādava, or descendant of Yadu.
     2. Kṛṣṇa.
II. f. , Durgā.
III. n. A stock of cattle.
-- Comp. niry°, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , free from Yādavas, Hariv. 4558.

yādas yādas, n. Any aquatic animal. Kir. 5, 29.

yādṛś yādṛś, and yādṛś yādṛśa, i. e. yad-driś and -dṛś + a, adj.
     1. Which like, (qualis), Pañc. ii. d. 190.
     2. Which, what, Bhag. 13, 3 (dṛś); Man. 1, 42; Pañc. i. d. 236; Hit. i. d. 205, M.M.
     3. With following tādṛśa, Whoever, whatever, Pañc. i. d. 435.

yāna yāna, i. e. yā + ana, n.
     1. Going, Man. 4, 72; moving, Pañc. iii. d. 248.
     2. Marching, generally comprising as well: Retreating before an enemy (Pañc. iii. d. 34; cf. 35, and p. 153, 6, 7), as: Attacking an enemy (Pañc. iii. d. 35; Man. 7, 160).
     3. Any vehicle or form of conveyance, a carriage, Man. 2, 202.
-- Comp. ākāśa-, n. moving through the sky, Vikr. 22, 9. uṣṭra-, n. a vehicle drawn by camels, Man. 11, 201. khara-, n. a vehicle drawn by asses, ib. go-, n. a carriage drawn by oxen, Man. 11, 174. jala-, n. a boat, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 17. deva-,
I. adj., f. , leading to the gods, MBh. 3, 11000.
II. n. 1. the road leading to the gods, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 55. 2. the vehicle of a god.
III. f. , the daughter of Śukra, MBh. 1, 3159. nara-, n. 1. a carriage drawn by men, MBh. 12, 1383. 2. -yāṇa (with ), riding on a man, Pañc. iii. d. 248. nārī-, n. a carriage for women, Man. 3, 52. nau-, n. navigation, Rājat. 1, 201. pitṛ-, m. the way of the Manes, leading to the Manes, MBh. 12, 525, pṛṣṭha-, n. 1. going on horseback, riding, Suśr. 1, 258, 5. 2. a horse, Kām. Nītis. 7, 36 (at the end of a comp. adj.). śata-sahasra-, n. a hundred thousand roads, Pañc. ii. d. 135. siṃha-, f. , Durgā.

yāpana yāpana, i. e. , Caus., + ana, n., f. (Kām. Nītis. 9, 1).
     1. Spending time.
     2. Staying.
     3. Rejection.
     4. Alleviating.
-- Comp. kāla-, n. procrastination, Hit. ii. d. 58.

yāma yāma,
I. i. e. yā + ma, m. Going, march, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 87, 3; Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4 (approaching, rising).
II. i. e. yama + a, adj., f. .
     1. Relating to Yama.
     2. Inflicted by Yama, Man. 12, 17.
III. i. e. yam + a, m.
     1. Forbearance.
     2. Cessation.
     3. A watch of three hours, Man. 7, 145.
-- Comp. a-vinoda-dīrgha-, adj., f. , endowed with long watches (i. e. seeming long) on account of offering no interesting pursuit, Vikr. d. 45. tri-,
I. adj., f. , consisting of three watches, epithet of night, Rām. 2, 10, 7 Gorr.
II. f. , night, Vikr. d. 63. yāta-, adj. (originally, flat, from having stood a night).
     1. old, spoiled, Bhag. 17, 10. 2. used. 3. rejected.

yāman yā + man, n. Going, Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 1 (ved. loc. without termination).

yāmana yāmana, Hiḍ. 1, 38, is a false reading (see MBh. 1, 5912).

yāmala yāmala, i. e. yamala + a, n. A pair.

yāmātṛ yāmātṛ, i. e. yam + ātṛ (cf. jāmātṛ), and yāmātṛka yāmātṛ + ka (Lass. 24, 18). m. A daughter's husband.
-- Cf. Lat. janitrix; [greek] and O.H.G. eidum, A.S. adhum, derived from the same verb.

yāmi and yāmī yāmī,
I. i. e. yam + ī, f.
     1. A sister.
     2. A daughterin-law, Man. 4, 180 (); 183 (mi).
II. i. e. yāma + ī, Night.

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yāmika yāmika, i. e. yāma + ika,
I. adj. One who announces the watches, Kathās. 3, 63.
II. f. , Night.

yāminī yāminī, i. e. yāma + in + ī, f. Night, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 8; Kir. 5, 44.

yāmī yāmī, see yāmi.

yāmeya yāmeya, i. e. yāmi + eya, m. A sister's son.

yāmya yāmya, i. e. yama + ya,
I. adj., f. , Relating to Yama, Rām. 3, 54, 10 (with diś, The south); propounded by Yama, Man. 8, 173.
II. m.
     1. Agastya.
     2. Sandal.
III. f. .
     1. The south.
     2. i. e. yāma + ya, f. Night.

yāyajūka yāyaj + ūka (frequent. of yaj), m. A performer of frequent sacrifices.

yāyin -yāyin, i. e. yā + in, adj.
     1. Going in; e. g. nau-, adj. sbst. Who or what goes in a boat, Man. 8, 409.
     2. Leading to, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 10 (citrakūta-, to the mount of Citrakūta).
     3. satata-, adj. Taking place continually, Man. 1, 50. samudra-, adj. m. A navigator of the ocean, 3, 158.

yāva yāva,
I. yava + a, adj. Relating to barley.
II. m. Lac, the red animal dye.

yāvaka yāva + ka, m.
     1. Half ripe barley.
     2. Barley-gruel. Man. 11, 125.
     3. Lac.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. vikā, painted with lac, Kir. 5, 40.

yāvajjīvam yavajjīvam, i. e. yāvant-jīva + m, adv. All one's life, Pañc. pr. d. 4.

yāvatitha yāvatitha (an old superl. of yāvant), adj.
     1. That which is as far as.
     2. In how many soever degrees advanced, Man. 1, 20.

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yāvadāyus yāvadāyus, i. e. yāvant-āyus, adv. All one's life, Vikr. 87, 3.

yāvana yāvana, i. e. yavana + a,
I. adj. Relating to the Yavanas.
II. n. Incense.

yāvant yāvant, i. e. yad + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, As much, as many, Hit. iv. d. 69; how much, Rājat. 5, 110; how many, Bhāg. P, 4, 25, 12.
II. vat, acc. sing. n. adv.
     1. As much as, as far as, Johns. Sel. 33, 66.
     2. As many as.
     3. As long as, Pañc. iii. d. 94; with preceding acc. of a word signifying a division of time, During; e. g. sakalāṃ rātriṃ yāvat, During the whole night, Pañc. 117, 8; varṣam, During a year, Pañc. ii. d. 66; with following na, Before, Vikr. 61, 10; Pañc. 61, 3.
     4. Meanwhile, Śāk. 18, 22; Vikr. 3, 12.
     5. As far as, unto, until, Rām. 3, 49, 13; with preceding acc., Hit. 111, 18; Pañc. 87, 20; cf. i. d. 132; even, 31, 17.
     6. When. Hit. 85, 9 (with following tāvat, Then), Pañc. 48, 24; if, Pañc. 62, 1.
     7. In order that, Vikr. d. 13; that, Chr. 18, 34.
     8. With a verb it often expresses one's will; e. g. yāvat pratipālayāmi, I will wait, Vikr. 38, 5.
     9. Often former part of comp. adverbs; e. g. yāvajjīvam, q. cf.

yāvasa yāvasa, i. e. yavasa + a, m. (n., Hit. iii. d. 53).
     1. A heap of grass.
     2. Provision, Hit. iii. d. 53.

yāṣṭīka yāṣṭīka, i. e. yaṣṭī + ka, m. A warrior armed with a club.

yiyakṣu yiyakṣu, i. e. yiyakṣa, desider. of yaj, + u, adj. Desirous of sacrificing, Ragh. 13, 3.

yiyāsu yiyāsu, i. e. yiyāsa, desider. of yā, + u, adj. Wishing to go, Kir. 14, 32.

yu 1. yu, ii. 2, Par., and ii. 9, yunā, yuni, Par. Ātm.
     1. To bind.
     2. To join, to mix.
     3. To separate (? cf. 2. yu). Ptcple of the pf. pass. yuta,
     1. Joined, connected, Rām. 3, 52, 26.
     2. United, Lass. 39, 19.
     3. Attached to.
     4. Endowed, full of, Nal. 12, 2; Chr. 13, 9; Hit. i. d. 152, M.M. (seized). Comp. a-, m. and n. a myriad, Man. 12, 113. go-, 1. adj., f. , full of cattle, Rām. 2, 49, 10. n. a cow-pen, MBh. 14, 1934.
-- With the prep. vyati vi-ati, To mix, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 6.- With ā ā, āyuta, Endowed, Nal. 12, 39.
-- With pra pra, prayuta, Joined. n. A million.
-- With sam sam, saṃyuta,
     1. Joined, mixed.
     2. Heaped, Śāk. 69, 15.
     3. Endowed, Sāv. 5, 33; Pañc. iii. d. 48.
     4. Implying, Man. 2, 32. Comp. su-, adj. well accompanied by, Lass. 50, 6.
-- Cf. Lat. juvare, jus (= ved. yos), jubere (Caus.); [greek] (probably for [greek]), [greek]

yu 2. yu, ii. 3, Par. To keep back. Caus., and i. 10, Ātm. † To despise.
-- With the prep. apa apa, ii. 3, To remove, Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.

yuktatva yukta + tva (vb. yuj), n. Fitness, suitableness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 3.

yukti yukti, i. e. yuj + ti. f.
     1. Union, connection.
     2. Propriety, Pañc. iii. d. 163.
     3. Suitable manner, Rājat. 5, 90.
     4. Use, Pañc. 183, 22; Rājat. 5, 165.
     5. Usage, traditionary law.
     6. Inference. argument, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 16; Hit. i. d. 96, M.M.
     7. Probability, Yājñ. 2, 212.
     8. Insertion of circumstances in written evidence, specification of place, time, etc.
     9. Supplying an ellipsis.
-- Comp. sva-, adj. self-harnessed, Chr. 289, 9 = Rigv. i. 50, 9.

yuktitas yukti + tas, adv. According to justice, Chr. 15, 8.

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yuga yuga, i. e. yuj + a,
I. m. (in epic poetry also n., Chr. 34, 14), A yoke.
II. n.
     1. A pair, a couple, Śiś. 9, 72; Nal. 14, 25.
     2. Age (ved.), Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.
     3. A lustre of five years.
     4. An age, a period, Man. 1, 71, sqq.; one of the four Indian periods, called satya (or kṛta), treta, Dvāpara, and kali, Man. 1, 69.
-- Comp. ambara-, n. upper and lower garments. kṛta-, n. = satya-yuga, Man. 1, 85. go-, a pair of oxen or beasts in general, Pañc. iii. d. 198; 182, 12. catur-,
I. n. the aggregate of the four yugas, Man. 1, 71.
II. adj. containing the four yugas, Ragh. 10, 23. tri-, adj. appearing in three yugas, epithet of Kṛṣṇa, Bhāg. P. 3, 24, 26. deva- and dharma-, n. the first age. MBh. 2, 421; Hariv. 761. pañca(n)-, n. the cycle of five years, MBh. 2, 455. mahā-, n. the aggregate of the four ages.
-- Cf. Lat. jugum; Goth. juk; A.S. ioc, iuc, geóc;

yugaṃdhara yugaṃdhara, i. e. yuga + m-dhṛ + a, m.
     1. The pole of a carriage.
     2. The name of a mountain.

yugapad yuga-pad, adv.
     1. At one time, Śiś. 9, 41.
     2. Together, Man. 1, 54.
-- Cf. perhaps A.S. geoc, rash, praeceps.

yugala yuga + la, n. A pair, Pañc. 184, 16.
-- Comp. kaṇṭha-niveśita-hasta- (vb. viś), adj., f. , with (both her) hands put to (her) neck, i. e. with her head leaning on her hands, Pañc. 226, 19. vastra-, n. two garments, Pañc. 29, 16.

yugāṃśaka yugāṃśaka, i. e. guga-aṃśa + ka, m. A year.

yugma yugma, i. e. yuj + ma,
I. adj., f. , Even, Man. 3, 48.
II. n.
     1. A pair, a couple, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 4 (-cārin, du. Two going together).
     2. Mixing.
     3. Man. 8, 293, read yugyam.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , odd, Man. 3, 48. vastra-, n. two garments.

yugmaka yugma + ka, m. A couple, a pair, Lass. 16, 20.

yugya yugya, i. e. yuj + ya, ptcple. of the fut. pass. of yuj,
I. Fit to be yoked.
II. m. A beast of burthen, Ragh. 5, 49.
III. n. A carriage, Man. 8, 294.

yuṅgyuṅg, i. 1, Par. To abandon.

yuch yuch (akin to 2. yu), i. 1, Par. To be inattentive or negligent.

yuj 1. yuj (akin to 1. yu), ii. 7, yunaj, yuñj, Par. Ātm. i. 1, Par.
     1. To join, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7 (ved. ayugdhvam, ii. 2); MBh. 3, 2489.
     2. To connect, Draup. 4, 24.
     3. To endow, Rām. 1, 9, 68.
     4. To put to, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4; MBh. 1, 192.
     5. To direct, to throw, Chr. 41, 2 (anomal. ayuñjam).
     6. To fix one's mind in order to obtain union with the universal spirit, Rhāṣāp. 64.
     7. To meditate, Bhāg. 6, 12.
     8. To appoint, MBh. 2, 1290.
     9. To employ, Man. 6, 12. Ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. yuñjāna, Suitable, MBh. 3, 15633. m.
     1. One who endeavours to obtain union with the universal soul, or one who is engaged in the religious exercise called yoga, Bhāṣāp. 64.
     2. A charioteer. Pass., and i. 4, Ātm. (in epic poetry also with the terminations of the Par.).
     1. To be fit, becoming, Hit. iv. d. 11; Pañc. 61, 4; i. d. 283 (Par.).
     2. To be placed, Hit. iv. d. 76 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3265).
     3. To attach one's self to, Hit. iv. d. 65.
     4. To make one's self ready, Bhag. 2, 38.
     5. To unite one's self with, to attain, Man. 2, 78.
     6. To be obliged, Man. 7, 144.
     7. To meditate, Bhag. 2, 50. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. yukta.
     1. Joined.
     2. Fit, Pañc. 69, 10.
     3. Proved.
     4. Endowed with, Hit. iv. d. 33 (kālena na, Not endowed with, not seizing the right time; cf. Hit. iv. d. 47: a-lāla-sainya-yukta, Not possessed of an army at the right time).
     5. Employed.
     6. Occupied, Man. 3, 75.
     7. Intent on, 8, 142.
     8. Occupied in the performance of the Yoga.
     9. A student, Man. 2, 223.
     10. °tam, adv. Well, Vikr. 12, 6.
     11. Comparat. yuktatara, One who is to the utmost on his guard, Man. 7, 186. m. The sage who has acquired union with the universal soul, Bhāṣāp. 64. f. , A plant, commonly Eláni. n. A measure of four cubits. Comp. a-, adj. 1. regligent, Rām. 3, 37, 7. 2. not used to, ib. 3, 37, 23. 3. unsuitable, Pañc. 170, 8. kṣema-yukta + m, adv. in a prosperous way, Rām. 1, 13, 10. tapas-, adj. devout, Chr. 9, 41. vidhāna-, adj. conformable to the sacred precepts, Chr. 51, 19. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. yogya.
     1. Fit, Hit. ii. d. 73.
     2. Suitable, Hit. i. d. 62, M.M.
     3. Able, Rājat. 5, 249.
     4. Clever. See s. v. Comp. artha-, adj. profitable, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 6. Caus., and i. 10, Par.
     1. To join, Hit. i. d. 53, M.M.; Rājat. 5, 104; to fix (a snare), Hit. 46, 9, M.M.
     2. To achieve, Rājat. 5, 403.
     3. To treat, Pañc. iv. d. 74.
     4. To bring on, to instigate, Pañc. iv. d. 18.
     5. To entangle, Pañc. ii. d. 125 (Ātm.).
     6. To mix, Man. 7, 218.
     7. To oblige, Chr. 18, 34.
     8. To put to, Rām. 2, 82, 31.
     9. To place, Hit. iii. d. 80.
     10. To appoint, Rājat. 5, 129.
     11. To throw, Chr. 33, 2.
     12. To endow, Man. 1, 26; Vikr. d. 60.
     13. To present with, to give, MBh. 1, 6477.
     14. To return, Daśak. 185, 12.
     15. Pass. To belong, MBh. 3, 12313. i. 10, Ātm. † To despise.
-- With the prep. śranu anu, ii. 7, Ātm.
     1. To examine, Man. 8, 31.
     2. To order, MBh. 4, 105.
     3. To choose a husband, MBh. 3, 15633.
-- With abhi abhi, Ātm.
     1. To prepare for, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 2.
     2. To draw near, to attack, 200, 23. Pass.
     1. To be accused, Man. 8, 183; to be asked (in lawsuit), Vikr. d. 96.
     2. To be rebuked, Man. 8, 50. abhiyukta,
     1. Diligent, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 4; ever striving, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 8.
     2. Absorbed in meditation, Pañc. i. d. 345.
     3. Attacked, assailed, Hit. iv. d. 24.
     4. Hurt, Rām. 2, 10, 27.
     5. Accused, prosecuted. Caus. To appoint, Pañc. 163. 15.
-- With ā ā, Ātm. To put, MBh. 1, 7948. āyukta, m. Commissioned, an agent, a deputy, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 115.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, samupāyukta, Surrounded, MBh. 3, 10099.
-- With samā sam-ā, samāyukta,
     1. Connected, Man. 12, 28; united, Nal. 25, 8.
     2. Surrounded, MBh. 3, 3017.
     3. Gifted, endowed, Pañc. iii. d. 117; Hit. i. d. 174, M.M. Caus. To join, MBh. 1, 7200 (to string).
-- With ud ud, udyukta,
     1. Excited, Rām. 1, 1, 45.
     2. Zealously active, Hit. iii. d. 112; Rājat. 5, 331.
     3. Extended, Lass. 67, 1. Caus. To excite, to make ready, MBh. 5, 70.
-- With samud sam-ud, Caus. To order to act, Mālav. 9, 16.
-- With upa upa, Ātm.
     1. To meddle, MBh. 5, 992.
     2. To employ for one's self, Man. 8, 40.
     3. To enjoy, Megh. 13.
     2. To consume, MBh. 3, 57.
     4. To attach one's self to, MBh. 3. 15633. Pass.
     1. To be suitable, Pañc. 155, 8; to be of use, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1915; to be necessary, Pañc. i. d. 372; an-upayujyamāna, Unable to be employed, quite weak, Utt. Rāmac. 95, 1.
     2. To employ for one's self, MBh. 3, 12739.
     3. To be worth being regarded, Pañc. i. d. 37. upayukta,
     1. Suitable, Hit. 98, 14 (kim upayukto 'yam etad vartanaṃ gṛhṇāty athānupayukto vā, Whether he deserves so large a pay or not; literally, whether he receives so large a pay as a suitable person, or as an unsuitable).
     2. Touched by.
     3. Taken.
     4. Eaten. Comp. au-, adj. unworthy, Śāk. 97, 3.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To consume, MBh. 3, 1538.
-- With ni ni, Ātm.
     1. To place; to put to (as horses), Vikr. d. 155; to place at the head, Hit. iii. d. 128; to engage, Johns. Sel. 37, 19; to appoint, Man. 1, 28; Pañc. i. d. 82.
     2. To constrain, Chr. 10, 3; to cocrce, Rām. 1, 1, 92; to harass, Man. 8, 186.
     3. To order, Rām. 1. 54, 16.
     4. To commit, Man. 9, 64. niyukta,
     1. Connected, Hit. i. d. 158, M.M.
     2. fastened, Rām. 1, 13, 31.
     3. Placed, Hit. 81, 13.
     4. Ascertained.
     5. Engaged in.
     6. Commanded, Rām. 1, 14, 34.
     7. Appointed, Hit. 58, 17.
     8. Authorised, Man. 9, 58.
     9. Offered, Man. 5, 16. m. A functionary, Hit. ii. d. 105. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. niyojya.
     1. To be placed, Pañc. i. d. 82.
     2. To be ordered, MBh. 12, 12358. m. A servant, Śāk. d. 163. Comp. a-niyogya, and a-niyojya, adj. not suitable to be commanded, Rām. 2, 66, 7; MBh. 1, 3267. Caus.
     1. To order to be put. Hit. 46, 13.
     2. To fasten, Pañc. 135, 4; to bring (saṃdehe, in danger), Pañc. 8, 21; to accustom, 21, 6.
     3. To endow, Pañc. 4, 25.
     4. To employ, Man. 9, 324; Pañc. i. d. 413; pass. To employ one's self, Pañc. v. d. 68.
     5. To appoint, to charge, Rām. 1, 38, 10.
     6. To direct, Man. 9, 68; to order, to refer (to an ordeal), Pañc. 97, 1.
     7. To coerce, Bhag. 3, 36.
     8. To offer Pañc. 70, 3.
     9. To present with, Pañc. 4, 25.
     10. To perform, Man. 3, 204; to make, Pañc. 24, 5.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To appoint, to charge, MBh. 1, 4152.
     2. To use, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 10; Lass. 95, 9. viniyukta,
     1. Separated, detached, loosed, Johns. Sel. 31, 46.
     2. Parted with.
     3. Appointed.
     4. Applied to. Caus.
     1. To appoint, Hit. iii. d. 54.
     2. To intrust, Man. 7, 226.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To appoint, MBh. 1, 2500. saṃniyukta,
     1. Appointed.
     2. Attached to. Caus.
     1. To appoint, MBh. 1, 6912.
     2. To allot, Pañc. ii. d. 78.
-- With vinis vi-n s, To throw, Rām. 2, 23, 37.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To put to, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.
     2. To put at the head, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 51.
     3. To join, Rām. 1, 17, 11.
     4. To employ, Man. 2, 159; Pañc. i. d. 39.
     5. To direct, Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4.
     6. To conduct, Mālav. 45, 9.
     7. To throw, Chr. 31, 11.
     8. To give, Rām. 1, 13, 38.
     9. To lend, Man. 8, 146.
     10. To perform, Man. 2, 248.
     11. To represent, Mālav. 3, 10.
     12. To behove, to be convenient (i. 4, Ātm., or Pass.), Pañc. 224, 24. prayukta,
     1. Connected with, Rām. 1, 17, 14.
     2. Closely united.
     3. Suitable, MBh. 1, 6845.
     4. Endowed with.
     5. Resulting from, Hit. ii. d. 59.
     6. Appointed, Rām. 3, 51, 27.
     7. Governed, Lass. 53, 10.
     8. Lent, Man. 8, 49.
     9. Done, Śāk. 95, 13.
     10. Lost in meditation. n. Cause. Comp. su-, 1. closely connected. 2. well managed. Caus.
     1. To throw, Chr. 31, 7.
     2. To cause to be exhibited, Utt. Rāmac. 111, 7.
     3. To show, Map. 3, 112.
     4. To receive, Man. 10, 117. Ptcple. of the fut. pass, prayojya.
     1. To be set to work.
     2. To be used. m. A servant n. Capital, principal.
-- With vipra vi-pra,
     1. To separate, Rām. 2, 53, 20.
     2. To deprive, MBh. 1, 6735.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To connect, MBh. 1, 4475. saṃprayukta,
     1. Joined.
     2. Connected with, holding any intercourse with, Man. 11, 179.
     3. Overtaken, reached. Caus. To connect, MBh. 3, 1153.
-- With vi vi, Ātm.
     1. To separate, MBh. 3, 10924.
     2. To abandon, Chr. 47, 35 (Par., perhaps it is to be changed to mokshyasi). Pass. To be deprived, Pañc. i. d. 340; to lose, Man. 7, 46; to violate, 5, 91. a-viyukta, adj. Not separated, Vikr. 78, 20. a-viyojya, Not to be deprived, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 12. Caus. To cause to leave, to break off from, Pañc. 31, 6.
     2. To deprive, Pañc. 30, 10; MBh. 3, 2851; to rob, 1, 6225.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To unite, Man. 9, 22.
     2. To endow, MBh. 1, 6289; to endow with, Rām. 1, 1, 21. saṃyukta,
     1. Connected, Chr. 59, 22.
     2. Attached.
     3. Accompanied.
     4. Mixed.
     5. Endowed with, Man. 1, 109. Caus.
     1. To join, MBh. 3, 11762.
     2. To endow with, MBh. 1, 6474; Pañc. 244, 5; to present with, Pañc. 30, 12.
     3. To employ, MBh. 3, 816.
     4. Ātm. To meditate, Chr. 38, 13.
-- With visam vi-sam, visaṃyukta, Separated from, neglecting, Man. 2, 80.
-- Cf. Lat. jungere; [greek] A.S. geocan, geóce, help.
-- Cf. yuga.

yuj 2. yuj,
I. adj. Even, Man. 3, 277.
II. m.
     1. A joiner.
     2. One who devotes his time to abstract speculation.
III. (n.), A pair.
IV. Latter part of comp. adj. Joined, which are (horses) put to, drawn by, Chr. 27, 7. catur-, adj. Drawn by four horses, MBh. 1, 8005. hari-, adj. Drawn by (Indra's) horses, Arj. 4, 32.
-- Cf. Lat. -jux in conjux.

yutyut (cf. dyut), i. 1, Ātm. To shine.

yutaka yuta + ka (vb. yu), n.
     1. A pair.
     2. Alliance.
     3. Nuptial presents.
     4. A garment worn by women.
     5. The ends of a cloth.
     6. The edge of a winnowing basket.
     7. Doubt.

yuddhakāritva yuddhakāritva, i. e. yuddha-kārin + tva (vb. yudh), n. Fighting, Hit. iii. d. 86.

yuddhamaya yuddha + maya (see yudh), adj. Warlike, martial, Chr. 24, 41.

yudh 1. yudh (akin to 1. yu), i. 4, Ātm. (also Par., MBh. 1, 7119).
     1. To fight, to contend in battle, Man. 7, 89; impersonal pass., Hit. iii. d. 88.
     2. To oppose, Johns. Sel. 55. 145. yuddha, n.
     1. The use of arms, Man. 3, 162.
     2. War, battle, Pañc. 87, 15. Comp. a-, n. 1. absence of war, Chr, 56, 14 (instr. without war). 2. not fighting, Hit. ii. d. 160. kūṭa-,
I. n. 1. a frandulent manner of fighting. Ragh. 17, 69.
II. adj. fighting fraudulently, Rām. 1, 22, 7. dvandva-, n. single combat, MBh. 7, 582. Comp. ptcple of the fut. pass. a-yodhya,
I. adj., f. , not to be warred against, Rām. 6, 112, 47.
II. f. , the capital of Rāma, the modern Oude, Rām. 1, 5, 1, sqq. Desider. yuyutsa, To desire to fight, MBh. 4, 1252. Caus.
     1. To cause to fight, Man. 7, 193.
     2. To defend, MBh. 3, 639.
     3. To oppose, MBh. 2, 2120; to be a match for, Man. 7, 74; Hit. iii. d. 50.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To oppose, MBh. 3, 15645. Caus.
     1. The same, 3, 15054.
     2. To fight with, Utt. Rāmac. 130, 5.
-- With prā pra-ā, To fight, Śiś. 18, 32.
-- With ni ni, niyuddha, n. Fighting, particularly boxing, MBh. 1, 5340.
-- With pra pra, prayuddha, n. War, battle. Desider. To desire to fight, MBh. 3, 15646.
-- With prati prati, To oppose, MBh. 1, 7103. Caus. The same, 1, 7116.
-- With sam sam. The same, 1, 3477 Caus. The same, 1, 7098.
-- Cf. [greek] (cf. yudhma).

yudh 2. yudh,
I. f. War, battle, Pañc. iii. d. 11.
II. m. A warrior, Johns. Sel. 57, 165.

yudhāna yudhāna (ptcple. pres. of yudh, ii. 2), m. An enemy.

yudhiśreṣṭha yudh + i-śreṣṭha, adj. Preeminent in battle, Chr. 49, 1.

yudhiṣṭhira yudhiṣṭhira, i. e. yudh + i-sthira, m. The elder of the five Pāṇḍavas, Pañc. ii. d. 4.

yudhma yudh + ma, m.
     1. War, battle.
     2. A bow.
     3. An arrow.
     4. A warrior.

yudhvan i. e. -yudh + van in saha-,
I. adj. Fighting with, or along with.
II. m. A brother in arms.

yunth yunth, v.r. of punth.

yup yup, i. 4, Par. To confuse, to trouble.

yuyu yuyu (probably vb. ), m. A horse.

yuyutsā yuyutsā, i. e. yuyutsa, desider. of yudh, + a, f. Eager desire for the combat, Chr. 24, 50.

yuyutsu yuyutsu, i. e. yuyutsa, desider. of yudh, + u,
I. adj. Eager for combat, Johns. Sel. 56, 150; pugnacious, Chr. 63, 66.
II. A proper name, Johns. Sel. 24, 6.

yuyudhi yuyudh + i (red. yudh), adj. Pugnacious, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 85, 8.

yuvati yuvati, see yuvan.

yuvan yuvan (for yavan, cf. comparat. yavīyaṃs, u by the influence of v),
I. adj., f. vatī and yāni, comparat. yavīyaṃs, superl. yaviṣṭha, Young, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4.
II. m. A young man, Ṛt. 6, 20.
III. f. vati/ī or yūnī, A young woman. Bhartṛ. 2. 60; Pañc. 158. 3; Sāv. 2, 24.
-- Comp. vāra-yuvati, f. a courtesan, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 14. sura-yuvati, f. a celestial woman, Megh. 62.
-- Cf. juvenis, junior, Junius, junix, etc.; Goth. juggs; A.S. iong, iung, geong, geogudh.

yuṣmad yuṣmad, pronoun of the second person, Thou; the bases of the cases are tva, tu, yuva, yu, yuṣma, i. e. yu + sma, and ta, va. Ved. nom. du. yuvam, Chr. 295, 17 = Rigv. i. 92, 17; gen., abl. yuvos, 296, 2 = Rigv. i. 112, 2.
-- Cf. Lat. tu, te, vos; [greek] Goth. thu, jus, izvis; A.S. thu, gyt, eow.

yuṣmādṛś yuṣmādṛś, i. e. yuṣmad-dṛś, adj. Like you, Lass. 76, 4.

, f. Pease soap (cf. yuṣa).

yūka yūka, m., and f. , A louse, Man. 1, 40; Pañc. iii. d. 105.

yūti yūti, i. e. yu + ti, f. Mixing.

yūtha yūtha, i. e. yu + tha,
I. n. A multitude of birds or beasts, a herd, Vikr. d. 110; Pañc. 93, 1.
II. f. thī, A kind of jasmine, Jasminum aurienlatum.
-- Comp. nīryātha, i. e. nis-, adj. separated from the herd, Rām. 3, 68, 27.

yūthapa yūtha-pa (vb. 2. ), m. The leader of a herd, Pañc. 253, 16; Lass. 46, 4.

yūthaśas yūtha + śas, adv. In flocks, gregariously, Nal. 12, 9.

yūthikā yūthikā. i. e. yuthī (see yūtha), + ka, f. A kind of jasmine, Vikr. d. 109; Ṛt. 2, 25.

yūpa yūpa,
I. m. and n. A sacrificial post, MBh. 7, 2266.
II. m. A trophy.

yūṣyūṣ, i. 1, Par. To hurt.

yūṣa yūṣa, m. and n. Pease soup. the water in which pulse of various kinds has been boiled.
-- Cf. Lat. jus; probably also [greek]

yeṣ yeṣ, see peṣ.

yoktra yoktra, i. e. yuj + tra, n. The tie of the yoke of a plough; a halter, Man. 8, 292.

yoktraya yoktraya, a denomin. derived from yoktra, To enclose, Hiḍ. 4, 56.

yoga yoga, i. e. yuj + a, m.
     1. Junction, Bhāṣāp, 56; joining, union, Vikr. d. 23.
     2. Putting to (horses), Chr. 4, 17.
     3. Putting on armour.
     4. Armour.
     5. Connexion, Hit. i. d. 98, M.M. (kathā-, Conversation).
     6. Result, Hit. iii. d. 140 (puṇya-, of merit), Man. 1, 41 (tapas-, force of devotion).
     7. Use, performance, Kir. 5, 52.
     8. Propriety, aptness, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 13.
     9. Mede, Man. 9, 330; Nal. 15, 6.
     10. A rule, a precept.
     11. A means, an expedient, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 19; Hit. i. d. 201, M.M. (a-daṇḍa-, Except by means of puniṣment: niyata-viṣaya-vartī prāyaśo 'daṇḍa-yogāj jagati para-vaśe 'smin durlabhaḥ sādhu-vṛttaḥ, He who keeps in his appointed sphere (does so) generally by reason of punishment. In this dependent world it is hard to find one who acts of himself virtuously.
     12. A conveyance, a carriage.
     13. Fraud, Man. 8, 165.
     14. Wealth.
     15. Thing.
     16. Lucky conjuncture, Vikr. 38, 12.
     17. Religious and abstract meditation (properly union, viz. with the universal soul), Pañc. 165, 9.
     18. A system of philosophy, Bhag. 2, 39.
     19. The particular practice of devotion, by which union with God is supposed to be obtained.
     20. Magic, or the acquisition of supernatural powers; magical art, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1212.
     21. Deathlike state of meditation, Kathās. 4, 111.
     22. A spy.
     23. A violator of truth or confidence.
     24. The leafling or principal star of a lunar mansion.
-- Comp. a-, m. unfitness, unsuitableness, impossibility, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 23. ati-, m. excess, Suśr. 2, 192, 8. artha-, m. Concurrence of circumstances (as of cause and effect), Hit. ii. p. 2, 13, M.M. kathā-, m. conversation, MBh. 14, 377. karma(n)-, m. business, Man. 10, 115. kāla-, m. destiny, MBh. 3, 9919. krama-, m. order, Man. 1, 42; regular succession, 2, 64. cūrṇa-, m. a mixture of fragrant powders, MBh. 12, 2163. daṇḍa-, m. punishment; cf. Hit. i. d. 201, M.M. (supra, 8. 10.). duryoga, i. e. dus-, m. 1. wickedness, Utt. Rāmac. 147, 14. 2. fraud, MBh. 1, 1316. daiva-, m. contingency, fate, Pañc. i. d. 197. dhyāna-, m. meditation, Man. 6, 73; 79. nakṣatra-, m. the moon's conjunction with the lunar mansions, MBh. 5, 1905. nidrā-, m. sleep-like absorption in meditation, Hariv. 2217. pūrṇa- (vb. pṛ10), m. a sort of fighting, MBh. 2, 910. bhakti-, m. devotion, as shown by implicit faith in any divinity. yathā-yoga + m, adv. in due order, Man. 5, 92. vāsa-, m. fragrant powder sprinkled on the cloth. vidhi-, m. 1. combination for any act or rite. 2. the occurrence of predestined events, fate, Hit. i. d. 20, M.M. sāra-, m. possession or application of the essence of any thing, Kir. 5, 52. stri-dharma-, m. the laws concerning women, Man. 1, 114. sthāna-, m. 1. assignment of suitable places. 2. the best mode of preserving articles, Man. 9, 332.

yogakṣemakara yoga-kṣema-kara, adj., f. , Maintaining and protecting.

yogaja yoga-ja, adj. Produced by religious and abstract meditation, Bhāṣāp. 62.

yogatas yoga + tas, adv.
     1. Conjointly.
     2. Suitably.
     3. Conformably to the law, Man. 6, 9.
     4. Seasonably
     5. Through religious austerities, devotion, Man. 2, 100.

yogas yogas, i. e. yuj + as, n.
     1. Meditation, religious abstraction.
     2. The half of a lunar month.

yogitā yogitā, i. e. yogin + tā, f. Connection, Bhāṣāp. 23.

yogin yogin, i. e. yoga + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Being united, or endowed with, Bhāṣāp. 27.
     2. Who or what joins.
     3. Possessed of superhuman power.
II. m.
     1. A performer of the religious meditation called Yoga, Bhag. 6, 10.
     2. An ascetic, Pañc. i. d. 333.
     3. One who has acquired supernatural power, Hit. ii. d. 26.
     4. A magician, Pañc. 240, 12; Lass. 4, 9.
III. f. , A female fiend.
-- Comp. kāla-, i. e. kāla-yoga + in, m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1162. ku-, m. a wicked Yogin, Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 22. nakṣatra-, adj. sbst. being connected with the lunar mansions, MBh. 1, 2581; its principal stars.

yogya yogya,
I. See yuj.
II. n.
     1. A vehicle.
     2. A cake.
     3. A drug, commonly Riddhi.
     4. Sandal.
III. f. , Military exercise.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj. fighting perfectly, Johns. Sel. 12, 38.

yogyatā yogya + tā, f., and yogyatva yogya + tva, n. Fitness, Pañc. 241, 6; Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 22 (tva); suitableness, consistency, Bhāṣāp. 81 ().

yojana yojana, i. e. yuj + ana, n.
     1. Joining.
     2. A means for inducing (the gods) to yoke (their horses and to come), Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 88, 5.
     3. A line, row, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i. 92, 3.
     4. The Supreme Being.
     5. A measure of distance of about five or nine miles, Pañc. 226, 9.
-- Comp. ā-yojana + m, adv. the length of a Yojana, Johns. Sel. 41, 41. vāṇa- n. a quiver, Pañc. MS. Berol. 139, 6. saptayojanī, i. e. saptan-yojana + ī, f. an extent of seven Yojanas, Rājat. 5, 103.

yojayitṛ yojayitṛ, i. e. yuj, Caus., + tṛ, m., f. trī, n.
     1. Who or what joins.
     2. One who enchases, Hit. ii. d. 71.

yotra yotra, i. e. yu + tra, n. = yoktra.

yoddhṛ yoddhṛ, i. e. yudh + tṛ, m. A warrior, Pañc. 218, 7.

yodha yodha, i. e. yudh + a, m. A warrior, Man. 7, 97.
-- Comp. vasanta-, m. the god of love, Ṛt. 6, 1. hata-sarva-, adj. with all the warriors killed.

yodhin yodhin, i. e. yudh + in, adj. sbst. Fighting, Hit. iv. d. 48 (kāla-, at the right time); a warrior.
-- Comp. agra-, m. a champion, Rām. 4, 21, 12. kūṭa-, adj. fighting fraudulently, Rām. 6, 21, 21. gaja-, adj. fighting mounted on an elephant, Chr. 4, 18. dvandva-, adj. fighting in single combat, or by pairs, Bhāg. P. 8, 10, 26.

yoni yoni, i. e. yu + ni, m. f., and , f.
     1. The vulva, Suśr. 2, 397, 10; the womb, Pañc. 188, 5; 6.
     2. Place of birth, Hit. iv. d. 68.
     3. Origin, Man. 2, 25.
     4. A mine.
     5. Water.
-- Comp. a-,
I. f. any but the natural part (the vulva), Man. 11, 173.
II. adj. without beginning, Kumāras. 2, 9. antya-, adj. of lowest birth, or race, Man. 8, 68. ambhoja-, m. Brahman, Prab. 24, 1. eka-, adj. of the same caste, Man. 9, 148. kumbha-, m. epithet of Agastya, Ragh. 4, 21. citta-, m. love. jagat-, m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 7, 9506. jīva-, adj. containing life, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 19. tiryagyoni, i. e. tiryañc-, f. the womb of a brute animal, Man. 4, 200. dury°, i. e. dus-, adj. of debased birth, Man. 10. 59. deva-, adj. of divine origin, Dev. 5, 60. padma-, m. epithet of Brahman, MBh. 7, 9427. pāpa-, m. wicked, or low, birth, Man. 4, 166. purā-, adj. of old lineage, MBh. 3, 12705. vi-yonī, f. the womb of beasts, Man. 12, 77. vi-hīna- (vb. ), adj. base-born, brutish. śaila-sutā-caraṇa-rāga-, adj. produced by the colour of the feet of Pārvatī, Vikr. d. 128. saṃkalpa-, m. Kāmadeva. sva-,
I. adj. related by kin, Man. 2, 134; 206.
II. f. 1. a sister, Man. 11, 170. 2. a near female relative.

yonitas yoni + tas, adv. By blood, Man. 2, 129.

yoṣaṇā yoṣaṇā, i. e. juṣ + an + a, f. A woman, Lass. 99, 8 = Rigv. iii. 62, 8.

yoṣā yoṣā, i. e. juṣ + a, f. A woman, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5; Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.
-- Comp. garbha-, f. a pregnant woman, MBh. 13, 1846 (figurat.). deva-, f. the wife of a god, MBh. 9, 2714.

yoṣit yoṣit, i. e. juṣ + it (for joṣant, ptcple. pres.), f. A woman, Vikr. d. 40.
-- Comp. kula-, f. a virtuous woman, Man. 3, 245. paṇya-, and vāra-, f. a harlot, Man. 9, 259 (paṇya-); Daśak. in Chr. 189, 4 (vāra-).

yoṣitā yoṣit + ā, f. A woman.

yauktika yauktika, i. e. yukti + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Connective.
     2. Deducible.
     3. Usual.
     4. Proper, right.
II. m. An associate of one's amusements.

yaugaka yaugaka, i. e. yoga + ka, adj. Relating to the religious practice called yoga (see s.v. yoga,

yaugaṃdharāyaṇa yaugaṃdharāyaṇa, i. e. yugaṃdhara + āyana, m. A proper name, Kathās. 15, 61.

yaugapadya yaugapadya, i. e. yugapad + ya, n. Simultaneousness, Draup. 1, 4 (at once).
-- Comp. a-, r. non-simultaneousness, Bhāṣāp. 84.

yaugika yaugika, i. e. yoga + ika, adj.
     1. Usual.
     2. Proper.
     3. Relating to the religious practice called yoga (see s.v. yoga,

yauṭyauṭ, yauḍ yauḍ, i. 1, Par. To join (i. e. jos-dhā, see yu, and cf. Zend. yaozhdā and supra mṛḍ).

yautaka yautaka, i. e. yutaka + a, n.
     1. Appropriating, Man. 9, 214.
     2. Property, Man. 9, 131 (a nuptial gift, presents made to a bride by her father or friends.).

yaudhiṣṭhira yaudhiṣṭhira, i. e. yudhiṣṭhira + a, adj. Belonging to Yudhiṣṭhira, Johns. Sel. 96, 77.

yauna yauna, i. e. yoni + a,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the womb, uterine.
     2. Connubial, Man. 3, 157; 2, 40.
II. (n.), Contracting affinity, Man, 11, 180.

yauvana yauvana, i. e. yuvan + a,
I. adj. Juvenile, Cāṇ. 49 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 410.
II. n.
     1. Youth, Vikr. d. 26; Pañc. 128, 2; manhood.
     2. The age of marriageableness, Chr. 51, 4.
     3. An assemblage of young women.
-- Comp. sthira-, adj., f. , possessed of eternal youth, Vikr. d. 109.

yauvanavant yauvana + vant, adj., f. vati,
I. Youthful, Hit. 63, 2, M.M.
II. and yauvanastha yauvana-stha, f. thā, Marriageable, Lass. 23, 15; Pañc. 183, 25.

yauvarājya yauvarājya, i. e. yuvan-rāja + ya, n. The dignity of an heir apparent, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 15; Vikr. d. 161.

yauṣmāka yauṣmāka, and yauṣmākīna yauṣmākina, i. e. yuṣmad + ka + a, or ina, adj. Yours.

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raṃh 1. raṃh (akin to laṅgh, q. cf.), i. 1, Par. and † i. 10, Par. To go, to move, with speed. Caus. To impel to speed, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] Goth. thragjan; in this case the Sskr. word has dropped the initial.

raṃh † 2. raṃh, vaṃh vaṃh, i. 10, Par. To speak, to shine.

raṃhas 1. raṃh + as, n. Speed, velocity, Ragh. 2, 34 (Calc.).
-- Comp. ati-, adj. of excessive velocity, Śāk. d. 5. vāta-, adj. swift as the wind, Indr. 1, 7.

rak † † rak, lak lak, rag rag, lag lag, ragh ragh, i. 10, Par.
     1. To taste.
     2. To obtain.

rakka rakka, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 423.

raktaka rakta + ka (see raṅj), m.
     1. Red garments, or cloth.
     2. A man affected with fondness or passion.
     3. A player.
     4. The name of several plants.

raktapa rakta-pa (1. , cf. rañj.),
I. adj. Who or what drinks blood.
II. m. A Rākṣasa, or demon.
III. f. .
     1. A leech.
     2. A female fiend.

raktapāyin rakta-pāyin (vb. raṅj.),
I. m. A bug.
II. f. , A leech.

raktaphenaja rakta-phena-ja, m. A part of the body, apparently intending the lungs.

rakṣ rakṣ (perhaps a desider. of rañj, without reduplication), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 8836).
     1. To preserve, Man. 7, 213; Pañc. i. d. 402 (Ātm.).
     2. To spare, Pañc. iii. d. 253.
     3. To guard, to keep, Vikr. 18, 6; Hit. i. d. 194, M.M. (with gen. in the sense of a dat.); to protect from (abl.), MBh. 3, 8762.
     4. To tend, to keep, Man. 9, 328.
     5. To govern, Man. 7, 36. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. su-rakṣita, Well guarded, Nal. 3, 10. dharma-rakṣitā, f. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 14. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. dūrakṣya, i. e. dus-, adj. Difficult to be guarded, Mṛcch. 65, 17. Caus. To protect, Pañc. 70, 13.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To assist, Bhag. 1, 10.
     2. To defend, to protect, MBh. 4, 161; Pañc. i. d. 395.
     3. To guard, MBh. 1, 5616.
     4. To command, Bhag. 1, 10. abhirakṣita, Cultivated, Pañc. i. d. 254.
-- With ā ā, comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. dus-ā-rakṣya + tama, Most difficult to be protected, Rām. 2, 52, 66.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To preserve, MBh. 1, 6195.
     2. To protect, Pañc. 215, 7; MBh. 3, 14366.
     3. To restrain, Man. 9. 10.
     4. To govern, Man. 7, 142.
     5. To keep, Rām. 2, 96, 38.
     6. To conceal, MBh. 3, 14717.
-- With pra pra, To save, Pañc. v. d. 89.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To protect, Man. 7, 135; Pañc. iii. d. 9.
     2. To keep off, Rām. 1, 32, 2.
-- Cf. probably [greek] (frequent.), [greek] Lat. arx; Goth. ga-rehsns.

rakṣa rakṣ + a,
I. m. One who guards, Lass. 34, 8.
II. m., and f. kṣā.
     1. Preserving, guarding, Pañc. 184, 8; protecting, protection, Pañc. 157, 7.
     2. (i. e. rañj + ta, cf. raktā, s.v. rañj), Lac.
III. f. kṣā.
     1. Ashes.
     2. A sort of bracelet, an amulet, Śāk. 105, 12 (Prakṛ.).
-- Comp. kṣetra-, m. a field-guard, Pañc. 248, 12. go-,
I. m. a cowhered.
II. n. keeping cattle, MBh. 2, 525. cakra-, m. two men who take care of the wheels of a chariot, MBh. 1, 5467. nagara-, f. government of a town, Mṛcch. 148, 5. pura-, m. the watchman of a town, Daśak. 26, 1. senā-, m. a guard, a sentinel.

rakṣaka rakṣ + aka,
I. adj. Who or what protects, who tends, Man. 8, 102.
II. m. A protector, a guardian, Hit. 91, 1, M.M.
-- Comp. a-, adj. imprudent, Pañc. 129, 5. aṅga-, m. a life-guard, Pañc. 156, 22. go-, adj. keeping cattle, Man. 8, 102. bkūmi-, m. a swift horse. śasya-, m. a watchman over a field of corn, Hit. 81, 15.

rakṣaṇa rakṣaṇa, i. e. rakṣ + ana, n. Preserving, protecting, Hit. 114, 7; Pañc. iv. d. 29.

rakṣapāla rakṣa-pāla, m. One who guards, Pañc. 217, 4; 232, 2; probably it is to be changed to rakṣāpāla, cf. rakṣāpuruṣa, Pañc. 229, 6, the name.

rakṣas rakṣ + as (perhaps a kind of euphemism, cf. [greek] denoting the [greek]), n. A Rākṣasa, or evil spirit, Vikr. 54, 5.

rakṣika rakṣika, i. e. rakṣa + ika (adj. or m.?), A watchman, a policeman, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 18; 199, 24.

rakṣitṛ rakṣ + itṛ, m. One who protects, Pañc. i. d. 391; a protector, a guard, Utt. Rāmac. 39, 11.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who does not protect, Pañc. iii. d. 72.

rakṣin rakṣ + in, adj., f. iṇī,
I. adj. Who or what guards, Vikr. d. 5.
II. m. A policeman, Śāk. p. 73, 1.
-- Comp. nagara-, Nagarī-, and pura-, m. the watchman of a town, a policeman, Mṛcch. 140, 17; MBh. 13, 6216; Kathās. 13, 169. paśu-, m. a herdsman, Man. 8, 238.

rakṣṇa rakṣṇa, i. e. rakṣ + na, m. Protection.

rakhrakh, raṅkh raṅkh, rikh rikh, riṅkh riṅkh, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

ragrag, i. 1, Par. To suspect; cf. rak.

ragh ragh, see rak.

raghu raghu, i. e. raṅgh + u,
I. adj. ved. = laghu.
II. m.
     1. The name of a king, Utt. Rāmac. 96, 3.
     2. pl., and often in comp. words, His descendants, Rām. 3, 49, 57; Megh. 12 (raghu-pati = Rāma).

raghupatvan raghu-pat + van, adj., f. varī, Flying swiftly, Chr. 291, 6 = Rigv. i. 85, 6.
-- With -patvan, cf. Lat. -piter, in acci-piter = ved. āśu-patvan.

raghuṣyad raghuṣyad, i. e. raghu-syand, adj. Moving quickly, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7.

raṅka raṅka, adj.
     1. Niggardly.
     2. Slow.
     3. Indigent, poor a beggar, Pañc. i. d. 12; 284.
-- Comp. raṇa-, m. the part of an elephant's face between his tusks.

raṅku raṅku, m. A sort of deer, the spotted axis.

raṅkh raṅkh, see rakh.

raṅgraṅg, riṅg riṅg, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

raṅga raṅga, i. e. rañj + a,
I. m.
     1. Colour, paint.
     2. The place where dancing or acting is exhibited, a stage, Śāk. 4, 12; Daśak. in Chr. 190, 10; a place for an assembly, Nal. 5, 3; 8.
     3. A field of battle, Pañc. 35, 3.
     4. Dancing, acting, Cṛṅgārat. 17.
     5. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 353.
II. n. Tin.
-- Comp. keli-, m. a pleasure-ground, Lass. 87, 16. pūrva-, m. the prelude to a drama Śiś. 2, 8. rāja(n)-, n. silver. su-,
I. m. 1. bright colour. 2. the orange.
II. f. , crystal.
III. n. 1. red sanders. 2. vermilion.

raṅgaja raṅga-ja, n. Red lead.

raṅgāvatāraka raṅgāvatāraka, i. e. raṅga-ava-tṛ10 + aka, m. A stage player, Man. 4, 215.

raṅgh raṅgh, i. 1, Ātm. To go, to move swiftly (cf. laṅgh), Bhaṭṭ. 14, 15. † i. 10, To speak, to shine.

rac rac, i. 10, racaya, Par.
     1. To make mechanically, Megh. 75.
     2. To make, Rām. 2, 13, 12; Kathās. 3, 66 (gatāgatam, literally a going and returning, i. e. looking on him and turning away her eye).
     3. To arrange, Gīt. 5, 10.
     4. To compose, Pañc. 5, 11.
     5. To adorn, Megh. 67.
     6. To prepare, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
     7. To string, Pañc. iii. d. 235. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. racita, Written. Caus. racaya, To cause to make, Utt. Rāmac. 127, 14 (mama hṛdayaṃ tasnunn avadhānaṃ racayati, Causes my heart to fix itself only on him, i. e. fills it with love).
-- With the prep. ā ā, āracita, Put on, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 6.
-- With vi vi, viracita,
     1. Contrived, arranged, Pañc. 86, 18; Ragh. 5, 76.
     2. Made, Megh. 19.
     3. Ornamented.
     4. Composed, Megh. 84; written, Pañc. 103, 4.
-- Cf. Lat. locare; A.S. logian, To place; Lat. locus; A.S. loh.

racanā rac + anā, f.
     1. Making, work, Lass. 83, 4; Kathās. 26, 283 (kanaka-, f. Being made, built, of gold.)
     2. Orderly arrangement.
     3. Dressing of the hair.
     4. Stringing flowers.
     5. Suspending garlands.
     6. The arrangement of troops, Pañc. 9, 23.
     7. Composition, Rājat. 5, 380; literary composition.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, f. a trap, Pañc. ii. d. 86. keśa-, f. dressing of the hair, Ṛt. 4, 15. pakṣa-, f. winning friends, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 21. paṭa-, f. art of making cloth, Pañc. 132, 24. vacana-, f. eloquence, Pañc. 68, 5. vihita-durga-racana, adj. having ordered the building of a fortress, Pañc. 148, 7. vyūha-, f. arrangement of troops, Pañc. 9, 22.

raja raja (see rajas), m.
     1. Dust, Hit. i. d. 152, M.M.
     2. The pollen of flowers.
     3. The menstrual excretion.
     4. The quality of passion.
-- Comp. nīraja, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. free from dust, MBh. 13, 3822. 2. free from passion, epithet of Śiva, ib. 13, 1261.

rajaka rajaka, i. e. rañj + aka,
I. m.
     1. A washerman, Hit. 50, 1.
     2. Cloth.
II. f. .
     1. A waṣerman's wife.
     2. A woman in her courses at the third day, Lass. 10, 9.

rajata rajata (cf. arjuna, rañj, and rāj),
I. adj. White.
II. n.
     1. White, the colour.
     2. Silver, Kir. 5, 41; Rājat. 5, 482.
     3. Gold.
     4. Ivory.
     5. Blood.
     6. A necklace.
     7. The name of the mountain Kailāsa.
     8. An asterism.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. gold.

rajana rajana i. e. rañj + ana, n.
     1. Colouring.
     2. Safflower.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. 1. safflower. 2. gold.

rajani and rajanī rajani/ī, i. e. rañj + ani/ī, f.
     1. Night, Pañc. 128, 11; 248, 5 (); Śṛṅgārat. 8 (ni).
     2. The indige plant.
     3. Lac.
     4. Turmeric.

rajanikara and rajanīkara rajani/ī-kara, m. The moon, Śiś. 9, 38 ().

rajanicara and rajanīcara rajani/ī -cara,
I. adj. Wandering at night, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2583 ().
II. m.
     1. A Rākṣasa, Rām. 3, 53, 61 ().
     2. A thief.

rajanīkara rajanīkara, and rajanīcara rajanīcara, see s.v. rajani°.

rajas rajas,
I. i. e. rañj + as, n. (the original signification was probably 'Dimness;' cf. rajani and Goth. riquis).
     1. Sky, Chr. 289, 7 = Rigv. i. 50, 7.
     2. Dust, Man. 11, 110.
     3. The pollen of a flower, Vikr. d. 26.
     4. The menses, Man. 4, 41.
II. i. e. perhaps ṛj + as (cf. [greek]), n. The quality of passion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 8.
-- Comp. a-, adj. free from dust, Nal. 24, 42. nīrajas, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. free from dust, Rām. 2, 87, 21 Gorr., 2. free from passion, Rām. 4, 44, 41. parorajas, see s. v. paras. Vi-,
I. adj. free from passion, Chr. 16, 17.
II. f. a woman who has ceased to menstrnate. sa-, f. a woman during menstruation.
-- Cf. Goth. riquis.

rajaska -rajas + ka, a substitute for rajas when latter part of comp. adj.; e. g. nīrajaska, i. e. nis-, adj.
     1. Free from dust, Rām. 4, 44, 86.
     2. Free from passion, Prab. 117, 18, v.r. vi-, adj. Free from dust, Ragh. 10, 74.

rajastur rajas-tur, adj. Running over the sky (?), Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.

rajasvala rajas + vala,
I. m. A buffalo.
II. f. .
     1. A woman who has already her courses, Pañc. iii. d. 219.
     2. A woman in her courses, Man. 3, 239.

rajiṣṭha rajiṣṭha, rajīyaṃs rājīyaṃs, see ṛju.

rajju rajju (probably for original srajyu; cf. sraj and O.H.G. striech, strie, stracchian; A.S. streccan; Lat. stringere), f. (m., Pañc. i. d. 376 erroneously, cf. my translation, n. 385).
     1. A rope, Hit. ii. d. 131; a cord, Pañc. 76, 17.
     2. A lock of braided hair.
-- Comp. karkaṭaka-, f. a rope with a hook resembling the claw of a crab, Daśak. 71, 2. kāṣṭha-, f. a rope for tying bundles of sticks, Rām. 1, 4, 20. pāśa-, f. fotter, Kathās. 18, 298.

rajjumātratva rajju-mātra + tva, n. Condition of being only a rope, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 24.

rajjuvāla rajjuvāla, m. A particular bird, Man. 5, 12.

rañj rañj. † i. 1, raja, and i. 4, rajya, Par. Ātm.
     1. To dye, to colour, Pañc. 132, 24.
     2. To be attached (perhaps originally different and akin to sraj, see rajju, and lag).
     3. † To go (cf. ṛj). The reflexive pass. takes also the terminations of the Par.
     1. To attach one's self to, Pañc. v. d. 8.
     2. To glow, Utt. Rāmac. 138, 2. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rakta.
     1. Coloured.
     2. Red, Vikr. d. 124; reddened, d. 136.
     3. Agitated by passion, Man. 4, 64.
     4. Fond, affected with love, Pañc. i. d. 155, 159; attached, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 20.
     5. Pure.
     6. Sporting. Comparat. rakta + tara, Very attached, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 19. rakta, m. Red, the colour. n.
     1. Blood, Pañc. 60, 25.
     2. Vermilion.
     3. Minium.
     4. Copper.
     5. Saffron. f. ,
     1. Lac.
     2. The gunjā plant, Abrus precatorius.
     3. Bengal madder. Comp. ā-, adj. 1. reddish, Vikr. 78. 2. red, Pañc. 64, 15. jiva-, n. the blood of the menses, Suśr. 1, 43, 19. su-, adj. 1. well dyed. 2. deep red. 3. strongly impassioned. Caus.
I. rañjaya.
     1. To colour, Pañc. 132, 24.
     2. To illuminate, Vikr. d. 60; MBh. 1, 6772.
     3. To cause to be attached, to conciliate, Pañc. 113, 24; Man. 7, 19.
     4. † To worship.
II. † rajaya, To hunt.
-- With the prep. anu anu, i. 4,
     1. To grow red and fond, Śiś. 9, 7.
     2. To be attached, Bhag. 11, 36; Pañc. i. d. 335.
     3. To love, Rām. 3, 55, 15.
     4. To dally lasciviously with, Man. 3, 173. anurakta,
     1. Fond, attached, Pañc. 32, 9; loving, Vikr. 59, 21; propitious, Hit. 53, 18.
     2. Pleased. Caus.
     1. To cause to be in love, to inspire with affection, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 22.
     2. To conciliate, to win, Daśak. 196, 17.
-- With apa apa, aparakta (rather rakta with apa), Discoloured, blanched, Śāk. d. 133.
-- With abhi abhi, i. 4, To be rejoiced, Rām. 2, 67, 13. Caus. To colour, to illuminate, Rām. 1, 38, 21.
-- With upa upa, uparakta,
     1. Eclipsed, Rām. 1, 55, 9.
     2. Afflicted with pain or calamity. m. Rāhu.
-- With vi vi, i. 4, To grow discoloured (viz. the hair), and disinclined (viz. the servants), Pañc. i. d. 94.
     2. To grow alienated, Mṛcch. 23, 5. virakta,
     1. Disinclined, Bhartṛ. 2, 2.
     2. Free from worldly passion, Pañc. 33, 16.
     3. Impassioned. Comp. a-virakta, adj. faithful, Hit. iii. d. 87.
-- With sam sam, i. 4, To grow red, MBh. 1, 6443. saṃrakta,
     1. Red, MBh. 5, 273.
     2. Inflamed.
     3. Impassioned.
-- With anusam anu-sam, anusaṃrakta, Attached, loving, with acc., Rām. 1, 17, 16.
-- Cf. [greek] probably A.S. ge-regnian, to colour.

rañjaka rañj + aka,
I. m.
     1. A dyer, Man. 4, 216.
     2. A stimulus, an inciter of affection.
II. n. Red sandal.

rañjana rañj + ana,
I. m. (?), n.
     1. Dyeing, colouring, Rājat. 5, 381.
     2. Conciliating, befriending, Rājat. 5, 436 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     3. Exciting passion, delighting.
II. n. Red sandal.
III. f. , The indigo, and several other plants.
-- Comp. loka-, n. gaining public confidence. strī-, n. pan eaten with the betel-nut.

raṭ raṭ, i. 1, Par. To yell, Mricch. 157, 10; to cry, Kathās. 18, 109. 1. 10, Par. † To speak (?).
-- With the prep. ā ā, To call to, Śāk. 55, 5 (Prākṛ.).

raṭhraṭh, i. 1, Par. To speak.

raṇ raṇ (developed out of ramṇā, i. e. ram, ii. 9), i. 4, and i. 1, Par. i. 4,
     1. To shout.
     2. To rejoice, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10. i. 1, To sound, Śiś. 1, 10. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. raṇita, Sounding, Lass. 21, 1. n. Sound. † i. 10, raṇaya, To go.
-- With the prep. ni ni, i. 4, To rejoice, Chr. 297, 18 = Rigv. i. 112, 18.

raṇa raṇ + a,
I. m.
     1. Noise.
     2. The quill or bow of a lute.
II. m. and n. War, battle, Pañc. 218, 16. Doubled, raṇa-raṇa,
     1. m. A musquito.
     2. n. Anxiety.
-- Comp. priya-, adj. delighting in war. mahā-, great battle, Chr. 23, 33.

raṇaraṇaka raṇa-raṇa + ka, m.
     1. Regret, care, Utt. Rāmac. 25, 11.
     2. Desire.

raṇḍaka raṇḍaka, m. A barren tree.

raṇḍā raṇḍā, f.
     1. A widow, Pañc. i. d. 437 (as an abusive word, cf. the last).
     2. A plant, Salvinia cucullata.

raṇvraṇv, ramb ramb, riṇv riṇv, rimb rimb, i. 1, Par. To go.

ratarddhika ratarddhika, i. e. rata (vb. ram), -ṛddhi + ka, n.
     1. A day.
     2. Bathing for pleasure.
     3. The aggregate of eight auspicious objects.

rati rati, i. e. ram + ti, f.
     1. Pleasure, Śāk. d. 34; joy, Pañc. iii. d. 258; love, Pañc. 226, 1; the goddess of love, Rām. 3, 52, 27; Kathās. 22, 104.
     2. Passion.
     3. Coition, Pañc. ii. d. 154; sexual intercourse, Pañc. iii. d. 116; enjoyment of love, Vikr. d. 85.
     4. A private part.
-- Comp. dharma-, adj. fond of law or virtue, Ragh. 1, 23.

ratī ratī = rati, Goddess of love, Nal. 16, 12 (on account of the metre).

ratū ratū, f.
     1. The Ganges of heaven.
     2. A woman who speaks the truth.

ratna ratna, i. e. ram + tna, n. (m., MBh. 3, 13182).
     1. A jewel, a gem, Rām. 3, 49, 37; figurat., Pañc. ii. d. 194.
     2. A treasure, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 985 (vidyā-, Consisting in science).
     3. Anything the best of its kind; e. g. puṃratna, i. e. puṃs-, n. An excellent man, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2706. strī-, An excellent woman, Vikr. d. 110; cf. bhastrākā.
-- Comp. sa-mauli-, adj. with the crown jewel, Vikr. d. 144.

ratnabhāj ratnabhāj, i. e. ratna-bhaj, adj. Acquiring jewels, Rām. 3, 49, 42.

ratnadrumamaya ratna-druma + maya, adj., f. , Resembling corals, Arj. 10, 2.

ratnasaṃghātamaya ratna-saṃghāta + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of a heap of jewels, Sund. 3, 14.

ratni ratni (curtailed aratni),
I. m. (and f.), A cubit measured from the elbow of the end of the closed fist.
II. m. The closed fist.

ratha ratha (vb. ), m.
     1. A car, Hit. pr. d. 32, M.M.; a war chariot, Chr. 4, 10.
     2. Any vehicle.
     3. A limb.
     4. A foot.
     5. The body.
-- Comp. ati-, m. a pre-eminent warrior who fights in a chariot, Rām. 6, 4, 20. kīrti- and kṛtti-, m. a proper name, Rām. 1, 71, 9. krīḍā-, m. a carriage serving for excursions, MBh. 13, 2782. citra-,
I. adj. having a brilliant chariot, Bhāg. P. 4, 10, 22.
II. m. 1. the sun. 2. a proper name, MBh. 2, 407.
III. f. thā, the name of a river, 6, 341. daśa(n)-, and daśapūrva-, i. e. daśa(n)-pūrva-, m. Daśaratha, the name of Rāma's father, and of others, Rām. 1, 72, 31 Gorr.; Ragh. 8, 29. patra-, m. a bird, Rām. 3, 25, 7. puṣpa-, or puṣya-, m. a carriage for pleasure, Rām. 2, 26, 15 (puṣpa-). bhīma-,
I. m. an Asura.
II. f. thī. 1. the seventh night in the seventh month of the seventy-seventh year of a man, supposed to be the ordinary period of human life. 2. the name of a river. manoratha, i. e. manas-, m. wish, desire, Vikr. 13, 20. samāgama-manoratha, m. desire of union, Vikr. d. 30. marut-, m. 1. a horse. 2. a car in which idols are carried. mahā-, m. 1. a great chariot, Rām. 3, 55, 32. 2. (having a great chariot), a hero, ib. 3, 53, 11. viṣṇu-, m. Garuḍa. sa-, adj. with the carriage. haṃsa-, m. Brahman.
-- Cf. Lat. rota; A.S. and O.H.G. rad (probably borrowed); probably [greek] Goth. lithus, A.S. lidh.

rathakaṭyā rathakaṭyā, i. e. ratha-kaṭa + ya (cf. kaṭa and nikaṭa), f. A multitude of cars.

rathakara ratha-kara, m. A carpenter.

rathakāra ratha-kāra, m.
     1. A carpenter, Pañc. 229, 8.
     2. A man sprung from a male of the māhiṣya and a female of the karaṇī caste, by profession a coach-maker.

rathakāratva rathakāra + tva, n. The business of a carpenter, Pañc. 228, 12.

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rathagarbhaka ratha-garbha + ka, m. A car or litter borne on men's shoulders.

rathatur ratha-tur, adj. Overpowering, i. e. drawing, the carriage, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88, 2.

rathadhūrgata rathadhūrgata, i. e. ratha-dhur-gata (vb. gam), adj. Gone upon the pole of the chariot, Johns. Sel. 15, 53.

rathārathi rathārathi, i. e. ratha-ratha + i, adv. In mutual contact of the chariots, i. e. in closest fight, MBh. 4, 1056.

rathika rathika, i. e. ratha + ika, m. The owner of, or rider in, a car.

rathin rathin, i. e. ratha + īn,
I. adj. Mounted on carriages, Rām. 3, 49, 18.
II. m.
     1. The owner of, or rider in, a car, lord of chariots, Vikr. d. 100.
     2. A warrior who fights in a car, Draup. 2, 12; Utt. Rāmac. 130, 4.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who is not lord of chariots, Johns. Sel. 6, 35.

rathina rathina, and rathira rathira i. e. ratha + in + a, and with r for n, m. The owner of, or rider in, a car.

rathya rathya, i. e. ratha + ya,
I. m. A carriage horse.
II. f. .
     1. A multitude of cars, Rājat. 5, 241 (warriors?).
     2. A high street.
     3. A place where several roads meet.
III. n. A wheel.

rad rad, i. 1, Par.
     1. To split, to divide.
     2. To dig.
-- Cf. probably Goth. lêtan, A.S. laetan (cf. the vedic use of rad); Lat. rādere, rodere (cf. rada, radana), perhaps radius.

rada rad + a, m.
     1. Splitting, Ghaṭ. 1.
     2. A tooth.
-- Comp. dri-,
I. adj. having two teeth.
II. m. an elephant, Rām. 4, 9, 62. vajra-, m. a hog.

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radana rad + ana, m. A tooth.

radin radin, i. e. rada + in, m. An elephant.

radh radh. i. 4, Par.
     1. To perish (ved.).
     2. To be at one's mercy, Chr. 289, 13 = Rigv. i. 50, 13.
     3. To kill, to hurt.
     4. To be completed, finished, matured. Caus. randhaya,
     1. To give in one's power, Chr. 289, 13 = Rigv. i. 50, 13.
     2. To pain, to torment, Rām. 2, 81, 3.
     3. To destroy, Bhāg. P. 8, 21, 2.
-- Cf. A.S. rendan, To rend.

rantideva rantideva, m.
     1. A name of Viṣṇu.
     2. The name of a king, Megh. 46 (cf. Viṣṇu P. 481, n. 18).
     3. A dog.

rantu rantu, f.
     1. A road.
     2. A river.

randhana randhana, i. e. radh, Caus., + ana,
     1. Destroying, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 28.
     2. Cooking, Pāṇ. ii. 1, 36, Sch.

randhra randhra, i. e. radh, Caus., + ra, n.
     1. A hole, a fissure, Pañc. ii. d. 42 (cf. also
     2. A cavity, Śiś. 4, 61.
     3. A fault, a defect, a weak point, Pañc. 182, 2.
-- Comp. karṇa-, m. n. the auditory passage, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 35. nīrandhra, i. e. nis-, adj. without an interstice, Utt. Rāmac. 143, 2.

rap rap, i. 1, Par.
     1. To speak.
     2. To praise (ved.). Cf. lap.

raphraph, ramph ramph, rarph rarph, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To kill.

rabh rabh (originally = grabh, labh), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry and Man. also Par., Man. 7, 59).
     1. † To desire vehemently.
     2. † To act inconsiderately.
     3. To seize, to take (ved.).
-- With the prep. ā ā, To begin, Man. 7, 299.
     2. To act strenuously, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 7. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ārabdha.
     1. Began, done; rahasy ārabdhā kathā, A secret conversation, Vikr. d. 51.
     2. Having begun, MBh. 1, 7660. Absol. ārabhya, From. Hit. 91, 21.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To get back, Rām. 2, 64, 60.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā, To begin, MBh. 3, 10724 (Par.).
-- With prā pra-ā, To begin, Bhag. 18, 15; Pañc. iii. d. 130. prārabdha, n. An attempt, enterprise, Lass. 1, 6.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To begin, Rām. 1, 45, 13, to undertake, Hit. 44, 6, M.M.
     2. To try, MBh. 1, 2238.
     3. To treat, MBh. 3, 16298.
-- With pari pari, To embrace, Vikr. d. 147; MBh. 4, 514. Desider. pari ripsa, To desire to embrace, Ragh. 13, 32 (Calc.).
-- With sam sam, saṃrabdha,
     1. Exasperated, enraged, Rām. 2, 55, 30.
     2. Agitated, overwhelmed, Nal. 13, 14. Comp. su-, adj.
     1. very enraged, Chr. 31, 20. 2. very agitated, Pañc. 238, 24.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃrabdha, Enraged, Rām. 6, 3, 17.
-- Cf. Lat. rabies, robur (labor, see labh); probably [greek] Goth. arbaiths; A.S. earfedh, earfodh; Goth. liban; A.S. leofian, lifian, lybban; O.H.G. laba, labon; perhaps A.S. a-refian, To bear, a-raefnan, To take away.

rabhas rabh + as, n. ved.
     1. Zeal (in rabhas + vant, zealous, Rigv. i. 9, 6).
     2. Strength, strengthening food, sacrifice, Rigv. i. 145, 3. See rabh.

rabhasa rabhas + a,
I. adj. Joyful, Kir. 5, 1.
II. m.
     1. Joy.
     2. Passion, rage, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 8.
     3. Speed, velocity, Śiś. 9, 72; abl. quickly, Rājat. 5, 190.
     4. Precipitation, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 315.
     5. Regret, sorrow.
-- Comp. ati-, m. (or adv. °sa + m), excessive precipitation, or, with excessive precipitation, Bhartṛ. 2, 97. ambhas-vindu-grahaṇa-, adj. running, desirous to get drops of water, Megh. 22. sa-rabhasa + m adv. 1. quickly Utt. Rāmac. 144. 11. 2. passionate Lass. 24, 15.

ram ram, i. 1, Ātm. (in poetry also Par., Man. 2, 223), in the Veda also ii. 9, Par.
     1. To rest, Man. 3, 251; to like to stay, Hit. ii. d. 128.
     2. To be delighted, Pañc. i. d. 429; to rejoice, Rām. 2, 34, 50; Vikr. 19, 1 (raṃsyate bhavatā, impers. pass. You will be glad), 70, 21.
     3. To rejoice at, with loc., Daśak. in Chr. 181, 5 (to be in love); with instr., MBh. 3, 58.
     4. To have sexual intercourse with (instr.), Hit. 66, 7.
     5. To sport, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 15. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rata.
     1. Beloved, Pañc. v. d. 53.
     2. Intent on, Man. 2, 235 (with loc.); occupied, Pañc. 27, 9.
     3. Inclined, Pañc. 203, 2.
     4. Satisfied, Pañc. 228, 10. n.
     1. Coition, copulation, Pañc. i. d. 224.
     2. A private part. Comp. deva-, adj. devout, Pañc. 118, 22. nirmāṇa-, m. the name of a class of deities, MBh. 13, 1372. su-,
I. adj. 1. playing, playful. 2. compassionate, tender.
II. n. 1. coition, Hit. iii. 27. 2. sexual intercourse, love, Ṛt. 6, 1. vara-su-, adj. very wanton, Hit. ii. d. 64. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. rantavya, To be rejoiced at, Mṛcch. 62, 22.
II. ramaṇīya, Pleasing, agreeable, Vikr. 37, 10; Hit. iv. d. 73 (āpāta-, in the beginning); beautiful, Vikr. 65, 18 (viśeṣa-, most beautiful).
III. ramya.
     1. The same, Ṛt. 6, 2.
     2. m. The champaca, Michelia Champaca.
     3. f. .
a. Night.
b. The name of a river.
     4. n. Semen virile. Comp. nis-ātapatra-, adj. needing no parasol, i. e. cool, and therefore charming, a Karmadhāraya compound, Vikr. d. 73. Caus. ramaya,
     1. To exhilarate, MBh. 2, 305.
     2. To be delighted, to rejoice, MBh. 3, 11379.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anurata,
     1. Fond of, attached to.
     2. Beloved.
-- With abhi abhi, To be delighted, to rejoice, Rām. 2, 27, 18. abhirata,
     1. Intent upon, Chr. 14, 26.
     2. Pleased with.
     3. Engaged in, Rām. 3, 49, 39.
     4. Practising.
-- With ava ava, avarata, Stopped, ceased. Comp. an-, adj. uninterrupted, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 21. °tam, adv. without stopping, Pañc. 93, 15; incessantly, Pañc. 145, 14.
-- With ā ā, Par.
     1. To repose, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 38.
     2. To cease, Man. 2, 73.
     3. To take pleasure, Man. 4, 175. anata, Ceased, Kir. 5, 6.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To repose, MBh. 1, 6035.
     2. To cease, Ragh. 16, 3 (Calc.).
     3. To rejoice, to dally, MBh. 1, 4183.
-- With upa upa, Par. Ātm.
     1. To cease, Chr. 30, 39; with the ptcple. of the pres. in the sense of the infin., Pañc. 53, 19 (mṛgaśaśakādin vyāpādayan nopa rarāma, He did not cease killing deer, hares, etc.).
     2. To desist from, with abl., Daśak. in Chr. 181, 12. uparata,
     1. Stopped, ceased.
     2. Having ceased, Man. 5, 66.
     3. Having desisted from, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 35.
     4. Dead, Pañc. 98, 3 (he breathed out his last).
-- With vyupa vi-upa, vyuparata, Interrupted, stopped, Mṛcch. 1, 2.
-- With ni ni, nirata,
     1. Pleased, satisfied, Man. 3, 45.
     2. Attached to (with loc.), loving, Utt. Rāmac. 57, 5; faithful, Rām. 3, 48, 18.
     3. Engaged in, practising, Nal. 6, 10 (a-hiṃsā-, benevolence).
-- With pari pari, Par. To be delighted, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 53.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To cease, Utt. Rāmac. 17, 6; with the ptcple. of the pres. in the sense of the infin., Pañc. 93, 16.
     2. To desist, Man. 4, 97.
     3. To cease from, desist from (with abl.), Vikr. d. 39; Pañc. 161, 1. virata, Stopped, ceased, Śiś. 9, 12. Comp. a-, adj. 1. uninterrupted, Kir. 5, 6. 2. eternal.
-- With sam sam, To rejoice, Bhaṭṭ. 19, 30.
-- Cf. O.H.G. rāwa, ruowa (i. e. *ram + van, cf. acc. sing. ruouun), rāwên (denomin.), resti, rastjan; A.S. rest, restan; [greek]

rama ram + a,
I. adj.
     1. Pleasing, Kir. 5, 20 (at the end of a comp.).
     2. Dear.
II. m.
     1. A husband, a lover.
     2. The deity of love.
III. f. .
     1. A wife or a mistress, Pañc. i. d. 369 (?).
     2. A name of Lakṣmī, Pañc. 46, 8.
-- Comp. manas-, see s.v. manorama.

ramaka ram + aka, m. A lover, a gallant.

ramaṇa ramaṇa, i. e. ram + ana,
I. adj. Delighting, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 11.
II. m.
     1. A husband, Megh. 85.
     2. A lover, Vikr. d. 89; Pañc. i. d. 196; Śiś. 9, 60.
     3. A name of Kāma.
     4. An ass.
III. f. ṇī, and ṇā, A wife, a mistress.
IV. n.
     1. Sporting.
     2. Dalliance, love, Megh. 38.
     3. Coition.
     4. The mons veneris.
-- Comp. para-, m. a paramour, Pañc. i. d. 196.

ramaṇīyatā ramaṇīya + tā (vb. ram), f. Agreeableness, charm, Utt. Rāmac. 90, 4; Śāk. 82, 2 (Prākṛ.).

ramaṇīyatva ramaṇīya + tva, n. Agreeableness, charm, Śāk. 80, 7.

ramati ram + ati, m.
     1. Love.
     2. Paradise.
     3. A crow.
     4. Time.

ramph ramph, see raph.

rambramb, i. 1, Ātm. To sound. See raṇv.

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rambhrambh, lambh lambh, i. 1, Ātm. To sound.

rambha rambha,
A. i. e. rabh + a,
I. m.
     1. A bambu.
     2. The name of a monkey.
II. f. bhā.
     1. A plantain, Lass. 79, 16.
     2. The name of an Apsaras, Vikr. 87, 10.
     3. A name of Gaurī.
B. (cf. rambh), f. bhā, Lowing, as of a cow.
-- Comp. go-rambha, m. a proper name, Pañc. 26, 22.

rayray, lay lay, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

raya raya, i. e. rī + a, m.
     1. The stream of a river, Hit. iii. d. 49.
     2. Speed, Megh. 20.
-- Comp. āśu-, adj. impetuous, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 3. śānta- (vb. śam), adj. slackened in speed.

rayi rayi, m. Wealth (cf. rai), Chr. 288, 13 = Rigv. i. 48, 13.

rayiṣṭha rayiṣṭha, superl. of raya + vant,
     1. Very fleet.
     2. m. A name of Kuvera, Agni or fire, and Brahman.

rarph rarph, see raph.

rallaka rallaka, m.
     1. A blanket.
     2. An eyelash.
     3. A sort of deer, Śiś. 4, 61.

rava rava, i. e. ru + a, m.
     1. Sound, Mālat. 79, 19 (at the end of a comp. adj.); cry, Indr. 1, 3; Rājat. 5, 346; 408.
     2. Talk, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1723, 3; Pañc. i. 30 (false r.; cf. my transl. and Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2542).
-- Comp. kala-, m. 1. a pleasing sound, Bhartṛ. 1, 35. 2. (properly, uttering a pleasing sound), a pigeon. 3. the Indian cuckoo. ghaṇṭā-,
I. m. the sound of a bell, Pañc. 229, 15.
II. f. , crotolaria of various species. caṇḍa-, m. the name of a jackal, Pañc. 62, 21. nirara, i. e. nis-, adj. noiseless, Ragh. 8, 57. bhīma-vega-, m. a proper name (fearful in velocity and noise). madana-kāku-, m. a pigeon. vīṇa-, f. , a proper name, Pañc. 81, 5. śārṅga-, m. a proper name.

ravaṇa ravaṇa, partly ru + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Sounding, crying.
     2. Sharp, hot.
     3. Unsteady.
     4. Jesting.
II. m.
     1. The Indian cuckoo.
     2. A camel.
III. n. Bell-metal.

ravatha ravatha, i. e. ru + atha, m. The Indian cuckoo.

ravi ravi, m.
     1. The sun, Pañc. 189, 23; Man. 1, 23.
     2. A proper name, Draup. 2, 21.

raśanā raśanā, see rasana.

raśmi raśmi (i. e. raś + mi; with raś cf. probably Lat. laqueus, cf. rasanā), m.
     1. A rein, Nal. 19, 22.
     2. A ray of light, Pañc. 162, 11.
     3. An eyelash.
-- Comp. uṣṇa- and tigma-, m. the sun, Ragh. 5, 4; Śiś. 9, 11. śita-, m. the moon, Śṛṅgārat. 6. syūma-, m. a proper name, Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. i. 112, 16.

ras 1. ras, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound, Gīt. 10, 6.
     2. To roar, MBh. 3, 14602.
     3. To sing, Śiś. 6, 70.
     4. † To praise. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rasita, Sounded. n.
     1. The rattling of thunder, Ghaṭ. 14.
     2. Sound. Cf. s.v. Frequent. rāras, To cry loudly, Bhaṭṭ. 5, 96.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anurasita, Accompanied by howling, Utt. Rāmac. 45, 2.
-- With ā ā, To lament, Nal. 1, 11. ārasita, n. Cry, Mālav. d. 41.
-- With vi vi, To cry, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 42.
-- Cf. Goth. razda; O.H.G. rartjan; A.S. reordian; O.H.G. rerjan; A.S. rarian.

ras 2. ras, i. 10, rasaya and rasū- paya (rather a denomin. derived from rasa), Par.
     1. To taste, Śiś. 10, 27.
     2. † To love. Desider. rirasayiṣa, To wish to taste, Śiś. 11, 11.

rasa rasa, probably from ram,
I. m.
     1. Taste (as sweet, salt), Pañc. 61, 11.
     2. Pleasure, Utt. Rāmac. 146, 1; enjoyment, Śāk. d. 179; Pañc. ii. d. 175; charm, Pañc. iv. d. 62.
     3. Inclination, Hit. iii. d. 115 (sāhasa-ekānta-rasa-anuvartin, adj. One who follows only his inclination to inconsiderate haste); love, Utt. Rāmac. 26, 2.
     4. Juice, Man. 2, 77; liquid, 3, 159; Śiś. 9, 46; a dish, Vikr. 19, 1.
     5. Essence, Hit. iv. d. 94 (tad-, Its best).
     6. Condiment, Hit. iii. d. 56.
     7. Water.
     8. The essential juice of the body, whence blood, etc., are supposed to be engendered.
     9. Semen virile.
     10. Poison.
     11. Gum myrrh.
     12. Quicksilver.
     13. A mineral substance, as sulphur, borax.
     14. Taste, sentiment, emotion, as an object of poetry, as love, terror, etc., Bhartṛ. 2, 21; Rām. 1, 4, 7; Pañc. v. d. 44 (? nine rasas of music).
     15. Affection of the mind, Utt. Rāmac. 50, 8; passion, Vikr. d. 36; love, Vikr. d. 40.
II. f. .
     1. A river of the lower regions, Chr. 297, 12 = Rigv. i. 112, 12.
     2. The tongue.
     3. The earth.
     4. A grape.
     5. The name of several plants.
-- Comp. a-, adj. tasteless, insipid. anu-, m. a secondary flavour, Suśr. 1, 224, 13. anna-, m. the essential properties of food, Nal. 5, 37 (the knowledge of them). amṛta-,
I. m. the amṛta essence, the drink of immortality, Bhartṛ. 3, 77 (kāvya-, poetical works which are like the essence of amṛta).
II. adj., f. , having an amṛta-like juice, Pañc. 248, 12. ikṣu-, m. the juice of the sugar-cane, Pañc. i. d. 411. eha-,
I. m. only pleasure, Rām. 1, 9, 8.
II. adj., f. . 1. pleased with one object only, ib. 2, 67, 20 (v. r. Gorr.). 2. unchanged, Utt. Rāmac. 102, 3. ka- naka-, m. 1. melted gold, Śāk. 99, 15. 2. yellow orpiment. kāma-, m. semination, MBh. 1, 3812. kṣudra-, m. honey, Bhāg. P. 5, 13, 10. gandha-, m. myrrh, MBh. 5, 777. go-, m. 1. milk, MBh. 5, 1143. 2. buttermilk. 3. coagulated milk. nīrasa, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. sapless, vain, Vikr. d. 30. 2. insipid, Bhartṛ. 3, 16. 3. merciless, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 6. 4. charmless, Pañc. iv. d. 62. piṣṭa (vb. piṣ)-, m. water mixed with flour, MBh. 1, 5186. praṇipāta-, m. the name of a spell, Rām. 1, 31, 5 Gorr. yakṣa-, m. spirituous liquor. yathā-rasa + m, adv. according to the sentiments, Mālav. 20, 20. vi-,
I. adj. 1. insipid. 2. painful, Utt. Rāmac. 157, 6.
II. m. pain, Utt. Rāmac. 18, 9. śṛṅgāra-eka-, adj. only pleased with love, Vikr. d. 9. sa-, see s.v. siddha-,
I. adj. mineral, metallic.
II. m. 1. quicksilver. 2. an alchymist. su-,
I. adj. 1. well-flavoured. 2. sweet. 3. elegant.
II. m. a plant, Vitex trifolia.
III. f. , and n. 1. holy basil. 2. the name of several plants.
IV. f. , Durgā. sva-, m. 1. proper taste. 2. proper flavour. 3. expressed juice. 4. sediment of oil. svādu-, f. , 1. the hog-plum. 2. a grape. 3. vinous liquor.

rasaka rasa + ka, m. Stewed or boiled meat.

rasaja rasa-ja, m.
     1. Any insect engendered by the fermentation of liquids.
     3. Molasses.

rasajña rasa-jña,
I. adj. Acquainted with tastes, sentiments, etc.
II. m.
     1. An alchymist.
     2. A physician.
     3. A poet.
III. f. jñā, The tongue, Bhāṣāp. 52; 101.

rasana ras + ana,
I. n.
     1. Sounding, tinkling.
     2. Tasting, Bhāṣāp. 39; Bhag. 15, 9.
II. f. (written also raśanā, and perhaps akin to raśmi, q. cf.).
     1. A woman's girdle, Vikr. d. 115.
     2. The tongue, Bhāṣāp. 100.
-- Comp. nīrasana, i. e. nis-rasana, adj. without a girdle, Kir. 5, 11.

rasamaya rasa + maya, adj., f. , Delightful, Utt. Rāmac. 128, 1.

rasavant rasa + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Succulent, Bhartṛ. 3, 97.
     2. Agreeable, Vikr. d. 62.
     3. Endowed with the rasas, love, etc., Utt. Rāmac. 111, 3.

rasāyana rasāyana, perhaps rasa-ayana,
I. n.
     1. Buttermilk.
     2. Poison.
     3. A medicine preventing old age and prolonging life, Pañc. ii. d. 80; elixir, Hit. i. d. 209, M.M. (prīti-, Elixir-like joy).
     4. Medicine, a remedy, Utt. Rāmac. 24, 2.
     5. Alchymy, chemistry.
II. m.
     1. An alchymist.
     2. Garuḍa.
III. f. , A vessel conveying nutrition.

rasika rasika, i. e. rasa + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Having taste, flavoured.
     2. Tasteful, as a composition.
     3. Impassioned, inclined, Hit. 103, 3 (sāhasa-eka-, Inclined only to inconsiderate haste).
II. m.
     1. A horse.
     2. An elephant.
     3. A libertine.
III. f. (cf. rasana).
     1. A woman's girdle.
     2. The tongue.
     3. Curds with sugar and spice.
     4. Molasses.

rasikatā rasika + tā, f. Pleasure, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 411.

rasita rasita, probably rasa + ita, adj. Gilded, plated.

rasna rasna, n. A thing.

rasya rasya, i. e. rasa + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Savoury, Bhag. 17, 8.
     2. Juicy.
II. n. Blood.

rah rah (for original radh), i. 1, and i. 10, rahaya, Par. To quit, to leave. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rahita.
     1. Abandoned, Rām. 3, 52, 5.
     2. Deprived of, without, Rām. 1, 70, 35. n. Privacy; loc. sing. Privately, Chr. 37, 2.
-- With the prep. vi vi,
     1. To abandon, Rām. 3, 51, 17.
     2. With instr. To separate from, Vikr. d. 114. virahita,
     1. Abandoned, left, Śiś. 9, 75.
     2. Deprived of, without, Vikr. d. 33; Nal. 10, 23. Comp. a-, adj. 1. not separated, Vikr. 86, 11.
     2. abounding in, Kir. 5, 52.
-- Cf. [greek] probably [greek] Lat. latere (cf. rudhira); also perhaps [greek] (cf. rahas); Lat. lectum, legere; Goth. ligan, lagjan; A.S. lecgan, licgan.

rahas rah + as,
I. n.
     1. Secrecy, Pañc. 253, 25; Chr. 5, 6; Vikr. d. 51 (loc., secretly).
     2. A secret, Rājat. 5, 317; a religious or mystic truth.
     3. A place of privacy, a hiding-place, solitude, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 23; Lass. 55, 15.
     4. Copulation, Pañc. i. d. 197 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2366).
     5. A privity.
II. adv. Secretly, privily, Pañc. 192, 23; Chr. 53, 22. Cf. rak.

rahaḥstha rahaḥstha, or rahastha rahastha, i. e. rahas-stha, adj. Being alone, Pañc. 45, 24.

rahasya rahas + ya,
I. adj. Secret, Man. 11, 247; concealed, 4, 144; mysterious.
II. n. A secret, Pañc. 129, 2; a mystery, Lass. 20, 20.
III. f. , The name of a river.
-- Comp. deva-, n. a secret of the gods, MBh. 15, 964. sa-, adj. magical (as weapons), Utt. Rāmac. 11, 3. sa-prayoga-, adj. with the charms or spells for employing (the magic weapons), Johns. Sel. 4, 22.

rahī rahī, A substitute for rahas before the derivatives of kṛ and bhū; cf. bhū.

, ii. 2, Par. (in the ved. also Ātm.), To give, Bhāg. P. 4, 27, 25. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rāta. Comp. kirti-, and kṛti-, m. a proper name, Rām. 1, 71, 11.
-- Cf. ved. rātam astu with Lat. ratum esto and reop.

rākā rākā, f.
     1. Full moon, or the day of full moon, Sah. D. p. 323, 19.
     2. A girl in whom menstruation has commenced.
     3. Itch.
     4. The name of a river.

rākṣasa rākṣasa, i. e. rakṣas + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to a Rākṣasa, demoniacal, Rām. 3, 48, 11; Lass. 18, 3.
     2. Infested by demons, Man. 3, 280.
     3. (see vidhi), A form of marriage, Man. 3, 33.
II. m. An evil spirit, Pañc. 182, 22.
III. f. ,
     1. A female demon, Hiḍ. 2, 16.
     2. A large tusk.
     3. A sort of perfume.
-- Comp. jala-rākṣasī, f. a female demon of the water, MBh. 3, 16255. brahmarākṣasa, i. e. brahman-, m. a demon of the brahmanical class, Man. 12, 60; Pañc. 182, 19. mānuṣa-, m. a Rākṣasa-like man, a Rākṣasa in the shape of man, Bhartṛ. 2, 66. sadevāsura-, i. e. sa-deva-asura-, adj. with the gods, Asuras, and Rākṣasas, Chr. 41, 22.

rākhrākh, lākh lākh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To grow dry.
     2. To adorn.
     3. To suffice.
     4. To prevent.

rāga rāga, i. e. rañj + a,
I. m.
     1. Colour, Pañc. 203, 5; Vikr. d. 26 (red colour).
     2. Being subdued by affections, MBh. 13, 12427; Ṛt. 6, 23.
     3. Affection, love, Pañc. iii. d. 266; Daśak. in Chr. 197, 6; desire, sorrow, joy, Rājat. 5, 382.
     4. Wrath, Pañc. 29, 17.
     5. Envy.
     6. Greediness.
     7. Passion, Hit. iv. d. 83 (ni-vṛtta-, adj. Free from passions).
     8. A mode of music, of which six are enumerated, Pañc. 248, 6.
     9. Harmony, Śāk. d. 5.
     10. A king.
II. f. , A sort of grain, Eleusine corocana.
-- Comp. aṅga-, m. paint, unguent, powder for smearing and perfuming the body, Ṛt. 6, 12. apa-, m. enmity, Man. 7, 154. kṛtrima-, m. an artificial colour, Vikr. d. 40. padma-, m. a ruby, Hit. pr. d. 44, M.M. puṣpa-, m. a topaz, Ragh. 18, 31. vi-, m. 1. disinclination, hatred, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1156. 2. the absence of desire or passion, indifference, disregard of all sensual enjoyment, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 6. vīta-, i. e. vi-ita-,
I. adj. 1. colourless. 2. exempt from passions, Hit. 42, 10, M.M.
II. m. a sage. sa-, adj. 1. coloured. 2. impassioned. haridrā-, adj. fickle, unsteady.

rāgamañjarikā rāgamañjarikā, i. e. rāga-mañjarī + ka, f. The wicked Rāgamañjarī, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 21.

rāgāru rāgāru, adj. One who excites hopes and disappoints them.

rāgin rāgin, i. e. rāga + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Coloured.
     2. Red, Pañc. i. d. 225.
     3. Impassioned, agitated by affections, Bhag. 18, 27; given to passions, Hit. iv. d. 83.
     4. Loving, Śiś. 9, 38; being in love, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 23.
II. m.
     1. A painter.
     2. A lover.
III. f. giṇī.
     1. A shrewd and intriguing woman.
     2. A modification of a musical mode, personified as the wife of the Rāga, Lass. 39, 10.
-- Comp. vi- (properly, virāga + in, see raga), adj. void of passion.

rāghrāgh, lāgh lāgh, i. 1, Ātm. To be able or equal to.

rāghava rāghava, i. e. raghu + a, patronym., m. (cf. raghu),
     1. A descendant of Raghu; a name of Rāma, Rām. 3, 48, 8.
     2. A sort of fish.
     3. The ocean.

rāṅkava rāṅkava, i. e. raṅka + a, adj. Made of the hair of the raṅku, Rām. 3, 49, 15.

rāṅga rāṅga, A proper name, Lass. 67, 2.

rāj 1. rāj, i. 1, Par. Atm.
     1. To shine, Vikr. d. 160; to beam, Rām. 1, 1, 32; Chr. 25, 52 (rājatam, anomal. instead of rājantam).
     2. ved. To govern (akin to ṛj, originally raj). Caus. rājaya, To illuminate. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rājita.
     1. Illuminated.
     2. Adorned, Kir. 5, 9.
-- With abhi abhi, To shine, MBh. 3, 10960.
-- With upa upa, Caus. uparājita, Illuminated, Pañc. v. d. 12.
-- With nis nis, nīrājita, Shining, Utt. Rāmac. 150, 12.
-- With pari pari, To be very resplendent, Rām. 3, 49, 3.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To shine forth, Pañc. v. d. 2.
     2. To shine, ib. i. d. 373; Rām. 3, 52, 25. Caus. To cause to beam, Rām. 2, 26, 2. virājita,
     1. Illuminated, splendid, Kir. 5, 4; Nal. 5, 3.
     2. Manifested.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, To shine, to beam, Rām. 2, 26, 10.

rāj 2. rāj, latter part of comp. nouns,
I. adj. Shining.
II. curtailed for rājan, m. A king, Hiḍ. 1, 13.
-- Comp. araṇya-, m. king of the forest, epithet of the lion and the tiger, Nal. 12, 13; 31. asura-, m. king of the Asuras, epithet of the Asura Baka (see vaka), MBh. 1, 6208. indu- and uḍu-, m. the moon, Pañc. i. d. 104; Rām. 4, 5, 14. eka-, 1. adj. only shining, Bhāg. P. 3, 5, 24. 2. m. an absolute king, ib. 1, 18, 5. kratu-, m. the principal sacrifice, Man. 11, 260. giri-, m. the king of the mountains, probably the Himālaya, MBh. 6, 3419. tṛṇa-, m. the palmyra tree, Rām. 6, 91, 13. deva-, m. epithet of Indra and Nahuṣa, Chr. 4, 20; MBh. 13, 4788. dharma-, m. epithet of Yama, Yudhiṣṭhira, and of a king of the herons, Man. 7, 7; Draup. 8, 13; MBh. 12, 6350. nāga-, m. the king of the serpents, Mārk. P. 23, 24. mṛga-, m. a lion, Śiś. 9, 18 (pataṃga-, m. the lion-like run). yakṣa-, m. Kuvera. viśva-, and in some cases, viśvā-, m. an universal sovereign. sva-, m. Brahman or Supreme Spirit.
-- Cf. Lat. rex.

rāja -rāja, a substitute for rājan, when latter part of comp. words, m. A king.
-- Comp. amara-, m. king of the gods, epithet of Indra. amara-śatru-, m. epithet of Rāvaṇa, Rām. 6, 35, 1. ādi-, m. the first or primeval king, epithet of Manu and of a son of Kuru, Rām. 1, 6, 4; MBh. 1, 3741. ṛkṣa-, m. 1. the king of the bears, Rām. 6, 6, 12. 2. the king of the stars, epithet of the moon, Vikr. 39, 15. tṛṇa-, m. the palmyra tree, MBh. 4, 1309. deva-, m. Indra, Rām. 6, 34, 10. dvija- and nakṣatra-, m. the moon, Ragh. 5, 23; Rām. 5, 18, 17. dharma-, m. epithet of Yama and Yudhiṣṭhira, MBh. 13, 3471; Hariv. 842. nada-, the king of the rivers, i. e. the Sindhu, Śiś. 9, 30. nāga-, 1. the king of the serpents, Kathās. 22, 209. 2. a great elephant, MBh. 4, 1679. pitṛ-, m. the king of the Manes, i. e. Yama, Sāv. 5, 14. bhujaga-, m. the king of the snakes, epithet of Śeṣa. bhṛṅga-, m. 1. a sort of bird (Lanius malabaricus), Lass. 52, 18. 2. the humble bee. 3. a sort of shrub. 4. a particular sacrifice. mahā-, m. 1. a sovereign, king, Vikr. 37, 9. 2. a finger-nail. mṛga-, m. a lion, Vikr. 70, 13. yakṣa-, m. Kuvera, Chr. 62, 52. yuvarāja, i. e. yuvan-, m. a young prince, especially the heir apparent, Pañc. 156, 16. rājarāja, i. e. rājan-, m. 1. an universal monarch, Kir. 5, 51. 2. Kuvera. 3. the moon. vighna-, m. Gaṇeśa. vimāna-, m. the driver of a chariot (of the gods), Utt. Rāmac. 55, 2. śaila-, m. the king of the mountains, epithet of the Himālaya, Megh. 51. sindhu-, m. Jayadratha, the king of Sindh. sukha-, m. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 206. sura-, m. Indra, Rājat. 5, 157. saubha-, m. the king of the Saubhas, Chr. 18, 35.
-- Cf. Goth. reiks.

rājaka rājaka,
I. adj.
     1. rāj + aka, Splendid.
     2. rājan + ka, A substitute for rājan when latter part of comp. adj.; e. g. a-, adj. Having no king, Man. 7, 3.
II. m. A king.
III. n. An assemblage of kings.
-- Comp. mahā-, and mahā-rājika, m. a kind of demigod. sa-, adj. together with the king, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 519.

rājakīya rājakīya, i. e. rājan + ka + īya, adj. Royal, Lass. 13, 17; 31, 6.

rājagha rājagha, i. e. rājan-han,
I. m. A king killer.
II. adj. Sharp.

rājata rājata, i. e. rajata + a,
I. adj. Made of silver, Man. 2, 202; Rājat. 5. 12.
II. n. Silver (ŚKD.), Rām. 3, 49, 1.

rājatas rājatas, i. e. rājan + tas, From a king, Man. 4, 33.

rājatā rājatā, i. e. rājan + tā, f. Royalty, Hit. iii. d. 77.

rājan rāj + an (or rather ṛj, properly raj, + an, cf. Lat. regere),
I. m.
     1. A king, Chr. 3, 6.
     2. One of the Kṣatriya caste, Man. 2, 32.
     3. A master.
     4. The moon.
     5. Indra.
     6. A Yakṣa.
II. f. rājñī.
     1. A queen, Chr. 54, 18; a princess, Chr. 18, 3.
     2. The wife of the sun.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who is not a king, Johns. Sel. 32, 61. kāśi-, m. the king of Kāśi, Chr. 11, 19 (but -rāja, 3, 9). dharma-rājan, m. (cf. rāja), Yudhiṣṭhira, MBh. 2, 146. nāga-, m. (cf. rāja), Nal. 14, 3.
-- Cf. Lat. regina (for regonia = rājñī for rājan + yā), and perhaps Goth. raginon, see 2. rāj, and rāja.

rājanya rājan + ya, m.
     1. A Kṣatriya, a man of the military caste, Utt. Rāmac. 152, 4; Chr. 37, 2.
     2. A name of Agni.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who is not a Kṣatriya, Man. 4, 84.

rājanyaka rājanya + ka, n. A multitude of Kṣatriyas.

rājanvant rājan + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessing, or ruled by, a good king.

rājarṣi rājarṣi, see ṛṣi.

rājavat rājavat, i. e. rājan + vat, adv. As towards the king, Pañc. i. d. 58.

rājavant rājavant = rājanvant.

rājasa rājasa, i. e. rajas + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to the quality of passion, Man. 12, 32.
     2. Endowed with passion, 12, 40.
II. f. , Durgā.

rājasūya rājasūya, i. e. rājan-su + ya, m. A sacrifice performed by an universal monarch, attended by his tributary princes, Indr. 1, 15.

rājāya rājāya, a denomin. derived from rājan with ya, Ātm. To behave like a king, Hit. ii. d. 96.

rāji and rājī rāji/ī, i. e. partly probably ṛj (properly raj, cf. Lat. di-vigere), + i/ī, f.
     1. A row, a line, Pañc. i. d. 217; a stripe, Vikr. d. 78; a line parting the hair, Rām. 3, 52, 32.
     2. A continuous line.
-- Comp. nīla-rāji, f. a dark line, darkness, Ṛt. 1, 2 (at the end of a comp. adj.). vana-rāj + i,
I. adj. embellishing a forest.
II. f. a tree, Rām. 3, 52, 23; 55, 45; Draup. 1, 2.

rājikā f.
I. rāji + kā, A line.
II. A field.
III. Black mustard, Sinapis racemosa, Pañc. 184, 18. Cf. rājaka.

rājīva rājīva,
I. m.
     1. An elephant
     2. A kind of deer.
     3. The Indian crane.
     4. A large fish, Cyprinus niloticus Buch., Man. 5, 16.
II. n. A lotus, Chr. 50, 11; Indr. 4, 41.

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rājñī rājñī, see rājan.

rājya rājya, i. e. rājan + ya, n.
     1. A government, Pañc. iii. d. 265.
     2. A kingdom, Rām. 3, 53, 22; Pañc. 202, 19.
     3. Exercise of sovereignty, Rājat. 5, 242.
     4. Administration.
-- Comp. deva-, n. the dominion over the gods, Rām. 6, 98, 19. pṛthivī-, n. the sovereignty of the earth. mahā-, n. sovereignty, Chr. 3, 5. yuvarājya-, i. e. yuvan-, n. the dignity of heir apparent, Pañc. 130, 18. hṛta-, adj. stripped of a kingdom.

rāṭi rāṭi, f. War, battle.

rāḍhā rāḍhā f.
     1. Splendour.
     2. The name of a country.

rāti rā + ti, f. Gift, present, Lass. 99, 14 = Rigv. iii. 62, 12.
-- Comp. a-, m. an enemy, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 110. vāyasa-a-, m. an owl.

rātra -rātra, a substitute for rātṛ, when latter part of comp. words; e. g. ati-, m.
     1. The name of a part of the Jyotiṣṭoma, and of the Sattra sacrifices, Rām. 1, 13, 44; 45.
     2. A proper name, Hariv. 72. apara-, m. The last watch of the night, Rām. 3, 22, 29. ardha-, m. Midnight, Man. 7, 151. eka-,
I. m. A festival of one night's duration, MBh. 13, 4914.
II. n. One night, Man. 3, 102. cira-, n. A long time, Man. 3, 266. tri-, n. sing. Three nights or days, Man. 4, 119; 5, 67. daśarātra, i. e. daśan-, m. Ten days, Man. 5, 65. pañcar°, i. e. pañcan-,
I. n.
     1. Five nights or days, Man. 8, 402; 11, 147.
     2. The sacred scripture of several Vaiṣṇava sects, MBh. 12, 7891.
II. adj. Lasting five nights or days, MBh. 13, 4914. pūrva-, m. The first part of the night, MBh. 1, 6443. vi-, Deep night, Sāv. 6, 28 (cf. 5, 66). saptar°, i. e. saptan-, n. A period of seven nights, Man. 2, 187.

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rātraka rātra + ka, n. = pañcarātra, see rātra.
-- Comp. pañca(n)-, adj. Lasting five nights, Pañc. ed. orn. 4, 17.

rātri and rātrī rātrī, probably ram + tṛ + ī, f. Night, Hit. pr. d. 24, M.M.
-- Comp. kāla-, f. 1. the last night of a Kalpa, in which the universe is destroyed by Kāla, Rām. 5, 47, 26. 2. Durgā, Hariv. 3269. 3. = bhīmarathī, see ratha. Yakṣa-rātri, f. the night of full moon in the month Kārttika. śiva-rātri, f. a festival in honour of Śiva. śeṣa-rātri, f. the last watch of the night.

rātrikā rātri + kā, f. Night, Rājat. 5, 482.
-- Comp. pañca(n)-, adj. epithet of Viṣṇu (cf. pañcan-rātra), MBh. 12, 12864 (p. 818, 1. 9, bel.).

rātricara rātri-cara, and rātriṃtrara rātriṃcara, i. e. rātri + m-cara, m. A Rākṣasa. rātricarī, f. A female Rākṣasa.

rātrihiṇḍaka rātri-hiṇḍ + aka, m. A guard of the women's apartment.

rādh rādh (probably rā-dhā), ii. 5, rādhnu, and i. 4, rādhya, Par. ved.
     1. To make merciful or favourable (ii. 5).
     2. To make agreeable (ii. 5).
     3. To accomplish.
     4. To be merciful, or favourable (i. 4).
     5. To be accomplished or finished (i. 4). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rāddha.
     1. Accomplished.
     2. Perfect in mysterious or magical power, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 17.
     3. Cooked. Desider.
     1. viratsa.
     2. ritsa, To kill, to hurt, to destroy, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 19.
-- With the prep. apa apa, ii. 5, and i. 4,
     1. To offend against, with gen., MBh. 1, 1389; to injure, Vikr. 5, 8.
     2. To sin, MBh. 4, 1611.
     3. To restrain, MBh. 3, 17005. aparāddha,
     1. Sinned, Śāk. d. 57 (na tu grīṣmasyaivaṃ subhagam aparāddhaṃ yuvatiṣu, But when heat [sins against, i. e.] injures the girls, it is not so charming).
     2. Sinning, having sinned, guilty, Śāk. 110, 16 (with gen., against).
-- With abhi abhi, i. 4, To propitiate, Rām. 2, 30, 33.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To accomplish, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 16 (pass.). Caus.
     1. To make favourable, to propitiate, Rām. 1, 17, 31.
     2. To conciliate, Hit. iv. d. 99; to win, Rām. 2, 60, 6.
     3. To worship, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 6.
     4. To serve, Man. 10, 122; Pañc. 125, 12 (kim ancnārādhitena, For what purpose serve him?).
     5. To perform, Bhartṛ. 2, 96. ārādhita, Pleased, Vikr. 35, 4. Comp. su-, adj. caused to be very propitious, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2977. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. durārādhya, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be propitiated, or worshipped, or served, Bhartṛ. 3, 78; Bhāg. P. 4, 11, 11.
-- With upā upa-ā, Caus. To serve, Man. 10, 121.
-- With samā sam-ā, Caus.
     1. To make favourable, to propitiate, MBh. 3, 10344.
     2. To satisfy, to get the approbation of, Utt. Rāmac. 167, 6.
-- Cf. [greek] etc. (for [greek] instead of [greek]); cf. also ved. iradhya.

rādha rādh + a,
I. m. The month Vaiśākha, April -- May.
II. f. dhā.
     1. The sixteenth lunar asterism.
     2. The favourite mistress of Kṛṣṇa, Pañc. 45, 2.
     3. The wife of the charioteer of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, by whom Karṇa was fostered.
     4. Lightning.
     5. Emblic myrobalan.

rādhana rādh + ana,
I. n.
     1. Completing.
     2. Obtaining.
     3. Pleasure.
II. f. , Speaking.

rādhas rādh + as, n. Favour, bliss, wealth, Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2,

rādheya rādheya, i. e. rādhā + eya (see rādha), metronym., m. Karṇa, Johns. Sel. 56, 155; Rājat. 5, 379.

rābhasya rābhasya, i. e. rabhasa + a, n. The state or condition of velocity, or of joy.

rāma rāma, i. e. ram + a,
I. adj.
     1. Beautiful.
     2. Black.
     3. White.
II. m.
     1. A proper name, particularly the hero of the Rāmāyaṇa.
     2. A name of Varuṇa.
     3. A horse.
     4. A sort of deer.
III. f. , A beautiful female, Vikr. d. 114; Amar. 58.
-- Comp. paraśu-, m. the first of the three renowned Rāmas, the son of Jamadagni, Prab. 5, 5 (cf. Chr. 16, 17). bala-, m. the third Rāma, the half-brother of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 1, 7912. Cf. rāma-candra.

rāmaja rāma-ja, m. A proper name.

rāmāyaṇa rāmāyaṇa, i. e. rāma-ayana (or rather + āyana), n. The name of a renowned epic poem, Utt. Rāmac. 110, 9.

rāmbha rāmbha, i. e. rambha + a, m. The bambu staff of a religious student.

rāla rāla, m. The resinous exudation of the Shorea robusta.

rāva rāva, i. e. ru + a, m. Sound, Hit. 92, 8.
-- Comp. dīrgha-, m. the proper name of a jackal, Hit. 76, 6, M.M.

rāvaṇa rāvaṇa, m. The king of the Rākṣasas, the ravisher of Sīta, and destroyed by Rāma, Rām. 3, 48, 2.

rāvaṇi rāvaṇi, i. e. rāvaṇa + i, patronym., m. The eldest son of Rāvaṇa.

rāś rāś, v.r. for rās.

rāśi rāśi, m.
     1. A heap, a quantity, Pañc. 121, 11; 203, 7.
     2. A sign of the zodiac.
-- Comp. agni-, m. a fireball, Rām. 4, 60, 17. ambu- (Ragh. 6, 57), and lavaṇa-ambu- (Vikr. d. 18), jala- (Kathās. 18, 2, but, plenty of water, Kir. 5, 19), payas- (Hit. ii. d. 15), and vāri- (Rājat. 5, 15), m. the ocean. brahma(n)-, heap of holiness, Chr. 34, 15 (= Paraśurāma). yaśas-, m. greatness of glory, i. e. a glorious deed, Vikr. 11, 17.

rāṣṭra rāṣṭra, m. and n.
I. i. e. rāj + tra,
     1. A realm, empire, kingdom, Pañc. iii. d. 39; v. d. 64 (kurājāntāni rāṣṭrāṇi, Kingdoms find their end [i. e. are ruined] by wicked kings).
     2. An inhabited country, Lass. 76, 18.
II. Any public calamity, as famine.
-- Comp. su-, m. the name of a country, surat, Rām. 3, 53, 56.

rāṣṭrika rāṣṭrika, i. e. rāṣṭra + ika, adj. sbst. Inhabiting, or an inhabitant of, a realm, Man. 10, 61.

rāṣṭriya and rāṣṭrīya rāṣṭrīya,
I. adj. Relating to a realm.
II. (rāṣtriya), m. A king's brother-in-law (in theatrical language), Mṛcch. 66, 23; cf. Böhtl. ad Śāk. 73, 1.

rās rās (cf. ras), i. 1, Ātm. (MBh. 8, 1941, Par.), To sound, to cry.
-- Cf. rāś.

rāsa rāsa, i. e. ras + a, m.
     1. Sound.
     2. Confused noise.
     3. Speech.
     4. A festival among the cowherds, including especially a circular dance.
     5. A chain.
-- Comp. dūrāsa, i. e. dus-, m. disagreeable speech, Utt. Rāmac. 44, 5.

rāsabha rāsabha, i. e. ras + a + bha, m. An ass, Pañc. iii. d. 118. f. bhī, A she-ass, Pañc. 215, 9.

rāserasa rāserasa, m.
I. i. e. rāsa + i-rasa.
     1. = rāsa.
     2. Mirth.
     3. A company, a party.
II. (cf. rasa), Alchymy.

rāsana rāsana, m. = rasa, Pān. Sch. iv. 2, 92.

rāsnā rāsnā, f. A sort of perfume.

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rāhu rāhu, i. e. rah + u, m.
     1. A Daitya to whom the eclipses are ascribed, Hit. i. d. 20, M.M.
     2. The ascending node.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. seized by Rāhu, i. e. eclipsed, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 8.

ri 1. ri, i. 6, riya, Par. To go.

ri 2. ri, ii. 5, v. r. for , ii. 5, To hurt.

riktaka rikta + ka (vb. ric), adj.
     1. Void, empty.
     2. Unloaded, unburthened, Man. 8, 404.

riktha riktha, i. e. ric + tha, n.
     1. An inheritance, Man. 9, 104.
     2. Property, Man. 8, 30.
     3. Wealth.
     4. Gold.
-- Comp. gotra-, n. du. family and estate, Man. 9, 142.

rikthāda rikthāda, i. e. riktha-a-da (vb. ), m. An heir, a son, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 40.

rikthin rikthin, i. e. riktha + in,
I. adj. Wealthy.
II. m. An heir, Man. 9, 162 (eka-, An heir of one man).

rikṣā rikṣā, f.
     1. A nit.
     2. A mote in a sunbeam.

rikh rikh, riṅkh riṅkh, see rakh.

ric ric, ii. 7, riṇac, riñc, Par. Ātm.
     1. To evacuate, to leave, pass., Vikr. d. 8 (being delivered).
     2. To separate, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 36. † i. 1, and i. 10,
     1. To join, to mix.
     2. To divide, to separate. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rikta,
     1. Empty, Pañc. 89, 2.
     2. Unloaded.
     3. Purged.
     4. Free from, Ragh. 14, 85.
     5. Poor. Comp. a-, adj. filled, Mālav. 45, 15. Ptcple. of i. 10, or Caus. recita,
     1. Freed from.
     2. Purged.
-- With the prep. ati ati, pass.
     1. To surpass, with abl., Man. 4, 175; with acc., 2, 145; with instr., MBh. 3, 10588.
     2. To prevail, Man. 12, 25; to play the chief part, Hit. i. d. 161, M.M. atirikta, Exceeding, Bhāṣāp. 19; excessive.
-- With vyati vi-ati, pass. To surpass, with abl., Ragh. 10, 31. vyatirikta,
     1. Different, distinct, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 14; 15.
     2. Excepted.
     3. Withdrawn.
-- With ā ā; instead of ārecita (Mixed ?), Daśak. in Chr. 190, 15,
I propose to read āracita (Made). With ud ud, pass. To surpass, MBh. 1, 3070. udrikta,
     1. Distinct.
     2. Increased. adv. Surely, Chr. 20, 19 (perhaps, adj. and, Arrogant). udrecita, Pre-eminent, Rājat. 5, 365.
-- With vi vi, virikta, Purged, Man. 5. 144.
-- Cf. Lat. licere, licitare, linquere; [greek] Goth. af-lifnan; A.S. lyfan, be-lifan, laefan, To leave; also Goth. leihvan; A.S. laen, laenan.

rijrij, i. 1, Par. To fry.

riṇv riṇv, see raṇv.

ripu ripu, probably lip + u (r for l, or rather the original sound), m. An enemy, Pañc. ii. d. 168.
-- Comp. krauñca-, m. a name of the god of war, Pañc. i. d. 175.

riputā ripu + tā, f. Enmity, Hit. ii. d. 149.

ripra rip + ra (probably lip + ra, cf. ripu), adj. Vile, bad.

riphriph (ṛph ṛph, and rih rih), i. 6, Par.
     1. To say or to boast.
     2. To fight.
     3. To blame.
     4. To hurt.
     5. To give.

rimphrimph, i. 6, Par. To hurt.

rimb rimb, see raṇv.

riraṃsā riraṃsā, i. e. riraṃsa, desider. of ram, + a, f.
     1. Wish to sport, Nal. 1, 41.
     2. Desire of enjoyment, Bhāg. P. 9, 14, 20.

rirī rirī, f. Pale brass, prince's metal.

riś riś (cf. liś), i. 6, Par. To hurt.

riśādas riśādas, probably riś + a-ad + as, adj. m. A destroyer of those who injure, Chr. 290, 5 = Rigv. i. 64, 5.

riśya riś + ya, m. A deer, see ṛṣya.

riṣ riṣ, i. 1 and 4, Par.
     1. To kill, to hurt, MBh. 3, 13111.
     2. To give offence, Man. 4, 178, Ātm. (Sch., but perhaps pass. To be hurt).
     3. To be hurt (ved.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. riṣṭa.
     1. Injured.
     2. Unlucky, n.
     1. Bad luck.
     2. Destruction.
     3. Sin. m.
     1. A sword (cf. ṛṣṭi).
     2. The name of a demon.
-- Comp. a-riṣṭa. see s.v.
-- Cf. probably [greek] Lat. laedo.

riṣṭi riṣṭi,
I. f. m. A sword (cf. ṛṣṭi).
II. riṣ + ti, f. Bad luck.

riṣva riṣ + va, adj. Injurious.

rih rih,
     1. See riph.
     2. Ved. = lih. Frequent. rerih, ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. rerihāṇa, m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. An Asura or demon.
     3. A thief.

1. , ii. 9, riṇā, riṇī. Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To howl.
     3. To hart.

2. , i. 4, Ātm. To distil, to ooze, to drop.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To drop after, to follow dropping, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3.
-- Cf. Goth. and A.S. rinnan (based on ii. 5).

rīḍhaka rīḍhaka, m. The backbone.

rīḍhā rīḍhā, f. Disrespect.

rīti rī + ti, f.
     1. Going.
     2. Boundary.
     3. Usage, manner, way, Lass. 2. ed. 2, 6.
     4. Natural property.
     5. Oozing.
     6. Brass, pale brass.
     7. Calx of brass.
     8. Rust of iron.

rīvrīv, i. 1, Par. Ātm. To take.

ru 1. ru, ii. 2, Par.
     1. To sound, to make a particular sound, as birds, MBh. 1, 5898; bees, etc., to hum, Hit. i. d. 80, M.M.
     2. To bray, MBh. 1, 4508.
     3. To yelp, Man. 4, 113.
     4. To yell, MBh. 4, 1463. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ruta, n.
     1. Any cry or noise, humming of bees, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 10.
     2. The cry of birds, Lass. 52, 11.
     3. Song, Śāk. d. 131. Frequent. roru and rorūya, To cry loudly, to yelp loudly, MBh. 1, 6112; 663. Caus. rāvaya, To fill with a roar, MBh. 3, 15928.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, abhiruta,
     1. Sounded, filled with the sound of, MBh. 3, 1535.
     2. Sounding.
     3. Humming, Śiś. 9, 34. n. Sound, Rām. 1, 9, 17.
-- With ā ā, To cry, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 24.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To sound, Mṛcch. 144, 2.
     2. To yell, Pañc. 64, 4.
     3. To lament, Vikr. d. 102; MBh. 3, 336. viruta, n. Tone. Cāk. d. 85; singing, Ṛt. 6, 33. Caus. To make a braying noise, Man. 4, 64.
-- With sam sam, To cry, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 71.
-- Cf. [greek] (frequent.); Lat. raucus, rūmor; A.S. ryn.

ru † 2. ru, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To hurt, or to be angry (?).
     3. To speak.

ruṃśruṃś, i. 10 and 1, Par. To speak, to shine (?).

rukma rukma, i. e. ruc + ma,
I. adj. Clear, bright.
II. n. (ved. m., Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88, 2).
     1. Gold.
     2. Iron.
III. m. A golden chain, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4.

rukmin rukmin, i. e. rukma + in,
I. m. The name of a prince, slain by balarāma.
II. f. miṇī, A princess carried off and married by Kṛṣṇa, Mālav. d. 77; cf. Wilson, Hind. Theatr. 2. ed. 183, n.

rukṣa and rūkṣa ru/ūkṣa, adj.
     1. Rugged, rough, difficult, Vikr. d. 61 (ru).
     2. Harsh, unkind, Pañc. iv. d. 62 (rū°); uncouth, Pañc. v. d. 6 (ru°, but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 805); Bhartṛ. 2, 59 (ru°); cruel, Śāk. d. 191 (rū°).
     3. Austere, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 8 (ru).
-- Cf. A.S. rug, ruh, ruw; Engl. rough, rugged.

rukṣma rukṣma, Hard, fleshless (?), Rājat. 5, 433 (? perhaps to be changed to rukṣa).

rugnatā rugna + tā (cf. ruj), f.
     1. Sickness.
     2. Crookedness.

ruc 1. ruc, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 468).
     1. To shine, MBh. 1, 6613; Man. 4, 20.
     2. To please, with dat., MBh. 1, 7550; Hit. ii. d. 49.
     3. To be pleased, to approve, MBh. 1, 7444. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rucita.
     1. Bright.
     2. Sweet.
     3. Pleased, MBh. 1, 7952.
     4. Sharpened (as the appetite).
     5. Digested. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. rucya.
     1. Beautiful.
     2. Tonic, stomachic. m. A lover. n. A digestive. Caus. rocaya, Par. and Ātm.
     1. To cause to like.
     2. Ātm. To like, Man. 2, 243.
     3. To choose, Rām. 1, 43, 1.
     4. To resolve, Hariv. 6416.
-- With the prep. ati ati, To surpass by splendour, MBh. 3, 468.
-- With anu anu, Caus. To desire, MBh. 3, 12679.
-- With abhi abhi, To please (with the dat. of the pers.), Vikr. 21, 11. abhirucita,
     1. Pleased.
     2. Delighting, Johns. Sel. 93, 52. Caus.
     1. To desire, to like, Rām. 2, 30, 27.
     2. To be ready, Rām. 1, 36, 2.
-- With ā ā, Caus. Ātm. To like, Rām. 2, 30, 28.
-- With prati prati, Caus. To resolve, MBh. 3, 11546 (prati belongs perhaps to the noun, not to the vb.).
-- With vi vi, To shine, MBh. 3, 1754.
-- Cf. loc; Lat. lucere, lumen (cf. Goth. lauhmuni; A.S. leóma), luna; Goth. liuhath, liuhtjan; A.S. leoht, lioht, gelihtan, lócian; probably also O.H.G. liuchan, fovere, lucjan, locon, mulcere; [greek] etc., [greek]

ruc 2. ruc, f.
     1. Light, splendour, Kir. 5, 45; Śiś. 9, 23; Kir. 5, 43.
     2. Beauty, Pañc. i. d. 152 (smita-pāṭala-adhara-, adj. Showing the beauty of smiling pāṭala-like lips).
     3. Lightning.
     4. Desire.
-- Comp. ghana-, adj. of a cloud-like, i. e. dark, colour, Bhāg. P. 4, 5, 3. phaṇā-maṇi-sahasra-, f. the splendour of the thousand jewels of the serpent's hoods, Śiś. 9, 25. vistārita-varṇa-saṃkara-, adj. shining brilliantly by the mixture of colours, and, being very desirous of the mixture of the castes, Rājat, 5, 377. śīta-, m. the moon, Śiś. 9, 25. a-śīta-, m. the sun, Śiś. 9, 5.
-- Cf. Lat. lux.

rucaka ruc + aka,
I. adj. Agreeable.
     2. Sharp.
     3. Tonic, stomachic.
II. m.
     1. An ornament of the neck and breast.
     2. A tooth.
     3. A pigeon.
     4. The citron.
III. n.
     1. Any auspicious or fortunate object.
     2. A garland, a chaplet.
     3. A curl on a horse's neck.
     4. A perfume, commonly rocanā.
     5. Salt.
     6. The fruit of the citron.

ruci (and rucī), ruc + ī, f.
     1. Light, Vikr. d. 48 (ci); splendour, 19, 9 ().
     2. A ray of light.
     3. Beauty, Bhāṣāp. 1, a (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     4. Appearance, Śiś. 9, 19 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     5. Wish, desire, Śiś. 9, 17; pleasure, Pāṇ. 1, 4, 33.
     6. Passion.
     7. Intent application to any object.
     8. Hunger.
     9. Taste, Pañc. iii. d. 259 (ci); pleasure, Rājat. 5, 1 (ci).
-- Comp. uṣṇa-, m. the sun, Śiś. 9, 1. daṇḍa-ruci, adj. inclined to severity, Pañc. 91, 18. pratigraha-, adj. eager to take a gift, Man. 4, 190. māṃsa-, adj. liking flesh, Hit. 42, 7, M.M. viśeṣa-vikrama-, adj. desiring to attack the pre-eminently powerful, Bhartṛ. 2, 27. saṃsarga-, adj. liking intercourse (with), Pañc. iii. d. 259. sphurita-, adj. having a trembling (glittering) splendour, Megh. 15. sva-, adj. 1. wilful. 2. self-willed, uncontrolled.

rucitā ruci + tā, f. Interest, interested motives, Man. 12, 32.

rucira ruc + ira, adj.
     1. Beautiful, Rām. 3, 52, 16; 24; brilliant, Vikr. d. 76.
     2. Agreeable, Pañc. 170, 6.
     3. Sweet.
     4. Stomachic.

ruciṣya ruc + iṣya, adj. Agreeable, pleasing.

ruj 1. ruj, i. 6, Par.
     1. To break, MBh. 3, 678.
     2. To bend.
     3. To pain, to afflict with disease. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rugṇa (MBh. 1. 1.); also wrongly written rugna.
     1. Broken.
     2. Bent, crooked.
     3. Injured.
     4. Sick. Caus., and i. 10, † To hurt, to kill.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To break, MBh. 1, 5884.
-- With ā ā, To break, MBh. 3, 423.
-- With samā sam-ā, To break, MBh. 4, 1082.
-- With vi vi, To destroy, Śāk. d. 32, v.r.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] probably [greek] Lat. lues (cf. fruor from frug). See romantha.

ruj 2. ruj, f.
     1. Pain, Man. 11, 674 Vikr. d. 30.
     2. Sickness, Vikr. d. 51.
     3. Effort, Megh. 27.
-- Comp. niruj, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. free from pain, Suśr. 1, 289, 2. 2. healthy.

rujaskara ruj + as-kara, m. Producing pain, MBh. 3, 14144.

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rujā ruj + ā, f.
     1. Sickness, Sāv. 5, 61; 81.
     2. Destruction.
     3. An ewe.
-- Comp. a-ruja, I. adj. 1. not breaking, Suśr. 2, 300, 14. 2. healthy, Bhartṛ. 3, 76.
II. m. a proper name, Hariv. 14284. nīruja, i. e. nis-, adj., f. . 1. free from pain, Suśr. 1, 292, 14. 2. healthy, Hit. i. d. 14, M.M. sa-ruja, adj. sick, Sāv. 5, 79. su-, adj. the same.

rujāya rujāya, a denomin. derived from rujā with ya, Ātm. To be sick, Mālav. 44, 7.

ruṭruṭ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To resist.
     2. To suffer pain.
     3. To shine. i. 10,
     1. To be angry.
     2. To shine, to speak (cf. ruṭh).

ruṭhruṭh, i. 1, Par. To strike, to fell. i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To resist.
     2. To suffer pain (cf. ruṭ).

ruṇṭruṇṭ, ruṇḍ ruṇḍ, i. 1, Par. To steal.

ruṇṭhruṇṭh, luṇṭh luṇṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To be idle.
     3. To be lame.
     4. To resist.
     5. To steal. See 2. luṭh.

ruṇḍ ruṇḍ, see ruṇṭ.

ruṇḍa ruṇḍa, m. A headless body, retaining life and fighting, Utt. Rāmac. 121, 6.

ruṇḍikā ruṇḍikā (cf. the last), f.
     1. A field of battle.
     2. Superhuman power.

rud rud, ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 52, 19, and i. 1, Chr. 24, 46).
     1. To weep, Vikr. 83, 12; Hit. 99, 3 (read rudatī); to cry, MBh. 2, 2616.
     2. To bewail, Bhaṭṭ. 5, 5. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rudita.
     1. Wept.
     2. Weeping. n. Weeping, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 10. Comp. araṇya-, n. complaining of one's griefs to a forest, i. e. without being heard, Amar. 76. Frequent. rorud, rorudya, To weep, to cry excessively, MBh. 3, 10192. Caus. ro daya, To cause to weep, Utt. Rāmac. 85, 3.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To weep, Nal. 3, 32.
-- With upā upa-ā, To bewail, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 4.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To burst into tears, MBh. 3, 2919.
     2. To weep, to cry, Rām. 1, 17, 22. prarudita,
     1. Wept.
     2. Weeping, Brāhmaṇav. 3, 21.
     3. Beginning to weep, Vikr. d. 153.
-- With vi vi, To weep, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 13. virudita, n. Weeping, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 11.
-- Cf. Lat. rudere; O.H.G. riuzan; A.S. reotan; probably [greek] (frequent., cf. raudra).

rudra rud + ra,
I. adj. One who roars, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3.
II. m.
     1. A name of Śiva as the god of the tempests, Pañc. pr. d. 1; Bhartṛ. 2, 93.
     2. A class of eleven demigods (personified roaring of the wind), Nal. 10, 24.
III. f. rudrāṇī, Durgā. Pāṇ. iv. 1, 49.
IV. f. drī, A sort of lute.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

rudrāṇī rudrāṇī, see the last.

rudh rudh, ii. 7, ruṇadh, ruṇdh, Par. Ātm. (i. 4, see anu),
     1. To obstruct, MBh. 1, 2367; to check, Rām. 2, 63, 43; to stop, Vikr. d. 121; to obscure, 3, 55, 10.
     2. To keep off, Rām. 1, 28, 22.
     3. To confine, Man. 9, 12; to arrest, Vikr. d. 103.
     4. To bind, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
     5. To hold, to support Megh. 10.
     6. To besiege, MBh. 3, 638 (anomal. arundhat). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ruddha.
     1. Obstructed, stopped, retained, Chr. 33, 33.
     2. Opposed.
     3. Shut, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 14 (separate, ruddhā dṛṣṭiḥ, 'His eye is ṣut').
     4. Besieged.
     5. Surrounded.
     6. Secured, held, Śiś. 9, 75; taken possession of, Pañc. 227, 21. f. dhā, A siege. Caus. To cause to be besieged, Ragh. 12, 71; epic anomal. rundhaya, To obstruct, pain, MBh. 3, 999.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To retain, Man. 5, 63. i. 4, Ātm. (originally pass.; in epic poetry also with the terminations of the Par., MBh. 4, 492).
     1. (To comply with), to approve, MBh. 3, 13891.
     2. To obey, Utt. Rāmac. 97, 7.
     3. To spare, MBh. 2, 926.
     4. To love, MBh. 3, 16194; Utt. Rāmac. 66, 8; to caress, ib. 71, 1. anuruddha,
     1. Checked.
     2. Soothed.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To restrain, Rām. 2, 30, 9; to stop, Śāk. d. 35.
     2. To keep in order, Man. 8, 236.
     3. To besiege, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 23. avaruddha,
     1. Checked.
     2. Shut up, secluded, as in a haram. Frequent. rorudh, To offend, Rām. 2, 58, 20.
-- With ā ā, To keep off, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 49. Caus. To obstruct, MBh. 1, 4188.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To obstruct, Man. 8, 348.
     2. To block up, Man. 7, 195.
     3. To molest, Śāk. 24, 8; to trouble, 18, 10.
     4. To obscure, Ragh. 7, 36. uparuddha,
     1. Obstructed.
     2. Covered.
     3. Favoured.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To obstruct, Hit. i. d. 154, M.M.; to stop, Śāk. d. 169.
     2. To restrain, MBh. 3, 13633.
     3. To confine, Man. 11, 176.
     4. To keep off, Bhag. 16, 20. niruddha, Obstructed (not able to work fitly), Pañc. ii. d. 164. Caus. To cause to be shut, Rājat. 5, 428.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To confine, Man. 9, 83.
-- With pra pra, To keep back, MBh. 3, 16830.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To obstruct, MBh. 3, 12114; to stop, Chr. 43, 30.
     2. To make unable to move, Chr. 28, 21.
     3. To interrupt, to make imperfect, Man. 11, 11.
     4. To accuse unjustly, Man. 11, 88. pratiruddha,
     1. Impeded.
     2. Surrounded, blockaded.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To withhold, MBh. 2, 227.
     2. To obstruct, Ṛt. 6, 26; to check, Rām. 2, 36, 10.
     3. To combat, to quarrel with, Pañc. iii. d. 123; iv. d. 82. viruddha,
     1. Opposed, hindered.
     2. Prohibited, Man. 4, 15.
     3. Contrary, opposite, Śiś. 9, 62; Pañc. 131, 11; perverse, Pañc. 199, 4; °dham, Perversely, Pañc. i. d. 64.
     4. Inconsistent, incongruous, Bhāṣāp. 70; Pañc. 130, 1.
     5. Hostile, Rājat. 5, 452; Pañc. 213, 20; disagreeable, Hit. 58, 18.
     6. Surrounded, blockaded, shut up, Pañc. iv. d. 78. Comp. 1. a-, adj. unobstructed, without obstacles, Vikr. 49, 16; untroubled, Pañc. i. d. 406. 2. friendly, kind, with gen., Lass. 2. ed. 45, 16. smṛti-, adj. contrary to law. Caus. To obstruct, MBh. 3, 360. virodhita, Fought with, Pañc. iii. d. 1.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To obstruct, MBh. 3, 2541; to check, 2, 226.
     2. To refrain, MBh. 3, 13633.
     3. To fetter, Bhartṛ. 2, 14. saṃruddha,
     1. Obstructed, Man. 8, 295.
     2. Attacked, 8, 235. Comp. a-, adj. unimpeded, Rājat. 5, 453. Caus. To cause to be embanked, 5, 106.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To keep off, Rām. 2, 14, 42.

rudh -rudh, adj. Impeding; e. g. kara-, adj. Impeding the hand, or rays, viz. of the sun, Megh. 40.

rudhira rudhira (from a vb. rudh, lost in corresponding signification), n.
     1. Blood, Pañc. 123, 14.
     2. Saffron.
-- Cf. O.H.G. rot; A.S. reád, roder; [greek] Lat. rutilus (for old ruthilus), rufus, ruber, robigo, etc.

ruprup, i. 4, Par. To confound (cf. lup).

rumaṇvant rumaṇvant, i. e. ruman (= lavaṇa), + vant, m. The name of a mountain, Pāṇ. 8, 2, 12.

rumā rumā, f.
     1. The wife of a monkey.
     2. The name of a district.

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rumra rumra, adj.
     1. Tawny.
     2. Beautiful (cf. rumaṇvant and lavaṇa).

ruru ruru, m. A sort of deer, Draup. 4, 15.

ruvatha ruvatha, i. e. ru + atha, m. A dog.

ruśruś, i. 6, Par. To hurt.

ruśant ruśant, adj.
I. Probably originally a ptcple. pres. of ruc, f. śatī, Red, Chr. 288, 13 = Rigv. i. 48, 13.
II. Probably a ptcple. pres. of ruṣ, Cursing, imprecative.

ruṣ 1. ruṣ (akin to rukṣ in rukṣa), † i. 1 and 4, Par. † To hurt. † i. 4 and i. 10, Par. To be angry. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ruṣṭa (Pañc. 223, 9; Śriṅgārat. 7), ruṣita (Man. 9, 83), and roṣita, Enraged. Caus. To irritate, Pañc. 163, 4. roṣita, Irritated, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 16.
-- Cf. probably [greek] perhaps [greek] Goth. in-rauhtjan.

ruṣ 2. ruṣ (and ruṣā ruṣ + ā), f. Wrath, anger, Pañc. iv. d. 61; Vikr. d. 80.
-- Comp. ati-ruṣ, adj. very furious, Pañc. ii. d. 34. sa-ruṣ, adj. angry, Pañc. i. d. 80 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3196).

ruh ruh (originally rudh, cf. nyagrodha), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.).
     1. To grow, Man. 9, 36.
     2. To be lost by growing, to cicatrize, to heal, Pañc. iii. d. 112 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2647).
     3. Pass. with the terminat. of the Par. To be mounted, Johns. Sel. 11, 25. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rūḍha,
     1. Grown, increased, much, Rājat. 5, 173.
     2. Budded, blown.
     3. Born, produced.
     4. Certain.
     5. Notorious, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 10.
     6. Traditional, conventional, applied especially to words of unknown origin, but of which the employment is familiar.
     7. Obscure, Śiś. 10, 23. Comp. dūrūḍha, i. e. dus-, adj. badly cicatrized, Suśr. 1, 297, 7. su-, adj. prominent. Caus.
I. rohaya.
II. ropaya.
     1. To plant, Rām. 2, 80, 7 (ropaya).
     2. To sow, MBh. 3, 13116 (rohaya).
-- With the prep. vyati vi-ati, To obtain, MBh. 3, 13929. Caus. ropaya, To cover, MBh. 3, 601.
-- With adhi adhi,
     1. To ascend, to mount on, Vikr. d. 14; Rājat. 5, 217.
     2. To fly upward, Rām. 2, 95, 11. Caus. ropaya,
     1. To lift, Ragh. 11, 81.
     2. To give, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 21.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, Caus. ropaya, To deprive, MBh. 3, 1579.
-- With abhi abhi, To ascend, to mount, Rām. 1, 44, 5; Chr. 36, 17.
-- With ava ava, To descend, Rām. 2, 7, 11. Caus.
I. rohaya, To order to descend, Ragh. 1, 54.
II. ropaya,
     1. To take down, MBh. 4, 1318.
     2. To root up, Johns. Sel. 53, 123.
     3. To diminish, Man. 1, 82.
     4. Ātm. To alight from, Draup. 3, 8.
-- With pratyava prati-ava, Caus. ropaya, To deprive, MBh. 4, 536.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To mount, Rām. 3, 48, 5.
     2. To ascend to (with acc., MBh. 3, 1727. aṅkam āruhya, Having climbed into one's lap, Hit. ii. d. 166.
     3. With saṃśayam, To doubt, Hit. i. d. 6.
     4. With pratijñām, To promise, MBh. 1, 2015. ārūḍha,
     1. Mounted, Man. 4, 120.
     2. Standing, Man. 7, 91.
     3. Elevated, Pañc. i. d. 225.
     4. Having reached, Pañc. 87, 14. Comp. haya-, adj. mounted on horseback, Hit. iii. d. 85. ratha-, adj. mounted on a chariot, Vikr. 5. 4. lekhya-, adj. recorded. Caus. ropaya,
     1. To cause, to ascend, Chr. 4, 14; Ātm. To try to string, Johns. Sel. 49, 93.
     2. To lift up, Hit. ii. d. 44; on, Chr. 11, 21; to cast, Pañc. i. d. 273; with tulām, To put in a balance, i. e. in danger, Pañc. i. d. 421. Absel. āruhya, Having encountered, Hit. i. d. 5, M.M.
     3. To put upon, Pañc. 41, 15.
     4. To draw (a bow), Utt. Rāmac. 118, 1.
     5. To take to, Man. 3, 17.
     6. To cause to grow, to plant, Rājat. 5, 149.
     7. To transfer, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 12.
-- With atyā ati-ā, atyāruḍha, Risen, Utt. Rāmac. 147, 14.
-- With adhyā adhi-ā, To mount, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 16. Caus. ropaya,
     1. To cause to ascend, Rām. 2, 55, 15.
     2. To elevate, Pañc. 24, 9.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To ascend after, MBh. 2, 36.
-- With samanvā sam-anu-ā. The same, MBh. 1, 2818.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To ascend, MBh. 2, 37.
     2. To obtain, Ragh. 17, 30 (Calc.).
-- With prā pra-ā, To ascend. MBh. 3, 10594.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, Caus. To cause to remount, Utt. Rāmac. 133, 4.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To mount on, Pañc. 115, 3; Chr. 45, 12.
     2. To engage, Prab. 116, 9. samārūḍha, Mounted, Pañc. 48, 10. Caus. ropaya,
     1. To cause to mount, Pañc. 44, 16; to lift up, 52, 2.
     2. To deposit, Man. 6, 38.
-- With upa upa, uparūḍha, Undergone, Mālav. 31, 13.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To shoot up, Pañc. iii. d. 55.
     2. To grow, Man. 9, 14.
     3. To heal, Pañc. iii. d. 112. prarūḍha,
     1. Grown long. Pañc. 182, 10.
     2. Rooted, fastened
     3. Born, produced. m. The belly.
-- With prati prati, Caus. ropaya, To reestablish, Ragh. 17, 42 (Calc.).
-- With vi vi,
     1. To grow, Śāk. d. 96.
     2. To spread, Bhag. 15, 3. virūḍha,
     1. Budded, blown.
     2. Born. Caus. ropaya, To heal, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 21.
-- With sam sam, To grow, Bhaṭṭ. 11, 5. saṃrūḍha,
     1. Budded.
     2. Confident, Arj. 11, 1. Caus. To plant, to cause to get offspring, Śāk. 138, 1, Chezy.
-- Cf. Goth. liugan, jugga-lauths; A.S. leód, liód, probably [greek]

ruha ruh + a,
I. adj.
     1. Growing.
     2. Mounted.
II. f. , Bent grass.
-- Comp. jagati-, m. a tree, MBh. 7, 8098. jala-, n. a lotus, ib. 1, 5005. tanū-,
I. m. a son, Śātr. 10, 52.
II. n. (and m.). 1. the hair of the body, Arj. 5, 3. 2. the wing of a bird, Varāh. Bṛh. S. 62, 1. tīra-,
I. adj. growing on the bank of a river, Rām. 2, 95, 4.
II. m. a tree growing on the bank of a river, ib. 104, 4 Gorr. vīja-kāṇḍa-, adj. springing from a seed, or from a slip, Man. 1, 48.

ruhvan ruh + van, m. A tree.

rūkṣrūkṣ, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from rūkṣa), Par. To be harsh.

rūkṣa rūkṣa, see rukṣa.

rūḍhi rūḍhi, i. e. ruh + ti.
     1. Growing, Rājat. 5, 477.
     2. Birth.
     3. Notoriety.
     4. Traditional meaning of words as opposed to their etymological signification, Pan. i. 2, 55.

rūp rūp, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from rūpa), Par.
     1. To form, to represent in pantomime, Vikr. 6, 6; 12, 16; to notify by a gesture, Vikr. 47, 13.
     2. To feign, Vikr. 12, 17.
-- With the prep. ni ni,
     1. To perform, Man. 6, 38.
     2. To represent in pantomime, Śāk. 5, 16; Vikr. 29, 8.
     3. To look out, Vikr. 39, 5; to see, 78, 11; to perceive, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 10.
     4. To consider, to pouder, Hit. 10, 3.
     5. To investigate, Utt. Rāmac. 39, 18; to examine, Hit. 99, 1.
     6. To search, Hit. 68, 14.
     7. To select, Pañc. 161, 10.
     8. To appoint, 8, 24; 184, 8. nirūpita,
     1. Seen.
     2. Discovered.
     3. Considered, Bhāṣāp. 124.
     4. Ascertained, Bhāṣāp. 107.
     5. Resolved, Pañc. 158, 18.
     6. Appointed. Comp. su-nirūpita, adj. 1. well-considered, Pañc. iii. d. 74. 2. well-searched, Hit. 91, 1. 3. wellascertained, Hit. 98, 15.
-- With vi vi, To disfigure, Hit. 65, 1. virūpita, Deformed, Man. 4, 67.

rūpa rūpa (probably from rūp, an old form of rop, in ropaya, the Caus. of ruh), n.
     1. Natural state or condition.
     2. State, Pañc. 137, 19.
     3. Form, Vikr. d. 9; figure, Chr. 17, 28; kind, Pañc. 21. 25.
     4. Appearance.
     5. An image.
     6. Beauty, Pañc. iii. d. 239.
     7. Colour, Bhāṣāp. 2. 99.
     8. A play, a dramatic poem.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , disfigured, Rām. 2, 23, 43. ati-,
I. n. beauty, Lass. 37, 5.
II. adj. beautiful, Rām. 3, 23, 16. anya-,
I. n. another shape, Kathās. 13, 172.
II. adj., f. , having another shape, Kathās. 12, 195. an-eka-, adj., f. , having manifold forms, Hit. ii. d. 174. aśra-, adj. having the shape of a horse, Pañc. 258, 23. kāma-,
I. n. a shape changing as one lists, MBh. 1, 6077.
II. adj., f. , taking any or every shape at will, Megh. 6.
III. m. sing. and pl. the name of a country, Ragh. 4, 83. kiṃrūpa, i. e. kim-, adj. of what shape, Pañc. 258, 13. See ku-, Jāta- (vb. jan),
I. n. gold, Nal. 1, 19.
II. adj. golden, MBh. 14, 190. tathā-, adj., f. , having such a shape, Pañc. 44, 20. garbha-, adj. child-like, Utt. Rāmac. 168, 3. deśa-, n. suitableness, MBh. 12, 3961. naṣṭa-, adj. disappeared, MBh. 3, 2604. nānā-,
I. n. pl. many shapes, Rām. 3, 1, 21 Gorr.
II. adj. having many shapes, different, Man. 9, 38. padma-, adj., f. , having the colour of a lotus, MBh. 3, 14404. puṃrūpa, i. e. puṃs-, n. the shape of a man, Kathās. 39, 175. pūrva-,
I. n. symptom of occurring discase, Suśr. 1, 127, 12.
II. adj., f. , having its former shape, Lass. 72, 13. prāpta-, adj. 1. handsome. 2. learned, wise. 3. suitable, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 5. bharya-, adj., f. , good, Rām. 3, 52, 14. yukta-, adj. suitable, Śāk. d. 12. vi-,
I. adj. 1. deformed, Pañc. i. d. 159. 2. unusual. 3. wicked, Pañc. 213, 23.
II. n. 1. difference of nature. 2. deformity, Cāṇ. 73 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 411; monstrous shape.
III. f. , the wife of Yama. viśva-,
I. adj. taking all forms, omnipresent.
II. m. Viṣṇu. sa-, adj. like, resembling. saṃkalpa-, adj. conformable to one's wish. sva-,
I. n. 1. one's own shape, Chr. 62, 51. 2. natural condition, nature, Pañc. 145, 16. 3. natural and obvious purpose. 4. kind.
II. adj. 1. of like character, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 5. 2. like, similar, suitable, Lass. 35, 12. 3. pleasing, Lass. 20, 11. 4. wise. ātmasrarūpa, i. e. ātman-sva-, adj. true (just as it happenel), Pañc. 43, 12. stri-sva-, adj. having the body of a female, Chr. 61, 45. hṛṣṭa-, adj., f. , having the hair of the body creet with pleasure, Chr. 60, 33.

rūpaka rūpa + ka, n.
     1. Shape.
     2. A drama.
     3. A kind of coin (cf. rūpya), Pañc. 127, 8; 252, 13.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. a drama. vi-, adj. 1. misshaped. 2. frightful, hideous, used as nickname, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 12.

rūpatas rūpa + tas, adv. By shape, Nal. 19, 32.

rūpavant rūpa + vant, adj., f. vati,
     1. Having shape.
     2. Beautiful, Pañc. i. d. 159, Chr.
-- Comp. adhika-, adj., f. vatī, most beautiful, Hit. 115, 5. stri-sva-, adj. having the body of a female. Chr. 61, 42.

rūpin rūpin, i. e. rūpa + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Having shape.
     2. Beautiful, Sāv. 1, 26.
-- Comp. When latter part of comp. words, rūpa generally belongs to the former part, and the aff. in to the comp. word. a-, adj. without shape, Rām. 1, 23, 15. anya-, adj. having another shape, Kathās. 16, 44. kuñjara-, adj. having the shape of an elephant, Sund. 2, 20. kṣapaṇaka-, adj. wearing the guise of a Bauddha mendicant, Pañc. 235, 10. tathā-, adj. having such a shape, MBh. 12, 7344. deva-, adj. having a divine shape, Hiḍ. 2, 24. mṛga-, adj. having the shape of an antelope, Rām. 3, 49, 21. sādhana-, adj. having the form or caracter of expedients, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 9. sva-, adj. endowed with one's own form, Chr. 26, 64. strī-sva-, adj. having the body of a female, Chr. 63, 67.

rūpya rūpya, i. e. rūpa + ya,
I. adj. Handsome, Pāṇ. v. 2, 120.
II. n.
     1. Silver, Man. 4, 230.
     2. Wrought silver, Pāṇ. ib.
     3. Wrought gold.
-- Comp. sama-, i. e. samarūpa + ya, adj. of like or same origin.

rūpyaka -rūpya + ka, in suvarṇa-rūpya + ka, adj. Abounding in gold and silver, Rām. 4, 40, 33.

rūpyamaya rūpya + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of silver, Pañc. 241, 16.

rūṣ rūṣ, i. 1, Par. † To decorate. i. 10, Par.
     1. To tremble.
     2. To burst. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. rūṣita.
     1. Adorned, Indr. 5, 8.
     2. Inlaid, covered, Rām. 4, 19, 32.
     3. Made rough or rugged.
     4. Pounded, reduced to dust.

re re, A vocative particle, implying contempt or woe, Hit. 81, 21; Bhartṛ. 1, 68.

rekrek, i. 1, Atm. To suspect.

reka reka,
I. m., and f. .
     1. Doubt.
     2. Fear.
II. m.
     1. Loosening, purging (i. e. ric + a).
     2. An outcaste.
     3. A frog.

rekṇas rekṇas, i. e. ric + nas, n. Gold.

rekhā rekhā, i. e. likh + a, f.
     1. A line, Pañc. ii. d. 183.
     2. Drawing, Śāk. d. 141.
     3. A stripe, Pañc. i. d. 209.
     4. A little, Pañc. ii. d. 148.
     5. Fraud.
     6. Fulness, satisfaction.
-- Comp. candra-, f. khā the crescent, Rām. 5, 20, 3. patra-, f. khā, decorating the person by staining it with fragrant pigments of sandal, musk, etc., Ragh. 16, 67. sama-rekha, adj. straight, Śāk. d. 9.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. riga.

recaka recaka, i. e. ric + aka,
I. adj. Purgative, aperient.
II. m.
     1. A purgative.
     2. A proper name, Vikr. 76, 2 (but cf. Wilson, Spec. of the Theatre of the Hind. i. 2. ed. p. 260, n.).
III. n. A purge.
IV. m. or n. Exhalation, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 9; a method of suppressing the breath, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 17.

recana recana, i. e. ric + ana, n., and f. ,
     1. Purging, looseness.
     2. Evacuating, Bhāṣāp. 6.

rej rej, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To shine.
     2. Ved. To tremble.
-- With the prep. pra pra, To tremble vehemently, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 87, 3.

reṭreṭ, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To speak.
     2. To ask.

reṇu reṇu, m. (and f.), Dust, Vikr. d. 4; Pañc. ii. d. 108.
-- Comp. trasa-, see s. v. rakta-, m. 1. red lead. 2. the blossom of the Butea frondosa. 3. a sort of cloth. 4. an angry man. sikatā-, m. a grain of sand, Pañc. ii. d. 62. su- and heroa-, n. sorts of atom.

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reṇukā reṇu + kā, f.
     1. A sort of perfume and medicine.
     2. A sort of pulse, Ervum.
     3. The wife of jamadagni and mother of paraśu-rāma, MBh. 3, 11072.

retas retas, i. e. rī + tas,
     1. Semen virile, MBh. 13, 1160.
     2. Quicksilver.
-- Comp. ūrdhva-,
I. adj. chaste, MBh. 2, 470; Hariv. 949.
II. m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1160. kumbha-,
I. n. semen virile contained in a jar, MBh. 13, 7372.
II. m. a name of Agni, MBh. 3, 14139. vasu-, m. fire, MBh. 1, 1021. vahni-, m. Śiva. viśva-, m. Brahman. hiraṇya-, m. 1. fire, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 14. 2. the sun. 3. Śiva.

retra retra, i. e. rī + tra, n.
     1. Semen virile.
     2. Nectar.
     3. Quicksilver.

reprep, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To sound.

repa repa, i. e. lip + a, adj.
     1. Low.
     2. Niggardly.
     3. Cruel.

repas repas, i. e. lip + as, n. Wrong or blameable action.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. without blemish, faultless.

repha repha,
I. adj. Contemptible, bad.
II. m. The letter r.
-- Comp. dvi-, m. A sort of bee (properly containing two r's in its name bhramara), Hariv. 4585.

reb reb, see rev.

rebh rebh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To sound.
     2. Ved. Par. To praise.
-- Cf. [greek]

rebhaṇa rebhaṇa, i. e. rebh + ana, n. The lowing of kine.

revrev, reb reb, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go by leaps, to flow.
     2. To go.

revant revant, i. e. rayi + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Wealthy, Chr. 295, 14 = Rigv. i. 92, 14.
II. f. vatī.
     1. A cow.
     2. The last of the lunar asterisms.
     3. One of the mātṛs or energies of the gods.
     4. The wife of bala-rāma, Megh. 50, cf. Viṣṇu P. 439.

revanta revant + a, m. The fifth Manu of the present Kalpa or period.

revā revā (akin to revant), f.
     1. The narmadā river, Megh. 19.
     2. The wife of Kāma.
     3. The indigo plant.

reṣreṣ (for hreṣ, q. cf.), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To howl.
     2. To neigh.

rai rai, i. 1, Par. To bark.
-- Cf. Lat. latrare.

rai rai (cf. rayi), m.
     1. Wealth, property, Chr. 287, 1 = Rigv. i. 48, 1.
     2. Gold.
-- Cf. Lat. res.

raitya raitya, i. e. rīti + ya, adj. Brazen, made of brass.

raivata raivata, i. e. revant + a (cf. revanta), m.
     1. The fifth Manu, Man. 1, 62.
     2. A name of Śiva.
     3. A Daitya.
     4. A mountain, the eastern part of the Vindhya range.

raivataka raivata + ka, m.
     1. The mountain raivata.
     2. A proper name.

raivatika raivatika, i. e. revatī + ika (cf. revant), m. A descendant of revatī, Pāṇ. iv. 1, 146; iv. 3, 131.

roka roka, i. e. ruc + a,
I. m.
     1. Light.
     2. Buying with ready money.
II. n.
     1. A hole.
     2. A boat.
     3. Moving.

roga roga, i. e. ruj + a,
I. m.
     1. Disease, Pañc. iii. d. 244.
     2. A sort of Costus, C. speciosus.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. health, Hit. i. d. 166, M.M.
II. adj., f. , healthy, Man. 1, 83. kṣudroga, i. e. kṣudh-, m. hunger, Pañc. 70, 13. tṛṣā-, m. a morbose thirst, MBh. 12, 11268. niroga, i. e. nis-, adj. healthy, Pañc. i. d. 134. pāṇḍu-, m. the jaundice, Suśr. 1, 90, 11. pāpa-, m. a disease considered as a punishment for sin, Man. 5, 164. sa-, adj. sick. hṛd-, m. 1. any disease of the heart. 2. heart-burn. 3. sorrow, Chr. 289, 11 = Rigv. i. 50, 11.

rogabhāj rogabhāj, i. e. roga-bhaj, adj. One who suffers from a disease, Pañc. i. d. 217.

rogitā rogitā, i. e. rogin + tā, f. in a-, Health, Hit. pr. d. 19, M.M. sa-, f. Sickness, Hit. ii. d. 4.

rogin rogin, i. e. roga + in, adj., f. iṇī, Sick, Man. 2, 138.
-- Comp. a-, adj. healthy, Hit. iii. d. 112. pāṇḍu-, i. e. pāṇḍu-roga + in, adj. jaundiced, Suśr. 1, 45, 10. pāpa-, i. e. pāpa-roga + in, adj. one who suffers from a disease considered as a punishment for sin, Man. 3, 159.

rocaka rocaka, i. e. ruc + aka,
     1. adj. What pleases, brightens.
II. m.
     1. Hunger.
     2. A stomachic.
     3. A sort of onion.
     4. Plantain.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. producing want of appetite, Suśr. 1, 207, 13.
II. m. want of appetite, ib. 1, 169, 1.

rocana rocana, i. e. ruc + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Irradiating.
     2. Splendid.
     3. Pleasing.
     4. Sharpening (the appetite).
II. m.
     1. A stomachic.
     2. The name of several plants.
III. f. and , A yellow pigment, supposed to be the concrete bile of the cow, or to be found in the head of the animal, Man. 8, 234.
IV. f. , An excellent woman.
V. f. , Red arsenic, Pāṇ. iv. 2, 2.
VI. n. The aether, Chr. 288, 1 = Rigv. i. 49, 1.
-- Comp. go-rocanā, f. a yellow pigment, Pañc. i. d. 107 =
III. yoga-rocanā, f. a magical rocanā, or unguent, which makes invisible and invulnerable, Mṛcch. 47, 22 -- 24. vaṃśa-roc hanā, f. Bambu manna.

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rociṣṇu rociṣṇu, i. e. ruc + iṣṇu, adj. Elegantly dressed, Paṇ. iii. 2, 136.

rocis rocis, i. e. ruc + is, n. Light, flame.
-- Comp. vasu-, n. a religious ceremony in which the Vasus especially are worshipped.

roḍroḍ (cf. ruṣ), i. 1, Par.
     1. To be mad.
     2. and rauṭ rauṭ, rauḍ rauḍ, i. 1, Par. To despise.

rodana rodana, i. e. rud + ana, n.
     1. Weeping, Lass. 30, 7.
     2. A tear, tears.

rodas rodas, i. e. rud + as (the seat of the roaring storm), n. Heaven. du. , and as former part of a comp. Heaven and earth, Vikr. d. 1; Chr. 46, 23; Nal. 3, 32.

rodha rodha, i. e. rudh + a, m.
     1. Obstruction, Kir. 5, 15.
     2. A bank, a shore.
-- Comp. prāṇa-, m. danger of life, Hit. iv. d. 23 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3136).

rodhana rodhana, i. e. rudh + ana,
I. adj. That which obstructs.
II. m. The planet Mercury.
III. n.
     1. Obstructing.
     2. Besieging.

rodhas rodhas, i. e. rudh + as, n.
     1. A bank, a shore, Vikr. d. 8.
     2. The brink of a well, Bhāg. P. 9, 19, 4.
     3. The flank, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 29.

rodhin -rodhin, i. e. rudh + in, adj. Stopping, Rājat. 5, 346; Śāk. d. 135.

rodhra rodhra, i. e.
I. rudh + ra, n.
     1. Sin.
     2. Offence.
II. Probably akin to rudhira, m. A tree, the bark of which is used in dyeing, Ragh. 2, 29.

rop rop, see ruh.

ropa ropa,
I. m. probably ruh, Caus., + a, An arrow.
II. i. e. rup = lup + a, Confusing.
III. n. A hole.

ropaṇa ropaṇa, n.
I. i. e. ruh, Caus., + ana.
     1. Planting.
     2. Raising.
     3. Placing.
     4. Cicatrizing.
     5. A healing application to sores.
II. i. e. rup = lup + ana, Confusing.

ropaṇākā ropaṇākā, f. A bird, Turdus salica, Chr. 289, 12 = Rigv. i. 50, 12.

roma roma, n. Water.

roman roman, i. e. ruh + man, n. The hair of the body, Pañc. iii. d. 186.
-- Comp. ūrdhva-,
I. adj. one whose hairs are erect, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 28.
II. m. the name of a mountain, ib. 5, 20, 15. kāñcana-, and suvarṇa-, adj. having gold-like wool, Rām. 3, 49, 4; (Pañc. 35, 1, i. e. a ram). stabdha- (vb. stambh), m. a hog.

romantha romantha, probably a noun derived from ruj, and compounded with manth + a, m.
     1. Ruminating, Śāk. d. 39.
     2. Chewing, Rājat. 5, 364.
-- Cf. O.H.G. ita-rucjan; A.S. roccettan; Lat. rūmen, ruminare (for rug-men), ructare; [greek] (old frequent.), [greek] etc.

romanthāya romanthāya, a denomin. derived from romantha with ya, Ātm. To ruminate, Pāṇ. iii. 1, 15.

romavant romavant, i. e. roman + vant, adj., f. vatī, Hairy, woolly.

romaśa romaśa, i. e. roman + śa,
I. adj.
     1. Hairy, Man. 3, 7.
     2. Woolly.
II. m.
     1. A ram.
     2. A hog.

romāñca romāñca, i. e. roman-añc + a, m. Horripilation, considered as a sign of rapture, Pañc. ii. d. 175.

romāñcita romāñcita, i. e. romāñca + ita, adj.
     1. Affected with horripilation, Utt. Rāmac. 81, 4.
     2. Enraptured, Pañc. 128, 21.

roṣa roṣa, i. e. roṣ + a, m. Anger, wrath, Vikr. d. 144; Pañc. 174. 25.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. angry, Draup. 9, 6. sa-, adj. angry, Śiś. 9, 83. ṣam, adv. angrily, Vikr. 55, 7.

roṣaṇa roṣaṇa, i. e. ruṣ + ana,
I. adj. Angry.
II. m.
     1. Quicksilver.
     2. A touchstone.

roṣaṇatā roṣaṇa + tā, f. Wrath, Śāk. d. 93.

roha roha, i. e. ruh + a, m.
     1. A bud.
     2. Mounting, Rājat. 5, 15.

rohaka rohaka, i. e. ruh + aka,
I. adj. Riding, mounted on any vehicle.
II. m. A sort of goblin.

rohaṇa rohaṇa, i. e. ruh + ana,
I. m. A mountain, Adam's peak in Ceylon, Pañc. MS. Berol., cf. Wilson in Trans. of the R.A.S. i. 169.
II. n.
     1. Growing.
     2. Mountaing.
     3. Semen virile.

rohiṇa rohiṇa, i. e. ruh + in + a,
I. m.
     1. The Indian fig-tree.
     2. A fragrant grass.
II. n. A part of the forenoon. See rohita.

rohit rohit, probably akin to rudhira, h for dh,
I. m. The sun.
II. f. The female of the black antelope.

rohita rohita, akin to rudhira, h for dh,
I. adj., f. and iṇī.
     1. Red.
     2. Coloured, Man. 1, 38.
II. m.
     1. Red, the colour.
     2. A (kind of) deer, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 4.
     3. A fish, Cyprinas rohita, Man. 5, 16.
III. f. iṇī, also rohiṇi rohiṇi.
     1. The fourth lunar asterism, Vikr. 38, 12 (ṇī).
     2. The mother of bala-rāma.
IV. f. iṇī.
     1. Lightning.
     2. A girl at the commencement of the menstruation, Pañc. iii. d. 213.
     3. A woman stained with red pigments.
     4. Inflammatory affection of the throat.
     5. A cow.
     6. Yellow myrobalan.
     7. Bengal madder.
V. n.
     1. Blood.
     2. Safflower.
     3. The rainbow appearing in a straight form.

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rohin rohin,
I. ruh + in, m.
     1. The Indian fig-tree.
     2. The holy figtree.
II. (cf. rokit.) A stag, Rām. 5, 36, 35 (but perhaps is to be read rohin-māṃsam, i. e. rohit-).

raukma raukma, i. e. rukma + a, adj. Golden, Man. 4, 36.

raukṣya raukṣya, i. e. ru/ūkṣa + ya, n. Roughness, hardness, Ragh. 5, 58.

raucanika raucanika, i. e. rocanā + ika, adj., f. , Yellowish, Kir. 5, 45 (cf. also Pāṇ. 4, 2, 2 Sch.).

raucya raucya, m. An ascetic with a staff of Vilva wood.

rauṭ rauṭ, rauḍ rauḍ, see roḍ.

raudra raudra, i. e. rudra + a,
I. adj., f. drī.
     1. Relating to Rudra-Śiva, Arj. 3, 50; cf. 10, 42; descended from Rudra, Johns. Sel. 22, 117.
     2. Formidable, Pañc. i. d. 116.
     3. Irascible.
     4. Acute.
II. m. Heat.
III. f. , The wife of Śiva.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. exceedingly terrible, Pañc. 216, 9. soma-, the name of a holy text (perhaps Rigv. vi. 74), Man. 11, 254.

raudratā raudra + tā, f. Horribleness, Mālat. 77, 7.

raudrībhāva raudrībhāva, i. e. raudra-bhū + a, m. The character of Śiva, Johns. Sel. 93, 47.

raupya raupya, i. e. rūpya + a,
I. adj.
     1. Of silver, Man. 8, 135.
     2. Like silver, Rām. 3, 48, 12.
II. n. Silver, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 14.

raupyamaya raupya + maya, adj., f. , Made of silver, Rājat. 5, 46.

rauma rauma, and raumaka rauma + ka, n. A sort of salt (cf. rumanvant).

raurava raurava,
I. i. e. ruru + a, adj., f. .
     1. Proceeding from the common deer (viz. flesh, etc.), Man. 2, 41; 3, 269; Utt. Rāmac. 105, 11.
     2. Unsteady.
II. adj.
     1. Formidable.
     2. Dishonest.
III. m.
     1. The name of a hell, Man. 4, 88.
     2. A savage.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. the name of a hell, Man. 4, 88.

rauhiṇa rauhiṇa (cf. rohita), n. Sandal wood, MBh. 1, 1381.

rauhiṣa rauhiṣa (cf. rohit),
I. m. A sort of deer.
II. f. ṣī.
     1. A doe.
     2. A creeper.


lak lak, see rak.

laktaka laktaka, n.
     1. A rag, or rags.
     2. i. e. = rakta + ka (vb. rañj), Lac, the animal dye.

lakṣ lakṣ i. 10 (probably a denomin. derived from lakṣa), Par. and Ātm.
     1. To mark, MBh. 3, 14852.
     2. To see, Vikr. d. 8; to perceive, Śāk. 16, 20. Pass. To appear, Vikr. d. 53; MBh. 3, 2110. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lakṣita, Perceived, evident, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 13. Comp. a-, adj. unobserved, Hit. 65, 10, M.M. su-lakṣita, adj. well-ascertained, Man. 8, 403. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. lakṣya.
     1. To be seen, visible, Vikr. d. 37; Daśak. in Chr. 198, 24.
     2. Deserving to be regarded, Hit. iv. d. 14.
     3. To be defined or described, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 10.
     4. Having attributes attached, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 14; 23. n.
     1. A mark.
     2. A butt.
     3. Aim, Utt. Rāmac. 124, 8 (baddha, vb. bandh, adj. Having taken his aim); Megh. 72 (kāmin-, Aim, represented by lovers).
     4. Object, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 22.
     5. A Lac, a hundred thousand, Hit. ii. d. 36. Comp. a-, adj. 1. invisible, Kathās. 24, 8. 2. undistinguishable, unimportant, Kumāras. 5, 72. abhi-lak- ṣya + m, adv. to the aim, Rām. 2, 63, 22. durl°, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be perceived, Bhāg. P. 7, 10, 53. yūpa-, m. a bird. sthūla-, adj. 1. = sthūla-lakṣa (see lakṣa). 2. aiming carelessly. Caus.
     1. To cause to be seen, to perform, to settle, Chr. 20, 17.
     2. To signify, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 17.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, abhilakṣita, Marked.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To see, to perceive, MBh. 2, 2403.
     2. To view, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 12. Pass. To appear, Śāk. d. 133. ālakṣya, Śāk. d. 176, is lakṣya with ā, adj. Hardly visible.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To direct one's look to, Lass. 2. ed. 66, 17.
     2. To see, MBh. 1, 5249.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To see, to perceive, Vikr. 78, 21; MBh. 3, 2186.
     2. To suspect, Śāk. 15, 15.
     3. To consider, MBh. 3, 12188.
     4. Pass. To be probable, Rām. 2, 61, 11. upalakṣita, Comprehended, understood. Comp. an-, adj. not perceived, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 15.
-- With samupa sam-upa. To see, to perceive, MBh. 2, 1557.
-- With nis nis; nirlakṣya, Kathās. 6, 119, is lakṣya with nis, adj. Imperceivable.
-- With vi vi, To perceive, Gīt. 2, 19; to see, Pañc. 235, 25. vilakṣita,
     1. Seen.
     2. Affected without a cause.
     3. Disappointed, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 13; Johns. Sel. 52, 115 (rival).
     4. Unmarked (i. e. lakṣita with vi, adj.).
-- With sam sam,
     1. To perceive, MBh. 3, 16751.
     2. Pass. To appear, Vikr. d. 157. saṃlakṣita, Distinguished. saṃlakṣya, To be marked.
-- Comp. duḥs°, i.e. dus-, adj. difficult to be perceived, Rājat. 6, 64.

lakṣa lakṣa, probably from raṅj, and for original rakta,
I. n.
     1. A mark, MBh. 3, 14852; Caurap. 15.
     2. Aim, Ragh. 1, 61; Vikr. 54, 4 (? look, perhaps corr. °lak- ṣaṇaḥ).
     3. Disguise, fraud.
II. m., and f. kṣā, and n. (Pañc. 255, 23), A Lac, a hundred thousand, Pañc. 255, 23.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. 1. unmarked. 2. having no characteristic property. 3. having a mark or character contrary to what is usual. 4. surprised. 5. (one who has missed his aim), ashamed, abashed, Pañc. 29, 15; embarrassed, Pañc. 147, 4. 6. with kṛ, becoming vilakṣī kṛ, to scoff, to insult, Kathās. 6, 126. sthūla-, adj. 1. liberal, Indr. 4, 11. 2. wise. 3. remembering both benefits and offences.

lakṣaṇa lakṣaṇa, i. e. lakṣ + ana,
I. n.
     1. Seeing, sight.
     2. A characteristic mark, Pañc. iii. d. 130; Bhartṛ. 2, 70; a spot.
     3. A holy mark, Hit. 99, 7; a lucky mark, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 11.
     4. Form, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 38.
     5. A name, Pañc. iii. d. 35 (read yātrālakṣaṇam, called yātrā).
     6. An indication, a definition, Man. 1, 112.
     7. Settlement, 8, 406.
     8. A symptom of actual disease.
II. m.
     1. The Indian crane.
     2. A proper name.
III. f. .
     1. Metonymy, as distinguished from a word's literal meaning, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 16; Bhāṣāp. 81. Cf. sāhitya, Darp. ii.
     2. The female of the Indian crane.
     3. A goose.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. a mark of ill fortune, Man. 4, 156.
II. adj., f. ṇā, 1. without distinguishing marks, Man. 1, 5. 2. inauspicious, Ragh. 14, 5. ajahallakṣaṇā, i. e. a-jahat- (vb. 2. ), f. using a word in an elliptic meaning, without depriving it of its original signification; e. g. śoṇa, adj. 'of a chesnut colour,' in the sense of 'a horse of a chesnut colour,' Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 11. kṛta-, adj. brandished, Man. 9, 239. ṛgyajuḥsāmalakṣaṇa, i. e. ṛc-yajus-sāman-, adj. named Ṛc, Yājus, and Sāman, Man. 1, 23. jñāna-, adj., f. ṇā, one of the three transcendental perceptions, Bhāṣāp. 62, cf. 64. dvi-, adj. of two kinds, Man. 7, 163. nirlakṣaṇa, i. e. nis-, adj. not distinguished, unimpertant, Rām. 2, 113, 5 Gorr. rājalakṣaṇa, i. e. rājan-, n. 1. royal insignia. 2. any natural mark indicating royalty. lakṣita-, adj., f. ṇā, in which are evident the marks (of a town), Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 13. vi-, see s. v. viśeṣa-, n. characteristic mark or sign. sāmānya-, f. ṇā, one of the three transcendental perceptions, Bhāṣāp. 62, 63. su-,
I. adj. having auspicious marks, Rām. 3, 49, 57.
II. n. determining.
III. f. ṇā, a proper name.

lakṣatā lakṣa + tā, f. Condition of being the aim, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 24.

lakṣitatva lakṣita + tva (vb. lakṣ, n. Condition of being hinted at, of being supplied, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 15.

lakṣmaṇa lakṣmaṇa, i. e. lakṣman + a,
I. m.
     1. The son of Daśaratha by Sumitrā, Rām. 3, 50, 24.
     2. The Indian crane, Arj. 9, 21.
II. f. ṇā, The female of the Indian crane.
III. n.
     1. A mark, a spot, Śiś. 9, 31 (and at the same time Lakṣmaṇa). Comp. saha-, adj. with Lakṣmaṇa, Rām. 3, 52, 2.
     2. A name.

lakṣman lakṣ + man, n.
     1. A mark, Ragh. 19, 30; a spot, Śāk. d. 19.
     2. Chief.

lakṣmī lakṣmī, i. e. lakṣma (i. e. curtailed lakṣman), + ī, f. (nom. sing. mīs).
     1. The wife of Viṣṇu, and goddess of prosperity, Rām. 3, 52, 26; Hit. pr. d. 31, M.M.
     2. Prosperity, Bhartṛ. 2, 54.
     3. Wealth, Bhartṛ. 2, 14; Rājat. 5, 18.
     4. Beauty, splendour, Kir. 5, 39; Vikr. d. 23; Śāk. d. 19.
     5. Royal power, Pañc. iii. d. 32; dominion, Rājat. 5, 136.
     6. Superhuman power.
     7. Sīta, the wife of Rāma.
     8. A pearl.
-- Comp. a-, f. bad luck, Rām. 3, 72, 25. a-kṛśa-, adj., n. mi (nom. sing. m., f. mīs), endowed with great prosperity, Kir. 5, 52. jaya-, f. 1. Lakṣmī, as deity of victory, Rājat. 5, 245. 2. a proper name, ib. 7, 124. mahā-, f. Sarasvatī. rājalakṣmī, i. e. rājan-, f. royal majesty, Vikr. d. 160.

lakṣmīka -lakṣmī + ka, at the end of comp. adj.; e. g. putra-sam-krānta-, Having transferred the royal power to (their) sons, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 15.

lakṣmīvant lakṣmī + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Fortunate.
     2. Wealthy.

lakṣyatā lakṣya + tā (see lakṣ), f. Visibility, Rājat. 5, 321.

lakhlakh, laṅkh laṅkh, liṅkh liṅkh, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

lag 1. lag, i. 1, Par.
     1. To adhere, Pañc. i. d. 340.
     2. To attach one's self, Pañc. 245, 6.
     3. To stick (in the throat), Śiś. 9, 69.
     4. To pass away, to expire, Pañc. 185, 19. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. lagna.
     1. Attached, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 13; impressed, Hit. pr. d. 8, M.M.; joined, Hit. 35, 12; following, Pañc. 106, 13; impending, 50, 18.
     2. Left, Śāk. d. 32.
     3. Intent on, occupied, being about, Pañc. 244, 6.
     4. Auspicious, Hit. 89, 8, M.M. m. A bard. n.
     1. The rising of a sign, its appearance above the horizon, Lass. 24, 8.
     2. Auspicious time, Hit. 97, 13; cf. 94, 9. Comp. pāda-, adj. being in the foot, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 483. pṛṣṭha-, adj. m. one who follows, a partisan, Pañc. 125, 12. śubha-, m. (?), an auspicious moment, Hit. 94, 9. hastāgra-, i. e. hasta-agra-, adj., f. , married, Pañc. 119, 6 (since I have been married to you).
II. lagita.
     1. Connected.
     2. Obtained.
     3. Entered, Hit. 129, 14.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anulagna, Following, Lass. 30, 10.
-- With ava ava, avalagna,
     1. Attached.
     2. m. and n. The waist, Śiś. 9, 49.
-- With vi vi, vilagna,
     1. Joined, attached, Śiś. 9, 20; clinging to, ib. 84; Pañc. 259, 2 (tatraiva vilagnaḥ, Took hold of it).
     2. Touching, Pañc. 186, 9.
     3. Tarried, Pañc. 207, 22. n. The waist.
-- With sam sam, saṃlagna, Joined, adhering.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] (but cf. lañja and laṅgūla).

lag 2. lag, see rak.

lagaḍa lagaḍa, adj. Beautiful.

laguḍa laguḍa, m.
     1. A stick, a staff, Hit. 51, 6, M.M.
     2. An iron club, a club, Hit. 101, 12.

lagnaka lagna + ka (vb. lag), m. A surety.

laghaṭ laghaṭ, and laghaṭi laghaṭi, m. Wind.

laghaya laghaya, a denomin. derived from laghu, Par.
     1. To make light, Kir. 5, 4.
     2. To alleviate, to soften, Vikr. d. 51.

laghiman laghiman, i. e. laghu + iman, m.
     1. Lightness, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 7.
     2. A supernatural faculty to make one's self as light as one lists, Lass. 3, 18.
     3. Diminutiveness.
     4. Insignificance.

laghu laghu, i. e. laṅgh + u,
I. adj., f. ghu and ghvī, comperat. laghutara and laghīyaṃs, superl. laghutama and laghiṣṭha,
     1. Light, Pañc. 76, 18; easy, Pañc. 202, 4; laghīyaṃs, Very light, Pañc. i. d. 119.
     2. Insignificant, Pañc. 68, 6; 172, 4 (innoxious).
     3. Quick, Pañc. 55, 11.
     4. Beautiful.
     5. Clean, Man. 2, 70.
     6. Little, Pañc. i. d. 301; small, Pañc. ii. d. 38; narrow, Pañc. 170, 24.
     7. Young, Pañc. 253, 13; younger, Pañc. 220, 3.
     8. Feeble, Man. 7, 209; Pañc. iii. d. 28.
     9. Mean, lev, Cāṇ. 68 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 411; living in a low position, Pañc. ii. d. 71.
     10. Vain, frivolous.
     11. Short, as a vowel, Śrut. 3.
     12. A way of flying (of birds), Pañc. ii. d. 57.
II. acc. sing. n. ghu, adv. Quickly, Lass. 81, 13 (Prākṛ.).
III. f. ghvī.
     1. A delicate woman.
     2. A light carriage.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. heavy, Śiś. 9, 78. 2. powerful, ib. 9, 38. 3. long, as a vowel, Śrut. 44. pari-, adj. 1. very small, Utt. Rāmac. 107, 9. 2. very pure, Megh. 13. 3. very indifferent, Utt. Rāmac. 100, 4.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. lepus (for old lephus; cf. formus for old phormus, s.v. gharma, and rudhira, and skandha); Lat. levis; Goth. leihts; O.H.G. līhti; A.S. līht.

laghutā laghu + tā, f.
     1. Lightness.
     2. Wantonness, Śiś. 9, 56.
     3. Meanness, insignificance.
     4. Disrespect, Pañc. i. d. 399.

laghutva laghu + tva, n. Disregard, Pañc. i. d. 156.

laghuvivaratva laghu-vivara + tva, n. The opening being narrow. Pañc. 170, 25.

laṅkā laṅkā, f.
     1. The capital of Ceylon, Lass. 5, 3.
     2. Ceylon, Rām. 3, 53, 35; Pañc. iii. d. 268.
     3. The name of a śākinī, or evil spirit.
     4. An unchaste woman.
     5. A branch.

laṅkh laṅkh, see lakh.

laṅg laṅg, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To go limpingly, to be lame.
-- With the prep. vi vi, Caus., Pañc. i. d. 369, To stop (? corr. perhaps vilambayan, delaying; cf. vilambana and my transl).

laṅga laṅga (vb. lag), m.
     1. Union.
     2. A lover, a gallant.

laṅgaka laṅga + ka, m. A lover, a gallant.

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laṅgiman laṅgiman (vb. lag), (m.), Union, Lass. 67, 17.

laṅgimamaya laṅgimamaya, i. e. lañgiman + maya, adj., f. , Fit to be joined, Lass. 83, 1.

laṅgūla laṅgūla (vb. lag), n. The tail of an animal (cf. lāṅgūla).

laṅgh laṅgh, i. 1, Par. † To diminish. i. 1, Par. Ātm. To ascend, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 32. i. 1, Ātm. † To fast. Caus., and i. 10, Par.
     1. To jump over, Megh. 55.
     2. To step over, MBh. 3, 11178; Man. 4, 38.
     3. To hinder, Pañc. ii. d. 113.
     4. To surpass, Ragh. 3, 48 (Calc.).
     5. To disregard, Man. 5, 151; Pañc. i. d. 37.
     6. To violate, Man. 8, 371.
     7. † To speak.
     8. † To shine. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass.
     1. a-laṅghanīya, adj. Not to be overtaken, unattainable, Śāk. d. 8.
     2. durlaṅghya, i. e. dus-, adj. Difficult to be set aside, Rājat. 5, 395.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, i. 10, To stride over, Man. 4, 54.
-- With ava ava, i. 10, To stay, Ghaṭ. 7.
-- With ud ud, i. 10,
     1. To pursue, Megh. 46.
     2. To neglect, Rājat. 5, 395.
     3. To violate, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 4.
     4. To injure, 191, 21. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. an-ullaṅghanīya, adj. Not to be neglected, Pañc. 247, 19.
-- With pari pari, i. 10, To trespass, to leave, Pañc. iv. d. 75.
-- With vi vi, i. 10,
     1. To overstep, Kir. 5, 1.
     2. To violate, Ragh. 9 74.
     3. To neglect, Ragh. 3, 4 (Calc.).
-- Cf. O.H.G. langên, ga-lingan, ga -langon; Goth. laggs; A.S. lang, etc.; Lat. longus, languere, etc.; [greek] [greek] probably also Goth. laikan, etc. The original signification of this vb. was probably, 'To overtake by jumping,' then, 'To attain.'

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laṅghana laṅgh + ana, n.
     1. Jumping over.
     2. Passing over, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 1.
     3. Coition, 182, 11.
     4. Exceeding, transgressing, Hit. 87, 1, M.M. (pati-, Injuring one's husband); disregarding, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 34 (of a former husband by marrying another); disdain, Vikr. 34, 4.
     5. Storming, capturing a fort, Hit. iii. d. 136.
     6. Going.
     7. One of a horse's paces, curvetting.
     8. Fasting, abstinence.

lachlach (a form of lakṣ), and lāñch lañch, q. v. i. 1, Par. To mark.

laj 1. laj, see lajj.

laj † 2. laj, and lañj lañj, i. 1, Par.
     1. To fry.
     2. To calumniate, to blame.

laj † 3. laj, and lañj lañj, i. 10, Par. To appear, to shine.

laj † 4. laj, i. 10, Par. To cover (v. r.).

lajj lajj (akin to rañj, and for original rajya), and laj laj (Bhaṭṭ. 14, 105), i. 6, Ātm. (also Par., Man. 12, 35), To be ashamed, Pañc. ii. d. 106; with the ptcple. pres. in the sense of the infin., Rām. 2, 12, 52; Pañc. 119, 6. (bruvāṇo na lajjase, You are not ashamed to speak). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lagna, Ashamed.
-- With the prep. vi vi, To be ashamed, MBh. 3, 2217.
-- With sam sam, The same, Rām. 2, 55, 16.

lajjā lajj + ā, f.
     1. Shame, Pañc. v. d. 10.
     2. Bashfulness, Pañc. v. d. 83.
     3. Modesty.
-- Comp. nirlajja, i. e. nis-, and vi-, adj., f. , shameless, Pañc. i. d. 148. sa-, adj., f. . 1. ashamed. 2. bashful, Pañc. 45, 8; Daśak. in Chr. 182, 1. 3. modest, Hit. iii. d. 64. °jam, acc. sing. n. adv. bashfully, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 19; Vikr. 22, 12.

lajjāvant lajjā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Bashful, modest, Nal. 3, 18.

lajjita lajjita, i. e. lajjā + ita, adj. Ashamed, bashful, Utt. Rāmac. 158, 7.

lañjlañj, luñj luñj, i. 10, Par.
     1. To be strong.
     2. To injure.
     3. To dwell.
     4. To give.
     5. To speak, to shine. See 2., 3. laj.

lañja lañja,
I. m.
     1. A foot.
     2. The end of the lower garment, tucked into the waistband.
     3. A tail.
II. f. .
     1. An adulteress.
     2. Lakṣmī.
     3. Sleep. See the next.

lañjikā lañjikā, i. e. lañjā + ka. f. A harlot.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek]

laṭlaṭ i. 1, Par.
     1. To be a child.
     2. To cry (cf. raṭ).

laṭaka laṭaka, m. A bad man.

laṭvā laṭvā, f.
     1. A sparrow.
     2. A musical instrument (?).
     3. A game.
     4. A tree, a species of the karañja.

laḍ † 1. and lāḍ la/ĀḌ, i. 10, la/āḍaya, la/ādāpaya, Par. To throw up, to blame.

laḍ 2. laḍ, Caus., or i. 10, Par. laḍaya,
     1. † To loll (the tongue).
     2. To stir with the tongue, Pañc. 229, 20 (but with l instead of ).
     3. † To use the tongue.
     4. † To apprise, to show.
     5. † To throw out, to be thrown out.
     6. † To coagulate, to pain.
     7. † To suffer pain. The final seems to stand for l (cf. lal). -- Perhaps cf. [greek] N.H.G. lallen.

laḍ 3. laḍ, see lal.

laḍḍu laḍḍu, A class of sweetmeats, Lass. 2. ed. 59, 5.

laḍḍuka laḍḍu + ka, m. n. A class of sweetmeats, Lass. 2. ed. 9, 11; 13; Brahmav. 3, 8, 53.

laṇḍlaṇḍ (see 1. laḍ), ulaṇḍ ulaṇḍ (i. e. ud-laṇḍ), and olaṇḍ olaṇḍ (i. e. ud-laṇḍ, or ava-laṇḍ), i. 10, Par. To toss up.

latā latā, f.
     1. A creeper, Kathās. 22, 103.
     2. A plant, Pañc. i. d. 253.
     3. A branch, Vikr. d. 13.
     4. Thread.
     5. The name of several plants.
-- Comp. amṛta-, f. a creeper yielding nectar, Bhartṛ. 1, 75. ud-patāka-bhuja-laṭa, adj., f. , having raised banners instead of creeper-like arms, Kathās. 20, 22. kalpa-, f. a creeper yielding all wishes (cf. kalpa-taru), Śāk. d. 164. nāga-, f. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 359. bāhu-, f. the creeper-like arms, Rājat. 5, 27. bhrū-, f. the creeper-like eyebrow, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 15. bhū-, and mahi-, f. an earth-worm. muktā-, f. a pearl necklace. mohana-, f. a fascinating plant, Lass. 82, 14 (Prākṛ.). romalatā, i. e. roman-, f. a line of hair extending to the navel. taḍillatā, i. e. taḍit-, f. zigzag lightning, Kirāt. 10, 19. vetra-, f. a stick (of the doorkeeper), Pañc. 16, 1. sūrya-, f. a plant, Cleome viscosa. soma-, f. the Soma plant, Sarcostema viminalis.

latikā latikā, i. e. lata + ka, f. A creeper.
-- Comp. aṅgu-, f. a creeper-like body, Utt. Rāmac. 72, 12. amṛta-, f. a creeper yielding nectar. Śrut. 35 (Brockhaus). būhu-, f. creeper-like arms, Śṛṅgārat. 9.

lap lap, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Nal. 21, 16).
     1. To speak, Gīt. 1, 41.
     2. To lament, Nal. 3, 27. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lapitā, n. Voice. Frequent. lālap, lālapya, To lament, MBh. 3, 10200. lālapya, Par., MBh. 1, 968.
-- With the prep. apa apa, To deny, Rām. 2, 75, 24.
-- With ā ā, To address, MBh. 3, 15604. Caus. lāpaya, To ask, Pañc. i. d. 431; 242, 13.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To prattle, Śāk. 13, 14.
     2. To speak, Pañc. 94, 12; to cry, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 309.
     3. To bewail, Pañc. 75, 25; MBh. 3, 1203.
     4. To invoke, MBh. 2, 2339. pralapita, n.
     1. Prattle, Pañc. 146, 1 (vṛthā-, Useless words).
     2. Lamentation, Pañc, 224, 16. Caus. To incite to speak, Mṛcch. 86, 14.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To wail, Hit. 44, 6, M.M.; MBh. 3, 1203.
     2. To bewail, Rām. 1, 1, 52.
     3. To speak, Johns. Sel. 51, 110.
-- With sam sam, To converse, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 7. Caus. To cause to converse, to address, Hit. i. d. 77, M.M.
-- Cf. Lat. loqui; probably [greek] (a denomin. based on an old frequent. [greek] and aff. van, with [greek] for [greek])

lapana lap + ana, n.
     1. Speaking.
     2. The mouth.

labh labh (in epic poetry also lambh lambh, MBh. 2, 1365, cf. Caus.), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Chr. 21, 8).
     1. To obtain, to get, MBh. 1, 6839; Vikr. d. 42; to acquire, Hit. i. d. 47, M.M.; to enjoy, Vikr. d. 20; Kathās. 26, 283 (alabhata + tarām, Enjoyed in the highest degree).
     2. With garbham, To become pregnant, Chr. 50, 10.
     3. To approach, MBh. 1, 1756.
     4. To undergo, to perform, Rājat. 5, 154.
     5. Pass. To be contained, Bhāṣāp. 6.
     6. Pass. refl. To take, Rājat. 5, 108. Comp. ptcple. pres. Ātm. a-labhamāna, adj. Unable to catch, Hit. 121, 15. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. labdha, Got, obtained, Lass. 20, 7; Rājat. 5, 135. f. dhā, A woman whose husband or lover is faithless. Desider. lipsa. To strive to obtain, Man. 7, 99; 8, 340; to long for, Hit. ii. d. 7. Comp. ptcple. pres. (Par.), a-lipsant, adj. Not desiring, Hit. ii. d. 8. Caus. lambhaya, To cause to obtain.
     1. To bestow, MBh. 3, 16068; to give, Vikr. 47, 12.
     2. To find out, Man. 8, 109.
     3. To cause to suffer, MBh. 2, 1529. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lambhita.
     1. Procured, given.
     2. Adapted.
     3. Addressed.
     4. Heightened, improved.
     5. Cherished.
     6. Gained.
     7. Abused.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, desider. To covet, MBh. 1, 2940.
-- With ā ā, To touch, Man. 11, 202; 5, 87; Chr. 7, 16.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To reproach, Vikr. 63, 12; Śiś. 9, 60.
     2. To reprove, Śāk. 59, 15. Caus. To blame, Pañc. 134, 24.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To touch, to stroke, Rām. 1, 29, 45.
     2. To rub, Rām. 2, 25, 35.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To obtain, Rājat. 5, 297; to get, Vikr. d. 29.
     2. With garbham, To become pregnant, Rām. 1, 25, 25.
     3. To find, Vikr. 65, 19; Daśak. in Chr. 192, 10.
     4. To perceive, Rām. 2, 65, 13; to feel, Vikr. 67, 4; to be told, Pañc. 172, 21.
     5. To find out, Vikr. 57, 11; to ascertain, Śāk. 11, 16; Man. 7, 57.
     5. To understand, MBh. 2, 769.
-- With pratyupa prati-upa, To recover, Vikr. d. 133.
-- With pra pra, To deceive, MBh. 3, 2785.
-- With vipra vi-pra,
     1. To deceive, Hit. 92, 6; Chr. 53, 23.
     2. To confound, Utt. Rāmac. 155, 10.
     3. To violate, MBh. 3, 223.
-- With prati prati, To recover, MBh. 1, 7882.
-- With vi vi, To occupy, Rājat. 5, 265. Cf. [greek] (based on a frequent.), probably [greek] See rabh.

labhasa labh + asa, m. A rope for tying a horse.

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lampaṭa lampaṭa (vb. lap, but cf. also limpaṭa),
I. adj. Covetous, greedy, Pañc. 253, 18.
II. m. A libertine, Lass. 83, 18 (Prākṛ.).

lampaṭatva lampaṭa + tva, n. Greediness, Bhartṛ. 3, 67.

lampāka lampāka, m.
     1. A libertine (see the last).
     2. The name of a country.

lamb lamb, i. 1, Ātm. (Par., Pañc. 107, 25).
     1. To fall, MBh. 2, 2187.
     2. To set (as the sun), Rām. 1, 33, 20.
     3. To hang downwards, Pañc. v. d. 36.
     4. † To sound. Ptcple. of the pres. lambamāna.
     1. Depending, Pañc. 259, 7.
     2. Being large or bulky, Pañc. 136, 1.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To fall, MBh. 1, 1035; to descend, Hit. 25, 5, M.M.
     2. To set, MBh. 4, 1040.
     3. To rest upon, Lass. 5, 11.
     4. To lean on, to be supported, MBh. 1, 8443.
     5. To suspend, Pañc. 252, 10.
     6. To support, to hold, Śāk. 86, 21; Vikr. 49, 16.
     7. To take, Śāk. 108, 19. With dhairyam, a. To take courage, Hit. 13, 19. b. To keep firm, i. e. to yield not, Vikr. 34, 4.
     8. To choose, Śāk. 70, 14. avalambita,
     1. Hanging, Pañc. 116, 23.
     2. Hanging with the head downwards, Lass. 15, 18.
     3. Supported, Vikr. 7, 5.
     4. Depended upon, Hit. i. d. 143, M.M. Caus. To support, Mālav. 31, 2; to hold, 42, 6.
-- With samava sam-ava, To support, MBh. 3, 10988.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To lean on, to depend upon, Chr. 28, 16.
     2. To support, MBh. 3, 10989.
     3. To keep (sthairyaṃ gṛhe, To stay at home), Pañc. 225, 23.
     4. To take, Ghat. 22; to seize, Rājat. 5, 432. With dhairyam, To take courage, Pañc. 21, 8. With dhṛtim, To be untroubled, Kathās. 22, 100. ālambita,
     1. Hanging, Vikr. d. 140.
     2. Laid on, Vikr. d. 125. nālambita, i. e. na-ālambita, Unsupported, hopeless, Vikr. d. 38.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To suspend, Pañc. 144, 23.
     2. To maintain, Hit. i. d. 193, M.M.
     3. To take, Mṛcch. 55, 19.
     4. To dwell, Hit. i. d. 211, M.M.
-- With ud ud, ullambita, Hanging (between heaven and earth), Mṛcch. 33, 19.
-- With samud sam-ud, samullambita, Hanging, 34, 2.
-- With pra pra, pralambita, Hanging.
-- With prati prati, To suspend, Pañc. 98, 4.
-- With vi vi, To tarry, Śāk. 18, 21; Pañc. 84, 10. a-vilambita, adj. Without delay, Mālav. 53, 13; Vikr. 79, 13. Caus.
     1. To suspend, Pañc. 116, 19.
     2. To delay, iii. d. 232.
-- With pravi pra-vi, Pañc. 98, 4; erroneous reading, see my transl. n. 480.
-- Cf. Lat. labi; A.S. limpian, ge-limp; Engl. To limp.

lamba lamb + a,
I. adj.
     1. Depending, Megh. 82, 88.
     2. Long, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1210; Śāk. 87, 15 (Prākṛ.).
     3. Expanded, large, Hiḍ. 2, 3.
     4. Spacious.
II. m.
     1. A bribe.
     2. Moving a man at a sort of backgammon.
III. f. .
     1. Lakṣmī.
     2. Durgā.
     3. A bitter gourd.
-- Comp. ā-gaṇḍa-, adj. hanging down to the cheeks, Megh. 88.

lambaka lamba + ka, m. A section, Kathās. 1, 8.

lambana lamb + ana, n.
     1. Falling.
     2. A long necklace reaching to the navel.

lambaya lambaya, a denomin. derived from lamba, Par. To extend, Ragh. 6, 75 (Calc.).

lambālakatva lambālakatva, i. e. lamba-alaka + tva, n. Hanging down of the curls, Megh. 82.

lambin lamb + in, adj. Depending, Pañc. i. d. 160.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unsupported, Lass. 20, 20. an-ati-, adj. short, Mālav. d. 82. pūrva-ardha-, adj. inclining (his) fore-part, Megh. 52.

lambuṣā lamb + uṣā, f. A necklace of seven strings.

lambh lambh, see rambh and labh.

lambha lambha, i. e. labh + a, m. Gain, Vikr. 49, 16.

lambhana lambhana, i. e. labh + ana, n.
     1. Gaining, getting.
     2. Causing to get, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 12.
     3. Abuse, reviling.

lay lay, see ray.

laya laya, i. e. lī + a, m.
     1. Adhering.
     2. A house.
     3. Sport.
     4. Equal time in music and dancing, Pañc. v. d. 43.
     5. Melting; layaṃ yā, To melt away, to vanish, Pañc. v. d. 4.
     6. Dissolution, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 23; 211, 7; destruction.
     7. Loss.
     8. A pause in music, Mālav. 19, 11.
     9. Slackness of mind, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 23.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. nondestruction, duration, Rām. 3, 71, 10.
II. adj. without a fixed abode, Śiś. 4, 57.

larblarb, i. 1, Par. To go.

lal lal, and † laḍ laḍ, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry, Ātm., Rām. 1, 9, 19).
     1. To sport, MBh. 3, 1741.
     2. To dally, Rām. 1, 9, 19. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lalita.
     1. Dallying, wanton, Megh. 65.
     2. Beautiful, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 6.
     3. Wished. n.
     1. Beauty, Rām. 1, 9, 16.
     2. Love of pleasure, love, Vikr. d. 32.
     3. Softness and delicacy of motion, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 6.
     4. °tam, adv. Sweetly, Dev. 10, 27. Comp. durlalita, i. e. dus- (cf. Caus. A.),
I. adj. spoiled, Vikr. d. 27; wayward, Śāk. 103, 4. n. 1. ill habit, Hariv. 8539 (with ati-, excessive). 2. disfavour, Prab. 90, 15. su-, adj. 1. sporting. 2. pleased, very delicate, Hit. 37, 4, M.M. 3. very beautiful, Ṛt. 1, 28; Bhartṛ. 3, 28. °tam, adv. delightedly, easily. Caus., and i. 10, Par.
A. lalaya, † laḍaya,
     1. To exhilarate, Rām. 2, 43. 5.
     2. To nurse, to foster, to attend, Rām. 2, 47, 6; Pañc. 87, 11.
B. lālaya,
     1. To cherish, Pañc. i. d. 397.
     2. To spoil, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2664. i. 10, Ātm. † lāḍaya, To desire. lālita,
     1. Desired.
     2. Cherished tenderly, Pañc. iii. d. 126.
     3. Loved, Rājat. 5, 6.
     4. Coaxed, Pañc. 87, 11 (or n. Joy; °tena, Joyfully ?).
     5. Seduced; cf. 2. laḍ.
-- With the prep. upa upa, Caus. lālaya,
     1. To court, Mālav. 29, 1.
     2. To fondle, Śāk. 104, 5.

lalajjihva lalajjihva, i. e. lalant-jihva (see 2. laḍ and jihvā),
I. adj. Fierce, savage.
II. m.
     1. A camel.
     2. A dog.

lalana lalana, i. e. laḍ, and lal + ana,
I. m.
     1. A tree, Shorea robusta.
     2. A boy.
II. f. .
     1. A wanton woman, Indr. 5, 6.
     2. A woman in general, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 27.
III. n.
     1. Sport, pleasure.
     2. Lolling the tongue.

lalantikā lalantikā (akin to lal), f. A necklace reaching to the navel.

lalāṭa lalāṭa, n. The forehead, Pañc. ii. d. 183; Vikr. 73, 8.
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. with a large forehead, Rām. 3, 55, 4.

lalāṭaṃtapa lalāṭṃ-tapa, i.e. lalāṭa + m-tap + a, adj. Burning the forehead, Utt. Rāmac. 153, 5; Mālat. 12, 8.

lalāṭikā lalāṭikā, i. e. lalāṭa + ka, f.
     1. An ornament worn on the forehead, as a jewel.
     2. A mark made with sandal on the forehead, Pāṇ. iv. 3, 65.

lalāma lalāma (akin to lal),
I. n., also lalāman lalāman,
     1. A mark.
     2. A flag.
     3. An ornament, Śāk. 25, 4.
     4. A mane.
     5. A tail.
     6. A line.
     7. Majesty, dignity.
     8. Chief, principal, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 18.
II. f. , An ornament worn in the ear.

lalāmaka lalāma + ka, n. A chaplet of flowers falling over the forehead, Pāṇ. iv. 4, 40.

lalitāditya lalitāditya, i. e. lalita-āditya, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 69.

lalliya lalliya, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 154.

lava lava, i. e. lū + a,
I. m.
     1. Cutting, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 17.
     2. Plucking, Nal. 2, 30.
     3. Reaping.
     4. Smallness, Bhartṛ. 3. 100; Vikr. d. 118 (aparādha-, A very small fault); a little, Hit. iv. d. 76 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3265); a piece, Vikr. d. 125; a drop, Kir. 5, 44.
     5. Hair, Ragh. 15, 32; wool, Man. 8, 151.
     6. A minute, and also a larger division of time.
     7. A kind of quail.
     8. One of Rāma's sons, Utt. Rāmac. 85, 8.
II. n.
     1. The nutmeg.
     2. Cloves.
-- Comp. jñāna- (m.), a smattering of knowledge, Bhartṛ. 2, 3.

lavaka lavaka, i. e. lū + aka, adj. Who or what cuts, Pāṇ. iii. 1, 149.

lavaṃga lavaṃga, i. e. lava + m-ga,
I. m. The clove tree, Myristica caryophyllata, Ragh. 6, 57.
II. n. Cloves.

lavaṭa lavaṭa, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 176.

lavaṇa lavaṇa, for original ravaṇa cf. rumaṇvant,
I. n. Salt, Pañc. 184, 9.
II. m.
     1. Saltness, Hit. iii. d. 56.
     2. The sea of salt water.
     3. The name of a Rākṣasa, Utt. Rāmac. 176, 8.
III. f. ṇā.
     1. Light, beauty.
     2. The name of a river.
IV. adj.
     1. Salt, saline, Pāṇ. iv. 4, 24.
     2. Charming, beautiful.
-- Comp. a-kṣāra-lavaṇa. adj. not containing artificia. salt, Man. 3, 257.

lavana lavana, i. e. lū + ana, n. Cutting, reaping.

lavalī lavalī, f. A kind of creeper, Vikr. d. 146.

lavaśas lava + śas, adv. In pieces.

lavāka lavāka, i. e. lū + āka, m. A sickle.

lavi lavi, i. e. lū + i (m. ?), An iron instrument for cutting or cleaving.

lavitra lavitra, i. e. lū + tra, n. A sickle, Pāṇ. iii. 2, 184.

laś laś, see 2. las.

laśuna laśuna, n. Garlic, Man. 5, 5.

laṣ laṣ (akin to 1. las, cf. lālasa), i. 1 and 4, Par. To desire; cf. 2. las.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To desire, Vikr. 13, 20; to covet, Hit. 69, 5; MBh. 1, 6580.
     2. To take, Vikr. d. 107. abhilaṣita, n. Desire, Hit. 95, 4, M.M.
-- Cf. [greek] probably [greek] etc.; Lat. lascivus; Goth. luston, lustus; A. S. lust, lyst, lystan.

laṣva laṣva, m. A dancer.

las 1. las, i. 1, Par.
     1. To embrace.
     2. To sport or play.
     3. To shine, MBh. 3, 15533. Caus. lāsaya, To cause to sport, to move, Vikr. d. 23.
-- With the prep. ud ud,
     1. To sport, Pañc. i. d. 152; Bhaṭṭ. 9, 86.
     2. To shine, Śiś. 20, 56. Caus.
     1. To cause to shine, Ṛt. 6, 8.
     2. To delight, Hit. 21, 15.
-- With prod pra-ud, To shine, Śiś. 2, 19.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To break forth, Pañc. ii. d. 193.
     2. To shine forth, Śiś. 8, 65.
     3. To sport. samullasita,
     1. Sportive.
     2. Beautiful.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To sport, to dally, Hit. 42, 9; with upari in upari-vi-lasant, Flashing up, Megh. 48.
     2. To play, to exhibit, Pañc. iii. d. 237.
     3. To shine, Bhartṛ. 3, 23; 36 (to flash); Pañc. i. d. 461 (yena vilasitam, Who has lived in a brilliant style). vilasita, Sportive, wanton. n.
     1. Wanton pastime.
     2. Splendour. Kir. 5, 46; flashing, Vikr. d. 137. Comp. durvitasita, i. e. dus-, n. A wicked trick, Prab. 104, 7.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To break forth, Lass. 24, 14.
-- Cf. probably Lat. ludo; see laṣ.

las † 2. las, laṣ laṣ, laś laś, i. 10, Par. To do anything skilfully.

lasikā lasikā, f. Saliva, spittle.

lastaka lastaka, perhaps lasta + ka (1. las, To embrace). m. The middle of a bow.

lahara lahara, The name of a district (Lahore), Rājat. 5, 51.

lahari and laharī laharī, f. A large wave, a wave, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 814.
-- Comp. ānanda-, f. title of a hymn.

, ii. 2, Par. To take, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 53.

lākṣaṇika lākṣaṇika, i. e. lakṣaṇa + ika, adj., f. , Characteristic.

lākṣā lākṣā, i. e. lakṣa = lakta in laktaka (q. cf.), + a, f. Lac, the animal dye, Ṛt. 6. 13.
-- Comp. caraṇa-, f. lac, with which the feet are dyed, Kir. 5, 23.

lākṣika lākṣika, adj.
     1. i. e. lākṣā + ika, Made of lac, dyed with lac, Pāṇ. iv. 2, 2.
     2. i. e. lakṣa + ika, Relating to a large number or a Lac.

lākh lākh, see rākh.

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lāguḍika lāguḍika, i. e. laguḍa + ika, m. One who bears a club, a sentinel, Pañc. 230, 19.

lāgh lāgh, see rāgh.

lāghava lāghava, i. e. laghu + a, n.
     1. Lightness.
     2. Undervaluing, a cause of undervaluing, Pañc. ii. d. 107; disgrace, iii. d. 113; contempt, Bhag. 2, 35.
     3. Swiftness, Chr. 34, 7.
     4. Readiness, Chr. 5, 23.
     5. Dexterity, Johns. Sel. 11, 25.
     6. Health.
     7. Meanness, Hit. iii. d. 78; insignificance.
     8. Frivolity.
     9. Shortness (of a vowel), Śrut. 4.
-- Comp. guru-, n. the relative weight, Man. 9, 229. hasta-, n. light-handedness, readiness, cleverness, Pañc. 218, 17.

lāṅgala lāṅgala, vb. lag, cf. lāṅgula,
I. n.
     1. The penis.
     2. A plough, Bhartṛ. 2, 98.
     3. The main beam of a house.
     4. The palm tree.
II. f. , The name of several plants.

lāṅgalin lāṅgalin, i. e. lāṅgala + in, m.
     1. A snake.
     2. A name of balarāma, Megh. 50 (armed with a plough).

lāṅgula and lāṅgūla lāṅgu/ūla (vb. lag, properly, To hang), n. A tail, Pañc. 259, 7 (ū); Hit. i. d. 170, M.M.

lājlāj, lāñj lāñj, i. 1, Par.
     1. To fry.
     2. To blame.

lāja lāja,
I. m. Grain wetted or sprinkled.
II. f. , or pl. m. Fried grain, Pañc. 158, 3; Chr. 57, 22.

lāñch lāñch (akin to lakṣ; cf. lach), i. 1, Par. †
     1. To mark.
     2. To dress, Vikr. d. 53.

lāñchana lāñch + ana, n.
     1. A mark, Pañc. iii. d. 204.
     2. A name, Utt. Rāmac. 2, 4 (śri-kaṇṭha-pada-, adj. Having as surname the word Śrikaṇṭha.)
-- Comp. mṛga-, m. the moon, Lass. 91, 8 (Prākṛ.). śrī-vatsa-, m. a name of Viṣṇu. śaśa-, m. the moon, Pañc. iii. d. 204.

lāñj lāñj, see lāj.

lāṭa lāṭa, m.
     1. Cloth.
     2. The name of a country.

lāḍ lāḍ, see 1. lad.

lāḍa lāḍa, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 226.

lāḍana lāḍana, see lālana.

lābhlābh, i. 10, Par. To throw, to direce.

lābha lābha, i. e. labh + a, m.
     1. Acquirement, acquisition, Pañc. ii. d. 197.
     2. Gain, Man. 9, 331; Pañc. ii. d. 100.
     3. Enjoying, Pañc. 202, 10.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. no possibility of getting, Man. 2, 42. 2. loss, Man. 11, 80. guṇa-a-, m. the not taking effect, Suśr. 1, 131, 5. durlābha, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be got, MBh. 12, 11168. dvi-guṇa-, m. (condition of) receiving something doubled, Pañc. 88, 9. lābha-a-, m. profit and loss, Man. 9, 331. siddhi-, m. acquirement of success, i. e. applause, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 14.

lābhin -lābhin, i. e. labh + in, adj. in parīkṣā-kṣaṇa-, adj. Getting the time of proving, Rājat. 5, 131.

lālaka lālaka, i. e. lal, Caus., + aka, adj., f. likā. Seducing, Nal. 2, 28.

lālana lālana, also lāḍana, Caṇ. 84 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 412, i. e. lal, Caus., † ana, n.
     1. Coaxing, Rājat. 5, 290.
     2. Spoiling, over-indulging, Pañc. i. d. 185.

lālasa lālasa, i. e. lālas, frequent. of 1. las, but partly in the signification of laṣ, + a, m., and f. .
     1. Ardent desire. Bhartṛ. 3, 36 (m.); Pañc. 81, 21 (at the end of a comp. adj. śravaṇa-sukha-, Ardently desiring the pleasure for his ears).
     2. Regret.
     3. Asking.
     4. The longing of a pregnant woman.
     5. Dalliance, MBh. 7, 3383 (?).
-- Comp. darśana-, adj., f. , ardently desiring to see, Nal. 12, 84. pati-, adj., f. , ardently longing for (her) husband, ib. 13, 1.

lālā lālā (akin to ), f. Saliva, spittle, Bhartṛ. 2, 9; Ṛt. 1, 5.

lālāṭika lālāṭika, i. e. lalāṭa + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the forehead, worn on it, etc.
     2. Contemplating the forehead.
     3. Relating to fate (which is supposed to be written on one's forehead).
     4. Low.
II. m., and f. .
     1. An attentive servant.
     2. An idler.

lālāya lālāya, a denomin. derived from lālā with ya, Ātm. To secrete saliva continually, Pañc. iii. d. 195.

lālitaka lālita + ka (see lal, Caus.), m. A favourite, Rājat. 6, 166.

lālitya lālitya, i. e. lalita + ya (vb. lal), n. Loveliness.

lāva lāva, i. e. lū + a,
I. adj.
     1. Cutting.
     2. Plucking, Ragh. 13, 43.
II. m., and f. , A sort of quail, Perdix chinensis, Rām. 3, 53, 57.
-- Comp. puṣpa-, 1. m. a garland-maker, a flower-seller. 2. f. , a female flower-gatherer, Megh. 27.

lāvaṇa lāvaṇa, i. e. lavaṇa + a, adj.
     1. Relating to salt.
     2. Salted.

lāvaṇika lāvaṇika, i. e. lavaṇa + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to salt.
     2. Salted.
     3. Beautiful.
II. m. A salt merchant.
III. n. A vessel holding salt.

lāvaṇya lāvaṇya, i. e. lavaṇa + ya, n.
     1. Saltness.
     2. Loveliness, charm, Hit. i. d. 136, M.M.; beauty, Lass. 2. ed. 19, 3.

lāsa lāsa, i. e. las + a, m.
     1. Dancing.
     2. Dalliance.
     3. Pea-water, pulse that has been lightly boiled.

lāsaka lāsaka, i. e. las + aka,
I. m.
     1. A dancer, an actor.
     2. A peacock.
II. f. akā and ikā, A dancing girl.

lāsya lāsya, i. e. lāsa + ya,
I. m. A dancer.
II. f. , A female dancer.
III. n.
     1. Dancing.
     2. Union of dance and music, Mārk. P. 68, 26.
     3. The dance of the Indian dancing girls.

likṣā likṣā, f.
     1. A nit, a young louse.
     2. A poppy seed, considered as a measure of weight, Man. 8, 133.
-- Comp. yūkā-likṣa, n. lice and nits.

likh likh, i. 6, Par.
     1. To scratch, to pick, Hit. 43, 15.
     2. To touch, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 22.
     3. To write, Pañc. 5, 6; Rājat. 5, 396.
     4. To delineate, MBh. 2, 731. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. likhita, Scarified. n.
     1. Writing, scripture.
     2. A book. Comp. citra-, adj. painted, Hit. 91, 6, M.M. (-iva, as if painted, i. e. motionless). Ptcple of the fut. pass. lekhya, n.
     1. A letter.
     2. A written accusation.
     3. A manuscript.
     4. Drawing, Chr. 51, 1. Comp. durlekhya, i. e. dus-, adj. illegibly written, Yājñ. 2, 91.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To write on, Vikr. 25, 17.
     2. To write, Lass. 91, 5.
     3. To paint, Utt. Rāmac. 9, 13.
-- With ā ā, To delineate, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 14; Megh. 103. ālekhya,
     1. To be written.
     2. To be delineated. n.
     1. Writing.
     2. A painting, picture, Vikr. d. 29.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To pierce, Kir. 5, 30.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To scratch up, MBh. 3, 374.
     2. To polish, Śāk. d. 133.
     3. To peck, Pañc. 146, 14 (see n.).
     4. To slit open, Pañc. 91, 5.
     5. To touch, MBh. 3, 2453.
-- With samud sam -ud, To strike, Kumāras. 1, 57.
-- With pra pra, To scratch, to draw lines on (acc.), Man. 4, 55.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To draw furrows on (acc.), Bhartṛ. 2, 98.
     2. To strike, MBh. 3, 11953.
     3. To peck, Hit. 93, 10. M.M.
     4. To delineate, MBh. 3, 16670.

likhana likh + ana, n.
     1. Scratching, scarifying.
     2. Writing.
     3. A written document.

liṅkh liṅkh, see lakh.

ligu ligu,
I. m.
     1. A fool.
     2. A deer.
     3. Part of the earth.
II. n. The mind.

liṅg liṅg, i. 1, Par. † To go. i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from liṅga), Par. To change a noun according to its gender.
-- With the prep. ā ā, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 64, 30), and i. 10. To embrace, Vikr. 71, 118 Mṛcch. 91, 14; Pañc. 187, 6 (i. 10); Kathās. 3, 65 (pf. red. liliṅga). Ptcple. of the fut. pass. āliṅgya, n. A small drum, Rām. 5, 13, 47.
-- With pratyā prati-a, i. 1, To return an embrace, Mṛcch. 91, 15.
-- With samā sam-ā, i. 1,
     1. To embrace, Pañc. 27, 6; Mṛcch. 91, 13.
     2. To hold, Rām. 5, 13, 48; 53.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. and A.S. hring; O.H.G. bringjan.

liṅga liṅga, n.
     1. A mark, a sign, Nal. 5, 14.
     2. A spot.
     3. A religious mark, Man. 4, 200.
     4. The penis.
     5. The phallus, or Śiva under that emblem.
     6. Nature, as the active power in creation.
     7. The primary body, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 11; cf. 21.
     8. Gender.
     9. The reason, or middle term, Bhāṣāp. 66.
     10. The order of the religious student.
     11. Symptom of disease.
-- Comp. ṛtu-, n. the peculiar marks of the seasons, Man. 1, 30. tri-,
I. adj. 1. possessed of the three qualities, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 13. 2. having three genders (as an adj.).
II. the name of a country. deva-, n. an idol, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 13. nirliṅga, i. e. nis-, adj. without distinguishing marks, MBh. 5, 1610. puṃliṅga, i. e. puṃs-,
I. n. 1. manhood, MBh. 5, 7489. 2. the masculine gender.
II. adj. having the marks of a male, MBh. 9, 3304. viṣṇuliṅgī, i. e. viṣṇu-liṅga + ī, f. a quail. strī-, n. 1. the female organs, Chr. 58, 5. 2. the feminine gender.

liṅgastha liṅga-stha, m. A student in theology, Man. 8, 65.

liṅgālikā liṅgālikā, f. A small mouse or shrew.

liṅgin liṅgin, i. e. liṅga + in,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Having marks, characterised.
     2. One who is entitled to wear religious marks, Man. 4, 200.
II. m.
     1. An ascetic, Pañc. iv. d. 41.
     2. A religious student.
     3. A worshipper of Śiva.
     4. A hypocrite.
     5. An elephant.
-- Comp. a-, adj. and m. one who is not entitled to wear religious marks, Man. 4, 200. ārya-, adj. one who wears the signs of an Ārya, Man. 9, 260. dvija-, adj. one who wears the marks of a twice-born (i. e. one of the three first castes), Man. 9, 224. mārjāra-, adj. one who has the nature of a cat, Man. 4, 197.

lip lip, i. 6, limpa, Par. Ātm.
     1. To anoint, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 94.
     2. To smear, Hit. 21, 14.
     3. To stain (lipyate doṣeṇa, Incurs sin), Hit. ii. d. 118; to pollute, Man. 4, 201; 10, 104.
     4. To burn, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 22. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lipta.
     1. Envenomed.
     2. Embraced.
     3. Defiled. Comp. a-medhya-lipta, adj. defiled (soiled with impurity), Man. 4, 56. Caus. To cause to be decorated, Rām. 2, 9, 40.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To anoint, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 6.
     2. To smear, Śiś. 9, 15. anulipta,
     1. Smeared, Pañc. iii. d. 32.
     2. Anointed, Hit. 90, 8, M.M.; glistening, Śāk. d. 166. Caus. To cause to be anointed, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 7.
-- With ava ava, To smear, Lass. 9, 19. avalipta, Proud, arrogant, Man. 4, 79; Pañc. i. d. 341.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To anoint, Utt. Rāmac. 79, 1; Ṛt. 6, 12, v. r.
     2. To smear, Pañc. 171, 11.
-- With samā sam-ā, To anoint, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 5.
-- With upa upa, To pollute, MBh. 2, 2625; Bhag. 13, 32. Caus. To let smear, Man. 3, 206.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To anoint, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 20.
     2. To smear, Lass. 9, 12.
     3. To pollute, Hit. 128, 12.
-- With sam sam, To anoint, MBh. 1, 4950.
-- Cf. [greek]- [greek] Lat. limpidus, lippus; probably also liquidus, liquere, and O.H.G. salba, Goth. salbon, A.S. sealf.

lipi and lipī lip + i/ī, f.
     1. Anointing, smearing.
     2. Painting.
     3. Writing, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 7; the alphabet, Ragh. 18, 45.
     4. A written paper or book.

lipikara and lipikāra lipi-kāra, m.
     1. A scribe.
     2. -kara, A plasterer, whitener, Rām. 1, 12, 6 Gorr.

liptaka lipta + ka (vb. lip), m.
A poisoned arrow.

lipsā lipsā, i. e. lipsa, desider. of labh, + a, f. Wish.

lipsu lipsu, i.e. lipsa (see the last), + u, adj. Desirous, greedy, Pañc. 5, 4.

limpaṭa limpaṭa (vb. lip, but cf. also lampaṭa), m. A lecher.

limpāka limpāka, m.
     1. The lime tree, Citrus acida.
     2. An ass.

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liś liś, i. 4, Ātm. To become small. † i. 6, Par. To go.
-- Cf. kliś and kṛś; [greek] perhaps [greek]

lih lih, ii. 2, Par. Ātm. To lick, Hit. i. d. 112, M.M. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. līḍha.
     1. Licked, Kir. 5, 38.
     2. Eaten. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. lehya, To be licked, Pañc. 61, 12. n. Food, Ragh. 5, 73. Frequent. lelih, lelihya, To lick repeatedly, MBh. 3, 10394. lelih, Ātm., Chr. 39, 5. Ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. lelihāna, n.
     1. A snake.
     2. A name of Śiva.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To lick here and there (figurat.), Lass. 2. ed. 79, 79.
     2. To lick up or off; to eat, Śāk. d. 7.
     3. To touch with the tongue, Man. 4, 203. avalīḍha, Devoured, destroyed, Kirātārj. 13, 11. Frequent. To lick repeatedly, MBh. 1, 1181.
-- With ā ā, To lick, to touch, Ragh. 10, 46. āliḍha,
     1. Eaten.
     2. Polished, Bhartṛ. 2, 36. n. An attitude in shooting, the right knee advanced, the left leg retracted, Kumāras. 3, 70.
-- With pratyā prati-ā-pratyālīḍha, Eaten. n. An attitude in shooting, etc. = ālīḍha, n.
-- With pari pari, To lick, to enjoy, Rām. 2, 61, 16. Frequent. To lick repeatedly, Pañc. 55, 7 (see my transl. n. 257).
-- With sam sam, To lick, MBh. 3, 10653.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To lick, MBh. 3, 11500.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. lingere, pol-lex; Goth. bi-laigon; A.S. liccian.

lih -lih, latter part of comp. words, Licking.
-- Comp. rasanā-, m. a dog.

(the original signification is 'To be viscous,' then 'To be solvable'), i. 1 and 10, Par. To melt, to liquefy, to dissolve. ii. 9. linā, linī, Par.
     1. To adhere.
     2. To obtain. i. 4, Ātm. (properly pass.),
     1. To be dissolved, to vanish, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 450.
     2. To adhere or cling to.
     3. To dwell, to live, to haunt, MBh. 1, 4310. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. līna.
     1. Melted, dissolved, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 12.
     2. Effaced, wiped away, removed, Kir. 5, 26.
     3. Left.
     4. Embraced.
     5. Staying, Pañc. 187, 5; being situated, resting, Śāk. d. 144.
     6. Entered, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 830.
-- With the prep. antar antar, antarlīna, Inherent, staying; haunting in the interior, Pañc. 109, 19; i. d. 420; Utt. Rāmac. 56, 10; (not coming out), Pañc. 175, 24. Acc. sing. °nam, adv. Inwardly, Pañc. 185, 3.
-- With apa apa, Caus. lāpaya, Ātm. To deceive, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 44.
-- With abhi abhi, abhilīna, Adhering, Megh. 37.
-- With ava ava, To cling to, Nal. 2, 46.
-- With samava sam-ava, i. 4, To be dissolved, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 15.
-- With ā ā, i. 4, To faint, MBh. 3, 2573.
-- With ni ni, i. 4,
     1. To alight, to settle, MBh. 3, 10560.
     2. To lie down, MBh. 3, 12091.
     3. To hide one's self, MBh. 3, 10978. nilīna,
     1. Fused in or into.
     2. Transformed.
     3. Destroyed.
     4. Encompassed.
     5. Full.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, i. 4, To lie down, MBh. 3, 13654.
-- With pra pra, i. 4,
     1. To be dissolved or absorbed, Man. 1, 54.
     2. To die, Man. 4, 240.
     3. To unite intimately, Man. 12, 17. pralīna,
     1. Destroyed.
     2. Unconscious, insensible.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, pass. To be destroyed, Hit. iii. d. 129.
-- With vi vi, i. 4,
     1. To alight, Śiś. 1, 12.
     2. To be dissolved, to vanish, Pañc. ii. d. 98; to become ineffectual, iii. d. 74. vilina,
     1. Liquefied, melted.
     2. Dissolved, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 830; Lass. 11, 15.
     3. Disappeared.
     4. Imagined.
     5. United. Comp. a-, adj. living, Utt. Rāmac. 168, 7. Caus. vi-lāyaya, -lāpaya, -li/īnaya (properly a denomin. derived from vilīna), lālaya (also a denomin. from lālā with vi), To dissolve. vilāyita, Dissolved, Prab. 116, 8.
-- With pravi pra-vi, i. 4, To be dissolved, to vanish, Bhag. 4, 23.
-- With sam sam, saṃlīna,
     1. Joined, put together, Pañc. 163, 6.
     2. Staying, MBh. 1, 7671.
-- Cf. Lat. līmus (borrowed O.H.G. lim; A.S. líme, and O.H.G. leim; A.S. lám), po-līre, linere; [greek]

līnatā līna + tā (vb. ), f. Lying, Śāk. d. 167.

līlā līlā (akin to las), f.
     1. Play, sport, pastime, Pañc. 161, 15; līlayā (instr.), Sportively, Pañc. 229, 10; easily, without any effort, Pañc. 211, 12; Hit. 81, 18.
     2. Amorous or wanton sport, Pañc. iii. d. 237.
-- Comp. sa-līla, adj. wanton, sportive. °lam, adv. affectionately, Kir. 5, 33.

līlāvatī līlāvatī, i. e. līlā + vant + ī, f. A wanton woman, Hit. i. d. 193, M.M.

luc luc (vb. luñc), f.
     1. Cutting off.
     2. Dropping.

luñc luñc, i. 1, Par.
     1. To pull out, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 3.
     2. To pare, to peel, Pañc. 121, 13.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To pull off, MBh. 3, 10760.
-- With vi vi, To pull out, Bhaṭṭ. 18, 38.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. liuhhan; A. S. lyccan, evellere; Lat. runcare.

luñcaka luñc + aka, adj. One who pulls out.
-- Comp. keśa-, adj. pulling out the hair, Prab. 54, 9.

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luñcana luñc + ana, n. Pulling out, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 3.

luñj luñj, see lañj.

luṭ 1. luṭ, i. 1 and 4, Par.
     1. To roll upon the ground, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 32 (cf. 3. luṭh).
     2. † To be connected with (?).

luṭ † 2. luṭ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To resist.
     2. To suffer pain.
     3. To shine. i. 10, Par. To shine, to speak.
-- Cf. ruṭ and lunth.

luṭh † 1. luṭh, i. 1, Par. To knock down. i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To oppose.
     2. To suffer pain.
     3. To go.

luṭh 2. luṭh, i. 10, Par., and luṇṭh luṇṭh, † ruṇṭh ruṇṭh, i. 1, Par. To rob. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. luṇṭhita.
     1. Plundered, robbed, Rājat. 5, 345; 427.
     2. Peeled (?), Pañc. 121, 11 (cf. my transl. n. 790).
-- With the prep. nis nis, nirloṭhita, Robbed, Rājat. 5, 159. Cf. luṇṭ.

luṭh 3. luṭh, i. 6, Par.
     1. To roll upon the ground, to welter, Hit. 123, 18.
     2. To roll down, Rājat. 5, 92.
     3. To move to and fro, Hit. ii. d. 67.
     4. To agitate, to touch, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 18. Ptcple of the pf. pass. luṭhita, Rolling on the ground. m. A horse's rolling on the ground.
-- With the prep. nis nis, nirluṭhita, Rolled down, Rājat. 5, 88.
-- With pari pari, To roll about, Daśak. 151, 5.
-- With pra pra, To roll on the ground, Pañc. 254, 22. Caus. praloṭhita, Rolling, heaving, tossing.

luṭhana luṭh + ana, n.
     1. A horse's rolling himself on the ground.
     2. Rolling on the ground with sorrow.

luḍ 1. luḍ, and lul lul, i. 1, Par. To agitate, to stir, to disturb. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lulita.
     1. Agitated, Rām. 1, 42, 29.
     2. Shaken, Utt. Rāmac. 140, 3.
     3. Heaving, panting, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 15; Lass. 20, 20.
     4. Destroyed. Caus. loḍaya, To agitate, MBh. 1, 2833. Ptcple of the pf. pass.
I. loḍita, Troubled, Rām. 2, 95, 18.
II. lolita, Agitated, Śiś. 9, 4.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. an-abhi-lulita, Without being touched, Śāk. d. 61.
-- With ā ā, Caus. loḍaya,
     1. To trouble, MBh. 1, 7921; with jālais, Pañc. 78, 14 see my transl. n. 374, 'To fish out,' cf. vi).
     2. To mix, MBh. 4, 689.
-- With samā sam-ā, Caus. loḍaya,
     1. To mix, MBh. 3, 11471.
     2. To reflect, Skandap. Kāśīkh. 10, 48.
-- With pari pari, Caus. loḍaya, To agitate, to disturb, MBh. 2, 389.
-- With vi vi, vilulita,
     1. Tremulous.
     2. Falling, shed fast (viz. tears), Utt. Rāmac. 68, 12. Caus. loḍaya,
     1. To disturb, MBh. 2, 11604.
     2. To fish out, MBh. 12, 4901.
-- With sam sam, Caus. loḍaya, To disturb, MBh. 1, 1477.

luḍ † 2. luḍ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To adhere, to be attached.
     2. To cover.

luṇṭ luṇṭ, i. 1 and 10, Par.
     1. To plunder.
     2. † To disregard.
     3. To peel (cf. my transl. of the Pañc. n. 790).
-- With the prep. ud ud, ptcple. of the pf. pass. ulluṇṭita, Sacked, Pañc. rec. orn. MS. Berol. 121, a. Cf. 2. luṭh.

luṇṭh luṇṭh, see 2. luṭh.

luṇḍluṇḍ, i. 1 and 10, Par. To plunder

luṇḍīkṛta luṇḍīkṛta, i. e. luṇḍ + a-kṛta, adj. Ragged, Mṛcch. 34, 11.

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lunthlunth, i. 1, Par.
     1. To hurt, to kill.
     2. To afflict.
     3. To suffer pain.

lup lup, i. 1, lumpa, Par. Ātm.
     1. To break, to destroy, Hit. iv. d. 12; MBh. 1, 5560.
     2. To spoil, Vikr. 27, 2. Pass.
     1. To be violated, Man. 2, 189.
     2. To be lost, Man. 9, 211. † i. 4, Par. To disturb, to bewilder. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lupta.
     1. Neglected, Bhag. 1, 42.
     2. Disturbed, Śṛṅgārat. 7.
     3. Lost. n. Booty, plunder. Caus. lopaya,
     1. To cause to leave, to divert, Ragh. 12, 9 (Calc.).
     2. To let violate, Man. 8, 16.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To break forth, Man. 7, 106.
-- With ā ā, Pass. To be troubled, to be clouded, Megh. 103.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To remove, Megh. 71. Pass. To be divided, Lass. 20, 20.
-- With pari pari, To disturb, to diminish, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 4.
-- With pra pra, pass. To be disturbed, MBh. 1, 7750.
-- With vipra vi-pra,
     1. To rend in pieces, Man. 3, 225.
     2. To disturb, MBh. 2, 161.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To rend in pieces, Man. 3, 204.
     2. To disturb, Man. 2, 161.
     3. To extinguish, Lass. 2. ed. 97, 54.
     4. To become disfigured, Rām. 2, 60, 15 Gorr. vilupta,
     1. Cut off.
     2. Lost, Utt. Rāmac. 72, 12.
     3. Interrupted, Pañc. ii. d. 2.
     4. Seized. Comp. a-, adj. undisturbed, Rājat. 5, 5. Caus.
     1. To disturb, MBh. 1, 7752.
     2. To extinguish, MBh. 1, 5233.
-- With pravi pra-vi, pravilupta, Lost, removed, fallen.
-- Cf. Lat. rumpere; A.S. reaf, reafian; O.H.G. raubon; very probably also Goth. raupjan, to pull out; [greek] probably [greek] (praeruptus, based on a frequent.).

lubdhaka lubdha + ka (vb. lubh), m.
     1. A covetous or greedy man, Rājat. 5, 345.
     2. A hunter, Pañc. 106, 7.
     3. A libertine.

lubdhatā lubdha + tā (vb. lubh), f. Greediness, Rājat. 5, 186.

lubh lubh, i. 4, Par. To covet, to desire, Hit. i. d. 27, M.M. (with dat.). i. 6, Par. To bewilder, to perplex. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lubdha.
     1. Desiring, Hit. 16, 4, M.M.
     2. Covetous, greedy, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 1.
     3. Avaricious, Man. 4, 87. m.
     1. A hunter, Rām. 2, 71, 35.
     2. A lecher. Comp. ati-, adj. excessively greedy, Hit. ii. 1 (envious). guṇa-, adj., f. dhā, loving excellent qualities, Hit. iv. d. 97. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. lobhanīya, Worthy to be desired, Śāk. d. 20. Superl. lobhanīyatama, Most worthy to be desired, Indr. 5, 14. Caus.
     1. To cause to desire, to make greedy, Pañc. 256, 1.
     2. To allure, Rām. 1, 8, 23.
     3. To entice away, Rām. 3, 50, 6.
-- With the prep. anu anu, Caus. To suffer to be allured, to long after, Rām. 3, 49, 38.
-- With pari pari, Caus. To allure, Mṛcch. 127, 16 (anomal. lobhase).
-- With pra pra,
     1. To pollute, Man. 9, 20 (Ātm.).
     2. To follow one's carnal desire, Pañc. 262, 9. Caus. To allure, MBh. 3, 10044.
-- With vi vi, To disturb. vilubhita,
     1. Bewildered.
     2. Shaken (by wind). Caus.
     1. To allure, to seduce, Vikr. 8, 16; Daśak. in Chr. 191, 10.
     2. To beguile, Rām. 2, 94, 1.
     3. To enchant, Śāk. 81, 17.
-- Cf. Lat. lubet, libet, libido, līber, 'free' and 'son'; [greek] (based on an old frequent.); Goth. liubs, us-laubjan; A.S. leóf, lyfan, lufian, lóf, leaf, left.

lumblumb, i. 1, Par. To torment. i. 10, Par. To torment, or to be invisible.

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lul lul, see 1. luḍ.

luṣ luṣ, see 2. lūṣ.

luṣabha luṣ + a + bha (luṣ = vb. ruṣ, cf. [greek]), m. An elephant in rut.

luhluh, i. 1, Par. To covet (cf. lubh; bh is changed to h).

, ii. 9, lunā, lunī, Par. Ātm.
     1. To cut, to clip, MBh. 3, 15644.
     2. To destroy, Śiś. 1, 51. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. lūna.
     1. Cut, clipped, Pañc. i. d. 201; cut off.
     2. Wounded, Hit. iv. d. 77.
     3. Injured by biting, Hit. 58, 3.
-- With the prep. vipra vi-pra, vipralūna, Severed, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 15.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. lucrum, solvo; akin are also Goth. fra-liusan; A.S. leosan, lysan, leás, los.

lūtā lūtā, f.
     1. A spider, Man. 12, 57; Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 13.
     2. An ant.

lūni lū + ni, f. (?), Rice.

lūma lūma, n. A tail.

lūṣ † 1. lūṣ, i. 1, Par. To adorn. i. 10, Par. To hurt, to injure.

lūṣ † 2. lūṣ, i. 10, and luṣ luṣ, i. 1, Par. To rob.

lekha lekha, i. e. likh + a,
I. m.
     1. A letter, Hit. 120, 10.
     2. A god.
II. f. khā.
     1. Writing.
     2. A line, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 3; Bhartṛ. 2, 14; a stripe (of a cloud), Pañc. 203, 5; a stroke, Hit. pr. d. 1, M.M.; flashing (of lightning), Vikr. d. 76.
     3. A mark, Kir. 5, 40.
     4. Delineation.
-- Comp. indu-, f. khā, the crescent, Kir. 5, 44. candra-,
I. m. the name of a Rākṣasa, Rām. 6, 84, 12.
II. f. khā. 1. the crescent, ib. 5, 19, 21. 2. a proper name, Rājat. 1, 218. citra-, f. khā, 1. an image, a picture, Gīt. 10, 15. 2. name of an Apsaras, Vikr. 7, 5. patra-, f. khā, decorating the person by staining it with fragrant pigments of sandal, musk, etc., Hariv. 7078. sa-patra-lekha, adj. decorated with fragrant pigments, Ṛt. 6, 7. śaśilekhā, i. e. śaśin-, f. 1. a digit of the moon. 2. the name of an Apsaras, Lass. 51, 13. hṛllekha, i. e. kṛd-, m. 1. reasoning. 2. knowledge. 3. heartache.

lekhaka lekhaka, i. e. likh + aka, m. A writer, Pañc. 237, 1.

lekhana lekhana, i. e. likh + ana, n.
     1. Scarifying.
     2. Writing, copying, Pañc. 237, 1; scripture.
     3. The bark of the Bhój tree and the leaf of the palm tree, used for writing on.

lekhanika lekhanika, i. e. lekhana + ika, m.
     1. A letter-carrier.
     2. One who signs by proxy.

leplep, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To serve (?).

lepa lepa, i.e. lip + a, m.
     1. Smearing, plastering, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 748.
     2. Mortar, plaster, MBh. 1, 5724.
     3. Stain, spot.
     4. The wipings of the hand which has offered funeral oblations to three ancestors, these wipings being considered as an oblation to ancestors in the fourth, fifth, and sixth degrees.
     5. Food, Man. 3, 210.
-- Comp. nirlepa, i. e. nis-, adj. free from spots, Man. 5, 112. piṇḍī-, m. a kind of ointment, Kathās. 28, 178. vajra-, m. a kind of ointment (?), Pañc. iv. d. 10 (Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2704, pitch); cf. Wilson, Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. p. 55.

lepaka lepaka, i. e. lip + aka, m. A bricklayer, a plasterer.

lepakara lepa-kara, m. A writer, Rām. 1, 12, 17.

lepana lepana, i. e. lip + ana, n.
     1. Anointing, Lass. 11, 2.
     2. Smearing.
     3. Plastering, Chr. 57, 22; Rām. 2, 91, 41 (both at the end of comp. adj. Plastered with).
     4. Mortar, Man. 6, 76.
-- Comp. bhūmi-, n. cow-dung.

lepin -lepin, i. e. lepa + in, adj. Having a plastering; in prabhā-, adj. Covered with splendour, Vikr. d, 125.

lepyakṛt lepya-kṛ + t (vb. lip), m. A bricklayer, a plasterer.

lepyamayī lepyamayī, i. e. lepya + maya + ī (vb. lip), f. A doll.

leliha leliha, i. e. lih, frequent., + a, m.
     1. A serpent, MBh. 1, 1318.
     2. A worm breeding in the stomach.

leśa leśa, i. e. liś + a, m.
     1. Smallness.
     2. When latter part of compound words, often A little bit, little; e. g. Pañc. i. 353; MBh. 3, 1268; Śāk. d. 37.
-- Comp. aśru-, m. drops of tears, Megh. 105. prāleya-, m. hailstone, Pañc. i. d. 353. sukha-, m. insignificant pleasure, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38; Pañc. i. d. 203. sa-, adj. entire, Kirāt. 14, 2.

leṣṭu leṣṭu, perhaps liś + tu (but cf. loṣṭa, to which it seems to be akin), m. A clod of earth.

lehana lehana, i. e. lih + ana, n. Licking, tasting with the tongue.

laiṇ laiṇ, see paiṇ.

lok lok, i. 1, Ātm., and i. 10, Par. (probably a denomin. derived from loka),
     1. To see.
     2. i. 10, † To shine, to speak.
-- With the prep. ava ava, i. 1 and 10,
     1. To see, Hit. 15, 2, M.M.; to look, Hit. 85, 15; to regard, Vikr. 3, 6; to see to, Śāk. 3, 6; to watch, Pañc. 249, 4.
     2. To perceive, Vikr. 21, 3; Lass. 9, 16.
     3. To review (an army), Hit. 94, 8.
-- With samava sam-ava, i. 10, To inspect, Cāk. d. 13.
-- With ā ā, i. 1 and 10,
     1. To look out, MBh. 4, 250.
     2. To regard, Vikr. d. 81; to see, Pañc. i. d. 21; to inspect, to view, MBh. 3, 11024.
     3. To perceive, MBh. 2, 1817.
     4. To consider, Man. 8, 126. sālokita, n. Look, eye, Mālat. 16, 8.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To look at, MBh. 2, 775.
     2. To acknowledge, Pañc. pr. d. 3.
-- With vi vi, i. 10, To see, Vikr. 8, 17; to regard, 12, 20; Utt. Rāmac. 47, 8. vilokya,
     1. Regarding, i. e. to, Vikr. 40, 1; to view, Rām. 1, 44, 19.
     2. To take a view of, Pañc. 46, 7.
     3. To look over, Man. 8, 239.
     4. To perceive, 2, 9. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vilokita, n. Seeing, Śāk. d. 36.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To look forward, Rām. 1, 9, 59. Cf. ruc.

loka loka, i. e. loc, or ruc, + a (with l for r, cf. ruc), m.
     1. Seeing, sight.
     2. The world, the universe, Chr. 34, 8.
     3. A world, a division of the universe, Vikr. 86, 8 (madhyama, The middle world, i. e. the earth).
     4. Man, mankind.
     5. Men. people, sing. and pl., Daśak. in Chr. 183, 13; Pañc. i. d. 19; 256, 24; Bhartṛ. 2, 52.
-- Comp. a-, m. ceasing of the world, Rām. 1, 37, 12. aṅga-, m. the name of a country, ib. 4, 43, 8. amara-, m. the world of the immortals. indra-, m. the world of Indra, Man. 4, 182. go-, m. Kṛṣṇa's heaven. gṛha-, m. the household servants, Hit. 88, 18 (read tvadgṛha°). jana-, m. the name of a world supposed to be situated over the maharloka, Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 39. jīva-, m. 1. the world of living beings, i. e. the earth, Pañc. 226, 6. 2. mankind, people, Pañc. i. d. 9. tapoloka, i. e. tapas-, m. one of the supposed seven worlds, Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 39. tala-, m. the lower regions, ib. 2, 6, 42. tri-,
I. (n), and f. , the three worlds, MBh. 13, 1505; Rām. 3, 52, 22; Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 7.
II. m. °ka, the inhabitants of the three worlds, ib. 3, 2, 13. nara-vīra-, m. mankind, Hit. iv. d. 80. para-, m. heaven, paradise, Pañc. 207, 21. paura-, m. pl. citizens, Pañc. 48, 25. brahmaloka, i. e. brahman-, m. the supposed eternal residence of the spirits of the pious, Sund. 4, 25; MBh. 12, 3996, in Chr. 94. lokāloka, i. e. loka-a-, m. a mountainous belt bounding the world. vi-, adj. solitary.

lokapāla loka-pāla, m.
     1. A king.
     2. The name of certain divinities, guardians of the world, as Indra, Soma, etc.; cf. a list of them in Wilson's Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus, i. 2. ed. 219, n. ad Vikr. d. 36.

lokāyata lokāyata, i. e. loka-ā-yata (vb. yam?), n. The system of atheistical philosophy, taught by cārvāka.

lokāyatika lokāyatika, lokāyata + ika, m. A follower of the Cārvāka system (see the last)

loc 1. loc (= ruc, the initial r is changed to l, as in the kindred languages, see ruc), i. 1, Ātm. To see.
-- With the prep. ā ā, Caus.
     1. To behold, to perceive, MBh. 2, 617.
     2. To regard, Hit. ii. d. 91 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 787).
     3. To consider, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 8; to reflect, Hit. 14, 17. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. an-ālocita, adj. Unconsidered, without due reflection, Pañc. 239, 4.
-- With paryā pari-ā, To ponder, Lass. 33, 2.
-- Cf. [greek] s. v. ruc.

loc † 2. loc, i. 10, Par. To speak, to shine.

locaka loc + aka, m.
     1. The pupil of the eye.
     2. A wrinkled or contracted eyebrow.
     3. Stibium.
     4. An ornament worn by women on the forehead.
     5. An ear-ring.
     6. The rejected slough of the snake.
     7. A lump of flesh.

locana loc + ana, n. The eye, Vikr. d. 56.
-- Comp. cāru-, adj., f. , having beautiful eyes, Hariv. 8705. tri-, adj. having three eyes; epithet and name of Śiva, Ragh. 3, 66. vāma-, adj., f. , having beautiful eyes, Hit. ii. d. 111. sthira-, adj. with fixed gaze. hari-, m. 1. a crab. 2. an owl.

loṭ loṭ, see loḍ.

loḍloḍ, lauḍ lauḍ, and loṭ loṭ, i. 1, Par. To be mad; cf. roḍ.

lota lota, m.
     1. A tear.
     2. A mark, a sign.

lotra lotra (a corruption of loptra), n. Stolen goods, booty.

lodha lodha, and lodhra lodhra, m. A tree, the bark of which is used in dyeing, Symplocos racemosa, Śiś. 9, 46; cf. rodhra.

lopa lopa, i. e. lup + a, m.
     1. Cutting off.
     2. Omission, Man. 3, 63; Lass. 2. ed. 55, 73.
     3. Destruction, disappearance.
     4. Annulling, cancelling.
     5. Elision, Lass. 2. ed. 115.

lopaka lopa + ka, m. Violation, MBh. 1, 7772.

lopana lopana, i. e. lup + ana, n. Violation, Man. 11, 61.

lopāka lopāka, m. A jackal.

lopāpaka lopāpaka,
     1. m. A jackal.
     2. f. pikā, A female jackal.

lopāmudrā lopāmudrā, f. The wife of Agastya, Utt. Rāmac. 48, 1.

lopāśaka lopāśaka,
     1. m. A jackal.
     2. f. śikā, A female jackal.

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loptra loptra, i. e. lup + tra, n. Plunder, booty, MBh. 1, 4309.

lobha lobha, i. e. lubh + a, m. Covetousness, Man. 2, 178; Pañc. ii. d. 168.
-- Comp. a-, m. absence of desire, contentment, Hit. i. d. 7, M.M. ati-, m. too great covetousness, Pañc. v. d. 20.

lobhin lobhin, i. e. lubh + in, adj., f. , Desirous, covetous.

loma -loma, a substitute for loman, in ati-, adj., f. , With too much hair, Man. 3, 8. anu-,
I. adj. With the hair regular, Rām. 3, 49, 33.
II. f. , A wife of a caste inferior to that of the man, Yājñ. 2, 288. prati-, see s. v. vi-,
I. adj. (f. ), Against the grain, reverse, backward, contrary.
II. m.
     1. Reverse order.
     2. A snake.
     3. A dog.
     4. Varuṇa.
III. n. A water-wheel. su-, adj., f. , Having beautiful hair, Rām. 3, 49, 33.

loman loman, i. e. ruh + man (cf. roman), n.
     1. The hair of the body, Hit. iii. d. 29.
     2. Feather, Chr. 32, 30.
-- Comp. asi-, m. the name of a demon, MBh. 1, 2531.

lomapāda lomapāda, i. e. loman-pāda, m. The name of a king of Aṅga, Lass. 2. ed. 58, 2.

lomaśa lomaśa, i. e. loman + śa,
I. adj.
     1. Hairy, mixed with hair, Lass. 2. ed. 40, 24.
     2. Woollen.
II. m.
     1. A ram.
     2. The name of a Ṛṣi.
III. f. śā.
     1. A fox.
     2. A female divine being, an attendant on Durgā.
     3. Green vitriol.
     4. The name of several plants.
-- Comp. haṃsa-, n. sulphate of iron.

lomālikā lomālikā, i. e. perhaps loman-āli + ka, f. A fox.

lola lola, i. e. lul + a,
I. adj.
     1. Shaking, tremulous, Hit. i. d. 152, M.M.: trembling, Mālat. 21, 8.
     2. Agitated, Ṛt. 6, 31.
     3. Unsteady, Bhartṛ. 3, 36.
     4. Desiring, Megh. 101; greedy, Rājat. 5, 376.
II. f. .
     1. The tongue.
     2. Lakṣmī.
-- Comp. ā-, adj. trembling a little, Bhartṛ. 3, 48; Kir. 5, 41. mahā-, m. a crow.

lolupa lolup + a (frequent. of lup), adj.
     1. Desirous, Śāk. d. 98 (Prākṛ.); longing for, covetous, Pañc. iv. d. 12 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2753).
     2. Destroying, MBh. 1, 1970.

lolupatā lolupa + tā, f. Greediness, Bhartṛ. 3, 48.

lolubha lolubh + a (frequent. of lubh), adj. Covetous, greedy.

loṣṭloṣṭ, i. 1, Ātm. (cf. loṣṭa), To gather into a heap.

loṣṭa loṣṭa (for loṣṭra, q. v.),
I. m. and n. A clod, a lump of earth, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 3; Man. 11, 263; 4, 49 (potṣerd?).
II. n. Rust of iron.

loṣṭaka loṣṭa + ka,
     1. (m. and n.), A clod (of dust), Rām. 3, 37, 18.
     2. (n.), Spot, mark (of stripes), Mṛcch. 34, 3.

loṣṭamaya loṣṭa + maya, adj., f. , Made of clay, Man. 8, 289.

loṣṭu loṣṭu (a form of loṣṭra, q. cf.; cf. kroṣṭu = kroṣṭṛ), m. A clod of earth.

loṣṭra loṣṭra, n. A clod of earth, Vikr. 54, 6.

loha loha, i. e. luh, instead of rudh (see rudhira), + a,
I. m. and n.
     1. Iron, Man. 9, 321; Pañc. 100, 23 (cf. my transl.).
     2. Steel.
     3. Any metal, Hit. i. d. 92, M.M.
     4. A weapon.
     5. A fish-hook, Kām. Nītis. 1, 44.
     6. Blood.
     7. Aloe-wood.
II. m. An iron-coloured kid, Man. 3, 272.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, n. the loadstone, Suśr. 1, 142, 17. nīla-, n. blue steel, Rām. 3, 53, 57. pañcaloha, i. e. pañcan-, n. a metallic alloy containing five metals, copper, brass, tin, lead, and iron. mahā-, m. the loadstone. ravi-, n. copper. sāra-, n. steel.

lohakāra loha-kāra, m. A blacksmith, Pañc. iii. d. 97.

lohaja loha-ja, n.
     1. Bell-metal.
     2. Rust of iron.

lohamaya loha + maya, adj., f. , Made of iron.
-- Comp. sarva-, adj. entirely of iron, Pañc. 122, 10.

lohala lohala,
I. adj. Speaking indistinctly.
II. (akin to loha), m. The principal ring of a chain.

lohita lohita (= lohita, q. cf.),
I. adj., f. , or inī, Red, Śāk. d. 29.
II. m.
     1. Red, the colour.
     2. The planet Mars.
     3. A sort of deer.
     4. A snake.
     5. A form of array.
     6. A sort of fish, Cyprinus rohita.
     7. (m. ?). A kind of mineral, Pañc. i. d. 89.
III. n.
     1. Blood, Man. 4, 56.
     2. War, battle.
     3. Red sanders.
     4. Saffron.
-- Comp. dhūmra-, adj. of a grey-red colour, MBh. 13, 753. nīla-,
I. adj. blue-red, purple, of a purple colour, Śāk. d. 194.
II. m. the name of one of the great periods called Kalpas.

lohitaka lohita + ka,
I. adj. Red.
II. m.
     1. A ruby.
     2. The planet Mars.
III. n. Calx of brass.

lohitāṅga lohitāṅga, i. e. lohita-aṅga, m. The planet Mars, Vikr. d. 142.

lohitāya lohitāya, a denomin. derived from lohita with ya, Par. (anomal.), To become red, Lass. 2. ed. 78, 71; 96, 49.

laukāyatika laukāyatika, i. e. lokāyata + ika, m. An atheist.

laukika laukika, i. e. loka + ika, adj., f. ,
     1. Relating to worldly things, Man. 2, 117; mundane (opposed to holy), Utt. Rāmac. 8, 2.
     2. Usual, Man. 11, 184
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. superhuman, Vikr. 19, 6; transcendental, Bhāṣāp. 62. 2. not common. 3. rare. 4. vedic. jīva-, adj. belonging to the human world, MBh. 12, 8495.

lauḍ lauḍ, see loḍ.

laulya laulya, i. e. lola + ya, n.
     1. Greediness, Pañc, 62, 21; desire, Ragh. 19, 19.
     2. Passion, Pañc. v. d. 61.
-- Comp. a-, adj. free from greediness, MBh. 1, 1506. ati-, n. excessive greediness, Pañc. 247, 20. jihvā-, n. greediness of one's tongue, Pañc. 105, 8. manas-, n. covetousness of mind, Hit. 87, 1.

lauha lauha, i. e. loha,
I. adj. Made of iron, Johns. Sel. 15, 55(?).
II. m. Iron, Rām. 2, 59, 41. (Hit. ii. d. 38, read loha; cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2771.)

lauhitya lauhitya, i. e. lohita + ya, n. Redness.

lpīlpī, lyī lyī, lvī lvī, ii. 9, Par. To unite.


va va, adv. Like, as (= iva), MBh. 12, 6597; Ragh. 4, 42 (Calc.); Megh. 81.

vaṃśa vaṃśa,
I. m.
     1. A bambu, Hit. pr. d. 23, M.M.; a staff, Indr. 1, 8.
     2. Lineage, race, Bhartṛ. 2, 24; Vikr. d. 153; bambu (or tree in general), and race, Pañc. ii. d. 189.
     3. Multitude, Draup. 8, 5.
     4. The back-bone.
II. m., and f. śī.
     1. A pipe, a flute, Ragh. 2, 12; Rājat. 5, 362 (m.).
     2. Bambu manna.
-- Comp. a-, m. a low race, Cāṇ. 1, 80. ādi-, m. a primary, a very old race, MBh. 1, 864. jarjara-, m. an old bambu stick, Pañc. 117, 7. nāsā-, m. the bone of the nose, Pañc. 182, 16 (at the end of a comp. adj.). pṛṣṭha-, m. the back-bone, Suśr. 1, 350, 2. raghu-, m. the race of Raghu. soma-, m. 1. the lunar dynasty. 2. a name of Yudhiṣṭhira.

vaṃśaja vaṃśa-ja, adj.
     1. Caused in (or to) one's tribe, Pañc. v. d. 67 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1323).
     2. Sprung from a good family.

vaṃśika vaṃśika,
I. adj. Relating to a family.
II. n. Aloe.

vaṃśya vaṃśya, i. e. vaṃśa + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Belonging to a family, of the same family, Rājat. 5, 127.
     2. Of a good family.
II. m.
     1. A son, Man. 1, 61.
     2. A kinsman.
     3. pl. Ancestors, Ragh. 1, 66.
     4. A pupil.
-- Comp. mahā-, adj. belonging to a very noble family, Rājat. 5, 337. viśuddha-, i. e. viśuddhavaṃśa + ya (vb. śudh), adj. descended from a good family, Rājat. 5, 335.

vaṃh vaṃh, see baṃh and 2. raṃh.

vaka vaka, m.
     1. A crane, Ardea nivea, Pañc. ii. d. 87.
     2. The name of a demon.
     3. Kuvera.
     4. An apparatus for subliming metals.

vakavratika vakavratika, i. e. vaka-vrata + ika, adj. (acting like cranes), Hypocritic, Man. 4, 192.

vakula vakula,
I. m. A plant, Mimusops elengi, Ṛt. 2, 25 (bakula); Mālav. (Weber, n. 73).
II. f. , A sort of drug.

vakerukā vakerukā, f.
     1. (from vaka), A small crane.
     2. (vb. vaṅk), The branch of a tree, bent by the wind.

vakoṭa vakoṭa (from vaka), m. A crane.

vakk vakk, see vask.

vaktavyatā vaktavya + tā (vb. vac), f.
     1. The nature of what is to be said.
     2. Blame, Man. 8, 230.

vaktukāma vaktukāma, i. e. vaktum-kāma (vb. vac), adj. Desirous of speaking, wishing to say, Vikr. 30, 1.

vaktumanas vaktumanas, i. e. vaktum-manas (vb. vac), adj. Being about to speak, Pañc. 77, 2.

vaktṛ vaktṛ, i. e. vac + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. One who speaks, Bhāṣāp. 83; a speaker, Hit. ii. d. 128.
     2. Talkative.
     3. Eloquent, Bhartṛ. 2, 33.
     4. Speaking truth.
     5. Wise.
     6. A teacher.
-- Cf. Lat. auctor (see the vedic significations).

vaktra vaktra, i. e. vac + tra, n.
     1. The mouth, Pañc. ii. d. 138; 264, 1.
     2. The face, Pañc. 158, 22.
     3. A verse.
     4. A sort of garment.
-- Comp. dadhi-, m. the name of a monkey, Rām. 5, 60, 19. danta-, m. a proper name, MBh. 1, 2698. daśavaktra, i. e. daśan-, m. a certain spell, Rām. 1, 31, 6 Gorr. pañcavaktra, i. e. pañcan-,
I. adj. having five faces, Rām. 5, 68, 7.
II. m. a name of Śiva, Lass. 66, 6. mahā-, adj. having a large mouth, Hiḍ. 2, 6.

vakra vakra, i. e. vaṅk + ra,
I. adj.
     1. Crooked, Pañc. iii. d. 75; bent, Śāk. d. 9; with pathin, a round-about way, Megh. 28.
     2. Indirect, evasive.
     3. Ambiguous, double-meaning, Kathās. 17, 141.
     4. Fraudulent, Pañc. 44, 20; dishonest.
     5. Cruel.
II. m. A name of the planets Saturn and Mars, and of Rudra.
III. n. The bend of a river.
-- Comp. aṣṭā-, m. a proper name, MBh. 3, 10599.

vakrima vakrima, i. e. vakra + ima, adj., f. , Bent, Amar. 16.

vakroṣṭhikā vakroṣṭhikā, i. e. vakra-oṣṭha + ka, f. A gentle smile.

vakṣ vakṣ, i. 1, Par. (ved., also Ātm.),
     1. To grow, to become tall, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3.
     2. † To be angry. Ptcple. pf. pass. ukṣita, Grown up, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2.
-- Cf. 2. vaj, of which it is probably an old desider.; Goth. vahsjan; A.S. weaxan; [greek]

vakṣas vakṣas, n. The breast, Hit. iv. d. 130; the bosom, Pañc. 239, 4. -Probably for original pakṣas, akin to pakṣa (cf. piba, piva, for original pipā, baṇij, vaṇij, for paṇi-j); and cf. Lat. pectus.

vakṣoja vakṣoja, i. e. vakṣas-ja, n. The female breast, Sāh. Darp. 307, 7.

vakṣoruh vakṣoruh (Lass. 66, 8), and vakṣoruha vakṣoruha, i. e. vakṣas-ruh and ruh, + a, m. The female breast.

vakhvakh, vaṅkh vaṅkh, i. 1, Par. To go.

vagnu vagnu, i. e. vac + nu, adj. Talkative.

vaṅk vaṅk, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go tortuously.
     2. To be crooked.
-- Cf. Lat. vacillare, vacare (properly, 'To give way'), vacuus; O.H.G. waga, cuna, wagon, moveri, waga; A.S. waeg, etc.; O.H.G. wank, wankon; A.S. woh, wog, wó, a bending; wancol (perhaps to vaṅg), vacillans; probably [greek]

vaṅka vaṅk + a,
I. m.
     1. The bend of a river.
     2. Crookedness.
II. f. , The pommel of a saddle.

vaṅkri vaṅk + ri,
I. n. A rib.
II. f.
     1. The ribs of a building.
     2. A sort of musical instrument.

vaṅkṣaṇa vaṅkṣaṇa, m. The groin.

vaṅkh vaṅkh, see vakh.

vaṅgvaṅg, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To limp.
-- Cf. vaṅk.

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vaṅga vaṅga,
I. m.
     1. Cotton.
     2. The name of a country, Bengal.
     3. Its inhabitants, Ragh. 4, 36.
II. n.
     1. Lead.
     2. Tin.

vaṅgaśulvaja vaṅga-śulva-ja, n. Brass.

vaṅghvaṅgh, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To blame.
     3. To begin moving.
     4. To begin.
     5. To move swiftly.

vac vac, ii. 2, Par. (also Ātm.),
     1. To speak, Draup. 6, 24 (avocas, aor. with augment after ); to say, with the acc. of the object and of the addressed person, Bhag. 2, 1.
     2. To describe, Chr. 34, 7. Pass. ucya,
     1. To be spoken of (tat kim ucyate, That needs not to be spoken of, i. e. that is of course the best), Pañc. 154, 24.
     2. To be told, Vikr. 81, 5; to be admonished, Pañc. 32, 11.
     3. To be called, Man. 1, 71. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ukta, Addressed (paruṣāṇi, with hard words), Hit. iii. d. 25. n.
     1. A sentence, Pañc. 68, 1.
     2. Speech, Rājat. 5, 205. Comp. an-, adj. not uttered, Rām. 3, 14, 21. ardha-, adj. half uttered; °tena, instr. without finishing one's speech, Vikr. 29, 19. durukta, i. e. dus-,
I. adj. 1. harshly spoken to, Pañc. i. d. 100. 2. injurious, MBh. 13, 4987.
II. n. injurious speech, ib. 13, 501. punar-,
I. adj. 1. repeated, MBh. 5, 632. 2. useless, Vikr. 40, 2.
II. n. 1. repetition, Vikr. d. 153 (a second string of pearls). 2. tautology. pratikūla-, n. disagreeable speech, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1525. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. vaktavya.
     1. Fit or proper to be said.
     2. Reprehensible.
     3. One of bad fame, Man. 8, 66.
     4. Vile, low.
     5. Depen-lant, subject. n.
     1. A rule.
     2. Speaking, Pañc. 194, 23.
     3. Speech. Comp. bahu-, adj. much to be praised, Rājat. 5, 67.
II. vacanīya.
     1. To be spoken.
     2. To be noticed, censurable, n. Blame, Utt. Rāmac. 28, 13.
III. vācya.
     1. Fit or proper to be spoken, Pañc. 83, 20.
     2. To be predicated of anything, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 9; 212, 13.
     3. Blameable, Sāv. 1, 32.
     4. Contemptible, vile, outcaste. n.
     1. A predicate.
     2. Blame, Śāk. d. 112. Comp. a-, adj. 1. not to be spoken of, Rām. 5, 36, 81. 2. not to be addressed, Man. 2, 128. dus-, adj. difficult to be spoken, harsn, Mārk. P. 8, 27. n. evil tidings, Rām. 5, 15, 42. Comp. absol. an-uktvā, without being ordered, Rājat. 5, 62. Desider. vivakṣa, To desire to speak, to say to, Chr. 57, 26. Caus. vācaya.
     1. To order to recite, Rām. 2, 25, 28.
     2. To order to recite blessings, Rām. 2, 6, 7; Chr. 25, 51 (anomal. absol. vācya).
     3. To read, Vikr. 26, 7.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To teach, Man. 11, 191. anūcāna, see s. v. Caus. To read, Śāk. 17, 4; Vikr. 26, 3.
-- With abhi abhi, To address, to say to (with two acc.), MBh. 2, 1998.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To declare, MBh. 3, 1223; to explain, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 11.
     2. To speak, to put properly, Man. 8, 55. nirukta, Distinctly declared. n.
     1. Etymological explanation, MBh. 1, 266.
     2. The name of one of the Vedāṅgas (see aṅga), ib. 12, 13232.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To begin to speak, Pañc. 77, 1.
     2. To explain, Man. 1, 103; to tell, Pañc. 116, 1.
     3. To say, Pañc. 4, 14; MBh. 2, 503.
     4. To address, Pañc. i. d. 64; Chr. 44, 5. prokta,
     1. Declared, Hit. iii. d. 74.
     2. Called, Man. 1, 10; Pañc. ii. d. 93. pravacanīya,
     1. To be well spoken.
     2. (m.), A good speaker.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To explain comprehensively, Man. 8, 61.
-- With prati prati, To answer (with two acc.), Rām. 2, 68, 1. pratyukta, n. Answer, Megh. 112.
-- With sam sam, To address, Pañc. 97, 12.
-- Cf. Lat. vocare, vox; O.H.G. ga-wahan, memorare; [greek] (i. e. [greek] and [greek]), [greek]

vaca vac + a, m. A parrot.

vacaknu vacaknu (vb. vac),
I. adj. Talkative, eloduent.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa.

vacana vac + ana, n.
     1. Speaking, Megh. 83 (at the end of a comp. adj., f. ).
     2. Speech, Pañc. 140, 16.
     3. Word, name, Megh. 29; Vikr. 37, 8; Chr. 12, 26.
     4. Order, Rām. 3, 48, 16.
     5. Sentence, Pañc. 158, 13; 164, 20.
     6. Rule.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , speechless, Śāk. 12, 21. tathya-, n. assertion, Pañc. 5, 1. priya-, n. word of love, Vikr. d. 40. pratikūla-, n. refractory speech, Pañc. 37, 3. vīśeṣa-, n. special or different text. su-, n. eloquence.

vacanakara vacana-kara, in a-, adj. Not regarding advice, Hit. ii. c. 161, M.M.

vacanīyatā vacanīya + tā (vb. vac), f.
     1. Rumour, especially ill report.
     2. Blame, Hit. ii. d. 71.

vacanesthita vacanesthita, i. e. vacana + i-sthita (vb. sthā), adj. Compliant, obedient.

vacas vac + as, n.
     1. Speech, Pañc. iii. d. 113.
     2. Words, a word, Vikr. d. 50.
     3. Order, Chr. 12, 27.
     4. Sentence, Pañc. 167, 7.
     5. Voice, Ṛt. 6, 21.
-- Comp. durvacas, i. e. dus-, 1. m. abuse, bad language, Ram. 5, 31, 16. 2. adj. one who uses bad language, ib. 2, 1, 18. sadvacas, i. e. sant (vb. 1. as), n. agreeable speech, Ṛt. 6, 29. su-, adj. speaking well or much.
-- Cf. [greek]

vacasa vacas + a, adj. Talkative, eloquent, Chr. 296, 2 = Rigv. i. 112, 2.

vacaskara vacas-kara, adj. Compliant, obedient.

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vaj † 1. vaj, i. 1, Par. To go.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. vagari.

vaj 2. vaj, i. 10, Par.
     1. (rather Caus. of a lost vb. vaj, probably 'To increase, to be strong;' cf. vajra, ugra, ojas), To strengthen, Lass. 99, 7 = Rigv. iii. 62, 8. †
     2. To prepare the way.
     3. † (rather a denomin. derived from vāja), To trim or feather an arrow.
     4. † To go.
-- Cf. Lat. vegere and augere probably vigor, vigere; [greek] O.H.G. auhon; A.S. eacan, see vakṣ; probably also A.S. wacor, cf. Icel. vakr; A.S. wácian.

vajra 2. vaj + ra,
I. adj.
     1. Hard.
     2. Cross, forked.
II. m. and n.
     1. Indra's thunderbolt, a thunderbolt, Bhartṛ. 2, 32; Hit. ii. d. 158.
     2. A diamond, Johns. Sel. 54, 136; Ragh. 1, 4; Rām. 3, 53, 59(?).
     3. A form of array, Man. 7, 191.
     4. The blossom of the sesamum.
     5. n. Emblic myrobalan, Pañc. iv. d. 10(?).
     6. Sour gruel.
     7. Harsh language.
     8. A child or pupil.
III. f. , A plant, Menispermum cordifolium.
IV. f. and , A species of Euphorbia.
-- Cf. O.H.G. weggi; A.S. waecg, wecg, cuneus, which probably was also the original signification of the Indian sbst.

vajrakapāṭamant vajra-kapāṭa + mant, adj., f. matī, Having doors of diamond, Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 18.

vajrakīlāya vajrakīlāya, a denomin. derived from vajra-kīla with ya, Ātm. To act like a thunderbolt. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vajrakīlayita, Struck as by thunderbolts, Utt. Rāmac. 30. 2.

vajradhara vajra-dhara, and vajrabhṛt vajra-bhṛ + t, m. Indra, Rām. 3, 53, 60; Lass. 2. ed. 76, 49.

vajramaya vajra + maya, adj., f. , Hard, adamantine, Utt. Rāmac. 164, 6.

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vajrin vajrin, i. e. vajra + in, m. Indra, Vikr. d. 5.

vañc vañc, i. 1, Par. (Ātm., see with nis),
     1. To go, to go to, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 74.
     2. To pass over, Bhaṭṭ. 7, 106. Caus. (properly, 'To cause to go astray'),
     1. To avoid.
     2. and i. 10, Ātm. (also Par., MBh. 1, 5794), To deceive, Pañc. 169, 1. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. kim arthināṃ vañcayitavyam asti, 'Why must the poor ones be deceived?' Hit. i. d. 77, M.M.
-- With the prop. abhi abhi, Caus. To deceive, Chr. 59, 20.
-- With upa upa, Caus. To disappoint, Rām. 2. 52, 18.
-- With nis nis, i. 1, Ātm. To deceive, Śṛṅgārat. 10.
-- With pari pari, parivañcita, Deceived, Hit. iv. d. 101.
-- Cf. Lat. vafer; probably [greek] (cf. vidhinā vañcita, Kumāras. 4, 10), [greek]

vañcaka vañc + aka,
I. adj. Fraudulent.
II. m.
     1. A cheat, Lass. 87, 11; a rogue, Man. 9, 257.
     2. A vile man.
     3. A jackal.
     4. A tame, or house icneumon.

vañcatha vañc + atha, m. A rogue.

vañcana vañc + ana, n., and f. ,
     1. Fraud, Kathās. 3, 54.
     2. Being cheated, Hit. i. d. 127, M.M.
     3. Hallucination of mind, Rām. 2, 34, 37 ().

vañcuka vañc + uka, adj. Crafty.

vañjula vañjula,
I. m.
     1. The name of several plants, Utt. Rāmac. 46, 1; Sāh. d. 19, 19.
     2. A sort of bird.
II. f. , A cow that yields abundance of milk.

vaṭvaṭ (a form of vṛt, based on the original vart). i. 1, Par. To surround. i. 10, Par., also baṭ baṭ, vaṭaya, baṭaya,
     1. To surround.
     2. To tie.
     3. To partition. i. 1, Par. or Caus. vaṭaya, To speak.

vaṭa vaṭa (probably a dialectical form of *varta, i. e. vṛt + a),
I. m., and f. ṭī, A string, a rope.
II. m.
     1. The large Indian fig-tree, Ficus indica, Pañc. 104, 17.
     2. A circle.
     3. Equality in shape or dimension.
     4. A small shell, a cowrie.
     5. Pulse ground and fried with oil or butter.

vaṭaka vaṭa + ka,
I. m.
     1. Pulse ground and fried in oil or butter.
     2. A weight of eight māṣas.
II. f. ṭikā, A pill, a bolus.

vaṭara vaṭara, m.
     1. A cock.
     2. A thief.
     3. A rogue.
     4. A turban (cf. vaṭa).
     5. i. e. vaṭa, = *varta, + ka, cf. vaṭa, A churning-stick.
     6. A mat.
     7. A fragrant grass, Cyperus.

vaṭākara vaṭākara (probably vaṭa-ākara, but see the next), m. A cord.

vaṭāraka vaṭāraka, m. A cord, MBh. 3, 12776 (at the end of a comp. adj., f. ); cf. the last and varāṭaka.

vaṭārakamaya vaṭāraka + maya, adj., f. , Made of a cord, MBh. 3, 12785.

vaṭi vaṭi, m. A sort of insect.

vaṭibha vaṭi + bha, adj. Having or containing the insects called vaṭi.

vaṭu vaṭu, m.
     1. A young Brāhmaṇa
     2. A pupil, Utt. Rāmac. 104, 9; Prab 22, 3.
     3. A lad, a stripling, Kumāras. 5, 83.
     4. A fool, Śāk. 30, 12.
     5. A flower, Bignonia indica.

vaṭuka vaṭu + ka = vaṭu,
     1. 3. 4.

vaṭhvaṭh, baṭh baṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be large.
     2. To be able.

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vaṭhara vaṭhara, m. A fool.

vaḍabhi and vaḍabhī vaḍabhi/ī, or valabhi and valabhī valabhi/ī, f.
     1. The wooden frame of a thatch, a roof, Megh. 39 ().
     2. A temporary building on the top of a palace, a turret, Mālay. d. 33 (valabhi).

vaḍavā vaḍavā, see baḍavā.

vaḍā vaḍā, f. Pulse ground and fried with oil or butter (cf. vaṭa).

vaḍikā vaḍikā, i. e. vadā + ka, f. Pulse ground and fried, Lass. 79, 14.

vaḍiśa vaḍiśa. n., and f. śī, A fishhook, Bhartṛ. 1, 84.

vaḍra vaḍra, adj. Large.

vaṇvaṇ, baṇ baṇ, i. 1, Par. To sound.

vaṇij vaṇij, see baṇij.

vaṇṭ vaṇṭ, i. 1 and 10, To partition, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 985.
-- Cf. vaṇḍ.

vaṇṭa vaṇṭ + a, m.
     1. A part.
     2. The handle of a sickle.

vaṇṭaka vaṇṭa + ka, m. A part.
-- Comp. hṛd-, m. the stomach.

vaṇṭana vaṇṭ + ana, n. Dividing, Cāṇ. 5 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, p. 407.

vaṇṭhvaṇṭh, i. 1, Ātm. To go without a companion.

vaṇṭha vaṇṭha, m.
     1. An unmarried man.
     2. A dwarf.
     3. A javelin.

vaṇṭhara vaṇṭhara, m.
     1. A rope for tying a goat.
     2. A dog's tail.
     3. The sheath that envelopes the young bambu.

vaṇṭhāla vaṇṭhāla, m.
     1. A mode of conflict, the contest of heroes.
     2. A boat.
     3. A hoe.

vaṇḍvaṇḍ, i. 1. Ātm.
     1. To divide.
     2. To cover. i. 1 and 10, Par. To divide.
-- Cf. vaṇṭ.

vaṇḍa vaṇḍa,
I. adj. (A person) whose hands have been cut off.
II. f. ḍā, An unchaste woman.

vata vata (perhaps curtailed avata, 2. pl. imperat. of av; cf. Prākṛ. avidhā, Sch. ad Śāk. 93, 11), indecl. An interjection implying,
     1. Sorrow, woe, Śāk. d. 152; Chr. 3, 37.
     2. Compassion.
     3. Pleasure.
     4. Surprise, Kāvya Prak. 80, 7.
     5. A vocative particle.

vataṃsa vataṃsa, i. e. ava-taṃs + a, m.
     1. An ear-ring.
     2. A crest.

vatokā vatokā, i. e. ava-toka, f. A cow miscarrying from accident.

vatsa vatsa,
I. (vb. 1. vas), m.
     1. A calf, Hit. i. d. 29, M.M.
     2. i. e. probably *vatas, = [greek] + a, A year.
     3. The name of a Ṛṣi, or saint, Man. 8, 116.
     4. pl. The name of a people and their country, Chr. 47, 41; 46, 24.
II. m., and f. , Child, Pañc. 169, 25; a term of endearment, Pañc. 130, 4; Vikr. 70, 10; Utt. Rāmac. 8, 9.
III. n. The breast.
-- Comp. śrī-, m. 1. Viṣṇu. 2. a mark, usually said to be a curl of hair on the breast of Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa, represented by [picture], Johns. Sel. 96, 74. 3. a hole in a wall for felonious purposes.
-- Cf. vatsatara.

vatsatara vatsata + ra,
I. m. A steer.
II. f. , A heifer, Man. 11, 137.

vatsara vatsa + ra, m. A year, Pañc. iii. d. 93.

vatsala vatsa + la,
I. adj., f. , Affectionate, loving, Pañc. 222, 14; tender, Utt. Rāmac. 48, 1.
II. f. , A cow anxious for her calf.
III. n. Fondness.
-- Comp. vara-, f. the wife of a fatherin-law. sahaja-, adj., f. , of inborn fondness, Hit. 87, 12.

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vatsalatā vatsala + tā, f.
     1. Tenderness, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 8.
     2. Love, Rājat. 5, 194.

vatsalaya vatsalaya, a denomin. derived from vatsala, Par. To make tender towards children, Śāk. 102, 7.

vatsīya vatsīya, i. e. vatsa + īya,
I. adj. Fit for a calf.
II. m. A cowherd.

vad vad, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. To speak, to address (with the acc. of the object and the addressed person), MBh. 3, 1853.
     2. To speak of (with gen.), Pañc. 67, 22.
     3. To sound, to yell, MBh. 3, 15669. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. udita,
     1. Pronounced, Cāṇ. 1 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 407.
     2. Addressed, Śiś. 9, 61. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. brahmodya, i. e. brahman-udya, n. Reciting or explaining the Veda; mṛṣodya, see s. v. sukhodya, i. e. sukha-udya, adj. To be uttered agreeably, Man. 2, 33. Caus. vādaya, To cause to sound, Pañc. 229, 13; to play, Man. 4, 64. Comp. ptcple of the pf. pass. jala-vādita, n. Water music, music performed by water, Hariv. 8426. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. vādya, n.
     1. Sound, Ragh. 16, 64.
     2. Any musical instrument, Pañc. 129, 15; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 7 (instrumental music). Comp. jala-, n. a musical instrument sounded by means of water, Hariv. 8427. parṇa-, n. a musical instrument made of leaves, Hariv. 3477. † i. 10, Par. Ātm.
     1. To speak.
     2. To command.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To speak similarly, to imitate another's voice or sound, Ragh. 5, 74 (Calc.).
-- With apa apa, To reprove, to insult, Man. 4, 236. Caus. To dissuade from, to reprove, MBh. 3, 1036.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To address, Man. 8, 356.
     2. To salute respectfully, MBh. 3, 15668. Caus.
     1. To greet respectfully, Man. 2, 117; Vikr. 81, 2; with pādayos, To greet one by touching his feet, Man. 2, 212.
     2. To play, MBh. 3, 14386.
-- With pratyabhi prati-abhi, Caus. To return a salute, Mṛcch. 34, 7.
-- With ā ā, To salute by roaring, Chr. 290, 9 = Rigv. i. 64, 9.
-- With samā sam-ā, To speak, MBh. 3, 16148.
-- With upa upa, Ātm.
     1. To conciliate, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 28.
     2. To beg, Pañc. in Weber, Ind. St. 272, 22 (see my transl. n. 922).
     3. To allure.
-- With pari pari, To calumniate, MBh. 1, 3079.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To converse, Pañc. 143, 21.
     2. To explain, Man. 5, 55.
     3. To declare, Hit. ii. d. 160.
     4. To call, Hit. ii. d. 41.
     5. To tell, MBh. 3, 2910. Caus. To play, MBh. 1, 5356.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To disagree.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Par. To accord. Ātm. To converse, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 28.
-- With prati prati, To answer, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 13.
-- With vi vi, Ātm. (also Par., Hit. iii. d. 32; Pañc. 183, 6).
     1. To dispute, to wrangle, Man. 3, 159.
     2. To contest, with acc., MBh. 2, 2390.
-- With sam sam, To converse, Chr. 19, 8; Hit. 88, 13; iii. d. 36. Caus.
     1. To play, MBh. 1, 7056.
     2. To declare, Man. 8, 31.
-- With visam vi-sam, To break a promise, Man. 8, 219.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps [greek] probably Lat. vas, vadis; perhaps O.H.G. far-wāzan; O. Saxon, for-wātan, recusare.

vada vad + a, adj. Speaking, speaking well.
-- Cf. vaśaṃvada.

vadana vad + ana, n. The mouth, the face, Pañc. 185, 25.
-- Comp. maṃsa-piṇḍa-gṛhīta-, adj., f. , carrying in the mouth a piece of flesh, Pañc. 226, 20. su-, adj., f. , beautiful, Ṛt. 6, 20.

vadanya vadanya, see vadānya.

vadarī vadarī, f. see badara, Matsyop. 3, and MBh. 3, 1637; questionable, probably = badarī-śaila, n. A part of the Himālayarange, and a celebrated place of pilgrimage, cf. Johns. Sel. 90, n.

vadānya vadānya, adj.
I. i. e. ava-dāna + ya (also vadanya vadanya), Munificent, liberal, Man. 4, 224.
II. (from vad),
     1. Speaking kindly.
     2. Eloquent.

vadāla vadāla, m. A skeat-fish, Silurus boalis Ham.

vadāvada vadāvada (an old frequent. of vad + a), adj. Speaking, able to speak well.

vadh vadh, see han.

vadha vadh + a (also badha badha, probably better) m.
     1. Killing, Man. 5, 89; murder, Pañc. i. d. 305.
     2. Death, Man. 8, 104.
     3. Corporal punishment, Man. 9, 291.
     4. A stroke, 11, 100.
     5. A whip, 8, 267.
     6. Hurting, Man. 4, 165.
     7. A killer, a slaughterer, Man. 5, 39.
-- Comp. a-, m. no slaughterer, Man. 5, 39. ātmavadha, i. e. ātman-, m. suicide, MBh. 1, 6228. go-, m. slaying a bull or a cow, Man. 11, 59. śiśu-pāla-, m. the destruction of Śiśupāla, title of a poem. śuddha- (vb. śudh), m. simple putting to death, i. e. in any ordinary way, Man. 9, 279 (b).

vadhaka vadh + aka, also badhaka,
I. adj. Destructive, injurious.
II. m. A murderer, Kathās. 3, 43.

vadhatra vadh + atra, n. A weapon.

vadhu vadhu (vb. vah, q. cf.), f.
     1. A wife.
     2. A son's wife (cf. vadhū).

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vadhuṭī vadhuṭī, f. A son's wife.

vadhū vadhū, also badhū badhū (vb. vah, q. cf.), f.
     1. A woman, Kirāt. 6, 45.
     2. A wife, Hit. i. d. 192, M.M.; Rām. 3, 51, 14; 55, 29.
     3. A wife recently married.
     4. A son's wife, Sāv. 6, 9.
     5. A female relation, Sund. 4, 16.
     6. The name of several plants.
-- Comp. kula-, f. a virtuous or respectable wife, Hit. i. d. 135, M.M. nava-, f. a woman recently married, Ṛt. 6, 19. nāga-, f. the female of an elephant, Rām. 2, 65, 24. preṣya-, f. a female servant, Draup. 6, 9. vāra-, f. the head of a set of harlots. svar-, Svarga-, and svargi(n)-, f. an Apearas.

vadhūṭī vadhūṭī, f.
     1. A son's wife.
     2. A young woman, living in her father's house, whether married or unmarried, Bhāṣāp. 1, a.

vadhūyu vadhūyu, i. e. vadhūya, ved., + u, adj. One who loves his wife, Lass. 99, 8 (where badhūyu) = Rigv. iii. 62, 8.

vadhyatā vadhya + tā, or badhyatā badhya + tā (from vadh, see han), f.
     1. Deserving death, Nal. 9, 8.
     2. Destruction.

van † 1. van, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To serve, to honour. Caus. vanaya,
     1. To act.
     2. To hurt, to kill. See 3. tan.
-- Cf. perhaps A.S. an-winnan, to fight against.

van 2. van, ii. 8, Par. Ātm. (in the Vedas also i. 1; ii. 2, etc.).
     1. To ask, to beg.
     2. To accept, Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vanita, Solicited, begged. f. ,
     1. A beloved woman, a mistress, Bhartṛ. 2, 36.
     2. A woman in general, Vikr. d. 44.
     3. A female bird, Kir. 6, 8. Comp. tridaśa-, f. , the wife of a deity, Megh 59. sa-nāka-vanita, adj. endowed with the celestial women (i. e. the Apsarases), Kir. 5, 27.
-- Cf. 1. van, the vedic use, and Lat. Venus, venustas, venerari; O.H.G. wunna; A.S. wyn, ge-wenian; Goth. vêna; A.S. to-wenan; probably [greek]

vana vana,
I. n., and f. , A forest, Vikr. d. 79 (na); Pañc. iii. d. 56 (na).
II. n.
     1. Water.
     2. A cascade or fountain.
     3. A residence, Nal. 3, 22.
     4. A house.
-- Comp. asi-patra-, n. the name of a hell, Man. 4, 90. citra-, n. the name of a forest, Hit. 14, 16. tapovana, i. e. tapas-, n. a place frequented by ascetics, a sacred grove, Hit. iv. d. 83. nirvaṇa, i. e. nis-, adj. one who has left a forest, MBh. 5, 863 (°vana). Paraśu-, n. the name of a hell, MBh. 12, 12075. pitṛ-, n. a cemetery, MBh. 11, 119. pramada-, n. a royal garden, Vikr. 19, 18. mahā-, n. a large forest, Rām. 3, 55, 48.

vanacara vana-cara, m.
     1. A wild beast, Pañc. 255, 17.
     2. A forester, Kirāt. 6, 29.

vanaja vana-ja,
I. adj. Wild.
II. m.
     1. An elephant.
     2. A fragrant grass, Cyperus rotundus.
III. f. , A sort of pulse.
IV. n. A lotus, Ragh. 5, 73.

vanada vana-da, and vanamuc vana-muc, m. A cloud.

vanara vanara (from vana), m. A monkey.

vanastha vana-stha,
I. adj.
     1. Being in a forest, Pañc. iii. d. 145.
     2. Living in a forest, Rām. 3, 48, 18.
II. m.
     1. A deer.
     2. An ascetic.

vanaspati vanaspati i. e. van (= vana), + as-pati, m.
     1. A tree, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 11.
     2. An ascetic.

vanāṭu vanāṭu, i. e. vana-aṭ + u, m. A blue fly.

vanāyu vanāyu, m. The name of a country. Ragh. 5, 73.

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vanāyuja vanāyu-ja, m. A horse of the Vanāyu breed.

vanārcaka vanārcaka, i. e. vana-arc + aka, m. A florist, a garland maker.

vanāhira vanāhira, m. A hog.

vani van + i, m.
     1. Fire or its deity.
     2. Desire, wish.

vanin vanin, i. e. vana + in, adj. Abounding in water, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.

vanīka vanīka, and vanīyaka vanīyaka (vb. van), m. A beggar.

vanecara vanecara, i. e. vana + i-cara,
I. adj. Who or what abules in a forest. Rām. 3, 51, 34.
II. m.
     1. A forester, Kirāt. 1, 1.
     2. A demon.
     3. A wild beast, Lass. 47, 10.

vand vand (akin to vad), i. 1. Ātm.
     1. To salute respectfully, Vikr. 8, 81, 11; MBh. 2, 23.
     2. To praise, Rām. 2, 16, 27.
     3. To venerate, Megh. 12. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. jagadvandya, i. e. jagat-, adj. To be praised by mankind, epithet of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 2, 23.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To salute respectfully, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 15.
-- With sam sam, The same. MBh. 1, 5420.

vandana vand + ana,
I. m. A proper name, Chr. 296, 5 = Rigv. i. 112, 5.
II. n.
     1. Salutation, Man. 2, 216.
     2. The mouth or face.
III. f. .
     1. Praise, Chr. 19, 6; praising especially the gods.
     2. Prayer, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 16.
IV. f. .
     1. Worship.
     2. Begging, asking.
     3. A drug for restoring the dead to life.
-- Comp. pāda-, n. worship, reverence, Yājñ. 1, 83.

vandāru vand + āru,
I. adj.
     1. Civil, polite.
     2. Praising, worshipping, Lass. 67, 6.
II. m. A bard.

vandi and vandī vandi/ī, f.
     1. A woman in captivity, also a man, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 32; 63; Vikr. d. 3 (vandī kṛ, To make captive).
     2. A ladder or stairs.

vandin vand + in, m.
     1. A praiser, Pañc. 158, 2.
     2. An encomiast, Man. 3, 158; a bard, Vikr. d. 76.

vandīkāra vandī-kāra, m. A housebreaker.

vandra vand + ra, adj. Worshipping.

vandhura vandhura, m. The seat of a chariot, Chr. 290, 9 = Rigv. i. 64, 9.

vanya vanya, i. e. vana + ya,
I. adj. Produced in, or by, a wood, Pañc. 216, 10; wild, Man. 6, 12.
II. f. .
     1. A multitude of groves.
     2. A quantity of water, a flood.
III. n. Wild fruit, Rām. 3, 52, 51; 53, 24.

vanra van + ra, m.
     1. A co-partner.
     2. A co-heir.

vap vap, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
I. (properly Caus. of ).
     1. To sow, MBh. 3, 1248; figurat., Man. 2, 113.
     2. To cast, MBh. 2, 2033.
     3. † To procreate. Pass. upya, Man. 9, 26.
II. (properly a Caus. of ve), To weave.
III. † To shave Caus. vāpaya, To sow, MBh. 3, 18031.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To put on, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To sow, MBh. 3, 17341.
     2. To throw to, MBh. 3, 103. Caus. To arrange, to dress, MBh. 1, 819 (cf. with vi).
-- With samā sam-ā, Caus. To cause to be sown, or thrown in, Lass. 2. ed. 12, 9.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To sow, MBh. 3, 17341.
     2. To offer, Man. 3, 216.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To drop. Man. 3, 92.
     2. To sprinkle, Man. 3, 214.
     3. To offer, Man. 9, 140.
     4. To perform (a sacrifice), Man. 4, 10; 6, 38 (read nirupya). Caus. To disseminate, Pañc. 85, 20.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To sow, MBh. 3, 15725.
     2. To cast, ib. 3, 1931.
-- With prati prati, To inlay, to stud, to adorn, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 16. pratyupta, Shut(?), Utt. Rāmac. 87, 3.
-- With vi vi, vyupta, Disordered, dishevelled, Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 14.
-- Cf. [greek] and [greek] A.S. wíf; probably also [greek] Goth. vêpn; A.S. waepen. Cf. ve.

vapa vapa, i. e.
I. vap + a, m.
     1. Sowing seed.
     2. Shaving.
II. f. .
     1. The mucous or glutinous secretion of the flesh or bones, marrow, Rām. 1, 13, 39.
     2. Fat, Man. 12, 63.
     3. Any hole or cavity.

vapana vap + ana,
I. n.
     1. Sowing seed.
     2. Semen virile.
     3. Shaving, Man. 5, 140.
II. f. , A barber's shop.

vapuṣa -vapuṣa, i. e. vapus + a, at the end of comp. instead of vapus, in varāha-, n. The body of a hog, Johns. Sel. 94, 53.

vapuṣmant vapuṣmant, i. e. vapus + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Having a body, corporeal, embodied, Kir. 2, 59, Lass. 2. ed. 76, 47.
     2. Beautiful, Sund. 3, 17.

vapus vapus (cf. vapā), n.
     1. The body, Pañc. iii. d. 221.
     2. A handsome form or figure, Śāk. d. 16.
     3. Beauty, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4 (dat. in the sense of the infin. 'In order to be beautiful').

vaptṛ vap + tṛ,
I. m., f. tṛ10, and n.
     1. Who or what sows.
     2. A husbandman, Man. 3, 142.
II. m.
     1. A progenitor, a father.
     2. A poet.

vapyaṭadevī vapyaṭa-devī, f. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 281.

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vapra vap + ra,
I. m. (and n.).
     1. A field, Kir. 5, 36.
     2. Dust, earth.
     3. A mound, Megh. 2; a hillock.
     4. The foundation of any building.
     5. A shore or bank, Kir. 6, 8.
     6. A rampart, MBh. 1, 5810.
     7. The gate of a fortified city.
II. m. A father.
III. f. , An ant-hill.
IV. n. Lead.

vapri vap + ri, m.(?), A field.

vabhr vabhr, see babhr.

vam vam, i. 1, Par.
     1. To vomit, Man. 4, 121.
     2. To spit out, Rām. 1, 28, 26.
     3. To send forth, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 8. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vānta.
     1. Vomited.
     2. Effused, Megh. 20.
     3. One who has vomited, Man. 5, 144. Comp. durvānta, i. e. dus-, adj. one who has been wrongly treated with emetics, Suśr. 2, 191, 15. Caus. va/āmaya; ptcple. of the pf. pass. vamita, Made to vomit.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To spit out, to vomit, MBh. 3, 15729; figuratively, 3, 1931.
-- Cf. Lat. vomere; [greek] Goth. vamm, macula, ana-vammjan; A.S. wemman, maculare.

vama vam + a, m., and f. , Vomiting.

vamathu vam + athu, m.
     1. Vomiting.
     2. Water ejected from an elephant's trunk.

vamana vam + ana,
I. n.
     1. Vomiting, Lass. 17, 4; taking, getting. Ragh. 15, 29.
     2. An emetic.
     3. Paining.
II. f. , A leech.

vami vam + i,
I. m.
     1. Fire.
     2. A rogue.
II. 1. Vomiting, Suśr. 2, 491, 21.
     2. An emetic.

vamra vamra,
     1. m. A proper name, Chr. 297, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.
     2. f. and , A small ant.

vayvay, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

vayaḥstha vayaḥstha, and vayastha vaya- stha, i. e. vayas-stha,
I. adj.
     1. Young.
     2. Mature, middle-aged, from sixteen to seventy.
II. m. A contemporary, a friend.
III. f. sthā.
     1. A woman's female friend.
     2. The name of several plants.

vayas vayas, n.
     1. Youth, Pañc. i. d. 11.
     2. Age, Vikr. d. 42; time of life, Pañc. iii. d. 221.
     3. A bird, Pañc. i. d. 28.
-- Comp. gata-, adj. old, Pañc. i. d. 11. pūrva-, adj. Young, MBh. 1, 3196. sa-,
I. adj. contemporary.
II. m. a contemporary, a friend.
III. f. a woman's female friend, Śiś. 9, 53.

vayaska vayas + ka, adj.
     1. Relating to age.
     2. A substitute for vayas, as latter part of comp. adj.; e. g. abhinava-, adj. Young, Hit. 50, 1. samāna-, adj. one who is of the same age.

vayastha vayastha, see vayaḥstha.

vayasya vayas + ya,
I. m.
     1. A contemporary, Rām. 1, 12, 22.
     2. A friend, Vikr. 11, 15.
II. f. , A woman's female friend, Nal. 4, 32.

vayuna vayuna, n.
     1. The faculty of perceiving, consciousness, Chr. 294, 2; 6 = Rigv. i. 92, 2; 6.
     2. A temple, Bhāg. P. 3, 4, 30.

vayotiga vayotiga, i. e. vayas-ati-ga (vb. gam), adj. m. A decrepit old man, Man. 7, 149.

vayodhas vayodhas, i. e. vayas-dhā, m. A young man.

vayya vayya, m. A proper name, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6.

var var, see vṛ.

vara vara (erroneously bara bara), i. e. vṛ + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Better, Pañc. ii. d. 96.
     2. Best, Indr. 5, 20; excellent, Vikr. d. 119; precious, Hit. i. d. 135, M.M.; beautiful, Rām. 3, 51, 37.
     3. Eldest.
II. acc. sing. ram, adv. Better, preferable, Pañc. pr. d. 4 (a-jāta-mṛta-mūrkhebhyo mṛta-a-jātau sutau varam, If it is to be chosen between having a dead son, or no son, or a stupid one, it is better to have a dead one, or no son at all); with following na, Rather than, Bhartṛ. 2, 11; with following na punar, Better than, Pañc. 138, 19. varaṃ vā -- mā, Rather than, Pañc. pr. d. 6.
III. m.
     1. Selecting.
     2. Soliciting.
     3. Wish, Rām. 3, 53, 8.
     4. A boon, a blessing, Pañc. 135, 8; Hit. 116, 6; a favour, Rām. 3, 53, 6; a privilege, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 17.
     5. One who solicits a girl for his wife, Sāv. 1, 28; a bridegroom, Pañc. 129, 15.
     6. A son-in-law.
     7. A husband, Lass. 2. ed. 35, 20.
     8. A catamite.
     9. A sparrow.
     10. Surrounding.
IV. f. .
     1. A sort of perfume.
     2. The three myrobalans.
     3. A plant, Cissampelos hexandra.
V. f. .
     1. chāyā, the wife of the sun.
     2. Asparagus racemosus.
VI. m. Saffron.
-- Comp. kāma-, m. choosing what one lists, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 45. datta-, adj. 1. one to whom is given the permission to choose a boon, Rām. 1, 1, 22. 2. granted as a boon, ib. 6, 19, 61. dvija-, m. a Brāhmaṇa, Kathās. 25, 254. pika-, m. an excellent cuckoo (and ascetic), Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 411. pura-, n. an excellent town, Rājat. 5, 157. prāpta-, adj., f. , abounding in blessings, Pañc. 252, 18. muni-, m. the chief of the ascetics, Ṛt. 6, 30. raghu-, m. Rāma. vīra-, m. a proper name, Lass. 28, 14. sarovara, i. e. saras-, m. a lake. sarit-, f. , the Gaṅgā.
-- Cf. Goth. vaila; A.S. wel; O.H.G. wela; A.S. wela, felicitas; [greek] and see vṛ.

varaṭa varaṭa,
I. m. A wasp.
II. f. ṭā, ṭī, and varalā varalā.
     1. A goose.
     2. A wasp.

varaṇa varaṇa, i. e. vṛ + ana,
I. m.
     1. An enclosure raised on a mound of earth.
     2. A causeway, a bridge.
     3. A camel.
     4. A tree, Capparis trifoliata, Kir. 5, 25.
     5. Any tree.
II. f. The name of a rivulet.
III. n.
     1. Selecting, choice, Johns. Sel. 53, 127.
     2. Surrounding.
     3. Screening, covering.
     4. Nourishing.

varaṇḍa varaṇḍa (vb. vṛ), m.
     1. A portico.
     2. The string of a fish-hook.
     3. A packet.
     4. A multitude.
     5. A heap of grass.
     6. Pimples on the face.

varaṇḍaka varaṇḍa + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Large.
     2. Fearful.
     3. Niggardly.
II. m.
     1. A canopy on the back of an elephant.
     2. A wall.
     3. A ball.
     4. Pimples on the face.

varatrā varatrā (vb. vṛ), f.
     1. A strap or string of leather, Pañc. 128, 9.
     2. An elephant's or horse's leather girth.

varada vara-da,
I. adj.
     1. Conferring a boon, or boons, Chr. 57, 26.
     2. Propitious.
II. f.
     1. A girl.
     2. The name of a river, Mālav. d. 76.

varaprada vara-pra-da,
I. adj. Conferring a boon.
II. f. , The wife of Agastya.

varayitṛ varayitṛ, i. e. vṛ, Caus., + tṛ, m. A husband.

varala varala, m. A wasp; cf. varaṭa.

varāka varāka, i. e. vṛ + aka,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Poor, Pañc. 108, 13.
     2. Low, vile, impure, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 429; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 2; Pañc. 81, 18.
     3. Unhappy, Pañc. 41, 5.
II. m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. War, battle.

varāṭa varāṭa, m.
     1. (akin to varatrā, probably a dialect. form of it), A cord.
     2. The small shell, called (kaparda) cowrie, and used as a coin, Pañc. i. d. 88.

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varāṭaka varāṭa + ka, m. f. tikā (and n.),
     1. A rope.
     2. The small shell, called cowrie, and used as a coin, Pañc. 135, 7.
     3. The seed vessel of the lotus.
-- Comp. kim-, adj. despising a cowrie (a farthing), Hit. ii. d. 87.

varāṇa varāṇa (a ptcple. Ātm. of vṛ), m. Indra.

varāraka varāraka, n. A diamond.

varāha varāha, m.
     1. A hog, Pañc. 120, 14.
     2. Viṣṇu, who assumed in his third avatāra, or descent, the shape of a boar, Utt. Rāmac. 132, 6.
     3. A form of marching an army, Man. 7, 187.
     4. A mountain.
     5. A sort of measure.
     6. One of the smaller dvīpas, or divisions of the world.
-- Comp. mahā- and yajña-, m. Viṣṇu, Johns. Sel. 94, 55 (yajña-).
-- Cf. Lat. verres.

varāhu varāhu, m. A hog, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 88, 5.
-- Cf. varāha.

variman variman, i. e. uru + iman (cf. the comparat. of uru, varīyaṃs), m. Extent, greatness.

varivasya varivasya, denomin. derived from the vedic noun varivas with ya, Par. To adore, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 23.

varivasyā varivasyā, i. e. varivasya + ā, f. Worship, service.

variṣa variṣa (for varṣa), m. n. A year, Lass. 2. ed. 54, 55 (? hypothet. r.).

variṣṭha variṣṭha, and varīyaṃs varīyaṃs, see uru.

varīvarda varīvarda = balīvarda.

varīṣu varīṣu (vb. vṛ), m. Kāma.

varuṇa varuṇa, i. e. vṛ + una,
I. m.
     1. In the Veda, the deity of the heavens, Chr. 289, 6 = Rigv. i. 54, 6; in the later time, of the waters (originally those of the atmosphere), Rām. 3, 54, 9; the lord of punishment, Man. 9, 245; sovereign of the western quarter, Śiś. 9, 7.
     2. A name of the sun.
     3. Water, or the ocean.
II. f. varuṇānī, The wife of Varuṇa.
-- Cf. [greek]

varutra varutra, i. e. vṛ + tra, n. An upper garment.

varūtha varūtha (vb. vṛ),
I. m. A wooden fender round a carriage, to protect it from collision.
II. n.
     1. Armour.
     2. Leather skin.
     3. A house.

varūthin varūthin, i. e. varūtha + in,
I. adj. Protected by fenders (cf. the last), Ragh. 9, 11.
II. f. .
     1. An army, Chr. 54, 14.
     2. The name of an Apsaras, Indr. 2, 29.

vareṇya vareṇya (properly an anomal. ptcple. of the fut. pass. of vṛ), adj. Superior, excellent, Lass. 99, 11 = Rigv. iii. 62, 11.

varola varola, m. A wasp (cf. varala).

varkara varkara, m.
     1. Any young animal.
     2. A lamb.
     3. A goat.
     4. Sport, pastime.

varkarāṭa varkarāṭa, m.
     1. A side glance.
     2. The marks of a lover's finger-nails on the bosom of a woman.

varga varga, i. e. vṛj + a, m.
     1. A class (a multitude of similar things), Pañc. 33, 14.
     2. A troop, Pañc. 192, 23.
     3. A chapter.
-- Comp. āpta-, m. friends, Mālav. 67, 11. catur-, m. 1. any assemblage of four things, Hit. i. d. 8, M.M. 2. the four objects of human pursuit, viz. wealth, pleasure, virtue, and final beatitude, Rāgh. 10, 23. tri-, m. any assemblage of three things, e. g. wealth, pleasure, and virtue, Man. 2, 224; Daśak. in Chr. 181, 21; the three qualities of nature; viz. satya, truth; rajas, passion; and tamas, darkness; three conditions of a king, loss, gain, equality, MBh. 12, 2664; the three myrobalans. dāsa-, m. all the servants, Man. 3, 246. pātra-, m. a troop of actors, Vikr. 3, 9. bandhu-, m. relations, Pañc. i. d. 30. bhṛtya- m. servants, ib. (cf. my transl. and Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2542). rakṣi(n)-, m. a sentinel.
-- Cf. probably Lat. vulgus (or = vraja).

vargīṇa -vargīṇa, in mad-varga + īna, adj. Connected with, or related to, me.

vargīya -vargīya, in sva-, adj. Belonging to (thy) own fraction, Pañc. 212, 6.

vargya vargya, i. e. varga + ya, adj. Belonging to a class, Mālat. 4, 6 (a mime).

varcvarc, i. 1, Ātm. To shine.

varcas varcas,
I. n.
     1. Lustre, Rām. 3, 49, 4.
     2. Form, MBh. 1, 1076; Lass. 2. ed. 79, 80.
     3. Excrements.
II. m. The son of Candra.
-- Cf. brahmavarcasa.

varcaska varcas + ka, m. and n. Ordure.

varcasvin varcas + vin,
I. adj., f. , Bright, Nal. 12, 66.
II. m. The moon.
-- Comp. brahman-, i. e. brahmavarcas + vin, adj. illumined by the Vedas, Man. 3, 39.

varcita varcita, Pañc. 3, 10, read carcita.

varja varja, i. e. vṛj + a,
I. adj.
     1. Devoidof.
     2. Excepted.
II. °jam, adv. Except, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 10.
III. m.
     1. Leaving.
     2. Excepting.
-- Comp. tṛca-, adj. except three verses, Chr. 294, 1. 5. tvad-varja + m, adv. except you, Pañc. 28, 22 (cf. my transl.). parvavarja + m, i. e. parvan-, adj. except the forbidden days of the month, Man. 3, 45.

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varjana varjana, i. e. vṛj + ana, n.
     1. Abandoning, leaving, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 11.
     2. Desertion, Man. 5, 4.
     3. Avoiding, Man. 5, 26.

varṇ varṇ, 1, 10 (rather a denomin. derived from varṇa), Par.
     1. To colour, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 13.
     2. To depict, to describe, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 145; to explain, Vedāntas. 207, 23.
     3. To praise, MBh. 2, 1226.
     4. † To illuminate.
     5. † To exert one's self.
     6. † To throw, or to grind.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To expose, MBh. 4, 107.
-- With upa upa,
     1. The same, MBh. 3, 8732.
     2. To tell, Hit. 27, 8.
-- With ni ni, To regard, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 12 (probably to be changed to nirvarṇya).
-- With nis nis, To regard, Śāk. 33, 13; to examine, Vikr. 10, 3. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-nirvarṇanīya, adj. Not to be looked at, Śāk. 64, 8.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To describe, MBh. 4, 106.
     2. To extol, MBh. 4, 121.

varṇa varṇa, i. e. vṛ + na,
I. m.
     1. Colour, Hit. iii. d. 33.
     2. Staining the body with coloured unguents.
     3. Coloured cloth thrown over the back of an elephant.
     4. Gold.
     5. Beauty.
     6. Theatrical dress or embellishment.
     7. Quality, property.
     8. Fame.
     9. Praise.
     10. A musical mode, Pañc. v. d. 44.
     11. The arrangement of a poem.
     12. A caste, Man. 1, 91; Hit. pr. 46, M.M. (hīna-, adj. One of a low caste); caste and colour at once, Rājat. 5, 377; class, tribe, kind.
     13. Religious observance.
II. m. and n.
     1. Perfume for the person.
     2. Form, figure.
     3. Sort, kind.
     4. A letter of the alphabet, Bhāṣāp. 163; Vikr. 78, 10.
     5. A syllable, Śrut. 19.
     6. The purity of gold, as ascertained by its streak on the touch-stone.
III. n. Saffron.
-- Comp. a-, m. reproach, blame, Ragh. 14, 38. agni-,
I. adj. 1. fire-coloured, Rām. 3, 58, 35. 2. boiling hot, Man. 11, 91.
II. m. a proper name, Hariv. 828. eka-, adj. 1. onecoloured, plain, MBh. 13, 3781. 2. identical, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 29. 3. consisting in one caste only, MBh. 3, 13051. jyeṣṭha-, m. a Brāhmaṇa, MBh. 13, 6571. durvarṇa, i. e. dus-,
I. adj. of a bad colour, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 45.
II. n. silver. dhūmra-,
I. adj. grey-coloured, Rām. 4, 39, 28.
II. m. 1. the name of a mountain, Hariv. 12856. 2. a proper name, ib. 1799. bhinna-, adj. discoloured, pale, Megh. 82; cf. Pañc. i. d. 212 (bhinna-svara-mukha-varṇa, speechless and pale, or, 'with altered accents and complexion'). madhu-, adj. sweet, like honey, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 87, 2. megha-, adj. cloud-coloured, Indr. 5, 15. yathārha-, i. e. yathā-arha-, m. a spy. labdha-, adj. learned, Ragh. 11, 2. vi-,
I. adj. 1. wanting colour, pale, Nal. 2, 2. 2. bad-coloured. 3. changing colour. 4. low.
II. m. a man of a low caste. sa-,
I. adj. 1. like, resembling, Megh. 18. 2. of the same caste, kind, MBh. 2, 865.
II. f. ṇā, Chāyā, the wife of the sun. sama-,
I. adj. of the same colour, caste, etc.
II. m. community of caste. su-,
I. adj. 1. of a good colour. 2. brilliant. 3. of a good tribe.
II. n. 1. gold, Pañc. 191, 25. 2. wealth.
III. m. and n. a weight of gold equal to sixteen Māṣas, i. e. about seventy-five grains Troy, Man. 8, 134; a sort of coin, Pañc. 134, 3.
IV. m. 1. a sort of sacrifice. 2. a tree, Cassia fistula.
V. f. ṇā, the name of several plants. hiraṇya-, f. ṇā, a river.

varṇaka varṇa + ka,
I. A substitute for varṇa, at the end of comp. adj., Daśak. in Chr. 184, 8 (kṛpaṇa-, Of a miserable complexion).
II. m., and f. , A paint, as indigo, orpiment, etc., Bhaṭṭ. 19, 16.
III. m. and n.
     1. Perfume for the person.
     2. Sandal.
IV. m.
     1. A panegyrist.
     2. A circle.
V. f. , Touch or purity of gold.
-- Comp. tri-, n. the three myrobalans, Suśr. 1, 161, 5.

varṇana varṇ + ana,
I. n.
     1. Colouring.
     2. Describing, description, Chr. 235, 1. 2; Daśak. in Chr. 185, 22; tale, Pañc. 187, 14.
II. f. .
     1. Describing, description, Vikr. 19, 9 (prati-avayava-, A detailed description, limb for limb).
     2. Praise, Lass. 2. ed. 81, 1.

varṇāṭa varṇāṭa, m.
     1. A painter.
     2. A singer.

varṇika varṇika, i. e. varṇa + ika,
I. m. A scribe.
II. f. .
     1. A pen.
     2. Ink.
     3. Colour, Śāk. d. 142, v. r.
     4. Attire, Prab. 3, 18, Mālat. 4, 11.

varṇin varṇin,
I. adj., i. e. varṇa + in, f. , Belonging to a caste or tribe.
II. m.
     1. A painter.
     2. A scribe.
     3. A religious student, Ragh. 5, 19.
     4. A man of either of the four castes.
III. f. .
     1. A woman.
     2. Turmeric.
-- Comp. vara-varṇinī, f. 1. an excellent woman, Rām. 3, 53, 30. 2. a virtuous woman, Chr. 47, 39. 3. Gaurī. 4. Lakṣmī. 5. Sarasvatī. 6. turmeric. 7. lac. 8. a yellow pigment = rocanā.

vartaka vartaka, i. e. vṛt + aka,
I. adj. Who is, or exists, or abides.
II. m., and f. takā and tikā (Chr. 298, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6), A quail, Hit. iii. d. 22; Mālat. 135, 8.
III. m. A horse's hoof.
IV. n. A sort of mixed metal.
-- Cf. vartikā.

vartajanman vartajanman, i. e. vṛt + a-janman, m. A cloud.

vartana vartana, i. e. vṛt + ana,
I. adj. Staying.
II. m. A dwarf.
III. f. , and n.
     1. Staying, abiding, Utt. Rāmac. 17, 2.
     2. A road.
     3. Grinding.
     4. A ball.
IV. n.
     1. Turning.
     2. A ball of cotton from which the threads are spun.
     3. Occupation, Pañc. i. d. 12.
     4. Livelihood, Hit. 114, 2.
     5. Appointing, being appointed, Hit. 98, 8.
     6. Wages, Hit. i. d. 45, M.M.
     7. A soldier's pay, Hit. 98, 10; 99, 18.
     8. Colouring, Kir. 10, 42.

vartani and vartani/ī, i. e. vṛt + ana + ī, f. A road, Chr. 298, 18 = Rigv. i. 112, 18.

varti and vartī varti/ī (vb. vṛt), f.
     1. Perfume for the person.
     2. The wick of a lamp, Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 8 (ti).
     3. A line, a ruled line.
     4. A magic ball, Pañc. 241, 2 (ti), sqq.(?).
     5. The ends of a cloth.
     6. A sort of collyrium, Mālat. 14, 14; Utt. Rāmac. 24, 12 (amṛta-varti, consisting of nectar).
     7. A bougie.

vartikā varti + kā, f.
     1. The wick of a lamp.
     2. Colour, Śāk. d. 142(?).
     3. A pencil, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 13; Ragh. 19, 19; Mālat. 21, 3.
-- Comp. yoga-, f. a magic lamp (see varti), Daśak. in Chr. 186, 10.
-- Cf. vartaka.

vartin vartin, i. e. vṛt + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Abiding, resting, Pañc. i. d. 224.
     2. Being, Hit. 65, 5, M.M.
-- Comp. ucchāstra-, i. e. ud-śāstra-, adj. one who transgresses the sacred precepts, Man. 4, 87. unmārga-, i. e. ud-mārga-, adj. following evil courses, Rājat. 5, 209. guṇa-, adj. pursuing the path of virtue, Rām. 2, 82, 18. guru-, adj. one who behaves respectfully towards his parents and spiritual teacher, ib. 4, 35, 12. cakra-, m., f. inī, 1. a sovereign of the world, MBh. 12, 808. 2. a sovereign, Kathās. 1, 13. dūra-, adj. being afar, Megh. 100. ati-dūra-, adj. being far over, surpassing, Śāk. 146, 8, Chezy nyāya-, adj. well-behaving, Pañc. i. d. 393. pārśva-, adj. being at the side, Ragh. 19, 4. purovartin, i. e. puras-, adj. being before one's eyes, in one's presence, Vikr. d. 72. pratikūla-, adj. troubling, Kumāras. 3, 24. vaśa-, adj. acting according to another's will, obedient. sama-, m. Yama. hasta-, adj. being in one's hand, Hit. iii. d. 85.

vartiṣṇu vartiṣṇu, i. e. vṛt + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. Abiding, being fixed.
     2. Facing an enemy, standing firm in battle.
     3. A circle.

vartis vartis, i. e. vṛt + is, n. A house, Chr. 295, 16 = Rigv. i. 92, 16.

vartula vartula (vb. vṛt),
I. adj. Round, circular, Lass. 5, 10.
II. m.
     1. A ball.
     2. A pea.
III. f. , A ball at the end of a spindle to assist its rotation.

vartman vartman, i. e. vṛt + man, n.
     1. A road, Vikr. 13, 20; way, Hit. i. d. 197, M.M. (paṅka-, A swamp-way).
     2. An eyelid.
-- Comp. ākāśa-, n. a way through the air, Hit. 111, 8 (instr. through the air). kṛṣṇa-, m. fire, Man. 2, 94. ghana-, n., nabhas-, n. the sky, Kir. 5, 17; 4, 29. rājavartman, i. e. rājan-, n. a royal or main road.

varddhra varddhra (also vardhra vardhra, Pāṇ. iv. 3, 151),
I. n., and f. , A leathern thong for securing a saddle.
II. n. Leather.

vardh vardh, i. 10, Par.
     1. † To cut.
     2. To fill (rather Caus. of vṛdh).

vardha vardha,
I. m.
     1. i. e. vṛdh + a, Increase.
     2. Cutting.
II. n. Red lead.

vardhaka vardhaka (Rām. 1, 12, 7), and vardhaki vardhaki (Rām. 2, 63, 2, ed. Seramp.), m. A carpenter.

vardhana vardhana, i. e.
A. vṛdh + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Growing, increasing.
     2. Causing to increase, Nal. 3, 20.
II. n.
     1. Growing, increasing.
     2. Causing to increase, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 19; Hit. ii. d. 58.
     3. Making powerful, Hit. iii. d. 3.
     4. Elevation, ii. d. 132.
B. n. Cutting.
C. f. .
     1. A small waterjar.
     2. A brush.
-- Comp. kamala-, m. the name of a king, Rājat. 5, 446. kula-, adj. propagating a family, Rām. 1, 15, 46 (Brāhmaṇav. read °dhanaḥ). nandi-,
I. adj. causing joy, MBh. 5, 2937.
II. m. 1. a son, Rām. 6, 112, 4. 2. a proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 13, 14. nābhi-, n. the section of the navelstring, Man. 2, 29. puṇya-, n. the name of a town, Lass. 21, 16. meru-, m. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 366. ratna-, Śaṃkara-, Śambu-, m. proper names, Rājat. 5, 40; 268; 300. vaṃśa-, m. one by whom his race prospers, Vikr. 87, 20. varṣa-, n. increase of years, or causing increase of years(?), Utt. Rāmac. 85. 7.

vardhamānaka vardhamāna + ka (vb. vṛdh), m. A lid, a cover.

vardhāpana vardhāpana, n.
     1. Cutting, dividing.
     2. i. e. vardhāpaya (anomal. Caus. of vṛdh), + ana; also °naka °na + ka, A festival on a birthday, Lass. ed. 18, 8; Pañc. ed. orn. 49, 16.

vardhin vardhin, i. e. vṛdh + in, adj.
     1. Growing, increasing.
     2. Augmenting, Utt. Rāmac. 170, 7; Chr. 51, 5.

vardhiṣṇu vardhiṣṇu, i. e. vṛdh + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. Growing, increasing.
     2. Enlarging, expanding.

varpas varpas, n. Form, figure.
-- Comp. ghora-, adj. having a terrible figure, Chr. 292, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2.

varman varman, i. e. vṛ + man, n. Armour, mail, Rājat. 5, 195.
-- Comp. varman may be added after all Kṣatriya names, Colebr. Essays, i. 278; e. g. apahāra-, Avanti-, Kṛta-, Go-pāla-, Cakra-, Caṇḍa-, Candra-, m. proper names, Daśak. i. Chr. 179, 3; Rājat. 5, 2; MBh. 1, 562; Rājat. 5, 181; 287; Daśak. in Chr. 200, 23; MBh. 1, 2668. dharma-, n. the armour or protection of the law, epithet of Kṛṣṇa, Bhāg. P. 1, 1, 23. nirjita-, i. e. nis-jita, Śaṃkara-, Śūra-, m. proper names, Rājat. 5, 251; 128; 22.

varmita varmita, i. e. varman + ita, and varmin varmin, i. e. varman + in (MBh. 1, 7765), adj. Armed.

varvara varvara,
I. (probably borrowed from [greek] cf. barbara), m.
     1. A barbarian, an outcaste.
     2. The country inhabited by barbarians.
II. m.
     1. Woolly or curly hair.
     2. A sort of worm.
     3. The clash of weapons.
     4. A mode of dancing.
III. f. and ri, A small bee.
IV. n. Vermilion.

varvarīka varvarīka, i. e. varvara + īka, m.
     1. Curly or woolly hair.
     2. A name of Śiva.

varṣ varṣ, see parṣ.

varṣa varṣa, i. e. vṛṣ + a,
I. adj. at the end of a comp. Raining, Hit. ii. d. 147.
II. m. and n.
     1. Rain, Megh. 36; figurat., Chr. 39, 3 (a shower of arrows).
     2. A cloud.
     3. A year, Rām. 3, 53, 10 (n.); Pañc. 159, 14 (n.).
     4. A division of the known continent, of which there are reckoned nine, Bhāg. P. 8, 9, 22.
     5. India, also called bhārata-,
II. f. ṣā.
     1. pl. The rainy season, Man. 3, 173; Hit. 80, 15.
     2. A sort of gramineous plant.
-- Comp. a-, m. drought, Rām. 3, 35, 28. aṣṭavarṣa, i. e. aṣṭan-, adj. eight years old, Man. 9, 94. tirovarṣa, i. e. tiras-, adj. protected against rain, MBh. 4, 171. dvādaśavarṣa, i. e. dvādaśan-, n. pl. twelve years, Pañc. i. d. 238 (perhaps two words). pra-, m. raining fast, Pañc. 93, 2. śara-, m. a shower of arrows, Chr. 4, 20.

varṣakara varṣa-kara,
I. adj. Producing rain.
II. m. A cloud.
III. f. , A cricket.

varṣaṇa varṣaṇa, i. e. vṛṣ + ana, n. Raining.
-- Comp. a-, m. drought, Lass. 27, 2.

varṣadhara varṣa-dhara, m.
     1. A cloud.
     2. An eunuch, Pañc. 43, 5; 53, 2.

varṣavara varṣa-vara, m. An eunuch, Mālat. 16, 16.

varṣābhū varṣā-bhū (see varṣa),
I. m. A frog.
II. f. bhū and bhvī.
     1. A she-frog.
     2. Hog-weed.

varṣika varṣika, i. e. varṣa + ika, adj. Raining, rainy.

varṣin varṣin, i. e. vṛṣ, and varṣa, + in, adj., f. iṇī, Raining, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1183.
-- Comp. a-pātra-, adj. raining n (i. e. giving presents to) unworthy persons, Hit. iii. d. 101. abhīṣṭa-, i. e. abhi-iṣṭa-varṣa + in, adj. yielding the wished-for rain, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1915. citra-, adj. raining in an extraordinary manner, Hariv. 11145. ṣaṣṭi-, adj. sixty years old, Hiḍ. 1, 13.

varṣiṣṭha varṣiṣṭha (superl. of vṛddha),
     1. Oldest.
     2. Very abundant, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 88, 1. varṣīyaṃs varṣīyaṃs (its comparat.), Very aged, old, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 4 (properly from varṣa + vant).

varṣuka varṣuka (vb. vṛṣ), adj. Rainy, Bhaṭṭa. 2, 37.

varṣeja varṣeja, i. e. varṣa + i-ja, adj. Produced in the rains.

varṣman varṣman, n.
     1. The body, Johns. Sel. 94, 54; Hiḍ. 2, 7 (at the end of a comp. adj. Having the body of a mass of clouds, i. e. as black as a big cloud).
     2. Height.
     3. A measure, largeness, Ragh. 4, 76; MBh. 1, 1443.
     4. A handsome form.

varh varh, barh barh, i. 1, Ātm. To be pre-eminent. i. 10, To hurt, to kill.
-- With the prep. ni ni, i. 10, To destroy, Śiś. 1, 29; cf. barh.

varha varha, see barha.

varhaṇa varhaṇa, n. A leaf (cf. barha).

varhiṇa varhiṇa, see barhiṇa.

varhin varhin, see barhin.

varhiṣad varhiṣad, varhis varhis, see bar°.

val val (cf. vṛ), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To cover.
     2. To be attached to, Nal. 3, 5.
     3. To hasten, Śiś. 6, 38; Gīt. 6, 3.
     4. To move to and fro, Śiś. 6, 11; Vikr. 59, 20.
     5. To increase, Gīt. 1, 26. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. valita.
     1. Surroundea.
     2. Moved, Rājat. 5, 360; 481; moving, Mālat. 16, 9; turned, 16, 19; Amar. 83.
     3. Constrained. Caus. To cause to move, Śiś. 6, 3. Cf. s. v.
-- With the prep. ati ati, an-ativalita, see s. v. valita.
-- With vi vi, vivalita, Turned away, Amar. 44.
-- With sam sam, saṃvalita,
     1. Encompassed, Kir. 5, 48.
     2. United, Mālat. 73, 4.
     3. Mixed Kir. 5, 38.
     4. Possessed of.

valakṣa valakṣa = ava-lakṣa, adj. White.

valana val + ana, n.
     1. Turning, Amar. 19.
     2. Agitation, 26.

valantikā valantikā, f. A musical mode, Vikr. 59, 15.

valabhi valabhi, see vaḍabhi.

valaya valaya (Caus., or i. 10), + a (sometimes balaya),
I. m. and n.
     1. A bracelet, Pañc. iii. d. 235.
     2. Circle, circumference, Śiś. 9, 8 (diś-, The universe).
II. m.
     1. An enclosure, Ragh. 13, 21.
     2. Inflammation of the larynx.
-- Comp. akṣa-sūtra-, n. a rosary, Utt. Rāmac. 106, 2. ku-, see s. v. bhū-, m. n. the terrestrial globe, Mārk. P. 20, 51. lekhā-, an encircling line, Vikr. d. 140. vratati-, a creeper winding round like a bracelet, Śāk. d. 32.

valayavant valaya + vant, adj. Endowed with bracelets, Śāk. 32, 14 (latā-, Endowed with bracelets consisting in creepers).

valayita valayita, i. e. valaya + ita, adj.
     1. Surrounded, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2245.
     2. Whirling, Mālat. 75, 21.

valayin valayin, i. e. valaya + in, adj. in jyotis-lekhā-, Endowed with circles formed by resplendent lines, Megh. 45.

valāka valāka,
I. m. A crane.
II. f. (also balākā, Man. 5, 14).
     1. The female crane, Megh. 9.
     2. A crane in general, Man. 11, 135.
     3. A flight of cranes.
     4. A mistress.

valāhaka valāhaka, and vali vali, see balāhaka, bali.

valita valita, i. e. vali or bali, + ita, adj., f. , and valibha vali + bha, adj. Having wrinkles, Bhaṭṭ. 4, 16 (valibha).
-- Comp. an-ativalita, adj. almost free from wrinkles (cf. Amar. 47, Sch.), Daśak. in Chr. 198, 22.
-- Cf. val.

valiśa valiśa, see vaḍiśa.

valīka valīka, n. The edge of a roof.

valūka valūka, m.
     1. A bird.
     2. (n.), The root of a lotus.

valkvalk, i. 10, Par. To speak.

valka valka, i. e. vṛ + ka,
     1. m. n. The bark of a tree, Kir. 1, 35.
     2. n. The scales of a fish.
-- Comp. danta-, n. the enamel of the teeth, Suśr. 1, 305, 8.

valkala valka + la, m. and n.
     1. The bark of a tree, Pañc. 188, 13.
     2. A cloth made of bark, Pañc. v. d. 21.

valg valg, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go by leaps, MBh. 3, 16123.
     2. To bounce, Bhartṛ. 3, 73.
     3. To gallop, Rājat. 5, 342.
     4. To move in different ways, Pañc. i. d. 71.
     5. To fluctuate, MBh. 3, 12080. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. valgita, n.
     1. Running, Lass. 2. ed. 50, 15.
     2. A horse's gallop.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To run to, MBh. 4, 342.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To gallop, Utt. Rāmac. 119, 4.
-- With vi vi, To burst asunder, Mṛcch. 85, 15.
-- With sam sam, saṃvalgita, Overrun, resounding, Mālat. 79, 16.
-- Cf. valgu and perhaps A.S. wlaence, pompa.

valgā valg + ā, f. A bridle, Rājat. 5, 343.

valgu valg + u,
I. adj.
     1. Handsome, Pañc. i. d. 202.
     2. Precious, Hit. iii. d. 70.
II. adv. Beautifully, Pañc. i. d. 71.
III. m. A goat.

valguka valgu + ka,
I. adj. Handsome.
II. n.
     1. Sandal.
     2. A wood.
     3. Price.

valgula valgu + la,
I. m. The flying fox.
II. f. , A sort of bird.

valgulikā valgulikā, f. A cockroach.

valbhvalbh, i. 1, Ātm. To eat.

valbhana valbhana, n. Eating, food.

valmika valmika, m., valmiki valmiki, m., and valmīka valmīka, m. and n., i. e. valmī + ka, An ant-hill, Man. 4, 46 (mīka); Pañc. 170, 23 (mīka); Śāk. d. 170 (mīka).

valmī valmī (cf. vamra), f. An ant, Häberl. Anth. 238, 2.

valyul and valyūl valyu/ŪL, see palpūl.

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vallvall, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To be covered.

vallakī vallakī, f. The Indian lute, Ṛt. 1, 8; Śiś. 4, 57.

vallabha vallabha,
I. adj., f. bhā.
     1. Beloved, Pañc. 169, 25; v. d. 8; superl. °bhatama, dearest, Bhartṛ. 2, 78.
     2. Superintendent.
II. m.
     1. A lover, a favourite, Pañc. 129, 7; Rājat. 5, 380.
     2. The chief herdsman.
     3. A horse with good marks.
III. f. bhā, A mistress, Rājat. 5, 6.
-- Comp. kuvera-, m. a proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 17. śrī-, m. a favourite of fortune, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1912.

vallabhatā vallabha + tā, f.
     1. Love, Prab. 10, 8.
     2. State of a favourite, Pañc. ii. d. 75.
-- Comp. ati-, f. excessive love, Pañc. 221, 5.

vallabhatva vallabha + tva, n. Love, Pañc. 228, 22.

vallari and vallari/ī, f.
     1. A creeping plant, Pañc. 229, 16 (ri).
     2. A compound pedicle.
-- Comp. alaka-, f. pl. creeper-like curls, Amar. 58. viṣa-vallarī, f. a poisonous creeper, Bhartṛ. 1, 75. soma-, f. the Soma plant, Sarcostema viminalis.

vallava vallava,
I. m.
     1. A cook.
     2. A herdsman, Nalod. 1, 2.
     3. A name of Bhīmasena.
II. f. , A cowherdess, Kir. 4, 17.

valli f.
I., and vallī valli/ī, A creeper, Man. 1, 48 (); Pañc. 229, 9; Bhartṛ. 3, 23 ().
II. valli, The earth.
III. , A plant, Ligusticum ajwaen.
-- Comp. nāga-valli/ī, f. the betel plant, Piper betel, Śiś. 9, 65. sūrya-vallī, f. a plant, Cleome viscosa.

vallīja vallī-ja, n. Pepper.

vallura vallura, n.
     1. A thicket, a wood.
     2. An arbour, a bower.
     3. A place overrun with wild grass, an uncultivated field.
     4. A solitude, a wild.
     5. A place destitute of water, a desert.
     6. A field.
     7. A compound pedicle.

vallūra vallūra,
I. (m., f. , and) n.
     1. Dried flesh, Man. 5, 13.
     2. Hog's flesh.
II. n. (cf. the last).
     1. A thicket.
     2. A field overrun with grass.
     3. A desert.

valvaja valvaja, m. A sort of coarse grass, Man. 2, 42.

valśa valśa (m. n. ?), A branch, Bhāg. P. 3, 8, 29.

valhvalh, i. 1, Ātm. To be pre-eminent; cf. balh and varh.

vaś vaś, ii. 2 (vaśmi, uśvas), Par. To desire, to will, Śak. d. 179; Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 86, 10.
-- Cf. [greek]

vaśa vaś + a,
I. adj.
     1. Willing.
     2. Tamed, overpowered, Pañc. 208, 13.
     3. Subdued by charms, fascinated.
II. m. and n. Wish, desire.
III. n.
     1. Will, authority, power, Rām. 3, 55, 18; Pañc. 38, 3.
     2. abl. °śāt, at the end of a compound word, By means, Pañc. 32, 24; on account of, Vikr. d. 2; Pañc. 33, 6; 148, 10; 264, 23.
     3. Subjection, Pañc. iii. d. 10; 30; vaśe kṛ, To overpower, Rām. 3, 55, 7; submission, Pañc. iv. d. 60; vaśe bhū, To be subjected, to obey, Rām. 3, 55, 18.
     4. Birth.
IV. m.
     1. The residence of harlots.
     2. A proper name, Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. i. 112, 10.
V. f. śā.
     1. A wife.
     2. A daughter.
     3. A husband's sister.
     4. A woman.
     5. A cow.
     6. A female elephant, Vikr. d. 110.
     7. A barren cow.
     8. A barren woman, Man. 8, 28.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. śā, 1. having no free will, unwilling, against one's wish, Rām. 2, 59, 4; powerless, Hit. iii. d. 133; without being able to resist, Rām. 4, 6, 12; Man. 5, 33. 2. unsubdued, Hit. i. d. 17, M.M.
     3. disobedient, Hit. ii. d. 173. °śam, adv. necessarily, Hit. ii. d. 75. aṅkuśa-, adj. obeying the goad of an elephant, Pañc. i. d. 373. ātmavaśa, i. e. ātman-,
I. m. subjection to one's self, Hit. ii. d. 54, M. M.
II. adj. independent, Man. 4, 159. karmavaśa, i. e. karman-, adj. dependent upon the acts performed in former existences, MBh. 13, 72. krodha-,
I. (m.), the power of wrath, Man. 2, 214.
II. adj. 1. ruled by wrath, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 29. 2. the name of several bad spirits. daiva-, n. will of fate, Pañc. 160, 17; 174, 25. nidrā- (n.), sleep (literally, power of sleep), Pañc. 37, 7. para-, adj. depending on another, Hit. i. d. 201, M.M. mantra-oṣadhi-, adj. to be overcome by charms and herbs, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3197. moha- (n.), unconsciousness (literally, power of unconsciousness), Chr. 36, 21. vi-, adj., f. śā (deprived of will). 1. subject, subjected, Rām. 3, 55, 51; Hit. i. d. 171, M.M. (even against their will). 2. independent. 3. uncontrolled, unsubdued. 4. apprehensive of death, Bhartṛ. 2, 29. 5. desirous of death, having the soul free from worldly cares, dead, Ragh. 8, 81. sva-, adj. self-controlled, ruled by one's free will, Hiḍ. 4, 4; independent, Vikr. d. 37.

vaśaṃvadatva vaśaṃ-vada-tva, i.e. vaśa + m-vad + a + tva, n. Speaking compliantly, Ragh. 18, 12.

vaśaga vaśa + ga,
     1. adj. Obedient, subject, MBh. 3, 14687; Pañc. i. d. 155; 285.
     2. f. , An obedient wife.

vaśatas vaśa + tas, adv. In consequence, or on account, of the power of, Bhartṛ. 2, 91.

vaśatā vaśa + tā, f. Subjection, Cāṇ. 65 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 411.

vaśi vaś + i, n. Subduing by magical means, bewitching.

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vaśika vaśika, adj. Empty.

vaśitā vaśi + tā, f. vaśitva vaśi + tva, n., or vaśin + tā, or tva,
     1. Subduing by magical means, Lass. 3, 19 (tva).
     2. Subjugation, dominion, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2977.

vaśin vaśin, i. e. vaśa + in,
I. adj., f. , Subdued.
II. m. One who has subdued his senses, a sage, Śāk. d. 47.
III. f. .
     1. A tree, Mimosa Sama Roxb.
     2. A parasite plant.

vaśira vaśira,
I. m. The name of several plants.
II. n. Sea salt (cf. vasuka).

vaśiṣṭha vaśiṣṭha (in the Vedas vasiṣṭha vasiṣṭha, properly superl. of vasu), m. The name of a Ṛṣi, Man. 1, 35; Chr. 296, 9 = Rigv. i. 112, 9 (s).

vaśīkaraṇa vaśīkaraṇa, i. e. vaśa-kṛ + ana,
     1. Subduing in general, Pañc. i. d. 80.
     2. Subduing by magical expedients.

vaśya vaśya, i. e. vaśa + ya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Governable, able to be subdued, Pañc. iii. d. 128; subdued, Pañc. 156, 10; 23, 3; being in one's power, 146, 24.
     2. Obedient, ib. 46, 20.
II. m. A dependent, a slave.
III. f. , An obedient wife.
IV. n. Cloves.
-- Comp. a-vaśya + m, see s. v. kāma-, adj. subdued by love, MBh. 3, 11590.

vaśyakatā -vaśyakatā, in a-, i. e. a-vaśya + ka + tā, f. Necessity, Hit. 116, 10.

vaṣvaṣ, baṣ baṣ, i. 1, Par. To hurt or kill.

vaṣaṭ vaṣaṭ (probably for vakṣat, ved. conj. aor. of vah), ind. An exclamation used on making an oblation to a deity with fire; cf. kṛ.

vaṣaṭkāra vaṣaṭ-kāra, m. Oblation with fire, Hariv. 11187.

vaṣaṭkṛti vaṣaṭ-kṛti, f. Oblation with fire, Lass. 100, 11 = Rigv. vii. 11, 6.

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vaṣkvaṣk, viṣk viṣk, i. 10, Par. To see; see vask.

vaṣka vaṣka, vaṣkaya vaṣkaya, and vaskaya vaskaya, i. e. 1. vas + ka, and vas + ka + ya, m. A one-year-old calf.
-- Cf. Lat. vacca.

vaṣkayaṇī vaṣkayaṇī, vaskayaṇī vaskayaṇī, and vaṣkayiṇī vaṣkayiṇī (i. e. vaṣkaya + in + ī; cf. the last), f. A cow bearing many calves.

vas 1. vas, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 48, 21).
     1. To dwell, MBh. 1, 749; sometimes with vāsam, Man. 2, 242; Chr. 60, 30; to dwell with (with the loc.), Nal. 15, 7.
     2. To pass (the night), Rām. 1, 29, 1.
     3. To live, Hit. 127, 11 (asmad-sevayā, as our servant). Pass. imps. uṣya, Pañc. 30, 24 (uṣyatām, may it be lived). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. uṣita.
     1. Dwelt, having dwelt, Chr. 11, 13.
     2. Remaining in or on.
     3. Stale. Anomal. ptcple. of the fut. pass. vāstavya, To be dwelt, Pañc. iii. d. 236. m.
     1. An inhabitant, a citizen, Pañc. 48, 25.
     2. A kinsman, a dependent. Comp. grāma-, m. the inhabitant of a village, MBh. 12, 4803. Anomal. absol. uṣya, Rām. 1, 48, 8. Caus. vāsaya,
     1. To cause to dwell, MBh. 4, 278; to lodge, Hit. 92, 19.
     2. To people, Hit. iii. d. 95.
     3. To receive hospitably, MBh. 3, 982.
     4. To let abide, MBh. 4, 5600. vāsita, Well peopled, Hit. iii. d. 95; see s. v. † i. 10, Par. vasaya, To dwell.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi,
     1. To inhabit, Rām. 1, 34, 46.
     2. To dwell, Utt. Rāmac. 55, 16. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. samayādhyuṣita, see s. v.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To dwell with (with acc.), Rām. 2, 37, 26.
     2. To inhabit, Bhaṭṭ. 5, 75.
-- With antar antar (adv.), To dwell in, Śiś. 3, 9.
-- With ā ā
     1. To dwell with (with acc.), Rām. 2, 50, 2.
     2. To inhabit, MBh. 3, 8032.
     3. To have an adulterous connection with (acc.), Man. 8, 374.
     4. To dwell, MBh. 3, 2014.
     5. To undergo, to assume, Man. 3, 2. Caus.
     1. To receive, Rām. 2, 12, 101.
     2. To inhabit, MBh. 3, 12188.
-- With adhyā adhi-ā, To inhabit, MBh. 1, 5512.
-- With samā sam-ā, To inhabit, Rām. 2, 54, 41. Caus. To pitch, Hit. 84, 11, M.M. (samāvāsita-kaṭaka, adj. Having pitched his camp).
-- With ud ud, Caus. To expel, Pañc. 47, 6.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To inhabit.
     2. To fast, Man. 2, 220. upoṣita,
     1. Fasted.
     2. Who has fasted, Pañc. 199, 12.
     3. Fasting. n. Fast, Man. 5, 155. Caus. To cause to fast, to instruct to fast, Rām. 2, 5, 4.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To dwell, Pañc. 160, 23; Man. 2, 24.
     2. To pass (the night), MBh. 4, 276.
-- With adhini adhi-ni, To dwell near (with acc.), Bhartṛ. 3, 77.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To dwell, MBh. 3, 16777.
-- With nis nis, To dwell abroad, MBh. 3, 915(?). Caus.
     1. To expel, MBh. 2, 2644; Pañc. iii. d. 270.
     2. To banish, Utt. Rāmac. 112, 6.
-- With pari pari, paryuṣita,
     1. One who has passed the night, Pañc. 40, 13.
     2. Stale, not fresh, Man. 4, 211; Pañc. ii. d. 102 (of a flower); Häberl. Anthol. 6, 4.
     3. Insipid, Nal. 12, 13; MBh. 3, 2856.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To dwell abroad, Rām. 2, 36, 8.
     2. To order to dwell abroad, Rām. 2, 41, 6. proṣita,
     1. Departed, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 11.
     2. Absent, being on a journey, Megh. 49. Caus. To send abroad, to banish, Man. 8, 123.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To dwell abroad, Man. 2, 132. viproṣita, Having been abroad, Rām. 2, 103, 26. Caus. To banish, Man. 8, 219.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To dwell near, Hit. 110, 2.
     2. To dwell, Pañc. 32, 23.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To dwell, to pass, Rām. 1, 23, 23.
     2. To pass away, Pañc. 130, 7. Caus.
     1. To dismiss, MBh. 3, 8277.
     2. To banish, Man. 8, 123.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To dwell, or to live with (with the acc.), Man. 11, 190.
     2. To cohabit (acc.), Man. 9, 77.
-- Cf. Goth. visan; A.S. wesan, ed-wist, werig; O.H.G. wesan and werên, wonên; A.S. wunian; Lat. Vesta, vestibulum, verna; [greek] probably [greek]

vas 2. vas (the original form of uṣ, q. cf.), base of the present, uccha, i. 6, Par. To shine, Chr. 287, 3 = Rigv. i. 48, 3 (ucchāt, conj. imperf., and uvāsa, pf. red.). Infin. vastave, ib. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2.
-- With the prep. vi vi, vyuṣṭa, see separately.
-- Cf. Goth. uhtvo, see uṣas.

vas 3. vas, ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To wear, as clothes, Man. 1, 101; 2, 41.
     2. To put on, Man. 4, 116.
-- With ni ni, To put on, Nal. 10, 29. Caus. To put on, MBh. 3, 2631.
-- With pra pra, To put on, Rām. 2, 100, 30.
-- With prati prati, Caus. To dress, MBh. 2, 2502.
-- With vi vi, Caus. To put on, MBh. 2, 2520.
-- Cf. Goth. vasjan (to wear), vasti; A.S. werian; Lat. vestis; [greek] (= ved. vasman, Rigv. iv. 13, 4), [greek]

vas † 4. vas, i. 4, Par. To be unbending.

vas 5. vas, i. 10, vāsaya, Par.
     1. † To love.
     2. To cut.
     3. † To take, or to offer, or to kill.

vas 6. 3. -vas, adj. Wearing, Ragh. 11, 16.

vasati and vasati/ī (vb. 1. vas), f.
     1. A dwelling-place, Vikr. d. 137 (ti); Pañc. 123, 16 (ti, at the end of a comp. adj.).
     2. A house, Nalod. 4, 29.
     3. (perhaps vb. 3. vas), Night, Sāv. 4, 5; figurat., Chr. 48, 4 (ti).
-- Comp. garbha-vasati, f. the womb, Hariv. 3312. durvasati, i. e. dus-, f. an uneasy dwelling, Ragh. 8, 93. ramaṇa-vasati, f. the dwelling-place of the lover, Megh. 38.

vasana 1. 3. vas + ana, n.
     1. A dwelling.
     2. Covering.
     3. Cloth, Vikr. d. 115.
     4. Also f. , An ornament worn by women round the loins.
-- Comp. su-, adj., f. , elegantly attired, Johns. Sel. 41, 49.
-- Cf. [greek]

vasanta vasanta, m.
     1. The season of spring, Pañc. v. d. 4; personified, Lass. 2. ed. 51, 26.
     2. Diarrhoea.
     3. Small-pox.
-- Comp. su-, m. the day of full moon in the month Caitra, a festival in honour of Kāma.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. ver.

vasā vasā, f.
     1. Marrow, Nalod. 3, 11; brain (-caṭā, the mass of the brain), Kathās. 25, 274.
     2. Fat, adeps, Pañc. 253, 23.
     3. Oily exudation, Man. 5, 135.

vasi 3. vas + i, (m. f. ?), Clothes.

vasiṣṭha vasiṣṭha, m. The name of a Ṛṣi; cf. vaśiṣṭha.

vasu vasu,
I. adj.
     1. Sweet.
     2. Dry.
II. m.
     1. A kind of demigod, Rām. 3, 52, 42; MBh. 1, 2582.
     2. A name of Agni.
     3. Śiva.
     4. Kuvera, Kir. 1, 18.
     5. The sun.
     6. A ray of light, Śiś. 9, 10 (at the end of a comp. adj.; cf. 2. vas).
     7. A rein.
     8. The tie of a yoke.
     9. A tree.
     10. The name of two plants.
     11. A kind of fish.
     12. A proper name, Lass. 2. ed. 67, 21.
III. n.
     1. Wealth, Lass. 100, 8 = Rigv. vii. 15, 4 (vasvas, ved. abl.); Nal. 5, 48; Daśak. in Chr. 184, 14.
     2. Gold, MBh. 3, 13472.
     3. A gem.
     4. Water.
     5. A sort of salt.
     6. A yellow kind of kidney bean.
-- Comp. punar-, m. 1. the seventh of the lunar asterisms, Ragh. 11, 36. 2. a name of Viṣṇu and Śiva, MBh. 12, 1511. purā-, m. a name of Bhīṣma. mitrāvasu, i. e. mitra-, m. a proper name, Śāk. 79, 2. vibhā-, m. 1. the sun, Lass. 2. ed. 78, 76. 2. the moon, Śṛṅgārat. 2. 3. fire.
-- Cf. [greek] cf. vasna.

vasuka vasu + ka,
I. m.
     1. A tree, Sesbana grandiflora.
     2. A shrub, Asclepias gigantea.
II. n. Sea salt (cf. vaśira).

vasudevabhū vasu-deva-bhū, m. Kṛṣṇa.

vasudhā vasu-dhā, f. The earth, Vikr. d. 16.
-- Comp. kṣetra-, f. cultivated land, Rām. 3, 4, 17.

vasudhādhara vasudhā-dhara, i.e. vasudhā-dhṛ + a, m. A mountain, Vikr. d. 16.

vasudhāra vasudhāra, i. e. vasu-dhṛ + a, adj. Having wealth, Hit. ii. d. 102 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2220).

vasuṃdharā vasuṃdharā, i. e. vasu + m-dhṛ + a, f. The earth, Pañc. 101, 23.

vasumant vasu + mant,
I. adj., f. matī, Wealthy, Johns. Sel. 6, 33.
II. f. matī.
     1. The earth, Vikr. d. 79.
     2. A proper name.

vasūyu vasūyu, i. e. vasūya, a ved. denomin. derived from vasu, + u, adj. Desiring wealth, Chr. 289, 4 = Rigv. i. 49, 4.

vaskvask, vaṣk vaṣk, vakk vakk, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

vaska vaska, m. Perseverance.

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vaskaya vaskaya, and vaskayaṇī vaskayaṇī, see vaṣka.

vastvast, i. 1, Ātm. To torment.

vasta vasta,
I. m. A goat, Man. 11, 138.
II. i. e. 1. vas + ta, n. A house.

vasti vasti, m. and f.
     1. The belly below the navel, Man. 8, 234.
     2. The bladder, Suśr. 2, 201, 12.
     3. A bag made of bladder.
     4. Abiding (vb. 1. vas).
     5. pl. The skirt of a cloth (vb. 3. vas).
-- Comp. indra-, the calf (of the leg), Suśr. 1, 348, 16.

vastu 1. vas + tu, n.
     1. Natural disposition.
     2. Essence, the true object, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 10; substance, wealth, Lass. 12, 14.
     3. Object, Bhartṛ. 2, 37; thing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 9, Pañc. 253, 19; means, Hit. i. d. 30, M.M.
     4. The object of love, Megh. 111.
     5. The subject of a poem or play, Vikr. 3, 8.
-- Comp. a-, n. the unreal, the nothing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 9, 10. a-dvitīya-, n. the substance besides which there is nothing else, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 2. grathita-, adj. composed, Vikr. 3, 8.

vastutas vastu + tas, adv. Essentially, in fact, Siddh. Mukt. 76, 4.

vastutā vastu + tā, in parihāsa-, f. Condition of being the object of derision, Pañc. iii. d. 261.

vastya 1. vas + tya, or vasta + ya, n. A house.

vastra 3. vas + tra, n. m. Cloth, garment, Pañc. 29, 10; bed-linen, 62, 13.
-- Comp. antar-, n. a lower garment, Kathās. 4, 52. vi-, adj. deprived of clothes, naked, Lass. 14, 7. snāna-, n. a bathing cloth, Hit. ii. d. 102.

vasna vasna,
I. m.
     1. Price.
     2. Wages.
II. n.
     1. Wealth.
     2. Abiding (vb. 1. vas).
     3. Substance, thing.
     4. Cloth (vb. 3. vas).
     5. Skin.
-- Cf. [greek] (for [greek]); Lat. venum (acc.), ven -dere. The vb. which is the base of vasna is probably also the base of vasu (q. cf.), [greek] and [greek]

vasnasā vasnasā, i. e. ava-snasā, f. A tendon, a nerve.

vasnika vasnika, i. e. vasna + ika, adj., f. , Living on, or getting, wages.

vasvaukasārā vasvaukasārā, i. e. probably vasu-oka-sāra, f.
     1. The capital of Kuvera, Ragh. 16, 10.
     2. That of Indra.
     3. The name of a lake.

vah vah, i. 1, Par. Ātm. (cf. 2. ūh).
     1. To draw, Indr. 1, 7.
     2. To carry, Vikr. d. 24.
     3. To bear, MBh. 1, 5888; 8169; Hit. i. d. 78, M.M.; iv. d. 59 (mūrdhnā, on one's head, as token of reverence).
     4. To have, Pañc. 218, 5; to feel, Rājat. 5, 11.
     5. To carry away, Man. 8, 189; Lass. 98, 7 = Rigv. v. 9, 1 (ved. vakṣi, ii. 2).
     6. To bring, Rām. 1, 23, 7.
     7. Pass. To ride, MBh. 1, 5337.
     8. To take in matrimony, MBh. 1, 3377.
     9. To spit out, to vomit, Dev. 8, 45 (corr. perhaps vam, but cf. ud).
     10. To proceed, to move, MBh. 3, 2786.
     11. To flow, MBh. 3, 2936.
     12. To breathe, Gīt. 5, 2. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ūḍha, Taken in marriage, Chr. 55, 4. f. ḍhā, A bride, a wife espoused according to the ritual. Comp. an-, f. ḍhā, a concubine, Sāh. Darp. 36, 9. navoḍhā, i. e. nava-, f. a newly-married woman, Hit. i. d. 211, M.M. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. vāhya, To be carried. m. A beast of burthen, Man. 8, 151. n. A carriage. Comp. rājavāhya, i. e. rājan-, m. a royal elephant. Caus. vāhaya,
     1. To cause to be brought, Ragh. 5, 32 (Calc.).
     2. Ātm. To cause to be conveyed, MBh. 1, 3153.
     3. Ātm. To travel, Rām. 2, 92, 13.
     4. Pass. To let one's self be employed as a vehicle, Pañc. 199, 4.
     5. To cause to move, to direct, MBh. 4, 1832.
     6. To cause something (a boat) to carry one's self, to ship in a boat, MBh. 1, 4014.
     7. To cause to take in matrimony, MBh. 1, 4287.
     8. To finish, Megh. 39. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vāhita, n. A heavy burden. Comp. preta-, adj. possessed by a spirit.
-- With the prep. ati ati, Caus.
     1. To pass (as time), Pañc. 185, 25.
     2. To suffer, Ragh. 13, 28 (Calc.).
-- With adhi adhi, adhyūḍha, Superseded by another wife, MBh. 2, 2332.
-- With apa apa, To carry away, MBh. 1, 2939. apoḍha, Left, Ragh. 11, 25. Caus.
     1. To cause to be carried away, Rām. 1, 1, 51.
     2. To cause to retreat, to remove, Pañc. 231, 5.
     3. To cause to be driven away, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 24.
     4. To carry away, Rām. 2, 45, 16.
     5. To ride away, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 19.
-- With abhi abhi, abhivāhya, see s. v.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To bring near, Chr. 288, 9 = Rigv. i. 48, 9; to bring, Man. 9, 5; Vikr. d. 48.
     2. To bring on, to effect, Vikr. d. 128; to produce, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 14.
     3. To come near, Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11. Caus. To cause to be brought, MBh. 2, 2770.
-- With udā ud-ā,
     1. To convey near, MBh. 3, 15704.
     2. To carry away, Chr. 31, 15.
     3. To marry, MBh. 1, 8830.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To bear on, Chr. 289, 1 = Rigv. i. 50, 1.
     2. To lift up, Rām. 3, 55, 9; Pañc. v. d. 24.
     3. To bounce, Pañc. 141, 4.
     4. To bear, Hit. 127, 1; MBh. 1, 4272.
     5. To feel, Mālat. 96, 4.
     6. To show, Vikr. d. 136.
     7. To carry away, Ragh. 7, 32.
     8. To marry, Man. 3, 8.
     9. To spit out, MBh. 3, 16129. Caus.
     1. To give in matrimony, Pañc. iii. d. 217.
     2. To ask in marriage, Pañc. 261, 5; to marry, Pañc. 181, 5.
     3. To suffer to be expelled, MBh. 1, 3801.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To lift up, MBh. 2, 718.
     2. To marry, Rām. 2, 107, 3.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To convey near, MBh. 2, 2064.
     2. To bring about, MBh. 2, 2051.
     3. To bear, Rām. 2, 87, 23. upoḍha,
     1. Near.
     2. Collected, Śāk. d. 106; much, Vikr. d. 26; Daśak. in Chr. 194, 6.
     3. Married, Rām. 1, 13, 37. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. Caus. upavāhya, m. A king's elephant.
-- With samupa sam-upa, samupoḍha, Risen, Utt. Rāmac. 131, 14.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To bring, Chr. 297, 19 = Rigv. i. 112, 19.
     2. To support, Gīt. 1, 16.
-- With nis nis, To extricate one's self, Lass. 45, 3. Caus.
     1. To pass away, Pañc. 219, 14.
     2. To fulfil, Hit. 106, 4.
     3. To settle, Kathās. 13, 86.
-- With pra pra, Par. To draw, Rām. 2, 52, 43. prauḍha,
     1. Raised, lifted up.
     2. Forward (as the hand to seize anything).
     3. Confident, bold, Rājat. 5, 457.
     4. Arrogant.
     5. Impudent, Lass. 85, 10.
     6. Fullgrown, Śṛṅgārat. 1; full blowing, Megh. 26 (+ tva, n. Fertility [of imagination], Mālat. 3, 20).
     7. Thick, heavy, dense (darkness, etc.), large, Rājat. 5, 476.
     8. Old.
     9. Married.
     18. Controverted. f. ḍhā, A woman from thirty years of age to fifty-five. Comp. a-, adj. not bold, gentle, Rājat. 5, 458. ati-, adj. full-blown, Hit. 86, 2, M.M. an-ati-, adj. just shot up, Megh. 77.
-- With anupra anu-pra, To convey successively, MBh. 3, 13305.
-- With vi vi, To marry, MBh. 1, 3884. vyūḍha,
     1. Arrayed, Rājat. 5, 260.
     2. Compact.
     3. Large, Nal. 12, 13. Caus.
     1. To cause to marry, to grant sexual intercourse, Pañc. 129, 9.
     2. To marry, Lass. 23, 11. Comp. ptcple. fut. pass. a-vivāhya, adj. Not to be married, Pañc. iii. d. 218. pratijñā-, adj., f. , To be married according to a vow (under a condition), Hit. 63, 19.
-- With nirvi nis-vi, To expel, MBh. 1, 6257.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To convey, Rām. 1, 67, 4.
     2. To bring near, MBh. 3, 13188. Caus. To agitate, Pañc. v. d. 14.
-- Cf. Lat. vehere, via, uxor (originally perhaps 'one who is about to marry,' a bride, which was perhaps also the original signification of vadhu/ū), probably bajulus; Goth. ga-vigan; A.S. wegan; Goth. vigs; A.S. weg; O.H.G. wagan; A.S. waegen; [greek] (cf. vaha), [greek] also A.S. weddian, To marry; cf. vadhu.

vaha vaha,
I. m.
     1. Bearing, conveying.
     2. Any vehicle, as a horse, a car.
     3. The shoulder of an ox.
     4. A road, a way.
     5. Any male river, a current (? Sāv. 4, 31, at the end of a comp. adj. rather, carrying purity, i. e. clear).
     6. Air, wind.
     7. A measure of four droṇas.
II. f. , A river in general.
III. Latter part of comp. words; e. g. puṣpa-gandha-, adj. Bringing flowers and perfumes, Indr. 2, 9. sarva-gandha-, adj. Conveying all scents, Man. 1, 76. durvaha, i. e. dus-, adj., f. , Difficult to be borne, Utt. Rāmac. 41, 4; or carried, MBh. 12, 3047. vārttā-, m. A chandler, a vendor of grain, oil, etc. ślāghā-, adj., f. , Earning praise, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1155. su-,
I. adj.
     1. Bearing well.
     2. Patient.
     3. Easy to be borne.
II. f. .
     1. The Indian lute.
     2. The name of several plants. huta- (vb. hu), m. Agni or fire, Megh, 44; Ṛt. 1, 27.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. via; Goth. vigs; O.H.G. wagan, see vah.

vahata vahata, i. e. vahant + a (vb. vah), m.
     1. An ex.
     2. A traveller.

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vahati vah + ati (cf. the last),
I. m.
     1. An ox.
     2. A friend.
     3. Air, wind.
II. f. , A river.

vahatu vahatu (vb. vah), m. An ox.

vahana vah + ana, n.
     1. Bearing.
     2. Flowing.
     3. Any vehicle.
     4. A raft, a boat.

vahanta vahant + a (vb. vah), m. Wind.

vahala vahala,
I. adj. Hard, firm, compact, dense, Utt. Rāmac. 44, 7; Śiś. 9, 16; 8 (-anurāga, dark-red).
II. n. A raft.

vahitra vah + itra, n. A boat, a vessel.

vahiścara vahiścara, i. e. vahis-cara,
I. adj. Going externally, out of somebody, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 2.
II. m. A crab.

vahiṣkaraṇa vahiṣkaraṇa, i. e. vahis-karaṇa, n. Expelling.

vahis vahis, perhaps from avadhi,
I. adv.
     1. Outwards, Pañc. i. d. 211; out, Hit. 29, 5, M.M.; with bhū, to go out, Pañc. 141, 19.
     2. Outside the door, Rājat. 5, 353 (i. e. expecting one's introduction to the king).
     3. In the open air, Rājat. 5, 275.
     4. Apart (from the multitude), Man. 2, 79.
     5. Except (viz. on his hair, Kull.), Man. 4, 72.
II. prep.
     1. With a gen.
a. Besides, Man. 10, 45.
b. Outside, Daśak. 184, 7.
     2. With abl. Outside, Rājat. 5, 329.

vahni vah + ni, m.
     1. A sacrificer, Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11.
     2. Fire, Pañc. ii. d. 96; or its deity, Rām. 3, 53, 60.
     3. Digestion, appetite.
     4. Marking-nut plant.
     5. Lead-wort, Plumbago zeylanica.

vahya vah + ya,
I. n.
     1. A vehicle in general.
     2. A cart.
II. f. , The wife of a Muni.

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1. (originally av + ā, cf. [greek]), ii. 2, Par.
     1. To blow (as the wind), Man. 4, 122; Pañc. i. d. 353.
     2. † To hurt. i. 4, vāya (gramm. vai vai, i. 1), Par. To become dry, to dry. Ptcple.
     1. vāta, Blown.
     2. vāna, Dry, dried (cf. both s. v.).
-- With the prep. ā ā, To blow upon (with acc.), Kir. 5, 36.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To cease blowing.
     2. To be extinguished, Śāk. 91, 11, Chezy.
     3. To be refreshed, Śiś. 1, 65. nirvāta, see under vāta. nirvāṇa,
     1. Extinguished, Hariv. 2391.
     2. Liberated from existence, MBh. 13, 2178. n.
     1. Being extinguished, expiring, MBh. 4, 716.
     2. Final beatitude, ib. 14, 543.
     3. Bliss, happiness, ib. 3, 10438, Śāk. 33, 2.
     4. Repose. Comp. a-, adj. not yet calm, still wild, Ragh. 1, 71. Caus. vāpaya,
     1. To extinguish, MBh. 1, 1608; to cool, Mālat. 128, 15.
     2. To delight, Ragh. 9, 36 (Calc.).
-- With parinis pari-nis, a-parinirvāṇa, adj. Not completely finished, Śāk. 39, 20.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To blow vehemently, Pañc. 169, 6.
     2. To blow, Rām. 2, 71, 25.
     3. To smell, to yield a seent, MBh. 1, 6934. pravāta, Agitated by the wind, Kumāras. 1, 47. Caus. To dry, MBh. 1, 8431.
-- With vi vi, To blow, Ṛt. 6, 22.
-- With sam sam, To blow at the same time, MBh. 4, 1288.
-- Cf. [greek] denomin., cf. [greek]), [greek] probably [greek] (= ātman), [greek] probably Lat. vanus, vapor (from the Caus.); Goth. vaian; O.H.G. wadal; see also vāta.

2. , A particle of,
     1. Comparison, As, Draup. 7, 15; Rām. 1, 10, 37.
     2. On the one side, Pañc. 43, 14 (kṣamyatāṃ yad vālpe kim api praṇaye nātirekād ayuktaṃ tad anuṣṭhitaṃ tava, What on the one side must be indulged to a very feeble affection, that, done by thee, will not be unsuitable on account of the excess of thy love).
     3. Option, Or; vā -- vā, Either -or, Hit. ii. d. 159; Chr. 9, 34; Hit. 73, 22 (kiṃ vā -- na vā, Is it -- or not).
     4. Doubt, Or if, but if, Pañc. 246, 21.
     5. Opposition, But, Chr. 10, 8; Hiḍ. 4, 2.
     6. Exception, Only.
     7. Asseveration, Indeed, even, Pañc. pr. d. 6.
     8. Conjunction, And.
     9. With preceding atha (cf. atha), or also, Hit. iii. d. 95; or, Pañc. 142, 5; or if, Pañc. 137, 20; or rather, Pañc. 82, 17; or, 90, 4; but, Pañc. 27, 1; 38, 17; certainly, Vikr. 70, 21.
-- Cf. Lat. ve; [greek]

vāṃśika vāṃśika, i. e. vaṃśa + ika, m. A flute-piper.

vāka vāka,
I. i. e. vaka + a,
     1. adj. Relating to a crane.
     2. n. A flight of cranes.
II. i. e. vac + a, latter part of comp. words, Sounding, speaking, cf. cakravāka, cīrīvāka.
-- Comp. nis-, m. a proper name, MBh. 12, 8901.

vākya vākya, i. e. vac + ya, n.
     1. Speech, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2375; mama vākyāt, In my name, Pañc. 142, 24.
     2. A sentence, Pañc. 41, 17.
     3. A rule.
-- Comp. nirvākya, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , speechless, Rām. 6, 98, 14. mahā-, n. a principal sentence, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 9; 205, 21.

vākyatas vākya + tas, adv. Conformably to the saying, Pañc. i. d. 410.

vāgara vāgara, m.
     1. A whetstone.
     2. A scholar.
     3. One desirous of final emancipation.
     4. A fearless one.
     5. Certainty.
     6. An obstacle.
     7. Submarine fire.
     8. A wolf.

vāgāru vāgāru, adj. One who disappoints.

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vāgurā vāgurā, f. A net for deer and wild animals, a snare, Hit. ii. d. 144.

vāgurika vāgurika, i.e. vāgurā + ika, m. A hunter, Ragh. 9, 53.

vāgguda vāgguda, m. A sort of bird, Man. 12, 64.

vāgghastavant vāgghastavant, i. e. vāc-hasta + vant, adj. Possessed of speech and hands, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1106.

vāgmitva vāgmitva, i. e. vāgmin + tva, n. Eloquence, Rājat. 5, 474.

vāgmin vāgmin, i. e. vāc + min, adj., f. ,
     1. Talkative.
     2. Eloquent, Pañc. iii. d. 84.

vāghant vāghant (probably ptcple. pres. of a lost vb. vāgh = Lat. vāgire; [greek]) m. Praying, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 88, 6.

vāṅkṣvāṅkṣ (perhaps akin to the last), i. 1, Par. To wish.
-- Cf. O.H.G. wunsc, wunskian; A.S. wiscan.

vāṅmaya vāṅmaya, i. e. vāc + maya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Relating to speech, Bhag. 17, 15.
     2. Endowed with speech, Johns. Sel. 94, 53.
     3. Consisting of words, Ragh. 3, 28.
     4. Eloquent.
II. n. Eloquence.
III. f. , Sarasvatī.

vāc vāc (vb. vac), f.
     1. Speaking, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2647.
     2. Speech, Pañc. iii. d. 112.
     3. A word, Rām. 3, 51, 20 (voice?).
     4. A phrase, a proverb.
     5. Sarasvatī.
     6. Voice, Chr. 44, 36.
-- Comp. an-ṛta-, adj. speaking an untruth, lying, Rām. 1, 6, 15. a-bhaya-, f. promise of safety, Hit. 59, 2. a-mogha-, adj. one whose speech is not idle. āpta-, 1. f. the word of a trustworthy person, Ragh. 10, 29. 2. adj. worthy of trust, Śāk. d. 121. durvāc, i. e. dus-, f. abuse, MBh. 1, 3076. duṣṭa-, m. a defamer, Man. 8, 386. nirvāc, i. e. nis-, adj. dumb, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 54. pra-, adj. eloquent. satya-,
I. adj. speaking truth, Rām. 3, 53, 12; Hit. 120, 15.
II. m. 1. a Ṛṣi. 2. a crow.

vācaṃyama vācaṃyama, i. e. vāc + am-yam + a, m. A sage practising rigid taciturnity.

vācaka vācaka, i. e. vac + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Speaking.
     2. Expressed by words, signifying, Vedāntas. in Chr. 213, 2.
II. m.
     1. A word, a significant sound.
     2. A speaker.
     3. A messenger.

vācana vācana, i. e. vac, Caus., + ana, n. in svasti-, n. A preparatory religious rite in which the Brāhmaṇas invoke the blessings of the gods, etc., Vikr. 44, 14; Mālav. 56, 1 (Prākṛ.).

vācanika vācanika, i. e. vācana + ika, adj.
     1. Verbal.
     2. Textual.

vācaspati vāc + as-pati, m. Vṛhaspati, preceptor of the gods, Pañc. pr. d. 2.

vācaspatya vācaspatya, i. e. vācaspati + ya, adj. Declared by Vācaspati, Hit. iii. d. 96.

vācā vācā, i. e. vāc + ā, f.
     1. Speech, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 18.
     2. A holy word, Pañc. 221, 7 (oath).

vācāṭa vācāṭa, and vācāla vācāla (vb. vac), adj.
     1. Talkative, Man. 3, 8 ().
     2. Boasting, Megh. 92 (l).

vācika vācika, vāc and vācā, + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Verbal.
     2. Done by speech, Man. 12, 9.
II. n. News, intelligence.
-- Comp. tri-, adj. given by three holy words (by an oath), Pañc. 222, 16; 17. daṇḍa-, i. e. daṇḍavāc + ika, adj. performed by deeds or words, Man. 8, 6.

vācyatā vācya + tā (vb. vac), f.
     1. Blame, Hit. iii. d. 127.
     2. Ill repute.
     3. The quality of being predicable.
-- Comp. a-, f. blame (cf. a-vācya, s. v. vac), Kir. 11, 53.

vāja vāja, i. e. vaj + a,
I. m. and n. A wing (see comp.).
II. m.
     1. Food, sacrificial food, Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11.
     2. Battle, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.
     3. Speed.
     4. The feather of an arrow.
     5. Sound.
III. n.
     1. Clarified butter.
     2. Water.
     3. Rice.
     4. The acidulous mixture of ground meal and water left to ferment.
-- Comp. gṛdhra-, adj. adorned with a vulture's feathers, MBh. 9, 1413. citra-, adj. adorned with variegated feathers, Bhāg. P. 4, 10, 11. patra-, adj. endowed with feathers, Hariv. 13254.
-- Cf. perhaps Engl. wing.

vājin vājin, i. e. vāja + in,
I. adj. Swift, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6.
II. m.
     1. A sacrificer, Chr. 292, 3 = i. 86, 3.
     2. A horse, Pañc. 218, 7; Rājat. 5, 143.
     3. An arrow.
     4. A bird.
III. f. , A mare.
-- Comp. śveta-, m. 1. the moon. 2. Arjuna.

vājina vājina i. e. vāja + in + a, n. The scum of curdled milk, Hemac. 3, 495 (= 831, Böhtl.).

vājinīvant vājin + ī + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessed of sacrifices(?), Chr. 287, 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6.

vāñch vāñch (a form of vāṅkṣ, with ch for kṣ), i. 1, Par. (also Ātm., Hit. i. d. 186, M.M.).
     1. To wish, to desire, Hit. iii. d. 18.
     2. To pursue(?), Pañc. i. d. 421. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vāñchita, n. Wish, Vikr. d. 28; Pañc. iii. d. 42.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To wish, Hit. i. d. 161; Pañc. i. d. 134.
     2. To long after, Hit. i. d. 165, M.M.
-- With sam sam, To wish, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 53.
-- Cf. vāṅkṣ.

vāñchana vāñch + ana, n. Wishing.

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vāñchā vāñch + ā, f. Wish, desire, Pañc. ii. d. 165.
-- Comp. sva-, instr. ad libitum, Hit. ii. d. 91.

vāñchin vāñch + in,
I. adj., f. , Wishing, desirous.
II. f. , A libidinous woman.

vāṭa vāṭa, i. e. vaṭa + a,
I. adj. Made of the Indian fig-tree, Man. 2, 45.
II. n., f. , and n.
     1. An enclosure, Johns. Sel. 40, 36; a grove(?), Bhāg. P. 1, 6, 11 (ṭī).
     2. A mud wall.
     3. The groin.
     4. A road.
III. f. .
     1. The site of a building.
     2. A house.
-- Comp. govāṭa, m. a cow-pen, Hariv. 3397. puṣpa-vāṭī, f. a flower-garden, Pañc. 221, 10 (erroneously puṣya-). yajña-, m. a place prepared and enclosed for a sacrifice, Johns. Sel. 95, 64. veśa-vāṭa, house and court, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 10. śmaśāna-, m. a cemetery, Mālat. 77, 7.

vāṭadhāna vāṭadhāna, m. The son of an outcaste Brāhmaṇa by a female Brāhmaṇa, Man. 10, 21.

vāṭikā vāṭikā, i. e. vāṭī + ka, f.
     1. The site of a house.
     2. A garden, Pañc. 221, 10.
-- Comp. vṛkṣa-, f. an orchard, Śāk. 8, 21.

vāṭyā vāṭyā, f., and vāṭyāla vāṭyā + la, m., , f. A plant, Sida cordifolia, Lass. Pentap. p. 64, v. 10 (la); p. 66, v. 33 () = MBh. 8, 2034; 2059 (vv. rr.)

vāḍ vāḍ, see bāḍ.

vāḍava vāḍava, see bāḍava.

vāḍha vāḍha (cf. vahala and bahu),
I. adj., comparat. sādhīyaṃs, superl. sādhiṣṭha.
     1. Hard, firm; sādhīyaṃs, firmest, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 19.
     2. Much.
II. acc. sing. ḍham, adv.
     1. Much, excessively, Śiś. 9, 77.
     2. Indeed, truly, Rām. 3, 51, 6; Śiś. 9, 51.
     3. Well, very well, Pañc. 24, 11; yes, Daśak. in Chr. 192, 9.

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vāṇa vāṇa (also bāṇa bāṇa),
I. m.
     1. (perhaps for parṇa), An arrow, Pañc. 128, 1.
     2. Fire.
     3. The udder of a cow.
     4. A pipe, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10 (with dhamantas, playing the pipe, i. e. roaring).
     5. Alone.
     6. The name of an Asura.
II. m., and f. ṇā.
     1. The feathered part of an arrow.
     2. Blue Barleria, Kir. 4, 28 (ṇā); 10, 24 (double meaning, also arrow).
-- Comp. a-sama-, Kusuma-, and pañca(n)-, m. Kāma (being armed with five arrows), Gīt. 4, 6; Pañc. 128, 1; Megh. 104. dṛṣṭi-, m. an arrow-like look, Hit. i. d. 193, M.M. vāra-, m. and n. an iron cuirass, or a thick quilted jacket. Ragh. 4, 55.

vāṇamaya vāṇa + maya, adj., f. , Consisting in arrows, Chr. 34, 9.

vāṇāsana vāṇāsana, i. e. vāṇa-asana, n. A bow, Śāk. 20, 15.

vāṇi and vāṇī vāṇi/ī (vb. ve), f.
     1. Weaving.
     2. A weaver's loom.

vāṇija vāṇija, i. e. vaṇij + a, m. A merchant.

vāṇijika vāṇijika, and vāṇijya vāṇijya, see bāṇ°.

vāṇin vāṇin, i. e. vāṇa, and vāṇī, + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Having an arrow or arrows, Arj. 5, 25; Rām. 3, 55, 12.
     2. Speaking.
II. f. .
     1. An intriguing woman.
     2. An intoxicated woman, literally and figuratively.
     3. A dancing girl.

vāṇī vāṇī,
     1. Speech, Hit. i. d. 99, M.M.
     2. Voice, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 88, 6; Pañc. 186, 17.
     3. A literary production, Utt. Rāmac. 177, 6.
     4. sarasvatī, the goddess of speech, Brahmav. 2, 78. See vāṇi.

vāt vāt, i, 10 (rather a denomin. derived from vāta), Par.
     1. To fan or ventilate.
     2. † To give pleasure in travelling.
     3. † To serve.
     4. † To go.

vāta vāta, i. e. vānt, ptcple. pres. of vā + a, m.
     1. Air, wind, Vikr. d. 25; breeze, 67, 3.
     2. Rheumatism, gout, Śṛṅgārat. 14.
-- Comp. a-, (m. or n.), absence of wind, quiet, Lass. 97, 11 = Rigv. vi. 64, 4. anu-, m. the windward side; °te, loc. to the windward, Man. 3, 203. nirvāta, i. e. nis-,
I. adj. 1. not windy, calm. 2. ṣeltered from the wind, Hit. 80, 20.
II. m. absence of wind, Pañc. iii. d. 54. purovāta, i. e. puras-, m. east wind, Vikr. d. 81. pūti-, m. a fart, Bhāg. P. 5, 5, 30. prati-, see s. v.
-- Cf. Lat. ventus; Goth. vinds; A.S. wind; O.H.G. wetar; A.S. weder (cf. vātara); [greek]

vātakin vāta-kin, i.e. vāta + ka + in, adj. Rheumatic, gouty.

vātapramī vāta-pra-mī, m. and f. A swift antelope.

vātamaja vāta + m-aj + a, m. A swift antelope, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 17.

vātara vāta + ra, adj. Windy, stormy.
-- Cf. Goth. vintrus; A.S. winter.

vātarūṣa vāta-rūṣ + a (perhaps rather vb. rash), m.
     1. A galc.
     2. The rainbow.
     3. A bribe.

vātarddhi vātarddhi, i. e. vāta-ṛddhi, m.
     1. A sort of cup or vessel of wood, with an iron foot.
     2. A club.

vātala vāta + la (cf. vātara),
I. adj.
     1. Windy, stormy.
     2. Flatulent.
II. m.
     1. Wind.
     2. A sort of pulse, Cicer arietinum.
III. f. , A morbid state of the uterus.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not causing flatulence, Suśr. 1, 221, 17.

vātāpi vātāpi, m. The name of an Asura devoured by Agastya, Rām. 3, 49, 49, sqq.; MBh. 3, 8619.

vātāyana vātāyana, i. e. vāta-ayana,
I. n.
     1. A window, Pañc. 46, 11.
     2. A porch, a pavilion, Utt. Rāmac. 22 13.
II. m.
     1. A horse.
     2. A proper name, Śāk. 81, 4.

vāti vāti, m.
     1. (vb. ), Air, wind.
     2. The sun.
     3. The moon.

vātika vātika, i. e. vāta + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Produced by wind.
     2. Windy.
     3. Rheumatic.
     4. Mad, Sāh. Darp. 286, 14.
II. n. Fever or inflammation, ascribed to a vitiated state of the aerial humour.

vātula and vātūla vātu/ūla (from vāta),
I. adj.
     1. Gouty.
     2. Mad (cf. the last), Hit. ii. d. 26 (tu); Rājat. 5, 83 ().
II. m. A whirlwind.

vātyā vātyā, i. e. probably vāta + ya, f. A gale, a whirlwind, Kir. 5, 39; Rājat. 5, 477.

vātsalya vātsalya, i. e. vatsala + ya, n. Tenderness, Pañc. 221, 1; Vikr. d. 147; love, Hit. ii. d. 4.

vātsyāyana vātsyāyana, i. e. vātsya, patronym. of vatsa, + āyana, patronym., m. The name of a Muni, Pañc. 45, 9.

vāda vāda, i. e. vad + a, m.
     1. Speaking, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 11.
     2. Sound, Pañc. 248, 11; words, i. d. 475.
     3. Discussion, controversy, Man. 12, 46.
     4. Exposition of holy texts, Man. 6, 50.
     5. Demonstrated conclusion, result.
     6. Accusation.
     7. Report, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 19.
-- Comp. artha-, m. praise, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 14. āśīrvāda, i. e. āśis-, m. a benediction, Pañc. 208, 7. itihāsa-, m. a tale, Mālat. 47, 1. uccais-, m. boasting, Utt. Rāmac. 136, 2. dharma-, m. a conversation concerning law or virtue, Rām. 5, 48, 4. pakṣa-, m. uttering one's opinion, MBh. 7, 6009. pāṇi-, n. clapping of the hands, Rām. 2, 65, 4. pratikūla-, m. objection, in a-, adj. not opposing, MBh. 3, 10265. mithyā-, adj. speaking untruth, lying, Pañc. iii. d. 85. loka-, m. rumour, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 14. viṇā-, m. a lutanist. sāma(n)-, m. pl. words of conciliation, Pañc. iii. d. 27. hīna- (vb. ), m. contradictory evidence, prevarication. hetu-, m. disputation.

vādaka vādaka, i. e. vad, Caus., + aka, adj. sbst.
     1. A musician, Johns. Sel. 52, 116.
     2. A speaker.
-- Comp. pāṇi-, m. one who makes a clapping of the hands, Rām. 2, 65, 4.

vādana vādana, i. e. vad, Caus., + ana, n. Instrumental music, Man. 2, 178.

vādi vādi (vb. vad), adj.
     1. Speaking.
     2. Wise.

vāditra vāditra, i. e. vad, Caus., + tra, n.
     1. A musical instrument, Man. 4, 64.
     2. Instrumental music, Indr. 3, 9.

vāditva -vāditva, i. e. vādin + tva, n. in satya-, Veracity, Hit. i. d. 98, M.M.

vādin vādin, i. e. vad + in,
I. adj.
     1. Speaking, Vikr. d. 118; Johns. Sel. 57, 164; a speaker, Bhartṛ. 3, 53.
     2. Asserting.
     3. Disputing, Bhartṛ. 3, 47.
II. m.
     1. An expounder of the law.
     2. A plaintiff, Lass. 92, 2.
     3. Key-note.
-- Comp. artha-, adj. speaking truth, Pañc. 161, 19; cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 467. ahaṃvādin, i. e. aham- (see asmad), adj. self-conceited, Bhag. 18, 26. uttara-, m. the defendant (in an action at law), Yājñ. 2, 17. ṛta-, adj. speaking the truth, MBh. 13, 4402. dharma-, adj. one who likes to speak of law or virtue, Pañc. 166, 14. paṇḍita-, adj. pretending to be wise, Pañc. i. d. 437. pārva-, m. the plaintiff (in an action at law), Yājñ. 2, 17. pratīkūla-, adj. contradicting, opposing, MBh. 5, 1359. priya-, adj. speaking agreeably, as one wishes, Pañc. ii. d. 171; Hit. pr. d. 19, M.M. brahmavādin, i. e. brahman-, m. 1. one who recites the Vedas, Man. 6, 39. 2. an expounder of the Vedas, Man. 2, 113. 3. a follower of the Vedānta system. mantra-, adj. sbst. one who is conversant with charms, Pañc. 210, 17; 43, 10; Lass. 16, 12. mithyā-, adj., f. , lying, a liar, Pañc. 52, 14. satya-, adj., f. , speaking truth, Pañc. 100, 23. hīna- (vb. ), adj. (speaking deficiently), 1. dumb. 2. contradictory. 3. inadmissible (as evidence). 4. cast in law, Pañc. 166, 18.

vādh vādh, vādha vādha, see bādh, bādha.

vādhukya vādhukya, i. e. vadhu/ū + ka + ya, n. Marriage.

vādhū vādhū (vb. vah, cf. vadhu), f. A boat, a vessel.

A. i. e. vā + na,
I. adj. Dry, Nalod. 2, 26.
II. m., f. , and n. Dry fruit.
III. n.
     1. Moving.
     2. A heavy sea.
     3. A mat of straw.
     4. Living.
     5. A perfume.
B. n. A hole in the wall of a house.
C. i. e. vana + a,
I. adj. Relating to a wood, a house.
II. n. A number of woods, Nalod. 3, 6.

vānaprastha vānaprastha, i. e. vana-pra-stha + a, m.
     1. The Brāhmaṇa of the third order, who lives in woods, a hermit, Man. 6, 87.
     2. The name of two particular trees.

vānara vānara, i. e. vanara + a,
I. m., and f. , A monkey, Pañc. 203, 3; 206, 15.
II. adj., f. , Belonging to a monkey, MBh. 13, 411.

vānaspatya vānaspatya, i. e. vanaspati + ya,
I. adj. Belonging to a tree, Man. 8, 339.
II. m. and n. (Rām. 6, 96, 13), A tree bearing fruits from blossoms, as the mango.

vānīra vānīra, m. A sort of cane, Calamus rotang, Megh. 42; Ragh. 13, 30.

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vāntāśin vāntāśin, i. e. vānta (vb. vam) -aś + in, m. A foul-feeding demon, Man. 3, 109.

vānti vānti, i. e. vam + ti, f. Vomiting.

vānyā vānyā, i. e. vana + ya, f. A multitude of groves.

vāpa vāpa, i. e. vap + a, m. Shaving, shearing, Man. 11, 108.

vāpaka vāpaka, see vāyaka.

vāpana vāpana, i. e. vap + ana, n. Shaving, shearing, Man. 11, 78.

vāpi and vāpī vāpi/ī, f. A pond, Ṛt. 6, 3 (); Pañc. iii. d. 91 (); an oblong reservoir of water.
-- Comp. svar-vāpī, f. the Gaṅgā.

vāma vāma,
I. adj.
     1. Left (not right), Rājat. 5, 97; Megh. 94.
     2. Reverse, adverse, Pañc. ii. d. 87; opposite, Śāk. d. 93 (those who act in an opposite way).
     3. Bad, wicked, crooked, Kir. 11, 24.
     4. Short.
     5. Beautiful, Pañc. i. d. 152.
II. m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. Kāma.
     3. An udder.
     4. An animal.
     5. A snake.
III. f. .
     1. A woman.
     2. Gaurī.
     3. Lakṣmī.
     4. Sarasvatī.
IV. f. .
     1. A mare, Ragh. 5, 32.
     2. A she-ass.
     3. A young female elephant.
     4. The female of a jackal.
V. n. Wealth, Chr. 287, 1 = Rigv. i. 48, 1.
-- Cf. O.H.G. winistar; A.S. wynstre.

vāmaka vāma + ka,
I. adj. Left, Mālat. 5, 7.
II. n. A kind of gesture, Vikr. 59, 20.

vāmatva vāma + tva, n. Disfavour, Mālat. 146, 10.

vāmana vāmana (from vāma),
I. adj.
     1. Dwarfish, Johns. Sel. 96, 79; a dwarf, Johns. Sel. 95, 63; Bhāg. P. 8, 19, title.
     2. Pressed flat or down, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 830 (vāmanī-kṛta, Pressed down).
     3. Vile, low.
II. m.
     1. A name of Viṣṇu (on account of his avatāra in the shape of a dwarf, Bhāg. P. 8, 19).
     2. The elephant that supports the south quarter, Rām. 1, 6, 23.
III. f. , The name of an Apsaras, Lass. 2. ed. 50, 23.
IV. f. , A female dwarf.

vāmalūra vāmalūra (cf. vamra, valmī), m. An ant-hill.

vāya vāya, i. e. ve + a, m. Weaving.
-- Comp. tantu-, Tantra-, m. 1. a weaver, Man. 8, 397; Rām. 2, 90, 15 Gorr. 2. a spider. tunna- (vb. tud), m. a tailor, Man. 4, 214.

vāyaka vāyaka,
I. m. A multitude.
II. adj. Weaving, a weaver (? in paṭṭikā-, A weaver of ribbons, Rām. 2, 90, 21 Gorr.; who has vāpaka, which Böhtl. changes in vāyaka).

vāyana vāyana, n. Sweetmeats.

vāyava vāyava, i. e. vāyu + a,
I. adj. Windy.
II. f. , The region of the wind, the north-west.

vāyavya vāyavya, i. e. vāyu + ya, adj.
     1. Relating to the wind, Arj. 3, 30.
     2. Coming from, belonging to, its deity, Vikr. d. 18; Utt. Rāmac. 143, 5.
     3. Sacred to the deity of the wind. Chr. 31, 11.

vāyasa vāyasa (probably vayas + a, Long-lived),
I. m.
     1. A crow, Pañc. 140, 16.
     2. Two plants.
II. f. .
     1. A she-crow, Hit. 67, 13.
     2. A species of fig, Ficus oppositifolia.
     3. A vegetable, Solanum indicum.
III. adj.
     1. (vāyasa + a). Used by crows(?), Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 10.
     2. (vayas + a), f. , Consisting of birds, Nalod. 1, 27.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. deprived of crows, Pañc. 148, 12.

vāyu vā + yu, m.
     1. Air, wind, Pañc. 184, 11; its deity, Man. 1, 23.
     2. The air of the body.
     3. Morbid affection of the windy humour.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. air as clement, Bhāṣāp. 43.

vāyuja vāyu-ja (literally, Produced by air), Pañc. 44, 15, name of a tree (? cf. my transl. n. 204).

vār vār, n. Water, Nalod. 3, 51.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps [greek] Lat. urina, urceus, urna.

vāra vāra,
I. m.
     1. A multitude, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 23; Rājat. 5, 342; a troop, ib. 453.
     2. A moment.
     3. Opportunity, time, Pañc. 256, 7.
     4. Turn, Hit. 67, 21.
     5. A day of the week, Hit. 48, 3 (bhaṭṭāraka-, Sunday).
     6. A gate.
     7. A name of Śiva.
II. acc. ram, adv. doubled, vāraṃvāram, Repeatedly, Hit. 67, 12.
III. instr. raṇa, adv. Frequently.
IV. n. A vessel for holding spirituous liquor.
-- Comp. eka-vāra + m, adv. 1. once, Pañc. 216, 2. 2. only once, Bhartṛ. 3, 16. 3. at once, Pañc. 174, 23. 4. suddenly. bahu-, m. pl. many times, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 32. madhu-, m. drinking repeatedly. ravi-, m. Sunday. vāṇa-, m. (vb. vṛ), 1. a cuirass. 2. armour. viśva-, adj. (vb. vṛ), containing every boon, Chr. 288, 13 = Rigv. i. 48, 13. soma-, m. Monday.
-- Cf. [greek]

vāraka vāraka, i. e. vṛ + aka,
I. adj. Opposing, an agent of resistance.
II. m.
     1. A horse's paces.
     2. A horse.
III. n.
     1. The seat of pain.
     2. A sort of fragrant grass, Brahmav. 2, 50.

vārakin vārakin, i. e. vāraka + in, m.
     1. An enemy.
     2. The ocean.
     3. A horse with good marks.
     4. An ascetic.

vāraṅga vāraṅga, m. The narrow end of a sword, sickle, etc., to which the handle is fastened.

vāraṭā vāraṭā, i. e. varaṭa + a, f. A goose.

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vāraṇa vāraṇa, i. e. vṛ + ana,
I. m.
     1. Armour.
     2. An elephant, Hit. ii. d. 28.
II. n.
     1. Warding off, Bhartṛ. 2, 14.
     2. Resistance.
     3. Obstacle.
     4. Protecting.
-- Comp. atapa-, Uṣṇa-, n. a parasol, Ragh. 3, 70. Kumāras. 5, 52. digvāraṇa, i. e. diś-, m. an elephant supposed to support a quarter of the world, MBh. 3, 9929. hasta-, n. resisting an assault.

vāraṇāvata vāraṇāvata, i. e. vāraṇa + vant + a (m. or n.), A name of Hastināpura, Hiḍ. 1, 30.

vāralā vāralā, i. e. varala + a, f.
     1. A wasp.
     2. A goose (cf. varaṭā).

vārāṇasī vārāṇasī, f. The city Benares, Lass. 5, 20.

vārāha vārāha, i. e. varaha + a,
I. adj. Relating to a boar, boarish, Johns. Sel. 93, 52.
II. f. .
     1. A sow.
     2. The earth.
     3. One of the divine mothers.
     4. A measure.
     5. An esculent root, Dioscorea.

vāri vāri,
I. (cf. vār), n. Water, Pañc. ii. d. 149; fluidity, i. d. 139.
II. f., also vārī vārī,
     1. A water pot.
     2. (vb. vṛ), A hole for catcing elephants.
     3. (vb. vṛ), A rope for fastening elephants.
III. f. ri.
     1. A place where elephants are tied up.
     2. A captive.
     3. Sarasvatī.
-- Comp. kuśa-, n. water in which kuśa grass is beiled, Man. 11, 148. kṣārāmlodakavāri, i. e. kṣāra-amla-udaka-. n. pl. ashes, acids, and water, Man. 5, 114. candana-, n. water mixed with sandal, Rām. 3, 53, 57. netra-, n. a tear, tears, Rām. 2, 111, 12 Gorr.

vārija vāri-ja,
I. adj. Produced in or by water.
II. m.
     1. A conch-shell.
     2. Any bivalve shell.
III. n.
     1. A lotus, Bhartṛ. 2, 46.
     2. Salt.

vāritrā vāri-trā, f. An umbrella.

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vārida vāri-da (vb. ),
I. adj. Yielding water.
II. m. A cloud, Utt. Rāmac. 120, 14; Rājat. 5, 189.

vāridhara vāri-dhara, m. A cloud, Vikr. d. 73; Rājat. 5, 377.

vāridhi vāridhi, i. e. vāri-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The ocean, Kir. 1, 23.
-- Comp. kṣīra-, m. the sea of milk, Kathās. 22, 188.

vāriruha vāri-ruh + a, n. A lotus, Kir. 5, 13.

vāruṇa vāruṇa, i. e. varuṇa + a,
I. adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Relating, belonging to Varuṇa, MBh. 1, 1132; Man. 8, 82; 9, 308.
     2. Sacred to Varuṇa, 8, 106.
     3. Epithet of a weapon, Utt. Rāmac. 142, 10; Chr. 31, 12.
II. f. ṇī.
     1. Any spirituous liquor, Man. 11, 146; Pañc. i. d. 194 (at the same time, The west).
     2. The west, the region of Varuṇa, Pañc. i. d. 194.
     3. The twenty-fifth lunar asterism.
III. n. Water (ŚKD.).

vāruṇḍa vāruṇḍa,
I. m. The king of the serpents.
II. m. and n.
     1. A vessel for baling water out of a boat.
     2. The rheum of the eyes.
     3. The wax of the ear.

vārkārya vār-kārya (vb. kṛ), adj., f. , Effecting rain, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 88, 4.

vārkṣa vārkṣa, i. e. vṛkṣa + a,
I. adj.
     1. Made of trees.
     2. Consisting of trees, Man. 7, 70.
II. m. A forest.
III. f. kṣī, A sort of Dryad.

vārṇika vārṇika, i. e. varṇa + ika, m. A scribe.

vārtta vārtta, i. e. vṛtti + a,
I. adj.
     1. Well, healthy.
     2. Following any business.
II. m.
     1. Health.
     2. Chaff.
III. f. .
     1. Abiding.
     2. Livelihood, business, Man. 9, 326; 10, 80.
     3. Agriculture and trade, Ragh. 16, 2.
     4. Rumour, report, Hit. 93, 19.
     5. News, tidings, Utt. Rāmac. 151, 6; Pañc. 231, 21.
     6. The egg-plant.
-- Comp. gala-, adj. voracious, Pañc. iii. d. 95. durvārttā, i. e. dus-, f. bad tidings, Sch. ad Ragh. 12. 51. mithyā-, f. false report, Pañc. 51, 21. lubdhaka-, f. speaking about the hunter, Pañc. 143, 24.

vārttika vārttika, and vārtika vārtika, i. e. vārttā and vṛtti, + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to news.
     2. Commentatory, explaining (see
II. m.
     1. A man of the third caste (i. e. a husbandman or trader).
     2. An envoy.
III. f. (rather vārtikā vārtikā), A sort of quail (cf. vartaka).
IV. n. A critical gloss, e. g. to Pāṇini's Grammar.

vārtraghna vārtraghna, i. e. vṛtraghna + a, patronym., m. (a son of Indra), Arjuna, Kir. 15, 1.

vārdala vār-da + la (vb. , cf. vārida), n. A rainy day.

vārddhaka vārddhaka, i. e. vṛddha + ka + a, n.
     1. A multitude of old men.
     2. Old age, Pañc. 95, 16 (read vārdhakabhāve, but cf. also my transl. n. 466).
     3. Infirmity of old age.

vārddhakya vārddhakya, i. e. vṛddha + ka + ya, n. Old age, Hit. i. d. 113, M.M.

vārddhakṣatri vārddhakṣatri, i. e. vṛddha-kṣatra + i, patronym., m. A proper name, Draup. 1, 5.

vārddhuṣi vārddhuṣi (probably rather vārdhuṣi, i. e. vṛdh + uṣi, anomal., cf. ved. aś + uṣa), m. A usurer, Man. 3, 153; 180.

vārddhuṣika vārddhuṣi + ka (see the last), m. A usurer, Man. 8, 140.

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vārddhuṣya vārddhuṣya, i. e. vārddhuṣi + ya, n. Usury, Man. 11, 61.

vārddhra vārddhra, i. e. varddhra + a,
I. adj., f. , Leathern.
II. n., and f. , A thong.

vārddhrīṇasa vārddhrīṇasa, i. e. vārddhrī-nasa, m.
     1. A long-eared white goat, Man. 3, 271.
     2. A rhinoceros.

vārdhi vārdhi, i. e. vār-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. The ocean, Pañc. i. d. 420 (vārdhi + vat, adv. Like the ocean).

vārmaṇa vārmaṇa, i. e. varman + a, n. A multitude of coats of mail.

vārṣika vārṣika, i. e. varṣa and varṣā, + ika, adj. f. ,
     1. Belonging to a year.
     2. Yearly, annual.
     3. Lasting the whole year, Chr. 47, 36 (at the end of a comp. adj. Of which the water does not dry up in the hot season, viz. a river).
     4. Belonging to the rainy season, Man. 9, 304; Draup. 8, 17.
     5. Growing in the rainy season.
-- Comp. daśavārṣika, i. e. daśan-, adj., f. , 1. after the lapse of ten years, Yājñ. 2, 24. 2. having lasted ten years, Pañc. iii. d. 94. dvādaśa(n)-, adj., f. , 1. twelve years old, Man. 9, 94. 2. lasting twelve years, 3, 271. ūna-dvi-, adj. under the age of two years, Man. 5, 68.

vārṣilā vārṣilā (vb. vṛṣ), f. Hail.

vārṣṇeya vārṣṇeya, i. e. vṛṣṇi + eya, patronym., m. A proper name, Nal. 9, 1.

vārhaspata vārhaspata, i. e. vṛhaspati + a, adj.
     1. Sacred to Vṛhaspati.
     2. Declared by Vṛhaspati, Pañc. 253, 12.

vārhaspatya vārhaspatya, i. e. vṛhaspati + ya, n. Rules of conduct, ethics (Vṛhaspati being supposed to be the author of this science).

vālaka vālaka, i. e. val + aka, m. and n.
     1. A bracelet.
     2. (also f., ŚKD.), A finger-ring.

vālavitu vālavitu, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 225.

vālka vālka, i. e. valka + a, adj. Made of the bark of trees.

vālmīka vālmīka, and vālmīki vālmīki, m. A proper name, the poet of the Rāmāyaṇa.

vāva vāva, i. e. probably vā-eva (Weber, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. 2, 4); indecl., used in a question, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38.

vāvadūka vāvad + ūka (frequent of vad), adj. Eloquent.

vāvṛt vāvṛt, vṛt vṛt, i. 4, Ātm. (the first looks rather like an old frequent. of vṛt), To select, to love.

vāś vāś, and vās vās, i. 4, Ātm. (in epic poetry i. 1, Par. Ātm., MBh. 3, 10493; Nal. 11, 20; 1, 8433; also Mṛcch. 143, 13), To cry, to howl, ll. ll. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vāśita, n. The cry of birds or animals. f. ,
     1. A woman.
     2. A female elephant. Frequent. vāvaśya, To cry repeatedly, MBh. 6, 111.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To bewail, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 32.

vāśi vāśi, m. Fire.

vāśī vāś + ī, f. Roar, prayer(?), Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3.

vāśīmant vāśī + mant, adj. Roaring, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6.

vāśurā vāśurā, f. Night.

vāśra vāśra,
I. m. A day (cf. vāsara).
II. n.
     1. A dwelling.
     2. A place where four roads meet.
     3. Dung.

vāṣpa vāṣpa (and vāspa vāspa),
I. m. n.
     1. Vapour, Ragh. 13, 29; steam (cf. Pañc. 262, 21).
     2. A tear, Pañc. 160, 5.
     3. n. Iron.
II. f. , A drug, commonly hiṅgupatrī.
-- Comp. antar-, adj. with suppressed tears, Vikr. d. 78. ud-, adj. shedding tears, Kathās. 10, 208 (hence udvāṣpa + tva, n. shedding tears, Vikr. d. 29). sa-vāṣpa + m, adv. with tears in his eyes, Pañc. 243, 4.
-- Cf. Lat. vappa, perhaps vāpor (cf. 1. ).

vāṣpāya vāṣpāya, a denomin. derived from vāṣpa with ya, Ātm. To shed tears, Vikr. d. 147; Mālat. 102, 11.

vās vās, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from vāsa), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 24), To introduce another quality, to perfume, Gīt. 1, 35. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vāsita.
     1. Made fragrant, Utt. Rāmac. 63, 4.
     2. Filled with fragrance, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 551. see s. v. Comp. su-, adj. well perfumed, Ṛt. 1, 3.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To adorn, Vikr. d. 127.
-- Cf. vāś.

vāsa vāsa, i. e. 1. 3. vas and vās, + a,
I. m.
     1. Dwelling, Man. 2, 67; resting, Megh. 77; living, Pañc. i. d. 347; Hit. i. d. 113, M.M.; with vas, to dwell, to live (see s.v. 1. vas).
     2. A dwellingplace, Vikr. d. 43; a habitation, a house, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 12; Lass. 75, 10.
     3. Cloth, Kathās. 3, 71.
     4. Perfuming, Vikr. d. 38; perfume, Śiś. 9, 52.
II. m., and f. , A plant, Justicia ganderusa.
-- Comp. udavāsa, i. e. udan-, m. abiding in water, MBh. 13, 354. garbha-, m. the womb, Man. 12, 78. gṛha-, m. 1. domestic life. Utt. Rāmac. 27, 3. 2. living as householder, the second order of brahmanical life, MBh. 13, 2181. go-,
I. m. a cow-pen, ib. 2, 825.
II. adj. covered with the skin of a bull or cow, ib. 8, 3650. jala-,
I. m. abiding in water, ib. 12, 9281.
II. adj. one who abides in water, ib. 12, 9280. tapovāsa, i. e. tapas-, m. a place where hermits live, Hariv. 5168. paṭa-, m. perfumed powder, Gīt. 1, 35. bhūta-, m. Beleric myrobalan. markaṭa-, m. a spider's web. yathā-vāsa + m, adv. as far as to one's own abode, home. reṇu-, m. a bee. vāri-, m. a distiller or dealer in spirituous liquors. śayanīya- (vb. śī), m. a sleeping-room, Lass. 2. ed. 19, 22. sa-, adj. 1. having a dwelling. 2. scented. su-, m. 1. a pleasant dwelling. 2. an agreeable perfume.

vāsana vāsana, i. e. 1. 3. vas and vās, + ana,
I. n.
     1. Abiding, abode.
     2. Any receptacle.
     3. A box, a basket.
     4. A water-jar.
     5. A particular posture.
     6. Knowledge.
     7. Steeping, infusing.
     8. Cloth.
     9. An envelope.
     10. Perfuming.
II. f. .
     1. An impression remaining unconsciously in the mind from past actions, etc., and, by the resulting merit or demerit, producing pleasure or pain, Bhāṣāp. 162. Cf. Ballantyne, Yoga, ii. 12.
     2. Trust, confidence.
     3. Imagination, fancy, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 1; 219, 2.
-- Comp go-,
I. adj. covered with the skin of a bull or cow, MBh. 2, 1825.
II. m. a proper name, ib. 1, 3826. durvāsanā, i. e. dus-, f. a bad inclination, Prab. 109, 7. nirvāsana, i. e. nis-, adj. deprived of imagination, Sāh. D. 26, 7; see s. v. vana-, m. a polecat. sam-ud-chinna- (vb. chid), adj. one in whom ignorance is extirpated, Prab. 50, 12.

vāsanāmayatva vāsanā + maya + tva, n. State of (or consisting in) imagination, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 6.

vāsanta vāsanta, i. e. vasanta + a,
I. adj.
     1. Vernal, growing in the spring, Man. 6, 11.
     2. Young, in the spring of life.
     3. Diligent in the performance of religious ceremonies.
II. m.
     1. The Indian cuckoo.
     2. The southern wind.
     3. Any young animal.
     4. A camel.
     5. A catamite.
     6. The name of several plants.
III. f. .
     1. The name of a deity, Utt. Rāmac. 37, 14; 46, 11.
     2. A festival in honour of Kāma.
     3. The name of several plants.

vāsantaka vāsanta + ka, adj. Vernal.

vāsantika vāsantika, i. e. vasanta + ika,
I. adj. Vernal, Śāk. 78, 18.
II. m. The buffoon in a drama.

vāsara vāsara (vb. 2. vas),
I. m. and n. A day, Pañc. ii. d. 99; Kathās. 4, 23 (m.); Megh. 104 (n.).
II. m. A kind of snake.

vāsava vāsava, i. e. vasu + a,
I. m. Indra, Chr. 22, 23.
II. f. , The mother of Vyāsa.
III. adj., f. , Belonging to Indra, Megh. 44.

vāsas vāsas, i. e. 3. vas + as, n.
     1. Cloth, clothes, Hit. ii. d. 38.
     2. Curtain, Rām. 1, 13, 29 (read vāsobhiḥ).
-- Comp. adhas-, and antar-, n. a lower garment, Utt. Rāmac. 106, 1; Kathās. 4, 52. uttara-, n. an upper garment, Rām. 5, 18, 5. eka-, adj. wearing only a single cloth, Man. 4, 45. kṛtti-, adj. covered with a skin, MBh. 2, 1642. cīra-,
I. adj. 1. covered with a cloth made of bark, Man. 11, 101. 2. covered with rags, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 43. cīra-valkala-, adj. covered with a cloth made of bark, Rām. 3, 55, 15. danta- (n.), the lip, Kumāras. 5, 34. digvāsas, i. e. diś-, adj. naked, Man. 11, 201. durvāsas, i. e. dus-, 1. adj. poorly clothed, MBh. 13, 1176. 2. a proper name, ib. 1, 2768. nīla-, 1. adj. covered with a blue cloth, Bhāg. P. 5, 25, 7. 2. m. the planet Saturn. sa-, adj. clothed.

vāsi vāsi, f. A carpenter's adze or chisel.

vāsita vāsita,
I. see vas, vās.
II. n.
     1. Sound.
     2. The cry of birds.
     3. Knowledge.
III. f. .
     1. A woman.
     2. A female elephant, Johns. Sel. 12, 32; Ragh. 19, 11.

vāsin vāsin, adj., f. , i. e.
I. 1. vas + in, Inhabiting, Pañc. 129, 14.
II. vāsa + in, Clothed, Johns. Sel. 59, 184; wearing clothes, Rām. 3, 52, 19; 25.
-- Comp. kāma-, adj. abiding where one lists, Nal. 13, 55. grāma-, adj. 1. dwelling in villages, Man. 7, 118. 2. tame, MBh. 6, 166. vana-,
I. adj. abiding in woods, wild, Hit. 88, 7, M.M.
II. m. a hermit. sāmanta-, adj. bordering, neighbouring, Man. 8, 258. su-,
I. adj. dwelling comfortably.
II. f. , a bride residing in her father's house, Man. 3, 114. sva-, f. a woman residing in her father's house.

vāsiṣṭha vāsiṣṭha, i. e. vasiṣṭha + a, adj.
     1. Composed by Vasiṣṭha, Man. 11, 249.
     2. Explained by Vasiṣṭha.

vāsu vāsu, m. Viṣṇu; vāsū, see s. v.

vāsuki vāsuki, m. The serpent Vāsuki, sovereign of the snakes, Bhag. 10, 28.

vāsudeva vāsudeva, i. e. vasu-deva + a, m. Kṛṣṇa or Viṣṇu, Johns. Sel. 55, 140; Pañc. 44, 19.

vāsurā vāsurā, f.
I. probably vās + u + ra.
     1. A woman (cf. the next).
     2. A female elephant.
II. (vb. 1. vas).
     1. Night.
     2. The earth.

vāsū vāsū, i. e. vās + u, f. A young girl, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 24; 187, 14.

vāsta vāsta, i. e. vasta + a, adj. Made, derived, or coming, from goats, Man. 2, 41.

vāstava vāstava, and vāstavika i. e. vastu + a, or ika, adj.
     1. Being anything in the true sense of the word; real, substantial.
     2. Demonstrated.

vāstavya vāstavya, see 1. vas.

vāstika vāstika, i. e. vasta + ika, n. Goats, Rām. 2, 62, 2, ed. Seramp.

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vāstu vāstu (vb. 1. vas), m. and n.
     1. The site of a building, a building-place.
     2. Ground, Man. 3, 255.
     3. A house.
-- Comp. pura-, n. a ground fit for building a town, Hariv. 6409. pṛṣṭha-, n. the upper room of a building, Man. 3, 91.

vāstuka and vāstūka vāstu/ūka, n. A potherb, Lass. 79, 14 (ū).

vāstospati vāstospati (vāstos, gen. of vāstu), m. The deity of the house (Man. 3, 89), a name of Indra.

vāstra vāstra, i. e. vastra + a, adj. Covered with cloth.

vāspa vāspa, see vāṣpa.

vāh vāh (akin to vah), † bāh bah, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry, Par., MBh. 1, 6639), To endeavour. Caus. vāhaya, To employ, Man. 3, 68; 4, 86. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vāhita, Mystified, Pañc. 64, 7.
-- With the prep. sam sam, To stroke, MBh. 3, 11005. Caus. The same, Śāk. d. 69.

vāha vāha, i. e. vah + a, m.
     1. Carrying, Hit. 81, 12 (ati-bhāra-, carrying too heavy burthens).
     2. A vehicle, a conveyance of any kind, a car, Arj. 1, 1.
     3. A horse, Arj. 4, 12.
     4. A carrier of burthens.
     5. The arm.
     6. A bull.
     7. A buffalo.
     8. Air, wind.
     9. A measure of capacity, nearly equal to a ton in freight.
-- Comp. ambu-, m. a cloud, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 15. gandha-, m. the wind, Gīt. 1, 35. jala-,
I. adj. carrying water, MBh. 2, 301.
II. m. a cloud. puruṣa-, m. Garuḍa, the vehicle of Viṣṇu, Bhāg. P. 5, 24, 29. bhāra-, m. a porter. marudvāha, i. e. marut-, m. smoke. rājavāha, i. e. rājan-, m. a horse. vāyu-, m. smoke. vāri-, m. a cloud. śuka-, m. Kāma. sādhu-, m. a well-trained horse. sārtha-, m. 1. the leader of a caravan, Pañc. 9, 1. 2. a great merchant, Mṛcch. 2, 3. 3. a merchant. skandha-, m. an ox of burthen. havya-, m. fire. hastivāha, i. e. hastin-, m. a goad.

vāhaka vāhaka, i. e. vah + aka, m.
     1. A horseman.
     2. A porter, Pañc. ii. d. 149; 156, 2.
-- Comp. jala-, m. the water-bearer, a court officer, Pañc. 156, 21. tāmbula-, m. the betel-bearer, a court officer, Pañc. 156, 21. ratha-, m. the driver of a carriage, Nal. 22, 1. śiśu-, m. a wild goat. skandha-, m. an ox of burthen.

vāhana vāhana, i. e. vah + ana, n.
     1. Carrying, Pañc. 253, 13; bearing, 83, 19.
     2. Governing (of horses), Nal. 15, 2.
     3. A vehicle, Hit. 126, 16; Man. 7, 222; a chariot, Hit. iv. d. 62; a horse, Man. 5, 29; an elephant.
-- Comp. dvija-, m, Viṣṇu (having a bird, Garuḍa, as his vehicle), Hariv. 3982. nara-, adj. drawn by men, epithet and name of Kuvera, MBh. 3, 8358. mahiṣa-, m. Yama. megha-, m. 1. Indra. 2. Śiva. 3. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 64. yama-, m. a buffalo. vāri-, m. a cloud. śāli-, m. the name of a king. śikhi(n)-, m. Kārttikeya, the god of war. śveta-, m. 1. the moon. 2. Arjuna. hari-, m. 1. Garuḍa. 2. Indra, Indr. 5, 54. havya-, see s. v. hotra-, m. a proper name.

vāhasa vāhasa (vb. vah), m. The boa-constrictor.

vāhika vāhika (vb. vah), m.
     1. A car.
     2. A large drum.
-- Comp. bhāra-,
I. adj. carrying burthens.
II. m. a porter.

vāhin vāhin, i. e. vah and vāha, + in,
I. adj. (at the end of comp. words), Bearing, Pañc. 79, 16; carrying, Śāk. d. 57.
II. f. .
     1. An army, Hit. iii. d. 125.
     2. A body of forces, consisting of 81 elephants, 81 cars, 243 horse, and 405 foot.
     3. A river, Rām. 2, 66, 26, ed. Seramp.
-- Comp. daṇḍa-, m. a policeman, Daśak. 160, 1, bel. nara-, i. e. naravāha + in, adj. drawn by men, Nal. 17, 23. mala-, adj. bringing stain, Hit. i. d. 47, M.M. lomavāhin, i. e. loman-, adj. feathered(?), Chr. 32, 30. vega-, adj. swift, Rājat. 5, 217. sādhu-, m. a well-trained horse.

vāhīka vāhīka,
I. adj.
     1. (vb. vah), Bearing burthens.
     2. (i. e. vahis + īka), Outer.
II. m.
     1. An ox.
     2. The name of a country.

vāhuka vāhuka, see bāhuka.

vāhya vāhya, i. e. vahis + ya, adj.
     1. Outer, external, Vikr. 72, 5 (sa-vāhya-antar-ātman, Body and soul, the whole being); Pañc. 60, 7 (tava vyavasāya-vāhyaṃ kutas teṣāṃ māṃsādanam, How will they be able to feed on flesh except by thy exertion?).
     2. Foreign, a foreigner, Pañc. i. d. 293.
     3. An outcaste, one of a low tribe, Man. 10, 28; 30.
     4. Abl. yāt, From without, Pañc. 193, 14. Cf. vah.
-- Comp. a-, adj. inward, Ragh. 14, 50. loka-, m. an outcaste.

vāhyatas vāhya + tas, adv. Externally, being out of (the water), Pañc. 255, 24.

vāhlika vāhlika, n. Saffron (cf. the next).

vāhlīka vāhlīka,
I. m.
     1. The name of a country, Balkh.
     2. A horse from Balkh.
     3. One of the principal gandharvas.
     4. A proper name, Johns. Sel. 7, 2.
II. n.
     1. Saffron.
     2. Assafoetida.

vi 1. vi, i. e. dvi, prep.
I. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives.
II. Compounded with nouns. It implies,
     1. Separation, cf. viyoga.
     2. Privation, cf. vi-kaca.
     3. Wrongness, cf. vikarman; baseness, cf. vi-yonī; opposition, cf. vi-loma.
     4. Difference, cf. vilakṣaṇa.
     5. Spreading; falling in different directions, asunder, cf. vi-kṛ10, e. g. vi-kīrṇa-keśa.
     6. Manifoldness, much, cf. vikarman.
-- Cf. probably Lat. vi, in di-vi-dere.

vi 2. vi, m., f. vi/ī,
     1. A bird, Chr. 287, 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6.
     2. The eye.
     3. Heaven.
     4. The region of the wind.
-- Comp. bahu-, adj. containing many birds.
-- Cf. Lat. avis; [greek] Lat. ovum; O.H.G. ei; A.S. aeg.

viṃśa viṃśa,
     1. Ordinal number (cf. viṃśati), m., f. śī, n. Twentieth, Chr. 55, 1. 8; Bhāg. P. iii. 20.
     2. The twentieth part, Man. 8, 398.
-- Comp. ekona-, i. e. eka-ūna-, or ūna-, ord. num. nineteenth, Chr. 53, 1. 11. eka-, twenty-first, Chr. 57, 1, bel. dvā-, twenty-second, Man. 2, 38. trayoviṃśa, i. e. trayas-, twenty-third, Kathās. i. p. 378. catur-, twenty-fourth, ib. p. 405. pañcaviṃśa, i. e. pañcan-, twenty-fifth, ib. p. 437. ṣaḍviṃśa, i. e. ṣaṣ-, twenty-sixth, ib. p. 469, etc. triṃśadviṃśa, i. e. triṃśat-, comp. card. num. from twenty to thirty, Rājat. 5, 209.

viṃśaka viṃśaka, i. e. viṃśati, or viṃśat, + ka, adj. Twenty, or an aggregate of twenty.
-- Comp. eka-, ord. num. twenty-first, Man. 3, 37.

viṃśat viṃśat (cf. viṃśati), card. num. Twenty; in eka-, Twenty-one, Rām. 1, 13, 27. pari-, Full twenty, MBh. 11, 561.

viṃśati viṃśati, i. e. dvi-daśant (original form of daśan), + i, card. num. f. Twenty, Hit. iv. d. 33.
-- Comp. eka-, f. twenty-one, Man. 4, 87. dvā-, f. twenty-two, MBh. 7, 1878. trayoviṃśati, i. e. trayas-, f. twenty-three, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 2. catur-, f. twentyfour. aṣṭāviṃśati, i. e. aṣṭan-, f. twenty-eight, Yājñ. 1, 302.
-- Cf. Lat. viginti; [greek]

viṃśatitama viṃśati + tama, ord. num., f. , Twentieth.
-- Comp. eka-, twentyfirst, Rām. iii. 21. dvā-, twentysecond, etc., Rām. iii. 22.

viṃśatima viṃśatima, curtailed for viṃśatitama, in pañcaviṃśatima, i. e. pañcan-, Twenty-fifth, MBh. 12, 11251.

viṃśin viṃśin, i. e. viṃśa, in the signification of viṃśati (cf. triṃśat-viṃśa), + in, m.
     1. Twenty.
     2. A lord of twenty towns, Man. 7, 119.

vika vika, n. The milk of a prolific cow.

vikaṅkata vikaṅkata, m. A small tree, Ragh. 11, 25.

vikaca vi-kaca, see s. v. kaca.

vikaṭa vikaṭa,
I. adj.
     1. Large, Utt. Rāmac. 118, 6.
     2. Large-toothed.
     3. Knitted (as the brows), Prab. 85, 15; formidable, Utt. Rāmac. 150, 13; hideous.
     4. Obsolete, obscure.
     5. Changed in form or appearance.
     6. Beautiful.
     7. i. e. vi-kaṭa, Without a mat, Nal. 10, 6.
II. n. A tumour.
III. m. A proper name, Pañc. 76, 7.

vikatthana vi-katth + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Boastful.
     2. Praising ironically.
     3. Speaking idly.
II. n.
     1. Boasting.
     2. Assigning anything to an unreal origin.
     3. Proclaiming, repeating.
     4. Praising.
     5. Irony.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not boasting, modest, Hit. iii. d. 101; Ragh. 14, 73. dus-, adj. boasting in a disagreeable manner, Daśak. 102, 15.

vikatthā vi-katth + ā, f.
     1. Boasting.
     2. Proclaiming.
     3. Praise.
     4. Ironical praise.

vikampa vi-kamp + a, adj.
     1. Trembling.
     2. Unsteady.
     3. Shrinking from.
     4. Heaving.

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vikarālatā vi-karāla + tā, f. Dreadfulness, Pañc. 218, 13.

vikartana vikartana, i. e. vi-kṛt + ana, m.
     1. A son who has usurped his father's kingdom.
     2. The sun, Utt. Rāmac. 124, 2.

vikarttṛ vikarttṛ, i. e. vi-kṛt + tṛ, in go-, m. A butcher, MBh. 4, 36.

vikarmakṛt vikarmakṛt, i. e. vikarman-kṛ + t, adj.
     1. One who does forbidden acts, Man. 8, 66.
     2. Busy in various ways.

vikarman vi-karman,
I. adj. Not acting, Lass. 2. ed. 68, 40.
II. n.
     1. Unlawful act, Bhag. 4, 17.
     2. Fraud.
     3. Various business.

vikarmastha vikarmastha, i. e. vikarman-stha, adj.
     1. One who has done an illegal or an immoral act, Man. 11, 192.
     2. Addicted to vice, 4, 30; 9, 214.
     3. Engaged in various business.

vikarṣa vikarṣa, i. e. vi-kṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Pulling, pulling out.
     2. An arrow.

vikarṣaṇa vikarṣaṇa, i. e. vi-kṛṣ + ana,
     1. Pulling, Kir. 4, 15; drawing (of a bow), Kir. 3, 57.
     2. A throwing across, a cross-buttock, Johns. Sel. 58, 169.

vikala vikala, i. e. vi-kalā,
I. adj.
     1. Defective, Hit. i. d. 201, M.M.
     2. Wanting, failing, Pañc. v. d. 8; Hit. i. d. 200, M.M.; Śāk. d. 152.
     3. Decayed, Utt. Rāmac. 68, 3; impaired.
     4. Confused (cf. kala), Lass. 54, 7; sorrowful, Utt. Rāmac. 18, 1.
II. f. and , A woman in whom menstruation has ceased.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. unimpaired, Hit. i. d. 126, M.M. 2. excellent, Megh. 25; 35.

vikalpa vikalpa, i. e. vi-kḷp + a, m.
     1. Option, Daśak. in. Chr. 181, 20 (-upahāra-karman, Optional offerings, not prescribed); alternative, distinction, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 2.
     2. Alternation, Mālav. d. 29.
     3. Doubt, Pañc. i. d. 411; indecision, ib. 71, 20; hesitation, Ragh. 17, 49.
     4. Error, mistake.
     5. Ignorance.
-- Comp. a-vikalpa, adj. not tarrying, Pañc. 88, 6; °pam, adv. 1. in an undoubted (legal?) manner, Pañc. 45, 4. 2. without indecision, i. e. without any delay, Pañc. i. d. 59. daṇḍa-, m. a discretional punishment, Man. 9, 228. nis-, adj. allowing no alternative, Bhāṣāp. 57. °pam, adv. without hesitation, Pañc. i. d. 59. sa-, adj. admitting of an alternative, distinguishing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 1.

vikalpaka vikalpa + ka, a substitute for vikalpa, at the end of comp. adj. nis-, adj. Allowing no alternative, no distinction, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 9; Bhāṣāp. 134. sa-, adj. Admitting of an alternative, distinguishing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 1.

vikalpin vikalpin, i. e. vikalpa + in, adj. Endowed with doubt or illusion, Ṛt. 6, 34, v. r. nīlāśokavikalpikeśanikaraḥ, 'Having plenty of hair, on account of an illusion caused by the black aśoka,' i. e. his hair is represented by the black aśoka.

vikasvara vi-kas + vara (also vikaśvara vikaśvara, cf. kas), adj. Opening.

vikāṅkṣā vi-kāṅkṣ + ā, f. Hesitation, Rām. 2, 57, 18, ed. Seramp.

vikāra vikāra, i. e. vi-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Change, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 18; Utt. Rāmac. 23, 7 (perturbation); Śāk. 13, 9 (passion), Mālat. 14, 8.
     2. Change of form, Pañc. 257, 23.
     3. Change of mind, Śāk. 66, 4.
     4. Disease, Nalod. 2, 17; a wound, Pañc. 218, 13.
-- Comp. citta-, m. perturbation of mind, MBh. 18, 74. nis-, adj. unchanged, MBh. 13, 2318. romavikāra, i. e. roman-, m. horripilation (cf. romāñca).

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vikāratas vikāra + tas, adv. From the change, Hit. iii. d. 33.

vikāratva vikāra + tva, n. The condition of transforming, transformation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 12.

vikārin vikārin, i. e. vi-kṛ + in and vikāra, + in, adj.
     1. Producing a change, Hit. ii. d. 98 (spoiling).
     2. Undergoing a change, Prab. 111, 17; falling in love, Mālat. 11, 10.
-- Comp. a-, adj. faithful, Man. 7, 190.

vikāla vi-kāla, m.
     1. Twilight, Pañc. 258, 9.
     2. Afternoon (? cf. vaikālika).

vikālaka vikāla + ka,
I. m. Twilight, evening.
II. f. likā, A sort of clepsydra which defines that period.

vikāśa 1. vi-kāś + a, m.
     1. AEther, heaven.
     2. Solitude, loneliness.

vikāśa 2. vikāśa, and (better) vikāsa vikāsa, i. e. vi-kas + a, m.
     1. Opening, expanding, exhibition, Vikr. 35, 8 (sa-doṣa-, A defective exhibition).
     2. Budding, blowing, Śiś. 9, 41 (ś, of flowers, and of the heart for falling in love); figuratively, Pañc. 187, 2.
     3. Display, splendid appearance, Śiś. 9, 53 (ś).
     4. Pleasure, enjoyment.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. expanded, extensive.

vikāśaka vikāśaka, better vikāsaka vikāsaka, i. e. vi-kas, Caus., + aka, adj. Causing to expand, Lass. 90, 11.

vikāśana vikāśana (cf. 1. 2. vikāśa), n.
     1. Manifestation.
     2. Expansion.
     3. Blowing of a flower.
     4. Causing to blow (again), Utt. Rāmac. 23, 12.

vikāśin vikāśin, vikāvin vikāṣin, and (better) vikāsin vikāsin, i. e. vi-kas + in, adj.
     1. Expanding, developing itself, Bhartṛ. 3, 70; opening.
     2. Budding, blowing.

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vikāsa vikāsin vikāsa, vīkāsin, see vikāśa, śin.

vikira vikira, m.
I. i. e. vi-kṛ10 + a,
     1. A fallen fragment, what has been dropped, Man. 3, 245.
     2. Scattering.
     3. A well.
II. A bird.

vikiraṇa vikiraṇa, i. e. vi-kṛ10 + ana,
I. n. Scattering.
II. m. Gigantic swallow-wort, Asclepias gigantea.

vikūjana vi-kūj + ana, n. Grumbling, in antra-, n. Grumbling of the bowels, Suśr. 2, 451, 7.

vikūṇikā vikūṇikā, f. The nose.

vikṛti vi-kṛ + ti, f.
     1. Change of any kind, Utt. Rāmac. 133, 16 (wrath); of mind, Pañc. 58, 25.
     2. Sickness.
     3. Fear.
     4. Spirituous liquor.

vikṛtimant vikṛti + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Changed, wounded, Nalod. 2, 47.
     2. Changeable, Śāk. d. 38.

vikrama vi-kram + a, m.
     1. A step, Johns. Sel. 95, 67; Śāk. d. 165.
     2. Proceeding. Man. 3, 214 (v. r.).
     3. Overpowering.
     4. Great strength, Johns. Sel. 48, 82.
     5. Strength, Hit. ii. d. 84 (with kṛ, To use one's strength).
     6. Heroism, Vikr. 11, 12; Pañc. ii. d. 146; in the title of the drama, vikramorvaśī, i. e. vikrama-urvaśi, f. Urvaśī, gained by heroism.
     7. A proper name.
-- Comp. a-, adj. weak, Kir. 2, 14. caṇḍa-, adj. possessed of fierce courage, Rām. 5, 39, 24. tulya-, adj. fought with equal prowess, Hit. iii. d. 1. tri-,
I. n. three steps, Rām. 6, 79, 11.
II. adj. and sbst. walking with three steps over the heaven, epithet of Viṣṇu (as sun), Rām. 1, 32, 13 Gorr. satya-, adj. having real valour.

vikramasena vikramasena (cf. senā), and vikramāditya vikramāditya, i. e. vikra- ma-āditya, m. Proper names, Lass. 15, 18 (corr. °seneno°); 1, 10.

vikramin vikramin, i.e. vikrama + in, m.
     1. A hero.
     2. A lion.

vikraya vikraya, i. e. vi-krī + a, m. Sale, selling, Pañc. 121, 21.
-- Comp. ātmavikraya, i. e. ātman-, m. selling one's self, Man. 11, 59. kraya-, m. buying and selling, traffic, 8, 401.

vikrayika vikrayika, i. e. vikraya + ika, adj. One who sells.

vikrayin vikrayin, i. e. vi-krī + in, m. A vendor.
-- Comp. apatya-, m. a seller of his offspring, Man. 3, 51. kratu-, m. one who sells the reward of his sacrifice, Man. 4, 214. māṃsa-, m. a vendor of flesh, a term of reproach.

vikrānti vikrānti, i. e. vi-kram + ti, f.
     1. A horse's canter or gallop.
     2. Great strength.
     3. Prowess.

vikrāyaka vikrāyaka, i. e. vi-krī + aka, m. A seller.

vikriyā vikriyā, i. e. vi-kṛ + ya, and vi-kriyā, f.
     1. Change, Pañc. i. d. 330; transformation, Śāk. p. 106, 1.
     2. A dish prepared from (milk), Man. 5, 25.
     3. Disease, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 7.
     4. Mischief, Rām. 3, 49, 56.
-- Comp. bhūta-, f. epilepsy, possession by evil spirits. sa-romavikriya, i. e. sa-roman-, adj. affected with horripilation (as a sign of excessive pleasure), Vikr. d. 12.

vikretṛ vikretṛ, i. e. vi-krī + tṛ, m. A vendor.

viklava viklava (cf. klav, but this vb. is dubious; I should prefer a derivation from klam), adj.
     1. Overcome with fear or agitation, confused, bewildered, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 16.
     2. Disgusted, Śāk. 22, 5.
-- Comp. a-, adj. intrepid, MBh. 1, 2070.

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vikleda vikleda, i. e. vi-klid + a, m. Dissolution, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 41.

vikṣāva vikṣāva, i. e. vi-kṣu + a, m.
     1. Cough.
     2. Sound.

vikṣepa vikṣepa, i. e. vi-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Casting, or throwing away (caraṇa-, Casting asunder of the feet, i. e. striding, Vikr. 60, 14).
     2. Dispatching.
     3. Refuting an argument.
     4. Confusion, perplexity, fear, proceeding from ignorance or error, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 23; cf. 206, 8; 217, 24.
     5. Looking about wildly.
     6. Celestial latitude.
-- Comp. citta-, m. scattering, diversion of mind, Utt. Rāmac. 52, 12. dṛṣṭi-, m. a leer, a side glance, Śāk. 16, 1, Chezy.

vikṣepaṇa vikṣepaṇa, i. e. vi-kṣip + ana, n.
     1. Scattering.
     2. Throwing.
     3. Dispatching.
     4. Confusion, proceeding from ignorance or error, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 24.

vikha vikha, also vikhu vikhu, vikhya vikhya, vikhra vikhra, and vikhru vikhru (perhaps dialectical forms of vigra, q. cf.), adj. Noseless.

vikhyāti vi-khyā + ti, f.
     1. Fame.
     2. Notoriety.

vigaṇana vi-gaṇ + ana, n. Reckoning, computing.

vigama vi-gam + a, m.
     1. Parting, withdrawing. Ṛt. 6, 22.
     2. Separation.
-- Comp. divasa-, m. the decline of the day, Megh. 77.

vigarhaṇa vigarhaṇa, i. e. vi-garh + ana, n.
     1. Abusing.
     2. Abuse, blame, Chr. 63, 70.

vigāna vigāna, i. e. vi-gai + ana, n.
     1. Blame.
     2. Ill report.

vigāha vi-gāh + a, m.
     1. Bathing.
     2. Plunging into, literally and figuratively.
-- Comp. dus-,
I. adj. impenetrable, unfathomable, Pañc. i. d. 125.
II. m. a proper name, MBh. 1, 4544.

vigra vigra (perhaps anomal, vi-agra), adj. Noseless.

vigraha vi-grah + a,
I. m. and n.
     1. War, battle, Pañc. 149, 14; Hit. pr. d. 9, M.M.
     2. Opposition, encounter, quarrel, Bhartṛ. 2, 42.
     3. Disfavour, Rājat. 5, 247.
II. m.
     1. Extension.
     2. Shape, Kir. 5, 43.
     3. The body, Rām. 5, 2, 15.
     4. A portion.
-- Comp. ā-vṛta- (vb. vṛ), adj., f. , whose body is covered, hidden, Vikr. d. 102. sa-, adj. 1. embodied, living, Rājat. 5, 27. 2. meaning, importing.

vigrahavant vigraha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Embodied, incarnate, Sāv. 1, 22; Mālav. d. 13; Sund. 3, 17.

vighaṭana vi-ghaṭ + ana, n. Destruction, Prab. 80, 6.

vighaṭṭanā vi-ghaṭṭ + anā f. Separation, Nalod. 4, 45.

vighaṭṭin vi-ghaṭṭ + in, adj., f. , Touching, Ragh. 16, 56.

vighasa vi-ghas + a, m.
     1. The residue of food offered to the gods, manes (Man. 3, 285), to a venerable guest, or a spiritual teacher.
     2. Food, Utt. Rāmac. 121, 7.

vighāta vighāta, i. e. vi-han, Caus., + a, m. and n.
     1. Prohibition.
     2. Opposition.
     3. Impediment, obstacle, Pañc. 42, 12.
     4. Destruction, Sund. 1, 12; Pañc. 156, 23.
     5. Abandoning, Pañc. 172, 25.
     6. A blow, Vikr. 85, 19 (dṛṣṭi-, Being dazzled).
-- Comp. danta-, m. biting, bite, Ṛt. 4, 12.

vighātin vighātin, i. e. vi-han Caus., + in, adj.
     1. Opposing, impeding.
     2. Removing.
     3. Killing.

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vighoṣaṇa vighoṣaṇa, i. e. vi-ghuṣ + ana, n. Proclamation.

vighna vighna, i. e. vi-han + a, m. (n., Sund. 1, 12),
     1. Obstacle, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 19; trouble, Śāk. d. 13.
     2. Impediment, Pañc. 168, 3.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. free from obstacles, unobstructed, Śāk. 13, 23.
II. n. absence of obstruction, Ragh. 1, 91; instr. °nena, without impediment, Rām. 4, 38, 8. apa-vighna + m, adv. free from impediments, Ragh. 3, 38. kṣaṇa-, m. a delay of a moment, Vikr. d. 17.

vighnaka -vighna + ka, at the end of a comp. adj. Obstructing, impeding, Lass. 5, 3.

vighnavant vighna + vant, adj., f. vatī, Obstructed by obstacles, Śāk. 41, 11.

vighnita vighnita, i. e. vighna + ita, adj. Obstructed, impeded, Pañc. 168, 7; Vikr. d. 49.

vic ii. 7, vinac, viñc, † ii. 3, anomal. vevic, Par. Ātm. To separate, to deprive, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 103 (vikta, Lass. 2, 14, must be changed to rikta); cf. 2. vij.
-- With the prep. vi vi,
     1. To remove, MBh. 1, 6372.
     2. To change, MBh. 1, 7396.
     3. To decide, MBh. 2, 2244. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vivikta.
     1. Separated.
     2. Solitary, Man. 2, 215; 3, 206; Pañc. 159, 21.
     3. Scattered, Chr. 29, 29 (perhaps it is to be changed to niviṣṭa).
     4. Discriminated.
     5. Pure, Bhartṛ. 3, 62.
     6. Discriminative.
     7. Profound (as thought).
     8. Intent on. n. Loneliness, being alone, Vikr. 40, 5.
-- With pravi pra-vi, pravivikta,
     1. Separated, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 13.
     2. Solitary, Rām. 2, 48, 59, ed. Seramp.
-- Cf. O.H.G. wīcan, A.S. wícan, recedere (perhaps rather to 2. vij); perhaps also O.H.G. wehsal; A.S. wrixl; [greek] Lat. vicis, invicem, vicissim, and vincere, i. e. to cause to cede.

vicakṣaṇa vicakṣaṇa, i. e. vi-cakṣ + ana, adj.
     1. All-seeing, Chr. 289, 8 = Rigv. i. 112, 8; Chr. 296, 4 = Rigv. i. 112, 4.
     2. Discerning, knowing, Pañc. i. d. 59 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 984); circumspect, wise, Bhag. 18, 2; clever.
-- Comp. kārya-, adj. understanding to manage affairs, Pañc. i. d. 424 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3241). saṃdhi-, adj. knowing the different kinds of peace-making, Hit. iv. d. 107. su-, adj. well-discerning, Hit. i. d. 21, M.M.

vicakṣas vi-cakṣ + as, m. A preceptor.

vicaya vicaya, i. e. vi-ci + a, m. Search, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 4; research.

vicayana vicayana, i. e. vi-ci + ana, n. Seeking, search.

vicarṣaṇi vicarṣaṇi (vi, and vb. car), adj. Swift, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.

vicalana vi-cal + ana, n.
     1. Deviating from.
     2. Unsteadiness.
     3. Self-praise, conceit.

vicāra vicāra, i. e. vi-car + a, m.
     1. Consideration, Hit. ii. d. 42; deliberation, Pañc. i. d. 417 (doubt).
     2. Discrimination, selection, Hit. 104, 7 (read sārāsāravicāraḥ).
     3. Discussion.
     4. Judging, Hit. ii. d. 72; judgment, Hit. 116, 10; decision.
     5. Prudence, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2891.
-- Comp. a-vicāra + m, adv. without long consideration, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 13. nis-, adj. not reflecting, Rājat. 6, 323. °ram, adv. without long reflection, Rām. 2, 23, 10 Gorr. su-, m. due consideration. svapna-, m. interpretation of dreams.

vicāraṇa vicāraṇa, i. e. vi-car, Caus., + ana,
I. n., and f. ṇā.
     1. Deliberation, Hit. 51, 22; investigation, Prab. 100, 3.
     2. Hesitation, doubt, Nal. 13, 27.
II. f. ṇā, The Mīmāṃsā system of philosophy.

vicārin vicārin, i. e. vi-car + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Wandering, Chr. 46, 25.
     2. Discussing, judging.
     3. Lascivious, Cāṇ. 29 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408.
-- Comp. svapna-, m. an interpreter of dreams.

vicāla vicāla, i. e. vi-cal + a, adj. Intervening, intermediate.

vicikitsā vicikitsā, i. e. vi-cikitsa, desider. of kit, + ā, f. Doubt, Mālat. 42, 11.
-- Comp. nis-vicikitsa + m, adv. without long reflecting, Kull. ad Man. 8, 417.

viciti vi-ci + ti, f. Searching, Nalod. 4, 2.

vicitrita vicitrita, see citr; vicīrṇa vicīrṇa, see car.

viceṣṭā vi-ceṣṭ + ā, f. Behaviour.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. ill-behaving, MBh. 12, 7033. nis-, adj. motionless, Rām. 5, 44, 11.

vicchanda vicchanda, and vicchandaka vicchanda + ka, m.
     1. A palace.
     2. A temple.

vicchardaka vicchardaka, m.
     1. A palace.
     2. A temple (cf. ved. chardis).

vicchāyaya vicchāyaya, a denomin. derived from vi-chāya (cf. chāyā), Par. To free from shadow, Häberl. in Anth. 224, 79.

vicchitti vicchitti, i. e. vi-cid + ti, f.
     1. Cutting, Bhartṛ. 3, 46.
     2. Dividing.
     3. Separation.
     4. Loss.
     5. The boundary of a house.
     6. Colouring the body with coloured unguents, Śāk. d. 164.

viccheda viccheda, i. e. vi-cid + a, m.
     1. Cutting.
     2. Dividing, breaking, Kir. 7, 16.
     3. Separation, interruption, Vikr. 60, 5.
     4. A section, a chapter.
     5. Interval.
     6. Dissension.

vicchedana vicchedana, i. e. vi-chid + ana, n. Destruction, Pañc. ii. d. 165.

vicyuti vi-cyu + ti, f. Separation, Nal. 13, 34.
-- Comp. garbha-, f. miscarriage, Suśr. 1, 278, 20. saṅga-, f. 1. disunion. 2. separation from worldly attachment.

vich † 1. vich (akin to ), i. 6, vicchāya, Par. To go, to approach.
-- Cf. [greek]

vich † 2. vich, i. 10, Par. To speak, to shine.

vij 1. vij, ii. 7, vinaj, viñj, Par.
     1. To tremble.
     2. To fear. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vigna, Trembling, Ragh. 14, 88. Caus. vejaya, To terrify, Ragh. 8, 39.
-- With the prep. ā ā, āvigna, Terrified, Arj. 6, 9.
-- With ud ud, i. 6, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 1, 5549; and i. 1, Ātm., MBh. 3, 2322).
     1. To tremble, to be agitated, MBh. 3, 2322.
     2. To suffer uneasiness, Man. 2, 161.
     3. To fear (with the abl. and gen.), Man. 2, 162; 7, 103; to abhor, Pañc. iii. d. 191; to be reckless of (with abl.), Mālat. 51, 1.
     4. To terrify, MBh. 2, 178. udvigna,
     1. Terrified, Rām. 1, 9, 12.
     2. Afflicted, sorrowful, Hit. 4, 2, M.M.; Chr. 11, 14.
     3. Anxious. Comp. an-, adj. not afflicted, Bhag. 2, 56. Ptcple. of the fut., pass. udvejanīya.
     1. To be feared, Pañc. iii. d. 142; fearful, horrible. Caus. To terrify, MBh. 1, 8427. udvejita,
     1. Terrified, Pañc. 209, 23.
     2. Grieved, pained, Pañc. 222, 7.
     3. Caused to leathe, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 16; 185, 5.
-- With nirud nis-ud, nirudvigna, Fearless (rather udvigna with nis), Rām. 6, 16, 81.
-- With paryud pari-ud, To suffer, Rām. 2, 66, 9.
-- With samud sam-ud, samudvigna, Terrified, anxious, Lass. 50, 16.
-- With vi vi, vivigna, Agitated, stirred, Rājat. 5, 339.
-- With sam sam, saṃvigna, Very frightened, MBh. 3, 2561.
-- Cf. probably [greek] A.S. wicelian, vacillare, wince, A winch.

vij † 2. vij, ii. 3, vevij, Par. Ātm. To be separate, to separate; cf. vic, at the end.

vij 3. vij (m.), A die, for playing with, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10.

vijanana vi-jan + ana, n. Birth, delivery.

vijaya vijaya, i. e. vi-ji + a,
I. m.
     1. Victory, Pañc. iii. d. 11.
     2. Overpowering, Pañc. 168, 25.
     3. A name of Arjuna.
     4. Name of an auspicious hour, Rām. 1, 73, 1.
II. f.
     1. Durgā.
     2. The name of several plants.
-- Comp. digvijaya, i. e. diś-, m. conquest of the whole earth, Hit. 84, 10, M.M.

vijayanta vi-jayant + a (vb. ji), m. Indra.

vijayin vijayin, i. e. vijaya + in,
I. adj. Victorious, Hit. iii. d. 84.
II. m. Conqueror, Pañc. iii. d. 270.
-- Comp. samara-, m. one who has been victorious in battle, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2087.

vijigīṣa vijigīṣa, i. e. vi-jigīṣa, desider. of ji, + a, adj. Desirous of conquering, emulative.

vijigīṣā vijigīṣā, i. e. vi-jigīṣa + ā (see the last), f. Wish to surpass, emulation.

vijigīṣin vijigīṣin, i. e. vi-jigīṣa + in (see the last), adj. Desirous of victory, Johns. Sel. 56, 156.

vijigīṣu vijigīṣu, i. e. vi-jigīṣa + u (see the last),
I. adj.
     1. One who wishes to conquer, Man. 7, 155; Pañc. iii. d. 36.
     2. Desirous to surpass.
II. m.
     1. A warrior.
     2. An invader.
     3. A disputant.

vijila vijila, and vijivila vijivila, adj. Mixed with rice-water or gruel (sauces, etc.).

vijṛmbhaṇa vijṛmbhaṇa, i. e. vi-jṛmbh + ana, n.
     1. Yawning.
     2. Expanding, extending, Mālat. 144, 20.
     3. Sport.

vijetṛ vijetṛ, i. e. vi-ji + tṛ, m., f. tṛ10, n.
     1. A conqueror, Kir. 5, 34; Utt. Rāmac. 62, 14.
     2. Victorious.

vijjala vijjala,
I. adj. = vijila.
II. n. An arrow.

vijña vi-jña, adj.
     1. Knowing, Lass. 2. ed. 90, 44.
     2. Wise, Cāṇ. 20 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408; Hit. ii. d. 151 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2042).
     3. Skilful.

vijñāna vijñāna, i. e. vi-jñā + ana, n.
     1. Knowledge, Hit. ii. d. 142.
     2. Learning.
     3. Wisdom, Hit. i. d. 167, M.M.
     4. Art, Śāk. d. 2.
     5. Music.
     6. Intelligence, Chr. 6, 9 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     7. Distinction, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 5.
     8. Business, employment.
-- Comp. a-, n. absence of knowledge; abl. nāt, unknowingly, Man. 2, 220; on a sudden, Lass. 2. ed. 40, 22. su-, adj. very wise, Pañc. iii. d. 117.

vijñāpaka vijñāpaka, i. e. vi-jñā, Caus., + aka,
I. adj. Who or what makes known.
II. m.
     1. An informant.
     2. An instructor.

vijñāpana vijñāpana, i. e. vi-jñā, Caus., + ana,
I. n.
     1. Teaching.
     2. Informing, representing.
II. f. , Information, Ragh. 17, 40.

viṭ viṭ, see biṭ.

viṭa viṭa, m.
     1. A catamite, a pathic, a voluptuary, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 13; Bhartṛ. 1, 49.
     2. A paramour, Pañc. 186, 1.
     3. An attendant on a dissolute character or courtezan, a bawd, Bhartṛ. 3, 57.
     4. A rogue, Rājat. 5, 202; 351.
     5. A rat.
     6. A branch and its shoot.
     7. The orange tree.
     8. The name of a mountain.

viṭaṅka viṭaṅka, m. n. An aviary; the loftiest point, Mālat. 166, 2 (Prākṛ.).

viṭapa viṭapa,
I. m. and n.
     1. The branch of a tree with its new sprout.
     2. A branch, Vikr. 59, 2; Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 18.
     3. A new shoot, Hit. iv. d. 101.
     4. A bush.
     5. A bunch, a cluster, a tuft.
     6. A thicket, Pañc. 184, 21.
     7. Spreading, expansion.
     8. The septum of the scrotum.
II. m., i. e. viṭa-pa, The keeper of catamites.
-- Comp. namra-, adj. the branches of which are bent down, Vikr. d. 27.

viṭapaśas viṭapa + śas, adv. In branches, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 3.

viṭapin viṭapin, i. e. viṭapa + in,
I. adj. Having branches, MBh. 1, 1775.
II. m.
     1. A tree, Rājat. 5, 477.
     2. The large Indian fig-tree.

viṭcara viṭcara, i. e. viś (in the ved. signification, family, house), -cara, m. The tame or village hog (cf. viḍvarāha).

viṭpati viṭpati, i. e. viś-pati,
     1. A daughter's husband, Man. 3, 148.
     2. A head merchant.

viḍ viḍ, see biṭ.

viḍa viḍa (perhaps a dialectical form based on vi-dra, vb. 1. drā), n.
     1. Factitious salt.
     2. A particular kind of fetid salt.
     3. A part, a bit.

viḍaṅga viḍaṅga, adj. Clever.

viḍambana vi-ḍamb + ana,
I. n.
     1. Imitation, copying, disguise, Bhartṛ. 3, 23; Rājat. 5, 207.
     2. The supernatural assumption of a borrowed form.
     3. Afflicting, distressing.
     4. Frustrating.
     5. Vexation, Hit. 99, 18; mortification, Brahmav. 2, 79.
II. f. .
     1. Deceiving, fraud, Pañc. iv. d. 9; breach of faith, Pañc. 125, 25.
     2. Pain, distress, Pañc. 220, 14; Bhartṛ. 3, 23.

viḍambin vi-ḍamb + in, adj., f. , Causing error, like, Utt. Rāmac. 118, 6.

viḍāraka viḍāra + ka (see the next), m. A cat.

viḍāla viḍāla, m.
     1. A cat, Rām. 3, 53, 57; Hit. 58, 7.
     2. The eyeball.
-- Comp. vana-, m. a sort of wild cat.

viḍālaka 1. viḍāla + ka,
I. m.
     1. A cat.
     2. Application of ointment to the external part of the eye.
II. n. Yellow orpiment.

viḍīnaka vi-ḍīna + ka (vb. ḍī), n. Flying severally, MBh. 8, 1901.

viḍaujas viḍaujas (the last part is ojas), m. Indra, Śāk. d. 193; Ragh. 3, 59.

viḍvarāha viḍvarāha, i. e. viś-varāha (cf. viṭcara), m. A tame hog, Man. 5, 14.

viṇṭviṇṭ, vuṇṭ vuṇṭ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To kill.
     2. To decay.

vitaṃsa and vītaṃsa vi/ītaṃsa, i. e. vi-taṃs + a, m. A cage, a net, or any apparatus for confining birds or beasts.

vitaṇḍā vitaṇḍā, f.
     1. Controversy.
     2. Criticism, Windischmann, Sancara, 96.
     3. A ladle.
     4. The name of two plants.

vitatatva vi-tata + tva (vb. tan), n. Largeness, Hariv. 12375.

vitati vitati, i. e. vi-tan + ti, f.
     1. Spreading.
     2. Quantity.
     3. A cluster, a clump, Kir. 12, 47.

vitaraṇa vitaraṇa, i. e. vi-tṛ10 + ana, n.
     1. Passing, crossing.
     2. Gift, donation.
     3. Abandoning.

vitarka vi-tark + a, m.
     1. Deliberation, Pañc. i. d. 226.
     2. Consideration. Hit. iv. d. 96.
     3. Opinion, Johns. Sel. 55, 143; conjecture, Mālat. 20, 3.
     4. Discussion, Prab. 116, 9.
     5. Doubt, Lass. 2. ed. 21, 1.
     6. A teacher in divine knowledge.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be considered or penetrated, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 12. sa-vitarka + m, adv. thoughtfully, Śāk. 33, 11.

vitarkaṇa vitarkaṇa, i. e. vi-tark + ana, n.
     1. Reasoning.
     2. Discussion.
     3. Doubt.

vitarddhi and vitarddhī vitarddhi/ī,
     1. A terrace in the centre of a court-yard of a palace or temple.
     2. A seat, a bench.

vitastā vitastā, f. The name of a river, Rājat. 5, 88; 271.

vitasti vitasti, i. e. vi-taṃs + ti, m. and f. A long span, measured by the extended thumb and little finger, Āśvalāy. Gṛhyas. iv. 1, in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. i. 8.

vitāna vitāna, i. e. vi-tan + a, m.
I. adj.
     1. Empty.
     2. Pithless.
     3. Stupid.
II. m. and n.
     1. Spreading, expansion, Nalod. 2, 50.
     2. A heap, a quantity.
     3. A canopy, Vikr. d. 76; Bhartṛ. 3, 93; an awning, Johns. Sel. 40, 37; a cover, Ragh. 9, 50; a cushion, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2156.
     4. The hearth or hole in which the sacred fires are kept.
     5. Sacrifice, Nalod. 2, 50.

vitānāya vitānāya, a denomin. derived from vitāna with ya, Ātm. To turn a canopy, Mālat. 148, 7 (pass. refl.).

vittvitt, i. 10, Par. To quit, to abandon, to give (cf. vitta, under vid).

vittaka vitta + ka (vb. vid), Known, famous, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 12.

vittaja vitta-ja, adj. Produced by wealth, Pañc. ii. d. 67.

vittavant vitta + vant (vb. vid), adj. Wealthy, Pañc. 8, 3; ii. d. 124.

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vitti vitti, i. e. vid + ti, f.
     1. Investigation.
     2. Probability, likelihood.
     3. Knowledge.
     4. Acquisition, gain.

vitrapa vitrapa, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 26.

vitrāsa vitrāsa, i. e. vi-tras + a, m. Fear.

vithvith, veth veth, vidh vidh, i. 1, Ātm. To beg.

vithura vithura,
I. probably vyath + ura, adj. Trembling, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 87, 3.
II. m.
     1. A Rākṣasa.
     2. A thief.
-- Comp. a-, adj. fearless, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 87, 1.

vid 1. vid (originally 'To see'),
A. ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 1, 57, 5).
     1. To perceive, to feel, Ragh. 14, 56.
     2. To learn, MBh. 3, 16968.
     3. To find out, MBh. 1, 6040.
     4. To know, Man. 2, 126; imperat. vidāṃ karotu, He may know, Pañc. v. d. 23; ved. vidā (the finalleng thened), Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 86, 8. Ātm. ved. To be known, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6 (vidre, ved. 3. pl. of the the pres.).
     5. To consider, Man. 2, 156; Pañc. iii. d. 231; to value, Hit. iv. d. 52; to take for, Bhag. 2, 19; also ii. 7, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 39.
     6. To ascertain, Man. 7, 135.
B. i. 6, vinda, Par. Ātm.
     1. (To see =), to find, Hit. i. d. 199, M.M.; also ii. 7, MBh. 3, 15388.
     2. To obtain, MBh. 3, 6016.
     3. Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 1, 4090), To take in marriage, Man. 9, 69; to choose a bridegroom, Man. 9, 90.
C. ii. 7, vinad, vind, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 8123).
     1. See
A. 5. 2. See
B. 1. 3. † To consider, to reason.
D. i. 4, Ātm. (properly pass.).
     1. To be found, to happen, Man. 4, 49.
     2. To exist, Hit. i. d. 116, M.M.; Bhag. 4, 38. Ptcple. of the pres. vidvaṃs.
     1. Intelligent, wise, Hit. iii. d. 5.
     2. Learned, Man. 4, 91; Hit. pr. d. 12, M.M. m.
     1. A sage, Bhartṛ. 2, 96.
     2. A scholar, Śāk. d. 2. Comp. a-, adj. sbst. ignorant, an ignorant man, Man. 4, 191; a fool, Man. 2, 214. veda-, 1. adj. skilled in the Vedas, Chr. 12, 2. 2. m. a Brāhmaṇa learned in the Vedas. śastra-, adj. skilled in arms. vidyamāna, 1. existing, Pañc. 139, 4; being preserved, Pañc. i. d. 402. 2. real, actual. 3. being in one's possession. Comp. a-, adj. 1. non-existing, not being alive, Man. 2, 248. 2. not present, absent. 3. not being in one's possession, Man. 11, 116. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. vidita.
     1. Known (with gen.), Vikr. 63, 9.
     2. Promised.
     3. Informed.
     4. Represented.
     5. Who or what knows. m. A learned man, a sage. n. Information, representation. Comp. a-, adj. unknown. n. not knowing, Chr. 5, 6 (loc. °te pituḥ, without the knowledge of my father).
II. vitta.
     1. Known.
     2. Notorious.
     3. Famous, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 20; Lass. 26, 18.
     4. Investigated, discussed, judged.
     5. Acquired, gained. n.
     1. Wealth, property, Johns. Sel. 3, 15; Pañc. 6, 7; iv. d. 30; money, Pañc. 237, 1.
     2. Substance, power, Pañc. i. d. 25 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1544); thing.
III. vinna.
     1. Known.
     2. Discussed, judged.
     3. Obtained, gained.
     4. Married.
     5. Placed, fixed. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-vedya, adj.
     1. Not to be known, unascertainable, secret.
     2. Not to be married, Man. 10, 24. m. A calf. Desider. vividiṣa, To desire, to strive to know, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 40; Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 1. Caus., and i. 10, Par. Ātm. vedaya.
     1. To teach, MBh. 3, 14048.
     2. To report, Man. 11, 31.
     3. To know, MBh. 2, 175.
     4. Ātm. To be perceived, to be sensible, Man. 12, 13.
     5. † To dwell, to inhabit. Comp. anomal. ptcple. of the pres. Ātm. a-vedayāna, adj. One who is not able to show, Man. 8, 32.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, i. 6, To supersede (a wife), by taking in marriage another, Man. 9, 80. adhivinna, f. , A superseded wife, 9, 83.
-- With anu anu, i. 6,
     1. To find again, Pañc. ii. d. 134.
     2. To find out, to believe. Git. 4, 2.
     3. Ātm. To take in marriage, MBh. 1, 5114.
-- With abhi abhi, i. 6,
     1. To obtain, MBh. 3, 1933.
     2. To follow, MBh. 3, 13698.
-- With ā ā, Caus.
     1. To report, Rām. 1, 20, 5.
     2. To present, Vikr. 82, 18; Sāv. 3, 6.
-- With samā sam-ā, Caus. To report, MBh. 2, 14.
-- With ni ni, Caus.
     1. To make known, to report, MBh. 3, 1689.
     2. To betray, MBh. 3, 11322.
     3. To pass one's self off as, Śāk. 13, 21.
     4. To present, Man. 2, 51.
     5. To offer as sacrifice, Pañc. 174, 16.
     6. To know, Pañc. 228, 4 (perhaps it is to be changed to nividita). nivedya, n. An oblation, Rājat. 5, 52. Comp. absol. a-nivedya, Without having reported it, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 19. Anomal. infin. niveditum, MBh. 2, 1723 (but Śāk. 60, 18, read nivedayitum).
-- With vini vi-ni, Caus. To report, Rām. 1, 1, 72.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, Caus. To report, MBh. 1, 3224.
-- With nis nis, i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To be disgusted, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 528; with one's self, MBh. 3, 14792.
     2. To resing, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 12. nirviṇṇa,
     1. Disgusted with (gen.), Pañc. 51, 25; 137, 1 (instr.), Śāk. 20, 2 (Prākṛ.).
     2. Despondent. Hit. i. d. 133, M.M.
     3. Emaciate with grief, decayed.
     4. Abused, degraded.
     5. Humble.
     6. Known.
-- With pari pari, i. 6, pass. To marry before one's elder brother, Man. 3, 172. pariviṇṇa, An unmarried elder brother whose junior is married.
-- With prati prati, ii. 7, To obtain, MBh. 3, 8420. Caus.
     1. To make known, to report, Rām. 2, 45, 15.
     2. To deliver, Rām. 1, 2, 9.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, Caus. To report, to tell, MBh. 1, 3627.
-- With sam sam, ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To know, to meditate, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 17.
     2. To teach, MBh. 1, 2114. saṃvidita,
     1. Known.
     2. Agreed, promised. n. Agreement, concurrence, Mālav. 45, 17. sva-saṃvedya,
     1. To be known only by one's self, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 14.
     2. To be understood by themselves, Rājat. 5, 366. Caus. To perceive, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 63.
-- Cf. Lat. videre, vitrum; Goth. vitan; A.S. wítan; Goth. veitvods (= vidvat, vidvaṃs); A.S. wíta, gnarus, ge-wit, ge-wittig; O.H.G. weizian, To show; A.S. wisian, ge -wis; Goth. vitoth, in-veitan; A.S. witan, imputare, wite, poena, witnian, punire; O.H.G. wīzago, propheta, wīzagon; A.S. wítegian; [greek] (i. e. [greek]), [greek] (= veda), [greek] (= vidvān [s]), [greek] (cf. the Zend. use).

vid 2. vid, adj. Who or what knows; latter part of comp. nouns, aśva-, adj. sbst. Conversant with the qualities of horses, epithet of Nala, Nal. 1, 1. kṛtsna-, adj. All-knowing, Bhartṛ. 3, 29. kṣetra-,
I. adj. Conversant with any object, Kumāras. 3, 50.
II. m. The soul, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 37.
-- Comp. citrakarmavid, i. e. citra-karman-, adj. skilled in painting, Hit. ii. d. 109. jyotirvid, i. e. jyotis-, adj. sbst. knowing the stars, an astrologer, Yājñ. 1, 332. tad-, adj. knowing that, Vikr. d. 40. dharma-, adj. 1. acquairted with the law, Man. 2, 61. 2. virtuous, ib. 2, 245. sarva-dharma-, adj. one who knows the whole of duty, Man. 8, 63. veda-, adj. conversant with the Vedas, Chr. 13, 11.

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vidagdhatā vidagdha + tā (vb. dah), f.
     1. Cleverness, Lass. 5, 18.
     2. Elegance, Mālat. 2, 19.
     3. Shrewdness, sharpness, wit, Hit. ii. d. 166.

vidatha vid + atha,
I. m.
     1. A wise or learned man.
     2. An ascetic, a devotee.
II. n. Sacrifice, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. i. 64, 1; Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 1.
-- Cf. Goth. vitoth.

vidara vidara, i. e. vi-dṛ10 + a,
I. m. Tearing, rending.
II. n. A plant, Cactus indicus.

vidarbha vi-darbha, m.
     1. The name of a country, Nal. 1, 5 (pl.); ib. 32 (sing.).
     2. The king of that country, Nal. 1, 32.
     3. Any dry or desert soil.

vidarśin vidarśin, i. e. vi-dṛś + in, adj., f. , Penetrating, Rām. 2, 116, 27 Gorr.

vidala vidala, i. e. vi-dala and vi-dal + a,
I. adj.
     1. Opened, blown (as a flower).
     2. Rent.
II. m.
     1. Dividing, separating.
     2. A cake.
     3. Mountain ebony, Bauhinia variegata.
III. n.
     1. The cuttings or cips of any substance, a twig, Man. 9, 230.
     2. Split peas, Lass. 79, 15.
     3. Pomegranate bark.
     4. A basket made of split bambus.

vidalana vi-dal + ana, n. Tearing, rending, Pañc. i. d. 351.

vidā vid + ā, f. Knowledge.

vidāra vidāra, i. e. vi-dṛ10 + a,
I. m.
     1. Tearing.
     2. Cutting, Bhartṛ. 2, 23.
     3. War, battle.
     4. The rising of a river above its banks, inundation.
II. f. , The name of two plants.

vidāraka vidāraka, i. e. vi-dṛ10 + aka,
I. m.
     1. A render, a divider.
     2. A rock in the middle of a stream.
     3. A hole or pit for water, sunk in the middle of a dry river.
II. f. rikā, The name of a plant.

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vidāraṇa vidāraṇa, i. e. vi-dṛ10 + ana,
I. m. The name of a tree.
II. n.
     1. Tearing, breaking, Pañc. i. e. 418.
     2. Killing.
     3. Afflicting.
III. n., and f. ṇā, War, battle.

vidāhin vidāhin, i. e. vi-dah + in, adj.
     1. Burning, hot, Bhag. 17, 9.
     2. Pungent.

vidiśā vidiśā, f. The name of a river and town, Pañc. iii. d. 240 (cf. Wils. Viṣṇu P. 183, 52).

vidura vid + ura,
I. adj. Wise, knowing.
II. m.
     1. A learned or clever man.
     2. An intriguer.
     3. A proper name, Pañc. i. d. 176; Johns. Sel. 8, 2.

vidūra vi-dūra,
I. m. The name of a mountain and city whence the lapis lazuli is brought.
II. vi-dūra + tas, adv. Far, Mālat. 61, 12.

vidūṣaka vidūṣaka, i. e. vi-duṣ, Caus., + aha,
I. adj.
     1. Censorious, detracting.
     2. Facetious, witty.
II. m.
     1. A jester, a buffoon.
     2. (In dramatic language), The joeose companion of the principal person, Vikr. 15, 1.
     3. A catamite, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 13.

vidūṣaṇa vidūṣaṇa, i. e. vi-duṣ, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Censuring.
     2. Abuse.

videśaga vi-deśa-ga, adj. Going in a foreign country, Pañc. v. d. 84.

videha vi-deha,
I. adj. Without body.
II. m. The king of Videhā.
III. f. , The name of a district.

vidyā vid + yā, f.
     1. Knowledge, learning, Pañc. i. d. 446; 243, 19, sqq.
     2. A magical pill or bolus, by putting which into the mouth, a person has the power of ascending to heaven.
     3. Durgā.
     4. A tree, Premna spinosa.
-- Comp. a-,
I. f. want of knowledge, ignorance.
II. adj. unlearned, Man. 9, 205. ātmavidyā, i. e. ātman-, f. the knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, Man. 7, 43. adhyātma-, f. the same, Bhag. 10, 32. kṛta-, adj. learned, Pañc. iv. d. 40. tarka-, f. the science of reasoning or logic, Prab. 105, 8. dus-, adj. unlearned, rude, Rājat. 1, 356. dhanus-, f. knowledge of archery, Lass. 36, 18. nakṣatra-, f. astronomy, or rather astrology, Man. 6, 50. nis-, adj. unlearned, Kām. Nītis. 5, 56. nīti-, f. knowledge of correct conduct, Hit. pr. d. 2, M.M. sa-, adj. 1. learned, Rājat. 5, 178. 2. wise. sadvidyā, i. e. sant- (vb. 1. as), f. good learning, Bhartṛ. 2, 45. sam-pūrṇa- (vb. pṛ10), adj. replete with knowledge.

vidyātas vidyā + tas, adv. = abl. of vidyā, Than learning (buddhir uttamā, Understanding is better than learning), Pañc. v. d. 31.

vidyādhara vidyā-dhara,
I. m. A kind of demigod, Kathās. 1, 13.
II. f. , A female demigod of this kind, Hit. 63, 16.

vidyādhāra vidyādhāra, i.e. vidyā-ādhāra, m. The abode of knowledge, Mālat. 41, 2.

vidyāvant vidyā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Learned, possessed of science, Pañc. i. d. 43; v. d. 9.

vidyut vi-dyut, f. Lightning, Vikr. d. 76.

vidyutvant vidyut + vant, adj. Containing lightning, electrical, Megh. 65.

vidyunmant vidyunmant, i. e. vidyut + mant, adj. Loaded with lightning, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 88, 1.

vidyotana vidyotana, i. e. vi-dyut + ana, adj. Illustrating, Lass. 67, 2.

vidra vidra, i. e. vi-dṛ10 + a, n.
     1. Piercing, perforating.
     2. A hole, a chasm.

vidrava vidrava, i. e. vi-dru + a, m.
     1. Liquefaction.
     2. Flowing out, oozing.
     3. Flight, retreat.
     4. Fear.
     5. Censure, reproach.
     6. Intellect.

vidrāva vidrāva, i. e. vi-dru + a, m.
     1. Liquefaction.
     2. Flight, retreat.

vidruma vi-druma, m.
     1. Coral, Ṛt. 6, 16; Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 16.
     2. A tree bearing precious gems.
     3. A young sprout.

vidvattva vidvattva, i. e. vidvaṃs (ptcple. perf. or pres. of vid), + tva, n. Wisdom, Pañc. ii. d. 56.

vidviṣ vi-dviṣ, m. An enemy, Hit. iii. d. 92.

vidviṣṭatā vi-dviṣṭa + tā (vb. dviṣ), f. Hatred, Johns. Sel. 50, 102.

vidveṣa vidveṣa, i. e. vi-dviṣ + a, m.
     1. Enmity, Man. 2, 111; 8, 346.
     2. Contempt, Bharata, 8, in Sch. ad Nalod. 2, 55.

vidveṣaṇa vidveṣaṇa, i. e. vi-dviṣ + ana, n. Causing abhorrence, Nal. 9, 9.

vidveṣin vidveṣin, i. e. vidveṣa + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī, Inimical.
II. m. An enemy, Pañc. i. d. 425.

vidh 1. vidh, see vith.

vidh 2. vidh, i. 6 (developed out of vi-dhā and vyadh), Par.
     1. To dispose (ved.).
     2. To perform (ved.).
     3. To worship (ved.).
     4. † To pierce.

vidhanatā vi-dhana + tā, f. Poverty, Hit. i. d. 133, M.M.

vidhavā vidhavā, i. e. vi-dhava, f. A widow, Pañc. ii. d. 98.
-- Comp. a-, f. one who is not a widow, Megh. 97.
-- Cf. Lat. vidua, viduus; Goth. viduvo; A.S. wuduwe, and m. wuduwa; perhaps [greek]

vidhā vi-dhā, f.
     1. Form.
     2. Manner.
     3. Act, action.
     4. Thriving, prosperity.
     5. Hire, wages.
     6. Food of horses, rlephants, etc.
     7. (vb. vyadh), Piercing.
-- Comp. an-eka-vidha, adj. being of manifold kind, Pañc. 61, 10. aṣṭavidha, i. e. aṣṭan-, adj. eight-fold, Man. 7, 154. asmad-, adj. such as we, Rām. 4, 31, 6. evam-, adj. of such kind, Vikr. d. 38; such, Pañc. 30, 10. kati-, adj. how manifold, MBh. 13, 6278. guṇa-, adj. possessed of the different qualities, MBh. 12, 11466. catur-, adj. quadruple, Man. 2, 12. tathā-,
I. adj. so conditioned, Hit. 48, 8, M.M.
II. °dham, adv. 1. thus, Nal. 7, 16. 2. in the same manner, Bhāṣāp. 94. tad-, adj. 1. proportioned to that, Man. 2, 112. 2. of that kind, Ragh. 2, 22. tādṛgvidha, i. e. tādṛś-, adj. being in such a situation, Kathās. 22, 231. tri-, adj. of three kinds, Man. 1, 117; 7, 185. tvad-, adj. such as you, Rām. 3, 2, 27. daśavidha, i. e. daśan-, adj. tenfold, of ten kinds, Bhāg. P. 3, 6, 9. dus-, adj. 1. base, Rām. 2, 109, 30 Gorr. 2. poor. dri-, adj. of two sorts, Man. 7, 162. navavidha, i. e. navan-, adj. consisting of nine parts, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 13. nānā-, adj. of various sorts, Man. 5, 110; manifold, Hit. 46, 14. pṛthagv°, i. e. pṛthak-, adj. various, Man. 1, 40. bahu-, adj. various, multiform. °dham, adv. in several directions, up and down, Vikr. 30, 17. mad-, adj. such as
I, Chr. 24, 40; Hit. iii. d. 100. yathā-, adj. of what sort, how like. vi-, adj. various, of many sorts, Pañc. 192, 22; manifold, Vikr. d. 46. ṣaḍvidha-, i. e. ṣaṣ-, adj. of six sorts, Bhāṣāp. 34. sa-, adj. 1. of the same kind. 2. near, Mālat. 7, 14. saptavidha, i. e. saptan-, adj. sevenfold, Pañc. 7, 15. su-,
I. adj. 1. of a good kind. 2. in a good or easy way.
II. °dham, adv. easily.

vidhātṛ vi-dhā + tṛ, m., properly, Ruler.
     1. Fate, Pañc. 138, 23.
     2. Brahman, Lass. 91, 13; Bhartṛ. 2, 7, 15 (or fate).
     3. Kāma.
     4. A maker, Mālat. 18, 7.
-- Comp. anāgata-, m. 1. a cautious person. 2. the proper name of a fish, Pañc. 77, 9.

vidhāna vidhāna, i. e. vi-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Sending, ordering, arrangement, creation, Man. 1, 3; Ragh. 6, 11; disposition, Chr. 15, 6; Johns. Sel. 8, 5 (dat. in the sense of the infin.).
     2. Ordinance, Ragh. 8, 40; rule, precept, regulation, Man. 1, 112; 115.
     3. Form, mode, Sund. 1, 22; 26; manner.
     4. Action, especially the performance of religious acts, Chr. 56, 17.
     5. Worship.
     6. Ceremony, Man. 3, 67.
     7. Means, expedient, Pañc. 258, 11.
     8. Gaining.
     9. Wealth.
     10. Act of hostility.
     11. Conflict of opposite feelings.
     12. An elephant's fodder.
-- Comp. tathā-, adj. following this mode, in this manner, Hit. 101, 12. puṃvat-, n. ceremonies as on the birth of a male, Chr. 51, 19.

vidhāyin vidhāyin, i. e. vi-dhā + in, adj.
     1. Establishing a rule or law, Lass. 2. ed. 89, 30.
     2. Placing, Rājat. 5, 295; fixing, securing.
     3. Building, Rājat. 5, 37.
     4. Causing, making, ib. 5, 255.
     5. Delivering, entrusting.
-- Comp. bhaya-, adj. alarming, fearful.

vidhi vidhi, i. e. vi-dhā (cf. nidhi), m.
     1. Order, injunction, command, Bhāg. P. 8, 20, 27; Pañc. iii. d. 238 (daiva-, When destiny commands).
     2. Rule, Pañc. 117, 11; precept, Hit. i. d. 167, M.M.; 89, 6 (na vidhiḥ, Is not prescribed, cf. Hit. 94, 3; not just).
     3. A sacred precept.
     4. Ceremony, Man. 2, 67; Pañc. 158, 5.
     5. A text prescribing any particular act.
     6. A sacred work.
     7. Fate, Pañc. ii. d. 20.
     8. Creator, Brahmav. 2, 94; Brahman.
     9. A name of Viṣṇu.
     10. Time.
     11. Kind, sort, manner, Pañc. 138, 15; Vikr. d. 72 (ko yaṃ vidhiḥ, How comes that to pass?).
     12. Act, action, Śiś. 9, 78; Pañc. 260, 17; Vikr. d. 9; creation, Kir. 7, 7.
     13. Behaviour, life, Man. 2, 16.
     14. Food for horses, elephants, etc.
-- Comp. a-, m. wrong way; instr. unjustly, Pañc. i. d. 421. karmavidhi, i. e. karman-, m. rule of action, Man. 9, 325. kriyā-, m. rule of conduct, Man. 12, 87. chadmavidhi, i. e. chadman-, m. disguise, Utt. Rāmac. 17, 14. dus-, m. ill fate, Kathās. 21, 79. paribhava-, m. humiliation, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1233. prasādhana-, m. embellishing, Vikr. d. 22. prāyaścitta-, m. rules for penance, Man. 1, 116. bhavadvidhi, i. e. bhavant-, adj. thy manner (i. e. the same manner in which you are treated), Pañc. 215, 8. bheda-, m. separation, Bhartṛ. 2, 15. maṅgala-, m. the ceremony of oblations, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 6. yathā-, adv. according to rule, Pañc. iii. d. 162. viśeṣa-, m. 1. special rule or observance. 2. special form, Hit. 117, 19 (of a treaty). śṛṅgāra-, m. dress fit for amorous interviews, Pañc. 35, 15.

vidhijña vidhi-jña, adj. Knowing the rules, Pañc. ii. d. 130.

vidhitas vidhi + tas, adv. According to rule.

vidhitsā vidhitsā, i. e. vi-dhitsa, desider. of dhā, + a, f. Wish to do, desire, MBh. 12, 6603; design.
-- Comp. nirvidhitsa, i. e. nis-, adj. free from desire, MBh. 3, 13953.

vidhitsu vidhitsu, i. e. vi-dhitsa (see the last), + u, adj. Wishing to do or make, Kir. 10, 17.

vidhivat vidhi + vat, adv. Agreeably to rule, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 10; Pañc. i. d. 347.

vidhu vidhu, m.
     1. The moon, Man. 3, 127.
     2. Viṣṇu.
     3. Brahman.
     4. A Rākṣasa.
     5. An expiatory oblation.
     6. Camphor.

vidhuti vi-dhu + ti, f. Shaking, trembling, trepidation, Mālat. 1, 5.

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vidhuṃtuda vidhuṃtuda, i. e. vidhu + m-tud + a, m. Rāhu, the personified ascending node, Pañc. i. d. 370.

vidhura vidhura, i. e. vyadh + ura,
I. adj.
     1. Trembling, Śiś. 9, 77; agitated, Bhartṛ. 1, 37.
     2. Bewildered, Utt. Rāmac. 78, 1.
     3. Adverse, Pañc. 42, 13; i. d. 220.
     4. Separate from a mistress or lover, abandoned, Nalod. 3, 50; Megh. 113; Vikr. d. 102.
II. n.
     1. Agitation of mind.
     2. Danger, Hit. 50, 8.
     3. Separation.

vidhuratā vidhura + tā, f. Trembling, agitation, Lass. 72, 11.

vidhuvana vidhuvana, i. e. vi-dhū + ana, n. Trembling.

vidhūti vi-dhū + ti, f.
     1. Shaking.
     2. Agitation.

vidhūnana vidhūnana, i. e. vi-dhū, Caus., + ana, Shaking (rather causing to shake).

vidheyajña vi-dheya-jña (vb. dhā), adj. One who knows what must be done, Pañc. i. d. 383.

vidheyatā vi-dheya + tā (vb. dhā), f.
     1. Necessary or proper act or conduct.
     2. Fitness for enactment as a rule.
     3. Submission, Kir. 11, 33.

vidhvaṃsa vi-dhvaṃs + a, m.
     1. Aversion.
     2. Disrespect.
     3. Offence, Kir. 3, 16.
     4. Destruction.

vidhvaṃsin vi-dhvaṃs + in, adj.
     1. Falling asunder, Hit. i. d. 48, M.M.
     2. Destroying.
     3. Hostile.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not laying aside, Dev. 1, 4.

vinada vi-nad + a, m.
     1. Sound, noise.
     2. A tree, Echites scholaris.

vinadin vi-nad + in, adj. Roaring, grumbling, Johns. Sel. 91, 34.

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vinaya vinaya, i. e. vi-nī + a, m.
     1. Training, discipline, Ragh. 10, 80.
     2. Good behaviour, Pañc. iii. d. 122.
     3. Behaviour, Utt. Rāmac. 109, 6.
     4. Reverence, Lass. 2. ed. 35, 11.
     5. Modesty, Pañc. i. d. 12.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. want of modesty or propriety of conduct, Man. 7, 40. 2. wrong behaviour, Hit. ii. d. 135. dus-, m. improper conduct, Pañc. 259, 15. sa-, adj. well-behaved, modest, Ṛt. 6, 21. °yam-, adv. humbly, modestly, Pañc. 47, 1; Vikr. 86, 10; graciously, Hit. 12, 2, M.M.

vinayana vinayana, i. e. vi-nī + ana,
I. adj. Removing, Megh. 53.
II. n. Instruction, accomplishment, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 8.

vinayavant vinaya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Modest, well-behaved.
-- Comp. a-, adj. ill-behaved, Lass. 31, 18.

vinaśana vi-naś + ana, n.
     1. Destroying, destruction.
     2. The name of a country, Man. 2, 21.

vinaśvara vi-naś + vara, adj. Perishable, Hit. i. d. 46, M.M.

vinā vinā (from vi), prep. Without, Pañc. i. d. 131; except (with acc., instr., and abl.), Vikr. d. 10; Hit. pr. d. 32, M.M.; Pañc. 250, 5; iii. d. 34 (na yānaṃ vinā pra śasyate, Nothing but, i. e. only, marching is recommended).

vināyaka vināyaka, i. e. vi-nī + aka,
I. m.
     1. A spiritual teacher.
     2. Gaṇeśa, Lass. 1, 1.
     3. Garuḍa.
     4. An obstacle.
II. f. yikā, The wife of Garuḍa.

vināśa vināśa, i. e. vi-naś + a, m.
     1. Perdition, Man. 3, 179; ruin, destruction, Pañc. 162, 12; death, Pañc. 175, 3; 184, 9 (with upa yā, To die).
     2. Removal, Pañc. 187, 7; disappearance; with abhi-i, To disappear, Pañc. v. d. 66.
     3. Loss, Vikr. d. 85; Pañc. 145, 15.
-- Comp. a-, m. deliverance from ruin, Chr. 56, 15.

vināśaka vināśaka, i. e. vi-naś, Caus., + aka, adj. sbst. Destroying, a destroyer, Lass. 4, 1.

vināśana vināśana, i. e. vi-naś, Caus., + ana,
I. m. A destroyer, Nal. 12, 30 (at the end of a comp.).
II. n. Destruction, Chr. 56, 19; Rām. 4, 19, 11.

vināśin vināśin, i. e. vi-naś and vināśa, + in, adj.
     1. Destroying, destructive.
     2. Perishing, Hit. iv. d. 126.
     3. Undergoing transformation, Man. 1, 27.
-- Comp. a-, adj. imperishable, Bhag. 2, 17.

vināha and vīnāha vi/īnāha, i. e. vi-nah + a, m. The top or cover of a well.

vinigraha vi-ni-grah + a, m. Restraining, subduing, Bhag. 13, 7.

vinidratva vi-nidra + tva (nidrā), n. Waking, vigilance.

vinipāta vinipāta, i. e. vi-ni-pat + a, m.
     1. Falling, Bhartṛ. 2, 10; falling down, Pañc. 203, 2.
     2. Ruin, Śāk. 70, 1.
     3. Calamity, Man. 4, 146.
     4. Death, Man. 8, 185.
     5. Pain.
     6. Disrespect.

vinimaya vinimaya, i. e. vi-ni-me + a, m.
     1. Barter, exchange, Mālav. d. 31; instr. alternately, Ragh. 1, 26.
     2. A pledge, a deposit.

vinimeṣa vinimeṣa, i. e. vi-ni-miṣ + a, m. A wink, sign, Kir. 12, 26.

viniyoga viniyoga, i. e. vi-ni-yuj + a, m.
     1. Separation.
     2. Abandoning, Hit. 99, 13.
     3. Parting with anything in expectation of some advantage.
     4. Appointment to any office.
     5. Application to, or employment in, Hit. 98, 15.

vinirjaya vinirjaya, i. e. vi-nis-ji + a, m. Victory.

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vinirṇaya vinirṇaya, i. e. vi-nis-ni + a,
     1. Asertainment, Kir. 2, 12.
     2. Settling, Man. 8, 300.
     3. Decision, 1, 114.
     4. A rule, 5, 110.

vinirbandha vinirbandha, i. e. vi-nis-bandh + a, m. Pertinacious pursuit, Lass. 2. ed. 77, 64.

vinivṛtti vi-ni-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Stop, stopping, Man. 8, 368.
     2. Abstaining, Pañc. MS. Berol. 149, b.

viniveśa viniveśa, i. e. vi-ni-viś + a, m. An impression, Śāk. d. 142.

viniścaya viniścaya, i. e. vi-nis-ci + a, m.
     1. Decision, Chr. 15, 6; resolution, Sāv. 3, 10.
     2. Certainty, Chr. 17, 31.
-- Comp. pāpa-, adj. intending evil, Rām. 6, 81, 8. sva-dharma-artha-, m. certainty concerning the objects of one's duty.

vinītatva vi-nīta + tva (vb. ), n. Modesty, Hit. i. d. 118, M.M.

vinetṛ vinetṛ, i. e. vi-nī + tṛ, m.
     1. A guide.
     2. A teacher.
     3. A ruler.
     4. A chastiser, Rām. 3, 55, 37.

vinoda vinoda, i. e. vi-nud + a, m.
     1. Dismissing, removing, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 10; Śāk. 13, 3 (Prākṛ.).
     2. Play, pastime, entertainment, Hit. 13, 7, M.M.; Lass. 5, 15; sport, Pañc. 5, 6 (sarasvatī-, The sport of the goddess of cloquence, i. e. literary practice).
     3. Pleasure, Pañc. 147, 14; happiness, Śāk. 86, 17.
     4. Interest, interesting pursuit, Vikr. d. 45.
     5. Eagerness.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. without pastime, Megh. 86. vilapana-, m. removing (viz. grief), by lamenting, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 10.

vinodana vinodana, i. e. vi-nud + ana, n. Play, pastime, enjoyment, Vikr. d. 38; Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 24.

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vinodin vinodin, i. e. vi-nud + in, adj. Removing, Śāk. d. 69.

vindu vindu,
I. i. e. vid + u, adj.
     1. Intelligent.
     2. Liberal.
II. m.
     1. A drop of any liquid, Pañc. 123, 14; Vikr. d. 80.
     2. A drop of water, taken as a measure.
     3. A spot.
     4. The bite or mark of a tooth.
     5. A mark of coloured paint on an elephant's face or trunk.
     6. A dot over a letter representing the anusvāra.
     7. The part of the forehead between the eyebrows.
-- Comp. suvarṇa- (m.), Viṣṇu, Mālat. 166, 16; the name of a holy place, Mālat. 145, 6. hiraṇya-, m. fire, MBh. 13, 1697.

vindhya vindhya,
I. m.
     1. The name of a mountainous range, Hit. 75, 11, M.M.
     2. A hunter.
II. f. .
     1. Small cardamoms.
     2. A fruit, Annona reticulata.
-- Comp. nis-, f. , the name of a river, Megh. 29.

vinnapa vinnapa, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 129.

vinyāsa vinyāsa, i. e. vi-ni-as + a, m.
     1. Entrusting.
     2. A deposit.
     3. Orderly arrangement, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 38.
     4. Assemblage, collection.
     5. Site, place.
     6. Receptacle.
-- Comp. akṣara-, m. writing, writ, Vikr. 25, 20.

vip vip, † vyap vyap, i. 10, Par. To throw.
-- With the prep. pra pra, To spend, Pañc. MS. Berol. 4, b (pravepyamāno, v. r. of praveśyamāno, Kos. ed. orn. 3, 14; cf. Götting. Gel. Anz. 1862, p. 1362).

vipaktrima vipaktrima, i. e. vi-pac + tṛ + ima, adj.
     1. Ripened, Bhaṭṭ. 1, 10.
     2. Fulfilled.

vipakṣatas vi-pakṣa + tas, adv. Inimically.

vipakṣatā vi-pakṣa + tā, f.
     1. Hostility.
     2. Opposition.
     3. Contradiction.

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vipaṇa vi-paṇ + a, m.
     1. Sale, Sund. 2, 23.
     2. Low traffic, Man. 3, 152; 10, 116.

vipaṇi vi-paṇ + i, (m. and) f., and ṇī, f.
     1. A shop.
     2. A market, Mālav. 24, 21.
     3. The street of a market.
     4. An article for sale.
     5. Traffic, Hariv. 3809.

vipatti vi-patti, i. e. vi-pad + ti, f.
     1. Misfortune, Pañc. iii. d. 77.
     2. Failing, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 263.
     3. Pain.
     4. Death, Bhartṛ. 2, 97.

vipad vi-pad, and vipadā vi-pad + ā, f. Calamity, misfortune, Pañc. i. d. 418 (°pad); Ragh. 18, 34 (°pad, death).

vipariṇāma vipariṇāma, i. e. vi-pari-nam + a, m. Change of state or form.

vipariṇāmin vipariṇāmin, i. e. vi-pari-nam + in, adj. Undergoing or producing change of state or form.

viparivartana viparivartana, i. e. vi-pari-vṛt + ana,
I. adj., f. , Causing to return, Kathās. 46, 121 (with vidyā, a magical knowledge producing that effect).
II. n. Turning back.

viparītatā viparītatā, i. e. vi-pari-ita + tā, f.
     1. Reverse, that which is contrary, opposite to something, counterpart, Hit. ii. d. 43.
     2. Contrariety.

viparyaya viparyaya, i. e. vi-pari-i + a, m.
     1. Change, Pañc. 37, 3.
     2. A morbid change, Man. 11, 48; failure of conception, 3, 49; cf. Rām. 1, 47, 3.
     3. Reverse, that which is contrary, opposite to something, Man. 4, 12; Kir. 11, 44; loc. ye, On the contrary, Rām. 2, 26, 34.
     4. Error.
     5. Trespass, Man. 8, 249.
     6. Overthrow, Man. 4, 171.
     7. Opposition, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 12; contrariety.
     8. Perverseness of disposition.
     9. Hostility.
-- Comp. karmaviparyaya, i. e. karman-, m. wrong doing, Hit. ii. d. 100. bhāgya-, and vidhi-, m. misfortune, Vikr. 63, 19; 69, 9.

viparyāsa viparyāsa, i. e. vi-pari-as + a, m.
     1. Reverse (cf. the two last), Utt. Rāmac. 96, 15; interchange, ib. 47, 6 (ghana-virala-bhāvaḥ kṣitiruhāṃ yāto viparyāsam, As for the trees, their state of being close together, or scanty, has interchanged, i. e. where there were before plenty of trees, there are at present few, and vice versā).
     2. Error, mistake, Bhāṣāp. 136; Pañc. 129, 5.
     3. Investing imaginary things with real attributes.

vipaścit vipaścit, m. A learned man; prudent, wise, Pañc. i. d. 308; Hit. iii. d. 17.

vipāka vipāka, i. e. vi-pac + a, m.
     1. Cooking.
     2. Ripening, Kir. 4, 26; taking place, Utt. Rāmac. 52, 5.
     3. The consequence of actions, Bhartṛ. 2, 97.
     4. Unexpected or improbable result.
     5. Distress, Utt. Rāmac. 96, 14.
     6. Change of form or state.
     7. Flavour, taste, MBh. 1, 716.
     8. Digestion.
-- Comp. karmavipāka, i. e. karman-, m. the ripening of actions, retribution, MBh. 4, 1405. daśā-, m. state, Mālat. 149, 4. dus-, adj. turning out destructive, Utt. Rāmac. 29, 8. daiva-dus-, m. cruelty (literally, the hard ripening) of fate, Utt. Rāmac. 164, 4; Hit. 18, 7; Utt. Rāmac. 27, 5.

vipākin vipākin, i. e. vipāka + in, adj. Followed, Mālat. 83, 9.

vipāṭana vipāṭana, i. e. vi-paṭ + ana, n. Spoliation, Rājat. 5, 264.

vipāṭha vipāṭha, m. An arrow, MBh. 4, 168; 5, 1865.

vipādikā vipādikā (akin to pāda), f.
     1. A blister on the foot.
     2. A riddle.

vipāś vipāś (curtailed vipāśā), and vipāśā vipāśā, i. e. vi-pāśa, f. The name of a river, MBh. 1, 6750 (śā).

vipina vipina, n. A thicket, a forest, Lass. 2. ed. 41, 4; a grove, Vikr. 57, 18; Ragh. 4, 31.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. very impenetrable, Kir. 5, 18.

vipula vipula (cf. pul),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Large, great, Pañc. i. d. 18; v. d. 5; Bhartṛ. 2, 91, 99; Rām. 3, 54, 28.
     2. Broad.
     3. Deep.
II. m.
     1. The mountain Meru.
     2. The Himālaya mountain.
     3. A respectable man.
III. f. , The earth.
-- Comp. su-, adj. very spacious.

vipulatā vipula + tā, f. Magnitude, Śāk. d. 9.

vipra vipra, m.
     1. A poet, or singer of vedic hymns, Chr. 292, 11 and 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 11; 86, 3.
     2. A Brāhmaṇa, a priest, Kathās. 4, 110; Pañc. 158, 2.

viprakarṣa viprakarṣa, i. e. vi-pra-kṛṣ + a, m. Distance, Vikr. 66, 10.

viprakāra viprakāra, i. e. vi-pra-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Opposition.
     2. Retaliation.
     3. Injury, abuse, Kir. 3, 55.
     4. Wickedness.

viprakārin viprakārin, i. e. vi-pra-kṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Opposing.
     2. Retaliating.

viprakṛti vi-pra-kṛ + ti, f.
     1. Retaliation.
     2. Abuse.

vipratikāra vipratikāra, i. e. vi-prati-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Opposition.
     2. Reverse.
     3. Contradiction.
     4. Retaliation.

vipratipatti vipratipatti, i. e. vi-prati-pad + ti, and vi-pratipatti, f.
     1. Mutual connexion with.
     2. Conversancy.
     3. Perplexity.
     4. Various acquirements.
     5. Difference.
     6. Opposition of interests.
     7. Contest, dispute, Windischmann, Sancara, 93.

vipratīsāra vipratīsāra, i. e. vi-prati-sṛ + a, m.
     1. Enmity, hate.
     2. Rage.
     3. Wickedness, evil action.
     4. (also vipratisāra vipratisāra), Repentance.

viprayoga viprayoga, i. e. vi-pra-yuj + a, m.
     1. Separation, Man. 9, 1; Pañc. ii. d. 184.
     2. Disunion.
     3. Quarrel.
     4. Deserving.

vipralambha vipralambha, i. e. vi-pra-labh + a, m.
     1. Deceiving, deceit, Ragh. 19, 18; Utt. Rāmac. 82, 12; Daśak. in Chr. 182, 14; 185, 9.
     2. Separation, Utt. Rāmac. 82, 7 (ati-bhūmi-gata-, adj. Whose separation has reached the highest degree, i. e. who has suffered an exceedingly sorrowful separation).
     3. Disunion.
     4. Quarrel.

vipralambhana vipralambhana, i. e. vi-pra-labh + ana, n. Deception, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 14.

vipralambhin vipralambhin, i. e. vi-pra-labh + in, adj., f. , Deceiving, fallacious, Pañc. 203, 3.

vipralaya vipralaya, i. e. vi-pra-lī + a, m. Dissolution, annihilation, Utt. Rāmac. 143, 8.

vipralāpa vipralāpa, i. e. vi-pra-lap + a, m.
     1. Idle discourse, prattle.
     2. Quarrel.

vipralumpaka vipralumpaka, i. e. vi-pra-lup + aka, adj. Rapacious, Man. 8, 309.

vipravāsa vipravāsa, i. e. vi-pra-vas + a, m. Staying abroad.

vipravāsana vipravāsana, i. e. vi-pra-vas, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Banishment.
     2. Residence abroad.

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vipraśnikā vipraśnikā, i. e. vi-praśna + ka, f. A female fortune-teller.

vipruṣ vi-pruṣ, f. A drop (of any fluid), Man. 5, 133; Pañc. 79, 16 (see my transl. n. 383).

vipruṣmant vipruṣ + mant (against grammar), adj., f. matī, Filled with drops, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 18.

viplava viplava, i. e. vi-plu + a, m.
     1. Spreading; with gam, To become known, Pañc. iii. d. 258.
     2. Perplexity.
     3. Calamity, disaster, Man. 8, 348.
     4. Tumult, trouble, Hit. i. d. 72, M.M.
     5. Predatory warfare.
     6. Rapine, extortion.
     7. Affray, scuffle, Rājat. 5, 420 (disturbance).
     8. Terrifying an enemy by shouts and gestures.
     9. Sin, wickedness, Rājat. 5, 19.
-- Comp. prāṇa-, adj. depriving of life, Bhāg. P. 1, 18, 2.

viplavatas viplava + tas, adv. In consequence of the calamity or disturbance; Rājat. 5, 471.

viplāva viplāva, i. e. vi-plu + a, m.
     1. Inundating.
     2. Devastating.
     3. Causing disturbance.
     4. A horse's gallop.

viphalatā vi-phala + tā, f., and viphalatva vi-phala + tva, n. Fruitlessness, Śiś. 9, 6 (tva); Pañc. 244, 8 (°tāṃ nī, To make fruitless).

vibandhana vi-bandh + ana, in paraspara-, adj. Depending on each other, Pañc. i. d. 91.

vibudha vi-budh + a, m.
     1. A god, Man. 12, 47.
     2. A learned, a wise man, Pañc. ii. d. 47 (adj.); ii. d. 182.
     3. The moon.

vibhakti vibhakti, i. e. vi-bhaj + ti, f.
     1. A partition, division, Man. 1, 24.
     2. Part.
     3. Inheritance.
     4. An affix of declension, Pāṇ. i. 4, 104; v. 3, 1, sqq.

vibhaṅga vibhaṅga, i. e. vi-bhañj + a, m.
     1. Breaking.
     2. Fracture.
     3. Stopping, Bhartṛ. 2, 60.
     4. Bending, contracting (especially of the eyebrows).
     5. Expression of features.
     6. Division.
-- Comp. āśā-, adj. (with broken hope), hopeless, Hit. i. d. 189, M.M.

vibhava vibhava, i. e. vi-bhū + a, m.
     1. Power, Bhartṛ. 2, 49.
     2. Supreme or superhuman power, Kir. 5, 21.
     3. Wealth, Pañc. iii. d. 96.
     4. Property.
     5. Substance.
     6. Thing, Pañc. iii. d. 167.
     7. Magnanimity.
     8. Emancipation from existence.
-- Comp. galita-, adj. one who has spent his fortune (arthiṣu, on the poor), Bhartṛ. 2, 36.

vibhavatas vibhava + tas, adj. Agreeably to one's power or rank, to the royal majesty, Mālav. 19, 1; Vikr. 30, 18.

vibhā vi-bhā, f.
     1. Light.
     2. Lustre, Nalod. 1, 48.
     3. Beauty.
     4. A ray of light.

vibhākara vibhā-kara, m.
     1. The sun, Sāh. Darp. p. 312, 2.
     2. Fire.

vibhāga vibhāga, i. e. vi-bhaj + a, m.
     1. Dividing, Bhāṣāp. 3; division, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 23; Hit. 119, 18; arrangement, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 15.
     2. Part, Pañc. 243, 20; 241, 7.
     3. Distribution, Rājat. 5, 111.
     4. Partition of inheritance, Man. 1, 115.
     5. The share or portion of inheritance.
-- Comp. digvi°, i. e. diś-, m. a quarter of the compass, direction, Vikr. 5, 14.

vibhāgatas vibhāga + tas, adv. Proportionately.

vibhāgaśas vibhāga + śas, adv. Proportionately, part for part, Man. 12, 17; Bhag. 4, 13.

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vibhāva vibhāva, i. e. vi-bhū + a, m.
     1. An acquaintance.
     2. An excitant of the sentiments of poetical composition, Sāh. Darp. p. 31.
     3. The affections or sentiments, as love, Sch. ad Nalod. 2, 8.

vibhāvaka vibhāvaka, i. e. vi-bhū, Caus., + aka, adj. Discussing, illustrating.

I. vibhā + van, adj., f. varī, Shining, 287, 1 = Rigv. i. 48, 1; Chr. 295, 14 = Rigv. i. 92, 14.
II. vi-bhā + van, f. varī.
     1. Night, Rām. 2, 84, 18.
     2. A harlot.
     3. A bawd.
     4. Turmeric.

vibhāvana vibhāvana, i. e. vi-bhū + ana, n.
     1. Discussion.
     2. Ascertaining, Vikr. 78, 10 (reading).
     3. Perceiving distinctly, Man. 2, 101.
     4. Conceiving, imagination.

vibhāvarī vibhāvarī, see vibhāvan.

vibhāvin vibhāvin, i. e. vibhāva + in, adj., f. , Exciting love, Nalod. 2, 8.

vibhītaka vi-bhīta + ka (vb. bhī), m., f. (), A plant, Terminalia belerica, Lass. 52, 15 (m.).

vibhīṣaṇa vibhīṣaṇa, i. e. vi-bhī, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Terrific, horrible, Hiḍ. 2, 4.
II. m. The brother of Rāvaṇa.
III. f. ṇā, and n. The property of exciting fear, terrifying, a means of terrifying, Draup. 5, 10 (n.).
-- Comp. su-, adj. very terrible, Rām. 3, 55, 25.

vibhīṣikā vibhīṣikā, i. e. vi-bhī, Caus., + aka, f. A means of terrifying, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 1; Pañc. 160, 17.

vibhu vibhu, i. e. vi-bhū,
I. adj.
     1. Omnipresent.
     2. All-pervading, pervading, Bhāṣāp. 50; 93.
     3. Eternal.
     4. Firm, solid.
II. m.
     1. A master, a lord, Pañc. 202, 10; Chr. 33, 2; used particularly in addressing, Indr. 1, 39; Chr. 13, 15; 17, 27.
     2. One who is able (with infin.), Kir. 5, 43.
     3. Śiva.
     4. Brahman.
     5. Viṣṇu.
     6. The soul.
     7. Time.
     8. Space.
     9. AEther.
     10. A servant.

vibhutā vibhu + tā, f., and vibhutva vibhu + tva, n. Power, Śāk. d. 42 (tva).

vibhūti vi-bhū + ti, f.
     1. Power, dignity, Pañc. 203, 1.
     2. Superhuman power, Hit. iii. d. 115.
     3. Ashes of cow-dung.

vibhūtimant vibhūti + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Powerful.
     2. Superhuman, Bhag. 10, 41.

vibhūṣaṇa vibhūṣaṇa, i. e. vi-bhūṣ + ana, n. Ornament, decoration, Pañc. ii. d. 168.

vibhūṣā vi-bhūṣ + ā, f.
     1. Light, lustre.
     2. Ornament.

vibhettṛ vibhettṛ, i. e. vi-bhid + tṛ, m. A destroyer, Śāk. d. 163.

vibheda vibheda, i. e. vi-bhid + a, m.
     1. Dividing, Kir. 13, 1.
     2. Breaking, violating, Hit. iv. d. 124.
     3. Wounding.
     4. Bewildering.
     5. A separation.
     6. Distinction.
     7. Contradiction.
     8. Enmity.

vibhraṃśa vi-bhraṃś + a, m. A precipice, Bhāg. P. 8, 22, 5.

vibhraṃśin vi-bhraṃś + in, adj. Falling, fallen, Megh. 68.

vibhrama vi-bhram + a, m.
     1. Whirling, Hit. iii. d. 140; going round, Kathās. 20, 226 (agitation); motion, Mālat. 15, 12.
     2. Error, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 3 (hāra-, adj. Producing the error of a necklace, i. e. like a necklace); Rājat. 5, 332 (babhruḥ -- saṭā-pāṭala-vibhramam, Could be mistaken for [i. e. were like] a Bignonia-like mane).
     3. Erroneous use, Man. 7, 24.
     4. Doubt.
     5. Play (of the eyes), Śāk. d. 23.
     6. Amorous actions, Pañc. i. d. 151; flurry, confusion, perturbation, Bhag. 2, 63.
     7. Enrapture, Mālat. 155, 7.
     8. Beauty, Pañc. v. d. 3; grace, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 6.
-- Comp. citta-, m. derangement, madness, MBh. 18, 47. dṛṣṭi-, m. amorous playing of the eyes, Śāk. d. 23. sa-, adj. playing, looking amorously, Ṛt. 1, 12; 6, 23.

vibhrāj vi-bhrāj, adj.
     1. Shining.
     2. Elegant, richly dressed.

vibhrānti vibhrānti, i. e. vi-bhram + ti, f.
     1. Whirling, going round.
     2. Hurry, precipitation.
     3. Error.
     4. Confusion.

vimatitā vi-mati + tā, f. Stupidity, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.

vimanaska vi-manas + ka, adj. Sad, etc. = vi-manas, see manas.

vimaya vimaya, i. e. vi-me + a, m. Barter, exchange.

vimarda vimarda, i. e. vi-mṛd + a, m.
     1. Rubbing, Śāk. 105, 14 (rubbing against, or playing with, the young lion); Ṛt. 1, 20.
     2. The trituration of perfumes.
     3. Touch, contact, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 23; conjunction of the sun and moon, eclipse.
     4. Destroying, Hit. 50, 18.
     5. Killing.
     6. War, Vikr. 87, 1; battle, Utt. Rāmac. 138, 5.
     7. Weariness, Chr. 42, 13; tediousness, Mṛcch. 1, 9.

vimardaka vimardaka (vb. mṛd), m. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 7.

vimardana vimardana, i. e. vi-mṛd + ana, n.
     1. Rubbing, grinding.
     2. The trituration of perfumes.
     3. Conjunction of the sun and moon, eclipse.
     4. Destroying, killing.

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vimardin vimardin, i. e. vi-mṛd + in, adj. Destroying, removing, Śāk. d. 69, v. r.

vimarśa vimarśa (erroneously also vimarṣa vimarṣa, e. g. Kathās. 21, 25), i. e. vi-mṛś + a, m.
     1. Investigation.
     2. Reasoning.
     3. Discussion, hesitation, Rām. 1, 20, 23.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. devoid of reflection, Kathās. 15, 39. sa-vimarśa + m, adv. thoughtfully, Śāk. 58, 4.

vimarśana vimarśana, i. e. vi-mṛś + ana, n. Investigating, discussing.

vimarśin vimarśin, i. e. vi-mṛś + in, adj. Thinking, deliberating.

vimarṣa vimarṣa, i. e. vi-mṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Irritation, Chr. 60, 28.
     2. Displeasure. Cf. vimarśa.

vimalatā vi-mala + tā, f. Clearness, Chr. 35, 1.

vimāna vi-māna, m. and n.
     1. A chariot of the gods, Vikr. 4, 1; Rām. 3, 48, 6.
     2. Any vehicle, Rām. 3, 54, 6.
     3. A horse.
     4. A palace, Megh. 64.
     5. (vi-mā + ana), A measure.

vimānatā vimāna + tā, f. State of a chariot of the gods, Vikr. d. 137.

vimānanā vimānanā, i. e. vi-man, Caus., + ana, f. Contempt, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 159; Rājat. 5, 339.

vimānastha vimāna-stha, adj. Standing on a divine chariot, Pañc. iii. d. 184.

vimārga m.
I. vi-mārga.
     1. A bad road, Lass. 2. ed. 68, 40.
     2. Evil conduct.
II. i. e. vi-mṛj + a, A broom, a brush.

vimārgaṇa vimārgaṇa, i. e. vi-mārg + aṇa, n. Seeking, Kir. 14, 9.

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vimiśra vi-miśra, adj. Mixed, MBh. 1, 1139.

vimukti vimukti, i. e. vi-muc + ti, f.
     1. Separation.
     2. Liberation, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 191; remission, Man. 11, 232.
     3. Saving (one's life), Pañc. ii. d. 174.
     4. Final emancipation from future existence.

vimukhatā vi-mukha + tā, f.
     1. Turning away.
     2. Departure.
     3. Disinclination, opposition, Śāk. 66, 2.

vimokṣa vi-mokṣ + a, m.
     1. Letting loose.
     2. Deliverance (from embarrassment), Chr. 54, 19.
     3. Dismissing unhurt, Man. 8, 316.
     4. Final emancipation, Bhag. 16, 5; Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 7.

vimokṣaṇa vimokṣaṇa, i. e. vi-mokṣ + ana, n., and f. ṇā,
     1. Untying, Pañc. 107, 24.
     2. Liberation, release, Johns. Sel. 97, 1. 6; Pañc. ii. d. 191.
     3. Abandoning, Man. 2, 243; Pañc. 74, 20 (aṇḍa-, Laying eggs).

vimocana vimocana, i. e. vi-muc + ana, n. Liberating, Brāhmaṇav. 3, 13.

vimohana vimohana, vi-muh + ana, n. Seducing, confounding the mind and exciting passions, Rājat. 5, 370.

vimba vimba, vimbita vimbita, vimboṣṭha vimboṣṭha, and vimbauṣṭha vimbauṣṭha; see bimb°.

viyat viyat (perhaps vi-yam + t), n. Sky, heaven, Pañc. iii. d. 147.

viyama and viyāma viya/āma, i. e. vi-yam + a, m.
     1. Restraint.
     2. Cessation.
     3. Pain.

viyoga viyoga, i. e. vi-yuj + a, m.
     1. Separation, Vikr. 29, 17 (with saha, Pañc. 30, 22).
     2. Disunion.
     3. Loss, Pañc. ii. d. 184; death, Hit. iv. d. 62.
     4. Absence, Megh. 78.
-- Comp. a-, m. the not being deprived (with instr.), Daśak. in Chr. 193, 17. sadviyoga, i. e. sant- (vb. 1. as), separation from the good, Kir. 5, 51.

viyogin viyogin, i. e. viyoga + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Separated, Nalod. 2, 12.
     2. Absent.
II. m. The ruddy goose.

virakti virakti, i. e. vi-rañj + ti, and vi-rakti, f.
     1. Absence of affection.
     2. Aversion, Pañc. 114, 1.

viracana vi-rac + ana, n., and f. ,
     1. Making, Vikr. d. 153 (read muktāvalī-viracanā-punar-uktam; cf. vac and Böhtl. Roth. s. v. punarukta).
     2. Composing.
     3. Embellishing.
     4. Embellishment, Mālat. 13, 20 ().

virañca virañca, and virañci virañci (perhaps vi-rac + a or i, but cf. viriñcana), m. Brahman. Śiś. 9, 9; MBh. 1, 1638 has viriñci.

virati virati, i. e. vi-ram + ti, and vi-rati, f.
     1. Stop.
     2. Cessation.
     3. End, Bhartṛ. 1, 51.
     4. Indifference, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 11.

virapśin virapśin, adj. Shaking, tossing, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10.

virama vi-ram + a, m. Cessation, sunset, Śiś. 9, 11.

virala virala (perhaps vila + la),
I. adj.
     1. Fine, delicate, thin.
     2. Little, Śiś. 9, 3; few, Rājat. 5, 56.
     3. Loose, relaxed, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 4.
     4. Separated by an interval, wide.
     5. Remote.
     6. Single, Bhartṛ. 2, 33; rare, Prab. 10, 8; Pañc. i. d. 35; °lam, adv. Rarely, Hit. i. d. 32, M.M.
II. n. Sour curds.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. coarse. 2. uninterrupted, Utt. Rāmac. 69, 6. 3. close; °lam, adv. closely, Śāk. d. 55; fast, Mālat. 60, 10. 4. dense, Utt. Rāmac. 44, 6; plentiful, Mālat. 14, 6. pra-, adj. 1. very rare, very scanty, Pañc. 182, 16; 214, 22. 2. separate, apart.

viralita viralita, i. e. virala + ita, in a-viralita-kapola + m, adv. With closely united cheeks, Utt. Rāmac. 17, 4.

viraha vi-rah + a, m.
     1. Separation, Megh. 12; Rājat. 5, 373; separation from (with instr.), Man. 5, 149.
     2. Absence, Bhāṣāp. 68; want, Hit. 127, 5.
     3. Cessation, Vikr. d. 130.
     4. Relinquishment.
-- Comp. prathama-, loc. sing. immediately after the separation, Megh. 92.

virahaja viraha-ja, adj. Produced by separation, Vikr. d. 110.

virahin virahin, i. e. viraha + in,
I. adj.
     1. Separate, Mālat. 144, 3.
     2. Absent from
II. f. iṇī.
     1. A woman absent from her husband or lover.
     2. Wages, hire.

virāgārha virāgārha, i. e. vi-rāga-arha (see rāga), adj. Fit for freedom from passion, free from passion.

virāj vi-rāj, m.
     1. Splendour.
     2. A man of the military class.
     3. The name of the first progeny of Brahman, Man. 1, 32; 3, 195.
     4. The consciousness which perceives collections or aggregates, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 11.

virāṭa virāṭa, m. The name of a country.

virāddhṛ virāddhṛ, i. e. vi-rādh + tṛ, m., f. dhrī, and n.
     1. Thwarting, opposing.
     2. Injuring.
     3. Abusive.

virādha vi-rādh + a, m.
     1. Prevention, opposition.
     2. Vexation.
     3. A Rākṣasa, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 19.

virādhana vi-rādh + ana, n. Pain.

virāma virāma, i. e. vi-ram + a, m.
     1. Cessation, rest, Man. 2, 73; °maṃ yā, To rest, Bhartṛ. 2, 72.
     2. End, Utt. Rāmac. 63, 5.
     3. Pause.

virāva virāva, i. e. vi-ru + a, m. Sound.

virāvin virāvin, i. e. virāva + in, adj.
     1. Shouting.
     2. Resounding, Rām. 1, 19, 12.

viriñcana viriñcana, m. Brahman (cf. virañca).

viribdha viribdha (anomal. ptcple. pf. pass. of vi rebh), m. A tone, a note.

virukmant virukmant, i. e. vi-ruc + mant, adj. Splendid, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3 (mataḥ, acc. pl. f. ved.).

viruddhatā vi-ruddha + tā (vb. rudh), f.
     1. Opposition, contrariety.
     2. Enmity.
     3. Incongruity, abominableness, Pañc. 260, 3.
-- Comp. a-, f. absence of abominableness, Pañc. 261, 6.

virūpākṣa virūpākṣa, i. e. vi-rūpa-akṣa, adj. Having deformed eyes; m. Śiva, Johns. Sel. 89, 25.

vireka vireka, i. e. vi-ric + a, m., and virecana virecana, i. e. vi-ric + ana, n.
     1. Purging.
     2. A purgative.

viroka viroka, i. e. vi-ruc + a,
I. m. A ray of light.
II. n. A chasm.

virocana virocana, i. e. vi-ruc + ana,
I. m.
     1. Fire.
     2. The sun.
     3. The moon.
II. (n. ?), Light, lustre, Rājat. 5, 448.

virociṣṇu virociṣṇu, i. e. vi-ruc + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. Shining.
     2. Illuminating, making visible, Man. 1, 77.

virodha virodha, i. e. vi-rudh + a,
I. m.
     1. Hindrance, impediment.
     2. Restraint, check.
     3. Opposition, Pañc. 162, 14; Chr. 56, 16; contradiction, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 18; Kusumāñj. 3, 8; i. d. 147.
     4. Inconsistency (in argument).
     5. Surrounding.
     6. Siege, blockade.
     7. Enmity, Utt. Rāmac. 146, 1; Pañc. 148, 10.
     8. War.
     9. Calamity.
II. f. dhī, Fixed rule, institute.
-- Comp. vacana-, m. inconsistency of texts. smṛti-, m. 1. illegality. 2. disagreement between two or more codes of law.

virodhana virodhana, i. e. vi-rudh + ana, n.
     1. Hindering.
     2. Opposition.
     3. Incongruity.
     4. Blockading.
     5. Provoking.
     6. Encountering or defying peril.
-- Comp. a-, adj. useful, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 175.

virodhin virodhin, i. e. vi-rudh and virodha, + in,
I. adj. f. .
     1. Obstructive.
     2. Preventing, impeding, Man. 4, 17.
     3. Contradictory, inconsistent, Vikr. d. 162.
     4. Exclusive, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 11.
     5. Besieging, blockading.
     6. Quarrelsome.
II. m. An enemy, Lass. 2. ed. 88, 28.
-- Comp. deśa-kāla-, adj. acting contrary to place and time, Pañc. iii. d. 209.

viropaṇa viropaṇa, i. e. vi-ruh, Caus., + ana, adj. Healing, Śāk. d. 89.

vilvil, i. 6, Par. To cover, to conceal. i. 10, Par. To throw (cf. pil).

vila vila, or bila,
I. m. One of Indra's horses.
II. n.
     1. A chasm, a hole, Pañc. ii. d. 14; 107, 2 (of a mouse).
     2. A cave, a cavern, Pañc. 193, 15; Rām. 4, 9, 19.
-- Comp. ud-, adj. being out of one's hole, Rām. 2, 33, 19. mahā-, n. 1. a cave. 2. sky, heaven. 3. the heart. 4. a water-jar. sthālī-, n. the interior or hollow of a pot.

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vilakṣaṇa vilakṣaṇa, i. e.
A. vi-lakṣ + ana, n. Seeing.
B. i. e. vi-lakṣaṇa,
I. adj. Different, Bhāṣāp. 113.
II. n. State or condition for which no cause can be assigned, causeless state.

vilakṣatva vi-lakṣa + tva, n.
     1. Absence of mark or aim.
     2. Absence of distinguishing property.
     3. Surprise.
     4. Shame.

vilaṅghana vi-laṅgh + ana, n.
     1. Overstepping.
     2. Striking against, Kir. 5, 29.
     3. Offence, 13, 55.

vilaṅghin vi-laṅgh + in, adj. Transgressing, ascending to, Kathās. 14, 13.

vilapana vi-lap + ana, n.
     1. Lamenting, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 10; Hit. 65, 20.
     2. Chattering.

vilamba vi-lamb + a, m.
     1. Falling.
     2. Hanging down.
     3. Slowness.
     4. Delay, Rām. 3, 35, 35; Lass. 75, 10.
-- Comp. a-, and mā-, acc. bam, adv. without delay, Pañc. 107, 25 (mā-); Vikr. (Lenz.), 84, 12 (a-).

vilambana vi-lamb + ana, n.
     1. Depending.
     2. Delaying, delay, Hit. 99, 12.

vilambin vi-lamb + in, adj.
     1. Hanging down, Śāk. d. 145.
     2. Delaying.

vilambha vilambha, i. e. vi-labh + a, m. Liberality (cf. ŚKD.).

vilaya vilaya, i. e. vi-lī + a, m.
     1. Liquefaction, Śiś. 9, 17; vilayaṃ gam, To be dissolved, to end.
     2. Death, Utt. Rāmac. 172, 3.
     3. Destruction, Bhartṛ. 2, 77.
     4. Destruction of the world.
-- Comp. su-, adj. easily fusible.

vilayana vilayana, i. e. vi-lī + ana, n.
     1. Liquefying.
     2. Attenuating.
     3. Corroding.
     4. Removing.
     5. Destroying.

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vilasana vi-las + ana, n.
     1. Sporting, dallying, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 7.
     2. Flashing, Megh. 39.

vilāpa vilāpa, i. e. vi-lap + a, m. Lamentation, Lass. 30, 3.

vilāsa vilāsa, i. e. vi-las + a, m.
     1. Sport, pastime, dalliance, merriness, Pañc. v. d. 83.
     2. Coquetry, Śāk. d. 35.
     3. Wantonness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1610.
     4. Charm, beauty, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 3.
-- Comp. bhrū-, m. amorous motion of the eyebrows, Megh. 93. sa-, adj. amorous, wanton, Śiś. 9, 26; °sam, adv. by expressive looks, Mālat. 15, 6.

vilāsana vilāsana, i. e. vi-las + ana, n. Fascination, Indr. 5, 13 (perhaps corr. vilasanais with a).

vilāsavant vilāsa + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Sportive,
     2. A dallying, wanton woman, Ṛt. 1, 12.

vilāsin vilāsin, i. e. vilāsa + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Sportive.
     2. Dallying, wanton, Kir. 10, 41.
II. m.
     1. Viṣṇu, Śiva, Kṛṣṇa, Kāma.
     2. The moon.
     3. Fire.
     4. A snake.
     5. A sensualist.
III. f. .
     1. A woman, Rām. 3, 52, 23.
     2. A harlot, Pañc. iii. d. 122.
     3. The favourite mistress of a king(?), Pañc. 156, 23.
-- Comp. vāra-, f. a harlot, Hit. iv. d. 130. sura-, f. a courtesan of heaven, Lass. 82, 4.

vilekhana vilekhana, i. e. vi-likh + ana, n.
     1. Digging.
     2. Dividing.
     3. Making furrows.

vilekhin vilekhin, i. e. vi-likh + in, adj. Seraping, touching, reaching, Johns. Sel. 40, 39.

vilepa vilepa, i. e. vi-lip + a, m.
     1. Ointment.
     2. Anointing.
     3. Mortar, plaster.

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vilepana vilepana, i. e. vi-lip + ana,
I. n.
     1. Anointing the body with fragrant substances, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 8.
     2. Ointment, Hit. i. d. 96, M.M.
     3. Plastering.
II. f. .
     1. A woman adorned with perfumes.
     2. Rice-gruel.

vilepanin vilepanin, i. e. vilepana + in, in a-, adj. Deprived of ointments, Rām. 1, 6, 9.

vileśaya vileśaya, i. e. vila + i-śī + a, m. Any animal living in holes, as a snake, a rat, a hare.

vilokana vi-lok + ana, n.
     1. Seeing, regarding, Mālat. 68, 5; sight, Kir. 5, 16.
     2. Spying, Hit. iii. d. 35.

vilocana vi-loc + ana, n. The eye, Kumāras. 5, 33; Vikr. d. 132.

viloḍana viloḍana, also vilolana vilolana, i. e. vi-luḍ or lul, + ana, n.
     1. Agitating, stirring.
     2. Rolling.

vilopa vilopa, i. e. vi-lup + a, m. Seizing, taking away, Hariv. 7267.

vilopana vilopana, i. e. vi-lup + ana, n.
     1. Destruction.
     2. Deluding.

vilobha vilobha, i. e. vi-lubh + a, m. Seduction.

vilobhana vilobhana, i. e. vi-lubh + ana, n.
     1. Beguiling, Kir. 10, 17.
     2. Seduction.
     3. Praise.

vilomita vilomita, i. e. vi-loma + ita, adj. Made disaffected, i. e. surpassed, and made reversed, Naiṣ. 22, 47.

vilola vilola, i. e. vi-lul + a, adj.
     1. Shaking, trembling, Ṛt. 1, 14; 19.
     2. Unsteady, fickle.
     3. Rolling (as the eyes).
     4. Tossing.

vilva vilva,
I. m. A fruit tree, Aegle marmelos, Bhartṛ. 2, 68.
II. n.
     1. Its fruit.
     2. A measure, the same as the Pala.
-- Comp. cira-, m. a tree, Pongamia glabra Vent., Rām. 3, 79, 34.

vivakṣā vivakṣā, i. e. vivakṣa, desider. of vac, + a, f.
     1. Wish to speak.
     2. Wish.
     3. A question, MBh. 1, 7197.

vivadha and vīvadha vi/īvadha, probably vi-vah + a, m.
     1. A road, Pañc. iii. d. 39 (vi°).
     2. A yoke for carrying burthens.
     3. A load.
     4. Storing grain or hay, etc.
     5. An ewer.
-- Comp. udaka-, and uda(n)-vīvadha-, m. a yoke for carrying water, Pāṇ. 6, 3, 60.

vivadhika and vīvadhika vi/īvadhika, i. e. vi/īvadha + ika, m. A chandler.

vivara vivara, i. e. vi-vṛ + a, n.
     1. Separation.
     2. A hole, Hit. 28, 10, M.M.; a chasm, a fissure, Pañc. 10, 12; a breach, Man. 7, 105; an interval, Śāk. d. 166; space, Nalod. 2, 19.
     3. A cave, Pañc. 241, 1.
     4. A vulnerable part, MBh. 9, 3280.
     5. A wound, Ragh. 11, 18.
     6. Fault, defect.
-- Comp. karṇa-, n. the auditory passage, Bhāg. P. 3, 15, 46. nāsā-, n. the nostril, ib. 3, 15, 18.

vivaraṇa vivaraṇa, i. e. vi-vṛ + ana, n.
     1. Uncovering.
     2. Explanation.
     3. A sentence, Brahmav. 2, 28.
     4. Detailing.

vivarta vivarta, i. e. vi-vṛt + a, m.
     1. Going round, Lass. 74, 16; revolving.
     2. Dancing.
     3. Confounding of truth and falsehood, mistaking unreal objects and conceiving them to be what they are not, e. g. mirage for water, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 24.
     4. Object as unreal, opposed to Brahman, the only real essence, Utt. Rāmac. 143, 8.
     5. Modification, Utt. Rāmac. 37, 3; 88, 2.
     6. An assemblage, multitude, Mālat. 24, 8.

vivartana vivartana, i. e. vi-vṛt + ana, n.
     1. Going round, revolving.
     2. Reverential salutation, Kir. 5, 40.
     3. Turning round, overturning, Utt. Rāmac. 102, 4.
     4. Tossing to and fro, Śāk. d. 132.
     5. Returning, Kir. 7, 11.
     6. Passing in succession, Mālat. 23, 14; as various hells, Man. 12, 75.
     7. Being, abiding.
     8. Causing to change, Mālat. 71, 8.

vivartin vivartin, i. e. vi-vṛt + in, adj. Turning back, Śāk. d. 73; Kir. 5, 5.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not showing the heels, Sāv. 7, 12. pārśva-, adj. living at the side, Kathās. 19, 101.

vivardhana vivardhana, i. e. vi-vṛdh + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Growing, Rām. 3, 49, 41.
     2. Furthering, increasing, Man. 1, 106; Hit. ii. d. 57 (but cf. v. r. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1217).
II. n. Increase.

vivasvant vi-vas + vant, (2. vas)
I. m.
     1. The sun, Pañc. v. d. 37; Kir. 5, 48.
     2. Aruṇa, the charioteer of the sun.
     3. The seventh Manu (see vaivasvata).
     4. A god.
II. f. vatī, The city of the sun.

vivāka vivāka, see prāḍvivāka.

vivāda vivāda, i. e. vi-vad + a, m.
     1. Contesting, Śāk. 106, 10; contest, strife, Man. 4, 180; dispute, Pañc. i. d. 68.
     2. Argument, Man. 11, 205.
     3. A lawsuit, Pañc. iii. d. 92.
     4. Sound, Ragh. 18, 42.
-- Comp. a-, m. accordance, Man. 8, 92. nis-, adj. not contesting, agreeing with each other, MBh. 3, 305. śānta- (vb. śam), adj, reconciled, appeased. sīmā-, m. a litigation respecting boundaries, Man. 8, 6.

vivādin vivādin, i. e. vivāda + in, adj. and sbst.
     1. Contending.
     2. A party in a lawsuit, Man. 8, 69.

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vivāsa vivāsa, i. e.
I. vi- 1. vas, Caus., + a, m. Banishment, Nal. 19, 6.
II. vi-vāsa, adj. Without clothes, naked.

vivāsana vivāsana, i. e. vi- 1. vas, Caus., + ana, n. Banishment, banishing, Utt. Rāmac. 41, 5.

vivāha vivāha, i. e. vi-vah + a, m.
     1. Marriage, Pañc. 188, 22.
     2. Nuptial form, Man. 3, 20.
-- Comp. see ku-, Dus-, m. a bad form of marriage, Man. 3, 41.

vivāhin -vivāhin, i. e. vivāha + in, in a-, adj. Such one who is forbidden to be allied by marriage, Man. 9, 238.

viviṃśati viviṃśati, m. A proper name.

viviktatā vi-vikta + tā (vb. vic), f. A free or empty space, Rājat. 5, 354.

vivikṣu vivikṣu, i. e. vivikṣa, desider. of viś, + u, adj. Desiring to enter, Vikr. d. 24.

vivīta vi-vīta (vb. , substitute for aj), n. A pasture ground, Yājñ. 2, 282.

vivṛti vi-vṛ + ti, f.
     1. Discovery, manifestation, Kir. 10, 19.
     2. Explanation.

vivṛtti vi-vṛt + ti, f. Turning round, rolling, whirling, tumbling.

vivṛddhi vivṛddhi, i. e. vi-vṛdh + ti, f. Growth, increase. Man. 1, 31.

viveka viveka, i. e. vi-vic + a, m.
     1. Discrimination, Man. 1, 26; Pañc. i. d. 294.
     2. Judgment, Bhartṛ. 2, 10.
     3. Discussion, investigation.
     4. True knowledge, Bhartṛ. 1, 89.
     5. A reservoir.
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. absence of discrimination or judgment, Hit. iv. d. 97.
II. adj. wanting discrimination, stupid, Hit. i. d. 135, M.M.

vivekajña viveka-jña, adj. Intelligent, Pañc. i. d. 431.

vivekatā viveka + tā, in a-, f. Want of judgment, Hit. pr. d. 11, M.M. nis-vivekatva, see s. v. nirvi°.

vivekin vivekin, i. e. viveka + in, adj. Judicious, discriminative, prudent, Pañc. 131, 19.
-- Comp. a-, adj. defective in judgment, unable to discriminate, Kathās. 24, 225.

vivektṛ vivektṛ, i. e. vi-vic + tṛ, m. A wise man, Rājat. 5, 5.

vivecana vivecana, i. e. vi-ric + ana, n.
     1. Discrimination.
     2. Decision, Man. 8, 21.

vivoḍhṛ vivoḍhṛ, i. e. vi-vah + tṛ, m.
     1. A husband.
     2. A bridegroom.

vivvoka vivvoka, m. Affectation of indifference, one of the feminine actions, tending to excite love, Sāh. Darp. 284, 20.

viś 1. viś, i. 6, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 43, 6),
     1. To enter, Hit. ii. d. 48.
     2. To enter in (with acc.), Bhag. 11. 29.
     3. To pierce, Rājat. 5, 217.
     4. To begin, Rām. 1, 11, 20.
     5. To sit down, Rām. 2, 82, 2. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. viṣṭa, Penetrated, pervaded. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. veśya,
I. f. , A harlot, Hit. i. d. 135, M.M.
II. n. The habitation of harlots. Comp. svar-veśyā, f. an Apsaras.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To enter after somebody, MBh. 1, 796.
     2. To enter, Pañc. 187, 25.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To approach, Hit. i. d. 2, M.M.
     2. To enter, Man. i, 29.
     3. To occupy, Chr. 35, 5.
     4. To proceed, Man. 1, 18. āviṣṭa,
     1. Pierced, wounded, Rām. 3, 52, 20.
     2. Overpowered, affected with, Lass. 2. ed. 45, 18; possessed (by a demon, or by any sentiment), Pañc. 40, 18; Chr. 31, 15; 7, 21.
     3. Covered, Pañc. i. d. 73 (kañcuka-, by a coat of mail and by a snake's hide).
     4. Full of, Hit. 126, 17. Caus. veśaya, To cause to enter, Bhag. 8, 10.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To enter, MBh. 1, 5389.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā,
     1. To enter, Rām. 2, 85, 15.
     2. To begin, Rām. 1, 62, 22.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To enter at once, Man. 1, 56.
     2. To enter, MBh. 7272.
     3. To approach, Bhartṛ. 2, 81.
     4. To sit on, Man. 2, 119; Pañc. ii. d. 63. samāviṣṭa, Endowed, Lass. 2, 2. Caus.
     1. To put on, MBh. 3, 9913.
     2. To commit, Pañc. i. d. 106.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To sit down, Vikr. 15, 5; Chr. 11, 17.
     2. To encamp, MBh. 3, 659.
     3. To enter, to occupy, MBh. 1, 5389. upaviṣṭa,
     1. Seated, Pañc. 68, 21; sitting, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 10; sitting quietly, Pañc. 53, 23; sitting down for performing, Pañc. 224, 15.
     2. Arrived, entered, Lass. 2. ed. 44, 3. Comp. bala-, adj. endowed with, or possessed of, strength. Caus.
     1. To cause to sit down, Vikr. 28, 18 (corr. veśayati); to place, Man. 3, 208.
     2. To sit down, Pañc. 147, 6 (probably to be read, upaviśya).
-- With upopa upa-upa,
     1. To sit near, (with the acc.), MBh. 3, 11777.
     2. To sit down, MBh. 1, 4914. upopaviṣṭa,
     1. Surrounded, Rām. 1, 4, 26.
     2. Sitting, MBh. 1, 6959.
-- With pratyupa prati-upa, To sit down opposite to, MBh. 2, 1156 (perhaps prati is to be separated, and preposition belonging to the preceding word).
-- With samupa sam-upa, To sit down, Vikr. 81, 4; MBh. 1, 8479. Caus. To cause to sit down, Hit. 69, 5.
-- With ni ni, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 1, 6960).
     1. To enter, MBh. 1, 7566.
     2. To descend, MBh. 1, 7308.
     3. To sit down, Śiś. 1, 19.
     4. To lie down, Pañc. 205, 8.
     5. To marry, MBh. 1, 1852.
     6. To be intent on, Man. 2, 8.
     7. To return, MBh. 3, 1426 (probably is to be read nirveśya). niviṣṭa,
     1. Situated on, Rām. 3, 53, 35.
     2. Arranged, Man. 9, 252. Caus.
     1. To cause to enter, Man. 4, 171.
     2. To place, Rām. 1, 18, 21.
     3. To lay the foundation of, Hariv. 6521.
     4. With manas, To apply one's mind to, Man. 6, 35.
     5. To draw, Śāk. d. 42.
     6. To cause to lie down, to encamp, Śāk. 18, 23.
     7. To cause to marry, MBh. 1, 7138; to unite to a match, Śāk. d. 95.
-- With abhini abhi-ni,
     1. To sit down, to settle in (with acc.), Pāṇ. 1, 4, 47; figurat., Bhaṭṭ. 8, 80.
     2. To be very set upon, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 21. abhiniviṣṭa,
     1. Endowed with, Ragh. 2, 75 (Calc.).
     2. Fixed, Mālat. 19, 2.
     3. Determined. Caus.
     1. To place, Śiś. 1, 15.
     2. To build, Ragh. 15, 29.
     3. To cause to be very set upon, Mālav. 28, 8.
-- With pratyabhini prati-abhi-ni, pratyabhiniviṣṭa, Pursuing pertinaciously, Mālat. 88, 22.
-- With pratini prati-ni, pratiniviṣṭa, Obstinate, Bhartṛ. 2, 4.
-- With vini vi-ni, Caus.
     1. To cause to enter, Rājat. 5, 318.
     2. To join(?), Rājat. 5, 39.
     3. To place, Rājat. 5, 445.
     4. To suspend, Pañc. i. d. 160.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, saṃniviṣṭa, Entered, seated, Bhag. 15, 15. Caus.
     1. To cause to enter, Man. 11, 202 (read saṃniveśya).
     2. To cause to lie down, MBh. 3, 665.
     3. To unite, to join, Man. 1, 16.
     4. To place, Vikr. 73, 8; Ragh. 12, 58 (Calc.).
     5. To put on, Ṛt. 1, 7.
     6. To contemplate, Man. 12, 120.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To enjoy, Megh. 109.
     2. To return, to reward, MBh. 5, 4943.
     3. To embellish, Hariv. 7858.
-- With pari pari, see 2. viṣ with pari.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To enter, Chr. 24, 50.
     2. To appear, Vikr. 71, 11.
     3. To begin, Rām. 1, 31, 28. praviṣṭa,
     1. Entered, pass. and act., Śāk. d. 7; Rājat. 5, 13; 58.
     2. Entered upon, engaged in. Desider. vivikṣa, To wish to enter, MBh. 3, 10836. Caus.
     1. To cause to enter, Pañc. 256, 1; to let enter, 16, 2.
     2. To introduce (with two acc.), MBh. 1, 4427; as one's wife, Chr. 6, 8.
     3. To lay up, Man. 8, 38. pravcśita, Called, or sent in.
-- With anupra anu-pra,
     1. To enter after somebody, MBh. 1, 7800.
     2. To enter, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 13.
     3. To go through, Utt. Rāmac. 37, 10.
     4. To follow, to accommodate one's self to, Pañc. i. d. 78 (cf. Hit. ii. d. 50).
     5. To cohabit with. MBh. 1, 4275.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To enter, MBh. 1, 3303.
     2. To cohabit with, Man. 9, 8.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To enter, MBh. 1, 6741.
     2. To lie down, MBh. 3, 13149; to go to rest, Man. 4, 55.
     3. To cohabit with, Man. 3, 48. Caus. To place, MBh. 1, 4274.
-- With anusam anu-sam, To lie down after somebody, Ragh. 2, 24 (Calc.).
-- Cf. [greek] see 2. viś and veśa.

viś 2. viś,
I. m.
     1. A man of the mercantile caste, Chr. 4, 19 (the king may be called lord of the Vaiśyas, because the Brāhmaṇas are theoretically his superiors, the Kṣatriyas his equals, and the Śūdras too base for being meant; but perhaps it has the following signification).
     2. A man in general.
II. f.
     1. Family, tribe, Chr. 289, 5 = Rigv. i. 50, 5; Chr. 296, 3 = Rigv. i. 112, 3.
     2. Entrance.
     3. A daughter.
-- Cf. Goth. vaihts; A.S. with; O.H.G. ni-with, eo-wiht, neo-wiht.

viśa viśa, see visa.

I. vi-śaṅka (cf. śaṅkā), adj. Fearless; acc. kam, adv., Daśak. in Chr. 196, 3.
II. vi-śaṅk + ā, f. Suspicion, Nal. 24, 41.
-- Comp. a-, adj. free from suspicion, fearless, Nal. 4, 12. nis-, adj. fearless, Man. 7, 176 (Pañc. 123, 18 read also nirv°).

viśaṅkaṭa viśaṅkaṭa (Pāṇ. 5, 2, 28, nevertheless for original vi-saṃkaṭa), adj. Great, large, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 50; Mālat. 78, 2 (with s); acc. ṭam, adv. Vehemently, Pañc. 46, 5.

viśada viśada,
I. adj.
     1. Of a white colour, Megh. 41; Śiś. 9, 26; Kir. 5, 12.
     2. Clear, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3322.
     3. Pure, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2680; spotless, Śāk. d. 97.
     4. Evident.
     5. Beautiful.
II. m. White, the colour.

viśaya viśaya, i. e. vi-śī + a, m. Doubt, uncertainty.

viśayin viśayin, i. e. viśaya + in, adj. Dubious.

viśara viśara, i. e. vi-śṛ10 + a, m. Killing.

viśasana vi-śas + ana,
I. n.
     1. Dissecting.
     2. Killing, ruin, Utt. Rāmac. 96, 5.
II. m. A crooked sword.

viśasitṛ vi-śas + itṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Who or what dissects, Man. 5, 51.
     2. Who or what kills.

I. vi-śākha (cf. śākhā), adj. Branchless.
II. m.
     1. Kārttikeya.
     2. An attitude in shooting, standing with the feet a span apart.
     3. A solieitor, a beggar.
     4. A spindle.
III. f. khā, The sixteenth lunar asterism, Lass. 16, 18.

viśātana viśātana, i. e. vi-śātaya, (Caus. of śad), + ana, adj., f. , Causing to fall asunder, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 4.

viśāya viśāya, i. e. vi-śī + a, m. Sleeping and watching alternately.

viśāraṇa viśāraṇa, i. e. vi-śṛ10 + ana, n. Killing.

viśārada viśārada,
     1. Learned, wise.
     2. Skilled, conversant with, Pañc. ii. d. 14; Chr. 5, 5.
     3. Famous.
     4. Bold, presuming.

viśāla viśāla (perhaps vb. śri),
I. adj.
     1. Great, large, Hit. 14, 4, M.M.
     2. Broad.
     3. Paninent, illustrious, Hit. pr. d. 39. M.M.
II. m. A sort of deer.
III. f. .
     1. The city Ougein, Megh. 31, and another town.
     2. Bitter apple, Cucumis colocynthis.

viśālatā viśāla + tā, f.
     1. Magnitude.
     2. Breadth.
     3. Distinction.

viśikha vi-śikha (probably from śikhā),
I. m.
     1. An arrow, Chr. 34, 13; Rājat. 5, 221 (utkhāyamāna-, adj. While the arrow was drawn out).
     2. An iron crow.
II. f. khā.
     1. A sort of needle.
     2. A spade.
     3. A highway.
-- Comp. kaṭākṣa-, m. an arrow-like amorous look, Bhartṛ. 2, 76.

viśipa viśipa, n. A house.

viśiṣṭatā vi-śiṣṭa + tā (vb. śiṣ), f.
     1. Excellence, distinction, Hit. pr. d. 42, M.M.
     2. Individuality, having distinguishing properties.
     3. Peculiarity, as of duty.

viśuddhi viśuddhi, i. e. vi-śudh + ti, f.
     1. Purity, Man. 5, 67; 9, 9.
     2. Correctness.
     3. Purifying, purification, Bhag. 6, 12; Utt. Rāmac. 9, 17.
     4. Sameness.
     5. Removal of doubt.

viśeṣa viśeṣa, i. e. vi-śiṣ + a, m.
     1. Difference, Pañc. 219, 14; at the end of comp. words, Different, e. g. gati-, m. Different ways, Pañc. 247, 11. puruṣa-, This or that man, Pañc. i. d. 124.
     2. Special property, Hit. pr. d. 25, M.M.
     3. A change for the better, Mālav. 46, 9.
     4. Sort, kind, manner, Megh. 65; Hit. ii. d. 149; Pañc. 114, 25; a different object, Megh. 58.
     5. Excellence, superiority; viśeṣeṇa, Particularly, Pañc. 142, 15; 162, 9; at the end of comp. words, Excellent; e. g. bhakṣa-, m. Excellent food, Pañc. 113, 9; 117, 2, cf. my transl. n. 767; Vikr. d. 142.
     6. A limb.
     7. A mark on the forehead with sandal.
     8. Speciality, characteristic marks, Lass. 13, 4 (tapasvin-, of an ascetic).
     9. Abl. viśeṣāt, Especially, Pañc. ii. d. 100; even more, just for that, Pañc. 109, 19.
-- Comp. a-viśeṣa + m, adv. without choosing, Arj. 3, 32. tapoviśeṣa, i. e. tapas-, m. pl. various modes of devotion, Man. 2, 165. daśā-, m. a special condition, Hit. 78, 8, M.M. nis-,
I. m. want of difference, Hit. 113, 11.
II. adj. 1. having no discrimination, Hit. ii. d. 68. 2. not different. 3. equal. 4. acc. ṣam, adv. a. without difference, Hit. 84, 5, M.M. b. alike, Hit. 128, 10. c. exceedingly, Utt. Rāmac. 99, 6. prasādhana-, m. highest accomplishment, Vikr. d. 22. rasa-, m. a more excellent juice, Pañc. ii. d. 37. sa-, adj. 1. having discrimination, Hit. 55, 13. 2. having characteristic qualities. 3. extraordinary, Hit. 60, 6, M.M.

viśeṣaka viśeṣaka, i. e. vi-śiṣ + aka,
I. adj. Discriminative, distinguishing.
II. m. and n.
     1. An attribute, a predicate.
     2. A mark on the forehead made with sandal, etc., and worn either as an ornament, Mālav. d. 40; Daśak. in Chr. 199, 4, or sectarial distinction.
-- Comp. patra-, strokes and lines drawn on the face with fragrant pigments of sandal, musk, etc., Ragh. 3, 55. vi-pra-naṣṭa- (vb. naś), adj., f. , one whose discriminative faculty or perception has disappeared, Rām. 3, 55, 6. sa-, adj. discriminated, having distinguishing properties, Bhāṣāp. 1.

viśeṣajña viśeṣa-jña, adj.
     1. Deeply learned, Hit. 129, 9; iv. d. 98.
     2. Wise, intelligent.
-- Comp. a-, adj. having no judgment, Hit. iii. d. 126.

viśeṣaṇa viśeṣaṇa, i. e. vi-śiṣ + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Discriminative.
     2. Distinctive.
II. n.
     1. Distinguishing, discriminating.
     2. An attribute, epithet, Vikr. 20, 3.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. without attributes, Bhāg. P. 2, 10, 34. sa-, adj. distinguished, characterised.

viśeṣaṇatā viśeṣaṇa + tā, f. The state of being a distinguishing mark, Bhāṣāp. 60; cf. Kusumāñj. transl. pp. 13, 55, n.

viśeṣaṇavant viśeṣaṇa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having a distinguishing attribute, Bhāṣāp. 131.

viśeṣatas viśeṣa + tas, adv. Especially, Hit. 80, 1, M.M.; particularly, Vikr. d. 62.
-- Comp. sa-, adv. particularly, excellently.

viśeṣavant viśeṣa + vant, adj.
     1. Peculiar.
     2. Excellent.
     3. Superior, better, Johns. Sel. 17, 73.

viśeṣyaka viśeṣya + ka (vb. śiṣ), latter part of a comp. adj. in tadvadviśeṣyaka, i. e. tadvant-, Relating to an object possessing such an attribute, Bhāṣāp. 134; cf. Kusumāñj. transl. 61, 1-6.

viśodhana viśodhana, i. e. vi-śudh + ana,
I. n.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Purifying, Rām. 1, 26, 19.
     3. Expiation, Man. 11, 143; 156.
II. f. , The capital of Brahman.

viśodhitva viśodhitva, i. e. viśodhin + tva, n.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Purifying.
     3. Freeing from obstructions, clearing, Hit. iii. d. 86.

viśodhin viśodhin, i. e. vi-śudh + in, adj.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Purifying.
     3. Clearing.

viśoṣaṇa viśoṣaṇa, i. e. vi-śuṣ + ana,
I. adj.(?), Drying, Arj. 8, 8; the name of a weapon.
II. n. Drying.
-- Comp. tālu-, n. the growing dry of the palate (by much speaking), MBh. 8, 4760.

viśna viśna, i. e. 2. vich + na, m. Splendour, Pāṇ. iii. 3, 90; vi. 4, 19.

viśpati viś-pati, m. Lord of the house, Lass. 100, 13 = Rigv. vii. 15, 7.

viśpalā viśpalā, f. A proper name, Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. i. 112, 10.

viśraṇana and viśrāṇana viśra/āṇana, i. e. vi-śraṇ + ana, n. Gift, donation, Ragh. 2, 54 (ā).

viśrama vi-śram + a, m. Rest, repose, quiet, Vikr. d. 42.

viśrambha vi-śrambh + a (also visrambha visrambha), m.
     1. Trust, confidence, Pañc. i. d. 306; ii. d. 190.
     2. Affection, Hit. 46, 1, M.M. (-ālāpa, Affectionate talk).
     3. Sportive noise.

viśrambhin viśrambhin, i. e. vi-śrambh, and viśrambha, + in, also visrambhin visrambhin, adj.
     1. Trusting, confiding in.
     2. Trustworthy, MBh. 1, 5845 (s).

viśraya viśraya, i. e. vi-śri + a, m.
     1. Abode, asylum.
     2. Dependence upon.

viśrayin viśrayin, adj.
     1. Living or dwelling in.
     2. Depending on.

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viśravas vi-śravas, m. A proper name, Rām. 3, 53, 30.

viśrāṇana viśrāṇana, see viśraṇana.

viśrānti viśrānti, i. e. vi-śram + ti, f. Rest, repose, Vikr. d. 20; Kathās. 22, 104 (rates -- vāsaveśmeva viśrāntyai -āvayor abhavat, literally, It was for us like the sleeping-room of the goddess of love for reposing in).

viśrāma viśrāma, i. e. vi-śram + a, m.
     1. Rest, repose, Pañc. 145, 9; Hit. i. d. 138, M.M.
     2. Stop, pause, Utt. Rāmac. 103, 13.

viśrāva viśrāva, i. e. vi-śru + a, m., and viśruti vi-śru + ti, f. Fame, celebrity, notoriety.
-- Comp. loka-viśruti, f. 1. fame. 2. unfounded rumour.

viślatha vi-ślath + a, adj. Relaxed, Ragh. 6, 73; languid.

viśleṣa viśleṣa, i. e. vi-śliṣ + a, m.
     1. Separation, Pañc., 225, 18 (with saha); disunion.
     2. A chasm, Kathās. 2, 49.
-- Comp. citta-, m. separation of the hearts, loss of friendship, Pañc. 225, 17 (with instr.).

viśleṣin viśleṣin, i. e. vi-śliṣ + in, adj. Falling, Ragh. 16, 67.

viśva viśva, probably vi-śvi (cf. the aor. of śvi, a-śvam, and śaśvant),
I. adj.
     1. All, every, Lass. 97, 2 = Rigv. vi. 64, 1; every one, Lass. 101, 4 = Rigv. vii. 16, 1; particularly former part of comp. words, cf. viśva-karman, viśvakṛt, etc.
     2. Whole.
     3. Universal.
II. m.
     1. A term of the Vedāntra philosophy, the faculty perceiving singleness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 13.
     2. pl. (viśve), A class of deities, Indr. 2, 13.
III. n. The world, Śāk. d. 1.
IV. (n. and) f. , Dry ginger.
V. f. , A tree, a plant, Aconitum ferox.

viśvakadru viśva + ka-dru,
I. adj. Wicked.
II. m.
     1. A dog trained for the chase.
     2. Sound.

viśvakṛt viśva-kṛ + t, m.
     1. The creator.
     2. A son of Brahman, the artist of the gods (= viśva-karman), Sund. 3, 13, cf. 10.

viśvajanīna viśvajanīna, viśvajanīya viśvajanīya, and viśvajanya viśvajanya, i. e. viśva-jana + īna, or īya, or ya, adj. Good for all men, universally salutary, Man. 9, 31 (-janya).

viśvajit viśva-ji + t,
I. adj. All-subduing.
II. m.
     1. A particular sacrifice, Man. 11, 74.
     2. The noose of Varuṇa.

viśvañc viśvañc, A false writing for viṣvañc, q. cf.

viśvatas viśva + tas, adv. Everywhere.

viśvatur viśva-tur, adj. All-subduing, Chr. 288, 16 = Rigv. i. 48, 16.

viśvadryañc viśvadryañc, i. e. viśva + tra-añc (with d for t; cf. also tiryañc), adj., f. drīcī, Moving everywhere.

viśvapsan viśvapsan, i. e. viśva-bhas + an (properly the curtailed ptcple. of the pres.), m.
     1. A god.
     2. Fire.
     3. The sun.
     4. The moon.

viśvaṃbhara viśvaṃbhara, i. e. viśva + m-bhṛ + a,
I. adj. All-sustainig.
II. m.
     1. Viṣṇu.
     2. Indra.
III. f. , The earth, Utt. Rāmac. 7, 11.

viśvasana vi-śvas + ana, n. Trusting, confiding in.

viśvasanīyatā i. e. vi-śvasanīya + tā (vb. śvas), f. Inspiring confidence, Śāk. 27, 17.

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viśvasaha viśva-sah + a,
I. adj. Allenduring.
II. f.
     1. The earth.
     2. One of the tongues of fire.

viśvasuvid viśva-su-vid, adj. Giving everything well, Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2.

viśvasṛj viśva-sṛj (nom. sing. -sṛṭ and sṛk, MBh. 14, 7367), m.
     1. The creator of the universe, MBh. 1. 1.; Śiś. 9, 80.
     2. Brahman.

viśvācī viśvācī, i. e. viśva-añc + ī, f. The name of an Apsaras, Lass. 2. ed. 50, 22.

viśvāmitra viśvāmitra, i. e. viśva-mitra, m. The name of a Muni, Johns. Sel. 23, 118.

viśvāvasu viśvāvasu, i. e. viśva-vasu, m.
     1. One of the Manus.
     2. One of the Gandharvas, Indr. 2, 18.

viśvāsa viśvāsa, i. e. vi-śvas + a, m.
     1. Confidence, trust, Pañc. ii. d. 23.
     2. Faith, Vikr. 71, 13.
     3. Secret, Hit. 73, 16.
-- Comp. a-, m. 1. want of confidence, distrust, Pañc. i. d. 295. 2. treachery(?), Rām. 3, 52, 48. °śam, adv. without confiding, distrustfully, Pañc. iii. d. 59.

viśvāsana (or nā?), viśvāsana (or ), i. e. vi-śvas, Caus., + ana, n. (or f.), Producing confidence, Pañc. 165, 15.

viśvāsin viśvāsin, i. e. vi-śvas, and viśvāsa, + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Trusting.
     2. Trusty, honest.
-- Comp. a-, adj. mistrustful, Megh. 111.

viśvāsaikasāra viśvāsaikasāra, i. e. viśvāsa-eka-sāra, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 44.

viśvebhojas viśvebhojas (i. e. viśva and bhojas), m. A name of Indra, Matsyapurāṇa, see Aufrecht, Ujjvalad. p. 250, n.

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viṣ † 1. viṣ, i. 1, Par. To sprinkle.

viṣ 2. viṣ, ii. 3, veviṣ, Par. Ātm. To pervade, to embrace, etc. (ved.).
-- With the prep. pari pari, Caus.
     1. To present, to offer, Man. 3, 228; to offer food, MBh. 1, 7182 (where it is written with ś instead of ).
     2. To wait on, Rām. 1, 13, 14.

viṣ † 3. ii. 9, viṣṇā, viṣṇī, Par. To separate.

viṣ 4. viṣ, f. Excrement, Man. 4, 48.
-- Comp. karṇa-, f. ear-wax, Man. 5, 135.

viṣa viṣa,
I. m. and n. Poison, Pañc. iii. d. 83 (n.).
II. n.
     1. Water.
     2. See visa.
-- Comp. karṇa-, n. poison sprinkled in one's ears (treacherous speech), Pañc. i. d. 338. dūṣī-, n. vegetable poison that has become old and diminished in strength, Suśr. 2, 254, 7. dṛṣṭi-, m. a snake, Kir. 14, 25. nis-, adj., f. ṣā, deprived of poison, Pañc. iii. d. 83. netra-, adj. having poison in one's eyes, MBh. 2, 2140. mahā-, m. a small venomous snake, Rām. 3, 53, 55. lālā-, m. an insect whose spittle is poison, as a spider.
-- Cf. Lat. virus; [greek] Lat. viola (poison is connected with blue, cf. viṣa-puṣpa, and Śiva's neck growing blue, by swallowing the poison churned out of the sea).

viṣaṅga viṣaṅga, i. e. vi-sañj + a, m. Attachment.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. indifferent, Bhāg. P. 4, 22, 51.

viṣaṇṇatā viṣaṇṇa + tā (vb. sad), f. Dejection, want of energy.

viṣatā viṣa + tā, f. State of poison, Śiś. 9, 68.

viṣada viṣa-da,
I. adj.
     1. Giving poison.
     2. Shedding water.
II. m. A cloud.
III. n. Green vitriol.

viṣadarśanamṛtyuka viṣa-darśana-mṛtyu + ka, m. A kind of pheasant.

viṣadhara viṣadhara, i. e. viṣa-dhṛ + a,
I. adj. Venomous.
II. m. A snake.

viṣama viṣama, i. e. vi-sama,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Unequal, different, Kir. 5, 40.
     2. Inconstant, Hit. ii. d. 104.
     3. Odd (in numbers), figurat., Pañc. i. d. 126.
     4. Unhappy, Hit. iv. d. 3.
     5. Unparalleled, unequalled, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 1.
     6. Uneven, Pañc. ii. d. 188; sloping, Vikr. 10, 9.
     7. Rough, Vikr. d. 49; Pañc. 188, 9.
     8. Difficult, painful, Bhartṛ. 2, 54; disagreeable, Pañc. i. d. 12.
     9. Frightful, Hit. iii. d. 133.
     10. Dishonest, wicked, Hiḍ. 1, 39; Hit. ii. d. 111.
     11. Partial, Man. 7, 27.
II. n.
     1. Inequality.
     2. Oddness.
     3. Unevenness, Man. 1, 24 (uneven valleys, Jones).
     4. An inaccessible place, a precipice, Rām. 3, 51, 40; Pañc. 142, 6; a thicket, a pit, Man. 8, 232.
     5. Difficulty, pain, Pañc. v. d. 65; misfortune, Bhartṛ. 2, 95.
-- Comp. vākya-vajra-, adj. rough, coarse, by (using) thunderbolt-like words, Pañc. iii. d. 236 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2928).

viṣamaya viṣa + maya, adj., f. (Pañc. i. d. 211, , but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 119, read viṣamayyo), Poisonous.

viṣamastha viṣama-stha, adj.
     1. Standing unevenly.
     2. Being in difficulty or misfortune, Nal. 10, 1.
     3. Inaccessible, Pañc. i. d. 195.
     4. Safely posted.

viṣamita viṣamita, i. e. viṣama + ita, adj.
     1. Made crooked, Kir. 10, 56.
     2. Made difficult to be walked on, Kir. 12, 50.

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viṣaya viṣaya (probably vi-kṣi + a), m.
     1. A collection of villages.
     2. A country, Rājat. 5, 51; Pañc. 129, 14; a kingdom, Bhartṛ. 2, 12; Rām. 3, 54, 28 (yama-, The lower regions, death); a place, Śāk. 104, 14; Kir. 5, 38.
     3. Anything indigenous or peculiar to a province.
     4. Home, province, department, sphere, Vikr. 39, 14; Pañc. 4, 17 (jīvitavya-, Duration of life); Pañc. 227, 22 (application); element, that which is peculiarly known to those who occupy themselves with it or live therein.
     5. Horizon, sight, a place which may be looked over by somebody, reach, Man. 8, 148; Hit. 28, 3, M.M.; Megh. 35; 101.
     6. Anything perceivable by the senses, an object of sense, Man. 1, 15; Vikr. d. 9.
     7. An object in general, Bhāṣāp. 36; atra viṣaye, Concerning this object, Pañc. 114, 20; dhanaviṣaye, Concerning wealth, Pañc. 139, 3; strīṇāṃ viṣaye, Concerning women, 27, 18; an object of art, Mālav. d. 29.
     8. Worldly object, affair, business, enjoyment, etc., Pañc. iii. d. 244; sensual enjoyment, Hit. iii. d. 116.
     9. Aim, Śiś. 9, 40.
     10. A religious observance.
     11. Refuge, asylum.
     12. A lover, a husband.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. unacquainted with worldly objects, Śāk. 55, 20.
II. m. 1. not being an object, Mālat. 17, 2. 2. invisibility, Hit. ii. d. 77. an-anya-, adj. having, or referring to, no other object, Vikr. d. 1. avakāśa-, adj., f. , literally, having as its sphere space, room, i. e. demanding a place (which it cannot get because the heart is filled with pride, etc.), Pañc. iii. d. 264. cakṣurviṣaya, i. e. cakṣus-, m. sight, Man. 2, 298. a-cakṣus-, adj. not distinguishable by one's eye, Man. 4, 77. guṇa-samudaya-avāpti-, adj., f. , having as its object the acquirement of a multitude of good qualities, Hit. i. d. 174, M.M. nis-,
I. m. no home, not being a dwelling-place, Hariv. 3654.
II. adj. 1. having no home banished, Rām. 3, 79, 47. 2. not attached to worldly objects, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 19. nīti-, m. sphere of prudent conduct, Pañc. 112, 19. palāyana-, adj., f. , having flight as its object, i. e. advising flight, Pañc. 247, 6. mitra-, m. friendship, Pañc. 131, 11. yuvati-, m. a woman, Megh. 80. śruti-, m. 1. an object of hearing, i. e. sound, Śāk. d. 1. 2. an object of the Vedas. sva-, m. one's own country, Hit. i. d. 170, M.M.

viṣayāyin viṣayāyin, i. e. viṣaya + yin (for vin), m.
     1. A king.
     2. An organ of sense.
     3. Kāma.
     4. A sensualist.
     5. A materialist.
     6. A man of business.

viṣayin viṣayin, i. e. viṣaya + in,
I. adj., f. ṇī.
     1. Attached to sensual objects, carnal, sensual, Hit. ii. d. 144; voluptuary, Śāk. 68, 14.
     2. Conversant with worldly occupations, Hit. 13, 7, M.M.
II. m.
     1. A king.
     2. Kāma.
     3. A sensualist.
     4. A materialist.
     5. A man of business.

viṣahara viṣahara, i. e. viṣa-hṛ + a,
I. adj. Removing venom.
II. f. and , The goddess of the serpent race, the sister of Vāsuki.

viṣā viṣ + ā,
I. f. Excrement, Amarak.
II. ind. Intellect.

viṣāṇa viṣāṇa, i. e. vi-so + ana, m. (f. ṇī), and n.
     1. The horn of an animal, Bhartṛ. 2, 5; Pañc. i. d. 311.
     2. The tusks of an elephant or boar, Lass. 2. ed. 46, 24; Draup. 8, 21.
II. f. ṇī, The name of two plants.
III. n. Costus speciosus.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. without tusks, MBh. 6, 4677. śaśa-, and śaśaka-, n. the horn of a hare; anything improbable or extraordinary, Bhartṛ. 2, 5; 3, 99.

viṣāṇin viṣāṇin, i. e. viṣāṇa + in,
I. adj.
     1. Having horns, MBh. 6, 71.
     2. Having huge tusks, Rām. 2, 52, 18, Seramp.
II. m.
     1. Any animal with horns.
     2. A bull.
     3. An elephant.

viṣāda viṣāda, i. e. vi-sad + a, m.
     1. Lassitude, dejection, lowness of spirits, want of energy, fear, Draup. 8, 3; Chr. 40, 20; weakness, Mālat. 35, 9.
     2. Distress, affliction, sorrow, Vikr. 5, 11; Pañc. 221, 5.
     3. Disappointment, despair, Hit. i. d. 32, M.M.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unwearied, Johns. Sel. 57, 160. sa-viṣāda + m, adv. afflicted, Pañc. 107, 19; sorrowful, Vikr. 30, 12.

viṣādin viṣādin, i. e. viṣāda + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Dejected, Bhag. 18, 23.
     2. Sorrowful, Man. 6, 57.

viṣāya viṣāya, a denomin. derived from viṣa with ya, Ātm. To turn into poison, Bhartṛ. 1, 34.

viṣu viṣu (probably a loc. pl. of dvi, cf. vi), adv.
     1. Equally, same, alike.
     2. Many, various.

viṣuva viṣuva, viṣuvat viṣuvat, i. e. viṣu + vant, n. (va, by dropping the final t), The equinox, Hit. 114, 22 (va).

viṣk viṣk, see vaṣk.

viṣkambha viṣkambha, i. e. vi-skambh + a, m.
     1. Obstacle, hindrance, resistance.
     2. The bolt of a door.
     3. A post, the roof-tree of a house.
     4. Spreading.
     5. A posture of the devotees, called yogin.
     6. Act, doing anything.
     7. The first of the twenty-seven astronomical periods called yogas.
     8. A prelude.

viṣkambhaka viṣkambha + ka, m. A prelude, Vikr. 36, 14; Śāk. 31, 13.

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viṣkambhin viṣkambhin, i. e. vi-skambh + in,
I. adj. Obstructive, impeding.
II. m. The bolt of a door.

viṣkira viṣkira, i. e. vi-kṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A bird, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 13.
     2. Tearing to pieces.
-- Comp. nakha-, m. a bird wounding with strong talons, a bird of prey, Man. 5, 13. smera-, m. a peacock.

viṣṭapa viṣṭapa (cf. piṣṭapa, and piv for pi-pā, s. v. 1. ), m. and n. A world, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3288.
-- Comp. tri-, n. the world of Indra, Yājñ. 3, 330.

viṣṭambha viṣṭambha, i. e. vi-stambh + a, m.
     1. Obstacle.
     2. Stopping.
     3. Placing in or upon, planting (one's feet), Kir. 13, 16.
     4. Paralysis, loss of motion.

viṣṭambhin viṣṭambhin, i. e. vi-stambh + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Stopping.
     2. Checking.
     3. Making motionless.

viṣṭara viṣṭara, i. e. vi-stṛ10 + a, m.
     1. A handful of Kuśa or sacred grass, MBh. 3, 1881.
     2. A seat made of twenty-five straws of Kuśa grass tied up in a sheaf.
     3. A layer, MBh. 15, 739; a bed.
     4. A couch, a seat, Vikr. 86, 15.
     5. The seat of a Brahman, either real or in effigy, as presiding at a sacrifice.
     6. A tree.

viṣṭā viṣṭā, (Pañc. 192, 16), and viṣṭhā viṣṭhā (Man. 3, 180; 4, 220; 10, 91), f. Faeces, ordure (cf. 4. viṣ).
-- Comp. go-viṣṭhā, f. cow-dung. mukha-viṣṭhā, f. a cockroach.

viṣṭi viṣṭi, i. e. 2. viṣ + ṭi,
I. adj. and sbst. Working, a workman.
II. f.
     1. Occupation, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i. 92, 3; act, action.
     2. Unpaid labour.
     3. Hire, Rām. 2, 63, 55, Seramp.
     4. Sending, dispatching.
     5. Sending to hell.

viṣṭhala viṣṭhala, i. e. vi-sthala, n. A place situated remote or apart.

viṣṭhā viṣṭhā, see viṣṭā.

viṣṇu viṣṇu, i. e. 2. viṣ + nu, m.
     1. Viṣṇu, one of the three principal Indian deities, Chr. 291, 7 = Rigv. i. 85, 7; Pañc. 44, 16.
     2. Agni.
     3. One of the Vasus.
     4. The name of an ancient law-giver.
     5. A pious man.

viṣṇumaya viṣṇu + maya, adj., f. , Emanated from Viṣṇu.

viṣpanda viṣpanda, i. e. vi-spand + a, m. Throbbing.

viṣphāra viṣphāra, i. e. vi-sphar + a, m. The twang of a bow (cf. visphāra).

viṣya viṣya, i. e. viṣa + ya, adj. Deserving death by poison.

viṣyanda viṣyanda, i. e. vi-syand + a, m. Flowing, trickling.

viṣvakṣeṇa viṣvakṣeṇa, and viṣvaksena viṣvaksena, i. e. viṣvañc-sena (see senā), m. Viṣṇu, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 24 (s).

viṣvañc viṣvañc, i. e. viṣu-añc,
I. adj., f. ṣūcī, Going everywhere, all-pervading, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 20.
II. acc. vak, adv.
     1. Every way, everywhere, Pañc. ii. d. 2.
     2. All about, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 11.

viṣvaṇana viṣvaṇana, n., and viṣvāṇa viṣvāṇa, m., i. e. vi-svan + ana, or a, Eating, food.

visvis, i. 1, Par. To go.

visa visa (also viśa and viṣa), probably curtailed visara, or visala (cf. both), i. e. vi-sṛ + a, n. The film or fibres of the stalk of the water-lily, Śāk. d. 66; Vikr. d. 94; MBh. 13, 4509; 12, 7877 (all with s).

visaṃyoga visaṃyoga, i. e. vi-sam-yuj + a, m. Separation.

visaṃvāda visaṃvāda, i. e. vi-sam-vad + a, m.
     1. Contradiction, disagreement, Pañc. iii. d. 261; Mālav. d. 23.
     2. Disappointing, deceiving.

visaṃvādin visaṃvādin, i. e. vi-sam-vad, and visaṃvāda, + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Contradicting, disagreeing, Rājat. 5, 193.
     2. Disputing.
     3. Crafty, cunning.
-- Comp. a-, adj. incontestible, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 11.

visaṃṣṭhula visaṃṣṭhula (vi, sam, and vb. sthā), adj. Unsteady, agitated, Kāvya Pr. 105, 1.

visara visara, i. e. vi-sṛ + a, m.
     1. Spreading, Kāvya Pr. 79, 9.
     2. A multitude, Mālat. 23, 14.

visarga visarga, i. e. vi-sṛj + a, m.
     1. Abandoning.
     2. Final emancipation.
     3. Departure.
     4. Relinquishment.
     5. Dismission, Chr. 9, 38.
     6. Creation, Bhag. 8, 3.
     7. Evacuation of excrement, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 20.
     8. Separation.
     9. Donation.
     10. Light, lustre.
     11. The southern course of the sun.

visarjana visarjana, i. e. vi-sṛj + ana, n.
     1. Relinquishing, Nal. 10, 15.
     2. Sending away, dismissing, Chr. 9, 38.
     3. Sending.
     4. Donation, Lass. 80, 3 (Prākṛ.).
     5. Throwing the image of a deity in holy water, as the concluding rite of a festival.

visarpa visarpa, i. e. vi-sṛp + a, m.
     1. Spreading, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 6.
     2. Flying, gliding.
     3. Going.
     4. Unwished consequence of any act.

visarpaṇa visarpaṇa, i. e. vi-sṛp + ana, n.
     1. Spreading.
     2. Flying.
     3. Going gently.

visarpin visarpin, i. e. vi-sṛp + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Spreading, Śiś. 9, 36; Vikr. d. 16 (vasudhādhara-kandarā-, Spreading through the clefts of the mountains, viz. the echo); 67, 1.
     2. Gliding, going gently.
-- Comp. manda-, adj. moving slowly, Pañc. i. d. 282 (a louse).

visala visala, probably vi-sṛ + a (with l for r), m. A shoot, a sprout.

visāra visāra, i. e. vi-sṛ + a,
I. m.
     1. Going smoothly, gliding.
     2. Expansion, Nalod. 1, 19.
     3. A fish.
II. n. A wood.
III. f. , The region of the winds.

visārin visārin, i. e. vi-sṛ + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Gliding, flowing.
     2. Spreading, Kir. 10, 11.
II. m. A fish.

visinī visinī, i. e. visa + in + ī (see viśa), f.
     1. A lotus flower, Bhartṛ. 3, 7.
     2. An assemblage of lotus flowers, Mālat. 51, 5.

visūcikā visūcikā (akin to sūci), f.
     1. Spasmodic colera, Pañc. 138, 8.
     2. Symptoms of disease.

visūraṇa visūraṇa, i. e. vi-† sūr + ana, n., and f. ṇā, Sorrow, Vikr. d. 82 (Prākṛ.).

visūrita vi-† sūr + ita,
I. n. Repentance.
II. f. , A fever.

visṛtvara vi-sṛ + tvara, adj. Going smoothly, gliding.

visṛmara vi-sṛ + mara, adj. Gliding.

visṛṣṭi visṛṣṭi, i. e. vi-sṛj + ti, f.
     1. Quitting.
     2. Leaving.
     3. Dismissing.
     4. Giving.

vista vista, m. A weight of gold, about half an ounce Troy.

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vistara vistara, i. e. vi-stṛ10 + a, m.
     1. Spreading.
     2. Prolixity, Pañc. iii. d. 103.
     3. Detail; instr. °reṇa, Fully, at length, Chr. 9, 37; Sund. 1, 1.
     4. Abundance, Man. 6, 55; multitude, Hit. iii. d. 12.
     5. Assemblage, a large company, Man. 3, 125.
     6. A bed.
     7. A seat, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 26.
-- Comp. ati-, m. excessive prolixity, Vikr. 3, 6 (alam, with instr., enough). sa-, adj. with (its) detail, complete, Pañc. 114, 20. su-vistara + m, adv. at large, Hit. 73, 15.

vistaratas vistara + tas, adv. Fully, at length, Pañc. 181, 2.

vistaratā vistara + tā, f. Spreading, Kir. 5, 7.

vistaraśas vistara + śas, adv. Fully, at length, Man. 9, 250.

vistāra vistāra, i. e. vi-stṛ10 + a, m.
     1. Spreading, extension, Megh. 18.
     2. Vastness.
     3. Length, Rām. 1, 40, 15.
     4. Detail, Yājñ. 3, 95.
     5. Breadth, amplitude.
     6. Amplification.
     7. The diameter of a circle.
     8. The branch of a tree with its new shoots.
-- Comp. ati-, m. excessive extension, Pañc. 245, 24.

vistārin vistārin, i. e. vistāra + in, adj., f. ṛṇī,
     1. Extending, Utt. Rāmac. 157, 16; large, Mālat. 131, 10.
     2. Powerful, Mālat. 81, 15.

vistīrṇatā vi-stīrṇa + tā (vb. stṛ10), f.
     1. Extension, Hit. iii. d. 53.
     2. Vastness.

vistṛti vi-stṛ + ti, f.
     1. Spreading, expansion.
     2. Breadth.
     3. The diameter of a circle.

vispaṣṭa vi-spaṣṭa (properly ptcple. of the pf. pass. of spaś, see dṛś), adj.
     1. Apparent, evident.
     2. Plain, intelligible.
     3. °ṭam, adv. Evidently, Indr. 5, 39.
-- Comp. a-, 1. adj. not clear, obscure. 2. acc. ṭam, adv. without pronouncing well letters and accents, Man. 4, 99.

visphāra visphāra, i. e. vi-sphar + a, m. The twang of a bow.

visphuliṅga vi-sphuliṅga, m.
     1. A spark of fire, MBh. 1, 1431.
     2. A sort of poison.

visphūrjathu vi-sphūrjathu, m.
     1. Rolling, Ragh. 13, 12.
     2. Thunder, ib. 14, 62.

visphoṭa visphoṭa, i. e. vi-sphuṭ + a, m., and f. ṭā,
     1. Boil, pustule, Śāk. Sch. ad 20, 10.
     2. Small-pox.

vismaya vismaya, i. e. vi-smi + a, m.
     1. Surprise, Vikr. 78, 5; wonder, Pañc. i. d. 459 (bālake ko tra vismayaḥ, literally, What wonder concerning a little boy, i. e. how much more a little boy).
     2. Pride, Man. 4, 237.
     3. Doubt, uncertainty, Hit. 13, 19; perplexity, Hit. ii. d. 13.
-- Comp. sa-vismaya, adj., f. , 1. surprised, Pañc. 44, 24. 2. doubtful, Hit. 54, 18. 3. °yam, adv. surprised, Pañc. 76, 24.

vismayaṃgama vismayaṃgama, i. e. vismaya + m-gam + a, adj. Astonishing (with acc. ātmānam, thyself), Johns. Sel. 17, 73.

vismayin vismayin, i. e. vismaya + in, adj., f. ni, Astonished.

vismaraṇa vismaraṇa, i. e. vi-smṛ + ana, n. Forgetting.

vismāpana vismāpana, i. e. vi-smi, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Causing surprise, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 5.
     2. Illusion, deceit.
     3. Kāma.
     4. A magical or enchanted city, a city of the Gandharvas.

vismṛti vi-smṛ + ti, f. Forgetting. Utt. Rāmac. 122, 5.

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visyanda vi-syand + a, m. Flowing, trickling.

visra visra, n. A smell like that of raw meant, Śāk. 74, 10 (Prākṛ.).

visraṃsa vi-sraṃs + a, m.
     1. Relaxation.
     2. Decay.

visraṃsana vi-sraṃs + ana, n.
     1. Loosening, untying, Sāh. D. 113, 16.
     2. Falling.
     3. Flowing, dropping.
     4. A laxative.

visrambha visrambha, and visrambhin visrambhin, see viśr°.

visrasā visrasā, i. e. vi-sraṃs + a, f. Decrepitude.

visrāvaṇa visrāvaṇa, i. e. vi-sru. Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Causing to flow.
     2. Bleeding.
     3. Distilling.
     4. A spirit distilled from molasses.

vihaga viha-ga (cf. vihā), m.
     1. A bird, Pañc. ii. d. 21.
     2. A cloud.
     3. An arrow.
     4. The sun.
     5. The moon.
     6. A planet.

vihaṃga vihaṃga, i. e. viha + m-ga (see the last),
I. adj. Flying, going swiftly.
II. m. A bird, Pañc. 157, 20.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. without birds, Hariv. 3489.

vihaṃgama vihaṃgama, i. e. viha + m-gam + a (see the last),
I. m. A bird, Pañc. ii. d. 20.
II. f. , A pole or yoke for carrying burthens.

vihaṃgikā vihaṃgikā, i. e. vihaṃga, in the signification of vihaṃgamā, + ka, f. A pole or yoke for carrying burthens.

vihati vihati, i. e.
I. vi-han + ti, f.
     1. Striking, killing.
     2. Defeat, Nalod. 1, 10; Kir. 10, 63.
II. vi-hati, m. A friend.
-- Comp. praṇaya-, f. denial.

vihanana vi-han + ana, m.
     1. Impediment.
     2. Killing, injuring.
     3. A

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vihara vihara, i. e. vi-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Separation.
     2. Absence.
     3. Exchaging, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 920.

viharaṇa viharaṇa, i. e. vi-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Taking off or away.
     2. Going about for pleasure or exercise, Pañc. 25, 10; roaming, Bhartṛ. 3, 92.
     3. Relaxation, pastime, pleasure, Pañc. 236, 18.

vihartṛ vihartṛ, i. e. vi-hṛ + tṛ, m. One who robs, Draup. 8, 46.

vihasana vi-has + ana, n. Laughing gently.

vihā vi-hā, indecl. Heaven, paradise.

vihāyas vihāyas, i. e. vi-hā + yas (for vas),
I. m. and n.
     1. The sky.
     2. The open air, Man. 2, 186.
II. instr. , adv. Through the air, Rām. 3, 54, 6.
III. m. A bird.
-- Cf. [greek]

vihāra vihāra, i. e. vi-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Wandering, going about, walking for pleasure, Rām. 3, 51, 20; Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 1.
     2. Sporting, Hit. 83, 4, M.M.; pleasure, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 9; relaxation, Rām. 3, 49, 39.
     3. A Bauddha or Jaina convent, Pañc. 236, 8.
     4. A temple, Hit. 19, 10 (cf. vīhāra).
     5. A palace, Mālat. 8, 4.
     6. The shoulder.
     7. A sort of bird.
-- Comp. jayendra-, i. e. jaya-indra-, m. a convent built by Jayendra, a king of Cashmere, Rājat. 5, 427. nis-, adj. deprived of pleasure, Hariv. 11150. hiṃsā-, m. roaming with the intention to do mischief, Rām. 3, 51, 20.

vihāraka vihāra + ka (or vihārika vihāra + ika?), adj., f. rikā, Belonging to a Bauddha convent, Mālat. 104, 9.

vihāravant vihāra + vant, adj. Taking pleasure, liking, Man. 10, 9.

vihārin vihārin, i. e. vi-hṛ and vihāra, + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Walking about, wandering, Hit. i. d. 20, M.M.
     2. Taking pleasure or relaxation, rejoicing one's self, Śāk. 17, 21; Pañc. 30, 25; ii. d. 21.
     3. Beautiful, Bhartṛ. 1, 17.

vihāsa vihāsa, i. e. vi-has + a, m. A gentle laugh.

vihiṃsaka vi-hiṃs + aka, adj. Injuring, Pañc. iii. d. 143.

vihitrima vihitrima, i. e. vi-hita + rima (vb. dhā), adj. Done according to rule, Bhaṭṭ. 1, 13.

vihīnatā vi-hīna + tā (vb. ), f. Abandoning, Pañc. ii. d. 146.

vihṛti vi-hṛ + ti, f.
     1. Opening.
     2. Pastime, pleasure, Nalod. 2, 38.

viheṭhaka vi-heṭh + aka, m. An injurer, a reviler, MBh. 1, 3076.

viheṭhana vi-heṭh + ana, n.
     1. Hurting, killing.
     2. Rubbing, grinding.
     3. Afflicting.
     4. Affliction.

vihvala vi-hval + a, adj.
     1. Agitated, Rām. 2, 48, 2; overcome with fear or agitation, Chr. 34, 8.
     2. Distressed, afflicted, Chr. 32, 28 (perhaps rather savihvala, in one word, full of emotion).
     3. Fused, liquid.
     4. Languishing, Lass. 2. ed. 60, 25.
     5. Desponding, Mālat. 142, 5.
-- Comp. a-, adj. strong, Chr. 30, 2. pari-, adj. very agitated, Rām. 2, 84, 6 Gorr.

vihvalatā vihvala + tā, f. Agitation, anxiety.

1. , ii. 2, Par. (ved.),
     1. To go.
     2. To approach.
     3. To pervade, to obtain.
     4. To conceive, to grow pregnant.
     5. To desire, to love, Chr. 287, 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6.
     6. To eat, to enjoy.
     7. It is used as substitute for the vb. aj, To drive, to move.
     8. To throw. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vita, Tranquil, quiet, tame. Caus. vāyaya and vāpaya, To cause to conceive (see vap).
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. in -vītus (Not liking), in-vitare, To invite.

2. , f. Going.

vīka vīka, i. e. vi + ka, m.
     1. A bird.
     2. Wind.

vīkāśa vīkāśa, i. e. vi-kāś + a, m. AEther, heaven.

vīkṣa vīkṣa, i. e. vi-īkṣ + a,
I. m., and f. kṣā, Sight, seeing, investigation, Pañc. 62, 12 (f.).
II. n.
     1. Surprise.
     2. A visible object.

vīkṣaṇa vīkṣaṇa, i. e. vi-īkṣ + ana, n. Sight, seeing.

vīṅkhā vīṅkhā, i. e. vi-īṅkh + a, f.
     1. Moving.
     2. Dancing.
     3. One of a horse's paces.
     4. Cowach, Carpopogon pruriens.

vīcayana vīcayana, i. e. vi-ci + ana, n. Research, inquiry.

vīci vīci (m. and) f., also vīcī vīcī, f.
     1. A wave, Hit. iii. d. 140 (i); Pañc. i. d. 209 (ī).
     2. A ray of light.
     3. Small, little.
     4. Leisure.
     5. Pleasure.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. waveless.
II. m. a hell, Yājñ. 3, 224. mahā-, m. a hell, Man. 4, 89.

vīj vīj, † i. 1, Ātm. To go. i. 10 (properly a denomin. derived from vyaja), Par. To fan, Mālat. 63, 9; Chr. 25, 56.
-- With the prep. anu anu, i. 10, To fan, MBh. 3, 1764.
-- With ud ud, i. 10, To fan, MBh. 3, 1757.
-- With upa upa, i. 10, To fan, Śāk. 33, 6.

vīja vīja, also bīja bīja, i. e. probably vi-ja (vb. jan), n.
     1. Seed, germ, Śāk. 91, 14; Pañc. 51, 11; 200, 12.
     2. Semen virile.
     3. Receptacle, place of deposit.
     4. Marrow.
     5. Origin.
     6. Divine truth as the cause of being.
     7. The origin of the business of a drama.
     8. The mystical syllable which forms the essential part of the mantra of any deity.
     9. Algebra.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. bad grain, Man. 9, 291.
II. adj. without manly strength, Man. 9, 79. agni-, n. gold, Man. 5, 113. upta- (vb. vap), adj., f. , sown, Śāk. 91, 14. uśīra-, m. the name of a mountain, Rām. 6, 3, 32; also uṣīra-, with instead of ś, 4, 41, 46. nīti-, n. a germ of intrigue, Pañc. 85, 20. maṇi-, m. the pomegranate. mantra-, n. seed-like deliberation, Hit. ii. d. 138. raṅga-, n. silver. sva-, m. the soul. hara-, n. quicksilver. hari-, n. yellow orpiment.

vījaka vīja + ka,
     1. m. The common citron, Rām. 2, 69, 8, ed. Seramp.
     2. A substitute for vīja, as latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. a-, adj. Not sown, Man. 10, 71.

I. n. vij + ana.
     1. Fanning, being fanned, Rājat. 5, 386.
     2. A fan.
II. n. Thing.
III. m.
     1. A sort of pheasant.
     2. The ruddy goose.

vījavat vīja + vat, adv. Like seed.

vījavant vīja + vant, adj., f. vatī, Who or what has seed.

vījin vījin, i. e. vīja + in,
I. adj.
     1. Having seed.
     2. Having sown seed, Man. 9, 51; 52.
II. m. A father, a progenitor.

vījya vījya, i. e. vīja + ya, adj.
     1. Sprung from seed.
     2. Sprung from some family.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. the septum of the scrotum, and part of the perinaeum.

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vīṭikā vīṭikā, f.
     1. The betel plant.
     2. The preparation of the Areca nut with spices, and enveloped in the leaf of the betel plant, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 17.
     3. A tie, a fastening, Amar. 23.

vīṇā vīṇā, f. The Indian lute, Hit. ii. d. 73.
-- Comp. danta-, f. chattering of the teeth, Pañc. 94, 4. sūtra-, f. a sort of lute.

vīṇin vīṇin, i. e. vīṇā + in, adj. Furnished with lutes, Megh. 46.

vītaṃsa vītaṃsa, see vitaṃsa.

vītahavya vīta-havya (vb. and hu), m. A proper name, MBh. 13, 1943.

vīti vī + ti,
I. f.
     1. Going.
     2. Engendering.
     3. Eating, Lass. 101, 9 = Rigv. vii. 16, 4.
     4. Cleaning.
     5. Light, lustre.
II. m. A horse.

vīthi and vīthī vīthi/ī, probably vi-i + tha + ī, f.
     1. A line, MBh. 13, 5261.
     2. A road, Pañc. i. d. 189; Indr. 2, 12.
     3. A stall, a shop, Śiś. 9, 32.
     4. A terrace in front of a house.
     5. A sort of drama.
-- Comp. aja-vīthī, f. the name of a part of the orbit of the moon, Yājñ. 3, 184. ghana-vīthi-vīthi, f. the road of the clouds, as if they were shops, Śiś. 9, 32. nakṣatra-vīthī, f. the orbit of the stars, MBh. 13, 521. nabhovīthī, i. e. nabhas-, f. the orbit of the sun, Bhāg. P. 5, 22, 6. nāga-vīthī, f. 1. a line formed by snakes, MBh. 13, 5261. 2. the name of a part of the orbit of the moon, Yājñ. 3, 187. 3. a proper name, Hariv. 148. sura-vīthī, f. the road of the gods, Indr. 2, 12.

vīthikā vīthi + kā, f. A hall, Utt. Rāmac. 9, 13.

vīthī vīthī, see vīthi.

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vīdhra vīdhra, i. e. vi-indh + ra, adj. Clear, clean, pure.

vīnāha vīnāha, see vināha.

vīpā vīpā, f. Lightning.

vīpsā vīpsā, i. e. vi-īpsa, desider. of āp, + a, f.
     1. Successive order, Pāṇ. viii. 1, 4.
     2. Repetition.

vīr vīr, i. 10 (properly a denomin. derived from vīra), Ātm.
     1. To be valiant.
     2. To show one's heroism.

vīra vīra, i. e. vṛ + a (probably for original vāra),
I. adj.
     1. Heroic.
     2. Strong.
     3. Powerful.
     4. Eminent.
II. m.
     1. A hero, Chr. 5, 1.
     2. A brave man, Hit. i. d. 169, M.M.
     3. A soldier, Rājat. 5, 134.
     4. Heroism, as a rasa or poetical sentiment.
     5. Fire.
     6. Sacrificial fire (see virahan, vīrojjha, and vīropajīvika).
     7. An actor.
III. f. .
     1. A matron, a wife and mother.
     2. The plantain tree.
     3. The name of several plants.
     4. Spirituous liquor, or a particular kind of it.
IV. n. The name of several plants. vīratara, see s. v.
-- Comp. a-, and nis-, f. , a woman who has neither husband nor son, Man. 4, 213. eka-, m. an unparalleled hero, MBh. 4, 1912. mahā-, m. 1. a hero. 2. a lion. 3. a white horse. 4. a sort of hawk. 5. Garuḍa. 6. Indra's thunderbolt. 7. Viṣṇu. 8. Agni. 9. sacrificial fire. su-,
I. adj. abounding in heroes.
II. m. pl. the name of a people, Draup. 8, 9.
-- Cf. Lat. vir; Goth. vair; A.S. wer; probably [greek]

vīrajayantikā vīrajayantikā, i. e. probably vira-jayanta + ka, f.
     1. A war-dance.
     2. War, battle.

vīraṇa vīraṇa,
I. n. A fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatum, Rām. 2, 80, 8.
II. f. ṇī.
     1. A side-glance.
     2. A deep place.

vīratara vīra + tara, m.
     1. A distinguished hero, Lass. 48, 11.
     2. An arrow.

vīratā vīra + tā, f. Heroism.

vīravant vīra + vant,
I. adj.
     1. Abounding in heroes, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15.
     2. Having a hero.
II. f. vatī, A wife whose husband is living.

vīrahan vīra-han, m. A Brāhmaṇa who has suffered the sacred domestic fire to become extinct.

vīrānaka vīrānaka, The name of a town, Rājat. 5, 213.

vīrāya vīrāya, a denomin. derived from vīra with ya, To show one's heroism, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 3.

vīriṇī vīriṇī, f. The name of a river, Matsyop. 5.

vīrudh vīrudh, i. e. vi-ruh, f.
     1. A creeper.
     2. A plant which grows again when being cut, Man. 11, 142.
     3. A plant in general, Pañc. iii. d. 50; Vikr. d. 38.
     4. A branch and shoot, Utt. Rāmac. 44, 10.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. deprived of plants, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 45.

vīrojjha vīrojjha, i. e. vīra-ujjh + a, m. A Brahman who omits offering burnt offerings.

vīropajīvika vīropajīvika, i. e. vīra-upa-jīva + ika, m. A Brāhmaṇa who claims presents on the merit of having preserved his sacrificial fire.

vīrya vīrya, i. e. vīra + ya, n.
     1. Strength, power, Chr. 23, 33; Vikr. d. 16.
     2. Fortitude, Chr. 4, 14.
     3. Heroism.
     4. Dignity.
     5. Splendour.
-- Comp. a-mogha-, adj. 1. of unfailing virility. 2. of unfailing power. nis-, adj. powerless, Hit. ii. d. 6. mahā-,
I. adj. very strong, Rām. 3, 53, 12.
II. m. Brahman. vi-citra-, m. a proper name, Chr. 3, 6. sama-, adj. having equal strength, Hit. iv. d. 20. su-, n. 1. great vigour. 2. abundance in heroes, Chr. 288, 12 = Rigv. i. 48, 12 (cf. i. 40, 2).

vīryavant vīrya + vant, adj.
     1. Strong, Man. 2, 114.
     2. Victorious.

vīvadha vīvadha, and vīvadhika vīvadhika, see vivadha, vivadhika.

vīhāra vīhāra, i. e. vi-hṛ + a (cf. vihāra), m. A Bauddha or Jaina convent, a sanctuary, a temple, a holy place.

vuṅgvuṅg, buṅg buṅg, i. 1, Par. To abandon.

vuṇṭ vuṇṭ, see viṇṭ.

vṛ vṛ, and vṝ vṛ, i. 1. ii. 5, vṛṇu, and ii. 9, vṛṇā, vṛṇī, Par. Ātm (this verb comprehends perhaps two verbs which were originally different; the original signification of the one seems to be, 'To guard by covering,' that of the other, 'To coose').
     1. To screen, to cover, MBh. 3, 10970.
     2. To conceal (ved.).
     3. To surround, MBh. 5, 164.
     4. To resist (ved.).
     5. To select, to choose, Rām. 2, 9, 25.
     6. To woo, MBh. 3, 16647.
     7. ii. 9, Ātm. To select for one's self, Ragh. 3, 6; to beg, Dev. 11, 36.
     8. To prefer, Rām. 2, 70, 12. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vṛta.
     1. Agreed or assented to.
     2. Served.
     3. Affected by.
     4. Vitiated, spoiled. Comp. ūrdhva-, adj. worn over the shoulder, Man. 2, 44. svayam-, adj. chosen by one's self, Vikr. d. 101. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. varya,
     1. To be applied to for aid.
     2. To be yielded to or indulged.
     3. Chief, principal (rather vara + ya), Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 41; Kir. 7, 20. m. Kāma. f. , A girl choosing her own husband (rather vara + ya). Comp. arya-, m. a respectable man of the third caste, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 17. Caus., and i. 10,
I. varaya, Par. Ātm.
     1. To select, to choose, Hit. 116, 7; Rām. 1, 43, 17; in marriage, Chr. 52, 10.
     2. To beg (with two acc.), Rām. 1, 36, 16.
     3. To fall to one's share (acc.), Rām. 1, 65, 21.
II. vāraya, Par. Ātm.
     1. To stop, Man. 8, 239.
     2. To hinder, Nal. 3, 24.
     3. To keep off. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vārita, Prevented. Comp. dus-, adj. kept off badly, MBh. 13, 267. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. vārya, Excellent. n. Sacrifice, Lass. 101, 13 = Rigv. vii. 16, 5. Comp. dus-, adj. 1. difficult to be kept off, irresistible, MBh. 12, 3661. 2. dangerous to be troubled, cf. MBh. 1, 1917 (+ tā, f. state of such one).
II. vāraṇiya. Comp. dus-, adj. irresistible, MBh. 8, 3629.
-- With the prep. apa apa,
     1. To open (ved.)
     2. To show, Ragh. 10, 7 (Calc.). Caus. apavārita, Screened, Mālat. 93, 14. Absol. apavārya (in theatrical language), Aside, apart, Śāk. 28, 17.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To cover, MBh. 1, 1296.
     2. To conceal, Ragh. 17, 61.
     3. To fill, Man. 2, 144.
     4. To comprehend, Bhag. 13, 13.
     5. To obstruct, Rām. 1, 26, 28.
     6. To choose, MBh. 1, 4738.
     7. To beg. āvṛta,
     1. Enclosed, surrounded, Man. 4, 73.
     2. Invested.
     3. Overspread.
     4. Covered, Hit. 80, 15.
     5. Filled, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4.
     6. Occupied, Rājat. 5, 235. m. A man of mixed origin, the son of a Brāhmaṇa by an Ugra woman, Man. 10, 15. Caus., and i. 10,
     1. To cover, Rām. 1, 32, 11.
     2. To conceal, MBh. 3, 2370.
     3. To keep off, MBh. 2, 2431.
-- With apā apa-ā, To uncover, MBh. 1, 1341; to open, Bhag. 2, 32.
-- With paryā pari -ā, paryāvṛta, Covered, Mālat. 90, 7.
-- With prā pra-ā, To put on, MBh. 1, 2033. prāvṛta, Covered, enclosed, encompassed. m., f. , and n. A wrapper, a cloak, a veil.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To stop, MBh. 3, 363.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To cover, MBh. 3, 2310.
     2. To shut, MBh. 1, 8343.
     3. To stop, MBh. 3, 10329. samāvṛta,
     1. Surrounded, encompassed, Rām. 3, 54, 15.
     2. Enclosed.
     3. Concealed, Chr. 32, 32.
-- With ud ud, Caus., or i. 10, varaya, To ask, Rām. 2, 11, 9.
-- With ni ni, To surround, Chr. 296, 3 = Rigv. i. 112, 3. nivṛta, m., f. , and n. A wrapper, a cloak, a veil. Caus.
     1. To surround, MBh. 1, 4961.
     2. To protect, Chr. 42, 15.
     3. To stop, to hinder, MBh. 1, 8172.
     4. To draw back from (abl.), Bhartṛ. 2, 64.
     5. To with hold, Hit. iii. d. 10.
     6. To interdict, Pañc. 28, 19; Daśak. in Chr. 181, 7.
     7. To exclude, Man. 9, 221. nivārita,
     1. Opposed, Pañc. 247, 20.
     2. Stopped, Lass. 18, 1. a-nivārya, adj. Irresistible, Chr. 45, 7. durnivārya, i. e. dus-, adj. Difficult to be kept off, MBh. 12, 3770.
-- With vini vi-ni, To keep off, MBh. 1, 1756. Caus., or i. 10, To obstruct, Mālat. 11, 16.
-- With nis nis, nirvṛta,
     1. Free from cares, Hit. 50, 6.
     2. Happy, satisfied, Man. 1, 54.
     3. Enraptured, Vikr. 71, 12. n. A house. Comp. a-nirvṛta + m, adv. cheerlessly, Hit. ii. d. 143.
-- With pari pari, To surround, Vikr. d. 44; MBh. 1, 3. a-parivṛta, adj. Unenclosed, Man. 8, 238. Caus., and i. 10,
     1. To surround, Pañc. ii. d. 23; Chr. 42, 9.
     2. To cover, Chr. 4, 20.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, Caus. To surround, MBh. 3, 10234.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To cover, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 25.
     2. To put on, MBh. 3, 2977.
     3. To choose, MBh. 3, 17186. Caus.
     1. To guard, MBh. 3, 10474.
     2. To expose for choice, Chr. 8, 31.
     3. To prefer, MBh. 3, 10810.
-- With prati prati, Caus., or i. 10,
     1. To keep off, MBh. 4, 1896.
     2. To oppose, Rām. 3, 49, 22. a-prativārita, adj. Not prohibited, Man. 8, 360.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To open, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4 (ved. āvar, aor.); MBh. 1, 6275.
     2. To disclose, Rājat. 5, 185; to reveal, MBh. 2, 6925.
     3. To woo, MBh. 1, 4413. vivṛta,
     1. Opened, Hit. 76, 6.
     2. Naked, MBh. 1, 2924.
     3. Expanded.
     4. Displayed, Man. 7, 102.
     5. Exposed, discovered.
     6. Explained, expounded. Comp. a-, adj. without showing a weak side, MBh. 1, 5559.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To cover, Vikr. 47, 12; MBh. 2, 2623; to hide, Vikr. 43, 5.
     2. To secure, Man. 7, 102.
     3. To restrain, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 27. saṃvṛta,
     1. Covered, Hit. ii. d. 139.
     2. Concealed, Ragh. 7, 27.
     3. Surrounded, MBh. 3, 571.
     4. Closed.
     5. Compressed.
     6. Secured, Pañc. 91, 2.
     7. Attended, Johns. Sel, 59, 178. Comp. a-, (m. or n.), the name of a hell, Man. 4, 81. sa-, adj. decently dressed, Man. 2, 193 (v. r.). Caus. To keep off, MBh. 3, 14994.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To cover, Chr. 36, 23 (imperf. without augment).
-- Cf. O.H.G. wara; A.S. ware, heed; O.H.G. war, verus; Goth. varjan; A.S. wreon, To cover; warian, werian, arcere; O.H.G. wari, depulsio; werna, A.S. wearne, obstaculum; O.H.G. warnon, A.S. warnian, wearnian, cavere, prohibere; Goth. viljan, A.S. willan, velle; Goth. valjan, O.H.G. weljan, eligere; Lat. perhaps aperio, operio; probably velum, velare; verus, valeo, valor; velle; [greek] [greek]

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vṛṃh 1. vṛṃh, bṛṃh bṛṃh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To grow, to increase.
     2. To roar, Śiś. 17, 31 (Ātm.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vṛṃhita.
     1. Increased.
     2. Cerished, MBh. 2, 2589.
     3. Nourished. n. The roar of elephants, Kir. 7, 39. Caus. To augment, MBh. 3, 11334.
-- With the prep. upa upa, Caus. To augment, Dev. 8, 8. upavṛṃhita,
     1. Collected from.
     2. Possessed of, endowed with, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 6.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To augment, MBh. 1, 260.
-- Cf. vṛh; [greek] probably also [greek] and [greek] [greek] and probably [greek]

vṛṃh † 2. vṛṃh, bṛṃh bṛṃh, i. 10, Par. To speak, to shine.

vṛṃhaṇa vṛṃhaṇa, i. e. 1. vṛṃh + ana,
I. adj. Nourishing.
II. m. A kind of sweetmeat.

vṛkvṛk, i. 1. Ātm. To take.

vṛka vṛka, perhaps akin to vraśc,
I. m.
     1. A wolf, Pañc. 19, 13.
     2. A crow.
     3. A jackal.
     4. Turpentine.
     5. Compounded perfume.
     6. A tree. Sesbana grandiflora.
II. f. , A plant, Cissampelos hexandra.
-- Comp. a-, adj. secure, Chr. 288, 15 = Rigv. i. 48, 15. śālā-, m. 1. a jackal, Draup. 6, 8. 2. a monkey. 3. a cat. 4. a dog. 5. a deer.
-- Cf. Goth. vulfs; A.S. wulf; [greek] Lat. lupus.

vṛkodara vṛkodara, i. e. vṛka-udara, m. A name of Bhīma, Johns. Sel. 12, 31.

vṛkkaka vṛkkaka, m. The kidney, Yājñ. 3, 94.

vṛkṣvṛkṣ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To select.
     2. To cover.
     3. To keep off.

vṛkṣa vṛkṣa, probably akin to vṛh, m. A tree, Man. 1, 47; Pañc. iii. d. 107.
-- Comp. asi-patra-, m. a fabulous tree in hell, Ragh. 14, 48. kalpa-, m. a tree yielding all wishes (cf. kalpataru), Megh. 63; Vikr. d. 157. kṣīra-, m. the glomerous fig-tree, Ficus glomerata, Śāk. 54, 23. caitya-, m. a fig-tree growing in a holy place, Man. 9, 264. dīpa-, m. the stand of a lamp, Rām. 2, 5, 18 Gorr.; a lamp on a stand, a lantern, MBh. 12, 7402. nis-, adj. deprived of trees, MBh. 5, 338.

vṛkṣaka vṛkṣa + ka, m.
     1. A tree.
     2. A particular tree, Wrightea antidysenterica.
-- Comp. a-, adj. deprived of trees, Rām. 4, 44, 35.

vṛkṣabhid vṛkṣa-bhid, f. An axe.

vṛkṣamaya vṛkṣa + maya, adj., f. , Abounding in trees.

vṛcvṛc, ii. 7, v. r. of vṛj, ii. 7.

vṛj vṛj, ii. 7, vṛṇaj, vṛñj, Par.; i. 1, Par. and (also vṛñj vriñj), ii. 2, Ātm. (the original signification seems to be 'To bend').
     1. To exclude, Man. 3, 152.
     2. To purify, Man. 9, 20. Ptcple of the pf. pass. vṛkta, Spread, Lass. 98, 8 = Rigv. v. 9, 2. Caus., and i. 10,
     1. To deprive, Kām. Nītis. 9, 15 (= Hit. iv. d. 118, where varjita corr. for ārjita).
     2. To abandon, Rājat. 5, 312.
     3. To abstain, Man. 2, 177; MBh. 13, 5659.
     4. To shun, Man. 9, 246; to avoid, Pañc. i. d. 112.
     5. To spare, MBh. 3, 10583. varjita,
     1. Relinquished, Rām. 3, 51, 12; remnant, Pañc. 138, 2.
     2. Deprived of, without, Rām. 3, 52, 41; except. Hit. iv. d. 124.
     3. Given. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. varjya. To be excepted, left out. n. A point in each lunar mansion during the passage of the moon, in which no business should be begun. Absol. varjayitvā, Except, Rām. 1, 14, 40.
-- With the prep. apa apa, Caus. To fulfil (a promise), Rām. 1, 44, 49.
-- With ā ā, Caus.
     1. To bend, to incline, Vikr. 87, 15; Megh. 47; Śāk. 11, 9.
     2. To win one's affection, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 19.
     3. To pour out, Ragh. 1, 62.
     4. To offer, Ragh. 8, 26.
-- With pari pari, Caus. To avoid, Man. 3, 6. parivarjita,
     1. Abandoned.
     2. Deprived, Pañc. i. d. 311; devoid of, Man. 5, 154.
-- With vi vi, Caus. To avoid, Man. 2, 184. vivarjita,
     1. Left.
     2. Deprived of, Pañc. i. d. 40 (sevā-, Not practising service); devoid of, Hit. iii. d. 16; Pañc. ii. d. 61 (mūlya-, Unpayable).
-- Cf. the ved. use of this vb., the two next words, and Lat. vergere; A.S. wealean, To roll; probably also wrenc, Deceit (cf. vṛjana); O.H.G. wurgjan, strangulare; [greek]

vṛjana vṛj + ana,
I. adj. Crooked.
II. m. Curled hair.
III. n.
     1. ved. Creature, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5.
     2. The atmosphere.
     3. Sin.

vṛjina vṛj + ina,
I. adj.
     1. Crooked.
     2. Wicked.
II. m. Curled hair.
III. n.
     1. Sin, Rām. 6, 103, 10; Ragh. 14, 57; wickedness.
     2. Distress.
     3. Red leather.

vṛñj vṛñj, see vṛj.

vṛṇ vṛṇ, † i. 8, vṛṇu, varṇu, Par. Ātm. To cat. i. 6, Par. To exhilarate.
-- With vi vi, Caus. To exhilarate, Utt. Rāmac. 152, 9.

vṛt 1. vṛt, i. 1, Ātm., and in the fut., condit., and aor., also Par. (in epic poetry also in other forms, MBh. 1, 4308; 4832; 3, 14683). The original signification was 'To turn,' Ātm. 'To turn one's self.'
     1. To be occupied, to occupy one's self, to act, Man. 2, 5; Vikr. 63, 13; vyājena, To act fraudulently, Pañc. 147, 15.
     2. To employ, Rām. 2, 82, 18.
     3. To behave, Man. 9, 108; Pañc. i. d. 90.
     4. To stay, Rām. 1, 18, 4; Hit. iii. d. 47 (apakartari, near to the man who has injured him).
     5. To be fixed, MBh. 3, 16715.
     6. To depend upon (loc.), Chr. 12, 25.
     7. To exist, Pañc. i. d. 174; 366.
     8. To be, Rām. 2, 67, 9; Vikr. 9, 5. With upakāre, To give assistance, Rām. 3, 75, 14. With manasi, To be thought, Śāk. 25, 22; Vikr. 30, 5. With atītya, i. e. ati-i + tya, and mūrdhni, To surpass, Śāk. 6, 5; Hit. i. d. 19, M.M.
     9. To take place, Man. 2, 15; Pañc. 74, 19; to come to pass, ib. 101, 1.
     10. To subsist, Man. 3, 77.
     11. To live, Utt. Rāmac. 66, 1; Rām. 1, 8, 10. Ptcple. of the pres. vartamāna.
     1. Being present, Pañc. 48, 8; being inclined to (with loc.), Mālat. 3, 10.
     2. Dwelling in. n. The present tense. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vṛtta.
     1. Turned, Śāk. d. 64.
     2. Round, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 24.
     3. Past, Hit. iv. d. 1; gone, been.
     4. Finished.
     5. Dead, Man. 9, 195.
     6. Done, performed.
     7. Having acted, Nal, 8, 13.
     8. Firm.
     9. Unimpaired, Man. 1, 6.
     10. Famous.
     11. Read, studied. n.
     1. A circle.
     2. Event, occurrence, Indr. 5, 52.
     3. Procedure.
     4. Practice, profession, means of gaining subsistence.
     5. Conduct, behaviour, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 6; Man. 7, 135; observance of enjoined practice in private or social life, Vikr. d. 147 (ujjhita-dhairya-vṛtta + m, adv. Without regard to my dignity); law, Ragh. 5, 33.
     6. Verse, metre. m. A tortoise. Comp. ārya-,
I. n. the conduct of an Ārya, laudable practice, Man. 4, 175.
II. adj. one who behaves in a laudable manner, Man. 9, 253. iti-, n. event. kalyāṇa-, adj., f. , well-behaved, Rām. 3, 53, 54. kāma-, adj. debauched. Man. 5, 154. kim-, adj. timid, afraid, Pañc. 9, 15. guru-, adj. one who treats respectfully his parents and spiritual teacher, Rām. 4, 17, 36. chandov°, i. e. chandas-, n. metre, MBh. 1, 28. tejov°, i. e. tejas-, n. power and behaviour, Man. 9, 303. dus-,
I. n. 1. a bad action, Cāṇ. 82 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 412. 2. bad conduct, MBh. 1, 100.
II. adj. sbst. 1. ill-behaved, a wicked person, Yājñ. 1, 335. 2. unhappy, Hit. ii. d. 165. a-dus-, adj. unblameable, Rājat. 5, 293. ati-dus-, adj. exceedingly wicked, Hit. 18, 4, M.M. purā-,
I. adj. 1. done in times of yore. 2. lived in times of yore, MBh. 14, 2842. 3. referring to times of yore, ib. 3, 12602.
II. n. 1. history, ib. 12, 2885. 2. any old or legendary event, Hit. iii. d. 105. pūrva-,
I. n. 1. a previous occurrence, Śāk. 71, 3. 2. previous behaviour, Mārk. P. 20, 41.
II. adj. relating to a previous occurrence, Hariv. 2976. maṅgalādeśa-, i. e. maṅgala-ādeśa-, m. a fortune-teller, Man. 9, 258. yathā-vṛtta + m, adv. relating a thing as it happened, circumstantially, truly, Chr. 9, 37; 11, 22; 58, 11. veda-, n. the doctrine of the Vedas. sadv°, i. e. sant- (vb. 1. as),
I. adj. 1. well-behaved. 2. virtuous. 3. well-rounded.
II. n. good or amiable disposition. sādhu-,
I. m. a virtuous person, Hit. i. d. 201, M.M.
II. n. virtue. su-, adj. 1. virtuous, good, Pañc. ii. d. 74. 2. handsomely round, Pañc. iv. d. 78; i. d. 303. 3. well-conditioned, Pañc. ii. d. 74. sva-, n. 1. one's own occupation, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 6. 2. occupation, Pañc. i. d. 79. Caus.
     1. To turn, MBh. 1, 809.
     2. With antar, To mix, Mālat. 153, 2.
     3. To pass (as time), MBh. 1, 7976.
     4. To sustain one's self, Man. 4, 10; Kir. 2, 18.
     5. To live, Rām. 2, 51, 12.
     6. To make, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9; with dyūtam, To play, MBh. 2, 2507; with aśrūṇi, To shed tears, MBh. 1, 4468; with ākhyānam, To tell, Rām. 1, 5, 4.
7, To act, Hit. iii. d. 111. Comp. ptcple. pf. pass. su-vartita, adj. Well made, Lass. 2. ed. 61, 38. i. 10, † To speak, to shine.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To overcome, MBh. 3, 16679.
     2. To surpass, MBh. 3, 10169.
     3. To pass (as a place), Rām. 2, 50, 10.
     4. To trespass, Lass. 2. ed. 71, 63; to neglect, to violate, MBh. 2, 693.
     5. To injure, to slight, Man. 5, 161.
     6. To avoid, Chr. 62, 57.
     7. To pass away (as time), Rām. 2, 51, 20; Pañc. 174, 9.
     8. To be delayed, Man. 2, 38. ativṛtta,
     1. Surpassing, Mālat. 16, 1.
     2. Hastening on, Rām. 3, 50, 6.
-- With vyati vi-ati, To pass (as time), Sāv. 4, 9.
-- With adhi adhi, To assail, Śāk. d. 23.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To follow, Man. 6, 93.
     2. To resemble, MBh. 3, 15940.
     3. To seek, Man. 8, 175.
     4. To espy, Śāk. 23, 14.
     5. To wait on, to court, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 7.
     6. To take one's directions from, Rām. 4, 29, 29.
     7. To assent, MBh. 1, 1799.
     8. To obey, MBh. 3, 14683.
     9. To undergo, Sāv. 5, 46. anuvṛtta, Shown, Utt. Rāmac. 167, 10. n. Obeying, Hit. iv. d. 102 (chandas-, n. Accommodation to one's will). Caus.
     1. To cause to turn, Bhag. 3, 16.
     2. To perform, MBh. 4, 105.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To follow, Rām. 2, 14, 8.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To turn away from, Ragh. 6, 58 (Calc.).
     2. To return, MBh. 1, 1784.
     3. To be overturned, Man. 8, 293. apavṛtta, Reversed, Kir. 12, 49. Caus. To cause to turn away, Mālat. 24, 15.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, To leave, Mālat. 11, 15.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To turn to, Mālat. 10, 10; to turn, Sund. 3, 29.
     2. To stretch to (with acc.), Utt. Rāmac. 43, 2.
     3. To be imminent, Utt. Rāmac. 52, 17.
     4. To approach, Rām. 3, 52, 15.
     5. To assail, MBh. 1, 4114.
     6. To exist, to be, Chr. 16, 13. abhivṛtta, Going towards.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi,
     1. To approach, MBh. 1, 7261.
     2. To assail, Rām. 2, 28, 8.
     3. To pass, (as time), Rām. 1, 8, 10.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To advance, Man. 4, 172.
     2. To come, Ragh. 1, 52 (Calc.).
     3. To return, Man. 7, 82. āvṛtya, Having done(?), Man. 3, 214 (v., and probably erroneous reading). āvṛtta,
     1. Perused repeatedly, Utt. Rāmac. 156, 14.
     2. Averted, Kir. 11, 51. Caus.
     1. To invert, MBh. 1, 2930.
     2. To cause to approach (aśrūṇi, i. e. to shed tears), MBh. 3, 336.
     3. To fetch, Mālat. 155, 3.
     4. To win, MBh. 5, 117.
     5. Ātm. To come, Draup. 6, 18.
-- With apā apa-ā, apāvṛtta,
     1. Reversed, turned to the contrary, Rām. 1, 12, 59.
     2. Turned away from, desisting from, MBh. 3, 4052. n. The rolling on the ground, of a horse.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To approach, MBh. 1, 2318.
     2. To go round, Rām. 1, 33, 17.
     3. To turn away from, MBh. 3, 4084.
     4. To return, Śāk. 8, 14. upāvṛtta, Returned, Śāk. 46, 6. Caus.
     1. To cause to approach, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 7.
     2. To win to confidence, Mālat. 128, 1.
     3. To lead back, Rām. 2, 19, 13.
-- With paryā pari-ā, To return, MBh. 3, 10074.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To return, Megh. 40. pratyāvṛtta, Returned, come back, Utt. Rāmac. 21, 8.
-- With vyā vi-ā,
     1. To turn away from, Vikr. d. 9.
     2. To be divided, Sāv. 5, 108.
     3. To return, Rājat. 5, 85.
     4. To perish, MBh. 3, 11259. vyāvṛtta,
     1. Rolled backwards.
     2. Removed, Vikr. d. 154; uncovered.
     3. Excluded, Pañc. 5, 5; Bhāṣāp. 72.
     4. Encompassed, surrounded.
     5. Fenced. Caus.
     1. To throw down, MBh. 3, 42447.
     2. To destroy, Ragh. 15, 7 (Calc.).
     3. To contrive(?), Daśak. in Chr. 197, 7.
-- With samā sam-ā, To advance, Chr. 40, 10. samāvṛtta,
     1. Assembled, MBh. 3, 16282.
     2. Completed, MBh. 1, 3526.
     3. Returned, Man. 3, 4. m. A pupil who has completed his studies, Man. 8, 27.
-- With ud ud, To surge, Ragh. 7, 56, Calc. (Stenzl. v. r.). udvṛtta,
     1. Raised, elevated.
     2. Exalted, prosperous.
     3. Unrestrained, ill-behaved, MBh. 1, 1718.
     4. Vomited.
     5. Left. Caus. To destroy, MBh. 3, 13680.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To approach, MBh. 1, 3850.
     2. To return, MBh. 1, 7821. upavṛtta, Recovered(?), Chr. 30, 2.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To return, Vikr. d. 3; Bhag. 15, 4; Hit. 71, 22 (doṣān, i. e. doṣāt, nivṛtya, Having improved); to turn, Vikr. 66, 2.
     2. To recoil, Bhag. 2, 59.
     3. To abstain, Man. 5, 49.
     4. To refuse, MBh. 2, 1720.
     5. To escape (abl.), Bhag. 1, 39.
     6. To run away, Chr. 5, 23.
     7. To cease from (abl.), Rām. 2, 78, 24.
     8. To cease, Man. 10, 77.
     9. To set (as the sun), Sāv. 5, 73.
     10. To be withheld, Man. 11, 185.
     11. To be forbidden, Man. 5, 89.
     12. Not to take place, Man. 11, 151.
     13. To be reversed, Man. 8, 117.
     14. To be occupied with, MBh. 3, 2347. nivṛtta,
     1. Returned, returning, Rām. 3, 50, 28.
     2. Gone.
     3. Ceased, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 6.
     4. Finished, Rām. 2, 52, 28; vanished, 6, 22, 17.
     5. Completed.
     6. Whole, Chr. 36, 19.
     7. Desisting from any improper conduct.
     8. Abstained from, Utt. Rāmac. 93, 2 (-māṃsa, adj. One who abstains from eating meat).
     9. Abstaining, Hit. i. d. 63, M.M.; abstaining from worldly acts.
     10. Abstracted from this world, quiet, Man. 12, 88.
     11. Prohibited, MBh. 2, 1770. Comp. dus-, adj. whence it is difficult to return, Rām. 4, 22, 36. Ptcple. of the fut. pass.
I. nivartanīya.
     1. To be led back, Mālav. 71, 1 (read niv°).
     2. To be stopped. Comp. a-, adj. not to be untied, firm, MBh. 1, 7330.
II. nivartitavya, To be led back, MBh. 18, 55. Caus.
     1. To cause to return, Rām. 1, 1, 37.
     2. To cause to turn away from, Śāk. 19, 1.
     3. To persuade to desist from, Chr. 26, 71.
     4. To lead back, Rām. 2, 73, 22.
     5. To repel, Rām. 1, 58, 24; to avert, Śāk. d. 53.
     6. To unravel, Man. 9, 233.
     7. To deliver from, MBh. 2, 45.
     8. To restrain, Man. 6, 59.
     9. To accomplish, to perform, Rām. 1, 42, 25. nivartayitavya, To be restrained, to be hindered, Rām. 2, 21, 22 Gorr. durnivartya, i. e. dus-, adj.
     1. Difficult to be caused to turn, MBh. 6, 145.
     2. Whence it is difficult to return, ib. 13, 3504.
-- With abhini abhi-ni, To return, Mālat. 13, 2.
-- With pratini prati-ni,
     1. To turn round, Pañc. 163, 3.
     2. To betake one's self to one's heels, Utt. Rāmac. 122, 1.
     3. To return, Śāk. d. 28; Vikr. 5, 5.
     4. To turn away from, Hit. i. d. 62, M.M.
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To return, MBh. 3, 8451.
     2. To turn away from, Bhag. 2, 59.
     3. To cease, Man. 5, 60; Pañc. i. d. 392. vinivṛtta,
     1. Stopped.
     2. Ended.
     3. Foiled.
     4. Refrained.
     5. Desisting. Caus.
     1. To lead back, Rām. 2, 82, 17.
     2. To recall, Mālat. 169, 12.
     3. To annul, Man. 8, 165. vinivartita, Caused to turn away (as looks, caused to be cast down), Mālav. d. 11.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To turn back, MBh. 3, 12231; to return, Rām. 2, 45, 2. Caus. To preclude, Man. 4, 16.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To be accomplished, Man. 7, 61.
     2. Not to take place, Bhaṭṭ. 16, 6. nirvṛtta, Accomplished, Man. 9, 62; 5, 67 (shorn). Caus.
     1. To finish, to accomplish, Man. 3, 122; Vikr. 87, 15; Bhāg. P. 6, 7, 36.
     2. To produce, Man. 1, 31.
-- With vinis vi-nis, vinirvṛtta,
     1. Produced.
     2. Occurring.
     3. Completed.
-- With parā parā,
     1. To turn round, Śāk. 54, 7; to turn back, Hit. 89, 12, M.M.
     2. To return, Man. 3, 217. parāvṛtta,
     1. One who has turned his back, Man. 7, 93.
     2. Turned aside, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 24. Comp. a-, adj. not returned, Vikr. 55, 10.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To turn round, Vikr. 12, 18.
     2. To change, Vikr. d. 132 (anyathā, into another object); to interchange, Hit. i. d. 172, M.M.
     3. To be whirled, Man. 4, 165.
     4. To hasten to and fro, MBh. 3, 12230.
     5. To roam about, Rām. 1, 9, 42.
     6. To become, Śāk. d. 172.
     7. To be, Rām. 2, 96, 17. parivṛtta,
     1. Returned, Mālat. 164, 10.
     2. Ended, Lass. 2. ed. 55, 73. n. An embrace, Mālat. 76, 10. Caus.
     1. To turn, Lass. 2. ed. 75, 41.
     2. To change, Man. 8, 154.
-- With vipari vi-pari,
     1. To slide backwards and forwards, Man. 6, 22.
     2. To turn round, to revolve, Bhag. 9, 10.
     3. To roll on the ground, Rām. 2, 72, 26.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, To exist, to be, Rām. 2, 1, 24. Caus. To cause to turn, Rām. 2, 45, 33.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To begin, Śāk. 4, 4; Vikr. d. 90.
     2. To proceed, MBh. 3, 2298; Megh. 106; Pañc. i. d. 6 (from, with abl.); i. d. 132 (vākye, To follow, to obey the words).
     3. To go on well, Pañc. i. d. 93.
     4. To engage, Hit. 87, 1, M.M.
     5. To hold good, Rām. 2, 58, 20.
     6. To prosper, Man. 3, 61.
     7. To subsist, Man. 4, 9.
     8. To turn (adharottaram, Topsy-turvy), Man. 7, 21.
     9. To become, Pañc. 5, 13; Rām. 1, 35, 8.
     10. To behave, MBh. 3, 2414.
     11. To act, Śāk. d. 194.
     12. To take place, Pañc. 114, 18; MBh. 3, 1871. pravṛtta,
     1. Begun, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 9; beginning, Mālat. 88, 11.
     2. Engaged in, Hit. 68, 13; occupied by.
     3. Doing, acting, Man. 3, 12.
     4. Active, Man. 12, 88.
     5. Coming, Mālat. 91, 11.
     6. Fixed, settled.
     7. Undisputed. Comp. a-, adj. not having taken place, never done, Chr. 61, 48. Caus.
     1. To push forward, to direct, Utt. Rāmac. 48, 5.
     2. To throw, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 90.
     3. To produce, Rājat. 5, 122; Rām. 2, 21, 35.
     4. To create, MBh. 3, 13982.
     5. To further, Rājat. 5, 175.
     6. To behave, Chr. 23, 30. pravartita,
     1. Caused to turn, Bhag. 3, 16.
     2. Instigated.
     3. Revolving, going round.
     4. Made, Mālat. 13, 2.
     5. Made pure, Man. 11, 196.
     6. Informed.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To empty one's self into (as a river), Rām. 2, 54, 2. abhipravṛtta,
     1. Active, Bhag. 4, 20.
     2. Occurring.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To begin, Śāk. d. 75.
     2. To assail, MBh. 3, 68.
     3. To be occupied, MBh. 3, 8737.
     4. To take place, MBh. 3, 13537. saṃpravṛtta, Being at hand, Bhag. 14, 22.
-- With abhisaṃpra abhi-sam-pra, Caus. To confound, Lass. 2. ed. 80, 82.
-- With prati prati, To accrue, Man. 1, 81 (v. r.).
-- With vi vi,
     1. To roll, to welter, Arj. 3, 19.
     2. To revolve, to return, Utt. Rāmac. 143, 3.
     3. To assail, MBh. 3, 8438.
     4. To be, Mālat. 24, 13. vivṛtta,
     1. Turned off, Śāk. d. 59.
     2. Whirling, Chr. 34, 9. Caus. To cause to alternate (i. e. to be born and to die), MBh. 1, 809. vivartita, Turned round, Śāk. d. 23.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To be produced, Pañc. 38, 19.
     2. To be recalled, Utt. Rāmac. 13, 1.
     3. To fall to one's lot, Vikr. 57, 2.
     4. To become, Nal. 17, 42; Pañc. 125, 24; Vikr. 65, 1 (kṛtāhārakaḥ saṃvṛttaḥ, He has finished his meal).
     5. To exist, to be, MBh. 3, 14839. samvṛtta,
     1. Past, gone.
     2. Become, Pañc. 77, 12.
     3. Fallen to one's lot, ib. 41, 25.
     4. Taken place, 43, 3.
     5. Being.
     6. Possessed of.
     7. Pañc. i. d. 6, read saṃbhṛtebhyaḥ with Rām. 6, 62, 29. m. Varuṇa. Caus. To accomplish, Rām. 1, 15, 7.
-- Cf. Lat. vertere, versus; Goth. vairthan; A.S. weordhan; Goth. ana-vairths; A.S. ward, weard, wyrd; Goth. vaurstv.

vṛt 2. vṛt, see vāvṛt.

vṛti vṛ + ti, f.
     1. Surrounding.
     2. An enclosure, a hedge, Man. 8, 239; Pañc. iii. d. 129; 248, 2.
     3. Hiding.
     4. Choosing.
     5. Soliciting.

vṛtiṃkara vṛtiṃkara, i. e. vṛti + m-kṛ + a,
I. adj. Surrounding.
II. m. A plant, Flacoustia sapida Roxb.

vṛttatas vṛtta + tas (vb. vṛt), adv. Relating to observance or duty.

vṛttavant vṛtta + vant, adj. Wellconducted, discharging the duties of caste or calling.

vṛttastha vṛtta-stha, adj. Discharging the duties of caste or calling.

vṛttānta vṛttānta, i. e. vṛtta-anta, m. (n., Pañc. 30, 22).
     1. Occurrence, Pañc. 38, 23; 130, 10; 130, 4 (ko yaṃ vṛttāntaḥ, What has come to pass here?).
     2. A tale or story, Hit. 65, 9.
     3. An ancient story, Man. 3, 14.
     4. Report, rumour.
     5. Tidings.
     6. Topics, subject.
     7. Leisure.
     8. Opportunity, Vikr. 37, 10.
     9. Sort, manner.
     10. Whole.
     11. Solitary.
-- Comp. sadvṛ°, i. e. sant- (vb. 1. as), adj. having (heard) beautiful tales, Hit. 78, 3.

vṛtti vṛt + ti, f.
     1. The circumference of a circle.
     2. Staying, being, abiding.
     3. State, Pañc. iii. d. 18 (vaitasīṃ vṛttim ā car, To behave like a reed).
     4. Livelihood, Man. 2, 141; maintenance, 9, 74.
     5. An agent of activity, Bhāg. P. 5, 11, 9; activity, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 13.
     6. Means of subsistence, Pañc. 6, 5; Man. 1, 113; wages, hire, Pañc. 229, 6.
     7. Behaviour, Man. 2, 206; Hit. iv. d. 100 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 610).
     8. Respectful treatment, MBh. 12, 3996, in Chr. p. 94.
     9. Explanation, gloss.
     10. Style.
     11. Style of dramatic composition.
-- Comp. a-, f. want of means for subsistence, Man. 4, 223. anyathā-, adj. changed, agitated, Megh. 3. a-vyāpya-, f. (in logic) limited in space, as the special qualities of soul and aether, sc. knowledge, etc., and sound, Bhāṣāp. 26. uñcha-, m. a gleaner, Man. 8, 260. evam-, adj. so conditioned, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 212 = Pañc. i. d. 93. garva-, f. state of pride, female arrogance, Vikr. d. 53 (vrata-apadeśa-ujjhita-garva-vṛtti, adj. having abandoned her pride under the pretext of a vow). citta-, f. 1. feeling, sentiments, Śāk. 4, 11; Ṛt. 6, 26. 2. thinking, thought, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 9. jyeṣṭha-, adj. acting as an elder brother ought to act, Man. 9, 110. a-jyeṣṭha-, adj. not acting as an elder brother ought, ib. tad-vṛtti, adj. abiding in that, i. e. as śabdatva in śabda, Bhāṣāp. 60, cf. 22. tamas-, f. darkness, Vikr. d. 20. dus-, f. 1. a bad action, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 799. 2. distress, MBh. 13, 2389. dyūta-, m. the keeper of a gaming house, Man. 3, 160. dhairya-, adj. constant, Hit. ii. d. 66. pataṅga-, adj. acting like a grasshopper (flying into a flame), Pañc. iii. d. 131. para-adhīna-, adj. dependent on another, Megh. 8. parokṣa-,
I. f. unseen, unwitnessed behaviour, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 610.
II. adj. one whose behaviour is not witnessed by anybody, ib. pratikūla-, adj. opposing, Bhāg. P. 3, 16, 6. bhāgya-, f. state of fortune, fortune, Rājat. 5, 261. vaka-, adj. living like cranes, a hypocritical devotee, Man. 4, 30. vāgurā-, m. one who subsists by catcing wild animals, Man. 10, 32. vaiśya-, f. agriculture or trade. śīla-, f. virtue, Pañc. ii. d. 154. śvavṛtti, i. e. śvan-, f. 1. life of a dog, Pañc. i. d. 300 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3292). 2. servitude, service. sama-, adj. equable, moderate. sādhu-,
I. f. the institutes or moral and ritual observances of the Hindus.
II. adj. virtuous, Bhartṛ. 2, 83. sva-, adj. subsisting by one's own exertion, Caṇ. 23 in Berl. Monatsb, 1864, 408.

vṛttitā vṛtti + tā, f., and vṛttitva vṛtti + tva, n.
     1. State of residing or being contained in, as the hetu in the pakṣa, Bhāṣāp. 67 (tva).
     2. Profession, subsistence.
-- Comp. an-āyatta-vṛttitā (vb. yat), f. independence, Hit. ii. d. 21.

vṛttimant vṛtti + mant, adj. Thinking, Lass. 2. ed. 88, 23.

vṛtra vṛtra, m.
     1. The name of a demon slain by Indra, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9; Chr. 18, 41.
     2. An enemy.
     3. Darkness.
     4. A cloud.
     5. A mountain.
     6. Sound.
     7. A wheel.

vṛtrahan vṛtra-han, m. Indra.

vṛthā vṛthā, i. e. vara + thā, adv.
     1. Without pain (to one's own pleasure), Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 88, 6.
     2. Without necessity, Man. 11, 144 (vṛthā-ālambha, m. Cutting or plucking unnecessarily).
     3. In vain, Man. 4, 63; vain, Pañc. i. d. 62.
     4. Useless, fruitless, Pañc. iii. d. 31.
     5. Foolishly, Vikr. 55, 20,
     6. Wrongly, incorrectly, Śṛṅgārat. 21.
     7. Without being sacrificed, Man. 5, 34; 4, 213.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.

vṛthāsaṃkarajāta vṛthā-saṃkara-jāta (vb. jan), adj. Born in vain (i. e. one who discharges not his duties), or by the mixture of different castes, Man. 5, 89.

vṛdhasāna vṛdhasāna (vb. vṛdh), m. A man.

vṛddha vṛddha,
I. ptcple. of the pr. pass. of vṛdh.
     1. Old, ancient, aged, Vikr. d. 43. Comparat. jyāyaṃs, and varṣīyaṃs; superl. jyeṣṭha, and varṣiṣṭho, see s. v.
     2. Wise, learned.
II. m.
     1. An old man.
     2. A sage, a respectable man, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 7.
III. n. Benzoin.
-- Comp. kula-, m. the senior of a tribe, Bhāg. P. 4, 9, 39. vayas-, adj. very old, Chr. 13, 7. vidyā-vayas-, adj. high in science and age, Hit. 41, 3, M.M. sa-bāla-, adj. with children and old men.
-- Cf. vṛdh.

vṛddhatva vṛddha + tva, m. Old age, Pañc. 226, 2.

vṛddhi vṛddhi, i. e. vṛdh + ti, f.
     1. Increase, Pañc. 187, 7; augmentation, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 438.
     2. Prosperity, Bhartṛ. 2, 82; Pañc. i. d. 382.
     3. Wealth.
     4. Interest, Man. 8, 143; Pañc. 88, 14 (dvi-guṇa-, Consisting in doubling the lent amount); usury.
     5. Profit, gain, Man. 8, 401.
     6. Extension of power or revenue, Pañc. i. d. 264.
     7. A heap, a quantity, a multitude.
     8. Rise, ascending.
     9. The increase of the digits of the sun or moon.
     10. The eleventh of the astronomical yogas, or the principal star of the eleventh lunar mansion.
     11. Cutting off.
     12. (In law), Forfeiture.
-- Comp. kāla-, f. periodical, monthly interest, Man. 8, 153. kusīda-, f. interest on money, Man. 8, 151. cakra-, f. 1. interest agreed on the risk of safe carriage, Man. 8, 156. 2. interest upon interest, Man. 8, 153.

vṛddhimant vṛddhi + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Augmented, increased, increasing, Pañc. ii. d. 38; Bhartṛ. 2, 50.
     2. Wealthy.
     3. Prosperous.

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vṛdh vṛdh (i. e. vi-ṛdh), i. 1, Ātm.; in the aor., fut., and condit., also Par. (in epic poetry also in the remaining forms, MBh. 1, 7864),
     1. To grow, to increase, MBh. 1, 4865; Pañc. i. d. 408; iv. d. 66 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 781).
     2. To prosper, Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. i. 112, 24 (vṛdhe, ved. infin.); MBh. 3, 12268; with diṣṭyā, properly, to prosper by fortune: it is used as a mode of giving joy; diṣṭyā vardhase, I give you joy, Vikr. 8, 2; with the instr. of the object of gratulation, Vikr. 11, 11, I give you joy on account of.
     3. To last, Rājat. 5, 461.
     4. To augment, MBh. 1, 5540. Ptcple. of the pres. vardhāmāna, m.
     1. A shallow earthen platter, used also as top to water-jars, a lid.
     2. A sort of riddle.
     3. A mystical figure.
     4. Viṣṇu.
     5. The name of a district and city, Burdwan, Pañc. 134, 2 (f. , Lass. 28, 9).
     6. The castor-oil tree. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vṛddha (see also s. v.).
     1. Grown up, Vikr. d. 148.
     2. Full-grown.
     3. Heaped.
     4. Large. Comp. tapov°, i. e. tapas-, adj. abounding in austerities, pious, Chr. 48, 2. Caus. vardhaya,
     1. To augment, Man. 6, 23; Hit. ii. d. 88 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3228).
     2. To make powerful, Hit. iii. d. 3.
     3. To exalt, Man. 9, 109. vardhita, Filled, full, Man. 3, 224. i. 10, † To speak, to shine.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To increase, Man. 2, 94.
     2. To abound, Man. 3, 259.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To grow up, Pañc. i. d. 228.
     2. To increase, Rājat. 5, 194. Caus. To rear, Śāk. 100, 15.
-- With pra pra, To increase, Man. 4, 42. pravṛddha,
     1. Grown up, Rājat. 5, 8; full-grown.
     2. Expanded.
     3. Large, Rām. 3, 53, 15.
     4. Swollen.
     5. Deep.
     6. Violent, Ṛt. 1, 15. Comp. su-,
I. adj. fullgrown.
II. m. a proper name.
-- With atipra ati-pra, atipravṛddha (rather pravṛddha with ati), One who behaves too arrogantly, Man. 9, 320.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, Caus. To cause to prosper, MBh. 1, 4350.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To increase too much, Pañc. i. d. 201.
     2. To increase, MBh. 1, 2992; to grow, Pañc. i. d. 47.
     3. To prosper, MBh. 3, 16881. vivṛddha, Very large, Pañc. i. d. 6.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi, To increase, MBh. 1, 4977.
-- With sam sam, To grow up, Sāv. 2, 10. saṃvṛddha, Increased, Rājat. 5, 382. Caus.
     1. To cause to grow, to plant, Pañc. i. d. 275.
     2. To augment, Vikr. d. 158; MBh. 2, 1601.
     3. To cherish, Rām. 1, 39, 18; to bring up, Pañc. 182, 13.
     4. To nourish, Hit. 58, 10, M.M. saṃvardhita, Cherished, brought up, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 4.
-- Cf. Goth. valdan; A.S. waldan, and at least as akin, Goth. vaurts, O.H.G. uurza; [greek] = ved. vrādh in vrādhant); A.S. weald; [greek]

vṛdhu vṛdhu, m. A proper name, Man. 10, 107.

vṛnta vṛnta, n.
     1. The nipple.
     2. The foot, stalk of a leaf or fruit, Mālat. 16, 20.
     3. The stand of a water-jar.
-- Comp. tāla-, n. a fan (properly a leaf of the palm-tree), Rām. 5, 20, 14. dīrgha-, m. a tree, Calosanthes indica Bl. Suśr. 2, 13, 21. stana-, m. a nipple.

vṛntikā vṛntikā, i. e. vṛnta + ka, f. A small stalk, MBh. 1, 1443.

vṛnda vṛnda,
I. adj. Many, all.
II. n.
     1. A heap, Chr. 25, 62.
     2. A multitude, Pañc. 222, 23; Bhartṛ. 3, 47.
III. f. , Holy basil, Ocymum sanctum.
-- Comp. eka-, m. a disease of the throat, Suśr. 1, 306, 15.

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vṛndāra vṛndāra, i. e. vṛnda + āra (cf. the next), adj. Comparat. vṛndīyaṃs; superl. vṛndiṣṭha.
     1. Eminent.
     2. Beautiful, Lass. 2. ed. 88, 20.

vṛndāraka vṛndāra + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Much, great.
     2. Excellent, chief, venerable, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 45.
     3. Handsome.
II. m.
     1. The head of a crowd or herd.
     2. A deity.

vṛndin -vṛndin, in aśva-, i. e. -vṛnda + in, adj. Consisting in a multitude of horses, MBh. 5, 5703.

vṛndiṣṭha vṛndiṣṭha, vṛndīyaṃs vṛndīyaṃs, see vṛndāra.

vṛśvṛś, i. 4, Par. To choose, to select (cf. vṛ).

vṛścika vṛścika (vb. vraśc), m.
     1. A scorpion, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 27.
     2. The sign Scerpio.
     3. A caterpillar.
     4. A crab.
     5. A centipede.
     6. A sort of beetle.
-- Comp. patra-, m. a certain poisonous animal, Suśr. 2, 287, 19.

vṛṣ vṛṣ (probably vi-ṛṣ, q. cf.), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 5464),
     1. To rain, Rām. 1, 9, 56.
     2. To shed, MBh. 1, 1419.
     3. To moisten, Dev. 3, 2.
     4. † To hurt.
     5. † To weary.
     6. † To give.
     7. † To engender.
     8. † To have supreme power. Ptcple. of the pres. varṣant, Rain, Man. 4, 38. Comp. ptcple. pf. pass. a-vṛṣṭa, adj. Not having rained, Pañc. 51, 16. Caus. To induce to rain, MBh. 3, 9991. i. 10, Ātm. †
     1. To be possessed of generative power.
     2. To be powerful.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi,
     1. To shower on, Rām. 2. 67, 8; Vikr. 54, 6.
     2. To rain, MBh. 1, 4062; figuratively, Man. 9, 304. abhivṛṣṭa, Rained on, extinguished by rain, Vikr. d. 125.
-- With nis nis, nirvṛṣṭa, Having done raining, Ragh. 4, 15 (Calc.).
-- With pra pra,
     1. To begin to rain, Pañc. 169, 7.
     2. To rain, Naiṣ. 22, 41. pravṛṣta, One who has caused to rain, Utt. Rāmac. 158, 6.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To rain fast, Man. 9, 304.
-- With prati prati, To assail, Chr. 34, 15.
-- With vi vi, To deluge with rain.
-- Cf. [greek] etc.; [greek] akin is [greek]

vṛṣa vṛṣ + a,
I. m.
     1. A bull, Hit. 58, 16.
     2. The sign Taurus.
     3. A rat (as in vṛṣa-daṃśaka, m. A cat, Sāh. D. 303, 6).
     4. As latter part of comp. nouns, Excellent, pre-eminent.
II. f. ṣī, The seat of the religious student, made of Kuśa grass (cf. Rām. 3, 49, 23). MBh. 13, 462.
III. n. A peacock's tail.
-- Comp. kṣmā-, m. a lord of the earth, Rājat. 5, 126. go-, m. 1. the bull kept for impregnating cows, Man. 9, 150. 2. a bull, Pañc. i. d. 1. nis-, adj. deprived of bulls, Hariv. 4108.

vṛṣaka vṛṣa + ka, m. A proper name.

vṛṣakhādi vṛṣakhādi, i. e. vṛṣan-khādi, adj. Adorned or endowed with rain, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10.

vṛṣaṇa vṛṣaṇa, i. e. vṛṣ + ana, m. The testicles or scrotum, Man. 8, 283; Pañc. 10, 12.
-- Comp. tikṣṇa-, m. a proper name, Pañc. 135, 20.
-- Cf. as akin, [greek]

vṛṣadhvaja vṛṣa-dhvaja,
I. adj. Having as emblem a bull.
II. m. Śiva, Johns. Sel. 89, 25; Kir. 13, 28.

vṛṣan vṛṣ + an, m.
I. adj. Raining, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. i. 64, 1.
II. m.
     1. The dropping beverage, called Soma, Chr. 291, 7 = Rigv. i. 85, 7.
     2. A bull.
     3. A horse.
     4. A name of Indra, Ragh. 10, 53.
     5. Karṇa.

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vṛṣabha vṛṣa-bha (vb. bhā),
I. m.
     1. A bull, Hit. i. d. 135, M.M. (duṣṭa-, A malicious bull).
     2. The orifice of the ear.
     3. An elephant's ear.
     4. As latter part of comp. words, Preeminent, excellent.
II. f. bhī, A widow.
-- Comp. go-, m. a bull, MBh. 1, 3935. nara-vara-, m. a most preeminent man, Pañc. i. d. 204.

vṛṣaya vṛṣaya, m. Refuge, shelter.

vṛṣala vṛṣala (from vṛṣ),
I. m.
     1. A horse.
     2. A Śūdra, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 1, cf. 4.
     3. A man of the three first classes who, by neglecting his religious duties, has lost his caste.
     4. A sinner, Lass. Pentap. p. 70, v. 73.
     5. Garlic.
II. f. .
     1. A Śūdra woman, Man. 3, 19; Pañc. iii. d. 218 (but cf. Kāśīkh. 40, 93).
     2. A woman during menstruation.
     3. A barren woman.

vṛṣalaka vṛṣala + ka, m. A poor Śūdra, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 4.

vṛṣasya vṛṣasya, a denomin, derived from vṛṣa with sya, Par. To be warm, to long for sexual intercourse, Ragh. 12, 34.

vṛṣākapi vṛṣākapi (probably vṛṣan-kapi),
I. m.
     1. Viṣṇu.
     2. Śiva.
     3. Agni.
II. f. pāyī.
     1. Lakṣmī.
     2. Gaurī.
     3. Swāhā, the wife of Agni.
     4. Śaci, the wife of Indra.

vṛṣṭi vṛṣṭi, i. e. vṛṣ + ti, f. Rain, Vikr. d. 154.
-- Comp. a-, f. drought, Pañc. 50, 18. prājya-, adj. sending plenty of rain, Śāk. d. 193. śilā-, f. hail.

vṛṣṇi vṛṣṇi, i. e. vṛṣ + ni,
I. adj.
     1. Passionate, angry.
     2. Heretical.
II. m.
     1. A ram.
     2. Indra.
     3. Agni.
     4. Viṣṇu.
     5. One of the descendants of Yadu, Bhag. 10, 37.
     6. The name of a class of Kṣatriyas and Vaiśyas, Pañc. iii. d. 268.
     7. Air, wind.
     8. A ray of light.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek]

vṛh 1. vṛh, bṛh bṛh, i. 6, Par. To make any effort, to raise.
-- With the prep. ud ud,
     1. To raise, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 9.
     2. To pull out, MBh. 1, 7307.
     3. To draw forth, Man. 1, 14. pari-vṛḍha, see separately.

vṛh † 2. vṛh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To increase; cf. vṛdh.
     2. To roar; cf. vṛṃh.

vṛhatikā vṛhatikā, i. e. vṛhant + ī + ka, f.
     1. An upper garment, a mantle, a wrapper, Kir. 5, 45.
     2. A small sort of egg plant.

vṛhant vṛhant, see bṛhant.

vṛhaspati vṛhaspati, see bṛhaspati.

vṝ vṛ10, † bṝ bṛ10, ii. 9, Par. Ātm. see vṛ.

ve ve, i. 1, Par. Ātm. To weave, MBh. 1, 806.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To warp, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 7.
-- With pra pra, To work in the woof, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 7 ('Who is the warp and the weft of the universe'). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. prota, i. e. pra-uta.
     1. Sewn or stitched.
     2. Joined.
     3. Tied, strung.
     4. Set, inlaid.
     5. Pierced, Ragh. 9, 75.
     6. Put on (a spit), MBh. 1, 4316; impaled. n. Cloth.
-- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. wāt; A.S. waed, vestimentum; O.H.G. weban; A.S. wefan (= the regular Sskr. Caus., which would have been vāpaya or vapaya), waefels, weft; probably also [greek] akin at least is also [greek] Lat. viere. vimen.

vekṣvekṣ, vlekṣ vlekṣ, i. 10, Par. To see (cf. ava-īkṣ).

vega vega, i. e. vij + a, m.
     1. Speed, Vikr. 6, 6; Pañc. ii. d. 174; 258, 21 (vegād vegaṃ gam, To increase one's speed more and more).
     2. The flight of an arrow, Kir. 13, 24.
     3. Impetus, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 11; breeze, Mālat. 127, 12.
     4. Stream, Hit. iv. d. 59.
     5. Sudden impulse, inconsiderate haste, Pañc. i. d. 122.
     6. Energy.
     7. Strength, Rām. 5, 3, 42.
     8. Pleasure.
     9. Love.
     10. External indication of any internal effect, proceeding from passion, medicine, poison, etc., as convulsion, sweat, etc., Daśak. in Chr. 187, 16.
     11. Evacuation of natural excretions.
     12. Semen virile.
-- Comp. caṇḍa-, adj. possessed of violent speed or movement, Rām. 5, 74, 29. nis-, adj. quiet, Rām. 1, 56, 9 Gorr. mahā-,
I. adj. very swift, Chr. 29, 33.
II. m. a monkey. viṣa-, m. absorption of venom, as shown by some bodily changes, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 6. sa-vega + m, adv. hastily, Pañc. 89, 13.

vegatas vega + tas, adv. Quickly.

vegavant vega + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Swift, Rām. 3, 50, 5.
     2. Impetuous, Lass. 2. ed. 79, 77; 78.

vegita vegita, i. e. vega + ita, adj.
     1. Quickened.
     2. Swift, MBh. 8, 3048.

vegitā vegitā, i. e. vegin + tā, f. Speed.

vegin vegin, i. e. vega + in,
I. adj. Swift, Kir. 8, 39.
II. m.
     1. A courier.
     2. A hawk.
III. f. , A river, Rām. 2, 55, 6, ed. Seramp.

veḍā veḍā, f. A boat.

veṇ veṇ, see ven.

veṇa veṇa, m.
     1. The son of a Vaideha by an Ambaṣṭha woman, Man. 10, 19.
     2. A proper name, 7, 41.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa- and tuṅga-veṇā, f. names of rivers, MBh. 3, 8180; 14233.

I. and veṇī veṇi/ī (vb. ),
     1. Weaving.
     2. Unornamented and braided hair, as worn by widows and women whose husbands are absent, viz. twisted together in a single braid, Megh. 97 (ṇi); 18 (ṇī).
     3. A braid of hair in general, Rājat. 5, 449 (as royal ornament?).
     4. Assemblage of water, as the conflux of rivers.
II. veṇī veṇī, f.
     1. An ewe.
     2. Stream.
-- Comp. eka-veni/ī, f. a single braid (as a token of mourning, Śāk. 106, 11. puṣpa-veṇī, f. 1. a chaplet, Rām. 3, 68, 41. 2. the name of a river. pra-veṇi/ī, f. 1. unornamented hair, as worn by widows or women in absence of their husbands, Ragh. 15, 30. 2. a coloured woollen cover, MBh. 15, 727.

veṇu veṇu, m.
     1. A bambu, Hit. iv. d. 26; reed, Pañc. iii. d. 57.
     2. A flute, a pipe, Brahmav. 2, 50.
     3. The name of a king.
-- Comp. tri-,
I. adj. epithet of a chariot, ornamented with three flags(?), Bhāg. P. 4, 26, 1.
II. m. a part of a chariot, MBh. 7, 1626.

veṇuka veṇu + ka, n. A pike used for driving an elephant.

veṇudhma veṇu-dhma (vb. dhmā), m. The player on a flute or pipe.

vetana vetana (probably a form of vartana, q. cf.), n.
     1. Hire, wages, Pañc. 22, 10; Nal. 15, 6.
     2. Livelihood, Hit. 88, 17.
     3. Silver.
-- Comp. ubhaya-, adj. 1. accepting wages from his master and his master's enemy, Pañc. 22, 10. 2. living in two elements (water and land), Hit. 88, 17. kṛta-, adj. hired, Yājñ. 2, 164. nis-, adj. receiving no wages, Rājat. 5, 204.

vetanin -vetanin, i. e. vetana + in, adj. Receiving wages, in kupya-vetana + in, Receiving a very small pay, MBh. 3, 657.

vetasa ve + tas + a, m. The ratan, Calamus rotang, Nal. 12, 112; Vāmanap. ap. Aufrecht, Ujjvalad. 251, n.
-- Cf. O.H.G. wīda; A.S. widhig; Lat. vitex, vitis; [greek]

vetasvant ve + tas + vant (cf. the last), adj., f. vatī, Reedy, abounding in reeds.

vetāla vetāla, m.
     1. i. e. ava-ita-ālaya, A sprite haunting cemeteries and animating dead bodies, Lass. 5, 13; Hit. 65, 12.
     2. (for vetra + āla, cf. vetradhara), A door-keeper.

vettṛ vettṛ, i. e. vid + tṛ,
I. m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Knowing, understanding, acquainted with, Rām. 3, 53, 41.
     2. Who obtains or acquires.
II. m.
     1. A sage.
     2. A husband.

vetra ve + tra,
I. m. A reed, a cane, the ratan, Nal. 12, 5.
II. n. A staff, Pañc. 16, 1; the staff of a door-keeper, Ragh. 6, 26.

vetradhara vetradhara, i. e. vetra + dhṛ + a,
     1. m., f. , A door-keeper, Ragh. 6, 82 ().
     2. m. A mace-bearer, a staffbearer.

vetravatī vetravatī, i. e. vetra + vant + ī, f.
     1. The name of a river, Megh. 25.
     2. A proper name, Śāk. 61, 15 (or, a female door-keeper, cf. 16 and vetrin).

vetrin vetrin, i. e. vetra + in, m. A door-keeper.

veth veth, see vith.

veda veda, i. e. vid + a, m.
     1. Knowledge.
     2. The generic name for the sacred writings of the Hindus, especially for the four collections called ṛgveda, i. e. ṛc-, Yajurveda, i. e. yajus-, Sāmaveda, i. e. sāman-, and atharvaveda, i. e. atharvan-, Man. 1, 21; Pañc. iii. d. 64; 205 (pl.); MBh. in Chr. 94, 2 (three Vedas, i. e. the three first).
-- Comp. a-, m. oblivion, Man. 5, 60. āyurveda, i. e. āyus-, m. 1. the science of medicine, Suśr. 1, 1, 12. 2. the writings of authority on medicine, Hariv. 1539. kṣatra-, m. the Veda of the second caste (science of government, politics), Rām. 1, 65, 22. gandharva-, m. the science of music. catur-,
I. m. pl. 1. the four Vedas Hariv. 14074. 2. a kind of Manes, MBh. 2, 463.
II. adj. 1. containing the four Vedas, ib. 3, 13560. 2. conversant with the four Vedas, Hariv. 7993. tri-, adj. conversant with the three (first) Vedas (i. e. the Ṛc, Yajus, and Sāman), Man. 2, 118. dus-, adj. 1. Difficult to be known, Rām. 4, 46, 2. 2. unlearned, MBh. 3, 13437. dhanurveda, i. e. dhanus-, m. the knowledge of the bow, of archery, the title of a sacred work, Rām. 5, 32, 9; Johns. Sel. 57, 161 (with sākṣāt, the embodied Dhanurveda). pari-, m. complete knowledge, MBh. 3, 13462.

vedana vedana, i. e. vid + ana,
I. n., and f. .
     1. Perception, knowledge conveyed by the senses.
     2. Knowledge.
     3. Pain, Pañc. 146, 23 (); agony, Pañc. 44, 2 ().
     4. Presenting.
     5. The ceremony of holding the ends of a mantle, to be observed by a Śūdra female on her marriage with a man of either of the three first classes.
II. n. Marrying, Man. 10, 24; marriage, 9, 65.
-- Comp. prasava-, f. pains in labour, Pañc. 228, 14.

vedavid veda-vid, adj. and sbst. Versed in the Vedas, Chr. 27, 9.

vedas vedas, i. e. vid + as,
I. m. The Vedas collectively.
II. n. Wealth, Lass. 100, 5 = Rigv. vii. 15, 3.
-- Comp. viśva-, adj. and sbst. one who knows all things, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8; a sage. sarva-, m. a man who, at the conclusion of the viśvajit sacrifice, divides all his property amongst the priests.

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vedasa -vedas + a, at the end of a comp. for vedas, in sarva-,
I. n. All one's property, Man. 6, 38.
II. adj. One who has given all his property at a sacred rite, Man. 11, 1, Calc. (v. r.).

vedāṅga vedāṅga, i. e. veda-aṅga, m. A sacred science connected with the Vedas; six sciences come under this denomination, viz. pronunciation, grammar, prosody, explanation of obscure terms, description of religious rites, and astronomy, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 10; Lass. 49, 7.

vedānta vedānta, i. e. veda-anta, m.
     1. The complete Veda, Man. 2, 160.
     2. A philosophical system based particularly on the Upaniṣads, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, sqq.; 203, 24.
     3. pl. Works concerning this philosophy, Vikr. d. 1.

vedāntaga vedānta-ga (vb. gam), vedāntajña vedānta-jña (vb. jñā), and

vedāntin vedāntin, i. e. vedānta + in, m. A follower of the vedānta philosophy.

I. and vedī vedi/ī, f.
     1. Ground prepared for sacrifice, an altar, Śāk. 31, 6; Nal. 1, 9; Rām. 1, 21, 5.
     2. A quadrangular spot in the court-yard of a temple or palace, usually furnished with a raised floor or seat, and covered with a roof supported by pillars, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 16.
     3. A bench, ib. 3, 23, 17.
     4. A seal-ring.
II. vedi vedi,
     1. m. A teacher.
     2. f. Sarasvatī.
-- Comp. uttara-vedi, f. the northern fire-place, MBh. 3, 7078. ud-vedi, adj. furnished with an clevated altar, Ragh. 17, 9. vahis-vedi, adv. on the outside of the sacred hearth, Man. 11, 3.

vedikā vedi + kā, f.
     1. Ground prepared for sacrificial ceremonies, a rude altar, Mālav. 60, 3.
     2. A quadrangular open shed in the middle of a court-yard, erected for various purposes, and furnished with a seat, Pañc. 129, 17.
     3. A seat, Rām. 6, 75, 27.

vedijā vedijā, i. e. vedi-ja (vb. jan), f. Draupadī.

vedin vedin, i. e. vid and veda, + in,
I. adj.
     1. Knowing, acquainted with, Man. 1, 97.
     2. Marrying, Man. 3, 16.
II. m.
     1. Brahman.
     2. A learned Brāhmaṇa, a teacher.
III. m. A plant, Cissampelos hexandra.
-- Comp. kanyā-, m. a son-in-law, Yājñ. 1, 261. karuṇa-, adj. compassionate, Rām. 3, 69, 7. gambhīra-, m. a restive elephant, Ragh. 4, 39. nīti-, adj. knowing the rules of policy, Hit. 31, 8, M. M. puruṣa-antara-, adj. knowing the heart of mankind, Vikr. 36, 10.

veddhṛ veddhṛ, see vyadh.

vedha vedha, i. e. vyadh + a, m.
     1. Piercing, breaking through, Rājat. 5, 95.
     2. Perforation.
     3. Depth.

vedhaka vedhaka, i. e. vyadh + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Piercing, sharp.
     2. A perforator (of gems), Rām. 2, 64, 12, ed. Seramp.
II. m. Camphor.
III. n. Grain, rice in the ear.

vedhana vedhana, i. e. vyadh + ana,
I. n.
     1. Piercing.
     2. Perforation.
     3. Depth.
II. f. .
     1. An instrument used to pierce gems.
     2. An instrument for piercing an elephant's car.
-- Comp. dṛḍha-, n. hitting with an arrow which remains in the wound, MBh. 7, 2635.

vedhas vedhas,
I. adj. sbst. m. Creating, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. i. 64, 1.
II. m.
     1. The creator, Mālat. 14, 4; Brahman, Bhartṛ. 3, 98.
     2. Viṣṇu.
     3. Śiva, Arj. 10, 50.
     4. The sun.
     5. A wise man, Śṛṅgārat. 21 (v. r.).

vedhin i. e. vyadh + in,
I. adj. Piercing, hitting, Lass. 36, 19.
II. f. , A leech.
-- Comp. koṭi-, adj. piercing the top, i. e. able to perform the most difficult task, Rājat. 1, 110. śabda-,
I. adj. an archer who is able to hit an object not seen but only heard, Rām. 2, 63, 10; °dhitva, n. its abstract, Rām. 1, 28, 22.
II. m. a name of Arjuna. śīghra-, m. a good archer.

ven ven, † veṇ veṇ, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. † To go.
     2. † To know.
     3. † To reflect.
     4. † To discern.
     5. † To hold or take a musical instrument.
     6. † To play on a musical instrument.
     7. † To take.
     8. To praise (ved.).
     9. To love, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 86, 8.
-- Cf. [greek]

vena ven + a, m. Brahman.

vep vep (akin to , its old Caus.), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Indr. 5, 48), To shake, to tremble, Pañc. 94, 4; Daśak. in Chr. 201, 13.
-- With the prep. ud ud, To tremble, Nal. 9, 26.
-- With pra pra, To tremble, Rām. 2, 8, 8.
-- Cf. Lat. vibrare; O.H.G. weibon, fluitare; weibjan.

vepathu vep + athu, m. Trembling, Vikr. d. 147; Pañc. iii. d. 227; tremor.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. trembling vehemently, Lass. 59, 5.

vepathubhṛt vepathu-bhṛ + t, adj. Trembling, Śiś. 9, 73.

vepathumant vepathu + mant, adj., f. matī, Trembling, Śāk. d. 22.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. trembling vehemently, Śiś. 9, 77.

vepana vepana, i. e. vip and vep, + ana, n.
     1. Trembling (ŚKD.).
     2. The shooting off of a bow, Rām. 1, 67, 10.

vepas vep + as, n. Trembling.

vema ve + ma, m., and veman ve + man, m. and n. A loom.
-- Comp. su-vema, m. a good loom, MBh. 1, 806.

vera vera (m. and) n.
     1. The body.
     2. Saffron.
     3. The egg-plant.

vel 1. vel, see vell.

vel 2. vel, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from velā), Par. To declare the time.

vela vela,
I. n. A grove.
II. f. .
     1. Time, Pañc. 55, 6; 163, 20; loc. lāyām, Seasonably.
     2. Tide, Pañc. 75, 24; flow, current.
     3. Sea-shore, Śiś. 9, 38 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     4. Boundary, Pañc. iii. d. 269.
     5. Leisure, interval, opportunity.
     6. Sudden death.
     7. Sickness.
     8. The gums.
     9. Speech.
-- Comp. ati-vela + m, adv. unseasonably, MBh. 2, 2187. anu-vela + m, adv. continually, Ragh. 3, 5. ud-vela, adj. breaking out of its shore, Kathās. 18, 2. toya-velā, f. a bank, a shore, Hariv. 12014. mahā-vela, adj. of high tides, surgy, Johns. Sel. 13, 39.

vell vell, vel vel, † vehl vehl, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To go.
     2. vell, To shake, to tremble, Utt. Rāmac. 121, 6. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vellita.
     1. Shaking.
     2. Crooked, daśak. in Chr. 198, 19.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anuvellita, Lying crooked under, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 18. n. A bandage used in surgery, Suśr. 1, 65, 17.
-- With ud ud,
     1. vell, To abscond, Utt. Rāmac. 48, 12.
     2. vel, To struggle, Mālat. 140, 3.
-- With vi vi, vell, To struggle, to tremble, Kathās. 18, 174. Probably akin to Lat. volvo; [greek]

[Page 903a] [greek] etc.; O.H.G. wuoljan; Goth. valvjan; A.S. willian, waeltan, etc. (cf. the next).

vellana vell + ana, n.
     1. Rolling on the ground (as a horse).
     2. A sort of rolling-pin with which cakes, etc., are prepared.
     3. Going.
     4. Shaking.

vevī vevī (properly a frequent. of , q. cf.), ii. 2, Ātm. (ved. also Par., Rigv. iii. 55, 9),
     1. To go.
     2. To pervade.
     3. To conceive or become pregnant.
     4. To desire.
     5. To throw.
     6. To eat.

veśa veśa, m.
     1. i. e. viś + a.
     1. Entrance.
     2. A house.
     3. A house of prostitutes, Man. 4, 84; Daśak. in Chr. 193, 13.
II. also veṣa veṣa.
     1. Dress, apparel, Man. 4, 18, and 200 (); Pañc. 129, 17 ().
     2. Ornament, decoration.
     3. Disguise.
-- Comp. agni-, m. a proper name, Johns. Sel. 1, 3. abhisaraṇa-, adj., f. śā, dressed in a garb fit for meeting one's lover, Vikr. 40, 17. ārya-, adj. dressed like an Ārya, or a respectable man, Rām. 1, 7, 6. kapaṭa-yuvati-, adj. under the disguise of a girl, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 47. kṛta-, adj. dressed, Gīt. 11, 1. puṃveśa, i. e. puṃs-, adj. dressed like a man, Kathās. 29, 108. śṛṅgāra-, adj. dressed suitably for amorous enterprises, MBh, 5, 237. sa-, adj. 1. near. 2. dressed, ornamented.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. vicus; Goth. veihs; A.S. wie.

veśaka veśaka, i. e. viś + aka,
I. adj. Who or what enters.
II. m. A house.
III. f. śikā, Entrance.

veśanta veśanta (vb. viś), m.
     1. A small pond.
     2. Fire.

veśin veśin, i. e. veśa + in, adj. Assuming a particular dress or form.
-- Comp. sarva-, i. e. sarvaveśa + in, m. an actor, a dancer.

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veśman veśman, i. e. viś + man, n.
     1. A house, Pañc. iii. d. 172; 218; an abode.
     2. A temple, Rājat. 5, 167.
-- Comp. krīḍā-, n. a house for amusement, Vikr. d. 41. jatu-, m. a house, constructed of shell-lac, Johns. Sel. 55, 143. pāyu-kṣālana-, n. a privy, Rājat. 4, 572. bandhana-, n. a prison. vāsa-, n. the inner part of a house, a sleeping-room, Kathās. 22, 104. śmaśāna-, m. 1. Śiva. 2. a ghost.

veśyā veśyā, see under viś.

veṣa veṣa, see veśa.

veṣṭ veṣṭ, i. 1, Ātm. To surround, to encompass, to twist about, MBh. 1, 1800. veṣṭita,
     1. Dressed, Hit. pr. d. 40, M. M.
     2. Stopped, Hit. 106, 17.
     3. Secured from access.
     4. Enveloped, wrapped up, Man. 1, 49. Caus.
     1. To surround, MBh. 12, 12449.
     2. To twist about, MBh. 1, 1801.
     3. To invest, to blockade, Ragh. 11, 51; 52 (Calc.).
-- With the prep. ā ā, To twist, Pañc. i. d. 376.
-- With ud ud, To untwist, Megh. 89; MBh. 7, 3168 udveṣṭanti is to be changed to ucceṣṭanti. Caus. To open, Mālav. 70, 17.
-- With upa upa, upaveṣṭita, Twined, Mṛcch. 115, 13.
-- With pari pari, To surround, Pañc. 97, 25. pariveṣṭita,
     1. Tied, Hit. ii. d. 131.
     2. Covered, veiled. Caus. To embrace, Pañc. i. d. 41.
-- With pra pra, praveṣṭita, Covered, MBh. 3, 10047.
-- With sam sam, To surround one's self, to be surrounded, MBh. 12, 12449. Caus.
     1. To surround, to encompass, MBh. 3, 10264.
     2. To cover, MBh. 3, 12889.

veṣṭa veṣṭ + a, m.
     1. Surrounding.
     2. An enclosure, a fence.
     3. A turban.
     4. Resin.
     5. Turpentine.
-- Comp. karṇa-, m. 1. an ear-ring, Rām. 5, 19, 12. 2. a proper name, MBh. 1, 2696. danta-, m. 1. the gum, the jaw, Yājñ. 3, 96. 2. a disease of the teeth, Suśr. 1, 93, 5. patra-, m. a kind of ear-ring, Ragh. 16, 67.

veṣṭaka veṣṭ + aka,
I. adj. Surrounding, a surrounder.
II. m.
     1. A wall, a fence.
     2. A pumpkin gourd.
III. n.
     1. A turban.
     2. Resin.
     3. Turpentine.
-- Comp. danta-, m. a disease of the teeth, Suśr. 1, 303, 9.

veṣṭana veṣṭ + ana, n.
     1. Surrounding, being worn, Rājat. 5, 343 (see ullāsana).
     2. An envelope, Pañc. 147, 2.
     3. A wall, a fence.
     4. A turban, a diadem, Ragh. 1, 42 (cf. Sch. Calc. 43).
     5. The outer ear, or the meatus auditorius and the concha.
     6. An attitude in dancing, a particular disposition of the hands, also a crossing of the feet.
     7. Bdellium.
-- Comp. ud-,
I. n. pressure, a pressing pain, Suśr. 1, 332. 2.
II. adj. of which the band is loosened (as hair), Ragh. 7, 6.

veṣpa veṣpa, m. Water (cf. vāṣpa).

vesves, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To desire.

vesara vesara, m. A mule.

vesavāra vesavāra, m. A condiment, as pepper, spice.

vehveh, beh beh, i. 1, Ātm. To endeavour.

vehat vehat, probably vi-han + t, f. A cow miscarrying from taking the bull unseasonably.

vehl vehl, see vell.

vai 1. vai, see 1. .

vai 2. vai, a particle,
     1. So indeed, Pañc. ii. d. 26.
     2. Just, Nal. 26, 5.
     3. Although, Chr. 6, 6.
     4. Granted, if, Hit. ii. d. 21 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 572).
     5. Preceded by tu, But just, Man. 2, 22.
     6. Preceded by na, Perhaps not, Lass. 27, 2.

vaikakṣa vaikakṣa, i. e. vi-kakṣa + a, n.
     1. A garland worn over one shoulder and under the other.
     2. An upper garment, a wrapper.

vaikakṣaka vaikakṣa + ka, n. = vaikakṣa,

vaikartana vaikartana, i. e. vikartana (The sun), + a, patronym. Son of the sun, i. e. Karṇa, Johns. Sel. 56, 154.

vaikalpa vaikalpa, i. e. vikalpa + a, n. in artha-, n. Perversion or disguise of fact, Man. 8, 95.

vaikalpika vaikalpika, i. e. vikalpa + ika, adj.
     1. Alternative.
     2. Doubtful, indeterminate.

vaikalya vaikalya i. e. vikala + ya, n.
     1. Lameness, imbecility, Pañc. i. d. 193: Hit. 121, 14; Pañc. 254, 9 (budḍhi-, of understanding).
     2. Deficiency, defect, want, Man. 10, 85; Pañc. i. d. 119.
     3. Insufficiency, Pañc. 166, 16.
     4. Non-existence.
     5. Agitation.

vaikārika vaikārika, i. e. vikāra + ika,
I. adj. Modified, Bhāg. P. 2, 5, 30.
II. m. A class of deities, ib.; MBh. 12, 13626.

vaikālika vaikālika, i. e. vikāla + ika, adj. Occurring in, or belonging to, the afternoon, Lass. 24, 18 (kam, adv.).

vaikuṇṭha vaikuṇṭha (partly properly patronym. from vikuṇṭhā, The mother of Viṣṇu, + a),
I. m.
     1. Viṣṇu, Padmap. 2, 5.
     2. Indra.
II. n.
     1. The paradise of Viṣṇu, Pañc. 48, 3.
     2. Talc.

vaikṛta vaikṛta, i. e. vikṛti + a,
I. adj. Changed.
II. n.
     1. Change, Rām. 1, 9, 45; Rājat. 5, 314.
     2. Aversion.

vaiklavya vaiklavya, i. e. viklava + ya, n. Confusion, commotion, affliction, Nal. 23, 23; Śāk. d. 81; 111, 3 (at the end of a comp. adj., f. ); despair, Mālat. 142, 7.
-- Comp. sa-vaiklavya + m, adv. despairingly, 164, 7.

vaikhānasa vaikhānasa, i. e. vikhānasa (a proper name), + a,
I. adj. Instituted by Vaikhānasa (with vrata, the life of an anchoret), Śāk. d. 26.
II. m. An anchoret, Utt. Rāmac. 16, 5; cf. 93, 5.
III. f. , A vessel used for frying meat to be offered in sacrifice.

vaiguṇya vaiguṇya, i. e. vi-guṇa + ya, n.
     1. Absence of qualities.
     2. Contrariety of qualities.
     3. Inferiority, badness, baseness, Man. 10, 68.
     4. Unskilfulness, Man. 8, 293.
     5. Fault, defect.

vaicakṣaṇya vaicakṣaṇya, i. e. vicakṣaṇa + ya, n. Skill, cleverness, proficiency.
-- Comp. ati-, n. excessive proficiency, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 6.

vaicitrya vaicitrya, i. e. vi-citra + ya, n.
     1. Variety, Hit. pr. d. 2, M. M.
     2. Surprisingness, Mālat. 16, 2; surprise, 36, 9.
     3. Sorrow, Mālat. 46, 12; despair, 66, 16.

vaijanana vaijanana, i. e. vijanana + a, m. The last month of uterine gestation.

vaijayanta vaijayanta, i. e. vijayanta + a,
I. m.
     1. The banner of Indra, Indr. 1, 8.
     2. A banner in general, Rām. 2, 97, 25 Gorr.
     3. The palace of Indra.
II. f. .
     1. A flag, a banner, Hit. 63, 1, M.M.
     2. A kind of garland.
     3. The name of two trees.

vaijayantika vaijayantika,
I. i. e. vaijayanta + ika, adj. Bearing a flag, a flagbearer.
II. f. , i. e. vaijayantī + ka, f.
     1. A flag, Mālat. 13, 19.
     2. A string of pearls, Vikr. 12, 17 (Prākṛ.; cf. Sch.).

vaijātya vaijātya, i. e. vi-jāti + ya, n.
     1. Difference or deviation from ordinary conduct.
     2. Looseness, wantonness.
     3. Difference of species or caste.
     4. Exclusion from caste.

vaijika vaijika, i. e. vīja + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Seminal, relating to seed, to conception, Man. 2, 27.
     2. Relating to sexual union, Man. 5, 63.
II. m. A young shoot.
III. n.
     1. Origin, cause.
     2. Soul, spirit.
     3. Oil prepared from the Morunga.

vaiḍālavratika vaiḍālavratika, i. e. viḍāla-vrata + ika, adj. and sbst. Acting like a cat, hypocritical, Man. 4, 192; a hypocrite, 4, 30.

vaiṇa vaiṇa, i. e. venu + a (anomal.), m. A cutter of bambu, a worker in bambuwork, Man. 4, 215 (v. r.).

vaiṇava vaiṇava, i. e. veṇu + a,
I. adj., f. , Made of bambu, Man. 4, 36.
II. m.
     1. A bambu-staff.
     2. A worker in bambu or wicker-work.

vaiṇavika vaiṇavika, i. e. veṇu + ika, m. A player on a flute.

vaiṇika vaiṇika, i. e. vīṇā + ika, m. A lutist.

vaiṇuka vaiṇuka, i. e. veṇu + ka, n. A bambu pike, headed with iron, used to drive an elephant.

vaiṇya vaiṇya, i. e. veṇa + ya, patronym., m. The son of Veṇa, Pañc. iii. d. 269.

vaitaṃsika vaitaṃsika, i. e. vi/ītaṃsa + ika, m. A vendor of the flesh of beasts or birds, Govardhana, Āryā Sapt. 154, b.
-- Comp. dyūta-, m. vendors of beasts and birds for playing with, Rām. 2, 90, 28.

vaitanika vaitanika, i. e. vetana + ika, adj., f. , sbst.
     1. Living on wages.
     2. A hireling, a labourer.
     3. A stipendiary.

vaitaraṇi and ṇī vaitaraṇī, i. e. vitaraṇa + ī, f.
     1. The river of hell, MBh. 18, 84 (ṇī).
     2. A proper name.

vaitasa vaitasa, i. e. vetasa + a,
I. adj., f. , Reed-like, Pañc. iii. d. 18.
II. m. A sort of cane, Calamus fasciculatus.

vaitāna vaitāna, i. e. vitāna + a,
I. adj.
     1. Taken from the holy hearth, Śāk. d. 83.
     2. Sacrificial, sacred, Śāk. 43, 11, Chezy (v. r.).
II. n.
     1. Oblation with fire.
     2. The sacred ordinances, Man. 11, 37.

vaitānika vaitānika, i. e. vitāna + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Performed with the three sacred fires, Man. 6, 9; 7, 78.
     2. Sacrificial, sacred, Śāk. 31, 11.
II. n. Burnt offering, especially of clarified butter.

vaitālika vaitālika, m.
I. i. e. vitāla + ika, A bard, whose principal duty is to awaken a chief at dawn with music and song, a singer, Śāk. 62, 1; MBh. 1, 6940.
II. i. e. vetāla + ika, One who has a Vetāla for a familiar.

vaitṛṣṇya vaitṛṣṇya, i. e. vi-tṛṣṇa (see tṛṣṇā), + ya, n. Quenching of the thirst, Man. 5, 128.

vaidagdha vaidagdha, n., vaidagdhya vaidagdhya, n., and f. dhī, i. e. vi-dagdha (vb. dah), + a or ya,
     1. Cleverness, skill, Bhartṛ. 2, 15 (dha); Lass. 91, 13 (dhī); Mālat. 3, 20; 18, 7; 9 (dhya).
     2. Acuteness, intelligence, Mālat. 129, 7.
     3. Cunning, craft.

vaidarbha vaidarbha,
A. i. e. vidarbha + a,
I. m. The sovereign of Vidarbha, the father of Damayantī.
II. f. bhī.
     1. Damayantī, Nal. 24, 50.
     2. Rukmiṇī.
     3. The wife of Agastya.
     4. The law of Vidarbha, by which cousins-german were allowed to intermarry in that country.
B. i. e. vi-dṛbh + a + a, n. Crafty or indirect speech.
-- Comp. danta-, m. the loosening of the teeth, Suśr. 1, 31, 19.

vaidala vaidala,
I. i. e. vidala + a, adj. Made of cane, Man. 5, 119.
II. m.
     1. A flat unleavened cake.
     2. Any leguminous vegetable or grain.
III. n. A vessel of wicker-work, a basket made of reeds, Man. 6, 54.

vaidika vaidika, i. e. veda + ika,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Relating to the Vedas, Man. 2, 117.
     2. Scriptural, 2, 15.
     3. Recommended, ordained in the Vedas, 2, 2; 84; 8, 190.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa well versed in the Vedas.

vaiduṣya vaiduṣya, i. e. vidvaṃs (vb. vid), + ya, n. Science, Rājat. 6, 290.

vaidūrya vaidūrya, i. e. vidūra + ya,
I. adj. Brought from Vidūra.
II. n. A gem of a dark-blue colour, the lapis lazuli, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 15; Rām. 3, 49, 2; 53, 15.

vaidūryamaya vaidūrya + maya, adj., f. , Made of lapis lazuli, Bhartṛ. 2, 98.

vaideśika vaideśika, i. e. vi-deśa + ika, adj. Foreigner, a foreigner, Pañc. 184, 4.

vaideha vaideha, i. e. videha + a,
I. m.
     1. The king of Videhā, father of Sītā, Utt. Rāmac. 93, 12.
     2. A trader by profession.
     3. The son of a Vaiśya by a Brāhmaṇa woman, Man. 10, 11.
     4. pl. Descendants of mixed castes, Lass. Pentap. 66, 31.
     5. An attendant on the women's apartments.
II. f. .
     1. The wife of a trader.
     2. Sītā (the daughter of the king of Videhā), Rām. 3, 49, 12; Utt. Rāmac. 14, 9.
     3. Long pepper.
     4. A sort of pigment, called Rocanā.

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vaidehaka vaideha + ka, m. = vaideha,
I., cf. Man. 10, 13 (= vaideha,
     1. 2.).

vaidya vaidya, i. e. veda + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the Vedas, Lass. Pentap. 67, 43.
     2. Relating to medicine, medical.
II. m.
     1. A follower of the Vedas, or one conversant with the Vedas.
     2. A learned man, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 1.
     3. A physician, Pañc. iii. d. 67.
-- Comp. viṣa-, m. a dealer in antidotes. svar-, m. either of the Aśvins, the physicians of the heaven.

vaidyaka vaidya + ka, m. A physician, Śṛṅgārat. 14.

vaidyādhara vaidyādhara, i. e. vidyādhara + a, adj. Belonging to the Vidyādharas, Kathās. 26, 241.

vaidyuta vaidyuta, i. e. vidyut + a, adj. Proceeded from lightning, Vikr. d. 154 (agniḥ, A flash of lightning); Utt. Rāmac. 125, 11.

vaidha vaidha, i. e. vidhi + a, adj. According to rule, ritual.

vaidharmya vaidharmya, i. e. vi-dharma + ya, n.
     1. Irreligion, impropriety.
     2. Difference of duty.
     3. Difference, Bhāṣāp. 28; Kusumāñj. 3, 9.

vaidhava vaidhava, i. e. vidhu + a, patronym., m. The son of the moon, i. e. Budha, Vikr. d. 159.

vaidhaveya vaidhaveya, i. e. vidhavā + eya, m. The son of a widow, Śāk. 23, 14 (but read vaidheya).

vaidhavya vaidhavya, i. e. vidhavā + ya, n. Widowhood, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 450.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , relating to non-widowhood, not to become a widow, Sāv. 4, 12. bāla-, n. state of one who has become a widow already when a child, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 450.

vaidhātra vaidhātra, i. e. vidhātṛ + a. patronym., m. Sanatkumāra, the son of Brahman.

vaidheya vaidheya (perhaps dheya [vb. dhā], compounded with vi and aff. a), adj. Foolish, a fool, Vikr. 30, 14.

vaidhyata vaidhyata, m. Yama's doorkeeper.

vainateya vainateya, i. e. vi-natā, A proper name, the wife of Kāśyapa (vb. nam), + eya, metronym., m. Garuḍa, Vikr. 6, 6.

vainayika vainayika, i. e. vinaya + ika,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Relating to morals or behaviour.
     2. Enforcing proper conduct.
     3. Magisterial, performed by the officers of criminal justice, Man. 7, 65.
II. m. A war carriage.

vaināyaka vaināyaka, i. e. vināyaka + a, adj., f. , Referring to, or made by, Gaṇeśa, Mālat. 1, 5.

vaināśika vaināśika, i. e. vināśa + ika, m.
     1. A dependent, a subject, a slave.
     2. An astrologer.
     3. A spider.

vainītaka vainītaka, i. e. vi-nīta (vb. ), + ka, m. and n. A mediate conveyance, as a porter carrying a letter.

vainya vainya, i. e. vena + ya, patronym., m.
     1. The king Pṛthu, the son of Vena (ŚKD.).
     2. The name of a deity(?), Rājat. 5, 97; 99.

vaiparītya vaiparītya, i. e. vi-pari-ita (vb. i), + ya, n.
     1. Contrariety, opposition, reverse, Sāh. Darp. 12, 17.
     2. Counterpart, Hit. ii. d. 133.

vaiphalya vaiphalya, i. e. vi-phala + ya, n. Uselessness, MBh. 13, 285.

vaibhava vaibhava, i. e. vibhava + a, n. Power, greatness, Kir. 12, 3.

vaibhrāja vaibhrāja, i. e. vi-bhrāj + a + a, n. A garden of the gods.

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vaimatya vaimatya, i. e. vi-mati + ya, n. Dissension, Rājat. 5, 462.

vaimanasya vaimanasya, i. e. vi-manas + ya, n. Sadness, heart-break, Śāk. 79, 23.

vaimalya vaimalya, i. e. vi-mala + ya, n. Purity, cleanness, Rājat. 5, 15.

vaimātra vaimātra, i. e. vi-mātṛ + a,
I. adj. Born of a step-mother, Rām. 3, 53, 19.
II. m. A step-mother's son.
III. f. trī, A step-mother's daughter.

vaimātreya vaimātreya, i. e. vi-mātṛ + eya,
I. m. A step-mother's son.
II. f. , A half-sister, or one by a different mother.

vaimānika vaimānika, i. e. vimāna + ika, adj.
     1. Relating to a heavenly car.
     2. Borne in chariots of the gods, Man. 12, 48.
     3. A god, Rājat. 5, 370.

vaimūlyatas vaimūlyatas, i. e. vi-mūla + ya + tas, adv. By overcharging the price(?), Man. 9, 287 (v. r.).

vaimeya vaimeya, i. e. vi-meya (vb. me), + a, m. Barter, exchange.

vaiyagrya vaiyagrya, i. e. vyagra + ya, n. Being engaged, Lass. 2. ed. 37, 16.

vaiyarthya vaiyarthya, i. e. vi-artha + ya, n. Uselessness, Vikr. 29, 18; unprofitableness.

vaiyākaraṇa vaiyākaraṇa, i. e. vyākaraṇa + a,
I. adj. Grammatical.
II. m. A grammarian.
-- Comp. prathama-, a first-rate grammarian, Pāṇ. 6, 2, 56, Sch.

vaiyāghra vaiyāghra, i. e. vyāghra + a, adj.
     1. Consisting of a tiger-skin, Chr. 25, 52.
     2. Covered with a tiger-skin.

vaiyātya vaiyātya, i. e. vi-yāta (vb. ), + ya, n.
     1. Lasciviousness, Hit. iii. d. 7; Rājat. 5, 384.
     2. Boldness.

vaiyāsaki vaiyāsaki, i. e. vyāsa + ak + i (or rather + ka + i), patronym., m. A son of Vyāsa, Bhāg. P. 2, 3, 13.

vaira vaira, i. e. vīra + a, n.
     1. Heroism, prowess.
     2. Enmity, Pañc. 66, 11.
-- Comp. nis-,
I. n. peaceableness, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 45.
II. adj. peaceable, MBh. 15, 882.
III. ram, adv. being no enmity, Rām. 4, 20, 7.

vairakṛt vaira-kṛ + t, m. An enemy, Pañc. ii. d. 121.

vairaṅgika vairaṅgika, i. e. vi-raṅga + ika, m. An ascetic.

vairāgika vairāgika, and vairāgin vairāgin, i. e. vi-rāga + ika, and in, m. An ascetic.

vairāgya vairāgya, i. e. vi-rāga + ya, n.
     1. Absence of worldly desire, Bhag. 6, 35 (devotion); Pañc. 50, 16.
     2. Disaffection, Hit. iii. d. 90.
     3. Sorrow, Pañc. 82, 13; 116, 11.
     4. Despondency, 235, 11.
-- Comp. sa-vairāgya + m, adv. sorrowfully, Pañc. 66, 20.

vairāgyatā vairāgya + tā, f. Absence of worldly desire, Pañc. 50, 15 (devotion).

vairāja vairāja, i. e. virāj + a, adj. or m. (viz. loka), The name of certain worlds, Utt. Rāmac. 41, 14.

vairāya vairāya, a denomin. derived from vaira with ya, Ātm. To fight, to behave inimically, Bhartṛ. 2, 27.

vairitā vairitā, i. e. vairin + tā, f. Enmity, Pañc. iii. d. 114.

vairin vairin, i. e. vaira + in,
I. adj.
     1. Heroic, Bhartṛ. 2, 32 (? Böhtl., as on an enemy).
     2. Hostile, Megh. 100.
II. m.
     1. A hero.
     2. An enemy, Pañc. ii. d. 121.
-- Comp. dṛḍha- (vb. dṛṃh), m. a relentless foe, Johns. Sel. 60, 189. pūrva-, adj. one who has first commenced hostilities, MBh. 6, 3745.

vairūpya vairūpya, i. e. vi-rūpa + ya, n.
     1. Deformity, Pañc. i. d. 466; Ragh. 12, 40.
     2. Difference of form.

vairūpyatā vairūpya + tā, f. Deformity, Nal. 19, 33.

vairocana vairocana, i. e. virocana + a,
I. adj. Proceeding from the sun, Kir. 5, 46.
II. patronym.
     1. The son of Agni.
     2. The son of the sun.
     3. Bali, son of Virocana, Johns. Sel. 30, 42.

vairocani vairocani, i. e. virocana + i, patronym., m.
     1. The son of the sun.
     2. Bali, the son of Virocana, Arj. 8, 19.

vailakṣya vailakṣya, i. e. vi-lakṣa + ya, n.
     1. Absence of any characteristic.
     2. Contrariety, reverse.
     3. Contrary course to that which is usual or natural.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. abashed, embarrassed, Rājat. 5, 60. °yam, adv. embarrassed, Vikr. 32, 10.

vailva vailva, i. e. vilva + a,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the vilva tree.
     2. Made of its wood, Man. 2, 45.
II. n. The fruit of the vilva tree.

vaivadhika vaivadhika, i. e. vivadha + ika, m. A chandler, a vendor of grain, etc.

vaivarṇya vaivarṇya, i. e. vi-varṇa + ya, n.
     1. Change of colour, Pañc. i. d. 213.
     2. Deviation from tribe or caste.
     3. Difference.

vaivasvata vaivasvata, i. e. vivasvant + a, patronym., m.
     1. Yama.
     2. The seventh Manu, Matsyop. 9 (cf. Man. 1, 62).
     3. One of the Rudras.
     4. The planet Saturn.

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vaivāhika vaivāhika, i. e. vivāha + ika,
I. adj. Relating to marriage, nuptial, Man. 2, 67.
II. m. (or perhape, taṃ tu is to be changed to tat tu; then it would be n.), Wedding, Chr. 14, 21.

vaiśampāyana vaiśampāyana, m. The name of a Muni or sage, MBh. 1, 97; 107.

vaiśasa vaiśasa, i. e. vi-śas + a + a, n.
     1. Rending in pieces, Bhāg. P. 3, 30, 27.
     2. Slaughter, Utt. Rāmac. 113, 6; Pañc. ed. orn. 36, 22; Bhāg. P. 4, 11, 10.
     3. Distress, Utt. Rāmac. 160, 5.
     4. Hindrance.

vaiśastra vaiśastra, i. e. vi-śastra + a, n. The state of being defenceless.

vaiśākha vaiśākha i.e. viśākhā + a,
I. m.
     1. The name of a month, April -May, Rājat. 5, 260.
     2. A churningstick.
II. f. khī, The day of full moon in the month vaiśākha.
III. n. An attitude in shooting, standing with the feet a span apart.

vaiśika vaiśika, i. e. probably veśyā + ika, anomal., n. Arts of a courtesan, Lass. 2. ed. 59, 9.

vaiśiṣṭya vaiśiṣṭya, i. e. vi-śiṣṭa (vb. śiṣ), + ya, n.
     1. Endowment with.
     2. Distinction, difference, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 22.

vaiśeṣika vaiśeṣika, i. e. viśeṣa + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Characteristic, Bhāṣāp. 43.
     2. Belonging to the Vaiśeṣika doctrine (cf.
II.), Bhāṣāp. 104; 140.
II. n. A peculiar philosophical system, the Vaiśeṣika doctrine.
III. m. A follower of the Vaiśeṣika doctrine, Kusumāñj. 3, 8 (p. 29, 13, ed. Cowell).

vaiśeṣya vaiśeṣya, i. e. viśeṣa + ya, n.
     1. Specific or generic distinction.
     2. Superiority, Man. 9, 296.

vaiśya vaiśya, i. e. viś + ya,
I. m. A man of the third caste, Man. 1, 116; Hit. iv. d. 21.
II. f. , A woman of the Vaiśya caste.

vaiśravaṇa vaiśravaṇa, m. Kuvera, Hit. ii. d. 91.

vaiśvadeva vaiśvadeva, i. e. viśva-deva + a,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the Viśvadevas, Man. 4, 183; dedicated or sacred to them.
     2. Relating to all divinities.
II. n. Offering or sacrifice to all the divinities, Man. 3, 83, 84; Pañc. iv. d. 2.

vaiśvānara vaiśvānara,
I. i. e. viśva-nara + a, adj. Relating to, fit for, etc., all men.
II. m.
     1. Agni, fire, Utt. Rāmac. 174, 3; Pañc. 224, 21.
     2. The general consciousness, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 11.
III. f. , A particular sacrifice, Man. 11, 27.

vaiśvāsika vaiśvāsika, i. e. viśvāsa + ika, adj. Trustworthy, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 10.

vaiśvī vaiśvī, i. e. viśva + a + ī, f. The name of the twenty-first lunar mansion.

vaiṣamya vaiṣamya, i. e. viṣama + ya, n.
     1. Inequality, unevenness.
     2. Solitariness.
     3. Difficulty.
     4. Misery, distress, Nal. 9. 20.
-- Comp. ati-, n. situation in a place of very difficult access, Hit. iii. d. 55.

vaiṣṭuta vaiṣṭuta, i. e. vi-stuta (vb. stu), + a, n. The ashes of a burnt offering.

vaiṣṭra vaiṣṭra, n. The world.

vaiṣṇava vaiṣṇava, i. e. viṣṇu + a,
I. adj., f. , Relating or belonging to Viṣṇu, Johns. Sel. 95, 70; Rājat. 5, 125; Arj. 4, 30.
II. m. A follower of Viṣṇu, Rājat. 5, 43.
III. f. .
     1. One of the mātṛs, the personified energy of Viṣṇu.
     2. Durgā.
     3. A flower, Clitoria ternatea.
     4. Sacred basil, Ocymum sanctum.

vaiṣṇavatva vaiṣṇava + tva, n. Faith in Viṣṇu, Rājat. 5, 124.

vaisāriṇa vaisāriṇa, i. e. visārin + a, m. A fish.

vaihāyasa vaihāyasa, i. e. vihāyas + a, adj. Being in the air, aerial, Pāraskara, Gr. S. ii. 2 in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 533, 23; suspended in the air, Johns. Sel. 39, 30.

vaihāsika vaihāsika, i. e. vihāsa + ika, m. A comic actor.

voṭā voṭā, f. A female slave.

voḍra voḍra,
I. m.
     1. The boa-constrictor.
     2. A sort of fish.
II. f. , The fourth part of a paṇa.

voḍhṛ voḍhṛ, i. e. vah + tṛ, m.
     1. A porter, one who carries or draws, Pañc. 8, 16.
     2. A charioteer.
     3. A bull.
     4. A guide, a leader, Lass. 97, 10 = Rigv. vi. 64, 3 (ved. volhā, nom. sing.).
     5. A bridegroom, Man. 8, 204.
-- Comp. dhūrvoḍhṛ, i. e. dhur-, m. a beast of burthen, Pañc. ed. orn. 4, 7.
-- Cf. Lat. vector.

vorukhāna vorukhāna, m. A horse described as of red and white colour.

vollāsaka vollāsaka, The name of a city, Rājat. 5, 224.

vollāha vollāha, m. A horse with light mane and tail.

vohittha vohittha, n. A vessel, a ship.

vauṣaṭ vauṣaṭ (= vaṣaṭ, q. cf.; vaṣaṭ has first become voṣaṭ by the influence of the v, as in voḍhṛ, from vah, and then, as in Zend., vaoṣaṭ = vauṣaṭ).

vyaṃsaka vyaṃsaka, i. e. vi-aṃs + aka, m. A cheat, a rogue, a juggler.

vyakti vyakti, i. e. vi-añj + tī, f.
     1. Distinctness, Śāk. d. 167.
     2. Individuality.
     3. An individual (opp. to jāti), Siddh. Mukt. 82, 10.
     4. Appearance, manifestation Bhag. 7, 23; 10, 14; Megh. 12.
-- Comp. a-sakala-, adj. not being visible completely, Megh. 82.

vyagra vyagra, i. e. vi-agra, adj., f. ,
     1. Bewildered, Hit. iii. d. 108 (bhojana-, by the care for provisions).
     2. Distracted.
     3. Agitated, Pañc. 200, 8.
     4. Engaged in, Vikr. 77, 4; occupied, Pañc. 121, 14; zealously occupied, Pañc. iii. d. 236; zealous, eager, Rājat. 5, 144.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. not distracted, Utt. Rāmac. 52, 13; careful, Chr. 16, 19. 2. not disturbed, Lass. 2. ed. 39, 9; peaceable, Nal. 26, 20. 3. cool, deliberate, Draup. 9, 1; ram, adv. reckless. Mālat. 78, 18.

vyagratā vyagra + tā, f. Zealous occupation, Pañc. 252, 24.

vyagratva vyagra + tva, n. Perplexedness, confusion, Pañc. iii. d. 128.

vyaṅga vyaṅga, i. e. vi-aṅga,
I. adj.
     1. Deformed, mutilated, MBh. 1, 1089.
     2. Lamed.
     3. Bodiless.
     4. Ill-arranged.
II. m.
     1. A cripple.
     2. A frog.
     3. Discoloration of the face, dark spots on the cheek.
-- Comp. a-, adj. having no defect, Man. 3, 10; sound, Pañc. 184, 23.

vyaṅgatā vyaṅga + tā, f. Mutilation, Pañc. i. d. 217.

vyaṅgaya vyaṅgaya, a denomin. derived from vyaṅga, Par. To mutilate, Pañc. 38, 13; 40, 25.

vyaṅgāra vyaṅgāra, i. e. vi-aṅgāra, adj. Without charcoal. n. loc. re, At the time when the burning charcoal is extinguished, Man. 6, 56.

vyac vyac (i. e. vi-añc), i. 6, vica, Par.
     1. To surround, to encompass (ved.).
     2. † To deceive.

vyaja vyaja, i. e. vi-aj + a, m. A fan, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3322.

vyajana vyajana, i. e. vi-aj + ana, n. A fan, Hit. ii. d. 155; Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 16.
-- Comp. bāla-, n. a fly-flapper used as an emblem of princely rank (made of the bushy tail of the Bos grunniens), Johns. Sel. 21, 102.

vyañjaka vyañjaka, i. e. vi-añj + aka,
I. adj. Clearly showing, Man. 2, 68.
II. m.
     1. A mark.
     2. External indication of passion or feeling.
     3. Feeling, Mālat. 154, 6.

vyañjana vyañjana, i. e. vi-añj + ana,
I. n.
     1. A mark, a sign, Hit. iii. d. 36; the marks of puberty (hairs of the body), Pañc. iii. d. 214 (pl.).
     2. Paraphernalia, insignia.
     3. A beard, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 28.
     4. A privy part, either male or female.
     5. Sauce, Rām. 1, 13, 15; condiment, Pañc. 52, 1.
     6. A consonant, Sāv. 5, 25.
II. n., and f. , Irony, sarcasm.
III. f. , The third power of a word, suggestion, Sāh. Darp. 16, 20.
-- Comp. a-, adj. , without the marks of puberty, Pañc. iii. d. 213. a-jāta- (vb. jan), adj. beardless, Rām. 3, 42, 33. nis-, adj. without condiment, MBh. 12, 3189. loc. ne, downrightly, Pañc. 218, 8.

vyatikara vyatikara, i. e. vi-ati-kṛ + a,
I. adj.
     1. Reciprocal, or acting one with another.
     2. Pervading.
     3. Contiguous to.
II. m.
     1. Reciprocity, exchange, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 16; interchange, Mālat. 34, 11; reciprocal action, ib. 199, 16; relation, alternation, Utt. Rāmac, 125, 11.
     2. Action in general, Pañc. 30, 8; 237, 22; 130,
     3. Contact, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 429; contiguity.
     4. Opportunity, Pañc. 40, 18.
     5. Mixture, Megh. 15; union, Utt. Rāmac. 84, 2 (at the end of a comp. adj. 'united'); conflux, Ragh. 8, 94.
     6. Misfortune, calamity, Pañc. 42, 5.
-- Comp. dṛṣṭa-, adj. one whose misfortune is evident, Hit. 110, 6. vārtā-, m. a report's going from one to another, i. e. a report going from one to another, Pañc. 130, 8.

vyatikarita vyatikarita, i. e. vyatikara + ita, adj. Pervaded, Mālat. 40, 1.

vyatikrama vyatikrama, i. e. vi-ati-kram + a, m.
     1. Inverted or retrograde order, reverse, Kir. 11, 76.
     2. Contrariety.
     3. Misfortune.
     4. Passing over or beyond, transgression, Man. 8, 244; Pañc. 46, 20.
     5. Fault, Man. 8, 229; sin, Rām. 1, 8, 12.
     6. Non-performance (as of contracts), 8, 5.

vyatireka vyatireka, i. e. vi-ati-ric + a, m.
     1. Separateness.
     2. Negative inference, Bhāṣāp. 141.
     3. Interception, Mālat. 140, 20.
     4. Difference.
     5. Dissimilitude of things compared in some respects to each other.
     6. Exclusion, exception.

vyatilaṅghin vyatilaṅghin, i. e. vi-ati-laṅgh + a + in, adj. Removed, Ragh. 6, 19.

vyatiṣaṅga vyatiṣaṅga, i. e. vi-ati-sañj + a, m.
     1. Mutual or reciprocal junction.
     2. Fastening, tying together.

vyatihāra and vyatīhāra vyati/īhāra, i. e. vi-ati-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Barter, exchange.
     2. Exchange of blows or abuse.

vyatīpāta vyatīpāta, i. e. vi-ati-pat + a, m.
     1. Disrespect.
     2. A portent indicating calamity.
     3. Great calamity.
     4. Day of new moon, falling on a Sunday, and the moon being in certain mansions.
     5. The seventeenth of the astrological Yogas.

vyatīhāra vyatīhāra, see vyatihāra.

vyatyaya vyatyaya, i. e. vi-ati-i + a, m.
     1. Inverted or retrograde order.
     2. Contrariety, reverse.
     3. Interchange, Pāṇ. iii. 1, 85.

vyatyāsa vyatyāsa, i. e. vi-ati- 2. as + a, m.
     1. Inverted or retrograde order.
     2. Reversed position.
     3. Contrariety, reverse.

vyath vyath, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 4, 1453),
     1. To tremble, MBh. 8, 4693.
     2. To be disquieted or afflicted, MBh. 2, 1801.
     3. To fear, MBh. 3, 717.
     4. To suffer pain, ib. 3, 2675.
     5. To dry (Sch.), Man. 7, 84. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vyathita.
     1. Alarmed, frightened, Rām. 3, 53, 61.
     2. Afflicted, Ṛt. 6, 18.
     3. Disturbed, Kir. 5, 11; Daśak. in Chr. 193, 1 (changed).
     4. Pained, Pañc. 69, 2. Caus.
     1. To make uneasy, Bhag. 2, 15; to afflict, Pañc. ii. d. 103.
     2. To frighten, MBh. 3, 16418.
     3. To lead away from, Bhaṭṭ. 10, 36.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To be afflicted, Rām. 2, 18, 41.
     2. To be frightened, Bhag. 11, 20; to fear (or to tremble), with gen., MBh. 5, 4564. pravyathita, Very anxious, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 7.
-- With saṃpra sampra, saṃpravyathita, Frightened, Rām. 1, 38, 16.
-- Cf. Goth. vithon, To shake; probably [greek]

vyathaka vyath + aka, adj.
     1. Inflicting pain.
     2. Distressing, afflicting, Kir. 2, 4.

vyathā vyath + ā, f.
     1. Alarm, fear, Utt. Rāmac. 9, 6.
     2. Distress, Pañc. 215, 19.
     3. Pain, Pañc. iv. d. 19; disease, Pañc. v. d. 66.
-- Comp. a-vyatha, adj. without pain, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 13. guru-, adj. afflicted by heavy pains, Vikr. d. 50. nirvyatha, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. quiet, MBh. 3, 13065. 2. free from pain, Rājat. 5, 61. sa-, Adj. 1. suffering pain, with distress, Hit. 113, 13. 2. sorrowful, Śiś. 9, 83.

vyadh vyadh, i. 4, vidhya, Par.
     1. To pierce, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 86, 9 (ved. vidhyatā, with lengthened final).
     2. To hit, Johns. Sel. 39, 31 (veddhā, anomal. first fut.).
     3. To wave in triumph, Johns. Sel. 52, 115 (anomal. red. pf. vivyadhus).
     4. To pick, Pañc. 62, 9; to wound, Man. 8, 12. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. viddha.
     1. Wounded, Chr. 31, 16.
     2. Thrown, Man. 9, 43.
     3. Beaten, whipped.
     4. Opposed, impeded.
     5. Resembling, like. n. A wound, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2647. Comp. su-, adj. deeply wounded, Ṛt. 6, 28. Anomal. infin. veddhum (from vidh, for vyadh, based on vidhya), MBh. 1, 5286.
-- With the prep. ati ati, atividdha, Pierced, transfixed, Rām. 2, 9, 51.
-- With anu anu, To throw after (another), Man. 9, 43. anuviddha,
     1. Wounded, Ṛt. 1, 13.
     2. Obstructed, Śāk. d. 19; checked.
     3. Mixed, Mālat. 15, 13.
     4. Ornamented, Megh. 66; variegated.
     5. Set (as a jewel).
     6. Full of, abounding.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To throw away, MBh. 3, 15686.
     2. To omit, to neglect, Man. 11, 4. apaviddha,
     1. Thrown away, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 21.
     2. Discarded, Kir. 5, 30 (by churning).
     3. (viz. putra, A son), who having been disowned by his parents, is adopted by another, Man. 9, 159.
     4. Contemptible.
     5. Disabled, broken, literally and figuratively.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, vyapaviddha, Rejected, MBh. 3, 15763.
-- With ā ā, To throw, MBh. 3, 11511. āviddha,
     1. Thrown, Man. 9, 43.
     2. Pierced, wounded.
     3. Crooked, Vikr. d. 115.
     4. Disappointed.
     5. Stupid. Comp. an-, adj. 1. not bored, Śāk. d. 45. 2. unhurt, Suśr. 2, 32, 20.
-- With vyā vi-ā, To vibrate, MBh. 3, 677. vyāviddha, Dishevelled, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 1.
-- With samā sam-ā, To vibrate, Ragh. 26, 78 (Calc.).
-- With ud ud, udviddha, Lofty, Lass. 2. ed. 72, 5.
-- With nis nis, nirviddha, Wounded, Rām. 3, 50, 19.
-- With pari pari, To wound, MBh. 1, 4102.
-- With pra pra, To throw away, Rām. 2, 63, 34.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To strike, Ragh. 14, 54.
-- With prati prati, To wound, MBh. 3, 11960.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] in [greek]

vyadhva vyadhva, i. e. vi-adhvan, m. A bad road.

vyadha vyadh + a,
I. m.
     1. Piercing, Kāvya Pr. 100, 9.
     2. Striking.
II. f. dhā, Bleeding, Suśr. 1, 362, 5.

vyantara vyantara, i. e. vi-antara, m. A deity (haunting in a tree), Pañc. 250, 2.

vyap vyap, see vip.

vyapatrapa vyapatrapa, i. e. vi-apa-trapa, adj. Shameless, Rām. 2, 68, 17, ed. Seramp.

vyapadeśa vyapadeśa, i. e. vi-apa-diś + a, m.
     1. Information.
     2. Name, appellation, Bhāṣāp. 46.
     3. Race, Śāk. 104, 6.
     4. Renown, Man. 7, 168.
     5. Pretext, Pañc. iii. d. 79 (mahatām, Pretending [the authority of] powerful men).
     6. Hint.
     7. Craft.
     8. Stratagem.

vyaparopaṇa vyaparopaṇa, i. e. vi-apa-ruh, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Extirpating, expelling.
     2. Cutting, Ragh. 3, 56.

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vyapākṛti vyapākṛti, i. e. vi-apa-ā-kṛ + ti, n. Repelling, denial.

vyapāya vyapāya, i. e. vi-apa-i + a, m. End, Ragh. 3, 3.

vyapāśraya vyapāśraya, i. e. vi-apa-ā-śṛ + a, m.
     1. Taking refuge with, Bhag. 18, 56; relying upon.
     2. Expectation.

vyapekṣā vyapekṣā, i. e. vi-apa-īkṣ + a, f.
     1. Mutual connexion.
     2. Regard, Chr. 43, 24 (corr. thus); expectation.
-- Comp. nirvyapekṣa, i. e. nis-, adj. indifferent, Ragh. 14, 39. sa-, adj. connected, Utt. Rāmac. 146, 7.

vyabhicāra vyabhicāra, i. e. vi-abhi-cār + a, m.
     1. Going astray, erring (literally and figurat.)
     2. The presence of the hetu without the sādhya, Bhāṣāp. 136.
     3. Following improper courses.
     4. Crime, vice, sin, Hit. iii. d. 16; MBh. 1, 912.
     5. Infidelity of a wife, Man. 10, 164.
-- Comp. sa-, m. a too general middle term (as fire to prove smoke).

vyabhicāratas vyabhicāra + tas, adv. From the vyabhicāra, involved in the other supposition, Bhāṣāp. 47.

vyabhicāritā vyabhicāritā, i. e. vyabhicārin + tā, f. Error, Bhāṣāp. 138.

vyabhicāritva vyabhicāritva, i. e. vyabhicārin + tva, n. Doubt.
-- Comp. svatva-, n. doubt or uncertainty of ownership.

vyabhicārin vyabhicārin, i. e. vi-abhi-car and ryabhicāra + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Going astray, wanton, Hit. pr. d. 21, M. M.
     2. Doing what is improper.
II. f. iṇī, A wanton woman, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 507.
-- Comp. a-, adj. never failing, Śāk. 81, 9.

vyabhra vyabhra, i. e. vi-abhra, adj. Cloudless, Nal. 17, 11.

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vyay vyay, i. 1, Ātm. (a denomin. from vyaya), To squander away, Hit. ii. d. 91. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vyayita,
     1. Expended, Hit. 98, 17.
     2. Dissipated, Hit. 60, 10.
     3. Fallen to decay. † i. 10, Par. To throw.

vyaya vyaya, i. e. vi-i + a,
I. adj. Mutable, Man. 1, 19.
II. m.
     1. Disappearance, loss, Lass. 59, 1; Pañc. i. d. 179; Mālat. 70, 14 (risk).
     2. Destruction, Ragh. 5, 5; Daśak. in Chr. 181, 5 (detriment).
     3. Expenditure, expense, Man. 8, 287; Pañc. 138, 4.
     4. Squandering away, Lass. 75, 13.
     5. Misfortune, decline.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. immutable, Man. 1, 19. 2. eternal, Johns. Sel. 23, 118; Rājat. 5, 37. ati-, m. spending too much, Hit. ii. d. 90. bhojana-, m. expense for food, Hit. 98, 17. su-alpa-,
I. adj. suffering small expenses, Hit. 46, 8.
II. m. a very small expense, Hit. iii. d. 130 (read koṣasval°).

vyayin -vyayin, i. e. vyaya + in, adj. in udaya-, Mounting and falling, Hit. iii. d. 128.

vyartha vyartha, i. e. vi-artha, adj.
     1. Useless, unprofitable, Pañc. i. d. 445; Hit. i. d. 129, M. M.; Pañc. 134, 14.
     2. Unmeaning.

vyarthatā vyartha + tā, f.
     1. Uselessness, with or gam, To become useless, Pañc. 128, 1, 215, 22.
     2. Inoffensiveness, Pañc. 169, 14.
     3. Nonsense.

vyalīka vyalīka (cf. alīka),
I. adj.
     1. Disagreeable, offensive.
     2. Improper.
     3. Painful.
     4. Strange.
II. m. A catamite.
III. n.
     1. Any displeasing or improper act.
     2. Disagreeableness.
     3. Pain, grief, Śāk. d. 183; Pañc. i. d. 272.
     4. Fault, transgression, Śiś. 9, 85; Hit. ii. d. 125.
     5. Cheating, falsehood, Pañc. i. d. 136 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3208).
-- Comp. nis-, adj. 1. not offending, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 49. 2. without pain, pleased, Rām. 2, 18, 53 Gorr; (given) with pleasure, MBh. 13, 5994. 3. °kam, adv. sincerely, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 42; cf. °ka + tas, adv. the same, 3, 24, 12.

vyavakrośana vyavakrośana, i. e. vi-ava-kruś + ana, n.
     1. Altercation.
     2. Abuse.

vyavaccheda vyavaccheda, i. e. vi-ava-chid + a, m.
     1. Dividing.
     2. A division.
     3. Discrimination.
     4. Distinction, contrast.
     5. Letting fly an arrow, shooting.
     6. Cutting in pieces.

vyavadhā vyavadhā, i. e. vi-ava-dhā, f.
     1. A covering, a screen.
     2. Being covered, disappearance.

vyavadhāna vyavadhāna, i. e. vi-ava-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Intervening, Ragh. 13, 44.
     2. Separation, Śiś. 9, 51.
     3. Covering, a cover, Śāk. 92, 13 (Prākṛ.).
     4. Being covered, disappearance.

vyavadhāyaka vyavadhāyaka, i. e. vi-ava-dhā + aka, adj.
     1. Intervening.
     2. Separating.
     3. Screening, hiding.

vyavadhi vyavadhi, i. e. vi-ava-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. Covering, or a covering.

vyavasāya vyavasāya, i. e. vi-ava-so + a, m.
     1. Perseverance, Pañc. iii. d. 264; eagerness.
     2. Exertion, effort, Pañc. 215, 22; energy, Pañc. 134, 10; cf. 138, 7; i. d. 195 (yeṣāṃ vyavasāyaniścayaḥ, Who are resolved to endeavour).
     3. Following any business or profession.
     4. Resolve, determination, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 32.
     5. Obstinacy, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 412.
     6. Plan, device, trick, Hit. ii. d. 113 (or, perseverance).
     7. Boasting.

vyavasāyin vyavasāyin, i. e. vyavasāya + in, adj.
     1. Persevering.
     2. Active, energetic, Hit. ii. d. 11; willing, Pañc. 134, 10; cf. 138, 7; undertaking, resolute, Pañc. i. d. 278.
     3. Engaged in business.
     4. Performing one's duty, Man. 12, 103.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not energetic, Hit. ii. d. 3.

vyavasthā vyavasthā, i. e. vi-ava-sthā, f.
     1. Separating, placing remote or apart.
     2. Placing.
     3. Staying.
     4. State, course, Rājat. 5, 80.
     5. A decree, a written declaration of the law, decision, Rājat. 5, 461.
     6. An engagement, a contract.
-- Comp. a-vyavastha, adj. undecided, Ragh. 7, 51.

vyavasthāpaka vyavasthāpaka, i. e. vi-ava-sthā, Caus., + aka, adj. Deciding, Rājat. 6, 54 (dus-, adj. Deciding wrongly).

vyavasthāpana vyavasthāpana, i. e. vi-ava-sthā, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Placing apart.
     2. Placing.
     3. Fixing.
     4. Appointing.
     5. Deciding.
     6. Declaring.

vyavasthiti vyavasthiti, i. e. vi-ava-sthā + ti, f.
     1. Constancy, perseverance, Bhag. 16, 1.
     2. Determining.
     3. Rule, Man. 10, 70.
     4. Extracting.

vyavahartṛ vyavahartṛ, i. e. vi-ava-hṛ + tṛ,
I. m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Transacting business, engaged in affairs.
     2. Observing established usages.
II. m.
     1. A judge.
     2. A litigant, a plaintiff.
     3. Partaker, associate.

vyavahāra vyavahāra, i. e. vi-ava-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Doing, performing, Bhāṣāp. 105 (gaṇana-, Numbering); Lass. 76, 9; occupation, Śāk. 104, 23; action, Mālat. 70, 6.
     2. Affair, Utt. Rāmac. 127, 3 (nāsya vyavahāro streshu, He has nothing with weapons); Man. 8, 420.
     3. Profession, business, Pañc. i. d. 91.
     4. Pecuniary transaction, Man. 3, 64; usury, Pañc. i. d. 12.
     5. Petty traffic, Man. 7, 137; trade, Pañc. 7, 17.
     6. Usage, custom, Hit. 58, 18.
     7. Conduct, Hit. i. d. 57; 70, M. M.
     8. Practice of the courts, or civil and criminal law, Man. 8, 148; judicial proceeding, Man. 8, 1.
     9. Administration of justice, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 528.
     10. Any acts cognisable in courts.
     11. An occurrence which must be inquired, an important affair, Pañc. 45, 13.
     12. Lawsuit, Pañc. 165, 4.
     13. A contract.
-- Comp. yathā-vyavahāra + m, adv. conformably to custom, Hit. 87, 15.

vyavahāraka vyavahāraka i. e. vi-ava-hṛ + aka,
I. m. A trader, Pañc. 138, 15.
II. f. rikā.
     1. Usage.
     2. A brush.

vyavahārajña vyavahāra-jña, m. A young man of age.

vyavahāravant vyavahāra + vant, adj. Occupied, working with, Man. 10, 37.

vyavahārika vyavahārika, i. e. vyavahāra + ika, adj.
     1. Customary.
     2. Relating to legal process.
     3. Litigant.

vyavāya vyavāya, i. e. vi-ava-i + a,
I. m.
     1. Copulation, Rājat. 5, 280.
     2. Intervening, interval.
     3. Covering, disappearance.
II. n. Light, lustre.

vyavāyin vyavāyin, i. e. vyavāya + in, adj. sbst. Lecherous, a lecher.

vyaśva vyaśva, i. e. vi-aśva, adj. Having no horse, Chr. 297, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.

vyaṣṭi vyaṣṭi, i. e. vi-akṣ + ti, f. Singleness, individuality, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 13.

vyasana vyasana, i. e. vi-as + ana, n.
     1. Calamity, misfortune, Vikr. 59, 1; Pañc. ii. d. 13; destruction, Mālat. 154, 13; loss, Kir. 13, 15.
     2. Fate.
     3. Ill luck.
     4. Fruitless effort, Bhartṛ. 2, 96 (pl.).
     5. Inability, incompetence (see the next).
     6. Fauls, vice, Man. 7, 45; Hit. pr. d. 48, M. M.; crime.
     7. Sin, Śāk. d. 38.
     8. Intent application or attachment to an object, Pañc. i. d. 314; diligence, Hit. i. d. 31, M.M.
     9. Individuality.
-- Comp. āyudha-, n. destruction of weapons, Man. 7, 93. nau-, n. shipwreck, Śāk. 90, 19. bala-, n. defeat or rout of an army, Hit. iv. d. 32. mūla-, n. execution for a crime (Sch.), Man. 10, 38.

vyasanitā vyasanitā, f., and vyasanitva vyasanitva, n., i. e. vyasanin + tā, or tva,
     1. Wickedness, Rājat. 5, 255 (tva); Hit. 94, 3 (, instr. Wrongly).
     2. Calamity.

vyasanin vyasanin, i. e. vyasana + in, adj.
     1. Wicked, Pañc. v. d. 17; vicious, Man. 7, 53; Pañc. 163, 14; ruled by passions, Kathās. 26, 199.
     2. Unfortunate, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 814; being in distress, Hit. iii. d. 34; afflicted, Hit. iv. d. 44 (durbhikṣa-, by the calamity of famine).
     3. Intent on, Bhartṛ. 2, 100.
     4. Occupied, Pañc. 192, 3.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not attached to wicked inclinations, Hit. iii. d. 16. mānotsehaparākrama-, i. e. māna-utseka-parākrama-vyasana + in, adj. endowed with pride, loftiness, prowess, and intent application, Pañc. iii. d. 264. sūta-, i. e. sūtavyasana + in, adj. being distressed by the incompetence of the charioteer, Chr. 35, 7.

vyasu vyasu, i. e. vi-asu, adj. Lifeless, Rājat. 5, 241.

vyākaraṇa vyākaraṇa, i. e. vi-ā-kṛ + ana, n.
     1. Explaining.
     2. Grammar, Pañc. 4, 14; ii. d. 34.
-- Comp. garbha-, n. the development of the embryo, Suśr. 1, 325, 19. garbhiṇī-, n. the development of pregnancy, Suśr. 1, 366, 16.

vyākula vyākula, i. e. vi-ākula, adj.
     1. Confounded, bewildered, Pañc. 9, 13; 144, 4; Hit. iii. d. 110.
     2. Trembling, Utt. Rāmac. 83, 5.
     3. Dimmed, Chr. 17, 25.
     4. Occupied, Megh. 83.

vyākulatā vyākula + tā, f., and vyākulatva vyākula + tva, n. Perplexity, Pañc. 143, 4 (); agitatior, 58, 3 (); fear, ib. 76, 12 (tva).
-- Comp. nirvyākulatā, see s. v.

vyākulaya vyākulaya, a denomin. derived from vyākula, Par. To frighten, Pañc. 89, 14. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vyākulita (or vyākula + ita), Agitated, alarmed, Pañc. 222, 8; perplexed, Pañc. 142, 14.

vyākṛti vyākṛti, i. e. vi-ā-kṛ + ti, f.
     1. Explaining.
     2. Grammar.
     3. Change of form, development, Suśr. 1, 9, 10.

vyākośa vyākośa, and vyākoṣa vyākoṣa, i. e. vi-ā-kośa, adj. Budded.

vyākṣepa vyākṣepa, i. e. vi-ā-kṣip + a, m. Delay; in a-, m. Absence of delay, Ragh. 10, 6.

vyākhyā vyākhyā, i. e. vi-ā-khyā, f. Exposition, comment.

vyākhyātṛ vyākhyātṛ, i. e. vi-ā-khyā + tṛ, m. An expounder, Rājat. 5, 29.

vyākhyāna vyākhyāna, i. e. vi-ā-khyā + ana, n. Explaining.

vyāghaṭṭana vyāghaṭṭana, i. e. vi-ā-ghaṭṭ + ana, n.
     1. Rubbing.
     2. Churning.

vyāghāta vyāghāta, i. e. vi-ā-han, Caus., + a, m.
     1. Obstacle, Hit. ii. d. 4.
     2. Striking.
     3. Wounding, Indr. 5, 11.
     4. Destroying.
     5. The thirteenth of the astronomical Yogas.

vyāghra vyāghra, i. e. vi-ā-ghrā,
I. m.
     1. A tiger, Pañc. 157, 25.
     2. As latter part of comp. words, Best, preeminent, e. g. puruṣa-, m. An eminent man (literally, A tiger-like man), Rām. 3, 53, 19.
II. f. ghrī, The female of a tiger, Bhartṛ. 3, 39.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. tigerless, Pañc. 231, 17.

vyāja vyāja, i. e. vi-añj + a, m.
     1. Deceit, fraud, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 396; Pañc. 147, 15.
     2. Disguise either of purpose or person.
     3. Appearance, Pañc. iii. d. 125; pretence, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 2.
     4. Means, Pañc. 75, 24; 118, 3.
     5. Wickedness.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. upright, honest, Kathās. 22, 146. °jam, adv.
     1. honestly, Amar. 79. 2. exactly, Rājat. 4, 343. sa-vyāja, adj. 1. cunning, pretending. 2. fraudulent. °jam, adv. cunningly, under a pretext, Śāk. 18, 21; Vikr. 12, 18.

vyāḍa vyāḍa, m.
     1. A snake.
     2. A beast of prey.
     3. A rogue.
     4. Indra (cf. vyāla).

vyāḍi vyāḍi, m. The name of a grammarian, Kathās. 4, 108.

vyādāna vyādāna, i. e. vi-ā-dā + ana, n. Opening, setting ajar, Hit. 85, 8.

vyādita vyādita, see with vi-ā.

vyādīrgha vyādīrgha, i. e. vi-ā-dīrgha, adj. Long, Bhartṛ. 1, 86.

vyādha vyādha, i. e. vyadh + a, m.
     1. A hunter, Pañc. 147, 11.
     2. A low or wicked man.
-- Comp. dharma-, m. the pious hunter, epithet of a Brāhmaṇa re-born as hunter in consequence of a curse, MBh. 3, 13710. mṛga-, m. a hunter, Rājat. 5, 196.

vyādhāma vyādhāma, i. e. vi-ā-dhamā + a (from dham), m. Indra's thunderbolt.

vyādhāya vyādhāya, a denomin. derived from vyādha with ya, Ātm. To become a hunter, Śṛṅgārat. 13.

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vyādhi vyādhi, i. e. vyadh + i, m.
     1. Pain, Mālat. 69, 5.
     2. Sickness, Hit. i. d. 3, M. M.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. healthy, MBh. 9, 2322.

vyādhita vyādhita, i. e. vyādhi + ita, adj. Afflicted with disease, Man. 4, 157; 8, 395; sick, Hit. i. d. 201, M.M.

vyādhin vyādhin, i. e. vyādha + in, adj. Frequented by hunters, Nalod. 3, 35.

vyāna vyāna, i. e. vi-an + a, m. One of the five vital airs, that which is diffused throughout the body, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 11.

vyāpaka vyāpaka, i. e. vi-āp + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Diffusive.
     2. Extensive.
II. m. A pervading attribute, one always found where some other is found, Bhāṣāp. 137.

vyāpakatva vyāpaka + tva, n.
     1. Diffusion, pervadence.
     2. State of being more extensive, Bhāṣāp. 9, cf. 142.

vyāpatti vyāpatti, i. e. vi-ā-pad + ti, f. Ruin, Pañc. i. d. 316.

vyāpad vyāpad, i. e. vi-ā-pad, f.
     1. Calamity, Hit. 95, 1, M. M. (at the end of a comp. adj. tyakta-, vb. tyaj, Free from calamity).
     2. Derangement.
     3. Disease.
     4. Death, Megh. 111.
-- Comp. viraha-, adj. (dying), vanishing by separation, Megh. 111.

vyāpāda vyāpāda, i. e. vi-ā-pad + a, m. The wish or project to injure another person.

vyāpādana vyāpādana, i. e. vi-ā-pad, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Killing, Pañc. 265, 16 (sarpa-, Being killed by the snake).
     2. Wishing to injure another person.

vyāpādanīyatā vyāpādanīya + tā (vb. pad), f. Necessity of being killed, Pañc. 143, 25.

vyāpāra vyāpāra, i. e. vi-ā- 2. pṛ + a, m.
     1. Occupation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 18; doing, Pañc. 162, 8; business, 262, 7; Vikr. d. 58 (vyāpāraṃ vrajasi śarīre, You have to do with my body, i. e. you command over my body).
     2. Work, Śāk. d. 26; Bhāṣāp. 58; 79.
     3. Affair, Pañc. 57, 8.
     4. Trade (cf. vraj), profession.
     5. Exercise, practice, exertion, Hit. pr. d. 43, M. M.; activity, Mālat. 10, 11.
-- Comp. a- and mithyā-, m. occupation with things in which one is not concerned, Pañc. 9, 24 (mithyā-), and i. d. 26 (a-). Kim-, adj. with what occupied, Śāk. Chezy, 150, 8. dṛgvyāpāra, i. e. dṛś-, m. play of the eyes, Rājat. 5, 366 (pl.). nis-,
I. m. absence of occupation, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 13.
II. adj. not occupied, Ragh. 15, 56. vāgvy°, i. e. vāc-, m. conversation, Hit. 85, 21.

vyāpitva vyāpitva, i. e. vyāpin + tva, n. The state of pervading, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 3.

vyāpin vyāpin, i. e. vi-āp + in,
I. adj.
     1. Diffusive.
     2. Comprehensive.
     3. Pervading, Bhāṣāp. 42.
     4. Filling, Kir. 5, 18.
     5. Extending to, Śāk. d. 170.
II. m. The pervading property or power.

vyāpti vyāpti, i. e. vi-āp + ti, f.
     1. Pervading, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 18.
     2. Universal permeation, omnipresence.
     3. Inherence, the inherent and essential presence of any thing or property in another, as heat in fire, oil in the sesamum seed.
     4. The relation of a subject (vyāpta, vyāpya) to a predicate (vyāpaka) in an universal proposition, Bhāṣāp. 65; 67; 68; 136.

vyāptimant vyāpti + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Pervading, diffusive.
     2. Pervaded, attended by, Man. 12, 26.

vyāpyatva vyāpya + tva (vb. āp with vi), n.
     1. Capacity of being pervaded, or of obtaining, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 15.
     2. State of being less extensive, Bhāṣāp. 9.

vyāma vyāma, i. e. vi-yam + a, m.
     1. A fathom, or the space between the tips of the fingers of either hand when the arms are extended, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 17; MBh. 3, 10207.
     2. Smoke.

vyāmarṣa vyāmarṣa, i. e. vi-ā-mṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Erasure (vb. mṛś?).
     2. Impatience.

vyāmiśra vyāmiśra, i. e. vi-ā-miśra q. cf.), adj. Mixed, blended, confounded, Bhag. 3, 2.

vyāmoha vyāmoha, i. e. vi-ā-muh + a, m. Error, foolishness, Prab. 76, 9.

vyāyatatva vyāyatatva, i. e. vi-ā-yata (vb. yam), + tva, n. Firmness, Śāk. d. 37.

vyāyāma vyāyāma, i. e. vi-ā-yam + a, m.
     1. Athletic exercise.
     2. Exertion, fighting, Arj. 3, 40.
     3. Manhood, manliness, MBh. 13, 542.
     4. Occupation, business.
     5. A difficulty.
     6. Fatigue, labour, Sāv. 5, 2.
     7. A fathom (see vyāma).

vyāyāmin vyāyāmin, i. e. vyāyāma + in, adj.
     1. Athletic.
     2. Active.
     3. Undergoing fatigue.

vyāla vyāla,
I. adj.
     1. Wicked, Kir. 17, 25.
     2. Cruel.
II. m.
     1. A snake, Hit. iii. d. 30.
     2. A beast of prey, Pañc. i. d. 420.
     3. A vicious elephant, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
     4. A rogue.
     5. A king.
III. f. , A female snake, Chr. 22, 22.

vyālagrāhin vyāla-grāhin, m. A serpent-catcher, Hit. iii. d. 30.

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vyālola vyālola, i. e. vi-ā-lul + a, adj. Tremulous, shaking, Rājat. 5, 372. Cf. the next.

vyālolakuntalakalāpavant vyālola-kuntala-kalāpa + vant, adj., f. vatī, With dishevelled hair, Caur. 7.

vyāvakrośī vyāvakrośī, i. e. vi-ā-ava-kruś + a + ī, f. Mutual imprecation.

vyāvabhāṣī vyāvabhāṣī, i. e. vi-ā-ava-bhāṣ + a + ī, f. Mutual abuse or imprecation.

vyāvarta vyāvarta, i. e. vi-vā-vṛt + a, m.
     1. Going round, revolving.
     2. Encompassing.
     3. Choosing, appointing.

vyāvartakatā vyāvartakatā, i. e. vi-ā-vṛt + aka + tā, f. Excluding, Vedāntas. in Chr. 213, 18.

vyāvartana vyāvartana, i. e. vi-ā-vṛt + ana, n.
     1. Rolling round.
     2. A volute, Kir. 5, 30.
     3. A band.
     4. Encompassing.

vyāvahārika vyāvahārika, i. e. vyavahāra + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Active, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 6.
     2. Usual, customary.
     3. Judicial, relating to trials, Man. 8, 78.
II. m. A counseller, Rām. 2, 51, 13, ed. Seramp. (thus to be read).
III. n. Use, Man. 8, 164.

vyāvṛti vyāvṛti, i. e. vi-ā-vṛ + ti, f.
     1. Covering, screening.
     2. Exclusion, exception (? see the next).

vyāvṛtti vyāvṛtti, i. e. vi-ā-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Rolling back.
     2. Surrounding, screening.
     3. Rejection, exclusion, exception, Kumāras. 2, 27.
     4. Choice.
     5. Praise.

vyāsa vyāsa, i. e. vi- 2. as + a, m.
     1. Extension, diffusion.
     2. Distinction, detail.
     3. A sage, the supposed compiler of the Vedas and Purāṇas, Lass. 49, 2; Chr. 45, 17.

vyāsaṅga vyāsaṅga, i. e. vi-ā-sañj + a, m.
     1. Addition.
     2. Attachment, Bhartṛ. 1, 66; sitting on, Mālat. 153, 4.
     3. Separation, detachment.
     4. Perplexity, confusion, Lass. 2. ed. 67, 22.

vyāhāra vyāhāra, i. e. vi-ā-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Voice, a word, speech, Utt. Rāmac. 104, 5.
     2. Humorous speech, jest.

vyāhṛti vyāhṛti, i. e. vi-ā-hṛ + ti, f.
     1. Voice, speech.
     2. A word.
     3. A mystical word, as om, Svar, Man. 2, 78.

vyucchettṛ vyucchettṛ, i. e. vi-ud-chid + tṛ, m. f. trī, and n. Who or what destroys.
-- Comp. a-, m. a protector, MBh. 12, 2901.

vyuti vyuti, i. e. vi-ve + ti, f.
     1. Weaving.
     2. Sewing.

vyutkrama vyutkrama, i. e. vi-ud-kram + a, Inverted order, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 7.

vyutthāna vyutthāna, i. e. vi-ud-sthā + ana, n.
     1. Completion of religious meditation, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 16.
     2. Independence.
     3. Obstruction, hindering.
     4. Opposition, doing that which is prohibited.

vyutpatti vyutpatti, i. e. vi-ud-pad + ti, f.
     1. Conversancy with literature or science.
     2. Etymology.

vyudāsa vyudāsa, i. e. vi-ud- 2. as + a, m.
     1. Throwing away, Nalod. 4, 14 (loss).
     2. Indifference to, disregard for.

vyupadeśa vyupadeśa, i. e. vi-upa-diś + a, m. Pretext.

vyuparama vyuparama, i. e. vi-upa-ram + a, m. Cessation, Utt. Rāmac. 159, 6.

vyupaśama vyupaśama, i. e. vi-upaśama, m. Not ceasing (at the end of a comp. adj.), Mālat. 86, 17.

vyuṣ † 1. vyuṣ, or pyuṣ pyuṣ, i. 4, Par. To burn (cf. uṣ).

vyuṣ † 2. vyuṣ, or pyuṣ pyuṣ, pyus pyus, puṣ puṣ, vyus byus, or bus bus, i. 4, Par. To divide.

vyuṣ † 3. vyuṣ, or pyuṣ pyuṣ, pus pus, i. 10, Par. To reject.

vyuṣṭa vyuṣṭa, i. e. the ptcple. of the pf. pass. of vi- 2. vas,
I. Dawned.
II. n.
     1. Dawn.
     2. Day.
     3. Fruit.

vyuṣṭi vyuṣṭi, i. e. vi- 2. vas + ti, f.
     1. Dawn, Chr. 287, 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6.
     2. Fruit, consequence.
     3. Increase.
     4. Praise, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 22.

vyūha vyūha, i. e. vi-ūh + a, m.
     1. Military array, Man. 7, 187.
     2. An army, Ragh. 7, 51; squadraon, Man. 7, 188.
     3. A flock, a multitude, Nal. 12, 30.
     4. Logic.
     5. Making.
     6. The body.
-- Comp. garbha-, m. a kind of array, MBh. 6, 3850; 3851. cakra-, m. the array in a circle, ib. 7, 1441. daṇḍa-, m. the array in line, Man. 7, 187. maṇḍala-, m. the array in a circle, cf. Pañc. 9, 14.

vyūhana vyūhana, i. e. vi-ūh + ana, n.
     1. Arraying.
     2. Structure of the body.

vye vye (i. e. vi-i), i. 1, Par. Ātm. To cover. Ptcple. pf. pass. vita, placed, bound, Vikr. d. 157.
-- With the prep. ā ā, āvīta, Enveloped, Bhāg. P. 3, 31, 4.
-- With upa upa, upavīta, n. The cord worn by the three first classes of the Hindus over the left and under the right shoulder, Man. 2,
     44. Comp. yajña-, n. the sacrificial cord.
-- With ni ni, nivīta, n. The brahmanical thread suspended round the neck, in which manner it is worn on some occasions.
-- With pari pari, parivīta,
     1. Surrounded, Kir. 5, 42; invested.
     2. Covered, clothed, Ragh. 15, 77 (Calc.).
     3. Overspread, pervaded. n. The bow of Brahman.
-- With sam sam, saṃvīta,
     1. Surrounded.
     2. Covered, Rām. 3, 50, 12.
     3. Clothed, Rām. 3, 52, 9.
     4. Adorned, Ram. 3, 52, 30. Comp. su-, adj. well covered, Chr. 27, 4.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek]

vyokāra vyo-kāra (vyo is perhaps an imitative sound), m. A blacksmith.

vyoman vyoman, n.
     1. The sky, atmosphere, heaven, Pañc. ii. d. 21; Vikr. d. 20.
     2. AEther, Bhāṣāp. 2.
     3. Water.
     4. A temple sacred to the sun.

vyoṣa vyoṣa, i. e. vi-uṣ + a, n. The aggregate of three spices, black pepper, long pepper, and dry ginger.

vraj vraj, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 2263),
     1. To go, Man. 2, 56; Pañc. i. d. 129 (viśvāse, To trust).
     2. To proceed, Hit. iv. d. 75.
     3. To pass away (as time), Pañc. 117, 9; Megh. 104.
     4. To go to (with acc.), Pañc. i. d. 325; to approach, Bhag. 18, 66; to visit for adultery, Man. 8, 383.
     5. To obtain, Pañc. i. d. 246.
     6. To undergo; with abstracts, to become that which the corresponding concrete noun signifies, e. g. Pañc. 33, 7, chātratām, to become a pupil; cf. Man. 3, 179; Śāk. d. 9; nir- vṛtim, To grow happy, Vikr. d. 28.
     7. With vyāpāram and loc. To rule over, Vikr. d. 58. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vrajita, Going. n. Roaming. Comp. dus-, n. a bad manner of going, MBh. 3, 14669. vrajyā, see s. v. Caus. To send. i. 10, Par.
     1. † To prepare, to adorn.
     2. † To go.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To follow, Man. 11, 111; to pursue, Pañc. i. d. 314 (saṅgam, To attach one's self).
     2. To visit in successive order, MBh. 3, 8266.
     3. To perform, Man. 2, 241.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To follow, MBh. 2, 1606.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To approach, Man. 2, 196.
     2. With punar, To return, MBh. 3, 10273.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To go to meet, Ragh. 1, 90.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To wander about as a mendicant, Man. 6, 33.
     2. To walk, MBh. 12, 5098. parivrajyā, see s. v.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To go away (from home), Man. 6, 39; cf. 34.
     2. To go in exile, Rām. 3, 53, 16. pravrajita, Gone away, Hit. 64, 4. m. A mendicant. f. , A female devotee, Man. 8, 363. n. Wandering about as a mendicant, Chr. 10, 5. pravrajyā, see s. v. Caus. To banish, MBh. 2, 2674.
-- With prati prati, To go near, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 96.
-- With upasam upa-sam, To go near, Man. 6, 51.
-- Cf. Goth. vrikan, persequi; A.S. wrecan; O.H.G. rehhan, wreh, exul; A.S. wraecca; probably Lat. ulciscor (or to rakṣ?).

vraja vraj + a, m.
     1. A road.
     2. A flock, a herd, Chr. 292, 3 = Rigv. i. 86, 3; a multitude, MBh. 6, 5441.
     3. A cow-pen, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4.
     4. The name of a district about agra and mathurā.
-- Comp. go-, m. 1. pasture ground for cattle, Man. 4, 52. 2. a proper name, MBh. 9, 2568. netra-, m. (pl.), all the eyes, Ragh. 6, 7.
-- Cf. perhaps Lat. vulgus (or = varga).

vrajana vraj + ana, n. Going, roaming, Pañc. 116, 24; exile, Pañc. iii. d. 268.

I. vraj + yā, f.
     1. March.
     2. Attack.
     3. Wandering about as a mendicant.
II. vraja + ya, f.
     1. A flock, a class, a tribe.
     2. A theatre.

vrañjvrañj (?), i. 1, Par. To go (cf. vraj).

vraṇ vraṇ, † i. 1, Par. To sound. i. 10 (cf. the next), Par. To wound, vraṇita (rather vraṇa + ita), Wounded, Utt. Rāmac. 94, 12.

vraṇa vraṇa, n.
     1. A wound, Pañc. 170, 25.
     2. A fracture, Man. 2, 47.
     3. A boil, a tumour, Hit. ii. d. 101.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. without any fracture, Man. 2, 47. 2. without a wound or perceivable injury, Suśr. 2, 311, 13(?). a-kṛta-, m. a proper name, Chr. 13, 11. nis-, adj. 1. unwounded, MBh. 7, 2742. 2. without a fracture, Man. 6, 53. vi-stārita-bahu-, (vb. stṛ), adj., f. ṇā, having made many wounds, Pañc. 171, 3.
-- Cf. Lat. vulnus; [greek] (i. e. [greek]), [greek]

vraṇin vraṇin, i. e. vraṇa + in, adj. Having boils, sores, Bhartṛ. 1, 63.

vrata vrata (an old ptcple. of the pf. pass. of vṛ), n.
     1. A (self-chosen) voluntary act, Chr. 43, 24; rule, Rām. 3, 53, 18; Bhartṛ. 2, 69.
     2. Action, doing, Man. 9, 304.
     3. Work, Chr. 295, 12 = Rigv. i. 92, 12.
     4. A devout act, Man. 2, 173; as fasting, continence, a vowed observance, a vow, Vikr. 37, 7; Pañc. 260, 13.
     5. Eating (cf. payas-vrata).
-- Comp. a-, adj. one who does not observe the rules of his order, Man. 3, 170. arka-, n. levying taxes, drawing the wealth of the people, as the sun evaporates water, Man. 9, 305. asi-dhārā-, n. a vow to stand on the edge of a sword, Pañc. 196, 15. ārya-, adj. one who observes the rules of the Āryas, or respectable men, MBh. 1, 7424. indu-, n. a kind of vow, MBh. 13, 1797. indra-, n. the duty of the king to distribute gratifications, Man. 9, 304. go-, adj. continent, MBh. 5, 3560. gaurī-, n. lasciviousness, Hit. 42, 2. daṇḍa-, n. judicial power, Bhāg. P. 4, 13, 22. dṛḍha-, adj. 1. one who observes his vows, Man. 11, 81. 2. persevering in observing one's vow, Sund. 1, 10. 3. persisting in, Rām. 3, 52, 52. deva-, adj. attached to the deities, pious, Bhāg. P. 1, 9, 1. dhṛta-, adj. attached, faithful, Rām. 3, 2, 18. niyama-, n. vow of penance, Pañc. 165, 9. nis-, adj. one who does not observe the religious precepts, MBh. 12, 1335. pati-,
I. n. fidelity to one's husband, ib. 13, 165; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 741.
II. f. , a faithful or virtuous woman, Pañc. iii. d. 151. payovrata, i. e. payas-,
I. n. the vow of living only on milk, Bhāg. P. 8, 16, 58.
II. adj., f. , nourished by milk alone, Man. 11, 144. brahmavrata, i. e. brahman- (n.), chastity, Pañc. 187, 6. madhu-, m. a bee. mahā-, adj., f. , one who has undergone great austerities, Chr. 17, 27; 40, 15 (read mahāvrataḥ). māruta-, n. the duty of a king to trace out everything by means of spies, cf. Man. 9, 306. mauna-, adj., f. , holding one's tongue, Pañc. 94, 8. yata- (vb. yam), adj. firm to an engagement or vow, Johns. Sel. 36, 12. yama-, n. the duty of a king to punish offences without partiality, cf. Man. 9, 305. rahasya-, n. the command of that mysterious power by which mystical weapons may be wielded. vipula-, adj. of great devotion, Johns. Sel. 4, 17. sam-śita- (vb. śi), adj. 1. one who has accomplished his vow, Man. 1, 104 (read saṃśita instead of śaṃsita). 2. faithful to a vow or obligation, Johns. Sel. 1, 1. satya-,
I. adj. veracious, honest, Rām. 3, 55, 38.
II. m. a proper name, Pañc. iii. d. 270. su-,
I. adj. rigidly observing any religious vow or obligation, virtuous, Chr. 58, 6.
II. f. . 1. a virtuous wife. 2. a cow easily milked. 3. a proper name, Śāk. 102, 22 (Prākṛ.). stuti-, m. a bard, a herald.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

vratati and vratati/ī (vb. vṛt). f.
     1. Spreading.
     2. A creeper, Śāk. d. 32.

vratastha vrata-stha, adj., f. thā, Engaged in religious austerities, Chr. 47, 35.

vratika -vratika, i. e. vrata + ika in vaka-, adj. Acting like a crane, hypocritic, Man. 4, 192.

vratin vratin, i. e. vrata + in,
I. adj. Engaged in a religious vow or obligation, pious, Pañc. i. d. 467.
II. m.
     1. An employer of priests.
     2. An ascetic.
     3. A religious student, Man. 2, 189; 4, 91; 11, 121.
-- Comp. go-, m. the name of a sort of anchorite, MBh. 5, 3559 (cf. go-vrata). deva-, adj. worshipping the deities, MBh. 13, 3534 (cf. deva-vrata). mahā-, m. 1. a devotee, an ascetic (cf. mahā-vrata). 2. a name of Śiva. vaka-, adj. acting like a crane, hypocritic, Man. 4, 197.

vrātīna vrātīna, i. e. vrata + īna, m. A hired labourer, Bhaṭṭ. 4, 12.

vraśc vraśc, i. 6, vṛśca, Par.
     1. To tear.
     2. To cut, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 41.
     3. To wound. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vṛkṇa, Broken, Bhaṭṭ. 12, 75.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. lacerare, ulcus.

vraścana vraśc + ana,
I. m. A small saw or chisel.
II. n. Cutting, wounding, Man. 5, 5.

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vrāji vrāji, i. e. vraj + i, f. (?), A whirlwind.

vrāta vrāta, probably vrata + a,
I. m.
     1. The company and attendants at a marriage feast.
     2. An assemblage, a multitude, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 19; Chr. 4, 19.
     3. The son of an outcaste.
II. n.
     1. Bodily labour.
     2. Day labour.
-- Comp. vṛṣavrāta, i. e. vṛṣan-, adj. abounding in drops of rain, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4.

vrātya vrātya, i. e. vrāta + ya,
I. m. An outcaste, Man. 2, 39.
II. f. , The daughter of an outcaste, Man. 8, 373.

vrātyatā vrātya + tā, f. The state of an outcaste, Man. 11, 62.

vrīvrī, ii. 9, vri/īṇā, vri/īṇī, Par. To choose. i. 4, Ātm. To be chosen.

vrīḍ vrīḍ, i. 4, Par.
     1. To be, or grow bashful, Vikr. 8, 17.
     2. † To throw. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. vṛḍita (perhaps rather vṛ10ḍā + ita), Ashamed, modest, Chr. 56, 18.

vrīḍa vrīḍa (m. and) f. ḍā,
     1. Shame, Rājat. 5, 338.
     2. Bashfulness, Bhartṛ. 2, 18.
-- Comp. sa-, adj., f. ḍā, 1. ashamed, Chr. 61, 42. 2. bashful, Chr. 5, 4; Vikr. 10, 12. 3. modest. °ḍam, adv. 1. with shame, ashamed, Pañc. 208, 13. 2. bashfully, Vikr. 28, 14.

vrīs vrīs, see vrūs.

vrīhi vrīhi (probably derived from vṛdh), m. Rice, Pañc. 167, 1 (pl. grains of rice).

vruḍvruḍ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To cover.
     2. To heap.
     3. To sink.

vrūṣ vrūṣ, see the next.

vrūsvrūs, or vrūṣ vrūṣ, kaṣ kaṣ, vrīs vrīs, i. 10, Par. To hurt or kill.

vraiheya vraiheya, i. e. vrīhi + eya, adj. Fit for, or sown with, rice.

vlī vlī, see blī.

vlekṣ vlekṣ, see vekṣ.


śaṃyu śaṃyu, i. e. śam + yu, adj. Happy.

śaṃva śaṃva, i. e. śam + va,
I. adj. Prosperous, happy, Bhaṭṭ. 4, 18.
II. m.
     1. Indra's thunderbolt.
     2. The iron head of a pestle.

śaṃvara śaṃvara, n. Water (see śambara).

śaṃs śaṃs, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 7687),
     1. To praise, MBh. 2, 2298; pass. śasya, Chr. 292, 4 = Rigv. i. 86, 4.
     2. To report, Man. 7, 116; Rām. 3, 55, 16.
     3. To say, Vikr. d. 105; MBh. 3, 2584.
     4. † To be unhappy.
     5. † To hurt. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. śasta.
     1. Best, excellent.
     2. Right, happy. n.
     1. Happiness.
     2. The body.
II. śaṃsita.
     1. Praised, Pañc. i. d. 195.
     2. Said.
     3. Wished.
     4. Calumniated.
     5. Certain. Man. 1, 104, read saṃśita. Comp. a-śasta, adj. 1. not praiseworthy, Rājat. 5, 13. 2. inauspicious, Lass. 16, 17. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. śasya.
     1. Praiseworthy, Pañc. i. d. 248; excellent.
     2. Desirable. n.
     1. Good quality, merit.
     2. Fruit (cf. sasya), Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 650.
     3. Corn, Hit. 46, 6, M. M. Comp. nava-, n. new grain, Man. 4, 26.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, abhiśasta,
     1. Accused, Man. 8, 373.
     2. Defamed, Man. 4, 211.
-- With ā ā,
I. Par.
     1. To report, Ragh. 1, 86.
     2. To conciliate, Draup. 5, 12.
II. Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 2, 1904).
     1. To wish, MBh. 3, 17171.
     2. To hope, Śāk. d. 48.
     3. To fear, Bhāg. P. 1, 13, 31.
     4. To believe, Rām. 2, 51, 14. āśaṃsita, Desired, Kir. 5, 52.
-- With samā sam-ā, To desire, MBh. 1, 6920.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To praise, Man. 3, 230; anomal. praśaṃsīyāt, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 975 = Cāṇ. 37 in Berl. Monastb. 1864, 409; absol. praśasya, Pañc. 98, 4.
     2. To recommend, Man. 5, 127.
     3. With na, To disapprove, to blame, Chr. 7, 12.
     4. To esteem, Man. 7, 209.
     5. To declare, Lass. 12, 18. praśasta, Good, Hit. iii. d. 74. Comp. a-praśasta, bad, inferior, Nalod. 20, 41. n. dirt, Man. 11, 255. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. praśasya, Good. Comparat. jyāyaṃs and śreyāṃs, superl. jyeṣṭha and śreṣṭha, see s. v. v.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To praise, MBh. 3, 11908.
-- Cf. Lat. censere, canere, Casmena, carmen, con-cinn + us; Goth. hazjan.

śaṃsā śaṃs + ā, f.
     1. Praise, Pañc. i. d. 80.
     2. Speech.
     3. Wish.

śaṃsin -śaṃs + in, adj.
     1. Announcing, Vikr. 60, 14; 65, 11.
     2. Showing, Śiś. 9, 77.

śaṃst śaṃst, see sas.

śaṃstṛ śaṃs + tṛ, m.
     1. A panegyrist.
     2. A flatterer.

śak śak, ii. 9, śaknu, Par., and i. 4, śakya, Par. Ātm.
     1. To endure, MBh. 3, 11277.
     2. To be able, Rām. 1, 42, 21; with the infin., Man. 7, 6; with the ptcple. in the signification of the infin., apūryāṃ pūrayann icchām śaknuyāt, He is not able to satisfy the insatiable desire, MBh. 12, 514.
     3. Impers. pass. To be fit to be done, MBh. 1, 6678.
     4. The pass. transfers its pass. signification to the infin. which it governs, e. g. na śakyante niyantum, Man. 2, 96 (They cannot be restrained); Hit. 11, 6, M. M. (nītiṃ grāhayituṃ śakyante, They are able to be taught good behaviour); with a ptcple. of the pass. of the Caus. instead of the infin., na śakyate nivartyamānā, Chr. 46, 23 (She cannot be induced to return). Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. śakta.
     1. Powerful, capable, Man. 2, 109.
     2. Able, Vikr. d. 72; with the infin., Man. 9, 10; with the loc. in the sense of an infin., MBh. 3, 2263; Pañc. iv. d. 28.
     3. Clever, Hit. ii. d. 74.
     4. Diligent, attentive, intent.
     5. Speaking civilly (cf. śac). Comp. a-, adj. powerless, Pañc. i. d. 362.
II. śakita, Able, i. e. could; transfers its pass. signification to the infin. which it governs, e. g. na śakitā netum, Rām. 1, 44, 53 (She could not be led). Ptcple. of the fut. pass. śakya.
     1. Easy to be overpowered, Pañc. iii. d. 53.
     2. Practicable, possible, Rām. 3, 53, 27; Chr. 8, 27.
     3. Transfers its pass. signification to the infin. which it governs, e. g. śakyā rakṣitum, Man. 9, 10 (They can be guarded).
     4. Superl. śakyatama, Most possible, Hit. iii. d. 115 (na śakyatamāḥ samīhitum, Are not at all to be aspired to). Comp. a-, adj. impossible, Hit. i. d. 89, M. M.; Chr. 57, 25. Anomal. desider. śikṣa, Par. Ātm. To learn, Man. 2, 20. śikṣita,
     1. Instructed, Pañc. 94, 20.
     2. Learned, Hit. ii. d. 154.
     3. Disciplined.
     4. Trained (as an animal).
     5. Docile.
     6. Modest, diffident.
     7. Skilful, clever, conversant. Caus. of the desider. śikṣaya, To teach, M.M. 2, 69.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anuśikṣita, Learned (by imitation), Utt. Rāmac. 63, 2. Caus. of the desider. To instruct, MBh. 1, 5761.
-- With ava ava, avaśakya, Possible, Caurap. 43.
-- With abhi abhi, Caus. of the desider. To instruct, MBh. 1, 8033.
-- With ā ā, desider. To impart, to grant, Chr. 297, 19 = Rigv. i. 112, 19.
-- With upa upa, desider. To learn, MBh. 3, 1790.
-- Cf. Lat. queo (for quecjo), ne-queo (nequinont, for ne-quic + nont), conari; O.N. hagr, dexter, hagna, prodesse.

śaka śaka,
     1. m. pl. The name of a people, Man. 10, 44.
     2. A particular caste.
     3. An era, especially that of Śālivāhana, commencing seventy-six or seventy-eight years after the Christian.

śakaca śakaca, Rājat. 5, 176 (? perhaps to be corrected to śakaja, A man of Śaka, i. e. Scythic extraction, or a proper name).

śakaṭa śakaṭa, probably for śak + atra,
I. m., f. ṭī, and n. A cart, Hit. i. d. 89, M. M. (n.); Pañc. 8, 15 (); Rām. 1, 33, 18 (ṭī); with prājāpatya, name of an asterism, Pañc. i. d. 239 (ṭā).
II. m.
     1. A cart-load.
     2. A Daitya slain by Kṛṣṇa.
III. m. or n.
     1. An implement for preparing grain, Man. 5, 117.
     2. A form of marching an army, 7, 187.
-- Comp. rohiṇī-, m. or n. an asterism, probably [greek] Tauri, Pañc. 50, 20.

śakaṭāra śakaṭāra, m.
     1. A bird of prey (a vulture?), Hit. ii. d. 97.
     2. and śakaṭāla śakaṭāla, A proper name, Kathās. 4, 104 (l).

śakaṭikā śakaṭikā, i. e. śakaṭī + ka, f. A small cart.
-- Comp. mṛcchakatikā, i. e. mṛd-, f. the cart made of clay, the toy-cart, title of a drama.

śakan śakan, see śakṛt.

śakala śakala (a form of śarkara by intermediate *śakkara, and with l for r, cf. śarkarā),
I. m. and n. A part, a portion, a piece, Utt. Rāmac. 46, 19; Pañc. iii. d. 193 (194); 262, 25; a potsherd, Man. 6, 28.
II. n.
     1. Skin.
     2. Bark.
     3. The scales of a fish.
     4. A kind of (black) pigment.

śakalin śakalin, i. e. śakala + in, m. A fish.

śakāra śakāra, m. A silly brotherin-law of a king.

śakuna śak + una (or rather śak + van + a, cf. śakunta),
I. m. A bird, Nal. 9, 12.
II. n. An omen; a. auspicious, Lass. 43, 5; b. inauspicious, Pañc. 52, 11 (kiṃ śakunakāranaṃ kiṃ cit saṃjātam, Has something come to pass caused by a bird, or by an inauspicious omen, i. e. has there happened a misfortune?).
-- Comp. a-, n. an inauspicious omen, Śiś. 9, 83.

śakuni śak + uni (see the last),
I. m.
     1. A bird, Pañc. iii. d. 140.
     2. The Indian kite, Falco cheela.
     3. A surname of the Aśvins, MBh. 1, 723.
     4. A proper name. Indr. 3, 9.
II. f. , A hensparrow. -- Probably akin to O.N. haukr; Danish, hog; O.H.G. habuh; A. S. hafoe.

śakunta śak + unta (or rather śak + vant + a, cf. śakuna), m.
     1. A bird, Pañc. i. d. 155.
     2. The Indian vulture.
     3. The blue jay.

śakuntaka śakunta + ka, m., f. tikā, A bird, Utt. Rāmac. 29, 4.

śakuntalā śakunta + lā, f. A proper name, Śāk. 3, 5.
-- Comp. abhijñāna-, n. (suppl. nāṭaka, a drama), having as subject Śakuntalā, recognised by a token of remembrance, Śāk. 3, 12.

śakunti śakunti (cf. śakunta), m. A bird, Utt. Rāmac. 69, 6.

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śakula śakula, m. A fish (cf. śakalin).

śakṛt śakṛt, and sakṛt sakṛt (for original skṛt, from the old form of the vb. kṛ10), n., the base of some cases is śakan, Faeces, excrement, Man. 2, 182.
-- Cf. [greek] A.S. scearn; perhaps Lat. stercus and cerda in su-cerda (rather to śṛdh?), etc.; and Goth. spai-skuldrs, Spittle.

śakkara śakkara, and śakvara śakvara, i. e. śak + van + a (with r for n),
I. m. A bull.
II. f. ,
     1. A zone, a girdle.
     2. A woman of impure caste.

śakti śak + ti, f.
     1. Strength, Pañc. i.d. 265; with loc., Bhartṛ. 2, 60 (ātmadamane, in restraining or ruling one's self
     2. Power. Hit. pr. d. 31, M. M.
     3. The active power of a deity personified as his wife (as gauri of śiva, etc.), Kathās. 3, 62 (of the god of love); eight particular goddesses, brāhmī, etc. cf. Wilson, Hind. Th. 2. ed. ii. 52, n. ad Mālat. 74, 5.
     4. Signification, Bhāṣāp. 79.
     5. Allaying opposition.
     6. An iron spear or dart, MBh. 5, 5259; a sword, Mālat. 82, 16.
-- Comp. a-, f. want of strength, Bhartṛ. 2, 44. ananta-, Amara-, Ugra-, Deva-, Bahu-, m. proper names, Pañc. 3, 11, 12; 183, 20. ātmaśakti, i. e. ātman-, f. one's own strength or power, Hit. pr. d. 31, M. M. yathā-, adv. to the utmost of one's power, Hit. ii. d. 51; Lass. 59, 1. rati-, f. the faculty of enjoying love, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2077. śiva-, m. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 131.

śaktitas śakti + tas, adv. According to power or ability, Pañc. 161, 24.

śaktitā -śakti + tā, in bhojana-, f. The faculty of enjoying food, Cāṇ. 40 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 409.

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śaktidhara śakti-dhara, m. A name of Skanda, the god of war.

śaktimant śakti + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Powerful, mighty, Pañc. iii. d. 14.
     2. Able, ib. iii. d. 169.
     3. Having gained a fortune or a competence, Man. 10, 98.

śaktu śaktu, and saktu saktu, m. and n., according to some authorities only m. pl. (Pañc. 252, 10, with s), The flour of barley and other grain first fried and then ground, Hit. 114, 22 (ś).
-- Comp. dadhi-, pl. fried meal mixed with curds, MBh. 13, 5049.

śaknu śak + nu (cf. śac), adj. Speaking civilly.

śakra śak + ra, m.
     1. Indra, Rām. 3, 54, 8.
     2. A king(?), Rām. 3, 49, 41 (cf. Gorr. n.).
     3. The name of two trees, Pentaptera arjuna and Nerium antidysentericum.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. exceeding Indra, Arj. 4, 41.

śakla śak + la (cf. śac), adj. Affable.

śakvan śak + van,
I. m. An elephant.
II. f. varī, A river. Cf. śakkara.

śakvara śakvara (cf. śakkara),
I. m. A bull.
II. f. .
     1. A finger-ring.
     2. A zone. Cf. the last.

śaṅk śaṅk, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Rām. 2, 90, 15),
     1. To hesitate, to be uncertain, Rām. 3, 49, 16.
     2. To doubt, MBh. 3, 16512.
     3. To think probable, to believe, MBh. 4, 97; to think, Vikr. d. 55.
     4. To distrust, to suspect, MBh. 3, 2327.
     5. To fear, Vikr. 66, 10; MBh. 3, 2274. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śaṅkita.
     1. Suspicious, Pañc. 187, 4; alarmed, frightened, Rām. 3, 52, 48.
     2. Being fearful of (with gen. and abl.), Pañc. 100, 9.
     3. Doubtful, uncertain.
     4. Weak. unsteadv. Comp. nitya-, adj. constantly suspicious, Hit. i. d. 24, M. M. Caus. To frighten, Mālav. 44, 13.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To suspect, Rām, 2, 52, 57.
     2. To fear, Rām. 2, 22, 30.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To be uncertain, Man. 8, 96.
     2. To doubt, Matsyop. 34. abhiśaṅkita,
     1. Suspecting, Chr. 14, 26.
     2. Afraid, Mālat. 143, 3.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To hesitate, Pañc. i. d. 437 (with ptcple. in the sense of an infin.).
     2. To doubt. Śāk. 66, 19.
     3. To think probable, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 2.
     4. To suspect, to apprehend, Mālat. 69, 19; Man. 7, 183.
     5. To fear, Utt. Rāmac. 62, 4.
-- With nis nis, niḥśaṅkita (rather śaṅkita with nis),
     1. Not hesitating, Pañc. 217, 12.
     2. Careless, ib. 161, 16.
-- With pari pari, To suspect, MBh. 3, 10356; with doṣeṇa, a crime or sin, Nal. 24, 26. pariśaṅkita,
     1. Suspected, Chr. 54, 15.
     2. Suspecting, Chr. 18, 36.
     3. Fearful, Lass. 2. ed. 61, 32.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To doubt, MBh. 1, 2966.
     2. To suspect, Śāk. d. 114.
     3. To fear, Mālat. 70, 13; Pañc. ii. d. 178. a-viśaṅkita, adj. Fearless, Vikr. 81, 11.
-- With nirvi nis-vi, nirviśaṅkita (rather viśaṅkita with nis), acc. °tam, adv. Without hesitation, Hariv. 7335.
-- With sam sam, To suspect, MBh. 4, 568.
-- Cf. Lat. cunc + tari; A.S. hangian; Goth. and O.H.G. hugjan; Goth. hugs; A.S. hige, hyge, hogu, hygian, hyggan, hiegan, hogian; O.H.G. hugu.

śaṃkara śaṃkara, i. e. śam-kṛ + a,
I. adj.
     1. Causing happiness, Padmap. 2, 6.
     2. Auspicious.
II. m.
     1. Śiva, Hariv. 15408; Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 20.
     2. A proper name, Lass. 2. ed. 87, 16.

śaṅkā śaṅk + ā, f.
     1. Doubt, uncertainty, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 13; Kir. 5, 42 (at the end of a comp. adj., f. ); error, 5, 38.
     2. Presumption, Nal. 24, 3.
     3. Hope, Bhartṛ. 3, 5.
     4. Fear, Pañc. 238, 21; apprehension, Hit. i. d. 23, M. M.
-- Comp. a-śaṅka, adj. without fear, regard, Hit. i. d. 80, M. M. °kam, adv. courageously, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 11. nis-śaṅka, adj. 1. without hesitation, Pañc. 24, 13 (regardless). 2. fearless, Pañc. 123, 25. °kam-, adv. without fear, Hit. ii. d. 163. vita-, i. e. vi-ita-, adj. fearless. sa-, adj. fearful, doubtful.

śaṅkin śaṅkin, i. e. śaṅk, and śaṅkā, + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Fearful of, Rājat. 5, 144.
     2. Suspecting, Hit. iv. d. 101.
     3. Full of danger, Pañc. i. d. 216.

śaṅku śaṅk + u, (partly śak + u, cf. śakti), m.
     1. Fear.
     2. Śiva.
     3. Kāma.
     4. A demon.
     5. Poison.
     6. Sin.
     7. A pin, Hit. iv. d. 69; a pale, a style, Man. 8, 271; a stake.
     8. The trunk of a lopped tree.
     9. A dart, Utt. Rāmac. 75, 12; a javelin, Pañc. 87, 12 (cf. Hiḍ. 2, 4); a weapon in general.
     10. A goose.
     11. An ant-hill.
     12. A skate.
     13. A number, ten billions.
     14. A tree, Shorea robusta.
-- Comp. tri-, m. the name of a king, Hariv. 730. danta-, n. an instraument for drawing out teeth, Suśr. 1, 26, 12. loha-, m. 1. an iron pike. 2. a hell, Man. 4, 90.

śaṅkura śaṅk + ura, adj. Formidable.

śaṅkulā śaṅku + lā, f. A pair of sciasors (cf. danta-śaṅku).

śaṅkha śaṅkha,
I. m. and n. The conen-shell used as a vessel for offering libations, and for blowing as a horn, Pañc. 20, 8.
II. m.
     1. A shell, Pañc. iv. d. 76; 158, 4.
     2. A military drum.
     3. The temple or temporal bone, Lass. 2. ed. 13, 13.
     4. An elephant's cheek.
     5. A large number, ten or a hundred billions.
     6. One of Kuvera's treasures, Pañc. ii. d. 12.
     7. A particular perfume.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. 1. the forehead. 2. a thousand millions. 3. one of Kuvera's treasures. sa-, adj. with a conch-shell. saṃdhyā-, m. the conch proclaiming (by its sounding) the evening hour, Mālat. 41, 16. sthūla-, adj., f. khā, having a large vulva, Lass. Pentap. 65, 16. hema-, m. Viṣṇu (cf. Pañc. 44, 15, sqq.).
-- Cf. [greek]

śaṅkhaka śaṅkha + ka,
I. m. and n.
     1. The conch-shell.
     2. The temples, Yājñ. 3, 93.
     3. Pain in the temples and forehead.
II. n. A bracelet.

śaṅkhadhma śaṅkha-dhma (vb. dhmā), m. A shell-blower.

śaṅkhin śaṅkhin, i. e. śaṅkha + in,
I. adj. Having a shell or shells.
II. m.
     1. The ocean.
     2. A shell-blower.
     3. A worker in shells.
     4. Viṣṇu (cf. hema-śaṅkha).
III. f. inī.
     1. One of the four classes into which females are divided.
     2. A female spirit.

śacśac, I. 1, Ātm. To speak (cf. śak).

śaci and śacī śacki/ī (vb. śak, cf. śakra), f.
     1. The wife of Indra, Rām. 3, 54, 26 (ī).
     2. , Strength, Chr. 296, 8 = Rigv. i. 112, 8.

śañc śañc, see śvañc.

śaṭśaṭ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be diseased.
     2. To divide.
     3. To be dissolved.
     4. To be low-spirited.
     5. To go.
-- Cf. 2. śaṭh.

śaṭā śaṭā, see saṭā.

śaṭh † 1. śaṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To deceive.
     2. To kill or hurt.
     3. To suffer pain. i. 10, Par. To be lazy.

śaṭh † 2. śaṭh, śaṭ śaṭ, śal śal, i. 10, Atm. To praise, to flatter.

śaṭh † 3. śaṭh, śvaṭh śvaṭh, i. 10, śathaya, śvaṭhaya, Par.
     1. To speak ill.
     2. To speak well.
     3. To be true.

śaṭh † 4. śaṭh, śvaṭh śvaṭh, śvaṇṭh śvaṇṭh, saṭh saṭh, svaṭh svaṭh, i. 10, Par.
     1. To finish, to adorn.
     2. To leave unfinished or unadorned.

śaṭha śaṭha, probably akin to śatru, cf. śatera, perhaps a form of *śatra,
I. adj. Wicked, dishonest, perfidions, Lass. 31, 17; Hit. ii. d. 115.
II. m.
     1. A rogue, a knave, Man. 7, 123.
     2. A false husband or lover, Lass. 45, 5; Śṛṅgārat. 10; Mālav. d. 55 (read śaṭha).
     3. An idler.
     4. A blockhead.
     5. A mediator.
-- Comp. a-, adj. honest, Man. 3, 246. danta-, m. common lime, Ferronia elephantum Corr., and Averrhoa carambola Lin., Suśr. 1, 157, 5.

śaṇśaṇ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To give (cf. śraṇ).
     2. To move(?).

śaṇa śaṇa, n.
     1. Hemp, MBh. 3, 16350.
     2. Bengal San, a plant from which a kind of hemp is prepared, Crotalaria juncea.
     3. (for *śarṇa, i. e. śṛ10 + na), An arrow.
-- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. hanaf. A.S. haenep (borrowed).

śaṇasūtramaya śaṇa-sūtra + maya, adj., f. , Consisting of śaṇa-threads, Man. 2, 44.

śaṇṭha śaṇṭha, m. An eunuch (cf. śaṇḍa).

śaṇḍśaṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To disease.
     2. To collect.

śaṇḍa śaṇḍa,
I. m. n. A collection of lotus flowers.
II. m.
     1. An eunuch.
     2. An impotent man.
     3. A bull at liberty (cf. śaṇṭha and śaṇḍha).

śaṇḍha śaṇḍha, m.
     1. An eunuch.
     2. An attendant on the women's apartments.
     3. A bull at liberty (cf. the last, ṣaṇḍa, and ṣaṇḍha).

śata śata, numeral, n. (also m., Nal. 15, 6, śataṃ śatās, ten thousand), A hundred, Chr. 28, 20 (pl.); nom. in the sense of an instr. (i. e. indecl.), Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. i. 48, 7.
-- Comp. adhyardha-, i. e. adhi-ardha-,
I. n. a hundred and fifty.
II. adj. consisting of a hundred and fifty, MBh. 1, 102. ardha-, n. a hundred and fifty, Man. 8, 331. aṣṭaśata, i. e. aṣṭan-, n. eight hundred, Yājñ. 1, 302. eka-, n. a hundred and one; with gavām, a hundred cows and one bull, Man. 11, 129 (cf. 127). tāvacchata, i. e. tāvant-, adj., f. , containing so many hundreds, Man. 1, 69. tri-,
I. n. three hundred, Rām. 1, 13, 31 Gorr.
II. adj. three hundredth, MBh. 3, 12. daśaśata, i. e. daśan-, n., and f. , a thousand, MBh. 3, 2658 (ta); Rājat. 5, 71 (). daśaraśmi-, i. e. daśan-, adj. (having a thousand rays), epithet of the sun, Ragh. 8, 29. dvi-,
I. n. 1. two hundred. 2. hundred and two.
II. adj. 1. amounting to two hundred, Man. 8, 257. 2. two hundredth, MBh. i. adhy. 200, sqq. pañcaśata, i. e. pañcan-,
I. n., and f. , five hundred, Man. 8, 384 (ta); Kathās. 44, 77 ().
II. adj. 1. five hundred, MBh. 3, 15723. 2. amounting to five hundred, Yājñ. 2, 301. 3. paying an amercement of five hundred, Man. 8, 376. paraḥśata, i. e. paras-, adj., f. , more than a hundred, MBh. 6, 4267.
-- Cf. Lat. centum; [greek] ([greek]); Goth. and A.S. hund.

śataka śata + ka,
I. adj. Hundred.
II. (m.?), n. A century, a collection of a hundred stanzas, Bhartṛ. title.

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śatakhaṇḍamaya śata-khaṇḍa + maya, adj. Consisting of a hundred pieces, Bhartṛ. 3, 16 (cf. khaṇḍa).

śataghnī śataghnī, i. e. śata-han + ī, f.
     1. A kind of weapon, Arj. 6, 16.
     2. A female scorpion.
     3. A disease of the throat.

śatatama śata + tama, ord. num., f. , Hundredth, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 15.
-- Comp. dvi-, adj. two hundredth, Hariv. adhy. 200. tri-, adj. 1. three hundredth, Hariv. adhy. 300. 2. hundred and third, Rām. ii. adhy. 103. catuḥśatatama, i. e. catur-, adj. hundred and fourth, Rām. ii. adhy. 104. pañcaśatatama, i. e. pañcan-, adj. hundred and fifth, Rām. ii. adhy. 105. navaśatatama, i. e. navan-, adj. hundred and ninth, Rām. vi. adhy. 109. dvāviṃśati-, i. e. dvi-viṃśati-, adj. hundred and twenty-second, Rām. ii. adhy. 122 Gorr.

śatadru śata-dru, f. The name of a river, the Setlej, MBh. 1, 6753.

śatadhā śata + dhā, adv.
     1. In a hundred ways, hundred-fold, Man. 12, 115.
     2. In a hundred pieces, Pañc. 94, 16.

śatabhiṣaj śata-bhiṣaj, and śatabhiṣā śatabhiṣā (a mutilation of bhiṣaj), f. A lunar mansion.

śatamāna śata-māna, m. and n.
     1. A pala of silver, Man. 8, 137 (m.).
     2. A measure so termed.

śatayojanavat śata-yojana + vat, adv. As if a hundred yojanas large, Panc. i. d. 147.

śataśas śata + śas, adv. By hundreds, a hundred-fold, Chr. 30, 8; 36, 22.

śataśākhatva śata-śākha + tva (cf. śākhā), n. Condition of having many branches, of being much increased, Rājat. 5, 376.

śatasaṃghaśas śata-saṃgha + śas, adv. By hundreds, Arj. 10, 23.

śatin śatin, i. e. śata + in,
I. adj. Consisting of hundreds, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15.
II. m. One who is possessed of a hundred, Pañc. v. d. 69.

śatera śatera (cf. śatru), m.
     1. An enemy.
     2. Injury.

śattri śattri, m. An elephant.

śatru śatru (rather śattru śattru, i. e. probably śad or śat, for śātaya, Caus. of śad, + tru, cf. Goth. hats; A.S. hate, héte; perhaps Lat. hod in odisse, hestis, and below), m. An enemy, a foe, Pañc. i. d. 131.
-- Comp. indra-, m. Prahlāda, Ragh. 7, 32. krauñca-, m. the god of war, Mṛcch. 173, 15. deva-, m. 1. an Asura, MBh. 7, 6296. 2. a Rākṣasa, Rām. 6, 36, 83. bahu-, adj. having many enemies, Kathās. 4, 106. vibudha-, m. a demon, Vikr. d. 3. vṛtra-, m. Indra.
-- Cf. [greek]

śatruṃsaha śatruṃsaha, i. e. śatru + m-sah + a, adj. Bearing, or patient with an enemy.

śatrughna śatru-ghna,
I. adj. Killing a foe.
II. m. a proper name, utt. Rāmac. 31, 9.

śatruṃjaya śatruṃjaya, i. e. śatru + m-ji + a,
I. adj. Subduing an enemy.
II. m.
     1. A proper name, Draup. 2, 11.
     2. An elephant.
     3. The name of a mountain.

śatrutas śatru + tas, adv. From any enemy, Nal. 14, 18.

śatrutā śatru + tā, f., and śatrutva śatru + tva, n. Enmity, hostility, Pañc. ii. d. 32; Cāṇ. 19 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408.

śatvarī śatvarī, i. e. śam + tvan + ī (cf. śamanī, s. v. śamana, r for n), f. The night.

śad śad substitutes in the pres., imperf., imperat., and potent. the pass. of śī, viz. śīya; in the remaining forms, Par. To fall, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 77 (śīya). Caus.
I. śātaya (probably a denomin., perhaps from an anomal. ptcple. of the pf. pass. śāta for śatta, cf. the substitution of a vowel long by nature for one long by position, and vice versā in the Prākṛ. languages), To fell, to throw down, Rām. 1, 66, 10. śātita, Cut off, Rām. 1, 66, 12, Seramp.
II. śādaya, To drive, Pāṇ. vii. 3, 42.
-- With the prep. pra pra, Caus. śātaya, To break off, MBh. 1, 5561.
-- With vi vi, Caus. śātaya, To break to pieces, MBh. 3, 11971.
-- With sam sam, Caus. śātaya, The same, MBh. 3, 865.
-- Cf. Lat. cadere.

śada śad + a, also (but wrongly) sada sada, m. Any edible vegetable proluct, as fruits, Man. 8, 151; 241 (with s).

śadri śad + ri,
I. m.
     1. A cloud.
     2. An elephant.
     3. Arjuna.
II. f. lightning.

śanakais śanakais, i. e. śana + ka, instr. pl. (cf. śanais), adv.
     1. By degrees, gradually, Man. 7, 172.
     2. In every case that arises, Man. 7, 116.
     3. Mildly, Śiś. 9, 26; Chr. 41, 5.

śani śani (cf. śanais), and śanaiścara śanaiścara, i. e. śanais-cara, m. The planet Saturn, Pañc. 50, 19 (śanaiścara); Rām. 2, 52, 15 (śanaiścara).

śanais śanais (probably for śamnais, instr. pl. of an old ptcple. pf. pass. of śam), adv. (properly 'With intervals of quiet').
     1. Hesitating, slowly, Vikr. 71, 18; stealthily, Vikr. d. 56.
     2. Mildly, Chr. 32, 27.
     3. Successively, by little and little, Rājat. 5, 470; at will, independently.
     4. Doubled, śanaiḥśanais, adv. By little and little, Man. 3, 233; successively, Pañc. 212, 1; step by step, 35, 8.

śaṃtāti śaṃtāti, i. e. śam + tāṭi, f. Happiness, yielding bliss, Chr. 297, 20 = Rigv. i. 112, 20.

śap śap, i. 1 and 4, Par. Ātm. (the original signification was probably 'To cry aloud'),
     1. To execrate, to curse. Man. 3. 58.
     2. With the dat., To revile, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 33.
     3. To swear, Man. 8, 110.
     4. To assure by an oath, Rām. 2, 11, 8. Caus.
     1. To cause to swear, Man. 8, 113 (with the instr. of the object by which one is sworn).
     2. To conjure; śapitāsi jīvitena, You are conjured by the life of, Mālat. 129, 10.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To execrate, Rām. 2, 41, 3.
-- With pari pari, The same, Bhaṭṭ. 4, 33.
-- Cf. probably [greek] cf. the frequent. śaṃśap.

śapa śap + a, m.
     1. An imprecation.
     2. An oath.

śapatha śap + atha, m.
     1. An imprecation, curse, Pañc. 62, 2; cursing.
     2. An oath, asseveration by oath or ordeal, Man. 8, 109; 190; Pañc. i. d. 130.
     3. Conjuration, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 8.

śapana śap + ana, n.
     1. A curse.
     2. An oath.

śapha śapha, m. and n.
     1. A hoof in general, Man. 10, 89.
     2. A horse's hoof.
     3. The root of a tree.
-- Comp. eka-, adj. and sbst. any animal whose hoof is not cloven, Man. 10, 89. dvi-, adj. and sbst. any cloven-footed animal, Man. 11, 168. mukha-, adj. foulmouthed, scurrilous.
-- Cf. O.H.G. huof; A.S. hóf, The hoof of a horse.

śaphara śapha + ra, and saphara saphara, m., and f. , A small fish, Cyprinus Sophore, Pañc. ii. d. 87 (ra); Bhartṛ. 3, 94 ().

śabala śabala = śavala, q. cf.

śabd śabd, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from śabda), śabdaya and śabdāpaya, Par.
     1. To sound, Śiś. 11, 47; to bray, Pañc. 224, 9.
     2. To call, MBh. 3, 14400.
     3. To address, Rām. 2, 59, 7 (śabdāpaya). Ptcple. pf. pass. śabdita, n. Braying (of an ass), Pañc. 249, 6.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To declare, Man. 6, 82.
-- With sam sam, To say, MBh. 1, 3215.

śabda śabda, i. e. śap-da (vb. ), m.
     1. Sound, Pañc. 129, 15; noise, Pañc. 123, 24.
     2. A word, Vikr. d. 1.
     3. Grammar, Pañc. 4, 17; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 8.
-- Comp. jaya-, m. 1. a shout of victory. 2. the exclamation jaya, victory, Vikr. d. 35. tāla-, m. 1. noise produced by falling cocoanuts, Hariv. 3715. 2. noise produced by clapping the hands, applause, ib. 4111. niḥśabda, i. e. nis-, adj.
I. adj. soundless, noiseless, Megh. 112 (without speaking); Rām. 5, 3, 47.
II. n. silence, Rām. 4, 59, 3. sa-śabda, adj. proclaimed, Rājat. 5, 361. °dam, adv. with loud noise, Bhartṛ. 2, 86. sādhu-, m. a cry of 'Good.'

śabdaja śabda-ja, adj. Produced by words, by verbal communication, Bhāṣāp. 51.

śabdana śabd + ana,
I. adj. Sounding, sonorous.
II. n. Uttering sounds.

śabdāya śabdāya, a denomin. derived from śabda with ya, Ātm. To sound, to cry, Pañc. 254, 21; to bray, Pañc. 249, 5.

śam 1. śam, i. 4, śāmya, Par. (the original signification is 'To get tired'),
     1. To cease, Man, 2, 94.
     2. To grow calm, to be appeased, MBh. 2, 1936; to grow satisfied and pacified, Rājat. 5, 400.
     3. To be calm, undisturbed, MBh. 1, 6362.
     4. To sacrifice, Chr. 292, 12 = Rigv. i. 85, 12; Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 86, 8. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śānta.
     1. Hushed, stilled (as wind).
     2. Ceased, Hit. 80, 21; extinguished, Kir. 17, 16.
     3. Allayed, alleviated.
     4. Calm, undisturbed, Utt. Rāmac. 7, 7; tranquil, pacified, free from passions, Pañc. i. d. 181; content, Hit. i. d. 142, M. M.
     5. Meek, humble, Chr. 48, 10.
     6. Purified, cleansed.
     7. Repelled, MBh. 1, 212.
     8. °tam, adv.
a. Enough, Utt. Rāmac. 71, 2.
b. A prohibitive word, implying negation, Utt. Rāmac. 114, 1 (it must not befall), aversion, disgust, fie, for shame, heaven forbid, Śāk. 67, 13; Daśak. in Chr. 200, 13; hush, Utt. Rāmac. 10, 1.
     9. Killed, MBh. 1, 7523. m. An ascetic. n. Appeasing, pacifying. f. , A proper name, Utt. Rāmac. 103, 3; 173, 9. Caus., and i. 10,
I. śamaya.
     1. To cause to cease, to extinguish, Megh. 54; Hit. i. d. 87, M.M.
     2. To tame, Vikr. d. 156; to appease, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 6.
     3. To remove. MBh. 5, 238; to avert, Śāk. 7, 16.
     4. To subdue, MBh. 3, 14620.
     5. To desist, Johns. Sel. 48, 84.
II. śāmaya, Ātm. To look at or inspect.
-- With the prep. upa upa,
     1. To cease, MBh. 4, 1775.
     2. To grow quiet, MBh. 3, 1008. Caus. śāmaya,
     1. To allay, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 16; 17.
     2. To kill, MBh. 3, 8541.
-- With abhyupa abhi-upa, abhyupaśānta, Appeased, Ṛt. 1, 1.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To see, MBh. 2, 1740.
     2. To hear, Rām. 2, 44, 25. niśānta, Quiet, patient. n. A house, a dwelling, Ragh. 16, 40. Caus. śāmaya,
     1. To see, Rām. 1, 2, 6.
     2. To hear, 2, 57, 21.
-- With abhini abhi-ni, Caus. śāmaya, To perceive, Daśak. 201, 14.
-- With vini vi-ni, To hear, MBh. 3, 1878.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To hear, MBh. 2, 1658. Caus. śāmaya, To summon, Chr. 52, 10.
-- With pari pari, Caus. śamaya, To allay, Gīt. 7, 20.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To cease, Rām. 2, 40, 33; to fade, Man. 4, 186.
     2. To be restrained, Pañc. i. d. 357; to become extinguished, Pañc. iii. d. 54.
     3. To be appeased, soothed, Chr. 22, 14; Pañc. i. d. 315.
     4. To grow calm, MBh. 2, 1941.
     5. To heal, Pañc. 253, 23. praśānta,
     1. Ceased, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 16 (withdrawn).
     2. Dead, Rājat. 5, 21.
     3. Calmed, tranquillised, Nal. 26, 35; Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 21.
     4. Tamed, Lass. 53, 15.
     5. Relieved. Caus.
I. śamaya.
     1. To allay, MBh. 2, 12978; to soothe, Man. 8, 391.
     2. To extinguish, MBh. 1, 8156.
     3. To kill, MBh. 2, 2031.
II. śāmaya, To conquer, MBh. 3, 12196.
-- With sam sam, saṃśānta, Extinguished, Rām. 2, 66, 1. Caus. śamaya, To allay, Rām. 2, 98, 1; to settle, Pañc. i. d. 421.
-- Cf. [greek] (cf. ved. śam, ii. 9, śamnā), [greek] (cf. śamyā); O.H.G. chamo.

śam 2. śam,
I. (sbst.), Work, Chr., 293, 5 = Rigv. i. 87, 5.
II. indecl.
     1. Happy, happily, auspiciously.
     2. Hail, happiness, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 34; 8, 3, 23; Nalod. 3, 46.

śama śam + a, m.
     1. Rest, quiet, Śāk. d. 96; tranquillity.
     2. Disregarding the objects of sense, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 19.
     3. Quiet of mind, the absence of passion, Pañc. i. d. 181.
     4. Final happiness.
     5. Cure, Utt. Rāmac. 144, 13; convalescence.
     6. The hand.
     7. Abuse, imprecation.

śamaka śam + aka, adj. sbst. Pacifying, a pacifier.

śamatha śam + atha, m.
     1. Quiet, tranquillity of mind, absence of passion.
     2. A counsellor.

śamana śam + ana,
I. n.
     1. Calmness.
     2. End; with , To be destroyed, Pañc. iii. 31, v. r. (cf. my translation and Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1868).
     3. Immolation.
     4. Hurt, injury.
     5. Abuse, malediction.
II. m.
     1. An antelope,
     2. Yama.
III. f. , The night.

śamala śamala, n. Impurity, Bhāg. P. 2, 8, 5; calamity, 1, 13, 31.

śami and śami/ī, f.
I. A legume or pod.
II. .
     1. A tree, Acacia Suma Roxb., Pañc. 94, 1; Ragh. 3, 9.
     2. A shrub, Serratula anthelmintica.
III. A large stick, Man. 8, 237 (Sch.).
-- Comp. mahā-śamī, f. a large Acacia Suma, Pañc. 97, 15.

śamin śamin, i. e. śama + in, adj. Tranquil, tranquillised, Utt. Rāmac. 16, 6.

śampā śampā, f. Lightning.

śamb śamb, see śarb and samb.

śambara śambara, and sambara sambara,
I. m.
     1. The name of a demon, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14.
     2. A mountain.
     3. A sort of deer.
     4. A fish.
     5. War.
II. n.
     1. Water.
     2. A religious observance.

śambala śambala,
I. (m. and) n.
     1. Stock for travelling expenses.
     2. A bank, a shore.
     3. Envy.
II. f. , A procuress (cf. sambala).

śambu śambu (cf. the next), m. A bivalve shell.

śambūka śambūka (borrowed from [greek]),
I. m. (and f. ), A bivalve shell.
II. m.
     1. A conch-shell.
     2. A snail.
     3. The edge of the frontal protuberance of an elephant.
     4. The name of a Daitya.
     5. A proper name, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 1.

śambhu śam-bhu (vb. bhū), m.
     1. Śiva, Pañc. i. d. 175.
     2. Brahman.
     3. A sage man.
     4. A siddha, a demi-divine being.

śamyā śam + yā, f.
     1. The pin of a yoke, Kātyāyana S. in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. xxxvii.
     2. A sacrificial vessel, ib.
     3. A staff.

śamva śamva, n. The iron end of a pestle.

śaya śaya, i. e. śī + a,
I. adj. Aslecp, sleeping.
II. m.
     1. Sleep.
     2. A couch.
     3. A snake, boa-constrictor.
-- Comp. guhā-,
I. adj. 1. reposing in the heart, Bhāg. P. 3, 28, 19. 2. haunting caves, Suśr. 1, 200, 7.
II. m. 1. a tiger. 2. Viṣṇu. divā-, adj. sleeping by day, Ragh. 19, 34. nitya-, adj. sleeping always, MBh. 3, 10415.
-- Cf. [greek]

śayatha śayatha, i. e. śī + atha,
I. adj. Sleepy.
II. m.
     1. Death.
     2. A snake, boa-constrictor.

śayana śayana, i. e. śī + ana, n.
     1. Sleeping, reposing, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 1; sleep, Hit. pr. d. 28, M. M.
     2. A bed, a couch, Vikr. d. 51 (kusuma-, of flowers).

śayānaka śayāna + ka (vb. śī), m. The boa-constrictor.

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śayālu śayālu, śaya + ālu,
I. adj. Sleepy.
II. m.
     1. A snake, boa-constrictor.
     2. A dog.

śayin -śayin, i. e. śī + in, adj. Reposing, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 7.

śayu śayu, i. e. śī + u, m.
     1. A snake, boa-constrictor.
     2. A proper name, Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. i. 112, 16.

śayuna śayuna (see the last), m. The boa-constrictor.

śayyā śayyā, i. e. śī + yā, f. A bed, a couch, Pañc. 138, 11.
-- Comp. adhaḥśayya, i. e. adhas-,
I. adj. sleeping on the ground, Rām. 5, 66, 13.
II. f. , sleeping on a low bed, Man. 2, 108. garbha-, f. the womb, MBh. 12, 6758. pṛthak-, f. sleeping apart, Hit. ii. d. 52. bhū-, f. lying on the ground, Pañc. i. d. 301. mahā-, f. a throne. vīra-, f. a certain posture, Lass. 2. ed. 70, 55.

śayyāpālatva śayyā-pāla + tva, n. The office of guarding the bed (of a king), Pañc. 63, 22.

śara śara,
I. m.
     1. A sort of reed, Saccharum sara, Man. 8, 247; a reed, Pañc. 140, 25.
     2. An arrow (i. e. śṛ10 + a), Pañc. 224, 11.
     3. The cream of slightly curldled milk, Mālav. d. 43 (cream, cf. sara).
II. n. Water.
-- Comp. a-yugma- (having an odd number of arrows), m. Kāmadeva, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 22. kusuma- (having flowers instead of arrows), m. epithet of Kāma, Kathās. 26, 277. pañcaśara, i. e. pañcan- (having five arrows), m. Kāma, Prab. 72, 11. puṣpa-, m. Kāma. sa-, adj. furnished with arrows. hari-, m. Śiva.

śaraja śara-ja, n. Fresh butter.

śaraṭa śaraṭa, see saraṭa.

śaraṇa śaraṇa, n.
I. (akin to śri),
     1. A house, Pañc. i. d. 69; habitation, Lass. 2. ed. 67, 26.
     2. Refuge, Hit. i. d. 189, M. M.; protection, Pañc. 90, 5; 141, 11; 175, 12; help, Vikr. 19, 17; a protector.
II. (vb. śrī + ana), Killing.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without a refuge, helpless, Utt. Rāmac. 74, 10; Hit. 90, 1, M. M. aśaraṇī-kṛta, made helples, Pañc. i. d. 241. agni-, n. the sanctuary where the sacred fire is kept, Vikr. 35, 2.

śaraṇi śaraṇi (akin to śri), f.
     1. A row, a line.
     2. A road, a path.

śaraṇya śaraṇya, i. e. śaraṇa + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Needing protection, Lass. 2. ed. 90, 50; helpless, poor, miserable.
     2. Yielding protection, helping, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 3; Sāv. 1, 2; Chr. 17, 25.
II. n.
     1. A house.
     2. Refuge, protection, a protector.
     3. (i. e. śṛ10 + ana + ya), Injury, hurt.

śarad śarad, and śaradā śaradā (probably from śṛ10), f.
     1. The autumn, Pañc. v. d. 42 (rad).
     2. A year, Utt. Rāmac. 11, 8 (rad).
-- Comp. pariṇataśarad, i. e. pari-nata- (vb. nam), f. the latter part of autumn, Megh. 109.

śaradija śarad + i-ja, adj. Produced in autumn, Utt. Rāmac. 3, 18.

śaradvant śarad + vant, m. A proper name, Johns. Sel. 59, 176.

śaradhi śaradhi, i. e. śara-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. A quiver, Vikr. d. 18.

śaranmeghavat śaranmeghavat, i. e. śarad-megha + vat, adv. Like clouds of autumn, Hit. d. 91.

śarabha śarabha (cf. karabha), m.
     1. A fabulous animal with eight legs, stronger than a lion, Megh. 55.
     2. A young elephant.
     3. A camel.
     4. A grasshopper (cf. śalabha).
     5. A locust, Ṛt. 1, 23.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] A.S. crabba.

śaramaya śara + maya, adj., f. , Made or consisting of śara grass.

śarayu and śara + yu/ū (better sarayu/ū, q. cf.), f. The name of a river.

śarala śarala (cf. sarala),
I. adj.
     1. Upright, Pañc. iii. d. 69.
     2. Fraudulent(?).
II. m. A sort of pine, Rām. 5, 17, 15.

śaravaṇodbhava śaravaṇodbhava, and śaravaṇabhava śaravaṇabhava, i. e. śara-vana-ud-bhū + a, or -vana-bhava, m. A name of the god of war, Megh. 46 (°vaṇabh°).

śaravāṇi śaravāṇi, m.
     1. The head of an arrow.
     2. The maker of arrows.
     3. A foot-soldier (probably an anomal. derivation from śara + van).

śaravya śara + vya (or śaru + ya?), n. A butt, a mark for arrows, Śāk. d. 156; aim, Ragh. 11, 27.

śarāṭi śarāṭi, śarāḍi śarāḍi, śarāti śarāti, śarāri śarāri, and śarāli śarāli, f. A bird, Turdus ginginianus.

śarāya śarāya, a denomin. derived from śara with ya, Ātm. To become an arrow, Śṛṅgārat. 13.

śarāri śarāri, śarāli śarāli, see śarāṭi.

śarāru śarāru (vb. śṛ10), adj. Hurtful, mischievous.

śarāva śarāva, m. and n. (ŚKD.),
     1. A lid, a cover.
     2. A shallow cup or dish, Hit. 114, 22; Pañc. 174, 14; Man. 6, 56; a tray, Vikr. 45, 13; a vessel (figurat. niṣṭhīvana-, Aspittingbox), Bhartṛ. 1, 91.
     3. A measure equal to two kuḍavas.
-- Comp. śaktu-, m. a pot full of flour of barley, Hit. 115, 2.

śarāsana śarāsana, i. e. śara-asana, n.
     1. Shooting arrows.
     2. A bow, Vikr. d. 70.

śari śari, i. e. śṛ10 + ī, adj. Hurtful.

śariman and śarīman śari/īman, m. Bringing forth.

śarīra śarīra (vb. śṛ10), n.
     1. The body, Pañc. iii. d. 96.
     2. Life, Hit. iii. d. 103.
-- Comp. a-, m. Kāma, Śiś. 9, 61. liṅga-, n. the primary body, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 21. śeṣa-, n. the remaining body, i. e. all the other parts of the body, Pañc. 38, 8. sūkṣma-, n. atom-like body, a Vedāntic term, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 5.
-- Cf. perhaps A.S. hold, cadaver.

śarīraja śarīra-ja,
I. adj. Produced by the body.
II. m.
     1. A son.
     2. Disease.
     3. Kāma.

śarīrin śarīrin, i. e. śarīra + in,
I. adj., f. riṇī.
     1. Embodied, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 12.
     2. Living, Chr. 20, 20 (nahi vāṇā mayotsṛṣṭāḥ sajjanti śarīriṇāṃ kāyeṣu, For the arrows which I have shot do not stick in the bodies of living beings, i. e. all
I. hit with my arrows must die).
II. m.
     1. A sentient being, Rājat. 5, 20; Pañc. iii. d. 90; a man, Pañc. ii. d. 107.
     2. An embodied spirit, Man. 1, 53; 6, 64.
     3. The soul, Bhag. 2, 18; Bhāṣāp. 26.
-- Comp. a-, adj. incorporeal., Utt. Rāmac. 39, 19.

śaru śaru, i. e. śṛ10 + u (or rather śar + van, cf. [greek] + [greek]), m.
     1. An arrow.
     2. The thunderblot of Indra.
     3. Any weapon.
     4. Passion, anger.
-- Cf. Goth. hairus.

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śarkarā śarkarā (probably from vb. śṛ10, but cf. karkara), f.
     1. A potsherd.
     2. Gravel.
     3. Stone, Rājat. 5, 432.
     4. A part.
     5. A soil abounding in stony fragments.
     6. Clayed or candied sugar, Pañc. i. d. 423; 185, 21; Lass. 79, 16.
-- Comp. guḍa-, f. sugar, Suśr. 2, 457, 5. niḥśarkara, i. e. nis-, adj. free from stones, Rām. 1, 2, 6 Gorr. maṇi-śaṅkha-śarkara, adj. having shells and gravel consisting of jewels, Rām. 2, 63, 36, ed. Seramp. vṛhattuhinaśarkara, i. e. vṛhant-tuhina-, adj. full of great pieces of ice, Rājat. 3, 362.
-- Cf. Lat. calculus, calx; [greek] etc.

śarkarāvant śarkarā + vant, and śarkarila śarkarila, i. e. śarkarā + ila, adj., f. vatī, lā, Full of stony particles.

śardha śardha, i. e. śṛdh + a, m.
     1. A fart.
     2. A troop, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. 2. 64, 1.

śardhaṃjaha śardhaṃjaha, i. e. śardha + m-jaha (the latter is a mutilation of jahat, the ptcple. pres. of ), m. Any leguminous pulse (causing flatulence), as beans.

śarbśarb, i. 1, Par.
I. To kill.
II. and śamb śamb, To go (cf. śarv).

śarman śarman (vb. śri, cf. śaraṇa), n.
     1. Blessing, Chr. 292, 12 = Rigv. i. 85, 12 (ved. śarma for śarmāṇi).
     2. Happiness, delight, Indr. 3, 9; Draup. 8, 23.
-- Comp. A. śarman may be added at the end of all Brāhmaṇa names, as deva-, Viṣṇu-, m., MBh. 1, 2049; Hit. 11, 4, M. M.
B. a-, n. misery, Kir. 12, 25.

śarmavant śarmavant, i. e. śarman + vant, adj., f. vatī, Happy, auspicious, Man. 2, 32.

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śarmiṣṭhā śarmiṣṭhā, i. e. superl. of the last, f. A proper name, the wife of Yayāti, Śāk. d. 82; Mālav. 19, 11.

śaryā śaryā, i. e. śṛ10 + yā, f. Night.

śaryāta śaryāta, m. A proper name, Chr. 297, 17 = Rigv. i. 112, 17.

śarvśarv, sarv sarv, i. 1, Par. To kill (cf. śṛ10 and the next).

śarva śarva, i. e. śṛ10 + va (cf. śaru),
I. m. A name of Śiva, Pañc. ii. d. 169; Hariv. 15408.
II. f. śarvāṇī, Śiva's wife.

śarvaṭa śarvaṭa, m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 413.

śarvarī śarvarī, i. e. śṛ10 + van + ī, (with r for n, cf. śaru), f.
     1. Night, Man. 1, 66.
     2. A woman.
     3. Turmeric.
-- Cf. probably as akin, [greek]

śarvarīka śarvarī + ka, adj. Hurtful, mischievous.

śal śal, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To shake, to tremble (cf. cal).
     2. To cover. i. 1, Par. To go, to run. Cf. śval and śaṭh.
-- With the prep. ud ud, i. 1, Par. To start up, Śiś. 3, 37. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ucchalita.
     1. Starting up, bublling up, Pañc. i. d. 148.
     2. Uncovered, Vikr. 57, 19.
-- With prod pra-ud, To spirt out, Śiś. 2, 66.

śala śala, probably śṛ10 + a (with l for r),
I. m. and n. The quill of a porcupine.
II. m.
     1. A dart.
     2. A kind of field.
     3. Brahman.

śalaka śalaka, m. A spider; Pañc. iii. d. 179, read śalākāṃ.

śalabha śalabha (cf. śarabha), m.
     1. A grasshopper, Pañc. i. d. 369; iv. d. 58 (cf. pataṅga).
     2. A locust, Arj. 7, 24; Chr. 34, 13.

śalala śalala (cf. śala), n., and f. , The quill of a porcupine, Pāraskara, Gṛ. S. ii. 1, in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 532 ().

śalākā śalākā (cf. śala), f.
     1. A javelin.
     2. An arrow.
     3. A small stake, rod, the bar of a cage, Pañc. iii. d. 179; a rib of an umbrella, etc.
     4. A fibrous stick used as a brush or pencil, Suśr. 1, 33, 18; a pencil, Ragh. 7, 8.
     5. A porcupine.
     6. A piece of ivory used in particular games, a domino, MBh. 5, 1225 (read °kā-dhūrtān, Sharpers).
     7. A bone.
     8. A bird, Turdus gosalica.
-- Comp. ayas-kānta-, f. a magnetised needle, Mālat. 14, 15. niḥśalāka, i. e. nis-. adj. (properly, free from the birds called Turdus gosalica), lonely, Man. 7, 147. vaṃśa-, f. 1. the bamby pipe that forms the body of the lute. 2. any small bambu pin or stake, as the bar of a cage.

śalāṭu śalāṭu, adj. Unripe.

śalka śalka, probably śṛ10 + ka (with l for r), n.
     1. A part.
     2. The bark of a tree.
     3. The scale of a fish.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. a prawn or shrimp, Man. 3, 272. sa-, adj. scaly, Man. 5, 16.

śalbhśalbh, i. 1, Ātm. To boast.

śalya śalya, i. e. śala + ya,
I. m. and n.
     1. A dart, a javelin.
     2. An arrow, Utt. Rāmac. 46, 14; Chr. 30, 1 (m.).
II. m.
     1. A peg, a pin.
     2. A porcupine.
     3. A thorny shrub, Vangueria spinosa.
     4. A boundary.
     5. The name of a king, Johns. Sel. 50, 98.
III. n.
     1. Any stake or thorn, Bhartṛ. 2, 97.
     2. An iron crow.
     3. Any extraneous substance which has lodged in the body, as an arrow or thorn.
     4. Difficulty.
     5. Poison.
     6. Sin.
     7. Abuse.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. free from an arrow, MBh. 6, 3375. °yam, adv. free from pain or care, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 23. vi-, adj. 1. free from thorns or spikes, Rām. 6, 71, 24. 2. free from pain or care. sa-, adj. 1. pierced by a thorn or dart. 2. pierced, Vikr. d. 29. 3. troublesome, difficult.
-- Cf. [greek] pl.

śalyaka śalya + ka, m.
     1. A thron, a stake.
     2. A dart, a pike.
     3. A hedgehog, Man. 12, 65.
     4. A porcupine, ib. 5, 18; Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 22.

śalyavant śalya + vant, adj.
     1. Shooting arrows, one who has shot an arrow, Man. 9, 44.
     2. Set with stakes.
     3. Harassed with difficulties.

śallaka śallaka (cf. śalka and śalya),
I. m. A plant, Bignonia indica.
II. f. ,
     1. A porcupine.
     2. The gum olibanum tree, Boswellia thurifera, Vikr. d. 107.
III. n. Bark, rind.

śalva śalva, m. The name of a country.

śav śav, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To alter, to change, to destroy.

śava śava,
I. m. and n. A dead body, Man. 4, 108; Pañc. v. d. 24 (m.); Kathās. 4, 107 (m.).
II. n. Water.

śavara śavara, m.
     1. A barbarian tribe, a Śavara, Nalod. 3, 37.
     2. f. , A female of that tribe, Utt. Rāmac. 19, 14.
     3. Śiva.
     4. Water.
-- Comp. smara-, m. the śavara- like (i. e. cruel) god of love, Bhartṛ. 1, 94.

śavala śavala,
I. adj.
     1. Variegated, of a variegated colour, Mālat. 145, 12; grown or yellow, Vikr. d. 109 (cf. Wilson, Spec. of the Theatre of the Hind. 2. ed. i. 250, n.).
     2. Imitative.
     3. Articulated, Rājat. 5, 68 (divided, viz. by rivers).
II. f. .
     1. A brindled cow.
     2. The cow of plenty, Vaśiṣṭha's cow, Rām. 1, 52, 21.
III. n. Water.

śavalatva śavala + tva, n. Alternation, Mālat. 161, 5.

śavas śavas, i. e. śu (= śvi), + as, n.
     1. Power, strength, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8.
     2. A corpse.
-- Comp. satya-, adj. possessed of real strength, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 86, 8.

śaśśaś (originally śas, cf. śaśa and N.G. hast, Eng. to hasten, ś for s by assimilation), i. 1, Par. To jump, to move by leaping. Pres. ptcple. śaśant, Kir. 15, 5.

śaśa śaś + a (originally śasa, cf. O.H.G. haso; A.S. hara), m.
     1. A hare, Pañc. ii. d. 79; or rabbit.
     2. The spots on the moon, supposed to resemble the figure of a hare (cf. śaśadhara, sqq.).
     3. Gum myrrh.
     4. A tree, Symplocos racemosa.

śaśaka śaśa + ka, m. A hare, Hit. ii. d. 116.

śaśadhara śaśa-dhara, śaśabhṛt śaśa-bhṛ + t, śaśāṅka śaśāṅka, i. e. śaśa-aṅka, and śaśin śaśin, i. e. śaśa + in, m. The moon, Bhartṛ. 1, 40 (dhara); Pañc. i. d. 107 (śaśāṅka); Vikr. d. 8 (śaśin); 109 (śaśin); see śaśa.

śaśvant śaśvant (for original sa-śvant, vb. śvi; cf. [greek] and viśva, śāśvata), acc. n. vat, adv.
     1. Perpetually, Megh. 56; Hit. i. d. 211, M. M.
     2. Again and again.
-- Cf. [greek] i. e. mutilated [greek]

śaṣśaṣ, i. 1, Par. To hurt.

śaṣkula śaṣkula,
I. m. A plant, Galedupa arborea Roxb.
II. f. .
     1. The outer ear, Yājñ. 3, 96.
     2. Rice or barley water.
     3. A sort of pie.

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śaṣpa śaṣpa, and śaspa śaspa, Pañc. 9, 6 (probably from vb. śas; cf. vi-śas and śastra, properly, grass which may be cut), n.
     1. Young grass, Ragh. 2, 26; Vikr. d. 120 (read śaṣpa instead of śaṣya, Boll., and śasya, Calc.).
     2. Loss of intellect.
-- Cf. Lat. cespes, i. e. cespo + vit = śaspa + vant, Endowed with young grass.

śaṣpabhuj śaṣpa-bhuj, adj. sbst. A beast feeding on grass, Pañc. 102, 4.

śas śas (akin to śam, cf. e. g. yas and yam), i. 1, Par. To hurt, to kill, MBh. 3, 1638; cf. sas.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To hurt, Rām. 2, 11, 16 (figurat. To overpower by deceit); abhiśasta, Hurt, Man. 11, 112.
-- With pra pra, praśasta, Destroyed, removed, MBh. 12, 5067.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To dissect, Rām. 1, 13, 35.
     2. To sacrifice, MBh. 3, 10495.
     3. To kill, Nal. 11, 28. viśastc,
     1. Cut, dissected.
     2. Hurt, killed.
-- Cf. Lat. hostia; Goth. hunsl; A. S. husel.

śasana śas + ana, n. Immolation.

śastra śas + tra,
I. n. A sword, a scimitar, Pañc. 34, 15; Chr. 18, 33; 2.
II. f. trī, A knife, Bhartṛ. 1, 89.
III. n.
     1. A weapon in general, Vikr. 87, 2; Pañc. 263, 6; Nal. 11, 28 (an arrow).
     2. Iron.
     3. Steel.
     4. A hymn.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. surpassing weapons, Ragh. 12, 73. nis-, adj. disarmed, unarmed, Rājat. 5, 406. nyasta-, i. e. ni-asta-, adj. one who has laid down his weapons, epithet of the Manes, Man. 3, 192. mahā-, n. an excellent weapon, Chr. 25, 53. vi-, adj. disarmed, unarmed.
-- Cf. Lat. castrare.

śastradhara śastra-dhara, and śastrabhṛt 'astra-bhṛ + t, m. A warrior, Chr. 13, 5 (-bhṛt).

śastrāstrabhṛttva śastrāstrabhṛttva, i. e. śastra-astra-bhṛ + t + tva, n. Bearing arms for striking and throwing, Man. 10, 79.

śastrika -śastrika, substituted for śastra, as latter part of a comp. adj., Daśak. in Chr. 189, 6 in kaṇṭha-nyasta-, Having put a knife to (his) throat, and 201, 10, a-lakṣya- (my) sword not being noticed (properly against grammar, which prescribes śastraka with a, but perhaps for śastrin + ka).

śastrin śastrin, i. e. śastra + in, adj., f. iṇī, Armed, Rājat. 5, 58.

śaspa śaspa, see śaṣpa.

śasya śasya, see śaṃs.

śāka śāka, partly śak + a,
I. (m. and) n. A potherb, any vegetable, Man. 2, 246; Hit. i. d. 67, M. M.
II. m.
     1. Power.
     2. One of the seven dvīpas.
     3. An era, especially that of Śālivāhana, beginning seventy-six or seventyeight years after the Christian.
-- Comp. utpala-, m. the name of a plant, Rājat. 5, 49. kāla-, n. Ocimum sanctum, Man. 3, 272. tikta-, m. 1. a bitter vegetable, Rājat. 5, 49(?). 2. the name of several plants. patra-, m. a potherb, Man. 12, 65.

śākaṭa śākaṭa, i. e. śakaṭa + a,
I. adj. Relating to a cart.
II. m. A draught ox.

śākaṭīna śākaṭīna, i. e. śakaṭa + īna,
I. adj. Relating to a cart.
II. m. A cart-load as a measure of weight or value.

śākala śākala, adj. Epithet of a kind of sacrifice, Man. 11, 200; cf. 256.

śākalahomīya śākalahomīya, i. e. śākala-homa + īya, adj. Belonging to the śākalahoma, Man. 11, 256 (cf. the last).

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śākaśākaṭa śākaśākaṭa, and śākaśākina śākaśākina (cf. śāka), n. A field of vegetables, a kitchen garden.

śākinī śākinī, i. e. śāka + in + ī, f. A female divinity of an inferior class, Pañc. 241, 1.

śākuna śākuna, i. e. śakuna + a, adj.
     1. Of or relating to birds. Man. 3, 268.
     2. Portentous.

śākunika śākunika, i. e. śakuna + ika,
I. adj. Of or relating to birds.
II. m. A fowler, Man. 8, 260; Pañc. iii. d. 158.

śākta śākta, and śāktya śāktya, i. e. śakti + a or ya, m. A worshipper of the female principle, Lass. 2. ed. 87, 9.

śāktīka śāktīka, i. e. śakti + īka, m. A spearman.

śāktya śāktya, see śākta.

śākya śākya, m. Buddha, the founder of the Bauddha faith, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 15.

śākhśākh, i. 1, Par. To pervade, to embrace.

śākhā śākhā, f.
     1. The branch of a tree, Pañc. 148, 5.
     2. An arm.
     3. Any part of an animal devoid of sensibility, as a horn.
     4. A division, a sect.
     5. A subdivision of the Vedas, according to the different schools and redactions of the holy writings, Windischmann, Sankara, 112.
     6. A part, Mālav. d. 29.
-- Comp. tri-śākha, adj., f. khī, consisting of three wrinkles (viz. a frown), MBh. 8, 4336. skandha-, f. the principal branch of a tree.

śākhābhṛt śākhā-bhṛ + t, m. A tree, Kir. 5, 37.

śākhin śākhin, i. e. śākhā + in,
I. adj., f. , Having branches, branched, literally and figuratively.
II. m.
     1. A tree, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 187.
     2. A Veda.

śāṅkhika śāṅkhika, i. e. śaṅkha + ika,
I. adj. Relating to a conch-shell.
II. m.
     1. A shell-cutter.
     2. A shellblower.

śāṭa śāṭa, m., and f. ṭī, and śāṭaka śāṭaka, m. and n.
     1. A petticoat, Pañc. i. d. 160 (ṭaka); Rām. 2, 32, 21 (ṭī); a gown, Mṛcch. 49, 11.
     2. (ṭī), Cloth, Bhāg. P. 9, 9, 7.
     3. (ṭa), A garment, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1210.
-- Comp. sthūla-śāṭi, or -śāṭaka, m., and ṭakā, ṭikā, f. coarse cloth.

śāṭhya śāṭhya, i. e. śaṭha + ya, n.
     1. Deceit, Hit. i. d. 99, M.M.
     2. Wickedness.
     3. Perfidy, hatred, Bhartṛ. 2, 19.

śāḍśāḍ, or śāl śāl, i. 1, Ātm. To praise.

śāṇa śāṇa,
A. i. e. śaṇa + a,
I. adj. Made of Bengal San, Man. 2, 41.
II. f. ṇī.
     1. Ragged garment.
     2. A new unseamed and single breadth of cloth, given to the religious student at his investiture.
III. n. Coarse cloth, canvass.
B. (from vb. śo, cf. śāna), m., and f. ṇī.
     1. A whet or grindstone, Bhartṛ. 2, 36 (read śāṇo°).
     2. A touchstone.

śāṇḍilya śāṇḍilya, i. e. śaṇḍila, a proper name, + ya, patronym., f. (Pañc. 122, 1), Descended from Śaṇḍila, Pañc. ii. d. 83. m. The name of a Muni, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 18.

śātakumbha śātakumbha, i. e. śata-kumbha + a, n. Gold, Śiś. 9, 9.

śātakumbhamaya śātakumbha + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Arj. 9, 25.

śātana śātana,
I. n. Withering, becoming thin (cf. śāta, s. v. śo).
II. i. e. śātaya, Caus. of śad, + ana, at the end of a comp. adj. Cutting off, Ragh. 3, 42 (v. r., cf. śātin).

śātabhiṣa śātabhiṣa, or śātabhiṣaja śātabhiṣaja, i. e. śatabhiṣā, or śatabhiṣaj, + a, m. One who is born during the lunar mansion called śatabhiṣā or śatabhiṣaj, Vārt. 2, ad Pāṇ. iv. 2, 8; cf. iv. 3, 36.

śātamanyava śātamanyava, i. e. śata-manyu, a name of Indra, + a, adj. Belonging to Indra, Kir. 13, 38.

śātin śātin, i. e. śātaya, Caus. of śad, + in, adj. Cutting off, Ragh. 3, 42 (v. r., cf. śātana).

śātrava śātrava, i. e. śatru + a,
I. m. An enemy, MBh. 8, 1523.
II. n.
     1. Enmity.
     2. A multitude of enemies.

śāda śāda, i. e. śada + a, m.
     1. Young grass.
     2. Mud.

śādvala śādvala, i. e. śāda + vala,
I. adj.
     1. Covered with young grass, Vikr. 57, 18; Rām. 3, 50, 14.
     2. Green, Kāśīkh. 32, 50, and Aufrecht, Ujjvalad. 255, n.
II. sbst. (n.) A place covered with grass, Kir. 7, 26.

śānśān (properly a denomin. derived from śāna), used only in the anomal. desider. śīśāṃsa, Par. Ātm. To whet, to sharpen.

śāna śāna, i. e. śo + na, m.
     1. A grindstone.
     2. A touchstone.
-- Cf. A.S. haenan, lapidare.

śānaiścara śānaiścara, i. e. śandiścara + a, adj. Falling on a Saturday, Lass. 16, 16.

śāntanava śāntanava, i. e. cantana + a, patronym., m. The son of Śāntanu, i. e. Bhīṣma, Chr. 4, 15.

śāntanu śāntanu, m. The name of a king, Chr. 3, 4.

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śānti śānti, i. e. śam + ti, f.
     1. Quiet, the absence of passion, and indifference to objects of pleasure or pain, Hit. 78, 8, M. M.; iii. d. 4.
     2. Felicity, Lass. 96, 12.
     3. Rest, repose, Mālat. 87, 6.
     4. Ceasing, Hit. iii. d. 88.
     5. Causing to cease, Mālat. 128, 3; remission, alleviation, soothing, Śṛṅgārat. 14; Śāk. 31, 11; Vikr. d. 24.
     6. Appeasing (the stomach), Bhartṛ. 2. 23.
     7. Expiatory rites to avert evil Rām. 1, 11, 14.
     8. Preservation, Pañc. 89, 5; 90, 4.

śāntv śāntv, and (worse, although very frequent), sāntv sāntv, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 2, 2428),
     1. To pacify, Man. 7, 172 (with s).
     2. To comfort, to console, Mālat. 146, 3 (with s); MBh. 4, 436 (with s).
     3. To address mildly, Man. 8, 79 (with s); Chr. 38, 7 (with ś).
     4. To conciliate, Rām. 1, 38, 5 (with s).
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To comfort, Rām. 2, 32, 39 (with ś).
-- With upa upa, To comfort, MBh. 3, 14330 (with s).
-- With pari pari, To console, Rām. 2, 23, 42 (with ś).

śāntva śāntva, and sāntva sāntva (Man. 8, 391), i. e. śam + tva, n.
     1. Conciliation.
     2. Comforting, consoling.
     3. Mildness, Man. 8, 391 (s); Chr. 42, 9 (ś).
     4. Mild speech, Rām. 2, 35, 23; MBh. 5, 2650 (sāntva).
     5. Pcaceable way, Pañc. iii. d. 26 (sāntva); Lass. 45, 14 (ś).

śāpa śāpa, i. e. śap + a, m.
     1. Abuse.
     2. Oath.
     3. Curse, Pañc. 186, 14.

śābda śābda, i. e. śabda + a,
I. adj.
     1. Sonorous, sounding.
     2. Relating to or derived from words, Bhāṣāp. 80.
     3. Nominal.
II. f. di, Sarasvatī.

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śābdika śābdika, i. e. śabda + ika,
I. adj. Relating to sounds or words.
II. m. A grammarian.

śāman śāman (vb. śam, cf. sāman), n. Conciliation, appeasing.

śāmana śāmana, i. e. śam, anomal. Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Killing.
     2. Tranquillity.
     3. End; with , To be destroyed, Pañc. iii. 31 (but cf. my tranel.).

śāmitra śāmitra, śam + tra (see the last), n.
     1. A deadly blow, Mṛcch. 161, 11.
     2. Sacrificing.
     3. Tieing cattle.
     4. A sacrificial vessel.

śāmbūka śāmbūka = śambūka, q. cf.

śāmbhava śāmbhava, i. e. śambhu + a,
I. adj. Belonging to Śiva, Pañc. i. d. 175.
II. m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. A worshipper of Śiva.
     3. A sort of poison.
III. f. , Pārvatī.

śāyaka śāyaka, see sāyaka.

śāyin śāyin, i. e. śī + in, adj., f. , Lying down, lying, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 15; living, Hit. i. d. 138, M.M.
-- Comp. ūrdhva-, m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1160. eka-, adj. resting ever on the same seat, Lass. 2. ed. 70, 53. prāsāda-, adj., f. , one who had slept in a palace, Hiḍ. 1, 34. yoga-, adj. absorbed in meditation, Rājat. 5, 100. sthaṇḍila-, m. a devotee who sleeps on ground prepared for a sacrifice.

śārśār, sār sār, i. 10, Par. To be weak (cf. śṛ10).

śāra śāra,
I. adj.
     1. Variegated (in colour), Daśak. in Chr. 180, 1 (of hair, mixed with greyand white).
     2. Yellow.
II. m.
     1. Hurting (vb. śṛ10).
     2. A mixture of blue and yellow, a green.
     3. Variegating.
     4. Air, wind (cf. sāra).
     5. A piece or man at chess, backgammon, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 24 (cf. sāra).
III. f. .
     1. An arrow (vb. śṛ10, cf. śara), Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. i. 112, 16.
     2. Kuśa grass.
-- Comp. kṛṣṇa-, adj. blue-black, Megh. 48, read -śāra (Sch.).

śāraṅga śāraṅga (cf. the last and sāraṅga),
I. adj. Variegated, spotted.
II. m.
     1. A deer.
     2. An elephant.
     3. The cātaka, Cuculus melanoleucus.
     4. A peacock.
     5. A large bee.
III. f. .
     1. A sort of fiddle.
     2. The wife of Mandapāla, Man. 9, 23.

śārada śārada, i. e. śarad + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Autumnal, Nal. 13, 44; Lass. 91, 15.
     2. Produced or growing in the autumn, Man. 6, 11.
     3. New.
II. m.
     1. Grain or rice ripening in the autumn.
     2. A sort of kidney bean.
     3. Autumnal sickness.
     4. Autumnal sunshine.
     5. A year.
III. f. .
     1. Sarasvatī, Lass. 38, 7.
     2. A title of Durgā.
     3. A sort of guitar.
IV. f. , The day of full moon in the month kārttika.

śāradvata śāradvata, i. e. śaradvant + a,
I. adj. Descended from Śaradvant, Johns. Sel. 20, 94.
II. m. A proper name, Śāk. 63, 2.

śāri śāri (cf. śāra),
I. m.
     1. A piece or man at chess, draughts, etc.
     2. An elephant's housings.
     3. Fraud.
II. m., f. ri or , A bird, Gracula religiosa.

śārikā śārikā, i. e. śāri + ka, f.
     1. A bird, Gracula religiosa and Turdus salica, Lass. 20, 1 (cf. sārikā).
     2. A bow or stick for playing any stringed musical instrument.

śārīra śārīra, i. e. śarīra + a,
I. adj.
     1. Corporeal, Bhag. 17, 14; relating to animal bodies, Man. 5, 110.
     2. Spiritual, incorporate.
II. n.
     1. Excrement, Man. 11, 202.
     2. The soul whilst incorporate.

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śārīraka śārīra + ka, and śārīrika śārīrika, i. e. śarīra + ika, adj.
     1. Corporeal.
     2. Incorporate; cf. śārīraka-sūtra.

śārkaka śārkaka (cf. śarkarā), m.
     1. Clayed or candied sugar.
     2. Cream, the froth of milk.
     3. A lump of meat.

śārkara śārkara, i. e. śarkarā + a,
I. adj.
     1. Stony.
     2. Sugary.
II. m. The froth of milk, cream.

śārgāla śārgāla, i. e. śṛgāla + a, adj., f. , Belonging to a jackal, MBh. 13, 411.

śārṅga śārṅga, i. e. śṛṅga + a,
I. adj. Horny, made of horn, etc.
II. m. (n.?),
     1. A bow, Śāk. 94, 2.
     2. The bow of Viṣṇu.
     3. The name of a bird.

śārṅgin śārṅgin, i. e. śārṅga + in, m.
     1. An archer.
     2. Viṣṇu, Megh. 47.

śārdūla śārdūla, m.
     1. A tiger, Nal. 12, 129.
     2. A Rākṣasa.
     3. A sort of bird.
     4. (as latter part of comp. words), Best, pre-eminent; e. g. muni-, m. A pre-eminent sage, Lass. 49, 15; rājaśardūla, i. e. rājan-, m. A pre-eminent king, Rām. 3, 49, 28.

śārva śārva, i. e. śarva + a, adj. Belonging to Śiva, Bhartṛ. 2, 10.

śārvara śārvara, i. e. śarvarī + a,
I. adj.
     1. Nocturnal.
     2. Mischievous, pernicious.
II. m. Darkness.
III. f. Night.

śālśāl, see śāḍ.

śāla śāla (cf. sāla),
I. m.
     1. A tree, Shorea robusta (ŚKD.), MBh. 9, 3239; 14, 2521.
     2. A fish, Ophiocephalus wrahl Ham., Hiḍ. 2, 18.
     3. Śālivāhana.
II. f. .
     1. A large branch of a tree.
     2. A hall.
     3. A stable, Hit. i. d. 135, M. M.
     4. A house.
-- Comp. apūpa-, f. a bakehouse, Man. 9, 264. aśva-, f. a stable, Nal. 19, 11. aśva-calana-, f. a stable for riding horses, Pañc. 252, 21. gāndharva-, f. a music-room, Kathās. 12, 31. catuḥśāla, i. e. catur-,
I. adj. possessing four halls, Pañc. 252, 17.
II. n. a square formed by four houses, Rām. 3, 23, 10. candra-, f. an apartment on the house-top, Ragh. 13, 40. citra-, f. a hall adorned with pictures, a picture-gallery, Rām. 3, 61, 16. nartana-, f. a dancing-room, MBh. 4, 696. patnī-, f. a room erected near the place of a sacrifice for the women and sacrificial implements, MBh. 12, 3648. parṇa-, f. 1. an arbour, Rām. 3, 6, 15. 2. the name of a district inhabited by anchorites, MBh. 13, 3398. pāka-, f. the kitchen, Lass. 81, 5. raṅga-, f. a hall for public exhibition. ratha-, f. a coach-house, Nal. 21, 29. śilpa-, n., and f. , a workshop. sūda-, f. a kitchen.
-- Cf. A.S. heal, A hall.

śālabhañjī śālabhañjī, and śālabhañjikā śālabhañjikā, i. e. śāla-bhañj + a + ī, and + ka, f.
     1. A doll.
     2. A kind of play in the east of India.

śālājira śālājira, m. and n. A hollow earthen cup.

śālāra śālāra, n.
     1. A ladder.
     2. The claw of an elephant.
     3. A bird-cage.

śāli śāli, m.
     1. Rice, Pañc. 163, 23.
     2. The civet or polecat.

śālika śālika, i. e. śāla/ā + ika,
I. adj. Relating or belonging to the Shorea robusta, a hall, etc.
II. m.
     1. A weaver.
     2. A village of artificers.
     3. A tax.

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śālitā śālitā, i. e. śālin + tā, f.
     1. Possessing.
     2. Confidence in.

śālin śālin, i. e. śālā + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Belonging to a house, domestic.
     2. Endowed with, Kathās. 46, 107; Kir. 5, 32; possessed of, having, Pañc. v. d. 12.
     3. Shining or resplendent with.
II. f. , A proper name, Lass. 39, 8.
-- Comp. abhimāna-, adj. proud. jala-ja-, adj. full of fishes, MBh. 2, 1813. naya-, adj. conversant with politics, Kir. 5, 24. bāhu-, m. a proper name. vīrya-, adj. strong, heroic.

śālihotra śālihotra, m.
     1. The name of a writer on veterinary medicine, Nal. 19, 28; Pañc. 253. 22; 255, 4.
     2. A horse.

śālihotrajña śālihotra-jña, adj. Knowing (the precepts of) Śālihotra, Pañc. 255, 1.

śālīna śālīna, i. e. śālā + īna,
I. adj.
     1. Ashamed, bashful, humble, Nalod. 2, 3; Ragh. 6, 81; Mālav. 51, 7 (cf. śāltnīkaraṇa, Humbling, Pāṇ. 1, 3, 70).
     2. Like.
II. m. An opulent householder.

śālu śālu,
I. m.
     1. A frog.
     2. An astringent substance.
     3. A sort of perfume.
II. n. The root of the water lily.

śālūka śālūka (cf. the last), n. The root of the esculent water lily.
-- Comp. kaṇṭha-, n. a swelling in the throat, Suśr. 1, 306, 14.

śālūra śālūra (cf. śālu), m. A frog.

śāleya śāleya, i. e. śāli + eya, adj. Fit for rice.

śālmali and śālmali/ī, f.
     1. The silk cotton tree, Bombax heptaphyllum, Man. 8, 246.
     2. One of the seven dvīpas.
     3. , A hell, Man. 4, 90.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, f. a fabulous thorny rod of the cotton tree for torturing the wicked in hell, MBh. 18, 84.

śālva śālva, i. e. śalva + a, m.
     1. pl. The inhabitants of Śalva, Sāv. 2, 7; Chr. 5, 6; 18, 34; 35.
     2. The king of the Śālvas, ib. 14, 26.

śālveya śālveya, i. e. śalva + eya, m. pl. The inhabitants of Śalva, Draup. 1, 6.

śāva śāva,
I. i. e. śava + a, adj.
     1. Relating to, or produced by, a dead body, Man. 5, 59.
     2. Dead, Sāv. 5, 61.
II. (akin to śvi, cf. śiśu), m. The young of any animal, Utt. Rāmac. 122, 12 (siṃha-, A lion's cub).

śāvaka śāva + ka, m. The young of any animal Hit. 39, 4, M. M.

śāvara śāvara, i. e. śavara + a,
I. adj. Low, vile.
II. m.
     1. Fault.
     2. Sin, wickedness.

śāśvata śāśvata, i. e. śaśvant + a,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. All, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 7; MBh. 12, 9192.
     2. Eternal, Hit. ii. d. 60; perpetual, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 101 (with na, perishable); °tam, adv. Constantly, Mālat. 3, 5.
II. m.
     1. A name of Vyāsa.
     2. Śiva.
     3. The sun.
III. f. , The earth.
IV. n. Heaven.
-- Comp. a-, adj. short, Pañc. 4, 16. pari-, adj. eternal, MBh. 5, 4574.

śāṣkula śāṣkula (anomal. for śauṣkula, q. cf.), adj. Eating flesh or fish.

śās śās (for śaśas, i. e. śaṃs, ii. 3); the base of many formations is śiṣ for śis (or rather śiśas, i. e. śaṃs, ii. 3, with i in the reduplication), ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 4993),
     1. To teach, Bhag. 2, 7; pass. śiṣya, To learn, Pañc. 4, 20; 94, 10.
     2. To report, to proclaim, Man. 11, 82.
     3. To command, Ragh. 15, 79 (Calc.).
     4. To govern, Man. 7, 18.
     5. To punish, Man. 4, 175; 8, 314. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śiṣṭa.
     1. Disciplined.
     2. Docile.
     3. Good, MBh. 1, 6845.
     4. Learned, Man. 3, 39. Comp. a-, adj. wicked, MBh. 1, 6845. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. śiṣya, m. A pupil, Vikr. 35, 1. Comp. a-, adj. indocile, Pañc. i. d. 433. upa-, m. a pupil of a pupil, Prab. 28, 3. Caus. To punish, Hit. 65, 18 (śāsita). śāsita, Governed. Comp. mātṛ-, m. a fool. su-, adj. well-governed, Hit. i. d. 21, M. M.
-- With the prep. anu anu,
     1. To teach, Rājat. 5, 400; to instruct, Śāk. 55, 18.
     2. To speak to, to address, MBh. 4, 98.
     3. To order, Man. 9, 233; Vikr. 70, 13; 86, 19 (acc. of the pers.).
     4. To govern, MBh. 1, 4124.
     5. To punish, Man. 11, 99.
-- With samanu sam-anu, To govern, Nal. 12, 49.
-- With ā ā,
I. Par.
     1. To report, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 27.
     2. To command, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 4.
II. Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Arj. 5, 19).
     1. To pray for benefits to (dat.), Man. 3, 80.
     2. To pray, Bhaṭṭ. 5, 16.
     3. To wish, Utt. Rāmac. 7, 15; MBh. 3, 12430.
     4. To hope, Śāk. 112, 3. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. āśāsya, Desirable. n. Wish, blessing, Ragh. 5, 34. Comp. an-, adj. not to be desired, Ragh. 4, 44.
-- With upa upa, see śiṣya above.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To command, MBh. 2, 2433.
     2. To govern, Man. 9, 66.
     3. To punish. Chr. 16, 14.

śāsana śās + ana, n.
     1. Governing, chastisement, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 873.
     2. An order, Rām. 3, 51, 8; Vikr. d. 155; precept, Nal. 26, 9; edict, nal. 2, 10.
     3. A royal grant of land or privileges, Pañc. 4, 25.
     4. A deed, a written contract.
     5. A śāstra or scripture.
     6. The government of the passions.
     7. Instruction, Johns. Sel. 57, 165.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, n. a forged royal edict, Man. 9, 232. tāmra-, n. an edict engraved on a copper plate, Daśak. 20, 15. dus-, m. a proper name, MBh. 1, 2447. dharma-, n. a code of law, MBh. 1, 2950. para-, n. the order of another, Pañc. i. d. 300 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3292). pura-, m. (the chastiser of Pura), epithet of Śiva, Kumāras. 7, 30. bhīma-, m. Yama. mahā-, a minister, Lass. 67, 10 (? cf. n.).

śāsitṛ śās + itṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Who or what orders, commands; a governor, a king Śāk. d. 24.

śāsti śās + ti, f. Punishment inflicted by royal command.

śāstṛ śās + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Who or what orders, a ruler.
     2. A teacher.

śāstra śās + tra, n.
     1. An order.
     2. A precept, Pañc. 141, 13.
     3. Scripture, institutes of religion, law, science, learning in general, Hit. pr. d. 10, M. M.; Bhartṛ. 2, 12; Chr. 5, 5.
     4. A work of religious or scientific caracter, Man. 1, 58; Hit. pr. d. 6, M.M.; a collection, a treatise, a book, Pañc. pr. d. 3.
-- Comp. calacchāstra, i. e. calant- (vb. cal), adj. one whose govering is staggering, unsteady, Lass. 53, 11. jñāna-, n. a work on soothsaying, Lass. 36, 14. tarka-, n. logic, MBh. 12, 9678. dharma-, n. 1. a book treating of duty, Hit. 19, 8, M. M. 2. the body of law, Man. title, 2, 10. naya- and nīti-, n. 1. the science of political conduct, Rām. 3, 56, 18; MBh. 1, 5567. 2. works on polity, Pañc. pr. d. 2. yathā-śāstra + m, adv. as the law ordains, Man. 2, 70. śabda-, n. rules of grammar, Pañc. 4, 17. haya-, n. art of training or treating horses, Chr. 25, 53. hetu-, n. a philosophical (= heretical) book, Man. 2, 11.

śāstrakṛt śāstra + kṛ + t, m.
     1. An author of a śāstra, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 17.
     2. An author in general.
     3. A Ṛṣi.

śāstrajña śāstra-jña, adj.
     1. Knowing the institutes of religion, etc., Pañc. i. d. 385.
     2. Knowing by books, a theorist, Hit. iii. d. 54 (karmasv adṛṣṭakarmā yaḥ śāstrajño pi sa muhyati, He who has not tested his skill by works, although knowing it by books, makes mistakes).

śāstratas śāstra + tas, n. According to the sacred authorities.

śāstravat śāstra + vat, adv. Like the holy writings, Hit. iii. d. 68.

śāstravant śāstra + vant, adj. Skilled in the holy writings, Pañc. iii. d. 270.

śāhi śāhi m. The name of a dynasty, Rājat. 5, 154.

śi śi, † ii. 5, Par. Ātm. To sharpen (cf. śo).

śiṃśapā śiṃśapā, (śiṃśipā śiṃśipā, Lass. 4, 10; 14; 5, 6), f. Two trees, Dalbergia Siśu and the Aśoka tree, Pañc. 249, 24.

śikya śikya, n., and f. ,
     1. The string suspended from either end of a pole to receive a burthen.
     2. The burthen so carried.
     3. The strings of a balance.

śikṣ śikṣ, see śak, desider.

śikṣā śikṣā, i. e. śikṣa, desider, of śak, + a, f.
     1. Learning, Johns. Sel. 8, 3; Rājat. 5, 318; study.
     2. One of the six Vedāṅgas, treating of pronunciation, Madhuādana in Weber, Ind. St. i. 16.
     3. Modesty.
-- Comp. upa-, f. desire of learning, Mṛcch. 17, 11. gaja-, f. training of elephants, MBh. 1, 4355.

śikhaṇḍa śikhaṇḍa (cf. śikhā), m.
     1. The tail of a peacock, Vikr. d. 81.
     2. Locks of hair left at the time of tonsure, hair, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 15; 180, 1.

śikhaṇḍaka śikhaṇḍa + ka, m.
     1. The tail of a peacock.
     2. The lock of hair, or crest, left on the crown of the head, Utt. Rāmac. 105, 5; Śāk. 59, 17 (Prākṛ.).

śikhaṇḍika śikhaṇḍika,
I. i. e. śikhaṇḍin + ka, m. A cock.
II. i. e. śikhaṇḍa + ka, f. , A lock of hair on the crown of the head.

śikhaṇḍin śikhaṇḍin, i. e. śikhaṇḍa + in,
I. m.
     1. A peacock, Utt. Rāmac. 65, 9.
     2. A peacock's tail.
     3. A cock.
     4. An arrow.
     5. A Ṛṣi.
     6. The son of Drupada, who had been before a girl, Chr. 3, 1.
II. f. , The daughter of Drupada, who was metamorphosed into a man, Chr. 52, 13.
-- Comp. citra-, m. pl. the seven Ṛṣis, MBh. 12, 12722. sa-, adj. with Śikhaṇḍin, Chr. 54, 9.

śikhara śikhara (cf. śikhā), m. and n.
     1. Summit, Pañc. 9, 7; end.
     2. The summit of a mountain, Bhartṛ. 2, 91; Vikr. 10, 6.
     3. The top of a tree.
     4. The edge or a point of a sword.
     5. Horripilation.
     6. The armpit.
     7. A gem of a bright red colour; the bud of the Arabian jasmine, Megh. 80 (Sch.).
-- Comp. tri-, adj. having three summits, the name of a mountain, Rām. 4, 44, 50.

śikharin śikharin, i. e. śikhara + in,
I. adj.
     1. Crested, peaked, pointed.
     2. Resembling the buds of the Arabian jasmine, Rām. 3, 52, 27.
II. m.
     1. A mountain, Rām. 3, 55, 44.
     2. A tree.
     3. A stronghold.
     4. The lapwing.
II. f. iṇī,
     1. A line of hair extending across the navel.
     2. An excellent woman.
     3. A dish of curds and sugar with spices. Vikr. 42, 7 (Prākṛ.).
     4. Arabian jasmine.

śikhā śikhā, f.
     1. Point, top, Rām. 3, 49, 34; end. Śāk. d. 14; Ragh. 16, 48 (at the end of a comp. adj.; Sch. filaments).
     2. A crest, Rām. 3, 53, 60.
     3. A peacock's crest.
     4. A lock of hair on the crown of the head, Vikr. d. 124 (head).
     5. Flame, Pañc. i. d. 319.
     6. A ray of light.
     7. Chief.
     8. A branch.
-- Comp. agni-śikha,
I. adj. as hot as fire, Rām. 6, 30, 27.
II. f. khā, flame. ucchikha, i. e. ud-śikha, adj. blazing upwards or brightly, Utt. Rāmac. 65, 8. tri-śikha, adj., f. khā, having the shape of a trident, Pañc. 220, 1. dīpa-, f. the flame of a lamp, Kathās. 18, 77. dīpta-śikha, adj. blazing, Rām. 3, 53, 60. stana-, f. a nipple.

śikhāvat śikhā + vat, adv. Like a crest, Pañc. 121, 3.

śikhāvant śikhā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Crested.

śikhāvala śikhā + vala,
I. adj., f. li.
     1. Crested.
     2. Burnt, Cṛ gārat. 16.
II. m. A peacock, Lass. 2. ed. 91 51.

śikhin śikhin, i. e. śikhā + in,
I. adj.
     1. Crested, MBh. 6, 71.
     2. Having a lock of hair on the top of the head, Rām. 3, 52, 9.
II. m.
     1. A cock.
     2. A peacock, Vikr. d. 41.
     3. A rellgious mendicant.
     4. A mountain. Rājat. 5, 15.
     5. An arrow.
     6. A bull.
     7. A horse.
     8. Fire, Rām. 3, 55, 11; Pañc. iv. d. 76 (but cf. also Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 125).
     9. A lamp.
     10. Ketu, the personified descending node, Pañc. i. d. 240 (see my transl.).
-- Comp. śastra-, adj. proud of (the practice of) weapons, Utt. Rāmac. 149, 14.

śigru śigru, m.
     1. A tree, Morunga guilandina.
     2. A potherb.

śigruka śigru + ka, m. A particular plant (cf. the last), Man 6, 14.

śiṅkhśiṅkh, i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

śiṅgh śiṅgh, i. 1, Par. To smell.
-- With the prep. upa upa, To kiss, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 95.

śiṅghāṇa śiṅghāṇa,
I. m. Froth, foam.
II. n.
     1. The mucus of the nose.
     2. Rust of iron.
     3. A glass vessel.

śiṅghāṇaka śiṅghāṇa + ka, m. Phlegm.

śiñj śiñj, ii. 2, Ātm. To tinkle, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 4; Megh. 77 (Par.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śiñjita, Tinkling, Rām. 1, 9, 17. n. Tinkling, Ragh. 4, 56; of metallic ornaments worn as chains, rings, etc., Vikr. d. 93.

śiñja śiñj + a,
I. m. Tinkling.
II. f. , A bow-string.

śiñjin śiñj + in,
I. adj. Tinkling.
II. f. .
     1. A bow-string.
     2. Metallic rings worn round the toes.

śiṭśiṭ, siṭ siṭ, i. 1, Par. To disrespect.

śitatā śita + tā (see śo), f. Sharpness, Śiś. 9, 66.

śitābhra śitābhra, see sitābhra.

śiti śiti,
I. adj.
     1. Black, dark blue, Vikr. d. 151; Bhāg. P. 4, 4, 18.
     2. White.
II. m. The bhūrja or birch.

śithila śithila (cf. ślath), adj.
     1. Loose, Vikr. d. 115; Pañc. ii. d. 143; loosened, Megh. 69.
     2. Flaccid, faded, Śāk. d. 41.
     3. Feeble, languid, Bhartṛ. 2, 22.
     4. Ineffective.
     5. Relaxed, dissolved, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 5.
     6. Not very careful, Pañc. ii. d. 82.
     7. Not rigidly observed.
     8. Loosely retained.
     9. Abandoned, Ragh. 2, 41 (°lī kṛ, To abandon).
-- Comp. a-, adj. tight, close, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 16.

śithilatā śithila + tā, f.
     1. Looseness, state of dissolution, Pañc. 30, 11.
     2. Relaxedness, relaxation.
     3. Want of energy, Pañc. iv. d. 7.

śithilaya śithilaya, a denomin. derived from śithila, Par. To loosen, to make loose, Śāk. 9, 21. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śithilita (or śithila + ita).
     1. Loosened, loosed, loose, Śāk. d. 57.
     2. Relaxed, dissolved, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 8.

śini śini, m. pl. The name of a class of Kṣatriyas.

śiphā śiphā, f.
     1. A fibrous root.
     2. A lash with a whip, Man. 8, 369; 9, 230.
     3. A river.
     4. A mother.

śimbi and śimbī, f. A legume, a pod, Mālat. 145, 20.

śira śira,
I. i. e. curtailed śiras, n.
     1. The head.
     2. The root of the pepper plant.
II. f. (cf. sirā), Any vessel of the body, really, or supposed to be of a tubular form, as a nerve, Rām. 5, 32, 11; a vein.
-- Comp. tri-,
I. adj. having three points, MBh. 13, 7379.
II. m. the name of a Rākṣasa, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 9.

śiraḥstha śiraḥstha, i. e. śiras-stha, adj. Borne on the head, Pañc. v. d. 36.

śiras śiras (for original śaras, cf. Zend. śara, and śīrṣa), n. (the base of some cases is optionally śīrṣan, i. e. śiras + an),
     1. The head, Pañc. iii. d. 193; śirasā pra-ṇi-pat, To reverence by inclining one's head, Vikr. 3, 12; śirasā kṛ, To bear on one's head, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1847.
     2. The top of a mountain, Kir. 5, 17; of a tree.
     3. Chief, principal.
-- Comp. a-, adj. headless, Man. 9, 237. abhra-, n. a head represented by the sky, Śiś. 9, 3. aśva-,
I. n. the head of a horse, MBh. 3, 3083.
II. adj. having the head of a horse, ib. 12, 13100.
III. m. a proper name, ib. 1, 2531. uccaiḥśiras, i. e. uccais-, adj. m. a man of high rank. Kumāras. 1, 12. kapāla-, Rām. 2, 54, 30 (= 2, 54, 32 Gorr., where kalāpa-) ? perhaps a name of Śiva. kūrca-, n. the upper part of the palm and ball of the foot, Suśr. 1, 345, 9. tri-,
I. adj. having three heads, MBh. 5, 229.
II. m. the name of an Asura and a Rākṣasa, ib. 9, 1755; Rām. 3, 29, 32. dvi-, adj. having two heads, Pañc. 251, 24. bhuja-, n. the shoulder. mṛga-, n. the fifth lunar mansion. śiśu-māra-, n. a part of the heaven studded with stars, the north-east point.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. cere- in cerebrum, and cer- in cervix, (vix fron vincire, cf. śirodharā); A.S. haernes.

śirasija śiras + i-ja, and śirasiruh śiras + i-ruh, m. The hair of the head, Kir. 10, 52 (-ja).

śiraska śiras + ka,
I. n.
     1. A helmet.
     2. A turban, a cap.
II. f. , A palanquin.

śirastra śiras-tra (vb. trā), and śirastrāṇa śiras-trāṇa, n.
     1. A helmet, Rājat. 5, 342; Ragh. 4, 64.
     2. A turban, a cap.

śirāla śirā + la (see śira),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Veiny, showing the veins, Kāśīkh. 37, 14; Bhaṭṭ. 2, 30.
     2. Showing the tendons.
II. n. An acid fruit, Averrhoa carambola.

śiri śiri, i. e. śṛ10 + i, m.
     1. A sword.
     2. An arrow.
     3. A murderer.
     4. A locust.

śirīṣa śirīṣa (akin to the last),
I. m. A tree, Acacia sirisa, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.
II. n. Its flower, Śāk. d. 145.

śirodharā śirodharā, i. e. śiras-dhṛ + a, f. The neck, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 23 (read °śirodharoddeśa°).
-- Comp. mahā-kāya-śirodhara, adj. having a great body and neck, Rām. 3, 55, 2.

śirodhi śirodhi, i. e. śiras-dhā (cf. nidhi), f. The neck.

śiroruh śiroruh, i. e. śiras-ruh, and śiroruha śiroruha, i. e. śiras-ruh + a, m. Hair, Pañc. iii. d. 193 (ha).

śilśil, sil sil, i. 6, Par. To glean (cf. the next).

śila śila,
A. n. Gleaning ears of corn, Man. 3, 100; 10, 112.
B. i. e. probably śo + la,
I. f. .
     1. A stone, Pañc. 100, 18; a rock, Vikr. d. 49.
     2. A flat stone on which condiments are ground.
     3. Arsenic.
II. f. and .
     1. A stone or beam placed across a post or pillar.
     2. The timber of a door frame.
III. f. .
     1. A dart, an arrow, Ragh. 7, 62.
     2. An earth-worm.
-- Comp. gaṇḍa-śilā, f. a large rock, Bhāg. P. 3, 13, 22. jāta-rūpa-śila, m. the name of a (golden) mountain, Rām. 4, 14, 52. tīrtha-śilā, f. stone steps leading to a bathing-place, Śṛṅgārat. 1 (read °lam, at the end of a comp. adj.). badhya-, f. , rock of execution, Pañc. 52, 2. manaḥśila, i. e. manas-, m., and f. , red arsenic. svalpa-śilā, i. e. su-alpa-, f. a very small stone.

śilāṭaka śilāṭaka, m.
     1. A room on the top of a house.
     2. A hole.

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śili and śili/ī (cf. śilī, under śila), f. The lower timber of a door.

śilīndhra śilīndhra,
I. m.
     1. A sort of tree.
     2. A kind of fish.
II. f. .
     1. Clay, earth.
     2. A small earthworm (cf. śilī, under śila).
     3. A sort of bird.
III. n.
     1. Hail (cf. śilā).
     2. A mushroom, Megh. 11.
     3. The flower of the plantain tree.

śilīpada śilīpada (a dialect. form of ślīpada, q. cf.), m. A morbid enlargement of the leg, Lass. 94, 10.

śilpa śilpa, n.
     1. Proficiency in any manual or mechanical art, or profession; art, Pañc. i. d. 4, 446; Bhāg. P. 3, 23, 17; Chr. 51. 1; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 12.
     2. A sort of spoon used at sacrifices to throw the butter into the fire.
-- Comp. kṛta-, adj. one who has attained a knowledge of his art, Yājñ. 2, 184.

śilpika śilpika, i. e. śilpa + ika,
I. adj. Manual, mechanic.
II. n.
     1. Handicraft.
     2. (and śispaka śilpa + ka), A sort of drama.

śilpin śilpin, i. e. śilpa + in,
I. adj. Belonging or relating to a mechanical profession or art.
II. m., f. , and n. An artificer, a mechanic, Pañc. 10, 6; Johns. Sel. 9, 11.

śiva śiva (probably akin to śavas),
I. adj.
     1. Prosperous, Hit. 68, 17; auspicious, Mālat. 6, 12; happy.
     2. Right, Nal. 20, 17.
     3. 17.
     3. Comparat. śivatara, Very complacent, Utt. Rāmac. 145, 2.
II. m.
     1. Śiva, a deity of the Hindu triad, Kir. 5, 21; dual, Śiva and his wife, ib. 5, 40.
     2. The phallic emblem of Śiva.
     3. An auspicious planetary conjunction.
     4. The Vedas.
     5. One of the astronomical periods termed yogas.
     6. A pillar to which cattle are tied.
     7. A sort of perfume.
III. f. .
     1. Durgā, the wife of Śiva.
     2. The female jackal, Sāv. 5, 75.
     3. The name of several plants.
IV. n.
     1. Happiness, Arj. 5, 19; bliss, Mālat. 160, 14.
     2. Wellbeing, Pañc. 16, 5.
     3. Final emancipation from separate existence.
     4. Water.
     5. Sea or fossile salt.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. inauspicious, Rām. 3, 29, 11.
II. n. ill-luck, ib. 3, 30, 3. sadā-, m. Śiva.

śivaṃkara śivaṃkara, i. e. śiva + m-kṛ + a, adj. Auspicious, conferring happiness.

śivatāti śiva + tāti, f. Benevolence, Mālat. 160, 4.

śivi śivi, m.
     1. A beast of prey.
     2. The name of a king, Sāv. 2, 17; MBh. 13, 2046, sqq.; pl. his descendants, Draup. 8, 3.

śivikā śivikā, f.
     1. A palanquin, a litter, Rām. 2, 60, 76, Seramp.
     2. A tent, Johns. Sel. 9, 12; a marquee.
     3. A proper name, MBh. 3, 13155.

śivira śivira,
I. m. The name of a tribe(?), Rājat. 5, 176.
II. n.
     1. A camp.
     2. A royal camp or residence.
     3. A guard or defence for the soldiers.
     4. A sort of grain.

śiśira śiśira (akin to śo, cf. the ved. inflection of this vb.),
I. adj. Cold, cool, Vikr. d. 41; comparat. Very cool, refreshing, Pañc. 9, 4.
II. (m. and) n.
     1. Cold, frost, Megh. 81.
     2. Coolness, Vikr. 19, 17 (of a wood).
     3. The cold season, Pañc. v. d. 4.

śiśu śiśu, i. e. reduplic. śvi, m.
     1. The young of man or any animal, Vikr. d. 121; Pañc. 160, 4; a child, Pañc. i. d. 241; a calf, Pañc. 182, 12; a pup, etc.
     2. A boy.
     3. A pupil.

śiśuka śiśu + ka, m.
     1. A child, Pañc ii. d. 200.
     2. A porpoise.

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śiśutā śiśu + tā, f., śiśutva śiśu + tva, n. Childhood, Utt. Rāmac. 107, 6; Pañc. 220, 10.

śiśna śiśna, m. The penis.

śiṣ † 1. śiṣ, i. 1, Par. To hurt, to kill.

śiṣ 2. śiṣ, ii. 7, śinaṣ, śiṃṣ, Par. To leave; pass. To be left, MBh. 2, 1964. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śiṣṭa.
     1. Left, remaining.
     2. Also sbst. Chief, Hit. 100, 15. Comp. viṣama-, adj. unfair (division). Caus. śeṣaya, To leave, to spare, MBh. 3, 14760.
-- With the prep. ava ava, pass. To be left, MBh. 3, 2276. avaśiṣṭa, Remaining, Hit. 61, 4, M. M.; remainder, Man. 3, 116; Hit. 103, 14 (avaśiṣṭa-bala, adj. With the rest of [my] army). Caus. avaśeṣita (perhaps avaśeṣa + ita), Left, spared, MBh. 1, 5129.
-- With samava sam-ava, Caus. pass. samavaśeṣita, Left, spared, MBh. 1, 6337.
-- With ud ud, ucchiṣṭa,
     1. Left, remainder, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 8.
     2. Left behind, Rājat. 5, 11.
     3. One who has a remnant of food in his mouth, Man. 2, 56; 4, 75. n. Remains, remainder of food, Man. 5, 140.
-- With nis nis, Caus. niḥśeṣita (perhaps rather niḥśeṣa, i. e. nis-śeṣa, + ita),
     1. Used up entirely (without leaving any part), Rām. 1, 65, 6.
     2. Exterminated, Pañc. 201, 22 (cf. my translation, n. 1210).
-- With pari pari, Caus. To leave, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 93; with na, To destroy, Ragh. 12, 79.
-- With vi vi, To distinguish, to make distinguished, to augment, Mālat. 71, 8. Pass.
     1. To be distinguished, Ragh. 17, 62.
     2. To prefer, with abl. and instr., MBh. 3, 14735. Pass.
a. To be better than, Man. 2, 83; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1678 (mūrkha-sahasreṇa prājñe eka vi śiṣyate, One wise man is better than a thousand fools); to be of more weight, Rām. 2, 35, 8.
b. To be most preferable, best, Hit. iii. d. 50; to be pre-eminent, Man. 9, 297. viśiṣṭa,
     1. Having distinctive and exclusive properties, Bhāṣāp. 132.
     2. Especial.
     3. Endowed with, possessed of.
     4. Distinguished, Hit. pr. 42, M. M.; superior, pre-eminent, Chr. 28, 15; best, Bhag. 1, 7. Ptcple. cf the fut. pass. viśeṣya.
     1. What is determinable or to be distinguished, Bhāṣāp. 131.
     2. Principal, primary, chief. m. A substantive. n. The subject of a predicate. Caus.
     1. To distinguish, MBh. 3, 16449.
     2. To surpass, Chr. 44, 2.
     3. To adorn, Mṛcch. 59, 14. viśeṣita,
     1. Distinguished, separated.
     2. Excellent.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To increase, Utt. Rāmac. 102, 5.
-- With prativi prati-vi, prativiśiṣṭa, Better than (with abl.), MBh. 1, 4684.
-- Cf. Lat. quaeso, quaero, quaestor, perhaps cura; Goth. qvisteins, qvistjan, fra -qvisteins, fra-qvistjan, fra-qvistnan, us-qvistjan, based on a noun qvist = *śiṣ + ti, Leaving, abandoning; also us-haista, Poor.

śiṣṭi śiṣṭi, i. e. śās + ti, f. An order.

śiṣyatā śiṣya + tā (see śās), f. The state of a pupil, Pañc. 34, 11.

śī śī (cf. śad), ii. 2, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 5, 63),
     1. To lie (as on the ground), Daśak. in Chr. 187, 11.
     2. To lie down, 187, 6.
     3. To repose, MBh. 1, 5033.
     4. To sleep, Man. 2, 163. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śayita, Lying, Śiś. 9, 39. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. śayanīya, Fit for sleeping, lying on, Utt. Rāmac. 67, 3. n. A couch. Caus. śāyaya,
     1. To cause to lie, to throw, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 22.
     2. To put, Rām. 2, 66. 16.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To surpass, Ragh. 5, 14 (Calc.).
     2. To sleep longer than (acc.), MBh. 3, 14686. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. an-ati-śayarīya, adj. Not to be surpassed, Kir. 5, 52.
-- With adhi adhi,
     1. To lie down on (acc.), Rām. 2, 88, 12.
     2. To sleep on, Ragh. 5, 28 (Calc.).
     3. To sleep, Pañc. 26, 25.
     4. To inhabit, Bhaṭṭ. 10, 35.
-- With anu anu, To lie down, to sleep, near, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 4.
-- With ā ā, To sleep on, Vikr. d. 41.
-- With upa upa, To lie near (with acc.), Lass. 2. ed. 70, 51.
-- With nis nis, in niḥśayāna (rather śayāna with nis, adj.), Not sleeping, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 10.
-- With prati prati, To sleep opposite to (acc.), MBh. 3, 16300.
-- With sam sam, saṃśayāna, and saṃśayita, Dubious, Chr. 31, 32 (Hit. iv. d. 19, read saṃśayitam).
-- Cf. [greek] (= śete), [greek] Lat. quies, quiesco, civis; O.H.G. hīwī, matrimonium; A.S. hiwa, familia; O.H.G. hīwo, m. hīwa, f. conjux; hīwjan, hījan, pubere; Goth. hêthjo (= [greek]), haithi, campus, haims; O.H.G. haim; A.S. ham, haeman (cf. [greek]).

śīk 1. śīk or sīk sīk (probably better, cf. sic), i. 1, Ātm. To sprinkle, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 76.

śīk † 2. śīk, sīk sīk, i. 1, Ātm. To go, to move. i. 1, and 10, Par.
     1. To be angry.
     2. To endure patiently.
     3. To touch.

śīk † 3. śīk, i. 10, Par. To speak, to shine.

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śīkara śīkara (cf. 1. śīk),
I. m.
     1. A drop of water, Ragh. 16, 62; of rain, Śāk. d. 166.
     2. Thin rain, Ṛt. 1, 15; Kir. 5, 15 (also sīkara, MBh. 14, 2201).
     3. Spray, Mālat. 147, 14.
II. n. A sort of pine, or its resin.
-- Comp. kara- and karin-, m. water expelled by an elephant's trunk, Kir. 16, 9.

śīkarin śīkarin, i. e. śīkara + in, adj. Sprinkling, Utt. Rāmac. 63, 5.

śīghra śīghra, adj.
     1. Quick, speedy, Vikr. d. 140 (maṇḍala-śīghra-cāra, Turning round quickly).
     2. Violent, Pañc. iii. d. 52.
     3. °ram, adv. Swiftly, Pañc. 128, 4. Comparat. °ratara + m, adv. As quickly as possible, Pañc. 88, 6.
-- Cf. A.S. higian, To make haste; [greek]

śīt śīt, An imitative sound expressing pleasure, Bhartṛ. 1, 49 (cf. sīt), and trembling, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 738.

śīta śīta (probably an old ptcple. pf. pass. of śo),
I. adj.
     1. Cold, Hit. i. d. 79, M. M.; chilly.
     2. A pathetic.
     3. Idle.
     4. Stupid.
II. n.
     1. Coldness, Pañc. 169, 14.
     2. Water.
-- Comp. a-, adj. hot, Bhāṣāp. 25.

śītatā śīta + tā, f. Coldness, Pañc. i. d. 287.

śītala śīta + la,
I. adj. Cold, cool, Pañc. ii. d. 58; figurat., Vikr. d. 90. Comparat. °latara, Cooler, Śiś. 9, 4.
II. m.
     1. The moon.
     2. A sort of camphor.
III. m., f. , and , and n. The name of several plants.
IV. n.
     1. Coldness.
     2. A pearl.
-- Comp. a-, adj. hot, Śiś. 9, 86. ati-, adj. very cool, Hit. iii. d. 45. su-, adj. very cool, Hit. i. d. 96, M.M. hima-, adj. very cold.

śītkāra śīt-kāra, m.
     1. Making the sound śit, sighing on account of pleasure.
     2. A frown. Amar. 31 (Sch.).
-- Comp. sa-śītkāra + m, adv. with sighs, Vikr. d. 103.

śīdhu śīdhu, m. and n. Rum distilled from molasses, intoxicating spirits, Śiś. 9, 87; wine, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3322 (cf. sīdhu).

śīna śīna, see śyai.

śībhśībh, i. 1, Ātm. To boast.

śīra śī + ra, m. A snake, boa-constrictor, Pañc. 203, 6.

śīrṇatā śīrṇa + tā, f., and śīrṇatva śīrṇa + tva, n. (vb. śṛ10), Emaciation, withering.

śīrvi śīrvi, i. e. śṛ10 + vi, adj. Hurtful, destructive.

śīrṣa śīrṣa, i. e. curtailed śīrṣan (cf. śiras), n. The head, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 2 (-chedya, adj. One who must be beheaded), Bhartṛ. 2, 27.
-- Comp. go-,
I. adj. shaped like a cow's head, MBh. 7, 8097.
II. n. a kind of sandal, Rām. 4, 41, 59. tri-, adj. having three heads, MBh. 1, 2162. daśaśīrṣa, i. e. daśan-, m. 1. a name of Rāvaṇa, Rām. 4, 10, 22. 2. a spell, ib. 1, 30, 5. pañca-, adj. having five heads, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 21. pūrva-, adj, f. ṣā, with the head turned to the east, MBh. 13, 463. mṛga-, m. the fifth lunar mansion, Lass. 16, 18.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. and A. S. hals; Lat. collum; see śiras.

śīrṣaka śīrṣa + ka,
I. m. Rāhu.
II. n.
     1. The skull.
     2. A helmet.
     3. Judgment, sentence.
-- Comp. sthūla-śīrṣikā, f. a small ant with a large head.

śīrṣaṇya śīrṣaṇya, i. e. śīrṣan + ya,
I. m. Clean and unentangled hair.
II. n. A helmet.

śīrṣan śīrṣan (see śiras), A substitute for śiras, as latter part of some comp. words, and in some derivatives; e. g. sahasra-, adj. Thousand-headed, Johns. Sel. 91, 38.

śīl śīl (probably a denomin. derived from the next), i. 1, Par.
     1. † To meditate.
     2. To adore, to worship. Caus., and i. 10, Par.
     1. To make, Gīt. 9, 6.
     2. To practise, Mṛcch. 34, 19.
     3. To visit, Gīt. 7, 4.
     4. To worship, MBh. 1, 3207.
     5. To put on, to dress, Gīt. 5, 11.
     6. † To repeat.
     7. † To surpass. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śīlita, Skilled, conversant.

śīla śīla, i. e.
A. śiṣ + la (m. and) n.
     1. Nature, quality. MBh. 1, 4054.
     2. Disposition, inclination, character, Pañc. i. d. 282; a good character, Pañc. v. d. 2.
     3. Moral practice, Man. 2, 6.
     4. Good conduct, Johns. Sel. 13, 45.
     5. Virtue, Bhartṛ. 2, 77.
     6. Beauty.
B. śī + la, m. A large snake.
-- Comp. a-, adj. wicked, Kir. 11, 25. abhivādana-, adj. one who habitually salutes, Man. 2, 121. guṇa-, adj. virtuous, Hit. i. d. 182. dāna-, adj. liberal, Yājñ. 3, 48. dus-, adj. wicked, Rām. 3, 2, 23. duḥkha-, adj. austere, MBh. 4, 277. dharma-, adj. just, virtuous, Indr. 1, 22. puṇya-, adj. virtuous, MBh. 5, 6011. māṃsa-, adj. fleshy. mṛgayā-, adj. attached to hunting. yajña-, adj. sbst. a sacrificer, Man. 11, 20. vi-, adj. not observing approved usages, Man. 5, 154. viṣama-, adj. uneven, difficult. śānti-, m. a proper name, Lass. 2, 4. sādhu-, adj. virtuous. su-,
I. adj. 1. well disposed, of good disposition. 2. well made, Pañc. ii. d. 74.
II. f. , the wife of Yama. snāna-, adj. bathing, observing ablations, Hit. 18, 7, M.M.

śīlatas śīla + tas, adv.
     1. By natural disposition, Pañc. i. d. 288.
     2. Concerning the character, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 8.

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śīlatā -śīla + tā, f. in tyāga-, Generosity, Hit. i. d. 104, M. M. śālīna-, f. Bashfulness, Utt. Rāmac. 173, 4.

śīlavant śīla + vant, adj., f. vatī, Of a good disposition, Ragh. 10, 71.
-- Comp. śruti-, adj. one who is learned in the Vedas, Man. 3, 27.

śīvan śī + van,
I. m. The boaconstrictor.
II. f. varī, An iguana.

śu śu, see sru.

śukśuk, i. 1. Par. To go.

śuka śuka,
I. m.
     1. A parrot, Vikr. d. 41.
     2. A proper name.
II. m. and n. The name of several plants.
III. n.
     1. A turban.
     2. The hem of a cloth.
     3. Cloth.
     4. A sort of perfume.
-- Comp. gṛha-, m. 1. a parrot kept in a house, Amar. 13. 2. a poet maintained by a prince, Rājat. 5, 31.

śukta śukta,
I. adj.
     1. Sour, acid.
     2. Harsh.
     3. i. e. 2. śuc + ta, Clean, pure.
II. n.
     1. A preparation which has become acid by undergoing fermentation, as vinegar, etc., Man. 2, 177; 4, 211; 11, 153.
     2. Sour gruel.
     3. Flesh.

śuktaka śukta + ka (n.), Sour eructation, Man. 4, 121 (Lois.).

śukti śukti, i. e. 2. śuc + ti, f.
     1. A perarl oyster, Pañc. i. d. 280.
     2. A conch.
     3. A small shell.
     4. A portion of the skull used as a cup.
     5. A curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast.
     6. A disease of the cornea.
     7. A sort of perfume.
     8. A weight of two karṣas.
-- Comp. mahā-, f. the pearl oyster.

śuktija śukti-ja (vb. jan), n. A pearl.

śukra śukra, i. e. 2. śuc + ra,
I. adj.
     1. Resplendent, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14.
     2. Pure, Windischmaun, Sankara, 68.
II. m.
     1. A name of Agni.
     2. The planet Venus, Pañc. pr. d. 3.
     3. The month Jyeṣṭhā (May -- June), Hiḍ. 1, 10.
III. n.
     1. Semen virile, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 13; MBh. 1, 2434; male and female strength, Man. 3, 49.
     2. A morbid affection of the iris.

śukrala śukra + la, adj. Spermatic, augmenting the seminal secretion.

śukla śukla, i. e. 2. śuc + la,
I. adj. White, Pañc. i.d. 39; bright, i. d. 104; Man. 1, 66 (with pakṣa, the fortnight of the month in which the moon increases).
II. m.
     1. White (the colour).
     2. One of the astronomical yogas.
     3. The light half of the month from new to full moon. Bhag. 8, 24; Rājat. 5, 412.
III. f. , A name of Sarasvatī.
IV. n.
     1. Silver.
     2. Fresh butter.
     3. A disease of the cornea.
-- Comp. pañcaśukla, i. e. pañcan-, m. a certain poisonous insect, Suśr. 2, 288, 7. mahā-śuklā, f. Sarasvatī.

śuklābhijātīya śuklābhijātīya, i. e. śukla-abhi-jan + ti + īya, adj. Of a pure race, Rām. 6, 10, 24.

śukṣi śukṣi, m. Wind.

śuṅga śuṅga,
I. m. The Indian figtree, Windischmann, Sankara, 179.
II. f. , The sheath of a young bud (cf. Atharv.-Ved. viii. 7, 4, at the end of a comp. adj.).

śuc 1. śuc, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 4, 488),
     1. To be afflicted, to grieve, Man. 3, 57.
     2. To grieve for, to bewail, Pañc. i. d. 379.
     3. To regret, to repent, Pañc. 118, 6.
     4. To be absorbed in deep meditation, Lass. 2. ed. 42, 11, cf. 9. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śucita, Sad, lamenting. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. a-śocya, adj. Not to be grieved for, Pañc. i. d. 379; 475. Caus.
     1. To afflict. MBh. 4, 581.
     2. To bewail, MBh. 1, 5649.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To bewail, Bhag. 2, 11; Pañc. i. d. 475. Caus. The same, MBh. 2, 2594.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To be much afflicted, MBh. 1, 4025.
     2. To bewail, MBh. 3, 13656.
-- With anupra anu-pra, To bewail, MBh. 1, 3229.
-- Cf. Goth. hiufan, queri; A.S. heaf, heofian; O.H.G. huvo, ulula.

śuc 2. śuc, i. 4, Par. Ātm.
     1. To shine, to be pure (ved.).
     2. † To be wet.
     3. † To be fetid. Ptcple of the fut. pass. śocya.
     1. To be purified.
     2. Wicked, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 6. Comp. a-, adj. innocent, ib. Caus. To make pure, Kathās. 19, 84, dūṣitaṃ tṛṇatoyādi pratiyogair aśocayat, He made pure (i. e. he restored to their former state), by antidotes, food, water, etc., which were spoiled (i. e. poisoned).

śuc 3. 1. śuc, f.
     1. Sorrow, Hit. i. d. 133, M. M.; grief, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 14.
     2. Calamity.

śucanti śucanti, m. A proper name, Chr. 296, 7 = Rigv. i. 112, 7.

śuci 2. śuc + i,
I. adj.
     1. White, resplendent, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3322.
     2. Clear (as a jewel), Utt. Rāmac. 35, 18.
     3. Gentle (cf. śuci-smita, s. v. smi).
     4. Clean, Bhartṛ. 2, 17; purified.
     5. Pure, Man. 1, 76; pious.
     6. Exempt from passion.
     7. Honest, upright, Rām. 3, 53, 12; Pañc. 191, 13.
     8. Free from fault, Pañc. i. d. 215.
II. m.
     1. White (the colour).
     2. Purity, virtue, correctness.
     3. Purification by ablution.
     4. Judicial acquittal.
     5. A faithful and tried minister.
     6. The month Jyeṣṭha (May -June), and Āṣāḍha (June -- July), i. e. the hot season, Ragh. 3, 3; Rājat. 5, 477; Hiḍ. 1, 10.
     7. The sun.
     8. The moon.
     9. Fire.
     10. The planet Venus.
     11. Śiva.
     12. A Brāhmaṇa.
     13. Oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant.
-- Comp. a-, adj. impure, Hit. ii. d. 24. upadhā-, adj. free from deceit, Hit. iii. d. 16.

śucitva śuci + tva, n. Purity, Hit. i. d. 95, M.M.

śucyśucy, cucy cucy, i. 1, Par. To express or squeeze out. śukta, see s.v.

śuṭīratā *śuṭīra + tā, and śuṭīrya śutīrya, i. e. *śuṭīra + ya, n. Heroism, prowess.

śuṭhśuṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be lame.
     2. To prevent. i. 10, Par. To be lazy (cf. 1. śaṭh).

śuṇṭhśuṇṭh, i. 1, Par. To be lame. i. 1. and 10, Par. To be dried or desiccated.

śuṇṭhi ṭhī śuṇṭhi/ī, f., and śuṇṭhya śuṇṭhya, n. Dry ginger, Pañc. 262, 13 (ya).

śuṇḍśuṇḍ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To break.
     2. To vex, to torment.

śuṇḍa śuṇḍa,
I. m. The exudation from an elephant's temples.
II. f. ḍā.
     1. Spirituous liquor.
     2. A tavern.
     3. An elephant's trunk, Pañc. 165, 1.
     4. The stalk of the lotus.
     5. A whore.

śuṇḍaka śuṇḍaka (cf. the last), m. A distiller.

śuṇḍāra śuṇḍāra (cf. śuṇḍa), m.
     1. A distiller.
     2. An elephant's trunk, Mahāvīrac. 17, 7.

śuṇḍikā śuṇḍikā, f. The soft palate.
-- Comp. gala-, f. 1. the uvufa or the soft palate, Yājñ. 3, 98. 2. swelling of the kernels of the throat, Suśr. 1, 90, 16.

śuṇḍī śuṇḍī in kaṇṭh-, f. Swelling of the kernels of the throat, Suśr. 1, 306, 5 (cf. the last).

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śuddhatā śuddha + tā (vb. śudh), f. Purity, Pañc. iv. d. 76.

śuddhānta śuddhānta, i. e. śuddha-anta, m.
     1. The private or women's apartments, Vikr. d. 43; Utt. Rāmac. 25, 4 (-cārin, m., add. s. v. cārin, A servant of the private apartments).
     2. The king's wife or concubine.

śuddhi śuddhi, i. e. śudh + ti, f.
     1. Cleaning, cleansing.
     2. Purity, purification, Pañc. iii. d. 119.
     3. Correctness, truth, Mālat. 50, 14; certainty, Lass. 22, 11.
     4. Acquittal.
     5. Covering (of expenses), Pañc. 251, 16.
-- Comp. agni-, f. purification by fire, passing the fiery ordeal, Utt. Rāmac. 5, 1. dravya-, f. purification of inammate things, Man. 5, 57. vaira-, f. revenge.

śudh śudh (probably for original śvadh), i. 4, Par.
     1. To be purified, Man. 3, 132; Pañc. i. d. 307.
     2. To become pure, Man. 5, 63. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śuddha.
     1. Pure, Hit. d. 78, M. M.
     2. White.
     3. Faultless, genuine, Mālav. d. 30.
     4. Innocent.
     5. Acquitted.
     6. Authorised.
     7. Alone, Megh. 88; only, mere, simple.
     8. Whetted. n.
     1. Pure spirit.
     2. Rock-salt. Comp. a-, adj. impure, wicked, Pañc. i. d. 335. ati-, very pure, Hit. i. d. 198, M. M. Ptcple. of the pf. act. śuddhavant, f. vatī; nom. pl. vatjas, Man. 11, 249, designates a holy text beginning śuddhavatyas. Caus.
     1. To purify, Man. 9, 282.
     2. To explain, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 4.
     3. To examine, to investigate, Pañc. 42, 11. śodhita, Purified, excused, Man. 8, 202.
-- With the prep. pari pari, Caus.
     1. To clean, to secure, Rām. 2, 31, 25.
     2. To solve, to explain, Gīt. 12, 28.
-- With vi vi, To be purified, Man. 5, 66. viśuddha,
     1. Pure, Pañc. pr. d. 9.
     2. Faultless, Mālav. 21, 8; Hit. pr. d. 23, M. M. (vaṃśa-, regarding, the bambu, of which it is made, viz. a bow).
     3. White, Ṛt. 6, 34.
     4. Corrected.
     5. Pious, virtuous.
     6. Humble, modest.
     7. Settled, Man. 8, 201. Comp. a-, adj. wicked, Rājat. 5, 315. Caus. To purify, MBh. 3, 15979.
-- With sam sam, saṃśvddha,
     1. Purified, expiated, Bhag. 6, 45.
     2. Clean.
     3. Refined.
     4. Acquitted (as a debt, or of a crime). Caus.
     1. To purify, Rājat. 5, 89.
     2. To secure, Man. 7, 185.
     3. To cover (as expenses), MBh. 2, 204.
     4. To examine, Man. 7, 219.
-- Cf. śundh; [greek] probably Lat. castus, O.H.G. haitar, screnus.

śunśun, i. 6, Par. To go.

śuna śuna, i. e. śvan + a, m. A dog. śunī, see s. v. śvan.

śunaka śuna + ka, m. A dog, a young dog, Rām. 1, 61, 17.

śunaḥśepa śunaḥśepa (ved.), and śunaḥśepha śunaḥśepha (Rām. 1, 61, 19), i. e. śvan + as-śepa, or -śepha, m. A proper name.

śunāśīra śunāśīra, and śunāsīra śunāsīra (so in the Vedas), m. Indra.

śuni śuni, i. e. śvan + i, m. A dog.

śundh śundh (cf. śudh), i. 1, Par. To purify. Ātm. To be purified. Caus., or i. 10, To purify.

śundhyu śundh + yu,
I. adj. Purifying, Chr. 289, 9 = Rigv. i. 50, 9.
II. m. A name of Agni.

śubh 1. śubh (probably for original śvabh, cf. śudh; see also śumbh, s. v. 2. śubh), i. 1, Ātm., i. 6, Par.
     1. To shine, Chr. 40. 9.
     2. To be splendid, Rām. 2, 47, 17.
     3. To be beautiful, MBh. 4, 49.
     4. To be gay or happy, Pañc. iii. d. 226.
     5. † To hurt, to kill Ved. infin. śubhe, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4. Caus. śobhaya, To cause to shine, to adorn, Rām. 2, 96, 31. Ved. Caus. śubhaya, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3. śobhita, Trimmed, Hit. iii. d. 27.
-- With the prep. upa upa, To shine, Pañc. i. d. 85. Caus. To adorn, Rām. 1, 5, 16; Pañc. 159, 20.
-- With vi vi, To shine, Hit. ii. d. 71.
-- With sam sam, Caus. To adorn, Ṛt. 6, 23.

śubh † 2. śubh, śumbh śumbh, subh subh, sumbh sumbh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To speak, to shine.
     2. To kill, to hurt.

śubha śubh + a,
I. adj., f. bhā.
     1. Splendid, Lass. 2. ed. 72, 5; beautiful, Pañc. iii. d. 185. Comparat. śubhatara, Very beautiful, Pañc. 226, 5.
     2. Distinguished, Lass. 2. ed. 59, 10.
     3. Learned.
     4. Happy, Hit. i. d. 5, M. M.; good, Pañc. iii. d. 106; virtuous, i. d. 150.
II. m. One of the astrological Yogas.
III. f. bhā.
     1. A female friend of the goddess Umā, Rām. 3, 52, 26.
     2. Bambu manna.
     3. Bent grass.
IV. n. Happiness, hail, Hit. 54, 17.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. wicked, Pañc. i. d. 403. 2. inauspicious, Lass. 16, 19. śubhāśubha, i. e. śubha-a-śubha, adj. good or wicked, Pañc. ii. d. 18.

śubhaṃbhāvuka śubhaṃbhāvuka, i. e. śubha + m-bhū + uka, adj. Resplendent, Lass. 67, 7.

śubhaṃyu śubhaṃyu, i. e. śubha + m + yu, adj. Happy, prosperous, Ragh. 8. 6.

śubhra śubh + ra,
I. adj.
     1. White, Megh. 53; Lass. 4, 17.
     2. Shining, bright, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3; Pañc. i. d. 252.
II. m.
     1. White (the colour).
     2. Sandal, Padmap. 3, 4.
III. f. .
     1. The Ganges.
     2. Crystal.
     3. Bambu manna.
IV. n.
     1. Silver.
     2. Talc.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. silver.

śubhratva śubhra + tva, n. Whiteness, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1915.

śubhri śubh + ri, m. Brahman.

śumbh śumbh (cf. 2. śubh), i. 6, Par. (ved. also Ātm.) To shine.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Ātm. To assume as ornament, to adorn one's self with (acc.), Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10.
-- With pra pra, Ātm. To adorn one's self carefully, Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 1.
-- Cf. probably, A.S. camb: O.H.G. kamp; [greek]

śulkśulk, i. 10, Par.
     1. To create.
     2. To gain.
     3. To abandon.
     4. To speak (cf. śvalk).

śulka śulka, m. and n.
     1. Toll, tax, duty, Man. 10, 120.
     2. Money given at the purchase of anything, to ratify the bargain.
     3. Money given to the parents of the bride, originally as purchase-price, cf. MBh. 13, 2422, sqq. and 4530; Man. 3, 51.
     4. A nuptial present, Man. 9, 93.
     5. The profits of household labour, care of milch cattle, etc-, when considered as the legal property of the wife.
     6. Price, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 15.
-- Comp. guṇa-, Dhana-, Virya-, adj., f. , having as its price, i. e. to be purchase by, good qualities, money, prowess, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 24; 191, 1, and Chr. 4, 14.

śulva śulva, n.
     1. Copper.
     2. A rope.
     3. Institute, law.
     4. A sacrificial observance.
     5. A quantity of water.

śulvāri śulvāri, m. Sulphur.

śuśrūṣaka śuśrūṣaka, i.e. śuśrūṣa, desider. of śru, + aka,
I. adj. Obedient, Lass. 41, 14.
II. m. A servant.

śuśrūṣaṇa śuśrūṣaṇa, i. e. cuśrūṣa, see the last, + ana, n. Obedience, MBh. 1, 741.

śuśrūṣā śuśrūṣā, i. e. śuśrūṣa, see the last, + a, f.
     1. Wishing to hear.
     2. Obedience, Lass. 41, 7.
     3. Service, Man. 1, 91; 2, 112; Pañc. 214, 19; reverence, Man. 2, 229.
     4. Speaking.
-- Comp. agni-, f. attention to the sacred fires, Man. 2, 248. caraṇa-, f. prostration, Rām. 3, 14, 8. pari-, f. complete obedience, Lass. 41, 15. pāda-, f. obedience, Hariv. 12585.

śuśrūṣu śuśrūṣu, i. e. śuśrūṣa, see the last, + u, adj. Obedient, attentive, Man. 2, 109; MBh. 1, 740.

śuṣ śuṣ (for suṣ, and that for original sus; ś for s, by the assimilating influence of ), i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 96, 34),
     1. To become dry, literally and figuratively, Rām. 2, 69, 19; MBh. 2, 1685; 3, 591.
     2. To be withered, to be afflicted, Draup. 6, 11. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śuṣka.
     1. Dried up, Pañc. 51, 5; dry, Pañc. ii. d. 96.
     2. Causeless, Pañc. 172, 1.
     3. Unprofitable.
     4. Offensive, Man. 11, 35. Caus.
     1. To dry up, Pañc, i. d. 117; MBh. 3, 189
     2. To emaciate, Man. 6, 24.
     3. To destroy, Gīt. 12, 5.
-- With the prep. ud ud, Caus.
     1. To dry up, Rām. 2, 64, 65.
     2. To emaciate, Chr. 57, 23.
-- With samud sam-ud, To become dried up, Bhaṭṭ. 16, 17.
-- With upa upa, Caus.
     1. To dry up, MBh. 3, 12874.
     2. To emaciate, MBh. 1, 4624.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To become dried up and withered, Rām. 2, 30, 25.
     2. To be afflicted, Chr. 12, 25. pari śuṣka,
     1. Completely dry, Rām. 2, 59, 9.
     2. Withered.
     3. Emaciated, Rām. 4, 16, 35. Caus. To emaciate, Pañc. 182, 11.
-- With vi vi, viśuṣka,
     1. Very dry, thirsty, Ṛt. 1, 15
     2. Withered, Mālat. 78, 4. Caus. To dry up, MBh. 3, 10767.
-- With sam sam, To be dried up, MBh. 1, 8230. saṃśuṣka, Completely dry, Ṛt. 1, 22. Caus. To dry up, Ragh. 6, 36.
-- Cf. [greek] (= śuṣka for sus + ka), [greek] Lat. siccus (= śuṣka for sus + ka); Goth. siuk; A.S. seoc, seac, sioc, sic; O.H.G. siuh, siucī, siuhjan; Goth. sauht; A.S. and O.H.G. suht.

śuṣa śuṣ + a, m., and śuṣi or ṣī śuṣ + i/ī,
     1. Drying.
     2. A hole in the ground.

śuṣira śuṣ + ira,
I. adj. Perforated (cf. śuṣa).
II. m.
     1. Fire.
     2. A rat.
III. n.
     1. A hole.
     2. A wind instrument.

śuṣila śuṣ + ila, m. Wind.

śuṣka śuṣka, see śuṣ.

śuṣkala śuṣka + la, m., f. , and , and n. Dry flesh.

śuṣṇa śuṣṇa, i. e. śuṣ + na, m.
     1. The sun.
     2. Fire.

śuṣma śuṣ + ma,
I. adj. Strong, Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.
II. m.
     1. The sun.
     2. Fire.
     3. Wind.
III. n. Light.
-- Comp. an-anta-, adj. always roaring, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10.

śuṣman śuṣ + man,
I. m. Fire.
II. n.
     1. Light, lustre.
     2. Strength.

śuṣmin śuṣmin, i. e. śuṣma + in, adj. Strong, Hiḍ. 1, 13.

śūka śūka, m. and n.
     1. The awn of barley.
     2. A bristle, a spicula.
     3. Compassion.
-- Comp. śasya-, n. the beard of corn. śita (or sita-), m. 1. barley. 2. wheat.

śūkara śūkara, m. A hog, Hit. 57, 12, M. M. f. , A sow. Cf. sūkara.

śūdra śūdra,
I. m.A man of the fourth caste, Man. 1, 31; 116; Hit. iv. d. 21.
II. f. , A woman of that caste.
III. f. , or rāṇī, The wife of a Śūdra.
-- Comp. mahā-, m. a cowherd. f. , a milk-woman.

śūdraka śūdra + ka, m. A proper name, Lass. 28, 9.

śūdratā śūdra + tā, f., and śūdratva śūdra + tva, n. The nature or condition of a Śūdra, Man. 2, 168 (tva).

śūna śūna,
I. see śvi.
II. (cf. suna), f. .
     1. A slaughter-house, Man. 4, 85; Mālav. 25, 2; cf. the next.
     2. The soft palate.

śūnācakradhvajavant śūnā-cakra-dhvaja + vant, adj. One who has a slaughter-house, or an oil-press, or a vintner's flag, Man. 4, 84.

śūnāstha śūnā-stha, adj. Being in, brought from, a slaughter-house, Man. 11, 155.

śūnya śūnya (probably for original śvanya, vb. śvi),
I. adj.
     1. Empty, void, Vikr. 66, 1; vacant, Mālat. 11, 8; ruined, Rām. 2, 13, 16.
     2. Deprived of, with instr., Bhāṣāp. 69 (read śūnyā siddhir); Vikr. d. 130 (as former part of a comp. Without, Pañc. 208, 22; figurat., Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 249).
     3. Unsuspicious, Rām. 3, 50, 24.
     4. Unmeaning, indifferent, Pañc. 117, 14.
     5. Lonely, Pañc. 231, 18 (śūnye, secretly); desert, Rām. 3, 51, 17 (n. in the lonely place).
II. f. , A hollow reed.
III. n.
     1. A vacuum.
     2. Heaven.
     3. A dot.
     4. A cypher.
     5. Absolute vacuity or rather nonentity, a principle of the Bauddha metaphysics, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 14.
-- Comp. a-, adj. full, performed, Śāk. 24, 16. anyathā-siddhi-, adj. free from superfluous determination (as a cause), Bhāṣāp. 15. pari-, adj. completely empty, or void of, Ragh. 8, 65; 19, 6. sarva-, adj. completely empty, Hit. i. d. 125, M. M.
-- Cf. [greek]

śūnyatā śūnya + tā, f., and śūnyatva śūnya + tva, n.
     1. Emptiness, Lass. 72, 10 ().
     2. Unreality.
-- Comp. mātṛ-, f. condition of having no mother, Cāṇ. 49 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 410.

śūnyavat śūnya + vat, adv. Like a cypher, annihilated, Daśak. in. Chr. 183, 22.

śūrśūr, sūr sūr, i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To hurt or kill.
     2. To be firm. i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Ātm.
     1. To be valiant.
     2. To make great exertion. visūrita, see s. v.

śūra śūra, i. e. *śavan (for śavas), + a (with r for n), m.
     1. A hero, Hit. i. d. 71, M. M.
     2. The sun.
     3. A lion.
     4. A boar.
     5. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 32; 46.
-- Comp. piṇḍī- (see piṇḍa), m. a hero at dinner. sva-bhāva-, adj. containing men who are naturally heroes, Hit. iii. d. 87.
-- Cf. [greek] probably [greek]

śūratā śūra + tā, f. Prowess, heroism, Hit. iii. d. 44.

śūrasenaka śūrasena + ka (see senā), m. pl. A people and country about Mathurā, Man. 2, 19.

śūrasenaja śūrasena-ja (see senā), m. An inhabitant of Śūrasena. Man. 7, 194.

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śūrpśūrp, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To measure.

śūrpa śūrpa (and probably better sūrpa sūrpa, q. cf.),
I. m. and n. A winnowing basket, Man. 5, 117.
II. m. A measure of two droṇas.
III. f. .
     1. A small winnowing basket, a toy for children.
     2. A proper name.

śūrpaka śūrpaka, m. A demon, the enemy of Kāma.

śūlśūl, i. 1 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par.
     1. To be sick.
     2. To make a loud noise.
     3. To impale.

śūla śūla (cf. śo),
I. m. and n.
     1. A pike, a dart, a weapon, Sund. 1, 24; Rām. 5, 53, 53.
     2. An iron pin or spit.
     3. A banner.
     4. Sharp pain, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 19; Lass. 31, 18; especially in the belly, as colic, Rājat. 5, 53.
     5. Death.
II. f. .
     1. A stake for impaling criminals, Pañc. 238, 1.
     2. A whore.
-- Comp. a-kāṇḍa- (m. n.), sudden colic, Rājat. 5, 53. karṇa-, m. and n. earache, Suśr. 1, 55, 4. kukṣi-, m. colic, ib. 1, 219, 11 tri-,
I. n. a trident, Rām. 5, 37, 38.
II. m. Śiva. danta- (m. and n.), toothache, MBh. 12, 11267.

śūlaka śūla + ka, m. A restive horse.

śūlika śūlika, i. e. śūla + ika,
I. adj. Roasted on a spit (ŚKD.).
II. m. A hare.

śūlin śūlin, i. e. śūla + in,
I. adj. Suffering sharp pain.
II. m.
     1. A spearman.
     2. A stake-bearer.
     3. Śiva, Bhartṛ. 2, 52.
-- Comp. tri-,
I. n. Śiva.
II. f. , Durgā, Hariv. 9428.

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śūlya śūlya, i. e. śūla/ā + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Roasted on a spit, Bhaṭṭ. 4, 9.
     2. Deserving impalement.
II. n. Roasted meat.

śūṣ śūṣ, see sūṣ.

śṛgāla śṛgāla,
I. m.
     1. Ajackal, Hit. 52, 4, M. M.
     2. A rogue.
     3. A coward.
     4. A demon.
     5. Kṛṣṇa.
II. f. .
     1. A she-jackal, Pañc. 220, 9.
     2. A fox.

śṛgālikā śṛgālikā, i. e. śṛgālī + ka, f.
     1. A female jackal, Pañc. 226, 20.
     2. A fox.
     3. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 9.

śṛṅkhala śṛṅkhala, m., f. , and n.
     1. A chain, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 12 ().
     2. A belt worn round a man's body.
-- Comp. uccṛṅkhala, i. e. ud-, adj. ungovernable, Hit. iii. d. 97. chinna-, adj. (vb. chid), having broken (his) chain (viz. an elephant), Daśak. in Chr. 190, 9. vi-, adj. unfettered, unrestrained, dissolute, Bhartṛ. 2, 49.

śṛṅga śṛṅga, probably śara + m-ga (cf. śṛ10),
I. n.
     1. A horn, Pañc. 9, 7; a horn-like vessel, Ragh. 16, 70.
     2. The top of a mountain, Bhartṛ. 2, 77; Daśak. in Chr. 188, 21 (udaya-acala-indra-padmarāga-śṛṅga-kalpā, As if it [viz. the sun] was the ruby top of the mountain udaya); summit of a building, Pañc. 10, 8.
     3. Height, dignity.
     4. Sovereignty.
     5. A mark.
     6. A lotus.
     7. An artificial fountain.
II. f. .
     1. A fish, a sort of silurus.
     2. A sort of drug.
     3. A sort of gold used for making trinkets.
-- Comp. a-, adj. having no horns, Rājat. 5, 460. ṛksāmaśṛṅga, i. e. ṛc-sāman-, m. a name of Viṣṇu, Rām. 6, 102, 17. eka-,
I. m. 1. epithet of Viṣṇu, Rām. 6, 102, 13. 2. pl. a class of Manes, MBh. 2, 463.
II. f. , a proper name, Hariv. 987. catuḥśṛ°, i. e. catur-, m. the name of a mountain, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 15. prabāla-maṇi-, adj. having horns of coral and jewels, Rām. 3, 49, 21. sa-, adj. possessed of a horn, Chr. 40, 9.
-- Cf. as akin, [greek] Lat. cornu; Goth. haurn; A.S. horn.

śṛṅgavera śṛṅgavera,
I. n. Ginger.
II. Name of a town, Utt. Rāmac. 14, 10.

śṛṅgāṭa śṛṅgāṭa, and śṛṅgāṭaka śṛṅgāṭa + ka, n. A place where four roads meet.

śṛṅgāra śṛṅgāra (from śṛṅga, cf. the next),
I. m.
     1. Copulation, coition, Pañc. i. d. 191.
     2. Love, Vikr. d. 9; as an object of poetical description.
     3. (m. or n.?), Elegant dress (properly, a dress for amorous purposes), Pañc. 36, 18 (cf. my transl. n. 173).
     4. Marks made with red lead on an elephant's head and trunk.
     5. Mark in general, Lass. 69, 5 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
II. n.
     1. Red lead.
     2. Cloves.
     3. Fragrant powder for the dress or person.

śṛṅgāraka śṛṅgāra + ka, adj. Horned.

śṛṅgiṇa śṛṅgiṇa, i. e. śṛṅgin + a, m. A ram.

śṛṅgin śṛṅgin, i. e. śṛṅga + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Horned, Hit. i. d. 18, M. M.
     2. Crested, peaked.
II. m.
     1. A mountain.
     2. A tree.
     3. An elephant.
III. f. iṇī, A cow.
-- Comp. prabāla-maṇi-, i. e. prabālamaṇiśṛṅga + in, adj. having horns of coral and jewels, Rām. 3, 49, 4.

śṛṇi śṛṇi (vb. śṛ10), f. The hook for goading an elephant, Hit. ii. d. 155.

śṛdh śṛdh, i. 1, Ātm., and in the aor., fut., and condit. also Par. To fart. i. 1, Par. Ātm. † To wet, to moisten. i. 10, To insult (by breaking wind against, or by defiling with excrements).
-- With the prep. ava ava, To break wind against somebody, Man. 8, 282.
-- Cf. śakṛt.

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śṛdhū śṛdh + ū, f. The anus.

śṝ śṛ10, ii. 9, śṛṇā, ṇī, Par.
     1. To hurt, to wound, Kir. 14, 13.
     2. Pass. To be broken, to split in pieces, MBh. 3, 591 (with the termination of the Par.). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śīrṇa.
I. Broken; Pañc. i. d. 387; MBh. i. d. 267.
     2. Withered, Megh. 30.
     3. Wasted, decayed, Mālat. 79, 18 (antar-, Mouldering in it, viz. its water).
     4. Slender, thin.
-- With the prep. ava ava, pass. To be dissolved, to spread, Rām. 1, 31, 44, Seramp. (Schlegel, 1, 38, 14, v. r.).
-- With pari pari, pass. To be broken, to split, MBh. 3, 11141.
-- With vi vi, pass.
     1. To be broken, Man. 8, 408.
     2. To be destroyed, MBh. 1, 3726.
     3. To go asunder, to slip away, Man. 2, 74.
     4. To fade away, Bhartṛ. 2, 25; Hit. iv. d. 42. viśīrṇa,
     1. Broken, Pañc. 80, 9.
     2. Divided, Megh. 19.
     3. Withered, decayed.
     4. Wasted, dispersed, Nal. 13, 17.
-- Cf. A.S. hyrt; [greek] Lat. cornu; Goth. haurn; A.S. horn; [greek] Lat. cervus; A.S. heorot, heort; [greek] probably [greek] Goth. hairus, A sword; perhaps O.H.G. bi -hal, bipennis; Lat. clava, quiris, probably in-columis; cf. śaru, śṛṅga.

śekhara śekhara (from śikhara, with aff. a, for regular śaikhara), m.
     1. A crest, a diadem, Mālat. 145, 8; Lass. 13, 6 (at the end of a comp. adj.); chief, Caurap. 45 (read śekhara).
     2. A garland of flowers worn on the crown of the head, Ṛt. 1, 6.
     3. A proper name, Lass. n. ad 67, 10.
-- Comp. indu-, Candra-, and śaśiśekhara, i. e. śaśin-, m. Śiva (having the moon as crest, wearing the moon on his head), Kathās. 4, 22 (indu-); Hit. 116, 6 (candra-).

śepa śepa, śepha śepha, and sepha sepha, m. The penis.

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śepas śepas, and śephas śephas, n.
     1. The penis.
     2. A testicle.

śepāla śepāla = śevāla.

śemuṣī śemuṣī (properly fem. of the ptcple. of the red. pf. of śam) f. Understanding.

śel śel, see sel.

śelu śelu, m.
     1. A small tree, Cord myxa.
     2. A kind of fruit, Man. 5, 6.

śevśev, i. 1, Ātm. To worship (cf. sev).

śeva śeva,
I. m.
     1. A snake (vb. śī)
     2. Happiness.
II. acc. vam, indecl. Hail, homage, an exclamation or salutation addressed to the deities.
III. n., and f. , The penis (cf. śepa).

śevadhi śevadhi i. e. śeva-dhā (cf. nidhi), m. A treasure, Mālat. 103, 10; also sevadhi, q. cf.

śevāla śevāla, śaivala and śaivāla śaiva/āla, m. n. The green moss-like substance growing on the surface of water, duck-weed (Vallisneria? cf. śepāla and śaiva), Pañc. 188, 12 (śaivala); Śāk. d. 19 (śaivala); Rām. 2, 46, 32, Seramp. (śaivāla).

śeṣa śeṣa, i. e. śiṣ + a,
I. adj. Remaining, Man. 1, 102; 3, 47; Megh. 31; other, Pañc. 123, 13; all the other, Vikr. d. 52.
II. m. and n.
     1. Remainder, residue, Pañc. iii. d. 256; 51, 11 (vīja-śeṣa-mātra, Even a residue of seed), Daśak. in Chr. 184, 24 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     2. What is omitted, Man. 8, 320; 322 (śeṣe, for less).
III. m.
     1. Killing, destroying, finishing.
     2. End, Pañc. 55, 6.
     3. The king of the serpent race, at once the conch and canopy of Viṣṇu, and the upholder of the world, Bhartṛ. 2, 28,
     4. A name of Baladeva.
IV. f. ṣā, Flowers and other things that have been offered to an idol (and are then distributed amongst the worshippers), Sāv. 1, 27.
-- Comp.
A. as former part of comp. words, often: remaining, cf. śeṣa-śarīra, śeṣa-bhāga.
B. a-, adj., f. ṣā, entire, all, every, Mālat. 2, 3; Ragh. 3, 65; Pañc. 163, 7. acc. ṣam, instr. ṣeṇa, and adv. ṣa + tas, entirely, Kumāras. 5, 82; Bhag. 10, 16; Man. 1, 59. ālekhya-, adj. (of whom is left only a likeness), dead, Ragh. 14, 15. kārya-, n. the completion of a business, or affair begun, Man. 3, 157. jiva-, adj. having saved only the bare life, Pañc. 160, 2. deva-, n. the remainder of an offering to a deity, MBh. 13, 2019. nāmaśeṣa, i. e. nāman-, adj., f. ṣā, 1. one of whom only the name is left, Utt. Rāmac. 37, 18. 2. dead. niḥśeṣa, i. e. nis-, adj., f. ṣā, 1. without leaving a residue, without sparing anybody or anything, completely destroyed, Pañc. iii. d. 256; MBh. 2, 1531. 2. all, whole, Pañc. i. d. 21. °ṣam, ṣa + tas, adv. completely, Kathās. 24, 83. malamallaka-, adj. one to whom is left nothing but a small piece of cloth to cover his privities. Daśak. in Chr. 184, 24. yaśas-, adj. dead. vākya-, m. the remainder of one's speech, Vikr. 35, 8 (i. e. you will say). smṛti-, adj. f. ṣā, that of which is left nothing but remembrance, Rājat. 5, 189. hata-, adj. the remainder of the killed, i. e. those who had avoided being killed, Pañc. 122, 24.

śai śai, see śrā.

śaikya śaikya, i. e. śikya + a, adj. Placed between the ropes of a porter's yoke.

śaikṣya śaikṣya, i. e. śikṣā + ya, n. Learning, skill, Johns. Sel. 48, 84.

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śaikha śaikha, m. The offspring of an outcaste Brāhmaṇa, Man. 10, 21.

śaikhāvatya śaikhāvatya, m. A proper name, Chr. 9, 39.

śaitya śaitya, i. e. śīta + ya, n. Coldness, Pañc. ii. d. 160.

śaithilya śaithilya, i.e. śithila + ya, n.
     1. Looseness, laxity, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 11.
     2. Flaccidity.
     3. Weakness, Śāk. 110, 15; cowardice, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 11.
     4. Smallness, Hit. 62, 22.
     5. Relaxation of rule or connexion.
     6. Inattention, Pañc. 118, 8.

śaineya śaineya, probably śini + eya, m. Satyaki, the charioteer of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 7, 7242.

śaila śaila, i. e. śilā + a,
I. adj.
     1. Stony, Arj. 8, 10; rocky.
     2. Mountainous, mountaineer.
II. m.
     1. A mountain, Man. 1, 27; Vikr. 10, 6.
     2. A dike, Pañc. i. d. 115.
III. n.
     1. Bitumen.
     2. Storax.
-- Comp. krīḍā, m. a pleasure mountain, Megh. 61. tārkṣya-, n. a kind of collyrium, Suśr. 2, 66, 9. tuhina-, m. the Himālaya, Kathās. 22, 255. pañcaśaila, i. e. pañśhan-, m. the name of a mountain, Mārk. P. 55, 8. badarī- (see vadarī), n. a part of the Himālaya range. mantha-, m. the mount Mandara. mahā-, m. a great mountain, Bhartṛ. 2, 56.

śailaja śaila-ja, adj. Produced in or on mountains.
-- Comp. hima-, f. , Pārvatī.

śailamaya śaila + maya, adj., f. , Rocky, consisting of stones, Rājat. 5, 103.

śailāṭa śailāṭa, i. e. śaila-aṭ + a, m.
     1. A mountaineer, a barbarian.
     2. A lion.
     3. Crystal.
     4. An idol.

śailālin śailālin, i. e. *śailāla + in, from śilālin (a proper name), m. (properly a follower of the art taught by Śilālin), An actor, a mime.

śailūṣa śailūṣa, i. e. śilūṣa (a proper name), + a, m.
     1. An actor, a public dancer, Man. 4, 214.
     2. The master of the band, or one who beats time.
     3. A rogue, a cheat.
     4. a tree, Aegle marmelos.

śaileya śaileya, i. e. śaila + eya,
I. adj.
     1. Produced in the mountains.
     2. Mountainous, mountaineer.
II. m. A bee, Ṛt. 6, 25.
III. f. , Pārvatī.
IV. n.
     1. Rock-salt.
     2. Benzoin or storax.
     3. A kind of vegetable perfume.

śailya śailya, i. e. śilā + ya, n. Stoniness, hardness.

śaiva śaiva, i. e. śiva + a,
I. adj. Relating, belonging, to Śiva, Rām. 1, 66, 19.
II. m. A worshipper of Śiva.
III. n. A plant, Vallisneria octandra.

śaivatā śaiva + tā, f. Worship of Śiva, Rājat. 5, 43.

śaivala and śaivāla śaiva/āla, see śevāla.

śaivālaka śaivāla + ka, A substitute for śaivāla, at the end of a Bhvr. comp., Śṛṅgārat. 1.

śaivya śaivya,
I. i. e. śiva + ya, adj. Relating to Śiva.
II. m.
     1. One of the horses of Kṛṣṇa.
     2. i. e. śivi + ya, A tribe of the Śivis.
     3. A proper name.
III. f. , A proper name, Sāv. 6, 2.

śaiśava śaiśava, i. e. śiśu + a, n. Childhood, Man. 8, 27.

śaiśira śaiśira, i. e. śiśira + a,
I. adj. Belonging to the cold season, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 738.
II. m. The name of a mountain, Arj. 3, 10.

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śo śo, † i. 4, śya (the original form was aś + ya; cf. Lat. acies, acus, acer, acidus; [greek] Goth. aqvizi; A.S. acas; Sskr. aśra, aśri, aśru, aśman, aśva, aṣṭra, etc.), Par.; ved. ii. 3, śiśā, śiśī, Par. Ātm. To sharpen, Lass. 98, 15 = Rigv. v. 9, 5 (cf. śi). Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. śāta.
     1. Sharpened, sharp, Rājat. 5, 407.
     2. Handsome.
     3. Happy.
     4. Thin, Ragh. 10, 70; feeble. n. Joy, happiness.
II. śita.
     1. Sharpened, sharp, Chr. 29, 35.
     2. Thin, emaciated.
     3. Feeble.
-- With the prep. ā ā, ii. 3, To incite, Lass. 101. 15 = Rigv. vii. 16, 6.
-- With ni ni,
I. niśāta, Sharpened, sharp, Bhāg. P. 3, 19, 14; polished, burnished.
II. niśita, Sharpened, sharp, Chr. 29, 27; figurat., Pañc. i. d. 201. n. Iron. Comp. su-niśita, adj. very sharp, Chr. 29, 32.
-- With sam sam, saṃśita,
     1. Certain, certified, established.
     2. Completed, finished, Chr. 9, 38; 45, 16 (cf. saṃśita-vrata).
     3. Completing, attentive in completing, Johns. Sel. 1, 1.
-- Cf. also (see above), [greek] (i. e. [greek]), [greek] (i. e. [greek]), [greek] Lat. aculeus, cātus (= śāta), tri-que + trus, cos, cautes, citus (= śita), probably ciere, cio, cieo (= śyāmi); Goth. ahana, probably O.H.G. hvezjan; A.S. hwettan (a denomin.); Goth. hvotjan.

śoka śoka, i. e. 1. śuc + a, m. Sorrow, grief, Pañc. 103, 2.
-- Comp. a-, see s. v. tri-, m. the name of a Ṛṣi, Chr. 297, 13 = Rigv. i. 112, 13. niḥś°, i. e. nis- and vi-, adj. free front sorrow, Hariv. 14227 (nis-). vita-, i. e. vi-ita-,
I. adj. free from sorrow.
II. m. the Aśoka tree. sa-, adj. sorrowfal. Hit. 77, 1; sad, Ṛt. 6, 16. °kam, adv. sorrowfully, Vikr. 52, 18. hṛcchoka, i. e. hṛd-, and hṛdaya-, m. heartache, a pang.

śokavant śoka + vant, adj., f. vatī, Sorrowful, Chr. 17, 25.

śocana śocana, i. e. 1. śuc + ana,
I. adj. Sorrowing.
II. n. Sorrow, grief.

śociṣkeśa śociṣkeśa, i. e. śocis-keśa,
I. adj. Having (rays of) light as hair, epithet of the sun, Chr. 289, 8 = Rigv. i. 50, 8.
II. m. Fire.

śocis śocis, i. e. 2. śuc + is, n. Light, splendour, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 88, 14; Kāvya Pr. 70, 13.
-- Comp. śukra-, adj. possessed of a resplendent lustre, Lass. 102, 7 = Rigv. vii. 14, 1.

śoṭha śoṭha (perhaps a form of a lost śuṣ + ta), adj. (ŚKD.), sbst.
     1. Foolish, a blockhead.
     2. Idle, an idler.
     3. A rogue.
     4. A low man.
     5. A sinner, a criminal.

śoṇśoṇ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To become red (rather a denomin. derived from the next).
     2. To go, to move. śoṇita, see s. v.

śoṇa śoṇa, i. e. probably (although already in the Vedas). sa-varṇa,
I. adj.
     1. Crimson, of a crimson colour, of chesnut colour, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 11.
     2. Red in the face, from passion, etc.
II. m.
     1. Crimson, the colour of the red lotus.
     2. A horse of a reddish or bright chesnut colour, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 10.
     3. Fire.
     4. A red sort of sugar-cane.
     5. The name of a river.
     6. A flower, Bignonia indica.
III. n.
     1. Blood.
     2. Red lead.

śoṇita śoṇita, i. e. śoṇa + ita,
I. adj. Red, crimson, Ragh. 2, 39.
II. n.
     1. Blood, Pañc. iii. d. 32.
     2. Saffron.
-- Comp. jiva-, n. living, i. e. sound blood. Suśr. 2, 193, 9. pūya-, n. purulent blood, Man. 3, 180.

śoṇiman śoṇiman, i. e. coṇa + iman, m. Redness, Gīt. 12, 13.

śotha śotha, i. e. śū (for śvi), + tha, m. Swelling from disease.

śodhana śodhana, i. e. śudh + ana,
I. adj. Cleaning, purifying.
II. m. The lime.
III. f. , A broom.
IV. n.
     1. Cleaning, removing what may be prejudicial, Hit. 97, 15; purifying.
     2. Expiation, Man. 11, 125.
     3. Punishment, Man. 1, 115.
     4. Correcting from faults.
     5. Rooting up, Man. 9, 253.
     6. Precise determination, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 11.
     7. The refining of metals.
     8. Payment, acquittal.
     9. Faeces, ordure.
     10. Green vitriol.

śodhin -śodhin, i. e. śudh + in, adj., f. , Requiting, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 14.

śopha śopha (vb. śvi, cf. śotha), m. Intumescence.
-- Comp. danta-, m. swelling of the gum, Suśr. 1, 116, 7.

śobha śobha, i. e. śubh + a,
I. adj.
     1. Bright.
     2. Handsome.
II. f. bhā.
     1. Splendour, Megh. 60; Daśak. in Chr. 183, 4 (at the end of a comp. adj., f. bhā).
     2. Light.
     3. Beauty, Hit. ii. d. 148.

śobhana śobhana, i. e. śubh + ana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Splendid.
     2. Beautiful, Rām. 4, 44, 38; ironically, Pañc. 216, 8.
     3. Propitious, Pañc. 143, 23; 153, 21 (n. with na, Misfortune, Pañc. 175, 18).
     4. Virtuous.
     5. Good, Pañc. 126, 20.
     6. Richly dressed.
II. m.
     1. A planet.
     2. Burnt offering for auspicious results.
III. n.
     1. Shining, being splendid.
     2. A lotus.
-- Comp. vana-, n. a lotus.

śobhin -śobhin, i. e. śubh and śobha, + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Shining, Vikr. d. 137; Rājat. 5, 358; Megh. 58.
     2. Exceeding, Rājat. 5, 384.
-- Comp. smita- (vb. smi), adj., f. , smiling beautifully, Lass. 2. ed. 55, 66.

śoṣa śoṣa, i. e. śuṣ + a, m.
     1. Drying up, Pañc. 51, 5; 159, 15.
     2. Exsiccation, ib. 76, 11.
     3. Pulmonary consumption.
-- Comp. tālu-, m. morbid dryness of the palate, Suśr. 1, 306, 3. dus-, adj. difficult to be dried up, MBh. 8, 656. pari-, m. complete drying up or shrivelling, Rām. 4, 15, 34.

śoṣaṇa śoṣaṇa, i. e. śuṣ + ana,
I. adj. Drying up, causing to fade, Śāk. d. 58.
II. m. One of the arrows of Kāma, Lass. 7, 3.
III. n. Drying up, Lass. 2. ed. 91, 61; Pañc. 27, 1 (vṛthā-śarīra-, Useless mortifying one's self).

śoṣin -śoṣin, i. e. śuṣ + in, Drying up, in hṛdaya-kusuma-, adj. Causing (her) flower-like heart to fade, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 16.

śauka śauka, i. e. śuka + a, n. A flock of parrots.

śaukteya śaukteya, i. e. śukti + eya, n. A pearl.

śauklya śauklya, i. e. śukla + ya, n. Whiteness.

śauṅgeya śauṅgeya, m. Garuḍa, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 12 (cf. Wilson, Daśak. p. 93, n. 2).

śauca śauca, i. e. śuci + a, n.
     1. Purity, Rājat. 5, 11; cleanness, Pañc. iii. d. 112.
     2. Honesty, Pañc. v. d. 2.
     3. Purification, Man. 2, 69; cleaning (of vessels), Pañc. ii. d. 109, cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3029.
-- Comp. a-, n. 1. impurity. Man. 11, 183. 2. perfidy, Lass. 21, 9. artha-, n. purity in acquiring wealth, honesty, Man. 5, 106.

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śaucatva śauca + tva, n., in a-, Impurity, Hit. i. d. 194, M. M.

śauceya śauceya, i. e. śuci + eya, m. A washerman.

śauṭśauṭ, śauḍ śauḍ, i. 1, Par. To be proud.

śauṭīra śauṭīra (i. e. *śuṭīra + a, cf. śuṭīratā), adj. Proud. m.
     1. A hero, Rām. 3, 48, 4.
     2. An ascetic who has given up worldly pursuits.
     3. An upstart.

śauṭīrya śauṭīrya, i. e. śauṭīra (or *śuṭīra, see the last), + ya, n.
     1. Pride.
     2. Heroism.

śauḍ śauḍ, see śauṭ.

śauṇḍa śauṇḍa, i. e. śuṇḍa + a, adj.
     1. Drunk, intoxicated.
     2. Addicted to liquor, Draup. 6, 5.
-- Comp. dāna-, adj. exceedingly liberal, Rājat. 6, 87.

śauṇḍika śauṇḍika, i. e. śuṇḍa + ika,
I. m. A distiller and vendor of spirituous liquors, Man. 4, 216.
II. f. . A female keeper of a tavern, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3355.

śauṇḍikeya śauṇḍikeya, i. e. śauṇḍika + eya, m. A demon, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 531, 16.

śauna śauna, i. e. śūnā + a (n.), Meat kept at a slaughter-house, Man. 5, 13.

śaunaka śaunaka, m. A proper name, Man. 3, 16.

śaunika śaunika, i. e. śūnā + ika, m.
     1. A butcher, Man. 4, 86.
     2. A poulterer, a vendor of flesh of birds.
     3. Chase, hunting.

śaurya śaurya, i. e. śūra + ya, n. Prowess, heroism, Pañc. iii. d. 53; 238, 22.

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śaulkika śaulkika, i. e. śulka + ika, m. Superintendent of tolls or customs.

śaulvika śaulvika, i. e. śulva + ika, m. A coppersmith.

śauvastika śauvastika, i. e. śvastya + ika, adj. Of, or belonging to, tomorrow.

śauṣkala śauṣkala, i. e. śuṣkala + a,
I. adj. Eating flesh.
II. m. A vendor of flesh (ŚKD.).

ścut ścut, and 1. ścyut ścyut (derived from a noun based on ścyu, cf. cyu), i. 1, Par. To ooze, to drop, Kir. 5, 29 (ścyut); to distill, Mālat. 81, 13 (ścut). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ścyutita.
     1. Shed, sprinkled.
     2. Dropping, flowing.
-- With the prep. upa upa, To drop, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 87, 2 (ścut).
-- With ni ni, ścut, To drop down, Mālat. 128, 5.
-- With pra pra, To distill, Mālat. 24, 3; Bhaṭṭ. 14, 79 (ścut).
-- Cf. Goth. skevjan (= ścu); skura; A.S. scur.

ścyut 2. -ścyut, latter part of comp. words, adj. Shedding, jala- (water), Kir. 5, 9.

śnath śnath, i. 1, Par. To hurt, to kill, to destroy.
-- Cf. Goth. snithan; A. S. snidhan.

śmaśāna śmaśāna, i. e. probably śman (for śam + an, cf. [greek] in [greek]), -śayana, n. A cemetery, Pañc. v. d. 6.
-- Comp. pāreśmaśānam, i. e. pāra + i-śmaśāna + m, adv. beyond the cemetery, Mālat. 79, 19.

śmaśru śmaśru, n. The beard, Pañc. 182, 10.
-- Comp. rakta- (vb. rañj), adj. having a red beard, Hiḍ. 3, 27. sa-, f. a woman with a beard. sita-, adj. silvery-bearded.

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śmaśrula śmaśru + la, adj. Having a beard, Ragh. 4, 63; one who lets grow his beard, Man. 11, 105.

śmīlśmīl, smīl smīl (cf. mīl), i. 1, Par. To wink, to contract the eyelids.

śyāna śyāna, see śvi.

śyāma śyāma (probably from śvi, cf. śyeta),
I. adj., f. .
     1. Green.
     2. Dark-blue, Vikr. d. 26.
     3. Black, Bhartṛ. 2, 14; 36 (dry ?); shady, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 8.
     4. Brown, Hiḍ. 2, 25; Nal. 12, 50; 18, 11.
II. m.
     1. Green, black (the colour).
     2. A cloud.
     3. The kokila or Indian cuckoo.
     4. A sacred fig-tree at prayāga, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 11; cf. Wilson, Hind. Theat. 2. ed. i. 302, n. †.
     5. Thorn-apple.
III. m., and f. , A sort of grain, Panicum frumentaceum.
IV. f. .
     1. Night.
     2. Shade, shadow.
     3. The female of the Indian cuckoo, Pañc. 157, 4.
     4. A cow.
     5. Durgā.
     6. A married woman before she has borne children.
     7. A plant, commonly Priyaṅgn, Megh. 102; and name of several others.
V. n.
     1. Pepper.
     2. Sea salt.
-- Cf. [greek]

śyāmala śyāma + la,
I. adj., f. , Of a dark-blue or black colour, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 13; blackish, Mālat. 145, 10.
II. m.
     1. Black (the colour).
     2. Pepper.
     3. The religious fig-tree.
     4. A large bee.
III. f. , Pārvatī.

śyāmāka śyāmāka (cf. śyāma), m. A sort of grain, Panicum frumentaceum, Śāk. d. 89.

śyāmāya śyāmāya, a denomin. derived from śyāma with ya, Ātm. To become black, to prove impure (as gold, cf. the next), Mālav. d. 30.

śyāmikā śyāmikā, i. e. śyāma + ka, f. Impurity (of gold), Ragh. 1, 10.

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śyāmita śyāmita, i. e. śyāma + ita, adj. Blackened, discoloured, Kir. 16, 2.

śyāla śyāla, see syāla.

śyālaka śyāla + ka, m. A miserable brother-in-law, Cāṇ. 80 -in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 412.

śyāva śyāva (akin to śyāma), adj. Of a brown colour, livid, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 13.

śyeta śyeta (probably from śvi in śvit, cf. śveta and Zend. śpi in śpi + tama, śpi + ti),
I. adj., f. and śyenī, White, Kir. 5, 31.
II. m. White (the colour).

śyena śyena (akin to the last),
I. m.
     1. White (the colour).
     2. A hawk, Pañc. 188, 15.
II. f. . A female hawk.

śyai śyai, i. 1, Ātm. † To go. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. śyāna, Thick, viscous, adhesive.
II. śīna, Thick. congealed.
-- With the prep. ā ā, To dry up, Ragh. 17, 37. āśyāna,
     1. Dry, Ragh. 4, 24.
     2. A little dry (i. e. śyāna, with ā), Kumāras. 7, 9.
-- With prati prati, pratiśīna, Melted, fluid, oozing.

śyainaṃpātā śyainaṃpātā, i. e. śyena + m-pat + a + a, f. Hawking, hunting.

śraṅkśraṅk, sraṅk sraṅk, ślaṅk śraṅk, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

śraṅgśraṅg, ślaṅg ślaṅg, śvaṅg śvaṅg, svaṅg svaṅg, i. 1, Par. To go.

śraṇ śraṇ, i. 1 and 10, Par. To give, to present.
-- With the prep. vi vi, i. 10, To distribute, to give, Ragh. 14, 15. viśrāṇita, Given away, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 2.

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śrat śrat, perhaps properly śrath, a prefix combined and compounded with dhā, and in the Vedas with kṛ, and their derivatives, and implying faith.
-- Cf. Lat. cred in credo, for cred-do; see dhā, p. 437.

śrath śrath, i. 1 and 10, Par., and śranth ii. 9, śrathnā, nī, and i. 1 and 10, Par.
     1. To tie (ved. ii. 9).
     2. To untie, to loosen (ved. ii. 9).
     3. † To kill. śranth, i. 1, Ātm. To be loose. śrath, i. 10, Par.
I. † śrāthaya,
     1. To apply diligently.
     2. To delight frequently.
II. śrathaya, † To be loose.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. crates, rete, restis; Goth. af-hlathan; O.H.G. and A.S. hládan; O.H.G. hlast; A.S. hlaest.

śrathana śrath + ana, n.
     1. Tieing.
     2. Untieing.

śraddadhānatā śraddadhāna + tā (ptcple. pres. of śrat-dhā), f. Faith, Man. 7, 86.

śraddha śraddha, i. e. śrat-dhā, n., and f. dhā.
     1. Faith, Man. 3, 202 (f.); Bhag. 6, 37 (f.).
     2. Trust, intimacy, Rājat. 5, 285.
     3. Respect, reverence, Pañc. 265, 15 (f.).
     4. Purity.
     5. Wish, hope, Bhartṛ. 1, 89.
-- Comp. a-śraddhā, f. want of faith, Man. 4, 225. yathā-śraddha + m, adv. confidently, without reserve, Nal. 4, 1.

śraddhāmaya śraddhā + maya, adj., f. , Full of faith, Bhag. 17, 3.

śraddhālu śraddhā + lu,
I. adj.
     1. Faithful.
     2. Wishing, desirous.
II. f. A pregnant woman longing for anything.

śraddhāvant śraddhā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Believing, having faith, Bhag. 3, 31.

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śraddheyatva śraddheya + tva (ptcple. of the fut. pass. of śrat-dhā), n. Trustworthiness, Pañc. 162, 2.

śranth śranth, see śrath.

śrantha śranth + a, m.
     1. Tieing.
     2. Untieing.
     3. Viṣṇu.

śranthana śranth + ana, n.
     1. Tieing.
     2. Stringing flowers.
     3. Loosening.
     4. Killing.

śram śram, i. 4, śrāmya, Par.
     1. To exert one's self, Lass. 2. ed. 66, 18.
     2. To perform acts of religious austerity, to undergo mortification or penance.
     3. To be wearied, Megh. 97.
     4. † To be distressed. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śrānta.
     1. Wearied, fatigued, tired, Vikr. 67, 2.
     2. Calmed. m. An ascetic. Comp. a-śrānta + m, adv. indefatigably, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 7. ati-, adj. very fatigued, Pañc. 52, 4.
-- With the prep. pari pari, pariśrānta,
     1. Having performed acts of religious austerity, MBh. 3, 10002.
     2. Fatigued, Man. 4, 99.
     3. Exhausted, MBh. 1, 7626.
     4. Overcome with distress, Mālat. 154, 10.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To repose, Hit. iv. d. 67; Rām. 1, 62, 1.
     2. To go to rest, Vikr. 40, 2.
     3. To cease, Pañc. 220, 25 (with ptcple. in the signification of an infin.). viśrānta,
     1. Reposed, Hit. 77, 1; reposing, Pañc. 222, 1; having reposed, Hit. 99, 5.
     2. Ceased, Vikr. d. 130; desisting from.
     3. Calm, composed, Utt. Rāmac. 3, 1. Caus. śramaya (and in epic pectry śrāmaya), To let repose, MBh. 3, 11004.
-- Cf. perhaps A. S. hearm, grief, and O.H.G. rāmen, rāmjan, intendere.

śrama śram + a, m.
     1. Exertion, Pañc. 226, 25; labour, toil, Pañc. 134, 14; taking pains, Chr. 22, 20; with kṛ, to study, Man. 2, 168.
     2. Military exercise.
     3. Fatigue, weariness, Hiḍ. 1, 19; Kir. 5, 28; Utt. Rāmac. 158, 10 (-ambu, Perspiration).
-- Comp. a-, m. absence of weariness, Ragh. 2, 67. ati-, m. great fatigue, Śāk. d. 103. kṛta-, adj. tired, Hit. iii. d. 110. khyāta-vyākaraṇa-, m. renowned for his study of grammar, Rājat. 5, 29. jita-, adj. not suffering from fatigue, Hit. iii. d. 87. matta-ibha-kumbha-vidalana-kṛta-, adj. one who has ever endeavoured to tear to pieces the frontal globes of furious elephants, Pañc. i. d. 351. vṛthā-, m. vain exertion, Pañc. 116, 25. sa-, adj. wearied fatigued.

śramaṇa śramaṇa, i. e. śram + ana,
I. adj.
     1. Following a low business.
     2. Base.
II. m.
     1. An ascetic, a Bauddha friar, Rājat. 5, 427.
     2. A religious mendicant, Rām. 1, 13, 13.
III. f. ṇā.
     1. A female mendicant; also ṇī, Rām. 2, 38, 5.
     2. A woman of low caste or business.
     3. A handsome woman.

śramaṇāya śramaṇāya, a denomin. derived from the last with ya, Ātm. To become a beggar, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 787.

śramin śram + in, and śrama + in, adj.
     1. Laborious, diligent.
     2. Wearying.

śrambh śrambh, srambh srambh, i. 1, Ātm. † To be careless.
-- With the prep. vi vi, To entrust, to confide. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. viśrabdha.
     1. Confided, entrusted, MBh. 3, 2161.
     2. Confided in.
     3. Confident, fearless, Pañc. 75, 9.
     4. Firm, Chr. 32, 30.
     5. Tranquil, patient.
     6. Lowlyminded. Acc. °dham, adv.
     1. Without hesitation, Man. 8, 417.
     2. Without fear, Rām. 3, 49, 33.
     3. Quietly, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 6.

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śrayaṇa śrayaṇa, i. e. śri + ana, n. Refuge, protection.

śrava śrava, m., i. e.
     1. śru + a, The ear.
     2. (Wrongly for srava), Oozing, dripping.
-- Comp. karṇa-, adj. perceivable by the ear, Man. 4, 102. su-dus-, m. very ill fame, Utt. Rāmac. 166, 2.

śravaṇa śravaṇa, i. e. śru + ana,
I. m. and n. The ear, Hit. i. d. 193, M.M.
II. m., and f. ṇā, The twenty-third lunar asterism.
III. n.
     1. Hearing, Pañc. 188, 10.
     2. Study, Vedāntas. in Chr. 216, 2; learning, Mālat. 6, 5.
-- Comp. ugra-, adj. dreadful to hear, Johns. Sel. 96, 79.

śravas śravas, i. e. śru + as, n.
     1. The ear.
     2. Renown, wealth, Chr. 294, 8 = Rigv. i. 92, 8.
-- Comp. uccaiḥśravas, i. e. uccais-, m. a fabulous horse, MBh. 1, 366. cakṣuḥśravas, i. e. cakṣus-, m. a snake, MBh. 12, 13803. dirgha-, adj. widely renowned, Chr. 297, 11 = Rigv. i. 112, 11. deva-, m. a proper name, Hariv. 1461 ([greek]). pṛthu-,
I. adj. widely renowned, Bhāg. P. 4, 15, 4.
II. a proper name. viṣṭara-, m. Viṣṇu. vṛddha- (vb. vṛdh), m. Indra. su-, adj. famous, Chr. 288, 2 = Rigv. i. 49, 2 (cf. [greek]).
-- Cf. [greek]

śravasyu śravas + yu, adj. Desirous of renown or wealth, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 85, 8.

śravāyya śravāyya, m. An animal destined for sacrifice.

śraviṣṭhā śraviṣṭhā (f. of a superl. based on śravas, in the signification 'wealth'), f. A lunar asterism (= dhaniṣṭhā).

śrā śrā, † ii. 2, Par., śrai śrai († srai srai, † śai śai), † i. 1, śrāya, Par.
     1. To boil, to cook, to mature, to ripen.
     2. † To sweat; cf. śrī. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. śrāṇa.
     1. Boiled, dressed.
     2. Moist, wet. f. ṇā, Rice-gruel.
II. śrita, Cooked, ved. and Rām. 2, 56, 24, Schlegel (but Gorr. 2, 56, 26, śṛta).
III. śṛta, Boiled, Man. 11, 147. Caus. śrapaya and † śrāpaya, To cook, MBh. 3, 5038.
-- Cf. [greek]- [greek] probably [greek] perhaps [greek]- [greek] Lat. cremare, carbo, probably catere, cinis; Goth. hauri, hlaibs; A. S. heordh, hláf, haerefaest, haerfest, Ripe.

śrāddha śrāddha, i. e. śraddhā + a,
I. adj. Faithful.
II. n.
I. A funeral ceremony and worship of the Manes, consisting of offerings to the gods and Manes, and gifts and food to the relations and assisting Brāhmaṇas, Man. 1, 112; 3, 81; 82; 204; Pañc. ii. d. 101.
     2. Gifts given at the śrāddha, Lass. 89, 1.
-- Comp. vṛddhi-, n. a sacrifice to progenitors on any prosperous occasion, as a birth of a son, etc.

śrāddhika śrāddhika, i. e. śrāddha + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to an obsequial offering.
     2. n. A present given at a śrāddha, Man. 4, 116.
II. m., f. ki, n. The object, receiver, or enjoyer of an obsequial oblation.

śrānti śrānti, i. e. śram + ti. f. Weariness.

śrām śrām, v. r. of grām.

śrāma śrāma, i. e. śram + a, m.
     1. A temporary shed.
     2. Time.
     3. A month.

śrāya śrāya,
I. śri + a, m. Refuge, protection.
II. śrī + a, adj. Sacred, or belonging, to the goddess śrī.

śrāvaka śrāvaka, i. e. śru, Caus., + aka, m.
     1. The name of a class of the Bauddha votaries; a lay votary of the Bauddha religion, Pañc. 236, 19.
     2. A pupil, Mālat, 174, 4.

śrāvaṇa śrāvaṇa, i. e.
A. śravaṇa + a,
I. adj. Born or produced under the asterism śravana/ā.
II. m. The name of a month (July -- August).
III. f. ṇī.
     1. The day of full moon in the month Śrāvaṇa, Man. 4, 95.
     2. The name of one of the domestic sacrifices (pāka-yajña), Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 527.
B. śru, Caus., + ana, n. Causing to hear.
-- Comp. satya-, n. taking an oath, Pañc. 97, 17.

śrāvaṇika śrāvaṇika, i. e. śrāvaṇa + ika, m. The month śrāvaṇa.

śri śri, i. 1, Par. Ātm. (the original signification is probably 'To cling to'' 'To lean'),
     1. To go to, Ragh. 3, 70 (Calc.); to come, Vikr. d. 112.
     2. To enter, MBh. 5, 1741.
     3. To obtain, Chr. 294, 2 = Rigv. i. 92, 2.
     4. To undergo, Rājat. 5, 132 (with the abstract ānukūlyam, 'To become inclined,' read aśiśriyan).
     5. To serve (ved.). Ptcple of the pf. pass. śrita.
     1. Cherished, protected, fied for refuge.
     2. Served, worshipped.
     3. Joined with, contiguous to.
     4. Sitting on, Lass. 2. ed. 89, 37.
     5. Covered.
     6. Having.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, To ascend; with śayanam, To go to rest, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 20. adhiśrita,
     1. Trespassing, being out of, Pañc. 291, 11 (v. r.).
     2. Placed.
     3. Received.
     4. Included.
-- With samadhi sam-adhi, To approach, Nal. 23, 12.
-- With abhi abhi, To have recourse to, MBh. 1, 8274.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To go to, Pañc. 188, 18; Chr. 46, 19; to retire in (acc.), Vikr. d. 155.
     2. With a word implying, 'Ground, earth,' To fall to, Chr. 32, 25.
     3. To enter, Rām. 2, 67, 5; with ratham, To mount, MBh. 1, 8187.
     4. To undergo, Hit. 75, 17; Rājat. 5, 130; mitrabhāvam āśritya, Having become friends, Pañc. 141, 19; to take, Utt. Rāmac. 88, 2.
     5. To have recourse to, MBh. 3, 13069; absol. āśritya, By help, by means of, Śāk. 4, 12.
     6. To use, Lass. 85, 7.
     7. To seek, Hit. ii. d. 127.
     8. To choose, Hit. 75, 10.
     9. To obtain, Pañc. 94, 24.
     10. To follow, Bhartṛ. 2, 33.
     11. To inhabit, Man. 7, 72.
     12. To depend upon, Man. 1, 17.
     13. To assist, MBh. 1, 5916. āśrita,
     1. Having recourse to; with ahaṃkāram, Having grown presumptuous, Pañc. 76, 20; using, Johns. Sel. 38, 27.
     2. Having attained, Pañc. 76, 8.
     3. Having assumed, Johns. Sel. 94, 56.
     4. Following, Man. 5, 90; practising.
     5. Inhabiting.
     6. Being, Rām. 3, 49, 33.
     7. Receiving anything as an inherent or integral part.
     8. Inherent, Bhāṣāp. 85.
     9. Taking one's station, Rājat. 5, 286.
     10. A dependent, Hit. 30, 10, M. M.; Kumāras. 3, 1. Comp. an-eka-, adj. inherent in many, Bhāṣāp. 88. para-, adj. dependent, Hit. ii. d. 20.
-- With anvā anu-ā, To go to, Rām. 2, 84, 7.
-- With apā apa-ā, To resort to, to have recouse to, MBh. 1, 651 (an-apāśritya, without the help of).
-- With vyapā vi-apa-ā, To have recourse to, Bhag. 9, 32.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To go to, MBh. 1, 5918.
     2. To have recourse to, Bhag. 4, 10. upāśritya, By aid, Man. 9, 316. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. upāśrita.
     1. Supporting.
     2. Relying upon. Comp. an-, adj. not relied upon, used as support, Utt. Rāmac. 24, 7.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, To have recourse to, MBh. 2, 618. samupāśrita, Having reserted to, Rājat. 5, 141.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To go to, MBh. 1, 59, 27; to approach; with āsanam, to sit down, Pañc. i. d. 283.
     2. To enter, Man. 6, 2.
     3. To occupy, Pañc. 136. 8; to obtain, i. d. 417.
     4. To have recourse to, Pañc. 154, 15; samāśritya, by aid, Man. 3, 77.
     5. To confide in, Man. 7, 70. samāśrita,
     1. Fled for refuge, protected.
     2. Having assumed, Chr. 29, 25.
     3. Joined, Rājat. 5, 248.
     4. Depending on, Pañc. iii. d. 62.
-- With ud ud,
     1. Ātm. To rise, MBh. 4, 1018.
     2. Par. To raise, Rām. 2, 66, 17. ucchrita,
     1. Produced.
     2. Lifted up. Hit. ii. d. 154.
     3. High, Kir. 5, 1.
     4. Rising, MBh. 3, 2437.
     5. Increased in size or bulk.
     6. Prosperous.
     7. Left, abandoned.
     8. Deprived, Pañc. v. d. 11 (phala-, Will not be fulfilled). Comp. ati-, excessively elevated, Hit. ii. d. 120.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, abhyucchrita, Raised, Draup. 8, 20.
-- With prod pra-ud, procchrita, High, Mṛcch. 76, 21.
-- With samud sam-ud, samucchrita,
     1. Raised, MBh. 3, 8064.
     2. Lofty, Hit. ii. d. 84.
-- With upa upa, To come to, to hit, MBh. 3, 10456.
-- With vinis vi-nis, To come out, Sāv. 6, 14.
-- With pra pra, praśrita, Modest, humble, well-behaved, Indr. 1, 10.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, saṃpraśrita, The same, Rām. 2, 70, 11.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To unite, Mālat. 15, 2 (Ātm.).
     2. To go to, MBh. 3, 13053.
     3. To attain, to get, Man. 10, 60.
     4. To have recourse to, MBh. 2, 128; Pañc. 155, 21; to flec to, Hit. iii. d. 147.
     5. To seek, Rām. 1, 1, 6.
     6. To depend upon, Rām. 2, 60, 20.
     7. To inhabit, Man. 2, 24. saṃśrita,
     1. Having gone for refuge to (acc.), Pañc. iii. d. 129.
     2. Come for refage, Śāk. d. 104.
     3. Protected, supported.
     4. Joined, Rājat. 5, 335. m. Anattendant, Man. 4, 179.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, abhisaṃśrita, Having gone to, Lass. 2. ed. 76, 54 (went to).
-- Cf. śaraṇa, and Goth. hulth; A.S. hold; perhaps Goth. hail; A.S. hál; perhaps Lat. clemens; to the original signification seem to belong, [greek]- [greek] Lat. in-clinare, clivus; Goth. hlains, hleithra, hlija; A.S. hlynian, hlidh.

śrit -śri + t, latter part of comp. adj. Reaching, rising to; cf. nabhaḥśrit.

śriyaputra śriyaputra, crroneously for priyapatra, m. A kind of bird, Lass. 52, 20, see 2. ed. p. 112.

śriyas śriyas, probably śri + as (cf. 2 śrī and ved. bhiyas, n.), Happiness, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6 (cf. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3).

śriṣśriṣ, śliṣ śliṣ, i. 1, Par. To burn (cf. śrā).

śrī 1. śrī (cf. śrā), ii. 9, śrīṇā, ṇī, Par. Ātm.
     1. To cook, to burn.
     2. To mix.
-- Cf. probably [greek] etc.; Lat. pin-cerna.

śrī 2. śrī (either from śrā, To ripen, cf. Lat. Ceres, or from śri-, To approach for protection), f.
     1. The deity of plenty and prosperity, the wife of Viṣṇu, Rām. 3, 52, 22.
     2. Fortune, Vikr. d. 161; 162; success, happiness, prosperity, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12; highest dignity, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2 (pl.); royal bliss, power, Vikr. d. 76; Pañc. i. d. 271; well-being, Pañc. i. d. 292; favour, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 92, 6.
     3. Wealth, property, Kir. 14, 13.
     4. Beauty, Vikr. d. 26.
     5. Light, splendour, Pañc. v. d. 4.
     6. Glory, Pañc. iii. d. 259.
     7. Intellect.
     8. Decoration.
     9. A name of Sarasvatī.
     10. A tree, Pinus longifolia.
     11. Cloves.
     12. A prefix to the names of deities, and revered persons, and books, implying, Holy, illustrious, famous; e. g. śrī-viṣṇu, The holy deity, Viṣṇu; śri-rāma; Śrī-bhāgavata-purāṇa, The holy Bhāgavata-Purāṇa, cf. Rājat. 5, 30; 426; Lass. 45, 12; 66, 16; 67, 4; Bhartṛ. p. 21, 1. 1.
-- Comp. apa-, adj. deprived of beauty, Śiś. 11, 64. jaya-, f. the goddess of victory, Rājat. 2, 64. mahā-, f. epithet of Lakṣmī.

śrīka -śrī + ka, a substitute for śrī at the end of comp. adj.; e. g. niḥśrīka, i. e. nis-, adj.
     1. Unfortunate, MBh. 5, 533.
     2. Deprived of beauty, light, ib. 14, 476. puṇya-, Endowed with a pure royal majesty, Utt. Rāmac. 105, 5. vi-gata-, adj. Unfortunate.

śrīmant śrī + mant,
I. adj., f. matī.
     1. Fortunate, Hit. 54, 20.
     2. Wealthy.
     3. Famous, Pañc. iii. d. 238.
     4. Beautiful, Mālat. 148, 8; Chr. 27, 6.
II. m.
     1. Viṣṇu.
     2. Śiva.
     3. Kuvera.

śrīla śrī + la, adj.
     1. Fortunate.
     2. Wealthy.

śrīvatsakin śrīvatsakin, i. e. śrī-vatsa + ha + in, m. A horse having a curl of hair on his breast and face.

śru 1. śru, ii. 5, śṛṇu, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 386),
     1. To hear, Man. 5, 75; Chr. 292, 2 = Rigv. i. 86, 2 (ved. śṛṇutā); Chr. 288, 10 = Rigv. i. 48, 10 (śrudhi, imperat. aor.).
     2. To be attentive, Man. 1, 4.
     3. To be obedient, Bhag. 13, 58. śruta,
     1. Understood.
     2. Called, Lass. 2. ed. 61, 28. n.
     1. The object of hearing, that which is heard.
     2. Sacred learning, Man. 2, 149; Bhartṛ. 2, 55. Comp. ku- and dus-, adj. imperfectly heard, Pañc. v. d. 1 (ku-); Rām. 3, 41, 10 (dus-). Bahu-, adj. having learned much, Hit. i. d. 25, M.M. Desider. śuśrūṣa, Ātm.
     1. To wish to hear, MBh. 3, 13248; to wish to learn, Bhāg. P. 2, 9, 40.
     2. To obey, Indr. 5, 34.
     3. To attend dutifully, Man. 4, 244.
     4. To serve, Man. 10, 100.
     5. To worship, Rām. 1, 8, 10. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śuśrūṣita, Served, Pañc. 118, 24. Caus. śrāvaya,
     1. To cause to hear, i. e. to speak, to say, Rām. 2, 3, 31.
     2. To propound, Man. 1, 59.
     3. To inform, Rām. 1, 17, 18.
     4. To report, MBh. 1, 6518.
-- With the prep. anu anu, To hear, Man. 9, 100; pass. To be told, Pañc. 3, 10. Desider. To obey, Rām. 2, 8, 18.
-- With ā ā, To hear, Chr. 292, 5 = Rigv. i. 86, 5 (śroṣantu, imperat. of the aor.). Caus. To report, MBh. 3, 15260.
-- With samā sam-ā, To promise, Rām. 2, 76, 3, Seramp.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To be attentive, Chr. 11, 18.
     2. To hear, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 3; MBh. 2, 1244; with abl. To hear from, Vikr. 11, 15.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To hear, MBh. 1, 384.
-- With pari pari, To hear, MBh. 1, 3754.
-- With prati prati, To promise, Rām. 1, 16, 8.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, Caus. To remind one of his promise, Rām. 2, 107, 5.
-- With vi vi, pass.
     1. To be heard round about, Rām. 1, 13, 13.
     2. To become famous, Hit. pr. d. 20, M.M. viśruta,
     1. Told round about, celebrated, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 12.
     2. Heard, attended to, Amar. 15.
     3. Known.
     4. Famous, Rām. 3, 53, 32.
     5. Pleased, happy. Caus.
     1. To cry aloud, MBh. 1, 6287.
     2. To fill with noise, to pervade, MBh. 3, 16556.
     3. To report, MBh. 3, 12266.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, abhiviśruta, Celebrated, MBh. 1, 2718.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To hear, MBh. 1, 1627.
     2. Ātm. To promise, MBh. 3, 2143. Caus.
     1. To cause to be heard, to cry, Pañc. 172, 25.
     2. To report, MBh. 5, 560.
-- Cf. [greek] (= śruta), [greek] (= śravas), [greek] Lat clutus, cliens, probably aus-cultare, laudo (for claus-do, cf. śravas); Goth. hrotheigs, hliuma; A.S. hlud, hlyd, hlowan (Causal), hlyn, hlyrian(?), hliosa, hlyst, hlystan; O.H.G. hliumunt (= ved. śromanta), hlosên.

śru 2. śru, see sru.

śrutarya śrutarya, m. A proper name, Chr. 296, 9 = Rigv. i. 112, 9.

śrutavant śruta + vant, adj., f. vatī, Instructed in sacred learning, Bhartṛ. 2, 33.

śruti śru + ti, f.
     1. Hearing, Indr. 2, 5.
     2. An ear, Vikr. d. 56.
     3. Report, Johns. Sel. 53, 127.
     4. The Vedas, the revealed law, Hit. i. d. 31, M. M.; Pañc. 167, 1.
     5. A holy text, Man. 2, 15; 11; 33; Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 5.
-- Comp. a-, f. 1. not hearing, Utt. Rāmac. 69, 11. 2. oblivion. śhakṣuḥśruti, i. e. cakṣus-, m. a snake, Rājat. 5, 1. pūrṇa- (vb. pṛ10), adj. having the ears filled. yathā-, adv. conformable to the precepts of the Vedas, Śāk. d. 152.

śrutimant śruti + mant, adj., f. matī, Hearing, Bhag. 13, 13.

śrutī śrutī, Rām. 3, 55, 34, for śruti, on account of the metre.

śruva śruva, incorrectly for sruva, m.
     1. A sacrificial ladle to pour ghṛta on the fire of a sacrifice, Rām. 6, 96, 12.
     2. Sacrifice, Rām. 2, 62, 26.

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śrūyamāṇatva śrūyamāṇa + tva (ptcple. pres. pass. of śru), + tva, n. Condition of being heard, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 9.

śrek śrek, see srek.

śreṇi śreṇi, i. e. śri + ni, m., f., and ṇī, f.
     1. A line, a row, Lass. 67, 10; 69, 8.
     2. A troop, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 6; Chr. 34, 13 (ṇī); Bhartṛ. 2, 28 (ṇī; bhuvana-, all the worlds); ib. 71 (ṇi; upakāra-, plenty of benefits); Rājat. 5, 331 (śiras-śreṇi, a great quantity of heads).
     3. A company of artisans following the same business, Bhāg. P. 9, 10, 38.
     4. A corporation, Man. 8, 41.
     5. A bucket, a baling vessel.
-- Comp. pada-, f. footsteps, Kathās. 33, 113.

śreyaṃs śreyaṃs, akin to śrī,
I. Comparat. of praśasya (see śaṃs).
     1. Better, Hit. iii. d. 3.
     2. Best, Pañc. iii. d. 55; excellent, most beloved, Hit. iii. d. 34. acc. n. yas, adv. Well, most excellent; with na, Rather -- than, Rām. 3, 48, 16.
II. f. yasi, The name of several plants.
III. n. yas.
     1. Prosperity, Pañc. 182, 1; fortune, Vikr. 68, 7 (pl.); happiness, Pañc. i. d. 344; Kir. 5, 49 (pl.).
     2. Final happiness.
     3. Virtue.
     4. An act leading to the chief temporal good, Man. 3, 223, 224.
-- Comp. a-, n. evil, Chr. 23, 30.

śreyasa -śreyas + a, in nis-, n. Final beatitude, Man. 1, 117; 12, 83; 104. 2. śvas-,
I. adj. Happy.
II. °sam, adv. Well.
III. n.
     1. Happiness.
     2. Brahman.

śreyaskara śreyaskara, i. e. śreyaṃs-kṛ + a, adj.
     1. Effecting happiness, Pañc. 73, 19.
     2. Ensuring felicity, Man. 7, 88.
     3. Making better.
     4. Propitious.

śreyastva śreyastva, i. e. śreyaṃs + tva, n.
     1. Superiority, Man. 10, 66.
     2. Final beatitude.

śreṣṭha śreṣṭha,
I. Superl. of śreyaṃs.
     1. Best, excellent, Lass. 40, 6; of a higher rank, Pañc. iii. d. 219.
     2. Oldest, senior.
     3. Superl. śreṣṭha + tama, The very best, Hit. iii. d. 87.
II. m.
     1. A king.
     2. A Brāhmaṇa.
     3. Kuvera.
III. n. Cow's milk.
-- Comp. kuru-, Bharata-, Bhṛgu-, m. an excellent descendant of Kuru, Bharata, Bhṛgu, Chr. 17, 32; 41, 6; 26, 74. muni-, m. an excellent sage, Lass. 48, 3. varṇa-, adj. being of the best caste, Hit. iv. d. 21.

śreṣṭhatā śreṣṭha + tā, f. Superiority, eminence, Man. 4, 245.

śreṣṭhin śreṣṭhin, i. e. śreṣṭha + in,
I. adj. Best.
II. m.
     1. An artist eminent by birth.
     2. The head of a body of persons following the same business, Pañc. 234, 6; i. d. 14, read °ṭhī; Daśak. in Chr. 184, 12.

śrai śrai, see śrā.

śraiṣṭhya śraiṣṭhya, i. e. śreṣṭha + ya, n. Superiority, Man. 1, 100; 12, 38.

śroṇśroṇ, śloṇ śloṇ, i. 1, Par. To accumulate.

śroṇa śroṇa, adj. Lame, Chr. 296, 8 = Rigv. i. 112, 8.

śroṇi śroṇi, m., f., and , f.
     1. The hips and loins, buttocks, Vikr. d. 100 (ṇi); Megh. 80 (ṇī).
     2. A road, a way.
-- Comp. pṛthu-śronī, adj., f. having large buttocks, Indr. 5, 5. mahā-kaṭi-taṭa-śroṇī, adj. having large hips and buttocks, Indr. 2, 32. su-śroṇī, adj., f. [greek] Lass. 52, 2.
-- Cf. Lat. clunis; [greek]

śrotas śrotas, i. e. śru + tas, n.
     1. The ear.
     2. An organ of sense; the trunk of an elephant as his special organ, Megh. 43 (Sch.).
     3. Erroneously for srotas.
     4. śrotam, Padmap. 8, 11, must be changed to śrautam.

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śrotṛ śrotṛ, i. e. śru + tṛ, m., f. tri, and n. Hearing, a hearer, Hit. ii. d. 128.

śrotra śrotra, i. e. śru + tra, n. The ear, Pañc. v. d. 15.
-- Cf. A.S. hleodhor.

śrotriya śrotriya, i. e. śrotra + iya,
I. adj. Modest, well-behaved.
II. m.
     1. A Brāhmaṇa conversant with the Vedas, Man. 2, 134 (cf. Sch. ad Śāk. d. 128).
     2. One who observes the religious precepts, Pañc. 110, 24.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without learned Brāhmaṇas, Pañc. ii. d. 101. mantriśrotriya, i. e. mantrin-, m. a śrotriya- like minister, Pañc. 25, 13.

śrauta śrauta, i. e. śruta + a,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the ear, hearing.
     2. Relating to sacred learning, on the Vedas, Padmap. 8, 11 (see śrotas).
     3. Prescribed by the Vedas, Śāk. 61, 12.
II. n. Any observance ordained by the Vedas.

śrauṣaṭ śrauṣaṭ, anomal. old conjunct. of the aor. of śru (cf. vaṣaṭ), indecl. An exclamation used in making an offering to the Manes or gods.

ślakṣṇa ślakṣṇa, adj.
     1. Small, slender, thin, Lass. 2. ed. 60, 19.
     2. Smooth, even, soft, Nal. 5, 5; Man. 8, 396; polished, Rām. 1, 13, 32, Seramp.
     3. Mild, amiable, Nal. 8, 12.
     4. Honest.

ślakṣṇaya ślakṣṇaya, a denomin. derived from ślakṣṇa, Par. To make thin or small, Pāṇ. iii. 1, 21.

ślaṅk ślaṅk, see śraṅk.

ślaṅg ślaṅg, see śraṅg.

ślath ślath, i. 1, and † 10, Par.
     1. To be relaxed, to open, Bhāg. P. 8, 12, 21.
     2. To be weak (cf. śrath).
-- With the prep. vi vi, To be relaxed, Bhāg. P. 6, 1, 60.

ślatha ślath + a, adj.
     1. Untied.
     2. Relaxed, Bhartṛ. 1, 25; loose, Vikr. d. 146; flaccid, Ṛt. 6, 8.
     3. Dishevelled (hair).
-- Comp. a-pari-ślatha + m, adv. very tightly, Utt. Rāmac. 147, 8.

ślākhślākh, i. 1, Par. To pervade.

ślāgh ślāgh, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 13306),
     1. To flatter, Bhaṭṭ. 8, 72.
     2. To praise, MBh. 1. 1; ślāghya, Praiseworthy, Rām. 3, 55, 16.
     3. To boast, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 20. ślāghya, Honourable, ib. 186, 21. Caus. To approve, Hit. 61, 6.
-- Cf. [greek] probably [greek]

ślāghā ślāgh + ā, f.
     1. Flattery.
     2. Praise, Pañc. iii. d. 33; Böhtī, Ind. Spr. 1155.
     3. Boasting, Vikr. 56, 15.
     4. Service.
     5. Wish, desire.
-- Comp. sa-ślāgha + m, adv. praising, Vikr. 52, 7.

ślāghin -ślāgh + in, adj., in raṇa-, Chr. 20, 19, Praising, desiring combat (cf. the last).

śliku śliku,
I. m. A servant.
II. n.(?), Astronomy.

śliṣ 1. śliṣ, i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 3040); the original signification seems to have been, To adhere (cf. śri).
     1. To embrace, Gīt. 1, 44.
     2. To tie, Hit. i. d. 83.
     3. To join, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 19. śliṣṭa, Touched by, clung or adhered to, leaning on, Rām. 2, 68, 22, Seramp. Comp. su-, adj. 1. well fastened, Hit. i. d. 87, M. M. 2. well strung, Mālat. 18, 4. † i. 10, Par. To unite.
-- With the prep. ā ā,
     1. To embrace, Rām. 2, 96, 22.
     2. To approach, Arj. 6, 12.
-- With upā upa-ā, upāśliṣṭa, Having embraced, Lass. 2. ed. 73, 23.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To embrace, MBh. 3, 10043.
     2. To bring near, Arj. 6, 8.
-- With svā su-ā, To embrace tightly, Man. 11, 103.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To embrace, MBh. 4, 515.
     2. With urasā, To press against one's breast, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 6. Caus.
     1. To hold near, Vikr. 78, 11.
     2. To stop, Vikr. 10, 16.
-- With vi vi, To burst, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 67. viśliṣṭa, Separated, disunited. Caus.
     1. To separate, Megh. 7.
     2. To disunite, Pañc. 42, 7.
-- With sam sam, with urasā, To press against one's breast, Rām. 1, 10, 28. saṃśliṣṭa,
     1. Close together, adjoining, touching.
     2. United, joined, Pañc. ii. d. 136.
     3. Endowed, Pañc. 143, 8.
     4. Embraced. Caus. To join, MBh. 2, 735.

śliṣ 2. śliṣ, see śriṣ.

ślīpada ślīpada, i. e. probably śliṣ-pada, n. Morbid enlargement of the legs (cf. śilīpada and the next).

ślīpadin ślīpadin, i. e. ślīpada + in, adj. Club-footed, Man. 3, 165.

ślīla ślīla, i. e. śrī + la (cf. śrīla), adj. Prosperous.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. coarse, vulgar. 2. abusive. n. 1. rustic language. 2. untruth. 3. low abuse, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 23.

śleṣa śleṣa, i. e. śliṣ + a, m.
     1. Embracing, an embrace, Utt. Rāmac. 153, 4.
     2. Union.
     3. Association.
     4. Paronomasia.

śleṣmaka śleṣmaka, i. e. śleṣman + ka, m. Phlegm.

śleṣmaṇa śleṣmaṇa, i. e. śleṣman + a, adj. Phlegmatic.

śleṣman śleṣman, i. e. śliṣ + man, m. The phlegmatic humour, mucus, Man. 4, 132; Pañc. iii. d. 60.

śleṣmala śleṣmala, i. e. śleṣman + a (with l for n), adj. Phlegmatic.

śleṣmāta śleṣmāta (akin to the last), m. A small tree, Cordia latifolia.

śleṣmātaka śleṣmāta + ka (m.), A tree, Cordia myxa, Man. 6, 14; cf. Rām. 1, 13, 28 (°kamaya ka + maya, adj. Made of śleṣmātaka).

ślokślok (rather a denomin. derived from the next), i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To compose verses.
     2. To be composed.
     3. To acquire.
     4. To abandon.

śloka śloka, i. e. śru + ka, m.
     1. Fame.
     2. A verse, Pañc. 106, 8; a saying, Chr. 22, 24.
-- Comp. puṇya-,
I. adj. well-famed, Bhāg. P. 1, 12, 18.
II. m. 1. a name of Nala, Nal. 7, 18. 2. epithet of Yudhiṣṭhira and Viṣṇu.
III. f. , a name of Damayantī and Sītā.

śloṇ śloṇ, see śroṇ.

śvakrīḍin śvakrīḍin, i. e. śvan-krīḍā + in, m. A breeder of sporting dogs, Man. 3, 164.

śvaghnin śvaghnin (? nom. sing. ghnī), m. A gamester, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10.

śvaṅkśvaṅk, or svaṅk svaṅk, i. 1, Ātm. To go, to move.

śvaṅg śvaṅg, see śraṅg.

śvac śvac, see śvañc.

śvaj śvaj, see the next.

śvañc śvañc (ved.), † śvac śvac, † śañc śañc, † śvaj śvaj, † śvañc śvañj, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

śvañj śvañj, see the last.

śvaṭh śvaṭh, and śvaṇṭh śvaṇṭh, see 4. śaṭh.

śvan śvan (probably from śvi),
I. m. A dog, Hit. i. d. 112, M. M.
II. f. śunī, A bitch.
-- Comp. deva-śunī, f. the bitch of the gods, saramā, MBh. 1, 671. vana-śvan, m. 1. A jackal. 2. a tiger. 3. a civet or polecat.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. canis, catulus (based on śvant, the original form of śvan); Goth. hunds (based on śvant); A. S. hund.

śvanara śvanara, i. e. śvan-nara, m. A base fellow.

śvapac śvapac, i. e. śvan-pac, m. and f. A dog-feeder, Man. 3, 92.

śvapaca śvapaca, i. e. śvan-pac + a, m., and f. ,
     1. A dog-feeder.
     2. A man or woman of a low caste, Rājat. 5, 390; 404.

śvapāka śvapāka, i. e. śvan-pac + a,
I. m.
     1. A man of a low and outcaste tribe, Rājat. 5, 217; 382.
     2. The son of a kṣattṛ by an ugrā woman, Man. 10, 19.
II. f. , A woman of a low or outcaste tribe, Rājat. 5, 390.

śvabhrśvabhr, i. 10, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To live in distress.
     3. To make a hole, to pierce (cf. the next).

śvabhra śvabhra, n. A hole, Vikr. d. 18.

śvayathu śvayathu, i. e. śvi + athu, m. Swelling, intumescence.

śvayīcī śvayīcī, i. e. probably śvi + a-añc, f.(?), A disease (tumefaction).

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śvartśvart, or svart svart, i. 10, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To live in distress.

śvalśval, śvall śvall, i. 1, Par. To run.

śvalkśvalk, i. 10, Par. To speak; cf. śulk.

śvall śvall, see śval.

śvavant śvavant, i. e. śvan + vant, m. A dog-feeder, Man. 4, 216.

śvaśura śvaśura (for original svaśura; ś for s by the assimifating influence of the following ś),
I. m.
     1. A father-in-law, a wife's or husband's father, Rām. 3, 53, 5.
     2. du. A father and mother-in-law.
II. f. śvaśrū, A mother-in-law, Sāv. 3, 20; Rājat. 5, 245.
-- Cf. Lat. socer, socrus; Goth. svaihra; A.S. sweger, sweor; [greek]

śvaśuraka śvaśura + ka, m. A fatherin-law, Pañc. 130, 1.

śvaśurya śvaśurya, i. e. śvaśura + ya, m. A brother-in-law.

śvaśrū śvaśrū, see śvaśura.

śvas 1. śvas, ii. 2 (but potent. very often, according to i. 1, śvaset), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 690); the original signification seems to have been 'To pant.'
     1. To breathe, Hit. i. d. 150.
     2. To sigh, Rām. 2, 22, 1.
     3. To hiss, MBh. 4, 2040.
     4. † To kill. Ptcple. pf. pass. śvasita.
     1. Breathing.
     2. Sighing. n.
     1. Breathing.
     2. Breath.
     3. Sighing, Śiś. 9, 65; sigh, Mālat. 11, 9. Caus. To (cause to breathe easily, i. e. to) re-create, Rām. 2, 84, 18.
-- With the prep. ā ā,
     1. To fetch breath, to revive, MBh. 2, 17.
     2. To recover, Mālat. 64, 4.
     3. To take courage, MBh. 3, 690.
     4. To sigh, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 56.
I. āśvasita, Encouraged, cheered, consoled.
II. āśvasta, Recreated, MBh. 3, 13150. Caus.
     1. To cause to fetch breath, to cause to recover, MBh. 1, 5406; to refresh, Pañc. 104, 7.
     2. To inspire with courage, Bhag. 11, 30; with hope, Vikr. d. 50.
     3. To console, Rām. 2, 75, 39.
     4. To soothe, to reconcile, Hit. 57, 7. āśvāsita, Blessed, Vikr. d. 154.
-- With paryā pari-ā, Caus. To console, MBh. 3, 11006.
-- With pratyā prati-ā,
     1. To respire, Rām. 2, 51, 2.
     2. To take courage again, Ragh. 7, 74. pratyāśvasta, Recollected, Rām. 1, 67, 20; re-created, Megh. 96.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To recover, Vikr. 7, 6.
     2. To calm one's self, Nal. 11, 73.
     3. To take courage, Hit. 103, 18.
     4. To take confidence, Mālat. 20, 10; to confide in, MBh. 3, 16098. samāśvasta, Full of confidence, Man. 7, 59. Caus.
     1. To encourage, Rām. 1, 17, 29.
     2. To console, MBh. 3, 2679.
     3. To calm, Hit. 90, 21.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To exhale, Mālat, 12, 15.
     2. To breathe, Man. 3, 72.
     3. To pant, MBh. 3, 15690.
     4. To expand, to open (as a flower), Vikr. d. 57; Mālav. d. 31.
     5. To sigh, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 120.
     6. To heave, to rise, Vikr. d. 6. ucchvasita,
     1. Swollen (figurat.), Megh. 98.
     2. n. Loosening, Megh. 69.
     3. n. Breath, Śāk. 31, 10. Caus. To refresh, Ṛt. 6, 8, v. r. ucchvāsita,
     1. Made loose, Megh. 59.
     2. Fatigued, ib. 71.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To sigh, MBh. 3, 2376.
     2. To hiss, Rām. 3, 53, 55.
-- With vini vi-ni, To sigh heavily, Pañc. iv. d. 5.
-- With nis nis, To sigh, Vikr. 21, 14; Rām. 2, 57, 11.
-- With vinis vi-nis, To sigh heavily, Rām. 2, 85, 19.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To confide, Mṛcch. 63, 24.
     2. To put one's trust in, with gen. and loc., Hit. i. d. 85.
     3. To be fearless, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 25.
I. viśvasita and viśvasta, Trusted, confided in.
II. viśvasta,
     1. Confided, deserving confidence, Hit. iii. d. 128.
     2. Faithful.
     3. Bold, Rājat. 5, 405.
     4. Full of confidence, fearless, Hiḍ. 2, 25; without any suspicion, Pañc. 33, 8. Comp. su-, adj. 1. confidential. 2. without any suspicion, Pañc. 34, 25. Caus. To inspire with confidence, Pañc. 33, 7.
-- With abhivi abhi-vi, Caus. To inspire with confidence, MBh. 3, 10021.
-- With parivi pari-vi, To confide completely, to be fearless, MBh. 3, 11451. Caus. To console, Rām. 2, 30, 26.
-- Cf. Lat. queri, ques + tus; A.S. hweosan, difficulter respirare, and perhaps hysian, hyst, gist.

śvas 2. śvas, probably from śvi in śvit, adv.
     1. To-morrow, Hit. iv. d. 126.
     2. Future, e. g. as former part in śvas-śreyasa, and śvas + tana, and cf. śvovasīya.
-- Comp. paraśvas, incorrectly for paraḥśvas, i. e. paras-, adv. The day after to-morrow, Pañc. ed. orn. 41, 10.
-- Cf. Lat. cras.

śvasana 1. śvas + ana,
I. m.
     1. Air, wind, breath, Śiś. 9, 52; Kir. 10, 34.
     2. A plant, Vangueria spinosa.
II. n.
     1. Breathing, MBh. 8, 4205.
     2. Sighing.

śvastana 2. śvas + tana, adj., f. ,
     1. What will be to-morrow.
     2. Future.
-- Cf. Lat. crastinus.

śvastya 2. śvas + tya, adj. What will be to-morrow.

śvāna śvāna, i. e. śvan + a,
I. m. A dog, Pañc. iii. d. 118.
II. f. , A bitch.

śvāpada śvāpada, i. e. śvan-pada + a,
I. adj. Ferocious, relating to a beast of prey.
II. m. A beast of prey, Pañc. ii. d. 124; Lass. 53, 15.

śvāvidh śvāvidh, i. e. śvan-vyadh m. A porcupine, Man. 5, 18; 12, 65.

śvāsa śvāsa, i. e. 1. śvas + a, m.
     1. Breathing, Pañc. ii. d. 173.
     2. Breath, Rājat. 5, 183.
     3. Air, wind.
     4. Sighing.
-- Comp. chinna- (vb. chid),
I. adj. one who breathes at irregular intervals, Suśr. 1, 115, 17.
II. m. a kind of asthma, ib. 2, 294, 7.

śvi śvi, i. 1, Par.
     1. To swell, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 19.
     2. To increase; ved. śūśuvaṃs, anomal. ptcple. of the red. pf. Large, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 92, 15.
     3. † To go. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. śūna.
     1. Swelled, swollen, Suśr. 2, 134, 3.
     2. Increased.
     3. Morbidly swollen.
-- With the prep. ud ud, ucchūna,
     1. Swollen, Megh. 82; Rājat. 5, 271; turgid.
     2. Lofty, high.
     3. Fat, bulky.
-- With prod pra-ud, procchūna, Swelled, swollen.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] (based on the frequent.); Lat. cuneus, cumulus, super-cilia, crescere; Goth. us-hulon; A. S. hol; see śūnya.

śvit śvit (an old denomin. based on a vb. śvi, cf. Zend. śpi-tama, etc.), i. 1, Ātm. (ved. also Par.), To be white.
-- With the prep. vi vi, To shine, Chr. 295, 12 = Rigv. i. 92, 12 (aśvait, ved. aor.).

śvitra śvitra (perhaps better śvittra, i. e. śvit + tra, or from the lost vb. śvi [cf. śvit], with tra, as ci + tra from ci), n. White leprosy (Atharva-V. iii. 27, 6).

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śvitrin śvitrin, i. e. śvitra + in, adj., f. iṇī, Subject to leprosy, Man. 3, 7.

śvind śvind (akin to śvi in śvit), † i. 1, Ātm. To be white. Ptcple. of the red. pf. śiśvidāna.
     1. Innocent.
     2. Guilty.
-- Cf. probably [greek] Goth. hveits; A.S. hvít; O.H.G. hwīz; Goth. hvaitei; A.S. hvaete; O.H.G. hwaizi, hiza, haiz; A.S. hat; (O.H.G. hei, perhaps from śvi without the final nd).

śveta śveta (i. e. śvit + a, or from śvi in śvit, śvind),
I. adj., f. and , White, Pañc. 60, 24; wearing a white dress, Pañc. iii. d. 73.
II. m., and f. , A small white shell used as a coin.
III. m.
     1. White (the colour).
     2. A white cloud.
     3. The planet venus.
     4. A fabulous range of mountains.
     5. One of the dvīpas, or divisions of the world.
     6. A conch.
     7. Cumin seed.
IV. f. .
     1. Crystal.
     2. Candied sugar.
     3. The name of several plants.
V. n. Silver.
-- Comp. mahā-, f. , 1. Sarasvatī. 2. candied sugar. 3. the name of two plants.

śvaitrya śvaitrya, i. e. śvitra + ya, n. Leprosy, Man. 11, 51.

śvovasīya śvovasīya, and śvovasīyasa śvovasiyasa, i. e. curtailed from śvas-vasīyas (comparat. of vasu), or with aff. a,
I. adj. Fortunate, auspicious.
II. -vasīya, n. Happiness, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 19.


ṣa -ṣa, see pañcaṣa.

ṣaṭka ṣaṭka, i. e. ṣaṣ + ka,
I. adj. Six, sixfold.
II. n. An aggregate of six, Pañc, 5, 12; Bhāṣāp. 31.
-- Comp. ūrmi-, n. the six waves (human infirmities), which obstruct the course of quiet life, viz. grief, ignorance, old age, death, hunger, and thirst, Lass. 58, 9 (where thus to be corrected).

ṣaṭcaraṇa ṣaṭcaraṇa, i. e. ṣaṣ-caraṇa, m. A bee, Śāk. d. 23.

ṣaṭpada ṣaṭpada, i. e. ṣaṣ-pada, m. A bee, Man. 7, 129; Vikr. d. 41.

ṣaṭpadajya ṣaṭpada-jya (see jyā), adj. The string of which consists of bees, epithet of the bow of Kāma, Megh. 72.

ṣaḍaṅghri ṣaḍaṅghri, i. e. ṣaṣ-aṅghri, m. A bee, Bhartṛ. 1, 78.

ṣaḍja ṣaḍja, i. e. ṣaṣ-ja, m. The fourth note of the Hindu gamut, Ragh. 1, 39.

ṣaḍdhā ṣaḍdhā (?), i. e. ṣaṣ + dhā, adv. In six ways (see ṣoḍhā).

ṣaṇḍa ṣaṇḍa,
I. m.
     1. A bull at liberty.
     2. An eunuch.
     3. A wood, a thicket, Megh. 20.
     4. A multitude.
II. m. and n. A quantity of lotuses.
-- Comp. kamala-, n. a multitude of fotuses, Lass. 2. ed. 46, 27. taru- and druma-, n. a group of trees, Pañc. 10, 4; Rām. 4, 13, 13 (taru-); 4, 13, 12 (druma-). Padma-, n. a quantity of lotuses, ib. 3, 76, 15 (cf. śaṇḍa, śaṇḍha, ṣaṇḍha, and khaṇḍa).

ṣaṇḍaka ṣaṇḍa + ka, m. An eunuch. MBh. 4, 52.

ṣaṇḍha ṣaṇḍha, m. An eunuch, Man. 2, 158 (cf. the last).

ṣaṣ ṣaṣ, for original svakṣ, numeral adj. Six, Man. 1, 16; cf. ṣaṣ-bhāga.
-- Comp. dvi-, twelve Bhāg. P. 4, 1, 7.
-- Cf. Lat. sex; [greek] Goth. saihs; A.S. scox, six, sex.

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ṣaṣṭa -ṣaṣṭa, i. e. ṣaṣṭi + a, ord. num. Sixtieth.
-- Comp. eka-, sixtyfirst. ekona-, i. e. eka-ūna-, fifty-ninth. dvā- and dvi-, sixty-secon. tri-, sixty-third. catuḥṣ° i. e. catur-, sixty-fourth. pañcaṣ°, i. e. pañcan-, sixty-fifth, etc., MBh. xii. adhy. 61, sqq.

ṣaṣṭi ṣaṣṭi, i. e. ṣaṣ + ti, numeral, f. Sixty, Chr. 28, 20.
-- Comp. eka-, f. sixty-one, Bhāg. P. 6, 6, 29. dvā- and dvi-, f. sixty-two, MBh. xii. 162; i. adhy. 162. catuḥṣ°, i. e. catur-, f. sixty-four, Man. 8, 338. pañcaṣ°, i. e. pañcan-, f. sixty-five, MBh. xii. adhy. 165.

ṣaṣṭika ṣaṣṭi + ka,
I. adj. Bought with sixty.
II. m., and f. , A kind of rice of quick growth.

ṣaṣṭikya ṣaṣṭikya, i. e. ṣaṣṭika + ya, adj. Fit for the rice called ṣaṣṭika (see the last).

ṣaṣṭitama ṣaṣṭi + tama, ord. num., f. , Sixtiety, Rām. v. sarg. 60.
-- Comp. eka-, sixty-first, Rām. v. sarg. 61. dvā- and dvi-, sixty-second, Rām. iv. sarg. 62; v. adhy. 62. tri-, sixtythird, MBh. i. adhy. 63. catuḥṣ°, i. e. catur-, sixty-fourth, Rām. vi. sarg. 64. pañcaṣ°, i. e. pancan-, sixty-fifth, MBh. ii. adhy. 65. navaṣ°, i. e. navan-, sixty-ninth, Rām. vi. sarg. 69.

ṣaṣṭidhā ṣaṣṭi + dhā, adv. In sixty ways.
-- Comp. tri-, adv. in sixty-three parts, Suśr. 1, 153, 18.

ṣaṣṭha ṣaṣṭha, i. e. ṣaṣ + tha,
I. ord. num., f. ṭhī, Sixth, Vikr. d. 20.
II. f. ṭhā.
     1. Durgā.
     2. The sixth day of the lunar fortnight.
-- Comp. mātṛ-, adj. six, inclusively of the mother, Hiḍ. 1, 1.
-- Cf. Lat. sextus; Goth. saihsta; A. S. sixta; [greek]

ṣaṣṭhaka ṣaṣṭha + ka, adj. Sixth.

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ṣaṣṭhānnakālatā ṣaṣṭhānnakālatā, i. e. ṣaṣṭha-anna-kāla + tā, f. Eating only at the time of the sixth meal, i. e. on the evening of every third day, Man. 11, 200.

ṣāḍava ṣāḍava (derived anomal. from the nom. of ṣaṣ), m.
     1. Sentiment.
     2. Music.

ṣāḍguṇya ṣāḍguṇya, i. e. ṣaṣ-guṇa + ya, n. An aggregate of six, six articles, Man. 7, 58; six measures, 7, 167; six kinds of behaving against an enemy, Pañc. 154, 9.

ṣāṇmāsika ṣāṇmāsika, i. e. ṣaṣ-māsa + ika, adj.
     1. Relating to six months, come to pass six months ago, Bṛhaspati ap. Cowell, Kusumāñjali transl. p. 65, n. †.
     2. Half-yearly, Man. 7, 126.

ṣiḍga ṣiḍga, m. An inconstant lover, a gallant.

ṣukk ṣukk, see ṣvask.

ṣoḍant ṣoḍant, i. e. ṣaṣ-dant, m. A young ox, or one with six teeth.

ṣoḍaśa ṣoḍaśa, i. e. ṣoḍaśan + a, or curtailed, ord. num., f. śī, Sixteenth, Pañc. ii. d. 58.
-- Comp. pari-, full sixteen, Nal. 26, 2. vṛṣabha- (having a bull as sixteenth, i. e.) fifteen cows and a bull, Man. 9, 124, v. r. (cf. Lois.).

ṣoḍaśaka ṣoḍaśaka, i. e. ṣoḍaśan + ka, adj. Consisting of sixteen, Hit. iv. d. 107.

ṣoḍaśan ṣoḍaśan, i. e. ṣaṣ-daśan, numeral adj. Sixteen, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 3; 182, 9.

ṣoḍhā ṣoḍhā, i. e. ṣaṣ + dhā, adv. In six ways, sixfold, Yājñ. 3, 84.

ṣṭambh ṣṭambh, see stamb.

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ṣṭyai ṣṭyai, see styai.

ṣṭhivṣṭhiv, i. 1, ṣṭhīva, and i. 4, ṣṭhīvya, and ṣṭhīv ṣṭhīv, i. 1, Par. To spit, Bhaṭṭ. 12, 18. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. ṣṭhyūta, Ejected, as saliva.
-- With the prep. ni ni, To spit, Man. 5, 145. niṣṭhyūta, Spit out, Rājat. 5, 462 (kūrca-ābhāṣaṇa-, spit out, i. e. uttered, with boasting words); ejected, ib. 96. n. Saliva, Man. 4, 132.
-- With avani ava-ni, To spit on, Man. 8, 282.
-- With nis nis, To sketch, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 18. niḥṣṭhyūta, Distilled, Śāk. d. 80.
-- Cf. probably [greek] etc., [greek] Lat. spuere; Goth. speivan; A. S. spíwan; O.H.G. spīcilla; cf. kṣiv.

ṣṭhīvana ṣṭhīv + ana, n.
     1. Spitting.
     2. Spittle, Man. 4, 156; 5, 123.
-- Comp. kūrca-, n. boasting speech, Rājat. 5, 462 (cf. the last).

ṣvaskṣvask, svaṣk ṣvaṣk, ṣvakk ṣvakk, ṣukk ṣukk, svask svask, i. 1, Ātm. To go.


sa sa, originally 'One.'
I. See tad; in the Vedas appears also the loc. sasmin.
II. As former part of comp. nouns.
     1. With; see sa-kamala, adj. With lotus flowers.
     2. The same, like, equal; see sa-dharman, adj. Of the same caste, etc.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek] (e. g. in [greek]), [greek] (e. g. in [greek]), [greek] (e. g. in [greek]); Lat. sum = eum, sam = eam, -sum, sem- in semper, simin simplex; Goth. sa, so, A. S. se, sco.

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saṃyat saṃyat, i. e. sam-yam + t, m. and f. War, battle, Chr. 36, 17.

saṃyantṛ saṃyantṛ, i. e. sam-yam + tṛ, m. f. trī, and n. Constraining, a constrainer.

saṃyama saṃyama, i. e. sam-yam + a, m.
     1. Restraining, Man. 2, 88.
     2. Restraint, forbearance.
     3. Abstaining, Bhartṛ. 2, 60.
     4. Avoiding the infliction of pain on others, compassionateness, Śāk. d. 177.
-- Comp. vāksaṃyama, i. e. vāc-, m. modesty, Bhartṛ. 2, 80.

saṃyamana saṃyamana, i. e. sam-yam + ana,
I. m. A ruler, Sāv. 5, 65.
II. n.
     1. Restraining, Sāv. 3, 20.
     2. Selfdenial or control, forbearance.
     3. A religious vow or obligation.
     4. Holding, detaining.
     5. Drawing in, Śāk. 5, 12.
     6. A cluster of four houses.
III. f. , The capital of Yama.

saṃyamin saṃyamin, i. e.
I. sam-yam + in, adj. Who or what restrains, subdues; abstaining, Bhag. 2, 69.
II. saṃyama + in, m. One who subdues his passions, a sage.

saṃyātrā saṃyātrā, i. e. sam-yā + tra, f. Travelling into another island or continent, voyaging.

saṃyāna saṃyāna, i. e. sam-yā + ana, n. Going together.

saṃyāma saṃyāma, i. e. sam-yam + a, m.
     1. Restraint.
     2. Self-control, forbearance.
     3. Abstaining from giving pain to others.

saṃyāva saṃyāva, i. e. sam-yu + a, m. A thin cake of unleavened bread fried with melted butter, Man. 5, 7.

saṃyuga saṃyuga, i. e. sam-yuj + a, m. War, battle, Chr. 33, 4; Rājat. 5, 424.

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saṃyuj saṃyuj, i. e. sam-yuj, adj.
     1. Joined.
     2. Endowed with good qualities.

saṃyoga saṃyoga, i. e. sam-yuj + a, m.
     1. Connexion, Man. 3, 157; Rām. 3, 49, 20; Chr. 38, 15 (saṃyogam enasā na prāpsyase, You will not incur guilt).
     2. Junction, Bhāṣāp. 3; adherence, accession, Pañc. ii. d. 146.
     3. A kind of alliance where both parties unite only for one object, but attack with united power, Hit. iv. d. 115.
     4. Union, being, living, with, Megh. 85; 88.

saṃyojana saṃyojana, i. e. sam-yuj + ana, n.
     1. Joining, uniting, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 20; Daśak. in Chr. 281, 2.
     2. Copulation, coition.

saṃrakṣaṇa saṃrakṣaṇa, i. e. sam-rakṣ + ana, n.
     1. Protecting, guarding, Pañc. 129, 2; protection, Johns. Sel. 95, 71.
     2. Saving, Man. 6, 68.

saṃrambha saṃrambha, i. e. sam-rabh + a, m.
     1. Beginning, Vikr. d. 61.
     2. Wrath, Vikr. d. 115; rage, anger, Vikr. d. 39.
     3. Pride, arrogance.
     4. Agitation, Rājat. 5, 334.

saṃrambhin saṃrambhin, i. e. saṃrambha + in, adj.
     1. Angry.
     2. Proud.
     3. Agitated.

saṃrādhana saṃrādhana, i. e. sam-radh + ana, n.
     1. Propitiation.
     2. Perfect meditation, Windischmann, Sankara, 173.

saṃrāva saṃrāva, i. e. sam-ru + a, m. Sound, noise.

saṃrodha saṃrodha, i. e. sam-rudh + a, m.
     1. Hindering, stopping, Pañc. 162, 11; Mālat. 79, 18.
     2. Impediment.
     3. Check, curb.
     4. Fetter.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. expiry of the time (for which something has been pledged), Man. 8, 143.

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saṃlaya saṃlaya, i. e. sam-lī + a, m. Sleep.

saṃlāpa saṃlāpa, i. e. sam-lap + a, m. Conversation, Hit. i. d. 38, M. M.

saṃloḍana saṃloḍana, i. e. sam-loḍ + ana, n. Making mad, MBh. 1, 1397.

saṃvat saṃvat, probably sam-*vat (cf. parut), indecl.
     1. A year.
     2. A year of vikramāditya's era.
-- Cf. [greek]

saṃvatsara saṃvatsara, i. e. sam-vatsara, m. A year, Rām. 3, 55, 19; Pañc. 186, 20.
-- Comp. pari-, m. a full year, Man. 3, 119.

saṃvadana saṃvadana, i. e. sam-vad + ana,
I. n., and f. (cf. the next).
     1. Subduing by charms or magical drugs.
     2. A charm.
II. n.
     1. Communication of tidings.
     2. Sight, seeing.

saṃvanana saṃvanana, i. e. sam-van + ana, n.
     1. Subduing by charms or magical drugs; a means of securing, Ragh. 16, 74.
     2. Fascination, charming, Rājat. 5, 188.

saṃvaraṇa saṃvaraṇa, i. e. sam-vṛ + ana, n. Concealing, Vikr. 79, 5; secret, Mālat. 174, 7; pretext, Mālat. 7, 1.

saṃvarta saṃvarta, i. e. sam-vṛt + a, m.
     1. Destruction of the universe, Johns. Sel. 91, 35.
     2. A cloud.
     3. Multitude, Mālat. 166, 12.
     4. Being.
     5. Beleric myrobalan.
     6. The name of a Muni.

saṃvartaka saṃvarta + ka, m.
     1. Submarine fire, Bhartṛ. 2, 68.
     2. Baladeva.
     3. The plough of Baladeva.

saṃvarti saṃvarti, and saṃvartikā saṃvartikā (vb. vṛt), f. The new leaf of a water lily.

saṃvardhaka saṃvardhaka, i. e. sam-vṛdh + aka, adj. Augmenting, augmentative.

saṃvardhana saṃvardhana, i. e. sam-vṛdh + ana, n.
     1. Increasing, thriving, increase, Vikr. 49, 16; happiness, Vikr. 57, 2.
     2. Bearing up, nourishing and developing, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 4.

saṃvarṣaṇa saṃvarṣaṇa, i. e. sam-vṛṣ + ana, or rather sam-varṣana, n. Abundance of rain, Lass. 27, 2.

saṃvalana saṃvalana, i. e. sam-val + ana, n. Mixture, Mālat. 167, 5.

saṃvasatha saṃvasatha, i. e. sam- 1. vas + atha, m. A village.

saṃvāda saṃvāda, i. e. sam-vad + a, m.
     1. Conversation, Pañc. 118, 25.
     2. Communication of intelligence, information, Mālat. 80, 5.
     3. Assent, agreement, Mālav. 72, 8.
     4. Conformity, correspondence, sameness.

saṃvādin saṃvādin, i. e. sam-vad + in, adj., f. , Corresponding, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 10.

saṃvāsa saṃvāsa, i. e. sam- 1. vas + a, m.
     1. Dwelling together, Pañc. 196, 15.
     2. Society, union, Hit. iv. d. 65.
     3. A house.
     4. An open space within or without a town for the meeting of the townsmen.

saṃvāha saṃvāha, m., i. e. sam-vāh + a,
     1. Rubbing the body.
     2. An attendant employed to rub and knead the body.
     3. Extortion, Rājat. 5, 175.

saṃvāhaka saṃvāhaka, i. e. sam-vāh + aka, m. An attendant employed to rub and knead the body.

saṃvāhana saṃvāhana, i. e. sam-va/āh + ana, n.
     1. Bearing, carrying, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 15.
     2. Rubbing and kneading the body, Megh. 94; stroking, touching, Mālat. 150, 10.
     3. Extortion, Rājat. 5, 191.

saṃvijñāna saṃvijñāna, i. e. sam-vi-jñā + ana, n. Knowledge, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 1.

saṃvitti saṃvitti, i. e. sam-vid + ti, f.
     1. Perception, knowledge, Kir. 11, 34, 16, 32.
     2. Recollection of a thing or person previously known.
     3. Reconciliation, accommodation.

saṃvid saṃvid, i. e. sam-vid, f.
     1. Contract, agreement, Man. 8, 5; Pañc. ii. d. 60.
     2. Promise, MBh. 1, 1223.
     3. Intellect.
     4. Knowledge, Mālat. 100, 10; Kir. 18, 42.
     5. Name, appellation.
     6. Sign, signal.
     7. A watch-word, a battle-cry.
     8. Battle.
     9. Institute.
     10. Pleasing.
     11. Hemp.
-- Comp. na-, f. want of consciousness, Bhartṛ. 1, 27, v. r.

saṃvidhā saṃvidhā, i. e. sam-vi-dhā, f.
     1. Arrangement, food, Ragh. 14, 17.
     2. Kind of living, Ragh. 1, 94.

saṃvidhāna saṃvidhāna, i. e. sam-vi-dhā + ana, n. Mode, Mālat. 34, 11; rite.

saṃvidhānaka saṃvidhāna + ka, n. Strange, surprising occurrence, Utt. Rāmac. 87, 11.

saṃvibhāga saṃvibhāga, i. e. sam-vi-bhaj + a, m.
     1. Distributing, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 22.
     2. Apportioning, giving a portion, Man. 4, 32; Pañc. ii. d. 25.
     3. Communication, Mālat. 128, 12.
     4. Part, share.

saṃvibhāgin saṃvibhāgin, i. e. saṃvibhāga + in, adj. Partaking, Pañc. 243, 24.

saṃvīkṣaṇa saṃvīkṣaṇa, i. e. sam-vi-ikṣ + ana, n. Search, inquiry.

saṃvṛti saṃvṛti, i. e. sam-vṛ + ti, f. Concealment, Kir. 10, 44.

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saṃvega saṃvega, i. e. sam-vij + a, m.
     1. Haste proceeding from fear, Utt. Rāmac. 51, 14.
     2. Speed, Utt. Rāmac. 26, 12 (tīvra-, adj. Wounding quickly).
     3. Vehemence, Utt. Rāmac. 95, 5.

saṃveda saṃveda, i. e. sam-vid + a, m. Perception, consciousness.

saṃvedana saṃvedana, i. e. sam-vid + ana, n. Perceiving, suffering, Utt. Rāmac. 30, 1.

saṃveśa saṃveśa, i. e. sam-viś + a, m.
     1. Copulation.
     2. A chair.
     3. Sleeping, sleep.
     4. Dreaming, a dream.

saṃveśaka saṃveśaka, see gṛhasaṃv°.

saṃvyavahāra saṃvyavahāra, i. e. sam-vi-ava-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Relation to each other, Pañc. i. d. 316.
     2. Business, Man. 8, 131.

saṃvyāna saṃvyāna, i. e. sam-vye + ana, n.
     1. Cloth, vesture.
     2. Covering.
     3. An upper garment, Kir. 4, 28.

saṃśaptaka saṃśaptaka, i. e. sam-śapta + ka (vb. śap), m.
     1. A soldier sworn never to recede, and stationed to prevent the flight of the rest.
     2. A brother in arms.

saṃśamana saṃśamana, i. e. sam-śam + ana, in pāpa-, adj. Removing sin, Rām. 2, 56, 28.

saṃśaya saṃśaya, i. e. sam-śī + a, m.
     1. Doubt, Hit. pr. d. 10, M. M.; uncertainty; very often with na, to be sure, Pañc. i. d. 256.
     2. Possibility, Hit. ii. d. 160.
     3. Danger, Rām. 3, 51, 13.
-- Comp. a-, 1. m. absence of doubt, to be sure, Rām. 5, 23, 25. 2. °yam, adv. undoubtedly, Pañc. i. d. 406. artha-, adj. one whose solvency is doubtful, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 2. nis-, adj. 1. doubtless, Brāhmaṇav. 2, 30. 2. resolute, MBh. 5, 7080. 3. °yam, adv. undoubtedly, certainly, MBh. 3, 1243. prāṇa-, m. danger of life, Pañc. 130, 5. vi-saṃśaya + m, adv. undoubtedly, Pañc. ii. d. 119. sa-, adj. doubtful.

saṃśayālu saṃśayālu, i. e. saṃśaya + ālu, adj. Dubious.

saṃśayitṛ saṃśayitṛ, i. e. sam-śī + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Dubious, sceptical, a sceptic.

saṃśuddhi saṃśuddhi, i. e. sam-śudh + ti, f.
     1. Cleaning the body.
     2. Purification, Bhag. 16, 1.
     3. Correction.
     4. Acquittal of debt.
     5. Acquittance of charge or crime.

saṃśodhana saṃśodhana, i. e. sam-śudh + ana, n.
     1. Cleaning.
     2. Purifying.
     3. Correcting.
     4. Refining.
     5. Discharging, paying.

saṃścat saṃścat, i. e. sam-cat, m. A juggler, a conjuror.

saṃścāya saṃścāya, a denomin. derived from saṃścat, Ātm. To conjure, to juggle.

saṃśraya saṃśraya, i. e. sam-śri + a, m.
     1. Refuge, a dwelling-place, Pañc. 155, 23; having become the dwelingplace, being possessed by, Nal. 20, 41.
     2. Asylum.
     3. Protection, Śāk. d. 177.
     4. Seeking protection (Man. 7, 160), or the alliance of a powerful prince, Pañc. 154, 10.
     5. Alliance, Pañc. 154, 20.
-- Comp. anyonya-, m. supporting each other, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2150. eka-, m.
I. union, Pañc. iii. d. 52.
II. adj. united, Pañc. iii. d. 49. kaṣṭa-, adj. accompanied by pains, Pañc. i. d. 179. bhuja-, m. taking refuge to one's arms, help of arms, Lass. 2. ed. 68. 33.

saṃśrava saṃśrava, i. e. sam-śru + a, m.
     1. Hearing, Mālat. 48, 17.
     2. Agreement.
     3. Promise.
-- Comp. a-, m. the not being audible; loc. ve, out of hearing, Man. 2, 203.

saṃśravaṇa saṃśravaṇa, i. e. sam-śru + ana, n. The ear, Rām. 6, 23, 7.

saṃśleṣa saṃśleṣa, i. e. sam-śliṣ + a, m.
     1. Embracing, embrace, Śāk. d. 124.
     2. Union, Windischmann, Sankara, 152; contact, association, Lass. 24, 7.
-- Comp. a-ghaṭita-, adj., f. ṣā, impossible to be closely joined, Pañc. 203, 4.

saṃśleṣaṇa saṃśleṣaṇa, i. e. sam-śliṣ + ana, n. Means of binding together, Utt. Rāmac. 65, 2.

saṃsakti saṃsakti, i. e. sam-sañj + ti, f.
     1. Tieing, fastending.
     2. Union.
     3. Proximity.
     4. Intimacy, acquaintance.
     5. Addiction to, devotion.

saṃsad saṃsad, i. e. sam-sad, f.
     1. An assembly, Pañc. 19, 14.
     2. Court of justice, Man. 8, 52.

saṃsaraṇa saṃsaraṇa, i. e. sam-sṛ + ana, n.
     1. Going, proceeding.
     2. Going unobstructedly.
     3. The unresisted march of troops.
     4. The beginning of war or battle.
     5. A highway.
     6. A resting-place for passengers near the gates of a city.
     7. Birth, the production of living beings.
     8. The world.

saṃsarga saṃsarga, i. e. sam-sṛj + a, m.
     1. Mixture, Hit. i. d. 5, M.M.
     2. Touching, contact, Śāk. d. 3; Pañc. i. d. 280.
     3. Union, Hit. pr. d. 41, M. M.
     4. Acquaintance, familiarity, intercourse, Pañc. iii. d. 234; Daśak. in Chr. 196, 3.
     5. Sensual attachment, Man. 6, 72.

saṃsargatas saṃsarga + tas, adv. By union and intercourse, Bhartṛ. 2, 57.

saṃsargin saṃsargin, i. e. saṃsarga + in, adj. f. iṇī, adj.
     1. In contact with, united, connected, Cāṇ. 106 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 413.
     2. Familiar, acquainted.

saṃsarjana saṃsarjana, i. e. sam-sṛj + ana, n.
     1. Abandoning, leaving.
     2. Voiding.

saṃsarpa saṃsarpa, i. e. sam-sṛp + a, m.
     1. Creeping.
     2. Gliding.

saṃsāra saṃsāra, i. e. sam-sṛ + a, m.
     1. Transmigration, Man. 12, 40.
     2. Mundane existence, Pañc. 165, 17.
     3. The world, Hit. pr. d. 14, M. M.
-- Comp. ā-, adj. always changing, Kathās. 5, 103. °ram, adv. till the end of the world, Rājat. 5, 119.

saṃsārin saṃsārin, i. e. saṃsāra + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī, Mundane, worldly.
II. m. An animal or sentient being, a man, Mālat. 140, 9.

saṃsiddhi saṃsiddhi, i. e. sam-sidh + ti, f.
     1. Perfection, Bhag. 3, 20; Pañc. 4, 21.
     2. Obtaining, Kathās. 13, 166.
     3. Natural disposition, nature.

saṃsṛti saṃsṛti, i. e. sam-sṛ + ti, f.
     1. Current, stream.
     2. Course, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 9.
     3. Transmigration, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 14.
     4. The world.

saṃsṛṣṭatva saṃsṛṣṭa + tva (vb. sṛj), n.
     1. Union.
     2. (In law), The voluntary co-residence of father and son, or brothers, after partition of property.

saṃsṛṣṭi saṃsṛṣṭi, i. e. sam-sṛj + ti, f.
     1. Uniting.
     2. Collecting.
     3. Living together in one family.

saṃseka saṃseka, i. e. sam-sic + a, m. Moistencing, Rājat. 5, 271.

saṃsevana saṃsevana, i. e. sam-sev + ana, n. Waiting on, serving.

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saṃsevā saṃsevā, i. e. sam-sev + a, f. Service, Rājat. 5, 15.

saṃskartṛ saṃskartṛ, i. e. sam-kṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Who or what completes, initiates, Utt. Rāmac. 170, 8; dresses (as meat), Man. 5, 51.

saṃskāra saṃskāra, i. e. sam-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Completing.
     2. Perfecting, perfection, Utt. Rāmac. 135, 6.
     3. Embellishment, decoration, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 19; Pañc. 185, 25; ornament, Mālat. 126, 9.
     4. Institution and education, Man. 1, 111.
     5. Purification.
     6. A purificatory rite, Man. 2, 26; 27; Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 13.
     7. Ceremony in general, Man. 3, 43.
     8. The investiture with the holy cord, Man. 11, 150.
     9. Consecration (of a king), Man. 7, 2.
     10. Obsequies, Lass. 17, 11.
     11. Purity.
     12. Preparing as an article of medicine or food.
     13. Impression, form, mould, Śāk. d. 133 (Sch. a polishing stone).
     14. The power of memory, Kathās. 7, 19.
     15. Apprehension, conception, Rājat. 5, 228; resolution, Hit. 112, 5 (vi-smṛta-pūrva-, adj. Forgetting his former resolution).
     16. The selfreproductive quality (Ballantyne, i. e. vitality, elasticity, and mental impression), Bhāṣāp. 29; 156.
-- Comp. agni-, m. 1. consecration of fire. 2. burning of the dead body, Man. 5, 69. dus-, m. bad inclination, Rājat. 5, 228. keśa-, m. dressing the hair, Megh. 33. pātra-, m. cleaning a vessel that has been used. punaḥsaṃskāra, i. e. punar-, m. renewed investiture, Man. 11, 150. śarīra-, m. 1. adorning the person. 2. purification of the body by various ceremonies, initiation, etc., Man. 2, 26.

saṃskriyā saṃskriyā, i. e. sam-kṛ + yā, f.
     1. Any purificatory rite.
     2. Funeral ceremonies, as burning the dead body.

saṃst saṃst, see sas.

saṃstambha saṃstambha, i. e. sam-stambh + a, m.
     1. Fixing, making firm (as a post).
     2. Confirming.
     3. Stop.
     4. Paralysis.

saṃstara saṃstara, i. e. sam-stṛ + a, m.
     1. A couch, a bed, Pañc. 117, 12; a layer, MBh. 1, 4708.
     2. Sacrifice, Rām. 1, 13, 23.

saṃstaraṇa saṃstaraṇa, i. e. sam-stṛ + ana, n. Strewing, Śāk. 31, 6.

saṃstava saṃstava, i. e. sam-stu + a, m.
     1. Praise, Pañc. iv. d. 60.
     2. Acquaintance, Kir. 4, 22, 25.

saṃstāva saṃstāva, i. e. sam-stu + a, m.
     1. Hymning in chorus, the repetition of the verses of the Veda by a number of Brāhmaṇas.
     2. The place occupied at a sacrifice by the singing Brāhmaṇas.

saṃstuti saṃstuti, i. e. sam-stu + ti, f. Praise.

saṃstyāya saṃstyāya, i. e. sam-styai + a, m.
     1. Assemblage, heap.
     2. Vicinity.
     3. Spreading, diffusion.
     4. A house, Mālat. 23, 11.

saṃstha saṃstha,
A. i. e. sam-stha,
I. adj.
     1. Standing, being, Pañc. i. d. 231 (maṇdala-, in the dise, viz. of the sun); ii. d. 157.
     2. Staying with, associated.
     3. Stationary, fixed.
     4. Living, Pañc. 94, 2; iii. d. 226.
     5. Lasting, Lass. 42, 15.
II. m.
     1. An inhabitant.
     2. A countryman.
     3. A spy.
B. i. e. sam-sthā, f.
     1. An assembly.
     2. Condition of being, situation, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 38.
     3. Appearance.
     4. Form.
     5. Occupation, Man. 1, 21.
     6. Continuance in the right way, correct conduct.
     7. A sort of sacrifice.
     8. Stay, step.
     9. A royal ordinance.
     10. End.
     11. Death.
     12. Destruction.
-- Comp. dūra-, adj. distant, Megh. 3. dhara-, adj. having the form of a mountain, Kir. 15, 12. phala-, adj. bearing fruit, Brāhmaṇav. 3, 13. brāhmaṇa-, adj. belonging to Brāhmaṇas, Man. 8, 325. sva-, f. absorption in one's own self, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 26.

saṃsthāna saṃsthāna, i. e. sam-sthā + ana, n.
     1. A heap, a quantity.
     2. The aggregation of the primitive atoms.
     3. Position, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 17; form, figure, shape, Śāk. d. 126.
     4. Fabrication, construction.
     5. A vicinity.
     6. Standing, being, Hit. ii. d. 90 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 59).
     7. A common place of abode.
     8. A place where four roads meet, an open place(?), Rām. 2, 65, 32, Seramp.
     9. Any place, Man. 8, 371; a station, 9, 261.
     10. A mark, a spot, a sign.
     11. Death.

saṃsthāpana saṃsthāpana, i. e. sam-sthā, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Collecting.
     2. Placing.
     3. Establishing, Bhag. 4, 8; fixing, Lass. 2. ed. 87 14.
     4. A regulation, Man. 8, 402.

saṃsthāsnu saṃsthāsnu, i. e. sam-sthā + snu, adj. Immovable, MBh. 7, 372.

saṃsthiti saṃsthiti, i. e. sam-sthā + ti, f.
     1. Staying together, Hit. i. d. 38, M. M.
     2. Accumulation, heap.
     3. Contiguity.
     4. Abiding, Hit. i. d. 104, M. M.; abode, Man. 6, 90.
     5. State of life.
     6. Duration, Hit. i. d. 42, M. M.
     7. Restraint, Man. 9, 14.
     8. Death.

saṃsparśa saṃsparśa, i. e. sam-spṛś + a, m.
     1. Touching, Rām. 3, 49, 44; contact, Pañc. 198, 13; mixture, 250, 4.
     2. Being touched, being affected, Pañc. 93, 1.
     3. Perception, sense.
-- Comp. duḥkha-, adj. of whom or of which the touch causes pain, MBh. 5, 2046.

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saṃspṛś saṃspṛś, i. e. sam-spṛś, ad Touching, Amar. 23.

saṃsphoṭa saṃsphoṭa, i. e. sam-sphuṭa, m. War, battle.

saṃsmaraṇa saṃsmaraṇa, i. e. sam-smṛ + ana, n. Remembering.

saṃsmṛti saṃsmṛti, i. e. sam-smṛ + ti f. Remembrance, Kir. 18, 27.

saṃsrāva saṃsrāva, i. e. sam-sru + a, m. Flowing.
-- Comp. karṇa-, m. suppuration of the ear, Suśr. 2, 362, 4.

saṃhatajānuka saṃhata-jānu + ka (vb. han), adj. Knock-kneed.

saṃhatatā saṃhata + tā, f., and saṃhatatva saṃhata + tva, n. (vb. han),
     1. Close approximation, contact, Śiś. 9. 44 (, and agreement).
     2. Compactness.
     3. Combination.
     4. Union, Hit. iv. d. 26 (tva); agreement (see

saṃhati saṃhati, i. e. sam-han + ti, f.
     1. Combination, Hit. i. d. 34. M.M.; union, agreement, Rājat. 5, 247 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     2. Assemblage, heap, multitude, Kir. 5, 4; bulk, 12, 10.
     3. Compactness.
-- Comp. ari-, f. multitude of enemies, Nalod. 4, 46. bhinna- (vb. bhid), adj. disunited, Rājat. 5, 260. śastra-, f. an arsenal. hima-, f. ice and snow.

saṃhanana saṃhanana, i. e. sam-han + ana,
I. m. A destroyer, a conqueror, MBh. 3, 13300.
II. n.
     1. Rubbing the body.
     2. Compactness, inflexibility, MBh. 1, 7022.
     3. Strength.
     4. Body, Utt. Rāmac. 152, 12.
     5. Agreement, MBh. 12, 2420.
-- Comp. siṃha-, adj. 1. of lion strength. 2. handsome and well shaped.

saṃharaṇa saṃharaṇa, i. e. sam-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Collecting.
     2. Restraining.
     3. Destroying, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 17 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     4. Taking.

saṃhartṛ saṃhartṛ, i. e. sam-hṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. A destroyer, Vikr. d. 145.

saṃharṣa saṃharṣa, m., i. e.
I. sam-hṛṣ + a.
     1. Pleasure, joy.
     2. Erection of the hair of the body.
II. for saṃgharṣa.
     1. Rubbing.
     2. Envy.
     3. Wind.

saṃhāta saṃhāta (probably for saṃghāta, q. cf., which is also a v. r.), m. One of the hells, Man. 4, 8.

saṃhāra saṃhāra, i. e. sam-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Collection, comprehensive description, in ṛtu-, of the (six) seasons, title of a poem, Lass. 60, 1.
     2. Abridgment.
     3. Restraining.
     4. Destruction (of the world), Man. 1, 80.
     5. Practice, Rām. 1, 30, 2; skill.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with charms for restraining (magical weapons), Johns. Sel. 4, 22.

saṃhūti saṃhūti, i. e. sam-hve + ti, f. Clamour, tumultuous exclamation.

sakalavarṇa sa-ka-la-varṇa, adj. Endowed with the letters ka and la (viz. kalaha), i. e. Quarrelling, Nalod. 2, 14.

sakākola sa-kākola, m. One of the hells, Man. 4, 89.

sakāśa sakāśa, probably sa-*kāśa (vb. kāś), m. Vicinity, presence, Nal. 1, 21; Pañc. 66, 10; acc. and loc. To, Pañc. 23, 1; Chr. 6, 6; Pañc. 55, 19. Abl. From, Pañc. 220, 14.
-- Comp. yūtha-pati-sakāśa + m, acc. To the chief of the herd, Pañc. 160, 24.

sakṛt sa-kṛ + t, adv.
     1. Once, Vikr. d. 10.
     2. At once, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 5.
     3. With, together. Cf. śakṛt.
-- Comp. a-, adv. repeatedly, Pañc. iii. d. 116; Chr. 30. 37.

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sakti sakti, i. e. sañj + ti, f.
     1. Contact.
     2. Junction, Kir. 5, 46.
     3. Addiction to, attachment.
-- Comp. ati-, f. closest union, Śiś. 9, 7.

saktimant sakti + mant, adj., f. matī, Attached.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. too much attached, Hit. iv. d. 31.

saktu saktu, see śaktu.

saktula saktu + la, adj. Containing flour.

sakthan sakthan, see the next.

sakthi sakthi, probably sañj + than, n.; the base of some cases is sakthan,
     1. The thigh.
     2. A bone.
     3. The frame of a cart.

sakha -sakha, a substitute for sakhi at the end of comp. words; e. g. nara-, m. Friend of Nārāyana, Vikr. d. 3. priya-,
I. m.
     1. A dear friend, Chr. 13, 12.
     2. A tree, Mimosa catechu.
II. f. khī, A female friend, Utt. Rāmac. 61, 13. balabhid-, m. Friend of Indra, Śāk. 27, 23. madirā-, m. The mango, Mangifera Indica. madhu-, m. Kāma. marut-, m.
     1. Indra.
     2. Fire, Ragh. 2, 10. vasanta-, m.
     1. Friend of spring, Vikr. 31, 18.
     2. Kāma. vāyu-, m. Fire. smara-, m. The moon.

sakhi sakhi, i. e. probably sa- 1. kṣi,
I. m.
     1. An associate, Pañc. iii. d. 56; a companion, 265, 3.
     2. A friend, Vikr. 12, 1.
II. f. khī, A female friend, Vikr. 8, 2; Pañc. 258, 9.
-- Cf. Lat. socius.

sakhitva sakhi + tva, n. Friendship, Pañc. 60, 4.

sakhya sakhya, i. e. sakhi + ya, n.
     1. Friendship, Hit. 38, 4, M. M.
     2. Equality, Man. 2, 134.

sagsag, i. 1, Par. To cover.

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sagara sa-gara,
     1. adj. Poisonous.
     2. The name of a king, whose greatgrandson brought the Ganges from heaven to the earth, Pañc. iii. d. 269; Rām. 1, 40, sqq. Gorr.; Daśak. in Chr. 197, 21.

sagarbhya sagarbhya, i. e. sa-garbha + ya, m. A brother by the same father and mother; cf. garbha.

saguḍaśṛṅgaka sa-guḍa-śṛṅga + ka, adj., f. gikā, Endowed with cupolas, MBh. 3, 643.

sagh sagh, ii. 5, Par.
     1. † To hurt, to kill.
     2. To bear (cf. sah).

saṃkara saṃkara, i. e. sam-kṛ10 + a, m.
     1. Mixing, blending, Rājat. 5, 377.
     2. The union of a man with a woman of a higher caste, Man. 5, 89; culpable mixture, Rām. 1, 6, 17.
     3. A mixed or degraded caste.
     4. Dust, sweepings.
     5. The crackling of flame.

saṃkarin saṃkarin, i. e. sam-kṛ10 + in, adj. Produced by culpable mixture of castes, Lass. Pentap. 66, 36.

saṃkarīkaraṇa saṃkarīkaraṇa, i. e. saṃkara-kṛ + ana, n.
     1. Mixing, blending.
     2. Causing loss of caste, Man. 11, 68.
     3. Confusion either in kind, number, or arrangement.

saṃkarṣaṇa saṃkarṣaṇa, i. e. sam-kṛṣ + ana,
I. n.
     1. Attracting.
     2. Ploughing.
II. m.
     1. Baladeva, brother of Kṛṣṇa, Johns. Sel. 55, 140; Rājat. 5, 112.
     2. Name of another man, Lass. 2. ed. 88, 24.

saṃkalana saṃkalana, i. e. sam-kal + ana,
I. n., and f. .
     1. Heaping.
     2. Junction, collision, Kir. 18, 8.
     3. Blending, intermixture.
II. n. Addition.

saṃkalpa saṃkalpa, i. e. sam-kḷp + a, m.
     1. Will, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 1; Hit. 54, 8, M.M.
     2. Wish, Megh. 100; desire, Mālat. 125, 4.
     3. Mind, Nal. 24, 50.
     4. A solemn vow, Chr. 48, 5.
     5. Expectation of advantage from a holy work, Man. 2, 3.
-- Comp. dhṛta-, adj., f. , resolved (to, with loc.), Chr. 45, 10. pāpa-, adj. illintentioned, Rām. 2, 74, 28. śiva- (m.), the name of a hymn, Man. 11, 250. siddha-, adj. one who has obtained his wishes, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 23. hṛṣṭa-, adj. contented, glad, Nal. 24, 50.

saṃkalpaja saṃkalpa-ja,
I. adj. Proceeding from hope of advantage.
II. m. Kāma, Johns. Sel. 45, 68.

saṃkasuka saṃkasuka, i. e. sam-kas + uka, adj.
     1. Unsteady, fickle.
     2. Uncertain, doubtful.
     3. Feeble, weak.
     4. Wicked.
-- Comp. a-, adj. firm, steady (in mind), Man. 6, 43, v. r.

saṃkāra saṃkāra, i. e. sam-kṛ10 + a,
I. m.
     1. Dust, sweepings.
     2. The crackling of flame.
II. f. , A girl recently deflowered.

saṃkāśa -saṃkāśa, i. e. sam-kāś + a, latter part of comp. adj. Like, similar; e. g. gaja-, adj. Resembling elephants, Chr. 4, 18. mṛtyu-, adj. death-like, ib. 39, 8. adbhuta-, adj. well-nigh marvellous, Johns. Sel. 36, 6.

saṃkīrtana saṃkīrtana, i. e. sam-kṛ10t + ana, n., and f. ,
     1. Praising.
     2. Glorification.
     3. Honour.

saṃkula saṃkula (cf. kula), adj., f. ,
     1. Crowded, Pañc. 43, 4.
     2. Filled with, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 14; full, 1, 9, 41.
     3. Mixed, Nal. 13, 13.
     4. Perplexed, Hit. iii. d. 107.
     5. n. Throng, Mālat. 19, 5.

saṃket saṃket (cf. kit), i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par.
     1. To invite.
     2. † To advise.
     3. To fix or appoint a time. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. (or rather saṃketa + ita), a-saṃketita, adj. Without agreement, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 11.

saṃketa saṃketa, i. e. sam-kit + a, m.
     1. Sign, Lass. 2. ed. 5, 20.
     2. Gesture, gesticulation.
     3. Appointment, agreement, convention, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 24; Pañc. 26, 3.
     4. Condition, the circumstances under which anything is effected.

saṃketaka saṃketa + ka (m.), and saṃketana saṃketana, i. e. sam-kit + ana, n. Appointment, a rendezvous, Kathās. 4, 37 (ka); Pañc. 129, 1 (ka); Lass. 2. ed. 20, 14 (na).

saṃkoca saṃkoca, i. e. sam-kuc + a,
I. m.
     1. Contracting, contraction, Pañc. iii. d. 20 (kaurmaṃ saṃkocam āsthāya, Contracting himself like a tortoise).
     2. Diminution, Pañc. i. d. 105.
     3. Fear, Rājat. 5, 14.
     4. Shutting, closing (as a flower), Naiṣ. 22, 43 (Sch.).
     5. Tieing, binding.
     6. A fish, Raia Sancara Ham.
II. n. Saffron.

saṃkrandana saṃkrandana, i. e. sam-krand + ana, m. Indra.

saṃkrama and saṃkrāma saṃkra/āma, i. e. sam-kram + a,
I. m. and n.
     1. Difficult progress, making way through almost impervious passes.
     2. The means of effecting such a passage, a causeway, a bridge, Man. 9, 285 (ra).
     3. Means of attaining, Pañc. iv. d. 2 (ra).
II. m.
     1. Concurrence.
     2. Going.
     3. Traversing.
-- Comp. sūrya-saṃkrama, m. the passage of the sun from one sign to another.

saṃkramaṇa saṃkramaṇa, i. e. sam-kram + ana, n.
     1. Concurrence.
     2. Passing from one point to another, transition from one body into another, Pañc. 48, 16; Lass. 26, 4.
     3. The day at which begins the sun's progress to the north of the equator, the summer solstice.
-- Comp. garbha-, n. entering in a womb, MBh. 14, 472.

saṃkrānti saṃkrānti, i. e. sam-kram + ti, f.
     1. Union, Mālat. 153, 17; Utt. Rāmac. 63, 4 (imbibing).
     2. Passage from one point to another.
     3. The passage of the sun or planetary bodies from one sign of the zodiac to another.
     4. Proceeding, Mālav. d. 15; 18.
     5. Imitation.
     6. Reflection.
-- Comp. uttarāyaṇa-, i. e. uttara-ayana-, f. the sun's entrance into its northern journey, Pañc. 119, 1. sūrya-, f. the sun's entrance into a new sign.

saṃkrāma saṃkrāma, see saṃkrama.

saṃkleda saṃkleda, i. e. sam-klid + a, m.
     1. Moisture, wet, damp.
     2. The rudiment of the foetus, its form in the first month after conception, Yājñ. 3, 75.

saṃkṣaya saṃkṣaya, i. e. sam-kṣi + a, m.
     1. Complete consumption, Pañc. 47, 10.
     2. Loss, Rājat. 5, 385.
     3. Destroying, Pañc. i. d. 256; destruction, Pañc. 104, 18; iii. d. 13.
     4. The destruction of the world, Chr. 34, 8.
     5. End, Chr. 30, 38.

saṃkṣipti saṃkṣipti, i. e. sam-kṣip + ti, f.
     1. Abridgment.
     2. Throwing.
     3. Sending.
     4. Ambuscade.

saṃkṣepa saṃkṣepa, i. e. sam-kṣip + a, m.
     1. Throwing together; instr. eṇa, In all, Man. 7. 157.
     2. Abridgment, MBh. 1, 102; Pañc. 4, 17; iii. d. 103 (pāt, in a few words).
     3. Conciseness.
     4. Throwing.
     5. Sending.
     6. Taking away.
     7. Assisting in another's duty.

saṃkṣepatas saṃkṣepa + tas, adv. Concisely, Arj. 1, 13; Sāv. 2, 20.

saṃkṣobha saṃkṣobha, i. e. sam-kṣubh + a, m.
     1. Shaking, Vikr. d. 12.
     2. Trembling, Indr. 5, 9.
     3. Agitation.
     4. Overturning.
     5. Pride.

saṃkhya saṃkhya, i. e. sam-khyā,
I. n. War, battle, Rām. 3, 54, 28.
II. f. ,
     1. Number in general, Pañc. 156, 6; saṃkhyayā parivarjita, Without number, innumerable, Pañc. ii. d. 62.
     2. A numeral.
     3. Reflection, deliberation.
     4. Intellect.
     5. Manner, Rājat. 5, 172.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , innumerable, Pañc. 122, 7. kula-, f. being numbered among, belonging to eminent families, Man. 3, 66. go-, m. a cowherd, MBh. 4, 284. daśārdha-, i. e. daśan-ardha-, adj. five, Johns. Sel. 52, 113. śata-saṃkhya, adj. numbering a hundred, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 911. sahasra-, f. a thousand, Kir. 5, 34.

saṃkhyatā saṃkhya + tā, f.
     1. Number.
     2. Numeration, counting.

saṃkhyātas saṃkhyā + tas, adv. = abl. sing. of saṃkhyā, Bhāṣāp. 110.

saṃkhyāna saṃkhyāna, i. e. sam-khyā + ana, n.
     1. Numbering, enumeration, Man. 8, 400.
     2. Reckoning.

saṃkhyāvant saṃkhyā + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī.
     1. Having number, numbered.
     2. Intelligent.
II. m. A learned Brāhmaṇa, a teacher.

saṅga saṅga, i. e. sam-ga (vb. gam), and sañj + a, m.
     1. Joining, uniting, Pañc. 187, 6.
     2. Meeting, Utt. Rāmac. 33, 6.
     3. Confluence of rivers.
     4. Touch, Mālat. 170, 3.
     5. Association, Hit. i. d. 202, M. M.; Pañc. i. d. 224; keeping company, Bhartṛ. 2, 34; intercourse, friendship, love (kāntā-, of one's wife), Pañc. v. d. 83.
     6. Attaching, Ragh. 2, 42 (an arrow, i. e. throwing).
     7. Attachment, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 600; Pañc. i. d. 194; wordly attachment, Bhag. 2, 48.
     8. Desire, cupidity, Indr. 4, 3; Daśak. in Chr. 181, 3.
-- Comp. a-, I. m. 1. non-attachment, not being attached to, Man. 6, 75. 2. a proper name, Hariv. 9207.
II. adj. 1. unfastened, MBh. 2, 944. 2. unimpeded, Ragh. 3, 63 (Mallin., ed. Calc. v. r.). dus-, m. bad inclination, Bhāg. P. 1, 10, 11. nis-,
I. adj. 1. unimpeded, MBh. 5, 2371. 2. disinterested, free from desire, self-interest, Hit. i. d. 187, M. M.; indifferent, Prab. 110, 16.
II. °gam, adv. without hesitation, Rām. 2, 21, 12. mukta- (vb. muc), adj. disinterested. yathā-saṅga + m, adv. so as to be adapted. Nal. 23, 9 (the door lifts itself as much as is necessary far his entering it without bowing). satsaṅga, i. e. sant- (vb. 1. as),
I. m. association with the good.
II. adj. good, pious, Utt. Rāmac. 41, 12.

saṃgati saṃgati, i. e. sam-gam + ti, f.
     1. Meeting, Pañc. iv. d. 20.
     2. Chance, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 2.
     3. Union. Johns. Sel. 37, 19; association, Pañc. iii. d. 55.
     4. Intercourse, Pañc. 60, 9; sexual intercourse, Daśak. in Car. 182, 13.
     5. Frequenting.
     6. Questioning for further information.

saṃgama saṃgama, i. e. sam-gam + a, m.
     1. Meeting, Pañc. iii. d. 127; acquiring, Pañc. ii. d. 197.
     2. Confluence of rivers, Utt. Rāmac. 49, 5.
     3. Association, attendance, Hit. i. d. 113, M. M.; union, Vikr. d. 33; Pañc. ii. d. 184; company, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1212.
     4. Touch, Hit. iii. d. 20; mixture.
-- Comp. trad-, m. union with thee, Vikr. d. 61.

saṃgamana saṃgamana, i. e. sam-gam + ana, n. Meeting, Utt. Pāmac. 144, 6.

saṃgamanīya saṃgamanīya, i. e. saṃgamana + īya, adj. Causing reunion, Vikr. d. 128.

saṃgara saṃgara, i. e. sam-gṛ10 + a,
I. m.
     1. Agreement.
     2. Promise, Indr. 4, 12.
     3. A transaction of sale.
     4. War, battle, Man. 4, 121; Bhartṛ. 2, 85.
     5. Misfortune.
     6. Poison (cf. gara).
II. n. The fruit of the Śamī tree.
-- Comp. satya- and sthira-, adj. true, veracious, Indr. 4, 12 (sthira).

saṃgāda saṃgāda, i. e. sam-gad + a, m. Conversation, Mārk. P. 35, 21.

saṅgin saṅgin, i. e. saṅga + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Uniting with.
     2. Attached, devoted to, Bhag. 3, 26.
     3. Lustful, libidinous.

saṃgītaka saṃgītaka, i. e. sam-gīta (vb. gai), (cf. gītaka, n.), A public entertainment consisting of songs, dancing, and music, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 8; Lass. 68, 4 (a drama).

saṃgīti saṃgīti, i. e. sam-gai + ti, f.
     1. The science of music and dancing.
     2. Discourse.

saṃgopana saṃgopana, i. e. sam-gup + ana, n. Hiding, concealment.

saṃgraha saṃgraha, i. e. sam-grah + a, m.
     1. Collection, Pañc. ii. d. 176; conjunction, Bhāṣāp. 133; totality, Bhag. 18, 18.
     2. A place where anything is kept.
     3. Quantity.
     4. A compilation, an abridgment, Bhag. 8, 11.
     5. A catalogue.
     6. Clenching the fist, clenching, grasp, Hit. iv. d. 13.
     7. Effort.
     8. Restraining, Lass. 2, 1.
     9. Governing, Man. 7, 113.
     10. Protecting, protection, Man. 8, 311.
     11. Propitiating, attaching, Pañc. i. d. 330 (kurvanti saṃgraham, Attach to themselves); Rājat. 5, 295; encouraging, Man. 3, 138.
     12. Assent, promise.
     13. Taking, seizing, Rājat. 5, 274; mentioning, Hit. ii. d. 57.
     14. Elevation, loftiness.
-- Comp. dāra-, m. marrying, Chr. 51, 8. dharma-, m. a collection of merit, of good actions, Pañc. iii. d. 96 (hartavyaḥ, one must do many good actions); Chr. 28, 23. madhyama-, m. intriguing with another man's wife. sāra-, adj. containing the essence, Cāṇ. 2 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, p. 407.

saṃgrahaṇa saṃgrahaṇa, i. e. sam-grah + ana,
I. n.
     1. Collecting, compiling.
     2. Enchasing, Hit. ii. d. 71.
     3. Sexual intercourse.
     4. Adultery, Man. 8, 72; cf. 6; 356, sqq.
     5. Taking.
     6. Accepting.
     7. Hope.
II. f. ṇī, Dysentery.
-- Comp. pāṇi-, n. shaking hands as a token of promise, Rām. 4, 34, 23. strī-, n. adultery, Man. 8, 6.

saṃgrāmsaṃgrām, i. 10 (or rather a denomin. derived from the next), Ātm. (Par.), To fight, to make war.

saṃgrāma saṃgrāma, i. e. sam-grah + ma, m.
     1. War, battle, Hit. 75, 17; fighting, Pañc. 238, 22.
     2. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 305; 423.

saṃgrāha saṃgrāha, i. e. sam-grah + a, m.
     1. Clenching the fist.
     2. The fist.
     3. The gripe of a shield.
     4. Seizing forcibly.

saṃgha saṃgha, i. e. sam-han, m.
     1. Multitude, Indr. 1, 36.
     2. Flock, Hariv. 8788.
     3. Quantity.
     4. Inhabitants, Man. 8, 219.

saṃghaṭṭa saṃghaṭṭa, i. e. sam-ghaṭṭ + a,
I. m.
     1. Friction, Megh. 54; rubbing.
     2. Embracing.
     3. Clashing together, Mālat. 74, 13; collision, Pañc. 35, 5; shock, Mālat. 144, 11.
     4. Meeting, encounter.
II. f. ṭā, A large creeper.
-- Comp. a-, m. having no rival, Ragh. 14, 86.

saṃghaṭṭana saṃghaṭṭana, i. e. sam-ghaṭṭ + ana, n.
     1. Rubbing together.
     2. Collision, Pañc. 165, 8.
     3. Close contact.
     4. The intertwining of wrestlers.
     5. Union, Lass. 24, 8 (erreneously, °ghaḍḍana); cohesion.
     6. Collecting, Rājat. 5, 340.
     7. Meeting.

saṃghaḍḍana saṃghaḍḍana, Lass. 24, 8, read saṃghaṭṭana.

saṃgharṣa saṃgharṣa, i. e. sam-ghṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Trituration, rubbing, grinding, friction, MBh. 1, 1134; Rājat, 5, 477.
     2. Collision, Rām. 1, 26, 10.
     3. Emulation, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 19; envy.
     4. Going gently, gliding.
-- Comp. danta-, m. gnashing the teeth, Mārk. P. 34, 72.

saṃgharṣin saṃgharṣin, i. e. sam-ghṛṣ or saṃgharṣa, + in, adj. Emulating, Mālav. 13, 14.

saṃghaśas saṃgha + śas, adj.
     1. By troops.
     2. Collectively.
-- Comp. śata-, adv. by troops of hundreds, Indr. 1, 36.

saṃghāṭikā saṃghāṭikā, i. e. saṃghāṭī + ka, f.
     1. A couple.
     2. A procuress.
     3. Smell.
     4. A plant, Trapa bispinosa.

saṃghāṭī saṃghāṭī (sam and vb. han), f., in the comp. bhikṣu-, f. The garb of a mendicant.

saṃghāta saṃghāta, i. e. sam-han, Caus., + a, m.
     1. Association, connexion, Bhartṛ. 2, 56 (śilā-, properly, of a stone, i. e. its strong structure, a hard stone).
     2. Assemblage, multitude, Pañc. 157, 24; Rājat. 5, 260; cluster, Mālat. 153, 8.
     3. Killing, striking.
     4. A division of Tartarus.
     5. Phlegm.

saṃghātavant saṃghāta + vant, adj. Having, or connected with, many, Pañc. iii. d. 57.
-- Comp. bhrātṛ-, i. e. bhrātṛsaṃghāta + cant, m. having many brothers, Pañc. iii. d. 8.

sac sac, i. 1, Ātm., and Par. Ātm.; ved. ii. 3, siṣac and saśc (i. e. sasac),
     1. To follow.
     2. To obey.
     3. To favour.
     4. To honour, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.
     5. To cause to flow, Chr. 296, 9 = Rigv. i. 112, 9. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. a-saścant and a-saścat (Not obeying, not ceding), not ceasing, inexhaustible, Chr. 296, 2 = Rigv. i. 112, 2.
-- Cf. Lat. sequi, secundus, secus, sequior, sacer; [greek] (for [greek] = ved. saśc), [greek]

saci sac + i, m. Friendship.

saciva saci + va, m.
     1. A friend, a companion, Rājat. 5, 341.
     2. A minister, a counsellor, Rām. 3, 53, 4; Kām. Nītis. 4, 28, sqq.; Pañc. 155, 5.
-- Comp. See ku-. Dhī-, m. a counsellor, Rājat. 2, 67. narmasaciva, i. e. narman-, m. a princes's companion, whose business it is to amuse him by jokes, Kām. Nītis. 5, 20; a favourite, Mālat. 37, 4.

sacivatā saciva + tā, f. The office of a minister, Rājat. 5, 389.

saccidānanda saccidānanda, i. e. sant (vb. 1. as), -cit-ānanda, n. Brahman, or the Supreme Spirit, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 3.

sajus sajus, i. e. sa-juṣ,
I. adj. sbst. Associated, a companion.
II. sajūs, adv. With, together with (with the instr.).

sajj 1. sajj, see sañj.

sajj † 2. sajj, sañc sañc (sañj sañj), i. 1, Par. To go, to move.

sajja 1. sajj + a,
I. adj.
     1. Armed.
     2. Fortified.
     3. Got ready, Chr. 30, 3; 31, 18; prepared, Pañc. ii. d. 200 (cf. my transl.).
     4. Ornamented.
     5. Dressed.
II. f. .
     1. Armour.
     2. Dress.

sajjatā sajja + tā, f. Readiness, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 3.

sajjana sajjana, i. e.
A. sant (vb. 1. as), -jana, adj.
     1. Respectable.
     2. Good, virtuous, Bhartṛ. 2, 46; 50.
B. 1. sajj + ana,
I. (m., f. ), n.
     1. Fastening, Man. 2, 63.
     2. Arming.
     3. Dressing.
     4. Preparing.
II. n.
     1. A guard.
     2. A ferry.
III. f. , Caparisoning an elephant, Govardh. Āryā Sapt. 370, d.

sajjita sajjita, i. e. sajja + ita, adj.
     1. Prepared, Pañc. i. d. 173; 197, 25.
     2. Armed.
     3. Dressed, ornamented.

sajya sa-jya (see jyā), adj. Strung (as a bow), Johns. Sel. 39, 31.

sañc sañc, see 2. sajj.

sañcaka sañcaka (m.?), Stamp, and disc (of the moon), Naiṣ. 22, 47; 48 (Sch. ad 47).

saṃcaya saṃcaya, i. e. sam-ci + a, m.
     1. Collection, Man. 4, 3.
     2. Heaping up, accumulation, Pañc. ii. d. 158; Hit. i. d. 159, M. M.
     3. Being constructed, built, Pañc. 33, 6.
     4. Heap, Pañc. 175, 2 (kāṣṭha-, pl. A funeral pile).
     5. Multitude, Mālat. 14, 6; quantity, Pañc. ii. d. 142.
-- Comp. ati-, m. excessive accumulation, Hit. i. d. 159, M. M.

saṃcayana saṃcayana, i. e. sam-ci + ana, n.
     1. Gathering up, Man. 5, 59; putting together, Pañc. 244, 2.
     2. Collecting the ashes and bones of a body which has been burned.

saṃcayika -saṃcayika in māsa-, i. e. māsa-saṃcayin + ka, adj. One who gathers enough for a month, Man. 6, 18.

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saṃcayin saṃcayin, i. e. sam-ci + in, adj., f. , Who or what collects.

saṃcara saṃcara, i. e. sam-car + a, m.
     1. A defile, any narrow or difficult pass, a road along the edge of a mountain, or a bridge, etc.
     2. Difficult passage.
     3. A road.
     4. The body.
     5. Killing.
-- Comp. mūrti-, adj. embodied, Utt. Rāmac. 145, 12.

saṃcaraṇa saṃcaraṇa, i. e. sam-car + ana, n.
     1. Going, Mālat. 15, 12.
     2. Setting in motion, use, Pañc. 44, 17 (perhaps it must be changed to saṃcāraṇa, q. cf.).

saṃcalana saṃcalana, i. e. sam-cal + ana, n., and f. , Trembling, shaking, Mālat. 147, 12; Kir. 18, 8.

saṃcalanāḍi saṃcalanāḍi, i. e. sam-cal + a-nāḍi, f. Artery, pulse, Rām. 2, 50, 13, Seramp.

saṃcāra saṃcāra, i. e. sam-car + a, m.
     1. Difficult progress.
     2. Difficulty, distress.
     3. Going, Rām. 3, 52, 34; motion, Bhartṛ. 1, 11.
     4. Course, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 16 (of life).
     5. Contagion.
     6. Setting in motion, Bhāṣāp. 151.
     7. Leading.
     8. Inciting.
     9. A gem supposed to be in the head of a serpent.
-- Comp. duḥkha-, adj. passing in a disagreeable manner, Rām. 3, 22, 10. dus-, adj., f. , difficult to be passed, Pañc. i. d. 189. nis-, adj. 1. not walking, staying at home, Rājat. 6, 125. 2. motionless, quiet, Mālat. 126, 6. pātra-, m. perhaps, arranging the vessels after dinner, MBh. 12, 9975 (perhaps to be corrected to pātrasaṃskāra). bhūta-,
     1. m. possession by evil spirits.
II. f. , fire in a forest.

saṃcāraka saṃcāraka, i. e. sam-car, Caus., + aka,
I. m. A leader, Hit. ii. d. 123.
II. f. rikā.
     1. A female messenger, a bawd.
     2. A pair.
     3. Smell.

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saṃcāraṇa saṃcāraṇa, i. e. sam-car, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Setting in motion (cf. saṃcaraṇa).
     2. Impelling.
     3. Leading.

saṃcārin saṃcārin, i. e. sam-car, and saṃcāra, + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Moving, Kumāras. 3, 54.
     2. Fickle, unsteady, changeable.
     3. Difficult.
     4. Putting in motion.
     5. Contagious.
     6. Hereditary (as disease).
II. m. Incense.
-- Comp. bhūta-saṃcāriṇī, f. fire in a forest.

sañj 1. sañj, i. 1, saja, Par. The pass. sajya has become very often sajja, which in epic poetry appears with the terminations of the Par. (MBh. 1, 7694), whence sajj has begun to be considered as a radical vb., To adhere, Ragh. 4, 47; Chr. 20, 20; nahi vāṇā mayotsṛṣṭāḥ sajjantīha śarīriṇāṃ kāyeṣu, literally, 'For the arrows cast by me do not stick to the bodies of living men,' i. e. 'all those who are hit by my arrows will die.' Pass.
     1. To be attached, MBh. 3, 63.
     2. To become attached, Man. 6, 55. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sakta.
     1. Attached, Man. 7, 30.
     2. Devoted.
     3. Diligent, intent on.
     4. Impending, Pañc. 186, 24.
     5. Belonging, Pañc. 222, 13; related, 89, 18.
     6. Concerning, Pañc. 221, 14. Comp. a-, adj. not attached, Pañc. ii. d. 130. Caus. To pimp, Man. 8, 362 (sajjaya).
-- With the prep. ati ati, ṣañj; ati-sakta (i. e. sakta with ati), Exceedingly attached, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 21.
-- With vyati vi-ati,
     1. Par. To connect mutually, Utt. Rāmac. 146, 8.
     2. Ātm. To change, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 3. vyatiṣakta, Intermarrying, Man. 10, 25.
-- With anu anu, ṣañj, To cling, to cleave, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 15. Pass. To be attached to, Bhag. 6, 4.
-- With abhi abhi, ṣañj, To humiliate, MBh. 3, 1090.
-- With ava ava, To suspend, Rām. 3, 53, 52. avasakta.
     1. Hanging, MBh. 1, 1692.
     2. Taken hold of, and pervaded, Śiś. 9, 7.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To fix, to put on, MBh. 3, 16125.
     2. To entrust, MBh. 1, 1955. Pass. To be attached or fettered, Śāk. d. 74. āsakta,
     1. Attached, Rām. 3, 50, 9.
     2. Intent on, occupied, Pañc. 27, 9; zealously following.
     3. Trusting to.
     4. Eternal.
     5. °tam, adv. Eternally. Caus. sañjaya, To cause to be attached, Ragh. 6, 83.
-- With vyā vi-ā, vyāsakta, Occupied, Vikr. 60, 6.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To attach, MBh. 1, 4418.
     2. To entrust, to resign to, Man. 4, 257. samāsakta,
     1. Attached, Rām. 2, 64, 9.
     2. Joined.
     3. Combined.
     4. Marked, affected by.
-- With ud ud, To attac, Mālat. 172, 13. utsakta, Attached, Rājat. 5, 127.
-- With ni ni, niṣakta, Fixed, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 3.
-- With pra pra, To attach one's self, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 3. Pass.
     1. To be strongly addicted, Man. 4, 16.
     2. To be relevant, to apply, Bhāṣāp. 61. prasakta,
     1. Attached to, Pañc. ii. d. 3.
     2. Fettered, Pañc. i. d. 208.
     3. Engaged in, Pañc. 197, 25.
     4. Connected with.
     5. Obtained.
     6. Employed.
     7. Continual, Mālat. 70, 19; eternal.
     8. Opened, expanded, Utt. Rāmac. 118, 5.
     9. °tam, adv. Continually.
-- With atipra ati-pra in atiprasakta, i. e. prasakta with ati, Too much attached, Pañc. i. d. 201.
-- With anupra anu-pra, anuprasakta, Attached, Śiś. 9, 63.
-- With vi vi, viṣakta,
     1. Hung up, Śāk. d. 31.
     2. Adhering closely, firmly rooted, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 23; Utt. Rāmac. 94, 12.
     3. In contact with.
-- With sam sam, pass.
     1. To adhere, MBh. 3, 17228.
     2. To be entwined, MBh. 2, 917.
     3. To be connected, Rām. 2, 25, 37. saṃsakta,
     1. Attached to, Pañc. i. d. 192; attached, Mālat. 145, 11.
     2. Tied, connected, Rājat. 5, 366.
     3. Restrained, Nal. 13, 21.
     4. Endowed with.
     5. Joined, linked together.
     6. Contiguous.
-- Cf. [greek] (for. [greek]), [greek] probably [greek]

sañj 2. sañj, see 2. sajj.

sañja sañja, m.
     1. Brahman
     2. Śiva.

sañjatara sañjatara, n. The name of a city, Pañc. 118, 22.

saṃjanana saṃjanana, i. e. sam-jan + ana, n.
     1. Begetting.
     2. Producing, Lass. 2. ed. 60, 20.

saṃjīva saṃjīva, i. e. sam-jīv + a, adj. Living, Rām. 6, 26, 5.

saṃjīvaka saṃjīvaka, i. e. sam-jīv + aka, m. A proper name, Hit. 58, 15.

saṃjīvana saṃjīvana, i. e. sam-jīv + ana,
I. n.
     1. Animating, bringing to life, Pañc. 244, 4; reanimating, Utt. Rāmac. 51, 9; life-restoring, Mālat. 167, 4.
     2. A hell, Man. 4, 89.
     3. A cluster of four houses.
II. f. , A kind of elixir, Lass. 79, 15.

saṃjīvin saṃjīvin, i. e. sam-jīv + in, f. , reanimating, Lass. 18, 13 (perhaps to be changed into saṃjivanī, cf. jīvana and the last).

saṃjña saṃjña, i. e. sam-jānu, adj. Knock-kneed.

saṃjñaka -saṃjña + ka, a substitute for saṃjnā, at the end of comp. adj., or sbst. based on them; e. g. āsana-, adj. Called āsana, Pañc. 154, 8. ravi-, n. Copper.

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saṃjñā saṃjñā, i. e. sam-jñā, f.
     1. Consciousness, Vikr. 71, 20; Chr. 31, 18.
     2. Intellect, mind, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 1.
     3. Thought.
     4. Knowledge, Bhag. 1, 7.
     5. Sign, Vikr. 47, 12; gesticulation.
     6. Name, appellation, Hit. iv. d. 88.
-- Comp. antaḥsaṃjña, i. e. antar-, adj. possessed of internal consciousness, Man. 1, 49. kṛta-, adj. 1. ready-minded. 2. dīstinguiṣed by appropriate marks, Man. 7, 190. a-kṛta-, adj. irresolute, MBh. 14, 588. gata-, adj. bereft of sense, Indr. 5, 21. jīva-, adj. called life, Man. 12, 13. nis-, adj. deprived of consciousness, Rām. 3, 62, 25. vi-, adj. 1. lifeless, 2. bereft of sense. sūrya-saṃjña, n. saffron. soma-, n. camphor.

saṃjñāvant saṃjñā + vant, adj.
     1. Recovered after insensibility.
     2. Having a name.

saṃjñita saṃjñita, i. e. saṃjñā + ita, adj. Called, Rām. 1, 39, 4; Lass. 16, 16 (at the end of a comp.).
-- Comp. kara-, adj. called tax, Man. 7, 137.

saṃjñu saṃjñu, i. e. sam-jānu, adj. Knock-kneed.

saṃjvara saṃjvara, i. e. sam-jvar + a, m.
     1. Fever.
     2. Heat, burning, scorching, a burn.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without indignation, Man. 4, 185.

saṃjvaravant saṃjvara + vant, adj., f. vatī, Hot, Mālat. 154, 16.

saṭsaṭ, i. 1, Par. To be a part or portion.

saṭa saṭa (cf. jaṭa), m., f. ṭā (also śaṭā śaṭā,) Padmap. 16, 97), and n.
     1. An ascetic's clotted hair, Bhāg. P. 7, 8, 32 (ṭā).
     2. A braid of hair, Draup. 9, 9 (ṭā); a mane, Śiś. 1, 47; bristles (of a boar), Ragh. 9, 60.
     3. A crest.

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saṭṭsaṭṭ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To kill, to injure.
     2. To be strong.
     3. To give.
     4. To dwell.

saṭh saṭh, see 4. śaṭh.

satata sa-tata (vb. tan),
I. adj. Continual, eternal.
II. °tam, adv. Continually, eternally, always, Pañc. 182, 9; Hit. i. d. 41, M.M. When former part of a comp. the final m is dropped; e. g. satata-yāyin, Taking place continually, Man. 1, 50; Bhartṛ. 2, 46 (satata-durgata, i. e. -dus-gata, Ever poor.)

satataga satata-ga, m. Wind, Hiḍ. 1, 8.

sati sati, i. e. san + ti, f.
     1. Gift, giving.
     2. End, destruction.

satītva satītva, i. e. sant (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), + ī + tva, n. Virtuousness or purity in a wife, chastity, Pañc. iii. d. 204.

satīna satīna, and satīnaka satīna + ka, m. Peas, or a particular kind of pulse (cf. satīla).

satīrthya satīrthya, i. e. sa-tīrtha + ya, m. A fellow student.

satīla satīla,
     1. m. A bambu.
     2. Air, wind.
II. m., and f. , Peas, or a particular kind of pulse (cf. satīna).

satīlaka satīla + ka, m. Pulse in general, or of a particular kind.

satkarman satkarman, i. e. sant (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), -karman, n.
     1. A good act.
     2. Virtue.
     3. Hospitality.
     4. Funeral obsequies.
     5. Expiation.

satkāra satkāra, i. e. sant (see the last), -kāra, m.
     1. Reverence, Sāv. 3, 20, b.; attention, Pañc. i. d. 84.
     2. Hospitality, hospitable reception, Hit. 60, 1, M. M.
     3. A meal, a festival, Man. 3, 59.
     4. Care, Sāv. 3, 20, a.
-- Comp. a-, m. injury, MBh. 1, 6355. atithi-, m. hospitable treatment, Śāk. 7, 15 (corr. °kā°).

satkriyā satkriyā, i. e. sant-kriyā (see satkarman) f.
     1. Good action, Bhartṛ. 2, 96.
     2. Doing good, charity, virtue, Śāk. d. 112.
     3. Worship.
     4. Respectful treatment, Kir. 1, 12.
     5. Hospitality, Man. 3, 126.
     6. Funeral or obsequial ceremonies.
     7. Any purificatory ceremony.
-- Comp. anta-, f. funeral ceremonies, Rājat. 5, 224.

sattā sattā, i. e. sant (ptcple pres. of 1. as), + tā, f.
     1. Existence, being, reality, Bhāṣāp. 7.
     2. Goodness, excellence.

sattāvant sattā + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessing reality, Bhāṣāp. 13.

sattra sattra, and satra satra, n., i. e.
I. sad + tra.
     1. A sacrifice, Utt. Rāmac. 4, 1.
     2. Liberality, munificence.
II. perhaps sa-trā.
     1. Covering, concealing, a hiding-place, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 10 (tad-dṛṣṭi-vibhrama-utpala-vana-sattra-apāśraya, adj. Concealed in the play of her looks, which seemed as it were the covert of a wood of lotuses).
     2. Fraud, cheating.
     3. A house.
     4. Wealth.
     5. A wood, a forest, Kir. 13, 9.
     6. A tank.
-- Comp. dīrgha-, n. 1. a Soma sacrifice of long continuance, MBh. 3, 5051. 2. the name of a place of pilgrimage, ib. 5050. deva-, n. a longlasting sacrifice in honour of the gods, MBh. 3, 8188. pañcasattra, i. e. pañcan-, n. the name of a locality, Rājat. 5. 155. brahmasattra, i. e. brahman-, n. 1. what must be read constantly, Man. 2, 106. 2. teaching the Veda, Man. 4, 9.

sattrin sattrin, i. e. sattra + in, m.
     1. One constantly performing sacrifice, occupied with a sacrifice, Man. 5, 93.
     2. A priest superintending a sacrifice.
     3. A liberal housekeeper,
     4. An ambassador.
-- Comp. dīrgha-, i. e. dīrghasattra + in, adj. one who performs a long sacrifice, Bhāg. P. 1, 4, 1.

sattva sattva, i. e. sant (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), + tva,
I. m. and n.
     1. An animal, Pañc. 69, 5 (n.); Hit. 56, 20; Lass. 2. ed. 44, 3 (m.); a beast, Ragh. 15, 15; a monster, Rām. 1, 40, 20.
     2. A being, Pañc. 165, 9; Rām. 3, 55, 48 (n.).
II. n.
     1. Being, existence.
     2. Life, Śāk. d. 42.
     3. Nature, natural property, Hit. ii. d. 39; character, 100, 6.
     4. Essence, true essence, Bhag. 2, 45; 10, 36.
     5. Certainty, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 17.
     6. Breath.
     7. Mind, Draup. 7, 15.
     8. Strength, power, Hit. 67, 5, M. M.; courage, Hit. ii. d. 78.
     9. Self-possession, Arj. 6, 20.
     10. A demon, a goblin.
     11. The quality of goodness, Man. 3, 40; virtue, Lass. 2. ed. 44, 2.
-- Comp. a-,
I. n. non-existence.
II. adj. without energy, Rām. 6, 89, 2. a-dīna-, adj. happy, Draup. 2, 13. āpanna- (vb. pad), adj. f. , pregnant, Śāk. 65, 9. gata- (vb. gam), adj. lifeless, Nal. 16, 30. deva-, adj. having the nature of a deity, Rām. 2, 1, 29 Goir. nis-, adj. 1. deprived of living beings, Pañc. 55, 8. 2. deprived of strength, Hit. i. d. 133, M. M. (niḥ-sattva + tā, f. misery, Mālat. 79, 12). bodhi-, m. a Bauddha saint. ati-bodhi-sattva, adj. surpassing a bodhisattva, Mālat. 171, 9 (corr. dhi). mahā-, adj. good, virtuous, Hit. 100, 12. mūḍha- (vb. muh), adj. insane, silly, Draup. 7, 15. sa-, f. , pregnant, a pregnant woman, Ragh. 3, 9.

sattvavant sattva + vant, adj., f. vatī, and sbst.
     1. Living, a living being, Rām. 1, 41, 8.
     2. Endowed with, possessed of, the true essence, Bhag. 10, 36.
     3. Endowed with strength, magnanimous, Bhartṛ. 2, 31.
     4. Natural.

sattvastha sattva-stha (vb. sthā), adj.
     1. Existing in the natuare of things.
     2. Animate.
     3. Inherent in animals.
     4. Good, excellent.
     5. Performing well, Mālav. 20, 9.

sattvotsāhavant sattvotsāhavant, i. e. sattva-utsāha + vant, adj., f. vatī, Eadowed with courage and energy, Pañc. iii. d. 238.

satpratipakṣitā satpratipakṣitā, i. e. sant-pratipakṣa + in + tā (cf. satpratipakṣa, under pratipakṣa), f. Condition of containing two opposite sets of premises, Bhāṣāp. 76.

satya satya, i. e. sant (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), + ya,
I. adj.
     1. True, Kathās. 4, 104; superl. satyatama, Quite true, Hit. 87, 7, M. M.; realised, Chr. 48, 11; satyaṃ kṛ, To fulfli, Rām. 3, 53, 8.
     2. Sincere, Lass. 2. ed. 29, 19; honest.
II. °yam, adv.
     1. Truly, Vikr. 71, 18; indeed, Rājat. 5, 86; yes, Man. 11, 196.
     2. A particle of interrogation.
III. m.
     1. Rāmacandra.
     2. The uppermost of the seven worlds, the abode of Brahman.
IV. f. .
     1. Veracity.
     2. Sītā.
V. n.
     1. Truth, Rām. 3, 53, 20.
     2. An oath, Chr. 58, 3; Pañc. 97, 17.
     3. Demonstrated conclusion.
     4. The first Yuga, the golden age.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. untrue, false, MBh. 3, 14133.
II. n. untruth, Man. 11, 69.
-- Cf. [greek] A.S. for-sodh, Forsooth.

satyaka satya + ka,
I. adj. True, veracious.
II. n. Ratifioation of a bargain.

satyaṃkāra satyaṃkāra, i. e. satya + m-hṛ + a, m. Ratification of a bargain.

satyajit satya-ji + t, m. A proper name, Johns. Sel. 29, 38.

satyatā satya + tā, f.
     1. Truth, trueness, Rājat. 5, 27 (they ascended living to the truly highest abode of Hara).
     2. Veracity, Hit. i. d. 95, M. M.
-- Comp. nis-, f. wnat of veracity, Hit. i. d. 97, M.M.

satyavant satya + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, True, practising truth.
II. m. A proper name.
III. f. vati, A proper name, Chr. 3, 6.

satyāpana satyāpana, i. e. satyāpaya (a denomin. derived from satya), + ana, n., and f. , Ratification of a bargain.

satrsatr, i. 10, Ātm.
     1. To accomplish, or to extend.
     2. To connect.

satra satra, see sattra.

satrā sa + trā, prep. (with instr.), With, together with.

satrin satrin, satva satva, see sattrin, sattva.

satvan satvan, m. A warrior, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2.

sathūtkāra sa-thūt-kāra, i.e. sa-thūt (an-imitative sound), -kāra, n. Sputtering in speech.

sad 1. sad, i. 1 and 6, sīda (for sisada), Par. (in epic poetry also Atm., MBh. 1, 5184),
     1. To sink down, to lie, Rām. 3, 74, 31.
     2. To sit down (ved.).
     3. To become helpless, Man. 4, 191; to be in distress, Pañc. ii. d. 24.
     4. To be impeded, Man. 9, 94.
     5. To be low-spirited, dejected, MBh. 1, 2061; Hit. iii. d. 6.
     6. To decay, to perish, Man. 4, 34; Hit. ii. d. 75. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sanna.
     1. Lying motionkess, Man. 6, 56; still.
     2. Shrunk, diminished.
     3. Gone, lost, Kir. 3, 38.
     4. Dispirited.
     5. Oppressed, Kumāras. 7, 85.
     6. Spoiled, Ragh. 19, 19. Caus. sādaya,
     1. To throw down, Draup. 8, 29.
     2. To afflict, MBh. 3, 50.
     3. To destroy, Vikr. d. 42. sādita,
     1. Exterminated.
     2. Exhausted.
     3. Decayed.
     4. Broken.
     5. Distressed, Kir. 14, 57.
     6. Drawn.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To wither, to perish gradually, MBh. 3, 2674; to perish, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 10.
     2. To be exhausted, to pine, Man. 4, 187.
     3. To be afflicted, Sāv. 5, 47. avasanna,
     1. Ended, Hit. 14, 6, M.M.
     2. Languid, weak, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 12.
     3. Dispirited, unhapapy, Cāṇ. 65 in Berl. Montasb. 1864, 411.
     4. Bent.
     5. Separated.
     6. Nonsuited. Caus.
     1. To destroy, Bhag. 6, 5.
     2. To mitigate, Śāk. d. 103. Comp. absol. an-avasādya, Without desponding, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 9.
-- With vyava vi-ava,
     1. To sink down, MBh. 3, 713.
     2. To perish, MBh. 3, 823.
-- With samava sam-ava, samavasanna, Sorrowful, MBh. 2, 956.
-- With ā ā, To sit down, Chr. 291, 6 = Rigv. i. 85, 6. i. 1 and 10, sādaya,
     1. To approach, Rām. 2, 56, 33; to come to, Pañc. 127, 17; 247, 8 (rātrim āsādya, at night); to reach, Hit. pr. d. 47, M. M.; to overtake, Vikr. 6, 7.
     2. To attack, Rām. 1, 21, 12.
     3. To find, Man. 4, 227.
     4. To obtain, Vikr. 73, 4; MBh. 3, 10472; with garram, To become proud. Pañc. 26, 3. āsanna, Near, Hit. 84, 7, M. M. Comp. mahā-, m. Kuvera. āsādita,
     1. Gone to, reached.
     2. Obtained, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 5.
     3. Spread.
     4. Effected. Comp. an-āsādita, adj. not tested, Hit. iii. d. 41 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3202). Absol. āsāāya,
     1. Having found. Hit. iv. d. 60 (kāryam, a motive. i. e. if it is one's interest).
     2. Agreeably to, Man. 8, 324.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā,
     1. To step on, Kir. 5, 52.
     2. To obtain, MBh. 3, 17101.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To be near, Kir. 11, 36. pratyāsanna, Near, Pañc. 10, 9; imminent, Hit. 115, 15.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To approach, Chr. 58, 10.
     2. To concounter, to meet with, Pañc. 120, 9; MBh. 2, 553.
     3. To attach, MBh. 1, 5453.
     4. To find, Pañc. 87, 7; MBh. 1, 2346.
     5. To obtain (cetanām, To recover), Pañc. 58, 19. samāsādita,
     1. Attained.
     2. Obtained, Pañc. 69, 16.
     3. Finished, performed.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To perish, Bhag. 3, 24.
     2. † To ascend. Caus.
     1. To destroy, Rām. 5, 3, 21.
     2. To draw forth, Man. 9, 267.
-- With prod pra-ud, Caus.
     1. To destroy, to remove, MBh. 2, 235.
     2. To draw forth, Man. 9. 261.
-- With samud sam-ud, Caus. To destroy, MBh. 3, 8832.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To approach.
     2. To worship, Lass. 100, 1 = Rigv. vii. 15, 1.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To sit down, Rām. 1, 20, 14; Pañc. 8, 18 (to fall down); to plunge, Vikr. d. 41.
     2. To be afflicted, MBh. 3, 333. niṣaṇṇa,
     1. Sitting, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 7.
     2. Placed in.
     3. Reciined, supported, Vikr. 64, 12.
     4. Gone to Caus. To cause to sit down, to kneel, Mālat. 91, 9.
-- With sani sam-ni,
     1. To sink down, Chr. 31, 15.
     2. To sit down, MBh. 1, 8077 (saṃniṣidatuḥ, corr. °ṣedatuḥ).
-- With pra pra,
     1. To be propitious, gracious, Vikr. d. 39 (for the transition to this signification, cf. inclined, Lat. propensus, Germ. geneigt); to favour, MBh. 1, 1259.
     2. To be soothed, Vikr. 72, 5; Hit. ii. d. 150.
     3. To be calm, Man. 2, 54; to be glad, Mālat. 46, 12.
     4. To become clear, Man. 6, 67. prasanna,
     1. Favourable, soothed, Pañc. 223, 9; kind, Vikr. d. 53; propitious, Chr. 39, 5.
     2. Quiet, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 6.
     3. Pleased.
     4. Clear, Nal. 12, 112.
     5. True, Mālat. 20, 3. f. , Spirituous liquor. Caus.
     1. To propitiate, Vikr. d. 54; Rām. 1, 66, 24.
     2. To soothe, Man. 11, 205.
     3. To solicit. to beg, Rām. 1, 45, 9 Gorr.; to beg pardon, Pañc. 223, 11. prasādita,
     1. Worshipped.
     2. Reconciled, Chr. 42, 15.
     3. Cleansed, purified.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, Caus. To soothe, MBh. 3, 14063.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To be soothed, Rām. 2, 26, 34. Caus. To propitiate, MBh. 3, 14039.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To be exhausted, MBh. 3, 448.
     2. To be afflicted. Bhag. 1, 28.
     3. To be sorrowful, MBh. 3, 3075.
     4. To despair, Hit. 82, 18. viṣaṇṇa, Dejected, Vikr. 43, 2; sad, Rām. 1, 40, 24; desponding, spiritless. Comp. su-, adj. very sad, Rām. 3, 50, 28. Caus. To afflict, Rām. 2, 53, 31.
-- With sam sam, To be in distress, Pañc. ii. d. 24; to pine, Man. 4. 33.
-- Cf. [greek] probably, Goth. sinths; A.S. in-sidhian, To enter (= sādaya ?); [greek] Lat. solum; [greek] Lat. sedeo; Goth. sitan; A.S. on-settan, sittan; [greek] (= sid + yāmi); Lat. sidere, probably de-sidero, sella (i. e. sed + la); Goth. sitls; O.H.G. sezal; A.S. sadl, sadel; O.H.G. satul; [greek]

sad 2. -sad, latter part of comp. words, Sitting, dwelling; e. g. araṇya-, adj. Living in forests, Utt. Rāmac. 133, 6. āśrama-, m. An anchorite, Śāk. 28, 11. gagaṇa-, m. An inhabitant of the air, Śiś. 4, 53.

sada sada, see śada.

sadana sad + ana, n.
     1. A house, Pañc. ii. d. 64; a palace, Pañc. i. d. 352.
     2. Decaying, perishing.
     3. Exhaustion.
     4. Water.
-- Comp. rājasadana, i. e. rājan-, m. a palace.

sadas sad + as, n.
     1. Seat, abode, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2.
     2. (and m.), Assembly, Hit. i. d. 32, M. M.
-- Cf. [greek]

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sadasadātmaka sadasadātmaka, i. e. sant (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), -a sant-ātman + ka, adj. Being both existent and not existent, Man. 1, 11; 74.

sadasya sadas + ya, m.
     1. An assistant at a sacrifice, Śāk. 32, 11.
     2. Any person present or belonging to an assembly, Rām. 1, 13, 23.

sadā sa + dā, adv. Always, Pañc. i. d. 48.

sadātana sadā + tana,
I. adj. Eternal.
II. m. Viṣṇu.

sadānanda sadānanda, i. e. sadā-ānanda,
I. adj. Always happy.
II. m. A proper name, Vedāntas. in Chr. 219, 16.

sadṛkṣa sadṛkṣa, i. e. sa-dṛś + sa, and sadṛś sa-dṛś, adj. Like, similar.

sadṛśa sa-dṛś + a, adj., f. śī,
     1. Like, Vikr. 36, 10; similar, Pañc. 165, 18; of the same rank, Pañc. iii. d. 219.
     2. Conformable, Śāk. 7, 4; fit, Hit. ii. d. 47; proper, right, suitable, Utt. Rāmac. 166, 6.
     3. Worthy, Utt. Rāmac. 41, 6.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unbecoming, Rām. 3, 49, 10. an-anya-, adj. not having their like, surpassing all others, Pañc. 4, 24.

sadman sad + man, n.
     1. A house, a dwelling, Kir. 5, 30.
     2. A temple, Rājat. 5, 158 (read śūra-sadm°).
     3. Water.
-- Comp. deva-, n. the seat of the gods, MBh. 1, 3687. bloga-, n. the zenana. sura-, n. heaven.

sadyas sadyas, i. e. sa-div + as (abl.gen. of div), adv.
     1. To-day, Utt. Rāmac. 90, 7.
     2. Instantly, Pañc. 175, 1; in an instant, on a sudden, Vikr. d. 154.

sadyaska sadyas + ka, adj. New, recent.

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sadru sad + ru, adj.
     1. Resting, staying.
     2. Going.
-- Cf. probably [greek] in [greek].

sadvaṃdva sa-dvaṃdva, adj. Litigating, disunited, Hit. iii. d. 34.

sadvasatha sadvasatha, i. e. sant (ptcple. pres. of 1. as), -vas + atha, m. A village.

sadhis sadhis, m. An ox.

sadhryañc sadhryañc, i. e. sa + trā-añc (t changed to dh, by the influence of r, and a/ā to ī, in analogy with the change of final a/ā before as, kṛ, bhū),
I. adj., f. rīcī, Accompanying, a companion.
II. f. rīcī, A woman's female friend.
III. °yak, adv. Together with, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 48 (united with themselves).

san san, i. 1, Par., ii. 8, Par. Ātm.
     1. † To honour.
     2. To obtain.
     3. To give. Desider. siṣāsa, To wish to obtain (aid), Chr. 296, 5. = Rigv. i. 112, 5.

sanat sanat, see the next.

sanad sa + na + d (properly acc. sing. n. of sa + na, adj. ved. Old, eternal (see sanātana), adv. Always.
-- Cf. Goth. sins, [greek] Goth. sineigs; Lat. senex.

sanā sa + nā (properly an old instr. sing. of sana; cf. sanad). adv. Always, perpetually.
-- Cf. A.S. sin.

sanāt sanāt (abl. sing. of sana, see the last), adv. Always, perpetually, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 5.

sanātana sanā + tana,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Perpetual, eternal, Man. 1. 7; Pañc. ii. d. 112.
     2. Firm, permanent.
     3. Primeval, Man. 1, 22 (ordained from the beginning); 3, 284.
II. m. Viṣṇu, Bhaṭṭ. 1, 1; Śiva, Brahman.
III. f. , Lakṣmī, Durgā, Sarasvatī.
-- Cf. Goth. sinteins, sinteino.

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sanāthatā sa-nātha + tā, f. State of having a protector, Pañc. iii. d. 221.

sani san + i,
I. m.
     1. Worship, service.
     2. Giving, donation.
II. m., f., and , f. A respectful solicitation.
III. f. ni/ī, A quarter or point of the compass.

saniṣṭheva saniṣṭheva, i. e. sa-ni-ṣṭhiv + a, n. Speech uttered with saliva.

sanutar sanutar, probably sānu + tar, adv. In a concealing manner, Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11.

sant sant, see 1. as.

saṃtakṣaṇa saṃtakṣaṇa, i. e. sam-takṣ + ana, n. Sarcastic language, scoff, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 24.

saṃtati saṃtati, i. e. sam-tan + ti, f.
     1. Continuity, Mālat. 14, 16.
     2. Continuous line, line, Pañc. 182, 17.
     3. Extent, multitude, Kir. 5, 17.
     4. Race, lincage.
     5. Offspring, Utt. Rāmac. 166, 8; Hit. 67, 9; a son, a daughter.
-- Comp. kula-, f. propagation of family, Man. 5, 159.

saṃtarpaṇa saṃtarpaṇa, i. e. sam-tṛp + ana, n.
     1. Satiating.
     2. Satisfying.
     3. Gratifying, delighting, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 13; Mālat. 95, 7.

saṃtāna saṃtāna, i. e. sam-tan + a, m. (n., Draup. 5, 88),
     1. Spreading, Utt. Rāmac. 50, 10; Hit. i. d. 206, M.M. (extending their influence from one existence to another); extension, Śāk, d. 167.
     2. Being spread, having grown, Utt. Rāmac. 97, 13 (-vāhin, old).
     3. Family, race, lincage, Draup. 5, 88.
     4. Progeny, Man. 3, 15.
     5. A son, a daughter, Hit. iv. d. 109.
     6. One of the trees of heaven.

saṃtānikā saṃtānikā, i. e. saṃtāna + ka, f.
     1. Froth.
     2. Cream.
     3. A cobweb.
     4. The blade of a knife of sword.

saṃtāpa saṃtāpa, i. e. sam-tap + a, m.
     1. Heat, Mālat. 17, 9 (figurat.); fire, Utt. Rāmac. 141, 10; Pañc. i. d. 392.
     2. Affliction, Pañc. ii. d. 59.
     3. Pain, Vikr. 55, 20; distress.
     4. Passion.
     5. Repentance, Pañc. v. d. 16.
     6. Penance, Kir. 5, 50.

saṃtāpana saṃtāpana, i. e. sam-tap, Caus., + ana,
I. adj. Burning.
II. m. One of the arrows of Kāmadeva.
III. n.
     1. Burning.
     2. Paining, afflicting.
     3. Exciting passion.

santi san + ti, f.
     1. End, destruction.
     2. Gift, giving.

saṃtoṣa saṃtoṣa, i. e. sam-tuṣ + a, m.
     1. Contentedness, Pañc. ii. d. 163; satisfaction; with kṛ, To be satisfied, Pañc. 136, 12; to be content, Pañc. 139, 17.
     2. Joy.
     3. Thumb and forefinger.
-- Comp. a-, m. pain, Mālat. 94, 10.

saṃtoṣaṇa saṃtoṣaṇa, i. e. sam-tuṣ + ana, n.
     1. Pleasing.
     2. Comforting.

saṃtoṣavant saṃtoṣa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Content.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not content, Pañc. ii. d. 163.

saṃtrāsa saṃtrāsa, i. e. sam-tras + a, m. Fear, Johns. Sel. 27, 16; Rājat. 5, 224.

saṃdaṃśa saṃdaṃśa, i. e. sam-daṃś + a, m. A pair of tongs, Pañc. 52, 8 (sva-daśana-, His claws which are like a pair of nippers).

saṃdaṃśaka saṃdaṃśa + ka,
I. m. A pair of tongs, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 10.
II. f. śikā.
     1. A pair of nippers, or small shears or tongs.
     2. A vice.

saṃdarbha saṃdarbha, i. e. sam-dṛbh + a, m.
     1. Weaving garlands.
     2. Stringing, collecting.
     3. Uniting, mixture, Utt. Rāmac. 170, 2.
     4. Work, Utt. Rāmac. 111, 3.

saṃdarśana saṃdarśana, i. e. sam-dṛś + ana, n.
     1. Seeing each other, meeting, Pañc. 109, 22; 161, 14.
     2. Looking, sight, presence, Chr. 25, 60.
     3. Consideration, Hit. 129, 10.
     4. Appearance, Vikr. 78, 19; saṃdarśanaṃ gam, To appear, Pañc. 235, 10.
     5. Vision, Megh. 105.
     6. Showing.

saṃdāna saṃdāna, i. e.
I. sam- 3. dā + ana, n. A rope, a cord (especially for tieing cattle).
II. sam-dāna, m. The elephant's temples, or part whence the ichorous fluid issues.

saṃdānita saṃdānita, i. e. saṃdāna + ita, adj. Bound, Mālav. 41, 13.

saṃdāninī saṃdāninī, i. e. saṃdāna + in + ī, f. A cow-house.

saṃdāva saṃdāva (cf. dūta, dūra; but probably it is rather a Prākṛt form of saṃdrāva), m. Flight.

saṃdīpana saṃdīpana, i. e. sam-dīp + ana,
I. n. Inflaming, Ṛt, 1, 12; inflammation (of wrath), Utt. Rāmac. 116, 10.
II. m. One of Kāmadeva's arrows, Lass. 7, 3.

saṃdūṣaṇa saṃdūṣaṇa, i. e. sam-duṣ, Caus., + ana, n. A vice which causes infamy, Man. 9, 13.

saṃdeśa saṃdeśa, i. e. sam-diś + a, m.
     1. Information, news, tidings, Pañc. 162, 3; Kathās. 17, 161.
     2. Commission, Megh. 97.
     3. Command, Vikr. 86, 17.

saṃdeśaka saṃdeśa + ka (m.), n. Information, Pañc. 51, 21.

saṃdeśahara saṃdeśahara, and saṃdeśahāraka saṃdeśahāraka, i. e. saṃdeśa-hṛ + a, and -hṛ, Caus., + aka, m. A messenger.

saṃdeha saṃdeha, i. e. sam-dih + a, m.
     1. Doubt, Pañc. iv. d. 25; uncertainty.
     2. Danger, Pañc. i. d. 192.
-- Comp. nis-,
I. adj. doubtless.
II. °ham, adv. undoubtedly, Somad. Nal. 127.

saṃdehadolāstha saṃdeha-dolā-stha, adj. Moved by doubt, as by a swing, Hit. iv. d. 18.

saṃdoha saṃdoha, i. e. sam-duh + a, m. Assemblage, multitude.

saṃdrāva saṃdrāva, i. e. sam-dru + a, m. Flight.

saṃdhā saṃdhā, i. e. sam-dhā, f.
     1. Agreement, promise, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 19.
     2. Intimate union.
     3. State, condition.
     4. Stipulation, Lass. 2. ed. 91, 54.
     5. Steadiness, fixedness.
     6. Twilight.
-- Comp. jala-saṃdha, m. a proper name, Johns. Sel. 24, 6. jarā-saṃdha, m. a proper name, ib. 49, 91. satya-saṃdha,
I. adj. 1. veracious, adhering to truth, Chr. 12, 1. 2. faithful to his promise, Man. 7, 31.
II. m.
     1. Bharata. 2. Janamejaya.
III. f. dhā, Draupadī. a-satya-saṃdha, adj. treacherous, Hit. i. d. 78, M.M.

saṃdhāna saṃdhāna, i. e. saṃdhā + ana,
I. n.
     1. Uniting, Hit. iii. d. 119 (bhinna- [vb. bhid], Uniting what is disunited); joining.
     2. Fixing (the arrow to the bow), Śāk. d. 52.
     3. Tieing, binding.
     4. Peace, alliance.
     5. Association, union, Pañc. iii. d. 10; Śāk. d. 9.
     6. Company.
     7. Mixing.
     8. A relish, something eaten to excite thirst.
     9. Pickles.
     10. Sour rice-gruel.
     11. Spirituous liquor.
     12. Supporting.
     13. Receiving.
     14. Contracting the skin, etc., by astringent applications.
II. n., and f. , Distillation.
III. f. , A foundry.
-- Comp. ati-, n. deceit (v.r. abhi-, better), Śāk. d. 121. abhi-, n. 1. speech, Rām. 5, 51, 21. 2. deceit, Ragh. 17, 76. dus-, adj. difficult to be united, Hit. i. d. 91, M.M.

saṃdhānita saṃdhānita, i. e. saṃdhāna + ita, adj.
     1. Strung together.
     2. Bound, tied.

saṃdhi saṃdhi, i. e. sam-dhā (cf. nidhi), m.
     1. Union, junction, Pañc. 210, 13; Megh. 59 (joint, structure of a mountain).
     2. Alliance, Man. 7, 163.
     3. Peace, Man 7, 56.
     4. Making peace, a treaty, Hit. i. d. 87, M.M.
     5. A joint, an articulation of the body, Ṛt. 1, 7; Hit. iv. d. 63 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1842).
     6. A fold, Pañc. 62, 13.
     7. The euphonic union of the final and initial letters of words or parts of a comp.
     8. An interval, a pause or rest.
     9. A period at the expiration of each Yuga or age, MBh. 12, 12953.
     10. A hole, a chasm, especially in a wall, for felonious purposes, a breach, Man. 9, 276; Daśak. in Chr. 186, 12.
     11. Breaking, dividing, division, Lass. 87, 5.
     12. The vulva.
-- Comp. kapāla-, m. a peace on equal terms, Hit. iv. d. 108. dhruva-, m. a proper name, Rām. 1, 70, 26 Gorr. pada-, m. = 7. Rām. 1, 3, 60 Gorr. parvasaṃdhi, i. e. parvan-, m. the time of the periodic change of the moon, MBh. 3, 11647. sam-gata- (vb. gam), m. a peace concluded after having before made friendship, Hit. iv. d. 109. saṃtāna-, m. a peace concluded after having given one's daughter (in marriage), Hit. iv. d. 109. sama-, f. alliance or peace on equal terms. su-kara-, adj. easy to be joined or united, Pañc. ii. d. 36.

saṃdhita saṃdhita, i. e. saṃdhā and saṃdhi, + ita,
I. adj.
     1. Tied, bound, Man. 8, 342.
     2. United, Pañc. i. d. 130; reconciled.
     3. Pickled.
II. n. Pickles.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unbound, Man. 8, 342. ati-, see under dhā. Sama-, adj. 1. allied on equal terms (cf. the last). 2. bound equally. su-, adj. well reconciled, Pañc. iii. d. 24.

saṃdhitas saṃdhi + tas, in sama-, adv. From an alliance on equal terms, Hit. iv. d. 108.

saṃdhinī saṃdhinī, i. e. saṃdha + in + ī, f.
     1. A cow with calf, or one which has taken a bull, Man. 5, 8.
     2. One who is milked unseasonably.

saṃdhukṣaṇa saṃdhukṣaṇa, i. e. sam-dhukṣ + ana, n. Inflaming, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 23.

saṃdhyā saṃdhyā, f., i. e.
I. saṃdhi + ya,
     1. Twilight, either morning or evening, Man. 2, 101; Rām. 3, 51, 5; Pañc. i. d. 198; evening, Mālat. 41, 16.
     2. The period between the expiration of one Yuga, or age, and the commencement of another, Man. 1, 69.
     3. Holy rites of morning, noon, and evening, Man. 2, 69.
     4. Evening prayer, Vikr. 37, 9; MBh. 1, 1890.
     5. Promise, agreement.
     6. Joining, union.
     7. Boundary.
     8. A particular flower.
     9. The name of a river.
II. sam-dhyai, Reflection.
-- Comp. agra-, f. dawn, Śāk. d. 78 (v. r.). upa-saṃdhya + m, adv. near twilight, Śiś. 9, 5. tri-saṃdhya, n. morning, noon, and evening, MBh. 3, 4063. sa-saṃdhya, adj. 1. vespertine. 2. with the period following the end of a Yuga (see
     2.), Man. 1, 70 (see the next).

saṃdhyāṃśa saṃdhyāṃśa, i. e. saṃdhyā-aṃśa, m.
     1. Twilight.
     2. The period at the end of each Yuga, Man. 1, 70 (samdhyāṃśa is perhaps especially the twilight following the expiring Yuga, and saṃdhyā that which precedes the commencing Yuga).

saṃdhyātṛ saṃdhyātṛ, Man. 8, 342, m. One who binds, v. r. saṃdātṛ, better.

saṃdhyātva saṃdhyā + tva, n. The time of twilight and devotion, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 2.

saṃnati saṃnati, i. e. sam-nam + ti, f.
     1. Reverence, reverential salutation.
     2. Humility, Rām. 1, 46, 9.
     3. Sound.

saṃnaya saṃnaya, i. e. sam-nī + a, m.
     1. Multitude, Johns. Sel. 53, 126; number, quantity.
     2. Rear, rearguard.

saṃnahana saṃnahana, i. e. sam-nah + ana, n. Arming, preparing, making one's self ready, Rām. 4, 15, 20.
-- Comp. sarva-, n. assembling a complete army.

saṃnāma saṃnāma, i. e. sam-nam + a, m. Worship, Nalod. 1, 3.

saṃnāha saṃnāha, i. e. sam-nah + a, m. Armour, mail, Johns. Sel. 26, 10.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. without a coat of mail, Man. 7, 92. sarva-, 1. arming or assembling a complete army. 2. the Universal Spirit.

saṃnāhya saṃnāhya, i. e. saṃnāha + ya, m. A war elephant.

saṃnikarṣa saṃnikarṣa, i. e. sam-ni-kṛṣ + a, m.
     1. Connection, relation, Bhāṣāp. 62, 131.
     2. Nearness, proximity, Utt. Rāmac. 151, 11; Pañc. i. d. 157.

saṃnikarṣaṇa saṃnikarṣaṇa, i. e. sam-ni-kṛṣ + ana, n.
     1. Approximation, approaching.
     2. Proximity.

saṃnidhātṛ saṃnidhātṛ, i. e. sam-ni dhā + tṛ, m.
     1. A receiver of stolen goods, Man. 9, 278.
     2. One who places near, who introduces, the name of a court officer, Pañc. 156, 17.

saṃnidhāna saṃnidhāna, i. e. sam-ni-dhā + ana, n., and saṃnidhi saṃnidhi, i. e. sam-nidhā (cf. nidhi), m.
     1. Proximity, Hit. pr. d. 41, M.M. (dhāna); Pañc. v. d. 42 (dhi).
     2. Perceptibility, appearance, presence, Vikr. 19, 1. (dhāna); Hit. i. d. 113, M.M. (dhi); Bhartṛ. 2, 99 (saṃnidhi-ratna-pūrṇa, Full of jewels in close neighbourhood, i. e. round about himself, easily to be caught).
     3. Placing, depositing, a receptacle, Pañc. i. d. 204 (dhāna).
     4. Receiving, taking charge of.
-- Comp. kula-saṃnidhi, m. the presence of a company, Man. 8, 194.

saṃnipāta saṃnipāta, i. e. sam-ni-pat + a, m.
     1. Contact, collision, Bhāṣāp. 116; Kir. 5, 36.
     2. Assemblage, multitude.
     3. Morbid state of the three humours, Pañc. i. d. 193.
     4. Alighting, descending.
     5. Arrival.
     6. Union, junction.
     7. Mixture, Megh. 5; miscellaneous collection.

saṃnibandhana saṃnibandhana, i. e. sam-ni-bandh + ana, n. Tieing fast.

saṃnibha saṃnibha, i. e. sam-ni-bhā, adj. Like, similar, Pañc. i. d. 374; iii. d. 140.

saṃniyantṛ saṃniyantṛ, i. e. sam-ni-yam + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Who or what chastises, Man. 9, 320.

saṃnivṛtti saṃnivṛtti, i. e. sam-ni-vṛt + ti, f.
     1. Return, Śāk. d. 137.
     2. Restraint, forbearance.

saṃniveśa saṃniveśa, i. e. sam-ni-viś + a, m.
     1. An open place, either in a town or its vicinity, where the people take exercise; place, Ragh. 6, 19.
     2. Assemblage, multitude, Ragh. 16, 11 (? v. r.).
     3. Vicinity.
     4. Junction, union, Mālat. 18, 5.
     5. Causing to enter, putting in.
     6. Construction, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 13 (kanyā-pura-, of the gynaeceum); fabrication, Mālat. 151, 21.
-- Comp. bhūmi-, m. the shape, face of a region, Utt. Rāmac. 47, 4. samāja-, m. a building for an assembly, Utt. Rāmac. 161, 9.

saṃnyasana saṃnyasana, i. e. sam-ni -2. as + ana, n.
     1. Abandonment of all worldly affections and possessions, Bhag. 3, 4.
     2. Entrusting to.

saṃnyāsa saṃnyāsa, i. e. sam-ni- 2. as + a, m.
     1. Abandonment.
     2. Abandonment of all worldey affections and possessions, and fixing one's mind only on the Supreme, pirit, Man. 1, 114; 5, 108.
     3. Deposit, trust.
     4. Stake (in game), Nal. 26, 5.
     5. Sudden death.
     6. Indian spikenard.

saṃnyāsika -saṃnyāsika, i. e. saṃnyāsin + ka, in veda-, m. An ascetic according to the Veda, Man. 6, 86.

saṃnyāsin saṃnyāsin, i. e. saṃnyāsa + in, m.
     1. One who has abandoned all worldly affections, etc. (see saṃnyāsa), Bhag. 5, 3; Lass. 48, 15.
     2. The Brāhmaṇa of the fourth order, the religious mendicant.
     3. An ascetic.

sanmātura sanmātura, i. e. sant-mātṛ + a, m. The son of a virtuous mother.

sanmāna sanmāna, i. e. sant-māna, m. Respect for the good.

sap sap, i. 1, Par.
     1. To connect.
     2. To worship.
-- Cf. [greek], perhaps [greek] (doubtful on account of [greek]).

sapatna sapatna, i. e. sa-patnī + a,
I. adj., f. , Hostile, Pañc. i. d. 318.
II. m. A foe, Man. 4, 14; cf. patnī.
-- Comp. a-, and nis-, adj. 1. without a rival, Vikr. d. 85 (nis-). 2. uncontested, MBh. 3, 4093 (a-).

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sapatrākaraṇa sapatrā-karaṇa, i.e. sapatrā-kṛ + ana, n., and sapatrākṛti sapatrā-kṛ + ti. f. (cf. sapatrā-kṛ, p. 209), Affliction, excessive agony.

sapadi sa-pad + i, adv.
     1. Instantly, Pañc. 198, 3.
     2. Quickly.

saparya saparya, a denomin. derived from a lost noun sapas = [greek] in the form *sapan (with r for n), with ya, Par. To worship (ved.).

saparyā saparyā, i. e. saparya + a, f. Worship, Utt. Rāmac. 16, 13.

sapiṇḍatā sa-piṇḍa + tā, f. The condition of being a sapiṇḍa, Man. 5, 60 (see sa-piṇḍa).

saptaka saptaka, i. e. saptan + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Containing seven, Man. 11, 52.
     2. Seven.
     3. Seventh.
II. n. A collection of seven verses, Man. 11, 255.
III. f. , A woman's girdle.
-- Comp. saptasaptaka, i. e. saptan-, n. fortynine (winds), Rām. 3, 53, 41.

saptata -saptata, i. e. saptati + a, ord. num., f. , Seventieth; e. g. eka-, Seventy-first, MBh. xii. adhy. 71. dvā- or dvi-, Seventy-second, MBh. xii. adhy. 72 (dvā); i. adhy. 72 (dvi). tri-, Seventy-third, ib. xii. adhy. 73. catuḥsaptata, i. e. catur-, Seventyfourth, MBh. xii. adhy. 74. pañcasaptata, i. e. pañcan-, Seventy-fifth, ib. i. adhy. 75.

saptati saptati, i. e. saptan + ti, numeral, f. Seventy, Man. 1, 79.
-- Comp. eka-, f. seventy-one, Man. 1, 79. drā- or dvi-, f. seventy-two, MBh. xii. adhy. 172 (dvā); Man. 7, 157 (dvi). pañcas°, i. e. pañcan-, f. seventy-five, MBh. xii. adhy. 175. saptas°, i. e. saptan-, f. seventy-seven, Rājat, 5, 221. śuka-, f. seventy tales of a parrot, title of a work, Lass. 38, 6.

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saptatitama saptati + tama, ord. num., f. , Seventieth, MBh. xii. adhy. 70.
-- Comp. dvi-, seventy-second. tri-, seventy-third, MBh. ii. adhy. 73. catuḥs°, i. e. catur-, seventy-fourth, Rām. vi. sarga 74. navas°, i. e. navan-, seventy-ninth, Rām. vi. sarga 79.

saptadaśa saptadaśa, i. e. saptadaśan + a, or curtailed, ord. num., f. śī, Seventeenth, MBh. iv. adhy. 17.

saptadaśan saptadaśan. i. e. saptan-daśan, numeral adj. Seventeen, MBh. v. adhy. 117.

saptadhā saptadhā, i. e. saptan + dhā, adv. In seven ways, sevenfold.
-- Comp. dvi-, adv. in fourteen parts, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 8.

saptan saptan, numeral adj. Seven, Man. 1, 19.
-- Comp. tri-, adj. twentyone, MBh. 9, 664. pañcasaptan, i. e. pañcan-, adj. thirty-five, Mārk. P. 76, 12. saptasaptan, i. e. saptan-, adj. seven and seven (seven ancestors and seven descendants), Man. 1, 105.
-- Cf. [greek]; Lat. septem; Goth. sibun; A.S. seofon.

saptama saptama. i. e. saptan + ma,
I. ord. num., f. , Seventh, MBh. iv. adhy. 7; Lass. 2. ed. 13, 12 (the seventh lunar mansion).
II. f. , The seventh day of the fortnight, Rājat. 5, 221.
-- Cf. Lat. septimus; [greek].

saptarṣi saptarṣi, i. e. saptan-ṛṣi, m. pl.
     1. The seven Ṛṣis or great saints, marīci, Atri, etc.
     2. The constellation Ursa major.

saptalā saptalā, f. The name of several plants, e. g. the trumpet-flower, Bignonia suaveolens.

sapti sap + ti, m.
     1. A span (of horses), united like a span, Chr. 291, 1 = Rigv. i. 85, 1
     2. A horse.
-- Comp. saptasapti, i. e. saptan-, m. the sun (properly, drawn by seven horses), Kir. 5, 34. sita-, m. Arjuna, Kir. 13. 19.

saphara saphara, see śapkara; saphala saphala, see sa-phala.

sabādh sa-bādh, adj. Striking with fear, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8.

sabhaktikam sa-bhakti + ka + m, adv. Respectfully, Lass. 41, 9.

sabhā sabhā, f.
     1. An assembly, Man. 8, 11; council, Rām. 2, 63, 36, Seramp
     2. A much frequented place, Man. 9, 264.
     3. A court of justice, Man. 8, 12; Pañc. iii. d. 109.
     4. A house.
     5. A palace, Johns. Sel. 94, 57; Rājat. 5, 391.
-- Comp. rājasabhā, i. e. rājan-, f. a royal assembly, a court, Lass. 2, 2. strī-sabha, n. an assembly of females. hrasva-sabhā, f. a small hall; cf. sabhya.

sabhāj sabhāj, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from a noun, *sabhāj, i. e. sa-bhaj), Par.
     1. To serve, to worship, Rām. 5, 8, 20.
     2. To bonour, to beautify, Utt. Rāmac. 105, 5.
     3. † To exhilarate.
     4. † To show.

sabhājana sabhāj + ana, n.
     1. Courtesy, politeness.
     2. Honour, Mālav. 74, 10 (thanks).

sabhāsad sabhā-sad, and sabhāsada sabhā-sad + a, m.
     1. An assistant at an assembly, Rām. 2, 5, 24 (sad); Pañc. i. d. 336 (sada).
     2. A judge, Man. 8, 12 (sad).

sabhāstāra sabhāstāra, i. e. sabhā-ā-stṛ + a, m. An assistant at an assembly, MBh. 2, 1787.

sabhika sabhika, i. e. sabhā + ika, m. The keeper of a gaming-house, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 20; Mṛcch. 33, 24.

sabhya sabhya, i. e. sabhā + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to an assembly, fit for it, Ragh. 1, 55; polite, Pañc. i. d. 294 (cf. Bhartṛ. 3, 57; sabhya-itara, vulgar).
     2. Trusted, faithful.
II. m.
     1. An assistant at an assembly of scholars, Rājat. 5, 32; of courtiers, 86; of judges, Pañc. 40, 23.
     2. A person of honourable parentage, Bhaṭṭ. 1, 13,
     3. The keeper of a gaming-house.
     4. The servant of a keeper of a gaminghouse (?), Daśak. in Chr. 186, 4.
-- Cf. O.H.G. sibba; A.S. sib, sibbe, ge-sib; Goth. trasti-sibja, adoptatio, ga-sibjon, reconciliare, un-sibja, iniqua; O.H.G. sibbi, sibbo, ga-sibbo, ga-sibbot.

sabhyatā sabhya + tā, f. Politeness.

sam † 1. sam, stam stam, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be unconfused.
     2. To be confused. i. 10, samaya, stamaya, Par. To be confused.

sam 2. sa + m (acc. sing. n. of sa),
     1. prep. With, only in the Veda, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8.
     2. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives, and compounded with nouns, With, together, much, very, wholly, beautifully. When followed by a prefix, it is generally without a special signification; e. g. sam-ud-kṣip, Pañc. 43, 8.

sama sa + ma,
I. adj.
     1. Even, plain, Śāk. 5, 14; Pañc. ii. d. 188.
     2. Same, Hit. 116, 18.
     3. Equal, MBh. 10, 622; samaṃ kṛ, To balaṇce, to pay, Man. 8, 177.
     4. Convenient, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1880; Nalod. 4, 8 (voice, neither too low nor too loud).
     5. Straight, Śāk. d. 9.
     6. Looking on unmoved, (with gen. and loc.), MBh. 1, 1061; 1942.
     7. Impartial, indifferent, Lass. 6, 16.
     8. Mean, common, Man. 7, 85; Hit. pr. d. 42, M.M. (not pre-eminent).
     9. Like, similar, Chr. 8, 27 (mayā, Like myself).
     10. Good, Chr. 12, 28; virtuous.
     11. A purchaser at a fair price, Man. 9, 287.
     12. Full, complete.
     13. All, whole, entire (follows the pronominal declension).
II. °mam, A. adv.
     1. With (with instr.), Rājat. 5, 216; together, Śiś. 9, 24; Vikr. 88, 17.
     2. Equally, Hit. iii. d. 49; Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 18.
     3. Like, Johns. Sel. 15, 55 (with loc. ?).
     4. In the same way, Śiś. 9, 44.
     5. Conformable to, Pañc. 25, 14.
     6. Entirely, ib. 63, 1.
B. prep. (with instr.), With, Hit. i. d. 79, M. M.; together with, Pañc. ii. d. 200.
III. f. , A year, Man. 4, 26.
IV. n. Level plain, Man. 1, 24.
-- Comp. a-, 1. uneven, Kir. 5, 7. 2. unequal, Man. 10, 73. 3. incomparable, Kathās. 23, 32. catuḥsama, i. e. catur-, adj. having four even or smooth (members of the body), Rām. 5, 32, 13.
-- Cf. Goth. sama, and sama-, e. g. in sama-frathjis; A.S. same, sam-; Goth. samana; A.S. somne, samne; Goth. samath; A.S. sámod; Goth. sums, and A.S. sum, quidam; Lat. similis, simul, semel, sem-per, singuli; [greek] (cf. sa).

samakṣam sam-akṣa + m, adv. Eye to eye, in presence of, Śāk. 97, 10; Hit. 99, 10; Mālat. 47, 3.

samagra sam-agra, adj.
     1. Entire, complete, Megh. 57; full, Hiḍ. 3, 13.
     2. All, Rām. 3, 49, 37.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not full-grown, Vikr. d. 124.

samacittatva sama-citta + tva, n.
     1. Equanimity.
     2. Indifference.

samaja sam-aj + a,
I. m.
     1. A multitude of beasts.
     2. A number of blockheads.
II. n. A forest.

samajñā sama-jñā, f. Fame, reputation.

samajyā sam-aj + yā, f. An assembly.

samañjasa samañjasa, i. e. sam-añjas (cf. añjasā), + a,
I. adj.
     1. Proper, right, fit, Johns. Sel. 5, 28 (na-ati-, Not very proper, f. ; MBh. 1, 5832, f. ).
     2. Correct, true.
     3. Virtuous, good, Kir. 14, 12.
     4. Experienced.
II. n.
     1. Propriety.
     2. Correct evidence, Man. 8, 256.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. unfit, unskilled, Utt. Rāmac. 95, 12; incorrect, Mālat. 162, 10.
II. sam, adv. unbecomingly, MBh. 2, 2100.
III. n. impropriety, an abominable act, Pañc. in Weber, Ind. St. iii. 371, 15.

samatā sama + tā, f.
     1. Sameness, similarity.
     2. Equality, Pañc. ii. d. 90 (sva-jāti-samatāṃ gata, Grown equal to his kind).
     3. State of a common (not pre-eminent) person, Hit. pr. d. 42, M.M.
     4. Equanimity, Man. 6, 44.
     5. Right decision, Man. 8, 178.
     6. Perfectness, Pañc. v. d. 83.

samatikrama sam-ati-kram + a, m.
     1. Transgressing.
     2. Omission, Man. 11, 203.

samatva sama + tva, n.
     1. Equality, Bhag, 2, 48.
     2. Identity, Pañc. i. d. 468.

samadhika sam-adhika, adj.
     1. Exceeding, Megh. 100.
     2. Abundant, plentiful, Utt. Rāmac. 90, 4.

samana samana, probably sam-an + a, m.
     1. Zeal.
     2. A diligent man, Chr. 287, 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6.

samanujñāna samanujñāna, i. e. sam-anu-jñā + ana, n.
     1. Assent.
     2. Permission.

samanuvrata sam-anu-vrata, adj. Entirely devoted to, Nal. 13, 55 (with acc.).

samanta sam-anta,
I. adj.
     1. From every part, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1446; entire.
     2. All.
II. Abl. tāt, adv.
     1. From every part, Pañc. 51, 18.
     2. All round, on every side, Mālat. 158, 4; Pañc. 230, 16; Chr. 4, 20.
     3. Completely, Pañc. 148, 12.
III. m. Limit, boundary.

samantatas samanta + tas, adv.
     1. All round, on every side, Hit. ii. d. 158.
     2. Wholly, Man. 3, 58.

samanvaya samanvaya, i. e. sam-anu-i + a, m.
     1. Natural succession.
     2. Connected sequence, consequence, Lass. 2. ed. 46, 31.
     3. Conjunction with each other, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 49.

samabhisaraṇa samabhisaraṇa, i. e. sam-abhi-sṛ + ana, n.
     1. Approaching.
     2. Seeking.
     3. Endeavouring to gain.

samabhihāra samabhihāra, i. e. sam-abhi-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Repetition.
     2. Excess, surplus.

samamaya sama + maya, adj., f. , Proceeding from the same cause.

samaya samaya, i. e. sam-i + a, m.
     1. Agreement, Pañc. 193, 13; treaty, Pañc. 24, 25; contract, bargain.
     2. Engagement, Chr. 58, 2; appointment.
     3. Religious obligation, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 304.
     4. Established moral or ceremonial custom, Chr. 19, 4.
     5. Rule, Man. 9, 273; law, Hit. ii. d. 45, M.M.
     6. Condition, Nal. 13, 67.
     7. Order, instruction.
     8. Oath, Sāv. 4, 17.
     9. Sign, hint, indication.
     10. Proper time for anything, season, Kir. 2, 28.
     11. Opportunity, leisure.
     12. Time, Vikr. 56, 1; Pañc. 229, 10.
     13. Same time, Chr. 7, 15.
     14. Limit, boundary.
     15. Demonstrated conclusion, and conclusion in general, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 8.
-- Comp.. ṛtu-, m. season proper for conception, Pañc. 74, 18. yathā-samaya + m, adv. according to established custom, Johns. Sel. 10, 20. lagna-, m. auspicious time, Pañc. 129, 16.

samayā samayā, adv. and prep. with acc.,
I. (old instr. of sama).
     1. Within, midst.
     2. Near, Vārt. ad Pāṇ. ii. 3, 2; Nalod. 4, 8.
II. (old instr. of samaya).
     1. At a fixed time.
     2. Seasonably, in due time.
-- Cf. [greek].

samayādhyuṣita samayādhyuṣita, i. e. samaya-adhyuṣita (vb. 1. vas, with adhi), n. A time at which neither stars nor sun are visible, Man. 2, 15.

samara samara, i. e. sam-ṛ + a,
I. m. and n. War, battle, Hit. 106, 10.
II. m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 25.

samartha sam-artha,
I. adj., f. thā.
     1. Proper, fit, Pañc. 169, 10.
     2. Allowed, Man. 4, 186.
     3. Made proper, prepared, Pañc. 121, 24.
     4. Able, Hit. 31, 3, M. M.; adequate to.
     5. Strong, powerful, Pañc. iii. d. 54.
     6. Connected in sense.
II. m. The construction of words.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. not adequate, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 11. 2. unable, Hit. 32, 4, M.M. ati-, adj. very strong, Hit. 83, 13.

samarthatā samartha + tā, f.
     1. Adequancy.
     2. Ability.
     3. Strength, power.
     4. Signification of terms.

samarthana sam-arth + ana, m.
     1. Reconciling differences, allaying a dispute.
     2. Perseverance in an arduous undertaking.
     3. Deliberation, deciding on the propriety or impropriety of anything.
     4. Objecting, objection.

samardhaka samardhaka, i. e. sam-ṛdh + aka, adj. Granting a boon.

samarpaṇa samarpaṇa, i. e. sam-ṛ, Caus., + ana, n. Delivering, consigning, handing over, Kathās. 4, 109; Rājat. 5, 299.

samavatāra samavatāra, i. e. sam-ava-tṛ10 + a, m. A place of pilgrimage at a sacred stream, Kir. 5, 7.

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samavasthā sam-ava-sthā, f. State, Śāk. 39, 20.

samavāya samavāya, i. e. sam-ava-i + a, m.
     1. Multitude, Pañc. 130, 7; aggregate; meeting, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 14.
     2. Assembly, Man. 4, 108.
     3. Intimate and constant relation, Bhāṣāp. 1, 58; as of yarn and the cloth made of it, the individual and its species, etc.
     4. Intimate union, Śāk. 108, 10; union, Pañc. i. d. 376.

samavāyin samavāyin, i. e. samavāya + in,
I. adj.
     1. Aggregated.
     2. Connected intimately, Bhāṣāp. 16; 17.
II. n. Intimate and inseparable cause, as thread of cloth.
-- Comp. a-, adj. the non-intimate cause, as the conjunction of two halves for a jar, Sch. ad Bhāṣāp. 17.

samaṣṭi samaṣṭi, i. e. sam-akṣ + ti, f. Totality, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 13.

samasana sam-as + ana, n.
     1. Combination.
     2. Formation of compound terms.
     3. Contraction.

samastha sama-stha, adj.
     1. Even.
     2. Like, similar.

samasyā sam-as + yā (fem. of the ptcple. fut. pass. of sam- 2. as), f.
     1. The part of a stanza given to another person to complete it.
     2. The giving to another person part of a stanza, and requiring him to complete it.

samāṃśa samāṃśa, i. e. sama-aṃśa,
I. m. An equal part.
II. adj. Entitled to an equal share.

samāṃśin samāṃśin. i. e. samāṃśa + in, adj. sbst. A co-heir, entitled to an equal share.

samāṃsamīnā samāṃsamīnā, i. e. sama + m-samā + m + īna (see sama), f. A cow bearing a calf every year.

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samākarṣin samākarṣin, i. e. sam-ā-kṛṣ + a + in,
I. adj. Possessing a diffusive fragrance.
II. m., f. ṇī, n. A scent spreading afar, Amarakoṣa.

samākāra samākāra, i. e. sama-ākāra, adj. Like in appearance. Pañc. i. d. 211.

samākulatva sam-ākula + tva, n. Agitation, anxiety.

samākhyā sam-ā-khyā, f.
     1. Fame.
     2. Name.

samāgati samāgati, i. e. sam-ā-gam + ti, f.
     1. Arrival.
     2. Union.
     3. Meeting.
     4. (i. e. sama-āgati), Similar progress or condition.

samāgama sam-ā-gam + a, m.
     1. Arrival, Vikr. 10, 21 (return); approach.
     2. Union, Vikr. d. 29; junction, Pañc. 128, 3; assembly, Pañc. 196, 16.
     3. Association, intercourse, Hit. pr. d. 42, M. M.
     4. Encountering, meeting, Pañc. 161, 12.
-- Comp. dhūrta-, m. the assemblage of rogues, title of a drama, Lass. 66, 1.

samāghāta samāghāta, i. e. sam-ā-han, Caus., + a, m.
     1. War, battle.
     2. Killing.

samācāra samācāra, i. e.
I. sam-ā-car + a, m.
     1. Proper practice or conduct, MBh. 5, 2688; Pañc. 24, 10.
     2. Proceeding, conduct, Draup. 9, 17.
     3. Going, way, Pañc. 109, 11.
     4. Information, report.
II. sama-ācāra, adj. Equal in virtuous conduct, Pañc. iii. d. 140.
-- Comp. mokṣa-kriyā-, adj. affording a way for liberating, Pañc. 109, 11. vṛthā-kula-, adj. descended from a low family and ill-behaved, Johns. Sel. 20, 97. sādhu-, adj. wellbehaved, Pañc. 41, 17.

samāja samāja, i. e. sam-aj + a, m.
     1. A multitude, MBh. 1, 5698; a number.
     2. An assembly, Pañc. 158, 7.
     3. A convivial meeting.
     4. An elephant.
-- Comp. dyūta-, m. an assembly of gamesters, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 16. prekṣā-, m. the crowd at theatres, Man. 9, 84.

samājika samājika, i. e. samāja + ika, m. A spectator, Mālat. 4, 14.

samādāna samādāna, i. e. sam-ā-dā + ana, n.
     1. Receiving suitable donations.
     2. Tuking.
     3. The daily observances of the jaina sect.

samādeśa samādeśa, i. e. sam-ā-diś + a, m. Advice, Pañc. i. d. 261.

samādhāna samādhāna, i. e. sam-ā-dhā + ana, n.
     1. Restraining the senses and confining the mind to contemplation on the true nature of spirit, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 13, cf. 18; contemplation, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 5.
     2. Promising, declaring.

samādhi samādhi, i. e. sam-ā-dhā (cf. nidhi), m.
     1. Composing or reconciling differences.
     2. Storing corn.
     3. The joint of the neck, Kir. 16, 21.
     4. A tomb.
     5. Agreement, promise.
     6. Requital.
     7. Restraining the senses and confining the mind to contemplation on the true nature of spirit, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 18; 216, 1, cf. 217, 21; contemplation, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 1; devotion, Pañc. 162, 24.
     8. A religious vow or obligation, Kumāras. 3, 24.
     9. Silence.
     10. Demonstrated conclusion.
     11. Attempting impossibilities.

samādhin samādhin, i. e. samādhi + in, adj. Absorbed in contemplation, meditating, Bhag. 4, 24.

samādhistha samādhi-stha, adj. Devoted to meditation, Pañc. 162, 23.

samāna A. i. e. sa-māna,
I. adj., f. and .
     1. Like, similar, equal, Vikr. d. 110; Pañc. ii. d. 26.
     2. Same, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10; Man. 7, 163; Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 21; one, uniform.
     3. Good, virtuous.
     4. Honoured, Lass. 1, 12.
II. am, adv. Equally (with instr.), Kir. 18, 4.
III. m. A friend, Nalod. 2, 16.
B. i. e. sam-an + a, m. One of the vital airs, that which is essential to digestion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 12.

samānatā samāna + tā, f.
     1. Sameness, equality.
     2. Community of kind or quality.

samānodarya samānodarya, i. e. samāna-udara + ya, m. A brother of whole blood.

samāpaka sam-āp + aka, adj.
     1. Finishing, completing.
     2. Killing.

samāpana sam-āp + ana, n.
     1. Conclusion, completion, Man. 5, 88.
     2. A section, a chapter.
     3. Profound meditation.
     4. Acquisition.
     5. Killing.

samāpipayiṣu samāpipayiṣu, i. e. sam-āpipayiṣa (desider. of the Caus. of āp), + ū, adj. Wishing to complete, MBh. 1, 6872.

samāpti sam-āp + ti, f.
     1. End, Man. 2, 244.
     2. Perfection, accomplishment, Rām. 2, 43, 31; Bhartṛ. 3, 98.
     3. Reconciling differences, putting an end to disputes.

samāptika samāpti + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Completing, final.
     2. One who has finished the whole, Man. 3, 145.
II. m.
     1. A finisher.
     2. One who has completed a whole course of holy study.

samāmnāya samāmnāya, i. e. sam-ā-mnā + a, m. Enumeration, Prātiś. ed. Regnier, Journ. As. 1856, p. 187.
-- Comp. paśu-, m. works on animal sacrifices, Utt. Rāmac. 114, 6.

samāya samāya, i. e. sam-i + a, m.
     1. A visit.
     2. Arrival, Mālat. 170, 2.

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samāyoga samāyoga, i. e. sam-ā-yuj + a, m.
     1. Union, Lass. 2. ed. 65, 6; junction, connection.
     2. Aiming with (a bow), Rām. 1, 67, 10.
     3. Heap, multitude.
     4. Cause, motive, object.

samārambha samārambha, i. e. sam-ā-rabh + a, m.
     1. Commencement, beginning, Pañc. ii. d. 196.
     2. Undertaking, Chr. 7, 14; Pañc. 183, 2.
     3. Using, Pañc. ii. d. 146.
     4. An unguent, Sch. Śāk. ap. Böhtl. 211, ad 18.

samārambhaṇa samārambhaṇa, i. e. sam-ā-rabh + ana, n. = samālambhana, q. cf.

samārādhana sam-ā-rādh + ana, n. Winning, gratifying, Ragh. 18, 10.

samāropaṇa samāropaṇa, i. e. sam-ā-ruh, Caus., + ana, n. Placing or fixing in or on.

samāroha samāroha, i. e. sam-ā-ruh + a, m.
     1. Ascending.
     2. Riding upon.
     3. Agreeing.

samālambana sam-ā-lamb + ana, n. Resting upon, being supported by.

samālambha samālambha, m., and

samālambhana samālambhana, n., i. e. sam-ā-labh + a, or ana,
     1. Smearing the body with coloured perfumes, cf. Böhtl. ad Śāk. 48, 18.
     2. samālambha, Seizing (for a sacrifice), MBh. 2, 864.

samāvartana samāvartana, i. e. sam-ā-vṛt + ana, n. A pupil's return home after having finished his religious studies, Man. 2, 108.

samāvāya samāvāya, i. e. sam-ā-ava-i + a, m.
     1. Integral aggregation, totality, Bhāg. P. 2, 8, 14.
     2. Association.
     3. A multitude.

samāvāsa samāvāsa, i. e. sam-ā-vas + a, m. A dwelling-place, Pañc. 160, 3.

samāveśa samāveśa, i. e. sam-ā-viś + a, m.
     1. Entrance.
     2. Possession by evil spirits.
     3. Affection, passion.

samāśraya samāśraya, i. e. sam-ā-śri + a, m.
     1. Refuge.
     2. Seeking protection.
     3. Protection.
     4. A dwelling-place, Pañc. 126, 2; iii. d. 94.

samāśleṣa samāśleṣa, i. e. sam-ā-śliṣ + a, m. Embrace, Mālat. 158, 12.

samāśvāsa samāśvāsa, i. e. sam-ā-śvas + a, m. Trust, belief.

samāśvāsana samāśvāsana, i. e. sam-ā-śvas, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Recreating, recreation, Pañc. 162, 18.
     2. Consolation, Vikr. 26, 17.

samāsa samāsa, i. e. sam- 2. as + a, m.
     1. Aggregation.
     2. Composition of words, Pāṇ. ii. 1, 3.
     3. Composition of differences.
     4. Contraction, conciseness; °sena, instr. Succinctly, Man. 2, 25; Lass. 2. ed. 49, 6.

samāsakti samāsakti, i. e. sam-ā-sañj + ti, f.
     1. Union.
     2. Comprehension.
     3. Affection, attachment.

samāsajjana samāsajjana, i. e. sam-ā-sañj + ana, n. Joining, uniting, union, contact.

samāsatas samāsa + tas, adv. Succinctly, Man. 1, 68; Vikr. 19, 10.

samāsavant samāsa + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī.
     1. Compounded.
     2. Abridged.
II. m. A tree, Cedrela Tunna.

samāstha samāstha, i. e. sama-ā-stha (cf. āsthā), adj. Being happy, Chr. 10, 8.

samāharaṇa samāharaṇa, i. e. sam-ā-hṛ + ana, n. Uniting, collecting, composition.

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samāhartṛ samāhartṛ, i. e. sam-ā-kṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Habituated to acquire, Man. 7, 60.
     2. A collector (of taxes or duties ?), Pañc. 156, 17.

samāhāra samāhāra, i. e. sam-ā-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Collection, aggregation, Mālat. 155, 8.
     2. Contraction, abridgment.

samāhṛti sam-ā-hṛ + ti, f. Abridgment, compilation.

samāhvaya samāhvaya, i. e. sam-ā-hve + a, m.
     1. Calling out.
     2. War, battle.
     3. The conflict of animals or birds for sport, cockfighting, etc., Man. 9, 223; 221.

samāhvāna samāhvāna, i. e. sam-ā-hve + ana, n.
     1. Calling, Pañc. 193, 17.
     2. Challenge, Nal. 7, 8.

samit sam-i + t, f. War, battle, Kāvya Pr. p. 67, 2.

samitā samitā, f. Wheat, flour.
-- Cf. samīda and [greek]; Lat. simila, similago; it appears also in the Coptic samit and Arab. samīd, and is probably borrowed from the Greek.

samiti i. e.
I. sam-i + ti, f.
     1. Meeting, union.
     2. Assembly, Nal. 5, 7; company,
     3. Likeness, equality.
     4. War, battle.
II. sam-iti, indecl. A holy verse beginning with sam, Man. 11, 119.

samitiṃjaya samitiṃjaya, i. e. samiti + m-ji + a, adj. Conquering, i. e. eminent in, the assembly, Rām. 2, 71, 29, Seramp.

samidh samidh, i. e. sam-indh, f. Fuel, wood, Śāk. 7, 9; grass, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 6 (kuśa).

samindhana sam-indh + ana, n. Fuel, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 23.

samira samira, see samīra.

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samīka samīka, probably samyañc + a, n. War, battle.

samīkaraṇa samīkaraṇa, i. e. sama-kṛ + ana, n.
     1. Equalising.
     2. Assimilation, digestion, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 13.

samīkṣa sam-īkṣ + a,
I. f. kṣā.
     1. Investigation, search.
     2. Looking, inspection, sight.
     3. Understanding, intellect.
     4. Nature, essential nature.
II. n. The sāṅkhya system of philosophy (cf. Śiś. 2, 59, where samīkṣya).
-- Comp. a -samīkṣa + m, adv. inconsiderately, Hit. 43, 22 (former part of a compound, without the final m, but v.r. a-samīkṣya-kārin, probably to be preferred, Acting without due deliberation).

samīca samīca, i. e. samyañc + a,
I. m. The ocean.
II. f. , A doe.

samīcīna samīcīna, i. e. samyañc + īna,
I. adj.
     1. Right, correct.
     2. True.
     3. Fit, proper, Pañc. 229, 1.
II. n. Truth, Bhāg. P. 2, 4, 4.

samīda samīda, m. Fine wheat flour; cf. samitā.

samīna samīna, i. e. samā + īna (see sama), adj.
     1. Yearly, annual.
     2. Hired for a year.
     3. A year hence.

samīpa samīpa, i. e. sam-āp + a,
I. adj. Near, at hand.
II. n. Proximity, vicinity, Pañc. 81, 17; 167, 7; loc. pe, To, Pañc. 83, 25.

samīpatas samīpa + tas, adv. Before, near.
-- Comp. asmad-, i. e. asmatsamīpa + tas, adv. in our presence, Nal. 6, 4. deva-rāja-, adv. in the presence of the king of the gods, Arj. 2, 9.

samīpastha samīpa-stha, adj. Placed, or situated, or living near, Lass. 2. ed. 44, 3.

samīra and samira sami/īra, i. e. sam m. Air, wind, Bhāg. P. 8, 24, 36; Prab. 80, 3.

samīraṇa samīraṇa, i. e. sam-īr + ana,
I. m.
     1. Air, Mālat. 148, 20; wind, Arj. 4, 7.
     2. A traveller.
     3. A plant, commonly Maruvaka.
II. n. Throwing.

samukṣaṇa samukṣaṇa, i. e. sam-ukṣ + ana, n. Shedding, Mālat. 48, 18.

samuccaya samuccaya, i. e. sam-ud-ci + a, m.
     1. Collection, Cāṇ. 2 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 407.
     2. Coniunction of words or sentences.

samuccheda samuccheda, i. e. sam-ud-chid + a, m. Destroying, destruction, Kir. 11, 69.

samucchraya samucchraya, i. e. sam-ud-śri + a, m.
     1. Height, elevation.
     2. Opposition, enmity.

samucchrāya samucchrāya, i. e. sam-ud-śri + a, m. Height, elevation.

samutkarṣa samutkarṣa, i. e. sam-ud-kṛṣ + a, m. Boasting one's self as being of a high tribe, Man. 11, 55.

samutkrama samutkrama, i. e. sam-ud-kram + a, m. Rise, assent.

samutkrośa samutkrośa, i. e. sam-ud-kruś + a, m.
     1. Crying aloud.
     2. An osprey.

samuttha samuttha, i. e. sam-ud-stha, adj.
     1. Rising, Chr. 33, 34; getting up.
     2. Born, produced, Man. 8, 353.
     3. Occasioned, occurring.

samutthāna samutthāna, i. e. sam-ud-sthā + ana, n.
     1. Rising, getting up.
     2. Increase (as of size or wealth), Rām. 3, 49, 49.
     3. Healing a wound, perfect cure, Man. 8, 287.
     4. Symptom of disease.
     5. Performance of work, occupation.
     6. With saṃbhūya, Partnership, Man. 8, 4.

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samutpatti samutpatti, i. e. sam-ud pad + ti, f.
     1. Origin, Man. 1, 111; production, birth.
     2. Formation, Man. 5, 49.
     3. Occurrence, existence. Man. 6, 65.

samutpiñja samutpiñja, i. e. sam-ud-piñj + a, and samutpiñjala samutpiñja + la,
I. adj. Excessively confused.
II. m. An army in great disorder.

samutpiñjalaka samutpiñjala + ka, m. Excessive confusion, Johns. Sel. 13, 44.

samutpīḍana samutpīḍana, i. e. sam-ud-pīḍ + ana, n. Pressing, Lass. 87, 16.

samutsarga samutsarga, i. e. sam-ud-sṛj + a, m.
     1. Abandoning.
     2. Giving.
     3. Voiding of excrements, Man. 4, 50.

samutsāraṇa samutsāraṇa, i. e. sam-ud-sṛ, Caus., + ana, n. Pursuing, hunting, Śāk. 22, 1 (Prākṛ.).

samutsuka sam-utsuka, adj.
     1. Regretting, sorrowful, longing, Vikr. d. 10; 13.
     2. Agitated, Lass. 2. ed. 62, 42.
-- Comp. pari-, adj. very agitated, Rām. 2, 65, 11.

samutsukatva samutsuka + tva, n. Longing, desire, Ṛt. 6, 15.

samutsukaya samutsukaya, denomin. of sam-utsuka, Par. To cause to long for, Kir. 11, 81.

samutsedha samutsedha, i. e. sam-ud-sidh + a, m. Height, elevation, Rām. 6, 2, 7.
-- Comp. haima-citra-, adj., f. dhā, enchased with golden pictures, Draup. 8, 4.

samudaya and samudāya samuda/āya, i. e. sam-ud-i + a, m.
     1. Rising (as of the sun), rise.
     2. A day.
     3. Effort.
     4. Revenue, Man. 7, 56 (a).
     5. Multitude, Pañc. 82, 5 (ā); number, heap, Utt. Rāmac. 145, 8; Chr. 53, 5 (sam dayaṃ balānāṃ kṛtvā, Having collected his armies).
     6. War, battle.
     7. The rear or reserve of an army.

samudāgama sam-ud-ā-gam + a, m. Knowledge.

samudācāra samudācāra, i. e. sam-ud-ā-car + a, m.
     1. Intention, purpose, design.
     2. Proper, or right usage (address), Śāk. 67, 9 (Prākṛ.).

samudāya samudāya, see samudaya.

samudīraṇa samudīraṇa, i. e. sam-ud-īr + ana, n.
     1. Declaring, speaking, pronouncing, Dev. 4, 7.
     2. Repeating.

samudga samudga, i. e.
I. sam-ud-ga, adj.
     1. Who or what rises.
     2. Who or what pervades.
II. sa-mudga, m. A covered box, a casket.

samudgaka samudga + ka, m. A covered box, a casket, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 8.

samuddeśa samuddeśa, i. e. sam-ud-diś + a, m.
     1. Pointing out.
     2. Describing.
     3. Particularising.

samuddharaṇa samuddharaṇa, i. e. sam-ud-hṛ + ana, n.
     1. Taking out.
     2. Eradicating.
     3. Drawing up.
     4. Food vomited or thrown up.
     5. Extricating, lifting out.

samuddhartṛ samuddhartṛ, i. e. sam-ud-hṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. Who or what takes out, pulls out, etc.
     2. A deliverer, a redeemer.

samudbhava samudbhava, i. e. sam-ud-bhū + a, m. Origin, Man. 6, 61.
-- Comp. kula-, adj. descended from a high family, Hit. 7, 21 (v. r.). majjasamudbhava, i. e. majjan-, n. semen genitale. mad-bandhana-, adj. caused by (the binding of me, i. e.) my bondage, Pañc. iii. d. 162. vahni-dāha-, adj., f. , produced by burning, Pañc. v. d. 66. sārtha-bhraṃśa-, adj. beginning with the loss of the caravan, Pañc. 68, 21.

samudyama sam-ud-yam + a, m.
     1. Lifting up, Chr. 29, 25.
     2. Effort, exertion, Bhag. 1, 22.
     3. Commencing, onset.

samudra samudra, i. e.
I. sam-und + ra, m. A sea, the ocean, Pañc. 157, 25; Vikr. 68, 6.
II. sa-mudra (cf. mudrā), adj. Sealed, Man. 8, 188.
-- Comp. kṣāra-, m. the sea of salt, Bhāg. P. 5, 17, 6. kṣīra-, m. the sea of milk, Pañc. 44, 21. saṃsāra-, m. the ocean-like world, ib. 33, 15.

samudraga samudra-ga,
I. m.
     1. A trader by sea.
     2. A seaman.
II. f. , A river.

samudraja samudra-ja, adj. Born from the sea, Pañc. i. d. 88.

samudrāru samudrāru (from samudra), m.
     1. A shark.
     2. A large fabulous fish.
     3. Rāma's bridge.

samudvāha samudvāha, i. e. sam-ud-vah + a, m. Nuptials, Sāv. 3, 15.

samudvega samudvega, i. e. sam-ud-vij + a, m. Fear, Rām. 3, 55, 18.

samundana sam-und + ana, n. Wetness.

samunnati samunnati, i. e. sam-ud-nam + ti, f.
     1. Height, elevation, Hit. pr. d. 14, M.M.
     2. Rank, dignity.
     3. Pride.
     4. Increase, prosperity, Kir. 2, 21.
     5. Lifting up.

samunmūlana samunmūlana, i. e. sam-ud-mūl + ana, n. Unrooting, destruction, Utt. Rāmac. 31, 9.

samupajoṣam samupajoṣam, i. e. sam-upa-juṣ + a + m, adv. Happily.

samupaveśana samupaveśana, i. e. sam-upa-viś + ana, n. A building, Utt. Rāmac. 161, 10.

samupārjana samupārjana, i. e. sam-upa-arj + ana, n. Reconciliation, Man. 7, 152.

samūra samūra, and samūru samūru, m. A kind of deer.

samūha samūha, i. e. sam-ūh, or vah, + a, m. Assemblage, multitude, Śāk. d. 31; Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 10.
-- Comp. dāyāda-, m. all the kinsmen, Pañc. 222, 7. śastra-, n. (?), an arsenal.

samūhana samūhana, i. e. sam-ūh, or vah, + ana,
I. n. Collection, plenty, Man. 4, 102.
II. f. , A broom.

samṛddhi samṛddhi, i. e. sam-ṛdh + ti, f.
     1. Thriving, increase, Ragh. 8, 13 (at the end of a comp. adj.); gain, Pañc. 134, 8.
     2. Prosperity, Hit. i. d. 209, M. M.; well-being, Bhartṛ. 2, 34.
     3. Supremacy, power.
     4. Wealth, Pañc. ii. d. 71.
-- Comp. a-, f. misfortune, Man. 4, 137.

samṛddhin samṛddhin, i. e. sam-ṛddha + in (vb. ṛdh), adj., f. , Possessing plenty (of), Rām. 5, 53, 3.

samokas sam-okas, adj. Endowed, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10.

samodaka samodaka, i. e. sama-udaka, n. A mixture of half butter-milk and half water.

saṃpatti saṃpatti, i. e. sam-pad + ti, f. Prosperity, Hit. i. d. 141, M. M.; success, Lass. 3, 20; power.
-- Comp. a-, f. non-succeeding, Man. 12, 36. dhana-, f. wealth, Hit. pr. d. 11, M. M. rūpa-, f. beauty.

saṃpad saṃpad, i. e. sam-pad, f.
     1. Success, Hit. i. d. 183, M.M.; prosperity, Hit. i. d. 32, M.M.
     2. Blessing, Śāk. d. 189.
     3. Wealth, Śāk. 91, 13; power, Megh. 54.
     4. Accomplishment, Mālat. 104, 17; perfection, excellence, Hit. iii. d. 53; Śiś. 9, 1 (abhitāpa-, Most violent heat, excess of heat).
     5. Advancement in good qualities, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 7.
     6. Adornment, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 18.
     7. Fate, Bhag. 16, 3; 4.
     8. A necklace of pearls.
     9. A treasure, Man. 3, 255; Rājat. 5, 231.

saṃparāya saṃparāya, i. e. sam-parā-i + a, m.
     1. War, battle, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 2.
     2. Calamity.
     3. Futurity.
     4. A son.

saṃpariśoṣaṇa saṃpariśoṣaṇa, i. e. sam-pari-śuṣ + ana, n. Emaciation, Rām. 2, 10, 30.

saṃparka saṃparka, i. e. sam-pṛc + a, m.
     1. Mixture.
     2. Copulation.
     3. Union, Vikr. d. 13; Pañc. iii. d. 58.
     4. Contact, Megh. 26.

saṃparkin saṃparkin, i. e. saṃparka + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Blended, mixed.
     2. United with.
     3. In contact with.

saṃparkīya saṃparkīya, i. e. saṃparka + īya, adj. Liable to come in contact.

saṃpāka saṃpāka, i. e. sam-pac + a,
I. adj.
     1. Reasoning, a reasoner.
     2. Impudent.
     3. Lecherous, libertine.
     4. Small, little.
II. m. A tree, Cassia fistula.

saṃpāta saṃpāta, i. e. sam-pat + a, m.
     1. Concurrence, falling against each other, Johns. Sel. 58, 170; butting together, Pañc. 35, 7.
     2. Meeting, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 15.
     3. Descending, falling down, Bhartṛ. 2, 29; Vikr. 85, 20 (flashing); Daśak. in Chr. 186, 15 (flashing).
     4. Alighting (as a bird), flying (of arrows), Bhag. 1, 20.
     5. A special mode of flight (of birds), Pañc. ii. d. 57.
     6. Going, moving, Utt. Rāmac. 22, 8.
     7. Being removed, Man. 6, 56.
     8. The son of Garuda, a fabulous bird.
-- Comp. dhārā-, m. a shower of rain, Prab. 87, 9. nis-, adj. impassable, Hariv. 4286. vṛṣṭi-, m. a shower of rain, Rājat. 5, 275.

saṃpāti saṃpāti, i. e. sam-pat + i, m. A fabulous bird, Mahāvīrac. 74, 1.

saṃpātin saṃpātin, i. e. sam-pat + in, adj., f. , Falling together, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 11.

saṃpādana saṃpādana, i. e. sam-pad, Caus. + ana, n.
     1. Accomplishing, Vikr. 37, 7 (vrata-, The completion of a vow); effecting, making, Pañc. 133, 1.
     2. Cleansing, Man. 3, 255.
     3. Attaining.
     4. Acquiring.

saṃpīḍa saṃpīḍa, i. e. sam-pīḍ + a,
I. m.
     1. Pain, torture.
     2. Agitating, Kir. 7, 12.
     3. Sending.
II. f. ḍā, Torment, Man. 12, 76.

saṃpīḍana saṃpīḍana, i. e. sam-pīḍ + ana, n.
     1. Pressing.
     2. Castigation, punishment.
     3. Sending.

saṃpīti saṃpīti, i. e. sam-pā + ti, f. Drinking in company.

saṃpuṭa saṃpuṭa (cf. puṭa), m.
     1. Cavity, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 2; Ṛt. 1, 21.
     2. A covered box.
     3. A flower, commonly Kuruvaka.

saṃpuṭaka saṃpuṭa + ka,
I. m. A casket.
II. f. ṭikā, A box filled with ornaments, Pañc. ii. d. 177.

saṃpūjana saṃpūjana, i. e. sam-pūj + ana, n. Treating with respect, reverence, Man. 3, 137.

saṃprakṣālana saṃprakṣālana, i. e. sam-pra-kṣal, Caus., + ana, n. Inundation, Matsyop. 28.

saṃpraṇetṛ saṃpraṇetṛ, i. e. sam-pra-nī + tṛ, m.
     1. A judge, Man. 7, 26.
     2. A ruler.

saṃpratāpana saṃpratāpana, i. e. sam-pra-tap, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Heating, burning.
     2. Afflicting.
     3. One of the hells, Man. 4, 89.

saṃprati saṃprati, i. e. sam-prati, adv. Now, at this time, Pañc. 172, 9; Vikr. d. 15.

saṃpratipatti saṃpratipatti, i. e. sam-prati-pad + ti, f.
     1. Agreement.
     2. Admission.
     3. Co-operation.
     4. Presence, company.
     5. Assault.
     6. Doing, performing.

saṃpratirodhaka saṃpratirodhaka, i. e. sam-prati-rudh + aka, n. Durance, actual confinement.

saṃpratīti saṃpratīti, i. e. sam-prati-i + ti, f. Fame, notoriety, Kir. 3, 43.

saṃpradātṛ saṃpradātṛ, i. e. sam-pra-dā + tṛ, m. A giver, Man. 9, 186.

saṃpradāna saṃpradāna, i. e. sam-pra-dā + ana, n.
     1. Giving, gift, Hit. iv. d. 108.
     2. Bestowing in marriage, Man. 7, 152.

saṃpradāya saṃpradāya, i. e. sam-pra-dā + a, m.
     1. Traditional doctrine, Utt. Rāmac. 39, 12 (datta-divya-astra-, adj. Possessed of the traditional knowledge of the celestial arms); Rājat. 5, 139.
     2. A peculiar doctrine and exclusive worship of one divinity.

saṃpradhāraṇā saṃpradhāraṇā, i. e. sam-pra-dhṛ, Caus., + ana, f. Deliberation, determining the propriety or impropriety of anything.

saṃpramoṣa saṃpramoṣa, i. e. sam-pra-muṣ + a, m. Suppression, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 26.

saṃprayoga saṃprayoga, i. e. sam-pra-yuj + a, m.
     1. Union, Mālat. 36, 8; copulation, connexion.
     2. Mutual relation, proportion.
     3. Order, natural series.
     4. Magic.

saṃprayogin saṃprayogin, i. e. saṃprayoga + in, m.
     1. A joiner.
     2. A libertine.
     3. A catamite.
     4. A conjuror.

saṃpraveśa saṃpraveśa, i. e. sam-pra-viś + a, m. Entrance, Rājat. 5, 235.

saṃpraśna saṃpraśna, i. e. sam-prach + na, m. Asking, question, Hit. ii. d. 56.

saṃprasāda saṃprasāda, i. e. sam-pra-sad + a, m.
     1. Favour, grace, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 5.
     2. Serenity, Windischmann, Sankara, 171.

saṃprahāra saṃprahāra, i. e. sam-pra-hṛ + a, m.
     1. Striking, wounding.
     2. War, battle, Śāk. 98, 14.
     3. Going, motion.
-- Comp. dvaṃdva-, m. a single combat, Utt. Rāmac. 121, 8.

saṃprāpti saṃprāpti, i. e. sam-pra-āp + ti, f.
     1. Obtaining, Pañc. 5, 10; acquisition, ib. 104, 1.
     2. Gaining, Man. 7, 208.

saṃprīti saṃprīti, i. e. sam-prī + ti,
     1. Attachment, affection, Man. 3, 113.
     2. Friendly assent, 8, 146.
     3. Delight.

saṃpreṣaṇa saṃpreṣaṇa, i. e. sam-pra -1. iṣ + ana, n. Sending, Man. 7, 153.

saṃplava saṃplava, i. e. sam-plu + a, m.
     1. Surge, Rām. 1, 32, 17.
     2. Submerging, submersion, Hariv. 12375; inundation.
     3. Falling on all sides, Man. 4, 103; ruin, Hit. i. d. 72, M. M. (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 458).

saṃphāla saṃphāla, i. e. sam-sphal + a, m. A ram.

sambsamb, śamb śamb, sāmb sāmb, i. 10, Par. To connect.
-- Cf. sarb.

saṃbandha saṃbandha, i. e. sam-bandh + a,
     1. Connexion, union, Man. 3, 157; Utt. Rāmac. 27, 15 (mad-, with me); Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 9 (of intimately united subjects, cf. 204, 1; 212, 19; 21).
     2. Relationship, Pañc. ii. d. 106; relation, Hit. i. d. 157, M.M. (asyedam iti sambandho hānau duḥkhena gamyate, The proprietary connection between them is ascertained only by his grief in losing it).
     3. Fitness, propriety.
     4. Success, prosperity.
-- Comp. saptati-, m. a collection of seventy tales, Lass. 40, 12. su-, adj. well joined, Pañc. ii. d. 136. strī-, m. marriage.

saṃbandhaka saṃbandha + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Relating, concerning.
     2. Fit, suitable, Chr. 55, 7.
     3. m. (viz. saṃdhi), Proceeding from relationship, name of a kind of alliance, Hit. iv. d. 123.
II. m. A friend, Rām. 1, 12, 21.

saṃbandhin saṃbandhin, i. e. saṃbandha + in, adj. and sbst., f. ,
     1. Connected with, Pañc. iii. d. 141; inherent, Vedāntas. in Chr. 214, 2; referring to, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 22.
     2. Related, Man. 2, 132; 4, 179; a relation by marriage, Utt. Rāmac. 12, 4; 98, 3.
     3. Belonging to, Pañc. 121, 25.
     4. Possessing good qualities.

sambara sambara, see śambara.

sambala sambala,
I. (m.), n. Stock for travelling expenses.
II. n. Water (cf. śambala, śambara).

saṃbādha saṃbādha, i. e. sam-bādh + a,
I. m.
     1. Being thronged, Hariv. 2677.
     2. Pressing on, pressure, Johns. Sel. 60, 185.
     3. Difficulty, Mārk. P. 21, 1.
     4. The road to Tartarus.
     5. The vulva.
     6. Fear.
II. adj., f. dhā (Rām. 1, 40, 22, Schlegel; 2, 65, 33, Seramp.; Śakuntalop. ap. Chezy, ii. 29).
     1. Narrow.
     2. Crowded, Ragh. 12, 67.
     3. Blocked up, Pañc. i. d. 427 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1446); impassable.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. large, MBh. 2, 345. 2. lonely, Kir. 3, 53. abhi-, adj., f. dhā, very narrow. ā-, adj. crowded, full of, Rām. 5, 23, 21. nis-, adj. 1. large, Suśr. 1, 241, 7. 2. shortest (properly, without any obstruction), Daśak. in Chr. 186, 16. śara-, adj., f. dhā, covered with arrows, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 2. hastyaśvaratha-, i. e. hastin-aśva-ratha-, adj., f. dhā, crowded by elephants, horses, and carriages, Rām. 3, 54, 16.

saṃbādhana saṃbādhana, i. e. sam-bādh + ana, n.
     1. Obstructing, Pañc. i. d. 427 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1446).
     2. A barrier, a gate.
     3. A door-keeper.
     4. The point of a stake or spit.

saṃbuddhi saṃbuddhi, i. e. sam-budh + ti, f.
     1. Calling, or calling to.
     2. (In grammar), The vocative case, Pāṇ. 2, 3, 49.

saṃbodha saṃbodha, i. e. sam-budh + a, m. Instructing, informing.

saṃbodhana saṃbodhana, i. e. sam-budh + ana,
     1. Calling.
     2. Addressing, Chr. 38, 16.
     3. (In grammar), The vocative case (see saṃbuddhi).

saṃbhava saṃbhava, i. e. sam-bhū + a, m.
     1. Mixing, union.
     2. Adaptation, appropriateness.
     3. Adequacy, ability.
     4. Possibility.
     5. Compatibility, consistency.
     6. Agreement.
     7. Acquaintance.
     8. Destruction, loss.
     9. Springing up, Hit. iv. d. 72; origin, Man. 1, 116; birth, Mālat. 156, 6; Pañc. 263, 23; production, Hit. 16, 5, M.M.
     10. Producing and rearing, Man. 2, 227.
     11. Cause, motive, Pañc. i. d. 328 (grahaṇa-, of taking, viz. the life of a dependent).
-- Comp. a-,
I. m. 1. non-existence, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 872; impossibility, Pañc. ii. d. 4. 2. omission, Man. 11, 27.
II. adj. impossible, Hit. i. d. 27, M.M. apunaḥsambhava, i. e. a-punar-, adj., f. , not rising again, Rājat. 1, 161. asthi-,
I. adj. produced by the bones, MBh. 1, 1514.
II. m. the marrow. ātmasambhava-, i. e. ātman-,
I. m. a son, Rām. 5, 18, 27.
II. f. , a daughter, ib. 3, 20, 22. ūru-, adj., f. , produced from the thigh, Vikr. 8, 17. kumbha-, adj., m. epithet of Agastya, Bhāg. P, 6, 3, 35. garbha-, m. the production of an embryo, pregnancy, Yājñ. 1, 69, dadhi-, adj. prepared of milk, Man. 5, 10. deva-yajana-, adj., f. , sprung up from a place prepared for a sacrifice, Utt. Rāmac. 10, 4. padma-, adj., m. epithet of Brahman, Hariv. 3233. paulomī-, adj. born from Paulomī, Vikr. d. 152. mānuṣa-, adj. coming from a man, Pañc. 141, 3. viśāla-kula-, adj. sprung from an illustrious race, Hit. pr. d. 39, M. M. sura-ari-, adj. caused by an enemy of the gods, Vikr. d. 5.

saṃbhāra saṃbhāra, i. e. sam-bhṛ + a, m.
     1. Maintaining, supporting.
     2. Apparatus, things required for any act or affair, Rām. 1, 11, 13; Pañc. 157, 22.
     3. Provision, getting everything ready.
     4. Completion, Mālat. 171, 5.
     5. Fullness, wealth, Nal. 26, 24.
     6. Multitude, heap, quantity, Utt. Rāmac. 141, 8; Pañc. i. d. 35; Rājat. 5, 273.

saṃbhāvana saṃbhāvana, i. e. sam-bhū, Caus., + ana, n., and f. ,
     1. Adequacy, ability.
     2. Fitness.
     3. Possibility.
     4. Doubt.
     5. Considering, Ragh. 5, 28 (f.); reflecting.
     6. Review, Pañc. 218, 6 (f.).
     7. Thought, Mālav. 38, 15 (Prākṛ.).
     8. Worship, Pañc. 264, 4; honour, Rājat. 5, 328.
     9. Love, Śāk. d. 163 (f.).
-- Comp. sarpatva-, f. imagination of being a snake, mistaking for a snake, Vedāntas. in Chr. 206, 7.

saṃbhāṣa saṃbhāṣa, i. e. sam-bhāṣ + a,
I. m. Conversation, Man. 2, 195; in sneha-, Kind conversation, Pañc. 51, 23.
II. f.
     1. Greeting, Hit. i. d. 38, M. M.
     2. A criminal connexion, Man. 8, 363.
     3. Contract, agreement.
     4. War-cry, watch-word.
-- Comp. madhura-saṃbhāṣa, adj. discoursing agreeably, Chr. 53, 2.

saṃbhāṣaṇa saṃbhāṣaṇa, i. e. sam-bhāṣ + ana, n.
     1. Conversation, Lass. 41, 17.
     2. Sexual intercourse, Lass. 10, 20.
     3. War-cry, watchword.

saṃbhūti saṃbhūti, i. e. sam-bhū + ti, f.
     1. Combination.
     2. Birth, Man. 2, 147.
     3. Origin, Rājat. 5, 73; production.
-- Comp. garbha-, f. pregnancy, Kathās. 5, 61.

saṃbhṛti saṃbhṛti, i. e. sam-bhṛ + ti, f.
     1. Support, nourishment.
     2. Preparation, provision.
     3. Plenitude, fullness.

saṃbheda saṃbheda, i. e. sam-bhid + a, m.
     1. Breaking, splitting.
     2. Union, mixture, Mālat. 167, 4.
     3. The confluence of two rivers, Man. 8, 356, or the junction of a river with the sea.

saṃbhoga saṃbhoga, i. e. sam-bhuj + a, m.
     1. Enjoyment, Pañc. ii. d. 67; sensual enjoyment, Rājat. 5, 230.
     2. Coition, Megh. 94; copulation.
     3. A catamite.
     4. Use, occupation, Man. 8, 200.
-- Comp. a-, m. non-enjoyment, Hit. i. d. 156, M.M.

saṃbhojana saṃbhojana, i. e. sam-bhuj + ana,
I. adj., f. , Convivial, Man. 8, 141.
II. n. A meal.

saṃbhrama saṃbhrama, i. e. sam-bhram + a, m.
     1. Turning round, revolving.
     2. Haste, MBh. 1, 764.
     3. Confusion arising from fear, joy, haste, etc.; cheerful quickness, Bhartṛ. 2, 54; zeal, Rājat. 5, 306.
     4. Fear, alarm, Man. 4, 118; Pañc. 52, 16.
     5. Error, ignorance.
     6. Reverence, Hit. iv. d. 103 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3337).
-- Comp. a- and nis-, adj. unembarrassed, Rājat. 5, 82; 4, 94. sa-sambhrama + m, adv. 1. hastily, Śāk. 6, 15; Pañc. 198, 9. 2. in confusion, Śāk. 40, 18; perplexed, Pañc. 140, 24. 3. in fear, Vikr. 25, 20. su-, m. great haste, Hit. pr. d. 15, M.M.

saṃbhramabhṛt saṃbhrama-bhṛ + t, adj. Embarrassed, Śiś. 9, 71.

saṃmati saṃmati, i. e. sam-man + ti, f.
     1. Agreement.
     2. Approbation, Pañc. 229, 1.
     3. Regard, respect, Kir. 10, 36.
     4. Real knowledge.
     5. Wish, desire.

saṃmada saṃmada, i. e. sam-mad + a, m. Joy, Mālat. 77, 11; happiness, Govardh. Āryā Saptaśatī, 275, d.

saṃmarda saṃmarda, i. e. sam-mṛd + a, m.
     1. Friction, rubbing.
     2. War, battle, Kathās. 3, 66.
     3. Trampling on, treading on, Rājat. 5, 57.

saṃmāda saṃmāda, i. e. sam-mad + a, m. Intoxication, frenzy.

saṃmāna saṃmāna, i. e.
I. sam-man + a, n. (Wils. and thus Hit. ii. d. 132, but Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2755 corrects °naḥ, m.; the n. is against the general rule), Respect, honour, Man. 2, 162.
II. saṃmā + ana, n. Measure.
-- Comp. a-, m. no honour, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 164.

saṃmārjaka saṃmārjaka, i. e. sam-mṛj + aka, m. A sweeper.

saṃmārjana saṃmārjana, i. e. sam-mṛj + ana,
I. n. Cleaning, purifying, sweeping, Pañc. 27, 5; 26, 22.
II. f. , A broom.

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saṃmiśra saṃmiśra, i. e. sam-miśra, adj. Mixed, blended, joined.

saṃmiśla saṃmiśla (= the last, with l for r), adj. Endowed, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10.

saṃmukhīna saṃmukhīna, i. e. sam-mukha + īna, adj. Before, in front of.

saṃmūrchana saṃmūrchana, i. e. sam-murch + ana, n.
     1. Uniform, or universal expansion, or permeation.
     2. Increasing.
     3. Height.
     4. Fainting, insensibility.

saṃmelana saṃmelana, i. e. sam-mil + ana, n. Union, Utt. Rāmac. 177, 9.

saṃmoda saṃmoda, i. e. sam-mud + a, m. Pleasure, delight.

saṃmoha saṃmoha, i. e. sam-muh + a, m.
     1. Beguilement, fascination.
     2. Stupefaction, Utt. Rāmac. 107, 8.
     3. Folly.
     4. Illusion of mind, Man. 7, 12.
     5. Ignorance.
     6. Fainting.

samyañc samyañc, i. e. sama-añc (the final a of sama is changed to ī, as before as, kṛ, bhū),
I. adj., f. mīcī.
     1. Going with, accompanying.
     2. Same, common, uniform.
     3. Accurate, correct.
     4. Right, true.
     5. Pleasant, agreeable.
II. acc. sing. n. yak, adv.
     1. Properly, fitly, rightly, Man. 2, 14; well, Pañc. 134, 7; Vikr. 39, 7.
     2. Duly, Man. 3, 76; Pañc. 128, 17.
     3. By honourable means, Man. 7, 60.
     4. Distinctly, Man. 2, 101; Pañc. 167, 6.
     5. Wholly, completely, Pañc. 72, 17.
     6. Comprehensively, Man. 2, 89.
     7. With, Nal. 9, 8.
     8. Together, Lass. 98, 14 = Rigv. v. 9, 5.

samrāj sam-rāj, m. A paramount sovereign, one who rules over other princes, and has performed the Rājasūya sacrifice; a sovereign, Rājat. 5, 135.

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saysay, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

sara sara, i. e. sṛ + a,
I. adj. Who or what goes.
II. m.
     1. Going.
     2. An arrow (? see śara).
     3. The coagulum of curds or milk.
     4. Salt, saltness.
III. m., and f. or , A waterfall.
IV. n.
     1. Water.
     2. A pond, a lake, Pañc. 131, 15.
-- Comp. maṇi-, m. a necklace, Utt. Rāmac. 18, 6. mauktika-, m. a string of pearls, Utt. Rāmac. 24, 13.
-- Cf. Lat. serum; [greek] Lat. sal; Goth. salt; A.S. sealt; [greek] Lat. salum, insula; [greek] A.S. siringie.

saraka saraka, i. e. sṛ + aka,
I. adj. Going, moving.
II. m. and n.
     1. A continuous line of road.
     2. Spirituous liquor.
     3. Drinking spirits.
     4. A drinking vessel.
     5. Distribution of spirits.
III. n.
     1. Going.
     2. A lake.
     3. Heaven.
-- Comp. tri-, n. a mixture of three spirituous liquors, Śiś. 10, 12.

saraghā saraghā, f. A bee, Ragh. 4, 63.

saraja sara-ja, n. Fresh butter.

saraṭ saraṭ, m.
     1. Air, wind.
     2. A cloud.
     3. A lizard.
     4. (ved.), A bee, Chr. 297, 21 = Rigv. i. 112, 21.

saraṭa saraṭa, and śaraṭa śaraṭa, m. The gecko, Lacerta gecko, Man. 12, 57 (with s).

saraṭi saraṭi, m.
     1. Wind.
     2. A cloud (cf. saraṭ).

saraṇa saraṇa, i. e. sṛ + ana,
I. adj. Who or what goes.
II. n.
     1. Going.
     2. Oxidised iron.
III. f. ṇā and ṇi, A plant, Paederia fetida.

saraṇi and ṇī saraṇi/ī, i. e. sṛ + ana + ī, f.
     1. A path, a road.
     2. A straight or continuous line.
     3. A disease of the throat. Cf. the last.

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saraṇḍa saraṇḍa, m.
     1. A bird.
     2. A rogue.
     3. A sort of ornament.

saraṇyu saraṇyu (vb. sṛ + aṇa + ya + u), m.
     1. Air, wind.
     2. Water.
     3. A cloud.
-- Cf. [greek].

saramā saramā, f.
     1. The bitch of the gods, MBh. 1, 671.
     2. The daughter of Dakṣa, Viṣṇu P. 122, n. 19.
     3. The wife of Rāvaṇa's brother.

sarayu sarayu (vb. sṛ),
I. m. Air, wind.
II. f., also , The name of a river, Rām. 2, 49, 15 ().

sarala sarala (vb. sṛ),
I. adj.
     1. Straight, Pañc. ii. d. 189.
     2. Upright, honest, Mālat. 38, 1.
II. m. A sort of pine, Pinus longifolia Roxb., Megh. 54.

saras saras, i. e. sṛ + as (cf. sara),
I. n., and f. .
     1. A large pond, Pañc. 159, 14 (ras); Kir. 12, 51 (rasī).
     2. A piece of water in which the lotus grows.
II. n. Water.
-- Comp. karpūra-, Tṛṇa-vindu-, n. names of lakes, Hit. 84, 13, M.M. (karpūra-); MBh. 3, 15365 (tṛṇavindu-). Nabhas-, n. clouds, sky, Rām. 5, 55, 4. hima-, n. cold water, Mālat. 17, 9.
-- Cf. O.N. sir, saer, sior (sea); A. S. sirendae.

sarasa sarasa, i. e. saras + a, and sa-rasa,
I. n.
     1. A pond.
     2. (or m. ?), Alchemy, Rājat. 4, 247.
     3. A substitute for saras at the end of some comp. words.
II. adj.
     1. Tasty, juicy, Megh. 14.
     2. Beautiful, charming, Mālat. 51, 5; Bhartṛ. 1, 6; agreeable, Ṛt. 1, 2.
     3. New, Śiś. 9, 85.
     4. Impassioned.
     5. °sam, adv. Enraptured, Vikr. 57, 11.

sarasija saras + i-ja, n. A lotus, Kir. 5, 39.

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sarasīruha sarasī-ruh + a (see saras), n. A lotus, Mālat. 169, 9.

sarasvant saras + vant,
I. adj.
     1. Juicy, sapid.
     2. Elegant.
     3. Sentimental.
II. m.
     1. The ocean.
     2. A male river.
     3. A buffalo.
III. f. vatī.
     1. The wife of Brahman, the goddess of speech and eloquence, Rājat. 5, 415; of wisdom, Vikr. d. 162.
     2. The wife of a Muni.
     3. An excellent woman.
     4. Speech, Hit. 116, 8; Ragh. 15, 46, ed. Calc.; Rām. 1, 2, 34 (? modulation); the faculty or its exercise.
     5. A river.
     6. The name of a river, Chr. 20, 24.
     7. A crow.

sarāgatā sa-rāga + tā, f. State of being coloured or red, Pañc. i. d. 194.

sari sari, i. e. sṛ + i, f. A waterfall.

sarit sarit, i. e. sṛ + it (for sarant, ptcple. pres.), f.
     1. A river, Man. 1, 24; Vikr. 68, 5 (paramārtha-, Indeed a river).
     2. Thread.
-- Comp. ku-, f. a rivulet, Pañc. ii. d. 92. dyu-, f. the celestial Gaṅgā, Bhartṛ. 3, 85.

sariman and sarīman sari/īman (vb. sṛ), m. Wind.

sarīsṛpa sarīsṛpa, i.e/ sarīsṛp (frequent. of sṛp), + a, m. A snake.

sarogitā sarogitā, i. e. sa-roga + in + tā, f. Sickliness, Hit. ii. d. 4.

saroja saroja, i. e. saras-ja, n. A lotus, Śiś. 9, 30; 65.

sarojin sarojin, i. e. saroja + in,
I. m. Brahman.
II. f. .
     1. A lotus, Bhartṛ. 1, 100.
     2. A multitude of lotuses.
     3. A pond abounding in lotuses.

saroruh saroruh, and saroruha saroruha, n., and -ruhiṇi -ruhiṇī, f., i. e. saras-ruh, and -ruh + a, and + in + ī, A lotus, Lass. 73, 15 (ha); Utt. Rāmac. 24, 1 (ha); Kir. 4, 34 (hiṇī).

sarga sarga, i. e. sṛj + a, m.
     1. Abandoning, letting go.
     2. Creation, Man. 1, 27.
     3. Natural property, nature, Bhag. 5, 19.
     4. Certainty,
     5. Tendency of a thing.
     6. Assent, agreement.
     7. Effort, will, Ragh. 3, 51.
     8. A chapter, Rām. i. sarga 1, sqq.; a book, Śiś. 1, sqq.
     9. Voiding, as of excrement.
-- Comp. ādi-, m. first creation, MBh. 14, 1095. tri-, m. the threefold production (of qualities), Bhāg. P. 1, 1, 1.

sarjsarj, i. 1, Par. To gain (cf. arj).

sarja sarja, m.
     1. A tree, Shorea robusta, Mālat. 148, 14.
     2. Another tree, Pentaptera arjuna.
     3. The resinous exudation of the Shorea robusts, MBh. 1, 5723.

sarjana sarjana, i. e. sṛj + ana, n.
     1. Abandoning.
     2. Creating.
     3. Voiding.
     4. The rear or reserve of an army.

sarjū sarjū, i. e. sṛj + ū,
I. m. A merchant.
II. f.
     1. Lightning.
     2. A necklace.
     3. Going, following.

sarpa sarpa, i. e. sṛp + a,
I. m.
     1. Sliding motion.
     2. A snake, Man. 1, 37; Pañc. iii. d. 46.
II. f. , The female of the snake.
-- Comp. kāla-, and kṛṣṇa-, m. a particular snake, Coluber Naga, Lass. 16, 11; Pañc. i. d. 233.
-- Cf. Lat. serpens, [greek]

sarpaṇa sarpaṇa, i. e. sṛp + ana, n.
     1. Gliding, going.
     2. The slow flight of an arrow nearly parallel to the ground.

sarpabhuj sarpa-bhuj, m.
     1. A peacock.
     2. A crane.
     3. A large snake.

sarpin sarpin, i. e. sṛp + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Gliding, creeping.
     2. Moving, Kir. 5, 35.
II. f. iṇī.
     1. A female serpent, Pañc. 210, 12.
     2. A small medicinal shrub.
-- Comp. pīṭha-, m. a cripple, Man. 8, 394.

sarpiṣmant sarpiṣmant, i. e. sarpis + mant, adj., f. matī, Seasoned with clarified butter, Utt. Rāmac. 90, 9.

sarpis sarpis, i. e. sṛp + is, n. Clarified butter, Pañc. iii. d. 27.

sarbsarb, samb samb, i. 1, Par. To go.

sarma sarma, i. e. sṛ + ma, m. Going.

sarv sarv, see śarv.

sarva sarva, probably sa + tra + va,
I. adj., f. .
     1. All, Nal. 17, 50.
     2. Every, Megh. 20; 91.
     3. Whole, entire, Pañc. 53, 24.
II. m. Viṣṇu, Śiva.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. soll-ennis, soll-ers, salvus, salus (= ved. sarva + tāti, [greek]).

sarvaṃsaha sarvaṃsaha, i. e. sarva + m-sah + a,
I. adj.
     1. All-sustaining.
     2. Patient, enduring.
II. f. , The earth, Govardh. Āryā Saptaśatī, 163, d.

sarvaka sarva + ka, adj. All, every.

sarvakarmīṇa sarvakarmīṇa, i. e. sarva-karman + īna, adj. Performing, or conversant with, every business.

sarvaga sarva-ga,
I. adj. All-pervading.
II. m.
     1. Brahman.
     2. Śiva.
     3. Soul, spirit.
III. n. Water.

sarvagatatva sarva-gata + tva (vb. gam), n. Omnipresence, Bhāṣāp. 25.

sarvaguhyamaya sarva-guhya + maya (vb. guh), adj. Made up of all mystery, Johns. Sel. 23, 117.

sarvaṃkaṣa sarvaṃkaṣa, i. e. sarva + m-kaṣ + a,
I. adj. All-pervading, allsubduing, Mālat. 14, 19.
II. m. A rogue.

sarvajit sarva-ji + t, adj.
     1. Allsubduing, irresistible.
     2. All-surpassing.

sarvajña sarva-jña,
I. adj. Omniscient, Hit. 129, 9; Bhartṛ. 2, 8.
II. m. Śiva.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not omniscient, Rājat. 5, 317.

sarvajñānamaya sarva-jñāna + maya, adj., f. yt, Containing every knowledge, Man. 2, 7.

sarvatas sarva + tas, adv., and prep. with the acc., Siddh. K. 36, a.
     1. From every quarter, Man. 2, 240; from every part, Pañc. iii. d. 51; from everybody, i. d. 156 (cf. Böhhtl. Ind. Spr. 1031).
     2. In every direction, Nal. 1, 25.
     3. Round about, Chr. 4, 19.
     4. Wholly, entirely.

sarvatejomaya sarvatejomaya, i. e. sarva-tejas + maya, adj., f. , Containing every splendour, Man. 7, 11.

sarvatodikka sarvatodikka, i. e. sarvatas-diś + ka, adj. Diffused over all quarters, Rājat. 5, 262.

sarvatodiśam sarvatodiśam, i. e. sarvatas-diś + a + m, adv. To every quarter (of the world), Nal. 16, 5.

sarvatra sarva + tra,
I. = loc. of sarva, Cāṇ. 48 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 410.
II. adv.
     1. In all places, everywhere, Pañc. ii. d. 125.
     2. At all times, always, Vikr. 30, 14; 39, 14.

sarvathā sarva + thā, adv.
     1. In all ways, by all means, Pañc. 161, 13; with na, Not at all, Mālat. 154, 13.
     2. At every time, Man. 2, 15.
     3. Certainly, Vikr. 32, 8.
     4. Exceeding, mostly, completely, Hit. 81, 22.

sarvadā sarva + dā, adv. At all times, always, Rām. 6, 10, 23; Pañc. ii. d. 25.

sarvadevamaya sarva-deva + maya, adj., f. , Made of, or comprising all, the gods, Pañc. i. d. 136.

sarvadhurāvaha sarva-dhurā-vah + a, and sarvadhurīṇa sarva-dhurīṇa, m. An ox fit for any carriage or draught.

sarvaṃdama sarvaṃdama, i. e. sarva + m-dam + a, m. A name of Bharata.

sarvabhūtakṛt sarva-bhūta-kṛ + t, adj. Who or what causes all that exists, Man. 1, 18.

sarvabhūtamaya sarva-bhūta + maya, adj.
I. Comprising all beings, Man. 1, 7.
II. m. The supreme Spirit.

sarvabhūtātman sarvabhūtātman, i. e. sarva-bhūta-ātman, m. The universal all-pervading Spirit, Man. 1, 54.

sarvamaya sarva + maya, adj., f. , General, universal, comprehensive.

sarvamedhyatva sarva-medhya + tva, n. Perfect purity, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3296 = Pañc. iii. d. 212.

sarvartuka sarvartuka, i. e. sarva-ṛtu + ka, adj. Fit for, or inhabitable in, every season, Man. 7, 76.

sarvaśas sarva + śas, adv.
     1. Universally, everywhere, Johns. Sel. 29, 34.
     2. All together, Chr. 37, 1; Nal. 2, 22; 12, 85.

sarvasiddhārtha sarvasiddhārtha, i. e. sarva-siddha (vb. sidh), -artha, adj. Having every wish attained, Man. 1, 83.

sarvāṅgīṇa sarvāṅgīṇa, i. e. sarva-aṅga + īna, adj.
     1. Spreading through the whole body, spread over all the limbs, Vikr. d. 51; thrilling through the whole body, d. 149.
     2. Relating to the Aṅgas or parts of science collectively.

sarvānnīna sarvānnīna, i. e. sarva-anna + īna, adj. Eating all sorts of food.

sarṣapa sarṣapa,
I. m.
     1. sort of mustard, Sinapis dichotoma, Windischmann, Sankara, 165.
     2. A small measure of weight, a mustard seed so considered.
     3. A sort of poison.
II. f. , A small bird.
-- Comp. gaura-, m. 1. white mustard, Sinapis glauca, Man. 5, 120; Suśr. 1, 16, 10. 2. a measure of weight, Man. 8, 133. rājasarṣapa, i. e. rājan-, m. 1. mustard. 2. a measure of weight, Man. 8, 133.

salsal, i. 1, Par. To go (cf. sṛ).

salila salila (vb. sṛ, cf. sara), n. Water, Pañc. 165, 7.
-- Comp. aṅtaḥsalila, i. e. antar-, adj., f. , containing water, Ragh. 3. 9. a-gādha-, adj. having bottomless water, Pañc. ii. d. 21. nayana-, n. tears, Megh. 40; 88. niḥsalila, i. e. nis-, adj. deprived of water. Rājat. 1, 33.

salilapūravat salila-pūra + vat, adv. Like a large quantity of water, Pañc. ii. d. 42.

salilasthalacara salila-sthala-cara, adj. sbst. Living in water and on the land, Pañc. 131, 12.

salileśaya salileśaya, i. e. salila + i + śī + a, adj. Lying in water, Lass. 50, 7.

salokatā sa-loka + tā, f. Condition of dwelling in the same world as, Man. 11, 220.

sava sava, i. e. su, and sū, + a,
I. m.
     1. Sacrifice.
     2. Offspring.
     3. The sun.
     4. The moon.
II. n.
     1. Sprinkling the Soma, or juice of the acid Asclepias.
     2. The juice of flowers.
     3. Water.
-- Comp. go-, m. a kind of sacrifice, Man. 11, 74.

savana savana, i. e. su, and sū, + ana,
I. m. The moon.
II. n.
     1. Extracting and drinking the Soma, or juice of the acid Asclepias.
     2. A sacrifice, Rām. 1, 13, 5.
     3. Bearing children, bringing forth young.

savitṛ savitṛ, i. e. sū + tṛ,
I. m. The sun, Vikr. d. 20.
II. f. trī, A mother.
III. adj. Causing, Kir. 3, 5.

savṛddhika sa-vṛddhi + ka, adj. Bearing interest.

savya savya, adj.
     1. Left, left hand, Pañc. i. d. 86.
     2. Southern, south.
     3. Backward, reverse, contrary.
-- Comp. apa-,
I. adj. right (not left), Man. 3, 214; apasavyaṃ kṛ, to keep the right side towards one, ib.
II. apasavyam, adv. from the left to the right, Man. 3, 279.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. scaevus. probably also sinister.

savyatas savya + tas, adv. On one's left hand, Chr. 31, 14.

savyasācin savyasācin, perhaps savya-sa-añc + in (cf. sāci), m. (Drawing the bow with his left hand), a name of Arjuna, Pañc. iii. d. 237.

savyeṣṭhṛ savyeṣṭhṛ, i. e. savya + i-sthār (sthār for sthān, with r for n, and sthān for sthānt, old ptcple. pres. of sthā), m. A charioteer.

saśc saśc, see sac.

sas sas, † śas śas, † saṃst saṃst, † śaṃst śaṃst, ii. 2, Par. To sleep.

sasya sasya, n.
     1. Fruit, Nal. 24, 52 (at the end of a comp. adj., f. ).
     2. Corn, grain, Man. 4, 26 (cf. śasya, under śaṃs).
     3. A weapon (cf. śas).
     4. A quality, an excellence (cf. śaṃs).
-- Cf. perhaps [greek].

sasyaka sasya + ka,
I. adj. Possessed of all good qualities.
II. n.
     1. A sort of precious stone.
     2. A sword.

sah 1. sah (probably a combination of two originally different verbs, viz. sah, 'to conquer,' cf. sahas, and sa-vah, 'to bear,' cf. infin. soḍhum = sa-voḍhum, ptcple. of the pf. pass. soḍha = sa-ūḍha), i. 1, Ātm. (also Par.), and † i. 10, Par.
     1. To bear, Vikr. d. 135; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 997 (Par.); to undergo, Man. 2, 227.
     2. To endure, Bhartṛ. 2, 30.
     3. To allow, Pañc. 135, 7 (Par.).
     4. To forbear (with gen.), Bhag. 11, 44.
     5. To be patient, to wait, Ragh. 5, 25.
     6. To be able to resist, to oppose, to conquer, Rām. 1, 22, 21.
     7. To stop, Rām. 2, 24, 27.
     8. To be able (with infin.), Hit. ii. d. 139. Comp, ptcple. of the pres, a-sahamāna, adj. Not able to endure, Pañc. 221, 1. Ptcple. of the pf. pass, soḍha.
     1. Borne, endured.
     2. Patient, enduring. sahita, see s.v. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. sahya.
     1. Equal or adequate to, Pañc. ii. d. 200 (but cf. my transl. n. 907).
     2. Sweet, agreeable; see also s.v. Comp. a-sahya, adj. 1. insupportable, Ṛt. 1. 10. 2. unconquerable, Ragh. 18, 24.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, absol. abhiṣahya, Forcibly, Man. 8, 367.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To make an effort or exertion, Bhaṭṭ. 19, 16.
     2. To dare, Pañc. 22, 1; with acc., To dare to pursue, Nal. 4, 16.
     3. To be able (with infin. and dat. of an abstract noun), Rām. 3, 51, 17; MBh. 3, 16543 (paribhogāya, To enjoy).
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, To be able, to wish, Ragh. 5, 22.
-- With prod pra-ud, Caus. To incite, to instigate, Rām. 2, 9, 46.
-- With samud sam-ud, Caus. To incite, MBh. 2, 1412.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To make an effort, Pañc. iii. d. 51.
     2. To endure, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 5; absolut. prasahya, Violently, Man. 8, 235.
     3. To overpower, Rām. 2, 5;, 7.
     4. To be able (with infin.), MBh. 1, 4842.
-- With abhipra abhi-pra, To be able, Kir. 12, 18.
-- With prati prati, To sustain, Rām. 1, 37, 8.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To sustain, Ragh. 4, 49.
     2. To suffer, Rām. 2, 61, 4.
     3. To endure, Rām. 2, 12, 106.
     4. To be able to resist, MBh. 5, 2021.
     5. To determine. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. viṣahya, Possible, Arj. 5, 9. Comp. a-, adj. not being able to be determined or ascertained, Man. 8, 265. durviṣahya, i. e. dus-, adj., f. , difficult to be sustained.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek]; see sahas and sahya.

sah † 2. sah, i. 4, Par.
     1. To bear.
     2. To satisfy.
     3. To delight.

saha 1. sah + a,
I. adj.
     1. Bearing, Bhartṛ. 2, 68.
     2. Suffering.
     3. Enduring, Pañc. iii. d. 178 (śīta-vāta-ātapa-, Enduring coldness, wind, and heat).
     4. Patient.
     5. Able, Vikr. 78, 10; Śiś. 9, 51.
II. m. and n. Strength, power.
III. m. The month Mārgaśīrṣa (November -- December).
IV. f. .
     1. The earth.
     2. The name of several plants.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. not able to support, Kathās. 9, 37. 2. impatient, 6, 114. 3. unable, Hit. ii. d. 120 (bharasya, to bear). a-kāla-, adj. unable to be maintained a long time, Hit. iii. d. 135. niḥsaha, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. unable to bear, Kathās. 17, 9. 2. powerless, Gīt. 2, 17. mahā-,
I. adj. much-enduring.
II. f. , the name of several plants. śatru-, adj. enduring an enemy. sarva-, adj. enduring everything, very patient, Hit. i. d. 63, M.M. sva-kārya-, adj. able to do one's duty, Vikr. d. 156.

saha 2. saha, i. e. sa + dhā (with h for dh as often, and the final shortened, cf. tra for trā, sadha, ved.),
     1. adv. as former part of comp. words, With, united, common, like, complete (e. g. sahakārin).
     2. prep. With (with instr., Rām. 3, 55, 41; epic also with dat., Chr. 13, 15; with abl., Cāṇ, 105 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 413).
-- Cf. probably Lat. sodā + lis.

sahaka sah + aka, adj. Enduring, Nalod. 2, 14.

sahakāra i. e.
I. sa-ha-kāra, adj. Endowed with the letter ha, i. e. the vocative particle, i. e. calling, Nalod. 2, 14.
II. 2. saha-kāra, m. A fragrant sort of mango, Vikr. d. 25.

sahakāritā sahakāritā, i. e. sahakārin + tā, f. Co-operation, assistance.

sahakārin saha-kārin, adj., f. iṇī, Co-operating, assisting, Bhāṣāp. 80.

sahakṛt saha-kṛ + t, and sahakṛtvan saha-kṛ + tvan, adj. sbst. Assisting, an assister.

sahacara saha-car + a,
I. m. A companion, Pañc. 243, 3; a friend, 43, 4.
II. f. , A companion, a wife, Vikr. d. 102.

sahacāra sahacāra, i. e. saha-car + a, m. The accompaniment of the middle term by the major, Bhāṣāp. 136.

sahacārin saha-cārin, m. A companion, a friend, Pañc. 43, 1 (parasparam atīva, Very dear to each other).

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sahaja saha-ja,
I. adj.
     1. Born or produced with, together, Johns. Sel. 16, 66.
     2. Innate, Indr. 4, 7.
     3. Natural, Hit. 87, 12; Pañc. 110, 15.
II. m.
     1. A brother of whole blood.
     2. The natural state or disposition.

sahajanyā saha-janyā (see janya), f. The name of an Apsaras, Vikr. 51, 4.

sahadeva saha-deva,
I. m. The youngest of the five Pāṇḍava princes.
II. f. and , The name of several plants, Pañc. 157, 23 ().

sahadharma saha-dharma, m. Community of duty.

sahadharmacārin sahadharma-cārin,
I. m. A husband, Śāk. 111, 12.
II. f. iṇī, A legitimate wife, ib. 5; Utt. Rāmac. 85, 12.

sahadharmin sahadharmin, i. e. sahadharma + in,
I. adj.; f. iṇī.
     1. Following the same law.
     2. Having same or like properties.
II. f. iṇī, A woman married according to the ritual of the Vedas.

sahana sah + ana,
I. adj. Enduring.
II. n. Bearing, enduring.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , 1. unable to bear or endure, Kathās. 15, 87. 2. jealous, Vikr. d. 55.

sahapāṃsukila saha-pāṃsu-kila (kila, Play, Hemac.), and sahapāsukrīḍana saha-pāṃsu-krīḍana, adj. sbst. m. (properly, One who has played with another in the sand, i. e. in his childhood), a friend from childhood, Mālat. 151, 17 (-krīḍana).

sahas sah + as,
I. m.
     1. The month Mārgaśīrṣa (Nov. -- Dec.).
     2. The winter season.
II. n.
     1. ved. Victory, strength, Lass. 101, 10 = Rigv. vii. 16, 4; power.
     2. instr. , adv. a. Without consideration, precipitately, Hit. iv. d. 97; quickly, Rām. 3, 54, 9. b. On a sudden, Pañc. 222, 23; Śāk. d. 9; at once, Pañc. 182, 14; with (?), Johns. Sel. 46, 1, 1 (perhaps corr. saha cāps°).
     3. Light.
-- Cf. Goth. sigis; A. S. sigor, sige.

sahasya sahas + ya, m. The month Pauṣa (Dec. -- Jan.), Pāṇ. iv. 4, 128.

sahasra sahasra, numeral, n. A thousand, Pañc. 130, 16.
-- Comp. paraḥsahasra, i. e. paras-, adj., f. , more than a thousand, Utt. Rāmac. 11, 8.

sahasrakṛtvas sahasra-kṛtvas, adv.
     1. A thousand times, Man. 2, 79.
     2. Repeatedly.

sahasrataya sahasra + taya,
I. adj. Thousandfold.
II. n. A thousand, Śiś. 9, 80.

sahasradhā sahasra + dhā, adv. In a thousand ways, thousandfold, Kir. 5, 17; in a thousand pieces, Pañc. 190, 10.

sahasramīḷha sahasra-mīḷha (ved. for mīḍha, vb. mih), adj. Yielding a thousand treasures, Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. i. 112, 10.

sahasraśas sahasra + śas, adv. By a thousand, or thousands, Pañc. i. d. 262; thousandfold.
-- Comp. śata-, adv. by hundreds of thousands, by myriads, Johns. Sel. 11, 27.

sahasrin sahasrin, i. e. sahasra + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Having a thousand, Pañc. v. d. 69.
     2. Consisting of thousands, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15.
     3. (A fine) amounting to a thousand. Man. 8, 276.
II. m.
     1. A body of a thousand men.
     2. Commander or prefect of a thousand.

sahasvant sahas + vant, adj., f. vati. Powerful, Lass. 99, 2 = Rigv. v. 9, 7 (ved. voc. °vas).

sahāya sahāya, probably saha-i + a, m.
     1. A companion, Pañc. 221, 22.
     2. An adherent.
     3. A helper, Lass. 52, 1.
     4. An ally, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 1.
     5. The ruddy goose, Anas casarca.
     6. A sort of drug and perfume.
-- Comp. a-, adj. one who has no assistant, Man. 7, 30; no allies, Pañc. iii. d. 54. kariṇī-, adj. with his female elephant, Vikr. 64, 2. dus-, adj. abandoned, MBh. 5, 1861. dharma-, m. a companion for fulfilling religious duties, Sāh. D. 37, 2. madhu-, m. Kāmadeva, the god of love. vacana-, m. a companion for conversation, Pañc. 221, 22.

sahāyaka -sahāya + ka, instead of sahāya, at the end of a comp. adj., in nārayaṇa-, Accompanied by Nārāyaṇa, Johns. Sel. 90, 29.

sahāyatā sahāya + tā, f., and sahāyatva sahāya + tva, n.
     1. A multitude of companions.
     2. Companionship, union, Pañc. 59, 10 (tva).
     3. Help, Pañc. 154, 17 (tva).

sahāyavant sahāya + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Having a companion, Pañc. i. d. 97; Hit. iv. d. 18 ('in the true sense of the word').
     2. Assisted, befriended.
-- Comp. a-, adj. alone, Man. 6, 42.

sahita sahita, i. e. 2. saha + ita, adj.
     1. Accompanied by; at the end of comp. words, With, Hit. 61, 4.
     2. With (with instr.), Chr. 23, 32.
     3. Associated, Chr. 62, 52. pl. All, Lass. 2. ed. 61, 30.
-- Comp. karṇa-, adj. with the ears, Pañc. 217, 5.

sahiṣṇu sah + iṣṇu, adj.
     1. Able to support, Śāk. d. 37.
     2. Patient, Kir. 2, 50; resigned.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. unable to bear, Mālat. 144, 4. 2. unable, Hit. 126, 17. 3. envious, Hit. 85, 8.

sahiṣṇutā sahiṣṇu + tā, f.
     1. Ability to support, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 17.
     2. Patience, resignation.
-- Comp. a-, f. envy, Bhartṛ. 2, 42.

sahuri sah + uri,
I. m. The sun.
II. f. The earth.

sahoḍha sahoḍha, i. e. saha-ūḍha (vb. vah), m.
     1. The son of a pregnant bride, Man. 9, 160.
     2. A thief caught with stolen property upon him.

sahora sahora, i. e. probably saha + van + a, with r for n, adj. Good, excellent.

sahya sahya,
A. See sah.
B. i. e. saha + ya,
I. adj. Powerful, strong.
II. n.
     1. Health, convalescence.
     2. Assistance, Rām. 6, 3, 26.
C. m. The name of a range of mountains, Kir. 18, 5.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] and [greek] in [greek] Lat. sanus, but questionable on account of A.S. sund; O.H.G. ga-sunt (perhaps = saha + vant).

sāṃyātrika sāṃyātrika, i. e. saṃyātrā + ika, m. A merchant who trades by sea, Pañc. i. d. 220.

sāṃyugīna sāṃyugīna, i. e. saṃyuga + īna,
I. adj. Skilled in war, Vikr. 87, 2; warlike, Ragh. 11, 30.
II. m.
     1. A soldier skilled in war.
     2. An able leader.

sāṃrāviṇa sāṃrāviṇa, i. e. sam-ru + in + a, n. Shout, Mālat. 77, 12.

sāṃvatsara sāṃvatsara, i. e. saṃvatsara + a,
I. adj. Annual, perennial.
II. m. An almanac-maker, an astrologer, Kām. Nītis. 4, 33; Pañc. iii. d. 67.
-- Comp. ati-, adj., f. , going beyond a year, Man. 8, 153.

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sāṃvatsarika sāṃvatsarika, i. e. saṃvatsara + ika,
I. adj. Yearly, Man. 7, 80.
II. m. An astrologer, Pañc, 156, 21.

sāṃvādika sāṃvādika, i. e. saṃvāda + ika, m. A logician.

sāṃvṛttika sāṃvṛttika, saṃvṛtti + ika, Phenomenal, illusory.

sāṃśayika sāṃśayika, i. e. saṃśaya + ika, adj.
     1. Dubious, Pañc, iii. d. 11.
     2. Irresolute.

sāṃsārika sāṃsārika, i. e. saṃsāra + ika, adj. Worldly, Utt. Rāmac, 45, 12.

sāṃsiddhika sāṃsiddhika, i. e. saṃsiddhi + ika, adj.
     1. Belonging to a thing's nature, innate, Bhāṣāp. 38.
     2. Effected naturally, spontaneous, Sāukhya Aph. iii. 20.
     3. Effected by supernatural means, as spells, etc. ib. v. 111.

sāṃsthānika sāṃsthānika, i. e. saṃsthāna + ika, m. An inhabitant or native of the same place.

sākam sākam, i. e. sa-añc + a + m (cf. sāci),
I. adv. At the same time, together, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4.
II. prep. With (with instr.), Kāvya Prak. 103, 6.

sākalya sākalya, i. e. sa-kala (see kalā), + ya, n.
     1. Totality, Nalod. 3, 19; instr. yena, Completely, Man. 12, 25.
     2. The whole, all.

sāketa sāketa, n. A name of Ayodhya, Ragh. 13, 79.

sāketaka sāketa + ka, m. An inhabitant of Sāketa, Śāk. 90, 23 (Prākṛ.).

sāktuka sāktuka, i. e. saktu + ka,
I. m. Barley.
II. n. A quantity of fried grain.

sākṣatam sākṣatam, i. e. sa-a-kṣata (vb. kṣaṇ), + m, adv. Uninterruptedly, Lass. 66, 4.

sākṣāt sākṣāt, abl. sing. of sa-akṣa, adv.
     1. In presence, Nal. 24, 13 (in their presence, being present); before, eye to eye, Indr. 2, 16.
     2. From (cf. sakāśāt, s.v. sakāśa), Arj. 1, 12.
     3. Manifestly, evidently, visibly, Man. 2, 237; Pañc. 46, 6; Nal. 1, 4 (sakṣād-iva manuḥ, like an embodied Manu); with one's own eyes, Pañc. 197, 12.
     4. Openly, Mālat. 6, 13.
     5. As, like.

sākṣātkāra sākṣāt-kāra, m. Perception, Vedāntas. in Chr. 215, 24; Bhāṣāp. 84.

sākṣika sākṣika, i. e. sākṣin + ka, a substitute for sākṣin, when latter part of comp. adj.; e. g. a-, adj. Where there was no witness, Man. 8, 109. agni-, adj. Having fire or Agni as witness, Rām. 4, 7, 4.

sākṣitā sākṣitā, i. e. sākṣin + tā, f. Testimony, evidence, Man. 8, 80.

sākṣin sākṣin, i. e. sa-akṣa + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī.
     1. Witnessing, having witnessed, Hit. iv. d. 62.
     2. Attesting.
II. m. A witness, Pañc. iii. d. 93; with gen. and loc., Pāṇ. ii. 3, 39.
-- Comp. kūṭa- and dus-, m. a false witness, Yājñ. 2, 77 (kūṭa-); Rām. 3, 18, 34 (dus-).

sākṣimant sākṣimant, i. e. sākṣin + mant, adj., f. matī, Having or requiring witness.

sākṣya sākṣya, i. e. sākṣin + ya, n.
     1. Evidence, Man. 8, 82.
     2. Giving evidence, 8, 62; testimony, MBh. 5, 1225

sākheya sākheya, i. e. sakhi + eya, adj. Friendly.

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sāgara sāgara (cf. sagara), m.
     1. The ocean, Pañc. i. d. 240.
     2. A kind of deer.
-- Comp. kṣīra-, m. the sea of milk, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 11. pūrva-, m. the eastern sea, Ragh. 4, 32. buddhi-, m. a proper name, or rather, plenty of wisdom, or having plenty of wisdom, Lass. 6, 2.

sāgaraga sāgara-ga (vb. gam), f. The Gaṅgā or Ganges, Chr. 47, 34.

sāgra sāgra, i. e. sa-agra (agra, adj. Excessive, Gramm.), adj. With a surplus, more than, Rām. 5, 7, 28; 4, 8, 47.

sāṅkarya sāṅkarya, i. e. saṃkara + ya, n.
     1. Mixture.
     2. The concurrence of various properties in one subject.

sāṅkāśyā sāṅkāśyā, i. e. saṃkāśa + ya, f. Name of a town, Rām. 1, 70, 3.

sāṅkṣepika sāṅkṣepika, i. e. saṃkṣepa + ika, adj. Short, summary.

sāṅkhya sāṅkhya, i. e. saṃkhya + a,
I. adj.
     1. Numeral, relating to number.
     2. Deliberating, reasoning, Bhag. 3, 3.
     3. Rational, discriminative.
II. m. The Sāṅkhya system of philosophy, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 33; Bhag. 2, 39.

sāṅga sāṅga, i. e. sa-aṅga, adj.
     1. With the members, divisions.
     2. Complete, finished, Utt. Rāmac. 166, 2.

sāṅgatika sāṅgatika, i. e. saṃgati + ika,
I. adj. Associating.
II. m.
     1. A visitor.
     2. One who comes on business, Man. 3, 103.

sāṅgrāmika sāṅgrāmika, i. e. saṃgrāma + ika, adj., f. , Relating to war, Utt. Rāmac. 114, 6; Pañc. i. d. 103; warlike, martial.

sāci sāci, i. e. loc. sing. of sa-añc, adv. Crookedly, awary, Kir. 10, 57.

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sācivya sācivya, i. e. saciva + ya, n.
     1. Friendship.
     2. Ministership, Pañc. 13, 4.

sājātya sājātya, i. e. sa-jāti + ya, n. Community of genus, Bhāṣāp. 166.

sāṭsāṭ, i. 10, Par. To make manifest.

sāti sāti, i. e. san + ti and so + ti, f.
     1. Gaining, acquisition, Chr. 297, 22 = Rigv. i. 112, 15.
     2. Gift, giving.
     3. End, conclusion.
     4. Destruction.
     5. Sharp pain.
-- Comp. vāja-, f. gain of food, Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. i. 112, 24.

sāttvika sāttvika, i. e. sattva + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Endowed with the quality sattva, i. e. the best of qualities, Man. 3, 263.
     2. Endowed with goodness, Man. 12, 40.
     3. Relating, belonging to, or proceeding from, that quality, Bhag. 7, 12; Man. 12, 31.
     4. Good, honest, true, Hit. i. d. 15, M. M.; sincere, Mālat. 16, 3.
II. m. Brahman.

sātyaki sātyaki, m. The charioteer of Kṛṣṇa.

sātyavata sātyavata, i. e. satyavatī (see satyavant), + a, metronym., m. The son of Satyavatī, i. e. Vyāsa.

sātvata sātvata, i. e. probably sātvant + a,
I. m.
     1. Viṣṇu.
     2. Baladeva.
     3. The son of an outcaste Vaiśya, Man. 10, 23.
     4. pl. The name of a people.
II. f. , A proper name.

sātvant sātvant, m.
     1. A follower, a worshipper.
     2. A man of the Yādava tribe, Bhāg. P. 8, 5, 13.

sāda sāda, m., i. e.
A. sad + a,
     1. Perishing, decay, Nalod. 2, 26; 3, 24; Vikr. d. 44 (a-pakṣa-, Not being deprived of its wings).
     2. Weariness, exhaustion, Ragh. 8, 57; Śiś. 9, 77.
     3. Pain, Nalod. 2, 26.
B. Purity, Padmap. 8, 20; cleanness.
-- Comp. kara-, m. sinking down of one's arms, and setting or disappearing of the sun's rays, Pañc. i. d. 194.

sādana sādana, i. e. sad, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Dispelling.
     2. Destroying.
     3. Wearying.
     4. Exhaustion.
     5. A house, a dwelling, Hiḍ. 4, 7.
-- Comp. yama-, n. the palace of Yama i. e. Tartarus, Lass. 17, 3.

sādi sādi, i. e. sad + i, m. A carioteer.

sādin sādin, i. e. sad-in,
I. adj. Destroying, Rām. 2, 34, 37.
II. m. One who rides on a horse or elephant, or is mounted in a car, Johns. Sel. 26, 8; Rājat. 5, 451.
-- Comp. aśva-, m. a horseman, Ragh. 7, 44.

sādṛśya sādṛśya, i. e. sadṛśa + ya, n.
     1. Resemblance, similarity, Kir. 5, 26; Bhāṣāp. 78.
     2. A likeness, Megh. 83.

sādyaska sādyaska, i. e. sadyas + ka, adj. Quick, instantancous.

sādh sādh (i. e. probably so-dhā), ii. 5, Par.
     1. To finish, to accomplish.
     2. To conquer, Hit. iii. d. 40. † i. 4, Par. To be completed or accomplished (cf. sidh). Caus. (also of sidh, q. cf.),
     1. To bring to a conclusion, to accomplish, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 24; Hit. i. d. 1.
     2. To prepare for heaven, Man. 2, 248.
     3. To secure, Man. 7, 173.
     4. To effect, to perform, MBh. 5, 117.
     5. To overcome, Hit. 59, 21; to conquer, MBh. 1, 7435; to kill, Pañc. 211, 12.
     6. To obtain, Man. 6, 75.
     7. To recover a debt, Man. 8, 176.
     8. To learn, Ragh. 10, 29.
     9. To set out, to go away, Śāk. 7, 19; to fly, Mālat. 126, 5; to proceed, Vikr. 60, 13. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sādhita.
     1. Accomplished, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 24.
     2. Mastered, Kathās. 46, 118; obtained, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 11.
     3. Successful, Lass. 3, 16.
     4. Recovered (as a debt).
     5. Fulfilled, discharged.
     6. Punished, Pañc. 257, 4; punished by fine.
     7. Awarded (as the thing or fine).
     8. Awarded to or in favour of (as the person to whom the fine is to be paid). Ptcple. of the fut. pass. sādhya.
     1. What must or will be accomplished, Hit. pr. d. 1.
     2. Practicable, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 23.
     3. Conquerable, Pañc. i. d. 244.
     4. To be mastered, Pañc. i. d. 73; Śiś. 5, 49.
     5. Able to be destroyed, Pañc. 194, 19.
     6. To be inferred or concluded, Bhāṣāp. 137.
     7. To be cured, curable. m. A class of inferior deity, Man. 3, 195. n.
     1. Accomplishment, perfection.
     2. (In logic), The major term in a syllogism, Siddh. Mukt. 62, 3. Comp. a-, adj. 1. unattainable, Pañc. i. d. 223. 2. intractable, Hit. ii. d. 98. āyāsa-, adj. scarcely to be settled, Pañc. i. d. 421. duḥsādhya, i. e. dus-, adj.
     1. difficult to be accomplished, Pañc. ii. d. 26. 2. difficult to be conquered, Pañc. 56, 10. 3. difficult to be cured, Hariv. 16132.
-- With the prep. upa upa, upasādhita, Subdued, Pañc. iii. d. 249.
-- With pari pari, Caus. To settle, Man. 8, 187.
-- With pra pra, Caus.
     1. To further, Pañc. i. d. 407.
     2. To accomplish, Pañc. i. d. 140.
     3. To dress, Śāk. 49, 21.
     4. To acquire, Pañc. i. d. 2.
     5. To subdue, Man. 7, 103. prasādhita,
     1. Accomplished, done.
     2. Ornamented, decorated, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 10. prasādhya,
     1. What may be done.
     2. To be destroyed, defeated. Comp. duṣprasādhya, i. e. dus-, adj. difficult to be defeated, Kām. Nītis. 10, 38.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Caus. To settle, Hit. iv. d. 117.
-- With sam sam, Caus.
     1. Ātm. To be successful, MBh. 3, 1478.
     2. To endow with, Rām. 2, 36, 9.
     3. To destroy, MBh. 3, 1683.
     4. To extinguish, MBh. 1, 2841.
     5. To obtain, Man. 2, 100.
     6. To cause to be paid, 8, 213.
     7. To regain, 8, 50.
-- Cf. probably Goth. sandjan; A.S. sendan.

sādhaka sādh + aka,
I. adj., f. dhikā,
     1. Accomplishing.
     2. Helping, Indr. 5, 56.
     3. Magical, Pañc. 241, 2; an adept, Mālat. 74, 6; 9, 7 (Prākṛ.).
II. f. ikā, Deep sleep (= suṣupti, a vedantic term).
-- Comp. uttara-, m. one who accomplishes what remains, an assistant, Lass. 3, 20. kārya-, adj., f. dhikā, accomplishing one's aim, Hit. i. d. 34, M. M.

sādhana sādh + ana, n.
     1. Accomplishing, Hit. iv. d. 98 (sādhya-, What must be accomplished, i. e. one's aim).
     2. Advancement, Man. 4, 196.
     3. A means of accomplishing, Pañc. i. d. 8.
     4. Wealth.
     5. A part of an army, Utt. Rāmac. 39, 12.
     6. Instrument.
     7. Cause, efficient cause, Man. 11, 237; source of prosperity, Man. 12, 100.
     8. Subduing by charms, Pañc. 241, 2.
     9. Killing, destroying, Kir. 14, 17.
     10. Obsequies.
     11. Authority.
     12. Proof, substantiation.
     13. The hetu or middle term in an inference.
     14. Enforcement of the delivery of anything, of payment, especially juridically, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 20; 185, 21.
     15. Medicament, drug.
     16. Matter, materials, that of which anything is composed.
     17. Substance, thing.
     18. The penis, Sāh. D. 212, 19.
     19. Going.
     20. Following, profit, Pañc. 86, 24.
     21. Good works, Windischmann, Sankara, 97.
     22. Friendship.
-- Comp. a-, adj. having no means, Hit. i. d. 1, M.M. tri-, adj., f. , having a threefold origin, Ragh. 3, 13 (viz. majesty, perseverance, and counsel). mantra-, n. a magical performance, Lass. 3, 16 (ghora-, dele' before ghora). lekhana-, n. writing materials, Śāk. 37, 9 (Prākṛ.). sādhya-, n. effecting what is to be done, Hit. iv. d. 98. siddha-,
I. m. white mustard.
II. n. 1. the performance of magical rites. 2. the materials employed in magical or alchemical processes.

sādhanatā sādhana + tā, f., and sādhanatva sādhana + tva, n. State or condition of being a means to a desired end, Bhāṣāp. 146 (tva); 147 ().
-- Comp. bahu-sādhanatā, f. possessing many expedients, Śiś. 9, 6.

sādhanta sādhant + a (vb. sādh), m. A beggar.

sādharmya sādharmya, i. e. sa-dharma + ya,
     1. Community, equality, of duty, Vikr. 65, 12.
     2. Community of properties, common character, Bhāṣāp. 12. 28; likeness, Kusumāñj. 3, 9.

sādhāraṇa sādhāraṇa, i. e. sa-dhāraṇa + a, adj.
     1. Belonging to many, common, Bhāṣāp. 71; equal, Vikr. d. 34.
     2. Like, similar, Lass. 85, 10.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. not common, Bhāṣāp. 72. 2. unparalleled, Hit. 32, 8, M. M. 3. excessive, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 17.

sādhāraṇatva sādhāraṇa + tva, and sādhāraṇya sādhāraṇya, i. e. sādhāraṇa + ya, n. Community, universality, general law, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. xxxix. 10.

sādhiman sādhiman, i. e. sādhu + iman, m. Goodness, excellence.

sādhiṣṭha sādhiṣṭha, sādhīyaṃs sādhiyaṃs, see vāḍha and the next.

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sādhu sādh + u,
I. adj., f. dhu and dhvī, comparat. sādhīyaṃs, superl. sādhiṣṭha,
     1. Perfect, Śāk. d. 2.
     2. Fit, proper, right.
     3. Good, Hit. i. d. 11, M. M.; kind, Pañc. iv. d. 72; virtuous, pure.
     4. Excellent.
     5. Beautiful, pleasing.
II. acc. sing. dhu, adv.
     1. Well, Śāk. d. 11; Vikr. 6, 6.
     2. Indeed, Vikr. 20, 9.
     3. With instr., prohibiting, Enough, away with, Pañc. v. d. 40.
III. m.
     1. A Muni or sage.
     2. An honest man, Pañc. 67, 6.
     3. A usurer, Hit. 111, 1; a merchant, Hit. 65, 9.
IV. f. dhu and dhvī, A chaste, virtuous woman.
-- Comp. a-, adj. wicked, Kir. 14, 12; 21; unpleasant, Kir. 1, 4. sarva-, adv. quite well, Hit. 127, 14.

sādhutā sādhu + tā, f., and sādhutva sādhu + tva, n.
     1. Correctness, Utt. Rāmac. 4, 10 (tva).
     2. Goodness, Pañc. i. d. 277 (tva); Daśak. in Chr. 187, 23 ().
-- Comp. a-sādhutva, n. wickedness, Hit. iii. d. 48.

sādhuṃmanya sādhuṃmanya, i. e. sādhu + m-man + ya, adj. Thinking one's self virtuous.

sādhuśīlatva sādhu-śīla + tva, n. Virtuous disposition, Hit. i. d. 85, M.M.

sādhya sādhya,
     1. See sādh.
     2. i. e. sādhya + a, adj. Belonging to the Sādhyas, a class of inferior deity, Arj. 4, 30.

sādhyatā sādhya + tā, f. in a-, State of not being able to be overcome, Pañc. i. d. 245.

sādhyavant sādhya + vant (vb. sādh),
I. adj., f. vatī, Comprehending that which is to be proved.
II. m. (In law), The party on whom rest the onus probandi.
III. n. That in which the sādhya or major term resides (i. e. the pakṣa and its sapakṣa's), Bhāṣāp. 67; 73.

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sādhvasa sādhvasa, probably sa-dhvaṃs + a + a, n.
     1. Fear, terror, Vikr. d. 56; Mālav. 20, 9; 53, 21; Śāk. 12, 21.
     2. Perturbation, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 19.
     3. Torpor, Utt. Rāmac. 80, 10.
-- Comp. ati-, m. too great fear, Hit. iii. d. 123. niḥsādhvasa, i. e. nis-, adj. 1. fearless, Hariv. 8709. 2. bold, Rām. 1, 64, 16 Gorr. sa-, adj., f. , alarmed, frightened, timid, Vikr. 28, 10. °sam, adv., 28, 14.

sānasi sānasi, m. (?), f. (?), Gold.

sānu sānu, probably so + nu, m. and n.
     1. End, point, the top of a mountain, Mālat. 145, 10.
     2. Level ground on the top or edge of a mountain, tableland, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 13.
     3. A forest.
     4. A shoot, a sprout.
     5. A road.
     6. A gale of wind.
     7. A learned man, a sage.
     8. The sun.
-- Comp. antaḥsānu, i. e. antar-, adv. on a table-land, Kir. 5, 36.

sānumant sānu + mant,
I. m. A mountain, Vikr. d. 76.
II. f. matī, The name of an Apsaras, Śāk. 77, 1.

sāntapana sāntapana, i. e. sam-tap + ana + a, n. A sort of penance, Man. 11, 212; 5, 20; 11, 129.
-- Comp. mahā-, n. a severer sort of penance.

sāntānika sāntānika, i. e. saṃtāna + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Expansive.
     2. Relating to posterity.
     3. Belonging to the heavenly tree. saṃtāna, Kir. 18, 20.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa intending to marry for the sake of issue, Man. 11, 1.

sāntv sāntv, and sāntva sāntva see śāntv, śāntva.

sāntvana sāntv + ana,
I. n.
     1. Conciliation, reconcilement.
     2. Appeasing, Rājat. 5, 345 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
II. n., and f. .
     1. Speaking kindly and in a conciliatory manner.
     2. Mildness, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 21 (n.); kind or deceiving words, Pañc. iv. d. 1 (n. pl.).
     3. Friendly salutation and enquiry.

sāndṛṣṭika sāndṛṣṭika, i. e. sam-dṛś + ti + ika, m. Immediate consequence.

sāndra sāndra,
I. adj.
     1. Thick, coarse, gross, Caurap. 12; Ṛt. 1, 20; intense, Śiś. 9, 15; 22.
     2. Stout, robust.
     3. Much, abundant, Mālat. 60, 13.
     4. Vehement, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 830; Daśak. in Chr. 190, 8; Ragh. 7, 11; sāndratara, Increased, Śiś. 9, 37.
     5. Clustering, collected.
     6. Compact, but having interstices.
     7. Unctuous, oily, Kāvya Prak. 62, 11.
     8. Soft, bland.
     9. Pleasing, agreeable, Mālat. 127, 12; Megh. 97 (v. r.).
II. n.
     1. A thicket, a wood.
     2. A heap, a cluster.
-- Cf. probably [greek].

sāndhivigrahika sāndhivigrahika, i. e. saṃdhi-vigraha + ika, m. Prime minister (who decides peace and war), Lass. 2. ed. 16, 9; Sāh. D. 7, 8.

sāndhya sāndhya, i. e. saṃdhyā + a, adj. Relating to twilight or the evening, Kir. 5, 8; Śiś. 9, 15.

sānnahanika sānnahanika, i. e. saṃnahana + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Bearing or putting on armour.
     2. Calling to arms.
II. m. An armour-bearer.

sānnāyya sānnāyya, i. e. probably sam-nāyya (ptcple. of the fut. pass. of the Caus. of ), + a, n. The thing to be offered with fire, Pāṇ. iii. 1, 129.

sānnidhya sānnidhya, i. e. saṃnidhi + ya, n.
     1. Vicinity, Pañc. 258, 7.
     2. Presence, Man. 8, 87; attendance, Hit. 53, 12.
     3. °yam, adv. Near, Indr. 5, 24.
-- Comp. a-, n. absence, Rām. 3, 55, 50.

sānnidhyatas sānnidhya + tas, adv. From the proximity, Mālat. 48, 8.

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sānnipātika sānnipātika, i. e. saṃnipāta + ika, adj.
     1. Complicated (as disease), relating to the morbid state of the three humours collectively, Hit. iii. d. 119.
     2. Miscellaneous, promiscuous, collective.

sānnyāsika sānnyāsika, i. e. saṃnyāsa + ika, m. A beggar.

sāpatna sāpatna, i. e. sa-patnī + a, adj. Born from another wife, Rām. 3, 53, 30.

sāpatnya sāpatnya, i. e. A. sapatna + ya,
I. m. An enemy.
II. n. Ambition, Rām. 1, 45, 16.
B. sa-patnī + ya, n. Plurality of wives, or the condition of the wife of one who has other wives.

sāpiṇḍya sāpiṇḍya, i. e. sa-piṇḍa + ya, n. Kindred, connexion, by presenting offerings to the same Manes.

sāptapada sāptapada, i. e. saptan-pada + a, adj. Produced by seven steps (walked together), Pañc. ii. d. 47; Sāv. 5, 22.

sāptapadīna sāptapadīna, i. e. sāptapada + īna, n. Friendship, Kumāras. 5, 39.

sāptapauruṣa sāptapauruṣa, i. e. saptan-puruṣa + a, adj., f. ṣī, Comprising seven generations, Man. 3, 146.

sāphalya sāphalya, i. e. sa-phala + ya, n.
     1. Productiveness, fruitfulness, Hit. ii. d. 21.
     2. Advantage, Man. 12, 93.
     3. State of earning the fruit, Mālat. 72, 9 (at the end of a Bahuvr.).

sāmsām, i. 10 (rather a dénomin. derived from sāman), Par. To conciliate, to appease.

sāmagrya sāmagrya, i. e. samagra + ya, n., and f. grī,
     1. Entireness, wholeness, the whole, Bhāṣāp. 63 (grī); Rām. 2, 70, 45, Scramp. (read prāṇasāmagryam),
     2. Perfection, Pañc. 109, 10 (grī).
     3. Stock, Hit. 130, 1 (grī); effects.
     4. Implements, apparatus, Pañc. iii. d. 129 (grī); utensils, 250, 5 (grī).
     5. Train, retinue, Hit. 98, 11 (yrī).

sāmaja sāmaja,
I. i. e. sāman + ja, adj. Producing from or produced by the Sāma-Veda.
II. m. An elephant.

sāmañjasya sāmañjasya, i. e. samañjasa + ya, n. Fitness.

sāman sāman, probably for śāman (cf. śāntva, sāntvana), i. e. śam + man, n.
     1. Calming, Nalod. 1, 41.
     2. Conciliation.
     3. Speaking kindly, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1847.
     4. Mildness, Man. 8, 187; instr. mnā, Willingly, voluntarily, Pañc. iv. d. 27.
     5. Negotiation, Man. 7, 107.
     6. Peaceable way, Pañc. i. d. 421; Chr. 20, 17.
     7. The name of the third Veda, the Sāma- Veda, Man. 1, 23.
     8. Song, Bhag. 10, 35; Indr. 2, 28.
-- Comp. jyeṣṭha-,
I. n. the name of a particular song (of the Sāma- Veda), Man. 3, 185.
II. m. one who sings this song, Yājñ. 1, 219. tri-, adj. one who sings three verses (of the SāmaVeda), or the song called triḥsāman (?), MBh. 12, 3638. su-, n. good negotiation, Pañc. iii. 21.

sāmanta sāmanta, i. e. samanta + a,
I. adj.
     1. Limitative.
     2. Bordering, neighbouring, Man. 8, 259.
     3. Universal, Ragh. 5, 28 (Sch.).
II. m.
     1. A neighbour, Man. 7, 69; Pañc. iii. d. 91.
     2. The chief of a district, a (tributary) king, Mālat. 102, 6; Rājat. 5, 223; Vikr. d. 60.
     3. A leader, a general, Rām. 1, 20, 12; a champion, Rājat. 5, 249.
III. n. Neighbourhood.

sāmayika sāmayika, i. e. samaya + ika. adj.
     1. According to agreement, exact.
     2. Conventional, customary.
     3. Seasonable.
-- Comp. a-, unseasonable, Kir. 2, 40.

sāmarthya sāmarthya, i. e. samartha + ya, n.
     1. Fitness, Rājat. 5, 308.
     2. Adequacy, Pañc. i. d. 215 (that which is adequate, but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1873, v.r.); being entitled, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3027.
     3. Profit, Rām. 2, 61, 44, Seramp.
     4. Ability, Pañc. 263, 7.
     5. Strength, Rājat. 5, 384; power, Hit. ii. d. 140; fortitude, Bhag. 2, 36.
     6. Mutual relation of words.
     7. Sense of words.
-- Comp. a-, n. weakness, Pañc. 69, 3. niḥsāmarthya, i. e. nis-, adj. unfit, MBh. 5, 4587. hīna-darśana- (vb. ), adj. blind, Rājat. 5, 219.

sāmarṣatā sāmarṣatā, i. e. sa-a-marṣa + tā, f. Wrath, Ragh. 7, 41.

sāmavāyika sāmavāyika, i. e. samavāya + ika, m.
     1. The chief of a company or corporation.
     2. A principal minister.

sāmājika sāmājika, i. e. samāja + a, m. An assistant or spectator at an assembly, Mālav. 17, 23.

sāmānādhikaraṇya sāmānādhikaraṇya, i. e. samāna-adhikaraṇa + ya, n.
     1. Common office.
     2. The condition of relating to the same object, Vedāntas. in Chr. 212, 21.
     3. The residing in the same substratum or subject, Kusumāñj. 14, 20.

sāmānya sāmānya, i. e. samāna + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Common, Hit. i. d. 157, M. M.; Nal. 13, 17; in common, Pañc. 264, 2; base, Rājat. 5, 197; sāmānyatara, Very insignificant, not dexterous, Pañc. 133, 1.
     2. Equal, Śāk. d. 92.
     3. Generic.
     4. General, universal, whole.
II. n.
     1. Totality.
     2. Public affairs, Man. 7, 56.
     3. Equanimity, Hit. i. d. 95, M.M.
     4. Common property, Hit. pr. d. 25, M.M.
     5. Kind, genus, or species, Bhāṣāp. 1; 7, 63.
     6. Identity, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 11.
III. f. , A whore.
-- Comp. a- and nis-, adj. uncommon, extraordinary, Pañc. 115. 7; Rājat. 4, 371. an-anya-nārī-, adj. having no intercourse with other women, Vikr. d. 59. a-loka-, adj. uncommon, Mālat. 6, 8. sarva-, adj. common to all.

sāmāsika sāmāsika, i. e. samāsa + ika, adj.
     1. Compounded, Bhag. 10, 33; composite.
     2. Comprehensive, comprising the whole, Man. 7, 180; 10, 63.
     3. Summary, brief.

sāmi sāmi, i. e. a form of the old instr. *sāmyā of sāmya (cf. ādi for ādya), adv.
     1. Half.
     2. Blameably.
-- Cf. O.H.G. sāmi-, A.S. sām-, e. g. in O.H.G. sāmi-quek, A.S. sām-cuce; Lat. semi-, [greek].

sāmidhenya sāmidhenya, i. e. sam-idhenya (an old ptcple. of the fut. pass. of indh), + a,
I. m. A mantra or mystical prayer.
II. f. ,
     1. Fuel.
     2. A prayer used on adding fuel to the sacrificial fire.

sāmīpya sāmīpya i. e. samīpa + ya,
I. m. A neighbour, Sāv. 2, 8.
II. n. Proximity.

sāmudra sāmudra, i. e. samudra + a,
I. adj. Marine, sea-born.
II. m. A mariner, a voyager.
III. n.
     1. Seasalt.
     2. Cuttle-fish bone.
     3. (i. e. sa-mudra + a, see mudrā), A spot or mark on the body (cf. the next).

sāmudrika sāmudrika, i. e. sa + mudra (cf. mudrā), + ika,
I. adj. Relating to spots on the body, or the good or ill fortune supposed to be indicated by them.
II. m. An interpreter of spots on the body.

sāmparāya sāmparāya, i. e. saṃparāya + a
I. adj. Warlike (?). MBh. 1, 723.
II. (n.),
     1. Future, MBh. 1, 1921.
     2. Future life, Bhāg. P. 8, 19, 2.

sāmparāyika sāmparāyika, i. e. saṃparāya + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to war, military, Man. 7, 185; warlike, Ragh. 17, 62.
     2. Calamitous.
     3. Future, relating to a future state, Man. 11, 30.
II. n. War, battle.

sāmpratam sāmpratam, i. e. saṃprati + a + m, adv.
     1. Now, at this time, Pañc. 161, 18.
     2. Seasonably, fitly, properly.
-- Comp. a-sāmprata, adj. unbecoming, Pañc. i. d. 275. °tam, adv. unbecomingly, Hit. iii. d. 111.

sāmpratika sāmpratika, i. e. samprati + ika, adj. Suitable, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 3.

sāmpradāyika sāmpradāyika, i. e. saṃpradāya + ika, adj. Belonging to traditional doctrine, transferred by traditional doctrine, Utt. Rāmac. 155, 8 (a-, with nahi, Their tradition will not die out, they are hereditary).

sāmb sāmb, see samb.

sāmbavatī sāmbavatī, A proper name, Rājat. 5, 295.

sāmya sāmya, i. e. sama + ya, n.
     1. Equality, Man. 11, 195.
     2. Lquability, Bhag. 6, 33.
     3. Harmony, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 4,
     4. Likeness, similarity, Kir. 17, 51.
-- Comp. tri-, n. equality of the three fundamental quallties, Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 40.

sāmrājya sāmrājya, i. e. samrāj + ya, n. Imperial rule, Man. 8, 387; sovereignty, Pañc. 42, 14; Rājat. 5, 49; 151.

sāmrājyakṛt sāmrājya-kṛ + t, adj. One who gains imperial rule, Man. 8, 387.

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sāya sāya,
A. i. e. se + a,
I. m.
     1. End.
     2. Evening, Vikr. 77, 12.
B. m. An arrow.
II. acc. yam, adv. Evening, in the evening, Pañc. iii. d. 159.
III. loc. ye, adv. In the evening.
-- Comp. ati-sāyam, adv. too late, Man. 4, 62.
-- Cf. Lat. serus, serum.

sāyaka sāya + ka (and śāyaka śāyaka), m.
     1. An arrow, Pañc. 120, 10.
     2. A sword.
-- Comp. a-sanva- and puṣpa-, m. Kāma, the god of love, Kathās. 15, 2; Lass. 66, 11.

sāyakamaya sāyaka + maya, adj. Consisting in arrows, MBh. 4, 1853.

sāyantana sāyantana, i. e. sāya + m + tana, adj., f. , Belonging to the evening, vespertine, Pañc. 229, 10; Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 37.

sāyujya sāyujya, i. e. sa-yuj + ya, n.
     1. Intimate union, identification.
     2. Similarity, likeness.
-- Comp. rājasāyujya, i. e. rājan-, n. royalty.

sār sār, see śār.

sāra sāra, perhaps sṛ + a, with 'cream,'
     9. as first signification,
I. adj.
     1. Easential, Hit. iv. d. 71.
     2. Excellent, best, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 22; Pañc. i. d. 284; Hit. iii. d. 89.
     3. Hard, Śāk. d. 10.
     4. Irrefragable (as an argument), proved, Man. 9, 262.
II. m. (and n.).
     1. The pith or sap of trees.
     2. The essence of anything, the essential or vital part of it, Hit. ii. d. 126; Pañc. 49, 4.
     3. Nectar, Bhāg. P. 7, 6, 25.
     4. The substance or material part (of a book, speech, etc.), Pañc. pr. d. 3; 10 (n.).
     5. Marrow, Ragh. 10, 10.
     6. Strength, vigour, Hit. 104, 7; affluence, Hit. i. d. 90, M.M. (artha-, of wealth, cf.
IV. 2.).
     7. Prowess, heroism.
     8. Firmness, hardness.
     9. The coagulum of curds, cream.
     10. Fresh butter.
     11. Air, wind (cf. śāra).
     12. Disease, pus, Hit. ii. d. 101 (and wealth).
III. m., and f. , A man at chess, backgammon (cf. śāra).
IV. n.
     1. Water.
     2. Wealth, Man. 8, 126; Daśak. in Chr. 189, 3 (at the end of a comp. adj.).
     3. Fitness.
     4. Steel.
     5. (In rhetoric), Climax.
V. f. , Kuśa grass.
VI. f. , Turdus Salica Buch.
-- Comp. a-, adj. 1. sapless, Hit. iv. d. 87. 2. insipid, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 2; vain, Pañc. 165, 17. 3. weak, Pañc. i. d. 376. 4. bad, Man. 8, 202. 5. poor, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 23. sāra-a-, m. 1. strength and weakness, Hit. 104, 7. 2. excellence or defect, Man. 9, 331. 3. substance and emptiness. agra-, f. , a method of numbering, by which one may sum up the sand of a hundred Koṭis of Gaṅgā rivers, Lalit. 141 (cf. Arcimedes' method). adri-, m. iron. antaḥsāra, i. e. antar-,
I. m. and n. 1. the inward pus and wealth, Hit. ii. d. 101. 2. own worth, Cāṇ. 69 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 411.
II. adj. 1. having inward essence, full of strength, Pañc. i. d. 142. 2. heavy, ponderous. artha-, m. important motive, Pañc. ii. d. 46. aśmasāra, i. e. aśman-, m. iron, Suśr. 2, 531, 4. eka-, m. only essence, Bhartṛ. 2, 1. kṛṣṇa- (cf. śāra),
I. adj. of a blue-black colour, Rām. 5, 32, 47.
II. m. 1. the black-pied antelope, Man. 2, 23; Vikr. d. 120. 2. the name of several plants. giri-, m. 1. iron. 2. tin. ghana-, m. camphor, Lass. 92, 8. candana-, m. the best sandal, Rām. 2, 20, 43 Gorr. traksāra, i. e. tvac-, m. reed, Man. 10, 37. dṛṣṭa-, adj. one of whom the strength is tested, Kām. Nītis. 8, 67. nis-abhibhava-, adj. having the highest excellence, i. e. than which there is nothing better, Bhartṛ. 2, 54 (but cf. also Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1859). niḥsāra, i. e. nis-, adj., f. , 1. sapless, Suśr. 1, 20, 16; Cāṇ. 66 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 411. 2. powerless, insignificant, Pañc. i. d. 421.
     3. insipid.
     4. vain, perishable, Hit. iv. d. 71. prāṇa-, adj. having the marrew of life, Śāk. d. 37. vajra-,
I. adj. having the vigour of a thunderbolt, Pañc. 58, 10.
II. m. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 226. vedānta-, m. the essence of the Vedānta philosophy, Vedāntas. title, in Chr. 202, 1. śilā-, m. iron. śaila-, adj. firm as a rock, Kir. 10, 14 sa-kala-artha-śāstra-, adj. containing the essence of precepts about all things, Pañc. pr. d. 3. sattva-, m. excellence of strength, i. e. the most powerful, Utt. Rāmac. 151, 1. su-, m. 1. a kind of jewel or crystal (?), MBh. 7, 672. 2. Mimosa catechu. sva-anubhūti-eka-sāra-, adj. whose only essence consists in enjoying himself, Bhartṛ. 2, 1.
-- Cf. sara; Goth. sāls; A.S. sel, sael.

sāraṅga sāraṅga (cf. śāraṅga),
I. adj. Variegated, spotted.
II. m.
     1. Variegated colour.
     2. A lion.
     3. An elephant.
     4. A deer, Vikr. 63, 9; Śāk5, 5.
     5. The Cātaka, Cuculus melanoleucus, Megh. 21.
     6. The Indian cuckoo.
     7. A kind of crane.
     8. A peacock.
     9. A large bee, Nalod. 1, 44.
     10. A cloud.
     11. A tree.
     12. A parasol.
     13. A garment.
     14. Hair.
     15. A lotus.
     16. A flower.
     17. A conch-shell.
     18. A jewel.
     19. Gold.
     20. A bow.
     21. Kāmadeva, the god of love.
     22. Sandal.
     23. Camphor.
III. f. , A sort of fiddle.
-- Comp. kriṣṇa-,
I. adj. blackpied.
II. m. the black-pied antelope, Śāk. 61, 14 (v. r.).

sāraṇa sāraṇa, i. e. sṛ, Caus., + ana, m. Dysentery.

sāraṇi and ṇī sāraṇi/ī i. e. sṛ + ana + ī, f. A canal, a water-condult.

sāratas sāra + tas, adv.
     1. Essentially.
     2. Vigorously.
     3. Concerning (their) wealth, fortune, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 8; in proportion to the value, Man. 8, 405.

sāratā sāra + tā, f.
     1. Essence, Pañc. ii. d. 84.
     2. Substance.
     3. Strength.
     4. Highest degree, Rājat. 5, 400.
-- Comp. a-, f. fragility, Ragh. 8, 50. sāra-a-, f. strong and weak points, Pañc. 53, 9.

sārathi sārathi, i. e. sa-ratha + i, m. A charioteer, Bhāṣāp. 49.
-- Comp. ku-, m. a bad charioteer. Lass. 53, 11. dharma-, a proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 17, 11. pārṣṇi-, m. du. the two carioteers who govern the outer horses attached to the extremities of the axletree, MBh. 1, 5490. madhu-, m. Kāmadeva, the god of love.

sārathya sārathya, i. e. sārathi + ya, n. Charioteership, charioteering, Chr. 27, 9.
-- Comp. aśva-, n. management of horses and cars, Man. 10, 47.

sāraphalgutva sāra-phalgu + tva, n. Impertance and non-importance, the proportional importance, Man. 9, 56.

sārameya sārameya, i. e. saramā + eya,
I. m. A dog, Pañc. 110, 23.
II. f. , A bitch.
-- Cf. probably [greek]

sāravattā sāravattā, i. e. sāravant + tā, f. Hardness, Ragh. 3, 63.

sāravant sāra + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Substantial, having pith, substance.
     2. Fertile, Hit. iv. d. 121.

sārasa sārasa, i. e. saras + a,
I. adj. Relating or belonging to a lake, Nalod. 2, 40.
II. m., and f. , The Indian crane, male and female, Ardea sibirica, Rām. 3, 53, 58; Pañc. 82, 6; ii. d. 103 (cf. my transl.); a bird in general, Nalod. 2, 10.
III. m. The moon.
IV. n. A lotus, Caurap. 44.
-- Comp. rājasārasa, i. e. rājan-, m. a peacock.

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sārasana sārasana, i. e. sa-rasana + a, n. A girdle, Kir. 18, 32.

sārasvata sārasvata, i. e. sarasvant + ī + a,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Relating to the goddess Sarasvatī,
     2. Relating or belonging to the river Sarasvatī, Megh. 50.
     3. Eloquent.
II. m.
     1. A staff of the Vilva tree.
     2. The name of a country; pl. its people.

sārāparādhatas sārāparādhatas, i. e. sāra-sparādha + tas, adv. Conformably to the proved crimes, Man. 9, 262.

sārikā sārikā, f. A bird, Turdus Salica and Gracula religiosa (cf. śārikā), Pañc. iv. d. 51; Megh. 83.

sārin -sārin, i. e.
I. sṛ + in, adj. Going; pārva-, Going in front, being the first, MBh. 5, 142.
II. sāra + in, adj. Having the essence or substance of, Nal. 12, 59.

sārūpya sārūpya, i. e. sa-rūpa + ya, n.
     1. Identity of form.
     2. Conformity, Man. 4, 18.
     3. Close resemblance.

sārūpyatas sārūpya + tas, adv. In consequence of the identity. Mālat, 76, 20.

sārtha sārtha, i. e. sa-artha,
I. adj.
     1. Opulent.
     2. Of like meaning.
     3. Significant.
II. m.
     1. A caravan, Pañc. 3, 21.
     2. A troop, Rājat. 5, 374.
     3. A multitude in general, Lass. 66, 17; Śāk. 32, 6.
-- Comp. eka-sārtha + m, together, Johns. Sel. 36, 6. bhañga-, adj. fraudulent.

sārthika sārthika, i. e. sārtha + ika, m. A merchant, Pañc. 8, 20.

sārdham sārdham, i. e. sa-ardha + m, prep. (with instr.), With, Man. 1. 27; Pañc. i. d. 61; iii. d. 74.

sārpiṣa sārpiṣa, and sārpiṣka sārpiṣka, i. e. sarpis + a, or ka, adj. Dressed with clarified butter.

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sārpī sārpī, see the next.

sārpya sārpya, i. e. sarpa + ya,
I. adj. Relating to a snake.
II. f. , The ninth lunar mansion.

sārvakāmika sārvakāmika, i. e. sarva-kāma + ika, adj. Satisfying every wish, Kir. 18, 25.

sārvakālika sārvakālika, i. e. sarva-kāla + ika, adj., f. , Of all times or seasons, overlasting, MBh. 1, 7648.

sārvajanika sārvajanika, and sārvajanīna sārvajanīna, i. e. sarva-jana + ika, or īna, adj. Relating, or belonging, or suited, to all men.

sārvadaivatya sārvadaivatya, i. e. sarva-devata + ya, adj. Presided over by, or sacred to, all the gods.

sārvabhautika sārvabhautika, i. e. sarva-bhūta + ika, adj.
     1. Belonging or relating to all elements, beings.
     2. Comprising all animated beings, Man. 12, 51.

sārvabhauma sārvabhauma, i. e. sarva-bhūmi + a,
I. adj. Relating to, or consisting of, the whole earth.
II. m.
     1. An universal monarch.
     2. The elephant of the northern quarter.
     3. A proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 10.

sārvalaukika sārvalaukika, i. e. sarva-loka + ika, adj. Prevailing through the universe, Mālat. 7, 5.

sārvavarṇika sārvavarṇika, i. e. sarva-varṇa + ika, adj.
     1. Of every kind, Man. 2, 244.
     2. Belonging to every tribe.

sārvavedasa sārvavedasa, i. e. sarva-vedas + a, m. One who gives away all his wealth at a sacred rite, Man. 11, 1.

sārvavedya sārvavedya, i. e. sarva-veda + ya, m. A Brāhmaṇa conversant with all the Vedas.

sārṣapa sārṣapa, i. e. sarṣapa + a,
I. adj. Made of or from mustard.
II. n. Mustard oil.

sārṣṭitā sārṣṭitā, perhaps sa-ṛṣ + ti + tā, f. Equality, Man. 4, 232.

sāla sāla (cf. śāla),
I. m.
     1. A wall surrounding a building, a wall in general, Daśak. in Chr. 201, 1.
     2. A tree, Shorea robusta, Man. 8, 246.
     3. A tree in general.
     4. A fish, Ophiocephalus Wrahl.
II. f. , A house.

sālabhañjikā sāla-bhañj + ikā, f. A doll, a puppet.

sālokya sālokya, i. e. sa-loka + ya, n. Habitation with, Man. 4, 231; MBh. 3, 11184.

sālva sālva, m.
     1. = śālva.
     2. The name of a demon.

sālvahan sālva-han, m. Viṣṇu (the slayer of Sālva).

sāvadhānatā sāvadhānatā, i. e. sa-avadhāna + tā, f. Carefulness, Pañc. 34, 23.

sāvana sāvana, i. e. su, Caus., + ana, m.
     1. An employer of priests for a sacrifice.
     2. The ceremonies by which a sacrifice is terminated.
     3. Varuṇa.
     4. A month of thirty solar days.

sāvarṇi sāvarṇi, i. e. sa-varṇa + i, m. The eighth Manu, Bhāg. P. 8, 13, 11.
-- Comp. indra-, the fourteenth Manu, ib. 34. dakṣa-, m. the ninth Manu, ib. 18. deva-, m. the thirteenth Manu, ib. 31. dharma-, m. the eleventh Manu, ib. 25. brahman-, m. the tenth Manu, ib. 21. rudra-, m. the twelfth Manu, ib. 28.

sāvarṇya sāvarṇya, i. e. sa-varna + ya, n. Identity of caste.

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sāvitra sāvitra, i. e. savitṛ + a,
I. adj.
     1. Descended from the sun, Utt. Rāmac. 132, 3.
     2. Belonging to the dynasty descended from the sun, ib. 27, 13.
II. m.
     1. The sun.
     2. Śiva.
     3. A Vasu or demigod so called.
     4. Karṇa, child of the sun.
     5. One of the Nakṣatras, or lunar asterisms, Johns. Sel. 15, 62.
III. f. trī.
     1. A beam of light, a cluster of solar rays.
     2. Umā, the wife of Śiva, Sāv. 1, 7.
     3. A proper name, Sāv. 1, 21.
     4. The name of the most holy verse of the Rigv. (iii. 62, 11), Man. 2, 77; 11, 191.
     5. The ceremony of investiture with the sacrificial string, Man. 2, 38.
IV. n. The sacrificial string.

sāṣṭāṅgam sāṣṭāṅgam, i. e. sa-askṭan-aṅga + m, adv. With a humble prostration (touching the earth with eight parts of the body, viz. the forehead, breast, both shoulders, hands, and feet), Pañc. 33, 12.

sāsnā sāsnā, f. The dewlap of an ox, Sāh. D. 10, 3.

sāhacarya sāhacarya, i. e. saha-cara + ya, n. Company, association, congregation, Mālat. 6, 2.

sāhasa sāhasa, i. e. sahas + a, n. (and m., Man. 8, 138),
     1. Violence, Man. 8. 345.
     2. Oppression, cruelty, Śiś. 8, 59.
     3. Punishment, Man. 8, 120.
     4. Rape, ravishment.
     5. Hatred.
     6. Boldness, daring, Hit. ii. d. 3; Pañc. 135, 8; courage, Mālat. 75, 12.
     7. Rashness, Hit. iii. d. 115; Hit. 100, 3.
     8. Suicide, Pañc. 135, 6; Daśak. in Chr. 189, 7.
-- Comp. viṣama-, n. temerity.

sāhasika sāhasika, adj., i. e. sāhasa + ika,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Using force or violence, Man. 3, 344.
     2. Rapacious.
     3. Cruel, Mālat. 9, 5.
     4. Inflicted as punishment.
     5. Perpetrated by violence.
     6. Bold, daring.
     7. Rash, Mālat. 64, 4; impetuous.
II. m. A robber, Pañc. i. d. 390.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. , being of a mild disposition, Śiś. 9, 59. ati-, adj. very bold, daring, Pañc. 241, 3. a-sama-, adj. who has not his match in boldness, Lass. 4, 17. mahā-, m. 1. an assaulter. 2. a robber.

sāhasikatā sāhasika + tā, f. in mahā-, Great boldness, Pañc. 129, 22.

sāhasra sāhasra, i. e. sahasra + a,
I. adj.
     1. Relating or belonging to a thousand.
     2. Bought with a thousand.
     3. Paid per thousand, as interest, duty.
     4. A thousandfold, a thousand times better, Man. 2, 85.
II. m. An army or detachment, a thousand strong.
III. n. An aggregate of many thousands.
-- Comp. daśasāhasra, i. e. daśan-,
I. adj. consisting of ten thousand, MBh. 4, 289.
II. n. ten thousand, Hariv. 13900. dvādaśasāhasra, i. e. dvādaśan-, adj. consisting of twelve thousand, Man. 1, 71. śata-, adj. consisting of a hundred thousand, a hundred thousandfold, Man. 7, 85.

sāhāyaka sāhāyaka, i. e. sahāya + ka (? perhaps it is to be read sākāyyaka), n. Assistance, Rājat. 5, 307.

sāhāyya sāhāyya, i. e. sahāya + ya, n.
     1. Friendship.
     2. Alliance.
     3. Help. Pañc. ii. d. 13.

sāhitya sāhitya, i. e. sahita + ya,
I. n., and f. hiti, Society, connexion, combination.
II. n. Poetry, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3250.

sāhvaya sāhvaya, i. e. sa-āhvaya, m. Fighting animals for sport or money.
-- Cf. āhvaya.

si si, ii. 5 and 9, Par. Ātm. To bind. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sita, Bound, surrounded, Chr. 296, 5 = Rigv. i. 112, 5; cf. s.v. sita.
-- With the prep. pra pra, prasita,
     1. Bound.
     2. Attached to.
     3. Diligent, attentive.
-- Cf. sīman; [greek]; O.H.G. sail; A.S. sal, laqueus, sael, saelan, sieran, syrwan; Goth. in-sailjan, illaqueare; O.H.G. saito; A. S. sad, laqueus.

siṃha siṃha,
I. m.
     1. A lion, Pañc. 218, 22.
     2. The sign Leo.
     3. As latter part of comp. words, Preeminent; e. g. puruṣa-, m. (properly, a lion-like man), A hero, Hit. pr. d. 31, M.M. rājasiṃha, i. e. rājan-, m. A great king, Hit. iii. d. 121.
II. f. , A lioness, Rām. 3, 53, 46; Pañc. 218, 22.

siṃhala siṃha + la,
I. n.
     1. Tin.
     2. Brass.
     3. Cassia bark.
II. n., and f. , Ceylon, Hit. 63, 10 (la).

siṃhāna siṃhāna, n.
     1. Rust of iron.
     2. The mucus of the nose.

siṃhāya siṃhāya, a denomin. derived from siṃha with ya, Ātm. To behave like a lion, Hit. iii. 134.

siṃhāsanastha siṃhāsanastha, i. e. siṃha-āsana-stha, adj. Sitting on the throne, Pañc. 195, 11.

siṃhikā siṃhikā, i. e. siṃhi + ka, f. The mother of Rāhu.

sikata sikata,
I. m. pl. Sand.
II. f. .
     1. Sandy soil.
     2. Sand, Vikr. d. 79 (pl.); Pañc. ii. d. 62.
     3. Gravel or stone (the disease).

sikatāmaya sikatā + maya, adj., f. , sikatāvant sikatā + vant, adj., f. vatī, and sikatila sikatila, i. e. sikatā + ila, adj. Sandy, Bhartṛ. 3, 49 (tila, see Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2721).

siktha siktha, i. e. sic + tha.
I. m.
     1. Boiled rice.
     2. A lump or ball of boiled rice, Skanda P., Kāśīkh. 81, 38.
II. n.
     1. Beeswax.
     2. Indigo.

sikthaka siktha + ka, n. Beeswax.
-- Comp. madhu-, n. a sort of poison.

sic sic, i. 6, siñca, Par. Ātm.
     1. To sprinkle, MBh. 1, 8153.
     2. To discharge, Man. 11, 170; with śukram, To lose semen, 2, 181.
     3. To pour in, Bhartṛ. 2, 20.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, ṣic,
     1. To besprinkle, Rām. 1, 38, 14; to wet, Pañc. 50, 9.
     2. To pour upon, Megh. 49.
     3. To inaugurate by sprinkling with sacred water, to initiate, Rām. 1, 1, 79; Vikr. d. 161. Ātm. To be inaugurated, MBh. 3, 14423. Caus. To cause to be inaugurated, MBh. 1, 3117.
-- With ava ava, avasikta, Sprinkled, MBh. 1, 7730.
-- With ā ā, Caus. To order to be dropped in, Man. 8, 272.
-- With ud ud, To make haughty, Ragh. 17, 43. utsikta,
     1. Sprinkled.
     2. Overflowing, abounding, Rām. 1, 21, 13.
     3. Haughty, Kathās. 18, 86.
     4. Mad, Man. 8, 71.
-- With ni ni, ṣic, To sprinkle, Vikr. d. 23; Ragh. 3, 26. Caus. To cause to be sprinkled, Rām. 2, 63, 9.
-- With pari pari, ṣic,
     1. To sprinkle round about, Pañc. iii. d. 26.
     2. To sprinkle, MBh. 1, 4500.
-- With pra pra, i. 4, To flow away, MBh. 3, 14767. prasikta, Sprinkled, Utt. Rāmac. 58, 4.
-- With sam sam, saṃsikta,
     1. Sprinkled, Rām. 1, 5, 8.
     2. Moistened, Pañc. iii. d. 33.
-- Cf. O.H.G. sīhan, colare, seihjan, mingere, probably Goth. saivs; O.H.G. seo, gi-sic; Lat. stilla (for stic-la; cf. strau in O.H.G. straum = Sskr. sro, vb. sru); [greek] probably [greek]

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sicaya sicaya, m. Cloth, Vikr. d. 7.

siṭ siṭ, see śiṭ.

sita sita,
I. (cf. si and so), adj. White, Vikr. d. 53; Pañc. 158, 3.
II. m.
     1. White (the colour).
     2. The light half of the month from new to full moon, Rājat. 5, 327.
     3. The planet Venus.
     4. An arrow.
III. f. .
     1. Candied sugar.
     2. Moonlight.
     3. A handsome woman.
     4. Spirituous liquor.
     5. The name of several plants.
IV. n.
     1. Silver.
     2. Sandal.
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. and asiknī,
I. adj. 1. black, Rām. 2, 96, 19. 2. the black half of the month from full to new moon, Pañc. ed. orn. i. d. 139.
II. m. 1. black (the colour). 2. a proper name, MBh. 1, 106.
III. f. , a proper name, Hariv. 120. sita-a-,
I. adj. white and black.
II. m. a name of Baladeva.

sitābhra sitābhra, i. e. sita-abhra, m and n. (also sitābha sitābha, a dialect. form, m., and sitābhraka sitābhra + ka, n.), Camphor (Indr. 1, 6, sitābhra, White clouds; MBh. 13, 836, śitābhra, White-clouded).

sitiman sitiman, i. e. sita + iman, m. Whiteness, Śiś. 1, 25.

siddhānta siddhānta, i. e. siddha-anta, m. Demonstrated conclusion, established truth, reliable doctrine; doctrine, Lass. 2. ed. 90, 40.

siddhārtha siddhārtha, i. e. siddha-artha,
I. adj. One who has obtained his aim, Chr. 62, 60; successful.
II. m. White mustard, Pañc. 158, 3.
-- Comp. a-, adj. unfortunate, Rām. 3, 55, 20.

siddhi siddhi, i. e. sidh + ti, f.
     1. Accomplishment, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 4; Hit. ii. d. 13; fulfilment, Vikr. d. 28 (read abhimukhiṣviva, in the ed. of Bollens).
     2. Success, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3255; prosperity, well-being, Pañc. i. d. 432.
     3. Use, Pañc. ii. d. 93 (na siddhyai, useless).
     4. Final emancipation, supreme felicity, Man. 2, 93.
     5. The fruit of the adoration of the gods or of ascetic austerities.
     6. The acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means, magical power, Pañc. 241, 3.
     7. A magical shoe, which is supposed to convey the bearer wherever he likes.
     8. A medicinal root.
     9. Indisputable conclusion, decision, Pañc. iii. d. 91.
     10. Validity.
     11. Knowledge, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 8; understanding, intellect, Rām. 5, 18, 13.
     12. Acquittance, discharge (of debt).
     13. Concealment.
-- Comp. a-, f. 1. imperfect accomplishment, failure, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3255. 2. want of proof, conclusion not warranted by the premises, Bhāṣāp. 74. āśraya-a-, Svarūpa-a-, Vyāpyatva-a-, f. forms of asiddhi, or fallacious inference, Bhāṣāp. 74-76. ati-, f. excessive accomplishment, Rām. 4, 57, 10. anyathā-, f. establishing wrongly, especially assigning superfluous causes, Bhāṣāp. 15. mahā-, f. magical power, Lass. 3, 17. yajña-, f. due performance of sacrifice, Man. 1, 23. rasa-, f. knowledge of alchemy. vighāla-, and vighna-, f. removing obstacles. sādhya-, f. 1. completion. 2. establishing what is to be proved. sāmasiddhi, i. e. sāman-, f. the art of accomplishing something in a peaceable way, Pañc. 91, 17.

sidh 1. sidh (i. e. probably so-dhā, cf. sādh), i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 12025),
     1. To be accomplished, Pañc. i. d. 2.
     2. To reach, Śāk. d. 38 (with loc.).
     3. To attain one's aim, Pañc. i. d. 131.
     4. To succeed, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 3.
     5. To be established, Hit. 84, 17; to be valid, Man. 8, 74; 163.
     6. Pass. To be concluded, Bhāṣāp. 77. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. siddha.
     1. Accomplished, Hit. i. d. 31, M.M. (prakṛti-, by nature, i. e. natural; n. true nature, Bhartṛ. 2, 42); effected, settled, Pañc. i. d. 424.
     2. Succeeded, Pañc. 44, 10; successful, Pañc. v. d. 77.
     3. Liberated, emancipated.
     4. Endowed with supernatural powers.
     5. Prepared, compounded (in medicine).
     6. Ready (as money), Hit. ii. d. 92.
     7. Cooked, dressed, Man. 3, 84; Pañc. 116, 22.
     8. Subdued, acquired, by magical power, Lass. 2. ed. 3, 3; Kathās. 18, 177; gained, Pañc. 250, 12.
     9. Demonstrated, proved.
     10. Judged, decided, Utt. Rāmac. 10, 8.
     11. Valid, deemed right, Mālat. 160, 5.
     12. Celebrated, famous.
     13. Shining, splendid.
     14. Eternal.
     15. Initiated in alchemy or magic, magical, Pañc. 241, 6.
     16. Discharged, settled (as a debt). m.
     1. A sort of demigod, Pañc. 242, 5.
     2. A wise man, Hit. ii. d. 98.
     3. An ascetic who has attained one or all of his purposes.
     4. A magician, Panc. 242, 21. n. Sea salt. Comp. a-, adj. 1. unaccomplished. 2. imperfect. 3. unproven. 4. unripe. anyathā-, adj. wrongly established, especially used of superfluous causes, Bhāṣāp. 20. rasa-,
I. adj. accomplished in poetry, Bhartṛ. 2, 21.
II. m. an alchemist. a-vi-hita- (vb. dha), adj. not artificial, innate, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 3. saṃkalpa-, adj. endowed with supernatural powers by energy, Chr. 58, 4. suvarṇa-, m. an adept who has acquired gold (by magical means), Pañc. 243, 1, sqq. Caus. sedhaya and sādhaya, see sādh.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To be acquired, Man. 11, 237.
     2. To succeed, Bhag. 3, 8.
     3. To be known, Man. 12, 97. prasiddha,
     1. Celebrated, famous, Pañc. 127, 20; Lass. 49, 17.
     2. Known, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 11.
     3. Adorned.
-- With sam sam, To attain beatitude, Man. 2, 87. saṃsiddha, One who has attained beatitude, Lass. 49, 9.

sidh 2. sidh, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 15643),
     1. To command.
     2. To restrain, Lass. 101, 1 = Rigv. vii. 15, 10.
     3. To ordain.
     4. † To do an auspicious act.
     5. † To go. siddha, see s.v. 1. sidh.
-- With the prep. apa apa, To remove, Man. 11, 198.
-- With ni ni, ṣidh,
     1. To remove, Rājat. 5, 56.
     2. To prohibit, MBh. 1, 279.
     3. To forbid, Man. 8, 361; Pañc. 160, 25. Caus. To prohibit, Pañc. 160, 25.
-- With prati prati, ṣidh,
     1. To prevent, Pañc. 171, 25.
     2. To restrain, Man. 2, 206.
     3. To forbid, Man. 8, 361. Caus.
     1. To restrain, MBh. 1, 1594.
     2. To keep off, Chr. 31, 9.
-- With viprati vi-prati, vipratiṣiddha, Contradicted, containing contradiction, Utt. Rāmac. 146, 7.

sidhma sidhma, and sidhman sidhman, n. Leprosy.

sidhmala sidhma + la, and sidhmavant sidhma + vant, adj. Affected with leprosy.

sidhya sidhya, m. The asterism Puṣya.

sidhra sidh + ra, adj. Perfect, good.

sidhrakāvaṇa sidhrakāvaṇa, i. e. sidhra + ka-vana, n. One of the celestial gardens.

sinīvālī sinīvālī, f. A name of the day of new moon, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. lviii. 68.

sinduka sinduka (probably vb. syand), m. A small tree,. Vitex negundo.

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sinduvāra sinduvāra (cf. sinduka), m. A small tree, Vitex negundo, Pañc. 105, 3.

sindūra sindūra (vb. syand ?),
I. m. A sort of tree.
II. f. .
     1. Red clothes.
     2. The name of two plants.
III. n. Red lead, minium, Ṛt. 1, 24; Kathās. 23, 78 (red colour).

sindhu sindhu (probably from vb. syand),
I. m.
     1. The Indus, Rājat. 5, 215.
     2. The ocean, Pañc. i. d. 117.
     3. The country along the Indus; m. pl. Its inhabitants, Draup. 1, 6.
     4. The juice that exudes from an elephant's temples.
     5. An elephant.
II. f. A river in general, Śāk. d. 117; Rājat. 5, 112.
-- Comp. dyu-, f. the Gaṅgā, Kathās. 4, 137. soma-, m. Viṣṇu.

sindhuja sindhu-ja,
I. adj.
     1. River or sea-born.
     2. Born in Sindhu.
II. n. Rock-salt.

sindhura sindhu + ra, m. An elephant.

sinv sinv, see ninv.

sipra sipra,
I. m.
     1. Perspiration, sweat.
     2. The moon.
II. f. .
     1. A woman's zone.
     2. A female buffalo.
     3. A river near Oujein, Pañc. 240, 11; Megh. 32.

sibh sibh, see sṛbh.

sima sima (akin to sama), adj. Every, all, entire.

simbh simbh, see sṛmbh.

sira sira (vb. si ?),
I. m. The root of long pepper.
II. f. .
     1. Any tubular vessel of the body, as a vein, a nerve, Suśr. 1, 267, 13.
     2. A bucket a baling vessel.

sil sil, see śil.

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siv siv, i. 4, sīvya, Par.
     1. To sew.
     2. To unite, Utt. Rāmac. 128, 5. Ptcple. cf. the pf. pass. syūta.
     1. Sewn, Mālat. 77, 4; stitched, joined, made, Prab. 116, 8.
     2. Pierced by a fishing-book.
-- With the prep. anu anu, anusyūta,
     1. Sewn on (cf. anusyūtatva).
     2. Closely attached to.
     3. Uninterrupted.
-- Cf. si; Goth. siujan; A.S. siwian; O.H.G. siut, suila, saum; A. S. seam, limbus; O.N. saumr, sutura; Lat. suere, Con-sus, Con-sualia; [greek] probably [greek] and [greek] (cf. sīvanī, s. v. sīvana).

siṣādhayiṣā siṣādhayiṣā, i. e. siskādhayiṣa, desider. of the causal of sādh and sidh, + a, f. Wish or purpose to effect, to prove, Bhāṣāp. 69.

sisṛkṣā sisṛkṣā, i. e. sisṛkṣa, desider. of sṛj, + a, f. Wish or purpose to create, Man. 1, 75.

sisṛkṣu sisṛkṣu, i. e. sisṛkṣa, desider. of sṛj, + u, adj. Wishing or purposing to create, Man. 1, 8.

sīk sīk, see 1. 2. śīk.

sīkara sīkara, see śīkara.

sītā sītā (vb. si), f.
     1. A furrow, the track of the ploughshare.
     2. Husbandry, Man. 9, 293.
     3. Name of a goddess, wife of Indra, presiding over fruits, etc., Pāraskara Gṛ. S. in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 538, 17.
     4. The wife of Rāma, Rām. 5, 48, 19.
     5. Lakṣmī.
     6. Umā.
     7. One of the fabulous branches of the Gaūgā.
     8. Spirituous liquor.
-- Cf. sītya.

sīt sīt (cf. śīt), an imitative sound, expressing sighing, shivering with cold, murmuring, Rājat. 1, 213; cf. Nalod. 2, 62, Sch.

sītya sītya, i. e. sīta + ya,
I. adj. Tilled, ploughed.
II. n. Corn, grain.
-- Cf. probably [greek].

sīda sīda, see 1. sad.

sīdhu sīdhu, m. Spirit distilled from molasses, Ṛt. 6, 33; Indr. 5, 13.

sīman sīman, i. e. si or siv + man, and sīmā sīmā, f.
     1. A boundary, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 461; a limit, a landmark, Man. 8, 149; 255; Pañc. i. d. 104 (man and ); skirt, Utt. Rāmac. 43, 6 (man).
     2. Observance of due bounds in morals, Bhaṭṭ. 1, 6; Nalod. 3, 28.
     3. A field.
     4. The nape of the neck.
     5. The scrotam.
-- Comp. niḥsīman, i. e. nis-, adj. boundless, Bhartṛ. 2, 28.
-- Cf. [greek]; O.S. sīmo, laqueus.

sīmanta sīmanta, i. e. *sīmant, the original form of sīman, + a,
I. m. A separation of the hair on each side, so as to leave a distinct line on the top of the head, Megh. 66.
II. m. and n. The head.
III. m. or n. A landmark (?), Lass. 41, 7.

sīmantita sīmantita, i. e. ptcple. pf. pass. of a denomin. sīmantaya, derived from sīmanta, Marked by a line, Kir. 4, 18.

sīmantinī sīmantinī, i. e. sīmanta + in + ī, f. A woman, Hit. ii. d. 6.

sīmā sīmā, see sīman.

sīra sīra (vb. si, cf. sītā), m.
     1. A plough, Megh. 16.
     2. The sun.

sīrin sīrin, i. e. sīra + in, m. Baladeva, Śiś. 2, 2.
-- Comp. ardha-, i. e. ardhasīra + in, m. A cultivator who takes half the crop for his labour, Yājñ. 1, 166.

sīvana sīvana, i. e. siv + ana,
I. n. Sewing, stitching.
II. f. , The frenum of the prepuce.

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sīsa sīsa, sīsaka sīsa + ka, and sīsapatraka sīsa-patra + ka, n. Lead, Man. 5, 114 (saka).

su 1. su, i. 1, and ii. 2, Par., and , ii. 4, suya (properly pass. refl. of su), and ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To beget, Man. 10, 32.
     2. To bear, to bring forth, Man. 10, 39; Pañc. pr. d. 5. ii. 5, sunu, Par. Ātm. (the act of expressing the Soma juice being compared to the act of generating, cf. Rigv. i. 28), To express the Soma juice, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i, 92, 3. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. suta,
     1. m. A son, Pañc. i. d. 185.
     2. f. , A daughter, Chr. 3, 9.
     3. m. pl. Cildren, Man. 2, 28. Comp. giri-, f. , Pārvatī, Pañc. i. d. 175. jahnu-, f. , the Gaṅgā, MBh. 1, 3913. jīva-, adj. one who has living children, Bhāg. P. 6, 19, 25. dāra-, m. wife and son, Yājñ. 2, 175. dāsī-, m. a base man, Rājat. 5, 179. dharma-, m. (the son of the god Dharma), epithet of Yudhiṣṭhira, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 49. bhū- and mahī-, m. the planet Mars. bhṛgu-, m. 1. Śukra or Venus. 2. Paraśurāma. rādhā-, m. Karṇa. śaila-, f. , Pārvatī, Vikr. d. 128.
II. sūla,
     1. Engendered.
     2. Born. f. ,
     1. A daughter, Pañc. 181, 5.
     2. A woman lying in; see s.v. Comp. sūra-, m. Aruṇa, the dawn.
III. sūna,
     1. Born, produced.
     2. Blown, budded (as a flower). m. A son, Pañc. 198, 2. f. , A daughter. n.
     1. Bringing forth, parturition.
     2. A flower.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, ṣu,
     1. To express the Soma juice, Rām. 1, 13, 5 (cf. Sclegel's translation).
     2. To extract juice, Man. 5, 10.
     3. To sprinkle, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 90.
-- With ud ud, ii. 5, To agitate, Bhāg. P. 3, 20, 35 (cf. 2. ).
-- With pra pra,
     1. To beget, Man. 10, 30.
     2. To bring forth, Man. 4, 44.
     3. Pass. To be brought forth, Man, 10, 36; with the termination of the Par. (i. 4, Par.), MBh. 12, 5687. prasūta,
     1. Engendered, Hit. pr. d. 23, M.M.
     2. Born, Pañc. 45, 2.
     3. Produced, Chr. 294, 8 = Rigv. i. 92, 8.
     4. Engendering, Man. 3, 19.
     5. Having brought forth, delivered, Hit. 72, 14; Utt. Rāmac. 52, 1 (she has brought forth). Comp. a-, adj. one who has not brought forth, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 809. kula-, adj. descended from a respectable family, Pañc. pr. d. 6. prasūna, Born, produced. n.
     1. A bud, a blossom, Utt. Rāmac. 129, 12; flower, Mālat. 57, 13.
     2. Fruit. Comp. visa-, n. a lotus.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra,
     1. To beget, Man. 10, 33.
     2. Pass. To be brought forth, MBh. 3, 12978 (with the termination of the Par.).
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. sunus; A.S. sunu (cf. sūnu).

su 2. su, i. 1, and ii. 2, Par. † To possess power or supremacy (cf. the last).

su 3. su, i. 1, Par. Ātm. † To go.

su 4. su (for original vasu, cf. [greek] = Zend. vaṅhvām = Sskr. *vasvām),
I. adv. ved. Beautifully, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1.
II. Very seldom combined and compounded with a verbum finitum; e. g. Pañc. i. d. 205, but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 647; but very often with nouns,
     1. Good, well, Rām. 3, 53, 6; Ṛt. 6, 2; Lass. 15, 5.
     2. Beautiful, beautifully, Rām. 3, 52, 35.
     3. Much, very, Chr. 4, 12.
     4. Easily, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 2. Comparat. sutarām,
     1. Better.
     2. With na, Very badly, Pañc. 199, 24; with , In no way, Megh. 108.
     3. More, Śiś. 9, 67; Pañc. 163, 3.
     4. Exceedingly, Śiś. 9, 55.
     5. Consequently, of course.
-- Cf. [greek]

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sukālin sukālin, probably su -2. kāla + in, m. pl. The Manes of the Śūdras, Man. 3, 197.

sukṛt su-kṛ + t, adj.
     1. Virtuous, pious, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i. 92, 3; Pañc. ii. d. 170.
     2. Fortunate.

sukh sukh, i. 10, sukhaya (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To make happy, to comfort, Megh. 86; to delight, Vikr. d. 61; MBh. 3, 181; Hit. i. d. 96, M.M. sukhita (ptcple. pf. pass., or sukha + ita), Pleased, Vikr. 59, 1; happy, Śāk. d. 99. n. Happiness, Mālav. 33, 3.

sukha su-kha,
I. adj.
     1. Happy.
     2. Joyful, Ṛt. 6, 2.
     3. Agreeable, sweet, Chr. 16, 15; Rām. 3, 55, 45.
     4. Virtuous, pious.
     5. Easy, Pañc. 211, 10.
II. kham, adv.
     1. And sukhena, Joyfully, Nal. 17, 18; Pañc. 53, 7; iii. d. 79; well, Pañc. iii. d. 164; Vikr. 65, 17 (sukham āstāṃ bhavān, Farewell).
     2. Placidly, Man. 1, 54.
     3. Willingly, Bhartṛ. 2, 49; Indr. 4, 18; with following na punar, Rather...than, Bhartṛ. 2, 100 (tejasvinaḥ sukham asūn api saṃ punaḥ pratijñām, The virtuous renounce even life rather than break a promise).
     4. And sukhena, Easily, Bhartṛ. 2, 3; Pañc. 52, 20; 48, 2.
III. n.
     1. Happiness, Pañc. 184, 2.
     2. Joy, MBh. 12, 12427.
     3. Pleasure, Vikr. d. 49; Pañc. 216, 10; alleviation, Pañc. iv. d. 19.
     4. Easiness, see
     4. 5. Paradise.
     6. Water.
-- Comp. a-,
I. adj. 1. unhappy, MBh. 1, 3984. 2. difficult, Kir. 5, 49.
II. n. distress, Pañc. ii. d. 191. a-nirdeśya- (vb. diś), adj. having inexpressible pleasure, Vikr. d. 59. antaḥsukha, i. e. antar-, adj. one who derives his happiness from his soul, Bhag. 5, 24. grāma- and grāmya-, n. pleasure of common people, sexual intercourse, MBh. 5, 3225; 3226. nis-, adj. sad, MBh. 5, 2379. yathā-sukha + m, adv. 1. happily, Hit. 95, 1, M.M. 2. willingly, Nal. 23, 9.

sukhada sukha-da,
I. adj. Affording pleasure, Pañc. ii. d. 2.
II. f. , A courtesan of Indra's heaven.
III. n. The seat of Viṣṇu.

sukhamaya sukha + maya, adj., f. , Full, or consisting of happiness.

sukhastha sukha-stha (vb. sthā), adj. Happy, Pañc. i. d. 406.

sukhin sukhin, i. e. sukha + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Happy, Pañc. 262, 10.
     2. Glad, Hit. 78, 3.
     3. Pleasant.
     4. Comfortable (corpulent), Hit. 106, 16.
II. m. A religious ascetic.

sukhodya sukhodya, i. e. sukha-udya (ptcple. of the fut. pass. of vad), adj. To be uttered agreeably, Man. 2, 33.

suga su-ga,
I. adj.
     1. Going well.
     2. Graceful.
     3. Well rid of.
     4. Plain, intelligible.
     5. Easy of access, Pañc. ii. d. 151.
II. n. Faeces, ordure.

sugopā su-gopā (gopā, ved. = gopa), adj. Having a good protector, Chr. 292, 1 = Rigv. i. 86, 1.

sugmya sugmya, i. e. su-gam + a + ya, adj. Yielding happiness, Chr. 288, 13 = Rigv. i. 48, 13.

sucelaka su-cela + ka, m. Cloth or fine cloth.

sujanatā su-jana + tā, f., sujanatva su-jana + tva, n.
     1. Goodness, Bhartṛ. 2, 99 (upa yāti sujanatām, becomes a good person, a friend).
     2. Benevolence, Bhartṛ. 2, 80 ().

suṭṭsuṭṭ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To disregard.
     2. To be small.

sutavant suta + vant (vb. 1. su),
I. adj. Having children.
II. m.
     1. The father of a son.
     2. A drinker of the Soma juice.

sutin sutin, i. e. suta + in (vb. 1. su),
I. adj., f. , Having a child or children, Pañc. pr. d. 7.
II. m. A father.
III. f. , A mother.

sutvan su + tvan, m.
     1. An offerer or drinker of the Soma juice, Bhaṭṭ. 4, 12, Sch.
     2. A student who has performed his ablutions subsequent or preparatory to a sacrifice.

sudānu su-dā + nu, adj. Munificent, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6.

sudāman su-dā + man, m.
     1. A cloud.
     2. A mountain.
     3. The sea.

sudās sudās, and (but wrongly) sudāsa sudāsa, m. The name of a king, Chr. 297, 19 = Rigv. i. 112, 19; Man. 7, 41 (cf. Lois.).

sudustara sudustara, i. e. su-dus-tṛ10 + a, adj. Very difficult to be crossed, Hit. i. d. 4, M.M.

sudhā su-dhā, and -dhe + a, f.
     1. Plaster, mortar, Rām. 2, 80, 13; Daśak. in Chr. 199, 18.
     2. A brick, Chr. 57, 22.
     3. The beverage of the gods, nectar, Pañc. v. d. 42.
     4. The nectar of flowers.
     5. Juice.
     6. Water.
     7. Lightning.
     8. The name of several plants.

sudhādrava sudhādrava, a denomin. derived from sudhā-drava, Par. To flow like nectar, Lass. 67, 15.

sudhāmaya sudhā + maya,
I. adj., f. ,
     1. Made of plaster.
     2. Consisting of nectar.
II. m. A palace, a mansion, a brick or stone building.

sudhāhara sudhā-hara, and sudhāhṛt sudhā-hṛ + t, m. Garuḍa, a fabulous bird.

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sunāśīra sunāśīra, and sunāsīra sunāsīra, m. Indra.

sunda sunda, m. A proper name, Rām. 3, 48, 19.

sundara sundara,
I. adj., f. , Handsome, Pañc. 184, 14; Draup. 1, 15; charming, Kathās. 22, 103; right, Pañc. 130, 4; 164, 11. Comparat. °ratara + m, adv. Very well, Pañc. 88, 15.
II. m. Kāma, the god of love.
III. f. .
     1. A bandsome woman, Rām. 3, 52, 29.
     2. Turmeric.
     3. A small timber tree, Heritiera minor.
-- Comp. a-, adj. disagreeable, Hit. ii. d. 49. ati-, adj., f. , very beautiful, Draup. 1, 13. sura-, f. , an Apsaras or courtesan of heaven, Kir. 5, 28. sura-loka-, f. , 1. a celestial woman, Vikr. d. 21. 2. a name of Durgā, Rājat. 5, 100.

sundaraka sundara + ka, m. A proper name, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 13.

sundaraṃmanya sundaraṃmanya, i. e. sundara + m-man + ya, adj. Thinking himself handsome, Daśak. in Chr. 195, 12.

supiś su-piś, adj. Graceful, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8.

supti supti, i. e. svap + ti, f.
     1. Sleeping, sleep.
     2. Drowsiness.
     3. Numbness, insensibility.
     4. Confidence, trust.
-- Comp. sama-, f. universal sleep, the end of a Kalpa, and destruction of the world.

subh subh, sec 2. śubh.

subhāṣitamaya su-bhāṣita + maya, i.e. (vb. bhāṣ), + maya, adj. Consisting in fine speeches, Pañc. ii. d. 176.

subhru subhru, see bhrū.

suma suma, probably 1. su + ma (cf. sūna, prasūna, s.v. 1. su), n. A flower, Cāṇ. 24 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408.

sumara sumara, i. e. su-mṛ + a, adj. Easy to die, Rām. 2, 57, 20 Gorr.

sumna 4. su + mna, n. A hymn.
-- Cf. [greek]

sumnayu sumnayu, i. e. sumna + ya, a ved. denomin., + u, m. A chanter of hymns.

sumbh sumbh, see 2. śubh.

suyantritatva su-yantrita + tva (vb. yantr), n. State of being well bound, Pañc. 146, 25 (cf. my transl.).

suyodhana suyodhana, i. e. su-yudh + ana, m. A name of Duryodhana (easy to be fought), Hiḍ. 4, 58.

suyya suyya,
I. m. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 72.
II. f. , A proper name, ib. 74.

sursur, i. 6, Par.
     1. To possess superhuman power.
     2. To shine.

sura sura, i. e. 2. svar + a,
I. m.
     1. The sun, Pañc. iii. d. 69.
     2. A god, Pañc. iii. d. 211; Vikr. d. 48.
     3. A sage.
II. f. and .
     1. Spirituous liquor, Pañc. i. d. 338 ().
     2. A drinking vessel.
     3. A snake.

suradviṣ sura-dviṣ, m. An Asura or demon.

surabhi su-rabh + i,
I. adj.
     1. Fragrant, Vikr. d. 105; sweet-smelling.
     2. Pleasing.
     3. Handsome.
     4. Friendly.
     5. Good.
     6. Wise.
     7. Celebrated.
II. m.
     1. A fragrance, a perfume.
     2. Spring, Kir. 10, 30.
     3. The month Caitra (March -- April).
     4. Resin.
     5. The Michelia Champaca.
     6. Nutmeg.
III. f. bhi/ī.
     1. The earth.
     2. The cow of plenty, Lass. 2. ed. 89, 36 (i); Megh. 46.
     3. A cow.
     4. Spirituous liquor.
     5. The name of several plants.
IV. n.
     1. Gold.
     2. Sulphur.

surabhikandara surabhi-kandara, m. Name of a mountain, Vikr. 65, 18.

surabhita surabhita, i. e. surabhi + ita, adj. Perfumed, Megh. 53.

surāpa surā-pa (vb. 1. ), adj., f. , Drinking spirits, one who habitually drinks spirits, Man. 5, 90; Pañc. iv. d. 11.

surāsava surāsava, i. e. surā-āsava, n. Spirituous liquor, MBh. 13, 4737.

suruṅgā suruṅgā (borrowed from [greek]), f. A hole made underground, or through the walls of a building, a mine, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 18.

suruc su-ruc, adj. Very shining, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1.

surendravatī surendravatī, i. e. sura-indra + vant + ī, f. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 225.

sulabha su-labh + a, adj.
     1. Of easy acquisition, easy to be found, Pañc. ii. d. 171; easy to be got, Pañc. iii. d. 262; easy to be perceived, Vikr. d. 26.
     2. Easy to be effected.
     3. Easy.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not easy to be obtained, Vikr. 19, 2; Hit. i. d. 184, M. M.

suvarcala su-varc + ala,
I. m. A country so named.
II. f. .
     1. The wife of the sun.
     2. Linseed.
-- Comp. brahmasuvarcalā, i. e. brahman-, f. a plant, an infusion of which is used as an expiatory means, Man. 11, 159.

suvarcasa su-varcas + a, adj. Shining brightly, Sāv. 5, 38.

suvarṇamaya su-varṇa + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Pañc. 192, 16.

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suvida su-vid + a, m. A guard or attendant on the womens' apartment.

suvidatra su-vid + atra, n. A household.

suvidalla suvidalla,
I. n. A haram.
II. f. , A woman.

suvṛkti suvṛkti, i. e. su-vṛj + ti, f. A hymn, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. i. 64, 1.

suśaṃsa su-śaṃs + a, adj. Well-praising, a good praiser, Lass. 101, 15 = Rigv. vii. 16, 6.

suśamī su-śam + ī (?), m. A good acquirer (?), Lass. 101, 6 (so to be read instead of suśarmā) = Rigv. vii. 16, 2.

suśīma suśīma, see suṣīma.

suṣaṃsad suṣaṃsad, i. e. su-saṃsad, adj. Endowed with a comfortable house, Chr. 296, 7 = Rigv. i. 112, 7.

suṣama suṣama, i. e. su-sama,
I. adj.
     1. Same, even.
     2. Beautiful.
     3. All.
II. f. , Exquisite beauty.

suṣi suṣi, suṣira suṣira = śuṣi, śuṣira.

suṣīma suṣīma, also (better, cf. śīta),

suśīma suśīma,
I. adj.
     1. Cold.
     2. Pleasant.
     3. Intense, Daśak. 106, 6, cf. Wils., n.
II. m.
     1. Cold.
     2. The moon gem.
     3. A sort of snake.

suṣupta suṣupta, i. e. su-supta (vb. svap), adj. Fast asleep.

suṣupti suṣupti, i. e. su-supti, f. Deep sleep, insensibility, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 22.

suṣumṇā suṣumṇā, f. An artery, Bhāg. P. 2, 2, 24 (Sch).

suṣṭuti suṣṭuti, i. e. su-stuti. f. A beautiful hymn, Lass. 99, 5 = Rigv. iii. 62, 7.

suṣṭhu suṣṭhu, i. e. su-sthā + u, adv.
     1. Well, Hit. 73, 21; Vikr. 60, 6; excellently.
     2. Much, very much.

sustha su-stha (vb. sthā), adj.
     1. Being well, healthy, Hit. iii. d. 119; Man. 4, 142.
     2. Happy, Utt. Rāmac. 16, 13.

suhsuh, (in signification 1, 2, for sukh, q. cf.), i. 4, Par.
     1. To satisfy, to delight.
     2. To be pleased.
     3. To bear, to endure (cf. sah).

suhṛttā suhṛttā, i. e. su-hṛd + tā, f. Friendship.

suhma suhma, m. pl. Name of a people, Ragh. 4, 35.

1. , see 1. su.

2. , i. 6, Par.
     1. To cast, to send.
     2. To incite, to impel. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sūta.
     1. Sent, dispatched.
     2. Gone, departed, Pañc. 176, 4; see s. v.; see 1. su with ud.
-- Cf. perhaps [greek] Lat. saevus.

3. ,
A. (1. ),
I. f. Birth.
II. As latter part of comp. words,
     1. Bringing forth, yielding; e. g. kāma-, adj. Yielding wishes, Ragh. 5, 33.
     2. A father. kumāra-, m. A name of Agni, father of Kumāra, the god of war, MBh. 2, 1148.
     3. One who has brought forth. jīva-, adj. f. One who has borne a living child, MBh. 1, 7353. f. A mother. vicitravīrya-, f. The mother of Vicitravīrya.
B. (2. ), in sa-asu-, adj. Having arrows, Kir. 15, 5.

sūka 2. sū + ka, m.
     1. An arrow.
     2. Air, wind.

sūkara sū-kara,
I. m.
     1. A hog (see śūkara).
     2. The hog-deer.
     3. A petter.
II. f. , A sort of moss, Lycopodium imbricatum.
-- With the first part cf. Lat. sus; [greek] O. H. G. sū; A. S; sugu; Goth. svein; A. S. swin.

sūkta sūkta, i. e. su-ukta (vb. vac),
I. adj. Well or properly said.
II. n.
     1. A hymn.
     2. A sentence, Pañc. 266, 5.
     3. pl. Seducing words, MBh. 8, 2037.

sūkti sūkti, i. e. su-ukti, f. Kind speech, Rājat. 5, 188.

sūkṣma sūkṣma, i. e. perhaps su-kṣāma (but cf. also sūc),
I. adj.
     1. Little, small, Pañc. i. d. 254; Bhartṛ. 2, 90.
     2. A tomic, atom-like, Man. 1, 7; 22.
     3. Fine, delicate, tender, Rām. 3, 49, 3; 52. 9; Pañc. i. d. 395.
     4. Subtle, exact, Pañc. 62, 12. °mam, adv. Attentively, Utt. Rāmac. 154, 10.
II. m.
     1. An atom.
     2. Clearingnut plant, Strychnos potatorum.
III. f. .
     1. A kind of jasmine.
     2. Small cardamoms.
     3. A sort of perfume.
IV. n.
     1. Fine thread.
     2. The supreme soul.
     3. Subtlety, craft.
     4. Fraud.
-- Comp. su-, adj. very small, Pañc. ii. d. 42.

sūkṣmatā sūkṣma + tā, f. Subtlety, the subtle essence, Man. 6, 65.

sūkṣmatva sūkṣma + tva, n. Fineness, subtilty, Bhag. 13, 15.

sūkṣmadarśitā sūkṣmadarśitā, i. e. sūkṣma-darśin + tā, f. Acuteness, wisdom, Mālav. 21, 17.

sūc sūc, i. 10 (properly a denomin. derived from sūci, and signifying originally 'To point out'), Par.
     1. To indicate, to show (by a gesture), Śāk. 8, 17; Vikr. 7, 4.
     2. To prove, MBh. 3, 2706.
     3. To betray, Ragh. 17, 50.
     4. To espy, to see, Śāk. d. 14; to trace out, Vikr. 57, 5.
     5. To hear, Śāk. 52, 11.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, To indicate, Nal. 23, 18.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To indicate, Pañc. 158, 7.
     2. To prove, Hit. iv. d. 72.

sūca sūca (akin to sūci),
I. m. The shoot of Kuśa grass.
II. f. .
     1. Piercing.
     2. (cf. sūc), Gesticulation.
     3. Light.

sūcaka sūc + aka,
I. adj. Indicative, Johns. Sel. 15, 59.
II. m.
     1. A spy, an informer.
     2. A teacher.
     3. A dog.
     4. A crow.
     5. A cat.
     6. A detracter, Man. 4, 71; 11, 50.
     7. A scoundrel.
     8. An imp.
     9. The manager or chief actor of a company.
-- Comp. viṣa-, m. the Greek partridge, Perdix rufa.

sūcana sūc + ana,
I. m.
     1. Informing, information.
     2. Teaching, describing.
II. f. .
     1. Piercing (cf. sūci).
     2. Conveying any intimation by signs, gesticulation.
     3. Wickedness.

sūci and sūcī sūcī (probably akin to siv, cf. sūtra), f.
     1. Piercing.
     2. A needle, Rām. 3, 53, 50; Megh. 24 (ci); Hit. 98, 22 ().
     3. (cf. sūc), Indication of a feeling by signs.
     4. A mode of dancing, MBh. 7, 3383 (?).
     5. A mode of array, a sharp file or column.
     6. A cone.

sūcika sūci + ka,
I. m. A tailor.
II. f. .
     1. A needle.
     2. An elephant's trunk.

sūcitā sūci + tā, f. Needle-work.

sūta sūta,
I. cf. 1. su and 2. .
II. m.
A. i. e. probably 2. sū + tṛ (cf. nāpita).
     1. A charioteer, Vikr. 5, 4.
     2. The son of a Kṣattriya by a Brāhmaṇī wife, Man. 10, 10.
     3. A bard, Johns. Sel. 37, 16.
B. 1. A carpenter.
     2. The sun.
III. m. and n. Quicksilver.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with the charioteer, Chr. 34, 11.

sūtaka sūta + ka (see vb. 1. su),
I. n.
     1. Birth, Man. 4, 112; 5, 58; cf. 4, 110 (birth of Rāhu = causing an eclipse).
     2. Impurity from child-birth, Lass. 76, 7.
II. m. and n. Quicksilver.
III. f. and tikā, A woman recently delivered, Man. 4, 212.

sūtatva sūta + tva, n. The art of a charioteer, Nal. 22, 12.

A. sū + tī, (see vb. 1. su), f.
     1. Birth, production.
     2. Offspring.
     3. Source, Kir. 2, 56.
B. i. e. siv + ti, f. Sewing.
-- Comp. mṛtyu-, f. a crab.

sūtyā 1. sū + tyā, f.
     1. Drinking the Soma juice.
     2. Religious ablution.

sūtr sūtr, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par.
     1. To bind, to string.
     2. † To unbind, to loosen. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sūtita.
     1. Strung.
     2. Arranged in the form of sūtras, Lass. 2. ed. 89, 34.
     3. Arranged.
     4. Ruled, prescribed (in the Sūtras), Rājat. 5, 477.
-- With the prep. ā ā, āsūtrita, Attached, Rājat. 5, 482.

sūtra sūtra, i. e. siv + tra, n.
     1. A thread, Hit. 65, 13.
     2. Fibre, Vikr. d. 19.
     3. A string, Vikr. d. 140; the holy string, d. 157.
     4. A rule in morals or science, a short aphorism, e. g. the rules of Pāṇini.
     5. An opinion or decree in law.
-- Comp. kaṭi-, n. a zone, Bhāg. P. 5, 3, 4. kaṇṭha-, n. a kind of embracing, Ragh. 19, 32. kalpa-, n. a sūtra or rule concerning ritual. kāla-, n. the name of a hell, Man. 3, 249. dirgha-, adj. irresolute, Pañc. 245, 23. (dirgha-sūtra + tā, f. procrastination, Rām. 2, 72, 96, Seramp). a-dīrgha-, adj. resolute. dharma-,
I. n. a work on law, Utt. Rāmac. 71, 12.
II. m. a proper name, Bhāg. P. 9, 22, 16. brahmasūtra, i. e. brahman-, n. title of a vedantic work, Lass. 2. ed. 87, 14 (see śārīraka-). māna-, n. 1. a chain of gold or silver worn round the loins. 2. a thread for measuring, Daśak. in Chr. 186, 11. mūla-, n. a principal precept, Cāṇ. 3 in Berl. Monstab. 1864, p. 407. yajña-, n. the sacrificial cord. śārīraka-, n. statement concerning the embodied spirit, i. e. the brahmasūtras of Bādarāyaṇa, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 7. sāvitrī-, n. the sacrificial cord. hasta-, n. a bracelet.

sūtrakāra sūtra-kāra, m. An author of a work containing rules, precepts, Utt. Rāmac. 92, 6.
-- Comp. taurya-trika-, m. author of the rules concerning vocal and instrumental music and dancing, ib. 111, 4.

sūtraṇa sūtraṇa, i. e. sūtr + ana, n.
     1. Stringing.
     2. Arranging.

sūtradhāra sūtra-dhāra, m.
     1. A carpenter, Hit. 49, 12.
     2. The manager or principal actor of a company Vikr. 3, 12.
     3. The author of a set of rules.
     4. Indra.

sūtrabhid sūtra-bhid, m. A tailor.

sūtramadhyabhū sūtra-madhya-bhū, m. Incense.

sūtralā sūtra + lā, f. A spindle or distaff.

sūtrāman sūtrāman, i. e. su-trāman, m. Indra (cf. trāman).

sūtrikā sūtrikā, i. e. sūtra + ka. f. A kind of dish (or cake), Pañc. 245, 22.

sūtrin sūtrin, i. e. sūtra + in,
I. adj., f. iṇt, Having threads, rules.
II. m. A crow.

sūd sūd, † i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To kill, to hurt.
     2. To distill.
     3. To eject. Caus., or i. 10, Par.
     1. To incite (ved.).
     2. To kill, MBh. 1, 2833; Pañc. 48, 3; ii. d. 39.
     3. † To distill.
     4. † To eject.
     5. † To promise.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, Caus. To kill, Rām. 1, 27, 19.
-- With ni ni, Caus. To kill, MBh. 1, 1339.
-- With vini vi-ni, To kill, MBh. 3, 8814.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, To kill, MBh. 3, 8742.
-- Cf. [greek] in [greek] (see 2. ).

sūda sūd + a, m.
     1. A cook, Rām. 3, 28, 27.
     2. Seasoning.
     3. Anything seasoned.
     4. Split peas.
     5. Mud.

sūdana sūd + ana,
I. adj. Destructive, a destroyer, Johns. Sel. 16, 67; 22, 116.
II. n. Destroying, Nal. 12, 126.
-- Comp. krauñca-, m. a name of the god of war, Suśr. 2, 386, 10. bala-, m. a name of Indra, Lass. 50, 17. madhu-, m. Viṣṇu.

sūna sūna,
I. See 1. su.
II. adj. Empty (wrongly for śūna, see śvi).
III. f. (cf. śūna).
     1. A shambles or slaughter-house, a place or utensil of slaughter, Man. 3, 68.
     2. Hurting, killing, Bhāg. P. 1, 17, 38.
     3. The uvula.
     4. A zone.
     5. A river.
     6. The mumps.
     7. A ray.

sūnarī sūnarī, i. e. su-nara + ī, adj. f. A respectable woman, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5.

sūnin sūnin, i. e. sūnā + in, m.
     1. A butcher.
     2. A hunter.

sūnu sū + nu (see vb. 1. su),
I. m.
     1. A son, Vikr. d. 145.
     2. A younger. brother.
     3. The sun.
II. f. , A daughter.
-- Cf. Goth sunus; A.S. sunu.

sūnṛta sūnṛta, probably based on su-nṛ + tā,
I. f. , Excellent song, Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2; Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7.
II. adj. ta, f. ,
     1. True and agreeable, Utt. Rāmac. 135, 4.
     2. Auspicious.
     3. Gentle, Hit. i. d. 59, M. M.; kind, Śāk. 13, 1.
     4. Dear to.
III. n. Agreeable and true discourse or speech.

sūnṛtāvant sūnṛtāvant, i. e. sūnṛta + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in excellent songs, Chr. 295, 14 = Rigv. i. 92, 14.

sūnmada and sūnmāda i. e. su-unmāda, adj. Mad, crazy.

sūpa sūpa, m.
     1. Broth, Man. 3, 226; soup.
     2. Sauce.
     3. A cook.
     4. A vessel.
     5. An arrow.
-- Cf. O.H.G. suf; O.N. sup; A.S. supan; O.H.G. sūfan, saufjan.

sūpakāra sūpa-kāra, m. A cook, Pañc. 253, 15.

sūma sū + ma (see vb. 1. su), m.
     1. Milk.
     2. Water.
     3. Sky.

sūr sūr, see śūr.

sūra sūra, i. e. 2. svar + a, m.
     1. The sun, Chr. 289, 2; 9 = Rigv. i. 50, 2; 9.
     2. A wise man, Chr. 292, 5 = Rigv. i. 86, 5.
     3. A teacher.

sūraṇa sūraṇa, m. An esculent root.

sūrata sūrata, i. e. su-rata (see ram), adj.
     1. Compassionate, tender.
     2. Calm, tranquil.

sūri sūri, i. e. 2. svar + i (or rather curtailed sūrin), m.
     1. The sun.
     2. A wise man, Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4; Pañc. i. d. 71.
     3. A teacher.

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sūrin sūrin, i. e. sūra + in,
I. adj. Wise.
II. m. A learned man, a teacher.

sūrkṣsūrkṣ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To respect.
     2. To disregard.

sūrkṣaṇa sūrkṣaṇa, i. e. sūrkṣ + ana, n. Disrespect.

sūrkṣysūrkṣy, i. 1, Par.
     1. To envy.
     2. To disregard.

sūrkṣya sūrkṣya, m. A kind of bean.

sūrpa sūrpa (cf. śūrpa), m. A winnowing basket, Yājñ. 1, 285; Pañc. 121, 19.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. swarb, gurges; N. N. L. zwerven, vagari; Goth. svairban; O.H.G. swerban (To dry something, originally, by swinging it in the open air).

sūrmi and sūrmī sūrmi/ī, f.
     1. An iron image (of a woman), Man. 11, 103.
     2. The pillar of a house.
-- Comp. tapta-sūrmi, f. the name of a hell, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 7.

sūrya sūrya, i. e. 2. svar, or rather *savar (for original *savan), + ya,
I. m.
     1. The sun, Pañc. 37, 20.
     2. Gigantic swallow-wort.
     3. The sen of Bali.
II. f. .
     1. The wife of the sun.
     2. A new bride.
     3. A bitter gourd.
-- Comp. prati-sūrya + m, adv. opposite to the sun; pratisūrya, see s. v.
-- Cf. [greek] (for [greek] = *savar + ya), [greek] Goth. sauil; Lat. sol; Goth. sunna (= *savan + ya), sunno; A. S. sunna, sunne, sun.

sūryaja sūrya-ja,
I. m.
     1. Karṇa.
     2. Sugrīva.
II. f. , The Yamunā river.

sūryabhaktaka sūrya-bhakta + ka (see bhaj), m.
     1. A worshipper of the sun.
     2. A flower, Pentapetes phoenicea.

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sūryoḍha sūryoḍha, i. e. sūrya-āḍha (vb. vah),
I. adj. One who comes after sunset, Pañc. 35, 16; i. d. 136.
II. m. An evening guest.

sūṣsūṣ (cf. 1. su), śūṣ śūṣ, i. 1, Par. To bring forth, to bear.

sṛ sṛ, i. 1, and ii. 3, sisṛ, Par.
     1. To flow, to flow to, Chr. 292, 5 = Rigv. i. 86, 5 (sasruṣīs, ved. for sasruṣyas).
     2. To blow, Megh. 54.
     3. To go, MBh. 1, 169, 6; to go to, 3, 2728. Caus., or i. 10, Par.
     1. To extend.
     2. To move, to touch, Megh. 84.
     3. To remove, Megh. 89.
-- With the prep. ati ati, Caus. To extend, MBh. 3, 665.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To follow, Man. 11, 77; to pursue, Pañc. 227, 23.
     2. To go to, Megh. 31.
     3. To return to, Pañc. 137, 12. anusṛta, Accompanied, Utt. Rāmac. 90, 9. Caus. To pursue, MBh. 1, 4309.
-- With apa apa, To retire, Pañc. iii. d. 40; 220, 13; to withdraw, Hit. 13, 18. Caus. To order to withdraw, Man. 7, 149; to remove, Pañc. 15, 25.
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To go to, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 1; to approach, MBh. 1, 3002.
     2. To attack, MBh. 1, 1175. Caus. To meet, Mṛcch. 121, 14.
-- With atvabhi ati-abhi, To pass, MBh. 1, 3854.
-- With ud ud, Caus.
     1. To cause to go out, to call out, Chr. 53, 22.
     2. To expel, MBh. 3, 14872; to drive away, Bhartṛ. 1, 18.
-- With prod pra-ud, Caus.
     1. To offer, Hit. ii. d. 154.
     2. To urge on, to incite, MBh. 3, 10620.
-- With samud sam-ud, Caus. To give, Prab. 116, 7.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To approach, Śāk. 12, 14; Vikr. 11, 11; with āsanam, To sit down, Vikr. 46, 20.
     2. To visit, Vikr. d. 3; Daśak. in Chr. 192, 16.
-- With ni ni, nisṛta,
     1. (= niḥsṛta), Gone forth, disappeared, Rājat. 4, 566.
     2. f. , A plant, Ipomoea Turpethum.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To slip or to go forth or out, Hit. 29, 5, M. M.; 44, 7, M. M.
     2. To depart, Man. 6, 4. a-niḥsarant, adj. Not being able to withdraw, Pañc. 195, 8. niḥsṛta,
     1. Gone out, having left (abl.), Hit. iii. d. 133.
     2. Broken forth, Śiś. 9, 25. Caus.
     1. To cause to go out, MBh. 3, 12995.
     2. To drive away, to expel, Pañc. 227, 9.
-- With vinis vi-nis, viniḥsṛta, Gone forth or out, issued forth, Man. 4, 165; Vikr. d. 43.
-- With pari pari, To flow round, MBh. 3, 10983.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To proceed, Rām. 2, 59, 10; to pass, Vikr. d. 63.
     2. To spring up, Pañc. iii. d. 258.
     3. To break forth, Mālat. 24, 17.
     4. To increase, Pañc. iii. d. 2.
     5. To extend, Ṛt. 1, 25. prasṛta,
     1. Gone.
     2. Spread.
     3. Stretched.
     4. Long.
     5. Swift.
     6. Modest, Rām. 3, 52, 21.
     7. Attached to, occupied.
     8. Appointed. m. The palm of the hand. f. , The leg. n. A measure of two palas. Comparat. prasṛtatara, Excessive, Dacak. in Chr. 194, 15. Comp. pancavinduprasṛta, i. e. pancan-vindu-, n. a kind of dancing motion, Daśak. 145, 13. Caus.
     1. To stretch forward or out, MBh. 3, 345; Pañc. 53, 6.
     2. To spread, Pañc. 105, 1; 157, 25; 174, 11.
     3. To open wide, Mṛcch. 35, 17.
     4. To expece for sale, Man. 5, 129.
-- With vipra vi-pra, To spread, Ragh. 16, 3.
-- With prati prati, Caus.
     1. To replace, Śāk. d. 61.
     2. To remove, Vikr. d. 47. pratisārita,
     1. Repelled.
     2. Dressed (as a wound).
-- With vi vi,
     1. To spread, Śiś. 9, 19.
     2. To return, Śiś. 9, 37. visṛta,
     1. Spread.
     2. Drawn (as a bowstring), Kir. 10, 53.
     3. Uttered, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 22. Caus. To extend, Rām. 1, 42, 6. visārita,
     1. Set on foot.
     2. Effected.
-- With sam sam, To obtain, Man. 12, 70. Caus. To cause to revolve, Man. 12, 124.
-- With anusam anu-sam, Caus. To dismiss, MBh. 3, 11552.
-- Cf. [greek] etc., [greek] Lat. salio, saltare (A. S. saltian, borrowed); [greek] also [greek] (rather than to , p. 136), probably also Lat. serere; [greek] A.S. serian, to set in order (Caus., cf. also Lat serere).

sṛka sṛ + ka, m.
     1. A lotus.
     2. Air, wind.
     3. An arrow (cf. sṛga).

sṛkkan sṛkkan, sṛkka sṛkka, sṛkvan sṛkvan, sṛkva sṛkva, i. e. sṛj + van (anomal.), n. The corner of the mouth, Pañc. 55, 7 (kkan); 262, 20 (cf. my transl.).
-- Comp. viṣa-, m. a wase.

sṛga sṛga, i.e. probably sṛj + a, m. A short arrow.

sṛj sṛj (akin to sṛ), i. 6, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Ram. 1, 16, 6), and † i. 4, Ātm.
     1. To let flow, to let loose, Rām. 1, 44, 38.
     2. To effuse, to shed (ved.).
     3. To create, Man. 1, 25; 41; with gen. in the sense of the dat., Hit. pr. d. 27, M.M. (to destinate).
     4. To beget, Rām. 1, 16, 9.
     5. To cast, Chr. 32, 23.
     6. To put on, to place, Nal. 5, 28. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sṛṣṭa.
     1. Abandoned.
     2. Connected.
     3. Adorned.
     4. Much, many. Comp. a-, adj. uninterrupted, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 7.
-- With the prep. ati ati,
     1. To leave, MBh. 3, 431.
     2. To give (with gen.), Rām. 2, 18, 23; Vikr. d. 15.
     3. To remit.
-- With vyapa vi-apa, To abandon, MBh. 3, 16104.
-- With abhi abhi, To give, Rām. 1, 9, 63.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To let loose, Man. 1, 8; Matsyop. 23.
     2. To cast, MBh. 1, 1973.
     3. To give (one his life), Nal. 26, 23.
-- With vyava vi-ava,
     1. To throw, MBh. 3, 14253.
     2. To put down, MBh. 3, 10438.
-- With samava sam-ava,
     1. To abandon, MBh. 1, 6749.
     2. To throw, MBh. 3, 1586.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To place on, MBh. 1, 1703.
     2. To commit, Man. 9, 323.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To shed, Chr. 12, 28.
     2. To let loose, Chr. 36, 21; Pañc. 224, 4.
     3. To abandon, Man. 6, 16; Vikr. 37, 8; Daśak. in Chr. 194, 23.
     4. To shoot, figurat., Pañc. i. d. 219 (cf. my transl.); to cast, Chr. 20, 20.
     5. To throw away, Vikr. d. 94; 70, 8.
     6. To dismiss, MBh. 3, 2093.
     7. To give up, Man. 8, 144.
     8. To decline, Man. 8, 170.
     9. To repudiate, Pañc. iii. d. 210; 170, 25.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To shed, Rām. 2, 44, 21.
     2. To let loose, to leave, Pañc. 226, 23.
     3. To cast, Man. 4, 56.
     4. To put off, Chr. 30, 4.
     5. To place, Man. 3, 244.
     6. To dismiss (without punishment), Man. 8, 347.
     7. To lose, MBh. 3, 8750.
-- With upa upa, upasṛṣṭa,
     1. Connected to.
     2. Swarming, Man. 4, 61.
     3. Seized by, possessed by (evil demons), Rām. 2, 47, 1, Seramp.
     4. Assailed, Bhāg. P. 4, 12, 16.
     5. Eclipsed, Man. 4, 37. n. Coition.
-- With ni ni, nisṛṣṭa,
     1. Delivered.
     2. Emancipated, Man. 8, 419.
     3. Centrical. Comp. a-, adj. not allowed, Man. 2, 205.
-- With saṃni sam-ni, saṃnisṛṣṭa, Committed, MBh. 1, 7134.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To abandon, MBh. 3, 1080.
     2. To injure, MBh. 2, 856.
-- With prati prati, pratisṛṣṭa,
     1. Sent.
     2. Given.
     3. Celebrated.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To shed, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 7.
     2. To let loose, Rām. 1, 44, 13; to abandon, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38.
     3. To create, to produce, Man. 1, 11.
     4. To drop, Man. 9, 282.
     5. To send, Chr. 54, 12.
     6. To let fall, Utt. Rāmac. 41, 3; to cast, MBh. 4, 1856; to throw away, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2876.
     7. To repudiate, Pañc. 200, 4.
     8. To utter, to sound, Rām. 3, 51, 20.
     9. To give, Rām. 2, 36, 8 (with gen. instead of dat.); Utt. Rāmac. 111, 5. visṛṣṭa,
     1. Abandoned, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 14.
     2. Given away.
     3. Dismissed.
     4. Expelled. Caus.
     1. To shed, Ṛt. 6, 12, v. r.
     2. To dismiss, Pañc. 214, 3; Chr. 14, 25.
     3. To spare, MBh. 1, 8362.
     4. To repudiate, MBh. 3, 1860.
     5. To put off, Chr. 42. 14. visarjita,
     1. Abandoned, Hit. ii. d. 17.
     2. Given away.
-- With sam sam, pass.
     1. To mix, Ragh. 5, 69.
     2. To meet with (instr.), Ragh. 13, 73.
     3. To converse with one, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 6. saṃsṛṣṭa,
     1. United, composed, Man. 1, 56.
     2. Reunited, Man. 9, 212.
     3. Connected as partners.
     4. Dressed in clean clothes.
     5. Involved in.

sṛñjaya sṛñjaya, m.
     1. A people, Johns. Sel. 29, 34.
     2. A proper name, Chr. 13, 7; 15, 28.

sṛṇi sṛṇi,
I. m.
     1. An enemy.
     2. The moon.
II. m., f., and ṇī, f. A hook to drive an elephant.

sṛṇīkā sṛṇīkā, f. Saliva.

sṛti sṛ + ti, f.
     1. Gliding, Man. 6, 63.
     2. Going, procceding.
     3. A road, Bhag. 8, 27.
     4. Hurting. See ku-.
-- Cf. Lat. sors.

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sṛtvan sṛtvan, m. The creator.

sṛdāku sṛdāku,
I. m.
     1. Fire.
     2. Wind.
     3. Indra's thunderbolt.
     4. The disc of the sun.
II. f. A river.

sṛp sṛp (akin to sṛ), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 96, 9),
     1. To creep, Rām. 2, 59, 10.
     2. To go, to move, Hit. 30, 3.
-- With the prep. vyati vi-ati, To move to and fro, MBh. 4, 1042.
-- With anu anu, To approach, MBh. 1, 6201.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To go away, MBh. 3, 14112.
     2. To run away, Rām. 2, 29, 4.
     3. To deviate from, Pañc. iii. d. 241 (apasarpya, anomal., or erroneously for apasṛpya).
     4. To espy, Utt. Rāmac. 25, 5 (paura-jānapadān, the inhabitants of the town and district).
-- With vyapa vi-apa, To run away, MBh. 4, 1899.
-- With ud ud, To rise, Nal. 23, 9 (cf. yathāsaṃgam, under saṅga).
-- With samud sam-ud, To rise, Ragh. 6, 8.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To go near, to approach, Chr. 61. 40.
     2. To undergo, Hit. ii. d. 175.
     3. To go forth, Pañc. 159, 23; Man. 9, 269.
     4. To move, Hit. iv. d. 27.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To approach, MBh. 1, 6450.
-- With pari pari, To go to and fro. Rām. 3, 52, 48.
-- With pra pra, To proceed, Pañc. 120, 9. prasṛpta, Come forth, Utt. Rāmac. 27, 6.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To sneak about, Pañc. ii. d. 48; to fly about, Hit. 16, 3, M.M.
     2. To spread, Mālat. 32, 4.
     3. To disperse, Nal. 1, 25.
     4. To flow to and fro on (acc.), Utt. Rāmac. 18, 7.
     5. To wind, to meander, Rām. 1, 44, 17.
     6. To run away, MBh. 1, 8286.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To flow, Megh. 29.
     2. To glide, to move, Megh. 52.
-- Cf. Lat. serpere; [greek] A.S. slipan.

sṛpāṭa sṛpāṭa, m., and f. ṭi, A measure.

sṛpāṭikā sṛpāṭikā, f. The beak of a bird.

sṛpra sṛp + ra, m. The moon.

sṛbhsṛbh, sṛmbh sṛmbh, sibh sibh, simbh simbh, sribh sribh, srimbh srimbh, i. 1, Par. To kill, to hurt.

sṛmara sṛ + mara,
I. adj. Going.
II. m. A young deer, Rām. 3, 49. 24.

sṛmbh sṛmbh, see sṛbh.

sṛṣṭi sṛṣṭi, i. e. sṛj + ti, f.
     1. Creation, Vikr. 8, 18; Man. 1, 25; with ādyā, Śāk. d. 1, The first creation, i. e. water.
     2. Nature.
     3. A liberal gift, Man. 3, 255.

sṛ sṛ10, see svṛ10.

sek sek, see srek.

seka seka, i. e. sic + a, m.
     1. Sprinkling, Hit. ii. d. 132; Kir. 5, 26; a drop (? of fire), Pañc. i. d. 416.
     2. Seminal fluid.
-- Comp. amṛta-, m. sprinkling with the beverage of the gods, Hit. ii. d. 132 (phalanty amṛtaseke 'pi na pathyāni viṣadrumāḥ, 'Poisonous trees, although sprinkled with nectar, do not bear healthy fruits').

sekima sekima (vb. sic), n. A radish.

sektṛ sektṛ, i. e. sic + tṛ,
I. m., f. trī, and n. Who or what sprinkles.
II. m. A husband.

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sektra sektra, i. e. sic + tra, n. A bucket.

secaka secaka, i. e. sic + aka,
I. adj. Sprinkling.
II. m. A cloud.

secana secana, i. e. sic + ana,
I. n.
     1. Sprinkling, watering, Śāk. 8, 23.
     2. Dripping.
II. n., and f. , A bucket.
-- Comp. agni-, n. spirituous liquor (?), Pañc. ii. d. 165 (Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2772 reads sevanaiḥ).

seṭu seṭu, m.
     1. The water melon.
     2. A kind of cucumber.

setu setu, i. e. si + tu, m.
     1. A mound, a bank, a dike, Rājat. 5, 91; figurat. Means of protecting (the law and institutes), Bhāg. P. 3, 1, 36; 3, 21, 54.
     2. A high causeway in fields.
     3. A landmark, Man. 8, 245.
     4. A pass, a defile.
     5. Figurat. Law, Bhāg. P. 3, 9, 19.
     6. A bridge, Pañc. i. d. 115 (cf. my transl.).
     7. The islands between India and Ceylon (cf. nala-setu), Lass. 2. ed. 92, 66.
     3. A tree, Tapia crataeva.
-- Comp. dharma-, m. a dike for the protection of right, Hariv. 11315. a-pāṣaṇḍa-dharma-setu, m. a dike for the protection of right free from heresy, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 22. nala-, m. the bridge constructed by the monkey Nala, name of the islands between India and Ceylon, Rām. 6, 108, 16.

setra setra, i. e. si + tra, n. A ligament or fetter.

senā senā, i. e. sa + na, f. 1. An army, Vikr. 11, 16.
     2. The wife of Kārttikeya, the god of war.
-- Comp.
I. At the end of Tatpuruṣa comp. it may become n.; e. g. brāṇmaṇa-senā, f., or -sena, n., Pāṇ. ii. 4, 25.
II. indra- and citra-sena, m. proper names, Draup. 8, 15; Indr. 3. 8. citra-senā, f. a proper name, Indr. 2, 30. deva-,
I. f. an army of celestials, MBh. 3, 14245.
II. m. deva-sena, a proper name, Kathās. 15, 63.
III. f. , a proper name, MBh. 3, 14257. mahā-,
I. adj. having a great army, Chr. 52, 12.
II. m. 1. a general.
     2. Kārttikeya, the god of war, Vikr. d. 161. yajña-, m. a proper name, Johns. Sel. 26, 11. rūpa-sena, m. a proper name, Lass. 19, 12. vīra-sena, m. the father of Nala, Nal. 1, 1. śūra-sena, m. 1. a country about Mathura, Man. 7, 193. 2. a proper name. 3. pl. m., and also °nakāḥ °nakāḥ, the inhabitants, Man. 2, 19.

senānī senā-nī, m.
     1. A general, Hit. iii. d. 69.
     2. Kārttikeya, the god of war, Kir. 15, 7.

sepha sepha, see śepa.

serāha serāha, m. A horse of a milk-white colour.

sel sel, † śel śel, i. 1, Par. To go or move.
-- With the prep. ati ati, Caus. To oblige to make excessive marches, Hit. iii. d. 91.

sev sev (akin to sap), i. 1, Par. Atm.
     1. To follow, to apply one's self to, Man. 6, 35.
     2. To study, MBh. 3, 27.
     3. To practise, Man. 6, 29; to do, Ragh. 17, 49.
     4. To enjoy, Hit. i. d. 172, M. M. (cherish); Pañc. v. d. 24; carnally, Man. 8, 365; to love, Hit. 87, 1.
     5. To inhabit, MBh. 3, 2402.
     6. To tarry somewhere (with acc.), Man. 4, 131.
     7. To frequent, Pañc. i. d. 9; Lass. 39, 7; to search, Vikr. d. 41.
     8. To stand at, to guard, Hit. 98, 18.
     9. To serve, to gratify, Ragh. 11, 11.
     10. To honour, Man. 7, 38; to worship, Hit. ii. d. 27. sevita,
     1. Pursued, used.
     2. Protected.
     3. Frequented, Hit. i. d. 150, M. M. Comp. a-, adj. not frequented, Hit. i. d. 144, M. M. su-, adj. well served, Hit. i. d. 21, M.M. sevya,
     1. To be taken care of.
     2. Venerable; with jana, Master, Vikr. d. 39. m., f. , and n. Names of plants. Comp. a-, adj. 1. not deserving to be served, Pañc. i. d. 286. 2. not deserving to be visitéd, Pañc. 31, 1. dus-, adj. difficult to be treated, MBh. 13, 2225. Caus. To worship, Hit. ii. d. 33.
-- With the prep. ā ā,
     1. To practise, Mṛcch. 35, 6.
     2. Toemploy for smearing with, Ṛt. 6, 12 (v. r.).
     3. To enjoy, Vikr. 67, 3; MBh. 3, 16564.
-- With samā sam-ā, To practise, Man. 11, 174. samāserita, Served.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To apply one's self to, to practise, MBh. 2, 159.
     2. To perform, MBh. 13, 7567.
     3. To enjoy, MBh. 3, 15382.
     4. To serve, to honour, Man. 4, 133.
     5. To haunt, Pañc. i. d. 279. upasevita, Smeared, Rām. 2, 100, 33.
-- With abhyupa abhi-upa, To observe, MBh. 3, 13432.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To enjoy, Rām. 1, 35, 23.
-- With ni ni, ṣev,
     1. To pursue, to attach one's self to, Hit. i. d. 209, M. M.
     2. To practise, Man. 4, 155.
     3. To employ, Śiś. 9, 68.
     4. To enjoy, MBh. 3, 11877.
     5. To inhabit, Pañc. 31, 1; Rām. 1, 31, 21.
     6. To observe, Śāk. d. 26.
     7. To attend, Man. 9, 300.
-- With sam sam, To worship, Kir. 18, 24.

A. sev + aka,
I. adj. Servile, dependent,
II. m. A servant, Pañc. 217, 25; Rājat. 5, 51 (read deva sevakaḥ, 'O king, a servant of the minister Śūra, hold by him like a son...').
B. i. e. siv + aka, A sack.
-- Comp. kula-, m. an excellent servant, Pañc. i. d. 399.

sevadhi sevadhi, also śevadhi, q. cf., m.
     1. A divine treasure owned by Kuvera, the god of wealth.
     2. A treasure, Man. 2, 114.

sevana sevana, i. e. siv and sev + ana,
I. n.
     1. Sewing, stitching.
     2. A sack.
     3. Following, being addicted to, haunting, Pañc. 241, 1; practising, Hit. ii. d. 32; using, 217, 23.
     4. Enjoying, dallying with, Man. 11, 178.
     5. Service, Rājat. 5, 368.
II. f. , A needle.
-- Comp. kāma-, n. wantonness, Lass. 40, 12. kṛṣi-, n. husbandry, Bhartṛ. 2, 91. tunna- (vb. tud), f. , the suture of a wound, Suśr. 1, 93, 18.

sevā sev + ā, f.
     1. Service, Man. 4, 5; Vikr. d. 42.
     2. Servitude, Hit. i. d. 136, M. M.
     3. Practice, Rājat. 5, 280.
     4. Worship, Bhag. 4, 34.
     5. Homage, Rājat. 5, 154.
-- Comp. a-, f. avoiding to serve, Man. 2, 96. vāra-, f. 1. harlotry. 2. a set of courtesans. strī-, f. libertinism. hina- (vb. ), f. serving a low person, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3355.

sevitva sevitva, i. e. sevin + tva, n.
     1. Staying, inhabiting, Bhag. 13, 10.
     2. Serving, devotion.

sevin sev + in, adj.
     1. Pursuing, practising.
     2. Serving.
     3. Honouring, Man. 7, 38.
     4. Dwelling, Vikr. 64, 1.
-- Comp. dviṭsevin, i. e. dviṣ-, m. a traitor, Man. 9, 232.

sevyatā sevya + tā (vb. sev), f.
     1. State of being honoured, Ṛt. 1, 2; Hit. ii. d. 89 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1304).
     2. Rank, eminence, worth, Mālat. 46, 10.

saisai, i. 1, Par. To waste or decline.

saiṃha saiṃha, i. e. siṃha + a, adj., f. ,
     1. Inherent in a lion, Hit. i. d. 174. M. M.
     2. Lion-like.

saiṃhika saiṃhika,
I. i. e. siṃha + ika, adj. Lion-like.
II. i. e. siṃhikā + a, metronym., m. Rāhu.

saiṃhikeya saiṃhikeya, i. e. siṃhikā + eya, metronym., m. Rāhu.

saikata saikata, i. e. sikatā + a,
I. adj. Sandy.
II. n.
     1. A sand-bank, Śāk. d. 144.
     2. A bank, a shore, Ragh. 5, 8.

saikatika saikatika, i. e. sikatā + ika,
I. adj. Living in doubt and error.
II. m. A religious mendicant.
III. n. A thread worn to secure good fortune.

saiddhāntika saiddhāntika, i. e. siddhānta + ika, adj. Relating to a demonstrated truth, knowing the truth.

saināpatya saināpatya, i. e. senā-pati + ya, n. The command of an army, Man. 12, 100; generalship, Vikr. d. 161.

sainika sainika, i. e. senā + ika,
I. adj. Belonging or relating to an army.
II. m.
     1. A soldier, Hit. ii. d. 82; Rājat. 5, 430.
     2. A guard, a picket.
     3. A body of forces in array.

saindhava saindhava, i. e. sindhu + a,
I. adj.
     1. Marine.
     2. Produced or born in Sindh, Johns. Sel. 96, 73.
II. m. and n. Rock-salt.
III. m.
     1. A horse.
     2. pl. The people of the country along the Indus, Draup. 6, 6.

saindhavaka saindhava + ka, adj. Relating to the Saindhavas (see the last); with nṛpa, their king, Draup. 8, 42.

sainya sainya, i. e. senā + ya,
I. m.
     1. A soldier, Rājat. 5, 216.
     2. A guard.
II. n. An army, Hit. iii. d. 79.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. with the army, Rājat. 5, 323.

sairandhrī sairandhrī, i. e. sīra + m-dhṛ + a + a, f.
     1. A female artist, a female servant, Nal. 13, 55; Pañc. iii. d. 240.
     2. Epithet and name of Draupadī.

sairika sairika, i. e. sīra + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to a plough.
     2. Having furrows.
II. m.
     1. A ploughman.
     2. A plough-ox.

sairindhra sairindhra, for sairandhra, see sairandhrī and cf. saudāminī,
I. m.
     1. A menial servant.
     2. The son of a Dasyu by an Ayogava female, Man. 10, 32.
II. f. dhrī (cf. sairandhrī), 1. A female servant.
     2. Draupadī.

sairibha sairibha (akin to sīra, cf. sairika), m.
     1. A buffalo.
     2. Indra's heaven.

saisaka saisaka, i. e. sīsaka + a, adj. Leaden, Man. 11, 133.

so so, i. 4, sya (probably akin to 2. as, of which the base of the present is asya), Par. To destroy. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sita, Finished, completed, destroyed; see s. v.
-- With the prep. ava ava,
     1. To let fly, Rigv. i. 104, 1.
     2. To fail, Kir. 16, 17. avasita, Completed, Śāk. 3, 6; finished, Vikr. 37, 9. Comp. dus-, adj. difficult to be comprehended, Bhāg. P. 6, 16, 47. Caus. sāyaya, To cause to be completed, Ragh. 5, 76.
-- With adhyava adhi-ava,
     1. To practise, Hit. 42, 10, M.M.
     2. To be able, Śiś. 9, 76.
     3. To determine, MBh. 3, 16254.
     4. To reflect, Śāk. d. 115, v. r.
-- With paryava pari-ava, To endeavour, Naiṣ. 6, 23. paryavasita,
     1. Finished, Utt. Rāmac. 29, 10.
     2. Resolved, Mālat. 75, 3.
     3. Perished, lost Mālat. 149, 6.
     4. With lokāntaram Gone in another world, Utt. Rāmac. 172, 4.
-- With pratyava prati-ava, pratya-vasita, Eaten.
-- With vyava vi-ava,
     1. To effectuate, to be able, Megh. 29.
     2. To establish, Man. 12, 113.
     3. To determine, Megh. 112.
     4. To reflect, Śāk. d. 115.
     5. To believe, Rām. 2, 12, 71.
     6. To wish, Śāk. d. 17. Anomal. pres. sāmi, MBh. 3, 16808; potent. seyam, 1, 4163; fut. siṣyāmi, 1, 6118; absol. vyavasya, 1, 5926. vyavasita,
     1. Resolved, Mālat. 21, 10.
     2. Energetic, persevering, Vikr. 57, 2; endeavouring, Vikr. d. 125.
     3. Tricked, cheated. n. Certainty. Caus. sāyaya, To embolden, Kir. 1, 28.
-- With saṃvyava sam-vi-ava, To decree, Man. 7, 13.
-- With vi vi, To distill, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5.

soḍhṛ soḍhṛ, i. e. sah + tṛ, m., f. ḍhrī, and n.
     1. Enduring, patient.
     2. Powerful, able.

sotsāhatā sotsāhatā, i. e. sa-utsāha + tā, f. Energy, Kathās. 25, 296 (read set°).

sodarya sodarya, i. e. sa-udara + ya, m. A brother of whole blood, Man. 9, 212; Pañc. iv. d. 6 (cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 542).

sonaha sonaha, m. Garlic.

sopāka sopāka, perhaps an anomal. form of śvapāka, m. The son of a Caṇḍāla by a Pukkasī female, Man. 10, 38.
-- Comp. pāṇḍu-, m. the son of a Caṇḍāla by a Vaidehī female, Man. 10, 37.

sopādhika sopādhika, i. e. sa-upādhi + ka, adj. Special, limited by a condition.

sopāna sopāna, n. Stairs, steps, Kathās. 26, 283; a ladder, Vikr. 39, 4; MBh. 5, 1017.
-- Comp. sukhārohaṇa-, i. e. sukha-ārohaṇa-, adj. having stairs easy ascent, MBh. 2, 1281.

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sopānatka sopānatka, i. e. sa-upānah + ka, adj. With sandals, Man. 3, 238.

soma soma, i. e. 1. su + ma,
I. m.
     1. The acid juice of the Sarcostema viminalis, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10; Bhag. 9, 20.
     2. Sarcostema viminalis, MBh. 14, 274; Pañc. i. d. 346; personified, Pañc. iii. d. 111; 112.
     3. Nectar, the beverage of the immortals.
     4. Water.
     5. The moon, Chr. 27, 8.
     6. Kuvera, the god of wealth; Yama, the god of death; Śiva.
     7. Air, wind,
     8. Camphor.
     9. A mountainous range.
II. n.
     1. Rice-gruel.
     2. Sky.
-- Comp. nṛ-, m. a distinguished man (properly, a moon-like man), Ragh. 5, 59.

somaka soma + ka, m.
     1. Grandfather of Drupada.
     2. pl. Name of the whole family, Johns. Sel. 42, 51; Chr. 3, 2.

somaja soma-ja, n. Milk.

soman soman (cf. soma), m. The moon.

somapa and somapā soma-pa/ā, m.
     1. One that drinks the juice of the moonplant; the performer of a sacrifice.
     2. The Manes of the Brāhmaṇas, Man. 3, 197.

somapītin somapītin, i. e. soma-pīti + in, m. A drinker of the Somajuice.

somabhū soma-bhū, m. The son of Soma, Budha, the regent of Mercury.

somavant soma + vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessing Soma (with diś, the region of the Himālaya, cf. Sch. ad Kumāras. 1, 17), Rām. 1, 41, 21.

somasad soma-sad, m. The name of the Manes of the Sādhyas, Man. 3, 195.

somāla somāla, properly a Prākṛ. word for Sskr. sukūmāra, Vararuci, ii. 30, ed. Cowell, adj. Soft.

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somin somin, i. e. soma + in, m. A performer of a Soma sacrifice, Chr. 288, 1 = Rigv. i. 49, 1.

solluṇṭha solluṇṭha, m., and solluṇṭhana solluṇṭhana, n., i. e. sa-ud-luṇṭh + a, or ana, Irony.

saukara saukara, i. e. sūkara + a, adj.
     1. Relating to a hog, Kir. 12, 53.
     2. Hoggish, swinish.

saukarya saukarya, i. e. su-kara and sūkara + ya, n.
     1. Ease of effecting anything.
     2. Easy and extempore preparation of food or medicine.
     3. Hoggishness.

saukumārya saukumārya, i. e. su-kumāra + ya, n.
     1. Youthfulness, Rām. 3, 52, 36.
     2. Tenderness, Mālat. 57, 11.
     3. Delicacy, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 10.

saukṣmya saukṣmya, i. e. sūkṣma + ya, n.
     1. Minuteness.
     2. Subtilty, Bhag. 13, 32.

saukhaśāyika saukhaśāyika, i. e. sukha-śāyin + ika, and saukhaśāyanika saukhaśāyanika, i. e. sukha-śayana + ika, adj. Asking if one has slept well, Rām. 2, 12, 36 Gorr.; Ragh. 10, 14 (cf. Siddh. K. 83, b. 1).

saukhasuptika saukhasuptika, i. e. sukha-supti + ika, m. A bard who wakes a prince in the morning with music and song.

saukhya saukhya, i. e. sukha + ya, n. Pleasure, Pañc. 3, 15; happiness, Pañc. ii. d. 17.

saugata saugata, i. e. su-gata + a (vb. gam), m.
     1. A follower of the Bauddha faith, Lass. 2. ed. 88, 28; Śiś. 2, 28.
     2. A heretic.

saugandha saugandha, i. e. su-gandha + a, n.
     1. A fragrant grass.
     2. Fragrance.

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saugandhika saugandhika, i. e. saugandha + ika,
I. adj. Fragrant, Nal. 13. 2.
II. m.
     1. A dealer in perfumes.
     2. Sulphur.
III. n.
     1. The white water lily, Indr. 2, 2.
     2. A fragrant grass.
     3. A ruby.

saugandhya saugandhya, i. e. su-gandha + ya, n. Fragrance.
-- Comp. tri-, n. three spices, Suśr. 1, 162, 12.

sauci sauci, and saucika saucika, i. e. sūci + i (?), or ika, m. A tailor.

saujanya saujanya, i. e. su-jana + ya, n.
     1. Goodness, Utt. Rāmac, 60, 4; magnanimousness, Rājat. 5, 192; generosity, Mālat. 66, 2.
     2. Kindness, compassion, benevolence, Bhartṛ. 2, 45; clemency, Mālat. 140, 10.
     3. Friendship.

sauti sauti, i. e. sūta + i, m. A proper name, Lass. 2. ed. 71, 1. 3, bel.

sautya sautya, i. e. sūta + ya, n. Carioteership, Nalod. 4, 9.

sautra sautra, i. e. sūtra + a,
I. adj. According to rule or precept.
II. m.
     1. A Brāhmaṇa.
     2. A radical which is no verbal root.

sautrāmaṇī sautrāmaṇī, i. e. su/ū-trāman + a, f. A kind of sacrifice, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, vii. 527.

saudarya saudarya, i. e. sa + udara + ya, adj. Entered into fraternity with, Daśak. in Chr. 189, 8.

saudāmanī saudāmanī, and saudāminī saudāminī, i. e. sudāman + a (in saudāminī, a is irregularly changed to i, as in sairindhra), f.
     1. Lightning, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 8 (mini).
     2. One of the Apsaras.
     3. A proper name, Mālat. 144, 1 (minī).

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saudāmnī saudāmnī, i. e. sudāman + a, f. Lightning (cf. the last).

saudāyika saudāyika, i. e. su-dāya + ika, adj. Received, by a woman as a nuptial gift.

saudāsa saudāsa, i. e. sudās + a, patronym., m. The son of Sudās, Lass. 2. ed. 67, 28.

saudha saudha, i. e. sudhā + a, n.
     1. A mansion, a palace, Pañc. 128, 8.
     2. Silver.
     3. Opal.

saudhātaki saudhātaki, i. e. su-dhātṛ + aka + i (cf. Pāṇ. iv. 1, 97), m. A proper name, Utt. Rāmac. 90, 3.

sauna sauna, i. e. sūnā + a,
I. Relating to a slaughter-house.
II. n. Butcers' meat.

saunadharmya saunadharmya, i. e. sauna-dharma + ya, n. Bloody hatred, MBh. 5, 715.

saunanda saunanda, i. e. su-nanda + a, n. The club of Baladeva.

saunika saunika, i. e. sūnā + ika, m.
     1. A butcher, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 31.
     2. A vendor of the flesh of beasts or birds, Utt. Rāmac. 29, 4.

saundarya saundarya, i. e. sundara + ya, n. Beauty, loveliness, Mālat. 155, 17; Hit. ii. d. 148; Rājat. 5, 148; 381.

sauparṇa sauparṇa, i. e. su-parṇa + a,
I. adj. Belonging or relating to Garuḍa, Utt. Rāmac. 132, 9.
II. n.
     1. The emerald.
     2. Dry ginger.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. surpassing that (viz. the power) of Garuḍa, Rām. 4, 58, 33.

sauparṇeya sauparṇeya, i. e. suparṇā. (see parṇa), + eya, m. Garuḍa, a fabulous bird.

sauptika sauptika, i. e. supti + ika,
I. adj. Somnolent, somniferous.
II. n. Nocturnal combat, MBh. 10, title.

saubala saubala, i. e. su-bala + a (patronym., MBh. 1, 5655), m. A proper name, Indr. 3, 9.

saubha saubha,
I. m. The name of a people, Chr. 14, 24; 18, 35.
II. n. The city of Hariścandra, suspended in mid-air.

saubhaga saubhaga, i. e. su-bhaga + a, n.
     1. A gift of fortune, riches, Chr. 288, 9; 295, 15 = Rigv. i. 48, 9; 92, 15.
     2. Welfare, MBh. 1, 724.

saubhadra saubhadra, i. e. su-bhadrā (a proper name, f.), + a, metronym., m. The son of Subhadrā, MBh. 1, 1947; cf. Wils. Viṣṇu P. 460.

saubhāgineya saubhāgineya, from subhagā + in + ī + eya (see bhaga), m. The son of an auspicious mother.

saubhāgya saubhāgya, i. e. su-bhaga + ya, n.
     1. Good fortune, auspiciousness, Megh. 30; Nal. 1, 10; Rājat. 5, 230; 282.
     2. Beauty, charm, Ṛt. 6, 3; Utt. Rāmac. 155, 4.
     3. Red lead.

saubhrātra saubhrātra, i. e. su-bhrātṛ + a, n. Brotherly affection, fraternity, MBh. 3, 355.

saumanasa saumanasa, i. e. su-manas + a,
I. adj.
     1. Pleasing.
     2. Flowery.
II. n. Pleasure, satisfaction, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 92, 6.

saumanasya saumanasya, i. e. su-manas + ya, n. Enjoyment, satisfaction.

saumika saumika, i. e. soma + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Performed with the Soma juice, Man. 4, 26; relating to it.
     2. Lunar.
II. f. , A sacrince performed on the day of full moon.

saumitra and saumitri saumitra, and tri, i. e. sumitrā (see mitra), + a, or i, metronym., m. Lakṣmaṇa, Rām. 3, 49, 11 (tri).

saumedhika saumedhika, i. e. su-medhā + ika, m. A sage, a seer.

saumeruka saumeruka, i. e. su-meru + ka, n. Gold.

saumya saumya, i. e. soma + ya,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Handsome, Sāv. 1, 14; pleasing, excellent, Man. 2, 125; used in addressing, Dear, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 11; Draup. 1, 14; Megh. 50; 84.
     2. Strong, Pañc. 169, 6.
     3. Placid, mild, Rām. 3, 52, 51; 55, 3.
     4. Sacred to the moon.
II. m.
     1. Budha, regent of Mercury.
     2. One of the Khaṇḍas, or divisions of the continent.
     3. A class of Pitṛs or Manes, Man. 3, 199.
     4. pl. Five stars in Orion's head.
III. f. , The Soma plant, Sarcostema viminalis, and several others.

saumyatā saumya + tā, f., and saumyatva saumya + tva, n.
     1. Beauty.
     2. Gentleness, Indr. 5, 7 ().
     3. Benevolence, Bhag. 17, 16 (tva).

saura saura, i. e. sūrya, and surā, + a,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Solar, Pañc. iii. d. 187.
     2. Sacred to Sūrya, i. e. the sun, Man. 5, 86.
     3. Celestial.
     4. Spirituous,
II. m.
     1. A solar month.
     2. A solar day.
     3. The planet Saturn.
III. f. , The wife of the sun.

sauratha sauratha, i. e. su-ratha + a, m. A hero, MBh. 3, 13300.

saurabha saurabha, i. e. su-rabhi/ī + a,
I. adj. Fragrant.
II. f. bhī, A cow, Brāhmaṇav. 1, 12.
III. n. Fragrance.

saurabheya saurabheya, i. e. surabhi/ī + eya,
I. m. An ox.
II. f. , A cow.

saurabhya saurabhya, i. e. surabhi + ya,
I. m. Kuvera, the god of wealth.
II. n.
     1. Fragrance, Lass. 92, 8.
     2. Pleasingness, beauty.
     3. Fame.

saurasaindhava saurasaindhava, i. e. sura-sindhu + a, adj. Relating to the Gaṅgā.

saurāṣṭraka saurāṣṭraka, i. e. surāṣṭra + ka (see rāṣṭra), n. A sort of white or bell-metal.

sauri sauri, i. e. sūrya + i, m. Saturn.

saurika saurika, i. e. sura/ā + ika,
I. adj.
     1. Celestial.
     2. Spirituous.
     3. Due for liquors, Man. 8, 159.
II. m.
     1. Heaven.
     2. A vendor of spirituous liquors.

sauvarcala sauvarcala, i. e. suvarcala + a, n.
     1. socal salt.
     2. Natron, alkali.

sauvarṇa sauvarṇa, i. e. su-varṇa + a, adj.
     1. Golden, Pañc. 174, 22.
     2. Weighing a suvarṇa (see suvarṇa under varṇa).

sauvarṇika -sauvarṇika, i. e. su-varṇa (see varṇa), + ika, in catuḥsauvarṇika, i. e. catur-, adj. Weighing four suvarṇas (see the last), Man. 8, 137.

sauvastika sauvastika, i. e. svasti + ika,
I. adj. Benedictory.
II. m. A family pricst.

sauvida sauvida, i. e. suvida + a, and sauvidalla sauvidalla, i. e. suvidalla + a, m. A guard or attendant on the womens' apartment, Sāh. D. 281, 1 (-dalla).

sauvīra sauvīra, i. e. su-vīra + a,
I. m.
     1. The name of a country.
     2. pl. Its inhabitants, Draup. 4, 12; 8, 27.
     3. The king of the Sauvīras, ib. 4, 7.
II. n.
     1. The fruit of the jujube.
     2. Antimony.
     3. Sour gruel.
-- Comp. sindhu-, m. pl. name of a people, Rām. 1, 12, 25.

sauvīraka sauvīra + ka, m. An inhabitant of Sauvīra, Rām. 3, 53, 56.

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sauṣṭhava sauṣṭhava, i. e. suṣṭhu + a, n.
     1. Excellence, beauty, Mālav. 20, 3.
     2. Excess.
     3. Fleetness, MBh. 1, 5368 (read sauṣṭhavena); lightness, suppleness, Mālav. 14, 9.
     4. A part of a drama.
-- Comp. a-, adj. disarrayed, Mālat. 11, 8. sa-, adj. 1. excellent. 2. quick.

sauhārda sauhārda, and sauhārdya sauhārdya, i. e. su-hṛd + a or ya, n.
     1. Affection, Mālat. 2, 18 (da).
     2. Friendship, Hit. i. d. 99, M. M. (da).

sauhitya sauhitya, i. e. su-hita + ya (vb. dhā), n.
     1. Satiety, satisfaction.
     2. Fullness.
-- Comp. ati-, n. excessive satiety, Man. 4, 62.

sauhṛda sauhṛda, and sauhṛdya saukṛdya, i. e. su-hṛd + a or ya, n. Friendship, Vikr. d. 10 (da); Pañc. ii. d. 130 (da). (Pañc. v. d. 19, sauhṛda, A friend, -- perhaps a misreading.)
-- Comp. dṛḍha-sauhṛda, adj. having true friendship, Pañc. 239, 13. vigata-sneha-sauhṛda (vb. gam), adj. abandoning love and friendship, Sund. 4, 17.

skand 1. skand, i. 1, Par.
     1. To jump.
     2. To jump upwards, to ascend.
     3. To burst out, MBh. 1, 5105.
     4. To jump downward, to drop, to fall, Bhaṭṭ. 22, 11.
     5. To perish, Man. 7, 84. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. skanna.
     1. Trickled down, Rām. 1, 38, 27.
     2. Sprinkled, MBh. 1, 2434.
     3. Fallen. Caus.
     1. To emit (the seminal fluid), Man. 2, 180; 9, 150.
     2. To neglect. Man. 6, 9.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To assail, to besiege, Śiś. 1, 51.
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, To jump out, MBh. 4, 810.
-- With samava sam-ava, Caus. To assail, Man. 7, 196.
-- With ā ā, To assail, Mālat. 151, 9; Bhaṭṭ. 17, 11.
-- With samā sam-ā, To assail, Bhaṭṭ. 16, 10.
-- With pari pari, skand and ṣkand, To spring about, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 75.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To spring forward, MBh. 1, 134; to spring down, 3, 15587.
     2. To burst forth, MBh. 1, 2380. praskanna, Fallen. m. A sinner, one who has violated the usages of his caste. Caus To cross (a river), MBh. 4, 1971.
-- Cf. Lat. scandere; [greek] for [greek] by the influence of [greek]), probably [greek].

2. skandskand, skandh skandh, i. 10, Par. To collect.

skand 3. skand, see skund.

skanda 1. skand + a, m.
     1. Skanda or Kārttikeya, the god of war, Megh. 44.
     2. A king.
     3. The body.
     4. The bank of a river.
     5. A clever man (cf. skandha).
     6. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 417 (or ghrāṇaskanda).

skandaka skanda + ka, m. A soldier, Rājat. 5, 174.

skandana skand + ana, n.
     1. Effusion.
     2. Purging.
     3. Going.

skandh skandh, see 2. skand.

skandha skandha,
I. m.
     1. The shoulder, Pañc. 144, 23.
     2. The body, Mālat. 84, 17.
     3. The trunk of a tree, Pañc. iii. d. 149.
     4. A branch, Pañc. 134, 5.
     5. A branch of human knowledge.
     6. A book, Bhāg. P. i. ii., etc.
     7. The five objects of sense.
     8. The five forms of mundane consciousness, in the Bauddha philosophy, Śiś. 2, 26; cf. Burnouf, Introd. à l'Hist. du Buddh. 475.
     9. A road.
     10. Part of an army.
     11. War.
     12. A multitude.
     13. An agreement.
     14. A king.
     15. A wise or learned man.
     16. A heron.
II. f. dhā.
     1. A branch.
     2. A creeper.
-- Comp. kāla-, m. the name of several plants, e. g. Diospyros embryopteris Pers., Suśr. 1, 138, 3. mahā-pṛṣṭha-gala-, adj. having a large back, neck, and shoulders, Hiḍ. 2, 4. rājaskandha, i. e. rājan-, m. a horse. viṣāṇa-ud-nāmita- (vb. nam), adj. whose shoulders reach to his horns, Hit. iii. d. 144 (but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 932). viṣāṇa-ud-likhita-, adj. whose shoulders are slit up by horns, i. e. brave, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 932. vṛṣa-, adj. having the shoulders of a bull, Rām. 3, 55, 4. skandha- (repeated), m. every shoulder, Kām. Nītis. 9, 19 (where the visarga must be erased), Hit. iv. d. 122, v. r.
-- Cf. A.S. sculdor, sculder; O.H.G. scultarra; probably [greek] Lat. scapula (for old scaphula, cf. rufus, s. v. rudhira, and rutilus, ib. for old ruthilus).

skandhas skandhas, n.
     1. The shoulder.
     2. The trunk of a tree (cf. the last).

skandhāvāra skandhāvāra, i. e. skandha-ā-vṛ + a, m.
     1. An army, or division of it attached to the king.
     2. A royal residence.
     3. A camp, Hit. 107, 21; MBh. 1, 6950.

skandhika skandhika, i. e. skandha + ika, m. An ox of burthen.

skandhin skandhin, i. e. skandha + in, m. A tree.

skandhopaneya skandhopaneya, i. e. skandha-upa-neya (vb. ), adj. m. (viz. saṃdhi), A form of peace-offering in which fruit or grain is presented as token of submission, Hit. iv. d. 122.

skambh skambh, i. 1, Ātm., ii. 5, skabhnu and 9, skabhnā, nī, Par.
     1. To make firm (to create), Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 40.
     2. To support (ved.).
     3. To stop, to obstruet, to impede.
-- With the prep. vi vi, Caus. viṣkambhita,
     1. Impeded, shown away, Pañc. 29, 6.
     2. Obstructed, precluded, Pañc. 56, 10.
-- Cf. stambh and stamba; Lat. scabellum, scamnum; Goth. ga-skapjan, ga -skafts; A. S. scapen, sceápan, sceaft; O. H. G. scafan, scafon, scoppon, to stop; probably [greek].

sku sku, ii. 5, skunu, and 2, skunā, nī, Par. Ātm.
     1. † To go by leaps.
     2. To cover, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 82.
     3. † To lift.
     4. † To approach.
-- With prati prati, To cover in one's turn, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 82.
-- Cf. Lat. ob-scurus, scutum, corium, cavere, cautus, causa; probably A. S. scuva, umbra; Goth. skoh; A. S. scoh, sceo; O.H.G. scur, tugurium; A. S. scunian; O.H.G. skiuhan also A. S. scawian, sceawian, to see (concerning the signification, cf. vṛ, [greek].

skundskund, skand skand, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To jump or go by leaps.
     2. To raise (cf. 1. skand).

skumbhskumbh, ii. 5, skubhnu, and 9, skubhnā, nī, Par.
     1. To stop or hinder.
     2. To hold; cf. skambh.

skhad skhad, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To cut.
     2. To hurt or kill.
     3. To discomfit. to defeat.
     4. To fatigue, to exhaust.
     5. To destroy.
     6. To make firm.
-- Cf. kṣad.

skhal skhal, i. 1, Par.
     1. To stumble, to tumble, Hit. iii. d. 132.
     2. To fall, Mālat. 73, 2.
     3. To stutter, Mālat. 162, 10; to hesitate, Hit. ii. d. 63.
     4. To err, to fail, Rām. 1, 13, 10
     5. To disappear, Śriṅgārat. 7. skhalita,
     1. Shaken, Mālat. 148, 15.
     2. Shaking, wavering.
     3. Staggering, Śiś. 9, 78; interrupted, faltering, Utt. Rāmac. 70, 6; stammering, ib. 95, 12.
     4. Fluctuating, Pañc. 188, 10.
     5. Drunk.
     6. Hesitating.
     7. Slipped, fallen.
     8. Stopped, Śāk. d. 131; obstructed, Vikr d. 49.
     9. Confounded, Śāk. d. 132; Śiś. 9, 83. n.
     1. Tumbling, Pañc. i. d. 316; ii. d. 188; falling.
     2. Deviating from virtue, fault, Vikr. d. 89; sin, d. 115.
     3. Stratagem. Comp. a-, adj. not stumbled, Pañc. ii. d. 188.
-- With the prep. pra pra,
     1. To stagger, Arj. 8, 14.
     2. To tumble, Pañc. 36, 16. -cf. chala; Lat. scelus, culpa; Goth. skula, skulan; A. S. sceal, sculan, scyld; cf. also sphar, sphur, sphal, sphul, which may be originally identical.

skhalana skhal + ana, n.
     1. Stumbling.
     2. Falling, Caurap. 13; Utt. Rāmac. 44, 13 (flowing through).
     3. Falling from virtue.
     4. Tripping in speech.
     5. Falling together.
     6. Rubbing, Śiś. 9, 52.

skhuḍskhuḍ, i. 6, Par. To cover (v. r.).

stakstak, i. 1, Par. To resist.

stan stan, i. 1, Par. To sound, to sigh. i. 10, To thunder, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6. stanita, n.
     1. Thunder, Man. 4, 103.
     2. The noise of clapping the hands. Comp. sa-vidyut-, adj. with lightning and thunder.
-- With the prep. ni ni, ṣṭan,
     1. To sigh, MBh. 3, 14060.
     2. To bewail, Rām. 2, 77, 8.
-- Cf. [greek] Icel. stynja; N.H.G. stöhnen; Lat. tonare (cf. ved. tan + yatu = stanayitnu, thunder), tonitru; A. S. thunor.

stana stana, m. The nipple, the female breast, Vikr. d. 7; Pañc. ii. d. 98.
-- Comp. gala-,
I. m. a small fleshy process resembling nipples, hanging from the throat of some species of the Bengal goat, Pañc. iii. d. 265.
II. f. , a she-goat. tri-, adj., f. , having three breasts, Pañc. v. d. 77. prasnuta-, adj., f. , from whose breast drops milk, Rājat. 5, 76; Utt. Rāmac. 64, 10 (a token of maternal love, cf. Arji Bordschi, in the German Journal, Ausland, 1858, p. 823; Stan. Julien, Mém. sur les Contrées Occident., par Hiouen Thsang. ii. 152). saṃhata- (vb. han), adj., f. , whose breasts are very contiguous to each other, Rām. 3, 52, 35.

stanana stan + ana, n.
     1. Sound.
     2. Groaning.
     3. The grumbling of clouds.

stanaṃdhaya stanaṃdhaya, i. e. stana + m-dhe + a,
I. adj. Suckling, Mālat. 164, 11 (read dṛṣṭas tanayaḥ st°).
II. m., and f. and , An infant, Ragh. 14, 78.

stanayitnu stanayitnu, i. e. stan, i. 10, + itnu, m.
     1. Thunder, Utt. Rāmac. 122, 12.
     2. Lightning, Utt. Rāmac. 55, 8.
     3. A cloud.
     4. Sickness.
     5. Death.

stanya stanya, i. e. stana + ya, n. Milk, Pañc. 238, 7.

stabdhatā stabdha + tā (vb. stambh), f. Stubbornness, MBh. 5, 1536.

stabdhatva stabdha + tva, n. in a-, Unsteadiness, Hit. i. d. 98, M. M.

stabdhīkaraṇa stabdhīkaraṇa, i. e. stabdha-kṛ + ana, n. Making rigid, paralysing.

stabdhībhāva stabdhībhāva, i. e. stabdha-bhū + a, m. Growing stiff, torpidity, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 1.

stam stam, see sam.

stamba stamba (cf. stambh),
I. m.
     1. A post to which an elephant is tied.
     2. A mountain.
     3. A shrub.
     4. A clump of grass, a cluster, Pañc. 140, 25.
II. n.
     1. A post.
     2. Stupidity insensibility.
-- Comp. kuśa-, m. 1. a cluster of Kuśa grass, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 13. 2. the name of a place of pilgrimage, MBh. 13, 1714. brahmastamba, i. e. brahman-, m. the world, Mahāvīrac. 51, 4; 86, 21. śara-, m. a clump of reeds, Pañc. 140, 25.
-- Cf. A. S. stapel, a prop.

stambakari stambakari, m. Corn or rice.

stambaghna stambaghna, i. e. stamba-han + a,
I. adj. Turf-destroying.
II. m.
     1. A hoe.
     2. A sickle.

stamberama stamberama, i. e. stamba + i-ram + a, m. An elephant, Ragh. 5, 72.

stambh stambh, ii. 5, stabhnu, and 9, stabhnā, nī, Par.
     1. To make firm (to create), ved.
     2. To stop, to make immovable, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 45.
     3. To oppose, to hurtle, Arj. 6, 13. i. 1, Ātm. To become immovable, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 55. Ptcple, of the pf. pass. stabdha,
     1. Stopped, blocked up.
     2. Immovable, MBh. 3, 2214.
     3. Firm, Utt. Rāmac. 76, 1; hard, Pañc. 190, 17; rigid, Daśak. in Chr. 187, 13; stiff, Hit. 51, 8, M. M.
     4. Hard-hearted, Hit. iv. d. 102.
     5. Stubborn, Bhag. 18, 28.
     6. Coarse, Bhāg. P. 4, 2, 8.
     7. Stupid, Śṛṅgārat. 21.
     8. Insensible.
     9. Indifferent, Hit. ii. d. 104.
     10. Paralysed. Caus.
     1. To support, MBh. 3, 827.
     2. To make immovable, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 10; to stop, MBh. 3, 10378. stambhita,
     1. Stopped, contained, Megh. 61; constrained, Mālat. 140, 4.
     2. Stupified, paralysed, Rām. 1, 75, 17; insensible, Utt. Rāmac. 159, 3.
-- With the prep. ava ava, after which the initial st becomes ṣṭ,
     1. To bind, Böhtl. Chr. 229, verse 178.
     2. To rest on, Mahāvīrac. 74, 5.
     3. To rely on, Bhag. 9, 8. avaṣṭabdha,
     1. Supported.
     2. Stopped.
     3. Paralysed.
     4. Opposed.
     5. Near, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 72.
     6. Hanging from.
     7. Surpassed, overcome.
     8. Bound.
     9. Wrapped up.
-- With paryava pari-ava,
     1. To surround, Mālat. 86, 4; 8.
     2. To surround and oppose, Utt. Rāmac. 122, 18.
-- With samava sam-ava, To encourage, Chr. 29, 34.
-- With ud ud, Caus. uttambhaya, To cherish, support, Kir. 2, 48. uttambhila,
     1. Supported, upheld.
     2. Erect, Utt. Rāmac. 60, 3.
     3. Stopped.
-- With ni ni, nistabdha, Stopped. Comp. a-, adj. unconquered, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 89.
-- With prati prati,
I. pratistabdha, Stopped. Comp. a-, adj. unconquered, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 82.
II. pratiṣṭabdha, Stopped, obstructed.
-- With vi vi, ṣṭambh,
     1. To fix (to create), MBh. 1, 6694; with pādau, to stand immovable, Hit. ii. d. 120.
     2. To stop, MBh. 3, 2123; to restrain, Chr. 29, 36. viṣṭabdha,
     1. Fixed, well supported, Man. 9, 296.
     2. Placed in or upon.
     3. Hindered.
     4. Made motionless. Caus. To stop, to restrain, MBh. 3, 10314. viṣṭambhita, Stopped, Śāk. d. 106.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To support, Bhag. 3, 43.
     2. To corroborate, Rām. 2, 14, 13.
     3. To stop, Rām. 2, 63, 47.
     4. To hurtle, Pañc. 190, 15. saṃstabdha,
     1. Made firm.
     2. Corroborated.
     3. Stopped. Caus.
     1. To corroborate, Rām. 2, 34, 53.
     2. To make immovable, MBh. 1, 7291.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To corroborate, Rām. 2, 64, 11.
-- Cf. [greek] (cf. stamba); O.H.G. stamphon; O.N. stofn; O.H.G. stam; A. S. stemn (based on stambh + na).

stambha stambh + a, m.
     1. A post, a pillar, Hit. 49, 11; Pañc. i. d. 142.
     2. A stem, Hit. iv. d. 71 (kadalī-, adj. Having the stem of a kadalī, i. e. faintly supported).
     3. Obstruction.
     4. Stupefaction, Kir. 12, 28.
     5. Stupidity.
     6. Insensibility, Bhartṛ. 3, 6.
     7. Coldness, Mālat. 80, 7.
     8. Paralysis, Mālat. 21, 7.
-- Comp. niḥstambha, i. e. nis-, adj. without pillars, Kām. Nītis. 11, 66. netra-, m. rigidity of the eyes, Suśr. 2, 232, 4. sa-vāṣpa-stambha + m, adv. suppressing tears, Utt. Rāmac. 45, 5. smara-, m. the penis.
-- Cf. A. S. steb, a trunk (of a tree).

stambhaka stambh + aka, adj. Restraining, Rām. 1, 30, 9.

stambhakara stambha-kara, m. A fence.

stambhana stambh + ana,
I. m. One of Kāma's arrows.
II. n.
     1. Supporting, holding upright, Pañc. i. d. 405.
     2. Stopping.
     3. Suppressing the use of the faculties by magic.

stambhin -stambh + in, adj. Restraining, Nalod. 1, 53.

stara stara, i. e. stṛ10 + a,
I. m.
     1. A layer.
     2. A bed.
II. f. , Smoke.
-- Comp. sa-, m. a bed of leaves.

stariman and starīman stari/īman, i. e. stṛ + i/īman, m. A bed.

stava stava, i. e. stu + a, m.
     1. Praising, MBh. 13, 7662.
     2. Praise.

stavaka stavaka i. e. stu + aka, m.
     1. Praise.
     2. A panegyrist.
     3. A cluster of blossoms, Pañc. iii. d. 155; Vikr. d. 125; a designation of chapters in the Kusumāñjali.
     4. A multitude.
-- Comp. kusuma-, m. a nosegay, Bhartṛ. 2, 25.

stavakita stavakita, i. e. stavaka + ita, adj. Full of blossoms.
-- Comp. abhinava-kusuma-stavaka + ita, adj. having clusters of fresh blossoms, Vikr. d. 119. nāri-dṛś-nīraja-, adj. having as (i. e. instead of) clusters of blossoms the lotus-like eyes of the women, Rājat. 5, 480.

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stavana stavana, i.e. stu + ana, n. Praising, a hymn, Brahmav. 2, 83.

stighstigh, ii. 5, Ātm.
     1. To ascend.
     2. To assail.
-- Cf. Goth. steigan; A. S. stigan, staeger, a stair; O.H.G. steigal; A.S. sticol; [greek].

stipstip, step step, i. 1, Ātm. To ooze, to drop.

stibhi stibhi, m. The ocean.

stim stim, † stīm stīm, i. 4, Par. To be wet. stimita,
     1. Wet, Mālat. 16, 5; Rājat. 5, 481.
     2. Immovable, Ragh. 1, 73; Rām. 3, 52, 12 (adv.); steady, fixed (of the eye), Megh. 37 (Sch.): benumbed, Mālat. 12, 2.
     3. Soft, Śāk. d. 192.
     4. Unsteady, tossing, Mālat. 50, 13; trembling, Mālav. d. 27 (? rather, immovable; vāmaṃ saṃdhi-stimita-valayam, The left hand, of which the bracelet is immovable, on account of the contact or support (of the hip). n. Moisture, Pañc. i. d. 35.

stimitatva stimita + tva (see the last), n. Absence of motion, absorption, Mālat. 47, 2.

stīrvi stīrvi, i. e. stṛ10 + vi, m. An officiating priest at a sacrifice.

stu stu, ii. 2, Par. Ātm.
     1. To praise, Rām. 2, 65, 53; ved. Ātm. To be praised, Chr. 294, 7 = Rigv. i. 92, 7 (stave instead of stavate, i. 1).
     2. To worship by hymns, MBh. 1, 721.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi, ṣṭu, To praise, Pañc. 172, 14.
-- With samabhi sam-abhi, To praise, Rām. 1, 14, 26.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To praise, Mālat. 76, 13.
     2. To begin, Utt. Rāmac. 162, 10; Mālav. 13, 21.
     3. To say, to report, Hit. 100, 16. prastuta,
     1. Praised.
     2. Declared, Mālat. 16, 15; vowed, Hit. 120, 21.
     3. Approached.
     4. Desired, expected.
     5. Prepared, ready, being at hand, Hit. 87, 21.
     6. Done.
     7. Made of. Comp. a-, adj. 1. extraneous. 2. unsuitable, Pañc. 36, 23; cf. i. d. 193. yathā-prastuta + m, adv. conformably to the circumstances, Mālat. 146, 3. Caus. To cause to begin, MBh. 1, 6. prastāvita, Caused to be told, Mālat. 47, 1.
-- With vi vi, ṣṭu, To praise, MBh. 1, 7056.
-- With sam sam, To praise, Indr. 2, 9. saṃstavāna, Eloquent. saṃstuta,
     1. Praised, Rājat. 5, 9.
     2. Known, Utt. Rāmac, 76, 2. Comp. a-, 1. disagreeing, Śāk. d. 33. 2. unfit, Pañc. i. d. 41 (but cf. v. r., Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 404).
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To praise, MBh. 3, 12709.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To praise, MBh. 1, 2122.
-- Cf. perhaps AEol. [greek] (questionable, on account of Zend. śtaman, the muzzle).

stucstuc, i. 1, Ātm. To be clear, to be propitious.

stut -stu + t, latter part of comp. words, Praising; e. g. chandas-, adj. Praising by hymns, Bhāg. P. 5, 20, 8.

stuti stu + ti, f. Praise, Sund. 2, 4; Utt. Rāmac. 136, 6.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. without praising (anything,) MBh. 12, 8832.

stunaka stunaka, m. A goat.

stubh stubh,
     1. (i. e. stu-bhā), i. 1, Par. To praise.
     2. † i. 1, Ātm. To stupify, to be stupified; cf. stumbh. Caus. ved. To praise, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 88, 6.
-- With prati prati, ṣṭubh, ved. To praise, ib.

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stubha stubha, m. A he-goat.

stumbhstumbh, ii. 5, stubhnu, and 9, stubhnā, nī (cf. stambh), Par.
     1. To stop (cf. Rigv. v. 54, 1).
     2. To stupify.
     3. To expel.
-- Cf. [greek] and [greek]; probably [greek]; perhaps O.H.G. stumph, stumbal; A.S. stypel; Goth. and A. S. dumb.

stūpstūp, i. 4 and 10, Par. To heap, to pile.

stūpa stūpa, m.
     1. A heap, a pile, a Bauddha construction for keeping holy relics.
     2. A funeral pile.

stṛ 1. stṛ, ii. 5, stṛṇu, and stṝ stṛ10, ii. 9, stṛṇā, ṇī, Par. Ātm.
     1. To spread, to expand.
     2. To cover, Ragh. 7, 55. Caus. To cover, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 48.
-- With the prep. ava ava, To cover, to fill, Kir. 14, 29.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To spread, MBh. 3, 15142.
     2. To cover, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 15. āstaraṇīya, n. A cover, a carpet, Rām. 5, 11, 19.
-- With samā sam-ā, To cover (fire with water, i. e. to extinguish), MBh. 1, 1495.
-- With upa upa, ptcple. pf. pass. upastīrṇa, Arranged, MBh. 2, 2033.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To spread, Rām. 3, 49, 9.
     2. To arrange, MBh. 1, 69, 75.
     3. To cover, Śiś. 9, 18.
-- With pra pra, prastṛta, Disappeared.
-- With vi vi, To spread, Man. 1, 51; 7, 33. vistṛta.
     1. Diffused.
     2. Diffuse.
     3. Wide opened, MBh. 3, 12905.
     4. Broad, Matsyop. 13; ample, Nalod. 3, 14. vistīrṇa, Large, great, Pañc. 51, 20; iii. d. 264. Comp. su-vistīrṇa, adj. very large, Hit. 79, 13. Caus.
     1. To cause to spread, Pañc. 171, 3.
     2. To extend, Man. 7, 188.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To spread, MBh. 1, 7163.
     2. To cover, MBh. 2, 1774.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. sternere, strages, struere, stringo; O.H.G. sturm; A.S. stearm, storm; strene, lectus; Goth. straujan; A. S. streowian, sternere; A. S. strion, thesaurus, strionan; O.H.G. sterbjan (old Caus.), interficere, sterban; A. S. stearfian, steorfan, mori; strec; O.H.G. strac; A. S. streccan, a-stregdan, a -strican, probably stregan, stredan; ge -strangian, To strengthen, etc.

stṛ 2. stṛ, see spṛ.

stṛ 3. stṛ, probably 2. as + tṛ, A star, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 87, 1.
-- Cf. [greek] AEol. [greek] Goth. stairno; A.S. steorra; Lat. stella (see tāra).

stṛkṣ stṛkṣ, i. 1. Par. To go.

stṛhstṛh, stṝh stṛh, i. 6, Par. To hurt, to kill.

stṝ stṛ10, see stṛ; stṝh stṛ10h, see stṛh.

sten sten, 1, 10 (rather a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To steal, Man. 4, 256; 8, 333.

stena stena, m. A thief, Man. 8, 197.
-- Cf. prebably [greek] Goth. stilan; A. S. stelan, stal, stalian, stalu.

stepstep, i. 10, Par. To throw; see stip.

stema stema, i. e. stim + a, m. Wetness.

steya steya, perhaps anomal. stena + ya, n. Theft, robbery, Man. 2, 116; Vikr. d. 139.
-- Comp. a-, n. not stealing, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 15.

steyin steyin, i. e. steya + in, m. A thief, Man. 9, 235.

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stai stai, see snai.

staina staina, and stainya stainya, i. e. stena + a, or ya, n. Theft, robbery.

stoka stoka,
I. adj.
     1. Little, Pañc. 263, 25; short, Pañc. 245, 13; small, few, Pañc. 31, 5.
     2. Low, Bhartṛ. 2, 10.
II. °kam, adv.
     1. A little, Pañc. 170, 6.
     2. Cf. bahutaram, see bahu.
III. m.
     1. The Cātaka, Cuculus melanoleucus.
     2. A drop of water.
-- Comp. a-, adj. much, Mālat. 161, 2.

stokaka stoka + ka, m. The Cātaka, Cuculus melanoleucus, Man. 12, 67.

stotṛ stotṛ, i. e. stu + tṛ, m., f. trī, n. Praising, a praiser, Chr. 297, 11 = Rigv. i. 112, 11.

stotra stotra, i. e. stu + tra, n. Praise, Lass. 53, 17; Rājat. 5, 351.
-- Comp. anyathā-, n. ironical praise, Yājñ. 2, 204.

stobha stobha, i. e. stumbh, and stubh + a, m.
     1. Stopping.
     2. Contumely.
     3. Latter part of the name of some verses of the Sāmaveda.

stomstom, i. 10 (a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To praise.

stoma stoma, i. e. partly stu + ma,
I. m.
     1. Praise, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14.
     2. Sacrifice.
     3. A heap, a quantity, multitude, Utt. Rāmac. 31, 7.
II. n.
     1. The head.
     2. Wealth.
     3. Grain.
     4. A stick bound with iron.
III. adj. Crooked.
-- Comp. vrātya-, m. a sacrifice to recover the rights forfeited by an improper delay of the investiture.

styena styena (cf. stena), m.
     1. A thief.
     2. Nectar.

styai styai, ṣṭyai ṣṭyai, i. 1, Par.
     1. To be collected or joined.
     2. Pass. To increase, Utt. Rāmac. 45, 3 (to spread round about).
     3. To sound. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. styāna,
     1. Thick, gross, bulky.
     2. Soft, bland. n.
     1. Thickness.
     2. Idleness.
     3. Echo, Utt. Rāmac. 45, 2.
-- With pra pra, ptcple. of the pf. pass. prastīta and prastīma.
     1. Crowded, clustering.
     2. Sounded.
-- Cf. probably [greek] Lat. stipare (Caus.).

strī strī, probably 1. sū + tṛ + ī, f.
     1. A woman, Pañc. iii. d. 61.
     2. A female in general, Draup. 4, 4.
-- Comp. amara-, f. an Apsaras, Kir. 10, 15. kula-, f. a respectable or chaste woman, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 277; Daśak. in Chr. 191, 6. su-kula-, f. a respect able woman, Cāṇ. 36 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 409. paṇa- and paṇya-, f. a courtesan, Mṛcch. 127, 20; Pañc. iii. d. 61. su-, f. a brave wife, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1155. sura-, f. an Apsaras, a nymph, Vikr. d. 3.

strīka -strī + ka, a substitute for strī, at the end of a comp. adj.; e. g. sa-, adj. With women, Śāk. 61, 7.

strītā strī + tā, f., and strītva strī + tva, n. Womanhood, Chr. 52, 19 (tva).

strīpuṃsa strī-puṃs + a, m. Wife and husband, Man. 1, 115.

strīpūrvin strīpūrvin, i. e. strī-pūrva + in, adj. One who has been at first a female, Chr. 63, 61.

strīmant strī + mant, m. A husband.

straiṇa straiṇa, i. e. strī + na,
I. adj. Female, Feminine.
II. n.
     1. Womanhood, Utt. Rāmac. 100, 8.
     2. The female sex, Bhartṛ. suppl. 24 (Sch., children).
-- Comp. bhūyiṣṭha-dvija-bāla-vṛddha-vikala-straiṇa, adj. consisting for the greatest part of Brāhmaṇas, children, old and sick persons, and women, Utt. Rāmac. 114, 2.

stha stha (vb. sthā), adj. Staying, abiding; e. g. garbha-, Being in the womb, Hit. pr. d. 27, M. M. jana-, adj. Living amongst men, Bhāg. P. 7, 15, 56. jala-, adj. Existing in water, Rām. 4, 13, 10. taṭa-, adj.
     1. Standing on the shore.
     2. Indifferent, Utt. Rāmac. 60, 2. dūra-, adj. Standing aloof, Man. 2, 202. bhū-tala-, adj. Standing, being on the surface of the earth, Pañc. 106, 6. yauvana-, adj., f. thā, Marriageable, Sāv. 1, 22.

sthag sthag, i. 1, Par. To cover, Śiś. 9, 21. sthagita, Hidden, covered, Kir. 14, 31; Rājat. 5, 415 (sarasvatī sthagitā, 'Sarasvatī has hidden herself,' i. e.
I can scarcely find words). Caus.
     1. To cover, Mālat. 7, 8; to veil, Mālat. 149, 15.
     2. To cause inability of perceiving anything, Utt. Rāmac. 78, 2.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. tegere; O.H.G. dakjan; A.S. theccan, thaca.

sthaga sthag + a,
I. adj.
     1. Cheating, a rogue.
     2. Shameless.
II. f. , A betel box.

sthagana sthag + ana, n. Covering.

sthagikā sthagikā, i. e. sthaga + kā, f.
     1. A courtesan, Śukas. Narr. 7, MS.
     2. The office of the betel-bearer, Pañc. v. r. of the MSS. H.,
I., and K., ad Kos. 63, 23.

sthagu sthagu, m. A hump on the back.

sthaṇḍila sthaṇḍila, n.
     1. A square place prepared for a sacrifice, MBh. 13, 6550; Rājat. 6, 87.
     2. A barren field.
     3. A heap of clods, Man. 10, 71.
     4. A boundary, a landmark, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 41.

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sthaṇḍilasitaka sthaṇḍilasitaka (cf. sthaṇḍila), n. An altar.

sthaṇḍileśaya sthaṇḍileśaya, i. e. sthaṇḍila + i-śaya, m. A devotee sleeping on a place prepared for a sacrifice, Lass. 2. ed. 49, 11.

sthapati sthapati, i. e. sthā, Caus., + ati, and perhaps stha-pati,
I. m.
     1. An architect, Pañc. 10, 4.
     2. A carpenter, a wheelwright, Rām. 2, 63, 2, Seramp.
     3. The performer of the Vṛhaspati sacrifice, MBh. 1, 2029.
     4. A carioteer.
     5. A king or chief.
     6. A guard or attendant of the womens' apartment.
II. adj. Chief, best.
-- Comp. puṣkara-, m. a name of Śiva, MBh. 13, 1207 (erroneously written puskara-).

sthapuṭa sthapuṭa, adj.
     1. Distressed.
     2. Bent with pain, Mālat. 78, 17.

sthalsthal (akin to sthā, cf. the next), i. 1, Par. To stand or be firm.
-- Cf. O.H.G. stallan, stellan.

sthala sthal + a, or rather sthā + la,
I. n., and f. .
     1. Firm or dry ground, Hit. i. d. 89, M. M. (la).
     2. Place, Vikr. d. 79 (li); Pañc. 161, 15 (la).
II. n., and f. , A spot drained and raised.
III. n.
     1. A mound, a terrace, Megh. 67.
     2. A tent.
     3. Point, topic.
-- Comp. adri-kṛta-, f. , an Apsaras. kuśa-, n., and f. , names of towns, MBh. 2, 614 (). kḷpta-harmya-sthala, adj., f. , of which the ground of the palaces was made, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 15. gaṇḍa-, n., and f. , 1. the cheek, Śṛngārat. 7 (la); Daśak. in Chr. 199, 2 (). 2. an elephant's temple, Pañc. i. d. 139. jaghana-sthalī, f. the buttcks, Śiś. 9, 45. prasava-, f. , a mother. maru-, n. a desert, Hit. i. d. 10, M. M.; 80, 7. mahā-, f. , the earth. vakṣas-, n. breast, Hit. iv. d. 130.
-- Cf. O.H.G. stal, stall; A.S. stal, stael; O.H.G. stullan; Goth. ga-stalds; O.H.G. stelza, stolz; also A.S. stillan, stille.

sthalakamala sthala-kamala, n., and -kamalinī, f. A shrub, Hibiscus mutabilis, Megh. 90.

sthalaja sthala-ja, adj.
     1. Growing on earth, Man. 6, 13.
     2. Terrestrial.

sthalatā sthala + tā, in śuṣka-sthala + tā, f. Dryness, Pañc. 84, 19; 79, 13.

sthaleśaya sthaleśaya, i. e. sthala + i-śaya, m. An amphibious animal.

sthavi sthavi, probably vb. sthā (see the next), m. A weaver.

sthavira sthavira, probably for sthāvara, cf. sthāvira,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Fixed, firm.
     2. Old, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 12.
II. m.
     1. An old man.
     2. A beggar.
     3. Brahman.

sthaviṣṭha sthaviṣṭha, sthavīyaṃs sthavīyaṃs, see sthūla.

sthā sthā, i. 1, tiṣṭha, Par., and in some significations only Ātm., but in epic poetry Ātm. as well as Par., against the rules of the Gramm.
     1. To stand, Hit. i. d. 97; with jānubhyām, To kneel, Vikr. 63, 6; with śāsane, To obey, Vikr. d. 155.
     2. To cease to move, to stand still, to stop, Vikr. d. 20; Rām. 1, 60, 19; to wait, Vikr. 88, 17; to be restrained, Man. 7, 108.
     3. To stay, MBh. 2, 732; to abide, Man. 7, 37 (śāsane, He may abide by their decision). Impers. pass., Hit. 46, 2, MM.; Lass. 56, 2, sthīyatām, It may be abided, viz. by you, i. e. you may abide.
     4. With instr. To practise, to use what the instrumental expresses, Pañc. 31, 18 (sāmādibhis, To use conciliatory speech, etc.); 76, 20 (maunavratena, To be silent).
     5. To be, Man. 8, 158; to exist, Man. 7, 8.
     6. To remain, Lass. 51, 25; Man. 4, 111; to stand at one's side, Hit. i. d. 72, M.M.
     7. With an absol. it implies duration of the action expressed by the absol.; e.g. yā sthitā vyāpya, Which ever fills, Śāk. d. 1; Vikr. 14, 5 (parikramyopaviśya sthita, After having walked up and down, he sits down and remains sitting).
     8. To be at hand, Man. 5, 104; Hit. 50, 21.
     9. Ātm. To stand firm, MBh. 1, 5558. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. sthita.
     1. Got up, risen.
     2. Standing, Chr. 17, 24.
     3. Steady, firm, immovable.
     4. Upright, virtuous.
     5. Stayed, stopped.
     6. Desisted, Pañc. v. d. 40 (from singing).
     7. Having lived (sukhe, happily), Pañc. ii. d. 95; kathaṃ sthitāsi, How did you do ? Vikr. 72, 6; living, Rām. 3, 53, 59.
     8. Being, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 11; Pañc. 149, 13 (evaṃ sthite, The matter being thus); Pañc. 136, 3 (lambamānau yathā sthitau, How they hang down).
     9. Established, determined, Chr. 28, 17.
     10. Agreed, promised. Comp. evam-, adj. so conditioned, Pañc. 87, 19. taṭa-, adj. indifferent, Utt. Rāmac. 156, 8. dus-, adj. unsteady, Bhāg. P. 1, 5, 14. n. indecent kind of standing, MBh. 12, 3084. su-, adj. 1. living well. 2. being well. 3. safe, Mālat. 86, 12. a-su-, adj. not being well, dejected, Hit. iii. d. 108. Ptcple. fut. pass. stheya,
     1. To be fixed or determined.
     2. To be placed. m.
     1. A judge, an arbitrator, Hit. iv. d. 1.
     2. A domestic priest. Comp. uccaiḥstheya, i. e. uccais-, n. standing upright, Bhartṛ. 2, 61. dus-, n. difficult standing, MBh. 12, 11090. Caus. sthāpaya,
     1. To place, Vikr. 78, 7; Hit. i. d. 112.
     2. To establish, Rām. 3, 54, 19.
     3. To restrain, to stop, Śāk. 6, 16; Vikr. 10, 19.
     4. To keep, Man. 7, 44.
     5. To cause to exist, to found, Man. 1, 62.
     6. To cause to be durable, Lass. 2. ed. 67, 21.
     7. To let live, Hit. 121, 14.
     8. To give in marriage, MBh. 1, 2576.
-- With the prep. adhi adhi, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.),
     1. To stand on, Man. 4, 78; MBh. 2, 2541, śiraḥ pādenādhi sthāsyāmi, I shall put my foot on his head.
     2. To be supported, to rest on, Rām. 1, 34, 34.
     3. To stay, MBh. 1, 3572.
     4. To remain, Chr. 32, 31, śarā antarādhiṣṭhitāḥ, The arrows remained in the sky.
     5. To inhabit, MBh. 3, 12198.
     6. To stand, MBh. 1, 8325.
     7. To be, MBh. 1, 2867.
     8. To command, Man. 7, 114; to govern, Rām. 2, 1, 25; to lead, Utt. Rāmac. 91, 8.
     9. To pass over, Rām. 1, 31, 19.
     10. To surpass, MBh. 3, 14652; to overcome, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 72.
     11. To ascend to, Chr. 288, 2 = Rigv. i. 49, 2.
     12. To do; with prasādam, To show favour, Mālat. 140, 11. adhiṣṭhita (and dhiṣṭhita),
     1. Guided, Utt. Rāmac. 3, 7.
     2. Fixed, established, Pañc. 29, 7.
     3. Occupied, Hit. 56, 20.
     4. Overpowered, Pañc. 30, 5.
     5. Guarded, Utt. Rāmac. 38, 13.
     6. Presiding, Pañc. 97, 1.
     7. Standing, MBh. 13, 835. Comp. dus-, adj. wrongly performed, MBh. 7, 3314. n. remaining unbecomingly in some place, MBh. 12, 3084.
-- With samadhi sam-adhi, To administer, MBh. 2, 199.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To stand near, Man. 11, 111.
     2. To follow, to obey, Man. 2, 9.
     3. To remain, Lass. 56, 10.
     4. To execute, to perform, Rām. 1, 12, 3; to do, Pañc. 192, 10; to act, Vikr. 24, 7; to practise, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 6.
     5. To govern, Draup. 4, 12. anuṣṭhita,
     1. Agreed to, done accordingly.
     2. Done, Rām. 1, 51, 6; tathā-anuṣṭhite, Afterwards, thereupon, Pañc. 43, 14; 42, 2; 37, 22. n. Action, Pañc. 43, 15. Desider. tiṣṭhāsa, To wish to imitate, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 6.
-- With ava ava, Ātm.
     1. To withdraw, Hit. 47, 22.
     2. To stand firm, Vedāntas. in Chr. 218, 5; to keep ground, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 70 (= Hit. ii. d. 120, v. r.); to stand ready, Pañc. 91, 6 (with dat., for).
     3. To be decided, Śāk. 23, 11.
     4. To remain, Man. 8, 145; Pañc. 127, 17.
     5. To be present, MBh. 1, 4826.
     6. To stay; kim atrāvasthāya mayā kartavyam, What shall
I. do here ? Hit. 59, 1, M. M.; with instr. To practise, Pañc. 50, 13 (cf. the simple vb). avasthita,
     1. Standing, Vikr. d. 160; Rājat. 5, 49.
     2. Abiding, remaining firm, Rām. 3, 50, 15.
     3. Steady, Man. 7, 60.
     4. Being, Pañc. 180, 20 (evam avasthite, Matters being in this state). yathāvasthita, As it was, Pañc. 196, 18. °tam, adv. Truly (as it happened), Pañc. 237, 19.
     5. Engaged in, prosecuting. Comp. an-, adj. 1. unsteady, changed, Utt. Rāmac. 47, 4. 2. fickle, unchaste, Rām. 5, 51, 10; Man. 11, 138. Caus.
     1. To cause to stand, to place, Hit. 61, 4, M.M.
     2. To cause to stay, to leave, Vikr. 35, 3.
-- With paryava pari-ava, Ātm.
     1. To rely on, MBh. 1, 4029.
     2. To exist everywhere, Bhag. 2, 65.
-- With pratyava prati-ava, To stand opposite, Sund. 3, 24. Caus. To collect; with ātmānam, To recover, Vikr. 8, 1.
-- With vyava vi-ava, vyavasthita,
     1. Separated, going away, Pañc. 57, 9, agre, He took the head.
     2. Extracted.
     3. Constant, Lass. 2. ed. 39, 10.
     4. Declared.
     5. Appointed.
     6. Fixed, Man. 10, 68; based, Mālat. 70, 7.
     7. Depending on, Hit. iv. d. 98.
     8. Staying, having rested at the same place, Chr. 20, 1.
     9. Restrained, Utt. Rāmac. 135, 8 (-viṣaya, Of which the sphere is restrained to one alone).
     10. Standing, Chr. 27, 1; Pañc. 229, 21 (agre, Was standing in front of him).
     11. With vākye, Obeying, Rām. 3, 51, 35.
     12. Existing, Pañc. 76, 23.
     13. One who has agreed, Man. 8, 156. Caus.
     1. To establish, Daśak. in Chr. 184, 19.
     2. To perform, Ragh. 14, 53.
-- With samava sam-ava, samavasthita,
     1. Ready, MBh. 3, 633.
     2. Standing immovable, Vikr. d. 4. Caus.
     1. To stop (a chariot), MBh. 3, 887.
     2. To found, (a tribe), MBh. 1, 4365.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To be near at hand, Man. 9, 87.
     2. To stand on, Chr. 290, 9 = Rigv. i. 64, 9; to sit on, MBh. 3, 11776.
     3. To stay, to remain, Hit. 95, 1, M.M.
     4. To walk toward, Man. 11, 104.
     5. To turn to; apayānam āsthita, Turning to withdraw, i. e. being about to withdraw, Śiś. 9, 84; kāṃ buddhim āsthāya, What did you think (when ...)? Chr. 21, 5.
     6. To ascend, MBh. 1, 3677 (a chariot).
     7. To assume, Pañc. iii. d. 20; Rām. 3, 50, 26 (a shape).
     8. To apply, MBh. 3, 11964 (a weapon); Man. 2, 88 (care).
     9. To observe, Man. 7, 226; with vṛttim, To behave, Man. 2, 133.
     10. To perform, Man. 2, 103; MBh. 3, 8514 (religious austerities).
     11. To act, to behave, Nal. 9, 8. āsthita,
     1. Standing on (with acc.), Chr. 36, 16.
     2. Stayed.
     3. Occupied.
     4. Applied to, having recourse to, having assumed, Rām. 3, 50, 26.
     5. Undergone, Lass. 2. ed. 90, 49.
     6. Spread.
     7. Observing, following, Man. 5, 36.
     8. Practising, exhibiting, Lass. 53, 17; with acc., Vikr. d. 130 (absorbed in).
-- With upā upa-ā, Ātm. To approach carnally, MBh. 3, 10754.
-- With samupā sam-upa-ā, To observe (a law). MBh. 1, 7452.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To undergo, Chr. 49, 4 (samāsthitas tapo ghoram, He performed great austerities).
     2. To apply, MBh. 3, 11967; with vṛttim, To act, Man. 4, 2; with yogam, To exert one's self, Man. 7, 44.
     3. To perform, Rām. 1, 56, 24. samāsthita, Seated.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To get up, to rise, Rām. 2, 72, 24; Vikr. 31, 18; uttiṣṭhamāna, Being about to rise, Pañc. i. d. 408. utthāya-utthāya, Whenever one rises, Hit. i. d. 3, M.M.
     2. To rouse one's self, Bhag. 2, 3. Ptcple. pf. pass. utthita.
     1. Rising, Lass. 2. ed. 46, 23.
     2. Arising (as revenue), Hit. iv. d. 121. Caus.
     1. To lead away (one's wife from her father's house), Lass. 22, 1 (cf. 24, 9).
     2. To lift, Hit. 91, 13, M. M.; to raise, Rām. 2, 72, 23 (a fallen person); to lift out, Hit. 21, 7, M. M.
     3. To arouse, MBh. 1, 1887.
     4. To reanimate, MBh. 1, 3297.
-- With anūd anu-ud, To rise after one, Ragh. 2, 24.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud,
     1. To rise, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 14.
     2. To rise to (with acc.), Utt. Rāmac. 83, 5.
-- With pratyud prati-ud, To rise to salute, Man. 2, 119.
-- With vyud vi-ud, To incite, MBh. 1, 7404.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To rise together, Chr. 13. 7.
     2. To rise, Sāv. 1, 8.
     3. To return to life, MBh. 3, 16574. samutthita,
     1. Swollen up, Rām. 3, 49, 51.
     2. Arisen, produced, Pañc. 57, 15. Caus.
     1. To raise, MBh. 1, 6588.
     2. To reanimate, Rām. 1, 1, 85.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To stand near, Rām. 1, 13, 38; to be imminent, Pañc. 86, 25.
     2. To stand opposite, Man. 2, 48.
     3. To be at hand, MBh. 3, 11671.
     4. To serve, Rām. 1, 16, 28; to wait on, Śāk. 3, 12; Vikr. 3, 8 (Ātm.); to salute, Mālat. 2, 3 (Ātm.).
     5. To oblige (by presents), Ragh. 18, 21.
     6. To adore, MBh. 1, 4405.
     7. To embrace, MBh. 3, 10754.
     8. To approach, Rām. 1, 25, 4; to arrive at, Man. 3, 76.
     9. To fall to one's share, Pañc. 194, 5; MBh. 3, 3043. upasthita,
     1. Arrived, come, Man. 3, 103.
     2. Staying, standing by or near, Hit. 47, 2, M. M.
     3. Near, Rām. 2, 51, 18; impending, Hit. i. d. 3, M. M.
     4. Caused.
     5. Got.
     6. Felt.
     7. Cleansed.
     8. Done.
     9. Known. Caus.
     1. To bring near, Śāk. 28, 9; to order to be brought, Utt. Rāmac. 22, 8.
     2. To supply, Rām. 1, 26, 2 (a ship).
     3. To place, Rām. 2, 3, 18.
-- With abhyupa abhi-upa, To adore, Bhāg. P. 5, 7, 12. abhyupasthita, Accompanied, MBh. 3, 16132.
-- With paryupa pari-upa,
     1. To surround, Rām. 2, 64, 1.
     2. To wait on, Rām. 2, 32, 15. paryupasthita, Imminent, MBh. 3, 13027.
-- With pratyupa prati-upa, pratyupasthita,
     1. Imminent, MBh. 3, 1920.
     2. Present, Utt. Rāmac. 156, 14.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. To approach, Chr. 7, 17; Pañc. ii. d. 13.
     2. To fall in the way, Hit. 76, 8, M. M.
     3. To send, Śāk, d. 43. samupasthita, Imminent, Chr. 5, 4.
-- With ni ni, niṣṭhita,
     1. Firm, fixed.
     2. Certain.
     3. Staying in, Bhag. 13, 17.
     4. Versed in, Rām. 1, 12, 20.
     5. Engaged in.
-- With parini pari-ni, pariniṣṭhita, Very skilled in, Rām. 1, 9, 8. Caus. pariniṣṭhāpita, Taught, Utt. Rāmac. 35, 10.
-- With pari pari, To stand round about, to surround, Pañc. 51, 19. pariṣṭhita, Standing, Lass. 23, 6.
-- With pra pra, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.),
     1. To set out, Vikr. 12, 10; to depart (with the acc., to), MBh. 3, 2401.
     2. To come, Vikr. 37, 17. prasthita, Set out, Śāk. 7, 9. Comp. pūrva-, adj. set out before, Vikr. 6, 6. Caus.
     1. To push on, Rājat. 5, 415.
     2. To induce to retire, Hit. 130, 10.
     3. To send away, Rām. 2, 9, 2; to despatch, Hit. 88, 8, M. M.; to dismiss, MBh. 3, 2716.
-- With pratyabhipra prati-abhi-pra, Ātm. To depart, MBh. 1, 683.
-- With vipra vi-pra, Ātm.
     1. To depart, MBh. 1, 8140.
     2. To spread, MBh. 1, 3709.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, Ātm. To depart, MBh. 2, 1198. samprasthita,
     1. Departed, MBh. 3, 8540.
     2. Being about to set off, Rām. 2, 38, 13.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To stand firm, to be supported, Pañc. i. d. 93.
     2. To depend upon, MBh. 1, 6190.
     3. To stay, MBh. 3, 11855. pratiṣṭhita,
     1. Fixed, Pañc. i. d. 93; staying, Pañc. iii. d. 214.
     2. Secured, acquired.
     3. Supported, Man. 8, 163.
     4. Placed.
     5. Married.
     6. Comprised.
     7. Infixed, present, Bhag. 3, 15.
     8. Applied, Man. 8, 226.
     9. Applicable.
     10. Completed, done, Pañc. 86, 20.
     11. Consecrated.
     12. Famous (rather pratiṣṭhā + ita), Nal. 22, 12.
     13. Valued. Comp. su-, 1. well rooted, Pañc. iii. d. 51. 2. well set up, well consecrated, Hit. pr. d. 45, M. M. 3. celebrated. Caus.
     1. To set up, to erect, Rājat. 5, 38.
     2. To place, Chr. 12, 28.
     3. To offer, Man. 3, 135. pratiṣṭhāpita, Appointed, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 20.
-- With saṃprati sam-prati, To rest on, MBh. 1, 8359.
-- With vi vi, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.),
     1. To spread, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 92, 5.
     2. To stand apart, to stand, MBh. 1, 6559. viṣṭhita, Stopping, Rām. 3, 52, 11.
-- With sam sam, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par.),
     1. To stand close together, MBh. 3, 15716.
     2. To stand on, to be on, Bhartṛ. 2, 57.
     3. To agree, to conform to, Mṛcch. 15, 12.
     4. To be completed, Man. 5, 98.
     5. To exist, to live, Pañc. 96, 13.
     6. To perish, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 9. saṃsthita,
     1. Heaped, covered (painted ?), Rām. 5, 10, 4.
     2. Frequented, Man. 8, 371.
     3. Contiguous.
     4. Like.
     5. Placed in or on, Pañc. i. d. 105 (niyoga-, Being in office).
     6. Residing, Pañc. 60, 24.
     7. Lying, Hit. iv. d. 130.
     8. Abiding, Lass. 53, 9.
     9. Fixed.
     10. Stopped, MBh. 3, 1763.
     11. Concluded.
     12. Dead, Man. 3, 247. Comp. su-, 1. very contiguous (to each other), Rām. 3, 52, 28. 2. well situated. 3. being well. 4. well defined, circumscribed. Caus.
     1. To collect, to compose, Vikr. 29, 15 (one's self.)
     2. To place, Pañc. 174, 21.
     3. To subject, Man. 9, 2.
     4. To restrain, to stop.
     5. To kill, MBh. 1, 4610. saṃsthāpita,
     1. Accumulated.
     2. Restrained.
     3. Fixed, established.
-- With parisam pari-sam, parisaṃsthita, Standing together round about, MBh. 1, 4827.
-- Cf. [greek] [greek] (from the Caus.); Lat. stare, sistere, stamen, stupere (Caus.), stupidus; cf. sthūla; O.H.G. stān, stên; Goth. and A. S. standan (frequent.); O.H.G. standa; A. S. stidh, stand, cupellus; stadhelian; O.H.G. stat, locus; stat, stad, ripa; tur-studil; A. S. studu, postis; O.H.G. stunt; A.S. stund; A. S. staef (based on the Caus.), stif, stifian (or to styai?). On nouns like sthavi, etc., are based [greek] Goth. staujan, stojan; O.H.G. stauuan; cf. also A.S. stow, etc.

sthāṇu sthāṇu (vb. sthā),
I. adj. Firm, steady, fixed, immovable, Chr. 46, 20; MBh. 1, 7291.
II. m. and n. The trunk of a tree, Man. 9, 44; Bhāṣāp. 128.
III. m.
     1. A stake, a post, Pañc. i. d. 55.
     2. A spear.
     3. A nest of white ants.
     4. Śiva, Vikr. d. 1; Rām. 3, 53, 60.

sthāṇuvat sthāṇu + vat, adv. Like a post, Pañc. i. d. 55.

sthāṇḍila sthāṇḍila, i. e. sthaṇḍila + a, m.
     1. An ascetic who sleeps on the place prepared for a sacrifice.
     2. A religious mendicant.

sthātṛ sthā + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Who or what stands.
-- Cf. Lat. stator.

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sthāna sthāna, i. e. sthā + ana,
I. n.
     1. Staying, Lass, 28, 10; stay, state, Utt. Rāmac. 51, 5; Man. 7, 56 (forces); position, Hit. i. d. 51, M. M.
     2. Middle state, as neither loss nor gain (equality), calmness, Rām. 3, 52, 2 (corr. nahi me jīvitaṃ sthāne, My life, i. e. my whole being, is disquieted).
     3. Firmness of troops.
     4. Keeping in array.
     5. Halt.
     6. Place, Pañc. 133, 5; 37, 8; a holy place, Chr. 46, 26; the right palce, Hit. ii. d. 70.
     7. Country, Hit. i. d. 169, M. M.
     8. An altar, Vikr. d. 43.
     9. An open place in a town.
     10. A dwelling-place, Hit. iii. d. 5; house, Chr. 60, 37; Cṛṅgārat. 11.
     11. A town.
     12. Office, Rājat. 5, 297.
     13. The part of an actor, Vikr. 3, 9.
     14. Degree, rank, Hit. i. d. 168, M.M.
     15. Object, Man. 2, 136; Pañc. 82, 12.
     16. Likeness.
     17. Intimation (cf. sthānaka), Lass. 7, 5.
     18. Interval.
II. loc. ne, adv.
     1. Fitly, properly, justly, Vikr. 8, 16; in the right moment, Śāk. 37, 34.
     2. Sometimes, MBh. 1, 6845.
     3. Because.
     4. Instead, Pañc. 37, 21.
     5. Like, as, Pañc. 52, 1; 55, 22.
-- Comp. a-sthāna, n. unsuitable, wrong place, Pañc. 10, 10. an-ucita-, n. the same, Pañc. 64, 8. asmad-, n. our place; loc. ne, instead of us (me), Pañc. 83, 19. uccais-, n. elevation in rank, Man. 7, 121. eka-, n. same place; loc. ne, together, Pañc. 85, 22. karmasthāna, i. e. karman-, n. a government building, Rājat. 5, 166. kopa-, n. an object of wrath, i. e. easy to be injured, Lass. 41, 4. jana-, n. the name of a wood, Utt Rāmac. 17, 12. janmasthāna, i. e. janman-, n. birthplace, home, Pañc. 247, 4. tadīya-, n. its place, Vikr. 71, 11. dhana-, n. treasury, Rājat. 4, 621. dharma-adhikaraṇa-, n. court of justice, Pañc. 40, 22. prasava-, n. a nest, Pañc. 74, 25. badhya-, or vadhya- (vb. vadh), n. place of execution, Pañc. 41, 15. bandhana-, n. a stable, Pañc. 224, 8. bhakṣa-, n. state of being (one's) food, Pañc. 131, 2 (bhakṣasthāne sthitam api, although you are destined to be his food). yathā-sthāna + m, adv. instantly, Pañc. in Weber, Ind. St. iii. 373, 4. vibhīṣikā-, n. object, or means, of frightening, Pañc. 160, 21. viśvāsa-,
I. n. an object or person of trust.
II. viśvāsasthāne, adv. as hostage, Pañc. 55, 22. vīra-, n. a certain posture, Lass. 2. ed. 70, 55. vyañjana-sthāne, loc. as condiment (karomi,
I shall use), Pañc. 52, 1. śulka-, n. any object of toll or duty, Man. 8, 398. saṃketa-, n. 1. place of assignation. 2. a sign, an intimation. Lass. 7, 5. sura-, n. a temple, Hit. iii. d. 36. siddhi-, n. name of a country, Lass. 40, 19. hṛdaya-, n. the breast.
-- Cf. [greek] (i. e. [greek]), [greek].

sthānaka sthāna + ka, n.
     1. A town.
     2. A basin of water at the root of a tree,
     3. A bubble on spirits or wine.
     4. A kind of speaking (addressing ?), Vikr. 64, 21.
-- Comp. patākā-, n. intimation of an episode in a drama, Daśar. 1, 14.

sthānāsanavihāravant sthānāsanavihāravant, adj. sthāna-āsana-vihāra + vant, adj, Occupying the station, seat, and place of religious exercises (of his preceptor), Man. 2, 248.

sthānika sthānika, i. e. sthāna + ika,
I. adj. Local.
II. m. The governor of a place.

sthānin sthānin, i. e. sthāna + in, adj. Having a place or situation, permanent.

sthānīya sthānīya, i. e. sthāna + īya,
I. adj. Relating or suitable to any place.
II. n. A city.
-- Comp. avataṃsa-, adj., f. , taking the place of a crest, i. e. being, as it were, the ornament, Daśak. in Chr. 179, 14. kaṇṭha-, adj. having its place in the throat, Vedāntas. in Chr. 207, 11.

sthāpaka sthāpaka, i. e. sthā, Caus., + aka,
I. adj. Causing to stand, placing, fixing, ordering.
II. m.
     1. A stage manager.
     2. The founder of a temple.
-- Comp. sthiti-,
I. adj. who or what fixes (cf. sthiti).
II. m. (n., Wils.), elasticity, Bhāṣāp. 95; 156 (cf. sthiti).

sthāpatya sthāpatya, i. e. sthapati + ya,
I. m. A guard of the womens' apartments.
II. n. Architecture, building, erecting, Rām. 1, 12, 6.

sthāpana sthāpana, i. e. sthā, Caus., + ana,
I. n.
     1. Placing, Naiṣ. 22, 45, Sch.; fixing, erecting, founding.
     2. Concentrating one's thoughts upon the object of meditation.
     3. Ordering.
     4. A habitation.
     5. A ceremony performed when the mother perceives the first signs of living conception.
II. f. , Stage management.
III. f. , A plant, Cissampelos hexandra.

sthāman sthā + man, n. Strength, power.

sthāyin sthāyin, i. e. sthā + in, adj., f. ,
     1. Staying, lasting, Hit. i. d. 48, M. M.
     2. Firm, steady, unchangeable, Pañc. i. d. 39.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not permanent, Bhartṛ. 2, 83. puras-, adj. standing before one's eyes, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1212. vana-,
I. adj. abiding in a wood.
II. m. a hermit.

sthāyuka sthāyuka, i. e. sthā + uka,
I. adj. Steady, stationary.
II. m. The overseer of a village.

sthāla sthā + la,
I. n. A plate, a dish, Rājat. 5, 46.
II. f. , A pot, Pañc. 262, 16.

sthāvara sthā + vara (i. e. van + a, with [greek] for [greek]).
I. adj.
     1. Fixed, stable, immovable, Man. 1, 40; 41; 5, 28.
     2. Stationary (guards), Man. 9, 266.
     3. Established, regular.
II. m. A mountain, Bhag. 10, 25.
III. n.
     1. A bowstring.
     2. Real estate.
     3. A heirloom.

sthāvaratā sthāvara + tā, f. Immobility, Man. 12, 9 (a vegetable or mineral form).

sthāvira sthāvira, i. e. sthā + van + a, with i for a, and r for n, n. Old age, Man. 9, 3 (adj. Old, Hit. i. d. 119, M. M.; but cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1774).

sthāsaka sthāsaka (vb. sthā), m.
     1. A bubble of any fluid (cf. sthānaka).
     2. Smearing the body with fragrant unguents.

sthāsu sthāsu, vb. sthā, n. Bodily strength or capability.

sthāsnu sthā + snu, adj.
     1. Firm, immovable, Man. 1, 56.
     2. Durable, eternal, Kir. 2, 19.

sthika sthika, i. e. stha + ka, m. A buttock.

sthiti sthiti, i. e. sthā + ti, f.
     1. Standing, Mālat. 160, 6; staying, stay, Man. 11, 237.
     2. Living, doing well, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1125.
     3. Residence, Utt. Rāmac. 5, 1.
     4. Remaining, Pañc. pr. d. 8 (garbhe, in the womb, i. e. not being brought forth).
     5. Keeping, i. d. 159 (but cf. v. r. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1561).
     6. Being fixed, duration, Vikr. d. 153; a firm position, Pañc. i. d. 220.
     7. State, Cāṇ. 90 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 412; condition, Pañc. 124, 4; natural state (cf. -sthāpaka, Bhāṣāp. 95, properly 'restoring the natural state').
     8. Correctness of conduct, Kir. 11, 54.
     9. Honour, Mālat. 152, 20; dignity, Nal. 12, 10.
     10. Stop, cessation.
     11. Limit, boundary.
     12. A sure decision, Man. 2, 225; a settled rule, 3, 120; a maxim, Hit. 50, 9, M. M.
     13. Order, decree.
-- Comp. a-bhinna- (vb. bhid), adj. not swerving from the right path, Śāk. d. 107. pṛthak-, f. separation, Vikr. d. 102. maṭha-, f. staying in a college of priests, Pañc. ii. d. 66 (read maṭhasthityā). rājya-, f. staying in government, being a king, Pañc. 251, 9. su-, f. 1. welfare. 2. health.

sthitimant sthiti + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Firm, stable, Vikr. d. 160.
     2. Virtuous, Man. 9, 74.

sthira sthira, i. e. sthā + ra,
I. adj., comparat. stheyaṃs, superl. stheṣṭha.
     1. Firm, Vikr. d. 1; fixed, immovable, Bhag. 6, 33 (sthirī kṛ, To stop, Pañc. 258, 20).
     2. Permanent, Vikr. d. 109; Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15; eternal, Megh. 56.
     3. Hard, Utt. Rāmac. 30, 2; solid, strong, Indr. 1, 18.
     4. Steady, Mālat. 175, 6; free from passion, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.
     5. Cool, collected, Lass. 43, 17.
     6. Convinced, sure, Chr. 53, 25.
     7. Constant, determined, Chr. 43, 28.
     8. Faithful, Pañc. 107, 11.
II. m.
     1. A deity.
     2. Final emancipation.
     3. A mountain.
     4. A tree.
     5. A bull.
     6. Kārttikeya, the god of war.
     7. Saturn.
III. f. .
     1. The earth.
     2. Silk-cotton tree, and two other plants.
-- Comp. a-sthira, adj. 1. inconstant, Hit. iii. d. 106. 2. weak, Man. 8, 77.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. stolidus, stultus; O.H.G. starên; A.S. starian; O.H.G. storrên, stornên, starh; A.S. starc; O.H.G. ga-starkên, starhjan, etc.

sthiratā sthira + tā, f.
     1. Firmness, Śāk. d. 90; stability; sthiratāṃ nī, To secure, Pañc. 97, 14.
     2. Moral firmness.
     3. Fortitude.

sthiratva sthira + tva, n. Firmness, steadiness, Johns. Sel. 12, 30.
-- Comp. a-, n. inconstancy, Man. 8, 77.

sthuḍsthuḍ, i. 6, To cover.

sthūṇā sthūṇā (vb. sthā, based on sthā + va°, cf. the next), f.
     1. A pillar, a post, Pañc. 37, 6.
     2. An iron image,
     3. An anvil.
     4. A disease.
-- Comp. veśmasthūṇā, i. e. veśman-, f. the main post of a house.

sthūra sthūra, i. e. sthā + vara (cf. the next), m. A man.

sthūrin sthūrin, i. e. sthūra (in the signification of *sthava in sthavīyaṃs, cf. sthūla and sthūlin), + in, m. A packhorse.
-- Cf. Zend. śtaora (= sthūra, or rather sthaura, cf. sthaurin), A beast of burden; Goth. stiurs; A. S. steor; [greek] cf. also sthūla, and O.H.G. stiuri, fortis; A. S. stor; O.H.G. stur, magnus.

sthūlsthūl, i. 10 (a denomin. derived from the next), Par. To become big or bulky.

sthūla sthūla = sthūra (with l for r), but in the original signification of its base, sthā + vara,
I. adj., comparat. sthūlatara and sthavīyaṃs, superl. sthūlatama and sthaviṣṭha.
     1. Great, large, Rājat. 5, 12; Megh. 47; Pañc. i. d. 373; sthūlatara, Very large, Pañc. 134, 5.
     2. Bulky, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 22; fat.
     3. Powerful, Pañc. 168, 25.
     4. Clumsy.
     5. Coarse, Pañc. 133, 1.
     6. Stupid.
II. m. The jack tree.
III. f. .
     1. A sort of pepper.
     2. A pumpkin gourd.
IV. n.
     1. A heap.
     2. A tent.
-- Comp. ati-, adj. 1. very big, Rām. 5, 10, 17. 2. too clumsy, Suśr. 1, 25, 21. muktā-, adj. as large as pearls, Megh. 105.

sthūlatā sthūla + tā, f.
     1. Coarseness, bulkiness, Pañc. i. d. 205.
     2. Stupidity.

sthūlin sthūlin (cf. sthūrin), m. A camel.

stheyaṃs stheyaṃs, stheṣṭha stheṣṭha, see sthira.

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sthairya sthairya, i. e. sthita + ya, n.
     1. Fitmness, stability, staying continually, Pañc. 225, 22.
     2. Constancy, Pañc. iii. d. 102.
     3. Patience, Pañc. iii. d. 238.
-- Comp. a-, n. perishableness, Rājat. 5, 381.

sthaura sthaura, i. e. sthūra (but in the signification of sthūla and sthūrin, q. cf.), + a, n.
     1. Strength, power.
     2. A load for a horse or ass.

sthaurin sthaurin, i. e. sthaura + in (cf. sthūrin), m.
     1. A pack-horse.
     2. A strong horse.

sthaulalakṣya sthaulalakṣya, i. e. sthūla-lakṣa + ya, n. Incessant liberality, Man. 7, 211.

sthaulaśīrṣa sthaulaśīrṣa, i. e. sthūla-śīrṣa + a, adj. Large-headed.

sthaulya sthaulya, i. e. sthūla + ya, n. Largeness, bulk.

snapana snapana, i. e. snā, Caus., + ana, n.
     1. Washing.
     2. Bathing, ablution, Śiś. 8, 70.

snava snava, i. e. snu + a, m. Oozing, dripping.

snassnas, i. 1 and 4, Par.
     1. To eject.
     2. To eat (?).

snasā snasā, f. A tendon, a muscle.
-- Cf. perhaps O.H.G. snor, snuor, see snāva.

snā snā, ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 7072),
     1. To bathe, Man. 4, 82; anomal. potent. snāyīta, MBh. 3, 7072.
     2. To perform the ceremony of bathing when leaving the house of one's spiritual preceptor, Man. 2, 245. snāta,
     1. Bathed, having bathed, Rājat. 5, 391; Daśak. in Chr. 188, 20.
     2. Purified, Mahāv. 77, 2; pure. m. (One whose spiritual instruction is finished, see
     2.), an initiated householder. Comp. mṛta-, adj. 1. bathed after mourning. 2. dying immediately after ablution. su-,
I. adj. very clean, Lass. 24, 4.
II. m. a student who has performed his ablutions preparatory or subsequent to a sacrifice. Caus. sna/āpaya,
     1. To wash, to cleanse, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 7 (ā); Megh. 44 (a).
     2. To weep for (?), Utt. Rāmac. 69, 1 (a). snapita,
     1. Bathed, Mālat. 60, 10.
     2. Moistened, Kir. 5, 44; 47.
-- With apa apa, apasnāta, Bathed after mourning, Rām. 2, 42, 22.
-- With ni ni, niṣṇāta,
     1. Perfect, superior.
     2. Learned, MBh. 1, 3988; skilful, conversant, Śāk. 65, 18.
     3. Given to, Mālat. 37, 3.
     4. (In law), Agreed upon, Mālat. 174, 13. ati-niṣṇāta, Very conversant, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 19.
-- With prati prati,
     1. pratisnāta, Bathed.
     2. pratiṣṇāta, Pure. Comp. su-pratiṣṇāta, adj. certain.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. nare; Goth. nadr; A. S. naeddre, nedre; O.H.G. naco; see nau.

snātaka snāta + ka (vb. snā), m. A Brāhmaṇa just returned from the mansion of his preceptor, Man. 2, 138 (cf. snā); an initiated householder, Lass. 71, 1; a Brāhmaṇa in his second āśrama (order of life), Man. 1, 113; Hit. 123, 19.
-- Comp. vidyā-, Vidyā-vrata-, and vrata-, m. a Brāhmaṇa who has completed his studentship.

snāna snāna, i. e. snā + ana, n.
     1. Bathing, Pañc. 100, 8.
     2. Purification by bathing, Man. 1, 111; Pañc. iii. d. 120.
     3. Anything used in it, as water, perfumed powder, etc., Ṛt. 1, 4; Megh. 34, Sch.
-- Comp. tris-, n. bathing three times a day, Kām. Nītis. 2, 28. dus-, n. inauspicious bathing, Hariv. 3413. mṛta-, n. funeral ablution.

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snānīya snānīya, adj. Ablutionary, fit for bathing in, or to be used in bathing, Mālav. d. 87; Ragh. 16, 21.

snāpaka snāpaka, i. e. snā, Caus., + aka, m. A servant who supplies or applies bathing water, Rām. 2, 64, 12, Seramp.

snāpana snāpana, i. e. snā, Caus., + ana, Bathing, Man. 2, 209.

snāyin snāyin, i. e. snā + in, adj., f. , Bathing, Man. 11, 214.
-- Comp. nitya-, adj. constantly bathing, Hit. 40, 10. M. M.

snāyu snāyu (probably a form of snāva, for snāu), f.
     1. A tendon, Man. 8, 234; Pañc. 182, 17; a muscle, Bhartṛ. 2, 23.
     2. The string of a bow, Pañc. 121, 1.

snāyumaya snāyu + maya, adj., f. , Made of tendons, Pañc. 144, 14.

snāva snāva, m. A tendon, a muscle.
-- Cf. probably O.H.G. senwa; A. S. sinu, sinw, senw.

snigdhatā snigdha + tā (vb. snih), f.
     1. Affection.
     2. Unctuousness.

sniṭ sniṭ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To love (cf. snih).

snih snih, i. 4, Par. (properly, To be viscous, easy to be attached to), To bear affection to, Śāk. 102, 6 (to this boy). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. snigdha.
     1. Oily, unctuous, smooth, Rājat. 5, 319.
     2. Wet, Megh. 16 (Sch.),
     3. Resplendent, Vikr. d. 70 (kanaka-nikaṣa-, like a streak of pure gold).
     4. Agreeable, Megh. 65.
     5. Coarse.
     6. Thick, dense, Megh. 1.
     7. Cooling, emollient.
     8. Attached, Hit. ii. d. 151; kind, well affected, Man. 7, 32; 120; loving, Pañc. i. d. 317. m.
     1. A friend, Pañc. ii. d. 178.
     2. Two kinds of pine. f. dhā, Marrow. n.
     1. Oil, Megh. 60.
     2. Beeswax.
     3. Light.
     4. Thickness. † i. 10, Par. To be unctuous.
-- With ati ati, atisnigdha, Very smooth, Rām. 3, 49, 36.
-- With upa upa, Caus. To cause to love, to fascinate, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 18.
-- With pra pra, prasnigdha, Very oily, Śāk. d. 14.

snu 1. snu, ii. 2, Par. To distill, to flow.
-- With pra pra, To pour forth, Rām. 2, 64, 55, Seramp. prasnuta, Dropping, Rājat. 5, 76 (cf. s. v. stana).
-- Cf. AEol. [greek] Goth. snivan; A. S. sniwan; O.H.G. snittan; A.S. snytan; probably also Goth. sniumjan, sniumundo; O.H.G. sniumi A. S. sneome.

snu 2. snu, probably so + nu (cf. sānu), m. and n. Table-land.

snutas snutas (for snāyu + tas), adv. From the muscles, Bhāg. P. 3, 12, 45.

snuṣā snuṣā, f.
     1. A daughter-inlaw, Utt. Rāmac. 15, 8.
     2. The milkhedge plant.
-- Cf. O.H.G. snur; A. S. snóru; Lat. nurus; [greek].

snussnus, i. 4, Par. To eat, or to be invisible, or to take (?).

snuhsnuh. i. 4, Par. To vomit.

sneha sneha, i. e. snih + a, m.
     1. Oil, Ragh. 4, 75; unguent, grease, Megh. 93; Rām. 2, 64, 68.
     2. Moisture, the corporeal fluids, Man. 12, 120.
     3. Oiliness, viscidity, Bhāṣāp. 4; 86.
     4. Affection, love, Pañc. ii. d. 178; Megh. 111 (plur., read snehān āhuḥ).
-- Comp. nis-, adj., f. , 1. not oily, Man. 5, 87. 2. void of affection, Pañc. iv. d. 47. 3. fred from desire, MBh. 13, 1658. 4. not. treated affectionately, Pañc. i. d. 94. 5. abhorred, Somad. Nal. 71. mastaka-, m. the brain. vi-gata- (vb gam), adj. void of affection, Sund. 4, 17. sa-sneha, adj. affectionate, Hit. iv. d. 74. °ham, adv. affectionately, Pañc. 187, 8.

snehan snehan (vb. snih), m. A sort of disease.

snehana snehana, i. e. snih + ana, n.
     1. Anointing.
     2. Unctuousness.
     3. An unguent, an emollient.

snehabhū sneha-bhū, m. The phlegmatic humour.

snehavant sneha vant, adj., f. vatī, Possessed of affection.
-- Comp. a-, deprived of affection, Pañc. i. d. 310.

snehita snehita, i. e. sneha + ita,
I. adj.
     1. Kind, affectionate.
     2. Beloved.
II. m. A friend.

snehin snehin, i. e. sneha + in,
I. adj.
     1. A ffectionate.
     2. Oily.
II. m.
     1. A friend.
     2. A painter.

snai snai, † stai stai, i. 1, Par. To dress, to adorn.

snaigdhya snaigdhya, i. e. snigdha + ya (vb. snih), n.
     1. Affectionateness.
     2. Oiliness.

spand spand, i. 1, Ātm. To tremble, Mṛcch. 105, 12. spandita,
     1. Throbbing, Vikr. d. 50; beating.
     2. Gone. n. Pulsation.
-- With the prep. pari pari, To tremble, Rām. 2, 14, 12.
-- With vi vi, To struggle, MBh. 3, 445.
-- Cf. [greek] by the influence of [greek]); Lat. funda.

spanda spand + a, m. Trembling, motion, Bhāṣāp. 158.
-- Comp. a-, adj. immovable, Utt. Rāmac. 125, 13; Rājat. 5, 364. sparśa-, m. a frog.

spandana spand + ana, n.
     1. Quivering, trembling (Bhāṣāp. 6, read spandano°).
     2. Throbbing, Mālat. 5, 3.
     3. Quickening of the child in the womb.
     4. Going.
-- Comp. garbha-a-, n. immobility of the child in the womb, Suśr. 1, 49, 15.

spandin spand + in, adj.
     1. Quivering, Rājat. 5, 1.
     2. Palpitating (as an eye), Megh. 93 (with upari-, above).

sparitṛ sparitṛ, i. e. spṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. The active cause of pain, an enemy, a disease.

spardh spardh (i. e. spṛ-dhā), i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 5, 170),
     1. To contend with, to contest, MBh. 1, 205.
     2. To emulate, to vie, Pañc. v. d. 50; to envy, Rām. 2, 60, 65, Seramp.
     3. To be equal, MBh. 1, 4991. spardhita, Contended with, envied, defied.
-- With bi vi, To vie, MBh. 1, 1088.
-- Cf. Goth. spaurds; A. S. spyrd; O. H. G. spurt, stadium (originally certamen); probably also A. S. flit, ge-flit, strife; see spṛh.

spardha spardh + a,
I. adj. Emulous, envious.
II. f. dhā.
     1. Emulation, envy, jealousy, Johns. Sel. 45, 68; Rājat. 5. 285.
     2. Successive elevation.
     3. Sameness.
-- Comp. vi-spardhā, f. absence of envy, MBh. 5, 1602.

spardhin spardhin, i. e. spardhā + in, adj.
     1. Rivalling, Pañc. ed. orn. 3, 5.
     2. Emulating, Ragh. 13, 13.
     3. Envious.
     4. Proud.

sparśsparś, spaś spaś, i. 10, Par.
     1. To take.
     2. To embrace (cf. spṛś).

sparśa sparśa, i. e. spṛś + a,
I. m.
     1. Touch, Vikr. 47, 12; feeling, Man. 1, 76; Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 23; Bhāṣāp. 3; touching, Śāk. d. 27; Mālav. 29, 13; contact, Bhag. 2, 14.
     2. Sexual intercourse, Rājat. 5, 401.
     3. Gift, donation.
     4. The thing touching.
     5. Air, wind, Arj. 5, 14.
     6. The agent of pain, as sickness (Daśak. in Chr. 190, 19, śiras-śūla-, headache, or literally, 'the perceiving as of a sharp spear in my head').
     7. Morbid heat.
II. f. śā, A wanton woman.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. 1. of difficult or disagreeable touch, MBh. 13, 2109. 2. affecting disagreeably, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 5 (of wind). sama-, adj. literally, having the same contact, i. e. 1. wounding like, Chr. 39, 5. 2. the touching of which has the same effect, viz. to defile, Pañc. iii. d. 118.

sparśaka sparśaka, i. e. spṛś + aka, adj. Touching, a toucher.

sparśatā sparśa + tā, f. Touching, Śāk. d. 169.

sparśana sparśana, i. e. spṛś + ana,
I. m. Wind.
II. n.
     1. Touching, Pañc. 163, 5.
     2. Sensation, Man. 12, 120.
     3. Gift, donation.
-- Comp. a-, n. not touching, Pañc. ii. d. 167.

sparśavant sparśa + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Palpable, Bhāṣāp. 25.
     2. Smooth, soft, Kumāras. 1, 56.

sparṣ sparṣ, see parṣ.

sparṣṭṛ sparṣṭṛ, i. e. spṛś + tṛ, m.
     1. The agent of pain.
     2. Morbid heat.

spaś 1. spaś, † paś paś, † paṣ paṣ, † pas pas, i. 1, Par. Ātm.
     1. † To obstruct.
     2. To string together.
     3. To begin.

spaś 2. spaś, see sparś.

spaśa spaś + a (see dṛś), m.
     1. A spy, Man. 8, 116 (v. r. see Lois.; read in Kull. commentary cārabhūta, and cf. the vedic designation of Agni as dūta, messenger); Pañc. 156, 21.
     2. A secret agent,
     3. War.
     4. Fighting with a dangerous animal.

spaṣṭa spaṣṭa, i. e. the ptcple. pf. pass. of spaś (see dṛś),
     1. Evident, Vedāntas. in Chr. 211, 18.
     2. Clear, able to see (not blind), Pañc. 262, 24.
     3. Intelligible.
     4. ṭam, adv. a Distinctly, Lass. 2. ed. 34, 20. b. Looking in the face, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 396.
-- Comp. a-, adj. indistinct, Vedāntas. in Chr. 205, 5. vi-, see s. v.
-- Cf. Lat. con-spectus.

spārha spārha, i. e. spṛhā + a, adj. Desirable, Lass. 100, 9 = Rigv. vii. 15, 5.

spṛ spṛ, † stṛ stṛ, † smṛ smṛ, ii. 5, Par.
     1. † To gratify.
     2. To protect.
     3. † To live.

spṛś 1. spṛś, i. 6, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm.),
     1. To touch, Rām. 2, 42, 6; 3, 53, 47; with adbhis, To sprinkle with water, Man. 2, 60; with hastam anyonyam, To shake hands with each other, Vikr. 11, 14.
     2. To reach, to attain, Lass. 2. ed. 78, 72.
     3. Pass. To be seized, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 5 (by inebriation or frenzy).
     4. To obtain, to undergo, MBh. 3, 318. spṛṣṭa,
     1. Touched, Bhartṛ. 2, 36.
     2. Felt.
     3. Defiled, Lass. 2. ed. 67, 31. Comp. śvaspṛṣṭa, i. e. śvan-, adj. touched by a dog, defiled. Comp. ptcple. of the fut pass. a-spṛśya, not to be touched, Rājat. 5, 401. Caus.
     1. To order to touch, Man. 8, 114.
     2. To give, Man. 11, 135.
-- With apa apa, in apo paspṛśya, MBh. 1, 764, To touch water for ablution, i. e. to rinse one's mouth, is probably preserved as an archaism for apa upaspṛśya, see upa-spṛś.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To couch, Chr. 36, 14; dantaīs dantān, To gnash the teeth, Nal. 7, 3; with and without adbhis, To sprinkle with water, Man. 4, 143; 5, 138.
     2. To rinse one's mouth (as ablution), Man. 2, 53.
     3. To bathe, Man. 5, 62.
-- With paryupa pari-upa, To touch or to use for ablution, MBh. 3, 165.
-- With samupa sam-upa,
     1. The same, MBh. 3, 8022.
     2. To bathe, MBh. 3, 10530.
-- With pari pari, To touch, Rām. 1, 9, 38.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To touch, Man. 3, 178; with adbhis, To sprinkle with water, Man. 2, 53.
     2. To perceive, Rājat. 5, 375. saṃspṛṣṭa, Touched, Hit. ii. d. 16.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To bathe, MBh. 3, 8080.
-- With parisam pari-sam, To touch, to stroke, MBh. 3, 1457.

spṛś 2. spṛś, adj. Who or what touches, touching, Rājat. 5, 343; 475 (having).
-- Comp. diva-, and nabhas-, adj. touching or reaching to the heavens, MBh. 1, 2854; 11, 133. praṇaya-, adj. affectionate, Mālat. 76, 4.

spṛśa spṛś + a, erroneous reading, Man. 8, 116 (see spaśa).
-- Comp. dus-, adj. of disagreeable touch, Hariv. 3654. nabhas-, adj. touching the heavens, Bhag. 11, 24 (may belong also to nabhaḥ-spṛś).

spṛṣṭi spṛṣṭi, i. e. spṛś + ti, f. Touch, feeling.

spṛṣṭin spṛṣṭin, i. e. spṛṣṭa (vb. spṛś), + in, adj. One who has touched, Man. 5, 85.

spṛh spṛh, i. 10, spṛhaya (old Caus. of spardh, with h for dh, and for ar), Par., with dat. and gen.
     1. To envy, Pañc. 137, 16.
     2. To desire, to long for, Rām. 3, 53, 39; Śāk. 103, 4.
-- Cf. probably Lat. spero, spes; O.H.G. spulgen.

spṛhaṇīyatā spṛhaṇīya + tā (vb. spṛh), f. Condition of being worthy to be desired, Utt. Rāmac. 160, 3.

spṛhaṇīyatva spṛhaṇīya + tva (vb. spṛh), n. Enviableness, Rājat. 5, 336.

spṛhayāyya spṛhayāyya (vb. spṛh), adj. Desiring.

spṛhā spṛh + ā, f. Wish, desire, Hit. ii. d. 121; Pañc. 131, 19 (read spṛhāṃ).
-- Comp. a-gata-, adj., f. , not having attained one's desire, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1156. nis-, Vi-gata- (vb. gam), and vīta-, i. e. vi-ita-, adj., f. , free from wish or desire, Pañc. iii. d. 84 (nis-); Kir. 3, 12 (vīta-), sa-, adj., f. , desirous, Kir, 14, 36. °ham, adv. passionately longing, Śāk. 11, 19; Vikr. 13, 18.

spṝspṛ10, ii. 9, spṛṇā, ṇī, Par. To hurt, to kill.

spraṣṭṛ spraṣṭṛ, i. e. spṛś + tṛ,
I. m., f. ṭrī, n. Who or what touches.
II. m.
     1. The agent of pain, as a disease.
     2. Morbid heat.

sphaṭ sphaṭ, see sphuṭ, sphiṭṭ, sphuḍ.

sphaṭa sphaṭa (cf. sphuṭ),
I. m., and f. ṭā, A snake's expanded hood.
II. f. ṭī, Alum.

sphaṭika sphaṭika, probably for spaṣṭika, i. e. spaṣṭa + ika, (properly, transparent), m. Crystal, Hit. ii. d. 157; Kir. 5, 31.

sphaṭikamaya sphaṭika + maya, adj., f. , Made of crystal.

sphaṇṭ sphaṇṭ, see sphaṇḍ, sphuṭ, sphiṭṭ, sphuḍ.

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sphaṇḍsphaṇḍ, sphuṇḍ sphuṇḍ, sphaṇṭ sphaṇṭ, sphuṇḍ sphuṇṭ, i. 10, Par. To jest or joke with.

sphar sphar, see sphur.

spharaṇa spharaṇa, i. e. sphar + ana, n. Trembling, throbbing.

sphal sphal, see sphul.

sphāṭika sphāṭika, i. e. sphaṭika + a, adj. Crystalline, Rām. 5, 9, 17.

sphāti sphāti, i. e. sphāy + ti, f.
     1. Swelling, intumescence.
     2. Increase.

sphāy sphāy, i. 1, Ātm. (properly pass. of a lost vb. span, ph for p, by the influence of s), To swell, to become bulky, to increase, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 109. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. sphāta, Swollen, enlarged.
II. sphīta,
     1. Swollen, enlarged, large, Nal. 24, 37; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 11; thick, Mālat. 75, 21.
     2. Abounding, Lass. 1, 8 (abounding in taste, i. e. elegant); much, many.
     3. Successful, risen in rank.
     4. Affected by hereditary disease. Caus. sphāvaya (for original sphāpaya), To augment, Bhaṭṭ. 12, 76.
-- Cf. O.H.G. sapannan (originally, To) draw); O.H.G. and A. S. spanan; Goth. and A. S. spinnan; [greek] (i. e. [greek]); Lat. spatium, patere (a denomin. derived from *pa-to, old ptcple. pf. pass.); probably also A. S. spówan (cf. Caus.); spédan; Goth. spêd.

sphāra sphāra, i. e. sphāy + ra and sphar + a,
I. adj.
     1. Large, Mālat. 81, 14; great, Kathās. 7, 19; Pañc. v. d. 22; spreading, Bhartṛ. 3, 85 (cf. sphārī-bhū).
     2. Loud.
II. m.
     1. Quivering, throbbing.
     2. Twanging, as of a bowstring.
     3. A bubble or flaw in gold.
-- Cf. [greek] (i. e. [greek]).

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sphāraṇa sphāraṇa, i. e. sphur, Cans., + ana, n., and sphāla sphāla, i. e. sphul + a, m. Trembling, throbbing.

sphālana sphālana, i. e. sphal, Caus. + ana, n.
     1. Quivering, shaking.
     2. Rubbing, friction.

sphic sphic, f. A buttock, Man. 8, 281.
-- Comp. bṛhatsphic, i. e. bṛhant-, m. a proper name, Pañc. 117, 13. lamba-, adj. having large buttocks, Hiḍ. 2, 3.
-- Cf. O.H.G. spec; A. S. spic (the buttocks being the fattest parts of the body).

sphiṭsphiṭ, i. 10, Par.
     1. To despise.
     2. To love.
     3. See the next.

sphiṭṭsphiṭṭ, sphiṭ sphiṭ, sphaṭ sphaṭ, i. 10, Par. To kill.

sphira sphira, i. e. sphāy + ra (cf. sphāra), adj., comparat. spheyaṃs, superl. spheṣṭha,
     1. Large.
     2. Much, many.

sphīti sphīti, i. e. sphāy + ti, Increase, prosperity.

sphuṭ sphuṭ (akin to sphur, sphul; probably for original *spart; O. H. G. spaltan; Engl. split), i. 6, Par., and † i. 1, Ātm.
     1. (also † i. 1, Par., and † sphuṇṭ sphuṇṭ, sphaṭ sphaṭ, † sphaṇṭ sphaṇṭ, i. 1, Par.), To burst, Utt. Rāmac. 77, 15; MBh. 1, 3023.
     2. To open, to expand (as a flower), Pañc. i. d. 152.
     3. To disperse, to run away, Bhaṭṭ. 10, 8. sphuṭita,
     1. Burst, broken, destroyed, Pañc. 98, 1; 254, 23 (cf. 42, 10).
     2. Splay (as feet), Pañc. 104, 15. Caus., or i. 10,
     1. sphoṭaya, To break, to divide, to tear open, Pañc. 87, 7; to destroy, Pañc. 42, 10.
     2. † sphuṭaya, To burst, to appear.
     3. sphāṭaya, sphāṭita, Cleft, Hit. 49, 11.
-- With ā ā, Caus., or i. 10, sphoṭaya,
     1. To cause to sound, MBh. 3, 11139.
     2. To strike, Lass. 30, 18; especially one's own arm with the hand (perhaps rather, to snap the fingers, cf. sphoṭana), Man. 4, 64.
     3. To pat, MBh. 3, 1780.
-- With pra pra, Caus., or i. 10, To pierce, MBh. 4, 2100.

sphuṭa sphuṭ + a, and perhaps at the same time a form of spaṣṭa, with u, by the influence of the labial, ph by that of s, cf. sphaṭika,
I. adj.
     1. Broken, rent.
     2. Opened, expanded (as a flower), Utt. Rāmac. 81, 5.
     3. Spread.
     4. Loud, Rām. 6, 8, 45.
     5. Manifest, evident, Kir. 11, 44.
     6. Plain, distinct, Pañc. iii. d. 109, i. d. 180 (without duplicity).
     7. White, bright, Bhartṛ. 3, 23.
     8. Known.
II. ṭam, adv. Distinctly, Pañc. 167, 15; evidently, Hit. iii. d. 89; certainly, Nalod. 2, 41.
III. f. ṭā, A snake's expanded hood, Pañc. iii. 135.
-- Comp. ati-pari-, adj. very distinct; with na, half concealed, Śāk. d. 110.

sphuṭatā sphuṭa + tā, f. Perspicuity, Kir. 2, 27.

sphuṭana sphuṭ + ana, n.
     1. Tearing, rending.
     2. Opening, expanding.

sphuṭārtha sphuṭārtha, i. e. sphuṭa-artha, adj. Intelligible, obvious.

sphuṭi and sphuṭī. sphuṭ + i/ī, f.
     1. Kibe, swelling of the feet.
     2. A sort of melon.

sphuṭikā sphuṭikā, i. e. sphuṭ + aka, f. A small piece (?), Daśak. in Chr. 199, 17.

sphuṭṭsphuṭṭ, i. 10, Par. To slight, to despise.

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sphuḍsphuḍ, i. 6, Par. To cover.

sphuṇṭ sphuṇṭ, see sphaṇḍ, sphuṭ.

sphuṇḍsphuṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To open, to expand (cf. sphuṭ); see sphaṇḍ.

sphutkāra sphut-kāra (sphut, an imitative sound), m. Crackling, burning.

sphur sphur, also sphar sphar, (which appears only in the Caus. and derivative nouns; nevertheless, it is the original form, its a being changed to u by the combined influence of the preceding labial and the accent of the sixth conj. cl.), i. 6, Par.
     1. To tremble, MBh. 3, 1867; to palpitate, Mṛcch. 143, 14; to throb, Mālat. 5, 5.
     2. To struggle, Pañc. iii. d. 123; to rebound, Johns. Sel. 48, 83.
     3. To break forth, Gīt. 11, 1; Hit. ii. d. 59 (puraḥ sphurant, Springing up before one's eyes).
     4. To flash, to shine, to sparkle, Gīt. 10, 6; Hit. ii. d. 52; Pañc. i. d. 33; Vikr. d. 136.
     5. To destroy (ved.). sphurita,
     1. Shaken.
     2. Trembling, Pañc. 64, 15; throbbing.
     3. Glittering, Megh. 15; shining, Mālat. 40, 10.
     4. Swollen. n.
     1. Trembling, motion, MBh. 1, 1258.
     2. Throbbing of the eyelids, the quivering of the lip, Kumāras. 7, 18. Caus. sphāraya, and † sphoraya, To cast, Lass. 66, 8. sphārita,
     1. Throbbing, Mālat. 60, 12.
     2. Spread, large, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 552.
-- With abhi abhi, abhisphurita,
     1. Expanded, in full bloom.
     2. Known.
-- With pari pari, parisphurita,
     1. Glanced.
     2. Glancing.
     3. Expanded, Utt. Rāmac. 72, 10.
-- With pra pra, To tremble, MBh. 3, 11498. prasphurita,
     1. Trembling, Johns. Sel. 22, 112.
     2. Swollen, Pañc. 220, 1.
     3. Budded.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To tremble, MBh. 3, 15639.
     2. To struggle, MBh. 1, 6001.
     3. To glitter, Kathās. 26, 283. visphurita,
     1. Tremulous, shaken, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 10.
     2. Swollen, enlarged. Caus. sphāraya,
     1. To draw (a bow), Rām. 3, 30, 28; Kir. 17, 24.
     2. To cause to flash, MBh. 3, 404. visphārita,
     1. Trembling.
     2. Flashing, Rām. 1, 54, 19.
     3. Twanged or drawn, as a bowstring, Kir. 14, 31.
     4. Evident.
-- Cf. [greek] (i. e. [greek] + [greek] the Sskr. ph is produced by the influence of s), [greek] probably [greek] the ved. use shows that hither belong also A. S. spurnan; [greek] A. S. spura; probably Lat. sperno. Cf. skhal.

sphura sphur + a, m.
     1. Trembling, Pañc. iii. d. 237; throbbing.
     2. Swelling.
     3. A shield.

sphuraṇa sphuraṇa, i. e. sphur + ana, n.
     1. Trembling, Bhāg. P. 3, 26, 29 (trembling appearance).
     2. Quivering of the lips, throbbing of the eyes.
     3. Expansion of the mind, Pañc. 42, 6.
     4. Breaking forth, flashing, Megh. 28; glittering, Mālat. 143, 5.

sphurchsphurch (i. e. sphur + ch), svurch svurch, i. 1, sphūrccha, svūrccha, Par.
     1. To expand.
     2. To forget.

sphurj sphurj (i. e. sphur + j), i. 1, sphūrja, Par. To thunder, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 41.
-- With vi vi, visphūrjita, Resounding (as arrows), Bhāg. P. 2, 7, 25. n.
     1. Roar (of the wind), Arj. 8, 6 (read sphūrj°).
     2. Increase, Ragh. 13, 12, Calc. Sch.
-- Cf. Lat. spargo; A. S. sprecan; spraencan, sprengan, sprincan, springan.

sphul sphul (originally = sphur), also sphal sphal, which, like sphar, appears only in the Caus. and derivative nouns, i. 6, Par.
     1. † To tremble, to throb.
     2. † To appear.
     3. † To collect.
-- With ā ā, Caus. sphālaya,
     1. To strike, Utt. Rāmac. 123, 4; Ragh. 16, 13; to touch, Utt. Rāmac. 150, 8 (?).
     2. To crush, Pañc. 93, 17.
-- With vi vi, To move cheerfully, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 76.
-- Cf. [greek] (Caus.); O.H.G. fallan; A. S. feallan; Lat. fallere. Cf. skhal.

sphula sphul + a, n. A tent.

sphulana sphul + ana, n. Trembling, throbbing.

sphuliṅga sphuliṅga, probably sphul + a + m-ga, m., f. , n. A spark of fire, Vikr. d. 125.
-- Comp. vi-, m. 1. the same. 2. a sort of poison.

sphuliṅgin sphuliṅgin, adj., f. , Having sparks of fire, Mārk. P. 99, 57.

sphūrja sphūrja, i. e. sphurij + a, m.
     1. The sound of thunder.
     2. Indra's thunderbolt.

sphūrjathu sphūrjathu, i. e. sphurj + athu, m. A thunderelap, Mahāvīrac. 124, 1.

sphūrti sphūrti, i. e. sphur + ti, f. Shaking, Bhartṛ. 3, 34; throbbing, Windischmann, Sankara, 12.

sphūrtimant sphūrti + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Tremulous.
     2. Kind-hearted.

spheyaṃs spheyaṃs, spheṣṭha spheṣṭha, see sphira.

sphoṭa sphoṭa, i. e. sphuṭ + a,
I. m.
     1. Bursting, breaking.
     2. A tumour, a boil, Suśr. 2, 383, 10.
     3. The eternal sound, in the Pūrva Mīmāṃsā.
II. f. ṭā, The hood of the snake.
-- Comp. muktā-, m. a pearf-oyster.

sphoṭana sphoṭana, i. e. sphuṭ + ana,
I. n.
     1. Breaking, Pañc. 81, 8; tearing.
     2. Fidgeting with the hand, snapping the fingers.
II. f. , A gimblet, an auger.

sphya sphya, n. An implement used in sacrifices, shaped like a spit, Man. 5, 117; cf. Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. xxxvi.

sbṝ sbṛ10, see svṛ10.

sma sma, an old case (probably the instr. sing. n.) of sama; a particle.
     1. A present and ptcple. of the pres. followed by it have generally a past sense; e. g. prati vasataḥ, sma, They dwelt, Pañc. 43, 1; kathayantau sma...āsātām, Chr. 16, 20, They were sitting and told.
     2. Preceded by , sometimes after a present, and in the Ved., after particles, it has no distinct signification; mā sma kārṣīs, Do not, Chr. 41, 4; caranti sma, They go, Indr. 1, 23; adha sma, Lass. 98, 14 = Rigv. v. 9, 5.

smaya smaya, i. e. smi + a, m.
     1. Surprise, astonishment.
     2. Arrogance, pride, Bhartṛ. 3, 2; Rājat. 5, 4.

smara smara, i. e. smṛ + a, m.
     1. Recollection.
     2. Love, Hit. 86, 4, M. M.
     3. Kāma, the god of love, Pañc. 226, 1; Śāk. d. 119 (and at the same time, perhaps, Remembrance).
-- Comp. jāti-, adj., f. , one who remembers or knows his former existences, MBh. 3, 8180. dus-, adj. disagreeable to be remembered, Utt. Rāmac. 157, 14.

smaraṇa smaraṇa, i. e. smṛ + ana, n.
     1. Remembering, Hit. ii. d. 56; remembrance, Pañc. 208, 14.
     2. Memory,
     3. Regretting.
-- Comp. jāti-, n. Remembering one's former existences, MBh. 12, 6256.

smaravīthikā smara-vīthi + kā, f. A harlot.

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smartṛ smartṛ, i. e. smṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, n. Who or what remembers, Bhāg. P. 1, 15, 18.

smāraṇa smāraṇa, i. e. smṛ, Caus., + ana, n. Calling to mind, causing to remember.

smārta smārta, i. e. smṛti + a,
I. adj.
     1. Memorial, relating to memory.
     2. Within memory.
     3. Recorded in the smṛtis, or codes of law, Man. 1, 108.
     4. Following or professing the law books.
II. m. A Brāhmaṇa following the revealed law; one who knows the traditional law, Pañc. i. d. 283.

smi smi, i. 1, Ātm. (in epic poetry also Par., Chr. 27, 1), To smile, Chr. 27, 3. smita,
     1. Smiling, Pañc. i. d. 152.
     2. Blown (as a flower), Pañc. i. d. 152. n. A smile, Vikr. 13, 4. Comp. śuci-, adj. smiled, smiling sweetly, Rām. 3, 49, 22. sa-, adj. smiling; °tam, adv., Vikr. 28, 12; Rām. 3, 49, 51. su-, adj. smiling. f. , a woman with a smiling countenance. † i. 10, Ātm. To despise. Frequent. seṣmīya, To suffer from convulsions, to tremble, Mālav. 47, 5.
-- With abhi abhi, To smile, MBh. 3, 8237.
-- With ud ud, To smile, MBh. 1, 7059. utsmāyitvā (Rām. 1, 1, 63), is an anomalous form either for utsmāyayitvā, Caus. 'To make a mock of, to insult.' or for utsmitvā, and then to be changed to utsmayitvā, 'To burst into laughter.'
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, To smile, Chr. 44, 35.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To be surprised, Rām. 3, 49, 3.
     2. To admire.
     3. To be proud, Man. 4, 236. vismita, Astonished, perplexed, Hit. 56, 18. Comp. su-, adj. much surprised, Pañc. 41, 21. Caus. smāpaya, To cause to be surprised, Ragh. 2, 33.
-- Cf. smera and O.H.G. smielan; A. S. smaerc, smirk; Lat. mirari; probably [greek] (Caus.), [greek].

smiṭsmiṭ (akin to smi), i. 10, Par.
     1. To despise.
     2. To love.
     3. To go.

smīl smīl, see cmīl.

smṛ 1. smṛ, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 1, 3005),
     1. To remember (with acc. and gen.), Vikr. 29, 16; Chr. 20, 17; with the second fut. in the sense of past time, Śiś. 1, 68, smarati -- haniṣyati, You remember having killed.
     2. To desire, to long for (with gen.), MBh. 3, 12281.
     3. To record, to declare, Pañc. i. d. 36. smṛta,
     1. Recollected.
     2. Recorded, Chr. 52, 11.
     3. Said (according to traditional doctrine), Man. 1, 20.
     4. Allowed (according to tradition), Man. 3, 13.
     5. Called, Man. 1, 10. Comp. ptcple, of the fut. pass. smara-smarya, m. An ass. Caus.
I. smāraya,
     1. To cause to remember, MBh. 2, 2484; with gen., Kir. 6, 13 (smaraya.).
     2. To give in formation, Mālat. 8, 9.
II. smaraya, To cause to remember with grief, Vikr. d. 78.
-- With anu anu,
     1. To call to mind, Man. 2, 217; to remember, Bhāg. P. 4, 30, 28 (pass.)
     2. To invoke, Pañc. 258, 25. Caus. smaraya, To cause to remember with sorrow, Kir. 5, 14.
-- With apa apa, To forget, Mālat. 161, 2.
-- With vi vi, To forget, MBh. 3, 15705; Śāk. 37, 4. Caus. smāraya, To cause to forget, Vikr. d. 59.
-- With sam sam, To remember, Man. 4, 149. Caus. smāraya, To cause to remember, MBh. 2, 2537.
-- With anusam anu-sam,
     1. To remember, MBh. 1, 6911.
     2. To long for, MBh. 4, 149.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To remember, MBh. 3, 15758.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. memor; O. H. G. māri; Goth. mêrjan, meritha; A. S. maelan, mal, ge-maered, maerdh, a -maerian, maersian, meldian; Goth. maurnan; A. S. murnan.

smṛ 2. smṛ, see spṛ.

smṛti smṛ + ti, f.
     1. Recollection, remembrance, memory, Hit. iv. d. 96; Bhag. 2, 63; Bhāṣāp. 47; Rājat. 5, 5; Utt. Rāmac. 100, 14.
     2. The body of law, as delivered originally by tradition; tradition, Man. 2, 6; Pañc. 164, 20.
     3. A law book.
     4. A passage concerning law, Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 2.
     5. Understanding.
     6. Desire, wish.

smṛtimant smṛti + mant, adj., f. matī,
     1. Remembering, having recovered one's recollection, Śāk. 112, 16.
     2. Having a good memory, Man. 7, 64.

smera smera, i. e. smi + ra,
I. adj.
     1. Smiling, Kāvya Prak. 121, 5; Ratnāv. p. 35, 10 (2. ed.).
     2. Blown (as a flower), blooming, Bhartṛ. 1, 35; opened, Mālat. 16, 10.
     3. Evident.
II. m. Evidence, appearance.

syada syada, i. e. syand + a, m. Speed, Nalod. 4, 6.

syand syand, i. 1, Ātm., and in the aor., fut., and condit., Par.
     1. To drop, to distill, Lass. 59, 5.
     2. To flow, MBh. 1, 3990.
     3. To run, Nal. 13, 10.
-- With the prep. abhi abhi (ṣyand and syand), To rain on, Utt. Rāmac. 16, 10; 133, 9 (hṛdayaṃ snehena, To flow, to melt with love).
-- With ni ni (ṣyand and syand), To flow, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 38.

syandana syand + ana,
I. adj. Quick, Kir. 15, 16.
II. m.
     1. A war chariot, Hit. iii. d. 81.
     2. Air.
     3. A tree, Dalbergia ougeinensis, Nal. 12, 3.
II. f. , Saliva.
IV. n.
     1. Oozing, Bhāṣāp. 6; 155.
     2. Water.
     3. Going swiftly.

syandanikā syandanikā, i. e. syandanī + ka, f. A drop of saliva, Rām. 3, 53, 56.

syandin syand + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Oozing, trickling, Utt. Rāmac. 23, 3.
     2. Going.
II. f. .
     1. Saliva.
     2. A cow bearing twins.
-- Comp. sudhā-, adj. flowing with nectar, Bhartṛ. 2, 6.

syamsyam, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To go. i. 10, Ātm. To consider, to think.

syamantaka syamantaka, m. The gem worn by Kṛṣṇa.

syamīka syamīka,
I. m.
     1. An anthill.
     2. A particular tree.
     3. Time.
     4. Cloud.
II. f. , Indigo.

syāla syāla, and śyāla śyāla,
I. m.
     1. A wife's brother, Bhag. 1, 34 (ś).
     2. The favourite of a king, Rājat. 5, 451 (? ś).
II. f. , A wife's sister.
-- Cf. [greek].

syūti syūti, i. e. siv + ti, f.
     1. Sewing, needle-work.
     2. A sack.
     3. Offspring.

syūna syūna, i. e. siv + na, m.
     1. A ray of light.
     2. The sun.
     3. A sack.

syūma syūma, i. e. siv + ma, m. A ray of light; cf. syūma-raśmi.

syota syota, vb. siv, m. A sack.

syona syona,
A. adj. Handsome, pleasing.
B. (vb. siv),
I. m.
     1. A ray of light.
     2. The sun.
     3. A sack.
II. n. Happiness.

sraṃś sraṃś, v. r. of the next.

sraṃs 1. sraṃs, i. 1, Ātm. To fall down. Bhag. 1, 30; to fall asunder, Utt. Rāmac. 77, 15. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. srasta.
     1. Fallen, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 20.
     2. Hanging down, Śāk. d. 29.
     3. Loosened.
     4. Separated. Caus.
     1. To cause to fall from, Bhartṛ. 1, 49.
     2. To move, Ragh. 6, 75. Ptcple. pf. pass. sraṃsita, Caused to be loosened, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 12.
-- With the prep. ā ā, āsrasta, Fallen off, MBh. 4, 777.
-- With vi vi, visrasta, The same, Arj. 10, 64. Caus. To cause to drop, Mahāvīrac. 73, 17.

sraṃs 2. sraṃs, v. r. of śrambh.

sraṃsin sraṃs + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Falling, Mālat. 79, 3; being loosened, Śāk. d. 29.
     2. Hanging down, pendulous.
II. m. A tree, commonly pīlu.

sraṃhsraṃh, i. 1, Ātm. To confide (cf. śrambh).

sragvin sragvin, i. e. sraj + vin, adj., f. , Bearing a chaplet, Man. 2, 167.

sraṅk sraṅk, see śraṅk.

sraj sraj, vb. sṛj, f. A chaplet, a wreath of flowers, a garland, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3322; Vedāntas. in Chr. 203, 10.

srambh srambh, see śrambh.

srava srava, i. e. sru + a,
I. m.
     1. Oozing, trickling, flowing, Lass. 2. ed. 59, 5.
     2. A drop, Hiḍ. 2, 9.
     3. A fountain.
II. f. , A plant, Sanseviera zeylanica.
-- Comp. giri-, f. , a mountain stream, MBh. 13, 6362.
-- Cf. [greek].

sravaṇa sravaṇa, i. e. sru + ana, n.
     1. Oozing, flowing.
     2. Sweat.
     3. Urine.

sravanta sravanta, i. e. sravant, ptcple. pres. of sru, + a, adj. Dropping, Pañc. i. d. 346.

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sraṣṭṛ sraṣṭṛ, i. e. sṛj + tṛ, m.
     1. A creator, Man. 1, 33; MBh. 7, 2864; Vikr. d. 159.
     2. A maker, author, Rājat. 4, 655.
     3. Brahman.
     4. Śiva.

srastara srastara, i. e. probably sraṃs + tṛ + a, or + tra, n. A bed, Kāvya Pr. 68, 4 (Prākṛ.).

srāk srāk, vb. sṛ, probably sara-añc, cf. drāk, acc. sing. n., adv. Quickly.

srāva srāva, i. e. sru + a, m. Oozing, flowing.
-- Comp. garbha-, m. miscarriage, abortment, Pañc. pr. d. 8. nāsā-, m. catarrh, Suśr. 2, 371, 14. lālā-, m. a spider.

sridh sridh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To injure, to assail (ved.).
     2. To be injured (ved.).
-- Cf. O.H.G. stritan, strit; A. S. stridh; Lat. stlis, lis.

sridh sridh, An enemy, Chr. 87, 8 = Ṛgv. i. 48, 8.

sribh sribh, srimbh srimbh, see sṛbh.

srivsriv, i. 4, srīvya, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To dry.

sru sru (cf. sṛ), śru śru (bad), † śu śu, i. 1, Par.
     1. To flow, Rām. 2, 63, 18; Man. 4, 122.
     2. To slip away, Man. 4, 74; to perish, MBh. 2, 932.
     3. To be divulged, to transpire, Daśak in Chr. 198, 3.
     4. To let flow, Rām. 2, 91, 15; to shed, MBh. 1, 1485. sruta, Flowing, dropping, Śiś. 9, 15. Caus. srāvaya, To cause to flow, Man. 4, 169.
-- With nis nis, Caus. To cause to flow off, to empty, MBh. 3, 13164.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To flow round about, Mālat. 169, 3.
     2. To flow, MBh. 3, 2966. parisruta, Oozed, trickled. f. , Vinous or distilled liquor.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To flow forth, MBh. 3, 8127.
     2. To let flow, Rām. 2, 48, 13; Hit. i. d. 177, M. M. (to yield, viz. milk). prasruta,
     1. Oozed, dropped.
     2. Dropping, Kir. 4, 10. Comp. tri-, m. (an elephant in rut), of whom the juice breaks forth at three places of his forehead, Rām. 2, 26, 18 Gorr.
-- With vi vi, To shed, MBh. 3, 825. visruta,
     1. Flowing, Rām. 1, 34, 9.
     2. Dropped.
     3. Spread. Caus. visrāvita,
     1. Caused to flow.
     2. Bled.
-- Cf. O.H.G. straum; A. S. streám; O. H. G. sliumo, slunic, slunigên; [greek].

srugghnī srugghnī, probably sruc-han + a, f. Natron, alkali.

sruc sruc, i. e. sru-añc, f. A sort of ladle to pour clarified butter on a sacrificial fire, Draup. 6, 20; Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. xli. 4; 20.

srut -sru + t, adj. Flowing, distilling; e. g. amṛta-, adj. Distilling nectar, Śiś. 9, 68.

sruti sru + ti, f.
     1. Oozing, distilling; Kir. 5, 44.
     2. Exudation, resin, Megh. 106.
     3. Stream, Rājat. 5, 111.

sruva sruva, i. e. sru + a (cf. śruva),
I. m., and f. , A sacrificial ladle to pour ghṛta on a sacrificial fire, Journ. of the German Oriental Society, ix. viii.
II. f. , The name of two plants.

srū srū (vb. sru), f.
     1. A sacrificial ladle, Rām. 1, 60, 12.
     2. A cascade.

sreksrek, sek sek, śrek śrek, svek svek, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

srai srai, see śrā.

srota srota, i. e. curtailed srotas, n. A rapid stream.
-- Comp. śuṣka-, adj., f. , of whom the water is dried up, Nal. 16, 14.

srotas srotas, i. e. sru + tas, n.
     1. A current, stream, Vikr. d. 24.
     2. The course of water, Mālat. 79, 18.
     3. A torrent, Mālat. 60, 11; a river.
     4. A wave, Śāk. d. 50.
     5. A spring.
     6. Water.
     7. An organ of sense (? cf. śrotas and Mallinātha ad Megh. 43), MBh. 1, 814.
-- Comp. ud-, and ūrdhva-, adj. the course (of life) of which is going upwards, Bhāg. P. 3, 10, 18; MBh. 14, 1054. garga-, n. the name of a place of pilgrimage, MBh. 9, 2132. tiryaksrotas, i. e. tiryañc-, m. the course (of life) of which is going athwart, the animals, Mārk. P. 47, 18. trī-, adj. having three courses, epithet of the Gaṅgā, Śāk. d. 165. mūla-, n. principal current, Rājat. 5, 96.

srotasya srotas + ya, m.
     1. Śiva.
     2. A thief.

srotasvatī srotasvatī, and srotasvinī srotasvinī, i. e. srotas + vant, or vin, + ī, f. A river.

srotovah srotovah, and srotovahā srotovahā, i. e. srotas-vah, or vah, + a, f. A river, Śāk. d. 50 (vah); 143 (vahā); Vikr. 67, 4 (vahā).

sva sva,
I. pron. refl. One's own self, Vedāntas. in Chr. 210, 13; Man. 8, 85; especially as former part of comp. words, e. g. sva-gata, adj. Kept to one's self, apart; adv. svagatam,
     1. Speaking to himself, Pañc. 27, 11.
     2. Aside (in theatrical language), Vikr. 30, 8.
II. adj., f. svā.
     1. Own, Pañc. i. d. 369; 226, 14 (my); Vikr. 27, 3 (thy); Hit. i. d. 16, M. M. (his).
     2. Of one's own tribe, Man. 3, 13.
III. m.
     1. Soul, Nalod. 3, 30.
     2. A kinsman, Man. 2, 109.
IV. n. Property, wealth, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 13; Hit. 65, 17 (hṛta-sarva-, adj. Robbed of all his property).
-- Comp. deva-, n. property of the gods, Man. 11, 20. nis-, adj. 1. deprived of property, Man. 9, 231. 2. poor, Pañc. ii. d. 97. para-, n. another person's property, Man. 7, 123. yathā-sva + m, adv. 1. properly. 2. individually, Kir. 14, 43. sarva-, n. 1. the whole property, Pañc. iii. d. 132. 2. the whole essence of anything, Pañc. 111, 6; iii. d. 104.
-- Cf. Lat. se, suns; Goth. sve, sik, seina; A. S. sín; [greek] A.S. swa.

svaka sva + ka, adj., f. , Own, Pañc. iii. d. 203.

svakīya svakīya, i. e. svaka + īya, adj.
     1. Own, Pañc. 187, 12; his, ib. 42, 2.
     2. Of one's own family.

svaṅg svaṅg, see śraṅg.

svacchaka svacchaka, i. e. su-accha + ka, adj. White, beautiful, Pañc. i. d. 225 (pure = harmless ?).

svaja sva-ja,
I. adj. Self-born or produced.
II. m.
     1. A son.
     2. Perspiration.
III. f. , A daughter.
IV. n. Blood.

svajanāya svajanāya, a denomin. derived from sva-jana with ya, Ātm. To become a relation, Pañc. i. d. 5.

svañj svañj, (probably from sva), i. 1, svaja, Ātm. (also Par., MBh. 4, 513), To embrace, MBh. 3, 2999.
-- With pari pari, ṣvañj, To embrace, Vikr. 11, 3.
-- With abhipari abhi-pari, To embrace, Rām. 2, 44, 10.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, To embrace, MBh. 1, 3307.
-- With sam sam, To embrace, Chr. 32, 27.

svaṭh svaṭh, see 3. 4. śaṭh.

svatantra sva-tantra, see tantra.

svatantratā sva-tantra + tā, f.
     1. Independence, Man. 5, 148.
     2. Wilfulness.

svatas sva + tas, adv.
     1. By one's own self, MBh. 3, 10054; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 15.
     2. Of itself, Bhāṣāp. 135.
     3. Out of one's own property, Man. 8, 166; 408.

svatā sva + tā, f. Relation to one's own self, Śāk. d. 35.

svatra sva-tra (vb. trā),
I. adj. Selfpreserving.
II. m. A blind man.

svatva sva + tva, n.
     1. Self-existence.
     2. Independence.
     3. Ownership, proprietary right.

svad svad, i. e. probably su-ad,

svād svād, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To taste, to eat, MBh. 1, 3362.
     2. To please, to be liked, Śiś. 10, 23. svādanīya, Savoury, Indr. 1, 26. i. 10, Par.
     1. To taste, Bhaṭṭ. 7, 40.
     2. † To cut.
-- With āṃ ā, To taste, to eat, Rām. 1, 9, 36. Comp. ptcple. pf. pass., an-āsvādita, adj. Not tasted, not touched, Śāk. d. 43. āsvādya, Savoury, Hit. pr. d. 47, M. M. n. Cookery, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 7 (?). Comp. nis-, adj. yielding no enjoy ment, Rām. 2, 36, 12. āsvādanīya. Comp. amṛta-, adj. as pleasant to the taste as nectar, MBh. 3, 1740. i. 10,
     1. To taste, Pañc. 35, 3.
     2. To eat, Pañc. 214, 22.
-- Cf. A. S. swaesend, Food; [greek] and [greek] (and see svādu).

svadana svad + ana, n. Eating.

svadhā sva-dhā,
I. f.
     1. Spontaneity, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4 (they are produced without an external cause).
     2. Self-will, strength, Chr. 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 88, 6.
     3. A personification of Māya, or worldly illusion.
     4. The food offered to deceased ancestors, Man. 9, 127.
     5. A nymph, the food of the Manes personified.
II. Indecl. An exclamation or blessing used on presenting an oblation to the Manes, Man. 3, 252.
-- Cf. Lat. suetus; Goth. sidus; A. S. sidu, siodo; [greek].

svadhābhuj svadhā-bhuj, m.
     1. A deified ancestor.
     2. A deity.

svadhiti svadhiti, m. and f., also , An axe.

svadhitīvant svadhitī + vant, adj. Armed with an axe, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88, 2.

svan svan, i. 1, Par. To sound, e. g. to sing, Rām. 2, 65, 5. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. svanita, Sounding. n. The noise of thunder.
II. svānta, Sounded. Caus. svanaya, †
     1. To cause to sound.
     2. † To sound.
     3. and svānaya, † To adorn.
-- With the prep. ava ava, or vi vi, To make a noise when eating; in this signification the vb. is changed to ṣvaṇ.
-- With ni ni, nisvanita, n. Noise, MBh. 7, 324.
-- Cf. Lat. sonare.

svana svan + a, m. Sound, Nal. 25, 5.
-- Comp. kara-, m. the sound produced by clapping the hands, Rām. 5, 83, 5. dus-, adj. sounding disagreeably, MBh. 5, 7241. mañju-, adj., f. , sweetsounding, Vikr. 60, 12. mahā-, I. adj. loud-sounding, Nal. 21, 5.
II. m. 1. a loud sound. 2. a kind of drum. mahā-megha-, adj. having the sound of a large cloud, Indr. 1, 5.
-- Cf. Lat. sonus.

svani svan + i, m. Sound, Mahāv. 132, 19.

svanika -svanika in pāṇi-, i. e. pāṇi-svana + ika, m. One who claps the hands, MBh. 12, 1899.

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svap svap, ii. 2 (i. 1, Man. 4, 99), Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 3, 15993),
     1. To sleep, Man. 1, 25.
     2. To fall asleep, MBh. 2, 2027.
     3. To lie down to sleep, to go to bed, Man. 4, 99.
     4. To lie down, to extend one's self, Man. 11, 103.
     5. To lie, MBh. 4, 1674.
     6. To be dead, Bhaṭṭ. 18, 11. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. supta.
     1. Having slept, Sāv. 5, 64.
     2. Sleeping, Vikr. d. 135.
     3. Senseless. n. Sleep. Comp. divā-, adj. sleeping at day, Hit. iii. d. 110.
-- With the prep. ava ava. To sleep, Rām. 2, 56, 1.
-- With pra pra, To fall asleep, Hit. 50, 2. prasupta,
     1. Beginning to sleep, Pañc. 134, 6; gone to bed, Pañc. 117, 12.
     2. Fallen asleep, Chr. 38, 6.
     3. Slept, Sāv. 5, 65.
     4. Sleeping, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 6.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To sleep, MBh. 1, 955.
-- With sam sam, To sleep, MBh. 1, 5967.
-- Cf. Lat. sopire (Caus.); A. S. swefian; O.H.G. suabjan, suebjan; [greek] see svapna, also with l for v (cf. śvas); Goth. slêpan; A. S. slápan.

svapana svap + ana, n.
     1. Sleeping, Hit. iii. d. 75.
     2. Sleep.
-- Comp. divā-, n. sleeping by day, Suśr. 1, 330, 8.

svaptukāma svaptukāma, i. e. svaptum-kāma (vb. svap), adj. Wishing to sleep, Johns. Sel. 91, 38.

svapna svap + na, m.
     1. Sleep, Vedāntas. in Chr. 208, 6.
     2. Indolence, Man. 12, 33.
     3. Dreaming.
     4. A dream, Vikr. d. 29; Pañc. 134, 6.
-- Comp. jāgratsvapna, i. e. jāgrant-, m. waking and sleeping, Man. 1, 57. divā-, m. sleeping by day, Man. 7, 47. dus-, m. an inauspicious dream, Rām. 2, 71, 23 Gorr. su-, m. a lucky dream.
-- Cf. A. S. swefn; Lat. somnus; [greek].

svapnaj svapna-j (j, from vb. jan), adj. Sleeping, asleep, MBh. 3, 10648.

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svapnaja svapna-ja, adj. Produced by a dream, Megh. 88.

svabhāvaja sva-bhāva-ja, adj.
     1. Become by one's own nature, Hit. i. d. 205, M. M.
     2. Innate, Hit. i. d. 194, M. M.

svabhāvatas sva-bhāva + tas, adv. By one's own nature, Pañc. 166, 15.

svabhū sva-bhū, m.
     1. Viṣṇu.
     2. Brahman.

svayaṃvara svayaṃvara, i. e. svayam-vara,
I. m. The public choice of a husband by a princess, Nal. 2, 8.
II. f. , A girl choosing her husband, Man. 9, 92.

svayam svayam (from sva), indecl.
     1. Reflective pronoun of the three persons; Self, myself, Pañc. 163, 19; himself, Pañc. iii. d. 114; one's self, Hit. ii. d. 23; by himself, Mālat. 70, 5.
     2. Spontaneously, Bhartṛ. 2, 82; Pañc. 230, 15.
     3. Of one's own accord, Pañc. v. d. 49.

svayaṃbhū svayaṃbhū, i. e. svayam-bhū- (existing by himself, not created), m.
     1. Brahman, Man. 1, 3; 94; Viṣṇu, Śiva, Pañc. i. d. 422 (?).
     2. Time.
     3. Love.

1. svarsvar (sur sur), i. 10, svaraya (suraya), To blame.

svar 2. svar, i. e. sū + an (with r for n),
I. n. (Rigv. i. 105, 3), The sun, Chr. 289, 5 = Rigv. i. 50, 5.
II. indecl.
     1. Splendour.
     2. Heaven, Bhag. 9, 20; Rājat. 5, 8.
     3. Paradise.
     4. A mystical word, signifying the space between the sun and polar star, Man. 2, 76; Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 1.

svara svara, i. e. svṛ + a, m.
     1. Sound, Pañc. 82, 17; voice, Pañc. v. d. 83.
     2. Snoring.
     3. A note in music, Pañc. v. d. 43.
     4. A vowel.
     5. Accent, Sāv. 5, 25.
-- Comp. a-, adj. low, indistinct, Rām. 2, 42, 26. tāra-, m. loud sound or voice, Pañc. 97, 19; 107, 5. bhinna- (vb. bhid), adj. 1. faltering in speech. 2. hoarse. mahā-, adj. crying aloud, Rām. 3, 55, 32. vi-, adj. discordant, inharmonious. su-, adj. loud, Chr. 12, 28.

svarita svarita, i. e. svara + ita,
I. adj.
     1. Articulated.
     2. Sounded as a note.
     3. Accented.
II. m. The circumflex accent.

svaru svaru, m., i. e.
I. svṛ + u,
     1. Indra's thunderbolt.
     2. An arrow.
     1. Sunshine.
     2. A sacrifice.
     3. A kind of scorpion.
     4. Shavings of the sacrificial post.
     5. The sacrificial post, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 92, 5.

svarūpatā sva-rūpa + tā, f.
     1. Natural state.
     2. Handsomeness.

svarga svar-ga, m. Heaven, Indra's paradise, Bhartṛ. 2, 85; Vikr. d. 59; Pañc. i. d. 248.
-- Comp. bhū-, m. the mountain Sumeru.

svargajit svarga-ji + t, adj. Obtaining or ensuring paradise.

svargada svarga-da (vb. ), adj. Procuring paradise, Pañc. i. d. 283.

svargin svargin, i.e. svarga + in, m.
     1. A deity, Śāk. d. 193; Megh. 31.
     2. (In law), Dead.

svargīya svargīya, i. e. svarga + īya, adj. Heavenly, divine.

svargya svargya, i. e. svarga + ya, adj.
     1. Heavenly.
     2. Procuring a place in heaven, Man. 3, 106.
-- Comp. a-, adj. prejudicial to heavenly beatitude, Man. 2, 57.

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svarjit svar-ji + t (m.), A peculiar sacrifice, Man. 11, 74 (cf. svargajit).

svarṇa svarṇa, i. e. su-varṇa, n. Gold, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 14; a gold coin, Kathās. 22, 97.
-- Comp. kūṭa-, n. counterfeit gold, Yājñ. 2, 297.

svarṇaka svarṇa + ka, adj. Golden.

svarṇakṛt svarṇa-kṛ + t, m. A goldsmith.

svarṇaja svarṇa-ja, n. Tin.

svarṇadī svarṇadī, i. e. svar-nadī, f. The Gaṅgā.

svart svart, see śvart.

svardsvard, i. 1, Ātm. To taste.

svalsval, i. 1, Par. To go.

svalpaka svalpaka, i. e. su-alpa + ka, adj.
     1. Little.
     2. Few.

svalpaśilāya svalpaśilāya, a denomin. derived from su-alpa-śilā, with ya, Ātm. To become a little stone, Bhartṛ. 2, 78.

svavīryatas sva-vīrya + tas, adv. Conformably to one's power, Pañc. i. d. 460.

svasṛ svasṛ, i. e. probably sva-strī, f. A sister, Hiḍ. 1, 31; Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11 (the night).
-- Comp. yama-, f. the Yamunā river.
-- Cf. Goth. svistar; A. S. sweoster, swuster, syster; Lat. soror, con-sobrinus.

svasṛt sva-sṛ + t, adj. Going or moving at one's own will, Chr. 294, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11.

svask svask, see ṣvask.

svasti svasti, i. e. su- 1. as + ti,
I. f. Welfare, blessing, Lass. 102, 12 = Rigv. vii. 14, 3.
II. indecl.
     1. A particle of benediction, bliss, hail! happiness, in the sense of a nomin., Chr. 36, 16; Vikr. 87, 19; Rām. 3, 51, 37; or acc., Nal. 12, 120.
     2. A term of sanction or approbation, so be it!

svastika svasti + ka,
I. m. and n. A temple of a particular form, with a portico in front.
II. m.
     1. Any auspicious object.
     2. The meeting of four roads.
     3. A palace having a portico on three sides.
     4. A mystical mark, Mālat. 73, 13 (at the end of a Bahuvr. comp. f. ); a cross.
     5. The crossing of the arms.
     6. A particular kind of posture, Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 17.
     7. A kind of cake.
     8. A libertine.
     9. Garlic.
-- Comp. padma-, m. or n. a mystical mark consisting of lotus flowers, Rām. 5, 10, 4 (Sch. a fourcornered sort of painting).

svastimant svasti + mant, adj., f. matī, Happy.

svastyayana svastyayana, i. e. svasti-ayana,
I. adj. Auspicious, producing happiness, Man. 1, 106.
II. n. The recitation of holy texts for the averting of evil, Man. 5, 152; benediction, Chr. 25, 51 (kṛta-svastyayana, adj. After having received benedictions).

svastha sva-stha, adj., f. thā,
     1. Relying upon one's self, resolute, Pañc. 106, 22; firm, Pañc. ii. d. 88.
     2. Content, Pañc. 56, 2.
     3. Well, safe, Mālat. 63, 12; healthy, Man. 7, 226.
     4. Selfsufficient, independent, Nal. 2, 1 (damayantī na svasthā babhūva Nalaṃ prati, Damayantī was dependent with regard to Nala, i. e. she was in love with Nala).
-- Comp. a-, adj., f. thā, 1. not firm, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 936. 2. ill, suffering, Śāk. 31, 9. 3. dependent, cnamoured, Nal. 2, 5.

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svasthatā svastha + tā, f. Well-being, health, Pañc. 159, 17.

svasrīya svasrīya, i. e. svasṛ + īya,
I. m. A sister's son, Man. 3, 148.
II. f. , A sister's daughter, Man. 11, 171.

svahastikā svahastikā (v. r. suh°), i. e. sva- (or su), -hasta + ka, f. An axe (?), Pañc. 122, 10; 123, 15.

svācchandya svācchandya, i. e. sva-chanda + ya, n. Independence, wilfulness; abl. Voluntarily, Man. 3, 31.

svātantrya svātantrya, i. e. sva-tantra + ya, n.
     1. Independence, Man. 9, 3; Bhartṛ. 3, 92.
     2. Wilfulness, Man. 5, 147 (mere pleasure, Jones).

svāti or svātī svāti/ī, f.
     1. One of the wives of the sun.
     2. The star Arcturus, or fifteenth lunar asterism.
     3. An auspicious constellation, Bhartṛ. 2, 57.
     4. A sword.

svād svād, see svad.

svāda svād + a, m.
     1. Tasting, eating, Pañc. 253, 18; drinking.
     2. Taste.
-- Comp. vi-, adj. insipid.

svādin svād + in, adj. Tasting, drinking, Nalod. 3, 4.

svādiman svādiman, i. e. svādu + iman, m. Sweetness.

svādu svād + u,
I. adj., comparat. svādīyaṃs, superl. srādiṣṭha,
     1. Grateful to the palate.
     2. Sweet, Pañc. v. d. 88; svādiṣṭha, with abl. Sweeter, Bhartṛ. 3, 97.
     3. Agreeable.
     4. Handsome.
II. du, adv. Sweetly.
III. m.
     1. Sweetness, Megh. 25 (? n.).
     2. Molasses.
     3. A medicinal root.
IV. f. du, or dvī, A grape.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. unsweet, Hit. 77, 1, M. M.
-- Cf. A. S. swét, swaes; Goth. suts; O.H.G. suozi; Lat. suavis (i. e. svādu + i), suadere; [greek]

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svādhīnatā svādhīnatā, i. e. sva-adhīna + tā, f. Independence.

svādhyāyavant svādhyāyavant, i. e. sva-adhyāya + vant, m. A student of the Vedas, Johns. Sel. 36, 12.

svādhyāyin svādhyāyin, i. e. sva-adhyāya + in,
     1. A student of the Vedas.
     2. A tradesman.

svāna svāna, i. e. svan + a, m. Sound.

svānta svānta,
I. See svan.
II. i. e. sva-anta, n.
     1. The mind, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 12; Bhartṛ. 3, 92.
     2. A cavern.

svāpa svāpa, i. e. svap + a, m.
     1. Sleeping, Utt. Rāmac. 24, 7; sleep.
     2. Sleepiness.
     3. Loss of sensation.
     4. The sleep of a limb.
     5. Ignorance.
     6. Dream.
-- Comp. divā-, m. sleeping by day, Suśr. 1, 330, 5.

svāpateya svāpateya, i. e. sva-pati + eya, n. Wealth, MBh. 1, 1781; Pañc. ii. d. 166.

svābhāvika svābhāvika, i. e. sva-bhāva + ika, adj. Being by one's own nature, inherent, natural, Man. 3, 46; Pañc. 66, 10; 110, 21.

svāmika -svāmika, i. e. svāmin + ka, a substitute for svāmin, when latter part of a comp. adj.; e. g. pranaṣṭa- (so to be read instead of praṇaṣṭa, Man. 8, 30), adj. That of which it is not known whether its owner is alive or dead.

svāmitva svāmitva, i. e. svāmin + tva, n.
     1. Ownership.
     2. Sovereignty, Pañc. 163, 14.

svāmin svāmin, i. e. sva + min, m.
     1. A proprietor.
     2. A master, Pañc. i. d. 328.
     3. A sovereign, Hit. 3, 4, M. M.
     4. A husband, Hit. 87, 9, M. M.; a lover.
     5. A spiritual preceptor.
     6. A learned Brāhmaṇa.
     7. Viṣṇu, Śiva, Kārttikeya, the god of war, Garuḍa, a fabulous bird.
     8. In comp. it signifies often a sanctuary built by, or in honour of those who are denoted in the former part of the comp.; e. g. avanti-, m. a sanctuary built by Avantivarman, Rājat. 5, 45. abhimanyu-, m. A sanctuary built in commemoration of Abhimanyu, Rājat. 6, 299. dharma-, m. A sanctuary built by Dharma, Rājat. 4, 696. viṣṇu-, A sanctuary built in honour of Viṣṇu, Rājat. 5, 99.
-- Comp. a-, m. one who is not owner, Man. 8, 4. ku-, m. a wlcked master, Pañc. 73, 11. go-, m. 1. the owner of cattle, Man. 8, 231. 2. a holy man, used after proper names, as a honorary title. jagat-, m. the lord of the universe, Prab. 99, 8. jaya-, m. the lord of victory, epithet of Śiva, Rājat. 5, 448. raṇa-, m. the lord of battles, epithet of Śiva, Rājat. 5, 394. śiva-, m. a proper name, Rājat. 5, 34.

svāmya svāmya, i. e. svāmin + ya, n.
     1. Ownership.
     2. Mastership.
     3. Supremacy, Hit. 84, 7; dominion, Dev. 1, 8.
     4. Marital dominion, Man. 5, 152.

svāyambhuva svāyambhuva, i. e. svayaṃbhū + a,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to Brahman.
     2. Descended from Brahman.
II. m. The son of Brahman, Śāk. d. 168; epithet of the first Manu, Man. 1, 61; 63.

svāyuj svāyuj, i. e. su, or sva, -ā-yuj, adj. Easily yoked, or putting themselves spontaneously to the chariot, Chr. 294, 2 = Rigv. i. 92, 2.

svārāj svārāj, i. e. svar-rāj, m. Indra.

svārājya svārājya, n., i. e.
I. sva-rāj + ya, The state of Brahman, union with Brahman, final felicity, Man. 12, 91.
II. svārāj + ya, Indra's heaven.

svārociṣa svārociṣa, i. e. sva-rocis + a, m. The second Manu, Man. 1, 62.

svārthika svārthika, i. e. sva-artha + ika, adj.
     1. Done with one's own property.
     2. Having one's own object.
     3. Having its literal meaning.

svāsthya svāsthya, i. e. svastha + ya, n.
     1. Health, Pañc. 183, 22.
     2. Content.
     3. Happiness, Pañc. ii. d. 165.
     4. Self-reliance, firmness, Pañc. ii. d. 170 (with vraj, To recover).

svāhā svāhā,
I. indecl. An exclamation on offering to the gods.
II. f. A personification of the preceding as the wife of fire, Ragh. 1, 56.

svid 1. svid, i. 4, Par. To perspire, to sweat, Gīt. 10, 16. i. 1, Ātm.
     1. † To be greasy or unctuous.
     2. † To be disturbed.
     3. † To shed. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. svidita,
     1. Sweated, melted.
     2. Perspiring.
II. svinna, Sweating, Lass. 59, 6. Caus.
     1. To cause to perspire; svedya, What must be treated by sudorific means, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 890.
     2. To warm, Hit. ii. d. 131. svedita, Sweated, heated.
-- With pra pra, prasvinna, and prasvedind,
     1. Perspiring, covered with perspiration, Rām. 2, 100, 35 (svinna).
     2. Heated; prasvedita (also
     3.), Hot, causing perspiration.
-- Cf. Goth. sveitan; A. S. swaetan; O. H. G. svizzan, sueizjan (Caus.); [greek] Lat. sudor, sudare.

svid 2. svid, i. e. su-id,
     1. A particle used in an interrogation, Perhaps, Kir. 12, 15; 14, 60; after kim, MBh. 3, 10648; after uta and utāho (see uta), Or, Pañc. 41, 1; 142, 5.
     2. An exclamation of doubt or surprise.

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sviṣṭakṛt sviṣṭakṛt, i. e. su-iṣṭa (vb. yaj), -kṛ + t, The name of a divinity, the fire of the good sacrifice, Man. 3, 86.

svīkaraṇa svīkaraṇa, i. e. sva-kṛ + ana, n.
     1. Assenting.
     2. Promising.
     3. Marriage, Śāk. 66, 17.

svīkāra svīkāra, i. e. sva-kṛ + a, m.
     1. Assent.
     2. Promise.

svīya svīya, i. e. sva + īya,
I. adj. Own, Pañc. ii. d. 80.
II. f. , A faithful. wife.
-- Cf. [greek].

svurch svurch, see sphurch.

svṛ svṛ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To sound.
     2. To praise (ved.).
     3. To be pained.
     4. † To go. Caus. To sing, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 88, 5 (sasvar, ved. aor.).
-- With sam sam, Ātm. To pain, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 28.
-- Cf. Lat. susurro, absurdus, surdus (properly, Suffering from humming in the ears), sorex; [greek] probably Goth. svaran; A. S. swaran, swerian, and-swar, answer; probably Lat. sorbere; [greek] (from the sound of drinking; cf. Zend. qar = Sskr. svar, properly, To smack; cf. ava and vi, with svan, also viṣvaṇana, viṣvāṇa).

svṝsvṛ10, svṝ sbṛ10, sṝ sṛ10, ii. 9, svṛṇā, sbṛṇā, sṛṇā, ṇī, Par. To hurt, to kill.

svek svek, see srek.

svecchātas svecchātas, i. e. sva-icchā + tas, adv. Conformably to one's wish, Hit. 69, 19.

sveda sveda, i. e. svid + a, m.
     1. Perspiration, sweat, Vikr. 27, 2.
     2. Hot moisture, Vedāntas. in Chr. 209, 5.
     3. Warmth.
     4. Hot work, labour, Chr. 292, 8 = Rigv. i. 86, 8.
     5. Vapour.
-- Comp. sa-,
I. adj. perspiring, exuding, Rājat. 5, 343.
II. f. , a virgin deflowered.
-- Cf. O.H.G. sueiz; A.S. swát.

svedana svedana, i. e. svid + ana,
I. n.
     1. Perspiration.
     2. Causing to perspire, warming, Hit. ii. d. 130.
     3. A sudorific.
II. f. , An iron plate used for cooking and frying.

svedanika svedanika, i. e. svedanī + ka, f. An iron plate for cooking and frying.

svaira svaira (from sva and īr),
I. adj.
     1. Self-willed, Pañc. 31, 3; of one's own accord, Rām. 3, 52, 27 (without the permission of her husband); unrestrained.
     2. Slow, or refractory, Nal. 21, 13; Sāv. 5, 98.
     3. Dependent on one's will, unimportant, MBh. 1, 1726; 1921; 3, 13573.
II. ram, adv.
     1. With one's own will, assent, Rām. 3, 52, 27; Utt. Rāmac. 29, 6; Kathās. 22, 99.
     2. Of one's own accord, Rājat. 5, 411.
III. n. Wilfulness.

svairatā svaira + tā, and svairitā svairitā, i. e. svairin + tā, f. Wilfulness, Lass. 2. ed. 19, 18 (ra).

svairin svairin, i. e. svaira + in,
I. adj., f. iṇī, Self-willed, wanton, Lass. 42, 13.
II. f. iṇī, An unchaste woman, Pañc. 129, 1; Rājat. 5, 316.


ha 1. ha,
     1. = ved. gha, Lass. 98, 2 = Rigv. vi. 64, 5.
     2. A particle laying a stress on the preceding word (as [greek]), or without a distinct signification, Man. 9, 28; Chr. 12, 2; 25, 62; na ha, Not indecd, Man. 9, 270; used very often after the red. pf. (Rām. 3, 52, 53), and imperf., Pāṇ. iii. 2, 116.
     3. A vocative particle, Ho! holloa!
     4. A particle of reproach.
-- Cf. Lat. ha, ho, hi, in hic, haec, hoc; Goth. prefix, ga-; A.S. ge-; see gha.

ha 2. -ha (vb. han), at the end of comp. adj. Killing, Pāṇ. iii. 2, 49.

haṃs haṃs, a denomin. derived from the next, Par. To behave like a swan, Lass. 67, 15.

haṃsa haṃsa,
I. m.
     1. A goose, a gander, a swan, a phoenicopteros, Vikr. d. 95; Man. 3, 10; it is the vehicle of Brahman.
     2. A sort of horse.
     3. The sun.
     4. A devotee.
     5. A liberal prince.
     6. One of the vital breaths.
     7. Brahman, Viṣṇu, Śiva, Kāma, the god of love.
     8. (In composition), Best, excellent.
II. f. .
     1. A goose.
     2. A proper name, Rājat. 5, 359.
-- Comp. para-, and parama-, m. an ascetic who has subdued all his senses, MBh. 13, 6478 (parama). rājahaṃsa, i. e. rājan-, m. 1. an excellent king. 2. m., f. , a white goose with red legs and bill, Vikr. d. 19; a flamingo, Hit. 79, 7. 3. a drake.
-- Cf. O. H. G. gans; A. S. gós, gandra; Lat. anser; [greek]

haṃsaka haṃsa + ka, m.
     1. The flamingo.
     2. An ornament for the feet.

haṃsakākīya haṃsakākīya, i. e. haṃsa-kāka + īya, adj. Relating to the goose and the crow (a fable), MBh. 1, 543.

haṃsapadikā haṃsapadikā, i. e. haṃsa-pada + ī + ka, f. A proper name, Śāk. 59, 15.

haṃsikā haṃsikā, i. e. haṃsī + ka, f. A goose, Nalod. 2, 40.

haṃho haṃho,
     1. An interjection of calling, Caurap. 22; Ho! holloa! Pañc. 192, 12; Vikr. 61, 12.
     2. A particle of contempt.

hañjā hañjā, and hañje hañje, A vocative particle used in addressing a lemale attendant (in theatrical language), Sāh. D. 172, 13.

haṭhaṭ, i. 1, Par. To shine.

haṭṭa haṭṭa,
I. m. A market, a fair, Pañc. 262, 15.
II. f ṭī, A petty market.

haṭhhaṭh, i. 1, Par.
     1. To jump.
     2. To treat with violence.
     3. To bind to a post.

haṭha haṭha, perhaps a dialect. form of hasta,
I. m.
     1. Violence, Rām. 5, 35, 11; abl. ṭhāt, By force, Pañc. 138, 1.
     2. Rapine.
II. m., f. ṭhī, A plant, Pistia stratiotes.

haḍika haḍika, and haḍḍaka haḍḍaka, m. A sweeper, a servant of the lowest caste.

haḍḍa haḍḍa, n. A bone.

haḍḍaka haḍḍaka, see haḍika.

haḍḍaja haḍḍa-ja, n. Marrow.

haṇḍe haṇḍe, used like hañjā, q. cf.

hataka hata + ka (vb. han),
I. adj. Miserable (?), Mālat. 87, 3.
II. m. A coward, Utt. Rāmac. 30, 7.

hatāśa hatāśa, i. e. hata-āśa, (see han and āśā), m.
     1. Hopeless, desponding.
     2. Weak.
     3. Barren.
     4. Cruel, merciless.
     5. Vile, wicked, Vikr. 8, 9 (Prākṛ.).

hati hati, i. e. han + ti, f.
     1. Striking; in kala-, f. Ploughing.
     2. Destroying, removing, Bhartṛ. 3, 100.
-- Cf. A. S. dynt; see han.

hatnu hatnu, i. e. han + tnu, m.
     1. A weapon.
     2. Sickness.

hatya hatya, i. e. han + tya, n., and f. , Killing, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14 (n.); Pañc. i. d. 306 (I read tasya hatyā tadutthānā, The murder of that man has its origin in this person, i. e. his death is caused by that person, by trusting to whom he has found it; but cf. also Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2850); 221, 14 (f.).
-- Comp. go-, f. killing a cow, Man. 11, 115. brahmahatyā, i. e. brahman-, f. killing a Brāhmaṇa, Hit. i. d. 184. bhrūṇa-, f. murder of an unborn child, Rām. 2, 47, 41, Seramp. vīra-, f. the slaughter of a man (Jones, 'a son'), Man. 11, 41. strī-, f. the crime of having killed a woman, Pañc. 216, 17.

hatha hatha, i. e. han + tha, m. A man in despondency.

had had, i. 1, Ātm. To evacuate, as faeces. Ptcple. pf. pass. hanna, Passed, as ordure.
-- Cf. [greek] probably O. H. G. scīzan; A. S. scitan.

han han, probably for original dhan, ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 1, 45, 49), ved., i. 1, jighna; some verbal forms are derived also, or only, from badh badh, or vadh vadh,
     1. To strike, MBh. 1, 6706; to peck, Hit. 81, 21.
     2. To wound, to hurt, Man. 10, 84; to injure, Pañc. iii. d. 50 (badhyante, pass.), to overturn (right), Man. 8, 15.
     3. To kill, Rām. 2, 78, 22; pass. badh, with the termination of the Par., MBh. 2, 8765.
     4. To destroy, Man. 8, 14; mā kato 'badhit, 8, 15 (blot out the').
     5. To remove (darkness), Hit. pr. d. 17, M. M.; (impurity), Man. 2, 102.
     6. To impede, Rājat. 5, 253.
     7. † To go. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. hata.
     1. Killed, Chr. 62, 51.
     2. Utterly ruined, Śāk. d. 22.
     3. Ended.
     4. Lost, Chr. 32, 28.
     5. Deprived of, without, especially when former part of comp. adj.; e. g. hata-sādhvasa, adj. Fearless, cf. also Kir. 5, 49; Sāv. 5, 17.
     6. Disappointed.
     7. Worthless, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 809.
     8. (In arithmetic), Multiplied. n.
     1. Hurting, killing.
     2. Multiplication. Comp. a-, adj. 1. not beaten (as a drum). 2. unwashed, MBh. 2, 99. 3. new, Rām. 2, 3, 10. n. new cloth (properly, 'not yet waṣed'). manohata, i. e. manas-, adj. disappointed. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. badhya.
     1. Deserving death, Vikr. d. 144.
     2. Condemned to death. Comp. ātmavadhyā, i. e. ātman-, f. suicide, MBh. 1, 6227. Frequent. jaṃghan, To strike repeatedly, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88, 2. Desider. jighāṃsa, To wish or to be inclined to kill, Man. 5, 3; Johns. Sel. 54, 135 (Ātm.). Caus. ghātaya, properly a denomin. derived from ghāta, To cause to be killed, Bhag. 2, 21 (kaṃ ghātayati hanti kam, Whom will he kill by means of others or by his own hand?). ghātavya (anomal. for ghātayitavya, or hantavya?), Deserving death, Mālav. 9, 9. ghātya, To be killed, Pañc. 194, 6 (sukha-, Easy to be killed).
-- With apa apa,
     1. To remove (sin), Man. 6, 96.
     2. To take away, Bhartṛ. 2, 15 (probably is to be read apahartum).
-- With abhi abhi,
     1. To assail, Daśak. in Chr. 194, 11.
     2. To strike, Man. 11, 206; anomal. abhy aghnam, Arj. 7, 6.
     3. To cast on, Utt. Rāmac. 117, 3.
     4. To kill, MBh. 3. 12108. abhihata,
     1. Struck, Chr. 40, 9.
     2. Subdued.
     3. (In medicine), Obstructed.
     4. (In arithmetic), Multiplied.
-- With ava ava, To kick (anyonyaṃ jānubhis, each other with the knees, in wrestling), MBh. 2, 915.
-- With ā ā, Ātm., when without object, or the object being a member,
     1. To strike, Dev. 9, 27; Rām. 3, 50, 20.
     2. To beat (a kettle-drum), Megh. 67.
     3. Ātm. To kill one's self, Daśak. in Chr. 199, 12. āhata,
     1. Struck, Pañc. v. d. 4; injured, killed.
     2. Understood, known.
     3. Uttered falsely.
     4. Multiplied. m. A drum. n.
     1. Old cloth.
     2. Assertion of an impossibility. Comp. an-, adj. without being beaten (as drums), Chr. 37, 25.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā,
     1. To strike, MBh. 1, 8223.
     2. To wound, Chr. 43, 25. abhyāhata,
     1. Killed.
     2. Obstructed, impeded.
-- With pratyā prati-ā, To drive back, Chr. 31, 11 (Ātm.).
-- With vyā vi-ā,
     1. To obstruct, to impede, Rām. 2, 10, 32.
     2. To delay, Ragh. 9, 54. a-vyāhata, Unimpeded, Pañc. 16, 1. Caus. To obstruct, MBh. 1, 8109.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To join, Arj. 3, 40.
     2. To strike, Pañc. i. d. 339; MBh. 1, 6291.
     3. To beat (a kettle-drum), MBh. 1, 7941.
     4. To kill, Rām. 1, 32, 17. samāhata,
     1. Struck, Hit. iii. d. 147 (nīti-mantra-pavanaiḥ, Struck by the counsels of good policy as by storms).
     2. Wounded.
-- With ud ud, ved. jighna, To throw up, Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11. uddhata,
     1. Thrown up (as dust), Śāk. d. 8; (as the sea), Johns. Sel. 28, 27.
     2. Raised, Ṛt. 1, 10; moved, Pañc. 21, 2.
     3. Intense, Pañc. 93, 2.
     4. Puffed up, haughty, Utt. Rāmac. 151, 2; Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2375.
     5. Ill-behaved, rude.
     6. Rām. 2, 53, 32, read uddhṛtau, with Gorr. 39. Comp. an-, adj. not proud, Rām. 2, 6, 22. mada-, adj. drunk, mad, Pañc. 254, 8.
-- With samud sam-ud, samuddhata,
     1. Risen, Utt. Rāmac. 124, 10.
     2. Proud, Śiś. 2, 117; Kir. 5, 15.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To scratch, MBh. 2, 2123 (you scratch as a cat its nourisher).
     2. To touch, Man. 9, 208.
     3. To strike, Mālat. 160, 18.
     4. To kill, Kathās. 26, 140; Utt. Rāmac. 176, 8. upahata,
     1. Injured, spoiled, Vikr. d. 127.
     2. Assailed, Śṛṅgārat. 12.
     3. Pained, afflicted, Ṛt. 1, 15; dāridra-, adj. Afflicted by poverty, Pañc. 119, 5; apāya-upahata-antar-ātman, adj. One whose heart is discouraged by misfortune, Hit. iii. d. 115.
     4. Struck by lightning, etc., by the rays of the sun, Kir. 5, 48.
     5. Destroyed.
     6. Infected, polluted, tarniṣed, Śāk. d. 191.
     7. Impure. Comp. an-, adj. approved, Bhartṛ. 2, 60.
-- With ni ni,
     1. To strike, MBh. 3, 11953.
     2. To kill, Hit. iii. d. 116.
     3. To destroy, Hit. i. d. 42, M. M.
     4. To disregard, Hit. pr. d. 31, M. M. nihata,
     1. Struck down, Lass. 2. ed. 78, 70.
     2. Killed, Kir. 14, 14.
     3. Infixed, attached, Rām. 2, 82, 16.
-- With pariṇi pari-ni, To strike, MBh. 3, 12261 (has ni).
-- With vini vi-ni,
     1. To pat, Rām. 1, 9, 16.
     2. To kill, Pañc. i. d. 347.
     3. To destroy, Hit. iv. d. 37; to remove (darkness), MBh. 1, 85.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To drag out (of one's house), Rājat. 5, 432.
     2. To remove, Suśr. 1, 100, 16.
-- With parā parā, To push on, MBh. 3, 1288 (the clouds were pushed on by the violence of the wind). parāhata,
     1. Struck.
     2. Assailed. n. Strike, Mālat. 140, 15.
-- With pari pari, parihata, Lost, Gīt. 5, 13. Comp. a-, adj. not avoided, Śāk. 69, 2 (v. r. probably is to be read aparikṛta).
-- With pra pra, prahata,
     1. Struck, wounded.
     2. Beaten (as a drum), Megh. 65.
     3. Killed.
     4. Repelled.
     5. Overcome.
     6. Spread, expanded.
     7. Contiguous.
     8. Learned, accomplished. Absol. prabadhya, Being killed, Pañc. iii. d. 269.
-- With vipra vi-pra, a-viprahata, adj. Not distant, Rām. 1, 26, 12.
-- With prati prati,
     1. To return a blow, MBh. 3, 1091.
     2. To drive back, Śāk. d. 50; to remove, Vikr. d. 20.
     3. To disown, Śāk. d. 191.
     4. To keep off, Śāk. d. 13; to prevent, Mālat. 174, 6.
     5. To oppose, to resist, Arj. 10, 20. pratihata,
     1. Obstructed, Mālat. 156, 9.
     2. Repulsed, Arj. 8, 11; averted, Śāk. 91, 15.
     3. Hated.
     4. Struck.
     5. Disappointed.
     6. Sent, dispatched.
     7. Overthrown, fallen.
     8. Tied, bound. Comp. a-, adj. 1. uninjured, Hit. i. d. 126, M. M. 2. unfailing, Mālat. 86, 3.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To strike, Arj. 10, 23.
     2. To afflict, MBh. 2, 151; Rām. 3, 79, 28.
     3. To kill, Pañc. 86, 23; MBh. 3, 11117.
     4. To destroy, Man. 7, 27.
     5. To interrupt, Mālav. d. 38.
     6. To separate, Mālat. 163, 3.
     7. To obstruct, to impede, Pañc. iii. d. 232; Bhartṛ. 2, 73.
     8. To deny, to refuse, Ragh. 11, 2. vihata, Opposed, resisted. Comp. a-, adj. irresistible, Megh. 10. Caus. To cause to be destroyed, Hit. iii. d. 109.
-- With sam sam, To put together, to close (one's hands), Man. 2, 71. saṃhata,
     1. Joined, combined, Hit. i. d. 36, M. M.
     2. Collected, Indr. 1, 6; keeping together, Hit. iii. d. 125.
     3. Closely allied, Man. 7, 66.
     4. Closed, shut.
     5. Compact, Rām. 3, 52, 25.
     6. Strong-knit, Draup. 7, 9 (the forehead by frowning); well-limbed.
     7. Combining, acting together.
     8. Struck, wounded, killed. Comp. a-, adj. disagreeing, Pañc. v. d. 86. su-, adj. well-compacted, well-knit.
-- With abhisam abhi-sam, To unite, MBh. 2, 800.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. dauths, dauthus; A. S. deád, deadh; dydan, to kill; Lat. fen-d in offendere, infestus, probably fessus, fatigare (cf. rutilus, s. v. rudhira, latere, s. v. rah, etc.); with badh, cf. [greek] Lat. patior; perhaps A. S. beado, battle; bytl, a hammer; also Goth. du-ginnan; A. S. a-ginnan.

han -han, latter part of comp. words, f. ghnī, Killing, having killed, etc.; e. g. cakṣurhan, i. e. cakṣus-, adj. Killing by a glance of his eye, MBh. 13, 2156. pitṛ-, m. A parricide, Rājat. 5, 447. brahmahan. i. e. brahman-, m. The slayer of a Brāhmaṇa, Man. 11, 101; 128 (anomal. gen. -haṇas instead of ghnas). yajña-, adj. Sacrifice-destroying, a name of Śiva, Johns. Sel. 96, 78. vīrahan and vṛtrahan, see s. vv. haya-grīva- (see grīvā), m. Viṣnu.

hana han + a,
I. m. A killer.
II. Latter part of comp. words, Killing; e. g. kṣatriya-haṇa, m. A destroyer of the Kṣatriyas, MBh. 5, 7116. vīra-haṇa, adj., f. ṇī, Hero-killing, MBh. 9, 3238.

hanana han + ana, n.
     1. Striking, Mālat. 85, 7.
     2. Injuring.
     3. Killing.
     4. Multiplication.

I. hanu (vb. 1. hā? cf. A. S. goma, the jaws), m., f. also (and n.), The jaw.
II. han + u, f.
     1. A weapon.
     2. Sickness.
     3. Death.
     4. A sort of vegetable perfume.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. gena; Goth. kinnus; A. S. cinn, cyn.

hanumant and hanūmant hanu/ū + mant,
I. adj. Having large jaws.
II. m. The monkey chief, Hanumant, Utt. Rāmac. 20, 8 (ū); Mahāv. 114, 17 (u).

hanūṣa hanūṣa (derived from hanu), m. A Rākṣasa or demon.

hanta hanta,
I. An inceptive particle, Lass. 2. ed. 69, 44.
II. An interjection.
     1. Of grief, pity, Alas! Mālat. 24, 6; Utt. Rāmac. 13, 17.
     2. Of pleasure, Vikr. 10, 9; Utt. Rāmac. 37, 5; joy, ib. 39, 15.
     3. Of hurry, Śṛṅgārat. 14.
     4. Of surprise, Utt. Rāmac. 142, 10.

hantakāra hanta-kāra, m. Rice to be given to a guest.

hantu han + tu, m.
     1. Death.
     2. A bull.

hantṛ han + tṛ, m.
     1. A murderer, Man. 5, 34.
     2. A theif, a robber.
     3. One who injures, Hit. i. d. 76, M. M. (kārya-, another's interest).
-- Comp. dharma-, f. trī, one who overturns the law, MBh. 1, 2440. vighna-, m. a destroyer of obstacles, Cān. 97 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 413.

ham ham, An interjection of wrath.

hambhā hambhā (an imitative sound), f. The lowing of kine, Rām. 1, 54, 18; 55, 2.

hammhamm, i. 1, Par. To go.

hayhay, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To worship.
     3. To sound.
     4. To be weary.

haya haya, i. e. hi + a,
I. m.
     1. A horse, Vikr. d. 4.
     2. A man of a particular class.
     3. Indra.
II. f. , A mare.
-- Comp. hari-, m. 1. Indra, Johns. Sel. 19, 88.
     2. the sun.
     3. Skanda, the god of war.
     4. Ganeśa.

hayaṃkaṣa hayaṃkaṣa, i. e. haya + m-kaṣ + a, m.
     1. A charioteer.
     2. Indra's charioteer.

hayana hayana, i. e. hi + ana,
I. m. A year.
II. n. A covered carriage.

hara hara, i. e. hṛ + a,
I. adj. Taking, Pañc. i. d. 278; seizing, carrying, Kir. 5, 50; depriving of (vibhrama-, surpassing the beauty), Bhartṛ. 1, 5.
II. m.
     1. Śiva, Vikr. d. 48.
     2. Agni.
     3. An ass (cf. khara).
-- Comp. aṃśa-, m. a co-heir, Yājñ. 2, 132; 133. mūla-, adj. uprooting (viz. happiness), Man. 8, 353. riktha-, m. an heir, ib. 9, 185. sarva-pāpa-, adj. removing, or the remover of, all sin. smara-, m. Śiva, Kāvya. Prak. 103, 14.

haraka haraka, i. e. hṛ + aka, m.
     1. A taker.
     2. A rogue.
     3. A person of reflection.
     4. Śiva.

haraṇa haraṇa, i. e. hṛ + ana,
I. m. The hand.
II. n.
     1. Taking, seizing, Pañc. iv. d. 28; carrying away, Pañc. ii. d. 111; 112; removing, Hit. ii. d. 155; stealing, Man. 8, 323.
     2. Withholding, Hit. iii. d. 90.
     3. Annulling. disregarding, Rājat. 5, 180.
     4. The arm.
     5. Accepting.
     6. A special gift, as a nuptial present.
     7. Semen virile.
     8. Gold.
     9. Boiling water.
-- Comp. kāla-, n. delaying, Utt. Rāmac. 125, 4. go-, n. stealing cattle, Pañc. i. d. 281. strī-, n. carrying off a woman, ravishment.

hari hari (curtailed harit),
I. adj.
     1. Green.
     2. Tawny.
     3. Yellow, Indr. 1, 7; Arj. 4, 12.
II. m.
     1. Green, tawny, yellow, the colour.
     2. Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa, Hit. pr. d. 28, M. M.; Pañc. pr. d. 1.
     3. Indra, Śāk. d. 156.
     4. Śiva.
     5. Yama.
     6. The sun, Mālat. 149, 1.
     7. The moon.
     8. A ray of light.
     9. Fire.
     10. Wind.
     11. A horse (of Indra; cf. the ved. use of harit, and Śāk. 6, 5); Arj. 4, 32.
     12. A lion, Vikr. d. 16.
     13. A parrot.
     14. The Indian cuckoo.
     15. A peacock.
     16. A goose.
     17. An ape, Utt. Rāmac. 84, 9.
     18. A frog.
     19. A snake.
     20. One of the varṣas, or divisions, into which the continent is divided.
-- Comp. nara-, and nṛ-, m. Viṣṇu, in his fourth avatāra, as a lionheaded man, Bhāg. P. 5, 18, 7; 7, 8, 27.
-- Cf. A. S. growan; O.H.G. groen, groni; A. S. groen, grene; also geal, gealla; Lat. gilvus; [greek] and probably [greek] cf. harit.

harika hari + ka, m. A horse of a yellowish-blue tint.

hariṇa (akin to harit, cf. hari),
I. adj., f. ṇī, Yellowish-white, MBh. 13, 5893; Rājat. 5, 482.
II. m.
     1. Yellowish-white (the colour).
     2. White.
     3. A deer, an antelope, Pañc. 140, 23.
     4. A goose.
     5. Viṣṇu, Śiva.
     6. A minor division of the world.
III. f. ṇī.
     1. A doe, Megh. 80; 102.
     2. Yellow jasmine.
     3. A beautiful woman.
     4. A golden image, Rājat. 5, 15.

hariṇaka hariṇa + ka, m. A deer, Śāk. d. 10; Utt. Rāmac. 67, 5.

hariṇāya hariṇāya, a denomin. derived from hariṇa, with ya, Ātm. To become a deer, Śṛṅgārat. 13.

harit harit (for original harant, cf. hiraṇa),
I. adj. Green.
II. m.
     1. Green, the colour.
     2. A horse of the sun (properly, his rays), Chr. 287, 8 = Rigv. i. 50, 8.
     3. A lion.
     4. The sun, Śāk. 6, 5.
     5. Viṣṇu.
     6. Kidney bean.
III. m. and n. Grass.
IV. f.
     1. A quarter, or point of the compass, Śiś, 9, 28.
     2. Turmeric.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. gulth; A. S. gold (see hari, Yellow, and hiraṇa); akin is also Goth. glitmunjan, To shine; cf. also [greek] Goth. gras; A. S. graes.

harita harita,
I. adj., f. , or iṇī (cf. hariṇa),
     1. Green, Megh. 21; Hit. i. d. 178, M. M. (in haritī-kṛta, adj. Made green)
     2. Dark blue, Kir. 5, 38.
     3. Grassy.
II. m.
     1. Green, the colour.
     2. A lion.
III. f. .
     1. Bent grass.
     2. Turmeric.
     3. A brown grape.

haritāla haritāla, i. e. harita + āla,
I. n. Yellow orpiment.
II. f. .
     1. Bent grass.
     2. A line in the sky.
     3. A sort of creeper.

haritālaka haritāla + ka,
I. m. The green pigeon.
II. f. likā.
     1. A sort of grass.
     2. The fourth lunar day of the month Bhadra.
III. n. Theatrical decoration of the person.

haridaśva haridaśva, i. e. harit-aśva, m. The sun, Kir. 2, 46.

haridrā haridrā, f. Turmeric, Sch. ad Vikr. d. 53; MBh. 3, 12880; Rājat. 5, 381.

harinmaṇi harinmaṇi, i. e. harit-maṇi, m. An emerald, Kir. 6, 23; 14, 41.

haribhuj hari-bhuj, m. A snake (properly, eating frogs).

hariman hariman, m.
I. i. e. hari + iman, Paleness, Chr. 289, 11 = Rigv. i. 50, 11.
II. i. e. hṛ + iman, Time.

hariya hariya (derived from hari), m. A horse of yellow colour.

harile harile, A term of calling a female slave (in theatrical language).

harivant hari + vant, m. Indra.

hariścandra hari-ścand + ra (see cand), m. The name of a king.

harihetihūti hari-heti-hūti (hari-heti, The weapon of Viṣṇu, i. e. cakra, the discus, and hūti = vāka), m. = cakra-vāka, A kind of duck, Śiś. 9, 15.

harītaka harītaka (derived from harit), m., f. , Yellow or chebulic myrobalan, Terminalia Chebula, Lass. 2. ed. 51, 33 (ka).

hareṇu hareṇu,
I. m. Peas, pulse.
II. f.
     1. A sort of drug and perfume.
     2. A reputable woman.

hartṛ hartṛ, i. e. hṛ + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n.
     1. One who takes, seizes, a robber, Man. 8, 342.
     2. One who brings, Mālat. 150, 10.
-- Comp. bhaya-, m. a remover of fear. śalya-, m. a weeder, Rām. 5, 28, 6.

harman harman, n. Yawning.

harmita harmita, adj.
     1. Thrown.
     2. Burned (cf. gharma).
     3. Yawned (cf. the last).

harmya harmya, n. A palace, Vikr. d. 56; a mansion, a house, Pañc. ii. d. 63.
-- Comp. maṇi-, n. a pavilion of gems, Vikr. 38, 11.

hary hary, i. 1, Par.
     1. To take, ved., cf. hṛ.
     2. † To go.
     3. † To desire.
     4. † To be weary.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. gailjan, goljan; A. S. gal, gagol; see hṛ, and cf. hṛṣ.

haryata haryata, m. A horse.

haryaśva haryaśva, i. e. hari-aśva, m. Indra.

harṣa harṣa, i. e. hṛṣ + a,
I. adj., f. ṣā, Delighted, happy, Mālav. 60, 5.
II. m. Joy, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 12; exultation, Hit. i. d. 32, M. M.; happiness, Pañc. iii. d. 188.
-- Comp. upātta-, i. e. upa-ā-datta- (vb. ), adj. joyful, Ṛt. 6, 21. danta-, m. 1. a morbid affection of the teeth, Suśr. 1, 305, 3. 2. chattering of the teeth. romaharṣa, i. e. roman-, m. horripilation. sa-harṣa + m, adv. cheerfully, Vikr. 6, 1. sanna- (vb. sad), adj. destitute of joy.

harṣaka harṣaka, i. e. hṛṣ + aka,
I. adj. Delighting.
II. m. The name of a mountain.

harṣaṇa harṣaṇa, i. e. hṛṣ + ana,
I. adj. Delighting.
II. m.
     1. A cause of pleasure.
     2. A morbid affection of the eyes.
III. n. Rejoicing.
-- Comp. romaharṣaṇa, i. e. roman-,
I. adj. causing the hair to stand erect, terrible, Rām. 1, 30, 17.
II. n. horripilation, caused by pleasure. lomaharṣaṇa, i. e. loman-,
I. adj. causing horripilation or delight, Chr. 39, 2; Utt. Rāmac. 42, 18.
II. n. horripilation. a-loman-, adj. causing displeasure, Rām. 3, 51, 31.

harṣayitnu harṣayitnu, i. e. hṛṣ, Caus., + tnu,
I. adj. Delighting.
II. m. A child.
III. (m. ?), Gold.

harṣula harṣula, i. e. hṛṣ + ula,
I. adj. Delighted, Rājat. 5, 473.
II. m.
     1. A lover.
     2. A deer.

halhal, i. 1, Par. To plough.

hala hala,
I. m. A plough, Gīt. 1, 12.
II. f. .
     1. The earth.
     2. Vinous liquor.
     3. Water. See halā, s. v.

halabhṛt hala-bhṛ + t,
I. adj. Having a plough.
II. m. Balarāma, Megh. 60.

halahalāśabda halahalā-śabda (halahalā, imitative sound), m.
     1. Shout, Rām. 2, 60, 68, Seramp; 2, 13, 29 Gorr.
     2. Tumult, noise, Chr. 41, 1.

halā halā, a vocative particle, addressed to a female friend (in theatrical language), Śāk. 9, 7 (Prākṛ.); cf. hala.

halāha halāha, m. A horse of mixed colour.

halāhala halāhala, m. and n. A sort of poison, Pañc. 105, 6. Cf. hālahala.

hali hali, m.(?),
     1. A furrow.
     2. Agriculture.

halin halin, i. e. hala + in, m.
     1. A ploughman.
     2. Balarāma.

halīmaka halīmaka, i. e. hariman + ka, with l for r, and i lengthened, n. A sort of jaundice.

halya halya, i. e. hala + ya,
I. adj. Ploughed.
II. f. , A multitude of ploughs.

hallīṣa hallīṣa, and hallīsa hallīsa, n.
     1. A dance performed by women in a circle.
     2. A minor dramatic entertainment.

hava hava, m.,
I. hu + a, m. Sacrifice, oblation.
II. hve (q. cf.), + a,
     1. Calling, Chr. 288, 10 = Rigv. i. 48, 10; 292, 2 = Rigv. i. 86, 2.
     2. Challenging.
     3. Order.

havana havana, i. e. hu + ana,
I. n. Sacrifice.
II. f. , A hole in the ground for receiving the sacrificial fire.

havas havas, i. e. hve + as, n. Praise, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12.

havitrī havitrī, i. e. hu + tra, f. A hole in the ground for keeping the sacrificial fire.

havirbhuj havirbhuj, i. e. havis-bhuj, m.
     1. Fire, Śiś. 1, 2.
     2. The name of the Manes of the Kṣatriyas, Man. 3, 197.

haviṣmant haviṣmant, i. e. havis + mant, adj. With oblations, Lass. 98, 6 = Rigv. v. 9, 1.

haviṣya haviṣya, i. e. havis + ya, n.
     1. Clarified butter.
     2. The same with rice.
     3. An oblation, Man. 3, 256.
     4. Wild grains, Man. 11, 77; 106.

haviṣyantīya haviṣyantīya, The name of a holy text, Man. 11, 250.

haviṣyabhuj haviṣya-bhuj, m. Fire.

havis havis, i. e. hu + is, n.
     1. Clarified butter, Bhag. 4, 24.
     2. An oblation, sacrifice, Lass. 100, 1 = Rigv. vii. 15, 1; Śāk. d. 1.

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havyavāha havya-vāha, havyavāhana havya-vāhana, havyāśa havyāśa, i. e. havya-aś + a, and havyāśana havyāśana, i. e. havya-aśana, m. Fire, Draup. 2, 10 (vāha); Rām. 3, 51, 29 (vāhana); Rājat. 5, 416 (āśa).

has has, i. 1, Par.
     1. To laugh, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 24; to smile, Lass. 2. ed. 53, 48.
     2. To laugh at (with acc.), Śiś. 1, 71. hasita,
     1. Smiling.
     2. Blown (as a flower). n.
     1. Laughter, jesting, Kir. 13, 47.
     2. Smiling, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 396.
     3. The bow of Kāma, the god of love. kāsya, Laughable, ridiculous, Pañc. i. d. 356. n.
     1. Laughter, mirth.
     2. Amusement, Man. 9, 227.
     3. Jest, Pañc. 209, 16; Rām. 2, 69, 5.
     4. Ridicule, Hit. pr. d. 7, M. M. Frequent. jāhas, jāhasya, To smile very much, MBh. 3, 14650. Caus. hāsaya, To cause to laugh, Kumāras. 7, 95.
-- With vyati vi-ati, Par. To laugh at each other.
-- With apa apa, To laugh at, Rām. 2, 35, 21. Caus. To ridicule, 1, 34, 17.
-- With ava ava,
     1. To laugh, Pañc. 191, 3; to smile, Lass. 2. ed. 55, 74.
     2. To laugh at, ridicule, MBh. 3, 11181. avahāsya, Ridiculous, Rām. 4, 14, 31.
-- With upa upa, To mock, Mṛcch. 49, 10.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To laugh, Pañc. 216, 10; Rām. 1, 2, 23.
     2. To mock, Nal. 12, 117. prahasita, Laughing, cheerful, Pañc. 36, 2. n. Laughter, mirth. Caus. prahāsita, Caused to laugh, Daśak. in Chr. 196, 24.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To laugh, MBh. 1, 3431.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To laugh, Vikr. 12, 20; Lass. 73, 9; Pañc. 74, 15 (vihasyamāna, perhaps corr. °hasamāna, but also irreg.).
     2. To smile, Śāk. 17, 8.
     3. To laugh at, MBh. 1, 4762. vihasita, n. A gentle laugh.
-- With saṃvi sam-vi, To laugh, Mṛcch. 85, 14.
-- Cf. probably Lat. histrio; perhaps [greek] frequentative.

hasa has + a, m.
     1. Laughter.
     2. Derision, Padmap. 16, 82.

hasana has + ana,
I. n. Laughter.
II. f. , A fire-pan.

hasantikā hasantikā, i. e. hasantī + ka, f. A fire-pan.

hasantī hasantī (ptcple. pres. f. of has), f. A fire-pan.

hasta hasta,
I. m.
     1. The hand, Vikr. 27, 3.
     2. An elephant's trunk, Megh. 14; Hiḍ. 3, 9.
     3. A multitude, after words signifying 'hair.'
     4. A cubit, or measure extending from the elbow to the little finger, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3348.
II. m., f. , The thirteenth lunar asterism.
III. n. A bellows.
-- Comp. a-, adj. without hands, Man. 5, 29. agra-, m. 1. the tip of the extended hand, Rām. 2, 23, 4. 2. the tip of an elephant's trunk, Vikr. d. 107. apa-, n. It taking away. 2. stealing. kapota-, m. a mode of joining the hands, as token of reverence, Śāk. 78, 9. kṛta-, adj. 1. skilled in archery, MBh. 4, 1843. 2. dexterous, clever. keśa-, m. a tuft of hair, MBh. 3, 1822. khaḍga-, adj. bearing a sword, Lass. 26, 17. gala-, m. throttling, Kathās. 4, 68. jāla-, adj. with a net or nets in (his or their) hands, Pañc. 104, 14; 246, 14. daṇḍa-,
I. adj. bearing a staff, MBh. 6, 4959.
II. m. 1. a staffbearer. 2. a door-keeper. dhanus-vyagra-, adj., f. , holding a bow in one's hand, Vikr. 77, 4. pāśa-, adj. bearing a noose in his hand, Rām. 3, 54, 9. mukta- (vb. muc), adj. liberal, Hit. iii. d. 121. a-mukta^2, adj., f. , economical, Man. 5, 150. laghu-, I. adj. ready, or light-handed.
II. m. a good archer. vi-, adj. confounded, bewildered, Ragh. 5, 49. śūla-, adj. armed with a lance, Sund. 1, 14. śūla-mudgara-, adj. armed with clubs and lances, Sund. 2, 3. sthūla-, m. the fore part of an elephant's trunk, Megh. 14. srasta- (vb. sraṃs), adj. relaxing one's hold. sva-, m. own hand, handwriting, letter, Vikr. d. 38 (dayitā-sneha-, a love-letter of one's mistress).
-- Cf. Goth. handu; A. S. hand; Lat. pre-hendere; [greek]

hastavant hasta + vant, adj.
     1. Endowed with hands, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1106.
     2. Dexterous, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 18.

hastastha hasta-stha, adj. Being in one's hand, Hit. ii. d. 170.

hastin hastin, i.e. hasta + in,
I. m. An elephant, Hit. i. d. 17, M.M.
II. f. .
     1. A female elephant.
     2. A class of women.
     3. A drug and perfume.
-- Comp. gandha-, m. a kind of elephant (in rut?), Rām. 5, 73, 26. jala-, m. a large aquatic animal (the crocodile ?), Pañc. 51, 9.

hastināpura hastināpura, hastinīpura hastinīpura (from hastin, with pura), n. Ancient Delhi, Hit. 81, 11 ().

hastipa hastipa, and hastipaka hastipaka, i. e. hastin-pa, and -pa + ka, m.
     1. An elephant-driver, Hit. ii. d. 83 (paka).
     2. An elephant-keeper.

hastya hastya, i. e. hasta + ya, adj.
     1. Given with the hand.
     2. Done with the hand.
-- Comp. su-, adj. clever, skilful, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. i. 64, 1.

hasra has + ra, m. A fool.

hahā hahā, m. A Gandharva, MBh. 13, 7639.

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1. , ii. 3, jihā, Ātm.
     1. To give way (ved.).
     2. To go, Kir. 13, 23.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To rise, Daśak. in Chr. 183, 13 (Rām. 2, 71, 12, Schl. read urjihān°, with Gorr. 2, 73, 10).
     2. To raise, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 47.
     3. To leave, Mālat. 163, 11.
-- With upa upa, To descend, Śiś. 1, 37.
-- With sam sam, To obtain, Nalod. 1, 54.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. in-hiare, hiscere; O. H. G. gīên, ginên, geinon; A. S. ginan, cinan, geonan, gynian, ganian.

2. (akin to the last), ii. 3, jahā, Par.
     1. To abandon, to leave, MBh. 3, 12339; to forsake, Man. 6, 42.
     2. To avoid, Pañc. iii. d. 71.
     3. To remove, MBh. 1, 2301.
     4. To resign, Bhag. 2, 50.
     5. To let fall, Hit. ii. d. 120.
     6. To lose, Rām. 2, 63, 50. Pass. hīya,
     1. To be forsaken, Man. 6, 42.
     2. To be lost, Pañc. ii. d. 6.
     3. To be deprived, Man. 3, 17; 5, 161.
     4. To be omitted, MBh. 1, 6424.
     5. To become weary or weak, MBh. 1, 6291.
     6. To be lowered, Hit. pr. 42.
     7. To fail (in a lawsuit), Man. 8, 56; cf. Pañc. 166, 18. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. hīna.
     1. Deprived, Man. 8, 232; Rām. 3, 51, 40.
     2. Free from.
     3. Wasted, decayed, feeble, Pañc. iii. d. 133.
     4. Dencient, defective.
     5. Lower, less, Man 2, 194.
     6. Blameable, vile, bad, low, Man. 3, 107. m. An objectionable witness. Comp. pāda-hīnāt, abl., adv. on a sudden, Suśr. 2, 145, 12. phala-, adj. yielding no profit, Pañc. i. d. 168. Absol. hitvā, Neglecting, without regarding, Hit. iv. d. 17. Desider. jihāsa, To wish to leave, Daśak. in Chr. 188, 8. Caus. hāpaya,
     1. To cause to want, to refuse, MBh. 3, 1463.
     2. To omit, Man. 3, 71.
-- With apa apa, To leave, Vikr. 33, 13; Nal. 24, 11. Absol. apahāya, Besides, Ragh. 6, 19 (whom did Lakṣmī worship besides him?).
-- With ava ava, pass. To be left, MBh. 3, 11558.
-- With vyava vi-ava, To abandon, MBh. 3, 13661.
-- With apā apa-ā,
     1. To leave, MBh. 1, 4946.
     2. To pass by, MBh. 3, 2963 (= Nal. 24, 13, Bopp., apahāya, against the metre). Absol. apāhāya, Except (except immortality, speak what you wish for), MBh. 3, 11982 (= Arj. 3, 47, Bopp., apahāya, against the metre).
-- With ni ni, nihīna, Low, vile.
-- With pari pari, pass.
     1. To decrease, MBh. 3, 12858; with aṅgais, Śāk. 34, 12 (Prākṛ. Thy limbs become thinner).
     2. To be wanting, Rām. 1, 2, 16 (act so that nothing may be wanting); to be unacquainted with, Mālat. 69, 18.
     3. To be deprived, Man. 9, 254.
     4. To be lost, Hit. ii. d. 68.
     5. To be avoided, Hit. ii. d. 54.
     6. To be omitted, to be sinped, MBh. 2, 2460 (with the termination of the Par.). parihīna,
     1. Deprived, Bhāṣāp. 14.
     2. Waned, decayed. Caus. To abandon, Man. 8, 206.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To leave, MBh. 1, 4620.
     2. Pass. To be lost, to perish, Man. 4, 41; to be relinquished, Kir. 14, 13.
-- With vipra vi-pra, viprahīṇa,
     1. Abandoned, Chr. 8, 27 (read ṇā).
     2. Deprived, MBh. 1, 8142.
-- With vi vi, To abandon, Lass. 2. ed. 77, 65; to leave, Śāk. d. 67; Vikr. d. 41. vihīna,
     1. Deprived, void of, without, Bhartṛ. 2, 17; Rām. 2, 52, 37; Pañc. iii. d. 24.
     2. Free from, Ragh. 18, 13. Comp. pṛcchā-, adj. one who has not asked, Pañc. i. d. 438. Caus. vihāpita,
     1. Given.
     2. Extorted. n. Gift.
-- With pravi pra-vi, To neglect, to disdain, Pañc. iv. d. 36.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. gaidv, giban; A. S. gifan (= hāpaya, cf. vihāpita), gafol, gaefel, gif; Engl. if; Lat. habere.

3. , an interj.
     1. Of pain, weariness, grief, Ah! Mālat. 153, 21; Rām. 3, 50, 22; 55, 35; sorrow, Woe! Vikr. 61, 7.
     2. Of joy.
     3. Of reproach, Rām. 3, 51, 25.
     4. Of wrath, Mālat. 82, 5. Repeated, hāhā hā-hā, interjection of,
     1. Surprise.
     2. Grief, Pañc. 35, 10.

hāṭaka hāṭaka,
I. adj. Golden, Rām. 3, 49, 8.
II. n. Gold, Pañc. 184. 16.

hāṭakamaya hāṭaka + maya, adj., f. , Made of gold.

hātra hā + tra (vb.?), n. Wages.

hāna hāna, i. e. 2. hā + ana, n.
     1. Relinquishing.
     2. Prowess.

hāni 2. hā + ni, f.
     1. Abandonment, Bhag. 2, 65.
     2. Privation, absence, Pañc. v. d. 83.
     3. Diminution, neglecting, Utt. Rāmac. 86, 10.
     4. Loss, Hit. i. d. 157, M. M.
     5. Want, Rājat. 5, 179.
-- Comp. tejas-, f. loss of splendour and of power, Pañc. i. d. 194. vīrya-, f. 1. loss of vigour or courage. 2. impotence. svatva-, f. forfeiture of proprietary right.

hānikara hānikara, i. e. hāni-kṛ + a, adj. Prejudicial, Pañc. i. d. 99.

hāntra hāntra (hāndra hāndra), i. e. probably han + tra, n. Dying, death.

hāyana hāyana, i. e. hayana + a,
I. m. and n. A year, Man. 2, 154.
II. m.
     1. A flame.
     2. A sort of rice
-- Comp. eka-, adj. one year old, Man. 11, 136. tri-hāyaṇa, adj., f. ṇī, three years old, MBh. 3, 14854. ṣaṣṭi-,
I. adj. sixty years old, Hiḍ. 4, 23.
II. m. an elephant.

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hār hār, a denomin. derived from the next, Par. To behave or be like a string of pearls, Lass. 67, 16.

hāra hāra, i. e. partly hri + a,
I. adj. Who or what takes.
II. m.
     1. Taking.
     2. A porter.
     3. A string of pearls, Pañc. 52, 22; 53, 1.
     4. War, battle.
-- Comp. jala-, m., f. , one who carries water, Hariv. 3400. preta-, i. e. pra-ita-, m. one who carries a corpse, a near kinsman, Man. 5, 65. sarva-sva-, m. seizure or confiscation of all one's property, Man. 9, 242; 8, 399.

hāraka hāraka, i. e. hṛ + aka,
I. adj. Taking, drawing upon one's self, Man. 8, 308.
II. m.
     1. A thief, a plunderer, Rājat. 5, 451.
     2. A rogue.
     3. i. e. kāra + ka, A string of pearls, Pañc. 176, 3.
-- Comp. maṇḍa-, m. a distiller.

hārahūra hārahūra,
I. m. Vinous liquor.
II. f. , A grape.

hāri hāri,
I. i. e. hṛ + i, adj. Handsome.
II. f.
     1. A caravan.
     2. Defeat in war or gambling.
III. f. , A pearl.

hārikaṇṭha hārikaṇṭha, cf. hārī, s. v. hāri, and kaṇṭha,
I. adj. Wearing a necklace.
II. m. The Indian cuckoo.

hāriṇa hāriṇa, i. e. hariṇa + a, adj. Relating to deer. Man. 3, 268 (venison).

hāriṇika hāriṇika, i. e. hariṇa + ika, m. A hunter.

hārita hārita, i. e. harit + a, m.
     1. Green, the colour.
     2. The green pigeon, Lass. 2. ed. 52, 34.

hāridra hāridra, i. e. haridrā + a,
I. adj.
     1. Stained with turmeric.
     2. Yellow.
II. m.
     1. Yellow, the colour.
     2. The Kadamba tree.

hāridrava hāridrava, m. A tree, Curcuma canthorizon, Chr. 289, 12 = Rigv. i. 50, 12.

hārin hārin, i. e. hṛ + in, adj., f. iṇī,
     1. Taking, Man. 8, 308.
     2. Robbing, Pañc. i. d. 31.
     3. Agitating (with gen.), Man. 12, 28.
     4. Captivating, Śāk. d. 5; charming, Pañc. i. d. 303; Daśak. in Chr. 196, 19; delighting, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3288.
     5. Pleasant, Kathās. 22. 103.
     6. Bringing, Śāk. 61, 9.
-- Comp. rihtha-,
I. adj. taking or inheriting property.
II. m. 1. an heir. 2. a maternal uncle. roga-, m. a physician. strī-, m. one who carries off a woman.

hārīta hārīta (cf. hārita), m.
     1. The green pigeon, Ragh. 4, 46.
     2. A Muni, author of a law book.
     3. A rogue.

hārītaka hārīta + ka, m. The green pigeon (ŚKD.), Pañc. 158, 21.

hārda hārda, i. e. hṛd + a, n.
     1. Affection, love, Vikr. d. 148; kindness.
     2. Will, Bhāg. P. 1, 7, 55.
-- Comp. sa-, adj. affectionate, tender, Śiś. 9, 69.

hāla hāla,
I. i. e. hala + a, m.
     1. A plough.
     2. Balarāma, Śālivāhana.
II. f. , Spirituous liquor, Pañc. i. d. 62.
III. f. , A wife's younger sister.

hālahala hālahāla hālāhala hāla/āha/āla, n. A sort of poison, Pañc. i. d. 62 (hālāhala, cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1261). Cf. halāhala.

hālika hālika, i. e. hala + ika, adj. Belonging or relating to a plough, as a cultivator, a peasant, Pañc. 225, 22; cattle.

hālinī hālinī, f. A sort of lizard.

hālu hālu, m. A tooth.

hāva hāva, i. e. hve + a, m.
     1. Calling.
     2. Coquetry, dalliance, Indr. 2, 32; cf. Bharata, ap. Sch. ad Nalod. 2, 55.

hāsa hāsa, i. e. has + a, m.
     1. Laughing, Hit. ii. d. 56.
     2. Joy, Nalod. 1, 31,
     3. Derision, Rām. 1, 3, 19.
-- Comp. antar-, m. an inward or suppressed laugh, Pañc. 187, 1. mahā-, m. a horse-laugh. puṣpa-, m. 1. a flowergarden (?), Hariv. 12395.
     2. a name of Viṣṇu. 3. a proper name. maṃsa-, f. , skin. sa-, adj. smiling, Lass. 66, 5; °sam, adv. scornfully, Utt. Rāmac. 136, 1.

hāsaka hāsaka, i. e. has, Caus., + aka,
I. m. A buffoon.
II. f. sikā, Laughter.

hāsin hāsin, i. e. has + in, and hāsa + in, adj., f. , Laughing, smiling, Rājat. 5, 449; Rām. 3, 52, 31 (cāru-, sweetly).

hāsta hāsta, i. e. hasta + a, adj. Formed by the hands (with mukula = añjali, humble salutation), Nalod. 1, 38.

hāstika hāstika, i. e. hastin + ka,
I. m. A rider on an elephant.
II. n. A herd of elephants.

hāstina hāstina, i. e. hastin + a,
I. adj. As big as an elephant.
II. n. Hastināpura.

hāstinapura hāstina-pura, n. Ancient Delhi, Chr. 5, 23. Cf. hastināpura.

hāsyatā hāsya + tā (vb. has), f. Condition of being ridiculous, Pañc. ii. d. 29; Rājat. 5, 144; Pañc. v. d. 33 (°tāṃ yā, To grow ridiculous).

hāhas hāhas, and hāhā hāhā, m. A gandharva (cf. hahā).

hāhākāra hā-hā-kāra, m.
     1. Lamentation.
     2. The uproar of battle, Lass. 2. ed. 78, 71.

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hi 1. hi, ii. 5, hinu, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To send.
     3. To discharge, as an arrow from a bow, to throw, Bhaṭṭ. 14, 36.
-- With pra pra, hiṇu,
     1. To send, Pañc. 161, 19; Daśak. in Chr. 184, 19.
     2. To discharge, to throw, Chr. 40, 12 (anomal. °hiṇvam). prahita,
     1. Dispatched, Hit. 92, 20.
     2. Stretched out, extended.
-- With anupra anu-pra, anuprahita, Dispatched after (something), Utt. Rāmac. 39, 13.

hi 2. hi,
I. A particle,
     1. Because, Utt. Rāmac. 167, 8; for, Chr. 4, 16; on account of; with preceding tathā, Namely, to wit, Śāk. d. 31; Pañc. 221, 6.
     2. Assuredly (assertion), Matsyop. 22; Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11.
     3. Indeed (interrogation), Hiḍ. 3, 17.
     4. But, Chr. 10, 2; Daśak. in Chr. 180, 20.
II. An interjection,
     1. Of grief, Ah! alas!
     2. Of envy and hurry.

hiṃs hiṃs (an anomal. desider. of han), i. 1, and ii. 7, hinas, hiṃs, Par.
     1. To strike, Bhaṭṭ. 17, 13.
     2. To hurt, Man. 7, 73.
     3. To kill, Man. 5, 42.
     4. To destroy, Vikr. d. 16; Pañc. i. d. 342. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. hiṃsita, n. Injury, Pañc. v. d. 70. Caus., or i. 10, Par. To kill, MBh. 3, 13030.
-- With ā ā, To kill, Man. 7, 20, v. r.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To hurt, Man. 7, 73.
     2. To injure, Man. 11, 26.
-- With prati prati, pratihiṃsita, n. Requital of an injury, Pañc. v. d. 70.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To injure, Rām. 2, 56, 39, Seramp.
     2. To damage (grain), Man. 8, 238.

hiṃsaka hiṃs + aka,
I. adj.
     1. Mischievous, injurious, noxious, Panc. iii. d. 106.
     2. One who has injured, Panc. i. d. 342.
II. m.
     1. A beast of prey.
     2. An enemy.
     3. A Brāhmaṇa skilled in the Atharva-Veda (cf. hiṃsā).
-- Comp. a-, adj. innoxious, harmless, Man. 5, 45.

hiṃsana hiṃs + ana, n.
     1. Slaying, Man. 10, 78
     2. Injury, ib. 2, 177.

hiṃsā hiṃs + ā, f.
     1. Injuring, Man. 8, 255; injury, mischief, Rām. 3, 51, 20.
     2. Spoiling, Man. 11, 63.
     3. Incantation; in hiṃsā-karman, Employment of mystical texts for malevolent purposes.
     4. Killing, murder, Bhāg. P. 2, 6, 8; Pañc. 60, 6.
-- Comp. a-, f. 1. not hurt, Man. 5, 44. 2. not injuring, 6, 75.
     3. not giving pain, Man. 2, 159. 4. benevolence, Hit. 43, 1, M. M.

hiṃsāru hiṃsā + ru, m. A tiger.

hiṃsālu hiṃsā + lu, adj. Mischievous.

hiṃsāluka hiṃsālu + ka,
I. adj. Mischievous.
II. m. A mischievous dog.

hiṃsīra hiṃsīra (vb. hiṃs), m.
     1. A tiger.
     2. A villain.

hiṃsra hiṃs + ra,
I. adj.
     1. One who delights in mischief, Man. 3, 164; mischievous, destroying, Man. 9, 310.
     2. Terrible.
     3. Cruel, Hit. ii. d. 174.
II. m.
     1. A beast of prey, Ragh. 2, 62.
     2. Śiva.
III. f. .
     1. A vein.
     2. The name of three plants.
-- Comp. a-, adj. not injuring (any living being), Man. 4, 246. hiṃsra-a-, n. noxious and innocent, Man. 1, 29.

hikkhikk, i. 1, Par. To hiccough. i. 10, Ātm., v. r. of kiṣk.

hikkā hikkā, f. Hiccough, Lass. 17, 4; Rām. 6, 28, 26.

hiṅgu hiṅgu, m. Assafoetida

hiñjīra hiñjīra, m. A rope for an elephant's feet.

hiṭ hiṭ, see biṭ.

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hiḍimba hiḍimba,
I. m. The name of a Rākṣasa, Hiḍ. 2, 1 (read hiḍ°).
II. f. , His sister, ib. 15 (read hiḍ°).

hiṇḍ hiṇḍ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To go.
     2. To disregard.
-- With ā ā, To ramble, Śāk. 20, 5 (Prākṛ.).
-- With pari pari, Daśak. 151, 6 (anomal. pary ahiṇḍata, which Wilson translates, 'They were deserted').

hiṇḍaka hiṇḍ + aka, see rātrihiṇḍaka.

hiṇḍana hiṇḍ + ana, n.
     1. Wandering.
     2. Copulation.
     3. Writing.

hiṇḍika hiṇḍika, m. An astrologer.

hiṇḍī hiṇḍī, f. Durgā.

hiṇḍīra hiṇḍīra,
I. m. Cuttle-fish bone, Sāh. D. 287, 16.
II. n. A pomegranate.

hita hita,
I. Ptcple. pf. pass. of dhā and hi (q. cf.).
II. f. , A causeway, a dike, Man. 9, 274.

hitakara hita-kara,
I. adj. Kind, favourable.
II. m. A benefactor.

hitakṛt hita-kṛ +t, adj. Useful, Pañc. i. d. 109.

hitapraṇī hitapraṇī, i. e. hita-pra-nī, m. A spy.

hitavant hita + vant, adj., f. vatī,
     1. Friendly.
     2. Useful, Hit. iii. d. 98.

hindola hindola, and hindolaka hindola + ka, m. A swing (cf. dul, andolaya), Śṛṅgārat. 9.

hindolayahindolaya (a denomin. derived from hindola), Par. To swing.

hinvhinv, i. 1, Par. To satisfy or please (cf. dhinv).

hima hima (i. e. lost hyam + a),
I. adj. Cold, Bhāg. P. 4, 25, 18.
II. n.
     1. Frost, show, Pañc. 169, 14.
     2. Cold, Pañc. iii. d. 165; coolness, Mālat. 100, 4.
     3. Fresh butter.
     4. Tin.
     5. A pearl.
     6. A lotus.
     7. Sandal-wood.
III. m.
     1. The moon.
     2. The Himālaya mountain.
     3. Sandal.
     4. Camphor.
IV. f. .
     1. Winter (a year), Chr. 291, 14 = Rigv. i. 64, 14.
     2. Small cardamoms.
     3. A fragrant grass, Cyperus.
     4. A perfume.
-- Cf. Lat. hiems, hibernus (for himernus); [greek]

himakara hima-kara,
I. adj. Frigorific, cold.
II. m.
     1. The moon, Lass. 92, 7.
     2. Camphor.

himaja hima-ja,
I. adj.
     1. Produced by cold.
     2. Produced in the Himālaya.
II. f. , Pārvatī.

himavant hima + vant,
I. adj., f. vatī, Cold.
II. m. Himālaya, Vikr. d. 160; Rājat. 5, 152.

himānī himānī, i. e. hima + ī, f. Great frost, a mass of snow, Nalod. 2, 5; Kir. 4, 12.

himālaya himālaya, i. e. hima-ālaya, m. The Himālaya range of mountains, Kumāras. 1, 1.

himikā himikā, i. e. hima + ka, f. Hoar-frost.

himya himya, i. e. hima + ya, adj. Frozen, snowy, cold.

hiraṇa hiraṇa (i. e. *haran + a, cf. harit), n.
     1. Gold.
     2. A cowry (a small coin).
     3. Semen virile.

hiraṇmaya hiraṇmaya, probably hiraṇa + maya,
I. adj., f. , Golden, MBh. 7, 2266; Utt. Rāmac. 39, 6.
II. m. Brahman.
III. n. One of the divisions of the continent.

hiraṇya hiraṇya, probably hiraṇa + ya, n.
     1. Gold, Pañc. iii. d. 15; Man. 2, 29 (a golden spoon).
     2. Silver.
     3. Wealth.
     4. A cowry (a small coin).
     5. Substance.
     6. Imperishable matter
     7. Semen virile.
-- Comp. go-, n. kine and gold, MBh. 2, 1833.

hiraṇyaka hiraṇya + ka, m. A proper name, Hit. 28, 8, M. M.

hiraṇyakaśipuhan hiraṇya-kaśipu-han, m. Viṣṇu.

hiraṇyabāhu hiraṇya - bāhu, and hiraṇyavāha hiraṇya-vāha, m.
     1. The river Sone.
     2. Śiva.

hiraṇyavant hiraṇya + vant, adj., f. vatī, Abounding in gold, Chr. 295, 16 = Rigv. i. 92, 16.

hiruk hiruk, indecl.
     1. Without, except.
     2. Amongst.
     3. Near.

hilhil, i. 6, Par. To express (amorous) inclination, to dally.

hillolaya hillolaya (v. r. of hindolaya).

hiṣk hiṣk, v. r. of kiṣk.

hihi hihi, an interj. of surprise.

hīnaka -hīna + ka (vb. 2. ), in karapādaika-, i. e. kara-pāda-eka-, adj. Losing a hand and a foot, Yājñ. 2, 274.

hīnatva -hīna + tva (vb. 2. ), in utsāha-śakti-, n. Want of the power of exertion, Hit. iv. d. 36. putra-, n. Condition of having no son, Cāṇ. 49 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 410. buddhi-, n. Want of understanding. Hit. ii. d. 99.

hīra hīra (partly for hāra, q. cf.),
I. m.
     1. Indra's thunderbolt.
     2. A necklace.
     3. A lion.
     4. A snake.
     5. Śiva.
II. f. .
     1. Lakṣmī.
     2. An ant.
     3. A cockroach.
III. n. A diamond.

hīluka hīluka, n. Rum.

hīhī hīhī, indecl.
     1. An interjection of laughter, Hee! hee!
     2. Of surprise, Ah!

hu hu, ii. 3, juhu, Par.
     1. To sacrifice, Man. 4, 206.
     2. To worship by oblations, Man. 2, 156. huta,
     1. Sacrificed, Bhartṛ. 2, 67.
     2. One to whom is sacrificed, Sāv. 1, 21. n. Oblation. Comp. a-huta, adj. not sacrificed (= japa), divine study, Man. 3, 74. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. havya, Fit to be offered. n.
     1. An offering to the gods, Man. 1, 94; 95.
     2. Clarified butter, Kir. 1, 22. Caus. To cause to worship, Rām. 2, 25, 25.
-- With ā ā, āhuta, Worshipped by sacrifices, Lass. 100, 14 = Rigv. vii. 15, 7. āhavanīya, m. (viz. agni), The sacrificial fire, Man. 2, 231.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, To worship by sacrifices, Ragh. 1, 53.
-- With pra pra, prahuta, m. (viz. yajña), Sacrificial food offered to spirits, Man. 3, 73. n. Offering to spirits. Comp. a-prahuta, adj. not sacrificed before, Bhāg. P. 5, 26, 18.
-- Cf. [greek] Goth. giutan; A. S. geotan; Lat. fundere.

huṃkāra huṃkāra, i. e. hum (an imitative sound), -kāra, m.
     1. Uttering a menacing sound, Rājat. 5, 345.
     2. Roaring, bellowing, Pañc. 162, 25 (of an elephant).
     3. Twang (of a bow), Śāk. d. 52.

huṃkṛta huṃkṛta, i. e. hum-kṛta (vb. kṛ),
I. adj. Uttered as an incantation.
II. n.
     1. Incantation.
     2. Roar (of the thunder), Mālat. 151, 2.

huḍhuḍ, i. 6, Par.
     1. To collect,
     2. To dive.
     3. See hūḍ.

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huḍa huḍa, and huḍu huḍu, m. A ram, MBh. 3, 640 (ḍa ?); Pañc. i. d. 216 (ḍu).
-- Comp. sa-huḍa, adj., f. ḍā, MBh. 3, 640, with rams (for fighting ?).

huḍukka huḍukka, m.
     1. A gallinule.
     2. A drunken man.
     3. A kind of drum.
     4. A stick bound with iron.
     5. The bar of a door.

huṇḍhuṇḍ, i. 1, Par.
     1. To collect.
     2. To select.
     3. See bhuṇḍ.

huṇḍa huṇḍa, m.
     1. A tiger.
     2. A ram.
     3. A village hog.
     4. An imp.
     5. A blockhead.

huṇḍikā huṇḍikā, f. Assignment, order (given for the maintenance of soldiers), Rājat. 5, 265 (cf. Troyer and huṇḍ).

hutabhuj huta-bhuj (vb. hu), m. Agni, or fire, Vikr. d. 8; Utt. Rāmac. 123, 1.

hutavaha huta-vah + a (vb. hu), m. Fire, Pañc. 182, 17.

hutāśa hutāśa, i. e. huta- 2. aś + a, m. Fire, Johns. Sel. 22, 111.

hutāśanavant hutāśanavant, i. e. huta-aśana + vant, adj., f. vatī, Endowed with the sacred fire, Śāk. d. 75.

hum hum, an interj.
     1. Of remembering, Ah! Utt. Rāmac. 136, 14.
     2. Of repulse, Away!
     3. Of interrogation, Hey?
     4. Of assent, Yes.
     5. Of doubt.
     6. A mystical syllable used in incantations (cf. huṃkāra, huṃkṛta).

hurchhurch (properly, hvṛ + ch; cf. ṛ + ch, s. v. ṛ, gach, s. v. gam, etc.), i. 1, Par. To be crooked, to go crookedly.
-- Cf. Goth. vraiqs; probably Lat. quercus, ob-liquus; [greek] (old ptcple. pf. pass.).

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hulhul, i. 1, Par.
     1. To go.
     2. To cover.
     3. To kill.

hulahulī hulahulī, f. Inarticulate sounds of pleasure made by women.

huṣkapura huṣka-pura, i.e. (probably the name of a Scythian tribe), -pura, n., Rājat. 5, 258.

huhu and huhū huhu/ū (probably from an anomal. frequent. of hve), m. A Gandharva, Indr. 2, 14 (hu); MBh. 13, 7639 ().

, an interjection of calling, of contempt, of pride, and of weeping.

hūṃkāra hūṃkāra, i. e. hūm-kāra,
     1. Uttering the sound hūm, Dev. 6, 9; as injury, Man. 11, 204.
     2. Roaring, Kathās. 4, 24.

hūṃkṛti hūṃkṛti, i. e. hūm-kṛti (cf. the last), f.
     1. Making hūm, sound of a sleeping person, Kathās. 3, 64, at the end of a comp. adj.
     2. Injury, Nalod. 2, 5.

hūḍhūḍ, hoḍ hoḍ, huḍ hut hauḍ hauḍ, hrūḍ hrūḍ, hruḍ hruḍ, hrauḍ hrauḍ, i. 1, Par. To go.

hūti hūti, i. e. hve + ti, f.
     1. Calling.
     2. Challenging.
-- Comp. deva-, f. 1. invocation of the gods, Lass. 102, 7 = Rigv. vii. 14, 1. 2. deva-hūtī, the name of a spell, Bhāg. P. 9, 24, 31. 3. a proper name. su-puru-, adj. very much invoked, Bhāg. P. 6, 9, 30. pūrva-, f. former invocation, Lass. 98, 2 = Rigv. vi. 64, 5.

hūm hūm, an interj. (cf. hum),
     1. Of doubt, Humph! ha!
     2. Of interrogation, Hey?
     3. Of assent, Yes.
     4. Of anger, fear.
     5. Of laughing, Lass. 80, 1 (Prākṛ.). i. Of reproach, contempt, Lass. 2. ed. 48, 47; equivalent to 'Be silent,' Tuṣ!
     7. Of aversion.
     8. A mystical syllable, Cf. hūṃkāra, hūṃkṛti.

hūrava hū + rava (, an imitative sound), m. A jackal.

hṛ hṛ (for original bhṛ, which still appears in the signification of hṛ in the Vedas; cf. bhṛ. The original signification, 'to bring,' becomes, on the one side, 'to carry to,' on the other, 'to carry away'). i. 1, Par. Ātm. † ii. 3, jihṛ, Par.
     1. To convey, Megh. 7.
     2. To offer, Man. 3, 121.
     3. To direct or discharge (an arrow), Chr. 37, 29.
     4. To take, to fetch, Sāv. 5, 103.
     5. To retain, Hit. 90, 9.
     6. To seize, to carry away, Vikr. d. 38; Bhag. 2, 67 (his understanding is carried away, as a ship by the wind).
     7. To cut off (the head), MBh. 3, 10184.
     8. To steal, to rob, Rām. 1, 1, 51; to charm, Vikr. d. 85.
     9. To acquire, Bhartṛ. 3, 97; to gain, Hit. iv. d. 133.
     10. To put off, Man. 4, 74.
     11. To accept, to inherit, Man. 9, 131. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. kṛta, Captivated, Śāk. d. 5. Ptcple. of the fut. pass. hārya (Lass. 98, 12, read hvārya). Comp. a-hārya, 1. not to be seized or confiscated, Man. 9, 189. 2. not to be brought back, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 8 (sā ced ahāryaniścayā, 'if she cannot be induced to change her mind').
     3. not to be gained (by bribes), incapable of perfidy, Man. 7, 217. Desider. jihīrṣa, To wish to rob, MBh. 1, 7480. Caus. hāraya,
     1. To cause to take, i. e. to give, Pañc. iv. d. 47; to give away, i. d. 296; to cause to drink, Rājat. 5, 368.
     2. To send, Megh. 4. hārita,
     1. Lost, Lass. 21, 19.
     2. Fascinated, Rājat. 5, 367.
-- With anu anu, To imitate. Gīt. 8, 4.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To take away, Pañc. i. d. 352; to rob, Ragh. 9, 7; Vikr. 11, 5.
     2. To captivate, Lass. 69, 10.
     3. To take off, Man. 4, 55.
     4. To remove, MBh. 3, 719. apakṛta, Seized (by sleep), Nal. 10, 7. Caus. apahārita, Caused or ordered to be robbed, Rām. 1, 42, 2.
-- With vyapa vi-apa,
     1. To remove, MBh. 3, 870.
     2. To cut off, MBh. 2, 1584.
-- With abhi abhi, To remove, to cut off, MBh. 3, 14610. Caus. To attack, Draup. 8, 5.
-- With ava ava, To put off, MBh. 4, 1304. avahṛta,
     1. Taken off, back, or away, seized, stolen.
     2. Fined. avahārya,
     1. Recoverable, to be restored, Man. 8, 145.
     2. To be fined, Man. 8, 198.
-- With abhyava abhi-ava, To eat, Bhāg. P. 5, 9, 12. abhyavahārya, see s. v. Caus.
     1. To cause to eat, Daśak. in Chr. 200, 8.
     2. To cause to resist, MBh. 3, 16369.
-- With pratyava prati-ava, Caus. To suspend or to interrupt again, Chr. 37, 30.
-- With vyava vi-ava,
     1. To waste away, Mālat. 153, 21.
     2. To distinguish, to name, Vedāntas. in Chr. 204, 13.
     3. To act, Hit. 62, 9; MBh. 3, 12861; to behave, Mālat. 7, 7.
     4. To litigate, Daśak. in Chr. 190, 2.
     5. To fight, MBh. 4, 1870.
     6. To obtain, MBh. 3, 1462 (satisfaction). vyavahārya,
     1. To be observed as a duty.
     2. Subject to legal process.
-- With ā ā,
     1. To carry, Man. 2, 182.
     2. To offer (a sacrifice), Rām. 6, 113, 10; Man. 6, 10.
     3. To give, Man. 2, 245.
     4. To fetch, Nal. 20, 5.
     5. To rob, Nal. 26, 7.
     6. To get, Man. 9, 190 (to bring forth a son).
     7. To enjoy, Lass. 70, 14.
     8. To eat, MBh. 3, 54; 57.
     9. To destroy, Mālat. 153, 12. āhṛta,
     1. Brought, Hit. iii. d. 6.
     2. Collected, Pañc. 263, 22.
     3. Made captive, Man. 8, 415 (dhvaja-, under a standard, or in battle, a kind of slave). āhārya,
     1. Producible (an-, Not producible, Man. 8, 202).
     2. Removable. Desider. To wish to recover, MBh. 1, 6247. Caus.
     1. To cause to hold, Man. 8, 114.
     2. To cause to be paid, MBh. 2, 987; to collect (duties), Man. 7, 80.
     3. To apply, Hiḍ. 4, 48.
     4. To show (as anger), Rām. 1, 60, 19; (joy), Chr. 58, 11.
     5. To eat, Lass. 29, 14.
-- With anvā anu-ā, anvāhārya, see s. v.
-- With abhyā abhi-ā, To offer, MBh. 1, 3733.
-- With udā ud-ā,
     1. To utter, Man. 11, 96; to pronounce, 2, 199; to call, Vikr. d. 88.
     2. To tell, MBh. 3, 2190.
     3. To require, Mālat. 2, 15. udāhṛta,
     1. Called, named, Kir. 11, 72.
     2. Said, Chr. 42, 12.
     3. Illustrated.
     4. Predicated, Bhāṣāp. 14.
-- With pratyudā prati-ud-ā, To answer, Rām. 1, 52, 10.
-- With samudā sam-ud-ā, samudāhṛta,
     1. Uttered, Rām. 1, 14, 23.
     2. Declared.
     3. Illustrated, recorded, Man. 1, 50.
-- With upā upa-ā,
     1. To offer, MBh. 1, 758 (cf. Man. 2, 245).
     2. To employ, MBh. 3, 1353. upāhṛta,
     1. Taken, got, Rājat. 5, 444.
     2. Prepared, cultivated (?), Rām. 5, 110.
-- With pratyā prati-ā,
     1. To recover, MBh. 3, 8655.
     2. To utter, MBh. 3, 2177 (a speech).
     3. To cry, Draup. 6, 7.
     4. To report, Chr. 45, 14. pratyāhṛta,
     1. Resumed.
     2. Restrained.
     3. Withheld.
-- With vyā vi-ā,
     1. To explain, declare, MBh. 3, 12466; Vikr. 55, 21.
     2. To report, Pañc. 30, 8.
     3. To tell, Rām. 2, 53, 5.
     4. To speak, Rām. 1, 48, 1; to address (acc.), Pañc. 109, 18.
     5. To utter, to pronounce, Bhag. 8, 13.
     6. To answer, Rām. 2, 93, 8.
-- With abhivyā abhi-vi-ā, Caus. To pronounce, Man. 2, 172.
-- With pravyā pra-vi-ā,
     1. To foretell, MBh. 1, 7240.
     2. To roar, MBh. 3, 15673.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To restore (to its former condition), Man. 8, 319.
     2. To collect, to assemble, MBh. 1, 6951.
     3. To offer, Rām. 1, 58, 4.
     4. To destroy, Bhag. 11, 32. samāhṛta,
     1. Accepted.
     2. Compiled.
     3. Much, Pañc. 171, 11.
-- With ud ud,
     1. To take out, Ragh. 2, 30 (an arrow out of the quiver); to draw out of (abl.), Hit. iii. d. 30; from, Hit. 39, 2, M. M.
     2. To lift up, MBh. 1, 3299.
     3. To pluck up, Man. 7, 110.
     4. To pull out, MBh. 3, 11186; to exterminate, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 483; to destroy, MBh. 3, 221.
     5. To hold out, to extend, Man. 4, 58.
     6. To raise, to extol, MBh. 1, 4923.
     7. To corroborate, Bhag. 6, 5 (cf. Daśak. in Chr. 189, 9).
     8. To deliver from (abl.), Vikr. d. 94; to save, MBh. 2, 2293; Pañc. i. d. 403. uddhṛta,
     1. Thrown up.
     2. Vomited.
     3. Separated.
     4. Divided.
     5. Recovered.
     6. Uncovered.
     7. Dispersed.
     8. Extracted, Man. 4, 62. In the Pañcatantra occurs uddharita instead of uddhṛta, Saved, Pañc. 114, 7; 141, 10; cf. my translation, n. 753. Desider. To wish to relieve, Man. 4, 251. Caus.
     1. To order to pull out, Ragh. 9, 78.
     2. To lift up, MBh. 3, 10946.
-- With abhyud abhi-ud, To further, Pañc. iii. d. 246. abhyuddhṛta,
     1. Taken out.
     2. Destined, Mṛcch. 61, 3. Caus. To snatch away, MBh. 3, 13326.
-- With prod pra-ud,
     1. To lift up, Rām. 2, 110, 4.
     2. To fetch (water), Ṛt. 1, 23.
     3. To save, Lass. 2. ed. 88. 21.
-- With samud sam-ud,
     1. To take out, Sāv. 5, 17.
     2. To pick up, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2262.
     3. To lift up, MBh. 3, 10946.
     4. To extol, MBh. 1, 4271.
     5. To favour, Pañc. 188, 1.
     6. To destroy, Ṛt. 1, 20; MBh. 1, 3821 samuddhṛta,
     1. Thrown up (as food).
     2. Extricated, lifted out.
     3. Divided, set apart, deducted, Man. 9, 116.
     4. Seized.
-- With upa upa,
     1. To bring, Daśak. in Chrg. 196, 18.
     2. To offer, Śāk. 113, 4; with pūjām, To honour, Rām. 1, 51, 5.
     3. To sacrifice, Mālat. 75, 6.
     4. To destroy, MBh. 2, 861. Desider. To wish to offer, MBh. 2, 862. Caus. To cause to be offered, Rām. 1, 20, 9.
-- With samupa sam-upa, To offer, to perform (a sacrifice), Rām. 1, 40, 2.
-- With nis nis,
     1. To draw from, Man. 7, 4.
     2. To export (wares), Man. 8, 399.
     3. To carry out (a corpse), Man. 5, 91; 10, 55.
     4. To pull out, MBh. 3, 6033.
     5. To mix (the clothes of one person with those of another), Man. 8, 396. nirhṛta, Extracted.
-- With pari pari,
     1. To pass by (a place for paying custom), Man. 8, 400.
     2. To shun, Hit. i. d. 75.
     3. To avoid, Pañc. 261, 5; Megh. 14.
     4. To conceal, Mṛcch. 14, 3.
     5. To leave, to spare, Rām. 2, 48, 10 (Gorr. v. r. 2, 45, 26). parihṛta, Quitted, Rājat. 5, 190. parihārya, To be separated, Kathās. 39, 32. Comp. a-, adj. unavoidable, Bhag. 2, 27.
-- With pra pra,
     1. To direct, Śāk. d. 11.
     2. To strike, Man. 8, 300.
     3. To assail (with dat.), Chr. 28, 24; (with gen.), 25 (read pra hare); to attack, Pañc. 149, 1. Ptcple. of the pres. praharant, m. A warrior, Chr. 35, 2. prahṛta, Seized. n. Striking, killing.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, To fight, MBh. 3, 15167.
-- With vi vi,
     1. To remove, to wipe off (a tear), Śāk. 49, 19.
     2. To change, Johns. Sel. 5, 31.
     3. To alternate (between standing and sitting), Man. 6, 22.
     4. To ramble for pleasure, Megh. 61; to ramble, Pañc. 197, 22.
     5. To divert one's self, Man. 7, 221.
     6. To pass (as time), Man. 6, 33.
     7. To live, MBh. 4, 27. vthṛta,
     1. Expanded.
     2. Sported. n. Reluctance (in a female) to avow her feelings to her lover.
-- With sam sam,
     1. To contract, Bhag. 2, 58 (as the tortoise contracts its limbs).
     2. To clench (the fist), MBh. 3, 11517.
     3. To abridge, Ragh. 10, 33.
     4. To seize, MBh. 3, 18.
     5. To draw away (the curtain of a theatre), Mālav. d. 22.
     6. To take back, Śāk. d. 131; to put aside, Utt. Rāmac. 148, 12.
     7. To withhold, Hit. i. d. 60, M. M.
     8. To destroy, MBh. 1, 241.
     9. To restrain (as wrath), Nal. 6, 14; (fear), Mālat. 125, 1.
     10. To take, Man. 9, 113; 8, 188; 189.
     11. To conciliate, MBh. 1, 5996. saṃhṛta, Scattered. Comp. a-, adj. unrestrained, perpetual, Utt. Rāmac. 2, 9.
-- With upasam upa-sam,
     1. To take back, Śāk. 94, 20.
     2. To withhold, Hit. i. d. 58, M. M.
     3. To collect, MBh. 1, 7206.
-- With samupasam sam-upa-sam, To stop, Utt. Rāmac. 144, 4.
-- With pratisam prati-sam,
     1. To take back, Ragh. 9, 57; to draw back, Śāk. d. 11.
     2. To retract, Rām. 2, 22, 10. pratisaṃhṛta,
     1. Compressed.
     2. Checked, Śiś. 2, 15.
     3. Comprehended, included. Caus. To retract, Rām. 2, 22, 26.
-- Cf. probably Lat. co-hors; heres; [greek] (cf. jiharmi); Goth. geiro, gairon, gairnjan; A. S. georn, avidus, geornian, to yearn; Engl. yare; cf. hary.

hṛcchaya hṛcchaya, i. e. hṛd-śi + a, m. Kāma, the god of love, and love, Indr. 5, 44; Nal. 1, 17; Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 7.

hṛṇīya hṛṇīya, (properly a denomin. derived from a lost noun, *hṛṇa, akin to harit, hiraṇa, with ya), Ātm.
     1. To be angry.
     2. To be ashamed.
-- Cf. O. H. G. galla; A. S. gealla; [greek] Lat. fel, bilis.

hṛṇīyā hṛṇīyā, i. e. hṛṇīya + a, f.
     1. Censure, reproach.
     2. Bashfulness.

hṛti hṛ + ti, f. Robbing, Rājat. 5, 190.

hṛd hṛd, n.
     1. The heart, Hit. 77, 3, M. M.; Pañc. i. d. 151 (former part of a comp.).
     2. The mind.
-- Comp. dus-,
I. adj. wicked, MBh. 3, 17300.
II. m. an enemy, MBh. 4, 82. su-,
I. adj. loving, Pañc. i. d. 294; superl. suhṛttama, very fond (of each other), Hit. i. d. 1, M. M.
II. m. 1. a friend, Vikr. 11, 13. 2. an ally. a-su-, adj. hostile, Rājat. 5, 191. kim-su-, m. a bad friend, Hit. ii. d. 31 (read kiṃsuhṛd); cf. Kir. 1, 5. makhāsu-, i. e. makha-a-su-, m. Śiva. madhu-su-, m. Kāmadeva.
-- Cf. Goth. hairto; A. S. heorte; Lat. cor, cordis; [greek]

hṛdaya hṛdaya, n. (cf. the last),
     1. The heart, Vikr. d. 7.
     2. The mind, Pañc. i. d. 198.
     3. Knowledge, Nal. 14, 21.
-- Comp. a-karṇa-, adj. deprived of ears and heart, Pañc. iv. d. 33. ayas-, adj. iron-hearted, Ragh. 9, 9. bhīru-, m. a deer. riktī-kṛta- (vb. ric), adj. deprived of (its) heart, Pañc. 89, 2. śūnya-, adj. unsuspecting, unsuspicious, Pañc. 208, 22. sa-, I. adj. 1. along with the heart, Vikr. 71, 13. 2. compassionate, Rām. 2, 13, 16.
II. m. a wise man, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1265. su-, adj. good-hearted. hariṇa-, adj. fearful.
-- Cf. [greek]

hṛdayaṃgama hṛdayaṃgama, i. e. hṛdaya + m-gam + a, adj.
     1. Affecting.
     2. Touching the heart, sweet, Ragh. 19. 13.
     3. Dear, Utt. Rāmac. 103, 5; Rājat. 5, 79.

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hṛdayacchid hṛdayacchid, i. e. hṛdaya-chid, adj. Heart-piercing, Chr. 36, 20.

hṛdayavant hṛdaya + vant, adj., f. vatī, and hṛdayālu hṛdayālu, i. e. hṛdaya + ālu, adj. Good-hearted, kind.

hṛdayavidh hṛdayavidh, i. e. hṛdaya-vyadh, adj. Heart-piercing.

hṛdayastha hṛdaya-stha, adj. Cerished in the heart. Pañc. 46, 19.

hṛdayika hṛdayika, i. e. hṛdayin + ka, adj., and hṛdayin hṛdayin, i. e. hṛdaya + in, adj., f. , Good-hearted.

hṛdispṛś hṛd + i-spṛś, adj. Beloved.

hṛdya hṛd + ya,
I. adj.
     1. Produced in or from the heart.
     2. Dear, Bhag. 17, 8.
     3. Affectionate.
     4. Pleasant, Rām. 3, 52, 25; Kathās. 26, 283.
     5. Savoury, Man. 3, 227.
II. m. A Mantra or verse for effecting fascination.
III. f. , A medicinal root.
IV. n. Cassia bark.

hṛllāsa hṛllāsa, i. e. hṛd-las + a, m.
     1. Hiccough.
     2. Heart-ache, Mālat. 57, 9 (Sch. = hṛdaya-śocaka and hṛdaya-avasāda).

hṛṣ hṛṣ (originally bhṛṣ), i. 4, Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., MBh. 2, 1219),
     1. To bristle, to be erect (as hair, especially of the body, a token of fear, or, more commonly, of pleasure), MBh. 2, 1757; Rām. 3, 50, 27.
     2. To be glad, Daśak. in Chr. 197, 6. † i. 1, Par. To lie, to affirm falsely. Ptcple. of the pf. pass.
I. hṛṣita and hṛṣṭa.
     1. Having the hair of the body erect with pleasure, Rām. 3, 50, 27 (hṛṣṭa); MBh. 4, 1245 (hṛṣita); with fear, Rām. 2, 9, 34 Gorr.
     2. Standing erect (of flowers), Nal. 23, 17 (hṛṣita).
     3. Pleased, Vikr. 75, 1 (hṛṣṭa).
     4. Astonishe d
     5. Disappointed, deceived.
II. hṛṣṭa, Smiling. Caus.
     1. To delight, Chr. 27 10.
     2. To be glad, Man. 6, 57. harṣita, Delighted, Pañc. 146, 22.
-- With ni ni, nihṛṣṭa, Pleased, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 4.
-- With pari pari, Caus. To delight much, MBh. 3, 887.
-- With saṃpari sam-pari, Caus. To delight completely, or much, MBh. 3, 17470.
-- With pra pra, To be very glad, Bhag. 5, 20; prahṛṣṭa, Very glad, Pañc. 241, 23. Caus. To delight, Hit. iv. d. 9; praharṣita, Very delighted, Pañc. 241, 16.
-- With saṃpra sam-pra, saṃprahṛṣṭa,
     1. Erect (viz. the hair of the body), MBh. 3, 3061.
     2. Pleased, MBh. 1, 3107. Caus. saṃpraharṣita, Much delighted, MBh. 3, 11829.
-- With sam sam, To be glad, MBh. 2, 941. saṃhṛṣṭa-romāṅga, i. e. -roman-aṅga, adj. literally, 'Having a body, the hair of which stood erect,' Rām. 3, 55, 5.
-- With atisam ati-sam, atisaṃhṛṣṭa, Very glad, Lass. 2. ed. 47, 40.
-- With parisam pari-sam, parisaṃhṛṣṭa, Very pleased, Rām. 3, 49, 11.
-- With pratisam prati-sam, To be glad, Rām. 3, 49, 11.
-- Cf. [greek] O. H. G. burst; A. S. byrst, bristl, forst, frost, gelu; frysan; a-grísan, gerst, gryre; Lat. horrere, Hersilia; probably [greek]

hṛṣīka hṛṣ + īka, n. Any organ of sense.
-- Comp. dus-, adj. having defective organs of sense, MBh. 3, 13951.

hṛṣīkeśa hṛṣīkeśa, i. e. hṛṣīka-īśa, m. Kṛṣṇa or Viṣṇu, Rām. 1, 45, 30; Rājat. 5, 100.

hṛṣṭavat hṛṣṭavat, i. e. hṛṣṭa + vant, acc. sing. n., adv. Cheerfully, Johns. Sel. 59, 179.

hṛṣṭi hṛṣṭi i. e. hṛṣ + ti, f. Joy, Mālat. 82, 4; delight, pleasure.

he he,
     1. A vocative particle, Lass. 8, 18.
     2. An interjection expressing envy or malice, He! Pañc. 37, 23; disapprobation, Bhartṛ. 2, 96.

hekkā hekkā, f. Hiccough (cf. hikkā).

heṭheṭ (?), heṭh heṭh, i. 1, Ātm. and Par.
     1. To be wicked.
     2. To vex or harass, to hurt; see heḍh.

heṭha heṭha, m.
     1. Hindering, obstructing.
     2. Hurting, injury.

heḍ heḍ (hel hel), i. 1, Ātm. To disregard; a-heḍamāna, adj. Careful, Rām. 2, 68, 22. † i. 1, Par. To surround, to attire.

heḍaja heḍ + a-ja, m. Anger.

heḍhheḍh, heṭh heṭh, ii. 9, heḍhṇā, heṭhṇā, ṇī, Par.
     1. To be born again.
     2. To produce happiness or purity.

heti heti, i. e. ni + ti, f.
     1. A weapon, Pañc. i. d. 236.
     2. A ray of the sun.
     3. Flame.
-- Comp. śvāsa-, f. sleep.

hetika -heti + ka, a substitute for heti, when latter part of comp. words; e.g. śakti-, m. A spearman.

hetimant heti + mant, adj., f. matī, in hari-, Illuminated by the sun, Mālat. 149, 1.

hetu hetu, perhaps hi + tu (properly, Impulse, Chr. 18, 2),
     1. Motive; abl., on account of, Rām. 3, 49, 39; in order to, Hit. i. d. 173, M. M.; dat. mṛtyu-hetave, In order to kill, Bhāg. P. 7, 1, 41.
     2. Origin.
     3. Cause, Hit. i. d. 42, M. M.; reason, Pañc. i. d. 417; proof, Lass. 2. ed. 65, 2.
     4. Means, Hit. 114, 7; Rājat. 5, 310; prize, 5, 71.
     5. Condition, Draup. 9, 10; law, Hit. ii. d. 10.
     6. The reason or middle term in an inference, Bhāṣāp. 68.
     7. hetau, loc. By reason of.
     8. Logic, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 8.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. having no cause, MBh. 12, 3277.

hetuka hetu + ka,
I. adj.
     1. Relating to the cause.
     2. Causal, instrumental
II. m.
     1. An active cause, an instrument, Hit. 55. 5.
     2. A logician, Man. 12, 111.
-- Comp. bhaya-, adj. dangerous, Hit. 85, 1, M. M. sa-, adj. 1. produced by a cause, Bhāṣāp. 100. 2. with the motive, Rājat. 5, 54 (Śūra knowing that he had retired, and also his motive for it).

hetutā hetu + tā, f., and hetutva hetu + tva, n. Causation, the state of being a cause, Hit. i. d. 29, M. M. (); Rājat. 5, 292; 388 (); Bhāṣāp. 146, 147 (tva).
-- Comp. nimitta-hetu + tva, n. the being an instrumental cause, Bhāṣāp. 16.

hetumant hetu + mant, adj.
     1. Having a cause; that in which the reason or middle term resides (i. e. the pakṣa), Bhāṣāp. 68.
     2. Accompanied by arguments, Rām. 3, 53, 20.
     3. Attacked by arguments, MBh. 12, 597 (perhaps it is to be read hi instead of 'pi, then it would be, Skilled in logic).

hema hema,
I. m. A horse of dark colour.
II. n. Gold (cf. heman).

hemaka hema + ka (n.), Gold, Rām. 3, 49, 20.

hemakāra hema-kāra, m. A goldsmith, Man. 9, 292.

heman heman,
I. m. Winter (ŚKD.).
II. n. Gold, Ragh. 1, 10, Naiṣ. 52; Vikr. d. 140 (or hema).
-- Cf. [greek] with [greek] for [greek]

hemanta hemanta (i. e. *hemant, original form of heman, + a), m. (and n.), The cold season, winter, about November -- December, Pañc. 94, 2.
-- Cf. [greek]

hemamaya hema + maya, adj., f. , Golden, Rām. 3, 49, 6.

hemala hema + la, m.
     1. A goldsmith.
     2. A touchstone.
     3. A lizard.

hemavant hema + vant, adj., f. vatī, Golden, Rām. 3, 50, 2.

hemavala hemavala (probably from hema), n. A pearl.

heramba heramba, m.
     1. Gaṇeśa, Mālat. 144, 21.
     2. A buffalo.
     3. A proud hero.

herika herika, m. A spy.

heruka heruka, m. An attendant on Śiva.

hel hel, see heḍ.

helana hel + ana, n.
     1. Disregard, Bhāg. P. 1, 19, 2.
     2. Dalliance.

helā hel + ā, f.
     1. Sport, Ratnāv. 2. ed. 17, 11.
     2. Contempt, Śiś. 2, 48.
     3. Dallying, lascivious endearment, delight, Mālat. 157, 19.
     4. Manner, Neriosengh, see Gött. Gel. Anz. 1861, p. 1837.
     5. instr. layā (properly, Sportively, easily; cf. līlā), At once, Pañc. ii. d. 80; 106, 1; 134, 13; 168, 6; Rājat. 5, 84.
-- Comp. eka-, f. instr. at once, Pañc. 256, 24. sa-, adj. sportive.

heli hel + i, m.
     1. The sun (borrowed from [greek]), Bhaviṣyap., see Aufrecht, Ujjvalad. 267, n.
     2. Embracing.

heludiṇṇa helu-diṇṇa (helu, The name of a village, and diṇṇa, the Prākṛt. form for datta), adj. Presented with the village helu, Rājat. 5, 397.

heṣ heṣ, i. 1, Ātm. To neigh as a horse, Pañc. iv. d. 49. heṣita, m Neighing, Episod. MBh. de Śakuntala, ed. Chezy, 1, 16.
-- Cf. probably Lat. hinnire, hinnulus; [greek] but cf. also hreṣ.

heṣā heṣ + ā, f. Neighing (as a horse, or braying, as an ass), Kir. 16, 8.

heṣāya heṣāya, a denomin. derived from heṣā with ya, Ātm. To neigh, Pañc. 254, 25.

heṣin heṣ + in, m. A horse.

hai hai, A vocative particle.

haituka haituka, i. e. hetuka + a,
I. adj. Causal, causative.
II. m.
     1. A follower of the Mīmāṃsā doctrines.
     2. A sceptic, a sophist, Man. 4, 30.
-- Comp. kāma-, adj. caused by arbitrariness, i. e. by accident, Bhag. 16, 8.

haitukya haitukya, i. e. haituka + ya, in the comp. a-, n. Want of selfish motives, Bhāg. P. 3, 29, 12.

haima haima, i. e. heman + a,
I. adj.
     1. Cold.
     2. Golden, Vikr. d. 157.
II. n. Hoar-frost.
III. f. , Yellow jasmine.

haimana haimana, i. e. heman + a,
I. adj., f. , Winterly, MBh. 2, 2669; Kir. 17, 12.
II. m. The month Mārgaśīrṣa.
III. n. Winter.

haimanta haimanta, and haimantika haimantika, i. e. hemanta + a, or ika,
I. adj. Wintry.
II. n. Winter.

haimala haima + la, n. Winter.

haimavata haimavata, i. e. himavant + a,
I. adj., f. , Belonging to the Himālaya mountain, Draup. 5, 5.
II. m. A sort of poison.
III. f. .
     1. Pārvatī.
     2. Several plants.
IV. n. India.

haiyaṃgavīna haiyaṃgavīna, i. e. ṣyas + a + m-go + īna, n. Fresh butter (prepared a day before it is used), Ragh. 1, 45.

hairaṇyagarbha hairaṇyagarbha, i. e. hiraṇya-garbha + a, patronym., m. A son of Brahman, Man. 3, 194.

hairaṇyavāsas hairaṇyavāsas, i. e. hiraṇya + a-vāsas, m. An arrow. MBh. 4, 2071.

hairika hairika, m. A thief.

haihaya haihaya, m.
     1. The name of a people, Chr. 34, 12.
     2. A prince.

ho ho, A vocative particle, Kir. 15, 20.

hoḍhoḍ, i. 1, Ātm. To disregard; see hūd.

hoḍa hoḍa, m. A raft.

hoḍṛ hoḍṛ, m. A robber.

hoḍha hoḍha,
I. adj. Stolen.
II. n. Stolen goods, Man. 9, 270.

hotṛ hotṛ, i. e.
I. hu + tṛ, m., f. trī, and n. Sacrificing, a sacrificer, Śāk. d. 1; Bhartṛ. 2, 47.
II. hu, or hve + tṛ (cf. hve), m. A priest who, at sacrifice, recites the hymns of the Rigveda.

hotra hotra, i. e. hu + tra, n.
     1. A burnt-offering.
     2. An oblation of clarified butter.
-- Comp. agni-, n. 1. a ceremony consisting in oblations to consecrated fire, Man. 4, 25. 2. the consecrated fire, Man. 5, 167. vīti-, m. 1. Agni. 2. the sun. śāli-, see s. v.

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hotrīya hotrīya, i. e. hotra + īya,
I. m. A priest offering an oblation.
II. n. A place where oblations are offered.

homa homa, i. e. hu + ma, m. An oblation of clarified butter, a sacrifice, Chr. 60, 36 (corr. datta-); Pañc. i. d. 347.
-- Comp. japa-, m. the oblation consisting in prayers, Man. 10, 111. darvi/ī, m. oblation with a spoon, MBh. 2, 537 (). huta- (vb. hu), m. a Brāhmaṇa who has offered an oblation. (n.), an oblation.

homan homan, i. e. hu + man, n. An oblation of clarified butter.

homavant homa + vant, adj., f. vatī, Having performed sacrifice.

homi homi, i. e. hu + mi, m.
     1. Fire.
     2. Clarified butter.
     3. Water.

homin homin, i. e. homa + in, m. A priest who makes an oblation of clarified butter.

horā horā (borrowed from [greek]), f.
     1. The rising of a sign of the zodiac.
     2. An hour.
     3. A line.
     4. A work on astrology.

hohau hohau, and hau hau, interj. of calling.

hauḍ hauḍ, see hūḍ.

hautṛka hautṛka, i. e. hotṛ + ka, adj. Relating to the priest called hotṛ.

haumya haumya, i. e. homa + ya, n. Clarified butter.

hnu hnu, ii. 2, Ātm.
     1. To take away, Bhaṭṭ. 15, 88.
     2. To conceal one's self, Pāṇ. i. 4, 34.
-- With apa apa,
     1. To conceal, Naiṣ. 1, 49.
     2. To deny, to disclaim, Man. 8, 53.
-- With ni ni, To deny, Man. 8, 59.
-- With atini ati-ni, To deny stronly, Daśak. in Chr. 193, 9.
-- With apani apa-ni, To conceal, Mālat. 16, 14.
-- Cf. Lat. ab-nuere, nutare, gnavus, navare, i-gnavus, se-gnis, niti, nictare, con-nivere; Goth. hneivan, hnaivs; A. S. hnigan; [greek] etc.

hmalhmal, i. 1, Par. To shake.

hyas hyas, i. e. perhaps ha-dyas (cf. sadyas), adv. Yesterday.
-- Cf. Lat. hes + ternus, heri; Goth. gis + tra; A. S. gyrstan; [greek]

hyastana hyas + tana, adj., f. , and

hyastya hyas + tya, adj. Of yesterday, Chr. 39, 4 (tana).

hraghrag, hrag hlag, i. 1, Par. To cover.

hrada hrada, probably hrād + a, m.
     1. A large piece of water, Utt. Rāmac. 53, 9; a deep lake, Pañc. 159, 14.
     2. A ray of light.
-- Comp. gaṅgā-, Tīrtha-mahā-, Rāma-, m. names of holy ponds, MBh. 3, 7047 (gaṅgā-); 13, 7645 (tīrthamahā-); Chr. 46, 28 (rāma-). Śata-, f. , 1. lightning, Vikr. 66, 1. 2. the thunderbolt.

hradinī hradinī, i. e. hrada + in + ī, f.
     1. A river, Bhāg. P. 6, 4, 41.
     2. Lightning.

hrap hrap, see hlap.

hras hras, i. 1, Par.
     1. † To sound (cf. ras).
     2. To become small, to be lessened, Man. 1, 83. Caus. hrāsaya, To diminish, Man. 11, 216.

hrasiman hrasiman, i. e. hrasva + iman, m. Shortness.

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hrasva hras + va,
I. adj., comparathrasīyaṃs, superl. hrasiṣṭha,
     1. Short, Johns. Sel. 15, 53; Bhāṣāp. 109.
     2. Small, Johns. Sel. 51, 107.
     3. Low Nal. 23, 9.
II. m. A dwarf.
-- Cf. [greek] perhaps Lat. brevis.

hrasvaka hrasva + ka, adj. Small, Rām. 2, 117, 13 Gorr.

hrād hrād, i. 1, Ātm. To sound inarticulately (as a drum), Bhaṭṭ. 14, 4; to roar (as thunder), Kāśinātha apud Wilkins.
-- Cf. [greek] (see hlād), probably [greek] Lat. grando; perhaps [greek] etc.; Goth. grêtan; A. S. graetan.

hrāda hrād + a, m. Noise, Kir. 16, 8.

hrādin hrād + in,
I. adj., f. , Sounding.
II. f. .
     1. Lightning.
     2. Indra's thunderbolt.
     3. A river.
     4. The olibanum tree.

hrāsa hrāsa, i. e. hras + a, m. Sound.
     2. Decrease, Man. 1, 85.

hrī hrī (cf. hṛṇīya), ii. 3, jihrī, Par. To be ashamed, Ragh. 15, 44. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. hrīṇa, and hrīta, Ashamed, bashful, modest, Nal. 13, 30 (hrīta). Caus. hrepaya, To put to blush, to confound, Kir. 11, 64.
-- With sam sam, saṃhrīṇa, Ashamed.
-- Cf. probably O. H. G. hriuwan; A. S. hreówan.

hrī hrī, f. Shame, Hit. i. d. 133, M. M.; bashfulness, Pañc. i. d. 185; personified, Rām. 3, 52, 26.

hrīkā hrī + kā, f.
     1. Bashfulness, modesty.
     2. Fear.
-- Comp. nis-, adj. bold, MBh. 7, 4806.

hrīku hrī + ku, adj. Bashful, modest.

hrīchhrīch (i. e. hrī + ch; cf. hurch), i. 1, Par. To be ashamed or modest.

hrīmant hrī + mant, adj., f. matī, Bashful, modest, Bhartṛ. 2, 44.

hruḍ hrūḍ hru/ŪD, see hūḍ.

hrephrep, i. 1, Ātm. To go.

hrepaṇa hrepaṇa, i. e. hrī, Caus., + ana, n. Putting to shame.

hreṣ hreṣ, i. 1, Ātm.
     1. To neigh as a horse, MBh.
     2. † To go. hreṣita, n. Neighing, MBh. 3, 11764. Caus. To neigh, MBh. 3, 11764.
-- Cf. ras; O. H. G. hros; A. S. hors; [greek]

hreṣā hreṣ + ā, f. Neighing as a horse.

hreṣuka hreṣuka, MBh. 3, 8871, An instrument for digging with (?).

hrauḍ hrauḍ, see hūḍ.

hlag hlag, see hrag.

hlaphlap, hrap hrap, i. 10, Par. To speak (cf. klap and lap).

hlashlas, i. 1, Par. To sound (cf. hras).

hlād hlād, i. 1, Ātm. To be glad or delighted, MBh. 1, 3036. Caus. To delight, Rām. 2, 44, 10.
-- With ā ā, Caus. To delight, Nal. 21, 8.
-- With pra pra, To be delighted, Kir. 11, 8. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. prahlanna, Pleased, glad. Caus. To delight, Rām. 1, 9, 56; Pañc. ii. d. 63; Vikr. d. 149 (Ātm.). prahlādita, Rejoiced.
-- Cf. [greek] A. S. glaed, glad, gladian; O. H. G. glat, splendens (cf. hra/ādinī, hlādinī).

hlāda hlād + a, m. Pleasure, joy.

hlādin hlādin, i. e. hlād + in, and hlāda + in,
I. adj., f. .
     1. Delighting, Ṛt. 6, 29.
     2. Happy, glad.
II. f. .
     1. Lightining.
     2. Indra's thunderbolt.

hlīkā hlīkā = hrīkā.

hlīku hlīku,
I. (= hrīku), adj. Bashful, modest.
II. m.
     1. Tin.
     2. Lac.

hval hval (cf. hvṛ), i. 1, Par. To move, to shake, to tremble, Bhaṭṭ. 9, 8. Caus. To cause to tremble, Bhaṭṭ. 6, 45.
-- With vi vi, To stagger, to be agitated, Rām. 2, 13, 4. vihvalita, Staggering, Rām. 1, 9, 15.

hvāna hvāna, i. e. hve + ana, n. Cry.
-- Comp. ku-, n. disagreeable cry, Bhāg. P. 1, 14, 14.

hvṛ hvṛ (originally dhvṛ, q. cf.), hvṝ hvṛ10, i. 1, and ii. 9, hvṛṇā, ṇī, Par. To be crooked.
-- Cf. Lat. curvus, varus; [greek] Goth. hvairban; A. S. hwearfian (Caus.), hwerfa, hweorfan; hwealf, hwealfa; [greek]

hve hve, i. 1, Par. Ātm. (in the Vedas also ),
     1. To call, Rām. 2, 34, 11; Chr. 289, 4 = Rigv. i. 49, 4 (ahūṣata, ved. aor.); Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14 (juhūre, ved. red. pf.).
     2. To name, Kumāras. 1, 26.
     3. To invoke, MBh. 1, 4944.
     4. To challenge, to vie with (with acc.), MBh. 3, 1823 (śaśinaṃ hvayantī, Vying with the moon). Ptcple. of the pf. pass. hūta, Summoned, invited. Comp. puru-, adj. invoked by many, or much invoked.
-- With ā ā,
I. Par. (in epic poetry also Ātm., Rām. 2, 91, 12).
     1. To call, Rām. 2, 58, 1.
     2. To invoke, Rām. 2, 91, 12; Lass. 101, 3 = Rigv. vii. 16, 1 (ā huve, ved. pres.); Lass. 101, 7 = Rigv. vii. 16, 3 (ā juhvāna, ptcple. pf. pass.).
     3. To invite, Man. 3, 27.
     4. To convoke, Hit. 82, 16.
II. Ātm.
     1. To challenge, MBh. 2, 879; Chr. 26, 74 (āhvayām āsa, anomal. pf.), 37, 10 (āhvayāna, anomal. ptcple. pres.).
     2. To emulate. Caus. hvāyaya, To order to call, Rām. 2, 89, 3.
-- With upā upa-ā, Ātm. To challenge, MBh. 2, 1785.
-- With samā sam-ā,
     1. To convoke, Pañc. 82, 6; Rām. 1, 8, 18.
     2. To call, Pañc. 210, 10; MBh. 3, 8549.
     3. To challenge, MBh. 2, 1518. samā-hūta, Convoked, Daśak. in Chr. 191, 19.
-- With ni ni, To call down (from heaven), Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. i. 112, 24.
-- With pra pra, To call, Utt. Rāmac. 146, 2.
-- Cf. O. H. G. hweion; Goth. vopjan (probably the regular Caus.); A. S. hweóp (cry, called out), and wepan; probably also cygan (3. conj., cl. juhū); [greek] probably [greek] and [greek] Lat. re-boare, and perhaps vovere, votum.

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1, A, 2 below, add. a-hima-aṃśu, m. the sun, Kir. 12, 15.

1, B, 3 bel., add. as akin, A. S. ange, enge

2, B, 21, add. mallika-akṣa, m. = mallika and mallikākhya, q. cf.

2, B, 23, add. after Indra, Vikr. d. 35.

5, A, 9 (agresara), add. Preceding, Mālat. 155, 3.

5, A, 19 (agh), add. Cf. aṃh, agha, and Goth. us-aglian, probably ogan; A. S. oga, oht, ege, eige, egesa.

5, A, 3 bel., add. vṛṣa-aṅka, m. Śiva, Ragh. 3, 23.

5, B, 15, add. aṅkurāya aṅkurāya, a denomin. derived from aṅkura, with ya, Ātm. To shoot up, to thrive, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 3095.

5, B, 15 (aṅkuśa), add. as akin, A. S. angel.

6, A, 15, add. after devotees, Mālat. 74, 18.

6, A, 29, add. after casarca, Vikr. d. 100.

3, A, 7 bel. (ad), add. A. S. aet, aes; O. H. G. az; A. S. fretan, of-aet; O. H. G. ob-az.

4, A, 24 (adha), add. Cf. [greek] (see adhara and adhas); Lat. indu; A. S. and.

4, B, 25 (adhas), add. Lat. inde.

4, B, 3, bel., dele 'Cf. Lat. ad' (Cf. add. ad p. 100, idam); add. Cf. A. S. ed-, e. g. in ed-niwan.

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16, B, 19, add. kṛta-adhivāsa, adj. perfumed, Ṛt. 6, 32.

17, A, 5, corr. 1 (for I.).

18, B, 3 (an-), add. A. S. an-, e. g. in an-aedhelan; in-, e. g. in in cudh; and on-, e. g. in on-rihtwis.

22, B, 27, add. anuplava anuplava, i. e. anu-plu + a, m. A follower. -- Comp. sa-, adj. with his retinue, Ragh. 13, 75.

25, A, 1, bel., add. anuṣṭubh anuṣṭubh, i. e. anu-stubh, f. Name of a metre.

26, B, 7 (anokaha), add. after tree, Mālat. 145, 12; Utt. Rāmac. 16, 8.

27, A, 2 (anta), add. niśā-anta, m. the end of the night, dawn, Man. 4, 99.

27, A, 14 (antaḥpura), add. 4. Wives in general, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 9.

27, A, 25, add. madana-antaka, n. the destroyer of the god of love (i. e. Śiva), Bhartṛ. 3, 83.

27, B, 9 bel., corr. odher.

29, B, 11 bel., add. A. S. ael- in ael -theodige; elles.

31, A, 19, add. anvīkṣā anvīkṣā, i. e. anu-īkṣ + a, f. Reflection.

31, A, 3 bel., dele aqua, and Goth. ahva, A. S. ewe.

31, B, 8, add. A. S. aeftar, aeftan, aeft, aefen, aefer, eft.

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31, B, 25 (apakāra), add. (after Injury), evil, misfortune, Mālat. 88, 2.

33, A, 1 bel., add. aparatas apara + tas, adv. Another time, Utt. Rāmac. 42, 7.

34, A, 5, add. aparokṣaya aparokṣaya, To make visible, see p. 530, parokṣa.

34, B, 3, add. after individual, Mālat. 83, 2.

35, A, 3, add. apahastita apahastita, ptcple. pf. pass. of a denomin. apahastaya, derived from apa-hasta, Lost, scorned (?), Mālat. 149, 9.

37, A, 13 (abhi), add. A. S. bi, be.

37, B, 33 (abhijña), add. II. f. ñā, A divine faculty attributed to Buddha; and 1. 34, add. ṣaṣ-, adj. one who attributes six divine faculties (to Buddha), Lass. 2. ed. 90, 39.

40, B, 26, add. abhilāsa abhilāsa, abhilāsin abhilāsin = abhilāṣa, °ṣin, Megh. 109; 76.

43, A, 4, add. (after Near), till, Mālat. 78, 1.

44, B, 19, add. 1. before Unable, and 2. One who does not submit, Pañc. i. d. 370. 3. Angry, MBh. 1, 1736; 2007.

45, B, 12, add. ambaracara ambara-cara, m. A bird, Pañc. i. d. 350.

46, A, 15, corr. Matsyop.

46, A, 24, add. A. S. ysen, aeren.

47, B, 11, add. Comp. an-arāla, adj. straight, Utt. Rāmac, 63, 6; Mālat. 153, 19.

48, B, 15, add. Cf. probably as akin, A. S. lucan, To lock.

49, B, 3 bel., corr. Ind.

50, A, 2 bel., add. anubaddha (vb. bandh), -artha, m. wealthy, Daśak. in Chr. 181, 1.

52, A, 14, corr. ardhabhāskara, instead of ardha-bhāskara.

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53, A, 3, add. Cf. probably as akin. [greek] A. S. aers, ears.

54, A, 22 (alarka), add. (after 2.), A mad dog. 3.

55, A, 30 (ava), add. [greek] A. S. awdher, audhar, adhar (= comparat. of ava); Lat. auster (cf. ved. avas and avācī, f. of avāñc, The south).

56, B, 4 bel. add. (after 2.), Watching, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1610.

58, B, 25, add. (after 2.), Staying, Hit. ii. p. 93, 7, M. M. 3.

60, A, 19, add. etad-avastha, adj. such a, Vikr. d. 135. 1. 20, add. bāla-avastha, adj. young, Vikr. d. 156.

60, B, 14, corr. A. S. eaw, and add. eowed.

60, B, 14, add. aviparyaya aviparyaya, a denomin. derived from a-viparyaya, Par. Not to fail, not to be disappointed, Mālat. 107, 4.

62, A, 6 (aśmantaka), add. I. m. A plant, hog-plum, Mālat. 145, 20; cf. Wils. Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. 98, n. II. n.

62, B, 16, Cf. Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1095, n., who maintains the signification 'female mule' also in this case.

63, A, 21, corr. A. S. achta.

64, A, 10, add. A. S. seó.

64, B, 17, add. (after 24, 45), with gaṇanayā, To reckon up one by one, Megh. 85.

65, A, 20, add. see vāṇāsana.

66, B, 27, add. Goth. af-aikan.

67, B, 11, add. [greek] Lat. anguilla; A. S. ael.

68, A, 32, add. cf. puṣpākara.

69, A, 4 bel., add. (after 141), intentively, Mālat. 80, 3; significantly, ib. 62, 4.

70, A, 9, corr. Kumāras.

70, A, 13, add, ākṣepaṇa ākṣepaṇa, i. e. ā-kṣip + ana, I. adj. Destroying, Mālat. 160, 13. II. n. Pushing, Suśr. 1, 300, 5; 9.

70, A, 34, add. ākhyātukāma ākhyātukāma, i. e. ā-khyatum-kāma (vb. khyā), adj., f. , Wishing to tell, Mālat. 49, 14.

77, B, 28 (ādhāra), add. (after 2.), A receptacle, Suśr. 1, 78, 18. 3. and corr. the following num. Cf. vidyādhāra.

79, A, 5, add. ānuyātrika ānuyātrika, i.e. anu-yātrā + ika, m. A companion, Utt. Rāmac. 111, 12.

79, A, 16, add. ānuṣṭubha ānuṣṭubha, i. e. anuṣṭubh (see Add. ad p. 25), + a, adj. Composed in the metre Anuṣṭubh, Utt. Rāmac. 36, 6.

79, A, 27 (āntara), add. I. adj. Inward, Utt. Rāmac. 34, 18. II. m.

79, A, 2 bel., add. ānvīkṣikī ānvikṣikī, i. e. anvīkṣā (see Add. ad p. 31), + ika, f. Logic, Mālat. 41, 6.

79, B, 21, add. (before 136), 5.

80, B, 20 (āp), add. A. S. efnan (cf. ved. apnas); perhaps A. S. efst (cf. the ved. desider. aps).

81, B, 16, add. ābutta ābutta, m. A sister's husband (in theatrical language), Utt. Ramac. 7, 6.

84, B, 17, add. A. S. aa, ae, ā.

85, A, 20, add. nihita-ārambha (vb. dhā), adj. formed, Megh. 85 (hṛdi, imagined).

85, A, 31, 32, dele O. H. G. āla, etc. (on account of A. S. awul).

87, B, 22, add. ālarka ālarka, i. e. alarka (see Add. ad p. 54), + a, adj. Coming from a mad dog (as poison), Utt. Rāmac. 27, 6.

88, B, 16, add. sa-āvaraṇa, adj. clandestine, Ragh. 19, 16.

90, B, 3, add. bhikṣā-āśitva, n. eating alms, Hit. i. d. 134, M. M.

91, A, 22 (āśraya), add. (after 95, 14), a means, Bhartṛ. 2, 34 (pravāsāśrayāt, by going abroad).

92, A, 3, corr. āstāṃ.

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92, A, 1 bel., corr. MBh.

93, A, 1, corr. 3. a kind of posture (cf. Sch. ad Ragh. 13, 52; Stenzler, ad Kumāras. 3, 45); Man...

93, A, 5, add. āsannataratā ā-sanna + tara + tā (vb. sad), f. Greater proximity, Hit. iv. d. 64.

95, A, 33, add. āhvāyaka āhvāyaka, i. e. ā-hve + aka, adj. One who calls, Utt. Rāmac. 122, 6.

96, A, 26, add. (after antarita, 1.), Entered, Hit. iii. d. 60 (cara-, Being inwardly, i. e. really, a spy, not an ambassador). 2. Plunged...

97, B, 2, bel. add. (after vi-pari), To fail, Mālat. 88, 12; 13.

98, A, 14, add. (after 16), n. Opinion, Daśak. in Chr. 182, 2.

98, A, 1 bel., corr. MBh.

98, B, 2, add. A. S. iedon.

100, A, 19, add. (after 16), Concerning the difference of idam and tad, cf. Vedāntas. in Chr. 213, 2.

100, A, 25, add. Lat. ita; the old accus. n. of the pronom. base a appears in Zend. aṭ; Lat. ad; Goth. at; A. S. aet; Engl. at.

101, A, 8 bel., corr. īvant.

102, A, 2 bel., add. (after iṣṭakā), i. e. iṣṭa (vb. yaj, cf. Weber, in Journ. of the German Oriental Society, xviii. 264), + ka.

102, B, 25, add. (after 1.), = asmin, Utt. Rāmac. 116, 1. 2....

104, B, 18, add. Comp. absolutive, a-samīkṣya, Without having perceived, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 905.

105, B, 33, add. (after īrṣy), Lealousy.

106, A, 12, add. Goth. aihts; A. S. acht, Property.

108, A, 10, add. Cf. O. H. G. waskan; A. S. wacsan, waescan (ukṣ for original vakṣ or vask).

108, B, 11 (samucita), add. 2. Proper, suitable. Megh. 113.

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108, B, 22, add. Cf. propably Goth. auhuma, auhumists.

108, B, 5 bel., add. (after 2.), m.

111, A, 2, add. With prati prati, pratyutkaṇṭhita, Expecting with desire, Pañc. 209, 18.

114, A, 11, add. pūra-utpīḍa, m. excessive plenty of water, Utt. Rāmac. 73, 5.

115, B, 2, add. A. S. ytan, yte, b-utan, a-b-utan.

116, A, 12, add. A. S. waetan, waet, waeta, waeter.

116, A, 12 bel., corr. karuṇā-.

116, A, 6 bel., add. (after lord), Ragh. 8, 16.

118, A, 4, add. uddīpaka ud-dīp + aka, adj. Illuminating, Cāṇ. 25 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408.

118, B, 21, add. uddhya uddhya, i. e. probably ud (for uda), -dhi (from dhā), + ya, m. A river, Ragh. 11, 8.

119, B, 10, add. udra udra, i. e. und + ra, m. An aquatic animal, an udder.
-- Cf. [greek] A. S. oter.

120, B, 28, add. see manas, p. 683, B, 6 bel.

121, A, 24, corr. (after 2.), Twinkling, Megh. 79 (vidyudunmeṣadṛṣṭi, a lightning-flash glance, i. e. a lightning instead of a twinkling look).

121, B, 4, add. A. S. ufan, b-ufan, and up, upp.

122, A, 2 bel., add. upagāna upajāna, i. e. upa-gai + ana, n. Song, Mālav. 20, 15.

122, A, 12, corr. MBh. (for Rām.).

124, A, 28, add. (after 165), 2. Support; and 1. 30, sva-upadhi (m. ?), a fixed star, Padmap. 16, 101.

126, B, 5, dele ved.

128, B, 19, add. Comp. mantra-, m. encouragement by counsel, Hit. ii. p. 102, 4, M. M.

129, A, 7, add. (after 1.), An offering, MBh. 14, 1913.

129, B, 8, add. 4. Surname, Utt. Rāmac. 2, 4.

130, B, 3 bel., add. A. S. .

131, A, 30, corr. -uras + ka.

131, B, 17, add. ulapa ulapa, m. (n.), 1. A creeper, Mālat. 144, 14. 2. A reed. Saccharum cylindricum.

132, B, 29, add. as akin, A. S. cast, eastan, easter.

133, B, 25, add. A. S. wana, wanian, wenian.

134, A, 29, corr. Skandap.

134, B, 16, corr. wull (for vull).

135, A, 21, add. Comp. scaḍūṣaṇa, i. e. ṣaṣ-, n. six spices.

135, B, 29, add. (after 2.), Left, Mālat. 146, 19. 3.

136, B, 1, dele [greek].

136, B, 4, add. probably Lat. arma; A. S. earm, brachium; carnian, acrnian (= [greek]).

137, A, 20, add. Goth. rahton; A. S. un-ge-reclice.

138, B, 4, add. (after please), 4. To worship, Mālat. 84, 16.

139, B, 23, add. probably A. S. aeg, aegdher (= ekatara), egdher.

142, A, 23, corr. Brāhmaṇav.

142, A, 30, add. (after ṛdh), cf. medinī, vetana.

142, B, 16, corr. an (for ān), and add. A. S. ain, aen.

144, A, 7, add. aidamparya aidamparya, i. e. idam-para + ya, n. Main point, Mālat. 37, 4.

145, B, 7, add. Cf. Goth. vegs; A. S. waegh.

145, B, 29, add. ojāya ojāya, a denomin. derived from ojas with ya, Ātm. To exert one's self, Bhaṭṭ. 5, 76. Ptcple. pf. pass. ojāyita, Proved strong, Utt. Rāmac. 135, 13.

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146, B, 2 bel., add. see bimboṣṭha, p. 633.

151, A, 21, add. see vikaṭa, p. 844.

151, A, 25, add. (after narrow). Mālat. 77, 20.

151, A, 27, add. (after name), ati-sam-kaṭa, adj. very dangerous, Mālat. 103, 19.

151, A, 2 bel., add. (after m.), and f. , Mālat. 77, 12.

152, A, 7, add. kaṭhoraya kaṭhoraya, a denomin. derived from kathora, Par. To strengthen, Mālat. 157, 6.

153, A, 1, add. kiṃnara-kaṇṭha, adj., f. ṭhī, having the voice of a Kiṃnara, Mālat. 128, 17.

153, A, 11, add. (after Śiva), Rām. 1, 75, 14.

153, B, 9, add. kaṇḍūla kaṇḍū + la. adj. Itchy, itching, Utt. Rāmac. 40, 11.

155, A, 19, add. (after anthers). cf. Wils. Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. 80, n.

156, A, 12, add. Comp. surabhi-kandara, m. name of a mountain, Vikr. 65, 18.

158, B, 21 and 28, see sthalakamala and -kamalinī, p. 1074.

159, B, 14, add. kamra kam + ra, adj. Charming, beautiful, Mālat. 152, 14.

160, B, 7 bel., add. Mālat. 159, 9 (v).

163, B, 34, add. karta karta. i. e. 1. kṛt + a, m. Separation; in a-, m. Non-separation, Bhig. P. 2, 7, 48.

164, A, 1 bel., add. kardabhita kardamita, i. e. kardama + ita, adj. Soiled, Mālat. 153, 10.

164, B, 1 bel., add. 2. A blacksmith, Hit. ii. d. 11, M. M.

165, B, 33, add. sūtra-karman, n. carpentry, Rām. 2, 63, 1, Scramp.

172, B, 3, add. 2. Happened by chance (?), Mālat. 84, 7.

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177, A, 32, add. kāmpilla kāmpilla. m. Name of a plant, Mālat. 152, 14.

185, A, 23, add. kāsmarī kāsmarī kāśmarī, Mālat. 145, 19.

185, A, 30, add. Goth. skeinan; A. S. scinan (cf. ci in citra, for original *skitra, and kit, ketu).

187, A, 34, corr. hwa, and add. hwaet (= ved. kad).

189, A, 18 (kīlita), add. 2. Pinned, Mālat. 77, 3.

190, A, 7 bel., add. (after kuc + a), and kucaka kuca + ka, Daśak. in Chr. 198, 23.

192, A, 7, add. kuṭṭāka kuṭṭaka (cf. kuṭṭ), adj., f. , Pounding, grinding, Mālat. 85, 18.

192, A, 17, add. kuṭmalita kuṭmalita, i. e. kuṭmala + ita, adj. Opened, Mālat. 152, 18.

193. B, 14, add. kutastya kutas + tya, adj. Whence coming, undecided whence, Utt. Rāmac. 55, 7 106, 3.

193, B, 4 bel., add. A. S. hwaeder, hwaer, hwar, and probably cor in ael-cor, elsewhere.

194, B, 1, corr. kunti.

195, A, 7, add. Lat. caupo (Goth. kaupon; A. S. be-cypdh, ceapian, borrowed); [greek]

197, A, 16, add. kurpāsa kurpāsa, and kurpa.

200, A, 9, dele 'probably ku-smi + a.

200, A, 7 bel. With kuh = [greek] cf. A. S. hydan, hyde; Lat. custos, cutis (?); Goth. huzd.

200, B, 4, add. (after 3.), An interval. Nalod. 3, 32. 3.

201, B, 14, add. (after mountains), Vikr. d. 11.

202, A. 11 (kūrca), add. 3. Boasting, Rājaī. 5, 462.

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204, A, 31, add. With ambu, becoming ambū ambū, ambūkṛta, 1. Accompanied by spitting, Utt. Rānac. 45, 2. 2. Spit on, Mālat. 145, 15.

208, A, 11, add. (after praguṇī), 1. To make straight, to cause to grow. Mālat. 164, 2. 2.

208, A, 1 bel., add. With phet phet, in phetkṛta, n. Howling, Śatr. 14, 29.

208, B, 2, add. With bhasman-rāśi, becoming bhasmarāśī bhasmarāśī, To reduce to a heap of ashes, Rām. 1, 41, 30,

208, B, 6, add. With mukula, becoming mukulī mukulī, mukulīkṛta, Put together (viz. the hands, in token of reverence), Lass. 2. ed. 86, 2.

208, B, 4 bel., add. With vidheya (vb. dhā), becoming vidheyī vidheyī, To make compliant, to conquer. Mālat. 16, 14.

209, A, 14, add. 2. To abandon, Ragh. 2, 41; cf. śithila, p. 948.

213, A, 12, add. A. S. wyrm.

215, B, 3 bel., corr. Contracted (for stretched out).

217, B, 19, add. (after corpus), A. S. hrif.

218, A, 14, add. (after love), Vikr. d. 21.

221, B, 2, add. (after bird), the lapwing, and Mālat. 145, 19; cf. Wilson. Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. 97, n.

227, B, 8, add. saṃkrānta, Concurring (well-supporting an intrigue), Mālat. 107, 3.

229, B, 26, add. (after hillock), or wall, Megh. 2.

233, B, 15, add. A. S. scedhan.

237, A, 10, add. A. S. scaenan. With the Caus. cf. Lat. scabo; A. S. seafan, scaefere, probably as akin, A. S. sceáp; [greek].

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238, B, 24, add. kṣiprakāritā kṣiprakāritā, i. e. kṣipra-kārin + tā, f. Rashness, Utt. Rāmac. 113, 5.

240, A, 25, add. Goth. af-sciuban, of which the labial is regular.

249, A, 9, add. (before 219), Pañc.

250, A, 6 bel., add. (after gaṇḍa), a form of grantha; cf. gaṇḍa-bhedaka, p. 667.

251, A, 32, add. A. S. cwaedhan.

251, A, 43, add. Cf. probably A. S. codhe, Disease.

252, B, 19, add. Cf. with gambhīra, as akin, A. S. comb, vallis.

253, A, 24, add. (after 3014), 2. m. Buddha.

253, A, 44, add. (after Buddha), 2. A follower of the Bauddha religion, Lass. 2. ed. 86, 3.

256, A, 30, add. A. S. gán.

257, B, 11, corr. garda-bha (vb. bhā; with garda cf. A. S. colt).

259, A, 18, dele etc., and add. A. S. ciolaen, ciolon.

264, A, 27, add. [greek].

265, B, 24, add. guṇaguṇāya guṇaguṇāya, a denomin. derived from guṇa-guṇa with ya, Ātm. To be multiplied, Utt. Rāmac. 143, 1.

266, B, 9, add. (after 76), gupta may be added after all Vaiśya names, Colebr. Ess. i. 278.

268, B, 4 bel., add. Cf. [greek]

269, A, 13, add. A. S. graedig.

269, A, 33, add. 2. A proper name, Utt. Rāmac. 96, 7; 99, 5.

270, B, 26, add. A. S. gelan, perhaps be-galian, gyllan.

277, B, 2 bel., add. A. S. grapian.

278, A, 16, 17, corr. Śrut.

278, A, 2 bel., add. dhūma-graha, m. Rahu, Mālat. 38, 10.

281, B, 2, add. (after ghaṭṭ), or rather a form of grath.

281, B, 32, add. vighaṭita, Separated, Mālat. 19, 5 (disappeared).

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282, B, 4 bel., add. 2. Densê, Mālat. 155, 12.

283, A, 11, add. Goth. varmjan; perhaps A. S. waelm, welm. wylm (or rather to jval?).

286, B, 1 bel., add. probably A. S. hrenian, To scent.

287, B, 22, add. (after cakra), probably from kram, reduplicated.

288, A, 6, add. ṣaḍadhikadaśanāḍīcakra, i. e. ṣaṣ-adhika-daśan-nāḍī-, the disc of the sixteen tubular vessels, Mālat. 74, 2 (the heart).

290, A, 4, add. (after 2.), To overflow, Pañc. 74, 22 (cf. my translation, n. 350). 3. and change the following numerals.

294, B, 10 bel., corr. Śāk.

296, B, 3, add. [greek] and cf. paricara, p. 520.

297, A, 5, add. a-carama, adj. new, young, Utt. Rāmac. 125, 1.

299, A, 3, add. (after immovable), Vikr. d. 5.

301, A, 17, add. (after cāmuṇḍa), i. e. caṇḍa-muṇḍa, cf. Wilson, Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. 57, n.

301, A. 26, add. (after foot), 2. a foot soldier, Utt. Rāmac. 130, 5; and corr. 3. a walk, Megh. 61.

301, B, 1 bel., corr. brahmacārin.

302, A, 2, add. śuddhānta-cārin, s. v. śuddhānta, p. 955.

302, A, 25, add. II. f. cālanī, A sieve.
-- Cf. [greek] Lat. colum.

302, A, 27, add. Cf. probably [greek]

303, A, 2, add. A. S. a-hafen, haeftan.

309, A, 18, add. A. S. scyndan; Icel. skunda (cud for original skud).

311, B, 16, add. (after 1.), Motion, Lass. 2. ed. 62, 48. 2.

311, B, 17, corr. 3. and add. Behaviour, Lass. 2. ed. 49, 6. 4.

313, A, 2, add. (after 3.), Defraudation, Pañc. 222, 3. 4.

313, B, 22, add. (after drop), Utt. Rāmac. 75, 9.

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314, B, 20, add. A. S. scad, scadu, sceād.

318, A, 3 bei., add. 2. To besmear, Mālat. 152, 10 (corr. kapolam).

320, B, 27, add. A. S. cwidh.

320, B, 31, add. A. S. caelan, celan, calian.

322, B, 8, add. [greek]

322, B, 12, add. A. S. cnosl.

324, A, 13, add. (after existence), Cāṇ. 15 in Berl. Monatsb. 1864, 408.

324, A, 20, add. (after war), Ragh. 3, 23.

325, A, 8, add. rājajambū, i. e. rājan-, f. name of a tree, Vikr. d. 90.

325, A, 20, add. see Add. ad p. 957, A, 13, 14.

330, B, 29, corr. jāmbu°.

331, B, 28, add. jāha -jāha (probably from the frequent. of ), n. Root; e. g. karṇa-, n. The root of the ear, Mālat. 76, 10.

333, B, 6 bel., add. (after crooked), Kir. 6, 2.

335, A, 21, add. bandhu-jīva, m. A flower, Pentapteris phoenices, Ragh. 11, 25.

336, B, 3, add. A. S. cis, cist, costian, cyst.

337, A, 26, add. (after Expanded), Mālat. 171, 12.

337, A, 27, add. (after wantoned), 3. Proceeded (from), Mālat. 170, 13; ib. (after Wish), Mālat. 87, 4; Hāberl. Anth. 238, 2.

338, B, 33, add. A. S. corn; perhaps grindan, greot, gaint, gryt.

340, A, 30, add. A. S. cunnan, conne, cudh (= jñāta), cydhan.

341, A, 15, add. [greek] in [greek] and jyāni jyā + ni, f. Loss, Mālat. 153, 4.

343, A, 26, add. N. H. G. Qualm, qualmen.

343, B, 23, add. jhaṇajhaṇāya jhaṇajhaṇāya, a denomin. derived from jhaṇajhaṇa with ya, Ātm. To tinkle, Mālat. 15, 12. Ptcple. pf. pass. jhaṇajhaṇāyita, n. Tinkling, Utt. Rāmac. 120, 13.

344, B, 23, add. (after m.), 1. The sound ṭam, produced by speed, Utt. Rāmac. 119, 13. 2.

345, A, 6, add. (after go), Mālat. 145, 19.

345, A, 4 bel., add. (after 21), 5. To afflict, Mālat. 48, 17.

345, B, 6, add. 3. Excellence, Utt. Rāmac. 150, 2.

345, B, 18, add. ḍāmaratva ḍāmara + tva, n. Honour, Mālat. 74, 14.

345, B, 33, add. 2. A fool, Mālat. 84, 13.

348, B, 28, add. Goth. thar; A. S. thaeder, thider, thar, thaer.

349, A, 22, add. see Add. ad p. 100, A, 19.

349, B, 4, add. tadānītana tadānīṃtana, i. e. tadānīm + tana, adj. Coeval, Utt. Rāmac. 2, 7.

351, B, 33, add. n. Independence, Hit. ii. d. 121.

356, A, 17, add. 3. Tossed, Mālat. 147, 2.

357, A, 5, add. taruṇaya taruṇaya, a denomin. derived from taruṇa, Par. To bring forth, Mālat. 75, 22.

357, B, 7, add. Goth. threihan; A. S. thringan.

358, A, 3, add. perhaps A. S. thracian, thraec.

358, A, 6 bel., add. (after Then), Mālat. 69, 18.

360, B, 9, add. Mālat. 75, 19.

364, A, 10, add. to overpower, Mālat. 152, 8 (corr. vacanaṃ).

365, B, 15, add. 2. Poison, Hit. iii. d. 60.

367, B, 17, add. Cf. Goth. thiubs; A. S. theof.

368, B, 7, add. (after 10588), to drive to and fro, as in a scale while weighing, i. e. to drive astray from the way, Megh. 20.

369, B, 4, add. (after adj.), 1. not satisfied, Hit. i. d. 24, M. M. 2...; change 'ib.' to 'Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 277.

369, B, 16, add. A. S. thystre, thystrian, theostre, theosterlic.

371, B, 6 bel., add. Cf. perhaps, Goth. thraskan; A. S. therscan (old desider.).

373, A, 9, add. A. S. thearl, thearm, thirel, thirlian, thole, tholian, thaelian, for-thyldian.

376, B, 2, add. Cf. perhaps [greek] Goth. thragjan; A. S. thrag.

376, B, 17, corr. drifan, and add. A. S. drefan.

378, A, 31, add. Cf. [greek] Lat. tres; Goth. threis; A. S. threo, thry, thri.

382, B, 28, add. A. S. tux, tusk.

382, B, 2 bel., add. vṛṣa-daṃśaka, m. a cat.

383, B, 5, add. A. S. teso.

384, A, 13, add. A. S. taengan, To hasten.

389, B, 17, add. (after 9), 2. To divide, Mālat. 127, 9.

393, B, 33, add. A. S. tidhe, tidhian.

394, A, 5, add. A. S. tian, To tie.

395, B, 4, add. vidyut-dāman, n. a garland, a mass, of lightinings, Megh. 28.

396, A, 33, add. II. f. dārikā, A daughter, Hit. iv. d. 109.

402, A, 16, add. A. S. tier (for tiher).

402, B, 24, add. A. S. teging.

405, A, 2, add. A. S. tynan.

405, B, 30, add. dundumā dundumā, f. Sound, Sch. ad Utt. Rāmac. 140, 2.

dundumāya dundumāya, a denomin. derived from the last with . Ptcple. pf. pass. dundumāyita, n. Sound, Utt. Rāmac. 140, 2.

407, A, 30, add. durmanāya durmanāya, a denomin. derived from dus-manas with , Ātm. To be sad.
-- With ati ati, To grieve excessively, Mālat. 69, 13.
-- With pari pari, ptcple. pf. pass. paridurmanāyita, Very sad, Utt. Rāmac. 77, 10.

407, A, 35, add. durmaryādatā durmaryādatā, i. e. dus-maryāda (see maryādā), + tā, f. Wickedness, Utt. Rāmac. 113, 4.

408, B, 8, add. 2. Embarrassed, Hit. ii. d. 64.

410, A, 10, add. A. S. tucian; [greek]

412, A, 27, add. Cf. perhaps A. S. tearflian.

414, B, 19, add. A. S. telga, telgon.

415, A, 26, add. A. S. tirian, tilian, To till; perhaps daru, daere, dael, daradh.

421, B, 2 bel., add. draḍhaya draḍhaya, a denomin. derived from dṛḍha (see dṛṃh), Par. To confirm, Utt. Rāmac. 47, 8; 100, 7.

424, B, 3 bel., add. A. S. trucian.

429, B, 2, add. dhak dhak (vb. dah), indeel. An exclamation of wrath, Utt. Rāmac. 113, 7.

437, A, 18, add. Comp. ptcple. fut. pass. a-śraddheya, adj. Incredible, Pañc. 79, 16.

441, B, 31, add. (after dhik), probably from dah, cf. dhak.

442, B, 1, add. (after man), Pañc. i. d. 314.

443, A, 8, add. mantridhura, i. e. mantrin-, adj. able to hold the office of a counsellor, Rām. 2, 72, 50, Seramp.

445, A, 12, add. dhūmyā dhūmyā, i. e. dhūma + ya, f. Thick smoke, Mālat. 75, 21.

448, A, 20, add. A. S. thriste; cf. Swed. dristig, Icel. dreiss.

450, B, 25, add. A. S. truwa.

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451, B, 9 bel., add. Cf. perhaps A. S. weoce.

452, B, 12, add. (after 2.), Gives the opposite signification; e. g. puṣyati, Diminishes, Śāk. d. 18; na na puṣyati, Increases, ib. 10, 6. 3. and change the following num.

457, B, 8 bel., add. unnāmita, Heightened, reaching to, Hit. iii. d. 144 (M. M. iii. d. 146, v. r.).

458, A, 12, add. 5. Following, Vikr. d. 62. 6. Having befallen, ib. d. 73.

463, B, 9, add. A. S. nestan.

463, B, 8 bel., dele 'i. e. naga + a' and write 'probably for original snāga = A. S. snaca; cf. A. S. snican, akin to snā.'

464, A, 12, add. Cf. A. S. snaegel.

465, A, 16, add. śakti-nātha, m. Śiva, Mālat. 74, 5.

468, B, 17, corr. A. S. naese, and add naesse.

470, A, 12, add. 2. An arbour, Mālat. 41, 15.

470, A, 19, add. (before nikurumba) 'nikuramba nikuramba (Mālat. 157, 11), and.'

475, B, 11, add. 2. A fish, Vārt. 4, ad Pāṇ. i. 1, 68.

483, A, 30, add. niviḍaya niviḍaya, a denomin. derived from niviḍa (Par.), To make tight, Mālat. 73, 12.

484, A, 17, add. niśumbha ni-śumbh + a, m. 1. Killing, Mālat. 81, 8. 2. The name of a Dānava.

489, A, 32, add. pariṇīta, n. Marriage, Utt. Rāmac. 39, 3 (For ṣame! also remarried!).

492, A, 8, add. 4. To pass away, to forget, Mālat. 157, 7.

493, B, 27, add. (after nepathya), probably for narpathya (cf. vetana), i. e. nṛ-pathya.

493, A, 31, add. 4. Dress, Māiat. 103, 15.

495, A, 2, add. Utt. Rāmac. 60, 2.

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495, B, 27, add. natural, Mālat. 160, 5

501, B, 8 bel., add. (after 15), a dark veil, Hit ii. p. 62, 9, M. M.

501, B, 2 bel., add. jala-paṭala, n. a cloud, Hit. 80, 15.

502, A, 4 bel., add. (after tiara), Mālat. 150, 7; cf. Wilson, Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. 102, n.

502, B, 3, add. (after condiments), Ragh. 18, 16.

502, B, 22, add. (after spaṣṭa), cf. vispaṣṭa.

503, B, 2, add. paṇayitṛ paṇayitṛ, i. e. pan, Caus., + tṛ, m. A seller, Mālat. 75, 15.

508, A, 2 bel., add. lekha-patra, n. a letter, Mālat. 172, 7.

508, B, 1, add. (after parrot), Lass. 2. ed. 51, 34.

508, B, 5, add. sahasra-patra, n. a lotus, Ragh. 7, 11.

512, B, 16, add. mekhalā-pada, n. the hip and loins. mekhalā-guṇa-, n. the same, Ragh. 9, 26.

524, B, 22, corr. pari-barha (for pari-barh + a), Surrounding like a peacock's tail.

526, A, 11, add. parimāthin parimāthin, i. e. pari-math + in, adj. Torturing, Mālat. 24, 7.

527, B, 8, add. 2. i. e. pari-vās + a, m. Perfume, Mālat. 157, 12.

529, A, 1 bel., add. (after 68), read parisaraiś, and cf. Scütz' translation; parisara being retained, the signification is 'circumference.'

533, A, 25, add. śarad-parvan, n. the new moon of the first autumnal month, Lass. 2. ed. 88, 26.

537, B, 7, add. pākala pāka + la, m. Fever of elephants. -- Comp. kūṭa-, m. bilious fever, Mālat. 24, 9 (Böhtlingk and Roth have kūṭapālaka).

538, A, 32, add. II. f. pāñcālikā, A dell, Mālat. 164, 3 (danta-, of ivory).

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538, B, 15, add. pāṭalavatī pāṭalavatī, i. e. pāṭala + vant + ī, f. Name of a river, Mālat. 155, 2.

545, A, 21, add. pārita pārita, i. e. pāra + ita (?), adj. Inverted, Mālat. 144, 11.

549, B, 17, add. Cf. Lat. pix; [greek] and probably Lat. piscis; Goth. fisks; AS. fisc. For the signification cf. picchila.

554, A, 7, add. (after pīṭha), i. e. probably api-stha.

554, A, 27 dele (after impudent), Daśak. in Chr. 180, 13, and put it 1. 29, after courtesans.

558, A, 17, add. ku-putra, m. a wicked son, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 547.

558, A, 4 bel., add. su-putra-, m. a good son, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 551.

561, A, 6, add. (after First), Bhartṛ. 2, 67; and (after Soon), Megh. 83.

566, A, 19, add. dṛṣṭi-pūta, adj. ascertained as pure by one's own eye, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1232. vastra-, adj. purified by a cloth, ib.

567, A, 24, corr. pūtana pūtana, I. m. A kind of demon, Mālat. 78, 6. II. f. . 1. Yellow...

567, A, 32, add. ugra-pūti, adj. stinking horribly, Mālat. 78, 16.

568, A, 6 bel., add. (after bird), Pelecanus fusicollis, Mālat. 145, 20; cf. Wilson, Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. 98, n.

570, A, 12, add. pārita, see s. v. Add. ad p. 545.

576, B, 7, add. (after puṇḍarīka + a), I. adj. Consisting of lotus flowers, Mālat. 60, 10. II. m...

583, A, 4, add. praguṇana praguṇana, i. e. praguṇaya (see Add. ad A, 5), + ana, n. Putting right, Mālat. 158, 13.

583, A, 5, corr. praguṇaya praguṇaya, a denomin. derived from praguṇa, To make straight. Ptcple. pf. pass. pragunita, Made...

593, A, 2 bel., add. pratimalla prati-malla, m. A rival, Mālat. 81, 10.

598, B, 7, add. pratyāśatva pratyāśatva, i. e. prati-āśa + tva (see āśā), n. Hope, Mālat. 146, 20.

598, B, 9, add. (after Hope), Mālat. 149, 6.

599, A, 16, add. niṣpratyuha, i. e. nis-, adj. irremediable, Mālat. 158, 10.

599, A, 6 bel., add. A. S. a-bredian.

599, A, 2 bel., add. (after 132), gives to the present the signification of a preterite: samarthaye yat prathamam, What I judged first.'

601, B, 19, defe or,' and add. (after action), Mālat. 88, 11.

605, A, 29, add. prarocana prarocana, i. e. pra-ruc, Caus., + ana, I. adj., f. , Stimulating, seducing, Kathās. 17, 124. II. n. 1. Stimulating, Mālat. 6, 8. 2. Seducing, Prab. 100, 19. III. n., and f. , Praising, Sāh. D. 388.

609, B, 24, add. prasādin prasādin, i. e. prasāda + in, adj. Serene, Mālat. 169, 8.

610, B, 8, add. prastāvika prastāvika, i. e. prastāva + ika, in a-, adj., f. , Inopportune, Mālat. 39, 7 (perhaps corr. aprāst°).

611, B, 11, add. prahāsin prahāsin, i. e. pra-has + in, adj. Smiling, Mālat. 148, 6.

612, B, 2, add. prācaṇḍya prācaṇḍya, i. e. pracaṇḍa + ya, n. Violence, Mālat. 61, 9.

614, A, 11, add. prādoṣika prādoṣika, i. e. pradoṣa + ika, adj. Vespertine, Mālat. 79, 5.

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616, A, 8, add. 2. Dew, Megh. 40 (prāleya-aśra, Tear-like dew, i. e. dew instead of tears).

616, B, 25, add. prāśastya prāśastya i. e. pra-śasta (vb. śaṃs), + ya, n. Excellence, value, Mālat. 93, 8.

621, B, 3 bel., add. (after 8), cf. Wilson, Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. ii. 53.

623, A, 11, add. (after 1395), II. m. An eunuch, Rām. 1, 48, 27.

623, B, 10, add. (after Priyaṅgu) -Ragh. 8, 60.

623, B, 12, add. phalegrāha phalegrahi, i. e. phala + i-grah + i, adj. Fruitful, Mālat. 155, 13.

624, A, 1 bel., add. phet phet, A sound imitative of howling; in phet-kāra, m. Roaring, Bhāg. P. 3, 17, 5; phetkārin, i. e. phet-kṛ + in, adj. Howling, Prab. 85, 13.

624, B, 12, add. phenikā phenikā, i. e. phena + ka, f. Froth rising from treacle, Skandap. Kāśīkh. 4, 95.

626, B, 20, add. (after body), Lass. 2. ed. 39, 16.

627, B, 6 bel., add. (after ichneumon), Lass. 2. ed. 41, 3.

628, A, 19, add. (after leaf), Ragh. 6, 17.

629, A, 11, add. (after valāka), and balākin balākin, see s. v. valākin.

629, B, 14, add. (after balibha), Bhaṭṭ. 4, 16.

629, B, 16, add. balīmant bali + mant, adj., f. matī, Curled, Ragh. 8, 52.

630, B, 12, add. (after month), MBh. 1, 1292.

633, A, 8 bel., add. (after-Disgust), Mālat. 78, 14.

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633, A, 2, add. sa-bībhatsa + m, adv. with abhorrence, Mālat. 617, 7.

636, B, 5 bel., add. (after God), Lass. 2. ed. 57, 84.

636, B, 16, add. sa-brahmaṇya, m. Kārttikeya (guardian of the Brāhmaṇas), Lass. 2. ed. 88, 27.

637, A, 8 bel., add. brahmiṣṭha brahmiṣṭka, i. e. I. Superlative of brahman + vant, One who knows very well the Supreme Spirit, Ragh. 18, 27. II. m. A proper name, ib.

640, A, 2, add. (after wave), Ragh. 16, 63, Calc.

640, A, 35, corr. 63 (for 36), and add. Stenzler.

641, A, 5 bel., add. (after soldier), Rām. 1, 54, 3; Padmap. 16, 56.

643, B, 23, add. (after mime), Mālat. 2, 12.

645, A, 13, add. (after 10), existence, incarnation, Padmap. 16, 148.

645, B, 30, add. (after become), Megh. 60.

645, B, 33, add. bhaviṣṇu bhaviṣṇu, i. e. bhū + iṣṇu, adj. 1. Actually being, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 1. 2. Being well.

646, B, 28, add. (after Daybreak), Ragh. 5, 69.

646, B, 6, bel., add. (after Splendour), Nalod. 1, 17.

646, B, 6 bel., add. bhākta bhākta, i. e. bhakti + a, m. A follower, Ragh. 11, 2, Stenzler (Calc. v. r.).

649, A, 8, add. (after māninī), proud, Brahmav. P. 2, 85.

649, A, 20 add. prāgbhāra, i. e. prānc-bhāra, m. 1. bending, inclination. 2. a multitude, Prab. 5, 8. 3. top, Mālat. 148, 7.

650, B, 10 bel., add. (after be), MBh. 1, 928.

651, A, 33, add. (after 239), Ptcple. fut. pass. bhāṣya, n. A commentary, Lass. 2. ed. 87, 14.

653, A, 13, add. (after 104), II. f. bhikṣuṇī, A Bauddha nun, Burnouf, Introd. à l'Hist. du Buddh. 278.

653, B, 31, add. (after river), Ragh. 11, 8.

654, A, 20, add. (after severed), 3. Broken up (in the temples of an elephant in rut), Lass. 2. ed. 46, 24.

654, B, 12, add. (after Brittle), Mālat. 69, 4.

655, A, 1 bel., add. bhīmant 2. bhī + mant, adj., f. mati, Fearful, Nalod. 1, 16.

656, A, 6 bel., corr. (after ku-, n.) a general term for the lowest sorts of grain unfit for offering, Lass. 2. ed. p. viii.

659, A, 9, dele † (before To purify), and add. (after it), Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 45.

659, A, 30, add. i. 10, anu-bhāvaya, To purify, Bhāg. P. 3, 14, 47.

661, B, 8, add. With valaya, becoming valayī valayī, valayī-bhūta, Serving as a bracelet, surroundi. g, Kir. 13, 30.

663, B, 30, add. akṣa-bhūmi, f. a board on which dice are cast, Daśak. in Chr. 185, 18.

664, A, 13, add. (after stage), theatrical dress, Mālat. 4, 6.

666, A, 33, add. (after Hire), 2. Treating (viz. medical), Ragh. 3, 12.

666, B, 8 bel., add. -- Comp. a-bhettṛ, m. One who trespasses not, who observes, Ragh. 3, 27.

669, A, 20, add. (after Mars), 2. Falling on Tuesday, Lass. 16, 16.

669, B, 27, add. (after Fallen), Lass. 2. ed. 61, 27.

670, A, 9 bel., add. (after 20), Mālat. 17, 10.

671, A, 2, add. (after 6), MBh. 1, 1122.

671, A, 4 bel., add. (after Splendid), Ragh. 16, 69.

672, B, 10, add (after priest), cf. Rām. 2, 65, 39, Seramp.

675, B, 11, add. (after feel), Mālat. 15, 10; Brahmav. P. 2, 13.

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676, A, 7, add. (after 3.), An amulet, Lass. 2. ed. 91, 53. 4. and corr. the following num.

676, A, 35, add. (after jeweller), Rām. 2, 64, 12, Seramp.

678, A, 7 bel., add. (after passion), Hagh. 3, 60.

678, B, 10. bel., add. (after 7669), n. Buttermilk, Lass. Pentap. 65, 19.

679, A, 4, add. 4. Killed, Mālat. 62, 2.

679, A, 14, add. (after 28), 2. Name of a weapon, Rām. 1, 29, 11.

680, A, 1, add. (after liquor), Lass. 2. ed. 87, 9.

680, A, 31, add. (after Beeswax), 6. (n.?), Name of a weapon, Rām. 1, 29, 16.

680, A, 15, add. (after bard), 2. A tree, Bassia latifolia, Rām. 2, 69, 8, Seramp.

681, A, 35, add. II. f. , Name of a river, Mālat. 145, 5.

681, B, 8 bel., add. (after 129), 3. instr. madhyena, Through, with acc., Rām. 2, 68, 12; 13.

685, A, 36, add. manoharataratva manohara + tara + tva, n. Greater beauty, Mālat. 35, 2.

687, A, 5, add. (after 2.), Hesitating, Mālat. 130, 1. 3. and corr. the following num.

687, B, 4, add. 3. mandara + m, adv. Sluggishly, Lass. 2. ed. 54, 62.

687, B, 31, add. mandāritā mandāritā, f., i. e. I. manda-ari + tā, Having foolish enemies, Nalod. 2, 22. II. mandāra + in + tā, Plenty of Mandāra trees, ib.

688, A, 34, add. śata-manyu, m. Indra, Bhaṭṭ. 1, 5.

688, B, 14, add. 3. A demon, carpenter of the Daityas, Nalod. 2, 24.

689, A, 12, add. (after Pepper), Ragh. 4, 46 (the tree, i, Calc. v. r.).

690, A, 7, add. marmatra marmatra, i. e. marman-trā, n. A coat of mail (?), Rām. 2, 67, 61, Seramp.

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690, B, 2, add. (after rectitude), Lass. 2. ed. 87, 10. 4. Rule of life, ib. 88, 28.

690, B, 24, add. marrśana marśana, i. e. mṛś + ana, n. Explication, Bhāg. P. 3, 32, 34.

691, A, 1, add. (after Dirty), Lass. 2. ed. 32, 12.

691, A, 34, dele Lass. 38, 17.

691, B, 1 bel., add. (after mallikā-, khya), Mālat. 147, 18; (mallikākhya is probably a phonetical change of mallikākṣa).

692, A, 22, add. maṣi or maṣī, Kathās. 8, 3.

692, B, 3 bel., add. (after 24), mahita, Honoured, Ragh. 5, 25.

693, A, 14, add. (after festival), Nalod. 2, 9.

693, B, 6, add. mahātmya mahātmya, i. e. mahā-ātman + ya, adj. Magnanimous, Padmap. 2, 14.

694, A, 10, add. mahitā mahitā, i. e. mahin + tā, f. Festivity, Nalod. 4, 28.

694, A, 12, add. mahin mahin, i. e. maha + in, adj. Festive, Nalod. 2, 5; 64.

694, B, 20, add. (after woman). Nalod. 2, 59.

694, B, 21, add. mahokṣatā mahokṣatā, i. e. mahā-ukṣan + tā, f. Age of a bull, Ragh. 3, 32.

695, B, 14, add. 4. , f. A name of Lakṣmī, Nalod. 4, 8. -- Comp. sa-ma, adj., f. , happy, ib. 2, 23.

696, A, 3, corr. mākand mākanda, I. m. The mango tree, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 1769. II. f. . 1. Emblic myrobalan. 2. Yellow sanders. 3. The name...

696, A, 4, add. mākara mākara, i. e. makara + a, adj. Full of Makaras, Nalod. 3, 45.

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697, B, 24, add. I. mātrisnvaseya, adj. Brought forth by mothers who are sisters Rām. 1, 45, 16.

690, A, 30, add. mādhavīya mādhavīya, i. e. mādhava (a proper name), + īya, adj. 1. Relating to Mādhava, Mālat. 151, 5. 2. Composed by Mādhava, Lass. 2. ed. 93, 1.

700. A, 17, add. mānanā man + anā, f. Worship, Nalod. 2, 23.

701, A, 27, add. (after adj.), 1. Relating to love, Mālat. 35, 5. 2.

701, A, 31, add. II. f. māpanā, Measuring, marking a place for a sacrifice, MBh. 1, 2030.

701, A, 1 bel., add. (after Mine), Mālat. 49, 19.

701, B, 4, add. (after cheat), Padmap. 16, 29.

701, B, 10 bel., add. (after juggler), Rāgh. 10, 46 (v).

702, A, 10, add. māyūrika māyūrika, i. e. mayūra + ika, m. A hunter or killer or peacocks; Rām. 2, 64, 12, Seramp. has, probably erroneously, māyuraka, One who catches and tames peacocks.

702, A, 14, add. (after love), Nalod. 1, 17.

702, A, 7 bel., add. mārava mārava, i. e. maru + a, adj. Sterile, Nalod. 1, 41; 3, 35.

māravant māra + vant, adj. Full of love, Nalod. 1, 41.

704, A, 1. bel., add. mālaya mālaya, i. e. malaya + a, adj. Coming from the Malaya mountains, Nalod. 2, 56.

706, B, 10, corr. mitra mitra, i. e. probably smi + tra.

706, B, 24, corr. mitratā mitra + tā, and mitratva mitra + tva.

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706, B, 27, corr. mitrayu mitra + yu.

706, B, 31, corr. mitravant mitra vant.

707, A, 5 bel., add. (after 11), Cat melaya, To congregate. Lass. 2. ed. 89, 32.

707, B, 30, add. (after Sweetmes Lass. 2. ed. 59, 6.

709, B, 18 (mukula), Cf. hāsta, p. 11{??}

709, B, 20, corr. mukulaya mukulaya, a denomin. derived from mukula, Par. To cause to shut, Bhartṛ. 1, 54. Ptcple. pf. pass. mukulita, 1. Half...

709, B, 22, add. 3. Shut, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 461.

709, B, 22, add. mukulin mukulin, i. e. mukula + in, adj. Budded, Mālat. 51, 4.

711, A, 9, add. (after fire), MBh. 1 1220.

711, B, 28, corr. mukharaya mukharaya, a denomin. derived from mukhara, Par. To make noisy. Ptcple. pf. pass. mukharita, 1. Made resounding, Mālat. 1, 7. 2. Sounding...

711, B, 1 bel., add. (after 14), 2. A dancing girl, Bhāg. P. 1, 11, 20.

717, A, 9 bel., add. (after 17), 2. Insensible, Mālat. 149, 7.

717, A, 5 bel., add. (after vi), Pass. To be disturbed, Lass. 2. ed. 62, 40.

719, B, 7 bel., add. (after mus), mustela.

721, B, 1 bel., add. mṛtapā mṛta-pā (vb. mṛ), m. A man of the lowest caste who, for a subsistence, collects dead men's clothes, conveys dead bodies to be burnt, executes criminals, etc., Rām. 1, 46, 19, Seramp.

724, A, 2, add. (after 5), To repent (?).

724, B, 14, add. (after tail), Mālat 90, 6.

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725, A, 8, add. (after Unctuous), Mālat. 7, 9; and (after Smooth), Gīt. 1,

727, B, 10, add. moṭṭāyita moṭṭāyita, n. One of the states of love: Languishing with remembrance of the lover, Bharata, 7 in Sch. ad Nalod. 2, 55.

727, B, 19, add. III. f. modakī, Name of a weapon, Rām. 1, 29, 8.

CO, B, 1, add. (after consumption), Ragh. 19, 50 (man).

734, B, 7, add. (after Restraining), 6. Instr. treṇa, Violently, Lass. 2. ed. 73, 21.

734, B, 32, add. (before An artisan), Acquainted with machinery, Rām. 2, 63, 1, Seramp.

735, A, 2, add. yantrin yantr + in, adj. Tormenting, Rām. 1, 1, 74.

735, A, 6 bel., add. (after Long), tall, Rām. 1, 67, 4.

737, A, 24, add. 2. A veil. Bhāg. P. 1, 8, 19.

738, A, 12 bel., add. Caus. pra-yāsita, n. Fatigue, Mālat. 153, 6.

741, A, 10, add. (after 2.), A road, Rām. 3, 65, 55, Seramp.

741, B, 3, add. (after Kṛṣṇa), Nalod. 1, 1.

741, B, 10, add. f. śī.

742, A, 5, add. (after time), Nalod. 2, 18 ().

742, B, 18, add. (after sacrifices), Bhaṭṭ. 2, 20; devout, Rām. 2, 56, 13, Seramp.

yāyāvara yāyā (frequent. of ), + vara, m. 1. A horse fit for the Aśvamedha sacrifice, Pāṇ. iii. 2, 176; cf. Bhaṭṭ. 2, 20. 2. A Brāhmaṇa who has preserved his household fire. 3. A vagrant mendicant, a saint, MBh. 1, 1030.

742, B, 24, add. (after 3.), Going to. manas-, adj. Touching the heart, Brahmav. P. 1, 40.

743, B, 14, add. (after Mixed), Lass. 2. ed. 65, 9.

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743, B, 30, add. (after 2.), Adaptedness, Mālat. 3, 11. 3. and corr. the following num.

745, B, 21, add. (after 2.), Intent on, Lass. 2. ed. 68, 36.

748, B, 3 bel., add. (after trophy), Ragh. 8, 36.

753, B, 26, add. (after 284), Miserable, Mālat. 78, 17.

754, B, 21, add. vi-raja, adj. free from dust, MBh. 1, 722.

754, B, 4 bel., add. (after Turmeric), Naiṣ. 22, 49 (and, Night).

756, B, 10, add. (after 109), to jingfe, Mālat. 74, 18.

756, B, 29, add. raṇatkāra raṇat-kāra (vb. raṇ). m. Sound, Mālat. 15, 14; 74, 14; 86, 16.

756, B, 32, add. (after Desire), Mālat. 24, 19.

758, A, 3 bel., add. (after Tooth), Nalod. 2, 8.

758, B, 15, add. (after Viṣṇu), MBh. 1, 2099.

759, B, 4, corr. sa-rabhasa, 1. adj. passionate, Bhartṛ. 1, 47. 2. °ram, adv...

760, B, 14, add. (after 1.), Joy, Padmap. 16, 144. 2. and change the following num.

760, B, 27, add. (after Wife), Nalod. 2, 14.

761, A, 22, add. rarāṭī rarāṭī (cf. lalāṭa), f. The forehead, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 28.

761, B, 7 bel., add. anu-rasita, n. Cry, Mālat. 145, 15.

762, A, 31, add. (after earth), Nalod 2, 10.

762, B, 17, add. (after adj.), 1. solid, Bhaṭṭ. 2, 32. 2. insipid, Bhartṛ. 1, 51. 3...

763, A, 19, add. rasāla rasāla, i. e. rasa + āla, I. m. 1. The sugar cane. 2. The mango tree. 3. The jack tree. 4. The clibanum tree. 5. Wheat. II. f. . 1. The tongue. 2. Bent grass. 3. A flower, Hedysarum gangeticum. 4. A grape. 5. Curds mixed up with sugar and spices (also n.? cf. Ra/ām. 2, 67, 58, Seramp.). III. n. 1. Frankincense. 2. Gum myrrh.

763, A, 22, add. (after 3.), Delighted, Mālat. 102, 8. 4.

763, A, 32, add. rasin rasin, i. e. rasa + in, adj. Impassioned, Nalod. 2, 39.

763, B, 14, put the article rahas after rahaḥsya and between them rahaṇa rahaṇa, i. e. rah + ana, n. Separation, Nalod. 2, 14.

764, B, 29, add. cakṣūrāgin, i. e. cakṣus-, adj., f. iṇī, enjoying one's eyes, Mālat. 19, 11.

766, B, 6 bel., add. rājila rājila, m. A sort of snake, Ragh. 11, 27.

768, A, 2 bel., add. rādhāvant rādhāvant, i. e. rādh + a (f.), + vant, adj. Full of wealth, Nalod. 3, 50.

768, B, 7, add. (after Beautiful), Padmap. 16, 10.

768, B, 16, add. rāmaṇīyaka rāmaṇīyaka, i. e. ramaṇīya (vb. ram), + ka, adj. Beautiful, Mālat. 14, 1.

770, A, 7, dele 'Mixed,' and 'I propose -- Made;' and add. i. e. recita, with ā, adj. A little crooked; cf. also Mālat. 68, 9.

770, A, 1 bel., corr. Nalod. (for Nal.).

771, A, 25, add. (after 33), 2. Consolation, Nalod. 3, 45.

771, B, 3, add. (after ed.), ii.

772, B, 12, add. hiṃsa-ruci, adj. one who likes bloody work, Mālat. 84, 14.

780, A, 24, add. (after Plantain), 5. A worker in glass, Rām. 2, 64, 12, Seramp.

781, B, 20, add. (after tree), Mālat. 78, 13; 152, 16.

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782, B, 17, add. (after dye), 3. A s of lac, Kathās. 3, 71.

783, A, 13, add. (after ālakṣya), n. A meteor, Mālat. 78, 4; Śāk. d 176; it is...

784, A, 31, add. lakṣmi lakṣmi, for lakṣmī, on account of the metre Rām. 1, 19, 20; 21.

791, A, 2 bel., add. (after river), Mālat. 144, 12.

792, A, 12, add. (after 137), 3. A brilliant action, Mālat. 171, 9.

792, B, 29, add. -- Comp. go-lāṅgula, m. a kind of ape, Mālat. 152, 10.

800, A, 1 bel., corr. 7 (for 17).

802, A, 10, add. (after 111), stabdha-locana (vb. stambh), adj. hasing unwinking eyes, as a god, Wilson, Th. of the Hind. 2. ed. i. 23, n.

806, B, 7, add. a-vācya, n. Blameable discourse.

807, B, 12, add. Goth. aukan, vokrs.

809, A, 6, add. 3. (bhī), A tent, MBh. 1, 796.

809, B, 10, add. (after 2.), Horron. Mālat. 61, 12. 3. and corr. the following num.

809, B, 32, add. (after steer), a calf, Ragh. 3, 32.

811, B, 20, add. (after 1, a), 3. A young wife in general, Mahāv. 76, 21.

819, A, 7 bel., add. nideśa-vartin, adj. obedient to the command, Mālat. 87, 14.

821, B, 3 bel., add. (after 2.), Zone, sign of a woman being no widow, Bhaṭṭ. 3, 22, Sch. 3.

822, A, 22, add. valākin valākin, i. e. valāka + in, also bal°, adj., f. , Full of cranes, Ragh. 11, 15 (Stenzler, b).

823, A, 10, add. (after herdsman), Rām. 2, 75, 61, Scramp.

823, A, 4 bel., add. bhujaṅga-valli, f. serpents instead of creepers, Mālat. 1, 13. A, 32, add. vaśaṃvada vaśa + m-vad + a, adj. Compliant, subjected, Mālat. 165, 12 (Prākṛ.).

824, A, 33, corr. vaśaṃvada + tva.

831, A, 19, add. 10. After an interrogative pronoun, and followed by na, Every, all, Bhartṛ. 2, 24 (mṛtaḥ ko rā na jāyate, Every dead person is born again); Megh. 8, 5 (ke vā na syuḥ paribhavapadaṃ niṣphalārambhayatnāḥ, All those who exert themselves in vain undertakings are objects of contempt).

840, A, 19, add. (after 551), n. Perfume, Mālat. 148, 14.

846, B, 9, add. mahā-māṃsa-vikraya, m. selling man's flesh, Mālat. 72, 10 (i. e. performing horrid mysteries).

847, B, 16, add. saṃdhi-vigraha, m. peace, war (i. e. a public office; cf. sāndhivigrahika), Daśak. in Chr. 182, 20.

864, B, 12, add. (after 23), 2. staggering, Ṛt. 6, 11.

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898, B, 5 bel., add. as akin, A. S. windan; Lat. vitta; A. S. waetl.

911, A, 10, add. (after 12), clearness, Mālat. 17, 7.

922, B, 31, add. (after bee), Bhāg. P. 3, 8, 31.

926, B, 19, add. (after 3.), Royal power, Ragh. 3, 13. 4. and corr. the following num.

946, B, 5 bel., add. 8. (or f. rā?), Name of a weapon, Rām. 1, 29, 8.

949, A, 4 bel., add. (after arsenic), Ragh. 12, 80 (m.).

957, A, 13, 14, dcle A. S. camb, and O. H. G. kamp. They belong rather to jambha, the comb being formed like a row of teeth.

963, B, 12 bel., add. A. S. accir, car.

988, A, 24, add. saṃhrādin saṃhrādin, i. e. sam-hrād + in, adj., f. , Noisy, Kir. 18, 19.