Benfey: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary Based on Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866 Input by Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL) [GRETIL-Version vom 08.09.2017] LICENSE This file is based on ben.txt, available at (C) Copyright 2014 The Sanskrit Library and Thomas Malten under the following license: All rights reserved other than those granted under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license available in full at, and summarized at . Permission is granted to build upon this work non-commercially, as long as credit is explicitly acknowledged exactly as described herein and derivative work is distributed under the same license. ( MARKUP ## %% @@ ADDITIONAL NOTES APOSTROPHE (') in headwords that signifies that the word only occurs as part of a compound has been elided for compatibility and searchability since the transcription following the headword preserves the same information by the placement of HYPHEN-MINUS (-). ___________________________________________________________________ THIS TEXT FILE IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY! COPYRIGHT AND TERMS OF USAGE AS FOR SOURCE FILE. Text converted to Classical Sanskrit Extended (CSX) encoding: description character =ASCII long a 224 long A 226 long i 227 long I 228 long u 229 long U 230 vocalic r 231 vocalic R 232 long vocalic r 233 vocalic l 235 long vocalic l 237 velar n 239 velar N 240 palatal n 164 palatal N 165 retroflex t 241 retroflex T 242 retroflex d 243 retroflex D 244 retroflex n 245 retroflex N 246 palatal s 247 palatal S 248 retroflex s 249 retroflex S 250 anusvara 252 capital anusvara 253 visarga 254 long e 185 long o 186 l underbar 215 r underbar 159 n underbar 173 k underbar 201 t underbar 194 Other characters of the CSX encoding table are not included. Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order to facilitate word search. For a comprehensive list of CSX and other GRETIL encodings and formats see: and For further information see: ___________________________________________________________________ A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY WITH REFERENCES TO THE BEST EDITION OF SANSKRIT AUTHOR AND ETYMOLOGIES AND COMPARISONS OF COGNATE WORDS CHIEFLY IN GREEK, LATIN, GOTHIC AND ANGLO-SAXON THEODORE BENFEY PREFACE. FOR some years past there has been no Sanskrit Dictionary available for the English student. The second edition of that by Wilson, published in 1831, has been long exhausted, as also Yates' Abridgment, published in Calcutta in 1846. Dr. Goldstcker's excellent work has not yet reached the end of the first vowel, and the St. Petersburg Dictionary, by Messrs. Bhtlingk and Roth, besides being in German, has only just completed the letter %%. The present work aims at supplying this long-felt want. It does not exceed the limits of one volume, but at the same time it is hoped that it contains all that the student is likely to require. It especially includes all the words occurring in the different Chrestomathies and Selections generally in use (as Lassen's Anthology, my own Chrestomathy, Bopp's Nala, Johnson's Mahbhrata Selections, &c.), and in the texts usually read by students, as the Hitopadea, Pacatantra, Manu's Laws, akuntal, Vikramorva, Uttararmacarita, Mlatmdhava, and Meghadta; but it is also believed to contain most of the words likely to occur in the general classical literature. It does not profess to contain the technical terms of the grammarians or philosophers, nor are purely Vaidik words included, except such as occur in the extracts given in the above-mentioned Chrestomathies. References have been added to the greater part of the meanings, and sometimes explanations of passages also; but these latter are rarely introduced, for fear of swelling the volume beyond its proper size. For the same reason, compound words are generally printed in roman type, and arranged alphabctically under their last part. Thus the student must look for %%, and %% respectively under %%, and %%. The difficulty arising from this source will soon disappear with practice. If a word. as for instance %%, is not found under %%, its first component part %% will be found; and the student has only to turn to the letter %<>% to find the remaining part %%, and under it in its place the very word he is in search of. For the same reason, feminies ending in %<, , , ik>%, are inserted under the corresponding masculines (where there are such) in %%; while participles, participles used as substantives, and absolutives are inserted under the verbs to which they belong. The etymology of every word is given, where ascertainable; but here also, to save space, abbreviations have been used. The several parts of a compound word are separated by hyphens, except in the case of the grammatical element, which is always preceded by + : thus, in p. 2, %% denotes that this word is compounded of %% and %%, with the affix %%; and similarly, in p. 397, %% is analysed as %%. As Sanskrit is also of the greatest use in the study of Comparative Grammar, I have added at the end of the principal articles the kindred words in the Greek, Latin, and German (particularly the Gothic and Anglo-Saxon) languages. I have availed myself of the valuable labours of my predecessors, especially the works, already mentioned, of Wilson, Goldstcker, Bhtlingk, and Roth (as far as published), besides the abdakalpadruma of Rja Rdhknta Deva, and the various glossaries which have been published for special books; but for the latter half some of there aids have failed me, and I have been chiefly left to my own resources. I must therefore crave the reader's indulgence for the deficiencies and shortcomings which he may discover. I cannot close this Preface without expressing my sincere thanks to Mr. E. B. Cowell and Professor Max Mller, for the assistance which they have rendered to me while carrying this work through the press. GTTINGEN: Jan. 1, 1866. CONTRACTIONS AND SIGNS. adhy. = adhyya. Amar. = Amaruataka, ed. Calcutt. nandal. = nandalahar, in Hberlin's Sanskrit Anthology. Arj. = Arjunasamgama, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. A.S. = Anglo-Saxon. tm. = tmanepada. Aufr. Ujjvalad. = Ujjvaladatta, ed. Aufrecht. Bhag. = Bhagavadgt, ed. Schlegel. Bhg. P. = Bhgavata-Pura, ed. Burnouf. Bhart. = Bharthari, ed. Bohlen. Bhp. = Bhpariccheda, in Bibliotheca Indica and in my Sanskrit Chrestomathy. Bha. = Bhaikvya, ed. Calc. Bhaviyap. = Bhaviya-Pura. Bhtl. Chr. = Bhtlingk, Sanskrit Chrestomathy. Bhtl. Ind. Spr. = Bhtlingk. Indische Sprche (Indian Sentences). Br. = Brockhaus. Brhma. and Brhmaav. = Brhmaavilpa, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. Brahmav. P. = Brahmavaivarta-Pura, ed. Stenzler. k. = kuntala, ed. Bhtlingk. nti. = ntiataka, in Hberlin's Sanskrit Anthology. rg. Paddh. = rgadhara-Paddhati (MSS. used by Bhtl.). atr. = atrujayamhtmya, ed. A. Weber. Caus. = Causal. C. = Cakya, published in Hberlin's Anthology, and by Weber in Berl. Monatsb. Hist. Phil. Cl., i. e. in 'Monthly Reports of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, Class of History and Philology,' 1864. C. = Chezy. Ct. = Ctaka, in Zeitschrift fr die Kunde des Morgenlands, i. e. 'Journal for the Knowledge of the Orient,' vol. iv. Caur. and Caurap. = Caurapacik, in Bohlen's ed. of Bharthari. Chr. = my Sanskrit Chrestomathy. i. = iuplavadha, 2. ed. Calc.; the ninth book in my Chr. KD. = abdakalpadruma. Comp. = Compound. grat. = gratilaks, ed. Gildemeister, in his edition of the Meghadta. rut. and rutab. = rutabodha, ed. Brockhaus. ukas. = ukasaptati (MSS. of St. Petersburg). vet. Up. = vetvataropaniad, in Bibliotheca Indica. d. = distich. Daak. = Daakumracarita, ed. Wilson, partly in my Chr. Daar. = Daa-Rpa, ed. Fitz-Edward Hall. denomin. = denominative. desid. = desiderative. Dev. = Devmhtmya, ed. Poley. Draup. = Draupadpramtha, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. frequent. = frequentative. Gha. = Ghaakarpara, ed. Cale. Gt. = Gtagovinda. ed. Lassen. Goth. = Gothic. Gtt. Gel. Anz. = Gttinger Gelebrte Anzeigen, i. e. 'Scientific Reports published in Gttingen.' Govardh. ryas. = Govardhana ryasaptati, ed. Soma Nath Mookerjea. Grammar. = Grammarians. Hb. and Hberl. Chr. or Anth. = Kvya Sangraha, 'A Sanskrit Anthology,' by John Hberlin. Hariv. = Harivaa, ed. Calc. Hi. = Hiimbavadha, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. Hit. = Hitopadea, ed. of Lassen, and when followed by M.M., that of Max Mller. When followed by two Arabian numerals, the first denotes the page, the second the line; when followed by a Roman and Arabian numeral, the first denotes the book, the second the distich. Icel. = Icelandic. Indr. = Indralokgamana, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. Johns. Sel. = Johnson's Selections from the Mahbhrata. Km. and Kmand. Ntis. = Kmandakya Ntisra, in Bibliotheca Indica. Kaths. = Kathsaritsgara, ed. Brockhaus. Kvya Prak. = Kvya Prakaa, 2. ed. Calcutta, 1865. Kir. and Kirt. = Kirtrjunya, 2. ed. Calc., 1846, and the fifth book in my Chr. Kull. = Kullka Schol. ed. Man. Kumras. = Kumrasabhava, ed. Stenzler. Kusumj. = Kusumjali, ed. Cowell. Lalit. = Lalitavistara, in Bibliotheca Indica. Lass. = Lassen, Anthologia Sanskritica. Lass. Pent. = Lassen, Commentatio de Pentapotamia Indica. Lat. = Latin. Mahv. = Mahvracarita, ed. Trithen. Mlat. = Mlatmdhava, ed. Calc. Mlav. = Mlavikgnimitra, ed. Tullberg. Man. = Mnavadharmastra, ed. Haughton and Lois. (i. e. Loiseleur Deslongchamps). Where there is a numeral in brackets, it denotes the verse of Jones' translation. Mrk. P. = Mrkaeya-Pura, in Bibliotheca Indica. Matsyop. = Matsyopkhyna, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. MBh. = Mahbhrata, ed. Calc. Megh. = Meghadta, ed. Gildemeister. Mit. = Mitkar, ed. Calc., 1829. Mcch. = Mcchakaik, ed. Stenzler. Mudrr. = Mudrrkasa, ed. Calc. Nai. = Naiadhacarita, ed. Calc. Nal. = Nala, an episode of the MBh. ed. Bopp.; a numeral in brackets denotes Bhtlingk's ed. in his Chrestomathy. Nalod. = Nalodya, ed. Benary. N.H.G. = New High German. N.N.L. = New Netherlandis or Dutch. Nyy. S. = Nyya-Stri of Gotama, ed. Calc. O.H.G. = Old High German. O.N. = Old Norse. Padmap. = Padma-Pura, ed. Wollheim. P. = Pini, ed. Bhtlingk. Pac. = Pacatantra, ed. Kosegarten; the numerals are used on the same system as in Hit. When there is added 'ed. orn.,' it denotes the fragment of the recensio ornatior, published by Kosegarten. Par. = Parasmaipada. Part. = particle. Pr. = prologue. Prab. = Prabodhacandrodaya, ed. Brockhaus. Prk. = Prkt. Ragh. = Raghuvaffia, ed. Stenzler. Rgh. = Rghavnanda, Sch. ad Man. Rjat. = Rjataragi, ed. Troyer, the fifth book in my Chrestomathy. Rm. = Rmyaa, the two first books after the ed. of Schlegel; when that of Gorresio is meant, there is added Gorr.; the remaining books after Gorresio's. Ratnv. = Ratnval, 2. ed. Calc. Rigv. = Rigveda. t. = tusahra, ed. Bohlen, the first chapter also in Lass., the sixth in my Chrestomathy. Sh. D. = Shitya Darpaa, in Bibliotheca Indica. Skhya Aph. = Skhya Stras, in Hall's ed. of Sakhya Pravacana Bhya in Bibl. Ind. Sv. = Svitryupkhyna, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. Siddh. K. = Siddhntakaumudi, ed. Calc., 4to. Siddh. Mukt. = Siddhnta Muktvali, ed. Roer in Bibl. Ind. Skandap. Kikh. = Kikhaa, a part of the Skanda-Pura (MSS.). Somadev. Nal. = Somadeva's Nala, published by Brockhaus. Ssk. and Sskr. = Sanskrit. Sur. = Suruta, ed. Calc.; the first numeral denotes the vol., the second the page, the third the line. Sund. = Sundopasundopkhyna, an episode of the MBh., ed. Bopp. Swed. = Swedish. Upak. = Upakoa, an episode of the Kaths., ed. Brockhaus. Utt. Rmac. = Uttara Rmacarita, 2. ed. Calc., 1862. Varh. Bh. = Varhamihira's Bhajjtaka. Varh. Bh. S. = Varhamihira's Bhatsahit. Vrt. = Vrtika. Vedntas. = Vedntasra, in my Chrestomathy. Vikr. = Vikramorva, ed. Bollensen. Vop. = Vopadeva, ed. Bhtlingk. Web. Ind. St. = Weber, Indische Studien, i. e. 'Essaya concerning India.' Yj. = Yjavalkya, ed. Stenzler. Yogas. = Yogastri, ed. Allahabed, 1852-53. [dagger] denotes verbs or meanings for which there are no authoritative references. ' when before, denotes that the word occurs only as latter part of a compound; when after, as former. [elided for compatibility and searchability] denotes abbreviations, which may be easily supplied from the context. - denotes, in the etymological analyais, elements which are to be found in the dictionary; in comp. that the word which is the subject of the article must be supplied, as e.g. 1, A, 8, after %% must be added %%; 51, B, 10 bel., before %<-paa>% must be added %%. + denotes grammatical elements of a word. * denotes fictitious forms. @<[Page 1a]>@ ## ## %%, a negative prefix, corresponding to the %<->% privative in Greek; see %%, ## %%, see %%. ## %%, rarely %%, m. 1. A part, a share. 2. Booty. 3. Inheritance, Man. 9, 47. 4. See %%. -- Comp. %%, adj. excluded from a share of the heritage, Man. 9, 201. %%, m. 1. a single part, Man. 9, 150. 2. a part. %%, 1. m. a fourth. 2. adj. entitled to a quarter, Man. 8, 210. %%, adj. entitled to a third part, Man. 8, 210. %%, (m.) sing. three shares, Man. 9, 151. %%, (m.) sing. two shares, Man. 9, 153. ## %% (cf. %%), m. A ray of light, a sunbeam. -- Comp. %%, m. the sun. %%, m. the sun. %%, I. adj. having hot beams. II. m. 1. the sun. 2. fire. %%, m. the brightness of the teeth. %%, m. the sun. %%, m. the sun. %%, m. the moon. %%, m. the sun. %%, m. 1. the moon. 2. camphor. %%, adj. white. %%, m. 1. the moon. 2. camphor Cf. [greek] @<[Page 1b]>@ ## %%, n. 1. A leaf. 2. Fine cloth; cloth; leaf and cloth, t. 6, 19. -- Comp. %%, n. silk. %%, n. a thin cloth. %%, n. a flag. %%, adj., f. %%, dressed in a white cloth. %%, n. a cloth covering the bosom. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%. Radiant. II. m. The sun. ## %%, also ## %%, i. 10, Par. To divide. -- With ## %%. 1. To break asunder. 2. To deceive, Pac. 202, 25. ## %%, also ## %%, probably from %% (originally, To be strong), m. and n. The shoulder. -- Cf. Goth. amsa;[greek] Lat. humerus and ansa. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Strong. ## %%, i. 1, tm. To go. Caus. To send. [dagger] i. 10, Par. To shine, or to speak. ## %% (%% instead of %%, cf. %%; from a lost vb. %% = [greek]), n. 1. Pain. 2. Sin. -- Cf. [greek] and [greek] corresponding to Ved. %%; Goth. aggvus Lat. angustus, angere, anxius, ## %% (%% instead of %%, cf. %%), m. The foot. @<[Page 2a]>@ ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To wind or move tortuously. ## %% (cf. %%), n. Cruelty. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Having no ears. Rm. 5, 17, 24. ## %%, f. Honesty. ## %%, f. Exemption from love, Man. 2, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Innocent, Pac. 187, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Free from any danger. ## %%, f. Low state, Man. 3, 63. ## %%, adj. s. One who does not deceive, an honest man, Rm. 2, 109, 27. -- Cf. %%. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%. 1. Not done. 2. Undone, Man. 8, 117. 3. Not cultivated, Man. 10, 114. 4. Wavering, MBh. 14, 34. II. f. %%. A daughter who is not by a formal declaration, but only mentally, appointed to supply an heir for her father, MBh. 9, 136. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. wrought and unwrought. 2. prepared and not prepared. ## %%, n. Rudeness of mind, Bhag. 18, 16. ## %%, m. Night, Chr. 289, 2 = Rigv. 1, 50, 2. ## %% (probably an old desiderat. of 1. %%), i. 1. and ii. 5, %%, Para To pervade, to fill, to accumulate. -- With ## %%, To disperse. -- With ## %%, To pervade. @<[Page 2b]>@ ## 1. %%, probably from a lost vb. %%, corresponding to [greek] in [greek] I. n. 1. The eye; particularly as latter part of comp. adj., f. %%. 2. An organ of sense, Pac. ii, d. 164. II. m. 1. A die, Man. 4, 74. 2. The name of a plant, Terminalia Bellerica, of which the nuts are used as dice, and the seed for making rosaries. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, adj. having eyes like lotus-leaves. %%, m. a false die. %%, m. a lattice window. %%, adj. red-eyed. %%, 1. adj. having stars for eyes. 2. m. a proper name. %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. having three eyes. II. m. a name of Rudraiva, and of a demon. %%, i. e. %%, m. the name of a spell or charm %%, adj. lotus-eyed. %%, m. a name of Viu. %%, adj. lotus-eyed. %%, n. modesty. %%, adj. red-eyed. %%, I. adj. thousand-eyed. II. m. a name of Indra. %%, adj. 1. handsome-eyed. 2. acute. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. oculus; and see %%. ## 2. %%, probably akin to %%, m. 1. The axle of a wheel. 2. A wheel. 3. A car. -- Comp. %%, adj. having one axle. -- Cf. [greek] O.H.G. ahsa; A.S. eax; Lat. axis. ## %%, see %%. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, and %%, adj. epithets of Rudra. ## %%, n. Imperishableness. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%. Imperishable. II. n. 1. A word. 2. A syllable. 3. The holy syllable %%. 4. A letter. 5. A vowel. -- Comp. %%, adj. one who utters what ought not to be said. %%, adj. monosyllabic, Man. 2, 83. %%, n. a figure bored by a woodworm, and by accident resembling a letter, Rjat. 4, 167 (Pac. 42, 12, read %%). %%, n. four syllables. %%, i. e. %%, adj. triliteral, Man. 11, 265. %%, i. e. %%, adj. containing six syllables, Pac. i. d. 184. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Gaming with dice. ## %% (cf. 1. %%), n., in some cases %% is substituted. The eye. -- Comp. %%, n. the first look. -- Cf. [greek] in [greek] Goth. augo; A.S. aegh, eag. ## %% (vb. %%) adj., f. %%. 1. Present, i. 5, 81. 2. Hated. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A complete army. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To wind, or move tortuously. ## %%, m. 1. A mountain. 2. A tree. ## %%, i. e. %% (%% is lengthened on account of the metre), adj. Impervious, MBh. 12, 3078. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), adj. Caused by illicit intercourse, Man. 11, 169. ## %%, and ## %%, m. The name of a i, or saint, the son of Mitra and Varua ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A name of Prvat, the daughter of the Himlaya, Kir. 5, 13. ## %% (probably akin to %%, and originally a hearth), n. A house, Man. 9, 265. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, n. the place where the sacred fire is kept. @<[Page 3b]>@ ## %%. I. adj. Short. II. n. Aloe wood (Aquilaria Agallocum %%.) -- Comp. %%, n. a black sort of Agallocum. ## %% (probably from %% in its original signification, To shine), m. 1. Fire. 2. The sacrificial fire. 3. The deity of fire. 4. The digestive power. -- Comp. %%, adj. without fire, Man. 6, 25. %% (vb. %%), adj. one who keeps up a consecrated fire, Man. 3, 282. %%, adj. one who neglects to keep up a consecrated fire, Man. 11, 14. %%, m. a fire of dry grass, Man. 8, 377. %%, and %%, m. the fire of wrath. %%, m. the flame of knowledge, Man. 11, 246. %%, m. a fire of dry grass, Man. 3, 168. %%, m. one kind of sacred fire, that which is taken from the domestic fire and is placed to the south. %%, m. the fire of a forest conflagration. %%, i. e. %%, adj. one who keeps the five fires constantly burning, Man. 3, 185. %%, i. e. %%, m. the fire of a king (in wrath), Man. 7, 9. %%, m. the fire of poison. %%, m. the fire of grief. %% (vb. %%), and %%, m. the sacrificial fire. -- Cf. Lat. ignis. ## %<-agni + ka>%. A substitute for %<-agni>% at the end of many comp. adj.: e. g. %%, adj., with Agni. ## %%, adj. One who has arranged a sacrificial fire. ## %%, m. An incendiary, Man. 9, 278. ## %% (vb. %%), n. Water, Man. 9, 321. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. One who maintains a sacrificial fire, Man. 3, 122. 2. Having a good digestion. @<[Page 4a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The name of a sacrifice, Man. 11, 74. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The name of a series of offerings to Agni, forming the first part of the Jyotioma sacrifice, Man. 2, 143. ## %%, also ## %% (vb. %%), m. A class of Pits or Manes, viz. those of the Devas and Brhmaas, Man. 3, 195, 199. ## %% (%% is the original abl. of %%), adv. Completely reduced to fire; with %%, To burn, Daak. in Chr. 187, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One who keeps the holy fire, Man. 11, 41. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. du. Agni and Soma. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), n. Preparing the holy fire, Man. 2, 143. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), m. One who has arranged a sacred fire, Rm. 6, 93, 30. ## %%. I. adj. First, Megh. 4. II. n. 1. Point, Man. 2, 167. 2. Summit, top. 3. Forepart, front. 4. Beginning, Man. 2, 161. 5. The first, or best. III. acc. sing. %%, adv. Before, %%, 'fortunately, O descendant of Raghu, are you come before my eyes.' Rm. 6, 36, 72. IV. loc. sing. %%. 1. Before. 2. First; with abl. Sooner, Man. 3, 114. 3. Forward, Pac. 245. 13. -- Comp. As former part of a comp. 1. the forepart, the tip: e. g. %%, the tip of the nail. 2. in front: e. g. %%, adj. going in front, k. d. 185. 3. best: e. g. %%, m. an excellent horse. As latter part: e. g. %%, adj. 1. one whose mind is fixed on one object, Bhag. 6, 12. 2. intent. %%, adj. inattentive. %%, n. the point of a blade of kua grass. %%, n. the point of a tooth. %%, adj. that of which the points are directed southward. %%, m. the top of a tree, Rm. 5, 60, 16. %%, n. the tip of the nails, Man. 2, 167. %%, n. the summit of a mountain. %%, n. the tip of the nose. %%, m. a sword. ## %%, adj. 1. Going in presence of somebody, Rjat. 5, 196. 2. Going in front, a leader. -- Comp. %%, m. the leader of an army. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. One who must be considered as the first, Daak. in Chr. 184, 8. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%. Firstborn. II. m. 1. An elder brother, Man. 3, 171. 2. A Brhmaa, Man. 2, 20. -- Comp. %%, m. the elder brother of Gada, a name of Ka. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A leader. ## %%. I. adv. 1. Before. 2. In front. 3. Forward. II. preposition with the gen. 1. Before, Man. 3, 244. 2. In presence of. -- Comp. %%, adv. in the presence of Bhairava. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. First. -- Comp. %%, adj. First, k. d. 112. ## %%, f. Going in front, Ragh. 5. 71. ## %%, m. A grant of land or villages conferred upon Brhmaas. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Incomprehensible, MBh. 12, 1024. @<[Page 5a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), f. Condition of having a name not fit to be assumed, Lass. 75, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A younger sister married before her elder, Man. 3, 160. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Going in front, first. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. First. 2. Best, Man. 12, 30. -- Comp. %%, m. a Brhmaa, Man. 3, 35. ## [dagger] %%, i, 10, %%, Par. To sin. ## %% (from a vb. %%, see %%), n. 1. Sin, Man. 3, 118. 2. Impurity, Man. 5, 63. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. sinless, Man. 12, 1. 2. pure. 3. unblamable. k. d. 43. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Wicked, Daak. 2, 19. ## %%, i. e. Ved. %%, adj. Mischievous. ## %%, i, 10 (rather a denominat. derived from %%), Par. and i. 1, tm. 1. To mark, Pac. 46, 8. 2. To adorn, Rjat. 5, 230. 3. To brand, Man. 9, 240. 4. To stigmatise, Bhart. 2, 44. 5. [dagger] To go. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A hook. 2. A mark. 3. A cipher. 4. An act in a drama. 5. The flank. 6. The lap. 7. The arm, Vikr. d. 147. 8. Proximity, Bhart. 2, 23. -- Comp. %%, adj. branded, Man. 8, 281. %%, adj. full of swamps. %%, m. the god of love. %%, m. the moon. %%, adj. holding a bridle, Rjat. 5, 342. %%, i. e. %%, adj. called after his name, 243. Cf. [greek] Lat. uncus; O.H.G. ango, anga, angul; A.S. angel, etc. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Approaching, Kir. 5, 52. ## %% (from %%, cf. %%), m. 1. A shoot, or sprout, Pac. i. d. 251. 2. Intumescence. -- Comp. %%, m. the germ of desire, Rjat. 5, 376. %%, m. offspring, a young child, k. d. 178. %%, m. the point of a tooth, Bhart. 2, 4. %%, m. the point of a tooth. %%, m. a spear, a dart. %%, m. a seedling, Pac. i. d. 254. %%, m. 1. a lover, a lecher. 2. a finger nail. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Furnished with shoots, Vikr. d. 12. ## %%, i. e. %% (in the Ved. %% from %%, cf. %%) %<+ a>%, m. and n. 1. A hook. 2. A goad for driving elephants with. -- Comp. %%, adj. unmanageable. %%, adj. unruly. %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. unchecked. 2. unruly. 3. independent, free. ## %%, and ## %%, m. A plant, Alangium hexapetalum. ## %%, i, 10. 1. To take hold. 2. To stop. -- With the prepos. ## %%, To surround. ## %%, i. 1, Par. and [dagger] i. 10, Par. 1. To go, Nalod. 1, 23. 2. [dagger] i. 10, To mark. -- With the prepos. ## %% for ## %%, Caus. To stir up. Pass. To go round. -- With ## %%, Caus. tm. To cover one's self. ## 1. %%, n. 1. A limb, Man. 3, 178. 2. The penis, Man. 8, 374. 3. A part, Man. 11, 11. 4. A supplementary part. 5. A division of Hindu learning, comprehending such sciences as are considered dependent upon the Vedas; cf. %%. 6. An expedient. 7. The body. -- Comp. In comp. adj. the fem. ends generally in %%, sometimes also in %%, m. Kma, the god of love. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, of faultless form. %%, i. e. %%, adj. consisting of eight parts. %%, n. the head, Man, 1, 93. %%, I. n. one part only. II. m. pl. body-guards. %%, adj. having a dark-blue blade, MBh. 4, 231. %%, adj. leprous. %%, adj., f. %%, meagre. %%, n. one of iva's weapons (a club with a skull at the top), also carried by devotees. %%, I. adj. consisting of four parts; with %%, a complete army, consisting of chariots, elephants, horse, and foot. II. n. 1. a complete army. 2. chess. %%, m. a proper name. %%, f. %%, a delicate woman. %%, n. a wing. %%, i. e. %%, adj. deprived of expedients. %%, i. e. %%, adj. consisting of five parts. %%, m. a camel. %%, I. m. 1. a bug. 2. planet Mars. II. n. 1. coral. 2. saffron. %%, I. n. 1. any part of a carriage. 2. a wheel. II. m. the ruddy goose, Anas casarca. %%, m. 1. the ruddy goose. 2. a goose. %%, I. m. an elephant. II. n. 1. an elegant body. 2. the head. 3. pudendum, male or female. %%, I. adj. 1. handsome. 2. having the body of various colours. II. m. 1. a tiger. 2. a peacock. %% (vb. 2. %%), I. adj. maimed, Man. 4, 141. II. f. %%, an ant. %%, I. adj. golden, Rm. 3, 55, 32. II. m. 1. a lion. 2. Brahman. 3. Garua, a fabulous bird. ## 2. %% (an old instr. sing. of the last, signifying 'by my body'), particle: 1. Of asseveration, Indeed, to be sure. 2. Of solicitation, invocation, Rm. 2, 97, 16. 3. Of interrogation, Daak. in Chr. 192, 7. 4. Again, further, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1106. @<[Page 6b]>@ ## 3. %%, m. 1. The name of a country, Bengal proper. and its inhabitants. 2. The name of a king. ## %%. 1. = 1. %%, e. g. Body, i. 4, 66. 2. A substitute for 1. %% at the end of comp. adj., f. %%, e. g. %% (vb. %%), One whose body is embraced, Rjat. 5, 410. ## %%, adj. Produced from the body, bodily. ## %%, for %% (q. cf.), n. A court, a yard. Dev. 5, 50. -- Comp. %%, n. the area of an amphitheatre. %%, n. the court of a palace. ## %%, adv. From the body, Man. 4, 167. ## %%, n. Corporality. ## %% (vb. 3. %%). I. n. A bracelet. II. m. A proper name. -- Comp. %%, 1. adj. adorned with splendid or variegated bracelets. 2. m. a proper name. 3. f. %%, a proper name. ## %%, n. 1. A passage. 2. A court. -- Comp. %%, n. a field of battle. ## %% (cf. %%), f. 1. A beautiful woman. 2. A woman in general. 3. The female of any animal. -- Comp. %%, f. a chaste woman. %%, f. a lovely woman. ## %%, n. Hair. ## %%, f. 1. Such learning as is comprehended under the title %%, viz. pronunciation, grammar, prosody, explanation of obscure terms, description of religious rites, and astronomy, Daak. in Chr. 180, 6. 2. Palmistry, Man. 6, 40. @<[Page 7a]>@ ## %% (vb. 2. %%), n. Defect of some limb; Man. 11, 50. ## %% (vb. %%, cf. %%), m. and n. Charcoal, Man. 8, 250. -- Comp. %%, m. or n., an enemy to his own family, Pac. 211, 14. %%, m. a proper name. ## %%, m. 1. The planet Mars. 2. The name of a king. -- Comp. %%, adj. attended by the planet Mars. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Having limbs. 2. Having expedients. 3. Chief. -- Comp. %%, (i. e. %%), adj., f. %%, consisting of four parts (Bhg. P. 1, 10, 32, %%). ## %%, m. The name of a i, or saint. -- Comp. %%, m. one of the seven priests attending a sacrifice. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, n. Agreement, consent, Vedntas. in Chr. 213, 19. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, m. Agreement, Vedntas. in Chr. 213, 22. ## %% (q. cf.). ## %% (from a lost base, %%) m. 1. A finger's breadth as a linear measure. 2. A substitute for %% at the end of many comp. words: e. g. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Ten fingers long, Man. 8, 271. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. The castor-oil plant. ## %<-agula + ka>%, a substitute for %% at the end of comp. words: %%, i. e. %%, adj. Of sixteen fingers' breadth. @<[Page 7b]>@ ## and ## %%, f. A finger. -- Comp. %%, f. a branch serving instead of a finger, i. 9, 4. ## %% (vb. %%), n. A piece of leather or thin iron, worn by archers to prevent the fingers being injured by the bowstring. ## %%, adj. Protected by the %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A finger-ring. -- Cf. Lat. annulus. ## %%, n. A finger-ring. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. 1. The thumb. 2. The great toe. 3. A thumb's breadth as a measure. ## [dagger] %%, i, 1. tm. 1. To go. 2. To begin moving. 3. To begin. 4. To hasten. 5. To blame. 6. To despise. ## %% (akin to %% from %%, the frequent. of %%; the initial consonant is lost, as e. g. in %% for %% and others, and %% is changed to %%, as in %% fem. of %%), m. 1. A foot. 2. The root of a tree. -- Comp. %% (vb. %<10>%), m. Yama. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%. 1. Immovable. 2. Steady, Pac. 202, 19. II. m. A mountain. -- Comp. %%, m. a principal mountain. %%, m. Himlaya. %%, m. a great mountain. ## %% (akin to 1. %%), adj., f. %%. Transparent, clear, Megh. 52. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. transparent, 2. pure. 3. white. 4. healthy. ## %%, i, 1, Par., in the Vedas also tm. 1. To go. 2. To drive; to direct, Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. 1, 112, 16. -- With the prepos. ## %%, To drive out, Chr. 297, 12 = Rigv. 1, 112, 12. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. ago, igitur (for agitur); ON. aka. ## 1. %%, adj., f. %%. Unborn. ## 2. %%. 1. m. A he-goat. 2. f. %%. A she-goat. -- Comp. %%, m. a wild goat. -- Cf. [greek] of which the base is [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A large serpent, Boa constrictor. ## %%, f. Privation of birth, used as imprecation, Pac. i. d. 355. ## %% (vb. %%), n. Friendship, Ragh. 18, 6. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Continual. acc. %%, adv. Continually, always, Man. 1, 57. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Unborn. 2. As former part of comp. adj., Not having, e. g. %%, adj. beardless. %%. 1. Having no enemies. 2. One with whom nobody can contend; epithet and name of Yudhihira and others. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. sing. Goats and sheep, Man. 8, 235. ## %% (perhaps derived from 2 %%), n. The hide of any animal, particularly of the black antelope, used as a covering, Man. 2, 64, as purse, Daak. 191, 16. -- Comp. %%, n. the hide of the black antelope. ## %%, n. A court, Pac. 138, 1. -- Comp. %%, n. a field of battle. ## %%. I. adj. Advancing in a straight path, Man. 6, 31. II. m. An arrow. @<[Page 8b]>@ ## %%, m. The name of a i or saint, Man. 10, 105. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Suffering from indigestion. ## %%, f. 1. A courtesan (Mcch. 27, 2, Prk.; in the Ssk. translation %%). 2. (in Prk. %%, and in the Ssk. translation %%, k. p. 105, 3.) A mother. ## %%, f. Ignorance. ## %%, n. Battle, Chr. 297, 17 = Rigv. 1, 112, 17. -- Cf. Lat. agmen; [greek] in [greek] etc. ## %%, m. A field. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. ager; Goth. akrs; A.S. acer. ## %% (cf. %%), i. 1, Par. tm. 1. To go. 2. To ask. 3. To speak indistictly. 4. To bend, to curve, Nal. 12, 45. 5. To honour, Ragh. 9, 24. 6. i. 10 (rather Caus.). To make clear, to manifest, Gt. 10, 11. -- With the prep. ## %%, To rise, Rjat. 5, 362. ## %%, n. Bending, curving. ## %%, m. The end or border of a cloth. ## %%, ii. 7, %%, Par. (Ved. also tm.). To cause to shine by smearing with greasy substances. 1. To anoint, to smear, Man. 5, 25. 2. To adorn, Chr. 294, 1 = Rigv. 1, 92, 1. 3. To make clear. 4. To be beautiful. 5. [dagger] To go. Caus. To anoint, Man. 4, 44. [dagger] i. 10. To shine. -- With the prepos. ## %%. 1. To anoint, Man. 4, 44. 2. To pollute, k. d. 108. -- With ## %%. 1. tm. To dress one's self, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. 1, 64, 4. 2. To make clear, MBh. 2, 2122. %%. manifest, clear, Rm. 3, 73, 12. acc. sing. %%, adv. to be sure, Daak. in Chr. 199, 11. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. invisible, Man. 1, 6. 2. imperceptible, Rm. 1, 70, 9. acc. sing. %%, adv. indistinctly, Brhmaav. 3, 21. n. the primary Being, Ragh. 13, 60. Caus. 1. To make discernible, Man. 1, 6. 2. To betray, Man. 10, 58. 3. To show, Rjat. 5, 107. %%, discerned, Man. 9, 36. -- With ## %%, 1. To discern clearly, Vedntas. in Chr. 208, 23. 2. To reveal. %%, adv. evidently, Nal. 17, 8. -- With ## %%, To adorn, Chr. 290, 1 = Rigv. 1, 64, 1. -- Cf. Lat. unguere; O.H.G. anko, butter; and [greek] in [greek] ## %%. I. n. 1. Anointing, Man. 4, 152. 2. A collyrium or application to the eyelashes to darken and improve them, Man. 2, 178. II. m. 1. The elephant of the west or southwest quarter. 2. The name of a mountain. 3. A particular plant, Pac. 10, 7. III. f. %%. The name of a female monkey, the mother of Hanumant. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, artless. %%, n. a particular sort of collyrium, i. 9, 21. ## %%, m. 1. The cavity formed by putting the hands together and hollowing the palms, Man. 4, 63. 2. This cavity as measure: two handfuls. 3. Putting the hands together and raising them to the forehead, as humble salutation of inferiors to their superiors. -- Comp. %%, adj. with uplifted hands, Daak. in Chr. 180, 1. %%, m. the auditory passage. %%, adj. with humble salutation, Man. 4, 154. %%, m. 1. two handfuls of water in honour of a deceased relation. 2. farewell, resignation: %%, 'having completely renounced sorrow and joy,' Rjat. 4, 284. %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. joining both hands together whilst reading the Vedas, Man. 2, 71. 2. paying obeisance to the spiritual preceptor at the beginning or end of a lecture. ## %% (instr. sing. of the Ved. %%, n. Smoothness, slip), adv. 1. Straightforward, directly, Man. 2, 244. 2. Instantly, Vikr. d. 48. 3. Truly, Man. 8, 101. ## %%, m. 1. An ornament, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. 1, 64, 4. 2. The penis: cf. Lat. inguen. ## %%, i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also tm., MBh. 3, 1586), To roam, with the loc. and acc. MBh. 1, 1031; Daak. in Chr. 179, 6. -- With the preposition ## %%, To wander about, Pac. 55, 1. %%, n. Wandering about, Pac. 70, 12. ## %%, n. Rambling, Man. 9, 12. -- Comp. %%, n. wandering about for begging alms, Pac. 116, 17. ## and ## %%, f. The notched extremity of a bow. ## %% (vb. %%.), f. A wood. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To transgress. 2. To kill. i. 10, Par. To slight. ## %%, m. 1. A room on the top of a house, a sollar. 2. A tower, Rm. 5, 56, 142. 3. As former part of some comp. words, High, lofty, loud. (cf. the next.) ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Called the part of the great king, name of a government office, Rjat. 5, 166. ## %%, m. A horselaugh. -- Comp. %%, adv. with a horse-laugh. ## %% (derived from %%), m. A room on the top of a house. ## %%, m. A tower. ## %%, f. Wandering about. -- Comp. %%, f. strolling about, Man. 7, 47. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. tm. To go. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To strive or endeavour. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To attack. 2. To connect. 3. To meditate. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To sound. i. 4, tm. To breathe (cf. %%). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Subtility; the superhuman power of making one's self infinitely small. ## %%. I. adj., f. %% and %%. 1. Small, minute; %%, the least, Man. 3, 51. 2. Subtile, Hariv. 1241. Comparat. %%, very soft, Daak. in Chr. 198, 22. II. m. An atom, Bhp. 35. -- Comp. %%, m. an atom. ## %%, n. 1. Smallness. 2. Condition of being an atom, Bhp. 84. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Composed of atoms, Man. 1, 56. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To go. ## %%, n. 1. An egg. 2. A testicle. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, n. the world. %%, m. Indra; see %%. ## %%, n. 1. A bird's egg. 2. An egg in general, i. 9, 9. @<[Page 10b]>@ ## %%. I. adj. Oviparous, Man. 1, 44. II. m. 1. A bird. 2. A fish. -- Comp. %%, m. the Indian cuckoo. ## %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To go. 2. To move continually. ## %%, adj. Not deserving that, Rm. 2, 13, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Unwearied, not remiss. Man. 2, 186. ## %%, adj. Impious ## %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. abl. of %%, From this, Man. 2, 213. 2. From this place. 3. From this time, then, now, Man. 5, 26. 4. From this reason, therefore. ## %%. I. adv. Over, exceedingly in a high degree, much. Comparat. %%, very much, Vedntas. in Chr. 217 10. II. prepos. with the acc. Over beyond, more than. III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their de rivatives. IV. Former part of compound nouns and adverbs, implying 1. Exceedingly, much, very: e. g. %%, adj. very heavy; %%, ad having a very large body, giganting 2. Too muc: e. g. %%, n. exorbitant love, Daak. in Chr. 18, 10; %%, i. e. %% (vb. 2. %%), adj. eating too much. 3. Surpassing the object denoted by the following part the comp. These comps. are genearall %%) adj. e. g. %%, i. e. %%, sur passing the senses, transcendental. adv., e. g. %%. exceeding extraordinarily. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. at atavus, and et. ## %%, m. Transgression (of time), Pac. 5. 2. Violation, Man. 11, 120. Offence. 4. Irreverence, Man. 3, -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. hard to be overcome, unconquerable, Man. 11, 238. 2. difficult of accomplishment. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Overstepping (of a boundary), Yj. 2, 155. 2. Transgression (of time), Pac. i. d. 170. ## %%, adj., f. %%. One who violates. ## %<-ati-ga>%, adj. 1. Surpassing, (%%,) Rm. 2, 19, 33. 2. Piercing, (%%,) Ragh. 12, 48. -- Cf. %%. ## %% (vb. %%), m. 1. A guest. 2. The name of a king. -- Comp. %%, m. a foreigner. ## %%, m. A name of Divodsa, Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14. ## %%, n. Hospitality. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Having the character of a guest, as guest, Man. 3, 112. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Seeing very far. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Extension, as e. g. of the signification of a word by analogy, Bhp. 79. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Excessive poverty, Rjat. 6, 79. ## %%, f. 1. Lapse (of time). 2. Unsuitableness, Yj. 2, 169 (%%, 'ould time or place not permit'). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Neglect, Ck. 7, 10. 2. Hurting. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Outrunning. 2. Acute (as a disease). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Overcoming. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Excessive self-conceit, Bhag. 16, 3. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A large creeper, Gaertnera racemosa. ## %%, m. The name of several plants, as Dalbergia ougeinensis, Gaertnera racemosa, etc. ## %%, see %% ## %% (vb. %%), f. Excess, MBh. 2, 2270. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Excess, high degree. ## %% (vb. %%), f. Excessive greediness, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 109. ## %%, f. Excessive greediness. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Remission (of a fine), Man. 8, 290. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Crossing, passing over. 2. Not caring, Daak. in Chr. 194, 8. 3. Offending, Rm. 4, 16, 37. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A reproachful speech, Man. 6, 47. ## %% (vb. %%), n. Passing (as time), Bhtl. Chr. 217, 38. ## %%, f. Trespass, Daak. in Chr. 181, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Excellence. 2. Excess, i. 9, 77. 3. Plenty, Vikr. d. 157. 4. As former part of comp. words: 1. In a high degree, great, Pac. 239, 14. 2. Violent. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. not to be surpassed, greatest, Pac. i. d. 36. %%, adj. most excellent, Man. 9, 114. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Most excellent, Vikr. d. 159. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Surpassing, Daak. in Chr. 182, 1. ## %%, f. Too close proximity, i. 9, 81. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Granting (of a wish), Rm. 4, 52, 21. ## and ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Diarrhoea. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj. Surpassing the senses, transcendental, Bhp. 57. II. n. Mind, Man. 1, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. 1. Much, very. 2. Indeed, k. d. 137, v. r. ## %%. f. Insatiableness, i. 9, 64. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. To that end, Rm. 3, 8, 15. ## %%, f. A mother, Mcch. 27. 2. (Prk.) ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One who eats, Man. 5, 30; (a king) who swallows up the possessions of his people, Man. 8, 309. ## %%, m. A horse, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. 1, 64, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Excessive, very large. 2. Endless, perpetual, Man. 5, 46; eternal. acc. sing. %%, adv. 1. very much. 2. for ever, Man. 9, 202. @<[Page 12b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Passing away, lapse (of time), Man. 8, 145. 2. Death. 3. Danger, Man. 5, 27. 4. Transgression, crime, fault, Man. 8, 243; %%, 'he shall be fined eight times the amount of the defraudation,' Man. 8, 400. -- Comp. %%, adj. imperishable. %%, m. lapse of time, Man. 8, 145. %%, m. the end of the rainy season, i. e. autumn. %%, m. 1. the end of the hot season, i. e. the rainy season. 2. the end of the heat, i. e. sunset, k. d. 60. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. hard to be crossed (as a river), MBh. 4, 1970. 2. hard to be attained, 13, 4880. 3. unfathomable, Rm. 3, 71, 15. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. free from danger. 2. infallible. %%, 1. m. great pain, Chr. 11, 15. 2. adj. very pernicious, Chr. 22, 22. %%, adj. very dangerous, Chr. 37, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Exceedingly. ## %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. = the loc. of %%, In this, k. d. 59. 2. Here, therein, Man. 3, 235. ## %%, adj. Of this place, Daak. in Chr. 186, 18. ## %%, m. The name of a i, or saint, Man. 1, 35. ## %% (for %%, vb. %%), adj. A demon, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. 1, 85, 10. ## %% (probably for %%, Ved. cf. %%), adv. 1. Then, Nal. 17, 35. 2. Now, at the beginning of works and parts of works. 3. But, Nal. 22, 13. 4. In conditional sentences: If, %%, 'if I do not follow them, I shall go to the house of death,' Rm. 2, 60, 3. -- With following %%: 1. afterwards, then, Chr. 56, 11. 2. and, Man. 2, 430. 3. even, Chr. 3, 1; and 23, 28. -- With following %%, nevertheless, Rm. 2, 29, 7. -- With following %%: 1. or also, or, Man. 2, 219. Pac. i, d. 399, %% instead of %% (cf. Pac. iii, d. 36. %%, Man. 3, 202). 2. or even, Bhart. 2, 10. 3. but no, k. 60, 18. 4. it is particularly used to introduce sentences: for, Pac. 26, 14. -- With following %%: yes, well (in dialogue, cf. [greek]). -- Cf. Lat. at. ## %% (borrowed from the Zend. %%, derived from %%, 'fire'), m. 1. A priest. 2. The name of a i, or saint. 3. The Atharvaveda. ## %%, i. e. %%. 1. adj., f. %%. Revealed to Atharvan and Angiras, Man. 11, 33. 2. sing and pl. The hymns of the Atharvaveda. ## %%, f. (probably from %%), The wife of a priest(?), Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. 1, 112, 10. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, ii, 2, Par. (in epic poetry also tm. Nal. 12, 35). To eat, Man. 2, 53; to devour, 4, 28. %%, i. e. %%, n. Well eaten, a term used after presenting food ('muc good may it do you!'), Man. 3, 251; 254. %%, Eatable, Pac. iv. d. 79 (perhaps it ought to be changed to %%, the regular form). -- Cf. [greek] Lat. edere; Goth. itan; A.S. etan. ## %<-ad>%, latter part of comp. words. One who eats, cf. %%. ## %%, n. Eating, Man. 11, 64. -- Comp. %%, m. a parrot. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Sincerity. @<[Page 13b]>@ ## %%, pronoun, nom. sing. m. and f. %%, nom. and acc. sing. n. %%; the bases of the remaining cases are %%, and %%. That, you, Man. 10, 128. It is preceded by the relative pronoun, He-who, Man. 1, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. For which there are no heirs. ## %%, f. The name of a female deity, Chr. 298, 25 = Rigv. 1, 112, 25; the mother of the gods, Rm. 3, 20, 15. ## %% (vb. %%), f. Invisibility, Bhart. 1, 95. ## %%, s. A wrong place and wrong time, Bhag. 17, 22. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%. Surprising, wonderful; superl. %%, most surprising. II. n. A strange phenomenon, Man. 4, 118; a prodigy -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. very surprising. %% adj. very surprising. ## %%, Ved. also %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. To-day. 2. Now. -- Cf. Lat. ho-die, [greek] ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Of to-day, Pac. 5, 6. -- 2. Of this time, a contemporary, Rjat. 5, 100. 'The Hrikea (i. e. an idol of Viu) of Suyya, reposing in meditation on the bank, may be adored by any contemporary who comes near the temple of Sundar.' ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Of to-day, Pac. 169, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Eager, Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. 1, 112, 24. ## %%, m. 1. A stone, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. 1, 88, 3. 2. A mountain. 3. A cloud, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. 1, 85, 5. 4. A proper name. -- Comp. %%, m. the mountain called %% (q. cf.). %%, m. a principal mountain. %%, and %%, m. Himlaya. ## %%, adj. f. %%. Made of iron. ## %%, n. Absence of duality. %%, adv. In consequence of there being no duality, Vedntas. in Chr. 218, 23 (i. e. because he knows that there is no duality, that all is one). ## %%, adv. By any other aperture than the door, MBh. 13, 4750. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Exempt from hatred and affection, Man. 2, 1. ## %%, n. Inoffensiveness, Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 6. ## %% (cf. %%), a particle. There, then, Lass. Anth. 98, 14 = Rigv. 5, 9, 5. ## %% (an old superlative, akin to %%), adj., f. %%. Extremely low, Man. 6, 65. In Karmadhraya compounds it is generally the latter part: e. g. %%, m. the meanest of twice-born men, Man. 3, 140; %%, m. the lowest of mortals, Man. 10, 26; %%, m. the lowest of the wicked; %%, m. the meanest of kings; %%, m. the vilest of men; %%, m. the vilest of hares. -- Cf. Lat. infimus. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A debtor, Man. 8, 47. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A debtor, Man. 8, 48. ## %% (an old comparative, akin to %%). I. adj., f. %%. Lower, inferior. II. m. 1. The lower lip k. 102, 10. 2. The lip in general, i. 9, 46. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, with bitten lips, Pac. 46, 1. -- Cf. Lat. inferus; Goth. undar; A.S. under; probably [greek] ## %%, and ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. The lower lip, Sur. 1, 114, 19. 2. The lower and the upper lips, the lips, Pac. 45, 11. -- Comp. %%, adj. the lips of which are covered with the finger, k. d. 73. %%, adj., f. %%, having lips like the Bimba fruit, Rm. 5, 28, 17. ## %% (cf. %%). I. adv. 1. Underneath. 2. Low, Man. 11, 224. 3. Down, Pac. i. d. 214; to hell, Man. 7, 53. II. prepos. Under, with the gen., Man. 2, 59, and abl. Pac. 115, 25. III. doubled: %%, i. e. %%, adv. 1. Lower and lower, Man. 7, 53. 2. One below the other. -- Cf. [greek] and see %%. ## %% (the latter part is the original abl. of %%). I. adv. 1. Underneath, below. 2. Down, downward, Man. 4, 54; to hell, 194. II. prepos. Under, with the gen. III. latter part of comp. adv. Under, Pac. 141, 20. ## %% (cf. %%). I. adv. Above, on high, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. 1, 85, 2. II. prepos. Over, on with the abl., Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. 1, 48, 7. III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives. IV. Former part of compounded nouns and adverbs, implying: 1. Over, cf. %% 2. Chief, cf. %%. 3. Before, cf. a%%. 4. Relative to, cf. %%. 5. On, cf. %%. -- Cf. Lat. ad. ## %%, adj. 1. Exceeding, Man. 3, 49; greater, Rm. 4, 9, 9 stronger, Pac. ii. d. 29; more than, with the abl., Man. 9, 154; higher than, with the abl., Bhag. 6, 46; dearer, Rm. 2, 45, 32, Gorr. 2. Surpassing, Man. 11, 185; chief, Hit. pr. d. 48; highest, Bhart. 2, 17. 3. Having an addition, %%, 'a month and more,' Rm. 3, 15, 27. 4. Too much, Rm. 6, 16, 78. -- acc. sing. %%, adv. 1. Much, exceedingly. 2. More; with the abl., Rjat. 5, 419. Comparat. %%, Better than, k. 100, 17. -- Comp. 1. exceeding, e. g. %%, adj. exceeding one, i. e. two, Man. 9, 117. %%, adj. better than any gift, Yaj. 1, 334. %%, adj. dearer than life. %%, adj. longer than a century. 2. exceeded by, particularly after numerals, e. g. %%, 'in the twenty-second year for a soldier, for a merchant two years later than that,' Man. 2, 65. %%, ninety-nine, Ragh. 3, 69. %%, i. e. %%, adj. advanced in age, Man. 4, 141. 3. doubled: %%, adj. outbidding each other, Rjat. 5, 264. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Substance, substratum, or site. 2. Court of justice, Daak. in Chr. 180, 20. -- Comp. %%, n. 1. administration of justice, Pac. 97, 1. 2. A court of justice, Pac. 96, 25. %%, adj. relating to Rma, Rm. 2, 15, 29. %%, I. n. generic property. II. adj. contained in the same subject or category. ## and ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Superintendence, Vikr. d. 42. 2. Administration. 3. Office, Pac. 63, 23. 4. Office of a king. 5. Right, title, Man. 2, 16. 6. Topic, main point. -- Comp. %%, m. the bearer of betel, an officer, Pac. 63, 22. %%, m. administration of justice. %%, adj. relating to battles, MBh. 1, 7166. %%, m. 1. equal duty. 2. generic character. %%, adj. 1. deprived of office. 2. deprived of one's right. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The office of a superintendent, Rjat. 5, 470. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. One who holds an office, Pac. i. d. 180. 2. A superintendent, Hit. 61, 7. 3. One who is entitled to, or fit for, something, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 9. -- Comp. %%, m. a judge, Pac. 101, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Detraction, Rjat. 5, 234. 2. Censure, Daak. in Chr. 188, 3. 3. Sneer, 184, 16. ## %%, m. 1. Coming to, attaining, Megh. 50. 2. Accession to, Rjat. 5, 45. 3. Gaining, profit, Man. 8, 157. 4. Reading, Man. 2, 2. 5. Perception, i. 9, 19. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. hard to be attained, Mlav. 10, 8. 2. difficult to be learned, Kir. 5, 18. ## %%, n. 1. Obtaining, Rm. 4, 45, 19. 2. Reading, Man. 11, 65. -- Comp. %%, n. marriage, Man. 1, 112. ## %%, adj. Of superior qualities, Megh. ## %%, i. e. %%, in %%, m. A name of Kuvera, MBh. 5, 7521. ## %%, n. Birth. Man. 2, 169. ## %%, adv. On the knee, i. 9, 54. @<[Page 16a]>@ ## %% (cf. %%), adj. Strung (as a bow), k. d. 6. ## %%, f. Condition of being strung, Ragh. 11, 14. ## %%, f. Land on the upper part of a mountain, Hit. 101, 18. ## %% (vb. 2. %

%), m. 1. A lord, Chr. 3, 3. 2. A king. 3. A superintendent, Rjat. 5, 233. 4. A commander. -- Comp. %%, m. a name of Indra, Rm. 2, 74, 19. %%, adj. with the lord of the gods, Rm. 3, 53, 28. %%, m. a king. %%, m. a name of Varua. %%, m. the moon, Rm. 3, 58, 4. %%, m. lord chief justice, Kaths. 25, 130. %%, m. a king, Rjat. 4, 655. %%, m. Indra. %%, m. a porter, a chamberlain, Rjat. 5, 213. %%, m. a king. %%, m. chief of the police in a town, Kaths. 5, 49. ## %%, m. 1. A lord, an owner, Man. 8, 37. 2. A king. -- Comp. %%, m. iva, i. 9, 27. %%, m. epithet of Ka-Viu (lord over the three primary qualities), Bhg. P. 3, 16, 24. %%, i. e. %%, m. a commander of ten men, MBh. 12, 3712. %%, m. a name of Kuvera, Kir. 5, 16. %%, m. chief of the police in a town, Kaths. 10, 70. ## and ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Acute pain in the eyes. ## %%, m. Inflammation of the tonsils. ## %%. I. m. The suprerse sacrifice, Bhag. 8, 4. II. acc. sing. %%, adv. Concerning sacrifice, Man. 6, 83. @<[Page 16b]>@ ## %%, m. A champion(?), Rm. 6, 23, 28. ## %%, m. 1. A charioteer. 2. A proper name. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A supreme king. ## %%, n. Supreme sway. Mahv. 65, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Litting up. %%, She endured being lifted on...Bhtl. Chr. 240, 313. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Mounting, Rm. 5, 35, 29. ## %%, m., i. e. 1. %%. A house, an abode, Dev. 4, 10. 2. %%, Perfuming the person, Bhart. 1, 12. ## %%, n. Perfuming the person. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. At home, i. 9, 78. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. f. %%, n. 1. Ruling, a ruler. 2. Protecting. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. A resting-place. 2. A seat, Man. 12, 4. 3. An abode. 4. A place, Pac. 10, 3. 5. A town, a capital, Rjat. 5, 266. 6. Dignity, Nal. 26, 28. 7. Power, Rm. 4, 14, 30. -- Comp. %%, adj. having three bases, Man. 12, 4. %%, n. a court of justice, Pac. 237, 20. %%, adj. being without a solid base, Rm. 5, 82, 12. %%, adj. having a solid base, ib. %%, adj., having a solid base, Chr. 25, 52. ## %%; see %%. @<[Page 17a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj., Conversant wiht, Dacak. 140, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Subject, dependent, Ragh. 1. 72. It is generally the latter part of compound words: e. g. %%, adj. Wholly dependent, Man. 8, 66. %%, adj. Subject to thee, Rm. 2, 72, 52. %%, adj. Depending on another, Rm. 3, 37, 6. %%, adj. 1. Independent. 2. Lependent on ourselves, belonging to us, faithful, Pac. i. d. 196. ## %% (cf. %%), f. 1. Unsteadiness. 2. Pusillanimity. ## %%, m. A lord, i. 9, 38. A chief, Rjat. 5, 300. -- Comp. %%, m. epithet of Kria-Viu (the lord over the three primary qualities), Bhg. P. 3, 2, 21. %%, m. the sun, Pac. i. d. 231. ## %%, adv. Now. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, With downcast eyes, Pac. i. 214. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj. Perceptible, Bhp. 48. II. n. Perception, ib. 56; 149. III. m. A superintendent, Daak. in Chr. 186, 3. -- Comp. %%, adj imperceptible, Bhp. 48. %%, m. a superintendent of the horses, Pac. 156, 18. %%, m. a treasurer, Pac. 156, 18. %%, m. a superintendent of the elephants, Pac. 156, 18. %%, m. a porter, a chamberlain, Rm. 1, 20, 5. %%, m. a superintendent of the kitchen. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Before the nuptial fire, Man. 9, 194. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Reading, study, especially of the sacred books, Man. 1, 88. -- Comp. %%, n. neglecting to read the sacred books, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. One and a half, Man. 9. 117. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Perseverance, Pac. 60, 6. Constancy, ib. iii. d. 261. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The supreme soul, Bhag. 8, 3. ## %%, Man. 6, 83, read %%, q. cf. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ aka>%, m. A teacher, Man. 3, 156. ## %%, f. Condition of a teacher, Rjat. 5, 469. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. 1. Instructing. 2. Teaching the sacred books, Man. 8, 340. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Reading, recitation. 2. The time when the sacred books ought to be read, Man. 4, 102. 3. A section of a book, e. g. the subdivisions of the Rm., MBh. Comp. %%, m. the time when the sacred books ought not to be read, Man. 2, 106. %%, m. 1. perusal or study of the Vedas, Man. 2, 105. 2. the Veda. 3. inaudible reading or muttering of prayers. %%, i. e. %%, adj. not muttering prayers, Hariv. 11187. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ a>%, m. Erroneous predication, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 7; 9; 210, 10; 211, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. What was given to a wife on the bridal procession, Man. 9, 194. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, m. Putting on; %%, 'for putting the foot on a person,' Yj. 2, 217. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Sitting on, Pac. iii. d. 270. ## %%, i. e. probably %%, ved. adj. Of unrestrained course, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. i. 64, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj. f. %%, Being on the road, travelling, Rjat. 5, 9. II. m. A traveller, Man. 11, 1. ## %%, m. A road, Man. 4, 60. -- Comp. %% (vb. %%), adj. versed, skilled, MBh. 12, 11876. ## %% and ## %%, m. A traveller, Yaj. 1, 111. ## %%, i. e. perhaps %% or %% (with %% for %%, cf. %%), m. A sacrifice, Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11. ## %%, adj. Belonging to a sacrifice, Draup. 6, 21. ## %% (i. e. %%, a ved. denominat., derived from %%), m. A special priest versed in the Yajurveda, Man. 3, 145. ## %%, before consonants ## %%, an inseparable prefix, implying I. negation, e. g. %%, m. One who is not a Brhmaa, Man. 7, 85. %%, n. Ignorance, Man. 11, 145. %%, adj. Endless, Man. 4, 149. In this use it produces very often the opposite signification, e. g. %%, m. Health, Man. 11, 237. %%, adj. Soft, Man. 2, 34. %%, adv. Often, Man. 3, 233. II. deterforation. 1. Wrong, e. g. %%, m. Unseasonable time, Man. 3, 105. 2. Bad, %%, n. A bad field, Man. 10, 71. -- Cf. Lat. in-, Goth. and A.S. un-, [greek] and [greek] ## %%, ii. 1, Par. [dagger] i, 4, tm. 1. To breathe. 2. To blow (as wind). 3. To live. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. animus, nus (cf. Sskr. %%); Goth. uz-ana; see %%. ## %%, cf. %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The giver of a bull, Man. 4, 231. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. (nom. sing. %%, voc. %%; the acc. sing., N.V.A. du. and N.V. pl. have as base %%, the rest %%, the final of which becomes %<>% in the loc. pl. and %<>% before %%). A bull, or ox, Man. 11, 136. ## %%, adj. Having the nature of a somewhat insufficient illustrator, Vedntas. in Chr. 205, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Unintelligibility, Bhp. 83. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Making endless or infinite, Rm. 5, 20, 26. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Having nothing intermediate, Man. 2, 19. 2. Immediately bordering, next, Nal. 22, 16. 3. Immediately following, Bhp. 123. 4. Of an immediately following caste, Man. 10, 14. 5. Allowing no delay, necessary, Chr. 10, 6. II. %%, acc. 1. adv. Next in space, Rm. 2, 87, 5. Next in time, immediately afterwards, then, Rm. 1, 3, 7. Especially compounded with preceding %%, after that, Pac. 70, 17. 2. prep. with abl. and gen. Immediately after, Bhag. 12, 12; Rm. 5, 73, 28. After, Pac. 108, 13. -- Comp. %%, adv. immediately after, Chr. 14, 20. @<[Page 19a]>@ ## %% (vb. %%), m. A son, born by a wife belonging to a caste next to that of her husband, except the fourth, Man. 10, 41. ## %%, n. Subtraction (of what has been given), Man. 8, 4. ## %%, f. Nonpayment, Man. 8, 214. ## %%, m. One who has no claims (properly: no outlets), Man. 8, 198. ## %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Not going away, Kaths. 12, 33. 2. Lasting, Rjat. 5, 32. 3. Immovable. 4. Imperishable. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., Without attachment, Bhag. 2, 57. ## I. %%, m. 1. Bad conduct, Pac. 259, 16. 2. Sin, Rm. 5, 24, 28. 3. Wrong, Rm. 6, 40, 5 (%%. Such a man knows neither right nor wrong). 4. Lewdness, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260. II. %%, m. 1. Distress, Man. 10, 95. 2. Ill-luck, Chr. 8, 33. ## %%, n. Invaluableness, Hit. Pr. d. 4. ## %%. I. m. 1. Disadvantage, Man. 8, 24; %%, It becomes prejudicial, Man. 4, 193. 2. Misfortune, k. 81, 8. II. adj., f. %%. 1. Useless, Pac. 248, 6. 2. Prejudicial, Rm. 6, 21, 5. 3. Poor, Daak. in Chr. 181, 1. 4. Unhappy, Rm. 3, 75, 40. ## %%, adj. 1. Useless, Pac. 183, 2. 2. Vain, Brhmaav. 1, 14. 3. Unmeaning, nonsensical. ## %%, n. Pac. i. d. 158, read %%; see %%. ## %% (vb. %%), f. Disproportionateness, Vedntas. in Chr. 215, 12. ## %%, m. 1. Fire, Man. 3, 261. 2. The deity of fire, Man. 5, 1. 3. The digestive power. 4. The proper name of a monkey, Rm. 6, 13, 8. -- Comp. %%, m. the fire of all-destroying Time, Rm. 3, 69, 10. %%, m. the fire of a forest conflagration, Pac. 142, 6. %%, m. submarine fire, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 419. ## %%, adj. Quenching fire, Kirt. 5, 25. ## %%, adj. f. %%. Not entering, Bhp. 135. ## %% (cf. %%), f. Blamelessness, Mlav. 20, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. One who does not take care, Rm. 4, 17, 12. ## %%, n. A cart, Man. 8, 209. -- Cf. Lat. onus. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Free from a spirit of detraction, MBh. 1, 5611. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Free from a spirit of detraction ## %% (cf. %%), adj. Boneless, Man. 11, 140. ## %%, (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Not arrived, Rjat. 5, 171. 2. Future, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 89. %%, To make dispositions for the future, ib. 88. 3. Not mentioned, Rm. 3, 56, 18. @<[Page 20a]>@ ## %%, adj., f. %%. Full of schemes concerning the future, Pac. v. d. 59. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Foolish, k. 78, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The ring-finger, Yj. 3, 278. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Drought, Lass. 62, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Not obeying, Daak. in Chr. 191, 8. ## %% (cf. %%), f. Neglecting to keep up the consecrated fire, Man. 11, 65. ## %% (cf. %%), f. Not winking, i. 9, 11. ## %%, m. 1. Wind. 2. The deity of wind, Man. 5, 96. 3. Wind as one of the humors of the body. 4. A proper name. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Not running away, courageous resistance, Man. 7, 88. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ aka>%, adj. Not reporting, MBh. 13, 2385. ## %%, m. n. 1. The face (ved.), front (ved.). 2. An army, Rjat. 5, 452. -- Comp. %%, the van of an army, Man. 7, 193. %%, adv. as far as the host extended, MBh. 3, 15715. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Girded, Kir. 5, 11. ## %%. I. adv. Afterwards, then, Rm. 2, 84, 4. II. prep. 1. with acc. a. Along, Rm. 2, 83, 6. b. After, Pac. 165, 5. c. According to, like, Vikr. d. 110. 2. with abl. In consequence of, Rm. 6, 10, 23. III. combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives. IV. former part of compounded nouns and adverbs, implying. After, according to, along, again secondary, every. -- Cf. [greek] Goth. ana, N.H.G. an. ## %%, adj. Having tender affection, Man. 6, 8. ## %%, n. Compassion, Rm. 2, 45, 31. ## %%, f. Compassion, Bhart. 2, 60. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. kind. II. %%, adv. kindly, Daak. in Chr. 181, 13. ## %%, adj. Having tender affection, Rm. 6, 70, 38. ## %%, m. A substituted rule, Man. 11, 30. ## %%, adj. Striving for, eager. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Imitation. 2. Resemblance. ## %%, i. e. %% or %%, adj. 1. Acting conformably. 2. Imitating, k. d. 49. Like, k. 104, 8. -- Comp. %%, adj. kind. ## %%, n. What must be done later, Rm. 6, 40, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Proclaiming, Kaths. 4, 121. ## %%, adj. 1. Suitable, Rm. 1, 17, 26. 2. Agreeable, Rm. 5, 31, 45. 3. Favourable, Pac. 120, 16. ## %%, f. 1. Favour, Pac. 263, 13. 2. Proneness, Bhp. 156. ## %%, n. Favour, Ragh. 1, 42. @<[Page 21a]>@ ## %%, f. Imitation, Megh. 70. ## %%, m. 1. Regular order, Yj. 1, 19. 2. Table (of contents), MBh. 1, 2294. -- Comp. %%, m. table of the deities, Bhg. P. 2, 6, 25. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Table of contents, MBh. 1, 103. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Compassion, Chr. 21, 11. -- Comp. %%, I. m. unmercifulness, Rm. 4, 19, 21. II. adj. merciless. %%, 1. adj. f. %<>%, compassionate. 2. %%, adv. compassionately, Daak. in Chr. 179, 16. ## %%, adv. Every moment, perpetually, Hit. 59, 17. ## %% (cf. %%), adv. Every night, Kirt. 5, 17. ## %<-anu-ga>% (vb. %%), I. adj., f. %%. 1. Following, Pac. i. d. 63. 2. Corresponding, Man. 8, 239. II. m. A follower, a servant, Rm. 1, 12, 26. -- Comp. %%, m. a follower. %%, adj. agreeable to the ear, Rm. 2, 100, 25, Gorr. %%, adj. 1. obedient, submissive. 2. subject, Man. 2, 214. %%, adj. with one's attendants, Rm. 3, 55, 24. %%, adj. with (his) army and followers, Chr. 54, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Following, Rm. 5, 81, 23. 2. Assent. ## %<-anugati + ka>%, adj. Following, Pac. i. d. 889. ## %%, m. 1. Following, pursuing. 2. Penetrating. ## %%, n. Following, Rm. 1, 28, 32. @<[Page 21b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%. Following, pursuing, Rm. 5, 5, 31. II. m. A servant, Chr. 62, 47. ## %%, adj. f. %<>%. Corresponding, conformable, Mcch. 43, 16. Suitable, Daak. in Chr. 195, 21. ## %%, m. 1. Promoting, Rm. 6, 11, 22. 2. Favour, Pac. 34, 2. 3. Help, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1643. ## %%, i. e. %% n. 1. Showing favour, Rm. 2, 1, 19. 2. Favour. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A supporter, Rjat. 5, 259. ## %%, I. adj. f. %%. Following, Ragh. 2, 4. II. m. 1. A servant, an attendant, Pac. 68, 11. 2. A supporter, Rjat. 5, 288. III. f. %% (ved. also %%), A female servant, Rm. 6, 38, 14. -- Comp. %%, adj. accompanied by Lakmaa, Rm. 1, 24, 3. ## %%, n. 1. Thinking, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 22. 2. Regretful remembrance. ## %% (vb. %%), I. adj., f. %%. Younger, Man. 9, 57. II. m. A younger brother. III. f. %%. A younger sister, Rm. 3, 4, 52. ## %%, m. A dependent, a servant, Pac. i. d. 79. ## %%, f. 1. Permission. 2. Dismission. -- Comp. %% (vb. %

%), adj. having received the permission to withdraw. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Repentance, Man. 11, 227. -- Comp. %% (cf. %%), m. repentance. @<[Page 22a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Afflicting, Rm. 4, 2, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. %%. Humble, k. d. 93. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Consideration, Bhag. 13, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Considering, Pac. iii. d. 169. ## %%, adv. Every day, Kirt. 5, 37. ## %%. adv. Every day, k. 47, 2 (C.). ## %%, adv. From behind, i. 9, 73. ## %%, n. Cleansing. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Meditation, k. 57, 13 v. r. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Reconcilement, Hit. ii. d. 117. 2. Courtesy, Vikr. d. 20. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. kind. II. %%, adv. tenderly, Daak. in Chr. 190, 4. ## %%, adv. According to propriety, Rm. 4, 26, 10. ## %%, i. e. %% m. Consequent sound; echo. -- Comp. %%, adv. re-echoing with flutes, lutes, and tabors. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Echoing, Rm. 6, 69, 40. ## %%, adv. 1. Immediately after, Pac. 198, 11. 2. In a moment, k. 5, 11. 3. At every step, i. 9, 78. @<[Page 22b]>@ ## %%, m. A searcher, i. 9, 70. ## %%, adv. Without inconvenience, Man. 4, 32. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Nonexclusive (a subdivision of one of the forms of fallacious middle term), Bhp. 71; 73. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. f. %%. Following. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Observance, Rm. 5, 24, 20. -- Comp. %%, adj. hard to be preserved, MBh. 13, 1929. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ in>%, adj. Cherishing, Man. 9, 204. ## %%, adj. f. %%. 1. Following whoever or whatever precedes. 2. Regular. ## %%, adv. In regular order, Man. 1, 2; with gen. Man. 8, 142. ## %%, m. 1. Entering after. 2. Entering (in general). ## %%, m. A question, MBh. 12, 4924. ## %%, m. 1. Beginning, Daak. in Chr. 195, 5. 2. A motive, Man. 8, 126. 3. An indispensable element, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 8. 4. Uninterrupted succession, Rm. 5, 3, 13. 5. Consequence. 6. Posterity, Rm. 2. 7, 28. ## %<-anu-bandh + ana>%, n. Uninterrupted connection, Vikr. 55, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Connected with, Bhag. 15, 2; Daak, in Chr. 193, 6. 2. Lasting. @<[Page 23a]>@ ## %%, n. The rear of an army, Rm. 1, 1, 46. ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %%, adj. Desiring to enjoy, Daak. in Chr. 201, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., f. %%, n. One who imitates, Chr, 294, 6 = Rigv. i. 88, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Apprehension, Vedntas. in Chr. 210, 14. 2. Understanding, Rm. 4, 42, 9 (Hanuman knows well how to finish the work). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Dignity, authority, Daak. 196, 14. 2. Power, k. 31, 2. 3. A sign, Kaths. 4, 117; Ragh. 2, 75. -- Comp. %%, adj. pre-eminent, just, virtuous. ## %%. i. e. %%. I. adj. Seeing, k. 89, 3 (Prk.). II. m. A witness, Man. 8, 89. ## %%, f. Apprehension, perception, Bhp. 50. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Assent, Daak. in Chr. 186, 3. 2. The goddess of the fifteenth day of the moon's age, Man. 3, 86. ## %%, m. One who assents, Man. 5, 51. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Following in death, Hit. iii. d. 28. ## %%, f. Conclusion, Bhp. 65. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Inferring, Bhp. 139; 140. 2. Argument, Man. 8, 144; Rm. 6, 23, 2. 3. Analogy, Vikr. 63, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Inducing to confess, Chr. 53, 2. ## %%, n. Compassion, Rm. 5, 37, 31. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Conclusion, Bhp. 51; 65. ## %%, m. A companion, Rm. 2, 91, 59. ## %%, n. and fem. %%. 1. Retinue. 2. Attendance, Rm. 4, 36, 10. -- Comp. %%, adj. accompanied. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A follower, k. 30, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Following, Rm. 2, 105, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Following, Rm. 2, 90, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. f. %%, Following, a follower, Chr. 35, 10. ## %%, adv. In proportion to the (four) ages, Man. 1, 84. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Question, k. 15, 17. 2. Inquiry, Daak. in Chr. 193, 2; 195, 20. ## %%, adj. Gratifying, Rm. 2, 1, 20, Gorr. ## %%, n. Loving. ## %%, f. A by-way running along the main street, Rm. 2, 6, 17. ## %%, i. e. %% m. 1. Redness, i. 9, 1. 2. Love, Daak. in Chr. 183, 18. 3. Good will, Man. 7, 154. -- Comp. %%, adj. f. %%, loving, Rm. 2, 12, 98. %%, adj. impassioned. @<[Page 24a]>@ ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Enamoured, Hit. 28, 9. 2. Enamoured or red, i. 9, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%. f. Attachment. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Attached, Sh. D. 76, 21. 2. Causing affection. ## %%, adj., f. %

%. Suitable, Sv. 2, 10; instr. %%, In proportion, Man. 8, 206. %%, adv. According to Daak. in Chr. 197, 13. -- Comp. %%, adj. Innate, natural. ## %%, adv. In proportion, M. 7, 125. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Compliance, Hit. 106, 17. 2. Obligation, Man. 2, 105. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Compliance, Hit. ii. d. 99. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Compliance. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Compliant, Rm. 2, 75, 36. 2. Acting in conformity with, Rm. 3, 2, 28. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Unguent. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Ointment, i. 9, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, I, adj. 1. Putting in due order. 2. (In medicine) Correcting the vitiated air of the body, or obviating excretory obstructions. ## %% (a denominat. derived from %%), Par. 1. To go or touch with the grain. 2. (In medicine) To direct into the proper channel. ## %%, m. A genealogical table, MBh. 1, 3762. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Referring to genealogical lists, MBh. 3, 8330. ## %%, n. 1. Studying, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 1. 2. A section. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Attending, Hit. 75, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Accommodating one's self to, Pac. i. d. 79. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Following, Daak. in Chr. 196, 10. 2. Obedient, Pac. i. d. 331. -- Comp. %%, adj. compliant, Lass. 29, 16. %%, adj. conforming to rule. ## %%. I. m. Obedience, Rm. 2, 8, 29. II. adj. Obedient, Rm. 2, 89, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A section. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Report, Lass. 67, 2. -- Comp. %%, m. 1. attack and rejoinder. 2. plaint and reply. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Assenting, Rm. 4, 62, 65. 2. Harmonizing with, Rm. 5, 14, 10. 3. Like, Pac. 248, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Compliant, Vikr. 36, 1. 2. Obedient, Hit. ii. d. 134. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. Oval, Rm. 6, 23, 12. @<[Page 25a]>@ ## %%, f. 1. Acting in conformity with. 2. Compliance, i. 9, 58. 3. Attachment, Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 1. -- Comp. %%, f. affectionate intercourse. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Boring. ## %% (cf. %%), adv. Continually, Ragh. 3, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Entering, MBh. 1, 7772. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Repetition, Rm. 1, 2, 43. ## %%, f. Attendance on a person departing, Man. 2, 241. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Devout, Rm. 1, 6, 16. 2. Faithful, Rjat. 5, 251. 3. Attached to (with acc.), Nal. 2, 26. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Repentance, Man. 8, 228. 2. Rescission (as of sale), Man. 8, 5. ## %%, n. 1. Instruction, Man. 2, 159. 2. Precept, Man. 8, 139. 3. Explanation, Man. 6, 50. ## %%, m. A teacher, Bhag. 8, 9. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Punishing, Vikr. 62, 14. ## %%. i. e. %%, desider. of %%, adj. Practising. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Desire. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Attached, prevailing, Man. 7, 52. @<[Page 25b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One who performs, Pac. 253, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Performing, Pac, 79, 22. 2. Practice, Man. 7, 100. 3. Study, Rjat, 5, 374. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Causing to perform, Daak. in Chr. 180, 2; 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Performing, Daak. in Chr. 181, 12. ## %%, adj. Neither hot nor cold, Bhp. 103. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Inquiry, Hit. 90, 18; Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A companion, Lass. 20, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Following, Hit. 98, 21. Persecution, Megh. 82. 2. Searching, Hit, 68, 13. 3. Conformity, Hit. 9, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Following. 2. Conformity. 3. Rule, Man. 8, 152. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Following, Pac. 98, 23. 2. Scrutinising, Man. 7, 102. 3. Observant, Man. 7, 31. -- Comp. %%, m, benzoin, Sur. 2, 32, 1. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Addicted to (cruel actions), Rm. 2, 49, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Recollection, Rm. 6, 82, 34. ## %% (vb. %%), n. Condition of being sewn on or closely attached (as with a thread), Vedntas. in Chr. 208, 4. ## %% (properly ptcple. of the pf. tm. of %%), m. One versed in the Vedas, Man. 2, 154. -- Comp. %%, m. One who is not versed in the Vedas, Man. 2, 242. ## %%, i. e. %% (the %% is lengthened on account of the metre), n. Want of water, drought, Rm. 1, 20, 16. ## %%, i. e. %% (%% is lengthened on account of the metre), adj. Without belly, MBh. 14, 1305. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %

%, Watery, Man. 7, 192. II. m. A shore, Rm. 5, 15, 55. ## %%, f. The name of a river. ## %% and ## %%, m. One not conversant in the Rigveda, Man. 3, 131; 2, 158. ## %%, f. ## %%, n., and ## %% (Pac. 255, 11), i. e. %%, f. Freedom from debt. ## %%, adj., f. %%, False, k. 68, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Lying, a liar, Man. 4, 214. ## %%, n. Mildness, Rm. 2, 46, 8. ## %%, adv. In many ways, Bhp. 99. ## %%, adv. Repeatedly, Chr. 33, 2. ## %%, f. Comprehension of manifold unities, Bhp. 108. ## %%, i. e. %% (anom.). I. adj. Without a rival. II. m. (nom. sing., %%) Time, Rjat. 5, 405. @<[Page 26b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Going astray (one of the five forms of fallacious middle term), Bhp. 70. ## %% (vb. 2. %%), m. A tree. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Not accompanied by the mystical syllable %%, Man. 2, 74. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To bind. ## %%, m. 1. End, Nal. 22, 4. 2. Boundary, Rm. 3, 15, 16. 3. Limit, Rm. 3, 1, 23. 4. Border, Rm. 4, 6, 16. 5. Proximity, Man. 4, 116. 6. Death, Rm, 5, 87, 29. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. endless, Man. 3, 275. II. m. 1. a name of Viu. 2. ea, the chief of the Ngas, or serpents. %%, m. 1. the western extremity. 2. pl. the name of a people. 3. completion. 4. death. %%, m. the bank of a river, k. 54, 21. %%, adj., f. %%, ending in this, Man. 1, 50. %%, m. the end of a Kalpa-period, the destruction, the end of the world, Dev. 1, 49; Hit. i, d. 43. %%, I. adj., f. %%, deciding, Bhg. P. 9, 6, 13. II. m. 1. fate, Rm. 1, 41, 1. 2. a name of the God of Death, Hit. 9, 6. 3. a proved doctrine, Bhag. 18, 13. %%. 1. the end of the hair, Rm. 6, 8, 2. 2. a tuft of hair, Pac. 245, 12. 3. hair, Rm. 5, 35, 21. 4. the ceremony of cutting the hair, Man. 2, 65. %%, adj. whose end is near, Rm. 2, 12, 31. %%, m. the end of the hot season, Megh. 104. %% m. an uninhabited country, Sur. 204, 5. %%, adj. finding its end thereby, Hit. i. d. 85. %%, I. m. the end of the world, Kir. 5, 1. II. adj. dwelling at the end of the world, MBh. 10, 260. %%, m. (vb. %%) death, Rm. 2, 111, 3 Gorr. %%, m. (n. Rm. 2, 109, 37 Gorr.) 1. a prototype, Hariv. 5298. 2. an example, Hit. ii, d. 97. 3. comparison, Chr. 9, 45. %%, m. a supplementary sacrifice. %%, m. 1. the end of an age. 2. a destruction of the universe. %%, adj. 1. agreed to. 2. consequent upon a promise. -- Cf. Goth. andi, A.S. ende; Lat. uls instead of ultis; see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. The palace of a king, Rm. 2, 14, 28. 2. The female apartments, the gyneceum, Man. 7, 221. 3. The wives of a king. Sing. Nal. 17, 31, and plur. k. 30, 12. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, Being in the interior, Kaths. 16, 104. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%, Causing death, Rm. 3, 46, 9. II. m. A name of the god of Death, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1520. -- Comp. %%, adj. endless. %%, m. the god of Death, Rm. 6, 67, 2. %%, i. e. %%, m. the destroyer of the world, Bhg. P. 4. 5, 6. %%, m. iva. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Causing death, Rm. 5, 94, 11. ## %%. I. adj. Causing the end. II. m. Death. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Going to the end. 2. Thoroughly conversant in, Man. 3, 145. ## %%, adv. 1. With the end or extremity, Man. 2, 62. 2. At the end, lastly, Man. 3, 86. ## %%. I. adv. Within, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 119; Vikr. d. 8. II. prep. Within, with gen. Bhag. 13, 15. III. Combined and compounded with some verbs and their derivatives. IV. Former and latter part of compourd nouns implying the interiro; e. g. %%, the internal sense (cf. %%); %%, i. e. %% in the water, Yj. 1, 149. %%, between the teeth, Man. 5, 141. -- Cf. Lat. inter. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%, Other, Rm. 5, 56, 57. II. n. 1. The interior, Pac. ii. d. 42; the main substance, Pac. 167, 6. 2. Interval, Man. 2, 17. %%, In the mean while, Rm. 1, 24, 24. %%, adj. With one class between, Man. 10, 13. %%, adj. With one or two classes between, Man. 10, 7. %%, n. Lapse of time, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1264. -- Loc. %%, Between, Rjat. 5, 152. 3. A hole, Rm. 3, 35, 84. 4. Distance, Rm. 2, 49, 1. 5. Difference, Rm. 3, 53, 56. 6. Opportunity, Rm. 1, 46, 23. 7. A weak side, Rm. 6, 18, 46. 8. A surety, Pac. 213, 24; see %%. 9. When latter part of compound words it may be translated very often by adjectives, e. g. 'other,' %% and %%, n. A foreign country, Rjat, 6, 16; Man. 5, 78. %%, n. Another place, Hit. 25, 9. 'Special,' %%, A special reason, Nal. 13, 59; Rm. 4, 9, 28. 'Suitable,' e. g. %%, A suitable time, Pac. iii. d. 236. 'Relative to,' %%, Relative to myself, Rm. 2, 90, 16 (cf. 92, 21 Gorr.) -- Comp. %%, adj. one day old, MBh. 11, 98. %%, adj. with interstices. %%, n. the heart. -- Cf. Lat. interus, interior, alter, and ulterior, ultra (see %% and %%); Goth. anthar. A.S. other. ## %%, adv. 1. From the interior, i. 9, 19. 2. Within (in his heart), Rm. 3, 62, 1. ## %% (old instr. sing. of %% cf. %%). I. adv. 1. Amidst, hr. 14, 17. 2. Between, Rm. 5, 34, 5. 3. In the interval, i. e. between morning and evening, Man. 2, 56. 4. For some time, Rm. 3, 8, 13. 5. Therein, Man. 10, 174. 6. On the way, Daak. in Chr. 187, 17. 7. Near, Rm. 2, 57, 13. II prep. 1. Between, with loc., Rm. 2, 40, 44, and acc., Ram. 2, 92, 12. 2. Without. -- Cf. %%, [greek] ## %%, adj. Internal, Man. 12, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Obstacle, i. 9, 87. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Interval, Daak. in Chr. 197, 17; i. 9, 2. loc. %%, While, Pac. 55, 17. -- Comp. %%, adj., separated, distinct from. ## %% and ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The sky, Chr. 41, 21; 30, 8. ## %% (vb. %%). I. adj. Moving in the air, Rm. 5, 27, 11. II. m. A bird. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A lower garment, Daak. in Chr. 198, 22. ## %% (instr. of %%), prep. with acc. 1. Between, i. 3, 3. 2. During, Mlav. 67, 21. 3. Except, Rm. 3, 25, 1. 4. Without, Rm. 3, 71, 13. 5. Regarding, k. 59, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. An interval of ten days, Man. 5, 79. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Disappearance; with %% or %%, to disappear, Rm. 6, 19, 39. 2. Invisibility, Rm. 6, 19, 48. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Inclusion, being included, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 1. ## %% i. e. %%, m. The soul, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 19. @<[Page 28b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A superintendent of a gyneceum, Pac. 156, 17. ## %%, adj., f. %% (ved. %%). A pregnant woman, Rjat. 5, 245. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Having an end, perishable, Bhag. 2, 18. ## %% (from the ved. anti = [greek] cf. [greek] Lat. ante, Goth. and, e. g. in and-hafjan, to answer; N.H.G. ant-, ent-, e. g. in ant-worten, ent-gegnen), n. Vicinity, Rjat, 5, 57. -- abl. %%. Near, with acc. Rm. 3, 9, 11. From, with gen. Man. 9, 174. -- loc. %%. Close to, Nal. 1, 25. In presence of, Man. 2, 202. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, reaching to the hair, Man. 2, 46. %%, i. e. %%, lasting till the comprehension, Man. 3, 1. %%, i. e. %%, adv. whispering, speaking aside, k. 13, 12. ## %% (ved. %%), adj., f. %%. Last, Hit. Pr. d. 12. -- Cf. Lat. ultimus and intimus; see %% and %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A pupil, Man. 4, 33. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%. 1. Last, Man. 11, 213. With %%, State of extremity, Pac. 70, 5. 2. Lowest, Pac. iv. d. 76. Of a very low class, Man. 12, 59. II. m. 1. A Cla, Man. 2, 238. 2. One of a barbarous nation, Man. 3, 9. ## %% (vb. %%). I. adj., f. %%, Born in the lowest class, Man. 8, 385. II. m. A man of the lowest tribe, Pac. i. d. 452. III. f. %%, A woman of the lowest class, Man. 11, 58. ## %%, f. The lowest of human conditions, Man. 12, 9. @<[Page 29a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A man of a degraded tribe; the son of a Nid woman by a Cla, Man. 10, 39. ## %% (for %%, cf. [greek] Lat. interiora), n. An intestine (mostly used in the plur.), Rm. 5, 25, 46. -- Comp. %%, n. the entrails which are nearer to the heart. %%, n. those which are near the anus, Yj. 3, 94; 95. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To bind. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Swinging, Rjat. 5, 356. ## [dagger] %% (a denomin. derived from %<*andola>%, based on %<*andul>%, an anomalous frequent. of %% for %<*dandul>%, cf. %%). To swing. ## %%, i. 10, Par. (rather denomin. of %%) 1. [dagger] To be blind. 2. To make blind, to obstruct the sight, i. 9, 21. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Blind, Pac. 291, 11. 2. Obstructing the sight, Man. 8, 94. -- Comp. %%, m. An owl, Pac. 158, 22. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%, Blind. II. m. A proper name. ## %%, m. and n. Darkness, Man. 4, 51. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Dark, Kaths. 4, 51. ## %%, f. and ## %%, n. Blindness. ## %%, n. The sacrificial food (ved.), Chr. 291, 6 = Rigv. i. 85, 6. ## %%, m. 1. The name of a people. 2. A man of a low caste, son of a Vaidca by a Krvara woman, Man. 10, 36. @<[Page 29b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Food, Man. 3, 182. 2. Corn, Man. 3, 76. 3. Boiled rice, Man. 3, 82. -- Comp. %%, n. dressed food, Man. 9, 213. %%, n. food offered to gods, Man. 5, 7. %%, n. rice with curdled milk, Yj. 1, 288. %%, n. food prepared for another. %%, n. a mixture of sugar and acids, etc., eaten with bread or rice. %%, i. e. %%, n. a sort of rice. -- Cf. Lat. annona. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. Giving food, Man. 4, 229. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Consisting of food in a metaphysical sense, i. e. of the essence of the elementary creation, Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Eating food, Man. 8, 317 (one who eats food given to him by a killer of a Brhmaa). ## %%, i. e. %%. 1. (the latter part being the ptcple. of the fut. pass. of %%), n. Proper food, Man. 3, 82. 2. (the latter part being the adj. %%), Dressed rice, etc., Man. 3, 244. ## %%, adj., f. %%, n. %%. 1. Other, Man. 8, 17. 2. Different, Hit. i. d. 121. 3. with abl. Other than, Rjat. 5, 178. (%%, no other than akaravarman). 4. One, Pac. 80, 16. 5. plur. The others, i. e. the rest, Bhtl. Chr. 219, 161. 6. acc. sing., n. %%. Besides, else, Pac. 55, 9. -- Comparat. %%, f. %%, n. %%, Either of two, Man. 2, 111. -- Superl. %%, f. %%, Any one of more than two, Man. 11, 25. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, fixed on one object, Bhag. 9, 32. -- Cf. Lat. alius, [greek] Goth. alja-, alis, alja, probably also alls. A.S. ## %%, adv. 1. From another, Man. 4, 33. 2. On the contrary, Pac. i. d. 109. 3. To another place, Man. 2, 200. ## %%, f. Difference, i. 4, 55. -- Comp. %%, f. identity. ## %%, adv. 1. Elsewhere 2. On another occasion, Man. 5, 41. 3. To another subject, Man. 2, 168. 4. With abl., except, without, Bhag. 8, 9. -- Cf. Goth. aljathro, Lat. aliter [greek] ## %%, adv. 1. In another manner, differently. %%, To change, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 717. 2. Otherwise, else, Man. 8, 144. 3. Untruly, Rm. 4, 21, 15. 4. Wrongly, illegally, Man. 9. 234. 5. In an opposite way, Pac. 206, 14; with %%, To deny. -- Cf. Lat. aliuta. ## %%, adv. 1. At another time. 2. Once, Pac. 234, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. f. %%. 1. Belonging to another. 2. Being in others, Daak. 187, 23. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A half-brother, born by another mother, Yj. 2, 139. ## %% (vb. %%), m. An adulterer, Man. 8, 386. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, Looking different. Lass. 72, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Neither too little nor too much, Ram. 6, 16, 78. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. 1. On the following day, Daak. in Chr. 197, 9. 2. Once, Pac. 68, 25. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A half-brother, having the same father but another mother, Yj. 2, 139. @<[Page 30b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Each other, Man. 7, 89. 2. Mutual, Man. 9, 101. ## %%, i. e. %%, acc. sing. n. I. adv. Behind, i. 9, 76. II. prep. with acc. After, Ragh. 2, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, m 1. Following. 2. Connection. 3. The affirmative connection between the major and middle terms, Bhp. 141. 4. Male descendants, Yj. 2, 117. 5. Lineage, Ragh. 1, 9. Race, Rjat. 5, 151. Family, Rjat. 5, 41. 6. Succession, inheritance in %%, Inherited, Pac. 16, 11. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. hard to be pursued, Rm. 2, 92, 13 Gorr. 2. hard to be performed, MBh. 13, 5854. 3. not easy to be conceived, Bhg. P. 7, 6, 30. %%, adj. 1. in absence (cf. %%), Man. 8, 332. 2. without descendants, Rjat. 2, 81. 3. not related, Man. 8, 198. %%, adj. 1. related, Man. 8, 331. 2. in connection with family. 3. with all the family, Pac. 45, 6. 4. in order or regular succession. ## %%, adj., f. %%, In presence, Man. 8, 332. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Connected with, Bhp. 73. 2. Belonging to a race, Rjat, 5, 246. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Clear. II. adv. %%, Literally. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Race, Sund. 1, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Regard. ## %%, i. e. %% I. The ninth day of the latter half of the months Paua, Mgha, and Phlguna (and according to another authority, also of the Agrahyaa), Man. 4159. @<[Page 31a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Every day, Man. 2, 167. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), n. A woman's property, consisting in what she has received after her marriage from her husband's or her father's families, Man. 9, 195. ## %%, n. = %%. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), n. The monthly rddha or funeral repast in honour of the manes, held on the day of new noon, Man. 3, 123. ## %%, n. = %%, in %% (properly, the oblation offered after the funeral cakes), Man. 3, 122. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, m. Searching, k. d. 22. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, adj., f. %%, One who searches, Rm. 4, 61, 12. Who explores, Rjat. 5, 54. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, n. and f. %<>%, Searching, Daak. in Chr. 179, 5. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, adj., f. %%, Searching, Rjat. 5, 463. -- Comp. %%, adj. seeking another's welfare. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, m. A searcher, Nal. 16, 30. ## %%, f., in the classical literature plur.: N.V. %%, I. %%, D.A. %%. Water, Man. 1, 8. %%, To give and confirm the gift by pouring water, Man. 9, 168. -- Cf. Lat. aqua amnis, Goth. ahva, ## 1. %%. I. adv. (ved.) Away. II. prep. with abl. Away from, without (very seldom). III. combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives. IV. former part of compounded nouns and adverbs, implying: Loss, negation, privation, wrong, bad, unnatural. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. ab. Goth. and A.S. af. ## 2. %<-ap + a>%, a substitute for %%, when latter part of a comp. word, e. g. %%, adj. Of which the water is dried up, Rm. 2, 72, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An injurer, Hit. iii. d. 47. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Deterioration. 2. Sinking, Man. 10, 42. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Deteriorating. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %<>%, Removing, Rm. 1, 29, 18. II. n. Removal, Yj. 1, 191. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Injury. 2. Malice, Daak. in Chr. 191. ## %%, f. An injurious action, Nal. 21, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Mischievous, Man. 11, 31; Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 687. ## %%, n. Injury, Pac. 255, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Going away, Rm. 2, 34, 40. ## %%, f. 1. A wrong (unseasonable) act, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 890. 2. Wrong manner, i. 9, 68. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, i. e. %% m. Reviling, Daak. in Chr. 192, 21 (ib. 20, read %%). ## %%, f. Immaturity. ## %%, m. 1. Going away, Megh. 71. 2. Separation, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 643. 3. Passing away (of time), Kaths. 21, 147. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Without thundering, Kaths. 19, 94. ## %% (vb. %%, ptcple. pres. tm.), adj. One who by his mode of life is prevented from dressing his food, as a student, a mendicant, and a heretic, Man. 4, 32 (Kull.). ## %%, i. e. %% m. Decrease, Hit. iii. d. 131. ## %<-apacyin>%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Decreasing in, MBh. 3, 11157. 2. Honouring, MBh. 13, 6705. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Death, Daak. in Chr. 200, 20. 2. Trespass, fault, k. 110, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Deviating from, Hariv. 1014 (corr. %%). 2. Adulterous, Man. 8, 317. ## %%, f. 1. Honour, Rm. 2, 74, 26. 2. Expiation. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), adj. Shadowless, Pac. ii. d. 108(?). ## %%, i. e. %%, desid. of %%, adj. Desirous of taking away, Rjat. 5, 426. ## %%, f. A screen of cloth; see %%. ## %%, f. Foolishness, Bhart. 2, 88. ## %%, n. Offspring, Man. 5, 161. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, childless, without offspring, Man. 9, 190. %% (vb. %%), adj. f. %%, having lost a child by abortment, Rjat. 5, 246. %%, adj. having progeny. ## %<-apatya + t>%, f. State of having offspring, Man. 3, 16. %%, Having no offspring, childlessness, k. 90, 20. ## %%, f. Bashfulness, Daak. in Chr. 184, 22. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %

%, impudent, Rm. 4, 30, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Stating, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 14. 2. Denunciation, Daak. in Chr. 193, 13. 3. Pretext, Man. 4, 198. %%, Artfully, Man. 8, 182. -- Comp. %%, adv. under a pretext, Daak. in Chr. 190, 16. ## %<-apade + in>% in %%, adj. Disguised as (Rjputs) Kaths. 24, 121. ## %%, f. Faultlessness, i. 9, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Disregard, MBh. 1, 8457. 2. Hurting, Hariv. 9058(?). ## %% (vb. %%), m. The offspring of a father inferior in caste to the mother, Man. 10, 41. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Removing, Rm. 3, 64, 11; 1, 46, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Removing. 2. Expiation, Man. 11, 209. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Removing, Rm. 2, 1, 28. ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %%, adj. Desirous of removing, Man. 11, 101. @<[Page 33a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Removal. 2. Expiation, Man. 11, 75. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Removing, Man. 11, 215. II. n. Expiation, Man. 11, 252. ## %%, adj. Deprived of vessels, Man. 10, 51. ## i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Without shoes, Rjat. 5, 194. ## %%, m. Incorrect language, Rjat. 5, 205. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Dirt, Rm. 3, 2, 3. -- Cf. Lat. merda. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Touch, k. d. 116, v. r. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., n. 1. Disrespect, Rm. 1, 12, 14. 2. Token of disrespect, Daak. in Chr. 181, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Disregarding, despising. ## %%, i. e. I. %%, m. Cleansing, i. 9, 36. II. %%, m. A sideway, Pac. 169, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Going away, i. 9, 84. 2. Retreat, flight, Rm. 3, 40, 29. ## I. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Posterior, Man. 3, 278; with %%, Evening-twilight, Man. 4, 93. 2. Following, Rm. 2, 65, 1. 3. Western, i. 9, 1. 4. Other, Pac. 55, 13. -acc. %%, adv. Moreover, Pac. 71, 1. II. %%, adj. 1. Inferior, Bhag. 7, 5. 2. Relative, Bhp. 7; 9. 3. Modern, Man. 9, 99. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. 1. being before and behind. 2. prior and subsequent. II. n. sing. 1. east and west. 2. connexion, Man. 8, 56 (Proof, and thing to be proved, Ragh.). -- Cf. Goth. afar, after, N.H.G. aber. @<[Page 33b]>@ ## %%, f. 1. Relative ness. 2. Condition of being less extensive, Bhp. 8. 3. Shortness of distance and time. ## %%, adv. In another place, Rm. 3, 15, 26; 27. ## %%, n. Shortness of distance and time, Bhp. 120. ## %%, n. = %%, Bhp. 3; 85, Shortness of distance and time. ## %%, adv. Otherwise, i. 9, 67. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Not sprung up in a successive order, Bhag. 16, 8. ## %%, m. 1. Transgression, Ragh. 1, 6. 2. Offence, Pac. 40, 23. 3. Crime, Rm. 2, 58, 22. 4. Injury, Rm. 6, 33, 21. 5. %%, adv. By the fault, Man. 8, 408. -- Comp. %%, adj. innocent, Pac. 198, 4. %%, adj. guilty. ## %%, adj. One who has committed a crime, sinful, i. 9, 58. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Offending, Rm. 5, 91, 8. An offender, Yj. 2. 266. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. m. The name of a people. II. n. A song conducive to final liberation, Yj. 3, 113. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Not turning the back, not flying. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., n. 1. The afternoon, Man. 3, 255. 2. Evening, Chr. 34, 16. @<[Page 34a]>@ ## %%, adj., f. %%, Unavoidable. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. The following day, Rm. 1, 9, 52; Nal. 13, 35. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Without arbours, Kir. 5, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Completion; the delivery of the soul from the body; final beatitude, Daak. in Chr. 181, 10. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, Giving final beatitude, Rjat. 5, 44. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Removing. 2. Depriving one of, Man. 9, 79. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Refutation of an erroncous imputation, Vedntas. in Chr. 211, 24. 2. Insulting, Man. 4, 239. 3. Blame, Pac. 37, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Blaming, k. 23, 12. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., instr. %%, Apart, Mcch. 23, 22. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), n. Removal, Daak. in Chr. 181, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Boring improperly, Man. 9, 286. ## %% (see %%), adv. Fearless, i. 4, 47. ## %%, Ved. (akin to %

%) I. n. Work, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9. II. adj. Active, diligent, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i. 92, 3. -- Comp. %%, adj. making beautiful works, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. 1, 85, 9. -- Cf. Lat. opus, Ved. %% = Lat. operari, [greek] for [greek] @<[Page 34b]>@ ## %%, m. 1. A degraded one, Man. 10, 10. 2. A contemptible individual; in this signification, it is generally the latter part of a comp., e. g. %%, m. A contemptible elephant, Pac. 80, 21; %%, m. A contemptible monkey, Rm. 6, 83, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Retreating, Pac. 152, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A spy, Daak. in Chr. 188, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Retreating, Rm. 6, 92, 9. ## %%, adj. With the sacrificial cord over the right shoulder (cf. %%), Yj. 1, 250. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An outlet, Pac. 171, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Excrements, Lass. 4, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Water which had been used for bathing, Man. 4, 132. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Epilepsy. 2. Madness, Bhart. 1, 88. ## %% i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Subject to epilepsy, Man. 3, 7. ## %<-apa-ha>% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, 1. Removing, Rm. 3, 79, 44; Kir. 5, 22. 2. Destroying, Rjat. 5, 179. 3. Curing, Sur. 2, 408, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj. antidotal. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Taking away, Daak. in Chr. 180, 21. 2. Stealing, Man. 9, 293. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., f. %%, n. 1. One who takes away, a thief, Man. 9, 275. 2. One who withholds another's property, Man. 8, 190. 3. Removing, expiating, Man. 11, 161. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Taking away. 2. Concealment, k. 13, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Taking away, stealing, Man. 9, 256. II. m. A thief, Man. 4, 255. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Taking away; ravishing, Man. 2, 88. II. m. A thief, Pac. 33, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Denying, Man. 8, 52. 2. Concealment, Kaths. 10, 92. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Surpassing, Bhart. 1, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The outer corner of the eye, Daak. in Chr. 190, 15. -- In comp. adj. the fem. terminates in %% and %%, Rm. 5, 38, 7; 2, 30, 34. -- Comp. %%, m. a peacock. ## %%, f. An action by which a person becomes unworthy of receiving a present, Man. 11, 125. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Causing a person to become unworthy of receiving a present, Man. 11, 69. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. One of the five vital airs, that which goes downwards, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 10. 2. The anus (cf. %%). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Going away. 2. Disappearance. 3. Diminution, Man. 1, 70. 4. End, Rjat. 5, 98. 5. Trespass, injury. 6. Loss. 7. Danger. 8. Calamity. -- Comp. %%, adj. diminished by one, Man. 1, 70. %%, adj. 1. imperishable, MBh. 12, 8003. 2. infallible, MBh. 3, 2178. %%, adj. dangerous, Pac. 192, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. f. %%, Useless, Man. 8, 78. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Refuge, support, Man. 9, 335. 2. An awning spread over a court, Rm. 5, 11, 19. 3. The head, Daak. in Chr. 198, 20 (Sch. Wils. p. 90). ## %% (properly, Thereto, on, by, cf. [greek] Lat. ob) I. part. 1. Moreover, also, Man. 8, 274; 1, 119. 2. Even, Man. 2. 150. 3. Still, k. d. 29. 4. Though, k. d. 68. 5. With preceding %%, Although, Man. 9, 145. 6. With %%, Even thus, nevertheless, k. 99, 8, 7. With %%, Nevertheless, Bhart. 1, 28. 8. Only, Pac. Pr. d. 9. 9. All together, after numerals and words used in a similar signification, Man. 1, 107 (All four), Man. 2, 14 (after %%, both); Man. 3, 193 (all together); Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1047 (after %%, all these); Pac. 108, 14 (after %%, Every other subject). 10. A part. of interrogation, Rm. 5, 33, 34. 11. A part of desire, O that! Man. 3, 274. 12. With following %% (base %%), Perhaps, Mcch. 174, 3. O that! Vikr. 13. Following the interrogat. pron. %% or its derivatives: a. It makes them indefinite, %% (i. e. %%), Somebody, Bhart. 3, 99 (cf. Lat. quispiam for quis-pi-jam). b. Signifies: Even, Kaths. 4, 55. c. Violently, Megh. 110. 14. Preceding %% becomes more indefinite, Man. 3, 14. II. conjunct. 1. And also, Man. 1, 115. 2. And, Man. 4, 55. 3. %%, 'as well as,' Hit. i. d. 159; from the one part -- from the other part, Pac. 113, 8; 9; %%, Man. 5, 23. 4. But, Man. 8, 267. 5. But also, Pac. 155, 25. III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives. IV. Former part of comp. nouns implying 'near to,' 'joined to.' ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A cover. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, covered by stones, Rm. 3, 76, 35. ## %%, m. A cake, Man. 5, 7. ## %%, f. and ## %%, n. Condition of having no antecedent, i. e. acquiring an understanding of the %% from no other authority than the Vedic texts, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 10 cf. 3. ## %%, i. e. %% f. 1. Consideration, Pac. 40, 16. 2. Regard. 3. Care, Daak. in Chr. 187, 6. 4. Expectation, Vedntas. in Chr. 214, 9. 5. Reference, relation, ib. 208, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Regardless. 2. Without desire, Bhag. 12, 16. %%, I. f. indifference, Rm. 2, 116, 5 Gorr. II. adj. 1. Regardless, Daak. in Chr. 185, 19. 2. Without desire, indifferent, Man. 6, 41. III. %%, adv. 1. Without having any regard. Daak. in Chr. 192, 22. 2. Accidentally, Pac. 264, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, (vb. %%), n. Consideration, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Regarding. 2. Expecting, Rjat. 5, 296. -- Comp. %%, disregarding, Rm. 4, 28, 5. %%, i. e. %%, adj. patient, enduring, MBh. 7, 5467. %%, adj. indifferent, ib. 13, 6169. ## %%, adj. Not under sixteen years of age, Man. 8, 148 (v. r.). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Disconnecting reasoning, MBh. 13. 6725. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Removal, Bhag. 15, 15 (of recollection and knowledge.) ## %%, adj., f. %%, Living in water, Man. 7, 72. ## %% (%%, ved.), adj. Efficacious, Chr. 298, 24 = Rigv. i. 112, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Absorption. -- Comp. %%, adj. owing both origin and end to the guardians of the world, Man. 5, 97. ## %%, i. e. probably %%, adj. Childless, Rm. 1, 14, 29. ## %% (cf. the next), m. A leader in combat, k. d. 95; 192. ## %% (%% is a ved. word, Irresistible), adj. Of irresistible strength, Rm. 4, 35, 4. ## %%, f. Ignorance, Man. 4, 167. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The name of female divinities; in the classical poetry the courtesans of paradise. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, n. the name of a pond. ## %% (see %%) adj., f. %%, Unobstructed, Kaths. 26, 80. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), I. adj., f. %%, Born or produced in or by water, Man. 5, 112. II. n. A lotus, -- Comp. %%, n. a blue lotus. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%) m. 1. A cloud. 2. A year, Rjat. 5, 291. -- Comp. %%, m. a year of penance, Man. 11, 162. %%, n. Three years, Man. 8, 36. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. The occan, Kaths. 12, 113. -- Comp. %%, m. the sea of milk, Kaths. 22, 186. ## %% (Towards, to). I. adv. On, Chr. 295, 10 = Rigv. i. 92, 10. II. prep. with acc. To, Ved. Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. i. 48, 7; over, Chr. 292, 5 = Rigv. i. 86, 5. III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives. IV. Former part of compounded nouns and adverbs implying Towards, in presence of, very, cf. e. g. %%; Quite, cf. %%. -- Cf. Goth. b. The original form of this indeclinable was probably %% = Gr. [greek] Lat. amb in amb-ire; O.H.G. umbi. ## %% (vb. %%) adj., f. %%, Libidinous, Ragh. 19, 4. ## %%, f. Desire, Rm. 3, 48, 15 (%%, Desire of getting into heaven, with accus. like its verbal base). ## %%, adj., f. %%, Desiring, Chr. 7, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. m. Love. II. adj., f. %%, Loving, Rm. 1, 77, 29. -- Comp. %%, adj. loving, Nal. 24, 13. ## %%, m. The name of a town, Rm. 2, 68, 17. ## %%, m. An undertaking, Bhag. 2, 40. ## %%, f. Beauty, Megh. 78. -- Comp. %%, adj. exceedingly beautiful, Rjat. 5, 365. %%, n. silver. %%, i. e. %%, n. silver. ## %%, m. 1. Approaching. 2. A visit, Megh. 50. 3. Sexual intercourse, Yj. 2, 291. ## %%, n. 1. Approaching. 2. Mounting, Kaths. 20, 154. 3. Sexual intercourse, Pac. Pr. d. 8. ## %%, i. e. %% adj., f. %%, Approaching (for sexual intercourse), Man. 3, 45. ## %%, i. e. %%. Caus. %<+ a>%, m. 1. Striking, Bhp. 117; Kir. 5, 42. 2. Hurting, affliction. Man. 12, 77. -- Comp. %%, m. butting at a bank or mound. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ in>%, adj., f. %%, 1. Striking. 2. Hostile, Hit. iv. d. 92. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Incantation, making charms for mischievous purposes, Man. 11, 197. ## %%, m. 1. Race, Rm. 3, 48, 18. 2. Family, Rm. 5, 87, 15. ## %%, n. Production, Hberl. 524, 9. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Noble, k. d. 94. ## %%, I. m. The name of a sacrifice, Man. 11, 74. II. n. The name of the eighth Indian hour (%%, comprising 48 minutes) of the day, (i. e. 24 minutes before and 24 minutes after midday), Rm. 6, 112, 70. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, Knowing, conversant with, Rjat, 5, 383. -- Comp. %%, adj. ignorant, Daak. in Chr. 182, 18. ## %%, f. Knowledge, Ragh. 7, 61. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Remembrance, Rm. 5. 68, 1. 2. Recognition, Daak. in Chr. 192, 12. 3. A token of remembrance, Rm. 2, 100, 6. 4. A sign by which one proves himself to be a trustee, Daak. in Chr. 196, 15. ## %%, adv. and prep. with acc. 1. On both sides, Bhart. 1, 80; Rm. 2, 45, 4. 2. From every side, round about, Rm. 2, 94, 20. 3. Near, Kir. 5, 14; also with gen. Rm. 1, 33, 22. 4. Completely, Kir. 5, 11. 5. Towards, in presence of. ## %%, m. 1. Extreme heat, i. 9, 1. 2. Great pain, Sv. 5, 69. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Very red, Kaths, 14, 30. ## %%, adv. Towards the sun, i. 9, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Sight, Man. 9, 274. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), adv. To a female messenger, i. 9, 56. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Injury, Rm. 1, 26, 20. 2. Contumely, Man. 8, 271. -- Comp. %%, m. tenderness, Kaths. 13, 34. ## %%, f. 1. A name, Rjat. 5, 379. 2. The primary sense of a word. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. called ravarman, Rjat. 5, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. A name, Kaths. 7, 112. 2. A word. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, called Suyy, Rajt. 5, 74. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Speaking, Rm. 5, 14, 41. 2. Teaching. ## %%, adj. Running towards, hastening, Yj. 2, 234. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Desire, covetousness, Man. 12, 5. ## %%, m., or f. %%, Wish, desire. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Praising, Rm. 5, 59, 11. 2. Delighting, Rm. 3, 79, 12. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Bent, Ragh. 13, 32. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Dramatic performance, Vikr. d. 36. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Quite new, Rjat. 5, 1. 2. Fresh, Bhart. 2, 14. ## %%, adv. To the nostril, i. 9, 52. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Inclination, Vikr. 35, 13. 2. Adhering, Man. 12, 5. 3. Tenacity. 4. Determined resolution. %%, i. e. %%, adv. After having taken a determined resolution, Prab. 67, 14. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Adhering, Yj. 3, 155. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Adhering. 2. Persevering, Daak. in Chr. 190, 22. ## %% (vb. 1. %

%), n. Condition of being saturated, MBh. 12, 12844. ## %%, adj. Covered with flowers, Rm. 6, 93, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Intention, Pac. i. d. 366; wish, Rm. 3, 28, 31. 2. Opinion, Pac. 150, 25. 3. Consideration, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 13 sqq. %%, when taken collectively. -- Comp. %%, adj. resolute, Pac. 122, 13. @<[Page 39a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %

%, adj. Ardently desiring, Man. 8, 344. ## %%, adv. In the presence of the husband, i. 9, 77; on the husband, ib. 35. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. The being overpowered, k. d. 40. 2. Defeat. -- Comp. %%, adj., not surpassable, Bhart. 2, 54. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The being overpowered, Man. 6, 62. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Overpowering, Ragh. 1, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Allocution. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Addressing, Rm. 3, 49, 5. ## %%, f. Defeat. ## %<-abhi-manas>%, adj. Wishing for, Rm. 5, 38, 24. ## %%, m. One who refers existing objects to one's own self, Man. 1, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Consecration, Yj, 1, 237. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Oppression, invasion, Draup. 6, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Oppressing. II. n. Oppression, Rm. 6, 95, 8; invasion, 6, 100, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Oppressing. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Teuching improperly, k. d. 116. Sometimes it is written incorrectly with %<>% instead of %<>%, Man. 8, 352. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Touching improperly. -- With %<>% instead of %<>% (see the last), Rm. 1, 7, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Touching improperly, Yj, 2, 284. Also incorrectly (see the last) with %% instead of %%, Rm. 6, 66, 26. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Courting, Daak. in Chr. 195, 4. ## See ##. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An enemy, Chr. 291, 3 = Rigv. i. 85, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Referring existing objects to one's own self, egotism, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 2. 2. Self-conceit, pride, Bhart. 3, 4. 3. Love, Daak. in Chr. 182, 23. -- Comp. %%, adj. exempt from pride, Bhg. P. 5, 15, 6. %%, adj. proud, Rjat. 5, 233. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Proud. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. State of one who refers existing objects to his own self, egotism, Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Proud, Rm. 3, 37, 16. 2. Fancying, Daak. in Chr. 187, 12 (%%, having the fancy of being a physician). ## %%, adj., f. %% or %%. 1. Facing, fronting, Rm. 1, 71, 18: with acc. Directed towards. Rm. 2, 1, 34; towards, Bhag. 11, 28; opposite, Rm. 5, 71, 9. 2. Near, Vikr. d. 28. 3. Ready for, Ragh, 5, 29. 4. Favourable, Rm. 2, 109, 23. Acc. %%, adv. Opposite to, Man. 2, 193; towards, Pac. 40, 17; to, Rm. 1, 45, 48; near, Megh. 69. Loc. %%, adv. Opposite, Rm. 6, 19, 25. -- Comp. %%, adv. to the wood, Pac. 63, 3. %%, adj. turned to the south, Man. 4, 50. ## %%, f. A request, at the end of the comp. adj. %%, Fulfilling the requests (which are directed to him), Rm. 2, 55, 6. ## %%, m. An aggressor, Rm. 2, 1, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Approaching. 2. Aggression, Chr. 53, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Approaching, Rm. 6, 16, 56. 2. Assaulting, Ragh. 12, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. An enemy. 2. A plaintiff. Man. 8, 52. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Exertion, Rm. 5, 51, 16. 2. Attack. 3. A charge, Yj. 2, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Accusing, a plaintiff, Yj, 2, 11. ## %%, m. A protector, Man. 7, 35. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Delight, Hit. i. d. 129. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Charming, delighting Rm. 3, 49, 23. @<[Page 40b]>@ ## %%, f. Delight, desire, Bhart. 2, 53. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Very beautiful. ## %%, adj., f. %

%. 1. Suitable. 2. Beautiful, Man. 9, 88. 3. Learned, Man. 3, 144. -- Comp. %%, adj. ugly, Daak. in Chr. 184, 8. ## %%, adv. Towards the mark, Ram. 2, 63, 22. ## %%, n. Jumping over, Rm. 5, 53, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Desire, Daak. in Chr. 182, 8. -- Comp. %%, adj. indifferent, k. d. 104. %%, adj., f. %<>%, eager, Dev. 1, 39. %%, adv. passionately, k. 33, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Desiring. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Desirous, k. d. 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Desiring (with acc.), Kir. 11, 18. ## %%, n. Address, allocution. ## %%, n. Respectful salutation. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, literally, having performed a respectful salutation of the feet, i. e. having made a respectful salutation, Kaths. 22, 131. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Approaching, Rm. 6, 88, 35. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Raining upon. @<[Page 41a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Throwing upon, Rm. 1, 28, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Salutation, Man. 2, 122. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Greeting, Nal. 21, 24 (%%, in order to salute you). ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Respectful salutation, Man. 2, 124. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Offering, Man. 1, 94. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Growth, exaltation, Man. 7, 109. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Manifestation. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Manifesting. ## %%, n. Slandering Man. 8, 268. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Slandering, Yj. 3, 285. ## %%, f. 1. Suspecting, Rm. 6, 66, 26. 2. Fear. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. 1. Accused, Yj. 1, 223. 2. Inflicted, imprecated. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Defamation, calumny. ## %%, m. Conciliating manner, Rm. 5, 56, 44 (written with %% instead of %<>%). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A curse, Rm. 3, 8, 12. 2. A heavy charge. 3. Calumny. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Attachment. 2. An eath, Chr. 53, 23. 3. A curse. 4. Defeat, Ragh. 2, 30. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Sprinkling with water, inauguration of a king, Pac. iii. d. 267. 2. The water used for an inauguration. 3. Ablution, k. 50, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Inauguration of a king, Rm. 3, 53, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Praise. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Great increase, Ragh. 15, 29. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Attachment. -- Comp. %%, adj. without attachment, Bhag. 13, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Refuge, Rm. 4, 54, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The organ of generation, Chr. 58, 8. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), m. A calumniator, Man. 4, 195. ## %%, f. Promise. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. one who keeps his promises true, Rm. 1, 6, 5. ## %%, n. 1. Promise. 2. Deceiving. Ragh. 17, 76. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, keeping one's promises true, Rm. 5, 31, 21. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. Intention, Pac. 200. 11. ## %%, see %% with %%. @<[Page 42a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Union, Man. 5, 63. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Companion, Daak. in Chr. 187, 1; 201, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. An amorous visit, Daak. in Chr. 182, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Creation. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A lover's appointment, a rendezvous. 2. An attack, Rm. 6, 9, 19. 3. plur. The name of a people. -- Comp. %%, m. lustration of arms. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A woman who goes to a rendezvous. ## %%, n. Indulgence, habitual practice. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Conveying, Ragh. 11, 43. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Seizing. 2. Robbing. 3. Attack. 4. Arming. -- Comp. %%, m. lustration of arms. ## %%, i. e. probably %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. Every moment, continually. 2. Repeatedly. -- Comp. %%, adv. seldom, Rm. 2, 71, 8. ## %%, adv. Continually, Rm. 2, 46, 6. ## %%, adv. Like a fearless one, Ram. 6, 28, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %

%, adj. Desiring, Nal. 5, 2. ## %%. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. devoid of egotism, MBh. 7, 2019. 2. devoid of pride, MBh. 4, 14668. ## %%, Yj. 2, 110. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A bridle, k. 5, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Slaying those who do not feed (the gods), i. e. who do not sacrifice, impious, Chr. 290, 3 = Rigv. 1. 64, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Unction, Man. 2, 178. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Anointing, Man. 10, 91. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., Exceeding, preeminent, Rm. 5, 82, 13. Superior, Daak. in Chr. 201, 2. Acc. %%, adv. Exceedingly, Rm. 5, 73, 59. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Permission. -- Comp. %%, f. want of permission, Daak. in Chr. 188, 7 (without the permission of the father). %%, adj., f. %%, having received the permission to withdraw, dismissed, Rm. 5, 76, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Assent, Rm. 1, 3, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, 1. Interior, Kaths. 4, 51. Being within, Rm. 6, 112, 43 (in the town). Belonging to, Man. 3, 154. 2. Conversant in, Rm. 6, 5, 19. 3. Intimate, Pac. i. d. 290 (perhaps to be read %%). 4. Secret, Daak. in Chr. 180, 9. II. n. 1. The interior, the space within. Bhag. 5, 27. 2. An interval, Pac. 5, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Initiation. Daak. in Chr. 180, 9. @<[Page 43a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Worship, Man. 2, 176. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%). I. adj., f. %<>%, Near. II. n. Proximity, Rjat. 5, 145. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Request, Sv. 4, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Requesting. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), f. Great venerableness, Man. 9, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Eating, Man. 6, 59. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Fit to be taken as food, eatable. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, n. Study, Bhag. 17, 15. -- Comp. %%, n. laziness, Rm. 5, 19, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Detracting, a detractor, Bhag. 16, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Detraction, envy. 2. Wrath, Megh. 40. -- Comp. %%, adj. envious, malicious. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A visit, Ragh. 16, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Arrival. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ a>%, m. Assault (by robbers), Man. 9, 272. ## %%, i. e. %% 1. %%, often written %% (q. cf.) but incorrectly. I. adj., f. %<>%, Near, Kumras. 6, 2. II. n. Proximity, Rm. 4, 59, 12. @<[Page 43b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %% (cf. %%), m. 1. Repetition, Man. 12, 74. Repetition of words, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 8; 9. 2. Repeated practice, Rjat. 5, 164; 439. Use, Yj, 3, 68. 3. Reading, Man. 4, 148. Study, Pac. 220, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Sprinkling, Ragh. 16, 57. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Rising, Rm. 6, 72, 65. 2. Rising from one's seat as mark of respect, Pac. ii. d. 65. 3. Origin, Bhag, 4, 7. 4. Elevation, dignity, Ragh. 4, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Assault. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Prosperity, Bhart. 2, 53. Wealth, Daak. in Chr. 192, 19. 2. A festival, Man. 9, 84. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Arising, impending, Rjat. 5, 36. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Rising from one's seat as mark of respect, Kaths. 24, 122. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Arrival. 2. Assenting, agreement, Man. 9, 53. 3. Admitting to be true, Mlav. 15, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Defence, Man. 8, 112. 2. Protection, Daak. in Chr. 179 19. 3. Assent. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An expedient, Daak. in Chr. 190, 3; 191, 12. ## %%, i. 1, Par. To roam (probably for %%, a mutilated redupl. of %% cf. %%). @<[Page 44a]>@ ## %% (akin to %%), n. 1. A cloud, especially a rain-cloud, Man. 4, 104. 2. Atmosphere, Pac. i. d. 209. Heaven, i. 9, 3. -- Cf. %%, [greek] Lat. imber, and probably umbra. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Touching the clouds, very lofty, Megh. 65. II. m. Wind. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Uncovered (see the next), Rm. 1, 63, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Having the clouds for shelter, uncovered, Man. 6, 23 (read ## %%). ## %%, i. e. %%, Uncovered (see the last), Rm. 3, 10, 4. ## %%, f. A sharp pointed stick, Man. 11, 133. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Clouded, Ragh. 3, 12. ## %%, i. 1, Par., with prep. also tm. 1. To go. 2. To sound. -- I. 10, Par. To be ill (ved.). The original notion was 'to be hard, strong, powerful.' -- Cf. %%, and many ved. significations and derivatives; Lat. emo, properly 'to take,' demo; [greek] ## %%, adj., f. %%, Not accompamed by a %% or vedic verse, Man. 2, 66. ## %% (the latter part is the gen. sing. of the pronoun of the first person, in the sense of a possessive pronoun), adj., f. %%, Devoid of selfish affection, Man. 6, 26. @<[Page 44b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %% and %%, Immortal, Man. 2, 148; Rm. 1, 34, 16. II. m. 1. A god, Man. 7, 72. 2. The name of a Marut and of a mountain. -- Comp. %%, m. a Brhmaa, Mrk. P. 26, 36. %%, adj. with the gods, Rm. 3, 53, 28. ## %%, n. Immortality, Arj. 3, 47. ## %%, f. The happiness of the world of gods, Man. 2, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%. The capital of Indra, Rm. 3, 53, 37. ## %%, n. Immortality. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Unable to endure, impatient, Draup. 7, 1. ## %%, a denom. derived from %%, Par. To make white, Kir. 5, 44. ## %% (the basis signifies in the Vedas 'in the house'). I. adj. Being in the house. II. m. (A companion of the king) A minister, Rjat. 5, 3. -- Comp. %%, m. a minister. %%, adj. with the ministers, Chr. 18, 33. %%, i. e. %<-jana-amtya>%, adj. together with people and ministers, Chr. 53, 25. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Disrespect. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Humility, Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 6. ## %%, and ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%) %<-vsa + ya>%, f. The day of the conjunction of the sun and moon, the day of the new moon, Man. 4, 113. @<[Page 45a]>@ ## %%, f. Enmity, Pac. ii. d. 106. ## %%, a denom. derived from %% by %%, tm. To behave like an enemy, Bhart. 3, 74. ## %%, n. Pain, Rm. 3, 59, 23. ## %% (cf. %%), adj., f. %%, Instead of a proper name, Mr. so and so, Yj. 2, 86 sqq. ## %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. = abl. of %%, From that, from him, Daak. in Chr. 179, 8. 2. From thence, from the other world. ## %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. There, Daak. in Chr. 198, 14. 2. In the other world, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 6. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%, Immortal, Bhag. 14, 27. II. m. 1. A god. 2. The soul. III. n. 1. The beverage of the gods, nectar. 2. A medicine preventing old age, prolonging life, and awakening the dead, Lass. 33, 20. 3. A medicament; nectar and medicament, i. 9, 36. 4. The residue of sacrificial food, Man. 3, 285. 5. Unsolicited alms, Man. 4, 4. -- Comp. %%, n. %%, consisting of rays, MBh. 3, 17351. -- Cf. [greek] ## %%, n. Immortality, Man. 6, 60. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Like nectar, Pac. 206, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A small creeper as beautiful as nectar (denoting a beautiful woman), rut. (Br.) 35. ## %%, adj. Shedding nectar, i. 5, 68. @<[Page 45b]>@ ## %% denom. derived from %% by %%, tm. To be like nectar, Ragh. 2, 61. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To go; tm. To sound. ## %% (akin to %%, cf. %% and %%). I. n. 1. Sky, Rm. 3, 55, 9. 2. Cloth, Rm, 3, 55, 5. Sky and garment, i. 9, 7. II. m. plur. The name of a people. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, naked, MBh. 12, 7775. %%, m. an elephant in rut. ## %%, m. 1. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1189. 2. The offspring of a Brhmaa father and a Vaiy mother, Man. 10, 8. ## %% (voc. sing. %%; in the Veda also %%). 1. f. A mother, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 855. 2. A proper name, Chr. 4, 10. -- Cf. O.H.G. amma and ama. ## %%, and ## %% (akin to %%), f. Proper names, Chr. 4, 10. ## %% (akin to %%, cf. %%), n. Water, Pac. iii. d. 33. -- Comp. %%, n. sweat, Sur. 2, 343, 10. %%, n. water with seasame, Bhg. P. 7, 8, 44. %%, adj. abstaining from water, Bhg. P. 7, 3, 19. ## %% (vb. %%). I. adj., f. %%, Born in water, Rm. 4, 25, 24. II. n. A lotus, Rm. 5, 13, 24. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, Sitting on a lotus, t. 6, 14. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A cloud, t. 6, 6. ## %%, m. A cloud, Rm. 5, 16, 29. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. The occan, Rjat. 5, 8. -- Comp. %%, m. the salt ocean, Bhart. 2, 6 (Hb.). %%, m. he sea of milk, Kaths. 17, 8. ## %%, m. A cloud, Kir. 5, 12. ## %%, n. A lotus, Kir. 5, 10. -- Comp. %%, n. a golden lotus, t. 5, 7. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To sound. ## %%, n. Water, Bhart. 2, 91; i. 9, 31. -- Comp. %%, adj abounding in water, Ragh. 4, 31. %%, n. sweat, k. d. 29. %%, n. the sea of salt water, Matspp. 40. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), n. A lotus flower, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1447. -- Comp. %%, n. a golden lotus flower, Megh. 63. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. An assemblage of lotus flowers, Bhart. 2, 15. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), m. A cloud, Rm. 5, 40, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A cloud, Daak in Chr. 199, 7. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. The ocean, Kaths. 19, 105. ## %%, and ## %%, i. e. %% and %%, n. A lotus. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Consisting of water, watery. ## %%, m. Sourness, Rm. 5, 14, 45; Man. 5, 114 (acids). Perhaps from vb. %%. -- Cf. Lat. am + rus. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%. m. 1. Going. 2. Good luck. Ragh. 4, 26. @<[Page 46b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. A place of motion, Man. 1, 10. 2. A road. 3. A line, Bhag. 1, 11. 4. The half year, i. e. the sun's road north and south of the equator, Man. 4, 26. -- Comp. %%, Man. 6, 10; and %%, i. e. %%, Man. 1, 67, n. the half of the year in which the sun is to the north of the equator. %%, I. n. the half of the year when the sun moves to the south of the equator, Man. 1, 67. II. adj. lying on the course of the sun to the south of the equator, Bhg. P. 5, 23, 5. %%, n. a procession accompanied by hymns, Bhg. P. 4, 4, 5. %%, adj. walking the path of virtue, Bhg. P. 4, 21, 43. %%, m. a spy. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Happy, Kir. 5, 20. ## %% (probably %%), n. Iron. -- Comp. %%, n. iron, MBh. 13, 6225 -- Cf. Lat. aes; Goth. eis + arn; A.S. isern. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A loadstone, Ragh. 17, 63. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Of iron, Arj. 10, 31. ## %%, Ved. (old instr. sing of %%) Thus, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4; but in this passage rather for %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Indefatigable(?), Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11. ## %%, 1. A vocative particle, Daak. in Chr. 182, 16. 2. An interrogative particle, Pac. 38, 6. ## %%, adj. Odd, Man. 3, 277. ## %%, adv. Ten thousand-fold, Indr. 2, 8. @<[Page 47a]>@ ## %%, interj. Oh! Ah! 1. Of surprise, Vikr. 11, 3. 2. Of calling, Bhart. 3, 87. ## %%, m. An %% woman (? cf. %%), Man. 10, 32. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Not born in the natural way, Ragh. 11, 47. ## %%, n. A supernatural birth, Rjat. 5, 73. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Iron, Man. 11, 103 (read %%, instead of %%). ## %%, i. e. %< + a>%, m. The spoke of a wheel, k. d. 166. ## %%, m. A wheel or a machine for raising water from a well, Pac. 209, 24. ## and #<-># %%, f. Wood used for kindling a fire by attrition, Pac. i. d. 247; Rm. 2, 104, 24. ## %%, n. A forest. -- Comp. %%, n. 1. a grove where ascetics live, k. 14, 1. 2. The name of a forest, MBh. 13, 7655. %%, a large forest, Rm. 3, 52, 46. ## %%, n. A forest, Yj, 3, 192. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A large forest, Hit. 17, 4. ## %% (vb. %%), m. 1. A disposer, Lass. 101, 4 = Rigv. 7, 16, 1. 2. %%, f. Pain, Kir. 5, 31. -- Cf. [greek] ## %% (vb. %<>%; the aff. contains the verb %%), m. 1. The elbow, Draup. 9, 5. 2. A cubit of the middle length from the elbow to the tip of the little finger, Rm. 4, 40, 43. -- Cf. Goth. arms; Lat. armus, arma; [greek] Lat. ulna; O.H.G. elina. @<[Page 47b]>@ ## %%, m. The elbow, Yj. 3, 86. ## %%, n. A lotus, Ragh. 1, 43. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Without a king, Man. 7, 3. ## %%, adv. From one who is not born in the military caste, Man. 4, 84. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Crooked, Rm. 5, 28. 13. ## %%, m. 1. probably %% An enemy, Pac. i. d. 267. 2. %< + i>%, A wheel, Pac. i. d. 324. -- Comp. %%, m. an enemy of the Dnavas. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Incapable of inheriting, Man. 9, 147. ## %%, i. e. %< + tra>%, n. A rudder.-Cf. O.H.G. ruodar; [greek] = Ved. %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Victorious, Chr. 21, 14; 31, 13. ## %% (vb. %%). I. adj., f. %<>%, Unhurt, Chr. 298, 25 = Rigv. i. 112, 25; Draup. 7, 20. II. m. 1. The soap berry plant, Sapindus saponaria, Yj. 1, 186. 2. The nimb tree, Melia azadaracta, Rm. 2, 94, 9. 3. A woman's apartment, the lying in chamber, Ragh. 3, 15; the female apartments, the gyneceum, Rm. 2, 42, 22. ## %%, m. The soap berry plant, Sapindus saponaria, Man. 5, 120 (its pounded fruits). ## %%, m. A proper name, Rm. 5, 2, 10. ## %% (akin to %%, cf. %%). I. adj., f. %<>% and %<>%, Tawny, dark red, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88, 2; Rm. 3, 5, 7. II. m. 1. The dawn, Man. 10, 33. 2. The sun, k. d. 31 (%%, The setting sun). 3. A proper name, Dev. 11, 49. ## %%, f. Tawny (the colour), i. 9, 14. ## %% (the latter part perhaps %%), adj. Tawny, Chr. 288, 1 = Rigv. i. 49, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Made red, t. 6, 5; i. 6, 15. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), adj. 1. Wounding, Prab. 31, 16. 2. Causing pain, Prab. 93, 2. ## %% (vb. %%), f. 1. The wife of Vaiha, Rm. 1, 10, 37. 2. An asterism, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1165. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %<>%, Tawny, Chr. 294, 1 = Rigv. i. 92, 1. II. m. A dark red cloud, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5. ## %%, n. A wound. ## %%, interj. of calling to inferiors, sirrah! Prab. 24, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Spotless, pure from sin, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Health, Hit. Pr. d. 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Health, Rm. 2, 70, 7. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. (rather a denom. derived from %%). 1. To praise. 2. To heat. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A ray of light, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2. 2. The sun, Chr. 36, 22. 3. Swallowwort, Asclepias gigantea, k. d. 41. -- Comp. %%, the reflexion of the sun in water, Bhg. P. 3, 27, 1. %%, m. the rising sun. %%, adj. with the sun, sunny. %%, adj. flashing beautifully, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. i. 50, 1. ## %%, m., f. %%, and n. A wooden bolt, or pin for fastening a door, Kaths. 4, 56; Pac. 105, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj. unrestrained, Ragh. 3, 39. %%, 1. adj. unrestrained, MBh. 3, 16601. 2. acc. %%, adv. without constraint, Rjat. 3, 194. ## %%. i. e. %%, adj. Shut by a pin. ## %%, i. 1, Par. To be worth, Pac. i. d. 88. -- Cf. %%, [greek] ## %% (vb. %% or %%), m. and n. 1. Price, cost, Man. 8, 398. 2. A mode of worship, or reverence, consisting in an oblation of rice, etc., with water or, of water only, Sv. 3, 6. -- Comp. %%, I. m. n. wrong price, Yj. 2, 250. II. adj. priceless, inestimable, Kaths. 24, 148. %%, adj. of great value, Kaths. 21, 86. ## %%, adv. Under the real value, Bhart. 2, 12 (this is the true reading). ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%. 1. Deserving worship, Yj. 1, 357. 2. Deserving to be entertained, ib. 1, 110. II. n. A respectful oblation to gods or venerable men, consisting of rice, durva grass, flowers, etc., with water, or of water only, Yj. 1, 289. -- Comp. %%, adj. invaluable, Kaths. 3, 42. ## %%, i. 1 and 10, Par. and tm. 1. To beam, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 85, 2; to shine, Chr. 294, 3 = Rigv. i. 92, 3. 2. To worship, to honour, Man. 3, 93. To offer respectfully, Man. 4, 235. %%, Given without due honour, Man. 4, 213. -- With the prep. ## %%, To worship, Man. 8, 391. %%, with gen. Rjat. 5, 101. -- With ## %%, To worship, Yj, 1, 179. -- With ## %%, Causal. To return a respectful salutation, with acc. Rm. 2, 71, 31. -- With ## %%, To honour, Rm. 2, 3, 48. ## %%. adj. Worshipping, Man. 11, 224. ## %%, n. Worship, Daak. in Chr. 181, 19. ## %%, f. Worship, Chr. 56, 11. ## %%, m. Flame, Chr. 288, 13 = Rigv. i. 48, 13; Ragh. 12, 11. -- Comp. %%, adj. flaming, Rm. 4, 10, 20. ## %%, m. A worshipper, Rm. 5, 32, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Beaming, flaming, Vikr. d. 43. ## %%, f. and n. 1. A ray of light, Chr. 294, 5 = Rigv. i. 92, 5. 2. Flame, Rm. 5, 75, 6; 6, 36, 117. -- Comp. %%, m. the sun, Daak. in Chr. 184, 5. %%, adj. radiant, Ragh, 7, 21. %% (vb. %%), adj. extinguished. %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. fire. 2. the planet Saturn. ## %%, see %<>%. ## 1. %%, i. 1, and 10, Par. To carn, to acquire, MBh. 11, 193; Indr. 3, 7 (tm). %% and %%, adj. Acquired by one's own efforts, Rm. 1, 43, 11; Man. 9, 209. -- With the prep. ## %%, To acquire, Man. 9, 208. @<[Page 49b]>@ ## 2. %%, i. 10, Par. To work, to prepare. -- With the prepositions ## %%, To prepare, Chr. 14, 21 (read %%). ## %%, n. Earning, acquisition, Bhtl. Indr. Spr. 219. ## %% (from a lost vb. akin to %%). I. adj., f. %%, White, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3. II. m. 1. A tree, Terminalia Arjuna, Rm. 3, 19, 13. 2. The name of the third son of Pu, Indr. 1, 10. III. f. %%, The dawn, Rm, 2, 114, 14. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. argentum; the base of these forms is %%: cf. also [greek] see %%. ## %% (from %%, ved. by aff. %% for %%), m. The ocean, Rm. 4, 9, 38. -- Comp. %%, m. the ocean. %%, m. the sea of salt water, Rm. 1, 1, 70. %%, adj., f. %% (viz. %%, earth), with its mountains, forests, and seas, Rm. 1, 16, 32. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Pain, Kaths. 13, 152. ## %%, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from %%) tm. To ask, to request; with two acc. Daak. in Chr. 199, 15. %%, He asks this from thee, Pass. Kaths. 22, 52. %%, Being requested by them. -- With the prep. ## %%, To ask, to request, Prab. 109, 18, with two acc; Par., with acc. and loc. Kaths. 26, 148. %%, She will ask thee to become her husband. %%, Asked, Man. 2, 189. n. Desire, Yj. 2, 88. -- With ## %%. 1. To treat ill, Bhtl. Ind Spr. 591. 2. To reproach, Daak. in Chr. 200, 15. 3. To torment, Kaths. 18, 243. -- With ## %%, To request, Pac. 255, 22; %% instead of %%, Rm. 2, 25, 31; with inf. %%, What is this which you intend to do? Nal. 19, 15; Par. Rm. 3, 40, 6; Pac. 96, 5. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Requested by him, Daak. in Chr. 197, 8. -- Pass. %%, To be desired, ib. 184, 17. -- With ## %%, To wish, Rm. 2, 11, 3. -- With ## %%, To request, MBh. 5, 18. -- With ## %%, To challenge, Bha. 6, 25. -- With ## %% (rather a denom. derived from %%), 1. To prepare, Rm. 4, 26, 25 (Par.); Chr. 55, 7. 2. To consider, Rm. 6, 101, 17. 3. To expect, Vikr. 20, 9. 4. To interpret, k. d. 67. 5. To judge, Pac. 185, 2. 6. To approve, Pac. 71, 25 (Par.). 7. To determine, Rm. 2, 20, 26 Gorr. ## %%, i. e. %< + tha>%, m. 1. Desire; %%, a marriage suit. 2. Aim; %%, one who has obtained his aim, Chr. 62, 60. 3. Advantage, Bhart. 2, 40. 4. Business, Man. 2, 67. 5. Wealth, Pac. i. d. 197; worldly prosperity, Man. 12, 38 (one of the three aims of men; the two others are %%, pleasure, and %%, virtue); money, Daak. in Chr. 180, 19. 6. Cause, Man. 2, 213. 7. Thing, Man. 8, 170. 8. Meaning, Man. 3, 186; true sense, Man. 1, 3; thought, word, Ck. d. 164. 9. In law: A suit, an action. 10. The acc. %% is used as an adverb, but almost always at the end of a compound word, implying, 'for,' 'on account of,' e. g. %%, For the performance of sacrifices, Man. 1, 23. The dat. %%, and loc. %%, may be also used at the end of a compound word, or may govern the genitive. Abl. %%, 'to wit,' 'namely,' Sch. k. d. 41. -- Comp. %%, adv. to this end, Brhmaav, 3, 4. %%, m. an object of sense, Man. 4, 16. %%, therefore, Pac. i. d. 330; in order, Rm. 2, 52, 24 %%, adj. with what aim, Chr. 57, 24. %%. adv. why, to what end, Nal. 22, 7. %%, adj. having attained one's end, satisfied, Rm. 4, 34, 22. %%, m. the business of the house, Man. 2, 67. %%, adv. therefore, Rm. 1, 73, 4. %%, i. e. %%, I. m. nonsense. II. adj. 1. purposeless. 2. poor. 3. unmeaning. %%, i. e. %%, (vb. %%), adj. completely resolved, Rm. 4, 42, 9. %%, m. 1. great importance. 2. the interests of another. 3. sexual intercourse. %%, m. 1. the most sublime truth. 2. the whole truth. 3. reality. 4. earnest, k. d. 51. %%, m. 1. the object or aim of man. 2. human exertion. %%, m. an element of life. %%, I. m. a principal object. II. adj. 1. significant. 2. dignified. %%, adj. serving for a sacrifice, Bhag. 3, 9. %%, adj. 1. according to the sense. 2. proper, right, %%, adv. suitably, properly. %%, adj. not true, k. d. 54. %%, adv. for what reason, Chr. 3, 3. %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. as much as may be useful, Man. 2, 182. II. adv. %%, as much as may be useful, ib. 2, 51. %%, I. adj. 1. having one's own object. 2. having a literal meaning. 3. pleonastic. II. m. 1. property. 2. own object. 3. own interest, Bhart. 2, 59. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Useful, Hit. Pr. d. 18. ## %%, adj. Useful, Indr. 5, 56. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Prodigal, Man. 9, 80. ## %% (vb. %%), n. 1. Money's worth, Daak. in Chr. 192, 16. 2. Financial affairs, k. 90, 13 (Prk.) @<[Page 51a]>@ ## %%, adv. Truly, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 5. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. 1. Useful, Kaths. 17, 122. 2. Liberal, Man. 2, 109. ## %%, f. A request, Nai. 5, 112. ## %%, adv. According to the object, Man. 5, 134. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Wealthy, Hit. i. d. 175. 2. Significant, full of meaning, Rm. 1, 14, 35. 3. True, Pac. i. d. 152. -- Comp. %%, adj. very dignified. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Desire, Man. 9, 203. 2. Begging, Hit. i. d. 130. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Condition of one who implores, Megh. 6. 2. Request, Mlav. 40, 4. -- Comp. %%, n. Absence of desire, disdain, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 87 (Pac. i. d. 158). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Full of desire, Rm. 1, 48, 18; with instr. %%, Longing after a wife, Rm. 3, 24, 4. %%, Desiring my death, Bhtl. Chr. 114, 27. 2. A beggar, Bhart. 2, 36; Daak. in Chr. 186, 20. 3. A plaintiff, Man. 8, 62. -- Comp. %%, adj. desiring shadow. %%, adj. greedy for money, Man. 5, 34. %%, adj. wishing for a son, Man. 3, 48. %%, adj. desiring power, Man. 2, 37. %%, adj. desiring a wife, Chr. 6, 5. %%, adj. seeking war. %%, adj. depending on others for protection, unfortunate. %%, adj. seeking another's welfare, Rm. 3, 48, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. (Given) to mendicants, Rjat. 5, 18. ## %<-arthya>%, i. e. %<-artha + ya>%, adj., f. %%. 1. Fit for, susceptible of, e. g. %%, susceptible of torment, Man. 12, 16. 2. Referring to, e. g. %%, referring to duty, MBh. 1, 600. ## %%, i. e. %%, desid. of %

%, f. Desire of wealth, Brhmaav. 1, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Proper, Rm. 6, 92, 77. 2. Wealthy. -- Comp. %%, adj. abounding in gold, Pac. i. d. 377. ## %%, i. 1, Par. 1. [dagger] To go. 2. To beg, Ragh. 5, 17. i. 1 and 10, Par. and tm. 1. To kill, Rm. 1, 16, 30. 2. To hurt; to wound, Pac. 221, 13. 3. To afflict; to vex, Rm. 3, 14, 11; 53, 27. -- With the prep. ## %%. To press violently, Bha. 15, 115. -- With ## %%. To press; to afflict, Rm. 2, 21, 55; cf. %%. -- With ## %%. To press in return, Rm. 6, 92, 52. -- With ## %%. To press. %%. Not pressed, Bha. 9, 19. -- With ## %%. To wound, MBh. 3, 761. -- Cf. perhaps [greek] in [greek] ## %<-ard + ana>%, adj Killing, Rm. 1, 54, 17. %% and %%, m. Names of Viu, Bhg. P. 3, 24, 18; Bhart. 3, 84. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%. Half, halved, Lass. 22, 2. -- Often former part of comp. words: %<-paa>%, Half a paa, Man. 8, 404. %<-akta>%, Half spoken, Pac. 77, 2. %<-dagadha>%, Half burnt, Pac. 98, 1. -- When before cardinal numerals it denotes: 1. A half more, e. g. %<-trayodaan>%, thirteen and a half, Yj. 2, 265. 2. A half of the following number more, e. g. %<-ata>%, hundred and fifty, Man. 8, 331. 3. Division of the following number, %<-pacat>%, twenty-five, Man. 8, 268. -When an ordinal follows a half is added, e. g. %<-ttya>%, three and a half, Rm. 2, 92, 10. -- When it follows a cardinal numeral, this numeral is divided, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, Five, Man. 1, 24. II. n. A half, Man. 8, 296. III. m. A part, e. g. %%, the rear of an army, MBh. 5, 5162. %%, The hind-part, k. d. 7. %%, The former part, Bhart. 2, 5. -- Comp. %%, m. The half-moon, Rm. 1, 28, 25. ## %%, m. 1. A half-moon, Rm. 3, 49, 35. -- Cf. %%. 2. An arrow with a head like a half-moon, Rm. 3, 34, 30; cf. 6, 36, 77. 3. The hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw, as for the purpose of seizing or clutching any thing. %%. To seize one by the neck, Pac. 63, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Getting a half of, Man. 8, 39. ## %%, m. Noon, Rm. 3, 55, 33 (%%, loc. At noon on the day of the halfmoon, i. e. on the eighth day of the month). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The equinox, Rm. 3, 55, 35. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Amounting to the half, Yj. 2, 296. -- Comp. %%, adj. half that (time), Man. 3, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Entitled to a half, Man. 8, 210. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A petticoat, Daak. in Chr. 186, 9. ## %%, i. e. %<>%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. 1. Offering, Rm. 4, 28, 22. 2. Returning, Hit. 72, 19. 3. Putting on, Ragh. 2, 35. -- Comp. %%, adj. receiving sacrifices(?), MBh. 13, 4202. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To go. 2. To kill. ## %%. I. m., n. 1. The shape of the foetus in the second month after the conception, Yj. 3, 75. 2. A hundred millions, Rm. 5, 29, 3. II. m. The name of a mountain, Rm. 6, 2, 27. ## %%, adj. Small. -- Cf. %%; [greek] Lat. orbus; Goth. arbja; A.S. orf. ## %%, m. 1. A child, Ragh. 3, 21. 2. The young of any animal, k. d. 14, v. r. ## %%, m., f. %% and %%, A man or woman of the third caste, Daak. in Chr. 186, 17. ## %%, m. 1. The name of a deity, Rm. 2, 25, 8. 2. The chief of the Pits, or Manes, Bhag. 10, 29. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To kill, or hurt. ## %% and ## %%, m. %%, f. A horse, Lass. 102, 3 = Rigv. 7, 102, 2. -- Cf. perhaps Lat. armentum. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Modern date, Man. 12, 96. ## %%, i. e. %% (the former part is still questionable), adj., f. %%; n. %%, adv. 1. Towards, Chr. 295, 16 = Rigv. i. 92, 16. 2. Before, till, with abl., Man. 5, 59. Within, Yj. 2, 173. %%, Until one year has elapsed, Man. 8, 30. 3. Near, k. d. 40 v. r. @<[Page 53a]>@ ## %%, probably %< + as>% (with %<>% instead of %<>%), n. Haemorrhoids. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Subject to haemorrhoids, Man. 3, 7. ## %% (%% for %%, cf. %%), i, 1, Par. (in epic poetry also tm., Hi. 1, 36). 1. To deserve, with the acc., Man. 2, 208 (%%, honour); Man. 8, 323 (%%, death); 8, 194 (%%, a fine); 8, 267 (%%, a fine of hundred %%); 8, 139 (%%, with ellipsis of %%, he must pay five in the hundred). 2. To be entitled to, with the inf., Man. 8, 147. 3. To be obliged to, with the acc., k. d. 66; with the inf., Man. 8, 155; Nai. 5, 112 (%%, must be done). 4. To undergo, Man. 8, 145; Rm. 6, 103, 20. 5. To be worthy, to be equal to, with the acc., Man. 3, 131. 6. To be able, with the inf., Bhag. 2, 17. 7. i. 1, and i. 10, Par. To worship or to honour. 8. The second persons of i. 1, joined with an inf. represent a respectful form of the imperative, %%, Say (literally, Be pleased to say, cf. the Lat. dignor, with the inf.), Man. 1, 3. -- With the prep. ## %%. Fit, suitable. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Deserving, with the acc., Rm. 1, 53, 12; subject to, Man. 8, 240. -- With the inf., Bhag. 1, 37 (%%, we ought not to be killed). 2. Entitled to, with the acc., Man. 9, 144; with the inf., Rm. 4, 36, 17. 3. Worth; %%, of great value, Daak. in Chr. 198, 16. 4. Fit, suitable, Pac. 152, 8. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. not deserving, Draup. 9, 7. 2. unworthy, Brhmaav. 2, 16. %%, adj. worthy of reverence, Man. 9, 26. %%, adj. deserving love, amiable, Kir. 5, 51. %%, adj. entitled to respect, Man. 2, 137. %%, i. e. %%, adj. royal, suitable to, or fit for a king, Rm. 3, 49, 42. %%, adj. deserving hospitality, Nal. 9, 10. %%, adj. deserving pleasure, Rm. 3, 52, 41. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. n. A token of respect, Man. 3, 54. II. f. %<>%, Worship, adoration, Pac. 236, 24. ## %%, n. Worthiness, Kaths. 2, 74. ## %% (ptcple. of the pres. of %%), f. %%, Venerable, k. d. 112. -- Superlat. %%, Most venerable, Man. 3, 128. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To adorn. 2. To be able. 3. To prevent. ## %%. I. m. and n. A curl, t. 6, 6. II. f. %%, The capital of Kuvera, Megh. 7. -- Comp. %%, m. an elephant. ## %%, f. The name of a river, and surname of the Ganges. ## %% (cf. %%), m. Lac, the red animal dye so called. ## %%, m. Lac (see the last). ## %%, i. e. %%. f. Insignificant birth, Kumras. 5, 72. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Ornament, Bhart. 2, 88. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Trimming, Rm. 2, 40, 13. 2. Ornament, trinkets, Daak. in Chr. 183, 13. ## %%, m. Ornament, Man. 7, 220. @<[Page 54a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Ornament, Amar. 13. ## %%, adj. Not disgracing, Pac. v. d. 10. ## %% (i. e. %< + a + m>%, cf. Ved. %%, [greek]), adv. 1. Fit, able, with loc., Rm. 3, 47, 6; with inf., Rm. 2, 39, 28. 2. Adequate, Megh. 54; with inf., Kir. 5, 17; Daak. in Chr. 194, 3. 3. Enough, with dat. Man. 11, 76; with inf., i. 9, 87. 4. No more, implying prohibition, no, not; with instr., Daak. 187, 14 (%%, cease to lament); with inf., Mcch. 45, 6 (%%, do not awake the sleeping man); with absolutive, Rm. 2, 28, 5 (%%, do not go to the forest). 5. Abundant, powerfully, Rm. 5, 3, 21; Rjat. 5, 377. 6. See %%. ## %%, m. 1. A fabulous animal, MBh. 12, 87. 2. The proper name of a prince, Rm. 2, 12, 40. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Weary. 2. Slack, t. 6, 12. 3. Sleepy, Rjat. 5, 408. 4. Lazy, Pac. iii. d. 25. -- Comp. %%, adj. languid, t. 6, 30. ## %%, n. A firebrand, Rm. 3, 24, 18. ## %%, f. A long gourd, a gourd-bottle, Man. 6, 54. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Made of a gourd, Yj. 3, 60. ## %%, m. A bee. ## %%, m. An earthen water jar, Matsyop. 10. ## %%, see the next. ## %%, f. A swarm of bees (?), Bhart. 1, 5: perhaps ought to be read %% or %%, from ## %%, m. A large black bee. ## %%, m. 1. A terrace, k. 62, 14. 2. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 371. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%, False, Amar. 23. II. n. 1. Any thing displeasing, Rm. 2, 52, 25. 2. Falsehood, Pac. 259, 4. 3. Smallness, Pac. i. d. 205 (smallness and falsehood). ## %%, adj., f. %% and %%, Spotless, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Extraordinary. 2. Obstructing the progress to heaven, Man. 2, 161. ## %%, adj., f. %% (ved. also %%). Having no hair, Man. 3, 8. ## %% (probably for %%), n. Absence of covetousness, Bhag. 16, 2. ## %%, adj. f. %

%. 1. Little, small, Rm. 5, 35, 31; Man. 3, 55; %%, For a small price, Daak in Chr. 180, 18. 2. Insignificant, Ragh. 2, 47. 3. Of no great value, Daak. in Chr. 198, 6 (cf. %%). 4. Short, Pac. Pr. d. 10. 5. Feeble, Kaths. 24, 136. Comparative, %%, Man. 8, 36, and %%. -- Comp. %%, adj., 1. great, Daak in Chr. 182, 8. 2. numerous, 187, 5. 3. much, Kaths. 18, 285. %%, adj. very little, Man. 7, 129. %%, adj. 1. very small, Bhart. 2, 23; %%, for a very short time, Man. 2, 134. 2. very few. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Small, Man. 3, 219. ## %%, f. and ## %%, n. Minuteness, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1143. @<[Page 55a]>@ ## %%, f. Having little pain, Arj. 10, 8. ## %%, adv. In a small degree, Man. 12, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Diminished, Nai. 1, 15. ## %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To please, to satisfy, Ragh. 11, 75. 2. To be pleased, ved. 3. To desire, Ragh. 1, 65. 4. To take care, ved. 5. To protect, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13; k. d. 1. 6. [dagger] To move. 7. [dagger] To excite affection, or be lovely. 8. [dagger] To know, or apprehend. 9. [dagger] To own (v. r. to be able). 10. [dagger] To obey. 11. [dagger] To act. 12. [dagger] To shine. 13. [dagger] To obtain. 14. [dagger] To embrace. 15. [dagger] To kill or hurt. 16. [dagger] To take (v. r. to burn). 17. [dagger] To be (v. r. to divide). 18. [dagger] To grow. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%. -- With the prep. ## %%, To help. Chr. 288, 2 = Rigv. i. 49, 2; Chr. 296, 5 = Rigv. i, 112, 5. -- With ## %%, To satisfy, Chr. 297, 18 = Rigv. i. 112, 18. -- Cf.[greek] Lat. avere and uti (an old denominat.). ## %%, a prefix. Away, off, down. I. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives. II. Former part of compounded nouns. -- Cf. [greek] in [greek] Lat. autem, aut. -- This prefix is based on a pronoun %%, which is preserved in the Zend language, and in the former part of the compounded pronoun [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Sweepings, Bhart. suppl. 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A chip, Nal. 10, 22. ## %%, i.e. %%, n. Cutting off, Nal. 10, 16. ## %%, m. 1. Space, room, Man. 3, 207. 2. Interval. 3. Opportunity, Rm. 5, 9, 28; Pac. iii. d. 263 (264), cf. %%. -- Comp. %%, adj. having no room for moving freely, Bhg. P. 5, 26, 28. %%, adj. f. %<>%, getting easily the opportunity (of appearing), k. d. 191. ## %<-avaka-da>% (vb. %%), m. One who gives shelter, Man. 9, 271; 278. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%) adj., f. %%, A violator of a vow to be chaste, Man. 2, 187; 3, 155. ## %%, i. e. %% m. Letting out, Yj. 2, 238. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Throwing down. Bhp. 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Knowledge. ## %%, m. Knowledge, Bhag. 9, 2. -- Comp. %%, adj. hard to be comprehended, Bhg. P. 5, 13, 29. %%, n. ascertainment of ownership. ## %%, m. Bathing, Ragh. 5, 47. ## %%, n. Immersion, Pac. 31, 2. ## %%, n. A veil. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Veiled, k. d. 110. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Embracing. Prab. 57, 11 (v. r.). ## %%, m. 1. Obstacle. 2. Drought, Ragh. 11, 29. 3. Contempt, Rm. 5, 44, 18. 4. Nature, original temperament, Mlav. 70, d. 89. (affection). -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. hard to be stopped, Km. Ntis. 8, 66. 2. disagreeable, Bhg. P. 4, 19, 35. %%, adj. 1. without any obstacle, MBh. 4, 436. 2. irresistible, Rjat. 5, 52. ## %%, n. Rubbing off, Sur. 1, 362, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Rubbing off, Yj. 3, 60. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ a>%, m. A violent blow. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Gathering, Daak. in Chr. 181, 20. ## %%, n. Sprinkling powders on sores. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A cover, Rm. 3, 56, 48. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Distinction. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Conquering, Ragh. 6, 62. ## %%, f. Disrespect, Rm. 3, 33, 17; Contempt, Rm. 3, 49, 52; Daak. in Chr. 189, 7. -- Comp. %%, adj. disdainful; %%, adv. with contempt, Rm. 3, 29, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Contempt, Hit. 103, 4. ## %%, m. A pit, Rm. 3, 8, 19. ## %%, m. A well, Chr. 292, 10 = Rigv. i. 85, 10. ## %%, m. and n. 1. A crest. 2. An ear-ring, Daak. in Chr. 199, 3. 3. Ornament, Daak. in Chr. 179, 14. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %% adorned with white lotus flowers, Rm. 5, 12, 18. ## %%, m. and n. An ear-ring, Vikr. d. 141. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, adorned, i. e. furnished with treasuries, Rm. 5, 10, 1. ## %%, n. Slight darkness, i. 11, 57. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Descending, k. 111, 3. 2. Descent especially of a deity from heaven, MBh. 12, 12965. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A soothing remedy. ## %%, adv. Below, in the lower regions, Kir. 5, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A cover, Rm. 5, 16, 28. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Descent. 2. Entering into, Daak. in Chr. 185, 6. 2. Descent of a deity from heaven, Ragh. 10, 85. ## %%, i. e. %% Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Causing to descend, Rm. 4, 56, 29. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A heroic deed, Daak. in Chr. 187, 24. -- Comp. %%, n. effecting any thing by prowess. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Bursting, Ram. 2, 77, 16. ## %%, n. Blame, Kaths. 24, 235. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, blameless, Bhart. 2, 18. %%, I. adj. blameless, Rm. 6, 99, 51. II. f. blamelessness(?), Indr. 5, 11 (v. r.). ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Attention. Vikr. d. 2. 2. Staring at, i. 9, 11. -- Comp. %%, adj. careful, attentive, Yj. 3, 112. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Restriction, Prab. 75, 10. 2. Ascertaining, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 3. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. 1. Limit. 2. End. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adv. till (my) return, Kaths. 4, 100. %%, adj. with the end, Kaths. 9, 52. ## %%, i. 10 (rather a denom. of a lost noun, %%, from the vb. %%, cf. %%), Par. To disdain, to contemn, i. 9, 59. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. and f. %<>%. Refusal, Ragh. 8, 47. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Surpassing, Daak. in Chr. 184, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Shaking, Man. 3, 230. ## %%, f., and ## %%, n. Inviolability, Rm. 5, 44, 10; 6, 36, 30. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Setting (of the sun), i, 9, 8. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Bent, t. 6, 15. ## and #<-n># %%, f. The earth, Bhart. 2, 10; i. 9, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Washing, Man. 2, 209. ## %%, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 350. ## %%, m. A surname of Avantivarman, Rjat. 5, 17. ## %%, f. The name of a city, the modern Oujein, Megh. 31 v. r. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Falling down. 2. Descent. 3. A pit for catcing game in, Ragh. 16, 78. 4. (From the causal of %%) Striking, wounding, Yj, 2, 277. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Cutting down, Man. 11, 64. ## %%, n. Hurting, Man. 8, 287. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Being awake, Bhag. 6, 17. 2. Full knowledge, Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 8. -- Comp. %%, adj. hard to be understood, Bhg. P. 6, 9, 33. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Instruction, Pac. 5, 13. ## %%, m. Appearance. -- Comp. %%, m. non-appearance, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 11; 12. ## %%, m. An illuminator, Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 11; cf. 215, 23. ## %%, n. Illuminating, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 19. ## %%, f. Illiminating, shining, Vedntas. in Chr. 215, 11. ## %%, m. The name of certain ceremonies at the close of a sacrifice, e. g. bathing, Man. 11, 82. ## %%, adj., f., %%, Low. -- Comp. %%, adj. high, illustrious, Draup. 5, 11. ## %%, m. A scorner, Man. 2, 163. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Devastation, Rm. 5, 43, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj. Destroying, Rm. 3, 35, 114. II. n. Destruction. @<[Page 58a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Destroying, Kaths. 23, 58. ## %%, m., and ## %%, n., i. e. %% or %%, Disrespect, Man. 2, 162. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. One who despises, Rm. 5, 81, 6. 2. One who undervalues, k, 91, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A limb, Daak. in Chr. 190, 16. 2. A part, Man. 1, 16. ## %%, adv. Limb by limb, Bhg. P. 3, 30, 28. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Consisting of parts, Bhp. 155. ## %%. I. adj., f. %%. 1. Posterior, Man. 3, 23. 2. Inferior, Rm. 2, 106, 22. 3. Low, Rjat. 5, 203. II. m. A dra, or one of the fourth caste, Man. 2, 238. -- Comp. %%, adj. lowest, Rm. 5, 53, 24. -- Preceded by a numeral it implies 'at least,' e. g. %%, three at least, Man. 8, 60; at least three times, Man. 11, 80; also, after %%, a krpaa at least, Man. 8, 274. ## %% (vb. %%). I. adj., f. %%, Younger, Rm. 3, 75, 10. II. m. 1. A younger brother, Rjat. 5, 26. 2. A dra, or one of the fourth caste, Man. 2, 223. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Hindrance. 2. Blocking up. 3. The seraglio of a palace, Rjat. 5, 357. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Being about to block up, Rm, 1, 71, 6. @<[Page 58b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Blocking up, Rm. 1, 3, 33. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A pendant branch, one that strikes fresh roots into the earth, as those of the Indian fig-tree, Rm. 2, 52, 96. -- Comp. %%, adj. whither it is difficult to descend, Rjat. 6, 49. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Descending, Kaths. 20, 179. ## %%, adj. White. ## %%, m. 1. Depending, hanging on or from. 2. A prop. -- Comp. %%, adj. supported, i. e. borne by a net, Megh. 71. %%, adj. 1. unsupported. 2. not granting any support. %%, adj. supported, Ragh. 19, 50. %%, adj. depending on the service of..., Bhart. 1, 66. %%, adj. supported by the hand of..., Vikr. 11, 1. ## %%, n. 1. Supporting one's self, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 24. 2. A prop or support, k. d. 100. -- Comp. %%, n. not supporting one's self, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 23. %%, n. taking hold with the hand, i. 9, 82; Hit. 41, 16. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Hanging down. 2. Hanging, Mcch. 46, 7. 3. Supporting one's self, ak. 62, 15. -- Comp. %%, adj. hanging by a string. ## %%, f., and ## %%, n. Pride, Bhart. 2, 44. ## %%, n. Pulling out, Rm. 6, 98, 25. ## %%, n. Robbing, Kaths. 22, 71. @<[Page 59a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Leaping away, Lass. 48, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Anointing. 2. Pride, Vikr. 5, 8. -- Comp. %%, adj. without anointing and without pride, i. 9, 51. %%, adj. Proud, Daak. in Chr. 185, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Haughtiness, Rm. 1, 44, 9. ## %%, m. 1. Sight, i. 9, 71. 2. Observation, Vikr. 38, 5. ## %%, m. A spy, Rm. 6, 101, 13. ## %%, n. 1. Sight. 2. Observation. 3. A glance, Ragh. 10, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ t>%, m. An observer, Vedntas. in Chr. 206, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Residue. -- Comp. %%, adj. of which a half is left, Rm. 5, 14, 49. %%, adj. of which few are left, Rm. 3, 32, 2. %%, adj. without a residue, whole, Rm. 3, 16, 28. %%, adj. 1. leaving a residue. 2. imperfect. 3. remaining, %%, adj. still bound, Pac. 109, 17. 4. till, %%, adj. exclusive of the earthen pots, Daak. in Chr. 188, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. 1. Certainly. 2. Inevitably, Man. 12, 68; necessarily. When compounded with a participle of fut. pass. the final %% is dropped, e. g. %%, to be done necessarily, Brhmaav. 3, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Hoar-frost, Rm. 3, 22, 21. 2. Dew, MBh. 12, 5334. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Relying on, Pac. 20, 20. 2. Self-confidence, Pac, 246, 19. 3. Gold. -- Comp. %%, adj. full of self-confidence, Pac. i. d. 215; acc. %%, adv. courageously, Kaths. 25, 97. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Supporting one's self on, being supported by, Pac. 233, 16. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Golden, Ragh. 3, 53. ## %%, n. Protection, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14. ## %%, f. A cloth drawn round the knees and loins of a person sitting on his hams, Man. 4, 112. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Opportunity, i. 9, 41; Rjat. 5, 36. 2. The right time, Kir. 5, 16; with inf., k. 12, 11. 3. Turn, Pac. 55, 4 (%%, The turn of the hare came). 4. Use, Kaths. 6, 62. -- Comp. %%, I. m. wrong time, Mcch. 102, 8. II. adj. unseasonable, Hit. 53, 11. %%, i. e. %%, adv. on every occasion, Lass. 2, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Sitting down. 2. Exhaustion, 3. Lassitude, want of energy. -- Comp. %%, adj. cheerful, Gt. 11, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ aka>%, adj. Bringing down, impairing, Rm. 4, 26, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Termination, end, i. 9, 19; Daak. in Chr. 201, 4. 2. Death, Pac. ii. d. 123. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Concluding, Rm. 2, 56, 25 (perhaps the masc. must be read %<-snaka>%). @<[Page 60a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Sprinkling, Mcch. 47, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Water used for washing, Man. 4, 151. ## %%, m. Assault, Pac. iii d. 37. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Assailing, Mahv. 72, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Ordure, Rjat. 5, 406. 2. The privy, Rjat. 5, 412. ## %%, f. Nakedness, Nal. 10, 16. ## %%, f. 1. State, Pac. 44, 1. 2. Condition, Rm. 3, 44, 13. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, being in this state. %%, adj. being in the lowest condition, Pac. iv. d. 76. %%, adj. brought into court, Man. 8, 60. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Standing-place, Rm. 5, 15, 8. 2. Position, Pac. 9, 14. 3. State, Pac. 107, 8. 4. Abiding, Pac. 19, 5; duration, Rjat. 5, 278. 5. Perseverance, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 3. -- Comp. %%, I. n. unsteadiness, mobility. II. adj. unsteady. III. m. wind. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Setting out for sale, Daak. in Chr. 180, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A bode, Kaths, 9, 67. -- Comp. %%, f. unsteadiness. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Suspension of fighting, Chr. 37, 31. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Jest, Bhag. 11, 42. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. and f. %%, Contempt. -- Comp. %%, adj. despising. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Downward, headlong, Man. 3, 249; acc. ntr. %%, adv. Downwards, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 10; headlong, Man. 8, 75. -- Cf. [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Included, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Acquisition, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 3. ## %%, m. A sheep; f. an ewe, Man. 3, 6. -- Cf. Lat. ovis, [greek] O.H.G. awi; A.S. eaw; Goth. avistr. ## %%, f. Want of discrimination or judgment. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The non-acquiring of an understanding, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 9; 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Attention, care, Ragh. 14, 85. -- Comp. %%, n. want of attention, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1260. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Careful attention, Man. 7, 101. -- Comp. %%, f. Want of attention, Man. 7, 111 (instr. rashly). %%, adj. well taken care of, Rm. 5, 75, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Looking, Pac. i. d. 214. ## %%, adj. Fearless, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. 1, 112, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. One who neglects his religious duties, Indr. 2, 5. ## 1. %%, ii. 5, %%. tm. 1. To pervade, to occupy, Yj. 1, 260. 2. To attain, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 2; ved. ii. 2, Par. Chr. 294, 8 = Rigv. i. 92, 8. 3. [dagger] To heap or crowd. -- With the prep. ## %%, To attain, Man. 6, 82. -- With ## %%, To pervade, Ragh. 4, 15. -- With ## %%, To attain, Man, 2, 233. ## 2. %%, ii. 9, %%, Par. (in epic poetry also tm. MBh. 3, 14686) 1. To eat, Man. 1, 95. %%, Not eating, Chr. 57, 23. 2. To enjoy, Bhag. 9, 20. Caus. To cause to eat, Man. 3, 83. %%, Not satiated, Rm. 5, 17, 34. -- With the prep. ## %%, To eat before another, MBh. 3, 14686. -- With ## %%. 1. To eat up, to consume, Dev. 5, 61. 2. To enjoy, Rm. 1, 62, 6. %%, instead of %%, on account of the metre, MBh. 12, 3266. -- With ## %%, To enjoy, MBh. 3, 12631. -- With ## %%, To eat, MBh. 3, 13354. -- With ## %%. 1. To begin eating, Rm. 3, 63, 28. 2. To take in the mouth only, Man. 2, 62. 3. To eat, Man. 5, 103. 4. To drink, Chr. 47, 39 (tm.). 5. To enjoy one's self, MBh. 3, 8083 (tm.). Caus. To cause to eat or devour, Kaths. 9, 10; Man. 3, 260. %%, n. An oblation to the Pits, or Manes, Man. 3, 73; 74. -- With ## %%, To eat, Pac. iv. d. 84. ## %%, Firm, Man. 6, 43; see %%. ## 2. %%, n. 1. Eating, Pac. 236, 22. 2. Food, Man. 3, 59. -- Comp. %%, n. excess of eating, Man. 2, 56. %%, n. Eating too often. %%, I. adj. consisting in abstinence, Bhg. P. 2, 6, 20. II. n. 1. hunger, Daak. in Chr. 181, 9. 2. fasting, Rjat. 5, 428 (plur.). %%, adj. abstaining from food, Hariv. 2539. %%, n. feeding on roots and fruits, Man. 6, 75. %%, n. eating flesh, k. d. 75. %%, adj. consisting of nourishment, Bhg. P. 2, 6, 30. %%, m. fire. %% (vb. %%), m. 1. fire. 2. the deity of fire. 3. iva. ## 1. %%, f. (seldom m. Rm. 3, 4, 45) and ## 1. %%, f. (Chr. 40, 12) Indra's thunderbolt, Ragh. 3, 56. ## %%, adj. Headless, Draup. 8, 30. ## %%, f. Heat, Megh. 82. ## %%, i. e. %%, ord. num. Eightieth. %%, Eighty-first, MBh. i; adhy. 81. %%, Eighty-third, adhy. 83. %%, Eighty-second, adhy. 82. ## %% (cf. %%), card. num., f. Eighty, with genitive of the numbered objects, Man. 11, 220; in the same case, Rm. 2, 32, 19. -- Comp. %%, eighty-one. %%, i. e. %%, eighty-five. ## %%, adj. Measuring eighty, Rm. 5, 6, 21. ## %%, ord. num. f. %%. Eightieth. %%, Eighty-first. %%, Eighty-third. %%, Eightyninth. %%, Eighty-fifth. ## %%, adv. Entirely, Man. 1, 59. ## %% (a denom. derived from. %%). To complete, Kumras. 7, 29. ## %%. I. adj. Free from sorrow, Nal. 12, 107. II. m. A shrub, Jonesia Asoka, t. 6, 16. III. n. An asoka-flower, t. 6, 6. -- Comp. %%, m. an asoka with blue flowers, Rm. 3, 17, 10. ## %% (see vb. %%), m. A stone. -- Comp. %%, m. an emerald, Kir. 5, 48. %%, m. a ruby, Kir. 5, 8. %%, m. the sun-stone. %%, n. 1. blue vitriol. 2. a turquoise; an emerald. -- Cf. the next and [greek] also ved. %%, stone, and Goth. auhns. ## %% (see the last), n. A stove, Daak. in Chr. 192, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Made of stone, Man. 5, 111. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Made of iron, Rm. 4, 22, 15. ## %%, The name of a plant, Man. 2, 43 (probably = %%, m. A species of Oxalis) ## %% (see vb. %%). I. A substitute for %%, when latter part of comp. adj., implying An angle, e. g. %%, adj. Quadrangular, regular, Kumras. 1, 32 (written with %% instead of %<>%). II. n. A tear, Kaths. 13, 126; Man. 3, 229 (with %% instead of %<>%). -- Comp. %%, adj. weeping, Megh. 100. -- Cf. the next, and [greek] Lat. acer. ## %% (see vb. %%), I. 1. Edge, Kumras. 2, 20. 2. A corner, an angle, Rm. 1, 13, 28. -- Cf. [greek] ## %% (see vb. %%), n. A tear, Rm. 2, 48, 2. -- Comp. %%, adj. shedding tears, Ragh. 12, 14. ## %%, adv. As if not heard, Rjat. 5, 53. ## %%, i. e. %% (%% for %%), adj. Bringing misfortune, Man. 4, 206. ## %% (see vb. %%). I. m. A horse, Man. 7, 96. II. f. %%, A mare, Rjat. 5, 415. -- Comp. %%, m. one who is not a horse, Pac. iv. d. 49. %%, m., plur. the horse-like organs of sense, Kir. 5, 50. %%, n. bulls and horses, MBh. 1, 3654. %%, m. a stallion, Rjat. 5, 280. %%, i. e. %%, m. a proper name. %%, adj with horses. %%, i. e. %%, m. the sun. %% (vb. %%), adj. having the horses killed. -- Cf. Lat. equus; [greek] Goth. aihvs. ## %%, m. The name of a bird, MBh. 1, 1488. ## %%. I. m. 1. A mule, Rm. 2, 91, 53. 2. One of the chiefs of the Ngas or serpent race, MBh. 1, 1555. II. f. %%. 1. A female mule. 2. Probably the name of a kind of serpent, which, according to a popular opinion, used to die when pregnant with or bringing forth young, Rm. 3, 49, 49. ## %%, m. The holy figtree, Ficus religiosa, Bhag. 15, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A proper name, Bhag. 1, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Referring to the sacrifice of a horse, MBh. 1, 354. ## %%, adj. On which horses are put, Rm. 5, 27, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A horseman, Rm. 5, 73, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Not having for tomorrow, Man. 4, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Abounding in horses, Chr. 287, 2 = Rigv. i. 48, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., du. Two deities, Rm. 1, 24, 8. -- Cf. the Dioscuri. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A patronymic: a son of Ava, Chr. 296, 10 = Rigv. i. 112, 10. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. tm. 1. To go. 2. To take. 3. To shine (v. r. %%, cf. 3. %%). ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj. Eight-fold, Man. 7, 48. II. f. %%. 1. The eighth day after the full moon, Man. 4, 113; especially those on which the Pits or Manes are worshipped. 2. Worship of the Pits, Rm. 2, 108, 14. III. n. An octad, a collection of eight things. -- Comp. %%, n. a kind of vessel, Sur. 1, 171, 19. %%, i. e. %%, n. sixty-four (arts), Rm. 3, 53, 41. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A complex of eight, Lass. 89, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Eight-fold, Bhag. 7, 4. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%; the vb. is doubtful), card. num., adj. Eight, Hi. 2, 9. -- Comp. %%, Twentyfour, Man. 9, 94. -- Cf. [greek] %<= aau>%; Lat. octo; Goth. ahtau: A.S. ehta. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. ord. num., f. %%, Eighth, Man. 2, 36. II. m. An eighth, Man. 10, 120. III. f. %%, The eigth day of a lunar half month, Rjat. 5, 327; 412. -- Cf. Lat. octavus; [greek] ## %%, adj. Eighth, Yj. 2, 244. ## %%, a substitute of %% in the former part of many comp. words, especially before numerals, e. g. %%, Eighteen. ## %%, ord. num., f. %<>%, Eighteenth, Chr. 51. ## %%, card. num. adj. Eighteen, Man. 8, 3. -- Cf. Lat. octodecim. ## %%. I. n. A board for draughts, dice, etc., Hariv. 6752. II. m. and n. Gold, Kumras, 7, 10. @<[Page 63b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Eight-fold, Man. 8, 337. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%, cf. Lat. incitare), f. A goad. ## %% (probably from %%), f. 1. A kernel, MBh. 3, 10629. 2. A ball, MBh. 1, 4494. ## 1. %%, ii. 2, Par. (tm. when combined with %% and as anxiliary vb.; e. g. %%, MBh. 13, 13). 1. To exist, Bhag. 2, 12. 2. To be, Man. 1, 5; with an adv., MBh. 3, 4041; with participles, Man. 8, 94. %%, So it is, k. 14, 16. %%, Once, Pac. 132, 22. With %%, Not, it implies very often 'to be lost,' e. g. MBh. 3, 10284. 3. With a gen. To belong. %%, Whose are you, Nal. 12, 118. %%, I have, Man. 8, 87. %%, I am thy captive, Man. 7, 91. 4. With a dat. To suffice, Man. 11, 85. 5. With a loc. or with %%, To be affected against, k. 17, 13; 14. %%, participle of the present (cf. Lat. prae-sens), 1. Being, Hit. i. d. 75. 2. Being in the true sense of the word, Right, Bhp. 138. 3. Virtuous, Chr. 8, 22. 4. Steady, Daak. in Chr. 189, 10. 5. Venerable, Rjat. 5, 79. 6. Excellent, Kir. 5, 9. fem. %%, A virtuous wife, Lass. 41, 11. Comp. %%, a very virtuous wife, Pac. 38, 12. n. %%, Entity, Man. 1, 11. superl. %%, adj., f. %%, Most excellent. In comp. words of the Kharmadhr. class it forms the latter part, e. g. %%, 1. A Brhmaa, Man. 1, 33. 2. A most excellent Brhmaa, Chr. 15, 30. %%, m. Chr. 22, 15; %%, 25, 55; %%, 40, 17; %%, 45, 11; %%, Ram. 3, 49, 25; %%, Chr. 63, 64; %%, i. e. %%, 53, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj. wicked, Pac. i. d. 182; heretic, Man. 11, 65. f. %%, an unchaste woman, Pac. 185, 15. %%, n. non-entity, Man. 1, 11. -- With the prepositions ## %%, tm. To outweigh, Bhaa. 2, 35. -- With ## %%, To be visible, to appear, Daak. in Chr. 186, 17 (corr. %%). -- With ## %%, To be near, Chr. 12, 2. -- With ## %%, 1. To be conspicuous, Man. 1, 6. 2. To appear, Chr. 13, 6. 3. To spring up, Chr. 31, 10. -- Cf. [greek] e. g. [greek] = %%; Lat. sum, est; Goth. im, ist; A.S. eom, is. [greek] ## 2. %%, i. 4, Par. 1. To throw, Rm. 2, 67, 18. 2. To leave, Kaths. 6, 141. Aor. %%, Ragh. 12, 23. Part. of the perf. pass. %% (%%, Rm. 4, 13, 54). -- With the prep. ## %%, To surpass, Rm. 2, 23, 37. -- With ## %%, To cross, Man. 2, 72. -- With ## %%. 1. To drive away, Amar. 2. 2. To put off, Nalod. 3, 8. 3. To lay aside, Rm. 2, 32, 30. 4. To leave, Pac. Pr. d. 10. Abeolutive %%, Except, Hit. iii. d. 139. -- With ## %%, also tm. Man. 4, 149; sometimes i. 1, Par. Man. 11, 106. 1. To discharge (an arrow), MBh. 1, 5497. 2. To do repeatedly; to repeat, Man. 2, 79. 3. To practise, Daak. in Chr. 187, 1. 4. To study, Pac. 244, 1. -- With ## %%. 1. To east upward, MBh. 3, 430. 2. To lift up, k. 34, 1; to raise, i. 9, 74. -- With ## %%, To heap round about, MBh. 2, 1805. -- With ## %%, To cast off, Bhag. 18, 51. -- With ## %%, also i. 1 Par. Man. 6, 46. 1. To cast down, Rm. 3, 58, 2; to put down, Chr. 27. 12. 2. To resign, Rm. 2, 46, 20. 3. To put on, Rm. 2, 28, 27; Daak. in Chr. 189. 6. 4. To support, k. d. 161. 5. To put in, Bhart. 2, 77; to settle, Yj. 2, 186; to appoint, MBh. 12, 4336. 6. To intrust, Rm. 3, 51, 18. -- Comp. partic. %%, adj. painted, MBh. 9, 43. %%, gracefully reposing, Rm. 5, 14, 23. Caus., to cause to put down, Chr. 43, 31. -- With ## %%. 1. To put near, Rm. 4, 4, 17. 2. To intrust, MBh. 3, 11551. 3. To prove, Hit. 120, 5. 4. To hint, k. 65, 15. Comp. partic. %%, unproved, Yj. 2, 19. -- With ## %%, To prove, Hit. 103, 3. -- With ## %%, To stretch, Kaths. 6, 121. -- With ## %%, To put down for every one, Rm. 2, 40, 16. -- With ## %%, 1. To put off and down, Pac. 230, 18. 2. To put down, Nal. 24, 45. 3. To divide, Rm. 1, 13, 28. 4. To direct, Rm. 2, 60, 7. 5. To put in, Pac. 236, 9. -- Comp. partic. %%, well arranged, Rm. 5, 13, 37. -- With ## %%, 1. To put down, MBh. 3, 16708. 2. To abandon, Man. 6, 95; to abandon all worldly concerns, i. e. to become an anchorite, Man. 6, 94. 3. To put together, Rm. 3, 35, 63. 4. To put on, MBh. 3, 740. 5. To intrust, Rm. 4, 28, 5. -- With ## %%, 1. To throw out, to expel, i. 9, 62; t. 6, 23; Rm. 3, 75, 24. 2. To drive back, Rm. 3, 42, 42; to send back, i, 9, 33. 3. To destroy, Hit. i. d. 63. -- With ## %%, To leave, Kir. 5, 27. -- With ## %%, 1. To spread, Kir. 5, 34. 2. To put around, MBh. 2, 1898. 3. To turn round, Kumras. 3, 68. 4. To surround, Kumras. 1, 45; to enchase, Daak. in Chr. 198, 23. 5. To turn over, Man. 11, 183. 6. To turn away. Bhart. 3, 29. -Caus. to cause to drop, Ragh. 13, 28. -- With ## %%, To invert, Mcch. 115, 4. -- With ## %%, To throw, Man. 11, 73. -- With ## %%, 1. To separate, Man. 7, 159; Vedntas. in Chr. 205, 3; to divide, MBh. 1, 4263; pf. %%, MBh. 1, 2212, instead of %%, as if the combined %% was a simple vb. %%, different, Prab. 97, 19; MBh. 3, 17052. -- With ## %%, To unite, Man. 7, 57; Vedntas. 205, 3. %%. 1. United, Man. 3, 85. 2. All, Rjat. 5, 62. 3. Whole, Pac. 69, 15. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, large as it is, Pac. 31, 17. ## [dagger] 3. %%, i. 1, Par. tm. 1. To go. 2. To take. 3. To shine (v. r. %%.) ## %%, see %%. ## 2. %%. I. n. Discharging (as arrows), Chr. 297, 21 = Rigv. i. 112, 21. II. m. The name of a tree, Terminalia alata tomentosa, Rm. 2, 94, 8. -- Comp. %%, n. a bow, Ragh. 11, 37. %%, n. a bow. ## %% and ## %%, m. A proper name, Rm. 1, 39, 16; 1, 40, 16 Gorr. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Condition of not being in an intimate relation, Bhp. 96. ## %%, i. e. %% (? see %%), m. A student before he has completed his studies, Man. 11, 157. ## %%, m. A sword, Rm. 3, 50, 2. -- Cf. Lat. ensis, [greek] cf. %%, and [greek] %<= pvan>%. ## %%, i. e. 1. %%, m. plur. 1. The five vital breaths, or airs of the body (cf. Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 9). 2. Life, Daak. in Chr. 189, 6. -- Comp. %% (vb. %%), adj. lifeless, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 266. %%, adj. living, ib. ## %%, i. e. 1. %%, I. adj. Eternal, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2. II. m. An Asura, or demon, Kir. 5, 30. III. f. %%, A female Asura, or demon, MBh. 3, 12203. -- Comp. %%, I. m. pl. the gods and the demons, Rm. 1, 45, 27. II. adj. 1. referring to the gods and the demons, Rm. 1, 34, 8 Gorr. 2. n. elliptically (supply %%), the war between the gods and the demons, Rm. 3, 53, 8. ## %%, adj. Sterile, Chr. 296, 3 = Rigv. i. 112, 3. ## %% (an old denom. based on 2. %%), Par. tm. 1. To detract, scron, MBh. 4, 99. 2. To reprove, Rjat. 5, 196. 3. To be angry, Mlav. 51, 18. -- Comp. %%, free from a spirit of detraction, Bhag. 3, 31. Caus. %%, To chastise, Nal. 14, 17. -- With the prep. ## %%, To blame, Sv. 5, 90. %%, instead of %%, MBh. 1, 4377. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, A scorner, Man. 2, 114. -- Comp. %% (i. e. %%, see %%), adj. free from a spirit of detraction, Nal. 12, 46. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Detraction, Man. 7, 48. 2. Ill-will, Rm. 4, 14, 20. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. free from a spirit of detraction, Man. 4, 158. II. f. %%, a proper name, k. 9, 7. %%, adv. angrily, Vikr. 30, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, for 1. %%, which is the base of several cases, %<-j>% (vb. %%), n. Blood, Pac. 21, 12. -- With %%, cf. Lat. san + ies; with %%, Lat. assir, [greek] with %<*asan-j>%, Lat. sanguis. ## 1. %%, I. n. Home. II. m. 1. Sun-set, Pac. iii. d. 187; i. 9, 5. The acc. sing. %%, combined like a prefix, with %%, implies, To set, Daak. 184, 1. 2. The western mountain, behind which the sun is supposed to set, Rm. 4, 37, 4. IV. n. Death, Kaths. 13, 74; Rjat. 5, 126. -- Comp. %%, n. sunset. ## %% (a syncope of %%), n. Sun-set, Pac. ii. d. 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Sun-set, Kir. 5, 35. ## 2. %%, m. A shooter, Chr. 290, 10 = Rigv. i. 64, 10. ## 2. %%, n. 1. A missile weapon, k. 94, 10; an arrow, Vikr. d. 18. 2. A bow, Arj. 8, 2. -- Comp. %%, n. the art of discharging arrows, Chr. 22, 16; 51. 2. %%, m. the god of Love, Ragl., 7, 58. %%, adj. conversant with the use of missile weapons, MBh. 3, 228. %%, n. the name of a fabulous weapon, Rm. 1, 56, 9. %%, n. a great missile weapon, Chr. 44, 4. ## %%, see %%. ## %%; several cases have %% as their base, n. 1. A bone, Bhart. 2, 9. 2. A kernel, seed, Man. 4, 78. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. os, gen. ossis, for ostis. ## %%, 1. n. A small bone, Bhart. 2, 23. 2. A substitute for %%, when latter part of comp. adj., e. g. %%, Boneless, Yj. 3, 275. %%, adj. Having strong ancles, nerves, and bones, Rm. 5, 32, 11. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Made of bones and ivory, Man. 5, 121. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Having bones, Man. 11, 140. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Full of bones, Rjat. 5, 272. @<[Page 66b]>@ ## %%, First person. pronoun, I; nom. sing. %%, plur. %%; the bases of the other cases are, %%. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. ego, me, nos; Goth. ik, mis, veis, unsis; A.S. ic, me, vit, unc. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Our, Daak. in Chr. 195, 1. ## %%, i. e. %<*asmaya>% (a denominat. of %% by %%) %<+ u>%, adj. Favourable to us, Lass. p. 100, 8 = Rigv. vii. 15, 8. ## %%, n. The Vedic hymn beginning with the words %% (Rigv. i. 164), Man. 11, 250. ## %%, see %%. ## 1. %% (%% for %%; cf. Lat. adag + ium, ajo for agjo, nego; Goth. aikan), forms only 2. sing. and du., and 3. sing. du., and plur. of the redupl. pf. 1. To say, speak, Man. 9, 47. 2. To specify, Man. 8, 122. 3. To call, MBh. 3, 16065. 4. To pronounce, Man. 9, 44. -- With the prep. ## %%, 1. To pronounce, Man. 9, 45. 2. To say, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 8. -- With ## %%, To answer. Hit. 10, 2. -- Cf. [greek] = %%. ## [dagger] 2. %%, ii. 5, %%, Par. To pervade, or occupy (v. r. %%). ## 1. %%, a particle; Certainly, Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4. ## 2. %<-aha>%, a substitute for %%, when part of compound words. Day, e. g. %%, n. A day of impurity, Man. 5, 84. %%, i. e. %%, adj. f. %%, Not out of the ten days (of impurity which follow birth or death), Man. 8, 242. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Lasting eleven days, MBh. 13, 4938. %%, i. e. %%, m. One day, Man. 5, 59. %%, i. e. %%, Some day, Chr. 52, 19 (sing); Pac. 9, 6 (plur). %%, i. e. %%, A day and night, Man. 1, 68. %%, I. n. Three days, Man. 4, 110. II. adj. Lasting three days, Rm. 1, 13, 43. %%, i. e. %%, n. An interval of ten days, Man. 5, 59. %%, i. e. %%, n. A period of five days, Kaths. 41, 26. %%, n. A holy day, Chr. 25, 20. %%, i. e. %%, n. Seven days, a week. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Conceiving objects with the notion that they refer to one's own self, egotism, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 3. 2. Pride, Rm. 4, 6, 22. 3. Self-conceit, Daak. in Chr. 192, 4; arrogance, Rjat. 5, 234. -- Comp. %%, adj. free from selfishness, MBh. 15, 882. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Selfish, Bhag. 18, 17. 2. Proud, Yj. 3, 151. 3. Arrogant, Brhmaav. 2, 11. -- Comp. %%, adj. not arrogant, Man. 9, 335. %%, adj. 1. Impersonal, Bhg. P. 6, 16, 8. 2. Not selfish, Bhg. P. 3, 32, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Selfishness, Bhart. 3, 95. 2. Pride, Rjat. 5, 481. ## %%; several cases have as their base %%, which is used also as former part of compound words, n. A day, i. 9, 23. Ved. %% for %%, Chr. 289, 7 = Rigv. i. 50, 7. ## %% (see %%). Former part of many compound words, implying the first person, e. g. %%, see above; %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The sun, Ragh. 10, 55. ## %%, f. The wife of Gautama, Daak. in Chr. 182, 10. ## %%, interj. 1. of surprise, Bhart. 2, 28; 2. of pain, Bhart. 2, 29; 3. of pleasure, Vikr. 65, 11; 4. of calling, Hit. 12, 3. ## %% (vb. %%), n. Condition of not being easily taken away, Hit. Pr. d. 4. ## %%, i. e. probably %<*ah + i>% (cf. %%), A snake, Kir. 5, 47. -- Comp. %%, m. a kind of snake. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. anguis; probably also [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The name of a Rudra or deity, MBh. 5, 3899. ## %%, m. The name of a sacrifice, Man. 11, 197. ## %%, interj. 1. of calling, Pac. 45, 12; 2. of grief, Pac. 21, 3; 3. of regret, k. d. 35; 4. of contempt, Pac. Pr. d. 8; 5. of surprise, Pac. 76, 24; 6. of praise, Hit. 17, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. A day of twenty-four hours or thirty %%, Man. 1, 64. ## %<-ahna>%, i. e. %%, A substitute for %% in the latter part of some compound words, e. g. %% and %%, i. e. %%, m. The afternoon. %%, and %%, m. The forenoon, Man. 2, 256. %%, m. Noon, Lass. 73, 18. %%, m. Evening. ## %%, (properly dat. sing. of the preceding), adv. Soon, Ragh. 5, 71. #<># #<># 1. %<>%, interj. of reminiscence. Ah! Prab. 46. 4. #<># 2. %<>%. I. prep. 1. With abl., implying: a. Limit inceptive: From, Chr. 295, 17 = Rigv. i. 92, 17; Daak. in Chr. 195, 17. b. Limit conclusive: Until, with abl., Bhart. 2, 97. 2. With loc., On, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4; In, Chr. 297, 17 = Rigv. 1, 112, 17. II. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives. III. Former part of compounded nouns and adverbs: signifying 1. From, e. g. %<-kumra + m>%, adv. From (my) youth, MBh. 3, 1403. 2. Up to, till, e. g. %<-gopla>%, adj. Reaching up to the herdsmen, MBh, 2, 531. %<-maraa + m>%, adv. Till death, Pac. i. d. 44. Compounded adverbs of this kind, when they are former part of a compound word, drop the final %%, e. g. %<-yojana-su-gandhi>%, adj. Spreading fragrance as far as a yojana, MBh. 1, 6965. 3. A little, as former part of adj. or participles, e. g. %<-pta>%, adj. Yellowish, Rm. 2, 76, 4. ## %<-katth + ana>%, adj. Boasting, Rm. 6, 3, 28. ## %<-kamp + a>%, m. Shaking, Rm. 3, 62, 31. -- Comp. %%, adj. unshakeable, Vikr. d. 160. ## %%, i. e. %<-k10 + a>%, m. 1. A multitude, Rm. 5, 17, 18. 2. A mine, Man. 7, 62. -- Comp. %%, m. spring (literally, Having plenty of flowers), Bhag. 10, 35. %%, m. a pond abounding in lotus flowers. %%, m. 1. the ocean. 2. a proper name. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Born in mines, Kir. 5, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Hearing, Kaths. 16, 67. ## %%, a denominative derived from %<-kara>%, Par. To hear, Pac. 19, 10. -- With the prepos. ## %%, To perceive, Pac. 19, 14. ## %%, i. e. %<-k + a>%, m. 1. Attraction, Prab. 61, 16. 2. Playing with dice, MBh. 2, 2110. 3. A proper name, MBh. 2, 1270. ## %%, i. e. %<-k + ana>%, n. Attracting, drawing near, drawing on, MBh. 1, 7109. -- Comp. %%, pulling of a bridle, Pac. 258, 22. ## %%, i. e. %<-kp + a>%, m. Ornament, Daak. in Chr. 195, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, abl. of %%, adj., f. %%, Sudden, Rjat. 5, 54. ## %<-kk + >%, f. 1. Wish, Amar. 41. 2. A necessary supply, Bhp. 83. ## %<--kk + in>%, adj., f. %%, Desiring, Rm. 1, 20, 5. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. devoid of desire, MBh. 14, 537. ## %%, i. e. %<-k + a>%, m. 1. Form, k. 103, 18. 2. Countenance, Daak. in Chr. 196, 24. -- Comp. %%, adj. like the fruit of the guj, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 119. %%, adj., of two kinds, Pac. iii. d. 35. %%, adj. 1. deprived of one's natural form, Rm. 2, 124, 24 Gorr. 2. disguised, MBh. 1, 5787. 3. unassuming, ib. 5, 1395. %%, m. a vain, or useless appearance, Pac. i. d. 62. ## %%, i. e. %<-k>%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Calling up, Pac. 227, 23. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Embodied, Kaths. 17, 50. 2. Well-shaped, Nal. 5, 5. ## %%, adj., f. %%, i. e. I. %%, Unseasonable, Kumras. 3, 34. II. %<-kla + ika>%, What must be deferred till the same time next day, Man. 4, 103. ## %<-k + a>%, m. 1. The fifth element, aether, Man. 1, 75. 2. Sky. Pac. 47, 14. 3. The open air, Man. 3, 90; Nal. 14, 10. 4. The loc. sing. %% denotes in dramatic language that which is spoken off the stage, Mcch. 32, 18. -- Comp. %%, adj. filled, Rm. 5, 64, 24. ## %% (vb. %%). I. adj., f. %%, Moving in or through the sky, Rm. 2, 33, 8; 1, 38, 7. II. m. A bird, Chr. 41, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Poverty. ## %<-kuc + ana>%, n. Bending together, Bhp. 5. ## %%, i. e. probably %<-k10 + a>%, adj., f. %%. 1. Crowded. 2. Fully occupied. 3. Confounded. 4. Distressed. 5. Perplexed. -- Comp. %%, adj., composed. %%, adj. 1. full of. 2. confused. 3. agitated. %%, adj. 1. agitated, bewildered, confused. 2. crowded, thronged. ## %%, f. Disturbance, MBh. 3, 401. ## %%, n. 1. Crowd, MBh. 3, 13711. 2. Disturbance, Bhart. 1, 17. 3. Commotion, i. 9, 42. ## %% (a denomin. derived from %%), Par. To disturb, Pac. 129, 18. %%, Distressed, Rm. 2, 98, 11. ## %<-k + ta>% (vb. %%, has no correspondent signification, but cf. [greek] in [greek] and [greek]), n. Intention, Amar. 4. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. intentional, Lass. 83, 2. 2. significant. 3. wanton. Acc. %%, adv. intentionally, Kaths. 6, 141. ## %<-k + ti>% (see the last), f. Intention, MBh. 3, 15539. ## %<-k + ti>%, f. Form, k. d. 19; figure, Hi. 2, 2; appearance, Brhmaav. 1, 28. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. 1. shapeless, Hariv. 12090. 2. ugly, Mrk. P. 8, 83. 3. one who disregards his religious duties, Man. 3, 154. 4. annihilating, Bhg. P. 1, 6, 4. II. m. a proper name. %%, adj. dwarfshaped. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Embodied, Kaths. 10, 88. ## %%, i. e. %<-k + ti>%, f. 1. Drawing, Amar. 1. 2. Attraction, Hit. i. d. 90. ## %<-krand + a>%, m. 1. Calling loud, Man. 8, 292. 2. Cry of lamentation, Kaths. 10, 94. 3. A king, whose kingdom lies next but one, Man. 7, 207; cf. Km. Ntis. viii. 17; 43; 46; sqq. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, not crying, MBh. 1, 6568. %%, i. e. %%, adv. miserably, Pac. iv. d. 31 (thus to be read). ## %<-krand + ana>%, n. Crying, lamenting, Pac. 145, 25. ## %<-krand + in>%, adj., f. %%, Calling lamentably. ## %<-kram + a>%, m. Beginning, Kaths. 25, 64. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. difficult to be attained, MBh. 7, 8861. 2. difficult to be attacked, Rm. 1, 23, 16. ## %%, i. e. %<-kram + ana>%, n. 1. Ascending, Rm. 2, 31, 5. 2. Increase. 3. Entering. ## %%, i. e. %<-kram + ti>%, f. Ascending, Kaths. 22, 7. ## %<-kr + a>%. I. m. and n. A royal garden, Rm. 5, 9, 10; MBh. 3, 10823. II. m. Sport. -- Comp. %%, m. a play-ground of the gods, Hariv. 6980. ## %%. i. e. %<-kru + a>%, m. 1. Abuse, Yj 2, 302. 2. A curse. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adv. with terrible curses, Rm. 4, 9, 19. ## %%, i. e. %<-kru + t>%, m. An abuser, MBh. 1, 3557. ## %%, i. e. %<-kip + a>%, m. 1. Convulsion, Kumras. 7, 95. 2. Putting on, Kumran, 17. 3. Throwing away. 4. Reproach, Bhart. 2, 59; blame, Bhart. 3, 29. -- Comp. %%, m. a flight of arrows. %%, adv. revilingly, Pac. 24, 12. ## %<-kha + ala>%, m. A name of Indra, k. d. 187. ## %%, i. e. %<-khan + u>%, m. A rat, a mouse. -- Comp. %%, m. A hare. ## %%, m. Hunting, Kaths. 15, 120. ## %%, m. 1. A hunter, Pac. i. d. 432. 2. Hunting, Kaths. 9, 74. ## %<-khy>%, f. A name, k. 105, 7. -- Comp. %%, adj. called Udaya, Bhtl. Chr. 228, 166. %%, adj. how called, k. 104, 13. %%, i. e. %%, adj. declared to be of ten years, Man. 2, 134 (i. e. a citizen may be considered as equal to another citizen who is ten years older or younger than himself). ## %<-khy + ti>%, f. 1. A tale, a report. 2. Appellation, Kaths. 18, 5. ## %%, i. e. %<-khy + ana>%, n. 1. A tale. 2. A legend, Nal. 6, 9. ## %%, n. A little tale, Pac. 72, 16. ## %%, i. e. %<-khy>%, Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Invitation to give a report. @<[Page 70b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-khy + aka>%, f. A tale, MBh. 2, 453, with short final on account of the metre. ## %%, i. e. %<-khy + in>%, adj., f. %%, Reporting, k. d. 22. ## %%, i. e. %<-gam + ti>%, f. 1. Arrival, i. 9, 43. 2. Concern, Daak. in Chr. 193, 9 (that you have something to do with the theft). -- Comp. %%, f. literally, coming and going, i. e. origin and disappearance, Rm. 2, 110, 1. ## %<-ga + tva>% (vb. %%), n. Concern, Dacak. in Chr. 193, 4 (%%, And you will denounce that I have to do with that; %% must be read instead of %%). ## %%, i. e. %<-gam + tu>%, adj. 1. One who arrives, Hit. 18, 2. 2. Incidental, adventitious. ## %%. I. adj. 1. Arriving. 2. Incidental. II. m. 1. A stranger, Hit. 70, 12. 2. An estray (Jur.), Yj. 2, 163. 3. A vagabond, Daak. in Chr. 181, 4. ## %<-gam + a>%, m. 1. Arrival, Rm. 2, 25, 19. 2. Occurrence, Yj. 2, 92. 3. Stream, Man. 8, 252. 4. Afflux of wealth, Bhart. 2, 39. 5. Report, Yj. 2, 212. 6. Knowledge, Rm. 6, 4, 30. 7. Art, Mlav. 15, d. 16. 8. Sacred science, Kir. 5, 22. 9. A work on sacred science, Kir. 5, 18. 10. A precept, MBh. 3, 1163. 11. A legal title, Man. 8, 202. -- Comp. %%, m. not returning, MBh. 3, 8868. %%, m. revenue, Hit. Pr. d. 18. %%, m. the approach of the rainy season, Nal. 21, 4. %%, m. daybreak, Hariv. 4287. %%, m. illegal afflux of wealth, MBh. 5, 1513. %%, m. afflux of wealth, Man. 8, 347. %%, m. a code of law, Mrk. P. 23, 36. %%, m. spring, t. 6, 34. %%, m. winter. @<[Page 71a]>@ ## %<-gam + ana>%, n. 1. Coming, arrival, Nal. 3, 21. 2. Origin, Rm. 4, 2, 29. 3. Sexual intercourse, Rjat. 5, 399. -- Comp. %%, m. non-returning, Pac. 89, 8. ## %%. adv. In consequence of the arrival, Indr. 5, 23 (thus to be read). ## %%, adj., f. %%, Having sexual intercourse. MBh. 1, 3025. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Coming and going, Bhag. 2, 14. ## %%, n. Crime, Man, 9, 241; fault, i. 9, 60; sin, Ragh. 2, 32. -- Comp. %%, adj. faultless. Brhmaav. 2, 14. %%, adj. guilty, Amar. 43. %%, adj. innocent, Rm. 1, 7, 13. %%, adj. innocent, Rjat. 5, 172. ## %%, i. e. %% or %%, adj. Reterring to Agasti, or Agastya, MBh. 1. 442. ## %%, i. e. %<-gam + in>%, adj., f. %%. 1. Arriving. 2. Future, next, Pac. 169, 8. ## %% (perhaps %%), n. A house, Daak. in Chr. 187, 1. -- Comp. %%, m. a building for keeping the sacred fire, Man. 4, 58. %%, m. a private chamber, Yj. 2, 31. %%, n. an arsenal, Man. 9, 280. %%, n. an apartment on the top of a house, Rm. 5, 12, 45. %%, or %%, m. and n. a treasury, Rm. 6, 111, 52. %%, m. and n. a treasury, Man. 9, 280. %%, m., n. a nuptial apartment, Kumras. 7, 94. %%, the sanctuary of a temple, Kaths. 7, 71. %%, and %%, m. a temple, Rm. 2, 71, 36; Man. 9, 280. %%, a temporary structure consisting of stalls for spectators. %%, a jail, Daak. in Chr. 197, 17. %%, I. m. a store-room. II. n. a treasury, Rjat. 5, 10. %%, n. the pearl oyster. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Produced by agallocum, i. 4, 52. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A priest (who kindles the sacrificial fire?). ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Belonging or relating to fire or the deity of fire, Man. 9, 310. II. m. pl. The name of a people. ## %% (from %%). I. n. Offering of new grain, MBh. 3, 14188, and in the vedic literature; in the classic books it is spelled %%, e. g. Rm. 3, 22, 6; Yj. 1, 25; Man. 6, 10, Lois. II. m. A name of Agni. ## %<-grah + a>%, m. 1. Favour, Kumras. 5, 7. 2. Pertinacity, ukasapt. 6; 8; Kaths. 25, 9. -- Comp. %%, m. blameable pertinacity, Bhg. P. 3, 5, 43. ## %<-grah + ik>%, f. (of %%) Help, Daak. in Chr. 188, 19. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %<-han>%, Caus. %<+ a>%, m. 1. Beating, Rjat. 5, 417. 2. A stroke, Bhart. 2, 83. 3. A cast, Rjat. 5, 463. 4. A gust, Rjat. 5, 330. 5. Killing, Bhart. 2, 60 (read %%). 6. A slaughter-house, Mcch. 161, 11. 7. An execution-place, Hit. iv. d. 64. -- Comp. %%, m. butting at a bank or mound, Kumras. 2, 50. %%, m. Hemiplegy. %%, m. shooting with a bow. ## %%, i. e. %<-gh + ni>%, adj. Radiant, Lass. 99, 5 (read %%) = Rigv. iii, 62, 7. @<[Page 72a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-ghu + ana>%, f. A proclamation, Pac. 261, 9. ## %%, i. e. %<-ghr + ana + tas>%, adv. By smelling, Kaths. 13, 64. ## %%, i. e. 3. %% adj., f. %%, An inhabitant of Anga, MBh. 1, 3772. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A multitude of firebrands, Pac. iii. d. 166. ## %%, i. e. %%, patronym., f. %%, A descendant of Angiras. ## %<-cam + ana>%, n. Rinsing the mouth, Yj. 1, 242. ## %%, i. e. %<-car + ana>%, n. 1. Arrival, Chr. 287, 3 = Rigv. i. 48, 3. 2. Conduct, MBh. 15, 312. ## %%, i. e. %<-cam + a>%, m. The water or scum of boiled rice. ## %%, i. e. %<-car + a>%, m. 1. Rule of conduct, Man. 2, 69. 2. Good custom, good conduct, Sv. 6, 16. 3. Conduct, Rm. 6, 10, 24. 4. Sacred usage, Ragh. 2, 10. 5. Use, k. d. 100. 6. Rule. MBh. 3, 166. -- Comp. %%, adj. conducting one's self honestly, MBh. 4, 167. %%, adj., f. %%, one who is difficult to dead with, MBh. 4, 274. %%, I. m. bad conduct, ib. 12, 4539. II. adj., f. %%, following bad customs, Man. 4, 157. %%, adj. following one's own will, Daak. in Chr. 200, 8. %% i. e. %% (ptcple. pres. of 1. %%), m. 1. approved usage, Man. 2, 18. 2. virtuous conduct. ## %%, adv. From immemorial custom. Man. 1. 110. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Virtuous, Rm. 5, 21, 9. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %% (see %%), adj. one who observes the approved usages, Man. 4, 158. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A spiritual guide or teacher; he who invests the student with the sacrificial thread and instructs him in the Vedas, etc., Man. 2, 40. -- Comp. %%, m. a family priest, Bhg. P. 9, 1, 9. %%, m. a dancing master, Mcch. 49, 2. ## %%, n. in %%, Teaching the scenic art, i. e. dancing and acting, Pac. iii. d. 268. ## %%, f., and ## %%, n. The condition of a teacher, Chr. 28, 32; i. 9, 87. ## %%, adj. Having a teacher, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 12. ## %%, i. e. %<-chad + a>%, m. Cloth, Man. 7, 126. ## %%, i. e. %<-chad + aka + tva>%, n. Covering, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 22. ## %%, i. e. %<-chad + ana>%, n. 1. Covering, Pac, 22, 17. 2. Cloth, Man. 3, 59. ## %%, i. e. %<-chad + in>%, adj., f. %%, Covering, k. d. 18. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, adj. 1. Coming from goats. 2. Made of goat's flesh, Rm. 2, 91, 66. ## %<-jan + ana>%, n., and ## %%, i. e. %<-jan + ti>%, f., New birth, transmigration, MBh. 1, 4561; Man. 4, 166. @<[Page 73a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-jan + i + eya>%, I. adj. f. %%, Of good race, MBh. 2, 1733. II. m. A horse of good breed, draup. 7, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. and m. 1. Battle, Arj. 10, 74. 2. Level ground, field of battle, Chr. 36, 12. ## %%, i. e. %<-jihra>%, desider. of %%, adj. Desiring to fetch, with acc., MBh. 3, 11078. ## %<-jv + a>%, m. 1. Livelihood, MBh. 14, 956. 2. Profession, Daak. in Chr. 180, 8. -- Comp. %%, m. 1. a painter. 2. an actor. %%, m. one who subsists by (the harlotry of) a wife, Man. 11, 63. ## %<-jv + ana>%, n. Livelihood, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1264. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Granting livelihood, MBh. 14, 1330. II. n. Provisions, MBh. 3, 8452. -- Comp. %%, adj. yielding an easy subsistence, Man. 7, 69. ## %<-jatva>% in %%, i. e. %%, from %%, n. The whole authority, Rjat. 6, 229. ## %<-j>%, f. 1. An order, Rjat. 5, 3. 2. Authority, Bhart. 2, 40. -- Comp. %%, f. want of assent, Man. 9, 199. ## %%, m., f. %%, A servant, k. 110, 14. ## %%, n. The office of a servant, Vikr. d. 60. ## %%, i. e. %<-aj + ya>%, n. Butter in a liquid state, which is poured on a sacrificial fire. -- Comp. %%, n. choicest liquid butter. ## %% (vb. 1. %

%), m. The Pits or Manes of the Vaiyas, Man. 3, 197. @<[Page 73b]>@ ## %%, m. A name of Agni, Rm. 3, 20, 38. ## %%, i. 1, Par. To stretch. ## %%, i. e. %<-aj + ana>%, n. and f. %%, Ointment. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. One who lives in forests, MBh. 3, 15255. 2. A forest keeper. ## %%, m. 1. Inflation. 2. Pride, Pac. i. d. 229; 46, 4. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. swollen, big, Pac. 93, 8. 2. Proud. Acc. %%, adv. arrogantly, proudly, Hit. 58, 15. ## %%, m. A drum, Rm. 5, 13, 51 (where erroneously is read %%). ## %% (a transformation of %%), m. n. A measure of grain, equal to 7 lb. 11 oz. avoirdupois, Hit. Pr. d. 19. ## %%, i. e. probably a transformation of %%. adj., f. %%. 1. Wealthy, Chr. 61, 38. 2. A bounding in. -- Comp. %%, adj. abounding in jewels. ## %%, f. Wealth, Rjat. 5, 272. ## %% (the regular abl. sing. n. of the pronoun %%) adv. Then, Chr. 293, 5 = Rigv. i. 87, 5. ## %%, i. e. %<-tac + a>%, m. 1. Sickness, Yj. 3, 245. 2. Affiction, Vikr. 41, 20. 3. Agitation, fear. -- Comp. %%, adv. fearless, k. d. 14 n. %%, adj. 1. without ailment, Dev. 12, 30. 2. not causing ailment, MBh. 2, 285. ## %%, i. e. %<-tata>% (vb. %%) %<+ vin>% (%% instead of %% as in %% for %%), I. adj. Assailing, Chr. 3, 1. II. m. A felon, a murderer, a thief, Man. 8, 350. @<[Page 74a]>@ ## %<-tap + a>%, m. 1. Sunshine, Pac. ii. d. 136. 2. Heat of the sun, k. 31, 8. -- Comp. %%, adj. shadowy, Bhart. 2, 86. %%, m. the rays of the rising sun, Man. 4, 69. %%, m. sunshine, Pac. 121, 13; heat of the sun, t. 1, 10. ## %% (vb. %%), n. A parasol, Kir. 5, 39. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, having raised mushrooms instead of parasols, Megh. 11. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Irradiated by the sun. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Proper for a guest, k. 7, 11. 2. Hospitable, Ragh. 12, 25. II. n. Hospitality, Man. 3, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Hospitable salutation, Chr. 13, 8 ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Having some redundant member, Man. 11, 50. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Discased, Rm. 3, 55, 36. 2. Wounded, Rm. 3, 50, 19, 3. Agitated by a morbid desire; %%, Desirous to violate her, Nal. 11, 36. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. free from illness, Man. 2, 187. 2. indefatigable, Ragh. 1, 21. ## %%, i. e. %<-datta->% (vb. %%), adj. Strangled, k. 93, 2. ## %<-tma>%, A substitute for %% when latter part of compound words, e. g. %%, adj. Trustworthy, Rm. 2, 109, 19. ## %<-tmaka>%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, A substitute for %%, when latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Eighteenfold, Rm. 1, 13, 30. %%, adj. Having the nature of both, Man. 2, 92. %%, adj. Compassionate, Rm. 1, 10, 6. %%, adj. Governed by fate, MBh. 13, 52 sqq. %%, adj. Easily flashing up, k. d. 40. %%, adj. Sensual, Man. 2, 29. %%, i. e. %% (cf. vb. 1. %%), adj. Having the nature of entity and non-entity, Man. 1, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Selfish, Rm. 2, 70, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Own, MBh. 1, 4712. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), I. m. A son, Man. 7, 14. II. f. %%, A daughter, Rm. 1, 1, 69. -- Comp. %%, m. epithet of Yudhihira, Lass. 15, 11. %%, I. m. a name of Ka, Gt. 8, 11. II. f. %%, a name of Durg, MBh. 4, 179. %%, f. %%, spirituous liquor. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %<>%, Knowing the Supreme Being, Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj. foolish, ak. 78, 15. ## %%, i. e. probably %<*av (= v) + tman>% (cf. [greek]), m. 1. Breath. 2. The soul. Bhp. 97. 3. One's own self, Man. 4, 254. 4. Self, own; used, but only in the sing., as reflective pronoun of all the three persons, e. g. %%, Show thyself, Nal. 11, 8. %%, Virtuous wives protect themselves by means of themselves, Nal. 18, 8. 5. The instr. sing. compounded with following ordinal numbers denotes one's self as making up the number, e. g. %%, Himself as the seventh, i. e. he with six. 6. The body. 7. Intellect, understanding. 8. The soul of the universe, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 4. 9. The initial %<>% when preceded by %% or %% is sometimes in vedic and epic writings irregularly dropped, e. g. Draup. 5, 9. -- Comp. I. When latter part it denotes often, 1. nature, mind, e. g. %%, adj. whose mind is improved, Pac. ii. d. 15. %%, adj. whose mind is not improved, Man. 6, 73. %%, adj. one who has subdued his mind, who restrains himself, Pac. 131, 19. %%, adj. one who has not subdued his mind, Man. 7, 34. %%, adj. with an affectionate mind, Man. 1, 60. %% (vb. %%), adj. with a tranquil mind, Man. 1, 52. 2. natural disposition, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, adj. having a natural disposition for action, Man. 2, 53. %%, adj. voluptuous, Man. 7, 27. %%, adj. unsteady, Rm. 4, 55, 7. %%, adj. just, Rm. 1, 1, 29. %%, adj. wicked, Pac. 37, 19. %%, adj. magnanimous, Pac. ii. d. 153. %%, m. having the nature of a thread, Vedntas. in Chr. 208, 3. 3. %%, m. the soul, Rjat. 5, 194. %%, m. being the absolute unity, Kumras. 2, 4. %%, adj. having four faces, Rjat. 5, 25. %%, m. an image, Megh. 41. %%, m. the soul of the world, Rm. 6, 82, 153. %%, m. the individual soul, Bhg. P. 6, 16, 2. %%, (vb. %%), adj. one who has given himself (as a son to another), Yj. 2, 131. %%, i. e. %%, adj. appearing in twelve forms, MBh. 3, 156. %%, m. the universal soul. %% (vb. %%), adj. 1. intent upon. 2. having obtained (the union with) the universal soul, Pac. iii. d. 63. %%, m. 1. the elementary or vital principle. 2. the body. 3. Brahman. 4. iva. 5. war. %%, adj. dull, foolish. %%, m. the soul of the universe, a name of Viu. -- Cf. O.H.G. atum, A.S. acdhm, and see above. ## %%, adj. 1. Appropriate. 2. Suitable (as diet). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Self-existing, epithet of Brahman, k. d. 186; of Viu, iva and Kma. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Attached to one's person. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Selfishly voracious, Pac. ed. orn. i. d. 215. ## %%, n. Selfishness, Kaths. 26, 228. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Self-control, Man. 11, 86. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. One who has subdued his senses; endowed with selfcontrol, Rm. 3, 51, 44. 2. Sensible, Man. 5, 43. -- Comp. %%, adj. one who has no self-control, Nal. 20, 31. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. In one's mind, Man. 6, 25. 2. On one's self, Yj. 3, 54. 3. Under one's self, MBh. 3, 493. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Becoming the universal soul, Bhart. 3, 64. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Own, poss. pron. of the refl. of all the three persons, Hit. 52, 16; Pac. 63, 23. II. m. A friend, Bhart. 2, 47. -- Comp. %%, adj. not belonging to one's self, Pac. 132, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Continual, Man. 2, 242. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. What must be done instantly, Man. 7, 165. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. patronym., f. %%, A descendant of Atri, MBh. 3, 971. II. f. %%, A woman who has bathed after temporary uncleanness, Man. 11. 87. @<[Page 76a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, Belonging to the Atharvaveda, Daak. in Chr. 201, 11. ## %<-da>%, i. e. I. %%, adj., f. %%, Eating, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, Eating men. %%, m. A backbiter, a slanderer. %%, Eating men's flesh, Hi. 2, 2. II. %<-da>% (vb. %%), adj. Taking. ## %<-daka>%, i. e. %%, adj. Eating, e. g. %%, Eating men, Hid. 2. 30. ## %%, i. e. %<-dri + a>%, m. 1. Regard, Kumras. 6, 13. 2. Concern, Pac. iii. d. 262. 3. Care, Daak. in Chr. 180, 10. 4. Love, Pac. iv. d. 7 (%%, passionately). 5. Interest, Daak. in Chr. 190, 8. 6. Respect, Kir. 5, 16. -- Comp. %%, m. excessive regard, Pac. i. d. 463. %%, m. carelessness, Pac. 202, 5, Bhart. 2, 28 (%%, easily). %%, adj., f. %%. 1. impassioned, t. 6, 14. 2. respectful, Kaths. 2, 67. Acc. sing. %%, adv. considerately, Pac. 33, 16; respectfully, Pac, 71, 6. ## %%, i. e. %<-d + a>%, and ## %%, m. A mirror, Bhag. 3, 38. #

# %<-d + t>%, m. A receiver, Man. 4, 193. -- Comp. %%, m. a nonreceiver, Man. 6, 8. ## %%, i. e. %<-d + ana>%, n. 1. Seizing, Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 20. Seizure, Kumras. 5, 11; Man. 7, 204. 2. Taking, receiving, Man. 11, 15. Receipt, Rjat. 5, 265. -- Comp. %%, n. learning the Veda, Man. 11, 62. %%, adj. not taking, MBh. 3, 8501. %%, n. drying up. %%, n. taking with justice, Man. 8, 172. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Taking away, MBh. 3, 8501. @<[Page 76b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-d + in>%, adj., f. %%. 1. Taking, MBh. 12, 5969 (%%, taking without assent, a thief). 2. Robbing, Man. 7, 123. 3. Bringing, Rjat. 5, 272. ## %%, i. e. %%, with %% for %%, 1. m. Beginning, Man. 1, 8; 4, 25. 2. indecl. First, MBh. 2, 2008. -- Comp. When latter part of a comp. adj. 1. having first, beginning with, e. g. Man. 3, 205, %%, beginning and ending with an offering to the gods. 2. other, et-cetera, e. g. Man. 1, 58, %%, Marci and the other Munis (properly, as before 'The Munis beginning with Marci'); Man. 3, 104, %%, giving food, etc. 3. the like, Man. 9, 260, %%, these and the like thorny weeds. 4. more, e. g. Man. 8, 407, %%. a woman who is pregnant two months or more. These adj. when without subst. are neuters: e. g. Nal. 13, 43, %%, lamenting thus and similarly; Hit. 12, 16, %%, therefore I say, %% et -cetera, i. e. the verse beginning with %%. Man. 8, 31, the masc. is used. ## %<-di + ka>%, adj., f. %%, a substitute for %% as latter part of a compound adj., e. g. Man. 2, 143, %%, the agnioma and the other sacrifices. ## %%, adv. 1. From the beginning, Chr. 11, 22. 2. First, Man. 1, 34. -- Comp. %%, after having seen Rma, Rm. 1, 51, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. The name of a class of deities, sons of Aditi, Man. 3, 284. 2. The sun, Vedntas. in Chr. 205, 24. 3. A deity in general, MBh. 18, 215. -- Comp. %%, adj. surpassing the sun, Megh. 44. %%, m. a proper name, Rjat. 5, 268. ## %%, i. e. %<-ditsa>%, desid. of %%, adj. Desirous to take, Hit. ii. d. 106. ## %<-din>%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Eating, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Eating the food of one person only, Man. 2, 188. ## %%, adj., f. %%, First, Bhp. 20; 115. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Having a beginning, Yj. 3, 183. -- Comp. %%, adj. without any beginning, Bhag. 13, 12. ## %<-di>%, f. Advise. ## %%, i. e. %<-dia + in>% (vb. %%), m. A student, Man. 5, 88. ## %<-dp + aka>%, m. An incendiary, MBh. 12, 3215. ## %%, i. e. %<-di + a>%, m. 1. Report, tidings, Yj. 2, 304. 2. Instruction, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 15. 3. Order, Rm. 3, 53, 29. 4. Prediction, Man. 9, 250. ## %%, i. e. %<-di + aka>%, adj. Announcing. -- Comp. %%, m. a fortuneteller, Mlav. 69, 13. ## %%, adv. According to a command, Pac. ii. d. 199 (with the gen.). ## %%, i. e. %<-di + ana>%, n. Performance, Man. 2, 173. ## %%, i. e. %<-di + in>%, adj., f. %%, Commanding, Ragh. 4, 68 (%%, Commanding paleness to the cheeks of..., i. e. frightening). ## %%, i. e. %% for %% (cf. %%, etc.), adj., f. %%. 1. First, Man. 7, 92. 2. Preeminent, MBh. 1, 8130. -- Comp. %%, each preceding, Man. 1, 20. Like %% (q. cf.), other, et-ceters, e. g. %%, adj. food, etc., Pac. i. d. 188. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Having beginning and end, Bhag. 5, 22. ## %%, i. e. %% (see %%) %<+ a>%, adj. Of iron, Rm. 6, 18, 31. ## %%, i. e. %<-dhm + ana>%, n. A pledge, Man. 8, 165. -- Comp. %%, n. a fraudulent pledge. ## %%, i. e. %<-dh + ana>%, n. 1. Adding, Man. 2, 176. 2. Preparing the holy fire, MBh. 3, 8194. 3. Lighting the nuptial fire, Man. 5, 186. 4. Conception, Megh. 3. 5. Pledging, Yj. 2, 238. 6. Using, Ragh. 1, 24. -- Comp. %%, n. a ceremony performed previous to conception. %%, n. the strait-gut. ## %%, i. e. %<-dh + aka>%, adj. Bestowing. ## %%, i. e. %<-dh + a>%, m. 1. A prop, support, Rm. 5, 3, 77; Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 4. 2. A canal, Yj. 3, 144. 3. A basin round the foot of a tree, k. d. 14. 4. A dike, Ragh, 5, 6. -- Comp. %%, or %%, m. a reservoir of water, Yj. 3, 144; k. d. 14. ## %%, n., i. e. I. %<-dh>% (cf. %%), A pledge, Man. 8, 143. II. %<-dhyai>%, Mental agony, Daak. in Chr. 184, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Excess, Vedntas. in Chr. 206, 19. 2. Preeminence, Rm. 5, 90, 24. 3. Superiority, Man. 7, 169. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Treating of the deities, Man. 6, 83. @<[Page 78a]>@ ## %% i. e. %%, n. Sovereign dominion, Man. 12, 100. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Property given to a first wife upon marrying a second. ## %%, i. e. %<-dhor + ana>%, m. The driver of an elephant, Daak. in Chr. 188, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %% and %%, Referring to or treating of the universal soul; sacred, Man. 2, 117. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Travelling, MBh. 1, 3031. ## %%. m. A drum, Bhag. i, 13. -- Comp. %%, m. a cemetery. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Coming from a bull (as its flesh or hide). ## %%, i. e. %<-nam + ti>%, f. 1. Bowing, Amar. 22. Salutation, Kaths. 23, 17. 2. Homage, Rjat. 5, 215. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. The mouth; the face, t. 6, 30. 2. A point, Rm. 6, 79, 69. -- Comp. %%, adj. having four faces, Bhg. P. 5, 1, 30. %%, i. e. %%, adj. epithet of Rvaa, Rm. 3, 39, 8. %%, m. a peacock, Pac. i. d. 175 (perhaps to be changed to %%, i. e. %%). %%, i. e. %%, 1. iva. 2. used at the end of names of scholars, Chr. 234, 6. 3. f. %%, perhaps a name of Durg. %%, adj. having a great mouth, Hi. 3, 2. %%, adj. having a cheerfully smiling face. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Absence of an interval, Man. 10, 28. Instr. %%, Instantly, Rm. 4, 23, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Eternity, Man. 3, 266. @<[Page 78b]>@ ## %<-nand + a>%, m. 1. Joy, Rm. 1, 1, 17. 2. Sensual pleasure, Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 20. 3. Happiness, bliss, ib. 202, 3; 5. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, joyless, Rm. 2, 47, 10. %%, m. 1. the highest bliss. 2. the universal soul. ## %<-nand + aka>%, adj. Delighting, Hit. i. d. 204 v. r. ## %<-nand + ana>%, n. Delight, Hit. i. d. 204. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Full of joy or happiness, Kaths. 23, 85; Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 22. ## %%, i. e. %<-nand>%, Caus. %<+ t>%, m., f. %%, n. Giving pleasure, Ragh. 14, 26. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Joyful, Rm. 6, 11, 45. ## %%, i. e. %<-n + ana>%, n. 1. Bringing near, Rm. 1, 12, 27. 2. Escorting, k. 48, 21. ## %%, m., pl. The name of a people and their country (also sing.), Rm. 4, 43, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Want of protection, Kaths. 3, 8. ## %%, i. e. %<-n + a>%, m. A net. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A fisher, Ragh. 16, 55. ## %%, i. e. %<-nah + a>%, m. 1. Obstruction. 2. Length. ## %<-n + ti>%, f. Bringing near, Rm. 1, 8, 29. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Suitability, Yj. 1, 74. 2. Compliance with (gen.), Rjat. 5, 132. 3. Favour, Kaths. 19, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. Regular succession, order, Man. 2, 41. II. f. %%, see the next. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. and fem. %%, Regular succession, order, Man. 9, 149; Rm. 3, 70, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Direct or natural order, Man. 10, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A neighbour who lives next but one, Man. 8, 392. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Continually, Lass. 98, 7 = Rigv. v. 9, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Connected, adherent, accustomed to live (there), Pac. 10, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj. Watery, marshy. II. m. Any animal frequenting marshy places. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Freedom from debt; acc. with %%, to pay, Man. 4, 257. ## %%, f. Freedom from debt, Rm. 2, 24, 32. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Mildness, Man. 8, 411. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A subject, MBh. 12, 3346; 3913. ## %% and ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Proceeding from the air or sky; airy, MBh. 2, 1636; Rm. 2, 25, 20. ## %%, n. A swinging motion, Caurap. 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Blindness, Vedants. in Chr. 218, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Daily, Man. 3, 67. #

# %

%, i. 1 and 10; ii. 5, %%, Par. (in ved. and epic writings also tm., MBh. 14, 597. Originally also %%; cf. the ved. desiderative %%; Lat. apiscor, ops, opto, coepi, copia; [greek] i. e. originally [greek]). 1. To attain, Ragh. 8, 24. 2. To incur, Man. 8, 188. 3. To obtain, Man. 1, 63. %% (cf. Lat. aptus). 1. Fit, Ragh. 3, 12. 2. Trusted, Man. 7, 80; just, 8, 63. 3. Near, Man. 5, 101; a friend, ib. 8, 64. 4. Large, Man. 7, 79. Comp. %%, unapt, Man. 8, 294. -- Desid. %%, To desire to obtain, MBh. 1, 1090. %%. 1. Desired, Nal. 3, 2. 2. Loved, Nal. 1, 4. 3. Ordained, Man. 2, 48. n. A wish, Kaths. 22, 170. Comp. %%, adj. as desired, Sund. 4, 5; acc. %%, adv. 1. According to one's wish. 2. Willingly. 3. Independently. -- With the prep. ## %%, desid. To desire, Man. 136; with infin., Chr. 11, 14. -- With ## %%. 1. To attain, Kaths. 1, 27. 2. To meet, Kaths. 3, 46. 3. To obtain, Vikr. d. 105. %%, adj. Not obtained, Man. 9, 209. -- With ## %%, To recover, i, 5, 40. -- With ## %%. 1. To meet, Rm, 4, 44, 71. 2. To incur, Chr. 23, 20. 3. To obtain, Rm. 3, 55, 40. -- With ## %%, To cease, MBh. 15, 1073. %%. 1. Adequate, Bhag. 1, 10. 2. Sufficient, Man. 11, 7. 3. Enough (no more), Chr. 42, 13. 4. Full, Kumras. 7, 26. 5. Many, Daak. in Chr. 185, 10. 6. Large, Man, 3, 40. Comp. %%, adj. inadequate; with infin., Rm. 3, 51, 7. %%, adj. excessive, Ragh. 15, 18. %%, adj. well finished, Man. 7, 76. %%, adj. unable, Ragh. 16, 28. -- Desid. 1. To demand, Man. 8, 161. 2. To desire, MBh. 1, 5515; tm., MBh. 2, 563. 3. To take care, MBh. 3, 17327. 4. To defend, MBh. 4, 480. -- With ## %%. 1. To reach, Rm. 3, 22, 37. To attain, Rjat. 5, 57. 2. To meet, Pac. i. d. 328. 3. To incur, Man. 8, 355. 4. To obtain, Man. 3, 277. 5. To get in, Man. 11, 263. 6. To find, Yj. 3, 142; Rjat. 5, 406. %%. 1. Proper, right, Daak. in Chr. 188, 4. 2. Having obtained, Man. 7, 2. %%, Dead, Kaths. 13, 74. 3. Having arrived, Nal. 23, 18. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. not finished, pending, Yj. 2, 243. 2. not of age, Man. 9, 88. 3. not obtained, Bhp. 114. %%, adj. obtained by succession, Nal. 12, 49. Comp. ptcple of the fut. pass., %%, i. e. %%, adj. difficult to be attained, Rm. 4, 17, 44. -- Caus. %%. 1. To bring, Rm. 4, 62, 19. 2. To cause to obtain, MBh. 2, 171. 3. To appoint, Rjat. 5, 424. 4. To give, Daak. in Chr. 197, 15. -- With ## %%. 1. To recover, Rm. 1, 1, 80. 2. To find, Chr. 70, 54. 3. To incur, Chr. 54, 11. 4. To imitate, Ragh. 4, 22. 5. To arrive, Rm. 3, 75, 2. %%, Having attained, MBh. 1, 5874; come, Rm. 3, 27, 9. -- With ## %%. 1. To attain, Rm. 2, 52, 76. 2. To obtain, MBh. 2, 1616. %%, Having attained, Rm. 3, 30, 1. -- With ## %%, To come near, Rm. 3, 75, 17 (the ptcple. of the pf. pass. in active signification). -- With ## %%. 1. To attain, Rm. 6, 109, 1. 2. To obtain, Man. 12, 74. %%, Having arrived, Man. 3, 99. %%, Without touching, Chr. 40, 17. -- With ## %%, To attain, Rm. 3, 68, 7. %%, Having arrived, Rm. 2, 65, 11. -- With ## %%. 1. To attain, Rm. 2, 55, 21. 2. To obtain, Rm. 4. 3, 27. %%, Having arrived, MBh. 3, 11366. -- With ## %%, To attain, MBh. 3, 2337. %%. 1. Having incurred, MBh. 1, 5188. 2. Come, MBh. 3, 14378. -- With ## %%. 1. To pervade, MBh. 12, 124. 2. To occupy, Bhag. 10, 16. 3. To fill, Chr. 33, 5. %%, That which has inherent properties, e. g. smoke, as invariably accompanied by fire, Bhp. 67. %%, n. That which is invariably accompanied by something else, as smoke by fire; the sign or middle term in an inference. Absol. %%, Not having pervaded, Bhp. 26. -- With ## %%, To obtain, Rm. 3, 2, 28. %%, Finished, Rm. 3, 49, 27. Caus. To finish, Man. 8, 420. Desid. To desire, Rm. 3, 5, 22. -- With ## %%, To bring to a full conclusion, Bhag. 4, 33. %%, Sufficient, k. d. 105. -- Cf. O.H.G. uobjan, and see above. ## %%, m. One of the eight deities, called Vasus, MBh. 3, 14208. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), f. 1. A river, Rjat. 5, 140. 2. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 6038. -- Comp. %%, f. the Ganges, Kir. 5, 40. ## %%, i. e. %%, patronym. m. The son of a river, a surname of Ka, MBh. 2, 1340, and Bhma, Chr. 15, 3. ## %<-pa + a>%, m. A market, Daak. in Chr. 192, 10. -- Comp. %%, m., the interior part of a market, Rm. 1, 5, 8 Gorr. ## %<-pat + ana>%, n. 1. Happening. 2. Appearing. ## %%, i. e. %<-pad + ti>%, f. 1. Undergoing, obtaining. 2. Misfortune, Lass. 30, 9. -- Comp. %%, f. presumption (the fifth %% of the Prva and Uttara mmns), Bhp. 142. ## %% (probably %<-patha + >%). An impediment on a road(?), Chr. 290, 11 = Rigv. i. 64, 11. ## %<-pad>%, f. 1. Calamity, Daak. in Chr. 194, 14. 2. Necessity, Man. 9, 82. -- Comp. %%, f. abseace of misfortune, Man. 4, 2. %%, I. f. absence of misfortune, MBh. 12, 9671. II. adj. free from calamity, Ragh. 1, 64. ## %%, i. e. %<-pat + a>%, m. 1. Attack, Arj. 7, 10. 2. Running on, Man. 11, 9; running in, Yj. 3. 154. 3. Throwing down, Megh. 49. ## %%, adv. Instantly, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 10. ## %%, i. e. %<-pat-in>%, adj. f. %%, Happening, Kaths. 18, 49. ## %%, i. e. %<-p + ana>%, n. 1. A banquet, MBh. 1, 620. 2. A place for drinking, Rm. 1, 3, 28. ## %<-p + a>%, m. 1. Squeezing. 2. A chaplet tied on the crown of the head, Daak. in Chr. 188, 22. -- Comp. %%, m. strangling. %%, m. clasping or enfolding in the arms. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Adorned with chaplets, Nal. 12, 102. ## %%, i. e. %<-pr + ana>%, n. Filling, Pac. 96, 20. ## %%, i. e. %% (plur. of %%) %<+ maya>%, adj. Consisting of water, MBh. 1, 6859. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The name of a prayer beginning with the words %%, Yj. 1, 106. ## %

  • # %
  • %, i. e. %<-l>%, I. m. A bee, Pac. i. d. 203. II. Also %%, f. 1. A woman's female friend, Kumras. 5, 83. 2. A line, Amar. 89; Pac. 203, 6. -- Comp. %%, f. a necklace. ## %<-lig + a>%, m. Embracing, Daak. in Chr. 201, 14. ## %<-lig + ana>%, n. An embrace, Megh. 71. ## %%, n. A vessel, Hit. iii. d. 52. ## %<-luc + ana>%, n. Darting on, Mcch. 50, 15. ## %%, i. e. %<-lip + a>%, m., and ## %%, i. e. %<-lip + ana>%, n. 1. Smearing, anointing. 2. Ointment. ## %%, i. e. %<-lok + a>%, m. 1. Sight, Megh. 38; k. d. 9 (first look). 2. Light, Rm. 4, 50, 52. 3. Appearance, Daak. in Chr. 186, 15. 4. Flattery, panegyric, Ragh. 2, 9. -- Comp. %%, adj. difficult to be perceived, Gt. 2, 20. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. without moving the eyes, Rm. 2, 111, 14. 2. invisible, MBh. 1, 1475. %%, adj., f. %%, charming, Vikr. d. 109. %%, m. sunshine. ## %<-lok + ana>%, n. Looking, Vikr. d. 150. ## %<-lokanya + t>% (vb. %%), f. Visibility, Kumras. 2, 24. ## %<-lokin>%, i. e. %%. Bhart. 1, 69, at the end of the comp. word %%, adj., f. %%, Looking like a lotus whose flowers are expanded; literally, having the appearance of a lotus, etc. ## %<-loc + aka>%, adj. Causing sight. ## %<-loc + ana>%, n. and f. %%, Consideration. @<[Page 88b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-lu + ana>%, n. Mixing. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. An inhabitant of Avanti, MBh. 3, 15253. 2. The son of a Vrtya or outcast Brhmaa, Man. 10, 21. ## %<-vap + ana>%, n. 1. Sowing seed. 2. Any vessel. ## %%, i. e. %<-v + ana>%, n. 1. Covering, Vedntas. in Chr. 205, 23. 2. A cover, k. d. 77. 3. Protection, Rm. 6, 99, 33. 4. A shield, i. 5, 66. 5. Obstruction, Man. 3, 163. 6. A lock, Ragh. 16, 7. -- Comp. %%, n. a shield, MBh. 7, 79. %%, n. an armour, MBh. 7, 4423. ## %%, i. e. %<-vt + a>%, m. 1. Turning, a turn. 2. A whirlpool, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 392. 3. A curl, Nal. 19, 14. -- Comp. %%, m. the holy land, extending from the eastern to the western sea, and bounded on the north and south by the Himlaya and Vindhya mountains, Man. 2, 22. %%, adj. 1. turned to the et Bhg. P. 5, 23, 5. 2. turned the south, MBh. 6, 5671. %%, m. a certain diagram, MBh. 7, 2930. %%, i. e. %%, m. the country between the rivers Sarasvat and Dadvat, Man. 2, 17. %%, i. e. %%, m. an inferior kind of diamond. %%, i. e. %%, m. a conch shell. %%, adj. very difficult to be dissuaded, MBh. 12, 579. %%, m. 1. a plant, Cleome viscosa. 2. a sun-flower. %%, m. a lock of hair on a horse's neck or breast. ## %%, i. e. %<-vt + in>%, adj., f. %%, Returning, Hit. i. d. 201. ## and ## %%, f. A row, Hit. i. d. 90. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Necessary, inevitable, Bhp. 21. II. n. Necessity, that which must be done, Bhg. P. 5, 8, 1. ## %%, f. Inevitability, Hit. 116, 10. ## %<-vas + ati>% (for original %%, fem. of the pres. partic.), f. Night, Arj. 1, 13. ## %<-vas + atha>%, m. 1. A resting-place, Man. 3, 107. 2. A house. 3. The mansion of the holy fire, Man. 4, 151. -- Comp. %%, m. a temple, Rjat. 4, 325. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The holy fire, MBh. 3, 14181. ## %<--vah + a>%, adj., f. %%. 1. Bringing, Rm. 1, 23, 13. 2. Causing, Ragh. 14, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, difficult to be lead, MBh. 12, 12459. %%, adj. 1. soiling. 2. defiling. ## %%, i. e. %<-vap + a>%, m. 1. An arm-guard, Rm. 6, 92, 15. 2. Watching the enemies, i. 2, 88. -- Comp. %%, m. a bow, MBh. 1, 7073. ## %%, i. e. %<-vas + a>%, m. A house. -- Comp. %%, m. the harem. ## %%, i. e. %<-vah + ana>%, n. Invitation. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. 1. Coming from a sheep, e. g. %%, 'the milk of an ewe,' Man. 5, 8. 2. Woollen, Man. 2, 41. II. n. A woollen cloth, Man. 5, 120. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, n. the five productions from a sheep. ## %%, i. e. %% (v. r. %<-strika>%, perhaps better), adj. Consisting of woollen threads, Man. 2, 44. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Turbid, Nal. 13, 7(6). 2. Without splendour, Rm. 5, 18, 3. 3. Stained, Chr. 40, 11; Foul, uti. 3, 2. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. pure, Rm. 3, 76, 11. 2. healthy, Man. 7, 69. %%, adj. very turbid, Ragh. 7, 37. ## %%, a denomin. derived from %%, Par. To sully, k. d. 117. ## %%, adv. and prepos., combined or compounded with %%, and their derivatives, Manitest. ## %%, i. e. %<-vta + in>% (vb. %%), adj. in %%, m. A Brhmaa wearing his cord over his right shoulder, Man. 2, 63. ## %<-vt>%, f. 1. Order, arrangement, Man. 3, 214 (see Lois.). 2. Manner, Man. 3, 248. 3. A ceremony, Man. 2, 66. ## %<-vt + ti>%, f. Returning, Kaths. 14, 64. ## %%, i. e. %<-vij + a>%, m. Trouble, hurry. -- Comp. %%, m. excessive trouble, Prab. 92, 8. ## %%, i. e. %<-vid + aka>%, adj. One who makes known. ## %<-vedin>%, i. e. %<-vid + in>%, adj., f. %%, Announcing. ## %%, i. e. %<-vi + a>%, m. Entering. ## %%, i. e. %<-vi + ana>% n. 1. A workshop, Man. 9, 265. 2. Possession by demons. ## %<-ve + a>%, m. Wrapping round, Yj. 2, 217. ## %<-a>%, i. e. 2. %%, m. Eating, e. g. %%, m. Breakfast, Lass. 76, 19; %% (vb. %%) and %% (vb. %%), m. Agni, or fire. ## %<-as + >%, f. Wish, Ragh. 12, 44. -- Comp. %%, adj. full of desire, Kir. 5, 23. %<-am>%, adv. uttering a benediction, Vikr. 11, 4. @<[Page 90a]>@ ## %<-as + in>%, adj., f. %%, Announcing, Rm. 6, 90, 32. ## %<-ak + >%, f. 1. Fear, Bhart. 3, 4. 2. Suspicion, Kaths. 14, 56. -- Comp. %% and %%, adj., f. %%, fearless. %%, adj. disheartened, Pac. 47, 15. ## %<--ak + in>%, adj., f. %%, Apprehending, Rm. 2, 71, 32. ## %%, i. e. %<- + a>%, m. 1. A seat, Kaths. 20, 128. 2. A den, MBh. 3, 1387. 3. An asylum, Pac, 141, 1. 4. The stomach, Daak. 189, 11 (Wils.). 5. The heart, Daak. in Chr. 188, 1; Mind, Bhag. 10, 20. 6. Intention, Kaths. 12, 73. -- Comp. %%, m. the part of the belly about the navel. %%, adj., f. %%, containing cruel animals and wicked intentions, Bhart. 1, 80. %%, m. the womb, MBh. 14, 501. %%, m. a pond, a river. %%, I. m. a bad abode, Bhg. P. 3, 24, 36. II. adj. having wicked intentions, Kaths. 20, 3. %% (vb. %%), adj. having wicked intentions, Pac. 51, 25. %%, m. the abdomen, MBh. 3, 13973. %%, I. adj. 1. magnanimous; 2. liberal. II. m. a gentleman. %%, m. the lower belly. %% (vb. %%), adj. resigning worldly intentions, Pac. ii. d. 189. %%, adj. hoping for pleasure, Pac. ii. d. 160. #<># %<>%, f. I. i. e. 1. %%, A quarter, a region, Rm. 3, 22, 8. II. i. e. %<-as>%, 1. Desire, Hit. d. 105. 2. Hope, Daak. 191, 5. -- Comp. %%, f. want of hope, Rjat. 3, 213. %%, f. desire of wealth, Hit. i. d. 105. %%, adj., f. %<>%, hopeless, Rm. 4, 19, 4. %% (vb. %%), adj. disappointed. %% (vb. %%), adj. hopeless, desperate, Mlav. 36, 20. ## %< + vant>%, adj., f. %%, Full of hope, Hit. i. d. 72. @<[Page 90b]>@ ## %<-itva>%, i. e. %%, n. Eating, e. g. %%, Hunger, MBh. 3, 13477. ## %<-in>%, i. e. 2. %%, adj., f. %%, Eating, Man. 2, 118. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. not feeding on meat. Hit. 19, 1. %%, m. a snake. %%, adj., eating before (others), MBh. 5, 1291. ## %%, i. e. %<-s>%, f. Benediction, Rm. 2, 32, 11. -- Comp. %%, f. cheering, congratulation, Rm. 3, 35, 105. ## %<-via>% (%<>%, according to the grammarians, a serpent's fang), m. A snake, MBh. 3, 544. ## %%, i. e. probably %% (see %%) %<+ u>%, adv. Quickly. Cf. [greek] Lat. ocius, accipiter = ved. %%, aquila. ## %% (vb. %%), I. adj., f. %%, Moving quickly, Man. 4, 68. II. m. An arrow. ## %%, n. Quickness, Arj. 6, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Impurity, Man. 5, 59. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, n. impurity from child-birth. ## %%, i. e. %<-car + ya>% I. adj., f. %%, Astonishing, wonderful, Daak. in Chr. 179, 11. II. n. A surprising phenomenon, Rm. 5, 49, 27. -- Comp. %%, adj. wonderful, Bhart. 2, 59. %<-yam>%, adv. with surprise. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Wonderful, Kaths. 26, 64. ## %%, i. e. %<-cyut + ana>%, Sprinkling. ## %<-ram + a>%, m. and n. 1. An hermitage. 2. A religious order of which there are four (or only three, Man. 2, 230) kinds referable to the different periods of a Brhmaa's life, Man. 3, 2. -- Comp. %%, m. and n. the hermitage of the god of love. %%, m. the second order, that of the householder, Man. 6, 1. %%, adj. being in the most eminent order, Man. 3, 78. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to one of the religious orders, Man. 6, 91. -- Comp. %%, m. a Brhmaa fulfilling the duties of a householder, Mrk. P. 29, 30. ## %%, i. e. %<-ri + a>%, m. 1. A seat, Pac. 51, 20; Ragh. 11, 26 (a quiver). 2. An abode. 3. A retreat, Man. 7, 27. 4. An asylum, Pac. 211, 4. 5. Protection, Pac. i. d. 43. 6. Recourse, Man. 2, 11; refuge, Ragh. 12, 35. 7. Dependence, Yj. 2, 48. 8. Support, Pac. 155, 8; help, Pac. 95, 14. 9. Base, Vedntas. in Chr. 212, 3; the subject (in Logic), Bhp. 74. 10. Reference, Yj. 3, 143; Daak. in Chr. 185, 17. -- Comp. %%, adj. living in holes, Man. 7, 72. %%, adj., f. %%, having no support, MBh. 8, 1905. %%, m. 1. dependence from another, Hariv. 5154. 2. the refuge of the enemies, Bhg. P. 1, 4, 12. %%, I. adj. who or what is in a forest. II. m. a raven. %%, m. a bow. ## %<-rayaa>%, i. e. %<-ri + ana>%, adj., f. %<>%. 1. Taking refuge. 2. Referring to, Vikr. d. 51. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Like fire, Hit. ii. d. 165. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, 1. Seated, Ragh. 6, 4. 2. Lodging, k. 78, 19. ## %%, i. e. %<-ru + a>%, adj., f. %%, Obedient. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, not obeying. @<[Page 91b]>@ ## %<-rita + tva>% (vb. %%), n. Dependence, Bhp. 23. ## %%, i. e. %<-li + a>%, m. An embrace, Megh. 105. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The month vina (SeptemberOctober), Man. 6, 15. ## %%, i. e. %<-vas + a>%, m. 1. Recreation. 2. Rest, repose, Rjat. 5, 315. 3. Appeasing, Kaths. 9, 64. ## %%, i. e. %<-vas + ana>%, n. Recreation, Pac. 70, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Directed to the Avins, Chr. 296. ## %%, i. e. %%, old ptcple. of the pf. pass. of %%, m. 1. The name of a month (June-July), Rjat. 5, 126. 2. A staff carried by an ascetic in that month. 3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2699. ## 1. %%, an interj. 1. Of anger: Ah! Pac. 36, 21. 2. Of fear, Prab. 31, 10. 3. Of recollection, Prab. 72, 11. 4. Of joy, Prab. 29, 9. ## 2. %%, ii. 2, tm. (in epic poetry sometimes Par., MBh. 14, 2871). 1. To sit, Rm. 1, 50, 10; with the acc., Vikr. 27, 16. 2. To abide, MBh. 3, 12723. 3. To stay, Rm. 3, 9, 32. 4. To perform, Nal. 7, 3 (Bhtl.). 5. To spend time in doing something, to do something a long time; the action being expressed, a. By a participle, Pac. 36, 20 (%%, He conceals the state of his mind). b. By an absolutive, Man. 7, 195; Rm. 4, 57, 23 (%% [hardly acc. of %%] %%, we are starving). 6. To exist, Rjat. 5. 99; to be, Pac. 89, 10; Rjat. 5, 3 (corr. %%). With an adv. %%, silent, Pac. 21, 10; %%, thus, Rm. 5, 57, 15. With an instrumental, Pac. i. d. 106, 'with fearless mind.' With a dative, Hit. i. d. 207, %%, it may be gratifying. 7. To cease, Pac. 106, 19; %%, 'enough,' Hit. 122, 19. Ptcple. of the pres. %%, Man. 1, 1. Of the pf. pass. %%, passed, Rm. 1, 3, 4 (what came to pass with Rma, etc.); n. Seat, Rm. 2, 58, 10. Comp. %%, n. Unsuitable manner of sitting, MBh. 3, 14669. -- With the prepos. ## %%, 1. To sit down, Rm. 5, 57, 6. 2. To sit down on, with acc., Rm. 2, 81, 11. 3. To take for his seat, Rm. 2, 99, 11; to occupy, Rm. 6, 2, 34. 4. To inhabit, Rm. 3, 54, 5. 5. To enter, MBh. 3, 13330. 6. To live as wife of, MBh. 1, 7265. Part. of the pf. pass. %%, Being the subject, Lass. 92, 2. -- With ## %%, 1. To occupy, Ragh. 13, 52. 2. To inhabit, Rm. 6, 4, 52. -- With ## %%, 1. To sit down after, Ragh. 2, 24. 2. To attend, k. 33, 3. 3. To perform, Rm. 2, 50, 34. -- With ## %%, To be indifferent, i. 2, 42. Ptcple. of the pres. %%, One who is indifferent, neither friend nor enemy, Man. 7, 155. -- With ## %%, 1. To sit near, Man. 4, 154. 2. To attend, Bhag. 12, 2. 3. To honour, MBh. 3, 12611. 4. To partake, Man. 3, 104; MBh. 17, 2871. 5. To attain, Yj. 3, 192. 6. To sit, Man. 2, 103. 7. To occupy, Man. 5, 93. 8. To perform, Rm. 4, 24, 11; Daak. in Chr. 184, 3. 9. To undergo, MBh. 3, 15634. 10. To stay, Rm. 1, 36, 1. 11. To spend time, doing something (cf. the simplex), the action being expressed, a. By a participle, Bhag. 12, 6; b. By an absolutive, Rm. 1, 44, 1. 12. To expect, MBh. 3, 1215. -- With ## %%, 1. To surround, MB. 2, 280; Nal. 1, 11. 2. To sit on, Man. 2, 75. 3. To dwell round (with the acc.), MBh. 3, 10412. 4. To partake, Arj. 8, 21. 5. To attend respectfully, Man. 7, 37. -- With ## %%, 1. To sit, Rm. 2, 105, 1. 2. To perform, Rm. 4, 10, 24. 3. To honour, Mcch. 37, 4. -- With ## %%, 1. To sit together, MBh. 2, 304. 2. To sit together with (with the acc.), MBh. 1, 2104; with the instr., Sv. 6, 27. 3. To sit, Man. 2, 101. 4. To be a match, MBh. 3, 372. -- With ## %%, To be able to resist (with the acc.), MBh. 3, 17314. -- Cf. [greek] = %%; concerning the spir. asper cf. [greek] in [greek] %<= asmad>%. ## %%, i. e. %<-saj + a>%, m. 1. Being attached, k. d. 132. 2. Attachment, Pac. v. d. 93. -- Comp. %%, m. an upper and outer garment, Pac. 236, 8. ## %%, i. e. %<-sad + ti>%, f. Juxtaposition (of words), Bhp. 81; 82. Connection, Bhp. 63. ## %%, m. and n. 1. Sitting, Man. 6, 22; Daak. in Chr. 180, 22 (%%, Sitting separately, not together). 2. Sitting in some peculiar posture for pious purposes, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 14; 16. 3. Sitting encamped, Man. 7, 160. 4. Dwelling, Man. 2, 215. 5. A seat, Man. 3, 208; Bhag. 6, 11. -- Comp. %%, n. half a seat, k. 97, 10. %% and %%, m. a name of Brahman. %%, n. the seat of a judge, Man. 8, 23. %%, n. a throne. %%, I. n. 1. a seat consisting of a lotusflower. 2. a kind of posture when absorbed in meditation. II. adj. dwelling in a lotus-flower. %%, n. 1. a throne. 2. a peculiar posture, in which abstract meditation is performed by a devotee. %%, n. 1. a field of battle. 2. a bivouac. 3. a kind of posture, Man. 11, 110. %%, n. a throne, Pac. iii. d. 270. %%, n. sitting on the same seat. %%, n. a throne. ## %%, i. e. %<-su + a>%, m. A distilled spirit, MBh. 16, 30. -- Comp. %%, m. a spirit distilled from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia. %%, n. an inebriating liquor, Man. 11, 95. %%, m. saliva. ## %%, i. e. %<-sad + ana>%, n. Attacking, MBh. 2, 808. ## %%, i. e. %<-s + a>%, m. 1. A hard shower, Pac. 94, 3. 2. A king whose dominions are separated by other intervening states, Kmand. Ntis. 8, 17. -- Comp. %%, m. a hard shower, Vikr. d. 70. %%, m. a shower of flowers, Megh. 44. %%, adj., f. %%, rainy. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. As difficult as standing on the edge of a sword (cf. %%), Ragh. 13, 67. ## %%, i. e. %<-sisdayia>%, desid. of %%, adj. Desirous of attacking, Rm. 6, 76, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Belonging to the Asuras or demons, Arj. 10, 30. 2. Demon-like, Bhag. 9, 12; wicked, Daak. in Chr. 182, 13: that form of marriage is so called in which the bridegroom gives to the bride, her father, and paternal kinsmen, as much as he can afford, Man. 3, 31. ## %%, i. e. %<-sidh + a>%, m. Arrest. -- Comp. %%, m. confine ment to a place. ## %<-sev + >%, f. Intercourse. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, hard to have intercourse with, Rm. 3, 23, 15. @<[Page 93b]>@ ## %<--sev + in>%, adj., f. %%, Addicted, Rjat. 5, 207. ## %<-skand + a>%, m. Mounting, Kaths. 26, 36. ## %<-skand + in>%, I. adj., f. %%, Jumping on, Ragh. 17, 52. II. m. A donor, Kaths. 24, 87. ## %%, i. e. %<-st + a>%, m. A layer, Kaths. 22, 196. ## %%, i. e. %<-st + ana>%, n. 1. A layer, MBh. 3, 15142. 2. Lying, Pac. i. d. 190. 3. A cover, Rm. 3, 49, 15. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Covered with blankets, or carpets, Rm. 4, 44, 99; MBh. 1, 7943. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Spread sacrificial grass, Rm. 6, 96, 15 (Sch.). ## %%, i. e. %%, third ps. of the pres. of 1. %%, m. A believer, religious, pious, Rm. 2, 109, 37. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Devoutness, Bhag. 18, 72. ## %%. 1. Stay, Bhart. 1, 93. 2. Trust, Bhart. 2, 96. 3. Regard, Bhart. 3, 59. -- Comp. %%, f. disregard, Kumras. 6, 63; no matter, 6, 12. %%, adj., f. %%, full of hope, Daak. in Chr. 200, 6. ## %%, i. e. %<-stha + ana>%, n. and f. %%, An assembly, Rjat. 5, 35. ## %%, i. e. perhaps %%, n. 1. A place, Rjat. 5, 44. 2. palace, Rjat. 5, 235. 3. A position, Man. 7, 184. -- Cf. perhaps Lat. oppidum. ## %<-spada + t>%, f. Condition of being the place of, Kaths. 7, 81 (confidence). @<[Page 94a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-sphal>% Caus. %<+ ana>%, n. Flapping, striking against, Pac. iii. d. 237, Kumras. 3, 22. ## %%, i. e. %<-sphu + a>%, m. 1. Clapping with the hands, MBh. 2, 900. 2. Clapping, clap in general, MBh. 3, 11141. ## %%, i. e. %<-sphu + ana>%, n. Clapping of the hands, Rm. 5, 10, 13. ## %% (vb. %%, cf. %%), n. 1. The mouth, Man. 1, 94. 2. The face, grat. 1. 3. An organ of speech, as the lips, the teeth, etc., Pac. v. d. 44. -- Comp. %%, n. A kind of spade, Daak. in Chr. 198, 9. %%, i. e. %%, adj. epithet of Rvaa. %%, adj. having a long face. %%, I. adj. 1. having five faces. 2. having five edges, MBh. 7, 1710. II. m. A lion. %%, adj. one whose hand is his mouth, Man. 4, 117. %%, n. modesty. %%, n. copper. %%, m. a snake. -- Cf. os, ora, probably [greek] ## %%, f. Sitting. ## %<-svd + a>%, m. Taste, Kumras. 3, 31; Yj. 3, 229; Pac. 263, 22; i. d. 429. ## %<-svd + aka>%, adj. Enjoying. ## %<-svd + ana>%, n. Tasting, enjoying, Pac. 35, 6; Vedntas. in Chr. 218, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Subject to selfishness, Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 21. ## %<-hara>%, i. e. %<-h + a>%, adj. Bringing, Ragh. 1, 49. -- Comp. %%, adj. difficult to be accomplished, MBh. 2, 664. @<[Page 94b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-h + ana>%, n. 1. Fetching, k. 7, 9. 2. Accomplishment, MBh. 14, 2072. ## %%, i. e. %<-h + t>%, m. 1. An acquirer, Rm. 5, 95, 34; with acc., Vikr. d. 139 (causing). 2. One who accomplishes, Nal. 12, 45. ## %%, i. e. %<-hve + a>%, m. War, battle. -- Comp. %%, m. a great battle or fight. ## %%, i. e. %<-h + a>%, m. Food, Pac. 55, 19. -- Comp. %%, I. m. non-eating, Hit. 24, 12. II. adj. one who abstains from eating, Rm. 3, 75, 30. %%, i. e. %%, adj. eating only once a day, MBh. 13, 5159. %%, adj. without food, Rm. 1, 48, 31. %%, adj. taking food only twice a month, MBh. 3, 15409. %%, adj., f. %%, in order to fetch fruits, Sv. 4, 23. %%, adj. living upon potherbs, Bhart. 2, 79. %%, adj. easily to be procured, Rm. 2, 31, 26. %%, i. e. %%, adj. omnivorous. ## %%, m. The son of a Nida by a Vaideh woman, Man. 10, 37. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A snake catcher, a juggler, Pac. iii. d. 67. ## %<-hu + ti>%, f. An oblation to the deities, Man. 2, 106. ## %%, part. Or, k. d. 125. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Daily, MBh. 3, 10772. II. n. A religious ceremony which must be performed every day, Rm. 1, 25, 2. -- Comp. %%, n. the daily food of a cow, MBh. 13, 6175. ## %<-hld + a>%, m. Joy, Pac. v. d. 46. @<[Page 95a]>@ ## %<-hld + ana>%, n. Delighting, delight, Daak. in Chr. 182, 23. ## %<-hva>%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %<-hve + a>%, m. 1. Betting, Man. 8, 7. 2. As latter part of a comp. adj., Called, e. g. %% called Rmyaa, Rm. 1, 4, 1. %% and %%, i. e. %<-sa-hvaya>%, Called by the name of an elephant, i. e. Hstinapura from %%, an elephant, and %%, a town, MBh. 3, 270 and 9, and 1, 1786. %%, f. The name of a river, probably = Gaak, MBh. 3, 14230. %%, m. The ruddy goose, Anas casarca Gm., Rm. 4, 51, 38; cf. %%. -- Comp. %%, m. camphor. ## %<-hvayana>%, i. e. %<-hve + ana>%, n. Latter part of comp. adj., %%, called after a part of a cart, i. e. %%, The name of a bird, from %%, a wheel, Rm. 2, 95, 11. ## %%, i. e. %<-hve + >%, f. A name. -- Comp. %%, m. the ruddy goose, Anas casarca Gm., Kaths. 14, 62. %%, n. 1. copper. 2. gigantic swallow-wort. ## %%, i. e. %<-hve + ana>%, n. 1. Calling, summons, Pac. iii. d. 44. 2. An invocation, Man. 9, 126. 3. A challenge, Rm. 4, 13, 40. ## ## %%, A. ii. 2, Par. (in epic poetry also tm. MBh. 5, 192). 1. To go, Chr. 296, 8 = Rigv. i. 112, 8, %% ved. inf. 2. To go to (with the acc.), Rm. 2, 67, 1; with %%, to return, MBh. 2, 58. 3. To undergo, with abstracts, e. g. %%, Man. 4, 245, the condition of a dra, i. e. to become a dra; %%, Ct. 9, dryness, i. e. to become dry; %%, Nal. 16, 23, joy, i. e. to rejoice; %%, Hit. 1, 32, power, i. e. to become subject. 4. To go away, Rm. 3, 1, 28. 5. To return, Rm. 1. 42, 9. 6. To attain, Vedntas. in Chr. 205, 2. ## %%, B. according to the grammarians, i. 1, Par. and tm. To go. #<># %<>%, C. i. 4, tm. (properly the pass. voice of %%), To go, Chr. 287, 5 = Rigv. i. 48, 5. ii. 2, Par., 1. To go. 2. To pervade. 3. To conceive. 4. To desire. 5. To throw. 6. To eat. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, i. e. %%, n. Sin, Hariv. 11059. -- With the prep. ## %%, A. %%, 1. To pass over, Rm. 1, 21, 19; 3, 74, 7. 2. To surpass, Man. 8, 151, also in the pass. voice or %<>%, i. 4, tm., MBh. 2, 1473. 3. To conquer, Hit. i. d. 18. 4. To pass into, to enter, Man. 4, 73. 5. To avoid, Man. 12, 90. 6. To trespass, Rm. 2, 112, 18. The partic. of the pf. pass. %%, 1. Passed, Man. 7, 178. 2. Dead, Man. 5, 71. 3. Having passed over, Megh. 30. 4. Conquered, Vedntas; in Chr. 202, 5. 5. Having let pass away, Rm. 4, 28, 17. 6. Sluggish, Rm. 4, 31, 8. -- With ## %%, 1. To pass over, Rm. 2, 70, 27. 2. To pass away, MBh. 3, 12547. %%, Dead, Man. 4, 252. -- With ## %%, 1. To pass over, Rm. 2, 113, 4. 2. To conquer, MBh. 1, 6257. 3. To swerve (with the abl.), Rm. 4, 17, 32. 4. To disregard, Nai. 5, 113. 5. To pass away, Rm. 2, 50, 37. %%. 1. Passed, Chr. 16, 20. 2. Dead, MBh. 1, 4592. -- With ## %%, 1. To pass. Rm. 2, 71, 17; MBh. 3, 10435. 2. To surpass, Kir. 5, 20. 3. To avoid, Bhag. 14, 26. 4. To pass away, Rm. 2, 27, 19. -- With ## %%, tm. (in epic poetry also Par.), To study, Man. 2, 107; MBh. 3, 13689 (Par.); to learn. MBh. 3, 10713 (Par.). Ptcple. of the pres. compounded with %% Unlearned, Man. 2, 157. %%, in pass. and act. sense, Learned, having learned, Sv. 6, 11; Hit. Pr. d. 23. %%, adj. Learned wrongly, C. 98. -Caus. %%, To teach (with two acc.), Man. 2, 140. -- With ## %% in %%, Well-read, Man. 7, 85. -- With ## %%, To study one by one, MBh. 3, 4182. -- With ## %%, To peruse, MBh. 6, 93. -- With ## %%, 1. To follow, Rm. 6, 10, 4. 2. To visit, Nal. 2, 9. 3. To obey, MBh. 3, 1143. %%, 1. Following, Rm. 3, 40, 31. 2. Possessed of, having, Pac. iii. d. 238; Rm. 1, 7, 16; 3, 20, 3. 3. Followed, rendered, k. d. 141. -- Comp. %%, adj. descended from a high family, Pac. i. d. 466. -- With ## %% in %%, Possessed of, having, Rm. 1, 4, 26; 4, 8, 52. -- With ## %% in %%. 1. Plunged Pac. 117, 5. 2. Hidden, k. 9, 18. 3. Obstructed, Pac. 1. d. 140. B. %%, with %%, to get between, Mcch. 35, 11 (cf. Lat. interire). -- A. %%, with ## %%, To go away, Chr. 289, 2 = Rigv. i. 50, 2; Man. 8, 292. %%, 1. Come off, Pac. 91, 6. 2. Having swerved from, Ram. 2, 109, 32. 3. When being the former part of a comp. adj., Without, e. g. %%, Fearless, Man, 7, 197. Comp. %%, not having swerved from, Rm. 5, 48, 7. -- With ## %%, 1. To come asunder, to separate. MBh. 12, 868. 2. To leave, Man. 11, 97. %%, 1. Having swerved from, Yj. 2, 5. 2. When being the former part of a comp. adj., Without, e. g. %%, Fearless, Bhag. 11, 49. -- With ## %%, 1. To come near, to approach, Sv. 6, 4; also with %%, Pac. 46, 4; 200, 2. 2. To enter, Man. 8, 75. 3. To attain, Pac. 2, 6. 4. To undergo, Pac. i. d. 132; Rm. 3, 49, 26, %%, to be caught. -- With ## %%, 1. To approach, Rm. 2, 97, 18. 2. To follow, i. 1, 72. -- With ## %%, 1. To understand, MBh. 3, 235. 2. To know, Ragh. 2, 56. 3. To consider, k. d. 108. 4. To believe, Vikr. 8, 18. -- With ## %% in %%, 1. Having met, Man. 2, 139. 2. United, Rm. 4, 28, 12; intimately united, Bhp. 17. -- With ## %%, A. %%, 1. To set, Man. 4, 75. 2. To die, Rm. 2, 102, 9. -- B. %%, To set, Prab. 112, 6. -- With #<># %<>%, A. %%, 1. To approach, Man. 2, 120. 2. To come, Nal. 7, 4. 3. To undergo, Rm. 2, 62, 20; Daak. in Chr. 189, 4, %%, To become utterly ruined. -- With ## %%, 1. To approach, Nal. 18, 14 (13). 2. To undergo, Rm. 1, 35, 14 (To go to rest). -- With ## %%, To approach, Pac. 40, 21. -- With ## %%, 1. To approach, Dev. 13, 3. 2. To cling to, Bhart. 3, 64. 3. To undergo, MBh. 1, 1258 (to become tranquil). -- With ## %%, To approach, Rm. 6, 9, 99. -- With ## %%, To walk round about, MBh. 14, 468. -- With ## %%, To return, MBh. 3, 2744. -- With ## %%, 1. To go together, Pac. 45, 15. 2. To meet, MBh. 12, 868; Rm. 3, 43, 42. 3. To unite, Rm. 1, 77, 29. 4. To assemble, Man. 2, 152. 5. To enter, Hit. iii. d. 173. -- With ## %%, A. %%, 1. To proceed, Ragh. 7, 23; Prab. 107, 18. 2. To rise, Rm. 4, 38, 12; Ragh. 17, 77; Man. 4, 37. 3. To rise against (with acc.), MBh. 3, 1921. %%, 1. Risen, Man. 2, 15. 2. Sprung up, Kir. 5, 5. 3. Commenced, Rjat. 5, 117. B. %%, To rise, Rm. 3, 12, 4; Mcch. 25, 24; tm., Prab. 91, 10. C. %<>%, To rise, Bha. 18, 20; 8, 35. %%, Nai. 6, 52. -- With ## %%, A. %%, 1. To rise, Rm. 1, 19, 8. 2. To appear, Man. 4, 104. 3. To spring up, Prab. 116. 19. 4. To rise over (with acc.), Man. 2, 219. 5. To rise against, MBh. 3, 210 (%% either for %% or from %<>% Par.). %%, Surprised by the rising sun, Man. 2, 221. B. %%, To rise over. MBh. 4, 488 (fut. ii.). -- With ## %%, A. %%, To rise, Bhart. 1, 66. -- With ## %%, To rise and go to meet, MBh. 13, 147. -- With ## %%, 1. To rise together, Rm. 2, 1, 26. 2. To rise, Rm. 2, 83, 9. %%, 1. Lofty, Kir. 5, 1. 2. Endowed, Arj. 10, 10. -- With ## %%, 1. To approach, Pac. ii. d. 18; with %%, k. d. 139; to approach carnally, Man. 11, 172. 2. To undergo, t. 6, 7; %%, To spread; Rm. 2, 21, 7, %%, To become childish. 3. To reach, to devolve upon, Hit. Pr. d. 30. %%, 1. Approached, MBh. 3, 3003. 2. Living under, Rm. 3, 76, 13. 3. Undergone, Daak. in Chr. 183, 12. 4. Accompanied, Chr. 56, 16. 5. Possessed of, having, Rm. 3, 55, 6 Ptcple. of the fut. pass. %%, To be expedited, Man. 7, 215. n. Aim, Mlav. 10. 3. -- Comp. %%, not to be approached carnally, Man. 11, 172. -- B. %%, To approach, MBh. 14, 781. -- With ## %%, A. %%, 1. To approach, Bhart. 3, 83. 2. To attain, Pac. 40, 13. 3. To undergo, Rm. 5, 90, 41, %%, he may become our friend. 4. To assent, Daak. in Chr. 189, 22. -- With ## %% in %%, Possessed of, having, Pac. i. d. 463. -- With ## %%, 1. To assemble, MBh. 1, 6937. 2. To meet, Pac. 35, 2. 3. To approach, Rm. 1, 73, 1. 4. To reach, to devolve upon, Rm. 4, 21, 29. 5. To undergo, i. 9, 68; %%, to become poison. %%, 1. Approached, MBh. 2, 1219. 2. Endowed, Nal. 12, 46. -- With ## %%, To go out (with abl.), Rm. 2, 42, 1. -- With ## %%, 1. To run away, Pac. v. d. 74. 2. To approach, MBh. 1, 7204. 3. To attain, MBh. 3, 255. %%, Dead. Yj. 2, 29. -- Cf. Lat. perire. -- With ## %% (for %%), B. %%, tm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 2, 613), To run away, to show one's heels. -- With ## %%, To run away. %%, Run away, Rjat. 5, 260. -- With ## %%, To fly away in different directions, Rm. 2, 78, 13; %% as if %% was a simplex. -- With ## %%, A. %%, 1. To walk around, Rm. 4, 61, 47; Draup. 7, 8 (as a sign of honour). 2. To turn over in one's mind, MBh. 3, 12508; Rm. 5, 81, 4. %%, Surrounded, Rm. 1, 49, 16. 2. Filled, Rm. 2, 76, 23. 3. Seized, Nal. 14, 5; 15, 18 (17). 4. Surrounding, MBh. 12, 2167. 5. Expired, Rm. 3, 57, 18. -- With ## %%, To roam about, Rm. 6, 3, 29. -- With ## %%, 1. Seized, MBh. 3, 997. 2. Filled, Rm. 4, 1, 2. -- With ## %%, 1. Inverted, Mcch. 22, 6. 2. Contrary, Man. 7, 34; Rm. 5, 81, 15. 3. Perverse, MBh. 3, 110. 4. Unfavourable, MBh. 16, 1. n. A kind of lovemaking, Rjat. 5, 372. -- With ## %%, 1. To proceed, to spring up, MBh. 3, 13116. 2. To come to, MBh. 3, 13385. 3. To die, Man. 2, 111. %%, Dead, Man. 2, 247. Absol. %%, In the other world, Man. 2, 9. -- With ## %%, 1. To approach, Rm. 2, 3, 31. 2. To consider, Rm. 2, 49, 16. %%, 1. Intended, Pac. 191, 11. 2. Desired, Rm. 2, 21, 35. 3. Beloved, k. 87, 16. -- With ## %%, To withdraw, MBh. 1, 6392. -- With ## %%, 1. To go to, MBh. 3, 12359. 2. To return, Ragh. 5, 35. 3. To learn exactly, to be convinced of (with acc.), Prab. 25, 4. 4. To believe, Rm. 5, 31, 62. %%, 1. Agreed, Man. 3, 3. 2. True, Daak. in Chr. 192, 1. 3. Known, Ragh. 13, 35. 4. Convinced, Hit. 12, 2. 5. Resolved, MBh. 14, 241. 6. Cheerful, Rm. 5, 95, 44. Caus. %%, To convince, k. d. 127. -- With ## %%, To believe, Rm. 5, 31, 61. -- With ## %%, 1. To traverse, Chr. 289, 7 = Rigv. i. 50, 7. 2. To leave, MBh. 3, 8557. %%, when the former part of a comp. adj., Devoid of, Man. 6, 32. -- With ## %%, B. %%, To deny, Man. 8, 51; 60; 332. -- With ## %%, A. %%, 1. To assemble, Rm. 1, 44, 21. 2. To meet with, Rm. 6, 18, 5. 3. To become united, Nal. 14, 23. Pass., To be united, to be treated in the same manner with (instr.), Bthl. Ind. Spr. 280. 4. To arrive, Pac. 53, 23. 5. To go, Pac. 226, 12. 6. To attain, Pac. i. d. 221. 7. To begin, MBh. 4, 348. %%, 1. Assembled, MBh. 3, 10651. 2. United with, MB. 14, 2630. -- Cf. [greek] (%<= emi>%), @<[Page 98b]>@ [greek] = %%, [greek] = %%; Lat. ire; Goth. i in iddja, etc. ## %% (akin to %%), m. Sugar cane, Man. 9, 39. -- Comp. %%, m. a kind of sugar cane, Sur. 1, 186, 15. ## %%, m. 1. The name of the first king of Ayodhya, Rm. 1, 70, 20. 2. A descendant of that king, Rm. 1, 70, 11. ## [dagger] %% and ## %%, i. 1, Par. To go. ## %% (probably a denomin. derived from %%), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also tm., Bhag. 14, 23), To move, MBh. 3, 8756. %%, n. Gesture, Man. 7, 67. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. Bh. Ar. Up. 6, 4, 23, akin to %% and %%) %<+ a>%, adj., f. %%, Moveable, MBh. 3, 8756. -- Comp. %%, adj. immoveable, MBh. 12, 1558. ## %%, I. m. and %% f. The name of a plant, Terminalia catappa. II. n. Its nut. ## %%, i. e. %%, base of the pres. of 2. %%, f. Wish, desire, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 19; Bhag. 5, 28. Will, Daak. in Chr. 191, 10. %%, Voluntarily, Man. 11, 73. -- Comp. %%, f. absence of intention; %%, involuntarily, Man. 11, 124. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. highminded. 2. liberal. %%, i. e. %%, adv. according to one's wish, Daak. in Chr. 189, 21. %%, f. wilfulness, following one's own inclination, Pac. 87, 11. ## %% (see the last), adj. Wishing, i. 9, 82. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Sacrifice, Man. 1, 89. -- Comp. %%, adj. one who makes oblations to the Bhtas, Bhag. 9, 25. ## %%, i. 1, Par. To go. ## %% (akin to %<>%), f. 1. Refreshment, ved. Chr. 288, 16 = Rigv. i. 48, 16 (written %%). 2. Oblations to the deities, MBh. 2, 1304. 3. Speech, Hariv. 14036. 4. Earth, MBh. 3, 14750. 5. The wife of Budha, MBh. 1, 3141. ## %% (from the pronominal base %%, see %%), adj., f. %%, n. %% (ved. %%, cf. Lat. iterum), 1. Other, Man. 1, 70; %%, By these or those, MBh. 2, 2503. 2. Contrary, e. g. %%, To victory or defeat, MBh. 1, 4092. -- Comp. %%, adj., used generally only in the oblique cases of the sing., 1. mutual, with each another, Pac. ii. d. 136. 2. several Man. 3, 35. -- When the latter part of a comp. word it signifies, I. negation of the former part, e. g. %%, m. one who is not a Brhmaa, Ragh. 9, 76. %%, m. 1. a superhuman being, Bhg. P. 4, 6, 9. 2. an animal, 3, 13, 49. II. the contrary, e. g. %%, adj. left, Kumras. 4, 19. %%, adj. mild, Ragh. 5, 68. %%, adj. vulgar, Bhart. 3, 57. %%, adj. right, Ragh. 12, 90. %%, adj. not innate, accidental. %%, adj. black. ## %%, adv., Repeated; %%, Hither and thither, Rm. 2, 105, 13. ## %%, adv. Else, i. 9, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. One from the other. MBh. 1, 7403. ## %% (from the pronominal base %%, see %%), I. = the abl. of %%, Daak. in Chr. 182, 2 (from this person, i. e. from myself); Hi. 1. 5, than this, i. e. than I. II. adv. 1. From hence, from this place, Rm. 3, 54, 28; from this time, MBh. 3, 204; therefore, Rm. 5, 81, 45. 2. Hither, Rm. 5, 13, 9; Ragh. 2, 34, against myself. 3. %%, Here -- there, k. 29, 20; %%, Here and there, Pac. 20, 25. ## %% (probably a case of an original %%, see %%), adv. 1. Thus, Man. 2, 237. 2. It is used in quoting words or thoughts of one's self or some other: Man. 2, 129, %%, He may address her thus (i. e. by the word), %%; Chr. 4, 15, %%, I spoke thus: 'Bhma the son of ntanu robs the girls,' i. e. I. rob, etc.; Nal. 16, 9, %%, he thought thus: 'e is the daughter of Bhma'; Nal. 20, 14, %%, I do not know (thus): may it be so or not, i. e. I do not know if it be thus or not. Generally words expressing 'to say,' or 'to think,' are wanting, e. g. Pac. 68, 25, %%, 'There is no danger from any quarter' thus (thinking); Nal. 14, 14, %%, 'People will not know thee' thus (thinking). Sometimes is added %% or %%, e. g. MBh. 1, 1522, %%, Thinking you are my friend, Man. 9, 45. 3. It often follows a question without expressing a distinct meaning, e. g. Hit. 53, 18. 4. It is used to denote the conclusion of a book or chapter, Rm. 1, end. 5. With preceding %%, Why, Daak. in Chr. 197, 22. ## %%, ## %%, and ## %% (vb. %%), f. Business, Sv. 3, 7; MBh. 3, 10031; 1, 7929 ## %%, i. e. %% (the last part is the third sing. of the pf. of 1. %%) m. Traditional account, a legend, Man. 3, 232. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Thus, Daak. in Chr. 197, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Thus, Chr. 295, 17 = Rigv, 1, 92, 17. -- Cf. Lat. ita. ## %% (properly the acc. n. of the pronominal base %% = Lat. id, Goth. ita, O.H.G. iz), a ved. part. laying a stress upon the preceding word, Chr. 290, 8 = Rigv. i. 64, 8. ## %%, pron. sbst. and adj. The bases of the declension are %% m. and n., %<>% f., %% n. %<>% f., %% m. and n. %% f., %% m. and n. %% f., and %% m. and n. %% f. This, Man. 2, 163; Nal. 7, 17 (16). Combined with other pronouns it may be translated Here, e. g. with the first psn., Chr. 24, 44, %%, Here I go; with %%, Rm. 5, 13, 31; with %%, Hi. 3, 19; with %%, Hit. 18, 11. -- Cf. Lat. is, ea, id; Goth. is ita. ## %%, i. e. %% (%% ved., and, properly then, cf. [greek]), adv. 1. Now, t. 6. 29. 2. Presently, k. 94, 2. -- Cf. Lat. idoneus. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Fuel, Rm. 3, 21, 5. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To have supreme power. ## %%, n. and. m. The blue lotus, Nymphaea caerulea, Indr. 1, 8; Daak. in Chr. 199, 4. ## %%, m. The moon, Rm. 3, 50, 12. -- Comp. %%, m. the full moon, Ragh. 6, 53. %%, m. a moon-like face, i. 9, 30. ## %%, m. 1. The name of a deity, originally the supreme go of the Hindus. Rm. 1, 1, 83. 2. First, a king, especially as latter part of comp. words, e. g. %%, m. The king of the birds, Pac. i. d. 356; %%, m. A huge elephant, Nal. 12, 54 (40); %%, m. A king (of the people), Rm. 2, 100, 14. %%, m. The palmyra tree, MBh. 13, 6861. %%, m. Indra, Arj. 4, 5. %%, m. The Himlaya, Ragh. 2, 28. %%, m. 1. A king, Man. 9, 253. 2. A physician, Daak. in Chr. 187, 12. %%, m. 1. Indra. 2. A range of mountains, the northern part of the Ghats. %%, m. A lion. %%, m. Kuvera, the god of wealth. %%, m. Rvaa, the king of the Rkasas, or demons, Rm. 3, 55, 35. %%, i. e. %%, m. An emperor, a powerful king, Chr. 41, 5. %%, m. Indra, Bhart. 2, 11. %%, adj. With Indra, Rm. 3, 51, 6. ## %%, m. A projection of the roof of a house forming a kind of balcony, Rm. 5, 9, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The wife of Indra, MBh. 1, 7351. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Power, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 83, 2. 2. Semen virile, Man. 4, 220. 3. An organ of sense, Man. 1, 15. -- Comp. %%, n, the internal sense, i. e. the faculty of thinking. Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 19. %%, i. e. %%, n. an organ of action, e. g. the hand, foot, etc., Man. 2, 91. %%, adj. one who has subdued his senses, Rm. 3, 49, 53. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. having lost the use of a limb, Man. 9, 201. 2. powerless, Man. 9. 18 (? see Sch.). %% (or %%), n. an organ of perception and intellect, as the mind, eye, ear, etc., Man. 2, 91. %%, adj. with the organs of sense, Man. 1, 55. ## %%, ii. 7, tm., pf. %%, 1. To kindle; pass. %%, MBh. 3, 10821; ptcple. pf. %%, Man. 8, 215. 2. To shine. -- With the prep. ## %%, To kindle, MBh. 3, 10658. Cf. [greek] Lat. aestus; O.H.G. eit. ## %%, n. Fuel, Man. 7, 118. -- Comp. %%, n. kindling a sacrificial fire, Man. 2, 108. %%, adj. having water for fuel, Ragh. 13, 14. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Possessed of fuel, Rm. 5, 75, 6. ## %%, i. 1, Par. (properly %%, ii. 5 %%, which form is in the Vedas the base of the pres.), 1. To pervade. 2. To please. 3. To satisfy. In the Veda especially: to further. -- Cf. [greek] for [greek] cf. [greek] under %%. ## %%, m. An elephant, Rjat. 5, 315. -- Comp. %%, m. a kind of elephant, Rjat. 1, 300. %%, m. a kind of elephant, or a %% (see the preceding) living in water, Rjat. 5, 107. %%, i. e. %%, m. an elephant of a quarter or point of the compass, one of eight attached to the north, north-east, etc., supporting the globe, Bhg. P. 5, 14, 39. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Wealthy, Daak. in Chr. 186, 19. -- Cf. probably [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Quantity, Ragh. 6, 77. ## %%, i. e. %%, cf. ved. %<-vant>%, with %% for %%, adj., f. %%. 1. So much, Kaths. 4, 95. 2. So large, Kaths. 12, 8. ## %%, f. 1. Water. 2. The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 2, 393. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Barren soil, Man. 3, 142. ## %%, i. 6, Par. 1. To sleep. 2. To go, Hariv. 620. [dagger] 3. To throw; in this signification also i. 10, Par. ## %<-iva>%, i. e. curtailed %% (see %%), indecl. 1. Like, Man. 2, 79. 2. In some way, Daak. in Chr. 195, 14. 3. Almost, Nal. 17, 12. 4. Scarcely, Chr. 36, 15. 5. With %%, Not very, Nal. 25, 19. 6. With %%, Indeed, k. 97, 15. ## 1. %%, i. 4, Par. 1. To throw, ved. 2. To go. -- With the prep. ## %%, To search, Daak. in Chr. 192 10, (cf. 2. %%). -- With ## %%, Caus. 1. To throw, Rm. 3, 35, 46. 2. To direct, k. d. 35. 3. To send, Rm. 3, 64, 7. 4. To make known, Rm. 1, 71, 17; %%, Banished, Rm. 2, 68, 8; m. A messenger, k. 29, 12. -- With ## %%, Caus. To send after, Rm. 4, 37, 10. -- With ## %%, To throw, Chr. 30, 7. Caus. 1. To send, MBh. 2, 1179. 2. To send away, Rm. 4, 56, 17. -- Cf. [greek]. ## 2. %%, i. 6, Par. (base of the pres. impf. imprt. and potent. %%, but cf. %%), 1. To wish, Sv. 5, 100; Yj. 1, 130. 2. To cherish, Man. 2, 159. 3. To chose, Man. 8, 384. 4. To approve, Man. 8, 366. Pass., To be fixed or determined, Bhp. 12; Yj. 3, 18; Man. 8, 322. Comp. part. of the pres. %%, 1. Not desiring, Rm. 5, 24, 8. 2. Unwilling, Pac. 55, 4. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., %%, Desired, good. Nal. 1, 1. m. A lover, k. d. 78. -- Comp. %%, 1. disagreeable, Rm. 3, 14, 23. 2. disapproved. Man. 9, 319. 3. wicked, Hit. i. d. 5. n. evil occurrence, Kaths. 18, 86. %%, adv. 1. according to one's wish, Bhart. 2, 81. 2. carelessly, Man. 2, 198. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass. %% (anomal.), Desirable, MBh. 3, 8075; n. wish, MBh. 14, 1600. -- With the prep. ## %%, 1. To search, Man. 6, 84; with %% as base of the present, etc., MBh. 3, 15753. 2. To try Man. 8. 190. 3. To ask, Man. 4, 33. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass., %%, Difficult to be searched through, Rm. 4, 86, 6. -Caus. 1. To search, Pac. 214, 19. 2. To expect, Pac. 182, 24. -- With ## %%, To search, MBh. 1, 1668. -- With ## %%, To search through, Rm. 3, 66, 1. -- With ## %%, 1. Desired, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 4. 2. Agreeable, Pac. 77, 24. -- With #<># %<, eavya>% (anomal.), Desirable, MBh. 3, 8075; n. Wish, MBh. 14, 1600. -- With ## %% (see the last), To be searched, MBh. 9, 229. -- With ## %%, 1. To receive, Sv. 3, 12. 2. To obey, Rm. 1, 34, 30. -- With ## %%, To assent, Rm. 1, 52, 13. Cf. [greek] perhaps [greek] ## 3. %%, ii. 9, %%, Par. 1. [dagger] To repeat an act. 2. ved. To further, Chr. 297, 16 = Rigv. i. 112, 16. ## 4. %%, f. A desirable object, comfort, Chr. 288, 15 = Rigv. i. 48, 15. ## 1. %%, f. Reed, MBh. 1, 4332. -- Comp. %%, f. an arrow, Rm. 2, 104, 43, Gorr. ## 1. %%, m. and f. An arrow. -- Comp. %%, m. the god of love. %%, i. e. %%, m. the god of love. %%, m. the god of love Cf. [greek] ## %%, i. e. %% (see %%), m. and f. A quiver. -- Comp. %%, a great quiver. ## %%, f. A brick, Rjat. 5, 463. @<[Page 102b]>@ ## %% (vb. 2. %%), adv. According to one's wish, Rm. 1, 34, 35. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The name of a sacrifice, MBh. 3, 10513. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %% and %%), n. Sacrifices and pious works, Rm. 1, 23, 8. ## %%, f. I. 2. %%, Wish. II. %%, 1. Sacrificing, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1. 2. Sacrifice. Man. 4, 10. -- Comp. %% (vb. %%), f. a sacrifice on the birth of a child, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 16. ## %%, MBh. 14, 2633. ## 1. %%, adj. Hastening, Chr. 293, 6 = Rigv. i. 87, 6. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, m. 1. An archer, Rm. 1, 1, 12. 2. A bow, Rm. 3, 49, 48. -- Comp. %%, m. an archer. ## %%, i. e. %%, which appears still in the Vedas, cf. %%, adv. 1. In this case, Chr. 55. 2. Here, Man. 9, 8; in this world, Man. 3, 181. 3. Hither, Chr. 13, 13. ## %%, adj. Of this place, Kaths. 13, 10. ## %%, see %%. #<># #<># %<>%, see %%. ## %% (like %% in 1. %%, a desider. of a lost vb., see %%), i. 1, tm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 15. 826). 1. To look, Kaths. 25, 148. To behold, i. 9, 61. To perceive, Bhag. 6, 29. 2. To mind, Kumras. 5, 82; %%, n. A look, k. d. 44. -- With the prep. ## %%, To suspect, Hit. iv. d. 101 (%%, Suspects injury even in truth). -- With ## %%, 1. To see, Rm. 5, 42, 6. 2. To mind, Pac. v. d. 61. To pay regard to, Kaths. 17, 12. 3. To intend, Vedntas. in Chr. 215, 13. 4. To require, Bhp. 63. 5. To expect, Bhart. 3, 66. %%, adj. 1. Not minded, Man. 8, 309; unregarded, Daak. in Chr. 193, 3. 2. Regardless, Prab. 34, 15. -- With ## %%, 1. To look back, Rm. 2, 86, 22. 2. To mind, Ragh. 19, 6. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, MBh. 1, 5923; Rm. 3, 50, 11 (%%, ever pursuing with his eyes). 2. To perceive, Rm. 2, 45, 5. 3. To consider, Man. 7, 10. 4. To mind, MBh. 2, 2158; to regard, Rm. 6, 7, 48. %%, n. An unsuitable look, MBh. 3, 14669. %%, adj. Well pondered, Rm. 4, 31, 5. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, Rm. 1, 64, 9. 2. To look round, Rm. 5, 16, 38. 3. To perceive, Rm. 1, 3, 5. 4. To reflect, Man. 6, 65. -- With ## %%, To look at, MBh. 2, 2686. -- With ## %%, To ponder, MBh. 12, 4975. -- With ## %%, To perceive, Mcch. 86, 1. -- With ## %%, To regard(?), MBh. 14, 636. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, Rm. 2, 39, 1. 2. To inspect one after the other, k. 80, 21. 3. To mind, Rm. 2, 32, 34. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, t. 6, 17; to behold, MBh. 4, 218. 2. To consider, Rm. 2, 78, 4. 3. To reflect, Rm. 1, 50, 10. 4. To pay regard to, Rm. 4. 19, 2. -- With ## %%, 1. To look up to, Rm. 5, 30, 12. 2. To look at, Man. 4, 77. 3. To see, Rm. 2, 22, 7. 4. To wait, Man. 9, 90; to expect, Rm. 6, 109, 5. -- With ## %%, To look at, Rm. 6, 11, 2. -- With ## %%, To look at, Rm. 2, 9, 19. -- With ## %%, 1. To look, Rm. 3, 73, 3. 2. To perceive, Rm. 5, 2, 1. 3. To look up to one, Chr. 3, 7. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, Nal. 22, 5. 2. To pay regard to, Chr. 55, 5. 3. To examine, Rm. 4, 29, 29. 4. To descry, Rm. 5, 29, 4. 5. To overlook, Pac. 66. 11; Rm. 2, 23, 16; to disregard, Rjat. 5, 47; to neglect, Rm. 4, 17, 5. 6. To let escape, Man. 8, 344. -- With ## %%, To forsake, MBh. 16, 160. -- With ## %%, To neglect, MBh. 2, 1960. -- With ## %%, 1. To behold, MBh. 2, 2463. 2. To look at, Man. 4, 38. 3. To look about, Pac. iv. d. 63, 64 (pass. on account of the metre). 4. To perceive, Kaths. 2, 19. 5. To consider, Rm. 5, 84, 5. -- With ## %%, To perceive, Rm. 2, 21, 55. -- With ## %%, 1. To look round, Rm. 5, 17, 2. 2. To examine, Man. 9, 14 3. To perceive, Rjat. 5, 109. %%, adj. Inconsiderate, Lass. 15, 5; foolish, Lass. 14, 20. -- See %%, adj. Well considered, Pac. v. d. 16. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Difficult to be examined, MBh. 3, 12481. Comp. absol. %%, Without due consideration, Pac. v. d. 16. Caus. %%, To cause to be examined, Man. 7, 194. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, Rm. 2, 97, 13. 2. To suffer patiently, MBh. 3, 526. 3. To perceive, Pac. 23, 11. %% n. A look, Daak in Chr. 190, 15. %%, Worthy to be looked at, Indr. 5, 13. -- Comp. %% and %%, i. e. %%, adj. difficult to be looked at, MBh. 1, 2112; Rm. 3, 30, 35. -- With ## %%, To see, Draup. 5, 23. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, Draup. 8, 39. 2. To perceive, MBh. 3, 888. -- With ## %%, 1. To look up to, Rm. 5, 85, 5 (%%, ii. 2, Par.). 2. To perceive, Amar. 38. -- With ## %%, To overlook, MBh. 1, 3022. -- With ## %%, To look in different directions, Rm. 3, 52, 3. -- With ## %%, 1. To behold, Bhag. 6, 13. 2. To perceive, Chr. 22, 21. 3. To consider, Man. 7, 127. -- With ## %%, To behold, MBh. 1, 3011. -- With ## %%, 1. To wait, Daak. in Chr. 181, 15; To expect, MBh. 3, 1726. 2. To endure, Man. 9, 77. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. %%, adj. Not expecting, Daak. in Chr. 201, 1. -- With ## %%, To wait, MBh. 1, 2903; Rm. 3, 52, 37; literally: do not dwell here waiting, i. e. do not stay here a moment; to expect, Rm. 1, 73, 13. -- With ## %%, 1. To look, Man. 2, 192; pass. to appear, Vikr. d. 132. 2. To consider, Man. 7, 140. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, n. A look, t. 6, 11, v. r. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, MBh. 4, 1235. 2. To examine, Rm. 5, 19, 34. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, Man. 7, 6. 2. To perceive, Rm. 3, 53, 62. 3. To consider, MBh. 15, 379 (read %<-vkate>%). -- With ## %%, 1. To look up, Amar. 24. 2. To look to, k. d. 161. 3. To consider, Pac. i. d. 265. -- With ## %%, 1. To look at, Rm. 3, 4, 34. 2. To perceive, MBh. 3, 12425. -- With ## %%, To look at, Rm. 2, 58, 32. -- With ## %%, To perceive, Rm. 1, 15, 26. %% and %%, i. e. %%, adj. Difficult to be looked at, MBh. 6, 137; Rm. 2, 23, 3. -- With ## %%, To perceive, Rm. 5, 46, 10. -- With ## %%, 1. To look to, Man. 6, 68. 2. To behold, Rm. 3, 52, 11; to perceive, Hi. 4, 26. 3. To mind, Rm. 2, 61, 12. 4. To consider, Man. 7, 26. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, adj. Unperceived, Rm. 5, 81, 8; of the fut. pass. %%, adj. Difficult to be looked at, MBh. 1928. -- With ## %%, To perceive, Rm. 2, 100, 39. -- With ## %%, 1. To see, Man. 7, 214. 2. To perceive, Rm. 3, 52, 52. 3. To consider, Man. 5, 49. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Sight, Kaths. 18, 300. 2. Care, Man. 7, 141; superintendence, Man. 9, 11. 3. The eye, Hi. 3, 20. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %<>%, black-eyed, Rm. 3, 52, 40. %%, f. %<>%, a fascinating woman, k. d. 67. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., f. %%, A fortune-teller, Man. 9, 258. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An inspector, Man. 8, 91. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To go. ## %%, i. 1, Par. To vacillate. -- With ## %%, To tremble, Bhart. 1, 66. ## [dagger] %% and ## %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To go. 2. To blame. @<[Page 105a]>@ #<># %<>% (a change of %%, a denominative based on 2. %%), ii. 2, tm. and [dagger] i. 10, Par. 1. To implore, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1. 2. To praise, Rm. 3, 9, 8. ## %< + ti>%, f. Calamity, MBh. 3, 11258. -- Comp. %%, adj. free from calamities, Ragh. 1, 63. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Quality, Ragh. 13, 5. ## %%, i. e. %% (see %%), adj. Such, Kaths. 25, 176. ## %%, i. e. %% (see the last), adj. Such, Kaths. 25, 176. ## %%, i. e. %% (see %%), adj., f. %<>%, Such, Pac. 206, 6. ## %%, adj. Such, MBh. 2, 1644. ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %%, f. Desire, MBh. 14, 1025. -- Comp. %%, fem., instr. sing., according to one's desire, MBh. 3, 116. ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %%, adj. Desiring, Man. 2, 61. -- Comp. %%, adj. anxious to perform one's duty, Man. 10, 127. ## %% (an old acc. of %<>%, f. of %%, see %%), a ved. part. which lays a stress upon the preceding word, Chr. 292, 11 = Rigv. i. 85, 11 (cf. [greek] in [greek], also ved. %<>% = [greek] in [greek] etc.). ## %% (akin to %<>%), ii. 2, Atm. ([dagger] i. 1 and 10, Par.) 1. To go. 2. To shake, to throw. -- Caus. 1. To move, MBh. 13, 1839. 2. To throw, MBh. 3, 709. 3. To excite, Rm. 5, 11, 8. 4. To utter (a sound), MBh. 1, 4565; to pronounce, MBh. 14, 941. -- With the prep. ## %%, ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, 1. Excited MBh. 3, 973. 2. Lofty, MBh. 1, 5138. Caus. 1. To lift up, Rm. 2, 57, 3. 2. To throw, Rm. 1, 55, 22. 3. To excite, Rm. 2, 93, 14. 4. To cause, Daak. in Chr. 182, 23. 5. To utter Man. 2, 161. 6. To speak, Lass. 73, 8. 7. To show, Kumras. 2, 6. 8. %% Quick, Prab. 14, 14. -- With ## %%, Caus. To utter, MBh. 1, 2170. -- With ## %%, Excited, Rm. 4, 43, 69. Caus. 1. To raise, Chr. 29, 29. 2. To throw, Rm. 1, 56, 15. 3. To excite, MBh. 3, 5073. 4. To utter, Kaths. 24, 41. -- With ## %%, Caus. 1. To move, Ragh, 15, 23. 2. To turn, k. d. 35, v. r. 3. To push on, Rjat. 5, 329; 330. 4. To send, Rm. 3, 50, 23. 5. To excite, Megh. 71. 6. To ask, Daak. in Chr. 182, 1. -- With ## %%, Caus. To push forward, Pac. 222, 2. -- With ## %%, Caus. 1. To move, Rm. 5, 16, 45. 2. To lift up, MBh. 3, 12185. 3. To utter, Rm. 4, 6, 21. -- With ## %%, Caus. To move, MBh. 10, 579. ## %% (cf. %%), n. A desert, MBh. 13, 7257. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To envy (cf. %%) ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Envy, jealousy, Rm. 4, 24, 37. ## %%, ptcple. of the pf. pass., and ## %%, ptcple of the fut. pass. of %%, Hit. i. d. 107 v. r.; Prab. 49, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Envious, Hit. i. d. 22. ## %% (probably %%, and originally an anomal. frequentat. of %%), i. 1, Par. 1. To envy, Hit. i. d. 167, v. r. 2. To be jealous, Prab. 49, 11. @<[Page 106a]>@ ## %%, f. 1. Envy, Man. 7, 48. 2. Jealousy, Bhart. 1, 2. -- Comp. %%, adv. full of jealousy, Pac. 27, 10. ## %%, adj. Jealous, Rjat. 5, 316. #<># %<>%, ii. 2, tm. 1. To possess, to be master (with gen.), MBh. 3, 955. 2. To be able (with loc.), MBh. 13, 26; cf. %%. -- With ## %%, To be able (with infin.), Skandan. Kkh. 19, 51. -- Cf. Goth. aigan, A.S. agan. ## %< + a>%, m., f. %<>%, 1. A proprietor, Pac. i. d. 16. 2. A master, MBh. 1, 1532. 3. A ruler, Man. 9, 245. 4. A name of iva, MBh. 13, 588. -- Comp. %%, m., f., not being master, Man. 9, 104. %%, m. a name of iva, Rm. 6, 35, 3. %%, m. a king, Caurap. 22. %%, m. a king, Ragh. 2, 67. %%, m. a name of iva, MBh. 14, 210. %%, m. a name of iva, Bhg. P. 4, 5, 17. %%, i. e. %%, m. a name of Viu, Gt. 1, 5. %%, m. a king, Hariv. 8403. %%, m. 1. the ocean, Bhg. P. 8, 7, 26. 2. a name of Varua, Bhg. P. 3, 18, 1. %%, m. a name of Yama, Ragh. 11, 20. %%, i. e. %%, m. a name of Ka, MBh. 7, 6471. %%, m. the lord of the gods, Rm. 1, 63, 3. %%, m. the ocean, Pac. ii. d. 27. %%, m. iva. %%, m. the moon. %%, m. a lord of twenty towns, Man. 7, 115. %%, m. a name of iva, Rjat. 5, 46. %%, m. a name of Kuvera, Man. 7, 4. %%, m. 1. Indra. 2. the body. #<># %< + >% (also #<># %<>%), f. The pole of a car, Rm. 6, 69, 46. -- Comp. %%, f. the pole of a car, Chr. 34, 14. ## %< + na>% (properly the ptcple. of the pres.), I. adj Raling, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4. II. m. A name of iva, MBh. 3, 8169. III. f. %%, A surname of Durg, Dev. 8, 21. -- Comp. %%, Gaea, MBh. 1, 75. ## %%, adj. Behaving as master, Chr. 290, 5 = Rigv. i. 64, 5. ## %%, i. e. %< + t>%, m. A ruler, Prab. 108, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Supremacy, MBh. 14, 1053. ## %< + in>%, adj. m. A governor, Man. 7, 116. ## %%, i. e. %< + van + a>% (with %% for %%), I. m., f. %%, 1. A ruler, Man. 1, 99; f. %%, Rm. 3, 61, 29. 2. An owner, II. m. 1. A lord. 2. A husband, Nal. 4, 2. 3. A king, Man. 4, 153. 4. A wealthy man, Pac. 110, 23; ii. d. 70. 5. The supreme deity, Man. 7, 14. 6. A name of iva, Kaths. 10, 33. III. f. %% and %%, A surname of Durg, Kir. 5, 33. -- Comp. %%, adj. repugnant to the nature of the supreme deity, Man. 6, 72. %%, m. a name of Viu, Rm. 1, 77, 29; of Indra, Ragh. 19, 15. %%, m. a name of Kuvera, Ragh. 19, 15. %%, m. the name of a sanctuary, Rjat. 5, 45. %%, i. e. %%, m. one who has subdued his senses, Kumras. 3, 40. %%, m. the chief of the wise men, Bhart. 2, 21. %%, m. a sanctuary of iva, erected by the princess Kvyadev, Rjat. 5, 41. %%, m. a king, Ragh. 3, 3. %%, m. the chief of a troop, Rm. 4, 28, 22. %%, m. a name of Viu, Rjat. 4, 276. %%, m. a name of iva, Megh. 34. %%, i. e. %%, m. a name of iva, Rm. 3, 53, 60. %%, m. a king, Rm. 1, 43, 17. %%, m. a name of Varua. MBh. 1, 8175. %%, m. a sanctuary of iva, Rjat. 2, 14. %%, m. a name of Indra, Rm. 1, 48, 17. %%, the name of a locality, Rjat. 6, 135; of a sanctuary, Rjat. 5, 46. %% and %%, m. the sun, Bhart. 2, 27; 86. %%, m. the lord of gods, Rm. 1, 25, 13. %%, m. the soul, Mrk. P. 26, 18. %%, m. the moon, Hariv. 2476. %%, m. a name of Kuvera, Draup. 2, 3. %%, i. e. %% or %%, m. 1. a name of iva, MBh. 12, 10431. 2. a proper name, Bhg. P. 4, 2, 20. %%, m. a husband. %%, m. the moon. %%, m. iva. %%, m. iva. %%, m. 1. a teacher of sacred science, Pac. 24, 23. 2. a magician. 3. a deity, the object of devout contemplation. 4. Ka. %%, m. a sanctuary built by ra, Rjat. 5, 38. %%, m. a sanctuary built by Smbavat, ib. 295. %%, I. m. iva. II. f. %%, a name of Durg, Rjat. 5, 37; 40, 41. ## %%, f. and ## %%, n. Supremacy, Prab. 108, 15; MBh. 2, 1695. #<># %<>% (akin to 1. %%), i. 1, tm. 1. To go, to hasten, to fly. [dagger] 2. To kill. [dagger] 3. To see (or to give). [dagger] i. 1, Par. To glean. ## %% (probably ntr. of the ptcple. of the present of %%, with %<>% for %%), adv. 1. A little, Daak. in Chr. 198, 18. 2. When the former part of a comp., especially when followed by a word denoting the partic. of the fut. pass.: Easily, e. g. %% (vb. %%), Easy to be made, Rm. 4, 54, 12 (%%, easy to be cleft). %% (vb. %%), Easy to be performed, Prab. 36, 6. #<># %<>%, see %<>%. ## %%, i. 1, tm. (sometimes Par.) 1. To aim at, Man. 4, 15. 2. To desire, Bhart. 2, 6. 3. To desire to perform, Man. 3, 205. Comp. ptcple. of the pres. %%, Not desiring, Yj. 2, 116. Ptcple. of the pf. pass., %%, Desired, Prab. 104, 5. n. 1. Exertion, Man. 9, 208. 2. Desire, MBh. 1, 1370. -- Comp. %%, adj. referring to future time, Rm. 3, 44, 11. -- With the prep. ## %%, To desire, Pac, iii. d. 87; i. d. 105 (Par.). %%, n. Desire, Hit. 44, 7. ## %%, f. 1. Exertion, Rm. 3, 43, 38. 2. Desire, MBh. 3, 95. -- Comp. %% and %%, adj. devoid of energy, MBh, 3, 1240; 14, 1302. %%, f. indifference, Bhg. P. 4, 22, 24. ## %%, adv. By exertion, Man. 9, 205. ## ## I. interj. of anger, of command, Kumras. 1, 26. II. a part. (cf. %%), 1. Also. 2. Now, Chr. 289, 1 = Rigv. i. 50, 1. Lengthened %<>%, Chr. 296, 1 = Rigv. i. 112, 1. -- Cf. %% under %%, and the ved. combination %%, with [greek] in [greek] ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To sound. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Speaking, Man. 8, 104. 2. Speech, Pac. 44, 20. -- Comp. %%, f. offending speech, Bhg. P. 3, 18, 6. %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. equivoque, pun. 2. sarcasm. 3. hint. %%, f. 1. good advice. 2. tenderness, compassion. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Praise, Chr. 292, 4 = Rigv. i. 86, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Praiseworthy, Chr. 288, 12 = Rigv. i. 48, 12. II. n. The name of the second day of the horse-sacrifice, Rm. 1, 13, 44. ## %%. i. 1, Par. (ved. also tm.), 1. To sprinkle, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. 1. 87, 2; Chr. 36, 15. 2. To wet, MBh. 13, 1791. -- With the prep. ## %%, To sprinkle on, k. 41, 4. -- With ## %%, 1. To hallow (by sprinkling) for a sacrifice, Man. 5, 27. 2. To sacrifice, Rm. 1, 13, 29; 31, Gorr. -- With ## %%, To sprinkle on, Yj. 1, 24. -- With ## %%, 1. To wet, Rm. 3, 75, 8. 2. To endow. Rm. 2. 91. 33. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Sprung up by consecration, Ragh. 5, 27. ## %%, m. An ox or bull, Kir. 5, 42. 2. A ved. epithet of the Maruts who, by bringing rain (i. e. by sprinkling), impregnate the earth like bulls, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2. -- Cf. Goth. auhsa, base auhsan; A.S. oxa; the ved. fem. is %%, probably = Lat. vacca. ## %%, ptcple. of the pf. pass. of %%, and ved. also of %%, q. cf. ## [dagger] %%, and ## %%, i. 1 Par. To go, to move. ## %%, probably %%, I. adj. f. %%, 1. Very strong (ved.). 2. Terrible, Rm. 4, 22, 35; Bhag. 11, 31. 3. Cruel, Man. 4, 212. 4. Rigorous, Man. 6, 75. Compar. %%, as rigorous as possible, Man. 6, 24. II. m. and f. %%, The offspring of a Katriya father and a dr mother, Man. 10, 9; 19. III. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2738. -- Comp. %%, adj. excessively cruel, Pac. iii. d. 76. ## %%, i. 4, Par. To like, to be accustomed to. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, 1. Used, Rm. 4, 8, 57. 2. Accustomed to (with the gen.), Nal. 23, 22. 3. Suitable, proper, Pac. 176, 1; Rjat. 5, 184; Rm. 1, 44, 56. -- Comp. %%, adj. not thus used to, Nal. 15, 18. %%, adj. 1. inappropriate, Pac. 61, 3. 2. unused to, Rm. 2, 58, 5. %%, adj. used, Hit. 42, 3. %%, adj. inappropriate, Pac. i. d. 193 (former part of a comp. word, in the sense of the adv. %%). -- With the prep. ## %%, in the ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, Used to, Daak. in Chr. 181, 16. ## %% (see the last), n. Convenience, MBh. 1, 7465. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. f. %%, 1. High, Kir. 5, 5. 2. Deep, Caurap. 44. 3. Loud, Bhart. 3, 85. II. %% (instr. pl.), adv. 1. High, Kumras. 6, 72. 2. Loud, Nal. 11, 2. 3. Much, excessively, Amar. 94. 4. Powerfully, Pac. iv. d. 22. III. m. Culmination, Rm. 1, 19, 2. -- Comp. %%, adj. low, Rjat. 5, 478. ## %%, i. e. %%, instr. pl., adv. Very loud, Pac. ii. d. 166. ## %%, f. Superiority, MBh. 3, 10635. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Gathering, Daak. in Chr. 181, 20. 2. Collection, k. d. 42. 3. Plenty, Rm. 5, 13, 61. -- Comp. %%, m. a mountain, Kir. 5, 10. %%, adj. having plenty of water, MBh. 3, 8334. %%, m. 1. a hollow at the root of an elephant's tusk. 2. the middle pace of an elephant. 3. pimples on the face. 4. a hill at the foot of a mountain. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Ruin, Prab. 61, 16. 2. The name of one of the arrows of Kma, Lass. 7, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Voiding excrements, Man. 4, 50. @<[Page 109a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %% Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Pronunciation, i. 4, 18; recitation, MBh. 3, 14037. ## %%, i. e. %% in %%, n. Immoral conduct, Rjat. 6, 166. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. High and low, various, Man. 12, 14. ## %% (see %%), adj. Very tall, Pac. 161, 14. %%, adj. Higher, Kumras. 7, 68. ## %%, n. Being excessively high, Pac. 33, 6. ## %%, see 2. %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Extermination, Kaths. 15, 82. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. A mushroom, Megh. 11. II. adj. Covered with mushrooms, ib. v. r. (read %%). ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), f. Impurity, Pac. 89, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Having the head erect. II. n. A pillow, Man. 3, 89. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Dried up, Mcch. 2, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Unrestrained, Hit. iii. d. 97. 2. Wicked, Kaths. 18, 123. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A destroyer, Rm. 3, 36, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Chopping off, Kaths. 18, 29. 2. Destruction, Pac. ii. d. 196. -- Comp. %%, adj. difficult to be destroyed, Prab. 76, 9. @<[Page 109b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Extermination, Pac. 53, 25. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Destroying, Hit. Pr. 9. ## %%, i. e. %% m. Residue, MBh. 13, 1621. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Residue, Man. 3, 246. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Drying up. II. n. Drying up, Rm. 5, 72, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Elevation, Rm. 1, 13, 24. -- Comp. %%, adj. lofty, Rm. 3, 74, 14. %%, adj. very lofty, MBh. 1, 6963. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Rising, Kir. 5, 31; Kaths. 25, 45. 2. Elevation, Rjat. 5, 261. -- Comp. %%, m. a lofty top, Megh. 59. ## %<-ucchrya + vant>%, in %%, adj. Very tall, Pac. 104, 6. %%, adj. Having tall flags, MBh. 1, 4995. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Exaltation, an exalted birth, Man. 5, 40. ## %%, i. e. %% m. 1. Breathing, Rm. 1, 65, 7. 2. Growing a little more conspicuoes (of a colour), k. d. 142. 3. Breath, Vikr. d. 105. 4. Sighing, Megh. 100. 5. A division of a book, Daak. in Chr. 179, 4. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, without breathing, Rm. 5, 25, 48. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Sighing, Megh. 100. 2. Rising, Vikr. d. 7. 3. Growing conspicuous (as colour), Kumras. 7, 82. ## %%, see 2. %%. @<[Page 110a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, 1. The city Oujein, Daak. in Chr. 192, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Splendid, Daak. in Chr. 195, 24. 2. Clear, Bhart. 2, 16. 3. Beautiful, i. 9, 47. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Fire(?), Rm. 2, 40, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Yawning. 2. Open. 3. Expanded, blown. ## %% (a dialect, form of %%), i. 6, Par. 1. To abandon, Rjat. 5, 349. 2. To let fall, Kir. 5, 6. 3. To throw, Rjat. 5, 108. %%, 1. Devoid of, Rjat. 5, 4. 2. Risked, Rjat. 5, 131. -- With the prep. ## %%, 1. To abandon, Pac. v. d. 22. 2. To avoid, Hit. i. d. 17 n. -- With ## %%, To abandon, Pac. i. d. 343. %%, Free from, Prab. 11. 9. ## %%, i. 1 and 6, Par. To collect the gleanings of the harvest, Man. 3, 100 -- With the prep. ## %%, To wipe out, Mcch. 140, 23. ## %%, m. Gleaning grains, Man. 10, 112. -- Comp. %%, m. gleaning ears and grains, Man. 7, 33. ## %%, i. e. perhaps %% (vb. %%), m. and n. A hut made of leaves, the residence of anchorites, Rm. 1, 48, 22. -- Comp. %%, m. A hut made of leaves, the residence of anchorites. ## [dagger] %% or ## %%, i. 1, Par. To strike. ## %%, f. and n. A star, Mlav. 64, d. 82. @<[Page 110b]>@ ## %%, i. e. I. %% (perhaps akin to %%, and a dialectical form of %% in %%) %<-pa>% (vb. 2. %

    %), m. and n. A raft, Mcch. 123, 20. II. %% (vb. 2. %

    %), m. The moon. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Flying up, Pac. 115, 5. ## %%, part. 1. And, Chr. 34. 7. 2. Also, Chr. 3, 8. 3. %%, As well as, MBh. 3, 10684. 4. %%, As well as, as also, and, MBh. 5, 916; 917. 5. %%, Or, Brhmaav. 3, 5. 6. part. of interrogation, What, how. In a disjunctive interrogation: Or, Bhart. 3, 77; also with following %%, Pac. 68, 14; also with following %%, Nal. 12, 120; also with following %%, Nal. 19, 27-29; also with following %% only, Pac. 41, 1; seldom with preceding %%, Mcch. 172, 3. 7. preceded by %%, Much less, Rm. 4, 35, 8. 8. preceded by %%, Even, Pac. iii. d. 27. ## %%, m. The name of a Muni, Man. 3, 16. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, Desirous, Megh. 11. -- Comp. %%, adj. desirous, Kaths. 26, 271. ## %%, i. e. %% (%% is probably a change of %%), adj., f. %<>%. 1. Excessive, Rm. 5, 13, 37. 2. Abounding in, Rm. 2, 55, 30. 3. Drunk, MBh. 2, 2160. 4. Furious, Rm. 6, 73, 7. -- Comp. %%, adj. exceedingly great, Hit. i. d. 78. %%, I. adj. 1. arrogant. 2. furious. II. m. an elephant in rut. ## %% (properly a denomin. derived from %%), Par. 1. To long for, Rm. 2, 53, 2. 2. To sorrow, k. 60, 5. -- Caus. %%, To make desirous, Bhart. 1, 42. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Having the neck erect. II. f. %%, 1. Longing for, Daak. in Chr. 190, 18. 2. Regret, sorrow, k. d. 81. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. ardently longing, Rjat. 5, 93. 2. regretting, grieving. %<-ham>%, adv. sorrowfully, Kir. 5, 51. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Trembling. II. m. Trembling, Megh. 68. -- Comp. %%, m. haste, Megh. 68. %%, adj., f. %

    %). I. adj. Drinking the steam of food only, MBh. 13, 646. II. m. pl. The name of a class of Pits or Manes, MBh. 2, 341. ## 1. %%, i. 1, tm., with prepositions also Par. To apprehend, MBh. 1, 5228. -- Caus. To observe, MBh. 2, 1240. -- With the prep. ## %%, To understand, Hit. iii. d. 33. -- With ## %%, To infer, Kaths. 7, 11 ## 2. %% (derived from %%, and appearing only after prep.), i. 1, Par. and tm. %%, Rjat. 5, 33, is to be corrected to %%, pass. of %%, Being carried. -- With the prep. ## %%. 1. To remove, Man. 8, 414; 11, 102 (tm.); %%, Prab. 116, 7. -- 2. To press, to follow immediately, Ragh. 19, 5. 3. To avoid, Man. 10, 86 (tm.). -- With the prep. ## %%. 1. To remove, Man. 2, 102. 2. To expiate, Man. 11, 81. 3. To keep off, Rm. 6, 75, 57 (tm.). -- With ## %%. To raise, Bhg. P. 4, 8, 15. -- With ## %%, To bring near, Rm. 2, 52, 6. -Pass. To begin, MBh. 2, 2051. %%, Produced, k. d. 169. -- With ## %% in %%, 1. Near, Man. 6, 41. 2. Commenced, Rm. 2, 75, 29. -- With ## %%. 1. Denied, Rm. 5, 31, 14. 2. Exceeded, Bhg. P. 4, 22, 38. 3. Interrupted, Man. 5, 84. -- With ## %%, To arrange an army, Man. 7, 191. %%, Large, Rm. 6, 36, 45. -- With ## %% 1. Brought out, MBh. 1, 6257. 2. Achieved, Kaths. 17, 159. -- With ## %%, To arrange an army against, MBh. 3, 16370, %%, instead of %%, Large, Rm. 6, 35, 18. ## %%, m. Connected reasoning, MBh. 13, 6725. -- Comp. %%, adj. without (long) reflection, quick, Bhg. P. 3, 5, 48; 18, 12. %%, i. e. %%, adj. difficult to be inferred, Man. 11, 238. v. r. @<[Page 136a]>@ #<># #<># %<>%, i. 1, %% (in epic poetry also %% = [greek]), ii. 3; 5; 9 Par. 1. To go. 2. To go to. 3. To undergo. With abstracts (cf. %%): Man. 1, 53, %%, To become inert; MBh. 3, 2166, %%, To die; %%, Nal. 7, 4; MBh. 3, 84; Nalod. 2, 10, %%, To become the field of battle. 4. To rise, %<-u>%. 5. To meet, Man. 8, 351; to attain, Nalod. 1, 32; to fall on, Man. 8, 18, %%. 6. To gain, to acquire. 7. To move, to raise, ved. ii. 3, %%. 8. To open, ii. 5. 9. To attack, MBh, 4, 1059, %%. 10. To hurt; %%, and %%, see separately. -- Caus. %%, 1. To cast; %%, thrown, Ragh, 8, 87; turned, Bhag. 8, 7. 2. To fasten, k. d. 133. 3. To pierce. 4. To put, Ragh. 9, 74. 5. To deliver, Yj. 2, 65; Daak. in Chr. 183, 24; 201, 11. 6. To restore, Man. 8, 191. -- %%. 1. Cut in, k. d. 74. 2. Written, Ragh. 17, 79. -- Comp. %%, adj. painted, k. d. 143. -- With the prepos. ## %%, To attack, MBh. 3, 11726, %%, 11875 %%. -- With #<># %<>%. 1. To meet, MBh. 3, 17226. 2. To adapt (ved.). -- With ## %%, To rise, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3. -- With ## %%, Caus. 1. To fasten, Ragh. 6, 28. 2. To deliver, Ragh. 15, 41. 3. To restore, Daak. in Chr. 195, 15; 189, 15; 192, 16. -- With ## %%, To open, Chr. 288, 15 = Rigv. i. 48, 15. -- With ## %%, Caus. 1. To cast, MBh. 1, 6978. 2. To deliver, Pac. 36, 13. 3. To restore, Hit. 72, 20. -- %%. 1. Fastened, Kumras. 6, 63. 2. Put together, Daak. in Chr. 200, 2. 3. Resting, Rm. 1, 77, 25. 4. Painted, Ragh. 3, 15. -- Cf. [greek] @<[Page 136b]>@ [greek] (Lat. abolere), [greek] Lat. orior, adorior, adolesco, adultus; Goth. alds; A. S. ald; O.H.G. arnn. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj. Praising. II. m. A praiser, Chr. 293, 5 = Rigv. i. 87, 5. ## [dagger] %% (?), ii. 5, Par. To kill or hurt. ## %%, I. m. A bear, Rm. 3, 52, 45. II. f. %%, A she-bear, Rm. 1, 16, 21. III. m. and n. 1. A star, Rm. 5, 73, 57; MBh. 13, 625. 2. Bears and stars, i. 9, 31. IV. m. and f. %%, Proper names, MBh. 1, 3722; 3790. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. ursus. ## %%, m. The name of a mountain, Rm. 6, 3, 10. ## %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To shine, ved. 2. i. 1, and [dagger] i. 6, Par. To praise, ved. 3. To honour, Man. 3, 93; anomal. absol. %%, Man. 1, 4. -- Caus. %%, To honour, Man. 2, 181. %%, Respectfully bestowed, Man. 4, 235. -- With the prep. ## %%, To honour, Man. 8, 391. -- With ## %%, To honour, Yj. i. 226; to adore, 2, 112. -- With ## %%, 1. To salute in turn, Rm. 2, 71, 31. 2. To salute one by one, MBh. 1, 7211. -- With ## %%, To adore, Rm. 2, 3, 48; to honour, MBh. 3, 11090 (properly 10190). ## %%, f. 1. A verse or text of the Vedas, Man. 11, 142. 2. The gveda, Man. 1, 23. -- Comp. %%, adj. unlearned in holy texts, Man. 3, 131. %%, i. e. %%, f. pl. three holy verses, Man. 2, 77. ## %<-c + a>%. A substitute for %% when being the latter part of a comp., e. g. %%, adj. Unlearned in holy texts, Man. 2, 158. %%, i. e. %%, n. A strophe consisting of three verses, Man. 11, 254. ## %%, m. 1. The name of a saint, Rm. 1, 35, 7. 2. The name of a country, Daak. 193, 11. ## %% (properly the base of the pres. etc. of %<>%, q. cf.), i. 6, Par.; ep. also tm. (MBh. 4, 1056), 1. To go. 2. To attack, MBh. 3, 16375, %%, pf. 3. [dagger] To fail in faculties. 4. [dagger] To become stiff. ## %% (for primitive %%), i. 1, tm. 1. [dagger] To go. 2. [dagger] To stand or to be firm. 3. [dagger] To gain. 4. [dagger] To be strong. 5. To live. -- Ved. i. 4, Par., and tm. 1. To stretch. 2. To desire, to strive for. -- Cf. %% under %%, [greek], Lat. regere, rectus; Goth. rakian; A.S. reccan; Goth. raints, etc. ## %% (vb. %%), n. The name of a hell, Man. 4, 90. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Quick, Chr. 291, 12 = Rigv. i. 64, 12. ## %%, adj. 1. Straight, Man. 2, 47. 2. Right, Rm. 4, 34, 31. -Comparat. %%, and ved. also %%; superl. %%, and ved. also %%. -- Comp. %%, adj. crooked, Man. 4, 177. -- Cf. [greek], f. of [greek] properly the measure of a tall upright man, i. e. six feet in general. ## %%, f. 1. Straightness, Kumras. 4, 23. 2. Plainness, Amar. 67. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To fry. #<># [dagger] %<>%, ii. 8, Par., tm. (properly the base of the pres. etc. of %<>%, ii. 5), To go. ## %<10a>%, n. Obligation, Man 6, 35; a debt, Man. 9, 218. -- Comp. %%, adj. free from obligation or debt, Man. 9, 106. ## %%, m. A pursuer of debts, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 87, 4. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Indebted, Hit. Pr. d. 20, v. r. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Obligated, MBh. 1, 8341. 2. m. A debtor, Yj. 2, 86. ## %%, the base of the pres., impf., imptve., and potent., and optionally of all the other forms, is ## %%, tm. (properly a denomin. derived from %%). 1. [dagger] To blame. 2. To pity, Mlav. 55, 23. 3. [dagger] To rival. 4. To domineer. 5. [dagger] To go. ## %< + ta>%, I. adj., f. %%, True, Man. 8, 82. II. n. 1. Truth, Rm. 5, 31, 19. 2. Gleaning, Man. 4, 5. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. untrue, Rm. 3, 53, 18; unjust, Man. 4, 170. II. n. 1. untruth, Rm. 3, 53, 16; a lie, Chr. 48, 12. 2. agriculture, Man. 4, 5. %%, i. e. %%, adj. true, Rm. 2, 34, 38. %%, I. adj. true and false at the same time, Pac. 98, 17. II. n. commerce, traffic. -- Cf. Lat. ratus, irritus; [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. A name of Brahman, Bhg. P. 6, 13, 17. II. f. %%, Understanding, Prab. 68, 3. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Possessing truth, Bhg. P. 1, 15, 19. ## %%, adj. Praising truth, Chr. 297, 20 = Rigv. i. 112, 20. ## %< + ti>%, f. 1. Way, Lass, 2, 8. 2. Attack (ved.). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Braving an attack, Chr. 291, 15 = Rigv. i. 64, 15. ## %< + tu>%, m. 1. Order (ved.). 2. Right time, Chr. 288, 3 = Rigv. i. 49, 3. 3. A season (of the year), Man. 3, 217. 4. The menstrual discharge, MBh. 14, 2739. 5. The season approved for sexual intercourse, Man. 3, 46, sqq. -- Comp. %%, m. wrong season, Man. 4, 104; for sexual intercourse, 5, 153. The aff. %% is a form of %% and %<>% of %%; the older form would be %<* artvan>% = Lat. ordo, base ordon. -- Cf. [greek] for [greek]. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. A woman in her courses, Sur. 1, 317, 4. 2. A marriageable girl, Man. 9, 89. 3. A woman in the period approved for sexual intercourse, MBh. 1, 750. ## %% (loc. sing. ntr. of the ptcple. pf. pass. of %<>%, To go; properly, In deficiency), prep. with abl. and acc. 1. Wanting, Yj. 2, 117. 2. Except, MBh. 3, 16144; 3090. 3. Without, Daak. in Chr. 182, 4; 191, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A priest, who receives a stipend for preparing the holy fire and conducting sacrifices, Man. 2, 143. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Plenty, Indr. 5, 26. 2. Wealth, Kumras. 2, 58. 3. Prosperity, Rm. 2, 105, 33. 4. Perfection, Bhg. P. 9, 21, 12. 5. The deity of wealth, MBh. 13. 6750. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Wealthy, Rm. 5, 9, 63. 2. Prosperous, MBh. 3, 244. 3. Resplendent, Daak. in Chr. 187, 3; beautiful, MBh. 3, 11077 (p. 572). ## %%, i. 4, Par., ii. 5, Par. and ved. also i. 6 and ii. 7. 1. To prosper, Man. 9, 322 (ii. 5); MBh. 2, 1693 (i. 4); pass. To prosper, MBh. 3, 8488. 2. To augment (ved.). 3. [dagger] To please; %%, Prosperous, Ragh, 2, 50. -- With ## %%, To prosper, Man. 9, 315 (ii. 5), MBh. 2, 1960 (i. 4); %%. 1. Completed, Rm. 1, 44, 60. 2. Abundant, Rm. 2, 104, 26. 3. Abounding in (with instr. or abl.), Daak. in Chr. 184, 14; Man. 3, 6. 4. Wealthy, Daak. in Chr. 185, 15. -- Cf. [greek] also [greek] etc., and [greek] but %% being compounded, viz. %<-dh>%, and the Vedas having a vb. %%, which may be considered also as derived from %<>%, the base [greek] or [greek] may be another derivation from %<>%; cf. also Lat. ordior. ## [dagger] %%, and ## %%, i. 6, Par. To injure, to kill. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The name of certain deities, MBh. 3, 15459. ## %%, see %%. #<># %<>%, i. 6, Par., ved. also i. 1; Par. 1. [dagger] To go. 2. To flow, to rain, to drip (ved. i. 1). 3. To pierce (ved. i. 6). -- Cf. Lat. rigare, rivus; Goth. rign; A.S. regen. ## %%, i. e. %< + an-bha>% (vb. %%), m. 1. A bull, Bhg. P. 1, 14, 19. 2. Chief, Bhg. P. 2, 4, 22; especially as latter part of compound words, 'best, excellent,' e. g. %%, i. e. %%, m. An excellent king, Chr. 55, 4. %%, m. An excellent man, Rm. 3, 49, 11. %%, m. A noble descendant of Bharata, Chr. 24, 48. %%, m. A fierce lion. ## %< + i>% (for original %%, cf. %% for %% for %%, etc., = [greek]), m. 1. A bard or author of sacred hymns, Chr. 287, 1. 3; Man. 11, 243. 2. An old saint, MBh. 12, 12724; Hariv. 417, seq. 3. A pious person, especially an anchorite, Man. 4, 94. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. a sage of the class of demi-gods, as Nrada, VP. 284; Rm. 1, 1, 83. %%, i. e. %% and %%, i. e. %%, m. a sage of the class of Brhmaas, as Vaiha, VP. 284; Chr. 22, 20; 14, 17. %%, i. e. %%, m. a prince who has adopted a life of devotion, as Vivmitra, VP. 284; Chr. 11, 16; Pac. 76, 9. %%, see separately. ## %%, n. State of a %%, MBh. 13, 2896. ## %%, i. e. %< + ti>%, f. 1. A spear, Chr. 290, 4 = Rigv. i. 64, 4. 2. A sword, Arj. 10, 20. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Bearing spears, Chr. 293. 1 = Rigv. i. 88, 1. ## %%, m. The painted or white-footed antelope, Bhg. P. 3, 31, 36; in %%, i. e. %<-rpa + in>%, adj. Having the shape of an antelope. In the Veda it is written %%; cf. O.H.G. elah, [greek]. ## %%, adj. Of the colour of the painted antelope, Rm. 5, 12, 35. ## %%, m. The name of a mountain, Rm. 1, 3, 22. ## %%, adj. Lofty, Chr. 290, 2 = Rigv. i. 64, 2. #<># #<># [dagger] %<10>%, ii. 5, To go (cf. %<>% and %%). ## ## %% (%%, old loc. sing. of the pronom. base %%, cf. %% and %% cf. %%), num., m., f. %%, and n. I. sing. 1. One (cf. %%), Man. 2, 43; %%, At once, Rjat. 5, 407. 2. Alone, Man. 1, 3; Only, Hit. i. d. 81; %%, i. e. %%, adj. Practising only virtue. 3. Same, Man. 8, 204; Pac. iv. d. 10. 4. Preeminent, chief, Megh. 31. 5. When immediately repeated, 'one by one.' Rm. 2, 91, 51. 6. A, an, Pac. 242, 6, %%, 'a man.' 7. Somebody, Kaths. 18, 330. II. plur. Some, Man. 9, 61. III. Former and latter part of compounds, e. g. %%, adj. living alone, Man. 5, 17. %%, adj. many, Man. 5, 159; several, Yj. 2, 120; manifold, Yj. 3, 144. %%, i. e. %%, adj. one who has had a hand and foot cut off, Yj. 2, 274. %%, one of these, Hit. 25, 10. -- Cf. Lat. aequus. ## %%, adj. 1. Solitary, Pac. iii. d. 51. 2. Same, Man. 9, 38. ## %%, f. 1. Fixing one's mind only on one object, Pac. 244, 23. 2. Unanimity. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Solitary, Hi. 1, 39. ## %%, m. The name of a deity, MBh. 12, 12772. ## %% adj., f. %% n. %%, 1. One of many, Pac. 169, 15. 2. One of two, Pac. 92, 5. 3. A, an, Rm. 5, 14, 2. ## %%, adj., f. %%, n. %%, One of two, Rm. 6, 6, 12. ## %%, adv. 1. = abl. of %%, Rjat. 5, 90. 2. On one side, Kir. 5, 2; %%, on one side, on the other, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 523. @<[Page 140a]>@ ## %%, f. 1. Unity, Prab. 18, 9. 2. Harmony, Rm. 4, 33, 26. 3. Conjunction, MBh. 3, 14272. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Dwelling in the same religious retreat, Yj. 2, 137. ## %%, adv. 1. = loc. of %%, Man. 5, 136. 2. At the same place, MBh. 3, 1446. 3. Together, Pac. 25, 10. ## %%, n. Unity, MBh. 14, 952. ## %%, adv. 1. Once, Rjat. 5, 249. 2. Sometimes, Pac. iii. d. 60. ## %%, adv. Once, MBh. 14, 1166. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Having one wife in common, MBh. 1, 7274. ## %%, n. Faitnfulness to a husband, Rm. 5, 49, 21. ## %%, f. A path, Rm. 4, 31, 13. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Only consisting of, in %% (of mimes), Kaths. 23, 85. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Sufficing for one night (or day), Man. 4, 223. ## %%, f. Equality, Pac. ii. d. 7. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Solitary, alone, Bhg. P. 5, 7, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Incumbent on one caste only, MBh. 3, 11298. ## %%, f. Having one garment only, Nal. 10, 16. @<[Page 140b]>@ ## %%, adv. One by one, Rm. 4. 8, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Retaining what one has heard once, Kaths. 2, 40. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. United, Rm. 3, 30, 26. ## %%, f. Union, MBh. 1, 5328. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Being a part, Ragh. 3, 66. ## %%, i. e. probably %% (anom.), adj., f. %%, Solitary, alone, Man. 4, 258. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Attentively, Lass. 21, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Alone, Bhg. P. 4, 21, 29. 2. Homogeneous, Bhg. P. 4, 13, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. ord. numb., f. %%. 1. The eleventh, Man. 3, 47. 2. Lasting eleven (months), MBh. 13, 4247. II. f. %<>%, The eleventh day of the half month, MBh. 13, 4234. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, having a bull as the eleventh, i. e. ten (cows) with a bull, Man. 11, 116 (117). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Consisting of eleven, MBh. 13, 4914. ## %%, i. e. %%, card. numb. pl. Eleven, Man. 2, 89. ## %%, i. e. %%, ord. numb. Eleventh, Bhg. P. 8, 13, 25. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Consisting of eleven, MBh. 13, 10668. II. f. %%, Eleven (hymns), Yj. 3, 309. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Alone, Rm. 4, 28, 1; only, Bhart. 2, 7; Pac. 154, 20 (the only one, i. e. indispensable). II. m. and n. 1. A solitary place, Pac. iii. d. 6. 2. An extreme, Rm. 4, 21, 36. 3. One only, MBh. 12, 13618. III. The acc. %%, instr. %%, and loc. %%, are used as adv. 1. Exclusively, Bhag. 6, 16; Pac. 247, 8. 2. Privately, Daak. in Chr. 197, 10. 3. Necessarily, MBh. 3, 1240. IV. As former part of comp. words, 1. Perfect, Rm. 6, 93, 24. 2. Altogether, Sund. 1, 15. 3. Necessary, Ragh. 2, 57. V. As latter part, Only, Pac, 2, 21. %%, adj., f. %%, Relative, Bhart. 2, 37. ## %%, adv. Thoroughly, Bhart. 3, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Separated by one caste, Man. 10, 9 (the father belonging, e. g. to the Katriyas, the mother to the dras, the Vaiyas being between them). %%, i. e. %%, adj. Being separated by one or two castes. ## %%, n. Exclusive adoration, Bhg. P. 7, 9, 35. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Identity, Bhg. P. 9, 2, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Adoring one being only, Bhg. P. 6, 9, 38. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. 1. Passable by one only, MBh. 3, 11136. 2. Adoring one only, MBh. 12, 7872. II. n. 1. A solitary place, MBh. 3, 11695. 2. Adoration of one only, MBh. 14, 532. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The same intention, Nal. 3, 7. @<[Page 141b]>@ ## %%, f. Having the same intention, MBh. 1, 3413. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Union. Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Every one, Draup. 8, 17. 2. One successively, Kaths. 18, 265. II. %%, adv. One by one, Rm. 1, 13, 27. III. comparat. %%, adj. Always one of many, Bhg. P. 2, 10, 41. ## %%, adv. 1. One by one, Nal. 1, 25. 2. One after another, Rm. 4, 45, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Singleness, MBh. 3, 14903 (fighting one by one). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A kinsman who is connected by oblations of water only to the manes of common ancestors, Man. 5, 71. ## %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To stir, MBh. 1, 800. Ptcple. of the pres. Living, Bhg. P. 7, 3, 22. 2. To tremble, to quake, cf. %%. 3. [dagger] i. 1, tm. To shine. -- Caus. To move, to turn, Bhg. P. 5, 2, 14. -- Cf. [greek]; Lat. aeger. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Trembling, Bhg. P. 9, 6, 42. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To annoy, to resist. ## %%, m. A ram, MBh. 3, 10935. ## %%, m. A building enclosing bones (a Buddhistic %%), MBh. 3, 10374. ## %%, m., f. %<>%, A kind of antelope, Man. 3, 269. ## %% (cf. %% and %%), demonst. pron. This here, Nal. 20, 17; this, Man. 3, 147; with the first person, Hi. 4, 15; with the second, Nal. 11, 9; with %%, Kaths. 3, 48; with %%, Pac. Pr. 3; with %%, k. 101, 19; with %%, Man. 1, 71. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Having the nature of this, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Now, Bhg. P. 1, 17, 43. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Such, Bhg. P. 9, 11, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, Such, MBh. 3, 579. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Greatness, Bhg. P. 2, 5, 10. 2. Sufficiency, Bhg. P. 4, 30, 28 (%%, it must be sufficient). ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. So much, Man. 9, 45. 2. Such a one, Brhma. 1, 8; such, Daak. in Chr. 188, 4; %%, In this distance, k. 8, 10. 3. With %%, Of this kind, Kaths. 20, 58. II. %% (acc. sing. n.), adv. 1. So far, Rm. 4, 40, 68. 2. Thus, Hit. 27, 19. ## %% (a form of %%, the original form of %%), i. 1, tm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 3, 15031). 1. To prosper, MBh. 2, 510. 2. To increase, Rm. 2, 52, 34; to grow up, k. d. 51. -- Caus. %%. 1. To cause to prosper, Bhg. P. 7, 1, 11. 2. To glorify, Kumras. 6, 90. -- With the prep. ## %%, To increase, Bhg. P. 5, 11, 17. -- With ## %%, To increase, Bhg. P. 3, 21, 25. %%, 1. Strengthened, MBh. 3, 10443. 2. United, Rm. 2, 64, 35. Caus. To cause to prosper, MBh. 13, 7510. @<[Page 142b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %% (or rather %%) %<+ a>%, m. Wood for fuel, Man. 4, 247. ## %%, I. n. %% (see the last), Wood for fuel, Man. 11, 70. II. %%, Prospering; in %%, adj. Well prospering, MBh. 13, 5191. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %% and %% is an old pron. base), pron. which forms only the acc. sing., du. pl., instr. sing., and gen. loc. du., which are substituted for the corresponding cases of %% and %%, This, when used substantively, He, She, It, and without any stress, Man. 2, 50. -- Cf. Goth. ainaha, ains; A. S. n; Lat. oinos, unus; [greek] ## %%, n. 1. Sin, Man. 5, 34. 2. Fault, Daak. in Chr. 194, 17. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. guiltless, Man. 8, 19. II. m. a proper name, Hariv. 669. ## %%, adj., f. %%, m. A sinner, Man. 11, 189. ## %%, I. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2154. II. f. %%, The name of a grass, MBh. 1, 620; bent-grass, Bhg. P. 1, 3, 18. ## %%, m. The castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, Pac. i. d. 108. ## %%, m. and f. A kind of cucumber, Cucumis utilissimus, Roxb., Yj. 3, 142. ## %%, f. Small cardamoms, Ragh. 6, 64. ## %% (cf. %% is an old pronominal base), a particle (properly an old instr. sing.). 1. Only, Man. 1, 91; 2, 87; 190; k. 69, 15. 2. Still, Man. 2, 168. 3. Just, Man. 5, 61; Pac. 223, 9. 4. Also, Man. 1, 48. 5. Very (especially after %%), Man. 3, 23. -- Cf. [greek]. @<[Page 143a]>@ ## %% (see the preceding), a particle (originally acc. sing. n.), Thus, Pac. 24, 4. Very often former part of comp. words, e. g. %%, adj., f. %

    %, Having such a form, Rm. 3, 52, 36. %% (cf. %%), adj. Of such a kind, k. d. 104. %% (vb. %%), adj. Being in this state, Rm. 2, 39, 31; loc. sing. %%, Under these circumstances, Chr. 23, 33. %%, I. m. Such a quality, Rm. 1, 1, 20. II. adj. Having such qualities, Nal. 6, 12. %%, adj. Beginning thus, i. e. This and the like, Man. 9, 260. %%, adj. Being thus, such a one, Hit. 7, 13. ## %% (cf. 1, 2. %%), i. 1, tm. (after %% and %% in epic poetry also Par.). 1. To go. 2. To strive to attain, Bhg. P. 3, 13, 44. 3. To search, Bhg. P. 9, 4, 52. -- With the prep ## %%, To search, MBh. 1, 5253; to investigate. Rm. 1, 3, 2. -- With ## %%, To search, MBh. 13, 4033 (Par.) ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. 1. Wish, desire, Bhg. P. 7, 9, 39. 2. Searching MBh. 1, 8399. II. f. %<>%, Desire, Rjat. 5, 281. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Wishing, MBh. 3, 12513. -- Comp. %%, adj. one who asks payment of a debt, Man. 8, 60. %%, adj. wishing the well-being of all creatures, Chr. 26, 64. ## ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. At once. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Supreme power, Bhg. P. 7, 3, 37. @<[Page 143b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. Unanimity, Hit. 19, 22. II. adj. Unanimous, Rm. 5, 77, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to a quadruped with a hoof not cloven, Man. 5, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., f. %%, A thief, Daak. in Chr. 197, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Attention fixed on one subject, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One of the bodyguards, Rjat. 5, 249. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Unity with the universal soul. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Residing in the same subjects, Bhp. 68. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Perfect, Bhag. 14, 27. 2. Exclusive, Bhg. P. 3, 20, 2. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. indeterminate, Pac. 58, 22. 2. going astray, (a fallacious middle term,) Bhp. 71. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Unity, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Made of sugar. II. n. Sugar. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron., f. %%, Descended from Ikvku, Rm. 2, 36, 1; MBh. 1, 3719. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Produced from the inguda plant, Rm. 2, 103, 29. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to the black antelope (as flesh), Yj. 1, 258. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Belonging to a she-antelope, Rm. 2, 56, 18. II. m. = %%, Draup. 4, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Occurring in old legends, Prab. 91, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Oral tradition, Rm. 5, 87, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Referring to the moon, lunar, Man. 11, 125. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Belonging to Indra, Arj. 4, 32. 2. Like that which belongs to Indra, Man. 5, 93. 3. Indra-like, Man. 8, 344. 4. Devoted to Indra, MBh. 3, 1494. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Referring to witchcraft, Prab. 101, 4. II. m. A wizard, Prab. 55, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, 1. adj. Relating to Indradyumna (a proper name), MBh. 1, 325. 2. The name of a locality, MBh. 3, 10624. ## %%, m. A kind of elephant, Rm. 2, 70, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Sacred to Indra and Agni, MBh. 12, 2307. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron. Offspring of Indra, MBh. 1, 2751. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Referring to the senses, Bhg. P. 3, 10, 15; sensual, 3, 25, 26. ## %%, adj. Perceptible by the senses, Bhg. P. 7, 2, 48. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Attached to sensuality, Bhg. P. 5, 18, 22. @<[Page 144b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Consisting of fuel, epithet of the sun, MBh. 3, 149. ## %%, i. e. %% (the base is curtailed %%, ved., and cf. %%), m. Indra's elephant, MBh. 1, 1151. ## %%, i. e. %% (see the last), I. m. 1. Indra's elephant, considered as the elephant of the east quarter, MBh. 1, 2627. 2. A kind of elephant, Rm. 2, 70, 22. 3. A patronymic name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 829. 4. The name of the northern path of the moon, MBh. 3, 11836. II. m. and n. A particular shape of the rainbow, Ragh, 1, 36. III. m., f. %%, and n. Lightning, MBh. 13, 7391. IV. m. The orange-tree; n. its fruit, Sur. 1, 211, 11. V. f. %%, The name of a river, MBh. 8, 2055. ## %%, i. e. %%. A metronymic name of Purravas, MBh. 1, 3149. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to iva, Bhg. P. 9, 10, 6. ## %%, fem. of %%, i. e. %%, The north-east quarter, Vikr. 6, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Befitting a lord, majestic, MBh. 1, 3315; 14, 411; powerful, Rm. 3, 10, 21. 2. Belonging to iva, Ragh. 11, 76. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Control, Man. 6, 95. 2. Dominion, Rm. 5, 22, 31. 3. Supreme dominion, Man. 4, 235. 4. Superhuman power, Bhg. P. 3, 25, 37. -- Comp. %%, n. the dominion over wealth, Man. 7, 42. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Endowed with superhuman power, MBh. 15, 389. @<[Page 145a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Made of reeds, Rm. 1, 29, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Referring to sacrifices and pious works (cf. %%), Man. 4, 227. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to this world, MBh. 3, 12616. ## %%, i. e. I. %%, adj. Terrestrial, temporal, Daak. in Chr. 179, 19. II. %%, n. Business; in %%, i. e. %%, adj. m. A shopkeeper who gathers as much corn only as may suffice for three days, Man, 4, 7. ## ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A house; in %%, adj. Not sleeping in a house, MBh. 1, 3631. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A dwelling-place, Bhg. P. 3, 3, 15; a house, MBh. 2, 805. -- Comp. %%, m. a god, Kumras. 5, 79. %%, m. an anchorite, k. d. 81. %%, m. a monkey, Rm. 5, 65, 7. %%, I. adj. living in water, MBh. 13, 2650. II. f. a leech, Sur. 1, 28, 10. %% and %%, m. a god, Man. 1, 95; 11, 242. %%, m. the wild swan or goose. %%, I. adj. living in woods, Chr. 25, 61. II. m. 1. an anchorite, Chr. 11, 18. 2. a wild beast, Rm. 3, 49, 39. 3. a monkey, 6, 26, 5. %%, m. a leech, Man. 7, 129. %%, n. the private apartments; a sleeping-room. %%, m. any animal living in holes, Man, 10, 49. %%, m. a deity. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To be dry (cf. %% is often changed to %%). 2. To be able. @<[Page 145b]>@ ## %%, i. e. probably %%, m. 1. A stream, Man. 9, 54. 2. A multitude, MBh. 1, 4448. 3. Density, i. 9, 27. -- Comp. %%, m. a multitude of arrows, Chr. 34, 15. %%, m. l. assembling a complete army. 2. great speed. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Rapid, MBh. 3, 10538. II. m. A proper name, MBh. 13, 121. III. f. %%, A proper name, ib. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. The holy syllable %%, Man. 2, 75. 2. Thanksgiving, Rjat. 5, 134. 3. Grumbling, Pac. 158, 7. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, and i. 10, Par. 1. To be strong. 2. To live. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. 1. Strength, Matsyop. 2. 2. Light, splendour, Man. 12, 18. II. %% (instr.), adv. Powerfully, Chr. 291, 4 = Rigv. i. 85, 4; courageously, Rm. 3, 53, 22. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. all-mighty, Man. 1, 4. %%, i. e. %%, adj. eminent in power, Man. 1, 61. -- Cf. Lat. augus in augus + tus, and [greek] in [greek] ## %%, adj., f. %%, Strong, MBh. 14, 100. ## %%, m. pl. The name of a people and their country, now Orissa, Man. 10, 44. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To take away (probably a form of %% for %%, i. e. %<>% ii. 5, cf. [greek]). ## %% (fem. of a ptcple. of %%), f. The dawn, Chr. 287. 6 = Rigv. i. 48, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. 1. A pap, see comp. 2. Boiled rice, Man. 8, 329. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. rice boiled with milk, MBh. 13, 947. %% (sic instead of %%), i. e. %%, boiled rice with sugar, MBh. 13, 6162. %%, n. a dish of rice, milk, and sesamum, Rm. 2, 69, 10 (%% instead of %%). %%, m. a mess prepared of curds, Yj. 1, 303. %% (instead of %%), i. e. %<-bhta->%, a dish of rice and meat(?), Rm. 2, 52, 83. %%, boiled rice, Bhart. 2, 79. ## %%, ind. A mystic word prefacing all prayers, Pac. 33, 11; used at the commencement and end of holy recitations, Man. 2, 74; 73; and writings, Man.; used to commence respectful salutations, and on other occasions, e. g. Man. 2, 75; and the subject of many mystical speculations, Man. 2, 79; 84. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Agreeable, Chr. 296, 7 = Rigv. i. 112, 7; kind, Chr. 297, 20 = Rigv. i. 112, 20. ## %%, see %%. ## and ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), f. 1. A plant, Man. 1, 46. 2. A medicinal herb, Caurap. 47. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, f. a kind of sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Produced from plants, Kir. 5, 14 (i. e. a phosphorescent light). ## %%, i. e. probably %% (vb. %%), m. 1. The lip, Man. 8, 282. 2. The upper lip, Bhg. P. 4, 8, 46. In comp. words a preceding %% may be dropped, and the fem. of a comp. adj. may end in %% or %%, e. g. %%, Having beautiful teeth and lips, Rm. 3, 52, 16. %%, adj. Having bimba-like lips, Kaths. 4, 8. %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Biting the lips, MBh. 3, 427. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, With trembling lips, Indr. 5, 51. ## ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A complex of hymns(?), MBh. 3, 10686. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Formidableness. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Desire, Bhg. P. 1, 6, 17. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Desirous, Bhg. P. 2, 6, 33. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron. m. The name of a Manu, Man. 1, 62. ## %% (? if correct it would be %%), adj. Inhabiting the north, MBh. 3, 10546 (probably it must be corrected %%). ## %%, and #<-pdi># %<-pdi>%, i. e. %% (a proper name) %<+ a>% or %%, patron. m. Dhruva or the polar star, MBh. 13, 195; Bhg. P. 4, 8, 82. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Innate, Bhg. P. 3, 15, 45. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Prodigious, Rm. 5, 52, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. 1. Perturbation, Rm. 3, 1, 4. 2. Desire, MBh. 3, 114. II. instr. %%, adverbially, Quickly, Pac. 35, 9; 95, 25. -- Comp. %%, adj. having no great desire, k. 18, 22. %%, adj., f. %%, full of desire, Pac. 185, 20. @<[Page 147a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Referring to water, Man. 3, 215. 2. Aquatic, Man. 1, 44; 6, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Contained in a tub, Bhg. P. 8, 24, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Gluttonous, Vikr. 39, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Being in the womb, Bhg. P. 3, 24, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Excellence, Nal. 16, 17. 2. Dignity, Rm. 3, 18, 25. 3. Generosity, Daak. in Chr. 187, 24. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), and ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Indifference, apathy, Daak. in Chr. 183, 17; Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Made of Udumbara wood, Man. 2, 45. II. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1869. III. f. %%, A branch of the Udumbara tree, Rm. 1, 4, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Deducted, Man. 9, 150. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Received on account of marriage, Man. 9, 206. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A false doctrine, heresy, Bhg. P. 2, 7, 37. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Relating to the initiation, Man. 2, 68. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Contained in an Upaniad, Man. 6, 29. @<[Page 147b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Suitable, MBh. 13, 2742. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Resemblance. Only at the end of comp. words, %%, adj. Incomparable, Rm. 6, 87, 10; %%, i. e. %%, n. Taking one's self as measure, Hit. i. d. 10 (%%, as they wish for themselves); %%, n. Resemblance to a dream, Bhg. P. 9, 19, 28; %%, adj. Resemblance to a storm, Bhg. P. 5, 14, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, the %<>% of the base shortened (%% with %<>%, MBh. 5, 7019, and Chr. 18, 37, see n.), adj., f. %%, Suitable, Rm. 2, 54, 38. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Made of stone, Man. 4, 194. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Fasting, Rm. 2, 87, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Serving for riding on, Rm. 2, 39, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Sexual intercourse, Bhg. P. 7, 6, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Oblation, MBh. 13, 6039. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Reflectional, conditional (as the crystal's red colour from a china rose near it). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The sacred fire, Yj. 3, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to a ram, MBh. 3, 268. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A shepherd, Man. 3, 166. @<[Page 148a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An inhabitant of Ura, Rjat. 5, 216. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Dwelling in one's breast, innate, Man. 3, 1314. II. m. A legitimate son, Man. 9, 166; Yj. 2, 128. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, Woollen, MBh. 2, 1823. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Obsequies of a deceased person, Rm. 2, 83, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. 1. Serving for the acquisition of merit, Man. 11, 10. 2. Belonging to the obsequies of a deceased person, Pac. 9, 3. II. n. Obsequies, Rm. 4, 24, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. The patronymic name of a i or saint, MBh. 1, 2610. II. adj., f. %%. 1. Produced by rva, MBh. 1, 1242. 2. adj. or m. (supple %%), Submarine fire, Rjat. 3, 170. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Belonging to Uanas. 2. Descended from Uanas, Bhg. P. 7, 5, 48; 9, 18, 20. II. n. 1. A lawbook ascribed to Uanas, Pac. 253, 12. 2. The name of a holy place, MBh. 3, 7005. ## %%, i. e. %% (i. e. probably %%, vb. %%), %<+ a>%, adj. Covetous (?), Chr. 297, 11 = Rigv. i. 112, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. The king of the Unaras, MBh. 1, 3669. II. f. %%, A proper name, Vikr. 30, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. The handle of a fan, MBh. 12, 2299. 2. A bed, Daak. in Chr. 200, 8. 3. An ointment made of Ura, k. d. 57, v. r. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. A medicine, Man. 8, 324. -- Comp. %%, I. n. 1. garlic. 2. long pepper. II. n. and f. %%, dry ginger. ## and ## %%, Kir. 5, 24; MBh. 13, 454. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Produced from a camel, Man. 5, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Heat, Yj. 3, 77. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Heat, Ragh. 17, 33. ## ## %%, I. see %%. II. m. (properly nom. sing. of %%), A name of the highest deities, viz. Prajpati, Bhg. P. 6, 6, 2; Brahman, MBh. 1, 32; Viu, 13, 7027. III. n. Water, Yj. 2, 108. ## [dagger] %% (or ## %%, or ## %%), ii. 2, tm. 1. To go. 2. To command (v. r. to destroy). ## %%, I. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 357. II. f. %%, A proper name, Hariv. 2029. III. m. n. Bell metal. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A proper name, Bhg. P. 9, 24, 24. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To be proud. 2. To be unsteady. 3. To be thirsty. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), m. A proper name, Rm. 1, 70, 38. @<[Page 149a]>@ ## %% (a reduplicated form of a lost base, %%, probably akin to [greek] etc., cf. %%), f. 1. A summit, Bhg. P. 5, 25, 7. 2. The hump of the Indian bull, Bhg. P. 9, 6, 15. -- Comp. %%, m. a name of Kna, or Viu, MBh. 12, 1508. ## %%, m. and n. 1. Chief, Rm. 6, 37, 12. 2. The hump of the Indian bull, MBh. 13, 835. 3. An ensign or symbol of royalty, Ragh. 3, 70. -- Comp. %%, adj. having three horns, MBh. 12, 13252. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Having a hump, Ragh. 4, 29. II. m. 1. A mountain, Ragh. 13, 47. 2. A bull having a hump, Kumras. 1, 27. -- Cf. Lat. cacumen. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Having a hump, MBh. 13, 4935. II. m. 1. A bull having a hump, Bhg. P. 3, 3, 4. 2. A proper name, Hariv. 644. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A proper name, Pac. i. d. 290. ## %%, m. A bull having a hump, Rm. 5, 7, 11. ## %%, and ## %%, n. The cavities of the loins, Yj. 3, 96. ## %% (a reduplicated form of a lost base, %%; cf. [greek] Lat. cubare, and %%), f. 1. A summit (ved.) 2. A quarter or point of the compass, Kaths. 21, 13. 3. A proper name, Bhg. P. 6, 6, 4. ## %%, m. 1. A tree, Terminalia Arjuna, Rm. 1, 26, 15. 2. A certain musical mode, Vikr. 61, 1. 3. The name of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 19, 16. @<[Page 149b]>@ ## [dagger] %%, see %%. ## %%, m. (?) A plant bearing a berry, the inner part of which is an aromatic substance, Rm. 3, 39, 22. ## [dagger] %%, see %%. ## %%, I. m. 1. A spreading creeper, MBh. 3, 12548; weed, Man. 7, 110. 2. A dry wood, Rm. 5, 5, 24. 3. A forest, MBh. 15, 1082. 4. The side or flank, Rm. 6, 36, 108 (of an army). 5. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 356. II. m. and f. %%. 1. The armpit, Rm. 4, 10, 19; Mcch. 34, 11. 2. The end of the lower garment tucked into the waistband, MBh. 2, 902; Pac. 32, 25 (used for keeping money). III. f. %%. 1. A girdle, MBh. 4, 1749. 2. A wall, Rm. 2, 32, 32. 3. An enclosure, a part of an edifice, Man. 7, 224. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, wearing a golden girdle, MBh. 4, 2108. %%, adj. having a golden wall, Rm. 3, 54, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Destroying a dry wood, MBh. 1, 5756. ## %%, m. The name of a i, Chr. 297, 11 = Rigv. i. 112, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. f. %%, 1. A girdle, MBh. 2, 900. 2. An upper garment, Kaths. 18, 5. 3. An enclosed court, MBh. 2, 827; Rm. 2, 57, 22. II. n. 1. The cup of a balance, Mit. 145, 20. 2. A certain part of a chariot, Rm. 6, 106, 23. -- Comp. %%, adj. having a golden girth, Rm. 2, 92, 32. %%, i. e. %%, having seven courts, Rm. 4, 33, 24. ## [dagger] %%, or ## %%, or ## %%, or ## %%, i. 1. Par. To laugh. -- Cf. Lat. cachinnus; [greek] O.H.G. hoh (sneer). ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To perform an action. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To go. ## %%, I. m. 1. A heron, Rm. 6, 90, 25. 2. The name of a king, MBh. 1, 227. 3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1850. II. f. %%, A proper name, Hariv. 2029. ## %% (for %%, from the base %%, cf. %%), m. Mail, Rm. 5, 80, 32. ## %% (a reduplicated from of %%, and aff. %%), m. and n. 1. An ornament, MBh. 3, 15757. 2. A bracelet, Bhart. 2, 63. 3. The name of a certain weapon, Rm. 1, 29, 13; 56, 12 (Gorr. has %%, q. cf.). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Wearing a bracelet, Kaths. 22, 91. ## %% (perhaps for %<* kakarta>%, i. e. an old redupl. form of %% and aff. %%) m., f. %%, and n. A comb, Rm. 2, 91, 70. ## %%, m. A skeleton, Sund. 2, 24. ## %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To bind. 2. [dagger] To shine. [dagger] i. 1, Par. To sound. -- Cf. %% and %%. ## %%, m. 1. The hair, MBh. 1, 4982. 2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3193. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. blown, Bhg. P. 3, 23, 38. 2. opened, MBh. 1, 6079 (?) %%, adj., f. %%. 1. bald, MBh. 1, 6078. 2. blown, Kir. 5, 13; Indr. 5, 8. @<[Page 150b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. Seizing one another by the hair, MBh. 8, 2377. ## %%, see %%. ## %% (a form of %%, q. cf.), m. and n. A shore or bank, land contiguous to water, Pac. 8, 17. -- Comp. %%, m. 1. the ocean. 2. Varua. 3. a mountain. ## %% (vb. %

    %), m. 1. A tortoise, Pac. 51, 13. 2. A proper name: a. of a Nga, MBh. 1, 4828; b. of a country, Kaths. 18, 253. ## %%, f. Scab, Sur. 1, 269, 12. ## [dagger] %% (?), i. 1, Par. To be glad. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. A collyrium prepared from lamp-black. 2. Shame, Bhg. P. 6, 2, 27. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To bind. 2. To shine. -- Cf. %%, and %%. ## %%, m. 1. A jacket, Rm. 6, 99, 23; Kaths. 18, 16. 2. Dress, MBh. 12, 816. 3. Mail, Bhg. P. 8, 7, 15. 4. The skin of a snake, Pac. i. d. 73 (and mail). -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. naked, Bhart. 1, 49. %%, m. a snake that has cast his slough. %%, adj. covered with a mail-like horripilation (a token of pleasure), produced by tasting the flavour of beautiful words, MBh. 12, 816. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Armed with a coat of mail, Bhart. 3, 66. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An attendant on the women's apartments, Pac. 156, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A bodice, Amar. 23. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), n. A lotus, Rm. 4, 41, 59; Bhg. P. 3, 14, 14. ## %%, f. A plant, Siphonanthus indica, Pac. 184, 18. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To go. 2. To rain. 3. To encompass. -- Cf. %%. ## %% (for %<*karta>%, i. e. %%), m. 1. A twist of straw, a mat, Man. 2, 204. 2. The hip, MBh. 13, 2796. 3. The temples of an elephant, Ragh. 4, 57. 4. A certain cast in a game of hazard, Mcch. 33, 10. 5. The name of a Rkasa, Rm. 5, 12, 13. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %<>%, made of plaited grass, Rm. 2, 56, 17. %%, m. 1. penance. 2. a snake. %%, adj. bad, vile. %%, I. adj. (properly 'having the hips thronged together'). 1. crowded. 2. impervious. 3. narrow, contracted. II. n. 1. a defile. 2. difficulty, trouble. III. m. a proper name. %%, adj. full of great difficulties, Bhart. 2, 98. ## %%, m. and n. 1. A bracelet, Kaths. 9, 73. 2. The hill of a mountain. 3. An army. ## %%, Imitation of the sound of fisticuffs, MBh. 3, 11516. ## %%, a denomin. derived from the last, To gnash, Rm. 2, 35, 1. ## %%, m. A surname of iva, MBh. 12, 10372. ## %%, m. A demon, alled Kaaptana, Man. 12, 71. @<[Page 151b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A side-look, MBh. 1, 3009; an amorous look, Daak. in Chr. 190, 12. ## %%, I. m. and n. A frying vessel, MBh. 14, 1927. II. m. The name of a %% of the grand divisions of the terrestrial world, Kaths. 13, 74. ## and ## %% (cf. %%), f. 1. The hip, MBh. 1, 6293. 2. The buttocks, Man. 8, 281. ## %%, f. The hip, MBh. 13, 5390. ## %% (for %%, i. e. %%), adj., f. %% or %%, Sharp, pungent; of taste, Pac. 61, 11; of smell, MBh. 14, 1408; of the wind, Rm. 3, 22, 11; of words, Pac. i. d. 191. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Sharp, pungent; of taste, Kaths. 11, 23; of smell, Rm. 3, 16, 17; of words, MBh. 13, 6645. II. n. Pungency. -- Comp. %%, adj. Harsh, MBh. 2, 1551. ## %%, f. Wickedness, Hariv. 1022. ## %%, i.e. %%, n. Obsequies of a deceased person, Bhg. P. 7, 2, 17. ## [dagger] %% (a form of %% in %%), i. 1, Par. To live in distress. ## %%, m. The name of a sage, MBh. 1, 962. ## %%, perhaps for %% (cf. %%), I. adj., f. %%. 1. Hard, solid, Pac. 190, 16; Bhart. 2, 77. 2. Cruel, Kaths. 19, 89. II. f. %%, Chalk, Pac. Pr. 7. III. n. A pat, MBh. 3, 8484. ## %%, f., and ## %%, n. Hardness, Bhg. P. 3, 26, 36. @<[Page 152a]>@ ## %%, i. e. probably %% (for %%) %<+ a>% (cf. %%), adj. 1. Hard, solid, Bhg. P. 3, 19, 15. 2. Full grown, Mcch. 115, 13. 3. Sharp, Bhg. P. 5, 13, 3. 4. Violent, Pac. 93, 1. 5. Loud, Pac. 248, 17. 6. Hard-hearted, Pac. iv. d. 62. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1 and 6, Par. To be glad. i. 6, Par. To eat. i. 10, Par. To remove the husk of grain. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To be rough (a dialectical form of %%; cf. %%). ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To sound. 2. To cry as in distress. 3. To go. i. 10, Par. To wink, to cover the eye with the lids. ## %%, I. m. 1. Grain, Hit. 9, 14; broken rice, Man. 11, 92; also the fine red powder which adheres to the rice berry beneath the husk. 2. A drop, Bhart. 3, 15; spray, k. d. 55. 3. A spark, Pac. 93, 3. 4. A little bit, Prab. 29, 13. II. f. %<>%, Long pepper, Sur. 2, 418, 16. -- Comp. %%, m. a flake of snow, Kaths. 19, 50; Amar. 54. ## %%, m. A kind of spear, MBh. 1, 8257; with %% instead of %<>%, MBh. 3, 810. ## %%, m. A kind of fly (an autumn fly ?), Sur. 2, 258, 1. ## %%, adv. In small pieces, Kumras. 4, 27. ## %%, m. The name of a sage, the founder of the Vaieika or atomic school of philosophy. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Eating broken rice, Man. 11, 167. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. 1. Seed, Bhg. P. 7, 9, 33. 2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 5544. II. f. %%, A drop, Megh. 96. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To go. ## %% (the base %% is a dialect. form of %% (originally %%), the base of the present, etc. of %%), m. 1. A thorn, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 183. 2. A sharp bone, Man. 8, 95. 3. An enemy, Pac. 176, 8; a wicked person, Man. 9, 252; 253. 4. Stinging pain, Sur. 1, 93, 4. 5. Obstacle, Hit. iii. d. 76. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, free from thorns, i. e. obstacles, Rm. 2, 46, 29; from danger, 2, 81, 6; from harm, 3, 53, 15. %%, n. the name of the eastern table-land of the Vindhya mountain, Rm. 2, 73, 3 Gorr. %%, i. e. %%, adj. = %%, MBh. 4, 206. %%, m. the son of an outcast Brhmaa, Man. 10, 21. %%, adj. thorny. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Thorny, Draup. 1, 14. 2. With bristling hair (a sign of pleasure or love, according to the Hindus), Rjat. 5, 2; k. d. 63. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Thorny, MBh. 1, 2851. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par., tm., i. 10, Par. 1. To grieve. 2. To desire, to long for. -- Cf. %%. ## %% (probably a dial. form of %<*kandhara>%, for %%), m. 1. The neck, Rm. 2, 66, 32 Gorr. 2. The throat, Mcch. 128, 20; Man. 11, 205. 3. Voice, MBh. 3, 829. 4. Proximity, Pac. 247, 14. 5. The proper name of a i, Rm. 4, 18, 11. -- When latter part of a comp. adj., f. %% and %%, e. g. %% adj. With tears in the throat, i. e. the voice interrupted by tears, Rm. 2, 74, 28; f. %%, Daak. in Chr. 191, 3. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Wearing a golden ornament on the neck, MBh. 3, 14694. II. m. A golden ornament of the neck, 13, 4928. %%, I. adj. With a blue throat, MBh. 10, 454. II. m. 1. A peacock, Megh. 77. 2. A name of iva, Rm. 5, 89, 41. III. f. %%, A peahen, 5, 11, 23. %% (vb. %%), adv. Aloud, as shouting or crying. %%, m. 1. A peacock. 2. A gallinule. 3. iva. %%, m. 1. iva. 2. A proper name. %% (vb. %%), adj. Choked, scarcely able to articulate. %%, m. 1. A Brhmaa. 2. A wagtail. 3. A dove. ## %%, i. e. %% (f. of %% with the same signification) %%, m. A lion, Pac. iii. d. 28. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Being at the throat. 2. Salutary to the throat. 3. Guttural. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To be glad. i. 1 and i. 10, Par. To remove the husk of grain. i. 10, Par. To preserve. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, I. n. The chaff, Sur. 1, 38, 4. II. f. %%, A mortar, Man. 3, 68. ## I. %%, and, usually, ## %%, f. The itch, Bhg. P. 2, 7, 13. II. %%, m. The name of a i, Rm. 2, 21, 31. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Wantonness, Rjat. 5, 281. ## %%, a denominative derived from %%, Par. (tm. MBh. 13, 5023). 1. To scratch, MBh. 1, 5932. 2. To rub, k. d. 144. 3. To stroke, Man. 4, 82. %%, n. (proverbially) Scratching with a thorn for 'doing an absurd action,' MBh. 3, 1329. @<[Page 153b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Itching, Bhg. P. 8, 7, 10. 2. Scratching, 3, 31, 26. 3. Stroking, Vikr. d. 151. ## %%, adj. Titillating, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1106. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., f. %%, n. Who or what rubs, Ragh. 13, 43. ## %%, m. The name of a i, MBh. 1, 2874. Superl. %%, The first of the Kava tribe, Chr. 287, 4 = Rigv. i. 48, 4. ## %%, m. The nut plant, Strychnos potatorum, which clears water, Man. 6, 67. ## %%, superl. of %%, pron. n. %%. Who, what, which of many, MBh. 1, 4312; of two, 13, 3044 -- With %% and %%, Not the least, Bhg. P. 7, 15, 59. ## %%, compar. of %%, pron. n. %%, Who, what, which of two, MBh. 1, 3645; of many, Vikr. 5, 14. -- Cf. Lat. uter for cuter (ubi: alicubi), utrum; [greek] Goth. hvathar; A. S. hvdher. ## %%, i. e. %%, base of %%, pron. 1. How many, Rm. 5, 73, 2. 2. Some, Pac. 171, 2; usually with following %%, Pac. 87, 22; with %%, Amar. 25. 3. A proper name, Hariv. 1461. -- Cf. Lat. quot. ## %%, adv. In how many ways, Bhg. P. 3, 6, 11. ## %% (from %%), adj., f. %% and %%, Some, Pac. 9, 6. ## %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To boast, Chr. 24, 39. 2. To praise, Rm. 3, 55, 8. 3. To blame, Bhg. P. 8, 7, 33. -- With the prep. ## %%, 1. To boast, Rm. 6, 36, 42. 2. To disparage, MBh. 4, 1299. Caus. To humble, Draup. 9, 10. ## %%, I. adj. Boasting, a boaster, Rm. 1, 6, 10. II. n. Boasting, Rm. 3, 35, 23. ## [dagger] %%, see %%. ## %%, i. 10, Par., in epic poetry also tm. (probably a denomin. of %%). 1. To tell, MBh. 1, 2206; tm. ib. 3, 13180; to tell of, with the acc., k. 7, 18. 2. To announce, MBh. 14, 144. 3. To declare, Man. 7, 157. 4. To command, Pac. 57, 22; Vikr. d. 7. 5. To converse, Rm. 2, 57, 1; Brhma. 1, 11. -- Pass. To be called, Hit. Pr. d. 32. -- Anomalous ptcple. of the pres. tm. %%, MBh. 2, 1906. %%, n. Talk, k. 33, 3. -- With the prep. ## %%, To announce, Rm. 5, 1, 93. -- With ## %%, 1. To tell, Bhg. P. 8, 5, 13. 2. To explain, MBh. 3, 14000. ## %%, adj. Telling, nti. 2, 27. m. A narrator, MBh. 1, 7778. ## %%, n. Relating, Bhart. 2, 54. ## %% (cf. %%), adv. 1. In what manner, Nal. 3, 10. 2. How, k. 14, 13; Man. 5, 2. 3. What, k. 94, 1 (%%, What! dares he defy me?). 4. Whence, k. 98, 23. -- With following %%, 1. By some means, by accident, Pac. 127, 25; 261, 13. 2. A little, k. d. 73. 3. Slowly, with difficulty, Pac. 236, 7. 4. %%, Not without great pain, Daak. in Chr. 187, 11. -- With following %%, 1. How now? Nal. 17, 20 (19). 2. How much more? k. d. 81; with %%, How much less? Rm. 1, 33, 9. -- With following %%, 1. In any manner, Man. 5, 143; with %%, In no manner, never, Man. 4, 11. 2. Not without difficulty, Rm. 1, 67, 4. 3. %%, A little, Vikr. 29, 15. -- With following %%, 1. A little, k. 65, 1. 2. Scarcely, Rm. 3, 24, 20. 3. With difficulty, Pac. 9, 5; MBh. 13, 2797. %%, Even a little, Man. 3, 190; Scarcely, Rm. 6, 99, 50. %%, In no way, Rm. 5, 75, 7. %%, Never, Chr. 19, 4. %%, By all means, Arj. 10, 17. -- Comp. %%, adv. with following %%, by all means, Man. 11, 220 (221). ## %%, f. 1. A tale, Ram. 1, 2, 38. 2. A speech, discourse, Man. 3, 231; k. d. 76. 3. Mention, Nal. 21, 33. 4. With preceding %% (fem. of %%), and a following loc., or %% with acc., No question, out of the question, Ragh. 10, 29 (you are out of the question); in a prodosis, k. d. 52, %%, There is no need to fix the arrow to the bow; in an apodosis, Kaths. 4, 123, how much less? -- Comp. %%, f. a conversation concerning law or duty, Pac. 117, 13. %%, f. a tale of past ages. %%, f. conversation. ## %%, n. A little tale, Lass. 15, 13. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Consisting of tales, Kaths. 8, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Condition of one of whom nothing but the mention is left, i. e. death, Prab. 83, 1. ## %% (the old nom. acc. sing. n. of %%; cf. Lat. quod; O.H.G. huaz; A. S. hvt). 1. With following %% ## %%, particle of interrogation, Perhaps, Nal. 4, 24. 2. As former part of compound nouns, Bad, e. g. %%, n. Bad food, Bhg. P. 5, 9, 9. %%, adj. Having a bad offspring, 4, 13, 43. %%, n. pl. The paltry organs of sense, 8, 3, 28. 3. Combined with vb. %%, To blame, 7, 5, 28; with %%, q.v. ## %%, or #<[dagger] kand># %%, or #<[dagger] krand># %%, or #<[dagger] kland># %%, i. 1, tm. 1. [dagger] To be confused. 2. [dagger] To confound. 3. To kill; %%, Rm. 6, 65, 23. ## %%, n. Killing, Rm. 6, 65, 23. ## %%, I. m. A tree, Nauclea cadamba (its flower, when fullblown, is covered with projecting anthers), Rm. 5, 74, 4; Kir. 5, 9. II. n. Plenty, k. 87, 15 (Prk.). ## %%, n. Plenty, k. d. 39. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, see %% under %%. ## %%. i. e. %%, n. and f. %%, Tormenting, Daak. 169, 7. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Avaricious, Man. 4, 210. ## %%, I. m. and f. %%, The plaintain tree, Musa sapientum, Megh. 75. II. f. %%, A kind of deer, MBh. 2, 1743. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The plaintain tree, Prab. 65, 13. ## %% (see %%), adv. At what time, Nal. 22, 7. With following %%, 1. Once, some time; preceded by %%, Never, Man. 2, 58. 2. Perhaps, Pac. 22, 10. With following %%, Once, Brhma. 1, 2; preceded by %%, Never, Man. 4, 74. 3. Followed by %%, and preceded by %%, Never, Hit. 58, 12. -- Cf. Lat. quando, quandoque = %%. ## %%, f. The wife of Kayapa and mother of the serpent race, MBh. 1, 1074. ## %%, i. 1, Par. (perhaps proceeded from %%, q. cf., by %%, ii. 9, cf. %%). 1. To love, to be satisfied, etc. (ved.). 2. [dagger] To shine. 3. [dagger] To go. ## %%, n. Gold, t. 6, 28; 30. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Golden, Pac. 235, 13. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, superl. of %% and %%, f. %%. 1. Smallest, very small, Rm. 3, 51, 7. 2. Youngest, Man. 9, 113. 3. with and without %%, f. The little finger, Yj. 1, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The little finger, MBh. 13, 5059. ## %%, I. comparative of %% and %%, f. %%, Very small, Pac. 16, 7. II. m. A younger brother, Rm. 1, 26, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Smaller, MBh. 13, 2560. 2. Younger, MBh. 1, 3518. ## %%, f. A patched cloth, Bhart. 3, 16. -- Cf. perhaps Lat. cento(?). ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To call. 2. To cry or shed tears. -- Cf. %%. @<[Page 156a]>@ ## %%, m. A bulbous root, Pac. ii. d. 161. -- Comp. %%, m. 1. garlic. 2. a sort of yam. 3. a plant, Hingtsha repens. %%, m. 1. coral. 2. a sort of onion. ## %%, n. The white esculent water lily. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. One who makes roots (?), MBh. 12, 10403. ## %% (probably %%, old nom. and acc. n. of %%), m., f. %<10>%, and n. A cave, Pac. 93, 8. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Abundant in caves, Rm. 3, 21, 13. ## %% (probably %%, see %%), m. 1. A name of the god of love, Rm. 1, 25, 10. 2. Love, MBh. 1, 7920. ## %% (perhaps %%, see the last, and %%), n. 1. The flower of the %% (q. cf.), Bhart. 1, 43. 2. A new shoot. -- Comp. %%, and %%, m. coral. ## %%, see the last, f. The plaintain tree, Musa sapientum, Vikr. d. 78. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Abundant in new shoots, Bhart. 1, 42. ## %%, m. f. An iron pan, Mlav. 24, 21 (Prk.). ## %%, I. m. A ball for playing with, Bhart. 2, 83. II. n. A pillow, Bhart. 3, 42. ## %% [i. e. %% (see %%), according to the grammarians, Head, %<-dh + a>%], m., and f. %%, The neck, Yj. 2, 220. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %% (cf. Kaths. 20, 8), with raised neck, Pac. 249, 5. %%, i. e. %%, adj. having ten necks, epithet of Rvaa, MBh. 3, 16516. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A girl, Pac. 44, 18. ## %%, i. e. %% (with shortened %<>%), f. The name of a town, Rm. 1, 34, 37. ## %%, i. e. %% (for %%) %<+ a>%, adj., f. %%, Younger, Rm. 5, 33, 10. ## %% (akin to %%), f. 1. A girl, Nal. 1, 8. 2. A virgin, Man. 8, 367. 3. A daughter, Man. 9, 71. -- Comp. %%, f. a daughter of the king of the Kis, Chr. 20, 18. %%, f. a name of the Gang, Bhart. 3, 79. %%, f. a girl fit to be married. ## %%, n. Virginity, MBh. 1, 2406. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Consisting of a girl, Ragh. 16, 86. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m. The name of a kind of demons, MBh. 13, 7329 sqq. ## %%, m. and n. Fraud, Pac. 217, 15. ## %%, m. 1. A small shell used as a coin, a cowrie. 2. The braided hair of iva. ## %%, m. and ## %%, f. A small shell used as a coin, Hit. 115, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A name of iva, MBh. 3, 1624. ## %%, m., f. %<>%, and n. 1. A half of a folding-door, Rm. 5, 15, 10. 2. A door, Mcch. 16, 17. @<[Page 157a]>@ ## %<-kapa + ka>%, a substitute for the last when latter part of a comp. adj. %%, adj. Having large folding-doors of crystal, MBh. 2, 1673. f. %%, Bhg. P. 3, 15, 29. ## %% (probably for %<*karpla>%; cf. %%), I. m., f. %%, An earthen water-pot, especially of the religious mendicants, Man. 6, 44; Bhart. 3, 24; of beggars in general, Daak. in Chr. 194, 1. II. m. and n. 1. Either half of a water-jar, Bhp. 10. 2. The skull, MBh. 14, 273. III. m. 1. A potsherd. 2. Either half of an egg, Kaths. 2, 15. 3. The glene, Sur. 1, 265, 8. 4. A kind of leprosy, Sur. 1, 268, 1. ## %%, I. = %% II. (q. cf.), Pac. i. d. 239 (with shortened %% on account of the metre?). II. f. %%, i. e. %%, f. A potsherd, Man. 4, 78. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Wearing skulls (as a necklace), Kumras. 5, 78; covered with skulls, Bhg. P. 4, 4, 16. II. m. and f. A follower of a certain sect, Prab. 56, 13. III. m. A name of iva, MBh. 2, 1641; of one of the Rudras, 1, 2567. IV. f. %%, A name of Durg. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A monkey, Man. 11, 154. A name of Viu, MBh. 13, 7045. ## %%, m. 1. A bird, the francoline partridge, Bhg. P. 6, 9, 5. 2. A proper name, Pac. 163, 20. ## %% (probably %%, vb. %%), I. m. A tree, Feronia elephantum, Corr., MBh. 1, 2830. II. n. Its fruit, Sur. 1, 148, 16. ## %%, m. A tree, Feronia elephantum, Corr., Rm. 5, 16, 2. @<[Page 157b]>@ ## %%, n. Condition of a monkey, Rm. 5, 2, 15. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Reddish, Man. 3, 8 (with reddish hair), Rm. 6, 3, 2. II. m. The name of a sage, MBh. 3, 1896; of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 16, 27. III. f. %%. 1. A reddish or brown cow, MBh. 3, 8067. 2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2520. 3. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 14233. ## %%, adj. Reddish, k. d. 75; brown, Vikr. d. 26; Megh. 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A name of Viu, MBh. 13, 7002. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. The name of a sage, Hariv. 426. II. f. %%, The name of a river, Rm. 2, 71, 15. ## %% (see %%), I. m. A dove or pigeon, Pac. iii. d. 139. II. f. %%, A she-pigeon, Pac. iii. d. 179. ## %%, m., f. %%, A little pigeon, Pac. ii. 9; iii. 144. ## %%, m. A cheek, Pac. d. 225. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, having beautiful cheeks, Bhg. P. 4, 25, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. That which rubs the cheeks (viz. of the elephants), as a branch, etc., Kir. 5, 26. ## %%, m. Phlegm, one of the three humours of the body, Sur. 1, 4, 8. ## %%, adj. Phlegmatic, causing or exciting phlegm, Sur. 1, 224, 7. ## [dagger] %%, or ## %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To colour. 2. To praise. ## %%, and ## %%, m. and n. 1. A headless trunk, especially one retaining the power of action, Bhtl. Ind. Sp. 166. 2. A belly, MBh. 3, 806. 3. A cloud, or vapour, MBh. 3, 13087. 4. The name of a demon, Rm. 3, 75, 24, sqq. -- Cf. [greek] ## %% (old acc. s. n. of %%), a particle, Indeed, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 88. 2. -- Cf. [greek] ## %%, i. 10, tm. (in epic poetry also Par., Hi. 4, 4; Rm. 3, 51, 28), in the pres., impf., imptive., and potent., and optionally in all the other forms, %%. 1. To love, MBh. 1, 2400; Rm. 1, 34, 16. 2. To desire, Sv. 5, 52; to wish, with infin., MBh. 1, 6582; to intend, with infin., MBh. 3, 2249. -- Anom. ptcple. of the pres. %%, e. g. MBh. 13, 1891; %% (probably to be corrected to %%), Rm. 5, 24, 37; 38. -- Pf. pass. %%. 1. Loved, Hi. 4, 35. 2. Amiable, graceful. -- Comp. %%, m. the moon-stone. %%, m. Viu. %%, m. the sun-stone. %%, m. Viu. %%, m. 1. the sunstone, k. d. 40; a gem. 2. Hibiscus phoeniceus. -- Compar. %%, Most beautiful, Rm. 3, 17, 6. %%, n. Wish, MBh. 1, 2187. -Ptcple. of the fut. pass. %%. 1. To be loved, Kumras. 1, 37. 2. Beautiful, Bhart. 1, 45. %%, see separately. -- Caus. To cause to desire, Rm. 3, 38, 20 (Par.); t. 6, 30 (tm.). -- With the prep. ## %%, in %%, adj. Excessively loved, Bhart. 2, 30. -- With ## %%, To desire, MBh. 1, 3347. -- With ## %%, To desire, Bhg. P. 5, 18, 21. -- Cf. Lat carus = %%, Beautiful, charming (Grammarians), amo (cf. %%), amoenus, etc.; [greek] (aff. [greek] = %%) [greek], etc.; probably O.H.G. gaman, A.S. gamene. @<[Page 158b]>@ ## %%, m. 1. A tortoise, Pac. ii. d. 199. 2. A proper name, MBh. 2, 117. ## %%, m. (and n). A water-pot used by ascetics and religious students, Man. 2, 64; Rm. 3, 52, 9. ## %%, adj. Desirable, Bhg. P. 1, 9, 33. ## %%, I. n. 1. A lotus, Nelumbium, Megh. 32. 2. Water, Kir. 5, 25. II. f. %%. 1. A name of Lakm, Bhg. P. i. p. xcv. 2. A proper name, Rjat. 4, 424. -- Comp. %%, n. a lotus-like hand, t. 3, 23. %%, adj., f. %%, opening her lotus-like mouth, Pac, 129, 10. %%, opening his lotus-like eyes and mouth, 192, 11. %%, adj. abounding in lotus-flowers, Kir. 5, 25. ## %%, a denomin. derived from %%, Par. To smile like a lotus, Lass. 67, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A group of lotus flowers, Megh. 90. ## %%, i. 1, tm. (in epic poetry also Par., MBh. 4, 1290). 1. To move to and fro, Rm. 1, 14, 18. 2. To tremble, Rm. 3, 53, 61. Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. %<-kampita>%, n. Trembling a little, Ragh. 2, 13. Caus. To cause to tremble, Rm. 1, 74, 13; 3, 33, 38 (tm.). Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, Without being stirred, by themselves, MBh. 4, 1290. Comp. ptcple. of the fut. pass. %%, immoveable, Rm. 3, 53, 43. -- With the prep. ## %%, To pity, with loc. and acc., MBh. 14, 29; Rm. 3, 37, 15. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, n. Compassion, Bhg. P. 1, 9, 22. Caus. To pity, Kumras. 4, 39. -- With ## %%, To pity, Ragh. 9, 14. -- With ## %%, To tremble, MBh. 3, 15721 (? v. r.). -- With #<># %<>%, Caus. To cause to tremble, MBh. 1, 1165. %%, Excited, t. 6, 32. -- With ## %%, To tremble, Kaths. 15, 2. -- With ## %%, To tremble, Rm. 1, 65, 13. Caus. To cause to tremble, Rm. 3, 25, 26. Comp. ptcple of the fut. pass. %%, i. e. %%. 1. Difficult to be made to tremble, Hariv. 12824. 2. Difficult to be made to reel, MBh. 5, 718. -- With ## %%, Caus. To cause to tremble, Rm. 5, 6, 16. -- With ## %%, Caus. 1. To cause to tremble, MBh. 4, 298. -- With ## %%. 1. To tremble, Bhag. 2, 31. -- 2. To retreat (with abl., from), MBh. 4, 109. 3. To change, Rm. 2, 60, 17. %%, Trembling, t. 1, 3. Caus. To cause to tremble, Ragh. 11, 19. -- With ## %%, To tremble, MBh. 4, 574. Caus. To cause to tremble, MBh. 1, 1167. -- Cf. perhaps [greek]. ## %%, m. Trembling, Bhart. 1, 50. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %

    %, unmoved, unmovable. %% and %%, m. an earthquake, MBh. 7, 7867; Rm. 1, 41, 15. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Causing to tremble, MBh. 13, 662. II. m. 1. A certain weapon, Rm. 6, 7, 24. 2. A proper name, MBh. 2, 117. 3. The name of a country, Rjat. 5, 446. III. f. %%, The name of a river, MBh. 3, 8094. IV. n. Trembling, MBh. 3, 13539. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, accompanied by carthquakes, Chr. 36, 23. %%, m. wind. %%, adj. agitating the heart, causing it to throb (with indignation), Draup. 4, 22. ## [dagger] %%, see %%. ## %%, I. m. and n. 1. A woollen blanket, MBh. 3, 181, 2. A woollen garment, Rjat. 5, 460. II. m. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 1555. -- Comp. %%, m. 1. a white woollen blanket. 2. a kind of stone. ## %%, m. and n. 1. A shell, Bhg. P. 4, 7, 20. 2. A bracelet (made of shells, MBh. 2, 2067), MBh. 4, 54. ## %%, m. pl. The name of a country and its inhabitants. ## %%, i. e. A %%, I. latter part of comp. adj. and subst., f. %%, Making, causing, producing; e. g. %%, Causing enmity, Man. 9, 227. %%, Causing disgrace, Hi. 3, 18. %%, m. A father, MBh. 5, 3657. II. m. 1. The hand, Man. 5, 136. 2. An elephant's trunk, Nal. 13, 12. B. %%, m. 1. A ray of light, Rm. 6, 11, 44. 2. Hail. 3. Royal revenue, Man. 7, 128; toll, Man. 7, 127. -- Comp. %%, m. 1. the tip of the extended hand. 2. the extremity of the hand and of a ray, i. 9, 34. %%, m. the sun, i. 9, 7. %%, m. ancestor, MBh. 1, 6562. %%, m. a painter, Kaths. 5, 30. %%, and %%, m. the sun, Bhart. 2, 65. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, difficult Man. 7. 55; %%, scarcely, Rm. 2, 73, 7. %%, I. m. a lotuslike hand, Bhg. P. 7, 9, 26. II. adj., f. %%, holding a lotus, Prab. 86, 3. III. f. %%, a name of r, Bhg. P. 4, 20, 27. %%, adj., f. %%, procuring food, Bhart. 2, 17. %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. with a spear in his uplifted hand. %%, adj. 1. bearing toll. 2. with rays. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. casy, Man. 7, 55. 2. doing well II. f. %%, a tractable cow. III. n. charity, benevolence. %%, adj. to be shunned, Bhart. 2, 61. ## %%, m., i. e. A. %%, The waterpot of the student or ascetic, Man. 4, 66. B. %%, Hail, Megh. 55. ## %%, a denominative derived from %%, Par. To rain like a shower of hail, Lass. 67, 16. ## %%, m. The skull, Mlat. 79, 18. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A finger nail, Man. 4, 70. ## %%, m. The name of a plant, Pongamia glabra, Vent., MBh. 3, 14488 sqq. ## %%, m. = the last, Rm. 3, 79, 37. ## %%, m. 1. An elephant's temples, MBh. 3, 16039; Bhart. 3, 73. %%, with lengthened %%, MBh. 3, 441, etc., perhaps on account of the metre. 2. A crow, Bhg. P. 5, 14, 29. 3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 370. -- Comp. %%, m. an elephant in rut, or from whose temples the juice is exuding, Sund, 2, 20. ## %%, m. 1. A crow, Mcch. 104, 13 (Prk.). 2. A proper name, Pac. 9, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %<>%, Making, causing, e. g. %%, Causing widowhood, Rm. 6, 95, 27. %%, Causing health, Rm. 6, 26, 5. II. n. 1. Making, MBh. 3, 15297; performing, Pac. 40, 15. 2. Action, Rm. 1, 11, 17. 3. Instrument, Bhp. 57. 4. An organ of sense, Ragh. 8, 38. 5. The body, Kumras. 4, 5. 6. A document, Man. 8, 51. 7. Musical time, Kumras. 6, 40. III. m. The son of a Vrtya Katriya, Man. 10, 22. -- Comp. %%, n. non-doing, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 15. %%, adj. causing destruction, Man. 9, 221. %%, i. e. %%, n. the internal sense, Vedntas. in Chr. 206, 24; the heart, k. d. 21. %%, n. a wicked action, Bhart. 1, 87. %%, n. triplication, Vedntas. in Chr. 208, 20. %%, n. beating, Pac. 245, 12. %%, n. disfiguring, Rm. 1, 3, 19. %%, n. doing what is still to be done, Rm. 4, 17, 56. ## %%, m. and n. (Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 392), A basket or covered box of wicker work, Bhart. 2, 82. ## %%, m. A box k. 89, 15 (Prk.). -- Comp. %%, n. the name of a garden, Mcch. 148, 19. %%, m. (?) a dark lantern, Daak. in Chr. 186, 11. %%, n. an amulet, k. 105, 15 (Prk.). ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The name of a river, MBh. 2, 374. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The name of a river, MBh. 12, 4887. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. 1. Paying taxes, MBh. 1, 7170. 2. Tributary, 3, 15288. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A proner name, MBh. 14, 78. ## %%, ## %%, and ## %% (with %% for %

    %), m. A sword, MBh. 1, 1432. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Tributary, MBh. 3, 14774. ## %%, see %%. ## %% (vb. %%), m. 1. The metacarpus, the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers, MBh. 3, 16138. 2. An elephant's trunk, Ragh. 6, 83. 3. A young elephant, Bhg. P. 8, 2, 22. 4. A young camel, Pac. 229, 5. 5. A camel, MBh. 2, 1200. ## %%, m. A proper name, k. 29, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. A small acanthaceous tree, Carissa carandas, Lin., MBh. 1, 11571. II. n. Its fruit, Sur. 1, 210, 18. ## %%, m. = %%, q. cf. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Mingled, Gt. i. 27. ## %%, I. m. 1. A cake of flour or meal mixed with curds, Man. 12, 76. 2. Mixture, Bhg. P. 3, 26. 45 (a mixed smell). 3. A proper name, Rm. 4, 39, 35. II. f. %%, A proper name, MBh. 1, 3775. -- Cf. perhaps [greek] ## %%, m. A cake, Rjat. 5, 16. ## %%, m. A finger nail, Megh. 94. ## %%, m. 1. A fragrant plant, Oleander or Nerium odorum, Rm. 3, 17, 10. 2. The name of a magical weapon, Rm. 1, 30, 7. 3. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 1557. 4. The name of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 16, 28. 5. The name of a city, MBh. 13, 1730. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A name of iva, MBh. 13, 1243. ## %%, f. A small kind of crane, Pac. 157, 3. ## %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Gaping, Mcch. 47, 2. 2. Formidable, Hi. 2, 5; MBh. 2, 296. II. m. 1. A certain beast, Sur. 1, 200, 8. 2. The name of a locality, Rjat. 1, 97. III. f. %%, A name of Durg, Mlat. 75, 6. -- Comp. %%, adj. Mild, Bhg. P. 3, 13, 28. %%, adj. Gaping with projecting teeth, Hi. 2, 3. %%, adj. Formidable. ## %%, f. Formidableness, Pac. 217, 23, %%, It became formidable. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. An elephant, Kir. 5, 7. II. f. %%, A female elephant, Bhart. 3, 82. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. an elephant of a quarter or point of the compass, one of the eight supporting the globe, Bhg. P. 8, 10, 24. %%, m. a wild elephant. %%, m. an elephant of the gods, Kir. 5, 26. ## %%, I. m. and n. The shoot of a bamboo, Sur. 1, 28, 6. II. m. A leafless plant, Capparis aphylla, Roxb., Bhart. 2, 89. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. 1. Dry dung, Rm. 2, 100, 7; 3, 3, 2. 2. Dry cow-dung, Man. 8, 250. ## %%, I. adj., f. %<>%, 1. Doleful, Vikr. 4, 1; Rm. 2, 63, 32. 2. Lamentable, Rm. 3, 51, 25. II. %% (acc. sing. n.), adverbially, Miserably, Rm. 1, 2, 14; i. 9, 67. III. m. Moving compassion, one of the %%, or sentiments of a poetical production, Rm. 1, 4, 7. IV. f. %<>%, Compassion, Bhg. P. 1, 2, 3. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %<>%, cruel, i. 9, 67; Bhg. P. 9, 14, 37. %%, i. e. %%, adj. cruel, Pac. iv. d. 16. %%, adj. compassionate, Bhg. P. 1, 13, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Benignity of heart, Man. 7, 211. @<[Page 162a]>@ ## %%, a denom. derived from %% by %%, tm., but in epic poetry also Par. To be in distress, MBh. 3, 336 (Par.). ## %%, adj., f. %%, Distressed, Rm. 5, 33, 14. ## %%, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 124; Rm. 1, 26, 20. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. free from dirt, Rm. 1, 27, 20 Gorr. ## %%, I. m. A proper name. II. n. A certain fruit, MBh. 3, 10039. ## %% (base %%), I. m. f. A male or female elephant, MBh. 13, 4899; 1, 4477. II. m. The name of a plant, Sur. 2, 171, 16. ## %%, I. n. The fruit of the plant %%. II. f. %%, A female elephant, Pac. 43, 5. ## %%, I. m. A basin; probably also cymbals in %% Rjat, 5, 417. II. m., and f. %<>% and %<>%, The skull, Rjat. 6, 157. ## %%, m. A white horse, MBh. 13, 4921. ## %%, a form of %<* karkarta>%, i. e. an old reduplicated form of %%, I. m. 1. A crab, Pac. iv. d. 10. 2. The sign of the zodiac, Cancer, Rm. 1, 19, 2. 3. The name of a plant, Sur. 2, 253, 12. II. f. %<>%, A female crab, MBh. 4, 272. III. m., f. %<>%, The curved end of the beam of a balance, Pac. ii. d. 74. -- Cf. Lat. cancer; [greek]. ## %%, I. m. 1. A crab, Pac. 1, 237. 2. The name of a plant, Sur. 2, 527, 4. 3. The name of a Nga, Rm. 5, 78, 9. II. f. %%, A female crab, Draup. 5, 9. III. n. A poisonous bulbous plant, Sur. 2, 252, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The name of a plant, probably a sort of cucumber, Pac. 248, 2. ## %%, I. m., and f. %%, The jujube, Zizyphus jujuba. II. n. Its fruit, Yj. 1, 240; also the fem. %%, Bhg. P. 3, 31, 32. III. m. A proper name, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Hard, Mlat. 79, 18. II. m. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 1561. III. f. %%, A small water-jar, Bhart. 1, 47. -- Cf. perhaps Lat. calculus, calx [greek]. ## %%, adj., f. %<>%. 1. Hard, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 740. 2. Firm, Bhart. 2, 56. 3. Cruel, Rm. 3, 36, 23. ## %%, n. 1. Hardness, Kumras. 1, 36, 2. Harshness, MBh. 13, 542. ## %%, I. m. 1. The name of a Nga or snake, Nal. 14, 4. 2. A plant, Momordica mixta, Sur. 1, 137, 15. II. n. Its fruit, 2, 343, 1. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To pain or make uneasy. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. To pierce or bore. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, m. 1. The ear, Man. 8, 125; with %%, To listen, k. 8, 21. 2. A rudder, Rm. 6, 23, 30. 3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2427. -- Comp. When the latter part of a comp. adj. the f. ends in %<>% and %<. Ava->%, m. a timber tree, Vatica robusta, Rm. 1, 26, 15. %%, i. e. %%, adj. with the ears erect, Ragh. (Calc. ed. 15, 11. %%, m. 1. a name of iva, MBh. 12, 10350. 2. the name of a Rkasa, Rm. 1, 3, 34. %%, m. 1. a kind of deer, Antelope picta, Rm. 2, 103, 41. 2. a kind of arrow, MBh. 8, 4668. 3. a span from the tip of the thumb to that of the little finger, MBh. 2, 2324. 4. the name of a holy place, Rm. 1, 42, 13. 5. a name of iva, Kaths. 22, 218. %%, i. e. %%, adj. heard only by four ears, Pac, i. d. 112. %%, adj., f. %<>%, having three ears, Rm. 5, 18, 24. %%, m. a proper name, Pac. 165, 9. %%, m. 1. a goat. 2. an elephant. 3. a Rkasa. %%, adj. earless. %%, I. adj., f. %<>%, having ears like a javelin, MBh. 1, 6662; %<>%, Rm. 5, 18, 24. II. m. 1. an ass. 2. a proper name, Pac. 87, 12. %%, i. e. %%, adj. heard by six ears, Lass. 3, 10. %% (vb. %%), adj. having the ears erect. %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. the castor oil tree. 2. the Butea frondosa. 3. a demigod. 4. the name of a district, Rjat. 5, 32. ## %%, n. The name of a city, Lass. 8, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Having a helmsman, Rm. 2, 52, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A helmsman, Rm. 2, 52, 75. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, without a pilot, Hit. iii. d. 2. ## %%, adj. f. %%, Having ears, Rm. 2, 45, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Heard by the ear, Man. 4, 102. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. From ear to ear, Rm. 6, 21, 39. ## %%, I. m. pl. The name of a country and its inhabitants, MBh. 3, 16352. II. f. %<>%, A proper name, Rjat. 4, 152. ## %%, m. Bhg. P. 5, 6, 8. ## %%, i. e. %% or %%, f. 1. An ornament of the ear, Daak. in Chr. 199, 1. 2. The pericarp of the lotus, Rm. 3, 22, 25. 3. The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 1, 428. -- Comp. %% (perhaps to be corrected to %%), the pericarp of a lotus, i. e. a manner of arraying an army, MBh. 7, 2674. ## %%, I. m. The name of a plant, Pterospermum acerifolium, Rm. 3, 21, 15. II. n. Its flower, t. 6, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Mischievously barbed, Man. 7, 90. 2. In %<-ardhakualakarin>%, MBh. 13, 886, where the aff. %% belongs to %<-ardha-kuala-kara>%, not to %% alone: Wearing in his ear half an ear-ring. ## %% (cf. %%), m. A litter, Rjat. 5, 218. ## %% (cf. %%), m. A proper name, Daak. in Chr. 185, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Gossip, Pac. 36, 19. ## [dagger] %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Cutting, Yj. 2, 229. ## %% (vb. %%), f. Business, Man. 7, 61. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Desiring to do, Rm. 3, 49, 51. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Intending to do, Pac. 12, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., f. %%, and n. 1. An agent, a maker, Rm. 4, 24, 5; Man. 4, 172; 3, 160; 5, 105 (n.); Kaths. 25, 153 (f.). 2. A founder, MBh. 13, 1662. 3. Creator, Rm. 3, 69, 7. 4. An author, Pac. ii. d. 34. -- Comp. %%, m. the first creator, Rm. 6, 102, 18. %%, m. the sun, Hariv. 9367. %%, m. a confectioner. %%, m. an officer of the government, Rm. 2, 67, 1. %%, m. a father, Chr. 15, 28. %%, m. a goldsmith. %%, m. a kind of bird (?), Man. 12, 61. ## %<-kart + ka>%, a substitute for %%, when the latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. %%, adj., f. %%, Accompanied by an agent, Bhp. 46. ## %%, n. Being agent, MBh. 3, 1232. ## and ## %% (for %%, i. e. %%), f. Scissors, Sur. 2, 13, 16. ## [dagger] %%, or ## %%, or ## %%, i. 10, Par. To loosen (akin to %%, a denominative). ## %%, i. e. 1. %%, f. A hunter's knife, Hit. 43, 19 v. r. -- With %%, cf. Lat. culter. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To grumble, as the bowels. ## %%, I. m. 1. Mud, Yj. 1, 197; Rm. 3, 78, 31 (%%, Gore, Pac. iii. d. 107). 2. Dregs, MBh. 14, 2683. 3. A certain plant, Sur. 2, 100, 20. 4. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 1561; of a Prajpati, 12, 2211. II. adj. Soiled, Sur. 2, 309, 5. -- Comp. %%, m. the name of a hell, Bhg. P. 5, 26, 7. %%, m. a sort of perfumed paste. @<[Page 164b]>@ ## %% (this and some of the following words seem to be derived from a base %% = Lat. carpo), m. and n. Rags, Pac. 236, 25. ## %% (see the last), A spear, Daak. 56, 17. ## %% (see %%), n. 1. A pot, Pac. 218, 11. 2. A potsherd, Pac. 217, 22. -- Comp. %%, m. a broken jar, Ghaak. 22. ## %% (see %%), m. and n. Cotton, Sur. 2, 481, 13. ## %%, a denominative derived from the next, Par. To smell like camphor, Lass. 67, 15. ## %%, m. and n. Camphor, Pac. 47, 7. ## [dagger] %%, and ## %%, i. 1, Par. To go. ## %%, adj. Of a spotted or variegated colour, Yj. 3, 166. ## %%, or ## %% (with %% for %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Of a variegated colour, Sur. 1, 40, 12. 2. Grey, Kumras. 4, 27. -- Cf. probably [greek]. ## %<-karmaka>%, i. e. %%, A substitute for %% when the latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. %%, adj. One who has done surprising works, MBh. 3, 8102. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, A hired labourer, a servant, Pac. 10, 4; Kaths. 13, 94. -- Comp. %%, m. a domestic sorvant, Pac. 30, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. A hired labourer, Pac. 116, 20. @<[Page 165a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A workman, Rjat. 5, 90. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. doing cruel works, Man. 12, 58. %%, m. an independent workman. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Proceeding from actions, Man. 12, 3. ## %% (base %%, probably a dialect. form of %%), adj. Eager, Rjat. 5, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. 1. Out of one's works (or with, etc. ?), Man. 12, 98. 2. Concerning one's business, Daak. in Chr. 186, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Action, Bhp. 5; Sv. 2, 28. 2. Work, k. 22, 17. 3. Business, Bhag. 18, 42 sqq.; Pac. 7, 9. 4. Religious action as sacrifice, etc., Chr. 296, 2 = Rigv. i. 112, 2. 5. The actions of a former life as the cause of men's subsequent births and fate, Pac. v. d. 77; cf. %%, and Pac. 134, 9. -- Comp. %%, adj. one who performs surprising deeds, Rm. 1, 21, 18. %%, adj. one who acts like one who is not an rya (like a dra), Man. 10, 73. %%, n. funeral rites, Man. 11, 197. %%, m. a name of Viu, Rm. 6, 102, 16. %%, m. (?) death. Rm. 6, 72, 11. See %%, adj. one who has done his duty, Rm. 1, 66, 1. %%, n. dressing of the hair, MBh. 4, 78. %%, I. n. 1. a cruel deed, Sur. 1, 106, 1. 2. a hard work, k. d. 37 v. r. II. adj. 1. practising cruel deeds, Pac. i. d. 74. 2. f. %%, cruel, Rm. 2, 75, 6. %%, n. domestic business, Pac. 121, 14. %%, n. sensual pleasure, Bhg. P. 5, 14, 31. %%, n. a picture, Kats. 6, 50. %%, n. the ceremony of tonsure, Man. 2, 35. %%, n. roguery, Pac. 96, 22. %%, n. the ceremony on the birth of a child, Man. 27. %%, n. fishery, MBh. 13, 2653. %%, n. a religious ceremony performed with water, MBh. 1, 589. %%, adj. one who performs the three duties of a Brhmaa, MBh. 13, 6455. %%, n. marriage, Man. 4, 5. %%, n. defences, Rm. 5, 49, 14. %%, i. e. %%, I. n. a bad action, MBh. 5, 415. II. adj. wicked, MBh. 5, 4478. %%, i. e. %%, m. a sinner, Man. 4, 248. %%, n. the ceremony of giving a name to a child, Rm. 1, 19, 14. %%, n. labour in boats, Man. 10, 34. %%, adj. having done meritorious actions, Indr. 1, 22. %%, n. a ceremony or sacrifice on the birth of a son, Chr. 55, 4. %%, n. a machination with (poisonous) roots, Man. 9, 290 %%, acc. adv. according to the work (allotted to them), Man. 1, 41. %%, m. 1. the sun. 2. a son of Brahman, the artist of the gods. 3. a saint. %%, i. e. %%, m. a Brhmaa who performs the six acts proper for him. %%, adj. 1. performing any act. 2. following the same business. %%, n. preparation. %%, I. adj. 1. one who performs beautiful works, Rjat. 5, 115. 2. virtuous. 11. m. the artist of the gods. %%, adj. neglecting religious acts. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The name of a river, the water of which destroys religious merit, Bhp. 161. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Produced by action, MBh. 3, 129. 2. Having the nature of action, MBh. 14, 1456. 3. Active, Bhg. P. 7, 9, 21. ## %%, m. A plant, Averrhoa carambola, Lin., Rm. 3, 17, 8. @<[Page 166a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Working, MBh. 3, 1263. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Business, Rm. 5, 12, 39; Man. 8, 419 (public affairs). 2. Cultivated land, Man. 7, 62. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A pause in the performance of sacred actions, Rm. 1, 13, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A workman, Rm. 1, 12, 7. ## %% (base %%), m. A blacksmith, Man. 4, 215. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Attached to worldly action, Bhag. 6, 46. 2. When latter part of a compound word, the aff. %% generally belongs to the whole compound, not to %% alone, e. g. %% is %%, adj. Doing the work of an Anrya, Man. 10, 73. %% is %%, m. A sinner, MBh. 18, 51. %%, is %%, adj. Pure in word, mind, and action, MBh. 17, 96. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To be proud. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, I. m. and n. A market town, Yj. 2, 167. II. m. pl. The name of a country or people, MBh. 2, 1098. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Causing to grow lean, Sur. 1, 189, 1. II. m. Fire, MBh. 13, 6307. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. Dragging, Yj. 2, 217. II. m. and n. A certain weight, equal to 16 mas, about 280 troy grains, Sur. 2, 175, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A cultivator, one who lives by tillage, Yj. 2, 265. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Bringing, k. 69, 15, v. r. 2. Tormenting, Man. 7, 112. 3. Bending (a bow), Ragh. 11, 46. 4. Tillage, Man. 4, 5. 5. Cultivated land, MBh. 3, 10082. 6. At the end of a compound adj. Overpowering, e. g. %%, Overpowering his enemies, Rm. 4, 38, 51. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Dragging, Mcch. 96, 6. 2. Attracting, Ragh. 19, 11. II. m. A cultivator, Kaths. 18, 41. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A furrow, an incision, Sur. 2, 33, 17. ## %% (see %%), adv. At what time; with following %%, At any time, Nal. 24, 22; with a negation, Never, e. g. %%, Man. 2, 4. With following %%, Sometimes, Bhg. P. 5, 17, 24. ## [dagger] 1. %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To sound. 2. To count. ## 2. %% (akin to %%), 1. 10, in three forms, %%, and %%, Par. (%% tm. Rm. 4, 18, 28): %%, 1. To impel, Kaths. 18, 90; %%, to drive, MBh. 4, 1007, Bhg. P. 3, 30, 1. %%, Incited by, i. 9, 59; greedy of, Rm. 5, 83, 10. Comp. %%, adj. steady, calm. - 2. %%, To drive onwards, MBh. 1, 6690; to pursue, Rm. 4, 18, 28. 3. %%, To provoke, Rm. 3, 41, 26. 4. etc. %%, To bear, Gt. 1, 16. 5. To perform, Bhart. 3, 20. 6. To put in, to fasten, Gt. 12, 26. 7. To utter, Gt. 11, 9. 8. To endow, i. 9, 59. 9. To reckon, Bhart. 2, 37. 10. To perceive, i. 9, 83. 11. To consider, i. 9, 58. 12. [dagger] To go: cf. %%. -- With the prep. #<># %<: kalaya>%, 1. To shake, MBh. 1. 2853. 2. To catch, i. 9, 72. 3. To fasten, Kaths. 20, 52; i. 9, 45. 4. To surrender, Bhg. P. 5, 20, 2. 5. To regard, Prab. 5, 5. 6. To perceive, Hit. 38, 10. -- With ## %%, To enumerate one by one, Daak. in Chr. 185, 10. -- With ## %%, I. %%, To loosen, to deliver, Bhg. P. 7, 8, 26; %%, 1. Opened, Pac. 184, 18 (where %% must be changed to %%). 2. Joyful, Bhg. P. 7, 8, 34. II. %%, To beg for dismission, Pac. 244, 25. -- With ## %%, I. %%, To pursue, MBh. 15, 1060. II. %%, To reckon, i. 8, 9. To perceive, Nai. 2, 54. -- With ## %%, 1. To drive onwards, MBh. 1, 7178. 2. To pursue, 3, 10778. -- With ## %%, 1. To drive, Hariv. 1191. 2. To put to flight, MBh. 4, 1981. -- Cf. Lat. celer, cello, procella; [greek] [greek] O.H.G. halon, holon, holn. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, 1. Dumb (ved.). 2. Low, Brhma. 3, 21; soft, k. d. 85; t. 6, 29. %%, adv. Softly, Rm. 1, 19, 10. 3. Indistinct, confused, Megh. 31. 4. Uttering a low sound, Vikr. d. 119. II. m. A kind of Pits or Manes, MBh. 2, 463. III. Often in compound words after %% and %%, adj. Indistinct on account of tears, Rm. 2, 106, 33; 2, 34, 53. %%, adv. MBh. 3, 10839. %%, f. A torrent of tears, Bhg. P. 3, 22, 55. -- Comp. %%, 1. adj. speaking like a drunken person. 2. m. an elephant in rut; see %%. ## %%, m. 1. A confused noise, Rm. 3, 34, 34. 2. A name of iva, MBh. 12, 10378. ## %% (probably an anomalous compound, %%), m. 1. A spot, Rm. 6, 86, 42. 2. The rust of iron, Ragh. 13, 15. 3. Defamation, Pac. 4, 6, 3. -- Comp. %%, m. the moon. -- Cf. %%; [greek] Lat. cligo. ## %%, a denom. derived from the last, Par. To disgrace, Daak. 124, 1. %%, 1. Painted, Bhart. 1, 9. 2. Disgraced, Kaths. 12, 24. ## %%, n. A wife, Bhart. 2, 58. -- Comp. %%, adj. with his wife, Pac. 46, 14. ## %%, adj. 1. Having a wife, Mcch. 67, 3. 2. With his wives, Rjat. 5, 427. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Having a wife. %%, Kings are wedded to the earth, i. e. the earth is the wife of kings, Ragh. 8, 82. ## %%, I. n. 1. Gold, Gt. 8, 4. 2. Silver, i. 4, 41. II. adj. Golden, Rm. 3, 60, 12. ## %% (cf. %%), I. n. A spot, Bhg. P. 3, 31, 2. II. f. %%, Subjection, nandal. 29. III. As latter part of a comp., Bhart. 3, 72, causing, perhaps to be corrected to %%. ## %% (cf. %%), m. 1. A young elephant, Pac. 159, 16. 2. A young camel, Pac. 229, 3. ## %%, m. A kind of rice Rm. 5, 74, 11. -- Cf. [greek]; Lat. calamus; O.H.G. halm; A. S. haelme. ## %%, m. A sparrow, Man. 5, 12. ## %%, or ## %%, I. m. (and f. %<>%, and n.), A water-pot, a cup, Pac. 252, 10; i. d. 225; designation of the ocean when churned, MBh. 1, 1149. II. f. %<>%, 1. A plant, Hemionitis cordifolia, Roxb., Sur. 1, 139, 15. 2. The name of a holy place, MBh. 3, 650. ## %%, m. and n. Quarrel, MBh. 2, 1780. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. a contest about words, Prab. 55, 12. %%, m. a quarrel about trifles, Pac. 171, 25. %%, adj. quarreling, Kir. 5, 13. ## %%, m., f. %%, A kind of duck or goose, Rm. 2, 82, 9; Kir. 5, 13; Ragh. 8, 58. ## %%, a denom. derived from %% by %%, To quarrel, Pac. 207, 22 (Par.). ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. A small part, Man. 8, 36. 2. A part, Man. 2, 86. 3. The sixteenth part of the moon's disc, Hit. pr. d. 1. 4. Interest on capital, i. 9, 32 (at the same time, a sixteenth part of the moon's disc). 5. A division of time, Man. 1, 64. 6. One of the seven elements of the human body, as blood, etc., Sur. 1, 326, 13. 7. One of the sixty-four mechanical or elegant arts, Rm. 1, 9, 8; Daak. in Chr. 180, 7; 9. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. undivided, MBh. 13, 1044. 2. maimed, infirm, MBh. 3, 13851. %%, adj. f. %%, 1. whole, Vikr. d. 95. 2. all, Pac. 53, 21; 55, 12. ## %% (vb. 2. %

    %), m. 1. A bundle, MBh. 3, 10772. 2. A string, Kumras. 1, 43 (of pearls). 3. A band (of belts, laces, etc., worn by women round the waist). t. 3, 20; Bhart. 1, 56. 4. Totality, Bhg. P. 9, 4, 21; perfection, Pac. v. d. 23. 5. A quiver, MBh. 3, 11454. 6. A peacock's tail, Pac. ii. d. 85. ## %%, m. 1. A string, MBh. 3, 10055. 2. A band, i. 9, 45. @<[Page 168b]>@ ## %%, adj., f. %%, MBh. 1, 1957 in %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), the aff. %% belongs to the whole comp., Wearing a strung bow and a quiver. ## %%, adv. (Made) into bundles, MBh. 13, 4509. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. 1. Wearing a quiver, MBh. 4, 141 (the aff. %% belongs to the whole comp.). 2. With its tail spread out, MBh. 3, 11585 (a peacock). II. m. 1. A peacock, Pac. ii. d. 85. 2. A proper name. ## %%, m. An artist, Man. 2, 134. ## %%, m. 1. Peas, MBh. 13, 5469. 2. An unknown plant, i. 13, 21. ## %%, I. m. The moon, Kumras. 5, 71. II. f. %%, A proper name, Kaths. 9, 38. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A die (ved.). 2. The game at dice personified, Nal. 6, 14. 3. The fourth age of the world, Man. 9, 302. 4. Quarrel, MBh. 3, 12282; Hit. iii. d. 47. 5. A very wicked king, MBh. 12, 361; 363. 6. The name of an inferior deity, MBh. 1, 2552. 7. A proper name, Chr. 297, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. The sixteenth part of the moon's disc, Bhart. 3, 1. 2. A bud, t. 6, 17. ## %%, m. pl. The name of a people and their country, Rm. 2, 71, 16. ## %%, I. m. The name of a mountain, on which the Yamun rises, Gt. 3, 2; Rm. 2, 71, 6. II. f. %%, Rm. 2, 55, 4; 12; 13; it must be corrected to %%. @<[Page 169a]>@ ## %% (vb. %%) I. adj., f. %%, Filled, MBh. 1, 3717. II. n. Confusion, Bhag. 2, 52. ## %% (cf. %% and %%), I. adj., f. %<>%. 1. Turbid, Vikr. d. 8. 2. Impure, Man. 10, 57. 3. Choked, k. d. 81. 4. Unable, Ragh. 5, 64. II. n. 1. Dirt, t. 3, 22. 2. Impurity, Rm. 2, 97, 27. ## %%, a denom. derived from the last by %%, tm. To become turbid. ## %%, n. The body, Bhag. 8, 5. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, n. the vile body, Bhg. P. 5, 19, 13. ## %%, m. (and n.) 1. Sediment, Yj. 1, 276. 2. Paste, Daak. in Chr. 199, 13. 3. Foulness, MBh. 1, 268. -- Comp. %%, m. a paste of ground sesame, Mrk. P. 35, 10. ## %<-kalka + ka>%, a substitute for the last, when the latter part of comp. adj., %% adj. Candid, MBh. 3, 4053. ## %% (akin to %%), n. Fraud, Bhg. P. 1, 14, 4. ## %% (MBh. 3, 13111), and ## %% (MBh. 3, 13101), m. A name of Viu in his tenth or future avatra. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %

    %. 1. Able, Bhg. P. 1, 6, 7; with infin., 4, 13, 42. 2. Being a match for, able to protect (with gen.), Bhg. P. 8, 23, 22. II. m. 1. A sacred precept, Man. 5, 74. 2. A rule, Man. 3, 147. 3. Performance, MBh. 13, 4728; usage, Daak in Chr. 189, 17; an act, k. 99, 15. 4. Manner, Man. 1, 112. 5. The rules concerning rites, one of the six Vedngas, Man. 2, 140. 6. A designation of Viu as containing all the sacred precepts, MBh. 13, 953; of iva, 12, 10368. 7. A day of Brahman, a period of 1000 yugas, the duration of the world, Bhg. P. 3, 11, 23. 8. Toxicology, Sur. 1, 8, 5. III. Comp. when the latter part of a comp. adj., f. %

    %, almost like, Rm. 1, 5, 21; 3, 52, 46. %%, adj. unable, with loc., Bhg. P. 7, 12, 23; with infin., 4, 3, 21. %%, m. 1. a former creation, Man. 9, 227. 2. a tale of past ages. %%, m. time of old, MBh. 9, 2732. %%, m. a principal rule, Man. 11, 30. %% (vb. %%), adj. almost quiet, Daak. in Chr. 200, 6. %%, adv. according to rule, Rm. 1, 11, 14. ## %%, m. Rite, MBh. 14, 1571. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. 1. Determination, Prab. 111, 8. 2. Caparisoning or decorating an elephant, Daak. 53, 13. 3. Ornament, MBh. 13, 2784. II. f. %%. 1. A rule, Man. 9, 116. 2. Performance, Mcch. 47, 17. 3. Making, Bhg. P. 2, 5, 42; 4, 18, 32. 4. Imagination. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), f. deceit, k. 66, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A creeper yielding all wishes, Bhart. 1, 89. ## %% (cf. %%), m. and n. 1. Dirt, sediment, Bhg. P. 8, 7, 43. 2. A spot, Rm. 2, 36, 27; Daak. in Chr. 186, 9. 3. Guilt, Man. 12, 104; sin, 12, 22. -- Comp. %%, adj. sinless, Lass. 52, 7. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, spotless, sinless, Pac. iii. d. 212. %%, adj., f. %<>%, sinless, Rm. 2, 29, 16. %%, adj. 1. Unsoiled. 2. Pure. %%, i. e. %%, adj. free from sin or soil. ## %% (cf. the last), I. adj., f. %<>%, Of a mixed or variegated colour, spotted, MBh. 2, 1043; Rm. 1, 52, 20. II. m. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 1552. III. f. %<>%, 1. A cow of variegated colour, Rm. 5, 13, 16. 2. The name of a river, MBh. 2, 2575. ## %%, m. A proper name, Rm. 1, 70, 39. ## %% (i. e. %%, cf. %%, of which the lingual %<>% proves that the original form was %%, cf. also [greek]) I. adj., f. %%. 1. Healthy, MBh. 2, 1974. 2. Ready, MBh. 1, 865. II. n. Dawn, MBh. 1, 6304. III. %%, adv. At break of day, MBh. 1, 6304. %%, Every morning, Rm. 4, 44, 112. -- Comp. %%, adv. too early in the morning, Man. 4, 140. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m. 1. %%, Breakfast. 2. A trifle, Mcch. 34, 10. ## %% (cf. %%), I. adj., f. (%%, and) %<>%. 1. Prosperous, Nal. 12, 92. 2. Blessed, Man. 8, 91; Nal. 8, 10. II. n. 1. Prosperity, welfare, Man. 3, 60. 2. A virtuous action, Rm. 2, 54, 29. 3. An entertainment, Man. 8, 392. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Prosperous, Rm. 6, 23, 7. 2. Useful, excellent, Sur. 2, 285, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. f. %%, Blessed, Kaths. 20. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To sound indistinctly. 2. To be mute. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A billow, Bhart. 3, 37. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A river, Prab. 73, 1. ## %%, m. The name of the author of the Rjatarangi. @<[Page 170b]>@ ## [dagger] %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %% and %%). Former part of comp. words, denoting inferiority, cf. %%. ## %%, n. A mushroom, Man. 5, 3. ## %%, m. and n. Mail, Rm. 3, 50, 3. -- Comp. %%, adj. having wives as a coat of mail, protected by wives, Bhg. P. 9, 9, 40. %%, (wearing an impenetrable coat of mail), m. a class of demons, Arj. 5, 10. %%, adj. clad in armour, mailed. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Mailed, Rm. 3, 56, 30. II. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2738. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m., f. %%, and n. A braid of hair, Amar. 59. ## %%, in %%, adj. Wearing darkness (i. e. black) like a braid of hair, adorned with the young moon as with fresh flowers, i. 9, 28. ## %% (cf. %%, iii.), m. 1. A mouthful, Bhart. 2, 22; a morsel, Rm. 2, 41, 9. 2. Water for rinsing the mouth, Sur. 1, 39, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Devoured, Pac. 213, 6. ## %%, q. cf., Rm. 2, 71, 34 (and at the end of a comp. adj. %%, Kaths. 19, 24). ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Wise (ved.). II. m. 1. A wise man, Man. 7, 49. 2. A poet, Rjat. 5, 203. 3. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4123. III. f. The bit of a bridle, Rm. 1, 53, 18 (cf. %%). -- Comp. %%, m. an excellent poet, Rjat. 5, 204. -- Cf. [greek] in [greek], i. e. [greek], and %%. ## %%, f. Poetry, Rm. Pr. 1. -- Comp. %%, f. excellent poetical talent, Bhart. 2, 18. ## %%, n. Poetic art, Lass. 5, 18; pl. Daak. 196, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Slightly warm, Ragh. 1, 67. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. An oblation to deceased ancestors (the wise men of old), Man. 1, 95. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To sound. -- Cf. %% and %%. ## %%, m., and f. %<>%, A whip, MBh. 3, 13268; 13272; also ## %%, Rm. 3, 30, 23. ## %%, m. and n. A cushion, Bhg. P. 2, 2, 4. -- Comp. %%, m. a Daitya, or demon, slain by Viu. ## %%; also ## %%, m. and f. (%%) and n. A kind of grass, Sur. 1, 377, 18; 2, 223, 11. ## %%; also ## %%, m., and f. (%%) and n. A kind of grass, Sur. 1, 156, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Hastening to the water (passing a river?), Chr. 297, 14 = Rigv. i. 112, 14. ## %%, I. m. and n. 1. Fainting, Chr. 31, 15; 35, 4. 2. Pusillanimity, MBh. 1, 2060. 3. Weakness, Bhg. P. 3, 14, 15. II. adj., f. %%, Dirty, Lass. 75, 11. ## %%, m. The name of a country, Cashmere, Rjat. 1, 27. ## %%, m. The name of a Muni, or sage, Man. 9, 129. -- Comp. %%, m. a name of Vasudeva. @<[Page 171b]>@ ## %% (probably a dialectieal form of %%, vb. %%). 1. i. 1, Par., tm. To scratch, to itch, Bhg. P. 2, 7, 13 (%%, anomalous, or ii. 2). 2. i. 1, Par. To injure, to destroy, Prab. 90, 3. -- Cf. %%, and %%. ## %%, m. The touch-stone, Mcch. 48, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Rubbing, Kir. 5, 47. ## %%, see %%. ## %% (probably vb. %%), I. adj., f. %%. 1. Being of an astringent taste, MBh. 14, 1411. 2. Fragrant, Megh. 32. 3. Red, subst. m. and n., red colour, Yj. 1, 272; MBh. 14, 1263; of a colour composed of red and yellow, Mcch. 113, 3. II. m. and n. 1. An astringent juice, Man. 11, 153. 2. A decoction, Sur. 2, 175, 9. 3. Ointment, MBh. 13, 5970. 4. Dirt, Bhg. P. 2, 6, 45; impurity, 4, 22, 20. 5. Stupor, Vedntas. in Chr. 218, 1. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. full of impure passions, MBh. 12, 568. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Coloured. Prab. 102, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. 1. Bad, Rm. 3, 51, 23; comparat. worse, Man. 7, 53. 2. Miserable, Bhart. 2, 22. 3. Heavy, Yj. 3, 29. 4. Severe, Man. 12, 78. 5. Dangerous, Man. 7, 186; 210. 6. Pernicious, Man. 7, 50. II. n. 1. A blameable action, Rm. 1, 2, 32. 2. Misfortune, Hit. 72, 15. 3. Misery, Pac. 123, 22. Acc. %%, adv. Woe! Rm. 3, 79, 46. -- Comp. %%, n. excessive misery, Bhg. P. 5, 7, 12. ## %% (or ## %%), i. 1, Par. To go, Nal. 2, 2. -- With the prep. ## %%, Caus. To turn out, Pac. 127, 16 (with %<>% instead of %%); 224, 5. -- Comp. ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, Hit. 91, 16, showing his teeth (perhaps from %%, q. cf.). -- With ## %%, Caus. To cause to open, Gha. 19. -- With ## %%, 1. To burst, Sur. 1, 247, 12. 2. To open as a flower, Mlat. 15, 3. 3. To rejoice, Bhart. 2, 71. Caus. To cause to blow, Bhart. 2, 65 (%<>% for %%). -- With ## %%, To blossom, Bhg. P. 3, 15, 17. -- With ## %%, To blow, i. 11, 63. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, and ## %%, see %% and %%. ## %%, and ## %%, f. Musk, Pac. 47, 8; grat. 7. ## %% (abl. sing. n. of %%), adv. Why, on what account, Rm. 1, 9, 26. -- Comp. %%, adv. 1. without a cause, Hit. i. d. 102. 2. instantly, Hit. 18, 2. 3. Suddenly, Sv. 6, 53. ## %%, n. The white esculent water-lily, t. 3, 15. ## %% (see %%), former part of comp. words, Bad. -- Cf. e. g. %%. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Made of brass, Man. 4, 65. II. n. 1. Brass, Man. 5, 114. 2. A drinking vessel, MBh. 2, 1751. ## %% (onomatop.), I. m., A crow, Man. 7, 21. II. f. %%. 1. A female crow, Pac. 52, 23. 2. A proper name, MBh. 3, 14396. -- Comp. %%, m. a small kind of heron. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. literally, Resembling the crow and the palmyra tree, an unknown fable, and denoting, 1. Inconsiderate, Rm. 3, 45, 17. %%, adv. By accident, MBh. 12, 6596. ## %%, adv. By accident, Hit. Pr. 34. ## %% (perhaps %%), and ## %%, adj., f. %%, Timid, Pac. 9, 15. ## and ## %% (cf. %%), f. 1. A soft sound, t. 1, 8; Bhart. 1, 35. 2. %%, A dog-whistle, used for trying whether one be asleep or awake, Daak. in Chr. 186, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, The name of an unknown plant, MBh. 3, 12880. ## %%, and ## %% (perhaps %%), f. A small coin, a quarter of a Paa, Pac. ii. d. 70. ## %%, f. Change of voice in fear, grief, etc.; Vikr. d. 42, %%, My lot is to be obliged by my office to use every day another voice. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron. A descendant of Kakutstha, Rm. 1, 23, 3. ## %% (cf. %%), I. m. A raven, Man. 5, 14. II. n. A division of the infernal regions, or hell, Yj. 3, 223. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The war of the crows and owls, Pac. 148, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron., f. %%, A descendant of Kakvant, MBh. 1, 4695. @<[Page 173a]>@ ## %%, MBh. 1, 224. ## %% (an old desider. of %%, by intermediate %%), i. 1, Par. (in epic poetry also tm., MBh. 13, 769). 1. To wish, Bhag. 12, 17. 2. To desire, Rm. 4, 17, 18. 3. To wait for, MBh. 3, 414. 4. To attend to (with the dat.), Rm. 2, 25, 43. %%, n. Desire, Rm. 5, 29, 9. -- With the prep. ## %%, To desire, MBh. 2, 2135 (tm.). -- With ## %%, To desire, Rm. 2, 49, 15. Caus. To desire, MBh. 3, 12457. -- With #<># %<>%, 1. To desire, MBh. 1, 4286. 2. To strive for, Yj. 1, 153. 3. To seek (with the gen.), Man. 2, 162. 4. To turn towards, Man. 3, 258. 5. To want, Man. 10, 121. 6. To expect, Rm. 2, 5. 19. -- With ## %%, To expect, MBh. 12, 4870 (tm.); to wait for, 4, 734 (tm.). -- With ## %%, To desire, MBh. 4, 1664. -- With ## %%, To desire, Sur. 1, 52, 6. -- With ## %%, To long for, Rm. 2, 112, 12 (tm.). -- With ## %%, To intend, Hariv. 13136. -- Cf. perhaps Goth. huhru; A. S. hungor. ## %%, f. Desire, Nal. 16, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Desire, Rm. 2, 34, 28. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Desiring (with acc.), Rm. 2, 110, 20. 2. Expecting, Rm. 5, 33, 27. ## %%, m. 1. Glass, Pac. i. d. 87. 2. A disease of the eyes, Sur. 2, 305, 4 sqq. @<[Page 173b]>@ ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To shine. 2. To bind. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, I. n. 1. Gold. Man. 2, 239. 2. Wealth, Bhart. 2, 33. II. adj., f. %%, Golden, Man. 5, 112; Rm. 3, 52, 21. III. m. A proper name, Bhg. P. 9, 15, 3. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Golden, Pac. 236, 5. ## %%, m. A substitute for the proper name Hiranyavarman, Chr. 53, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Golden, MBh. 13, 5039. ## %%, m. pl. 1. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 6684. 2. see %%. ## %%, f. A woman's zone or girdle, usually adorned by small bells, Rm. 5, 10, 12. -- Comp. %%, adv. so that her girdle fell down with a sound when loosened by his taking hold of it with his hand, i. 9, 82. ## %%, n. Sour gruel, Sur. 1, 34, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Hardness, k. d. 58. 2. Firmness, Rjat. 5, 440. ## %% (probably a syncope of %% by intermediate %%; cf. Lat. cocles, i. e. *coclo + vit, see %%), adj., f. %<>%. 1. One-eyed, monoculous, Man. 3, 155. 2. Perforated, Pac. ii. d. 74. 3. Blind, Vedntas. in Chr. 210, 20; Hit. Pr. d. 11; Bhart. 3, 5 (used of a worn-out coin). ## %%, m. An abusive word; according to glosses: A son of an unmarried woman, Mcch. 14, 5. ## %%, m. and n. 1. The part of a plant from one joint to another (ved.). 2. A slip, Man. 1, 46. 3. A stalk, Rm. 2, 91, 15. 4. A switch, Rm. 2, 89, 19 (97, 24 Gorr.). 5. An arrow, Hit. 85, 5. 6. The section of a book, Bhg. P. 4, 24, 9; Rm. (title of the first, of the second book, etc.); e. g. %%, The section comprising the sojourn in the forest (title of the third book). 7. A bone, Sur. 2, 31, 5. 8. A multitude, Mlav. d. 43; Rm. 1, 30, 15 (corr. %% for %%). -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %<>%. 1. unjust, Rjat. 4, 655. 2. sudden, Hit. iv. d. 82; loc. %%, suddenly, k. d. 45. %%, a stalk-like leg, Daak. in Chr. 198, 19. %%, a stemlike tusk, 188, 18. ## %%, i. e. %% (properly, irresolute), adj., f. %%, Timid, Rm. 4, 9, 103; disheartened, k. 56, 13. -- Comp. %%, adj. resolute, courageous, Rm. 3, 19, 27. %%, adj. cowardly, Nal. 13, 18. ## %%, f., and ## %%, n. Fear, k. d. 59; Pac. 216, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Fear, Rm. 4, 9, 100; apprehension (care), Ragh. 17, 47. ## %%, i. e. %%, or %%, I. patron., f. %%, A descendant of %% or %%, used as proper name, Rm. 2, 67, 2. II. f. %%, A name of Durg, Dev. 8, 28. ## %%, I. m. A kind of goose, Rm. 3, 78, 27. II. i. e. %%, n. The flower of the Nauclea cadamba, Roxb., Ragh. 13, 27. -- Cf. perhaps, Lat. columba; [greek] O.H.G. tba; A.S. dna. @<[Page 174b]>@ ## %% (for %%), f. 1. The rain-water which collects in the hollow of the tree Nauclea cadamba when the flowers are in perfection, and which is supposed to be impregnated with their honey, Hariv. 5417. 2. A spirituous liquor, k. 76, 6 (Prk.). 3. A proper name, Sh. D. 79, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, metron. m. A serpent, MBh. 1, 2549. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Golden, Sur. 1, 99, 5. ## %%, n. 1. A forest, Hi. 1, 42. 2. A grove, Rm. 3, 68, 12. -- Comp. %%, n. a grove, Bhart. 3, 15. %%, n. 1. a wood abounding in jewels. 2. the throat. ## %%, i. e. %% (ved. young) %<+ a>% (cf. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. A son, a daughter, of an unmarried woman, Man. 9, 172. 2. Serviceable for the pupil of the eye, Sur. 2, 353, 13. ## %% (see %%), m. A proper name, Daak. in Chr. 195, 13. ## %% (vb. %%), n. Charm, grace, MBh. 3, 14437. ## %%, a denominative derived from %% (vb. %%) by %%, tm. To play the lover, Bhart. 1, 50. ## %%, m. and n. 1. A large forest, Rm. 2, 28, 6. 2. Wilderness, Rm. 4, 44, 27. 3. A difficult road, Daak. in Chr. 188, 10. ## %%, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1117. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Beauty, Indr. 5, 7. -- Comp. %%, f. 1. sunshine. 2. the flower of the sesamum. @<[Page 175a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Beauty, Kumras. 4, 5. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Beautiful, Rm. 4, 44, 103. ## %%, i. e. %% (acc. sing. f. of %%) %<-di>% (based on an acc. %%, literally 'to what quarter'), adj. Fugitive, MBh. 12, 6320. ## %%, adj. Fugitive, ukas. 62. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The name of a city, the modern Canouj, Pac. 244, 22. ## %%, m. A bad road, Rm. 2, 108, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Made of skulls, Rm. 1, 56, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, 1. m. A follower of a certain aiva sect, Bhart. 1, 64. II. adj. Practised by a Kpalika, Prab. 57, 12. -- Cf. %% 1. ## %%, m. 1. = %% III. MBh. 13, 1217 (perhaps with lengthened %% on account of the metre). 2. A proper name, Hariv. 9196. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Referring or peculiar to Kapila, Rm. 1, 41, 3; MBh. 12, 12218. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A descendant of Kapila, MBh. 12, 7886. ## %%, n. A spirituous liquor, i. 10, 4. ## %%, I. m. 1. A contemptible man, Pac. i. d. 21. 2. A coward Rm. 6, 89, 5. II. adj. Cowardly, Rm. 6, 88, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Peculiar to monkeys, Rm. 6, 111, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, peculiar to pigeons, MBh. 3, 15408. II. f. %%, The name of a plant, Sur. 2, 173, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. 1. Wish, Rm. 2, 90, 23. 2. Desire, Indr. 5, 61. 3. Love, Man. 2, 94; 214. 4. Intention, Man. 9, 248. 5. A desired object, Man. 9, 304. 6. The god of love, Indr. 5, 49. II. acc. %%, adv. 1. At one's pleasure, Man. 2, 189. 2. Willingly, MBh. 3, 298; Ragh. 12, 75. 3. With following %%, Rather than, Hit. i. d. 125; Man. 9, 89. 4. Indeed, ak. 26, 16. 5. Only, Rm. 5, 94; 21. III. When the latter part of a comp. adj., f. %%. 1. Deairing, Man. 2, 37. 2. Loving, Rm. 3, 55, 29. 3. An infin. ending in %% drops its final before it; cf. %%. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, exempt from desire, Man. 2, 4. 2. unwilling, without one's consent, Man. 8, 364. %%, I. m. du. wealth and pleasure, Daak. in Chr. 181, 24. II. adj. desiring wealth, Nal. 17, 47. %%, i. e. %%, adj. disinterested, Man. 12, 89. %%, adj., f. %%, wishing for a lover or husband, Hi. 3, 15. %%, adj. benevolent, Brhman. 2, 23. %%, adj. one who loves his kinsmen, Prhma. 1, 23. %%, adv. at pleasure. %%, i. e. %%, adj. free from desire. %%, I. adj. 1. one who has attained his desire, Rm. 3, 52, 52. 2. being in love, t. 6, 2. II. %<-mam>%, adv. 1. with pleasure, Pac. 44, 9. 2. indeed, Daak. in Chr. 195, 4 (for aught I care). %%, adj. wishing to sleep. %%, adj., wishing well to, friendly to, Pac. i. d. 360. ## %%, m. Free will, Rm. 3, 66, 6. @<[Page 176a]>@ ## %%, adv. Voluntarily, Man. 11, 41. ## %% (vb. %%), I. adj., f. %%, 1. Coming by one's own free will, Nal. 18, 23. 2. Going as one lists, Rm. 3, 48, 5. II. f. %%, A lascivious woman, Yj. 3, 6. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Going as one lists, Rm. 5, 13, 5. -- Comp. %%, yielding every desired object, MBh. 13, 357. ## %%, adj. One who comes by his own free will. MBh. 4, 222. ## %%, n. Roving at will, Kaths. 18, 206. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Going as one lists, MBh. 13, 4175. II. m. Free will, intention, Yj. 2, 162. ## %%, adv. Through sensual indulgence, Man. 2, 220. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Produced from love of pleasure, Man. 7, 46; 9, 107. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging or proper to the tortoise, Rm. 1, 45, 30. ## %%, adv. 1. By inclination, Man. 3, 12. 2. At one's pleasure, 5, 90. 3. Intentionally, 4, 207. -- Comp. %%, adv. 1. unwillingly, Man. 2, 181. 2. unintentionally, 9, 242. ## %%, n. Love of pleasure, Lass. 40, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Yielding every wish, MBh. 13, 3165. @<[Page 176b]>@ ## %%, adj., nom. sing. %<-dhuk>%, Yielding every wish, MBh. 13, 2700. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Yielding every wish, MBh. 3, 12725. ## %%, patron. (%%). A proper name, Pac. 122, 1. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Meeting all wishes, Rm. 4, 33, 6. ## %%, adv. (either the ved. instr. sing. of %%, or that of a lost noun %%), For my sake, MBh. 2, 728. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Libidinous, Bhart. 3, 51. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Changing one's shape as one lists, Rm. 1, 9, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Changing one's shape as one lists, MBh. 3, 367. ## %%, I. (m. and) f. %%, A disease of the bile, Sur. 1, 193, 15. II. f. %%, A proper name, Hariv. 1453. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Jaundiced, Sur. 2, 469, 3. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Loving, MBh. 1, 3869. ## %%, adj. Granting desires, Ragh. 5, 33. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Sensuality, Man. 2, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Voluptuous, Man. 7, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Wished, wish, MBh. 13, 6025. 2. Wishing, 1969. 3. In %% the aff. %% belongs to the comp. %%, Attaining all one's desires, MBh. 3, 13860. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Love, Hit. i. d. 104. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Desiring, MBh. 13, 7060. 2. Having sexual intercourse, MBh. 1, 4185. II. m. A lover, MBh. 4, 978. III. f. %%, A beloved one, Man. 8, 112. -- Comp. %%, m. one who is not in love, Pac. i. d. 180. %%, adj. fostering wishes, Bhag. 2, 70. %%, i. e. %%, adj. abounding in all pleasures, Sund. 1, 31 (v. r.). ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %% and %%, Desirous, Rm. 2, 74, 7. II. m. A lover, Rm. 5, 16, 42. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, one who has deceived many lovers, Kaths. 12, 190. ## %%, n. Lasciviousness, Megh. 25. ## %%, i. e. %% (the name of a country) %<+ ya>%, I. adj., f. %%, Belonging to Kmpila, Kaths. 25, 53; with %% or %%, or without a subst., ntr. Its capital, MBh. 1, 5512; Rm. 1, 34, 46; Chr. 52, 14. II. m. A proper name, Bhg. P. 9, 21, 32. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Originating from Kamboja, Rm. 5, 12, 36. II. m. The king of Kamboja, MBh. 1, 6995. III. m. pl. The name of the people and of the country of Kamboja, MBh. 1, 2668. ## %%, i. e. I. the ptcple. of the fut. pass. of %%. 1. Amiable, Ragh. 6, 30. 2. Agreeable, Rm. 5, 43, 13. 3. Precious, Rm. 2, 25, 9. II. %%, adj. Connected with a wish, interested, Man. 12, 89. III. f. %%, The name of an Apsaras, MBh. 1, 4820. IV. f. %%, Desire, Man. 5, 27. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, f.; instr. sing. according to their several fancies, Man. 3, 35. %%, i. e. %%, f. desire of benefitting thee, Chr. 15, 2. %%, f. intention to hurt, Man. 4, 165. %%, adj. deserving to be wished for by every one, Sund. 4, 7. %%, f. %%, concern for another's welfare. ## %%, n. The name of a forest, MBh. 3, 218. ## %% f. Beauty, MBh. 13, 1032. ## %%, I. (base %%, a name of the god Prajpati). 1. m. A nuptial form called Prjpatya, Man. 3, 38. 2. n. The root of the little finger, Man. 2, 59. II. i. e. %%, m. The body, Bhag. 5, 11. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. gigantic, Rm. 5, 56, 124. II. m. the name of a Rkasa, Rm. 6, 51, 3 sqq. %%, m. the fore-part of the body, k. d. 7. %%, m. a body consisting of glory, i. e. glory, Bhart. 2, 21. %%, m. Garua. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A mixed tribe or caste, the writer caste; a writer, Rjat. 5, 174; 264; 438. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %% (Man. 8, 153) and %%. 1. Corporeal, bodily Man. 12, 8; Sur. 1, 12, 2. 2. (viz. %%, Immoderate profits) from a pledge to be used by way of interest, Man. 8, 153. ## 1. %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. Latter part of a comp. adj. Making, a maker of, e. g. %%, m. An artist in ivory, Rm. 2, 83, 14. %% (vb. %

    %.) m. A gamester, Pac. i. d. 431. %%, adj. Working at festivals. %%, m. A washerman. %%, and %%, m. A goldsmith. II. m. Latter part of comp. substantives, Making. action. Cf. e. g. %%; especially used after letters to form their name, e. g. %%, the letter %%, the letter %%, the letter %%, Man. 2, 76. ## 2. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Produced by hail, Sur. 1, 170, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Making. Latter part of nominal comps., e. g. %%, adj. Causing security, Pac. v. d. 89. %%, m. A carpenter, Yj. 3, 146. %%, adj. Causing love, Man. 7, 204; %%, adj. Performing the order of one's teacher; %%, adj. Giving joy, MBh. 2, 1925; %%, adj. Versed in an art, Mlav. 65, 15. II. m. An agent; doing, Yj. 2, 233; causing, 3, 150; an author, MBh. 13, 247. %%, m. A maker of lions, Pac. v. d. 31. III. f. %%, A metrical explanation, a memorial verse, MBh. 2, 453. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%. I. m. 1. Motive, Pac. iii. d. 99. 2. Cause, Sur. 1, 310, 4; Kaths. 3, 31 (with the loc.). 3. Primary cause, Man. 5, 152; Bhart. 2, 82. 4. An element, Yj. 3, 148. 5. Basis, Man. 11, 84. 6. Argument, Nal. 16, 27; proof, Man. 8, 200. 7. An instrument, a means, Rm. 1, 65, 10 (cf. Gorr. 1, 67, 4, who reads %%). 8. An organ of sense, Ragh. 16, 22. 9. Abl. %%, and loc. %%, On account of, Rm. 5, 56, 136; 5, 28, 9. Instr. %%, By some reason, C. 23. %%, Because, Pac. 175, 10. %%, From what motive, MBh. 1, 3600. II. f. %<>%, Torture, Daak. in Chr. 195, 16. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. unreasonable, Pac. 246, 6. 2. %% and %%, without cause, Vikr. d. 54; Yj. 2, 234. %%, on account of (supplying) food, Man. 5, 94. %%, n. aim and motive, Pac. i. d. 462. %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. not proceeding from any cause, Bhg. P. 8, 3, 15. 2. disinterested, Pac. ed. oru. 41, 19. 3. Acc. %%, and abl. %%, adv. without a special motive, MBh. 12, 4993; Rm. 6, 10, 23. %%, and %%, i. e. %%, adv. because, Pac. 30, 21; 135, 16. ## %%, adv. By some reason, Ragh. 10, 19. %%, adv. From the relation of cause and effect, Hit. i. d. 33. ## %%, f., and ## %%, n. Causality, Kumras. 2, 6; Bhp. 14. Being the cause, Bhg. P. 3, 26, 26. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A judge, Pac. 237, 20. ## %%, m. A sort of duck, Rm. 2, 27, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron. I. m. MBh. 14, 63. II. n. The name of a holy place, MBh. 1, 7843. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ t>%, m. Giving the power of acting, MBh. 3, 7000; Man. 12, 12. ## %%, f. A gaol, Daak. in Chr, 198, 9. ## %%, m. The name of a mixed caste, viz. of the offspring of a Nida by a Vaideh woman, Man. 10, 36. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, An agent, Rm. 2, 78, 8; MBh. 13, 4804; acting, Man. 7, 26. -- It is generally the latter part of a comp. adj., e. g. %%, adj. 1. One who does a wrong action, Man. 11, 239. 2. One who does not what ought to be done, i. e. who neglects his duty, Man, 5, 107. %%, adj. Indefatigable, Rm. 3, 31, 1. %%, adj. Acting properly, Man. 9, 12 (in a trustworthy manner). %%, m. f. %%, A hair-dresser, MBh. 4, 412. %%, adj. Clever, Rm. 3, 36, 10. %%, m. A kind of wasp. Man. 12, 66. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Doing the same, Man. 9, 261. %%, adj. Persevering in good actions, Man. 4, 246. %%, adj. 1. Obstructing. 2. Fearful. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Sprung up from dung, Sur. 1, 224, 11. II. n. A great quantity of dung, Hariv. 4355. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. and s., f. %%, Working, an artisan, Man. 8, 360. ## %%, m., and f. %%, An artisan, Man. 4, 219. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Compassionate, MBh. 4, 1500. ## %%, f. Compassion, Bhg. P. 5, 13, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Compassion, Pac. ii. d. 25. ## %%, m. The offspring of a Vrtya, or an outcast of the Vaiya tribe, Man. 10, 23. ## %%, m. 1. The name of a country, MBh. 2, 1864. 2. pl. Its people, Bhg. P. 9, 2, 16. 3. Its king, Hariv. 4954. ## %%, adj. Belonging to the Kras, MBh. 1, 2700. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Hardness, Pac. i. d. 205. 2. Harshness, Amar. 24. 3. Rough labour, MBh. 13, 5551. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to the age called Kta, MBh. 1, 3600. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron. m. A name of the Arjuna killed by Paraurma, MBh. 3, 141. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Gold, MBh. 13, 4196. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An astrologer, Daak. in Chr. 180, 13; 197, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. The name of a month (OctoberNovember), MBh. 2, 918. II. f. %%, The day of this month on which the moon is full, MBh. 3, 4073. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The god of war, Rm. 1, 37, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Totality, Sur. 1, 94, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Totality; instr. %%, Comprehensively, Man. 3, 183. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Muddy, Rm. 5, 27, 16. 2. Belonging to the Prajpati Kardama, Bhg. P. 3, 24, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A pilgrim, Skandap. Kck 12, 14; 30, 66. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Misery, Bhag. 2, 7; Rm. 5, 19, 17. 2. Compassion, Bhg. P. 5, 8, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Made of cotton, Man. 2, 44. II. m. and n. 1. Cotton, Man. 8, 326. 2. Cotton cloth, Sur. 1, 25, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Made of cotton, Rm. 5, 49, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A figured web, Yj. 2, 180. ## %%, i. e. %% (the name of a tree, ved.) %<+ a>%, n. A bow, Man. 11, 138. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, having formidable bows, MBh. 4, 1241. ## %%, a denomin. derived from the last by %%, tm. To become a bow, grat. 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Wearing a bow, Rm. 3, 55, 12. ## %%, I. ptcple. of the fut. pass. of 1. %%, cf. %%. 1. What ought to be made, to be done, etc., Man. 3, 248; superl. %%, That which must be done first, Rm. 5, 77, 16. 2. With an instr. To be used; use, Pac. i. d. 81 (%%, kings use a blade of grass); with %%, No use, Rm. 1, 30, 5 (we do not care for possessing the earth); 2, 21, 60 (I am indifferent to life and joy). II. n. 1. Intention, Rm. 1, 18, 15. 2. Duty, Man. 3, 80. 3. Service, Man. 10, 47. 4. Business, Man. 9, 299; affairs, 7, 59. 5. A law-suit, 8, 43. 6. Effect, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 22. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. not to be done. II. n. a wrong action. %%, n. the management of the sacrificial fire, Man. 2, 69. %%, n. 1. ablution, MBh. 1, 791. 2. obsequies, Rm. 3, 72, 38. %%, I. n. the same work, MBh. 2, 791. II. adj. having the same intention, Pac. 182, 5. %%, adj. 1. having accomplished a business, Yj. 2, 189. 2. satisfied. Rm. 6, 97, 21; 2, 99, 11. 3. not wanting (with instr.), MBh. 13, 3862. %%, n. the affairs of the house, Man. 5, 150. %%, i. e. %%, n. leather work, Man. 10, 49. %%, n. an oblation to the deities, Man. 3, 203. %%, n. a sacred duty, Man. 9, 76. %%, n. an oblation to the Pits or Manes, Man. 3, 203. %%, n. a ceremony or sacrifice on the birth of a son, Chr. 50, 16. %%, n. duty, service, of a friend, Rm. 6, 107, 12. %%, n. the affairs of a community, Yj. 2, 189. ## %%, n. Condition of being an effect, Bhg. P. 3, 26, 26. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Business, Rm. 5, 46, 17. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Occupied, Man. 9, 74. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An important matter, Man. 7, 167. Acc. %%, adv. 1. For a special end, Man. 7, 164. 2. On account of judicial proof, 8, 110. 3. For the purpose of work, 10, 55. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Demanding justice, Mcch. 138, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Demanding justice, Man. 7, 124. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Demanding justice, Man. 8, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Meagerness, Megh. 30. 2. Smallness, Ragh. 5, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A husbandman, Rjat. 5, 169. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. A coin, Man. 8, 136. @<[Page 181a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Being of the weight of a kara, Man. 8, 136. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. f. %<>%. 1. Made of the hide of the black antelope, Man. 2, 41. 2. Composed by Ka, MBh. 1, 261. ## %%, i. e. %%, or %%, I. adj., f. %%, Of iron, Man. 11, 133. II. n. Iron, Man. 10, 52. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron., m. Offspring of Ka, MBh. 1, 4812. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Blackness, MBh. 1, 4236. 2. Darkness, Rjat. 5, 94 (in a comp. adj. %%, vb. %% with %%, Dark). ## [dagger] %%, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from the next), Par. To count time. ## 1. %%, m. 1. Due season, Man. 2, 80; instr. %%, In due season, Man. 9, 246. 2. Time, Man, 1, 24; 7, 183; instr. %%, and abl. %%, In the long run, Pac. 32, 24; Man. 8, 251; gen. %%, After a long time, Nal. 18, 1; %%, After some time, k. 110, 15. 3. Mealtime; there are two meal-times a day, therefore, %%, The sixth meal-time = the evening of the third day, MBh. 13, 5175; Rm. 3, 31, 47. 4. A period, Rjat. 5, 73. 5. Death, Bhg. P. 9, 9, 2. 6. Time personified, fate, MBh. 13, 56; Rm. 6, 70, 35; endowed with the attributes of Yama, the regent of the dead, Rm. 1, 21, 13; 3, 35, 43, etc. -- Comp. %%, m. unseasonableness, Sund. 2, 31; loc. %%, unseasonably, Man. 3, 105. %%, m. beginning of time, Rm. 3, 20, 6. %%, m. 1. seasonable time, MBh. 3, 14763. 2. time approved for sexual intercourse, Man. 3, 45. %%, adv. once, Man. 6, 55. %%, m. time of action, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1809. %%, I. m. appointed time, Yj. 2, 184. II. adj. having waited a certain time, MBh. 2, 1875. %%, adv. at the fourth meal-time, i. e. on the evening of every second day, Man. 11, 109. %%, adv. instantly, Pac. 192, 6. %%, i. e. %%, adv. such a long time, MBh. 3, 16889. %%, n. 1. past, future, and present time, Bhg. P. 5, 23, 8. 2. morning, noon, and evening, MBh. 13, 6607. %%, i. e. %%, m. the formidable, all-destroying, time, Rm. 2, 33, 21; a name of iva, MBh. 12, 10418. %%, adv. continually, Man. 2, 58. %%, m. the periodic change of the moon. %% (vb. %

    % with %%), adv. in due season, Pac. 16, 6. %%, adv. Out of due season, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 173. %%, adv. At the proper time, Man. 2, 39. %%, adv. Betimes, early in the morning. %%, m. day. ## 2. %% (cf. %%), I. adj., f. %%, Dark blue, black, Rm. 6, 67, 2; MBh. 16, 57. II. m. 1. A black and poisonous snake, Coluber naga, Lass. 16, 13. 2. The black in the eye, Sur. 2, 336, 20. 3. A name of Rudra, Bhg. P. 3, 12, 12. 4. A proper name, Hariv. 189. 5. The name of a mountain, Rm. 4, 44, 21. III. f. %%. 1. The name of several plants, Sur. 1, 131, 19, etc. 2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2520. 3. The name of a female demon, Hariv. 11552. IV. f. %%. 1. A name of Durg, MBh. 4, 195. 2. A surname of Satyvat, Chr. 6, 1. -- Comp. %%, f. 1. a name of Durg. 2. a fragrant grass, Cyperus. %%, I. m. a name of iva. II. f. %%, Durg. -- Cf. [greek] etc., under %%. @<[Page 182a]>@ ## %%, I. m. 1. The black in the eye, Sur. 2, 304, 2. 2. A sort of grain, Sur. 1, 73, 5. 3. The name of a Rkasa, or demon, Rm. 3, 29, 30; of an Asura, Hariv. 2286. II. f. %%, The name of a female demon, MBh. 3, 12203. -- Comp. %%, m. a mole, a dark spot on the body, Sur. 1, 31, 18. ## %%, m. The name of a Dnava tribe, MBh. 3, 12198. ## %%, I. m. and n. A kind of poison, MBh. 3, 540. II. m. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 4637. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Knowing the proper season, Man. 7, 217. ## %%, m. The name of a range of mountains, MBh. 3, 8198. ## %%, adv. In the long run, Kaths. 6, 101. ## %%, f. Seasonableness, Gha. 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A hangman, Mudrr. 21, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A vegetable, Ocimum sanctum, Sur. 1, 138, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ a>%, m. Procrastination, Hit. iii. d. 90. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Long, Rm. 6, 22, 17. ## %%, i. e. %% (fem. of %%, i. e. mutilated %%), f. Benzoin, Sur. 2, 94, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. m. and f. %%, Benzoin, Sur. 2, 275, 16. @<[Page 182b]>@ ## %%, i. e. 1. %%, m. Hair, nti. 1, 27. 2. %%, m. A proper name, MBh. 2, 113. ## %%, n. The name of a grammar, Kaths. 7, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Iron, Rm. 5, 37, 38. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Of iron Rm. 5, 49, 32. ## 1. %%, i. e. 1. %%, adj. 1. f. %%, Referring to time, Bhp. 120. 2. Seasonable, MBh. 3, 868. 3. f. %%, Long, Rm. 2, 41, 12. -- Comp. %%, adv. without delay, MBh. 4, 908. %%, adj. one who eats only on the evening of every fourth day, Man. 6, 19 (cf. 1. %%, 3.). %%, adv. eating once a day, Man. 11, 123. %%, adj. one who eats only on the evening of every second day, Man. 6, 19 (cf. 1. %%, 3.). %%, i. e. %%, adj. one whose lifetime is elapsed (or %%, adv., without delay), MBh. 8, 3628. %% adj., monthly, MBh. 2, 2080. ## 2. %%, i. e. 2. %%, f. 1. A multitude of clouds, Ragh. 11, 15. 2. The liver, Mit. 1, 31. 3. A blood-vessel in the ear, Sur. 1, 55, 1. 4. The name of several plants, Sur. 2, 499, 2. 5. A name of Durg, MBh. 2, 457. 6. The name of a river, MBh. 3, 8134. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. 1. A prince of the Kaligas, Ragh. 4, 40. 2. pl. = Kaliga, a people, MBh. 8, 2066. II. f. %%, A princess of the Kaligas, MBh. 1, 3775. ## %%, m. A prince of the Kaligas, MBh. 2, 1270. ## %%, m. The name of a mountain, Kaths. 22, 161 (cf. %%). ## %%, i. e. %% (with %% shortened), m. A proper name, k. 3, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. A water melon, Sur. 1, 156, 21. II. f. %%. 1. A proper name, Rm. 1, 70, 33. 2. The Yamun, Pac. 25, 3. -- Comp. %%, f. The wife of the sun. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, m. Blackness, i. 4, 57. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, m. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 1551. ## %<-klna>%, i. e. 1. %%, latter part of compound words derived from nouns ending in %%, adj. Referring to the time of, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, adj. At the time of production, Bhp. 77. %%, adj. Occurring or produced at the same period. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, n. A dark kind of sandal, Sur. 2, 120, 15. ## %%, I. n. A dark kind of sandal, Rm. 6, 96, 3. II. m. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 1555. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Foulness, Kaths. 19, 95. 2. Unfairness, Rjat. 5, 63. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, I. n. A dark kind of sandal, Kumras. 7, 9. II. m. The name of a tribe of Daityas, MBh. 3, 8719; 8769. ## %%, I. n. A yellow fragrant wood, Sur. 1, 146, 3. II. m. 1. One of the interior parts of the body not yet identified, Sur. 1, 208, 3. 2. A kind of jaundice, Sur. 2, 469. 4. @<[Page 183b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Dawn, Rm. 2, 34, 34. ## %%, f. The name of a river, MBh. 2, 372. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Coming from old sages, MBh. 2, 2097. II. m. 1. A class of Pits or Manes, Man. 3, 199. 2. patron. Surname of Uanas, MBh. 1, 3188. III. m. A bard, MBh. 2, 453. IV. n. A poem, Rm. 1, 2, 38. -- Comp. %%, n. a classical poem, Chr. 170. ## %%, i. 1, tm. (in epic poetry also Par.), [dagger] i. 4, tm. 1. To be visible, Rm. 3, 29, 8. 2. To shine MBh. 1, 7008. %%, Resplendent, Rm. 6, 26, 48. -- With the prepos. ## %%, To shine, Bhg. P. 1, 11, 2. -- With ## %%, Caus. To reveal, MBh. 14, 1283. -- With ## %%, cf. %%. -- With ## %%, 1. To be visible, MBh. 3, 9990. 2. To appear, Rm. 6, 20, 10. 3. To shine, MBh. 3, 13750. Caus. 1. To show, k. 12, 11; Rm. 4, 42, 14. 2. To illumine, MBh. 4, 232. 3. To make known, Lass. 3, 9. -- With ## %%, To shine, Rm. 5, 73, 6. -- With ## %%, 1. To appear, MBh. 3, 13982. 2. To shine, Rm. 5, 5, 23. Caus. To discover, MBh. 1, 87. -- With ## %%, To appear, Rm. 5, 40, 10. Caus. To illumine, MBh. 1, 7856. -- With ## %%, To appear, Rm. 2, 65, 14. ## %%, m. and n. A species of grass, Saccharum spontaneum, Rm. 2, 28, 22. When the latter part of a comp. adj., f. %<>%, e. g. %%, adj., f. %<>%, Covered with fresh blossoming Ka, t. 3, 28. Cf. %%. @<[Page 184a]>@ ## %%, adj., f. %%, Made of Ka-grass, Bhg. P. 3, 22, 31. ## %%, I. m. 1. A proper name, Hariv. 1734. 2. The king of Ki, Chr. 19, 6. 3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 13, 1949. II. f. %% and %<>%. 1. The name of Benares, Rm. 1, 12, 22. 2. %<>%, A proper name, Hariv. 9204. ## %<-k + in>%, adj., f. %%, latter part of comp. adj. Shining like, e. g. %%, Like one delighted, charming, Rm. 5, 18, 37. 2. Shining on account of, e. g. %% and %%, On account of victory, victorious, proud on account of triumphs, Bhg. P. 4, 10, 15; Chr. 16, 12. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, adj. Resplendent, Bhg. P. 4, 30, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. A son of Ki, Hariv. 1734. II. f. %%, A daughter of Ki, MBh. 1, 3785. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A plant, Gmelina arborea, Rm. 2, 94, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A plant, Gmelina arborea, MBh. 13, 2773. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Trained in Cashmere, MBh. 4, 254 (a horse). 2. An inhabitant of Cashmere, MBh. 3, 5032. II. m. 1. A king of Cashmere, Mudrr. 18, 17. 2. Cashmere, Rm. 4, 43, 32. III. n. Saffron, Bhart. 1, 48. ## %%, adj. Belonging to Cashmere, MBh. 2, 1025 (the inhabitants); 2, 1271 (the king). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Referring to Cashmere, Chr. 245, l. 2. @<[Page 184b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., and f. %%. 1. Belonging to the Kis; a king of the Kis, MBh. 1, 4128. 2. f. A daughter of the king of the Kis, MBh. 1, 3829. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. %

    %. I. adj. Belonging to Kayapa, MBh. 13, 7237. II. patron. m. A descendant of Kayapa, Rm. 1, 9, 28. ## %%, i. e. %%, patron. m. A name of the dityas, MBh. 13, 7094; of the sun, 1, 1247. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Red, Sv. 3, 18. 2. s. A red cloth, Rm. 3, 52, 9. ## %%, I. n. A piece of wood, Man. 8, 372. II. m. A proper name, MBh. 2, 415. %%, q. v. -- Comp. %%, n. a wooden staff, k. 21, 1. %%, n. a small piece of wood for cleaning the teeth, MBh. 13, 4998. ## %%, m. A kind of bird, probably = %%, Pac. 80, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One who carries wood, Kaths. 6, 42. ## %%, adj., f. %%. Made of wood, Man. 2, 157. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Made of wood or clay, Man. 8, 289. ## %%, f. 1. Aim, MBh. 3, 10424; limit, boundary, Kumras. 5, 28. 2. Place, Bhg. P. 3, 18, 12. 3. A quarter or point of the compass, Bhg. P. 4, 24, 1. 4. A lunar station, Bhg. P. 1, 12, 31. 5. A measure of time, MBh. 1, 1292. 6. A proper name, Bhg. P. 6, 6, 25. @<[Page 185a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. One who carries wood, Kaths. 6, 43. II. f. %%, A small piece of wood, Pac. 194, 12. ## %%, i. 1, tm. To cough, Sur. 1, 38, 10. -- Cf. O.H.G. huosta; A. S. hvosta. ## %%, m. Cough, Bhg. P. 3, 30, 17; with %<>% instead of %%, nti. 2, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, and ## %%, m. A plant, Cassia sophora, Sur. 1, 138, 17. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Subject to cough, Sur. 2, 506, 4. ## %%, m. A pond, Bhart. 1, 39. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Subject to cough, Sur. 1, 116, 9; with %<>% instead of %%, Pac. v. d. 41. ## %%, n. Green vitriol, Sur. 1, 132, 17. ## %%, m. A large drum, Pac. 20, 8. f. A musical instrument, probably a large drum, Rjat. 5, 464. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A name of iva, MBh. 13, 1179. ## %%, ii. 3, Par. To know, ved., cf. %%; the original form was %%, Lat. scio. ## %%, i. e. %% (participle pres. f. of %%), f. Report, Hit. 39, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. A tree bearing beautiful red blossoms, Butea frondosa, Man. 8, 246. II. n. Its blossom, Sur. 1, 224, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. and f. %%, A servant, Rm. 1, 18, 13; MBh. 4, 634. II. m. 1. A tribe of demons, Rm. 1, 3, 30. 2. The name of a people, Rm. 4, 44, 13. ## %%, n. The condition of a slave, Pac. iv. d. 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, and ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), f. Condition of one who does not know what to do, Daak. in Chr. 199, 9; Kaths. 10, 101. ## %% (onomatop.) f., and ## %%, m. and n. A small bell, Rm. 3, 28, 32. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Adorned with small bells, Indr. 5, 12. ## %%, m. A filament, especially of the lotus, Bhg. P. 3, 15, 43; 2, 2, 9; MBh. 3, 12880. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Consisting of filaments, Dev. 5, 51. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To go 2. To fear. 3. To alarm. ## %% (onomatop.), tm. To mash, Sur. 2, 195, 3. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, n. Excretion, dirt, Sur. 1, 328, 14; with %%, Rust of iron, Sur. 2, 469, 10. ## %%, m. A sear or callosity, k. d. 13. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Callous, MBh. 4, 633. ## %%, n. Ferment, a material used to produce fermentation in the manufacture of spirits from sugar, etc., Man. 8, 326. ## %% (akin to %%), ii. 3, Par. To perceive, to know (ved.). Frequent. %%, To see, Bhg. P. 6, 16, 48. Desider. %%. 1. To cure, Bhart. 1, 83; to administer remedies, Pac. 183, 22 (read %%). %%, n. Physic, Man. 10, 47. %%, Curable, MBh. 12, 418. Comp. %%, adj. incurable, Yj. 2, 140. - 2. [dagger] To chastise. 3. [dagger] To remove. 4. [dagger] To destroy. 5. [dagger] To coerce. -- Caus. of the desider. %%, To cure, Mlav. 47, 11. -- Caus. or i. 10, Par. %%. 1. To invite, MBh. 13, 1596; Man. 3, 190. 2. [dagger] To dwell. 3. [dagger] To desire. -- With the prepos. ## %%, desider. To doubt, MBh. 5, 2701. %%, Uncertain, Bhg. P. 2, 4, 10. -- Cf. %%. ## %% (akin to %%), m. 1. A gamester, Man. 3, 151. 2. A cheat, Bhg. P. 8, 20, 3; a rogue, Megh. 110. 3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1832. -- Comp. %%, m. a professed gambler, Yj. 2, 199. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and f. %%, A class of demigods attached to the service of Kuvera, Man. 1, 39. 2. A proper name, Rjat. 1, 197. ## %%, except for the nom. and acc. sing. ntr., the base of the msc. and n. and most derivatives is %%, of the fem. %%, I. interrog. pron., sbst., and adj. Who, what, which, Man. 8, 414; 9, 170; 8, 161. -- With gen. Who, what in proportion to, Kumras. 3, 10: %%, What may the other archers be able to do against me? -- With instr. Away with, e. g. %%, Do not tarry, Rm. 3, 35, 35. %%, In short, Pac. 5, 3. %%, No question, k. 91, 7. -- With instr. and gen. %%, What have you to do with knowing the great arcers? Draup. 7, 4. -- Instead of the instr. may be used also the absolutive, %%, What matters it to you to bring down the sun? MBh. 13, 4628. -- Joined with the demonstr. pron. %%, e. g. %%, Who there? Hit. 18, 11. -- Doubled, e. g. %%, What, what does he not? Pac. i. d. 338. -- It joins two questions in one sentence, e. g. %%, Who of you chooses the one and who the other boon? Rm. 1, 39, 12. II. Indefin. pron. 1. Some, Bhag. 2, 21; generally followed by, a., %%, Bhg. P. 3, 3, 11; preceded by the relat. pron. %%, Whoever, whatever, Man. 12, 95. b. %%, Anybody, Nal. 17, 44 (40); anything, Man. 8, 76; some, Bhg. P. 5, 23, 4; doubled, %%, Several, Rm. 2, 96, 34; preceded by the relat. pron. %%, Whatever, Nal. 4, 2. c. %%, Anybody, Man. 8, 212; any, 8, 232; whoever, Sh. D. 7, 12 somebody, Nal. 14, 2. %%, Some time, Rm. 3, 21, 31. %%, Some one -- another, Rm. 1, 4, 18; preceded by the relat. pron. %%, a. Whatever, Man. 2, 7. [greek] Some trifle, Man. 9, 115. d. %%, see %%. 2. Any, Yaj. 3, 133. 3. Joined with %%, Nobody, Bhart. 3, 99. -- With %% or %%, Nothing, nobody, Nal. 15, 16; Man. 4, 134. %%, Not at all, Bhg. P. 1, 13, 39. %%, Never, MBh. 1, 6132. -- With %%, Nobody, nothing, Nal. 3, 24; not any, Man. 1, 81. -- With %%, Nobody, Bhart. 3, 99; not the least, Pac. 157, 6. III. %% (acc. sing. ntr.) adv. 1. Why, Nal. 11, 3. 2. A particle of interrog., e. g. %%, Are you really desirous of readmission to equality? Man. 11, 195. -- With following %%, How much more? Man. 7, 55. -- With following %%, Further, Kaths. 2, 1; Pac. 226, 11; Hit. 4, 18; go on, k. 89, 17. -- With following %%, But, MBh. 1, 1916. -- With following %%, 1. It lays a stress on the interrogation, Draup. 5, 13. 2. How much less? Bhag. 1, 35. -- With following %%, How much less? Ram. 1, 22, 21. -- A following %% increases the doubt, k. 105, 7; Pac. 44, 21. -- In disjunctive questions we find, %%, grat. 7. %%, Pac. 34, 15 (%%, Shall I kill him with a knife, or shall I give him poison, or shall I kill him like a beast?). %%, Mcch. 171, 14. %%, Mcch. 147, 22. %%, Pac. 68, 14. %%, Bhart. 3, 77. %%, Kaths. 17, 112. %%, k. 106. %%, Rm. 5, 51, 7. %% is sometimes the former part of a compound word, e. g. %%, adj. How aped? Pac. 258, 13. %% is also the latter part of compound words, e. g. %%, adj. Knowing a little, Bhartr. 2, 8. %%, Nothing at all, MBh. 13, 2334. IV. %%, instr. How so? Rm. 6, 12, 4. -- Cf. %% separately. -- Cf. [greek] e. g. [greek] etc.; Lat. quis, qui, etc.; Goth. hvas; A.S. [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Desirable, MBh. 13, 2111. ## %%, adj. To whom belonging, Daak. 195, 10. ## %%, i. e. %% (%% for original %%), adj., f. %%, acc. sing. n. %%, also adv. 1. How great, MBh. 14, 766. 2. How long, Rm. 2, 92, 8. 3. How much, Kaths. 2, 17. 4. Of what value, Kaths. 3, 49; Bhg. P. 1, 13, 22. 5. How little, Pac. i. d. 46. 6. Some, Pac. 246, 13. 7. A little, Pac. 229, 20; with following %%, However small, Pac. 221, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A hog. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, f. %%, an earth worm. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A ray of light, Pac. 223, 3; Daak. in Chr. 199, 1. -- Comp. %%, m. the moon, i. 9, 27. ## %%, m., f. %%, The name of a people, MBh, 2, 584; Ragh. 16, 57. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The title of a poem describing the combat of Arjuna with iva in the shape of a Kirta, Chr. 170. ## %%, m. and n. A diadem. Arj. 5, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Adorned by a diadem (a name of Arjuna), Bhag. 11, 17. ## [dagger] %%, i. 6, Par. 1. To be white. 2. To play. i. 10, Par. %%, To throw (v.r.). ## %%, adv. Indeed, Chr. 14, 18; Pac. 167, 1. ## %%, (cf. 2.) m. 1. A name of iva, MBh. 12, 10365. 2. %%, onomatop. A cry expressing joy, Rm. 6, 26, 47. ## %%, m. and f. %<>%, A kind of coagulated milk, Sur. 1, 179, 17. ## %%, n. 1. Fault, Man. 8, 235. 2. Crime, 8, 296. 3. Sin, Bhag. 3, 13. 4. Injury, MBh. 1, 882. -- Comp. %%, n. an offence equal to larceny, Man. 8, 198. %%, n. an offence against Rma, Rm. 3, 46, 19. @<[Page 188a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Guilty, Man. 8, 13. 2. A sinner, 8, 141. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m. and f. %%. 1. A solt, Rm. 2, 40, 39; 5, 26, 21. 2. A youth Bhg. P. 4, 12, 20; 24, 11. 3. m. The name of a Dnava, Hariv. 2439. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, tm. To kill, to injure. ## %%, m. The name of a mountain, Rm. 4, 8, 37; MBh. 2, 1122. ## %%, f., = %%, Rm. 6, 82, 88. ## %%, m. and f. 1. The forearm, Rm. 5, 32, 11. 2. A span, as measure, MBh. 3, 10454. ## %%, also %%, n. A young shoot, Rm. 4, 50, 28; Megh. 11 (with %<>%). -- Comp. %%, n. a finger, Daak. in Chr. 191, 17 (with %<>%). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Having young shoots, Bhart. 1, 6. ## %%, m. 1. pl. The name of a people, Bhg. P. 1, 3, 24. 2. A proper name, Bhg. P. 5, 4, 10. ## %%, n. A bone, Lass. 95, 13. ## %%, m. 1. A kind of bamboo, Arundo karka, Roxb., Rm. 4, 44, 76. 2. A hollow bamboo, Ragh. 2, 12. 3. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 1, 6085. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. To tinge (or bind). ## %%, m. (and f. %<>% and n.) A worm, Man. 1, 40. An insect, Man. 2, 201. -- Comp. %%, m. a louse, Man. 4, 207. %%, i. e. %%, m. an insect-like bird, a paltry bird, Pac. 75, 19. %%, m. an earthworm. %%, m. an inferior warrior, Mahvrac. 109, 10. ## %% (vb. %%), n. Silk, Man. 11, 168. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Who or what like, of what kind? Pac. 63, 10. -- Cf. Lat. qualis, and the next. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, Who or what like, of what kind? Pac. 130, 10. -- Cf. [greek] ## %%, I. m. 1. The chief servant in husbandry, Man. 9, 150. 2. A poor labourer, or in general a poor man, MBh. 13, 3743. II. adj., f. %<>%, Covetous, Daak. in Chr. 193, 11. ## %%, m. 1. A parrot, Lass. 19, 14. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. a wife's brother. ## %%, i. e. %%, n., and f. %%, Mention, report, Pac. 163, 21; Dev. 12, 21. ## %%, a contraction of %%, ptcple. of the fut. pass. of %%, adj. Memorable, Bhg. P. 3, 15, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Renown, Man. 2, 9. Personified, MBh. 1, 2578. -- Comp. %%, m. a man of a low or impure caste, a Cala, Man. 5, 85. %%, i. e. %%, adj. infamous, Bhg. P. 8, 19, 43. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Renowned, Rm. 1, 2, 45. II. m. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4356. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Made (wreathed) of glory, Bhg. P. 4, 15, 15. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. To bind. @<[Page 189a]>@ ## %%, m. 1. A stake, MBh. 3, 650. 2. A pin, Pac. 44, 14. 3. A wedge, Pac. i. d. 26. 4. A pillar Rjat. 5, 107. -- Comp. %%, m. the name of a mountain, Rm. 2, 80, 18. %%, m. hemorrhoids, Sur. 1, 198, 13. %% (vb. %%), m. a dog. ## %%, m. A wedge, Pac. 10, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A sweet drink (ved.). 2. Blood, Prab. 54, 3. ## %% (vb. %%.), n. Flesh, MBh. 3, 15341. ## %% (vb. 1. %

    %), adj. Drinking blood, MBh. 3, 13241. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Bolted, Gt. 12, 13. ## %%, m. A monkey, Pac. 94, 15. ## 1. %%, a contraction of %%, from %%. Former part of compound words, implying, I. Inferiority, wickedness, e. g. %%, 1. n. A wicked action, Pac. v. d. 64. 2. adj. Doing wicked actions, Bhg. P. 1, 16, 22. %%, n. A shameful action, Pac. 237, 21. %%, m. An infirm bull, Rm. 6, 112, 6. %%, f. A bad mother, Rm. 6, 82, 118. %%, adj. Having a bad origin, Bhg. P. 4, 4, 22. %%, m. A son who has not turned out well, Pac. i. d. 85. %%, m. A bad ascetic, Pac. 126, 1. %%, m. A false doctrine, Rjat. 5, 378. %%, adj. Imperfectly seen, Pac. v. d. 1. %%, f. A false system, Man. 12. 95. %%, adj. sbst. A fool, Pac. i. d. 38. %%, f. An insignificant rivulet, Pac, i. d. 31. %%, m. 1. An erroneous way, Bhg. P. 6, 7, 14. 2. A proper name, Hariv. 203. %%, m. A bad estimator, Bhart. 2, 12. %%, adj. Imperfectly examined, Pac. v. d. 1. %%, m. A contemptible son, Man. 9, 161. %%, m. 1. A contemptible man, MBh. 13, 108. 2. A coward, 5, 5493. %%, m. A frail boat, Man. 9, 161. %%, adj. 1. Foolish, Bhg. P. 5, 5, 17. 2. Mischievous, Pac. i. d. 444. %%, m. A bad servant, Pac. 83, 43. %%, A. f. 1. Perversity, Daak. in Chr. 181, 7. 2. Error, Bhg. P. 1, 9, 36. B. adj. Foolish, Bhg. P. 1, 15, 17. %%, m. An evil advice, Bhg. P. 3, 3, 13. %%, m. A bad counsellor, Rjat. 5, 455. %%, m. An erroneous way, Pac. 122, 24. %%, n. A false friend, Pac. iii. d. 61. %%, adj. Mischievous, Bhg. P. 3, 20, 33. %%, m. A contemptible king, Pac. v. d. 64. %%, adj. Ugly, Pac. v. d. 17. %%, m. A heavy shower, Rm. 6, 89, 15. %%, n. Injurious speech, Pac. v. d. 64. %%, m. A culpable marriage, Man. 3, 63. %%, m. A bad counsellor, Rjat. 5, 439. %%, adj. Walking in error; a sinner, Bhg. P. 8, 23, 7. II. Surprise: How, cf. e. g. %%; how muc? cf. e. g. %%. ## 2. %%, see %%. ## 3. %%, f. The earth, Bhg. P. 6, 1, 42. ## [dagger] %%, or ## %%, i. 1 and 10, Par. To shine or speak. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. To take. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, 1. see %%. 2. m. The name of a prince, MBh. 13, 7679. 3. pl. The name of a people, Rm. 4, 41, 14. ## %%, onomatop. (cf. Lat. cucurire), I. m. A cock, Man. 3, 239 (a dog, C. 98, in Monatsber. der Berliner Ak. Hist. Phil. 1864, p. 413, read %%). II. f. %<>%, The silk cotton tree, Bombax heptaphyllon, Sur. 2, 387, 1. -- Comp. %%, m. a town-cock, Man. 5, 12. %%, m. a kind of waterbird, Rm. 4, 13, 8. %%, m. wild fowl. ## %%, m. A man of a mixed caste, one sprung from a dra by a Nid woman, Man. 10, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, A kind of rice, Sur. 1, 196, 2. ## %%, i. e. %% (onomatop.) %<-bha>% (vb. %%), m. A wild cock, Phasianus gallus, MBh. 13, 2835. ## %%. 1. see %%. 2. m. The name of a muni, or sage, MBh. 2, 113. 3. m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1872. ## %% (vb. %%), m. 1. The belly, Rm. 1, 70, 34. 2. Cavity, Pac. i. d. 281. 3. A cavern, Ragh. 2, 38. 4. A bay, MBh. 3, 793. 5. A proper name, Rm. 1, 70, 21. ## %%, n. Saffron, Crocus sativus, Bhart. 1, 9. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. The emale breast, Rm. 2, 29, 22. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To steal or rob. 2. To be crooked (cf. %%). ## %%, i. e. 3. %% (vb. %%), m. The planet Mars, Bhg. P. 2, 7, 34. ## I. %%, i. 1, and ## %%, i. 6, Par. 1. To straiten, to make narrow, t. 4, 16. 2. To bend, Rm. 5, 55, 27; Pac. 50, 10. 3. To crisp, MBh. 1, 2170. ## II. [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To sound high. 2. To go. 3. To polish. 4. To be crooked. 5. To draw furrows. 6. To resist. -- With the prepos. #<># %<, kucita>%, 1. Compressed, Rm. 3, 31, 21. 2. Contracted, Bhart. 1, 3. 3. Crisped, MBh. 13, 882. -- With ## %%, 1. Frowning, MBh. 1, 4112. 2. Crisped, t. 3, 19. Caus. %%, To turn backwards (?), Rm. 5, 5, 18. -- With ## %%. 1. To contract one's self, Pac. 3, 40. 2. To close, Daak. in Chr. 184, 3. %%, 1. Contracted, Bhart. 3, 74. 2. Shut, Rm. 4, 30, 20. Comp. %%, adj. not wrinkled, Sur. 1, 66, 6. -- Caus. %%, 1. To contract, MBh. 1, 2843. 2. To diminish, Bhart. 2, 37. -- Cf. Lat. quic in conquinisco, conquexi, clus for cuc + lus; [greek]; Goth. hauh; N.H.G. hucke in huckeback, etc. ## %%, n. Shrinking, Sur. 1, 251, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A key, Bhart. 1, 62. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To make any inarticulate sound. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, m. 1. A place overgrown with creeping plants, a bower, Megh. 19. 2. A cavern, Rm. 4, 26, 6; Ragh. 9, 64. ## %% (probably akin to the preceding), m. 1. An elephant, Pac. i. d. 177. 2. Preeminent, Rm. 5, 2, 13; in this meaning it is generally the latter part of a compound, e. g. %%, m. A most excellent monkey (literally, an elephant among monkeys), Rm. 5, 3, 17. 3. The name of a Nga, or serpent, MBh. 1, 1560. 4. The name of a prince, 3, 15597. 5. The name of a mountain, Rm. 4, 41, 50. ## 1. %%, i. 6, Par. To bend. ## 2. %% (akin to %%, based on %%), i. 4, Par. To burst, Lass. 95, 15. [dagger] i. 10, %%, To cut. -- With the prepos. ## %%, To diminish, Sur. 2, 175, 20. -- With ## %%, To divide, MBh. 1, 2842. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A medicinal plant, Wrightia antidysenterica, Megh. 4. ## %%, I. adj. Crooked, MBh. 3, 13454. II. f. %%, The name of a river, Rm. 2, 71, 15 (Gorr. 2, 73, 13, reads %%). ## %%, f. The name of a river Rm. 2, 71, 10. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, 1. Crooked, Rm. 1, 44, 25. 2. Crisped, Bhg. P. 3, 33, 14. 3. Frowning, Rm. 5, 89, 2. 4. Deceitful, Pac. i. d. 73; cf. %%, adj. Candid, Pac. i. d. 142. II. f. %%, The name of a river, Rm. 2, 73, 13, Gorr. (cf. %%); 4, 40, 20. ## %%, I. adj. Crisped, Pac. i. d. 225. II. f. %%, A kind of motion on the stage, Vikr. 62, 17. ## %%, f. 1. A hut, Man. 11, 72. 2. A vessel serving for fumigation, Sur. 2, 33, 18. -- Comp. %%, f. a stable, Pac. 254, 22. %%, f. a hut made of leaves, Rm. 2, 92, 12. %%, i. e. %%, f. a sort of umbrella. ## %%, m. A class of religious mendicants, Bhg. P. 3, 12, 43. @<[Page 191b]>@ ## %%, n. 1. A hut, Gt. 1, 27. 2. Sexual intercourse, Bhart. 3, 66. ## %%, n. A hut, Amar. 48. -- Comp. %%, a hut made of grass, Pac. 34, 9. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from the next), tm. To support a family. ## %%, n. 1. Household, k. d. 95. 2. Family, Man. 11, 22. 3. Family goods, Man. 9, 199. -- Comp. %%, adj. taking care of Vijaya's chariot as a father would a household, Bhg. P. 1, 9, 39. ## %%, n. Family, Hit. i. d. 64. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Taking care of one's family, MBh. 13, 4401. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A householder, Man. 3, 80; f. %%, The wife of a householder, MBh. 3, 13660. 2. A kinsman, Pac. 96, 4. 3. A cultivator of the soil, Rjat. 5, 468. -- Comp. %%, m. a charioteer, Rm. 6, 89, 19. ## %% (a form of %%, based on %%), I. i. 10, Par. 1. [dagger] To cut. 2. To cut in a defective manner, Sur. 1, 361, 19. 3. [dagger] To censure. 4. To multiply. II. [dagger] i. 10, tm., v. r. of %%. -- With the prepos. ## %%, Par. To cut off, MBh. 13, 3305. ## %%, adj., f. %<>%, 1. Latter part of compound words, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Breaking with a stone, Man. 6, 17. 2. A multiplier. -- Comp. %%, m. the woodpecker, Picus Bengalensis, Pac. 157, 4. %%, m. a coppersmith, Rm. 2, 90, 25 Gorr. (thus to be read instead of %<-kua>%). ## %%, 1. adj. = %% 1. Yj. 3, 49. 2. = %% 2. ## %%, and ## %%, f. A procuress or bawd, Hit. i. d. 9; Prab. 14, 4. ## %% (cf. %%), I. adj., f. %%, Plastered with small stones, Rm. 2, 80, 13. II. m. and n. A floor or ground smoothed and plastered, MBh. 14, 2522; 1, 6964; Mlav. 21, d. 27. -- Comp. %%, n. 1. an umbrella. 2. a tent. ## %%, m. and n. 1. An opening bud, Mcch. 10, 10. 2. Opening, Rm. 4, 38, 40. ## %%, m. (and f. %%), I. An axe, Rm. 2, 35, 41. II. m. The name of a Nga or serpent, MBh. 1, 2156. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. A wood-cutter, Rjat. 5, 310. II. f. %%, A small axe, Bhart. 3, 23. A lancet, Sur. 1, 26, 13. ## [dagger] %%, i. 6, Par. 1. To act as a child. 2. To eat. 3. To heap. 4. To dive(?). ## %%, m. A measure of grain, etc., described as a vessel four fingers wide and as many deep, containing twelve handfuls; the fourth part of a Prastha, MBh. 14, 2722. ## %% (cf. %%), I. m. An opening bud, t. 2, 25. II. adj. Opening, MBh. 4, 393. III. n. A kind of hell, Man. 4, 89. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Covered with opening buds, Amar. 70. @<[Page 192b]>@ ## %%, n. A wall, Yj. 2, 223. ## [dagger] %%, i, 6, Par. 1. To sound. 2. To cherish; to support (or to pain). i. 10, Par. %%, 1. To address. 2. To converse with. 3. To invite. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, I. m. and n. 1. A dead body, carrion, Man. 12, 71. II. m. 2. A spear, MBh. 14, 142. ## %% (probably a form of %%, cf. %%), m. 1. A cripple with a crooked or withered arm, MBh. 3, 1270. 2. The name of a prince, Bhg. P. 9, 24, 13. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To maim (? v. r.). ## %%, i. 1, Par. 1. [dagger] To be maimed. 2. [dagger] To be lazy. [dagger] i. 10, Par. To cover (? v. r.). %%, 1. Blunt, Kumras. 2, 20. 2. Powerless, Rjat. 5, 138. -- Comp. %%, adj. sharp, Ragh. 1, 19. -- With the prep. ## %%, Blunted, Ragh. 5, 44. ## %%, adj. Blunt, Rm. 3, 32, 16. -- Comp. %%, adj. sharp, Bhg. P. 1, 19, 31. ## %%, m. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 370. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To maim (?). i. 1, tm. To heat. i. 10, Par. To preserve. ## %%, I. m., f. %<>%, and n. A pitcher, a jar, a water pot, MBh. 3, 14311. II. m. and n. A basin of water, MBh. 13, 4816; Rm. 4, 26, 4. III. n. 1. A hole in the ground for receiving and preserving consecrated fire, MBh. 3, 8216. 2. A vessel for holding coals, Rm. 5, 10, 16. IV. m. 1. A son of anadulteress born before the death of the husband, Man. 3, 156; 174. 2. The name of a Nga or serpent, MBh. 1, 4828. 3. A name of iva, MBh. 12, 10358. -- Comp. %%, n. the vessel containing the %%, or beverage of immortality. %%, n. a hole in the ground for receiving the fire for an oblation. ## %%, 1. A jar, Kaths. 4, 47. 2. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 6983. ## %%. I. m. and n. 1. A ring, Bhg. P. 5, 23, 3. 2. An ear-ring, Bhart. 2, 63. II. m. The name of a Nga, MBh. 1, 2154. III. f. %%, A proper name, Mrk. P. 21, 34. -- When the latter part of a comp. adj., the f. is %%, e. g. %%, adj., f. %%, Surrounded by mountains, MBh. 3, 10943. %%, adj. With earrings. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Having earrings, MBh. 1, 7005. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. One who eats food offered by the son of an adulteress, Man. 3, 158. II. m. 1. The name of a Nga or serpent. 2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 4553. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Carrying a water pot, MBh. 3, 16016. II. m. A horse, MBh. 2, 2061(?). ## %%, I. m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3747. II. n. The name of a city, Nal. 21, 2. ## %%, m. and n. 1. A blanket made of the hair of the mountain goat, Man. 3, 234. 2. The eighth portion of the day, about noon, MBh. 13, 6040. @<[Page 193b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %% and %%), adv. 1. = Abl. of %%, Lass. 13, 14. 2. From what place, Hi. 2, 24. 3. Whence, Rm. 1, 14, 36. 4. Whither, Bhg. P. 8, 19, 34. 5. Why, Rm. 3, 1, 12. 6. How, Brhma. 1, 28. 7. How much less? Indr. 1, 17. 8. With following %%, From some, Pac. 229, 1; from somewhere. 9. With %% and following %%, From no quarter whatever, Man. 6, 40. 10. With following %%, From any, Daak. in Chr. 179, 7; from anywhere, Pac. 239, 5. -- Comp. %%, adv. from no quarter, Pac. 68, 25. ## %%, n. Desire, Gt. i. 42. ## %%, n. 1. Eagerness, Nal. 1, 16; abl. Eagerly. 2. Curiosity, Nal. 13, 48. 3. Desire, Lass. 67, 12. 4. A surprising object, Pac. 124, 9. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Anxious, eager, Mlav. 51, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Eager, Ragh. 15, 65. 2. Inquisitive, Man. 4, 63. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %% and %%), adv. 1. Where, Rm. 5, 34, 21. 2. Whither, Lass. 25, 5. 3. %% are used to denote a great difference, Bhg. P. 7, 9, 25. 4. With following %%, Somewhere, Mrk. P. 8, 120. 5. With following %%, a. In some, Pac. 256, 6. b. Somewhere, Rm. 5, 1, 5. With preceding %%, Nowhere, MBh. 3, 10359; Pac. 36, 22. c. %%, In some cases -- in others, Man. 9, 34. 6. With preceding %% and following %%, In whomsoever even, Bhg. P. 8, 8, 22. -- Cf. Goth. hvathro and hvar; Engl. whither; Lat. cur. ## %%, adj. Where dwelling, Bhg. P. 5, 10, 17. ## %%, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from %%), in epic poetry also i. 1, MBh. 2, 2298, Par. 1. To blame, MBh. 2, 2121. 2. To contemn, Man. 2, 54. %%, Contemptible, MBh. 13, 2222. %%, Blameable, Bhart. 2, 12 (thus to be read). -- With the prep. ## %%, To blame. Rm. 2, 75, 2. ## %%, m. The name of a i, Chr. 296. ## %%, n. Contempt, Man. 4, 163. ## %%, f. Blaming, MBh. 13, 6589; Blame, 2, 2235. ## %%, i. 4, Par. To stink. %%, Fetid, Sur. 2, 115, 3. -- Causal, %%, To cause to putrefy, Sur. 1, 344, 4. -- With the prep. ## %%, To begin stinking, to turn putrid, %%, Sur. 1, 344, 5. ## %%, I. m., and f. %%, and n. A painted woollen blanket, MBh. 2, 1894. II. m. A kind of grass, Poa cynosuroides, Rm. 2, 30, 14 (but Gorr. reads %%, 2, 30, 16). ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. To speak falsely, to lie (v.r.). ## %%, m. and n. A kind of spade or hoe, MBh. 3, 8871. ## %%, m. A disorder of the finger nails (cf. the next), Sur. 1, 292. 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, One who has whitlows on his nails, Man. 3, 153. ## %%, m. A lance, Rm. 3, 28, 24. ## %%, m. 1. Hair, Bhg. P. 3, 28, 30. 2. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 347. @<[Page 194b]>@ ## %%, m. I. m. 1. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 590. 2. The king of the Kuntis, Bhg. P. 9, 24, 30. 3. A proper name, Mrk. P. 2, 2. II. f. %%, One of Pnu's wives, MBh. 1, 3811. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To hurt. 2. To afflict. ii. 9, %%, 1. To embrace. 2. To afflict. ## %%, I. m. and n. A kind of jasmine, Jasminum multiflorum, or pubescens, Megh. 48. II. m. 1. A name of Viu, MBh. 13, 7036. 2. The name of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 20, 10. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. To speak falsely, to lie. -- Cf. %%. ## 1. %%, i. 4, Par. tm. 1. To become excited, Sur. 2, 184, 11. 2. To be angry, Man. 3, 229. With dat. gen. and acc., Of the person with whom one is angry, Pac. 23, 22; Rm. 4, 19, 24; 1, 49, 7. %%, Enraged, Man. 9, 313. With %% and gen. (enraged against us), Pac. 73, 15. %%, adj. Not liable to become angry, MBh. 15, 821. Caus. %%, 1. To excite, Sur. 2, 204, 3. 2. To provoke, MBh. 2, 2140. tm. To provoke against one's own self, MBh. 2, 2187. Anomalous %% for %% for %% for %%, MBh. 1, 5790; 2, 2188; 3, 1956. 3. To be angry, Bhg. P. 4, 5, 11. -- With the prep. ## %%, 1. To be much excited, MBh. 1, 1186. 2. To be very angry, MBh. 13, 2101. -Caus. 1. To excite violently, MBh. 14, 469. 2. To provoke violently, MBh. 13, 7403. -- With ## %%, 1. To become agitated, Sur. 2, 396, 4; MBh. 13, 14508. %%, Very angry, Pac. 163, 5. %%, Rather indifferent, Daak. in Chr. 194, 11. Anomalous %%, Vikr. d. 130. -- Caus. 1. To excite, MBh. 14, 465. 2. To provoke, Man. 9, 313. -- With ## %%, To become angry, MBh. 3, 1093. -- Caus. To provoke, MBh. 4, 1845. -- Cf. Lat. cupio = %%. ## [dagger] 2. %%, i. 10, Par. To speak or shine. ## %%, I. n. (and ## %<-kupya + ka>% as latter part of a comp.), Any metal except gold and silver, Man. 7, 96. II. m. A proper name, Rjat. 6, 264. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%, cf. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Hump-backed, Pac. 261, 12. 2. Crooked, Pac. ii. d. 74. ## %%, I. adj. Humpbacked, Pac. v. d. 77. II. m. An aquatic plant, Trapa bispinosa, Man. 8, 247. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10 (rather a denom. derived from the next), Par. To play as a child. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %% in its original signification, To be weak), I. m. 1. A child (ved.). 2. A boy, Man. 7, 152. 3. A youth, Ragh. 3, 40. 4. When compounded, often: Young, as latter part, k. 27, 15; Ragh. 3, 40; as former part, Man. 3, 159, From early youth. 5. A young prince, Ragh. 12, 41. 6. A name of Skanda, the god of war, Sur. 2, 394, 10. 7. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1870. II. f. %%. 1. A girl, Man. 3, 54. 2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 3796. 3. The name of a river, MBh. 6, 343. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. a prince, Lass. 7, 2. %%, i. e. %%, m. one of the four sons of Brahman, and eldest of the progenitors of mankind. %%, I. adj. 1. soft, smooth. 2. youthful. 3. delicate. II. m., and f. %%, names of several plants. ## %%, I. m. 1. A boy, k. 50, 1. 2. A youth, Bhg. P. 3, 3, 24. 3. The name of a Nga or serpent, MBh. 1, 2154. II. f. %%, A girl, Pac. 184, 4. ## %%, n. Youth, Ragh. 17, 30. ## %%, m. A name of Agni, MBh. 2, 1148. ## [dagger] %% (v. r.). ## %%, n. The esculent white water-lily, Nymphaea esculenta, Bhg. P. 3, 23, 38. ## %%, I. m. and n. The white esculent water-lily, Nymphaea esculenta, Pac. 50, 10. II. m. The name of a Nga or serpent, MBh. 1, 1560; of a celestial being, Bhg. P. 7, 8, 39; of a monkey, Rm. 4, 39, 37; of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 16, 12; of a man, Rjat. 5, 422. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A group of lotus flowers, Pac. i. d. 152. ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Abounding in lotusses, Ragh. 4, 19. II. f. %%, 1. A group of lotus flowers, k. d. 65. 2. A plant, Menyanthes indica, Sur. 2, 251, 18. 3. A proper name, Ragh. 16, 85. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par., v. r. of %%, i. 10. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, and i. 10 (cf. the last and the next), To cover. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par., v. r. of %%. -- Cf. the last and the next. ## %% (the vb. %%, from which this noun is derived, is lost in the corresponding signification, but cf. %% [greek]; Engl. hump; O.H.G. hofar; Lat. cubitus, the elbow, lying, etc., cubare, concumbere, etc.; and at the end of this article. From these and other instances, we may infer that the original signification of the vb. %% was 'to be crooked'), I. m., and f. %%. 1. A pot, Man. 11, 186; MBh. 18, 84. 2. A measure of grain, equal to twenty droas, Man. 8, 320; 4, 7. II. m. 1. dual, The two frontal globes of an elephant, which swell in the rutting season, Pac. i. d. 351. 2. The paramour of a harlot, grat. 9. 3. The name of a Dnava, MBh. 1, 2527; of a Rkasa, Rm. 5, 79, 15. -- Comp. %%, m. a fire pot, MBh. 13, 5490 (he will get [in hell] a fire pot, in order to be burnt therein; cf. %%). %%, m. an unburnt earthen pot, Pac. iii. d. 13. %%, i. e. %%, m. a water pot, Man. 2, 182. %%, m. a bosom like the frontal globes of an elephant, grat. 9 (v. r.). %%, m. the name of a hell, Mrk. P. 12, 34. %%, m. a golden jar filled with water from a holy place. %%, m. the part of an elephant's forehead below the frontal globes. %%, I. m. the name of a mountain. II. n. gold. -- When latter part of a comp. adj. the fem. is %%, e. g. %%, adj., f. %%, Bearing jars filled with water, Kaths. 18, 339. -- Cf. [greek] a vessel, [greek] etc.; Goth. hups; O.H.G. huf; A.S. hipe; O.H.G. hufila, 'a cheek,' hfo and hauf, a multitude, heap; cf. supra. ## %%, I. m. A religious exercise, closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 18. II. f. %%, A small pot, Kaths. 6, 41. @<[Page 196b]>@ ## %%, m. A potter, Pac. 217, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The wife of a potter, Kaths. 21, 134. ## %% (akin to %%), m. A thief, k. 13, 2 (Prk.). ## %% (akin to %%), m. A crocodile, MBh. 13, 5457. ## [dagger] %%, i. 6, Par. To sound. ## %%, I. m. An antelope, Pac. 114, 18. II. f. %%, A female antelope, Gt. 9, 11. III. m. The name of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 16, 27. ## %%, a denominative derived from the last by %%, tm. To turn an antelope. ## %% (onomatop.), I. m. An osprey, Rm. 3, 15, 6. II. f. %%, A female osprey, MBh. 1, 908. III. m. The name of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 16, 27. ## %%, m. The name of a plant; see the next. ## %%, I. m. 1. A crimson species of amaranth. 2. A purple sort of Barleria, t. 6, 18. II. n. The flower of these plants, t. 6, 31. ## %%, m. 1. pl. The name of a people, Man. 8, 92. 2. The progenitor of the Kurus, MBh. 1, 4346. ## %%, Rm. 3, 79, 36. ## %%, m. 1. The name of several plants, a kind of barley, Sur. 1, 197, 1. 2. A ruby, i. 9, 8. ## %%, m. Rubbish (?), Pac. iii. d. 118. @<[Page 197a]>@ ## %% (onomatop.), also ## %% and ## %%, m. A dog, Pac. ii. d. 97; Hit. 50, 3. %%, also, The proper name of a prince, MBh. 13, 7679; and a people, Rm. 4, 41, 14. ## %%, i. 1, %%, Par. and tm. 1. To hop, Hariv. 8398. 2. [dagger] To play. -- Caus. of the frequent. %%, To invite to hop, Hariv. 8403 (%%, read %%). -- With the prep. ## %%, To hop briskly, Hariv. 8404. -- With ## %%, To jump aloft, Pac. 124, 7. -- With ## %%, To jump on, Pac. 118, 15. ## %%, m. A bodice, t. 4, 16. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To accumulate. 2. To be of kin. ## %%, n. 1. A herd, Rm. 4, 40, 24; a flock, t. 1, 23; Pac. 82, 20. 2. A multitude, Bhg. P. 1, 9, 33. 3. A caste. Bhg. P. 9, 9, 43. 4. Family, Man. 2, 34. 5. A house, Man. 7, 82. 6. A grange, holding as much land as can be tilled by two ploughs, each drawn by six bulls, Man. 7, 119. 7. Noble lineage, Man. 7, 54. 8. An inspector of causes, Man. 8, 169 (? Kall.). -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, being of a suitable family, Rm. 3, 35, 67. %%, i. e. %%, n. high rank, k. d. 92. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, degenerate, k. d. 123. %%, n. 1. a herd of kine, Rm. 1, 9, 60. 2. the name of a temple, Rjat. 5, 23. %%, n. a temple of the god of punishment, perhaps Yama, or a court of justice, Pac. 128, 25. %%, i. e. %%, I. n. a base family, Man. 2, 238. II. adj. sprung from a base family, Bhart. 1, 89. %%, n. a temple, Mcch. 30, 15. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, having no kindred, Man. 8, 28; with %%, to exterminate one's family, Rm. 4, 26, 14. %%, n. a low family, Mcch. 83, 8. %%, i. e. %%, I. n. 1. the court of a king, Daak. in Chr. 183, 18. 2. a court of justice, Pac. 96, 20. 3. a royal race. II. m. a prince. %%, i. e. %%, n. science, Rjat. 5, 158. %%, adj. 1. having a family. 2. belonging to a family. ## %%, n. A multitude, Bhg. P. 5, 7, 11. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. m. A person of high birth, Man. 8, 179. -- Comp. %%, adj. a person of base birth, Pac. i. d. 466. ## %%, f. An unchaste woman, Pac. 37, 11. ## %%, adv. According to one's rank, Chr. 52, 10. ## %%, probably %% (vb. %%), m. 1. A kind of vetc, Dolichos uniflorus, MBh. 13, 5468. 2. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 373. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Preserving a family, Bhg. P. 1, 13, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A proper name, Daak. in Chr. 188, 24. ## %%, i. e. %% (or rather mutilated %<-punant>%, ptcple. pres. of %

    %), I. m. The name of a Trtha, MBh. 3, 6074. II. f. %%, The name of a river, 13, 7646. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Nourishing a family. MBh. 13, 4427. @<[Page 198a]>@ ## %%, adj., f. %%, Belonging to a high family, Kaths. 21, 103. ## %%, n. and m. A nest, Pac. 94, 16. ## %%, m. A potter, Pac. 218, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A kinsman, Yj. 2, 233. 2. The name of a king of the Ngas or serpents, MBh. 1, 2549. ## %%, I. m. 1. A kind of mouse, Sur. 2, 278, 3. 2. The forktailed shrike, Sur. 1, 201, 18. 3. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2239. II. f. %%, The name of a city, Rm. 2, 68, 16. ## %%, m. 1. pl. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 590. 2. Its prince, MBh. 3, 12350. ## %% (perhaps rather %%), m. and n. 1. An axe, MBh. 3, 810. 2. The thunderbolt of Indra, Bhart. 2, 29. -- Comp. %%, thunderbolt-like nails, Pac. 16, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Being of a good family, Man. 7, 210. 2. Of noble breed, Rm. 5, 12, 31. 3. Latter part of a comp. adj. Belonging to a race or family of; the aff. %% belongs to the whole comp., e. g. %%, adj. Belonging to the same (i. e. his) race, Chr. 25, 53. %%, adj., f. %%, Belonging to a race of great kings, Rm. 2, 88, 3. %%, adj. Sprung from a low family, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 404. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Sprung from a low family, Rm. 3, 23, 15. %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. Well born, nobly descended. ## %%, n. Noble birth, Bhart. 1, 61. @<[Page 198b]>@ ## %%, probably borrowed from [greek], m. (and n.), A crab, Pac. 265, 9; the sign of the zodiac, Cancer, Rm. 1, 19, 8. ## %%, m. A little crab, Pac. 50, 11. ## %<-kuleya>%, i. e. %%, in %%, i. e. %%, adj. Belonging to his family, MBh. 1, 6804. ## %%, I. m. Sour gruel, Bhg. P. 5, 9, 12. II. f. %<>%, The name of a river. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Referring or belonging to a family, Bhg. P. 7, 6, 12; Bhart. 3, 24. -- Comp. %%, m. 1. A distant kinsman, Man. 9, 187. 2. A kinsman in general. ## %%, f. 1. A rivulet, a canal, MBh. 3, 10408. 2. The name of a river, MBh. 13, 1742. -- Comp. %%, f. 1. a holy river, MBh. 2, 1041. 2. the name of a river, MBh. 3, 8026. 3. a proper name, Bhg. P. 5, 15, 5. %%, f. a proper name, Bhg. P. 5, 15, 5. ## %%, a denomin. derived from the last by %%, tm. To become a rivulet, Bhart. 2, 78. ## %%, n. A water lily; see %%. ## %%, I. n. A water lily, Megh. 34. II. m. and n. The terrestrial globe (i. e. 3. %%), Bhg. P. 5, 16, 5; 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Adorned with water lilies, Ragh. 11, 93. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Dominion over the terrestrial globe, Rjat. 4, 372. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A name of Viu, MBh. 13, 7012. ## %%, m. A weaver. ## %%, probably for %%, i. e. %%, m. The god of wealth, Man. 7, 42. ## [dagger] %%, v. r.; see %%. ## %%, I. m. and n. The sacrificial grass, Poa cynosuroides, Man. 2, 43. II. m. 1. A proper name, Rm. 1, 34, 1. 2. One of the great dvpas or divisions of the universe, Bhg. P. 5, 1, 32. ## %% (perhaps for %%, and akin to %%), I. adj., f. %%. 1. Happy, Bhag. 18, 10. 2. Healthy, Rm. 2, 70, 12. 3. Expert, Pac. v. d. 33; skilful, Nal. 19, 19; 20; with loc., Man. 7, 190; gen., Yj. 2, 181; infin., MBh. 1, 53. II. %%, adv. Well, Bhg. P. 1, 14, 29; mildly, Man. 6, 48. III. m. The name of a people, MBh. 6, 359. IV. n. 1. Well-being, Rm. 1, 52, 5. 2. Happiness, Pac. 192, 23; prosperity (of devotion), Man. 2, 127. 3. Salutation, Rm. 1, 73, 8. -- Instr. %%, adverbially, Cheerfully, Rm. 2, 34, 22. -- Comp. %%, adj. unlucky, Bhag. 18, 21; Rm. 2, 64, 44. %%, adj. Knowing the sacred ordinances, Man. 11, 37. %%, adj. expert in arms. %%, adj. well acquainted with sea-voyages and journeys by land, Man. 8, 157. %%, i. e. %%, adj. expert in all affairs, Nal. 8, 4. %%, i. e. %%, adj. having prosperity in one's own power, k. 64, 23. ## %%, f. Cleverness, Man. 12, 73. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Prosperous, Nal. 2, 16. 2. Safe and sound, Rm. 3, 69, 14. @<[Page 199b]>@ ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Abounding in Kua grass, MBh. 3, 10533. II. f. %%, The name of a city, MBh. 3, 11792. ## %%, m. A proper name, MBh. 1, 2363. ## %%, m. A proper name, Rm. 1, 23, 11. pl. His descendants, MBh. 1, 3723. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Holding Kua grass, MBh. 13, 973. ## %%; see %%. ## %% (%% is mutilated %%), 1. m. An actor, Man. 3, 155. 2. du. %% and %%, the sons of Rma, Rm. 1, 4, 2. ## %%, m. A granary, Hit. 66, 19; Man. 4, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Dwelling in Kua grass (viz. fire), MBh. 13, 1698. II. n. A water lily, Ragh. 18, 3. ## %% (akin to %%, and based on %%), ii. 9, %%, Par. (also i. 6, Bhg. P. 3, 16, 10), 1. To tear, Bhg. P. 3, 16, 10. 2. [dagger] To draw out. -- With the prep. ## %%, To pull, Sur. 2, 145, 2. -- With ## %%, To tear out (i. 6), Bhg. P. 5, 26, 19; %%, Torn out, Ragh. 7, 47. ## %%, m. and n. 1. A plant, Costus speciosus, Rm. 2, 94, 23. 2. i. e. %%, Leprosy, Bhart. 1, 89. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, and ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Subject to leprosy, Sur. 1, 270, 21; Man. 3, 7. ## [dagger] %%, also ## %%, i. 4, Par. To embrace. -- Cf. [greek] for [greek], ep. fut. [greek], etc. -- O.H.G. cus, kussian; A.S. coss, cyssan, belong rather to %%. ## %%, probably %% (from the base of the pres. %%), n. Usury, Pac. i. d. 12; with %<>% for %%, Man. 8, 410. ## %%, probably, %%, n. A flower, Man. 11, 70. -- Comp. %%, adj. flowerless, Kir. 5, 10. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Consisting of flowers, Prab. 7, 14. ## %%, n. Having flowers instead of arrows, k. d. 54. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Blossoming, Rm. 2, 96, 15. ## %%, probably %% for %<>% and %%, I. m. and n. Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius, i. 9, 14. II. m. 1. A student's water-pot. 2. The name of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 16, 27. ## %%, adj. Bearing a water-pot, Man. 6, 52. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10 (rather a denomin. derived from %%), tm. 1. To smile. 2. To see mentally, to imagine. ## %%, i. 10, tm. To surprise, to deceive (cf. the next). ## %% (%% probably = [greek]), I. adj., f. %%, and sbst. Deceiving, a cheat, MBh. 3, 14718; a juggler, Bhg. P. 1, 15, 21. II. m. 1. A kind of frog, Sur. 2, 290, 6. 2. The name of a king of the Ngas or serpents, Bhg. P. 5, 24, 29. III. n. and f. %%, Juggling, Hit. iv. d. 101; MBh. 5, 5461. -- Comp. %%, m. one who is no deceiver. Sur. 2, 290, 6. ## %% (cf. the last). I. n. 1. A cavern, Bhart. 3, 29. 2. A cavity, Prab. 3, 15. 3. The interior, Bhg. P. 3, 28, 33. 4. Coition, Daak. in Chr. 196, 22. II. m. The name of a serpent, MBh. 1, 2701. ## %%, The cry of the cuckoo, MBh. 15, 724. ## %% (onomatop.?), tm. To show surprise, MBh. 3, 14129. ## %%, 1. %% (cf. %%), f. The new moon; probably that part of the day of the new moon when the moon is completely waned, MBh. 3, 14129. 2. The name of a river, Bhg. P. 5, 20, 10. 3. The cry of the cuckoo, Gt. 1, 47. ## %%, and ## %%, ii. 2, Par., i. 1 and 6, tm., and as v. r. of %%, ii. 9, Par. tm. To cry. Frequent. %%, cf. [greek]; cf. %%. ## %% (onomatop., from the cry of the cuckoo, cf. [greek] O.H.G. gauc; A.S. gaec), i. 1, Par. (tm. see %%), To make any inarticulate sound: 1. To cry, as a bird, MBh. 3, 9926. To coo, Rm. 2, 52, 2. 2. To buzz, t. 6, 34, v. r. 3. To rustle, Ragh. 2, 12. 4. To moan, Rm. 3, 32, 33. 5. To fill with one of these sounds, Rm. 3, 78, 27. %%, n. 1. Inarticulate sound, Ragh. 9, 26. 2. Chirping, Bhg. P. 4, 6, 12. -- With the prep. ## %%, To rival in chirping, Rm. 3, 79, 24; in singing, 2, 96, 13; in moaning, MBh. 3, 14144. -- With ## %%, To buzz, Rm. 3, 79, 6. -- With #<># %<>%, To sing, as a bird, Sur. 2, 503, 13. -- With ## %%, To utter a monotonous sound, Kaths. 10, 130. -- With ## %%, To fill with a sound, MBh. 3, 5212. -- With ## %%, 1. To chirp, Rm. 3, 7, 4. 2. To fill with chirping, Bhg. P. 3, 23, 20. -- With ## %%, To utter inarticulate sounds, Rm. 2, 95, 11. -- With ## %%, To buzz round about, Sh. D. 55, 20. -- With ## %%, To answer by an inarticulate sound, Rm. 2, 56, 9. -- With ## %%, To cry, Rm. 3, 76, 7. ## %%, m. Croaking of the bowels, Sur. 2, 514, 1. -- Comp. %%, adj. not murmuring, MBh. 1, 4116. %%, i. e. %%, adj. silent, Rm. 2, 59, 10. ## %%, n. Croaking of the bowels, Sur. 2, 402, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Subject to croaking of the bowels, Sur. 2, 428, 13. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. 1. To burn. 2. To sorrow. 3. To advise. -- i. 10, tm. 1. To be foul. 2. To avoid giving. 3. To despond. ## %%, I. m. and n. 1. The head, MBh. 16, 110. 2. Top, Rm. 6, 95, 24. 3. The peak or summit of a mountain, MBh. 1, 1172. 4. Chief, Bhg. P. 2, 9, 19. 5. A multitude, a heap, Rm. 1, 13, 15 6. A hammer, Bhg. P. 4, 25, 6. 7. A trap, Rm. 4, 17, 6. 8. An enigma; %%, enigmatic speech, Bhg. P. 6, 5, 29. II. adj. 1. Untrue, false, Yj. 1, 80; 2, 241 (viz. coin). 2. Insidious, Man. 7, 90 (concealed in wood, Kull.; cf. %%). -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. open, honest, Yj. 1, 323. 2. genuine (viz. coin), 2, 241. %%, n. a trap by means of dice, MBh. 3, 1266. %%, n. the prominence over the eye, Yj. 3, 96. %%, m., %%, m. names of mountains, Megh. 17; Hit. 18, 6; Rm. 1, 1, 30. %%, I. adj. having three elevations, MBh. 12, 6170. II. m. the name of several mountains, MBh. 2, 1484. %%, i. e. %%, adj. devoid of fraud, free from danger, Rm. 2, 84, 16 %%, i. e. %%, adj. pretending falsely to be a Brhmaa, MBh. 13, 4526. %%, m. a mountain in the Dekhan. %%, n. an ant-hill. %%, m. the hump on the Indian ox. %%, m. winter, %%, i. e. %%, m. a range of mountains. ## %%, I. adj. False, Yj. 2, 241. II. m. The name of a mountain, Bhg. P. 5, 19, 16. ## %%, m. A false witness, Man. 3, 158. ## %%, m. A forger. Yj. 2, 70. ## %%, Rm. 4, 29, 10. ## %%, adv. By heaps, Arj. 9, 5. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. 1. Having attained the summit Bhag. 6, 8; chief, Bhg. P. 3, 5, 49. 2. Universally, and perpetually the same, Bhg. P. 2, 5, 17. -- Comp. %%, adj. surrounded by a multitude of most beautiful women, Bhg. P. 1, 11, 36. ## [dagger] %%, i. 6, Par. 1. To eat. 2. To become firm -- Cf. 2. %%. ## %% (derived from %%, the base of the present of %%), i. 10, Par., tm. To contract; %%, Sur. 1, 362. 1. ## [dagger] %%, i. 10, Par. To be weak. ## %%, m. 1. A pit, MBh. 1, 716. 2. A well, Man. 4, 202. -- Comp. %%, m. a pit-fall, a pit the opening of which is overgrown, Kaths. 4, 120. %%, i. e. %%, m. a pore of the skin. ## %%, m. A welldigger, Rm. 2, 80, 3. ## %%, m. and n. 1. A bunch of grass, Hariv. 7816; cf. Kaths. 24, 96. 2. Designation of some puffed up parts of the human body, e. g. the palms and balls of the foot, Sur. 1, 338, 13. ## %%, m. A brush, Sur. 1, 101, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Puffy, Sur. 1, 260, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Leaping, Pac. 122, 5. ## %%, m. The elbow, Daak. in Chr. 200, 2. ## %%, m. A bodice, t. 5, 8, v. l. -- Cf. %%. ## %%, m. 1. A tortoise, Rm. 4, 16, 32. 2. One of the five vital airs of the body, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 15. 3. The name of a king of the Ngas or serpents, MBh. 1, 2549. ## [dagger] 1. %%, i. 1, Par. To hinder. ## 2. %% (%%), i. 10, Par. To singe, Sur. 2, 435, 20. -- With the prep. ## %%, To singe, Sur. 2, 350, 18. ## %%, n. 1. A slope (ved.). 2. A bank, Man. 6, 78. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, the bank of which is turned toward the south, Bhg. P. 1, 19, 17. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, turned toward the east, Man. 2, 75. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Rapid, k. d. 117. @<[Page 202b]>@ ## %%, adj. Hollowing out a bank, Ragh. 4, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A river, Rjat. 5, 68. ## %%, m. and n. The pole of a carriage, MBh. 3, 14601. ## %%, I. m. A kind of imp, Yj. 1, 284. II. m., and f. %<>%, The name of certain holy texts, Man. 8, 106; Yj. 3, 304. ## 1. %% (originally %%; cf. %%, and %%), ii. 8, Par., tm., %% (in epic poetry also %%, MBh. 3, 10943); ved. ii. 5, %%; ii. 2, e. g. %%; i. 1, %%. 1. To make, Chr. 293, 3 = Rigv. i. 88, 3 (%%, ved. conjunct.); Pac. i. d. 436; Man. 2, 154; Rm. 1, 1, 59. 2. To do, Rm. 1, 9, 10. 3. To perform, Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 88, 4 (%%); Man. 1, 55 (one's natural functions); Rm. 3, 53, 11 (an order); 1, 2, 2 (to show respect); Pac. 82, 14 (to show pride). 4. To tell, Rm. 1, 2, 34. 5. To compose, Rm. 1, 3, 38. 6. To appoint, Man. 7, 78; 9, 127. 7. To sacrifice, Man. 3, 210. 8. To act for or against a person; with the gen. of the person, MBh. 3, 2160; with the loc., Rm. 2, 64, 61. 9. To assume, Man. 7, 10. 10. To prepare, MBh. 13, 2794; to cook, Man. 9, 219. 11. To cultivate, Yj. 2, 158; to till, Man. 10, 114. 12. With nouns designing sounds, speech, To utter, MBh. 3, 11718. 13. With nouns designing time, To pass, MBh. 15, 6; to wait, 1. 2294; with %%, To delay, Hi. 4, 13. 14. With nouns denoting mind, To give one's heart to, Man. 12, 118; to resolve, Chr. 11, 11; Rm. 1, 9, 55. 15. With %%, To practise, MBh. 3, 11824; with %% or %%, To make the oblation of water to a deceased one, Man. 5. 188; Rm. 1, 44, 49; with %%, To contaminate, Man. 8, 367; with %%, To put up with, Pac. iv. 28; with %%, To inflict a punishment, Lass. 14, 14; with %%, To give a wife in marriage, Rm. 1, 77, 26; with %%, To give a name, Man. 5, 70; with %%, To surpass, Ragh. 17, 18; with %%, To undo, Man. 8, 154; with %%, To break, Pac. 8, 17; with %%, To fear, Rm. 1, 22, 14 Gorr.; with %%, To wander over, Rm. 4, 46, 14; with %%, To exclude, Man. 2, 103; to expel; with %%, To deprive, Nal. 13, 25; with %%, To apply diligence, Man. 2, 168; with %%, To think of the love, Rm. 1, 21, 14. 16. With the instr., To do with, %%, Of what use will be conjunction, C. 106, in Monatsb. d. Berl. Ak. d. Wiss., 1864, 413; To use, Man. 10, 91; with %%, To mind, MBh. 1, 7051; with %%, To love, Mcch. 73, 7. 17. To be of use, with gen., Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 2436. 18. With the loc., To put on, MBh. 1, 1883; with %%; To mind, Rm. 2, 64, 8; with %%, To mind, C. 92, in Monatsber. d. Berl. Ak. d. Wiss. 1864, 413; with %%, To remember, Rjat. 5, 313; with %%, To subdue, Man. 2, 100. 19. With the infin., To begin, Rm. 2, 6, 10. -- Ptcple. of the pf. pass. %%, I. very often as former part of comp. words, and as n. 1. Well done, MBh. 1, 1615. 2. Well, Rm. 3, 3, 16. 3. Away with, with instr., or %% and instr., Mcch. 108, 5. II. n. 1. Doing, Man. 7, 197. 2. A benefit, Pac. i. d. 427. 3. The name of one of the dice, MBh. 4, 1578. 4. The name of the first age of the world, Man. 1, 69. III. m. A proper name, MBh. 13, 4356. IV. Instr. %%, and loc. %%, On account of, Rm. 1, 76, 6; 1, 45, 45. -- Comp. %% see separately. %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. 1. wicked. Man. 11, 229. 2. unreasonable, MBh. 2, 1400. II. n. sin, Man. 3, 191. %%, i. e. %%, adj., an anomalous comp., having made scriptural homage, Man. 2, 70. %%, adj. made by Vivakarman (?), Chr. 38, 12. %%, adj. assisted, Bhp. 65. %%, I. adj. 1. done well. 2. treated with kindness. 3. virtuous, pious. 4. fortunate. II. n. 1. a virtuous act, Man. 3, 37. 2. kindness. 3. virtue. 4. fortune. %%, adj. 1. self-formed. 2. Done by, to, or for one's self. %%, adj. filled with the uproar of a battle, Chr. 32, 25. -- Ptcple. of the fut. pass., %%, n. A work, Rm. 1, 34, 32. Comp. %%, n. suitable action, Rjat. 6, 269. %% and %% see separately. -- Causal, %%, 1. To cause to be performed, Man. 2, 30; to cause to be cultivated, Yj. 2, 158; to cause to be put, Man. 8, 251; to cause to be treated, Rm. 2, 58, 16. 2. To order to make, Man. 7, 16; to order to prepare, Pac. 129, 9; to order to practise, Man. 8, 410. 3. To make, Hit. d. 71. %%, Caused, Man. 4, 118. %%, An exacted interest, caused by risk, Man. 8, 153. %%, 1. To be caused to perform, Rm. 2, 14, 16. 2. To be procured, Pac. 24, 21. -- Desiderative, %% (in epic poetry tm., Nal. 3, 14), 1. To desire to do, Rm. 2, 35, 11; to desire to perform, Man. 11, 192. 2. To desire to establish, Rjat. 5, 461. %%, 1. Desired to be performed, Man. 4, 254. 2. n. Intention, Man. 7, 202. -- %%, combined and compounded: With the adv. ## %%, To burn, Rjat. 5, 226. -- With %%, which becomes ## %%, 1. To put up with, Pac. i. d. 192; to submit, Rjat. 5, 177. 2. To subdue, Amar. 52. 3. To take to heart, Pac. 236, 4. 4. To promise, Bhart. 2, 69. -- With the prepos. ## %%, Excessive, MBh. 3, 10064; n. Excess, Rm. 5, 25, 21. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To overcome, k. d. 16, v. r. -- With the prep. ## %%, 1. To put at the head, Bhg. P. 1, 9, 37. 2. To appoint, Yj. 2, 30. 3. Pass. To get entitled, Bhg. P. 5, 10, 16. 4. With loc., To be at the head, to inspect, MBh. 4, 241. %%, Best, Pac. iii. d. 67. Comp. %%, m. a judge, Pac. 41, 16. -- Absolutive, %%, Referring to, k. 4, 5. -- With ## %%, 1. To do afterward, Amar. 50. 2. To back, Pac. iii. d. 270. 3. To imitate, Man. 2, 199. 4. To repay, with the acc., Bhg. P. 3, 14, 20. 5. To bring in harmony, Bhg. P. 7, 7, 36. Caus. To cause to imitate, Bhg. P. 4, 29, 17. -- With ## %%, 1. To remove, MBh. 3, 10492. 2. To injure, Rm. 4, 16, 19; with the gen. of the person, Rm. 2, 38, 5; with the acc., MBh. 3, 14835. %%, n. Injury, Pac. i. d. 317. -- With ## %%, To make (%%, to settle), Sund. 2, 26. Desider. %%, To desire to fight, MBh. 4, 1660. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, 1. To initiate, Rm. 6, 40, 14. 2. To make intimate, Pac. i. d. 290. -- With ## %%, To adorn, Rm. 1, 73, 19. -- With ## %%, To adorn, Rm. 3, 53, 36. -- With ## %%, To adorn, Pac. 159, 19. -- With ## %%, 1. To adorn, MBh, 1, 4941. 2. To violate, with gen., Man. 8, 16. -- With ## %%, To adorn beautifully, Chr. 60, 35. -- With the prep. ## %%, the initial is kept in %%, i. e. %%, Pure, MBh. 12, 13201. -- With the prep. #<># %<>%, Caus. 1. To ask, Rm. 2, 13, 2. 2. To call, Pac. 24, 13; %%, To be called. 3. To produce, Vedntas. in Chr. 215, 6. Desider. To desire to perform, Daak. in Chr. 200, 24. -- With the prepositions ## %%, To remove, MBh. 1, 5680. %%, To pay, Man. 6, 35. -- With ## %%, 1. To bring near, MBh. 3, 3098. 2. To deliver, Nal. 25, 16. 3. To grant, MBh. 3, 15965. 4. To gain, MBh. 3, 10278. 5. To describe, Bhg. P. 3, 6, 35. 6. To perform a preparation for a sacred work, Man. 4, 95. %%, adj. Not hallowed by holy texts, Man. 5, 7. -- With ## %%, To satisfy(?), MBh. 1, 7765. -- With ## %%, 1. To remove, Rm. 5, 13, 31. 2. To disown, Chr. 8, 27; MBh. 13, 4753. 3. To disapprove, Vedntas. in Chr. 215, 17. 4. To undo, MBh. 1, 7666. -- With ## %%, To explain, Rm. 5, 56, 5. %%, adj. Undivided, Bhg. P. 3, 11, 37. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To trouble, Pac. v. d. 25; Rm. 4, 41, 29. -- With the adv. ## %%, i. e. %%, 1. To put in one's self, Yj. 3, 54; cf. Man. 6, 25. 2. To subdue, Bhart. 3, 34. -- With the adv. ## %%, To make manifest, Sh. D. 15, 20; to show, 60, 17. %%, Publicly known, Man. 11, 226. %%, adj. Not public, ib. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To make a present, Ragh. 7, 29. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To agitate, Prab. 62, 3. -- With the prep. ## %%, 1. To confer, Man. 2, 149. 2. To offer, Man. 2, 245. 3. To serve, Pac. i. d. 95; with the gen. of the person, Pac. i. d. 398. 4. To confer a benefit, Man. 8, 394; with the gen. of the person, Rm. 4, 38, 47. 5. To honour, Rjat. 5, 311. 6. To set out on, with the dat., Rm. 1, 37, 5 Schl. (Gorr. v. r.). The initial is kept in %%, 1. Possessed of, having, Bhg. P. 1, 11, 28. 2. Prepared, MBh. 1, 778. 3. Adorned, Bhart. 2, 12. 4. Benefitted, MBh. 13, 5893. Comp. %%, adj. 1. uncultivated, MBh. 13, 3335. 2. not ornamented, Man. 5, 112. 3. untainted, Man. 3, 257. 4. blameless, Man. 7, 98. %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. unaccomplished, MBh. 12, 9768. 2. plain, 12, 9079. -- With the prepositions ## %%, To repay, Pac. i. d. 95 v. r. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To offer, with gen., Kaths. 10, 141. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To promise, to offer, Ragh. 15, 70. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To warm, Mcch. 50, 1. -- With ## %%, To grant, Hit. iii. d. 96. -- With the numeral %%, which becomes ## %%, To join, Rm. 5, 13, 58. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To change into a medicine, Mcch. 121, 13. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To contemn, MBh. 3, 11381. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To make tawny, MBh. 3, 16351. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To make tributary, MBh. 1, 4462. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To offer as tribute, Kaths. 19, 114. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To trouble, Rm. 3, 22, 14; 5, 57, 5. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To redden, Rm. 6, 33, 17. -- With ## %%, an old abl. sing. of %%, To contemn, Bhg. P. 5, 7, 11. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %% in %%, adj. 1. Ring-streaked, Nal. 14, 3. 2. Moving circularly, Sur. 2, 523, 16. -- With the comp. %%, which becomes ## %%, To satisfy, Lass. 83, 13. -- With the noun %%, becoming ## %%, To make poor, Mcch. 19, 13. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To surround, MBh. 14, 2230. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To cut to pieces, Pac. 262, 16. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To abuse, Mcch. 33, 24. -- With the noun %%, becoming ## %%, 1. To lay waste, Ragh. 11, 14. 2. To deprive of any strength, Mrk. P. 9, 8. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, to use as water for rinsing the mouth, Bhg. P. 9, 15, 3. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To change into a pool, Rm. 5, 31, 62. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To devour, Kaths. 9, 57. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To make circular, Kumras. 3, 70. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To provoke, Mlav. 44, 5. -- With ## %%, Caus. To cause to be surprised, Kaths. 25, 225. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To make something the object of thinking, Bhg. P. 4, 1, 28. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To change into a picture, k. d. 148. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To mark, MBh. 13, 826. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To crush, Rm. 5, 54, 7. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To interweave, Pac. 223, 2. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To shut in one's self, Bhg. P. 3, 9, 20. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, 1. To stiffen, Rm. 6, 6, 1. 2. To benumb, Rm. 5, 33, 5. 3. To make stupid, Bhg. P. 6, 3, 25. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To beat to pieces, Rm. 6, 83, 54. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To diminish, to abandon, Ragh. 6, 80. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To redden, MBh. 7, 8458. -- With the adv. ## %%, 1. To remove, Bhg. P. 3, 2, 18. 2. To cover, Man. 4, 49. 3. To surpass, Pac. 118, 13. 4. To conquer, Hit. iii. d. 8. 5. To contemn, Bhg. P. 1, 18, 48. %%, adj. Greatest, Pac. 7, 10. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To hallow, Bhg. P. 1, 13, 9. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To despise, Bhg. P. 5, 10, 25. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To value like a grass-blade, MBh. 1, 7062. -- With the pron. ## %% (see %%), To thou somebody, as an insult, Yj. 3, 292. -- With the noun %%, which becomes ## %%, To walk around somebody keeping the right side towards him, Bhg. P. 3, 24, 41. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To enslave somebody, Kaths. 22, 84. To subdue, Chr. 94, 30. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To turn into day, Mcch. 59, 5. -- With %%, becoming ## %%. 1. To extend, Kumras. 3, 26. 2. To carry far, Megh. 32. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To afflict, i. 2, 11. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, 1. To remove, Prab. 2. To surpass, k. d. 16. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To fasten, Prab. 43, 14. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To double, i. 1, 63. -- With the adv. ## %%, To offer to Brhmaas, Rjat. 5, 120. -- With the interj. ## %%, 1. To reproach, MBh. 12, 1422. 2. To show contempt, Rm. 4, 9, 8. -- With the noun %%, becoming ## %%, To use as a means of protection, Hit. ii. d. 95. -- With %%, becoming ## %%, To make somebody a naked mendicant, Bhart. 1, 64. -- With ## %%, 1. To salute, Man. 11, 110. 2. To adore, MBh. 3, 2160; with dat. and acc. -- With %%, becoming #

    %, Trembling, Vikr. 28, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Causing to tremble, Rm. 1, 74, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A heap, plenty, Rm. 6, 79, 38. -- Comp. %%, m. a mole-hill, Mcch. 47, 6. %%, adj., f. %%, strewed with plenty of flowers, Rm. 1, 77, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Boasting. II. m. 1. Excess, Daak. in Chr. 192, 21. 2. Distinction, k. d. 38. 3. Exaltation, Man. 10, 42; an exalted rank, Man. 4, 244. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Putting off (his clothes), MBh. 2, 1665 (cf. 1667). ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Longing for, Kaths. 22, 105. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Tearing up, Megh. 16. ## %<-utkira>%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Heaping up, Kumras. 5, 26. ## %%, adj. 1. Stretched out. 2. Erect. 3. (Sitting) with the legs under one's body, Fausbll, Dhammap. 306. @<[Page 111b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Cry, Rm. 5, 17, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Leaping, jumping aloft, Pac. 124, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Bribe, Rjat. 5, 363. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., One who receives bribes, Man. 9, 258. II. (n.) The name of a holy place, MBh. 1, 6914. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Departure, Man. 6, 63. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An osprey. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Tossing up, Megh. 48. 2. Stretching out, k. d. 126. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A purloiner, Yj. 2, 274. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Tossing up, Bhp. 5. 2. Lifting up, k. d. 29. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. An ear-ring, Rjat. 5, 138. 2. A crest. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Adorned with, Bhart. 3, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Supreme, Chr. 289, 10 = Rigv. i. 50, 10. 2. Chief, principal, Pac. 16, 20; best, Man. 4, 229; greatest, Rm. 5, 33, 35; better, Pac. 241, 24. 3. Last, MBh. 1, 4674 (cf. [greek]). II. acc. sing. n. %%, adv. 1. Most, Rm. 2, 30, 2. 2. Very loudly, Chr. 25, 60. -- Comp. %%, adj. (literally, having no superior), 1. insurmountable, Daak. in Chr. 182, 24; most lofty, Rm. 3, 52, 22. 2. most rigorous, Rm. 1, 62, 6. 3. most excellent, Rm. 3, 53, 18. %%, m. a Brhmaa, Man. 2, 49. %%, m. 1. an excellent man, an excellent servant. 2. a name of Viu. 3. a proper name. %%, n. a principal kingdom, Rjat. 5, 262. %%, m. a most excellent antelope, Rm. 3, 49, 54. %%, m. chief of the race of Raghu, Rm. 3, 50, 6. %%, m. an excellent cart, Bhag. 1, 24. %%, m. a very good arrow, Rm. 3, 50, 16. %%, m. an excellent servant, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1435. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A creditor, Man. 8, 47. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A creditor, Man. 8, 48. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%. 1. Superior, Ragh. 1, 60; more powerful, Chr. 289, 10 = Rigv. i. 50, 10. 2. Northern, Pac. 241, 7. %% (instr. sing.), adv. and prep. (with the gen. abl. and acc.), To the north, Megh. 73. 3. Left (not right), MBh. 1, 7212. 4. Posterior, Man. 2, 136; subsequent, Hit. i. d. 143; becoming, fit, Daak. in Chr. 180, 6. 5. Future, Rm. 2, 33, 22. 6. Answering, Rm. 3, 18, 48; Chr. 59, 24. II. m. The name of a mountain, Kaths. 25, 23. III. f. %%, 1. The north, Kaths. 18, 57. 2. A proper name, MBh. 1, 169. IV. n. 1. Superiority, MBh. 1, 4986; power, Rm. 5, 70, 18. 2. Answer, Rm. 3, 70, 7; defence, Lass. 90, 4. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. 1. lower and higher, Yj. 1, 96. 2. confused, Man. 8, 53. II. n. a state of confusion, topsy-turvy, Man. 7, 21; useless discussion, k. 69, 17. %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. 1. always the subsequent, Yj. 2, 136. 2. always increasing, Pac. 84, 25. II. %<-ram>%, adv. higher and higher, MBh. 14, 1016; more and more, Hit. 20, 20. III. n. useless discussion, Hit. 21, 3. %%, i. e. %%, adv with tears in the eyes, Kumras. 5, 61. %%, adj. of which the upper parts of the wings are wet, Daak. 1, 16. %%, m. superior virtue, Rm. 5, 2, 4; n. MBh. 3, 13922. %%, turned to the south and to the north, Mrk. P. 16, 34. %%, n. cream of curdled milk, Sur. 1, 159, 11. %%, adj., f. %%, accompanied by pain, k. 61, 18. %%, adj. attached to virtue, Ragh. 13, 7. %%, adj., f. %%, unable to answer, Pac. 112, 18. %%, i. e. %%, adv. north-eastwards. %%, adj. covered with Kua grass, MBh. 3, 1381. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, having a surplus of seven (with %%, hundred and seven), Yj. 3, 102. -- Cf. [greek] ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Crossing, passing over, Pac. 33, 15. ## %%, adv. To the north, Rm. 4, 55, 20. ## %% (an old instr. sing. of %%), adv. To the north, e. g. in %<-mukha>%, adj. Looking to the north, MBh. 2, 1084. ## %%, i. e. %%, and ## %%, n. An upper and outer garment, Pac. 236, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, adv. The following day, Daak. in Chr. 183, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Lying supinely, Daak. in Chr. 198, 20 (referring to the hand lying with the palm turned upwards). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Crossing, passing over, Prab. 83, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Causing to cross, MBh. 14, 194. II. n. Deliverance, Rm. 4, 52, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Formidable, Kaths. 25, 36. ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %%, adj. Desirous to step out, MBh. 11, 160. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Prominent, Bhart. 1, 72. 2. High, Pac. iii. d. 260. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Instigation. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj. 1. Rising, Caurap. 18. 2. Springing up, Pac. 257, 4; proceeding, Pac. i. d. 400; Bhp. 119; Rjat. 5, 167. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. 1. Rising, Bhart. 3, 10; of the moon, Ragh, 6, 31. 2. Resurrection, MBh. 3, 10811. 3. Exertion, Man. 9, 215. II. m. A causer, MBh. 13, 1242. -- Comp. %%, n. want of exertion, Rjat. 5. 252. %%, adj. clever. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Strenuous, MBh. 2, 1941. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. 1. Raising, MBh. 1, 1885. 2. Leading away. Lass. 24, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Rising, MBh. 1, 3628. 2. Appearing, MBh. 1, 2332. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), f. Veneration, MBh. 3, 14687. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Jumping, Pac. 118, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Rising, Ragh. 4, 47. 2. Being about to jump, Pac. iii. d. 40. @<[Page 113b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Springing up, grat. 20. 2. Birth, Man. 3, 16; second birth, 2, 68. 3. Produce, Rjat. 5, 69. -- Comp. %%, f. absence of production, Daak. in Chr. 182, 4. ## %%, adj. Produced, born. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Wrong way, Chr. 22, 25. ## %%, i. e. probably %% (with %% for %<>%), I. n. A blue lotus, Nymphaea caerulea, Bhart. 2, 56. II. m. A proper name, Rjat. 5, 127. -- Comp. %%, m. a blue lotus, Nymphaea cyanea Roxb., Rm. 4, 44, 91. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Abounding with lotusflowers, Rm. 3, 78, 26. II. f. %%, An assemblage of lotus-flowers, MBh. 3, 8564. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Purifying, Man. 5, 115 (Lois.). ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Eradication, Rm. 6, 83, 34. 2. Destruction, Rjat. 5, 292. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Pulling out, Pac. i. d. 26. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A jump, Rm. 5, 53, 25. 2. A portent, MBh. 1, 8287; an omen, Man. 6, 50. -- Comp. %%, adj. terrible, Pac, 114. 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Producing, causing, Yj. 2, 225 (shedding). ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. A producer, a causer, Man. 4, 168 (a shedder). II. m. A father, Man. 2, 146. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Producing, MBh. 1, 7834. II. n. Producing, Man. 9, 27. ## %%, i. e. I. %%, adj., f. %%, Produced, Hit. i. d. 202. II. %%, adj., f. %%, Producing, causing, Yj. 2, 224. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Drawing out, MBh. 3, 825 (of an arrow). 2. Forcing, Megh. 88 (tears). 3. Pressing, Prab. 71, 10. 4. Foam, Rm. 5, 4, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj. covered with foam, Rm. 4, 15, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Pressing, t. 1, 20. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, m. Excess. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. violent. II. m. a horse-laugh. III. m. and n. irony. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Taking off (?) Man. 5, 115, v. r. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Jumping up, Kaths. 26, 20. ## %%, see %%. ## %% (akin to %%), m. A fountain, ved. a cloud, Chr. 290, 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. The lap, Rm. 6, 71, 11; figuratively, Daak. 199, 7; Rjat. 5, 6. 2. The slope of a mountain, Ragh. 6, 3. 3. A roof, Pac. 128, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Deep, Rm. 6, 23, 13. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. A reservoir of water, a cloud (ved.), Chr. 293, 4 = Rigv. i. 88, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Emission, Megh. 19. 2. Evacuation, Pac. 34, 22; Man. 12, 21. 3. Abandoning, Nal. 10, 12; relinquishing, Man. 11, 193 (194); dismission, Chr. 9, 37. 4. Donation, Sv. 1, 8. 5. The name of a ceremony, when suspending the reading of the Veda, Man. 4, 119. 6. Setting at liberty. 7. A general rule, Kumras. 2, 27. -- Comp. %%, m. setting a bull at liberty on occasion of a sacrifice or obsequial oblation, Pac. 9, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Rejection, Chr. 9, 38. 2. The name of the ceremony, %% (q. cf.), Man. 4, 96. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Soaring upwards, k. 101, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A festival, Daak. in Chr. 180, 5; figuratively, Amar. 23. -- Comp. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, celebrating a festival, Kaths. 25, 269. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Destruction, Rm. 1, 74, 21. 2. Cleaning with perfumes, Man. 2, 209. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Removal, Rm. 6, 33, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Effort, Draup. 8, 56. 2. Energy, Pac. i. d. 44. 3. Ardour, Rm. 3, 33, 4. 4. Perseverance, Pac. 79, 1; will, k. 23, 12. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, having made an effort, Sv. 4, 21. %%, adj. difficult to be resisted, MBh. 9, 1130. %%, I. m. want of energy, Hariv. 14493. II. adj., f. %%, 1. devoid of energy, Pac. 123, 23. 2. desponding, Rm. 1, 21, 6. %%, I. adj. possessing great energy, persevering. II. m. 1. exertion. 2. a king possessing all the powers of monarchy. %%, adv. according to one's power or ability, Man. 5, 86. %%, I. adj. 1. energetic. 2. persevering. II. %<-ham>%, adv. carefully, Pac. i. d. 15. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Energetic. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Full of ardour, Pac. ii. d. 89. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Longing for. 2. Languid. 3. Uneasy, Rm. 1, 17, 28. 4. Proud, Rm. 4, 9, 37. -- Comp. %%, adj. careless, Arj. 10, 14. %%, adj. 1. longing for. 2. languid. 3. sad. %%, adj. languid, t. 1, 6. ## %% f. 1. Longing for, love, i. 9, 2. 2. Care, zeal, Pac. 40, 14. -- Comp. %%, f. modesty, Vikr. 12, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Pride, Rm. 4, 9, 88; 5, 3, 10. -- Comp. %%, m. meekness, Bhart. 2, 54. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Height, Rm. 6, 83, 23; figuratively, 6. 82, 44. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, having an elevation of nine (viz. fathoms), MBh. 3, 10207. ## %%, a denomin. derived from %%, tm. To speak sleeping, Mlav. 55, 22. ## %% (properly acc. sing. n. of %%, probably an obsolete pronominal base, akin to %% in %%, etc.), a prefix, %%. I. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives, q. cf. II. Former part of comp. nouns, e. g. %%, adj. With raised weapon (literally, having a weapon upward), Chr. 4, 17. %%, i. e. %%, adj. The eye-lids of which are elevated, k. d. 90. %%, adj. Unfettered (literally, having the fetter out), Rm. 2, 23, 21. -- Cf. [greek] for @<[Page 115b]>@ [greek], Goth. and A.S. ut; O.H. G. z. ## %%, a substitute for %% in comp. words, e. g. %%, m. A water-pot, Man. 2, 182. %%, m. The salt ocean, Bhg. P. 5, 1, 34. %%, m. The sea of milk, Rm. 4, 37, 28. %%, Fragrant water, Bhg. P. 9, 11, 26. %%, m. The sea of clarified butter, Rm. 4, 40, 49. %%, adj., f. %%, With blood-red water, Rm. 4, 44, 65. %%, n. Lustral water. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Water, Man. 2, 99. 2. The ceremony of pouring water at obsequies, Man. 5, 88. 3. Religious ablution, MBh. 1, 790. -- Comp. %%, n. an optional oblation of water, Yj. 3, 4. %%, the name of a sea, Rm. 4, 40, 36. %%, n. water (boiled) with kuagrass, Man. 11, 212. %%, adj. 1. one who has performed the ceremony of pouring water at obsequies, Rm. 1, 25, 3. 2. one who has performed his religious ablution, MBh. 3, 8141. %%, n. water with sesame, Man. 3, 223. %%, n. 1. variegated colour. 2. painting figures. %%, m. a kinsman connected by oblations of water only to the manes of common ancestors, i. e. when the %% are excluded, a relation from the seventh to the fourteenth degree. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A woman in her courses, Man. 4, 57. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Pointing upwards, lofty, Rm. 5, 54, 19; figuratively, Ragh. 2, 53. 2. Uppermost, Vikr. d. 156. 3. Excited, Rm. 6, 14, 15. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Upper, upwards. 2. Northern, Megh. 58. %% (acc. sing. n.), adv. To the north, Man. 3, 217. @<[Page 116a]>@ ## %%, m. A pail, Daak. 152, 4. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. The ocean, Daak. in Chr. 188, 21. -- Comp. %%, m. the salt ocean, Bhg. P. 5, 20, 2. %%, m. the sea of milk, MBh. 12, 12778. %%, m. the great ocean. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Water, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5. -- Cf. [greek] with [greek] for %%; cf. also Lat. udor; Goth. vato, base vatan, represents the organic form of the vb. %%, viz. %%; O.H.G. wazar has %% instead of %%, like the Greek. ## %%, m. Tidings, Kaths. 10, 55. ## %%, m. The ocean, Ragh. 4, 32. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Rising, Rm. 4, 34, 32 (of the ocean); Ragh. 12, 36 (of the moon); Man. 10, 33 (appearance of dawn); figuratively, Ragh. 9, 9; Rjat. 5, 311. 2. The eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise, Rm. 4, 58, 5. 3. Beginning, Bhg. P. 1, 7, 12. 4. Appearance, k. d. 67. 5. Prosperity, Rjat. 5, 336. 6. Consequence, Man. 4, 70. 7. Gain, Rm. 3, 2, 22; revenue, Man. 7, 55. 8. A gate(?), Rm. 2, 48. 29. -- Comp. %%, adj. causing compassion, MBh. 1, 436. %%, m. the rise of the moon, Sur. 2, 485, 21. %%, adj. appearing with difficulty, Bhg. P. 3, 15, 50. %%, I. m. 1. prosperity. 2. final beatitude. 3. covereignty. 4. a lord. 5. the country of Kanoj. 6. a proper name, Rjat. 5, 28. II. n. Kanoj. %%, adv. in proportion to one's income, Yj. 2, 43. %%, adj. 1. with profit. 2. with interest. @<[Page 116b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, I. n. Rising (of the sun), Chr. 287, 7 = Rigv. i. 48, 7; Rm. 4, 40, 43. II. m. A proper name, Kaths. 9, 599. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Risen, i. 9, 43. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. The belly. 2. The interior part, Bhart. 2, 26. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, slender, Vikr. d. 154. %%, n. dropsy, MBh. 3, 14664. %%, (vb. %%), n. a hungry stomach, Hit. i. d. 62. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, having a protuberant belly, Rm. 6, 74, 8. %%, i. e. %%, n. the interior of the vessellike egg of Brahman, Bhart. 2, 93. %%, adj., f, %%, having a large belly, Rm. 3, 23, 15. %%, m. 1. a glutton. 2. Gaea. %%, m. a brother, Rjat. 5, 42. %%, m. a brother of whole blood. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Voracious, Mlav. 14, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Paunch-bellied, Kaths. 20, 109. -- Comp. %%, adj. hydropic. ## %%, i. e. %% (anomal.), m. 1. Future time, Nal. 21, 26. 2. Consequence, Rm. 6, 93, 14. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, causing happiness, Kaths. 9, 58. %%, adj. with towers(?), MBh. 2, 1299. %%, adj. causing happiness, Man. 9, 25. %%, adj. causing pain, Man. 4, 176. ## %%, see %% with the prep. %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One of the five vital airs, that which has its place in the throat and passes upward and outward, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 11. @<[Page 117a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %% and %%, 1. Distinguished, Nal. 1, 8. 2. Excellent, Rm. 1, 35, 8. 3. Great, MBh. 3, 13158. 4. Gentle, Rm. 1, 33, 3. 5. Munificent, Dacak. in Chr. 183, 4. ## %%, adj. A poor munificent person, Daak. in Chr. 186, 21; used as surname of one who has ruined himself by munificence, 187, 16. ## %%, f. Generosity, Kaths. 21, 103. -- Comp. %%, f. Excessive munificence, Daak. in Chr. 186, 20. ## %% (vb %%), f. Indifference, carelessness, Pac. 86, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Speaking, Kumras. 6, 65. 2. Declaration, Vikr. d. 32. 3. An example. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Northern. II. m. The country to the north and west of the river arvat, MBh. 3, 14774. pl. Its inhabitants, Rm. 2, 82, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Inundation, Rjat. 5, 269. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Throwing, MBh. 3, 16525. 2. Pronunciation, Kumras. 2, 12. ## %%, also ## %%, m. The glomerous fig tree, Ficus glomerata, Nal. 12, 4. ## %%, cf. %%, n. A mortar, Rm. 6, 96, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Springing up (of flowers), Kaths. 17, 113. ## %%, m. 1. Springing up, Ragh. 4, 9. 2. A shoot, Kir. 5. 38. 3. Appearance, Bhart. 2, 62. 4. Departing, Kaths. 4, 128. ## %%, n. Springing up, appearance. ## %% (vb. %%), n. A pair of bleached clothes, Daak. in Chr. 181, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A reciter of the Sma Veda, Man. 8, 209. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Spitting, Rm. 4. 15, 23; figuratively, Ragh. 4, 57 (exhalation); Bhart. 2, 29 (throwing out). 2. Saliva, MBh. 3, 15549. 3. Roar, MBh. 3, 11140. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Spitting, Rm. 3, 33, 37; figuratively, Ragh. 13, 47 (uttering); Megh. 26 (exhaling). ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Vomiting, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A portion of the Sma Veda, Dev. 4, 9. ## %%, n. 1. Rubbing, exciting. 2. Inflammation, Megh. 62. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Thrashing, Mcch. 34, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A key, Mcch. 48, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A key, Hit. i. d. 146. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ a>%, m. 1. A toss, k. d. 192; pain, Kaths. 17, 3. 2. Height, Rm. 5, 4, 12. 3. A beginning, Ragh. 4, 20. -- Comp. %%, adj. unhurt, Rm. 2, 72. @<[Page 118a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Rugged, k. 5, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Binding, MBh. 12, 4902. ## %%, n. Inflaming, t. 6, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Pointing to, Kaths. 10, 110. 2. Reference, Kaths. 20, 210; Pac. 119, 3 (on account of). 3. A sketch, Indr. 4, 16. 4. Exposition, Rm. 4, 17, 12. 5. A region, Rm. 5, 51, 5; a quarter, Daak. in Chr. 179, 8; a part, Hi. 1, 16; a seat, Rm. 6, 33, 47. -- Comp. %%, adv. according to the command, Rm. 2, 99, 1. %%, m. a field of battle, Rm. 5, 56, 126. %%, m. the part of a forest. ## %%, adv. Shortly, Bhag. 10, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. Resplendent, Rm. 1, 15, 19. II. m. Splendour, Lass. 2, 11 ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Pulling out, MBh. 3, 11188. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Plucking out. 2. Eradication, Lass. 31, 16. 3. Deliverance, Rjat. 5, 114; Hit. i. d. 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A deliverer, Kaths. 5, 40. -- Comp. %%, m. the officer charged with the pursuit of thieves, Yj. 2, 271. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Daring, undergoing, Rm. 4, 9, 47. ## %%, i. e. 1. %%, adj. Comforting, Rm. 2, 2, 1. II. %%, n. Encouragement, MBh. 15, 476. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Deliverance from. 2. Taking out, separating what ought to be avoided, Man. 10, 85 (%%, adj. What ought to be avoided being avoided). 3. A selected part, Man. 7, 97. 4. Debt, Daak. 111, 12, Wils. -- Comp. %%, m. revenge. %%, m. 1. extraction of foreign substances from the body. 2. cleansing and purifying a new house. %%, m. deliverance from a curse. ## %%, i. e. %% Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Payment, Pac. 138, 14. ## %%, adj. Brisk, Kaths. 22, 193. ## %%, a denom. derived from %%, Par. To strew over, Kaths. 18, 240. ## %%, i. e. %%, 1. Pulling out (as an arrow). 2. Preservation, Rjat. 5, 477. ## %%, m., and ## %%, n. Hanging, Kaths. 13, 100. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Birth. 2. Origin, Man. 11, 244. 3. When latter part of a comp. adj., Produced, Man. 6, 13; sprung from, Rjat. 5, 244. -- Comp. %%, blood. %%, I. adj. produced by water. II. m. the name of a country, MBh. 2, 1078. %%, m. a son. %%, 1. adj. sbst. born in a lotus-flower, a name of Brahman. 2. m. a proper name. %%, m. a fish, or aquatic animal. %%, f. %%, the Narmad river. ## %%, i. e. %% Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Neglect, MBh. 1, 5070. ## %%, i. e. %% Caus., %<+ t>%, One who raises or exalts, Daak. 180, 3. @<[Page 119a]>@ ## %%, adj., f. %%, Resplendent, Rjat. 5, 482. ## %%, adj. Shining, Amar. 76. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, Sprouting, Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 5. ## %%, and ## %%, adj. Sprouting, MBh. 1, 3587. ## %%, f. Growth, prosperity, Vikr. d. 162. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Opening, k. d. 80. 2. Appearance, Bhart. 1, 49. 3. A spring or fountain, Rm. 2, 94, 13. 4. Treason, Kaths. 3, 42. -- Comp. %%, m. (the source of the Ganges) a holy place, MBh. 3, 8043. ## %% (vb. %%), f. Soaring up, k. 92, 19. ## %%, m. and n. 1. Raising, Pac. ii. d. 138. 2. Effort, Pac. 185, 2. 3. Energy, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 470. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, having made an effort, Kumras. 5, 3. %%, m. and n. (?) severe punishment, Pac. i. d. 421. %%, adj., f. %%, lazy, Rm. 4, 9, 49. %%, I. m. great effort. II. adj. making a strenuous effort, Rjat. 5, 136 (with infin.); 188 (with dat.). ## %%, adj., f. %%, Exerting one's self, Bhart. 3, 45. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. A grove, a garden, Pac. ii. d. 178. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, having pure gardens, Rm. 2, 71, 19. ## %%, n. A grove, Rm. 3, 61, 18. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. Exertion, Rm. 3, 31, 34. -- Comp. %%, m. and n. want of exertion, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1400. %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Lazy, Sund. 4, 3. 2. disheartened, Rm. 6, 21, 16. %%, adj. 1. active, persevering. 2. violent (as a disease), Rjat. 5, 123. ## %%, i. e. %%, or %%, adj. Exerting one's self, Pac. i. d. 220. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Excess, MBh. 3, 13169. 2. Excellence, MBh. 14, 1012. -- Comp. %%, m. superabundance of wisdom, MBh. 3, 15818. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Jumping, Megh. 41. 2. What has served for rubbing the body with, Man. 4, 132. ## %<-udvasa>%, Rjat. 5, 378, Uninhabited (?). ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Supporting, continuing, Rm. 1, 13, 56. II. m. A son, an offspring, Indr. 5, 28. -- Comp. %%, adj. difficult to be borne, MBh. 5, 3147. %%, m. Rma. %%, m. the Indian cuckoo. ## %%, n. 1. Lifting up, Ragh. 13, 8. 2. Bearing, Pac, 68, 23; having, Rjat. 5, 384. 3. Riding, Man. 8, 370. ## %%, n. Shedding tears, Vikr. d. 29. ## %% (based on %% 1. %%), adj. Referring to the slaughter of sacrifices, Rm. 1, 13, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Marriage, Kaths. 17, 68. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, married. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Relating to nuptials, Man. 9, 65. @<[Page 120a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Looking at, sight, Ragh. 3, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Going upwards, MBh. 1, 1214 (fluctuation). 2. Violent motion, Daak. 189, 6. 3. Uneasiness, distress, Rm. 6, 99, 28. -- Comp. %%, m. absence of uneasiness, Rm. 3, 14, 20. %%, adj. fearless, MBh. 3, 7537. %%, I. adj. fearful, Pac. 29, 15. II. %<-gam>%, adv. eagerly, Pac. 157, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., m. A coward, Pac. iii. d. 241. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Terror, Man. 9, 248; aversion, 8, 352. ## [dagger] %% (a combination of %%, q. cf.), ii. 9; i. 10, Par. To glean. i. 10, Par. To throw upward. ## %% (cf. %%, and Lat. unda), ii. 7, Par. To wet, or moisten. -- With the prep. ## %%, To moisten, Chr. 291, 5 = Rigv. i. 85, 5. ## %%, ## %%, and ## %%, m. A rat. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), n. Majesty, Ragh. 5, 37. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Rising, Pac. i. d. 166. 2. Increase, Pac. iii. d. 58. 3. Loftiness, Bhart. 2, 20. ## %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Prominent, i. 9, 72. 2. Lofty, Kaths. 24, 20. -- Comp. %%, endowed (i. e. performed) with wisdom, power, and majesty, Pac. iii. d. 264. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Erecting. @<[Page 120b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Lifting up, Rjat. 5, 223. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Raising, lifting up. 2. Inference. -- Comp. %%, n. (arranging of the hair) a purificatory and sacrificial ceremony observed by women in the sixth or eighth month of their first pregnancy. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Sound, MBh. 3, 11563. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%) n. A madman, Yj. 2, 140. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Shaking, Sur. 1, 25, 17. 2. Throwing down by shots, Rm. 6, 91, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. m. Ecstasy, insanity. II. adj., f. %%. 1. Drunk, Prab. 3, 12. 2. Thoughtless, Pac. 176, 1. 3. Furious, Dev. 4, 22 -- Comp. %%, m. 1. intoxication, literally and figuratively. 2. A sort of fish. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Desirous. 2. Agitated, Ragh. 11, 22. ## %%, adj. Agitated, Mcch. 76, 4. ## %%, a denomin. derived from %% by %%, tm. To be beside one's self, Daak. in Chr. 181, 14 (%%). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Shaking, Prab. 8, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Shaking, Prab. 41, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Madness, Rm. 5, 31, 40. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %% (MBh. 14, 2009), feigning madness, Kaths. 18, 242. %%, adj. mad. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, m. Causing madness, the name of one of the five arrows of Kma, Lass. 7, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A wrong road. 2. Improper conduct. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Eclipsing, Prab. 81, 10. ## %<-unmira>%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Mixed, Rm. 3, 34, 34. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Opening of the eye, MBh. 1, 84. 2. Springing up, appearance. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Having the face uplifted, Kaths. 25, 248. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Eradication, Ragh. 2, 34; figuratively, Prab. 67, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Opening of the eye-lids, Rm. 6, 102, 25. 2. Flashing (of lightning), Megh. 79. 3. Opening (of buds), Kumras. 2, 33. 4. Appearance, Prab. 118, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Awaking, appearance. ## %%, ind. Under, on, near. I. adv. Near, further (ved.). II. prep. Near to (with the acc.), MBh. 1, 4099. III. Combined and compounded with verbs and their derivatives (q. cf.). IV. Former part of comp. nouns and adv. implying Inferiority, Nearness, e. g. %% (lit., an inferior, a small, forest), n. A grove. %%, m. A partisan of the Kcakas (a people). %%, m. A minor planet or any secondary heavenly body, as a comet, etc. %%. adv. Near the gyneceum. -- Cf. Goth. uf, e. g. in ufdaupjan (to submerge), ufsneithan (to cut up), and ufhaban (to lift); Lat. sub is compounded with %%, corresponding to a Sskr. %%; likewise [greek] ## %%, I. adj., f. %%, Near, Bhart. 3, 24. II. m. n. Proximity, Pac. 74, 21; 222, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Benefitting, Pac. 86, 3. 2. Implements, Yj. 2, 276. 3. Complement, Man. 2, 105 (of the Veda, viz. the Vedngas). -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. assisting by labour, Man. 10, 120. %%, n. military apparatus. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An assistant, MBh. 3, 1049. ## %% (vb. %%), adv. The lover being near at hand, Kir. 5, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Benefitting, Man. 8, 265 (in order to benefit them). 2. Favour, MBh. 3, 15024. 3. Assistance, Vikr. 11, 11. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. beneficial, Man. 8, 143 (which may be used for one's profit). 2. equipped, stocked. 3. assisted, befriended. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Benefitting, Hit. 97, 21. 2. Helping, Bhp. 102. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, one who has been benefitted, Pac. 239, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Benefitting; a benefactor. 2. Supporting. -- Comp. %%, adj. supporting others. ## %% (properly ptcple. of the fut. pass. of %%), f. A king's house, Rm. 1, 73, 37. @<[Page 122a]>@ ## %%, adv. Near the bank (of a river), Ragh. 15, 28. ## %%, f. A benefit, a service, Bhart. 2, 54. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Benefitting, i. 9, 33. ## %%, m. 1. A beginning, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 3, cf. 5. 2. Deliberate commencement, a design, Pac. 263, 2. 3. First designed work, Rjat. 5, 98. 4. Proceeding, Rm. 5, 65, 8. 5. An expedient, Man. 7, 107. 6. Practice of medicine, Sur. 1, 5, 11. 7. Use (medical), Kaths. 17, 37. -- Comp. %%, adj. without commencement, Bhg. P. 6, 9, 44. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Service, Rjat. 5, 177. ## %%, f. A playground, Rm. 3, 78, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Blame, Rm. 3, 62, 26. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Censure, Daak. in Chr. 180, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Dropping, Daak. in Chr. 193, 14. 2. Mentioning. ## %<-upa-ga>% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Joining, MBh. 13, 992. 2. Getting, Man. 1, 46. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Approach, i. 9, 75. ## %%, m. Approach, Ragh. 6, 69. -- Comp. %%, m. getting confidence, k. d. 14. ## %%, n. 1. Attainment, MBh. 1, 4149. 2. Undergoing, Rm. 4, 53, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Approaching, Kaths. 18, 102. 2. Undergoing, 22, 2. ## %%, m. A country, bordering on mountains, MBh. 2, 1012. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Holy study, Rm. 1, 4, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A present, MBh. 2, 1898. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ a>%, m. Damage, Yj. 2, 256. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ aka>%, adj. Injuring, Rm. 1, 2979. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Proclaiming, Daak. in Chr. 180, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Support. ## %%, m. The name of a bird akin to the %% or %%, MBh. 3, 11613. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Increase, i. 9, 29. ## %<-upacyitva>%, i. e. %%, n. Veneration, MBh. 14, 2198. ## %<-upacyin>%, i. e. %%, adj. 1. Increasing, MBh. 13, 6275. 2. Honouring, MBh. 4, 595. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Homage, k. d. 66. 2. Service, Vikr. 56, 9. 3. Courting, Man. 8, 357. 4. Means of doing homage, garlands, etc., Ragh. 7, 4. 5. Practice, Man. 1, 111; performance, Man. 9, 259. 6. Ceremony, Kumras. 7, 86. 7. Physicking, Sur. 1, 117, 7; medical use, Vikr. 19, 17. 8. Behaviour, Rm. 5, 32, 8. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, difficult to be treated, Pac. 203, 5. %%, i. e. %%, adv. respectfully, Rm. 5, 90, 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Serving, Rm. 1, 6, 16. ## %%, f. Collection, store. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Persuading, Daak. in Chr. 196, 13. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Advising, giving advice, MBh. 1, 5396. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Sowing disunion, Pac. i. 337. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Inciting, encouraging, Man. 9, 275. ## %%, i. e. %%, desider. of %%, adj. Desiring to approach, Megh. 43. ## %%, f. The uvula, or soft palate, Yj. 3, 97. ## %%, adj. 1. Maintaining one's self by, Rm. 1, 6, 11. 2. Dependent, Kaths. 17, 46. ## %%, n. Maintenance, Man. 9, 207. ## %%, adj., f. %%, 1. Maintaining one's self by, Man. 9, 257. 2. Practising, MBh. 3, 12851. 3. Dependent, Rm. 6, 5, 4. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. one who subsists by labour, Man. 7, 138; 8, 362 (by the intrigues of his wife, Kull.). %%, adj. trading with perfumes, Rm. 2, 83, 14. %%, m. a coppersmith, Rm. 2, 90, 27 Gorr. ## %%, adv. Silently, k. 66, 16 v. r. -- Comp. %%, adv. Satisfactorily, Rm. 2, 89, 23. @<[Page 123b]>@ ## %%, adv. On a slope, Megh. 58. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Heat. 2. Pain, k. 38, 7 v. r. 3. Disease, MBh. 3, 13333. ## %%, adj., f. %%, i. e. I. %%, Causing pain, MBh. 1, 3630. II. %%, Affected with illness, Man. 11, 1. ## %%, f. The land lying along the foot of a mountain, Draup. 5, 5. ## %%, f. A present, Ragh. 4, 70. ## %% (vb. %%), f. Being covered, Km. Ntis. 7, 24. ## %%, f. An intermediate quarter or point of the compass, e. g. north-east, etc., Rm. 1, 76, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Instruction, Bhart. 2, 12. 2. Advice, Rm. 4, 40, 4. 3. A pretext, Man. 9, 268. -- Comp. %%, m. instruction concerning duty, Man. 8, 272. %%, i. e. %%, adv. according to the rule, MBh. 3, 8710. %%, m. friendly or good advice. ## %%, f. Condition of being the rule, Kumras. 5, 36 (%%, Thy virtue has become the rule). ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, f. A sermon (concerning duty), Pac. 165, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Teaching, a teacher, Hit. i. d. 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A teacher, Pac. 156, 17. @<[Page 124a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A milk-pail, MBh. 3, 12527. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Distress, Rm. 2, 108, 14; Pac. i. d. 368. 2. Mischief, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 11. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. unharmed, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 1607; Rm. 5, 73, 56 (in an astrological sense). 2. free from danger, Pac, 264, 25. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A spectator, Bhag. 13, 22. ## %%, m. A subordinate duty, Man. 2, 237. ## %%, f. 1. A false pretence, Man. 8, 193. 2. Deceit, Hit. iii. d. 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, n., and f. %%, A pillow, Rm. 2, 42, 15; MBh. 1, 7165. -- Comp. %%, n. a pillow, Sur. 2, 41, 9. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Putting under, Kumras. 5, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Consideration, MBh. 1, 5561. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. Fraud, Man. 8, 165. -- Comp. %%, adj. guileless, Lass. 88, 5. %%, adj. guileful, Kir. 1, 45. ## %%, m. An extorter of money by threats, Man. 9, 258. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Supplying, MBh. 3, 70. 2. Applying, Rm. 5, 37, 30. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Bringing, Vikr. 76. 2. The initiation of the three first classes, Man. 2, 108. @<[Page 124b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The initiation of the three first classes, Man. 2, 36. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A deposit, Yj. 2, 25. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. A deposit, Man. 8, 145. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Meeting, k. 81, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A portion of the religious writings of the Hindus, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m., f. %%, n. One who brings near, Kumras. 1, 61. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, m. 1. Giving, Rjat, 5, 461. 2. Declaration, k. 36, 15 (Prk.). 3. Law, Man. 9, 31. 4. Pretext, Amar. 23. ## %%, m. An adulterer, Man. 3, 155. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Taking place, happening, Bhag. 13, 9; appearance, MBh. 14, 496; success, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 4, cf. 17. 2. Suitableness, Rjat. 5, 374; 378. -- Comp. %%, I. f. 1. not taking place, Bhp. 81. 2. failure, Vedntas. in Chr. 205, 11. II. adj. not auitable, Rjat. 5, 378. ## %%, n. A lesser crime, Yj, 2, 210. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, One who has committed a lesser crime, Man. 11, 107. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Causing to spring up, MBh. 14, 506. ## %%, m. and n. The shoulder (? perhaps the haunch), Nal. 19, 17. ## %%, n. Tormenting, Man. 6, 62. ## %% (the latter part is derived from %%, by the aff. %%), adj. Belonging to a suburb(?), Daak. in Chr. 189, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Bribe, Rm. 5, 81, 37. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Alluring, Daak. in Chr. 185, 22; 198, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Overlooking, MBh. 1, 7757. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Assault, MBh. 1, 3534. 2. A portent, or natural phenomenon so considered, Ragh. 5, 6. 3. An eclipse, Rm. 2, 65, 2 Gorr. 4. Misfortune, Kumras. 2, 32. -- Comp. %%, adj. unharmed, k. d. 31, v. r. %%, m. the conflagration of a forest, Megh. 17. %%, m. the sun or moon in eclipse. %%, m. inundation, Rjat. 5, 70. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Assailed, Ragh. 13, 7. ## %%, m. A kind of sitting (or of love-making?), Caurap. 48. ## %%, f. A subordinate dialect, Lass. 67, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Eating, Kaths. 8, 23. 2. Enjoyment, Man. 2, 94. 3. Use, Man. 8, 285. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Enjoying, MBh. 3, 13067. @<[Page 125b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Destruction, Kaths. 12, 143. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Destroying, Kaths. 7, 12. ## %%, f. 1. Comparison, Bhp. 79. 2. Likeness, MBh. 1, 6401; Bhag. 6, 19; %%, comparing thyself (viz. with others), Rm. 5, 23, 5. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, incomparable, Rm. 4, 62, 17. %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%, incomparable, MBh. 3, 16517. %%, adj. not having his like, Bhart. 2, 9. -- As latter part of a comp. adj. it denotes very often, Like; e. g. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, God-like, Nal. 5, 46. %%, adj., f. %%, Amta-like, Nal. 12, 58. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Comparison (the third %%), Bhp. 139. 2. Likeness, Kumras. 4, 5. 3. An image, Vikr. d. 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Comparison. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A husband, Ragh. 7, 1. ## %%, m. Marriage. ## %%, n. Solicitation. -- Comp. %%, adj. fulfilling, or granting what is requested. Rm. 2, 68, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Approach, Rm. 3, 9, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. Approaching, Rm. 2, 97, 3. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Employment, use, Kumras. 1, 7. ## %%, adj., f. %%, i. e. 1. %%, Using, Daak. 198, 16, Wils. 2. %%, Serviceable, Kaths. 12, 42. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Ceasing, Dev. 11, 3. 2. Resigning, indifference, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 13, cf. 16. ## %%, m. 1. End, Rm. 4, 19, 13. 2. Death, MBh. 1, 4897. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Ceasing, resigning, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Painting, k. d. 80, v. r. 2. An eclipse, MBh. 3, 13476. 3. Calamity, Ragh. 16, 7. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, unharmed by objects of the senses, Prab. 48, 13. ## %%, indecl. Over, above, on. I. adv. Above, MBh. 1, 571; upwards, Pac. ii. d. 74; moreover, MBh. 1, 294. II. prep. 1. Over, with the loc., Rm. 6, 85, 3; with the acc., 6, 3, 26; with the gen. MBh. 1, 507. 2. On, with the gen., Yj. 2, 253 (adding to). 3. Concerning, with the gen., Pac. 94, 12; on account of, 214, 6. III. Former part of comp. nouns and former and latter part of comp. adv., e. g. %%, adj. Mounted by a man Daak. in Chr. 188, 16. %%, i. e. %%, adv. Over earthen pots, Pac. 218, 12. %%, i. e. %%, adv. On an excellent tree, Rm. 3, 35, 92. %%, i. e. %%, adv. After the appointed time, Lass. 44, 16. -- Doubled %%, i. e. %%. 1. adv. Always higher, Hit. ii. d. 2 (those who look always above themselves, i. e. to their superiors); one above another, Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 2. 2. prep. Over, with acc., MBh. 1, 4648; with gen., Nal. 1, 2. -- Cf. %% and ved. %%, of which it is probably the loc. sing. slightly changed; Goth. ufar-; concerning Lat. super and Gr. [greek] (properly [greek] in aeol. [greek], ep. [greek].) cf. %%. ## %%, i. e. %% (instr. pl.) %<+ tt>%. I. adv. 1. Above, Rm. 4, 28, 26. 2. Afterwards, Yj. 1, 106. II. prep. 1. Over, on, with the gen., MBh. 3, 13654. 2. Concerning, Daak. in Chr. 197, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Obstacle, MBh. 3, 13670. 2. Disturbance, Vikr. 44, 12; k. 8, 9. 3. Injury, Man. 11, 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Obstacle, Rm. 5, 81, 17. ## %%, adj., f. %%, i. e. I. %%, Disturbing, Ragh. 18, 17. II. %%, Interrupted, k. d. 81, v. r. ## %%, m. 1. A stone, Man. 11, 167. 2. A rock, Kir. 5, 15. -- Comp. %%, m. A fabulous gem = %%, Rjat. 3, 296. %%, n. A pearl. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Seeing after, k. 46, 6. 2. A mark, Vikr. 69, 10. 3. Including. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Acquisition, Vikr. 65, 11. 2. Perception, MBh. 14, 683. 3. Knowledge, Vedntas. in Chr. 206, 5. -- Comp. %%, f. Non-perception (the sixth %% of the Prva and Uttara mims). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Acquisition, Rm. 5, 34, 23. 2. Observation, k. 13, 23. 3. Perception, Chr. 59, 22 (%%, according with what he had heard): feeling, Ragh. 14, 2. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ aka>%, adj. Causing perception, Bhp. 99. ## %%, i. e. %%, desid. of %%, adj. Desirous to learn, Daak. in Chr. 179, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Smearing, especially with cowdung, Pac. 116, 21. ## %%, n. A grove, Rm. 3, 52, 38. ## %%, n. Description, Hit. 35, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. and n. Fasting, Man. 2, 188. -- Comp. %%, adj. keeping a fast. ## %%, n. Fasting, MBh, 3, 13649. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Fasting, Rjat. 5, 401. -- Comp. %%, f. ironically, a lascivious woman, Lass. 41, 12. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Flowing to, MBh. 1, 2367. ## %%, a denom. derived from %%, Par. To entertain somebody (acc.) by playing on the %% or Indian lyre, Ragh. 8, 33. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%) %<+ in>%, adj. Wearing the sacrificial cord on the left shoulder, Man. 2, 63. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj., invested with the sacred thread. ## %%, f. Collecting, holding, Prab. 40, 3. ## %%, m. A subordinate Veda, a class of writings, MBh. 2, 450. @<[Page 127b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Encampment, Rm. 5, 92, contents. 2. Undergoing, Rm. 5, 22, 25. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Undergoing, Pac. 50, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Undergoing, Rjat. 5, 467. ## %%, m. 1. Ceasing, MBh. 1, 758. 2. Calmness, Bhart. 2, 80. ## %%, n. Appeasing, Pac. 118, 22. ## %%, m. A space near a village, Ragh. 15, 60. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Ceasing, Hit. ii. d. 155. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Sleeping, Rm. 5, 14, 21. 2. Going to rest, MBh. 1, 3626. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, n. Trimming, Rm. 6, 112, 21. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ ana>%, adj. Drying up, Prab. 29, 6. ## %%, f. A voice heard in the night, considered as a deity, MBh. 5, 436 sqq. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. An embrace, Prab. 15, 7. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Drawing back, Arj. 5, 6. 2. Comprehension, compendium, Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 3; 5. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Summary, Rm. 1, 3, comtents. @<[Page 128a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Touching (one's feet), Pac. 206, 21 (as a token of respect. 2. Collecting, Rm. 1, 3, 24. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Respectful salutation (by touching one's feet, see the last), Man. 2, 72. ## %%, n. 1. Approaching for receiving instruction, MBh. 3, 17169. 2. Presence, Rm. 1, 50, 14 (%%, i. e. at the sacrifice). ## %%, adv. (from %%), Near the twilight, i, 9, 5. ## %%, i. e. %% 2. %%, m. Abandoning, resigning, MBh. 3, 125. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A portent, supposed to announce future evil, Dev. 12, 7. 2. A preposition. -- Comp. %%, adj., f. %%, portentous, Rm. 3, 44, 11; possessed by an evil spirit, Rm. 5, 18, 13. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Obecuration, Man. 4, 105. 2. A representative, Man. 9, 121. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Approach, Vikr. 64, 8. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Approaching, MBh. 1, 1200. -- Comp. %%, adj. approaching carelessly, Man. 7, 9. ## %%, adj. Courting as a gallant, Yj. 3, 136. ## %%, n. 1. Veneration, MBh. 3, 14677. 2. Service, devotion to, Man. 4, 134; MBh. 3, 28. ## %%, f. 1. Attendance. Man. 3, 64. 2. Devotion to, pursuing, MBh. 2, 2577. 3. Indulgence, Man. 12, 32. ## %<-upa-sev + in>%, adj., f. %%. 1. Respecting, Man. 2, 121. 2. Serving, 11, 43. 3. Practising, Pac. iii. d. 206 (%%, they who neglecting good advice, follow the contrary). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. (and n. Chr. 36, 18). 1. Implements, MBh. 2, 2063; household implements, Man. 12, 66. 2. A broom (? vb. %%), Man. 3, 63. -- Comp. %%, adj. well furnished with the necessary implements, Chr. 25, 52. %%, i. e. %%, f. %%, one who takes great care of the household furniture, Man. 5, 150. ## %%, m. A support, Hit. 29, 19. ## %% (vb. %%), m. A proper name, Chr. 295, 15 = Rigv. i. 112, 15. ## %% (vb. %%), m. and n. 1. The lap (ved.). 2. The male or female organs of generation, Vedntas. in Chr. 207, 8. -- Comp. %%, m. and n. the carioteer's seat for driving. -- Cf. [greek]. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Waiting on, Rm. 4, 44, 111; Vikr. 5, 5. 2. Being at one's command, Yj. 3, 160. 3. Assembly, MBh. 2, 1757. -- Comp. %%, n. want of compliance, Rm. 6, 72, 49. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Humectation, Rm. 5, 75, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Bathing, MBh. 3, 8053. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Moisture; in the comp. word %%, adj. Moistened, MBh. 1, 1033. @<[Page 129a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One who serves (meat), Man. 5, 51. ## %<-upahastik>%, i. e. %%, f. A box, Daak. 135. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A complimentary present to a superior, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 6. 2. Exultation (which comprehends laughter, dance, song, bowing, recital of prayer, etc.), Daak. in Chr. 181, 20 (?). ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Sneering, Ragh. 12, 37. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adv. Sneeringly, Pac. 227, 4. ## %% (vb. %%), f. Derision, Ragh. 1, 3. ## %%, i. e. %% I. m. 1. A slope, Chr. 293, 2 = Rigv. i. 87, 2. II. loc. sing. %%, 1. Near, Arj. 1, 5. 2. Privately, Daak. in Chr. 189, 1; 192, 7; 193, 1. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. m. A low muttered prayer, Man. 2, 8. II. adv. Secretly, MBh. 3, 17309. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. The beginning of holy study, Man. 4, 119. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. An episode, MBh. 1, 101. ## %%, n. A tale, Pac. 222, 23. ## %%, n. A supplement, Nal. 12, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Smearing with cow-dung, Man. 5, 105. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Seizure, Man. 8, 417. 2. Learning, Hit. 4, 13, v. r. 3. Material cause, Bhp. 149. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. 1. Deception, Rm. 2, 111, 29. 2. Modifying circumstance, Bhp. 46. 3. A condition supplied to limit a too general middle term, Bhp. 13. -- Comp. %%, m. natural disposition, Prab. 101, 11 (this country is beautiful naturally and not through any accidental circumstance). ## %<-updhi + t>%, f. in the comp. words %%, Vedntas. in Chr. 204, 17; %%, 205, 3; %%, 205, 5. The affix %% does not belong to %% alone, but to its combination with the preceding part, e. g. %%, etc., and these compounds are of the Bahuvrhi class. %% (vb. %% with the prep. %%) as Bhvr. and adj. would denote 'Having an excellent disguise;' with the aff. %%, Condition of having an excellent disguise. %% (vb. %% with the prep. %%), Condition of having, vile disguise; %%, Condition of having an indistinct disguise. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A spiritual preceptor who gives instruction in a part only of the Veda, Man. 2, 141; a spiritual preceptor in general, k. 61, 11; Rm. 1, 11, 13 (19 Gorr.). -- Comp. %%, m. a dispatcher of documents (master of the rolls?), Rjat. 5, 396. %%, m. a reverend master, Chr. 175, 1. 17. %%, m. a very reverend master, Chr. 235, 6. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. The wife of a teacher, MBh. 1, 750. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. (nom. sing. %%, inst. du. %%, loc. pl. %%). A shoe, Man. 2, 178. ## %% i. e. %%, n. Proximity, Rjat. 5, 450. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Vicinity, Pac. 167, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Approach, Bhart. 3, 10. 2. Means of success, Man. 7, 177. 3. An expedient in general, Man. 9, 110. 4. Craft, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 498. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. A present, Rm. 2, 70, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Acquisition, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 215. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Blame, Chr. 10, 2. -- Comp. %%, adj. censuring, Rm. 6, 99, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Blame, k. 59, 14. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Return. ## %%, i.e. %%, m. A retreat, refuge, MBh. 15, 152; 3, 17262. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. A servant, Kaths. 19, 78. 2. A worshipper, Mcch. 113, 11. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A quiver, MBh. 2, 1916. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. n. 1. Attendance, Man. 3, 107. 2. Practice, Mcch. 2, 11. 3. Religious contemplation, Vedntas. in Chr. 202, 12, cf. 18, 3. 4. The sacred fire, Yj. 3, 45. II. f. %%, Service, Ct. 10. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A worshipper, Rm. 5, 32, 6. @<[Page 130b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Service, Lass. 56, 20. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Indifferent, Man. 6, 43. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Indulgence, tolerance, Hit. ii. d. 119. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. 1. Indifference, MBh. 14, 1049. 2. Neglect, Rm. 4, 12, 35. 3. Want of attention, Bhp. 159. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. One who must use expedients, Man. 7, 215. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A name of Viu, Rm. 1, 1, 6; Vedntas. in Chr. 209, 19. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus., %<+ a>%, m. An introduction, Kaths. 3, 65. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Sowing, Man. 9, 330. ## %%, i. 6, Par. (originally a denom. derived from %%, i. e. %% = [greek] in [greek] and %% from %%). To incurvate, to restrain. -- With the prep. ## %%, To let loose, to set free, Chr. 292, 9 = Rigv. i. 85, 9. ## %%, and ## %%, i. 6, Par. To fill (ved.), ii. 9, Par. To compress (properly 'to incurvate' = [greek], see the last, an old form of %<*kubh, kumbh>%). ## %% (for original %% = [greek], Lat. ambo, Goth. bai), numeral, m. f. n. dual. Both, Man. 2, 14. ## %%, numeral, m. f. n. without dual. Both, Man. 2, 55. ## %%, adv. 1. On both sides, Man. 8, 315. 2. In the one and the other case, Man. 1, 47. ## %%, adv. In both instances, Man. 3, 125. ## %%, adv. In both cases, Prab. 77, 3; Vikr. 43, 17 (on both reasons). ## %%, f. Prvat, or Durg, the wife of iva, Rm. 1, 36, 15. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%). I. m. A snake, Kir. 3, 33. II. f. %%, A female snake, Prab. 77, 7. III. f. %%, The name of a city. -- Comp. %%, m. a black kind of snake, Draup. 5, 8. %%, m. a sort of demi-god of the serpent genus, inhabiting Ptla. %%, adj. robbed of (its) snakes. ## %%, i. e. %% (cf. %%), m. A lamb, MBh. 12, 6535. ## %%, i. e. %% (akin to %%) %<-bh + a>%, m. A ram. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Mail. -- Comp. %%, adj. having a mail of gold, Rm. 3, 67, 16. ## %%, probably for %%, i. e. %%, and akin to %%, n. The breast, Daak. in Chr. 184, 8. ## %<-uras + ka>%, a substitute for %%, when latter part of comp. adj., e. g. %% and %%, adj. Having a broad chest, Rm. 3, 36, 6. ## %% (vb. %%), m. The female breast, Rm. 1, 9, 38. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., I. f. %%, Large, MBh. 1, 1222. Comparat. %%, superl. %%, MBh. 14, 879. II. f. %%, the earth, Rm. 4, 44, 130. -- Cf. [greek] ## %%, i. e. %% (see %%), m. The female breast, i. 9, 44; 86. ## [dagger] %%, or ## %%, i. 1, tm. 1. To measure. 2. To play. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To kill or hurt. ## %%, f. The name of an Apsaras, Vikr. d. 110, etc. ## %%, adv. (probably for %%, instr. sing. fem. of %%), Far and wide, Chr. 294, 9 = Rigv. i. 92, 9. ## %% (see %%), m. A mountain, Amar. 93. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, m. 1. An owl, Bhart. 2, 89. 2. A name of Indra, Chr. 46, 26. 3. The name of a country, its people (plur.), and its king, MBh. 1, 335, etc. Comp. %%, m. A kind of owl, MBh. 13, 5499. -- Cf. Lat. ulula, A.S. and O.H.G. la. ## %% (cf. %%), n. A mortar, Pac. 249, 8. ## %<-ulkhalika>%, i. e. %%, adj. A substitute for the last, when latter part of comp. adj., e. g. %%, adj. One who uses his teeth as a mortar or pestle, Man. 6, 17. ## %<-ulkhalin>%, i. e. %%, in %%, adj. Using his teeth as a mortar or pestle, Rm. 1, 52, 26 Gorr. ## %%, i. e. probably %%, f. 1. A firebrand, Rm. 3, 75, 51. 2. Fire falling from heaven, a meteor, Man. 1, 38. -- Comp. %%, f. a burning bunch of grass, Hit. i. d. 81. %%, f. a great fireball, Man. 4, 103. -- Cf. Lat. Vulcanus. ## %%, i. e. perhaps %%, cf. %%, I. n. A firebrand, Pac. 38, 20. II. m. A proper name, MBh. 2, 1275. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Transgress, Kaths. 22, 57. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Violent cry, Bhart. 3, 6 (perhaps, with the former part %%, a comp. of the Bahuvr. class, denoting a tyrant, cf. Galanos' translation). ## %%, i. e. %% (?), adj. Betraying(?), Chr. 57, 22. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Calling out, Amar. 36. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. 1. Skipping, Amar. 48. 2. Joy, Sh. D. 83. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. rejoicing the mind, Bhg. P. 9, 11, 33. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Delighting, making happy, Rjat. 5, 243 (%%, Of the sword which seemed to rejoice at being grasped by his hand). ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Pulling, Yj. 2, 217. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Description, Kaths. 25, 225. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Scraping, Man. 5, 124. ## %%, n. 1. Amnium, the caul, Ait. Br. 1, 3. 2. The womb, Bhag. 3, 38. -- Cf. Lat. vulva. ## %% (probably akin to %%, of which the original form has been %%, cf. [greek] for [greek]), adj., f. %<>%. 1. Abundant, MBh. 3, 340. 2. Evident, Rjat. 5, 148 (incarnate). -- Comp. %%, adj. very violent, Rm. 3, 30, 29. ## %%, m., nom. sing. %%, The name of a i or saint, Rm. 6, 31, 14; identified with ukra, regent of the planet Venus, MBh. 1, 3204. ## %%, m. The name of a country, its people (pl.), and its king, MBh. 1, 227. ## %%, m. and n. The root of a fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatum, Rm. 2, 55, 14. ## %%, i. 1, Par. 1. To burn; to burn up, Man. 4, 189. 2. To chastise, Man. 9, 273. -- Cf. [greek] Lat. uro prurire; O.H.G. usilvar, yellow, probably Lat. aurum. -- Cf. 2. %%. ## %% (ptcple. of an aor. of %%), f. Inauspicious, MBh. 1, 3558. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Early awake, Chr. 295, 18 = Rigv. i. 92, 18. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, f. The dawn, morning, Kir. 5, 40; ved. nom. pl. %%, Chr. 294. 2 = Rigv. i. 92, 2. The deity of the dawn, Chr. 287, sqq. -- Cf. aeol. [greek] (= the original nom. sing. %%), [greek] Lat. aurora. ## %%, I. m. A camel, Man. 3, 162. II. f. %%, A she-camel, Pac. 87, 6. -- Comp. %%, n. an ass and a camel, Yj. 2, 160. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A she-camel, Pac. 228, 16. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %<>%, Hot, Vedntas. in Chr. 203, 17. II. m. and n. The hot season, Man. 11, 113. -- Comp. %%, adj. exceedingly hot, Man. 3, 236. %%, adj. not hot, Man. 2, 61; chilly, i. 9, 3. @<[Page 133a]>@ ## %% (vb. %%), m. The hot season, Rm. 5, 31, 16. ## %%, f., and ## %%, n. Heat, MBh. 3, 15101. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Hot, Vikr. d. 41. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. Heat, i. 9, 65 ## %%, m. and n. A diadem, a turban, Chr. 25, 56; Rjat. 5, 206. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A name of iva, MBh. 13, 1158. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, the affix belonging to both parts of the compound, wearing jackets and turbans, Rm. 6, 99, 23. ## %%, m. 1. Heat, MBh. 9, 13969. 2. Ardour, Pac. ii. d. 67; i. 9, 85. 3. Hot moisture, Man. 1, 45. -- Comp. %%, m. ardent longing for wealth, Man. 9, 231. %%, m. ardour, courage, caused by the possession of a treasure, Pac. 118, 15. %%, adj. cold, MBh. 14, 476. ## %%, i. e. 2. %% (%% for %%, and originally for %%, identic with %% for %%), f. Dawn, morning; acc. pl. %%, Lass. 100, 15 = Rigv. vii. 15, 8. -- Cf. [greek] = loc. %%, [greek], breakfast, [greek]. ## %%, i. e. 2. %%, I. m. A ray of light, Kir. 5, 31. II. f. %%, A cow, Chr. 293, 1 = Rigv. 1. 87. 1; Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. A cow, Chr. 297, 12 = Rigv. i. 112, 12. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, Par. To hurt or to kill. @<[Page 133b]>@ #<># #<># %<>%, see %%. ## [dagger] %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Bringing, Rjat. 5, 173. ## %%, f. i. e. I. %%, 1. Assistance, Chr. 288, 14 = Rigv. i. 48, 14; help, Lass. 98, 16 = Rigv. v. 9, 6; %%, ved. instr. sing, Chr. 291, 13 = Rigv. i. 64, 13. 2. Quickness, Bhg. P. 8, 5, 44. II. %%, Web, tissue, Bhg. P. 2, 10, 1; 4. ## %%, and, with %% for %%, ## %%, and ## %%, based on original %<*vad-dhant>% (cf. %%, vb. %%, and %%), n. An udder. -- Cf. [greek], uber; O.H.G. tar; A.S. uder. ## %%, n. Milk. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Having exuberant udders. ## %%, i. 10, Par. (properly a denom. of the following), To detract. ## %% (probably for %% from %% = Goth. van, vans: cf. O.H.G. wnag, few, perhaps [greek] etc.), adj., f. %%. 1. Lessened, Yj. 2, 295. 2. Inferior, Man. 9, 123. 3. Wanting, usually as former or latter part of a comp., e. g. %%, adj. Wanting, a little, Man. 8, 217. %%, adj. A little less, Sv. 4, 26. %%, adj. Reduced by a third, Rjat. 5, 170. %%, i. e. %%, adj. Wanting ten, Rm. 1, 46, 12. If one only is wanting, %% may be added, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, ord. The thirty-ninth, MBh. 1, adhy. 39, but usually it is dropped, e. g. %%, ord. The nineteenth, MBh. 3, adhy. 19. As former part, e. g. %% (i. e. %<-dvi-vara + ika>%), adj. A child under two years, Man. 5, 68; %% (i. e. %<-a-daan-vara>%), adj. Under sixteen years, Rm. 1, 22, 2. -- Cf. probably Lat. un-, or unde-, e. g. in unde-viginti = %%. ## [dagger] %%, i. 1, tm. (properly %%, i. 4, tm.). To sew, to weave. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, perhaps akin to %%, m. The thigh, Rm. 3, 52, 32. When the latter part of a comp. adj., the fem. ends in %%, or %%, e. g. %%, i. e. %%, f. %%, Having beautiful thighs, MBh. 1, 1903; but %% (against the grammatical rule), MBh. 1, 2988. %%, i. e. %%, f. %%, and %%, i. e. %% f. %%, Having thighs like the proboscis of an elephant, Ragh. 6, 83; k. d. 69. %%, f. %%, Having bambu-like thighs, Mlav. d. 45. %%, f. %%, Having beautiful thighs, Rm. 3, 52, 53. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. thighless. II. m. Arua, the charioteer of the sun, Skandap., Kkh. 2, 13. ## %%, adj. Born from the thigh, MBh. 1, 6820. ## %%, i. 10, Par. (properly a denomin. derived from the next). 1. To nourish, to strengthen. 2. [dagger] To live. %%, 1. Swollen, Rjat. 5, 214. 2. Strong, Hariv. 9920. 3. Distinguished, Ragh. 9, 38. 4. Violent, Rm. 2, 85, 2. -- Cf. [greek] perhaps Lat. urgere. ## %%, f. Strength, food, Chr. 295, 17 = Rigv. i. 92, 17; Bhg. P. 4, 24, 38. ## %%, m. Strength, Man. 2, 55. @<[Page 134b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Causing strength, MBh. 3, 14181. ## %%, adj., and ## %%, adj., f. %%, Strong, Ragh. 2, 50. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Abundant with food, MBh. 13, 1842. ## %%, i. e. %%, n., and f. %<>%, Wool, MBh. 2, 1847. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, adj. having wool near the ears, Bhg. P. 4, 6, 21. %%, i. e. %%, n. 1. Wove silk. 2. A garment of wove silk. -- Cf. Goth. vulla; A.S. wull; Lat. vellus, [greek]. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Woollen. ## %%, ii. 2, Par., tm. (properly vb. %%, ii. 5). To cover; tm. To hide one's self, Bhg. P. 2, 9, 27. -- With the prep. ## %%, To discover, Chr. 294, 4 = Rigv. i. 92, 4. -- With ## %%, To discover, Chr. 295, 11 = Rigv. i. 92, 11. ## %%, see %%. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Erect, Hi. 3, 2. 2. Raised (as dust), Man. 11, 110. 3. Upper, MBh. 1, 1034. 4. The name of a kind of flying, Pac. ii. d. 57. %%, adv. 1. Upwards, Rm. 4, 8, 5. 2. Above, Man. 1, 92. 3. After, Rm. 3, 53, 4; after death, Man. 9, 104. -- Cf. [greek]; Lat. arduus. ## %% (vb. %%), adj., f. %%. 1. Going upwards, MBh. 3, 850. 2. Being in the air. ## %%, m. A perpendicular line on the forehead made with sandal, etc.; a sectarial mark, Lass. 70, 11. ## %%, probably %%, m. and f. A wave, Bhart. 2, 4. -- Comp. %%, a wave of the sea of milk, Ragh. 4, 27. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %<>%, Wavy (ved.). -- Comp. %%, adj. having great waves, MBh. 3, 793. ## %%, adj., f. %%, adj. Surgy, Rm. 4, 9, 38. ## %%, m. The name of a saint from whose thighs (%%) proceeded the submarine fire, Hariv. 2527 sqq. #<># [dagger] %<>%, ii. 1, Par. To be diseased. ## %%, I. m. Saline earth, Man. 5, 120. II. f. %<>%, Salt ground, Bhg. P. 1, 15, 21. ## %%, i. e. %< (= u) + ana>%, n. Pepper. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Impregnated with saline particles, MBh. 13, 3341. 2. Salt ground, barren land, Man. 2, 112. ## %%. 1. Heat, MBh. 14, 468. 2. A name comprising the sibilants and %%, Bhg. P. 3, 12, 47. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. 1. %

  • %, f. Acquisition, Pac. ii. d. 49. -- Comp. %%, f. non-effecting of a purpose, Man. 9, 290. @<[Page 81b]>@ ## %<-pyy + ana>%. I. adj. 1. Causing corpulency. 2. Causing wellbeing. II. n. 1. Satisfying, Man. 3, 211. 2. Advancement, Man. 3, 213. ## %%, i. e. %<-plu + ana>%, n. Bathing, MBh. 1, 1814; v. r. Man. 5, 115. ## %<-bandh + a>%, m. A tie or bond. ## %<-bandh + ana>%, n. Girding round, Rm. 2, 23, 31. ## %<-bdh + a>%, m. Injury, Man. 4, 51. -- Comp. %%, adj. unobstructed, Rm. 3, 44, 30. %%, adj. irresistible, MBh. 13, 724. %%, adj. 1. unmolested, Hi. 4, 12. 2. not injuring, Hariv. 11811. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Yearly, Man. 7, 3. -- Comp. %%, adj. lasting thirty-six years, Man. 3, 1. ## %%, i. e. %<-bh + ana>%, n. Ornaments, as jewels, etc., Rm. 3, 55, 6. -- Comp. %%, n. an ornament made of refined gold, Rm. 3, 58, 19. ## %<-bh>%, f. 1. Splendour, light, Pac. iv. d. 58. 2. When latter part of a compound adj., often Like; e. g. Rm. 3, 55, 28, %%, Like the peak of a mountain. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. like a diamond. II. m. a precious opal. ## %<-bh + a>%, m., and ## %%, i. e. %<-bh + ana>% n. Addressing, speaking to, Rm. 3, 26, 12; Rjat. 5, 462. ## %<-bhs>%, f. Light, MBh. 3, 10980. ## %<-bhs + a>%, m. 1. Splendour, Rm. 6, 77, 17. 2. Light, Vedntas. in Chr. 219, 11. 3. Appearance, Kaths. 12, 16. 4. Semblance, Bhp. 70. -- Comp. %%, m. the semblance of sentiment, as e. g., a sentiment attributed to an irrational animal. %%, m. fallacious reason or middle term. ## %%, i. e. %% (vb. %%) %<+ ya>%, n. Nobility, Rm. 2, 35, 15. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Front, direction towards, Pac. i. d. 370 (with %%, to attack). ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Referring or serving to the inauguration of a king, Rm. 6, 112, 69. ## %%, m. 1. The name of a people, MBh. 2, 1192. 2. The offspring of a Brhmaa by an Ambaha woman, Man. 10, 15. ## %<-bh + la>%, adj. Terrible, MBh. 3, 388. ## %<-bh>%, adj. Helping, Chr. 290, 1; 6 = Rigv. i. 64, 1; 6. ## %%, i. e. %<-bhuj + a>%, m. 1. Crookedness, MBh. 3, 9957; vault, Rm. 2, 65, 3; roundness, Megh. 89. 2. Fullness, plenty, k. 8, 1. 3. The expanded hood of the Cobra capella, MBh. 16, 118. -- Comp. %%, m. a man with a breast like a woman's. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Interior, MBh. 2, 202. -- Comp. %%, m. the member of a corporation, MBh. 3, 154. ## %% (with %% for %<>%), i. e. %%, adj. Standing near together, MBh. 1, 7577. ## %<-bhyudayika>%, i. e. %%, adj. Causing prosperity, increse, Man. 12, 88. -- Comp. %%, Not causing prosperity, Mcch. 111, 5. ## %%, A particle of reminiscence: Ah! Vikr. 38, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Raw, undressed, Man. 4, 223. 2. Unbaked (as a pot), Pac. iii. d. 13. -- Cf. [greek]. ## %%, i. e. %<-mantr + ana>%, n. 1. Calling, addressing. 2. Invitation, Pac. 34, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, Caus. %<+ a>% (anomal.), m. Sickness, Rjat. 5, 209. -- Comp. %%, I. adj. 1. healthy, Draup. 4, 10. 2. being in a good condition, Rm. 2, 72, 52. 3. unharmed, Rm. 1, 44, 58. II. n. health, k. 64, 23; wellbeing, Rm. 2, 89, 6. %%, I. adj. 1. healthy, Indr. 3, 8. 2. full, Hariv. 3639. 3. pure, Rm. 1, 62, 18. II. n. health, Rm. 1, 41, 21. %%, adj. sick. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Dyspepsia, Man. 11, 51. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Subject to dyspepsia, Man. 3, 7. ## %%, i. e. %<-maraa-anta>%, adj. Lasting till death, Hit. i. d. 180. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Lasting till death, Man. 9, 101. ## %%, i. e. %<-md + a>%, m. Pulling (as of hair), k. d. 173. ## %%, i. e. %<-md + in>%, adj., f. %%, Destroying, Rm. 4, 14, 16. ## %% in %%, Devoid of energy, Rm. 2, 10, 14 Gorr. @<[Page 83a]>@ ## %%, m., f. %%, and %%. Emblic myrobalan. ## %%, m. and n. Flesh, Pac. i. d. 449. -- Comp. %%, n. the flesh of a rhinoceros, Man. 3, 272. %%, adj. 1. fleshless, Bhart. 2, 9. 2. free of covetousness, Man. 6, 49. ## %%, f. and ## %%, n. Being an object of covetousness, Ragh. 12, 11; Daak. 194, 6 Wils. ## %<-mukha>%, n. Prelude. ## %%, i. e. %%, loc. sing. of %%, adj., f. %%, Belonging to the next life, Daak. in Chr. 179, 19. ## %%, i. e. %<-mok + ana>% (v. r.), n. Binding on, Rm. 2, 23, 39, Schl. ## %%, i. e. %<-muc + ana>%, n. Binding on, Rm. 2, 20, 43 Gorr. ## %%, i. e. %<-mud + a>%, m. 1. Pleasure, Kir. 5, 26. 2. A fragrancy, strong smell, t. 6, 34. -- Comp. %%, adj. fragrant. ## %<-modin>%, i. e. %<-mud + in>%, adj. Smelling, Rjat. 5, 357. ## %%, i. e. %<-mn + a>%, m. 1. Holy tradition, Man. 7, 80. 2. A Veda, Daak. 140, 3. -- Comp. %%, adj. hard to be transmitted, MBh. 14, 1441. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Full of water, Matsyop. 43. ## %%, m. The mango tree, Mangifera indica, Nal. 12, 4. -- Comp. %%, i. e. %%, m. a superior sort of mango. ## %% (derived from the last), and ## %%, m. The hog-plum, Spondias mangifera, Rm. 3, 17, 7. ## %%, i. e. %<-i + a>%, m. 1. Gain, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 219. 2. Revenue, Man. 8, 419. ## %%, i. e. %<-yat + ana>% n. 1. A place, C. 32. 2. A seat, Man. 6, 77; Pac. 32, 23. 3. An outhouse, Yj. 2, 154. 4. An altar, Pac. 199, 12. -- Comp. %% and %%, n. a temple, Man. 4, 46; 8, 248. ## %%, i. e. %<-yam + ti>%, and, on account of the metre, %%, Rm. 3, 44, 11, f. 1. Dignity, Kaths. 24, 119; Rjat. 5, 189. 2. Future time, Man. 4, 70. ## %<-yatta + t>% (vb. %%) f., Dependence, Dev. 1, 29. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Of iron, Man. 8, 315; II. n. Iron, Yj. 1, 305. ## %%, i. e. %<-yaj + a>%, m. A sacrificial gift, Rm. 1, 33, 13. ## %%, i. e. %<-y + ana>%, n. Coming near, MBh. 3, 11029 (p. 570). ## %%, i. e. %<-yam + a>%, m. 1. Stopping, Vedntas. in Chr. 217, 14. 2. Oppression, Rjat. 5, 165 (perhaps is to be read %%, q. cf.). 3. Length, Rm. 1, 40, 18. ## %%, adj., f. %%, and ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Long, Vikr. d. 4; Daak. in Chr. 200, 11. ## %%, i. e. %<-yas + a>%, m. 1. Effort, Bhtl. Ind. Spr. 997. 2. Fatigue, Rm. 3, 55, 17. 3. Trouble, k. d. 37. 4. Oppression, Rjat. 5, 174 (Chr. 261, 191, read %%). 5. Weariness, Rm. 6, 7, 1. -- Comp. %%, adj. easy, k. 22. 17. @<[Page 84a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-yas>% Caus. %<+ aka>%, adj., f. %%, Causing fatigue, Bhart. 3, 64. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Endeavouring, k. d. 34. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Condition of having saved only the life, Pac. 127, 3 (I came off scarcely alive). ## %<-yudh + a>%, n., A weapon, Man. 7, 93. -- Comp. %% n. the rainbow, Man. 4, 59. %%, adj. with a rainbow. %%, adj. with raised weapons, Chr. 4, 17. %%, m. the god of love, t. 6, 33. %%, m. a name of Viu, Rm. 6, 102, 12. %%, n. the rainbow, Ragh. 9, 54. %%, adj., f. %%, disarmed, Man. 7, 92. %%, adj. armed, Pac. 44, 23. %%, m. Baladeva. ## %%, i. e. %%, and ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A warrior, MBh. 16, 212; Rm. 2, 53, 30. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Military, Man. 7, 222. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Containing the Ayurveda (see %%), Rm. 1, 45, 32. ## %<-yua>%, i. e. %%, A substitute for %% when latter part of compound words: e. g. %%, adj. Long living, Pac. 245, 35; %%, n. The duration of a man's life. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Desirous of long life, Man. 9, 41. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%, Long-lived, Man. 2, 152. Used in dramas as an honorific address. @<[Page 84b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj., f. %%, Procuring long life, Man. 1, 106. II. n. Long life, Man. 2, 52. -- Comp. %%, adj. prejudicial to long life, Man. 2, 57. ## %%, n. Life, Man. 1, 84. -- Comp. %%, adj. short-lived, Man. 4, 157. %% (vb. %%), adj. lifeless, Sv. 2, 23. %%, adj. 1. lifeless, Pac. 101, 23. 2. whose life is forfeited, Rm. 6, 1, 10. %%, adj. 1. long. lived, Rm. 1, 6, 18. 2. wished to be long-lived, Rm. 3, 1, 11. %% (vb. %%), adj. short-lived, Rm. 3, 55, 20. %%, m. a man a hundred years old, Lass. 32, 18; an old man. Cf. [greek] Lat. aevum, Goth. aivs. ## %%, i. e. %<-yuj + a>%, m. Presenting with flowers, perfumes, Rm. 5, 17, 15 (%%, A present of flowers made to the bees). ## %%, m., f. %%, Offspring of a dra by a Vaiya woman, Man. 10, 12; 16. ## %%, i. e. %<-yudh + ana>%, n. 1. Battle, Ragh. 5, 71. 2. A field of battle, Draup. 8, 30. ## %<-rak + a>%, m. Guard, protection, Man. 3, 204; Rm. 5, 75, 2. ## %<-rak + aka>%, and ## %%, i. e. %<-raka + ika(?)>%, m. A policeman, Pac. 129, 5; Daak. in Chr. 195, 11. ## %% (a dialectical change of %%), m. pl. The name of a people and country, MBh. 8, 2056. ## %% (vb. %%), adj. Born in raa, Rm. 5, 12, 36. ## %%, An abyss, Chr. 296, 6 = Rigv. i. 112, 6. @<[Page 85a]>@ ## %%, i. e. %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Living in forests, MBh. 1, 3637. 2. Growing in forests, MBh. 1, 6658; wild, Man. 10, 89. ## %%, I. adj. Referring to forests, MBh. 15, 532; produced in forests, Rm. 2, 36, 6. II. m. An anchorite, k. d. 46. III. n. The name of a book, Man. 4, 123. ## %%, i. e. %<-rabh + ti>%, f. An enterprise, Rjat. 5, 190. ## %%, i. e. %<-rabh + a>%, m. 1. A beginning, Megh. 37. 2. Exertion, effort, Daak. in Chr. 198, 22. 3. An enterprise, Rm. 4, 30, 14. -- Comp. %%, adj. painted, Vikr. d. 4. %%, i. e. %% (vb. %<>%), adj. painted, Ragh. 2, 81. %%, adj. devoid of exertion, inactive, MBh. 5, 1027. ## %%, i. e. %<-rabh + ana>%, n. Commencement (support, according to the Sch. of the Chnd. -up. 385), Vedntas. in Chr. 216, 18. ## %%, f. Commencement, Kaths. 16, 79. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. One who begins many things. ## %%, i. e. %<-ru + a>%, m. Sound, Rm. 4, 50, 23. ## %%, f. An awl. -- Cf. O.H.G. la; A.S. l, ael. ## (abl. sing. of ved. %%) adv. 1. From afar, MBh. 1, 6447. 2. Instantly. ## %<-rdh + ana>%. I. adj. Who or what conciliates, wins. II. n. 1. Acquirement, Bhart. 3, 5. 2. Accomplishment (representation), k. 12, 1. 3. Gratification. 4. Adoration, Kaths. 17, 26. @<[Page 85b]>@ ## %%, i. e. %<-rdh>%, Caus. %<+ t>%, m. An adorer, k. 39, 13. ## %%, i. e. %<-rdh>%, Caus. %<+ iu>%, adj. Gratifying, adoring, Rm. 3, 17, 30. ## %%, i. e. %<-ram + a>%, m. 1. Pleasure, Bhag. 3, 16. 2. A garden, Daak. in Chr. 197, 17. -- Comp. %%, adj. one who finds his pleasure in his soul, Bhag. 5, 24 ## %%, i. e. %<-ru + a>%, m. 1. Sound, Nal. 13, 16. 2. Scream, MBh. 1, 6846. ## %%, i. e. %<-rirdhayia>% (desider. of the Caus. of %%) %<+ u>%, adj. Desirous of conciliating or winning, MBh. 1, 4784. ## %%, i. e. %%, patronym. m. A descendant of Arua, surname of Uddalaka, MBh. 1, 684, and of Vainateya, MBh. 1, 2548. ## %%, i. e. %%, f. Tawny, viz. an antelope, Chr. 290, 7 = Rigv. i. 64, 7. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruruka>% (desider. of %%) %<+ u>%, adj. Desiring to ascend, MBh. 3, 11108; to acquire, Bhag. 6, 3. ## %<--ruh + a>%. Latter part of comp. words: e. g. %%, m. The rider of an elephant, Rm. 5, 12, 31 (in %%, adj. Having excellent riders, etc). %%, adj. Hard to be ascended, Rm. 2, 117, 13 Gorr. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Health, Rm. 1, 15, 13. -- Comp. %%, adj. prejudicial to health, Man. 2, 57. %%, adj. convalescent, well. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruh + t>%, m. One who mounts, Yj. 2, 303. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruh>%, Caus. %<+ a>%, m. Attributing to, predication, k. d. 35 Sch. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruh>%, Caus. %<+ aka>%, m. A planter, Man. 3, 163. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruh>%, Caus. %<+ ana>% n. 1. Causing to ascend, Kaths. 17, 84 (viz. to heaven, i. e. to die); Rm. 5, 15, 46. 2. Putting on, Ragh. 7, 25. 3. Stringing (a bow), Rm. 1, 66, 27. -- Comp. %%, n. planting trees. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruh + a>%, m. 1. A rider, Hariv. 13464. 2. Mounting, Kaths. 25, 142; Rjat. 5, 310. 3. A heap, Rm. 1, 5, 14. 4. The buttocks, Rm. 3, 52, 27. -- Comp. %%, m. a horseman, Kaths. 10, 124. %%, and %%, i. e. %%, m. a rider on an elephant, Rm. 3, 57, 23; Draup. 8, 22. %%, adj., f. %%, hard to be ascended, Rm. 2, 105, 6. %%, I. m. 1. a rider on an elephant or horse. 2. an elephantdriver. II. f. %%, 1. an elegant woman. 2. the hip or flank. %%, adj., f. %%, rising, Rm. 5, 73, 6. %%, m. a warrior who fights in a car. ## %%, i. e. %%, m. A rider, Pac. 129, 18. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruh + ana>%, 1. Ascending, MBh. 1, 372. 2. A stage, MBh. 14, 282. 3. A ladder, Rm. 5, 14, 14. -- Comp. %%, adj. of difficult ascent, Rm. 3, 76, 28. %%, n. the name of a festival, Pac. 34, 18. %%, adj. of easy ascent, MBh. 2, 1281. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Referring to the ascension (viz. to heaven), MBh. 1, 353. ## %%, i. e. %<-ruh + in>%, adj. f. %%, Ascending, Pac. iii. d. 264. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Candour, Man. 11, 222; Bhart. 2, 19. -- Comp. %%, n. dishonesty, Man. 9, 17. ## %%, i. e. %%, patronym. m. A descendant of Arjuna (?), Chr. 298, 23 = Rigv. i. 112, 23. ## %%, i. e. %%. I. adj., f. %%, Seasonable, Rm. 2, 30, 16. II. n. 1. The menstrual discharge, Man. 4, 40; Rjat. 5, 391. 2. The approved time for cohabitation, Man. 3, 48, cf. 46. -- Comp. %%, adj. unseasonable. ## %%, written ## %%, (an anomalous ptcple. of the pf. pass. of %<-ard>%) adj., f. %%. 1. Injured Man. 4, 236; hurt, Yj. 3, 248. 2. Distressed, Man. 6, 16. 3. Afflicted, Daak. in Chr. 179, 19. -- Comp. %%, adj., distressed with fear. ## %% (written ##) f. Painfulness. ## %%, i. e. %<-ard + ti>% (cf. %%), f. Pain, Daak. in Chr. 197, 17. -- Comp. %%, adj. feigning sorrow, Daak. in Chr. 192, 3. ## %%, adj., f. %%. 1. Wet, Megh. 87. 2. Fresh, Amar. 2. 3. Mild, Pac. 8, 19. -- Comp. %%, adj. Wet. Cf. probably [greek] (although beginning with [greek]), [greek] ## %%, a denomin. derived from the last, Par. To moisten, Bhart. Suppl. 7. ## %%, (i. e. probably %%), m. A labourer in tillage, Man. 4, 253. ## %%. I. m., f. %%, 1. Originally the name of the immigrated Indian people in opposition to the old inhabitants. In later times, the name of the three upper castes in opposition to the fourth, Yj. 2, 294; or to barbarians, MBh. 14, 2137. II. fem. %%, The name of a metre. Rjat. 5. 35. III. adj., f. %%. 1. Respectable, venerable, Man. 8, 75; Daak. in Chr. 186, 17. 2. Apposite, Rm 2, 115, 6. -- Comp. %%, adj. and subst. 1. A barbarian, Man. 9, 260. 2. Unworthy, Rm. 3, 51, 25. 3. Inhabited by barbarians, k. C. 139, 7. ## %%, m. 1. A grandfather, Rm. 5, 61, 15. 2. A proper name, Mcch. 35, 22; MBh. 1, 1552. ## %%, f. and ## %%, n. Venerableness, Man. 7, 211; Rjat. 1, 110. -- Comp. %%, f. Want of virtuous dignity, Man. 10, 58. Dishonourableness, Hit. iv. d. 23. ## %%, i. e. %%, I. adj. f. %<>%. 1. Referring to the is. 2. Ordained by or practised by the is, Man. 3, 21; 12, 106. II. m. A form of marriage, Man. 3, 53. III. n. Holy lineage. ## %% i. e. %%, adj. Proceeding from a bull, Man. 9, 50 (n. its strength). ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Inclination to sin, Man. 9, 19 (Kull.). ## %<-lagh + ana>%, n. Covering, Daak. in Chr. 182, 11. ## %<-lamb + a>%, I. adj. Hanging down, Rm. 3, 22, 17. II. m. Support, Rjat. 5, 310 (in Chr. p. 271, corr. #<-bahe->#). -- Comp. %%, adj. unsupported, Rm. 2, 48, 22. %%, adj., f. %%, difficult to get a footing in, Rm. 5, 73, 6. %%, adj. having no support, Rm. 1, 44, 2. %% (vb. %%), m. a fence round the walls of a palace. %%, adj. supported, Kaths. 12, 175. ## %<-lamb + ana>%, n., 1. Supporting, Megh. 4. 2. Support, Pac. i. d. 34. -- Comp. %%, adj. having no support, Rm. 5, 3, 64. ## %<-lamb + in>%, adj., f. %%. 1. Hanging down, t. 6, 24. 2. Dependent, MBh. 3, 9924. 3. Depending on, Hit. pr. d. 19. ## %%, i. e. %<-labh + a>%, m. 1. Touching, Man. 2, 79. 2. Cutting, Man. 11, 144. 3. Killing, Megh. 46. -- Comp. %%, adj. f. %%, difficult to be seized, MBh. 13, 4707. ## %%, i. e. %<-labh + in>%, adj., f. %%, Touching, Rjat. 5, 88. ## %%, i. e. %<-l + a>%, m. and n. (Rm. 5, 23, 31), 1. A house. 2. A seat. -- Comp. %%, adj. 1. having settled. 2. Inhabiting, Rm. 3, 1, 18. %%, m. 1. the heaven. 2. a deity. %%, m. a temple. %%, adj., f. %%, dwelling in a lotus flower. %%, m. a wild swan, or goose. %%, m. the Himlaya range of mountains. ## %%, n. A basin for water round the root of a tree, Vikr. d. 41. ## %%, i. e. %%, n. Idleness, Bhart. 2, 74. ## %%, n., 1. A post to which an elephant is tied, Mlav. 62, d. 76. 2. The rope that ties him, Ragh. 4, 69. ## %%, i. e. %%, adj. Serving for a post, etc. (see the preceding), Ragh, 14, 38. ## %%, i. e. %<-lap + a>%, m. 1. Speaking. 2. Conversation, Pac. 46, 12. -- Comp. %%, m. conversation, Hit. 26, 22. ## %%, adj., f. %%, Addressing, Amar. 42. ## %%, i. e. %<-lap + in>%, adj., f. %%, Speaking. @<[Page 88a]>@ #